ZOOLOGICAL RECORD VOLUME THE FIFTY-FOURTH BEING RECORDS OF ZOOLOGICAL LITERATURE RELATING CHIEFLY TO THE YEAR 1917 Compiled for the Zoological Society of London with Assistance from the Regional Bureaus of the International Catalogue, by D. Sharp, H. M. Woodcock, F. W. Edwards, M. Connor, -■ w 1 i^^nr v W. T. Calman, C. T. Regan, W. L. SoLATE^Jftl^i^ifyT^c*. superintended DAVID SHARP, ' M, A., F. Explorate solum s sic fit via oertior ultra. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY; SOLD AT THEIR HOUSE IN REGENT’S PARK M.DCCCCXIX. 11 Papers and Memoirs intended for this work should be addressed to “ The Editor of the Zoological Record, Zoological Society, Regent’s Park, London, N.W. 8.” It is earnestly requested that in the case of separately-printed copies of papers so forwarded, the original pagination may be indicated. Ill EXPLANATORY. This Volume is printed in the Divisions enumerated on p. iv. The pagination of each Division is separate, and is given at the left-hand top corner of the pages. The number and name of the Division is given as a heading on each left-hand page. The Registra- tion Numbers when of importance are given at the right-hand top corner of the right-hand pages. The date 1917 corresponding to the bulk of the literature indexed is given at the right-hand top corner of the left-hand page. In the Subject Index of each Division authors are quoted by name only. The full references will be found in the Title Section of the Division. The Literature indexed is mainly that of 1917 but includes entries for earlier years that have been received too late for inclusion in previous volumes. On account of the international situation, the Royal Society of London found itself unable to undertake at present any financial responsibility for any volumes of the International Catalogue subsequent to those of the Fourteenth Annual Issue. Under these circumstances the Zoological Society of London arranged to undertake the issue of the present volume, which is the fifty-fourth of the Zoological Record, and would have been N. Zoology of the Seventeenth Annual Issue of the International Catalogue. Its preparation has been conducted as closely as possible on the model of the previous volumes prepared jointly by the International Catalogue and the Zoological Society. It can now be purchased from the Zoological Society of London at the price of £2, either in the binding of the Zoological Record or in series with the International Catalogue. Volume 55, dealing with the Literature of 1918, is in preparation. IV CONTENTS. I. COMPREHENSIVE and GENERAL ZOOLOGY II. PROTOZOA. III. PORIFERA or SPONGIAE. IV. COELENTERATA. V. EC HI NODERM AT A. % VI. VERMIDEA : including Gephyrea and Pterobranchiata. VII. BRACH10P0DA and BRYOZOA or POLYZOA. VIII. MOLLUSCA. IX. ARTURO POD A (General). X. CRUSTACEA. XI. ARACHNIDA and MYRIOPODA; including also [Gicant- ostraca, Eurypterida, Prototracheata. XII. INSECTA. XIII. PROCHORDATA = Tunicata, Cephalochordata, Entero- pnedsta. XIV. VERTEBRATA (General). XV. PISCES. XVI. REPTILIA and BATRACHIA. XVII. AVES. XVIII. MAMMALIA. Alphabetical Index of New Names of Genera and Subgenera. I, COMPREHENSIVE ZOOLOGY ARRANGED BY D . SHARP This section includes works that deal with more than one branch of Zoology, or that are of general interest to Zoologists. It is, therefore, not complete in itself as regards any one subject included in it. The special records complete each subject. A few memoirs included in the special records are repeated in this division. CONTENTS PAGE I. Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 II. Subject-Index : — Hyperzoolog3r : — Philosophical =0000 . . . . . . . . . . 10 Historical 0010 : Biography, Obituary notices .. .. . . .. 10 Reports =0020 (vacant) General Treatises, Text-books = 0030 .. . . .. 10 Bibliography =0032 .. .. .. .. . , 10 Addresses, Lectures, &c. = 0040 (vacant) Pedagogy=0050 (vacant) Institutions, Museums, Economic =0060 . . .. .. 10 Nomenclature=0070 .. .. . . ... 10 Methods, Technique =0090 .. .. .. . 11 (n-4840 q) a 1 2 Morphology = 0207— PAGE General, Miscellaneous 11 Nervous System 11 Physiology =0211— General 11 Cytological. Protoplasm anti cell 11 Sex Metabolic (vacant) 11 Function Environment, Adaptation . . 11 Vitality, Senescence, Death 11 Chemical 11 Developm ent = 02 1 5 — General Ovum, oogenesis (vacant) 11 Spermatozoon, spermatogenesis . . .. 11 Fertilization . 11 Parthenogenesis . . 11 Embryology. Metamorphosis 11 Regeneration .. 11 Ethology = 0219 — General Phenology (vacant) Migration (vacant) Food-habits (vacant) Parental (vacant) Sexual (vacant) 11 Social .. 11 Luminosity . . .. 11 Parasitism 11 Voice (vacant) Habitat, inch Speleology 11 Oceanic, Plankton general 11 Psychology, Tropisms 11 Aetiology and Variation = 0223 — General 12 Variation, Mutation. . Telegony 12 12 Heredity 12 Evolution. Origin of species Phylogeny (vacant) 12 3 PAGE Geography = 0227 — General .. .. . . .. .. .. ..12 Faunae : — Ocean . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Europe and Mediterranean .. .. .. .. 12 Asia, Malay Archipelago . . . . . . . . 12 Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 North America . . . . . . . . . . 12 South America, etc. .. .. .. .. .. 12 Australasia . . . . . . . . . . 12 Arctic . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Taxonomy (or Systematic) =0231 .. .. .. .. 12 4 Compr. Zook l. Comprehensive Zoology. [1917] I.— TITLES. Abbott, J. F. Mimicry in the genus Limenitis with special reference to the “ Poulton hypothesis.” St. Louis Mo. Washington Univ. Stud. 1 (Pt. 1) 1914 (203-221) pi. xxxvii. 1 Abendanon, E. C. vide Dollfus, G. F. Adelung, N. Bibliography of russian zoological literature, 1917. Rev. zool. russe Moscou 2 1917 (56-64 etc.). 2 Agassiz, A. and Whitman, C. O. The development of osseous fishes. 2. The pre-embryonic stages of development. Part 2. — The history of the egg : cleavage, formation of the periblast, and development of the germ ring. Boston, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 40 1915 (429-434) pis. xxxii-xlii. 3 Aim, G. Faunistische und biologische Untersuchungen im See und Galmaren (Mittelschweden). Ark. Zool. Stockholm, 10, No. 18, 1916 (47) 10 text figs. 4 Atkins, W. R. G. Osmotic pressure in animals and plants. Sci. Progress London 11 1917 (562-577). 5 Benders, A. De continuiteit van het kiemplasma. [La continuity du plasma germinatif.] Psychiatrische neurolog- ische Bladen, Amsterdam, 1917 (406- 423). 6 Blanc, H. Drague et nasse pour la capture des animaux du fond des lacs. Lausanne, Bui. Soc. Sci. Nat. 40 1913 (1915) (287-290) 2 figs. 7 Bloch, J. Die naturhistorische Abteilung des Museums der Stadt Solotliurn. Ersto Sektion : Zoologische. und ethnographische Sammlung. Solo- thurn, Mitt. Natf. Ges. 5 (xvii. Bericht) 1911-1914 (1914) (1-53) 6 taf. 8 BoaB, J. E. V. Zur Auffassung der Verwandtschaftsverhaltnisse der Tiere. I. Kopenhagen, Aug. Bang, 1917, (62) with 35 figg. 26 x 17 cm. Price Kr. 3,00. 9 Boeke, J. Studien zur Nervenr^- generation. ii. Verb. Ak. Amsterdam Sect. 2 19 No. 5 1917 (1-71) 6 pis. 10 Bohn, G. Sur quelques prejuges biologiques. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris 80 1917 (613-616). 11 Bomer, L. Faunistische Notizeu vom Statzersee im Oberengadin. Jahresber. Ges. Graubiinden Chur 67 1917 (55-64). 12 Brumflel, D. M. Macroscopic fauna of a small brook. [Iowa City, Iowa.] Des Moines Proc. lowra Acad. Sci. 22 1915 (363-374, with table, pl.). 13 Buytendyk, F. Instinct en leven. [L’instinct et la vie.] Orgaan Christ- elyke Vereeniging Natuur-en geneesku- ndigon. Kampen 1 1928 (1-38). 14 Calvert, A. S. and Calvert, P. P. A year of Costa Rican Natural History. New York 1917 (xix -f- 577) maps and illustr. 15 Carracido, J. R. Los fundaraentos de la bioquimica. Bob Soc. espan. Madrid 17 1917 (154-166). 16 Clarke, W. E. Wild life in a Highland deer forest. Scott. Natural. Edinburgh 1917 1917 (255-264, 279- 288). 17 Clausen, R. E. vide Goodspeed and Clausen. Conklin, E. G. The share of egg and sperm in heredity. Proc. nation. Ac. Washington 3 1917 (101-105). 18 Cook, O. F. The existence of species. J. Herod. Washington 5 1914 (155-158). 20 Cowdry, N. H. A comparison of mitochondria in plant and animal cells. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 23 1917 (196- 228). 21 Dahl, F. Die Benennung der Tiere. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (205-213). 22 5 Gompr. Zool. Titles. 0000 Dali, W. H. A monograph of the molluscan fauna of the Urthaulax pugnax zone of the Oligocene of Tampa, Florida. Washington Smithsonian Inst. U.S. Nation. Mus. Bull. No. 90 1915 (i-xv 1-173) pis. i-xxvi. 23 Danchakoff, V. Differentiation by segregation and environment in the developing organism. Amer.’ Nat. New York 51 1917 (419-428). 24 Darbishire, A. D. An introduction to biology and other papers. London 1917 (xviii-f 291). 25 Delsman, H. C. De eiklieving van 'Volvox globator en hare verhouding tot de voortbeweging van den volwassen vorm eh tot de klievingstypen der Metazoa. [The egg-cleavage of V olvox globator and its relation to the movement of the adult form and to the cleavage types of Metazoa]. Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 27 [1918] (137-145) 16 Text figs. (Dutch) ; Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 21 [1918] (243-251) 16 figs. (English). 26 Diener, Carl. Die marinen Reiche der Triasperiode. Denkschr. K. Ak. Wiss. Wien 92 1916 (405- 549) 1 karte. 27 Dollfus, (1. F. Paleontologie du voyage a Pile Celebes de M. E. C. Aben- danon. E. C. Abendanon. Geologische en geografische doorkruisingen van Midden-Celebes. Leiden (E. J. Brill) Vol. 3 1917 (959-1016, 4 Taf.) 28 cm. 28 Droogleever Fortuyn, Ae. B. Eenige beschouwingen over de evolutie van het zenuwstelsel. [Quelques considerations sur revolution du systeme nerveux.] Handl. Ned. Nat. Geneesk. Congres 16 1918 (294-303). 29 Droogleever Fortuyn, A. Het phylo- genetisch optstaan van eenige ganglien- celtypen. [Das phylogenetische Entste- hen einiger Ganglienzellentypen.] Am- sterdam Werk. Gen. Nat. Geneea. Heelk. 8 1917 (634-636). 30 Dubois, R. A propos de quelques recherches recentesde M. Newton Harvey sur la biophotog4n&se et du role important de la pr&uciferine. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris 80 1917 (964-966). 31 Duncan, F. M. Some methods of preserving biological specimens. J. R. microsc. Soc. London 1917 1917 (521- 529). 32 Dunn, L. O. Nucleus and cytoplasm as vehicles of heredity. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (286-306). 33 Ealand, A. vide Heron- Allen and Ealand. Faust, E. C. vide Zeleny, C. Fehlmann, J . W. Die Bedeutung des Sauerstoffes fur die aquatile Fauna. Vierteljahrschr. Ges. Zurich 62 1917 (230-241). 34 Floderus, B. Bidrag till extremitet- skelettets embryolagi [Beitrag zur Em- bryologie des Extremitatenskeletes.] Stockholm Sv. Lakares Handl. 42 1916 (427-441 j deutsches Res. 440-441) 1 pi. 35 Fuente, J. M. de la. Euumeracion de las especies zoologicas quo han sido descritas por primera vez sobre ejem- plares procedentes de la provincia de Ciudad real. Bol. Soc. espan. Madrid 17 1917 (277-311). 36 Garrey, W. E. Proof of the muscle theory of heliotropism. Proc. nation. Ac. Washington 3 1917 (602-609). 37 Garrey, W. E. Some cryoscopic and osmotic data. Biol. Bull. Woods IIolo Mass. 28 1915 (77-86) tables. 38 Gates, R. R. The mutation theory and the species-concept. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (577-595). 39 Giordina, A. Sulla tensione super ficiale della cellula durante la mitosi. Monit. Zool. ital. 28 1917 (21-24). 40 Girty, G. H. The fauna of the Bates- ville sandstone of northern Arkansas^ Washington Dept. Int. U.S. Geol. . Surv. Bull. No. 593 (1915) (1-170) pis. i-xi. 41 Girty, G, H. Fauna of the so-called Boone chert near Batesville, Arkansas. Washington Dept. Int. U.S. Geol. Stirv. Bull. No. 595 1915 (1-45) pis. i-ii. 42 Girty, G. H. Faunas of the Boone limestone at St. Joe, Arkansas. Wash- ington Dept. Int. U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 598 1915 (1-50) pis. i-iii. 43 Goodspeed, C. H. and Clausen, R. E. Mendelian factor differences versus reaction system contrasts in heredity. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (31-46). ii. T.c. (92-101). 44 6 ComjJT. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1017] Gravier, C. La faune p&agique de Messine et l’institut central de biologie marine. Bull. Soc. pliilomat. Paris 9 1917 (83-88). 45 Gregory, W. K. Genetics versus palaeontology, Amer. Nat. New York 57 1917 (622-635). 46 Grinnell, J. Field tests oi theories cocerning distributional control. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (115-128). 47 Gunther, R. T. Report on agri- cultural damage by vermin and birds in the counties of Norfolk and Oxford- shire in 1916. Oxford 1917 (92 pp.). 48 Haas, F. Consideraciones sobre los medios y fines de la investigacion zoogeografica. Mus. Barcin. Op. Zool. Barcelona 6 1917 (1-58). 49 Harvey, E. N. The mechanism of light production in animals. Science New York 44 1916 (208-209). 50 Hecker, F. A neAv model of double pipet holder and the technic for the isolation of living organisms. J. Infect. Dis. 19 Chicago 1916 (306-314) figs. 51 Henseler, H. (Jntersuchungen fiber den Einfluss der Ernahrung auf die morphologische und physiologische Gestaltung des Tierkorpers. T1 2 Forts, aus Bd III. Kfihn-Arch. Berlin 5 1914, (207-288). 52 Herlant, M. Le mecauisme de la parthenogenese experimentale chez les amphibiens et les echinodermes. Bull. Sci. France Belgique Paris 50 1917 (381-424). 53 Heron-Alien, E. and Ealand, A. Alcide d’Orbigny, his life and work. J. R. microsc. Soc. London 1917 1917(2-105) portrait. 54 Herwerden, Marianna van. Comment on Miss Beckwith’s paper on “The genesis of the plasma-structure in Hydractinia ecliinata." [With reply by Cora Jipson Beckwith.] J. Morph. Philadelphia 26 1915 (387-389). 55 Herwerden, M. van. Onderzoekingen omtrent de bepaling en overerving van het geslacht. [ Untersuchungen fiber Bestimmung und Vererbung des Gesch- lechts.] Amsterdam, Werk. Gen. Nat. Genees. Heelk. 8 1917 (519-532). 56 Hilton, W. A. Some comparisons between neuclei of nerve cells. Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 36 1917 (157-161). 57 Hoge, Mildred A. The influence of temperature on the development of a Mendelian character, J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 18 1915 (241-297) with ff. pis. tables. 58 Holmes, S. J. Unit characters. J. Hered. Washington 6 1915 (473-476). 59 Ihle, J. E. W. Mededeeling over enkele parasieten der husdieren in Nederland. [Mitteilung fiber einige Parasiten der Haustiere in den Niederlanden.] Holder, Tydschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. 16 (Ser, 2), 1918 (lx-lxi). 60 Jennings, S. Life and matter from the standpoint of radically experimental analysis. Baltimore. Johns Hopkins Univ. Cir. (N. Ser.] 1914 No. 10 (No. 270). (3-20). 61 Jensen, Ad. S. Quaternary fossils collected by the Denmark Expedition (to the north-east coast of Greenland 1906- OS). K0benliavn, Medd. Gr0nl. 43 no. 21 1917 (619-632). 62 Jensen, Ad. S. Mindeord om Dansk Naturhistorisk Forenings afd0do Formand Professor Dr. ph.il. Hector Jungersen. Memorial address on the zoologist Hector Jungersen in the Danish Society of Natural History. K0benliavn, Nath. Medd. 68 1917 (v-xxi) with 1 portr. 63 Johannsen, W. Aristoteles’ og Hippo- krates’ ideer om Arvelighed, set i Nutidsforskinngens Lys. Pop. Naturv. Revy Stockholm, 6 1916 (125-136) 1 text fig. 64 Jordan, H. Mededeeling over spieren van dieren, die op (< holle organen” gelyken. [Mitteilung fiber Muskeln von Tieren, welche hohlen Organen alineln]. Helder, Tydschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. 16 (2), 1917 (iv-vii). 65 Jordan, H. De liandelingen van lagere dieren. [Die Handlungen der niederen Tiere.] Amsterdam, Werk. Gen. Nat. Genees. Heelk. 8 1917 (489-492). 66 Jordan, II. J. und Lam, H. J. Ueber die Larmdurchlassigkeit bei Astacus fluvia tilia und Helix pomotia. Helder Tydschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. (2) 16 1918 281-292). 67 Kampen, P. N. van. Het individu in het dierenryk. [L’individu dans le regne animal.] Amsterdam (P. N. van Kampen . & Zoon) 1917 (34) 23 cm. 68 Titles, 0000 7 Compr. Zool. Kroman, K. Laws of muscular action. Kdpenhavn, Kgl. Danske Vidslc. Selslc. Biologiske Meddelelser 1 1917 (1—42) 09 Lacroix, A. Le Naturaliste Bory de Saint Vincent. Rev. scient. Paris 55 1917 (225-236). ' 70 Lam, H. vide Jordan, H. J. Lillie, R. S. The formation of struc- tures resembling organic growths by means of electrolytic local action in metals, and the general physiological significance and control of this type of action. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 33 1917 (135-186). 71 Lind, J., Rostrup, Sofie and Rayn, F. K. Oversight over Landbrugsplanternes Sygdomme i 1916. Attacks of parasites on the agricultural plants in Denmark in the year 1916. Iv0benhavn Tids. Planteavl 24 1917 (229-254). 72 Lock, R. H. Recent progress in the study of variation, heredity and evolu- tion ; revised by L. Doncaster. London 1916 (xxivf 336). 73 Loeb, J. The organism as a whole. New York and London 1916 (x+379). 74 Loeb, J. The mechanistic conception of life : Biological essays. Chicago (University of Chicago press) 1912 (5 p. 1 + 232) figs, tables 22.5 cm. 75 Loeb, J. Cluster formation of sper- matozoa caused by specific substances from eggs. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 17 1914 (123-140). 76 Loeb, J. and Northrop, J. H. What determines the duration of life in Metazoa? Proc. nation. Ac. Washing- ton 3 1917 (382-386). 77 Loeb, J. and Northrop, J. H. Helio- tropic animals as photometers on the basis of the validity of the Bunsen- Roscoe law for heliotropic reactions. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. Washington 3 1917 (539-544). 78 Loeb, J. and Wasteneys, H. On the identity of lieliotropism in animals and plants. Washington, Proc. Nation. Acad. Sci. 1 1915 (44-47) table. 79 Loeb, J. and Wasteneys, H. The relative efficiency of various parts of the spectrum for the heliotropic reactions of animals and plants. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 19 1915 (23-35) tables. 80 Longley, W. II. Studies upon the biological significance of animal colora- tion. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (257-285). 81 Lotsy, J. P. La quintessence de la theorie du croisement. Arch. N6erland. 3 B 3 1917 (351-353). 82 Loveridge, A. Natural history notes from British East Africa. J. E. Africa Soc. 6 1917 (170-185). 83 Lull, R. S. Organic evolution. New York 1917 (xviii -f- 729) 30 pis. 84 Lull, R. S. Triassic life of the Con- necticut valley. Connecticut Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull. Hartford No. 24 1915 (1-285) pis. i-xii ; ff. 1-126 ; table ; map. 85 Lundblad, O. Om nagra i Sverige till sin utbredning raindre kiinda lakus- trina evertebrater. Fanna och Flora Uppsala 12 1917 (129-136 ; correction 288). 86 MacBride, E. W. Are acquired characters inherited? South Eastern Nat. London 1917 (38-52). 87 MacBride, E. W. Presidential address. Rep. Brit. Ass. London 1916 1917 (403- 417). 88 McEwen, GL F. Summary and inter- pretation of the hydrographic observa- tions made by the Scripps institution for biological research of the University of California 1908 to 1915. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool. 15 No. 3 1916 (256-280) maps and charts. 89 McEwen, E. F. vide Michael and McEwen. McMurrich, J. P. Fifty years of Canadian Zoology. Trans. R. Soc. Canada 11 1917, sect. 4 (1-14). 90 Maluquer, J. Instruccions per a la recolleccid, preparacio i conservacio d’ animals marins. Mus. Barcin. Op. oceanogr. Barcelona 1 1917 (1-55) 3 pis. 91 Martin, K. Over zoogenaarad oligo- cene versteeningen van Celebes. [On some fossils from Celebes, believed to belong to the oligocene.] Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 26 [1917] (145-151) (Dutch) ; Amsterdam. Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 20 1918 (793- 799) (English). 9? 8 Compr. Zooi. L Comprehensive Zoology. [1917] Martin, K. Over de miocene fauna van het West-Progo gebergte op Java. [On the miocene fauna of the West-Progo Mountains in Java.] Amsterdam V ersl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 26 [1917] (139-144) (Dutch) ; Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 20 1918 (800-804) (English). 93 Mayer, A. G. The effects of temperature upon tropical marine animals. Pap. Tortugas Lab. Washington 1914 (3-24). 94 Metz, C. W. and Bridges, C. B. Incompatibility of mutant races in Drosophila. Proc. nation. Ac: Washing- ton 3 1917 (673-678). [ Diptera .] 96 Meyer, A. Die biologische Bedeutung der Nucleolen. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (309-314). 96 Michael, E. L. and McEwen, G. F. Continuation of hydrographic, plankton and dredging records. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Publ. zool. 15 No. 2 1916 (207-254). 97 Minozzi, C. Contribute alio studio della speleologia italiana. La grotta di S. Maria M. sul monte Vallestra (Reggio E.). Bull. Soc. ent. ital. Firenze 48 1917 (164-174). 98 Morgan, T. H. A critique of the theory of evolution. Princeton 1916 (x + 197). 99 Morgan, T. H. Localization of the hereditary material in the germ cells. Washington, Proc. Nation. Acad. Sci. 1 1915 (420-429) figs. 100 Morgan, T. H. The theory of the gene. Amor. Nat. New York 51 1917 (513-544). 101 Neiva, A. and Penna, B. Viajem cientifica pelo norte da Bahia, sudoeste de Pernambuco, sul do Piauhi e de norte a sul de Goiaz. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro 8 1916 (74-224) 8 pis. map. 102 Nielsen, K. B. Cerithiumkalken i Stevns Klint. The fossils of the cretaceous deposits called “ Ceritkalk ” in Stevns Klint (Sealand). Kobenhavn, Medd. Geol. 6, 7, 1917 (1-14) with 3 figs. 103 Northrop, J. H. vide Loeb and Northrop. Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. and others. Reports on the collections made by the British ornithologists’ union expedition in Dutch New Guinea 1910-13. Vols. 1 and 2. London 1916. [Partly reprints and partly original.] 104 Osborn, H. F. Application of the laws of action, reaction and interaction in life evolution. Proc. nation. Ac. Washington 3 1917 (7-9). 105 Ostenfeld, 0. H/ Conseil permanent international pour l’exploration de la uier; Publications de circonstance nr. 70 : Catalogue des especes de plantes et d’animaux observees dans le plankton recueilli pendant les expeditions depuis les mois de juillet 1908 jusqu’au mois de d^cembre .1911. Publie par le bureau et redige par C. H. Ostenfeld. Copen- hague, H0st & fils 1916 pp. 96 25£ X 17 cm. Price Kr. 1,50. 105a Fainter, T. S. An experimental study in cleavage. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 18 1915 (299-323) pis. 106 Pearl, R. The selection problem. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (65-91). 107 Pearl, R. Studies on inbreeding, vii. Some further considerations regarding the measurement of degrees of kinship. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (545- 559). 108 Pearl, R. Studies on inbreeding viii. A single numerical measure of the total amount of inbreeding. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (636-639). 109 Pearl, R. and Miner, J. R. Tables for calculating coefficients of inbreeding. Agric. Exp. Sta. Maine Orono Bull. No. 218 1913 (191-202). 110 Penna, B. vide Neiva and Penna. . [Petrov, V. A.] HeTpoBu., B. A. O npoHcxoacfletUH nojia iiOTOMcrna (uaem BTOpaa). [[Jeber die Entstehung des Geschleehtes bei der Nachkommenschaft. (Zweiter Toil.)] Saratov Ann. Univ. 5 livr. 2 ] 914 (139-183). Ill Petrunkevitch, A. Morphology of the invertebrate types. New York 1916 (xiii + 263). • 112 Pilette, A. A travels 1’Afrique equatoriale. Bruxelles 1914 (473 pp.) illustr. maps. 113 Plimmer, H. G. Report on the deaths which occurred in the zoological gardens during 1916, together with a list of the blood-parasites found during the year. London Proc. zool. Soc. 1917 1917 (27-35). 114 9 Compr. Zool. Titles. 0000 Purdy, W. G. I’otomac plankton and environmental factors. In : Gumming, Hugh S. Investigation of the pollution and sanitary condition of the Potomac watershed. Washington, Treas. Dept. U.S. Publ. Hlth. Serv. Hyg. Lab. Bull. No. 104 1916 (130-191) ff.‘ 16-53. 115 Rabaud, E. Les grandes lignes d’une th^orie physiologique de l’heredite. O. R. Soc. Biol. Paris 80 1917 (738-744). 116 Rabaud, E. Essai sur la vie et la mort des especes. Bull. Sci. France Belg. Paris 50 1917 (287-380). 117 Rabaud, E. Telegony. J. Hered. Washington 5 1914 (389-399) tables. 118 Ravn, F. K. vide Lind, J. Retterer, E. and Neuville, II. App- reciation des caract&res anatorniques au point de vue de la clasification. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris 80 1917 (607-611). 119 Retterer, E. and Neuville, H. De 1’ organisation et de la classification. (Seconde r^ponse a M. Trouessart.) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris 80 1917 (798-800). 120 Retzius, G. Till kannedomen om neu- roglian hos liigre vertebrater. [Zur Kenntnis der Neuroglia bei den niederen Vertebra ten.] Stockholm Sv. Lakares. Handl. 42 1916 (1257-1272 deutsches Resum6 1272) 6 text figs. 121 Richards, A. Experiments on X- radiation as the cause of permeability changes. Amer. J. Physiol. Baltimore 36 1915 (400-417). 122 Richards, A. and Woodward, A. E. Note on the effect of X-radiation on fertilizing. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 28 1915 (140-147) pis. i-iv. 123 Riddle, O. The theory of sex as stated in terms of results of studies on pigeons. Science New York 46 1917 (19-24). 124 Riel, J. A. van. Erfelylcheidsleer. [La doctrine de l’heredite.] Zutphen (W. J. Thieme & Cie) 1917 (67) 23 cm. 125 Rikli, M. Natur- und Kulturbilder aus den Kaukasuslandern und Ilochar- menien von Teihiehmern der schweizer- isclien naturwissenschaftlichen Studien- reiBe Sommer 1912. Zurich (Orell Fiissli) 1914 (viii -f- 317) 95 IJlustr. 3 Karten 23 cm. 126 Rioja, E. Notas sobro uim excursion por las costas de Uihon. Bol. Soc. espau. Madrid 17 1917 (488-494). 127 Rostrup, Sofie vide Lind, J. Saguchi, S. Studies on ciliated cells. J. Morphol. Philadelphia 29 1917 (217- 271) 4 pis. 128 Scharff, R. S. Advances in Irish marine zoology. Irish. Nat. Dublin 27 1917 (105-113). 129 Serre, P. Le Mus4e Goeldi, au Para. Bull. Mus. Paris 1916 1917 (351 356). 130 Sewertzoff, A. N. On the factors which determine the duration of the life of multicellular animals. Rev. zool. russe Moscou 2 1917 (65-72). 131 Sharp, D. and others. The Zoological Record, Volume the fifty -second. 1915. London Zoological Society, 1917. 131a Shelford, R. [the late]. A naturalist in Borneo : Edited by E. B. Poulton. London 1917 (xxviii -f 331) 32 pis. 132 Silvestri, F. Contribuzione alia conosceuza dei Termitidi e Termitofili dell’ Africa occidentals. Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (287-346). 133 Thompson, D’A. W. On growth and form. Cambridge 1917 8vo (xvi -f 793). 134 Thomson, J. A. The study of animal life (4th ed. revised). London 1917 (xvi + 477). 135 Tillett, B. C. Mimicry — some of Nature’s strategems. Ottawa Nat. 29 Ottawa 1915-16 (74-76). 136 Trouessart, E. L. Les rapports de l’anatomie et de la zoologie 0. R. Soc. biol. Paris 80 1917 (527-529) also (611- 613). 137 Trouessart, E. La veritable opinion de Pouchet sur la subordination des caracteres en zoologie. (Troisieme r^ponse a M. Retterer). O. P. Soc. Biol.* Paris 80 1917 (807-808 and' 894). 138 Van Cleave, II. J. Factors concerned in the production of mitosis in organisms displaying cell cons tan cv. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 29 1915 (33-40). 139 Van Deventer, W. Handboek ten dienste van de Suikerriet-cultur. Tweede deel. De dierlijke Vijanden van het suikerriet en hunne parasiten. Amster- dam 1912 (308 -j- xii) 43 pis. 140' a 2 (n-4840 q) 10 Campr.Zool. [1917] I. Comprehensive Zoology. Vermeulen, H. A. Over de inwendige afscheidingen der geslachtsklieren en de erfelykheidsleer. [Sur les secretions internes des glandes g^nitales et la doctrine de l’h&AditA] Tydschr. Dier- geneesk. Utrecht 44 1917 (681-691). 141 Vorhies, 0. T. Notes on the fauna of Great Salt Lake. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (494-499). 142 Wahlgren, E. Det olandska alvarets djur valid, ii. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 11 No. 1 1917 (130). 143 Waite, E. R. and others. Results of the South Australian Museum expedition to Strzelecki and Cooper creeks. Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. Adelaide 41 1917 (405-658) pis. xxi-xliii. 144 Wasteneys, H. vide Loeb, J. Watson, D. M. S. The evolution of the tetrapod shoulder girdle and fore- limb. J. Anat. London 52 1917 (1-63). 145 Whitman, C. 0. vide Agassiz and Whitman. Wichmann, Carl Ernst. A. Bericht uber eine im Jahre 1903 ausgefiihrte Reise nach Neu-Guinea. Nova Guinea, Rosultuts do l’expedition scientifique Neerlandaise a la Nouvelle-Guin6e en 1903 sous les auspices de Arthur Wich- mann, vol. iv, Leiden (E. J. Brill) 1917 (1-493; 8 Taf. 171 Fig. 3 Kart. 146 Wilson, H. V. The nature of the individual in the animal kingdom. J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. Raleigh 32 1917 (125-142). 147 Wilson, J. A manual of mendelism. London 1916 (152 pp.). 148 Wintrebert, P. Sur les principes d’une methode de s^riation embryon- naire. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris 80 1917 (532-535). 149 Woodward, A. E. v. Richards, A. Yerkes, R. M. aud Yerkes, Ada W. Individuality, temperament, and genius in animals. Amer. Mus. J. New York 17 1917 (235-243). 150 Zanolli, V. La memoria organica nelle teorie di R. Semon. Atti Acc. Ven.- trent. Padova 8 1916 (3-53). 151 Zeleny, C. and Faust, E. C. Size dimorphism in the spermatozoa from single testes. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 18 1915 (187-240) figs, tables. 152 Zschokke, F. L’histoire de la faune suisse depuis l’^poque glaciaire. Le Globe Geneve 56 1917 M&n. (1-31). 153 Zschokke, F. Die Tierwelt der Umge- bung von Basel nach neueren Forschun- gen. Verb. Ges. Basel 28 1917 (28-65). 154 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. The author's name and the number re fer to Titles , ichere the full reference will be found. HYPERZOOLOGY. Philosophical. 0000 Cook, 20 ; Jennings, 61 ; Kampen, 68 ; Loeb, J. 75 ; The individual, Wilson, 147. History, Biography. 0010 A. d’Orbigny, Heron-Alien and Ealand, 54 ; Jungersen, Jensen, 63 ; Bory de Saint- Vincent, Lacroix, 70. General Works. 0030 Lock, 73 ; Natur und Kulturbilder aus den Kaukqsuslandern und Hocharmenien, Rikli, 126 ; A naturalist in Borneo, Shelford, 132 ; Thomson, 135. Bibliography. 0032 Russian Bibl. Adelung, 2 ; Zoological Record for 1915, Sharp and others, 131a. Institutions, Museums, Economics. 0060 Museums. Bloch, 8 ; Gravien, 45 ; Serre, 130. Economics. Gunther, 48 ; Lind, Rostrup and Ravn, 72 ; Plimmer, disease, 114 ; Van Deventer, 140. Nomenclature. 0070 Dahl, 22. 11 Compr. Zool. Subject Index — Ethology. 0219 Methods, Technique. 0090 Drague et nasse, Blanc, 7 ; Arrange- ment of Laboratories, Bohn, 11 ; Preservation, Duncan, 32 ; Maluquer, 91 ; The isolation of living organisms, Hecker, 61. MORPHOLOGY. 0207 Cytology vide Physiology. General. - Petrunkevitch, 112; Retterer Sc. Neuville, 119, 120 ; Thompson, 134 ; Trouessart, 137, 138 ; Shoulder-girdle, Watson, 146. Nervous System. Droogleever Fortuyn, 29, 30 ; Retzius, 121. PHYSIOLOGY. 0211 General. Miscellaneous. Osmotic pressure, Atkins, 5 ; cryos- copic and osmotic data, Garrey, 38 ; Henseler. Einfluss der Ernahrung auf die morphologische und physiologische Gestaltung 52 ; LiUie, 71. Cytological. Cowdry, 21 ; Giardina, 40 ; Hilton, 57 ; Meyer, 96 ; Baguchi, 128 ; Van Cleave, 139. Sex. Herwerden, 56 ; Petrov, 111 ; Riddle, 124. Function. Fehlmann, respiration, 34 ; Muscles, Jordan, 65 ; Kroman, 69 ; Jordan und Lam, Darmdurchlassigkeit, 67. Environment. Mayer, 94. Longevity. Loeb and Northrop, 77 ; Sewertzoff, 131. Chemical. Carracido, 16. DEVELOPMENT. 0215 General. Miscellaneous. Van Cleave, 139 ; Wintrebert, 149. Spermatozoa. Loeb, 76 ; Zeleny and Faust, 152. Parthenogenesis. Herlant, 53. Fertilization. Herlant, 53 ; Richards and Woodward, 123 Embryology. Agassiz and Whitman, 3 ; Danchakoff, 24 ; Delsman, 26 ; Floderus, 35 ; Herwerden, 55 ; MacBride, 88 ; Painter, 106 ; Richards, 122. Regeneration. Boeke, 10 ; Growth and regeneration, Thompson, 134. ETHOLOGY. 0219 General. Miscellaneous. Shelford, 132 ; Wahlgren, 143 ; Abbott, Mimicry, 1; Tillett, Mimicry, 136; Longley, Coloration, 81 ; Jordan, Hand- lungen der niederen Tiere, 66. Social. Silvestri, 133. Luminosity. Dubois, 31 ; Harvey, 50. Parasitism. Ihle, 60. Habitat, Minozzi, Cave, 98. Plankton. Ostenfeld, 105a. Intelligence. Tropisms. Buytendyk, 14 ; Garrey, 37 ; Loeb & Northrop, 78 ; Loeb & Wasteneys, 79, 80 ; Yerkes & Yerkes, 150. 12 Compr. Zool. [1917] I. Comprehensive Zoology. AETIOLOGY. 0223 General. Loeb, 74. Variation. Gates, 39. Telegony. Rabaud, 118. Heredity. Benders, 6 ; Conklin, 18 ; Darbishire, 26 ; Dunn, 33 ; Goodspeed & Clausen, 44 ; Hoge, 68 ; Holmes, 59 ; Jobannaen, 64 ; Lotsy, 82 ; MacBride, 87 ; Metz & Bridges, 95; Morgan, ICO, 101 ; Pearl, 108, 109 ; Pearl & Miner, 110 ; Rabaud, 116 ; Riel, 125 ; Vermeulen, 141 ; Wilson, 148 ; Semon’s theory, Zanolli, 161. Evolution. Origin of Species. Boas, 9 ; Gregory, 46 ; Lull, 84 ; Morgan, 99 ; Osborn, 105 ; Selection, Pearl, 107 ; C auses influencing extinction of species, Rabaud, 117. GEOGRAPHY. 0227 General. Grinnell, 47 ; Haas, 49 ; "[Marine Reich e Trias, Diener, 27. Ocean. Michael & McEwen, 97 ; McEwen, 89. Europe. d Scandinavia, Denmark. da Aim, 4 ; Lundblad, 86 ; Wahlgren, 143 ; jNielsen, 103. Russian Empire. db Eaukasuslandern und Hocharmenien, Rikli, 126. British Islands. d* Inverness-shire, Clarke, 17 ; Ireland, Scharff, 129. Iberian peninsula. dg Spain Puente, 36; Rioja, 127. Italy. dh Minozzi, 98. Switzerland. di Engadine, Bonier, 12 ; Switzerland, Zschokke, 153, 154, Asia and Malay Archipelago. f Dollfuss, 28 ; ] Martin, from Celebes, oligocene. 92, 93 ; Shelford, 132. Africa. / Loveridge, 82; Pilette, 113; Silvestri, 133. North America. g Brumflel, Macroscopic fauna of a small brook, 13; fDall, 23; t6irty» 41, 42, 43 ; | Lull, 85 ; Canada, historical, McMurrich, 90 ; Purdy, Potamac plankton, 115 ; Vorhies, Utah, 142. Central and South America, h Costa Rica, Calvert & Calvert, 15 ; Brazil, Neiva & Penna, 102. Australasia. i Australia, Waite, 144; New Guinea, Ogilvie-Grant & others, 104 ; Wichmann, 146. Arctic. k •[Greenland, Jensen, 62. TAXONOMY. 0231 Retterer & Neuville, 119, 120; Trouesaart, 137, 138. II. PROTOZOA ARRANGED BY U. M. WOODCOCK. I. Titles . . CONTENTS II. Subject Index : — Comprehensive and General = 0403 Bibliography. . Treatises, Collected Works Addresses, Reviews. . Economics . . Protozoa and the soil Protozoa and disease Amoebosis Gregarinosis . . Coccidiosis Malaria Piroplasmosis . . Myxosporidiosis Trypanosomosis Leishmaniosis . „ Flagellosis Balantldiosis Various Miscellaneous Experimental infection Cultivation Technique. . Structure = 0407 :~— General Anatomy, Morphology (a) of Sarcodina . . (b) of Sporozoa (c) of Mastigophora (d) of Ciliophora . . . . (n-4840 e) BAG E 4 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 . 18 18 . 18 . 18 . 18 a 3 o PAGE Minute Structure ; Special Anatomy : — (a) Shell, envelope, etc. . . . . . . . . * . . 18 (b) Organellae of locomotion . . . . ■ . . . . 18 (c) Nucleus and cytoplasm . . . . . . . . 18 (d) Nuclear division-mechanisms . . . . . . 18 Physiology = 0411 : — General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Nutrition, excretion. . .. .. .. .. .. 18 Locomotion . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Sense organs . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Depression-periods; Recuperation . . .. .. 18 Immortality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Environmental effects ; response to stimuli . . . . 18 Immunity .. .. .. .. .. .. ..18 Effects of reagents . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Development and reproduction = 0415 : — (a) Mycetozoa .. .. .. .. .. ..19 (b) Sarcodina , 19 (c) Sporozoa .. .. .'. .. .. ..19 (d) Mastigophora . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 (e) Oiliophora .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 Ethology = 0419:— Biology, habits .... . . . . . . . . 19 Plankton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Parasitism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 (a) Natural Transmission . . . . . . . . 19 (b) Carriers . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 (c) Hosts . . . . . . . . . . . , 19 Turbellaria .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 Polychaeta . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Hirudinea . . . . . . . . . . 19 Chaetognatha .. .. .. ... .. ..19 Crustacea . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Insecta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Mollusca . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Hemichordata .. ... .. .. .. ; 19 Tunicata .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 Pisces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Amphibia . . . . . . . . . . 20 Reptilia.. . .. .. .. .. ..20 Aves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mammalia . . . • . . . . . , . . . . 20 Variation, Phylogeny = 0423. .. 20 3 PAGE Distribution, Geography = 0427 : — Geographical.. .. .. .. .. . . .. 20 Europe , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Asia' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 America . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 20 Geological : — Tertiary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Secondary.. .. .. .. .. .. ..20 III. Systematic = 0431 : — Protozoa, General . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1. Mycetozoa .. .. .. .. .. .. ..20 2. Sarcodina .. .. . .. .. .. ..20 (a) Amoebaea . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 (b) Foraminifera . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 (c) Heliozoa . . . . . . . . . . 22 (d) Radiolaria . . . . . . . . 23 3. Sporozoa . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 (a) Gregarinidea . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 (b) Ooccidiidea . . . . .... . . . . 24 (c) Haemosporidia . . . . . , . . . . 24 (d) Myxosporidia. . .. .. .. .. .. 25 (e) Actinomyxidia (vacant) (f) Sarcosporidia. . .. .. .. .. .. 26 (g) Ilaplosporidia (vacant) Incertaesedis. . .. .. .. . . .. 26 4. Mastigophora . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 (a) Flagellata . . .... . . . . . . 26 (b) Silicoflagellata (vacant) (c) Dinoflagellata. . . . . . . . . . 27 * (d) Rhynchoflagellata (vacant) 5. Ciliophora .... . . . . . . • . . . . 28 (a) Ciliata. . . . . . . . . . . . 28 (b) Suctoria (vacant) Protozoa Incertae sedis . . .... . . . . 28 (n-4840 e) a 3—2 4 Prot. II. Protozoa. [1917] I.— TITLES. Alexeieff, A. Mitochondries et corps parabasal chez les Flagelles. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (358-361). 1 Alexeieff, A. Mitochondries et idle morphogdne du noyau. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (361-363). 2 Alexeieff, A. Nature mitochondriale du corps parabasal des Flagelles. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (499-502). 3 Alexeieff, A. Sur les mitochondries a fonction glycoplastique. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (510-512). 4 Alexeieff, A. Sur la fonction glyco- plastique du kinetoplaste (= kineto- nucleus) chez les Flagelles. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (512-514). 5 Alexeieff, A. Sur le cycle evolutif et les affinites de Blastocystis enterocoela. Arch. Zool. exp. Paris 56 N. et R. 1917 (113-128). 6 Anderson, J. The connection of Nosema apis and “ Isle of Wight 55 disease in hive bees : remarks on the evidence submitted in the Board of Agriculture Reports of 1912 and 1913. Edinburgh Proc. R. Physic. Soc. 20 1916 (16-22). 7 Anderson, John, and Rennie, John. Observations and experiments bearing on “ Isle of Wight ” disease in hive bees. Edinburgh Proc. R. Physic. Soc. 20 1916 (23-61) pi. i. 8 Appel, Leo. Zur Farbetechnik der Malariaparasiten. Centralbl. Bakt. Jena Abth. 1 80 Orig. 1917 (105-107). 9 Arag2Lo, H. de B. Algumas observa- nces relativas as endamebas dysen- tericas. Brazil Medico 31 1917 (105-106 113-114). 10 Armand-Delille, P. Remarques sur les aspects parasitologiques du palu- disme contracts en Macedoine. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (202 and 203). 11 Ata, Arif, Goldberg, L., and Omar, Neschat. Experimentelles iiber die Jerichobeule. B. Reinkultur dee Parasiten der Beule. Centralb. Bakt. Jena Abth. 1 Orig. 79 1916 (25 and 26). 12 Auerbach, M. Bemerkungen liber Myxosporidien. Zool. Anz. Leipsic 49 1917 (145-157). 13 Barratt, J. O. W. A search for dysentery carriers among soldiers com- ing from Gallipoli and Egypt. Brit. Med. J. London 1916 ii (617-619). 14 Beardslee, H. C. Michigan collections of Myxomycetes. Lansing Rep. Michi- gan Acad. Sci. 19 1917 (159-162). 15 Boeck, W. Mitosis in Giardia microti. Berkeley Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 18 1917 No. 1 (1-26) pi. i. 16 Boeck, W. A rapid method for the detection of Protozoan cysts in mam- malian faeces. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool. 18 No. 9, 1917 (145-149). 17 Bouilliez, M. Recherches exp^ri- mentales sur Leishmania tropica. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (66-86). 18 Boynton, W. H. A disease in cattle in the Philippine Islands similar to that caused by Anaplasma marginale Theiler. Philippine J. Sci. Manila Sect. B 12 1917 (281-291) 3 pis. 19 Branden, van den J., vide Rodhain, J. 5 Pro*. Titles. 0400 Briinn, W. Boschlounigtc Schizo- gonie boi Malaria tertiana und dadurck bedingte Umwandlung dos Tertian- fiebertypus in einen quotidianen. Cen- tralbl. Bakt. Jena Abth. 1 79 Orig. 1917 (84-89) 1 pi. 20 Brag, S. L. Les kystes dos amibes intestinales de Thomme. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (799-803). 21 Burger, O. Nuevos estudios sobre Protozoos chilenos del agua dulce. Anales Univ. Santiago de Chile 122 1908 (137-204) pis. i-xv. 22 Calkins, G. N. Didinium nasutum. 1. The life history. J. Exp. Zool. Phila- delphia 19 1915 (225-241 ) 1 pi. 23 Calkins, G. N. The effects of cancer tissue and of normal epithelium on the vitality of Protozoa. Didinium nasutum. 2. The Journal of Cancer Research Baltimore 1 1916 (205-226) tables diagrs. 24 Calkins, G. N. The effects of cancer tissue, embryonic tissue, and normal tissue on the vitality of Protozoa. Didinium nasutum. 3. J. Cancer Res. Baltimore 1 1916 (399-414) tables. 25 Calkins, G. N. General biology of the Protozoan life-cycle. Amer. Nat. New York 50 1916 (257-270). 26 Carnot, P. Sur le mecanisme de la disparition des schizontes dans le sang peripherique au cours des acces de paludisme. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (575-578). 27 Carnot, P. Sur la schizontolyse au cours de Facets de paludisme. Action du s6rum, des leucocytes, des extraits spleniques. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (685-688). 28 Carter, H., Mackinnon, Doris, Matthews, J. R., and Smith, Malins. The protozoal findings in 910 cases of dysentery examined at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, May to September, 1916. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. Liverpool 10 1917 (411-426). 29 Carter, H., Mackinnon, Doris, Matthews, J. R., Smith, Malms, and Stephens, J. W. Protozoological investi- gations of cases of dysentery conducted at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. Liverpool 11 1917 (27-68). 30 Carter, H., and Matthews, J. R. The value of concentrating the cysts of Protozoan parasites in examining the stools of dysenteric patients for patho- genic Entamoebas. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. Liverpool 11 1917 (195-204) 31 Carler, H., vide Yorke, W. Chalmers, A. J., and O’Farrell, W. R. A case of urinary amcebiasis in the Anglo -Egyptian Soudan. J. trop. Med. London 20 1917 (97-100). 32 Chalmers, A. J., and Pekkola, Waino. A new human intestinal Flagellate in the Anglo -Egyptian Soudan. J. trop. Med. London 19 1916 (142-146). 33 Chalmers, A., and Pekkola, Waino. Enteromonas hominis da Fonseca 1915 in a British officer. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (756-761). 34 Chapman, F., and Gabriel, Ch. J. On a shell-bed underlying volcanic Tuff near Warrnambool : with notes on the age of the deposit. Melbourne Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 30 1917 (4-14). 35 Chatterjee, G. C. Note on Flagellate dysentery. Calcutta Ind. J. Med. Res. 4 1917 (393-401) pis. xxiv-xxix. 36 Chatterjee, G. C. A Trichomastix (n. sp.) parasitic in the human intestine. Calcutta Ind. J. Med. Res. 5 1917 (217-221) pis. xxxii and xxxiii. 37 Chatton, E. Les “ Blaslocystis ” stades du cycle evolutif de Flagelles intestinaux. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (555-560) 1 pi. 38 Chatton, E. Au sujet des cristalloides (chromidium, corps chromatoides, batonnets ou plages sideropkiles) des kystes d’Entamibes. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (791-794). 39 Chatton, E. Realisation exp£ri- mentale chez le cobaye de l’amibiase intestinale & Entamoeba dysenteriae. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (794-799). 40 Chatton, E. L’6closion des kystes et les premiers stades de l’evolution de l’amibe dysenterique humaine chez le chat. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (834-840). 41 Chatton, E. La genese des stigmates globulaires (taches de Maurer, grains de Schiiffner) dans le paludisme. Leur rapports avec l’amceboidisme liemami- bien. Leur faible valeur differentielle. 6 Prot. IX. Protozoa. [1917] Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (841-849) pi. viii. 42 Chatwin, C. P., vide Hinde, G. J. Churchman, J. W. and Russell, D. G- The effect of gentian violet on Protozoa and on growing adult tissue. New York Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 11 1914 (120-124). 43 Clarke, C. vide Dudgeon, L. S. Cole, A. F. vide Knowles, It. Comandon, J. Phagocytose in vitro des Hematozoaires du calf at (enregistre- ment cinematographique). Paris 0. It. Biol. 80 1917 (314-316). 1 pi. 44 Cornwall, J. W. and Menon, Kesava. A contribution to the study of Kala- Azar. 3. Calcutta Ind. J. Med. Res. 4 1917 (672-687). 45 Cox, P. Investigation of a disease of the herring ( Clupea harengus) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1914. Contrib. Canad. Biol. Ottawa 1914-1915 (1916) (81-85) pis. viii and ix. 46 Cragg, F. W. Observations on dysentery cases from Mesopotamia. Calcutta Ind. J. Med. Res. 5 1917 (301-329). 47 Craig, 0. F. The classification of the parasitic Amoebae of man. J. Med. Res. Boston 35 1916-1917 (425-442). 48 Crawley, H. The sexual evolution of Sarcocystis muris. Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Sci. 68 1916 (2-43) pis. i-v. 49 Crawley, H. The zoological position of the Sarcosporidia. Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Sci. 68 1916 (379-388). 50 Cropper, J. W. and Row, R. H. A method of concentrating Entamoeba- cysts in stools. Lancet London 1917 i (179-182). 51 Cunha, A. da. Sobre a presen9a do Balantidium no cavallo. Brazil Medico 31 1917 (337). 52 Cunha, A. da and Fonseca, O. R. da. Sobre uma nova entameba, Entamoeba serpentis, n. sp. (Nota previa). Brazil Medico 31 1917 (279). 53 Cunha, A. da and Fonseca, O. R. da. Sobre os myxosporidios dos peixes brazileiros (nota previa). Brazil Medico 31 1917 (321). 54 Cunha, A. da and Fonseca, 0. da. 0 microplancton do Atlantico nas imedia- 9oes de Mar del Plata. Rio de Janeiro Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 9 1917 (140-142). 55 Cunha, A. da vide Faria, Gomes de. Cushman, J. A. New species and varieties of Foraminifera from the Philippines and adjacent waters. [Sci. Results Philippine Cruise Fish. Steamer “ Albatross,” 1907-1910, No. 35.] Washington Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 51 1917 (651-662). 56 Darling, E. R. Notes on a new (?) species of Loxodes (Ehrbg.). Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. Decatur (111.) 35 1916 (64 and 65). 57 Davis, H. S. The structure and development of a Myxosporidian para- site of the Squeteague, Cynoscion regalis. J. Morph. Philadelphia (Pa.) 27 1916 (333-377), 7 pis. 58 Delanoe, P. Sur les alterations des globules parasites par les Hematozoaires du paludisme. Paris Bull. Soc. path, exot. 10 1917 (543-547). 59 Dimond, Lyn. Trench-fever, or P.U.O., associated with the presence of a Haemogregarine. Lancet London 1917 ii (382-384) diagrams. 60 Dixon, Annie. Report on Protozoa collected on rambles, 1916. Manchester, Rept. Trans. Microsc. Soc. 1916 (1917) (114-119). 61 Dobell, C. On Oxnerella maritima nov. gen., nov. spec., a new Heliozoan, and its method of division ; with some remarks on the centroplast of the Heliozoa. Q. J. Microsc. Sci. London 62 1917 (515-538) pi. xxvii. 62 Dobell, C. Incidence and treatment of Entamoeba histolytica-iniection at Walton Hospital. Brit. Med. J. London 1916 ii (612-616). 63 Dobell, C. and Jepps, Margaret. On the three common intestinal Entamoebae of Man and their differential diagnosis. Brit. Med. J. London 1917 i (607-612). 64 Dobell, C. vide Low, G. Donaldson, R. An easy and rapid method of detecting protozoan cysts in faeces by means of wet-stained pre- parations. Lancet London 1917 i (571- 573). 65 DouvillS, H. Les Orbitoides de Pile de la Trinity. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (841-847). 66 7 Prot. Titles. 0400 DouvillS, H. Le Cretac6 et l’Eoc&ne du Thibet central. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (133-135). 67 DouvillS, H. Le Tertiaire du golfe aquitanien et ses differences de facias. Paris 0. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (529- 533). 68 Douvill6, H. L’fiocene inferieur de 1’ Aquitaine et sa faune de Numraulites. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (609- 615). 69 Douvilie, H. Le Cretace et l’Eoc&ne du Thibet central. Palaeont. ind. Cal- cutta N. S. 5 Mem. 3 1916 (1-52), 16 pis. 70 Drew, A. H. and Griffin, Una. The parasitology of pyorrhoea alveolaris. London J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1917 (185- 197) pis. xiv-xvii. 71 Drew, A. H. vide Penfold, W. J. Duboscq, 0. Sur un nouveau Sporo- zoaire, Selysina perforans, n.g., n.sp. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (450- 453). 72 Duboscq, O., vide L£ger, L. Dubreuil, J. vide Tribondeau, L. Dudgeon, L. S. and Clarke, C. On the cultivation of the malarial parasite in vitro. Lancet London 1917 i (530 and 531). 73 Earland, A. vide Heron-Alien, E. Edwards, J. G. vide Kepner, W. A. Emerson, B. K. Polarization of Globigerina. Science New York 43 (N.S.) 1916 (316). 74 Erdmann, Rhoda. New facts and views concerning the occurrence of a sexual process in the Myxosporidian life-cycle. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (719-739). 75 Erdmann, Rhoda and Woodruff, Lorande L. The periodic reorgani- zation-process in Paramcecium cauda- tuni. J. exp. Zool. 20 1916 (59-97.) 7 pis. 76 Erdmann, Rhoda vide Woodruff, Lorande L. Escomel, E. Le Phyllodactylus gerrhopygus au Perou. Son infection par une Hemogregarine. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (873-878). 77 Evans, T. Carey. Clinical observa- tions on dysentery. Brit. Med. J. London 1917 i (418-420). 78 Fantham, H. B. Amoebae in urine in a case of infectious jaundice. Brit. Med. J. London 1916 i (553 and 554). 79 Fantham, H. B. Remarks on the nature and distribution of the parasites observed in the stools of 1,305 dysen- teric patients. Lancet London 1916 i (1165 and 1166). 80' Fantham, H. B. and Porter, Annie. The pathogenicity of Giardia ( Lamblia ) intestinalis to men and experimental animals. Brit. Med. J. London 1916 ii (139-141). 81 Fantham, H. B. and Porter, Annie^ On induced herpetomoniasis iD birds. Cambridge Proc. Cambr. Phil. Soc. 18 1916 (189-194). 82 Fantham, H. B. and Porter, Annie. The Flagellate Protozoa associated with diarrhoea and dysentery. Rep. Brit. Ass. London 1916 1917 (419 and 420). 83 Fantham, H. B. and Porter, Annie. The significance of certain natural1 Flagellates of Insects in the evolution: of disease in Vertebrates. J. Parasitol. Urbana (Til.) 2 1916 (149-166) with • table. 84 Fantham, H. B., Stephens, J. W. and Theobald, F. V. The animal parasites of Man. (Partly adapted from Max Braun’s “ Die thierischen Parasiten. des Menschen,” 4th edit.) London (J. Bale, Sous & Daniellson). 1916. Roy. 8vo. (xxxii -+* 900) with 423 figs. 8& Faria, Gomes de and Cunha, A. da- Estudos sobre o microplankton da baia do Rio de Janeiro e suas imedia9oes (la Contrib.). Rio de Janeiro Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 9 1917 (68-93) pi. xxvir 86 Faria, G. de, Cunha, A. da and Fonseca, 0. R. Sobre es protozoarios parasitos da Poly dor a socialis. Brazil Medico 31 1917 (243). 87 Fedorovitch, A. Hemoparasitea trouv£s dans un cas de fievrechronique. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 30 1916 (249 and 250) pis. v and vi p.p. 88 Findlay, M. Amoebic dysentery and its relationship to a form of diarrhoea occurring in Egypt. Lancet London 1917 i (755 and 756). 89 Floyd, J. F. Note on Trypanophis grobbeni, a Protozoan parasite of 3 Prot. II. Protozoa. [1917] Siphonophora. Edinburgh Proc. R. Physic. Soc. 20 1916 (62-64) pi. ii. 90 Fonseca, O. da. Sobro os flagollados parasitos (4a and 5a nota previa). Brazil Medico 31 1917 (305, 306 and 417). 91 Fonseca, 0. da vide Cunha, A. da. Franca, G. Quelquos observations sur les Trichonymphidae. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 30 1916 (195-204). 92 Fray, W. vide Hargitt, G. T. Galli- Valerio, B. Parasitologische Untersuchungen und Beitrage zur parasitologischen Technik. Central bl. Bakt. Jena Abth. 1 79 Orig. 1916 (41-48) ; and op. cit. 80 Orig. 1917 (264-271). 93 Galli-Valerio, B. Are Sarcosporidia abirrant forms of Cnidosporidia of Invertebrates ? J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 2 1916 (126-128). 94 Georg6vitch, J. Sur le cycle evolutif de Myxidium gadi Georg6vitch. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (797-799). 95 George vitch, J. Esquisses protisto- logiques. Paris Bull. Soc. Zool. France 42 1917 (99-107). 96 Georgevitch, J. Recherches sur le developpement de Ceratomyxa herou- ardi Georg. Arch. Zool. exp. Paris 56 1917 (375-399) pis. xi-xiii. 97 Goldberg, L. vide Ata, A. Gonzalez, E. vide Iturbe, J. Goodey, T. and Welling?, A. W. Observations on Entamoeba gingivalis from the human mouth, with a note on the Trichomonad Flagellate, Tetra- trichomonas buccalis, n. sp. Parasitol. Cambridge 9 1917 (537-559) pis. xx-xxii. 98 Gordon, C. E. A method for obtain- ing Amoeba. Science New York 46 (N.S.) 1917 (212 and 213). 99 Gran, H. H. The Plankton produc- tion in the North European waters in the spring of 1912. Copenhague Bull. Planktonique explor. mer 1912 (1915) (1-142) numerous tables. 100 Greenaway, R. D. Abnormal repro- duction in Stylonichia. Zoologist London Ser. 4 20 1916 (198 and 199). 101 Greenaway, R. D. Notes on the inability of natural selection to explain certain steps in the evolution of Protozoa. Zoologist London Ser. 4 20 1916 (303-311). 102 Grier, N. M. A new species of Opercularia. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. Decatur (111.) 35 1916 (138 and 139) pi. xix. 103 Griffin, Una vide Drew, A. H. Hadley, P. The case of Trichomonas. Amor. Nat. Now York 51 1917 (209- 224). 104 Hahn, C. W. On the Sporozoan parasites of the fishes of Woods Hole and vicinity. I. Further observations on Myxobolus musculi from Fundulus. J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 3 1916 (91-104). 105 Hahn, C. W. On the Sporozoan parasites of the fishes of Woods Hole and vicinity. II. Additional observa- tions upon Myxobolus musculi of Fundulus and a nearly related species, M. pleuronectidae, of Pseudopleuronectes americanus. J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 3 1917 (150-162) 1 pi. 106 Hahn, C. W. On the Sporozoan parasites of the fishos of Woods Hole and vicinity. III. On the Chloro- myxum clupeidae of Glupea harengus (Young), Pomolobus pseudoharengus (Young) and P. aestivalis (Young). J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 4 1917 (13-20). 107 Hance, R. T. Notes on handling Protozoa in pure line work. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. Decatur (111.) 35 1916 (135-137). 108 Hance, R. T. Studies on a race of Paramcecium possessing extra con- tractile vacuoles. I. An account of the morphology, physiology, genetics and cytology of this new race. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 23 1917 (287-333) 3 pis. 109 Hargitt, G. T., and Fray, W. The growth of Paramcecium in pure cultures of bacteria. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 22 1917 (421-455). 110 Harvey, Ethel B. A physiological study of Noctiluca, with special refer- ence to light-production, anaesthesia and specific gravity. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Washington 3 1917 (15 and 16). Ill Hausmann, L. A. Observations on the oeoology of the Protozoa. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (157-172). 112 9 ProW Titles. 0400 Henry, H. Tho “ Haemogregarine ” of trench fever. Brit. Med. J. London 1917 ii (739 and 740). 113 Heron-Alien, E. On beauty, design and purpose in the Forarainifera. London Proc. Roy. Inst. 21 1917 <473-485). 114 Heron-Alien, E. Alcide d’Orbigny, his life and work. (Presidential Ad- dress, 1916-1917.) To which is ap- pended a studjr of the Forarainifera of the Biscayan Coast of France in the neighbourhood of La Rochelle. London, J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1917 fl-105 433 and 434) pis. i-xiii. 115 Heron-Alien, E. and Earland, A. On some Forarainifera from the North Sea, etc., dredged by the Fisheries Cruiser “ Goldseeker ” (International North Sea Investigations — Scotland). IV. On Nouria rugosa , a new species of Forarainifera from the Faroe Channel. London J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1917 (361— 364) pi. xxiii. 116 Heron-Alien, E. and Earland, A. On some Foraminifera from the North Sea, etc., dredged by the Fisheries Cruiser “ Goldseeker ” (International North Sea Investigations — Scotland). V. On Thurammina papillata Brady : a study in variation. London J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1917 (530-557) pis. xxvi- xxx. 117 Hesse, E. vide Leger, L. Hills, T. L. The relation of Protozoa to certain groups of soil Bacteria. J. Bact. Baltimore 1 1916 (423-433). 118 Hinde, G. J. and Chatwin, C. P. Notes on specimens of organic rocks from Central Celebes. I. Siliceous rocks with Radiolaria. II. Cal- careous rocks with Foraminifera. (E. C. Abendanon. Geologische en geo- graphische doorkruisingen van Midden- Celebes.) Leiden (E. J. Brill) Vol. 3 1917 (953-956). 119 Hogue, Mary J. The effect of media of different densities on the shape of Amoebae. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 22 1917 (565-572). 120 Hollande, A. C. vide Leger, L. Howard, H. J. Notes upon Phy- sarum carneum G. Lister and Sturgis : a new British species of Mycetozoa. London J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1917 (265-268) pi. xviii. 121 Hutchison, R. H. The effects of certain salts, and of adaptation to high temperatures, on the heat resistance of Paramoecium caudatum. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 19 1915 (211-224). 122 Hyde, Ida H. and Spreier, Christine. The influence of light on reproduction in Vorlicelln. Amor. J. Physiol. Baltimore 36 1915 (398-399). 123 Ikeda, Iwaji. A new astomatous Ciliate, M etaphrya sagittae gen. et sp. nov., found in the coelome of Sagitta. Annot. zool. Japon. Tokyo 9 1917 (317— 324). 124 Ingram, A. vide Macfie, J. W. Inman, A. C. The detection of Entamoeba histolytica and its cysts : notes on the technique for conducting examinations of human faeces. Lancet London 1917 i (990 and 991 ). 125 Ishiwata, Shigetane. Note on a species of Nosema infecting Attacus cynthia Drury. J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 3 1917 (136 and 137). 126 Iturbe, J. and Gonzalez, E. First case of leishmaniosis cutanea in Vene- zuela. J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 4 1917 (44-47). 127 Ja9.skelS.inen, V. Kalaloiset Kemi- jo^sta. [Fischparasiten aus dem Kemijoki-Fluss.] Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 39 1913 (92-93) [Deutsches Ref. 248 254.] 128 Jack, R. Natural transmission of trypanosomiasis ( T . pecorum group) in the absence of Tsetse-flies^ Bull. Ent. Res. London 8 1917 (35-41). 129 James, S. P. The intravenous ad- ministration of quinine bihydrochloride in malaria and a remark upon the form of the parasite responsible for true relapses. London J.R.A.M.C. 29 1917 (317-322). 130 James, S. P. Note recording the proof that Anopheles maculipennis is an effectual host of the benign tertian malarial parasite in England. London J.R.A.M.C. 29 1917 (615). 131 Jepps, Margaret. Note on some examinations and treatments for Enta- moeba histolytica infections. Brit. Med. J. London 1916 ii (616 and 617). 132 Jepps, M. vide Dobell, C. 10 Prot . II. Protozoa. [1917] Kamm, Minnie W. Notes on known Gregarines. J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 4 1917 (40-43) 1 pi. 133 Kamm, Minnie W. The development of Gregarines and their relation to the host-tissues : (1) in Stenophora lactaria Watson. J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 3 1917 (124-130) 2 pis. 134 Kamm, M. vide Watson, M. Keilin, IX Une nouvelle Entamibe, Entamoeba mesnili n. sp., parasite intestinale d’une larve d’un Dipt&re. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (133-136) 1 pi. 135 Kennedy, A. M. and Rosewarne, D. Observations upon dysentery carriers. Brit. Med. J. London 1916 ii (864-866) 136 Kennedy, A. M. and Rosewarne, IX D. Lamblia intesiinalis infoctions from Gallipoli. Lancet London 1916 i (1163-1165). 137 Kepner, W. A. and Edwards, J. G. Nucleus of Ghilomonas paramoecium Ehrenberg. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole (Mass.) 31 1916 (213-219). 138 King, W. V. The effect of cold upon malarial parasites in the mosquito-host. J. exp. Med. New York 25 1917 (495- 498) pis. xxxviii and xxxix. 139 King, W. V. Anopheles punctipennis, a host of tertian malaria. Amer. J. trop. dis. New Orleans 3 1916 (426- 432), pi. viii. 140 Knowles, R. and Cole, A. F. A study of Entamoebic cysts. Calcutta Ind. J. Med. Res. 4 1917 (498-610) pis. xxxix- xli and many charts. 141 Kofoid, Ch. Atwood and Swezy, Olive. On the orientation of Erythropsis. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool. 18 No. 6 1917 (89-102). 142 Krempf, A. Sur un Hematozoaire endoglobulaire nouveau de Phomme ( Haemogregarina hominis). Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (965-967). 143 Kudo, R. Contributions to the study of parasitic Protozoa. III. Notes on Myxosporidia found in some fresh- water fishes of Japan, with the descrip- tion of three new species. J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 3 1916 (3-9). 144 Kudo, R. Contributions to the study of parasitic Protozoa. II. Myxobolus toyamai nov. spec., a new Myxospori- dian parasite in Cyprinus carpio L. J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 3 1917 (163-170) 2 pis. 145 Lapparenfc, J. do. Sur un Foramini- f6re dc la craie des Alpes et des Pyrenees. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (731- 734). 146 Larue, G. R. Notes on the collection and rearing of Volvox. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. Decatur (111.) 35 1916 (150-154) and 36 1917 (271 and 272). 147 Larue, G. R. Notes on the culturing of microscopic organisms for the zoologi- cal laboratory. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. Decatur (111.) 36 1917 (163-169). 148 Lashley, K. S. vide Mast, S. O. Laveran, A. Boutons d’Orient ex- perimentaux chez les singes ; multi- plication des boutons prim a ires par auto-inoculations chez un Gcrcopithecus mona. Paris 0. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (306-309). 149 Laveran, A. Identification des virus de trypanosomiase Equine marocaine do deux origines. Paris Bull. Soc. path, exot. 10 1917 (850-856). 150 Laveran, A. Leishmanioses, Kala- Azar, bouton d’Orient, leislimaniose ameri caine. Paris (Masson et Cie) 1917 8vo (iv -f- 524) 6 pis. text-figg. 151 Lebour, Marie. The micro plankton of Plymouth Sound, from the region beyond the breakwater. Plymouth J. Marine Biol. Ass. 11 1917 (133-182) 2 tables. 152 Lebour, Marie. The Peridiniales of Plymouth Sound, from the region beyond the breakwater. Plymouth J. MarineBiol.Ass.il 1917(183-200). 153 Leger, L. et Duboscq, O. Pseudo - klossia pectinis n. sp. et l’origine des Adeleidees. Arch. Zool. exp. Paris 56 N. et R. 1917 (88 -94). 154 L6ger, L. et Duboscq, O. Sporo- zoaires de Glossobalanus minutus Kow. Eimeria (?) epidermica n. sp. ; E. (?) beauchampi n. sp. ; Selenidium metchni- kovi n. sp. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 31 1917 (60-72) pis. i-iii. 155 L6ger, L. et Hesse, E. Sur les Microsporidies de la crevette d’eau douce Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (12-15). 156 11 Prot. Titles. 0400 L§ger, L. et Hollande, A. C. Sur un nouveau protiste a facies de Cliytri- diopsis, parasite des ovules de l’huitre. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (61-64). 157 Leger, M. Observations sur quolques Leucocytozoon d’oiseaux de la region do Reims. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (28-33). 158 Leger, M. and Mouzels, P. Plas- modium de Iguana nudicollis. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (95-98). 159 L§ger, M, and Mouzels, P. Hemo- gregarine intraleucocytaire d’un saurien, Tupinambis nigropunctatus. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (283 and 284). 160 L6ger, M. and Mouzels, P. Piro- plasme et microfilairo d’un Edente, le Bradypus tridactylus Linne. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (173-176). 161 L6ger, M. and Mouzels, P. Hemato- zoaire endoglobulaire non- pigments d’uno Anatidee. Paris Bull. Soc. path, exot. 10 1917 (699-700). 162 Low, O. 0. A case of amoebic abscess of the liver occurring twenty years after the original attack of dysentery. Brit. Med. J. London 1916 ii (867 and 868). 163 Low, G. C., also Dobell, C. The “ Haemogregarine ” of trench-fever. Lancet London 1917 ii (473 and 474). [Criticism of Dimond, 60.] 164 ■ Lund, E. J. The relations of Bur- sar ia to food. II. Digestion and re- sorption in the food-vacuole and further analysis of the process of extru- sion. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 17 1914 (1-43) 2 pis. 165 Lynch, Kenneth. “ Dauercyst ”- formation of Trichomonas intestinalis. J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 3 1916 (28- 33). 166 MacAdam, W. and Keelan, R. The problem of the amoebic dysentery carrier in India and Mesopotamia. An investigation based on the protozoo- logical findings in the stools of over 2,000 men, chiefly of the Mesopotamian field force. Calcutta Ind. J. Med. Res. 5 1917 (239-272). 167 Macfie, J. W. Preliminary note on a monomorphic Trypanosome found in the blood of a native of the Gold Coast. Brit. Med. J. London 1917 i (12 and 13). 168 Macfie, J. W. A Flagellate frequent- ing the necks of bottles. J. trop. Med. London 20 1917 (1-3), 169 Macfie, J. W. and Ingram, A. Obser- vations on malaria in the Gold Coast Colony, West Africa. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 11 1917 (1-26) pis. i and ii. 170 Mackinnon, Doris vide Carter, H., also Yorke, W. Malleghem, R. van vide Wurtz, R. Manaud, A. Coloration vitale de l’Hematozoaire du paludisme. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (472-474). 171 Manlove, C. H. Two cases of balan- tidial colitis. Philippine J. Sci. Manila Sect. B 12 1917 (149-163). 172 Manson, P. Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Brit. Med. J. London 1917 ii (103-109). 173 Marzinowsky, E. J. De differentes especes du parasite do la malaria. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 30 1916 (243- 248) pis. iv-vi. 174 Mast, S. O. The vitality of the cysts of the Protozoan, Didinium nasutum. Science New York 46 (N.S.) 1917 (70- 72). 175 Mast, S. O. Mutation in Didinium nasutum, Amer. Nat. New York 5i 1917 (351-360). 176 Mast, S. O. The process of orienta- tion in the colonial organism, Gonium pectorale, and a study of the structure and function of the eye-spot. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 20 i916 (1-17). 177 Mast, S. O. Conjugation and encyst- ment in Didinium nasutum with especial reference to their significance. J. exp. Zool. 23 1917 (335-359) tables; 178 Mast, S. O. and Lashley, K. S. Ob- servations on ciliary current in free- swimming Paramoecia. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 21 1916 (281-293). 179 Mast, S. O. and Root, F. M. Observa- tions on Amoeba feeding on Infusoria, and their bearing on the surface-tension theory. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Wash- ington 2 1916 (188 and 189) [vide 181]. 12 Prot. II. Protozoa. [1917] Mast, S. O. and Root, F. M. Obser- vations on Amoeba feeding on Rotifers, Nematodes and Ciliates, and their bearing on the surface-tension theory. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 21 1916 (33- 49). 181 Mathis, C. et Mercier, L. Existe-t-il des races d 'Entamoeba dysenteriae ? Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (791-793). 182 Mathis, C. and Mercier, L. Affinites d’ Entamoeba legeri Mathis et d’ E. coli. Arch. Zool. exp. Paris 56 N. et R. 1917 (63-72). 183 Mathis, C. and Mercier, L. Existe- t-il des kystes a plus de quatre noyaux chez Entamoeba dysenteriae ? Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (165-170). 184 Mathis, C. and Mercier, L. La schizogonie chez les Entamibcs intosti- nales de Phomme. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (311-322) 1 pi. 185 Mathis, C. and Mercier, L. Le soi- disant “ chromidium ” des kystes des Entamibes intestinales de Phomme. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (536-538 and 866-868). 186 Matthews, J. R. vide Smith, A. Malins ; also Carter, Henry j also Yorke, W. Mavor, J. W. On the occurrence of a parasite of the pike in Europe, Myxidium lieberkuhni Butschli, in the pike on the American Continent and its significance. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 31 1916 (373-378) 1 pi. 187 Mavor, J. W. Studies on the Sporozoa of the fishes of the St. An- drews’ region. Contrib. Canadian Biol. Ottawa 1911-1914 1915 (25-38) pi. iv. 188 Mavor, J. W. and Strasser, W. On a new Myxosporidian, Henneguya wis- consinensis n. sp., from the urinary bladder of the yellow perch, Perea flavescens. Wisconsin Trans. Acad. Sci. 18 1916 (676-682). 189 McCulloch, Irene. Critliidia eury- ophthalmi sp. nov., from the Hemip- teran bug, Euryophthalmus convivus Stal. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool. 18 No. 5 1917 (75-88). 190 McLean, R. C. The detection of Entamoeba histolytica and its cysts. Lancet London 1917 ii (63). 191 McMurrich, J. P. The winter plankton in the neighbourhood of St. Andrews, 1914-15. Contrib. Canad. Biol. Ottawa 1915-1916 1917 (1-8) table. 192 Mendel, J. Recherches sue les Amibes dans la pyorrhee alveolaire et les autres stomatopathies. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 30 1916 (286-298) pi. vii. 193 Mercier, L. vide Mathis, C. Mesnil, F. and Roubaud, E. Sur la sensibility du chimpanze au paludisme humain. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (39-41). 194 Metalnikoff, S. Sur l’immortalit6 des Protozoaires. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (241-244). 195 Metalnikov, S. Sur la digestion intra- cellulaire chez les Protozoaires (la circulation des vacuoles digestives). Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 30 1916 (427- 445) pis. viii and ix. 196 Middleton, A. R. Heritable varia- tions and the results of selection in the fission rate of Stylonychia pustulata. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 19 1915 (451-503). 197 Minchin, E. A. (the late). The evolution of the cell. Amer. Nat. New York 50 1916 (1-38 106-118 271-283). 198 Moore, A. R. The mechanism of orientation in Gonium. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 21 1916 (431-432). 199 Morgan, J. F. The staining of soil- Protozoa. Lansing Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 17 1915 (1916) (25-27) pi. iii. 200 Mouzels, P. vide Leger, M. Noller, W. Blut- und Insektenflagel- latenziichtung auf Platten. Arch. Schiffshyg Leipzig 21 1917 (53-95). 201 Noguchi, H. vide Ohira, T. Nowlin, Nadine. Entamoeba buccalis I. Its multiplication and periodicity. J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 3 1917 (143- 149). 202 Nowlin, Nadine. Entamoeba buccalis. II. Its reactions and food-taking. J. Parasitol. Urbana (HI.) 4 1917 (21-24). 203 13 Pm. Titles. 0400 Nowlin, Nadine and Smith, Inez. The intracellular development of a Gregarine, Frenzelina ampelisca n. sp. J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 4 1917 (83- 88). 1 pi. 204 O'Connor, F. W. vide Wenyon, C. M. O’ Farrell, W. R. vide Chalmers, A. J. Ohira, Tokuzo, and Noguchi, H. The cultivation of Trichomonas of the human mouth ( Tetratrichomonas homi- nis). J. exp. Med. New York 25 1917 (341-347) pis. xxxiv-xxxvii. 205 Omar, Neschat vide Ata, Arif. Ostenfeld, C. H. Catalogue des especes de plantes et d’animaux ob- servees dans le Plankton recueilli pen- dant les Expeditions depuis le mois de Juillet 1908 jusqu’au mois de Decembre 1911. Copenhagen Publ. de Circ. 70 1916 (1-87). 206 Papworth, A. G. The biology of Arcella. Lansing Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 19 1917 (67-76). 207 Pavillard, J. Un Flagelle pelagique aberrant, le Pelagorhynchus marinus. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (238- 241). 208 Pavillard, J. Protistes nouveaux ou peu connus du plankton mMiterraneen. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (925- 928). 209 Pekkola, Waino vide Chalmers, A. J. Penard, E. Observations sur quelques Protozoaires peu connus ou nouveaux. Rev. Suisse Zool. Geneve 25 1917 (1-33) pis. i and ii. 210 Penard, E. Le genre Loxodes. Rev. Suisse Zool. Genfcve 25 1917 (453-489). 211 Peniold, W. J., Woodcock, H. M. and Drew, A. H. The excystation of Entamoeba histolytica ( tetragena ) as an indication of the vitality of the cysts. Brit. Med. J. London 1916 i (714 and 715). 212 Peniold, W. J. vide Woodcock, H. M. Playfair, G. I. Australian freshwater phytoplankton ( Protococcoideae ). Syd- ney N.S.W. Proc. Linn. Soc. 41 1917 (823-852) pis. lvi-lix. 213 Plimmer, H. G. (the late). Report on the deaths which occurred in the Zoological Gardens during 1915, to- gether with a list of the blood-parasites found during the year. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1916 (1916) (77-86). 214 Plimmer, H. G. (the late). Report on the deaths which occurred in the Zoological Gardens during 1916, to- gether with a list of the blood-parasites found during the year. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 (1917) (27-35). 215 Plough, H. The genus Aspidisca, Ehrenberg. Trans. Amer. . Mi crosc. Soc. Decatur (111.) 35 1916 (233-244). 216 Ponselle, A. Determinisme de la culture du Trypanosome de la grenou- ille, Trypanosoma rotatorium Mayer, 1843. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (824-826 894). 217 Porter, Annie. An enumerative study of the cysts of Giardia ( Lamblia ) in- testinalis in human dysenteric faeces. Lancet London 1916 i (1166-1169). 218 Porter, Annie vide Fantham, H. B. Rennie, J. vide Anderson, J. Roche, W. Intestinal Protozoa in Salonica war area. Lancet London 1917 i (297 and 298) also in London J.R.A.M.C. 27 1917 (386-388). 219 Rodhain, J. and van den Branden, F. Essais sur la plurality des especes flagell6es parasitant le tube digestif des Invertebres. Paris Bull. Soc. path, exot. 10 1917 (811-814). 220 Rogers, L. Disappearance of malig- nant tertian crescents from the blood, following the intravenous injection of tartar emetic. J. trop. Med. London 20 1917 (20-21). 221 Rogers, L. The bearing of Assam tea-garden experience on the problem of the etiology of Kala-Azar. Calcutta Ind. J. Med. Res. Suppl. vol. 5 1914 (15-20). 222 Root, F. M. vide Mast, S. O. Rosewarne, D. vide Kennedy,' A. M., also Worster-Drought, C. Roubaud, E. Les Anoph&les fran9ais, des regions non palustres, sont-ils aptes la transmission du paludisme T Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (401- 403). 223 Roubaud, E. M6thodes rapides pour les examens de sang palud^en en goutte 6paisse. Paris Bull. Soc. path, exot. 10 1917 (702 and 703). 224 Roubaud, E. vide Mesnil, F. 14 Prot. II. Protozoa. [1917] Row, It. H. (the late). Protozoa. Zool. Record London 52 1915 (1917) (1-26). 225 Row, R. H. vide Cropper, J. W. Row, R. On a simplified technique of Bass’s method of cultivating malarial parasites in vitro, and a few observa- tions on the malarial parasites cultured by this technique. Calcutta Ind. J. Med. Res. 4 1917 (388-392) pis. xviii- xxiv and charts. 226 Russell, B. R. Intestinal disorders arising from Protozoan infection. Lan- cet London 1916 i (1161-1163). 227 Russell, D. 6. vide Churchman J. W. Russo, A. II differenziamento dei gameti in Cryptochilum echini Maupas. Monit. Zool. Ital. Firenze 27 1916 (74- 77) pi. iii. 228 Schaeffer, A. A. On the reactions of Amoeba to isolated and compound proteins. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 22 1917 (53-86) 6 pis. 229 Schaeffer, A. A. On the feeding habits of Amoeba. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 20 1916 (529-584) 6 pis. 230 Schaeffer, A. A. On the behaviour of Amoeba toward fragments of glass and carbon and other indigestible sub- stances, and toward some very soluble substances. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 31 1916 (303-328) 8 pis. 231 Schaeffer, A. A. Reactions of Amoeba to light, and the effect of light on feeding. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 32 1917 (45-74) 6 pis. 232 Schaeffer, A. A. Concerning the species Amoeba proteus. Science New York 44 1916 (468 and 469) [vide Zool. Rec. Protozoa 1916 187a]. 233 Schein, H. Piroplasmose du cheval dans le Sud Annam. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (871 and 872). 234 Schiess, J. R. vide Swellengrebel, N. H. Schoppler, H. Ueber eine pemphi- gusartige Erkrankung bei Lacerta agilis L. durch Grogarinen hervorgerufen. Centralbl. Bakt. Jena Abth. 1 Orig. 79 1916 (27-29). 235 Schokhor, N. J. vide Yakimoff, W. L. Schouteden, H. Notes sur quelques Chrysomonadines. Rev. Zool. africaine Bruxelles 6 1917 (39-49). 236 Senevet, G. Note sur un procdd6 de coloration de l’Hematozoaire du palu- disme. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (540-542). 237 Sergent, E. Sur des formes sans pig- ment ou a pigment tres fin apparues chez le Proteosoma ( Plasmodium re- lictum Gr. et Fel.) au cours de passages par canaris. Paris Bull. Soc. path, exot. 10 1917 (448-450). 238 Sergent, E. Sur un Leucocytozoon de la perdrix rouge ( Perdix rubra Brisson) de l’Alg6rie. Paris Bull. Soc. path, exot. 10 1917 (701 and 702). 239 Sergent, E. and Hempl, H. Sur l’immunite dans le paludisme des oiseaux ( Proteosoma vel Plasmodium relictum Gr. et Fel.). Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (550-552). 240 Sherman, J. M. Studies on soil- Protozoa and their relation to the bacterial flora. 1 and 2. J. Bact. Balti- more 1 1916 (35-66 165-185) tables. 241 Shortt, H. E. Notes on two Haemo- gregarines of cold-blooded Vertebrates. Calcutta Ind. J. Med. Res. 4 1917 (402- 413) pis. xxx and xxxi. 242 Shumway, W. Effect of thyroid on division rate of Paramcecium. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 17 1914 (297-314). 243 Shumway, W. The effects of a thyroid diet upon Paramoecium. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 22 1917 (529- 563). 244 Skupienski, F. X. Sur la sexualite chez les champignons Myxomyc&tes. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (118- 121). 245 Smith, B. Notes on Pleodorina cali fornica Shaw. Lansing Rep. Michi- gan Acad. Sci. 18 1916 (1917) (99-101). 246 Smith, Malins and Matthews, J. R. Further records of the occurrence of intestinal Protozoa in non-dysenteric cases. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. Liverpool 11 1917 (183-193). 247 Smith, A. Malins and Matthews, J. R. The intestinal Protozoa of non-dysen- teric cases. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. Liverpool 10 1917 (361-390). 248 Smith, A. Malins vide Carter, Henry, also Yorke, W. Smith, Inez vide Nowlin, N. 15 Prot. Titles. 0400 Smith, T. and Smillie, E. A note on Coccidia in sparrows and their assumed relation to blackhead in turkeys. J. exp. Med. New York 25 1917 (415-420). 249 Stephens, J. W. vide Carter, Henry, also Fantham, H. B. Stocking, Ruth J. Variation and inheritance in abnormalities occurring after conjugation in Paramoecium cau - datum. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 19 1915 (387-449). 250 • Strasser, W. vide Mavor, J. W. Strong, R. M. Culture-media for Paramcecium and Euglena. Science New York 44 (N.S.) 1916 (238). 251 Swellengrebel, N. H. Observations on Blastocystis hominis. Parasitol. Cambridge 9 1917 (451-459) pis. xvi and xvii. 252 Swellengrebel, N. H. and Schiess, J. R. Quelques remarques sur la morphologie de V Entamoeba histolytica et la valeur diagnostique de l’infection rectale des chats. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (13-17). 253 Swellengrebel, N. H. and Winoto, R. M. The life-history of Amoebae of the Umax- type in the human intestine. Parasitol. Cambridge 9 1917 (266-273) pi. ii. 254 Swezy, 0. vide Kofoid, Ch. Talbot, G. Pathogenic Protozoa. Ann. Rep. and Trans. Manchester Microsc. Soc. 1916 (1917) (66-86). 255 Theobald, F. V. vide Fantham, H. B. Thomson, J. D. Notes on malaria. London J.R.A.M.C. 29 1917 (379-411) 1 pi. 256 Thomson, J. G. and Thomson, D. Some observations on the effect of emetine administration on the free vegetative forms and cysts of Entamoeba histolytica and E. coli. London J.R.A.M.C. 26 1916 (683-694) 1 pi. 257 Thomson, J. G. and Thomson, D. A preliminary note on the occurrence of peculiar bodies of probably Protozoan nature frequently found in the stools of | dysenteric patients. London J.R.A.M.C. 27 1916 (556-560) 1 pi. 258 Tielemann, Eleonoro vide Unna, P. G. Tolosani, Olga. Osservazioni sul ciclo di Monocystis michaelseni Hesse. Monit. Zool. Ital. Firenze 27 1916 (217— 222) pis. ix and x. 259 Tribondeau, L. et Dubreuil, J. Deux procedes pour la recherche rapide des croissants dans le sang des malades suspects de paludisme. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (494 and 495). 260 Turner C. A culture-medium for Euglena. Science New York 45 (N.S.) 1917 (239). 261 Unna, P. G. and Tielemann, Eleonore. Zur Chemie der Amo ben. Centralbl. Bakt. Jena 80 Orig. 1917 (66-89) 1 pi. 262 Vinassa de Regny, P. Rocce e fossili dei dintorni di Grizzana e di Lagaro nel Bolognese. Roma Boll. Soc. Geol. ital. 19 1900 (321-348) pi. iii. 262a Vivanti, Anna. Sulla Crithidia in- flata n. sp., parassita nel tubo digerente del Hygrotrechus najas. Struttura e ciclo di sviluppo. Roma Rend. Acc. Lincei (5) 26 Sem. i 1917 (132-140 174-180) 2 pis. 263 Wassilewsky, W. J. vide Yakimoff, W. L. Watabiki, T. Une solution pour colorer des Protozoaires et des corpus - cules du sang. Kitasato Arch. Exp. Med. Tokyo 1 1917 (153-156). 264 Watson, Minnie E. Studies on Gregarines, including descriptions of twenty-one new species and a synopsis of the Eugregarine records from the Myriapoda, Coleoptera and Orthoptera of the world. Illinois Biol. Monographs Urbana (111.) 2 No. 3 1916 (211-468) 15 pis. 265 Watson, Minnie. Three new Gre- garines from Crustacea. J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 2 1916 (129-136) 1 pi. 266 Watson, Minnie. A new Infusorian parasite in sand-fleas. J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 2 1916 (145-146). 267 Watson, Minnie. Observations on Polycystid Gregarines from Arthropoda. J. Parasitol. Urbana (111.) 3 1916 (65- 75) 1 pi. 268 Watson, M. vide Kamm, M. W. Welch, M. W. The growth of Amoeba on a solid medium for class uso. Trans. Amor. Microsc. Soc. Decatur (111.) 36 1917 (21-25). 269 Wellings, A. W. vide Goodey, T. 1G Prot. II. Protozoa. [1917] Wenyon, C. M. The protozoological findings in 556 cases of intestinal dis- order from the Eastern Mediterranean war area. London J.R.A.M.C. 26 1916 (445-460). 270 Wenyon, C. M. and O’Connor, F. W. The carriage of cysts of Entamoeba histolytica and other intestinal Protozoa and eggs of parasitic worms by house- flies, with some notes on the resistance of cysts to disinfectants and other agents. London J.R.A.M.C. 28 1917 (522-527). 271 Wenyon, C. M. and O’Connor, F. W. An inquiry into some problems affecting the spread and incidence of intestinal Protozoan infections of British troops and natives in Egypt, with special reference to the carrier question, diagnosis and treatment of amoebic dysentery, and an account of three new human intestinal Protozoa. Lon- don J.R.A.M.C. 28 1917 (1-34 151-187 346-370 461-492 557-565 686-698). 4 pis. 272 Whitehead, H. On an epizoic In- fusorian Trichodina steinii Cl. and L., found on Turbellaria. J. Quek. Microsc. Cl. London (2) 12 1915 (545) 273 Willis, H. S. The influence of the nucleus on the behaviour of Amoeba. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 30 1916 (253-270). 274 Wilson, Ch. W. On the life-history of a soil -Amoeba. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool. 16 No. 16 1916 (241-292) pis. xviii-xxiii. 275 Winoto, R. M. vide Swellengrebel, N. Woodcock, II. M. Protozoological experiences during the summer and autumn of 1916. London J.R.A.M.C. 29 1917 (290-300). 276 Woodcock, H. M. and Penfold, W. J. Further notes on Protozoan infections occurring at the King George Hospital. Brit. Med. J. London 1916 i (407-409). 277 Woodcock, H. M. vide Penfold, W. J. Woodruff, Lorande Loss. Rhythms and endomixis in various races of Paramoecium aurelia. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 33 1917(51-56). 278 Woodruff, Lorande Loss. The in- fluence of general environmental condi- tions on the periodicity of endomixis in Paramoecium aurelia. Biol. Bull. Words Hole Mass. 33 1917 (437-462). 279 Woodruff, Lorande Loss. Further light on the conjugation of Paramoecium. New York Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 11 1914 (64). 280 Woodruff, Lorande Loss and Erd- mann, Rh. Complete periodic nuclear reorganization without cell-fusion in a pedigreed race of Paramoecium. New York Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 11 1914 (73 and 74). 281 Woodruff, Lorande Loss and Erd- mann, Rhoda. A normal periodic re- organization process without cell-fusion in Paramoecium. J. Exp. Zool. Phila- delphia 17 1914 (425-517) 4 pis. 282 Woodruff, L. L. vide Erdmann, Rh. Worster-Drought, C. and Rosewarne, D. Amoebic dysentery in a man who had never left England. Brit. Med. J. London 1916 i (715 and 716). 283 Wright, E. J. A case of urinary amoebiasis with cystitis. J. trop. Med. London 20 1917 (145 and 146). 284 Wurtz, R. and Malleghem, R. van. Acc6s graves chez des paludeens atteints de tierce dite benigne. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (797-799). 285 Yakimoff, W. L. Parasites du sang des animaux en Transcaucasie. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (98-100). 286 Yakimoff, W. L. Prowazekia ninae kohl-yakimovi n. sp. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (101). 287 Yakimoff, W. L. Trichomonas de l’intestin de la sangsue du Turkestan (Limnatis Uirhestanica). Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (293-294). 288 Yakimoff, W. L. and Schokhor, N. I. Un Trypanoplasme et une Hdmogre- garine du Silure. Rev. Zool. Russe Moscow 2 1917 (22-24). 289 Yakimoff, W. L., Schokhor, N. J. and Koselkiue, P. Maladies animales du Turkestan russe a parasites endoglobu- laires. Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (302-311). 290 Yakimoff, W. L. arid Wassilewsky, W. J. Essais biologiques sur le luargol (102 de Danysz). Traitement de la Dourine expeiimentale des souris. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (387 and 388). 291 17 Prot. Subject Index. — Comprehensive. 0403 Yakimoff, W. L., Wassilewsky, W. J. and Zwietkoff, N. A. Sur la chimio- th&rapie de la lambliosc. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (506 and 507). 292 Yorke, W., Carter, H., Mackinnon, Doris, Matthews, J. R. and Smith, Malins. Persons who have never been out of Great Britain as carriers of Entamoeba histolytica. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. Liverpool 11 1917 (87- 90). 293 Yung, E. Do Pexplosion des In- fusoires. Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve 35 1913 (81 and 82). 294 Zulueta, A. Promitosis y sindieresis, dos modos de division nuclear coexis- tentes en Ainebas del grupo Umax. Madrid Trabaj. Mus. nat. ci. (Ser. Zool.) No. 33 1917 (1-55) 2 pis. 295 Zwietkoff, N. A. vide Yakimoff, W. L. II.— SUBJECT INDEX. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL. 0403 Bibliography. Row, 225. Treatises, Collected Works. Fantham, Stephens & Theobald, 85 ; Laveran, 151. Addresses, Reviews. Calkins, 26 ; Heron- Allen, 114 ; Manson, 173 ; Minchin, 198 ; Talbot, 255. Economics. Protozoa in Relation to the Soil. Hills, 118 ; Sherman, 241. Protozoa in relation to disease. (a) Amoebosis. (See also under “ Carriers ”0419). Human intestinal : Aragao, 10 ; Findlay, 89 ; Russell, 227 ; Wenyon, (n-4840 e) 270 ; Wenyon & O’Connor, 272 ; Woodcock, 276 ; Woodcock & Penfold, 277 ; Worster-Drought & Rosewarne, 283. Human, oral : Goodey & Wellings, 98 ; Mendel, 193. Human, urinary : Chalmers & O’ Far- rell, 32 ; Fantham, 79 ; Wright, 284. Liver-abscess : Low, 163. (b) Gregarinosis. Kamm, 134 ; Schoppler, 235. (c) Coccidiosis. Smith & Smillie, 249. (d) Malaria. Armand-Delille, 11 ; Chatton, 42 ; Delanoe, 59 ; Macfie & Ingram, 170 ; Wurtz & Malleghem, 285. (e) Piroplasmosis. Schein, 234. (f) Myxosporidiosis. Anderson, 7 ; Anderson & Rennie 8 ; Cox, 46. (g) Trypanosomosis. Macfie, 16& (h) Leishmaniosis . Fantham & Porter, 84 ; Iturbe & Gonzalez, 127. (i) Flagellosis. Flagellate diarrhoea : Chalmers & Pekkola, 34 ; Chatter jee, 36 ; Cragg, 47 ; Fantham & Porter, 81 & 83 ; Hadley, 104 ; Kennedy & Rosewarne, 137. (j) Balantidiosis. Manlove, 172. (k) Various and uncertain. Boynton, 19 ; Dimond, 60 ; Low & Dobell, 164. Miscellaneous. [Transmission — Vide 0419.] Experimental infection, etc. Anderson & Rennie, 8 ; Bouilliez, 18 ; Cornwall & Menon, 45 ; Fantham & Porter, 81 & 82 ; Hahn, 1Q5 ; Lave- f^n, 149 } Mesnil & Rouhaud, 1^4. a 4 18 Prot. [1917] II. Protozoa. Cultivation. Ata, Goldberg & Omar, 12 ; Drew & Griffin, 71 ; Dudgeon & Clarke, 73 ; Gordon, 99 ; Larue, 147 & 148 ; Noller, 201 ; Ohira & Noguchi, 205 ; Penfold, Woodcock & Drew, 212 ; Ponselle, 217 ; Row, 226 ; Strong, 251 ,* Turner, 261 ; Welch, 269 ; Woodcock, 276. Technique. Appel, 9 ; Boeck, 17 ; Carter & Matthews, 31 ; Cropper & Row, 51 ; Delanoe, 59 ; Donaldson, 65 ; Drew & Griffin, 71 ; Hance, 108 ; Ininan, 125 ; Knowles & Cole, 141 ; Larue, 147 ; Manaud, 171 ; McLean, 191 ; Morgan, 200 ; Roubaud, 224 ; Row, 226 ; Senevet, 237 ; Tribondeau & Dubreuil, 260 ; Watabiki, 264. STRUCTURE. 0407 Morphology and General Anatomy. (a) of SARCOblNA. Dobell, 62; Dobell & Jepps, 64; Goodey & Wellings, 98 ; Keilin, 135 ; Knowles & Cole, 141 ; Mathis & Mercier, 182 & 183 ; Swellengrebel & Scliiess, 253 ; Wenyon & O’Connor, 272 ; Wood- cock, 276 ; Woodcock & Penfold, 277. (b) of Sporozoa. Macfie & Ingram, 170 ; Watson, 265, 266 & 268. (c) of Mastigophora. Chalmers & Pekkola, 33 ; Chatter- jee, 37 ; Kofoid & Swezy, 142 ; Ohira & Noguchi, 205 ; Pavillard, 208 ; Wenyon & O’Connor, 272; (d) of ClLIOPHORA. Calkins, 23 ; Ikeda, 124 ; Penard, 211. Minute Structure ; special anatomy. (a) Shell , envelope, etc. Papworth, 207. (b) Organellce. of locomotion. Mast & Lashley, 179. (c) Nucleus and cytoplasm . Alexeieff, 1-3, 6 ; Aragao, 10 ; Chat- ton, 39 ; Floyd, 90 ; Hance, 109 ; Kepner & Edwards, 138 ; Mast, 177 ; Mathis & Mercier, 186 ; Unna & Thielemann, 262. (d) Nuclear division and division mechanisms. Boeck, 16 ; Davis, 58 ; Dobell, 62 ; Tolosani, 259 ; Wilson, 275 ; Zulueta, 295. PHYSIOLOGY. 0411 General, various, Alexeieff, 4 & 5 ; Willis, 274. Nutrition, excretion. Hargitt & Fray, 110; Lund, 165; Mast & Lashley, 179 ; Mast & Root, 181 ; Penard, 211 ; Schaeffer, 230- 232. Locomotion. Moore, 199. Sense organs. Harvey, 111 ; Mast, 177. Depression-periods ; Recuperation. Erdmann & Woodruff, 76 ; Wood- ruff, 279 ; Woodruff & Erdmann, 282. Immortality. Metalnikoff, 195. Environmental effects ; response to stimuli. Calkins, 24 & 25 ; Churchman & Russell, 43 ; Hance, 109 ; Hogue, 120 ; Hutchison, 122 ; Hyde & Spreier, 123 ; King, 139 ; Nowlin, 203 ; Schaeffer, 229-232 ; Shumway, 243 ; Wenyon & O’Connor, 271 ; Willis, 274 ; Wood- ruff, 279 ; Yung, 294. Immunity. Carnot, 27 & 28 ; Comandon, 44 ; Sergent & Hempl, 240. Effects of reagents, etc. Rogers, 221 ; Thomson & Thomson, .257 ; Yakimoff & Wassilewsky, 291 ; Yakimoff, Wassilewsky & Zwietkoff, 292, 19 Prot. Sun.i eot • Index . — Ethology. 0419 REPRODUCTION AND LIFE-CYCLE. 0415 (a) Mycetozoa. Skupienski, 245. (b) Sarcodina. Amoebae. Chatton, 41 ; Drew & Griffin, 71 ; Knowles Sc Cole, 141 ; Mathis Sc Mer- cier, 184 & 185 ; Nowlin, 202 ; Penfold, Woodcock Sc Drew, 212 ; Swellengrebel & Winoto, 254 ; Wilson, 275. (c) SroROzoA. Gregarines. Nowlin Sc Smith, 204 ; Tolosani, 259. Coccidia. Duboscq, 72 ; L6ger & Duboscq, 154 Sc 155. Hcemosporidia. Briinn, 20 ; James, 130 ; Shortt, 242 ; Thomson, 256. Myxosporidia. Auerbach, 13 ; Davis, 58 ; Erdmann, 75 ; GeorgSvitch, 95-97 ; Hahn, 105- 107 ; Kudo, 144 Sc 145 ; Mavor, 188. i Sarcosporidia. Crawley, 49. (d) Mastigorhora. Flagellates. Chatton, 38 ; Hadley, 104 ; Lynch, 166 ; McCulloch, 190 ; Vivanti, 263. (e) ClLIOFHORA. Giliates. Calkins, 23 ; Erdmann Sc Woodruff, 76 ; Greenaway, 101 ; Mast, 178 ; Russo, 228 ; Woodruff, 280 ; Wood- ruff Sc Erdmann, 282. Various and uncertain. Alexeieff, 6 ; L6ger Sc Hollande, 157 ; Swellengrebel, 252, ETHOLOGY. 0419 Bionomics; behaviour, habits. Cornwall & Menon, 45 ; Hausmann, 112; Nowlin, 203; Papworth, 207 ; Schaeffer, 230-232. Plankton. Cunha & Fonseca, 55 ; Faria Sc Cunha, 86 ; Gran, 100 ; McMurrich, 192 ; Ostenfeld, 206 ; Pavillard, 209 ; Playfair, 213. Parasitism. (a) Natural Transmission ; Infectivity. Evans, 78 ; Jack, 129 ; LSger & Hollande, 157 ; Rogers, 222 ; Roubaud, 223 ; Wenyon & O’Connor, 271 ; Wood- cock, 276. (b) Carriers. Barratt, 14 ; Carter, Mackinnon, Matthews, Smith Sc Stephens, 29 Sc 30 ; Cragg, 47 ; Dobell, 63 ; Fantham, 80 ; Jepps, 132 ; Kennedy Sc Rosewarne, 136 ; MacAdam Sc Keelan, 167 ; Smith Sc Matthews, 247 & 248 ; Wenyon Sc O’Connor, 272 ; Woodcock, 276 & 277 ; YorRe, Carter, Mackinnon, Matthews Sc Smith, 293. (c) List of hosts. Turbellaria (epizoic on). Whitehead, 273. Polychaeta. Faria, Cunha Sc Fonseca, 87. Ilirudinea. Yakimoff, 288. Chaetognatha. Ikeda, 124. Crustacea. L6ger Sc Hesse, 156 ; Nowlin Sc Smith, 204 ; Watson, 266 & 267. Tnsecta. Galli-Valerio, 93 ; Ishiwata, 126 ; James, 131 ; Kamm, 133; Keilin, 135; King, 140 ; McCulloch, 190 ; Rodhain Sc van den Branden, 220 ; Vivanti, 263 ; Watson, 265 Sc 268. Mollusca. L6ger Sc Duboscq, 154 ; Leger & Hollande, 157. Hemichordata. L6ger & Duboscq, 155. Tunicata. Duboscq, 72. 20 Prot. II. Protozoa. [1917] Pisces. Asia. Cunha & Fonseca, 54 ; Davis, 58 ; Georg6vitch, 95 ; JMskel&inen, 128 ; Hahn, 105-107 ; Kudo, 144 & 145 ; Mavor, 187 & 188 ; Mavor & Strasser, 189; Yakimoff, 286 ; Yakimoff & Schokhor, 289. Amphibia. Shortt, 242. Reptilia. Cunha & Fonseca, 53 ; Escomel, 77 ; Fonseca, 91 ; Galli-Valerio, 93 ; L6ger & Mouzels, 159 & 160 ; Plimmer, 214 & 215 ; Schoppler, 235 ; Shortt, 242. Aves. L6ger, 158 ; L6ger & Mouzels, 162 ; Plimmer, 214 & 215 ; Sergent, 239. Mammalia. Chalmers & Pekkola, 33 & 34 ; Chat- terjee, 37 ; Cunha, 52 ; Krempf, 143 ; L6ger & Mouzels, 161 ; Marzinowsky, 174 ; Plimmer, 214 & 215 ; Yakimoff, 286 ; Yakimoff, Schokhor & Koselkine, 290. VARIATION, PHYLOGENY. 0423 Evolution. Greenaway, 102. Variation and Inheritance. Heron-Alien & Earland, 117 ; Mast, 176 ; Mathis & Mercier, 182 ; Middle- ton, 197 ; Stocking, 250. Classification, Phytogeny. Crawley, 50 ; Franga, 92 ; Galli- Valerio, 94. DISTRIBUTION (GEOGRAPHY). 0427 [See also under “ Parasitism,” 0419.] Geographical. . Europe. Dixon, 61 ; Heron- Allen, 115 ; Heron- Alien & Earland, 116; Howard, 121; Lebour, 152 & 153 ; Penard, 210 ; Schouteden, 236. Cushman, 56. America. Beardslee, 15 ; Mavor, 187. Geological. Tertiary and Post-Tertiary. Chapman & Gabriel, 35 ; Douvillfe 66, 68 & 69 ; Hinde & Chat win, 119 ; Vinassa de Regny, 262a. Secondary. Douvill6, 67 & 70 ; Lapparent, 146. III.— SYSTEMATIC. PROTOZOA, GENERAL. 0431 Protozoa, fresh-water, Chile, notes, Burger Anales Univ. Santiago 122 pp. 137-204 15 pis. Protozoan parasites of man, Fantham Stephens & Theobald (Bale, Sons & Daniellson) 1916 pp. 25-120 text-figs. 1-119 and pp. 733-742 text-figs. 422 and 423. 1.— MYCETOZOA. Didymium nigripes, sexual develop- ment, Skupienskx C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 pp. 118-121. Physarum carneum J. Lister & Sturgis, occurrence in Britain, notes, Howard J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1917 pp. 265-268 pi. xviii. 2. SARCODINA (= GYMNOMYXA). Rhizopoda and Heliozoa, new or little known forms, neighbourhood of Geneva, described, Penard Rev. Suisse Zool. 25 pp. 1-33 pis. i & ii. (a) Amcebaea (Reticulosa + Lobosa). Amoebae, human parasitic, classifica- tion, Craig J. Med. Res. 35 pp. 425- 442. 21 Trot. Systematic. — Foraminifera. 0431 Amoeba (prob. Vahlkampfia) buccalis sp. n., occurrence, morphology and phases of life-cycle. Drew & Griffin J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1917 pp. 191-196 pis. xvi Sc xvii.- — A. verrucosoides sp. n. Chile, Burger Anales Univ. Santiago 122 p. 139 pi. i fig. 6. — A. spp., plank- ton Plymouth Sound, notes, Lebour J. Marine Biol. Ass. 11 p. 156 text- fig. 9. — A. human intestinal, of limax- type, life-history, Swellengrebel & Winoto Parasitol. 9 pp. 266-273 pi. ii, Arcella, notes on behaviour, minute structure of shell, life-cycle, PapwoRth Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 19 pp. 67-76. — A. pseudarcella sp. n. near Geneva, diagnosed, PenaRd Rev. Suisse Zool. 25 p. 20 figs. 27, 28 & 39. Corycia tessellata p. 17, figs. 16, 19, 22 & 23, phy sails p. 18, figs. 24, 25, 29 & 30, spp. n., diagnosed ; Penard Rev. Suisse Zool. 25. Entamoeba buccalis ( gingivalis ), de- scribed, Goodey & Wellings Parasitol. 9 pp. 538-548 pis. xx & xxi. — E. b. multiplication, periodicity, Nowlin J. Parasitol 3 pp. 143-149 1 text-fig. — E. b. biology, Nowlin op. cit. 4 pp. 21- 24. — E. coli, schizogonic multiplication in, pp. 312-318, 15 figs., E. histolytica, absence of, in, p. 318, Mathis Sc Mercier Bjill. Soc. path. exot. 10. — E. coli and E. histolytica, comparison of “ chromidial rods ” in, Mathis Sc Mercier T.c. pp. 536-538. — E. h. ( dysenteriae ), question of races or mutations, Mathis & Mercier C.R. Soc. Biol. 80 pp. 791-793. — E. h. and coli compared with E. cobayae, Chatton Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 pp. 797-799 3 text-figs. — E. h. Sc E. coli, cysts distinguished, Brug T.c. pp. 799- 803 6 text-figs. — E. h., liberation of, from cyst in intestine of cat, Chatton Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 pp. 834-840 9 text-figs. — E. li. from urine, note, Chalmers & O’Farrell J. trop. Med. 20 pp. 97-100 1 text-fig., also Wright T.e. p. 145. — E. h. excystation, Pen- ford, Woodcock & Drew Brit. Med. J. 1916 pp. 714 & 715 8 text-figs.— E. h. notes on, Swellengrebel & Schiess Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 pp. 13-17 4 text-figs. — E. h. and E. coli cysts and the effects of emetine on, Thomson & Thomson J.R.A.M.C. 26 pp. 688-691 1 pi. — E. h. and E. coli, notes on distinctions, pp. 47-71, E. nana sp. n. [probably this form should ^-4840 e ) not be included in the genus Entamoeba ], from Man, described, Wenyon & O’Connor J.R.A.M.C. 28 pp. 89-92 pi. i figs. 10-23. — E. h., minuta and coli, distinctions as seen in life, Wood- cock J.R.A.M.C. 29 pp. 394-396. — E. legeri Mathis and E. coli, minutely compared, Mathis & Mercier Arch. Zool. exp. 56 N. et R. pp. 63- 72 22 text-figs. — E. mesnili sp. n. from larva of Trichocera hiemalis, notes, Keilin C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 pp. 133-136 1 pi. — E. minuta, distinct strain or variety of E. histolytica, cysts described, Woodcock & Penfold Brit. Med. J. 1916 pp. 407-409 6 text- figs.— E, serpentis sp. n. from Drymobius bifos- satus Cunha & Fonseca Brazil Medico 31 p. 279. — E. the three common human intestinal, distinctions, Dobell & Jeffs Brit. Med. J. 1917 i pp. 607-612 14 text-figs. — E. human in- testinal, comprehensive comparative account; E. histolytica and other, types regarded as only different forms of the one species, E. coli, Knowles & Cole Ind. J. Med. Res. 4 pp. 498-610 pis. xxxix-xli. — E. of pyorrhoea, notes, Mendel Ann. Inst. Pasteur 30 pp. 286- 298 pi. vii. N aegleria (or V ahlkampfia) cf. gruberi, account of life-cycle, flagellate phases, &c., Wilson Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool. 16 No. 16 pp. 241-292 pis. xviii-xxiii. Placocysta lapponum sp. n., occurrence and note, Penard Rev. Suisse Zool. 25 p. 23 figs, 32-35. Pseudodifflugia sylvarum sp. n., Geneva, diagnosed; Penard T.c., p. 22, figs. 26 and 31. Vahlkampfia, vide Amoeba, N aegleria. WasielewsJcia gruberi (Schardinger) (syn. A. punctata) an Amoeba of the “ Umax ’’-type, modes of nuclear divi- sion, Zulueta Trabaj. Mus. Nat. Ci. Ser. Zool. No. 33 pp. 1-55 2 pis. (b) Foraminifera. Foraminifera, Philippines, diagnosed, Cushman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 51 pp. 651-662. Foraminifera, systematic considera- tions and remarks, apropos d’Orbigny's work, Heron-Allen J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1917 pp. 1-105 pis. i-xiii. a 4— 2 22 Prot. II. Protozoa. [19J7] fForaminifera, Cretaceous and Eocene Central Thibet, described; Douville Palseont. ind. N.S. 5 Menu 3 pp. 30-44, pis. xi-xv. Ammodiscus incertus var. n. discoideus, Philippines, Cushman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 51 p. 652. Anomalina polymorpha, varr. nn. cervicornis, siphonifera, Philippines, Cushman T.c. p. 662. Bathysiphon rufescens, papyraceous spp. \\.,flavidus de Fol. var. n. giganteus, Philippines, Cushman T.c. p. 651. Ghilostomella grandis sp. n. Philip- pines, Cushman T.c. p. 662. Cristellaria calcarata, submamilligera p. 657, expansa, and var. n. planulata, p. 658, bradyi, cassinoides, dorso- costata, p. 659, tumido-costata, and var.. n. labyrinthica, paucicostata , helicina p. 660, helicinoides p. 661, spp. nn. C. cultrata var. n. decorata, rotulata var. n. *umbonata p. 656, orbicularis varr. nn. subcarinata, subumbonata, papillata, p. 657, costata varr. nn. multicosta, sub- decorata, p. 658, sublaevis p. 659, italica var. n. acutocarinata p. 661, Philip- pines, Cushman T.c. Cyclarnmina compressa, pauciloculata spp. n. Philippines, Cushman T.c. p. 653. Dendrophrya attenuata sp. n. Philip- pines, Cushman T.c. p. 652. Globigerina aequilateralis var. n. involuta Philippines, Cushman T.c. p. 662. Haplophragmoides sphaeriloculum sp. n. Philippines, Cushman T.c. p. 652. f Isolepidina pustulosa sp. n. Tertiary, Trinity Isle (San Fernando) ; Dou- ville C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 p. 843 6 text-figs. | Lepidorbitoides tibetica p. 34 pi. xiv figs. 1-4, polygonalis p. 35 pi. xiv figs. 5 & 6, pi. xv figs. 1-3 spp. n. Cretaceous, Thibet, Douville, Pa- laeont. ind. 5 Mem. 3. — L. t. p. 134, and L. p. [given here as polygonata !] p. 135, brief mention, Douville, C. R. Acad. Sci. 165. Lingulina grandis sp. n. Philippines, Cushman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 51 p. 656. Nodosaria antennula p. 653, sub- polygona, subscalaris and var. n. paucicostata, millettii, p. 654, substria- tula, pauciloculata , subperversa, p. 655, laevicostata, spirostriolata p. 656, spp. nn. N. laevigata var. n. striatula, N. pyrula var. n. longicostata p. 653, lepidula var. n. hispidula p. 654, Philippines, Cush- man T.c. Nouria rugosa, sp. n. Faroe Channel, diagnosed, Heron-Allen & Earland J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1917 pp. 362-364 pi. xxiii. f Nummulites spp. Tertiary (and Lower Eocene), Gulf of Aquitania, notes, Douville C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 pp. 531 & 532 & 609-615. ■f Orbitoides vredenburgi > sp. n. Cre- taceous, Thibet, Douville Palaeont. ind. 5 Mem. 3 p. 32 pi. xi & C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 p. 134. f Pulvinulina tricarinata Quereau vide Bosalina. Bhabdammina abyssorum W. B. Carp, var. n. radiata, Philippines, Cushman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 51 p. 652. f Bosalina (or Globigerina) linnei d’Orb. (= Pulvinulina tricarinata Quer.) Cretaceous, Alps & Pyrenees, note on ; Lapparent C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 pp. 731-734 2 text-figs. Saccammina sphaerica var. n. catenula Philippines, Cushman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 51 p. 652. Siphogenerina bifrons var. n. striatula, raphanus var. n. costulata, Philippines, Cushman T.c. p. 662. Thurqmmina papillata Brady, p. 543 pi. xxvi figs. 1—13, varr. n., castanea p. 545, pi. xxvi figs. 14-18, pi. xxix fig. 17, parallela p. 546 pi. xxvii figs. 14-17, haeusleri p. 547 pi. xxviii figs. 1-12 pi. xxix fig. 16, pi. xxx fig. 8, murata p. 549, pi. xxviii figs. 18-21, sordida p. 551, pi. xxx figs. 1-6, hispida p. 552, fig. 7, diagnosed, Heron- Allen & Earland J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1917. V aginulina bradyi, acicula spp. n. Philippines, Cushman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 51 p. 661. (c) Heliozoa Monobia socialis sp. n. Chile, Burger Anales Univ. Santiago 122 p. 151 pi. vii fig. 3. 23 Prot. Systematic. — Gregarinidea. 0431 Nuclearia amphizonellae sp. n., Geneva, described, Penard Rev. Suisse Zool. 25 p. 26 figs. 38, 40-44. Oxnerella gen. n. (Aphrothoraca) maritima sp. n., described, Dobell Q. J. Microsc. Sci. 62 pp. 515-538 pi. xxvii. Rhaphidiophrys schaudinnii sp. n» Chile, Burger Anales Univ. Santiago 122 p. 155 pi. viii fig. 3. Rhumbleria gen. n. (Chalarothoraca) mirabilis sp. n., Chile, Burger T.c. p. 156 pi. viii fig. 4. (d) Radiolaria. fRadiolaria, Tertiary, Bolognese Apennines, diagnosed, Vinassa de Regny Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 19 pp. 321-348 pi. iii. f Amphibrachium ovale sp. n., Vinassa T.c. p. 338 pi. iii fig. 16. 1 Genosphaera scabra p. 329 pi. iii fig. 1, diasprina p. 330 fig. 3, spp. n., Vinassa Tc. f Chitonastrum (?) apenninicum sp. n., Vinassa T.c. p. 340 fig. 21. f Cyrtocapsa crassa p. 344 fig. 42, paronai p. 345 fig. 43, spp. n., Vinassa T.c. f Dicolocapsa elongala sp. n., Vinassa T.c. p. 342 fig. 37. f Dictyastrum diasprinum sp. n., Vin- assa T.c. p. 338 fig. 20. \Dictyomitra bononiensis sp. n., Vinassa T.c. p. 343 figs. 39 & 40. fj Doryspkaera lissanensis p. 330 fig. 5, porosissima fig. 6, clathrata fig. 7 p. 331 spp. n., Vinassa T.c. • f Ellipsoxyphus lissanensis sp. n., Vinassa T.c. p. 334 fig. 12. f Hagiastrum irregulare sp. n., Vinassa T.c. p. 341 fig. 29. t Pipettella apenninica p. 335 fig. 15, bononiensis fig. 14, pantanellii fig. 13 p. 334 spp. n., Vinassa T.c. t Rhopalastrum capellinii fig. 22, lissanensis fig. 23 p. 339, clava fig. 24 p. 340 spp. n., Vinassa T.c. IfSethocapsa gutta p. 341 fig. 33, prunum fig. 34, hirta fig. 35, p. 342, spp. n., Vinassa T.c. 1[Staurodictya longispina p. 336 figs. 26 & 27, bononiensis fig. 28, dubia fig. 36 p. 337 spp. n., Vinassa T.c. f Staurosphaera gigas sp. n., Vinassa T.c. p. 333 fig. 32. f Stichocapsa ampulla sp. n., Vinassa T.c. p. 345 fig. 31. f Stichocorys pagoda sp. n., Vinassa T.c. p. 344 fig. 41- f Stylodictya (?) lissanensis sp. n., Vinassa T.c. p. 337 fig. 18. ■ \Stylostaurus simplex sp. n., Vinassa T.c. p. 333 fig. 11. f Thecosphaera (?) aculeata sp. n., Vinassa T.c. p. 330 fig. 4. f Theosyringium robuSium sp. n., Vinassa T.c. p. 343 fig. 30. f Trigonactura oligopora fig. 19, crassa fig. 25 p. 335, spp. n., Vinassa T.c. ■ \Trisphaera gen. n. ( Triposphaerida ) elegans pi. iii fig. 8, aculeata fig. 9 p. 332, valida p. 333 fig. 10, spp. n., Vinassa T.c. f Xyphodictya bombiccii sp. n., Vinassa T.c. p. 336 fig. 17. 3. SPOROZOA. Sporozoa from fishes, notes on, Mavor Contrib. Canad. Biol. 1911- 1914 pp. 25-38 5 text-figs. (a) Gregarinidea. Cephaline or Polycystid Gregarines of Myriapods, Coleoptera and Orthop- ttera, including new species, diagnoses, synonymy, records and list of hosts, Watson Illinois Biol. Monographs 2 No. 3 pp. 211-468 15 pis. Bulbocephalus gen. n. ( Stylocephalidae ) wardi p. 65 figs. 1-3, elongatus p. 66 figs. 4-6, spp. n., occurrence and notes, Watson J. Parasitol. 3. Frenzelina ampelisca sp. n. occur- rence, intracellular development, Now- lin & Smith J. Parasitol. 4 pp. 83-88 1 pi. — F. delphinia p. 129 pi. i. figs. 1-8, olivia p. 133 figs. 8-10, nigrofusca p. 134 figs. 11-14, spp. n. from Crustacea, notes, Watson op. cit. 2. Gregarina neglecta sp. n. occurrence and note, Watson J. Parasitol. 3 p. 69 figs. 13-16. — G. polymorpha, occurrence in Lacerta , causing disease [the first recorded occurrence of a 24 Prot. II. Protozoa. [1917] Gregarine in a Vertebrate], Schoppler Centralbl. Bakt. Abth. 1 Orig. 79 pp. 27-29. — G. udeopsyllae from Udeo- psylla nigra p. 117 figs. 260, 261 ,platyni from Platynus ruficollis p. 192 figs. 262-264, coptoiomi from Coptotomus interrogatus p. 196 fig. 172, spp. n., Watson Illinois Biol. Monographs 2 No. 3. Hirmocystis harpali sp. n. from II. pennsylvanicus, diagnosed, Watson T.c. p. 168 figs. 265-268, 273 & 274. Leidyana leidyi sp. n. occurrence and diagnosis, Kamm J. Parasitol. 4 p. 40 3 text-figs. Monocystis michaelseni Hesse, nu- clear division, formation of gametes, Tolosani Monit. Zool. ital. 27 pp. 217-222 pis. ix-x. Pyxinia bulbifera sp. n. occurrence and note, Watson J. Parasitol. 3 p. 67 figs. 7-12. Selenidium cruzi sp. n. from Poly dor a aocialis, Faria, Cunha & Fonseca Brazil Medico 31 p. 243. — ■ S . metchnikovi sp. n. from Glossobalanus minutus, notes on early stages, Leger & Duboscq Ann. Inst. Pasteur 31 p. 69 pi. iii. Steinina harpali sp. n. from 11. pennsylvanicus,. Watson Illinois Biol. Monographs 2 No. 3 p. 155 figs. 256- 259, 269. Stenophora dauphinia sp. n. for S. juli Leg & Duboscq, Watson T.c. p. 57 fig. 9. — S. lactaria Watson, develop- ment of young stages, effect on host- cells, Ivamm J. Parasitol. 3 pp. 124-13Q 2 pis. (b) Coccidiidea. Coccidium (?) epidermica p. 61 pi. i, beauchampi p. 66 pi. ii, spp. n., from Glossobalanus minutus, early develop- ment described, Leger & Duboscq Ann. Inst. Pasteur 31. Eimeria, vide Coccidium. Pseudoklossia pectinis sp. n. from Pecten maximus, kidneys, phases in life-cycle, origin of Adeleidae, Leger & Duboscq Arch. Zool. exp. 56 N. et R. pp. 88-94 text-figs. 1-17. Selysina gen. n.(allied to Aggregatidae) perforans sp. n. from an Ascidian, described, Duboscq, C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 pp. 450-453. (c) Haemosporidia. Haemosporidian, endoglobular, non- pigmented, not regarded as a Proteo - soma, from Anas discors, Leger & Mouzels Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 pp. 699 & 700. Haemosporidian parasites (undeter- mined) from a case of chronic fever, Fedorovitch Ann. Inst. Pasteur 30 pp. 249 & 250 pis. v & vi p.p. Haemogregarina bornandi sp. n. from Tropidonotus natrix, Galli -Valerio Centralbl. Bakt. 80 Orig. p. 270 text- fig. 5. — H. hominis sp. n. from Chinese, described, Krempf C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 pp. 965-967 4 text-figs. — II. nucleobisecans sp. n. from Bufo melan' ostictus pp. 408-412 pi. xxxi, II. sp. from Agama tuberculata, pp. 402- 408, pi. xxx, notes on life-cycle, effects on host-cells, Shortt Ind. J. Med. Res. 4. — II. phyllodactyli sp. n. from P. gerrhopygus, note, Escomel Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 pp. 876-878 text-fig. — H. turkeslanica sp. n. from Silurus sp., Yakimoef & Schokiior Rev. Zool. Russe 2 p. 24. — II. ( Ilepato - zoon) weinbergi sp. n. in leucocytes of Tupinambis nigropunclatus, Leger & Mouzels Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 pp. 283 & 284. — II. sp. indet., de- scribed from Man, associated with trench-fever, Dimond Lancet 1917 ii pp. 382-384 8 diagrams. — Alleged Haemogregarine nature of the above, criticised. Low also Dobell T.c. p. 473. Hepatozoon (syn. Leucocytogregarina) ninae kohl-yakimovi sp. n. from a fish (unspec.), Yakimoff Bull. Soc. path, exot. 10 p. 100. — [II. vide etiam Haemo- gregarina .] Laverania malariae, crescents, minute structure and maturation changes, Thomson J.R.A.M.C. 29 pp. 407 & 408 figs. 37-55. — L. falciparum vide Plasmodium tenue. Leucocytozoon spp. from birds ( Corvus corax. Pica melanoleuca, Asio accipi- trinus), notes, host-cell is a mononuclear leucocyte, L6ger Bull. Soc. path, exot. 10 pp. 28-33. — L. sp. resembling L. ziemanni, from Perdix rubra, Ser- gent T.c. pp. 701 & 702 2 text-figs. Malarial parasites, question of inde- pendence of the different species, Armand-Delille C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 pp. 202 & 203.— Malarial parasites, 25 Prot. Systematic.— Myxosporidea. 0431 nature of form responsible for true relapses, James J.R.A.M.C. 29 pp. 319-322. — -Malarial parasites in mos- quito, resistance to cold, King J. exp. Med. 25 pp. 495-498 pis. xxxviii & xxxix. — Cultivation of the three species, Row Ind. J. Med. Res. 4 pp. 388-392 pis. xviii-xxiv. — Are the three recog- nised species only different clinical forms of one parasite ? Wurtz & Malleghem C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 pp. 797-799. Nuttallia equi, in Southern Annam, note on, Sohein Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 pp. 871 & 872. Plasmodium carinii sp. n. from Iguana nudicollis, notes on [it appears debateable whether this parasite should be included in the genus PL], Leger & Mouzels Bull. Soo. path. exot. 10 pp. 95-98. — P. caucasicum sp. n. from Man, compared with known human species, Marzinowsky Ann. Inst. Pas- teur 30 pp. 243-248 pis. iv-vi. — P. tenue Stephens, a form of Laverania falciparum, Macfie & Ingram Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 11 p. 10 pi. ii figs. 1-8.— P. vivax, expedited schi- zogony, Brunn Central bl. Bakt. 79 Orig. pp. 84-89 1 pi. — P. vivax, Schaudinn’s alleged parthenogenetic development in, really represents com- bination-forms (double infection of a cell), Thomson J.R.A.M.C. 29 pp. 397-407 figs. 2-36. Proteosoma relicta, forms with little or no pigment, in canaries, Sergent Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 pp. 448- 450 text-figs. — P. r ., immunity of birds to, Sergent & Hempl T.c. pp. 650-052. Theileria brimonti sp. n. from Brady- pus tridactylus, Leger & Mouzels Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 pp. 173-175. — T. camelensis sp. n. (Yak.), Yakimoff, Schokhor & Koselkine Bull. Soc, path. exot. 10 p. 308. — T. rossica sp. n. from field-mouse, Yakimoff (& Saph- ronowitsch) Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 p. 99. (d) Myxosporidia (including Microsporidia). Myxosporidian, undetermined [ap- parently a Microsporidian], causing disease in herrings, notes on, Cox Contrib. Canad. Biol. 1914-1915 pp. 81-85 pis. viii & ix. Ceratomyxa acadiensis sp. n. gall bladder of Pseudopleuronectes ameri- canus and Urophycis chuss, described, Mavor Contrib. Canadian Biol. 1911- 1914 p. 27 pi. iv. — C. herouardi Georg., life-cycle, GeorgIsvitch Arch. Zool. exp. 56 pp. 375-399 pis. xi-xiii. Ghloromyxum clupeidae sp. n. de- scribed, Hahn J. Parasitol 4 pp. 13-20. — G. misgurni p. 6 text-fig. 3, fugitai p. 7 fig. 4, spp. n., occurrence and diagnoses, Kudo op. cit. 3. Glugea marionis Thel., structure of spore, Georg6vitoii Bull. Soc. Zool. France 42 pp. 106-107 4 text-figs. Henneguya wisconsinensis sp. n. uri- nary bladder, Perea jlavescens, notes, list of spp. of H. known, Mavor & Strasser Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. 18 pp. 676-682 3 text-figs. Leptotheca elongata Thel., occurrence and description, GeorgIgvitch Bull. Soc. Zool. France 42 pp. 99-106 6. text- figs. Myxidium gadi Georg., gall-bladder of Gadus pollachia, notes on life-cycle, Georg6vitoii C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 pp. 797-799. — M. lieberkiihni from pike in N. America, notes, Mavor Biol. Bull. 31 pp. 373-378 1 pi. — M. striatus sp. n. from Menticirrhus americanus and Bairdella ronchus, Cunha & Fon- seca Brazil Medico 31 p. 321. . Myxobolus musculi from Fundus spp., further notes on, experimental infec- tion, Hahn J. Parasitol. 3 pp. 91-104 3 text-figs. — M. m., stages in develop- ment, Hahn T.c. pp. 150-160 1 pi. — M. pleuronectidae sp. n. occurrence and note, Hahn T.c. p. 160 fig. 2. — M. toyamai sp. n. occurrence and develop- mental phases, Kudo T.c. pp. 163- 170 2 pis. Nosema apis, not regarded as the essential factor in the causation of Isle of Wight bee-disease, Anderson & Rennie Proc. R. Physic. Soc. 20 pp. 23-61 pi. i. — N. sp. (prob. new) from Attacus cynthia, note on spores, Ishiwata J. Parasitol. 3 pp. 136 & 137 8 text-figs. Sphaerospora dimorpha sp. n. from Cynoscion regalis, cytology and life- cycle, Davis J. Morphol. 27 pp. 333-377 7 pis. 26 Prof . II. Protozoa. [1917] Thttohania giraudi sp. n. p. 14 text-figs. 4-6, mulleri L. Pfeiffer p. 13 figs. 1-3, occurrence and notes, Leger & Hesse 0. R. Soc. Biol. 80. Zschokkella acheilognathi sp. n. Tokio, diagnosed. Kudo J. Parasitol. 3 p. 3 text-fig. 1. (e) Actinomyxidia. [Vacant.] (f) Sarcosporidia. Sarcosporidia, affinities with Cni- dosporidia, Galli-Valerio J. Para- sitol. 2 pp. 126-128. Sarcocystis muris, sexual develop- ment in, Crawley Proc. Acad. Sci. 68 pp. 2-43 pis. i-v. (g) Haplosporidia. [Vacant.] SPOROZOA INCERTAE SEDIS. [Various and uncertain.] “ Anaplasma ” marginale Theiler, associated with disease in Philippine cattle, notes on, Boynton Philippine J. Sci. Sect. B 12 pp. 281-291 3 pis. Ghytridiopsis ovicola sp. n. from eggs of oyster, description, Leger & Hol- lande C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 pp. 61-64 4 text-figs. Haemogregarine of trench fever regarded as an artificial body, Henry Brit. Med. J. 1917 ii pp. 739 & 740. 4. MASTIGOPHORA. (a) Flagellata. Flagellates, various, mitochondria and “ parabasal body ” of, compared, Alexeieff C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 pp. 358- 361 16 text-figs, and T.c. pp. 499-502 18 text -figs. Flagellates, intestinal, various, notes on, Chatterjee Ind. J. Med. Res. 4 pp. 393-401 pis. xxiv-xxix. Flagellates, sp. incert., from human mouth in pyorrhoea, notes, Drew & Griffin J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1917 pp. 189 & 190 pi. xv. Flagellates, specificity of, for par- ticular Insectan hosts, Rodhain & van den Branden Bull. Soc. path, exot. 10 pp. 811-814. Bodo (syn. Prowazekia) aquae sp. n. (new specific name proposed with reservation), occurrence and morpho- logy, Macfie J. Trop. Med. 20 pp. 1-3 12 text-figs. — B. (syn. P.) ninae kohl- yakimovi sp. n., Yakimoff Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 p. 101. Bodonidae, “ Blastocystis ” enter ocoela Alex., a developmental phase of members of this family, Chatton C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 pp. 555-660 1 pi. Garteria scrobiculata p. 824 pi. Ivi figs. 5-7, australis p. 825 pi. Ivi fig. 9, spp. n., G. australis var. n. ovata, p. 825 fig. 10, diagnosed, Playfair Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41. Ghilomonas paramcecium, structure of nucleus, Kepner & Edwards Biol. Bull. 31 pp. 213-219 6 text-figs. Ghlamydomonas lismorensis sp. n. pi. Ivi. fig. 18 var. n. ovata figs. 19, 20, G. monadina var. n. ovalis p. 827 fig. 16, G. globulosa var. n. pertusa fig. 15, G. pisiformis varr. nn. attenuata fig. 13, glaeocystiformis p. 826 fig. 14, fresh- water plankton, Australia, Playfair Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41. Chrysopyxis rousseaui sp. n. near Brussels, diagnosed, Schouteden Rev. Zool. africaine 6 p. 40 text-fig. 1. Crithidia euryophthahni sp. n. from the bug E. convivus described, McCul- loch Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool. 18 No. 5 pp. 75-88 35 text-figs. — G. inflata sp. n. from intestine of Hygrotrechus najas , described, phases in life-cycle, Vivanti Rend. Acc. Lincei (5) 26 Sem. i pp. 132-140 & 174-180 2 pis. Enteromonas hominis from a British officer, causing illness, note on structure and systematic position, Chalmers & Pekkola Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 pp. 756-761 3 text-figs. Lamblia intestinalis , division de- scribed, Wenyon & O’Connor J.R.A.M.C. 28 p. 74 pi. ii figs. 1-5.— L. ( Qiardia ) microti, mitosis described, Boeck Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool. 18 pp. 1-26 pi. i. Leidya gen. n. ( Holomastigidce fam. n.) metchnikovi sp. n., a new Trichonym- phid, diagnosed, Franqa Ann. Inst. Pasteur 30 p. 199. Leishmania braziliensis Vianna, from Venezuela, note, Iturbe & Gonzalez J. Parasitol. 4 pp. 44-47 1 fig. — 27 Prot. Systematic. — Dinoflagellata. 0431 L. tropica, notes on morphology in inoculated animals, Bouilliez Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 pp. 66-86 1 text-fig. Leptomonas ( Ilerpetoriionas ) polleniae sp. n. from intestine of P. rudis, scatophagae, pyrrhocoris, notes oh,Galli- Valerio Centrbl. Bakt. 79 Orig. pp. 41 & 42 text-fig. 1. Microglena dispar sp. n. Belgium, Schouteden Rev. Zool. africaine 6 p. 41 text-fig. 2. Ochromonas massarti sp. n. Belgium, diagnosed, Schouteden T.c. p. 42 text-fig. 3. Octomitus hominis sp. n. described, Chalmers & Pekkola J. trop. Med. 19 pp. 142-146 3 text-figs. Pelagorhynchus gen. n. for Rhyncho- monas marinus Lohm., Gulf of Lyons, described, Pavillard C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 pp. 238-241 9 text-figs. Phacotus bullatus sp. n. p. 828 pi. lvi figs. 21, 22, var. n. conicus p. 828 fig. 23 diagnosed, Playfair Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41. Pleodorina calif or nica Shaw, notes, Smith Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 18 pp. 99-101. Pteromonas cruciata sp. n., with var. n. pulchra, p. 829 pi. lvi figs. 24-26, Playfair Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41. Prymncsium saltans Massart, refound and described, Schouteden Rev. Zool. africaine 6 p. 47 text-fig. 6. Schizobodo nom. n. proposed for Flagellates of the genus Heteromita or Prowazekella (e.g., S. tarentolae), Chat- Ton C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 p. 559. Trachelomonas andicola pi. ix fig. 3, chilensis fig. 5, spp. ri., Burger Anales Univ. Santiago 122 p. 160. Tricercomonas gen. n. intestinalis sp. n. from Man described, Wen yon & O’Connor J.R.A.M.C. 28 pp. 87 & 88 pi. iii figs. 1-11. Trichomastix hominis sp. n. morph- ology, Chatterjee Ind. J. Med. Res. 5 pp. 217-221 pis. xxxii & xxxiii. — T. saurii sp. n. from AmpMsbaena sp., FonsecA Brazil Medico 31 p. 305. Trichomonas, notes on life-cycle and relation to host, Hadley Amer. Nat. 51 pp. 209-224 12 text-figs. — T. ( Tetra - trichomonas) buccalis sp. n. (Goodey) occurrence and note, Goodey & Wbllings Parasitol. 9 pp. 554-557 pi. xxii. — T. (T.) hominis, from human mouth, morphology and behaviour on cultivation, Ohira & Noguchi J. exp. Med. 25 pp. 341-347 pis. xxxiv-xxxvii. — T. intestinalis, formation of resistant cysts, Lynch J. Parasitol. 3 pp. 28-33 12 text-figs. — T. ninae kohl-yakimovi sp. n. from Limnatis turlcestanica, Yakimoff Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 pp. 293 & 294. Trypanophis grobbeni, note on struc- ture, Floyd Proc. R. Physic. Soc. 20 pp. 62-64 pi. ii. Trypanoplasma ninae kohl-yakimovi sp. n. from Silurus sp., Yakimoff & Schokiior Rev. Zool. Russe 2 p. 24. Trypanosoma marocanum, distinct from evansi , soudanense , berberuni, Laveran Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 pp. 850-856. — T. sp., monomorphic (intermediate between T. uniforme & T. vivax) from human blood. Gold Coast, Macfie Brit. Med. J. 1917 i pp. 12 & 13. Waskia gen. n. intestinalis sp. n. from Man described, Wenyon & O’Connor J.R.A.M.C. 28 pp. 84-86 pi. iv. — W. wenyoni sp. n. from Cebus car ay a, Fonseca Brazil Medico 31 p. 417. (b) Silicoflagellata. [Vacant.] (c) Dinoflagellata. Dinoflagellates, plankton, Plymouth Sound, notes, Lebour J. Marine Biol. Ass. 11 pp. 183-200 14 text-figs. Gorbicula socialis, plankton. Gulf of Lyons described, Pavillard C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 p. 925 text-figs. 1-3. Erythropsis, note on morphology and orientation, Kofoid & Swezy Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool. 18 pp. 89-102 12 text-figs. Exuviaella globosa p. 98, perforata p. 99, text-fig. 7, spp. n., North Sea plankton, Gran Bull, plankt. Explor. mer. 1912. Cochlodinium pulchellum sp. n. Ply- mouth Sound, LebouR J. Marine Biol. Ass. 11 p. 197 text-fig. 14. Gymnodinium viridis p. 189 text-fig. 4, achromaticum p. 190 fig. 5, triangu- laris p. 192 fig. 7, minor p. 192 fig. 8, 28 Prot. II. Protozoa. filum p. 193 fig. 9, spp. n., Plymouth Sound, Lebour T.c. Peridinium minusculum Pav., note, Pavillard 0. R. Acad. Sci. 164 p. 927 text-figs. 6-9. Spirodinium concentricum p. 194 text-fig. 11, glaucum p. 196 fig. 13, spp. n., Plymouth Sound, Lebour J. Marine Biol. Ass. 11. Thaurilens gen. n. (allied to Peridi- nida ?) denticulata sp. n. occurrence and note, Pavillard C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 p. 926 text-figs. 4 & 5. (d) Rhynchoflagellata. [Vacant.] 5. CILIOPHORA (INFUSORIA). (a) Ciliata. Anoplophrya poly dor at sp. n. from P. socialis , Faria, Cunha & Fonseca Brazil Medico 31 p. 243. Aspidisca Ehrbg., systematic account of genus and species. Plough Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 35 pp. 233-244 15 text-figs. Balantidium orchestium sp. n. from sand-fleas, note, Watson J. Parasitol. 2 pp. 145 & 146 5 text-figs. Cryptochilum echini, gametogony in, Russo Monit. Zool. ital. 27 pp. 74-77 pi. iii. Cyttarocylis ( Coxliella ) helicoidea sp. n., Rio de Janeiro, Faria & Cunha Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 9 p. 72 pi. xxvi figs. 5 & 6. — C. sp. incert. (near ehrenbergi), note on, McMurrich Contrib. Canad. Biol. 1915-1916 p. 4. Didinium nasutum, structure and life history, Calkins J. Exp. Zool. 19 pp. 225-241 1 pi. Espejoia gen. n. (Holotricha) obtusa sp. n. Chile, Burger Anales Univ. Santiago 122 p. 175 pi. xiv fig. 7. Glaucoma paradoxa sp. n. Chile, Burger T.c. p. 174 pi. xiv fig. 4. Lacrymaria coni forme, pi. xi fig. 6, clliptica fig. 7 p. 167, metabolica fig. 9 p. 168, spp. n., Chile, Burger T.c. Loxodes rostrum and striatus, de- scription, question of specific dis- tinctions, Penard Rev. Suisse Zool. 25 pp. 453-489 12 text-figs. — L. sp. (prob. new), near L. rostrum , note, [1917] Darling Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 35 pp. 64 & 65. Metaphrya gen. n. ( Anoplophryiidae ) sagittae sp. n. from body-cavity of Sagitta described, Ikeda Annot. Zool. Japon. 9 pp. 317-324 6 text-figs. Opercularia wallgreni sp. n. diagnosed, Grier Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 35 p. 138 pi. xix. Paramcecium, recuperation by “ en- domixis,” Woodruff & Erdmann J. Exp. Zool. 17 pp. 425-517 4 pis. — P., periodic reorganisation-process in, Erdmann & Woodruff J. exp. Zool. 20 pp. 59-97 7 pis. — P. nigrum sp. n. Chile, Burger Anales Univ. Santiago 122 p. 178 pi. xii fig. 3. Prorodon rigidus pi. xi fig. 4, espejoci fig. 1 p. 169, spp. n., Chile, Burger Anales Univ. Santiago 122. Stegochilum acutum sp. n., Chile, Burger T.c. p. 177 pi. xiv fig. 5. Strombidium armatum sp. n. Chile, Burger T.c. p. 185 pi. xiii fig. 6. Tintinnopsis prowazeki sp. n. Rio de Janeiro, Faria & Cunha Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 9 p. 71 pi. xxvi fig. 1. — T. platensis sp. n. South Atlantic, Cunha & Fonseca T.c. p. 140 2 text-figs. Trichodina steinii Cl. & L., note on, Whitehead J. Quek. Microsc. Cl. (2) 12 p. 545. (b) Tentaculifem (Suctoria). [Vacant.] PROTOZOA INCERTAE SED1S. Blastocystis enterocasla, minute struc- ture, outline of life-cycle, affinities (regarded as a Blastomycete, allied to Saccharomycetes), Alexeieff Arch. Zool. exp. 56 (N. et R.) pp. 113-128 3 text-figs.— B. hominis, many stages described, regarded as a degenerative form assumed by more than one intestinal Protozoan parasite, Swel- leng rebel Parasitol. 9 pp. 451-459 pis. xvi & xvii. — [J5., see under Flagel- lates, Bodonidae .] Bodies occurring in stools of dysen- teric patients described [several of the figs, suggest unusual forms of Enta- mcebae], Thomson & Thomson J.R.A.M.C. 27 pp, 556-560 1 pi. III. PORIFERA or SPONGIDA ARRANGED BY H. M. WOODCOCK, D.Sc. (Lond.). CONTENTS PAGE I. Titles 2 II. Subject Index: — General works, economics, and technique = 0603 . . 2 ' Anatomy = 0607 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Physiology = 0611. . .. .. .. .. .. 3 Development aud growth = 0615. . .. .. .. 3 Ethology = 0619 ». .. .. .. .. . . 3 Variation, Phylogeny = 0623 . . . . . . . . 3 Distribution, Geography = 0627 . . . . . . . . 3 III. Systematic = 0631 Porifera, general . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Calcarea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Non-Calcarea . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Myxospongida (vacant) llexactinellida # . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Tetraxonida . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Homosclerophora (vacant) Astrotetraxonida Sigmatotetraxonida . . Lithistida (vacant) Euceratosa (vacant) Incertae sedis . . . . . , . . . . . . 4 (n-4840 h ) a 5 to co 2 Por. III. Porifera or Spongida. [1917] I.— TITLES. Bryce, D. On the spicular structure of a sponge, Geodia japonica. London J. Quek. Microsc. Cl. (2) 13 1916 (193-195). 1 Carr, J. W. The invertebrate fauna of Nottinghamshire. Nottingham (J. and H. Bell) 1916 8 vo. (viii + 618). 2 Dendy, A. The chessman spicule of the genus Latrunculia ; a study in the origin of specific characters. (Presidential Address.) London J. Quek. Microsc. Cl. (2) 13 1917 (231- 246) pis. xv-xvii. 3 Dendy, A. and Nicholson, J. W. On the influence of vibrations upon the form of certain sponge-spicules. London Proc. R. Soc. B 89 1917 (573- 587). 4 Gravier, J. Sur ^association d’une epongo silicieuse, d’uno anemone do mer et d’un Anndlide PolycliMe des profondours do l’Atlantique. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (333-336). 5 Green, Bessie vide Smith, F. Hallmann, E. F. A revision of the genera with microscleres included, or provisionally included, in the family Axinellidae ; with descriptions of some Australian species. Part iii. Sydney N.S.W. Proc. Linn. Soc. 41 1916 (1917) (634-675) with pis. 6 Hallmann, E. 'F. On the genera Echinaxia and Rhabdosigma (Porifera). Sydney N.S.W. Proc. Linn. Soc. 42 1917 (391-405) pis. xxi & xxii. 7 Jorgensen, Olga M. Reproduction in Grantia compressa. Newcastle Rep. Dove Marine Lab. N.S. 6 1916-1917 (1917) (26-32) 1 pi. 8 Kindle, E. M. Notes on the bottom environment of the marine Inverte- brates of Western Nova Scotia. Ottawa Nat. 30 1917 (149-154). 9 Linder, Ch. Culture des eponges. Arch. Sci. Phys. Gen6ve 38 1914 (207). 10 Maluquer, J. Organitzacio i incre- ment de la seccio oceanografica. Junta Ci. Nat. Barcelona 2 1917 (203-238). 11 Mather, K. F. The Trenton Fauna of Wolfe Island, Ontario. Ottawa Nat. 31 1917 (33-40) pi. i. 12 Nicholson, J. W. vide Dendy, A. Row, R. W. [the late]. Porifera. Zool. Record London 52 1915 (1917) (1-8). 13 Schouteden, H. Mission Stappers au Tangariyika-Moero. Note sur les Spongillcs. Rev* Zool. africaine Brux- elles 5 1917 (166 & 167). 14 Smith, F. and Green, Bessie. The Porifera, Oligochaeta and certain other groups of Invertebrates in the vicinity of Douglas Lake, Michigan. Lansing Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 17 1915 (1916) (81-84). 15 Stephens, Jane. Sponges collected by the dredging expeditions of the Royal Irish Academy and Royal Dublin Society. Dublin Proc. R. Irish Acad. 34 Sect. B 1917 No. 1 (1-16) pi. i. 16 Topseut, E. Spongiaires. (In : Charcot, 2mo expedition antarctique fran^aise, 1908-1910). Paris (Masson et Cie) 4 to 1917 (1-88) 6 pis. 17 Walcott, C. N. Cambrian geology and Palaeontology. IV. No. 2. The Alberlella-iauna in British Columbia and Montana. Washington Smith- sonian Misc. Coll. 67 No. 2 1917 (9-59) pis. 1-7. 18 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. GENERAL, ECONOMICS AND TECHNIQUE. 0603 Bibliography. Row, 13. Museum Collections. Maluquer, 11. Spongiculture. Linder, 10. ANATOMY. 0607 Skeleton. Bryce, 1 ; Dendy, 3. 3 Par. Systematic. PHYSIOLOGY. 0611 Environmental Effects. Dendy & Nicholson, 4. DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH. 0615 Reproduction. Jorgensen, 8. ETHOLOGY. 0619 Symbiosis. Gravier, 5. VARIATION, PHYLOGENY. 0623 Origin of specific Characters. Dendy, 3. Phylogeny. Jorgensen, 8. DISTRIBUTION (GEOGRAPHY). 0627 Geographical (Recent). Europe. Carr, 2 ; Stephens, 16. America. Kindle, 9 ; Smith & Green, 15. Africa. Schouteden, 14. Australia. Hallmann, 6 & 7. Antarctic. Topsent, 17. Geological (Fossil). Primary. Mather, 12 ; Walcott, 18. III.— S YSTEMATIC. 0631 PORIFERA, GENERAL. Sponges, from the 2nd French Ant- arctic Expedition (Charcot), with new forms, described ; Topsent 1917 pp. 1-88 6 pis. CALC AREA. Grantia compressa, germ-cells, de- velopment, affinities of Calcarea with Choanoflagellates ; Jorgensen Rep- Dove Marine Lab. 6 pp. 26-32 1 pi. NON-CALCAREA. (a) Myxospongida. [Vacant.] (b) Ilexactinellida. Aulorossella rjaini Tops. p. 18 pi. v fig. 2, aperta Tops. p. 20 pi. iv fig. 4, pi. v fig. 3, Antarctic described ; Top- sent 2me Exped. frang. 1917. Gymnorossella inermis Tops., Ant- arctic, p. 22 pi. i fig. 1 and pi, v fig. 4 ; Topsent T.c. Bossella podagrosa Kirkp. subsp. n. tenuis ; p. 15; Topsent T.c. — R. raco- vitzae microdiscina Tops. ; Topsent T.c. p. 12 pi. iv fig. 10, pi. v fig. 5. Sarostegia oculata, Cape Verde Isles, symbiotic association with an Actinian and a Polychaete ; Gravier C.R. Acad. Sci. 164 pp. 333-336. Scolymastra joubini Tops. p. 27 pi. ii fig. 4, pi. v fig. 1 ; Topsent 2tne. Exped. frang. 1917. (c) Tetraxonida. (i) Homosclerophora, [Vacant.] (ii) AstPvOTetraxonida. Geodia japonica, note on spicules ; Bryce J. Quek. Micro'sc. Cl. (2) 13 pp. 193 and 194. (iii) SlGMATOTETRAXONIDA. Allantella gen. n. for Trachyledania arbor ea, Keller ; Hallmann Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 p. 675. Anchinoe loxifera subsp. antarctica Tops. p. 43 pi. iv. fig. 5 pi. vi. fig. 5 ; Topsent 2me Exped. fran^. 1917. Axidragma gen. n. for Axinella padina Tops., Hallmann Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 p. 638. Axinetlidae, revision of genera with microscleres in ; Australian species described ; Hallmann Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 pp. 634-675 pis. xxix, xxxii, xxxvii, and xxxix-xliv, p.p. 4 Por. III. Porifera or Spongida. [1917] Axinectya gen. n. iovAxinella mariana Ridl. and Dendy ; Hallmann op. cit. 42 p. 393. Calyx stipitatus Tops. p. 81 pi. iv fig. 13, pi. vi fig. 24, Topsent 2me Exped. antarct. frail g. 1917. Clathrissa glaberrima Tops. p. 46 pi. ii fig. 2, pi. vi fig. 3 ; Topsent T.c. Dendoryx ramilobosa Tops. p. 47 pi. iii fig. 3, pi. vi fig. 6, described ; Topsent T.c. Desmoxya gen. n. for Higginsia lunata Carter, described ; Hallmann Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 p. 649 pi. xxix fig. 5, pi. xxxviii fig. 5, pi. xliv fig. 4. Dragmacidon gen. n. for Thrinaco- phora agariciformis Dendy, and other forms ; Hallmann T.c. p. 639. Dragmaiella gen. n. for Desmacella aberrans Tops. ; Hallmann T.c. p. 640. Echinaxia frondula (Whitelegge) de- scribed ; Hallmann op. cit. 42 pp. 391- 398 pi. xxi figs. 3 and 4, pi. xxii. Ephydatia fluviatilis, occurrence in Notts. ; Carr Invertebrate Fauna of Notts. 1916 p. 2. Forcepia fragilis sp. n., occurrence and diagnosis ; Stephens Proc. R. Irish Acad. 34 Sect. B p. 9 pi. i fig. 2. Gelliodes spongiosus Tops. p. 74 pi. vi fig. 21, benedeni Tops. var. n. fortior p. 75 pi. ii fig. 1, pi. vi fig. 22 ; Top- sent 2me. Exped. antarct. franc. 1917. Gellius tremulus Tops. p. 79 pi. i fig. 7, pi. vi fig. 20, tencllus Tops. p. 80 pi. vi fig. 23 ; Topsent T.c. Guitarra sigmatifera Tops. p. 71 pi. i fig. 6, pi. vi fig. 16 ; Topsent T.c. Helerectya gen. n. for Raspailia (?) villosa Thiele ; Hallmann Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 42 pp. 393 and 394. Homoeodictya erinacea Tops. p. 68 id. iii fig. 1, pi. vi fig. 15, hirhpatrichi Tops. p. 70 j 1. i fig. 2, pi. vi fig. 14 ; Topsent 2me Exped. antarct. franc;. 1917. Hymeuiacidon torquata Tops, de- scribed, p. 40 ; Topsent T.c. Laoucenia nom. n. proposed for generic names Laotho'e, and Narnia (praeocc.) ; Hallmann Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 p. 675. Latrunculia apicalis and bocagei » chessman spicules and their formation ; Dendy J. Quek. Microsc. Cl. (2) 13 pp. 231-246 pis. xv-xvii. Microxina charcoti Tops. p. 73 pi. i fig. 3, pi. ii fig. 3, pi. vi fig. 17 ; Top- sent 2me Exped. antarct. franc;-. 1917. Mycale ( Paresperella ) atlantica sp. n. described, Stephens Proc. R. Irish Acad. 34 Sect. B p. 7 pi. i fig. 1. Myxilla elongata Tops. p. 54 pi. iv fig. 3, pi. vi fig. 11 magna Tops. p. 56 pi. iii fig. 4, pi. vi fig. 9, pislillaris Tops. p. 57 pi. i fig. 5, pi. vi fig. 8 ; Top- sent 2me Exp6d. antarct. franc;. 1917. Ophlitasponyia flabellata Tops. ; Top- sent T.c. p. 41 pi. i fig. 4, pi. vi fig. 2. Paralimea gen. n. ( Spirastrellidae ), for Bubaris constellata Bowerb. ; Hall- mann Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 p. 675. Rhabdosigma mammillata (White- legge) descr., Hallmann op. cit. 42 pp. 399-404 pi. xxi figs. 1 and 2. Rhaphoxya gen. n. ( Axinellidae ) p. 641, typica sp. n. Port Phillip, de- scribed, p. 643 pi. xxix fig. 3, pi. xxxviii figs. 8, 9, pi. xxxix fig. 5, pi. xlii figs. 1, 2, R. (?) (Rhaphisia) pallida (Dendy), p. 646 pi. xxxiii fig. 6, pi. xliii figs. 1, 2 ; Hallmann op. cit. 41. Strongylamma gen. n.for Chondropsis carteri Dendy ; Hallmann T.c. p. 643. Stylopus fristedti Tops. p. 52 ; Top- sent 2me Exped. antarct. franc;. 1917. Tedania oxeata Tops. p. 61 pi. iv fig. 14, pi. vi fig. 19 ; Topsent T.c. Thrinacophora simplex Tops. p. 39 pi. iv fig. 12, pi. vi fig. 1, Antarctic, de- scribed ; Topsent T.c. Toxemna gen. n. for Desmacella tubu- lata (type) and D. fragilis ; Hallmann Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 p. 673. (iv) Lithistida. [Vacant.] (d) Euceratosa. [Vacant.] PORIFERA INCERTAE SEDIS. iTholiasterella (?) hindei sp. n. Cam- brian, British Columbia, Walcott Smithson. Misc. Coll. 67 No. 2 p. 25 pi. iv fig. 1. IV. COELENTERATA ARRANGED RY F. W. EDWARDS. CONTENTS PAGE' I. Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 II. Subject Index: — General and Miscellaneous = 0803 . . . . . . 6 Structure = 0807 . . . . . . . , . . . . 6 Physiology = 0811. . .. .. .. .. .. 6 Development = 0815 . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ethology = 0819 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Variation and Phylogeny = 0823. . . . . . . . 7 Distribution = 0827 : — Geographical . . . . . . . , . . . . 7 Geological .. .. .. .. .. ... 7 ttl. Systematic Index = 0831 : — Hydrozoa (= Hydromedusae) . . .. .. .. 8 Graptolithida . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Scyphozoa (= Scyphomedusae) .. .. .. .. 8 Anthozoa : — Alcyonaria . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Zoaritharia . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Ctenophora . . . . . . * . . . . . 10 b 1 (h-4840 i) 2 Cal. IV. Coelenterata. [1917] I.— TITLES. Badham, C. On a larval Actinian parasitic in a Rliizostome. London Quart. Journ. Microsc. Sci. 62 1917 (221-230). 1 Abendanon, E. C. vide Dollfus, Cl. F. Bedot, M. Sur le genre Kirchen- paueria. Rev. Suisse Zool. Geneve 24 1916 (637-648). 2 Bedot, M. Le genre Antennella. Rev. Suisse Zool. Geneve 25 1917 (111— 129). 3 Bedot, M. Le genre Nemertesia. Genkve Mem. Soc. Phys. 39 1 1916 (15- 52). 4 Bigelow, II. B. Explorations of the coast water between Cape Cod and* Halifax in 1914 and 1915, by the U.S. Fisheries schooner Grampus. Ocean- ography and plankton. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll. 61 1917 (163-357). 5 Broch, Hjalmar. Results of Dr. E. Mjobergs Swedish scientific expeditions to Australia 1910-1913. 11. Alcyo- naria. Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 52 No. 11 1916 (42) 4 pis. 62 text-figs. [0827 0831]. 6 Broch, H. Hydroiduntersuchungen. iv. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der gono- phoren der Tubulariiden K. Norsk e Vidensk. Sels. Skr. 1914 1 No. 2 [1915] (1-17) 4 Taf. 7 Broch, H. Hydroida (pt. 1). Copen- hagen Danish Ingolf-Expeditions 5 1916 (1-66) pis. i-ii. 8 Carlgren, Oskar. Acliniaria and Zoantharia of the Danmark Expedition. K0benhavn Medd. Gronl. 43 No. 19 1917 (505-507). [Also issued separately as Danmark-Exped. Grdnlands Nor- d0stkyst. 1906-08 3 19, 1916]. 9 Cary, L. R. The influence of the marginal sense organs on the rate of regeneration in Cassiopea xamachana. Philadelphia J. Exper. Zool. 21 1916 (1- 32). 10 Cary, L. R. Studies on the physio- logy of the nervous system of Cassiopea xamachana. Washington D. C. Car- negie Inst. Year Book 15 1916 [1917] (195-201). 11 Cary, L. R. Observations upon the growth-rate and oecology of Gorgonians. Papers Tortugas Lab. Carnegie Inst. Washington 5 1914 (79-90) pis. i-ii. 12 Cary, L. R. The part played by Alcyonaria in the formation of some Pacific coral reefs. Washington D. C. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 3 1917 (545-548). 13 Child, C. M. The gradient in suscep- tibility to cyanides in the meridional conducting path of the Ctenophore Mnemiopsis. Amer. J. Physiology 43 1917 (87-112). 14 Dehorne, Mile. Yvonne. Note sur un Stromatopore nouveau du Lusitanien de Cezimbra (Portugal). Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (117). 15. Dehorne, Mile. Yvonne. Sur une espece nouvelle de Stromatopore du calcaire & Hippurites : Actinostroma kiliani. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (225-227). 16 Dehorne, Mile. Yvonne. Sur la presence du genre Stromtoporella Nichol- son dans le Stmonien des environs do Martigues (Bonches-du- Rhone). Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (67-70). • 17 Dehorne, Mile. Yvonne. A propos de la constitution microscopic] ue du sque- lette des Stromatoporides. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (764-767). 18 Dehorne, Yvonne. Stromatopores du Givetien de Glageon (Nord). Paris Bull. Soc. geol. 16 1916 [1917] (180-185) pi. v. 19 jDollfus, G. F. Paleontologie du voyage a l’ile Celebes de M. E. C. Abendanon. E. G. Abendanon. Geolo- gisclie en geografische doorkruisingen van Midden-Celebs. Leiden (E. J. Brill) 3 1917 (959-1016) 4 Taf. 28 cm. 19a 3 Cod. Titles. 0800 Duncan, F. M. Some methods of pre- serving marine biological specimens. London J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1917 (521- 529). 20 Etheridge, R. junr. An Australian Amphipora. Sydney Rec. Austr. Mus. 11 1917 (239-241) pis. xliv and xlv. 21 Evans, W. Obelia gelatinosa, Pall., in the Firth of Forth. Scottish Nat. 62 1917 (47). 22 Faura y Sans, M. Sintesis estrati- grafica de los terrenos primarios de Cataluna con una descripcion de los yacimentos fossiliferos mds ptincipales. Madrid Mem. R. Soc. esp. Hist. Nat. 9 1913 (1-202) lam. i-ix. 23 Felix, J. Jungtertiare und Quartare Anthozoen von Timor und Obi. Aus J. Wanner : Palaontologie von Timor. Lief. 2. Stuttgart 1915 (43 p.) 2 Taf. 24 Foerste, A. F. Upper Ordovician formations in Ontario and Quebec. Ottawa Canada Dept. Mines. Geol. Surv. Mem. 83 1916 (1-279). Foerste, Aug. F. Notes bn Silurian fossils from Ohio and other central States. Ohio Journ. Sci. 17 1917 (187 — 204, 233-268) pis. viii-xii. 26 Fourtau, R. Palaeontological notes. In : Hume, W. F. Report on the oilfields region of Egypt. Cairo Survey Dept. Geol. Rept. 1916 (82-94) pi. ix. 27 Freeh, F. Ober die Verbreitung der Calceolaiormen in Asien. N. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart 1916 2 (45-46). 28 Fuchs, A. Der Hunsriickschiefer und die Unterkoblentzscliichten am Mittel- rhein (Loreleigegend). l.Tiel. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hunsriickschiefer und Unterkoblentzfauna der Loreleigegend. Berlin Abh. Geol. Landesanst. N. F. 79 1915 (1-80) pis. i-xviii. [Includes des- criptions (as new) and figures of some species diagnosed by the writer in 1899, 1901 and 1907]. 29 Gravier, Ch. Sur un type nouveau d’Actinie de Pile San Thome (Golfe de Guinea). Bull. Mus. d’HiBt. Nat. Paris 22 1916 (234-236). 30 Gravier, Ch. J. Sur l’association d’une Eponge silicieuse, d’une Anemone de mer et d’un Annelide polychbte des profondeurs de l’Atlantique. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (333-336). 31 — Gregory, J. W. Thomson’s genera of Scottish Carboniferous corals. Glasgow Trans. Geol. Soc. 16 1917 (220-243). 32 Gregory, J. W. Octotremacis , its structure, affinities and age. London Geol. Mag. (6) 4 1917 (9-12). 33 Hargitt, George T. Germ cells of Coelenterates. ii Clava leptostyla. J. Morph. Philadelphia Pa. 27 1916 (85- 93). 34 Hargitt, G. T. Germ cells of Coel- enterates. iii. Aglantlia digitalis, iv. Hybocodon prolifer. J. Morph. Phila- delphia 28 1917 (593-642) 6 pis. 35 Harvey, E. N. Studies on bio- luminescence. vi. Light production by a Japanese Pennatulid, Cavernularia liaberi. Amer. J. Physiology 42 1917 349-358). 36 Hatai, S. Changes in the chemical composition of starving Cassiopea xamaehana. (Preliminary report.) Washington D. C. Carnegie Inst. Year Book 15 1916 [1917] (206-207). 37 Hatai, S. On the composition of the medusa, Cassiopea xamaehana , and the changes in it after starvation. Washing- ton D. C. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 3 1917 (22-24); 38 Hayasaka, Ichiro. On a now Ilydro- zoan fossil from the Torinosu-limestono of Japan. Sendai Japan. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ. 4 1917 (55-60) pi. xiv. 39 Hilton, W. A. Notes on Coelenterates and Echinoderms from Laguna Beach. J. Ent. Zool. Claremont Calif. 8 1916 (88-93). 40 Jaderholm, Elof. Zoologische Ergeb- nisse der schwedischen Expedition nach Spitsbergen 1908 unter Leitung von Prof. G. De Geer, Teil 2 4. Die Ilydroiden des Eisfjords. Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 54 No. 4 1916 (14) 1 textfig. 41 Jaderholm, Elof. Results of Dr. E. Mjobergs Swedish scientific expeditions to Australia 1910-1913. 12. Hydroiden. Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 52 No 12 1916 (9) 5 textfigs. 42 v Jimenez de Cisneros, 1). Noticia acerca de algunos fosiles devonicos del Gabinete de Historia Natural del Colegio de Santo Domingo de Orihuela. Bol. Soc. Aragon. Ci. Nat. 16 1917 (205-209). 43 4 God. iv. Coelenterata. [1917] Jungersen, H. F. E. Alcyonarian and Madreporarian corals in the museum of Bergen, collected by the Fram- Expedition 1898-1902 and by the “Michael Sara” 1900-1900. Bergens Mus. Aarbok 1915-1916 0 (1-44). 44 Jungersen, Hector F. E. Alcyonaria, Antipatharia og Madreporaria. A conspectus of the Alcyonaria, Antipa- tharia and Madreporaria of Greenland. K^benhavn Medd. Grjfal. 23 1917 (1153- 1212). 45 Jungersen, H. F. E. The Alcyonaria of East Greenland. Medd. Gronl, 43 No. 18 1917 (485-503). [Also separately as Danmark Exp. til Gronlands Nordostkyst 1906-1908. 3 No. 18 (487- 583)]. 46 Kilian, W. et C. Sur une formation lAcifale a Stromatopores dans l’Urgonien de Chamechaude (massif de la Grande- Chartreuse). Grenoble Trav. Lab. G6ol. 11 1917 (70-73) 2 pis. 47 Kramp, P. L. Hydroider The Ily- droida of Greenland. Ivobenhaven Medd. Gr0nl. 23 1917 (951-1080). 48 KUkenthal, W. System und Stam- mesgeschichte der lsididao. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 46 1915 (110-124). 49 KUkenthal, W. System und Stam- mesgeschichte der Plexauridae. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 48 1917 (340-347). 50 Lang, W. D. Homoeomorphy in fossil corals. London P. Geol. Ass. 28 1917 (85-94). 51 Lashley, K. S. Results of continued selection in Hydra. Philadelphia J. Exper. Zool. 20 1916 (19-25). 52 Latham, V. A. Mounting Zoophytes and Polyzoa. Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 34 1915 (55-56). 53 Lebour, Marie V. The Microplank- ton of Plymouth Sound from the region beyond the breakwater. Plymouth J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 11 1917 (133-182). 54 v Leidhold, Cl. Devon Fossilien von der Bithynischen Halbinsel (Kleinasien). Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 69 1917 (308 347) Taf. xi-xiii. 65 Loeb, G. and Wasteneys, II. A re- examination of the applicability of the Bunsen-Koscoe law to the phenomena of heliotropism. J. Exp. Zool. 22 1917 (187-192). 56 Loeb,J. and Wasteneys, H. The relative efficiency of various parts of the spectrum for the heliotropic re- actions of animals and plants. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 19 1915 (23 -35) tables. 56a Maluquer, J. Organitzacio i incre- ment de la seccio ocean ografica. Col- lections d’ animals Marins. Junta Ci. Nat. Barcelona. 2 1 1917 (216-238). 57 Martin, K. Bemerkungen uber soge- nannt oligocane und andere Versteine- rungen von Celebes. Leiden Samml. Geol. Reiclismus. 2 7 1917 (299-307 . 58 Mayer, A. G. Nerve-conduction in Cassiopea. Washington D. C. Carnegie Inst. Year Book 15 1916 [1917] (212- 217). 59 Mayer, A. G. Coral reefs of Tutuila, with reference to the Murray-Agassiz solution theory. Washington D. C. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 3 1917 (522-526). 60 Mayer, A. G. Report upon the Scyphomedusae collected by the United States Bureau of Fisheries steamer “ Albatross ” in the Philippine Islands and Malay Archipelago. Washington D. C. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 100 1917 (171-233;. 61 Mietens, H. Sur la conservation des Siphonophores. Rev. Zool. Russe Moscou 1 1916 (304). 62 Milligan, H. N. S agar tia parasitica mounting on shells. Zoologist London 20 1916 (39-40). 63 Milligan, If. N. Opelet sea-anemone temporarily attached to shore-crab. Zoologist London 20 1916 (80). 64 M0rner, G. T: Uber des Vorkommen von Brom in organischer Bindung inner- halb der Tierwelt. K. Norske Vidensk. Sels. Skr. 1914 1 No. 3 (1-17). 65 Nielsen, K. Brunnich. Heliopora incrustans nov. sp. With a survey of the Octocorallia in the deposits of the Danian in Denmark. K0benhavn, Medd. Geol. 5 8 1917 (1-13). 66 Nomland, J. O. Corals from the Cretaceous and Tertiary of California and Oregon. Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 9 1916 (59-76) pis. iii-vi. 67 5 Gcel. Titles. 0800 Nomland, J. 0. New fossil corals from the Pacific Coast. Berkeley Cal. Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 10 1917 (185-190) pi. v. 68 Okada, Yo. Takokurage no undo ni tsuite. [On the movements of Mastigias phy8ophora .] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 1917 (389-400). 69 Okubo, Tadaharu. Hokkaido san jujisuiborui ichi shinzoku. (Preliminary note on a new genus of stauromedusae from Hokkaido). Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 1917 (317-322). 70 Qpenshaw, A. E. Notes on the re- production of Hydra. Rep. Manchester Microsc. Soc. 1916 [1918] (46-49). 71 Oppenheim, P. Ueber Balanophyllia porieni, n. sp. aus dem Quartar der Strophaden und Stephahophyllia schwein- furthi n. sp. aus der obersten Kreide von Ober Aegypten. N. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart 1917 1 (1-8) Taf. i. 72 Oppenheim, P. Ober das Alter der Libyschen Stufe Zittel’s und eine neue Stephanophyllia (St. schwein furthii n sp.) aus der Blatterkonen des Danien in A gyp ten. Stuttgart Centralbl. Min. 1917 (41-48 55-62). 73 Oppenheim, P. Zur Geologie der Strophaden. Stuttgart Centralbl. Min. 1916 (221-229 254-260) 74. Ostenfeld, C. H. Catalogue des especes de plantes et d’animaux observes dans le Plankton recueilli pendant les expeditions depuis le tnois de Juillet 1908 jusqu’au tnois de Decembre 1911. Copenhague Publ. de Circ. 70 1916 (1-87) 75 Park, J. On a new species of coral from the lower Oamaruian tuffs near Deborah, Oamaru. Wellington Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49 1917 (396) pi. xxvii. 76 Parker, G. H. and Titus, E. G. The structure of Metridium ( Actinoloba ) marginatum Milne-Edwards with special reference to its neuro-muscular mech- anism. Philadelphia J. Exper. Zool 21 1916 (433-460) l pi. 77 Parker, G. II. The effector systems of Actinians. Philadelphia J. Exper. Zool. 21 1916 (461-484). 78 Parker, G. H. Nervous transmission n the Actinians. Philadelphia J. Exp. Zool. 22 1917 (87-94). 79 (n-4840 i) Parker, G. II. The inovemeuts of the tentacles in Actinians. Philadelphia J. Exp. Zool. 22 1917 (95-110). 80 Parker, G. H. Pedal locomotion in Actinians. Philadelphia J. Exp. Zool. 22 1917 (111-124). 81 Parker, G. H. Actinian behaviour. Philadelphia J. Exper. Zool. 22 1917 (193-229). 82 Parker, G. H. The power of suction in the sea-anemone Cribrina. Phila- delphia J. Exper. Zool. 24 1917 (219- 222). 83 Parker, G. H. The activities of Corymorpha. Philadelphia J. Exper. Zool. 24 1917 (303-331). 84 Parker, G. H. The responses of hydroids to gravity. Washington D. C. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 3 1917 (72-73). 85 Place, J. A. The Morphology, structure and development of Rydrac- tinia polyclina. Lancaster Pa. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 36 1917 (83-91) pis. viii-ix. 86 Foche, Franz. Ober das System der Anthozoa und einige allgemeino Fragen der zoologischen Systematik. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 46 1915 (6-16 33-43). 87 Reed, F. R. C. Ordovician and Silurian fossils from Yunnan. Pal. Ind. Calcutta 6 3 1917 (1-70) pis. i-viii. 88 Richter, R. Zur stratigraphischen Beurteilung von Calceola (Calceola 8andalina Lam. n. mut. lata und alto). N. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart 1916 2 (31-44) Taf. iii-vi. 89 Robinson, W. J. The relationship of the Tetracoralla to the Hexacoralla. New Haven Conn. Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts Sci. 21 1917 (145-200). 90 Roskine, G. La structure des prolongements musculaires de la cellule epith^lio-musculaire de l’hydre. Paris C. R. Soc. biol. 80 1917 (365-366). 91 Ruedemann, R. Palaeontologic con- tributions from the New York state museum. Albany N.Y. Bull. State Mus. 189 1916 (1-225) pis. i-xxxvi. 92 S&nchez y S&nchez, M. Detalles nuevos sobre la estructura de los celenteradcs. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 17 1917 (217-221). 93 b 1—2 6 Gcel . IV. Coelenterata. • [1917] Schulze, Paul. Einfache Methoden zur lebenswahren Fixierung von Actinien und Aplysia. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 44 1914 (628-630). ^ 94 Smith, S. Aulina rotiformis, gen. ot sp. nov., Phillipsastraea hennahi (Lonsdale), and Orionastrdea, gen. nov. London Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 72 1917 (280-307) pis. xxii-xxiv. 95 Spittal, Miss M. K. Some hints on keeping Hydra. Southampton Proc. Hampshire Field Club 8 1917 (100-103) 2 pis. 96 Thomson, J. S. South African Gor- gonacea. Manchester Mem. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc. 61 1917 (1-56) pis. i-v. 97 Tilmann, N. Beitrage zur Geologie und Palaontologie von Siidamerika. Die Fauna des unteren und mittleren Lias in Nord- und Mittel-Peru. N. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart 41 1917 (628-712) Taf. xxi- xxvi. 98 Trechmann, C. T. The age of the Maitai series of New Zealand. London Geol. Mag. (6) 4 1917 (53-64) pis. iv-v. 99 Vaughan, T. W. Some corals from Kermadec Islands. Wellington Trans. N.Z. Inst. 49 1917 (275-279) pis. xvii- xx. 100 [Vladimirskij, A. P.] Bjia/tHMipcKia, A. IT. Bjiianie iiTKOToptixt cpaKTO- poBT> na pereiiepaTHBiiue npogeccbi y niflpou.nOB'i. [The influence of some factors on regenerative processes in Hydroids.] Petrograd Trav. lab. zool. 4 1915 (45-103+engl. summ. 104-107) 7 tigs. 100a Wulft, R. Ein Beitrag zur Preparation fossiler Korallen. Centralbl. Min. Stutt- gart 1916 (445-446).. 101 Yahe, II. and Hayasaka, I. Palaeo- zoic Corals from Japan, Korea and China. Tokyo J. Geol. Soc. 23 1916 (65-83). 102 Yakovlev, N. N. On the organisation of the Rugose corals and the origin of their characteristic peculiarities. Lon- don Geol. Mag. (6) 4 1917 (108-115) pi. viii. 103 Yatsu, Naohide. Notes on the phy- siology of Charybdea rastonii. Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 40 art. 3 1917 (1-12). 104 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. • GENERAL. 0803 Coral Reefs ; Mayer, 60 ; Cary, 13. Technique ; Mietens, 62 : Schulze, 94 : Latham, 53 : Wulff, 101 : Duncan, 20 ; Spittal, 96. “ Fram ” and “ Michael Sars ” Expedi- tions ; Jungersen, 44. STRUCTURE. 0807 Cytology, Hydra ; Roskine, 91. Sdnchez y S&nchez, 93. Hydractinia ; Place, 86. Stromatoporoids ; Dehorne, 18. Metridium marginatum ; Parker and Titus, 77. Oetotremacis ; Gregory, 33. Rugosa ; Yakovlev, 103. Scyphomedusae ; Mayer, 61. PHYSIOLOGY. 0811 Power of suction in sou-anemones ; Parker, 83. Chemical comp. ; Mdrner, 65 : Hatai, 38. Heliotropism ; Loeb and Wasteneys, 56, 56a. Luminescence ; Harvey, 36. Response to gravity ; Parker, 85. Nerve transmission, Actinians ; Parker, 78, 79. Nervous system, Gassiopea ; Cary, 11 ; Mayer, 59. Sense organs and regeneration ; Cary, 10. Conducting paths ; Child, 14. Neuromuscular Mechanism, Metri- dium j Parker and Titus, 77. Scyphomedusae ; Mayer, 61. Movements of Mastigias ; Okada, 69 of Charybdea, Yatsu, 104 : of Actinians, Parker, 80, 81. DEVELOPMENT'. 0815 Columella ; Robinson, 90. Reproduction, Hydra ; Openshaw, 71. Regeneration j Vladimirskij. 100a Germ cells ; Hargitt, 34, 35. 7 Coal. Subject Index. — Distribution. 0827 Gonophores ; Broch, 7. Hydractinia ; Place, 86. Scyphomednsae ; Mayer, 61. ETHOLOGY'. 0819 Growth-rate ; Cary, 12. Parasitism, Peaclria hllli ; Badham, 1. Symbiosis ; Gravier, 31. Habits, Corymorpha , Parker, 84. Habits, sea anemones ; Milligan, 63, 64. Habits, Scyphomedusae ; Mayer, 61. Locomotion, actinians ; Parker, 81. Behaviour, Mitridium ; Parker, 82. AETIOLOGY. 0823 Homoeomorphy ; Lang, 51. Selection in Hydra ; Lashley, 52. DISTRIBUTION. 0827 1. Recent. Arctic ; Jaderholm, 41. N. Atlantic ; Broch, 8 : Ostenfeld, 75 : Jungersen, 44-46. Scotland ; Evans, 22. England ; Letour, 54. Spain ; Maluquer, 57. O. Verde ; Klikenthab 49. San Thome ; Gravier, 30. W. Africa ; Kttkenthal, 49. St. Paul I. ; Kiikenthal, 49. S. Africa ; Thomson, 97. Japan ; Okubo, 70 ; Kttkenthal, 49. E. Indies ; Kttkenthal, 50. Philippine Is. ; Mayer, 61 . Kermadec Is. ; Vaughan, 100. Australia; Broch, 6. Australia ; Jaderholm, 42. Greenland ; Jungersen, 45, 46 ; Kramp, 48 ; Carlgren, 9, N. America, plankton ; Bigelow, 5. California ; Hilton, 40. 2. Fossil. Palaeozoic. Spain ; Faura y Sans, 23. Ordovician. Canada ; Foerste, 25, Silurian. Ohio ; Foerste, 26. Ontario ; Ruedemann, 92. Yunnan ; Reed, 88. Australia ; Etheridge, 21, Devonian. France ; Dehorne, 19. Spain ; Jimenez de Cisneros, 43. Germany ; Fuchs, 29. Asia, Calecola ; Freeh, 28. Asia Minor ; Leidhold, 55. Carboniferous. Scotland ; Gregory, 32. England ; Smith, 95. Japan and China ; Yabe and Hayasaka, 102, Permo-Carboniferous. New Zealand ; Trechmann, 99. Jurassic. Peru ; Tilmann, 98. Cretaceous. France ; Dehorne, 16, 17. France ; Kilian, 47. Denmark ; Nielsen, 66. Egypt ; Oppenheim, 73. Japan ; Hayasaka, 39. California ; Nomland, 67. Tertiary. Portugal ; Dehorne, 15. Greece ; Oppenheim, 72. Egypt ; Fourtau, 27. Java : Gregory, 33. Timor ; Felix, 24. Celebes ; Dollfuss, 19a : Martin, 58. New Zealand ; Park, 76. California ; Nomland, 67, 68. 8 Gcel IV. Ccelenterata. [1917] III.— S Y S T E M A T I C . 0831 HYDROZOA ( = HYDROMEDUSZQ). Hydroida of Greenland, Kramp, 48. Aglantha digitalis, Harqitt, 35. Antennella, revision, Bedot, 3. fCircoporella gen. n. p. 57, for semi- clathrata sp. n. Japan Cretaceous p. 58, IIayasaka Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. 4. Clava leptostyla, Hargitt, 34. Corymorpha groenlandica, Brooh, 7. — C. pahna, Parker 85. Crambessa mosaica parasitised by Peachia larvae, Badham 1. Hybocodon prolifer, Hargitt 35. Hydraetinia polyclina, Plaoe 86. Kirchenpaueria, revision, Bedot 2. Nemertesia , monographic revision, Bedot 4. Obelia gelatinosa, Evans 22. Tubularia spp., Brooh 7. Stbomatoporidae. Reef-forming, Kilian, 47. IfAetinostroma clathratum, Dehorne, 19. — -\A . kiliani sp. n. S. France Cretaceous, Dehorne C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 p. 227. ‘ \Amphipora australasica sp. n. Australia Silurian, Etheridge Rec. Austr. Mus. lip. 239. f Parallelopora capitata, Dehorne 19. f Stromatopora c hoffati sp. n. Portugal Tertiary, Dehorne C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 p. 117. t Stromatoporella haugi sp. n. France Cretaceous, Dehorne C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 p. 70. GRAPTOLITHIDA . Species in Yunnan Silurian, Reed 88, f Airograptus gen. n. for Dictyonema furciferum, Ruedemann Bull. N.Y. State Mus. 189 1916 p. 20. \Inoeaidis kirki Ontario Silurian, Ruedemann Bull. N.Y. State Mus. 189 1916 p. 17. SC YPHOMEDLJS/E. General Account ; synopsis of Philip- pine species, many figd., Mayer 61. Cassiopea xamachaua, IIatai 37. Mastigias physophora, Okada 69. Sasakiella gen. n. (Lucernaridae) for cruciformis sp.n. Japan, Okubo Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 1917 p. 317. ANTHOZQA. Antliozoa of Greenland, Jungersen, 45, 46. System der Anthozoa, Poohe 87. Aloyonaria. Palaeozoic Tetracoralla, Robinson 90. Acanella africana S. Africa, japoniea Japan, vertieillata Siberut I., spp. n., Kukentiial Zool. Anz. 46 1915 p. 120. Alcyonium spp. on Tutuila coral-reef, Cary 13. Anthothela parvi flora sp. n. S. Africa, Thomson Manchester Mem. Phil. Soc. 61 p. 3. Anthothelidce fam. n., Anthothelince subfam. n., Australia Brooh 6. Ceratoisis chuni St. Paul p. 121, squar- rosa Japan, rigida St. Paul, macrospicu- lata C. Verde p. 122, spp. n., Kukentiial Zool. Anz. 46 1915. Calostylis, syst. position, Robinson 90. Cavernularia haberi, Harvey 36. XDendrozoum gen. n. Favositidae for rhenanum sp. n. Rhine Devonian, Fuohs Abh. geol. Landesanst. 79 1915 p. 5. Echinogorgia mertoni , abietina, sphae- rophora p. 346, gracillima p. 347, spp. n. E. Indies, Kukentiial Zool. Anz. 48. Eugorgia lineata sp. n. S. Africa, Thomson Manchester Mem. Phil. Soc. 61 p. 39. Eunephthya spp. synonymy, Junger- SEN 46. Eunicella lata, densa spp. n, W. Africa, Kukenthal Zool. Anz. 48 p. 342. Euplexaura flabellata p. 42, E. (?) kiikenthali p. 43, spp. n. Australia., Brooh Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 52 No. 11. | Favosites turbinatua, Ruedemann 92. Gorgonia flabellum , Cary 12. 9 Ccel. Systematic. — Anthozoa. 0831 f Heliopora incrustans sp. n. Denmark Cretaceous, Nielsen Medd. Geol. 5 8 p. 1. Leptogorgia africanci p. 28, aumta p. 32, spp. n. S. Africa, Thomson Manchester Mem. Phil. Soc. 61. Leptoporidae fam. n. to include Palae- acis and allies, Robinson 90. Melitodes thomsoni sp. n. Australia, Brooh Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 52 No. 11 p. 26. — M. faurii p. 6, grandis p. 8, spp. n. S. Africa, Thomson Man- chester Mem. Phil. Soc. 61. Mopsea squamosa nom. n. for flabellum Thoms., Kukenthal Zool. Anz. 46 1915 p. 124. Mopsella fragilis p. 29, rubinodis p. 31, dubia p. 32, spp. n. Australia, Broch Stockholm* Vet.-Ak. Handl. 52 No. 11.— M. singularis sp. n. S. Africa, Thomson Manchester Mem. Phil. Soc. 61 p. 10. Muricellisis gen. n. Tsididae for echinata sp. n. Japan, Kukenthal Zool. Anz. 46 1915 p. 124. Nephthyigorgia kuekenthali sp. n. Australia, Broch Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 52 No. 11 p. 9. IfPleurodictyum hunsriickianum p. 4, minimum p. 5, spp. n. Rhein Devon, Fuoiis Abh. geol. Landesanst. 79 1915. Plexaura flexuosa, Cary 12. Plexauridae revision, Kukentiial 50. Plexauroides mikrodentata p.3G, hetero- spiculata p. 37, mjobergi p. 38, multi - spinosa p. 39, P. (?) monacanthus p. 40, spp. n. Australia, Broch Stockholm Vet.- Ak. Handl. 52 No. 11. f Plumalina plumaria an Alcyonarian, Ruedemann 92 p. 10. Stachyodes capensis sp. n. S. Africa, Thomson Manchester Mem. Phil. Soc. 61 p. 25. Stenogorgia borealis sp. n. Greenland, Jungersen Medd. Grdnl. 23 p. 1186.— S. capensis sp. n. S. Africa, Thomson Manchester Mem. Phil. Soc. 61 p. 41. Subeviopsis gen. n., australis sp. n. Australia, Broch Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 52 No. Up. 15. Titanideum Mjoebergi sp. n. Australia, Broch Stockholm Vet.* Ale. Handl. 52 No. 11 p. 18. Umbellula encrinus synonymy, Jun- gerSen 46. Virgularia a finis fig., Jungersen 46. XVrightella trilineata p. 13, fragilis p. 15, furcata p. 17, spp. n. S. Africa, Thomson Manchester Mem. Phil. Soc. 61. ZOANTHARIA. Thomson’s genera, synonymy, Gregory 32. Adervularia paveyi sp. n. Ohio Silurian, Foerste Ohio J. Sci. 17 p. 198. ] Arachnastrcea gen. n. alf. Cyatho - phyllum p. 76, manchurica, coreanica spp. n. Carboniferous p. 77, Yabe & Hayasaka J. Geol. Soc. Tokyo 23 1916. | Astrceopora occidentals sp. n. Cali- fornia Tertiary, Nomland Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 10 p. 187. f Astrangia insignifica sp. n. California Pliocene, Nomland Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 9 1916 p. 65. — |A. boreas, grandis spp. n. California Tertiary, Nomland Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 10 p. 186. •j Astrocoenia lissoni sp. n. Peru Jurassic, Tilmann N. Jahrb. Min. 41 p. 701. ■\Aulina gen. n. Phillipsastraeidae for A. rotiformis sp. n. England Carboni- ferous, Smith Q. J. Geol. Soc. 72 p. 290. | Balanophyllia variabilis sp. n. Cali- fornia Eocene, Nomland Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 9 1916 jr. 66. — f B . ponteni sp. n. Greece Quaternary, Oppenheim Centralbl. Min. 1916 p. 223 and N. Jahrb. Min. 1917 1 p. 1. f Calceola, Verbreitung in Asien, Frecii, 28 ; Richter 89. f Calostylis parvula sp. n. Ohio Silu- rian, Foerste Ohio J. Sci. 17 p. 200. | Caryophyllia oregonensis sp. n. Cali- fornia Tertiary, Nomland Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 10 p. 187. Combophyllum marianum, Jimenez de Cisneros 43. • \Cyathophyllum roadsi sp. n. Ohio Silurian, Foerste Ohio. J. Sci. 17 p. 197. f Cyphastraea wanneri sp. n. Timor Tertiary, Felix Pah v. Timor 2 1915. — C. serailia , Vaughan 100. f Cystophora gen. n. aff. Phillipsastraea p. 78 type manchurica sp. n. China Car- boniferous p. 79, kikkaicai Korea p. 80, dubia Japan p 81, spp. n. Carboniferous, Yabe & Hayasaka J. Geol. Soc. Tokio 23 1916. 10 Gael. IV. Coelenterata. YDasijphyllia brevicaulis sp. n. Timor Tertiary, Felix Pal. v. Timor 2 1915. f Dendrophyllia californiana sp. n. California Tertiary, Nomland Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 10 p. 188. — ]D. hannibali, tejonensis spp. n. California Tertiary, Nomland Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 9 1.916 p. 67. I Flabellum (?) mevricimi sp. n. Cali- fornia Eocene, Nomland Univ. Cal Pub. Geol. 9 1916 p. 62. — F. redmondianum, Foerste 25. +Fungia ( Cycloseris ) halopliila sp. n. Timor Tertiary, Felix Pal. v. Timor 2 1915. ■\Goniastraea grandi flora sp. n. Timor Tertiary, Felix Pal. v. Timor 2 1915. — +G. elegant sp. n. Celebes Oligocene, Dollfus in E. 0. Abendanon, Midden- Celebes 3 p. 1000. Goniastvaea benhami sp. n. Kermadec Is., Vaugiian Trans. N.Z. Inst. 49 p.277. t Goniopora vaughani sp. n. California Eocene, Nomland Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 9 1916 p. 68. 1 Grabauphyllum gen. n. near Acervu- laria for johnutoni sp. n. Illinois Silurian, Foeiiste Ohio J. Sci. 17 p. 199. | Lithostrotion irregulare var n. asiatica , Yabe & Hayasaka J. Geol. Soc. Tokyo 23 1916 p. 65. \Madripora solida sp. n. California Pliocene, Nomland Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 9 1916 p. 64. Metridium marginatum, Parker & Titus 77 ; Parker 82. \Octotremacis Java Eocene; structure, affinities, Gregory 33. t Oculina oamaruensis sp. n. New Zealand Tertiary, Park Trans. N.Z. Inst. 49 p. 396. '\0rbieella boehmi, cralerophora spp. n. Timor Tertiary, Felix Pal. v. Timor 2 1915. — 0. cyrta, Vaughan 100. f Orionant)i’aea gen. n. type Sarcinula phillipsi McCoy, Smith Q. J. Geol. Soc. 72 p. 294. Peachia hilli , parasitic larva, Bad- ham, 1. [1917] t Phillipsaslraea, definition, genotype Smith, 95. Pocillopora bulbosa, Vaugiian 100. f Polythecalis gen. n. near Lonsdaleia p. 71, for confluent sp. n. China Car- boniferous p. 73, Yabe & Hayasaka J. Geol. Soc. Tokyo 23 1916. Rugosa, Yakovlev 103. j Siderastraea clarki sp. n. California Oligocene, Nomland Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 9 1916 p. 65. f Stephanophyliia calif ornica sp. n. California Eocene, Nomland Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 9 1916 p. 66. — |S. schwein- furthi sp. n. Egypt Cretaceous, Oppen- iieim N. Jahrb. Min. 1917 1 p. 1 and Centralbl. Min. 1917 p. 41. t Symphyllia molengraaffi sp. n. Timor Tertiary, Felix Pal. v. Timor 2 1915. Telmatactis gen. n. Sagartiidae for valle-flori sp. n. San Thome, Gravier Bull. Mus. d’Hist. Nat. 1916 p. 234. YPkamnastraea ahendanoni sp. n. Celebes Oligocene, Dollfus in E. C. Abendanon, Midde-Celebes 3 p. 1000. — f7\ fsinuata sp. n. California Eocene, Nomland Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 9 1916 p. 68. Trochocyathus zitteli , Foerste 26. YTrochocyathus imperialis, oregonen- sia p. 63, peiyranulatus p. 64, spp. n. California Eocene and Cretaceous, Nomland Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 9 1916. 1 Trochums icelleri Illinois, halli New York, spp. n. Silurian, Foerste Ohio J. Sci. 17 p. 254. Turbinaria crater, Vaugiian 100. \Turbinolia dickersoni p. 61, pusill- anima p. 62, spp. n. California Eocene, Nomland Univ. Cal. Pub. Geol. 9 1916. ifZaphrentis digoniata sp. n. Ohio Silurian, Foerste Ohio J. Sci. 17 p. 194. ■fZaphrentis sp., Trechmann 99. OTENOPHORA, Charybdea raotonii , Yatou 104. Mnemiopsis, conducting paths, Child 14. V. ECHINODERMA ARRANGED BY M. CONNOLLY. CONTENTS. PAUli I. Titles . . . . . . . . . . .... . . 4 II. Subject Index General = 1003 : — 1. Historical . . . . . . . . . . 11 2. General treatises and Monographs . . . . . . 11 3. Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . ..11 4. Pedagogy (vacant) 5. Museums .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 6. Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 7. Nomenclature . . .... . . . . . . 11 8. Local lists .. .. .. . . .. .. 11 Structure = 1007 : — 1 . General accounts 2. Symmetries (vacant) 3. Homologies of classes . . . . . . 4. Skeletal tissue or Stereom (vacant) 5. Skeletal anatomy 3. llydrocoel, Respiratory organs, etc. (vacant) 7. Other body cavities and their contents (vacant) 8. Digestive system, Cuvierian organs . . 9. Nervous system and sense-organs . . 10. Mesodermal tissues . . . . "1 11. Axial organ .. .. .. > (vac ant) 12. Generative organs and gonads J (n-4840 m ' .. 11 .. 11 ., 11 .. 11 .. 11 b 2 2 Physiology = 1011: — 1. General (vacant) 2. Circulation (vacant) 3. Respiration 4. Alimentation . . 5. Excretion 6. Sensation 7. Experimental . . PAGE 11 11 11 11 11 Development = 1015 : — 1. General principles . . .. . . 2. General accounts (vacant) 3. Formation of gonads (vacant) 4. Oviposition, Fertilisation, Segmentation 5. Larval stages 6. Organogeny (vacant) 7. Post-larval growth-stages 8. Experimental embryology 11 11 12 12 12 Ethology = 1019: — 1. General accounts (vacant) 2. Special habits 3. Habitat. . 4. Feeding 5. Defence and protection 6. Locomotion 7. Autotomy and regeneration 8. Parasites and commensals 9. Protection of young . . 10. Sexual dimorphism 11. Relation to other animals 12. Geological aspect 13. Phenology 14. Hybridization . . > ( vacant) 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 15. Echinoderms as food . . . . . 12 Variation and Aetiology = 1023 1. Variation in form . . .. 12 2. Variation in colour (vacant) 3. Variation, meristic, numerical (vacant) 4. Variation, meristic, homoeotic (vacant) 5. Variation, teratological . . 12 6. Variation, bionomic . . • • » , . . 12 7. Variation, mutational .. 8. Evolution # t # . . 12 o • • • .. 12 9. Relations to other phyla . . 12 10. Phylogeny . • . . 12 3 PAGE Distribution = 1027 : — A. Geographical — i. General .. 12 ii. Atlantic Ocean, etc. . . . . .. 12 iii. Indian Ocean, etc. . . , # .. 12 iv. Pacific Ocean, etc. . . , # .. 12 v. Arctic Ocean, etc. . . . . • • .. 12 vi, Antarctic Ocean, etc. .. 12 B. Geological— i. General • • .. 12 ii. Cainozoic — (a) General . . 12 (b) Pleistocene . . 12 (c) Pliocene . . .. 12 (d) Miocene . . .. 12 (e) Oligocene .. 12 (f) Eocene . . . . . . » . .. 13 iii. Mesozoic — (a) General .. 13 (b) Cretaceous (1. Upper; 2. Lower) .. 13 (c) Jurassic (1. Upper; 2. Lower) .. .. 13 (d) Lias (and Rhaetic) (e) Trias . . .. 13 . . 13 iv. Palaeozoic — (a) General (vacant) (b) Permian (vacant) (c) Permo-Carboniferous (vacant) (d) Upper Carboniferous (e) Lower Carboniferous (f) Devonian . . (g) Silurian . . (h) Ordovician. . (k) Cambrian [II. Systematic Index = 1031 : — a. General (vacant) b. Holothurioidea . . c. Echinoidea d. Asteroidea e. Ophiuroidea f. Crinoidea g. Oystidea and Edrioasteroidea . . h. Blastoidea k. Incertae sedis (vacant) (n-4840 m) 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 18 22 23 24 24 b 2—2 4 Echin. V. Echinoderma. [1917| I.— TITLES. [Anon.] William Bullock Clark. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (68-69). [03 1]. 1 B, F. A. The classification of the brittle-stars (being a review of “ A monograph of Japanese Ophiuroidea, arranged according to a new classifica- tion.5* By Hikoshichiro Matsumoto). Nature 100 1917 (233). [31 E.] 2 Bather, F. A. Le crinoide du Trenton, Ottawacrinus W. R. Billings. Canada Minist. Mines Comm. geol. Mus. commera. Victoria B.C. Bull. 1 1913 (1915) (1-12) pi. i. [27 B iv h ; 31 F.] 3 Bather, F. A. Note sur le genre Merocrinus Walcott. Canada Minist. Mines Comm. geol. Mus. commem. Victoria B.C. Bull. 1 1913 (1915) (13— 17). [27 B iv b ; 31 F.] 4 Bather, F. A. Illinois fossil inverte- brates. I. Atactocrinus , a new crinoid genus from the Richmond of Illinois (pp. 239-41, pi. xv). II. Description of a Ste. Genevieve limestone fauna from Monroe County, Illinois (pp. 243-65, pis. xvi-xix) by Stuart Weller, being contributions from Walker Museum, Vol. I, No. 10, University of Chicago, April, 1916. Price Is. net. Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 1917 (132-133). [27 B iv d h ; 31 F.] 5 Bather, F. A. The base in the camerate monocyclic crinoids. Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 1917 (206-212). [07 5 j 31 F!] 6 Bather, F. A. British fossil crinoids. XI. Balanocrinus of the London clay. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (8) 20 1917 (385-407). [27 B ii f ; 31 F.] 7 Bell, A. The fossils of the East Anglian Sub-Crag boxstones. Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 (407-422) [Echino- derma p. 422.] [27 B ii c ; 31 C D.] 8 Bell, A. A list of type and figured specimens in the geological gallery, Ipswich Museum. Ipswich J. Ipswich Field Club 5 1916 (1917) (41-49) [Echi- noderma p. 45.] [03 5 ; 27 B ii c ; 31 C.] 9 Bell, F. J. Echinoderma. Part I. Actinogonidiata. Brit. Antarctic (“ Terra Nova ”) Exp. 1910 Nat. Hist. Rept. Zool. 4 (1) 1917 (1-10). [27 A ii iv vi ; 31 C D E F.] 10 Boas, J. E. V. Zur Auffassung der Verwandtschaftsverhaltnisse der Tiere. I. August Bang Kobenhagen 1917 1917 (1-61) 2 pis. [15 1 5 ; 23 8 9 ; 31 B.] 11 Brown, J. Coggin. Contributions to the geology of the province of Yunnan in western China. V. Geology of parts of the Salween and Mekong Valleys. Rec. Geol. Surv. India Calcutta 47 1 91 6 (205-266). [27 B i .] 12 Brydone, R. M. The base of the chalk zone of Holaster planus in the Isle of Wight. Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 (245-249). [27 B iii b 1 ; 31 C.] 13 Buscalioni, L. and Vinassa de Regny, P. .Le pellicoledi collodion nello studio dei fossili e dei minerali. Catania Atti. Acc. Gioenia Sci. Nat. 87 (3) 1910(1-8). [03 6.] 14 Cameron, J. and Gladstone, R. J. Structural continuity of the cell-elements in the blastoderm. London Anat. Soc. G. B. Proc. 1915 (1916) (12-13). [15 1 4 5 ; 31 C.] 15 Chambers, R. Microdissection stu- dies. II. The cell aster : a reversible gelation phenomenon. J. exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 23 1917 (483- 504) 1 pi. [15 8 ; 31 C D.] 16 Charpiat, M. Au sujet d’un essai de faune des fichinides fossiles des terrains secondaires. Paris Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 22 1916 (449-450). [27 iii a.] 17 Checchia-Rispoli, G. Zuffardia nuovo genere di echinide del Senoniano della Tripolitania. Roma Rend. Accad. Lincei (5) 26 1917 (492-494) [27 B iii b 1 ; 31 C.] 18 5 Echin. Titles 1000 Child, 0. M. Axial gradients in the early development of the starfish. Amer. J. Physiol. Baltimore 37 1915 (203-219). [117; 15 4 5; 31 D.] 19 Child, 0. M. Experimental control and modification of larval development in the sea urchin in relation to the axial gradients. J. Morphology Phila- delphia Pa. 28 1916 (65-133) 8 pis. [15 5 8; 31 C D.] 20 Clark, A. H. Three interesting addi- tions to the crinoid fauna of Sagami Bay and Suruga Gulf, Japan. Washing- ton D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 29 1916 (105-108). [27 A iv ; 31 F.] 21 Clark, A. H. A new starfish from the Magellanic Region. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (7). [27 A ii ; 31 D.] 22 Clark, A. H. Two new ophiurans from the China Sea. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (13-16). [27 A iv ; 31 E.] 23 Clark, A. H. Four new echinoderms from the West Indies. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (63-70). [27 Aii; 31 D E F .] 24 Clark, A. H. Three new starfish and one new brittle-star from Chile. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917(151-158). [27 A iv ; 31 D E.] 25 Clark, A. H. Two new astroradiate echinoderms from the Pacific coast of Colombia, and Ecuador. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (171-174). [27 A iv; 31 D.] 26 Clark, II. L. Report on the sea- lilies, starfishes, brittle-stars and sea- urchins obtained by the F.I.S. “ En- deavour ” on the coasts of Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, South Australia, and Western Australia. Commonwealth Austral. Dept. Trade & Cust. Fisheries Sydney N.S.W. 4 (1) 1916 (1-123) pis. i-xliv. [27 A iv ; 31 C D E F.j 27 Clark, H. L. Reports on the scien- tific results of tho expedition to the tropical Pacific in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U.S. Fish Commission steamer “ Albatross ” from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Commander Jefferson F. Moser, U.S.N. commanding. XVIII. — Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U.S. Fish Commission steamer “ Albatross ” from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieut. Commandor L. M. Garrett, U.S.N., commanding. XXX. Ophiuroidea. Bigelow Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 61 1917 (429-453) pis. i-v. [27 A iv ; 31 E.] 28 Clark, H. L. The habits and reactions of a comatulid, Tropiometra carinata • Washington D.C. Carnegie Inst. Pub. 251 1917 (111-119). [116; 19 3 4 6 ; 23 1 2 ; 31 F.] 29 Clark, H. L. Hawaiian and other Pacific Echini. No. 2. The Eclii- noneidae, Nucleolitidae , Urechinidae, Echinocorythidae, Calymnidae, Pourta- lesiidae, Palaestomatidae, Aeropsidae, Palaeopneuslidae, H emiasteridae and Spatangidae. Cambridge Mass. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 46 1917 (81-283) pis. cxliv-clxi. [27 A iv ; 31 C.] 30 Clark, T. H. New blastoids and brachiopods from the Rocky Mountains. Bigelow Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 61 1917 (361-380) pi. i-ii. [27 B iv d ; 31 H.] ' 31 Conklin, E. G. Why polar bodies do not develop. Washington D.C. Proc. Nation. Acad. Sci. 1 1915 (491-496). [15 8 ; 31 C.] 32 Crozier, W. J. The orientation of a holothurian by light. Amer. J. Physiol. Baltimore 36 1914 (8-20). [11 6; 19 6 ; 27 A ii ; 31 B.] 33 Crozier, W. J. A note on the physio- logy of the Cuvierian organs of Holo - thuria captiva Ludw. Amer. J. Physiol. Baltimore 36 1915 (196-202). [11 5; 31 C.] 34 Crozier, W. J. The rhythmic pulsa- tion of the cloaca of holothurians. J. exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 20 1916 (297-356). [07 8 ; 11 4 6 7; 27 A ii ; 31 B.] 35 Crozier, W. J. Multiplication by fission in holothurians. Amer. Nat. New York N.Y. 51 1917 (560-566). [15 4 ; 31 B.] 36 Crozier, W. J. The behaviour of holothurians in balanced illumina- tion. Amer. J. Physiology Baltimore U.S. A. 43 1917 (510-513). [11 6; 31 B.] 37 6 Echin. V. Echinoderma. [1917] Crozier, W. J. Occurrence of a holothurian new to the fauna of Bermuda. (Contrib. Bermuda Biol. Stat. research No. 61.) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (8) 19 1917 (405-406). [27 A ii ; 31 B.] 38 Dickerson, R. E. and Kew, W. S. W. The fauna of a medial Tertiary forma- tion and the associated horizons of Northeastern Mexico. San Francisco Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (4) 7 1917 (125-156) pis. xvii-xxvia. [27 B ii d e ; 31 C.] 39 Dickerson, R. E. and Kew, W. S. W. Tertiary mollusks and eehinoderms from the vicinity of Tuxpan, Mexico. (Abstract.) Washington D.C. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 28 1917 (224-225). [03 8 ; 27 B ii d f] 40 Doderlein, L. Die Asteriden der Siboga-Expedition. I. Die Gattung Astropecten und ihre Stammesge- schichte. Uitkomsten op zool. botan. ocean, geol. gobied versameld in Ned. Oost-Indie 1899-1900 aan boord Ii.M. Siboga.onder commando van Lt. t-z. 1 Kl. G. F. Ty deman, uitgegeven door Dr. Max Weber. Lvr. 81 Mon. 46a Leiden 1917 (1-191) 17 pis. [03 2 3 ; 07 1 ; 15 7; 27 A i ii iii iv ; 31 D.] 41 Dornyay, B. Zur Altersfrage des “ Chocsdolomites.” Centralbl. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart 1917 1917 (179-183). [27 B iii e ; 31 C F.] 42 Douvill6, H. Les terrains secondaires dans le massif du Moghara & Pest de l’isthme de Suez, d’apr^s les explora- tions de M. Couyat-Barthoux. Paris Mem. Acad. Sci. (2) 54 1916 (1-184) pis. i-xxi. [Echinoderma pp. 67, 79.] [27 B iii cl; 31 C F.] 43 Duncan, F. M. Some methods of preserving marine biological specimens. London J. R. Microscop. Soc. 1917 1917 (521-529). [03 6.] 44 Embrey, G. The story of Ophiolepis damesii. Gloucester Proc. Cotteswcld Nat. F. C. 29 1916 (1917) (125-128). [03 1 ; 27 B iii d ; 31 E.] 45 Faura y Sans, M. Sintesis estrati- grafica de los terrenos primarios de Cataluna con una descripcion de los yacimientos fosiliferos mds princi pales. Madrid Mem. R. Soc. espan. Hist. nat. 9 1913 (1-202) pis. i-ix. [Lists of Echinoderma pp. 82, 112, 136.] [27 B ivfgk; 31 F G.] 46 Fisher, W. K. Trophoiiscxis, a new sea star from Kamchatka. Wash- ington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. U.S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 52 1917 (367-371) pis. xxviii-xxx. [07 5 8; 19 9 ; 27 A iv ; 31 D.] 47 Fisher, W. K. The asteroid genus Coronas ter. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (23-26). [27 A ii iii ; 31 D.] 48 Fisher, W. K. New starfishes from the Philippines and Celebes. Wash- ington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (89-93). [27 A iii iv ; 31 D.] * 49 Fisher, W. K. Notes on Asteroidea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (8) 20 1917 (166-172). [03 7 ; 07 1 ; 31 D.] 50 Fisher, W. K. A new genus and sub- genus of East-Indian sea-stars. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (8) 20 1917 (172-173). [27 A iii ; 31 D.] 51 Fisher, W. K. New genera and species of Brisingidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (8) 20 1917 (418-431). [27 A iii iv; 31 D.] 52 Foerste, A. F. Comarocystites and Caryocrinites. Cystids with pinnuli- ferous free arms. Ottawa Nat. Ottawa 30 1916 (69-79 85-93) pis. ii-iv. [07 3 ; 27 B iv h ; 31 F G.] 53 Foerste, A. F. Notes on Silurian fossils from Ohio and other central states. Ohio J. Sci. Columbus Ohio 17 1917 (187-204 233-266) pis. viii- xii. [27 B iv g ; 31 F.] 54 Fosse, R. Origine et distribution de 1’uree dans la nature. Application de nouvelles methodes d’analyse de Puree basees sur l’emploi du xanthydrol. Quatrieme partie. Demonstration de la presence de l’uree chez les invertebres. Paris Ann. Inst. Pasteur 30 1916 (673- 676). [11 5; 31 D.] 55 Fourtau, M. R. vide Hume, W. F. Gigoux, E. E. Un escutelideo terciario de Caldera. Rev. Chilena Hist. Nat. Santiago 20 1916 (80-82). [27 B ii ; 31 C.] 56 Gladstone, R. J. vide Cameron, J. Gothlin, G. F. Die doppelbrechenden Eigenschaften des Nervengewebes. Ihre Ursaclien und ihre biologischen Kon- sequenzen. Stockholm Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. 51 (1) 1913 (1-92) 3 pis. [07 9 ; 31 B C D.] 57 7 Echin. Titles. 1000 Goldfarb, A. J. Experimental studies upon stale germinal products. Wash- ington D.C. Carnegie Inst. Year Book 13 1914-1915 (1915) (205-206). [15 8 ; 31 C.] 58 Goldfarb, A. J. Experimentally fused embryos with special reference to giant larvae formation, changes of symmetry, and changes of synchrony. New York N.Y. Soc. pxper. Biol. Med. Proc. 12 1914-1915 (1915) (108- 109). [15 8 ; 31 C.] 59 Goldfarb, A. J. The symmetry of grafted eggs in relation to giant larvae formation in Arbacia punctulata. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 32 1917 (21-33). [15 1 5 8 ; 31 C.] 60 Goldfarb, A. J. Variability of germ cells of sea urchins. Washington D.C. Proc. Nation. Acad. Sci. 3 1917 (241— 245). [15 8 ; 27 A ii ; 31 C.] 61 Grieg, J. A. Echinodermer indsamlet av “ Michael Sars ” sommeren 1914. Arch. Math, og Naturvidenskab. Kris- tiania 34 1916 No. 10 (1-11). [03 8 ; 27 A v ; 31 B C D E.] 62 Hague, Florence S. vide Woodward, A. E. Hawkins, H. L. Morphological studies on the Ecliinoidea Holectypoida and their allies. I. Systematic discus- sion of the genera Pygaster, Agassiz, and Plesiechinus, Pomel. Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 1917 (160-168). [03 7 ; 27 B iii b c; 31 C.] 63 Hawkins, H. L. ibid. II. Th6 sunken tubercles of Discoides and Conulus. t.c. (196-205) pi. xiii. [07 5 ; 27 B iii b c ; 31 C.] 64 Hawkins, H. L. ibid. III. Some variations in the structure of the apical system of Holectypus. t.c. (249- 256) pi. xvi. [07 5 ; 27 B iii c 1 ; 31 C.] 65 Hawkins, H. L. ibid. IV. The perig- nathic girdle of the Pygasteridae. t.c. (342-350). [07 5 ; 27 B iii c ; 31 C.] 66 Hawkins, H. L. ibid. V. The perignathic girdle of Discoides cylin- dricus (Lamarck), t.c. (389-398) pi. xxv. [07 5 ; 31 C.] 67 Hawkins, H. L. ibid. VI. The buccal armature of Conulus albogalerus, Leske. t.c. (433-441) pi. xxviii. [07 5 ; 27 B iii b 1 ; 31 C.] 68 Heath, H. The early development of a starfish, Patiria ( Asterina ) mineata. J. Morphology Philadelphia Pa. 29 1917 (461-468) 1 pi. [15 6 ; 27 A iv ; 31 D.] 69 Herlant, M. Le mecanisme do la parthenogenese experimental chez les amphibiens et les echinodcrmes. Bull, sci. France Belg. Paris 50 1917 (381- 424). [11 7 ; 15 8 ; 31 C.] 70 Herlant, M. Embryogenie. Sur les variations du volume du noyau de l’oeuf active. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (412-415). [15 8 ; 31 C.] 71 Hilber, V. Das Geschlecht der Gattungsnamen auf iles. Central bl. f. Min. Geol. u. Palaont. Stuttgart 67 (310). [03 7.] 72 Hilton, W. A. An interesting basket star from Laguna Beach. Claremont Cal. Pomona Coll. J. Entom. Zool. 8 1916 (17-18). [27 A ii ; 31 E.] 73 Hilton, W. A. Notes on coelenteratcs and echinoderms from Laguna Beach. Claremont Cal. Pomona Coll. J. Entom. Zool. 8 1916 (88-93). [27 A ii ; 31 D. 74 Hilton, W. A. Some remarks on the central nervous system of the starfish. Claremont Cal. Pomona Coll. J. Entom. Zool. 8 1916 (123-127). [07 9; 31 D E.] 75 Hilton, W. A. The central nervous system of serpent stars. Claremont Cal. Pomona Coll. J. Entom. Zool. 8 1916 (171-175) 1 pi. [07 9 ; 27 A ii ; 31 E. 76 Hornell, J. The Indian beche-de-mer industry : Its history and recent revival. Madras Fish. Dept. Bull. Madras 11 1917 (1-51). [19 15; 27 A iii; 31 B.] 77 Hudson, G. H. Some fundamental types of hydrospires with notes on Porocrinus smithi Grant. Albany N.Y. Rept. N.Y. State Mus. 68 1914 (1916) (163-169). [03 7 ; 113; 27 B iv h ; 31 F.] 78 Hudson, G. H. External structure of Steganoblastus as revealed through gum mountings and photo-micrographic stereograms. (Abstract.) New York N.Y. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 28 1917 (203), [07 1 ; 31 G.] 79 Hudson, G. II. Some structural features of a fossil embryo crinoid. 8 Echin. V Echinoderma. [1917] (Abstract). New York N.Y. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 28 1917 (204). [07 1 ; 27 Bii ; 31 F.] 80 Hume, W. F. Report on the oil- fields region of Egypt. Egypt Surv. Dept. Cairo 1916 1916 (i-viii 1-103) pis. i-xxiii. [Echinoderma bv Fourtau, M. R. pp. 83-89]. [27 Bii b c d ; 31 C.] 81 Isberg, O. Bidrag till kannedomen on leptaenakalkens stratigrafi. Geol. Foren. Stockholm Forhandl. 39 1917 (199-235). [Resum6 in German pp. 232- 235.] [27 B iv h.] 82 Jackson, R. T. Fossil Echini of the Panama Canal zone and Costa Rica. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 53 1917 (489- 501) pis. lxii-lxviii. [27 B ii d e ; 31 c.] 83 Jaekel, O. t)ber fraglich Tunicaten aus dem Perm Siciliens. Palaeont. Zeitschr. Berlin 2 1915 (66-74) pi. i. [19JL1 ; 27 Aii Biii e.] 84 Jaworski, E. Beitrage zur Geologic und Palaontologie von Sudamerika xxiii. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Jura in Siid-Amerika. Teil II Spezieller, palaontologischor Teil. Ncu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 1915 (364-456) pis. v-viii. [Echino- d 'rma pp. 431-432]. [27 B iii c 2 ; 31 C.] 85 Jewell, Minna E. vide Lewis, H. B. Kew, W. S. W. Recent additions to our knowledge of California Cenozoic echinoids. (Abstract.) New York N. Y. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 28 1917 (226). [27 Biii.] 86 Kew, W. S. W. vide Dickerson, R. E. Kilian, W. and Reboul, P. Memoires pour servir a l’explication do la carte geologique detaillee de la France. Contribution a l’etude des faunes paleo- cretacees du sud-est de la France. I. La faune do l’Aptieh inferieur des environs de Montdlimar (Drome) (Car- ridre de l’homine d’armes). II. Sur quelques ammonites de l’Hauterivien do la Bdgude (Bassos-Alpos). Imprim. National Paris 1915 1915 (i-iv 1-221 225-296) pis. i-xv. [Echinoderma pp. 89, 120, 145-148.] [27 B iii b 2 ; 31 C.] 87 Kindle, E. M. Notes on the bottom environment of the marine invertebrates of Western Nova-Scotia. Ottawa Nat. Ottawa 30 1917 (149-154). [Echino" derma pp. 152-153]. [03 8 ; 27 ii ; 31 CD.] 88 Koehler, R. Echinodermes (asteries, ophiures et echinides) recueillis par M. Rallier du Baty, aux iles de Kerguelen, en 1913-1914. Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. Paris 7 (8) 1917 (1-88) pis. i-x. [27 A iii; 31 CDE.] 89 Lambert, J. Description des dchi- nides crdtaces de la Belgique, principale- ment de ceux conserves au Musee royal de Bruxelles. II. Echinides de l’etage senonien. Bruxelles Mem. Mus. roy. Hist. nat. Belg. 4 (4) 1910 (1911) (1-81) pis. i -iii. [27 B iii b 1 ; 31 C.] 90 Lambert, J. Echinides neogenes des Antilles anglaises. Troyes Mem. Soc. Acad. Aube 79 1915 (17-33) pi. iii. [27 B ii ; 31 C.] 91 Lambert, J. Sur l’existence de l’etage valengien et sur l’oscillation barre- mienne dans l’Aube et dans l’Yonne avec observations sur les echinides de ces stages. Troyes Mem. Soc. Acad. Aube 80 1916 (19-94). [27 B iii b 2 ; 31 C.] 92 Lambert, J. Le barr&nien superieur a facias urgonien de Brouzet-les-Alais (Gard). Pt. ii. Complement de l’etude paleontologique des gisements de Brou- zet. Echinides. Paris Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. Paleontol. 21 fasc. 4 1916 No. 51 (48). [27 B iii b 2 ; 31 C.] 93 Lambert, J. Note sur quelques Holasteridae. Yonne Auxerre Bull. Soc. Sci. Hist. nat. 70 1916 (1917) (191-223). [27 B iii 1 2 ; 31 C.] 94 Lambert, J. and Thi6ry, P. Essai de nomenclature raisonnee des Echi- nides. L, Ferri&re, Place de rHotel- de-Ville, Chaumont. Fasc. 4 1914 1914 (241-320) pis. vii-viii. [03 7 ; 27 A i Bi; 31 C]. 95 Lebour, Marie V. The Microplankton of Plymouth Sound from the region beyond the breakwater. Plymouth J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (N.S.) 11 1917 (133- 182). [Echinoderma p. 170]. [03 8 ; 27 A ii ; 31 B C E.] 96 Lewis, H. B. and Jewell, M. E. The occurrence of lichenase in the digestive tract of invertebrates. New York N.Y. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Proc. 14 1916 (59-60). [114 7; 31 D.] 97 0 Echtn. Titles. 1000 Lillie, R. S. Tho physiology of cell- division. VI. Rhythmical changes in the resistance of the dividing sea- urchin egg to hypotonic sea water and their physiological significance. J. exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 21 1916 (369-402). [15 8 ; 31 C.] 98 Lillie, R. S. The conditions deter* mining the rate of entrance of water into fertilized and unfertilized Arbacia eggs, and the general relation of changes of permeability to activation. Amer. J. Physiol. Baltimore 43 1917 (43-57). [15 8; 31 C.] 99 Lillie, R. S. Temperature coefficients in the activation of starfish eggs by butyric acid. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 32 1917 (131-158). [15 8 ; 31 D.] 100 Loeb, J. Cluster formations of spermatozoa caused by specific sub- stances from eggs. J. exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 17 1914 (123-140). [15 8 ; 31 C.] 101 Lovisato, D. Dodicesimo contributo echinodermico con 12 specie nuove di Glypeaster del Miocene medio ed in- feriore di Sardegna. Roma Boll. Soc. Gaol. Ital. 34 1915 (1916) (469-504) pis. xviii-xix. [27 B ii d ; 31 C.] 102 Macnair, P. Notes on the micro- seopical characters of the Blackbyre Limestone in the West of Scotland. Glasgow Trans. Geol.-Soc. 16 1916-1917 (1917) (290-304) pi. xii. [27 Bive; 31 C.] 103 Macnair, P. The Hurlet sequence in tli9 East of Seotland and the Abden fauna as an index to the position of the Hurlet limestone. Edinburgh Proc. R. Soc. 37 1917 (173-208) 1 pi. [27 B iv e.; 31 C F.] 104 Maluquer, J. Organizacio i increment de la seccio oceanografica. Barcelona Junta Ci. Nat. 2 1917 (205-238) [Eehinoderma pp. 229-231]. [03 5 ; 27 A ii.] 105 Mather, K. F. Potts ville formations and faunas of Arkansas and Oklahoma. Amer. J. Sei. Newhaven Conn. (4) 43 1917 (133-139). [03 8 ; 27 B iv.] 106 Matsumoto, H. A monograph of Japanese Ophniroidea, arranged accord- ing to a new classification. Tokyo J. Coll. Sei. Univ. 38 (2) 1917 (1-408) pis. i-vii. [03 2; 07 1 3 ; 15 7; 27 A iv j 31 E.] 107 Mayer, A. G. Efficacy of holothu- rians in dissolving limestone. Wash- ington D.C. Carnegie Inst. Year Book 15 1916-1917 (1917) (186-187). [11 4; 19 4 ; 31 B.] 108 Medes, Grace. A study of the causes and the extent of variations in the larvae of Arbacia punctulata. J. Morphology Philadelphia Pa. 30 1917 (317-432). [15 5 ; 31 C.] 109 Moore, C. R. On the capacity for fertilisation after the initiation of development. I. An attempt to fertilize sea-urchin eggs subsequent to hypertonic parthenogenesis. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 33 1917 (258-295). [15 8 ; 31 C.] 110 Mortensen, T. On the development of some West Indian echinoderms. Washington D.C. Carnegie Inst. Year Book 15 1916-1917 1917 (193-194). [15 5 ; 19 2 ; 27 A ii ; 31 C D E.] Ill Mortensen, T. Notocrinus virilis n.g., n. sp., a new viviparous crinoid from the Antarctic Sea. Preliminary notice. Kjobenhavn Vid. Medd. Dansk naturh. Foren. Odense 68 1917 (205-208). [27 A vi ; 31 F.] 112 Mortensen, T. Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen’s Pacific Expedition 1914-16. I. Observations on protec* . tive adaptations and habits, mainly in marine animals. Kjobenhavn Vid. Medd. Dansk naturh. Foren. Odense 69 1917 (57-96) pi. i. [19 5 ; 27 A iv ; 31 B C.] 113 Navarro, F. L. Sur la non-existence du Cretace dans Pile de Hierro. (Canaries). Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (796-797). [27 Biii b ; 31 C.] 114 Nordgaard, O. Havstrjhnmene og den Norske marine Fauna. (Meddels. Trondhjems biol. Stat. No. 9) Chris- tiania Kgl. norske Vid. Selsk. Skrift. No. 5 1914 (1915) (1-34). [03 8 ; 27 A ii ; 31 C D F.] 115 Nusbaum-Hilarowicz, J. and Oxner, M. Contributions a l’etude de la rege- neration chez les echinides (Note pre- liminaire). Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco 325 1917 (1-8). [19 7 ; 31 C.] 116 03tenfeld, C. H. Catalogue dos espkces de plantes et d’animaux ob- serveos dans le Plankton recueilli pendant les expeditions depuis le mois de juillet 1908 jusqu’au mois de decembre 1911. Copenhague Publ. circ. 10 Echm. V. Echinoderma. [1917] 70 1916 (1-87) [Echinoderma pp. 79- 81]. [03 8; 27 Aii; 31 BCD.] 117 Oxner, M. vide Nusbaum-Hilaro- wicz, J. Packard, C. The effect of radium radiations on the rate of cell division. J. exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 21 1916(199-212). [15 8; 31 C.] 118 Painter, T. S. Some phases of cell mechanics. Anat. Record Philadelphia Pa. 10 1916 (232-233). [15 8 ; 31 C.] 119 Painter, T. S. Contributions to the study of . cell mechanics. I. Spiral asters. J. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 20 1916 (509-526) 2 pis. (15 8 ; 31 C.] 120 Plate, L. Fauna ceylanica, Unter- suchungen zur Fauna Ceylons nach den Sammlungen von L. Plate. II. Uebersicht ueber biologische Studien auf Ceylon. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturw. Jena 54 1916 (1-42) pis. i-ix. [19 1 8; 27 A iii; 31 BCD.] 121 Ravn, J. P. J. Kridtaflejringerne paa Bornolms Sydvestkyst og deres Fauna. I. Cenomanet. Copenhague Conimun. Paleontol. Mus. Min. Geol. Univ. 12 1916 (1-39) pis. i-v. [Resume in French pp. 38-39. Echinoderma pp. 15-16]. [03 8 ; 27 B iii b 1 ; 31 C.] 122 Raymond, P. E. Notes sur les Cyclo- cystoides. Canada Minist. Mines Comm. geol. Mus. commem. Victoria B.C. Bull. 1 1913 (1915) (29-39). [07 B i iv h ; 31 G.] 123 Reboul, P. vide Kilian, W. Schultz, E. Nouvelles experiences sur la survivance des parties ddtachees d’un organisme. Rev. Zool. Russe Moscou 1 1916 (79-87). [07 3 ; 19 7 ; 31 C D.] 124 Schultz, E. Nouvollcs experiences sur la survio fragments tissulaires. (R6un. biol. Petrograd). Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 79 1916 (207). [19 7 ; 03 C.] 125 Seale, A. Sea products of Mindanao and Sulu, III : Sponges, tortoise shell, corals and trepang. Philippine J. Sci. Manilla 12 1917 Sect. D (191-212) 4 pis. [19 2 15; 27 A iv ; 31 B.] 126 Spencer, W. K. A monograph of the British Palaeozoic Asterozoa (cont.) Palaeontogr. Soc. London 1915 (1916) (57-108) pis. ii-v. [03 2 ; 07 1 ; 23 1 ; 27 B iv g h ; 31 D.] 127 Stafford, J. On the fauna of the Atlantic coast of Canada. Second report. — Malpeque, 1903-4. Contrib. Canad. Biol. Ottawa (1906-1910) 1912 1912 (37-44). [03 8; 27 Aii.] 128 Stafford, J. On the fauna of the Atlantic coast of Canada. Third report. — Gaspe, 1905-1906. Contrib. Canad. Biol. Ottawa (1906-1910) 1912 1912 (45-67). [03 8 ; 27 A ii.] 129 Stefanini, G. Sull’esistenza dell* Oligocene in Friuli e sulle mutazioni del Potamides margaritaceus, Br. Padova Atti Acc. Sci. Ven. -Trent. -1st. (3) 8 1915 (1916) (68-94). [Echinoderma p. 73.] [27 B ii e ; 31 C.] 130 Stefanini, G. Specie nuove del Miocene Veneto. Padova Atti Acc. Sci. Ven. -Trent. -1st. (3) 8 1915 (1916) (151-162). [27 B ii d ; 31 C.] 131 Stiles, C. W. Notice of possible suspension of the rules of nomenclature in the cases of Holothuria 1758 vs. Physalia 1801, and Bohadschia 1833 vs. Holothuria 1791. Science New York N.Y. 45 1917 (113). [03 7 ; 31 B.] 132 Stiles, C. W. Decima serie di nomi generic! (Echinodermi) in esame per la compilazione dell’elenco ufficiale dei nomi generici. Monit. Zool. Ital. Firenze 28 1917 (25-31). [03 7.] 133 Thiery, P. vide Lambert, J. Tilmann, N. Die Fauna des unteren und mittleren Lias in Nord-und Mittel- Peru. Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 41 1917 (628-712) pis. xxi-xxvi. [07 5 ; 27 B iii d ; 31 C F.] 134 Townsend, C. H. Voyage of the “ Albatross ” to the Gulf of California in 1911. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 35 1916 (399-476). [03 8 ; 27 A iv.] 135 Upton, C. Notes on Chirodota- spicules from the lias and inferior oolite. Gloucester Proc. Cotteswold Nat. F. C. 29 1916 (1917) (115-117). [07 5; 27 B iii c d ; 31 B.] 136 Valette, Dom A. Note sur les crinoides de la craie blanche. Yonne Auxerre Bull. Soc. Sci. Hist. nat. 70 1916 (1917) (79-178). [07 1 ; 27 B iii b 1 ; 31 F.] 137 11 Echin. Development, Eto. 1015 Verrill, A. E. Report on the star- fishes of the West Indies, Florida and Brazil, including those obtained by the Bahamas expedition from the Univer- sity of Iowa in 1893. Iowa City Univ. Bull. 7 (1) 1915 (1-232) pis. i-xxix. [15 7 ; 23 5 ; 27 A ii ; 31 D.] 138 Vinassa de Regny, P. vide Buscalioni, L. Walcott, C. D. Cambrian geology and paleontology. IV. Fauna of the Mount Whyte formation. Wash- ington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Coll. 67 1917 (61-114) pis. viii-xiii. [27 B iv k ; 31 G.] 139 Waring, C. A. Statigraphic and faunal relations of the Martinez to the Chico and Tejon of Southern California. San Francisco Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (4) 7 1917 (41-124) pis. vii-xvi. [Echinoderma p. 58]. [27 B iii b 1 ; 31 C E.] 140 Woodward, A. E. and Hague, Florence S. Iodine as a parthenogenetic agent. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 33 1917 (355-360). [15 8 ; 31 C.] 141 Zirpolo, G. Di una rara anomalia delle braccia di Astropecten aurantiacus, L. Napoli Publ. Staz. zool. Milano 1 1916 (31-58) pis. i-iii. [23 1 ; 31 D.] 142 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. N.B. — The number in Clarendon type quoted after the author's name, in the Subject and Systematic Indices , refers to “ Titles ,” where a fuller reference will be found. GENERAL. 1003 1. Historical. [Anon.] 1 ; Embrey, 45. 2. General Treatises and Mono- graphs. Doderlein, 41 ; Matsumoto, 107 ; Spencer, 127. 3. Bibliography. Doderlein, 41. 5. Museums. Bell, 9 ; Maluquer, 105. 6. Technique. Buscalioni & Vinassa de Regny, 14 ; Duncan, 44. 7. Nomenclature. Fisher, 50 ; Hawkins, 63 ; Hilber, 72 ; Hudson, 78 ; Lambert & Thi6ry, 95 ; Stiles, 132, 133. 8. Local Lists. Dickerson & Kew, 40 ; Grieg, 62 ; Kindle, 88 ; Lebour, 96 ; Mather, 106 ; Nordgaard, 115 ; Ostenfeld, 117 ; Ravn, 122 ; Stafford, 128, 129 ; Townsend, 135. STRUCTURE. 1007 1. General accounts. Doderlein, 41 ; Fisher, 50 ; Hawkins, 66 to 68 ; Hudson, 79, 80 ; Matsumoto, 107 ; Spencer, 127 ; Valette, 137. 3. Homologies of Classes. Foerste, 53 ; Matsumoto, 107 Schultz, 124. 5. Skeletal Anatomy. Bather, 6 ; Hawkins, 64 to 68 ; Tilmann, 134 ; Upton, 136. 8. Digestive System. Crozier, 35. 9. Nervous System. Boas, 11 ; Gothlin, 57 ; Hilton, 75, 76. PHYSIOLOGY. 1011 3. Respiration. Hudson, 78. 4. Alimentation. Crozier, 35 ; Lewis & Jewell, 97 ; Mayer, 108. 5. Excretion. Crozier, 34 ; Fosse, 55. 6. Sensation. Clark, 29 ; Crozier, 33, 35, 37. 7. Experimental. Child, 19 ; Crozier, 35 ; Herlant, 70 ; Lewis & Jewell, 97. DEVELOPMENT. 1015 1. General Principles. Cameron & Gladstone, 15 ; Goldfarb, 60. 4. Oviposition, Fertilisation and Segmentation. Child, 19 ; Crozier, 36 ; Herlant, 70. 12 L'chin. V. Echinoderma. [1917] 5. Larval stages. Child, 19, 20 ; Goldfarb, 60 ; Heath, 69 ; Medes, 109 ; Mortensen, 111. 7. Post- larval growth- stages. Doderlein, 41 ; Matsumoto, 107 ; Verrill, 138. 8. Experimental Embryology. Chambers, 16 ; Child, 20 ; Conklin, 32 ; Goldfarb, 58 to 61 ; Herlant, 70, 71 ; Lillie, 98 to 100 ; Loeb, 101 ; Moore, 110 ; Packard, 118 ; Painter, 119, 120 ; Woodward & Hague, 141. ETHOLOGY. 1019 2. Special habits. Mortensen, 111 ; Seale, 126. 3. Habitat. Clark, 29. 4. Feeding. . Clark, 29 ; Mayer, 103. 5. Defence and Protection. Mortensen, 113. 6. Locomotion. Clark, 29 ; Crozier, 33. 7. Autotomy and Regeneration. Nusbaum-Hilarowicz & Oxner, 116 ; Schultz, 124, 125. 8. Parasites and Commensals. Plate, 121. 15. Echinoderms as Food. Hornell, 77 ; Seale, 126. VARIATION AND ETIOLOGY. 1023 1. Variation in form. Clark, 29 ; Medes, 109 ; Spencer, 127 ; Zirpolo, 142. 2. Variation in colour. Clark, 29. 5. Variation, teratological. Verrill, 138. 8. Evolution. Boas, 11. 9. Relations to other Phyla. Boas, 11. 10. Phylogeny. Matsumoto, 107. DISTRIBUTION. 1027 A. Geographical. i. General. Doderlein, 41 ; Lambert & ThiSry, 95. 11. Atlantic Ocean, etc. Bell, 10 ; Clark, 22, 24, 25 ; Crozier, 33, 35, 38 ; Doderlein, 41 ; Fisher, 48 ; Goldfarb, 61; Hilton, 73, 74, 76; Jaekel, 84 ; Kindle, 88 ; Lebour, 96 ; Maluquer, 105 ; Mortensen, 111 ; Nord- gaard, 115 ; Ostenfeld, 117 ; Stafford, 128, 129 ; Verrill, 138. iii. Indian Ocean, etc. Doderlein, 41 ; Fisher, 48, 49, 51, 52 ; Hornell, 77 ; Koehler, 89 ; Plate, 121. iv. Pacific Ocean, etc. Bell, 10 ; Clark, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30 ; Doderlein, 41 ; Fisher, 47, 49, 52 ; Heath, 69 ; Matsumoto, 107 ; Mortensen, 113 ; Townsend, 135. v. Arctic Ocean, etc. Grieg, 62. vi. Antarctic Ocean, etc. Bell, 10 ; Mortensen, 112. B. Geological. 1. General. Brown, 12 ; Lambert & Thiery, 95. ii. Cainozoic. a. General. Gigoux, 56 ; Hudson, 80 ; Kew, 86 ; Lambert, 91. b. Pleistocene. Fourtau, 81. c. Pliocene. Bell, 8, 9 ; Fourtau, 81. d. Miocene. Dickerson & Kew, 39, 40 ; Fourtau, 81 ; Jackson, 83 ; Lovisato, 102 ; Stefanini, 131. e. Oligocene. Dickerson & Kew, 39 ; Jackson, 83 ; Stefanini, 130. 13 Echin. Systematic — Echinoidea. 1031 f. Eocene. Bather, 7 ; Dickerson & Kew, 40. iii. Mesozoic. a. General. Charpiat, 17. b. Cretaceous. Navarro, 114 ; Hawkins, 63, 64, 68. 1. Upper Cretaceous. Brydone, 13 ; Checchia-Rispoli, 18 ; Lambert, 90, 94 ; Ravn, 122 ; Valette, 137 ; Waring, 140. 2. Lower Cretaceous. Eilian & Reboul, 87 ; Lambert, 92, 93, 94. c. Jurassic. Hawkins, 63, 64, 66. 1. Upper Jurassic. Douvill6, 43 ; Hawkins, 65 ; Upton, 136. 2. Lower Jurassic. Jaworski, 85. d. Lias (and Rhaetic). Embrey, 45 ; Tilmann, 134 ; Upton, 136. e. Trias. Dornyay, 42 ; Jaekel, 84. iv. Palaeozoic. d. Upper Carboniferous. Bather, 5 ; Clark, 31 ; Mather, 106. e. Lower Carboniferous. Macnair, 103, 104. f. Devonian. Paura y Sans, 46. g. Silurian. Faura y Sans, 46 ; Foerste, 54 ; Spencer, 127. h. Ordovician. Bather, 3, 4, 5 ; Foerste, 53 ; Hudson, 78 ; Isberg, 82 ; Raymond, 123 ; Spencer, 127. k. Cambrian, Faura y Sans, 46 ; Walcott, 139. III. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. 1031 A. General. [Vacant,] B. Holothurioidea. Aclinopyga agassizi at Bermuda, Crozier 38. f Chirodota Upton 136. Cucumarici punctata, Crozier 35 ; C. f rondos a, Grieg 62. Holothuria larval anatomy. Boas 11 ; sensation, Crozier 33, 37 ; alimenta- tion, Crozier 34, 35 ; reproduction, Crozier 36 ; food properties, Hornell 77 ; H. atra figd. Plate 121. Holothuriidae as food, Seale 126. Molpadia oolitica, Grieg 62. Pseudostichopus trachus occultatus pro- tection, Mortens en 113. Stichopus moebii, Crozier 35 ; S. tremula nervous system, Gothlin 57 ; S. chloronotus as food, Hornell 77. Synapta beselii , Plate 121. Synaptula hydriforme protection Mortensen 113. C. Echinoidea. Abatus cordatus, Koehler 89; A., Clark 30. Acesie, Clark 30. Acropellinae trib. n., Lambert and Thi6ry Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 267. f Acrosaster michaleti Lambert sp. n. Bathonian Var, Lambert and Thi6ry t.c. p. 261. Aeropsidae fam. n. for A eropsis and Aceste, Clark Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 46 p. 133. A eropsis, Clark t.c. p. 134. f Agassizia clevei Cotteau figd., Dickerson and Kew 39. Alexandraspis nom. mut. (= Alex- andria Pfr. 1881 non Molin 1860) type A. magnifica Pfr., Lambert and Thi6ry Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 315. Alexandria vide Alexandraspis. Amblypneustes grandis, pachistus Clark 27. Amphipneustes, Clark 30. f Anomalanthus gregoryi, Lambert 91. \ Anorihoscutum gen. n. type Scutella interlineatum, Stimps., Lambert and ThiIsry Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 319. 14 Echin. V. Echinoderma. [ 1917 J Aphanopora, Clark 30. Araeosoma thetidis , Clark 27. Arbacia punctulata larvae, Medes 109; embryology, Moore 110; A. embryology, Chambers 16 ; Child 20 ; Goldfarb 59-61 ; Lillie 98, 99 ; Packard 118 ; Painter 119 , 120 ; Woodward and Hague 141. ] Archaeocidaris urei, Macnair 103. Archaeopneustes, Clark 30. Argopatagus, Clark 30. Astropyga radiata, Clark 27. f Atactus vide \ Rotulechinus. \ Aulacocidaris salviensis, Lambert 92. f Balanocidaris schluteri sp. n. Cam- panian Belgium, Lambert Mem. Mus. r. Hist. nat. Belg. 4 (4) p. 48. Breynia, Clark 30. Brisasier with B. kerguelensis p. 184 sp. n. Kerguelen I, Clark Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 46 pp. 178-185.— B. fragilis, Grieg 62. Brissopsis, Clark 30. f Brissopsis dainellii sp. n. Miocene Venetia, Stefanini Atti Ace. Sci. Padova 8 p. 161. — B. atlantica, Lam- bert 91. Brissus , Clark 30. | Brissus carinatus figd., Fourtau 81. f Cardiaster, Lambert 90, 94. f Gardiataxis subgen. n. of Cardiaster type C. peroni, Lambert Bull. Soc. Sci. Yonne 70 p. 215 [but as Cardio- taxis gen. n. t.c.p. 223]. f Cassidulus mortenseni sp. n. Senonian Belgium, Lambert Mem. Mus. r. Hist, nat. Belg. 4 (4) p. 60. f Catopygus, Lambert 90. Chaetodiadema granulatum, Clark 27. Cidaris couferta sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. En- deavour. 4 p. 100. f Cidaris with C. bernouilensis p. 45 sp. n. Valengian France, Lambert Mem. Soc. Acad. Aube 80 pp. 45-47, 70. — C. schlagintweiti sp. n. Mid-Lias Peru, Tilmann Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 41 p. 694. — C. dorsata Dorn- yay 42. — C. schloenbachi figd. Dou- ville 43. — C. ciplyensis, Lambert 90. — C.,Ravn122. Clypeaster Clark 27. f Clypeasterjgatuni sp. n. Upper Oli- gocene or Miocene Panama, Jackson Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 53 p. 491. — C. lanceolatus figd. ibid. — C. batheri sp. n. Miocene Antigua, Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 298 ; Lambert Mem. Soc. Acad. Aube 79 p. 12. — C. with C. santarosai p. 488, settembrinii p. 489, verdii p. 490, modenai p. 491, ruffinii p. 492, guilleti p. 493, vochierii p. 495, tolai p. 496, thappazi p. 497, gavotti p. 498, tamburellii p. 499 ,ferrarii p. 500 spp. n. Miocene Sardinia, Lovi- sato Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital. 34 pp. 469- 501. — C. marinellii sp. n. Langhian Yenetia, Stefanini Atti Acc. Sci. Padova 8 p. 158.; — C. cf. marginata , Bell 9. — C. cubensis, C. cf. concavus Cotteau figd., Dickerson & Kew 39. — C. placunarius, scutiformis, Fourtau 81. f Clypeopygus subquadratus , Lambert 92. \Codiopsis bruni Lambert sp. n. Aturian Haut Garonne, Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 264. — C. lorini, Lambert 92. Coelopleurus australis sp. n. Australia Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. Endeavour 4 p. 107. Conolampas, Clark 30. ]Conulus structure, Hawkins 64, 65, 68. f Cretacechinus gen. n. type Stomatech. camarensis Lor., Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 253. f Cyamidia gen. n. type Echinocyamus nummulitica D. & S., Lambert & Thiery t.c. p. 288. f Cyphosoma tertiarium , Bell 8. Delopatagus, Clark 30. Dendraster excentricus figd., Hilton 74. Desmoulinaster nom, mut. ( = Mou- linia Ag. 1841 and Moulinsia Ag. 1847 non. Grat. 1841) Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 296. Diadema setosum, Plate 121. — D. larva, Mortens en 111. f Diadema megastoma, Bell, 9. f Dicoptella bigoti figd., Lambert & Thiery 95. f Diplopodia, Lambert 92. f Discoides cylindricus structure, Haw- kins 64, 65, 67. — D. peroni, Lambert 15 Echin. 92. — D. pultfinata var. major introduced in Hierro I,, Navarro 114. Dorocidaris papillata, Nordgaard 115. f Dorocidaris faugasi, venulosoides, Lambert 90. Echinarachnius embryology, Cham- bers 16. Echinocardium, Clark 30. f Echinoconus with E. hannoniensis p. 32 Campanian Belgium, wollemanni p. 62, globulus varr. stadensis p. 75, gold- fussi, turgidula p. 76 Senonian Europe spp. and varr. n. Lambert Mem. Mus. r. Hist. nat. Belg. 4 (4) pp. 21, 29, 46, 54, 60, 73. \Echinocorys, Lambert 90, 94. Echinocyamus platyialus, Clark 27. | Echinodiscus dubaleni Lambert sp. n. Bartonian Landes, Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. fichin. 1914 p. 311. iEchinogalerus belgicus Campanian, pu$illus Senonian Belgium spp. n., Lambert Mem. Mus. r. Hist. nat. Belg. 4 (4) pp. 45 and 64, 65. Echinolampas , Clark 30. f Echinolampas aff. angulatus Mer. and E. “ sp. n.” Egypt, Fourtatj Rept. oilfields reg. Egypt 1916 pp. 87, 88. — E. semiorbis, Jackson 83. — E. semiorbis , lycopersicus, anguillae, Lambert 91. Echinometra lucunter larva, Morten - SEN 111. Echinoneus , Clark 30. f Echinopygus montmollini, Lambert 92. Echinus cantaber sp. n. St. Sebastien, Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. fichin. 1914 p. 242. — E. acutus , escu- lentus regeneration, Nus batjm- Hilar - owioz & Oxner 116. — E. e. nervous system, Gothlin 57. — E. horridus, Clark 27. — E. microtuberculatus embryology, Conklin 32. — E. Cameron & Gladstone 15, Schultz 125. * Echinus esculentus, Bell 9. Ellipsechininae trib. n., Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. fichin. 1914 p. 256. f Encope annectans p. 491, plalytata p. 494, megatrema p. 496 spp. n. Tertiary Panama, Jackson Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 53 pp. 491-498. 1031 ]Eoscutum Lambert subg. n. of Porpitella type P. doncieuxi, Lamb, with E. dubaleni Lambert sp. n. Bar- tonian Landes, Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. fichin. 1914 p. 293. Eucidaris metularia protection, Mor- tensen 113. Eucosmechinae trib. n., Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. j£chin. 1914 p. 269. f Eucosmechinus nom. mut. (= Eucos- mus Ag. 1846 non Hiibn. 1816) Lambert & Thiery t.c. p. 270. fj Eucosmus vide \Eucosmechinus. Eurocidaris nutrix , Koehler 89. \Eurypleura vide f Tholeopelta. f Fibulaster subg. n. type Sismondia gracilis Cott., Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. fichin. 1914 p. 296. f Gajechinus gen. n. type E. subcrena - tus D. & S., Lambert & Thiery t.c. p. 242. f Galeola, Lambert 90, 94. f Gautheria broecJci, Lambert 90. •f Olobatur tauroentanus and tumidus figd., Lambert & Thiery 95. Glypticinae trib. n. of ^ Arbacidae , Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. ICchin. 1914 p. 261. Gonimarelia gen. n. of Spatangidae with G. tylota (type) p. 241, near Kei Is. and G. laevis p. 244 California spp. n., Clark Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 46 pp. 240-246. Goniocidaris, Clark 27. \Goniopygus peltaius , decoratus, Lam- bert 92. — G. gauthieri figd., Lambert & Thiery 95. Gymnechinus pulchellus protection, Mortensen 113.— G. epistichus, Clark 27. Gymnopatagus with G. micropetalus p. 227 sp. n. Japan, Clark Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 46 pp. 226-233. Habrocidaridae fam. n„ Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. lichin. 1914 p. 259. Heliocidaris erythrogrambia , Clark 27. . Hemi aster, Clark 30. f Herniaster with H. rutoti p. 52 sp. n. Senonian Belgium, Lambert Mem. Mus. r. Hist. nat. Belg. 4 (4) pp. 52-54. — H. oriens sp. n. Aptian France, Systematic, Eohinoidea. 16 Echin. V. Echinoderma. [1917] LAMBERTjMem. Soc. Acad. Aube 80 p. 88. — H., Ravn 122. Hemiasteridae fam. n., Clark Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 46 p, 169. \llemidiadema rugosum, Lambert 92. Hemipneustinae , Lambert 94. f Heteraster oblongus, Lambert 92. \Ueteropneustes rutoti sp. n. Cam- panian Belgium, Lambert Mem. Mus. r. Hist. nat. Belg. 4 (4) p. 38. Hippono'e embryology, Goldfarb 61. Histocidaris elegans, Clark 27. f Holaster with H. valanginensis p. 200 sp. n. Cretaceous Switzerland, Lambert Bull. Soc. Sci. Yonne 70 pp. 199-210. — H. planus zone of, Brydone 13. — //., Lambert 92, 93. jllolasteridae, Lambert 94. \Holectypus excisus figd., Lambert & Thiery 95. — H., structure, Hawkins 64, 65. Holopneustes in flatus, porosissimus , Clark 27. Holopneustinae trib. n., Lambert & ThijSry Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 251. Homoltimpas , Clark 30. f Hyposaienia with H. bonnevillei p. 80 sp. n. Lr. Cretaceous France, Lambert M6m. Soc. Acad. Aube 80 pp. 53, 79. Hypselasier gen. n. type Schiz. limicola Ag. with H. brachypetalus p. 191 sp. n. Grenada, Clark Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 46 pp. 185-192. Hypselolampas gen. n. type Calopygus recens Ag., Clark t.c. p. 109. | Infulaster, Lambert 94. | Jaclcsouaster chilensis sp. n. Pliocene Chili, Lambert & ThiEry Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 313. \Laganum depressum figd., Fourtau 81. f Leiocidaris baculosa, sismondai , Fourtau 81. Linopneusles, Clark 30. \Linihia spiennesensis , Lambert 90. Lovenia with L. camarota p. 253 sp, n. Torres Strait, Clark Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 46 pp. 251-258. f Lovenia dumblei sp, n. Tertiary Mexico, Dickerson & Kew Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 136. Lytechinus variegatus larva, Mob- TENSEN 111. \Macropnzustzs mexicanus sp. n. Tertiary Mexico, Dickerson & Kew Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 134. — M. antillarum figd. ibid. pis. xxiv, xxvi, agnosia elisae sp. n. (= M. decorata auctt. non Desor), Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 270. Maretia peloria sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. Endea- vour 4 p. 121. — M., Clark 30. ] Maretia planulaia figd., Fourtau 81. ]Megapygus as synonym of Pygaster, Hawkins 63. Mellita Q-perforata larva, Mortensen 111. Meoma, Clark 30. Metalia with M. dicrana p. 211 sp. n. Fiji Is., Clark Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 46 pp. 209-213. | Metalia cumminsi sp. n. Tertiary Mexico, Dickerson & Kew Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 133. ■\Micr aster with M. belgicus p. 5 Santonian, duponti p. 50 Senonian spp. n. Belgium, Lambert Mem. Mus. r. Hist. nat. Belg. 4 (4) pp. 3-8, 12-18, 38, 43-44, 50. Microcyphus annulatus, Clark 27. | Micropeltis vide f Phymotaxis. Micropetalon, Clark 30. •j Miotoxaster, Lambert 92. Moira, Clark 30. f Monophora caldenensis sp. n. Ter- tiary Cnile, Gigoux Rev. Chilena Hist. Nat. 20 p. 80. \Mossaoudia gen. n. of Holasteridae type H. piriformis auctt. non Desor, Lambert Bull. Soc. Sci. Yonne 70 p. 194 [but as Messaoudia p. 223]. Moulinsia vide Desmoulir, aster. Nacospatangus with N. depressus p. 150 sp. n. California, Clark Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 46 pp. 149-151. Neolampas, Clark 30. ]Nucleolites orbicularis apical system, Hawkins 65. ]Ojfaster, Lambert 90, 94. Oligopodia recens, epigonue, Clark 30. 17 Bcliin. Systematic, Eoiiinoidea. 1031 f Oolaslcr as syn. of Echinocorys, Lambert 94. \Oolojpygus piriformis, gracilis , Lam- bert 80. t Orchoporus gen. n. type O. Icoehleri L. and T. Miocene California, Lambert & Thi6ry Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 293. f Orthopsis minima, Lambert 92. f Oxyclypeina nom. mut. (= Oxy- plcura Pom. preocc.) Lambert & Thi£ry Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 305. f Oxypleura vide f Oxyclypeina . Palaeopneusles, Clark 30. Palaeotropus, Clark 30. Parapneustes, Clark 30. Paraster, Clark 30. Paratinanthus nom. mut. (— Paratina Pom. 1887 non Mik. 1874) Lambert & Thi^ry Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 303. Parechinus notius sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. Endea- vour 4p. 111. ]Pericosmus latus figd., Fourtau 81. Peronella lesueuri, Clark 27. Phelsumaster nom. mut. ( =Phclsumia Pom. 1883 non Gray 1840) Lambert & TmfiRY Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 310. Phdsumastcridac trib. n. of Dcndas- Iridae, Lambert & TmfatY t.c. p. 316. Phelsumia vide Phelsumaster . Phnjssocystis , Clark 30. Phyllacanthus imperialis, Clark 27. f Phyllobrissus cerceleti, Lambert 92. f Phymosoma with P. fustuarium p. 34 sp. n. Campanian Belgium, Lambert Mem. Mus. r. Hist. nat. Belg. 4 (4) pp. 10, 34 ; P. with P.jurense p. 81 sp. n. Barremian Vaulion, Lambert Mem. Soc. Acad. Aube 80 pp. 00, 80. f Phymotaxis nom. mut. (= MicrO- pcllis Pom. 1883 non Rettenb. 1867), Lambert & TinfeRY Ess. nom. Echin. 1814 p. 253. f Pithodia vide Pscudodiscoidcs. Plagiobrissus, Clark 30. \Platydypeina nom. mut. (—Plaly- pleura Pom. 1887 preocc.) Lambert & ThiIsry Ess. nom Echin. 1914"p. 304. (n 4840 w) t Platypleura vido \Platyclypcina. f Plegiocidaris spinigera, Kilian & Reboul 87. \Plesiaster cf. bucardium Goldf,, Lambert 90. f Plesiechinus macrostoma (Wright) selected as genotype, Hawkins 63 ; P. ornatus structure, Hawkins 66. Plesiozonus, Clark 30. Plethotaenia gen. n. of Spalangidae type Macropneustes spatangoides Ag. Clark Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Har- vard 46 p. 222. \Plmropygus thieryi figd., Lambert & Thiery 95. Plexechinus, Clark 30. Pourtalesia, Clark 30. f Polydiadema cotteaui, Lambert 92. Prionocidaris australis, Clark 27. Protenaster, Clark 30. f Psammechinus with P. hexaporus p. 63 sp. n. Hauterivian France, Lam- bert Mem. Soc. Acad. Aube 80 pp. 62- 63. f Pseudholaster, Lambert 94. Pseudocidaris clunifera, Lambert 92, 93. Pseiidodiadcma, Lambert 92 ; Ravn 122. ] Pscudodiscoidcs nom. mut. (= Pithodia Pornel 1883 non Paso. 1865) Lambert & ThiIsry Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 282. Pseudolovenia, Clark 30. ] Pscudopyrine pygaea, Lambert 93. Pycnolampas, Clark 30. f Pygaster semisulcatus (Phill.) selected as genotype, Hawkins 63. Raphidcchinus gen. n. type Ech. molaris Blainv., Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 241. t Rhabdocidaris copeoides figd., Dou- viLLfb 43. Rhuncolampas cariboearum , vacifica, Clark 30. Rhynobrissus, Clark 30. f Rispolia subgen. n. of Nucleoliles type N. sublrigonata Cat., Lambert Bull. Soc. Sci. Yonne 70 p. 217 [but as gen. n. p. 223]. b 3 18 Eehin. V. E chino derm a [1917] f Rolulechinus nom. mut. (—Ataclus Pom. 1883 non Schin. 1868), Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 253. f Salenici with S. rutoli p. 68 sp. n. Scnonian Belgium, Lambert Mem. Mus. r. Hist. nat. Belg. 4 (4) pp. 65-69 ; S. folium-querci, mamillata, Lambert 92. f Salenidia with S. schluteri p. 69 sp. n. Senonian Belgium, Lambert Mem. Mus. r. Hist. nat. Belg. 4 (4) pp. 40, 69. Salmacis with S. oligopora p. 113 sp. n. Australia, Clark, Biol. Results of P.I.S. Endeavour 4 pp. 113-115. \ Samlandaster Lambert gen. n. type Scutella germanicus^ Beyr., Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 293. Schizaster, Clark 30. f Schizaster with S. cristatus p. 499 Brazil, Costa Rica, panamensis p. 500 Panama spp. n. Tertiary, Jackson Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 53 pp. 498-500 ; S. clevei, scherzeri figd., Dickerson & Kew 39 ; S., Stefanini 130. | Scutella cazonensis sp. n. Tertiary Mexico, Dickerson & Kew Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 132. — S. forumjuliensis sp. n. Miocene Venetia, Stefanini Atti Acc. Sci. Padova 8 p. 159. — /S'., Waring 140. \Spatagoides, Lambert 94. Spatangus with S. calif ornicus p. 235 sp. n. S. California, Clark Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 46 pp. 233-240. — S. purpureus regeneration, Nusbaum- Hilarowicz & Oxner 116 ; S. raschi , Nordgaard 115. f Spatangus regina, Bell 9. Sphaer echinus embryology, Herlant 71 ; S. granularis regeneration, Nus- baum-Hilarowicz & Oxner 116. \Stegaster, Lambert 94. \ Steg aster inae, Lambert 94. Ster echinus diadema, Koehler 89. f Stereocidaris pseudohirudo , Lam- bert 90. \Sternotaxis, Lambert 94. f Stomechinus liasicus sp. n. Mid- Lias Peru, Tilmann Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 41 p. 696 ; S. andinus , Jaworski 85. Strongylocentrolus embryology, Her- lant 70, 71, Loeb 101 ; S. drobachi- ensis, Grieg 62. f Strongylocentrolus cotteavi , Bell 9. \Synochitis subg. n. of Stegaster type $. bouillei Merc., Lambert Bull. Soc. Sci. Yonne 70 p. 222 [but as gen. n. p. 223]. f Temnechinus woodi , Bell 9. f Temnodiscus Lambert gen. n. of Echinidae type Holectypus circularis Cott. & Gautli., Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 280. | Temnopleurus Eourtau 81. | Tetrodiscus auritus, bisperforatus , Fourtau 81. f Thierychinus delaunayi Lambert sp. n. Vesulian Indre, Lambert & Thiery Ess. nom. Echin. 1914 p. 244. \Tholeopelta gen. n. (= Eurypleura Lamb. 1912 preocc). Lambert & Thiery t.c. p. 307. Tiarechinae trib. n., Lambert & Thiery t.c. p. 259. f T our nouer aster Lambert gen. n. type Scutella decemfissus Desm. Lambert & Thiery t.c. p. 294. \Toxaster dolosus sp. n. Aptian France, Lambert Mem. Soc. Acad. Aube 80 p. 83. Toxopneustes embryology, Goldfarb 58,61. Tripneustes esculentus larva, Mor- tensen 111. Tripylaster, Clark 30. f Trochotiara with T. pusilla p. 52 sp. n. Valengian France, Lambert Mem. Soc. Acad. Aube 80 pp. 52, 71. YEypocidaris with T. arenata p. 42 sp. n. Campanian Belgium, Lambert Mem. Mus. r. Hist. nat. Belg. 4 (4) pp. 34, 42, 69 ; T.y Lambert 92. Ur echinus , Clark 30. f Zuffardia gen. n. type Ps. san- filippoi, Checciiia-Risfoli Rend. Acc. Lincei Roma (5) 26 p. 492. D. Asteroidea. Acanthaster brevispinus sp. n. Sulu Archipelago, Fisher Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 92. Allostichasler polyplex, Clark 27. Auseroqwda rosacea, Clark 27. Anthenia acuta, Clark 27. Anthenoides, Verrill 138. 19 Echin. Systematic, Asteroidea. 1031 Asterias forbcsi development, Child 19 ; A. rubens nervous system, Gothlin 57 ; A. ochracea alimentation, Lewis & Jewell 97 ; A. embryology. Cham- bers 16 ; Child 20 ; A., Bell 10. Asteridae nervous system, Hilton 75. Asterina atyphoidea, leptalacantha, spp. n., Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. Endeavour 4 p. 57 ; A. cris- tata euerces subsp. n. Palawan, Fisher Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 91 ; A.frigida sp. n. Kerguelen I., Koehler Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. 7 (8) p. 46. Asterinides, Verrill 138. Asterinopsis, Verrill 138. Asterodiscus truncatus , Clark 27. Asteroidea physiology, Fosse 55. Astrocles gen. n. of Brisingidae type A. aetinodetus sp. n. British Columbia, Fisher Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 20 pp.426, 430. Asirogonium pareli, Grieg 62. Astrolirus gen. n. of Brisingidae type Brisuiga panamensis, Fisher Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 20 pp. 424, 428. Astropecten with. A. schayeri p. 60 Tasmania, sagaminus p. 64 Japan, sinicus p. 64 China, progressor p. 66, novae-guineae p. 136 New Guinea, weberi p. 75 Senegambia, dahomensis p. 77 Dahomey, celebensis p. 118 Celebes, bandanas p. 119 Banda Sea, bengalensis p. 127, sarasinorum p. 151, Ceylon, mindanensis p. 131 Mindanao, gisselbrecMi p. 133 Hakodate, orientalis p. 149 E. Indies, malayanus p. 153, timorensis p. 158, Timor, hartmeyeri p. 156 Sharks Bay, sumbawensis p. 159 Sumbawa, problematicus p. 163, car- charicus p. 140, Australia, spp. n., car char icus formosanus p. 141 Formosa, btasiliensis riensis p. 84 Rio de Janeiro, preissi albanicus p. 162 Australia, subspp. n„ platyacanthus pedicellifera p. 95 locality unknown, polyacanthus burbonica p. 135 Reunion, mauritianus mascarena p. 143 Mauritius, zebra sibogae p. 156 Macassar, varr. n., Doderlein Result. Explor. Siboga Mon. 46a pp. 1-162. — A. with A. articulatus dubius p. 165 nom. n. for A. dubius Gray; A. comptus p. 176 nuttingi p. 181 \nuttingii p. 221] nitidus p. 179 cum. var., forcipatus , p. 180 Florida, A. americanus subgracilis p. 180 S.E. United States, spp. & varr. n., Verrill Bull. Univ. Iowa 7 pp. 152-187 ; A. pectinatus, preissii, Clark 27 ; A. aurantiacus variation, Ztrpolo 142. Astrostepliane moluccana figd., Fisher 52. Bathybiaster spinulatus sp. n. Ker- guelen I., Koehler Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. 7 (8) p. 55. — B., Nordgaard 115. f Belaster gen. n. of Hudsonasteridae type B. ordovicus sp. n. Ashgillian Ayr- shire, Spencer Palaeontogr. Soc. Lon- don 1915 [1916] p. 73. Blakiaster Verrill 138. Brisinga with B. trachydisca figd., Fisher 52. Brisingella gen. n. of Brisingidae type B. fragilis Fisher with B. pusilla sp. n. California, Fisher Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 20 pp. 423, 427. Brisingenes gen. n. type B. mimica Fisher t.c. pp. 419, 427. Brisingidae , Fisher 52. Bunaster lithodes sp. n. Philippines Fisher Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 91. Calliaster spinosus sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. Endeavour 4 p. 44. f Caractacasler gen. n. of Promopalaea- sleridae type Palaeaster caractaci Greg., Spencer Palaeontogr. Soo. London 1915 [1916] p. 80. Cheir aster diomedeae sp. n. Mindanao Fisher Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 90. — G. with G. planus p. 133, enoplus p. 135, spp. n., W. Indies, G. Mirabilis coronatus p. 127 nom. n. for C. coronatus (Perr.), Verrill Bull. Mus. Iowa 7 pp. 123-137. Glenodiscus crispatus , Grieg 62. •j Goccaster gen. n. of Hudsonasteridae type C. bulbiferus sp. n. Silurian Here- fordshire, Spencer Palaeontogr. Soc. London 1915 [1916] p. 75. Goronaster halicepus sp. n. Philippine Is., Fisher Proc. Biol. Soc, Washington 30 p. 26. — C.f Verrill 138. Coscinasterias with G. tenuispina atlantica p. 20 var. n. Cuba, Verrill Bull. Univ. Iowa 7 pp. 18-21.— G., Clark 27. Gosmasterias dyscrila sp. n. Australia Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. Endeavour 4 p. 71. 20 Echin . V, Echinoderma. [1917] Graterobrisinga synaptoma sp. n. British Columbia, Fisher Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 20 p. 427. Cribrella simplex granulata, Koehler Cribrellopsis gen. n. type C. rallieri sp. n. Kerguelen I., Koehler Ann. Inst. Ooeanogr. 7 (8) p. 37. Crossaster multispinus sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. Endeavour 4 p. 66. Cycelhra verrucosa figd., Bell 10. Dipsacaster imperialis sp. n. Mindoro, Fisher Proc. Biol. Soe. Washington 30 p. 89. Distolasterias hypacantha sp. n. Cebu, Fisher t.c. p. 92. Dorigona as syn. of Ogmaster, Fisher 50. Echinaster acanthodes, glomeratus, superbus, spp. n., Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. Endeavour 4 pp. 61, 62, 64; E. spinulifer , Koehler 89 ; E., Verrill 138. Enoplopatiria, Verrill 138. Freyella, Fisher 52. Freyellidea gen. n. of Brisingidae type F. microplax sp. n. British Colum- bia, Fisher Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 20 pp. 425, 429-430. Fromia poly par a sp. n. Maria I., Tasmania, Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. Endeavour 4 p. 51. \Girvanaster gen. n. of Iludsonas- teridae type G. sculptus sp. n. Ashgillian Ayrshire, Spencer Palaeontogr. Soc. London 1915 [1916] p. 70. Glyphodiscus subg. n. of Iconaster type I. perierctus, Fisher Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 20 p. 173. Goniaster, Verrill 138. Ilenricia microplax , arcystala, spp. n., Philippines, Fisher Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 91. — II. with II. microspina p. 48 sp. n. Bahamas, Verrill Bull Univ. Iowa 7 pp. 44-49 ; II. hyadesi, Clark 27 ; II. sanguino- lenta, Grieg 62. Hippasteria phrygiana , Grieg 62. \IIudsonasleridae , Spencer 127. Huresasier hodgsoni, Bell 10. Iconaster longimauus , Fisher 50. Labidiaster annulatus, Koehler 89. Lasiaster vide Porauiomorpha. Leptasterias, Verrill 138. Leptoptychaster arcticus, Grieg 62 ; L. kerguelensis, Koehler 89. Linckia multifora, Plate 121 ; L. Verrill 138. Lithosoma penichra sp. n. Philip- pines, Fisher Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington 80 p. 90. Lonchotaster magnificus sp. n. Aus- tralia, Clark Biol. Results of F. I. S. Endeavour 4 p. 30 ; L. tartareus desig- nated as genotype, Fisher 50. Lophaster , Verrill 138. Ludia vide Luidia. Luidia scotti sp. n. Brazil, Bell Brit. Antarct. Exp. 1910 Zool. 4 p. 8 ; L. with L. alternata bicolor, p. 203 var. n. Florida, Verrill Bull. Univ. Iowa 7 pp. 199-209; L. porteri sp. n. Chile, Clark Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 153. — L. superba sp. n. Colombia, Clark t.c. p. 171. — L. forjicifer, macu- lata, Clark 27. — Ludia foliata figd., Hilton 74. Lui diaster, Verrill 138. Marginaster, Verrill 138. Mediaster australiensis , monacanthus, spp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F. I. S. Endeavour 4 pp. 39, 41 ; M. , Fisher 50 ; Verrill 138. | M esopalaeaster primus, complicatus, Ordovician Ayrshire, M. (?) leintward- ensis , ketleyi Silurian England, spp. n., Spencer Palaeontogr. Soc. London 1915 [1916] pp. 84, 87, 89, 101. ]Mesopalaeasteridae, Spencer 127. Metrodiridae fam. n., Fisher Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 20 p. 171. Mimaster gracilis sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F. I. S. Endea- vour 4 p. 33. Narcissia, Verrill 138. Nardoa tiimulosa sp. n. Sulu Archi- pelago, Fisher Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington 30 p. 90. Nectria ocellata, ocellifera, Clark 27 ; N. monacautha, Fisher 50. Nymphaster pentagonus sp. n. Aus- tralia, Clark Biol. Results of F. I. S. 21 Eehin. Systematic, Asteroidea. 1031 Endeavour 4 p. 3G ; N. prolcntus designated as genotype, Fisher 50. Odinia australis sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F. I. S. Endea- vour 4 p. 75 ; 0. magister sp. n. S. Panay, Fisher Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington 30 p. 93. Odoutaster propinquus sp. n. South- east America, Clark Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 7 ; 0., Verrill 138. Ogmaster capella, Clark 27. Ophidiasier conf erlus sp. n. Lord Howe I., Clark Biol. Results of F. I. S. En- deavour 4 p. 53 ; 0. with O. alexandri p. 91 sp. n. Gulf of Mexico, Verrill Bull. Univ. Iowa 7 pp. 89-92 ; O. larva, Mortensen 111. Oreaster australis, gracilis, Clark 27 ; O., Verrill 138. Orthasterias, Verrill 138. Paranepanthia gen. n. type Nepanlhia platydisca, FIsher Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 20 p. 172. Pateria ( Asterina ) mineata early development, Heath 69. Peclinastcr robustus sp. n. Chile, Clark Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 155. — P. with P. mixtus p. 140, gracilis p. 145 W. Indies, dispar p. 148 Atlantic, spp. n., Verrill Bull. Univ. Iowa 7 pp. 137-149. Pedicellaster reliculalus sp. n. Marie I., Clark Biol. Results of F. I. S. En- deavour 4 p. 69 ; P. chrophorus sp. n. Celebes, Fisher Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington 30 p. 93. — P. iypicus, Greig 62 ; P., Verrill 138. Pentagonaster stibarus, Clark 27 ; P. granularis, Grieg 62. Pisaster antarcticus sp. n. Kerguelen I., Koehler Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. *7 (8) p. 30. Pleclaster decanus, Clark 27. Plinthaster producius sp. n. Cuba, Clark Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 67 ; P ., Verrill 138. Plutonaster sirius sp. n. Chile, Clark Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 151 ; P., Verrill 138. Podasterias with P. kerguelensis p. 24 sp. n. Kerguelen I., Koehler Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. 7 (8) pp. 20-30. Ponlaster, Nordgaard 115. Pora.iia with P. armata p. 43 sp. n. Kerguelen I., Koehler Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. 7 (8) pp. 42-46 ; P., Verrill 138. Poraniclla, Verrill 138. Poraniomorpha Dan. and Kor. ( = Rhdgaster and Lasiaster Sladen), Fisher 50 ; P. hispida, Grieg 62. Priamaster, Fisiier 50. Priamasterinae subfam. n. of Radias- teridae, Fisher Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 20 p. 172. Prionaster, Verrill 138. f Promopalaeaster elizae, Si*encer 127. f Promopalaeasteridae, SrENCER 127. f Promopalaeasterinae, Spencer 127. Pseudophidiaster gen. n. of Li nckiidae type P. rhysus sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F. I. S. Endeavour 4 pp. 54, 55. Psilaster acuminatus , Clark t.c. p. 32. Pteraster tetracanthus sp. n. Australia, Clark t.c. p. 67 ; P. with P. brachiatus p. 49 sp*. n. Kerguelen I., Koehler Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. 7 (8) pp. 48-52 ; P., Grieg 62 ; Verrill 138. Remaster , Verrill 138. Rhagaster vide Poraniomorpha. Rosaster, Verrill 138. Sideriaster, Verrill 138. Solaster incertus sp. n. Kerguelen I., Koehler Ann. Inst. Oceanogr. 7 (8) p. 40. — S. caribbaeus sp. n. W. Indies, Verrill Bull. Univ. Iowa 7 p. 54 \e-aribaeu3 on p. 219] ; 3., Bell 10 ; Grieg 62 ; Nordgaard 115. \ Solaster reedi sp. n. Pliocene Suffolk, Bell Geol. Mag. London 4 p. 422. Sporasterias rupicola, perrieri , Koeh- ler 89. Stegnaster, Verrill 138. Stellasler with S. inspinosus p. 48 sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F. I. S. Endeavour 4 pp. 47-48. Stenobrisinga, , Fisiier 52. Stephanasterias with S. hebes p. 26 sp. n. W. Indies, Verrill Bull. Univ. Iowa 7 pp. 24-2G. 22 Echin. V. Echinoderma. [1917] Tarsaster disclichopus sp. n. Macassar Straits, Fisher Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington 30 p. 92. Tosia aurata, Clark 27. Trophodiscus gen. n. of A strop ec- tinidae type T. almus sp. n. Kamchatka, Fisher Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 52 pp. 367, 368. t U ranaster kindhani , Spencer 127. \U ranasteridae fam. n., Spencer Palaeontogr. Soo. London 1915 [1916] p. 104. Zoroaster macracantha sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F. I. S. Endea- vour4p. 68; Z., Verrill 138. E. Opitiuroidea. Amphiacantha gen. n. of Amphiur- inae type Amphioplus acanthinus Clark, with A. dividua p. 180 sp. n. Japan, Matsumoto J. Coll. Sci. Tokyo 38 (2) pp. 150, 177. Amphichilus gen. n. of Amphiurinae type A. trichoides sp. n. Japan, Mat- sumoto t.o. pp. 150, 175. Amphilepididae, Matsumoto t.c. pp. 144-149. Amphilepis, Clark 28. Amphiophiura colleta sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F. I. S. Endea- vour 4 p. 93 ; A., Clark 28. Amphioplus affinis, Koehler 89. Amphiura eugeniae, angular is, Koeh- ler 89 ; A., Clark 27, 28. | Amphiura lymani sp. n. Upper Cre- taceous California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 58. Amphiuridae, Matsumoto 107. Amphiurinae , Matsumoto 107. Aster o — vide Astro — . Astroconus australis , Clark 27. Astrodendrum pustulatum sp. n. Aus- tralia, Clark Biol. Results of F. I. S. Endeavour 4 p. 84. Asti onychinae, Matsumoto 107. Astronyx loveni, Clark 27. Astroporpa wilsoni sp. n. New Zea- land, Bell Brit. Antarct. Exp. 1910 Zool. 4 p. 7 ; A. australiensis , Clark 27. Astroschema monobactrum sp. n. Marquesas Is., Clark Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 61 p. 430. — A. elegans sp. n. New Zealand, Bell Brit. Antarct. Exp. 1910 Zool. 4 p. 7. Astroschematinae, Matsumoto 107. Astrothamnus rugosus sp. n. Aus- tralia, Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. Endeavour 4 p. 85. Astrotoma benhami sp. n. New Zea- land, Bell Brit. Antarct. Exp. 1910 Zool. 4 p. 8. Astrotominae, Matsumoto 107. Chilophiurida , Matsumoto 107. Conocladus ambly conus, oxy conus, Clark 27. Ctenamphiura sinensis sp. n. North China, Clark Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington 30 p. 15. Euryale as per a, Clark 27. Qnathophiurida , Matsumoto 107. Qorgonocephalidae, Matsumoto 107. Qorgonocephalus eucnemis, Crieq 62 ; Hilton 73. Hemieuryalidae, Matsumoto 107. Laemophiurida, Matsumoto 107. Ophiacantha with O. quadrispina p. 432 sp. n. Galapagos Is., Clark Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 61 pp. 431-435 ; O. heterotyla, Clark 27 ; O. bidcntata, Grieg 62 ; O. vivipara, Koehler 89. Ophiacanthidae, Matsumoto 107. Ophiactininae, Matsumoto 107. Ophiactis with O. symbiola p. 88 sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F. I. S. Endeavour 4 pp. 87-88 ; O., Clark 28. O phi emus, Clark 28. Ophiobyrsa rudis, Clark 27. Ophiobyrsinae , Matsumoto 107. Ophiocnida cubana sp. n. ' Cuba, Clark Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 69. Ophiochitonidae , Matsumoto 107. Ophiocoma, Clark 28. Ophiocomidae , Matsumoto 107. Ophiocreas phanerum sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results, of F. I. S. Endeavour 4 p. 79. Ophiocrene , Matsumoto 107. 23 Echin. Systematic — Crinoidea. 1031 Ophiocten squamosum sp. n. Chile, Clark Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 157 ; 0. sericeum, Grieg 62. Opliioderma pentacantha sp. n. Gala- pagos Is., Clark Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 61 p. 443 ; O. panamensis, annulata nervous system, Hilton 76. Ophiodermatidae, Matsumoto 107. Opkiodermalinae , Matsumoto 107. Ophiogeron , Clark 28. Ophioglypha ambigua, brevispina, Koehler 89. Ophiolepididae, Matsumoto 107. Ophiolepidinae, Matsumoto 107. f Ophiolapis damesii , Embrey 45. Ophioleucidae, Matsumoto 107. Ophiomastix bispinosa sp. n. Paumotu Is., Clark Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Har- vard Coll. 61 p. 442. Ophiomusium with O. canaliculatum p. 448 Pacific, tripassalotum p. 451 Paumotu Is., spp. n., Clark t.c. pp. 448-452. Opliiomyxa brevirima, Bell 10 ; O. australis , Clark 27. OpUiomyxinae , Matsumoto 107. Ophionereis schayeri , Clark 27 ; O. larva, Mortensen 111 ; O., Clark 28. Ophiouotus hexactis , Koehler 89. Ophiopezella , Clark 28. Ophiopholis aculeata, Grieg 62. Ophiophthalmus gen. n. of Ophiacan- thidae typo Ophiacantha cataleimmoida Clark, Matsumoto J. Coll. Sci. Tokyo 38 (2) pp. 93, 106. Ophiopteron alatum sp. n. North China, Clark Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton 30 p. 13. Ophiosemnotes gen. n. of Ophiacan- thidae type Ophiolebes tylota Clark, Matsumoto J. Coll. Sci. Tokyo 38 (2) pp. 93, 135. Ophiosteira koehleri sp. n. Ecuador, Clark Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 173 ; O. antarctica figd., Bell 10. Ophiothamnus , Matsumoto 107. Ophiothela hadra, Clark 27. Ophiothrix , Clark 27, 28 ; O. fragilis larva, Mortensen 111. Ophiotrichidae , Matsumoto 107. Ophiolypa , Clark 28. Ophiozonella , Clark 28. Ophiura with O. slCnobrachia p. 446 sp. n. Eastern Pacific, Clark Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 61 pp. 445- 448 ; O. robusta, Grieg 62. Ophiuroidea , B. 2. Ophiurothamnus gen. n. of Ophiacan- thidae type Ophiomitra dicycla Clark, Matsumoto J. Coll. Sci. Tokyo 38 (2) pp. 94, 129. Pectinura dyscrita , Clark 27. Phrynophiurida , Matsumoto 107. Trichasterinae, Matsumoto 107. F. Crinoidea. Amphimetra crenulaia , Clark 27. Antedon , Bell 10. f Antedon with A . minutissimus p. 169, janeti p. 170 ,courvillensis p. 172, spp. n., Senonian France, Valette Bull. Soc. Sci. Yonne 70 pp. 165-174. \ Aiactocrinus, Bather 5. f Balanocrinus doliolum, epensensis , minutus , senonensis spp. n., Senonian France, Valette Bull. Soc. Sci. Yonne 70 pp. 145, 147, 149, 161 ; B. didaclylus , subbasalliformis (— sowerbyi Wetherell Ms.) figd., Bather 7. ]Bursacrinus, Macnair 104. Comantheria intermedia sp. n. Japan, Clark Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 29 p. 105. Comanthus perplexum, plectrophorumy spanoschistum spp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. Endeavour 4 pp. 14, 15, 17. Comatula crater a sp. d. Australia, Clark t.c. p. 12. Cortuometra incommoda, lovevit Clark t.c. p. 26. t Conocrinus lamberti, welschi spp. n. Senonian France, Valette Bull. Soc. Sci. Yonne 70 pp. 113, 115. Cosmiometra dasybrachia sp. n. Aus- tralia, Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. Endeavour 4 p. 24. f Cyathocrinus pinnatus (?), Faura y Sans 46. Dicliom,etra dofleini sp. n. Japan, Clark Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 29 p. 106. 24 Echin. V. Echinoderma. 1917] f Embryocrinus problematicus sp. n. [locality not mentioned], Hudson Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 28 p. 204. f Encrinus cassianus, Dorn y ay 42 ; E., Fa irn a y Sans 46. f Entrochus silesiacus , Dornyay 42. \Graphiocrinus , Macnair 104. f Habrocrinus, Foerste 54. Ileliom&tra glacialis , Grieg 62. f Hydreionocrinus scoticus, Macnair 104. f Isocrinus with I .sancti-paterni p. 128 affinis p. 132, granosus p. 133, hureae p. 135, neuvillensis p. 138, icaunensis p. 139, courvillerisis p. 142, spp. n., Seno- nian France, Valette Bull. Soo. Sci. Yonne, 70 pp. 124-144. Isomelra vivipara sp. n. Antarctic, Mortensen Vid. Dansk naturli. Foren. 68 p. 208. f Lampterocrinus inflatus -minor var. n. Silurian Ohio, Foerste Ohio J. Sci. 17 p. 239. \Marsupites Valette 137. \M erocrinus, Bather 4. Metacrinus cyaneus sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. Endeavour 4 p. 9. ■[• Millericrinus echinatus, rotiforinis, goupili figd., Douville 43. Nemaster insolitus sp. n. Caribbean Sea, Clark Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 65. Neocomatella ornata sp. n. Cuba, Clark t.c. p. 63. Notocrinus gen. n. type N. virilis sp. n. Antarctic, Mortensen Vid. Dansk naturh. Foren. 68 p. 206. Oligometra zebra sp. n. Australia, Clark Biol. Results of F.I.S. Endeavour 4 p. 22. Oreometra pericalla sp. n. Australia, Clark t.c. p. 20. t Ottaioacrinus, Bather 3. f Pentacrinus aff. jurensis Querist., Tilmann Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 41 p. 699. — P. lamberti sp. n. Senonian France, Valette Bull. Soc. Sci. Yonne 70 p. 121. — P., Douville 43. f Periechocrinus cylindncvs sp. n. Silurian Ohio, Foerste Ohio J. Sci. 17 p. 244. f Pisocriuus globularis , Macnair 104. | Plalycrinus, Macnair 104. t Porocrinus smithi respiratory organs, Hudson 78. f Poteriocrinus minutus (?), Faura y Sans 46. Promachocrinus kerguelensis, Bell 10. Prometra oivstoui sp. n. Japan, Clark Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 29 p. 106. Ptilometra macronema, miilleri, Clark 27. Ehyzocrinus lofotensis, Nordgaard 115. \ Scyphocrinus cf. elegans, Faura y Sans 46. Tropiometra carinata habits, Clark 29 ; larva, Mortensen 111. | Uintacrinus, Valette 137. f Ulocnnus, Macnair 104. f Volvola with F. elliptica cylindrica p. 98 var. n., V. maxima p. 101, hureae p. 104, lagenalis p. 109, spp. n., Senonian France, Valette Bull. Soc. Sci. Yonne 70 pp. 86-111. Zygometra elegans, microdiscus, Clark 27. G. Cystidea. •j Garyocrinites ornatus, Foerste 53. | Comar ocystites punctatus, obconicus, shumardi, Foerste 53. ■\Cyclocystoides, Raymond 123. | Echinosphaerites cf. balticus Eiehw., Faura y Sans 46. \Qogia gem n. of Eocystidae type G. prolijica sp. n. Cambrian Alberta Wal- cott Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 67 p. 68. | Shaffer ia gen. n. of Eocystidae type S. cisina sp. n. Cambrian British Columbia, Walcott t.c. p. 71 f Steganoblastus, Hudson 79. YTrochocystites , Faura y Sans 46. H. Blastoidea. f Pentremites with P. saxiomontanus p. 363, divergens p. 365, altimarginatus p. 366, spp. n.. Carboniferous Montana, Clark Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 61 pp. 363-371. | Schizoblaster with S. haynesi p. 371 sp. n. Carboniferous Montana, Clark t.c. pp. 371-373. VI. VERMIDEA ARRANGED BY J. S. DUNKERLY. CONTENTS Titles (for all groups) PAGE 3 PLATYHELMINTHIA, NEMERTINEA, MESOZOA. Subject Index : — Comprehensive and General = 1203 .. , , 14 Structure =1207 .. . . , , 14 Physiology = 121 1 14 Development= 1215 .. , . 14 Ethology = 1219 . . 14 Variation, Phylogeny= 1223 . . . . 15 Distribution ( Geography) = 1227 15 Systematic = 1231 : — Platyhelminthia Turbellaria . . 15 , # 15 Trematoda . . # # 16 Cestoda # i 18 Nemertinea f • 19 Mesozoa (vacant) NEMATHELMINTHIA. Subject Index : — Comprehensive and General = 1403 . * . . . ; .. 19 Structure = 1407 .. .. .. .. .. ..19 Physiology=14ll ... .. .. .. .. .. 19 Development= 1415 .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 Ethology = 141 9 .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 Variation, Phytogeny =1423 . . . . . . . . 20 Distribution (Geography)= 1427 .. .. .. ..20 Systematic =1431 : — Nematoda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Nematomorpha . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Acanthocephala . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 (h-4840 o) b 4 2 CHAETOGNATHA, GASTROTRICHA, ROTIFERA. Subject Index : — Comprehensive and General = 1603 , . . . .. Structure= 1607 .. . . .. . . Physiology=1611 Development— 1615 .. Ethology = 1619 .. .. Variation, Phylogeny= 1 623 . . . . .. . . Distribution (Geography) = 1627 .. .. . . Systematic = 1 631 : — Chaetognatha .. .. .. .. .. Gastrotricha . . . . . . . . .... Rotifera . . . . .... ANNELIDA, GEPH57REA, PRIAPULOIDE A. PHORONIDEA, PTEROBRANCHIATA. Subject Index : — Comprehensive and General = 1803 .. Structure=1807 .. .. Physiology =1811 Development= 1815 .. .. .. .. Ethology = 181 9 Variation, Phylogeny= 1823 . . Distribution (Geography) = 1827 Systematic = 1831 : — Annelida Archiannelida Polychaeta . . Myzostomida (vacant). Oligochaeta . . . . . . .... Ilirudinea . . . . . . . . . . Echiuroidea (vacant). Gephyrea (Sipunculoidea) . . , . . . Priapuloitlea (vacant). Phoronidea Pterobranehiata (vacant). CAGE 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 27 27 28 28 3 V enn. 1200-1800 TlTLE8. 1 I.— TITLES. Abbott, J. F. The blood cells of Thal- lasema mellita. Washington Univ. Studies St. Louis No. 1 1913 (3-9). 1 Ackert, J. E. A means of transmit- ting the fowl nematode, Tleterahis papillosa Bloch.. Science N.Y. 46 1917 (394). 2 Ackert, J. E. and Grant, A. A. Another Cestode from the young cat. Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 38 (93-96). 2a C • ' 1 ' J ‘ ' - Akashi, S. [ Davainea fot’mosana nov. sp. a new tape-worm reported from Formosa and Tokyo. Taiwan Ig. Zassi No. 167 1916.] Abs. in Trop. Dis. Bull. 10 1917 p. 123. 3 Ando, R. Suggestions as to prophy- laxis of Paragonimus westermanni. [Med. News Domestic & Foreign No. 866 1915 (202-203).] Abs. in Trop. Dis. Bull. 10 1917 p. 109. 4 Andr4, E. Contribution i\ l’etude de la faune helminthologique de la Suisse. Rev. Suisse Zool. 25 1917 (169-177). 5 Araoz, J. M. vide Biglieri, R. Baermann, G. Eine einfache Metlibde zur Auffindung von Anhylo&lomum (Nematoden) Larven in Erdproben. Batavia Tydschr. Geneesk Ned. Ind. 57 1917 (131-137): Weltevreden Meded. Geneeskundig Lab. Feestbundel 1917 (41-47). 6 Ball, S. C. The development of Paravortex gemellipara [Graf ilia gemel- lipara Linton). J. Morph. Philadelphia Pa. 27 1916 (453-558). 7 Barker, F. D. Polyradiate Cestodes. Science N. Y, 43 1916 (170-171). 7a Barker, F. D. A new Monostqme Trematode parasitic in the Muskrat with a key to the parasites of the American Muskrat. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. Decatur 111. 35 1916 (175-184). 7b . ; , 1 • ■ - Barker, F. D. and Parsons, S. A monostome lungfluke from The painted (n-4810 o) terrapin Ghrysemys marginata Agassiz. Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 36 1917 (55— 66). 8 Barreto, A. L. de B. Notas helmin- thologicas. i. Sobre o genero Allodap'a Diesing 1890. Brazil-Medico 31 1917 (243-244). 9 Barreto, A. L. de B. Notas lielmin- thologicas. ii. Sobre o genero Oxynema Linstow 1899. Brazil-Medico 31 1917 (305). , f 10 Barth6lemy, E. Essai de Coprologie microscopique. Diagnostic microscopique des Maladies parasitaires a Protozoa ires et a Ilehninthes. Paris Vigot Freres 1917 (1-128). 11 Beauchamp, P. de. Nouvelles re- cherches sur la sexualite chez Dinophi- lus. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (56-58). 12 Beauchamp, P. de. Sur quelques parasites provenaut du Congo beige. Rev. Zool. Afric. 4 1914 (109-116). 13 Becker, J. G. A further note on Bilharziosis in the Transvaal. S. Africa Med. J. 12 1916 (42). 14 Beddard, F. E. On the Scolex in the Cestode genus Duthiersia, and on the species of that genus. Proc.,Zool. Soc. 1917 1917, (73-82). 15 Benham, W. B. Report on the Poly- chaeta obtained by the F.I.S. “ Endeavour ” on the coasts of New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania &,nd South Australia. Pt. i. Fisheries Coni- monw. of Australia 3 Sydney 1915 (173-237). 16 Benham, W. B. Report oh the Boly- cliaeta obtained by the F.I.S. “En- deavour ” on the Coasts of New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. Pt. ii. : — 1 1 1 . Rejiort oh 'the Gephyrean Priapulus ^ obtained by the F.I.S. “Endeavour” in Australian Waters. Fisheries CbmmdnM of Austr. 4 pts. 2 & 3 Sydney 1916 (127-162). 17 b 4—2 4 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1917] Bergstrom, E. Die Polynoiden der schwedischen Siidpolarexpedition 1901- 1903. Zool. Bidrag frail Uppsala 4 1916 (269-304). 18 Bigelow, H. B. Explorations of the Coast Water between Cape Cod and Halifax in 1914 . . . Oceanography and Plankton. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll. 61 1917 (163-357). 19 Biglieri, R. and Araoz, J. M. Contri- bucion al estudio de una nueva filarioais humana encontrada en la Republica Argentina (Tucuman) occasionada por la “ Filaria Tucumana.” Buenos Aires , 1917 8 vo (1-22). 20 Blanchard, R. Encore un cas de Dipylidium caninum k Paris. Paris Arch. Parasitol. 16 1914 (438-448). 21 Blanchard, R. Monographic dea Hema- dipsines (Sangsues terrestres). Paris Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 10 1917 (640- 675). 22 Bonnet, A. Anomalie do l’appareil genital male de la sangsue. Paris Arch. Parasitol. 16 1914 (432-433). . 23 Borg, F. fiber die Spirorbisarten Schwedens nobst einem Vorsucli zu einer neuen Einteilung der Gattung Spirorbia. Zool. Bidrag fran Uppsala 5 1917 (15-38). 24 Borini, A. Pseudo-appendicite da Ascaridi. Paris Arch. Parasitol. 16 1914 (428-431). 25 Boulenger. C. L. Sclerostome para- sites of the horse in England. II. New species of the genus Cylichnostomum. Parasitol. Cambr. 9 1917 (203-212). 26 Bouttier, II. and Molard, E. Un cas de kyste hydatique du cerveau cliez l’homme. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (842-844). 27 Boynton, W. H. and Wharton, L. D. A fatal parasitic infestation in a herd of cattle and goats in Ambos Camarines province. Phil. J. Sci. Bull. 1916 1916 ( 285-290). 28 Br6mont, E. and LiSger, M. La Fiilariose de Bancroft k la Guyane frangaiso dans ses rapports avec les manifestations lyinphatexiques. Paris Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 10 1917 (896- 900). 29 Brinkmann, A. Die pelagischen Ne- mertinen (Monographisch dargestellt). Bergens mus. Skrifter Bd. 3 (1) 1917 (1—194). 30 Bryce, D. Notes on the collection of Bdelloid and other Rotifera. J. Quek. Micr. Club 13 1917 (205-230). 31 Bullock, F. D. vide Rohdenhurg, G. L. Capua, J. Sur un d4perissement des cultures de Pois en Gironde dft k la double action de V Heterodera aehachtii et du Fuaarium vasinfectum. Bull. Soc. Etude Vulg. Zool. Agric. Bordeaux 16 1917 (7-8 70-73 87-91). 32 Carini, A. and Maciel, J. Sobre algu- nas microfilarias de mammiferos do Brazil. Buenos Aires 1917 (1-8). 33 Carr, J. W. The Invertebrate Fauna of Nottinghamshire. 8vo Nottingham (J. & II. Bell) 1916 (i-viii 1-617). 33a Caullery, M. vide Mesnil, F. Cawaton, F. G. The Cercariae of Natal. Jl. Parasitol. 3 1917 (131— 135). 34 Cawaton, F. G. Prophylaxis in Bil- harziasis. J. Trop. Med. & Hygiene 20 1917 (49-50). 34a Cawaton, F. G. Bilharzia prophy- laxis. S. African Med. Rec. 15 1917 (38-39). 35 Charrier, II. Sur l'existence de phenomenes de “ dedifferenciation mus* culaire ” pendant la transfonnation de la Nereis fucata Sav. en Heteronereis. C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (878-879). 36 Child, C. M. Studies on the dynamics of morphogenesis and inheritance in ex- perimental reproduction. 8. Dynamic factors in head-determination in Plan- aria. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 17 1914(61-79). 37 Child, C. M. Differential susceptibility and differential inhibition in the develop- ment of polychete annelids. Journ. Morph. Philad. 30 1917 (1-64). 38 Cholodkovaky, N. Contribution k la connaissance des cysticerques d’oiseaux. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (219-222). 39 Ciurea, J. Die Auffiudung der Larven von Opisthorchia felineua, Pseudamphi- atomum danubienee und Metorehi & 5 Verm. Titles. 1200-1800 albidus unci die morphologische Entwicklung dieser Larven zu den geschlechtsreifen Wiirmern. Zs. In- fektkrankh. Ilaustiere Berlin 18 1917 (301-333). 40 Clapier. Les porteurs do kystes Filariens ( Onchocerca volvulus ) et do nodosites juxta-articulaires en pays Toma (Region militaire de la Quince). Paris Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 10 1917 (150-157). 41 Cleave, H. J. van. Filicollis botulus n. sp. with notes on the characteristics of the genus. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 35 1916 (131-134). 41a Cleave, II. J. van. Acanthocephala of the genera Centrorhynchus and Medio- rhynchus (new genus) from North American birds. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. Decatur 111. 35 1916 (221- 232). 41b Cobb, N. A. A new parasitic Nematade Tylenchus penetrans found infesting cotton and potatoes. Journ. Agric. Res. 11 1917 (27-33). 42 Cobb, N. A. Segmentation in Nema- todes. Observations bearing on the unsettled question of the relationship of nematodes to other branches of the Animal Kingdom. Science N.Y. 45 1917 (593). 43 Colgan, N. Observations on Photo- tropism and the Development of eye- spots in the marine Nemertine, Tamils i gesserensis. Irish Nat. 25 1916 (7-12). 44 Commes, 0. L’Eau du Niger et Phelminthiase intestinalo. Faris Bull. Soc. Path. oxot. 10 1917 (730). 45 Commes, 0. and Devanelle, P. L’Onchocercose aortiquo bovine dans le Haut-Senegal-Niger. Paris Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 10 1917 (459 -460). 46 Conreur, C. and Urbain, G. Entente hemorrhagica dos caes novos Uncinarioso intestinal. Arch. Brasil. Med. 6 1916 (560-563). 47 Cooper, A. R. Contributions to the life history of Protcocephalus ambloplilis Leidy. A parasite of the Black Bass. Contr. Canadian Biol. Oltavva 1911-14 fasc. 2 1915 (177-194). 48 Cort, W. W. North American frog lung flukes. Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 34 1915 (203-240). 49 Davis, John J. A nematode parasite of Root Aphids. Psyche Boston Mass. 23 1916 (39-40). 60 DelanoS, P. Au sujet de Pexistence dans le Cercle des Doukkala (Maroc Occidental) de la sangsue de cheval, Lhnnatis nilotica Savigny. Paris Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 10 1917 (458-459). 51 Dequal, L. Nuovi dati sulla dis- tribuzione degli Irudinei in Italia. Torino Boll. Mus. Zooi. Anat. 31 1916 No. 713 (1-8). 61a Dequal, L. Irudinei [in] Viaggio del Dott. E. Festa nel Ecuador. Torino Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. 31 1916 No. 717 (1-20). 52 Dequal, L. Nuovi Irudinei esotici del Museo Zoologico di Torino. Torino Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. 32 No. 724 (1-20). 52a Devanelle, P. vide Commes, C. D6v6, F. Pathog&iie des affections parasitaiies non-microbiennes du foie chez l’homme. Paris Arch. Parasitol. 16 1913 (211-281). 53 D6v6, F. La membrane d’enkystement peritoneal dans le chol^p^ritoine hydatique. C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (452-454). 54 D6v6, F. lichinococcose herniaire. C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (804-805). 55 Ddv6, F. Les kystes hydatiques primitifs multiples chez l’liomme. O. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (859-860). 56 Dickinson, C. G. A case of splenic abscess secondary to invasion of the stomach wall of a horse by Spiroptera megastoma. Yet. Jl. 73 1917 (14 15). 67 Dickinson, C. G. and Hill, O. F. Investigations into the cause of worm nodules ( Onchocerca gibsoni ) in cattle. Melbourne Govt. Printing Off. 1916 (1-7). 68 Ditlevsen, II. Annelids. I. The Danish Ingolf Expedition 4 Part 4 4to 1917(1-71). 59 Douma, S. Uber einige falle von Sklerostomiasis bei Fullen und Pferden. Berlin Tier. Wochenschr. 33 1917 (208- 210). 60 6 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1917] Dubois, A. Onchocerca volvulus et l’Elephantiasis dana le Ilaut-Ouelle (Congo beige). Paris Bull. Soc. Path, exct. 10 1917 (365-371). 61 Etheridge, P. An additional Annelid jaw from the Upper Silurian of Bowning. Sydney N.S.W. Rec. Austr. Mus. 11 1917 (221). 62 Evans, F. A. Exhibition of case. [Cysticercuacellulosa cerebral is.] Balti- more Bull. Johns Hopkins IIosp. 26 1915(87-88). 63 Fantham, H. B., Stevens, J. W. W. and Theobald, F. V. The animal parasites of man. London (Bale, Sons and Danielsson) 1917 (i-xxxii 1-900). 64 Faria, G. de. Nota sobre A gclujlostoma hrasiliense G. de Faria 1910. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Jan. 8 1916 (71- 73). • 65 Faust, E. C. Notes on the Cercariae of the Bitter Root Valley, Montana. Jl. Parasitol. 3 1917 (105-123). 66 Fauvel, P. Annelides polychetes de l’Australie meridionale. Arch. Zool. Paris 56 1917 (159-278), 67 Filipjev, J. Un Nematode libre nouveau do la mer Caspienne, Chroma - dorissa gen. nov. (Chromadoridae). Rev. Zool. Russe Moscou 2 1917 (29-30). 68 Foerste, A. F. Upper Ordovician formations in Ontario and Quebec. Ottawa Canada Dept. Mines Geol. Surv. Mem. 83 1916 (1-279). 69 Ford, vide Merrill, J. IJ. Foshee, A. M. vide Kepner, W. A. Foster, W. D. A further note op polyradiate Cestodes. Science N.Y. 44 1916 (388-389). 69a Foster, W. D. vide Ransom, B. H. Fuhrmann, O. Ein neper getrennt- geschlechtiger Cestode. Zool. Anzeiger 44 1914 (611-620). 70 Fujii, II. vide Shimamura, T. Fujinami, A. [Immunity to Macro- parasitic diseases. Can it be acquired? Kyoto Igaku Zassi 32 lpl6 ,(176-185).] Abstract in Trop. Dis. Bull. 10 1917 p. 107. 71 Galli-Valerio, B. Parasitologische Untersuphungen und Beitrage zur parasitologischen Technik. Centralbl. f. Bakt. I Orig. 79 1917 (41-48). 72 Garcia, F. Common' intestinal para- sites. Philippine J. Sci. B 12 1917 (25-32). ■ 73 Garrey, VV. E. and Moore, A. R. Peris- talsis and co-ordination in the earthworm. Amer. J. Physiol. Baltimore 39 1915 (139-148). 74 Gedoelst, L. Notes sur la faune parasitairo du Congo beige. Rev. Zool. > Africaine 5 1916 (1-90). 74a Gedoelst, L. Nematodes parasites du Sciurus Prevosti de Sumatra. Rev. Zool. Africaine 5 1917 (153-162). 75 Germain, L. and Joubin, L. ' Ch4to- gnathes provenant des campagnes de 1’,‘ Hirondelle ” et .de la “ Princesse Alice” (1885-1910). Result. Camp, ( Sci. Monaco fasc. 49 1916 (1-118.) 76 - Gilchrist, J. D. F. On the development of the Cape Cephalodiscus (O. gilcnristi, Ridewood) Q. J. Micr. Sci. 62, 1917 (189-211). 77 Glines, W. A. Intestinal parasites as cause of Appendicitis.- Bob Assoc. Med. de Puerto Rico 13 1916 (249-251). 78 Gonzalez, E. vide Iturbe, J. Goto, S. and Kikuchi, H. Two now Trematodes of the family Gyrodactylidae. Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 39 art. 4 1917 (1-22). 79 Grant, A. A. vide Ackert, J. E. Gravier, J. Sur l’association d’une Eponge siliceuse, d’une Anemone de mer et d’un Annelide polychMe des ’’ profoudeurs de PAtlantique. Paris G. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (333-336). 80 Green, B. R. vide Smith, F. Greuter, A. Beitrage zur Systematik der Gastrotrichen in der Schweiz. Rev. Suisse. Zool. 25 1917 (35-76). 81 Guerrini, G. Kndozooparassiti dell intestine e colera (note statische). 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[Trichostrongylose bie der Ziege.J Leiden Tydschr. vergelyk. geneesk. gezondh. dierz. 4 1918 (48-52). 226 Weber, R. A. Observations on the structure of double monsters in the earthworm. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 33 1917 (339-354). 226a Welch, P. S. Enchytraeidae (Oli- gocliaeta) from the Rocky Mountain region. Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 36 1917 (67-81). 227 Welch, P. S. Enchytraeidae (Oli- gochaeta) of the Woods Hole region, Mass. Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 36 1917 (119-138)- 228 Welch, P. S. Snow- field and glacier Oligochaeta from Mt. Rainier, Wash- ington. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 35 1916 (85-124). 228a Welsford, E. J. Investigation of bulb rot of Narcissus. Ann. Appl. Biol. London 4 (36-46). 229 Wenyon, C. M. and O’Connor, F. W. The carriage of ... . eggs of parasitic worms by house-flies, with some notes on the resistance of cysts to disinfectants and other agents. J. Roy. Army Med. Corps 28 1917 (522). 230 Wester, J. Een nieuwe Strongylo'ides by veulens. [Ein neuer Strongyloides bei Fiillen.] Utrecht Tydschr. Diergen. 44 1917 (67-73). 231 Whitney, D. D. The influence of food in controlling sex in Hydatina senta. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 17 1914 (545- 558). 232 Whitney, D. D. Parthenogensis and sexual reproduction in Rotifers. Ex- perimental Research upon Brachionm pala. Amer. Nat. 50 1916 (50-52). 233 Whitney, I). D. The Transformation of Brcichionus pala into Brachionm amphiceros by Sodium silicate. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass 31 1916 (113). 234 Whitney, D. D. The production of functional and rudimentary spermatozoa in Rotifers. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 33 1917 (305-315). 234a Wickware, A. B. Intestinal parasites- of poultry, their prevention and treat- ment. Canada Dept. Agric. Health of Animals Bull. No. 25 1917 (1-13). 235 Willetts, D. G. A statistical study of Intestinal Helminthiasis. [Southern Med. Jl. 10 1917 (42-49).] Abs. in Trop. Dis. Bull. Lond. 9 1917 p. 276. 236 Wirth, D. Filariosen bei einheim- ischen Pferden (Vierte Mitteilung). Zs. Infektkrankh. Haustiere Berlin 18- 1917 (380-413). 237 Wohl, M. G. Trichiniasis. Med. Rec. New York 89 1916 (98-101). 238 Wulzen, R. Some chemiotropic and feeding reactions of Planaria maculata. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 33 1917 (67-69). 238a Yakimoff, W. T .,Schokhor — and Kosel- kine — . Microfilaires des animaux au Turkestan russe. Paris Bull. Soc. Path, exot. 10 1917 (102-105). 239 Yorke, W. and Blacklock, B. The ocurrence of Anhylostoma ccylanicum in West African dogs. Ann. Trop. Med. & Parasitol. 11 1917 (69-74), 240 Yorke, W. and Blacklock, B. Obser- vations on the periodicity of Microfilaria nocturna. Ann. Trop. Med. & Paras. 11 1917 (127-147). 241 Yoshida, S. On a trematode larva encysted in a Crab, Ilelice tridens (de Ilaan). J. Parasitol. 3 1916 (76-81). . 242 Yoshida, S. The occurrence of Bothriocephalus liguloides Leuckart* with especial reference to its de- velopment. J. Parasitol. 3 1917 (17 1— 176). 243 Yoshida, S. Some Cestodes from Japanese Selachians, including five new species. Parasitol. Cambr. 9 1917 (560-592). 244: 14 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1917] Ziegler, H. E. Aus der Entwick- lungsgeschichte eines Rohremvurmes. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 44 1914 (586-592). 245 Zuelzer, M. Kurzer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Jugendstadien von Bilharzia haematobia ( Sckistosomum haematobium). Arch. Scliiffshyg. Leipzig 21 1917 (269-274). 246 PLATYHELMINTHIA, NEMERTINEA, MESOZOA. SUBJECT INDEX. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL. 1203 Economics. Relation to Disease. Trematoda : — Ando, 4 ; Becker, 14 ; Cawston, 34, 34a and 35 ; Fujinami, 71 ; Hilario & Wharton, 89b ; Potts, 154a. Cestoda:—- Blanchard, 21 ; Bouttier & Molard, 27 ; Deve, 54, 55 and 56 ; Evans, 63 ; Hall, 85 ; Richaud, 160 ; Rohdenburg & Bullock, 165 ; Yoshida, 243. Technique. Hall, 86. STRUCTURE. 1207 General Morphology. Turbellaria:— von Hofsten, 91. Trematoda : — Cort, 49 ; HUario & Wharton, 89b ; Johnston, 104 ; Pratt, 155. Cestoda : — Beddard, 15. Nemertinea : — [ Brinkmahn, 30. Genital Organs, von Hofsten, 91 ; JohnSton, 104. Histology, Cytology. Kepner & Foshee, 107 ; Kepner & Taliaferro,x107a ; Taylor, 206. PHYSIOLOGY. 1211 Response to stimuli. Colgan, 44 ; Kepner & Foshee, 107 ; Stringer, 202 ; Wulzen, 238a. \ i , .... • ; DEVELOPMENT. 1215 General, Life-Cycle. Turbellaria : — Ball, 7 ; Child, 37. Trematoda : — Ciurea, 40 ; Faust, 66 ; Iturbe, 99 & 100 ; Iturbe A Gonzalez, 101 ; Leiper, 119 ; Lutz, 126 ; Nakagawa, 143 A 144 ; Narabayashi, 145 ; Zuelzer, 246. Cestoda : — Ackert & Grant, 2a ; Dev6, 56 ; Foster, 69a ; Janicki, 102 ; Janicki & Rosen, 103 ; Yoshida, 243. Larval forms. •Trematoda : — Cawston, 34 ; Ward, 223 and 224. Cestoda : — Cooper, 48. ETHOLOGY. 1219 Bionomics. Moore, 141. Plankton. Brinkmann, 30 ; Lebour, 114. Transmission. Becker, 14 ; Wenyon & O’Connor, 230. Parasitism. Turbellaria Kaburaki, 105. Systematic. — Platyiielminthu. 1231 15 Verm. Them atom : — In MoUubccl. Cawston, 34 and 35 ; Faust, 66 ; Iturbe, 99 and 100 ; Itur'oe & Gonzalez, 101 ; Leiper, 119 ; Lutz, 126 ; Nakagawa, 143 ; Narabayashi, 145 ; Zuelzer, 246. Other Invertebrata. Lebour, 115 ; Sinton, 189 ; Yoshida, 242. Pisces. Andr4, 4 ; Ciurea, 40 ; Goto & Kikuchi , 79 ; MacCullum, 128 ; Schellhase, 172. Amphibia A Repiilia. Andr6, 4 ; Barker & Parsons, 8 ; Pratt, 155 ; Stunkard, 204. Aves. Andr6, 4 ; Johnston, 104 ; Travassos, 213 ; Ward, 224. Mammalia ( except Man). Barker, 7b ; Boynton & Wharton, 28 ; Schebitz, 171 ; Sweet, Seddon & Robert- son, 205; Travassos, 213. Man. Cawston, 35 ; Fantham, Stevens & Theobald, 64; Fujinami, 71 ; Hilario & Wharton, 89b; Lane, 110; Nakagawa, 144; Shircore, 186. Cestoda : — In Invertebrata. '■ Andr6, 4 ; Janicki & Rosen, 103. Pisces. Beauchamp, 13 ; Cooper, 48 ; Janicki, 102; Linton, 121 ; MacCullum, 128 ; Yoshida, 244. Aves. Andr6, 4 ; Cholodkovsky, 39 ; Fuhr- mahni 70; Gutberlet, 83a; Wickware, 235. Mammalia (except Man). Ackert & Grant, 2a ; Andre, 4 ; BarthSlemy, 11 ; Galli-Valerio, 72 ; Hall, 84 ; Macfie, 129 ; Teodoro, 207. Man. Blanchard, 21 ; Bouttier & Molard, 27} D£v6, 53, 55 & 56; Fantham, Stevens & Theobald, 64 ; Guerrini, 82; Hoki, 92; Leon, 120 ; Shircore, 186. VARIATION, PHYLOOENY. 1223 Pliylogeny, classification. Rosa, 165a. Teratology. Barker, 7a ; Foster, 69a ; Leon, 120. DISTRIBUTION. . 1227 [Vide etiam Ethology (Parasitism).] Europe. Nasonov, 146. America. Cort, 49. Mediterranean , Maluquer, 131. North Atlantic. Brinkmann, 30 ; Ostenfeld, 150. SYSTEMATIC. 1231 Platyhelminthia. (d) Turbellaria. Siisswassertricladen, : Bestimraungs- echlussel; Kaburaki Annot. Zool. Japan. 9 p. 331. v Castrada list of spp., perspicua p. 702 descr., libidinosa p. 705 sp. n. Swedish Lapland; Hofsten Naturw. Unters. Sarekgeb. 4 6. — C. rovisn. of genus ; Hofsten Zool. Bidrag fran Uppsala 5 pp. 1-44. — C. perspicua (Fuhrm.j syn. O. segne (Luther) p. 1247, segnis suhsp. fennica subsp. n. p. 1250 ; Nasonov Petrogr. Bull. Acad. Sci. 6 No. 15 [Figs, in No. 14]. (Rus3.) Dalyellia lutheri p. 1104, J< arisalmica p. 1106, spp. n. Finland; Nasonov Petrogr. Bull. Acad. Sci. 6 No. 14. (Russ.) Dendrocoelum lacteum geogr. distr. ; Hofsten Naturw. Unters. Sarekgeb. 4 6 p. 723. 16 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1917] Ectoplana gen. n. for E. ( Procerodes ) limuli on Limulus ; Kaburaki Annot. Zool. 9 p. 325. Mesostoma maculatum sp. n. Swedish Lapland ; Hofsten Naturw. [Inters. Sarekgeb. 4 6 p. 711. Olistanclla valaamica p. 1241, pahrieni p. 1213, spp. n. Finland ; Nasonov Petrogr. Bull. Acad. Sci. 6 No. 15 [figs, in No. 14]. (Russ.) Opistomum aracnii sp. n. Finland ; Nasonov Petrogr. Bull. Acad. Sci. 6 No. 14 p. 1108. (Russ.) Otomesostoma auditivum distr. ; IIof- seen Naturw. Unters. Sarekgeb. 4 6 p. 735. Planaria alpina geogr . distr. ; Hofsten Naturw. Unters. Sarekgeb. 4 6 p. 723. Polycelia ijimai sp. n. Japan ; Kaburaki Annot. Zool. Japan 9 p. 327. (5) Trematoda. List of, parasitic in Australian birds ; Jounston Sydney N.S.W. J. It. Soc. 50 p. 252. Accinthocotyle bothi sp. n. from Bothua maeulatua ; MacCullum Zootlipatho- logica N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1 p. CO. Acanthoparyphium spimdoaum sp. n. from Charadriua dominicus ; Jounston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50 p. 198. Acrolichanua nom. n. for Acrodactyla Stafford type A. petaloaa (Lander) ; Ward J. Parasitol. 4 p. 4. Alassostoma gen. n. (Paramphiato- midae) magnum type sp. from Paeudemya trooati and P. elegana, pavvum from Chelydra aerpentina , spp. n. ; Stunkard J. Parasitol. 3 p. 24. Alcicornia gen. n. carangia sp. n. from Garanx ruber ; MacCullum Zoopatho- logica N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1 p. 62. Aorchia extenaua B. & P. described ; Barker & Parsons Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 36 p. 57. — A. vide Ileronimidae. Artyfechinostomum aufrartyfex vide Echinostomum malayanum. Atalostrophion epinepheli sp. n. from Epinephelua striatua ; HaoCullum Zoo- pathologica N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1 p. 71. Atheamia atlillae sp. n. from Attila cincrea ; Travassos Brazil Medico 31 p. 149. Austrobilharzia gen. n. p. 234, terri- galenaia sp. n. from Larua novae-liol- landiae ; Johnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50. Azygia distorted specimens wrongly named Megadiatomum, Mimodiatomum and Hassaliua ; Ward J. Parasitol. 4 p. 4. Bdharzia, Bilharziella and allied genera, distinctions ; Johnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50 p. 238. Gatoptroidea magnum from Balistes carolinenais p. 64, aluterae from Alutera schoepfii p. 66, spp. n. ; MacCullum Zoopathologica N. Y. Zool. Soc 1. “ Cercaria ” pellucida from Limnaea proxima and Physa gyrina p. 106, kona- denais from L. proxima p. 108, ptycho- cheilus from Ptychoeheilua oregonenais p. 110, flabelliformia from P. gyrina p. Ill, crenata from Lymnaea pi'oxima p. 112, glandulosa from P. gyrina p. 113, diaphana from L. proxima p. 114, dendritica from L. proxima p. 115, micropliarynx from L. proxima p. 116, racemoaa from L. proxima p. 117, triaolenata from P. gyrina and Planorbis trivolvia p. 118, biflexa from P. gyrina p. 119, graciUima from P. gyrina and L. proxima p. 122, tuberiatoma from P. gyrina p. 123, “spp. n.” ; Faust J. Parasitol. 3.— “O.” cortii from Planor- bia trivolvia p. 161, gracilia from Physa integra p. 1 68, inversa from Physa gyrina p. 169, echinocauda from P. gxgrina p. 170, quieta from Planorbis trivolvia p. 171,. haskelli from P. gyrina p. 172, kansiensis from Planorbia trivolvia p. 174, “spp.n.” ; O’Roke Sci. Bull. Kansas Univ. 10. — “ C.” calenata from Planorbia pfeifferi Limnaea natalensis and Phyaopah af ricana p. 131, oculata from P. africana p. 132, secobiana from P. africana p. 133, “ spp. n.” ; Cawston Jl. Parasitol. 3. — “ C.” marcianae from Thamnophis marciana p. 3, vegrandis from T. marciana and T. eques p. 8, “ spp. n.”; La Rue Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Michigan 35.—“ G ” anchoroidea p. 12, gorgonocephala p. 17, “ spp. n.“ free- living N. America ; Ward J. Parasitol. 3. Githara gen. n. priacanthi sp. n. from Priacanthu8 cruentatus ; MacCullum Zoopathologica N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1 p. 70. Clinostomum auatralienae sp. n. from Plotua novae-hollandiae ; Johnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50 p. 230. 17 Verm. Systematic.— “-Platyhelminthi a. 1231 Collyriclidcle fam. n. [?] for Collyriclum colei nom. n. for Monostoma faba Cole ; Ward J. Parisitol. 4 p. 2. Cryptogoniminae subfam. n. [?] for Cryptogonimus Osborn ; Ward J. Para- sitol. 4 p. 5. Cyclocoelum taxorchis sp. n. from Limosa novae-hollandiae ; Johnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50 p. 239. Dactylogyrus inversus sp. n. on Lateolabrax japonicus Cuv. and Val. ; Goto and Kikuohi Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 39 4 p. 1. Diclidophora prionoti from marine fish p. 47, cynoscioni from Cy noscion regalis p. 48, neomaenis from Neomaenis analis p. 49, spp. n. ; MacCullum Zoo- pathologica. Sci Contrib. N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1. Diplectanum tylosuri sp. n. from Tylosurus marinus ; MacCullum Zoo- patliologica N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1 p. 55. Distoma vide Fascioloides. Dolichosaccus solecarius sp. n. from Phalacrocorax melanoleucus ; Johnston . Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50 p. 218. Echinocliasmus tcnuicollis sp. n. from riialocrocorax melanoleucus ; Johnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50 p. 206. E chinopary phium oxyurum from Ilero- dias timoriensis p. 201, harveyanum from Micraeca fascinans p. 204, spp. n. ; Johnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50. Echinostoma vide Slephanoprora. Eckinostomum malayanuvi dist. from Artyfechinostomum sufrartyfex ; Lane Ind. J. Med. Res. 4 p. 440. Encotyllabe pagrosomi sp. n. from Pagrosomus auratus ; MacCullum Zoo- pathologica N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1 p. 50. Fascioloides gen. n. [?] type F. ( Distoma ) magna (Bassi) ; Ward J. Para- sitol. 4 p. 3. Haematotrephus adelphus sp. n. from Ilimantopus leucocephalus ; Johnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50 p. 241. Harmostomum pulcheUum sp. n. from Leucosarcia picata ; Johnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50 p. 227. Hassalius Goldberger nom. nud. — Azygia ; Ward J. Parasitol. 4 p. 4. (n-4840 o) Tleronirhidae fam. n. [?] for Aorchis extensus Barker and Parsons ; Ward J. • Parasitol. 4 p. 3. Himasthla harrisoni sp. n. from Numenius cyanopus ; Johnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50 p. 195. Ilyptiasmus magnus sp. n. from Chenopsis atrata ; J ohnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50 p. 244. Levinseniella howensis sp. n. from Charadrius dominicus ; Johnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50 p. 220. Loimos gen. n. salpinggoides sp. n. from Carcliarhinus obscurus ; MaoCul- lum Zoopathologica N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1 p. 54. Lyperosomum parvum from Strepera versicolor p. 223, megastomum from Sterna bergii p. 225, harrisoni from Ninox boobooh p. 226, spp. n. ; Johnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R.. Soc. 50. Megadistomum Leidy and Stafford nom. mxd. = Azygia ; Ward J. Parasitol. 4 p. 4. Microcotyle incomparabilis from Caranx ruber p. 63, polynemi from Polyncmus auratus p. 68, spp. n. ; MacCullum Zoopathologica N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1. • Mimodistornum Leidy nom. nud. = Azygia ; Ward J. Parasitol. 4 p. 4. Monostomum pandum Braun vide Wilder ia elliptica. Nudacotyle gen. n. type sp. novica sp. n. from muskrat ; Barker Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 35 p. 181. N udacotylinae sub-fam. n. ( Nuda - cotylidae) type gen. Nudacotyle.q.v. Pachypsolus tertius sp. n. from Caretta caretta ; Pratt Arch. Parasitol. 16 p. 416. Paragonimus icestermanni life-cycle ; Naicagawa J. Exp. Med. 26 p. 297. Paramphistomum aspidonectes sp. n. from Trionyx aspidonectes ferox ; MacCullum Zoopathologica N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1 p. 59. Patagifer acuminatus from Ibis molucca p. 210, f rat emus from Ilerodias timoriensis p. 213, spp. n. ; Johnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50. b 5 18 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1917 Plagiorchis spatulatas from Anthus australis p. 214, clelandi from Petro- chelidon arid p. 216, spp. n. ; Johnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50. Plesiochonis cymbiformis (Rud.) descrip tn. ; Pratt Arch. Parasitol. 16 p. 420. Pneumobites gen. n. [?] for Pn. ( Pneu - monoeees) longiplexus (Stafford) type, and Pn. breviplexus ; Ward J. Parasitol. 4 p- 5- Pneumonoeees vide Pneumobites. — P. key to spp. p. 237, P. coloradensis sp. n. from lung Rana pipiens ; Cort Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 34 p. 231. Polystoma [ Polystomum ] orbiculare from Pseudemys seripta and Chrysemys marginata, opaeum from Trionyx Jerox and Malacoclemmys leseurii , megacotyle from Chrysemys marginata, microcotyle from Chrysemys marginata, spp. n. ; Stunkard J. Parasitol. 3 p. 23. Polystomoides sub. gen. n. [?] of Polystoma (sic) type P. ( Polystomoides ) coronatum (Leidy 1888) ; Ward J. Parasitol. 4 p. 2. Polystomum vide Polystomoides. Rhytidodes secundus Bp. n. from Caretta caretta ; Pratt Arch. Parasitol. 16 p. 423. Scaphanocephalus australis sp. n. from Raliaetus leucogaster ; Johnston Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50 p. 188. Schistosomum mansoni, lifecycle ; Iturue & Gonzalez Nat. Acad. Med. (Spec. Ed.) 1917 p. 1. Stephanochasmus robustus sp. n. from Leptocephalus conger ; MaoCullum Zoo- pathologica N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1 p. 67. Stephanoprora gilberti nom. n. [?] for Echinostoma spinulosum Gilbert nec Rud.; Ward J. Parasitol. 4 p. 4. Tetraneistrum gen. n. (fam. Gyrodacty- lidae ) 3 igani sp. n. from Siganus' fuscescens Houttuyn ; Goto & Kikuchi Tokyo J. Coll. Sci. 39 4 p. 13. Wilderia gen. n. elliptica sp. n. (? = Monostomum pandum Braun) from Caretta caretta ; Pratt Arch. Parasitol. 16 p. 412. Zygocotyle gen. n. ( Paramphistomidae ) for ceratosa sp. n. type sp. from Anas platyrliynchos and Z. (Amphi stoma) lunatum (Diesing); Stunkard J. Parasitol. 3 p. 26. Zygocotylinae sub-fam. n. [?] for Zygocotyle ceratosa Stunkard ; Ward J. Parasitol. 4 p. 3. (c) Cestoda. Acanthobothrium ijimai sp. n. from Dasybatis abaci ; Yosiiida Parasitol. 9 p. 573. Anthobothrium lilliiformis sp. n. from Dasybatis pastinacus ; MaoCullum Zoopathologica N.Y. Zool. Soc. 1 p. 61. Bothriocephlaus taenioides really a misshapen B. latus ; Leon Centralbl. Bakt., Jena, 78, p. 503. Calliobothrium convolutum p. 578, nodosum p. 585, spp. n. from Cynias manazo ; Yoshida Parasitol. 9. Choanotaenia infundibidiformis adult & larva described ; Gutberlet Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 35 p. 24. Davainea formosana sp. n. from man ; Akashi Taiwan Ig. Zassi 167 1916 — D. tetragona p. 34, cesticillus p. 37, described ; Gutberlet Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 35 p. 34. Dioicoccslas novae guinae sp. n. from Podicipes novae hollandiae ; Euurmann Zool. Anz. 44 p. 611. Duthiersia expansa Perrier and D. fimbr'iata Diesing, structure and distinction ; Beddard Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 p. 73. Hymenolepis carioca description ; Gutberlet Trans. Amer. Soc. 35 p. 39. Ichthyotaenia vide Proteocephalus. Onchobothrium tortum sp. n. from Aetobatis narinari ; Linton J. Parasitol. 3 p. 36. Orygmatobothrium velamentum sp. n. from Cynias manazo ; Yoshida Parasitol. 9p. 566. Proteocephalus sidcatus syn. Ichthyo- taenia sidcata Klaptocz ; Beauchamp Rev. Zool. Afric. 4 p. 109. Rhynchobothrium microbothrium sp. n. from Neomaenis analis ; MaoCullum Zoopathologica N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1 p. 74. — R. laciniatum sp. n. from Cynias manazo ; Yoshida Parasitol. 9 p. 588. Taenia narinari sp. n. from Aetobatis narinari ; MaoCullum Zoopathologica N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1 p. 53. 19 Verm. Subject Index. — Nemathelmintiiia. 1419 Tetrarhynchus narinari sp. n. from Aetobatis narinari ; MaoCullum Zoo- puthologica N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1 p. 52. Tylocephalum marsupium sp. n. from Aetobatis narinari ; Linton J. Parasitol. 3 p. 34. Nemertinea. Nemertinen, pelagische, monograph - isch dargestellt ; Brinkmann Bergens Mus. Skr. 3 pp. 1-194. Balaenanemertes musculocaudaba p. 124, grandis p. 134, spp. n. N. Atlantic ; Brinkmann Bergens Mus. Skr. 3. Parabalaenanemertes gen. n. fusca sp. n. N. Atlantic ; Brinkmann Bergens Mus. Skr. 3 p. 118. Probalaenaneynertes gen. n. yvijrihojji sp. n. N. Atlantic ; Brinkmann Bergens Mus. Skr. 3 p. 122. Mesozoa [Vacant.] NEMATHELMINTHIA. SUBJECT INDEX. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL. 1403 Economics. Relation to Disease. Borini, 25 ; Clapier, 41 ; Cobb, 42 ; Conreur A Urbain, 47 ; T>6v6, 53 ; Dickensen, 57 ; Douma, 60 ; Dubois, 61 ; Garcia, 73 ; Guerrini, 83 ; Hall, 85 ; Lane, 112 ; Lintz, 122 ; Marotte & Morvan, 132 ; Ransom, 157 ; Ransom & Foster, 158 ; Richaud, 160 ; Shaw, 184 ; Shimamura & Fujii, 185 ; Sicard, 188 ; Skrjabin, 191; Tyzzer A Honeij, 218; Waterman, 226 ; Wohl, 238. Technique. Baermann, 6 ; Magath, 130a. STRUCTURE. 1407 General. Cobb, 43; Man, 131a; Ward, 224; Wirth, 237. PHYSIOLOGY, 1411 Effects of chemical reagents. Nicoll, 147 ; Painter, 152 ; Sclioevers, 175 ; Tyzzer A Honeij, 218. DEVELOPMENT. 1415 General, Life- Cycle. Nicoll, 147 ; Painter, 152 ; Ransom A Hall, 159 ; Seurat, 177 ; Stewart, 198, 199, 200 & 201. ETHOLOGY. 1419 Bionomics. Commes, 45 ; Man, 131a. Transmission: Mode of Infection. Ackert, 2 ; Dickinson A Hill, 58 Lyon, 127 ; Riley, 161 ; Wenyon A O’Connor, 230. Parasitism. ( Vide etiam Relation to disease.) In plants. Capus, 32 ; Ritzema Bos, 163 A 164 ; Schoevers, 175 ; Wallace, 220a ; Wels- ford, 229. In Tnvertebrata. Beauchamp, 13; Davis, 50; Keilin, 106 ; Lebour, 115 ; Merrill & Ford, 135 ; Ransom & Hall, 159 ; Travassos, 215. Pisces. Andr<5, 4 A 5 ; Ward A Magath, 225. Amphibia. Andrd, 4 A 5 ; Gedoelst, 74a ; Travassos, 210 ; Yakimoff, &c., 239. Reptilia. Gedoelst, 74a ; Plimmer, 154 ; Seurat, 176 A 178 ; Travassos, 210 A 215. Aves. Ackert, 2 ; Andr6, 5 ; Cleave, 41a A 41b ; Gedoelst, 74a ; Leger, 116; Plimmer, 154; Skrjabin, 190 A 192; Travassos, 208, 209, 211, 213 A 215; Wickware, 235. 20 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [19171 ' Mammalia ( except Man). Barth6lemy, 11 ; Boulenger, 26 ; Boynton & Wharton, 28 ; Carini & Maciel, 33 ; Commes & Devaneile, 46 ; Conreur & Urbain, 47 ; Dickenson, 57 ; Douma, 60 ; Galli- Valerio, 72 ; Gedoelst, 74a & 75 ; Hall, 84 ; Houghton, 95 ; Lane, 111 ; Leger & Mouzels, 117 ; Macfie, 129 ; Plimmer, 154 ; Ransom, 156 ; Saceghem, 170 ; Seurat, 180, 181, & 182 ; Shimamura & Fujii, 185 ; Stewart, 198, 199, 200 & 201 ; Stuckey, 203 ; Travassos, 208, 209, 212, 213 & 215 ; Trimble, 217 ; Vleming, 219 ; Walton, 222 ; Wirth, 237; Yakimoff, & c , 239; Yorke & Blacklock, 240. Man. Biglieri & Araoz, 20 ; Bremont & Leger, 29 ; Clapier, 41 ; Dev6 53 ; Dubois, 61 ; Fantham, Stevens & Theobald, 64 ; Glines, 78 ; Guerrini, 82 ; La Cava, 108 ; Montel, 138 ; Nicoll, 147 ; Ransom, 156 ; Rosenbusch, 166 ; Ruiz-Arnau, 168 ; Sliircore, 186 ; Skrjabin, 191 ; Willetts, 236 ; Yorke & Blacklock, 241. VARIATION, PHYLOGENY. 1423 [Vacant] DISTRIBUTION. 1427 ( Vide etiam Parasitism) Europe. Man, 131a ; Hofsten, 90 ; Ihle, 96 & 97 ; La Cava, 108 j Wester, 231. A frica. Seurat, 176. America. Rosenbusch, 166. SYSTEMATIC. 1431 Nem atiielminthia. («) Nematoda. Agcliylostoma brasiliense Faria & A. ceylanicum Looss ; Faria Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 8 1916 p. 71 and Travassos loo oit. 9 p. 5. Aprocta mieroanalis sp. n. from Erithacus sp. ; Skrjabin C. R. soc. biol. 80 p. 303. Aproetonema gen. n. entomophagum sp. n. from Sciara pullala larva ; Keilin C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 165 p. 399. Ascaris eanis (Werner) and A. felis (Ooze) compared ; Walton Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 31 p. 364. — A. triquetra Schrank in dog, distinguished from A. eanis Werner; Walton J. Parasitol. 3 p. 39. — A. phacochoeri from Phaeo- elioerus africanus p. 3, naiae from Naia nigricollis p. 3, intorta from Bitis sp. p. 4, hexametra from Chamaeleon dilepis p. 9, nigra from Crocodile p. 19, involuta from Chamaeleon dilepis p. 21, bufonis from toad p. 22, siluricola from Si lurid p. 23, spp. n. ; Gedoelst Rev. Zool. Africaine 5. Bunostomum kashinathii sp. n. from sheep ; Lane Ind. J. Med. Res. 4 p. 414. Bustomum gen. n. for B. ( Bunostomum ) phlebotomum type sp ; Lane Ind. J. Med. Res. 4 p. 414. Camallanus aneylodirus from int. of German carp p. 58, oxycephalus from int. of white hass and black crappie, p. 59, spp. n. ; Ward & Maqatii J. Parasitol. 3. Capillaria (Thominx) dubia sp. n. from Attila einerea ; Travassos Brazil Medico 31 p. 149. Ghromadorissa gen. n. beklemishevi sp. n. Caspian Sea ; Fiipjev Rev. Zool. Russe 2 p. 29. Cruzidae fam. n. for Cruzia gen. n. type C. (Oxysoma) tentaculata (Schn.) ; Travassos Brazil Medico 31 p. 100. Cueullanus elitellarius sp. n. from int. of Aeipenser . rubicundus ; Ward & Maqatii J. Parasitol. 3 p. 59. Cylichnostomum cuproetus p. 204, insigne p. 207, goldi p. 210, spp. n. from horse ; Boulenger Parasitol. 9. Daenitoides gen. n. ( Cucidlanidae ) cotylophora sp. n. from int. of Perea fiavescens and Stizostedion vitreum ; Ward & Magath J. Parasitol. 3 p. 60. Diplogaster labiata from Saperda tridentata, aerivora from Leucoterme s lucifugus, spp. n. ; Merrill & Ford J. Agrie. Res. 6 p. 115. Diplotriaena bargusinica sp. n. from Tardus sp. ; Skrjabin Parasitol. 9 p. 471. 21 Verm. Systematic — Nematiielmintiiia. 1431 Diplotriaeninae subfam. n. for gen. Diplotriaena, and Contorlospiculum ; Ibid Tom. cit. p. 471. Dorylaimus consobrinus sp. n. Holland; De Man Tijds. Ned. Dierk. Ver. 16 p. 116. Echinuria leptoptili sp. n. from Leptoptilus crumenifer ; Gedoelst Rev. Zool. Afric. 5 p. 52. Enterobius vermicularis syn. Oxy- uris v. ; Hassall Science N.Y. 44 p. 64. Evansia apiensis sp. n. from Elephas ; Gedoelst Rev. Zool. Afric. 5 p. 02. Filaria tucumana (sic) sp. n. [?] in man in Argentine ; BiGlieri & Araqz (vide Titles) p. 1. F. duboisi sp. n. from toad and frog ; Gedoelst Rev. Zool. 5 p. 46. — F. bancrofti transmitted by Culex quinquefasciatus ; Lyon J. Amer. Med. Assoc. 68 p. 118. — F. numidica sp. n. from Lepus pallidior and L. kaby- licus ; Seurat 0. R. soc. biol. 80 p. 354. — F. palpebralis in man ; Stuckey China Med. J. 31 p. 24. — F. vide Microfilaria. Grammophora gen. n. (sub-fam. Onchocercinae) katangensis sp^ n. from Petrodromus tetradactylus ; Gedoelst Rev. Zool. Afric. 5 p. 49. llabronema seurati sp. n. from Falco cenchris ; Skrjabin Parasitol. 9 p. 463. IJaplonema gen. n. ( Spiruridae ?) immutatum sp. n. from int. of Amia calva ; Ward & Magatii J. Parasitol. 3 p. 61. Heligmosomum cristatum sp. n. from Sciurus prevosti ; Gedoelst Rev. Zool. Afric. 5 p. 160. Heligmostrongylus gen. n. type II. ( Strongylus ) sedecimradiatus (Linstow) ; Travassos Brazil Medico 31 p. 35. Heterakis acuticeps from Chamaeleon gracilis and C. dilepis, brodeni from Chamaeleon sp. ? p. 39, spp. n. ; Gedoelst Rev. Zool. Afric. 5. Hoplolaimus spp. table and distinc- tions ; Menzel Rev. Suisse Zool. 25 p. 155. Hysterothylacium gen. n. {Hetero- cheilidae ) brachyurum sp. n. from stomach of black bass ; Ward & Magath J. Parasitol. 3 p. 63. Ichthyonema cylindraceum, sp. n. from abd. cav. of Perea flavescens ; Ward & Magath J. Parasitol. 3 p. 63. Katldcena arcuata from bird p. 11, tricuspis from Heron p. 13, rodliaini from Plotus rufus p. 15, punctata from Pseudotantidus ibis ? p. 16, spp. n. ; Gedoelst Rev. Zool. Africaine 5. Labiduris africana sp. n. from Cinixys erosa ; Gedoelst T. c. p. 27, Loa extraocularis sp. n. from man ; Skrjabin C. R. soc. biol. 80 p. 759. Maupasina weissi syn. Maupasiella in. description ; Seurat C. R. soc. biol. 80 p. 350. — M., weissi development ; Seurat C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 p. 1017. Microfilaria papillosa embryonic stage of Filaria papillosa ; Wirtii Zs. Infekt- krankh. Haustiere 18 p. 380. Necator congolensis sp. n. from Chim- panzee ; Gedoelst Rev. Zool. Afric. 5 p. 65. Oswaldocruzia gen. n. for (l) 0. sub- auricularis (Rud.) type, (2) fdiformis (Goeze) = Strongylus auricularis Zeder, (3) denudata (Rud.), (4) dispar (Duj.), (5) bialata (Molin), (6) s ubventricosa (Schn.), (7) leidyi nom. n. for Strongylus auricularis Leidy nec Zeder ; Travassos Brazil Med. 31 p. 73. Oxynema Linstow validity spp. dis- cussed ; Barreto Brazil Medico. 31 p. 305. Oxyuri s anthropopibheci from Chim- panzee p. 24, bipapillata from ape p. 25, spp. n. ; Gedoelst Rev. Zool. Afric. 5. — O. vide Enterobius, Pharyngodon and Thelandros. Pharyngodon auziensis sp. n. from Tarentola mauritanica and Gongylus ocellatus p. 406, laevicauda nom. n. for P. ( Oxyuris ) laevicauda (Seurat) p. 409 ; Seurat Arch. Zool. Paris 56. Physaloptera chamaeleontis from Chamaeleon gracilis p. 53, affinis from Psammophis sibilans p. 55, nasilionis from Nasilio brachyrhynclius p. 57, spp. n. ; Gedoelst Rev. Zool. Afric. 5. — P. pallaryi sp. n. from Agama bibroni p. 45, P. leptosoma (Gervais) syn. Strongylus l. Gervais description p. 48 ; Seurat C. R. soc. biol. 80. — P. breviva- ginata from V espertilio kuchli p. 210, tacapensis from Ctenodactylus gundi p. 214, getula from Mus rattus p. 215, numidica from Dipodillus campestris p. 217, spp. n. ; Seurat T. c. 22 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1917] Porrocaecum numidicum sp. n. from Ttana ridibunda ; Seurat T. c. p. 94. Protospirura muricola sp. n. from rat ; Gedoelst Rev. Zool. Afric. 5 p. 57. Pseudoheterakidae fam. n. for Pseudo - heterakis gen. n. type P. ( Oxysoma ) lepturum (Selin.) ; Travassos Brazil Medico 31 p. 1 00. Spinectetus gracilis sp. n. from black crappie, sheepshead and . white bass ; Ward & Magath J. Parasitol. 3 p. 61. Strong gloides uesteri sp. n. bei Fullen ; Wester Tyds. diergen. Utrecht 44 p. 71. Strongyluris icosiensis sp. n. from Gongylus ocellatus ; Seurat Arch. Zool. Paris 56 p. 436. Strongylus leptosoma vide Physalop- tera. — S. spirillum sp. n. from Mus de- cumanus(?) ; Travassos Brazil Medico 31 p. 100. Subulura pigmentata sp. n. from Sciurus prevosti ; Gedoelst Rev. Zool. Africaine 5 p. 154. — S. seurati sp. n. from Gariama cristata ; Barreto Brazil Medico 31 p. 243. Tetrameres tetrica from Aramides cajanea, dubia from Cancroma coch- learia, spp. n. ; Travassos Brazil Medico 31 p. 65. Thelandros micipsae nom. n. for T. (Oxyuris) brevicaudata (Dujardin) ; Seu- rat Arch Zool. Paris 56 p. 422. Trichuri s carlieri sp. n. from Crice- tomys gambianus ? ; Gedoelst Rev. Zool. Afric. 5 p. 72. — T. megaloon sp. n. from Sciurus prevosti ; Gedoelst T.c. p. 157. Trilobus gracilis “ races ” or varr. ; Stefanski Rev. Suisse Zool. 25 p. 163. — T. medius sp. n. Finland ; Schneider Rev. Zool. Russe 2 p. 44. Tylenchus penetrans descriptn. as sp. n.? from plant roots; Cobb Journ. Agrie. Res. 11 1917 p. 32. ( b ) Nematomorpha. Chordodes madagascariensis syn- Gordius madagascariensis Camer.; Beau, champ Rev. Zool. Afric. 4 p. 111. Gordius vide Chordodes. (c) Acanthocephala. Centrorhynchidae fam. n. for genn. Gentrorhynchus and Mediorhynchus gen. n. ; Cleave Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. • 35 p. 228. Gentrorhynchus spinosus sp. n. from Herodias ( Ardetta ) egretta ; Cleave T.c. p. 223. FilUcollis botulus sp. n. from Soma- teria dresseri ; Cleave T.c. p. 132. Gigantorhynchidae revised, list of genera, species, synonymy and hosts ; Travassos Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 9 pp. 5-62. Mediorhynchus gen. n. p. 224, papil- losus from Myiochanes ( Contopus ) virens p. 225, grandis from Quiscalus quiscula p. 226, robustus from Icteria virens p. 227, spp. n. ; Cleave Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 35. Micracanthorhynchus gen. n. for type sp. embenzae (Rud.) intest, of birds ; Travassos Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 9 p. 60. N eoechinorhynchidae fam. n. [?] type genus N eoechinorhynchus Stiles & Ilassall ; Ward J. Parasitol. 4 p. 10. N eoechinorhynchus vide Tanaorham- phus. Pardalis gen. n. for P. pardalis (Westr.) {Gigantorhynchidae) ; Travassos Brazil Medico 31 p. 121. Tanaorhamphus gen. n. [?] type T. (N eoechinorhynchus) longirostris (Van Cleavej; Ward J. Parasitol. 4 p. 11. CHAETOGNATHA, GASTRO- TRICHA, R0TIFERA. SUBJECT INDEX. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL. 1603 Technique. Bryce, 31 ; Eousselet, 167. 23 Verm. Subject Index. — Annelida, Etc. 1803 STRUCTURE. 1607 General. Germain & Joubin, 76 ; Hickernell, 89a ; Lones, 124 & 125. Cytology. Hickernell, 89a ; Whitney, 234a. PHYSIOLOGY. 1611 Environmental Effects. Hickernell, 89a; Whitney, 232 & 234. DEVELOPMENT. 1615 Reproduction. Whitney, 233. Spermatogenesis. Whitney, 234a. ETHOLOGY. 1619 Bionomics. Hopkinson, 93 ; Lones, 124 & 125. Plankton. Bigelow, 19 ; Olofsson, 149a. Parasitism. Ikeda, 98 ; Lebour, 115. VARIATION, PIIYLOGENY. 1623 Heredity. Shull, 187. Classification, Phylogeny. Rosa, 165a. DISTRIBUTION. 1627 Europe and North Sea. Carr, 33a; Lones, 124 & 125; Olof- sson, 149a ; Ostenfeld, 150. North Atlantic. Ostenfeld, 150. America . Myers, 142. SYSTEMATIC. 1631 (а) Chaetognatha. Chaetognatlia, general account ; Germain & Joubin Res. Comp. Sci. Monaco 49 pp. 1-118. (б) G astro tricha, Chaetonotus polyspinosus p. 50, insigni- f or mis p. 52, cordiformis p. 54, rotundus p. 55, mitraformis p. 57, gracilis p. 58, novenarius p. 58, voigti p. 59, disiuhctus p. 60, quintospinosus p. 61, macro- lepidotus p. 62, bisacer p. 64, spp. n. Schweiz, C. nodicaudus var. comatus p. 53, cordiformis var. bernensis p. 55, varr. n. Schweiz ; Greuter Rev. Suisse Zool. 25. Dasydytes crassus p. 67, longispinosus p. 68, spp. n. Schweiz; Greuter T.c. Iehthydium maximum sp. n. Schweiz ; Greuter T.c. p. 47. Lepidoderma punctatum sp. n. Schweiz; Greuter T.c. p. 49. Setopus iunctus sp. n. Schweiz ; G iieuter T.c. p. 66. Stylochaeta longispinosa sp. n. Schweiz ; Greuter T.c. p. 69. (c) Rotifera. Brachionus amphiccros and B. pala transformed ; Whitney Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 31 p. 113. Catyplinalevistyla p. 280, intrasinuala p. 281, spp.n. Murman-Kiiste ; Olofsson Zool. Bidr. Uppsala 5. Lecane aspasia sp. n. California ; Myers Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52 p. 476. Philodina roseola anatomy ; Hicker- nell Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 32 p. 350. ANNELIDA, GEPHYREA, PH0R0NIDEA, PTEROBRANCHIATA. SUBJECT INDEX. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL. 1803 Bibliography. Walker, 220. 24 Verm. Vl. Vermidea. [1917] STRUCTURE. 1807 General Anatomy. POLYOHAETA. Bergstrom, 18 ; Borg, 24 ; Ditlevsen, 59 ; Hessle, 89 ; Horst, 94 ; Livanoff, 123. Hirudinea. Blanchard, 22 ; Oka, 149 ; Ryerson, 169. Phoronidea. Harmer, 87. Muscular System. Charrier, 36 ; M'Intosh, 130. Genital Organs. Bonnet, 23 ; Stephenson, 197a. Histology, Cytology. Abbott, 1 ; Fauvel, 67 ; Harvey, 88 ; Leigh- Sharpe, 118; Stephenson, 197. PHYSIOLOGY. 1811 Respiration. Abbott, 1. Digestion. Stephenson, 197. Environmental Effects. Response to Stimuli. Child, 38 ; Garrey & Moore, 74 ; Moore & Kellogg, 140 ; Welch, 228. DEVELOPMENT. 1815 Asexual Reproduction. Beauchamp, 12. Development. Arcuiiannelida. Beauchamp, 12. POLYOHAETA. Charrier, 36 ; Child, 38 ; Mesnil & Caullery, 137 ; Schneider, 174 ; Soulier, 195 ; Ziegler, 245. Pterobranchiata. Gilchrist, 77. Larval development. Meek, 133- ETHOLOGY. 1819 Bionomics. Greuter, 81 ; Welch, 228a. Plankton. Lebour, 114. Symbiosis. Gravier, 80 ; Monticelli, 139. Parasitism. Delanoe, 51 ; Mesnil & Caullery, 136 ; Seyfurth, 183. VARIATION, PHYLOGENY. 1823 Classification, Phylogeny. Fauvel, 67 ; Hessle, 89 ; Rosa, 165a ; Stephenson, 197b. Variation. Bonnet, 23. Dimorphism. Mesnil & Caullery, 137. Teratology. Weber, 226a. DISTRIBUTION. 1827 1. Recent. General. Benham, 17 ; Germain & Joubin, 76 ; Hessle, 89. Europe. Borg, 24 ; Carr, 33a ; Dequal, 51a Greuter, 81 ; Rioja, 162. Asia. Horst, 94 ; Stephenson, 197a & 197b. 25 Verm. Systematic).— Polyoiiaeta. 1831 Africa. Horst, 94b. America. Dequal, 52 & 52a ; Ryerson, 169 ; Smith, 193 ; Smith & Green, 194 ; Welch, 227, 228 & 228a. Australia. Fauvel, 67. North Atlantic. Ditlevsen, 59 ; Ostenfeld, 150. South Pacific. Benham, 16 & 17. 2. Fossil. Upper Silurian. Etheridge, 62. Ordovician. Foerste, 69. SYSTEMATIC. 1831 1. Annelida. (a) Archiannelida. Dinopkilus , sexuality and develop- ment; Beauchamp C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 pp. 56-58. Austrolaenilla gen. n. antarctica sp. n. S. Georgia; Bergstrom Zool. Bidr. fr. Uppsala 4 p. 291. Barrukia gen. n. for B. ( Gattyana ) cristata (Willey) ; Bergstrom Zool. Bidr. fr. Uppsala 4 p. 297. Bathynoe gen. n. p. 42, nodulosus sp. n. p. 42 N. Atlantic ; Ditlevsen Dan. IngolE Exped. 4 pt. 4. Bhaxvania amboinensis sp. n. E. Indies ; Horst Siboga Exped. 24 lb p. 138. Branchiomma linaresi sp. n. Santan- der ; Rioja Trab. Mas. Nac. Madrid 29 p. 66. Cheilonereis gen. n. type C. ( Nereis ) cyclurus (Harrington). peristomialis sp. n. New Zealand ; Beniiam Rept. on Polycliaeta Fisheries Austral. 4 pts. 2 & 3 p. 138. Drieschia melanostoma sp. n. N. Atlantic ; Ditlevsen Dan. Ingolf Exped. 4 pt. 4 p. 44. Eulalia tjalfiensis p. 54, minuta p. 56, spp. n. N. Atlantic ; Ditlevsen Dan. Ingolf. Exped. 4 pt. 4. Eunice synonymy of spp. ; Fauvel Arch. Zool. Paris 56 p. 209. Gorelua gen. n. for G. ( Malmgrenia ) crassicirris (Willey); Bergstrom Zool. Bidr. fr. Uppsala 4 p. 295. Ealodora sp. ? ; Beniiam Rept. Polych. Fisheries Austral. 3 pt. 4 p. 207. (b) Polycliaeta. Amphicteis gunneri var. antarctica var. n. Slid Georgien ; Hessle Zool. Bidr. Uppsala 5 p. 116. Amphisamytha gen. n. (Ampharetidae) japonica sp. n. Japan ; Hessle T.c. P. 114. Amphitrite oculata sp. n. Japan ; Hessle T.c. p. 186. Aphrodite roulei sp. n. from N. Atlantic ; Horst Leiden Zool. Meded. 3 p. 261. Aplirogenia villosa var. laevis var. n. E. Indies; Horst Siboga Exp. 24 lb p. 64. Asychis victoriae sp. n. S. Pacific ( = Praxilla abyssorum M’lntosh ?) ; Beniiam Rept. on Polych. Fisheries Austral. 4 pt. 2 p. 151. (n-4840 o) Ealosydua pilosa jj. 81, batheia p. 82, spp. n. E. Indies ; Horst Siboga Exp. 24 lb. Harmothoe ( Eunoa ) etheridgei sp. n. S. Pacific ; Benham Rept. Polych. Fisheries Austral. 3 pt. 4 p. 197. — H. brevipalpa Tierra del Fuego p. 277, anderssoni S. Georgia p. 286, spp. n. ; Bergstrom Zool. Bidr. fr. Uppsala 4. — H. bathydomus p. 25, ingolfiana p. 32,. vesiculosa p. 34, spp. n. N. Atlantic ; Ditlevsen Dan. Ingolf Exp. 4 pt. 4. Laetmonice viridescens sp. n. E. Indies;, Horst Siboga Exp. 24 lb p. 58. Lanicides gen. n. ( Terebellidae ) type sp. L. ( Terebella ) vayssieri (Gravier) ; Hessle Zool. Bidr. Uppsala 5 p. 166. Leaena collaris sp. n. Siid Georgien ; Hessle T.c. p. 198. b 6 26 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1917] Leanira sibogae p. 115, tentaeulata p. 117, jacanica p. 117, ‘rn.dty.ris p. 118, melanocepliala p. 119, eoeca p. 120, spp. n. E. Indies; Horst T.c. Leodice dubia = Eunice dubia Woodw. — E. sicdiensis Treadw., described ; Treadwell Proc. (J.S. Nat. Mus. 52 p. 427. Lepidaathenia affinis sp. n. E. Indies ; Horst Siboga Exped. 24 lb p. 85 Lepidonotus hedleyi p. 181, icilleyi p. 183, spp. n. S. Pacific ; Beniiam Rept. Polycli. Fisheries Austral. 3 pt. 4. — L. javanicua p. 72, ruber p. 73, suluensis p. 74, vanderscindei p. 139, spp. n. E. Indies; Horst Siboga Exp. 24 lb. Lumbrieonereis gidielmi sp. n. S. Pacific ; Beniiam Rept. Polych. Fisheries Austral. 3 pt. 4 p. 227. Injaarete australiensis sp. n. S. Pacific ; Benham Rept. Polych. Fisheries Austral. 3 pt. 4 p. 235. Lysippides gen. n. ( Amphnretidae ) type sp. L. ( Amphicteis ) fragilis (Wollebaek) ; Hessi.e Zool. Bidr. Uppsala 5 p. 110. Melinna Uruguay i sp. n. Uruguay ; IIessle T.c. p. 93. Mystides oecideutcilia sp. n. Davis Strait; Ditlevsen Dan. Ingolf Exped. 4 pt. 4 p. 62. Neoamphiti'ite gen. n. {Terebellidae) type sp. N. ( Amphitrite ) affinis (Mgn.) ; Hessle Zool. Bidr. Uppsala 5 p. 178. Neoleprea gen. n. (! Terebellidae ) type sp. A7. ( Leprea ) streptochaeta (Elders), japoniea sp. n. Japan; IIessle T.c. p. 192. Neoaabellides gen. n. ( Ampharetidae ) type sp. N. ( Sabellides ) elongatus (Elders) ; Hessle T.c. p. 103. Notomastus eisigi sp. n. S. Pacific ; Beniiam Rept. on Polych. Fisheries Austral. 4 pt. 2 p. 148. Octobranchus japonicua sp. n. Japan ; IIessle Zool. Bictr. Uppsala 5 p. 134. Oenone liaawelli sp. n. S. Pacific ; Beniiam Rept. Polych. Fisheries Austral. 3 pt. 4 p. 230. Ophelia dannevigi sp. n. S. Pacific ; Beniiam Rept. on Polych. Fisheries Austral. 4 pt. 2 p. 150. — 0. ashworthi sp. n. Australia ; Fauvel Arch. Zool. Paris 56 p. 260. Oridia nom. n. for Oria Quatrefages ; Rioja Trab. Mus. Nac. Madrid 29 p. 73. Otupsidae fam. n. for Otopsis gen. n. longipes sp. n. N. Atlantic ; Ditlevsen Dan. Ingolf. Exped. 4 pt. 4 p. 67. Oweniidae nom. n. for fam. type gen. Oicenia ; Rioja Trab. Mus. Nac. Madrid Zool. 29 p. 40. Pectinaria ehlersi Feuerland p. 77, bocki Japan p. 81, spp. n. ; Hessle Zool. Bidr. Uppsala 5. Plrisidia sagamica sp.. n. Japan ; IIessle T.c. p. 207. Phyllodoce panamensis sp. n. Panama ; Treadwell Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52 p. 428. Physalidonotua rugosus p. 189, luevia p. 193, turritua p. 195, paueibranehiatua p. 196, spp. n. IS. Pacific ; Benham Rept. Polych. Fisheries Austral. 3 pt. 4. Piatia mierolobata Japan p. . 155, macrolobata Bonin-lnseln p. 157, atypica Japan p. 160, spp. n., P. marenzelleri nom. n. for P. metadata Marenz. p. 157 ; IIessle Zool. Bidr. Uppsala 5. Polycirrus medius sp. n. Japan ;' IIessle T.c. p. 225. Polymnia boniniana sp. n. Bonin- lnseln; IIessle T.c. p. 177. Polyodontes sibogae p. 131, atro- marginatus p. 133, spp. n. E. Indies ; IIorst Siboga Exped. 24 1 b. Pontogenia nuda, sp’mosa , p. 62, villosa p. 139, spp. n. E. Indies; Horst Loc. cit. Praxilla ' abyasorum vide Aaychis victoriae. Prodea glabrolimbata sp. n. Grahams Land ; Hessle Zool. Bidr. Uppsala 5 p. 201. Sabellaria spimdosa development fertilisation; Ziegler Zool. Anz. 44 p. 586. Scalisetosus australiensis sp. n. S Pacific ; Beniiam Rept. Polych. Fisheries Austral. 3 pt. 4 p. 200. S done harrissoni sp. n. S. Pacific ; Benham Rept. on Polych. Fisheries Austral. 4 pt. 2 p. 138. Serpula lo bianeoi sp. n. Santander ; Rioja Trab. Mus. Nac. Madrid 29 p. 77. 27 Verm. Systematic. — Hirupinea. 1831 Sigalion bamlaensis sp. n. E. Indies ; Horst Siboga Exped. 24 1 b p. 110. Sosanopsis gen. n. ( Ampliaretidae ) p. Ill, wireni sp. n. Sweden, p. 112 ; Hessle Zool. Bidr. Uppsala 5. Spinospliaera gen. n. ( Terebellidae ) p. 207, pacifica, sp. n. Japan p. 208 ; Hessle T.c. Spirorbis table of spp. ; Borg Zool. Bidr. fr. Uppsala 5 pp. 15-38. *Staurocephalites grammoides sp. n. for Annelid jaw from Upper Silurian ; Etheridge Rec. Austr. Mus. 11 p. 221. Sthenelais filamentosus sp. n. N. Atlantic ; Ditlevsen Dan. Ingolf Exped. 4 pt. 4 p. 50.— S. dubiosa p. 112, heterochela p. 113, malayana p. 114, spp. n. E. Indies ; Horst Siboga Exped. 24 lb. Streblosoma japonica sp. n. Japan ; Hessle Zool. Bidr. Uppsala 5 p. 211. Terebella punctata sp. n. Japan ; Hessle T.c. p. 189. Terebellides minutus Feuerland p. 138, longicaudatus Slid Georgien p. 139, antarcticus Grahams Land p. 140, hobei Japan p. 140, spp. n. ; Hessle T.c. Trichobranclms lobiungene sp. n. Uruguay p. 133, glacialis var. antarcti- cus var. n. Slid Georgien ; Hessle T.c. (c) Myzostomida. [Vacant.] (d) Oligochaeta. Glitellio characteristics of genus, G. subtilis sp.n. Naples ; Pierantoni Napoli Boll. Soc. Nat. 29, p. 83. Drawidia hanarensis p. 364, hodgarti p. 366, afiinis p. 368, rangamatiana p. 369, papillifer p. 370, spp. n. India ; Stephenson Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Eudichogaster chittagongensis sp. n. India ; Stephenson T.c. p. 411. Eutyphoeus gigas sp. n. India ; Stephenson T.c. p. 408. Haplotaxis intermedia Pierant. come inquilino del Petromyzon ; Monticelli Napoli Boll. Soc. Nat. 29, p. 59. Helodrilus welchi sp. n. U.S.A. ; Smith Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52 p. 174. — H. mariensis sp. n. India ; Stephenson Rec. Ind. Mus. 13 p. 414. lleterodrilns characteristics of genus p. 82, II. arenicolus described p. 87 ; Pierantoni Napoli Boll. Soc. Nat. 29. Hoplochaetella suctoria p. 388, hempi p. 392, inornata p. 395, bifoveata p. 398, afiinis p. 399, spp. n. India; Stephenson, Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Mesenchytraeus gelidus sp. n. p. 86 solifugus var. rainierensis var. n. p. 103, U.S.A. ; Welch Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 35. — M. altus sp. n. Colorado ; Welch 36 T.c. p. 67. ■ Monopylephorus parvus Ditl. descrip- tion ; Stephenson Mem. Ind. Mus. 5 p. 485. Octochaetus castellanus sp. n. India ; Stephenson Rec. Ind. Mus. 13 p. 407. Perionyx pallidus p. 376, gravelyi p. 378, nanus p. 381, spp. n., aborensis var. heterochaetus var. n., India; Ste- phenson T.c. Plieretima annandalei sp. n. India; Stephenson T.c. p. 386. (e) Hirudinea. Ancyrobdella gen. n. biicae sp. n. Japan ; Oka Annot. Zool. Japan 9 p. 185. Blanchard iella festae p. 10, ecuadori- ensis p. 12, biolleyi p. 13, spp. n. Centr. Amer. ; Dequal Torino Boll. Mus. Zool. 31 No. 717. — B. decemoculata sp. n. Costa Rica ; Dequal L.c. 32 No. 724 p. 13. Galliobdella vide Piscicola. Gentropygus aurantiacus sp. n. Pa- rana ; Dequal Torino Boll. Mus. Zool. 32 No. 724 p. 12. Diplobdella festae sp. n. Centr. Amer. ; Dequal L.c. 31 No. 717 p. 5 Ilaemadipsa fallax Madagascar, p. 664, morsitans Madagascar p. 664, rag- ans Madagascar p. 665, braueri Sey- chelles p. 666, noxia New Guinea p. 667, papuensis New Guinea p. 667, dussumieri hab. incog, p. 668, spp. n. ; Blanchard Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 10. — II. pittarellii sp. n. Madagascar ; Dequal Torino Boll. Mus. Zool. 32 No. 724 p. 6. 7 laemadipsinae, general classification ; Blanchard, Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 10 pp. 640-675. Ilelobdella gemmata var. nigropunctata. var. n. Costa Rica ; Dequal Torino Boll. Mus. Zool. 32 No. 724 p. 6. 28 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1917] Hirudo hildebranti var. carossii var. n. Eritrea; Dequal Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino 32 No. 724 p. 7. Lumbricobdella chamensis sp. n. Ven- ezuela ; Dequal Torino T.c. p. 14. Philaemon mimttus Samoa, grandidieri Madagascar, spp. n. ; Blanchard Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 10 p. 655. Piscicola crassieaudata , gracilis and subfasciata , synonymy with Calliobdella (Piscicola) nodulifera ; Leigh-Sharpe Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 20 p. 119. Podoclepsis gen. n. ( Glossosi'phonidae ) festae sp. n. Centr. Amer. ; Dequal Torino Boll. Mus. Zool. 31 No. 717 p. 2. Traclielobdella carajbica sp. n. Vene- zuela ; Dequal L.c. 32 No. 724 p. 2. (/) Echiuroidea. [Vacant.] 2. Gephyrea (Sipunculoidea). Gephyrea, discussion of relationships ; Beniiam Rept. Fisheries Oommonw. Aus- tral. 4 pt. 3, 1916 pp. 161-162, and Meek Rept. Dove Mar. Lab. 6 p. 46. 3. Priapuloidea. [Vacant.] 4. Phoronidea. Phoronidea, relations with Gephyrea &c ; Meek Rept. Dove Mar. Lab. 6 p. 46. Phoronis ovalis and its larva Actino - trocha branchiata ; Meek T.c. p. 33. — P. ovalis Wright not a larval form, des- cription ; Harmer Q. J. Micr. Sci. 62 p. 115. 5. Pterorranciiiata. [Vacant.] VII. BRACHIOPODA AND BRYOZOA BY F. W. EDWARDS. (a) BRACHIOPODA CONTENTS. PAGE I. Titles . . . . . . . . . . 2 II. Subject Index.. .. .. .. .. .. . 4 General = 2003 (vacant) Structure = 2007 (vacant) Physiology = 2011 (vacant) Development = 2015. . . . , . . , . . . . 4 Ethology = 2019 (vacant) Aetiology = 2023 (vacant) Distribution = 2027 : — (a) Recent . . . . . . . . . . ... . , 4 (/3) Fossil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 III. Systematic Index = 2031 . . . . . . . . . . 4 b 7 (w-4840 p) 2 Brach. VI f. Brachiopoda. [1VJ17) I— TITLES. Ashworth, J. H. On larvae of Lingula and Pelagodiscus ( Discinisca ). Edin- burgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 1915 (45-69) pis. iv and v. 1 Broili, E. Die permischen Brachio- poden von Timor. In : Wanner, J. Paliiontologie von Timor. Stuttgart 1916 lief. 7 (104 pp.) xiii Taf. 2 de Brun, P. Le Barremien superieur a facies urgonien de Brouzet-les-Alais (Gard). Cephalopodes et Brachiopodes. Paris Mem. Soc. geol. 21 4 Mem. 51 1916 (41-47) pis. iv-v. 3 Clark, T. II. New Blastoids and Brachiopods from the Rocky Mountains. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll. 61 no. 9 1917 (361-380) pis. i and ii. 4 Douvill6, II. Les terrains secondaires dans le massif du Moghara & Best de Pistlnne de Suez, d’apres les explorations de M. Couyat-Barthoux. Paleontologie. Paris Mem. Ac. Sci. 54 1916 (1-184) pis. i-xxi. 5 Dunbar, C. O. Tienaselaerina, a new genus of Lower Devonian Brachiopods. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. 43 1917 (466-470) pi. ii. 6 Faura y Sans, M. Sintesis estra- tigrafica de los terranos primarios de Cataluna con una description de los yacimentos fossil l'fefos mas principals. Madrid Mem. R. Soc. esp. Ilist. Nat. 9 1913 (1-202) lam. i-ix. 7 Foerste, A. F. Upper Ordovician formations in Ontario and Quebec. Ottawa Canada Dept. Mines Geol. Surv. Mem. 83 1916 (I -*279). 8 FoerBte, A. F. The Richmond faunas of Litt’.e Bay de Noquette, in Northern Michigan. Ottawa Nat. 31 1917 (97- 103) pis. iv-vi. 9 Foerste, Aug. F. Notes on Silurian fossils from Ohio and other central states. Ohio Journ. Sci. 17 1917 (187- 201 233-268) pis. viii-xii. 10 Fourtau, R. Palaeontological notes. In : Hume, W. F. Report on the oilfields region of Egypt. Cairo Survey Dept. Geol. Rep. 1916 (82-94) pi. xi. 11 Fuchs, A. Der Ilunsriickschiefer und die Unterkoblenzschichten am Mittel- rhein (Loreleigegend). 1. Teil. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ilunsriickschiefer- und Unterkoblenzfauna der Loreleigegend. Berlin Abh. geol. Landesanst. N. F. 79 1915 (1-80) pis. i-xviii. [Includes- descriptions (as new) and figures of many species diagnosed by the writer in 1899 1901 and 1907]. 12 Gerber, E. Revision der Liasver- steinerungen von Bodmi und Zettenalp am Nordwestabhang des Sigriswiler- grates. Bern Mitt. Natf. Ges. 1915 [1916] (248-262). 13 Gronwall, K. A. The Marine Car- boniferous of North-East Greenland and its Brachiopod fauna. Kjobenhavn Medd. Gronl. 43 1917 (509-618) pis. xxvii-xxx. 14 Hayasaka, J. On the Carboniferous Bracldopoda from the Poshan district, Shantung, China. J. Geol. Soc. Tokyo 24 1917 (169-196) [Japanese]. 15 Hayasaka, J. On the Brachiopod genus Lyttonia, with several Japanese and Chinese examples. J. Geol. Soc. Tokyo 24 1917 (437-472 Engl. res. 43- 53) pi. xviii. 16 Hennig, E. Die Fauna der deutsch- ostafrikanischen Urgonfacies. Berlin Zs. ]). Geol. Ges. 68 1916 (441-476) Taf. xxx-xxxii. 17 3 Brack. Titles. 2000 Jimenez de Cisneros, D. Geologfa y Paleontologia de Alicante. Madrid Trab. Mas. Nac. Ci. Nat. 21 1917 (1- 140) lam. i-xi. 18 Jimenez de Cisneros, D. Noticia acerca de una especie del g^nero Zeilleria oncontrada en el Maestrichtiense de Alicante. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 17 1917 (421-422). 19 Leidhold, Cl. Devon Fossilien von der Bithynischen Halbinsel (Kleinasien). Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 69 1917 (308- 347) Taf. xi-xiii. 20 Massy, Anne L. Mollusca and Bra- chiopoda of the Irish Atlantic slope, between 50 and 1,000 fathoms. London J. Conch. 15 1916 (48-51). 21 Mather, K. F. The Trenton fauna of Wolfe Island, Ontario. Ottawa Nat. 31 1917 (33-40) pi. i. 22 de Morgan, J. N ote sur les Mollusques brachiopodes des faluns de la Touraine. Paris Ball. Soc. geol. 15 1915 [1916] (260-273). 23 Olsson, Axel. New and interesting Neocene fossils from the Atlantic coastal plain.- Bull. Amer. Paleont. Ithaca N.Y. 5 (No. 24) 1914 (41-72) pis. viii-xii. 24 Petitclerc, P. Note sur des fossiles nouveaux rares ou peu connus de Test de la France. Vesoul (Ilaute-Saone) 1916- 17 (1-78) pi. i-xi. 25 Quiring, H. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Spiriferenfauna des Mitteldevons der Eifel. Berlin. Jahrb. geol. Landes- anst. 35 1915 (327-335) Taf. xiii. 26 Reed, F. R. C. The Ordovician and Silurian Brachiopoda of the Girvan district. Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 1917 (795-998) pis. i-xxiv. , 27 Reed, F. R. C. Ordovician and Silurian fossils from Yun-nan. Pal. Ind. Calcutta 6 3 1917 ( 1—70) pis. i-viii. 28 Rollier, L. Synopsis des Spiro- branches (Brachiopodes) Jurassiques Celto-Souabes. Deuxieme partie (Rhyn- chonellides). Geneve M&n. Soc. Pal. Suisse 42 1917 (73-184). 29 Ruedemann, R. Palaeontologic con- . tributions from the New York state museum. Albany N.Y. Bull. State Mus. 189 1916 (1-225) jtls. i-xxxvi. 30 (n-4840 p) Savage, T. E. Alexandrian rocks of northeastern Illinois and eastern Wis- consin. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 27 1916 (305-324) pis. xv-xvii. 31 Smith, W. S. and Duror, Caroline A. Stratigraphy of the Skykomish basin, Washington. J. Geol. Chicago 24 1916 (559-582). 32 Sprie8tersbach, J. Neue oder wenig bekannte Versteinerungen aus dem rheinischen Devon, besonders aus dem Lenneschiefer. Berlin Abh. geol. Landesanst. N. F. 80 1915 (1—80) pis. {-xxiii. 33 Stefanini, G. Specie nuove del Miocene veneto. Padova Att. Acc. ven.-trent. Ser. 3 8 1916 (151-162). 34 Thomson, J. A. Diastrophic and Other considerations in classification and correlation, and the existence of minor diastrophic districts in the Noto- cene. Wellington Trans. N.Z. Inst. 49 1917 (397-413). 35 Tilmann, N. Beitrage zur Geologie und Palaontologie von Siidamerika. Die Fauna des unteren und mittleren LiasinNord-undMittel- Peru. N. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart 41 1917 (628-712) Taf. xxi-xxvi. 36 Trechmann, C. T. The age of the Maitai series of New Zealand. London Geol. Mag. (6) 4 1917 (53-64) pis. iv-v. 37 Walcott, C. D. Cambrian Geology and Palaeontology, iv. No. 2. The Albertella fauna in British Columbia and Montana. Washington D. C. Smiths. Inst. Misc. Coll. 67 1917 (9-59) pis. i-vii. 38 Walcott, C. D. Cambrian geology and paleontology, iv. iSo. 3. Fauna of the Mount Whyte formation. Washing- ton D. C. Smiths. Inst. Misc. Coll. 67 3 1917 (61-114) pis. viii-xiii. 39 Waring, C. A. Stratigraphic and ■ Faunal relations of the Martinez to the Chico and Tejon of Southern California. San Francisco Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 1917 (41-124) pis. vii-xvi. 40 Watson, D. M. S. Poikilosakos , a remarkable new genus of Brachiopoda from the upper Coal Measures of Texas. London Geol. Mag. (6) 4 1917 (212-219) pi. xiv. 41 b 7-2 4 Brack . VII. Brachiopoda. [1917] II— S UBJECT INDEX. DEVELOPMENT. 2015 Lingula larva ; Ashworth, 1. DISTRIBUTION. 2027 (a) Regent. Ireland ; Massy, 21. (0) Fossil. Palaeozoic. Spain ; Faura y Sans, 7. Cambrian. Canada ; Walcott, 38, 39. U.S. (Montana) ; Walcott, 38. Ordovician. Scotland ; Reed, 27. Yun-nan ; Reed, 28. Canada ; Foerste, 8. Washington ; Smith and Duror, 32. Michigan ; Foerste, 9. Silurian. Scotland ; Reed, 27. United States ; Ruedemann, 30. Ohio ; Foerste, 10. Illinois & Wisconsin ; Savage, 31. Ontario; Mather, 22. Devonian- Germany; Fuchs, 12: Spriestersbach, 38 : Quiring, 26. Asia Minor ; Leidhold, 20. Tennessee ; Dunbar, 6. Carboniferous. Greenland ; Gronwall, 14. Montana ; Clark, 4. Texas ; Watson, 41. Shantung ; Hayasaka, 15. Permo-Carboniferous, New Zealand ; Trechmann, 87. Permian. Timor ; Broili, 2. Jurassic. France ; Petitclerc, 25. Switzerland ; Gerber, 13. Sinai ; Douvill6, 5. Peru ; Tilmann, 36. Cretaceous. France ; de Brun, 3. Spain ; Jimenez de Cisneros, 19. German E. Africa ; Hennig, 17. Tertiary. France ; de Morgan, 23. Egypt ; Fourtau, 11. California ; Waring, 40. Virginia; Olsson, 24. New Zealand ; Thomson, 35. III.— SYSTEMATIC. f Acantliothyria ainuata p. 74, inflata, zieteni p. 75, radwanowic.ensis , balinen- sis, 8ento8a, davidaoni p. 77, brad- fordienaia p. 78, lorioli, impreaaata p. 79, dealbata, ailicea p. 80, spp. n. England, France and Germany Jurassic, IIoilier Mem. Soc. Pal. Suisse 42. [All named from previously published figures and misidentifications.J f Acrothele clitiia sp. n. Canada Cam- brian, Walcott Smiths. Inst. Misc. Coll. 67 3 p. 70. — |A. medioradiata sp. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 p. 813. \Atrypa lorana sp. n. Rhein Devon, Ffjcus Abh. geol. Landesanst. 79 p. 21. \Ax\odeancia gen. n. near Rhyncho- tretua p. 374, for platypleura sp. n. Mon- tana Carboniferous p. 375, Clark Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll. 61. I Camarella ? conybearei sp. n. Scot- land Ordovician, ReJ£D Edinburgh Trans. R. Soo. 51 p. 925. 5 Brack. Systematic. 2031 f Camaroplioria antiaella sp. n. Timor Permian, Broili Pal. v. Timor 7 1916. — | C. obesa sp. n. Montana Carboniferous, Clark Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll. 61 p. 373. f Camarotoechia llandoveriana var. n. diversiplicata Scotland Silurian, Heed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 p. 943. — fO. roadsi sp. n. Ohio Silurian, Foerste Ohio J. Sci. 17 p. 250. t Chonetes advena sp. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 p. 915. — 10. molengraafii, roth- pletzi spp. n. Timor Permian, Broili Pol. v. Timor 7 1916. — C. bialata sp. n. Rhein Devon, Fuons Abh. geol: Landesanst. 79 p. 20. ^ IfCistella laevigata p. 261, marice p. 263, plicata p. 264, pontileviensis p. 265, falunica p. 266, eugenii p. 267, spp. n. Touraine Tertiary, de Morgan Bull. Soc. geol. 15 1916. | Cliftonia andersoni sp. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 p. 913. f Clitambonit.es complectens var. n. albida, Scotland Ordovician. Reed Edin- burgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 p. 916. \Clorinda tranaversa sp. n. Illinois Silurian, Savage Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 27 1916 p. 317. f Conotreta conoidea sp. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 p. 817. t Crania bouryi sp. n. Touraine Ter- tiary, de Morgan Bull. Soc. g6ol. 15 1916 p. 271. f Cyclospira ? diveraa sp. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 p. 950. | Dalmanella spring jieldncaa sp. n. Ohio Silurian, Foerste Ohio J. Sci. 17 p. 245. — fD. jugosa var. n. subplicata Michigan Ordovician, Foerste Ottawa Nat, 31 p. 99. '\Dayia cymlula var. n. girvanensis, Scotland Silurian, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 p. 948. ^Diacina circumcincta sp. n. Rhein Devon, Spriestersbaoh Abh. geol. Laridessanst. 80 1915 p. 6. — f D. ( Orbi - culoidea ) mediorhenana p. 6, sinosa p. 7, spp. n. Rhein Devon, Fuohs Abh. geol. Landesanst. 79 1915. f Diaciniaca 8ingewaldi sp. n. Bolivia Tertiary, SoiiUOHERT Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 54 1917 p. 116. [In paper by E. W. Berry.] ]Eichwaldia personalia sp. n. Scotland Silurian, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R.Soc. 51 p. 936. ■\Eudeaia cardioidea «p. n. Sinai Jurassic, DouvilliS Mem. Ac. Sci. 54 1916 p. 64. f Oirtyella woodworthi sp. n. Montana Carboniferous, Clark Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll. 61 p. 377. \Olottidia inexpectana sp. n. Virginia Miocene, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 (No. 24) 1914 p. 59. Harknesaella subgen. n. vide Orthis. f Ilemipronites carricltenais p. 918,. thomaoni p. G19, spp. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51. — f R. giraldi var. n. yunnanensi a Yunnan Ordovician, Reed Pal. Ind. 63 p. 22. t Kingena simiensis sp. n. California Eocene, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 73. f Lcptella pseudo ret rojlexa sp. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 p. 874. f Lingula hunsriieldana sp. n. Rhein Devon, Fuons Abh. geol. Landesanst. 79 p. 6. — \L. semina, testatrix p. 67, vicina p. 68, subtrigona, elongatum p. 69, spp. n. United States Silurian Ruedemann Bull. N.Y. State Mus. 189 1916.— fL. amabilis p. 803, crumenoides p. 804, mediostriata p. 805, pscudoquadrata p. 806, solvens p. 807, spp. n. brevis varr. n. angustior p. 803, carrickcnsis p. 804, Scotland Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51. f Lingulasma ? ardmillanenae p. 808, penultimum, pidcherrimum p. 809, quaestor p. 810, lenax p. 811, spp. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed T.c. f Lyttonia in Japan and China, Hayasaka 16. ]Metacamarella gen. n. for Strick- landinia balcletchiensia, Scotland Si- lurian, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 p. 934. 6 Brack. vil. Brachiopoda. [1917] ^Micromitra ( Paterina ) davidaoni Bp. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed T.c. p. 797. — I M. ( P .) charou ap. n. Canada Cambrian, Walcott Smiths. Inst. Misc. Coll. 67 3 p. 69. Muhlfeldtia echinata, Massy 21. ' \NicoleUa subgen. n. vide Orthia. ]0bolu8 ciudax p. 798, maccullochi p. 799, spp. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Sqc. 51. — 1 O.damo sp. n. Canada Cambrian, Walcott Smiths. Inst. Misc. Coll. 67 3 p. 69. | Orbicidoidea molina sp. n. U.S. Silurian, Ruedemann Bull. N.Y. State Mus. 189 1916 p. 71. — f 0. armatrongi, shallochenais p. 820, atincharenaia p. 821, app. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51. \0rthia playfairi sp. n. p. 829, calli- gramma varr. n. craigenaia p. 827, aab- plicata p. 828, 0. ( Plectorlhia ) ardmil- lanenaia p. 831, aubfiaaicoata p. 834, subplicatella p. 835, thraivenaia p. 836, spp. n., ruatica var. n. paucicoatata p. 833, 0. ( Dinorthis ) jlabellum var. n. carrichenaia p. 837, 0. ( Hcbertella bella- trix sp. n. p. 841, 0. ( Dalmanella ) elegan- tula var. n. dnimmochenaia p. 850, teatu- dinaria varr. n. gracilia p. 854, ahallo- ehenaia p. 855, federata sp. n. p. 851 — 0. (Rhipidomella) prematura sp. n. p. 857, 0. ^ Schizophorella , subgen. n. p. 858), 0. ( Nicolella , subgen. n. p. 860) adoniae var. n. aateroided p. 861, 0. (. Eiirkneaaella ) subgen. n. p. 862, Scot- land Ordovician and Silurian, Reed T.c. — fO. lorana, taunica p. 10, bicalloaa p. 12, folii/er, tranaceraaria p. 13, nocheri p. 15, spp. n. Rhein Devon, Fuchs Abh. geol. Landesanst. 79 1915. — JO. praetor sp. n. Yun nan Ordovician, Reed Pal. Ind. 6 3 p. 21. | Orthotetea major sp. n. Rhein Devon, Fcohs Abh. geol. Londesanst. 79 p. 18. t Paehymagaa abnormia sp. n. New Zealand Tertiary, Thomson Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49 p. 412. f Paraatropliia emerita p. 927, thrai- ven8ia, youngi p. 930, spp. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51. ]Paratliyri8 gen. n. p. 35, plicatoidea, plicatiaaima spp. n. p. 36, Sinai Jurassic, DouviLii: Mem. Ac. Sci. 54 1916. \Paterula ? ‘ albida p. 800, jameaoni p. 801, spp. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. It. Soc. 51. f Pentamerua ( Barrandella ) undatua var. n. penkillenaia Scotland Silurian, Reed T.c. p. 934. f Philhedra ainenaia sp. n. Yun-nan Ordovician, Reed Pal. Ind. 6 3 p. 20. — |P. drummucken8ia,mulloehenaia, p. 822, penkillenaia, playfairi p. 823, sp. n. Scotland Ordovician and Silurian, Reed Edinburgh Trans, R. Soc. 51. Platydia anomioidea, Massy 21. ■\Playfairia subgen. n. vide Rafinea - quina. | Plectambonitea ruralia p. 879, aub- cqrruyutella p. 886, spp. n., quinquecoa- tata varr. n. balclatehienaia p. 877, eylmdriea, depreaaa p. 878, sublobata p. 879, 8egmentuin var. n. woodla\idenaia p. 881, aerieea 'varr. n. albida, conapicua p. 882, craigenaia p. 883, aemirugeta p. 834, thraivenaia p. 885, tranaveraalia varr. n. mullochenaia p. 887 , penkillenaia p. 888, Scotland Ordovician and Silurian, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc, 61.— fP. pxmetoatriatua sp. n. Ontario Silurian,’ Matuek Ottawa Nat. 31 p. 38. ■ \Poikiloaakoa gen. n. Lyttoniidae lor P. petoloidea sp. n. Texas Carboniferous, Watson Geol. Mag. 4 p. 212. \Porambonitea acutiplicata sp, n. Scot- land Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 p. 923. \Produetua (? Alarginifera ) uanneri sp. n. Timor Permian, Broili Pal. v. Timor 7 1916. f Protozyga carrickenaia sp. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 p. 945. ■\Paeudocrania multifiloaa sp. n. Scot- land Ordovician, Reed T.c. p. 826. \Rajineaquima breviuaculua, pergib- boaa spp. n. Michigan Ordovician, Foeuste . Ottawa. Nat. 31 p. 101.— dedoidea, Smith & Duror 32. — f R. ex- panaa var. n. maeallumi p. 865, R. ( Play - ; fairia , subgen. n. p.‘ 866) felix p. 867, richardaoxii p. 868, spp. n., ddtoidea varr. n. multicorrugata p. 866, tenuicor- rugata p. 867, R. ’{ brumalia, aubaracli- noulea spp. n. p. 870, Scotland Ordoviciaii and Silurian, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51. 7 Brack. Systematic. 2031 ^Renssclacrini gen., n. Centroncllidae p. 466, for R. medioplicata ap. n. Tenessee Devonian p. 469, Dunbar Amer. J. Sci. 43. f Rhinobolus ? balclatchienaia ap. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 p. 802. f Rhynckonella renevieri p. 85, dun- robinehsis, obtuai!.oba p. 86, guaamanni p. 90, fronto p. 91, squamiplex, anglica, rimosilla p. 92, northampfonensis p'. 96, rufimontana, dumbletonenaia p. 97, fallaciosa , k eilbergensis p. 99, heinin- gensia p. 100, tcmnorhyncha p. 101, metensis p. 103, lugdunensis p. 104, diptycha, ligtriana , oblonga p. 105, . raid p. 106, vallesiaca p. 107, radstockienais p. 108, lotecoatata p. 109, abbatiae p. 112, hareafieldcnsis p. 114, aubacarna, savig- nacensia p. LI 7, acaroide s, ledonica p. 118, parviloba p. 119, ardeacica p. 121, triqeri , ornitkopsis, groasouvrei, trachy- ptycha p. 122, aublaevia, pauciplicata, tenuiplicata, furcatella p. 123, minor p. 126, asymetrica p. 127, havtquintiana, quadricriatata, fornax p. 128, quinque- cristata, fornicata, tricriatata, neumayri , obtuaicoata p. 129, plant frona, atria p. 130, bonarellii p.131, aexplicoaa p. 132, eilgenii, ferdinandi p. 133, paeudo- decorata , exaltatai dilatata, visgoviana p. 139, pacMdoacuta, folita, silicea p. 140, aliformis p. 145, udlkeri p. 148, liaasi, normandica p. 150, haugi, alemanica p. 151, arcuata, planata, blurnbergenais , baaileenaia p. 152, oxonienaia, rambert- enais p. J53, ailicicola p. 155, crassa p. 157, maxima p. 158, polonica, deining- ena't8 p. 159, gallica, quadratoidca p, 160, briagovienaia, quadrata, blumberg- enaia p. 161, riedlingenaia, yaxleyenaia' p. 162, bugeysiaca p. 164, buckmani p. 165, longula, longoviccnsia p. 167, movelierenais, bradfordiana p. 168, eudeai p. 169, aubinconatana, p. 170, hudleatoni p. 172, pseudorostrata , proaimilia, moachi p. 174, jacobi p. 175, guebhardi , aalevenaia p. 177, obtuaa , apeciosa , Itelheimensis p. 178, app. n. England, France and Germany Jurassic, Rollier Mem. Soc. Pal. Suisse 42 [all named from previously published figures and misidentifications.] — f R. wanneri ap. n. Peru Jurassic, Tilmann N. Jahrb. Min. 41 p. 691. — f R. dietrichi ap. n. Deutsch Ostafrika Urgonkalk, Hennio Zs. P. Geol. Ges. 68 1916 p. 463.— \R. hanieli ap. n. Timor Permian, Broili Pal. ,v. .Timor 7 19 1 G.— f R. pugnua pauciplicata , var. n. Giirichi, ap. n. p. 167, mit biaellata, var. n . bi.furcata, var. n. p. 169,Oberde?on Briinn, Oppeniieimer Verh. nat. f. Ver. and Briinn. 54. ■j Rhynchospira ( Homoeospira ) cam- reganensis ap. n. p. 952, bouchardi var. n. midlochenaia p. 951, Scotland Silurian, Reed Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51. f Rhynchotr.eta ardmillanenaia ap. n. Scotland Ordovician, Reed p. 941. T.c. f Scetiidium grcenoughi ap. n. p. 920, leuiai varr. n. aaleroidea p. 921, craig- enaia p. 922, Scotland Ordovician, Reed ' T.c. ... , • f Schizocrania aateroidea ap. n, Scotland Ordovician, Reed T.c. p. 819. | Schizophorella aubgen. n. vide Orthia. \Schuchertella inexpectata p. 906, pertinax p. 907, app. n. Scotland Ordovi- cian and Silurian, Reed T.c.-— |26 Variation and ^Etiology = 2223 : — General Treatises ... ... ... ... ... Teratology, Phylogeny and Relationship ... ... >27 Evolution ... ... ... ... ... ... ...J Distribution = 2227 : — General 27 (a) Recent : — (a) Marine : — Arctic Ocean ... North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea South Atlantic Ocean... Indian Ocean, Red Sea Malaysia Pacific Ocean ... Southern Ocean Antarctic Ocean ... y2? 3 PACK ((3) Non-Marine : — Denmark = 2227 da ... Sweden ... ... ... ... .;. Northern Europe Russia and Poland = 2227 db Germany = 2227 dc British Islands = 2227 de France = 2227 df Spain and Portugal — 2221 dg Italy, Sardinia, etc. — 2227 dh Switzerland = 2227 di Austria-Hungary = 2227 dk.. * Balkan Peninsula = 2227 dl... Mediterranean Islands = 2227 dm ... Siberia =± 2227 ea ' China = 2227 eb Japan = 2227 ec Indo-China, etc. = 2227 ad ... Siam = 2227 ec British India, etc. = 2227 ef Malaysia, Philippine Islands, etc. = 2227 eg Caspian and Aral Seas = 2227 ek N. Africa = 2227 fa Sahara, etc. = 2227 fc .... W. Africa = 2227 jd !.. E. and C. Africa, etc. = 2227 f S. Africa = 2227 fg .* Canada = 2227 gb United States — 2227 gf N.E. United States = 2227 gg S.E. United States = 2227 gh W. United States = 2227 gi... ... ... Mexico •= 2227 gl Guatemala = 2227 lib West Indies = 2227 he ... Guiana and Venezuela = 2227 hd ... Colombia = 2227 he ... Peru = 2227 hf Brazil = 2227 hg Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay = 2227 hi Australia = 2227 i New Guinea, etc. = 2227 ia Queensland = 2227 id New South Wales = 2227 ie Victoria = 2227 if ... S. Australia = 2227 ig W. Australia — 2227 ih Tasmania, etc. = 2227 it Atlantic = 2227 la ... Indian Ocean = 2227 m Pacific = 2227 n I ^27 V29 (n-4840 r) bS — 2 4 [II. (b) Fossil: — Quaternary... Oainozoic ... Pleistocene... Tertiary Pliocene Miocene Oligocene .... Eocene ... Cretaceous ... Jurassic. Triassic and Liassic Carboniferous Devonian Silurian Ordovician ... Cambrian Systematic Index = 2231 : — Gastropoda Amphineura Aplacophora ... ... ... ... ... Polyplacophora Pro3obranchia Opisthobranchia, including Pteropoda and Heteropoda.. Pulmonata ... Scaphopoda ... Pelecypoda or Lamellibranchia Cephalopoda ... PAGE >29 >30 . >30 . I J . 43 . 44 . 50 . 50 . 57 5 Moll. Titles. 2200 I.— TITLES. A., J, C. Malacological report. Marlborough Coll. Rept. Nat. Soc. 65 1916 (1917) (40-41). 1 Allen, H. A. Note on the chalk marl fossils collected from the cutting slope above Martello Tunnel, Folkestone [in Osman 338]. London Proc. Geol. Ass. 28 1917 (82-84). 2 Andrusov, N. I. IIocJi'fcTpeTH'iHLia MopcKM OTJioaceiim Ycimona. [A post- Tertiary marine alluvial ^deposit at Sinopa.j Potrograd Bull. Acad. Sci. 1917 1917 (453-454). 3 Andrusov, N. I. 06t> o6pa3'h >Kii3iiii Adacna plicata Eichw. [On the life habits of A. plicata Eichw.] Petrograd Bull. Acad. Sci. 1917 1917 (457-458). 4 Ankert, H. Schnecken im Winter. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (140-142). 5 Ankert, H. Anton Schmidt. Frank- furt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (152-153). 6 [Anon.] Liste des publications scien- tifiques d’ Henri Fischer. J. conchyliol. Paris 62 1916 (1917) (187-196). 7 [Anon.] William Bullock Clark. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (68-69). 8 Arcy, L. B. The influence of light and temperature upon the migration of Planorbis trivolvis. Wiskar Inst. J. Compar. Neurol. Philadelphia Pa. 26 1916 (359-390). 9 Bacchus, D. New records for Gla- morgan. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (194). 10 Baker, F. C. The relation of mollusks to fish in Oneida Lake. Syracuse N.Y. Syracuse Univ. N.Y. State Coll. Forestry Tech. Pub. 4 1916 (1-366). 11 Baker, F. C. Notes on Acella haldemani (Desh.) Binnoy. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (135-138). 12 Baker, F. C. A inollusk injurious to garden vegetables. Science New York 43 1916 (136). 12a Bartsch, P. Pirates of the deep— Stories of the squid and octopus. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Ann. Rept. 1916 (1917) (347-375) pis. i-xix. 13 Bartsch, P. Descriptions of now West American marine mollusks and notes on previously described forms. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 52 1917 (637 681) pis. xlii-xlvii. 14 Bartsch, P. A monograph of West American Melanellid mollusks. Wash ington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. U.S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 53 1917 (295-356) pis. xxxiv-xlix. 15 Bartsch, P. The Philippine land shells of the genus Amphidromus. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Bull. 100 1917 (1- 47) pis. i-xxii. 16 Bartsch, P. The status of the genus Subularia Monterosato. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (133-134) pi. v. 17 Bartsch, P. A correction. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (71-72). 18 Bartsch, P. vide Dali, W. H. Bavay, A. Sables coquilliors marins pour le Laboratoire de Malacologie. Paris Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 22 1916 (446-448). 19 Bavay, A. Quelques coquilles des sables littoraux de divers pays. J. conchyliol. Paris 63 1917 (91-114) pis. ii-iii. 20 6 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1917] Becker, J. G. A preliminary note on an intermediate host of Bilharzia haematobium in the Transvaal, together with a description of the Cercariae with which the mollusc is affected. Med. J. South Africa Johannesburg 11 1916 (156) 1 pi. 21 Becker, J. G. A further note on Bilharziosis in the Transvaal. Med. J. South Africa Johannesburg 12 1916 (42). 22 Bell, A. A list of type and figured specimens n the geological gallery, Ipswich Museum. Ipswich Field Club J. 5 1916 (1917) (41-49). 23 Bell, A. The shells of the Holderness Basement clays. Naturalist London 1917 1917 (95-98 135-138). 24 Bell, A. The fossils of the East Anglian Sub-Crag boxstones. Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 1917 (407-422). 25 Berry, S. S. The octopod Ocythoe in California. Claremont Cal. Pomona Coll. J. Entom. Zool. 8 1916 (1-4). 26 Berry, S. S. Australian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914. Scientific reports. Ser. C : Zoology and Botany. 4 pt. 2 Cephalopoda. Government Printer Adelaide S. Australia 1916 (1-39) pis. x-xiv. 27 Berry S. S. Chitons taken by the United States Fisheries steamer “ Alba- tross ” in the Northwest Pacific in 1906. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. U. S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 54 1917 (1-18) pis. i-x. 28 Berry, S. S. Notes on West American Chitons, I. San Francisco Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (4) 7 1917 (229-248). 29 Berry, S. S. Random notes on the collection and preservation of Chitons. Lorquinia Los Angeles Cal. 1 1917 (73- 76). 30 Berry, S. S. On Moschites verrucosa (Verrill) and its allies. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 69 1917 (2-6) pis. i-ii. 31 Berry, S. S. A new Sonarella from Arizona. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (14-15). 32 Bigelow, H. B. Explorations of the coast water between Cape Cod and Halifax, in 1914 and 1915, by the U.S. Fisheries schooner “ Grampus.” Oceano- graphy and Plankton. Bigelow Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 61 1917 (163-357) pi. i. [Pteropoda and Heteropoda (298-302).] 33 Blake, J. H. Astarte quadrans a3 food for flounders. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (132). 34 Blaney, D. and Loomis, F. B. A Pleistocene locality in Mt. Desert Island, Maine. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. 42 1916 (399-401). 35 Bloomer, H. H. and Overton, H. On Anodonta cygncea (Linn.) contrasted with Anodonta anatina (Linn.) ; and on Pseudanodonta rothomagensis, Lo- card. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (202-210) pi. xi. 36 Bohm, J. Ober die Gattungon Eriphyla Gabb, Dozy i a Bosquet und Freia Joh. Bohm. Berlin Zeitschr. deutsch. Geol. Ges. B. Monatsb. 69 1917 (20-30). 37 Boettger, C. R. Diagnose einer neuen Landschneckenart der Gattung Cur- vella Chaper aus Deutsch-Ost-Afrika. Frankfurt am Main Nachr. -Bl. D. malak. Ges 49 1917 (124-126). 38 Boettger, C. R. Otto le Roi. Frank- furt am Main Nachr. -Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (145-151). 39 Bofill i Poch, A. Instruccions per a la recolleccio de molluscs terrestres i d’aigua dol£a. Barcelona Mus. Sci. Nat. Op. Zool. 5 1917 (1-17) 40 Bolam, G. A rare pond -snail (Limnaea auricularia L.). The Vas- oulum, Sunderland 3 1917 (56-57). 41 Bonnevie, K. Mitteilungen fiber Pteropoden. I. Beobachtungen fiber den Geschlechtsapparat von Cuvierina columnella Rang. Jeniiisclie Zeitschr. Naturw. Jena 54 1916 (245-276) pis. xviii-xxii. 42 Boswell, P. G. H. The statigraphy and petrology of the Lower Eocene deposits of the north-eastern part of the London Basin. London Q,. J. Geol. Soc. 71 1916 (536-588). [Lists of fossils on pp. 566 & 569.] 43 Bottazzi, F. Ricerche sullo ghiandola salivare posteriore dei Cefalopodi. Napoli Publ. Staz. Zool. Milano 1 1916 (59-146). 44 7 Moll. Titles. 2200 Boury, E. de. Revision critique de T etude des Scalaires faite par M. Coss- rnann dans les “ Essais de Paleo- conchologie.” J. Conchyliol. Paris. 63 1917 (13-62). 45 Bowell, E. W. Larva of a Dipterous fly feeding on Helicella itala. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (308). 46 Bowell, E. W. On an abnormal specimen of Gochlicopa lubrica. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (312-314). 47 Bowell, E. W. vide Kennard, A. S. and Woodward, B. B. Boycott, A. E. On sexual characters in the shell and radula of Pomatias elegans (Muller). London Proc; Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (127-132). 48 Boycott A. E. The genitalia of Acanthinula aeuleata. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (221-226). 49 Boycott, A. E. Paludestrina jenkinsi at Elstree. Watford Trans. Herts. N. H. Soc. 16 1917 (276). 50 Boycott, A. E. Note on the sexes of Bythinia. Lancs, and Chcsh. Nat. Darwen 10 1917 (72-73). 51 Boycott, A. E. The “ Nerita jaculator ” of O. F. Muller and Palu- destrina. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (149). 52 Boycott, A. E. Preliminary note on the genitalia of Acanthinula lamellata Jeff. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (175- 178). 53 Boycott, A. E. Where is the male of Paludestrina jenkinsi ? J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (216). 54 Boycott, A. E. On the occurrence of manganese in land and fresh water mollusca. Naturalist London 1917 1917 (11-18 69-73). 55 Boycott, A. E. vide Kennard, A. S. and Woodward, B. B. Brown, A. vide Pilsbry, H. A. Brun, P. de. Le barremien superieur a facies urgonien de Brouzet-les-Alais (Gard). Pt. II. Complement de 1’ etude paleontologique des gisements de Brouzet. Mollusques (Cephalopodes). Paris Mem. Soc. Geol. France Paleontol. 21 1916 No. 51 (44-47) pi xix 56 Buchner, O. Die Grossenextreme bei unseren einheimischen Land- und Siiss- wassermollusken. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (167-185) pis. ii-iii. 57 Btilow, E. N. von. Ein Jlaplo- pleuroceras von La Verpilliere. Berlin Zeitschr. deutsch Geol. Ges. B. Monatsb. 69 1917 (85-90). 58 Butterfield, W. R. The marine mollusca of Sussex. Hastings and E. Sussex Nat. Hastings 2 191,7 (231-237). 59 Carr, J. W. The invertebrate fauna of Nottinghamshire. J. and H. Bell Nottingham 1916 (i— viii l-618)[Mollusca pp. 20-51.] 60 Carter, C. S. Vitrea lucida at Louth, Lines. Naturalist London 1917 1917 (358). 61 Cate, Margaret L. Lima dehiscens at Laguna Beach. Claremont Cal. Pomona Coll. J. Entom. Zool. 8 1916 (94) 1 pi. 62 Cawston, F. G. The causes of Bilharziosis. Med. J. South Africa Johannesburg 11 1916 (125-126 154). 63 Cawston, F. G. Report on the exa- mination of 1,000 molluscs in Natal. Med. J. 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Effects of centrifugal force on the structure and development of the eggs of Grepidula. J. exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 22 1917 (311- 418) 23 pis. 98 Contreras, F. Observaciones sobre algunos moluscos del Valle y utilidad quo prestan. Mexico Bol. dir. Est. Biol. 2 1917 (3-6). 99 9 Moll. Titles. 2200 Cooke, A. H. Patella vulgata, Linnaeus, and its so-called variety, Patella depressa, Pennant. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (135-137). 100 Cooke, A. H. The radula of the genus Oominella H. and A. Adams. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (227-231). 101 Cooke, A. H. A colony of Nucella (olim Purpura ) lapillus (Linn.) with operculum malformed or absent. Lon- don Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (231- 232). 102 Cooke, A. H. The radula of the genus Euthria , Gray. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (232-235). 103 Cooke, A. H. The generic position of the genus Northia Gray. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (235-237). 104 Copeland, G. G. The temperature and densities and allied subjects of Passa- maquoddy Bay and its environs. Their bearing on the oyster industry. Contrib. Canad. Biol. Ottawa (1906- 1910) 1912 1912 (281-294) pi. xxxvi. 105 Cossmann, M. Le barremien su- p6riour h facies urgonien do Brouzet- lo3-Alais (Gard). Part. II. Complement de P6tude pal6ontologique des gise- mcnts do Brouzot. Mollusques (Gas- tropodes ot Polocypodos). Paris Mem. Soc. Geol. Franco Pal6ontoI. 21 1916 No. 51 (10-43) pis. xv-xix. 106 Cossmann, M. and Peyrofc, A. Con- chologie neogenique de 1’ Aquitaine. Scaphopodes et Gastropodes. (cont.) Bordeaux Actes Soc. linn. 69 1916 (1917) (285-365). 107 Cox, P. A supposed disease of Quahangs from New Brunswick. Con- trib. Canad. Biol. Ottawa (1914-1915) 1916 1916 (73-79). 108 Orabb, E. D. Note on Texas land snails. Amer. Mus. J. New York N.Y. 17 1917 (577-578). 109 Craif ale ann, A. D. Studies on the ferments of sea animals. Mollusca. Proteolytic ferments in the liver of Sepia officinalis. 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Especes nouvelles de mollusques du littoral canadien de l’Atl antique et de celui du Pacifique. Victoria B.C. Bull. Mus. commemoratif Canada Min. Mines 1913 1915 (159-167) pi. x. 126 Daniels, L. E. vide Henderson, J. Dantan, J. L. La larve de YOstrea edulis. Ann. Inst. Ocean. Paris 7 (6) 1916 (1-20) pis. i-ii. 127 Dautzenberg, P. Liste des mol- lusques marins recolt^s en 1915-16 par M. Georges Lecointre sur le littoral occidental du Maroc. J. Conchyliol. Paris 63 1917 (63-70). 128 Dautzenberg, P. A propos de 1’ “ Universal Conchologist ” de Thomas Martyn. J. Conchyliol. Paris 63 1917 (148-152). 129 Dautzenberg, P. and Lamy, E. Henri Eischer 1865-1916. J. con- chyliol. Paris 62 1916 (1917) (179-187). 130 Dean, J. D. Land mollusca in the Vale of Glamorgan. Cardiff Nat. Soc. Kept, and Trans. 48 1915 (1916) (50- 58). 131 Dean, J. D. and Tomlin, J. R. le B. On the supposed occurrence of Jaminia triplicata Studer in Suffolk. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (165^-167). 132 Deecke, W. Die Trias der Schweitzer Alpen und damit zusammenhangende Fragen. Centralbl. f. Min. Geol. u. Palaont. Stuttgart 1917 1917 (5-20). 133 Dep6ret, C. and Gentil, L. Sur une faune miocene sup^rieure marine (Sa- hel ienne) dans le R’arb (Maroc occi- dentale). Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 164 1917 (21-25). 134 Dep6ret, C. and Joleaud, L. Les depots quatemaires marins de la region de Bone et de La Calle (Algerie). Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 164 1917 (674-680). 135 Detweiler, J. D. Preliminary notes on the mollusca of St. Andrews and vicinity. New Brunswick. Contr. Canad. Biol. Ottawa (1911-1914) 1915 1915 (43-46). 136 Dickerson, R. E. Climate and its influence upon the Oligocene faunas of the Pacific Coast, with descriptions of some new species from the Molophorus lincolnensis zone. San Francisco Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (4) 7 1917 (157-192) pis. xxvii-xxxi. 137 Dickerson, R. E. Climatic zones of Martinez Eocene time. San Francisco Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (4) 7 1917 (193- 196). 138 Dickerson, R. E. Ancient Panama Canals. San Francisco Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (4)7 1917 (197-205). 139 Dickerson, R. E. and Kew, W. S. W. The fauna of a medial Tertiary forma- tion and the associated horizons of Northeastern Mexico. San Francisco Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (4) 7 1917 (125- 156) [Mollusca (126-129).] 140 Dickerson, R. E. and Kew, W. S. W. Tertiary mollusks and echinoderms from the vicinity of Tuxpan, Mexico. (Abstract.) New York N.Y. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 28 1917 (224-225). 141 Diener, C. Ueber eine neue Art des Genus Oymniles (O. spiniger) aus dem bosnischen Muschelkalk. Centralbl. f. Min. Geol. u. Palaont. Stuttgart 1917 1917 (110-114). 142 Doello Jurado, M. Sobre la presencia de Tellina “ gibber Ihering ” en Mar del Plata. Physis Rev. -Soc. Argentina Sci. Nat. Buenos Ayres 3 1917 (82). 143 Doello Jurado, M. Henri Fischer. Physis Rev. Soc. Argentina Sci. Nat. 3 1917 (119-120). 144 Doello Jurado, M. Edgar A. Smith. Physis Rev. Soc. Argentina Sci. Nat. 3 1917 (120-122). 145 Doello Jurado, M. Moluscos hallados en un cementerio indigena de las isla de Martin Garcia. Physis Rev. Soc. Argentina Sci. Nat. 3 1917 (223-225). 146 Doello Jurado, M. Monocondylaea orbignyana n. sp. Physis Rev. Soc. Argentina Sci. Nat. 3 1917 (260-262). 147 Doello Jurado, M. Nota sobre Acanihina calcar (Martyn). Physis Rev. Soc. Argentina Sci. Nat. 3 1917 (271-283). 148 Doello Jurado, M. Nota sobre Turn- tella americana (Bravard). Physis Rev. Soc. Argentina Sci. Nat. 3 1917 (283-287). 149 11 Moll. Titles. 2200 [Doello Jurado, M.] Estudio de la fauna marina en las costas de la pro- vincia de Buenos Aires y del Chubut. Physis Rev. Soc. Argentina Sci. Nat. 2 1916 (195-200). 150 DouvilI6, H. Les terrains secondaires dans le massif du Moghara k Test de Pisthme de Suez, d’apres les explora- tions de M. Couyat-Barthoux. Paris Mem. Acad. Sci. 54 1916 (1-184) pis. i-xxi. 151 Dreyer, L. Nekrolog. Wilhelm Kobelt (20. Februar 1840—26. Marz 1916). Wiesbaden Jahrb. 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Sintesis estrati- grafica de los terrenos primarios de Cataluna con una descripcion de los yacimientos fosiliferos mas principales. Madrid Mem. R. Soc. espan. Hist. nat. 9 1913 (1-202) pis. i-ix. 159 Faust, E. C. Notes on the Cercariae of the Bitter Root Valley, Montana; J. Parasitol. Illinois 3 1917 (105-123). 160 Ferriss, J. H. A shell hunt in the Black Range, with description of a new Oreohelix. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (99-103). 161 Ferriss, J. H. Collecting shells in a corner of the Sierra Nevada. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (31-34) pi. vii f. 3. 162 Fischer, K. Die Begattung bei Limax maximus. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturw. Jena 55 1917 (101-124) pi. v. 163 Fischer, K. and Wenz, W. Die Lands chneckenkalke des Mainzer Beckens und ihre Fauna. Wiesbaden Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 67 1914 (22-154) pis. iv-xi. [I. Stratigraphisches Teil (22-29) by K. Fischer ; II. Palaon- tologisches Teil (30-154) by. W. Wenz.] 164 Foerste, A. F. The Richmond faunas of Little Bay de Noquette, in Northern Michigan. Ottawa Nat. 31 1917 (97- 103) pis. iv-vi. 165 Fosse, R. Origine et distribution de l’ur6e dans la nature. Application de nouvelles methodes d’ analyse de l’uree basees sur l’emploi du xanthy- drol. Quatrieme partie. Demonstra- tion de la presence de l’uree chez les invertebres. Paris Ann. Inst. Pasteur 30 1916 (673-676). 166 Fourtau, M. R. vide Hume, W. F. Frankenberger, Z. Zur Kenntnis der dalmatinischen 7tonites-Axtei\. Frank- furt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges* 49 1917 (24-27). 167 Frankenberger, Z. Ueber den Geschlechtsapparat von Gampylaea ( Liburnica ) nicolai Klee. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (126-129). 168 Freund, L. Die Literatur fiber die Mollusken Bohmens. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (85-94). 169 Frierson, L. S. New genera and species of Central American Naiades. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (47-49) pi. vii. 170 Frierson, L. S. On the rate of growth of pond Unios. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (49-50) pi. vii. 170a Fuente, J. M. de la. Enumeracion de las especies zoologicas que han sida descritas por primera vez sobre ejem- plares procedentes de la provincia de Ciudad Real. Madrid Bol. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 17 1917 (277-313). [Moll us ca (278).] 170h 12 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. Fulton, H. 0. Molluscan notes, iii. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (238- 240). 170c Fulton, H. C. Description of a new species of Colombian Trichodiscina ( T . crinita). London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (240-241). 170d Fulton, H. C. Description of a new species of Siamese V ivipara (F. occulta). London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (241). 170e Gabriel, C. J. vide Gatliff, J. H. and Chapman, F. Galaine, C. vide Houlbert, C. Gardiner, A. Notes on some shell beaches and rare Cornish marine shells. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (167). 170f Gardiner, C. I. The Silurian inlier of Usk. Gloucester Proc. Cotteswold Nat. F.C. 19 1916 (1917) (129-172) Palaeontological Appendix by F. R. C. Reed (160-172) pis. vii-viii. 171 Gatenby, J. B. The cytoplasmic in- clusions of the germ-cells. Q. J. Microscop. Sci. London 62 1917 (555- 611) pis. xxix-xxxiv. 172 Gatliff, J. H. and Gabriel, C. J. Additions to and alterations in the catalogue of the marine shells of Vic- toria. Melbourne Proc. R. Soc. Vic- toria (N.S.) 30 1917 (21-31) pi. iii. 173 Gentil, L. Sur la Miocene sup6rieure marin (Sahelien) de POuest Algerien. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 164 1917 (357- 360). 174 Gentil, L. vide Deperet, C. Germain, L. Contributions a la faune malacologique le PAfrique 6quatoriale. xliv. Mollusques terrestres recueillis dans les provinces de Kilwa et de Mahenge. Paris Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. 1916 1916 (243-259). 175 Germain, L. Contributions a la faune malacologique de PAfrique 6qua- toriale. xlv. Sur le genre Leroyu Bourguignat [famille des Am'pul- lariidae] [genre Lanistes Denys de Mont- fort, sous -genre Leroya Bourguignat]. Paris Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. 1916 1916 (317-329). 176 Germain, L. Contributions a la faune malacologique de PAfrique 6qua- toriale. xlvi. Sur quelques mollusques du Sahara et du Soudan. Paris Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. 1917 1917 (494-510). 177 [1917] Germain, L. Contributions & la faune malacologique de PAfrique equa- toriale. xlvii. Mollusques recueillis au Dahomey par M. Henry Hubert. Paris Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. 1917 1917 (511-520). 178 Germain, L. Contributions a la faune malacologique de PAfrique equa- toriale. xlviii. Deux gasteropodes fluviatiles nouveaux du bassin du S6n6gal. (Mission R. Chudeau, 1916.) Paris Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. 1917 1917 (521-529) pi. vii. 179 Germain, L. Sur les collections malacologiques rdunies par M. J. de Morgan pendant ses voyages en Asie anterieure. Paris Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. 1917 1917 (530-532). 180 Germain, L. L’origino et la distribu- tion g6ographique des faunes d’eau douce de PAmerique du Nord. Ann. Geogr. 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Science New York N.Y. 44 1916 (544-546). 194 Goldsmith, Marie. Psychologic animalo. Quolquos factions sensoriollos choz 1o poulpo. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (448-450). 195 Goodrich, C. Pleurocera subulare Lea. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (122-124). 196 Gould, H. N. Studies on sex in the hermaphrodite mollusc Grepidula plana. I. History of the sexual cycle. J. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 23 1917 (1-68) 8 pis. 197 Gould, H. N. Studies on sex in the hermaphrodite mollusc Grepidula plana. II. Influence of environment on sex. J. exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 23 1917 (225-250). 198 Grabau, A. W. Comparison of American and European Lower Ordo- vicic formations. Washington D.C. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 27 1916 (555- 622). 199 Greger, D. K. A color-marked Euconospira from the Pennsylvanian of Missouri, and a list of references to coloration in fossil shells. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (114-117) pi. iii. 200 Gripp, K. t)bor das marino Alt- miocan im Nordseebecken. Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal. Stuttgart Beil.- Bd. 41 (1) 1916 (1-59) pis. i-ii. 201 Gude, G. K. Diagnoses of four un- described Helicoids from Borneo and Guam (Ladrones). London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (315-317). 202 Haas, F. Estudios sobre las Nayadcs del Ebro. Zaragoza Bol. Soc. Aragon. Ci. Nat. 16 1917 (71-79). 203 Haas, F. Estudio para una mono- graphia do las Nayades de la Peninsula lb6rica. Barcelona Junta Ci‘. Nat. 2 1917 (131-190). 204 Haas, F. Consideraciones sobre los medios y fines de la investigacion zoogeografica. Barcelona Mus. Sci. Nat. Op. Zool. 6 1917 (1-58). 205 Hadden, N. G. Hibernation of Succinea elegans Risso. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (216). 206 Hadden, N. G. Notes on some North Devon Mollusca. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (220). 207 Heath, II. The anatomy of an Eolid, Ghioraera dalli. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 69 1917 (137-148) pis. xi-xiii. 208 Hedley, C. Studies on Australian Mollusca, part 13. Sydney N.S.W. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 41 1916 (1917) (680-719) pile, xlvi-lii. 209 Hedley, C. Notes on the Victorian species of Bullinus. Sydney N.S.W. Rec. Austral. Mus. 12 1917 (1-8) pi. i-ii. 210 Hedley, C. Description of a new shell from Caloundra. Brisbane Proc. R. Soc. Queensland 29 1917 (55-56). 211 Hedley, C. The Economics of Trochus niloticus. Austral. Zool. Sydney N.S.W. 1 1917 (69-73) pis. iv-v. 212 Hedley, C. Has Lymnoea an Auri- culoid ancestry ? London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (125-126). 213 Hedley, C. Notos on operculum evolution. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (97-99). 214 Hedley, C. Report on mollusca from elevated marine beds, “ Raised Beaches,” of McMurdo Sound. —Aus- tralian Antarctic Expedition 191 1 - 1914— - Under the leadership of Sir —7 , Cf 14 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1917] *JDouglas Maws on B.E. Scien- tific Reports. Geology. 2 (5). 1917 (85-88). 215 Heilbronn, L. V. Maturation and initiation of development in Oumingia. Anat. Record Philadelphia Pa. 11 1917 (362). 216 Henderson, J. A new pleistocene mollusk locality in New Mexico. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (134- 135). 217 Henderson, Jno. B. Collecting days about the naval station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (41-44). 218 Henderson, J. and Daniels, L. E. Hunting mollusca in Utah and Idaho in 1916. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 69 1917 (48-81). 219 Herold, S. C. Tertiary Nassidae of the West Coast of America. (Abstract) New York N. Y. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 28 1917 (227). 220 Heron-Alien, E. Presidential Ad- dress, 1916-1917 : Alcide d’Orbigny, his life and his work. London J. R. Microscop. Soc. 1917 1917 (1-105 433-434) pis. i-xiii. 221 Hesse, P. Nekrolog [Dr. R. Schroder]. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.- Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (41-44). 222 Hesse, P. Kritische Fragmente. XVII. Nochmals Nomenklaturfragen. XVIII. Ein neues Subgenus von Acme. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (122-124). 223 Hidalgo, J. G. Fauna malacologica de Espana Portugal y las Baleares. Moluscos testaceos marinos. Madrid Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat. Trab. Ser. Zool. 30 1917 (1-752). 224 Hilber, V. Das Geschlecht der Gattungsnamen auf ites. Central bl. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart 1917 1917 (310). 225 Hilbert, R. Die molluskenfauna der Rokitnosiimpfe. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (75-80). 226 Hilbert, R. Planorbis corneus var. praetexta. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.- Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (189-190) 227 Hirase, Y. Terebridae of the Japanese Empire. Kyoto Hirase Conch. Mus. 1917 1917 (1-50) pis. i-viii. 228 Holmquist, E. Fund von Helicella ericetorum Mull, in Schweden. Frank- furt am Main Nachr.-Bl. I), malak. Ges. 49 1917 (140). 229 Honigmann, H. L. t)ber einige Anodonten und Unionen aus Rumanien. Magdeburg Abh. u. Ber. Mus. Nat. Heimatk. 2 1914 (1-9) pis. i-iv. 230 Hornell, J. The edible molluscs of the Madras Presidencv. Madras Fish. Dept. Bull. 11 1917 (1-51). 231 Houlbert, C. and Galaine, C. Sur le chambrage des huitres et sur 1’ in- fection possible des chambres par le fait d’uno ann61ido tubicolo parasite do la coquille. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 162 1916 (54-56). 232 Hume, W. F. Report on the oilfields region of Egypt. Egypt Surv. Dept. Cairo 1916 1916 (i-viii 1-103) pis. i- xxiii. [Report on Mollusca by Fourtau, M.R. (90-94)]. 233 Huntze, H. Ober das standige Auf- treten bestimmter Zellelemente im Centralnervensystem von Helix pomatia L. Ein Beitrag zur Frage nach der Konstanz histologischer Elemente. Zool. Anz. Leipsig 49 1917 (123-137). 234 Hyning, T. van. The distinctive characters of Lampsilis minor and L. villosa. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (15-16). 235 Ihering, H. von. Dr. Wilhelm Kobelt. Physis Rev. Soc. Argentina Sci. Nat. Buenos Ayres 3 1917 (106-107) 236 Ihering, H. von. Loboa brunoi n.g., n.sp., a land shell from the Brazilian island of Trinity. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (121-122) pi. iv, f. 7. 237 Iredale, T. More molluscan name changes, generic and specific. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (322-330). 238 Iredale, T. On some new species of marine mollusca from Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (331-334) pi. xiii. 239 5 Moll. Titles. 2200 Iredale, T. atul Tomlin, J. R. lo 13. Lienardia mighelsi nom. n. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (216). 240 Jackson, J. W. The geographical distribution of the use of pearls and pearl-shell. Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 60 (12) 1916 (1-53). 241 Jackson, J. W. The use of cowry- shells for the purposes of currency, amulets and charms. Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 60 (13) 1916 (1-72). 242 Jackson, J. W. Helicella virgata (Da Costa) in Wirral, Cheshire. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (203). 243 Jackson, J. W. Shells as evidence of the migration of early culture. Manchester University Pub. Ethnology Series 2 1917 (i-xxviii 1-216) 3 pis. 243a Jaworski, E. Beitrage zur Geologie und Palaontologie von Sudamerika. XXIII. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Jura in Sud-Amerika. Teil II, Spezieller, palaontologischer Teil. Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 1915 (364-456) pis. v-viii. 244 Jewell, Minna E. vide Lewis, H. B. Johansen, A. C. En f renamed Snegl i Randers Fjord. Dansk Fiskeritidende Kabenhavn 1917 1917 (501-502). [Not seen by recorder.] 245 Johansen, A. C. and Lynge, H. Om Land-og Ferskvandsmolluskerne i holocsene Lag ved Strandgaarten SSO, for Kalundborg, og dores Vidnesbyrd om Klimaforandringer. Kobenhavn Medd. Dansk. Geol. Foren. 5 (11) 1917 (1-19). [Not seen by recorder.] 246 Johnson, C. W. Martyn’s Universal Conchologist. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (130-132). 247 Johnston, W. A. Late Pleistocene oscillations of sea-level in the Ottawa valley. Canada Dept. Mines Geol. Surv. Ottawa Mus. Bull. 24 1916 (1-14). 248 Joleaud, L. vide Deperet, C. Kennard, A. S. The Pleistocene succession in England. Ipswich Proc. Prehist. Soc. East Anglia. 2 1915- 1916 (1916) (249-267). 249 Kennard, A. S. and Woodward, B. B. On the occurrence of Eulota fruticum (Milll.) in Kent. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (124). 250 Kennard, A. S. and Woodward, B. 13. On the occurrence in the British Isles of Paludestrina minuta (Totten). Lon- don Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (124). 251 Kennard, A. S. and Woodward, B. B. On the occurrence in England of Helicella neglecta (Drap.) With notes on the anatomy by Dr. A. E. Boycott, F.R.S., and on the radula by the Rev. E. W. Bowell, M.A. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (133-134). 252 Kennard, A. S. and Woodward, B. B. Note on the Mollusca from the rain- washes at Godstone. London Proc. Geol. Ass. 28 1917 (38). 253 Kennard, A. S. and Woodward, B. B. The Post-Pliocene non-marine mollusca of Ireland. London Proc. Geol. Ass. 28 1917 (109-190). 254 Kennard, A. S. and Woodward, B. B. vide Warren, S. H. Kew, W. S. W. vide Dickerson, R. E. Kilian, W. and Reboul, P. Memoires pour servir a 1’ explication de la carte geologique detaillee de la France. Contribution a 1’ etude des faunes paleocr6tacees du sud-cst do la Franco. I. La faune de l’Aptien inferieur des environs de Montelimar (Drome) (Car- riere de l’homme d’armes). II. Sur quelqucs Ammonitos de FHautorivien de la B6gude ( Bassos -Alpes). Imprim. National Paris 1915 1915 (i-iv 1-221 225-296) pis. i-xv. 255 Kindle, E. M. Bottom control of marine faunas as illustrated by dredging in the Bay of Fundy. Amer. J. Sci. Newhaven Conn. 41 1916 (449-461). 256 Kindle, E. M. Notes on the bottom environment of the marine inverte- brates of western Nova Scotia. Ottawa Nat. Ottawa 30 1917 (149-154). 257 Klett, B. Aus der Konchylienfauna der diluvialen und alluvialen Schwemm- landbildungen der Umgebung von Muhlhausen i. Tli. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (133-137). 258 Kobelt, W. Beitrage zur Moll us ken - fauna von Neuguinea. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (1-8) pi. i. 259 16 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1917] Koch, L. Nye Bidrag til Mullerup- kulturens geologiske Alder. Kjoben- havn Medd. Dansk geol. Foren. 5 (6) 1916 (1-14). 260 Kolasius, H. Beitrag zur Verbreitung von Pupilla sterri Voith. Frankfurt am Main Naehr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (37-40). 261 Krause, P. G. Ueber einen neuen Fundpunkt jungdiluvialer Konchylien aus Ostpreussen. Zeitschr. deutsch. Geol. Ges. B. Monatsb. 69 1917 (90-93). 262 Krumbach, T. Napfschneeken in der Gezeitenwelle und der Brandungszone der Karstkuste. (Biologische Kiisten- studien'an der Adria.) Notizen iiber die Fauna der Adria bei Rovigno. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (96-123). 263 L. Conchological notes. Ottawa Nat. Ottawa 29 1915 (51-52). 264 L., F. R, New Sphaeriidae. Ottawa Nat. Ottawa 30 1916 (93-97). 265 Lameere, A. Contributions a la connaissance des Dicyemides. (IV). Rapports entre la vie des Dicyemides cl cello des Cephalopodes. Bull. Biol. France et Belg. Paris 51 1917 (347- 390). 266 Lamy, E. Les Mactres et les.Lu- traires de la Mer Rouge, d’apres les mat6riaux recueillis par M. lo Dr. Jousseaume. Paris Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 22 1916 (237-242 305-310). 267 Lamy, E. Les Cardites et les Cypri- cardes de la Mer Rouge, d’apres les materiaux recueillis par M. le Dr. Jousseaume. Paris Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 22 1916 (311-316). 268 Lamy, E. Les Pectoncles de la Mer Rouge, d’apres les materiaux recueillis par M. le Dr. Jousseaume. Paris Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 22 1916 (384-387). 269 Lamy, E. Description d’un Lamelli- branche nouveau du Golfe de Cali- fornio. Paris Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 22 1916 (443-445). 270 Lamy, E. Les Arches de la Mer Rouge (d’apres les materiaux recueillis par M. le Dr. Jousseaume). Paris Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 23 1917 (26-34). 271 Lamy, E. Revision (les Crassatellidae vivants du Museum d’Histoire naturelle de Paris. J. conchyliol. Paris 62 1916 (1917) (197-270) pi. vi. 272 Lamy, E. Revision des Maclridae vivants du Museum d’histoire naturelle de Paris. J. conchyliol. Paris 63 1917 (173-275) pi. vi. 273 Lamy, E. vide Dautzcnberg, P. Lange, E. Trigonia smeei Sowerby und ihre horizontal Verbreitung. Cen- tralbl. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart 1917 1917 (492-496). 274 Lebour, Marie V. The Micro- plankton of Plymouth Sound from the region beyond the breakwater. Ply- mouth J. Mar. Biol. Ass. (N.S.) 11 1917 (133-182). [List of Mollusca (169).] 275 Lewis, H. B. and Jewell, M. E. The occurrence of licbenase in the digestive tract of invertebrates. New York N.Y. Soc. exper. Biol. Med. Proc. 14 1916(59-60). 276 Loomis, F. B. vide Blaney, I>. Lundquist, G. Norrlandska inollusk- lokaler. Ark. Zool. Stockholm It (9) 1917 (1-16). 277 Lundquist, G. Till molluskemas biologi. Fauna ocli Flora Uppsala 12 1917 (46-47). [Not seen by recorder.) 276 Lynge, H. vide Johansen, A. C> MacBride, E. W. Oyster culture and clam fishing. Prince Edward Island. Contrib. Canad. Biol. Ottawa (1906- 1910) 1912 1912 (217-220). 279 Malone, J. G. Albinistic Epiphrag- mophora f idelis. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (72). 280 Maluquer, J. Algunos moluscos terrestres de la isla Cabrera. Madrid Bol. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 17 1917 (394-396). 281 Maluquer, J. Organizacio * incre- ment de la seccio oceanografica. Barcelona Junta Ci. Nat. 2 1917 (205- 238). [Mollusca (226-229)}. 282 Marshall, J. T. Additions to “ Bri- tish Conchology” Pt. VII (cont.) J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (168-174 198- 203). 283 17 Moll Titles. 2200 Marshall, 1\ Geology of the Central Kaipara. Wellington Trans. & Proc. N.Z. Inst. 49 1916 (1917) (433-450) pi. xxxi. 284 Marshall, P. The Wangaloa Beds. Wellington Trans. & Proc. N.Z. Inst. 49 1916 (1917) (450-460) pis. xxxiv- xxxvii. 285 Marshall, P. Additional fossils from Target Gully, near Oamaru. Welling- ton Trans. & Proc. N.Z. Inst 49 1916 (1917) (461-462). 286 Marshall, P. Fossils and age of the Hampden (Onekakara) Beds. Welling- ton Trans. & Proc. N.Z. Inst. 49 1916 (1917) (463-466). 287 Marshall, P. Cainozoic fossils from Oamaru. Wellington Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 47 1914 (1915) (377-387). 288 Marshall, W. A. Lnmpsilis ventricosn cohongoronta in the Potomac River. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (40-41). 289 Marshall, W. B. New and little- known species of South American fresh water mussels of the genus Diplodon. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. . U.S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 53 1917 (381- 388) pis. I-lv. 290 Martel, II. Coquilles de Cancale : Iconographie et critique de quelqucs petites especes. J. conchyliol. Paris 63 1917 (1-8) pi. i. 291 Martel, H. Coquilles de Cancale : Note sur la dispersion geographique du Gomphroa boissyi Dupuy. J. conchyliol. Paris 63 1917 (9). 292 Martin, K. Die altmiocane Fauna des West-Progogebirgcs auf Java, [cont.] Leiden Samml. Geol. Reichs- mus. (N.S.) 2 1917 (261-296) pis. iv-v. 293 Martin, K. Die Gattung Vicarya , d’Archiac. Leiden Samml. geol. Reichsmus. (N.S.) 2 1917 (297-298). 294 Martin, K. Bemcrkungen iiber sogenannt oligocane und andere Vor- steinerungen von Celebes. Leiden Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. (N.S.) 2 1917 (299-308). 295 Massy, Anne L. Mollusca. Part II. Cephalopoda. British . Antarctic (n-4840 r) (“Terra Nova”) Expedition, 1910. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) London Nat. Hist. Rept. Zool. 2 1916 (141-175). 296 Massy, Anne L. The Gymnosomatous Pteropoda of the coasts of Ireland. Dublin Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc. (N.S.) 15 1917 (223-244) pi. viii. 297 Mather, K. F. Pottsville formations and faunas of Arkansas and Oklahoma. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. (4) 43 1917 (133-139). [Mollusca (135- 137)]. 298 Meek, A. The problem of mussel culture. Cullercoats, Northumberland Rept. Dove Marine Lab. 1916-1917 1917 (20-23). 299 Melvill, J. C. A revision of the Turridac ( Pleurolomidae ) occurring in the Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman and North Arabian Sea, as evidenced mostly through the results of dredgings carried out by Mr. F. W. Townsend, 1893- 1914. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (140-201) pis. viii-x. 300 Melvill, J. C. Obituary notice : Edgar Albert Smith, I.S.O. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (151-153). 301 Melvill, J. C. Note on Conus traver- sianus Smith. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (178). 302 Melvill, J. C. Description of a new species of Terebra from the Mekran Coast, Arabian Sea. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (188-189). 303 Melvill, J. C. Obituary notice : J. H. Ponsonby-Fane, F.Z.S. J. • Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (195-197). 304 Melvill, J. C. Note on Conus melvilli. Sow. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (222). 305 Melvill, J. C. and Standen, R. A revision of the species of Terebra occurring in the Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, and Arabian Sea, as evidenced in the collection formed by Mr. F. W. Townsend, 1893-1914. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (204-216). 306 Merkel, E. Gesetzmassigkeiten im Bau des Schncckengehauses. Eine konchyliologisch-architektonische Stu- die. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (31-37). 307 b 9 .18 Moll. VIII, Mollusca. [1917] : Merkel,; 51. Versuch einer architek- tonisch-konchyliologischen Studie ijber den t Apfbau des; Clapsiliengehaiises. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. t). ,malak. Ges. 49 1917 (129-133). 308 Mo.iterosato, T. A. di. Ostreae ed • Anomiae del Mediterraneo.' Genova Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. (3) 7 1915 (7-16) pis. i-iv. 309 Morris, Margaret. A cytplogical Study* of artificial parthenogenesis in Cuiningia.' J. exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 22 1917 (1-50) 8 pis. 310 Mortensen, T. Papers from Dr. Th. i Mortepsen’s . Pacific expedition 1914-16. y l.. * Observations on protective adapta- tions and habits, mainly in. marine animals. Kjobenhavn Vid. Medd. Dansk. naturh. Foren. Odense 69 1917 (57-96) pi. i.‘ 311 Muchardt, H. Nagra bidrag till , molluskernas utbrcdning i Oresund. Kjobenhavn Vid. Medd. Dansk. naturh. Foren. Odense 68 1917 (51-63). , 312 IVIiiller, E. Helix (Frulicicola) rubi- ginosa (Zgl.) A. Schm. var. ehrmanni n. var. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (27-29). 313 Mirray, J. Limnea stagnalis intro- duced into Cumberland. Naturalist London' 1917 1917 (239). 314 N., R. B. • Robert Lechmere Guppy, 1836-1916. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 121917(218-219). 315 Naef, A. Ueber neue Sepioliden aus dem Golf von Neapel. Napoli Publ. Staz. Zool. Milano 1 1916 (1-10). 316 Naef, A. Systematische Uebersicht der mediterranen Cephalopoden. Napoli Publ. Staz. Zool. Milano 1 1916 (11- 19). 317 Nelson, J. An investigation of oyster . propagation in Richmond Bay, P.E.I. during 1914. Contrib. Canad. Biol. ;■ Ottawa i( 1915—191 6) 1917 1917 (53-78). 318 < Newton, R. B. On a fossil iferous . limestone from the North Sea. , London . Q.J. Geol. Soc. 72 1917 (7^22) pi. ii, 319 * Newton, R. B. On some Cretaceous Brachiopoda and Mollusca from Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 1917 (561-580) 2 pis. 320 ‘ Newton, R. B. On the conchological features of the Lenham Sandstones of Kent ewd their- statigraphical import- ance (concluded). J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917(137-149). 321 Nicolesko, C. Application des empreintes au coModion a la reproduc- tion des cloisons des Ammonoid6s. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 165 1917 (708- 710). 322 Nielsen, P. Fortegnelse over Mol- luskfaunaen ved Ncestved. Flora og Fauna K^benhavn 1917 1917 (9-12). 323 Nobre, A. Moluscos do Portugal. 2‘*. Parte. Descri^io dos moluscos terrestres, fluviais e das aguas salobras de Portugal. Lisboa Mem. Soc. Port. Sci. Nat. 1.1913 (129-343). 324 N0rregaard, E. M. Mellem-miocaene blokke fra Esbjcrg. Kjobenhavn Medd. Dansk geol. Foren. 5 (1) 1916 (1-58) pis. i-iii. [Resume in’ French (46-52)]. 325 Nordgaard, O. Havstrommene og den norske marine fauna. Trondhjem Det. K. Norske Vid-Selsk. Skr. No. 5 1914 (1915) (1-34) pis. i-viii. 326 North, F. «T. On a boring for water at Roath, Cardiff ; with a note 'on the underground structure of the pre- Triassic rocks of the vicinity. Cardiff Nat. Soc. Rept. & Trans. 48 1915 (1916) (36-49) [List of fossils (44-46)]. ~ 327 Odhner, N. H, Results of Dr. E. MjSbergs Svvedish scientific expeditions to Australia 1910-1913. 17 Mollusca. Stockholm K. Svens ka Vet.-Ak. Handl. 52 (16) 1917 (1-115) pis. i-iii. 328 Oldham, 0. Report on land and freshwater mollusca observed in Hert- fordshire in 1913, 1914 and 1915. Watford Trans. Herts N. H. Soc. 16 1917 (121-124). 329 Oldham, 0. Pisidium lilljeborgi in Carnarvonshire. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (180). 330 Oldroyd, Tda S. A new Californian Sigarelus.. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917(13). 331 Oliver, A. M. Northumbrian Pisidia (Fresh water mollusca). Vasculum, Sunderland 3 1917 (59-60). . 332 119 Moll. Titles. J v 2200 01m3ted, J. M. D. Notes on tho locomotion of certain Bermudian mol- lusks; J. exper. Zooli Philadelphia Pa. 24 1917 (223-230). 333 Olsson, A. New and interesting Neocene fossils from the Atlantic coastal plain. Ithaca N.Y. Cornell Univ. Bull. Amer. Paleoiit. 5 (24) 1914 (41-72) p’s. viii-xii.' 334 Oppenheim, P. Obor Fossilien aus dem ostlichen Kleinasien. . , Berlin Zeitschr. deutsch. Geol. Gesi. (B.) Mon- atsb. 69 1917 (72-84). 335 Ortmann, A. E. Tho anatomy of Contradens edmbojensis (Sow.) ( Na- yades). Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (100-108) pi. iv f. 10. 336 Ortmann, A. E. A now type of the nayad -genus Fusconaia, group of F. < barnesiana Lea. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (58-04). ’ 337 Osman, C. W. The landslips of Folkestone warren and thickness of • the lower chalk and gault near Dover. London Proc. Geol. Ass. 28 1917 (59- 84) pis. v-viii. 338 Ostenfeld, C. H. Catalogue des especcs do pi antes ot d’animaux ob3orvoos dans lo Plankton rocucilli pondant les expeditions dopuis lo mois do juillct 1908 jusqu’au mois dc decembre 1911. Copenhagen Publ. do Circ. 70 1910 (1-87) [Mollusca (79-81)]. 339 Ott&rsfcrom, C. V. Vandremuslingen ( Dreissenssia polymorpha Pall.) i Fures0. • Kjobenhavn Vid. Medd. Dansk naturh. Foren. 68 1917 (73-81). 340 V r Overton; H. vide Bloomer; H. H. hr 0yen, P. A. 'Kvartaer-studier i . Trondhjeinsfeltet. j K. Norske Vid. Selck.; Slcrif. Christiania 1914 1915 (3-506). ’ j, 341 Pallary, P. Observations relatiyos a la nomenclature des Melfindpsis fossiles. Alger Bull. Soc. Hist; Nat. Afr. Nord 7 1910 (70-87). 342 Pallary, P. Helicidees nouvellcs du Maroc. J. conchyliol. Paris 63 1917 (120-141) pi. v. • 343 Pallary, P. Mollusques maritis des Dardanelles colliges par M. Claude Bravard. J. conchyliol. Paris 63 1917 (142-147). 344 (n-4840 r) Paris, E. T. and. Richardson, L. Somo Inferior-Oolite Pectinidae. Lon- don Q. J. Geol. Soc. 71 1910 (521-534) pis. xliv-xlv. 345 Parker, G. Hi The pedal locomotion of the sea-hare Aplysia calif ornicci. J. exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 24 1917 (139-145). 346 Paroha, C. F. Notevolo deformity nelPapparato cardinale di un Ippurite. Torino Atti Accad. sci. 52 1917 (392- 398) 1 pi. 347. Peyrot, A. vide Cossmann, M. Pilsbry, H. A. Midpacific land snail faunas. Washington D.C. Proc. Nation Acad. Sci. 1916 1916 (429-433). 348 Pilsbry, H. A; Notes on the anatomy of Oreohelix. II. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 69 1917 (42-46). 349 Pilsbry, H. A. The reproductive organs of Epiphragmojihora callisto- derma P. & F. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 69 1917 (47). 350 Pilsbry, H. A. Marine mollusks of Hawaii, I— III. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nitt. Sci. 69 1917 (207-230) pis. xiv-xv. 351 Pilsbry, H. A. Manual of Concho- logy ; structural and systematic. With illustrations of the species. Second series : Pulmonata. . Phila- delphia Conchological Dept. Acad. Nat. Sci., 23 parts 94 & 95 1917 (113- 256) pis. xiv-xxxviii. 352 Pilsbry1, H. A. Rafinesque’s genera of fresh water snails. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (109-114). 353 . Pilsbry, H. A. A new Hemphillia and other snails from near Mt. Hood, Oregon. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (117-119) pi. iv, fig. 9. 354 Pilsbry, II. A. . Philomf/cus in Ari- zona. Nhutil us Boston Mass. 30 1917 (119). Pilsbry, H. A. A new Holospira from' Chihuahua. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (124-125) pi. iv f. 6. 356 Pilsbry* H. A. Notes on the bifasciala group of Oxychona. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (125-129) pi. iv. 357 b 9—2 20 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [19173 Pilsbry, H. A. Amnicolidae from Oneida Lake, N.Y. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (44-46). 358 Pilsbry, H. A. A new South African Nesopupa. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (50-51). 358a Pilsbry, H. A. and Brown, A. P. Oligocene fossils from the neighbour- hood of Cartagena, Colombia, with notes on some Haitian species. Phi'adelphia Pa. Pxoc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 69 1917 (32- 41) pis. v, vi. 359 Pilsbry, H. A., and Ferriss, J. H. Mollusca of the Southwestern States, VIII : The Black Range, New Mexico. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 69 1917 (83-107) pis. vii-x. 360 Pilsbry, H. A. and Johnson, C. W. New mollusca of the Santo Domingan Oligocene. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 69 1917 (150-202). 361 Plate, L. Fauna ceylanica, Unter- suchungen zur Fauna Ceylons nach den Samml ungen von L. Plate. II. Ueber- sicht ueber biologische Studicn auf Ceylon. Jenaische Zeitschr. Naturw. Jena 54 1916 (1-42) pis. i-ix [Mollusca (11-12).] 362 Pollonera, C. Excursioni zoologiche del Dott. Enrico Festa nell’Isola di Rodi. Torino Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. 31 (716) 1916 (1-9). 363 Rajat, H. L’action du chloruro do sodium sur les mollusques aquatiques. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (172). 364 Rajat, H. La vie des mollusques (Limnaea limosa) dans les milieux artificiellement colores. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (173-174). 365 Rassmuss, H. Alpine Cephalopoden im niedersclilesischen Muschelkalk. Berlin Jahrb. K. Preuss. Geol. Landes- anst. 34 1913 (1914) (283-306) pis. ii-iv. 366 Ravn, J. P. J. Om en Blok av neocom fra Hand i Vestcraalen. Bes- krivelse af Faunaen. Norsk Ceol. Tidsskrift Kristiania 3 (4) 1915 (18-32) pis. i- ii. [German resume (29-31)]. 367 Ravn, J. P. J. Kridtaflejringerne paa Bornolms Sydvestkyst og deres Fauna. I. Cenomanet. Copenhaguo Commun. Paleontol. Mus. Min. Geol. Univ. No. 12 1916 (1-39) [French resume (38-39)]. 368 Reboul, P. vide Kilian, W. Red Held, E izabeth. The rhythmic: contractions in the mantle of lamelli- branchs. J. ex per. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 22 1917 (231-239). 369 Reed, F. R. C. vide Gardiner, C. I. Reinhard, O. Bemerkung zu Plan - orbis corneus L. var. praetexta Hille. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (138-139). 370 Remlinger, P. Un milieu nutritif de guerre. Le bouillon d’escargots. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 79 1916 (1109- 1110). 374 Revil, J. Geologie des chaines juras- siennes et suba’pines de la Savoie. Appendice paleontol ogique. Cham- b6ry Mem. Acad. Sci. Savoie (5) 2 1914 (291-295) pis. i-iv. 372 Reynell, A. Notes on Donovan’s Naturalist's Repository. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (309-311). 373 Richards, A. Note on the relation of snail fauna to floods. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (64-68). 374 Richardson, L. The Inferior Oolite and contiguous deposits of the Doult- ing — Milbome-Port district (Somerset). London Q. J. Geol. Soc. 71 1916 (473- 519) pis. xl-xliii. 375 Richardson, L. vide Paris, E. J. Ritchie, J. Animal remains from excavations at Dupagoil Cave, Bute. Rothesay Trans. Buteshire Nat. Hist. Soc. 8 1914-1915 (1916) (50-60). 376 Robertson, A. D. The mollusca of Georgian Bay. Contr. Canad. Biol. Ottawa (1911-1914) 1915 1915 (95-111) pis. x-xii. 377 Robertson, A. D. First report on the “ Barren Oyster Bottoms ” inves- tigation, Richmond Bay, P.E.I. Contr. Canad. Biol. Ottawa (1914-1915) 1916 1916 (55—71). 373 Roebuck, VV. D. Census authentica- tions. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (190- 192 223-224). 373 Roebuck, W. E. The Stewartry of Kirkcudbright and its inland molluscan fauna. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 1917 (7-12 27-33). 386 21 Moll. T LILES. 2200 Roebuck, YV. D. Elgin : Tho vice- county and its molluscan fauna. Scott. Hat. Edinburgh 1917 1917 (79-89). 381 Roos, H. Uebcrwinterungsversuche mit Helix pomatia L. Frankfurt am Main Nachr. -Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (29-31). 382 Royer, J. Eine Lokalfauna des 18. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. I). malak. Ges. 49 1917 <185-189). 383 S., E. R. John Henry Ponsonby- Fane, 1848-191G. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (217-218). 384 Sasaki, M. Notes on tho Cephalo- poda. 1. On the male of Amphitrelus pelagicus Hoyle. II. Diagnoses of four new species of Polypus. Annot. Zoo\. Jap. Tokyo 9 1917 (361-367). 385 Sdhegolev, G. Notes fcpermatolo- giques. 1. Sur la disposition des cellules seminales chez V Helix pomatia. OnepMaTOJiorHuecKM saidiTKH. Rev. Zool. Russe Moscou 1 1917 (360-367) (Resume in Russian (366-367)]. 386 Schitz, V. 0 ciiepMaToreiie3h y itpu- JIOIlOrHXTb MOJIJUOCKOBT. H„ 9B0JII0 thbiiom'b u,Hiork xp0M030MT>, “ycxano- BJieilHOMT, ll,aplJIlKOMrB. Sur la spermatogenese chez les mollusques Pteropodes et lo cycle evolutif des lieterochromosomes de Zamik. Rev. Zool. Russe Moscou 1 1917 (344-360) [Resume in French (357-360)]. 387 Schlesch, H. Notes on Helix (Acan- thinula) harpa, Say, and its distribution. Naturalist London 1917 1917 (166-168). 388 Schlesch, H. Malacological fauna of Halldorsstodum, North Iceland. Nat- uralist London 1917 1917 (169). 389 Schlesch, H. List of Iceland land and fresh water mollusca. Naturalist London 1917 1917 (169-170). 390 Schlesch, II. Notes on Planorbis and Margaritana in Iceland. Natura- list London 1917 1917 (201). 391 Schlesch, H. Drcissensia, polymorpha, Pallas. Naturalist London 1917 1917 (234). 392 Schlesch, II. Tho Icelandic forms of Limnaea. Naturalist London 1917 1917 (257-259). 393 Schlesch, H. Notes on the slugs and land shells of Iceland. Naturalist London 1917 1917 (297-300 330-332). 394 Schlesch, H. Notes on Margaritana margaritifera (Linne). Naturalist London 1917 1917 (332-334). 395 Schlesch, II. Note on Helix hispida var. morchi Westerlund. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (194). 396 Schmid, G. Die Lichtflucht dcr Clausilien. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.- Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (8-19). 397 Schmid, G. Uebcr Spiel arten von Cepaea. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (1 11-119). 398 Schroder, O. Beitriige zur Anatomie von Amphidesma solidum. Jenaische Zeitschr. Jena 54 1916 (101-132). 399 Sheppard, T. A new species of Lima from the English Chalk. Naturalist London 1917 1917 (309-311). 400 Shimer, H. W. Fossiliferous Miocene bowlders from Block Island, R. I. Amcr. J. Sci. Newhaven Conn. 41 1916 (255-256). 401 Sich, A. Limacology. London Proc. S. London Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1915-16 1916 (41-49). 402 Sleen, W. G. N. van dcr. De moll us - ken van het Naardermeer. Amsterdam Vereen. Naturmon. Ned. 1913-1917 1917 (92-102) 3 pis. [Not seen by recorder.] 403 Sowerby, G. B. New species of Pupinella, Thcodoxus and Tcllina. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (320-321). 404 Speight, R. The statigraphy of the Tertiary Beds of the Trelissick or Castle Hill Basin. Wellington Trans. & Proc. N.Z. Inst. 49 1916 (1917) (321-356). [Mollusca (352)]. 405 Stafford, J. On the famia of the Atlantic coast of Canada. Second report. — Malpcquc, 1903-1904. Con- trib. Canad. Biol. Ottawa (1906-1910) 1912 1912 (37-44). 406 22 Molt. VIIL Mollusca. , Stafford, T. On the fauna of the Atlantic coast of Canada. Third report — Gaspe, 1905-1906. Contrib. Canad. Biol. Ottawa (1906-1910) 1912 1912 (45-67). j 407 Stafford, J. On the fauna of the Atlantic coast of Canada. Fourth report. Contrib. Canad. Biol. Ottawa (1906-1910) 1912 1912 (69-78). 408 Stafford, J. On the recognition of bivalve larvae in Plankton collections. Contrib. Canad. Biol. Ottawa (1906 1910) 1912 1912 (221-242) pis. xxii-xxiv. 409 Stamm, R. H. Sneglefaunaen paa Bulbjerg. Kjobenhavn Vid. Medd. Dansk naturh. Foren. 67 1916 (223- 229). 410 Standen, R. On the calcareous eggs of terrestrial mollusca. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (154-164). 411 Standen, R. Obituary notice : Rev, Lewis J. Shackleford. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (193-194). 412 Standen, R. vide Melvill, J. C. Steenberg, C. M. Om Alargarilana margarilifera L. fra Varde Ad samt om et lillo Mollusksambund fra Ribe Marsk. Kjobenhavn Vid. Medd. Dansk. naturh. Foron. 68 1917 (65-72). 413 Steenberg, C. M. Anatomic des Acanthinula et des Vallonia. Kjoben- havn Vid. Medd. Dansk naturh. Foren. 69 1917 (1-15). 414 Steenberg, C. M. Fures^ens Mollusk- fauna. Kabenhavn D. K. Danske Vidensk. Selslc. Skr. naturv. math. (8) 3 (1) 1917 (78-120) pis. i-viii. [French resume (194-200)]. 415 Stefanini, G. Sulk esistenza dell’ , Oligocene in Friuli e sulle mutazioni del Potamidcs margaritaceus., Br. Padova Atti Acc. Sci. Ven.^Trent.-Ist. (3) 8 1915 (1916) (68-94) pi. v. 416 Stefanini, G. Specie nuovo del Miocene Vcneto. Padova Atti Acc. Sci. Ven. -Trent. -Istr. (3) 8 1915 (1916) (151-162). 417 Stefanini, G. Fossili del Neogene Veneto. Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. Univ. 4 1916 (1917) (3-198) pis. i-vii. 418 [1917] Stelfox, A. W. Otiria otis (TurtPn) on the County DoAvn Coast. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (318-319). 419 Stromman, P., and Sundler, E. B. Land-och satvattenmollusker fran Bor- astrakten (Sweden), insamlade 1914 pch 1915. Fauna och Flora, Uppsala il 1916 (87-91). [Not seen by recorder]. 420 Sundler, E. B. vide Stromman, P. Swanton, E. W. Notes on some Dorset land shells. Dorchester Proc. Dorset N. H. Field Club 37 1916 (194- 197). . 421 Suter, H. On the origin of a new species by isolation. Wellington Trans, and Proc. N- 4 Inst. 49 1916 (1917) (279-283). 422 Taylor, F, Observations on Plan- orbis dila talus Gould and Physa heteroslropha Say at Oldham. Lancs. & Chesh. Nat. Darwen 10 1917 (214:- 215). , : 423 Taylor, J. W. Monograph of the land and freshwater mollusca of the British Isles. Taylor Bros. Leeds Pt. 23 1917 (65 112) pis. vi ix. 424 Taylor, J. W. Discovery of Ilygromia striolata in Nottinghamshire. Natura- list London 1917 1917 (301). 425 Taylor, J. W. Hygromiq revelata in North Devon. J. Conch, Leeds 15 1917 (222). “ 426 Taylor, J. W. Uygromia striolata in Notts. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (222). 427 Thiele, J. Bemerkungen iiber das “Tierreich” und den Nomenclator Generum Animalium. Frankfurt am Main Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (19-24). , 428 Thiem, H. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Philogenie der Docoglossen. I. Zur Anatomie von Helcidniscus ardo- siacus Hombron et Jacquinot unter , Bczugnahme auf die ' Bearbeitung von Erich Schuster in den Zoolog. Jahrb. Supplement XIII, Bd. IV, 1913. II. Die Anatomie und Phylogenie dei* Monobranchcn (Akmaidon und Scur- - riiden nach der Sammlung Plates.) Jcnliisohe Zeitschr. f. Naturw. Jena 54 1917 (333-404b 405-630) pis. xxiii- . xxvi. 429 23 Moll. Titles. 2220 Thompson, Lillian D. Collecting in Digby, Nova Scotia. Nautilus Boston , Mass. 31 1917 (57-58). 430 Thomson, J. A. The Hawera series, or the so-called “Drift Formation” of Hawera. Wellington Trans. & Proc. N.Z. Inst. 49 1916 (1917) (4 14- 417). 431 Tilmann, N. Dio Fauna dos uiiteren urid mittleren Lias in Nord- und Mittel- Peru. Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaeont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 41 1917 (628-712) pis . , xxi-xxvi. 432 Tomlin, J. R. le B. A systematic list of the Margincllidac. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (242-306). 433 Tomlin, J. R. lo B. On Volvaria lubrica, Petterd. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (308). 434 Vanatta, E. G. North Carolina land shells. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (71). 444 Vaysstere, A. fitude biologique sur le Glandina guttata Crosse & P. Fischer. J. conchyliol. Paris 63 1917 (115-122) 445 Vayssi&re, A. Note sur la presence d’un bras supplcmcntairo chez un Elcdone moschata Leach. J. conchyliol. Paris 63 1917 (123-125) pi. iv. 446 Vayssidre, A. Deuxieme Expedition Antarctique Frai^aise (1908-1910), commandee par le Dr. Jean Charcot. Recherches zoologiques et anatomiques sur les mollusques amphineures et gasteropodes (Opisthobranches et Proso- branches). Masson & Cie., 120 Boule- vard Saint Germain Paris 1917 1917 (1-50) pis. i-iv. 447 Tomlin, J. R. le B. Obituary notice : Dr. H. F. Becker. J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (221). 435 Tomlin, J. R. Ic B. New name for Microsctia (preoccupied). J. Conch. Leeds 15 1917 (221). 436 Tomlin, J. R. lo B. Hygromia rcvclata. in North Do von. J. Conch. Loods 15 1917 (222). 437 Tomlin, J. R. le B. vide Dean, J. D. Tomlin, J. R. le B. vide Irelale, T. Townsend, 0. H. Voyage of the “ Albatross ” to the Gulf q£ California in 1911. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 35 1916 (399- 476). 438 Trechman, C. T. The age of the Maitai series of New Zealand. Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 1917 (53-64) pis. iv-v. 439 Trechmann, C. T. Cretaceous mollusca from New Zealand. Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 1917 (294-305 337- 342) pis. xix-xxi. 440 Trueman, A. E. Observations on the genus Polymorphiles. Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 (442-447). 441 Vidal, L. M. Edad geologica de los lignitos de Selva y Binisalem (Mallorca) y description de algunas especies fosiles. Madrid Mem. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nati 10 1914-1917 (1917) (343-358) p!s. i- iii. 448 Vignal, L. Sur la voracito des Zonitcs algirus Linno. J. conchyliol. Paris 63 1917 (10-12). 449 Vredenberg, E. W. Description of some specimens of Pleurotonia con- gener, E. A. Smith, from the Andaman Sea, with special reference to certain peculiarities of the aperttire. Calcutta Rec. Indian Mus. 13 1917 (315-320) pl.xii. 450 W. Cepaea auslriaca bci Miihlhausen in Thiiringen ausgesctzt. Frankfurt am Mam Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (142). 451 W., B. B. Obituary notice. Edgar Albert Smith, 1847-1916. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (215-217). 452 Wade, B. New and little known Gastropoda from the Upper Cretaceous of Tennessee. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 69 1917 (280-304) pis. xvii-xix.. 453 Trueman, A. E. Varieties of Helix ncmoralis L. in Notts. Naturalist London 1917 1917 (94). 442 Utterback, W. I. Naiadgeography of Missouri. Amer. Midland Nat. Notre Dame Ind. 5 1917 (26-30), 443 Walcott, C. D. Cambrian geology and paleontology. IV. No. 2. The Albertella fauna in British Columbia and Montana. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Coll. 67 (2445) 1917 (9-59) pis. i-vii. 454 24 Mull VIII. Mollusca. [1917] Walker, B. The type of Pleurocera Rafinesque. Ann Arbor Mich. Occ. Papers Mns. Zool. Univ. Michigan 38 1917 (1-10). 455 Walker, B. The method of evolution in the Unionidae. Ann Arbor Mich. Occ. Papers. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan 45 1917 (1-10). 456 Walker, B. A revision of the classifi- cation of the North American Patelli- form Ancylidae, with descriptions of new species. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (1-10) pis. i-iii. 457 Walker, B. A sinistral Ampullaria. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (35-36). 458 Walker, B. A new Gundlachia from ''Guatemala. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (51-53) pis. i & iii. 459 Walker, B. A list of shells from the East coast of Florida. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (53-57). 460 [Walker, B.] Valvata tricarinata perconfusa nom. n. Nautilus Boston Mass. 31 1917 (36). 461 Walker, E. M. Notes on the land mollusca of Do Grassi Point, Lake Simcoe, and other Ontario localities. Ottawa Nat. 31 1917 (17-22 40-45). 462 Walker, E. M. Bibliography of Canadian Zoology. Mollusca. Ottawa Trans. R. Soc. Canada (3) 10 1917 (204). 463 Wallis, A. The snail and its name. Northampton J. Northants. N. H. S. Field Club 18 1915 (117-128) 2 pis. 1916 (143-154 171-181) 4 pis. 464 Walther, K. Ueber das Alter und den geologischcn Charakter dcr sog. Pampasformation in Uruguay. Geol. Rundschau Leipzig 5 1914 (311-312). 465 Waring, G. A. Staligraphic and faunal relations of the Martinez to the Chico and Tcjon of Southern Ca’ifornia. San Francisco Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (4) 7 1917 (41-124) pis. vii-xvi. 466 Warren, S. H. Further observations on the late Glacial, or Ponders End, stage of the Lea Valley. London Q. J. Geol. Soc. 71 1916 (164-182) [Notes on the Mollusca by R'ennard A. S. and Woodward, B. B. (179)]. 467 Warren, S. A list of mollusks col- lected at Castle Island, Boston. Nau- tilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (129-130). 468 Wenz, W. Zur Paliiogeographie des Mainzer Beckens. Geol. Rundschau Leipzig 5 1914 (321-346) pi. vii. 469 Wenz, W. Die Hydrobienschichten von Hochstadt bci Hanau und ihre Fauna. Wiesbaden Jahrb. Nassau- ischen Ver. Naturk. 69 1916 (56-68). 470 Wenz, W. Die Molluskenfauna der Schleichsande und Cyrenenmergel in der Baugrube des Frankfurter Ost ha- fens. Frankfurt am Main Nachr. -Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (154-166). 471 Wenz, W. vide Fischer, K. Wilckens, O. Die Geologic von Neuseeland. Geol. Rundschau Leipzig 8 1917 (143-161). 472 Williams, H. S. Nuculites from the Silurian formations of Washington County, Maine. Washington D. C. Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 54 1917 (27- 58) pis. xi-xii. 473 Wilmer, L. W. Note on Grioccras bowerbankii (J. tie C. Sowerby). Lon- don Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (308). 474 WiDkley, H. W. Common names. Nautilus Boston Mass. 30 1917 (120). 475 Winslow, Mina L. An annotated list of shells from Northern Michigan. Ann Arbor jyimh- Occ. Papers. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan 42 1917 (1-16). 476 Woodward, B. B. On the adventures of the genus name Lacena. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (220). 477 Woodward, B. B. Note on the Da Costa plates adapted for Rackett’s edition of Pulteney’s Catalogues. Lon- don Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 1917 (220). 478 Woodward, B. B. vide Kennard, A. S. Wright, F. S. Mussel beds ; their productivity and maintenance (The mussel beds of Cardigan Bay). Ann. Applied Biol. London 4 1917 (123- 152). 479 Zaunick,R. Dreissensia in der Donau bei Wien. Frankfurt am Main Nachr. -Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (137-138). 480 25 Moll. Subject Index. — Structure, etc. 2207 II. SUBJECT INDEX. N.B. — The number in Clarendon Type quoted after the author's name, in both the Subject and Systematic Indices, refers to “ Titles ” where the fuller reference will be found. GENERAL. 2203 Historical. Bartsch, 13; Jackson, 243a. Biography. Ankert, 6 ; [Anon.], 8 ; Boettger, 39; Cockerell, 91 ; Dali, 124; Daut- zenberg & Lamy, 130 ; Doello Jurado, 144, 145 ; Dreyer, 152 ; Heron-Alien, 221 ; Hesse, 222 ; Ihering, von, 236 ; Melvill, 301, 304; N., 315; S., 384; Standen, 412; Tomlin, 435 ; W., 452 ; Herr G. Schacko. Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 1917 (144). Bibliography. [Anon.], 7; Bartsch, 13; Boury, de, 45; Dautzenberg, 129; Freund, 169; Heron- Allen, 221 ; Johnson, 247 ; Reynell, 373 ; Royer, 383 ; Thiele, 428 ; Walker, 463 ; Woodward, 478. General Treatises. Jackson, 243a. Important Works of Reference. Hidalgo (Spain) 224; Nobre (Por- tugal) 324; Pilsbry {Pupillidae) .352 ; Taylor (British Is.) 424. Local Lists. A., 1 ; Allen, 2 ; Andrusov, 3 ; Bacchus, 10 ; Blaney & Loomis, 35 ; Boswell, 43 ; Butterfield, 59 ; Carr, 60 ; Dean, 131; DepGret & Gentil, 134; Detweiler, 136 ; Dickerson & Kew, 141 ; Klett, 258 ; Kennard & Woodward, 467 ; Lebour, 275 ; Maluquer, 281 ; Oldham, 329, 330 ; Oliver, 332 ; Ostenfeld, 339 ; Roebuck, 380, 381 ; Vanatta, 444; Walker, 460; Warren, 468. Museums, Collections, Expeditions. Bell, 23 ; Berry, 27, 28 ; Germain, 180 ; Lamy, 272, 273 ; Maluquer, 282 ; Massy, 296. H. E. Carpontor collection. Nautilus 30 p. 132. Oldroyd collection presented to Leland Stanford Jr. University. Nau- tilus 31 p. 71. Ponsonby collection acquired by Bryant Walker. Nautilus 31 p. 36. Nomenclature. Bartsch, 17, 18 ; Berry, 31 ; Caziot, 80, 81; Fulton, 170c; Goodrich, 196; Hesse, 223 ; Hilber, 225 ; Iredale, 238 ; Pilsbry, 353 ; Thiele, 428 ; Tomlin, 436; [Walker] 461; Winkley, 475; Woodward, 477. Technique. Bavay, 19 ; Berry, 30 ; B of ill i Poch, 40; Coemme, 94; Crozier, 114; Nicolesko, 322. Miscellanea. Cu6not, 118; Dali, 123; Doello Jurado, 146, 148 ; Ferriss, 162 ; Henderson, 218 ; Schlesch, 396 ; Wallis, 464. STRUCTURE. 2207 General. Dantan, 127 ; Heath, 208 ; Kennard & Woodward, 252 ; Odhner, 328 ; Ortmann, 337 ; Steenberg, 414 ; Thiem, 429 ; Vayssi&re, 447 ; Wallis, 464. Nervous System. Gothlin, 193 ; Huntze, 234 ; Ort- mann, 336 ; Redfield, 369 ; Schroder, 399 ; Stafford, 409. Glands. Bottazzi, 44 ; Crozier, 113. Shell. Merkel, 307, 308 ; Schmid, 397. . Muscular System. Schroder, 399. Alimentary System, Radula and Jaws. Berry, 27 ; Cooke, 100-104. 26 AIoU. *•' VIII. Excretory Organs. Schroder, 399. Reproductive Organs. Bonnevie, 42; Boycott^ 49, 53 ; Fischer, 163 ; Frankenberger, 168 ; Gould, 197 ; Pilsbry, 349, 350 ; Pilsbry & Ferriss, 360 ; Schegolev, 386 ; Steen- berg, 414. Sense Organs. Arcy, 9; Crozier, 113, 116 ; Schro- der, 399. PHYSIOLOGY. 2211 General. Wallis, 464. Glandular Secretions, Pigments. Crozier, 112. Digestive Organs. Boycott, 55 ; Craifaleanu, 110 ; Fosse, 166 ; Lewis & Jewell, 276 ; Stafford, 409. Environmental Effects. Arcy, 9 ; Baker, 11 ; Buchner, 57 ; Copeland, 105 ; Goldsmith, 195. DEVELOPMENT. 2215 General. Dantan, 127 ; Frierson, 170a ; Gil- more, 190 ,* Ortmann, 336. Oogenesis and Ovum. Fischer, 163 ; Gatenby, 172; Stan- den, 411. Spermatogenesis and Spermato- zoon. Goldschmidt, 194; Gould, 197; Schitz, 387. Embryology. Conklin, 97, 98 ; Heilbronn, 216 ; Morris, 310 ; Ortmann, 336. ETHOLOGY. 2219 General. Bartsch, 13. Movements, Locomotion. . Olmsted, 333; Parker, 346; Stafford, 409. Mollusca. ' [1917] Enemies, Defence and Prot action. Baker, 11 ; Blake, 34 ; Bowell, 46; Cox, 108 ; Houlbert & Galaine, 232 ; Mortensen, 311 ; Nelson, 318 ; Robert- son, 378. Feeding Habits. Baker, 11, 12a; Churchill, 89; Gould, 198; VayssiSre, 445; Vignal, 449. Breeding Habits. Boycott, 52, 54; Crozier, 117; Fischer, 163; Gilmore, 190; Gould, 198 ; Nelson, 318 ; VayssiSre, 445. Coloration. Greger, 200 ; Malone, 280 ; Schmid, 398. Habitat. Arcy, 9 ; Baker, 11, 12a ; Crozier, 115 ; Gould, 197 ; Melvill, 305 ; Richards, 374. Boring and Burrowing Habits. Baker, 11 ; Lundquist, 278. Acclimatisation. Cockerell, 92 ; Raj at, 364, 365 ; Taylor, 423. Hibernation and Aestivation. Ankert, 5 ; Hadden, 206 ; Roos, 382. Parasitism, Commensalism, Para- sites, etc. Baker, 11 ; Becker, 21, 22 ; Cawston, 63-79 ; Faust, 160. Evolution. Hedley, 214 ; Walker, 456. Sexual Dimorphism. Boycott, 48, 51 ; Gould, 197. Economics. Baker, 11, 12a ; Bartsch, 13; Cope- land, 105 ; Cox, 108 ; Ehrmann, 155 ; Hedley, 212 ; Hornell, 231 ; Houlbert & Galaine, 232 ; Jackson, 241, 242, 243a ; Kindle, 256 ; MacBride, 279 ; Meek, 299 ; Nelson, 318 ; Remlinger, 371 ; Robert- son, 378; Townsend, 438; Wright, 479. 27 Moll. SuiuEoTlimEx.— Distribution. . 2227 *' VARIATION AND ACTIO LOG Y; > r fri-M : .-',2223 General Treatises. Haas, 205. i . ••••’ .v pi '1-ii fyi.i >•> Teratology, Phytogeny- and Relationship. .Bowell, 47 ; Chace, 87; . Cooke 102; itedley,, 213 ; Malone, 280 ; Parona, 347; Schmid, 398; Vayssi&re, 446 ;. Walker, 458. Evolution. . Buchner, 57 ; = Suter, 422* ,, DISTRIBUTION. ... , 2227 General. ' ' ’ 's •> « • 4 ■ '• *4 ■ \ Bavay, 20 ; Boury, de, 45 ; Haas, 205 ; Lamy, 272, 273 ; Tomlin, 433. (a) RecenI.' . ' - (a) Marine. North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Bavay, 20 ; Bigelow, 33 ; Butterfield, 59 ; Cooke, 100 ; Copeland, 105 ; Crozier, 115; Cn6not, 118; Dacie, 119 ; ,Dall & Bartsch, 126 ; Dautzenberg,- 128 ; Detweiler, 136 ; Evans & Evans, 158; Gardiner, 170f; Hidalgo, 224; Kindle, 256, 257 ; Lameere, 266 ; Lebour, 275 ; MacBride, 279 ; Marshall, 283; Martel, 291 ; Massy, 297 ; Much- ardt, 312 ; Nelson, 318 ; Nordgaard, 326; Olmsted, 333 ; Ostenfeld* 339 ; Robert- son, 378 ; Sleen, van der, 403 ; Stafford, 406-408; Stelfox, 419; Thompson, 430 ; Warren, 468; Wright, 479. Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea. Coen, 95 ; Cu6not, 118 ; Germain, 182; Hidalgo, 224; Krumbach, 263 ; Maluquer; 282 ; Monterosato, 309 ; Naef, 316, 317 ; Pallary, ;344. South Atlantic Ocean. Bavay, 20 ; Cate, 62 ; Doello Jurado, 143,150; Massy, 296. v Indian Ocean, Red Sea. Bavay, 20 ; Hedley; 212; Hornell, 231 ; Iredale, 239 ; Lamy, 267, 268, 269, 271; Melvill, 300, 302, 303; MelVill ^ Standen, 306; Odhner, 328; Plate, 362 ; Sowerby, 404 ; Vredenberg, 450. Malaysia. v vrb - « t: : ^ i Martin, 294. . Pacific Ocean. Bartsch, 14, 15 ; Bavay, 20 ; Berry, 26, 28, 29, 32; Chace, 87; Dali, 120, 121, 122; Dali & Bartsch, 126; Doello Jurado, 148; Gigoux, 189;, Heath, 208 ; Hirase, 228 ; Iredale & Tomlin, 240 ; Lamy, 270 ; Massy, 296 ; Mortensen, 311 ; Oldroyd, 331 ; Parker, 346 ; Pilsbry, 3511; Sasaki, 385 ; Townsend, 438. Southern Ocean. Gatliff & Gabriel, 173 ; Hedley, 209, 211 ; ‘Suter, 422 ; Tomlin, 434. Antarctic Ocean. Berry, 27 ; Massy, 296 ; Vayssidre 447. (0) Non-Marine. Denmark. 2227 da Johansen, 245; Nielsen, 323; Otter- strom, 340 ; Stamm, 410 ; Steenberg, 413, 415. ; Sweden. Holmiuist, 229; Lundquist, 277;. Stromman & Sundler, 420. Northern Europe. Schlesch, 388. Russia and Poland 2227 db Geyer, 186, 187, 188; Hilbert, . 226, ; 227 ; Reinhard, 370. Germany. 2227 dc< Buchner, 57 ; Klett, 258 ; Kolasius, 261 ; Muller, 313 ; Royer, 383 ; Schmid, 398 ; W., 451. British Islands. 2227 de ‘ A., 1; Bacchus, 10; Bloomer & Overton, 36 ; Bolam, 41 ; Boycott, 50, 52, 53, 54; Carr, 60 ; Carter, 61 ; Dean, 131 ; Dean ' & Tomlin, 132; Hadden, 206, 207 ; Jackson, 243 ; Kennard & Wood- ward, 250-254 ; Murray, 314 ; Old- ham, 329, 330 ; Oliver, 332 ; Roebuck, 379-381 ; Sich, 402; Swanton, 421; Taylor, 423-427 ; Trueman, 442. Franck 2227 df Caziot, 84 ; Martel, 292. 28 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1917] Spain and Portugal. 2227 dg Fuente, de la, 170b ; Haas, 203, 204 ; Nobre, 324. Italy, Sardinia, etc. 2227 dh Caziot, 82, 83, 85 ; Maluquer, 281. Switzerland. 2227 di Eder, 153, 154. Austria-Hungary. 2227 dk Ankert, 5 ; Freund, 169 ; Pilsbry, 352 ; Taylor, 424 ; Zaunick, 480. Balkan Peninsula. 2227 dl Frankenberger, 167 ; Hesse, 223 ; Honigmann, 230. Mediterranean Islands. 2227 dm Pollonera, 363. Siberia. Pilsbry, 352. 2227 ea ‘China. Pilsbry, 352. 2227 eb Japan. Pilsbry, 352. 2227 ec Indo- China. 2227 ed Pilsbry, 352 ; Sowerby , 404. Siam. Fulton, 170c. 2227 ee British India, etc. 2227 ef Godwin-Austen, 192 ; Tilsbry, 352. Hornell, 231 ; Malaysia, Philippines, etc. 2227 eg Bartsch, 16; Gude, 352. 202 ; Pilsbry, Caspian Sea. Andrusov, 4. 2227 ek H. Africa. Pallary, 343. 2227 fa Sahara, etc. Germain, 177, 183. 2227 fc West Africa. 2227 fd Germain, 178, 179, 184 ; Pilsbry, 352. East and Central Africa. 2227 flf Boettger, 38 ; Germain, 175, 176. South Africa. 2227 fg Becker, 21, 22; Cawston, 63-79; Pilsbry, 352, 358a. Canada. 2227 gb Germain, 181 ; L., 264, 265 ; Robert- son, 377 ; Walker, 456, 457, 462. United States. 2227 gf Germain, 181 ; Walker, 456, 457. N.E United States. 2227 gg Baker, 11, 12a ; Marshall, 289 ; Pilsbry, 358 ; Utterback, 443 ; Walker, 455 ; Winslow, 476. S.E. United States. 2227 gh Clapp, 90 ; Cockerell, 93 ; Crabb, 109; Ferriss, 161; Hyning, Van, 235 ; Marshall, 289 ; Ortmann, 337 ; Pilsbry, 352 ; Vanatta, 444 ; Walker, 460. W. United States. 2227 gi Faust, 160; Ferriss, 161, 162; Henderson & Daniels, 219 ; Pilsbry, 349, 350, 354, 355 ; Pilsbry & Ferriss, 360. Mexico. 2227 gl Contreras, 99 ; Pilsbry, 356. Guatemala. 2227 hb Frierson, 170 ; Pilsbry, 352 ; Walker, 459. West Indies. 2227 lie Pilsbry, 352. Guiana and Venezuela. 2227 lid Pilsbry, 352. Colombia. 2227 he Fulton, 170d. 29 Moll. Subject Index— Distribution. 2227 Peril. 2227 lif Dali, 125. Brazil. 2227 hg Ihering, von, 237 ; Pilsbry, 357. Argentine, Paraguay and Uruguay. 2227 hi Doello Jurado, 146, 147 ; Marshall, 290. Australia. Odhner, 328 ; Pilsbry, 352. 2227 i New Guinea, etc. Kobelt, 259 ; Sowerby, 404. 2227 ia Queensland. Pilsbry, 352. 2227 id New South Wales. Pilsbry, 352. 2227 ie Victoria. Hedley, 210. 2227 if South Australia. Pilsbry, 352. 2227 ig West Australia. Pilsbry, 352. 2227 ih Tasmania, etc. Hedley, 213. 2227 ii Atlantic. Olmsted, 333 ; Schlesch, 393, 394. 2227 la 389-391, Indian Ocean. Pilsbry, 352. 2227 m Pacific. 2227 n Dali, 125 ; Pilsbry, 348, 352. (&) Fossil. General. Dickerson, 139 ; Kennard & Wood- ward, 254 ; 0yen, 341 ; Wilckens, 472. Quaternary. Andrusov, 3 ; Chapman & Gabriel* 88 ; Commont, 96 ; Dep6ret & Joleaud, 135 ; Germain, 177 ; Johansen & Lynge, 246 ; Kennard & Woodward, 253, 254 ; Klett, 258 ; Krause, 262 ; Odhner, 328 ; Oldham, 329 ; Ritchie, 376 ; Wenz* 469. Cainozoic. Cereceda, 86 ; Hedley, 215 ; Mar- shall, 288 ; Pallary, 342 ; Stefanini* 418. Pleistocene. Blaney & Loomis, 35 ; Chapman & Gabriel, 88 ; Dali, 120 ; Henderson,, 217 ; Hume, 233 ; Johnston, 248 ; Kennard, 249 ; Kennard & Woodward* 254, 467 ; Martin, 295 ; Thomson, 431. Tertiary. Doello Jurado, 149 ; Fischer & Wenz* 164; Herold, 220; Marshall, 285; Pilsbry? 352 ; Speight, 405. Pliocene. Bell, 24, 25 ; Gester, 185 ; Hume* 233 ; Oppenheim, 335 ; Pilsbry &, Johnson, 361 ; Walther, 465. Miocene. Cossmann & Peyrot, 107 ; Dep6ret &. Gentil, 134 ; Dickerson & Kew, 140* 141; Gentil, 174; Gester, 185 ; Gripp* 201 ; Hume, 233; Marshall, 284, 286; Martin, 293, 295 ; Newton, 319, 321 ; N0rregaard, 325 ; Olsson, 334 ; Oppen- heim, *335 ; Sliimer, 401 ; Stefanini* 416, 417 ; Wenz, 470. Oligocene. Dickerson, 137 ; Dickerson & Kew* 140 ; Martin, 295 ; Oppenheim, 335 ; Pilsbry & Brown, 359 ; Pilsbry & Johnson, 361 ; Stefanini, 416 ; Vidal* 448; Wenz, 471. Eocene. Boswell, 43 ; Dickerson, 138 ; Mar- shall, 287 ; Oppenheim, 335 ; Stefanini* 416 ; Vidal, 448 ; Waring, 466. Cretaceous. Allen, 2; Bohm, 37 ; Brun, de, 56 ; Cossmann, 106 ; Crick, 111 ; Douvill6* 151 ; Etheridge, 156 ; Kilian & Reboul* 255 ; Newton, 320 ; Osman, 338 ; 30 MoU. , vm. Parona, 347; Ravn, 367, 368 ; Revil, 372 ; Sheppard, 400 ; Trechmann, 440 ; Vidal, 448 ; Wade, 453 ; Waring, 466; Wilmer, 474. Jurassic. Biilow, von, 58; Douvill6, 151*; Jaworski, 244; Lange, 274; Paris & Richardson, 345 ; Richardson, 375. Triassic and Liassic. JDeecke, 133 ; Diener, 142 ; Douvill6, 151 ; Rassmuss, 366 ; Tilmann, 432 ; Trueman, 441. Carboniferous. Etheridge, 157; Girty, 191 ; Greger, 200 ; Mather, 298 ; Trechmann, 439. Devonian. Faura y Sans, 159 ; Gardiner, 171 ; Reed, 171. Silurian. Faura y Sans, 159 ; Gardiner, 171 ; North, 327 ; Reed, 171 ; Williams, 473. Ordovician. Foerste, 165; Grabau, 199. Cambrian. Walcott, 454. III.— SYSTEMATIC INDEX. 2231 N.B. — The numerals in clarendon when not indicating a Volume refer to Titles. Gastropoda. POLYPLACOniORA. Chiton, Berry, 28, 30. , Ischnochiton with J. ( Lepidozona ) amabilis p. 6, inlerfossa p. 8, pits- bryanus p. 10, spp‘ n., Japan, Berry Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 54 pp. 4-12. — /. ( Lepidozona ) willetti sp. n. N. Pacific, Berry Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 236. — /. conspicuus variation, Chace 87. — Gatliee & Gabriel 173. Mollusca -[1917] • Leptochiion diomedeae sp. n. Japan,- Berry Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 54 P- 1- Notochiton mirandus , Vayssiere 447. Placiphorella rufa sp. n. Alaska, Berry Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 241 ; P. slimpsoni, borealis, Berry 28. ‘ ' Trachydermon, Berry 29. Prosobranchia. Terebridae, Conidae, Turridae & Cancellariidae. Antimitra gen. n. of Turridae (— Milromorpha auett. non Cptr.) type Pleuroloma aegrota live., Iredale Proc.. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 328. Apaturris gen. n. of Turridae type Milromorpha expeditionis Oliver, Ire- dale t.c. p. 329. - Cancellaria septemcostala sp. n. Austra- lia, Odhner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stock- holm 52 (16) p. 55. f Cancellaria gabbiana, C. ( Trigonos '<• toma) insularis, spp. n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 163. — C. crassa sp. n. Cretaceous California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 66. — C. ( Trigonostoma ) cf. ampullacea (Brocchi), Bell Geol. Mag. London 4 p. 410. •f Clathurella [vide etiam Pleuroto- moides] arnica sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 158. . Clalhurina gen. n. ( = Clathurella auett. non Cpr.) type C. foramina! a (Rve) with C. catharia, nelrodes, spanio- nevtta, C. forarninata pyrgodea, spp. & var. n. Persian Gulf, C. tincta vars lemniscata nom. n. for C. lemniscata G. & H. Nev., Melvill Proc. Malae, Soc. 12 pp. 185-190 f Clavatula ziczac sp. n. Tortonian Friuli, Stef anint Atti Acc. Sci. Padova 8 p. 152 ; C\ ziczac, C. asthenotoma aff. heckeli (Hoers.), Stefanini Mem. 1st. Geol. Univ. Padova 4 pp. 53, 55. j Conor bis monairyensis sp. n. Cre- taceous Tennessee, Wade Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 280. Conus, Melvill 302, 305. 31 Moll. SY9TEMAT10.“r;PROSOBRANCniA ]Conns rnckmani sp. n. Oligoocno Washington, , Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad: Sci. 7 p. 179. — C. xenicus. perlepidus p. 159, longiludinalis p. 160, simplicissimus, porcellus p. 161, per- nodosus, gabbi p. 162, larvnlus p. 163, spp. n., furvoides brachys p. 158, subsp, ■ n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, trisculplus, consobrinus ullimus p. 160 sp. & subsp. ' n. Pliocene Costa • Rica* Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 158-163. — ©.-cf.'t leMricosus Broun, Bell GeoL Mag; - 'London 4 - p. 410.^£., StefaninI 418. • f Daphnella mullicincta, ovala spp. n. Tertiary New Zealand,! Marshall Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49 p. 457. Dejrancia vide, Pleurotomoides. Diaugasma subg. h. , of Dap/mella type D . epicharta (M. 12 pp. 165-180. ' f Mantjilia ravni sp. hi Miocene Denmark, N0rregaard Medd» -Danslc. geol. Foren. 5 (1) p. 33. f Metulella dominicensis sp. n. Oli- gocene. Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 169. Pleurotoma [vide etiam Turris] ( Gemmula ) congener, Vredenberg 450. f Pleurotoma [vide etiam f Trims], Norregaard 325. f Pleurotomoides Bronn (= Lora Gistel, Clathurella Cpr. & Defrancia Millet), Iredale 238. \ Scobinella tristis sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 158. Surcula [vide etiam Turriculd ] with S. cingulifera var:. amicta nom. m for Pleu- rotoma amicla Smith ; S . fulminata gloriosa var. n. Persian Gulf, Melvill Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 pp. 162-164. f Surcula sp. Eocene California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad: Sci. 7 p. 97. Terebra trisihacaria sp. n. Mekran Coast, Melvill J. Conch. Leeds 15 p. 188. — T., Hirase 228 ; Melvill & Stand en 306. f Terebra baculiformis, hitia, spp. n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 152. — T. cf. pertusa Bast., Norregaard Medd. Dansk; geol. Foren. 5 (1) p. 31. — T. cf. acuminata Bors., T. modesta ventricosa var. n. Tortonian Veneto, Stefanini Mem. 1st. Geol. Univ. Padova 4 pp. 43, 46. 32 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1917] Turricula Schum. (= Surcula Ads.), Iredale 238. Turridae, Melvill 300. Turns [vide etiam Pleurotoma] with T. ( Gcmmula ) granosa guadurensis var. n. Mekran Coast ; T. (Tomopleura) nivea varr. violacea, makemonos and pouloensis nomm. n. for Pleurotoma violacea Hinds, P. makemonos Jouss. and P. pouloensis Jouss., Melvill Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 pp. 142-149. f Turris [vide etiam f Pleurotoma] multicinctus, striatus, spp. n., Tertiary New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49 pp. 456, 457. — T. cartagenensis sp. n. Oligocene Colombia, Pilsbry & Brown Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 32. — rl\ plicata sp. n. Cretaceous California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 68. Tylotia subgen. n. of Drillia (= Clavus auctt. non Mont.) type D. canicularis, Melvill Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 160. Veprccula subgen. n. of Clathurina type C. sykesii (M. & St.), Melvill t.c. p. 188. Harpidae, Olividae, Marginellidae, VoLUTIDAE & MlTRIDAE. f Ancilla olivaeformis sp. n. Helvetian Meduno, Stefanini Mem. 1st. Geol. Univ. Padova 4 p. 64. f Boltenella gen. n. of Volutidae type Ji. ex cellans sp. n. Cretaceous Tennessee, Wade Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 285, 286. f Falsifusus mezoicus sp. n. Cretaceous Tennessee, Wade t.c. p. 284 Ilarpovoluta with II. striatula sp. n. Antarctic p. 36, Vayssiere Deux. Exp. Antarct. Fr. Moll. amph. gast. (Opisth. et Prosobr.) 1917 pp. 35-38. f Hyllus gen. n. of Volutidae with II. callilateris type p. 282 [callilateras err. typ. p. 281], coloratus p. 283, spp. n., Cretaceous Tennessee, Wade Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 281-283. 1 Lirosoma cretacea sp. n. Cretaceous Tennessee, Wade t.c. p. 288. \Lyria hannibali, andersoni, spp. n.„ Eocene California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 pp. 84, 97. Marginella miliaris jullieni var. n. Liberia M. turbiniformis Lifou, tomlini, bougei Ouvea, M. ( Granula ) alomella Mascarene Is., M. ( Volvaria ) roberti Monterosato mss. Madeira, M. (F.) hirasei Japan, spp. n., M. mariei Crosse (= isseli Nev.), Bavay J. Conchyliol. 63 pp. 96-108. — M. with M. ameliensis (= bivittata Bavay 1912 non 1910) bahiensis (= joubini Bavay non Dautz. & Fischer) sarcodes ( = carneola Petit non delle Ch.) tenuilabra (= Bulla pallida Donovan non Linn.) nomm. mut., Tomlin Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 pp. 247-306. — M. avc->a locomotion, Olmsted 333. f Marginella pacifica sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 178. — M. mediocris sp. n. Oligocene Colombia, Pilsbry & Brown Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 32. — M. nugax sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 165. Marginellidae , Tomlin 433. \Mitra mesolia, tortuosella , spp. n., M. t. S rater subsp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 165-166.— M. cf. fusiformis Brocchi, Bell Geol. Mag. London 4 p. 411. — -M. cf. scro- biculata Broc., Norregaard Mcdd. Dansk. geol. Foren. 5 (1) p. 28. ^ Oliva proavia, dimidiata, spp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 164, 165. — O. sayana immortua subsp. n. Oligocene Colombia, Pilsbry & Brown t.c. p. 33. ]Olivella spissa sp. n. Eocene Cali- fornia, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 85. ]Plochelaea gabbi sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila, 69 p. 166. t Scobin'a gen. n. of Volutidae type S. bicarinata sp. n. Cretaceous Ten- nessee, Wade t.c. pp. 286, 287. 33 Moll. Systematic.— Prosobranciiia. 2231 Fasciolauiidak, Turbinellidae, Buccinidae, Nassabiidae or Alec- TRIONIDAE, PYRENID IE, MURICIDAE & Tiiaididae. Acanthina calcar crassilabrum, A. c. imbricala, Doello Jurado 148. Alectrion [vide ctiam Nassa] with A. limacina, onchodcs, qwlistes, spp. n„ A. insculplus euqdeura var. n. Cali- fornia and Panama, A. fossatus Gld. (= Buccinum elegans live, non Sow.) A. pagoda live. (= B. decussatum Kien. non L., Nassa acuta Cpr. & N. corpulcnta C. B. Ad.), Dale Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 51 pp. 575-577. ]Aleclrion [vide ctiam fiVassa] with A. grammatus sp. n. Pleistocene Cali- fornia, Ball t.c pp. 575-577. Aleclrionidae, Dale 120. f Alectrionidae [vide etiam f Nassidae] Ball 120. ]Anachis gracilicostata sp. n. Oligo- ceno Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 168. Arcularia with A. iodes sp. n. (?), California; A. scabriuscula Powys ( — Nassa stimpsoniana C. B. Ad.) A. cxilis Powys (= N. foniainei Orb. & N. panamensis Phil, non C. B. Ad.), Bale Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 51 pp. 577-578. Buccinella, vide Fusinella. f Buccinum incxhaustum , Bell 24. Cominella radula, Cooke 101. f Gominella cohica sp. n. Pliocene England, Bell Geol. Mag. London 4 p. 412. — G. sublurida sp. n. Tertiary New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49 p. 455. f Ecphora proquadricostala sp. n. Cretaceous Tennessee, Wade Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 293. Euthria radula, Cooke 103. \Exelissa soliludinis sp. n. Jurassic Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 45. f Exilia weaveri sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 173. (n-4840 r) f Fasciolaria gabbi sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 174. — F. with F. chats- worthensis p. 97 sp. n. Eocene Cali- fornia, Waring t.c. pp, 83. 97. — F. cf polygonata Grat., Stefanini Atti. Acc. Sci. Padova 8 p. 78. Ficulina, vide Notoficula. Fusinella nom. mut. ( = Buccinella Thiele non Perry), Thiele Nachr.-Bl. B. malac. Ges. 49 p. 24. ■f Fusinus gesteri sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 179. f Fusus cf. elongatus Nyst., Stefanini Atti Acc. Sci. Padova 8 p. 77. \Heteroierma zelandica sp. n. Ter- tiary New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49 p. 453. Latirus niger sp. n. Australia, Odhner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 50. ^Latirus ( Mazzalina ) longirostris sp. n. Tertiary (?) New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49 p. 455, ]Liomesus cf. danicus (von Koenen), Bell Geol. Mag. London 4 p. 412. •f Lirosoma sulcosa mullicostata var. n. Miocene Virginia, Olsson Bull. Amcr. Paleont. 5 p. 45. f Melongena orthacantha sp. n. Oligo- cene Santo Domingo. Pilsbry & John- son Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 168. — M., Iredale 238. f Molopophorus stephensoni sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 177. Mure x trunculus, brandaris , Jackson 243. — M., Fulton 170c. f Murex vaughani sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 174. — M. cf. sismondae Bell., Gripp Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 41 (1) p. 34. f Nassa cornelliana sp. n. Miocene North Carolina, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 p. 45. Nassarina solida sp. n. California, Dall Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 51 p. 579. f Nassidae [vide etiamf Alectrionidae) Herold 220. b 10 34 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [10173 Norlhia taxonomy, Cooke 104. Notoficyla nom. mut. ( = Fic.ulina Thiele non Gray) Thiele Nachr.-BI. D. malak. Gcs. 49 p. 24. Niicella [vide ctiam Purpura] lapillus teratology, Cooke 102. Ocinebrina inermis minima var. n. Gallipoli, Pallary J. conchyliol. 63 p. 144. ]Paramorea gen. n. of Purpuridae type P. lirata sp. n. Cretaceous Ten- nessee, Wade Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 295, 296. \Perissolax oblusa sp. n. Tertiary New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N- Z. Inst. 49 p. 454. Phos with P. chelonia Galapagos Is. alternatus California, mexicanus, minus- culus Panama, spp. n., Dall Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 51 pp. 578-579. | Phos ordinarius , conica, spp. n., Tertiary New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49 p. 456. Pollia bicolor lata var. n. Gallipoli, Pallary J. conchyliol. 63 p. 144. \Procerithium deserti sp. n. Jurassic Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 44. Purpura [vide etiam Nucella ] haemos- toma, Jackson 243a. f Seminola gen. n. of Buccir.idae with S. crassa type p. 291, solida p. 292, spp. n., Cretaceous Tennessee, Wade Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 290-292. | Sipho ravni sp. n. Pliocene England, Bell Geol. Mag. London 4 p. 411. — S. curtus, Bell 24. f Strepsidura packi sp. n. Oligoccne Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 177. \ Strombina cartagenensis, lloyd- smithi, spp. n., Oligoccne Colombia, Pilsbry & Brown Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 33. ^ Thais santodoming crisis sp. n. Oli- gocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 169. Tritonidea lincla berrmidensis loco- motion, Olmsted 333. f Trophon prieslleyi sp. n. Cainozoic Antarctic, Hedley Austral. Ant. Exp. 1911-1914 Geol. 2 p. 87. \Tudicola sulcata sp. n. Tertiary New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49 p. 455. t Typhis harrisi sp. n. Miocene Florida, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 p. 46. ■j Vasum pugnus sp. n. Oligoccne Santo Domingo, Pii.sbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 167. Volema Bolten & Melongena Schum., Iredale 238. \Xancus rex, sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 167. Cyaiatiidae, Cassididae, Tonnidae, CYriiAEiDAE, Strombidae, Abor- RHAIDAE & StrUTHIOLARIIDAE. \A laria armata race naine Batlionian Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 42. — A. suteri sp. n. Cretaceous New Zealand, Trechmann Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 p. 304. \Anchura Warinu 466 f Aporrhais gregaria, Trechmann 440. \Balhytoma boundeyi sp. n. Eocene California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 81. •J ■ Columbellina fusiformis sp. n. Cre- taceous Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 132. f Concholhyra, Trechmann 440. Cypraa miliaris diversa , G. m. nivea 6 O. m. intermedia, Fulton 170c. — C. pustulala protection, Mortensen 311. — G. exanthemia. locomotion, Olm- sted 333. — G., Germain 183. f Gypraea cf. leporina Lam., Oiten- iieim 335. t Drepanochilus calcaratus ornata var. n. Cretaceous Moghara, Douvill6 Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 134. Erato gemma sp. n. Lifou, Bavay J. conchyliol. 63 p. 108. f Eutritoriium cf . nodiferum (Lam .), Stefanini Mem. 1st. Geol. Univ. Padova 4 p. 74. - 35 Moll. Systematic. — Prosoduanchia. 2231 ]Ficula cf. geometra (Bors.), Bell Gcol. Mag. London 4 p. 413. . f Ficus plcctatus sp. n. Eocene Cali- • forn:a, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 83. f Galeodea dalli sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson t.c. p. 176. Gelagna Schauf ., type Trilonium clandestinum Cli. (= Paralagena Dali), Iredale 238. f Hippochrenes ampla rutoli var. n. Pliocene England, Bell Geol; 'Mag. London 4 p. 413. ]Malea elliplica , goliath, spp. n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 169, 170. Mayena gen. n. of Tritonidae type Biplex ■ australasia Perry, Iredale Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 324. NeosimrJa calali.iensis Berry figd., Nautilus 3D pi. v. Ov ulilm protection, Mortensen 311. Paralagena vide Gelagna. f P erissopterd glabra dsialica race n. Cretaceous Mogliara, Don villA Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 134. f Pugnellus with P. marshalli , wai- parensis spp. n., Cretaceous New Zealand, Trechmann Geol. Mag. Lon- don (6) 4 pp. 302-304. — P. rotundas sp. n. Cretaceous California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 67. f Pyrula jamesi sp. n* Miocene Vir- ginia, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 p. 47. | Seraphs andersoni sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Soi. 7 p. 180. f Slrombi na polilissima sp. n. Oligo- cene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 168. f Strombus gallifonnis, dominafor, spp. n„ Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson t.c. pp. 170, 171. — S. cf. nodosus Bors., Orpeniieim 335. f Slruthiolar.a minor sp. n. Tertiary New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N.Z. Inst. 49 p. 451 . (n-4840 r) . \Trachytrilon titan sp. n. Eocene California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 87. Triton tritonis, Jackson 243. Trivia bipunctata sp. n. Australia, Odiiner Vet.-Ak. Handl. • Stockholm 52 (16) p. 53. Cerithiidae, Siierborniidae, Planax- IDAE, NeRINEIDAE, TRICIIOTROri- PlDAEj VERMETIDAE* TuRRITEL- LIDAE AND CAECIDAE. f Astafydcs gen. n. of Cerithiidae type A. densatus sp. n. Cretaceous Ten- nessee, Wade Proc, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 298, 299. Biitium with B. barlolemensis, santa- mariensis, serra California, challisae, sanjuanensis British Columbia, spp. n., Bartsch Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 52 pp. 672-676. — B. lalreillei lineolata var. n. Tenedos, Pallary J. conchyliol 63 p. 143. f Brouzetia subg. n. of Ilieria type I. sayni, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 12. f Caecum annellifer nom. mut. ( = C. annulatum Gabb non Brown), Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat; Sci. Phila. 69 p. 172. Campanile Fischer ( — Ceratoptilus Bouvicr) symbolicum nom. mut. ( — Cerithium leve Q. and G. or laeve Gray preocci), Iredale Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 325. \Campanilopa gen. n. type Cerithium gigantenm Lam., Iredale Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 325. . f Cerithiella chateleli sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Gcol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 11. Cerithiopsis with C. (Cerilhiopsis) charlottevpis British Columbia, grippi, bakeri California, helena Panama, spp. n., Bartsoii Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 52 pp. 668-672. — C. ( Cerithiopsis ) anailis nom. mut. ( — (7.(0) helena Bartsch 1917 non Bttg. 1901), Bartsch Nautilus 31 p. 71. — C. crocea marmorea var. n. Australia, Odiiner Vct.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 47. \ Cerithiopsis howardi sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 175. b 10—2 36 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. Ceriihium myslerium nom. mut. ( = G. tomlini Hedley non Preston), Hedley Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 p. 708. — C. altenuatum brevicaudatum var. n. Australia, Odhner Vet. -Ale. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 47. \Oeriihium ( Uchauxia ) mogharense, bitub erculatum spp. n., Cretaceous Mog- hara, DouvillIs Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 pp. 137, 138. \Diastoma ornaiutn sp. n. Cretaceous Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 139. i Glaucoma deserli sp. n. Cretaceous Moghara, Douville t.c. p. 139. f Itieria ( Brouzetia ) sayni sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 12. \ Mrhilaia cf. nerinaeformis Coq. Newton Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 51 p. 577. f Nerinea, Cossmann 106. | Nerinella brum sp. 1 n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Ceol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 15. — N. cf. algarbiensis Choff., DouvillIs Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 146. \Nudivagus gen. n. of Gerithiidae type N. simplicus sp. n. Cretaceous Ten- nessee, Wade Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 296, 297. f Phaneroptyxis cureti sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Ceol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 12. f Potamides gastrodon sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 171. — P. aims sp. n. Oligocene Colombia, Pilsbry & Brown t.c. p.34. * — P. promarguritaceus promonilifonnis var. n. Oligocene Veneto, Stefanini Atti Ace. Sci. Padova 8 p. 88. \Pseudomesalia gen. n. of Turritellidae with P. deserli type p. 141, bilineata, brevis spp. n. Cretaceous Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 pp. 141, 142. f Purpuroidea bruni sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Ceol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 17. Sherbornia gen. n. of Sherborniidae type S. mirabilis sp. n. Christmas I., Iredale Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 332. [1917] Sherborniidae fam. n., Iredale Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 331. \T erebraliopsis pustulifera sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 18. \T erebrella laevis sp. n. Jurassic Mog- hara, Douville Mom. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 44. f Triforis martini sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 176. Triphora bicincla sp. n. Australia, Odiiner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 47. \Turritella with T. cartagenensis p. 34, lloydsmithi Colombia, domingensis p. 35 Santo Domingo, calostemma p. 36 Haiti, spp. n. Oligocene, Pilsbry & Brown Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 34-37. — T. sulcigyrata sp. n. Oligo- cene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & John- son t.c. p. 171. — T. with T. reversa, simiensis p. 88, spp. n. Eocene Cali- fornia, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 pp. 69, 87-89, 99-100. — T. americana, Doello Jurado 149. — T. Stefanini 416 ; Treciimann 440. Vicarya, Martin 294. Tiaridae, Pleuroceridae, Littori- , NIDAE & FOSSARIDAE. Anculosa vide Leptoxis. Calodonia Stef, eliminated, Pallary 342. Canthidomus Swains. eliminated, Pallary 342. Ceriphasia, Pilsbry 353. Goniobasis, Baker 11. Leptoxis Itaf. ( = Anculosa Say), Pilsbry 353. Littorina rudis alticola var. n. Scot- land, Dacie J. Conch. 15 p. 180. f Littorina oligocenica sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 178. Martinia vide Pannonia. \ Melania pachecoi , bolivari, spp. n. Cretaceous Mallorca, Vidal Mem. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 10 p. 352. 37 Moll. Systematic. — Prosobranoiita. 2231 Mclanopois with M . moussoni ( = brevis Mouss. non Sow.) moreleti ( = brevis Morel, non Sow.) ducosi ( = cari- nata Gass, non Sow.) goulvani ( = elongate Gass, non Fer.) coolciania ( = fusiformis Gass, non Sow.) nomm. mut. M. sevillensis var. pleuroplagia nom. n. for M. pleuroplagia Bgt. 1884 non 1880 ; M. doumeti Let. -Bgt. (= olivula Bgt. non Grat.) Pallary Bull Soc. Hist. Hat. Afr Nord. 7 pp. 70-87. f M elanopsis with M. eocenica ( == buccinoidea Sandb. non Oliv.) polita ( = buccinoidea Cosstn. non Oliv.) aquitanica ( == dufouri Grat. non Fer.) conspicua ( == costata Grat. non Oliv.) cosmanni ( — costata Cossm. non Oliv.) venusta ( = nodosa Handm. non Fer.) doncieuxi ( = nodosa Done, non Fer.) spiridioni ( t= praemorsa Brus. non L.) abbre- viate ( = brevis Done, non Sow.) mi- chelottiana ( = carinate Michelotti non Sow.) subajjinis ( = afjinis Handm. non Fer.) sublongata ( — elongate Done, non Fer.) angusta ( = fusiformis Handm. non Sow.) hungarica ( = fuchsi Brus. non Handm. & costata Fuchs non Oliv.) limbata ( = scalaris Handm. non Gass.) douvillei ( — costellata Douv. non Fer.) hispidula ( = turrila Handm. non Bgt.) similis ( = plicalula Handm. non Neu- mayr) dissimilis (= lyrata Neumayr non Gass.) viltala ( = fasciala Handm. non Gass.) tumida ( == obesa Phil, non Gass) ripajensis ( =paulovici Brus. non Bgt.) nomm. mut., M. bouei decorate var. n., M. spinea nom. n. for M. bouei spinea Sabba ; M. fossile Gmel. (= mar- tiniana Fer.) M. fuchsi Handm. ( = handmanni Brus.) M. microstoma Edw. in Newton nomen nudum, Pallary Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord 7 pp. 70-87. — M . cf. impressa Krs., Stefanini Mem. 1st. Geol. Univ. Padova 4 p. 86. — M. molinai, navarroi, spp. n. Mesozoic Mallorca, Vidal Mem. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 10 pjj. 353, 354. — -M. callosa curta, Cereceda 86. Pannonia nom. mut. ( = Martinia Handm. non MacCoy) Pallary Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord. 7 p. 76. Pleurocera subulare Lea ( = Melania iracta , neglecta & intensa Anth. & Tryp. pallidum & labiatum Lea), Goodrich 196. — Pleurocera Raf. ( — Angitrema Hald. pars), Pilsbry 353. — P. type. Walker 455. f Smendovia Tournouor eliminated, Pall ary 342. Stylospirula Rov. eliminated, Pallary 342. SOLARIIDAE, SKENEIDAE, LlTIOPIDAE, Rissoidae, Paludestrinidae, VlVIPARIDAE, VALVATIDAE, Am- PULLARIIDAE & ASSEMANIIDAE. Alvania with A. bartolomensis Cali- fornia, feyskaensis , dinora Alaska, spp n., Bartscii Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 52 pp. 677-679. Amnicola bakeriana, clarkei, oneida spp. n., L. Oneida, Pilsbry Nautilus 31 pp. 44, 45, 46. — A. deserta & neo- mexicana Pilsb. figd., Nautilus 30 pi. v. Amnicolidae Baker 11. Ampullaria ampullacea sinistral, Walker 458. f Ampullaria selvensis sp. n. Creta- ceous Mallorca, Vidal Mem. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 10 p. 350. f Architectonica inornate sp. n. Ter- tiary New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49 p. 452. Bylhinella scholtzii , Steenbero 415. f Bythinella thomaei sp. n. Oligocene Germany, Wenz Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 67 p. 127. Bythinia tentaculata, leachii , Boy- cott 51. — B., Steenbero 415. Goriandria nom. mut. ( = Microsetia Monts, non Stephens) type M . durban- ensis , Tomlin J. Conch. 15 p. 221. f Discohelix biconcava, brouzetensis , pangymna , spp. n., Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) pp. 19, 20, 21. — D. elegantula sp. n. Jurassic Moghara, Douvill^ Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 47. f Heliacus conicus sp. n. Tertiary New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49 p. 453. Lanistes with L. (Leroy a) farleri alirata var. n. E. Africa pp. 321, 326, Germain Bull. Mus. Paris 1916 pp. 317-329. Leroya as subg. of Lanistes, Germain 176. Microsetia vide Coriandria. 38 AIoll VIII, \Omalaxis planus sp. n. Tertiary New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49 p. 453. Paludeslrina jeukinsi , Boycott 50, 54, Johansen 245 ; P. minuta, Ken- nard & Woodward 251 ; P., Boycott 52. Paludeslrinidae Kennaud & Wood- ward 254. f Riselloidea tricarinala sp. u. Creta- ceous Moghara, Djuvill^ Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 145. f Rissoa cpulata, 11. (Alva.iia) proavia spp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Aead. Nat. Sei. Phila. 69 pp. 172, 173. Rissoina moitezi Jamaica, R. tomli i, R. (Stossichia) bougii Ouvea spp. n., Bavay J. conchyliol. 63 pp. 109-112. \8oldriaxis templeto.ii sp. n. Cre- taceous California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 68. Valvata discors, Geyer 187 ; V. tricarinala perconfusa nom. mut. (= V. t. co.ifusa Walker non Westld.) [Walker] Nautilus 31 p. 36. — V. Sternberg 415. Vulvatidae, Baker 11. Vivipara occulta sp. n. Siam, Fulton Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 241. V Buchner 57. Viviparidae, Baker 11. Cyclophoridae, Strophostomatidae, Ventriculidae, Pomatiidae & Aci- CULIDAE. Hedleya umbilicata sp. n. Australia, Odhner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 75. Ilyalacme subj. n. of Acme type A. similis licinh., Hesse Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 p. 124. \Ompludotropis minuta sp. n. Quater- nary Australia, Odhner , Vetf-Ak. Handl, Stockholm 52 (16) p. 99. , Pomatias elegans sex characters, Boycott 48. Pupinella toriirostris sp. u. Louisade Archipelago, Sowerby Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 320. f Strophostomatidae fara. n., Wenz Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 67 p. 123 Mollusca. [1017 j Tropidbphora Of iceps bicincta m ;t. n. Kilwa, Germain Bull. Mua. Paris .1916 p. 259. f Ventriculidae fam. n., Wenz Jahrb. - N issau. Ver. Naturk. 67 p. 124. f Ve itriculus gen. n. of Ve.itriculidae type Cyclostoma dolium Tho., Wenz t.c, p. 124. Capulidae, Adeorbidae, Lamel- LARIIDAE, NaTICIDAE & JaNTIIINIDAE, \ Ampullina spiralis sp. u. Tertiary New Zealand, Marshall Trails. N. Z. Inst. 49 p. 452.— A. ciireti, acrospira spp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem, Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) pp. 22, 23. \Ampullospira gardo.iensis sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann t.c. p. 21. A. cf. Clementina and cf. ervyna Orb., DouvillG Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 pp. 144, 145. Crepidula embryology, Conklin 97, 98 ; C. plana , Gould 197, 198. \Oyrodes with G. compress us p. 67 Cretaceous, rob ust us p. 81 Koceno California spp. n., Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 17 pp. 66-67, 81. f Hipponyx arnoldi, ornala spp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 pp. 180, 181. — II. otiosa sp. n. Oligoceae Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 173.— II. , Newton 320. Lamellar iopsis turqueti, Vayssiere 417. Marse iina liouvillei sp. u. Antarctic, Vayssiere Deux. Exp. Ant. Fr. Zool. Moll. amph. gast. (Opisth. Prosobr.) 1917 p. 31. Marse.iiopsis with M. charcoli sp. n. Antarctic p. 25, Vayssiere t.c. pp. 22- 27. f Nalica ft ultima sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 173. — A. cf. ha. to tiensis Pilk., Bell Geol. Mag. London 4 p. 414.— N. cf. benccki v. Koen., NJrregaard Medd. Dansk. geol. Foren. 5 (1) p. 21. — -N. ( Luspira ) variabilis, Trechmann 440. 30 Moll. Systematic. — ProscbraN'HIa 2231 \Neverita nomlandi sp. n. Oligoeeno Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acai. Sci. 7 p. 173. Sinum cahfornicum sp. n. California, Oldroyd Nautilus 31 p. 13. | Sinum with S. dickcrsoii p. 80 sp. n. Eocene California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci, 7 pp. 80, 99. | Varicigera choffali sp. n. Cretaceous Moghara, D wvillIs Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 143. EPITONlfDAE. f Acirsa microstriata, corrugata spp. n. Cretaceous Tennessee, WadE Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 299, 309. 1[Aclis ( Amblyspira ) bartschiana sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pllsbry & Johnson t.c. p. 174. f Co.ifusiscala cf. dupini Orb., Dou- vill£ Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 143. f Dauciscala subg. n. of Scala for S. boriesi Doncieux (type) & S. pota- maucensis Clarck, de BouRy J. conchy- liol. Paris 63 p. 42. Epito dum [vide etiam Scala j with E. appressicostatum Mexico, de nsicla- tliratum Washington, emydonesus , recti- laminatum , halleli, rhylidurn Galapagos Is. acapulcanum , coolceaium, xantusi , arnoldi, pads, imperforatum, lagunarum, persulurum, colpoicum, pazianum, propehexagonum, eutaenium, apicu- latum, conipradora , cylindricum, cen- tronium , Columbia num, mo.itereyense, californicum, tabulatum, musidora, diegense, regum f orcutliauum , bialatum , zephyrium, basicum, roberli California etc. ouchodes , columnella , labogense, zetelci, imbrex , Ihylax, E. ( Pictoscala ) purpuratum Panama spp. n. E. sawinae catalinense California var. n. E. ( Nilidoscala ) fallaciosum nom. mut. (= S. hindsii Cptr. 1805 non 1850), Dall Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 53 pp. 471-488. f Epito nium [vide etiam Scala] mer- riami sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 175. Hemiacirsa cretacia sp. n. Cretaceous Tennessee, Wade Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 331. f Nobiliscala subg. n. of Scala type S. foliacea Sow., de Boury J. conchyliol. Paris 63 p. 60. Pictoscala sect. n. of Epito dum type Scalaria lineala Say, Dall Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 53 p. 477. | Scala [vide etiam f Epito, lium] with S. performosa p. 44 nom. mut. (=='#. formosissima Dall non Jeffreys) S. (Cerithi scala) segreganda p. 44 sp. n. Cotcntin, de Boury J. conchyliol. Paris 63 pp. 13-62. — S. (Epito nium) parvicostata, simplex spp. n. Tertislry New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49 p. 451.—$. martiniana nom. mut. (= reticulata Martin non Solander), Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 p. 60. f Scalidae, de Boury 45. Strombifoiimidae & Pyramid elltd a e. f Creonella gen. n. of Pyramiiellidae type C. triplicala sp. n. Cretaceous Tennessee, Wade Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 302, 303. f Eulima [vido etiam f Melanella] clarki sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 179. Eulimostraca gen. n. of Melanellidae type E. galapagensis sp. n. Galapagos Is., Bartscii Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 53 p. 333. Haliella with II. dbyssicola Cali- fornia, chilensis Chile spp. n., Bartscii t.c. pp. 336, 337. Lambertia cookcana sp. n. California, Bartsch t.c. p. 354. Leiostraca Ads. (= Subularia Monts.), Bartsch 17. Melanella with M. (Melanella) dalli, monicensis, necropolitana, oldroydi, cali- fornica, heinphilli , baldra, mexicana, abreojosensis California, . panamensis Panama ,tacomaensis Tacoma, M. (Balds) draednis, montereyensis, peninsularis, lastra, arnoldi, cosmia , halia, townsendi, berryi, prefalcata, grippi , taravali, cala- linensis California, Columbiana , comoxen- sis, macra British Columbia, ochsneri Galapagos Is. spp. n. M. (Melanella) micans borealis Vancouver subsp. n., Bartscii Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 53 pp. 302-333.— ili. with M. thaanumi p. 220 kahoolawensis p. 225 spp. n. 40 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1017] M. cumingi medipacifica p. 221 subsp. n. Hawaiian Is. M. vafra nom. mut. (= Eulima inflexa Pse. non Blainv.), Pilsbry Proc. Acad. Nto-t. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 220-225. \Melandla [vide etiam f Eulima) gab- biana p. 183 sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, M. astuta p. 182 nom. mut. ( = robusla Gabb non A. Ad.), Pilsbry & Johnson t.c. pp. 182-183. Melanellidce, Bartsch 15. Niso with N. excolpa, lomana , hipo- liteusis spp. n. California, Bartsch Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 53 pp. 348- 352. Odostomia with O. ( Chrysallida ) tara- vali, sanlamariei sis , 0. (Evalea) valeroi, frauciscana California, willelli Alaska, O. ( Odostomia ) orcutti California spp. n., Bartsch Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 52 pp. 663-668. — 0. ( Evalea ) cassandra p. 162 cypria, hypatia p. 163 skide- gatensis p. 164, spp. n., Canada, Dall & Bartsch Bull. Mus. commein. Victoria B.C., 1913 [1915] pp. 162-165. — 0., Martel 291. }Odoslomia with O. (Evalea) pleiore- gona, orfordensis Pliocene Oregon spp. n. O. (E.) andersoni nom. mut. ( = Eulimella calif 'ornica Anderson & Martin non Dali & Bartsch), Bartsch Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 52 pp. 663-668. — 0. ingloria p. 178 myrmecoon, O. (Eulimastoma) pyrgulopsis p. 179 bathy raphe, 0. (Evalea) vexator, O. (Goni odostomia) super ans p. 180 cir- cumvincta, O. (Parthenina ?) cycloce- phala p. 181 0. (Odostomidea) bartschiana, O. (Chrysallida) dulcis p. 182 spp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo ; O. santo- domingensis p. 179 nom. mut. ( = polita Gabb non Bivona nec Pse.), Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila. 69 pp. 178-182 Partulida Schauf., typ q Turbo spiralis Mont. (= Spiralinella Chaster), Ire- dale 238. f Ptycheulimella cf. pyramidata (Desh.), Stefanini Mem. 1st. Geol. Univ. Padova 4 p. 87. \PyramideUa forulata famelica subsp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Phila. 69 p. 174. Pyramiddlida with P. (Pharcidella) magdalenensis sp. n. California, Bartsch Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 52 pp. 637- 640. Sabinella with S. balceri California, chathamensis, nieridionalis Galapagos Is. spp. n., Bartsch Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 53 pp. 333 -336. Spiralinella vide Partulida. Strombiformis with S. aluskensis Alaska, riversi , califoruica, lownsendi, lapazana, alma, barthelowi , hemphilli , burragei California, panamensi.<< Panama, spp. n., Bartsch t.c. pp. 339-348. — S. lapazana ligd., Bartsch 17. \ Strombiformis praelubrica, ischnon , S. (S abut aria) stimulus, spp. n., Oligo- cene Santo Domingo ; S. sarissiformis nom. mut. ( - Eulima acicularis Gabb non A. Ad.), Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 183. Subularia vide Leiistraca. Turbonilla with T . (Slriolurbonilla) canadensis Alaska, barkleyensis Van- couver, montezuma, sanlamariana, doredona, redondoensis , schmiiti , T. (Pyrgolampros) frauciscana, tremperi California, pugelensis Seattle, T. (Pyr- giscuius) guilleni, T. (Pyrgiscus) dor a, ina, isla, eva, atmejasensis , bartolo- mensis, lamna, mariana, lazaroensis , cortezi, tecalco, corsoeusis, baegerti, ulloa , cabrilloi , T. (Cingulina) urdeneta, T. (Mormula) sebastigui, viscainoi, T. (Ugartea) juani California, spp. n„ Bartsch Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 52 pp. 640-663. — T. (Pyrgisus) hecuba sp. n. Nova Scotia, Dall & Bartsch Bull. Mus. commein. Victoria B.C. 1913 [1915] p. 161. yTurbonilla with T. (Pyrgolampros) hannibali Oregon, T. (P.) hemphilli California, spp. n., Pliocene, Bartsch Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 52 pp. 640- 663. — T. polaris sp. n. Cainozoio Antarctic, Hisdley Austral. Ant. Exp. 1911-1914 Gcol. 2 p. 86.-2'. with T. (Pyrgiscus) beaiula p. 174 santodoming - crisis p. 175, T. (Chemnitzia) galeatu , peraequa p. 175, 2'. (Nisiturris) arati- bacillum, insititia p. 176 undecim- costata, contexta p. 177, T. (Tragulu) egressa p. 178, spp. n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, 2'. (Nisilurris ?) an-, gustula nom. mut. (= nngusta Gabb non Cpr.), Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 174-178. 41 Moll. Systematic — Prosobranohia. 2231 Ugarlea subgen. n. of Turbo niUa typo T. juani, Bartsch Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 52 p. 062. Neritidae, Neritopsidae, Tur- BINIDAE, COLLONIIDAE, TllOCHIDAE, PlCKWORTHIIDAE, ltEYNELLONIDAE & Orbitestellidae. Adriaria Monterosato ms. sect. n. of Gibbula type G. albida Gmel., Pal- lary J. conch, yliol. 63 p. 145. Alcyna with A. Jcapiolaniae p. 212, A. kuhnsi, A. Ic. humerosa p. 211, A. subcingulata virgala, A. s. flummulcita p. 213, spp. subspp. & var. n., Hawaiian Is., Pilsbry Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 209-213. f A mphilrochus mogharensis, A. m. costata sp. & var. n. Jurassic Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad, Sci. Paris 54 p. 46. Anxietas gen. n. of Troc.hidae type A. perplexa sp. n. Christmas I., Iredale Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 334. f Astraea domingensis sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 184. f Aslralium ( Calcar ) degrangei Bial. ms. sp. n. Miocene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Actes. Soc. linn. Bordeaux 69 p. 331. f Ataphrus asiaticus sp. n. Jurassic Moghara, DouvillIs Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 48. f Bolma with B. subfimbriala Tour- nouer in sell. p. 338 sp. ri. Burdigalian France ; B . ( Ormastralium ) carinata , race labiosa p. 343 nom. n. for Trochus labiosus Grat., Cossmann & Peyrot Actes. Soc. linn. Bordeaux 69 pp. 334- 344. \Galliosioma bruni sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 26. — C. with C. tournoueri p. 303 benoisti p. 305 peyreirense p. 306 G. ( Strigosella ) burdigalicum p. 310 gymnospira p. 316 svMil e-striatum p. 317, spp. n., G. (S.) cf. turgidulum & miliar e Brooch i, Miocene France, Coss- mann & Peyrot Actes. Soc. linn. Bordeaux 69 pp. 296-320. — G. tuomeyi nom. mut. (= armillatum Tuo. -Holmes non Wood), Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 p. 60. f Ghrysofitoma sclwynensis sp. n. Cre- taceous Now Zealand, Treohmann Geol Mag. London (6) 4 p. 299. f Cir cuius domingensis nom. mut. (= striatus Gabb non Phil.), Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 184. f Girsochilus , Cossmann & Peyrot 107. Clanculus johnstoni sp. n. Queensland, Hedley Proc. R. Soc. Queensland 29 p. 55. | Gollonia with G. aturensis p. 356, G. ( Circulopsis ) degrangei p. 358, G. ( Parvirola ) duvergieri p. 359, Miocene France, spp. n., Cossmann & Peyrot Actes. Soc. linn. Bordeaux 69 pp. 354-360. ]Collo>iiidae fam. n., Cossmann & Peyrot t.c. p. 354. f Guretia helicinoides sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 30. Delphinula disiorta zonala var. n. Australia, Odhner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 45. f Discopsis (?) naso nom. mut. (= Adeorbis carinata Gabb non A. Ad.), Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 184. \Euco)iospira missouriensis colora- tion, Greger 200. f Eumargariia ( Periaulax ) raulini sp. n. Miocene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Actes Soc. lin. Bordeaux 69 p. 292. Gabrielona gen. n. of Phasianellidae type P. nepeanensis Gat. & Gabr., Iredale Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 327. f Gibbula (Ster omphalus) degrangei , fereclausa Miocene France, spp. n., Cossmann & Peyrot Actes Soc. linn. Bordeaux 69 pp. 285, 286. Hiloa sect. n. of Phasianclla for P. thaanumi, Pilsbry Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 207. Liolia daulzenbergi sp. n. Ouvea, Bavay J. conchyliol. 63 p. 112. \Metriomphalus orientalis sp. n. Cre- taceous Moghara, Dohvill^j Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 145. \Mo)iodo,ita pachyodon sp. n. Ur- gonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 28. 42 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. Neritci melauotragus animal, Hed- ley 209. f Nerita brunt sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 24. f Neriiind [vide etiam Theodoxus ] dal-piazi sp. n. Tortonian Veneto, Stefanini Atti Acc. Sei. Padova 8 p. 153 and Mem. 1st. Geol. Univ. Padova 4 p. 102. f Neritopsis (?) speighti sp. n. Cre- taceous Ncav Zealand, Trechmann Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 p. 300. f Norrisella miocaenica sp. n. Miocene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Actes Soc. linn. Bordeaux 69 p. 288. Orbitestella gen. n. type Cyclostrema bastowi Gatl., Iredale Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 327. Or.bitestellidae fam. n. Iredale t.c. p. 327. f Pareuchelus fossariopsis sp. n. Miocene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Actes Soc. linn. Bordeaux 69 p. 326. Phasianella with P. ( Hiloa ) lhaauumi ]). 209, P. ( Tricoliella ) bryani, rnolo- kaiensis , variabilis kahoolawensis p. 208, spp. & subsp. n., Hawaiian Is., Pilsbry Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila. 69 pp. 207-209. f Phasianella with P. (Steganom- phalus) doll fust p. 351 sp. n. Aquitanian France, Cossmann & Peyrot Actes Soc. linn. Bordeaux 69 pp. 345-354. f Phorculus burdigalensis sp. n. Miocene France, Cossmann & Peyrot t.c. p. 290, Pickivorthia gen. n. of Pickworthiida} with P. kirkpatricki type & P . andrewsi , spp. n., Christmas I., Iredale Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 pp. 332-333. Pickworlhiidae fam. il, Iredale t.c. p. 332. ] Pileolus inaequicoslatus sp. n. Ur- gonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 25. f Pseudo nina reyti nom. mut. ( — Trochus thorinus Bcnoist non Grat.), Cossmann & Peyrot Actes Soc. linn. Bordeaux 69 p. 303. Reyndlonu gen. n. of Reynellouidae type R. natalis sp. n. Christmas I., Iredale Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 333. [1917] Reynellonida} fam. n., Iredale t.c. p. 333. . \ Solar iella duvergieri, coutabulata Miocene France, spp. n., Cossmann & Peyrot Actes Soc. linn. Bordeaux 69 pp. 293, 295. S. shackefordeasis sp. n. Miocene Virginia, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 p. 47. f Teinostoma ( Solariorbis ) variabilis sp. n. Miocene Virginia, Olsson t.c. p. 48. Theodoxus [vide etiam Neritina ] eudeli sp. n. Phu-Yen, Sowerby Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 320. Trochus niloticus , Hedley 212. f Trochus cf. perianus Orb., Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 449. — T. bomasensis sp. n. Miocene Java, Martin Sainml. Geol. Iteichsmus. Leiden 2 p. 261. — T. ( Tectus ?) crassi - plicatus sp. n. Lias Peru, Tilmann Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 41 p. 077. — T. vistulae ?, Ravn 368. f Turbo ( Senectuis ) neuvillei sp. n. Miocene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Actes Soc. linn. Bordeaux 69 p. 324. — T. deningeri sp. n. Miocene Java, Martin Sainml. Geul. Iteichsmus. Leiden 2 p. 201. Stomatiidae, Haliotidae, Pleuro- TOMARIIDAE & FlSSUllELLIDAE. Gena slrigosa minor var. n. Australia, Odiiner Vet.-Ak. Ilandl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 43. IJaliotis ecology, Townsend 438. Megathura Pilsb, (— Macrochasma Hall), Iredale 238. f Pleurotomaria cf. subfasciata Orb., Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 424. f Scissurella euglypla, Hedley 215. Scutus with S. astrolabeus nom. mut. (= Parmophorus australis Q. & G. non Lam.), Hedley Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 41 pp. 704-700. yTrochotoma barremica sp. n. Ur- gonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 29. Tugalia witli T. bascauda sp. n. New Zealand etc., Hedley Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 41 pp. 695-099. 43 Moll. Systematic — OnsTiionRANciiiA. 2231 Acmaeldae and Patellidae. Acmaca with A. parasitica p. 419 sp. n. Chile, Thiem Jenaische Zeitschr. 54 pp. 415-420. f Acmcea simplex sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 181. Helcioitiscus ardosiaeus anatomy, Thiem 429. Nazella anatomy, Thiem 429. Patella vulgata anatomy, Thiem 429 ; P: vulgata, depressa, Cooke 100 ; P:, Krumbach 263. f Patella subquadrala sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 182. Scurria, Thiem 429. f Scurria asymmztrica sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 30. — 8. peruana sp. n. Lias Peru, Tilmann Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 41 p. 076. Incertae Sedis. f Trajanella brevispira sp. h. Cre- taceous Moghara* Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 140. Opisthobranc’iia (iuc’.udmg Pteropoda and Heteropoda). f Actaeon parvum sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 172. — A. sp. afT. relicosa, N0rregaard Medd. Dansk geol. Foren. 5 (1) p. 35. — A. merriami sp. n. Eoecne California, Warino Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 81. — Acteon semispiralis , subovalis, spp. n., Tertiary New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N. Z. Inst. 49 pp. 457, 458.— A; subtornatilis sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry 6 Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 150. ; Acteocina with A. honoluluemis p. 216 sp. n. Honolulu, Pilsbry Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 215-216. ] Acteocina subbullala sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 150. f Acteo.i vide f Actaeon. \Acteonnella gracilis sp. n. Cretaceous Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 147. f Ahera gregbryi sp. n. Cretaceous Angola, Newton Trans. R. Soc. Edin- burgh 51 p. 578. Anopsia Gist. (= V err illops yche Cossm., Halopsyclie Kfstn. preocc. & Psyche Rang preocc.), Iredale 238. \ Apluslrum(l) selwynensis sp. n. Cre- taceous New Zealand, Trechmann Geol Mag. London (6) 4 p. 337. Aplysia punctata nervous system, Gothlin 193. — A. californica locomo- tion, Parker 346. Arcidoris tuberculala antarctica, A * granulatissima var. & sp. n. Antarctic, Vayssiere Deux. Exp; Antarct. Fr.. Moll. amph. gast (Opisth. et Prosobr.) 1917 pp. 16, 17. Atys with A. lcuhnsi p. 216, cornu’a p. 217, spp. n., Hawaiian Is.* Pilsbry Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 216- 219. f Atys cinctorii , sulculorum, spp. n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson t.c. p. 152. Bulla tenuisculpla sp. n. Australia, Odiiner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 12. Cepkalobr.achia bo.mevii sp.n. N. Atlantic, Massy Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc. 15 p. 237. Ceratosoma corallinum sp.n. Australia, Odiiner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 60. Chioraera with C. dalli p. 147 sp.n. British Columbia, Heath Proc; Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 137-148. Chromodoris zebra, Crozier, 113, 115, 116, 117.— C. glands, Crozier 112. Clione Umaciua, Bigelow 33. Glio iopsis longecirrata sp. n. N. At- lantic, Massy Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc. 15 p. 235. Cuvierina columndla anatomy, Bon- nevie 42. Cybulia pero.iii spermatogenesis, Sciiitz 387. f Cylindrites deserli sp. n. Bajocian Moghara, Douvilljs Blem. Acad. Scf. Paris 54 p. 28. Doridopsis guttata sp. n. Australia, Odiiner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 62. 44 Moll. VIII. Mollusca [I917J Euribia vide Hydromyles. Gleba chrysosticta spermatogenesis, Schitz 387. Halopsyche vide Anopsia. Haminea aperta oahuensis Oahu, H. curia tomaculum Honolulu subspp. n., Pilsbry Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. €9 p. 219. f Haminea cingulata sp. n. Miocene New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N.Z. Inst. 49 p. 458. Hermaea dendrilica , Evans & Evans 158. Hydromyles Gist. {— Theceurybia Kfstn. & Euribia Rang piejcc.), Ire- dale 238. f Hyolithellus hector i sp. n. Cambrian British Columbia, Walcott Smithsonian Mi o. Coll. 67 p. 27; | Hyolithes cecrops sp. n. Cambrian British Columbia, Walcott t.c. p. 27. Lamellidoris aspera, Evans & Evans 158. Limacina, Bigelow 33. Madrella ferruginosa anatomy, Odh- NEii 328. Newnesia antarctica anatomy, Vays- siere 447. Notodiaphana nom. mut. (= Dia- phanella Thiele non Cless.) Thiele Nachr. Bl. D. malac. Ges. 49 p. 23. f Nucleopsis major sp. n. Eocene New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N.Z. Inst. 49 p. 458. Pneumodermopsis with P. oligotyla. sp.n. N. Atlantic, Massy Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc. 15 pp. 227-234.— P. ciliata spermatogenesis, Schitz 387. Psyche vide Anopsia. Pteropoda, Massy 297. Pupa thaanumi sp. n. Honolulu, Pils- bry Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 214. f Relusa frigida sp. n. Cainozoic Ant- arctic, Hedley Austral. Ant. Exp. 1911-1914 Geol. 2 p. 88.— 11. biforis .sp.n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pils- bry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 151. Phizorus Montf. (= Volimla Ads. & Volvulclla Newton), Hedley 209. f Ringinella chateleli sp. fl. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 11. Scyllaea lamyi sp. n. Antarctic, Vays- siere Deux. Exp. Antarct. Fr. Moll, amph. gast. (Opistli. et Prosobr.) 1917 p. 19. Spongeobranchaea polycotylu sp. n. N. Atlantic, Massy Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc. 15 p. 234. Theceurybia vide Hydromyles. Thiliptodon allanticus, rotunckilns, spp.n., N. Atlantic, Massy Sci. Proc. R. Dublin Soc. 15 pp. 238, 239 f Tornatellea brevicula sp. n. Cre- taceous Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 147. f Tornalina evoluta sp. n. Eocono Cali- fornia, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 99. Trevelyana marginata sp. n. Aus- tralia, Odhner Vet.-Ak. Ilancll. Stock- holm 52 (10) p. 62. Verrillopsyche vide Anopsia. Volvaria lubrica type Tomlin 434. f Volvula [vide etiam llhizorus ] ornata , parallela, cylichnoides, spp.n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 151. V olvulella vide Rhizorus. Pnlmonata. Testacellidae. Ennea ( Plychotrema ) mucronala minor var.n. West Africa, Germain Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova 7 p. 198. Enneidae, Germain 184. Glandina guttata biology, Vayssiere 445. f Palaeoglandina subg.n. of Poiretia type P. gracilis (Ziet.), Wenz Jalirb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 67 p. 38. + Poiretia with P. ( Pseudoleacina ) producta subcylindrica p. 42 var.n. Oligocene Germany ; P. ( Palaeoglandina ) gracilis Ziet. (= spectabiiis Tlio. in/lata Reuss. anliqua v. Klein & cancellala Sandb.), Wenz t.c. pp. 37-44. 45 MoU . SYSTEMATIC. — PuLMONATA. 2231 f Pseudoleacina subg.n. of roirclia type P. sandbergeri (Tho.), Wenz t.c. p. 40. \Testacella sandbergeri sp.n. Oligoccne Germany, Wenz t.c. p. 30. Limacidae, Phylomycidae and ZONITIDAE. Agriolimax agrestis, Baker 12a. Ambloxis Raf. (= Melanihe Bowd. & Campeloma Raf.), Pilsbry 353. f Archaegopis subg.n. of Zoniies type Z. discus Tho. (— T. imbricata Sandb.), Wenz Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 67 p. 49. Avion ater nervous system, Gothlin 193, synonymy, Nobre 324. Arionidae, Sich 402. Ariophanta infausta anatomy, God- win-Austen 192. ? Alopos (Prisma) australis anatomy, Odhner 328. Campeloma vide Ambloxis. Geodiaphana nom. mut. ( — Dia- phanella Hesse non Ciess.) Thiele Naclir.-Bl.D. malac. Ges. 49 p. 23. Ilelicarion bullaceus sp.n. Queens- land, Odhner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stock- holm 52 (16) p. 77. Helicarionidae, Germain 184. Hemiplecta foersteri, Kobelt 259. Hemphillia malonei sp.n. Oregon, Pilsbry Nautilus 30 p. 117. Limacidae , Sion 402. Limax arborum subrufa in Colorado, Cockerell 92. — L. maximus oogenesis, Fischer 163. Melanihe vide Ambloxis. Macrochlamys suluralis sp.n. Aus- tralia, Odhner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stock- holm 52 (16) p. 81. Microcystis with M. fulva sp.n. Australia, Odhner t.c. p. 78. f Microcystis aniiqua sp.n. Quater- nary Australia, Odhner t.c. p. 97. \Pachymilax sandbergeri Bttg. ms sp.n. Oligoccne Germany, Wenz Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 67 p. 45. Phylomycus ( Pallifera ) arizonensis . sp. n. Arizona, Pilsbry Nautilus 30 p. 119. Sitala quadricarinala sp.n. Borneo,. Gude Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 315. Trochonanina ( Martensia ) germaint depressa mut.n. Kilwa, Germain Bull. Mus. Paris 1916 p. 250. — T. ( Trocho - zoniies) ibuensis albocarinata var.n. Fcrnando-Poo, Germain Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova 7 p. 220. Vilrea (Paravitrea) conecuhcnsis sp.n. Alabama, Clapp Nautilus 30 p. 138. — V. lucida, Carter 61. Vitrina pyrenaica & V. hibernica, Kennard & Woodward 254. Zonites ( Aegopis ) obenbergeri sp.n. Dalmatia, Frankenberoer Nachr.- Bl. D. malak, Ges. 49 p. 24. — Z. festae sp.n. Rhodes I., Pollonera Boll. Mus* Zool. Torino 31 (716) p. 3. — Z. algirua feeding habits; Vignal 449. Zonilidae, Kennard & Woodwari> 254. Endodontidae. Endodonla (Thaumatodon) tomlini sp. n. Guam, Gude Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 317. — E. ( Charopa ) tumida, inter- media, spp. n., Australia, Odhner Vet-. Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) pp. 72, 85. Flammvlina cumulus sp. n. Queens- land, Odhner t.c. p. 84. Helicidae & Acantiiinulidae. Acanihinula [vide ctiam Helix ] geni- talia, Boycott 49, 53, Steenberg 414. Acantiiinulidae fam. n. for Acanthinula and Vallonia , Steenberg Vid. Medd. Dansk naturh. Foren. 69 p. 14. Albea may rani corrugala var. n. Morocco, Pallary J. Conchyliol. 63 pp. 130-141. Archelix with A. ( Atlasica ) massesy - lica cum var. minor, A. le chatelierir cavelliana, slessica, galiyana cum. varr. minor, biderdiculata, vernicata, spp. and varr. n. Morocco ; A.polita Gass. nom. n. for II. laclea polita Gass. ( = II. lucen - tumensis Bgt. and II. punctata maurula Kob.) A. p. mahroufiana var. n. Morocco A. lariollei var. pauli ( = A. pauli Dautz. non Bgt.) A. (?) mineltei sp. n. Morocco, Pallary J. Conchyliol. 63 pp. 130-141. 46 Moll. VIII. Mollusea. [1917] Ariophgnta ( Hemipleciq ). incliuula, Fulton 170c. Ashfordia gen. n. Type II. granulata Alder, Taylor Mon. L. and F. W. Moll. • British Isles pt. 23 p. 69. Ashmunella with A. binneyi p. 91 mendax p. 92 cocker elli.p. 90, spp. n., A. c. perobtusa, argenticolq p. 91 A . telrodon fragilis, animorum p. 89, subspp. n., New Mexico, Pilsbry & Ferriss Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila. 69 pp. 88-93. Allcisica subsect. n. of Archelix type A. atlasica Mssn., Pallary J. conchy - liol. 63 p. 133. Gampylcea ( Liburnica ) nicolai geni- talia, Fran ken berger 168.— C., Caziot 82, 85. Gepaea [vide etiam Helix ] hortensis , Schlesch 394. — G. mi&triaca at Miihl- hausen, W. 451. ] Gepaea alloiodes (Tho.) ( — II. deflexa Sandb. and none Tho.), Wenz 164. Gepolis ovumreguli and hi ci pet a habits, Henderson 218. Chloritis bilabiata sp. n. Australia, Odhner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 . (16) p. 85, — G. ( Sulcobasis ) keysseri , G. ( Sphaerospira ) lmoni, Kobelt 259. | Gyriochilus affinis (Tho.) ( = Helix expansilabris Sandb.), Wenz 164. Epiphragrnophora callistoderma Pilsb. and Ferr. sp. n. California [without characters], Ferriss Nautilus 31 p. 33 pi. vii. f. 3. — E. callistoderma genitalia, Pilsbry Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila. 69 p. 47. — E.fidelis albinistic, Malone 280. Eulota [vide etiam Helix ] luhuana, qucesila and perry i, Fulton 170c. — E. similaris locomotion, Olmsted 333. — E. fruticum, Kennard & Woodward 250. Ever cilia robust a sp. n. Borneo, Gude Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 315. Frulicicola [vide etiam Helix] biconica sp. n. Switzerland, Eder Nachr.-Bl. D, malak. Ges. 49 p. 119 and Rev. Suisse Zool. 25 p. 441. Qeotrochus ogcramuensis, Kobelt 259. Hdicella itala, Bowell 46. — II. erice- iorum in Sweden, Holmquist 229. — H. virgata, Jackson 243. — H. veglecla, Kennard & Woodward 252. j- Helicidae, Kennard & Woodward 254. Helix (Mvrella )serpentina sarda yar .n . , Sardinia Caziot Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 41 p. 79. — II. ericetorum Geoffroy non Mull, Caziot 80. — H. simplicula and II. annai, Caziot 81. — II. pyramidala , Caziot 84. — II. (Frulicicola) rubiginosa ehrmarmi var. n. Germany, Muller Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 p. 27 .—II. (Eulota) inchoata Morel. ( == brigantina Men- go), Nobre 324. — II. aspersa anatomy, G aten by 172. — II. pomalia nervous system, Huntze 234, hibernation, Roos 382, seminal cells, Schegolev 386. — II. nemoralis pseudoaustriaca , II. n. marginatci, Schmid 398. — Il.n., Stamm 410, Trueman 442. — H. (Acanthinula) harpa, Schlesch 389. — II. hispida morchi, Sciilescii 396. — II. hortensis, Sw Anton 421.—//., variation in size Buchner 57. \ Helix cf. delpkinensis Font. Stefa - nini Mem. 1st. Geol. Univ. Padova 4 p. 39. — II. binisalemi sp. n. Mesozoic Mallorca, Vidal Mem. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 10 p. 356. f Hemistenolrema guadrisinuosa var. heydeni riom. n. for II. heydeni Bttg., Wenz Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 67 p. 64. Hygromia [vide etiam Helix ] umbrosa with II. u. , rubra var. n. Salzburg, Taylor Mon. L. and F. W. Moll. British Isles pt. 23 pp. 65-68. — II. striolata, Taylor 425, 426, 427. — II. revelatci, Taylor 426, Tomlin 437. | Lychnopsis gen. n. of Helicidae type L. bojilli sp. n. Mesozoic Mallorca, Vidal Mem. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. IQ pp. 357, 358. f Lychwus hermitei sp. n. Mesozoic Mallorca, Vidal t..c. p. 356. Macularia, Caziot 83. \Omphalosagda goldfussi depressa var. n. Oligocene Germany. Wenz Jahrb. Nassau Ver. Naturk. 67 p. 52. Oreohelix pilsbryi sp. n. Carolina Ferriss Nautilus 30 p. 102. — O. handi sp. n. Nevada, Ferriss Nautilus 31 p. 33.— O. with O. swopei sp. n. p. 93 O. metcalfei concent rica, radiata p. 97 aculi- discus, hermosensis p. 98 cuchillensis p. 99 subspp. n. New Mexico, O. pilsbryi Ferriss figured, Pilsbry & Ferriss Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Pliila. 69 pp. 93-102. 0., genitalia, Pilsbry 349. — O., Henderson & Daniels 219. 47 Moll. Systematic.— Pulmonata. 2231 .■ Oxychona Pilsbry 357. Pdpuina caput serpen sis, finisterren- sis , Kobelt 259. f Planispira praehadra sp. n. Quater- nary Australia, OftnNER Vct.-Ak. Handl. .. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 97: Polygyra labrosa fimbriaia var. n. ' Arkansas, P. albolabris tmd z dcia, Olatp Nautilus 30 pp. 139-140. — P. texasiana /. illandsiae subsp. n. Texas, Cockerell Nautilus 31 p. 36. Pseudhelicarion fasligata sp. n. Guam, Gude Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 316. \Pyramidula ( Gonyodiscus ) bohcmica sp. n. ( = Helix mullicostala Auctt. non Tho.) Oligocene Bohemia, Wenz Jahrb. Nassau Ver. Naturk. 67 p. 57. Sonarella rooscvclHana : sp. n. Arizona, Berry Nautilus 31 p. 14. \ Strobilops fischeri sp. n. (= diptyx ‘ “ Klika ” Bttg. non Klika) Cainozoie Germany, Wenz Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 67 p. 107. Theba with T. cantiand tenuis England T. c. major Europe, varr. n. T. carlu- siava scalare monsJr. n., Taylor Mon. L. and F. W. Moll. British Isles pt. 23 pp. 77-111. Thersiles casfanea sp. fl. Australia, Odiiner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 87. Trichodiscina crinila sp. n. Colombia, Fulton Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 240. ■\Tropidomphalus arnoldi (Tho.) ( = Helix lepidotricha Sandb.), Wenz 184. Vallonia pvlchella var. coslala ana- tomy, Steenbero 414. Xerophila, Taylor 424. Zachrysia ramsdeni Pilsb. and Z. emarginata Pfr. figd, Nautilus 31 pi. vii. Bulimic ae & Bulimulidae. Ampliidromus with A. malindangen- sis , apoensis, basilanensis , floresi, mearnsi, bilatanensis, hidalgoi, suluensis, mindoroensis, spp. n., A. vidculiferus cataganensis, A. m. colobatensis, A. in. buluanensis, A. in. boholensis, A. m. samarensis, A. in. cosmius , A. ento- baptus virido/lavus, A. c. culionensis, A. e. busuanxjensis , A. quadrasi pala- wensis , subspp. n., Philippine Is. A. inflatus nom. n. for A. maculiferus inflatus Fulton, A. pallidwlus nom. n. for A. (Chloi is) pallululus Pilsb., A. calista nom. n. for A. chloris calisla , purissimus & rosa Pilsb., A. ento- baplus linapacensis, A. e. coronensis nomm. mut. (~A. c. gracilis & A. e. contractus Mlldlf . nomm. nud.), Bartscii U. S. Nation. Mus. Bull. 100 pp. 1-40. f Bulimus darderi sp. n. Cretaceous Mallorca, Vidal Mem. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 10 p. 355. Bulimulus ( Naesiotus ) saeronius p. 9, trogonius Galapagos Is. B. (Scutalus ?) apurimaceiisis Peru, spp. n., Hall Proc, Biol. Soc. Washington 30 pp. 9, 10. — B. dealbalus, Crabb 109. Partula newcombianum, Fulton 170c. Placostylus evolution, Suter 422. Enidae, Urocotttdae, Pupillidae & Vertiginidae. ] Acanlhopupa gen. n. of Vertiginidae type A. joossi sp. n. Oligocene Ger- many, Wenz Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 67 pp. 103, 104. Anauchen gen. n. of Pupillidae type Boysidia gereti Bav. & Dautz., Pilsbry Man. Conch. 23 p. 188. Aulacospira , Pilsbry 352. Botliriopupa with B. geminidens p. 228 Venezuela, breviconus p. 230 Guatemala, spp. n., Pilsbry Man. Conch. 23 pp. 226-232. Boysidia j Pilsbry 352. Clausilia ( Albinaria ) atavirensis p. 7, rhodia, hoshinensis , spp. n., Rhodes I., Pollonera Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino 31 (716) pp. 7, 8.^ — O. plicata Drap. (= G. portensis Luso), Nobre 324. — C. structure, Merkel 308, Schmid 397. Fauxulella . sect; n. of Fauxulus type F. pamphorodon Bs., Pilsbry Man. Conch. 23 p. 241. Fauxulus with F. glanvillianus no- venarius p. 250 Grahaiustown, subsp. n. F. ( Tomigerella ) layardi Bs. (= Ptupa soluta Pfr.), Pilsbry t.c. pp. 234-254. 48 Moll . VIII. Mollusca. [1917] Gaslrocopta with G. mocllendorjjiana p. 145 Philippines, laid p. 165, hedleyi p. 166, mussoni p. 167 Australia, spp. n., G. lienardiana eudeli p. 133 Bourbon, G. pediculus Shuttl. (= Pupa arlensis Montr. samoensis Mouss. niteus Psc. & hyalina Zeleb.) G. p. queens- landica p. 159 Queensland, G. mac- donnelli (r= P. macleayi Braz.) G. m. macrodon p. 165 New Guinea, G. larapinta deserti p. 170 Australia subspp. n., G. lyonsiana kailuana p. 143 Oahu form, n., G. procera sler- kiana p. 127 nom. mut. (= duplicata Sterki non Prest.) 0. neocaledonica p. 154 nom. mut. (= P. obstructa Gass, non Braun), Pilsbry t.c. pp. 118-172. f Gastrocopta with G. undorfensis nom. mut. (= Pupa miliolum Cless. non miliola Orb.) p 117, Pilsbry t.c. pp. 113-117. Gyliauchen gen. n. of Pupillidae type Hyps, hung erf ordiana Mlldlf., Pilsbry t.c. pp. 173, 210. Ilolospira ( Ilaplocion ) bryanlwalkeri sp. n. Mexico, Pilsbry Nautilus 30 p. 124, Hypselosloma with II. annamiticum altius p. 181 subsp. n. Annam, Pilsbry Man. Conch. 23 pp. 175-188. | Hypselosloma australis sp. n. Qua- ternary Australia, Odhner Vet.-Ak Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 98. Jaminia triplicata & J. muscorum. Dean & Tomlin 132. \Laminifera maltiaca nom. mut. (= Cl. (L.) fischeri Bttg. non Mich.), Wenz Jalirb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 67 p. 84. Nesopupa farquhari sp. n. South Africa, Pilsbry Nautilus 31 p. 50. Odontocyclas, Pilsbry 352. Pagodinella nom. mut. (= Pagoiula Hesse non. Monts.) Thiele Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 p. 24. Paraboysidia subg. n. of Boysidia type B. paviei B. & D., Pilsbry Man. Conch. 23 pp. 173, 201. Pupilla muscorum idahoensis subsp. n., Henderson & Daniels Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 57. — P. blandi pithodes subsp. n. New Mexico, Pilsbry & Ferriss t.c. p. 103. — P. sterri, Kolasius 261. Racliis burnayi zebra , fasciala, mutt, n., West Africa, Germain Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova 7 pp. 233, 234. Systenostoma, Pilsbry 352. Vertigo modesta subsp. n. New Mexico, Pilsbry & Ferriss Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 104. f Vertigo ( Alaea ) trolli sp. n. Miocene Silesia, Wexz Jalirb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 67 p. 102. Stenogyridae, Coeijaxidae & Aciiatinidae. Achatinidae, Germain 184. Bocageia ( Petriola ) monticola mar- ginata, maxima mut. & var. n. San- Thome, Germain Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova 7 pp. 268, 270. Cochlicopa lubrica , Bowell Proc, Malac. Soc. 47. Codiaxidae fam. n., Germain Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova 7 p. 299. Curvella afra sp. n. East Africa, Boettger Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 p. 124. Gomphroa boissyi, Martel 292. Loboa brunoi gen. & sp. n. of Acha- tinidae Trinity I., von Ihering Nautilus 30 p. 121. Pseudoglessula with P. fuscidula thomensis var. n. San-Thome p. 280, Germain Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova 7 pp. 272-284. — P. leroyi obesa mut. n. Kilwa, Germain Bull. Mus. Paris 1916 p. 257. Slenogyrinae , Germain 184. Subulina ( Subuloua ) kilwaensis sp. n. Kilwa, Germain Bull. Mus. Paris 1916 p. 258. SUCCINEIDAE, VERONICELLIDAE & Oncidiidae. Lucena nomenclature, Woodward 477. Oncis cinerea sp. n. West Australia, Odiiner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 73. Succinca elegans hibernation Hadden 206. — S., Kennard & Woodward 254. Veronicella schivelyoe locomotion, Olmsted 333. 49 Moll. S YSTEMATIO. — PULMONATA. 2231 Ellobiidae, Limnaeidae & Physidae. Acella haldemani, Baker 12. Ancylidce, Baker 11, Walker 457. Ancylus burnupi, Cawston 79. — A . fluviatilis synonymy, Nobre 324. Bullinus with B. tenuistriatus con- fluens var. n. Echuca, B. t. varr. punc- turatus, texturatus, arachnoideus & waterhousei, B. acutispira varr. yarra- ensis, tenuilirala & etheridgii, B. alicice var. kershawi nomm. n. for Physa punclurala & texturata Sow. arachnoidea Ten. Woods waterhousei Cless. yarra- ensis Ten. Woods tenuilirala & etheridgii Smith & kershawi Ten. Woods, Hedley Rec. Austral. Mus. 12 pp. 3-6. — B. contortus as host of disease, Becker 21. ] Carychium moenanum sp. n. Oligo- cene Germany, Wenz Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 p. 161. ]Cassidula de-gasperii sp. n. Tor- tonian Veneto, Stefanini Mem. 1st. Geol. Univ. Padova 4 p. 41. Ferrissia chudeaui sp. n. Senegal, Germain Bull. Mus. Paris 1917 p. 526. Ferrissiince subfam. n. of Ancylidce, Walker Nautilus 31 p. 2. Gundlachia hinkleyi sp. n. Guate- mala, Walker Nautilus 31 p. 51. Heterodiscus Westld. invalid, Hesse 223. Isidora as host of disease, Cawston 64, 65, 75, 79. — Isodora with 7. hainesii varr. pilosa, crebreciliata & brazieri, I. newcombi varr. inflata & physopsis nomm. n. for Physa pilosa & crebre- ciliata Ten. Woods brazieri Smith inflata Ad. & Angas and Limnaea physopsis Cooke, Hedley Rec. Austral. Mus. 12 pp. 6-8. Isodora vide Isidora. Limncea {Radix) africana guidi- mouniensis var. n. N. Africa, Germain Docs. sci. Miss. Tilho 1916 p. 294. L. auricularia, Bolam 41. — L. natal- ensis as host of disease, Cawston 65- 68, 72, 75, 76, 79 ; L. attenuata figd., Contreras 99. — L. as host of disease, Faust 160 ; L. peregra, Lundquist 277 ; L. stagnalis, Murray 314 ; L. limosa, Rajat 364, 365. — L., variation, Buchner 57, phylogeny, Hedley 213 ; L., Kennard & Woodward 254, Schlesch 393, Steenberg 415. n-4840 r) Limnea vide Limnaea. Lymnaea vide Limnaea. Lymnaeidae, Baker 11. Otina otis , Stelfox 419. Physa mexicana figd., Contreras 99. — P. gyrina as host of disease, Faust 160. — P. heteroslropha in Lanca- shire, Taylor 423. Physidae, Baker 11. Physopsis africana as host of disease, Becker 21, 22, Cawston 63 to 79. Phytia ornata figd., Hedley 213. Planorbidae, Baker 11. Planorbis { Paraspira ) fouladougou- ensis • sp. n. Senegal, Germain Bull. Mus. Paris 1917 p. 523. — P. corneus praetexta var. n. Russia, Hilbert Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 pp. 79, 189, Reinhard t.c. p. 138. — P. trivolvis , Arcy 9. — P. tenue figd., Contreras 99. — P. trivolvum ali- mentary canal, Lewis & Jewell 276. — P. dilatalus in Lancashire, Taylor 423. — P. as host of disease, Becker 21, Cawston 64, 65, 67, 68, 75-79, Faust 160 ; P., variation, Buchner 57 ; P., Steenberg 415. f Planorbis aucapitainei Bgt. & du- veyrieri Desh., Germain 177. Rhodacmea gen. n. of Ancylus typ e A. filosus Conr. with R. {Rhodac- mea) cahawbenis, R. {Rhodocephala) rhodacme, gwatkiniana, spp. n., Ala- bama, Walker Nautilus 31 pp. 1-10. Rhodacmea sect. n. of Rhodacmea, Walker t.o. p. 6. Rhodacmeince subfam. n. of Ancylidce , Walker t.o. p. 5. Rhodocephala sect. n. of Rhodacmea, Walker t.o. p. 8. Inoertae Sedis. f Aphanoconia extincta sp. n. Quater- nary Australia, Odhner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 98. Caucasicola nom. mut. {— Ilelle* Hesse 1916 non Osten-Sacken 1896), Hesse Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 p. 122. Maltzanella nom. mut. (= Maltzania * Hesse 1916 non Bttg. 1881), Hesse t.c. p. 122. * See note overleaf. b 11 50 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1917] Maurohelix nom. mut. (= Wieg- mannia * Hesse 1916 non Collinge 1901), Hesse t.c. p. 122. Pseudofigulina nom. mut. (= Pe- lasga* Hesse 1916 non Pelasgis Ragonot 1890), Hesse t.c. p. 123. *The paper in which these pre- occupied names were published will be included in the Zool. Record for 1918. Scaphopoda. f Dentalium barremicum sp. n. Ur- gonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 31. — D. rutteni, sokkohense, spp. n., Miocene Java, Martin Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden 2 p. 262 —D. solidissimum, cartagenense, spp. n., Oligocene Colom- bia, Pilsbry & Brown Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 37. — D. sagittarii sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson t.c. p. 185. — D., Trechmann 440. Pelecypoda or Lamellibranchia. OSTRAOEA TeTRABRANOHIA. f Alectryonia ( Oslrea ) marshii longis- triata var. n. Bajocian Peru, Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 441. Anomia aculeata larva, Stafford 409; A., Monterosato 309. f Anomia gabbi sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila 69 p. 193. f Arctosirea avila sp. n. Bathcnian Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 57. f Exogyra cf. flabellata Goldf., New- ton Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 51 p. 664. Gryphaea , Monterosato 309. f Gryphaea cf. dilatata Sow., Jaw- orski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 442. f Heligmus integer p. 33 Bajocian, laevis p. 60 spp. n. H. rollandi asiatica p. 59 race n. Bathonian Moghara, Dou- ville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 pp. 33, 59-60. \Liogryphea costellata sp. n. Bath- onian Moghara, Douville t.c. p. 58. . Monia, Monterosato 309. Oslrea edulis larva, Dantan 127 ; O.e.,* Houlbert & Galaine 232; O. virgmiana, MacBride 279 ; O. v.ir- ginica larva, Stafford 409 ; O., ecology, Townsend 438, Copeland 105, propa- gation, Nelson 318 ; O., Monterosato 309. | Oslrea bomasensis , spolongensis, spp. n., Miocene Java, Martin Samml. Geol. Mas. Leiden 2 p. 263 ; O. vaughani insularis subsp. n. Santo Domingo O. cahobaseusis sp. n. Haiti, O. Sculp - turata osculum subsp. n. Colombia, Oligocene Pilsbry & Brown Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 40.— O. bolus sp. n. Oligocene Haiti, Pilsbry 6 Johnson t.c. p. 193. — O. celtica, Bell 24 ; O., Fourtau 233, Tilmann 432. Oslreola, Monterosato 309. Operculella gen. n. (?) type O. operculata sp. n. Mediterranean and Atlantic, Monterosato Ann. Mus. Genova (3) 7 p. 15. Pycnodonta with P. lalicardo, florid bunda, spp. n., P.f. digitata var. n. Palermo, Monterosato t.c. pp. 12, 13. Pectin acia. f Camptonectes cf. annulalus Sow. , aalensis sp. n. Jurassic Gloucestershire, Paris & Richardson Q. J. Geol. Soc. London 71 p. 523. f Chlamys articulata notgroviensis, sauzearca, varr. n. Jurassic Gloucester- shire, Paris & Richardson t.c. pp. 525, 526 ; <7., Fourtau 233, Stefanini 418. f Eopecten cf. urgonensis Piet, and Camp., Cossmann Mem. Soo. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 43. — E. articulatus , doultingensis, spp. n., Jurassic British Is., Paris & Richardson Q. J. Geol. Soc. London 71 p. 531. f Flabellipecten, Stefanini 418. Lima dehiscens, Cate 62. f Lima belli sp. n. Oligocene Washing- ton, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 172. — L. (Plagiostomci) middle- tonensis sp. n. Cretaceous Yorkshire, Sheppard Naturalist 1917 p. 310. — L. cf. itierina Piet, and Roux, Newton Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 51 p. 569 ; L. globosa , Ravn 368. — L. perrini Waring and haseltiuei Dickerson, Waring 466. 51 Moll Systematic. — Peleoytoda. 2231 f Neithea with N. angoliensis sp. n. Cretaceous Angola, Newton Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 51 pp. 565-568. f Palceopecten dauby i, Reed 171. Pecten difformis sp. n. Australia, Odhner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 15. — P. magellanicus larva, Stafford 409 f Pecten smithi Virginia, P. ( Nodo - pecten) vaccamavensis North Carolina Miocene, spp. n., Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 p. 49 ; P. plurinominis p. 193 ischnon, P. (Amusium ?) correctus Oligocene Santo Domingo, P. uselmoe Miocene Jamaica, spp. n., Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pj>. 193, 194. — P. peruanus, tingen- sis, spp. n., Lias Peru, TilMann Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil Bd. 41 pp. 673, 674. — P. ( Propeamusium ) cowperi sp. n. Cretaceous California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 63. — P. ( Chlamys ) cf. erslevi Harder, Bell Geol. Mag. London 4 p. 416. — - P. ( Amussium ) “ sp. n,” P. cf. tigerinus Mull. Miocene Denmark, N0rregaard Medd. Dansk geol. Foren 5 (1) pp. 9, 8. — P. cf. anomalus Terq. and Jour., Paris & Richardson Q. J. Geol. Soc. London 71 p. 533. — P. dubrisien- sis, orbicularis, Ravn 368. — P., Fourtau 233 ; Jaworski 244 ; Stef- ANINI 418 ; 0YEN 341. f Pectenidae, Paris & Richardson 345. \Plagyostoma cf. semicirculare Goldf., P. cf. rigidum Sow., DouvillUj Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 76. f Vola, Jaworski 244 ; Tilmann 432. Mytilaoea. ] Aphanaia, Trechmann 439. f Avicula cf. costata Sow., Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 435. — A. pectinata figd., Ravn 368. f Crenella diulurna, rota, spp. n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 195. f Diaphragmella gen. n. of Aviculidoe with D. merismopteroides sp. n. Permo- Carboniferous New South Wales, Ethe- ridge Rec. Austral. Mas. 11 p. 222. Dreissensia polymorpha, Otterstrom 340, Schlesoh 392, Zaunick 480. \Gervillia orientalis sp. n. Callovian Moghara, Douvill& Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 59. — G. cf. lamellosa Lep., Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 416. \Glyptodesma (?) bundanoonensis sp. n. Permo-Carboniferous New South Wales, Etheridge Rec. Austral. Mus. 11 p. 223. f Gosseletia (?) tawneyi sp. n. Silurian British Is., Reed Proc. Cotteswold Nat. F. C. 19 p. 163. f Inoceranms with I. pembertoni p. 61 sp. n. Cretaceous California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 pp. 61-62.— I. orbicularis figd., Ravn 368. \Lithophaga yorkensis sp. n. Miocene Virginia, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 p. 51. \Modiola chateleti sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 40. — M. progo'ensis, bar - baliaeformis, spp. n. Miocene Java, Martin Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden 2 p. 264. — Modiolus pulchellus Virginia, giganloides North .Carolina, spp. n., Miocene, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 pp. 50, 51. Mytilus edulis larva, Stafford 409, ecology, Wright 479 ; M., Meek 299. f Mytilus aquitanicus taramellii var. n. Tortonian Veneto, Stefanini Mem. 1st. Geol. Univ. Padova 4 p. 150. fj Pinna, Jaworski 244. ‘ \P achy mytilus exogyroides sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 39. f Septifer elegans sp. n. Eocene Cali- fornia, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 79. Arcaoea. Area botanica, metella , spp. n.. New South Wales, Hedley Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 pp. 680, 681 ; A., Lamy 271. \Arca washingtoniana sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 166. — A. ( Scapharca ) 52 Moll. VIII. Mollusca [1917] sobrina nom. mut. (= consobrina Sow. non Orb.) A. (S.) copiosa p. 186 devexa, intumulata p. 187, proletaria, coccop- leura, p. 188, yd. cyclica p. 189, perfaceta, pomponiana, p. 190, cuneolus jj. 191, spp. n., A. tolepia saxea, scapularis, crassicardinis, p. 189 subspp. n. Oligo- cene Santo Domingo A. dolaticosta p. 188 Oligocene Chiriqui, idiodon p. 191 Tertiary N. Carolina, spp. n., Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 186-192. — A. kelirensis, malax - ana, p. 265, sundaiana, spp. n., Miocene Java, Martin Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden 2 pp. 265-266. — A. cf. mary- landica Conr., Shimer Amer. J. Sci. 41 p. 255. | Barbatia gabbi sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 167. \Cucu\laca with C. youngi p. 59 sp. n. Cretaceous California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 pp. 59, 75, 92. — C. cf. quadrata Tomq., Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 444. \Idonearca orientalis, descrti, spp. n., Cretaceous Moghara, Douvill6 Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 pp. 175, 176. \Leda merriami sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 166. — L. decorata sp. n. Jurassic Moghara, DouviliJj Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 61. — L. radiata sp. n. Miocene Java, Martin Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden 2 p. 266. — L. extricata nom. mut. ( = acuta Gabb non Conrad) Pilsbry & Johnson, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 185. — L. gracilis, N0rreqaard 325. ]Mallelia elongata sp. n. ? Miocene New Zealand, Marshall, Trans. N.Z. Inst. 49 p. 458. \Nucula margaritifera sp. n. Cretace- ous Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 177. \Nuculites with N. corrugatus, pholus p. 32, ladon, nessus, p. 33, lichas, subplanus, p. 34, trescotti p. 35, robustus p. 36, crassus p. 37, speciosus p. 38, abnormis, chrysippus, p. 39, atreus p. 40, thyestes p. 41, amyous, battus, p. 43, galeus, pelops, p. 44, eurylochus p. 45, lentus p. 46, spp. n., Silurian Maine, Williams Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 54 pp. 29-53. Peclunculus seliger sp. n. Australia, Odhner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 22 ; P., Lamy 269. | Peclunculus (?) bruni sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 38. f Trigonarca, Newton 320. Trigonia uniophora crcbrisculpta var. n. Australia, Odhner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 23. \Trigonia hemisphaerica asiatica race n. Bajocian, T. analoga, depau- perata, orientalis, spp. n., Cretaceous Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 pp. 29, 166, 167, 168. — T. with T. inexspectata p. 377 R. Atuel, burckhardti p. 380 Argentine Liassic, chunumayensis p. 384, praescabroidea p. 385, Bajocian Peru, spp. n., Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 pp. 376-387. — T. cf. hanetiana d’Orb, Treciimann Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 p. 298. — T. smeei, Lange, 274. — T. crcnulata, Newton 320. t Yoldia pisciformis sp. n. Oligocene Colombia, Pilsbry & Brown Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 38. SuBMYTILACEA. Anodonta cygnaea and anatina. Bloomer & Overton 36 ; A. imbecilis, Churchill 89 ; A . cygnea cygnea and piscinalis, Honigmann 230. f Anthony a cf. baudcti Coq., Newton Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 51 p. 572. Aslarte willetti sp. n. Alaska, Dall Nautilus 31 p. 11. — A. quadrans ecology, Blake 34. ]Astarte barremica sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 36. — A. perrini sp. n. Oligo- cene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 168. — A. excavata asiatica race n. Jurassic Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 50. — A. robusta pflixckcri var. n. Bajocian Peru, Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 421. — A. cf. solidula Desh., Bell, Geol. Mag. London 4 p. 417. — A . cf. concentrica Goldf., N0rregaard Medd. Dansk geol. Foren 5 (1) p. 13. — A., Bell 24. 53 Moll. S YSTKMATIC. pELEC YrODA. 2231 f Cardinia denseslriala, andium multi- lamellosa sp. and var. n. Liassic Argen- tine, Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 pp. 376, 420. Cardila, Lamy 268. f Cardita brouzetensis sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 37. — G. ( Carditamera ) weaveri sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 167. — C. dupini deserta var. n. Cretaceous Moghara, DouvillIs Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 162. — G. superioris sp. n. Eocene California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 91. ]Ccelopis cf. langrunensis Bigot, DouvillIe Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 51 p. 61. Condylocardia digueli sp. n. Gulf of California, Lamy Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris 22 p. 443. Contradens cambojensis anatomy, Ortmann 336. Crassatella with C. digueii nom. mut. (= G. undulala Sow. non Lam.) G. sotverbyi nom. mut. (= G. acuminata Sow. non Kob.) G. speciosa A. Ad. (= gibbesi Tuomey and Holmes and / loridana Dali) G. nana A. Ad. and Rve. (= loebbeckei Kob.). G. Icingicola varr. donacina , sulcata, castanea, de- cipiens, cumingi, G. rostrata var. jubar, G. aurora var. carnea, G. pacifica var. varians nomm. n. for G. donacina and sulcata Lam. castanea and decipiens Rve. cumingi A. Ad. jubar Rve. carnea Tate and varians Cpr., Lamy J. con- chyliol 62 pp. 198-251. f Crassatella subregularis sp. n. Cretaceous Moghara, DouviLLfe Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 162. Crassatellidce, Lamy 272. f Grassatellites ( Grassinella ) micro- delta, dolatus, spp. n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phi la. 69 p. 196. — G. with G. triangulatus p. 59 sp. n. Cretaceous California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 pp. 59, 74-75. Cuna, Lamy 272. Diplodon with D. felipponei, fortis, spp. n., Uruguay, Marshall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 53 p. 381. f Dozyia, Bohm 37. f Eriphyla, Bohm, 37. t Eriphylopsis, Bohm, 37. f Freia Boiim, 37. Fusconaia barnesiana and ozarkensis anatomy, Ortmann 337. Lampsilis ventricosa, Churchill 89. — L. texasensis development, Frierson 171.— L. ventricosa cohongoronta , Mar- shall 289 ; L. minor and L. villosa. Van Hyntng 235. M argaritana margaritifera, Sohlesch 395, Steenberg 413. \Modiomorpha mytiliformis sp. n. Permo-Carboniferous New South Wales, Etheridge Rec. Austral. Mus. 11 p. 223. Monocondylaea orbignyana sp. n. Argentine, Doello Jurado Physis 3 p. 260. \Myoconcha cf. rathieri Orb., Dou- villUj Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 73. Nephronaias, Frierson 170. \Opis virginalis sp. n. Eocene Cali- fornia, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 78. — 0. cf. neocomiensis Orb., Douvill£ Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 163. fj Pachyopsis cf. gaulardea Buv., Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 421. Perrierina, Lamy 272. Pseudanodonta rolhomagensis, Bloomer & Overton 36. Psoronaias kuxensis sp. n. Guatemala, Frierson Nautilus 31 p. 48. | Pleronitella inexpectata sp. n. Silurian Wales, Reed Proc. Cottesvvold Nat. F.C. 19 p. 161. Quadrula ebenus , Churchill 89. Spatha adansoni major var. n. Dahomev, Germain Bull Mus. Paris 1917 p. 517. Unio with U. tumidus natermanni var. n. Rumania p. 7, Honigmann Abh. u. Ber. Mus. Magdeburg 2 (4) pp. 4-9. — U. tetralasmus develop- ment, Frierson 17 0a. — U. consentaneus, Geyer, 186, 187. — U. wolwichi, Haas 204. — U. complanatus, Redfield 369. — U., L. 264. Steenberg 415. 54 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1917] \Unio flabellatus protti var. n. Miocene Veneto, Stefanini Atti Acc. Sci. Padova 8 p. 154. — U. f. prottii, U. cf. lorioli Maill and Loc., Stefanini Mem. 1st. Geol. Univ. Padova 4 pp. 144, 146. Unionidae synonymy, Haas 203, 204 ; U., Baker 11, Utterbaok 443, Walker 456. Venericardia, Lamy 268. f Venericardia ( Pleuromeris ) scitu- loides sp. n. Miocene Florida, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 p. 58. — V. aversa, santodomingensis, • spp. n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 196, 197.— F. with V. plani- costa venturensis p. 80 subsp.n. Eocene California Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 pp. 80, 95. Erycinacea. f Bornia virginiana sp. n. Miocene Virginia, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont 5 p. 55. f Erycina regifica sp. n. Miocene South Carolina, Olsson t.c. p. 55. \Rochejorlia ( PytMnella ) filicalicola sp. n. Miocene Virginia, Olsson t.c. p. 56. Solecardia cryptozoica sp. n. Sydney, Hedley Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 p. 684. Card i ac ea. Adacna plicata, Andrusov 4. Cardium with C. ( Gerastoderma ) isosceles p. 59, rectidens p. 60, spp. n., C. r. adusta, fragilis and pulchella Monts. Mss. p. 61, alba, obliquata and supina Monts. Mss. p. 62, minor p. 61, drepanensis, varnensis p. 62, varr. n. Mediterranean, Coen Atti. Acc. ven.- trent. 8 pp. 54-62.— O., Hedley 209. t Cardium woolnoughi sp. n. Pliocene England, Bell Geol. Mag. London 4 p. 418. — G. spolongense p. 266, sok- kohense, djunggranganense, p. 267, automolos, kelirense, p. 268, bomasense, jogjacartense, p. 269, spp. n., Miocene Java, Martin Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden 2 pp. 266-269. f Granocardium simplex, quinque- costatum, spp. n., Cretaceous Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 pp. 159, 160. f Protocardia peregrinorsa ori entails race n. P. Milana prisca mut. n. Cretaceous Moghara, Douville t.c. p. 158.— P. hocki sp. n. Lias Peru Tilmann Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 41 p. 680. \Trachy cardium cf. syriacum Conr., Newton Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 51 p. 573. Ciiamacea. Ghama fibula, Hedley 209 ; G. anatomy, Odhner 328. f Ghama pacifica sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 172. \EcMnochama tr achy derma sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 197. f Hippurites gaudryi and //. giordani, Parona 347. \Toucasia, Newton 320. Conchacea. Gallanailis gen. n. of Veneridae type Venus yalei Gray (= Salacia Jukes -Br. preocc.), Iredale Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 329. Galyculina truncaia reproduction, Gilmore 190. GMone laticostata sp. n. Australia, Odhner Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 26. ] GMone dalli sp. n. Miocene Virginia, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 p. 57. — G. santodomingensis, soda, primigenia, spp. n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 199. — C. cf. amideii Mngh., Stefanini Mem. 1st. Geol. Univ. Padova 4 p. 123. Circe plana sp. n. Australia, Odhner - Vet.-Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 27. •j ■ Circe junghuhni sp. n. Miocene Java, Martin Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden 2 p. 271. 55 MoU. Systematic. — Pelkoytoda. 2231 Clessinia Piaget invalid, Hesse 223. f Coralliophaga (?) barremica sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 31. Corbicula tchadiensis nom. n. for C. tsadiana Mts. Germain Docs. sci. Miss. Tilho 1916 p. 318. f Cyclinella cyclica domingensis subsp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 200. f Cyprina ( Venilicardia ) lagamensis sp. n. Cretaceous Moghara, Douvnxis Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 155. f Gyrena, taramelli, tellinii, spp. n., Oligocene Peonis, Stefanini Atti Acc. Sci. Padova 8 pp. 75, 76. — G. roberti- douvillei sp. n. Miocene Friuli, Ste- fanini t.c. p. 156 and Mem. 1st. Geol. tJniv. Padova 4 p. 131. f Diplodonta dalli sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 171. — D. dedecoris sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 198. Dosinia grata, Gatliff & Gabriel 173. f Dosinia azuana sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 200. — D. milthoidea sp. n. Cretaceous California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 60. ^ Ensis sclimidli sp. n. Miocene Vir- ginia, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 p. 53. — E. cf. ensis SchUm., Gripp Neu. Jahrb. Min. ■ Stuttgart Beil.- Bd. 41 (1) p. 32. Gouldia californica sp. n. California, Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 51 p. 579. Hemidonax, Lamy 272. f Isocardia with /. chicoensis p. 62 sp. n. Cretaceous California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 pp. 62, 93. \ Macrocallista cordata p. 62 Cretace- ous, stantoni p. 77 Eocene California, Waring t.c. pp. 62, 77. f Meretrix ( Flaventia ) orienlalis, deserti, spp. n., Cretaceous Moghara, Douvill6 Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 pp. 150, 151. — M. ( Lioconcha ) arntzenii, progo'ensis, p. 270, M. ( Filar ) jog- jacartensis, jonkeri, spp. n., Miocene Java, Martin Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden 2 pp. 270, 271.— M. incrassala Sow. forma nana Oligocene Peonis, Stefanini Atti. Acc. Sci. Padova 8 p. 74. — M. ( Caryatis ) incrassala prae- longata var. n. Oligocene Germany, Wenz Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 p. 159. Musculium rosaceum fuligiosum, L. 265. \Orihonota rigida, Reed 171. • \Pelricola ( Olaudiconclia ) grinnelli sp. n. Miocene Virginia, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 p. 54. Pisidium latchfordi, L. 265 ; P. lilljeborgi, Oldham 330 ; P., Oliver 332 ; Steenberg 415. f Pitar ( Hysleroconcha ) casta sp. n. Oligocene Colombia, Pilsbry & Brown Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 38. Pitaria clarki sp. n. Oligocene Washing- . ton, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 169. f Psammobia martini sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson t.c. p. 168. Salacia vide Callanaitis. t Sinodia tertiaria sp. n. Miocene North Sea, Newton Q.J. Geol. Soc. 72 p. 18. f Solen {Ensis) cf. mild (Hornes), Bell Geol. Mag. London 4 p. 419. Sphaeridae, Baker 11. Sphaerium simile reproduction, Gilmore, 190.— S. torsum , L. 265. Venus mercenaria larva, Stafford 409 ; V.m., Cox 108. Myacea. . \Gorbula cowlitzensis sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 168. — C. dilatata sp. n. Eocene California, Waring t.c. p. 92. — O. acutangula figd., Fourtau 233. f Glycimeris andersoni sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 166.— -G. concava sp. n. Tertiary New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N.Z. Inst. .49 p. 459. — G. tumefactus d. 38, frilobicosta, lloyds- mithi, p. 39, spp. n., Oligocene Colombia, Pilsbry & Brown Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 38-40. — G. santodomin - 56 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1917] geusis, diffidentiae, spp. n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 192. — G. with G. maccrayi p. 93 sp. n. Eocene California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 pp. 61, 75, 93.— G. heberti in- crassata var. n. Oligocene Germany, Wenz Nachr.-Bl. D. malak. Ges. 49 p. 157. ^Labiosa ( Raela )gabbi sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 202. 'Lutraria, Lamy 267. f Lutraria ovalis sp. n. (= L. sauna auctt. non Bast.) Pliocene England, Bell Geol. Mag. London 4 p. 420. Mactra with M. luzonica apicina, M. ( Mactrotoma ) fragilis ambigua and M. (M.) aspersa elongata no mm. n. for M. apicina Desh., ambigua Weink. and elongata Q. and G. ( — notata Hutt.) Lamy J. 'conchyliol. 63 pp. 176-275 ; M., Lamy 267. f Mactra gabbiana figd., Waring 466. Mactridae, Lamy 273. Mga arenana, Red field 369, nervous system, Gothlin 193, larva, Stafford 409. \Panopea worthingtoni, Marshall 284.— P. cf. plicala Sow., Newton Trans R. Soc. Edinburgh 51 p. 574. •j Saxicava arnoldi sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 171. f Solenocurtus ( Mactra ) pectiniferus sp. n. Miocene Java, Martin Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden 2 p. 273. \Spisula packardi sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 169. — S. ( Hemimactra ) harrisi sp. u. Miocene South Carolina, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont. 5 p. 52. — S. aequilateralis sp. n. Eocene California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 80. Dibranchia. Lucinacea. f Corbis with C. chateleti sp. n. p. 34 Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) pp. 32-34. \ Divaricella proletaria sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 198. f Lucina ( Dentelucina ) djunggran- ganensis, Jcemedjingensis, spp. n., Mio- cene Java, Martin Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden 2 p. 274 — L. mauryae sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo Pilsbry & Johnson Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 198. — L. cf. schloeubachi v. Koen, N0rregaard Medd. Dansk. Geol. Foren 5 (1) p. 13. — L. cf. squamosa Terqu., Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stutt- gart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 446. Lucinida hilaira sp. n. Montagu I., Hedley Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 p: 683. \Miltha parsonsi sp. n. Eocene Cali- fornia, Waring Proc. Calif, Acad. Sci. 7 p. 78. \Paracyclas (?) obliqua sp. n. Permo- Carboniferous New South Wfdes, Etheridge Rec. Austral. Mus. 11 p. 225. \Phacoidcs bruni sp. n. Urgonian France, Cossmann Mem. Soc. Geol. Fr. 21 (51) p. 34. — P. ( Pseudomiltha ) wongi sp. n. Miocene Florida, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont 5 p. 57. — P. perplexus , P. ( Parvilucina ) pupulus, spp. n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 197, 198.— P. cf. orbicularis (Desh.) Stefanini Mem. 1st. Geol. Univ. Padova 4 p. 140. — P., Marshall 284. Tellinacea. Amphidesma solidum anatomy, Schroder 399. Gumingia embryology, Heilbronn 216, Morris 310. t Metis efferta, postrema, spp. n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 pp. 201, 202. f Semele reagani sp. n. Oligocene Washington, Dickerson Proc. Calif. Acad, Sci. 7 p. 170. — S. nelliana sp. n. Miocene South Carolina, Olsson Bull. Amer. Paleont 5 p. 53. — S. delimata, firma, spp. n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 200. 57 Moll. Systematic.- ■Cephalopoda. 2231 Tellina astula sp. n. New South Wales, Hedley Proe. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 p. 691. — T. elaborate i sp. n. N.W. Australia, Sowerby Proc. Malac. Soc. 12 p. 321. — T. gibber and T. iheringi, Doello Jurado 143. f Tellina solchohensis p. 274 retifera, permodesta, spp. n., Miocene Java, Martin Samml. Geol. Reichsmus. Leiden 2 pp. 274, 275. — T. ( Merisca ) errati sp. n. Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry & Johnson Proc. Acad. Nab. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 201. — T. cf. donacia L., N0rregaard Medd. Dansk. geol. Foren, 5 (1) p. 16. — T. lacunosa figd., Fourtau 233. Anatinacea f Allorisma with [A.] passaloides sp. n. Permo-Carboniferous New South Wales, Etheridge Rec. Austral. Mus. 11 pp. 225, 226. f Ar corny a deserti sp. n. Bajocian Moghara, DouvillUb Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 31. \Cercomya deserti sp. n. Cretaceous Moghara, DouviltJg t.c. p. 174. f Ccromya ( Ceromyopsis ) rostrata sp. n. Bajocian Moghara DouvillIb t.c. p. 32. Chamostrea plicifera sp. n. Australia, Odhner Vet. Ak. Handl. Stockholm 52 (16) p. 34. Chamostreidae, Odhner t.c. p. 34. f Cuspidaria ornatior, gabbi, spp. n., Oligocene Santo Domingo, Pilsbry 6 Johnson Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 69 p. 195. j Pholadella mccoyi sp. n. Silurian British Is., Reed Proc. Cotteswold Nat. F. C. 19 p. 164. •j ■ Pholadomya, orientalis sp. n. Bajocian Moghara, DouvillIb Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 30. — P. cf. plagemanni Mor., Jaavorski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 448. — P. cf. vignesi Lartet, Newton Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 51 p. 574. — P. subelongata Meek (= brewer i Gabb and royana Whiteaves), Waring 466. — P. cf. alpina Math., Oppenheim 335. \Spheniopsis scalaris, N0rregaard 325. (n-4840 r) Incertae Sedis. Cyamiomaetra, Lamy 272. Ephippodonta granulifera Australia sp. n., Odhner Vet. Ak. Handl. Stock- holm 52 (16) p. 25. \Eurymyella cf. shaleri, Williams, Reed 171. f Pachydomella ? piesta sp. n. Cretace- ous New South Wales, Etheridge Rec. Austral. Mus. 11 p. 219. Cephalopoda. General. Cephalopoda distribution Naef 317 ; glands, Bottazzi 44 ; C., Bartsch 13 ; Berry 27. Cephalopoda. f Acanthodiscus ( Neocomites ?) alpino- jurensis, paludensis, A. ( Kilianella ) subhystricoides, spp. n., Hauterivian Basses Alpes, Kilian & Reboul Mem. carte geol. Fr. Paris 1915 pp. 240, 241, 242. t Acanthopliles, Kilian & Reboul t.c. pp. 43-47. \ Aclinocamax plenus , Ravn 368. Amphitretus pelagicus , Sasaki 385. f Ancyloceras, Kilian & Reboul 255. t Aplychus , de Brun 56. Argonauta bottgeri radula, Massy 296. f Arietites with A. ( V ermiceras ) siubeli p. 659, A. ( Arnioceras ) angusli - costatus p. 663, A. ( Asteroceras ) bravoi p. 665, spp. Lias Peru, Tilmann Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 41 pp. 656-668. j Arnicoceras cf. geometricum Orb. Liassic Peru, Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 426. f Atractites, Tilmann 432. \Aturia aturi figd., Fourtau 233. j Baculites chicoensis figd., Waring 466. \Balatonitcs with B. quaternonodatvs p. 291, ziuvmeri p. 292, zimmermanni p. 294, spp. n., B. ottonis reclangularis p. 289 var. n. Triassic Germany, Rass- muss Jahrb. k. Preuss. Geol. Landes- anst 34 pp. 287-302. b 12 58 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1917] | Belemnites , Kilian & Reboul 255. Brachioteuthis, Berry 27. \Cceloceras coronatoides sp. n. Bajocian Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sei. Paris 54 p. 24. f Gostidiscus, Kilian & Reboul 255. f Crioceras with 0. cf. munieri Sar. & Schon. cf. obliquatum, dilatatum , and simplex Orb., Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 pp. 111-115. — C. bower - bankii, Crick 111, Wilmer 474. \Cycloceras cf. actaeon Orb., Jawor- ski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 427. ■\Deroceras cf. armatum Sow., Jawor- ski t.c. p. 451. t Douvilleiceraa meyendorffi, pachy- pleura var, n. Cretaceous Moghara DouvillIs Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 117.— D., Kilian & Reboul 255. •j Duvalia cf. grasi Duval, DotjvillIe Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 90. Eledone moschala teratology, Vays- sikiiE 446. •j Ermoceras gen. n. of Schlotheimiinae p. 17 with E. mogharense type p. 19, deserli p. 17, elegaus p. 18, inerme p. 20 spp. n., Bajocian Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 pp. 17-21. \Qymnites spiniger sp. n. Triassic Bosnia, Diener Centra lbl. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart 1917 p. 110. ■\Hamites cf. compressus Sow., H. cf. elegans Sow., Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 pp. 98, 97. | Uaplopleuroceras with II. rhodanense sp. n. Jurassic Rhonetal, von Bulow Z. D. Geol. Ges. 69 pp. 85-90. •j ■ Harpoceras cf. eseri Opp. Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 }>. 429. f Hauericeras transitionale sp. n. Cretaceous California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 69. ]Hoplites with H. (Kilian ella) cf. ambiguus Uhlig, Revil Mem. Acad. Sci. Savoie 2 pp. 291-293. | Knemiceras priscum, gracile, spp. n., Cretaceous Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 pp. 122, 128. \ KossmateMa costata sp. n. Cretaceous Moghara, Douville t.c. p. 96. | Kossmaticeras zelandicum, tenui- costdlum, spp. n., Miocene New Zealand, Marshall Trans. N.Z. Inst. 49 pp. 444, 445. f Leopoldia dubisiensis var. barge- mensis nom. n. for L. bargemensis Kil., Kilian & Reboul Mem. carte geol Fr. Paris 1915 p. 244. f Lyloceras vicinum sp. n. Cretaceous Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci, Paris 54 p. 93. — L., Kilian & Reboul 255, Marshall 284. | Macroscaphites , Kilian & Reboul 255. | Microdoceras birchii , Tilmann 432. Monoceros crassilabrum, Gigoux 189. ■\ Monoceros crassilabrum , Gigoux 189. Moroteuthis ( Moroteuthopsis ) ingens, Massy, 296. Moschites with M. albida p. 15, adelieana p. 17, aurorae p. 20, har- rissoni p. 24, spp. n., Antarctic, Berry Austral. Ant. Exp. 1911-1914 4 (2) pp. 13-27. — M. verrucosa and challengeri, Berry 31. — M. cliarcoti, turqueli, brevis, anatomy, Massy, 296. Nautilus, Bartsch 13, Rassmuss 366. \ Nautilus desertorum sp. n. N. cf. hexagonus Sow. Oxfordian Moghara, Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 71. — N. cf. lineatus Sow., Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 450. — N. hallidayi figd.. Waring 466. — N. with N. begudensis p. 227 sp. n. Hauterivian Basses Alpes, Kilian & Reboul Mem. carte geol. Fr. Paris 1915 pp. 16-18, 227. ^Neocomites with iV. nodosoplicatus , neocomiensiformis inaequicostata p. 235, sp.and var. n. Hauterivian Basses Allies, Kn.iAN & Reboul t.c. pp. 228-237. Octopus vulgaris, Lameere 266 ; O., Goldsmith 195. Ocythoe, Berry 26. Oegopsida, Massy 296. Onychoteuthis banksi, Massy 296. f Orthoceras figd., Faura y Sans 159. 59 MoU. Systematic. — Cefhalopoda. 2231 f Oxynoticeras orientale sp. n. Jurassic Moghara, DouvillIs Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 40. f Parahoplites, Kilian & Reboul 255. f Perisphinctes cf. bir mens dor fensis Moesch., Douville Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 69. f PhylloceraA cf. rouyanum Orb., DouvillIs t.c. p. 101.— P. cf. glaberri- ntum Neum., Tilmann 432. — P., Kilian & Reboul 255. f Placenticeras with P. sanctaemonicae sp. n. Cretaceous California, Waring Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 7 p. 70. Polymorphites, Trueman 441. Polypus ovulum, parvus, longis- padiceus, conispadiceus spp. n., Japan, Sasaki Annot. Zool. Jap. 9 pp. 364, 365, 366, 367. — P. rugosus, occidentals, australis, brucei, anatomy, Massy 296. f Pseudorthoceras Jcnoxense, Girty 191. ] P.siloceras with P. reissi p. 654 sp. n. Lias Peru, Tilmann Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 41 pp. 648- 656. \Puzosia with P. issarpayensis p. 248 sp. n. Hauterivian Basses Alpes, Kilian & Reboul M6m. carte geol. Fr. Paris 1915 pp. 25-28, 248. Pyrgopsis pacificus radula, Massy 296. Pyroteuthis ( Pterygioteuthis ) giardi, Massy 296. Bhyncoleuthion, Massy 295. Rondoletia gen. n. of Sepiolinae type Sepielta minor, Naef Publ. Staz. Zool. Napoli 1 p. 2. | Saynella termieri sp. n. Aptian France, Kilian & Reboul Mem. carte geol. Fr. Paris 1915 p. 29. f Schloenbachia varians , coupei, Ravn 368. f Schlotheimia, Tilmann 432. Semirossia tenera anatomy. Massy 296. Sepia officinalis, Craifaleanu 110, Cu£not 118, Lameere 266. Sepielta with S. obscura p. 4, neglecta p. 9 , spp. n.. Gulf of Naples, Naef Publ. Staz. Zool. Napoli 1 pp. 3-10. f Silesites nepos sp. n. Cretaceous Moghara, DouvillIs Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 109. f Sonninia with S. peruana p. 401 sp. n. Bajocian Peru, Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Palaont. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 pp. 395-405. f Sphaeroceras, Jaworski 244. t Spitidiscus cauvini sp. n. Hauteri- vian Basses Alpes, Kilian & Reboul Mem. carte geol. Fr. Paris 1915 p. 249. Stauroteuthis (?) mawsoni sp. n. Antarctic, Berry Austral. Ant. Exp. 1911-1914 4 (2) p. 8. f Stephanoceras aff. baylei Opp. Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 431. Stigmatotevthis chuni, Massy 296. f Stringoceras pustuliferum sp. n. Jurassic Moghara, DouvillIs Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 41. \Taramelliceras compsum ziircheri var. n. Hauterivian Basses Alpee, Kilian & Reboul Mem. carte geol. Fr. Paris 1915 p. 250. f Tetragonitcs cf. duvali Orb.; Dou- vill6 Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 p. 95. Teutliowenia antarctica radula, Massy 296. f Thamboceras gen. n. of Amallheidae type T. mirum sp. n. Bajocian Moghara, DouvillIs Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris 54 pp. 21, 22. f Thurmannites, Kilian & Reboul 255. Tremoctopus violaceus anatomy, Massy 296. f Tropidoceras cf. masseanum Orb., Jaworski Neu. Jahrb. Min. Stuttgart Beil. Bd. 40 p. 428. •\Turrilites, Revil 372. IX. ARTHROPODA (GENERAL) ARRANGED BY D. SHARP. CONTENTS PAGB I. Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II. Subject Index. . . . . . . . I iV,B.—For Protura vide XII. Insecta. Aptera. I. —TITLES. Cooley, R. A. Killing small arthro- pods with the legs extended. The Journal of Parasitology Urbana HI. 1 1914 (105). 1 Hilton, W. A. The action of simple reagents on the ganglia of Arthropods. J. Ent. Zool. Claremont, Cal. 7 1916 (130-133). 2 Holmgren, N. Zur vergleiohenden Anatomie des Gehims von Poly- chaeten, Onychophoren, Xiphosuren, Arachniden, Crustaceen, Myriopoden und Insekten. Vorstudien zu einer Phylogenie der Arthropoden. Stock- holm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 56 No. 1 1916 (303) 12 pis. 54 textfigs. 3 II.— SUB J EOT INDEX. GENERAL. 2403 Cooley, killing, 1. STRUCTURE. 2407 Hilton, 2 ; Holmgren, 3. PHYLOGENY. 2423 Holmgren, 3. (n-4840 k) D 13 X. CRUSTACEA ARRANGED BY W. T. CALM AN, D.Sc. CONTENTS PAGE I. Titles ... ... 3 II. Subjkct-Index : — General, Economics... ... ... 9 Structure ... 10 Physiology ... • ... 10 Development ... 10 Ethology ... ... 10 Variation and Aetiology ... ... 11 Distribution : — 1. Geographical : — A. General (vacant) B. Land and Fresh-water ... ... 11 C. Marine ... • •• 9 9 9 9 9 «■> ... 12 2. Geological ... ... ... 13 III. Systematic Index : — Decapoda ... ... 14 Br achy ura ... ... ... ... ... 14 Oxyrhyncha ... 14 Cyclometopa ... ... 14 Catometopa ... ... ... ... ... 14 Oxystdniata ... ... 14 Dromiacea ••• ... 14 (n-4840 l) b 14 2 Anomura Galatheidea Paguridea ... Hippidea (vacant) Macrura Nephropsidea Eryonidea ... Loricata Thalassinidea Oaridea ,.. Penaeidea ... Stenopidea (vacant) Euphausiacea... Mysidacea Syncarida Stomatopoda Oumacea Tanaidacea. (vacant) Isopoda Asellota... ... ' . Plireatoicidea (vacant) Elabellifera Valvifera Epicaridea Oniscoidea ... # . Amphipoda ... Gammaridea Hyperiidea Oaprellidea Phyllocarida ... Branchiopoda Phyllopoda Cladocera Oopepoda Branchiura ... Ostracoda Oirripedia 3 Crust. Titles. 2600 I.— TITLES. Allee, W. 0. The salt content of natural waters in relation to rheotaxis in Asellus. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 32 1917 (93-97). 1 Allen, E. J. and Sexton, E. W. The loss of the Eye -pigment in Qammarus chevreuxi. A Mendelian study. Ply- mouth J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 11 1917 (273- 353) pis. i-vii. 2 Almeroth, H. Ueber einige weitere fiir die Litoralregion des Genfer Sees neue Cladoceren. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (245-251). 3 Arevalo, C. Cladoceros do la Albufera de Valencia. Zaragoza Bol. soc. Arag. 16 1917 (133-143 164-176) figs. 4 Banta, A. M. One hundred partheno- genetic generations of Daphnia without sexual forms. [Abstract.] New York Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 11 1914 (180-182) 1 table. 5 Baumann, H. Das Oor frontale bei decapoden Krebsen. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (137-144) figs. 6 Bigelow, H. B. Explorations of the coast water between Cape Cod and Halifax in 1914 and 1915, by the U.S. Fisheries schooner “ Grampus.” Oceanography and Plankton. Cam- bridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 61 No. 8 1917 (163-357) .2 pis. 7 Bjorck, W. Zoologische Ergebnisse der schwedischen Expedition nach Spitzbergen 1908 unter Loitung von Prof. G. De Geer. Teil 2 : 6. Die Schizopoden des Eisfjords. Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 54 No. 6 1916 (10 pp.) 1 textfig. 8 Borner, L. Faunistische Notizen vom Statzersee im Oberengadin. Chur Jahresb. Natf. Ges. Graub. 57 1917 (65-64) figs. 9 (n-4840 l) Borradaile, L. A. The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905 under the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner. Vol. vi, No. viii. On the Pontoniinae. London Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2 Zool. 17 1917 (323-396) pis. lii-lvii. 10 Borradaile, L. A. The Percy Sladen Trust Expedition to the Indian Ocean in 1905 under the leadership of Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner. Vol. vi, No. ix. On Carides from the Western Indian Ocean. London Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2 Zool. 17 1917 (397-412) pis. lviii-lix. 11 Borradaile, L. A. Barnacles from the hull of the “ Terra Nova ” : a note. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 19 1917 (229-230). 12 Borradaile, L. A. On the functions of the mouth -parts of the common Prawn. Cambridge Proc. Phil. Soc. 19 1917 (p. 56). 13 Borradaile, L. A. On the structure and function of the Mouth -parts of the Palaemonid Prawns. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 1917 (37-71) figs. 14 Bouvier, E. L. Sur la classification des Eupotamonea, crabes d’eau douce de la famille des Potamonides. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (615-621). 15 Bouvier, E. L. Sur la classification des Parapotamonea, crabes d’eau douce de la famille des Potamonidds. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (657-659). 16 Bouvier, E. L. Sur la distribution des crabes d’eau douce de la famille des Potamonid4s. Paris 0. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (751-755). 17 Bouvier, E. L. Crustaces decapodes (Macroures marcheurs) provenant des campagnes des yachts Hirondelle et Princesse- Alice (1885-1915), Res. camp. sci. Monaco 50 1917 (104 pp.) 11 pis. 18 b 14—2 4 Crust. X Crustacea. [1917] Brian, A. Descrizione di una nuova specie di Laophonte ( L . quaterspinata n. sp. mihi) proveniente dei materiali del Laboratorio niarino di Quarto. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 28 1917 (174-178) figs. 19 Brian, A. Note sur trois Cop6podes parasites provenant des collections du Miis6e Oc6anographi quo do Monaco. Bull. Inst. Ocean. Monaco No. 324 1917 (8 pp.) figs. 20 Broch, H. Results of Dr. E. Mjor berg’s Swedish scientific expeditions to Australia, 1910-13. 8. Oirripedien. Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 52 No. 8 1916 (16 pp.) 2 pis. 2 text-figs. 21 Caiman, W. T. Notes on the mor- phology of Bathynella and some allied Crustacea. Q. J. Microsc. Sci. London 62 1917 (489-514) text-figs. 22 Caiman, W. T. Crustacea. Part iv. Stomatopoda, Oumacea, Phyllocarida, and Cladocera. Brit. Antarct. (“ Terra Nova ”) Exp., 1910. Nat. Hist. Rep. Zool. 3 No. 5 1917 (137-162) text-figs. 23 Caiman, W. J. [T.]. Cumaces. Reuxieme Exped. Antarct. Fran9aise (1908-1910). Documents sciontifiques 1917 (1 p.). 24 Chappuis, P. A. Zur Kenntnis der Copepodenfauna von Surinam. I. Cyclopiden. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (221-223) figs. 25 Checchia-Rispoli, G. Distefania, nuovo genere di Brachiuri del Ceno- maniano della Sicilia. Roma Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital. ser. 3 3 fasc. 12 1917 (173-186) 1 pi. text-figs. 26 Chilton, 0. The New Zealand Sand- hoppers belonging to the genus Talor- chestia. Trans, and Proc. N. Zeal. Inst. 49 (1916) 1917 (292-303) figs. 27 Chilton, C. Notes on Australian Isopoda. Adelaide Trans. R. Soc. S. Australia 41 1917 (391-404) figs. 28 Chilton, 0. Results of the South Australian Museum Expedition to Strzelecki and Cooper Creeks. Sep- tember and October, 1916. (1) Crus- tacea. Adelaide Trans. R. Soc. S. Australia 41 1917 (475-482) figs. 29 Chilton, C. Further notes on the New Zealand Amphipod Hyale grenfelli, Chilton. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London sor. 8 19 1917 (273-276) figs. 30 Chilton, C. A new tuberculate terrestrial Isopod from New Zealand. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 19 1917 (327-329) pi. xiii. 31 Chilton, C. Notes on the distribu- tion of the Amphipods, Elasmopus rapax , A. Costa, and Maera inaequipes (A. Costa). J. Zool. Research London 2 1917 (17-19). 32 Chilton, C. The identity of the two Amphipods, Ampelisca eschrichtiir Kroyer, and A. macrocephala, Liljeborg, considered from an antarctic point of view. J. Zool. Research London 2 1917 (75-93) figs. 33 Collinge, W. E. A revision of the British Idoteidae, a family of marine Isopoda. Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 1917 (721-760). pis. i-xi. 34 Collinge, W. E. Description of a new species of terrestrial Isopod from the Guacharo Cave, Trinidad. J. Zool. Research London 2 1917 (29-30) figs. 35 Collinge, W. E. Description of a new British terrestrial Isopod ( Tricho - niscoides scabrous, n. sp.). J. Zool. Research London 2 1917 (95-96). 36 Collinge, W. E. Description of a new species of Isopoda of the genus Paridotea, Stebbing. J. Zool. Research London 2 1917 (111 - 114) pi. vi. 37 Collinge, W. E. Descriptions of some further new varieties of British Wood- lice. J. Zool. Research London 2 1917 (123-125). 38 Collinge, W. E. On the reoccurrence of Ligidium hypnorum (Cuv.) in Great Britain. J. Zool. Research London 2 1917 (p. 151). 39 Collinge, W. E. A check-list of the British Terrestrial Isopoda (Woodlice). Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 1917 (111- 116). 40 Collinge, W. E. Some remarks upon the occurrence of two rare Woodlice in Scotland. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 1917 (137-139). 41 Collinge, W. E. Porcellio ratzeburgii, a woodlouse new to the Scottish fauna. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 1917 (251- 252). 42 Collinge, W. E. Descriptions of three new varieties of British Woodlice. Lancs. Nat. Darwen 9 1917 (p. 266). 43 5 Crust. Titles. 2600 Collinge, W. E. On the occurrence of a rare British Woodlouse in Lancashire. Lancs. Nat. Darwen 9 1917 (p. 307). 44 Collinge, W. E. On the habitat of the Woodlouse Platyarthrus hoff- tnannseggii Brandt. Lancs. Nat. Darwen TO 1917 (172-173). 45 Collinge, W. E. Description of a new species of Isopoda of the genus Synidotea, Harger, from the Gulf of Mannar. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 13 1917 (1-3) pi. i. 46 Collinge, W. E. Contributions to a knowledge of the Terrestrial Isopoda of Natal. Part I. Ann. Natal Mus. London 3 1917 (567-585) pis. xl-xlii. 47 Colosi, G. Un caso di parallelismo morfologico negli Eufausiacei. Moni- tore Zool. Ital. Firenze 28 1917 (41-48). 48 Colosi, G. Sui rapporti faunistici fra il Mediterraneo e l’Atlantico. Moni- tore Zool. Ital. Firenze 28 1917 (107- 116). 49 Colosi, G. Eufausiacei raccolti nel Mediterraneo dalla R.N. W ashing ton. Firenze Bull. Soc. Entorn. 48 1917 (118-130) figs. 50 Colosi, G. Orostacei, Parte ii, Eufausiacei. Raccolte planctoniche fatte dalla R. Nave “ Liguria ” nel viaggio di circonnavigazione del 1903-05 eotto il comando di S.A.R. Luigi di Savoia, Duca degli Abruzzi. Vol. 2 fasc. vii 1917 (165-205) pis. xiv-xvi. Firenze. Pubblic. 1st. St. Sup. 51 Cooper, W. O. Vide Omer-Cooper, W. Couttere, [H.]. Crustac6s Schizo- podes et Decapodes. Deuxieme Exped. Antarct. Fra^aise (1908-1910). Docu- ments scientifiques i917 (8 pp.) text- figs. 52 Delachaux, T. Cladoc^res de la region du Lac Victoria Njranza. (Voy. du Dr. J. Carl dans la region des lacs de l’Afrique Centrale). ' Rev. Suisse Zool. Geneve 25 1917 (77-93) text- figs. 53 Delsman, H. C. Die Embryonalent- wicklung von Balanus balanoides Linn. Helder Tydschr, Ned. Dierk. Ver. (2) 15 1917 (419-520) pis. xv-xxix text- figs. 54 Dewar, G. A. B. vide Omer-Cooper, W. Dodds, G. S. Altitudinal distribu- tion of Entomostraca in Colorado. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 54 1917 (59- 87) pis. xiii-xiv. 55 Douwe, C. van. Zur Kenhtnis der Siisswasser-Harpacticiden Deutsch - lands. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 48 1917 (277-280). 56 Duncan, F. Martin. A note on fertilization and deposition of ova in Portunus depurator. London J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1917 1917 (375-376). 57 Evans, William. Trichoniscoides sarsi, a woodlouse new to the Scottish Fauna, on the Isle of May. Scot. Nat. Edin- burgh 1917 19 J 7 (35-36). 58 Farwick, B» Zur Verbreitung des Cyclops bisetosus Rehberg und der Moina rectiroslris Leydig. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 48 1917 (219-221). . 59 Farwick, B. Eine weitere Fundstelle von Cyclops bisetosus Sars. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 48 1917 (p. 304). 60 Fasten, N. Cilia in the Arthropoda. Science New York N.S. 46 1917 (440- 442). 61 Fasten, N. Male reproductive organs of Decapoda, with special reference to Puget Sound forms. Puget Sound Marine Stat. Pub. 1 1917 (285-307) pis. lxviii-lxxii. 62 Fehlmann, J. W. Die Bedeutung des Sauerstoffes fur die aquatile Fauna. Zurich Vierteljahrsschr. Natf. Ges. 62 1917 (230-241). 63 Fraser, C. M. Possible lobster plant- ing areas on the East coast of Van- couver Island, B.O. Contrib. Canadian Biol. 1914-15 Ann. Rep. Dept. Naval Service Fisheries Br. Ottawa 5 Suppl. 1916 (119-132) map. 64 Granata, L. Orostacei. Parte i, Ostracodi. Raccolte planctoniche fatti dalla R. Nave “ Liguria ” nel viaggio di circonnavigazione del 1903-05 sotto il comando di S. A. R. Luigi di Savoia, Duca degli Abruzzi. Vol. 2 fasc. vi 1915 (121-162) 6 pis. Firenze Pubblic. 1st. St. Sup. 65 Grant, 0. The Spiny Lobster. New York Zool. Soc. Bull. 20 1917 (1461- 1463) fig. 66 6 Crust. X.. Crustacea. [1917] Gurney, Robert. The Perch lake at Westwick. Norwich Trans. Nat. Soc. 10 1915 (23-33) pis. i-ii. 67 Hay, W. P. A new genus and three new species of parasitic Isopod Crus- taceans. Washington D.C. Smith- sonian Inst. Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 51 1917 (569-574) pis. xcviii-c. 68 Hay, W. P. Preliminary descriptions of five new species of Crustaceans from the coast of North Carolina. Washing- ton D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (71- 74). 69 Herriott, Miss E. M. Notes on the occurrence and habits of the fresh- water Crustacean Lepidurus viridis Baird. Trans, and Proc. N. Zeal. Inst. 49 (1916) 1917 (284-291). 70 Hesse, E. vide Leger, L. .0 Hilton, W. A. The central nervous system of the Amphipod Orchestia. J. Ent. Zool. Claremont Calif. 9 1917 (88- 90) pi. 71 Hilton, W. A. The central nervous system of the parasitic Isopod, Orap- sicephon. J. Parasitol. Urbana 111. 4 1917 (25-26) 1 pi. 72 Hofsten, N. von. Zoologische Ergeb- nisse der schwedischen Expedition nach Spitzbergen 1908 unter Leitung von Prof. G. De Geer. Teil 2:7 Die Decapoden Crustaceen des Eisfjords. Stockholm Vet. Ak. Handl 54 No. 7 .1916 (108 pp.) 2 pis. 13 text figs. 73 Holmgren, N. Zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Gehirns von Polychaeten, Onychophoren,Xiphosuren,Arachniden, Crustaceen, Myriopoden und Insekten. Vorstudien zu einer Phylogenie der Arthropoden. Stockholm Vet. -Ak. Handl. 56 No. 1 1916 (303 pp.) 12 pis. 54 text figs. 74 Huntsman, A. G. A new Caprellid from the Bay of Fundy. Contrib. Oanad. Biol. 1911-1914. Fasc. i. Rep. Dept. Marine and Fisheries Ottawa 47 Suppl. 1915 (39^12) pis. v & vi. 75 Huntsman, A. G. Concerning some Ontario Crayfishes. Ottawa Nat. 30 1917 (130-132). . 77 Kemp, S. Notes on Crustacea Deca- poda in the Indian Museum. viii. The genus Acetes, Milne-Edwards. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 13 1917 (43-58) figs. 77a Kemp, S. Notes on Crustacea Decapoda in the Indian Museum, ix. Leander styliferus, Milne Edwards, and related forms. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 13 1917 (203-231) pis. viii-x. 78 Kemp, S. Notes on the fauna of the Matlah River in the Gangetic Delta. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 13 1917 (233- 241) figs. 79 Kemp, S. Notes on Crustacea Deca- poda in the Indian Museum. X. Hy- menosomatidae. Rec. Ind. Mus. Cal. cutta 13 1917 (243-279) figs. 80 Kemp, S. Notes on Crustacea Deca- poda in the Indian Museum. XI. Atyidae of the genus Paratya (-Xipho- caridina). Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 13 1917 (293-306) figs. 81 Knight, A. P. Lobster sanctuaries and hatching ponds : an investigation of the Long Beach lobster pond, Digby County, Nova Scotia, in 1914. Contrib. Canadian Biol. 1914-15. Ann. Rep. Dept. Naval Service Fisheries Br. Ottawa 5 Suppl. 1916 (41-54) pis. ii-vii figs. 82 L^ger, L. et Hesse, E. Sur les Micro- sporidies de la crevette d’eau douce. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (12-15) figs. 83 Longley, W. H, Changeable colora- tion in Brachyura. Washington D.C, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 3 1917 (609-612). 84 Lundblad, O. Om ett fynd av Limnadia lenticularis (L.) i Sverige, jamte nagra iakttagelser over artens biologi. [On a find of L. 1. in Sweden, with some observations on its biology.] Zool. Beitrage aus Uppsala 4 1916 (249-268) 5 textfigs. 85 Huntsman, A. G. The fresh-water MacClement, W. T. Diatoms and Malacostraca of Ontario. Contrib. Lobster rearing. Contrib. Canadian Canad. Biol. 1911-1914. Fasc. ii. Rep. Biol. 1915-1916. Ann. Rep. Dept. Dept. Marine and Fisheries Ottawa 47 Naval Service Fisheries Br. Ottawa 6 Suppl. 1915 (145-163) figs. 76 Suppl. 1917 (11-20) figs. 86 7 Crust. Titles. 2600 McClendon, J. F. On adaptations in structure and habits of some marine animals of Tortugas, Florida. Washing- ton D.O. Carnegie Inst. Pap. Tortugas Lab. 3 1911 (57-62) 2 pis. 87 McCulloch, A. R. Studies in Aus- tralian Crustacea. No. 4. Sydney N.S.W. Rec. Austr. Mus. 11 1917 (231- 238) pis. xlii-xliii. 88 McMurrich, J. P. The winter plankton in the neighbourhood of St. Andrews, 1914-15. Contrib. Canadian Biol. 1915-16. Ann. Rep. Dept. Naval Service Fisheries Br. Ottawa 6 Suppl. 1917 (1-8) table. 89 McMurrich, J. P. Notes on some Crustacean forms occurring in the plankton of Passamaquoddy Bay. Ottawa Trans. R. Soc. Can. ser. iii 11 Sect, iv 1917 (47-61) figs. 90 Man, J. G. de. Diagnoses of new species of Macrurous Decapod Crustacea from the Siboga-Expedition. Zool. Meded. Leiden 3 1917 (279-284). 91 Matsui, H. Studies in the chemical composition of “ Tarabogani ” ( Para - lithodes camtschatica). Tokyo J. Coll. Agric. 5 1916 (39^400). 92 Matsui, H. vide Okuda, Y. Mortensen, Th. Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen’s Pacific Expedition, 1914-16. I. Observations on protec- tive adaptations and habits, mainly in marine animals. Kjebenhavn Nath. Medd. 69 1917 (57-96) pi. i text-figs. 93 Nakazawa, K. Ise-ebi no hentai kenkyu, [On the metamorphosis of Panulirus japonicus .] Dobuts Z. Tokyo 29 1917 (259-267) pi. 94 Nierstrasz, H. F. Die Isopoden- Sammlungim naturhistorischen Reichs- museum zu Leiden. II. Cymothoidae, Sphaeromidae, Serolidae, Anthuridae, klotheidae, Asellidae, Janiridae, Mun- nop idae. Zool. Meded. Leiden 3 1917 (87-120) pis. xiii-xiv. 95 Nowlin, Nadine and Smith, Inez. The intracellular development of a gregarine, Frenzelina ampelisca n. sp. J. Parasitol. Urbana 111. 4 1917 (83- 88) 1 pi. 96 Okuda, Y. and Matsui, H. On the Canned Crab. Tokyo J. Coll. Agric. 5 1916 (325-337). 97 Old wig, H. Zoologiische Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Expedition nach Spitzbergen 1908 unter Leitung von Prof. G. De Geer. T. 2:8. Die Am phi - poden, Isopoden und Cumaceen des Eisfjords. Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl, 54 No. 8 1917 (56 pp.) map. 98 Olofsson, O. Susswasser-Entomo- straken und Rotatorien von dei Murmankiiste und aus dem nbrdlichstcn Norwegen. Zool. Beitrage aus Uppsala 5 1917 (259-294) textfigs. pi. . 99 Omer-Cooper, W. The Fishing Village and other writings. Intro- duction by G. A. B. Dewar. Bourne- mouth 19i7 (184 pp.) portr and 4 pis. 100 Parisi, B. I Decapodi giapponesi del Museo di Milano. V. Galatheidea e Reptantia. Pavia Atti. Soc. ital. sci. nat. 56 1917 (1-24) figs. 101 Pearse, A. S. Isopoda collected by the Bryant Walker expedition to British Guiana, with notes on Crustacea from other localities. Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan Ann. Arbor 46 1917 (1-8) figs. 102 Popple, E. Additions to the Crustacea of Hertfordshire. Hertford Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 16 1917 (167-168). 103 Porter, 0. E. Mate ri ales para la fauna carcinologica de Chile, xii. Sobre los Galalheidae del Museo Nacional. Rev. chilena Santiago 20 1916 (111- 117). 104 Porter, C. E. Materiales para la fauna carcinologica de Chile. xiii. Sobre un Copepodo nuevo para Chile. Rev. chilena Santiago 21 1917 (p. 89) 105 Rathbun, Mary J. New species of South Dakota Cretaceous Crabs. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 52 1 917 (385- 391) pis. xxxii-xxxiii. 106 Rathbun, Mary J. Description of a new species of crab from the California Pliocene. Washington D.C. Smith- sonian Inst. Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 53 1917 (451—152) pi. lix. 107 Romyn, G. Over M acrolhricidae in Nederland. Helder Tydschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. 16 (2) 1917 (vii-xv). 108 Rosendorn, Ilse. Neue Oithona- Formen. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 48 1917 (301-303). 109 8 Cruet. X. Crustacea. [1917] Roux, J. Crustacea (Expedition de 1903). Nova Guinea. R&iultats de l’exp6dition scientifique nderlandaise k la Nouvelle Guinea. 5 1917 (689- 621) pis. xxvii & xxviii. 110 Bars, G. 0. Entomostraca of Georgian Bay. Contrib. Canad. Biol. 1911-1914 Paso. ii. Rep. Dept. Marine and Fisheries Ottawa 47 Suppl. 1915 (221-222). Ill Sars, G. 0. An account of the Crus- tacea of Norway with short descriptions and figures of all the species. Vol. 6 Oopepoda Cyclopoida pts. 11 & 12 Clausidiidae, Lichomolgidae (part). 1917 (141-172) pis. lxxxi-xcvi. 112 Sars, G. O. Urocopia singularis G. O. Sars, a peculiar semiparasitic Cope pod from great deeps of the Northern Atlantic Ocean. Bergens Mus. Aarb. 1916-17 heft 1 1917 no. 4 (11 pp.) 1 pi. 113 Schmaus, H. Die Rhincalanus- Arten, ihre Systematik, Entwick- lung und Verbreitung. (Vierte Mittei- lung fiber die Copepoden der Valdivia- Expedition). Zool. Anz. Leipzig 48 1917 (305-319 356-368) figs. 114 Schwartz, K. Y. Results of Dr. E. Mjobergs Swedish Scientific Expedi- tions to Australia 1910-1913. 15. Descriptions of two Australian Phyllo- poda. Stockholm Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 No. 15 1917 (1-8) text figs. 115 Sexton, E. W. vide Allen, E. J. Skogsberg, T. Results of Dr. E. Mjobergs Swedish Scientific Expedi- tions to Australia 1910-1913. 16. A new fresh water Ostracod. Stock- holm Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 No. 15 1917 (9-22) textfigs. 116 Smith, Inez vide Nowlin, Nadine. Sollaud, E. Les appendices post- c6phaliques des Branchiopodes et leur signification morphologique. Paris O.R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (791-794) figs. 117 Standen, R. Report on terrestrial Isopoda (Woodlice) for 1916-17. Lancs. Nat. Darwen 10 1917 (43-53). 118 Stebbing, T. R. R. South African Talitridae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 19 1917 (330-331) ; 20 1917 (p. 435). 119 Stebbing, T. R. R. The Malacostraca of Durban Bay. Durban Ann. Mus. 1 1917 (435-450) pis. xxii-xxiii. 120 Stebbing, T. R. R. The Malacostraca of Natal. Durban Ann. Mus. 2 1917 (1-33) pis. i-vi. 121 Stebbing, T. R. R. South African Crustacea (Part IX of S.A. Crustacea, for the Marine Investigations in South Africa). Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17 1917 (23-46) pis. i-viii. 122 Stephensen, K. On a collection of Qammarus from Randers Fjord, Den- mark. Kjobenhavn Nath. Medd. 68 1917 (37-50) figs. 123 Stock, V. On some of the parasitio Copepods of the Bay of Fundy fish. Contrib. Canad. Biol. 1911-1914 Fasc. i. Rep. Dept. Marine and Fisheries Ottawa 47 Suppl. 1915 (69-71). 124 Tait, J. Experiments and observa- tions on Crustacea. Part i. Immersion experiments on Ligia. Edinburgh Proc. R. Soc. 37 1917 (50-58). _ 125 Tait, J. Experiments and observa- tions on Crustacea : Part ii. Moulting of Isopods. Edinburgh Proc. R. Soc. 37 1917 (59-68). 126 Tait, J. Experiments and observa- tions on Crustacea : Part iii. Limb flexures and limb-taxis in the Pcra- carida. Edinburgh Proc. R. Soc. 37 1917 (69-94) text-figs. 127 Tait, J. Experiments and observa- tions on Crustacea : Part iv. Some structural features pertaining to Qlyp- tonotus. Edinburgh Proe. R. Soc. 37 1917 (246-303) figs. 128 Tait, J. Experiments and observa- tions on Crustacea : Part v. A func- tional interpretation of certain struc- tural features in the pleon of Macrurous Decapods. Edinburgh Proc. R. Soc. 37 1917 (304-305). 129 Tait, J, Body colour as affected by blood colour in Amphipods and Isopods, with some remarks on a bacterial infec- tion of Qammarus. Edinburgh Proc. R. Physic. Soc. 20 1917 (159-163). 130 Terao, A. Notes on the photophores of Serges tes prehensilis Bate. Annot. Zool. Jap. Tokyo 9 Pi. iii 1917 (299- 316) figs. 131 Tesch, J. J. Synopsis of the genera Sesarma, Metasesarma, Sarmatium and Clistocoeloma , with a key to the deter? ruination of the Indo -Pacific species. Zool. Meded. Leiden 3 1917 (127-260) pis. xv-xvii. 132 9 Crust. Subject Index. — General. 2603 Thompson, W. II. Sur nn DiptAro parasite des Isopodos terreslros ( Phyto melanocephala Meig.). Paris 0. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (785-788) figs. 133 Verhoeff, K. W. Zur Kennfcnis der Gattung M esoniscus. Ueber Isopoden, 17. Aufsatz. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Syst. 37 1914 (493-508) pi. xxviii. 134 Verhoeff, K. W. Germania zoogeo - graphica ; die Verbreitung der Isopoda terrestria im Vergleich mi(j derjenigen der Diplopoden. (Zugleich fiber Isopoden, 18. Aufsatz.) Zool. Anz. Leipzig 48 1917 (347-355 369-389). 135 Verhoeff, K. W. Zur Kenntnis der Gattungen Trichoniscus und Meso- niscus. (Ueber Isopoden, 19. Aufsatz.) Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (40-57) figs. 136 Walcott, C. J). Cambrian geology and paleontology iv. No. 3. Fauna of the Mount Whyte formation. Wash- ington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. 67 No. 3 1917 (61-114) pis. 8-13. 137 Watson, Minnie E. Three new gregarines from marine Crustacea. J. Parasitol, Urbana 111. 2 1916 ( 1 29— 136) pi. 138 Watson, Minnie E. A new infuso- rian parasite in sand fleas. J. Parasitol. Urbana III. 2 1916 (145-146) figs. * 139 Way, Evelyn. Brachyura and crab- like Anomura of Friday Harbor, Washington. Puget Sound Marine Stat. Pub. 1 1917 (349-382) pis. 78- 82. ^ 140 Wilson, C. B. Parasitic Oopepods from Nanaimo, British Columbia, in- cluding eight species new to science. Oontrib. Canadian Biol. 1906-1910 Ottawa 1912 (85-101) pis. iii-ix. 141 Wilson, C. B. North American parasitic Copepods belonging to the Lemaeidae with a revision of the entire family. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Proo. Nation. Mus. 53 1917 (1- 150) pis. i-xxi. 142 Wilson, 0. B. The economic relations, anatomy, and life history of the genus Lernaea. Washington D.C. Dept. Comm. Lab. Bull. Bur. Fish. 35 for 1915-16, 1917 (165-198) pis. vi-xv. 143 Yatsu, N. Note on tho structure of the maxillary gland of Cypridina hilgendorfii. J. Morph. Philadelphia 29 1917 (435-449) text-figs. 144 Yoshida, S. On the intermediate hosts of the lung distome, P. wester- mani Herbert. J. Parasitol. Urbana 111. 2 1916 (111-118) 1 pi. 145 Yoshida, S. On a Trematode larva encysted in a crab, Ilelice Iridens (de Haan). J. Parasitol. Urbana III. 3 1916 (76-81) figs. 146 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. N.B. — The • numbers in Clarendon type refer to list of Titles , except when they indicate a Volume. GENERAL. 2603 Bibliography. W. Omer-Cooper, papers on Isopoda reprinted ; Dewar and others, 100. Expeditions. “ Liguria,” Euphausiacea ; Colosi, 51 : Ostracoda ; Granata, 65. “ Sealark,” Caridea ; Borradaile, 10, 11. “ Siboga,” Caridea ; de Man, 91. “ Terra Nova,” Slomatopoda, Cuma- cea, Phyllocarida, Cladocera ; Caiman, 23. “ Valdivia,” Oithona (Copep.) ; Ro- sendorn, 109 : Copepoda ; Schmaus, 114. “ Washington,” Euphausiacea ; Co- losi, 50. Economics. Fishery, Panulirus argus ( Loric .) ; Key West ; Grant, 66 : Paralilhodcs camtschatica, Japan ; Matsui, 92. Lobster hatching and rearing ; Knight, 82 : MacClement, 86 : Lobster planting, Brit. Columbia ; Fraser, 64. Canned Paralithodes, chemical invest, of flesh ; Okuda & Matsui, 97. Trout food ; Gurney, 67. 10 Crust X. Crustacea, [1917] Brachyura as intermediate hosts of lung distome ; Yoshida, 145. Relations of Lernaea (Copep.) to mussel culture ; Wilson, 143. STRUCTURE. 2607 General. Macrura Reptantia ; Bouvier, 18 : Pontoniinae ( Carid .) ; Borradaile, 10 : Bathynella and other Syncarida ; Caiman, 22 : Idoteidae (V alv.) ; Col- linge, 34 : Glyptonotus (F alv.) ; Tait, 128 : Mesoniscus ( Onisc .) ; Verhoeff, 134 : Lernaeidae ( Copep .) ; Wilson, 142, 143. Exoskeleton. Articulation of pleon somites, Ne- phropsidea ; Tait, 129. Appendages. Appendages, Crustacea, esp. mouth - parts Malacostraca ; Bonadaile, 14: Post-cephalic limbs, Branchiopoda ; Sollaud, 117 : Limb-flexures and limb- taxis in Peracarida ; Tait, 127. Nervous System. Brain ; Holmgren, 74 : Centr. Nerv. Syst. Orchestra ( Gamm .) ; Hilton, 71 : Epicaridea ; Hilton, 72. Sense Organs. Eyes ; Holmgren, 74. Circulatory System. Cor frontale, Decapoda ; Baumann, 6. Excretory System. Maxillary gland, Cypridina ( Ostrac .) ; Yatsu, 144. Reproductive System. Male reproductive organs, Decapoda ; Fasten, 62. Thelycum, Euphausiacea ; Colosi, 5K Miscellaneous. Photo phores, Sergestes ( Penaeid .) ; Terao, 131. Cilia in Decapoda ; Fasten, 61, 62. Moulting, Isopoda ; Tait, 126. PHYSIOLOGY. 2611 Respiration, freshwater Crustacea ; Fehlmann, 63. Immersion experiments on Ligia (Onisc.) ; Tait, 125. Rheotaxis and salts, Asellus ; Allee, 1. Constant internal volume of pleon, Nephropsidea ; Tait, 129. Movements of limbs, &c., Glypto- notus (V alv.) ; Tait, 128. Functions of mouth -parts, Car idea } Borradaile, 13, 14. Moulting, Isopoda ; Tait, 126. Colour-change, Brachyura ; Longley, 84. Blood -colour and body-colour. Am- phipoda, Isopoda ; Tait, 130. Luminosity, Sergestes (Penaeid.) ; Terao, 131. Parthenogenesis, Daphnia ; Banta, 5. Inheritance of lack of eye -colour, Gammarus ; Allen & Sexton, 2. DEVELOPMENT. 2615 General. Lernaeidae (Copep.) ; Wilson, 142. Fertilisation and deposition of eggs, Portunus (Cyclom.) ; Duncan, 57. Embryology. Cell-lineage and embryonic develop- ment, Balanus (Cirrip.) ; Delsman, 54, Metamorphosis, Larval Forms, &c. Larvae, Panulirus (Loricata) ; Na- kazawa, 94 : Rhincalanus (Copep.) ; Schmaus, 114 : Lernaea (Copep.) ; Wilson, 143 : Apoda (?) and Asco - thoracida (Cirrip.) ; McMurrich, 90. Post -larval stages Eryonidea, Lori- cata ; Bouvier, 18. ETHOLOGY. 2619 Habits, &c., Sesarminae (Catom.) ; Tesch, 132 : Synalpheus and Typton (Carid.) ; McClendon, 87 : Pontoniinae (Carid.) : Borradaile, 10 : Limnadia (Phyllop.) ; Lundblad, 85 : Lepidurus (Phyllop.) ; Herriott, 70. II Crust. Subject Index. — Geographical. 2627 Habitats. Habitat, &c., Paralithodes camt- schatica ; Matsui, 92. Estuarine Caridea ; Kemp, 78 : Estuarine Caridea resembling deep-sea species ; Kemp, 79. Altitudinal distrib. Branchiopoda , Copepoda ; Dodds, 55. Glacial relict spp. ; Gurney, 67. Oxygen needs of freshwaterTJrustacea; Fehlmann, 63. Plankton, Marine ; Bigelow, 7 : Caiman, 23 : Granata, 65 : McMur- rich, 89 : McMurrich, 90 : Schmaus, 114. Parasitism, Commensalism, etc. On Whales, Lernaeidae ( Copep .) ; Wilson, 142. On fish, Copepoda ; Brian, 20 ; Stebbing, 122 : Stock, 124 ; Wilson, 141 , Lernaeidae {Copep.) ; Wilson, 142, 143. On Tunicata, Copepoda ; Sars, 112. On Crustacea : Dipterous larva in Oniscoidea ; Thompson, 133 : Epi- caridea ; Hay 68 : Trematoda ; Yo- shida, 145, 146 : Infusoria ; Watson, 139 : Qregarinida ; Watson, 138 : Gregarine in Ampelisca (Gamut.) ; Now- lin & Smith, 96 : Microsporidia in Gammarus ; L6ger et Hesse, 83 : Bacterial infection, Gammarus ; Tait, 130. On Mollusca, Copepoda ; Sars, 112. On Echinodermata, Copepoda ; Sars, 112. In Sponges, Caridea ; McClendon, 87. Commensal Pontoniinae ( Carid .) ; Borradaile, 10. Platyarthrus (Onisc.) occ. apart from ants ; Collinge, 45. Defence and Protection, Colour, etc. Protective resemblance, Crustacea ; Mortensen, 93. Body colour and blood colour, Amphipoda, Isopoda ; Tait, 130. VARIATION AND AETIOLOGY. 262a Variation. Blue Lobster ; C. H. Townsend, New York Zool. Soc. Bull. 20 1917 p. 1547. Var. of Gammarus spp. ; Stephensen, 123. Phylogeny. Macrura Reptantia; Bouvier, 18: Pontoniinae (Carid.) ; Borradaile, 10 : Leander, Palaemon (Carid.) ; Kemp, 78 : Syncarida ; Caiman, 22. Morphological parallelism in Eu- phausiacea ; Colosi, 48. DISTRIBUTION. 2627 1. GEOGRAPHICAL. A. General. [Vacant.] R. Land and Freshwater (including Salt Lakes). General. Sesarminae ( Catom .) ; Tesch, 132 : Potamonidae (Cyclom.) ; Bouvier, 15- i7. Europe and Mediterranean Islands. d Europe, Oniscoidea ; Verhoeff, 136. Norway and Murman coast, Phyllo- poda, Cladocera, Copepoda ; Olofsson, 99. Sweden, Limnadia (Phyllop.) ; Lundblad, 85. Germany : Oniscoidea ; Verhoeff, 135 : Cyclops ; Farwick, 60 : II ar- pacticidae (Copep.) ; van Douwe, 56 : Rhine province, Copepoda , Cladocera ; Farwick, 59. Holland, Cladocera ; Romyn, 108. British Isles, Oniscoidea ; Collinge, 40 : England and Scotland, Onis- coidea ; Collinge, 38 : Scotland, Por- cellio ratzeburgii (Onisc.) ; Collinge, 42 : Porcellio rathkii, Haplophthal- mus danicus (Onisc.) ; Collinge, 41 : Oniscoidea ; Collinge Scot. Nat. 1917 pp. 277 and 295 : Isle of May, Onis- coidea ; Evans, 58. 12 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1917] England, .Ligidium hypnorum ; Col- linge Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 1917 p. 94 : England and Wales, Oniscoidea ; Collinge, 43 : Lancashire and Cheshire, Oniscoidea ; Standen, 118 : Porcellio laevis ; Standen Lancs. Nat. 10 1917 p. 81 : Lancashire, Trichoniscoides (Onisc.) ; Collinge, 36 : Porcellio ratze - burgii ; Collinge, 44 : Bath, Ligidium hypnorum (Onisc. ) ; Collinge, 39 : Hert- fordshire, Ostracoda, Cladocera ; Popple, 103 : Norfolk, Cladocera, Copepoda ; Gurney, 67. Spain, Valencia, Cladocera ; Arevalo, 4. Switzerland, Ostracoda, Cladocera, Copepoda ; Borner, 9 : L. of Geneva, Cladocera ; Almeroth, 3. Austria, Oniscoidea ; Verhoeff, 134. Asia and Malay Archipelago. « Japan, Paratya ( Carid .) ; Kemp, 81 : Astacus; Parisi, 101. China, Hymenosomatidae ( Catom .) ; Kemp, 80. Assam, Paratya {Carid.) ; Kemp, 81. Africa and Madagascar. / Victoria Nyanza region, Cladocera ; Delachaux, 53. Natal, Oniscoidea ; Collinge, 47 : Talitridae {Gamm.) ; Stebbing, 119 : Potamonautes {Cyclom.) ; Stebbing, 121. North America. g Ontario, N ephropsidea, Caridea, My- sidacea, Asellota, Gammaridea ; Hunts- man, 76 : Cambarus {Astac.) ; Hunts- man, 77. Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, Clado- cera, Copepoda, Ostracoda ; Sars, 111. Colorado, Branchiopoda, Copepoda ; Dodds, 55. Central and South America and West Indies. h British Guiana, W. Indies, Onis- coidea ; Pearse, 102. Trinidad, Calycuoniscus (Onisc.) ; Collinge, 35. Surinam, Cyclopidae ( Copep .) ; Chap- puis, 25. Australasia. » New Guinea, Caridea, Brachyura ; Roux, 110. Australia, Potamonidae (Cyclom.), Astacopsis (Nephrop.); McCulloch, 88 : Australia and Norfolk I., Paratya (Carid.) ; Kemp, 81 : S. Australia, Deto (Onisc.) ; Chilton, 28 : Oniscoidea, Phyllopoda ; Chilton, 29 : W. Australia, Phyllopoda, Schwartz, 115 : Northwest Australia, Cyprinotus (Ostrac.) ; Skogs- berg, 116. * New Zealand, Talorchestia (Gamm.) ; Chilton, 27 : Lepidurus ( Phyllop .) ; Herriott, 70 : Paratya (Carid.) ; Kemp, 81 : Wellington, Oniscoidea ; Chilton, 31. 0. Marine. (The arrangement is based on that of Borradaile, Bibliography of the Marine Fauna, Challenger Society. 2nd Edn., 1914.) General. Sesarminae (Catom.) ; Tesch, 132 : Pontoniinae (Carid.) ; Borradaile, 10 : Euphausiacea ; Colosi, 51 : Gam- maridea ; Chilton, 32 and 33 : F label - lifera, V alvifera, Asellota; Nierstrasz, 95 : Bhincalanus (Copep.) ; Schmaus, 114 : Ostracoda from “ Liguria ” Exp. ; Granata, 65. Atlantic and Pacific coasts of N. and S. America, Lernaeidae (Copep.) ; Wil- son, 142. “ Valdivia ” Exp., localities not given, Oithona (Copep.) ; Rosendorn, 109. North Atlantic. Macrura Reptantia ; Bouvier, 18 : Euphausiacea ; Colosi, 49 : Copepoda ; Sars, 113. Norway, Copepoda ; Sars, 112. Denmark, Gammarus ; Stephensen, 123. British seas, Idoteidae (Valv.) ; Collinge, 34. St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Crus- tacea (plankton) ; McMurrich, 89. Bay of Fundy, Caprellidae ; Hunts- man, 75 : Copepoda (paras. ) ; Stock, 124. ]3 Crust. Subject Index — Geological. 2627 Passamaquoddy Bay, Monstrilla ( Copep .), larvae of Apoda (?) and Ascothoracida ( Cirrip .) ; McMurrich, 90. New England coast, Euphausiacea , Hyperiidea, Copepoda ; Bigelow, 7. North Carolina, Caridea, Paguridea ; Hay, 69 : Epicaridea ; Hay, 68. Mediterranean. Macrura Reptantia; Bouvier, 18: Euphausiacea ; Colosi, 49, 50. Quarto, Italy; Copepoda ; Brian, 19. Tropical Atlantic. Stomatopoda, Cladocera ; Caiman, 23. Indo-Pacific. Pontoniinae ( Carid .) ; Borradaile, 10. Western Indian Ocean, Caridea ; Borradaile, 11. India, Siam, Japan, Acetes ( Penaeid .) ; Hemp, 77a : India, Burma, Malay Peninsula, China (brackish water) Leander, Palaemon (Carid.) ; Kemp, 78 : India, Siam, China, estuarine Hymenosomatidae ( Catom .) ; Hemp, 80. Gulf of Mannar, Synidotea (V alv.) ; Collinge, 46. Malay Archipelago, Caridea ; de Man, 91. Java Sea, Flabellifera ; Nierstrasz, 95. New Guinea, Decapoda, Stomatopoda ; Roux, 110. Southern Ocean. S. Africa, Decapoda, Mysidacea, Flabellifera, Oammaridea, Copepoda paras. ; Stebbing, 122 : Durban Bay, Decapoda, Flabellifera, Gammaridea ; Stebbing, 120 : Decapoda, Stomatopoda ; Stebbing, 121. Australia, Cirripedia ; Brock, 21 : S. Australia Serolis ( Flabell .), Deto (Onisc.) ; Chilton, 28 : Paridotea (V alv.); Collinge, 37 : Norfolk Id. and Sydney, Elasmopus rapax ( Gamm .) ; Chilton, New Zealand, Cirripedia ; Borra- daile, 12 : Stomatopoda, Cumacea, Cladocera; Caiman, 23: Hyale(Gamm.) Chilton, 30 : Ampelisca (Gamm.) ; Chilton, 33. North Pacific. Japan, Galatheidea, Nephropsidea, Loricata, Thalassinidea ; Parisi, 101. Brit. Columbia, Copepoda (paras.) ; Wilson, 141. Washington, Brachyura , A nomura ; Way, 140. Arctic. Spitsbergen, Decapoda ; Hofsten, 73 : Euphausiacea, Mysidacea ; Bjorck, 8 : Amphipodai ] Isopoda, Cumacea ; Olde- vig, 98. Antarctic. Graham Land, &c., Euphausiacea, Mysidacea, Decapoda; Couture, 52 : Diastylis helleri (Cumae;) ; Caiman, 24. McMurdo : Sound, Cumacea , Phyllo- carida ; Caiman, 23. 2. GEOLOGICAL. Cambrian. Lower Cambrian, Brit. Columbia, Phyllopoda ; Walcott, 137. Cretaceous. Upper Cretaceous, S. Dakota, Dro- miacea, Oxy stomata ; Rathbun, 106. Cenomanian, Sicily, Dromiacea ; Checchia-Rispoli, 26. Eastern Pacific. Chile, Galatheidae ; Porter, 104 : Tertiary. Sphyrion laevigatum (Copep. paras.) ; Pliocene, California, Cancer (Cyclom.); Porter, 105. Rathbun, 107. 14 Crust. X. Crustacea. |1917] III.— SYSTEMATIC. 2631 N.B. — The numerals in Clarendon type , when not indicating a Volume , refer to Titles. Borradatle 14. Peracarida, Tait 127. DECAPODA. Baumann 6 ; Fasten 61, 62 ; Hofsten 73. Brachyura. Longlev 84 ; Way 140 ; Yoshida 145. OXYRHYNCHA. Achaeopsis thomsoni p. 24 figs., “Stubbing Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Platylambrus quemvis sp. n. Durban p. 3 figs., Stebbjng Ann. Durban Mus. 2. Cyclometopa. Duncan 57. Atergatis floridus p. 7 figs., Stebbing Ann. Durban Mus. 2. f Cancer urbanus sp. n. Pliocene 'California p. 451 fig. Ratiibun Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 53. Eupolamonea new div. of Potamonidae p. 615, Bouvier Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. 165. Oeolhtlphusa leichardti p. 232, var. n. plana Queensland p. 236, figs., McCulloch Rec. Austral, Mus. 11. Lobothelphusa subg. n. of Hydro - thelphusa p. 620, Bouvier Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. 165. Parapotamonca new div. of Pota- monidae p. 617, Bouvier t.c. Paratelphusa ( IAotelphusa ) wich- manni p. 604, beauforli p. 606, f estiva p. 608, figs , Roux Nova Guinea 5. Potamonidae new classification pp. 615, 657, 751, Bouvier Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. 165. Oatometopa. Yoshida 146. Clistocoeloma tectum p. 222, fig., Tesch Zool. Meded. 3. Dotilla clepsydra sp. n. Durban p. 18 figs., Stebbing Ann. Durban Mus. 2. Elamena truncata p. 272, (Trigonoplax) cimex p. 274, xavieri sp. n. India p. 275, unguiformis p. 277, figs., Kemp Rec. Tnd. Mus. 13. Hymenicoides gen. n. ( Hymeno - somatidae) p. 267, carteri sp. n. Calcutta p. 268 figs., Kemp t.c. Macrophthalmus grandidierii p. 12 figs., Stebbing Ann. Durban Mus. 2. Ptychognathus demani sp. n. New Guinea p. 615 figs., Roux Nova Guinea 5. Bhynchoplax wood-masoni p. 252, alcocki sp. n. India p. 253, octagonal is sp. n. India p. 256, demeloi sp. n. India p. 258, exiguus sp.. n. Siam p. 260, introversus sp. n. fresh water, China p. 262, nasalis sp. n. Calcutta p. 265 figs., Kemi Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Sarmatium fryatti sp. n. Java, &c., p. 216 figs., Tesch Zool. Meded. 3. Scnpimera kochi sp. n. New Guinea p. 610 figs., Roux Nova Guinea 5. Sesarma modesta p. 619, Roux Nova Guinea 5. — S. key to Indo-pacific spp. p. 235, S. bocourti p. 135, eydouxi p. 150, lafondi p.164, modesta p. 175, ocypoda , graciliima p. 179, palawanensis p. 183, taeniolata with subsp. n. crebrestriata p. 203, villosa p. 208, figs., Tesch Zool. Meded. 3. Uca lacteus p. 16 figs., Stebbing Ann. Durban Mus. 2. Oxystomata. t Campylostoma pierrense sp. n. Upper Cretaceous, S. Dakota, p. 389 figs., Rathbun Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52. Dromiacea. f Dakoticancer gen. n. ( Dakotican - cridae) p. 385, overana sp. n. Upper Cretaceous, S. Dakota, p. 386 figs., Rathbun Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus 52. ■\Dakoticancroideae superfam. n. for Dakoticancridae fam. n. p. 385, Rath- bun t.c. t Distefania gen. n. p. 174, himera- ensis sp. n. Cenomanian, Sicily, p. 177 figs., Checoiiia Rispoli Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital. 3. | Homolopsis punctata sp. n. Upper Cretaceous, S. Dakota, p. 388 figs, Rathbun Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52. 15 Crust. Anomura. Way 140. Galatheidea. Porter 104. Uroplychus ensiroslris sp. n. Sagami Bay p. 4 fig., Parisi Pavia Atti. Soc. ital. sci. nat. 56. Paguridea. Pagurus colceri sp. n. North Carolina p. 73, Hay Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton 30. Paguristes aimatus sp. n. North Carolina p. 73, Hay t.c. Paralithodes camtschalica fishery, can- ning, Okuda & Matsui 97, Matsu i 92. Hippide a. [Vacant.] Macrura. Nephropsidea. Fraser 64. — Huntsman 77.— Knight 82. — MacClement 86. — Tait 129. Astacopsis scrratus var. n. hirsulus N.S. Wales p. 238 fig., McCulloch Bee. Austral. Mus. 11. Cambarus barlonii p. 157, fodiens p. . 158, diogenes, immunis, p. 159, limosus , propinquus, p. 160, viriiis p. 161, figs., Huntsman Contrib. Canad. Biol. 1 OH- 1914 fasc. ii. Nephrops sagamiensis sp. n. Sagami Bay p. 15, japonicus p. 15 fig., Parisi Pavia Atti. Soc. ital. sci. nat. 56. N ephropsis atlantica p. 22 figs., Bouvier Res. camp. sci. Monaco 50. Eryonidea. Eryoneicus Puritani p. 61, Richardi p. 68, A lberti p. 70, spinoculaius p. 74, Faxoni p. 78, figs., Bouvier Res. camp, sci. Monaco 50. Polycheles lyphlops p. 34, granulalus p. 45, sculptus p. 51, Grimaldii p. 52, figs. Bouvier t.c. — P. demani sp. n. Cape p. 28 figs., Stebbing Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Willemoesia leplodaclyla p. 33 figs., Bouvier Res. camp. sci. Monaco 50. 2631 Loricata. Grant 66. — Nakazawa 94. Panulirus regius p. 91 figs., Bouvier Res. camp. sci. Monaco 50. Paribacus ursus major juv. p. 13 fig., Parisi Pavia Atti Soc. ital. sci. nat. 56. Scyllarides sp. p. 11 fig., Parisi t.c. Scyllarus arclus post-larval p. 108, pygmaeus p. 115 figs., Bouvier R£s. camp. sci. Monaco 50. Thalassinidea. Callianassa ( Trypaea ) Uarmandi p. 24 fig., Parisi Pavia Atti. Soc. ital. sci. nat. 56. Calocaris M acandreae p. 119 figs., Bouvier Res. camp. sci. Monaco 50. — C. alcoclci p. 27 figs., Stebbing Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Oxyrhynchaxius gen. n. ( Actiidae ) p. 17, japonicus sp. n. Enoshima p. 18 figs., Parisi Pavia Atti Soc. ital. sci. nat. 56. Caridea. Borradaile 13. — Kemp 79. — Mc- Clendon 87. Acanthephyra brachytelsonis p. 35 figs., Stebbing Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Aegean rugulosus p. 411 fig., Borra- daile Trans. Linn. Soc. 17. Amphipalaemon gardineri fig., cooper i. p. 407, Borradaile t.c. Anchistus miersi p. 388 fig., Borra- daile t.c. Automate ldngsieyi sp. n. North Carolina p. 72, Hay Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30. Caridina nilotica and var. gracilipe.s p. 590, weberi var. papuana p. 591, demani p. 592 figs., f ecu nda p. 594 figs., Roux Nova Guinea 5. Chorismus antarctic us p. 6, Cou- tiere Crust. Schiz. et Decap 2e Exped. Antarct. Frany. Conchodytcs meleagrinae p. 393 fig., Borradaile Trans. Linn. Soc. 17. Systematic. — Decapoda 16 Cruat. X. Crustacea. [1917] Coralliocaris macrophthalma p. 383, japonica p. 384 figs., rathbuni nom. n. for tridentata Rathbun p. 385, Borra- daile t.c, — C. wilscni sp. n. North Carolina p. 71, Hay Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30. Gnathophyllum fasciolatum p. 409 fig., Borradaile Trans. Linn. Soc. 17. — G. modeslum sp. n. North Carolina p. 72, Hay Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton 30. Harpiliopsis gen. n. ( Pontoniinae ), beaupresi p. 379, depressus p. 380, figs., Borradaile Trans. Linn. Soc. 17. Heterocar poides subg. n. of Hetero- carpus for Dorodotes levicarina Sp. Bate p. 284, de Man Zool. Meded. 3. Heterocarpus lepidus sp. n. p. 282, ensifer var. n. parvispina p. 282, sibogae sp. n. p. 283, Malay Archip., de Man t.c. — H. unicarinatns, affinis p. 399 figs., Borradaile Trans. Linn. Soc. 17. Hymenocera elegans p. 410 fig., Borradaile t.c. Leander serratus mouth parts p. 62 figs., Borradaile Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917. Leander tenuipes p. 206, annandalei sp. n. China p. 211, styliferus p. 214, carinatus p. 219, modestus p. 221, fiuminicola sp. n. India p. 223, potamis * cus sp. n. India p. 225, figs., Kemp Rec. Ind. Mus. 13.— L. pacificus p. 34 figs., Sterbtng Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Lysmata affinis p. 402, Borradaile Trans. Linn. Soc. 17. Lysmatella prima p. 404 fig., Borra- daile t.c. Nematocarcinus tenuirostris var. n. sibogae p. 279, de Man Zool. Meded. 3. — N . parvidentatus p. 35 figs., Stebbing Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Nikoides maldivensis p. 411 fig., Borradaile Trans. Linn. Soc. 17. Notocrangon antarclicus p. 2 figs., Coutiere Crust. Schiz. et Decap. 2e Expod. Antarct. Frany. Palaemon mirabilis sp. n. India p. 227 figs., Kemp Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. — P. ( Eupalaemon ) dispar p. 595, sundaicus, acanthosoma p. 597, minutus sp. h. New Guinea p. 599 figs., weberi p. 600 (Macrobrachium) placidulns, latimanus p. 601, Roux New Guinea 5. Palaemonella elegans , longirostris, p. 359 figs., Borradaile Trails. Linn. Soc. 17. Palaemonetes paludosa p. 154 fig., Huntsman Contrib. Canad. Biol. 1911— 1914 fasc. ii. Pandalus ( Plesionika ) gracilis p. 398 fig., Borradaile Trans. Linn. Soc. 17. Paratya compressa p. 296 subsp. n. improvisa Japan p. 299, curvirostris p. 301, australiensis sp. n. N.S. Wales p. 303 subsp. n. norfolkensis Norfolk I. p. 305 figs., Kemp Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Periclimenaeus robust us p. 378, fim- briatus p. 379 figs., Borradaile Trans. Linn. Soc. 17. • Periclimenes ( Crisiiger ) brocki p. 363, fralei% incertus, commensalis p. 364, ( Corniger ) ceratophthalmus , cornutus p. 365, ( Falciger ) spiniferus p. 369, nilan- densis , affinis p. 372, dubius, compressus p. 373, brocketti, poitsi p. 374, suvadi- vensis, seychellensis p. 375, kolumadu- lensis p. 376, figs., Borradaile t.c. Peripandalus gen. n. for Pandalus serratus A.M.E. p. 281, de Man Zool. Meded. 3. Phyllognathia ceratophthahna p. 409 fig., Borradaile Trans. Linn. Soc. 17. Plesionika longipes var. n. indica p. 279, assimilis sp. n. Malay Archip., p. 280, de Man Zool. Meded. 3. Pontonia tyrrhena p. 390 figs., Borra- daile Trans. Linn. Soc. 17. Pontonides gen. n. ( Pontoniinae)t maldivensis p. 387 fig., Borradaile t.c. Pontoniopsis comanthi p. 377 fig., Borradaile t.c. JRhynchocinetes typus p. 27 figs., Stebbing Ann. Durban Mus. 2. Thalassocaris affinis, maldivensis p. 400 figs., Borradaile Trans. Linn. Soc. 17. Thor maldivensis p. 401 fig., Borra- daile t.c. Urocaridella gracilis p. 352 fig., Borradaile t.c. Urocaris psamathe p. 354 fig., Borra- daile t.c. Xiphocaridina see Paratya. 17 Cru&t . Systematic. — Isofoda. 2631 Penaeidea. Terao 131. Acetes indicus p. 47, erythraeus p. 51, insularis sp. n. Borneo p. 54, japonicus p. 56, figs., Kemp Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Penaeus semisulcatus p. 441, durbani sp. n. Durban p. 442, figs., Stebbino Ann. Durban Mus. 1. Solenocera africanus sp. n. Cape p. 32 figs., Stebbino Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Stenopidea. [Vacant.] EUPHAUSIACEA. Bigelow 7. — Bjorck 8.— Colost 48, 49.— Couture 52. Classification, Colosi 51. Euphausia brevis p. 123 fig., Colosi Firenze Bull. Soc. Entora. 48. E. krohnii p. 180, brevis p. 181, lucens p. 183, uncinata sp. n. Falkland Is. p. 186, patachonica sp. n. Falkland Is. p. 187, mucronata p. 188, figs., Colosi Race, planet. “ Liguria ” 2. Nematoscelis microps p. 128 fig., Colosi Firenze Bull. Soc. Entom. 48. — N“. megalops p. 192 figs., Colosi Race, planet. “ Liguria ” 2. Pseudeuphausia latifrons p. 179 figs., Colosi t.c. Stylocheiron carinatum p. 194, arma- tum sp. n. Indian Ocean and Caribbean Sea p. 196, elongatum p. 196, affine, longicorne p. 197, abbrevidtum p. 198 figs., Colosi t.c. MYSIDACEA. Bjorok 8. — Coutiere 52. — Steb- BINO 122. My sis relicia p. 153 figs., Huntsman Contrib. Canad. Biol. 1911-1914 fasc. ii. SYNC ARID A. Bathynella natans p. 489 figs., Cal- man Q. J. Microsc. Sci. 62. STOMATOPODA. Stebbino 121. Larval and post-larval spp. p. 141, Calman Terra Nova Exp. Zool. 3. Squilla brasiliensis sp. n. off Cape Frio p. 139 figs., C almanac. (N-4840.Z) CUMACEA. Calman 24. — Oldevio 98. Campylaspis antarctica p. 155 fig., Calman Terra Nova Exp. Zool. 3. Colnrostylis lemurum sp. n. New Zealand p. 153 figs., Calman t.c. Cyclaspis similis p. 147 fig., argus p. 148, coelebs sp. n. New Zealand p. 150 figs., notes on other spp., Calman t.c. Diastylis neozealanica p. 162 figs., Calman t.c. TANAIDACEA. [Vacant.] ISOPODA. Oldevio 98. — Omer-Cooper 100. — Tajt 126, 130. Asellota. Allee 1. Asellus communis p. 147 figs., Hunts- man Contrib. Canad. Biol. 1911-1914 fasc. ii. Mancasellus lenax p. 148 figs., Hunts- man t.c. Phreatoicidea. [Vacant.] Flabellifera. Stebbino 122. Alcirona macronema p. 97 figs., Nierstrasz Zool. Meded. 3. Cassidina typus p. 109 fig., Njer- STRASZ t.C. Cirolana rossi p. 91, punctata p. 94 figs., Nierstrasz t.c. Livoneca nasicornis sp. n. Java Sea p. 87 figs., Nierstrasz t.c. Serolis tuberculata p. 394, australi- ensis p. 396, longicaudata p. 397, minuta p. 397, bakeri sp. n. S. Australia p. 398, figs., Chilton Trans. R. Soc. S. Australia 41. Sphaeroma quadridentalum, quo - yanum,X p. 105, sieboldi p. 107, figs., Nierstrasz Zool. Meded. 3. — S. walkeri p. 444 figs., Stebbing Ann. Durban Mus. 1. b 15 18 Crust. x. Crustacea. [1917] Valvifera. Olyptonotus antarcticus p. 246 figs., Tait Edinburgh Proc. R. Soe. 37. ldotea baltica p. 737, pelagica p. 739, neglecta p. 740, emarginata p. 741, granulosa p. 742, sarsi sp. n. St. Andrews p. 743, viridis p. 745, metallica p. 746, linearis p. 747 figs., Collinge Edin- burgh Trans. R. Soc. 51. — 7. peroni p. 112 fig., Nierstrasz Zool. Meded. 3. . Paridotea bakeri sp. n. S. Australia p. 112 figs., Colling e J. Zool. Research 2. — Paridothea ungulata p. 113 figs., Nierstkasz Zool. Meded. 3. Pentidothea elongata p. 114 fig., Nierstrasz t.c. Synidotea variegata sp. n. Gulf of Mannar p. 2 figs., Collinoe Reo. Ind. Mus. 13. Synisoma nom. n. for Stenosoma auctt. p. 750, lancifer p, 751, acuminata p. 752, figs., Collinge Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51. Zenobiana prismatica p. 749 figs., Collinge t.c. Epioaridea. Hilton 72. Phryxus subcaudalis sp. n. on Synal- phe.ua N. Carolina p. 569 figs.. Hay Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 51. Pse.udione upogebiaesp. n. on Upogebia N. Carolina p. 572 figs., Hay t.e. Synsynella gen. n. near Bopyriscus, deformans sp. n. on Synalpheus N. Carolina p. 571 figs., Hay t.c. Oniscoidea. Collinge 39, 40, 41, 42, 44. — Evans 58.— Standen 118. — Tait 125. — Thompson 133. Armadillidium vulgar e varr. n. vires - cens p. 124, aureolineatus , tesselatus, rnarginatus, cooperi, bicolor , p. 125 England and Scotland, Collinoe J. Zool. Research 2. — A. pulchellum var. n. flams England p. 125, Collinoe t.c. — A. depression var. n. maculatum England p. 115, Collinge Scot. Nat. 1917. Calycuoniscus spinosus sp. n. Trini- dad p. 29 figs., Collinge J, Zoo], Rosoarch 2. Circoniscus gen. n. ( Armadillididae ) gaigei sp. n. Brit. Guiana p. 4 figs., Pearse Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan 46. Cubans milleri sp. n. Wellington p. 327 figs., Chilton Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 19. — C. claytonensis sp. n. S. Australia p. 479 figs., Chilton Trans. R. Soc. S. Australia 41. — O. warreni p. 569, reticulatus p. 570, burnupi p. 572, natalensis p. 573, longicauda p. 574, Irilobala p 575, spp. n., Natal, figs. Collinge Ann. Natal Mus. 3. — C. gaigei sp. n. Brit. Guiana p. 2 figs., Pearse Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan 46. Cylislicus convexus var. n. brunneus England p. 124, Collinge J. Zool. Research 2. Deto marina p. 399 figs., Chilton Trans. R. Soc. S. Australia 41. Haplophlhalmus mengii var. n. flavo- virescens Scotland p. 123, Collinge J. Zool. Research 2. Hemiporcellio strzelecki sp. n. S. Australia p. 477 fig., Chilton Trans. R. Soc. S. Australia 41. Leptotrichus emarginatus sp. n. Brit. Guiana p. 5 figs., Pearse Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan 46. Mesoniscus subterraneus p. 54, varr. n. subterraneus and nivalis p. 55, Ver- hoefe Zool. Anz. 49. — M. calcivagus p. 504, subterraneus p. 505, spp. n., Austria figs., Verhoeff Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 37. Oniscus asellus varr. n. flavescens, flavobrunneus , England p. 123, Collinoe J. Zool. Research 2. — O. asellus var. n. bicolor Cheshire p. 266, Collinge Lancs. Nat. 9. Philoscia muscorum var. n. virescens England p. 123, Collinge J. Zool. Research 2. — P. muscorum var. n. standeni Wales, Cheshire p. 266, Col- linge Lancs. Nat. 9. — P. warreni p. 578, dilectum p. 579, spp. n., Natal figs., Collinge Ann. Natal Mus. 3. Platyarthrus hojfmannseggii var. n. flavobrunneus England p. 124, Col- linge J. Zool. Research 2. — P. occ. apart from ants p. 172, Collinge Lancs. Nat. 10, 19 Crust. Systematic — Branchiopoda. 2631 . Porcellio scaber var. n. fl.avobninncus, P. laevis varr. n. flavdvirescens, macu- latus England p. 124, Colling e J. Zool. Research 2. — P. dilatatus var. n. flaws Derbyshire p.. 266, Colling e Lancs. Nat. 9. — P. graevei sp. n. Ger- many p. 353, Verhoeff Zool. Anz. 48. Porcellionides pruinosus var. n. flavo- brunneus Scotland p. 124, Collinge J. Zool. Research 2. Trichoniscoides scabrous sp. n. Lanca- shire p. 95, Collinge t.c. Trichoniscus noricus sp. n. Germany p. 353, caroli nom. n. for pusillus Carl, p. 354, Verhoeff Zool. Anz. 48. — T. alemannicus sp. n. with varr. n. alemannicus and striatus , noricus sp. n. with varr. n. noricus and rolundatus p. 46, niuscivagus sp. n. p. 47, nivatus sp. n., sulcatus sp. n., caroli nom. n. for pusillus Carl non Brandt p. 48, pusillus subsp. n. cadebs p. 53, Europe, figs., Verhoeff Zool. Anz. 49. AMPHJPODA. Oldevig 98. Gammaridea. , Allen & Sexton 2. — Chtlton 32. — Hilton 71. — LIsoer et Hesse 83. — Nowlin & Smith 96. — Stubbing 120. — Tait 130. — Watson 13§. Ampelisca eschrichlii p. 87 figs., Chilton J. Zool. Research 2. Eucrangonyx gracilis p. 152 fig., Huntsman Contrib. Canad. Biol. 1911 — 1914 fasc. ii, Exhyalella gen. n. (near Hyalella) nqtalensis sp. n. Durban p. 435, Steb- bing Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 20. Gammarus fasciatus, limnaeus, p.‘ 151 figs., Huntsman Contrib, Canad. Biol. 1911-1914 fasc. ii. — G. zaddachi as var. of G. locusta p. 43 figs., Stepiien- sen Kjobenhavn Nath. Medd. 68. Hyalegrenfelli Syrphidae • • • • .. 193 Conopidae. . • • e • .. 193 Oestridae « • • • .. 193 Muscidae Calyptratae • • « « .. 194 Muscidae Aoalyptratae . . , , . 198 Pupipara . . . . 200 Aphaniptera=3631 . . .. 200 Hemiptera=4031 : — General . , . . . . .. 200 Heteroptera : — Pentatomidae . . . .. 200 Goreidae, Lygaeidae . . (, . .. 201 Pyrrhocoridae . . . . .. 201 Tiugitidae . . .. 202 Aradidae . . „ . f . .. 202 Phymatidae . . • • .. 202 Gerridae, Hebridae .. 202 Reduviidae, Nabidae . . . . . . 203 Gimioidae • • f • .. 203 Anthocoridae, Henicocephalidae .. 203 Gapsidae, Miridae . . . , . . 203 Baldidae (Vacant) Hydroconsae . . . . .. 204 PACK Homoptera : — Cicadidae Fulgoridae Membracidae . . Cercopklae Jassidae Psyllidae Aphidae Aleurodidae Coccidae Anoplura or Ellipoptera=363l Thysanoptera=3631 Psocidae or Psocoptera=3831 Mallophaga or Lipoptera=3631 Termitidae or Isoptera Embiidae or Embioptera Perl id ae or Plecoptera Ephemeridae or Ephemeroptera=3831 Odonata or Paraneuroptera Palaeodictyoptera and Fossils of extinct Orders Orthoptera = 3831 : — General Forficulidae . . .... iilattidae . . Phasmidae . . . . Mantidae Gryllidae . . Locustidae Acridiidae . . Aptera . . . . . , Thysanura s.l. =3631 .. .. .. Oollembola s.l. = 3631 Protura . . . . . . . 204 . 205 .. 208 . 208 . 208 . 209 . 210 . 213 . 214 . 215 . 216 . 216 . 216 . 217 . 217 . 217 . 218 . 218 . 220 , 221 . 221 . 222 . 223 . 223 . 225 . 225 . 225 . 226 „ 226 . 226 . 227 8 Insect a. xii. Insecta. [1917] I.— TITLES. Abbott, J. F. The variation of Arctocorisa interrupta (Say). Wash- ington University Studies St. Louis Mo. 1 1913 (10—21) pi. iii. [Heteropier a.] 1 Abbott, J. F. Mimicry in the genus Limenitis with special reference to the “ Poulton hypothesis.” St. Louis Mo. Washington Univ. Stud. 1 (Pt. 1) 1914 (203-221) pi. xxxvii ft. 1-2. [ Lepidoptera .] 2 Abraham, N. An interesting case of insect mutualism. S. Afric. Journ. Sc. 14 (137-140). 3 Achard, J. Liste des Hispidae recueillis par M. Favarel dans la region du Haut Chari. Ann. Soc. ent. France 86 1917 (63-72). ( Goleoptera .] 4 Achard, J. Descriptions de deux chrysom61ides nouveaux de l’Amerique du Sud. Bull. Soc. Ent. France 1917 1917 (230). [ Goleoptera .] 5 Adair, E. W. Notes sur la ponte et l’eclosion de Miomantis savignyi (Sauss.). Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 1912 1914(117-127). [Orthoptera.] 6 Adair, E. W. Notes pr61iminaires pour servir A l’6tude des Mantidae. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 6 1914 (21-36) 7 Adair, E. W. Notes on the early stages of the post-embryonic develop- ment of Empusa egena Charp. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 7 1916 (76-80). [Orthoptera.] 8 Adair, E. W. Le developpement de la Mante, Sphodromantis bioculata Burm. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 7 1916 (90-99). [Orthoptera.] 9 Adair, E. W. and Adair, E. E. Le developpement de la mante Ameles aegyptiaca Werner. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9 1917 (81-91). [Orthoptera.] 10 Aders, W. M. Insects injurious to man and stock in Zanzibar. Bull. ent. Ees. 7 1917 (391-401). 11 Adkin, B. Ocneria dispar in Britain. Proc. S. London Ent. Soc. 1916—17 1917 (1-6). [Lepidoptera.] 12 Ahlander, F. E. Svensk entomo- logisk och arachnologislc litteratur for &r 1915 (Jamte aldre tillagg). Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (312-320). 13 Ahlberg, O. N&gra for Skane och Halland nya Goleoptera , tagua som- maren 1915. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (326). 14 Ainslie, C. N. Notes on the con- struction of the cocoon of Praon. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (364- 367). [Hymenoptera.] 15 Ainslie, G. C. Crambid moths and light. J. econ. Ent. Concord 10 1917 (114-123). [Lepidoptera.] 16 Ainslie, G. G. vide Luginbill k Ainslie. Alexander, C. P. Two new crane- flies from the Philippine islands. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (6-8). [Diptera.] 17 Alexander, C. P. A new Gtenacros- celis. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (21 & 22). [Diptera.] 17a Alexander, C. P. New nearctio crane-flies. Pari; II. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (12-30 61-64). [Diptera]. 18 Alexander, C. P. The Crane-flies of South Africa in the South African Museum ( Diptera Tipulidae). Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17 1917 (139-184) pis. x-xiv. 19 Alfieri, A. Catalogue des Ceram by- cides de 1’ Egypte. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9 1916 (63-76). [ Goleoptera .] 20 9 Insecla. Titles. 3500 Allard, H. A. Synchronism and synchronic rhhbym in the behaviour of certain oreatures. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (438-446). [Orthoptera .] 21 Alluand, C. Contributions A l’6tude des Carabiques d’Afrique et de Mada- gascar. XII. Observations sur le genre Melanodes Chaud. et description de deux especes nouvelles. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (226-229). [ Goleoptera .] 22 Alluaud, C. Contributions a 1’ etude des carabiques d’Afriquo et do Mada- gascar. XIII. Descriptions de deux Oodides et d’un Tkyreopterus nouveaux de PAfrique tropicale. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (294-296). [ Coleo - ptera .] 23 Alluaud, C. Contributions a 1’ etude des carabiques d’Afrique et de Mada- gascar. XIV. Sur lo genre Grosso- glossa Chaudoir et descriptions de deux especes nouvelles. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (85-88). [ Goleoptera .] 24 Alluaud, C. Contributions a 1’ etude des carabiques d’Afrique et de Mada- gascar. XV. Descriptions de quatre osp&ces nouvelles du sud de Mada- gascar. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (136-138). [Goleoptera.'] 25 Alluaud, C. Contributions, etc. . . . xvi. Descriptions des Anoplogenius de Madagascar et d’un genre voisin. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (243- 246). [Goleoptera.] 26 Alluaud, C. Contributions, &c. . . . xvii. Descriptions de cinq especes nou- velles de Madagascar. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918 (318-321). [Goleop- tera.] 27 Alluaud, C. Les carabiques de la faune alpine des hautes montagnes de l’Afrique orientale. Ann. Soc. ent. France 86 1917 (73-116). [Goleop- tera.] 28 Aim, G. Till kannedomon orn do niitspinnande Trichopler-] ar vern as bio- logi. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (285-297) pi. 29 Alonso, J. M. D. Noticia de lopubli cado en 1916 sobre Entomologia de Espana y Portugal. Bol. Soc. espan. Madrid 17 1917 (166-170). 30 Amari, S. Sankyoso no shusoi ni tsuite. [On the habits of the parasitic fly of silkworms.] Tokyo, Sangyo Shikenjo Hokoku [Report of the Seri- cultural Institute] 2 1917 (251-286). [Diptera.] 31 Amari, S. Sanji sanyo sanga ni kiseisuru daui (Pediculoides) ni kwan- suru kenkyu. [On Pediculoides sp. par- asitic to Bombyx mori, its pupa and larva.] Tokyo, Sangyo Shikenjo Hokoku [Report of the Sericultural Institute.] 2 1917 (223-249) 4 pis. [Lepidoptera] 32 Ammitzbbll, J. TV A for Sverige nya arter Eristalis. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (104). [Diptera.] 33 Andrd, E. Revision des Mutillides de l’Egypte. Mem. Soc. ent. Egypte 1 2 1910 (1-94] pis. i-iii. [Hymenoptera.] 34 Andres, A. Verzeichnis der bis jetzt in Aegypten beobachteten Schmetter- linge. Bull. ent. Soc. Egypte 1912 1913 (53-114). [Lepidoptera.] 35 Andres, A. V Eudemis de la vigne en Egypte ( Eudemis betrana Schiff). Bull, ent. Soc. Egypte 1912 1914 (132-135). [Lepidoptera.] 36 Andres, A. Sur uno liste de Coleo - pteres captures en 1867 a 1869 par le Dr. O. Schneider a Ramleh pres d’ Alex- andrie. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 6 1914 (39-48). 37 Andrews, A. W. Goleoptera collected in North Eastern Nevada by the Walker-Newcomb expedition of the University of Michigan. Univ. Michi- gan Zool. occ. paper. No. 48 1917 (1-3). 38 Aoki, K. and Chigasaki, Y. Sanji nobyotakakutei no menyekigakuteki kenkyu. [On the immunity of the polyhedral bodies produced in silk- worms infested with jaundice.] Tokio, Sangyo Shikenjo Hokuko [Report of the Sericultural Institute] 2 1917 (413- 423). [Lepidoptera.] 39 Aoki, K. and Honda, S. fjJanji iyeki no menyekiteki kenkyu. [On the immunity of the digestive fluid of silk- worms.] Tokyo, Sangyo Shikenjo Ho- koku [Report of the Sericultural Insti- tute] 2 1917 (425-483). [Lepidoptera.] 40 10 l reseda. XU. Insecta. [1917] Arnold, G. A monograph of the Formioidae of South Africa ( Myrmi - cinae). Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 14 1917 (271-402). [ Hymenoptera .] 41 Arrow, C. J. The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Coleoptera. Lamellicornia part ii (Rut- el inae, Desmonycinae and Euchirinae. London May 1917 8vo (xiii -f- 387) 4 pis. 42 Arrow, G. J. Some systematic notes on melolontliine Coleoptera. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (59-65). 43 Arrow, G. J. The Kliapra beetle ( Trogoderma Jchapra sp. n.) an Indian grain pest. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (481-482). [i Coleoptera .] 44 Arrow, G. J. A systematic revision of the African species of the Coleo- pterous family Erotylidae. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (137-156). 45 Arrow, G. J. The life history of Gonwentzia psociformis Curt. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (254-257). [ Neuroptera .] 46 Arrow, G. J. Marshall, G. A. K. Gahan, C. J. and Distant, W. L. Some insects injurious to cacao plants in the Belgian Congo. Bull. ent. Res. Lon- don 8 1917 (111-118). 47 Atkin, E. E. and Bacot, A. The relation between the hatching of the eggs and the development of the larvae of Stegomyia fasciata ( Aedes calopus ) and the presence of bacteria and yeasts. Parasitology Cambridge 9 1917 (482- 536). [Diptera.] 48 Atmore, E. A. vide Morley and At- more. Auriol, H. d’. Des variations de Parnassius apollo dans le Jura. Bull. Soc. Lep. Geneve 3 1916 (129-151). [Lepidoptera.] 49 Auriol, H. d\ L&pidopteres rares ou nouveaux recueillis dans le Jura. Bull. Soc. L6p. Geneve 3 1916 (152-155). 50 Aurivillius, C. Results of Dr. E. Mjoberg’s Swedish Scientific Expedi- tions to Australia 1910-1913. 12. Gerambycidae. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 10 No. 23 1917 (50) 3 pis. 3 text figs. [ Coleoptera .] 51 Auzat, V. Description d’un nouveau Qnathoncus de France. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (184). [Coleoptera.] 52 Auzat, V. Revision des Qnathoncus. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (206- 208). [ Coleoptera .] 53 Awati, P. R. Studies in flies, iii. Classification of the genus Musca and description of the indian species. Ind. J. med. Res. Calcutta 5 1917 (160-191) pis. xx-xxix. [Diptera.] 54 Back, E. A. and Pemberton, C. E. The melon fly in Hawaii. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agric. Ent. Washington 491 1917 (1-64) 23 pis. [Diptera.] 55 Back, E. A. and Pemberton, C. E. The mediterranean fruit fly in Hawaii. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agric. Ent. 536 1917 (118 pp.) pis. [Diptera.] 56 Bacot, A. A contribution to the bionomics of Pediculus humanus ( vesti - menti) and Pediculus capitis. Parasito- logy Cambridge 9 1917 (228-258). [Ellipoptera.] 57 Bacot, A. Further note dealing with the question of the specific identity of Pediculus capitis and Pediculus hu- manus ( vestimenti ). Pr. ent. Soc. London 1917 1917 (v-vii). [Ellipo- ptera] 58 Bacot, A. vide Atkin and Bacot. B agnail, R. S- On a collection of Thysanoptera from St. Vincent, with descriptions of four new species. J. Zool. Research London 2 1917 (21-27). 59 B agnail, R. S. Primitive -tails, bristle-tails and spring-tails, i and ii. Vasculum Hexham 3 1917 (62-55 65- 73). [Aptera.] 60 B agnail, R. S. Lancashire and Cheshire midge-galls (Cecidomyidae). Lancash. Chesh. Nat. 9 1917 (253-262 282-290). [Diptera.] 61 B agnail, R. S. Ay lax taraxaci (Ashrn.), a oynipid new to the british fauna, and notes on other gall -wasps. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (200) [Hymenoptera.] 62 Bagnall, R. S. Aylax rogenhoferi (Wachtl.), a cynipid new to the british fauna. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (232). [Hymenoptera.] 63 Bagnall, R. S. Phanacis centaur eae Forster, a oynipid new to the british fauna. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (275). [Hymenoptera.] 64 11 Insecla. TITL.BS 3500 B agnail, R. S. Records of some new british plant-galls. v, more Cecidomyid galls. Ent. Rec. London 29 1917 (12-15). [Diptera.] 65 B agnail, R. S. and Harrison, J. W. H. New and rare British Cecidomyidae. i. Ent. Rec. London 29 1917 (206-210) and ii (228-230). [ Diptera .] 66 B agnail, R. S. and Wallace, H. S. Talks about plant-galls. Vasculum Hexham 1 1915 (88-93 etc.). 67 Baker, A. 0. Eastern aphids new or little known, part 2. J. econ. Ent. Concord 10 1917 (420-433). [ Homo - ptera .] 68 Baker, A. C. The correct name for our apple grain Aphis. Science New York 46 1917 (410). [ Homoplera .] 69 Baker, A. C. Synopsis of the genus Saltusaphis. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (1-9) pis. i-iii. [ Homo - ptera.] 70 B aker, A. C. Some sensory structures in the Aphididae. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (378-384) pis. xvii & xviii. [Homoplera.] 71 Baker, A. C. On the ohinese gall. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (385- 393) pi. xxvi. [Homoptera.] 72 Baker, A. C. A synopsis of the genus Galaphis. Washington D.C. Proc. ent. Soc. 18 1916 (184-189). [Homoptera.] 73 Baker, A. C. vide Quaintance and Baker. Baker, C. F. A Philippine Aphrasto- bracon. Philippine J. Sci. D 12 1917 (213-215). [Hymenoptera.] 74 Baker, C. F. Ichneumonoid parasites of the Philippines. i. Rhogadinae. Philippine J. Soi. D 12 1917 (281-327). [Hymenoptera.] 75 Baker, C. F. Ichneumonoid parasites of the Philippines. ii. Rhogadinae. ii. The genus Rhogas. Philippine J. Sci. D 12 1917 (383-422). [Hymeno- ptera.] 76 Balfour, Alice. Flies in house at Whittengehame. Scott. Natural. Edin- burgh 1917 1917 (118). [Diptera.] 77 Be' Ballard, E. Galocoris angustatus Loth. Agric. Inst. Pusa Bull 58 1916 (8 pp.) pi. [Heteroptera.] 78 Banks, N. Notes on some now species of the genus Dioctria. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (117-119). [Diptera.] 79 Banks, N. New fossorial Hymeno- ptera. Bull. Mus. Harvard Coll. Cam- bridge Mass. 61 1917 (97-115). 80 Barber, H. G. Synoptic keys to the Lygaeidae of the United States. Part 1. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (128-135). [Heteroptera.] 81 Barber, H. S. A new species of weevil injuring orchids. Washington D.C. Proo. ent. Soc. 18 1916 (177-179) pi. xiii. [Goleoptera.] 82 Barber, M. A. Cockroaches and ants as carriers of the vibrios of Asiatic cholera. Philippine J. Sci. Manila Sect. B Trop. Med. 9 1914 (1-4). 83 Barber, M. A. vide Walker, E. L. Barber, M. A. and Jone3, C. R. A test of Goccobacillus acridiorum d’He- relleYon locusts in the Philippines. Philippine J. Sci. Manila Sect. B Trop. Med. 10 1915 (163-176) tables. [Ortho - ptera.] 83a Barker, C. R. Comments on Dr. F. A. Dixey’s paper on seasonal dimor- phism in butterflies and an attempt to explain the irregularities referred to. S. Afric. J. Sci. Pretoria 1 1917 (99- 105). [Lepidoptera.] 84 Barker, C. N. Some remarkable melanic aberrations among the Acraeinae in the Millar collections of Butterflies of the Durban Museum. Ann. Durb. Mus. Durban 1 1917 (45l- 457) pis. xxiv-xxv. [Lepidoptera.] 85 Barker, C. N. The varieties of Papilio dardanus cenea. Ann. Durb. Mus. 2 Durban (34-38) pi. vii. [Lepido- ptera.] 86 Barne3, W. and McDunnough, J. H. Contributions to the Natural history of the Lepidoptera of North Ainerioa. 3, Decatur 1916 (1-261) pis. i-xxxiii ; 4, Additions and corrections 1917 (58 pp.) 10 pis. 87 Barnes, W.. and McDunnough, J. Check list of the Lepidoptera of boreal America. Decatur 1917. 88 Barnes, W. and McDunnough, J. A new Canadian noctuid. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (320). [Lepido- ptera.] 89 12 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Barnes, W. and McDunnough, J. Some Pyralid notes. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (371-374). [Lepidoptera.] 90 Barnes, W. and McDunnough, J. New North-american Phycitinae. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (404-406). [Lepidoptera.] 91 Bastin, H. British insects and how to know them. London (129 pp.) 12 pis. 92 Baumberger, J. P. Hibernation : a periodical phenomenon. Ann. ent. Soo. Amer. 10 1917 (179-186). 93 Baumberger, J. P. Solid media for rearing Drosophila . Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (447-448). [Dip tern.] 94 Baumberger, J. P. The food of Drosophila melanogaster Meigen. Proc. Nat. Ac. Washington 3 1917 (122-126). [Diptera.] 95 Beare, T. H. The collecting of Coleoptera. Vasculum Hexham 1 1915 (75-78) etc. 96 Beckwith, C. S. vide Headlee and Beckwith. Bedel, L. Nouveau genre et nouvelles especes d’Erotylidae de l’Afrique equa- toriale. Ann. Soc. ent. France 85 1917 (367-368). [ Coleoptera .] 97 Bedel, L. Une deuxieme espece fian^aise du genre Phaenops Lac. dans lcs Cevennes de l’H6rault. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (275-277). [ Coleoptera .] 98 Bedel, L. Diagnoses de CcUopteres nouveaux du Maroc oriental. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918 (362-364). 99 Beeson, C. F. C. The life-history of Diapus furtivus Sampson. Ind. Forest Bee. 6 1917 (1-29) 2 pis. [Coleoptera. \ 100 Bellamy, A. W. Studies of inherit- ance and evolution in Orthoptera. iv. J. Genetics Cambridge 7 1917 (55-70) ph iii- 100a Bemmelen, J. van. Het kleuren- patroon der Diptera-v leugels. [The colour pattern on Diptera- wings.] Am- sterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 25 1917 (1287-1303 10 fig.) (Dutch) ; Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 19 1917 (1141-1156) 10 figs. (English). 101 Benander, P. For v&r fauna nya fjarllar. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (102-103). [Lepidoptera .] 102 B6nard, G. Description d’une nou- velle espece du genre Trichiorhyssemus. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (167). [Coleoptera.] 103 Benedict, R. C. An outline of the life-history of the clothes -moth, Tineola biselliella. Science New York 46 1917 (464-466). [Lepidoptera.] 104 Bengtsson, S. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntnis der nordischen Eintagsfliegen. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (174-194) [Ephemeroptera.] 105 Benick, L. Stenus kuennemanni nov . spec, aus Italien. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (182). [Coleoptera.] 106 Bergevin, E. de. Description d’un nouveau genre et d’ une nouvelle espece d’Issidae des hauts plateaux alg^riens. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (309 312). [Homoptera.] 107 Bergevin, E. de. Description d’une nouvelle espece d 'Hysteropterum de la province d’Oran (Algerie). Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918 (328-330). [Homoptera.] 108 Bergevin, E. de. Description d’une nouvelle espece d’ Hysteropterum des hauts plateaux constantinois (Algerie). Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918 (374- 376). [Homoptera.] 109 Bergh, L. P. van den. Callidryas scylla L. $ ’s Gravenhage Tydschr. Ent. 60 1917 (268-269) 1 taf. [Lepido- ptera.] 110 Bergman, A. M. Om renens oestrider. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (1-32 113- 146) pis. Skand. Yeterin. Tidskr. Uppsala 6 1916 (309-340) pis. ; 7 1917 (1-34) pis. [Diptera.] Ill Bergroth, E. Notes sur le genre Carcinochelis Fieb. et description d’une espece nouvelle des lies. Philippines. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1917 1917 (282- 284). [Heteroptera.] 112 Berlese, A. Gli insetti. Vol. 2 (fasc. 17-19) Milano 1917 (481-536). 113 Berlese, A. Aspidiotiphagus How. e Prospaltella Ashm. Redia Firenze 12 1917 (1-13). [. Hymenoptera .] 114 13 Inseclu. Titles. 3500 Berlese, A. Sculellisla gigantea Berl., n. sp. Redia Firenze 12 1917 (179). [Hymenoptera.] 115 Berlioz, J. Goleopteres Eumolpides recueillis par M. R. Vitalis de Salvaza au Laos et dans le Haut-Tonkin. Ann. Soc. ent. France 86 1917 (307-316). 116 Bernard, Ch., Zeehandelaar, A. und Canter Visscher, W. A. E. A. Helo- peltis - bestryding. [Ilelopeltis - Be- kampf ung.] Buitenzorg Meded. Proefst. thee 56 1917 (1-20). [ Ileteroptera .] 117 Bernhauer, M. Kurzfliigler aus dem deutschen Schutzgebiete Kiautschau und China. Arch. Naturges. Berlin 81 1916(27-34). [i Goleoptera .] 117a Bernheim, J. L. Swarms of butter- flies. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (339) pi. xxiv. [Lepidoptera.] ' 118 Bethune, C. J. S. The insect collec- tions of Canada, i, the collections of the entomological Society of Ontario. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (153-157). 119 Beutenmwller, W. Descriptions of new Cynipidae. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (345-349). [ Hymenoptera .] 120 Bezzi, M. Contributo alio studio della fauna libica. Ileterotropus trot- teri. Ann. Mus. Doria Genova 47 1916 (17-25). [Diptera.] 121 Bezzi, M. Studies in Philippine Diptera. ii. Philippine J. Sci. D 12 1917 (107-159) pi. i. 122 Bezzi, M. Una nuova specie etiopica del gen. Rimantostoma Loew. Boll. Lab. Portici 1 2 1917 (86-93). [Diptera.] 123 Bezzi, M. Ulteriori notizie sul gen. H imantostoma Loew. Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (272-274). [Diptera.] 124 Bezzi, M. New ethiopian fruit-flies of the genus Dacus. Bull. ent. Res. London 8 1917 (63-71). [Diptera.] 125 Bird, H. New species and histories in Papaipema Sm. No. 10. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (121-128) pi. viii. [Lepidoptera.] 126 Bishopp, F. C. The distribution of the nose-fly and other species of Gastrophilus in the United States. Psyohe Boston 24 1917 (182-187). [Diptera.] 127 Blachier, Ch. Espsces ou formes nouvellos de Lepidopteres africains appartenant aux genres “ Acraea” et “ Mylothris." Geneve Bui. Soc. Lepidopt. 2 1913 (173-177) pi. xv. 127a Blair, K. G. and Poilton, E. B. A colour association of Mylabris from S. Nigeria. Pr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1916 1917 (xcix-cx) pi. B. [Goleoptera.] 128 Blaisdell, F. E. Studies in the tene- brionid tribe Eleodiini. No. 2. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (221-226). [Goleoptera.] 129 Blaisdell, F. E. and Reynolds, L. R. A new Omus. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (49-55) pi. vi. [ Goleoptera .] 130 Blatchley, W. S. On some new or noteworthy Goleoptera from the west coast of Florida. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (137-143 236-240 272-279). 131 Bodkin, G. E. Notes on the Coccidae of British Guiana. Bull. ent. Res. London 8 1917 (103-109). [Homoptera.] 132 , Boving, A. A generic synopsis of the Coccinellid larvae in the United States national museum, with a descrip- tion of the larva of Hyperaspis binotata Say. P. U.S. nat. Mus. Washington 51 No. 2171 1917 (621-650) pis. cxviii- cxxi. [Goleoptera.] 133 Bohigas, M. and Sanchez, A. Cat&leg dels insectes del Museu pertanyents als ordres, Paraneuroptera, Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Neuroptera, Megaloptera , Raphidioptera, Embioptera, Mecoptera, Psocoptera, Trichoptera. Annuar. Junta Ci. Nat. Barcelona 2 1917 (301- 326). 134 Bolivar y Pieltain C. Silfidos cavemicolas de la region de Castro Urdiales (Santander). Bol. Soc. espan. Madrid 17 1917 (207-211). [Goleo- ptera.] 135 Bolivar, y Pieltain, C. Descripcion de una especie espanola del g6nero Rhipidius. Bol. Soc. espan,. Madrid 17 1917 (249-252). [Goleoptera.] 136 Bolivar y Pieltain, C. Notas sobre carabidos espanoles. Bol. Soc. espan. Madrid 17 1917 (332-335). [Goleo- ptera.] 137 14 Insecta. xil. Insecta. [1917] Eolton, H. On some insects from the british coal measures. Q. J. Geol. Soc. London 72 1917 (43-62) pis. iii & iv. 138 Bolton, H. On blattoid and other insect remains from the South Stafford- shire coalfield. Proc. Birmingham Nat. hist. Soc. 14 1917 (100-106) pi. vii. 139 Eolton, H. The “Mark Stirrup ” collection of fossil insects. Mem. Proc. Manchester Soc. 61 1916 No. 2 (1-24) 5 pis. 140 Eondroit, J. Notes sur quelques Formicidae de France. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (174-177). [Hymeno- ptera .] 141 Bondroit, J. Diagnoses de trois nou- veaux Formica d’ Europe. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (186-187). [Hymenoptera.] 142 Borclimann, F. Catalogus Goleo- pterorum. Pars 69 Meloidae, Cepha- loidae. Berlin 1917 (208pp.). 142a Bordage, E. Ph6nom&nes de trans- formation de tissue larvaires en tissus a reserves observ6s pendant les m6ta- morphoses des insectes mMaboles. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (477- 479). 143 Bordage, E. Phenomenes de trans- formation des tissus larvaires chez les insectes metaboles. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (270-272). 144 Bordas, L. Anatomie des glandes venimeuses des Pimplinae. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (197-198). [Hymenoptera.] 145 Bordas, L. Sur le regime alimentaire de quelques Vespinae ( Vespa crabro). Insecta Rennes 7 1917 (5-7). [ Hymeno - ptera .] 146 Bordas, L. Morphologie et contenu des tubes de Malpighi de quelques Cetoninae. Insecta Rennes 7 1917 (25- 27). [ Coleoptera .] 147 Bordas, L. Nouvelles observations sur l’appareil digestif des Cetoninae. Bull. Soc. Zool. France 42 1917 (7-12). [Coleoptera.] 148 Bordas, L. Observations biologiques et anatomiques (intestin) sur quelques Cetoninae. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (150-163). [Coleoptera.] 149 Bordas, L. Sur le rdle des Ichneu- monides dans la lutte contre les para- sites des arbres forestiers. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 (235-238), also (923- 925). [Hymenoptera.] 150 Bordas, L. Sur quelques points d’anatomie de la tordeuse du chene ( Tortrix viridana L.). Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (789-791). [Lepido- ptera.] 151 Bordas, L. Ponte du Bhynchites coupe-bourgeon [Bhynchites conicus) et anatomie de sa larve. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (70-73). [Cole- optera.] 152 Borelli, A. Dermatteri delle is ole filippine. Boll. Mus. Torino 30 ? 1915 No. 697 (7 pp.). [Orthoptera.] 153 Borelli, A. Di alcuni Dermatteri della Cina. Boll. Mus. Torino 30 ? 1915 No. 698 (6 pp.). [Orthoptera.] 154 Borelli; A. Dermatteri nuovi o poco noti del Messico. Boll. Mus. Torino 30 ? 1915 No. 699 (4 pp.). [Orthoptera.] 155 Borelli, A. Dermatteri delle isole filippine. Nota ii. Boll. Mus. Torino 30 1915 No. 705 (7 pp.). [Orthoptera.] 156 Borelli, A. Di una nuova specie del genero Forficula Lin. Boll. Mus. Torino 31 1916 No. 711 (3 pp.). [Orthoptera.] 157 Borelli, A. Dermatteri delle isole filippinae. iii. Boll. Mus. Torino 31 1916 No. 715 (6 pp.). [Orthoptera.] 158 Borelli, A. Dermatteri delle isole filippinae. Nota iv. Boll. Mus. Torino 32 1917 No. 721 (4 pp.) ; Nota v. No. 726 (5 pp.). 159 Boullet, E. vide Mabille and Boullet. Bourgoin, A. Note rectificative sur Bombodes vitalisi Bourgoin et descrip- tion d’une nouvelle espece de Bombodes. Bull. Soo. ent. France 1916 1917 (264- 265). [Coleoptera.] 160 Bourgoin, A. Diagnoses preliminaires de Cetonides nouveaux rccueillis par M. R. Vitalis de Salvaza en Indo-Chine. . Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (297- 298). [Coleoptera.] 161 Bourgoin, A. Diagnoses pre- liminaires de Cetonides nouveaux re- cueillis par M. R. Vitalis de Salvaza en Indo-Chine. 2 note. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (68-70). [Coleo- ptera.] 162 15 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Bourgoin, A. Descriptions de deux Trichiini nouveaux de l’Atrique tro- picale. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (117-121). [ Coleoptera .] 163 Bourgoin, A. Diagnoses pre- liminaires de Cetonides nouveaux re- cueillis par M. R. Vitalis de Salvaza en Indo-Chine ; 3 note. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (230-231). [Coleo- ptera.] 16 4 Bourgoin, A. Description du male d * Euchroea spininasuta Fairm. et de deux autres Cetonides nouveaux de Madagascar. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (246-249). [Coleoptera.] . 165 Bourgoin, A. Description de deux Diceros nouveaux. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (277-279). [Coleo- ptera.] 166 Bourgoin, A. Trois especes nouvelles de Macronota. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918 (321-324). [Coleoptera. 1 167 Bourgoin, A. Description d’un genre nouveau et de trois especes nouvelles de Cetonides de 1’ Indo-Chine fran9aise. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918 (365- 367). [Coleoptera.] 168 Bouvier, E. L. Les guerres d’insectes. Rev. scient. Paris 1917 (737-741). 169 Bracken, C. W. The Diptera of Devon. Tr. Devonshire Ass. 49 1917 (341-362). 170 Brain, C. K. and Kelly, A. E. The status of introduced coccids in South Africa in 1917. Bull. ent. Res. London 8 1917 (181-185). [Homoptera.] 171 Braun, Annette F. Observations on the pupal wings of Nepticula, with comparative notes on other genera. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 10 1917 (233-239) pi. xviii. [Lepidoptera.] 172 Brauns, H. Notes and synonomy of Hymenoptera in the collection of the Transvaal Museum. Ann. Transv. Mus. Pretoria 5 1917 (238-245). 173 Breemen, M. van. Een voorloopig onderzoek betreffende de verschillende soorten van anophelinen, te Soerabaja voorkomende. [Eine vorlaufige Unter- suchung fiber die verschiedenen Arten von Anophelinen, welche zu Soerabaja vorkommen.] Batavia Geneesk. Tyd- schr. Ned.-Indie 57 1917 (325-329). [Diptera.] 173a BrMhes, J. Estudio fito-zoologico sobre algunos Lepidopteros argentinos product ores de agallas. An. Soc. Ci. Argent. 82 1916 (113-140). 174 Brdthes, J. Description de trois chalcididae du Chili. Revist. cliilena Santiago 20 1916 (8-10). [Hymeno- ptera.] 175 Br&thes, J. Description de trois Hymbnopteres du Chili. Revist. chilena 20 1916 (26-28). 176 Br&thes, J. Description d’un nou- veau Coleoptere du Chili. Revist. chilena 20 1916 (75-77). 177 Brdthes, J. Un nouvel Empididae du Chili. Revist. chilena 20 1916 (79). [Diptera.] 178 Brfcthes, J. Description d’un Mimaridae nouveau du Chili. Revist. chilena 21 1917 (82-84) pi. viii. [Hymenoptera.] 179 BrMhes, J. Quelques Hymknopthres du Chili. Revist. chilena 20 1916 (85- 89). 180 BrSthes, J. Description d’uno nou- velle espece de Thrips du Chili. Revist. chilena 20 1916 (109-111). [Thysano- ptera.] 181 Br&thes, J. Sur quelques Dipteres de Lima (Perou). An. Zool. aplio. Santiago 1 1917 (16-18). 182 Br&thes, J. Quatre II ymtnop teres parasites du 'Chili. An. Zool. Aplic. Santiago 1 1917 (25-29). 183 BrSthes, J. Un parasite nouveau de Catocephala rufosignata. An. Zool. aplio. Santiago 1 1917 (31). [Hymeno- ptera.] 184 Brdthes, J. Descripcion do dos nuevos Himenopteros do Buenos Aires. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (90). 185 Brdthes, J. Description d’une nou- velle espece de moustique de Buenos Aires. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (226-229). [Diptera.] 186 Brdthes, J. Sur une cecidie de Physalis viscosa : description de la cecidie et de la c6cidomyie. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (239-240). [Di- ptera.] 187 16 Insect a. xii. Insecta. [1917] Blythes, J. Description d’une occidie et de sa Cecidomyie d’une Lippia d’Entre Rios. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (411-413). [ Diptera .] 188 Brakes, J. Description d’une galle et du papillon qui la produit. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (449-451 ).[ Lepid- optera .] 189 Breyer, H. G. Notes on expedition to Gazaland, along the Limpopo river, 29th June to 12th August, 1916. Ann. Transvaal Mus. Pretoria 5 1917 (283- 289). [ Lepidoptera .] 190 Breyer, H. G. Notes on the expedi- tion to Komatipoort, 16th-28th June, 1916. Ann. , Transvaal Mus. Pretoria 5 1917 (279-282). [Lepidoptera.] 191 Bridges, C. B. A linkage variation in Drosophila. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 19 1915 (1-21) tables. [Diptera.] 191a Bridwell, J. C. Notes on Synagris. P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3 1917 (261). [Hymenoptera .] 1 92 Bridwell, J. C. A note on an Epyris and its prey. P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3 1917 (262). [Hymenoptera.] 193 Bridwell, J. G. Notes on a peregrine bethylid. P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3 1917 (276-279). [Hymenoptera.] 194 Bridwell, J. G. Breeding fruit-fly parasites in the Hawaiian islands. J. Econ. Ent. Concord N.H. 9 1916 (472- 176). [Hymenoptera.] 194a Brittain, W. H. The green apple - bug in Nova Scotia. Bull. Dep. Agric. Nova Scotia 8 1917 (56 pp.) 10 pis. [Heteroptera.] 195 Brittain, W. H. and Good, C. A. The apple maggot in Nova Scotia. Bull. Dep. Agric. Nova Scotia 9 1917 (70 pp.) 6 pis. [Diptera.] 196 Brittain, W. H. and Saunders, L. G. Notes on the black apple leaf-hopper. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (149-152) pi. ix. [Ilomoptera.] 197 Britten, H. Meotica exiliformis Joy, a good species. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1915 (55). [Goleoptera.] 198 Britten, H. A new British species of Ptilium. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (126). [Goleoptera.] 199 Britton, W. E. Sixteenth report of the State entomologist of Conneotiout for the year 1916. Newhaven Conn. 1917 (65-146) 16 pis. 200 Brocher, E. Etude expdrimentale sur le fonctionnement du vaisseau dorsal et sur la circulation du sang, chez les insectes : i&re partie, le Dylicus marginalis. Arch. Zool. exp. Paris 56 1917 (347-358) ; iie partie, les larves des Odonates (445-490). [Goleoptera.] 201 Broun, T. Descriptions of new genera and species of Goleoptera. Bull. N. Zeald. Inst. Wellington 1 part 5 1917 (347-474). 202 Bruch, C. Metamorfosis de Taphro- cerus elongatus Gory. An. Soo. Ci. Argent. 82 1916 (251-256). [Goleo- ptera.] 203 Bruch, C. Description de un nuevo genero y de dos nuevas especies de estafilinides mirmecofilos. An. Soo. Ci. Argent. 82 1916 (257-264). [Goleo- ptera.] 204 Bruch, C. Costumbres y nidos de liormigas. An. Soo. Argentin. 83 1917 (302-316); ii. op. cit. 84 1917 (164- 168) 3 pis. [Hymenoptera.] 205 Bruch, C. Metamorfosis de Pachy- schelus undularius (Burm.). Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (30-36) 2 pis. [Goleoptera.] 206 Bruch, C. Insectos mirmecofilos. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (141-149). 207 Bruch, C. Observaciones sobre Hirmoneura exotica Wiedem. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (427-430). [Di- ptera.] 208 Bruch, C. Nuevas capturas de in- sectos mirmecofilos. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (458-465). 209 Brues, C. T. Adult hymenopterous parasites attached to the body of their host. Proc. Nation. Ac. Washington 3 1917 (136-140). [Hymenoptera.] 210 Brues, C. T. Note on the ichneumonid genera Gyanocryptus and Lampro- cryptus. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (191 — 195). [Hymenoptera.] 211 .17 Ineccta. Titles. 3500 Brnes, C. T. Note on tlio adult, habits of some hymenoplerous egg-para- sites of Orihoptera and Mantoidea. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (195 & 196). 212 Brues, C. T. Three new West-Indian species of the ichneumonid genus Eiphosoma. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (450-454). [Hymenoptera.] 213 Brundin, J. A. Z. Fjarilar fran Halsingland och Medelpad. [Butterflies from Halsingland and Medelpad in Sweden.] Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (209). [. Lepidoptera .] 214 Buchholz, 0. A new species of Acronycta. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (183). [Lepidoptera.] 215 Bugnion, E. Liste des termites indo- malais avec l’indication du nombre des articles des antennes dans les trois castes. Lausanne Bui. Soc. Sci. Nat. 491914(165-172). [Isoptera.] 215a Bugnion, E. Les yeux des insectes nocturnes. Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve 36 1913 (C.R.) (572-575). 215b Bugnion, E. Les yeux des insectes nocturnes. Lausanne Bui. Soc. Sci. Nat. C. R. 49 (xxxiii-xxxvi). 215c Bugnion, E. L’accroissement dos antennes et des cerques de la blatte ( Blatla americana). C. R. soc. biol. Paris 80 1917 (317-324). [Orthoptera.] 216 Bugnion, E. Les parties buccales de Nacerda melanura L. Ann. Soc. ent. France 85 1917 (327-336). [Coleoptera.] 217 Burke, H. E. Flat-headed borers affecting forest trees in the United States. Bull. U. S. Dep. Agric. Ent. Washington 437 1917 (1-8) 9 pis. [Coleoptera.] 218 Burkill, H. J. Further notes on British plant galls. Entomologist London 50 1917 (82-85). 219 Burr, M. Contributions a la faune entomologique de l’lndo-Chine fran- 9aise. Dermapteres. Ann. Soc. ent. France 86 1917 (57-62). [Orthoptera.] 220 Burrows, C. R. R. The British Psychides. Ent. Rec. London 29 1917 (69-73) pi. iv. [Lepidoptera.] 221 (n-4840 j) Busck, A. Descriptions of now North - American Microlepidoptera. Washington D.C. Proc. ent. Soc. 18 1916 (147-154). 222 Busck, A. The pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella. J. Agric. Res. Washington 9 1917 (343-370) pis. vii-xi. [Lepidoptera.] 223 Bussy, L. de. Lasioderma in Deli en zyn bestryding. [Lasioderma in Deli und seine Bekampfung.] Medan Meded. Deli Proefst. 10 1917 (129-157) pi. [Coleoptera.] 224 Butler, E. A. The british species of Aphelochirus. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (180-182). [Hemiptera.] 225 Butler, E. A. Two additions to the list of british Hemiptera. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (251-252). 226 Buxton, P. A. On the protocerebrura of Micropteryx. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1917 1917 (112-153) pis. vii-x. [Lepido- ptera.] 227 Buysson, R. du. Revision des Chrysidides de l’Egypte. Mem. Soc. ent. Egypte Le Caire 1 1908 (1-100) pis. i-iv. [Hymenoptera.] 228 Calvert, Amelia S. and Calvert, P. P. A year of Costa Rican natural history. New York Macmillan 1917 (xix+577) maps illustr. 229 Calvert, P. P. Studies on Gostarican Odonata. viii, a new genus allied to Cora. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (259-263). [Paraneuroptera.] 230 Cameron, A. E. The insect associa- tion of a local environmental complex in the district of Holmes chapel, Cheshire. Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 52 1917 (54-78) pis. i & ii. 231 Cameron, A. E. The relation of soil insects to climatic conditions. Agric. Gaz. Canada 4 1917 (663-668). 232 Cameron, M. On a new group of Staphylinidae. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (123 & 124). [Coleoptera.] 233 Cameron, M. Description of a new genus of Staphylinidae. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (154 & 155). [Coleo- ptera.] 234 Cameron, M. Description of a new species of Thinobius. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (155). [Coleoptera.] 235 b 19 18 lnsecia. XII. Insecta. [1917] Campion, H. On Fabricius’g types of Odonata in the British museum (Natural history). Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (441-460). [Para- neuroptera.] 236 Campion, H. On Chlorolestes um- brata, Hagen. Entomologist London 50 1917 (149-162). [ Paraneuroptera .] 237 Canter Visscher, W. A. E. A. Helo peltisbestryding. [Helopeltisbekampf- ung.] Buitenzorg. Meded. Proefst. Thee 56 1917 (1-20). [ Heteroptera .] 237a Canter Visscher, W. A. E. A. vide Bernard, Ch. Carl, F. Nouveaux Moments amcri- cains dans la faune de Madagascar Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve C. R. 3 1914 (78). 237b Carnochan, F. G. Hololeptinae of the United States. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10 1917 (367-398) pis. xxviii-xxxvi. [ Goleoptera .] 238 Carothers, E. Eleanor. The segrega- tion and recombination of homologous chromosomes as found in two genera of Acrididae. J. Morphol. Philadelphia 28 1917 (446-493) 14 pis. [Orthoptera.] 239 Carpenter, G. D. H. Notes on south- west Uganda and on late German East Africa west of the Victoria Nyanza. Pr. ent. Soc. London 1916 1917 (cx- cxxx). 240 Carpenter, G. H. Collembola , zoo- logical results of the Abor expedition 1911-12. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 8 1917 (561-568) pis. lv-lvii. 241 Carpenter, G. H. Injurious insects and other animals observed in Ireland during the years 1914 and 1915. Econ. Proc. R. Dublin Soc. 2 1916 (221-237). 242 Cavazza, F. Seconda serie di esperienze intomo all’ influenza di alcuni agenti chimici sul Bombyx mori. Redia Firenze 12 1917 (69-108). [ Lepidoptera .] 243 Chamberlin, W. J. An annotated list of the scolytid beetles of Oregon. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (321-328 353-356). [Goleoptera.] 244 Chamberlin, W. J. Notes on some Buprestidae of northern California. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (129- 139 166-169). [ Goleoptera .] . 245 Champion, G. C. On new and little- known Lagriidae from tropical America. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1917 1917 (169- 267) pis. xii & xiii. [ Goleoptera .] 246 Champion, G. C. Goleoptera Hetero- mera (excluding Tenebrionidae) from the Seychelles islands and Aldabra. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (161— 187) pi. vi. 247 Champion, G. C. New xylophilids from Australia, India and Borneo. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (1-4). [Goleoptera.] 248 Champion, G. C. Notes on the Goleoptera recorded from “resin anime” by the Rev. F. W. Hope. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (7 & 8 & 244-246). 249 Champion, G. C. Some Goleoptera from northern India. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (52-55). 250 Champion, G. C. Notes on tropical american Lagriidae, with descriptions of new species. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (132-154 188-195 218-222) pi. ii. [ Goleoptera .] 251 Champion, G. C. A new barid from a Costa rican bromeliad. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (223). [Goleo- ptera.] 252 Champion, G. C. A remarkable new Scirtes from Nyasaland. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (270). [Goleo- ptera.] 253 Champion, H. G. First impressions of a north indian station in the rains. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (81-84). 254 Chapman, T. A. Apterousuess in Lepidoptera. Trans. London Nat. Hist. Soc. 1916 1917 (49-76). [Lepidoptera.] 255 Chapman, T. A. The rein-sheath in plebeiid blues : a correction of and addition to paper vi. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 1917 (297-300) pis. lxxv- Ixxix. [Lepidoptera.] 256 Chapman, T. A. Resting attitudes in some Lepidoptera, examples of re- capitulation in habit. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 1917 (301-309) pi. lxxx. 257 19 Insecta . Titles. 3500 Chapman, T. A. Micropteryx en- titled to ordinal rank. Order Zeuglo- ptera. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 1917 (310-314) pis. lxxxi-xcii. [Lepido- ptera .] 258 Chapman, T. A. The evolution of the habits of the larva of Lycaena avion, L. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 1917 (315-321). [ Lepidoptera .] 259 Chapman, T. A. An instance of a double pupal skin. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (196 & 197) pi. iv. [Lepidoptera.] 260 Chapman, T. A. Injury to pupa and malformation of imago. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (216-218). [Lepidoptera.] 261 Chapman, T. A. The larvae of Rhadinoceraea micans Klug and of Phymatocera aterrima Klug. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (224-228) pis. v- vii. [Hymenoptera.] 262 Chapman, T. A. Notes on early stages and life history of the earwig ( Forjicula auricularia). Ent. Rec. London 29 1917 (25-29 & 177-180) pis. i-iii. [Orthoptera.] 263 Chapman, T. A. The genus Hesperia. Ent. Rec. London 29 1917 (93-95 etc.) pis. vi-xx. [Lepidoptera.] 264 Chapman, T. A. A new european Lycaena Plebeius argus ( argyrognomon ) and atgns sp. n. [In Oberthiir] Et. Lep. comp. 14 1917 (41-57) with French version (59-76) 20 pis. [Lepi- doptera.] 265 Chatanay, J. Revision dos Zophosis de Pest de l’Afrique. Ann. Soc. ent. France 85 1917 (503-624). [Coleoptera.] 266 Chidester, F. E. Sarcophagid larvae from the painted turtle. J. Parasit. Urbana 111. 2 1916 (48-49) ff. 1 2. [Diptera.] 266a Chigasaki, Y. vide Aoki, K. Chittenden, F. H. and Howard, N. F. The horse-radish flea-beetle ; its life- history and distribution. Bull. U. S. Dep. Agric. Ent. Washington 535 (1- 16). [Coleoptera.] 267 Chobant, A. Description d’un Baris nouveau de la faune fran9aise, et notes sur quelques Baris de cette meme faune. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (209-210). [Coleoptera.] 268 Chopard, L. Notes preliminaires sur la conformation de Pextremite ab- dominale des Orthopteres. Arch. Zool. exp. Paris 56 1917 notes (105-112). 269 Chopard, L. Notes sur deux especes du genre Dolichopoda Bol. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (265-268). [Orthoptera.] 270 Chopard, L. Notes sur la biologie de Dolichopoda palpata Sulz. Bull. Soc. ^ent. France 1917 1917 (287-289). [Orthoptera.] 271 Chopard, L. Contribution a la faune des Orthopteres de France (2e note). Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918 (342- 344). 272 Chr6tien, P. Contribution & la con- naissance des L6pidopteres du nord de PAfrique. Notes biologiques et cri- tiques. Ann. Soc. ent. France 85 1917 (369-503). 273 Christeller, E. Die Missbildungen der Schmetterlinge und Yersuche zu ihrer luinstlichen Erzeugung. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (1-32 97-128 193-223) pis. i-iv. [Lepidoptera.] 274 Christy, C. Tsetse flies and fly-belts. Ann. trop. Med. Liverpool 11 1917 (279-282). [Diptera.] 275 Chrystal, R. N. The western cedar borer : Trachykele sp. Agric. Gaz. Canada 4 1917 (946-949). [Coleoptera.] 276 Chubb, E. C. Note on the now Zululand tsetse fly, Olossina brandoni Chubb ; and a record of the butterfly Danais petiverana in Natal. Ann. Durban Mus. 1918 (252 & 253). 277 Citroen, S. Anophelinensoorten te Soerabaja. [Anopheliden-Arten zu Soerabaja.] Batavia Geneesk. Tydschr. Ned. Ind. 57 1917 (763-766). [Diptera.] 278 Clainpanain, J. Note sur une sorte de ph^nomene do mim6tisme par adop- tion de la couleur des objets environ- nants, dans la chrysalide du papillon Danais chrysippus. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9 1916 (58-61). [Lepidoptera.] 279 Clainpanain, J. Notes sur certains CoUopteres xylophages d’ Egypte et leurs abondance & certaines epoques. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 10 1917 (72-77). 280 (*-4840 j) b 19—2 20 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Clavareau, H. Description d’une Sagra nouvelle du Congo beige. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxollos 4 1916 (269). [Coleoptera.) 281 Clemens, W. A. Rearing experi- ments and ecology of Georgian bay Ephemeridea. Contr. Canad. Biol. 1915 (113-128) pis. xv xvi and (131- 143) pis. xvii & xviii. [ Ephemeroptera.) 282 Clemens, W. A. An ecological study of the mayfly Chirotenetes. Univ. Toronto Stud. Biol. 17 1917 (43 pp.) 5 pis. 283 Closs, A. Einigo neue Sphingiden. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (33-34). [ Lepidoptera .] 284 Closs, A. Ueber einige Heteroceren. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (129-135) pi. v. [ Lepidoptera .] 285 Ciutterbuck, C. G. Notes on the codling moth ( Garpocapsa pomonella Linn.). Proc. Cotteswold Field Club 19 1915 (71-75). [ Lepidoptera .) 286 Cockayne, E. A. The condition of the scales in the leaden males of Agriades thetis, Rott. and in other Lycaenids. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1917 1917 (165-168) pi. xi. [ Lepidoptera .) 287 Cockayne, E. A. Gynandromorphous Lepidoptera. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 1917 (322-335) pis. xciii-civ. 288 Cockayne, E. A. The relation be- tween the secondary sexual characters and the gonads and accessory sexual glands in insects. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 1917 (336-342). 289 Cockayne, E. A. An intersex of Amorpha populi. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 1917 (343 & 344). [Lepidoptera. j 290 Cockerell, T. D. A. Report on a collection of south african bees chiefly from Natal. Ann. Durban Mus. 1 1916 (188-216). [ Hymenoptera .] 291 Cockerell, T. D. A. Arthropods in Burmese amber. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven 44 1917 (360-368). 292 Cockerell, T. D. A. A fossil tsetse fly and other Diptera from Florissant, Colorado. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington 301917(19-21). 293 Cockerell, T. D. A. Descriptions of fossil insects. Proc. biol. Soc. Washing- ton 30 1917 (79-82). 294 Cockerell, T. D. A. Fossil insects. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 10 1917 (1-22). 295 Cockerell, T. D. A. Insects in bur- mese amber. Ann. Amer. ent. Soc. 10 1917 (323-329). 296 Cockerell, T. D. A. Arthropods in burmese amber. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (40-44). 297 Cockerell, T. D. A. New social bees. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (120-128). [ Hymenoptera .] 298 Cockerell, T. D. A. The fauna of Boulder county, Colorado. iii & iv. Bull. Univ. Colorado 17 1917 (5-25). 299 Cockerell, T. D. A. The carpenter bees of the Philippine Islands. Philip- pine J. Sci. D 12 1917 (345-349) [ Hymenoptera .] 300 Cockerell, T. D. A. Some Euglossine bees. Canad. Entom. London Canad. 49 1917 (144-146). [Hymenoptera.) 301 Cockerell, T. D. A. Some neotropical megachilid bees. Canad. Entom. Lon- don Can. 49 1917 (252-254). [Hymen- optera.) 302 Cockerell, T. D. A. Descriptions and records of bees, lxxiv. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (282-290). [Hymen- optera.) 303 Cockerell, T. D. A. Descriptions and records of bees, lxxv. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (473-481). [Hymen- optera.) 304 Cockerell, T. D. A. Descriptions and records of bees, Ixxvi. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (235-241). [Hymen- optera.) 305 Cockerell, T. D. A. Descriptions and records of bees, lxxvii. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (298-304). [Hymen- optera.) 306 Cockerell, T. D. A. Descriptions and records of bees, lxxviii. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (436-441). {Hymenoptera .) 307 Cockerell, T. D. A. Some Japanese bees. Entomologist London 50 1917 (85-86). [Hymenoptera.) 308 21 lnaecta. Titles. 3500 Cockerell, T. D. A. Two now humble bees from China. Entomologist Lon- don 50 1917 (266-266). [Hymenop- tera .] 309 Cockerell, T. D. A. New records of bees from Natal. Ann. Durb. Mus. Durban 1 1917 (460-468). [ Hymenop - tera .] 310 Cockerell, T. D. A. New records of Natal bees (Second Contribution). Ann Durb. Mus. Durban 2 1917* (39-46). [Hymenop ter a.] i 311 Cockerell, T. D. A. New tertiary insects. P.U.S. Nat. Mus. Washington 52 No. 2181 (373-384). pi. xxxi. 312 Cockerell, T. D. A. Some fossil insects from Florissant, Colorado. P.U.S. Nat. Mus. Washington 53 No. 2210 1917 (389-392). 313 Cockerell, T. D. A. Entomology at the United States National Museum. Ent, News Philadelphia 28 1917 (55-69). 314 Cockerell, T. D. A. New bees from Costa Rica. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (200). [Hymenoptera.] 315 Cockerell, T. D. A. Some bees of the genus Psaenythia. Ent. News Phila- delphia 28 1917 (302) [Hymenop tera.] 316 Cockerell, T. D. A. A second Colleles with spotted wings. Ent. News Phila- delphia 28 1917 (363). [Hymenoptem.] 317 Cockerell, Wilmatte P. Collecting bees in southern Texas. J. N. York ent. Soc. 25 1917 (187-193). [Hymen- optera,] 318 Cole, A. C. and Imms, A. D. Report on an infestation of larvae of the antler moth ( Charaeas graminis L.) in the Peak district. J. Board Agric. London 24 1917 (514-522). [. Lepidoptera .] 319 Cole, F. R. Notes on Osten Sacken’s group “ Poecilanthrax ,” with descrip- tions of new species. J. N. York ent. Soc. 25 (67-80) pis. iii-vii. [Dip- tera .] 320 Collin, J. E. Description of a new species of Phaonia. Parasitol. Cam- bridge 9 1917 (441-442). [ Diptera .] 321 Combs, A. F. Notes on a collection of Odonata from Schoolcraft county, Michigan. Univ. Michigan Zoo!, oec. pap. 41 1917 (1-8). [Paraneuroplera. J 322 Cooley, R. A. The spinach carrion beetle Silpha bituberosa Lee. J. Econ. Ent. Concord 10 1917 (94-102) pi. v. [' Coleoptera .] 323 Cornwall, J. W. and Menon, T. K. On the possibility of the transmission of plague by bed-bugs. lnd. J. med. Res. Calcutta 5 1917 (137-159.) Heeeroptera.] 324 Cory, E. N. The columbine leaf- miner. J. Econ. Ent. Concord 9 1916 (419-424) pi. 31. 324a Courvoisier, L. Ueber Nebenformen, Rassen und Zwischenformen bei Lycae- niden. Verh. Ges. Basel 28 1917 (264- 293). [Lepidoptera.] 325 Coutant, A. F. The habits, life- history and structure of a blood sucking muscid larva (Protocalliphora azurea). J. Parasitol. Urbana 1 1915 (135-150). [Diptera.] 325a Coward, T. A. vide Standen and Coward. Craighead, F. C. The determination of the abdominal and thoracic areas of the cerambycid larvae as based on a study of the muscles. Washington D.C. Proc. ent. Soc. 18 1916 (129-146) pis. vi-ix. [Coleoptera.] 326 Crampton, Gb C. The thoracic scle- rites and the systematic position of Orylloblatta campodeiformis Walker, a remarkable annectent. “ Orthopte- roid” insect. Ent. News Philadelphia 26 1915 (337-360) pi. xiii. 326a Crampton, G. C. A phylogenetic study of the terminal abdominal seg- ments and appendages in some female apterygotan and lower pterygotan insects. J. N. York ent. Soc. 25 1917 (225-237) pis. xvi and xvii. 327 Crampton, G. C. A phylogenetic- study of the lateral head, neck and pro thoracic regions in some apterygota- and lower pterygota. Ent. News Phila- delphia 28 1917 (398-412) pi. xxvii. 328 Crampton, G. C. A phylogenetic study of the larval and adult head in Neuroptera, Mecoptera, Diptera and Trichoptera. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10 *1917 (337-344). 329 22 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Crampton, G. O. The nature of the veracervix or neck region in insects. Ann. ent. Sop. Amer. Columbus 10 1917 (187-197). 330 Crampton, G. C. A comparison of the antennae of the Grylloblattidae and Embiidae to demonstrate the relation- ship of these two groups of insects. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (213-217) 331 Crawford, D. L. Philippine and Asiatic Psyllidac. Philippine J. Sci. D 12 1917 (163-174) pi. [Homoptera.] 332 Crawley, W. C. Ants and aphides in West Somerset. Proc. Somerset Nat. Hist, Soc. 621917(148-163). 333 Cresson, E. T. Descriptions of new genera and species of the Dipterous family Ephydridae , iv. Ent. News Philadelphia^ 1917 (340-341). 334 Criddle, R. Precipitation in relation to insect prevalence and distribution. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (77-80). 335 Criddle, R. Further observations upon the habits of the western wheat stem sawfly in Manitoba and Saskatche- wan. Agric. Gaz. Canada Ottawa 4 1917 (176-177). [ Hymenoptera .] 336 Cros, A. Forme des ongles des larves primaires des Meloidae et valeur du terme “ triongulin.” Ann. Soc. ent. France 86 1917 (159-164). [ Goleoptera .] 337 Crosby, C. R. and Leonard, M. D. An egg parasite of the sumac flea-beetle. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (368). [ Hymenoptera .] 338 Culot, J. Noctuellcs et Gdometres d’ Europe, i. Noctuelles. 2 Livr. 41 1917 Geneve (209-224) pis. lxxix and lxxx Livr. 42 1917 (225-232) pi. lxxxi. [Lepidoptera.] 339 Currie, Bertha P. Gomphus parvidens, a new species of dragonfly from Mary- land. P. U. S. nat. Mus. Washington 53 No. 2199 1917 (223-226) pis. xxvii and xxviii. [ Parcineuroptera .] 341 Curtis, W. P. The coloration prob- lem, ii. Ent. Rec. London 29 1917 (6-11, &c.). 341a Cushman, R. A. A revision of hymen- opterous insects of the tribe Cremastini of America, north of Mexico. P. U. S. nat. Mus. Washington 53 No. 2219 1917 (503-551). 342 Cushman, R. A. Eight new species of reared ichneumon-flies, with notes on some other species. P. U. S. nat. Mus. Washington 53 No. 2216 (457-469). [Hymenoptera.] 343 Davidson, W. M. Early spring Syr- phidae in California and a new Pipiza. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (414- 419). [ Diptera .] 344 Davidson, W. M. Economic Syr- phidae in California. J. Econ. Ent. Concord N. H. 9 1916 (454-457). [Diptera.] 344a Davidson, W. M. Little known western plant-lice, 2. J. econ. Ent. Concord 10 1917 (290-297). [Homop- tera.] 345 Davis, J. J. Papers on Aphididae. The yellow clover aphis. ( Oallipterus trifolii Monell.) Washington U.S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Ent. Tech. Ser. No. 25 (Pt. 2) 1914 (i-iv 17-40) pi. ii ; ff. 10-15. [Diptera.] 346 Davis, W. T. Two new Cicadas from Lower California, Mexico. J. New York ent. Soc. 25 1917 (6-10) pi. ii. [Homoptera.] 347 Davis, W. T. Sonoran cicadas col- lected by Harry H. Knight, Dr. Joseph Bequaert and others, with descriptions of new species. J. N. York ent. Soc. 25 1917 (203-215) pi. xiii. [Homo- ptera.] 348 Debski, B. . Sur la femelle de Nomi- oides fasciatus Friese et description des autres Nomioides d’Egypte. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 10 1917 (25-50). [Hymen- optera.] 349 De Gryse, J. J. The hypermetamor- phism of the lepidopterous sapfeeders. Washington D.C. Proc. ent. Soc. 18 1916 (164-168). 350 Del Guercio, G. Contribuzione alia conoscenza degli Afidi. Redia Firenze 12 1917 (197-277) pis. ii-iv. [Homop- tera.] 351 Demaison, L. Observations sur les Lipidopteres de quel ques lies de 1* Europe occidentale. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (171-173). 352 23 Insecla. Titles, 3500 Demoll, It. Dio Auffassung des Fliegens der Kafor. Eino zoologische Irrlehrc. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (285 and 286). [Coleoptera.] 353 Desbordes, H. Contribution a la con- naissance des Hist^rides. 2e memoire. Synopsis de divers groupes d’Histeridae. Ann. Soc. ent. France 85 1917 (297-326). [Coleoptera.] 354 Desbordes, H. Contribution & la connaissance des Histerides 3e. me- moire. Ann. Soc. ent. France 86 1917 (165-192). [Coleoptera.] 355 Desbordes, H. Liste des Histeridae recoltes en 1917 par M. L. Burgeon au Congo beige centrale, a Kindu (Manie- ma), et description des especes nou- velles. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (211-215). [Coleoptera.] 356 Desbordes, H. Description de deux Saprinus nouveaux du Haut-Senegal. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918 (325- 326). [Coleoptera.] 357 Dewitz, J. Nochmals iiber die Ent- stehung der braunen Farbe gewisser Kokons. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (170-176). [Lepidoptera.] 358 Dickerson, E. L. Notes on Lepto- byrsa rhododendri Horv. J. N. York ent. Soo. 25 1917 (105-112) pi. viii. [Heteroptera.] 359 Dickerson, E. L. and Weiss, H. B. Idiocerus scurra Germar, a poplar leaf-hopper. J. N. York ent. Soc. 25 1917 (218-224) pi. xv. [Ilomoptera.] 360 Dickerson, E. L. and Weiss, H. B. The azalea lace-bug, Stephanitis pyri- oides Scott. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (101-105) pi. ix. [Heteroptera.] 361 Dietz, W. G. Key to the North American species of the tricolor group . of the dipterous genus Tipula Linnaeus. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (145- 151) pi. xi. 362 Distant, W. L. Rhynchota [of the Seychelles]. Part 2. Suborder Homo- ptera. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 17 1917 (273-322) pis. xlix-li. 363 Distant, W. L. The Homoptera of Indo-China. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (100-104). 364 Distant, W. L. Descriptions of some Ethiopian and Australian Ilomoptera. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (186- 191). 365 Distant, W. L. The Homoptera of Indo-China. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (319-325). 366 Distant, W. L. On some Rhynchota of economic importance from Colombia. Bull. ent. Res. London 7 1917 (381- 382) pt. v. [Heteroptera.] 367 Distant, W. L. vide etiam Arrow, &c. Dod, F. H. W. The insect collections of Canada. Collection of Macrolepi- doptera owned by F. H. Wolley Dod. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (240-248). 368 Dodd, A. P. Records, &c., of Aus- tralian Chalcidoidea. Adelaide S. Aust. Trans. R. Soc. 41 1917 (344-368). [Hymenoptera.] 369 Dodero, A. Materiali per lo studio dei Coleotteri italiani con descrizioni di nuove specie, iii. Ann. Mus. Doria Genova 47 1917 (377-386). 370 Dognin, P. Het6roceres nouveaux de l’Amerique du Sud. Fasc. 13 Rennes 1917 (1-19). [Lepidoptera.] 371 Donisthorpe, H. St. J. K. E la ter praeustus F., an Irish beetle. Irish Nat. Dublin 27 1917 (99). [Coleop- tera.] 372 Donisthorpe, H. Myrmecophilous notes for 1916. Ent. Rec. London 29 1917 (30-33, 48-52). [Hymenoptera.] 373 Donisthorpe, H. Dolichoderus ( Hypo - clinea) crawleyi n. sp., a species of ant new to science ; with a few notes on the genus. Ent. Rec. London 29 1917 (201). [Hymenoptera.] 374 Doop, J. E. A. den. Lasiodermae n Anobium in koriander- en karweizaden. [Lasioderma und Anobium in Koreander — und Kiimmelsaat.] Medan Meded. Deli-proefst. 10 1917 (190-202). [Coleoptera.] 375 Doop, J. E. A. den. De verspreiding van Trichogramma, den eiparasiet van Heliothis obsoleta Fabricius, ter oost- kust van Sumatra. [Die Verbreitung' von Trichogramma , dem Eiparasit von Heliothis obsoleta Fabricius, an der Ostkiiste Sumatra’s.] Medan Meded. Deli Proefst. 10 1918 (213-220 1 Karte). [Hymenoptera.] 376 24 Insecta . xii. Insecta [1917] Dove, W. E. Some notes concerning overwintering of the house-fly, Musca domestica , at Dallas, Texas. J. Econ. Ent. Concord. N. H. 9 1916 (528-538). [Diptera.] 376a Dove, W. E . Some biological and control studies of Gastrophilus hae- morrhoidalis and other bots of horses. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agric .Ent. 597 1917 (51 pp.) 5 pis. [ Diptera .] 377 Dozier, H. L. The life-history of the okra or mallow caterpillar ( Cosmo - phila erosa Hiibner). J. econ. Ent. Concord. 10 1917 (536-542) pis. xxvi and xxvii. [Lepidoptera]. 378 Drake, C. J. New and noteworthy Tingidae from the United States. Ohio Nat. Columbus 17 1917 (213-215), [Heteroptera.] 379 Drake, C. J. Key to the nearctic species of Gargaphia, with the descrip- tion of a new species. Ent. News 28 1917 (227, 228). [ Heteroptera .] 380 Drake, C. J. A survey of the north- american species of Merragata. Ohio J. Sci. Columbus 17 1917 (101-105). [Heteroptera.] 381 . Drake, C. J. vide Osborn and Drake. Draudt vide Seitz, A. Dudgeon, G. C. and Gough, L. H. Rhogas kitcheneri n. sp. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 1912 1914 (140). [Hymenop- tera.] 382 Dunn, L. H. The cocoa-nut tree caterpillar ( Brassolis isthmia ) of Pan- ama. J. econ. Ent. Concord 10 1917 (473-488) pis. xxii and xxiii. [Lepidop- tera.] 383 Dunn, L. H. A simple method of identifying the Anopheles mosquitoes of the canal zone. Ent. News Phila- delphia 28 1917 (14-19). [Diptera.] 384 Duporte, E. M. The death-feigning instinct. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (221-226). 385 Durrant, J. H. Microlepidoptera Pterophorina and Tineina) collected by the British ornithologists’ union and Wollaston expeditions in the Snow mountains. Southern Dutch New Guinea. Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 1916 No. 15 (149-168). 386 Durrant, J. H. vide Morice and Durrant. Dwight, I. A synopsis of the petio- late wasps of the family Eumenidae ( Hymenoptera ) found in America north of Mexico. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 10 1917 (345-366). 387 Dyar, H. S. A note on Gisthene. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (8-10). [Lepidoptera.] 388 Dyar, H. G. The mosquitoes of the mountains of California. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (11—21 ). [Diptera.] 389 Dyar, H. G. The Barnes and McDunnough list. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (41-44). [Lepid- optera.] 390 Dyar, H. G. Three new North- american Phycitinae. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (45 and 46). [Lepidoptera.] 391 Dyar, H. G. A new phycitid from the Bahamas. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (46 and 47). [Lepidoptera.] 392 Dyar, H. G. A new noctuid from Brazil. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (50 and 51). [Lepidoptera.] 393 Dyar, H. G. Miscellaneous new american Lepidoptera. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (65-68). [Lepid- optera.] 394 Dyar, H. G. Notes on North -ameri- can Pyraustinae. Insec. inscit. Wash- ington 5 1917 (69-74). [Lepidoptera.] 395 Dyar, H. G. Notes on North- american Nymphulinae. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (75-79). [Lepid- optera.] 396 Dyar, H. G. Notes on North - american Schoenobiinae. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (79-84). [Lepid- optera.] 397 Dyar, H. G. Seven new crambids from the United States. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (84-87). [Lepid- optera.] 398 Dyar, H. G. Seven new pyralids from British Guiana. Insect inscit. Washington 5 1917 (88-91). [Lepid- optera.] y 399 Dyar, H. G. The mosquitoes of the pacific northwest. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (97-102). [Diptera.] 400 25 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Dyar, H. G. Notes on Aedes at Lake Pend d’oreille, Idaho. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (102-104). [ Diptera .] 401 Dyar, H. G. Notes on the Aedes of Montana. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (104-121). [Dipteral 402 Dyar, H. G. A new Aedes from the Rocky-mountain region. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (127). [Diptera.] 403 Dyar, H. G. Descriptions of lepido- pterous larvae from Mexico. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (128-132). 404 Dyar, H. G. A new Pyralid from Cali- fornia. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (132). [Lepidoptera.] 405 Dyar, H. G. A second note on the species of Gulex of the Bahamas. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (183- 187). [Diptera.] 406 Dyar, H. G... vide Howard, D3>ar & Knab. Dyar, H. G. and Knab, F. Brome- licolous Anopheles. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (38-40). [Diptera.] 407 Dyar, H. G. and Knab, F. New amorican mosquitoes. Inseo. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (165-169). [Diptera.] 408 Dyar, H. G. and Knab, F. The genus Gulex in the United States. Insec. inscit. Washington 5. 1917 (170-183). [Diptera] 409 Edwards, F. W. Notes on Gulicidae, •with descriptions of new species. Bull, ent. Res. London 7 1917 (201-229). [Diptera.] 410 Edwards, J. On Rhynchites ophthal- micus Stephens, with a table of the british species of that genus. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (22-26). [Goleo- ptera.] 411 Ejikoff, — ■. Influence de Pinanition sur la metamorphose des mouches k ver. Rev. zool. russe Moscow 2 1917 (110-121). 412 Elliott, E. A. On certain Stephanidge. Entomologist London 50 1917 (129- 130). [Hymenoptera.] 413 Elliott, A. E. Two new species of Diastephanus Enderl. Entomologist London 50 1917 (131). [Hymeno- ptera.] 414 Ellis, E. V. Butterflies of Tharra- wady and the Pegu Yoma. J. N. H. Soc. Bombay 25 1917 (104-135). [Lepidoptera.] 415 Elwyn, A. Effect of humidity on pupal duration and on pupal mortality of Drosophila ampelophila Loew. Bull. Amer. Mu8. New York 37 1917 (347- 353). [Diptera.] 415a Emery, C. Questions de nomencla- ture et synonymies relatives k quelques genres et especes de Formicides. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (94-97). [Hymenoptera.] 416 Emery, C. Escursioni zoologiche del Dr. Enrico Festa nell’ isola di Rodi. Boll. Mus. Torino 30 1915 ? No. 701 (7 pp). [Hymenoptera.] 417 Emery, C. Les Pheidole du groupe megacephala. Rev. zool. afric. Brux- elles 4 1916 (223-250). [Hymenoptera.] 418 Emmerez, D. de Charmoy d’. Notes relative to the importation of Tiphia parallela, Smith, from Barbados to Mauritius for the control of Phytalus smithi Arrow. Bull. ent. Res. London 8 1917 (93-102). [Hymenoptera.] 419 Enderlein, G. Pfipterologische Studien xvi. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (57- 72). 420 Enderlein, G. Ueber einige subant- arktische Mallophagen. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (240-245). [Lipo- ptera.] 421 Enderlein, G. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Copeognathen. iv. Zur Kenntnis der Copeognathen des Kongogebietes. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (254-256). [Procoptera.] 422 Enderlein, G. Psyllidologica iv. Zool. Anz. Leipzig. 49 (344-352). [Homoptera.] 423 Enslin, E. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Tenthredinoidea. iv. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (238-242). [Hymenoptera.] 424 Erics on, 1. B. Neue Trichoptery- gidenfunde in Schweden. Ent. Tidskr. 38 (207-208). [Goleoptera]. 425 Esben-Petersen, P. Neue und wenig bekannte Mantispiden. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 11 No. 10 1917 (15) 2 text figs. [Neuroptera.] 426 26 Insecta. xil. Insecta. [1917] Esben-Petersen, P. Lidt om Kold- feber og Anopheles claviger. Ano- pheles claviger. and aguefever in Den- mark, especially in the islands of Lolland and Falster. K^benhavn Flora og Fauna 1917 (35-39). [ Diptera .] 427 Esben-Petersen, P. New and little- known Australian Osmylidae. K0ben- havn Nath. Medd. 68 1917 (1-5). 2 figs. [ Neuroptera.] 428 Esben-Peterseii, P. Two species of Bittaciclae ( Neuroptera ) from South Africa. Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17 1917 (187-190). 429 Escalera, M. M. de la. Un nuovo ptinido de Espana central. Bol. Soc. esp. Hist. nat. Madrid 17 1917 (234). [Coleoptera]. 430 Essig, E. 0. The chrysanthemum gall-fly, Diarthronomyia hypogaea (F. Low). J. Econ. Ent. Concord N. H. 9 1916 (461-468) pis. 34 35. [Diptera.] 430a Essig, E. 0. The tomato and laurel psyllids. J. econ. Ent. Concord 10 1917 (433-444) pi. xx. [ Homoptera .] 431 Essig, E. O. The olive insects of California. Bull. Berkeley Agric. Exp. Stat. 283 1917) 43-64). 432 Everts, Ed. Lyst van Coleoptera uit Limburg. [Liste von Coleopteren aus Hollandisch Limburg.] ’s Gravenhage, Tydschr. Ent. 60 1917 (vii-xiii.) 433 Everts, Ed. Lyst van Coleoptera uit liet omliggend gebied van Belgie, de Rynprovincie en Westfalen, die wellicht in de provincie Limburg zouden kunnen ontdekt worden. [Liste von Coleo- pteren aus dem umliegenden Gebiete von Belgien, der Rheinprovinz und Westphalen, welche vielleicht in der Provinz Limburg entdeckt werden konnten.] Heerlen, Natuurhistorisch Genootschap in Limburg Mededeelingen 1916 1917 (133-150). 434 Everts, Ed. Nieuwe vondsten voor de Nederlandsche Coleopteren -fauna, x. [Neue Funde fur niederlandische Coleo- pterew-fauna. x.] ’s Gravenhage Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 4 1917 (366-371). 435 Everts, Ed. Nieuwe vondsten voor de Nederleandsche Coleopteren-fauna- xi. [Neue Funde fiir die niederlandische Coleopteren fauna xi.] ’s Gravenhage Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 4 1917 (383-390). 436 Everts, Ed. Nieuwe vondsten voor de Nederlandsche Coleopteren -fauna xii. [Neue Funde fiir die niederlandische Coleopteren-inxmn xii.] ’s Gravenhage Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 1917 (4-10). 437 Everts, Ed. Nieuwe vondsten voor de Nederlandscho Coleopteren-fauna xiii. [Neue Funde fur die niederlandische Coleopteren-ianma, xiii.] ’s Gravenhage Ber. Ned. Ent, Ver. 5 1917 (17-21). 438 Everts, Ed. Zeldzame en minder algemeene Coleoptera, op de excursies in Juni verzameld. [Seltene und weni- ger allgemeine Coleopteren, auf den Excursionen im Monat Juni in Gelder- land gesammelt.] ’s Gravenhage Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 1917 (21-22). 439 Ewing, H. E. Parthenogenesis in the pear-slug saw-fly. Ann. ent. Soc., Amer. Columbus 10 1917 (330-335) [Hymenoptera.] 440 Fagan, Margaret M. vide Rohwer and Fagan. Fagniez, C. Description d’un Lath- robium nouveau de France. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (311). [Coleo- ptera.] 441 Fagniez, C. Etude sur les Royerella Jean, de Dauphine. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (90-93). [Coleo- ptera.] . 442 Fall, H. C. New Dytiscidae. J. N. York ent. Soc. 25 1917 (163-182). [Coleoptera.] 443 Fall, H. C. A new genus and species of Buprestidae. Ent. News Philadel- phia 28 1917 (68-70). [Coleoptera.] 444 TTT Fall, H. C. New Coleoptera, vi & vii. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (163-171 385-390). 445 Faroult, V. Notes on captures of algerian and tunisian Lepidoptera [Rhopalocera]. Novit. zool. Tring 24 1917 (318-322). 446 Felt, E. P. Distribution of gall midges. Proc. Nation. Ac. Washington 3 1917 (349-354). [Diptera.] 447 Felt, E. P. Household and camp insects. New York Mus. Bull. Albany 194 1917 (1-84). 448 27 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Felt, E. Little known midge galls of certain composites. Ottawa Nat. 31 1917 (13 & 14). [ Diptera .] 449 Felt, E. P. Two new sawflies. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 <191 & 192). [Hymenoptera.] 450 Felt, E. P. New gall midges. J. N. York ent. Soc. 25 1917 (193-196) [Diptera.] 451 Felt, E. P. New indian gall midges. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (73-76). [Diptera.] 452 Felt, E. P. Indian gall midges. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (369-372). £ Diptera .] 453 Felt, E. P. Asphondylia websteri n. sp. J. econ. ent. Concord 10 1917 <562). [Diptera.] 454 Felt, E. P. and Stage, H. J. Bio- logical observations. Albany Univ. St. N. Y. Mus. Bull. No. 186 1916 (65-70). [Diptera.] 454a Fenton, F. A. Observations on Le- canium corni Bouche and Physokerme * piceae Schr. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (309-320) pis. xv and xvi. [Iiomoptera. ] 455 Ferrante, G. Contributo al catalogo dei Coleotteri dell’ Egitto. Seguito. Staphylinidae. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 7 1916 (157-176). 456 Ferrante, G. Especes et vari6t6s. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 10 1917 (15-21). 457 Ferris, G. F. Mallophaga and Anop- lura from South Africa, with list of mammalian hosts of african species. Ann. Durban Mus. 1 1916 (230-252). 458 Ferris, G. F. A new genus and species of Coccidae. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (375). [Homoptera.] 459 Feytaud, J. Sur la reproduction parth£nogenetique de 1’ otiorhynque sillonne ( Otiorhynchus sulcatus Fabr.). Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (767- 769). [Coleoptera.] 460 Figueroa, S. Contribution al cono- cimento del genero Epinephele Hiibner et auct. Revist. Chilena 20 1916 (29-35). [Lepidoptera.] 461 Figueroa, C. S. Descripcion de un nuevo Epinephele y clave de las especies ohilenas del g6nero. Revist. chilena 21 1917 (85-88). [Lepidoptera.] 462 Fisher, W. S. A now spocies of Agrilus from California. Canad. En- tom. London Can. 49 1917 (287) [Coleoptera.] 463 Fisher, W. S. A new species of Xylotrechus. Washington D.C. Proc. ent. Soc. 18 1917 (214 & 215). [Coleo- ptera.] 464 Fiske, W. F. Insects injurious to vegetation. Bull. ent. Res. London 7 1917 (383-389). 465 Fleischer, A. Bestimmungstabelle der palaarktischen Psalidium- Arten. Wien. ent. Zeit. Vienna 33 1914 (211 — 227). [Coleoptera.] 465a Fletcher, T. B. Report of the Im- perial entomologist. Sci. Rep. Agric. Inst. Pusa 1917 (71-102). 466 Fletcher, T. B. Icerya purchasi in Ceylon : a warning to India. Agric. J. India Calcutta 12 1917 (526-531). pi. xxxviii. [Homoptera.] 467 Fletcher, T. B. Economic zoology, Part i, agricultural entomology. Board sci. advice India 1915-16 1917 (22 pp.). 468 Fletcher, T. B. Report of the pro- ceedings of the second entomological meeting held at Pusa on the 5th to 12th February, 1917. Calcutta 1917 (340 + xii pp.) 35 pis. 469 Fleutiaux, E. Descriptions de deux especes nouvelles d’Elateridae, appar te- nant au genre Dima. Bull.. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (266). [Coleoptera.] 470 Fleutiaux, E. Nouvelle liste de Cicindelidae de 1’ Indo-chine. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918 (368-370). [Coleoptera.] 471 Florence, Laura. The pacific coast species of Xylococcus (Scale insects). Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10 1917 (147-162) pis. xii-xv. [Homoptera.] 472 Foi, Anna. L’epitelio dell’ intestino medio nel baco da seta sano e in quello malato di flaccidezza. Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (217-244) pis. i & ii. [Lepidoptera.] 473 Folsom, J. W. North American collembolous insects of. the subfamily Onychiurinae. P. U. S. nat. Mus. Washington 53 No. 2222 1917 (637- 659) pis. lxviii-lxxix. . 474 28 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Foot, Katharine and Strobell, E. C. Results of crossing Euschistus vario- larius and Euschistus ictericus with reference to the inheritance of two exclusively male characters. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 32 1917 (322-342) 4 pis. [Heteroptera.] 475 Forbes, S. A. Observations and ex- periments on the San Jos6 scale. Agric. Exp. Sta. Illinois Urbana Bull. No. 180 1915 (545-561) If. 1-3. [. Homo - ptera .] - 475a Forbes, W. T. M. The genera of Hydriomeninae of the United States. J. N. York ent. Soc. 25 1917 (44-67). [. Lepidoptera .] 476 Forbes, W. T. M. Notes on West- indian Syntomidae and Arctiidae. Bull. Amer. Mus. New York 37 1917 (339- 345). [Lepidoptera.] 476a Ford, G. H. Observations on the larval and pupal stages of Agriotes obscurus , Linnaeus. Ann. appl. Biol. Cambridge 3 1917 (97-116) pis. xyi & xvii. [Goleoptera.] 478 Forel, A. Cadre synoptique actucl de la faune universelle des fourmis. Bull. Soc. vaud. Lausanne 51 1917 (229-253). [Hymenoptera.] 479 Foster, A. H. A list of Macrolepido- ptera occurring in north Hertfordshire, with notes on each species. Tr. Hertfordsh. Soc. 16 1917 (237-258). 480 Foucher, G. Sur l’apparition du Carausius morosus J et sa long6vit6. Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (511- 513). [ Orthoptera .] 481 Fountaine, Margaret E. List of butterflies taken in the neighbourhood of Los Angeles, California. Entomolo- gist London 50 1917 (154-156). [Lepi- doptera.] 482 Fox, C. Some new Siphonaptera. Washington Treas. Dept. U.S. Publ. Hlth. Serv. Hyg. Lab. Bull. No. 97 1914 (7-17) pis. i-v. 483 Fox, C. A further report on the identification of some Siphonaptera from the Philippine islands. Washing- ton Treas. Dept. U.S. Publ. Hlth. Serv. Hyg. Lab. Bull. No. 97 1914 (18). 484 Fox, C. The taxonomic value of the copulatory organs of the females in the order Siphonaptera. Washington Treas. Dept. U.S. Publ. Hlth. Serv. Hyg. Lab. Bull. No. 97 1914 (19-25) pis. vi-xxii. 485 Fox, H. Field notes on Virginia Orthoptera. P.U.S. nat. Mus. Washing- ton 52 No. 2176 (199-234). 486 Fraser, F. C. The female of the dragon fly, Brachythemis fuscopalliata (Ris). J. Bombay Soc. 25 (282-283) pi. [Paraneuroptera.] 487 Frers, A. G. Cuatro himenopteros parasitos de Pachodynerus argentinus Sauss. o de Trypoxylon platense Brethes. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917. (88-89). 488 Frey, R. vide Poppius, B. Friese, H. Results of Dr. E. M jo- berg’s Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia, 1910-1913. 13. Apidao Ark. Zool. Stockholm 11 No. 2 1917 (9). [Hymenoptera.] 489 Frisendahl, A. Nya svens ka Coleo- ptera. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (298-301). 490 Frison, T. H. Notes on Bombidae, and on the life history of Bombus auricomus Robt. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 10 1917 (277-286) pis. xxiii & xxiv. [Hymenoptera ] 491 Froggatt, W. W. Forest longicorn beetles and their parasites. Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. 1916 (561-567) 3 pis. [Hymenoptera.] 492 Froggatt, W. W. A descriptive cata- logue of the scale insects (Coccidae) of Australia (continued). Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. Sydney 27 1916 & 1917 (425-430 568-578 809-816 883-888) and 28 1917 (134-140 505-514). [ Hombptera .] 493 Froggatt, W. W. Insects and prickly pear. Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. Sydney 28 1917 (417-426). [494 Froggatt, W. W. Policemen flies. Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. Sydney 28 1917 (667-669). [Hymenoptera.] 495 Froggatt, W. W. A lead-boring beetle ( Xylothrips gibbiccllis. Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. Sydney 28 1917 (814) [Coleoptera.] 496 Froggatt, W. W. Entomological notes. Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. Sydney 28 1917 (891-895). 497 29 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Froggatt, W. W. and Froggatt, J. L. Sheep-maggot (lio3. No. 3. Dap. Agrio. N.S.W. Farm-Bull. 113 (37 pp.). [Hymenoptera.] 498 Frohawk, F. W. Destruction of wheat by wasp3. Entomologist London 50 1917 (132-133). [ Hymenoptera .] 499 Fruhstorfer, H. Neue palaearktische Lycaeniden. Deutsche ent. Zs. Iris 31 1917 (24-43). [Lepidoptera.] 500 Fruhstorfer, H. Alte3 und Neues iiber Erebien. Deutsohe ent. Zs. Iris 31 1917 (43-56). [Lepidoptera.] 501 Fruhstorfer, H. Nymphalidae pp. 705-766 ; Erycinidae pp. 767-797, Lycaenidae pp. 803-823 [continued by Grunberg q.v.] Seitz Grossschmetterl. Faun. exot. Indo-austral. 9 1914- 1916. [Lepidoptera.] 501a Fruhstorfer, H. vide Seitz, A. Fryer, J. C. F. Insect pests of basket willows. J. Board Agrio. London 24 1917 (844-852) 2 pis. 502 Fuente, J. M. de la. Enumeracion de las especies zoologicas que han sido desoritas por primora vez sobre ejem- plares procedentes de la provincia de Ciudad real. Bol. Soc. espan. Madrid 17 1917 (277-299). 503 Fallaway D. T. Description of a new species of Spalangia. P. Hawai ent. Soc. 3 1917 (292-294). [Hymenop- tera.] 504 Fallaway, D. T. Tobacco insects in Hawaii. Agric. Exp. Sta. Hawaii Honolulu Bull. No. 34 1914 (1-20) ff. 1-9. ' 505 Fyles, T. W. Quebec dragon-flies. Ottawa Nat. 29 Ottawa 1916 (66-67). [Paraneuroptera.] 506 Gahan, A. B. Descriptions of some new parasitic Hymenoptera. P. U. S. nat. Mus. Washington 53 No. 2197 1917 (195-217). 507 Gahan, A. B. and Rohwer, S. A. Lectotypes of the species of Hymeno- ptera (except Apoidea) described by Abbe Provancher. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (298-308 331- 336 391-400 427-433). 508 Gahan, C. J. vide Arrow, &c. Gallardo, A. Notes critiques sur les “jFormicides sud-ameri cains nouveaux ou peu conn us du Docteur Santschi.” Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (48-51). [Hymenoptera.] 509 Garin, C. La prophylaxie du paludisme en Macedoine. Rev. scient. Paris 1917 (301-306). [Diptera.] 510 Garman, P. The Zygoptera or damsel -flies of Illinois. Bull. Illinois Lab. 12 art. 4 1917 (411-587) pis. lviii-lxxiii. [Paraneuroptera.] 511 Gatenby, J. B. The embryonic development of Trichogramma eva- nescens, Westw., monembryonic egg- parasite of Donacia simplex Fab. Q. J. Microsc. Sci. London 62 1917 (149-187) pis. x-xii and corrections p. (613 and 614). [Hymenoptera.] 512 Gatenby, J. B. The cytoplasmic inclusions of the germ-cells. Part i, Lepidoptera. Q. J. Microsc. Sci. London 62 1917 (407-463) pis. xxiii-xxv. 513 Gatenby, J. B. The degenerate (apyrene) sperm-formation of moths as an index to the inter-relations of the various bodies of the spermatozoon. Q. J. Microsc. Sci. London 62 1917 (465-488) pl.xxvi. [Lepidoptera.] 514 Gavoy, L. Contribution & la faune entomologiquo du Tarn. ( GoUopleres ). 2e Supplement. Bull. Soc. Et. Sci. Audo 25 1914? (77-106). 515 Gedoelst, L. Notes sur les Oestrides. Rev. Zool. Afric. Bruxelles 4 1916 (144- 161). [Diptera.] 516 Gedoelst, L. Notes sur les Oestrides. ii. Rev. Zool. Afric. Bruxelles 4 1916 (259-264). [Diptera.] 517 Germain, P., and Kerremans, C. Apuntes entomolojicos. Buprestidos del Museo de Santiago de Chile. An. Univ. Santiago Chile 120 1907 (603- 631). [Coleoptera.] 518 Gestro, R. Res ligusticao lxii. Ricordo di Massimiliano Spinola. Ann. Mus. Doria Genova 47 1916 (33-53) Portrait. 519 Gestro, R. Alcune osservazioni in- torno ai Paussidi. Ann. Mus. Doria Genova 47 1916 (355-359). [Coleop- tera.] 520 30 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Gestro, R. Materiali per lo studio delle Hispidae, li. Saggio sulle Hispidae delle isole Filippine. Ann. Mus. I)oria Genova 47 1917 (387-440). [ Coleoptera .] 521 Geyer, E. W. vide Quaintance & Geyer. Giacomelli, E. Nuevos estudios y observaciones sobre Pi6ridas argentinas. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (370-385). [Lepidoptera.] 522 Giacomelli, E. Sinopsis de los Lepidopteros chilenos del g&iero Tato- chila Butl. Revist. chilena 20 1916 (41-57) pis. i & ii. 523 Gibbs, A. E. The satyrid butterflies of Hertfordshire, with a short study of Pararge aegeria. Trans. Hertford- shire Nat. Hist. Soc. 16 1917 (173- 158) pi. xv. [ Lepidoptera .] 524 Gibson, A. Common garden insects and their control. Canada Dep. Agric. Ent. Ottawa 1917 Circ. 9 (20 pp.). 525 Gibson, E. H. A new species of Corythuca from the Northwest. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (258). [Heteroptera.] 526 Gibson, E. H. The genus Harmostes Burm. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (439-450). [ Heteroptera.[ 527 Gibson, E. H. Three new species of Jassoidea from Missouri. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (183 and 184). [ Homoptera 528 Gibson, E. H. Two now species of Dicyphus from Porto Rico. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (218). [ Heteroptera .] 529 Gibson, E. H. and Wells, Emma. The genus Ophiderma Fairm. J. N. York ent, Soc. 25 1917 (199-203). [Z/owo- ptera.] 530 Giffard, W. M. Reference tables of the liawaiian Delphacids and their food -plants. Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3 1917 (339-348). [Homoptera.] 531 Giffard, W. M. Investigation of spread of fruitfly parasites [ Opius humilis and Diachasma tryoni] in Kona, Hawaii. Honolulu, Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc. 3 1915 (90-93). [Hymeno- ptera.] 531a Giglio-Tos, E. Mantidi esotici. Generi o specie nuove. Bull. Soc. ent. ital. Firenze 48 1917 (43-108). [Orlho- ptera.] 532 Giglio-Tos, E. Ortotteri raccolti nel- r Eritrea dal Dott. Andreini. Bull. Soc. ent. ital., Firenze. 48 1917 (131-138). 533 Giglio-Tos, E. Note al catalogo dei Mantidi di Kirby. Bull. Soc. ent. ital. Firenze 48 1917 (139-163). [Orthopterci .] 534 Giglio-Tos, E. Mantidi esotici. Boll* Mus. Torino 30 1915. No. 702 (16 pp.). [Orthoptera]. 535 Giglio-Tos, E. Ortotteri raccolti nella Somalia italiana meridionale. Redia Firenze 12 1917 (279-287.) 536 Gill, J. B. The pecan leaf case- bearer. Bull. U.S. Hep. Agric. Ent. Washington 571 1917 (1-28) 3 pis. [ Lepidoptera .] 537 Gillette, 0. P. Some Colorado species of the genus Lachnus. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 10 1917 (133-144) pis. x and xi. [Homoptera.] 538 Gillette, C. P. Two new aphid genera and some new species. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (193-198) pi. xi. [Homoptera.] 539 Girault, A. A. The north-american species of Pachyneuron, with three new species. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (88-90). [Hymenoptera.] 540 Girault, A. A. New miscellaneous chalcid-flies from North-america. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (91-99). [Hymeno- ptera.] 541 Girault, A. A. A new species of the genus Mymar from the woods of Maryland with an important descrip- tive note. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (99). [Hymenoptera.] 542 Girault, A. A. A metallic species of Cirrospilopsis from Maryland. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (100). [Hymenoptera.] 543 Girault, A. A. A new species of Closterocercus from California. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (101). [Hymenoptera.], 544 Girault, A. A. A chalcid parasite of the pink boll -worm. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (5). [Hymenoptera.] 545 31 Insccta. Titles, 3500 Girault, A. A. Some new australian Chalcid- flies, mostly of the family, Encyrtidae. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (29-37). [ Hymenoptera .] 546 Girault, A. A. New australian chalcid -flies. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (92-96, 133-155). [Hymeno- ptera .] 547 Girault, A. A. Notes and descriptions of miscellaneous Chalcid- flies. P.U.S. nat. Mus. Washington 53 No. 2213 1917 (445-450). \Hymenoptera .] 548 Girault, A. A. New chalcid-flies from Maryland. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (20-23). [ Hymenoptera .] 549 Girault, A. A. The occurrence of the genus Monobaeus Foerster in North America. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (106). [ Hymenoptera .] 550 Girault, A. A. New chalcid-flies from Maryland. 2. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (255-257). [Hymenoptera.] 551 Girault, A. A. The North-american species of Trigonoderus Westwood, females. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (396-397). [Hymenoptera.] 553 Girault, A. A. Two now genera of North American Entodoninao. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (110). [Hymenoptera.] 554 Girault, A. A. The occurrence of the genus Parachrysocharis Girault in the United States. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (129). [Hymenoptera.] 555 Girault, A. A. The North-american species of Ilabrocytus. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (178-182). [Hymenoptera.] 556 Girault, A. A. A new West-indian Chalcid-fly. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (356). [Hymenoptera.] 557 Girault, A. A. Descriptiones Hymeno- pterorum chalcidoidicorum cum obser- vationibus. iv. Entomol. London 50 1917 (36-38). 558 Girault, A. A. Notes on some para- sites of sugar-cane insects in Java. Entomologist London 50 1917 (134, 135). [Hymenoptera.] 559 Girault, A. A. A new Enibidobia from India. Entomologist London 50 1917 (152). [Hymenoptera.] 560 Glaser, R. W. The growth of insect blood cells in vitro. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (1-7) pi. i. 561 Glaser, R. W. Anthocyanin in Pterocomma smithiae. Psyche Boston 24 1918 (30). [Homoptera.] 562 Goldschmidt, R. On a case of faculta- tive parthenogenesis in the gypsy- moth, Lymantria dispar L. With a discussion of the relation of partheno- genesis to sex. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 32 1917 (35-43). [Lepidoptera.] 563- Good, C. A. vide Brittain and Good. Goot, P. van der. Notes on some indian Aphides. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 13 1917 (175-183). 564 Goot, P. van der. De zwarte cacao- mier. (Dolichoderus bituberculatus Mayr) [Die schwarze Cacao-Ameise ( Dolichoderus bituberculatus Mayr.] Salatiga Meded. . Proofstat. Midden Java No. 25 1917 (1-142), ‘ 2 Taf. [Hymenoptera.] 565 Goot, P. van der. Zur Kenntniss der Blattlause Javas. Buitenzorg Contrib. faune Indes N6erl. 1 Fasc. 3 1917 (1- 301) 52 Textfig. [Homoptera.] 566 Gordon, R. S. A list of the Macrole - pidoptera of Wigtownshire. Tr. Dum- friesshire Soc. 1912-13 1913 (168-188). 567 Gough, L. Notes on the egyptian honey-bee. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9 1916 (25-32). [Hymenoptera.] 568 Gough, L. On the rate of increase of Gelechia gossypiella larvae in green' boles during 1916. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9 1917 (113-115) chart. [Lepi- doptera.] 569 Gough, L. H. vide Dudgeon and Gough. Gouin, H. Catalogue raisonn6 des Microlipidoteres observes en Gironde jusqu’en 1915 par Franls. 41 42. [Diptera.] 674a Hustache, A. Description d’un nou- veau Ceuthorrhynchus de la faune frangaise. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (232). [Coleoptera.] 675 Hustache, A. Synopsis du genre Stigmatrachelus Sehoenh. et autres genres malgaches du meme groupe. Ann. Soc. ent. France 86 1917 (193- 266). [Coleoptera.] 676 Hutchison, R. H. Notes on the larvae of Euxesta notata Wied. Wash- ington D.C. Proc. ent. Soc. 18 1916 (171-177) pi. xii. [Diptera.] 677 Hutchison, H. H. vide Webb and Hutchison. Hyde, R. R. Fertility and sterility in Drosophila ampelophila. 1. Sterility in Drosophila with special reference to a defect in the female and its behavior in heredity. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 17 1914(141-171). [Diptera.] 678 Hyde, R. R. Fertility and sterility in Drosophila ampelophila. 2. Fertility in Drosophila and its behavior in heredity. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 17 1914 (173-212) figs. [Diptera.] 679 Hyde, R. R. Fertility and sterility in Drosophila ampelophila. 3. Effects of crossing on fertility in Drosophila. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 17 1914 (343-372). [Diptera.] 680 Hyslop, J. A. The phylogeny of the E'ateridae based on larval characters. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 10 1917 (241-263). [Coleoptera.] 681 Hyslop, J. A. Notes on an introduced woevil ( Ceuthorhynchus marginatus Payk.). J. econ. Ent. Concord 10 1917 (278-282). [Coleoptera.] 682 Hyslop, J. A. Pristocera armifera (Say) parasitic on Lirnonius agonus (Say). Washington D.C. Proc. ent. Soc. 18 1916 (169-170) pi. xi. [llymeno- ptera.] 683 Hyslop, J. A. Triphleps insidiosus as the probable transmitter of corn- car rot ( Diplcdia sp., Fusarium sp.). J. Econ. Ent. Concord N. H. 9 1916 (435-438). [Heteroptera.] 683a 37 Insecla. Trri.E?. 3500 Ihering, R. von. Obsorvaijooa sobrc a maripo3a Myelobia smerintha. Hiibncr em Silo Paulo. Paysis Buono.3 Aires 3 1917 (60-G3). [Lepidyplera.] 63 V Ihering, H. von. As formigai cuay- banas emprogada? como moio do do3truc9ao dai formigaj cortadcirai. Phyeis I?uono3 Aires 3 1917 (352-360). [ Hymenop ter a . ] 635 Ikeda, Y. and Inoiye, Y. Saigino keitaijo ni okoru shiyu kanbetsu no shinpo. [On the determination of soxes of silkworms by their external charac- ters.] Tokyo Ni. Sans hi Kw. Ho. 1917 (630-637). [Lepidoptera.] 686 Illingworth, J. H. Regeneration in cockroaohcs. P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3 1917 (260). [< Orlhoplera .) 687 Illingworth, J. F. Notes on two species of hawaiian Diptcra. Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3 1917 (270-272). 688 Illingworth, F. J. Economic aspects of our predaceous ant ( Pheidole mega- ccphila). Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3 1917 (349-363). [Ilymenoptera.] 689 Imras, A. D. Remarks on tho biology of Ckareas graminis L. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (178 & 179). [ Lepi - doptera .] 690 Ingram, A. and Masfie, J. W. S. Notes on some distinctive points in the papao of west african mosquitoes. Bull. ent. Res. London 8 1917 (73-91). [Diptera.] 691 Ingram, A. and Maofio, J. W. S. The early stages of certain west african mosquitos. Bull. ent. Res. London 8 1917 (135-154) pis. i-iv. [ Diplera .] 692 Innes Bey, W. Revision des Ortho- peteres do l’Egypto i. Forficulides, Biattides, Mantidos. Mem. Soc. ent. Egypte 1 faje. 3 1912 (1-78) 4 pis. 693 Inne3 Bey, W. Lcs Blap3 d’ Egypte. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte Le Cairo 7 1916 (10-44). [ Coleoptera .] 694 Inne3 Bey, W. Les Adcsmies egyptiennes d’apres la classification d’Erne3t Allard. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 10 1917 (51-68). [i Coleoptera .] 695 Inouye, Y. vide Ikeda, Y. Isely, D. Control of the grape-berry moth in the Erie -Chautauqua grape belt. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agric. Ent. 553 1917 (42 pp.) 6. pis. [ Lepidoplcra .] 696 Isely, D. Orohard injury by the hickory tigor moth. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agric. Ent. 598 1917 (14 pp.) 3 pis. [Lepidoplcra.] 697 Ishizuka, Y. Kasan no yeiyo ni kwansuru konkyu. [On the rosoarohos of the nourishment of silkworms.] Tokyo, Sangyo Shikenjo Hokoku [Re- port of the Soricultural Institute] 1917 (353-412). [Lepidoplera.] 698 Jack, R. W. Parthenogenesis amongst the workers of the Cape honey-bee. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 1917 (396- 403) pis. cv, evi [Hymenoptera.] 699 Jack, R. W. Natural transmission of trypanosomiasis ( T. pecorum group) in the absence of tsetse-fly. Bull. ent. Res. London 8 1917 (35-41.) [Diplera.] 700 Jack, R. W. Notes on the larvae etc., of some Rhodesian Tenebrionidae. S. Afric. J. Nat. Hist. Pretoria 1 1917 (84-98) p!s. iv-vi. [Coleoptera.] 701 Jackson, A. C. and Lefroy, H.M. Some fly poisons for outdoor and hospital use. Bull. ent. Res. London 7 1917 (327-335). [Diptera.] 702 Jaeob3en, O. Nye Taegersidcn 1912. A catalogue of Heteroplera, new for the Danish fauna, observed since the year 1912. K^bcnhavn, Flora og Fauna 1917 (54-57). 703 Janse, A. J. T. Check-List of the South African Lepidoplera Heterocera (219 + xii). Issued by the Transvaal Museum. Pretoria 1917. 704 Janse, A. J. T. Description of an apparently undescribed moth of the family Lymantriadae (Lepidoptera). Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17 1917 (185). 705 Janse, A. J. T. South African Bag wormn ; Note on the Psychidac and on the genera Gymnelema and Tricho- cossus, with descriptions of five new species. Ann. Natal. Mus. 3 (587-614) pi. xliii. [Lepidoplera.] 706 Janse, A. J. T. Some apparently undescribed South African Heterocera. Ann. Durb. Mus. Durban 1917 (469- 477). [Lepidoplera.] 707 Janse, A. J. T. How to collect, pre- serve, and study Lepidopterous insects in South Africa. S. Afric. J. Nat. hist. Pretoria 1 1917 (35-49) pi. ii. 708 38 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Janson, 0. E. Additions to the know- ledge of the Cetoniidae of British India. Trans, ent. Soc. London 1917 1917 (102-111). [Coleopiera] 709 Janson, O. E. Descriptions of two new species of Cetoniidae. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (5 and 6). [Coleoptera] 710 Jeannel, It. Deux nouveaux Trechus eavernico.es do France et d’Espagne. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (280- 283). [ Coleoptera .] 711 Jeannel, R. Diagnoses pr61iminaires de Reduviidae nouveaux d’Afrique. Premiere note. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (300-304). [Heteroptera] 712 Jeannel, R. Trois nouveaux Aphae- nops des Pyr6nees. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (312-315). [Coleo- ptera] 713 Jeannel, R. Diagnoses preliminaires de Reduviidae nouveaux d’Afrique. Deuxieme noto. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917(49-53). [He ter op ter a] 714 Jennings, A. H. Summary of two years’ study of insects in relation to pellagra. J. Parasitol. Urbana 1 1914 (10-21). 715 Jensen-Haarup, A. C. Some new Delphacinae from Denmark. K0ben- havn Ent. Medd. 11 1916 (1-5) 3 figs. [Homoptera] 716 Jensen-Haarup, W. C. Yngelpleje hos en Taege. On. the parental care of Elasmostethus griseus. Kobcnhavn Flora og Fauna 1916 (124-126). [ Heteroptera .] 717 Jensen-Haarup, A. C. Danmarks Cikadcr. (fortsat). Flora og Fauna K0benbavn 1917 1917 (41-48 65-72). [llomnptera] 718 Jensen-Haarup, A. C. Brutpflcge bei einer VVanze ( Elasmostethus griseus L.). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (187). [Iletero- ptcra.] 719 Joannis, J. do. Note sur Deuterotinea pan dexella Stgr. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (259-262). [Lepido- ptera .] 720 J0rgensen, L. Fortcgnelse over LoHand-Falsters Yaabenlluer (Stratio- myiidae). The Stratiomyidae of Lol- land-Falster (Denmark). K^benhavn, Flora og Fauna 1917 (13). [ Dipfera .] 721 J0rgensen, L. Humlebierne (Bombus). Flora og Fauna Kpbenhavn 1917 1917 (30-32). [Hymenoptera] 722 Jorgensen, P. Zoocecidios argentinos. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (1-29 3 pis.). 723 Johannsen, O. A. Somo North American Anthomviidao. Ent. Nows Philadelphia 28 1917 (323-327). [Dip- tera .] 724 Johnson, C. W. A now species of Cricrhina from New England. Psycho Boston 24 1917 (153). [Dip- tera .] 725 Johnson, C. W. A new maritime Anthomyid. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (158). [ Diptera .] 726 Johnson, C. W. Species of the genus Braehyopa of the eastern United Stales. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (360-362). ' [Diptera.] 727 Johnson, W. F. Lissonota basalis Brischke in Ireland. Irish Nat. Dublin 27 1917 (82). [Hymenoptera] 728 Joicey, J. J. and Kaye, W. J. On a collection of heliconine forms from French Guiana. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 1917 (412-431) pis. evii, cviii [ Lepidoptera .] 729 Joicey, J. J. and Kaye, W. J. New races and aberrations of Heliconius. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (87- 94) pis. v and vi. [ Lepidoptera .] 730 Joicey, J. J. and Kaye, W. J. Two new species and new genus of Sphingi- dae. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (230, 231) pi. viii. [ Lepidoptera .] 731 Joicey, J. J. and Kaye, W. J. New species and forms of Sphingidae. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (305- 309). [Lepidoptera] 732 Joicey, J. J. and Kaye, W. J. New subspecies of Caligo. Ent. Rcc. . London 29 1917 (180 and 181). [Lepi- doptera] 733 Joicey, J. J. and Talbot, G. New Heterocera from Dutch New Guinea. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (50- 87) pis. i-iv. [Lepidoptera] 734 39 Inaecta. TrfLBa. 3500 Joicey, J. J. find Talbot, G. Now Lepidoptera from Waigeu, Dutch New Guinea and Bialc. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (210-229). 735 J ones, C. R. Now species of Colorado Syrphidie. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 10 1917 (219-231). [Dip- tern.] 730 J ones, C. R. vide Barber, M. A. Jones, D. W; The European earwig and its control. Bull. U.S. Dcp. Agric. ont. Washington 566 1917 (12 pp.). [Orthoptera.] 737 Jones, T. H. The sweet-potato leaf-folder. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agric. Ent. 609 1917 (12 pp.). [. Lepidoptera .] 733 Jones, T. H. Notes on Anasa andresii Gu6r. an enemy of cucurbits. J. Econ. Ent. Concord, N.H. 9 1910 (431-334). [Heteroptera.] 738a Jordan, K. Two new Amorican moths. Novit. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (49). [ Lepidoptera .] 739 Kawase, S. Kasan no haisetsubutsu ni kwansuru konkyu. [On the ex- cretory products of silkworms.] Tokyo Ni. Sanshi. Kw. Ho. 1917 (115-121 203-207). [Lepidoptera.] 740 Kavase, S. and Matsuhari, T. Kasan no kokyu ni tsuite. [On the respi ra- tion of silkworms.] Tokyo, Ni Sanshi Kw. Ho. 1917 (986-990). [Lepidoptera. ] 741 Kaye, W. J. vide Joicey and Kaye. Keilin, D. Recherchcs sur les An- thomyidos a larvcs carnivores. Par- asitol. Cambridge 9 1917 (325-450) pis. v-xv. [Diptera.] 742 Keilin, D. Sur quelques cas d’ano- malie chez lo3 Diplcres. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1917 1917 (193-190). 743 Keilin, D. On the supposed first- stage larva of Leptohylemyia coarctata , Fall. Bull. ent. Res. London 8 1917 (121-123). [Diptera.] 744 Keller, C. Zur Biologic? von Chry- somela aerea L. und Coleophora fusce- dinclla Zell. Vierteljahrschr. Ges. Zurich 62 1917 (103-124) pi. iv. 745 Kelly, A. E. vide Brain and Kelly. Kennedy, C. H. Notes on the lifo history and ecology of the dragon flics (Odonata) of central California and Nevada. P.U.S. Nat. MuS. Washington 52 No. 2192 (483-635). [ Parnneuro - ptera.] 746 Kennedy, C. H. Notes on the penes of damsel flies No. 2. The close rela- tions inter se of the liawaiian Agrion- inos. Ent. News Philad. 28 1917 (9-14) pis. ii and iii. [Paraneuroptera.] 747 Kennedy, C. H. Notes on the penes of Zygoptora No. 3, the pones in Neoncura and related genera. Ent. Nows Philadelphia 28 1917 (289-294) p’as. xxi-xxiii. [Paraneuroptera.] 748 Kennedy, C. II. A, now spocies of Somatochlora with notes on the cingu- lata group. Canad. Entoni. London Can. 49 1917 (229-235). [Paraneuro- ptera.] 749 Kenrick, Sir G. H. Now or little- known Hetorocora from Madagascar. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1917 1917 (85- 101) pis. i-vi. [Lepidoptera.] 750 Kephart, Cornelia F. The poison glands of the larva of the brOwn-tail moth (Euproctis chrysorrhoea Linn.) [with bibliography.] J. Parasitol. Urbana 111. 1 1914 (95-103) ff. 1-4. [Lepidoptera.] 751 Keuclienius, P. E. Anatomisch- histologische . Untersuchungen . iibor Dipteren. Holder Tydschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. 16 (2) 1917 (1-52) 3 Taf. 752 Kieffer, J. J. Ueberneuo und bekannto Microhymenopleren. Ent. Meddel. Kj^benhavn 11 1917 (341.-350). 753 Kieffer, J. J. vide Masi. Kinoshita, S. Honposan tobimusliirui no ni shinshu. [On two new species of Aptcra.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 1917 (40-40). 754 Kinoshita, S. Honposan tobimushi- rui no ni shinshu. [On two new species of Aptera.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 1917 (73-76). 755 Kisliuk, M. Some winter observa- tions on muscid flics. Ohio J. Sci. Columbus 17 1917 (285-294). [Diptera.] 756 Kitajima, Y. and Tanita, S. Kasan no taion ni kwansuru kenkyu. [On the temperature of the silkworm’s body.] Tokyo Ni. Sanshi Kw. Ho. 1917 (275-280, 392-390). [Lepido- ptera.] 757 40 Insccla. XII Insecta. [19171 Kitaj im a, Y. Tensan oyobi sakusan no kakeawase ni tauite. [On the hybrids of Antheraea yamcimai and A. pernyi.] Tokyo Ni. Sanshi Kw. Ho. 1917 (541- 544). [. Lepidoptera .] 758 Kitayama, K. Karamatsu tsutsu- minomushi ni tsuitc. [On Coleophora laricella .] Konch. Sek. Gifu 21 1917 (15-18). [ Lepidoptera .] 759 Klefbeck, E. Limnophilus germanus MacLachl. en for Sverige ny Trichcpter. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsa’a 38 1917 (325- 320). 760 Kieine, R. Ein neucr Cyphagogvs aus Java. ’s Graven hage5. Tydschr. Ent. 60 1917 (177-180). [ Coleoptera .] 761 Kieine, R. Beitrago zur Kcnntnis dor AraorpAocepAu/ws-Vcrwandtschaft. Leiden Zool. Med. 3 1917 (275 278). [Coleoptera.] 762 Kieine, R. Neuc Miolispa aus dem Leidener Museum. Leiden Zool. Med. 3 1917 (289-294). \Goleoptera .] 763 Kieine, R. Systellus n.g. ein neues Brenthidengenus mit neun Fiihlcr- glicden. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (174-178). [Coleopterci.] 764 Kieine, R. Drei neuc interessante Brent hiden-Gattungcn des deutschen entomologischcn Museums. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (317-332). [ Coleop - tera.] 765 K10cker, A. Sommerfugle v. Nat- sommcrfugle iv. (Danmarks Fauna 21). Danish Heterocora Part 4. K0benhavn G. E. C. Gad, 1917 (78) 4 plates and 102 figg. 18£ X 12£ cm. Price Kr. 1,50. [Lepidoptera.] 766 Knab, F. On some North-Amcrican species of Microdon. Proc. biol. Soc- Washington 30 1917 (133-144). [Di. p terci.] 767 Knab, F. A new Ortalid from the Philippines. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (125 and 126). [Diptcra.] 768 Knab, F. Egg -disposal in Der- mcitobia hominis. Washington D.C. Proc. ent. Soc. 18 1910 (179-184). [Diptcra..] 769 Knab, F. vide Howard, Dyar and Knab. Knab, F. vide Dyar and Knab. Knight, H. H. Records of European} Miridae occurring in North America.. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (248-251). [lleteroptera.] 770 Knight, H. H. New and noteworthy forms of North American Miridae. Ent. Nows Philadelphia 28 1917 (3-8). [lleteroptera.] 771 Knight, H. H. Now species of Lopidea. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917(455-401). [Heteroptera.] 772 Koizumi, T. Taiwansan anophcleska ni tsuite. [On the Formosan Ano- pheles.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 1917 (134-142). [Diptcra.] 778 Krogli, A. Injection preparation of the tracheal system of Insects. K0benhavn Nath. Medd. 68 1917 (319-322) 2 figs. 774- KrUger, E. Zur Systematik der mitteleuropaischen Hummeln. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (55-66). [Hymen- optera.] 775 Kuwana, S. I. A cheek list of the Japanese Coccidae. Eisays Nawae Yokohama 1917 (119 pp. [ llomoptera .} 778 Kuwana, I. Daizu no fukurolcai- garamushi ni tsuitc. [On Eriococcus sojae n. sp.] Konch. Sek. Gifu 21 1917 (136-139). [llomoptera.] 777 Laboissidre, V. Description d’un Luperus nouveau du Maroc. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1917 1917 (159). [Coleoptera.] 778 Laboissi6re, V. Diagnoses de Galeru- cini nouveaux d’Afrique. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1917 1918 (327-329). [Coleoptera.] 779 Lacroix, J. L. Notes nbaroplerolo- giques. Bol. Soc. Aragon 16 1917 (183-188). 789 Lacroix, J. Notes neuropterolo- giques iv. Insecta R,cnnes 7 1917 (18-24). 781 Laidlaw, F. F. A list of the dragon- flies recorded from the Indian empire, with special reference to the collection of the Indian Museum. Ree. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 13 1917 (321-348) pis. xiii- xv. [Paraneuroplcra. j 782 Lamb, C. G. Falkland Islands Diptcra. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 1917 (387-395). 783 41 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Lamb, C. G. Notes on exotic Chloro- pidae. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (33-58). [Diptera.] 784 Lamb, C. G. Notes on exotic Helomy- zidae, Sciomyzidae and Psilidae. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (2GG-273). [Diptera.] 785 Lambertie, M. Que1que3 Cecidies de la Gironde. Proc. verb. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux 69 1917 (104, 105). 786 Lameere, A. Sur les insectes houillers de Commentry. Bull. Soc. Zool. France 42 1917 (27-37). 787 Lameere, A. Etude sur Involution dos Ephemeres. Bull. Soc. Zool. France 42 1917 (41-59) and seconde partie (61-81). [Ephemeroptera.] 788 Lameere, A. Trois Prioninae non- veaux. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (233-235). [ Coleoptera .] 789 Lameere, A. Note sur quolques Prioninae de Yunnan. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (257-259). [Coleoptera.] 790 Lameere, A. Paleodictyopth'cs et Subulicornes. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 (101-104). 791 Lameere, A. Descriptions do deux nouveaux Prioninae. Boll. Soc. ent. Franco 1917 1917 (14G-148). [Coleop- tcra.] 792 Lameere, A. Holometaboliqucs du houiller. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (2G8-270). 793 Larsen, C. S. Forbognelso over Daninarks Microlepidoptera. Ent. Mcddel. Kjpbenhavn 11 1916 (28-319). 794 Latlirop, F. H. A preliminary list of Cicadellidae (Homoptera) of South Carolina, with descriptions of new species. Ohio J. Sci. Columbus 17 1917 (119-131). [Homoptera.] 795 Lea, A. M. Descriptions of new species of Australian Coleoptera. Part xii. Sydney P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 1917 (720-745). 796 Lea, A. M. Some miscellaneous Coleoptera. Pt. 3. Adelaide S. Aust. Trans. R. Soc. 41 1917 (121-322) 4 pis. 797 Lea, A. M. South Australian) museum expedition to Strzclccki and Cooper Creeks. Adelaide S. Aust. Trans. R. Soc. 41 1J17 (489-630) 5 pis. [Coleoptera.] 798. L6caillon, A. Sur la signification des changements de couleur qui se pro- duisent normal cment dans certains ceufs non fecondes de Bombyx mori et sur la formation, dans cette espece,. de veri tables chenilles d’origine par- thenogenesique. Paris C.R. Acad.. Sci. 165 1917 192-194). [Lepidoptera.] 799 LScaillon, A. Sur la biologie des chenilles et dos papillons do Bombyx: mori ayant une origino parthenogene- sique. Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (289-291). [Lepidoptera.] 809 L6eaillon, A. Sur l’apparition de- “ bivoltins accidentels ” dans les races univol tines de Bombyx du murier et, sur l’explication rationcllo de ce phe- nomene. Paris C.R. Ac. Sci. 165 1917' (603-605). [Lepidoptera.] 801 L6caillon, A. Sur les caractercs speciaux que presentent, aux differents- stades de lour deveioppement, les bivoltins accidentels qui se produisent chez le Bombyx du murier. Paris- C.R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (683-685). ( Lepidoptera .] 802: L6caillon, A. Sur l’aptitudo h la parthenogenese naturelle, consideroo chez diverses races ou variete3 de Bombyx du mfiricr. Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (799-801). [Lepi- doptera.] 803 Le Cerf, F. Contributions ft 1’ etude dos Aegoriidae. [In Oberthtir] fit. Lep. comp. 14 1917 (137-388) pls.475- 484. [Lepidoptera.] 804r Leefmans, S. Bydrage tot hot Helo- poltis-vraagstuk voor de thee. [Beitrag zur Helopcltis-Frage in Bcziehung zur Theekultur.] Buitcnzorg. Meded. Afd. Plantcnzicktcn 26 1916 (1-214) 11 Taf. [He ter op ter a.] 805- Ldefmans, S. Insoctcn, schadelylc voor koloniale producten en hunno bostryding. [Insekte, schadlich fiir koloniale Produkto und ihro Bekam- pfung.] Teysmannia Batavia 28 1917 (235-250). 805a. 42 Insecta. Xll. Insecta. [ 19 17 J Lefroy, H. M. vide Jackson and Lefroy. Long, C. W. Syncalypta spinosa in North America. J. N. York ent. Soc. 25 1017 (128). [Goleoptera.] 806 Leng, C. W. and Mutchler, A. G. Supplement to preliminary list of the Goleoptera of tho West Indies. Bull. Amer. Aus. New Yroik 37 1917 (191- 220). 806a Leonard, M. D. vide Crosby and Leonard. Leonardi, G. Terza contribuziono alia conosccnza delle Cocciniglie italiane. Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (188-216). [Homoptera.] L07 Lesne, P. Notes sur les Philorea, GoU.opth.res tendbrionidcs de la faune des Andes. Bull. Soc. ent. Prance 1917 (71-72). 808 Lesne, P. Notes sur divers Cisides. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1917 1917 (190-192). [Goleoptera.] 809 Lestage, J. A. Mission Stappers au Tanganyka-Moero. - Deuxicme con- tribution & I’dtude des larves des Ephemercs ot Perl ides. Kev. Zool. afric. Bruxelles 5 1917 (121-140). 810 Lestage, J. A. Notes sur quelques Bittacus congolais. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxolles 5 1917 (112-120). [Neuro- ptera.] 811 Lestage, J. A. Contribution a la connaissance des la] ves des ephemeres du Congo beige. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 4 1910 (314-319). [Eplie- meroptera.] 812 Ley, R. Revision du genre Trieho- lepis Blanchard et description d’un genre voisin. Insecta Rennos 7 1917 (28-35). [Goleoptera. ] 813 Lichtenstein, J. L. Observations sur les coccincllides mycophages. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1917 1917 (298-302). [Goleoptera.] 814 Lichtenstein, J. L. and Picard, F. Etude morphologique and biologigue du Sycosoter lavaynei Picard et Licht. hecabolide parasite de V Hypoborus ficus Er. Bull. biol. France Belgique Paris 51 1917 (440-474). [llymeno- ptcra.] 815 Liljeblad, E. New species of Goleo- ptera of the genus Mordellistena. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (9-13). 816 Lindsay, A. W. A list of tho butter- flies of Iowa. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (347-353). [Lepidoptera.] 817 Lister, J. J. Note on the influence of temperature on. the development of pigment in Pier is rapac, L. Entomo- logist London 50 1917 (241-244). [Lepidoptera. J 818 Ljungdahl, D. Etwas iiber die Ober- flachonskulptur einiger Schmetter- lingspuppcn. Ent. T’idskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (219-228) pis. [Lepidoptera.] 819 Lloyd, J. D. K. Mimicry. Rep. Winchester Coll. Soc. 1915-17 1917 (69-81). 820 Longley, W. H. Studies upon the biological significance of animal colora- tion. Amcr. Nat. New York 51 1917 (257-285). 821 Lovett, A. L. Strawberry pests in Oregon. Agric. Exp. Sta. Oregon. Corvallis Rep. 1911-12 1913 (122- 134) pi. ix. If. 14, 15. 822 Lovett A. L. The currant maggot or gooseberry fruit-fly. ( Epochra ' canadensis Loew.) Agric. Exp. Sta. Oregon Corvallis Rep. 1911-12 1913 (135-136). [Diptera] 823 Lovett, A. L. The cabbage and radish maggot. (Phorbia brassicae Bouche). Agric. Exp. Sta. Oregon Corvallis Rep. 1911-12 1913 (138-109) if. 16-18. [ Diptera.] 824 Lovett, A. L. vide Wi’son, H. F. Lower, B. Lepidoptera of Broken Hill. Pt. 3 Adelaide S. Aust. Trans. R. Soc. 41 1917 (309-377). 825 Lucas, D. Diagnoses de deux lUpidopteres du nord do l’Afrique. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 53-54). 826 Lucas, W. J. British Neuroptera in 1910. Entomologist London 50 1917 (87-89). 827 Lucas, W. J. British Orthopier a in 1910. Entomologist London 50 1917 (136-140). 828 43 Inaecta. 3500 Titles. Luca3, W. J. British Odonata in 191G. Entomologist London 50 1917 (201-204). [Paraneuroptera.] 829 Ludlow, C. S. Cyclolepplcron Theobald. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (53). [Diptera.] 830 Luginbill, P. and Ainslic, G. G. The lesser corn stalk-borer. Bull. U.S. pep. Agric. Ent. 539 1917 (27 pp.) 3 pis. [Lepidoptera.] 831 Lundstrom, C. vide Poppius, P. B. Lutz, A. Terccira contribuiyao o conhecimcnto das especies brazileiras do genero Simulium. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro 9 1917 (63-66) pi. xxv. [Diptera.] 832 Lutz, A. Contributes ao conheci- mento dos oestrideos brazileiros. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro 9 1917 (94-113) pis. xxvii-xxix. ’ [Diptera.] 833 Lyle, G. T. Contributions to our knowledge of the British Braconidae. No. 3. Microgasteridao. Entomologist London 50 1917 (51-53 etc.). [llymeno- ptera.] 834 Lyle, G. T. On the cocoon colour of various insects. Entomologist London 50 1917 (153, 154). 835 Mabille, P. and Boullet, E. De- scriptions d’Hesp^rides nouveaux. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (243-247). [Lepidoptera.] 836 Mabille, P. and Boullet, E. De- scription d’Hesperides nouveaux. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (320-324). [Lepidoptera.] 837 Mabille, P. and Boallet, E. Descrip- tion d’Hesperides nouveaux. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1917 1917 (54-60). [Lepidoptera.] 838 Mabille, P. and Boullet, E. Descrip- tion d’Hesperides nouveaux. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (97-101). [Lepidoptera.] 839 McClung, C. E. The multiple chromosomes of Hesperotettix and Mermiria. J. Morphol. Philadelphia 29 1917 (519-590) 8 pis. [Orthoptera.] 840 McClymont, J. R. Butterfly collect- ing in the Pyrenees -oricn tales. Ento- mologist London 50 1917 (89-94). ( Lepidoptera .] 841 McColloch, J. W. A method for the study of underground insects. J. ccon. Ent. Concord 10 1917 (183-187). 842 McDermott, F. A. Observations on tho light-emission of American Lamp- yridae. Canad. Entom. Londoil Can. 49 1917 (53-61). [Coleoptera.] 843 Macdonald, A. Notes on blood- sucking flies in Grenada. Bull. ent. Res. London 7 1917 (259-2G4) pis. iii and iv. [Diplera.] 844 MacDowell, E. C. The bearing of selection experiments with Drosophila upon the frequency of germinal changes. Proc. Nation. Ac. Washington 3 1917 (291-297). [Diptera.] 845 MacDowell, E. C. Bristle inheritance in Drosophila. 1. Extra bristles. [With bibliography.] J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 19 1915 (Gl-98) If. tables. (Diptera.] 845a McDunnongh, J. M. vide Barnes and McDunnough. Macfie, J. W. S. The limitations of kerosene as a larvicide, with some observations on the cutaneous respira- tion of mosquito larvae. Bull. ent. Res. London 7 1917 (277-295). [ Diptera.] 846 Macfie, J. W. S. Morphological changes observed during the develop- ment of the larva of Slegomyia fascia la. Bull. ent. Res. London 7 1917 (297- 307). [Diptera.] 847 Macfie, J. W. S. vide etiam Ingram and Macfie. McGregor, E. A. Eight new Mallo- phaga of the genus Lipenrus from North - American birds. Psycho Boston 24 1917 (105-117) pis. v.-vii. [Lipoptera.] 848 McGregor, E. A. Six new species of Mallophaga from North-American mammals. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 10 1917 (167-175) pis. xvi. and xvii. [ Lipoptera .] 849 McGregor, E. A. Three new Mallo- phaga from North-American birds. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (433- 437) pi. xxviii. [Lipoptera.] 850 McGregor, E. A. Bncculatrix thur- beriella a pest of cotton in the Imperial valley. J. Econ. Ent. Concord N.H. 9 1916 (505-510) pis. 36 37. [Lepido- ptera.] 850a 44 Insecta. XU. Insecta. [1ro Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 6 1917 (186-212) 3 pis. [ Homoptera .] 878a Matsumura, S. Suidomushi ni tsuite. [On some aqueduct insects.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 1917 (1-7). [Diplera.] 879 Matsumura, S. Synopsis of the Pem- phigidae. (7 new genera and 20 new .species mentioned). Collection of Essays for Mr. Y. Nawa 1917 (39-94) 3 pis. [Homoptera.] 880 Matsumura, S. A list of the aphididae of Japan, with descriptions of new species and genera. Sapporo J. Coll. Agric. 7 1917 (351-414) 7 pis. [Ilomo- ptera.] 881 Mattoon, E. W. vide Zoleny, C. Maulik, S. Solubility of the scale of Lepidosaphes ulmi, Linn. Bull, ent. Res. London 7 1917 (267-269). [ Homoptera .] 882 Maulik, S. Note on the subgenus Paradcwnesia Gestro. Ann. Nat. Hist, London 20 1917 (130-132). [ Coleoplera .] 883 Maulik, S. Cassidir.ae and Bruchidae from the Seychelles islands and Aldabra. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (144- 146). [ Coleoplera .] 884 Max3on, A. C. Some unpublished notes on Pemphigus letae Doane. J. Econ. Ent. Concord N.H. 9 1916 (500- 505). [ Homoptera .] 884a Maxwell-Lefroy, H. The control of flies and vermin in Mesopotamia. Agric. J. India 11 1916 (323-331). 885 May, H. G. The appearance of reverse mutations in the bar-eyed race of Drosophila under experimental control. Proc. Nation. Ac. Washing- ton 3 1917 (544 and 545). [ Diptera .] 888 May, R. M. Insect collecting in the San Bernardino range. Lorquinia Los Angeles Cal. 1 1916 (11). 886a Mayn6, R. La ponte du Sahlhergella singularis Hagl., auteur du chancre des cacaoyers de l’Afrique occidental. Bull. Agric. Congo beige Londres 7 1916(1918-200). [Homo} tern.] 887 Mayn6, R. Inscctes et autres ani- maux attaquant lo cacaoyer au Congo beige. Etudes biol. agric. Belgique London 3 1917 (1-80) 5 pis. 887a Meade- Waldo * G. vide Turnor, Meado- Wa!do and Morley. Melander, A. L. The pronuncia- tion of insect names. Brooklyn N. Y. Bull. Ent. Soc. 11 1916 (93-101). 887b Melichar, L. Neue palaarktische Ilomopteren. Wien. ent. Zeit. 33 1914 (259-260). 887c Men on, T. K. vide Cornwall and Menon. Mercet, R. G. Especies espaholas dol gencro Aphycus Bol. Soc. ospan. Madrid 17 1917 (128-139). [ Ilymenop - ter a .] 888 Mercet, R. G. Un nuevo genero do Encirtinos. Bol. Soc. espan. Madrid. 17 1917 (203-206). [Ilymenoptera.] 889 Mercet, R. G. Gcncros nuevos de Encirtinos ( Ilimenopteros calcfdidos). Bol. Soc. espan. Madrid 17 1917 (537-544). 890 Merrill, D. E. The grape leafhopper. Agric. Exp. Sta. New Mexico State College Bull. No. 94 1915 (1-33) pi. [Homoptera.] 890a 46 Insccla . XII. Insecta. [1917] Metcalf, C. L. Two new Syrpliidae from eastern North America. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (209-211) pi. xvi. [Diptera.] 891 Metcalf, Z. P. The wing venation of the Cercopidae. Ann -ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 10 1917 (27-32) 2 pis. [ Uomoptera .] 892 Metcalfe, J. W. A new Geometrid moth. Entomologist London 59 1917 (73, 74). ( Lepidoptera .] 893 Metz, C. W. Chromosome studies in the Diptera. 1. A preliminary survey of live dilferent types of chromo- some groups in the genus Drosophila. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 17 1914 (45-59) pi. 1. 894 M$tz, C. W. and Bridges, C. 11. In- compatibility of mutant races in Drosophila. Proc. nation. Ac. Wash- ington 3 1917 (673-678). [Diptera.] 895 Meunier, E. Un Pompilidae de 1’iim- bre do la Baltique. ’s Gravenhage Tydschr. Ent. 60 1917 (181-184). [Hymenoptcra.] 896 Meunier, E. Note comp1. 6mentaire concernant Styringomyia venusta Loew du copal recent de Zanzibar. s’ Gra- venhage Tydschr. Ent. 60 1917 [1918] (370-375) 7 figs. [Diptera.] 897 Meunier, F. Sur quelques inseetes de l’Aquitanien de Rott. Sept Montag - nes (Prusse rlienane.) Amsterdam Verb. K. Akad. Wet. 2e Sect. 20 No. 1 1917. [Report: Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 26 [1917) (133) (3-17) 4 pis. 22 figs. (Hollandais). 898 Meves, Y. Tephroclystia (Eupithe- cia) sinuosaria, Ev.j dess utveckling frftn oeh med aggot. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (147-152). [Lepidop- tcra.] 899 Meves, Y. Gatocala fraxini L., dess levnadsbana friin moderlivet till ijaril. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (229-237 ; summary in German 237- 239). [ Lepidoptera .] 900 Meyere, J. C. H. de. Studien liber siidostasiatisehe Dipteren. xiii. s’ Gravenhage Tydschr. Ent. 60 1917 (238-251) 5 Textfig. 901 Meyere, J. C. H. de. Studien liber siidostasiatisohe Dipteren. xiv. ’s Gravenhage Tydschr. Ent. 60 1917 (275-369) 2 Textfig. 902 Meyrick, E. Exotic Microlepidop- tera. Vol. 2 pts. 2 and 3 Marlborough 1917 (33-96). 903 Meyrick, E. Descriptions of South' American Micro -Lepidoptera. Tr. ent- Soc. London 1917 1917 (1-52). 904 Meyrick, E. Descriptions of New Zea’and Lepidoptera. Tr. New Zealand Inst. Wellington 49 1917 (245-247). 905 Meyrick, E. Revision of New Zealand Notodontina. Tr. New Zea’and Inst. Wellington 49 1917 (248-273). [ Lepidoptera .] 906 Meyrick, E. On the genus Paltodora. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (113). [Lepidoptera.] 907 Meyrick, E. Two new Indian species of Cosmo pteryx. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (257 and 258). [Lepi- doptera.] 908 Meyrick, E. Descriptions of some new South African Microlepidopterous bag worms. Ann. Natal Mus. 3 1917 (615-618). [Lepidoptera.] 909 Meyrick, E. Descriptions of South African Micro -Lepidoptera. Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17 (1-21) 1917. 910 Middleton, W. Notes on Dianthi- dium arizonicum Rohwer. Washing- ton D.C. Proc. ent. Soc. 18 1916 (193— 195) pi. xv. [Hymenoptcra.] 911 Mierzejewski, W. Acschna osiliensis sp. xi. Bull. Ac. Cracovie, B 1913 (79-86) pis. xiv and xv. [Paraneur- optera.] 912 Miller, D. Contributions to the Diptera fauna of New Zealand. Part i. Tr. New Zealand Inst. Wellington 49 1917 (172-194). 913 Minozzi, C. Contributo ado studio della speleologia italia la. La grotta di S. Maria M. sul monte Va’lestra (Reggio E.). Bull. Soc. ent. ital. Firenze 48 1917 (164-174). 914 Misra, C. S. The Indian sugarcane leaf-hopper Pyrilla aberrans, Kirby. Mem. Dep. Agric. India Ent. 5 1917 (73-136) p's. x-xv. ( Uomoptera .] 915 47' lnsccta. Titles. 3500 Mitzmain, M. B. The bionomics of Stomoxys calcitrans Linnabus ; a pre- liminary account. Philippine J. Sci. Manila Sect. B. Trop. Med. 8 1913 (29-48). [Diptera.] 916 Mitzmain, M. B. The biology of Tabanus striatus Fabricus, the horsefly of the Philippines. Philippine J. Sci. Manila Sect. B. Trop. Med. 8 1913 (197-221) pis. i-vii. [Diptera.] 917 Mitzmain, M. B. The mechanical transmission of surra by Tabanus striatus Fabricus. Philippine J. Sci. Manila Sect. B. Trop. Med. 8 1913 (223-229) tables. [Diptera.] 918 Mjoberg, E. Die Kaferfauna dcr Faroer. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 10 No. 27 1910 (21) 0 textfigs. [ Goleop - ter a .] 919 Mjoberg, E. Results of Dr. E. Mjo- berg’s Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Australia 1910-1913. 14. Cetonidae Rutelidae Passalidae : Chrysomclidae Subfam. Sagrinae Cassidinae Hispinac. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 11 No. 3 1917 (19) 12 textfigs. [ Colcopterd .] 920 Mongenet, J. Notes sur les Phy- tbmetrinae ( Plusiidne ) du baisin gene vois. Bull. Soc. Lep. Geneve 3 1910 (159-104). [Lcpidoptera.] 921 Montandon, A. L. lUmipteres de la Ba3se-Egyptc. 1. Geocorinae. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9 1910 (38-51). [ Heleroptera .] 922 Montandon, A. L. Mission Stappcrs an Tanganyika Moero. Deux nouvefles especos d’ Hydrocorises. Rev. Zool. afric. Bruxelles 4 1910 (117-120). [ Iletcroptcra .] 923 Montandon, A. L. Mononychidae. Nova Guinea. Resultats de Fexpedi- tion scientifique n6erlandaise a la Nouvelle Guin6e en 1903 sous les aus- pices de Arthur Wichmaon. Leide (E. J. Brill) 5 livr. VI 1917 (500) [Heleroptera.] " 924 Morgan, T. H. A critique of the theory of evolution. Princeton 1910 (x + 1917). [Diptera.] 925 Morgan, T. H. Two sex-linked lethal factors in Drosophila and their influence on the sex-ratio. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 17 1914 (81-122), [Diptera.] 926 Morgan, T. II. A third sex-linked lethal factor in Drosophila. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 17 1914 (315-324) if. 1-3. [Diptera.] 927 Morgan, T. H. Mosaics and gynan- dromorphs in Drosophila. [Abstract.] New York Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 11 1914 (171-172), [Diptera.] 928 Morgan, T. H. The predetermina- tion of sex in phylloxerans and aphids. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 19 1915 (285-321) pis. diagrams table. [IJomop- tera.] 928a Morice, F. D. Notes on certain British (or recorded as British) species of Oxybelus. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (238-244 271-275). [Ilymenop- tera.] 929 Morice, F. D. and Durrant, J. H. Further notes on the “ Jurinean ” genera of Ilymenoptera, correcting errors and omissions in a paper on that subject published in Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1914 pp. 339-436. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 1917 (432-442). 930 Morley, C. On some South African Ich neumonidae in the collection of the South African Museum. Pt. II Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17 1917 (191-229). [Hymcnoplcra.] 931 Morley, 0. Some Stcphanidac, with descriptions of nev, specios. Entomolo- gist London 50 1917 (33-36, 105-113). [Hymcnoplcra.] 932 Morley, C. On the proctotrypid genus Gonatopus Ljungh. Entomo- logist London 50 1917 (222-227). [Ilyrpenoptera.] 933 Morley, C. and Atmore, E. A. The Diptera of Norfolk and Suffolk. Trans. Norfolk Nat. Soc. 10 1915 Supplement (1-180). 934 Morris, H. M. On the larval and pupal stages of Bibio johannis L. Ann. appl. Biol. Cambridge 4 1917 (91—114) pi. iii. [Diptera.] ,935 Morrison, II. Monograph of the ncarctic Ilymenoptera of the genus Bracon Fabricius. P.lbS. Nat. Mus. Washington 52 No. 2178 (305-343) pis. xxiv-xxvii. 936 Mote, D. C. Observations on the distribution of warble flios in Ohio. Ohio J. Sci. Columbus 17 1917 (169- 176,) [Diptera.] 937 48 hiaecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Moulton, J. C. New species of Cica- didae from Sumatra. Entomologist London 50 1917 (1-3). [Hcmoptera.] 938 Moznette, G. F. The fruit-tree leaf JSyneta, spraying data and biological notes. J. Econ. Ent. Concord N.H. 9 191G (458-4G1) pis. 32 33. [ Goleoptera . 938a Muller, J. Zur Kenntnis der Gat- tung Molops. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (347-354). {Goleoptera.] 939 Muir, F. The Derbidae of the Pjilippine islands. Philipp. J. Sci. Manila D 12 1917 (49-104) pi. [Horn- optera.] 940 Muir, F. A new genus of Derbidae from Borneo. Philippine J. Sci. D 12 1917 (217 218). [ilomoplera.] 941 Muir, F. A new Philippine genus of Delphacidae. Philippine J. Sci. D 12 1917 (351). [Homcptera.] 942 Muir, F. New Hawaiian Delphacidae. P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3 1917 (298-311). {IJomoptera .] 943 Muir, F. Homopterous notes. P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3 1917 (311-338). 944 Muir, F. The introduction of Scotia mXanilae Ashm. into the Hawaiian islands. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10 1917 (207-210). ( Ilymenoptera .] 945 Mukogawa, Y. Ukogifushi-kijirami. £A species of Psyllidao on Acanthopanax aculeatumi] Collection of Essays for Mr. Y. Nawa 1917 (58-G1). [Ilomop- lera.'] 946 Muller, H. J. A gene for the fourth chromosome of Drosophila. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 17 1914 (325-33G). [Diptera.] 947 Muller, H. J. An oenothera-like ■case in Drosophila. Proc. Nation. Ac. Washington 3 1917 (G19-626). [Dip- . tera .] 948 Munro, J. W. The structure and life-history of Bracon sp. : a study in parasitism. Edinburgh Proc. It. Soc. 36 1916-16 (313-333). [Ilymenop- iera.] 948a Munro, J. W. The genus Hylastes Er., and its importance in forestry : a study in scolytid structure and .biology. Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edin- burgh 20 1917 (123-158) pis. vii-ix. [Coleoptera.] 949 Musgrave, A. and Zeck, E. H. Illustrations of Australian Coleoptcra. Australian Zoologist S}dney 1 1917 (85 and 86) pi. ix. 950 Myers, P. R. A new American para- site of the Hessian lly ( Mayetiola destructor Say). P. U.S. nat. Mus. Washington 53 1917 No. 2204 (255- 257). [ Ilymenoptera .] 951 Mutehler, A. J. vide Leng and Mutchler. Myers, P. R. An American species of the Hymenop ter ous genus Wes- maelia Foerster. P. U.S. nat. Mus. Washington 53 No. 2206 1917 (293). 952 Nabours, R. K. Studies of inherit- ance and evolution in Orlhoptera. ii. J. Genetics Cambridge 7 1917 (1-46) pis. i and ii.iiiT.c. (47-54). 952a Nagano, K. Kakinomimushiga. [On Kakivora flavofasciata Nagano.] Konch. Sek. Gifu 21 1917 (10-14). [Lepidoptera.] 953 Nagano, K. Studies of the Japanese Lasiocampidae and Drepanidae. Bulletin of the Nawa Entomological Laboratory Gifu 2 1917 (1-45) 10 p's. [Lepidoptera .] 954 Nakahara, W. On the physiology of the nucleoli as seen in the silk-gland cells of certain insects. J. Morphol. Philadelphia 29 1917 (55-68) 2 p*s. 955 Navda, L. Algunos Mirmeleonidos de Africa. Ann. Mus. Doria Genova 47 1916 (360-364). [ Neuroptcra.] 956 Navas, L. Notes sur quelques Neuropteres du Congo beige, ii. Rev. Zool. Afric. Bruxelles 4 1914 (91-100). iii. T.c. (172-182) pi. v. 957 Nav&s, L. Neuropteres d’ Egypt e. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte Le Cairo 6 1915 (150-159). 958 Nav&s, L. Nolaa cntomologicas. 2a serie 14. Neuropteres de Andorra. Bol. Soc. Aragon 16 1917 (36-46). 959 Navas, L. El organo del olfato en los insectos. Bol. Soc. Aragon 16 1917 (49-52). 060 49 Insecla. Titles. 350Q Nav&s, L. Notas sobro la famflia do los Osmilidos. Op. Mus. Barc&n. Zool. Barcelona 11 1917 (1-21). 961 Navi i, L. Plecopteros nuevos do Cataluna. Annuar. Junta Ci. nat. Barcelona 2 1917 (199-202). 962 Navis, L. Neuropteros nuovos o poco conocidos (no vena sorio). Mem. Ac. Ci. Barcolona 13 No. 26 1917 (393- 406). 963 Navis, L. Neuroptcres do l’lndo- Chine. Insecha Rennes 7 1917 (8-17). 964 Navis, L; Algunos insectos Neurop- toros de la Argentina. Serie 1. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (186-196). 965 Navis, L. Neue N europteren. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (274-282). 966 Needham, J. G. The insect drift of lake shores. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (129-137). 967 Needham, J. G. Notes on some recent studies of dragonfly wing trache- ation. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (169-173). [ Paraneuroptera .] 968 Neiva, A. and Penna, B. Viajom cioiitifica polo norto da Bahia, sudoeste de Pernambuco, sul do Piauhi e de norte a sul de Goiaz. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz Rio de Janeiro 8 1916 (74-224) 28 pis. map. 969 Nelson, J. A. The relation of the malpighian tubules of the hind intestine in the honey bee larva. Science New York 46 1917 (343-345). [ llymcnop - tera.] 970 Newcomer, E. J. The dock false- worm : an apple pest. Washington U.S. Dept. Agric. Bull. No. 265 1916 (1-40) pis. i ii ff. 1-6. [ Hymenoptera .] 970a Newstead, R. Observations on scale- insects (Coccidao) — iii. Bull. ent. Res. London 7 1917 (343-380) pis. vi and vii. [Homoptera.] 971 Newstead, R. Observations on scale- insects (Coccidae) — iv. Bull. ent. Res. 8 1917 (1-34). [Homoptera.] 972 Newstead, R. Observations on scale- insects (Coccidae) — v. Bull. ent. Res. Londbn 8 1917 (125-134). [Homop- tcra.] 973 (n-4840 j) Newton, L. V. The domestication of the Indian honey-bee. Agric. J. India 12 1917 (44-57). [ Hymenoptera .] 974 Nicolay, A.S. Synopsis of the Anthophilax of North America. J. N. York ent. Soc. 25 1917 (38-44). [Coleoplera.] 975 Nielsen, J. C. Undcrsdgelser ovor ontoparasitisko Muscidelarver hos Arthropoder. VI : Investigations on the entoparasitic larvae of some flies. VI : Panzer ia minor Villen and Niels., Ernestia connivens Zett., Winthemia quadripustulata E., Frivaldzkia dis- tincta Meig., Gampylochaeta obscura Fall., Tachina rustica Fall., Goniocera cnigmatica Villen. & Niels. K0ben- havn Nath. Medd. 68 1917 (23-36) 20 figs. [ Diptera .] 976 Nielsen, E. Contributions to the biology of Megachile and Anthidium. K0benhavn Fra Naturens Vserkstcd 5 1916 (325-365) 17 figs. [Hymenop- tera.] 977 Niishima, Y. Eine neue Gattung der Borkenkafer. Collection of Essays for Mr. Y. Nawa 1917 (1-4) pi. 978 Nire, K. Honposan chorui no ichi shinshu oyobi izokei ni tsuite. [De- scription of a new species and some aberrant forms of Japanese Rhopalo- cera.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 1917 (145-148) pi. v. [Lepidoptera.] 979 Nissen, H. 0. Description of a new Aretiid. Novit. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (438). [Lepidoptera.] 980 Nordstrom, F. Nagra stekelnotiser. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (322- 325). [Hymenoptera.] 981 Normand, H. Nouveaux GoUopteres de la faune tunisienne lOe note. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (283- 286). 982 Northrup, Zae. A bacterial disease of June beetle larvae Lachnosterna spp. Agric. Exp. Sta. Michigan East Lansing Tech. Bull. No. 18 1914 (1-37) If. 1-22. [Coleoptera.] 983 Nuttall, G. H. F. Bibliography of Pediculus and Phthirius , including zoological and medical publications dealing with human lice, their anatomy, biology, relation to disease, etc., and b 21 50 Insecta . XII. Insecta. [1917] prophylactio measures directed against them. Parasitology Cambridge 10 1917 (1-42). I Ellipoptera .] 984 Nuttall, G. H. F. The part p’ayed by Pediculus humanus in the causation of disease. Parasitology Cambridge 10 1917 (43-79) pi. i. [ Ellipoptera .] 985 Nuttall, G. H. F. The biology of Pediculus humanus. Parasitology Cambridge 10 1917 (80-185) p’s. ii. and iii. [ Ellipoptera .] 986 Nuttall, G. H. F. Studies on Pedicu- lus. i. The copul atory apparatus and the process of copulation in Pediculus humanus. Parasitology Cambridge 9 1917 (293-324) pis. iii and iv. [ Ellipop - ter a .] 987 Oberthiir, C. Etude de Upido- pterologie comparee. Fasc. 13 Rennes Mars 1917 (1-86) pis. 414-436 and 1-4 ^Castnia). 988 Oberthiir, 0. Faune de3 Lipidopteres de Barbarie. Partie iii. Et. L6p. comp. 13 1917 (7-47) pis. 414-433. 989 Oberthiir, E. Etudes de L&pido- pUrologie compare. Fasc. 14 Rennes Sepr. 1917 (1-474) pis. 364-471 bis + other 5. 990 Oberthiir, C. Le genre Actinote. Et. Lep. comp. 14 1917 (77-126) pis. 463-473. [ Lepidoptera .] 991 Oberthiir, C. A propos cjes Aegerii- dae. Et. L6p. comp. 14 (127-136). [Lepidoptera. ] 992 Oberthiir, C. Considerations sur quelques espbces de Lycaena. Et. Lep. comp. 14 1917 (389-392). [ Lepido - ptera .] 993 Oberthiir, C. Conclusion [re Lycaena argus allies]. Et. L6p. comp. 14 1917 (461-469). [Lepidoptera.] 994 Oberthiir, C. Sur les observations du Dr. Roger Verity k propos de eer- taines especes de Zygaena. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (262-265). [Lepidoptera.] 995 Oberthiir, C. Les LSpidopteres h6t£roceres autour des lampes 61ectri- ques de la gare de Rennes. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (199-200). 996 Okazaki, T. Korogirui no kobi ni tsuite. [On the copulation of Grylli- dae.] Konch. Sek. Gifu 21 1917 (401- 410). [Orthoptera.] 997 Olsen, C. E. Notes on Draeculace - phala inscrip ta VanDuzee. J. N. York ent. Soc. 25 1917 (215-218) pi. xiv. [Homoptera.] 998 Orchymont, A. d’. De la place quo doivent occuper dans la classification les sous -families des Sphaeridiinae et des Hydrophilinas. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (235-239). [Goleop- tera.] 999 Osborn, H. and Drake, C. J. Notes on Tingidae. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (155-164) pi. x. [Heteroptera.] 1000 Osborn, H. and Drake, C. J. Notes on American Tingidae with descrip- tions of new Species. Ohio J. Sci. Columbus* 17 1917 (295-307). [Heterop- tera.] 1001 Oshima, M. Notes on a collection of termites from Luzon obtained by R. C. McGregor. Philippine J. Sci. D 12 1917 (221-225). [Isoptera.] 1002 Oshima, M. Three new species of termites from Caroline islands. Annot. Zool. Japan 9 Tokyo 1917 (195-200). [Isoptera.] 1003 Oshima, M. Two spscies of termites from Foochow, China. Collection of Essays for _Mr. Y. Nawa 1917 (5-7). [Isoptera.] 1005 Ota, S. Honposan mizuhachi ni tsuite. [On a new Japanese aquatic Hymenoptera (Argiotypus),] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 1917 (281-285). 1006 Otten, L. Over den infectiositeits- duur der Indische rattevloo. (Loe- mopsylla pheopis.) [Ueber die In- fectionsdauer des Indischen Ratten- flohs (Loemopsylla cheopis.)] Batavia Geneesk. Tydsclir. Ned. Ind. 57 1917 (309-315) : Weltevreden Med. Geneesk. Lab. Feestbundel 1917 219-225 ; Buitenzorg Mededeelingen Bunger- lyken Geneeskundigen dienst Neder- landesch Indie 6 1917 (120-126). (Dutch and English). [Aphaniptera.] 1007 Oudemans, A. C. Aanteekeningen over Siictoria xxviii (Bemerkungen 61 Insecta. Titles. 3500 iibor Suctoria. xxviii.] ’s Gravenha'go Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 4 1917 p. 396. [Aphaniptera.] 1008 Paine, J. H. An asymmetrial bird- louse found on three different spscies of troupials. P. U.S. nat. Mus. Wash- ington 53 1917 No. 2201 (231) pi. xxxii. [Lipoptera.] 1009 . Painter, T. S. A wing mutation in Piophila casei. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (306-308). [ Diptera .] 1010 Palmer, Miriam A. Additional notes on heredity and life history in the coccinollid genus Adalia Muls. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 10 1917 (289-302). [ Goleoptera .]. 1011 Pantel, J. A proposito de un Anisolabis alado, contribucion al estudio de I03 organo3_ voladores y de los escleritcs toracicos en los Der- mapteros ; datos para la interpreta- cion del macropterismo excepcional. Mem. Ac. Ci. Barcelona 14 No. 1 1917 (1-160) 6 pis. [ Orthoptera .] 1012 ’ Pantel, J. Description de Carausius nouveaux ct note sur les Cardusiu. de l’lnde meridionalo. Ann. Soc. ent. Franco 86 1917 (267-306) p\. ii. [Orth- optera .] 1013 Parker, J. B. A revision of the bem- bicine wasp3 of America north of Mexico. P. U.S. nat. Mus; Washington 52 No. 2173 1917 (1-55). [Ilymenop- fera.j 1014 Parker, R. R. New flies of the genu3 Sarcophaga from Guam and the Philippines. P. U.S. nat. Mus. Washing- tons 54 No. 2227 1917 (89-97). [Dip- tera.] 1015 Parker, R. R. vide Honeij, J. A. Parshley, H. M. Notes on North- American Tingidae. Psyche Boston. 24 1917 (13-25). [Heteroptera.] 1016 Parshley, M. H. Insects in ocean drift. i, llemiptera Heteroptera. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (45-48). 1017 Parshley, H. M. A species of Macrotracheliella found in New Eng- land. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (37-38). [ Heteroptera .] 1018 (n-4840 j) Patch, E. M. Eastern Aphids, new or little known, part i. J. econ. Ent. Concord 10 1917 (416-420). [Homo- ptera.] 1019 Patten, B. M. A quantitative de- termination of the orienting reaction of the blowfly larva ( Galliphora erythroccphala Meigen). J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 17 1914 (213-280) ff. 1-24. [Diptera.] 1023 Patten, B. M. An analysis of certain photic reactions, with reference to the Weber-Fechner law. 1. The reactions of the blowfly larva to opposed beams of light. Amer. J. Physiol. Baltimore 38 1915 (313-338) ff. tables. (Diptera.] 1020 a Patterson, J. T. Studies on the biology of Paracopidosomopsis. 1. data on the sexes. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 32 1917 (291-305). [Hymenop- tera.] 1021 Patterson, J. T. and Porter, Lelia T. Studies on the biology of Paracopidoso- mopsis. ii. Spermatogenesis of males reared from unfertilised eggs. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 33 1917 (38-50) 2 pis. [Hymenoptera.] 1022 Patterson, L T. Studies iii. Matura- tion and fertilization. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 33 1917 (57-64) 1 pi. 1023 Peile, H. D. The packing of papered butterflies for safekeeping or despatch by post. J. Bombay N.H. Soc. 25 1917 (309-312). [Lepidoptera.] 1024 Pellett, F. C. Life history and habits of Polistes mztricus, Say. Des Moines Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 23 1916 (275- 284). [Hymenoptera.] 1024a Pemberton, C. E., and Willard, H. F. New parasite cages. J. econ. Ent. Concord 10 1917 (525-527) pi. xxv. 1025 Pemberton, C. E. vide Back & Pemberton. Penna, B. vide Neiva & Penna. Pennington, W. E. Notes on Rhogas terminalis Cress. J. Econ. Ent. Con- cord N. H. 9 1916 (401-406) pi. 30 f. 24. [Hymenoptera.] 1025a P6rez, C. Liste chronologique des travaux scientifiques de Jean Perez (1833-1914). Ann. Soc. ent. Franco 85 1917 (355-366). ^ 1026 b 21 — 2 52 Insecta, XII. Insecta. [1917] Perkins, R. C. L. On a new species of Psammochares (or Pompilus) in England. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (10 & 11). [ Hymenoptera .] 1027 Perkins, R. C. L. Nomada buce- phalae n.n. for N. lateralis Sm. (nee Panz.) and notes on P. conjungens H.- Scli. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (12). [ Hymenoptera .] 1028 Perkins, R. C. L. On the Kirby collection of Sphectdes, Nomada, An- drena and Gilissa with the description of a species of Sphecodes hitherto un- recorded from Britain. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (45-52). [Hy- menoptera.] 1029 Perkins, R. C. L. Notes on the collection of British Hymenoptera acu- leata formed by F. Smith. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (71-7G 159- 162 229-231). 1030 Perkins, R. C. L. New hawaiian Caraboidea. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (246-250). [Goleoptera.] 1031 Perkins, R. C. L. Notes on Calli- morpha dominula and Vespa austriaca. J. Torquay Nat. Hist. Soc. 2 1917 (142-145). 1032 Peschet, R. Description de deux especes nouvelles de Neptosternus Sharp. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (315-317). [Goleoptera.] 1033 Peschet, R. Goleopteres des lies mascareignes et sechelles. Dytiscidae et Gyrinidae. Ann. Soc. ent. France 86 1917 (1-56). 1034 Peschet, R. Mission Stappsrs au Tanganyka-Mocro. Hydaticus stappersi nov. spec. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 4 1916 (221). [ Goleoptera .] 1035 Peterson, A. Studies on the morpho- logy and susceptibility of the eggs of Aphis avenae Fab., A. pomi Degeer and A. sorbi Kalt. J. econ. Ent. Concord 10 1917 (556-560). 1036 Petherbridge, F. R. Frit fly ( Oscinus frit) attacking winter wheat. Ann. appl. Bid. Cambridge 4 1917 (1-3). [Diptera.] 1037 Petherbridge, F. R. Note on attacks of Phyllotreta vittula on spring corn. Ann. appl. Biol. Cambridge 3 1917 (138 & 139). [Goleoptera.] 1038 Petherbridge, F. R. Fungoid and insect pests. Cambridge 1917 (vii 174). 1039 Peyerimhoff, P. de. Nouveaux CoUop teres du Nord-africain. 25icmo. note avec des renseignments synony- miques sur les Silphidae et les His- teridae. Ann. Soc. ent. France 86 1917 (117-148). 1040 Peyerimhoff, P. de. Description d’un nouvtau Medon fra^ais et tableau des especes du groupe Hypo- medon. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (240 241). [Goleoptera.] 1041 Peyerimhoff, P. de. Nouveaux Goleopteres du Nord-Africain. 24me note. Faune de Djurdjura. Bull, Soc. ent. France 1916 1917 (318). 1042 Peyerimhoff, P. de. Phoresie et commensalisme chez les Desmometopa. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (215- 218). [Diptera.] 1043 Peyerimhoff, P. de. Nouveaux Goleopteres du Nord-africain (vingt- sixiemo note) : faune du cedre ct du sapin do' Numidie. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918 (329-332). 1044 Peyerimhoff, P. de. Nouveaux Goleopteres du Nord-africain (vingt- septieme nota) : faune du massif des Mouza'ia. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918 (371-374). 1045 Peyerimhoff, P. de. Geratopogon et Meloe. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (250-253). [Diptera.] 1046 Peyerimhoff, P. de. Description d’un nouveau Geostiba framjais. Bull. soc. ent. Franco 1917 1918 (352). [Goleo- ptera.] 1047 Peyron, J. Intressanta fjarilsfynd. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (104). [Lepidoptera.] 1048 Phillips, W. J. Report on Isosoma investigations. J. econ. Ent. Concord 10 1917 (139-146) pis. viii & ix. [Hymenoptera.] 1049 Philpott, A. A list of the Lepidoptera of Otago. Tr. New Zealand Inst. Wellington 49 1917 (195-238). 1050 Pic, M. Melanges exotico-entomo- logiques. Fascc. 22-26 Moulins 1917 (each of 20 or 24 pp.). [Goleoptera.] 1051 53 Insecta. Titucp. 3500 Pio, M. Mat6riaux pour sorvir tk. P6tudo des Longicornes. 10 cah. 3"partie Saint Amand 1917 (1-20). 1052 Pic, M. CoUopteres d’ Egypte et du Sinai. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 6 1914 (11-13). 1053 Pic, M. Description d’un Alcidcs nouveau. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte Le Claire 6 1914 (49). [ Coleoptera .] 1054 Pic, M. Quatrc nouveaux CoUopteres exotiques. Bull. Soc. Zool. France 42 1917 (25-27). 1055 Pic, M. Notes diverses, descriptions et diagnoses. Ecliange Moulins 33 1917 (1-3 etc.). [ Coleoptera .] 1056 Pic, M. CoUopteres exotiques cn partie nouveaux. Echange Moulins 33 1917 (4 etc.) 1057 Pic, M. Descriptions synopsis et rectifications concernant le groupe des Lagriidae. Echange Moulins 33 No. 383 hors texte (1-4). [ Coleoptera .] 1058 Pic, M. Sur le genre Arge Schr. {Hylotoma Latr.). Echange Moulins 33 1917 (18). [Hymenoptera.] 1059 Pic, M. Notes Hymenopterologiques. Echange No. 381 horstexte (1-4). ' 1060 x Pic, M. Trois nouveaux P tiled iclyla. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1916 1917 (299- 300). [ Coleoptera .] 1061 Pic, M. Trois nouvelles cspeccs de JScraptia Latr. de Madagascar. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1917 1917 (72-74), [Coleoptera.] 1062 Pic, M. Deux nouveaux Silidius Gorh. Bull. soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (123-124). [Coleoptera.] 1063 Pic, M. Sur la nomenclature de quelques Melandryidae exotiques. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (149-151). [Coleoptera.] 1064 Pic, M. Deux nouveaux Cantharis L. de Chine. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (1G0-1G1). [Coleoptera.] 1065 Pic, M. Trois Malachides nouveaux de l’Afrique australe. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (234-235). 1066 Pic, M. Trois nouveaux Spermophagus Schocnh. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1917 1917 (302 & 303). [Coleoptera.] 1067 Pic, M. Nouveaux C6rambycides de la Chine meridionale. iii. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918 (353-354). [Coleoptera.] 1068 Picard, F. Notes biologiques sur quelques insectes de l’Herault. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918 (355-357). 1069 Picard, F. and Lichtenstein, J. Un braconide nouveau, Sycosotcr lavagnei n.g., n. sp., parasite de V IlypoboruS ficus Er. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (284-287). [llymenoptera.] 1070 Pickard, F. vide Lichtenstein & Picard. Pictet, A. Reactions thermotropiques clicz les insectes (Resume) Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve C.R. 38 1914 (434-437). 1070a Pictet, A. Observations biologiques et recherches experimentales surl’hiber- nation d' Abraxas grossulariata L. Bull. Soc. Lep. Geneve 3 1916 (164-188). [Lepidoptera.] 1071 Pierce, F. N. Occurrence in England of Parornix finitimclla Z., a species of Gracilariadae now to the British list. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (9). [Lepidoptera.] 1072 Pierce, W. D. Studies of weevils ( Rhynchophora ) with descriptions of new genera and species. Washington Smithsonian Inst. Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 51 1916 (4G1-473) if. 1 2. [Coleo- ptera.] 1072a Pierce, W. D. Notes on a southern trip. Washington D.C. Proc. ent. Soc. 18 1917 (20G-208). 1073 Pierre, C. Description d’un Pachyrhina nouveau des Pyrenees. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (304-306). [Diptera.] 1074 Planet, V. Notes sur quelques Apion de France. Ann. Soc. ent. France 86 1917 (149-158). [Coleoptera.] 1075 Plough, H. H. The effect of tem- perature on linkage in the second chromosome of Drosophila. Proc. Nation. Ac. Washington 3 1917 (553- 555). [Diptera.] 1076 Plough, H. H. Cytoplasmic struc- tures in the male germ cells of Rhoma- leum micropterum Bcauv. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole Mass. 32 1917 (1-12) pi. i. [Orlhoplera.] 1077 54 lnaecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Poche, F. Unberechtigte Namen- eanderungen unter den Ilymenoptercn und prinzipielle Bcmerkungcn ilber einschlligige n omen kl at oris che Fragen. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (45-54). 1078 Pool, C. J. C. 1. The Coleoptcra of the family Cissidue found in Britain, with descriptions of two new species. 2. A new species . of the coleopteian genus Cryptorhynctms Illiger. P. zool. Soc. London 1917 1917 (83-93). 1079 Pool, C. J. C. Notes from the Caird insect house. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 1917 (90-100). [ Goleoptera .] 1080 Poppius, B., Lund3trom, C. & Frey, R. Dipteren aus dem Sarekgebiet. [Einleitung. Von B. Poppius. — Diptera nematocere. Von Carl Lundstrom. — . Diptera brachycera. Von Richard Frey.] (Naturwiss. Unters. des Sarek- gebirges in Schwedisch-Lappland gel. von Dr. Axel Hamberg. 4 Lfg G.) Stockholm 1917 (pr. 191G) (GG5-G96) pi. x. 1081 Porritt, G. T. Excessive abundanco of the larvae of Chareas graminis in June 1917. Ent. Mo. Mag. 53 1917 (176-177)). [Lepidoptera.] 1082 Porter, C. E. Catalogo de los Siricidos de Chile,. Revist. chilena 20 1916 (14 & 15). [Hymenoptera.] 1083 Porter, C. E. Description de un nuevo Ilimenoptero parasito do Noto- lophus antiqua. Revist. chilena 20 1916 (96) pi. vi. 1084 Porter, C. E. Not as breves do ento- mologia agricola. An. Zool. aplic. Santiago 1 1917 (33-37). . 1085 Porter, Delia T. The spermatocytic divisions of Leptocoris haematoloma. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 33 1917 (316- 320) pi. [Heteroptera.] 1086 Porter, Lelia T. vide Patterson & Porter. Pouillaude, I. Les Cetonides mal- gaches. Suite. Insecta Rennes 7 1917 (50-166) pis. i-viii. [Goleoptera.] 1087 Poulton, E. B. Mimicry and butter- flies. Proc. R. Inst. London 21 1917 (372-379). [ Lepidoptera .] 1088 Poulton, E. B; vide Blair & Poulton. Poulton, E. B. vide Shelford, R. W. C. Powell, H. Observations biologiques concernant la Lycaena alcon. [In Oberthiir] Et. L6p. comp. 14 1917 (393- 419). [ Lepidoptera .] 1089 Powell, H. Observations relatives d. Lycaena armoricana [In Oberthiir] Et. Lep. comp. 14 1917 (420-460). [ Lepidoptera .] 1090 Prout, L. B. Some points of interest in the Geometridao. Trans. London Nat. Hist. Soc. 1916 1917 (42-48). [Lepidoptera. ] 1091 Prout, L. B. New Geometridao in the Joicey collection. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (108-128) pi. vii. [ Lepidoptera .] 1092 Prout, L. B. On new and insufficiently known indo australian Geometridao. Novit. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (293-317).. [Lepidoptera. ] 1093 Prout, L. B. New South American Geometridae. Novit. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (374-392). [Lepidoptera.] 1094 Prout, L. B. New African Geo- metridae. Novit. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (428-436). [Lepidoptera.] 1095 Prout, L. B. New Geometridae ( Lepidoptera ) in the South African Museum. Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17 1917 (47-77). 109§ Prout, L. B. Spannerartige Nacht- falter. Seitz Fauna palaearct. Lief. 116-130 4 1915-1917 (153-479) pis. i- xxv. [Lepidoptera.] 1096a Quaintance, A. L. and Baker, A. C. A contribution to our knowledge of the white flies of the subfamily Aleyrodinae (Aleyrodidae). P. U. S. Nat. Mus. Washington No. 2156 51 1917 (335- 445) pis. xxxii-xxxvii. [Ilomoptera.] 1097 Quaintance, A- L- an(i Geyer, E. W. Life history of the codling moth in the Pecos valley New Mexico. Bull. U. S. Dep. Agrie. ent. Washington 429 1917 (1-90). [Lepidoptera.] 1098 Quayle, H. J. Dispersion of scale insects by the wind. J. Econ. Ent, Concord N. H. 9 1916 (486-492). [Homoptera.] 1098a Rabaud, E; Essai sur la vie et la mort des especes. Bull. Sci. France Belg. Paris 50 1917 (287-380). 109& 55 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Rabaud, E. Les chenilles parasitisees de Zygaena occitanica Vill. Bull. Sci. France Belg. Paris 50 1917 (284-286). [Lepidoptera.] 1100 Rabaud, E. Notes sur l’instinct de Mellinus arvensis L. et ses rapports avec’ celui des autres sphegiens. Bull, biol. France Belgique Paris 51 1917 (331-346). 1101 Rabaud, E. L’instinct para’yseur des Hymknopteres. Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 165 1917 (680-683). 1102 Rabaud, E. Sur les Hym&nopteres parasites des ootheques d'Orthopteres. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (178). 1103 Raff ray, A. Sur le genre Mirus Sau’cy ( I mirus Reitt.). Bull. Soo. ont. France 1917 1917 (108-110). [ Coleo - ptera.] 1104 Rau, P. and Rau, Nellie. Longevity in Saturniid moths and its relation to the function of reproduction. St. Louis Mo. Trans. Acad. Sci. 23 1914 (1-78) pis. i-v. [ Lepidoptera ]. 1105 Rau, Nellie vide Rau, P. Rayburn, M. F. Chromosomes of Nomotettix. Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. Lawrence 10 1917 (267-270) pi. i. [Orthoptera.] 1106 Razzauti, A. Contributo alia cono- scenza del tonchio del fagiuolo ( Acan - thoscelides obtectus Say). Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (94-122). [Coleoptera .] 1107 Reeves, Edna M. The inheritance of extra bristles in Drosophila melano- gaster Meig. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Publ. zool. 13 No. 13 1916 (495-514). [ Di - ptera.] 1108 Rehfous, M. Note sur la ponte d’ Epinephele jurtina L. Bull. Soc. L6p. Geneve 3 1916 (156-159). [Lepido- ptera.] 1109 Rehfous, M. Contribution a 1’ etude des Lycenides. Fragments biologiques. Bull. Soc. Lep. Geneve 3 1917 (209- 226). [Lepidoptera.] 1110 ' Rehn, J. A. G. On Coelophyllum simplex and certain of its allies. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (152-161) pi. xii. [i Orthoptera .] 1111 ' ■ ' f: r Rehn, J. A: G. Some critical riotes on the giant katydids forming the group Steirodontia. Ent. News Phila- delphia 28 1917 (107-122) pi. x. [Orthoptera.] 1112 Rehn, J. A. G. and Hebard, M. Studies in West Indian earwigs ( Derma - ptera). Bull. Amer. Mus. New York 37 1917 (635-651) pis. ii & iii. [Ortho- ptera.] 1112a Reitter, E. Neue Coleopteren aus Aegypten. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte Le Cairo 6 1915 (135-137). 1113 Reitter, E. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der blinden Tapinopterus- arten. Wien, ent. Zeit. 33 1914 (261-263). [Coleo- ptera.] 1113a Reitter, E. Zwei neue Silphiden. Wien. ent. Zeit. 33 1914 (263 264), [Coleoptera.] 1113b Reitter, E. Drei neue Carabiciden. Wien. ent. Zeit. 33 1914 (264-266). [Coleoptera.] 1113© Reitter, E. Athous (subg. Grypo- carus Thoms.) sardiniensis sp. n. Wien. ent. Zeit. 33 1914 (266). [Coleo- ptera.] 1113d Reitter, E. Zwei neue Coleopteren aus Trans baikalien und Mesopotamien. Wien. ent. Zeit. 33 1914 (267 268). 1113e Rennie, J. On the biology and economic significance of Tipula palu- dosa. Ann. appl. Biol. Cambridge 3 1917( 116—137) pis. xviii-xx. [Diptera.] 1114 Reverdin, J. L Notes sur les genres Hesperia et Carcharcdws. Bull. Soc. L6p. Geneve 2 1913 (212-237) pis. xxi xxii. [Lepidoptera.] 1114a Reverdin, J. L. Adopea nova mihi species nova. Bull. Soc. L6p. Geneve 3 1916 (122-128). [Lepidoptera.] 1115 Reverdin, J. L. Lycaena alexis Poda ( = cyllarus Rott.) aberrations prises a Baumaroche. Bull. Soc. Lep. Geneve 3 1917 (189-192) pi. ix. {Lepi- doptera.] 1116 Reverdin, L. L. Note sur Erynnis comma L., Ses varietes et ses aberra- tions. Bull. Soc. Lep. Geneve 3 1917 (193-209). [Lepidoptera.] • 1117 Reverdin, J. Note sur l’armure g6nitale male chez Lycaena argus L. et ses vari6t6s.‘ [In Oberthiir] fit. L6pi. comp. 14 1917 (17-30) 2 pis. [Leipdo- ptera.] 1118 56 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Reynolds, L. R. vide Blaisdell & Reynolds . Rhe-Philipe, G. W. V. de. The butterflies of Lahore. J. N. H. Soc. Bombay 25 1917 (136-142). [ Lepido - ptera.] 1119 Ricardo, Gertrude. New species of Tabanidae from Australia and the Fiji islands. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (207-224). [ Diptera .] 1120 Ricardo, G. New species of Haema- topota from India. Ann. Nat. Hist. Lor don 19 1917 (225 226). [Diptera.] 1121 Rich, S. G. The respiratory organs of dragon-fly larvae. S. Afric. Journ. Sc. 17 1917 (600-602). [Paraneuro- ptera.] 1122 Riedel, M. P. Hie palaarktischen Arten der Dipteren- (Nematocera poly- neura) Gattung Tipula L. Abh. Lehrcrver. Crefeld 1913 (123 pp.) 1122a Riley, W. A. Hr. Nott’s theory of insect causation of disease. J. Para- sitol. Urbana 1 1914 (37-39). 1123 Ringdalil, 0. Fyndorter for Diptera . Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (302-311). 1124 Ripley, L. B. Notes on the feeding habits of adult Chrysopidae. Ent. News Phi’adelphia 28 1917 (35-37). [Neuro- ptera.] 1125 Ris, F. Libellen aus Beutsch-Ost- afrika und Uganda. Rev. Suisse Zool. Geneve 25 1917 (145-151). [Paraneuro- , ptera.] 1126 Ris, F. Eine neue Agrioniden-Gattung der „L6gion Podagrion“ (Odonata) aus China, ’s Gravenhage Tyds. Ent. 60 1917 (185-191). [ Paraneuroptera .] 1127 Roberts, E. W. The olfactory sense in insects. Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 34 1915 (284-290). 1128 Robertson, W. R. B. Chromosome studies iv. A deficient supernumerary accessory chromosome in a male of Tettigidea parvipennis. Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. Lawrence 10 1917 (275-283). 3 pis. [ Orthoptera .] 1129 Robinson, Elizabeth. Coccidae of the Philippine islands. Philippine J. Sei. H 12 1917 (1-47) pis. i-vi. [ Homo - ptera.] 1130 Rockwood, L. P. Sporotrichum globuliferum Speg., a natural enemy of the alfalfa weevil. J. Econ. Ent. Con- cord N.H. 9 1916 (493-499). [ Goleo - ptera.] 1130a Rober, J. vide Seitz, A. Roepke, W. Eenige opmerkingen over twee Javaanscho Canthariden : Mylabris pustulata. Thunb. en Epi- cauta ruficeps. III. [Einige Bemer- kungen fiber zwei javanischo Cantha- riden : Mylabris puslulala Thunb. und Epicauta ruficeps. IIT.] ’s Gravenhage Tydschr. Ent. 60 1917 (252-267) 2 Taf. [Goleoptera.] 1131 Roepke, W. Has Gespinet von Para- semidalis ( Neuroptera : Conioptery- gidae). Leiden Zool. Med. 3 1917 (274) Fig. 1132 Rohwer, S. A. Two bethylid parasites of the pink boll -worm. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (1 and 2). [Ilymeno- ptera.] 1133 Rohwer, S. A. Descriptions of thirty- one new species of Ilymenoptera. P.U.S. nat. Mus. Washington 53 No. 2195 1917 (151-176). 1134 Rohwer, S. A. A report on a collection of Ilymenoptera (mostly from California) made by W. M. Giffard. P.U.S. nat. Mus. Washington 53 1917 No. 2202 (233-249). 1135 Rohwer, S. A. Two new species of Macrophya. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (264-266). [Ilymenoptera.] 1136 Rohwer, S. A. A new bee of the genus Dianthidium. Washington H.C. Proc. ent. Soc. 18 1916 (192). [Ilymenoptera.] 1137 Rohwer, S. A. A nearctic species of Dolichurus. Washington B. C. Proc. ent. Soc. 18 1917 (212). [Ilymenoptera.] 1138 Rohwer, S. A. Diprion simile in North America. Washington H. C. Proc. ent. Soc. 18 1917 (213). [ Ilymenoptera .] 1139 Rohwer, S. A. and Fagan, Margaret M. The type species of the genera of the Cynipoidea, or the gall -wasps and parasitic cynipoids. P. U. S. nat. Mus. Washington 53 No. 2208 1917 (357- 380.) [Ilymenoptera.] 1140 57 Insecla. Titles. 3500 Rohwer, S. A. vide Gahan aiul Rolnver. Roman, A. Sldtnska parasitsteklar. Erit. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (260-284). [ Hymenoptera .] 1141 Roman, A. Schlupfwespsn aus Ama- zonien. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 11 No. 4 1917 (24). 7 text figs. [ Hymenoptera .] 1142 Roman, A. Braconiden aus den Faroern. Ark. Zool. Stockho’m 11 No. 7 1917 (10). [ Hymenoptcra .] 1143 Roth, H. L. Observations on the growth and habits of the stick insect, Cafausius morosus Br. ; intended as a contribution towards a knowledge of variation in an organism which repro- duces itself by the parthenogenetic method. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 1917 (345-386). [ Orthoptera .] 1144 Rothschild, Hon. N. C. Convergent development among certain ectopara- sites. President’s address. Pr. ent. Soc. , Lond. 1916 1917 (cxli-clvi). 1145 Rothschild, Hon. N. C. On Xeno- psy lla acquisetosus Endorl. (1901). Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (32 and 33). [Aphaniplera.] 1146 Rothschild, Hon. N. C. Report on the Siphonaptera collected by the British ornithologists’ union expedition and the Wollaston expedition in Dutch New Guinea. Rep. B.O.U. Exp. etc. 2 1916 No. 12 (1). [Aphaniplera.] H47 Rothschild, The Lord. Lcpidoptera collected by the British Ornithologists’ union and the Wollaston expeditions in the Snow Mountains, Southern Dutch New Guinea. Rep. B.O.U. Exp. New Guinea 2 London 1916 No. xv. (1-481 sep pag.) 2 pis. 1148 ■ Rothschild, W., The Lord. Supple- mental notes to Mr. Charles Oberthfir’s Faune des Lepidopteres de la Barbaric, with lists of the specimens contained in tho Tring museum. Novit. zool. Tring 24 1917 (61-120 325-373 393- 409). 1149 Rothschild, The Lord. On some apparently new Notodontidae. Novit. zool. Tring 24 1917 (231-264) pis. iii- viii. [ Lcpidoptera .] 1150 Rothschild, The Lord. On tho genera Melnnothrix. Drepanojana, Melanergon, Paracydas, Gotana, Hypercydas, Epi- cydas and Ncrvicompressa of tho family Eupterotidao with descriptions of now forms. Novit. zool. Tring 24 1917 (463-474) p’s. xi & xii. [ Lcpidoptera .] 1151 Rothschild, The Jjord. Some new moths of the families Arctiidac and Euplerotidae. Novit. zool. Tring 24 1917 (475-492). [ Lepidopiera .] 1152 Rothschild, Lord, vide Seitz, A. Roubaud, E. Observations biolo- giques sur Nasonia brevicornis Aslim., chalcidide parasite des pupes dc Muscidcs. Determinismo physiolo- gique de 1’ instinct de ponto ; adapta- tion & la lutte contre les glossincs. Bull. Sci. France Belgique Paris 50 1917 (425-439). [ Hymcnoptera .] 1153 Roubaud, E. Lc venin ct revolution paralysante chez les Hymenopteres predateurs. Bull. biol. France Bel- gique Paris 51 1917 (391-419). 1154 Roubaud, E. Precisions sur Phormici azurea Fall., Muscide a larves hemo- phages parasites des oiseaux d’ Europe. Bull. biol. France Belgique Paris 51 1917 (420-430) pi. v. [Diptera.] 1155 Roubaud, E. Auto -inoculation et developpement primaire, dans les mu- queuses buccales, de la larve du Gastro- phile cquin (ocstre du clicval). Paris C.R. Ac. Sci. 164 1917 (453-455). [Diptera.] 1156 Roubaud, E. Les Anopheles frangais, des regions non palustres, sont-ils aptes a la transmission du paludisme ? Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (401- 403). [Diptera] 1157 Roubaud, E. and Villeneuve, J. Contribution a 1’ etude des cspeces du genre Anacamptomyia Bischof. Rev. Zool. afric. 4 1914 (121-128). [Di- ptera.] 1158 Saalas, U. Die Fichtenkafer Finn- lands. Studien fiber die Entwick- lungsstadien, Lebcnsweisc und geo- graphischc Verbreitung dcr an Picea cxcelsa Linn, lebenden Goleopteren , nebst ciner Larvenbestiminungstabelle. Ann. Ac. Fenn. Ser. A 8 No. 1 Helsinki 1917 (xxiv + 547) 9 pis. & map. 1159 Sagarra, I. de. Instruccions per als recol -lectors d’inscctes. Mus. Bare. Op. zool. Barcelona 4 1918 (1-100). 1160 58 lnaecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Sagarra, I. de. El laboratori d’ento- mologia del museu. Annuar. Junta Ci. Nat. Barcelona 2 1917 (279-299) pi. 1161 Sahlberg, J. Odo Morannal Reuter. Ndgra minnesord. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (62-96) pi. 1162 Salm, A. Muskieten in de Bandoeng- sclie Hoogvlakte [Muskiten in der Bandoengschen Hochebene.] Batavia Geneesk. Tydschr. Ned. Ind. 57 1917 (749-753) 2 Taf. [Diptera.] 1163 Sanchez, A. vide Bohigas & Sanchez. Sanders, J. G. and De Long, P* M. The Cicadellidae of Wisconsin, with description of new species. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10 1917 (79-95) pis. viii & ix. [Ilomoptera.] 1164 Sands, W. R. Observations on the cotton stainer in St. Vincent. West Ind. Bull. Barbados 16 1917 (235-255). [Heteroptera.] 1165 Santschi, F. Description do quelques nouvelles fourmis. Ann. Soc. Argent. Buenos Aires 83 1917 (277-283). [Hymenoptera.] 1166 Santschi, F. Description d’une nouvelle "reinc do formicide du genre Aenictus Shuckard. Ann. Soc. ent. France 85 1917 (277-278) pi. i. [Hymenoptera.] 1167 Santschi, F. Fourmis nouvelles de la colonic du Cap, du Natal et de Rhodesia. Ann. Soc. ent. France 85 1917 (279-296). [Hymenoptera.] 1168 Sarra, R. La variegana ( Olethreutes variegana Hb.) ed i suoi parassiti. Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (175-187). 1169 Sarra, R. Intomo ad un Imenottero tentredinide ( Gimbex 4- maculata Mull.) dannoso al mandorlo. Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (275-286). 1170 Sasaki, C. Tsuwabuki-senyobai no ingu. [Genitalia of Trypeta sp. (?) infesting Senecio koempfcri.] Collec- tion of Essays for Mr. Y. Nawa 1917 (58-61). [Diptera.] 1171 Sasaki, C. Hanmyo no yochu. [On the larva of Cicindela litterifera Chaud.] Ronch. Sek. Gifu 21 1917 (4-6). [ Goleoptera .] 1172 Sasaki, C. TamamaL.hu ni t3uite. [On the double cocoon race of silk- worms.] Tokyo Ni. Sanshi Kw. Ho. 1917 (887-888). [Lepidoptera.] 1173 Saunders, L. G. vide Brittain & Saunders. Scammcll, H. B. The cranberry' girdler. Bull. U.S. Dep. Agric. Ent. 554 1917 (19 pp.) 7 pis. [ Lepidoptera .] 1174 Schaeffer, C. On some North- American Cleridae. J. N. York ent. Soc. 25 1917 (129-134). [Goleoptera.] 1175 Schaeffer, C. On Merium and some blue Gallidium. J. N. York. ent. Soc. 25 1917 (183-187). [Goleoptera.] 1176 Schaeffer, C. On some new and known Melandryidac. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (357-359). [Goleoptera.] 1177 Schenkling, S. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Cleriden. vi. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (282). [Goleoptera.] 1178 Schierbeek, A. On the setal pattern of caterpillars and pupae. Thesis. Leiden 1917 (2 + 157) 5 pis. [cf. 1444 last year.] [Lepidoptera.] 1179 Schierbeek, A. De beteekenis van het setale patroon der rup3en voor de phylogenie. [Die Bedeutung des setalen Musters der Raupen fiir die Phylogenie.] Handh Ned. Nat. Geneesk. Congres 16 1918 (286-294). [Lepidoptera.] 1180 Schierbeek, A. Over het setale patroon der rupsen. II. [On the setal pattern of caterpillars. II] Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akd. Wet. 25 1917 (1305-1309) (Dutch) Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 19 1917 (1156- 1161) (English). [ Lepidoptera .] 1181 Schmitz, H. Drei neue Termiten vom belgischen Kongo. *s Gravenhage Tydschr. Ent. 60 1917 (225-231). [I sop ter a.] 1182 Schmitz, H. Ueber eine brachyptere Limosina-Art aus Hollandisch Limburg wahrscheinlich Limosina pseudonivalis Dahl. ’s Gravenhage Tydschr. Ent. 60 1917 (232-237). [Diptera.] 1183 59 Insecta. Titles. 3500, Schmitz, II. Anommonia, cino nouo myrmccophile Borboriden-Gattung aus Kamerun. Leiden Zool. Med. 3 1917 (121-126) 3 Textabb. [ Diptera .] 1184 Schmitz. H. Zur Kenntnis der Heleomyzinen von Hollandisch Limburg. Heerlen, Natuurhist. Gcnootechap in Limburg, Mededeelingen 1916 1917 (117-131) 1 Taf. [Diptera.] 1185 Schmitz, H. Die Phoridcn von Hollandisch Limburg. Heerlen Natuur- bi3torisch genootschap in Limburg Mededeelingen 1917 (79-150). [ Di- ptera.] 1186 Sch5tt, H. Results of Dr. E. Mjoberg Swedish Scientific Expeditions to Aus- tralia 1910-1913. 15. Collembola. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 11 No. 8 1917 (GO) 4 pis. 57 textfigs. 1187 Scholz, M. F. R. Dritter Beitrag zur Kenntnis und Verbreitung palaark- tischer Wasserkafer. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (178-181). [Coleoptera.] 1188 Scholz, M. F. R. Vierter Beitrag zur Kenntnis und Verbreitung pala- arktischer Wasserkafer. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (250-258) pi. vii. [ Coleo - ptera.] 1189 Schouteden, H. Cas de mim^tisme chcz les IHraipthres africains. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 4 1916 (251-258). 1190 Schouteden, H. Palophus leopoldi n. sp. Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916 (265- 268). [ Orthoptera .] 1191 Schouteden, H. Phyllontocheila nouveaux d’Afrique. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 4 1916 (271-277). [Iletero- ptera .] 1192 Schouteden, H. Un genre nouveau des Tessaratomiens. i Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 4 1916 (278 279). [ Hetero - ptera.] 1193 Schouteden, H. Pentatomides nou- veaux du Congo. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 4 1916 (280-284). [ Hetero - ptera.] ; 1194 Schouteden, H. Deux Pefttatomidcs nouveaux de l’Afriquo orientale an- glaise. Rev. zool. afric. , Bruxelles 4 1916 (285-287). , [ Het'eroptera .] 1195 Schouteden, H. Tingides du Congo beige. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 4 1916 (288-297), [. Heteroplera .] 1196 Schouteden, II. Pentatomides nou- veaux du Congo beige. Rev. zool.. afric. Bruxelles 4 1916 (298-313). [ Heteroplera .] 1197 Schouteden, H. Liste des Buprcstides du Congo beige. Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916(320-338). [ Coleoptera .] 1198 Schouteden, H. Sur quelques Synagris du Congo beige. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 5 1916 (91-96). [Hy- menoplera.] 1199 Schouteden, H. Odonatcs r6colte3 par lo Dr. J. Maes dans la region du lac Leopold, ii. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 5 1917 (103-108). [Parancuro ptera.] 1200 Schouteden, II. Un nouveau Palophus de l’Afriquc orientale anglaise. Rev. zool. Afric. Bruxelles 5 1917 (109-111) [Orthoptera. ] 1201 Schouteden, H. Note sur quelques Cor6ides du Congo. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 5 1917 (163-165). [Hetero- ptera.] 1202 Schiiflner, W. Die Brutplatze der Miickcn, deren Behandlung und kurze Bemerkungen fiber die Aussichten einer Malariabckiimpfung. Batavia Gen- eesk. Tydschr. Ned. Ind. 56 1916 (1013— 1026) (Deutsch) ; Buitenzorg Meded- eolingon Burgolvko geneoskundigo dioust Ncderlandsch. Indie 1917 4 (48-62) (Hollandisch & Deutsch). [Di- ptera.] 1203 Schiiflner, W. en Heyden, H. van der. Do Anophclinen in Ncderlandsch Indie. [Die Anophcliden in niedor- landisch-Indien.] Batavia Geneesk. Tydschr. Ned. Ind. 56 1916 (381-396 mit 1 Taf.) (Hollandisch) ; Buitenzorg Mededeelingen Burgelykc geneeskun- dige dienst Nederlands eh- Indie 1917 4 (25-41 1 Taf.) (Hollandisch und Deutsch). [Diptera.] 1204 Schufluer, W. und Swellengrebel, N. H. Dio Anopheliden in Deli im Ver- band mit dcr Verbreitung dcr Malaria. Buitenzorg Mededeelingen burgorlyko genecskundige dienst Nederlandsch In- die 1917 4 (1-24) (Deutsch und Hol- landisch). [Diptera.] 1205 Scliuhmacher, F. Brutpficge bei dor Wanze Clihocoris griseus L. Enti Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (243-249). - [ Hetero i ptera.] 1206 60 Insecta. xii. Insecta. [1917] Schultze, W. Fourth contribution to the Coleoptera fauna of the Philip- pines. Philippine J. Sci. D. 12 1917 (249-258) pi. 1207 Scliutze, K. T. Argyresthia illumina- tella. Deutsche ent. Zs. Iris. 31 1917 (4-23). [ Lepidoptera .] 1208 Schweiz, — . The western and northern limit of Glossina morsitcins in northern Katanga. Bull. ent. Res. London 8 1917 (165-108) map. Diptera.] 1209 Schuyt, P. J. M. Mcdedeeling over Micro’s. [Mitteilung iiber Microlepido- pteren.\ ’s Gravenhage Tydschr. Ent. 60 1917 (xiv xvi). 1210 Scott, H. Corylophidac from the Seychelles and Rangoon. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (1-33) pis. i-v. ( Coleoptera .] 1211 Scott, H. Notes on Nyctcribiidae, with descriptions of two new genera. Parasitology Cambridge 9 1917 (593- 610) pi. xxiv. [Diptera.] 1212 Seabra, F. de. Etudes surles maladies ■et les parasites du Cacaoyer ct d’autres plantes cultiv6es & S. Thom6. Mem. Soc. portugaiso Lisbonne 3 fasc. 1 1917 (1-28) pi. i. [Homoptera.] 1213 Seamans, II. L. A new species of Tropidia from Montana. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (342). [Diptera.] 1214 Seitz, A. Nymphalidae (continued). Grossschmetterl. 5 ; Rober, J. pp. 481- 482 ; 497-507 ; Fruhstorfer, H. pp. 510-532 ; Seitz, A. pp. 533-537 Fruhstorfer, pp. 638-544 ; Rober, pp. 545-550 ; Fruhstorfer, pp. 551-576 ; Rober, pp. 577-592 ; Faun. exot. americ. 1915-1916. [Lepidoptera.] 1214a Seitz, A. Erycinidae. Grosssch- metterlinge der Erde. Fauna amcricana 5 1916 1917 (617-638). [Lepidoptera.] 1214b Seitz, A. Grossschmettcrlinge . . . Fauna exotica, americana 6 (33-36) ; Draudt (37-217) 1915 & 1917. (Lepido- ptera.] 1214c Seitz, A. Grossschmetterlinge der Erde. Faun. exot. 10 1914 etc. pp. 121-124; Draudt M. pp. 135-223; Seitz, pp. 224-235 ; Lord Rothschild, pp. 236-263 ; Seitz, pp. 263-291 ; Strand, E., pp. 292-344. Spinner und Schwarmer des indo-australischen Gebiets. Stuttgart 1914-1917. [ Lepido- ptera.] 1214d Seitz, A. Grossschmetterlinge . . . Die indoaustralischen Spanner. Fauna, exot. Indo-austral. 12 pp. 1-4, pis. i & iv. 1214e Seitz. Grossschmetterlinge . . . vide ctiam Fruhstorfer, Griinberg, Prout, Rober. Sell, R. A. Notes on the twelve- spotted cucumber beetle. J. Econ. Ent. Concord N. II. 9 1916 (551-556). [Coleoptera.] 1214f Sergent, Edm. et Sergent, Et. Nou- velle nuStliode de destruction des moustiques par Palternanco de leurs gitcs. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (436). [Diptera.] 1215 Shaffer, E. L. Mitochondria and other cytoplasmic structures in the spermatogenisis of Passalus cornutus. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 32 1917 (407- 434) 4 pis. [Coleoptera. J 1216 Shannon, H. T. Autumn migrations of butterflies. Amer. Mus. J. New York 17 1917 (33-40). [Lepidoptera.] 1217 Sharp, D. Studies in Rhynchophora. i, tribe Pseudobagoini. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (26-31). [Coleo- ptera.] 1218 Sharp, D. Studies in Rhynchophora. ii. The British Bagoini. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (100-108). [Coleoptera.] 1219 Sharp, D. Insecta. Zoological Record. London 52 1917 (216 pp. sep. pag.). 1220 Sheldon, W. G. Peronea crislana its life-history, habits of the imago, distribution of the various named forms, and some speculations on the present trend of its variation. Ento- mologist London 50 1917 (217-222 etc.). [Lepidoptera.] 1221 Sheldon, W. G. The races of Agriades Coridon inhabiting the Alba- rracin Sierra and its vicinity. Ent. Rec. London 29 1917 (1-3). [Lepido- ptera.] 1222 61 Inaecla. Titles. 3500 Shelf ord, 11. W. C. [the lato]. A naturalist in Borneo : edited by E. B. Poulton. London 1917 (xxviii + 331) 32 pis. 1223 Shelf ord, V. E. Elytral trachcation of the tiger- beetles (Cicindelidae). Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 34 1915 (241- 252). [ Coleoptera .] 1224 Shelford, V. E. Color and color- pattern mechanism of tiger beetles. Illinois Biol. mon. 3 1917 No. 4 (399- 528) 32 pis. [ Coleoptera .] 1225 Shinji, G. O. New aphids from California. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (61-64) pi. vii. [ Homoptera .] 1226 Shinji, G. O. Mating habit of the cottony cushion scale. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (162-165). [llo- moptcra. J 1227 Shinji, G. O. The California species of Myzus , with the description of a new species. Canad- Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (49-51). [ Homoptera .] 1228 Shinji, G. O. A new species of Amphrophora from California. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 (51). [Homo- ptera.] 1229 Shinji, G. O. Notes on aphids. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (84-86). [Homoptera.] 1230 Shipley, A. E. Studies in insect life and other essays. London 1917 (xii + 338). 1231 Shoebotham, J. W. Notes on Collembola. Part iv. The classifica- tion of the Collembola : with a list of the genera known to occur in the British Isles. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (425-436). 1232 Silvestri, F. Sulla Lonchaea aristella Beck. Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (123- 146). [Diptera.] 1233 Silvestri, F. Descrizione di una specie di Oscinosoma osservato in fruttescenze di caprifico. Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (147-154). [Diptera.] 1234 Silvestri, F. Contributo alia cono- scenza del Celiode dell nocciuola ( Coelicdes ruber Marsh.). Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (155-174). [Coleo- ptera.] 1235 Silvestri, F. Contribuziono alia, conoscenza del genere Centrobia Forster. Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (245-265). [Hymenoptcra.] 1236 Silvestri, F. Descrizione e notizie biologiche di due Imenotteri calcididi parassiti di uova di Cicale. Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (252-265). 1237 Silvestri, F. II genere Thysanus Walker. Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (266-271). [Uymenoptera.] 1238 Silvestri, F. Contribuziono alia conoscenza dci Termitidi e termitofili dell’ Africa occidentalo. Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (287-346). [Aptera.] 1239 Silvestri, F. Un genere e due nuove specie di Calotermitidi dell’ Eritrea. Boll. Lab. Portici 12 1917 (347-351). [Isopiera.] 1240 Sinton, J. A. The anopheline mosquitos of the Kohat district. Ind- J. med. Res. Calcutta 5 1917 (195-209) [Diptera.] 124l SjSstedt, Y. Results of Dr. E. Mjobergs Swedish scientific expeditions to Australia 1910-1913. 16 Odonata. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 11 No. 11 1917 (44) 4 pis. textfig. [Paraneuroptera.] 1242 Sjdstedt, Y. Odonaten aus Mada- gascar eingesammelt von Dr. W- Kaudcrn 1911-1912. Ark. Zook Stockholm 11 No. 13 1917 (12) pi. [Paraneuroptera.] 1243 SjSstedt, Y. Odonaten aus Abe3- sinian, Ost- und Westafrica. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 11 No. 14 1917 (27) 5 pis. 2 textfigs. [Paraneuroptera.] 1244 Sjostedt, Y. Gryllides recoltes an Katanga par le Dr. Sheffield Neave. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 5 1917 ( 141— 152). [Orthoptera.] 1245 Skinner, H. Lycaena lygdamus Doubleday and its races with a descrip- tion of a new one. Ent. News Phila- delphia 28 1917 (212-214). [Lepido- ptera.] 1246 Skinner, H. New species of Lepido- ptera. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (328-329). 1247 - Smit, C. W. H. Note on the feeding habits of a ladybird larva. S. Afric. Journ. Sc. 13 1917 (302-305). [Coleo- ptera.] 1248 62 Insecta, XII. Insecta. [1017] Smith, H, E. Notes on New England Tachinidae, with the description of one new genus and two new species. 'Psyche Boston 24 1917 (54-58). { Diptera .] 1249 Smith, H. E. Five new species of north-American Tachinidae. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (137-141). [Diptera.] 1250 Smith, H. S. The habit of leaf- oviposition among the parasitic Hy- menoptera. Psyche Boston 24 1917 ■ <63-08). 1251 Smith, II. S. On the life-history and successful introduction into the United States of the Sicilian mealy-bug para- site. J. Econ. Ent. Concord 10 1917 (202-268) pi. xiii. [ Hymenoptera .] 1252 Smith, II. S. An attempt to redefine tlie host relationships exhibited by entompphagous insects. J. Econ. Ent. Concord N. H. 9 1916 (477-486). 1252a Smits van Burgst, C. A. L. Naamlyst der in de Ichneumonen-collectie van het Ryk aanwezige Genera en species der familie Ichneumonidae. [Ver- zeichnis der in der Ichneumoncn- .Sammlung der Niederlando vorhan- denen Genera und Species der Familie Ichreumonidae.] ’s Hage (Luctor et Emergo) [1918] (48). 24 cm. [Hy- menoptera.'] 1253 ; Smits van Burgst, C. A. L. Bracon diseoideus Wesm. (Hym.), een parasiet van den appelbloesemkever. (Antho- nomus pomorum L.) [ Bracon diseoideus Wesm., ein Parasit des Apfelbliiten- stecliers (Anthonomus pomorum)]. ’s Gravenhage Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 1917 (1-3). [ Hymenoptera .] 1254 Smits van Burgst, C. A. L. Tunisian c Hymenoptera . 1913 (37) 24 cm. 1254a Snell, J. An invasion of the cater- pillars of the antler moth into York- shire. J. Board Agric. London 24 1917 (523-526). [. Lepidoptcra .] 1255 Snyder, T. E. Notes on horseflies as a pest in southern Florida. Washington D.C. Proc. ent. Soc. 18 1917 (208-211). [ Diptera .] 1256 South, R. The Noctuidae of Great Britain as arranged in the general ^collection at the Natural History Museum. Entomologist London 50 1917 (178-185 etc.). [ Lepidoptera .] 1257 South, R. vide Wileman & South. Sttlger, R. Beitrag zur Kenntnis stengebewohnender Ameisen in der Schweiz. Rev. suisse Zool. Geneve 25 1917 (95-109). [Hymenoptera.'] 1258 Stage, II. J. vide Felt, E. P. Standen, R. and Coward, T. A. Burnet and other reputed unpalatable moths eaten by birds. Lancash. Nat. Darwen 10 1917 (133-136). [Lepidoptera.] 1259 Stanton, A. T. and Hacker, H. P. The Anopheles of Malaya, iii. A new variety of A. albotaeniatus Thco. Bull. ent. Res. London 7 1917 (273- 275). [Diptera.] 1260 Stark, Mary B. The occurrence of lethal factors in inbred and wi’d stocks of Drosophila. J. Exp. Zool. Phila- delphia 19 1915 (531-558) tables ff, [Diptera.] 1260a Stebbing, W. P. D. The locust in Cyprus. Ann. appl. Biol. Cambridge 4 1917 (119-122). [Orthoplera.] 1261 Steven, II. M. Contributions to the knowledge of the family Chermesidae. No. 1. The biology of the Chermes of spruce and larch and their relation to forestry. Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 37 1917 (356.-381). [Homoptera.] 1262 Stevens, O. A. Preliminary list of North Dakota wasps, exclusive of Eumenidae. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (419-423). [Hymenoptera.] 1263 Stewart, B. A now British midge gall from county Durham. Vasculum Hexham 2 1917 (120). [Diptera.] 1264 Stohr, L. M. An interesting case of instinct. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (161-163). [Hymenoptera.] 1265 Stoner, D. A new species of Apa- leticus from Louisiana. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (462). [Hetero- ptera.] 1266 Stoner, D. Distributional notes on some Iowa Pentatomoidea. Des Moines Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 23 1916 (303-307). [Heteroptera.] 1266a 63 Insecta. TiTLES. 3500 Storey, G. List of the Ilymenoplera tubulifera and aculeata in the collection of the ministry of agriculture of Egypt. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 7 1916 (110 -117). 1267 Strand, E. Ueber eitiige von Herrn E. Hintz gesammolte aethiopische Hymenoptera und Lepidoptera. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (34-43). 1268 Strand, E. H. Sauter’s Formosa- Ausbeute. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (312-316) pi. viii. [Lepidoptera.] 1269 Strand, vide Seitz, A. Strickland, E. H. The March fly ( Bibio abbreviates ) in grain fields and as a pest of celery. Agric. GaZ. Canada 3 1916 (600-603). [ Diptera .] 1270 Strindberg, H. Neue Studien fiber Ameisenembryologie. Zool. Anz. Leip- zig 49 1917 (177-197). [Hymenoptera.] 1271 Strobell, E. C. vide Foot & Strobell. Sturtevant, A. H. Genetic factors affecting the strength of linkage in Drosophila. Proc. Nation. Ac. Wash- ington 3 1917 (555-558). [ Diptera.] 1272 Suzuki, H. Sanran no kokyu kotoni ’ tansangasu hasseiryo ni tsuite. [On the respiration of the silkworm eggs, * and particularly on their expiration of carbonic acid gas.] Tokyo Sangyo Shikcnjo Hokoku [Report of the Seri- ’ cultural Institute] 2 1917 (287-312). , [Lepidoptera.] 1273 Swaine, J. M. Canadian bark-beetles. Part i. Descriptions of hew species. Bull. Dep. Agric. Ent. Canada Ottawa { 14 1917 (1-32). [Coleoptcra.] 1274 Swaine, J. M. ' Injurious shade tree : insects of the Canadian prairies. Agric. Gaz. Canada 3 1916 (215-220). ! 1275 Swaine, J. M. The false tussock caterpillars on shade trees. Agric. Gaz. Canada 4 1916 (1043-1047). [Lepidoptera.] 1276 Swellengrebel, N. II. Myzomyia rossii Giles, M. Ludlowi Theob. en M. (ndefihita Ludl. [Myzomyia rossii Giles, ■Ml Ludlowi Theob. und M. indefinite, * Ludl.] Batavia Geneesk. Tydscht. -Ned.. Ind. 57 1917 (490-495) 2 Taf. ^(Hollandisch) ; Buitenzorg Mededeel- ingon feurgolyke gonecskundige Dienst Ned. Ind. 1917 4 (42-47) (Hollandisch und Deutsch). [Diptera.] 1277 Swellengrebel, N. H. Myzomyia fl%va n. sp. ecn nieuwe Anopheline voor Ned. Indie. [Myzomyia fliva n. sp. eine neue Anophelide in Nieder- landisch Indien.] Batavia Geneesk. Tydschr. Ned. Ind. 57 1917 (807- 809). [Diptera.] 1278 Swellengrebel, N. H. De Anophelinen van Nederlandsch Oost-Indie. [Die Artopholinen von Nicderlandisch Ostin- dien.] Amsterdam Mededeelingen Koloniaal Instituut 7 Afdeeling Tro- pische Hygiene 3 1916 (1-182) Textfig. und Taf. [Diptera.] 1278a Swellengrebel, N. H. vide S chuff aer, W. . Swett, L. W. Geometrid notes. The genus Dysslroma Hfibner. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (64-71). [Lepidoptera.] 1279 Swett, L. W. A new species of Euchlaena. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (351). [Lepidoptera.] 1280 Swezey, O. H. A note on “ Neso - tocus giffardi ” Perkins. Honolulu Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc. 3 1915 (57). [Ooleoptera.] 1280a Swinhoe, C. New species of indo- malayan Lepidoptera. Aun. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (331-342). 1281 Swinhoe, (T New species of indo- malayan Lepidoptera. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (409-416). 1282 Swinhoe, 0. New indo-malayan species of Lepidoptera. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (157-166). 1283 Swinhoe, C. New indo-ma^yap Lepidoptera. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (407-412). 1284 Takahashi, S. Daikon no meichu ni tsuite. [On the larva of Hellna [Ilellula] undilis.] Konch. Sck. Gifu 21 1917 (50-53). [Lepidoptera.] 1285 Takizawa, M. Some new species of Cocci nellidae. Sapporo Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 6 1917 (220-223). [Co- leoptera.] : , , 1286 Talbot, G. vide Joicey, J. J. 64 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917 J Tams, W. Ii. T. Euplexia lucipara Linn. as represented in the British Isles and North America. Ento. Mo. Mag. London 53 1917 (157) pi. iii. [ Lepido - ptera .] 1287 Tanita, S. vide Kitajima, Y. Taylor, F. H. Australian Tabanidae. No. ii. Sydney P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 1917 (740-762). [ Diptera .] 1288 Taylor, F. H. Sarcophciga froggatti sp. n., a new sheep-maggot fly. Bull, ent. Res. London 7 1917 (265). [Di- ptera.] 1289 Taylor, Monica. The chromosome complex of Gulex pipiens. Part ii, fertilisation. Q. J. Microsc. Sci. London 62 1917 (287-301) pi. xx. [Diptera.] 1290 Teodoro, G. Le esperienze del. dott. A. da Costa Lima sulla respirazione delle larve dei Culicidi. Atti Ace. Ven.- Trent. Padova 8 1916 (95-97). [Di- ptera.] 1291 Teodoro, G. Alcune osservazioni sulle Cocciniglie. Atti Ace. Ven.- Trent. Padova 8 1916 (147-149). [Homoptera.] 1292 Theobald, F. V. The aphid of tea, coffee and cacao ( Toxoptcra coffeae). Bull. ent. Res. London 7 1917 337- 342). [Homoptera.] 1293 Theobald, F. V. Notes on new and little known British Aphides. iii. Entomologist London 50 1917 (76-82). [ Homoptera .] 1294 Thery, A. Buprestides nouveaux d’Egypte. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 1912 1914 (129-132). 1295 Thompson, W. R. Sur un Diptere, parasite des isopodes terrestres ( Phyto mclanocephala Meig). C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris 80 1917 (785-788). 1299 Tillyard, R. J. The biology of dragonflies. (Odonata or Paraneurop- tera.) Cambridge 1917 (xii + 396) 4 pis. 1300 Tillyard, R. J. Further researches upon the problems of the radial and zygopterid sectors in the wings of Odonata, and upon the formation of bridges. Sydney P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 31 1917 (871-887). [Paraneuroptera.] 1301 Tillyard, R. J. On some new dragon- flies from Australia and Tasmania. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 42 1917 (450- 479) pi. xxiii. [Paraneuroptera.] 1302 Tillyard, R. J. On the morphology of the caudal gills of the larvae of zyg°pterid dragonflies. Parts i-iv. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. Sydney 42 1917 (pp. 31-112 606-632) pis. i-vi. [Paraneuroptera.] 1303 Torre Bueno, J. R. de la. New York Scolopostethi. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (65-68). [Ueteroptera.] 1304 Torre Bueno, J. R. de la. Life-history and habits of the larger waterstrider, Gerris remigis Say. Ent. News Phi- ladelphia 28 1917 (201-208). [Heterop- tera.] 1305 Torre Bueno, J. R. de la. Life history and habits of the margined water strider, Gerris marginatus Say. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (295-301). [Ueteroptera.] 1306 Th6ry, A. Description d’un Eret- Torre Bueno, J. R. de la. Life history motus nouveau du Maroc. Bull. Soc. of the northern Microvelia, M. borealis ent. France 1917 1918 (332). [Goleo- Bueno. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 ptera.] 1296 1917 (354-359) pi. xxv. [Ueteroptera.] 1307 Thomas, W. A. A little known Tothill, J. D. The introduction lantern fly injuring corn. ( Peregrinus and establishment in Canada of the maidis, Afhm.). Agric. Exp. Sta. natural enemies of the brown-tail and South Carolina Clemson College Bull. Gipsy moths. Agric. Gaz. Canada 3 No. 174 1914 (1-7) 8 ff. [Homoptera.] 1916(111-116). 1308 1297 Thompson, Caroline B. Origin of Tower, W. L. Inheritable modifica- the castes of the common termite, tions of the water relation in hiberna- Leucotermes flavipes. J. Morphol. Phila- tion of Leptinotarsa decemlineata . delphia 30 1917 (83-136). [Isoptera.] Biol. Bull. Woods Hole. 33 1917 (229- 1298 257). [Coleoptera.] 1309 65 Insecta , Titles. 3500 Townsend, C. II. T. Now genera and species of American muscoid Dialer a. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington 30 1917 (43-50). 1310 Townsend, C. H. T. Genera of the Dipterous tribe Saracophagini. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington 30 1917 (189- 198). 1811 Townsend, G. II. T. A synoptic revision of the Cuterebridae, with synonymic notes and the description of one new species. Insec. inscit.Wash- ington 5 1917 (23-28). [ Diplera .] 1312 Townsend, C. H. T. New genera of Amobiinae. Insec. inscit. Washington 5 1917 (157-164). [Diplera.] 1313 Townsend, C. H. T. Indian flies of the subfamily Rliiniinae. Rec. Ind. Hus. Calcutta 13 1917 (185-202). [Diptera.] 1314 Townsend, C. H. T. The head and throat bots of american game animals. J.N. York ent. Soc. 25 1917 (98-105). [Diptera.] 1315 Townsend, C. H. T. Second paper on brazilian Muscoidea collected by Herbert H. Smith. Bull. Amcr. Mus. Now York 37 1917 (221-233). [Dip- tera.] 1315a Townsend, C. H. T. The insect vector of uta, a Peruvian disease. J. Parasit. Urbara 111. 2 1915 (67-73) ff. A-D. [Diptera.] 1315b Treherne, R. C. The natural im- munity or resistance of plants to insect attacks. Agric. Gaz. Canada 4 1917 (855-859). 1316 Treherne, R. C. The strawberry-root weevil in British Columbia. Canad. Entorn. London Can. 49 1917 (257- 260). [Goleoptera.] 1317 Tremoleras, J. Sobrc cuatro casos teratologicos en Golcopteros. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (94-96). 1318 Tremoleras, J. Description d’un carabiquo nouveau appartenant au genre Ega Oast. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (436). [Goleoptera.] 1319 Tullgren, A. D. Filip Tryboms efterlamnade faunistiska anteck- ningar om svenska Thysanoptera. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 38 1917 (33-61). 1320 Tallgren, A. En enkel apparat for automatisk! vittjande av sallgods. Ent. Tidskr. Uppiala 38 1917 (97-100) toxtflg. 1321 Tarati, E. Revisione delle Syntomis paleartiche a doppio cingolo giallo, e saggio di una classificazione delle varie specie e forme. Atti. Soc. ital. Milano 56 1917 (179-232) p!s. ii-viii. [Lcpidop- tera.] 1322 Tarati, E. Un genere nuovo alia fauna paleartica. Bull. Soc. ent. ital. Firenze 48 1917 (109-117). [Lepidop- tera.] 1323 Turner, A. J. On some moths from Lord Howe and Norfolk L.aids. Adelaide S. Aust. Trans. R. Soc. 41 1917 (53-56). [Lepidoptera.] 1324 Turner, A. J. Studies in Australian Lepidoptera. Adelaide S. Aus. Trans. R. Soc. 41 1917 (57-120). 1325 Turner, H. J. The genus Pararge. Pr. S. London ent. Soc, 1916-17 1917 (7-17). [Lepidoptera.] 1326 Turner, H. J. Shakespere and insects. Pr. S. London ent. Soc. 1916-17 1917 (24-42). 1327 Turner, R. E. New species of Ilymcnoptera in the British museum. Tr. ent. Soc. London 1917 1917 (53- 84). 1328 Turner, R. E. On a braconid parasite of Glossina. Bull. ent. Res. London 8 1917 (177). [Ilymenoptera.] 1329 Turner, R. E. Notes on fossorial Hymenojptera xxv, on new Sphecoidea in the British museum. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (104-112). 1330 Turner, R. E. Notes on the fossorial Ilymcnoptera xxvi, on the genus Homonotus Dahlb. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (147-151). 1331 Turner, R. E. Notes on fossorial Ilymcnoptera, xxvii, on new species in the British museum. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (317-326). 1332 Turner, R. E. Notes on fossorial Ilymcnoptera xxviii, on new ethiopian species oiBcmbcx in the British museum. Ann. Nat. Hijst. London 19 1917 (436- 441). 1333 (n-4840 j ) To 22 66 Insect a. XII. Insecta. [1917] Turner, R. E. A revision of the wasps of the genus Tachytes inhabiting the ethiopian region. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (1-43). [Hymenop- tera .] 1334 Turner, R. E. Notes on the Bra- conidae in the British museum, i. Ann. Nat. Hist. Lofidon 20 1917 (241- 249). [ Hymenoptera .] 1335 Turner, R. E. Notes on fossorial Hymenoptera , xxix, on new ethiopian species. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (289-297). 1336 Turner, R. E. Notes on fossorial Hymenoptera, xxx, on new ethiopian Scoliidae. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (351-356). 1337 Turner, R. E. Notes on fossorial Hymenoptera. xxxi, on Psammochari- dae in the British museum. Ann. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (357-260). 1338 Turner, R. E. On some of the Scoliidae, mostly Elidinae ( Hymenop- tera) in the South African Museum. Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 15 1917 (455-463). 1339 Turner, R. E., Meade- Waldo, G. and Morley, C. Report on the Hymeno- ptera collected by the British Ornitholo- gists’ Union expedition and the Wollas- ton expedition in Dutch New Guinea. B.O.U. Exp. New Guinea 1 London May 1915 (1-22 sep. pag.) pi. i. 1340 Turner, R. E. and Waterston, J. Notes on the Hymenopterous families Bethylidae and Rhopalosomidae. Ann. Nat. hist. London 20 1917 (101-107). 1341 Uchida, S. Bird-infesting Mallo- phaga of Japan, iii. (Genus Lipeurus). Annot. zool. Japan Tokyo 9 1917 (201- 215). [ Lipoptera .] 1342 Uchida, S. Mallophaga from birds of Formosa. Tokyo J. Coll. Agric. 3 1917 (171-188). [Lipoptera.] 1343 Ulmer, G. (and others). Ueber W. Homs litauische entomologische Kriegs- ausbeute 1916 (besonders Trichoptera, Ephemeroptera , Lepidoptera und Hymenoptera). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (289-312). 1344 Urbahans, T. D. Tetrastichus bruchophagi, a recently described para- site of Bruchophagus funebris. J. Agric. Res. Washington 8 1917 (277- 282) pi. lxxviii. [Hymenoptera.] 1345 Van Deventer, W. Handbook ten dienste van de Suikerriet-cultur. Tweeda deel. De dierlijke Vijanden van het suikerriet en hunne parasiten. Amsterdam 1912 (308 + xii) 43 pis. 1346 Van Duzee, E. P. Report upon a collection of Hemiptera made by Walter M. Giffard in 1916 and 1917, chiefly in California. Proc. Calif. Ac. Sci. San Francisco 7 No. 11 1917 (249- 318). 1347 Van Duzee, M. C. Descriptions of a few new Diaphorus from the western States. Psyche Boston 24 1917 (33- 39). [Diptera.] 1348 Van Duzee, M. C. New Nortli- American species of Dolichopodidac. Canad. Entom. London Can. 49 1917 (337-342). [Diptera.] 1349 Van Duzee, M. C. New North American Dolichopodidae. Ent. News Philadelphia 28 1917 (123-128). [Diptera.] 1350 Van Dyke, E. C. A new species of the genus Anthophilax Lee. J.N. York ent. Soc. 25 1917 (36). [Goleoptera.] 1351 Van Zwaluwenburg, R. H. Insects affecting coffee in Porto Rico. J. econ. Ent. Concord 10 1917 (513-517). 1352 Verity, R. Nuove osservazioni pui Lepidotteri Ropaloceri dell’isola d’Elba. Bull. Soc. ent. ital. Firenze 48 1917 (175-193). 1353 Verity, R. Contributo alle ricerche sull’epoca di comparsa- dei Lepidotteri alio stato di completosviluppo (Firenze) ii. Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48 1917 (194-200). 1354 Verity, R. Une nouvelle m6thode de montage et de conservation des L&pido- pleres par series. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1917 (312-316). 1355 Vichmeyer, H. Anomalien am Skelette der Ameisen. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 6 1917 (66-72). [Hymeno- ptera.] 1356 Viereck, H. L. New species of bees of the genus Andrena, from equatorial Africa, in the American museum of 67 Insecta. Titles. 3500 natural history. Bull. Amor. Mus. Now York 37 1917 (235-239). [lly- menoptera .] 1356a Viereck, H. L. Contributions to our knowledge of the bee genus Perdita Smith. Bull. Amor. Mus. Now Y1 Fiji, Hymenoptera , Turner, i 1328 ; Diptera, Ricardo, 1120. — Homoptera, Muir, 944. Samoa, Lepidoptera, Hampson, 604. Caroline islands, Isoptera, Oshima, 1003. Falkland islands, Coleoptera, Cam- eron, 233. — Diptera, Lamb, 783. Hawaiia, Coleoptera, Perkins, 1031. — Hymenoptera, Bridwell, 194; Girault, 545; Rohiver, 1133. — Diptera, Illing- worth, 688. — Homoptera, Giffard, 531 ; Muir, 943. Galapagos, Diptera, Townsend, 1310, 1311, 1313. Palaearctic Region. - 127. 1)6 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [19171 Eusoma eximia sp. n. New Zealand p. 389, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Gouna burchelli sp. n. S. Africa p. 61, Arrow Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Haplonycha ocloarticulala , mixta , ■inter ocularis, gymropyga, limucronaia , novemarticulata, cara, iridipennis, sernio- paca, opaca, rujicollis, South Australia, erythrocephala Western Australia, vil- las a, dilatata, Queensland, spp. n.. Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 499- 512 pi. 34 fig. 24-25. Heterochelus melanopygus sp. n. S. Africa p. 61, Arrow Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Hololrichia serrala =. ( Neolepidola obscura Blackb.), Arrow p. 64 T.c. Lachnosterna spp., larvae, bacterial •disease, Northrup Agric. Exp. Sta. Michigan Tech. Bull. No. 18 1914 p. 1-37 ff. 1-22. Lepidiola rothei and bovilli Blackb. are one, Arrow p. 64 Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Leplolepis gen. n. for Empecta major Fairm., Ley p. 34 fig. Insecta 7. Liparetrus niger, insignis, semicas- Aaneus, lepidopygus, trichosternus, com- positus, apicalis, obscurior, roudus, tri- ichopygus, basicollis, semiflavus, Western Australia, laciniatus, albovillosus, uni- dentatus, irregularis, pallens, Queens- land, cants, melaleucae, puncticeps, lissapterus, flavipennis, longidens, flavus, mimicus, flavicornis, South Australia, • bimaculatus Northern Territory, semia- triceps Australia, nigriclavus New South Wales, spp. n.. Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 531-557 pi. 37 fig. 116- 135. Maechidius savagei, conspicuus, squa- mipennis, sculptipennis, South Austra- lia, hoplocephalus Queensland, insu- ■laris, lateripennis. Northern Territory, spp. n.. Lea p. 513-518 pi. 37 fig. 88- 94 T.c. Nematoserica gen. n., caerulea sp. n. Borneo, Arrow p. 64 Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Ocnodus unidentatus Queensland, ■bidentutus South Australia, bilobus, simplex, North-Western Australia, tri- dentalus Northern Territory, spp. n.f Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 522- 526 pi. 37. Odontria obsoleta sp. n. New Zealand p. 390, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Phyllolocidium bimaculiflaxmm sp. n. New South Wales, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Austr. 41 p. 127. Polyphylla sicardi sp. n. Marocco p. 363, Bedel Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917, 1918. Pseudolrochalus con color, Arrow j>. Ill Bull. ent. Res. 8. Rhizolrogus ocbraceus and solstitialis , distinguished, Lamb p. 210 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Sciton flavocastaneus sp. n. South Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 521 pi. 37 fig. 109. Sparrmannia flava sp. n. p. 59, similis p. 60, spp. n. S. Africa, Arrow Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Tricholepis lineata p. 30 figs., albo- squamosa p. 31 figs., bouvieri p. 32 figs., spp. n. Madagascar, Ley Insecta 7. Triodonta —( Euronycha Per.), Arrow p. 61 Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Euchirini. Euchirini of India, Arrow pp. 362- 376 Faun. brit. Ind. Lam. 2 figs. Rutelini Rutelinae and Euchirinae of India, Arrow 387 pp. 4 pis. Faun. brit. Ind. Lam. 2. Adoretus seriesetosus Sind, lobiceps Bombay f. 67 p. 303, duplicatus Ceylon p. 308, lacuslris p. 314, flavus p. 315, f rater cuius p. 316, gemmifer p. 317 f. 69, Bengal, nasalis Assam p. 320, ariel Assam, victoriae Burma p. 326, vulpecu- lus Andaman islds. p. 327, affinis Assam p. 331, debilis Pusa p. 332, hanarensis Bombay p. 337 f. 72, sorex Ceylon p. 339, posticalis p. 340, plebeius p. 342, Burma, horticola Kurnaon, pun- jabensis, p. 344, pusillus Bombay p. 354, fusciceps Burma p. 355, spp. n., bitmanus var. n. flavescens p. 314, Arrow T.c. Adorrhinyptia gen. n. p. 273 type R. dorsalis Burin., fusca sp. n. Bombay p. 275, Arrow Faun. brit. Ind. Lam. 2. Adorrhinyptiini n. div. p. 273, Arrow T.c. 97 Insecta. Systematic. — Ooleoptera — Soaiubaeidae. Anomnla nigrovaria Burma p. 149 fig. 38; clerica Sikkim p. 150, sirgularis Madras p. 151, tincticeps Burma p. 154, nilgirensis p. 155, variivestis Assam p. 156, anguliccps Burma, tristis Dchra Dun, p. 158, madrasica p. 159, mollis Burma p. 162, andamanica p. 165, biharensis Pusa p. 166, stenoptera Burma p. 167, vivida Assam p. 169, procrastinator Cejdon p. 170, aegrota, praenitens, Assam, p. 171, stenodera Bhutan p. 172, euops Bengal p. 173, dilatala p. 177 ,fallacissa p. 179 Burma, viridilalera Bengal p. 181, pomona Bombay, dalbcrgiae Madras, p. 184, . n. Brazil p. 16„ Pic Mel. 22. Scraplia libanica sp. n. p. 2, Pio Ech- ange 33. — S. donckieri p. 72, lananari- vana, apicicornis, p. 73, spp. n., Mada- gascar, Pic Bull. Soc. Ent. France 1917. — S. atricollis, submaeulata, spp. n. Mada- gascar, p. 19, Pic Mel. 23. — S. gym- nosterna Queensland, angusta Tasmania- and Victoria, telephoroides Victoria and New South Wales, lugubris Western Australia, South Australia and Victoria, decipiens South Australia, spp. n., an- gusta fasciata var. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 163-167. — S. oculala. sp. n. Arizona p. 358, Schaeffer Canad.. Ent. 49. Serropalpimorpha subg. n. of Phlo- eotrya for P. gounellei Ch., Pic p. 150 Bull. Soc. Ent. France 1917. Serropalpolycus gen. n. near Dircaea , diversipes sp. n. Guiana, Pic p. 16 Mel. 22. Stictodrya gen, n. near Thysias p. 165,. longipennis sp. n. Seychelles p. 166 pi. vi.f. 3, Champion Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Synchroa Newm. = ( Synchroinct Fairm.), Pio p. 150 Bull. Soc. Ent. France 1917. — S. malaccana p. 14 with var. semirufa , submetallica Andaman Islds. p. 15, spp. n., Pic Mel. 22. Trichosalpingus variabilis sp. n. East- ern Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 169. Lagriidae. Chlorophila ingeniculala China p. 15> sp. n. viridissima varr. n. bicoloripesr obscuripes p. 16. Pic Mel. 26. Colparthrum bicinctum p. 133 pi. ii f. 1, reedi p. 134, flavosellatum p. 135,. nauten.se, nigricauda, p. 136, tuberculin cauda p. 137, trifovealum, laevicauda, p. 138, boliviense, setiventris, p. 139, spini- cauda p. 140, subsignalu. p. 141 f. 3, spp. n. Amer. mer., Champion Ent. Mo„ Mag. 53. — C. venezuelense p. 18, tiju- canum, semiaenescens, magniceps , p. 19,. spp. n., Amer. mer. bifoveifrons var. n„ fenestralum, rujiccps var. n. lalenigrum „ p. 18, reedi var. n. bahiense p. 19, Pia mi. 25. IOC Inaecta. Xll. Insecta. [1917] Disema macroplera p. 143, xantho- ■stigma p. 144, olivacea p. 145, plicalilis p. 140, pi. ii f. 6, fraterna, macrostigma p. 147, sinuatipes p. 148 f. 5, appendi- culata p. 149 f. 8, obscura p. 150 f. 9, iortimanus p. 151, subarmata p. 152, melanostigma p. 153, inermipes p. 154, ochreosligma p. 188, cisteloides p. 189, sitlcicollisi obliterala, p. 190, spp. n. Amer. mer., Champion Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. — D.championi ( = brasilensis Ch.), amazonica, p. 16, luteipes, lalithorax, semiviridescens, p. 17, cumanensis p. 18, spp. n., Amer. mer., serraticornis var. n. luteofemoralis p. 17, Pic Mel. 25. Disemorpha gen. n., ciliata sp. n., Brazil, Pic p. 1G Mel. 25. Falsouemostira gen. n. for N. an.iu- lipes P., Pic p. 14 Mel. 22. Lag via pulchrivaria, decipicns, Queens- land and New South Wales, erythro- plera, tenuicollis , Queensland, spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 175- 178. M eniscophorus opacipennis, signifer spp. n., Amer. mer. p. 191, Champion Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Nemostira elongalior, laosensis, vita- lisi with var. rufithorax, Indo-China, air osutur alia, p. 11, tana larivana, Madagascar, mocquerysi , gabonica, p. 12, benitensis, Gaboon, semiobecura, rouyeri, Sumatra, plicatipennis Borneo, p. 13, insularis Banguey p. 14, spp. n., Pic Mel. 22. — -N. lucidicollis sp. n. Gaboon p. 21, Pic Mel. 25. N emosliromorpha gen. n., Micro- disema gen. n., Modicsdisema, gen. n., Pic Eehangc No. 383 hors toxte pp. 2 & 3. Pseudolag ria gen. n. p: 218, mutabilis p. 219 pi. ii f. 14, diver sa, flavifro is, p. 220, flavomarginala p. 221, lycoidas . p. 222 f. 15, spp. n. Amer. mer., Champion Ent. Mo. Mag., 53. — P. atra, foveithorax, • latipennis, spp. n., Brazil p. 15, Pic Mel. 26. Sphragidophorus subaenescens sp. n. Brazil p. 18 (and p. 1 of fasc. 26 where however it is called Sphingidophorus), Pic Mel. 25. Statira flavosignata p. 175 pi. xii f. 2, spinigera p. 176, acanthomera p. 177, dentigera p. 178, longiceps p. 180 f. 6, verrucosus p. 181, mucronata p. 182, nigrocaerulea, batesi, p. 183, cuspidata p. 184, sanctaremae p. 186, asymmetrica p. 190, lortipes p. 191, simplicipes p. 194, formosa p. 196, viriditincla , peruana p. 198, sphenodera f. 16, steno- ccphala p. 200, viridinitens p. 201, scintillans, sphenoptera, p. 203, chalco- ptera, cavernosa, p. 205, cupreoviridis , viginlipunctdta, p. 207, semicuprea p, 208, rotundicollis p. 209, divisa, diluta, p. 210, puncticeps p. 212, dejeani, translucida, p. 214, subglabrata p. 215, caliensis, caeruleotincta, p. 216, puncti- collis p. 217 , chloroplera, canaliculata, p. 218, caracana p. 219, versicolor p. 220, sericea p. 221, umbrosa p. 222, eurydera f. 17, laieviiiata, p. 223, viridivittata p. 224, suffusa, aureo- marginata, p. 226, trachydera p. 227, scabricollis, convexiuscula, p. 228, in- sularis p. 229, octolineala p. 231, tenuis, stenodera, p. 233, . egaensis p. 234, distigma p. 235, cyanoptera p. 23G, casno lioides p. 237 f. 21, campanulata, dromioides, p. 238, stenoptera, quadri- signata, p. 239, viridicincta p. 241, connexa pi. xiii f. 23, viridifasciata , p. 242, eleganlula f. 24 p. 243, calo- phaenoides, segregata, p. 244, seminigra f. 25, trisellata f. 26, p. 245, paraensis p. 246, circumducta, subfenestrata, p. 247, incisicollis p. 249, xanthodera p. 250, quadriplagiata p. 252 f. 32, bifur cata p. 253, tenuipes p. 254, cayennensis, semiviolacea, p. 258, cribri- ceps p. 259, melanoptera p. 260 ,filicornis p. 261, perforata p. 262, pilosa p. 263 f. 34, strongylioides p. 264, haemoni- oides p. 265 f. 35, all from Amer. mer., cruciata Nicaragua p. 364, haitiensis p. 265, all spp. n , Champion Tr. ent. Soc. Bond. 1917. — S. luberculalipennis , semiviridis, sit bin bcrcu lata, viridipennis , spp. n., Brazil, Pic p. 16 Eehangc 33. — S. semilineata, bogol crisis, paranana, diversepunctaia, spp. n., Amer. mer., validicornis var. n. casta cilhor ax, Pic Echange No. 383 hor3 tcxtc p. 4. — S. subcylindrica, minasensis, annuli - cornis, mendeseiisis, viridilineala, p. 20, caerulea p. 21, spp. n., Amer. mer., Pic Mel. 25. — S. atripes, bifoveolata, testaceicolor , semiopaca, p. 16, semiatra, duhanti, alutaceicollis, bernardana, bili- neaticollis, subcatenata, p. 17, dis- coidalis, pilicornis, caracaensis, p. 18, spp. n., Amer. mer. Pic Mel. 26. Uroplatopsis ochreofasciata sp. n. Ecuador p. 193 pi. ii f. 12, Champion Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. 107 Insccta. Systematic. — Cot eopjera — Mordellidae. Antiitcidae, Pedilidae, Hylofhilidae. Anthicus longiterminalis p. 8, subno- talipennis, majuvganus, longipygus with var. breviterminalis, circumflexus, p. 9, Madagascar, A. ( Acanthinus ) palli- dioripes Brazil, A. (Aulacoderus) sul- catulus Africa p. 10, spp. n., Pio Mel. 22. — A. semipunctalus, xerophilus, spp. n. Austrlia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 580-581. Eurygenius fragilicornis p. 174 pi. vi f. 5, convexicollis p. 175, spp. n., Sey- chelles, Champion Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. f Eurygenius wickhami sp. n. Burma, Cockerell p. 324 fig. Ann. Amer. ent. Soc. 10. Ilylophilus monstrosipes var. n. semi- brunnescens, curlipennis var. n. tauricus p. 3, Pic Echange 33. Incollogenius humeralis sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 10, Pic Mel. 22. Leptaleus prolongaiipygus sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 8, Pic Mel. 22. 3 lacrolrotoimna subg. n. for Trolomma anlennata P., Pic p. 3 Echange 33. Trichananca pisoniae Queensland, nigripennis Northern Territory, spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 178— 179. Trolomma impressicollis Cephalonia, yaulogeri Tunis, spp. n., p. 3, pu bescens var. n. tunisea p. 5, Pio Echange 33. Xyldphilus torlicornis p. .176, clavi- cornis p. 177, seychellarum p. 178, spp. n., Seychelles, figs., Champion Ann. Natl hist. 19. — X. octomaculaiub p. 1, flavescens p. 2, sexfasciatus, Australia, gracilipes India, p. 3, latimanus Borneo p. 4, spp. n., Champion Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. — X. abuhdans, pilosicornis, glaber, Lord Howe Island, norfolcensis Not- folk Island, pachymerus, rufohumeralis, poecilopterus, microps , cnemopachys, decipiens, fusciventris, trichomerus, Queensland, mediofasciaius New South Wales, inlerioris, rufobrunnevs, . South Australia, acaciae Tasmania, New South Wales and Queensland, con^picillatiis Lord Howe Island and New South Wales, leucosiictus, syn opticus, paren- thelicus, obliquifasciaius, dolichoderes , anlhiciceps , divisus , nigriclavus, Igtero- fuscus, Northern Queensland, discoater, flavicollis, jlavocaslancus, br achy dares, spp. n„ p. 185-209, X. ( Syzelon ) lateralis Blackb. nom. mut. to X. inter - ruptus, p. 1 85, X. ( Syzetonellus ) humer- alis Lea nom. ihut. to X. incisus, p. 185, Lea Adelaide S. Aust. Trans. R. Soc. 41. Mordellidae. Dellamora gen. n. p. 284, palposa sp. n. Tunis p. 285, Normand Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. Glipa favareli Gaboon,' rufotincla Madagascar p 21, batjanensis, bor)ieeims, baeri Manila, p. 22, spp. n., Pic? Mel. 25. — G. balabacana , gounellei Brazil, subsinuatd Guiana, testaceicoxis Java, p. 12, rufonotata Sumatra p. 13, Spp. n., malaccana var. n. semirecta p. 12, Pic Mel. 26. 3Iordella peregrinalor p. 179, dis- parilis p. 180, spp. n., Seychelles Champion Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — 31, madagciscariensis sp. n. p. 22, Pic Mel. 25.-— J/. aureofasciafa, multiatrono- tata, Brazil, sinensis Yunnan, rufo- suturalis Madagascar, p. 13, spp. n., Pic Mel. 26. — 31. conspecta, auronotala, iridea, metasternalis, alphabetica, notati- pennis, calopasa, caloptera, blanda, corvina, Queensland, chrysophora, vitti- collis, guadrimaculata, obliquirufa, calo- dema, New South Wales, norfolcensis Norfolk Island, adipala Victoria, seri- cans South Australia, larsalis Western Australia, pygidialis Queensland and New South Wales, spp. n., Sydney ana cairnsensis Queensland, verlicordae niveosuturalis Western Australia, varr. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 228-243 pis. 14-15. 3Iordellistena degressa, partilis p. 183, coleae p. 184, septemcarinala p. 185, disempta, argutula p. 186, spp. n., Seychelles, Champion Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. — 31. diegosa p. 22, rufomaculata , madecassa, Madagascar, airoapicalis Gaboon, p. 23, spp. n., Pio Mel. 25.— 717. atrolateralis with var. suboblilerata, immaculaliceps, testaceicolor, Madagas- car, bruiincoccphala Tonkin, malaccana, p. 14, dohertyi p. 15, Malacca, spp. n., Pic Mel. 26. — 31. tibialis Australia, fuscula Lord Howe Island, abaceta, alronitens, trichura, castigata, concinna, coelioxys, Queensland and New South Wales, multilineata New South Wales, 108 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [1917] melvillensis, pulcherrima , Northern Territory, spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 248-253 pi. 15 fig. 118. — M. rutila, exilis, p. 10, rufa, insolita, vera , p. 11, pulchra, wolcotti, p. 12, gigas p. 13, spp. n., U.S., Lilje- blad Canad. Ent. 49. Tomoxia melasoma, melanura, Queens- land, howensis Lord Howe Island. exoleta North-western Australia, spp. n,, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 244- 245. Rhipidopiioridae, Emenadia nigroapicalis Western and South Australis, rufofasciata Australia, laeviceps, crassijies, setipennis, Queens- land, spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 258-202. Euctenia megalops Western Australia, fusca Queensland, spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 265-267. \Myoditesburmiticus sp. n. in amber, Cockerell p. 22 Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 2. Pelecotomoides nigr olater alis, hackeri, spp. n. Queensland, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 208-269. Rhipidius mollipes sp. n. Queensland, Lea p. 253 T.c. — R. amori sp. n. Cor- doba p. 249 fig., Bolivar Bol. Soc. espan. 17. Meloidae or Cantiiaridae. Larvae, their claws, term triongulin, Cros pp. 159-164 figs. Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Catalogue of Meloidae and Cephaloi- dae, Berlin (Junk) pars 69, 208 pp. Diaphorocera sicardi sp. n. Marocco p. 364, Bedel Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 1917, 1918. Epicauta ruficeps, Biologisches, Roepke Tyds. Ent. 50 p. 259. Mylabris hermannioides with var. lamborni p. cviii, farquharsoni with var. ibadanensis p. cix, spp. n. Nigeria pi. B, Blair Pr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1916. — M. pustulata, Biologisches, Roepke Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 252. Nephrites nilidus Sh. = ( Sitarida minor Ch.), taxonomy, Blair p. 122 Ent. Mag. 53. Sitarobrachys alfierii, male Pic p. 119 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 7. Zonitis longiceps Northern Territory, breviceps Queensland, spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 269-271. Oedemeridae. Study of trophi of Nacerdes, Bugnion pp. 327-336 figs. Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. Ananca aldabrana p. 170, scabripennis Seychelles (= andrewsi part Arrow) p. 171 fig., submarginata Aldabra p 173, spp. n„ Champion Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Copidita maritima , mira , Australia, fuscicollis South Australia, interocularis Lord Howe Island, oblong icollis, ery- throderes, Western Australia, appendi- culata New South Wales, interrupta , apicifusca, Queensland, illota Northern Territory, spp. n.. Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 299-308 pi. 13 fig. 53-54. Dohrnia bifoveicollis sp. n. Queens- land and New South Wales, Lea p. 294 T.c. Megalocera rubricollis Hope, Champion p. 7 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Microtonus asiaticus sp. n. India p. 14, Pic Mel. 22. Morpholycus gen. n. near Pseudolycus, serraticornis Queensland, costipennis Queensland and New South Wales,; monilicornis New South Wales and Victoria, spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. A ist. 41 p. 287-291. Oxacis concaviceps Australia, major - ina, caloptera, North-Western Australia, apicicollis, vittipennis , Queensland, picticeps South Australia, spp. n., Lea p. 309-314 pi. 13 fig. 28-29 T.c.— O. grisescens Fairm. (as Ananca) male characters fig. p. 169, Champion Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Pseudolycus haemorrhoidalis costi- pennis var. n. Tasmania, carteri, canali- culatus. New South Wales, niger Queensland, spp. n.. Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 278-287. Sessuiia brookesi sp. n. New Zealand p. 397, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Techmessa bifoveicollis sp. n. Queens- land, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 292. 109 Intiecta. Systematic. — Coleoptera — Curculionipae. Pytiiidae. Neosalpingus serraticollis Australia, obscuripennis Tasmania and South Australia, trifoveicollis Victoria and Tasmania, spp. n., Lea p. 159-162 T.c. N otosalpingus variabilis, melallicus, monianus , spp. n., Lord Howe Island, Lea p. 157-159 T.c. CURCULIONIDAE. Table of families of Bhynchophora , Bradley p. 84 J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. Pierce Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 51 pro- poses the following new names : Super- families Alieldboidea, Doydirhynchoidea, Brachyceroidea, p. 463 ; Families Psalidiidae p. 464, Orobitidae p. 469, Cryptorhynchidae p. 472 ; Sub-families Carcilliinae p. 465, Orobitinae p. 469, Orchestinae p. 467, Eurhininae jl 472, Bhininae p. 465 ; Tribe Loncophorini p. 467. Abagous gen. n. type B. lutulentus Gyll. p. 29, rudis sp. n. Britain p. 31, Sharp Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Abantiades gratulus sp. n. New Zea- land p. 428, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Abrotheus gen. n. near Pachyprypnus p. 423, placitus sp. n. New Zealand p. 424, Broun T.c. Acalles sternalis p. 452, nodigerus p. 453, zenomorphus p. 454, dentigerus p. 455, spp. n. New Zealand, Broun T.c. Acypotheus orchivora pi. v f. 3 p. 26, Weiss Ent. News 28. Aleides willcoclcsi sp. n. Egypt p. 49, Pic Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 6 1914. — A. Iheobromae sp. n. Congo p. 115 fig., Marshall Bull. Ent. Res. 8. — A. tenuislria — incomptus Marsh., Marshall p. 541 Brit. Orn. exp. New Guir.ea 1. Allaorops gen. n. near Allaorus, carinalua sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 430 Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Allaorus impressus sp. n. New Zea- land p. 455, Broun T.c. Amalorrhynchus melanarius, correc- tion, Hansen p. 357 Ent. Meddel. 11. Amisallus tub erculif rons p. 731, basi- penms p. 732, spp. n. Australia, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41. Anlhonomus bituber cnlalus, valid, p. 357, Hansen Ent. Meddel. 11. Apion ; Notes on habits and syno- nymy, 23 spp. of France, Planet pp. 149-158 Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. — A . variegatum, stations, Nicod and Bedel p. 310 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. Arachnopus fimbrialus — ( biplagiatus Marsh.), Marshall p. 541 Brit. O.U. exp. New Guinea 1. Artapocyrlus sexmaculalus sp. n. Philippines p. 256 pi. f. 11, Sciiultze Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Bagoini ; classification, Sharp p. 100 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Bagous tornlini, arduus, spp. n. Eng- land p. 105, Sharp T.c. — B. brevitarsis sp. n. Denmark p. 351, Hansen Ent. Meddel. 11. — B. frit, brevis, zwaliuae, notes, Hansen p. 356 T.c. Bantiades morosus p. 426, cylindricus p. 427, notatus p. 428, spp. n. New Zea- land, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Baris erysimi sp. n. France p. 209, Chobaut Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. \ Baris primalis sp. n. Florissant miocene p. 471 pi. xxxix figs. 6 and 7, Wickham P. U.S. nat. Mus. 52. Belus semipunclaius poverus var. n. ; interruptus Queensland, mimicus, multi maculatus, podagrosus, variabilis, halma- turinus, lacustris, orthodoxus, South Australia, exilis, acutipennis, New South Wales, anguslalus, jloccosus, villosus. South and Western Australia, cylindri- cus, trilinealbus. Western Australia, spp. n., Lea Trans. II. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 597-615. Brachyolus bicostatus p. 416, terricola p. 417, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Bryodrassus gen. n. Otiorhynchidae, miricollis sp. n. New Zealand, Broun T.c. Calasarcus spinipennis var. n. insignia, Lea p. 721 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41. Catoptes subplicalus p. 412, dehiscens p. 413, robustus p. 414, albosparsus, pallidipes, p. 415, flaviventris, nigricans, p. 416, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. 110 Insecta. XXL Insecta. [1917] ' Gecyropa sulcifrons p. 308, striatella p. 399,jucunda, laticollis, p. 400, spp. n„ New Zealand, Broun T.c. Ceuthorrhynchidius cakilis sp. n. Denmark p. 355, Hansen Ent. Meddel 11. Ceuthorrhynchus lycoctoni sp. n. France p. 232, Hustache Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1916. — 0. albonebulosus sp. n. Denmark p. 352, Hansen Ent. Meddel. 11. — G. echinatus p. 380, invi- sus, omissus, p. 388, moznettei p. 389, convexipennis p. 390, spp. n., U.S., Fall Canad. Ent. 49. — G. marginalus, natural history, Hyslop p. 278 figs. J. econ. Ent. 10. Gholus cattleyarum sp. n. Washington (from S. America), Barber p. 178 pi. xiii. P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. — - G. caltleyae pi. v f. 2 p. 28, Weiss Ent. News 28. Glypeorhynchus clarulus , merus, p. 431, setosus p. 432, nitidettus , halli, p. 433, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Goeliodes ruber, natural history, Sil- vestri pp. 155-174 Bull. Lab. Portici 12. Gonolrachelus biscayensis p. 385, obesus p. 386, spp. n., U.S., Fall Canad. Ent. 49. Grisius posticalis sp. n. New Zealand p. 450, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Gryptorhynchus harrisoni sp. n. Eng- land p. 93, Pool P.Z.S. Loud. 1917. Dermolrichus multicristatus p. 434, elegantalis p. 435, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst 1. Diastethus bromeliarum sp. n. Costa Rica p. 223, Champion Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Dichotychius cupuiifer var. n. niveo- lineatus, Pio p. 10 Echarige 33. Diorymeilus laevimargo pi. v. f. 4 p. 27, Weiss Ent. News 28. Ectopsis foveigerus sp. n. New Zealand, p. 448, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Eisonyx ( Eumononycha ) picipes sp. n. Tennessee p. 472, Pierce Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 51, 1910. Epacticus whitei South Australia, occidentals Western Australia, bimacu- lalus South and Western Australia, spp. n., Lea Trans R. Soc. S. Aust. 41, pp. 594-596. Epitimetes cupreus, foveiger, spp. n.. New Zealand, Broun p. 406 Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Erirhinus celmisiae sp. n. New Zealand p. 444, Broun T.c. Essolithna jonesi sp. n. South Austra- lia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 590. Eucactophagus graphipterus, Weiss pi. v f. 1 p. 25 Ent. News 28. Eugnomus bryobius, alternans, p. 445, tristis p. 446, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Eupachyrrhynchus hieroglyphicus sp. n. Luzon p. 254 pi. f. 4, Schultze Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Exomias pellucidus, food-plant, Tom- lin p. 234 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Exophthalmodes nom. n. for Exoph- thalmus Schonherr, tpye opuleutus (Boheman) p. 465, Pierce Proc. UiS. Nat. Mus. 51. Gelaccilles baccatellus p. 449, foveiceps p. 450, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Gymnetron hispidum, Hustache p. 281 Bull Soc. ent. France 1917. Halliella gen. n. p. 424 near Styph- lotelus, squamipes, antennalis, p. 425, longicollis p. 426, spp. n.. New Zealand, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Homoeonyctius viduatus sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 199, ornatus var. n. crux p. 201, Hustache Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Inophloeus fuscatus, collinus, spp. n.. New Zealand, p. 419, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Inososgenes gen. n. near Sosgenes , longiventris sp. n. New Zealand, Broun p. 439 T.c. Leiomerus granicollis sp. n. Brazil p. 469 ff. 1 2, Pierce Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 51, 1916. Leptops fumatus p. 722, mucidus p. 723, graniventris p. 724, intricatus p. 725, murinus p. 726, scaber p. 727, concinnus p. 728, minor p. 729, spp. n., Australia, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41. Lithocia ciligera p. 420, setirostris , basalis, p. 421, rectisetosa p. 422, nigri- crista p. 423, spp. n.. New Zealand, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Ill Inseda. Systematic. — Coleoptera — Curoui.ionidae, Lyperobius aciphyllac p. 442, fallax, spedenii, p. 443, spp. n.. New Zealand, Broun T.e. Macrocyrtus (?) benguetanus pi. f. 3 sp. n. with var. montanus f. 9 Philippines p. 255, Schultze Philipp. J. Sci. I). 12. Mandalotus microscopicus p. 735, inagnicollis p. 736, spp. n. Australia, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 41. Mecysmoderes meinecylonis p. 395, verrucosus p. 397, melasternalis p. 398, subhumeralis p. 400, pu&io p. 401, pec- tinipes p. 402, tenuirostris p. 403, spp. n. India and Burma, Marshall Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Meionops gen. n. Eremninae p. 191, aspersus, glaucinus, spp. n. India p. 192, Marshall T.c. Metrioderus brevirostris p. 258, acumi- natus p. 259, rhomboidalis p. 260, spp. n., Madagascar, Hustache Ann. Soc. Ent. France 86. Metapocyrtus carinatus p. 257 ,furcalus f. 10 p. 258, spp. n. Luzon, Schultze Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Misophrice arida sp. n. South Aus- tralia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 593. Myllocerus quadricolor , angustipennis, aberrans, Northern Territory, viridimi- cans, villosipennis, zoplierus, dshi, South Australia, obliquifasciatus Western Aus- tralia, spp. n., Lea p. 583-588 T.c- Nanopliyes maculalus, jumping larva, Adair p. 83 Bull. Soc. Ent. Egypte 6. Nesotocus giffardi from Cheiroden- dron, Swezey Proc. Hawaiian Ent. Soc. 3 1915 p. 57. Neslrius sulciroslris p. 437, prdlixus p. 438, spp. n. New Zealand, Broun Bull. N. Z. Inst. 1. Nicaeana crassifrons, sp. n. New Zealand p. 398, Broun T.c. Nolhapocyrtus luzonicus sp. n. Luzon p. 256 pi. f. 6, Schultze Philipp. J. Sci. ' D. 12. Omophorus stomackosus — ( Metatypes turritus Pasc.), indispositus Boh. = (M. parvus Faust), Marshall p. 195 Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Onesorus hoplocnemus sp. n. Aus- tralia p. 730, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41. Onychocnemis gon. n. Anlhonominae p. 193, careyae, sp. n. Mysore p. 194, Marshall Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Orchestes angustifrons sp. n. Denmark p. 24, West Ent. Meddel. 11, 1916. Oreocharis fasciata, covgruens, spp. n.. New Zealand, Bloun p. 447 Bull. N. Z. Inst. 1. • Otiorhynchus lulcalus, parthenogene- tic, Feytaud C. R. Ac. Paris 165 p. 767. 0. ovatus, in Brit. Columbia, Treherne pp. 257-260 Canad. Ent. 49.^— O. cacsi- pes, Hustache p. 280 Bull. Soc. Ent; France 1917. Oxyops alphabeiica, vacillavs, spp. n. South Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 591-592. Pachyrrhynchus sumpiuosus p. 250, igorota p. 251 pi. f. 2, loheri p. 252 f. 3, schultzei f. 7, zebra f. 8, p. 253, spp. n., Philippines, Schultze Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Pachyura quadrimaculata Victoria, brevirostris New South Wales, spp. n.. Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 615- 617. f Pandeleteinvs rudus sp. n. Florissant miocene, p. 470 pi. xxxix. f. 4, Wick- ham P.U.S. nat. Mus. 52. Parabagous gen. n. type B. frit Gyll., Sharp p. 28 Ent. Mag. 53. Peltoirachelus gen. n. Eremninae p. 188 type Platytrachelus pubes Faust, cognalus , rugipennis, p. 189, India, illo- baius Burma p. 190, smaragdus Madras p. 191, spp. n., Marshall Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Phaenomerus angulicollis p. 197, brevi- rostris p. 198, spp. n., Lidia, Marshall T.c. Phrystanus tuberculaius sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 204, Hustache Ann. Soc. Ent. France 86. Phygothalpus philpolti p. 435, granis- simus p. 436, sulcipennis p. 437, spp. n.. New Zealand, Broun Bull. N. Z. Inst. 1. Picia drurei sp. n. Mesopotamia, Pic p. 10 Echange 33. Platyomida dorsalis p. 407, cuprealis p. 408, fuscella, rectirostris, p. 409, liystricula, sulcicollis, p. 410, latipennis p. 411, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Bull. N. Z. Inst. 1. 1 1 2 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Polyphrades raui sp. n. South Aus- tralia p. 589, apicalis p. 733, cor- 354, Pic Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918. — P. diversesparsa sp. n. Yunnan p. 7, Pic Mel. 26. Paressisus gen. n. {Essisini tribus n.), viridipennis sp. n. Queensland, Auri- villius Ark. Zool. 10 No. 23 p. 44 pi. i fig. 2. Pissarthrius brevicornis sp. n. Aus- tralia, Aurivillius p. 13 pi. i fig. 5 T.c. Platyomopsis basalis p. 37 pi. iii fig. 9, pallida p. 37 pi. iii fig. 10, ferru- ginea p. 39 pi. i fig. 8, cinerascens p. 40, mjoebergi p. 41 pi. i fig. 7, spp. n., Aus- tralia, Aurivillius T.c: Pogonochaerus cedri sp. n. Djurdjura p. 318, Peyerimhoff Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. — P. hispidus var. n. rufescens , Pic p. 6 Echange 33. (k-4840 ;) Prionus gahani ? , delavayi and pota - nini, Lameere p. 257 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. — P. besicanus et lefebvreif Lameere p. 233 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Prosoplus albidus sp. n. Australia, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 10 No. 23 p. 33 pi. iii fig. 8. Pseudoechthislatus gen. n. p. 6, obliquefasciatus sp. n. China p. 7, Pio Mel. 26. Pseudoplites subg. n. vide Macrotoma. Ptychodes Irilineatus, natural history, Horton J. Agric. Res. 11 pp. 371-382 3 pis. Somatidia spectabilis p. 456, flavi- dorsis, suffusa , p. 457, fcmoralis, oscil- lans, p. 458, obesula p. 459, laevinotata p. 460, parvula p. 461, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. f Spondylis tertiarius sp. n. Florissant miocene p. 469 pi. xxxix figs. 2 & 3, Wickham P. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52. Stenoderes opacicollis sp. n. Queens- land, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 10 No. 23 p. 16. Slrangalia emmipoda varr. n. ada- nensis and tambei, Pic p. 6 Echange 33. Strongylurus sexmaculatus sp. n. Queensland, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 10 No. 23 p. 15 pi. iii fig. 8. Sybra poeciloptera sp. n. Queensland, Aurivillius p. 43 pi. iii fig. 6 T.c. Tessaromma nigroapicale sp. n. Queensland, Aurivillius p. 13 pi. ii fig. 2 T.c. Titanus ( Braderochus ) relrospinosus sp. n. Colombia p. 233, Lameere Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. Tmesisternus latifascia ( cinclus Gah.), elegans = ( laenialus Gah.), Gahan p. 541 B.O.U. exp. New Guinea 1. Tragocephala maynei sp. n. Congo p. 47, Gatian Bull. ent. Res. 8. Trigonoptcra gracilis sp. n. Queens- land, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 10 No. 23 p. 31 pi. iii fig. 11. Uracanthus glabrilinealus p. 737, inermis p. 738, Australia, maleficus Tas- mania p. 739 fig., ventralis p. 741, alcr p. 742, Australia, spp. n., Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41. b 25-2 116 Inncta. XII. Insecta. [1917} Zygrita diva var. apicalis var. n. Aus- tralia, Aurivillius Ark. Zool. 10 No. 23 p. 42. Xylotrechus atronotatus sp. n. Formosa with var. subscalaris , Pic Mat. Long. 10 pt. 2 p. 11. — X. unicarinatus sp. n. p. 20, Pic Mel. 22. — X. biarcuatus China p. 6, atrolineatus India p. 7, spp. n., Pic Mel. 24. — X. aceris sp. n. Colombia p. 215, Fisher P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. Bruchidae. Mylabroidea superfam. n. p. 462, Pierce Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 51. Acanthoscelides obtectus, natural his- tory, Razzauti pp. 94-122 Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Bruchus obtectus , early stages, Manter pp. 190-102 J. econ. Ent. 10. \Bruchus antaeus sp. n. Florissant miocene p. 470 pi. xxxviii figs. 6 & 7, Wickham P. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52. Pygospermophagus gen. n., brevicornis sp. n. Magelies Bergen, Pic p. 8 Mel. 26. Spermophagus madecassus, tonkineus, p. 8, subaenescens Java, ceylonicus, aeneipennis , Ceylon, rufipennis Cochin China, formosanus with var. subundu - latus Formosa, p. 9, negligens Lombok with var. andamensis , excavatus, sparse - maculatus, Sumatra, multiguttatus Africa, p. 10, multipunctatus Senegal, atro- maculatus Sumatra, testaceiventris Yunnan, testaceicolor Japan, p. 11, spp. n., Pic Mel. 26. — S. testaceus Argen- tina, guyanensis, p. 302, simoni Philip- pines p. 303, spp. n„ Pic Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. ClIRYSOMELIDAE. Chrysomeloidea superfam. n. p. 462, Pierce Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 51. Aesernia bimaculata sp. n. Neu Guinea Weise Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 197. Arsipoda nigripennis p. 212, viridi - pennis p. 213 ,fulvilarsis p. 214, spp. n., Neu Guinea, Weise T.c. Agonia mira p. 412, pygmaea p. 414, longula p. 415, rotundicollis p. 417, opacicollis p. 418, laevicollis p. 419, nana p. 420, atlenuata p. 422, spp. n., Philippines, Gestro Ann. Mus. I)oria 47. Allastena eminens sp. n. New Zealand p. 468, Broun Bull. N.Z. In3t. 1. Allocharis praestans, subsulcata, p.462, nigricollis, picticornis, media, p. 463, fuscipes, robusta, p. 464, tarsalis p. 465, spp. n., New Zealand, Broun T.c. Anisodera insularis sp. n. Philippines p. 393, Gestro Ann. Mus. Doria 47. Aphthona moreli Pic, Buysson pp. 76- 81 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 6 ; A. moreli , etc.. Pic p. 125 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypt© 7. Aspidolopha kampeni sp. n. Neu Guinea, Weise Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 193. Botryonopa misella sp. n. Mindanao p. 392, Gestro Ann. Mus. Doria 47. Bryobates rugidorsis sp. n. New Zealand p. 461, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Caccomolpus nigristernis p. 467, viridescens p. 468, spp. n., New Zea- land, Broun, T.c. Callispa nigrovittata sp. n. Luzon p. 397, Gestro Ann. Mus. Doria 47. Ceratia kampeni sp. n. Neu Guinea, Weise Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 205. Ceratotrix gen. n. near A r castes, p. 210, polita sp. n. Neu Guinea p. 211, Weise, T.c. Chalcomela montivaga sp. n. Neu Guinea, Weise, p. 199 T.c. Chrysolampra marginicollis sp. n. Tonkin p. 307, Berlioz Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Chrysomela aenea, natural history, Keller Vierteljahrschr. Ges. Zurich 62 p. 103, pi. Colaspoides chlorolaema sp. n. Laos p. 316, Berlioz Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Colobapsis notatithorax var. n. in - nolaticollis p. 8, Pic Mel. 24. Corynodes iridescens sp. n. Laos p. 314, Berlioz Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Cryptocephalus yunnanus, pallido- apicalis, Yunnan, thibetanus, saigonen- sis, p. 10, robustissimus, elongaticornis , didyanus, p. 11, depressicornis, tan- anarivanus, p. 12, Madagascar, spp. n., triangularis varr. n. postunifasciatus and bifurcatus. p. 11, disassus var. n. 117 Inbecla. SYSTEMATIC. — COLEOPTERA — ChRYSOMELTDAE. preapicalis p. 12, Pio M61. 24. — G. renatus 5 varr. n. p. 22, 10 -maculatus 2 varr., n., Pio T.c., C. frenatus, 3 varr. n., Pio p. 15 Exhange 33. — O. bipunc- tatus and biguttatus, $ figs., W. E. Sharp p. 77 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Cryptonychus thoracicus p. 64, ges- troi p. 65, spp. n.f Africa, Achard Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Dactylispa similis p. 67, sibutensis p. 68, / lava p. 69, spp. n., Africa, Achard T.c. — D. miranda p. 427, acanthomela p. 430, hirtella p. 431, angusta p. 433, bakeri p. 435, spp. n., Philippines, Gestro Ann. Mus. Doria 47. Deretrichia laevigata sp. n. Neu Guinea, Weise Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 196. Diabrotica duodecim punctata, habits, Sell, J. Econ. Ent. 9 1916 p. 551- 556. Disonycha abbreviata var. n. lepto- lineata, Blatohley p. 143 Canad. Ent. 49. Dilropidus gymnopterus sp. n. South Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 625. f Donacia stiroides sp. n. U.S. p. 145, Wickham Amer, J. Sci. 44. Downesia tagalica sp. n. p. 411, Gestro Ann. Mus, Doria 47. Eurispa yourTciana sp. n. Australia, Mjoberq Ark. Zool. 11 No. 3 p. 19 fig. 12. Gonophora angusta sp. n. Mindanao p. 423 Gestro Ann. Mus. Doria 47. Halticorcus gen. n. near Sphaero- phyma, plaiycerii sp. n. Queensland and N.S.W., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 319-320. — II. platyceri, life-his- tory p. 893 figs., Frogoatt Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. 28. Heteraspis vitalisi sp. n. Laos p. 310, Berlioz Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Hispa formosa sp. n. Fort Crampel p. 70, Achard Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Hoplionota lila sp. n. Seychelles p. 144, fig., Maulik Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Idacantha vouauxi, jeanneli, spp. n., E. Africa p. 328, trifasciata var. n. tavet- ensis p. 329, LaboissiEre Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918. Kuilua brevior sp. n. Congo p. 8, Pic MM. 24. Lema orbignyi, variation figs., Frers pp. 220-222 Physis 3. Leptispa = ( Paradownesia ), godwini — ( P . fruhstorferi Gestro), Maulik pp. 130-132 figs. Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — L. denticulata sp. n. Fort Crampel p. 64, Achard Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. — L. atra sp. n. Philippines p. 398, Gestro Ann. Mus. Doria 47. Licyllus rostralis sp. n. Neu Guinea, Weise Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 217. Luperus ( Calomicrus ) mercurini sp. n. Maroc p. 159 fig., Laboissiere Bull. Soc. ent. France, 1917. — L. ImXli p. 469, dilucidus, cyanescens, p. 470, gracilipes, minor, p. 471, quadricollis, xenoscelis. p. 472, perplexus, pygidialis, p. 473, mediocris p. 474, spp. n.. New Zealand, Broun Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1. Mahutia gen. n. Galerucini, alluaudi, p. 327 . jeanneli p. 328, spp. n., E. Africa, Laboissiere Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918. MaMostethus discoidalis, albomacula- tus, p. 7j signatipennis, multinotalus, spp. n., Amer. mer., vittatus var. n. atrolinea- lus, p. 8, Pic Mel. 23. — M. pallido- fasciatus sp. n. Peru p. 9, Pio Mel. 24 Megamerus venlralisWestern Australia, femoralis South and Western Australia, spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 628-630. Microtheca punctigera, boliviano, spp. n„ Amer. mer., Achard p. 230 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Monolepta interrupta sp. n. South Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 630. Monoxia batisia sp. n. Florida p. 273, Blatchley Canad. Ent. 49. Oides biviltaia p. 202, melanophila p. 203, kampeni p. 204, spp. n., Neu Guinea, Weise Tyds. Ent. 60. Olorus speciosus sp. n. Laos p. 311, Berlioz Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Oncocephala acutangula sp. n. Min- danao p. 404, Gestro Ann. Mus. Doria 47. Paropsides bifasciata sp. n. Neu Guinea, Weise Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 201. Pedrilliomorpha gen. n., atrosuturalis sp. n. Sikkim p. 9, Pic Mel. 24. 118 Inaecta. Xll. Insects. [1917] Phaedon cochleariae ab. sublaevis and for titer punctatus abb. nov., Everts Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 4 p. 3G9. Phyllotreta armor aciae, Chittenden & Howard Bull. U. S. Dep. Agric. ent. 535 figs. Plagiodera versicolora, life-history, pp. 104-109 pi. vii, Weiss & Dickerson Canad. Ent. 49. — P. erythroptera, vi- tality, Ar anoxia p. 99 Revist. chilena 20 1916. Platypria ( Dichirispa ) tuberculata, sp. n. Fort Crampel p. 71, Aciiard Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. — P. invreae p. 437, infuscata p. 439, spp. n., Philippines, Gestro Ann. Mus. Poria 47. Poecilomorpha testaceipennia sp. n. W. Africa p. 8, Pio M61. 24. Prasyptera kampeni p. 208, varicolor p. 209, spp. n., Neu Guinea, Weise Tyds. Ent. 60. Prionispa bakeri sp. n. Mindanao p. 401, Gestro Ann. Mus. Doria 47. Promecoiheca pulchella sp. n. Philip- pines p. 408, Gestro T.c. Psalidonota australica sp. n. Queens- land, Mjobero Ark. Zool. 11 No. 3 p. 17. Pseudispella crampeli sp. n. Africa p. 66, Achard Ann. Soo. ent. France 86. • Pseudotaxotus (?) vestitus sp. n. Aus- tralia, Mjobero Ark. Zool. 11 No. 3 p. 15 figs. 9~10. Psylliodes arida sp. n. South Aus- tralia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 626. Rhyparida vpacicollis sp. n. Neu Guinea, Weise Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 195. Sagra congoana sp. n. p, 269, Cla- vareau Rev. zool. Afric. 4 1916. — S. queenslandica sp. n. Queensland, MjSbeuo Ark. Zool. 11 No. 3 p. 14 fig. 8. Saslra laetabilis p. 206, kampeni , helleri, p. 207, spp. o., Neu Guinea, Weise Tyds. Ent. 60. Sermylassa halensis var. picea fig.. Planet p. 193 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Sph(ierodernta marginicollis sp. n. Neu Guinea, Weise Tyds. Ent. 60 1917 • 218. Sphaerostola rufopicea fig. p. 271, allied to Stylosomus p. 272, Berlioz Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. Stethomela helleri p. 199, trivittata p. 200, spp. n., Neu Guinea, Weise Tyds. Ent. 60. Sutrea brevicornis p. 215, taeniata p. 216, spp. n., Weise T.c. Syneta albida , Moznette J. Econ. Ent. 9 1916 pp. 458-461 pis. xxxii xxxiii. Tillopsis gen. n. near Corynodes p. 312, angustata sp. n. Laos p. 313, Berlioz Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Wallacea terminalis sp. n. Philippines p. 410 Gestro Ann. Mus. Doria 47 Xenidea lepida sp. n. Neu Guinea, Weise Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 214. Zeugophora unifasciata sp. n. Sikkim p. 9, Pio Mel. 24. — Z. sculellaris, life- history, Grave J. Morphol. 30 pp. 245- 253 2 pis. Erotylidae. Notes on genera, with synonymy. Arrow pp. 137-143 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Amblyopus pulchellus .p. 147, lateralis , tristis , p. 148, spp. n., Africa, Arrow T.c. Encaustes africana sp. n. Congo p. 144, Arrow T.c. Euxestus and Tritomidea , synonymy. Arrow p. 368 T.c. — E. angustus sp. n. S. Africa p. 155, Arrow T.c. Ischyrus tripunctatua sp. n. Florida p. 238, Blatchley Canad. Ent. 49.-— I. dunedinensia n. n. for tripunctatus , Id. p. 279 T.c. Megalodacne laeta p. 143, pubescens p. 144, spp. n., Africa, Arrow Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Micr encaustes spinipes sp. n. Congo p. 145, Arrow T.c. Mimodacne gen. n. for part of Megalo- dacne, rhodesiaca , p. 367, belgarum p. 368, spp. n., Africa, Bedel Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. Palaeolybas nigrocinctus p. 152, api- calis , bizonatus , laetus, p. 153, rufocinc- tu3, ferrugineus, p. 154, spp. n., Africa, Arrow Ann. Nat. hist. 20. 119 Insecta. Systematic. — Strepsiptera — Hymenoptera. Petaloscelis fulvus, hilaris, p. 146, monommoides p. 147, spp. n., Africa, Arrow T.c. Tritoma soror , spilota, p. 149, partita , alter nans, p. 150, tibialis, flaviventris , p. 151, spp. n., Africa, Arrow T.c. — T. dissimilis sp. n. Florida p. 140, Blatch- ley Canad. Ent. 49. Endomychidae. Sphaerosoma subglabrum p. 140 bicomi , normandi f. 13, Algeria, tingi- tunum Tangier p. 141, spp. n., Peyerim- hoff Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Trochoideus — {Pseudopausaus Sch.), Gestro p. 357 Ann. Mus. Genova 47. Coccinellidae. The larvae of Coccinellidae, Bovino P.U.S. Nat. Mus. 51 pp. 621-650 pis. 118-121. Mycophagous Coccinellidae, Lich- tenstein Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 (298-302). Adalia ; bipunctata etc., variation and heredity, Palmer Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10 pp. 289-302. \Anatis resurgens sp. n. Florissant miocene p. 465 pi. xxxviii f. 1, Wick- ham P.U.S. nat. Mus. 52. Chilomenes hiugaensis sp. n., Taki- zawa Sapporo Trans. Nat. Hist. Soo. 6 pp. 220-222. Epilachna kampeni sp. n. Neu Guinea Weise Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 219. Hyperaspis binotata , larval structure, Bovino P.U.S. nat. Mus. 51 pp. 622- 628 pis. 118 & 119. Orcus coxalis sp. n. Queensland, Weise Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 221. Ptyclmnatis yedoensis sp. n. Taki- zawa Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 6 p. '220-222. Rhizobius grains Neu Guinea, amaJbi- lis p. 223 Misol, Weise Tyds. Ent. 60. Scymnodes longicorjiis p. 221, papuanus, punctiger, p. 223, spp. n„ Neu Guinea, Weise T.c. Scymnus ( Pullus ) mitsuhashii sp. n. Takizawa Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 6 p. 220-222. — S. oculatus sp. n. Florida p. 140, Blatchley Canad. Ent. 49. Corylophidae. Anisomeristes doderoi sp. ri. Algeria p. 133, Peyerimhoff Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Arthrolips insulaelongae sp. n. Sey- chelles, figs., Scott Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Daubania gen. n. p. 19, seychellarum sp. n. p. 21, Scott T.c. Lewisium seychellarum sp. n. p. 22 figs., Scott T.c. Meioderus quinssyanus sp. n. Sey- chelles, fig., Scott p. 16 T.c. Orthoperus muniae Rangoon p. 29, sp. n. figs., Scott T.c. Rhypobius aquilinus sp. n. Amiran tes isld. p. 27, figs., Scott T.c. Sacium indiscretum sp. n. Algeria p. 132, Peyerimhoff Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. — S. picaultianum p. 7, grossinianum p. 9, roslanianum p. 10, rochonianum p. 12, spp. n.., Seychelles, figs., Scott Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Sericoderus ( Anisomeristes ) seychel- lensis sp. n. p. 18, figs., Scott T.c. STREPSIPTERA. Pyrilloxenos compactus, natural his- tory, Misra pp. 124-129, p. xviii & p. xix figs. 1-4 Mem. Dep. Agric. India Ent. 5. HYMENOPTERA. Morice and Durrant give correct- tions and additions to their 1914 paper on genera, etc. ; Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 pp. 432-44. Unauthorised changes of names ; Poche Ent. Mitt* 6 pp. 45-54. 120 Tnsecta. XII. Insecta. [ 1 917 J Determination of the Hymenoptera (except Apidae) described by Provan- cher, Gahan and Rohwer Canad. Ent. 49 pp. 298, etc., etc. Determinations and synonymy of the F. Smith Aculeata, Perkins Ent. Mo. Mag. 53 pp. 71-76, etc. Haworth’s collection, Morley p. 87 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Apidae. Examination of Kirby collection, with much synonymy, Perkins Ent. Mo. Mag. 53 pp. 45-52. Contributions to the biology of Megachile and Anthidium. (Danish.), Nielson Fra Naturens Vaerksted Kobenhavn. 5, 1916, pp. 325-365, 17 figs. Collecting bees and wasps, Sladen Canad Ent. 49 pp. 113-117. Agapostemon heterurus Peru p. 240, tyleri Mexico p. 241, spp. n., Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 20.— A . obscuraius var. n. abjectus, nasutus var. a, Cockerell p. 436 T.c. Allodape stellarum p. 195, malleifera p. 196, pyrifera, mediorufa, p. 197, spp. n., Natal, Cockerell Ann. Durban Mus. 1 1916. — A. mciurula sp. n. p. 44, Cockerell Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. Alloperdita subg. n. of Perdita for P. novaeangliae, Viereck p. 241 Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Ancyloscelis ; Cockerell p. 304 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Andrena aequatorialis p. 235, bos- wendica p. 236, spp. n., Africa, Viereck Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. — A. lugubrescens n. n. for lugubris Lep. p. 282, cussarien- sis var. n. kohatensis, chionospila, p. 283, subspinigera p. 284, quettensis, bentoiii, p. 285, praecocella p. 286, spp. n., India, Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. — A. alopex sp. n. Japan p. 86, Cockerell Entomol. 50. — A . bucephala and Nomada bucephalae, Perkins p. 198 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Anthidium minutissimum to Dian- thidium, Cockerell p. 164 Entomol. 50. Anthophora mimadvena sp. n. Durban p. 207, Cockerell Ann. Durban Mus. 1 1916. — A. connexiformis, Quetta p. 287, A . ( Micranthophora ) albopicta p. 288, leucorhina p. 289, Persia, spp. n., Cockerell Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Apia fasciata , Gough Bull. Soc. ent. Egypt e 9 pp. 25-32. — A. indica, New- ton Agric. J. India 12 pp. 44-57, pi. Botnbus ; two divisions Odontobombus and Anodontobombus, Kruger Ent. Mitt. 6 pp. 55-66. — Bombus, notes. Jorgensen Flora ag Fauna 1917 p. 30-32, — B. auricomus life-history, Frison pp. 277-286, 2 pis., Ann. Amer. ent. Soc. 10. — B. geei p. 265, kulingensis p. 266, spp. n., China, Cockerell Ent. 50. — B. niveatus callophenax subsp. n. p. 122, Cockerell Psyche 24. Camptopoeum reedi sp. n. Chile p. 440, Cockerell Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Cenlris maroniana sp. n. Guiana p. 475, Cockerell Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Chalepogenus globulosus, £ , Cocke- rell p. 302 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Coelioxys and Megachile ; Holm- berg Physis 3 p. 274. — C. durbanensis sp. n. p. 191, Cockerell Ann. Durban Mus. 1, 1916. — C. dolichacantha sp. n. p. 41, Cockerell Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. Collates spiloptera sp. n. Panama p. 363, Cockerell Ent. News 28. — C. speculiventris sp. n. Paraguay p. 438, Cockerell Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Orocisa guineensis, Radots. = (7. picta Sm., Cockerell Ann. Durb. Mus. 1 pp. 460-468. Diadasia australis knabiana subsp. n. p. 304, Cockerell Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Dianthidium arizonicum sp. n., Rohwer p. 192, nest Middleton p. 193, pi. xv, P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. Epeolus xanthurus Ecuador p. 298, rugulosus Panama p. 299, spp. n., bifas- cialus obscurus subsp. n. p. 298, Cockerell Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Epicharis phenacura, conura, spp. n., Costa Rica, p. 200, Cockerell Ent. News 28. Euglossa mandibularis var. n. bernar- dina p. 144, variabilis var. n. heinichlora p. 146, cyanura Panama, charapensis Peru, spp. n. p. 146, Cockerell Canad. Ent. 49. Eulaema amabilis sp. n. Manaos p, 476, Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. 121 Insecta. Systematic. — Hymenoftera — Apidae. Exomalopsis vincentana sp. n. Antilles p. 302, Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 20. Glossura subg. n. type Euglossa pili- ventris Guer., Cockerell p. 144 Canad. Ent. 49. Halictus expertus p. 209, diver siformis p. 211, spp. n., Cape Colony, Cockerell Ann. Durban Mus. 1, 1916. — H. rhodas- pis sp. n. p. 40, Cockerell Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. — H. nigroscopaceus p. 4, mjoe- bergi p. 5, tamburinei p. 6, spp. n., Queens- land, Friese Ark. Zool. 11 No. 2. — II. (Ghloralictus) politissimua p. 189, rhodog- nathus p. 190, spp. n. Texas, Cockerell J. N. York Ent. Soc. 25. Heriades bevisi , marleyi, p. 199, chubbi p. 200, spp. n., Natal, Cockerell Ann. Durban Mus. 1 1916. — II. chlorops p. 42 ; punctulatus p. 43, spp. n„ Cocker- ell Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. f Heriades priscus sp. n. Florissant miocene p. 383, Cockerell P.U.S. Nat. Mus. 52. Hoplitis anodontura sp. n. Mexico p. 235, Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 20. Hypanthidium taboganum Panama p. 252, melanopterum Mexico p. 253, spp. n., Cockerell Canad. Ent. 49. Isepeolus bruneri sp. n. Argentina p. 479, Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Lithurgus apicalis lilloralis subsp. n. p. 191, Cockerell J. N. York Ent. Soc. 25. Lonchopria alopex sp. n. Bolivia p. 480, Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. — L. rufipennis sp. n. Argentina p. 439, Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 20. Megachile mediocana p. 201, melli- ferina p. 202, infrapicta, familiaris, p. 203, spp. n., Natal, Cockerell Ann.. Durban Mus. 1 1916. — M. mediocana bituberculata subsp. n. p. 464, Cocker- ell, T.c. — M. vennstella sp. n. p. 41, Cockerell Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. — M. ( Oligotropus ) sasakiella sp. n. Tokyo p. 85, Cockerell Entomol. 50. — M. dis- paripennis sp. n. Texas p. 192, Cock- erell J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. — M. stomatura Trinidad p. 237, holomelaena, atramentata, p. 238, bruneriella p. 239, Argentina, spp. n., Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 20. Melissodes martinicensis sp. n. Antilles p. 303, Cockerell T.c. Mesonychium dugesi sp. n. Mexico p. 477, Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Mesolrichia bevisi sp. n. p. 461, Cockerell Ann. Durb. Mus. 1. — M. latipes basiloptera subsp. n. p. 349, Cockerell Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Nomada bucephalae sp. n. p. 12, con- jungens p. 13, Perkins Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. — N. carcarensis sp. n. Argentina p. 236, barcelonensis n. n. for excellens P6r. p. 237, Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 20. Nomia perornata p. 212, megalepis, megacantha, p. 214, pyrura p. 215, spp. n„ Natal, vulpina umbiloensis p. 212 and tridentata natalensis p. 213, subspp. n., Cockerell Ann. Durb. Mus. 1 1916. — N fuesana for N. friesei Glk., Cockerell p. 464 T.c. — N. aureovittata p. 465, bevisana p. 466, concinnula , platy- cephala, p. 467, spp. n., Cockerell p. 460-468 T.c. — N. alboscopacea p. 6, luteofasciata p. 7, spp. n., Australia, Friese Ark. Zool. 11 No. 2. Nomioides heluanensis, storeyi, spp. n., Egypt, Debski Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 10. Pachymelus mediocinctus sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 475, Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Pasiphae cyanea melanura subsp. n. p. 236, Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 20. — P. chrysostoma p. 438, leucostoma p. 439, spp. n., Argentina, Cockerell T.c. Perdila ( Gockerellia ) bequaerti sp. n. New Jersey p. 241, Viereck Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Prosopis bevisi sp. n. p. 45, Cock- erell Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. — P. trans- vittata sp. n. Mexico p. 437, Cockerell Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Psaenythia pachycepliala sp. n. Argen- tina, thoracica crawfordi subsp. n., Cockerell p. 302 Ent. News 28. Ptilothrix tricolor, Cockerell p. 303 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Sphecodes japonicus , Cockerell p. 85 Entomol. 50. Stelis veraecrucis sp. n. Mexico p. 254, Cockerell Canad. Ent. 49. 122 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [ 191 7 J Stilpuasoma lurneri sp. n. Australia, Friese Ark. Zool. 11 No. 2 p. 4. Tetralonia sheffieldi umbiloensis var. n. p. 40, Cockerell Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. — T. kohatensis sp. n. p. 287, Cockerell Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Thrinchostoma millari sp. n. Durban p. 205, Cockerell Ann. Durban Mus. 1 1910. Triepeolus pruinolus sp. n. Argentina p. 478, Cockerell Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — T. cuneatus, concinnus, p. 300, medusa p. 301, spp. n., Mexico, Cock- erell Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Trigona mirandula Costa Rica p. 122, curriei Liberia, musarum Costa Rica, p. 123, salvatoris Guatemala p. 124, perangulata, pachysoma , Panama, p. 125, nitidula Argentina, opaca Panama, p. 126, atomaria Costa Rica, ferricauda Panama, p. 127, spp. n., beccarii jom- benensis subsp. n. p. 123, Cockerell Psyche 24. Xenoglossodes wilmattae sp. n. Texas p. 191, Cockerell J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. Xylocopa draconis China p. 473, punctifrons Africa p. 474, spp. n., Cock- erell Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — X. tabani - formis parkinsonie subsp. n. Cockerell p. 192 J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. Vespidae, Eumenidae. Ancistrocerus tahoensis, lucidus, spp. n., California p. 235, Rohwer P. U. S. nat. Mus.. 53. — A. parietinus, nest, Nordstrom Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 322. Eumenes brunneus p. 348, stenogaster, sternalis, p. 353, xanthogaster p. 359, robustus p. 360, tricinctus p. 361, crassi- cornis, pachygaster, p. 362, spp. n., Amer. bor., belfragei aureus subsp. n. p. 352, Dwight Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. ' Odynerus blandinus p. 236, giffardi, p. 237, robustus, eldoradensis, p. 238, spp. n.t California, Roiiwer P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Polistes, in Egypt, Clainpanain p. 54-58, Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9. — P. utakwae pi. i f. 8 p. 13, stotherti p. 14 f. 9, spp. n., Meade- Walde B. O. U. Exp. 1 1915. — P. metricus, life history, habits, Pellett Proc. Iowa Ac. 23 1916 p. 275-284 ff. 43, 44. Synagris ; Congo species, Sohoute- den pp. 91-96 Rev. zool. Afric. 5. — S. cornuta, Bridwell p. 261 P. Hawai ent. Soc. 3. Vespa austriaca and rufa, distinctions, Perkins J. Torquay Nat. Hist. Soc. 2 p. 142-145. — V. austriaca , Harri- son Vasculum 1 pp. 113-115. — V. crabro, food-habits, Bordas pp. 5-7 Insecta 7. — V. sylvestris, emergences, Scott p. 17 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Fossoria (Sphegidae). Monograph of Bembicinae of North America, with account of habits, , Parker P.U.S. nat. Mus. 52 pp. 1-155, 229 figs. Instinct of stinging and poisoning, Roubaud Bull. biol. 51 pp. 391-419. Stinging powers, Rabaud C.R. Ac. Paris pp. 680-683. Agenia varipalpis Cam. and ornati - collis Cam. = Pseudagenia Kohl., Brauns p. 243 Ann. Trans v. Mus. 5. Ageniella crassicornis p. 108, festina , fraternella, p. 109, minuscula p. 110, spp. n., U.S., Banks Bull. Mus. Har- vard 61. Agenioideus expulsus sp. n. Queens- land p. 74, Turner Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Allochares gen. n. near Aporinellus , bruesi sp. n. Texas, Banks p. 98 Bull. Mus. Harvard 61. Ammophila coeruleoornata Cam. and A. maculifrons Cam. = A tenuis Palis, p. 241, Brauns Ann. Transv. Mus. 5. Ampulex crawshayi Nyasaland p. 80, kristenseni Abyssinia p. 81, spp. n.. Turner Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. — A. jansei Cam. = nigrocoerulea Sauss. p. 240, Brauns Ann. Transv. Mus. 5. Anoplius dolli sp. n. Texas p. 104, Banks Bull. Mus. Harvard 61. — A. hirtiscapus Cam. is a Glavelia, Brauns p. 242 Ann. Transv. Mus. 5. Aporinellus completus, medianus, spp. n., U.S. p, 97, Banks Bull. Mus. Har- vard 61. — A. californicus sp. n. p. 240, Rohwer P.U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Austrosalius gen. n. p. 75 type Fer- reolomorpha artemis, and incl. Salius malignus, Sm., Turner Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. 23 Inaecta Systematic.-— Hymbnoptera — Fossoria. BembeX obtusa p. 436, albidula p. 438. odontopyga p. 439, liturata, opima , p. 439, spp. n., Africa, forcipta Handl. = ( nxassaica Cam.) p. 439, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — B. atrospinosus sp. n. S. Africa p. 289, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — Bembix — (Bembex auctt.) p. 76, arcuata p. 81, hinei p. 86, stenobdoma p. 94, rugosa p. 95, foxi p. 96, comata p. 100, melanaspis p. 109, heliantho- polis p. 113, latifrons p. 116, spp. n. U.S., Parker P.U.S. nat. Mus. 52. — B. testaceiccmda = mobii Handl: p. 241, Brauns Ann. Transv. Mas. 5. Bicyrtes = ( Bembidula ) p. 69, annu- lata p. 67, gracilis p. 68, spp. n. U.S., Parker P.U.S. nat. Mus. 52. Braunsomeria arnoldi sp. n. Rhodesia p. 352, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Calotachytes subg. n. p. 10 for T. marshalli, etc., Turner T.c. Campsomeris ( Trielis ) bulawayoensis sp. n. p. 355, curvivitta Cam. = ( aureola S. and S.) p. 356, Turner T.c. Cemonus giffardi sp. n. California p. 246, Rohwer P.U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Cerceris denticularis p. 113, belfragei, vanduzeei, p. 114, hesperina p. 115, spp. n. U.S., Banks Bull. Mus. Harvard 61. — C. armigera p. 104, unispinosa p. 105, spp. n. Queensland, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — G. melanispila Cam. and jansei Cam. = C. diodonta Schl. ; C. whiteana Cam. = spinicauda Cam., Brauns p. 239 Ann. Transv. Mus. 5. Ccropalcs ienuatus, to Irenangelus, Turner p. 358 Ann. Nat. hist. 20, Crabro veitchi sp. n. Fiji p. 84, Tur- ner Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. — C. erythrotoma Cam. is a Dasyprocius , Brauns p. 241 Ann. Transv. Mus. 5. Cryptocheilus rugosus p. 101, auslri- nus, inaequalis, p. 102, spp. n., U.S., Banks Bull. Mus. Harvard 61. — C. commixtus , Turner p. 78 Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. . Cryptosalius gen. n. p. 76 type Pseudagenia rava, pandiyanus sp. n.t India p. 77, Turner T.c. Cyphononyx vitieiisis sp. n. p. 78, Turner T.c. Dielis pilipes. Banks p. Ill Bull Mus. Harvard 61. Dimorpha ruficaudata sp. n. Zornba p. 318, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — D. flavipennis sp. n. E. Africa p. 297, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Discolia pallidipilosella Cam.= wahl- bergi Sauss. ; Dielis transvaalensis Cam. = Elis barbata Sauss., Myzine erythrostomus Cam. = M. rufifrons Fab., Brauns Ann. Transv. Mus. 5 p. 238-245. Dolickomutilla triangulipyga , rotun- dipyga, spp. n. Africa p. 38, Strand Ent. Mitt. 6. Dolichurus greenei sp. n. Virginia p. 212, Rohwer P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. Elis bodlcini sp. n. Guiana p. 317, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — E . (Mesa) diversicornis p. 352, mutica , spinicollis , p. 353, spp. n. Africa, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20 ~E. nursei 9 , p. 60, E. (Mesa) heterochroa p. 61, arnoldi p. 63, spp. n. Africa, Turner Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Encopognathus brownei sp. n. E. Africa p. 106, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Entomognaihus rugosisshnus sp. n. Nyasaland p. 83, Turner Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Ephutomorpha coniigua p. 54, luridaf diversipes, p. 65, unilineata p. 66, setigera p. 67, spp. n. Queensland, Turner T.c. Epipompilus delicalus sp. n. Bugaba p. 359, aztecus Cress. = (maximilia »i. Kohl) p. 360, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Gilberlella subg. n. vide Ilomonotus., Hemipepsis ; validity* Turner p. 80 Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Hololachyles subg. n. p. 10 for T. diehroa, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Ilomonotus, notes pp. 147-151, nursei India p 149, II. (Gilbcrtella subg. n. p. 150), disparilis Nyasaland p. 151, spp. n., Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — II. spilonotus Cam. = wasmanni , Brauns p. 242 Ann. Transv. Mus. 5. Irenangelus reversus Sm. (as Agenia) = hornus Schulz, mexicanus sp. n.. Turner p. 357 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Janseia longitarsis Cam. is an Eido- pompilus Kohl, Brauns p. 243 Ann. Transv. Mus. 5. 124 Instclu. XII. Insecta. [1917] Larropsis greenei sp. n. New Jersey p. 173, Rohwer P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Liris africana sp. n. Rhodesia p. 295, Turner Aim. Nat. hist. 20. Lyrops quadricolor to Tachysphex, Turner p. 43 T.c. Mellinus arvensis, habits, Rabaud Bull. biol. 51 pp. 331-346. Microbembex aurata p. 121, hirsuta p. 122, spp. n. U. S., Parker P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 52. MiscophuS rhodesianus, cyanescens, spp. n. Africa p. 297, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Mutilla subcomata var. n. ferru- gineipes p. 65, rujipes var. n. pyrami- darum p. 67, AndrIs Mem. Soc. ent. Egypte 1 No. 2 1910. — M. detitrespilosa sp. n. Africa p. 40, Strand Ent. Mitt. 6. Mygnimia hesperina sp. n. California p. 102, Banks Bull. Mus. Harvard 61. Myzine aterrima sp. n. Zambesi p. 351, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — M. cruentata p. 453, eurygaster p. 457, pallidipes p. 456, pinguis p. 458, spp. n.. Turner Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 15. Nologonia, synonymy, Turner pp. 319, 320 Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — N. dent- ipes, neavei, spp. n. Africa p. 294, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Nysson magrettii sp. n. Erythrea p. 374, Mantero Ann. Mus. Doria 47. — N. ( Acanthostelhus ) brisbanensis $ , Turner p. 106 Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — N . ( Hyponysson ) raid sp. n. Missouri p. 176, Rohwer P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. — N. ( Brachystegus ) pacijicus sp. n. California p. 249, Rohwer T.c. Odontomutilla luculediana sp. n. Africa p. 35, Strand Ent. Mitt. 6. Oxybelus ; the british, argentatus valid, Morice pp. 238 &c. Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Pedinaspis anomala sp. n. Texas p. 100, Banks Bull. Mus. Harvard 61. Philanthus triangulum , var. n. obli- terates p. 2, habits p. 3, Pic Echange No. 381 hors texte. — P. spilaspis Cam. and P. trichiocephalus = P. histrio Fahr. ; P. transversus Cam. = diadema Fab., p. 241, Brauns Ann. Trans. Mus. 5. Pison deperdilum Port Darwin, mul- listrigatum , p. 109, strigulosum p. 110, carinatum p. Ill, Africa, flavolimbatum Guiana p. 112, spp. n., xanthopus Br., Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — P. papu- anum = (constrictum T.), Turner p. 326 T.c. — P. transvaalensis Cam. and clypeatus Cam. = one spec., Brauns Ann. Transv. Mus. 5 p. 238-245. Planiceps compressus, hirsutus , p. 99, assimilis p. 100, spp. n. Amer. bor., Banks Bull. Mus. Harvard 61. Plesia pacificatrix Cam. and P. trans- vaalensis = Myzine J $ p. 239, Brauns Ann. Trans. Mus. 5. Pompiloides subcylindricus sp. n. Virginia p. 103, Banks . Bull. Mus. Harvard 61. ■\Pompilus cardui sp. n. England p. 11, Perkins Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. f Pompilus scelerosus sp. n. ambre de la Baltique, Meunier Tydschr. Ent. 60 p. 181. Priocnemus and Agerdella, Banks p. 101 Bull. Mus. Harvard 61. Prosopigastra neavei sp. n. Rhodesia p. 325, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Psammochares, taxonomy pp. 65 &c., muiri Amboina p. 67, pluto Queensland p. 69, berihoudi p. 70, vassei p. 71, Aus- tralia, bassianus Tasmania p. 72, basilicus p. 73, perpulcher p. 74, Aus- tralia, spp. n., Turner Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. — P. scudderi p. 104, diffi- cilis, cleora, p. 105, spp. n. U.S., phila- delphicus var. n. floridensis p. 106, Banks Bull. Mus. Harvard 61. Pseudagenia submetallica sp. n. Texas p. 108, Banks T.c. — P. viridipennis Cam. and Pompilus jansei Cam. belong to Parapompilus, Brauns p. 242 Ann. Transv. Mus. 5. Pterombrus williamsi sp. n. Bartica p. 63, Turner Tr. ent. Loud. 1917. Rhopalum tuberculicorne p. 107, testa- ceum p. 108, spp.n. Queensland, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Salius lineaticollis = Mygnimia tami- sieri Guer., Brauns p. 243 Ann. Transv. Mus. 5. — S. irenensis Cam. = Cypho- nonyx Dahlb, Brauns p. 243 Ann. Transv. Mus. 5. Sapyga furtiva sp. n. India p. 318, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 19. 125 Insecta. Systematic. — ITymenoptera — Fokmioidae. Scolia perpolila sp. n. Uganda p. 354, tvahlbergi — (D. pallidipilosa Cam.), praecana = (D. heterolrichia Cam.), p. 355, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — 8. (Trielis) peringueyi sp. n. p. 462, Turner Ann. S. Africa. Mus. 15. — 8. manilae, Muir p. 207 Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Silaon major sp. n. Washington p. 247, Rohwer P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. Solenius ( Hypocrabro ) gijfardi sp. n. California p. 242, Rohwer P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. Sophropompilus tumifrons sp. n. California p. 103, Banks Bull. Mus. Harvard 61. Sleniolia nigripes p. 8, albicantia p. 12, spp. n. U.S., Parker P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 52. Slictiella gen. n. p. 21 type Monedula formosa Cr., melanoslerna p. 30, callisla p. 34, bituberculata p. 36, melampous p. 43, megacera p. 49, divergens p. 55, spp. n. U.S., Parker T.c. Stizus flexuoSefasciatus p. 367, ery- thraeensis p. 368, beccarii p. 369, anchora- tus p. 371, spp. n. Erythrea, congoensis n. n. for neavei Kohl p. 376, Mantero Ann. Mus. Doria 47. — 8. pacificus sp. n. Fiji p. 82, Turner Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. — S. turneri p. 668 fig. sp. n. N.S.W Frogoatt Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. 28. — S. johannis Cam. = oxydorcus Handl. ; 8. erythraspis Cam. = dewitzi Handl., Brauns p. 240 Ann. Transv. Mus. 5. Tachysphex excelsus Tibet p. 320, auropilosus p. 321, depilosellus p 322, brinckerae , subfuscatus, p 323, strigatus p. 324, vulneratus p. 325, Africa, spp. n.. Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — T. marshalli sp. n. Rhodesia p. 293, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — T. washingtoni sp. n. p. 172, Rohwer P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. — T. giffardi p. 244, eldoradensis, plesia, p. 245, spp. n. California, Rohwer T.c. Tachytes neavei p. 13, perornata p. 14, praestabilis p. 16, labilis, hamiltoni , p. 17, simulatrix p. 18, bunetallica, moerens, p. 21, distanti p. 22, volubilis p. 24, nudiventris p. 25, separabilis p. 27, irritabilis p. 28, associata p. 29, kristenseni p. 30, ugandensis, opposita , p. 31, neglecta p. 32, versalilis p. 34, habilis p. 35, eryanis p. 37, inexorabilis p. 36, pulchricornis with subsp. kolaensis p. 38, dispulabilis, instabilis, p. 39', lachesis, megaera , p. 40, notabilis p. 41, silverlocki p. 42, spp. n. Africa, T . trivittatus K. to Notogonia and agilis to Tachysphex, p. 43, Turner Ann. Nat, hist. 20. — T. exclusa p. 290, braunsi p. 291, spp. n. Africa, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Tiphia parallela, importation, d’Em- merez Bull. ent. Res. 8 pp. 93-102. Trielis alcione sp. n. U.S. p. 112, Banks Bull. Mus. Harvard 61. Xanthampulex , composition, Turner p. 359 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Xylocelia beulahensis p. 174, virgini- ana, spp. n., Rohwer P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Ziaspilothy nnus striatifrons sp. n. Queensland p. 58, Turner Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Formicidae. Catalogue of genera, with new names for tribes and sections, Forel, Bull. Soc. Vaud. 51 pp. 229-253. Apterons and subapterous castes, origin, etc., Wheeler P. Ac. Washing- ton 3 p. 109-117. The ants described by Asa Fitch, Wheeler p. 26-29 Psyche 24. Myrmecophilous notes, Donisthorpe, Ent. Rec. 29 pp. 30-33, 48-50. Summary of Wheeler on ants of baltic amber, Donisthorpe pp. 1 12 — 1 16 Ent. Rec. 29. Critical notes on Santschi’s 1916- paper, Gallardo pp. 48-51 Physis 3. Skeletal anomalies, Viehmeyer Ent. Mitt. 6 pp. 66-72. Stem-infesting ants, Stager Rev. suisse Zool. 25 p. 95-109. Embryology, Strindberg Zool. Anz. 49 p. 177-197. Acantholepis frauenfeldi var. n. melas , Emery Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 701 p. 3, 1915. Acromyrmex lobicornis var. penco- sensis nest p. 314 figs., Bruch An. Soc. Argent. 83. Aenictus congolensis, worker and female, Santschi p. 277 pi. i Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. 26 Jnteota. XII. Insecta. [1917] • Anergales, larval hairs, Crawley p. xci pi. A Pr. ent. Soc, Lond. 1916. Aphaenogaster splendida festae subsp. n., Emery Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 701 p. 2, 1915. Atta vollenweideri, nesting p. 154-161 figs., Brucii An. Soc. Argent. 83. Brachymyrmex gaucho sp. n. Cordoba p. 283, Santschi An. Soo. Argent. 83. Brunella gen. n. for Aphaenogaster belti, Forel p. 234 Bull. Soc. Vaud. 51 p. 235. Calyptomyrmex arnoldi For. p. 360 pi. viii figs. 114, Arnold Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 14. Camponotus maculatus hieroglyphicus st. n. p. 290, var. n. contaminatus p. 291, var. n. diffusus p. 292, C. (Colobopsis) bifossus sp. n. Cape G. II. p. 293, Santschi Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. — C. distinguendus tenuipubens n. n. for denudata Em., Santschi p. 242 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. — 0. libani - cvs var. n. aegea p. 4 figs., stenolica n. n. for angustata For. p. 7, G. boghos- siavi, Emery Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 701 1915. — C. cylindricus F. = (doriae Mayr), Emery p. 97 Bull. Soc. ent, France 1917. — C. punctulatus var. imberbis nest p. 165 figs., Bruch An. Soc. Argent. 83. Cataulacus erinaceus var. n. crassi- spina, intrudens intermedins st. n., p. 287, Santschi Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. — C. baumi var. batonga p. 289 pi. viii figs. 119, Arnold Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 14. Cremastogaster ( Oxyggnes ) scelerata p. 279 sp. n. Argentina, Santschi An. Soc. Argent. 83. — C. ancipitula sp. n (?) = (wellmani $ For.), Forel p. 252 Bull. Soc. Vaud. 51. — C. neuvillei carininotum st. n. p. 279, inconspicua incoir ecta st. n. p. 280, nigronitens sp. n. Rhodesia p. 281, Santschi Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. Cryplocerus ridiculus, ? , Bruch p. 269 figs. Physis 3. Cyphomyrme x bruchi sp. n. p. 282 La Plata, Santschi An. Soc. Argent. 83. Dolichoderus ( Hypoclinea ) crawley i sp. n. Singapore p. 201, Donisthorpe Ent. Rec. 29. — D. bituber culatus, Biologie, van der Goot Salatiga, Meded. Proefst. 25 p. 1-142. Dorymyrmex santschii sp. n. = ( Pyra - mieus garbei Gall.), Gallardo p. 50 fig. Physis 3. — D. mucronatus var. n. joer- genseni p. 431 fig., Bruch Physis 3. Formica gaullei sp. n. Europe p. 176 fig., Bondroit Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. — F. lemaniy gerardi, p. 186, tombeuri p. 187, spp. n. Europe, Bon- droit Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. — F. rufa, natural history notes, Sewell Naturalist 1917 p. 158, 159. Formicina and Lasius, Emery p. 95 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. — F. rabaudi sp. n. France, umbrata var. n. nuda p. 177 figs., Bondroit Bull. Soo. ent. France 1917. Isolcomyrmex subg. n. for Monomo- rium santschii, Santschi p. 296 Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. Lasius or Acanthomyops , subgenera, synonymy, Morice and Duiirant p. .442 Tr. ent, Soc. London 1916. Lasius subumbratus, parasitic habits, Wheeler Psyche 24 p. 167-176. Leptogenys attenuata var. = ( jaeger - skioeldi S.), Santschi p. 279 Arm. Sdc. ent. France 85. Leptothorax luberum var. n. slaegeri p. 251, Forel Bull. Soc. Vaud. 51. — L. pulcher n. n. for formosus Em., Emery p. 96 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Meranoplus spininodis sp. n. p. 366, simoni, var. springvalensis var. n. p. 372, Arnold Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 14. Monomorium australe, forms, synony- my, Santschi p. 282 Ann. Soc. Ent. France 85. — M. pharaonis, in S. Africa, Wasmann & Brauns p. 184-186 Ent. Mitt. 6. — ill. sp. notes, Adair pp. 56- 62 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 7. Myrmecorhynchus, position, Wheeler Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 41 p. 14-19. Mynnica brevinodis var. n. kuschei p. 17, Wheeler Bull. Mus. Harvard 61. Myrmicaria nitida fumata n.n. for brunnea S., Santschi p. 242 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. Oligomyrmex ( Aeromyrma ) lucidus sp. n. Rhodesia p. 285, Santschi Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. Onychomyrmex, characters larva, O. doddi sp. n. Queensland p. 53, Wheeler Bull. Mus. Harvard 60 1916. 127 Inaecla. Systematic. — H ymenoptbra — Chrysididae. Pheidole nyassac var. legilima n.n. for sculplior Vichm., exasperata var. Con- cordia n.n. for polita Viehm., Santscjii p. 242 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916.— P. megacephala, varieties, allies, figs.* var. n. orientalis p. 227, Emery Rev. Zool. Afric. 4 191Q pp. 223-250 .— P. obtusopilosa, Morley Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Nepiera benevolo var. h. fuscifemora p. 208, Gahan P; U. S. nat. Mus. 53. (n-4810 ;) Odontomerus strangaliae sp. n. Virginia p. 158, Roiiwer P. U. S. nat. Mu°. 53. Omorga longiceps Cam. $ , Morley p. 227 Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Phaedroctonus argyresthiae sp. n. Oregop p. 162, Roiiwer P. CJ. S. nat. Mus. 53. Pimpld pubens p. 214 sp. n., Morley Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Platylabus cda- pi 203, hemerythraeus p. 202, lucifer p; 203, phorcys p. 202, testaceus p. 204, spp. n., Morley T.c. Porizon platensis sp. n. Bueno ) Aires, Brethes p. 90, Frers p. 89 Physis. 3. Pristomeridia albescens p. 224 sp. n., Morley Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Procinetus fasciatus sp. n„ Tunis, Smits van Burgst Tunisian Hymenop- tera p. 28 1913. Pseuderipiernus brevicauda p. 506, gracilipes p. 507, spp. n. U. S., Cushman P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. Pyracmon . conocola sp. n. California p. 159, Roiiwer P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Scambus cphialloides sp. n. Oregon p. 466, Cushman P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Scolobales auriculatus var. niger var. n. Sweden, Roman Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 273. Bhiapus gen. n. p. 220 fig, Skiapodes Trib.. nov. p. 219, coalescens p. 221 sp. n., Morley Ann. S. Afric. Mus. i7. Spilocryptus polychrosidis sp. n. Penn- sylvania, Cushman p. 461 P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Synetaeris tacnaensis sp. n. Chile p. 87, Brethes Revist. chilena 20 1916. Tegona discreta p. 218 sp. n., Morley Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Thersilochus coeliodicola sp. n. Italy p. 170 fig., Silvestri Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Xanthocampoplex flavescens p. 226 sp. n., Morley Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Xanthojoppa inermis p. 196 sp. nu, Morley T.c* Xantho pimpla renovdla n. n. for ap- pendiculala Cam., Morley T.c. b 26 130 Tnsccta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Braconidae. Braconid parasites of Olethrevtcs, Savra pp. 184-180 Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Cocoons, etc., Lyle p. 194 figs. Entomol. 50. Aleirhogas subg. n. vide Rhogas. Apanteles parallelus p. 195, lucifugus p. 197, pinicola p. 199, spp. n. England, Lyle Entomol. 50. — A. diacrisiae sp. n. Columbia p. 198, Gahan P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. — A. riverae sp. n. Chile p. 9G pi. vi, Pouter Revist. chilena 20 1916. Aphrastobracon philippinensis sp. n. p. 213, Baker Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Bathyaulax phimosus Kirby (as Bracon) = ( cristatus Sz.), Turner p. 242 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Bracon glossonae p. 318, comstocki p. 323, montrealensis p. 326, kelloggi p. 327, ashmeadi p. 329, calif ornicus p. 331, nigrosternum p. 332, szepligetii p. 334, virginiensis p. 341. spp. n. Am. bor. Morrison P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 52. — B. discoideus, notes on, parasite of Anlhonomus, Smits van Burost Bcr. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 p. 1-3. — B. hylobii ? larva, etc., Munro Proc. R. Soc. Edin- burgh 36 1916 p. 313-333, figs. — B. sp., parasite of Earias insulana, Willcocks p. 66-57 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 6. Braconinae n. n. for Agathidinae auctt., Qaiian p. 197 P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. Chelonus phthorimaeae sp. n. Colorado p. 199, Gahan T.c. Coelalysia glossinophaga sp. n. Africa p. 177, Turner Bull. ent. Res. 8. Coelothorax frersi sp. n. Argentina, Brethes p. 90 and Frers p. 89 Pliysis Colaslomion gen. n. Rhogadinae p. 290, abdorninalis sp. n. Luzon p. 291, Baker Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Cosmophorus pityophthori sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 163, Roiiwer P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. Cratobracon = ( Hybrothorax Sz.), Turner p. 242 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Diospilus washinglonensis p. 163, californicus p. 164, neoclyli p. 165, spp. n. U. S., Roiiwer P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. Ephcdrus nitidus sp. n. New Jersey p. 195, Gahan P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. Gyrocampa thoinsoni nom. n., Roman Ark. Zool. 11 No. 7. p. 7. Gyroneurella gen. n. p. 320, kikujewii sp. n. Luzon p. 321, Baker Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. llemigyroneuron gen. n. p. 322, spe- ciosus p. 323, suffusus p. 325, spp. n. Philippines, Baker T.c. Heleroganvus longicollis sp. n. Luzon p. 288, Baker T.c. Iphiaulux rubriccp>s p. 564, phoracan- ihae p. 565, morleyi p. 566, spp. n. Aus- tralia, Froggatt Agric. Gaz. N. S. W. 1916. — l . faslidiator Fabr. = ( corallinus Rits.) p. 242, plurimacula Br. = (coc- cineomaculatus Cam.), permutans sp. n. Africa, p. 243, grenadensis Aslim. = ( harperi , medianus, villosus , Cam.) p. 244, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Ipobracon insidiator = (speciosissimus Sz.), Turner p. 242 T.c. Macroneura urichii sp. n. Trinidad p. 166, Roiiwer P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. Macrostomion dcbilis sp. n. Luzon p. 292, Baker Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Macrostomonidla gen. n. p. 294 philippinensis p. 296, similis p. 297, spp. n., Luzon, Baker T.c. Megarhogas stigmaticus p. 299, philip- pinensis p. 301, mindanaensis p. 303, szeplegetii p. 306, spp. n., Philippines, Baker T. c. Mesobracon maculiceps Cam. (as Telerda) = ( concolor Szep.). Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Microbracon sanninoideae sp. n. Mary- land p. 196, Gahan P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. Microgasler epagoges sp. n. Tennessee p. 197, Gahan T.c. Neopius gen. n. p. 203, carinaticeps sp. n. Dakota p.. 204, Gahan T.c. Neorhyssalus gen. n. p. 286, com- positus sp. n. Luzon p. 287, Baker Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Odonlobracon oemeovorus p. 167, elaphidiovorus p. 168, californicus p. 169, spp. n., U. S., Roiiwer P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. 131 Insect a. Systematic.— Hymenottera — Stephanidae. Opius pegomyiac, coriaceus , p. 201, oliosus p. 202, spp. n. U. S., Gahan P. U. S. Nat. Mas. 53. Paragyroneuron, gen. n. p. 318, bicolor sp. n. Luzon p. 319, Baker Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Phaneroloma leeuwinensis sp. n. Australia p. 247, Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — P. erylhroccphala sp. n. Colo- rado p. 10G, Rohwer P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. — P. franJclini sp. n. Massachusetts p. 200, Gahan P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. Praon ; cocoon construction, Ainslie pp. 364-3G7 Ent. News 28. Pseudogyroneuron gen. n., mindanaen- sis sp. n. Baker p. 31G Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Rhizarcha coifmis var. faeroeensis var. n. Faroe-Islands, Roman Ark. Zool. 11 No. 7 p. G. Rhogas Jcitcheneri sp. n. Egypt p. 140, Dudgeon & Gough Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 1912, 1914. — R. ( Aleiodes ) earn- er oni p. 385, palavanicus p. 387, bengue- tensis p. 389, lateralis p. 391, subqua- dratus p. 393, bicolor p. 395, mimicus p. 397, simillimus p. 398, modestus p. 400, separatus p. 402, banlcsi p 403, R. (P.) brownii p. 405, sanchezi p. 408, luzonensis p. 410, R. ( Aleirhogas eubg. n. p. 411), ferruginosus p. 412, montanus p. 414, exceptus p. 416, oculatus p. 418, schultzei p. 420, spp. n., Philippines, Baker Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. — R. per- plexus p. 205, politiceps p. 206, rufocoxa- lis p. 207, spp. n., U. S., Gahan P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. — R. terminalis, life history and habits, Pennington J. Econ. Ent. 9 1916 p. 401-406 pi. 30 f. 24. Rhogasella gen. n* p. 311, straminea p. 312, lineala p. 314, spp. n. Philip- pines, Baker Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Rhyssalus ashmeadii sp. n. Luzon p. 285, Baker T.o. Sphaeropyx conjugator Australia p. 245, neavei Africa p. 24G, spp. n.. Turner Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Spinaria aliciae sp. n. Queensland p. 244, Turner T.c. Sycosoler gen. n., lavagnei sp. n. Mont- pellier, Picard and Lichtenstein p. 285 Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. 1917. — S. lavagnei, structure and natural history, Lichtenstein and Picard Bull. biol. 51 pp. 440-474. (n-4840 j) Trichiobracon Cam. = ( Trichodoryct.es Sz.), slriolatus Sz. (as Acanthobracon) — ( pilosus Cam. = Neolrimorus luteus Cam.), Turner p. 245 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Trigonophatnus nigricornis p. 308, philippinensis p. 309, spp. n., Baker Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Vipiinae n. n. for Braconinae nuett., Gahan p. 196 P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. Wesmaelia americana sp. n. Maryland p. 293, Myers P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. Evaniidae. Aulacinus amazonicus sp. n. Brazil, Roman Ark. Zool. 11 No. 4 p. 16. Brachygaster ( Semaeomyia ) amazonica sp. n. Brazil, Roman p. 23 T.c. f Electrofoenus gen. n. p. 364, graci- lipes sp. n. Burmese amber p. 365, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 44. Evania laevigata and abyssinica, host, Alfieri p. 14 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 6. Evaniella huebneri sp. n. Brazil, Roman Ark. Zoal. 11 No. 4 p. 20. Evaniscus sulcigenis sp. n. Brazil, Roman p. 21 T.c. f Hyptiogastrites gen. n. p. 19, elec- trina sp. n. Burma in amber p. 20, fig., Cockerell Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Pristaulacus strangaliac sp. n. Pennsyl- vania p. 157, Rohwer P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. — P. zonatipennis sp. n. Brazil, Roman Ark. Zool. 11 No. 4 p. 18. | Protofoenus gen. n., swinhoci sp. n. burmese amber, Cockerell p. 19 Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Stephanidae. Diaslephanus tertianus p. 108, aluta- ceus, Africa, frontilinea Assam, p. 109, spp. n., Morley Entomol. 50. — D. flavifrons Borneo, flaviceps hab. ? spp. n. p. 131, Elliott Entomol. 50. ParastepTiancllus eburneus sp. n. Kan- dy p. 35, Morley Entomol. 50. — P. laevicollis sp. n. Ding-ding isld. p. Ill, Morley T.c. — P. rubripictus sp. n. Bor- neo, etc., p. 129, Elliott Entomol. 50. Stephanus ; the subgenera, Elliott p. 130 Entomol. 50. — S. comma Ashanti p. 105, crassicauda Australia p. 106, b 26—2 132 Insccla. XII. Insecta. [1917] rulnipes Solomon islds. p. 107, spp. n., Morley Entomol. 50. — S. tortus sp. n. India p. 34, Morley T.o. — 8. metallicus W., to Foenalopus, ■ M. p. 110 t.c. — 8. angulicollis p. 7 fig. 3, glabricoxis p. 9 fig. 4, spp. n. Brazil Roman Ark. Zool. 11 No. 4. — 8. damdlicus, Elliott p. 266 Ent. 50. Trioonalidae. \Trigonalys pervetns sp. n. Burmese amber p. 79, Cockerell P. biol. Soe. Washington SO. Rhoralosomidae. Vide Olixoii in Proctotrypidae. Chalcididae, MymAridae. Parasites of ootheca, Raraud p. 178, Bull. Soe. ent. France 1917. Abella americana sp. n. Utah p. 445, Girault P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. Ablerus emersoni p. 30, impunclati- pennis p. 31, spp. n. W. Australia, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. — A. clisio- campae, host, Porter p. 186 Ent. News 28. Acanthentedosi gen. n. near Uracrias, laticeps sp. n. Queensland, Dodd S. Aust. Trans. R. Soe. S. Austr. 41 pp. 363-304. Aceratoneuromyia gen. n. australia tp. n. p. 151, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Achrysocharella pulchrella sp. n. Co- lumbia p. 94, Girault Psyche 24. — A. albitibiae sp. n. St. Vincent p. 356, Girault Canad. Ent. 49. Achrysocharis cardigaster sp. n. Sey- chelles p. 211, fig., Masi Nov. Zool. 24. — A. divina sp. n. Maryland p. 22, Girault Ent. News 28. Aenasiella australia sp. n. N.S.W. p. 35, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Aethognathus afer var. n. cavilabris p. 313 fig., Wateeston Bull. ent. Res. 7. Agaonini of Java, details of structure, figs., Grandi pp. 3-60 Bull. Lab. Portici 12. Allomphale = ( Secodella G.), Girault p. 37 Insec. inscit. 5. — A . aemula sp. n. Seychelles p. 210, Masi Nov. Zool. 24. Allotriozoon seychdlense sp. n. p. 123 figs., Masi T.c. Amiscogaster gen. n. Halticoplerini p. 144, rusJcini sp. n. N.S.W., Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Anacryplus insidiosus sp. n. Sey- chelles p. 129, Masi Nov. Zool. 24. Anagrus ported sp. n. Chile p. 82 pi. viii, BairniES Reviat. chilena 21. Anagyropsis gen. n. for Anagyrys pur- pur eus, Girault p. 136 Insec. inscit. 5. Anagyrus ? chilensis sp. n. p. 8, Berthes Revist. chilena 20 1916. Ananusia n. n. for Paranusia G., Girault p. 155 Insec. inscit. 5. Aneristus cracottolus sp. n. Gold coast p. 234 figs., Waterston Bull. ent. Res. 7. Anthemus chionaspidis hilli var. n. Northern Territory, Dodd Trans. R. Soe. S. Aust. 41 p. 352. Anthroccphalus mahensis sp. n. p. 133, fig., Masi Nov. Zool. 24. Aphelinus ciliatus sp. n. Northern Territory, Dodd Trans. R. Soe. S. Aust. 41 p. 353. Aphycus pinicola p. 135, A. ( Meta - phycus subg. n.) zebralus p. 138, spp. n. Spain, Mercet Bob Soc. espan. 17.- — A . cOccidiphagus sp. n. Australia p. 134, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Aplaslomorpha pralti = ( australiensis G. s= Meraphorus vandinei T. = Neoca- tolaccus vandinei T.), p. 152, Girault T.c. Aprostocdus marilandicus sp. n. p. 21, Girault Ent. News 28. Apterotrisc dubia sp. n. Australia p. 94, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Aspidioliplaigus and Prospaltella pp. 1-13, A. citrinus var. n. agilior p. 5, Berlese Redia 12. — A. citrinus , food- liabits, Malenotti T.c. pp. 15-18. Astichus bimaculatipennis to Sym- piesis, Girault p. 449 P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53. Asympiesdla superbus to Sympiesis, Girault p. 155 Insec. inscit. 5. Aximopsis elegans sp. n. Seychelles p. 140, Masi Nov. Zool. 24. Bardylis ausiralicus sp. n. p. 94, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. 133 Inseeta. Systematic. — IIymenoft!era— Chaloididae. Bdvanusia margiscntclluvi sp. n. Aus- tralia p. 141, Girault T.c. Blastopliaga ' allotriozonokles, Grandi pp. 4-15, figs. Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. Blastothrix sp. of. iusolitus p. 150 fig., Mas i Nov. Zool. 24. — B. bohcincini, to Epidinocarsis, Girault p. 30 Entoinol. 50. Blattotelrastichus gen. n. for Entedon hagenoivi, Gtrault p. 257 Ent. News 28. Bruchobius mcdius sp. n. Seychelles p. 170, Masi Nov. Zool. 24. GaUimomus chilemis sp. n. p. 88, Brethes Revist. chilena 20 1910; Calosolcr silvai sp. n. Chile p. 20, Brlothes An. Zool, aplic. 1. Garlylcia gen. n. Omphalini, mania - dica sp. ri. U.Si, Girault p. 20 Ent. News 28. GCnlrobia similis sp. n. Italy figs., walked var. n. minor, figs.; Silvestri p. 250 Boll. Lab. Portici' 12.— G. makensis sp. n. p. 230 fig., Kieffer Nov. Zool. 24. Centrodora cicadae sp. n. Italy p. 261, fig., Silvestri Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Gerambycobius cicadae, Silvestri pp. 254-260 T.c. Ceraplerocerus paltersoni sp. n. Gold coast, p. 250 figs., Waterston Bull. ent. Res. 7. — G. australia sp. n. p. 97, Gir- ault Insec. inscit. 5. Ceratosolen arabicus, Grandi pp. 15-25, figs., C. megacephalus pp. 25-30, figs., Grandi Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. Gerchysius occidentalis sp. n. Australia p. 95, Girault Inscc. inscit. 6. Gerocephala ( Parasciatheras subg. n.), caelebs sp. n., Seychelles, figs, Masi p. 189 Nov. Zool. 24. Chaeiospila — ( Spala ngiomorpha), Gir- ault p. 37 Insec. inscit. 5. Ghalcis lepida p. 127, sodalis p. 128, spp. n., Seychelles, figs., Masi Nov. Zool. 24. — G. calliphorae sp. n. Australia, p. 30, pi., Froggatt & Froggatt Dep. Agric. N. S. W. Fartn. Bull. 113. — G. amenocles, Waterston p. 179 Bull. ent. Res. 8. Ghiloiieurus afer p. 243 figs., cyanonolus p. 147 figs., spp. n. Gold Coast, Waters- ton Bull, ent: Res. 7; — G. dactylopii to Achrysophdfjus, G . amplicomis to Q hryso pophagus, Girault p. 448 P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Ghrysocharomyia elegans sp. n. Mary- land p. 21, Girault Ent. News 28. Ghrysocharus mnllochi sp. n. Illinois p. 213, Gahan P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Ghrysopophagus Jca:isensis sp. n. p. 447, Girault P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Girrospilopsis meiallicus sp. n. Mary- land p. 100, Girault Psyche 24. Cirrospilus ocellatus sp. n. Illinois p. 446, Girault P. U: S. nat. Mus. 53. Closterocercus tan sp. n. California p. 101, Girault Psyche 24. Coccidencyrlus eucalypti sp. n. Northern Territory, Dodd Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 354. Goccidoxenus coelops p. 238 figs., obs- curatus p. 242 figs., spp. n. W Africa, Waterston Bull. ent. Res. 7. — G.dis- tmguendus sp.n. Gold Coast, Waterston P. 311 T.c. Goccophagus clams sp. n. Northern Territory, Dodd Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 352. — G. cmerso.ii p. 29, australien- sis p. 30, spp. n. Australia, askmeadi var. n. perseus p. 29, Girault Insee. inscit*. 5. — G. leplospermi p. 92 , pulliclavns p. 93 spp. n., Australia, Girault T.c.— G. eleaphilus, var. n., Masi pi 211 Nov. Zool. 24. Compendia — ( Pseudanusia ) p. 37, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Gopidosomi australia, australis, aus- tralica, spp. n. Australia p. 133, Girault T.c. Gosmoeom lidea morilli, Girault p. 36, Entoinol. 50. Crdteulophus geu. n., niger sp. n. Sey- chelles, figs., Masi p. 200 Nov. Zool. 24. Grossogaster alralus sp. n. Seychelles p. 125, figs., Masi T.c. Gyrlogaster javensis sp. n. p. 135, Girault Entomol. 50. Dzcatoma kestraneura sp. n. Seychelles, p. 138, Masi Nov. Zool. 24. Derostenus pallipes sp. n. Maryland p. 214, Gahan P. U. S. nat. Mus 53; Dibrachys australia sp. n. p. 145 Australia, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. 134 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Dinarmolaelaps gen. n. Metastenini, protus sp. n. Seychelles, Mast p. 172 Nov. zool. 24. Dinocar sis abnormis p. 136, flavimeso- pleurum p. 137, spp. n. Australia, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Dinoura eucalypti sp. n. Australia p. 153, Girault T.c. Dipara rufescens sp. n. Seychelles p. 186, Masi Nov. Zool. 24. Dirliinus inflexus sp. n. Gold coast p. 178, Waterston Bull. ent. Res. 8. Dirphiphagus gen. n. type ancilla Walk., Br^thes p. 25 An. zool. aplie. 1. Diversinervis = ( Cheiloneuroides G.), p. 37, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Elachertodomyia gen. n. type Secodes phloeoiribi, Girault p. 110 Canad. Ent. 49. Elachertus , sp., Masi p. 200 Nov. zool. 24. Elasmus eximius, bellus, spp. n. Sey- chelles p. 199 figs., Masi T.c. — E. teli- cotae sp. n. Queensland, Dodd Trans. It. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 345. Embidobia briltanica sp. n. India p. 152, Girault Entom. 50. Ernersonopsis gen. n. type Entedon arizonensis Ashm., Girault p. 110 Canad. Ent. 49. Encyrtocephalus — ( Pseudorileya G.), p. 152, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Encyrtus ventralis sp. n. Seychelles p. 153, Masi Nov. zool. 24. Endecatoma opposita sp. n. Santiago p. 9, Brethes Revist. chilena 20 1916. Epistenia chilensis p. 27, liguensis p. 28, spp. n., Brethes T.c. Epomphaloides ischnopterae sp. n. Maryland p. 257, Girault Ent. News 28. Eriaporus gen, n. p. 320 Miscogasteri- dae, laticeps sp. u. Gold coast p. 321 figs., Waterston Bull. ent. Res. 7. Eucomys infelix var. n. albiscapus p. 143, figs., Masi Nov. ‘zool. 24. Euderus = ( Omphalomorpha G.), Girault p. 152 Insec. inscit. 5. Eulophus calif ornicus sp. n. p. 446, Girault P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Eunotomyia gen. n. near Amuscidca, festiva sp. n. Seychelles, figs., Masi p. 195 Nov. zool. 24. Eunolus truncalipennis sp. n. Gold coast p. 252 figs., Waterston Bull, ent. Res. 7. Eupelmoides gen. n., obscuratus sp. n., Seychelles figs., Masi p. 160 Nov. zool. 24. Eupelmus malgascius sp. n. Sey- chelles p. 159, Masi T.c. — E. cerambyco- boideus sp. n. Sydney p. 33, Girault Insec. inscit 5. — E. bigutlus sp. n. Maryland p. 256, Girault Ent. News 28. Euplectromorpha variicolor sp. n. Queensland, Dodd Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 367. Eupteromalus tachinae sp. n. Tennes- see p. 211, Gahan P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Eurydinota braconis sp. n. Queensr land, Dodd Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 349. Euryischia aleurodis sp. n. Queens- land, Dodd p. 346 T.c. Euryrhopalus diaphorocerus sp. n. Seychelles p. 148, figs., Masi Nov. zool. 24. Euryloma casuarinae sp. n. Queens- land p. 150, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. — E. auslralia n, n. for acaciae G. p. 155, Girault T.c. Eurytomulia gen. n., dubia sp. n. Seychelles, Masi p. 137 Nov. zool. 24. Eusandalum acmaeorerae sp.n. Califor- nia p. 171, Rohwer P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Eusemion italicum sp. n. p. 80, Masi, Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. — E. cornigerum, Waterston p. 314 figs. Bull. ent. Res. 7. Eutelus bruchophagi sp. n. Utah p. 212, Gaiian P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. — E. betulae p. 93, salicis p. 94, spp. n. U. S., Girault Psyche 24. Geniaspidius gen. n. near Ageniaspis, viduus sp. n. Seychelles, figs., Masi p. 155 Nov. zool. 24. Gonatocerus silhoueltae sp. n. Sey- chelles p. 228, figs., Masi T.c. — G. bifascialiventris sp. n. Java p. 134, Girault Entomologist 50. — G. Utah - crisis sp. n. p. 446, Girault P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. — G. illinoiensis sp. n. p. 91, Girault Psyche 24. 135 Inaecta. Systematic. — IlYMBNOPrimA— -Ciialcididae. Oroliusomyia flavicorms sp. n. Washington p. 95, Girault T.c. Habrocytus mono p. 174, cyanescens p. 175, spp. n., Seychelles, Masi Nov. zool. 24. — H. borrowi p. 179, aulacis, arkansensis, franciscanus, p. 180, dux, canadensis p. 181, spp. n., Amer. bor., Girault Canad. Ent. 49. Habrolepis apicalis sp. n. Gold coast p. 317 figs., Waterston Bull, ent. Res. 7. — H. aeruginosa sp. n. Seychelles p. 156, Masi Nov. zool. 24. Hemiptarsenus antennalis sp. n. Sey- chelles p. 208, Masi Nov. zool. 24. Hexeurytoma gen. n. near Eurytoma, grandis sp. n. Queensland, Dodd Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 pp. 358-359. Hoclceria fulvipes sp. n. Seychelles p. 130, Masi Nov. zool. 24. Homalotylus microgaster sp. n. Aus- tralia p. 134, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Hybothorax fraler sp. n. Seychelles p. 134, Masi Nov. zool. 24. Idarnes = {Idarnomorpha G.), Girault p. 37 Insec. inscit. 5. Isosoma insularum sp. n. Seychelles p. 139, Masi Nov. zool. 24. Lamprostalus canadensis sp. n. p. 96, Girault Psyche 24. Leodaimis gen. n. Metastenini, onus- tus sp. n. Seychelles, Masi p. 171 Nov. zool. 24. Liodontomerus secundus , insuetus , spp. n., U. S. p. 208, Gaiian P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Mahencyrtus gen. n. near Chilo- neurus, occultans sp. n. Seychelles figs., Masi p. 157 Nov. zool. 24. Marietta maculatipes, novicapillata, spp. n., W. Australia p. 32, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Megastigmus hilli sp. n. Northern Territory, Dodd Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 361. — Megastigmus porteri sp. n. Santiago p. 9, Brethes Revist. chilena 20 1916. Megorismus poloni sp. n. California p. 97, Girault Psyche 24. Melittobia acasla anatomy, Water- ston pp. 190-198 Parasitol 9. Mer alius gen. n. near Micromclus, phaenacroides sp. n. Seychelles fig., Masi p. 179 Nov. zool. 24. Mesopeltis gen. n. noar Mcgapcllis atrocyanea sp. n. Seychelles figs., Masi p. 197 T.c. Mestocharomyia oophaga sp. n. Queensland, Dodd Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 364. Metacalosoter gen. n. p. 167, frequens sp. n. Seychelles p. 168, figs., Masi Nov. zool. 24. Metalaplus gen. n. M ymaridae, tor - quatus sp. n. Sicily, Malenotti p. 339, pi. v, Redia 12. Metapelma superba sp. n. Queens- land, Dodd Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 357. Melaphycus subg. n. vide Aphycus. Micromelus ajffinis sp. n. Seychelles p. 177, Masi Nov. zool. 24. Miscogaster austrolia sp. n. p. 36, Girault Inscc. inscit. 5. — M. ungulla sp. n. Maryland p. 23, Girault Ent. News 28. — M. flora p. 96, biguttata p. 97, spp. n., U. S., Girault Psyche 24. Mouobaeus hegeli sp. n. Michigan p. 106, Girault Ent. News 28. Mymar Cincinnati sp. n. U. S., venustum, Girault p. 99 Psyche 24. Nasonia brevicornis, natural history, Roubaud Bull. Sci. France Belgique 50 pp. 425-439. N eabrolepoideus gen. n. near Habro- lepoidea p. 140, bioculatus sp. n. p. 141 Australia, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. N eodimunockia gen. n. near Dm- mockia, agromyzae sp. n. Queensland, Dodd Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 pp. 361-363. N eomphaloidella mediogutta sp. n. Maryland p. 255, Girault Ent. News 28. N eomphaloides cincinnaius sp. n. p. 92, Girault Psyche 24. Neorhopus gen. n. near Rhopus p. 139, australicus sp. n. with var. aureus p. 140, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Neosciatheras gen. n. p. 189, laticeps sp. n. Seychelles p. 190, figs., Masi Nov. Zool. 24. 136 Insect a. XII. Insecta. [1917] . Neot eh ast ichodes polychromus sp, n. Northern Territory, Dodd Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 366. Nolauisomorpha meromyzae sp. n. Indiana, Gaiiah p. 216 1\ U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Notoglyplus gen. n. Pleromaliuae, virescens sp. n. Seychelles, Masi p. 181, figs. Nov. zool. 24. Ooclomus aureinolum sp. n, Queens- land, Dodd Trans. R. Sec. S. Aust 41 p. 351. Pachycrepis spilopterus sp. n. Sey- chelles p. 185, Masi Nov. zool. 24. Pachyneuron virgiuicum p. 89, texa- num, californicttm, p. 90, spp. n., Girault Psyche 24. Parablastolhrix gen. n. p. 538, vespe r - tinus sp. n, Madrid, p. 541, figs., Mercet BoJ. Soc. espan. 17. Parachrysocharis gen. n., javensis sp. n., Girault p. 135 Entomol. 50. — P. semi/lava sp. n. Texas p. 129, Gin ault Canad. Ent. 49. Parachry Somalia secunda sp. n. Aus- tralia p. 154, Girault Insec. inseit. 5. Paragcniaspis gen. u. near Eucyrtus, macroccrus sp. n. Seychelles, figs., Masi p. 154 Nov. zool. 24. Paraleptomaslix abnormis , Smith, J. econ. Ent. 10 pp. 262-208 pi. xiii. — P. nolalus sp. n. California p. 38, Girault Entomol. 50. Paramyiocnema gen. n. type M. marmorativentris G., Girault p. 93 Insec. inseit. 5. Paranastalus gen. n. p. 164, egregnis p. 165, violaceus p. 166, spp. n. Sey- chelles, figs., Masi Nov. zool. 24. Paraphelinus ; revision pp. 43-58, perkinsi sp. n. Guiana p. 54 figs., Waterston Bull, ent Res. 8. Parasciatheras subg. n. vide Ceroce- phala. Perilampoides similis sp. n. Australia p. 147, Girault Insec. inseit 5. Perilampus chrysopae, habits. Smith Psyche 24 pp. 63-68. Phaenacrd eurycephala sp. n. Sey- chelles p. 178, M'asi Nov. Zool. 24. Philoponeclroma incongruens sp. n. Seychelles p. 145, figs., Masi T.c. Platymesopus porteri sp. n. Chile p. 89, Brethes Revist. chilena 20 1916. Podagrion terebralor sp. n. Seychelles p. 126, figs., Masi Nov. zool. 24. — P. vigriclava sp. n. Northern Territory, Dodd Trans. II. Sue. S. Aust. 41 p. 360. — P. mantidiphagum sp. n. West Indies p. 37, Girault Entomol. 50. Polycyslomyia beucfsca sp. n. Queens- land, . Dodd Trans. E. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 346. Polyriema seychellcnse sp. n. p. 229 fig., Masi Nov. Zool. 24. — P. bifasciatipenne var. n. varium p. 92, Girault Psyche 24. Prococophagus = ( Ta ! eosligmo idella G.), Girault p. 37 Insec. inseit. 5. . Propachyneuronia gen. n. p. 102 type Eucyrtus sip/ionophorac Ashm., Girault, Psyche 24. Pr opacity tomoides gen. n semialbiclavus sp. n. Australia, p. 152, Girault Insec. . inseit. 2. ProspaltcUa fasciata sp. n. Italy p. 195, fig., Malenotti Redia 12. Pseudanaslaius gen. n. p. 162, crassi- cornis sp. n. Seychelles p. 163, tigs., Masi Nov. Zool. 24. Pseudiglyphomyia marilaudica sp. n. . p. 91, Girault Psyche 24. Pteromalus hemileucae sp. n. New Mexico p. 210, Gahan P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Pteroserna siibaenea sp. n. Queens- land, Dodd Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 ; p. 348. Pterosenioided drosophilae sp. n. ; Queensland, Dodd 41 p. 350 T.c. : Bhicnopeitovbyia aeneicoxa sp. n. Queensland, Dodd p. 365 T.c. Scepirophorus marilandicus sp. n. p. 256, Girault Ent. News 28. Sciatherelhis gen. n. p. 189, oryciuus ‘ sp. n. Seychelles p. 192, figs., Masi Nov. Zool. 24. Scotteus gen. n. near Bothrioihorux p. 151, ochroleucus sp. n. Seychelles p. 152 figs., Masi T.c. , Scutdlista gigaitlca sp. n. Eritrea p. 179, Berlese Redia 12. Serimus porteri sp. n. Chile p. 31, Brethes An. Zool. Aplic. 1. . 137 Insecla. Systematic. — Hymgnoptera — Chalcididae. Signiphora marceti sp. n. Spain p. 181 Malenottx Redia 12. Spalangia fallax sp. n. Seychelles p. 194, figs., Masi Nov. Zool. 24.— S. phi- lippinensis sp. n. p. 292 fig., Eullaway P. Hawai. eat. Soc. 3. Spatangiolaelaps gen. n. p. 22 near Apterolada.ps , argenlicoxa sp. n. Mary- land p. 23, Girault Ent. News 28. Sphegigastrella gen. ii., longigastra, p. 183, flavipes p. 184, spp. n. Seychelles, Masi Nov. Zool. 24. Sphegipterosema dubia sp. n. Aus- tralia p. 14G, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. SlenelacMstus gen. n. near Stenome- sius, impressus, p. 201, figs, brevicornis p. 203, spp. n,, Seychelles, Masi Nov. Zool. 24. Stilbula lissoma sp. n. • Seychelles p. 141 Masi T.c. Stomatoceras perlorvus sp. n. Honolulu p. 5, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. — S. car- lylei, magnidens, p. 148, rousseaui p. 149, spp. n., Australia, Girault T.c; Stomatoccr aides clariscapus sp. n. Queensland, Dodd Trans. It. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 344. — S. bide ts sp. n. Queens- land p. 150, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Sycophaga sycomori , p. 30-39, figs., S. silvestri pp. 39-42, figs., Grandi Hull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. Sycorycles sebertianus sp. n. Seychelles p.‘12G, Masi Nov. Zool. 24. Symphycus gen. n. near Aphycus , aphycoides sp. n. Seychelles, figs., Masi p. 149 T.c. Sympi e-sis laelus sp. n. Seychelles p. 204, Masi T.c.— S. substigma tvs sp. n. U. S. p. 447, Girault P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53.—#. marylandevsis sp. n. p. 37, Girault Entomol. 50. — iSym- piesis — ( N oianisomorphella — Noian- isomorphomyia — Pseudaphcliminus G.), Girault p. 155 Insec. inscit. 5. Sympiesomorpha, or nat a p. 209, pvl- chella, modesta, p. 210, spp. n., Seychelles, MaSI Nov. zool. 24. Syntomosphyrum trichops sp. n. Sey- chelles p. 225, Masi T.c. Systdlogaster gen. n. near Coelopisthia, ovivora sp. n. Illinois, Gahan p. 209 P. U. S, nat. Mus. 53. 1'achinaQphagus gen. n. near Para- syrpophagus, auslraliensis sp. n. Aus- ... tralia p. 142, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Telracnemdla megyme-ni, hyalini- peums, spp. n., megymeai brachyptera var. n., Northern Territory, Dodd, Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 354-355. Telramdia chtlensis. sp. n. p. 26; Bretiies Rovist. chilena 20 1916. Telraslichus longiventris p. 213, doli- > chocerus, distinguendus, p. 214, agnaius , theioneurus figs., p. 215, metalliferus p. 220, dispar p. 221, nigriceps, nigri- coxa , p. 222, aeruginosas pj 223; longi * (imbriatus p. 224 fig., spp. n., Sey- chelles, Masi Nov. zool. 24. — T. ainsliei \ p. 214, dolosus p. 215, spp. n., U.S., Gahan P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. — T. .. ovipransus sp. n. Virginia p.^368, Crosby & Leonard Ent. News 28. — T . bruchophagi, UrbaIins pi. 78 p. 277- ■ 282 J. Agric. Res. 8. Thaumasura = (Aressida Cam. — A gamaHonella G.), Girault p. 155 '■ Insec. inscit. 5. — T. westwoodi sp. n. Australia p. 154, Girault T.c. Thripoctenus americensis Utah p. 447, >’ ancylae New Jersey p. 448, spp. n., Girault P. U. S. hat. Mus. 53. Thysanus ater, Silvestri p. 266- 271 fig.j Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Tomocera australica sp. n. W. Aus- tralia p. 147, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. ? Trichogramma evanescens , embry- ology, G aten by Q. J. Microsc. Sci. 62 p. 149-187 3 pis. Trididynws aureipes, bigattatipen,nisy ' p. 449, aphides p. 450, spp. n., U.S., Girault P. U. S. nat. Mus. 55. Trigon-oderus algonquinia, ungultus> \ p, 396, nonstylatus p. 397, spp. n., U.S., Girault Ent. News 28. Trigonogastra agromyzae sp. n. Queens- land, Dodd Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 347. Trigonura californica sp. n. p. 171, Rohwer P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Trydymus aeneicornis, garganiuar poloni, spp. n., U. S. p. 98, Girault Psyche 24. Tumidiscapus oophagus sp. h. India p. 445, Girault P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. r 138 Insecta. XIl. Insecta. [1917] V erdunia gen. n. p. 203, gloriosa sp. ». Spain p. 204 figs., Mercet Bol. Soc. ■espan. 17. Xenanusia gen. n. p. 137 near Epanusia , pulchripennis , gigantea , spp. n., Australia p. 138, Girault Insec. inscit. 5. Zaommoency rtus gen. n., poeta sp. n. Australia, p. 143, Girault T.c. Zetcticontus xanihopus sp. n. Sey- chelles p. 140, Masi Nov. zool. 24. PllOOTOTRYPlDAE, BETHYLIDAE. \ Apenesia electriphila sp. n. Burma in amber, p. 44 fig., Cockerell Psyche 24. Aphanurus graeffei sp. n. Trieste p. 343, Kieffer Ent. Med del. 11. \Belhylitella gen. n. Bethylidae p. 305, cylindrella sp. n. Burmese amber p. 307 figs., Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 44. Calliceras formicaria sp. n. Luxem- burg p. 347, Kieffer Ent. Meddel. 11. Chlorodryinus pallidus, natural his- tory, Misra pp. 115-124 pi. xix figs. 5- 7 Mem. Dep. Agric. India Ent. 5. Conosligmus signalifrons sp. n. Hol- land p. 348, Kieffer Ent. Meddel. 11. Dichogmus formicarius sp. n. Holland p. 347, Kieffer T.c. Dicrogenium = ( Nomineia K.) maxi- mum sp. n. Sierra Leone p. 53, Turner Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Dryinus pyrillae , natural history, Misra pp. 114-115 pi. xvii figs. 1-11 ; Mem. Hep. Agric. Ind. Ent. 5. Epyris, prey, Bridwell p. 202 P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3. — E. muiri p. 103, elongatula p. 104 fig., spp. n., Africa, Turner & Waterston Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — E. extraneus sp. n. Oahu p. 278, Bridwell P. Hawai. tnt. Soc. 3. Gonatopus ; the british, Morley pp. 222-227 Entomol. 50. Hadronotellus pedesler sp. n. Denmark p. 341, Kieffer Ent. Meddel. 11. Lepidoscelio vialrix sp. n. India p. 139, Brues P. Ac. Washington 3.— L. vialrix p. 190 fig., Brues Psyche 24. Leplacis fimbriata sp. n. Rumania p. 345, Kieffer Ent. Meddel. 11. Lygocerus inquilinus sp. n. Germany p. 349, Kieffer T.c. Olixon ; structure and taxonomy, Saphobethylus pallidus K. is a sy- nonym, Turner & Waterston p. 107 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Parasierola emigrala sp. n. Honolulu, p. 1, Roiiwer ; notes on it Busck p. 3 Insec. inscit. 3. Paridris gen. n. near Hadronolus p. 27, chilensis sp. n. p. 28, Br^thes An. zool. aplic. 1. Polygnotus burkei sp. n. California p. 170, Roiiwer P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. — P. vernalis sp. n. Maryland p. 250, Myers P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Polymecus lasiopterae sp. n. Dakota p. 217, Gahan P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Pristocera subrufesccns p. 101, neavei p. 102, spp. n., Africa, Turner & Waterston Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — P. armifera , larva, habits, Hyslop p. 109 pi. xi P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. Pseudisobrachium merklei sp. n. Argentina p. 404 figs., Brucii Pliysis 3. Pseudobrachium solenopsidicola sp. n. la Plata p. 143 fig., Bruch T.c. Bfuibdepyris aelhiops p. 105, troglo- dytes p. 100, spp. n„ Africa, Turner & Waterston Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Sactogastcr tripartita sp. n. Rumania p. 344, Kieffer Ent. Meddel. 11. f Scleroderma ? quadriderdatum sp. n. Burma in amber p. 43 fig., Cockerell Psyche 24. Sclerodermus iridomyrmicicola sp. n. la Plata p. 141 fig., Bruch Pliysis 3. Telenomus verlicillatus sp. n. Denmark p. 342, Kieffer Ent. Meddel. 11. Cynipidae. The type-species of 255 genera desig- nated, Roiiwer & Fagan P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53 pp. 357-380. Adleria gen. n. p. 359 type Cynips kollari Hartig, Roiiwer & Fagan T.c. Aglaotomidea gen. n. p. 300 type A. foersteri Kieff., Roiiwer & Fagan T.c. Amphibolips nigra , gall, Beuten- muller p. 348 Canad. Ent. 49. 139 Insecta Systematic. — Uymicnoptiit a PiiYTorHAOA. Andricus caslanopsidis p. 345, myrti- Joliae, gemmiformis, p. 346, U.S., dugesi Mexico p. 347, spp. n„ Beutbjs muller T. c. Aylax ; synonymy, Bagnall p. 200 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Biorhiza caeppaeformis, Beuten- muller p. 348 Canad. Ent. 49. Diholocynips gen. n. p. 365 type II. nigra Kieff., Roiiwer & Fagan P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Dryophanta floridensis sp. n. p. 349, Beutenmuller Canad. Ent. 49. Illeidotoma subintegra sp. n. England p. 349, Kieffer Ent. Meddel. 11. Kleidotomidea gen. n. p. 369 type K. hexatoma Th., Roiiwer & Fagan P. U. S. nat. Mas. 53. Trir Jiopt ras ema ashmeadi n. n. for Kleidotoina americana Ashm., Roiiwer & Fagan p. 377 T.c. Trisoleniella gen. n. p. 377 type Andricus saltalus Ashm., Rohvver & Fagan T.c. Hymenoptera, Phytophaga or ClIALAS TOG ASTRA. Oviposition, parthenogenesis, Enslin Ent. Mitt, 6 pp. 238-242. Acantholyda ferruginca sp. n. New York p. 192, Felt Canad. Ent. 49. Acordulecera hicoriae sp. n. Penn- sylvania p. 157, Roiiwer P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Amelastegia glabrata, Newcomer U.S. Dept* Agric. Bull. 265 1916 pp. 1-40 pis. i ii fT. 1-6. Arge bravardi Monastir, obscuripes France, spp. n., fuscipes var. n. bleusei , Pic p. 18 Echange 33. Ateuchopus libanensis var. n. inter - medius , Pic Echange No. 381 hors texte p. 2. Caliroa cerasi , Wilson Agric. Exp. Sta. Oregon 1911-12 1913 pp. 118-121 ff. 10-13 ; parthenogenesis, Ewing p. 330 Ann. ent. Soc. Amcr. 10. Cephus ( Fossuloccphus subg. n.) citrinivenlris sp. n. Algeria, Pic Echange No. 381 hors texte p. 2. — C. occidentals habits, Criddle Agric. Gaz. Canada 4 p. 176. Cimbcx sylvarum, oviposition. Chap- man Proc. ent. Soc. Lond. 1916 pp. Ixvii-lxix figs. — G. 4:-maculata, Sarra pp. 275-285 figs. Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Crateroccrus californicus sp. n. p. 234, Rohwer P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Diprion simile, oviposition., Zapte J. econ. Ent. 10 p. 188. Empliylus mellipes var. n. albolabris p. 152, Roiiwer P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Empria fragariae, life history p. 293 pi. vii ff. 2, 3, 6, maculata life history p. 294 pi. vii ff. 1, 4, 5, Webster Proc. Iowa Ac. 23. Eriocampoides castaneae sp. n. Vir- ginia p. 152, Roiiwer P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. f Eriocampoides mimus sp. n. Floris- sant miocene, Cockerell p. 390 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Fossuloccphus subg. n. vide Cephus. Lophyrus ; parthenogenesis, Enslin Ent. Mitt. 6 pp. 238-240. Macrophya raui p. 264, simillima p. 265, spp. n., Missouri, Roiiwer Ent. News 28. — M. castaneae sp. n. Virginia p. 151, Roiiwer P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Monoplopus notalicollis sp. n. Pales- tine, saliuum var. n. nigromaculatus, Pic Echange No. 381 hors texte p. 1, moreanus varr. p. 3. f Paleolaxonus vetus sp. n. Florissant miocene p. 390, Cockerell P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Paururus ovipositor, Morice p. xxi pi. A Pr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Periclista — ( Isodyctium Ashm.) p. 153, dilnta Cr. = ( subgregarium Dyar) ; P. californica, hicoriae, p. 154, similar is p. 155, xanihognatha p. 156, spp. n., U.S., Roijwer P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Phymalocera aterrima, oviposition, Morice p. xxii Pr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917; larva p. 225 figs., Chapman Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Pleuroneura borealis sp. n. New York p. 191, Felt Canad. Ent. 49. Pleronus serlifer, proportions of sexes, saw, Morice Pr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1916 pi. xxxiv. 140 Insecta, XU. Insecta. Rhadinoceraca micans, larva p. 226 figs., Chapman Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Sir ex gigas piercing lead, Vayssiere p. 273 Bull. soc. ent. France 1916. Spatulocephvs and Peronislilo- morphus, Pic Echange No. 381 hors texte p. 2. f Taeniurites gen. n. p. 382, fortis sp. n. Florissant mioccne p. 383 f. 14, Cockerell P..U.S. nat. Mus. 52. Tenthredella birmer.sis n. n. for Ten- thredo gribodoi Kon., Roiiwer p. 151 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. ] Tenthredella oblita sp. n. Florissant mioccne, Cockerell p. 389 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Tenthredopsis ; species of the excisa . group. Pig eot pp. 23 24 Echange 33. T hr in ax mixta , development, Nord- strom Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 324. Trachdus syriacus sp. n., Pic Echange No. 381 hors texte p. 1. LEPIDOPTERA. General. Classification, phylogeny, setae and colours of larvae and pupae, Sciiier- beek thesis 157 pp. 5 pis. Larval characters in classification, Heinrich P. ent. Soc. Washington 18 pp. 154-163 figs. Zeugloptera, ord. nov. for Micropteryx , Chapman pp. 310-314 Tr. cut. Soc. London 1916. > Determination of types of genera, Hampson pp. 463-467 Ent. News 28. [1917] Nomenclature of varieties, Turner pp. 83 & 84 Ent, Rec. 29. Insect disappearances and reappear- ances, Arkle pp. 92-94 Entomol. 50. List of spp. new to Sweden, Be- nander Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 102. Danish Heterocera, part 4 (Danish), Kl^cker Kpbcnhavn 1917 78 pp. 4 pis. & 102 figs. Check-list of the South African • Lepidoptera Heterocera, Janse pp. 219 -f- xii issued by the Transvaal ftfuseum Pretoria. Notes on north african Lepidoptera, many eggs described, Chretien pp. 369- • 503 Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. List of egyptian Lep., Andres Bull.* ent. Soc. Egypt 1912 1913 pp. 53-114. Check list of boreal american Lep., 661 spp. Rhop., 8,495 Heteroc,, Barnes & McDunnough 1917. Criticism of the Barnes & McDun- nough North-american check-list, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5 pp. 41-44. Lepidoptera of Florida, Grossbeck Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 pp. 1-147. Remarks on Grossbeck’s list of Florida Lepidoptera (in Bull. Amer. Mus.), Barnes & McDunnoucih Contr. 3 pp. 217-223 1916. Review of New Zealand Notodontina, Meyrick pp. 248-273 Tr. N.Z. Inst. 49. Figures of previously described Formosan Lepidoptera, Strand pi. viii p. 312 Ent. Mitt. 6. Some mexican larvae, Dyar Insec. inscit.- 5 pp. 128-132. Olfactory organs of Lep., McIndoo J. Morphol. 29 pp. 33-54 figs. Gynandromorph Lep., Cockayne pp. 322-335 pis. xciii-civ Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916. Apterous Lepidoptera, Chapman Trans. London Nat. Hist. Soc. 1916 pp. 49-76. Mimetic Lep. in Mexico. Herrera Bol. Eat. Biol. Mexico 2 pp. 86-91 4 pis. Lepidopterous deformities, Chris - teller Ent. Mitt. 6 pp. 1-32 etc. Seasonal dimorphism, Barker Stl alric. J. Sci. 1 pp. 99-105. 141 Insect a. Systematic. — Lepidoitera— Pieridae. Hour of emergence, Decary pp. 235- 237 Bull. Soc. exit. France 1917. Attitude, recapitulation, Chapman pp. 301-309 pi. lxxx Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916. Coloration of cocoons, DeWttz Zool. Anz. 49 pp. 170-176. Macrolepidoptera and Phrrujinilcs communis , Hoffmeyer Ent. Mcddcl. 11 pp. 6-15. Preservation between glasses, Verity Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 pp. 312- 316. RHOrALOCERA. Annotated list, 282 Spp. Rhopalocera of Tharrawady and Pegu, Ellis J. Bombay Soc. 25 p. 104 etc. Numerous notes on Obertliur’s Faune de la Barbarie, Rothschild Nov. zool. 24 pp. 61-120 325-373 393-409. The Rhopalocera of Elba, with new names for forms, Verity pp. 175-193 Bull. soc. ent. ital. 48. Butterflies of Egypt and Sinai, Graves pp. 135-157 Bull. ent. Soc. Egypte 7 1916. Notes on North-amcrican diurnal Lepidoptera, Barnes & McDunnoucii Contr. 3 pp. 53-138 pis. iv-xi. Dates of appearance near Florence, Verity pp. 194-200 Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. Migration, Williams Tr. ent. Soc. London 1917 pp. 154-164. Packing in papers, Petle pp. 309- 312 figs. J. Bombay Soc. 25. Papilionidae. Iphiclides feislhamelii, distribution, Rowland-Brown p. 12(3 Entomol. 50. — I. podalirius proiesilaus , McClymont p. 90 Entomologist 50. Papilio weberi sp. n. W. Africa p. 14 pi. iv f. 1, Holland Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11. — P. iveiskei goodenovii p. 3 and streseirmnni f. 15 p. 4, subspp. n., Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. — P. bianor in England, Meyriok & Eds. p. 258 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. — P. dardanus cenea, the varieties of, Barker Ann. Durb. Mus. 2 pp. 34-38 pi. vii. — P. demoleus , early stages, Scott p. 238 Entomol. 50. — P. epycides melanoleucus ab. pdfluta n., Nike Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 pp. 145-148. — P. goliath, ? , Joicey & Talbot p. 217 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — Pi meneslheus var. n. aureus , hesperus var. n. Jcassaiensis, Moreau p. 126 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. — P. polytes romulus, forms, Poulton Pr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917 pp. xxx-xxxii. — P. americus pi. iv f. 1, glaucus figs. 3 & 4, p. 53, aliasJc'a f. 2 p. 54, notes on, Barnes & MoDunnougii Contr. 3 1916. Parnassius ; note's on ilortli-arherican, pp. 54-57 pi. v, Barnes & McDun- nougii Contr. 3 1916.- — P. apollo, valua- tion, Auriol pp. 129-151 Bull. Soc. L6p. Geneve 3. Troides alloltei, $ , Peebles & Schmassmann p. 426 Nov. zool. 3. PlERIDAE. Pieridae ; notes on north-american, pp. 57-69 pis. v-vii, Barnes & Mo- Dunnougii Contr. 3 1917. Anthocharis genulia var. n. flavida, Skinner p. 436 Ent. Now 28. Callidryas scylla obscura form, n., van den Bergh Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 268 pi. Delias carstcnsziana f. 14, wollasloni f. 20, ]>. 8, inexpectala f. 4, klossi f. 27, p. 9, spp. n., New Guinea, also subspp. n. zarate flavidior p. 5, dicefulvoflava p. 6 and leucobalia dislincta p. 7, Roth- schild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. — D. ladas waigeuensis subsp. n. p. 217, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Euchloe ausonia var. n. libyca figs., TuRati Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917.— E. cardamines, var., Raynor p. 207 Entomol. 50. Gonepleryx cleopalra, life-history p. 3, Bagwell-Purefoy p. 3 Entomol. 50* Ilebomoia solomonensis sp. n. p. 332, Swinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Ixias pyrene insignis ab. n. pallida , Nire Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 pp. 145-148. Mylothris mortoni sp. n. Abyssinic, Blaciiier p. 173 fig. 1 pi. xv Bui. Soc. Lcp. Geneve 2 1913. Pieris uionbeigi sp. n. Ta-tsien-lou pi. cccclxxiv figs. 3908 & 3909, Ober- TiiUR p. 126 Et. Lep. comp. 14. — P. napi atlantica subsp. n. p. 75, Roth- schild Nov. zool. 24. — P. rapae, varia- tion, Lister p. 241 Entomol. 50. — P. 142 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [1917] napi, bibliography continued, Turner Ent. Rec. 29 pp. 39 etc. — Pieris ; notes on North-american forms pp. 57- 59 pi. vi & pi. vii, Barnes & Mc- Dunnough Contr. 3 1916. Tatochila ; monograph of Chilean with 2 pis., pyrrhormna Rob. p. 52, Giacomelli Revist. chilena 20 1916 pp. 41-57. — Tatochila ; notes, Giaco- melli pp. 371-378 rhysis 3. Teracolus vi — ( immaculala Rob.), Swiniioe p. 332 Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Terias Candida f. n. biaJcensis, Joicey & Talbot p. 218 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Teriocolias atinas meridionalis, Giacomelli p. 382 Pliysis 3. Danaidae, Heliconiidae, Acrocidae, Palaeotropidae. Acraeiuae ; melanic aberrations, Barker Ann. Durb. Mus. 1 pp. 451- 457 pis. xxiv-xxv. Acraea Iropicalis sp. n. Congo, con- radii ab. n. flavescens Afrique or., horta ab. n. coujuncla, Blachier Bui. Soc. Lep. Geneve 2 1913. Actinoie; revision, Obertiiur Et. Lep. comp. 14 pp. 77-126 pis. cccclxiii — cccclxxiii ; the following may be new though not so indicated : viathani p. 85 f. 3849, erebia p. 90 f. 3855, incarum p. 91 f. 3856, laeta p. 93 figs. 3857 & 3858, tenebrarum p. 95 f. 3859, culoti p. 101, lacrymosa p. 102 f. 3869, menoetes p. 105 f. 3871, moyobambae f. 3875, rufina figs. 3876 & 3877, p. 106, morio p. 112 f. 3878, lorida f. 3879, auloeda f. 3882, p. 113, brettia p. 114 f. 3883 & 3884, byssa p. 115 figs. 3886 & 3887, lolia f. 3889, brylla figs. 3890 & 3891, p. 116, bubona p. 117 If. 3892 & 3894, brychia figs. 3895 & 3896, byzas figs. 3897-3901, p. 118, brauronia figs. 3902 & 3903, zaratensis figs. 3904 & 3905, p. 119, spp. n., Amer. mer. The following are also probably varr. n. : flavibasis eulalia f. 3860 and /. eulogia f. 3861, p. 96, dicaeus pallasia f. 3862 p. 98, and d. pallasinia f. 3863, euclia avun- cula p. 104 f. 3870, hahneli meridae p. 113 f. 3881, Oberthur Et. L6p. comp. 14. Danais chrysippus, pupal coloration, Clainpanain Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9 p. 58. — D. petiverana, in Natal, Ciiubb p. 253 Ann. Durban Mus. 1 1916. Eueides egeriformis sp. n. Maroni, Joicey & Kaye p. 430 pi. cxii f. 8 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916. Ileliconius ignotus sp. n. Peru p. 89 pi. v f. 5, also numerous varr. n. pp. 88- 94, pis. v & vi, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — //. melpomene, numerous varr. n., Joicey & Kaye Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 pp. 413-423 pis. cvii & cviii. Isamia eclecta sp. n. Burma p. 331, Swiniioe Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Miyana gen. n. type moluccana Pldr., Fruhstorfer p. 743 Seitz. Faun. exot. Indo-austral. 9. Salutura plexippus var. n. adnana p. 331, Swiniioe Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. — S. affinis subspp. n. olga & nora , Swiniioe p. 157 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Salpinx ceramica sp. n. p. 407, Swinhoe T.c. Tellervo zoilus dislincla , assarica wollaatoni subspp. n., p. 14, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Nymfhalidae. Nymphalidae ; notes on North- american, Barnes & MoDunnougii Contr. 3 pp. 74-102 pis. viii, ix & x 1916. Fruhstorfer concludes this family ( Herona — Miyana), Seitz Grosschmett. Indo-austral. 9 pp. 705-766 ; his numerous varietal forms are not men- tioned below. Adelpha valentina Andes p. 514, anfidia Columbia p. 525, pseudo messana Peru, calliphane, falcipennis p. 526, epizygis , rufila, epona p. 527 Brazil, rothschildi Ecuador p. 528, gavina , Brazil p. 529, zunilaces Iquitos, bieder- manni p. 630, spp. n., Fruhstorfer Seitz Fauna exot. americ. 5 1915. Ageronia rosandra sp. n. S. Paulo de Olivencia p. 543, Fruhstorfer T.c. Anaea lehuana sp. n. Mexico p. 174, Hall Entomol. 50. A . teslacea Peru p. 585, acaudata Bolivia p. 586, vicinalis Brazil p. 590, choropldla Bolivia p. 591, spp. n.» Rober Seitz Fauna exot. americ. 5 1916. Apatula (sic) asakurai sp. n. Nire Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 pp. 145-148 pi. X. 143 Insect a. Systematic. — LErmorTERA — Satyridae. Apaturina erminea octavin $ «1oioey & Talbot p. 218 Ann. Nat. liist. 20. Araschnia chinensis sp. n. p. 474 f. 3906, Obekthur p. 125 Et. Lep. comp. 14. Argynnis californica sp. n. p. 328, Skinner Ent. News 28. — A. aglaia ab. molybdina, Newnham & Rowland - Brown p. 207 & p. 230 Entomol. 50. — A. paphia ab. confluens p. vii f. 4 p. 128, Reverdin Bull. Soc. Lep. Geneve 3. Basilarchia arlhemis Iowa, Wolden P. Iowa Ac. 23 p. 269. Brenlhis pales, Turner pp. 101— 104 etc. Ent. Rec. 29. Callicore gueneei Ecuador, artemis Columbia, spp. n., p. 502, Rober Seitz. Faun. exot. americ. 5 1915. Calliihea freyja Peru, fassli Ecuador, spp. n., p. 493, Rober T.c. Catagramma quirina sp. n. Brazil, maimuna Jcayei subsp. n., Hall p. 172 Entomol. 50. Charaxes lydiae sp. n. W. Africa p. 16 pi. iv f. 2, Holland Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11. Chlosyne hyperia irrubescens subsp. n. p. 163, Hall Entomol. 50. Colaenis julia dominicana subsp. n. p. 161, Hall T.c. Cymothoe aramis f. n. excelsior , Hall p. 173 T.c. Cyrestis atosia sp. n. Burma p. 408, Swinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Dracaenura arfakalis sp. n. New Guinea p. 158, Swinhoe T.c. Dynaminc amazonica p. 505, agues Peru p. 506, meridionalis Paraguay p. 508, spp. n., Rober Seitz. Faun, exot. americ. 5 1915. — D. haenschi sp. n. Ecuador p. 171, Hall Entomol. 50. Euripus charondd var. monbeigi p. 474 f. 3907, Oberthur p. 126 Et. Lep. comp. 14. Euryphacdra thauma $ , Hall p. 173 Entomol. 50. Ilypna mexicana sp. n. p. 173, Hall T.c. Ilypolimnas devis waigcueims subsp. n. p. 218, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — II. misippns ab. n. pallens , Nire Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29' p. 145-148. Limenitis arlhemis variability* mimicry, Abbott St. Louis Mo. Wash- ington Univ. Stud. 1 1914 pp. 203- 221 pi. xxxvii If. 1-2. — L. rivularis versus Camilla, Stichel p. 56 D. ent. Zs. Iris. 31. Mclilaea arida sp. n. Arizona p. 328* Skinner Ent. News 28. — M. plioebe leechi subsp. n. p. 99, Rothschild Nov. zool. 24. — M . phocbe ab. n. yagii * Nire Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 pp. 145-148. Neptis ancus Burma, mar gala Borneo* spp. n., p. 409, Swinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Panacea procilla mamorensis subsp. n . p. 173, Hall Entomol. 50. Pantoper ia mera sp. n. Borneo p. 410* Swinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Phyciodes zamora Venezuela, cortes Mexico p. 161, carrera Guatemala, aquila Colombia p. 162, notus Peru p. 163, spp. n., Hall Entomol. 50. Polygonia c-album var. o-albumt Newnham p. 230 Entomol. 50. Pyrameis myrinna ab. n. eunice p. 171, Hall Entomol. 50. — P. indica ab. n. horishanus , Nire Dobuts. z. Tokyo 29 pp. 145-148. Siderone mars anguslifascia subsp. n* p. 174, Hall Entomol. 50. Timelaea maculaia ab. n. conflue7isy Nire Dobuts. z. Tokyo 29 pp. 145- 148. Vanessa c-album ab. n. cloqueliy fig., Clement p. 124 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Satyridae. Satyridae ; notes on North-amcrican* Barnes & MoDunnouqii Contr. 3 pp. 70-73 pi. viii 1916. Coenonympha arcania ab. n. elliptica p. 128 pi. vii f. 1, Reverdin Bull. Soc. Lep. Geneve 3.— C. pamphilus ab. n. nolclceniana p. 295, Strand Ent. Mitt. 6. 144 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Epinephele barrosi sp. n. Chile p. 85, fig., Figueroa Revist. chilena 21. — E. limonias & jauirioides pp. 29-32 figs. j. var. quinquepunctala p. 34 f. 4, Figueroa Revist. chilena 20 1910. — E. jurtina oviposition, Reiifous pp. 156-159 Bull. Soc. Lep. Geneve 3. Erebia medusa van*, with sub3pp. n. etc. pp. 43-51, aethiops f. n. allivaga p. 53, subspp. n. sapaudia p. 54 & salaria p. 55, Fruiistorfer I), ent. Zs. Iris. 31. Harsiesis pallidifascia sp. n. New Guinea p. 15 f. 7, Rothschild Rep. B. 0. U. 2 No. 15 1916. Hypocysta osyris waigeuensis subsp. n. p. 218, Joicey & Talbot . Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Melanargia galaihea meadewaldoi sub3p. n. p. 110, ines colossea subsp. n. p. Ill, Rothschild Nov. zool. 24. — M. Inchests & allies, Rowland -Brown pp. 123-127 etc. Entomol. 50. Mycalesis biformis p. 15 figs. 18 & 28, fulvianetta p. 10 f. 21, spp. n., discobolus signata subsp. n. p. 10, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1910.— M. arabella, ^ , Joicey & Talbot p. 219 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Pararge ; historical, taxonomical, Turner Pr. S. Lond. ent. Soc. 1916-17 pp. 7-17. — P. aegeria & other Satyrids, Gibbs Tr. Hertfordsh. Soc. 16 pp. 173-188 pi. xv. — P. maera meade- waldoi subsp. n. p. 112, Rothschild Nov. zool. 24. — P. aegeria , Turner Pr. S. Lond. ent. Soc. 1916-17 pp. 89- 95, aegeria var. tireis , Gibbs p. 95 Pr. S. Lond. ent. Soc. 1916-17 ; P. aegeria var. egerides, Perkins pp. 202- 200 Ent. Rec. 29 ; Gibbs & Perkins Pr. S. Lond. ent. Soc. 1916-1917 pp. 100-102. Platyphihima klossi sp. n. New Guinea p. 14 f. 32, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Satyr us sylvicola oberthueri subsp. n. p. 10 5Jidia hebitis p. 100 & /. intermedia p. 107, subspp. n., Rothschild Nov. zool. 24. Morphidae and allies. Brassolis isthmia, Dunn p. 473 pis. xxii & xxiii J. econ. Ent. 10. Oaligo ; the species, synonymy, Kaye Pr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917 pp. 19-21. — C. teucer, joasa cachi & ecuadora , subspp. n., eurylochus de- leclans subsp. n., Joicey & Kaye p. 181 Ent. Rec. 29. Hy antis albiplaga sp. n. New Guinea p. 18, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Morpho adonis & eugenia distin- guished p. 25, figs., adonis var. intermedia p. 27, Kaye Pr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917 ; M. marcus, Roth- schild p. 28 T.c. Morpholaenaris schoenbergi tvollas- toni p. 19, s. littoralis p. 20, subspp. n., Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Taenaris bioculalus grisescens subsp. n. p. 18, Rothschild T.c. Erycinidae. Barbicornis marginata sp. n. Brazil p. 004, Seitz Fauna cxot. aineric. 5. Hamearis cisandina sp. n. Rio Salado p. 701, Seitz T.c. Lymnas aragnaya sp. u. Goyaz p. .060, cratippa Mat to Grosso p. 001, spp. n., Seitz T.c. Mimocastnia gen. n., rothschildi n. n. for plagiaria Godm., Guiana, Seitz p. 652 T.c. Neotaxila subg. n. of Taxila, for dora Frulist. etc., Fruiistorfer p. 791 Seitz Fauna exot. Indo-austral. 9. Nymphidium maravalica Trinidad, enimanga Paraguay, spp. n., p. 711, Seitz Faun. exot. americ. 5. Praetaxila gen. n. type segecia , Fruiistorfer p. 793 Seitz Fauna exot. Indo-austral. 9. — Praetaxila wallacei arjakensis subsp. n. p. 219, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Zarax subg. n. of Laxita for teneta Hew., Fruiistorfer p. 789 Seitz Fauna Indo-austral. 9. Lycaenidae. Female genitalia, Chapman Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 pp. 297-300 4 pis. Scales, especially leaden-coloured, Cockayne p. 105 pi. xi. Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. 145 tusecta. Systematic. — Lepidoptera — Lyoaenidae. Notes on North- American Lycacni- dae, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 pp. 104-120 pi. xi, 1916. Problematic forms in Lycaenidae, Cour v oisier Verb. Ges. Basel 28 pp. 264-293. Resting attitude, Coltkrup p. 15 Ent. Rec. 29. Grunberg commences subfam. Ly- caeninae, in Seitz Fauna exotica Indo- austral. 9 pp. 824-848, 1915 and 1916. Agriades coridon varr. arragonensis and hispand, Sheldon p. 1-3 Ent. Rec. 29, Chapman T.c. p. \1.~A. coridon roy- stonensis, etc., Moore pp. 87-89 Pr. S. Lond. ent. Soc. 1916-17. — A. coridon and aragonensis, Querci pp. 241-246 Ent. Rec. 29. — A. (her sites, Rowland - Brown p. 186 Entomol. 50. Allotinus anaxandridas, caesemius, spp. n., Mindanao p. 814, Fruhstorfer Seitz Fauna exot. Indo-austral. 9. Arhopala dascia sp. n. Burma p. 409, Swinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 19.-*%A. res- tricta sp. n. p. 36 f. 16 New Guinea, Rothschild Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. — A. fulla babsi subsp. n. p. 219, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Candalides argenteus sp. n. New Guinea p. 30, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. — G. philotas cinera- ceus subsp. n. p. 220, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Chrysophanus virgaureae subspp. n. chrysorrhoa p. 33, cissites p. 34, the ages p. 40, Fruhstorfer D. ent. Zs. Iris 31. — C. dispar in northern France, Rowland-Brown pp. 97-99 Entomo- logist 50. Cupido minimus, variation, Frohawk p. 229 Entomol. 50. Curelis limbalus sp. n. New Guinea p. 35, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Cyaniris owgarra parvipuncta subsp. li. p. 27, Rothschild T.c. Deudorix concolor sp. n. Waigeu p. 220, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Gerydus ( Archaeogerydus ) gethusus Tonkin p. 216, G. courvoisieri Java p. 818, spp. n., Fruhstorfer Fauna exot. Indo-austral. 9. (n-4840 ;) Glaucopsyche bzhri australis subsp. n. p. 350, Grinnell Canad. Ent. 49. Hypolycaena pseudophorbas, phor- baita, spp. n., New Guinea p. 33, Roths- child Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. — H. livia, food-plant, Andres p. 88 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 7. Lampides pactolus waigeuensis subsp. n. p. 221, Joicey & Talbot Ann. nat. hist. 20. — L. baeticus, hibernation, Rowland-Brown p. 18 and p. 66 En- tomol. 50. Logania evora Sula p. 806, lurdeta Cebu p. 807, masana New Guinea p. 808, spp. n. Fruhstorfer Seitz Fauna exot. Indo-austral. 9; Loxura atymnus luzonica nov., Swin- hoe p. 158 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Lycaena ; various notes, ReHfous Bull. Soc. L6p. Geneve 3 p. 209-226. — L. figures of alcon figs. 3721-3726, arion and vars. 3727-3739, arionides 3740,' cyanecula 3741-3743, divina 3744, Oberthur £t. Lep. comp. 13. — L.alcon, artnoricana, Oberthur pp. 390 and 411 Bt. Lep. Comp. 14 ; L. alcon, natural history, Powell pp. 393-419 T.c., ar- moricana, natural history Powell pp. 420-460 T.c. : The group of L. argus allies, Oberthur pp. 461-469 T.c. ; armoricana and aegon eggs, pi. t.c. un- numbered ; armoricana larva pi. 481 bis T.c. — L. alcon subspp. n. haurii and tolistus p. 24, euphemus bajuvaricus p. 25 and thersandrus p. 26, subspp. n., arion antesion subsp. n. p. 27, jolas eurysthenes and protogenes subspp. n. p. 31, Fruhstorfer D. ent. Zs. Iris 31. — L. alexis, varr., Reverdin Bull. Soc. Lep. Geneve 3 p. 189-192 pi. ix. — L. argus, ligurica, armoricana, characters, genitalia, Reverdin pp. 17-30 2 pis. Et. Lep. comp. 14 : ligurica, idas, ar- moricana, androconia, Courvoisier T.c. p. 33-39 — L. arion, larval habits, Chap- man pp. 315-321 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916. — L. loewii ab. n. johahnae p. 86, Andres Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 7. — L. lygdanms Columbia new race, Skinner p. 213 Ent. News 28. M diva sulphurea S. and K. is Terias brigitta zoe, Talbot p. 140 Entomol. 50. Miletus stotharti sp. n. f. 17 apelles major subsp. n., New Guinea, Roths- child p. 34 Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. b 27 140 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Nacaduba proximo,, subdubiosa, tristis , argioloides, spp. n. New Guinea p. 29, Rothschild T.c. Pepliphorus hylas tvaigeuensis subsp. n. p. 220, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — P. nemophilina minor subsp. n. p. 28, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1910. Philiris aurelioides sp. n. p. 30, New Guinea, Rothschild T.c. Philotes battoides, allies pp. 213-216, spaldingi sp. n. Utah p. 216 pi. xvi. figs. 9-11, genitalia pi. xvii, Barnes & McDunnouqh Contr. 3, 1916. Plebeius argus and vars. pp. 41 etc., genitalia pis. 1-20, aegus sp. n. p. 41, sareptensis sp. n. p. 52, Chapman £t. Lep. comp. 14. — P. loewii joannae. Graves p. 76 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9. Polyommalus baeticus parasites, etc., Alfieri p. 22 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9. Porilia hewitsoni, sexes, Ellis p. 116 J. Bombay Soc. 25. Bapala francesca, . 89 fig. pi. i, Kenrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Paranympha assimilis p. 58, klosii p. 59, spp. n.. New Guinea, Rothschild T.c. Perigea rubidata fig. pi. i, griseata fig. pi. ii,' spp. n., Madagascar p. 88, Kenrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Phlegetonia pratti sp. n. Madagascar p. 92 pi. iii fig., Kenrick T.c. Phobolosia bilineata sp. n. Texas p. 14 pi. iii f. 10, Barnes & McDun- nough Contr. 3 1916. Phoenicophanta bicolor sp. n. Arizona p. 15 pi. iii f. 15, Barnes & Me- Dunnough Contr. 3 1916. Phyllodes conspicillator pur a subsp. n. p. 56, Rothschild Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Phylometra pratti sp. n. Madagascar p. 94 pi. iii, Kenrick Tr. ent. Soo. Lond. 1917. — P. ( Prothymia ) apicala pi. iii f. 23, P. curvata f. 24, spp. n., Arizona p. 18, Barnes & McDun- nough Contr. 3 1916. Plateja plagosa sp. n. New Guinea p. 60, Rothschild Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Pleurona simillima sp. n. Andamans D. 161, Swinhoe Ann Nat. hist. 20. Plusia gamma, pupa, Ljungdahl Ent. Tidskr. 38 pi. ii fig. 3. — P. moneta cocoon colour, Hawkes p. 404 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916. Polia ( Mamestra ) brenda pi. i. f. 3, deleccta f. 17, spp. n., U. S. p.7, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Polydesma rectefasciata , tessellata, spp. n., Madagascar p. 93, pi. iv figs.f Kenrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Praxis caeruleotincta, nebulosa f. 11, spp. n., New Guinea p. 59, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Pseudoglossa bipupillata sp. n. New Guinea p. 53 pi. i f. 6, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Raparna roseata sp. n. Japan p. 27, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. Rhynchagrotis orbipuncta sp. n. Ari- zona p. 6 pi. i f. 2, Barnes & McDun- nough Contr. 3 1916. Paracolax griseata, albopunctata, spp. Risoba variegata sp. n. New Guinea n., New Guinea p. 68, Rothschild p. 55 f. 30, Rothschild Rep. B. 0. U Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. 163 Insecta. Systematic.— Lepidoptera — Geometridae. Schinia cupes var. n. deserlicola p. 6 pi. iii f. 16, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Scoliopteryx libatrix, pupa, Ljung- dahl Ent. Tidskr, 38 pi. i. fig 2. Sesamia melianoides sp n. New Guinea p. 63, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Sideridis pseudoyu sp. n. New Guinea p. 52, Rothschild T.c. Singara albomacula sp. n. Madagascar p. 96 d1. iii. fig., Kenrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Sticloptera pectinata sp. n. Madagas- car p. 91 pi. iv fig., Kenrick T.c. — S. poliata Singapore p. 337, welter crisis Amboina, longloa:ia Solomon islds., p. 338, dispar, commutata , New Guinea p. 339, spp. n.., Swinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Slilbia folettoides sp. n. Arizona p. 11 pi. iii f. 1, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Sliria olivalis sp. n. California p. 12 pi. iii f. 8, Barnes & McDunnough T. c. Stiriodes virida sp. n. California p. 13 pi. iii f. 7, Barnes & McDunnough T.c. Sypna diver sa p. 25, hampsoni p. 26, spp. n., Formosa, Wileman & South Entomol 50. Systalicospora rufotincta sp. n. New Guinea p. 63, Rothschild Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Tarachidia albitnargo Texas p. 15 pi. iii f. 25, albitermen Arizona p. 16 f. 6, spp. n., Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Timota albisticla sp. n. p. 473 Janse Ann Durb. Mus. 1. Tipasa plumbea , rufocastanea f. 71, spp. n., New Guinea p. 73, Rothschild Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Tolpia brunnescens p. 72, poslres- Iricta, p. 73, spp. n., New Guinea, Roths- child T.c. Trachea triangulata p. 87, pi. ii fig., leucopicta p. 90 f. pi. ii, spp. n., Mada- gascar, Kenrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. — T. mediifascia sp. n. Formosa p. 25, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. (n -4840 ;) Xanthodesma rectar, gulata sp. n. Madagascar p. 96 pi. iii fig., Kenrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Xylina furcifera, pupa, Ljungdahl Ent. Tidskr 38 pi. ii fig. 16. Xylomoia chagnoni sp. n. Quebec p. 320, Barnes & McDunnough Canad. Ent. 49. Zelhes wollastoni sp. n. New Guinea p. 60 f. 22, Rothschild Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. — Z. limbalis China p. 161, sidonalis Perak p. 162, spp. n., Swinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — Z. ochreomarginata sp. n. New Guinea p. 53 pi. i f. 4, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Geometridae (Inch Uraniidae, Epiplemidae, CymatophoEidae). Points of interest, definition etc., Prout Trans. London Nat. Hist. Soc. 1916 pp. 42-48. Seitz commences the vol. of Indo- australian Geometridae. Tables of N. American Geometridae and of the genera of Hydriomeninae, Forbes pp. 44-67 J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. Notes on Walker’s Canadian types in the D’ Urban collection, Barnes & McDunnough pp. 35-42 Contr. 3 1916 (we do not give these notes in detail below). Hybrid Bistoninae ; Harrison J. Genetics 6 pp. 269-313 pi. x. Abraxas mosaria sp. n. Formosa p. 164, Swinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — A. culpini sp. n. Shanghai p. 312, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. — A. grossulariata, pupal variation, Porritt p. 235 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53; var. n. albovarleyata , Porritt p. 86 T.c. ; hibernation, Pictet Bull. Soc. L6p. Geneve 3 pp. 164—188. — A. marginata, pupa, Ljung- dahl Ent. Tidskr. 38 pi. ii. fig 9. Acidalia oberthueri sp. n. Tunis p. 63, Lucas Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917.— A . griseolineata, lacteisabulosa, spp. n.. New Guinea p. 96, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916.— A. subru- faria var. n. fusaria p. 393, ChrEtien Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. — A. trigaria ab. n. rehfousiana, Culot p. 254 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. b 28—2 1G4 Inaecta, XII. Insecta. Acossws connectus sp. n. Texas p. 34 pi. i f. 5, Babnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Adeixis parvitis sp. n. New Zealand p. 274, Howes Tr. N.Z. Inst. 49. A eolochroma prasina spadiocampa subsp. n. p. Ill pi. vii f. 1, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Aethaloptera aniicaria var. n . fnmata p. 246 pi. xxiii f. 11, Barnes & McDun- nough Contr. 3 1916. Agathia curvifiniens sp. n. China p. 112 pi. vii f. 23, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Alcidis liris sordidior subsp. n. p. 101, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Aids cinnamomea sp. n. New Guinea p. 86, Rothschild T.c. Alex niasica Nias sp. n. p. 416, Bwinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 19. AllocJdorodes gen. n., elpis sp. n., Prout p. 47 Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17 1917. A mphidasis cognat aria var. n. forii- taria pi. xxvi f. 2 and f. n. sweltaria, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916 p. 246. — A. betvlaria, pupa, Ljungdahl Ent. Tidskr. 38 pi. i fig. 4. Anacosymbia chrysopar alias sp. n. W. Africa p. 432, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Anapalta semiviridis sp. n. New Guinea p. 67 pi. iii f. 4, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Aninomyia—(Graefia Pears.), McDun- nough p. 233 Ent. News 28. Anisodes warreni sp. n. New Guinea p. 96, Rothschild Rep. B .0. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Anisozyqa bicolor sp. n. New Guinea p. 97, Rothschild T.c.— A. veniplaga subsp. n. p. 67, pi. iv. f. 6, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — A. charma sp. p. Sarawak p. 112 pi. vii f. 9, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Anosioides ? pseudomelanoscia sp. n. New Guinea p. 88 f. 67, Rothschild T.c. Anatharmostes simplicimargo sp. n. Congo p. 120 pi. vii f. 20, Prout T.c. Antitrygodes subaequalis sp. n. Isabel isld. p. 308, parvimacula privativa subsp. n. p. 307, Prout Nov. zool. 24. [1917] Aphilopota phanerostigma sp. n. p. 66, Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Apithecia gen. n. p. 266 type Cidaria viridata Moore, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Arichanna barteli sp. n. Mongolia p. 304, antiplasla n. n. for similaria Leech p. 305, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. — A. olivescens sp. n. Formosa p. 54, Wile- man & South Entomol. 50.— A. nigro- lineata sp. n. Luzon p. 101, Wileman & South Entomologist 50. Aspilatopsis orthobates sp. n. p. 63, Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Axiodes dochmoleuca sp. n. p. 65, Prout T.c. Bathycolpodes tornifiorata sp. n. Cam- eroons p. 120, pi. vii. f. 29, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Berta chrysolineata philippina subsp. n. p. 125 pi. vii. f. 14, Prout T.c. — B. poppaea Hainan, subrectistriga Philip- pines, p. 302, copiosa Assam p. 303, spp. n., Prout Nov. zool. 24. Bistoninae ; geography, Harrison Naturalist 1917 pp. 161, etc. Boarmia subockrearia sp. n. Formosa p. 53, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. — B. mavi p. 369, scmthi p. 372, rang- poaria p. 373, seitzi p. 375, spp. n. China, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. — B. roboraria demonstrata subsp. n. p. 315, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Borbacha rubidaria sp. n. New Guinea p. 81 f. 69, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Bordeta klossi f. 78, bursadoides, spp. n., New Guinea p. 91, Rothschild T.c. Caberodes (? Euchlaena) irroraria sp. n. Chicago ( = majoraria Pack.), Barnes & McDunnough p. 189 Contr. 3, 1916. Calocalpe tristis n. n. for sidcritariu Leech p. 201, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Cartalelis libyssa nalalensis subsp. n. p. 428, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Cgtaclysme grandis sp. n. Tencriffe p. 266, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. C atopy rr ha esperunza sp. n. Texas p. 239 pi. xxii. figs. 5 and 6, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. 1G5 / nsecla. Systematic. — T.epidoptera — Geometridae. Gelerena angustisignaia sp. n. Sudest Iskl. p. 293, Prout Nov. zool. 24. — G. perithca waigeuensis subsp. n. p. 229, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Chloroclyslis ( Gnamptomia ) muscosa tumefacla subsp. n. p. 57. Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. — C. subcincla sp. u. Nikko p. 293, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. — G.furva p. 239, kumilis p. 240, spp. n. New Zealand, Philpott Tr. N. Z. Inst. 49. — G. clarhei sp. n. New Zealand p. 274, Howes Tr. N. Z. Inst. 49. Ghloropleryx anisoclena sp. n. Venez- uela p. 377, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Ghlorosea pulcherrima sp. n. California p. 20 pi. ii. f. 10, Barnes & McDun- nough Contr. 3, 1916. Chrysocraspeda pulverimargo p. 313, elaeophragma p. 314, spp. n. New Guinea, Prout Nov. zool. 24. — C. leig- liata holobapta subsp. n. p. 433, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Cidaria otregiata sp. n. England, Metcalfe p. 74, note by Mera p. 75, Entomologist 50. — G. jyraefecta Japan p. 219, G. ( Dystroma ) planifasciata Kashmir p. 220, volutata Centr. Asia p. 221, exhausta Tibet p. 259, mediangu- laria China p. 259, conlrita Amurland p. 261, subravaria Turkestan p. 235, egenala Irkutsk, p. 239, reclamala Syria p. 240, mpdiolineda Japan p. 241, coangulata Mongolia p. 249, spp. n., Prout, Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Cleora semiochrea sp. n. Luzon p. 315, Prout Nov. zool. 24. — G. proemia sp. n. Madagascar p. 435, Prout T.c. — G. scripta pi. iii. f. 7, discipuncla pi. iv f. 8, spp. n., New Guinea, flaccida constricta subsp. n., Joicey & Talbot p. 74 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — G. perpic- taria sp. u. Arizona p. 29 pi. ii f. 14, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3, 1916. — C. sanctissima p. 241 pi. xxv f. 6, profanata f. 3, G. ( Selidosema ) anellula p. 242 f. 4, G. vernal a p. 243 f. 5, rusticaria f. 9, C. (Selidosema) satis- facla figs. I & 2, p. 244, G. ocularia p. 245 f. 10, spp. n., U. S., Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3, 1916. Gochisea gen. n. near Amphidasis, rigidaria pi. ii. fig3. 2 & 3, p. 29, sinnaria p. 30 f. 1, spp. n. Arizona, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3, 1916. Coenotephria subg. of Cidaria p. 238, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Gomibaena hemictenes sp. n. Ivory coast p. 114 pi. vii f. 21, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Comoslola hypotyphla p. 303, deme- ritaria, India, cedilla New Guinea, p. 304, spp. n. Prout. Nov. zool. 24. Conchylia actena, lamellata , spp. n., p. 58, Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Grasilogia dispar fubvitincta subsp. n. p. 68 pi. iv f. 11, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Craspedosia cy anodes, cyanophanes , spp. n.. New Guinea p. 229, Joicey & Talbot T.c. Graspedosis wollastoni p. 88 f. 54, swinhoei , affinis, p. 89, oviplaga , mir- andina p. 90, spp. n.. New Guinea, munda aflava subsp. n. p. 89, Roths- child Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. — C. prouti pi. iii f. 3, scordylodes pi. iv f. 18, p. 78, spp. n., New Guinea, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Gryptoloba apicata sp. n. Chang- Yang p. 191, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Cyllopoda gibbifrons, expansifascia, p. 391, nigrivena p. 392, spp. n., Amer. mer., Prout Nov. zool. 24. Gyplinra urapteroides sp. n. New Guinea p. 80 pi. iii f. 16, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Dasycorsa n. n. for Dasycephala St., Prout f. 332 Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Diactinia ( Euphyia ) notata sp. n. New Guinea p. 94 f. 48, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Diplodesma mystica Celebes p. 299, planata India with subsp. dorsinigrata p. 298, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Dirades decorata brunnea subsp. n. p. 105, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Discalma arcifera dubia subsp. n. p. 72, Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Discoglypha locupleiaia sp. n. Assam p. 307, aureifloris parvifloris subsp. n. p. 306, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Discoloxia eucosma sp. n. Tibet p. 271, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Drepanogynis leptodama, pero, spp. n., p. 62, Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. 166 lnsccta. XIT. Insecta. [1917] , Drepanulatrix ( Deilinia ) lutearia pi. ii figs. 5 & 6, secundaria figs. 11 & 12, spp. n., California p. 25, hulsti carneo- lata var. n. p. 233 pi. xxviii figs. 6 & 6, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Dysphania endoleuca sp. n. New Guinea p. 293, militaris qbuegata subsp. n., latiplaga chrysostathes subsp. n., p. 294, Prout Nov. zool. 24. — D. porphyroides sp. n. Andaman islds. p 1H pi. vii f. 12, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Dyspteris viridilineata sp. n. Guiana p. 9, Dogntn Heter. 13. Dysstroma mulleolata abb. n. sobria p. 69, subumbrata and ozhrofuscaria p. 70, Swett Canad. Ent. 49. Ectropis nigrosparsa sp. n. Formosa p. 54, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. — E. farracearia inculta subsp. n. p. 314, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Ellopia ( Therina ) phantoma sp. n. Arizona p. 31 pi. i f. 12, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. — E. jacu- laria p. 254 pi. xxvii f. 1, turbataria p. 255 figs. 2 & 3, spp. n., U. S., Barnes & McDunnouoh T.c. Ennomos alniaria, pupa, Ljung- dahl Ent. Tidskr. 38 pi. ii fig. 8. Eois davisi sp. n. Florida p. 90, Grossbeck Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. — E. hyriaria, Prout p. 392 Nov. zool. 24. Epiplatymetra lentifluata sp. n. Ari- zona p. 266 pi. xxvii f. 13, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Epiplema wollastoni, warreni, boar- miata p. 104, urapterygia, p. 105, spp. n., New Guinea, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. — E. rhacina sp. n. Khasia hills p. 339, Swinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Epirrhoe plebeculata var. n. vivida p. 232 pi. xx. figs. 1 & 2, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Episothalma sequestrata sp. n. New Guinea p. 297, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Epitherapis ruptimacula sp. n. New Guinea p. 72 pi. iii f. 10, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Ergavia burrowsi p. 374, piercei, endoeasta, p. 375, venturii p. 376, spp. n. Amer. mer. Prout Nov. zool. 24. Eucharidema arfaka sp. n. New Guinea p. 79 pi. iii f. 1, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. Hist. 20. Euchlaena detraclaria sp. n. Arizona p. 32 pi. i f. 11, Barnes & MoDun- nougii Contr. 3 1916. — E. albertanensis sp. n. p. 351, Swett Canad. Ent. 49. Eucymatoge spermaphaga sp. n. Ore- gon p. 68, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Eupithecia latipennata sp. n. Madeira p. 282, corticosa n. n. for draudti D. p. 298, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. — E. licit a p. 55, rediviva p. 54, subcanipars p. 55, Subconclusaria p. 54, subterlimbata p. 56, spp. n., Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. — E. subscriptaria p. 433, infelix p. 434, spp. n. S. Africa, Prout Nov. zool. 24. — E, taiwana, Icarapinensis, spp. n. For- mosa, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. Eurychoria albicosta sp. n. New Guinea p. 69 pi. iii f. 9, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Flavinia bogotensis sp. n. p. 7, Pognin Heter. 13. Oelasma ausjncata sp. n. Assam p. 295 Prout Nov. zool. 24. Gabariaalbimedia novoguinensis subsp. n. p. 71 pi. iii f. 5, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Garaevs virilis sp. n. China p. 327, Prout Seitz Fauna pal 4. Gonodela wollastoni sp. n. New Guinea p. 82, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Gonodontis stictoneura sp. n. p. 72, Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. — G. avrata sp. n. Japan p. 331, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. — G. macularia sp. n. New Mexico p. 32 pi. i f. 16, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Hebdomophruda errans p. 61, cremi- linea p. 60, spp. n., Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Heliomata fulliola sp. n. Arizona p. 233 pi. xx f. 9, Barnes & McDun- nough Contr. 3 1916. Hemerophila absurda sp. n. p. 67, Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17.—//. japygiaria ab. n. capsitanaria p. 399, Chretien Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. Hemistola malachitaria p. 299, anti- gone p. 300, spp. n. India, Prout Nov. zool. 24. IG7 Insccla. Systematic. — Lbpidopterat— Geometric ae. Ilemithea notospila Borneo pi. vii. f. 27, antigrapha India f. 11, spp. n. p. 122, distinctaria laeta subsp. n. p. 123 f. 18, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — II. sub- flavida copiosa , insularia duplicala , p. 297 and wuka Isabella p. 298, subspp. n , Prout Nov. zool. 24. Heteroloelia torniplaga sp. n. China p. 341, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Horisme vitalbala var. n. incana, Swett p. 190 Psyche 24. Hydriomena terminipunclala sp. n. Utah p. 22, pi. ii f. 7, Barnes & McDunnough, Contr. 3, 1910. — II. revision based on $ genitalia, pp. 6-38, pis. i-x, tuoluinne p. 13 pi. ii figs. 13 and 14, exculpata p. 14 pi. iii figs. 1-3, shasta p. 15 f. 4, marinala p; 19 pi. vi f. G, arizonata p. 20, pi. iii f. 10, obliquilinm p. 21 f. 11, marmorata p. 22 pi. iv. f. 3, sierrae p. 23 figs. 4 and 5, muscala p. 20 pi. iv f. 9, Jurculoides p. 33 pi. v f. 15, spp. n. U. S. Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 4. — H. expolita sp. n. New Zealand, Phil- pott p. 240 Tr. N.Z. Inst. 49. Hygrochroa purpurascens sp. n. New Guinea p. 73 pi. iv. f. 3, Joicey & Tal- bot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Hypenorhynchus inoblrusa p. . 55, costimacula p. 50, spp. n. Formosa, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. Ilypochrosis pseudoinCensata f. 63, olivaceata , spp. n. New Guinea p. 85, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1910. — II. mixlicolor sp. n. China p. 337, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. — II. martini sp. n. Celebes p. 310, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Hypodoxa pallida sp. n. New Guinea p. 60 d1. iv. f. 1, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat hist. 20.— H. emiliaria subteprosa subsp. n. p. 293, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Hyposidra rufo-ochracea, castaneorvfa f. 44, p. 83, plagosa p. 48, spp. n., New Guinea, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Hypoxyslis n. n. for Ilypoplectis auett. p. 342, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Iodis rhabdota p. 300, xynia, India, colpostrophia Java, p. 301, spp. n., Prout Nov. zool. 24. I tame perornata sp. B. Arizona p. 26 .pi. ii f. 16, extemporata p. 236, j pi. xxiii f. 1Q» confederata pi. xxiv figs. 5 & 6, plumosata figs. 7 & 8, p. 237, epigenata p. 238 pi. xxiii f. 5, spp. n. U. S., coortaria var. n. enigmata p. 236 pi. xxiv f. 2, graphidaria var. n. sobriaria p. 239, f. 9, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Larentia diplocampa sp. n. p. 53, Prout Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. — L. and Xanthorhoe, Meyrick Tr. N. Z. Inst. 49 pp. 248-250. Larentioides gen. n. cacothemon sp. n., Prout p. 68 Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Lasioedma purpureorufa sp. n. New Guinea p. 93 65, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Leuculopsis parvistriata sp. n. Colom- bia p. 14, Dognin Heter. 13. Lithoslege deserticola California p. 20 pi. ii f. 15, marcala New Mexico p. 21 pi. iii f. 19, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Lobocraspeda coeruleonilens sp. n. New Guinea f. 59, coeruleostriga latefascia subsp. n., Rothschild d. 92 Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Lomographa chartularia = ( inaequata Warr.), infuscata sp. n. Colombia, Doa- ni& p. 11 Heter. 13. Lycimna peccataria sp. n. Arizona p. 32 pi. i figs. 13 and 14, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3, 1916. Lygris taiwana sp. n. Formosa p. 55, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. — L. xylina var. n. serrataria p. 226 pi. xxi f. 9, Barnes & Me Dunnough Contr. 3, 1916. Macaria laguata sp. n. W. Africa p. 126 pi. vii f. 3* Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Mannia gen. n. p. 382, type opposi- taria Mann, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Manna electa sp. n. Africa p. 435, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Medasina subpicaria sp. n. China p. 361, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Megaloba postrubidaria sp. n. New Guinea p. 94 f. 66, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Mesoleuca gratulaia var. r. latialbala p. 232 pi. xxii f. 11, Barnes & McDun- nough Contr. 3, 1916. 168 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [19177 Metallochlora exorista sp. n. New Guinea, militaris satisfacta subsp. n., p. 296, Pkout Nov. zool. 24. Metanema excelsa var. n. olivata p. 260 pi. xxviii figs. 7 and 8, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Metarranthis septentrionaria Manitoba p. 257, pi. xxix figs. 2 and 3, angularia Illinois p. 258 figs. 7 and 8, spp. n., Barnes & McDunnough T.c. Microligia intervenata sp. n. p. 59, Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Microlygris gen. n. p. 207 type Cidaria multistriata Butl., Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Miliovia anisochrysa sp. n. Schouten islds. o. 127 pi. vii f. 7, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Mimandria cataraclae sp. n. Rhodesia p. 110 pi. vii f. 25, Prout T.c. Monroa ( Cleora ) inter punctata sp. n. Arizona p. 240 pi. xxv f. 9, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Morina curvata sp. n. California p. 27 pi. ii f. 17, Barnes & McDunnough T.c. Myrioblephora fasti ala, chogadoides, spp. n.. New Guinea p. 87, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Nadagara camura sp. n. New Guinea p. 70 pi. iv f. 14, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Nadagarodes sabulosus sp. n. New Guinea p. 70 pi. iv f. 12, Joicey & Talbot T.c. Neotephria subgen. n. of Cidaria, Prout p. 237 Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Neotherina noxiosa sp. n. Colombia p. 12, Dognin Heter. 13. Nepytia regulata sp. n. Arizona p. 26 pi. ii f. 13, Barnes & McDun- nough Contr. 3 1916. Neromia enotes sp. n. Gambia p. 123 pi. vii f. 15, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Nesalcis croesaria = (rufivenata D.), Dognin p. 15 H6ter. 13. Neurotoca insolens sp. n. Rhodesia p. 124 pi. vii f. 19, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Ninodes scintillans sp. n. China p. 317, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Niphonissa hizonensis sp. n. Philip- pines p. 101, Wileman & South Entomologist 50. Nipteria panacea = ( munda Warr.) p. 13, cleiagora var. n. subalba, hija — (subbrunnea Warr.) p. 14, Dognin7 H6ter. 13. Nobilia turbata — ( Plutodes strigularia Snell.), Prout p. 307 Nov. zool. 24. Notoreas villosa sp. n. New Zealand p. 241, Philpott Tr. N. Z. Inst. 49. Obolcola cacoctenes sp. n. p. 73", Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Onychodes leptoctenopiis $ , p. 65- pi. iii f. 8, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Oospila circumsessa Amazons sp. n. p. 119 pi. vii f. 13, circumdata striolata subsp. n. p. 118 f. 24, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Opisthograptis luteolata pupa, Ljung- dahl Ent. Tidskr. 38 pi. ii fig. 14. Ornithospila succincla sp. n. Penang- p. 295, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Ortholilha libanaria Lebanon p. 163 sp. * n., Prout Seitz Fauna Pal. 4. O. peringueyi p. 51 , punctiscripta p. 52,. spp. n., Prout Ann, S. Afric. Mus. 17. Orthometa foliacea f. 61, arg iliac eca spp. n. New Guinea p. 84, Rothschild- Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Oxychora assimilis sp. n. New Guinea p. 99, Rothschild T.c. Palaeaspilates mansueta sp. p. 50, Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Paralces aurantifascia latimacula pi. iv f. 10 subsp. n., albistigma pi. iii f. 2 p. 75, indistincta pi. iv f. 5, costi- macula f. 17 p. 76, lituata pi. iii f. 6> p. 77, spp. n.. New Guinea, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Pareclipsis onus sp. n. p. 73, Prout" Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Par excelsa insonspi cuaria sp. n. Ari- zona p 30 pi ii f. 18, Barnes & McDun- nough Contr. 3 1916. Pentophlebia climena sp. n. Sao Paulo p. 12, Dognin Heter. 13. Perenia maculata punctimaculatu subsp. n. p. 317, Prout Nov. zool. 24. 109 Insecta. Systematic. — Lepidoptera — Geometridae. Peridela birecta p. 70, punctilinea p. 69, spp. n.t Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Perigramma immaculata = ( nigri - costa Warr.), Dognin p. 12 Heter. 13. Perizoma lahoensis p. 23 pi. ii f. 8, epictaia p. 24 pi. iii f. 20, spp. n., Cali- fornia, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Petelia pseudognophos sp. n. p. 74, Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Phaeoura perfidaria pi. xxvi figs. 4 & 5, triaria f. 3, p. 247, spp. n., U. S., Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Phasiane triviata p. 233 pi. xxiii f. 1, ponderosa p. 234 figs. 7 & 8, sep- temberata p. 236 f. 4, spp. n., Amcr. bor., dislocaria var. n. malefactaria p. 234 figs. 2 & 3, Barnes & McDun- nough T.c. Phellinodes biapicata p. 108 pi. vii f. 5, leucoplethes p. 109 f. 28, spp, n., Araer. mer., Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Phengommataea edwardsafa berk- leyata subsp n. p. 124, Wright J. N. York. ent. Soc. 25. Pherne subpunctata vernalaria n.f., Wright p. 123 T.c. Philtraea elegantaria, in Louisiana, Tucker p. 394 Ent. News 28. Phrudocentra senescens sp. n. Colom- bia p. 117 pi. vii f. 16, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Pingasa lalagi Solomons sp. n. p. 416, Swinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — P. lahayei austrina subsp. n. p. Ill pi. vii f. 26, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Plagoclis intermediaria sp. n. Ottawa p. 248 pi. xxii f. 2, Barnes & McDun- nough Contr. 3 1916. Plataea triangularia sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 27 pi. iii f. 18, Barnes & McDunnough T.c. — P. calif orniaria pasadcnaria subsp. n. p. 123, Wright J.N. York ent. Soc. 25. Plutodes connexa wandammensis subsp. n. p. 69 pi. iv f. 2, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Poly acme punctilinea sp. n. New Guinea p. 71 pi. iv f. 4, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Prasinocyma rhodocycla sp. n. Ivory coast p. 121 pi. vii f. 6, Prout Amu Nat. hist. 20. — P. angiana sp. n. New Guinea p. 67 pi. iv f. 13* Joicey & Talbot T.c. — P. fragilis solida subsp „ n. p. 296, Prout Nov. zool. 24. — P. tranquilla sp.n. Harar p. 428, Prout T.c. Problepsis plenorbis Sumatra p. 309,. crassinotata, longipannis, p. 310, Assam,. paredra Szechuan p. 312, spp. n.^ conjunctiva subjunctiva p. 309, apolli- naria candidior p. 312, subspp. n., P. delphiaria Gu. (as Argyris) = (Problepsiodes argenlisquama Warr.)* p. 311, Prout T.c. — P. similinotatar. sp. n. Congo, aegretta insculpta, p. 431,. flavistigma dilatistigma p. 432, subspp. n., Prout Nov. zool. 24. Prohydata ignita sp. n. Costa Rica p. 124 pi. vii f. 10, Prout Ann. Nat., hist. 20. Psaliodes (?) olivacea, viridilincta, spp. n., New Guinea p. 95, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Pseudhemithea exomila sp. n. Cam- eroons p. 429, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Pseudomaenas n. liom. for Agram- modes Warr.* oncodogramma [sp. n.| Prout, p. 60 Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Pseudomiza opaca sp. n. New Guinea p. 71 pi. iv f. 7, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Pterotaea tremularia p. 27 pi. ii f 4. (? = Cleora melanocarpa Swett), serra- taria p. 28 pi. ii f. 9, spp. n. California,. Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. ,N Ptochophyle apicirubra sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 433, Prout Nov. zool. 24. — P. geranium sp. n. New Guinea p. 313, Prout T.c. Plychopoda lipara sp. n. 30, Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. — P. taiwana p_ 56, sinuata, tainanensis , deleta, p. 57, spp. n., Formosa, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. — P. combinata p. 389, xanthodeta, callipepla, p. 390, spp. n., Amer. mer., Prout Nov. zool. 42. Pyrrhorachis pyrrhogona subsp. n. angustata & turgescens , Prout p. 305 T.c. Bacheospila abdominaria p. 218, assaciaria p. 219, spp. n., Florida, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 170 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917J 1916. — R. glaucomarginaria sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 224, Barnes & McDunnough T.c. — R. rufoseriata p. 376, variifrons p. 377, spp. n., Amer. mer., Prout Nov. zool. 24. — R. pentica p. 115 pi. vii f. 2, inaequalis p. 116 f. 17, lugenti- scripta p. 117 f. 8, with subsp. dubia, spp. n., Amer. mer., Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — R. vermiculata, % , Doonin p. 7 Het6r. 13. Rhodometra angasinarcata sp. n. Peru p. 9, virgenpamba var. n. roseala p. 8, Dognin Heter 13. Rhodostrophia plesiochora sp. n. China, bisinuala W. = ( sinensis Pr.), Prout p. 306 Nov. zool. 24. Sabaria euckroes sp, n. India p. 316, Prout T.c. Sabulodes triangulata sp. n. Arizona ,p. 33, pi. i f. 15, Barnes & McDun- nough Conti*. 3 1916. — S. sericeata sp. n. Arizona p. 261 pi. xxviii f. 4, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Sard nodes luzonensis sp. n. p. 102, . Wileman & South Entomologist 50. Sauris muscosa sp. n. New Guinea p. 95, Rothschild ltep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. — S. griseolauta arfakensis sp. n. (sic) pi. iv f. 9, definita sp. n. f. 15, p. 68 New Guinea, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Scardamia klossi sp. n. New Guinea p. 81 f. 73, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. .< Scopula flexio p. 48, teniuscripta p. 49, spp. n., Prout Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. — S. aeiheomorpha sp. n. New Guinea p. 312, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Selenia kentaria f. n. glaucata p. 259 pi. xxii f. 4, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Selidosema cypressaria sp. n. Florida p. 96, Grossbeck Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Semaeopus semicaeca p. 378, euthyoria p. 379, dorsiornata , hypoderis, p. 380, catamompha p. 381, geminilinea, plum- bcoslrota,' exypirji, p. 382, vestita p. 383, tergilinea p. 384, purpureoplaga p. 385, Sip. n., Amer. Mer.; ladrilla flavicans p. 379, luridata subrugosa p. 380, rubida orbistigma p. 383 vestita asymphora p. 384, subspp. n. ; Prout Nov. zool. 24. Sericosema viridirufaria f. n. incar - nata p. 240, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3, 1916. Sicya olivata sp. n. New Mexico p. 31 pi. i. f. 10, Barnes & McDunnough T.c. — S. pergilvaria sp. n. California ,p. 253 pi. xxvii. figs. 11 & 12, Barnes & McDunnough T.c. Sicyodes pulversa p, 64, subochrea p. 65, spp. n., Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Somatina probleptica p. 429, virgi- nahs p. 430, spp. n., Africa, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Spaniocentra isospania sp. n. Bombay p. 113 pi. vii f. 22, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Spargania illustrata sp. n. Arizona pi. xx figs. 7 & 8 p. 230, magnoliata var. n. ruptata p. 231 pi. xix f. 1, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3, 1916. Stamnodes topazala var. n, apicata p 224 pi. xx f. 6, Barnes & MoDun- nough T.c. Sterrha parallela sp. n. Formosa p. 55, Wileman & South Entomol. 50, Synaxis jubararia var. n. sericeata p. 260 pi. xxviii f. 9, Barnes & Mc- Dunnough Contr. 3, 1916. Tephrina abnormata sp. n. p. 71, Prout Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. T ephroclystia rhoisata sp. n. Biskra p. 398, Chretien Ann. Soc. ent. France 85.— T. sinuosaria metamorphosis, Meves Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 147. Thalassodes furvijimbria sp. n. Ceylon p. 296, Prout Nov. zool. 24. — T. floc- cosa sp. n. Malay penins. p. 121 pi. vii f. 4, Prout Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Thalera lactearia, pupa, Ljungdahl Ent. Tidskr. 38 pi. ii fig 7. Thera georgii var. n. benesignata p. 226 pi. xix f. 3, latens sp. n. Colorado p. 227 f. 5, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3, 1916. Tricentra allotmeta, devigescens, p. 387, flavifigurata, spp. n., Amer. mer., citrinaria grisescens subsp. n., p. 388, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Trichobaptria gen. n. for exsecuta Fald. p. 169, Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. 17 L t riser in. Systematic.— Lepidoptera— .Pyralidae, Thyrtdidae. Trichodesia albovittala var. n. ienvi- fasciata p. 225 pi. xxii f. 7, Barnes & McDonnough Contr. 3, 1916. Triphosa bipectinata sp. n. Arizona p. 225 pi. xix f. 6, Barnes & McDun- nough T.c. T. dubitata, pupa, Ljungdahl Ent. Tidskr. 38 pi. ii fig. 15. Trygodes basisignata p. 385, viridi- plena p. 386, spp. n., Araer. mer.> niobe desolata subsp. n. p. 387, Prout Nov. zool. 24. Urapteroides sivinhoei spj n., alromen- taria extensa subsp. n., New Guinea p. 103, Rothschild Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. — U. swinhoei sp. n., Waigeu p. 229, Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Xandrames postmarginala sp. n. Luzon p. 101, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. Xanthomima melanura — ( plumbeo - margo J. & T.), Joicey & Talbot Ann. Nat. hist. 20 p. 78. . Xanthorhoe vulgaris, pallida, spp. n . New Guinea p. 93, Rothschild Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916.— X. altico- lata sp. n. Colorado p. 23 pi. i f. 9, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. — X. umbrosa, nebulosa, spp. n., New Zealand p. 241, Philfott Tr. N. Z. Inst. 49. — X. sub/lava sp. n. New Zealand p. 274, Howes Tr. N. Z. Inst. 49. X ( ystrota ?) ferrugata var. n. infu- mata p. 230 pi. xix figs. 7 & 8, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Zanclidia gen. n. p. 330 for lestacea Butl., Prout Seitz Fauna pal. 4. Zenoplileps obscurala var. n. infu- mata p. 232 pi. xix. f. 11, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3, 1916. Pyralidae, Thyrididae. Revision of Gallerianae, Hampson pp. 17-58 Nov. zool. 24. Criticisms and synonymy of the check-list of North-american Lep., Pyraustinae, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5 pp. 69-74. ’ Acara pratli sp. n. Madagascar p. 96 pi. v fig., Kenrick Tr; ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Acracona flammcalis, melachryseis, spp. n., Africa p. 30, Hampson Nov. zool. 24. Acrobasis myricella sp. n. Florida p. 221 pi. xviii f. 1, Barnes & McDun- nough Contr. 3, 1916. — A. nebulella, Gill U. S. Dep. Agric. Ent. 571. Acronca gen. n. Phycitinae p. 404, albiflavella, similella ; spp. n., U. S., p. 405, Barnes & McDunnough Canad. Ent. 49. Agdistopsis gen. n. p. 43, pelrochroa sp. n. Formosa p. 44, Hampson Nov, zool. 24. Agrotera rufitinclalis sp. n. Africa p. 376, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — A. ornala sp. n. Formosa p. 176, Wile- man & South Entomol. 50. — A. igne- pictoides sp. n. New Guinea p. 128 f. 4% Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Almonia atratalis sp. n. New Guinea p. 125 f. 40, Rothschild T.c. Alpheias fransf evens sp. n. California p. 82, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Ambia chrysogramma Samoa, cytno- phoralis Louisiad. is., p. 459, rufilincia p. 460, hemigrammalis, sufetulodes, p. 461, S. America, fulvicolor New Guinea, albiflavalis Nigeria, p. 462, niveiplagalis Peru p. 463, melanistis Formosa; argentislriata, p. 464, phaco- meralis p. 465, Amer. mer., spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — A. inter - ruptalis sp. n. Formosa p. 175, Wile- man & South Entomol. 50. — A. pure- timarginata p. 118, obliquistriga, mar- ginalis, Iclossi, p. 119, spp. n.. New Guinea, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Ancylolomia elongata sp. n. Algeria p. 54, Lucas Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Anegcephalesis gen. n. Phycitinae, cathaeretes sp. n. Bahamas & Cuba, p. 46, Dyar ; larva in detail, Heinrich pp. 48-50 pi. i ; Dyah Insec. inscit. 5. Anerastidia pulverea sp. n. Argentina p. 28, Hampson Nov. zool. 24. Anobostra gen. n., discimacula p. 97, albilinealis, punctilinealis, radialis, p. 98, spp. n., Africa, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. 172 Tnsecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Aphomia ochracea New Guinea p. 38, albifresa Celebes p. 39, mdanomochla Australia p. 40, dislinctella Natal, cyclo- phora New Guinea, p. 41, cajfralis p. 42, spp. n., Hampson Nov. zool. 24. Aphyloceros subflavalis sp. n. New Guinea p. 342, Swjnhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Argyractis leucostola Africa, fiavivit- talis, p. 3G3, cujrrescens , productalis, p. 364, argyrophora, brunneosuffusa, p. 365, S. America, mimicalis p. 366, nyasalis, Africa, mdanograpta , p. 367, phaeopastalis p. 368, S. America, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Aulacodes conjunctalis sp. n. Formosa p. 176, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. — A. ovomaculalis, wollastoni f. 58, pulchralis, uniplagialis, p. 121, post- basalis p. 122, spp. n. New Guinea, cervinalis distincta, diopsalis major , subspp. n. p. 120, similis p. 147, rufo- castanea p. 148, spp. n., Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. — A. hemimelacna Manila, quadriplagiata p. 470, costifascialis p. 471, Goodenough isld., nigriplagialis, dolichoplagia. New Guinea p. 472, Ann. Nat. hist. 19, mesoscialis vol. 20 p. 201, hemitherrnalis , chrysoxantha p. 202, New Guinea, rnetazonalis Bismarck Arch. .p. 203, aurantipennis p. 204, argenteopicta, p. 204, mediofascialis New Guinea, llier- inichrysia Bismarck Arch, p. 205, coni- feralis p. 206, / lavifascialis , argentinia- culalis, p. 207, longiplagialis, obliqui- vitta, p. 208, New Guinea, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist Avitta subsignans , synonymy, Swin- hoe p. 340 Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Balaenifrons haernatographa Bougain- ville p. 57, aryrostrota Ceylon, phoenico- zona Queensland, ochrochroa Singapore, p. 58, spp. n., Hampson Nov. zool. 24. Bocchoris reclilinealis , tenuilinealis, spp. n. Madagascar p. 99 pi. v. figs., Kenrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. — B. plenilinealis sp. n. Guiana p. 88, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Bostra purpurealis p. 90, coenochroa, pallidifrons, lignealis, p. 91, rusinalis , pallidicoior, dentilinealis, p. 92, pyro- chroalis, phoenicocraspis , Africa, flavalis Formosa, p. 93, phoenicoxanthe, macu- linea, p. 94, ignirubralis Ceylon, p. 95, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — B. leonalis var. n. fascia tails p. 439, Chretien Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. Bradina fuliginosa, grisealis, p. 124, affinis, postbicoloralis, p. 125, spp. n. New Guinea, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. — B. xanthalis Louisiade is Ids., albigemialis Bougain- ville, spp. n. p. 212, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Calamochrous affinis sp. n. New Guinea p. 144, Rothschild Rep B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Calera ? albicoslella sp. n. Florida p. 134, Grossbeck Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Cataclysta perirrorata Africa, nigris- triata New Guinea, p. 374, amboinalis Amboina p. 375, qucenslandica p. 376, nyasalis Africa p. 457, atriterminalis Celebes, obliquifascia, chionostola, p. 458, Amer. mer., spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Catapsephis acutiangulatalis sp. n. New Guinea p. 127, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. — C. subterminalis New Georgia p. 371, flavizonalis New Guinea, leucomelaena Solomon islds., p. 372, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Cathayia purpureotincta sp. n. Borneo p. 46, Hampson Nov. zool. 24. Cenoloba cuprescens sp. n. Sumbawa p. 279, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Cliilo opiniondlus p 84, loftini p. 85, spp. n. Arizona, Dyar, Insec. inscit. 5. Christophia anabasdla sp. n. N. Africa p. 425, Chretien Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. Clupeosoma strigatalis sp. n. New Guinea p. 126, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. — C. violascens Borneo p. 275, noordimirnalis Gold Coast, brunneifusalis New Guinea, p. 276, atrislriata Timor, rufistriata New Guinea, p. 277, astrigalis Queensland, glaucinalis Singapore, p. 278, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — C. eumoros sp. n. Arizona p. 79, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Codorhyncidia flammealis Ecuador p. 212, cuprescens New Guinea p. 213, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. 173 fnsecla. Systematic. — Lepidoptera— Pyualidae, Thyrididae. Cornifrons phasma sp. n. California with var. chlorophasma, simalis va,rr. n. sideralis and praeia, p. 74, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Cotachena histricalis orientalis, subsp. n. p. 117, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Crambus subterminellus , flavigultcllus, spp. n. Formosa p. 148, Wileman & -South Entoinol. 50. — C. scutalus sp. n. New Zealand p. 242, Philpott Tr. N. Z. Inst. 49. — G. pallidellus var. n. salahi- nellus p. 412, Chretien Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. — C. hortuellus, Scammell Bull. 554, U. S. Dep. Agric. Ent., pis. ' Crithote horridipes — (Selenis crinipes SSn.), Swinhoe p. 340 Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Cryptoblabes gnidiella, Gough p. 19 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 6, 1914. Culladia bipunctella sp. n. Formosa p. 148, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. Curena indistinctalis sp. n. New Guinea p. 118, Rothschild Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15. 1916. Dattinia = ( Buliana Nav.) eumictalis sp. n. Sudan p. 96, Hampson Ann. Nat hist. 19. Dzsmia discrepans dissimulalis subsp. n. p. 128, Rothschild Rep. B. 0. U. oxp. 2 No. 15, 1916. — D. albilarsalis spp. n. Venezuela p. 376, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Deuterophysa grisealis p. 214, furvi- termzn p. 215, spp. n. Africa, Hampson T.c. Diasemia wollastoni sp. n. New Guinea with subsp. minor, Rothschild p. 142 Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916.— D. disputalis sp. n. Arizona p. 373, Barnes & McDunnougii Canad. Ent. 49. Diathrausta griseifusa Brasil, leuco- grapha Goodenough isld., p. 213, fulvi- ceps Africa p. 214, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Dialraca pnlvcrala sp. n. Formosa p. 147, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. — 1). evanescens sp. n. Louisiana p. 84, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Diviana verecuntella sp. n. Florida p. 132, Grossbeck Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Dolichorrhinia planatella p. 131 sp. n. Florida, Grossbeck T.c. Dracaenum jylebejifascidlis p. 122, semialbalis f. 39, pseudopelochra, griseo - tinctalis, p. 123, spp. n. New Guinea, Rothschild Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. — D. metaleuca sp. n. New Guinea p. 211, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Elaealis metachalcistis sp. n. E. Africa p. 76, Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Elophila satanalis p. 75, truckeealis p. 76, cancellalis, irroratalis p. 79, plevie, imitabilis, p. 78, spp. n. U. S., Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Emmnlocera palaenrctdia sp. n. Tivoli, Turati p. 109 figs. Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. Emporia cassiae sp. n. Guiana p. 91, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Endotricha rujicbdta sp. n. Formosa p. 175, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. Epimorius epipaschiella Colombia p. 45, adustalis W. Africa p. 46, spp. n., Hampson Nov. zool. 24. Epischnia wollastoni sp. n. New Guinea p. 147, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Ercla gaudialis sp. n. New Guinea p. 129, Rothschild T.c. Eristena grisealis sp. n. New Guinea p. 148, Rothschild T.c.— E. lenebrifcra , lelralitlm, spp. n. Now Guinea p. 368, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Eudorina gnadripuncta, obliqua, sub- variegata, p. Ill, per-similis p. 112, spp. n. New Guinea, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Eumoorea gen. n. near Emmalocera, anchridis sp. n. Guiana, Dyar p. 91, Insec. inscit. 5. Eurythnia thurberiae sp. n. Arizona p. 46, Dyar T.c. Evcrgcstis straminalis , Raupe, Schuyt Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 15. Filodes alboterminalis pi. v fig., grisealis pi. vi fig., spp. n., Madagascar, Kenrick p. 98 Tr. ent. Sec. Loud. 1917. G aller isth'enia gen. n., mellonidiella sp. n. Queensland, Hampson p. 53 Nov. zool. 24. Gargela niphostola Ferguson isld., obliquivilta Batchian, spp. n., p. 362, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. 174 Insecta. XII. Insecta. Geropaschia n,n. for Araeopaschia. H. 1916 nec 19Q6, Hampson p. 361 T.c. Glaphyria ; arrangement of species, Dyar p. 69, Insec. inscit. 5. Glyphodes paramicalis sp. n., Mada- g iscar p. 100 pi. vi fig., Kenrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. — G. iridescens, assimilis , p. 138, spp. n., New. Guinea, Rothschild Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Hairpbachia venosalis sp. n. Louisiana p. 87, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5 Hellula undalis, metamorphosis (Japanese), Takahashi Konch. Sek., Gifu 21 p. 50-53. Herculia roseitincta Transvaal p. 81, plumbeoprunalis Colombia, perpulverea , griseobrunnea, p. 82, pyrerythra, lac- teocilia, p. 83, perrubralis, castaneorufa, flavirufalis, p. 84, ecrhodalis , ecbrun- nealis, p. 85, Africa, spp. n., Hampson, Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — Hereculia psam- mioxantha sp. n. Guiana p. 90, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Heterocnephes aegialis sp. n. Tro- briand islds. p. 165, Swinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Hirayamaia gen. n., Marumo Essays Nawa p. 23-37. Hydropionea gen. n. Hydrocampinae type melliculalis Zell., Hampson p. 275 Ann. Nat. Hist. 20. Hypsopyga laticilialis sp. n. New Guinea p. 117, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Immyria pasadamia sp. n. Amer. bor. p. 45, Dyar In sec. inscit. 5. Lamoria medianalis sp. n. Mashona- land p. 50, Hampson Nov. zool. 24. Lipocosma diabata sp. n. Florida p. 70, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Lophocera gen. n. Pyralinae, flavi- puncta sp. n. Madagascar pi. vi fig., Kenrick p. 98 Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Lorymodes gen. n. type P. diagonalis H., stenopteralis sp. n. Gambia, Hamp- son p. 96 Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Loxostege stidicaiis, life-cycles, Marsh p. 543 J. econ. ent. 10. Loxotegopsis gen. n. Schoenobiinae, polle sp. n. Texas, Dyar p. 84 Insec. inscit. 5. [1917] Macalla fasciolata f. 52, wollastoni f. 45, spp. n., New Guinea p. 114, Roths- child Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. — M. malgassica sp. n. p. 97 pi. vi fig., Kenrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Macrotheca leucocope, vubiifera, spp. n. U.S. p. 83, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Marasmia carstensziana sp. n. New Guinea p. 129, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. — M. eury- terminalis Formosa, brunneofusalis Africa, spp. n., p 378, Hampson Anp Nat. hist. 20. Margaronia alboscapulalis sp. n. New Guinea p. 342, Swinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Margarosticha gaudialis Admiralty islds., euprepialis Queensland, p. 372, argyriograpta Bismarck Arch. p. 373, spp. n. Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Massepha grisealia sp. n. Coomassie p. 373, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Mccyna adversa sp. n. New Zealand p. 243, Philpott Tr. ty.Z. Inst. 49. Metaraphia calamistis sp. n. Colombia p. 31, Hampson Nov. zool. 24. Microchlora bilincella sp. n. Bougain* ville p. 25, Hampson T.c. Microglossa philippinensis Negros p. 279, cupritinda New Guinea p. 280, spp. n„ Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Microphysetica gen. n. Hydrocam- pinae, peperita sp. n. Mexico, Hampson p. 215 T.c. Mineola grossbecki sp. n. Florida p. 221 pi. xviii f. 3, Barnes & McDun- nough Contr. 3 1916. Murgisca mesozonalis sp. n. W. Aus- tralia p. 362, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Myelobia smerintha, natural history, Ihering pp. 60-68 Pliysis 3. Myelois nivosella var. n. palpalbidella p. 437, Chretien Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. Nacoleia aurantiimaculalis, distindi- fascia, assimilis, fuscalis, p. 133, dis- tinct alls f. 51, wollastoni f. 68, sordi- dalis, p. 134, spp. n.. New Guinea, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. — N. veroniae sp. n. Guiana p. 89, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. 175 Insecla. Systematic. — Lepidopteua — Pyraltdae, Thyrididae. Nephopteryx rhenella var. n. ballica p. 301, Strand Erit. Mitt. 6 .—~N. cral- aegdla sp. n. Florida p. 222 pi. xviii f. 8, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Neurophyseta fulvistrigalis, discia- tralis, p. 369, mesophaealis, fulvilinealis, p. 370, flavirufalis p. 371, spp. n., Amer. mer., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Noctuelia minima sp. n. California p. 132, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Noorda affmis , magnijicalis f. 75, p. 143, pupureiplagialis p. 148, spp. n., New Guinea, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Nymphula terranea sp. n. New Guinea p. 147, Rothschild T.c. — N. manx- tensis Manila, leucbplagalis Mexico, p. 369, plumbofusalis , Sudan, metastic- talis Goodenough isld., p. 370, flavicos- talis, graphicalis, Peru p. 371, spp; n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Oligostigma cenirimaculd Queensland p. 465, peruviensis p. 466, rufiler- minalis Madagascar, piper italis Nigeria, p. 467, flavialbalis Madagascar, leucomma Queensland, p. 468, fulvicolor Peru, flavipictalis Singapore, p. 469, spp. n., Hampson T.o. Orocrambuk cultus sp. n. New Zealand p. 242, Philpott Tr. N.Z. Inst. 49. Orthaga confusa p. 128, centralis p. 129, spp. n. Formosa, Wileman & South Entoinol. 50. — O. Jclossi sp. n. New Guinea p. 116, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Osericana albistella == ( Sinacia pup- illalis Sn.), a . varr. n. trypheropa and syntypistis, Swinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Pagyda relraclilinea Africa, airiplag- iata New Guinea, spp. n., p. 377, Hamp- son Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — P. nebulosa sp. n. Formosa p. 177, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. Paracolax curvilinea Japan p. 27, unicolor Formosa p. 28, spp. n., Wile- man & South T.c. Paractenia pallidirubra Bombay, viri- dicostalis New Guinea, p. 88, sangui- tincta Gold coast, phanerostola Ecuador, castaneonigra, p. 89, sichimensis Sikhim p. 90, spp. n„ Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Pdrlhenodes taiwanalis sp. n. For- mosa p. 176, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. — P. mechanicalis, meso- leucalis, p. 209, parallelalis , rufalis, p. 210, Amer. mer., albiceps Transvaal p. 211, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Palissa parthenialis , chrysozona, spp. n„ U.S. p. 82, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Perisyntrocha flavalis sp. n. Came- roons p. 211, Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist. 20. Phryganodes assimilis , griseopalizans, violitincta, p. 131, murinus p. 132, spp. n.. New Guinea, Rothschild Rep.. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Phryganomima gen. n. for noctifer Dogn., Hampson p. 95, Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Pliycitodes gen. n. p. 26, albislriata sp. n. E. Africa p. 27, Hampson Nov. zool. 24. Picrogama albifascialis sp. n. Ncw- Guinea p. 47, Hampson T.c. Piletocera scolochroa, albiventralis , purpureofusa, Solomon islds., plum- bicostalis , p. 266, ruficeps, violascens , p. 267, New Guinea, albimixtdlis Queens- land, stenipteralis New Guinea, p. 268, leucocephalis Bismarck Arch., maculi- frons Assam, leucogastralis New Guinea, p. 269, bisignalis . Bali, discisignalis Assam, p. 270, bistrigalis New Guinea, auranlialis Batchian, p. 271, flavidis- calis Sikkim, metochrealis Ceylon, p. 272, costifascialis Selangore, mesophaealis , kolophaealis , p. 273, New Guinea, flavalis Centr. Africa, analytodes Bis- marck Arch., p. 274, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Pilocrocis insignificalis sp. n. New Guinea p. 130, Rothschild. Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. — P. gnam ptoceralis Panama p. 381, fulvicol r, fulviflavalis, Amer. mer. p. 382, pachy- ceralis New Guinea, poliochroa, p. 383, flavicorpus, cuprescens , Peru, p. 384, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — P. tripunctala , Jones Bull. 609 U.S. Dep. Agric. Ent. Pionea griseofuscalis sp. n. New Guinea p. 144, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. 176 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Plagiosella ciimamomea sp. n. New guinea p. 109, biviltata fuliginosa aubsp. n. p. 110, Rothschild T.c. Platytes dinephelalis p. 85, acerata , p analope, p. 86, spp. n., U.S., Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Plutopaschia gen. n. type Stericta < sinapis Rothsch., Hampson p. 361 Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Pococera chrysoderas sp. n. Guiana p. DO, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Polyphota nigroalba, fuliginosa, spp. n., New Guinea p. 116, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Prosthenia xyloryctella sp. n. Queens- land p. 48, Hampson Nov. zool. 24. Psara nigridior sp. n. New Guinea p. 142, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Pycnarmon = ( Entebria Led.), dia- iithalis Coomassie, peruvialis, p. 374, diffusalis Africa p. 375, spp. n., Hamp- son Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Pyla fasciella p. 405, viridisuffusella p. 406, spp. n., California, Barnes & McDunnouoh Canad. Ent. 49. Pyralis nigricilialis p. 65, irifolialis p. 66, atrispar salis, costinotalis, rujiba- salis, p. 67, roseitincta, tyrialis, pkoeni- ■cialis, p. 68, exumbralis, flavirubralis, perpulverea, p. 69, spp. n., Africa, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. — Pyralis ? ■costimacula sp. n. Formosa, Wileman & South p. 175 Entomol. 50. Pyrausta aureotinctalis. pi. v fig., i elutalis , marginescriptalis, pi. vi figs., ■spp. n. Madagascar, Kenrick p. 100 Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. — P. terminalis sp. n. Formosa p. 178, Wileman & Booth Entomol. 50. — P. punctilinealis p. 145, aurantialis p. 145, spp. n. New Guinea, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. — P. interlinealis sp. n. Guiana p. 89, Dyar Insoo. inscit. 5. Bhodoneura epiplemoides f. 62, insignifica, spp. n.. New Guinea p. Ill, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Bhodophaeci bicolorella sp. n. Arizona p. 404, Barnes & McDunnough Canada. Ent. 49. Sacada papuana, albioculalis, New Guinea, erythropis, p. 86, nyasana, viridalis, p. 87, Africa, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Salebria heinrichalis sp. n. Virginia p. 45, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Schoenobiodes gen. n. for Acara striata Schultz, Hampson p. 57 Nov. zool. 24. Schoenobius amblyptepennis p. 80, roscidellus, nitidellus, p. 81, spp. n. Amer. bor., melinellus f.n. uniformellus , Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Scoparia klinckoivstroemi sp. n. p. 3 figs. 1-3, ambigualis var. nigra var. n. p. 2 Faroe Islands, Hamfut Ark. Zool. 10 No. 25. — S. metacrossa Fakfak p. 280, strigigramma Peru, atricuprea Jamaica, coeruleotincta Canaries, p. 281, phaco- palpia Natal p. 282, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — S.fimbriata sp. n. New Zealand p. 243, Philpott Tr. N.Z. Inst. 49. Simplicia schaldusalis, synonymy, Swinhoe p. 341 Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Sindris leucomelas sp. n. Madagascar p. 98 pi. vi fig., Kenrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Spectrotrota catena sp. n. Formosa p. 127, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. Stemmatophora albiceps p. 76, oleoal- balis , chloralis, p. 77, cupricolor, olivo - tincta , hemicyclalis, p. 78, pcrrubralis, Africa, minimalis, Ceylon p. 79, excur- ralis, postaurantia, erebalis, p. 80, fusili- nealis p. 81, Africa, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Stenia tenebrosalis sp. n. New Guinea p. 126, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. — S. retractalis p. 216, fusalis p. 265, glaucmalis p. 266, spp. n., Amer. mer., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Stericta klossi f. 46, olivaceoalba, indistincta , sinapis f. 64, spp. n., New Guinea p. 115, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. — S. dubia, tripartita, spp. n., Formosa p. 128, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. Strepsinoma aulacodoidalis p. 123, albimaculalis, albijdagialis, fuliginosa, grisealis, p. 124, spp. n.. New Guinea, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. Exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Striglina rufocastanea sp, n. New Guinea p. 110, Rothschild T.c. Sufetula brunnealis sp. n. Manila p. 373, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. 177 lnaecta. Systematic. — Lepidoptera — Tortrioidae. Sylepta malgassica, acutipennalis, spp. n., Madagascar p. 90 pi. vi figs., Kenrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. — 4 S. sericealis sp. n. Formosa p. 177, Wileman & South Entomol. 50. — 8. klossi p. 135 f. 76, crucifer a f. 77, irregularis, p. 136, spp. n., New Guinea, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. — S. zarialis sp. n. New Guinea p. 342, Swinhoe Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Syngamia lophoceralis, melanolopha , Amer. mer. p. 379, pachyceralis Panama, fuscicostalis New Guinea, p. 380, spp. n., Hamtson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. v Tabidia fuscifusalis sp. n. Ceylon p. 376, Hampson T.c. Taeniaphora gen. n. Epipaschianae, ^ubmarginata sp. n. Madagascar pi. v fig., Kenrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917 p. 97. Talanga tolumnialis major subsp. n. p. 126, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Tallula watsoni sp. n. Florida p. 220 pi. xviii f. 6, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3 1916. Tegulifera irr oralis, purpurascens, p. 70, elacomesa, obovalis, p. 71, semi- circular is, Africa, tripartita Assam, ochrimesalis, p. 72, pallidalis, bostralis, p. 73, met osar cistis, Africa, flavicarnea Borneo, flaveola, p. 74, chromalis , cchrealis, conisalis, p. 75, Africa, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Tetridia caletoralis interrupta subsp. n. p. 141, Rothschild Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 1916. Tirithaba ignivena Louisiade Arch., tnaculifera p. 33, fuscistriata, New Guinea, purpurella Louisiade Arch., p. 34, nitidalis New Guinea p. 35, spp. n., pseudocomplana n.n. for IJar- pagoneura complana H.p. 33, Hampson Nov. zool. 24. Titanio murmuralis sp. n. Texas p. 72, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. Trichoptychodes delicala, valid, Swin- hoe p. 165 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Triphassa trichotibialis n.n. for bilinea H., Hampson p. 86 Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Trithyris fulvirufalis sp. n. Peru p. 381, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. (*-4810 ;) Tyndis medxopaXlcns, pallidirufa , p. 99, pyrrhoxantha p. 100, spp. n., Africa, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Wunderia gen. n. near Eurythmidia, neaeriatella sp. n. Florida p. 133, Gross - beck Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Zagiridia rufalis sp. n. Woodlark isld. p. 275, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Zitha fulviceps sp. n. E. Africa p. 95, Hampson Ann. Nat. hist. 19. PTEROniORIDAE, OrNEODIDAE. Agdislis statices var. n. delicatulella p; 462, Chretien Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. Orneodes hexadactyla, food- habits, Joannis Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 p. 229. Platyptilia enargota sp. n. New Guinea p. 103, Durrant Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Plerophorus inulae var. aegyptiaca, Chakour Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9 p. 78-80. — P. illutus sp. n. p. 2, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. — P. simplicius, perplexus, spp. n., Florida p. 136, Grossbeck Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Steganodactyla cretosa sp. n. New Guinea p. 136, Durrant Rep. B.O.U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Trichoptilus viduus sp. n., p. 1, Mey- rick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Prototheoridae. Prototheoridae n. fam. p. 17 (inter- mediate between Hepialidae and Micro- pterygidae), Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Prolotheora, gen. n. p. 18, petroscma sp. n. p. 19, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Tortricidae. Microlepidoptera of Denmark, Lar- sen Ent. Meddel. 11 pp. 28-319. Amallectis gen. n. near Phalonia , devincta sp. n. Lima, Meyrick p. 1 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1917. Amorbia helioxantha sp. n. Maroni p. 12, Meyrick T.c. b 29 178 lusecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Argyroploce faceta, calaphracla, p. 25, cymolorna p. 26, nomaea, cycladica, p. 27, platyzona, impolita, p. 28, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick T.c. — A. lacuana var. n. baltibia p. 305, Strand Ent. Mitt. 6. Baclra seria sp. n. Peru p. 24, Mey- rick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. . Cacoecia chelograpta, aerobatica , spp. n; Amer. mer., Meyrick p. 7 T.c. Capua arrecta p. 5, illaqueata p. 6, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick T.c. Carpocapsa pomonella , generations in New Mexico, Quaintance & Geyer Bull. U. S. Dep. Agric. Ent. 429 90 pp. — C. pomonella, Wilson Agric. Exp. Sta. Oregon Rep. 1911-12 1913 p. 108- 111 pi. vi. Onephaaia selosa p: 10, praecipua, dentala , p. 11, incusa p. 12, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917.-17. incanana, Sheldon p. 99 Entomologist 50. Conchylis flavociliana, Sheldon p. 32 T.c. Crocidosema r or aria p. 16 , cosmo ptila, impendens, p. 17, callida, pliladelpha, p. 18, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Epiblema immundana ab. n. igna- linonis p. 307, Strand Ent'. Mitt. 6. Epichorista tenebrosa sp. n. New Zea- land p. 243, Philpott Tr. N.Z. Inst. 49. Eucosma procellosa, evidens, p. 19, operta p. 20, religiosa, atricapilla, p. 21, digna, ortygia, p. 22, prudens p. 23, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Eudemis naevana, biology, Huie Proe. R. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh p. 164- 178 pi. xii. Eulia atalodcs Colombia p. 9, mela- necta p. 10, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Grapholitha nougatana var. n. sideri- tana p. 466, Chretien Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. Hemerophila chi p. 156, toputis p. 167, spp. n. New Guinea, Durrant p. 156 Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15,' 1916. ' Hcmimene consortana var. ri. balticana p. 308, Strand Ent. Mitt. 6. Lasiotkyris gen. n. near Pharmacia, limatula sp. n. Ecuador, Meyrick p. 4 Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Laspeyresia populana p. 151, lucobasis , laricana, p. 152, spp. n. Montana, Busck P. ent. Soc. Washington 18.— L. flexula, pupa, Ljungdahl Ent. Tidskr, 38 pi. ii fig. 1L — L. molesta, Harukawa & Yagi Ber. Ohara Inst, i pp. 161-170, 2 pis. Megalodoris lamprostola sp. n. New Guinea p. 153, Durrant Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. Olethreutea charidotia p. 154, talaris p. 155, spp. n. New Guinea, Durrant T.c. — O. piceae sp. n. Colorado p. 151, Busck P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. — O. andromodana sp. n. Florida p. 223, Barnes & McDunnough Contr. 3, 1916. — O. variegana, natural history, parasites, Sarra pp. 175-187 Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Olindia miraculosa sp. n. New Zealand p. 246, Meyrick Tr. N.Z. Inst. 49. Pandemia ribeana ab. n. balticola p. 305, Strand Ent. Mitt. 6. Peronea sphenobathra p. 13, cuprata p. 14, spp. n. Guiana, Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. — P. cristana, Sheldon Entomologist 50 pp. 217-222 etc. ; P. cristana ab. n. subnigrana, Image p. 267 Ent. 50. Phalo.iia sublimis, galbanea, p. 2, scarificata, enclitica, p. 3, mordax p. 4, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. London 1917.- — P. spartinana, life- history, Ainslie p. 93 pi. vi: Canad, Ent. 49. Phtheochroa praeposita sp. u. Colombia p. 5, Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Polychrosis arenacea p. 23, oxymochla p. 24, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick T. c, — P. viteana, Isely Bull. 553. U. S. Dep. Agric. Ent., pis. Pseudatteria fornicata sp. n. Colombia p. 6, Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Sparganothis illuminata, subacida , spp. n. Maroni p. 13, Meyrick T.c. Spilonota sinuosa sp. n. p. 2, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. — S. imminens, viridans, spp. n. Guiana p. 15, Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917.— JS. dolopaea , MeYrick p. 247 Tr. N.Z. Inst. 49. . 170 / iwccta. Systematic. — Lepidoptera — Tineidae, Tortrix homophyla, capnosticha, p. 8, lignea, fissicidata, p. 9, spp. n. Atner. Mer., Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. TlNEtDAE. Hypermetamorphosis of some larvae, De Gryse P. ent. Soc. Washington 18 pp. 164-168. Pupal wings of Nepticula and other genera, Braun Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10 pp. 233-239, pi. Micropteryx a separate order, Zeuglo- ptera, Chapman pp. 310-314 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916, 12 pis. Acanthedra gen. n. Epermeniadae, stolidola sp. n. Colorado, Meyrick p. 66 Exot. Micr. 2. Acrocercoj)s praegemina sp. n. p. 12, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Aeolanlhes sagulata sp. n. Bengal p. 53, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Aeroneclris gen. n. near Balrachedra, enacta sp. n. India, Meyrick p. 35 T.c. Agriopliara halarcta sp. n. Madagascar p. 59, Meyrick Tc. Amydria merged in Myrmecozela, Meyrick p. 87 T.c. — A. peloplaca sp. n. p. 16, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Anatrachyntis hemipelta p. 44, nephelo- pyrrha, India, mythologica Ceylon p. 45, spp. n., Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Anomoxena gen. n. Gelechiadae p. 28, spinigera Colombia p. 29, tetraxoa Ecuador p. 30, spp. n., Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Antiopala ebenospila sp. n. Queens- land, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 79. Archyala atomarcha sp. n. N. Australia p. 86, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Ardiosteres dryophracla, peclinala, p. 90, laxerala p. 91, spp. n. Australia, Meyrick T.c. Areocosmci gen, n. Oecoplioridae, orso- bella sp. n., Meyrick p. 7 Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Argyreslhia eugeniella , arceulhobiella, libocedrella, p. 153, furcatella p. 154, spp. n. U. S., Busck P. ent. Soc. Wash- ington 18,— A. illuminatella , Schutze Deutsche, ent. Zs. Iris. 31 p. 4-23. (n-4840 ;) Arisloteli'a aulonota plubvata , p. 30, erycina p. 31, cytheraced, cynthia, p. 32,' saturnina, perfossa, p. 33, papliia , aphiltra, p. 34, radicata, oribatis , p. 35, vicana , ephoria, cosmographa, p. 36,, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick Tr. ent.; Soc. London 1917. Atteva chionosticta sp. n. New Guinea p. 159, Durrant Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15, 1916. , Barm eophila sp. n. New South Wales. Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 57, Batrachedra mathesoni sp. n. Florida p. 150, Busck P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. — B. filicicola sp. n. New Zealand, Meyrick p. 247 Tr. N.Z. Inst. 49. Borkhausenia tetrapham,Synon. With Oecophora anthemodes, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 57. Brachydoxa gen. n. Tineidae, syn- trocha sp. n. Assam, Meyrick p. 83 Exot. Micr. 2. Calliceraslis photophanes p. 82, leuco- tona p. 83, spp. n. Queensland, Meyrick T.c. Callixestis gen. n. Cosmopterygidae, chrysidola Bengal, lubricatd Ceylon, spp. n., Meyrick p. 41 T.c. Capanica gen. n. near Xestocasis,. astrophanes, lamprolitha, spp. n. Guianaj Meyrick p. 63, T.c. Cathalistis gen. n. Tineidae, ornicphela sp. n., Meyrick p. 14 Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Cecidoses eremila Curt. p. 134, Brethes An. Ci. Argent. 82 ; Cecidioses eremita — ( Clistoses artifex K. & J.), natural history, Jorgensen p. 1, gall pi. i f . 12, Physis 3. Cecidosidae, fam. n. p. 118 and p. 132 Brethes An Ci. argent. 82. Celestica gen. n. Tineidae, type angustipennis H. — Schaeff, Meyrici£ p. 79 Exot. Micr. 2. Ceromitia xmthocoma p. 617 sp. n. Meyrick. Ann. Natal. Mus. 3. — Ceromitia Bp. n. p. 17 Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Chezala absona Northern Territory’ aleurias , silveslris, torpida, Queensland spp. n., Turner TranS. R. Soc. S. AUst* 41 p. 80-82. b 29 — 2 180 Ineecta. xil. Insecta. [1917] Cholotis pachnodes Bengal, archaica Ceylon, spp. n. p. 44, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. ■ Choropleca acrodisca p. 79, isodisca, catorthota, p. 80, panscia, sublimis , p. 81, zygoterma , rhombifera, p. 82, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Chrysoclista tlirypsiphila sp. n. Cey- lon p. 52, Meyrick T.c. Citharodica leparga sp. n. Queensland, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 108. Coesyra euryzona, phaeocephala, de- li cia, epiplasta, lochmaea, diadela, silacea, gilvella, as emu, sporeta , Queens- land, timalphes Victoria, stenotypa, hap- logramma, achranta New South Wales, disticta Northern Territorya nd Queens- land, zanclotypa Queensland and West- ern Australia, thiodes Western Australia, monoides Queensland and New South Wales, spp. n., Turner p. 69-75 T.c. Coleophora salviella sp. n. N. Africa p. 495. Chretien Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. — C. thiopaea Bombay, crossophanes , crypsiphanes, Ceylon, p. 70, centrota , tarsocoma, aegra, argopleura ,* India, exarga Colombia, p. 71, statherota, og- motona, Ceylon, intexta Peru, p. 72, chordoscelis, niphomesta, India, aphyp- nota Ceylon, p. 73, spp. n., Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. — C. laricella , metamor- phosis (Japanese), Kitayama Koncli. Sek. Gifu 21 p. 15-18. — G. fuscedinellu , natural history, Keller Vierteljahr- schr. Ges. Zurich 62 p. 103 etc. Compsotropha flavithicta sp. n. Queens- land, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 93. Copromorpha aeruginea sp. n. p. 9, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Cosmopteryx zathea sp. n. Coorg p. 36, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. — C. phaeo- gastra p. 257, bambusae p. 258, spp. n. India, Meyrick Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Crocanthes miltina p. 151, celema p. 152, fallax p. 164, crypsichola p. 165, spp. n. New Guinea, Durrant Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Crypsithyris epackyrota p. 73, ab- strusa, synolca, India, zymota Ceylon, o. 74, auriculata, melosema, effusa, p. 75 India, chrysippa Ceylon p. 76, spp. n., Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Cryplolechia telrasticta p. 6, xantho- sarca n. 7, spp. n., Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Cryptophasa argophanta sp. n. Am- boina p. 55, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Ctenocompa liopercna Bengal, oph- ryota Senegal, spp. n. p. 93, Meyrick T.c. Cyclopasis, characters, habrarcfta, Ecuador, gnathodes, spp. n., Meyrick p. 64 T.c. Devterotinca paradoxclla abb. n., ner- vatella and decoratella p. 261 figs., nervu es p. 262, Joannis Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Diascepsis' gen. n. near Crocanthes p. 150, fascinata sp. n. New Guinea p. 151, Durrant Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Dichomeris aulotoma sp. n„ p, 5, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Diocosma molybdella sp. n. p. 8, Meyrick T.c. Doleromima rhaphidias sp. n. Queens- land, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 119. Doxomeres gen. n. Occophoriduc, diaxantha sp. n. Meyrick p. 6 Ann. S. Afr. Mils. 17. Duvita gen. n. near Aproaerema, vittella sp. n. U. S., Busck p. 147 P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. Elasmopalpus lignosetlus, Luginbill & Ainslie Bull. 539 U. S. Dep. Agric. Ent. 3 pis. Enteremna gen. n. Xyloryctidae type dolerastis Meyr., Meyrick p. 55 Exot. Micr. 2. Eomystis ebenoslicha Western Aus- tralia, nielanoptec4a Queensland, spp. n., Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 110-111. Epaleura gen. n. Tineidae, salarla, sp. n., Meyrick p. 14 Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. — E. psapharota sp. n. India p. 79, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Epermenia macescens p. 66, dracontias, ellochislis, leucomantis, p. 67 India, ergaslica New Guinea, xeranta Queens- land, ozodes, p. 68, anacantha p. 69, Ceylon, spp. n., Meyrick T.c. 181 Insecta. S YSTEMATIC. Lk PID OPTBRA — TlNBI D A B. Epidiclica dicron sp. n. New Guinea p. 160, Durrant Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 6 1916 Epimactis sandycopa sp. n. p. 9, Meyrick Ann. S Afr. Mus. 17. Epimarptis septicodas sp. n. Ceylon p. 69, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Epipyrga hemipha'es sp. n. Queens- land, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 58. Erelmocera lyphonica sp. n. Ivory coast p. 64, Meyrick Exot. Mire. 2. — E . fuscipennis, variations and synonyms, Meyrick p. 62 Ent. Mag. 53. Eucecidoses gen. n., minutanus sp. n. Argentina, p. 138, Br^tiies An. Ci argent. 82. Eucrotala gen. n. near Hapsifera p. 95, nucleata sp. n. Assam p. 96, .Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Eulechria diaphanes synon. with Trachynlis diaphanes, delochorda sp. n. Queensland, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 58. Eupetochira gen. n. Xylonyctidae type xystopala Meyr., Meyrick p. 55 Exot. Micr. 2. Euphiltra fusiplaga, epilcda, celeteria , spp. n., Queensland Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 pp. 106-107. Euprionocera eremnopa sp. n. Northern Territory Turner p. 102 T.c. Falculina antitypa sp. n. Guiana p. 58, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Fumea (and other Psychidae) vide Bombyces. Gelechia sarcographa, triscelis, spp. n., p. 3. Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. — G. puerlella p. 148, paralogella, diver- sella, notandella p. 149, spp. n., Cali- fornia, Busck P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. — G. lacticoma p. 48, litigiosa, dryobathra, p. 49, eburata, consona, argosema p. 50, penladora p. 51, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Glyphipteryx idiomorpha sp. n. p. 10, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. — G. aenea sp. n. New Zealand, p. 244, Philpott Tr. N. Z. Inst. 49. Gnamptonoma gen. n. Heliodinidae leptura sp. n. Ecuador, Meyrick p. 65 Exot. Micr. 2. Gnorimoschema chenopodiella sp. n. Massachusetts p. 148, Busck P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. Gonaepa actinis sp. n. New Guinea p. 149, Walsingham Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Hapalosaris gen. n. near Compsosaris , petulans sp. n. Colombia, Meyrick p. 37 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1917. Hapsifera latriodes, fetialis, spp. n. W. Africa, p. 88, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Heliocausla arrhodea Victoria, idio- sema, sarcodes Queensland, xanthisma N. S. W., spp. n. Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 pp. 113-114. Heliodines isoleura Ecuador, demarcha Peru, spp. n. p. 65, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Hieroxeslis indiscreta sp. n. p. 13, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Holacarta gen. n. near' Trithamnora type satyrodes M., Meyrick p. 87, Exot. Micr. 2. Holcocera baccharisella sp. n. Argen- tina p. 449 figs., BrSthes Physis 3. Homilosiola gen. n. near Lepidosoia taeniata, autoplecta , p. 92, ascalopa, aequanima , p. 93, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Ilybocrossa gen. n. near Lepidotarsa, paratypa sp. n. New South Wales, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 105. Hypersymmoca gen. n. near Symmoca, faecivorella sp. n. Gafsa, Chretien p. 485 Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. Hypophrictis sollicita, lepras, India, polyscia Ceylon, spp. n. Meyrick p. 85 Exot. Micr. 2. Imma discophora p. 157, ramosa , timetica , p. 158, spp. n., New Guinea, Durrant Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Iphierga lysiphracta p. 89, dispersa p. 90, spp. n., N. Australia, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Isophrictis gen. n. for part of Pallo- dora, Meyrick p. 113 Ent. Mag. 53. lsorrhoa sidisla sp. n. India p. 61, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. 182 Inaecta. Xll. Insecta. [1917] . Lactura . anihina sp. n. .New Guinea p. 160, Durrant Rep. B. 0, U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Lecithocera , deloma, strigosa, spp. n. New Guinea, p. 165, Durrant T.c. Lepidotarsa pentascia sp. n. Queens- land, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 106. Limnoecia heterosticta p. 42, asteroleuca, psalidota India, dasytricha Guiana, p. 43, spp. n., Meyrick Exot Micr. 2. Lindera baliopa sp. n. Brazil p. 84, Meyrick T.c. Linoclostis brachyloga sp. n. Java p. 54, Meyrick T.c. Lita disjectella var. n. tridentella p, 471, Chretien Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. Machaeritis calliphylla, hylobita, chali- crata, polycapna, Queensland, dulcicula New South Wales, spp. n. Turner, Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 pp. 59-61. Machetis plagiozona , latich.cta, eud- meta, spp. n. Queensland, Turner, p. 114-116 T.c. Machima coccinea sp. n. Queensland, Turner p. 59 T.c. Mallobathra oriana, sphyrota, spp. n. India p. 91, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. — M. illustris sp. n. New Zealand p. 245, Philpott Tr. N. Z. Inst. 49. Marmara elotella, life-history, figs., Busck pp. 488-496 J. econ. Ent. 10. Melasina indigena sp. n. S. Africa, p. 15, Meyrick Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. — M. cnaphalodes p. 615, craterodes p. 617, picea, iyrophanes, p. 616, spp. n. Meyrick Ann. Natal Mus. 3. — M. acmastis, ptochodora, Africa, lignosa, multiplex, Bengal, spp. n. p. 94, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Mesopherna enlripta sp. n. Queens- land, p. 88, Meyrick T.c. Microcolona citroplecta p. 49, cricota , poiota, India, emporica , Ceylon, p. 50, pantomima, Congo p. 51, spp. n. Mey- rick T.c. Micropteryx, brain, Buxton Tr. ent. Soc. London 1917 pp. 112-153 pis. vii-x. Mompha musota , permota, p. 52, praefinita p. 53, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Monopis meleodes sp. n. Asia minor p. 84, Meyrick T.c. Morotripta gen. n., Hyponomeutidae, jatigata sp. n. p. 11 Meyrick, Ann, S. Afr. Mus. 17. Myrmecozela favens p. 87, lyphodes p. 88, ppp. n. Africa, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Neosigala gen. n. near Mimozela , ceroplasta sp. n. Queensland, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 118. Neopastis gen. n. Xyloryctidae, cal- pidias sp. n. India, Meyrick, p. 59, Exot. Micr. 2. Nephogenes hylophila, pilidiota, loch- tnaula, cirrhocephala, thiocrossa, car- basea, napaea, argyrodes, stenoptila, Queensland, syncolla , acitula, New South Wales, hypopolia Queensland and New South Wales, epipercna Queens- land and Victoria, spp. n. Turner, Trans, R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 95-101. Nephogenes variabilis synon. with Mesolecta angustella, Turner, Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 101. Nepticula porphyreuta sp. n. p. 13 Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. — N. oriastra sp. n. New Zealand p. 247, Meyrick Tr. N. Z. Inst. 49. Nosymna obmibila sp. n. New Guinea, p. 161, Durrant Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Oclasphales eubfocha sp. n. Queens- land, Turner, Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 120. Ocystola proselia, esthlopis, idioslicha, jHochodes , acrocosma, xanthuloma, phau - lopis, eucraera, embolistis, macrolricha, clethrosema, trichophora, auchmera, chry- so'ides, Queensland, pachyihrix Victoria, glycydora New South Wales and Queens- land, spp. n. Turner p, 62-68 T.c. Odites oligeclis India p. 56, analogica Comoro islds., thesmia, con Jeer at a, • Madagascar, diopta Congo, p. 57, spp. n. Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Oecophora angustella Synon. with Mesolecta angustella, Turner, Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 101. Oliera gen. u. Oecidosidae, argentinava sp. n. Brethes, p. 139 An. Oi. Argent . 82. 183 Insect a. Systematic. — Lepidopteiu — Tineidae. Orthenches vinitincta sp. n. New Zea- land, p. 244, Philpott Tr. N. Z. Inst. 49. Oxylechia gen. n. Gelechiadae, con- firmata sp. n. Colombia, Meyrick p. 39 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1917. Pachybela gen. n. near Nephogenes, eremica Queensland and Victoria, parisa Queensland, spp. n., Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 94-95. PaUodora, defined and divided, Mey- rick, p. 113 Ent. Mag. 53. Parapsectris anxin sp . n.p. 4, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Parapticci gen. n. Tineidae , con- cinerata sp. n., Meyrick, p. 15 Ann.S. Afr. Mus. 17. Parochmaslis gen. n. Tineidae, styra- codes sp. n. Queensland, Meyrick p. 86 Exot. Micr. 2. Parornix fmitimella Pierce p. 9 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Pectinophora gen. n. p. 346, type Gelechia gOssypiella S., structure and habits pp. 347-370 4 pis. Busck J. Agric. Res. 9. Perixestis gen. n. Xyloryctidae type encephala Turn., Meyrick p. 56 Exot. Micr. 2. Philarislis gen. n. Xyloryctidae type porphyrinclla Walk., Meyrick p. 54 T.c. Philobola myslicodes, xanthoprepes , thermophancs, mimeiis, locliitis, eucrila, delosema, ortholoma , diaereta , cera- tochroa, Hilda- , euctista, Queensland, pandora Tasmania, leucocosma, megalo- xantha, Western Australia, diaenta , agrapha, enchalca , borborodes , ovesterat New South Wales, orthomita, metria , polybolrya, Victoria, cnecopis Northern Territory, spp. n. Turner S. Aust. Trans. R. Soc. S. Austr. 41 pp. 84-93. Phihorimaea Irichinaspis, lenta , per- Jidiosa, p. 41, crustaria, densata, p. 42, gregalis, urosema , p. 43, melanocampta, aquilina, absoluta, p. 44 loquax, atri- fascia, p. 45, altizond, exacla, p. 46, epitricha, involuta, p. 47, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc: London 1917. Phyzanica gen. n., tapinopa sp. n. Queensland, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust.. 41 p. 117. Pierogenes gen. n. p. 5, bactrospila sp. n. Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Pleurota chrysopepla, leucogramma, gypsosema, epitripla, Queensland, leu- coneura Victoria, spp. n. Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 pp. 76-78. Polyeucta gen. n. superficially like Wingia, callimorpha , Turner p. 104 T.c. Polyhymno gladiata, conflicta, p. 51, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917. Polyhymiis multijida sp. n. p. 4, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Potniarcha gen. n. Xylorclidae type hieraslis Meyn, Meyrick p. 56 Exot. Micr. 2. Prochola sollers, catholica, spp. n. Guiana p. 46, Meyrick T.c. Protomacha anthracina, straminea, spp. n. Queensland, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 pp. 78-79. Prolarchynlis gert. n. Xyloryctidae type hospita Feld., Meyrick p. 55 Exot. Micr. 2. Piilogenes gen. n. Xyloryctidae type acronitis Busck and includes S. Ameri- can Agriophara, Meyrick p. 60 T.o. Pycnozancla gen. n. near Eomyslis, erythrodes sp. n. Queensland, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 pp. 109-110 Pyncostola gen. n. for part of Palto- dora, Meyrick p. 113 Ent. Mag. 53. Pyroderces amphipterna India, so- phista, p. 36, anthinopa caudata, sirenia, p. 37, Ceylon, redimita, facela, callis- trepta, p. 38, peristrepta, lampropeda, India, catapneusta, terenopa, p. 39, clopaea, Ceylon, incompta, Coorg, myrrhicoma Queensland, p. 40, spp. n., Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. — P. rileyi, Busck pp. 362-366 figs. J. Agric. Res. 9, Recurvaria xanthotricha, ihiodes , p. 38, aequorea p. 39, spp. n. Amer. mer., Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. London 1917. Rhadinastis loraria Assam, sp. n. p. 43, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Rhinosia ; composition, Meyrick p. 129 Ent. Mag. 53. Ridiaschina gen. n., congregatelld sp. n. Argentina, Br^thes p. 140 An. Ci. Argent. 82. 184 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Rdiaschinidae fam. n. p. 139, Biuh'iiES T.c. Scaeotes n.n. for Nemophora Hb. nec Hoffmanns., type sxvammerdammella, Durrant p. 162 Rep. B. 0. U. exp. 2 No. 15 1916. Scardia ; Australian species, Meyrick p. 87 Exot. Micr. 2. Scyrotis athleta, jumping cocoons, Meyrick p. 62 Ent. Mag. 53. Scythris erudita sp. n. p. 10, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. — S. inspersella , neu fur Holland, Raupe, Schuyt Tyds. Ent. 60 p. xiv. Setomorpha rulella and allies varia- tion, Meyrick p. 84 Exot. Micr. 2. Sindonophora gen. n. Lamproniidae , leuzozona sp. n., p. 16, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Sphyrelata laetifica Queensland and New South Wales, acritopis, ptochica, arrhythma, Queensland, spp. n., Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 116. Stathmopoda osteitis Uganda, adula - trix, nobilitata, p. 61, sycastis p. 62, India, spp. n., Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. — S. seminuda sp. n. New Zealand p. 244, Philpott Tr. N. Z. Inst. 49. Stegasta zygoloma sp. n. Colombia p. 48, Meyrick Tr. ent. Soc. Loud. 1917. Stenoma relicens Bengal, emphanes Burma, spp. n. p. 58, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Stereoptila gen. n. M etachandidae type negatella W., Meyrick p. 70 T.c. Stilbosis cilsocoma p. 46, symphracta, condylota, gnomonica, p. 47, devoluta, hy pantiles, p. 48, alcyonis, synclista, p. 49, spp. n. Guiana, Meyrick T.c. Synchalara gen. n. Xyloryctidae type rhomboid Meyr., Meyrick p. 60 T.c. Synlomactis epochdea India, strophi- codes Queensland, p. 51, spp. n., Meyrick T.c. Teleia heluanensis sp. n. Egypt p. Ill, Debski Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 1912, 1913. — T. frankeniivorella Biskra, zonelld Gafsa, spp. n. p. 474, Chretien Ann. Soc. ent. Prance 85. Thalerostoma gen. n. near Limnoecia , orthocentra sp. n. India, Meyrick p. 42 T.c. Theatrista gen. n. near Hapsifera, subnigrata sp. n. E. Africa, Meyrick p. 95 T.c. Themeliotis notocrossa sp. n. New Guinea p. 89, Meyrick T.c. Tholeroslold gen. n. near Phthorimaea , omphalopa sp. n. Ecuador, Meyrick p. 40 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1917. Thyestdrcha acrogypsa sp. n. p. 8 Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. Thyromorpha gen. n. near Pycnozancla stibaropis sp. n. Queensland, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 108-109. Tinea obnoxia sp. n. p. 13, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17.-^’. sexlaria, asyn- tacta, p. 76, frugivora, isopela, p. 77, India, tragoplila Senegal, exhausio , pyriata, translucens, India, enchrista Burma, p. 78, haplodora Sydney p. 79, spp. n., Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. — T. anlc- erella var. n. nigralella p. 500, ChrRtien Aim. Soc. ent. France 85. — T. granella peculiar food, Joannis p. 220 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Tineola exsculpta, corticina, para- mima, spp. n., India p. 96, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. — T. biselliella, life- history, Benedict p. 464-466 Science 46. Tinissa palmodes sp. n. New Guinea p. 89, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Talanlis chimerina synon. with Meso- lecta angustella , Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 101. Trachyzancla gen. n. near Chezala, histrica sp. n. Western Australia, Turner p. 79-80 T.c. Trifur cula immundella, egg and larva, Sich p. 117 Ent. Rec. 29. Wingia synnephela sp. n. Queensland Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 103. Xerocrates gen. n. Xyloryctidae type proleuca Meyr., Meyrick p. 54 Exot. Micr. 2. Xestocasis erymnola Philippines, tetraconcha Ceylon, spp. n. p. 62, Mey- rick T.c. Xygographa gen. n. p. 11 Hypono- meutidae, asaphochalca sp. n. p. 12, Meyrick Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 17. 185 Insecta. Systematic. — Triohoptera. — Nruroptrra. Zelolechna psiilacodcs sp. n. Queens- land, Turner Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 p. 103. Zon.opetala tephrastis sp. n. Queens- land, Turner p. 107 T.c TRICHOPTERA. Net-spinning larvae ; Alm Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 285 pi. i. Limnophilus germanus, Sweden, Klefbeck Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 325. Esperona gen. n. Polycenlropini t>. 157, nilotica sp. n. p. 158, NavAs Bull. Soc* ent. Egypte 6, 1915. Leptocella splendida sp. n. Argentina p. 13, Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 13 No. 26. Macron ema centrotum sp. n. West Africa p. 15, Navas T.o. Nonquitus incertus sp. n. Tonquin p. 16, Navas T.c. f Plecophlebus gen. n. Odontoceridae, nebulosus sp. n. Burmese amber p. 327 figs., Cockerell Ann. Amer. ent. Soc. 10. Primerenca gen. n. Leptoceridae p. 181, maesi sp. n. Congo p. 182, NavAs Rev. zool. afric. 4, 1916. NEUROPTERA. fHolo metabolic Sialidae allies, Lameere p. 269 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Anisoptera romani sp. n. Brazil, Esben-Petersen Ark. Zool. 11 No. 10 p. 14 fig. 2. Ascalaplius ; eggs, Zaki p. 21 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 10. Auslromanlispa subg. n„ Esben- Petersen Ark. Zool. 11 No. 10 p. 11., Banyutus maynei sp. n„ Congo p. 94, NavAs Rev. Zool. Afric. 4 1914 Biltacus selysi p. 187, figs. 1 & 2 sp. n., walkeri figured and redescribed! figs. 3 & 4, Esben-Petersen Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. — B. montanus — (schoute deni Pet.), Lestage pD. 1 13-120 Rev. zool. Afric. 5. Cenlrolysmus gen. n. p. 15 near Spilosmylus, epiphanes China p. 16 fig., inclytus Indo-China p. 18 fig., spp. n., NavAs Op. Mus. Barcin. 11. Chrysopa andresi p. 153, nymphulina p. 154, aegypliaca p. 155, spp. n. Egypt, vulgaris var. n. africana p. 152, NavAr Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 6 1915. — O. hieronyma Guatemala p. 8, laminari 9 Argentina p. 9, spp. n., NavAs Mem. Ac. Barcelona 13 No. 26. — C. gasteria sp. n. Colombia p. 277, NavAs Ent. Mitt. 6. — G. scalai sp. n. Argentina p. 195, NavAs Physis. 3. — G. vulgaris var. catalaunica fig. p. 18, prasina var. adspersa fig. p. 20, Lacroix Insecta 7. — G. vulgaris vicina p. 248 fig., / lavi - frons var. n. decor atissima p. 249 fig., inornata ab. n. continual a p. 250 fig., Lacroix Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. — G. prasina var. n. dirempla p. 185, abbreviata var. n. singulans p. 187, Lacroix Bol. Soc. Aragon 16. — (7. lanala, metamorphosis, Bruch pp. 361-369 Physis 3. — Chrysopa eating its eggs, Ripley Ent. News 28 p. 35. Coloma scriptus sp. n. Argentina p, 10, NavAs Mem. Ac. Barcelona 13 No. 26. ConuJenizia psociformis , life-history, Arrow pp. 254-257 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Cueta styczynskii sp. n. Congo p. 170 pi. v.f. 4, NavAs Rev. Zool. Afric. 4- 1916. — G. virgata Kl., NavAs p. 361 fig. Ann. Mus. Doria 47. Eidoporismus pulchellus sp. n. Aus- tralia p. 4 fig. 2, Esben-Petersen Nath. Medd. 68. Encyoposis nigrostigma sp. n. Congo pi 175 fig., NavAs Rev. Zool. afric. 4> 1916. 180 I use da XII. Insecta. [1917] , l Eu cli macia , flavicauda p . 7 Sumatra, regina p. 8 fig. , 1 Sunda. Island (?), flam p. 9 Natal, metallica p. 10 Celebes, spp. n., Esben-Petersen Ark. Zool. 11 Nu. 10. Formicaleo scolius sp. n. Congo p. 93 pi. v. f. 2, Navas Rev. Zool. Afrio. 4 1914. — F. substigmalis sp. n. Cochin- China p. 10 fig., Navas Insecta 7. — F. nubipennis sp. n. Colombia p. 275, Navas Ent. Mitt. 6. Gibrella gen. n. p. 98 near Gymnoleon, • congolana sp. n. p. 99 pi. v f. 1, NavAs .Rev. Zool. Afric. 4 1914. Griala gen. n. near Formicaleo, maci- lenta sp. n. Congo pi. v f. 3, NavAs p. 95 T.c. Gymnoleon cognatus sp. n. Congo p. 98, NavAs T.c. Uemerobius cercodes sp. n. Tonkin, Navas p. 14 fig. Insecta 7. — H. tibialis sp. u. Colombia p. 276, NavAs Ent. Mitt. 6. \lnocdlia tumulata , Cockerell p. 391 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Leucochrysa vegana sp. n. Colombia p. 278, NavAs Ent. Mitt. 6. Mai tispa ( Mantispilla ) centenaria p. 2, i'Castaneipennis ; p. 3, M. ( Necyla ) perparva p. 4, picea p. 6, spp. n. South and Central Africa, Esben-Petersen Ark. Zool. 11 No. IQ. — M. calceata sp. n. Argentina p. 11, NavAs Mem. Ac. Barcelona 13 No. 26. Moza longiventris sp. n. Argentina p. 194 NavAs Physis 3. Mynneleon cavipennis sp. n. Scioa p. 360 NavAs Ann. Mus. Doria 47 1916. • Nagacld schontedeni sp. n. Congo p. 92 Navas Rev. Zool. Afric. 4 1914. Necyla cercata sp. n. Congo p. 178 Navas T.c. Neteja gen. n. p. 96 Creagrini, sollicita sp. n. Congo p. 97 NavAs T.c. Neii la gen. n. near Gonzaga, mesana sp. n. Colombia NavAs p. 280 Ent. Mitt. 6. : Nine t a flqva var. u, wesmaeli p. 277 NavAs T.c. Nocaldria gen. n. p. 362 near Neuro- leon , signata sp. n. E. Africa p. 363 NavAs Ann. Mus. Doria 47 1916. Nodila, gen. n. p. 278 (= Leucochrysa Banks) NavAs Ent. Mitt. 6. Nothochrysa polemia sp. n. Lesbos p. 248 NavAs Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. — N. temerata sp. n. Congo p. 100 fig. NavAs Rev. Zool. Afric. 4 1914. Osmylides ; taxonomy with new tribes, table of genera NavAs Op. Mus. Barcin. 11 pp. 1—21. Panorpa communis var. n, incerta p. 22 fig. Lacroix Insecta 7. Parasemidalis decipiens Gespinst, Roepke Zool. Med. 3 p. 274. Salvaza gen. n. near Formicaleo, cor- nutus sp. n. Tonkin fig. NavAs p. 12 Insecta 7. \Sisyra disrupla sp. n. Isle of Wight oligocene p. 381 f. 13 Cockerell P. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52. Stenosmylus auslraliensis sp. n. p. 1 fig. 1 Esben-Petersen Nath. Medd. 68. Suphalasca recondita sp. n. Congo p. 91 NavAs Rev. Zool. Afric. 4 1914. f Sycojiteron gen. n., symmetrica sp. n. Commentry (?) Panorpidae p. 6 pi. ii figs. 1 and 2, Bolton Mem. Manchester Soc. 61 No. 2. Tmesibasis regia sp. n. Congo p. 173, NavAs Rev. Zool. afric. 4 1916. Vella flaccida sp. n. Colombia p. 274, Navas Ent. Mitt. 6. DIPTERA- Classification of Diptera, larvae and pupae, Mallocii Bull. Illinois Lab. pp. 161-409 30 pis. Part 1 Nematoeera and Brachycera. Bibliographical introduction to the study of British Diptera, Grimshaw Pr. PhySi Soc. Edinburgh 20 pp. 78- 117. 187 Inarcta. Systematic. — Dipteua— Culicidae. Swedish spp., Ringdahl Ent. Tidskr. 38 pp. 302-311. Norfolk and Suffolk Diptera list, Morley & Atmore Tr. Norfolk Soc. 10 pp. 1-180 1915. Cecidomyiidae. Asphondylia tvebsleri sp. n. Arizona p. 562, Felt J. econ. Ent. 10. Coccodiplosis gen. n. p. 238, pseudo- cocci sp. n. Java Biologie, de Meyere Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 239. Diarlhronomyia hypogaea. habits, Essig J. Econ. Ent. 9 1916 pp. 461-468 pis. 34, 35, ff. 32-34. Dyodiplosis andropogonis sp. n. India p. 371, Felt Ent. News. 28. Feltiella veilaloria sp. n. Illinois p. 195, Felt J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. Hormomyia ischaemi, Felt p. 369 Ent. News 28. Janeliella siskiyou sp. n. Am. bor. p. 194, Felt J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. Lasioptera fluitans sp. n. India p. 73, Felt Ent. News 28. — L. piriqueta sp. n. Porto Rico p. 193, Felt J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. Parallelodiplosis cattleyae, Weiss p. 25 pi: iv f. 1 Ent. News 28. r . Physalidicola gen. n. near Spaniocera argeniata sp. n. Buenos Aires, Brethes Pliysis 3. Pseudhormomyia fluvialis p. 74, cornea p. 76, spp. n., India, Felt Ent News 28. Pseudomilciola gen. n. p. 411, lippiae sp. n. Entre Rios p 412, Brethes Pliysis 3. fTF inner tziola burmilica sp. n. p. 42 fig., Cockerell Psyche 24. Mycetophilidae. Allodia deniica sp. n. California p. 315, Guthrie Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. f Brachypeza graciosa sp. n. Aqui- tanien, Allemagne, Meunier Amster- dam Verh. Akad. 20 p. 10. f Burmacrocera gen. n., petiolata sp. n. Burmese amber p. 326 figs., Cockerell Ann. Amer. ent. Soc. 10. Johannsenia gen. n. wear Brachypeza, aurei sp. n. California, Guthrie p. 316 figs. pi. xxvi Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Mycetophila maculosa, permata p. 314, alata p. 315, spp. n., California, Guthrie Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Sciara coprophila life history, Hun- gerford J. Econ. Ent. 9 1916 pp. 538-549 pis. xli, xlii. f Sciara burmitina sp. n. in amber p. 20 fig., Cockerell Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10.— f^. heydeni sp. n. Aqui- tanien, Allemagne, Meunier Amster- dam Verh. Ak. 20 p. 12. \Synlemna sepulla sp. n. Aquitanien, Allemagne, Meunier T.c. Chironomidae. Bezzia pilipennis sp. n. Lapland, Lundstrom Naturw. Unters. Sarekgeb. 4 p. 674. Ceraiopogon attacking other insects, Peyerimhoff Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 pp. 250-253. Chironomus aquceducti sp. n. Japan, Matsumura Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 pp. 1-7. — C. decorus natural history, Ping Canad. Ent. 49 pp. 418-420 pi. xxi. Culicoides judicandus sp. n. Luzon p. 108, Bezzi Philipp: J. Sci. D. 12. Orthocladius doloplasloides sp. n. Swedish Lapland, Lundstrom Naturw. Unters. Sarekgeb. 4 p. 670. Tricholanypus appropinqualus sp. n. Swedish Lapland, Lundstrom Naturw. Unters. Sarekgeb. 4 p. 673. Culicidae. Zanzibar Culicidae, Aders Bull, enfc. Res. 7 pp. 391-396. Biological observations, Felt & Stage Albany Univ. Sfc. N. Y. Mus. Bull. 186 1916 pp. 65-70. The mosquitoes of New Jersey and their control, Headlee Agric. Exp. Sta. New Jersey 276 1915 pp. 1-135 ff. 1-94. Pupae of African mosquitos, Ingram & Macfie Bull. ent. Res. 8 pp. 73-91 with many figs. 188 Insect a. XJ1. Insecta. [1917] Larvae of West-African Culicidae, Ingram & Mac fie T.c. pp. 135-154 figs, and 4 pla. Larval respiration, experiments, Macfie Bull. ent. Res. 7 pp. 277- ' Grenada species breeding places etc., Macdonald Bull. ent. Res. 7 pp. 259- 264 ols. iii & iv. Dytiscus , as destroyers, Chid ester p. 454 Ent. News 28. Aedes, allies & subgenera, Edwards p. 203 Bull. ent. Res. 7 ; ceylonicus p. 221, yerburyi Ceylon, leicesteri Kuala Lumpur p. 222 figs., spp. n., Id. T.c. — A. notes on Californian pp. 11-19, fisheri sp. n. p. 19, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. — A. euedes Canada p. 714, euochrus Brit. Columbia p. 71G, decticus Ontario p. 737, centrotus p. 747 Canada, diantaeus U. S. p. 758, spp. n., Dyar & Knab Mosquitoes 4. A. aloponotum p. 98, aboriginis p. 99, nliiusculus p. 100, spp. n., mimesis p. 116, prodoles p. 118, spp. n., U. S., Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. — A. acrophilus sp. n. Canada p. 127, Dyar T.c. — A. zoosophus, gonimus , p. 165, niphadopsis, innuitus, p. 166, spp. n., U. S., Dyar & Knab Insec. inscit. 5. — A. argenteus (Poiret) correct name for yellow fever mosquito, Knab Insec. inscit. 4 1916. — A. curriei, Dyar pp. 122-124 Insec. inscit. 5. — A. idahoensis larva, Dyar p. 187 T.c. Aedomyia ; species, genitalia figs., Edwards pp. 228, 229 Bull. ent. Res. 7. Anopheles ; table of Panama species, Dunn pp. 15-19 Ent. News 28. — A. kinoshitai, taiwanensis, spp. n„ Formosa, Koizumi Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 p. 134- 142. — A. neivai sp. n. Panama p. 986, Dyar & Knab Mosquitoes 4. — A. hyle- philus sp. n. Amer. mer. p. 39, Dyar & Knab Insec. inscit. 5. — A. spp. Philip- pine Is. : relation to malaria ; febrifer Banks sp. n. 9 > P- 884, Walker & Barber Philippine J. Sci. Manila Sect. B. Trop. Med. 9 1914 p. 381-439.— ,4. albotaeniatus var. n. montanus p. 273, Stanton & Hacker Bull. ent. Res. 7. — A. claviger and aguefever in Den- mark, Esben-Petersen Flora og Fauna 1917 n. 35-39. — A. plumbeus, Edwards p. 201 Bull. ent. Res. 7. Armigeres ; 9 » genitalia, figs. Ed- wards pp. 203-208 ; durhami p. 206, maiae p. 205, spp. n., Malay States, Edwards Bull. ent. Res. 7. Climacura subgen. n. of Culex type . C. melanurus p. 452, Howard, Dyar & Knab Mosquitoes Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 159 3. Culex ; revision of north-ainerican, C. ( Mochlostyrax ) peribleptus sp. n. p. 181, Dyar & Knab pp. 170-183 Insec. inscit. 5. — C. hayashi sp. n. Japan, Yamapa Dobuts Z. Tokyo 29 p. 61-72. — C. (Transculicia subg. n.) eleu- thera sp. n. Bahamas p. 184, Dyar Insec. inscit. 5. — C. tapinops sp. n. Argentina p. 227, larva figs. p. 228, Brethes Pliysis. 3. — C. delys p. 317, apaleticus p. 321, spp. n., Panama, caraibeus p. 257, eremila p. 261, sphinx p. 301, mastigia p. 426 ; spp. n. West Indies, Howard, Dyar & Knab Mosquitoes, Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 159 3. — C. tritaeniorhynchus , etc., Edwards pp. 224-226 Bull. ent. Res. 7. — C. nigripes , synonymy, pp. 167-169, Dyar & Knab Insec. inscit. 5. Lesticocampa spp. n. Panama : dicel- laphora p. 166, lampropus p. 167, Howard, Dyar & Knab Mosquitoes Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 159 3. Lophocer atomy ia, table, Edwards p. 226 Bull. ent. Res. 7. Lutzia allostigma sp. n. Nicaragua to Panama p. 471, Howard, Dyar & Knab Mosquitoes Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 159 3. Myzomyia rossii, ludlowi, indefinitely notes on, Swellenqrebel Gen. Tyd- schr. Ned. Ind. 57 1917 p. 490 ; Med. Burg. Gen. Dienst Ned. Ind. 1917 4 p. 42-47. — M. flava sp. n. Sumatra, Swellenqrebel p. 807 T.c. Ochlerotatus ; characters composi- tion p. 211, O. ( Finlayci ) koreicus Korea p. 212, fulgens Zanzibar p. 213, O. ( Diceromyia ) adersi Zanzibar d. 214, O. notes, Edwards pp. 215-221, Bull, ent. Res. 7. Rachionotomyia bambusa sp. n. Japan, Yamada Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 pp. 61-72. Sabethes goeldii sp. n. Trinidad p. 24, Howard, Dyar & Knab Mosquitoes Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 159 3. 189 Insecla. Systematic). — Diptera — Tipulidae . Skusea ; J , genitalia figs., Edwards p. 223 Bull. ent. Res. 7. Slegomyia vnriegala , albopicla, syn- onymy p. 209, genitalia p. 210 figs., Edwards T.c. — S. fasciala , metamor- phosis, Macfie Bull. ent. Res. 7 pp. 297-307 figs. Taeniorhynchus uigrosignatus sp. n. = ( conopcis Theo.), Edwards p. 224 Bull. ent. Res. 7. Toxorhynchites regius and subulifer, synonymy, Edwards p. 202 T.c. Transculicia subg. n. vide Cvlex. Uranotaenia basalis Mexico p. 917 sp. n., Dyar & Knab Mosquitoes 4. Psychodidae. f Trichomyici swinhoei sp. n. Burma in amber p. 21 fig., Cockerell Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Bibionidae, Simuliidae. Bibio johannis, early stages, Morris Ann. Appl. Biol. 4 po. 91-114 pi. ii.— B. abbreviates, Strickland p. 600 figs. Agric. Gaz. Canada 3. | Bibio gurnelensis f. 4, oligocenus f . 5, spp. n., Isle of Wight tertiary p. 375, Cockerell P. U. S. nat. Mus. 52. f Plecia winchesteri p. 375, explanala p. 376, spp. n., Colorado tertiary, Cockerell T.c. — f P. decapitata sp. n. Florissant miocene p. 391, Cockerell P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. f Protomyia sluiteri sp. n. Aquit- anien Allemagne, Meunier Amsterdam Verh. Ak. 20 p. 14. Simulium amazoriicum, characters, synonymy, Lutz Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 9 p. 63-66 pi xxv. Tipulidae, Ptychopteridae. Anloc.ha monticola sp. n. Colorado p. 23 Alexander Canad. Ent. 49. Atarba capensis p. 147 pi. x f. 10 sp. n., Alexander Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Chionea primiiiva p. ' 204 none- boracensis p. 205 gracilis p. 206 spp. n., New York figs., Alexander Canad. Ent. 49. — C. alpiia, Marchand Psyche 24 p. 142-153 2 pis. Crypleria americana sp. n. Oregon p. 29, Alexander Canad. Ent. 49. Ctedonia, Enderlein p. 57 Zool. Anz. 49. Clenacroscelis alboviltat.us p. 163 pi. xi f. 27 & xiv f. 57, Alexander Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Ctcnacroscelis rex sp. n. Burma p. 22, Alexander Insec. inscit. 5. Dicranomyia melleicauda sp. n. Colo- rado p. 22, Alexander Canad. Ent. 49. — D. lightfooli p. 140 pi. x f. 2, marlcyi p. 142 f. 4, peringucyi p. 142 f. 12, spp. n., tipulipes Karsch p. 141 f. 3, Alexander Ann. S. Afric. mus, 17. Dirhipis gen. n. near Ctedonia, riede- liana sp. n. Chile Enderlein p. 58 figs. Zool. Anz. 49. Elephantomya aurantiaca p. 146 pi. x f. 8 sp. n., Alexander Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Eptanytarsus gen. n., japonibius sp. n., Matsumura Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 p. 1-7 [the position of this genus has not been sent by the Japanese Recorder!. Eriocera lativentris p. 113, crajsipex p. 114, spp. n., Philippines Bezzi Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Erioplera ( Empeda ) bonne spei p. 148 pi. x f. 11, sp. n., perengueyi Bergr. p. 149 pi. x f. 12, Alexander Ann. S. afric. Mus. 17. — E. luzonica sp. n. p. 7, Alexander Insec. inscit. 5. — E. ( Empeda ) cinereipleura, noclivagnns, spp. n., U. S., Alexander p. 200 Canad. Ent. 49. Gnopbomya e1egans Wied. p. 151 pi. xi f. 15, Alexander Ann. S. afric. Mus. 17. Gonomya spuria Bergr. p. 151 pi. xi f. 16, Alexander T.c. Gonomyella subg. n. for brevifurca p. 153 pi. xi f. 18 natalensis p. 152 f. 17, spp. n., Alexander T.c. Icriomastax ocellata figs. Ender- lein p. 62 Zool. Anz. 49. Lepfotipula n. gen., limuophiloides pi. xi f. 22 & xiii f. 43 xiv f. 54 sp. n., Alexander Ann. S. afric. mus. 17. Libnodes capensis p. 143 pi. x f. 6 sp. n., Alexander T.c. 190 Insedu. XII. Inseeta. [1917] Libnotes opaca marginalia , spp. n., Philippines p. 116 Bezzi Philipp. J. Sci. I). 12. Limnobia indigena jacKsoni subsp. n. p. 199, Alexander Canad. Ent. 49. Limnophila dubiosa p, 156, Irans- vaalica p. 155 pi. xi f. 19, spp. n., frugi Bergr. pi. xi f. 20 Alexander Ann. S. afric. Mus. 17. — L. subaptera p. 207, L. ( Prionolabis ) cressoni p. 208, spp. n., California Alexander Canad. Ent. 49. Longurio minusculus p. 162 pi. xi f 26 & xiii f 51 xiv f 55 sp. n. ; bonae spei Bergr. pi. x f. 25 & xiii f. 48 xiv f. 55, Alexander Ann S. afric. Mus. 17. Megistrocera hirsuta p. 159 pi. xi f. 24 sp. n. ; bicauda Speis. pi. xi f. 23 & pi. xiii f. 42 Alexander T.c. Mesomyites C. = > Styringomyia , Cock- erell p. 141 Entomol. 50. ]Mongoma cruciferella sp. n. Isle of Wight oligocene p. 374 f. 3, Cockerell P. U. S nat. Mus. 52. Nephrotoma edwardsi d. 173 pi. xii f. 35, slrenua p. 174 f. 36 xiv f. 63, ligrina p. 177 f. 39 f. 67, umbripennis p. 172 f. 34 & f. 62, unicingtiala p. 175 f. 37 & f. 65, spp. n., antennala Wied. p. 177 f. 38 & f. 64, peliolata Macq. p. 179 f. 41, tmcta Walk. f. 40 f. 66 Alexander Ann. S. afric. Mus. 17. Orimargula philippina sp. n. p. 6, Alexander Insec. inscit 5. Ormosia nimbipennis p. 24, nesocera p. 25. megacera p. 26 spp. n., U. S., Alexander Canad. Ent. 49. Pachyrhina pyfenaica sp. n. p. 304 figs., Pierre Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Platylimnobia gen. n. p. 149, barnardi p. 150, pi. xiii f. 45. Alexander, Ann. S. Afric. mus. 17 Podoneura anthracogr amnia Bergr. p. 151 pi. x. f. 14, Alexander T.c. Pselliophora praejica p. 110, tripudians p. Ill, spp. n., Philippines, suspirans var. n. hilaris p. 109, Bezzi Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Ptychoplera capensis p. 139 pi. x f. 1 sp. n., Aleaxnder Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Rhabdomastix / lava coloradensia subsp. n. p. 28, Alexander Canad. Ent. 49. Rhamphidia capensis p. 145 pi. x f. 7 sp. n., Alexander Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. Rhaphidolabis sessilis, major , spp.’ n., Colorado, p. 210 Alexander Canad. Ent. 49. Rhipidia a fra Bergr. p. 143 pi. x f. 5, Alexander Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. | Riphidia brodiei sp. n. Isle of Wight Tertiary, fig., Cockerell p. 373 P. U. S. nat. Mus. 52. Scepasma gen. n. type bipunclatum Phil., Enderlein p. 60 Zool. Anz. 49. Styringomya vittata Edvv. p. 147 pi. x f. 9 & xiii fs. 46 & 47, Alexander Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. f Styringomyia venusta, notes on, Meunier Tydschr. Ent. 60p. 370-375. Tipula ; the palaearctic, crassiven- tris Tyrol p. 28, intermixta Spain p. 40, fragilicornis Italy p. 44, vafra Finland p. 51, virgatula Mongolia p. 58, cisalpina Italy p. 59, bosnica d. 79, cava Germany p. 89, ouusla Alps p. 94, jalcata p. 96, fasciculata p. 103, Italy, bimaculata Sicily p. 105, adeps Spain p. 109 interserta Austria p. 112, spp. n„ Reidel Abh. Lehrerver. • Crefeld 1913 [from Wien. ent. Zeit. 33 p. 270].— T. caffra p. 171 f. 33, chionoides p. 164 text fig. 2, pi. xiii f. 44, coronata p. 169 f. 32, jocosa p. 168 f. 31, pomposa p. 168 f. 30, f. 52., f. 60, zambeziensis p. 166 f. 29, f. 53, f. 58, spp. n., soror Wisd. f. 28, f. 49, f. 58, Alexander Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. — T. alexandriana p. 146, vicina p. 148, conspicua p. 149, xavthos- tigma p. 150, spp. n., U. S. pi. xi, Dietz Ent. News 28. — 1\ paludosa, larva, natural history, Rennie Ann. appl. Biol. 3 p. 116-137, 3 pis. — T. mikado Westw. to Holorusia , Enderlien p. 60 Zool. Anz. 49. \Tipula gardneri sp. n. Isle of Wight oligocene p. 374, f. 1, Cockerell, P. U. S. nat. Mus. 52. Trentepohlia pictipennis sp. u. Luzon p. 115, Bezzi Philipp. J. Sci. L> 12. Trichodolichopeza n. subgen. herti- pennis pi. xi f. 21 sp. n., Alexander Ann. S. Afric, Mus. 17 p. 157. 191 Insecla, Systematic. — Diptbra — Tabanidae. Tricyphona autumnalis p. 30, cervina p. 62, glacialis p. 63, spp. n., U. S. Alex- ander Canad, Enfc. 49. — 71.. degenerate . sp. n. Colorado p. 209, Alexander Canad. Ent. 49. Trimicra inconspicua Loew pi. x f. 13, p. 149, Alexander Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 17. — T. angularis sp.* n. Utah p. 26, Alexander Canad. Ent. 49. Stratiomyidae. The Stratiomyidae of Lolland-Fal- ster Denmark (Danish), Jorgensen Flora og Fauna 1917 p. 13. Aclina siirimondsii sp. n. New Zea- land p. 184, Miller Tr. N.Z. Inst. 49. Bens sallusans p. 190, caliginosa p. 191, laeuans p. 192, refugians p. 193, spp. n., New Zealand, Miller T.c. Camptopelta gen. n. p. 23, aldrichi sp. n. New Mexico p. 24, Williston Ann. ent. Soc. Amer, 10. Coenoinyia ferruginea localities, Davis p. 134 and p. 196 J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. Eupachygaster henshawi sp. n. Illinois p. 338, Malloch Ball. Illinois Lab. 12. E xair eta ' seolf oralis p. 179, hoheria p. 180, spp. n., New Zealand Miller, Tr. N.Z. Inst. 49 . Oxycera approximate p. 326, aldrichi p. 329, albovitfata p. 330, spp. n., Amer. bor., Mallodh Bull. Illinois Lab. 12. f Oxycera (?) co.itusa sp. n. miocene Colorado p. 20, Cockerell P. biol. Soo'. Washington 30. Systegnum gen. n. near Catalasis , africanum sp. n., Enderlein p. 66 Zool. Anz. 49. Xylomyia pallidifemar sp. n. Illinois p. 343, Malloch Bull. Illinois Lab. 12. Tabanidae. Zanzibar Tabanidae, Aders Bull, ent. Res. 7 pp. 397 & 398. Food of Tabanidae, Snyder pi 208- 211 P. ent. Soc; Washington 18 Rearing larvae, March and p. 469- 473 J. econ. Ent. 10. Chrysops, larvae, habits, *Marchand pp. 149-163 pis. x-xii J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. Corizonzura kurandae sp. n, Queens- land p. 748, Taylor P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41. Diatomineura crocea sp. n. Queensland p. 746, Taylor T.c.— D. abdominalis sp. n. N.S.W. p. 209, Ricardo Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Eclenopsis australis sp. n. Australia, p. 217, Ricardo T.c. - Elaphromyia gen. n. carteri sp. n. Queensland, Taylor p. 749 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41. Erephopsis doddi sp. n. W. Australia, p. 211, Ricardo Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Haematopota montanus, p. 225, hindostani p. 226, spp. n. India, _ Ricardo T.c. Silvius aler p. 750, subluridus p. 751, spp. n. Australia, australis eggs p. 752, Taylor P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41.-^ S. grandis, fuscipennis, p. 212, nigri- pennis p. 213, fergusoni p. 214, niger p. 215, montanus, insular is, p. 216, spp. n. Australia, Ricardo Ann. Nat; hist. 19. ‘ Tabanus angusticollis, p. 218, clavi- callosus p. 219, milsonis p. 220, ker- shawi p. 221, T. ( Therioplectus ) cirrus p. 222, neocirrus p. 223, Australia,! pacificus Fiji p. 224, spp. n., Ricardo. T. c. — T. griseohirtus p. 753, tryplierus p. 755, griseoannulalus p. 756, australis p. 757, darwinensis p. 758, milso.ii p. 760, ’ spadix p. 761, spp. n. Australia, mastersi ri.n. for gregarius Tayl. p. 754, doddi n.n. for abslersus Tayl. p. 758, Taylor P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41.— 7\ annularis, daeckei, p. 269, peiiola- tus, uniformis, p. 270, nantuckensis. ■. p. 271, spp. ri. U.S., Hine Ohio j. Sci. 17. — 1\ co iformis nom. n. (=t confims Becker), Frey Naturw. Unters. ‘ Sarekgeb. 4 6 p. 681.— T. exclusus characters, Villeneuve p. 253 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. — T. striatus , development and habits,' Mitzmain Philippine. J. Sci. Manila Sect. B. Trop. Med. 8 1913 p. 197-221 pis. i-vii. 192 Ineecta. Xll. Insecta. [1917] Leptidae. Atherix fascipennis sp. n. Luzon p. 117, Bezzi Philipp. J. Soi. D 12. Ckrysopilus diplosligma sp. n. Luzon p. 120, Bezzi T.c. Schizella gen. n. Rhagionidae, fur- cicornts sp. n. Luzon pi. i. f. 1, Bezzi p. 119 T.c. Asilidae. Dioctria brevis p. 117, longicornis with var. tibialis, media, pleuralis, p. 118, flavipes p. 119, spp. n. U.S., Banks Psyche 24. f Dioctria ? pulveris sp. n. Florissant miocene, Cockerell p. 392 P.U.S. nat. Mus. 53. Epholciolaphria partialis n.n. for ■partita W. 1860, Bezzi p. 124 Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Pogonosoma cyanogaster sp. n. Luzon p, 125, Bezzi T.c. Saropogon rubricosus, p. 121, specu- laris p. 122, spp. n. Philippines, Bezzi T. c. Bombyliidae. f Acreotrichites gen. n., scopulicornis *p. n. Florissant miocene f. 6, p. 376, •Cockerell P.U.S. nat. Mus. 52. Anthrax californicus p. 69 f. 2, nigripennis p. 70 figs. 4 and 5, signati- pennis p. 74 f. 10, pilosa p. 76, spp. n. U. S., arethusa var. n. autumnalis p. 71 f. 8, Cole J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. j Dolichomyia tertiaria sp. n. miocene Colorado p. 20, Cockerell P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Heterotropus trotteri sp. n. Libya p. 21, Bezzi Ann. Mus. Doria 47 1916. Systropus valdezi sp. n. Luzon p. 126, Bezzi Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. ] Systropus rottensis sp. n. Aqui- tanien, Allemagne, Meunier Amster- dam Verb. Ak. 20 p. 9. Nemestrinidae. Hirmoneura exotica, habits, eggs,1 figs., Bruch pp. 427-430 Physis 3. Empidae. | Burmitempis gen. n.f halteralis sp. n. Burmah amber, Cockerell p. 367 figs. Amer. J. Sci. 44. ]Electrocyrtoma gen. n., burmanica sp. n. in amber p. 22, Cockerell Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. t Haploinera varasi sp. n. Chile p. 79, Brethes Revist. Chilena 20 1916. \Mesomyites gen. n., concinnus sp. n. Isle of Wight oligocene f. 7, p. 377, Cockerell P.U.S. nat. Mus. 52. Rhamphomyia longestylata p. 682, hambergi p. 684 spp. n. Swedish Lap- land, Frey Naturw. Unters. Sarekgeb. 4 6. f Rhamphomyia hypolitha sp. n. Florissant Miocene f. 8, p. 378, Cockerell P.U.S. nat. Mus. 52. Dolichopidae. Campsicnemus arcuatus p. 125 fig., nigripes p. 126 fig., spp. n. U.S., Van Duzee Ent. News 28. Diaphorus californicus p. 33, nudus p. 34, junctus p. 35, snowii p. 36, sparsus p. 37, inornatus, vulsus, p. 38, spp. n. U.S., Van Duzee Psyche 24. Liancalus limbatus sp. n. California p. 127 figs., Van Duzee Ent. News 28. Mesorhaga varipes sp. n. Massachu- setts p. 123, Van Duzee T.c. Nolhosympycnus inornatus p. 340, abbreviatus p. 341, spp. n. U.S., Van Duzee Canad. Ent. 49. Sympycnus fascisentris p. 337, caudatus p. 338, canadensis p. 338, spp. n. Amer. bor. Van Duzee T.c. Phoridae. Aphiochaeta communiformis sp. n. Holland p. 139, latra quadriseta var. nov. p. 143 Holland, rubida sp. n. p. 144 Deutschland, correlata sp. n. Holland p. 146, Schmitz Heerlen, Nathist. gen. Limb. 1917. Dohrniphora concinna pachycera var. n. Holland, rostralis var. n. Deutsch- land, Schmitz p. Ill T.c. 193 Insecta. Systematic. — Diptera — Oebtridae. Ilypocera ocellnla p. 110, gcrmanica jp. 117, spp. n. Deutschland, Schmitz T.c. Mallochina gen. n., M. exemla, notes on, Schmitz p. 123 T.c. Phora fasciata, destroying Coccinella, Du Buysson p. 249 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Syrphidae. Economic Syrphidae in California, Davidson J. Econ. Ent. 9 1916 p. 454-457. Braehyopa daeckei p. 360, diversa p. 361, spp. n. U.S., Johnson Canad. Ent. 49. Braehyopa rufiabdominalis sp. n. Colorado p. 226, Jones Ann. ent. Soc. Amcr. 10. Chrysogaster ocularia sp. n. Madagas- car p. 102 pi. vi f. 1, HervIs-Bazin Rev. Zool. Afric. 4 1916. Cinxia carolinensis sp. n. p. 209 pi. xvi figs. A-D, Metcalf Ent. News 28. Criorhina intermedia sp. n. U.S. p. 153, Johnson Psyche 24. Eristalis vitripennis, alpinus, Am- mitzboll Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 104. Eupeodes braggii , weldoni , spp. n., U.S. p. 221, Jones Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Lathyroplalmus madagascariensis p. 104 pi. vi f. 3, abdominalis p. 106 f. 5, spp. n. Madagascar, HervIs-Bazin Rev. Zool. afric. 4 1916. Mallola fiavoierminata p. 228, pal- merae p. 229, spp. n. U.S., Jones Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Melanostoma cherokeensis p. 219, johnsoni, monlicola , p. 220, spp. n. U.S., Jones T.c. Microdon similis sp. n. Colorado p. 219, Jones T.c. — Microdon piperi p. 136, modestus, senilis , p. 139, scutifer p. 141, U.S., remolns Cuba p. 142, spp. n., Knab P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Microxyloia gen. n. p. 230, robii p. 234 sp. n. Colorado, Jones Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Paramicrodon decipiens sp. n. Java, de Me ye re Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 242. (n-4840 j) Pipiza calif ornica sp. n. p. 417, Davidson Ent. Nows 28. Sphaerophoria cleoae sp. n. Maine p. 210 pi. xvi f. F., Metcalf Ent. News 28. — S. inlerrupla sp. n. Colorado p. 225, Jones Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Syrphus flukei, marginatus, p. 222, ineadii p. 223, rnedius, similis, p. 224, spp. n. U.S., Jones T.c. Tropidia cooleyi sp. n. Montana p. 342, Seamans Ent. News 28. Volucella rufomaculata sp. n. Colorado p. 227, Jones Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Xylota nigromaculala sp. n. Colorado p. 229, Jones T.c. CONOriDAE. Slylogaster bakeri sp. n. Luzon p. 157, Bezzi Phillipp. J. Sci. D 12. Oestridae. Notes on North-american Oestridae, Townsend J. N. York ent. Soc. 25 pp. 98-105. Bogeria scudderi sp. n. Washington p. 27, Townsend Insec. inscit. 5. Cephenomyia trompe, Bergman Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 7-10, 11, 135-143, pi. xix-xxvi. Cobboldia noverei p. 156, parum- spinosa p. 158, larvae pp. 152-155, Gedoelst Rev. Zool. afric. 4 1916. Cuterebra allies, revision, Townsend pp. 23-28 Insec. inscit. 5. — G. infulata pi. xxvii f. 4, nigricans f. 2, sarcopha- goides f. 5, p. 99, schmalzi f. 3 p. 100, spp. n., Am. mer., Lutz Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 9. Dermatobia hominis, oviposition vic- arious (by an intermediate), Knab P, ent. Soc. Washington 18 p. 179-182. Gaslrophilus equi, penetration of larva, Roubaud C.R. Ac. Sci. 163 p. 453. — G. haemorrhoidalis etc., Dove Bull. 597 U.S. Dep. Agric. Ent. 5 pis. ; Bisiiopp p. 182-187 Psyche 24. — G. asininus p. 105 pi. xxviii f. 9, Lutz Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 9. Gedoelslia haessleri sp. n. Africa p. 148, Gedoelst Rev. Zool. afric. 4 1916. b 30 194 Insect a. XII. Insecta. [1917] llypoderma gazellae sp. n. Massai'p. 263, Gedoelst T .c .—11 ypoderma, in Ohio, Mote Ohio J. Sci. 17 pp. 169- 176 Kirkia surcoufi sp.n. Africa, Gedoelst Rev. Zool. afric. 4 pp. 144-148 1916. Oedemagena tarandi , Bergman Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 6, 10, 13-26, 113-115, p'. i fig. 1., pi. vi-xviii. Oeslromyia marmotae sp. n. Central Asia p. 158, Gedoelst Rev. Zool. afric. 4 1916. Oestrus disjunctus p. 259, compositus p. 260, spp. n. Africa, Gedoelst T.c. Pseudogametes herinanni p. 102 pi. xxviii. f. 7, Lutz Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 9. Rogenhofera dasypoda p. 100 pi. xxviii f. 8, Lutz T.c. Rondanioestrus gen. u., apivorus p. 465 sp. n., Villeneuve Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 15. Muscidae Calypteatae. Anatomy and biology of Anthomyii- dae larvae, Keilin Parasitol. 9 pp. 325- 450 pis. v-xv and 41 text-figs. On Entoparasitic larvae ; Panzeria minor, Ernestia connivens, Winthemia quadripustulata, Frivaldzkia distincta, Campylochaeta obscura, Tachina rastica, Goniocera enigmatica, Nielson (Danish with English summary) Kpbenhavn Nath. Medd. 68 p. 23-36 20 figs. Sarcophagid larvae from the painted turtle, Chidester J. Parasit. Urbana 2 1915 p. 48-49 ff. 1, 2. Key to subfamilies of Anthomyiidae, Malloch pp. 406-408 Canad. Ent. 49. Wintering of muscid flies, Kisliuk pp. 285-294 Ohio J. Sci. 17. Species reared from Zygaena, Ville- neuve pp. 259, 260 Bull. Soc. ent. Prance 1916. Sheep-maggot flics in Australia, Proggatt & Prog gatt p. 25 and pp. 34-37 Agric. Dep N.S.W. Parmer’s Bull. 113. Parasitic fly of silkworms, habits (Japanese), Amari Tokyo, Sangyo Shikenjo Hokoku [Report of the Sericultural Institute] 2 1917 p. 251- 286. Eversion of the ptilinum during the emergence of Musca domestica, Mally S. Afric. Journ. Sc. 17 p. 599. Cordyceps-growth on imago, How- ard P. ent. Soc. Washington 18 p. 196. Acanthodotheca gen. n. p. 159 type Sarcophaga prohibita Aldr., Townsend Insec. inscit. 5. Acridiophaga gen. n. type Sarcop'haga aculeata Aldr., Townsend p. 46 P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Allognota agromyzina, larva p. 360, fig., Keilin Parasitol. 9. Allophorocera monlana sp. n. U.S. p. 140, Smith Psyche 24. Amblycory phenes gen. n. type Sar- cophaga amblycoryphae Coq., Townsend p. 162 Insec. inscit. 5. Amobiopsis oryata sp. n. Brazil p. 221, Townsend Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Andinoravinia gen. n. p. 190, rufipes sp. n. Peru p. 196, Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. f Anthomyia laminarum sp. n. Burma in amber p. 21, Cockerell Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. — A. persepulta sp. n. Elorissant miocene p. 380, Cockerell P. U.S. nat. Mus. 52. Apollenia — Thelychaeta subg., Vil- leneuve p. 337 Ann. Soc. ent. Fr. 85. Argoravinia gen. n. p. 190 type Sar- cophaga argentea T., Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Argyrophylax albincisa and Pseudo- chaela argentifroYisf Walton p. 189 pi. xiv P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. Ataclopsis gen. n., facialis sp. n. Brazil p. 229, Townsend Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Bercaeopsis gen. n. p. 192 type Sar- cophaga tetra Aldr., Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Blaesoxiphotheca gen. n. p. 159 type [Sarcophaga coloradcnsis Aldr. ) —cau- datci sp. n., Townsend Insec. inscit. 5. Borborotliinia gen. n., pubescens sp, n. India, Townsend p. 188 Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Buceules abbreviata sp. n. Madagascar p. 199, Villeneuve Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. 195 Insec la. Systematic. — DirTERA — Mdscidae. Calliphora vomiloria and oysters, MvcGriiEGtOR p. lS.Eiit. Mo. Mag. 53. Camptopsis gen. n. p. 162, miamensis sp. n. Florida p. 163, Townsend Insec. inscit. 5. Carcdia evolans, Villeneuve p. 195 Rev. zool. afric. 4. Ghaeloravinia gen; n. p. 190 type Helicobia quadrisetosa Coq., Townsend P; biol. Soc. Washington 30. Chadosturmia gen. n. p. 193, barbata sp. n. Madagascar p. 194, Villeneuve Rev. zool. afric. 4, 1916. Ghloroidia gen. n., flavifrons sp. n. Burma, Townsend p. 196 Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Chlororhinia gen. n., viridis sp. n. Sliillong, Townsend p. 191 T.c. Ghortophila pilipyga sp. n. France p. 440, Villeneuve Parasitol. 9. Cistudinomyia gen. n. type Sarcophaga cisludinis Aldr., Townsend p. 48 P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Copecrypla ruficauda devia subsp. n. p. 227, Townsend Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Cyanopsis gen. n., coslalis sp. n. Brazil p. 228, Townsend T.c. Cyphocera varia var. n. hova, Ville- neuve p. 191 Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Deuleroclara gen. n. near Clara p. 207, regalis sp. n. Madagascar p. 208, Ville- neuve T.c. Dexopollenia gen. n., leslaced sp. n. Assam, Townsend p. 201 Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Dexosarcophaga gen. n., transit a sp. n. Brazil, Townsend p. 221 Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Dialyta flavitibia, J, Joiiannsen p. 327 Ent. News 28. Diaphanomyia gen. n., aurea sp. n. Brazil p. 229, Townsend Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Diplopota gen. n. p. 272 for Himan- tostoma mochii, Bezzt Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Elzodiomyia gen. n. type Sarcophaga eleodis Aldr., Townsend p. 160 Insec. inscit. 5. Eucelatona australis aurescens subsp. n. p. 226, Townsend Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Euidiella gen. n. p. 192 type M usca discolor Fab., unicolor Borneo, purpurea, India, spp. n. p. 193, Townsend Rec. . Ind. Mus. 13. Euloewiopsis gen. n., setosa sp. n. Brazil, Townsend p. 222 Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Euparafrontiva gen. n. p. 17, mar- tinezi sp. n. Lima p. 18, Bretiies An. zool. afric. 1. Euphoroceropsis gen. n. p. 49, alba sp. n. Mexico p. 50, Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Eupododexia gen. n. near Pododcxia p 200, f estiva p. 201, diaphara p. 202, spp. n. Madagascar, Villeneuve Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Euravinia gen. n. p. 191 type Ravinia communis Park., Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Euscopoliopleryx gen. n. p. 223, nebulosa sp. n. Brazil p. 224, Townsend Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Eusynamphoneura gen. n. type Idia seriepunctata, Townsend p. 189 Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Eutheresiops gen. n. p. 48, Irixoides sp. n. Chihuahua p. 49, Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Fletcherimyia gen. n. p. 191 type Sarcophaga fletcheri Aldr., Townsend T.c. Gigantotheca gen. n, p. 192, galapa- gensis sp. n. p. 196, Townsend T.c. Glaucosarcophaga, gen. n. type Jcnabi — (S . villipes Aldr.), Townsend p. 45 T.c. Glossina ; Christy Ann. trop. Med. 11 pp. 279-282. — G. morsitans in Kat- anga, Schweiz Bull. ent. Res. 8 pp. 165-168 ; in Tanganyika, Id. T.c. pp. 169-175. — G. brandani, Chubb p. 252 Ann. Durban Mus. 1 1916. f Glossina armalipes sp. n. Florissant miocene p. 19, Cockerell P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Graphomyia maculata, larva pp. 354- 360, figs., Keilin Parasitol 9. Gymnopeze dcnudala is ? albipennis, Villeneuve p 259 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. Gymnosoma ventricosum sp. n. Java, de Meyere Tydschr. Ent. 60 p. 245. b 30 -2 (n- 4840 ;') 196 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Havnmomyia paludis sp. n. Massa- chusetts p. 323, Johannsen Eut. News 28. Heteropterina biseta sp. u. Madagascar, Villeneuve p. 199 Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Himantostoma mochii sp. n. Ery- thraea, Bezzi p. 91 Boll. Lab. Portici 12 figs. Homoeonychia rcipae sp. n. U.S. p. 139, Smith Psyche 24. Hydrotaea ; larvae pp. 399-404, figs., Keilin Parasitol. 9. Hyperecteina polyphyllae sp. n. Europe p. 307, Villeneuve Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Idiella sikorae sp. n. Madagascar p. 204, Villeneuve Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Idielliopsis gen. n., similis sp. n. India, Townsend p. 190 Rec. Ind. Mns. 13. Jicaltepecia gen. n., rafaela sp. n. Mexico, Townsend p. 49 P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Kellymyia gen. n. p. 191 type Sarco- phaga kellyi Aldr., Townsend T.c. Leptohylemyia coarctata, larva, Kei- lin pp. 121-123 figs. Bull. ent. Res. 8. Lyperosia exigua, natural history. Hill pp. 763-768 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41. Melanochelia riparia, larva pp. 331- 353 figs., Keilin Parasitol. 9. Melalliopsis gen. n., setosa sp. n. India, Townsend p. 198 Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Metoposarcophaga gen. n. type Save, pachyprocta Park., Townsend p. 46 P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Miltoravinia ge . n. p. 191 type Sarcophaga planijrons Aldr., Townsend T.c. Musca ; indian (?) spp. n. but not so indicated, Awati Ind. J. med. Res. 5 pp. 160-191 10 pis. — M. domestica and other Muscids in Montana, Parker pp. 278-282 Ent. News 28. — Life- history, Dove, J. Eeon. Ent. 9 1916 p. 528-538. Musca and Calliphora, suspension of nomen clatorial rules, Stiles p. 231 Ent. News 28. Muscina ; larvae pp. 405-420, figs., Keilin Parasitol. 9. Mydaea ; larvae pp. 393-399, figs., Keilin Parasitol. 9. Myospila meditabunda, larva p. 388- 392, figs., Keilin T.c. Myxactia gen. n. Thryptoceratidae, inclinata sp. n. Madagascar, Villeneuve Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Neoarchytas inambarica aurifrons subsp. n. p. 228, Townsend Bull. Amer. Mus. 27. N otochaetopsis gen. n. p. 162 type Sarcophaga masculma Aldr., Townsend Insec. inscit. 5. Ommaleskia gen. n., fumosa sp. n. Brazil, Townsend p. 227 Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Opsophasiopleryx gen. n. p. 220, mima sp. n. Brazil p. 223, Townsend T.c. Opsophytopsis gen. n., insularis sp. n. Galapagos, Townsend p. 163 Insec. inscit. 5. Oxysarcodexia gen. n. p. 191 typo Sarcophaga peltata Aldr., Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Paraphasiopsis gen. n., mellicornis sp. n. Brazil, Townsend p. 232 Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Pararoubaudia subg. n. vide liou- baudia. Parasarcodexia gen. n. p. 192 type Sarcophaga parked Aldr., Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Paratactopsis gen. n., setosa sp. n. Brazil p. 230, Townsend Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Parathcresia brasiliensis sp. n. Brazil p. 222, Townsend T.c. Parodomyia gen. n. p. 225, pura- doxica sp. n. Brazil p. 226, Townsend T.c. Peltopyga gen. n. p. 191 type Sarco- phaga celaratd Aldr., Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Pentatomophaga gen. n. Phasiinarum p. 246, bicincta sp. n. Java p. 247, de Meyere Tyds. Ent. CO. Phaouia cincta, anomalies, Keilin p. 193-196 figs. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. 197 I nsec la. Systematic. — Diptera — Musoidae. Phaonia ; larval anatomy and biology pp. 362-387, figs., Keilin Para- sitol. 9. — P. parenti sp. n. (but in note said to be cancscens Stein), Villeneuve Parasitol. 9. — P. ( Hyetodesia ) Tceilini sp. n. England p. 441, Collin Para- sitol. 9. Phorbia brassicae, Lovett, Agric. Exp. Sta. Oregon Rep. 1911-12 1913 p. 138-169 ft. 16-18. Phormia azurea, larval habits, Rou- baud Bull. biol. 51 pp. 420-430. Phumosia bilincta sp. n. Madagascar p. 206, Villeneuve Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Phyllogaster littoralis sp. n. Illinois p. 228, and p. 352, Malloch Canad. Ent. 49. — P. robustus sp. n. U.S. p. 148, Johnson Canad. Ent. 49. Phylo mclanocephala , Thomson C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 p. 785-788. Pilalca unicolor p. 137, ruficornis p. 138, spp. n„ U.S., Smith Psyche 24. Pollenia rudis, bionomics, Webb & Hutchison pp. 197-199 P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. Polleniopsis gen. n. p. 201, pilosa sp. n. India p. 202, Townsend Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Polygaster brasiliensis sp. n. p. 224, Townsend Bull. Airier. Mus. 37. Prosthelocirca gen. n. p. 192, cam sp. n. Galapagos p. 196, Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Prolocalliphora azurea , larval blood- sucking, structure, Coutant J. Para- sitol 1 p. 135-150, 1915. Pseudogonia madagascariensis, sus- pecta spp. n. p. 192, Villeneuve Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Pseudolachinomyia gen. n„ webberi sp. n. New England, Smith p. 54 Psyche 24. Rafaelia gen. n. type Sarcophaga rufiventris Aldr., Townsend p. 45 P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Raimondia gen. n., uruhuasi sp. n. Peru, Townsend p. 47 T.c. Raviniopsis gen. n. p. 160, aurea sp. n. Peru p. 161, Townsend Insec. inscit. 5. Rhynchomyiopsis gen. n., indica sp. n., Townsend p. 195 Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Roubaudia ( Pararoubaudia subg. n.) bisetosa sp. n. Africa p. 125, R. pruinosa sp. n. p. 124, rufescens var. n. pallida p. 125, Roubaud & Villeneuve Rev. zool. afric. 4 1914. Saraceniomyia gen. n. p. 192 type Sarcophaga sarraceniae R., Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Sarcodexiopsis gen. n. p. 190 type Sarcophaga biseriala Aldr., Townsend T. c. Sarcophaga subluberosa Guam p. 89, criaita p. 92, orienlalis p. 94, lenabi p. 96, Philippines, spp. n., Parker P. U. S. nat. Mus. 54. — S. froggatti sp. n. Australia, Taylor p. 265 Bull. ent. Res. 7. — S. fulvipes dissidia subsp. n. p. 157 fig., Parker Canad. Ent. 49. Sarcophodexia gen. n. type Sarco- phaga hamala Aldr., Townsend p. 161 Insec. inscit. 5. Sarothromyiops gen. n. p. 191, cinctus sp. n. Galapagos p. 196, Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Scarabaeophaga gen. n. p. 160, type Sarcophaga vtilis Aldr., Townsend Insec. inscit. 5. Sciasma frovtalis sp. n. New England,. Smith p. 56 Psyche 24. Sericophoromyia marshalli sp. n. Madagascar p. 195, Villeneuve Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Spathimeigcriia nigriventris sp. n. U.S. p. 139, Smith Psyche 24. Spirobolomyia gen. n. type Sarcophaga singularis Aldr., Townsend p. 43 Proc. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Stomoxys calcitrans, development and habits, Mitzmain Philippine J. Sci; Sect. B. 8 1913 p. 29-48. Strongyloneura nepalana p. 196, nebu- losa, viridana p. 197, coerulana p. 198, spp. n. India etc., Townsend Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Sturmia insularis sp. n. Madagascar p. 193, Villeneuve Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. — S. semitestacea fig., Pierre p. 67 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Synaclia subg. n. of Myxactia for Bonannia foliacea Pand., Villeneuve p. 199 Rev. zool. afric. 4. Synamphoneuropsis gen. n„ viridis sp. n. India, Townsend p. 199 Reo. Ind. Mus. 13. 198 Insecta. XIT. Insecta. [19J7J Syringosoma gen. n. p. 232, pennipea sp. n. Brazil p. 233, Townsend Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Tephomyiella gen. n. p. 104 type Sarcophaga atlanis Aldr., Townsend Insec. inscit. 5. Telramerinx brevicornis sp. n. Illinois p. 226, Malloch Canad. Ent. 49. Thelychaeta pubera p. 340, grossa p. 341, pculosa p. 342, connivens, jactatrix, p. 343, T. ( Apollenia ) versipellis p. 344, fasciculata p. 346, natalensis p. 347, T. nigripes p. 348, cinerascens p. .349, dubiosa, longicauda, p. 350, albibasis p. 351, distinguenda p. 352, cuprapex p. 353, sp. a. p. 354, spp. n. Africa, Villeneuve Ann. Soc. ent. France 85. Thylepticocnema gen. n. type Sarco- phaga incurva Aldr., Townsend p. 43 Proc. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Thysanopsis gen. n., albicauda sp, n. Brazil, p. 231, Townsend Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Titanogrypa gen. n. type Sarcophaga melav.opyga var. alata Aldr., Townsend p. 44 Pr. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Trichinochaeta gen. n., orbilalis sp. n. Brazil, Townsend p. 224 Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Trichometallea gen. n., pollinosa sp. n. India, Townsend p. 194 Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Trixosarcophaga gen. n. p. 191 type Sarcophaga aurigena T., Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Trochilolcshia gen. n. p. 226, /lava sp. n. p. 227, Townsend Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Tuiaeopoda gen. n. p. 190 type Sarcophaga pervillosa Aldr., Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Umbelusia gen. n. p. 194, analis sp. n. E. Africa j). 197, Townsend T.c. Wohlfahrtia magnifica, Gough p. 23 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 10. Wohlfartiopsis gen. n. type Sarco- phaga johnsoni Aldr., Townsend p. 45 P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Xavlhomelanopsis brasilicnsi's sp. n. ]>. 233, Townsend Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Ypophacmyia malacosomae, brasili- eusis subsp. n. p. 231, Townsend T.c. Zygastropyga gen. n. p. 191, aurea tp. n. Arizona p. 195, Townsend P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. Zygosturmia protoparcis meridionalia subsp. n. p. 231, Townsend Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Muscidae Aoalyptratae. Agromyza tephrosiae sp. n. Java, de Meyere Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 249. — A. pruni sp. n. p. 235 pi. x If. 1-3, Grossenbacher New York Bull. Torrey Bot. Cl. 42 1915 p. 227-239 pis. x. Anommonia gen. n. near Limosina, appendicigera p. 121, schivabi p. 122, Kamerun, spp. n., Schmitz Zool. Med. 3. Baclrocera cucurbitae, natural history, anatomy. Back & Pemberton Bull. U.S. Dep. Agric. Ent. 491 64 pp. 23 pis. Bathyparia gen. n. Chloropidae p. 56 praeclara sp. n. Durban p. 57 figs., Lamb Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Ceratitis capitala. Back & Pember- ton Bull. 536 U.S. Dep. Agric. Ent. Ceropsilopa gen. n. Epliydridae p. 340, nasula sp. n. Trinidad p. 341, Cresson Ent. News 28. Chlorops zeylanica sp. n. p. 51, Lamb Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Chromatoptcruin lacteiventre sp. n., Ceylon p. 49, Lamb Tc. Chyliza pallidipes sp. n. Ceylon p. 27 1 , Lamb T.c. Cyrtonotum tumidum sp. n. Ecuador p. 68, Enderlein Zool. Anz. 49. Dacus mochii p. 65, ivoodi p. 66, hamatus p. 67, blepharogaster p. 68, cryihrae.ua p. 69, spp. n. Africa, Bezzi Bull. ent. Res. 8. Desmornetopa, food-habits, Peyerim- hoff p. 215 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Diplocentra maculiventris p. 69 Africa, hendeliana Surinam p. 72, spp. n., Enderlein Zool. Anz. 49. Drosophila ampelophila, nutrition, etc., Guyenot Bull. biol. 51 pp. 1-330 4 pis. — 1). melanogaslcr, food, etc., Baumberoer P. Ac. Washington 3 pp. 122-126. — Drosophila, food for rearing, Baumberoer Amer. Nat. 51 p. 447. 199 Insectn . System atio.— Dirrrcit a — Ac a uttr ata e. Elassogasler plagiata sp. n. Luzon p. 135, Bezzi Philipp. J. Sei. D 12. Ephydra macellaria, larva, habits, Willoocks p. 102 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9. Epochra canadensis, Lovett Agric. Exp. Sta. Oregon 1911 12 1913 p. 135. Euprosopia trivittata p. 150, gig as p. 15.1, millepunciata p. 152, lepido- phora p. 153, longicornis p. 154, spp. n„ Philippines, Bezzi Philippine J. Sci. D 12. Eurina oculata sp. n. Madras p. 42 fig., Lamb Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Euxesta nolata, larva, habits, Hut- chison p. 171-177 pi. xii P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. Ilaplegis nitens sp. n. Durban p. 48, Lamb Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Heleomyza breviciliata p. 124, crepu- sculascens p. 127, spp. n. Holland, Schmitz Heerlen Nath. Gen. Limb. Meded. 1916 [1917]. Iielomyza ingens p. 266, balteata p. 268, aspinosa p. 269, spp. n., Africa, Lamb Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Hydrellia tibialis sp. n. Idaho p. 341, Cresson Ent. News 28. Hydromyza con/luens, habits, eggs, Welch Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10 pp. 35-45 pi. iii. Lagarocerus anomalum, pulchellum, p. 44, injuscatum p. 47, spp. n., Durban figs., Lamb Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Leptocera ( Limosina ) hoslica p. 140, glabrescenA, Italy, v-atrum Berlin, p. 141, hungarica p. 142, bequaerti Petro- grad p. 143, spp. n., Villeneuve Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Limosina ( Leptocera ) peclinifera p. 333, setaria p. 334, ruslica p. 335, cri- brata p. 336, moesta p. 337, spp. n., Europe, Villeneuve T.c. 1918.— L. quadrilineata nom. n. for ornala , he Meyere Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 324. — L. pseudomvalis, notes on, Schmitz Tyds Ent. 60 p. 232 figs. Lonchaea sdrekensis sp. n. Swedish Lapland, Frey Naturw. Enters. Sarek- geb. 4 6 p. 694. — L. aristella, natural history, Silvestri p. 123-146 figs., Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Loxocera rufa, variation, sjmonymy, Lamb p. 272 Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. f Melieria alavina sp. n. Florissant mioccne p. 379, Cockerell P. U. S. nat. Mus. 52. Naupoda unifasciafa sp. n. Luzon p. 140, Bezzi Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Nolhybus trigutlalus sp. n. Mindanao p. 155, Bezzi T.c. Oedoparea oblita sp. n. Falkland islds. p. 388, Lamb- Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916. Ops nigra sp. n. Mozambique p. 50, Lamb Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Oscinosoma discretion (Bezzi) sp. n. Italy p. 147, Silvestri Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Pachylophus fronlellinus valid p. 36 figs., lituraticus sp. n. Durban p. 37, Lamb Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Pareclecephala varifrons sp. n. Durban p. 52, Lamb T.c. Pemphigonotus gen. n. Chloropidae p. 54, mirabilis sp. n. Melville isld, figs. p. 55, Lamb T.c. Pliylomyza > aquilegia, life history, Cory J. Econ. Ent. 9 1916 pp. 419-424 pi. xxxi figs. 25-26. Plagiostenoplerina hendeli sp. n. Philippines p. 125, Knab Insec. inscit. 5. ]■ Proloscinis gen. n. Chloropidae, per- parvus sp. n. Isle of Wight oligocene f. 11 p. 380, Cockerell P. U. S. nat. Mus. 52. Prosopophorella n. n. for Prosopo- pliora, pE Meyere Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 349. Pterogenia valida p. 142, trislis p. 143, parva p. 144, laliceps p. 145, lutei- pennis p. 147, centralis p. 148, spp. n., Philippines, Bezzi Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Rhagoletis pomonella, Brittain & Good, Bull. Dep. Agric. Nova Scotia 9 70 pp. 6 pis. Rivellia hendeliana sp. n. Palawan p. 138, Bezzi Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Scaiophaga, rufiventris sp. n. France p. 308, Villeneuve Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Scatophila variabilis sp. n. California p. 341, Cresson Ent. News 28. Scotinosoma typicum sp. n. Mindanao p. 136, Bezzi Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. 200 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Steleocerus nigricornis , quadrivittatus, p. 39, flavipes p. 40, latiseta p. 41, spp. n., S. Africa, Lamb Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Synhoplos gen. n. Ephydridae, slur- dzeanus p. 390 figs., neglectus p. 393, spp. n., Falkland islds., Lamb Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916. Schroederia ; type, Enderlein p. 67 Zool. Anz. 49. Trichocypsela alluaudi sp. d. Soudan p. 139, Villeneuve Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Tridacus d' emmerezi sp. n. Mauritius p. 03, Bezzi Bull. ent. Res. 8. Trypeta ; nomenclatorial, Ender- lein p. 228 Wien. ent. Zsit. 33. Tyloplerna gen. n. Ortalidae p. 131, monstrosum sp. n. Luzon p. 133 pi. i f. 2, Bezzi Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. f Urortalis gen. n. Richardiinae p. 378, caudatus sp. n. Florissant miocene p. 379, figs. 9 & 10, Cockerell P. U.S. nat. Mus. 52. Xenaspis extranea sp. n. Luzon p.134, Bezzi Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Pupipara. Notes on habits, etc., Nycteribiidao, Scott Parasitol. 9 pp. 593-600. Eremoctenia gen. n. for Penicillidia progressa, Scott p. 600 pi. xxiv figs. 1-5 Parasitol. 9. Tripselia gen. n. for Nycteribia fryeri, Scott p. 608 T.c. APHANIPTERA. The taxonomic #value of the copu- latory organs of the females in the order Siphonaptera, Fox Washington Treas. Dept. U. S. Publ. Hlth. Serv. Hyg. Lab. Bull. No. 97 1914 (19-25) pis. vi-xxii. Identification of some Siphonaptera from the Philippine islands. Fox Washington Treas. Dept. U. S. Publ. Hlth. Serv. Hyg. Lab. Bull. No. 97 1914 18. Bemerkungen iiber Suctoria xxviii (Hollandisch),OuDEMANS Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 4 p. 396. Ceratophyllus stimsoni California from Thomomys p. 12 pi. iv ff. 4-6, apachinus New Mexico from Cynomya ? p. 14 pi. v ff. 1-3, gibsoni Ontario p. 15 pi. v ff. 4-5, spp. n.. Fox U. S. Hyg. Lab. Bull. No. 97. Ctenocephalus canis, Rothschild Rep. B. O. U. exp. 2 No. 12. Doratopsylla blarinae sp. n. Colum- bia p. 1 1 pi. iv ff. 1-3, Fox U. S. Hyg. Lab. Bull. No. 97. Ischnopsyllus texanus sp, n. Texas from Nyctinomus p. 16 pi. v ff. 6-8, Fox T.c. Rhopalopsyllus gwyni sp. n. South America I p. 10 pi. iii ff. 1-6, Fox T.c. Rooseveltiella gen. n., georychi sp. n. West Africa p. 7 pi. i ff. 1-6, Fox T.c. Xenopsylla procaviae sp. n. East Africa p. 8 pi. ii ff. 1-5, Fox T.c. — X. a'equisetosus, sexes, figs., Roths- child p. 32 Ent. Mag. 53. HEMIPTERA. Heteroptera. A catalogue of Heteroptera, new for the Danish fauna, observed since the year 1912, Jacobsen Flora og Fauna 1917 p. 54-57. Bibliography of Otto Heidemann’s works with portrait ; P. ent. Soc. Washington 18 pp. 201-205 pi. xvi. Mimetic Heteroptera in Mexico, Herrera Bol. Est. Biol. Mexico 2 p. 90. Pentatomidae. Agonoscelis vanderysti sp. n. Congo p. 307, Sohouteden Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Anoplogonius nigricollis var. n. pseu- daulicus, Scuouteden p. 282 T.c. 201 Inaecla. Systematic. — Hemiptera — Pyrrhocoridae. Apateticus ludovicianus sp. n. U. S. • p. 4(52, Stoner Ent. News 28. Banya gen. n. p. 309 near Menida , leplaei sp. n. Congo p. 310, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Basicryptus hulereaui sp. n. Congo p. 284, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric 4 1916, B. pictus sp. n. E. Africa p. 285, Id. T.c. Bathycoelia chrislyi sp. n. Congo p. 308, Schouteden T.c. Benia gen. n. near Mabusana p. 301, murtulai sp. n. Congo p. 302, with var. dispar p. 303, Schouteden T.c. Calidea hutereauae sp. n. Congo p. 281, Schouteden T.c. Carbula nigricornis sp. n. Congo p. 304, with var. obtusangula p. 305, Schouteden T.c. Caura bayeri sp. n. Congo p. 301, marginata var. n. vanheckei p. 300, Schouteden T.c. Goenomorpha schioedtei var. n. inter - ruptevenosa p. 313, Schouteden T.c. Crollius verschuereni sp. n. Congo p. 298, Schouteden T.c. Diploxys ituriensis sp. n. Congo p. 305, Schouteden T.c. Eipeliella ; position, Schouteden p. 308 T.c. Elasmoslethus griseus, parental care, Jensen-Haarup p. 187 Ent. Mitt. 6 and K^benhavn, Flora og Fauna 1916 124- 126. — Glinocoris griseus , parental care, Schuhmacher p. 243-249 Ent. Mitt. 6. Elizabetha gen. n. p. 278 Tessara- tomini, courteauxi sp. n. Congo p. 279, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Ennuis f rater sp. n. Congo p. 311, Schouteden T.c. Euryaspis burgeoni sp. n. Congo p. 311, Schouteden T.c. Geomorpha lujai sp. n. Congo p. 306, Schouteden T.c. Halydicoris bayeri sp. n. Congo p. 300, Schouteden T.c. Hymenornaga perplexa sp. n. Congo with var. scutellata, Schouteden p. 299 T.c. Mabusana ituriensis sp. n. Congo p. 303, Schouteden T.c. Menida maynei sp. n. Congo p. 308, Schouteden T.c. Patanocnema maynei sp. n. Congo p- 283, Schouteden T.c. Piezodorus lituratus life-history, Butler pp. 34-38 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Platynopus dispar sp. n. Congo p. 280, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Scribonia lujai sp. n. Congo p. 312, Schouteden T.c. Stenozygum varelai var. n. capitate t p. 307, Schouteden T.c. Thoria zuwanica sp. n. E. Africa p. 286, Schouteden T.c. Coreidae. Anasa andresii life history and habits, Jones J. Econ. Ent. 9 1916 pp. 431- 434. Daladeropsis hutereauae sp. n. Congo* p. 165, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 5. Dilycoctha brouni sp. n. Congo p. 163, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 5. Ilarmosles monograph p. 439-450, croceus sp. n. California p. 445, Gibson Ent. News 28. Leptoglossus key to North-american, Gibson pp. 69-73 Psyche 24. Pendulinus devastans , nigroinarginalu» spp. n., Africa p. 118, Distant Bull. ent. Res. 8. Lygaeidae or Myodociiidae. The genera of the United States, Barber Psyche 24 pp. 128-135. Geocoris arenarius var. n. laulus p. 44, collaris var. n. veslitus p. 47, acuticeps var. n. falsatus p. 50, Mon* tandon Bull. Soc. ent. Egypt 9 1916. Neoblissus parasitasler , Bruch p. 147 Physis 3. Scolopostethus of New York, Torre; Bueno pp. 65-68 Ent. News 28. Pyrrhocoridae. Dysdercus delauneyi, Sands West Ind. Bull. 16 pp. 235-255. 202 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Tingitidae. Acalypta grisea sp. n. U. S. p. 218 pi. xvii f. 2, Htsidemann P. ent. Soe. Washington 18. — A. cooleyi sp. n. Montana p. 213, Drake Ohio Nat. 17. Alveotingis minor , brevicornis, spp. n., Iowa p. 305 figs. p. 306, Osborn & Drake Ohio J. Sci. ^17. Athens annulatus p. 205, sordidus p. 296, spp. n., U. S., Osborn & Drake T. o. Canthacader tenuipes var. n. infusca'ci p. 290, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Cochlochila bequaerti sp. n. Africa p. 294, Schouteden T.c. Corythaica constricta sp. n. Colorado p. 304, Osborn & Drake Ohio J. Soi. 17. Corythucha metadata p. 257, bulletin p. 258, spp. n., California, van Duzee Pr. Calif. Ac. 7. — C. padi sp. n. Montana p. 215, Drake Ohio Nat. 17.— G. salicis, morrilli p. 298, coryli p. 299, hoodiana, criodictyonae p. 320, spp. n., U. S., distincta var. n. spinala p. 301 fig., Osborn & Drake Ohio J. Sci. 17. — C. pura sp. n. U. S. p. 258, Gibson Ent. News 28. Cysteochilei biseriata p. 295L maynei p. 296, spp. n., Congo, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Dolichocysta acuta sp. n. Montana p. 214, Drake Ohio Nat. 17. Fenestrella ovala p. 155 pi. x f. d, Osborn & Drake Psycho 24. Qargaphia albescens sp. n. California p. 228, Drake Ent. News 28. 11 esperotingis gen. n. near Melanor- hopala, antennata, p. 21, fuscata p. 24, spp. n., U. S., Parshley Psyche 24. Leptobyrsa rhododeudri, natural history, Dickerson pp. 105-112 pi. viii J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. Leptoypha dislinguenda sp. n. Wash- ington p. 218 ul. xvii f. I, Heide- mann P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. — L. coslata sp. n. Am. bor. p. 16, Parsh- ley Psyche 24. M elanorophola notes pp. 159 & 60 figs. pi. x, Osborn & Drake Psyche 24. — M. ivfuscala sp. n. Virginia p. 19, Parshley Psyche 24. Phatnoma maynei sp. n. Congo p. 289, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Phyllontocheila laplumei p. 271, tedinii p. 273, elizabethae p, 274, alberti p. 275, Spp. n., Africa, mayri var. n. obscura p. 276, Schouteden T.c. Physatocheila parshleyi p. 156, major p. 158, spp. n., U. S., Osborn & Drake Psyche 24. — P. ornata sp. n. San Diego p. 259, van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Piesma marginepicta sp. n. Congo p. 289, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Sankisia gen. n. p. 293 near 11a- brochila, pulchra sp. n. Africa p. 294, Schouteden T.c. Serenthia maynei sp. n. Congo p. 291, Schouteden T.c. Stephanitis pyrioides, stages, Dicker- son & Weiss pp. 101-105 pi. ix Ent. News 28. Phymatidae. Carcinochelis lappacea sp. n. Philip- pines p. 282, Bergroth Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Eurymnus n. n. for Bolliei Dist., Ber- groth p. 284 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Aradidae. Araelus depictus sp. n. California p. 253 253, Van Duzee Pr. Calif. Ac. 7. Hydrometridae or Gerridea. Garris remigis , life-history; Torre Bueno Ent. New3 28 pp. 201-208. — G. marginatus, life-history, Torre Bueno pp. 295-301 T.c. Mesoveiia mulsa ti, life-history, Hun- gerford Psyche 24 pp. 73-84 pi. iv. Microvelia borealis, life-history, Torre Bueno pp. 354-359 pi. xxv Ent. News 28. Hebridae. Merragata foveata p. 103, brunvea p. 105, spp. n. U. S., Drake Ohio J. Sci. 17. 203 Insecla. Systematic. — HemiptebA' — Capsidae, Miridae. RedUVUDAE. Acanthaspis angalia, gracilipes, A. (Leptacanthaspis subg. n.) orieuialis, v. 51, decor sei, felixi , p. 52, spp. n. Africa, Jeannel Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Androclus ( Dichraotropis ) seyidiensis , sp. n. Africa, Jeannel p. 303 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. Cethera Jcenyensis sp. n. p. 49, Jean- nel Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Cetheromma gen. n., telescopus sp. n. Tanganyika, Jeannel p. 50 T.o. Eclomocoris inbaya, myrmecoides, spp. n. Africa p. 303, Jeannel Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. Eriopreda gen. n. near Varus, feai sp. n. Africa, Jeannel p. 50 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Haematochares stricticollis sp. n. Africa p. 302, Jeannel Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. Harpactor ( Ilypertolmus ) alluaudi, II. (Diphymus) seyidiensis, bayoni, lcdvir- ondo, II. ( Ilarpiscus ) lavelanus, p. 301, II. (Rhinocoris) casta nescens p. 302, spp. n. Africa, Jeannel T.c. Lept acanthaspis subg. n. vide Acan- thaspis. Mardania transversalis sp. n. Africa p. 52, Jeannel Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Margasus kilimanus, haemorrhoi- dalis, spp. n. Africa p. 302, Jeannel Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. r Microvarus gen. n. p. 50 near Varus, conradti sp. n. Africa p. 51, Jeannel Bull. Soc. ent, France 1917. Pachysandalus gen. n. near Lesto- merus, collaris, orientalis, spp. n. Africa, Jeannel p. 304 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. Paramphibolus zanzibaricus sp. n. p. 300, Jeannel T.c. Phonoctonns poultoni sp. n. Congo p. 258, Soiiouteden Rev. zool. afric. 4 1916. Pirates ( Gleptocoris ) ochripennis sp. n. Africa p. 303, Jeannel Bull. Soc. ent. France 1916. Platymeris rufipes, charon, kavirondo, spp. n. Africa p. 53, Jeannel Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Red coins gen. n. near Cerilocus , lepturoides sp. n. Africa, Jeannel p. 52 T.c. Antnocoridae. Macrolracheliella nigra sp. n. Massa- chusetts, Parsiilev p. 38 Ent. News 28. EnioocepualidAe. , f Disphaerocephalus gen. n. Enicoce- phalidae, constriclus sp. n. bunnese amber,., p. 361 fig., Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 44. f Enicocephalus stvinhoei sp. n. bur- mcse amber p. 364, Cockerell T.c. Capsidae, Miridae. European Miridae in North America, Knight Canad. Ent. 49 pp. 248-25 J. Adelpliocoris snperbus var. n. borealis p. 263, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Calocoris angustatus, Ballard Bull, Agric. Inst. Pusa 58 6 pp. 1 pi. — C. alpestris, food-plant, Day p. 183 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Camptobrocliis fenestratus sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 266, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ao. 7. Coralocapsus fusijormis sp. n. Sonoma p. 270, Van Duzee T.c. Clivinema regalis sp. n. Texas p. 5, Knight Ent. News 28. Collaria oleosa pi. v f. 6 p. 381, Dis- tant-Bull. ent. Res. 7. Dicyphus rufuscens p. 268, elongalus p. 269, spp. n. California, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. — D. prasinus, luridus, spp. n. Porto Rico p. 218, Gibson Canad. Ent. 49. Excentricus californicus sp. n. p. 284, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Ileterocordylus malinus and Lygidea mendax, foods, Cushman p. 196 P. ent, Soc. Washington 18. Largidca davisi sp. n. New York p. 7, Knight Ent. News 28. Lopidea heidemanni p. 456, salicis p. 457, davisi p. 458, reuteri p. 459, staphyleae p. 460 with var. sanguinea, spp. n. U. S., Knight T.c. — L. aculeata , p. 271, ampla p. 272, spp. n. California, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. 204 Insecta. xil. Insecta [1917] Lygus communis novascotiensis, Brit- tain Bull. Dep. Agric. Nova Scotia 8, 56 pp. 10 pis. Macrotylus intermedins sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 278, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Mecomma antennata sp. n. California p. 275, Van Duzee T.c. Monalonion illustris pi. v f. 2, collaris f. 5, spp. n. Colombia p. 382, Distant Bull. ent. Res. 7. N eobothynotus gen. n. p. 33, modestus sp. n. Philadelphia p. 34, Wirtner Ent. News 28. Paracalocoris hawleyi , life-history, Hawley pp. 545-552 figs. J. econ. Ent. 10. Paraproba cincta p. 273, nigrinervis p. 274, spp. n. California, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Parthenicus ruber p. 276, giffardi p. 277, spp. n. California, Van Duzee T.c. Phytocoris vinaceus sp. n. California p. 263, Van Duzee T.c. Plagiognathus mundus p. 281, linea- tus p. 282, diversus with varr. cruralis p. 283 and var. pluto p. 284, spp. n., California, Van Duzee T.c. Psullus pantherinus p. 279, soror p. 280, spp. n. California, Van Duzee T.c. Reuteroscopus falcatus sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 278, Van Duzee T.c. Sericophanes ocellatus, p. 3 noctuans sp. n. New York p. 4, Knight Ent. News 28. Tenihecoris bicolor, Weiss p. 24 pi. iv. f. 3 Ent. News 28. Hydrocorisae. Food, Hunqerford p. 336 Science 45. Food of Corixidae, Hunqerford J. N. York ent. Soc. 25 pp. 1-5 pi. i. Aphelocheirus schoutedeni sp. n. Congo p. 117, Montandon Rev. Zool. afric. 4 1914. — A. aestivalis , Butler p. 279 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. — A. montandoui, Butler p. 180 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. — A. aestivalis and montandoui one species, Bergroth p. 252 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Artocorixa ; stages etc., Hunger- ford pp. 112-122 J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. — A. interrupta , variation, Abbott Washington Univ. Stud. 1 1913 pp. 10- 21 pi. iii. Buenoa margaritacea, oviposition, early stages, Hunqerford pp. 174-182 pi. xiii. Ent. News 28. Notonecta undulata, habits, life- history, Hunqerford pp. 267-277 pis. xix & xx. T.c. Sphaerodema stappersi sp. n. Congo p. 119, Montandon Rev. Zool. afric. 4 1914. Homoptera. ClOADIDAE. Calcagninus salvazanus sp. n. Tonkin p. 103, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. Cicadatra foveicollis, Innes p. 141 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 6. Cicadella [ ? Cicadetta ] sachaliensis sp. n., Matsumura Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 6 pp. 186-212 with 3 pis. Clidophleps astigma sp. n. Lower California p. 7 figs., Davis J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. Cosmopsaltria sumatrana sp. n. p. 2, Moulton Entomol. 50. — G. divergens sp. n. Laos, Distant p. 321 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. — Cosmosaltria multivocalis sp. n., Matsumura Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 6 pp. 186-212 with 3 ids. Cryptotympana mimica p. 319, vita- lisi p. 320, spp. n. Laos, Distant Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Dundubia longina sp. n. Tonkin p. 320, Distant T.c. Enterponosia n. gen., hoppo, viridi- frons, chibensis, spp. n., Matsumura Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc, 6 pp. 186-212, 3 pis. Formosemia gen. n., Matsumura pp. 186-212 T.c. Gaeana laosensis sp. n. p. 324, vestita var. p. 325, Distant Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Haphsa conformis p. 322, fratercula , opercularis, p. 323, spp. n. Tonkin, Distant T.c. Huechys tonkinensis sp. n. p. 104, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. 205 Insccla. Systematic. — Hemiptera — Fulgoridae. Ilymenogasler planiceps sp. n. Cairo p. 7, Horvath Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 7, 1916. Leptosemia gen. n., Matsumura Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 6 pp. 186-212 with 3 pis. Meimuna gakokizana, goshizanci, ku- roiwae, spp. n.t Matsumura 6 pp. 186- 2 12 T.c. Mogannia indigotea sp. n. Tonkin p. 103, Distant Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Mogannia rubricosta, pallipes , for- ■mosana, spp. n„ Matsumura Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 6 pp. 186-212. Okanagana auranliaca sp. n. Lower California p. 9 figs., Davis J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. — 0. pallidula sp. n. California p. 23, f. 8, Davis T.c. Plalyplcura yayeyavnana, kuroiwae, spp. n., Matsumura Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 6 pp. 186-212. Paranoides gen. n., /clossi sp. n. Sumatra, Moulton p. 1 Entomol. 50. Pycna miyakona sp. n„ Matsumura Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 6. pp. 186-212. Scieroplera delineala sp. n. Laos p. 325, Distant Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Taiwanosemia gen. n., Matsumura Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 6 p. 186-212. Terpnosia rustica p. 101, cliapana, mesonotalis, p. 102, spp. n. Tonkin, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 19. — T. ■majuscula sp. n. Laos p. 323, T. mesono- talis — ( Galcagninus salvazanus) p. 324, Distant Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Tibicen inauditus p. 204, duryi p. 206, Tcnighti p. 208, spp. n. U.S., viridi- jascia var. n. bequaerti p. 210 figs., Davis J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. Y ezoterpnosia gen. n„ Matsumura Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 6 p. 186-212. FulgoridAe. Hawaiian Delphacidae and their food plants, Giffard pp. 339-348 P. Iiawai ent. Soc. 3. The Derbidae of the Philippines, Muir Philipp. J. Sci. D 12 pp. 49-104 1 pi. This includes various changes of generic position not stated below. Adolendana gen. n. Cixiinae p. 278, lypica sp. n. Seychelles p. 279 pi. xlix f. 10, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Ambarvalia gen. n. Delphacinae , pyrops sp. n. Seychelles pi. li f. 1, Distant p. 306 T.c. Amphiscepa bivittata , egg and stages, Scammell J. econ. ent. 10 pp. 552- 556 pi. xx. Aneclropia alrata sp. n. Luzon p. 326, Muir P. Iiawai. ent. Soc. 3. Aphelonema giffardi sp. n. California p. 309, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Aquaelicium gen. n. Derbinae, typi- cum pi. xlix f. 11, elegantulum pi. li f. 9 p. 289, brunnescens p. 290 f. 7, spp. n., Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Armilustrium gen. n. Ricaniinac p. 295, gardineri pi. 1 f. 3, scolti f. 4, spp. n. Seychelles p. 296, Distant T.c. Aselgeoides gen. n. Dictyophorinae p. 275, insularis sp. n. Seychelles p. 276, pi. xlix f. 1, Distant T.c. Banksiella gen. n. near Robigus , pulchra sp. n. Mindanao, Muir p. 76 Philipp. J. Sci. 1) 12. Brixia mahensis, stellata, spp. n. Seychelles p. 284, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Caneirona maevlipennis sp. n. Sey- chelles p. 277 pi. xlix f. 9, Distant T.c. Garmenlalia gen. n. Ricaniinac, bi- formis sp. n. Seychelles pi. 1 f. 5, Distant p. 296 T.c. Catonia clara, albicosta, spp. n. California p. 306, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Chloriona danica sp. n. p. 4 fig. 3, Jensen-Haarup Ent. Medd. 11. Clusivius gen. n. Cixiinae, speetdbilis sp. n. Seychelles pi. xlix f. 15, Distant p. 277 Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Consualia gen. n. Delphacinae , robusta sp. n. Seychelles pi. 1 f. 6, Distant p. 304 T.c. Curialius gen. n. near Brixia, in- signis sp. n. Seychelles pi. xlix f. 12 p. 285, Distant T.c. Daradaxoides gen. n., mahensis, sp. n. pi. xlix f. 5, Distant p. 286 T.c. 20G Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1917] Dardus erebus sp. u. Queensland p. 187, Distant Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Dejerundata gen. n. Rica liinae, alda- brana sp. n. pi. 1 f. 1, Distant p. 295 Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Delphacodes , validity p. 332, meri- dionalis N. Zealand, terry i Java p. 334, neopropinqua p. 335, bakeri p. 336, Philippines, lacteipennis Fiji p. 337, nigripennis Formosa p. 338, spp. n., Muir P. Hawaii ent. Soc. 3. Delphax pylaon, to Pissonotus, Muir p. 325 T.c. Dicranotropis cognata Queensland p. 317, fuscicaudata , cervina, p. 318, Philippines, spp. n., Mum T.o. Dictyophorodelphax mirabilis, Brid- well p. 279 P. Hawaii ent. Soc. 3. Dislantinia gen. n. near Leomeli- charia, nigrocacuminis sp. n. Luzon, Muir p. 102 Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Eosaccharissa philippina, pulchra, fusca, spp. n. Philippines, Muir p. 71 T.c. Equirria gen. n. Derbinae, phalaeua Sj. n. Seychelles pi. li f. 6, Distant p. 290 Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Fescennia ' bimaculata pi. li f. 11, qurea f. 10, spp. n. Seychelles p. 288, Distant T.c. Flatoides . proteci sp. n. Seychelles p. 300 pi. 1 f. 9, Distant T.c. Fordiculia gen. n. Derbinae p. 290, robusta sp. n. Seychelles p. 291 pi. li f. 15, Distant T.c. Herpis (lavescens , philippina , p. 59, pallidinervis p. 60, spp. n. Philippines, Muir Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Hilda welwitschi sp. n. Angola p. 186, Distant Ann. Nat. hist. 20. IlysleropPrum paludum sp. n. Algeria p. 338 figs., Berqevin Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 1918. — H. issifrons sp. n. Algeria p. 374, Berqevin T.c., Iguvium gen. n. Derbinae near Pamen- danga, albomaculatum sp. n. Seychelles pi. li f. 5, Distant p. 287 Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Kaha / lava p. 68, pseudomedia p. 69, angulata p. 70, spp. n. Philippines, Muir Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Kameudaka mindanensis p. 72, luzo- nensis, tayabasensis , maquilingensis, flava , p. 73, incommoda p. 74, Philip- pines, spp. n., Muir T.c. Kelisia emoloa sp. n. Oahu p. 311 pi. v. f. 19, Muir P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3. — K. kirkaldyi Fiji p. 329 ,fieberi Luzon p. 331, spp. n., Muir T.c. Ketumala rubromargiuata sp. n. Sey- chelles p. 299 pi. 1 f. 2, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Lamenia albicosta , bakeri , p. 61, philippina p. 62, pallidinervis p. 63, spp. n. Philippines, Muir Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Leialoha lehuae lanaieusis subsp. n. p. 299 f. 1, Muir P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3. Leomelicharia nigrovittata p. 99, deli- cata p. 100, delicatissima, pulchra, p. 101, spp. n. Philippines, Muir Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Leplaleocera nigrofasciata, banksi, spp. n. Philippines p. 77, Muir T.c. Levu irrorata sp. n. Mindanoa p. 103, Muir T.c. Liburnia muiri p. 314, semidinctus p. 315, flavialis p. 317, spp. n. California, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. ]Liburnia burmitina sp. n. burmese amber p. 329, Cockerell Ann. Amer. ent. Soc. 10. Lollius atromaculalus pi. 1. f. 7, virescens f. 8, spp. n. Seychelles, Distant p. 294 Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Losbanyosia gen. n. near Dioslrombus p. 85, bakeri sp. n. Luzon p. 86, Muir Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Matntinus gen. n. Cixiinae , opulentus sp. n. Seychelles pi. xlix. fig. 16, Distant p. 278 Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Megamelus proserpinoides, aibicollis , spp. n. Philippines p. 327, Muir P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3. M egatropis sanguinea sp. n. Mindanao p. 75, Mum Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. JHindana gen. n. Derbinae, ialifrons sp. n. Philippines, Muir p. 94 T.c. Monochorhynchus gen. n. near Para- proutista p. 217, wahri sp. n. Borneo p. 218, Muir T.c. 207 Inszcla Systematic. — - Hrmlptera — Fulgokidae. Muiria iridescent sp. n. Luzon p. 90, ]yiuiR T.c. Mysidioides tagalica sp. n. Luzon p. 78, Mum T.c. Naethus maculatus var. n.fasciatus p. 310, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Neocyclokara gen. n. flava sp. n. Mindanao, Mum p. 57 figs. Philipp. J. Sci. 1) 12. N eodendroJcara gen. n., crescentiformis sp. n. Philipines, Muir p. 66 T.c. Neolamenia gen. n. p. 63, flava sp. n. Philippines p. 64, Mum T.c. Neoprivesa gen. n. Ricaniinae, fusco- varia sp. n. Seychelles pi. xlix f. 8, Distant p. 297 Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Nesodryas antidesmae p. 300 f. 2 Oahu, N. ( Nesothoe ) munroi Lanai p. 303 f .6, spp. n„ Mum P. Hawai. ent, Soc. 3. NesoJcaha rubrinervis , nigropunctd, spp. n. Luzon, Mum p. 67 Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Nesosydnc timberlalcei p. 304 pi. v. f. 14, gunnerae f . 15, nesogunnerae f . 16, p. 305, disjuncla p. 306 f. 12, asteliae f. 13, sola f. 11, p. 307, Icoebelei f. 10, nigriceps pi. vi f. 33, p. 308, hamata p. 309 pi. v f. 17, spp. n. llsiwa,na,,fuUaivayi lanaien- svs subsp. n. p. 309, Mum P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3. Nicerta palawanensis sp. n. p. 74, Mum Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Nilaparvata mdhensis sp. n. p. 304 pi. li f. 14, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Nisia sulphurata, maculosa pi. li f. 4, fuscofasciata f. 3, p. 292, llioracica p. 293, spp. n. Seychelles, Distant T.c. Nothorestias gen. n. near Nesorestias , badia sp. n. Oahu pi. v f. 9, Mum p. 304 P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3. Oliarus hesperius p. 307, exoptatus p. 308, spp. n. California Van DuzEe P. Calif. Ac; 7. Opiconsiva gen. n. near Pundaluoyd, fuscovaria pi. 1 f. 10, colorata f. 11, p. 301, balteata pi. li f. 8, gloriosa, p. 302, insularis pi. If. 12, derelicta f. 13, modesta f. 14, p. 302, spp. n. Seychelles, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Paralcosalya gen. n. p. 286 Achilinae, insularis sp. n. Seychelles, p. 287 fig., Distant T.c. Paraliburnia gen. n. p. 1, jaoebseni sp. n. Denmark p. 2, Jensen-Haarup Ent. Meddel 11. Paraproutista trifasciata, luzonensis, p. 96, platypes , fuscipennis , p. 97, spp. n. Philippines, Mum Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Peggia irrorata sp. rt. Luzon p. 87 fig.* Mum T.c. Peggiopsis dorsimaculala p. 89, pal- lida, pseudojavana, p. 90, pseudopunc- ticosta p. 91, pseudo flavicornis p. 92, staeli p. 93, spp. n. Philippines, Mum T.c. Peregrinus maidis, synonymy, Mum p. 147 Canad. Ent. 49 ; economy, Thomas Agric. Exp. Sta. South Carolina Bull. No. 174 1914 p. 1-7 8 £f. Perhinsiella manilae sp. n. p. 324, Muir P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3. Phaciocephala badia, pseudobadia, spp. h. Philippines p. 58, Muir Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Phantasmatocera fuscofasciata sp. n. Luzon p. 65, Muir T.c. Phyllodinus nigromaculosus Philip- pines, sauteri, p. 319, punctata p. 320, Formosa, spp. n., Mum P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3. Pissonotus delicatus var. n. melanurUs p. 311, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Privesa fryeri pi. xlix f. 7 p. 297, melanaria f. 6 p. 297, spp. n. Seychelles, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. — P.prcniota- lis sp. n. Australia p. 187, Distant Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Privesana gen. n. for Privesa infusca Dist., Distant p. 298 Tr. Linn. Soc. 17, Proutista nigrilarsis sp. n. Philip- pines p. 95, Mum Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Plerodiclya ephemera, Champion p. 86 Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Pyrilla aberrdns and allies, natural history, Misra Mem. Dep. Agric. India Ent. 5 pp. 73-136 pis. and figs. Pyrrhoneura maculata sp. n. Luzon, Mum p. 64 Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Rileyopsis gen. n. Issidae p. 309, peyerimliofjfl sp. n. Algeria p. 310, figs., Berqevin Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. Sardia brunnia sp; n. Amboina p. 328, Muir P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3. 208 1 nseda. XII. Insecta. [1917] r Sikaiana vitriceps sp. n. Luzon p. 99, Muir Phillipp. J. Sci. D 12. f Smicrotatodelphax kirkaldyi sp. n. Java p. 320, Muir P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 3. Stenocranus bakeri Luzon, neopaci- Jicus Amboina, p. 321, nigrifrons For- mosa p. 322, philippinensis Luzon, iaiwanensis Formosa p. 323, luteus Am- boina p. 324, spp. n., Muir T.o. Stobaera giffardi sp. n. California p. 313, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Tembandumba gen. n. near Hilda p. 186, buarana sp. n. Cameroons p. 187, Distant Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Trirhacus trichophorua sp. n. Mace- donia p. 259, Meliohar Wien. ent. Zeit. 33 1914. Ugyops facialis pi. xlix f. 2, seychel- lensis f. 4, spp. n. Seychelles, Distant p. 305 Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Vekunta palawanensis sp. n. p. 60, Muir Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Vizcaya gen. n. near Prolerosydne , bakeri sp. n. Philippines, Muir p. 351 T.c. Volcanalia gen. n. Cixiinaet typica, p. 279, atrostriata, airovaria , p. 280, designata , cardui, picturata, p. 281, varicolor , fumosa , p. 282, modesta , uni- Jormis, capitata, p. 283, spp. n. Sey- chelles, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Zeugma valdezi sp. n. Philippines (= viltata Mel.), Muir p. 79 Philipp. J. Sci. D 12. Zoraida maculata p. 81, lutescens p. 82, flaviventris p. 83, sinuosa, meli- chari, p. 84, spp. n. Philippines, Muir T. c. Membracidae. Ophiderma fraterna, compacta , spp. n. U. S., Gibson & Wells p. 201 J. N. York Ent. Soc! 25. Platycotis maritimus sp. n. California p. 287, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Ceroopidae. Wing-nervuration ; Metcalf pp. 27-32 2 pis. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Tomaspis Iristis , habits, Williams p. 271 Bull. ent. Res. 7. Jassidae. Danish Jassidae, Jensen-Haarup Flora og Fauna 1917 pp. 41 etc. figs. Aconura ragusai sp. n. Sicily p. 260, Meliohar Wien. ent. Zeit 33 1914. Acropona gardineri pi. li f. 21, sladeni f. 19, spp. n. Seychelles p. 315, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Acucephalus giffardi sp. n. California p. 293, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Agallia immaculata sp. n. Carolina p. 120, Lathrop Ohio J. Sci. 17. Athysanus frontalis sp. n. Seychelles, Distant p. 317 fig. Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Balclutha chersonesia, varicolor , spp. n. Seychelles p. 318 figs., Distant T.c. Chlorotettix borealis sp. n. U.S. p. 92 gs., Sanders & De Long Ann. ent.d Soc. Amer. 10. Dellocephahis luteocephalus p. 84, nigriventer p. 85, fumidus, concinnus , p. 86, spp. n., U.S. figs., Sanders & De Long T.c. Dracculacephala inscripta, J , Olsen p. 215 pi. xiv. J.N. York ent. Soc. 25. Empoa aureotecta sp. n. Wisconsin p. 93 figs., Sanders & De Long Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Empoasca sublactea p. 302, transversa p. 303, ruficeps p. 304, spp. n., Cali- fornia, van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Errhomenellus jlavopunctatus sp. n. Moravia p. 260, Meliohar Wien. ent. Zeit. 33 1914. Eurymeloides moruyana sp. n. Aus- tralia p. 188, Distant Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Euscelis ozarcensis sp. n. Missouri p. 184, Gibson Canad. Ent. 49. — E. decep- tus sp. n. U.S. p. 87, Sanders & De Long Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Qudwana gen. n. near Ledropsis, typica sp. n. Sydney, Distant p. 189 Ann. Nat. hist. 20. H ecalus parvipicla sp. n. Egypt p. 191, Distant T.c. Idiocerus scotti sp. n. Seychelles p. 307 fig., Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 17.—/. subriitens sp. n. Wisconsin p. 82, Sanders & De Long Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. — I. atnoenus var. n. pictus 209 Insecta. Systematic. — Hemiptera — Psyllidae. . 289, Van Du zee P. Calif. Ac. 7. — . fitchi, life-history, Brittain & Saunders pp. 149-151 pi. ix Canad. Enfc. 49. — I. scurra, life-history, Dickerson & Weiss p. 218 pi. xv J. N. York ent. Soc. 25. Jassus determinate sp. n. Seychelles p. 316 pi. li f. 16, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Kolia seychellensis, funeralis, spp. n., Seychelles p. 312 figs., Distant T.c. Kronos gen. n. p. 307 near Bylho- scopus, typicus sp. n. Seychelles p. 308 fig., Distant T.c.. Ledropsis crocina p. 188, acuminata p. 189, spp. n., Australia, Distant Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Limentinus gen. n. near Jassus , aldabranus sp. n. pi. li f. 12, Distant p. 316 Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Maiestas gen. n. near Kolia p. 312, illustris sp. n. Seychelles p. 313, fig., Distant T.c. Matsumurana gen. n. near Dagama, facialis sp. n. Seychelles, Distant p. 317 fig. T.c. M emnonia simplex sp. n. California p. 294, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Nehela spectabilis pi. li f. 27, elegan- tula f. 24, p. 309, conspicua f. 26, lineo- ligera , scutellata f. 28, flavolineata f. 23, p. 310, aterrima p. 311 f. 22, spp. n., Seychelles, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Oncopsis calif ornicus sp. n. p. 291, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Paganalia gen. n. near Helochara , virescens sp. n. Seychelles, Distant p. 314 fig., Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Paralimnus silhoueltensis sp. n. p. 320 fig.. Distant T.c. Phlepsius torridus p. 126 f. 4, caro- linus p. 127 f. 5, similis p. 128 f. 6, distinctus p. 129 f. 7, spp. n„ U.S., Lathrop Ohio J. Sci. 17. — P. umbrosus p. 88, bifidus p. 89, spp. n.# U.S., Sanders and De Long Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Platymeiopius parvus p. 122, caro- tinus p. 123, spp. n., U.S., figs., Lathrop Ohio J. Sci. 17. Scaphoideus vagans, tessellatus, p. 319, seychellensis p. 320, figs., spp. n., Sey- chelles, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. (n-4840 ;) Tettigoniella nigrifrons Camcroons, latomarginata, p. 190, richmondensis p. 191, Australia, spp. n.. Distant Ann. Nat. hist. 20. Thamnotettix stramineus p. 90, melius , vittipennis, p. 91, spp. n. U S. Sanders & De Long Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. — T. commissus p. 299, helvinus p. 300, spp. n., California, montanus var. n. reductus p. 298, Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 7. Tinobregmus moodii sp. n. Missouri p. 183, Gibson Canad. Ent. 49. Typhlocyba modesta sp. n, Missouri p. 184, Gibson T.c. — T. comes and C. coloradensis, Merrill Agric. Exp. Sta. New Mexico Bull. 94 1915 pp. 1-33 pi. i ff. 1-8. Ujna flavidipes sp. n. Seychelles p. 313 pi. li f. 20, Distant Tr. Linn. Soc. 17. Psyllidae. Psyllidae on Acanthopanax aculeatum, Mukogawa Coll. Essays Nawa pp. 59-61. Arytaina variabilis p. 168, tuberculata p. 169, spp. n. Philippines, figs., Craw- ford Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Auchmerina gen. n. near Psylla, limbatipennis sp. n. Bolivia, p. 347 figs., Enderlein Zool. Anz. 49. Carsidaroida gen. n. p. 164, hetero- cephala sp. n. Luzon p. 165 fig., Crawford Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Epipsylla forcipata sp. n. Palawan p. 167 fig., Crawford T.c. Heteropsylla craw for di sp. n. Costa Rica p. 346 figs., Enderlein Zool. Anz. 49. Homotama bilineata sp. n. Luzon p. 164, fig., Crawford Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Labicria gen. n. near Psylla p. 348, barbata sp. n. Brazil p. 349 figs., Ender- lein Zool. Anz. 49. Panisopelma, valid, Enderlein. p. 351 T.c. Paratrioza cockerelli p. 434 figs., Essig J. econ. Ent. 10. Pauropsylla brevicephala sp. n. Minda- nao p. 163 fig., Crawford Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. b 31 210 Insictd Xll. Insecta. Psylla colorada p. 170, crenata p. 171, spp. n. Philippines, tigs., Crawford T.c. — P. fuscihodulus sp. n. Bolivia p. 350 figs., Enderlein Zool. Anz. 49. Rhinopsylla distincta sp. n, Luzon p. 166, Crawford Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Strogylocephala gen. n. p. 166, fasti - pennis sp. n. p. 167 fig. Luzon, Craw- ford T.c. Syncoptozus gen. n. p. 344 Aphalari- nae, maculipennis sp. n. Brazil p. 345 figs., Enderlein Zool. Anz. 49. Trioza eugenioides p. 171, divisa p. 172, luzonensis p. 173, Philippines, jambolanae India p. 173, spp. n., figs., Crawford Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. — T. limbata sp. n. Bolivia p. 351 figs., Enderlein Zool. Anz. 49. — T. alacris p. 439 figs., Essia J. econ. Ent. 10. Aphidae. Ant Aphidae in Somerset, Crawley Pr. Somerset Soc. 62 pp. 148-163. Sensory structures ; Baker pp. 378- 384, 2 pis. Canad. Ent. 49. Abura gen. n., memocola sp. n. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. Acanthocallis gen. n., quercicola sp. n. Japan, Matsumura pp. 351-414 T.c. Aleurodaphis gen. n. p. 239, flumeae sp. n. Java p.240,VAN der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Neerl. 1, Fasc. 3. Amphrophora cicutae sp. n. California p. 51, Suinji Canad. Ent. 49. Anuraphis gen. n. for part of Aphis, Del Gueroio p. 209 Redia 12, A. poae Italy p. 231, erratica Sicily p. 232, spp. n. Id. t.c. — A. persicae niger , Del Gueroio p. 202 T.c. Aphis citricola p. 235 pi. iii figs. 52-57 sp. n. Sicily, Del Gueroio T.c. — A. isabellina p. 211 pi. ii f. 9, helianlhi p. 212 figs. 10 and 11, beccarii p. 214 figs. 12-14, andreinii p. 215 figs 15-21 spp. n. Africa, Del Gueroio T.c. — A. eugeniae p. 91, malvoides p. 96, nigricans p. 103, nigricauda p. 106, tectonae p. Ill, spp. n. Java, Van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Neerl. 1, Fasc. 3. Aphis acanthopanaci, dstilbis, celastrii, colocasiae, clerodendri, glycines, kogo- [1917] mecola, odorikonis, polygonacea, yana* gicola, spp. n. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. — A. viburniphila p. 416 figs., rumexicolens p. 417 figs., spp. n., U.S., Patch J. econ. Ent. 10. — A. neomexicana var. n. paci- fica p. 290 figs., Davidson J. econ. Ent. 10. — A. familiaris, variability and synonymy, Theobald p. 77 Entomolo- gist 50. — A. prunifoliae Fitch, Baker p. 410 Science 46. Arakaivana gen. n., stigmata sp. -n. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. Arimakia gen. n ., taranbonis, ararias , spp. n., Japan, Matsumura pp. 351- 414 T.c. Aspidaphis gen. n., polygoni sp. n. Colorado, Gillette p. 196 figs. Canad. Ent. 49. Aslegopleryx styraci sp. n., Mat- sumura Essays Nawa pp. 39-91. A ulacorthum dispersinn p. 22, jilicis p. 24, scirpi p. 26, symplocois p. 28, viride p. 31, spp. n., Java, van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Neerl. 1 Fasc. 3. Calaphis caslaneoides p. 187, alni p. 188, spp. n., U. S., Baker P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. Callipterus trifolii synonymy p. 17, geographical distribution pp. 18, 19 f. 10, food plants p. 19, descriptions pp. 20-26 tl. 11-14, life history and habits pp. 26-39, natural enemies p. 39^ bibliography p. 40, Davis U. S. Dept. Agric. Ent. Tech. Ser. No. 25 Pt. 2. Oerataphis freytineliae sp. n. Java, van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Neerl. 1 Fasc. 3 p. 166. — O. saccharivora sp. n., Matsumura Essays Nawa pp. 39-94. Ceraloglyphina gen. n. p. 235, bambusae sp. n. Java p. 237, van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Neerl. 1 Fasc. 3. Cervaphis gen. n. p. 148, Cervaphidina trib. nov. ; schouteniae sp. n. Java p. 149, van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Neerl. 1 Fasc. 3 p. 149. Chaitophoms americanus sp. n. p. 428, Barer J. econ. Ent. 10. — C. coleoplis sp. n. San Francisco p. 86, Shinji Psyche 24. 211 Insccla. S v st ic m ati c. — He m iher a — Am i da e. ; Chalophorus salicicolus sp. n. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. Chermes & Cnaphalodes biology, Steven pp. 356-391 P. R. Soc. Edin- burgh 37. Eucefapliis lineata p. 426, deducla p. 427, spp. ft., U. S;, Baker J. econ. enfc. 10. Francoa gen. n. near lihopalosiphnm, elegans sp. n. Europe, Del Guercio pp. 197-201 pi. ii f. 1 Redia 12. Fushia gen. n. Pemphiginae, rosea sp. n., Matsumura Essays Nawa pp. 39-94. Qlyphinaphis gen. n., bambusae sp. n. Java, van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Neerl. 1 Ease. 3 p. 232. Oobaishia gen. n. Pemphiginne, ja- ponica, nirecola, spp. n., Matsumura Essays Nawa pp. 39-94. Qreenidea flacourtiae p. 136, psidii p. 138, spp. n., Java, van dee Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Need. 1 Ease. 3. Qreenideoida gen. n. near Qreenidea » dongala p. 142, hannac p. 145, spp. n. Java, van der Goot T.c. Hannabura gen. n„ alnicola sp. n. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. Hayhurslia gen. n., deformans sp. n. Colorado p. 206 pi. ii figs. 3-5, Del Guercio Redia 12. Ilyalopterus abieiinus sp. n. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. — H. pruni, Willcocks Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9 1916 pp. 33-37. Lachnus himalayensis sp. n. p. 180 figs., van der Goot Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. — L. biotae sp. n. Java; van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Need. 1 Fasc. 3 p. 161. — L. laricicolus, longi- pennis , spp. n., Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. — L. color aden sis p. 133, pahnerae p. 135, braggii p. 138, spp. n., Colorado pis. x & xi, Gillette Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. . Longiunguis gen. n. near Aphis p. 112, odinae p. 113’ sp. n., van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Need. 1 Ease. 3. (n-4840 7 ) Macchiatiella gen. n. p. 211, irifolii sp. n. Eritrea p. 210 pi. ii figs 6-8, Del Guercio Redia 12. Macrosiphon sonchi var. n. flavomar - ginata p. 224 pi. iii. figs. 36 & 37, Del Guercio Redia 12. — Macrosiphum rubi- folium p. 78, euphorbiellum p. 79, spp. n. England, Theobald Entomologist 50. — M. gravelii sp. n. Darjiling p. 175, van der Goot Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. — M. salcicola, malvicola, kuricola, pela- sitis, gobonis , hagicola, ibarae, mumecola, primulanay seneciones, sonchicola, yomo - gicola, spp. n. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. Macrosiphoniella cilricola p. 34 sp. n. Java, van der Goot Contrib. faune Indes Need. 1 Ease. 3. Mansakia gen. n. P emphiginae, miya- bei sp. n., Matsumura Essays Nawa p. 39-94 with 3 pis. Metanaphis gen. n. near Aphis , van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Need; 1 Fasc. 3 p. 61. M elanoxanthus vignae sp. n. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 p. 351-414. . Micromyzus gen. n. near Myzus , van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Need, 1 Ease. 3 p. 52. — M. nigrum sp. n. Java, van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Need. 1 Fasc. 3 p. 53. Myzocallis sawashibae, Kashiwae sasae, spp. n. Japan, Matsumura' J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. — M. calif ornicus sp. n. p. 421, Baker J. econ. Ent. 10. — M. essigi p. 62, t cood- worthi p. 63 pi.' vii, spp. n. California, Shinji Ent. News 28. Myzus festucae sp. n. England p. 80, Theobald Entomol. 50. — M. mononis, sakurae , sasakii, spp. n. Japan, Mat- sumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. — M. ribifolii sp. n. U.S. p. 294 figs., Davidson J» econ. Ent. 10. — M . godeliae sp. n. California p. 49, fig., Shinji Canad. Ent. 49. — M. cerasit habits, Ross p. 434 Canad. Ent. 49. N ectarosiphum rubicola J, Shinji p. 84 Psyche 24. Neomyzus gen. n. near Myzus , van der Goot Contrib, faune Ind. Need. 1 Fasc. 3 p. 50. b 31-2 212 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [1917] Neorhizobius gen. n. p. 251, ulmi- philus p. 244 pi. iv. figs. 67-69, poae p. 247 figs. 70-72, stramineus p. 249 figs. 73 & 74, spp. n. Europe, Del Guercio Redia 12. Nippocallis gen. n., kuricola sp. n. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. Nippolachnus gen. n., pin, abietinus , spp. n. Japan, Matsumura T.c. Nipponaphis yanonis sp. n., Mat- sumura Essays Nawa pp. 39-94. Nipposiphum gen. n., salcicola sp. n. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. Nishiyana gen. n. Pemphiginae , aomoriensis sp. n., Matsumura Essays Nawa pp. 39-94, Nurudea gen. n. Pemphiginae ibo- fushi sp. n., Matsumura T.c. Nurudeopsis gen. n. Pemphiginae, shirai, yanoniella, spp. n. Matsumura p. 39-94 T.c. Oedisiphum gen n. p. 122, composi- tarum sp. n. Java p. 123, Van der Coot Contrib. faune Irid. Neerl. 1 Fasc. 3 p. 123. Oregma basalis p. 181, graminom p. 184, loranthi p. 194, lutescens p. 197, minuta p. 201, montana p. 205, nipae p. 208, pallida p. 212, panici p. 214, rhapidis p. 217, saiatigensis p. 219, similis p. 223, striata p. 226, sundanica p. 230, spp. n. Java, Van der Goot T.o. Pemphigus dorocola, niishimae , spp. n. Matsumura Essays Nawa p. 39-94 3 pis. — P. betae habits, life cycle, Maxson J. Econ. Ent. 9 1916 pp. 500- 605. Pentalonia caladii sp. n. Java, Van der Goot Contrib. faune. ind. Neerl. 1 Fasc. 3 p. 57. J&Phorodon minutum p. 43, polygoni p. 44, spp. n. Java, Van der Goot T.c. — P. asacola sp. n. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. Proc.iphilus approximate sp. n. U. S. p. 418, Patch J. econ. ent. 10. Pterochlorus japonicus, ogasawarae, spp.'Jn. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. Pterocomma media sp. n. U. S. p. 431, Baker J. econ. ent. 10. Rhopalosiphum vagans sp. n. India p. 177, Van der Goot Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. — R. oleraceae p. 40 sp. n. Java, Van der Goot Contrib. faune. Ind. Neerl. 1 Fasc. 3. Saltusapliis americanus p. 3, elongatus p. 4, virginicus p. 7, spp. n. U. S., 3 pis., Baker Canad. ent. 49. Schizoneura japonica sp. n., Mat- sumura Essays Nawa pp. 39-94. — S. ulmi p. 252 pi. iv. figs. 75-77, S. “ del melo ” pp. 257-273 figs. 78-85, Del Guercio Redia 12. f Schizoneura patchi sp. n. Aquitanien, Allemagne, Meunier Amsterdam Verh. Akad. 2e Sect. 20 p. 7. Schizoneuraphis sen. n. p. 245, distyhi p. 247 ,foliorum p. 250, gallarum p. 252, spp. n. Java, Van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Neerl. 1 Fasc. 3. Schlechtendalia mimifashi, intermedia, miyabei, spp. n. Matsumura Essays Nawa pp. 39-94. — Schlechtendalia ; gall on Rhus , Baker pp 385-393 pi xxvi ent. News 28. Semiaphis montana sp. n. Java, Van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Neerl. 1 Fasc. 3 p. 119. Serrataphis gen. n., van der Goot p. 263 T.c. Setaphis gen. n. Setaphidina trib. nova., p. 153, lutens p. 154, viridis p. 158, spp. n. Java, Van der Goot T. c. Siphocoryne acericola, fraxinicola, spp. n. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. Takecallis gen. n., bambusae sp. n. Japan, Matsumura T.c. T etraneura javensis sp. n. Java, Van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Neerl. 1 Fasc. 3 p. 260. — T . yesoensis,fusiformis, spp. n., Matsumura Essays Nawa pp. 39-94 Thomasia calif or niensis sp. n. p. 61 figs., Shinji Ent. News 28. Thoracaphis gen. n., arboris sp. n. Java, Van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Neerl. 1 Fasc. 3 p. 243. Thripsaphis gen. n. type ballii Gil(l. p. 193 figs., verrucosa p. 194, producta p. 196, spp. n. Colorado, Gillette Canad. Ent. 49. 213 Insecta. Systematic. — Hemiptera — Aleurodidae. Todolachnus gen. n., abielis sp. n. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sap- poro 7 pp. 351-414. Toxopiera aphoides p. 73, cyperi p. 81, djarani p. 84,' minula p. 86, spp. n. Java, Van der Goot Contrib. faune Ind. Neerl. 1 Fasc. 3. — T. piricola sp. ii. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll;. Agrio. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. — T. aurantii var. n. limonii p. 227 pi. iii figs. 38-43, Del Guercio Redia 12. — T. coffeae, Theobald Bull. ent. Res. 7 pp. 337-342 figs. Trichosiphum dubium p. 178, mon- lanum p. 179, spp. n. India, Van der Goot Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. — T. nigrum, formosanum, nigrofasciatum, spp. n., Maki Essays Nawa pp. 9-20 3 pis. Uraphis gen. n. for part of Aphis Del Guercio pp. 209 Redia 12. Walabura gen. n. Pemphiginae , nishiyae sp. n. Matsumura Essays Nawa pp. 39-94. Yamataphis gen. n., orizae sp. n. Japan, Matsumura J. Coll. Agric. Sapporo 7 pp. 351-414. Yamatocallis gen. n.t hirayamae sp. n. Japan, Matsumura T.c. Yezabura gen. n., sasae sp. n. Japan, Matsumura T.c. Yezaphis gen. n., sasicola sp. n. Japan, Matsumura T.c. Yezocallis gen. n., alniaria, kabae, spp. n. Japan, Matsumura T.c. Aleurodidae. Additions to the family, etc., Quaint- ance & Baker P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 51 pp. 335-445 pis. 32-77. A leurocanthus dissimilis p. 342 pi. 34 figs. 1-9, longispinus p. 344 pi. 35 figs. 1-6, Burma, mangiferae p. 345 pi. 36 figs. 1-9 India, serratus Java p. 349 pi. 37 figs. 7-10, spp. n, Quaintance & Baker T.c. Aleurocybolus setiferus sp. n. Ceylon p. 357 pi. xl f. 2, Quaintance & Baker T.c. A leurodes vaporariorum , partheno- genesis, Williams J. Genetics 6 pp. 255-267. Aleurolobus flcivus Ceylon p. 360 pi. xlii figs. 1-8, pliilippinensis p. 369 pi. xliv figs. 1-20, setigerns Ceylon p. 372 pi. xlv figs. 1-6, solitarius Amer. bor. p. 377 pi. xlvii figs. 8-13, spp. n., Quaintance & Baker P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 51. Aleuroparadoxus sp. n. Chile p. 380 pi. xlviii f. 2, Quaintance & Baker T.c. Aleuroplatns ( Orchamus subg. n.), mammae] erus sp. n. Java p. 400, Quaintance & Baker T.c. Dialeurodes radiipuncta Ceylon p. 418 pi. lxvi figs. 5-7, tricolor Brazil p. 419 figs. 8-13, D. ( Rusosligma subg. n.) radiirugosa Java p. 421 pi. lxix figs. 1-9, D. ( Dialeuronomada subg. n.) dissimilis India p. 424 pi. lxx figs. 1-4, D. ( Rabdostigma subg. n.) radiilinealis Ceylon p. 425 pi. lxx figs. 5-8, D. ( Gigaleurodes subg. n.) cerifera Cape Town p. 427 pi. Ixxi figs. 1-4, buscki Porto Rico p. 428 figs. 5-12, maxima Philippines p. 429 pi. lxxii figs. 6-9, D . ( Rhachisphora subg. n.) rutlierfordi p. 432 pi. lxxiv f. 1, tnlobitoides p. 433 pi. lxxv figs. 6-11, D . ( Dialeuropora subg. n.) decempunctata p. 434 pi. lxxvi figs. 1-7 Ceylon, I). ( Dialeuro - plala subg. n.) townsendi Philippines p. 436 pi. lxxiii figs. 5-9, spp. n. Quaintance & Baker T.c. Dialeuronomada subg. n. vide Dia- leurodes. Dialexiroplala subg. n. vide Dia- leurodes. Dialeuropora subg. n. vide Dialeu- rodes. Gigaleurodes subg. n. vide Dialeu- rodes. Orchamus subg. n. vide Aleuro- platus. Philodamus subg. n. of Aleuro- thrixus for Aleurodes interrogationis Brown, Quaintance & Baker p. 404 P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 51. Rabdostigma subg. n. vide Dialeu- rodes. Rhachisphora subg. n. vide Dia- leurodes. Rusosligma subg. n. vide Dia- leurodes. Tetralicia gen. n. p. 60, ericae sp. n. England p. 61, Harrison Vasculum 3 ; T. ericae, also Entomol. 50 p. 170. 214 Instctu. XII. Insecta. [I917J Coccidae. List of Italian Coccidae, Leonardi pp. 209-216 Boil. Lab. Portici 12. Notes on various exotic Coccidae, Newstead pp. 125-134 Bull. ent. Res. 8. Coccidae at S. Thome, Seabra Mem. Soc. portugaise 3 pp. 1-23. Uganda Coccidae, annotated list, Gowdey pp. 187-189 Bull. ent. Res. 8. Introduced Coccidae, S. Africa, Brain & Kelly Bull. ent. Res. 8 pp. 181-185. Japanese Coccidae, list, Kuwana Essays Nawa 1917. British Guiana Coccidae , annotated list, Bodkin pp. 103-109 Bull. ent. Res. 8. Coccidae affecting certain plant genera, Green Ann. appl. Biol. 4 pp. 75-89. The antennae, Hollinger pp. 264- 271 pis. xix-xxii Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. Dispersion of scale insects by the wind, Qltayle, J. Econ. ent. *9 1916 pp. 486-492. The scale, composition, solubility, Maulik Bull. ent. Res. 7 pp. 267-269. Aclerda berlesei, stages, Teodoro Atti Soc. Ven. Trent. 8 p. 147. Akermes andersoni E. Africa p. 347, quinquepori p. 349 Guiana, spp. n., Newstead Bull. ent. Res. 7. Aspidioius liguslicus sp. n. Italy p. 189, figs., Leonardi Boll. Lab. Por- tici 12.— A. ( Chrysomphalus ) erythra- spidis Guiana sp. n. p. 372 figs., A . Umbriatus var. n. capensis p. 373 figs., A. mauritianus p. 374 figs., pimentae Jamaica p. 375 pi. vii, spp. n. New- stead Bull. ent. Res. 7. — A. pernici- osus, Wilson Agric. Exp. Sta. Oregon, Rep. 1911-12 1913 pp. 112-115 pis. vii viii ; ff. 8 9 ; life-history in Illinois pp. 546-550 f. 1, Forbes Agric. Exp. Sta. Illinois Bull. 180 1915 pp. 545-561 ff. 1-3. Aspidoproctus neavei p. 4 figs., verrucosus p. 5, spp. n. Africa, New- stead Bull. ent. Res. 8. Asterolecanium spectabile sp. n. Mauri- tius p. 15, Newstead T.c. Ceroplastes avicenniae Guiana p. 24, bipartitus p. 25 figs., destructor p. 26 figs., Africa, spp. n., egbarum J p. 28 fig., lamborui p. 29, subdenudatus p. 30, zonatus p. 32 figs., spp. n. Africa, vuilleti p. 30, Newstead T.c. Chionaspis dislorta p. 377 figs., capensis p. 378 , fici p. 379 figs., spp. n. Africa, Newstead T.c. Chrysomphalus obscurus var. n. lahillei p. 243 figs., Lizer Physis 3. — C. dictyospermi, variation, Malenotti pp. 109-123 figs. Redia 12. Dactylopius hilli sp. n. p. 885, Froogatt Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. 27 1916. Diaspis annae sp. n. Barbados p. 188 figs., Malenotti Redia 12. Eriococcus cactearum sp. n. Italy p. 206 figs., Leonardi Boll. Lab. Portici 12. — E. sojae sp. n., Kuwana Konch. Sek. Gifu 21 pp. 136-139. — E. angulatus p. 426, busariae p. 428 pi. xxi f. 2, crofh p. 430 f. 4, gregarius p. 569 pi. xxiii f. 3, picta p. 573 pi. xxiv f. 1, tesselatus p. 576, villosa p. 577 f. 4, spp. n. Australia, Froggatt Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. 27 1916. Eriopellis festucae puparium J, Green p. 210 ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Erium frenellae p. 810 fig., neumani p. 812, spp. n. Australia, Froggatt Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. 27 1916. Eulecanium piligerum sp. n. Italy p. 195 figs., Leonardi Boll. Lab. Portici 12. leery a nigroareolata sp. n. p. 8 figs. sulfur ea var. n. patter soni p. 9 figs., Newstead Bull. ent. Res. 8, — 7. subandina, J • Lizer p. 246 figs., Physis 3. — 1. purchasi , Fletcher Agric. J. India 12 pp. 525-531 pi xxxviii copula, SiiiNJi p. 162 ent. News 28. Inglisia theobromae sp. n. Uganda p. 33 figs., Newstead Bull. ent. Res. 8. Kuwania gorodetskia, Green p. 268 ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Lecaniocliaspis tarscilis sp. n. Pretoria j). 16 figs., Newstead Bull. ent. Res. 8. 215 ln*eeta. Systematic. — Elupoptera. Lecanium persicae crudum subsp. n. p. 202, zebrinum p. 203 fig., transvilla- tum p. 206 fig., spp. n, England, Green ent. Mo. Mag. 53. — L. hirsutum E. Africa p. 350 figs., pseudotessellatum Trinidad p. 351 figs., wardi p. 353 figs., aequale p. 354 figs., Guiana, acaciae p. 355 figs., adersi p. 357 figs., cajani p. 359 figs., Africa, L. ( Saissetia ) hurae Guiana p. 361 figs., persimilep. 3Q2,sub- hemisphaericum, signalum,y>. 363, Africa, scutatum Guiana p. 364 figs., subpatelli- forme p. 366 figs., subhirsutum p. 367 figs., L. setigerum p. 368 figs., Africa, L. ( Eucalymnatus ) chelonioides Guiana p. 369 figs., spp. n., L. hesperidum S pi. vi p. 360, Newstead Bull. ent. Res. 7 — L. corni , natural history, pp. 309- 317 pis. xv and xvi, Fenton Canad. ent. 49. Lecanopsis butleri sp. n. England p. 208, Green ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Lepidosaphes desmidioides sp. n. Kew p. 267 fig., Green T.c. — L. tuberculala Italy p. 183, diaspidifonnis Chile p. 185, spp. n., figs., Malenotti Redia 12. — L. luzonica sp. n., Robinson p. 35 Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Llaveia abrahami sp. n. Guiana p. 1, primitiva var. n. pimentae p 2, New- stead Bull. ent. Res. 8. Margarodes buxtoni sp. n. Algeria p. 10 figs., Newstead T.c. Monoplilcbus hirtus, Newstead p. 3 fig. T.c. Palaeococcus bicolor p. 5, caudaius p. 6, cajani p. 7 figs., spp. n. Africa, New- stead T.c. Phenacaspis pellucida, ihoracica, p. 22, pallida p. 23, spp. n. Philippines, Robinson Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Phenacoccus ballardi sp. n. India p. 17, Newstead Bull. ent. Res. 8. — P peltiti sp. n. U.S. p. 281, figs., IIollinger Canad. ent. 49. Physolcermes piceae, natural history, Fenton pp. 317-320 pis. xv and xvi Canad. ent. 49. Platysaissetia carpentcri p. 343, fcrox p. 344, spp. n. Africa, Newstead Bull, ent.. Res. 7. Pseudococcus nipcte p. 262 fig., longis- ’pinus var. h. latipes p. 264 fig., new- steadi sp. n. England p. 265 fig., Green ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Pseudococcus diminulus p. 198, figs., notabilis p. 201. figs., spp. n. Italy, Leonardi Boll. Lab. Portici 12. — P. slolalus sp. n. Australia p. 135 fig., Froggatt Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. 28. — P. jessica, $ Hollinger p. 19 figs. Canad. ent. 49. Pulvinaria arislolochiae p. 19 figs. Gold Coast, elongala Guiana p. 20 figs., subterranea Uganda p. 22 figs., africana p. 23 figs., spp. n., Newstead Bull. ent. Res. 8. Ripcrsia silvestrii sp. n. Italy p. 203, figs., Leonardi Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Sahlbergella singularis , habits, Mayne Bull. Agric. Congo beige 7 pp. 198-200. Sticiococcus intermedins sp. n. Gold Coast p. 12 figs., mullispinosus d P- 14 figs., Newstead Bull. ent. Res. 8. Stomacoccus gen. n. Xylococcini, pldlani sp. n, California p. 375, Ferris Canad. Ent. 49. Tachardia bodlcini sp. n. Guiana p. 18, Newstead Bull. ent. Res. 8. Xylococcus alni sp. n. U. S. p. 158 figs., Florence Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10. ELLIP0PTERA or AN0PLURA. List of mammalian hosts, Africa, of Anoplura and Mallophaga pp. 245-252, Ferris Ann. Durban Mus. 1, 1916. Pediculus ; bibliography, Nuttall pp. 1-42 Parasitology 10 ; P. and disease. Id. pp. 43-79 T.c. pi. i. ; natural history. Id. T.c. pp. 80-185 pis. ii. and iii. ; Howlett p. 186 T.c. Pediculus capitis and humanus , iden- tity (?), Bacot Pr. ent. Soc. Lond. 1917 pp. 5-7. — P. humanus, capitis,. hybrids, etc., Bacot Parasitology 9 pp. 228-258 ; breeding, heredity, Kindle pp. 259-265 T.c. ; The copulatory structures, Nut- tall pp. 293-324 pis. iii. and iv. T.c. 216 Intecta. XII. Insecta. [1017] Polyplax calva sp. n. Africa, Water- ston Farasitol. 9. — P. cummingsi sp. n. Zululand p. 240 figs., Ferris Ann. Durban Mus. 1 1916. Scipio breviceps sp. n. S. Africa p. 234 figs., Ferris Ann. Durban Mus. 1 1916. THYSANOPTERA. List of Swedish spp., Tullgren Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 33. Annotated list, Maryland, Hood Insec. inscit. 5 pp. 63-65. | Aeolothrips brodiei sp. n. Isle of Wight oligocene p. 381 f. 12, Cockerell P. U. S. nat. Mus. 52. Cryptothrips collaris sp. n. St. Vincent p. 26 fig., Bagnall J. Zo'ol. Research 2. Hoplandrothrips xanthopoides p. 22 figs., brunneicornis p. 23 fig., spp. n. St. Vincent, Bagnall T.c. Malacothrips modestus sp. n. St. Vincent p. 24 fig., Bagnall T.c. Parthenothrips kobusi sp. n. Java p. 289 pi. xxxviii f. 3, Van Deventer Handb. Suilc.-cult. 2 1912. Physolhrips xanthius sp. d. Trinidad p. 69 fig., Williams Bull. ent. Res. 8. Stenothrips zehntneri sp. n. Java p. 290 pi. xxxViii f. 4, Van Deventer Handb. Suik.-cult. 2 1912. Thrips minuta sp. n. Java p. 292 pi. xxxix f. 3, Van Deventer Handb. Suik.-cult. 2 1912. — T. porleri sp. n. Chile p. 109, Br^thes Revist. chilena 20 1916. PS0C0PTERA. Belapha gen. n. near Reuterella p. 254, schoutedeni sp. n. Congo p. 255 figs., Enderlein Zool. Anz. 49. Caecilius pedicularius, swarms. Gray Ann. appl. Biol. 4 p. 47. Psocus burmeisteri sp. n. Argentina p. 12, Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 13 No. 26. LIP0PTERA OR MALL0PHAGA. List of mammalian hosts of Mallo- phaga and Anoplura, Africa, Ferris Ann. Durban Mus. 1 1916 pp. 245-252. Cecalymenus gen. n. near Qiebelia, oestrelatae sp. n. figs., Enderlein p. 242 Zool. Anz. 49. Docophoroides harrisoni sp. n. from Diomedea p. 99, Waterston Ent. Mo. Mag. 53. Goniocotesmicrocephalus, kurodai, spp. n. Formosa, Uciiida Tokyo, J. Coll. Agric. 3 pp. 171-188. Goniodes zenaidurae sp. n. p. 433 pi. xxviii. figs. 1-4, McGregor Ent. News 28. Laemobothrium intermedium sp. n. on Falco, McGregor p. 434 pi. xxviii. f. 2 Ent. News 28. Lipeurus nigropunclatus sp. n. p. 243, fig., Enderlein Zool. Anz. 49. — L. annuliventris, formosanus, turturis , spp. n., Uciiida Annot. Zool. Jap. Tokyo 9 pp. 201-215. — L. intermedius var. major n. var., Uchida Tokyo J. Coll Agric. 3 pp. 171-188. — L. brevicephalus p. 105 pi. v. f. 2, crotophagae p. 106 f. 4, mississipi- ensis p. 107 f. 1, texanus p. 109 pi. vi. f. 1. bishoppi p. Ill f. 2, aberrans p. 112 pi. vii. f. 1, lineatus p. 114 pi. vii. f. 2, clavatus p. 115 f. 3, spp. n. U. S., McGreqor Psycho 24. 217 Insccta. Systematic. — ri.EcoPTERA. Menopon longipeclum, nrocissae, mikadokiji, spp. n., Formosa, Uchida Tokyo J. Coll. Agric. 3 1917 pp. 171- 188. Nirmus ovatus sp. n. Formosa, Uchida pp. 171-188 T.c. Philopterus ambiguns, Paine p. 231 pi. xxxii P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Physostomum melospizae sp. n. p. 43G pi. xxviii f. 3, McGregor Ent. News. 28. Trichodectes Icingi p. 167, floridanus p. 168, thomomyus p. 169, monticolus p. 171, scleritus p. 172, odocili p. 173, spp. n.. Am. bor., 2 pis., McGregor Ann. ent. Soc. Anier. 10. ISOPTERA. Termilidae at S. Thome, Seabra Mem. Soc. portugaise 3 pp. 24-28 figs. Termites indo-malais ; Bugnion Bui. Soo. Sci. Nat. Lausanne 49 1914. Origin of castes, Thompson J. Morphol. 30 pp. 83-136. Arrhinotermes ponapiensis sp. n. p. 196, Osiiima Annot. zool. Jap. 9. Calotermes (N eotermes) malatensis sp. n. p. 221, Oshima Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. Calotermes ( Neotermes ) kanehirae sp. n. Caroline islds. p. 195, Oshima Annot. Zool. Jap. 9. Epicalotermes gen. n. p. 347, aelhio- picus sp. n. p. 348, figs., Silvestri Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Eutermcs ( Hospitalitermes ) luzonensis p. 223, E. balintauacensis p. 224, spp. n., Oshima Philipp. J. Sci. D. 12. — E. ( Qrallalotermes ) brevirostris sp. n. Caro- lino islds. p. 198, Osiiima Annot. Zool. Jap. 9. | Hodotermes trislis sp. n. burmese amber p. 329, Cockerell Ann. Amer. ent. Soc. 10. Microcerolermes secer liens sp. n. Kongo, Schmitz Tydschr. Ent. 60 p. 225. Neotermes erylhraeus sp. n. p. 350 figs., Silvestri Boll. Lab. Portici 12. $| Procubitermes undulans sp. n. Kongo, Schmitz Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 230. Promirotermes gracilipes sp. n. Kongo, Schmitz Tyds. Ent. 60 p. 227. EMBIOPTERA. Embiidae and Grylloblattidae, Cramp- ton Canad. Ent. 49 pp. 213-217. Embia femorata sp. n. Congo p. 179, NavAs Rev. Zool. Afric. 4 1916. Embonycha gen. n. p. 15, interrupta sp. n. Cochin China p. 16 fig., Navas Insects 7. Enveja gen. n., bequaerti sp. n. Congo, NavAs p. 180 Rev. Zool. Afric. 4 1916. Oligotoma rochai sp. n. Brazil p. 281, * Navas Ent. Mitt. 6. — O. latreilli = ( Embia rochai Nav.), Krauss p.f 316- Ent. Mitt. 6. PLECOPTERA. Capnia dusmeti p. 6, maynari p.r 7, spp. n., Spain, NavAs Mem. Ac. Barce- lona 13 No. 26. Napcia gen. n. p. 8 for Capnia libera Nav., NavAs T.c. 218 Insec la. XII. Insecta. [1917] Neoperla ; larvae from trop. Africa described, Lestaqe pp. 134-140 Rev. zool. afric. 5. Perla bicaudala var. n. asturica p. 5, Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 13 No. 26. Perl odes fonti p. 199, principissa p. 201 fig., spp. n., Catalonia, Navas Annuar. Junta Ci. Nat. Barcelona 2. Senzilla gen. n. p. 192, Senzillidae fam. n. p. 191, tunelina sp. n. Argen- tina p. 192 fig., Navas Physis 3. EPHE MEROPTERA. Phylogeny of Epliemeridae, Lameere Bull. Soc. Zool. France 42 pp. 41-59 and 61-81. Larvae from trop. Africa described, Lestage pp. 122-134 figs. Rev. zool. afric. 5. Georgian bay Epliemeridae nymphs etc., Clemens pp. 113-128 2 pis. Contr. Canad. Biol. 1915 ; life histories pp. 131-143 pis. xv-xviii. Larva alliod to Oligoneuria and Chir- otenetes, Lestaqe Rev. zool. Afric. 4 pp. 314-318 figs. Ba'elis subaly sinus p. 187, scanicus p. 188, spp. n., Sweden, Bengtsson Ent. Tidskr. 38. Ccenis nivea p. 181, moesta p. 182, nocturna p. 185, spp. n., Sweden, horaria, incus p. 181, macrura p. 183, Bengtsson T.c. Callibaetis apicotus p. 189 fig., apertus p. 190, spp. n., Argentina, Navas Physis 3. Chirotenetes albomanicatus natural history, Clemens Toronto LJniv. Stud. Biol. 17 43 pp. 5 pis. Ecdyurus joernensis imago $ larva, fuscogriseus larva, Bengtsson Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 193. Ephemera lougiventris sp. n. Tonkin p. 9 fig., Navas Insecta?. Ephemerella torreniium sp. n. Sweden, Bengtsson Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 178. Euphyurus ; larva, imago, Bengts- son p. 177 T.c. Eurycoenis gen. n., Bengtsson p. 186 T.c. Heptagenia sulphur ea p. 191, dale- carlica p. 192, larvae, Bengtsson T.c. Leptophlebia placita, sp. n., Sweden, Bengtsson p. 176 T.c. Polymitarcys temerala sp. n. Congo p. 172, Navas Rev. Zool. afric. 4 1916. Polameis elegans, minor, larvae, Bengtsson Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 190. Rhithrogena soteria sp. n. Zaragoza p. 4, Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 13, No. 26. Siphlurus aestivalis, zetlerstexlti, latus , Benotsson Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 189. Thraulus bonplandi, Navas p. 188 Physis 3. 'PARANEUROPTERA, Notes on Fabrician types, with synonymy, Campion Ann. Nat. hist. 19 pp. 441-450. The biology of dragon-flies, 306 pp. 4‘ pis. Tilly ard ; revie\y by H. Campion Ent. Mo. Mag. 53 pp. 212-215. Wing nervures, development, etc. Needham pp. 169-173 Ent. News 28. Nervuration, bridge formation. Till- yard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 41 pp. 871- 887 figs. „ Caudal gills, morphology, develop- ment, phylogeny ; Tillyard Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 42 pp. 31-112 & 606-632 6 pis. The $ genitalia and the genera of hawaiian Agrioninae, Kennedy pp. fi- ll pis. ii & iii Ent. News 28. Variation in size, etc.* Wanach Ent. Mitt. 6 pp. 72-80. 219 Insecia. Systematic. — FAiuNEimorTEnA. , Food habits of hawaiian, Warren pp. 1-43 3 pis. Bull. Coll. Hawaii 3. List of Swedish Odonata , Welander Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 101. Indiana, annotated list ; William- son Univ. Michigan Publ. 2 pp. 1—13. Notes on species from Michigan, Combs Univ. Michigan. Zool. occ. pap. 41 pp. 1-8. Georgian bay, Odonata, Walker Suppl. Rep. Dep. Fisheries 47 pp. 53- 94. Agrionidae of Illinois, monograph, nymphs, etc., Garman Bull. Illinois Lab. 12 No. 4 pp. 411-587 10 pis.. Quebec dragon-flies ; Fyles Ottawa Nat. 29 p. 66 -67. Alberta, list, notes, WhItehouse pp. 96-103 Canad. Ent. 49. Costa Rican dragonflies,- etc., Cal- vert & Calvert New York 1917 xix -f 577 pp. illustr. Nymphs & life histories, genitalia, of many Californian, Kennedy P. U. S. nat. Mus. 52 pp. 483-635 398 figs. Seasonal irregularities of occurrence, Walker pp. 171-178 Canad. Ent. 49. • Aeolagrion gen. n. type Agr'on dor sale p. 242, demerarum sp. n. Georgetown p. 244 figs., Williamson Ent. News 28. Aeschna, osiliensis sp. n. Livland, Mierzejewski p. 79 pis. xiv & xv Bull. Ac. Cracovie 1913. Aeshna walkeri sp. n. California p. 588, Kennedy P. U. S. nat. Mus. 52. Agriocnemis thoracalis p. 35 pi. iv fig. 13, trilobatus p. 36 pi. iv fig. 14, spp. n., Queensland, Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. 11. — A. forcipala sp. n. Congo, Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. 14 p. 22 pi. iii figs. 2-5. Agrion brisbanense sp. n. p. 477 pi. xxiii figs. 13 & 14, Tilly ard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 42. — A. aequabile var. n. californicum p. 484, Kennedy P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 52. Amphislicta gen. n. p. 31, silvarum sp. ii. p. 32 pi. i fig. 4, pi. iv figs. 1-2 Queensland, Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. 11. Arc.hipetalia gen. n. Pelaliini, auricu- lata sp. n. Tasmania, Tillyard p. 455, figs., P. Linn. Soo. N.S.W. 42. Argiolestes metallicus sp. n. Queens- land, Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. U p. 24 pi. iv. figs. 3-4. — A. chrysoides p. 475, figs., Tillyard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 42. Auslroaeschna speciosa sp. n. Queens- land, Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. 11 p. 18 pi. i fig. 1, pi. iv. figs. 7-8. — A. hardyi sp. n. Tasmania p. 461 pi. xxiii figs. 5 & 6, Tillyard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 42. Ausirogomphus mjoebergi p. 11 pi. ii figs. 6-9, pi. iii fig. 10, pusillus p. 13 pi. ii figs. 1-5 pi. iii fig. 11, spp. n. Australia, Sj5stedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. 11. Aastrosticia sorror sp. n. Australia, SjOstedt p. 29 pi. iii figs. 5-9 T.c. Brachythemisfuscopallialat female, S genitalia pi., Fraser J. Bombay Soc. 25 p. 282. Calicnemis morloin sp. n. India p. 326, miles n.n. for eximia Selys p. 330, Laid- law Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Celaenura gen. n. p. 495 type Ischnura dentieollis Burm., gemina sp. n. California p. 497 figs, Kennedy P. U. S. nat. Mus. 52. . Chlorolestes umbratus , sexes, figs., Campion pp. 149-152 Entomol. 50. Chloroneura gen. n. for Disparoneura quadrimaculata, Laidlaw p. 344 Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Ciliagrion gen. n. p. 5, madagascar- tense sp. n. p. 6 pi. i figs. 1-6, Madagas- car; Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. 13. Coeliccia erici, simillima, p. 334, spp. n. India, Laidlaw Reo. Ind. Mus. 13. Copera vittata deccanensis subsp. n. p. 338, Laidlaw T.c. Cordulegaster dorsalis and dtadema , Kennedy p. 516 figs. P.U.S. nat. Mus. 52. Cordiilephya bidens sp. n. Queensland, Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. 11 p. 7 pi. iii figs. 1-2. — C. divergens sp. n. Australia p. 467 pi. xxiii figs. 9 & 10, Tillyard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 42. 220 Insecla. XII. Insecta. Disparoneura tetrica p. 345, nigerrima p. 346, spp. n. India, Lajdlaw Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Drepanosticta gen. n. for Protosticla carmichaeli L., Laidlaw p. 341 T.c. Enallagma abessinicum p. 17 pi. iii fig. 10 Erithrea, vaginale p. 19 pi. iii figs. 6-7 Congo, spp. n., Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. 14. Oomphus parvidens sp. n. Maryland p. 223, 2 pis., Currie P.U.S. nat. Mus. 53. — 0. donneri sp. n. California p. 562, figs., olivaceus var. n. nevadensis p. 557, Kennedy P.U.S. nat. Mus. 52. Oynacantha maesi sp. n. Lake Leopold p. 104, Schouteden Rev. Zool. Afric. 5. II emiphlebia Leg. n., Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. 11 p. 41. Indocnemis gen. n. near Platycnemis p. 325, kempi sp. n. India p. 326 pi. xv. f. 2, Laidlaw Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Ischnura kauderni sp. n. Madagascar, Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. 13 p. 4 pi. i figs. 9-11. Macromia maesi sp. n. Lake Leopold p. 105, Son outed en Rev. zool. afric. 5. — M. reginae , Ris p. 147 Rev. suisse Zool. 25. M etaleptobasis byrsonima n.n. for brysonima, WilLiamson p. 8 Ent. News 28. Miocora gen. n. p. 259 near Cora , perallica sp. n. Costa Rica p. 260, Calvert Ent. News 28. Mombagrion congo'ense sp. n. Congo, Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. 14 p. 15 pi. i figs. 5-6, pi. iii figs. 8-9. Neoneura and allies, genitalia, Ken- nedy Ent. News 28 pp. 289-294 3 pis. Neoneura joana p. 125 figs., ethela p. 222 figs., mariana p. 224 figs., denti- culata p. 227 figs., myrthea p. 228 figs., esthera p. 232 figs., spp. n. Amer. mer., Williamson Tr. Amer. ent. Soc. 43. Ophiogomphus morrisoni var. n. neva- densis p. 536, arizonicus sp. n. p. 538, occidentis var. n. californicus p. 543, Kennedy P.U.S. nat. Mus. 52. Philosina gen. n. near Podagrion p. 185, buchi sp. n. China p. 189 Ris Tyds. Ent. 60. [1917] Polythore n. n. for Thore auctt., Calvert p. 263 Ent. News 28. Protosticta himalaiaca sp. n. p. 342 pi. xv. f. 6, Laidlaw Rec. Ind. Mus. 13. Sapho superba sp. n. Kamerun, Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. 14 p. 10 pi. ii figs. 1-3. ^ Somatochlora cingulata, allies, pi. xiii, walkeri sp. n. Alaska p. 229, Kennedy Canad. Ent. 49. Sympetrum ; nymphs, Walker pp. 409-418 2 pis. Canad. Ent. 49. Synlestes selysi p. 473, tropicus p. 475, spp. n. Australia, figs., weyersi nigre- scens -subsp. n. p. 472, Tillyard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 42. Synihemiopsis gen. n. Corduliinae p. 463, gompliomacromioides sp. n. Tas- mania p. 464 figs., Tillyard T.c. Tanypieryx gen. n. type Tachopteryx hageni Selys, Kennedy p. 507 figs. P. U.S. nat. Mus. 52. T clephlebia godeffroyi mjoebergi subsp. n. Queensland, Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. 11 p. 21 pi. i fig. 2 pi. ii figs. 11-12. — T. tryoni sp. n. Brisbane p. 459 pi. xxiii figs. 3 and 4, Tillyard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 42. Tilithemis gen. n., lindhlomi sp. n. East Africa, Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 11 No. 14 p. 4 pi. i figs. 1-4. Umma puella sp. n. Kamerun, Sjostedt p. 7 pi. iv figs. 1-4 pi. v fig. 1 T.c. Zonagrion gen. n. type A. gracile Selys, Kennedy p. 489 P, U.S. nat. Mus. 52. t EXTINCT ORDERS. Paleodictyoptera discussed and divided, Subulicornes Latr. revised, Lameere pp. 101-104 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917. 221 lnsecia. Systematic. — Okthoptera — Forficulidae. f Brodia priscotincta , Bolton p. 104 pi. vii figs. 3-6 Proc. Birmingham Soc. 14. f Dictyoneuron higginsi pi. iii f. 2 pp. 46-48, Bolton Q. J. Geol. Soc. 72. f Oenentomum carri sp. n. Pennsyl- vania carboniferous p. 81 fig., Cocker- ell P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. f Goldevbergxa ( Microdictya ) hamyi Brongn. p. 8 pi. ,1 f. 5, Bolton Mem. Manchester Soc. 61 No. 2. f Hypermegethes redefined p. 58, northumbriae sp. n. p. 55 pi. iv figs. 2 and 3, Bolton Q. J. Geol. Soo. 72. \Megagnalha gen. n., odonatiformis sp. n. Common try p. 2 pi. i figs. 1-4 (? Sialidae ), Bolton Mem. Manchester Soc. 61 No. 2. f Plaeocarria gen. n. Protorthoptera, ornala , sp. n. U.S. carboniferous, Cockerell p. 80 figs. P. biol. Soc. Washington 30. i P alaeomantif i gen. n., macroptera sp. n. Liverpool coal measures, Bolton pp. 48-53 pi. iii figs. 3 and 4 Q. J. Geol. Soc. 72. t Pseudof ouquea cambrensis , Bolton p. 59 pi. iv figs. 4 and 5 Q. J. Geol. Soc. 72. ] Sagenoptcra Formosa to Golden- bergia, Bolton p. 10 Mem. Manchester Soc. 61 No. 2. f Spilaptern sutcliffei sp. n. Rochdale coal measures p. 53 pi. iv f. 1, Bolton Q. J. Geol. Soc. 72. 0RTH0PTERA. Inheritance and evolution in Orthop- iera -Paratettix, Nabours J. Genetics pp. 1-54 2 pis. ; Bellamy -T ettigidea b e. pp. 55-70 pi. Structure of abdominal apex, Cho- pard Arch. Zool. exp. 56 Notes p. 105-112 figs. The Nodcrlands Orthoplcra , Will- emse Tydschr. Ent. 60 pp. 1 — 176. Forficulidae, Blattidae and Mantidao of Egypt, Innes Bey Mem. Soc. ent. Egypte 1 No. 3 78 pp. 4 pis. 1912. Annotated list of Virginia Orthop- tera, Fox P. U.S. nat. Mus. 52 pp. 199- 234. Mimetic Ortlioptera in Mexico, Herrera Bol. Est. Biol. Mexico 2 pp. 88-90 pis. i-iii. Gonioptera subord. n. for Gryllidae p. 348, Crampton Ent. News 26. Phytoptera subord. n. for Locust* da p. 348, Crampton T.c. Palaeoptera nom. n. for Platloidea p. 349, Crampton T.c. Gheleuloptera nom. n. for Phastnoidea p. 348, Crampton T.c. Phylloptera ord. n. for Phylliidae p. 347, Crampton T.c. Notoptera ord. n. for Grylloblatidae p. 347, Crampton T.c. Diphtheroplera ord. n. for Acridiidae p. 348, Crampton T.c. Paraphytoplera subord. n. for Gryllo- lalpidac p. 348, Crampton T.c. Prolophyloptera subord. n. for Phas - modes etc. p. 348, Crampton T.c. Plecodermaplera subord. n: for Art- xenidae p. 349, Crampton T.c. Super orders, Panplecoptera etc., Crampton pp. 227-233 J. N. York Ent. Soc. 25. The thoracic sclerites and the sys- tematic position of Grylloblatta campo- deiformis Walker, a remarkable annec- tent, “ Orthopteroid ” insect, Cramp- ton Ent. News 26 1915 p. 337-350 pi. xiii. Structure of anterior parts and phylo- geny of lower insects, Crampton Ent. News 28 pp. 398-412 pi. xxvii. Forficulidae. Annotated and synonymic list of North American, Hebard pp. 311-323 Ent. News 28. Anisolabis vililisi sp. n. Tonkin p. 58, Burr Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. 222 Inaecta. XIL. Insecta. [1917J Anisolabis recurvus sp. n. Philippines, Boreli.i Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 705 p. 2 1915. — A . annulipes, winged, study, Pantel Mem. Ac. Barcelona 14 No. 1. Auchenomus fulvus p. 5, vicinus p. 6, spp. n. Philippines, Borelli Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 705 1915. Ghaetospania bakeri sp. n. Philippines p. 3, Borelli Boll. Mus. Torino 31 No. 715 1916. Diplatys salvazae ‘ sp. n. Cambodia p. 62, Burr Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Doru aculeatum Virginia, Caudell p. 217 P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. Forficula abrutiana sp. n. Abruzzi, Borelli Boll. Mus. Torino 31 No. 711 p. 1 1916. — F. mandarina sp. n. Szet- schuan p. 2, Borelli Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 698 1915. — F. auri- cularia natural history, Chapman pp. 25-29 & 177-180 Ent. Rec. 29 3 pis. F. auricularia in U. S., Jones Bull. U. S. Dep. Agric. ent. 566. Forcipula despinosa sp. n. India p. 234 pi. xvi f. 1, Hebard P. Ac. Philad. 69. — F. banksi sp. n. p. 3 Philippines, Borelli Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 697 1915. Formicilabia gen. n. p. 641, caribea sp. n. San Domingo p. 642 pi. lxiii f. 6, Rehn & Hebard Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Kleiduchus variegatus sp. n. Tonkin p. 60, Burr Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Kosmetor claviger sp. n. Indo-China p. 61, Burr T.c. — K. tagalensis sp. n. Philippines p. 6, Borelli Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 697 1915. — K. inter - medius sp. n. Philippines p. 4, Borelli Boll. Mus. Torino 32 No. 726. Labia barberi p. 239 pi. xvi f. 4, nodifer p. 240 f. 5, spp. n., Guatemala, Hebard P. Ac. Philad. 69. — L. rehni sp. n. Florida p. 317 figs., Hebard Ent. News 28. Litocosmia gen. n. near Osteulcus, roraimae sp. n. pi. xvi figs. 10 & 11, Hebard p. 247 P. Ac. Philad. 69. Praos uncinatus sp. n. Mexico, Borelli Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 699 p. 3 1915. Prolabia ascensionis sp. n. Ascension island p. 243 pi. xvi figs. 8 & 9, Hebard P. Ac. Philad. 69. — P. dominicae Dominica p. 643, jamaican a p. 645 figs., spp. n., Rehn & Hebard Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. — P. mexicana var. n. longi- pennis , Borelli Boll. Mus. Torino No. 699 p. 1 1915. Proreus pusillus sp. n. Philippines, Borelli Boll. Mus. Torino 32 No. 721 p. 2. Pseudisolabis elegans sp. u. India p. 236 pi. xvi figs. 2 & 3, Hebard P. Ac. Philad. 69. Spandex percheron, Hebard p. 232 T.c. Spongovadtox (sic) gracilis sp. n. Philippines, Borelli Boll. Mus. Torino 31 No. 715 p. 2 1916. Timomenus unidentatus p. 4, iuermis p. 5, spp. n., China, Borelli Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 698 1915. Blattidae. Aglaopteryx gen. n. p. 30, gemma sp. n. Alabama p. 32 pi. i figs. 9-12, Hebard Mem. Amer. ent. Soo. 2. Arenivaga rehni sp. n. Lower Cali- fornia p. 227, Hebard T.c. Blatta americana growth of antennae and cerci, Buqnion C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 pp. 317-324. Compsodes gen. n. near Latindia p. 208 typ eL.delicalula S. & Z., Hebard Mem. Amer. ent. Soc. 2. Deropeltis stefaniniana sp. n. Africa p. 280, Giqlio Tos Redia 12. Eremoblalta hirsuta sp. n. Mexico p. 243 pi. ix figs. 21 & 22, Hebard Mem. Amer. ent. Soc. 2. Euthlastoblatta gen. n. p. 26 type Anaplecta abortiva, Hebard T.c. Gyna script a sp. n. Somaliland p. 281, Giolio-Tos Redia 12. Latiblattella gen. n. p. 36, rehni p. 38 pi. i figs. 13-17, lucifrons p. 43 figs. 18-23, spp. n., U. S., Hebard Mem. Amer. ent. Soc. 2. Myrmeroblatta wheeleri sp. n. Guate- mala p. 361, Hebard Ent. News 28. 223 Insecla. System atio. — Orthoptera — Mantidae. Nanphoeta paotina sp. n. Somaliland p. 281, Giolio-Tos Redia 12. f Neomylacris meunieri p. 11 pi. ii figs. 3-5, lerichei pi. iii figs. 1-5 p. 13, spp. n;, Commentry, Bolton Mem. Manchester Soc. 61 No. 2. Parcoblatta n. n. for Plalamodes Scudd. p. 70, zebra p. 89, caudelli p. 122, spp. n., U. S., Hebard Mem. Amer. ent. Soc. 2. f Phylloblatla transvei salis sp. ri. Bir- mingham coalfield, Bolton p. 100 pi. vii figs. 1 & 2 Proo. Birmingham Soc. 14. — P. obscura p. 19 pi. iii figs. 6-8, stirrupi p. 21 pi. v figs. 1-3, spp. n., Commentry, brongniarti Handl. p. 16 pi. iv fig3. i-v, Bolton Mem. Manchester Soc. 61 No. 2. Plectoptera floridana sp. n. p. 251 pi. x figs. 9-12, Hebard Mem. Amer. ent. Soc. 2. Pseudomops septentrionalis sp. n. U. S. p. 156 pi. vi figs. 5-8, Hebard T.c. - Phasmidae. Structure of abdomen, Pantel pp. 286-301 Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. ] Aedoeophasma anglica pi. iii f. 1 pp. 43-46, Bolton Q. J. Geol. Soc. 72. Carausius farcillalus p. 267, pi. ii, lobulatipes p. 274, puslulosus p. 277, C. sp. p. 279, spp. n., India, Pantel Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. — G. morosus, natural history, Rotii Tr. ent. Soc. London 1916 pp. 345-395 ; J , Foucher C.R. Ac. Paris 165 p. 511. Oreenia bolivari to Carausius, Pantel p. 282 Ann. Soc. ent. France 86. Palophus leopoidi sp. n. Congo p. 265, Sohouteden Rev.Zool. afric. 4 1916. — P. bayeri sp, n. E. Africa p. 109, Sohouteden Rev. zool. afric. 5. Mantidae. Corrections ot the catalogue of Mantidae, Giolio-Tos pp 139-163 Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. Oviposition, hatching, and ootheca, Adair Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 1912 p. 117-127, 6 p. 21-56, 7 p.' 90-99, 9 pp 81-91. 'Acroinaniis javana p. 4, inovltoni Borneo p. 5, insuldris, siporana, p. 6, Sumatra, indica weslwoodi Borneo, montana Java, gestri Sumatra, p. 7, spp. n., Giolio-Tos Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 702 1915. Alalomanti8 gen. n. p. 62 type Bicrodula muta W.-M., Giolto-Tos Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. Anieles aegyptiaca , development, Adair & Adair pp. 81-91 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 9. Anallacla andreinii sp. n Eritrea p. 131, Giolio-Tos Bull. Soo. ent. ital. 48. Anasigerpes gen. n., bifasciata, p. 14, irifasciata , modesla , p. 15, spp. n., Africa, Giolio-Tos Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 702, 1915. Anaxarcha limbata sp. n. Borneo, Giolio-Tos p. 1 T.c. Antislia St., Giolio-Tos p. 90 Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. Archimantis minor sp. n. W. Australia p. 43, Giolio-Tos T.c. Ariusia conspersa = (Charieisilla cara G. T.), Giolio-Tos p. 91 T.c. Auromantis gen. n. p. 55 type limbata Hahn, cinctipes sp. n. Costa Rica p. 56, Giolio-Tos T.c. Bisanlhe modesta sp. n. Zambesi p. 58, Giolio-Tos T.c. Blepharopsis nuda sp. n. Africa & Aden p. 79 Giolio-Tos T.c. Calidomantis aurea p. 48, andreinii , fallax, vitrea, p. 49, moerana, fnilntilena , p. 50, alata, togana, p* 51, pygmaea^ tenuis, p. 52, spp. n., Africa, Giolio- Tos T.c. Calospilola gen. n. near Plistos- pilola, guineensis sp. n., Giolio-Tos T.c. Camelomantis gen. n. type Hierodula giraffa G.-T., sumairana, p. 66, moulioni Borneo, gracillima, penangtea, p. 67, spp. n., Giolio-Tos T.c. Cataspilotd gen. n. p 59 for part of Plistospilola, Giolio-Tos T.c. Coenomantis gen. n. p. 45 for Pseudo- mantis kraussiana Sauss., Giolio-Tos T.c. 224 Ineeela. XII. Insecta. [1917] Coptopteryx fallax sp. n. Paraguay p/77, Giglio-Tos T.c. Danuria congica sp. n. p. 71, obscuri- pennis Chop. = ( fusca G.-T.) p. 72, Giglio-Tos T.c. Deroplatys moultoni sp. n. Sarawak p. 108, Giglio-Tos T.c. Empusa aegyptiaca sp. n. p. 69, Giglio-Tos T.c. — E. egena, life-history, Adair Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 7 1916. Eremiaphila werneri Khartoum, sacra Jerusalem, nova Eritrea, p. 80, cairina Cairo p. 81, spp. n., Giglio-Tos Bull. Soo. ent. ital. 48. — E. khamsin, ootheca, Andres pp. 72-74 Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 6. Oalepsus nimulensis p. 101, trilobus p. 102, spp. n„ Africa, Giglio-Tos Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. Heliomantis gen. n. for Polyspilota elegans Nav., Giglio-Tos Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 702 p. 2 1915. Hierodula striata Perak p. 64, cuchingina Borneo, ralumina Duke York isld., //. (Rhombodera) rotunda Borneo, p. 65, spp. n., Giglio-Tos Bull. Boo. ent. ital. 48. Humbertiella ajfinis Ceylon, similis Nepal, spp. n., p. 83, Giolio-Tos T.c. Isomantis gen. n. p. 54 type Stag- momantis doming ensis, Giglio-Tos T.c. Macrodanuria ; the 3 spp. are really one, Giglio-Tos p. 72 T.c. Metallyticus pallipes p. 78, fallax p. 79, spp. n., Borneo, Giglio-Tos T.c. Miobantia gen. n. p. 73, aptera sp. n. Brazil p. 74, Giglio-Tos T.c. Musoniola gen. n. p. 74 type Mionyx dohrnianus S. & Z., vicina sp.n. Nicar- agua p. 76, Giglio-Tos T.c. Oligomantis gen. n. p. 3, orientalis Sumatra, mentaweiana, p. 4, spp. n., Giolio-Tos Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 702, 1915. Oromantis gen. n. p. 56 type Stag - tnomantis natura Sauss., Giglio-Tos Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. Orthodera australiana, gracilis, spp. n., Australia, p. 107, Giglio-Tos T.c. Oxyelaea gen. n. near Humbertiella, elegans sp. n. E. Africa, Giglio-Tos p. 82 T.c. Oxyophthalmellus gen. n. p. 102 type Oxyophthahnus somalicus Behn., Gig- lio-Tos T.c. Paroxyophthulmus nigericus sp. n. p. 104, Giglio-Tos T.c. Phlaebarodes gen. n. p. 71 for Ble- pharodes sudanensis Werner, Giolio- Tos T.c. Phyllothelys decipiens sp. n. Bombay, Giglio-Tos Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 702 p. 10 1915. Plislospilota maxima, mabirica, nige- rica, p. 61, camerunensis , congica, p. 62, spp. n. Africa, Giglio-Tos Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. Pnigomantis gen. n. for Sphodropoda medioconstricta, Giglio-Tos p. 64 T.c. Popa crassa sp. n. Nyassa p. 73, Giglio-Tos T.c. Promiopteryx punctata sp. n. Paraguay p. 76, Giglio-Tos T.c. Psychomaniis gen. n. for If. borneen- sis llaan, Giglio-Tos Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 702 p. 2 1915. Pyrgomantis occidentalis, nigerica, congica, p. 105, fasciata, rhodesica, pallida, p. 106, spp. n. Atrica, Giglio- Tos Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. Rheomantis gen. n. p. 44 for Fischeria quinquelobata Tepp., Giglio-Tos T.c. Rhodomantis gen. n. p. 45 for Pseudo- mantis pulchellus Tepp., Giglio-Tos T.c. Rhomantis gen. n. p. 2, movltoni sp. n. Borneo p. 3, Giglio-Tos Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 702, 1915. Sigerpes nilolicus, congicus, p. 12, toganus, camerunensis, nigericus, p. 13, spp. n., Africa, Giglio-Tos T.c. Sphodromantis aurea, citernii, spp. n.» Africa p. 63, Giglio-Tos Bull. Soo. ent. ital. 48. — S. bioculata, development, Adair Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte 7 1916 pp. 90-99, Stagmomantis nordica Virginia, polila Nicaragua, p. 53, simplex Mexico p. 54, spp. n., Giglio-Tos Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. 225 Insecta. Systematic. — Orthoptera — Aoridiidae. Stauromantis gen. n. p. 54 type Stag- momantis rheophila Rehn, festae sp. n. Guyaquil p. 55, Giglio-Tos T.c. Tarachodella gen. n. p. 91, moniicola sp. n. Cameroons p. 92, Giglio-Tos T.c. Tarachodes monstrosus p. 97, banda- nas, sacer, p. 98, chopardii p. 99, spp. n., Africa, Giglio-Tos Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. Tarachodula gen. n. p. 92 type Tara- chodes pantherina Gersb., delica sp. n. Somaliland p. 93, Giglio-Tos T.c. Taumantis gen. n. p. 47 type Calido- mantis sigiana, Giglio-Tos T.c. Tauromantis gen. n. p. 57 type Phasmomantis championi , Giglio-Tos T.c. Theomantis gen. n. for Mantis ocel- laria Drury, Giglio-Tos Boll. Mus. Torino 30 No. 702 p. 16, 1915. Theopompa borneana sp. n. Sarawak p. 85, Giglio-Tos Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 48. Theopompella gen. n. p. 86 type Humbertiella heterochroa Gerst., pallida p. 87 ,fusca p. 88, orientalis p. 89, spp. n., Africa, Giglio-Tos T.c. Theopompula gen. n. p. 84 for Theo- pompa taprobanarum W.-M., Giglio- Tos T.c. Tisma gen. n. p. 68 for Madagascar Stagmatoptera, Giglio-Tos T.c. Trachyrnantis gen. n., obesa sp. n., Africa, Giglio-Tos p. 46 T.c. Uromantis gen. n. p. 56 type Stag- momantis heterogamia Sauss., centralis, similis , spp. n„ Costa Rica, p. 57, Giglio-Tos T.c. Gryllidae and Grylloblattidae. Copulation of Gryllidae, Okazaki Konch. Sek. Gifu 21 pp. 401-410. Grylloblattidae and Embiidae, Cramp- ton Canad. Ent. 49 pp. 213-217. Gryllus Icatangensis sp. n. Congo p. 145 Sjostedt Rev. zool. afric. 5. Leptonemobius gen. n. p. 142, variega- tus sp. n. Congo p. 143, Sjostedt T.c. (n-4840 j) Nernobius heydeni, habits, Chopard p. 237 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917, Scapsipedus vittifrons p.150, neavei p. 151, spp. n. Congo, Sjostedt Rev. zool. afrio. 5. Locustidae or Phasgonuridae or Tettigoniidae. Cnemidophyllum gen. n. for Posidip- pus lineatus Br., Rehn p. 118 Ent. News 28. Coelophyllum = (Prosagoga Brunn.) p. 152, amazonicum p. 154, costaricen.se p. 156, peruvianum p. 159, spp. n., figs., pi. xii, Rehn T.c. Dolichopoda palpata synonymy p. 266, exixina sexes p. 267, Chopard Bull. Soc. ent. France 1917 ; Habits, Cho- pard p. 287 T.c. Frontinvs degeeri from Costa Rica, Rehn p. 119 Ent. News 28. Neanias testaceus var. n. matsumurae p. 239, fusco-lerminaius fruhstorferi subsp. n. p. 247, Griffini Wien. ent. Zeit. 33, 1914. Steirodon, type and synonymy, Rehn p. 114 Ent. News 28. Steirodonopis bilobata, Rehn p. 120 fig. T.c. Stilpnochlora nec Microcentrum , spe- cies pp. 107-113, quadrata pi. x f. 6, Rehn T.c. Acridiidae (Locustidae of some Writers.) Melanoplus and allies, critical list of mexican, desxittorius insignis subsp. n. p. 266 fig., Hebard pp. 251-275 P. Ac. Philadelphia 1917. Melanoplus differ entialis var. n. nigri- cans, Cockerell p. 247 Ent. Rec. 29. Neotettixfemoratus = (bolivari Hanc.), Fox p. 207 P. U. S. nat. Mus. 52. Phaedrotettix litus sp. n. Mexico p. 258 fig., Hebard P. Ao. Philadelphia 1917, Schistocerca damnijica, colour dimor- phism, Caudell p. 216 P. ent. Soc. Washington 18. Zonocerus elegans, instars, Rich p. 2 Ent. News 28. b 32 220 lnseota. XII. Insecta. [1917] APTERA. Sense Organs, Hansen, Ent. Tidskr. 38 p. 240-259. Nervous system, Thysanura, Hilton Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 10 pp. 303-313. Tiiysanura s-1. Allonychella gen. n. p. 334, notabilis p. 336 ligs., ruficauda p. 337, figs., with var. robiislior p. 339, spp. n. Africa, Silvestri Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Dionychella gen. n. p. 328, titillcins sp. n. Africa p. 330, figs., Silvestri T.c. Gastrotheus parvulus p. 324 figs., afer p. 325 figs., brachyurus p. 327 figs., spp. n. Africa, Silvestri T.c. f Lampropholis (?) burmiticus sp. n. Burmese amber p. 360, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 44. Monachlinella setosa sp. n. Africa p. 341, figs. Silvestri Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Pauronychella gen. n. p. 332, cubiter- mina sp. n. Africa p. 333, figs., Silves- tri T.c. Trichotriura gen. n. p. 343, ni'geriensis sp. n. p. 345 figs., Silvestri T.c. COLLEMBOLA. Achorutes rosaceus p. 7 figs. 7-8, cir- ratus p. 8 figs. 9-10, spp. n. Queensland, Schott Ark. Zool. 11 No. 8. Calobatinus nom. n. for Calobaieila Born., rhadinopus varr. n. erythraea, p. 319 figs., occidentalis p. 323 figs., Silvestri Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Goelura gen. n., articulata sp. n. p. 25 pi. ii. fig. 1 text figs. 28-29, var. semi- color var. n. pi. ii. fig. 2 Australia, Schott Ark. Zool. 11 No. 8. Cremastocephalus speciosus sp. n„ Ki. noshita Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 p. 73-76. Cyphoderopsis gen. n. p. 566, Icempi sp. n. Assam p. 567 pi. lvii. figs. 34-38, Carpenter Rac. Ind. Mus. 8. Cyphoderus pseudalbinus p. 50 fig. 51, serratus p. 52, figs. 52-53, spp. n. Queens- land, Schott Ark. Zool. 11 No. 8. — G. hozawai sp. n. Japan, Kinoshita Do- buts. Z. Tokyo 29 p. 40-46. — C. arcuatus varr. n. holonycha , p. 313 fig., brevimu- cronata p. 314 figs., and squamidives p. 315 figs., Silvestri Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Entomobrya varia, p. 1 1 pi. i. figs. 1-5, termitophila p. 12 pi. i. fig. 6, laming - tonensis p. 13, virgata p. 13 fig. 15, tenui- cauda p. 14 fig. 16, ambigua p. 15, cocru- . leopicta p. 15 figs. 17-19, albococrulae p. 18 figs. 20-22, cobaltiua p. 18, spp. n., Australia, Schott Ark. Zool. 11 No. 8. Folsomia dubia sp. n., Kinoshita Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 pp. 73-76. Hypeogastrura viatica , habits, Wahl- gren Fauna och Flora Uppsala 1916 pp. 114-118. Isotoma tridentifera sp.. n. Queens- land, Schott Ark. Zool. 11 No. 8 p. 9 figs. 1114. Katianna oceanica sp. n. Queensland, Schott p. 57 pi. iv. figs. 6-10 T.c. Lepidocyrtoides longicornis p. 38 pi. iii. fig. 6 and text figs. 42-43, cucullaris p. 39 pi. iii. fig. 3, australicus p. 40 pi. 3 fig. 1, flavocinctus p. 42 text fig. 44, sagmarius p. 43 text figs. 45-46, coeruleus p. 45, cinctus p. 45, angulatus p. 45 id. iii. fig. 5 and text figs. 47-48, spinosus p. 47 pi. iii fig. 4 text figs. 49-50, spp. n., australicus var. tamburinensis var. n. p. 41 pi. iii. fig. 2, Queensland, Schott T. c. Lepidocyrtus caudatus sp. n. Burma p. 563, figs. 10-12 pi. lv., Carpenter Rec. Ind. Mus. 8. — L. praecisus sp. n. Queensland, Schott Ark. Zool. 11 No. 8 p. 37 figs. 40-41. Onychiurus similis p. 640, subtenuis p. 642, litoreus p. 644, pseudarmatus p. 646, ramosus p. 648, pseudojimetarius p. 650, spp. n. U. S. figs. pis. 68-79, Folsom P. U. S. nat. Mus. 53. Paronella crassicornis p. 564 pi. lvi figs. 13-23, flava figs. 24-27, elongata pi. lvii figs. 28-23, spp. n. Burma, Carpen- ter Rec. Ind. Mus. 8. — P. japonica sp. n., Kinoshita Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 pp. 40-46.— P. queenslandica, p. 26 pi. i. figs. 3-4 and text figs 30-32, appendicu- lata p. 29 pi. ii fig and text figs. 32-35, spp. n. Queensland, Schott Ark. Zool. 11 No. 8. Pericrypta mjoebergi sp. n. Queens- land, Schott p. 23 figs. 26-27 T.c. 227 / nuecta Systematic. — A ptrka — Protura. Protomira spinifera sp. n. India p. 662 pi. Iv, Carpenter Rec. Ind. Mus. 8. Pseudachorutes incertus sp. n. Queens- land, Schott Ark. Zool. 11 No. 8 p. 3 figs. 1-3. Pseudocyphoderus squamicauda sp. n. W. Africa p. 317 figs., Silvestri Boll. Lab. Portici 12. Sinella termitum sp. n. Queensland, Schott Ark. Zool. 11 No. 8 p. 20 figs. 23-25. Sira abrupta p. 30 fig. 36, tricincta p. 31 fig. 37, spp. n. Queensland, Schott T.c. Sminthurinus ocidatus p. 53 pi. iv figs. 1-4 text fig. 54, nigrescens p. 54 text figs. 53-57, Iricolor p. 54 pi. iv fig. 5, spp. n. Queensland, Schott T.c. Sminthurus viridis var. medicaginis var. n. Australia, Schott p. 58 pi. iv figs. 11-12 T.c. Willowsia gen. n. type Sira nigro- maculata Lubb., Shoebotham p. 492 Ann. Nat. hist. 19. Protura. Protura ; Bagnall pp. 65-73 Vascu- lum 3 ; Anamerentoma for the Order Protura, Id. T.c. p. 70. XIII. PROCHORDATA INCLUDING ENTEROPNEUSTA AND PTEROBRANCHIA BY C. TATE REGAN, F.R.S. CONTENTS PAGE 1. Titles 2 1J« Systematic Index : — Tunicata ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Cephalochordata ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Enteropneusta and Pterobranchia (vacant) c 1 (n-4840 c) 2 Proch. XIII. Prochordata. [1917] I.— T I T L E S. Goodrich, E. S. “ Proboscis pores ” in craniate vertebrates, a suggestion concerning the premandibular somites and hypophysis. Q. J. Microsc. Sci. London 62 1917 (539-553) pi. xxviii. 1 Hartmeyer, R. Ascidier. A con- spectus of the Ascidians of Greenland. Kobenhavn Medd. Gronl. 23 1917 (1081-1117). 2 Salensky, W. W. Salpa bicaudqta Petrograd Bull. Acad. Sci. 1917 (219- 240 623-644 1113-1140). [Russ.] 3 Selys-Longchamps, M. de. Sur le Bourgeonnement des PolystyelinAs Stolonica et Heterocarpa, avec quelques notes sur l’anatomie de ces deux genres. Bull. Sci. France Belgique Paris 50 1917 (170-276). 4 Smith, K. M. and Newth, H. G. A Note concerning the collar cavities of the larval Amphioxua. Q. J. Miscrosc. Sci. London 62 1917 (243-251) pi. xviii. 5 II.— SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Tunioata. Of Greenland, Hartmeyer 2. Heterocarpa and Stolonica, structure, budding, Selys-Longchamp 4. Salpa bicaudata, Salensky 3. Cephaloghordata. Amphioxus, ciliated pit, Goodrich 1 ; collar cavities, Smith and Newth 5. XIV. VERTEBRATA (GENERAL) t.e., complementary to Mammalia, Avea, Reptilia, and Pisces BT D. SHAR P, CONTENTS I. Titles ... II. Subject Index : — Structure = 5207 ... Development = 5215 Ethology = 5219 ... Variation and Evolution = 5223 ... Geography = 5227 PAGE ... 2 3 ... 3 3 ... 3 ... 3 c 2 (n-4840 a) 2 Vert . XIV. Vertebrata. [1917] I - T ITLES. Allis, E. P. The lips and the nasal apertures in the gnathostome fishes, and their homologues in the higher vertebrates. Proc. nation. Ac. Wash- ington 3 1917 (73-78). 1 Anthony, R. Seconde note sur un procede d’etude de l’architecture du tissu spongieux des os. Bull. Mus. Paris 1916 1917 (287-288) pi. vi. 2 Ariens Kappers, C. U. Verschyn- selen van neuro biotaxis in het optische stelsel. [Erscheinungen von Neuro - biotaxis im optischen system.] Psy- chiatrische Neurologische Bladen Am- sterdam 1917 (320-365) 10 taf. 3 Ariens Kappers, C. U. lets over de phylogenese van de gleine hersenen. [Etwas uber die Phylogenese des Kleinhirns.] Amsterdam Werk. Gen. Nat. Genees. Heelk. 8 1917 (639-641), Nederlandsch Tydschrift Geneeskunde, Amsterdam 61 1 1917 (953-955). 3a Barge, J. A. J. Probleme im Kranio- Vertebralgebiete. Amsterdam, Verh. K. Akad. Wet. 2e. Sect. 20 No. 2 1918 (1-105) 44 Textfig. 3b Brimley, 0. S. Some known changes in the land vertebrate fauna of North Carolina. J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 32 1917 (177-183). 4 Cameron, J. The histogenesis of vertebrate striated muscle, including a contribution of our knowledge regard- ing the structure and functions of the cell-nucleus. Trans. R. Soc. Canada 11 1917 Sect. 4 (81-98) pis. 5 Cope, E. D. and Matthew, W. D. Hitherto unpublished plates of tertiary mammalia and permian vertebrata prepared under the direction of Edward I)rin ket Cope with descriptions of plates by William Diller Matthew. U.S. Geol. Surv. Amer. Mus. N.H. Mon. No. 2 1915 154 pis. 6 Coward, T. A. Notes on the verte- brate fauna of Cheshire and South Lancashire. Lancash. Nat. Darwen 9 1917 (Suppl. 1-40) and 10 1917 (185- 192) &c. 7 Delsman, H. C. Korte geschiedenis van den kop dcr gewervelde dieren. [Short history of the head of verte- brates.] Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 26 1918 (1018- 1033) 1 pi. (Dutch) ; Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 20 1918 (1005-1020) 1 pi. (English). 8 Delsman, H. C. Over de betrekking tusschen anus en blastoporus en over het ontstaan van den staart der gewer- velde dieren. [On the relation of the anus to blastopore and on the origin of the tail in vertebrates.] Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet 25 1917 (1146-1167) 1 pi. (Dutch); Am- sterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 19 1917 (1256-1275) pi. 8a Dice, L. R. Distribution of the land vertebrates of South-Eastern Washing- ton. Berkeley Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 16 No. 17 1916 (293-342) pis. xxiv.- xxvi. 8b Foote, J. S. , A contribution to the comparative histology of the femur. Smithson. Contr. 35 No. 3 1916 (1-242) pis. i-xxxv. 9 Goodrich, E. S. ” Proboscis pores” in craniate vertebrates, a suggestion concerning the premandibular somites and hypophysis. Q. J. Miscrosc. Sci. London 62 1917 (539-553) pi. xxviii. 10 Gregory, W. K. Evolution of the human face. Amer. Mus. J. New York 17 1917 (377-388). 11 Hay, jyf P. On a collection of fossil vertebrates made by Dr. P. W. Cragin from the Equus beds of Kansas. Sci. Bull. Kansas Univ. 10 1917 (38-51) 3 pis. 12 3 Vert. Subject Index. 5227 Jordan, H. E. Aortic cell clusters in vertebrate embryos. Proc. nation. Ac. Washington 3 1917 (149-156). 13 Kingsley, J. S. Outlines of com- parative anatomy of vertebrates. Second edition, revised, Philadelphia, no date (x + 449) 406 figs. 13a Kooy, F. H. The inferior olive in vertebrates. Folia neuro-biologica Haarlem 10 1917 (205-369 101 fig.); Haarlem 1916 (F. Bohn) 14 (165) 101 fig. 25 cm. Lubsen, N. J. Dyspierstelsel cn plexus lumbosa cralis. [Schenkel- muskelsystem und plexus lumbosa- cralis. Amsterdam (J. H. do Bussy) 1918 (232) 5 Taf. 24 cm. 15 Matthew, W. D. vide Cope and Matthew. Rabaud, E. La simulation cle la mort chez les vertebres. Bull. Soc. Zool. France 41 1916 (117-124). 16 Resing, A. J. De generatiecyclus by de vertebraten. [Cycle de la generation chez les vertebres.] Helder Tydschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. 15 (Ser. 2) 1917 (xxiv-xxxviii). 17 Roosevelt, T. Through the Brazilian wilderness. New York (Scribner) 1914 '(xiv -f 11 -f 383) pis. maps. 24 cm. 18 Tilney, F. The morphology of the diencephalic floor. J. Comp. Neurol. Philadelphia 25 1915 (213-282) figs. 18a Vermeulen, H. A. Over glandulae parathyroldcac (Epithcellichaampjcs). [Ueber glandulae parathyroideae (Epi- thelkorperchen)]. Tydschr. Diergen. Utrecht 44 1917 (155-164) 2 Taf. “ 19 Watson, D. M. S. The evolution of the tetrapod shoulder girdle and forelimb. J. anat. London 52 1917 (1-63). 19a Watt, H. J. The typical form of the cochlea and its variations. London Proc. R. Soc. B. 89 1917 (410-421). 20 Wylie, J. W. van. Over den nervus terminalis van den mensch tot Amphi- oxus. [On the nervus terminalis from man to Amphioxus.] Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 26 1918 (1517-1528) pi. (Dutch) ; Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Acad. Wet. 21 1918 ( 1 72- 182) pi. (English). 21 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. STRUCTURE. 5207 General. Allis, 1 ; Goodrich, 10 ; Kingsley, 13a. Histology. Foote, 9. Skeleton. Anthony, 2; Delsman, 8 ; Foote, 9 ; Tilney, 18a; Watson, 19a. Nervous System and Sense-organs. Ariens Kappers, 3, 3a ; Barge, 3b ; Kooy, 14 ; Lubsen, 15 ; Watt, Cochlea, 20; Wyhe, 21. Myology. Cameron, 5; Lubsen, 15. Glands. Vermeulen, 19. DEVELOPMENT. 5215 Cameron, 5 ; Delsman 15 ; Jordan, 13 ; Resing, 17. ETHOLOGY. 5219 Rabaud, 16; Roosevelt, 18. AETIOLOGY. 5223 Delsman, 8 ; Gregory, 11. GEOGRAPHY. 5227 England, Coward, 7. North America, Brimley, 4 ; Cope and Matthew, 6; Dice, 8b; Hay, 12. Brazil, Roosevelt, 18. XV. PISCES BY 0. TATE REGAN, F.R.S. CONTENTS I. Titles ... II. Subject Index General Economics ... ... Structure Physiology ... ... Development Ethology Variation and Evolution Distribution ... Marine Fresh Water Fossil III. Systematic General Works Marsipobranchii Selachii ... ... Ichthyodorulites ... Pleuropterygii ... ... ... Euselachii ... Pleurotremata ... Hypotremata Holocephali (n-4840 6) PAGE 3 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 c 3 2 PAQ1C Pisces ... ... ... ... ... 12 Palaeopterygii 12 Neopterygii ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Protospondyli 12 Isospondyli ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Ostariophysi ... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Apodes 15 Microcyprini ... *.. 16 Synentognathi 16 Anacanthini ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 Allotriognathi ... ... ... ... 16 Solenichthyes ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 Percomorphi ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 Scleroparei ... ... ... ... 18 Heterosomata 18 Plectognathi 18 Symbranchii ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 Xenopterygii 19 Pediculati ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 Heterostraci... ... ... ... ... ... ... 19 3 Pieces. Titles. 5400 I.— T I T L E S. Allen, E. J. Post-larval Teleosteans collected near Plymouth during the summer of 1914. Plymouth J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 11 1917 (207-250). 1 Allen, E. J. The age of Fishes and the rate at which they grow. Ply- mouth J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 11 1917 (399- 424). 2 Allen, E. J. Food from the sea. Plymouth J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 11 1917 (380-398). 3 Allis, E. P. The prechordal portion of the chondrocranium of Chimaera colliei. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 (105-143) 3 pis. 4 Allis, E. P. The homologies of the muscles related to the visceral arches of the Gnathostome Fishes. Q. J. Microsc. Sci. London 62 1917 (303- 406) pis. xxi.-xxii. 5 Allis, E. P. The lips and the nasal apertures in the Gnathostome Fishes and their homologies in the higher Vertebrates. Washington Proc. Acad. Sci. 3 1917 (73-78). 6 Amemiya, I. Ueber das Teleskopauge des Goldfisches. Tokyo J. Coll. Agric. 6 1917 (245-259) 1 pi. 7 Andersson, E. Beschreibung einiger Fischreste aus Madagascar und Siam. Upsala Bull. Geol. Inst. 13 1916 (227- 231) 2 pis. 8 Andersson, K. A. Undersokningar rorande det bohuslanska sillfisket. Sv. Fisk. Tidskr. Uppsala 25 1916 (44-54). 9 Anthony, R. Sur la circulation embryonnaire primitive des Poissons Teleosteens (etude de l’embryon de l’fipinoche, Gastrosteus gymnurus Cuv.). Paris 0. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (474- 476). 10 (n-4840 b) Ballowitz, E. Ueber die Vereinigung der Rotzellen mit Guaninzellen in der Haut von Mullus und Crenilabrus. Arch. Zellforschg. Leipzig 1916 (4 pp.) 1 pi. 11 Ballowitz, E. Zur Kenntnis der Gelbzellen, Xanthophoren, in der Haut von Blennius. Arch. Zellforschg. Leipzig 1916 (4 pp.) 1 pi. Ballowitz, E. Ueber die komige Zusammensetzung des Verbindungs- stiickes des Samenkorper der Knochen- fische. Arch. Zellforschg. Leipzig 1916 (4 pp.) 1 pi. 13 Bamber, R. C. Note on a hermaphro- dite Dogfish. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 (217-219). 2 pis. 14 Bensley, B. A. The Fishes of Geor- gian Bay. Ottawa Rep. Fish. Dep. Mar. Can. 47 Suppl. (1-52) 2 pis. 1915. 15 Berry, E. W. A Sail Fish from the Virginia Miocene. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. 43 1917 (461-464). 16 Bj5rck, W. Nyare forskningar over van dringsfiskames biologi. Pop. naturv. Revy Stockholm 6 1916 (71-82). 17 Blegvad, H. Om Fiskenes Fode i de danske Farvande indenfor Skagen. The food of the fishes in the wateis inside Skagen. Kobenhavn Ber. Biol. Stat. 24 1917 (17-72) 1 map and 6 tables. 18 Boulenger, G. A. Sur des tubercules nuptiaux simulant des dents chez un Poisson africain du genre Barbus. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (298- 300). 19 Boulenger, G. A. Sur certaines cate- gories a etablir parmi les Poissons habitant les eaux douces. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (327-330). 20 c 3—2 4 Place?. XV. Pisces. [1917] Boulenger, G. A Sur l’origine marine du genre Salmo. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (721-724). 21 Boulenger, G. A. Descriptions of now Fishes from Lake Tanganyika, forming part of the Collection made by the late Dr. L. Stappers for the Belgian Govern- ment. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London sor. 8 20 1917 (363-368). 22 Boulenger, G. A. Description of a new Silurid Fish from Natal. Ann. Durban Mus. 1 Pt. 4 1917 (432). 23 Boulenger, G. A. Diagnoses de poissons nouveaux. II. Mormyrides, Kneriides, Characinides, Cyprinides, Silurides. Bruxelles Rev. Zool. Afri- caine 4 (162-171) 1915. 24 Bounhiol, J. P. Le dimorphisme sexuel chez la Sardine ( Alosa sardina L.) der cotes d’Alg^rie. Paris C. R. Soo. Biol. 1917 (77-80). 25 Bounhiol, J. P. Sur la distribution verticale des bancs de sardines dans les eaux littorales de PAlg6rie. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 1917 (476-479). 26 Bounhiol, J. P. Sur la biologie de l’Alose finte ( Alosa finta Cuv.) des cdtes d’Alg6rie. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 1917 (480-483). 27 Boutan, L. Sur le r61e des nageoires dans les Poissons teleosteens a vessie natatoire. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (801-803). 28 Camp, W. E. The development of the suprapericardial (postbranchial, ultimobranchial) body in Squalus acan- thias. J. Morph. Boston Mass. 28 1917 (369-415). 29 Chaudhuri, B. L. Fauna of the Chilka Lake. Fish. Part III. Mem. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 5 1917 (491-508). 30 Conel, J. L. R. The Urogenital System of Myxinoids. J. Morph. Boston Mass. 29 1917 (75-163). 31 Craigie, E. H. The life -history of the Hake ( Urophycis chuss) as determined from its scales. Ottawa Rep. Dep. Fish. 1916 Suppl. (87-94). 32 Dahlgren, U. Structure and polarity of the electric motor nerve-cell in Torpedoes. Washington Carnegie Inst. Pap. Tortugas Lab. 8 1915 (213— 256) 6 pis. 33 Danforth, C. H. The Relation of Coronary and Hepatic Arteries in the Common Ganoids. Amer. J. Anat. Philadelphia 19 1916 (391-400). 34 Daniel, J. F. The anatomy of Heptanchus maculatus. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 16 1916 (349-370) pis. xxvii-xxix. 35 Dean, B. and Eastman, C. R. A Bibliography of Fishes. N. York Amer. Mus. 2 vols. 1916-17. 36 Droogleever Fortuyn-van Leyden, C. E. Over een aal met het linkeroog in de onderkaak. [On an eel, having its left eye in the lower jaw.] Amster- dam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 25 1917 (1168-1170) (Dutch) ; Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 19 1917 (1120-1122) (English). 37 Duff, D. Investigation of the Haddock Fishery, with special reference to the growth and maturity of the Haddock. Ottawa Rep. Dep. Fish. 1916 Suppl. (95-101). 38 Eastman, C. R. Fossil Fishes in the collection of the United States National Museum. Washington Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 52 1917 (235-304) pis. i- xxiii. 39 Eastman, C. R. Olden Time know- ledge of Hippocampus. Washington Smithsonian Inst. Rep. 1915 (349-357) 4 pis. 1916. 40 Eastman, C. R. vide Dean, B. Eigenmann, C. H. The Homes o£ Blindfishes. Geogr. Rev. N. York 4 1917 (171-182). 41 Eigenmann, C. H. New and rare species of South American Siluridae in the Carnegie Museum. Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 1917 (398-404) pis. xxxix-xli. 42 Eigenmann, 0. H. Pimelodella and Typhlobagrus. Pittsburg Mem. Car- negie Mus. 7 No. 4 1917 (229-258) pis, xxix-xxxv. 43 Eigenmann, 0. H. The American Characidae. Cambridge Mass. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 43 Pt. 1 1917 (102 pp.) pis. i-xvi xcv-ci. 44 Eigenmann, C. H. Eighteen new species of Fishes from Northwestern South America. Philadelphia Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 56 1917 (673-689). 45 5 Pieces. Titles. 5400 Eigenmann, C. H. Descriptions of sixteen new species of Pygidiidae. Philadelphia Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 56 1917 (690-703). 46 Eigenmann, C. H. and Fisher, H. 0. On some species of lihamdia, a genus of South American Siluridae, in the Car- negie Museum. Pittsburg Ann. Camegie Mus. 11 (394-397) pi. xxxviii. 47 Eigenmann, C. H. and Vance, L. Some species of Farlowella. Pittsburg Ann. Camegie Mus. 11 1917 (297-303). 48 Ekman, S. Om Vatterus nabbsik. Sv. Fisk. Tidskr. Uppsala 25 1916 (101- 107). 49 Ekman, S. Om homsimpans forc- komst i Vanem. Sv. Fisk. Tidskr. Uppsala 25 1916 (180-182). 50 Evermann, B. W. vide Jordan, D. S. Evermann, B. W. and Hildebrand, S. F. Notes on the Fishes of East Tennessee. Washington Bull. Bur. Fish. 34 1914 [1916] (431-451). 51 Evermann, B. W. and Radcliffe, L. The Fishes of the West Coast of Peru and the Titicaca Basin. Washington Bull. U.S. Nation. Mus. 95 1917 (166 pp.) 14 pis. 52 Festa, E. Un caso di icterismo nel Barbus plebejus Val. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Torino 30 1915 No. 696 2 pp. 53 Fisher, H. G. A list of the Hyp- ophthalmidae, the Diplomystidae and of some unrecorded species of Siluridae in the collections of the Carnegie Museum. Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 1917 (405-427) pi. xlii. 54 Fisher, H. G. vide Eigenmann, C. H. Fowler, H. W. A second collection of Fishes from the . Panama Canal Zone. Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 69 1917 (127-136). 55 Fraser, 0. M. On the scales of the Spring Salmon. Ottawa Rep. Dep. Fish. 1917 Suppl. (21-38). 56 Fraser, C. M. On the life-history of the Coho. Canada Rep. Fish Dep. 1917 Suppl. (39-46) pis. v-vii. 57 Gilbert, C. H. On the Occurrence of Benthodesmus atlanticus Goode and Bean on the Coast of British Columbia. Washington Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Coll. 66 No. 18 1917 (2 pp.). 58 Gilbert, 0. H. and Hubbs, C. L. Description of Hymenocephalus tenuis , a new Macruroid Fish from the Hawaian Islands. Washington Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 54 1917 (173-175). 59 Gilchrist, J. D.F. Note on protective resemblance etc. in post-larval stages of some Cape Fishes. Cape Town Tr. Roy. Soc. S. Afric. 6 1917 (205-208). 60 Gilchrist J. D. F. Marine Biological Report No. 2. Cape Town 1914 (167 PP-). 61 Gilchrist, J. D. F. and Thompson, W. Marine Biological Report No. 3. 1916 Cape Town. 62 Gilchrist, J. D. F. and Thompson, W. W. A catalogue of the Sea Fishes recorded from Natal. Part II. Ann. Durban Mus. 1 (291-431) 1917. 63 Gilchrist, J. D. F. and Thompson, W. W. The Freshwater Fishes of South Africa (continued). Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 11 (465-575) 1 pi. 64 Ginsburg, T. On two species of Fishes from the Yalu River, China. Washington Proc. U. S. Nation. Mus. 54 1917 (99-101). 65 Griscom, L. vide Nichols, J. T. Gueylard, F. et Portier, P. Varia- tions de poids de l’fipinoche morte ( Gast . Hums) sous 1’influence des changements brusques de salinite. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 1917 (683-684). 66 Gueylard, F. et Portier, P. Variation de poids de l’fipinoche passant d’un milieu dans un autre de salinite differente. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 1917 (538-540). 67 Heitz, F. A. Salmo salar L. seine Parasitenfauna und seine Ernahrung im Meer und im Siisswasser. Stuttgart 1917 (138 pp.) 1 pi. 68 Henschen, S. E. Om en ogon&- komma (Keratitis exulcerans et per- forans, traumatica) hos hajar och rockor i fangenskap. [t)ber eine Augenkrankheit (Keratitis exulcerans et perforans traumatica) bei Haifischen und Rocken in Gefangenschaft.] Stock- holm Sv. Lakares. Ilandl. 42 1916 (971-979 deutsches Res. 978-979). 69 6 Pisces. XV. Pisces. [1917] Herdman, W. A. Report on the in- vestigations carried on during 1916 in connection with the Lancashire Sea- Fisheries Laboratory, at the University of Liverpool, and at the Sea-Fish Hatchery at Piel, near Barrow. Liver- pool Proc. and Trans. Biol. Soc. 31 1917. 69a Hildebrand, S. F. vide Evermann, B. W. Horst, C. J. van der. De voor- hersenen der Synbranchidae. [The fore -brain of Synbranchidae.] Amster- dam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 26 1917 (17-29) (Dutch); Am- sterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 20 1917 (217-228) (English). 70 Hoskins, E. R. On the development of the digitiform gland and the post- valvular segment of the intestine in Squalus acanthias. J. Morph. Boston Mass. 28 1917 (329-360) 3 pis. 71 Hubbs, C. L. Oolpichthys, Thy- rinops and Austromenidia, New Genera of Athcrinoid Fishes from the New World. Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Sci. 1917 (305-308). 72 Hubbs, 0. L. vide Gilbert, C. H. Hubbs, C. L. vide Jordan, D. S. Huntsman, A. G. The Lampreys of Eastern Canada. Ottawa Nat. 31 1917(23-27). 73 Hussakof, L. Fossil Fishes collected by the American Museum Congo Ex- pedition. N. York Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist, 37 1917 (761-767) pi. lxxxviii. 74 Hutton, J. A. Wye Salmon. Results of scale reading, 1908-1916. Salmon and Trout Magazine London April 1917. 75 Jespersen, P. Contributions to the life -history of the North Atlantic Halibut ( Hippoglossus vulgaris Flem.). Kjobenhavn Medd. Havunders Ser. Fiskeri 5 No. 5 1917 (32 pp.) 1 pi. 76 Johansen, A. C. Marking experi- ments with Sole ( Solea vulgaris Quensel) and Turbot ( Rhombus m axim as L.) in the Kattegat and Baltic waters. K^benhavn Medd. Havunders. Serie Fiskeri 5 Nr. 3 1916 (18 pp.). 77 Jordan, D. S. On a forgotten genus of Sharks described by Nardo. Phila- delphia Proc. Acad. Sci. 1917 (279). 78 Jordan,!-). S. Concerning Rafinesque’s Precis des Decouvertes Somiologiques. Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Sci. 1917 (276 - 278). 79 Jordan, D. S. and Evermann, B. W. The Genera of Fishes, from Linnaeus to Cuvier, 1758-1833, with the accepted type of each. Stanford Univ. Publ. 1917 (1-161), 80 Jordan, D. S. and Hubbs, C. L. Notes on a Collection of Fishes from Port Said, Egypt. Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 1917 (161-468). 81 Jordan, D. S. and Starks, E. C. Notes on a collection of Fishes from Ceylon, with descriptions of new species. Pitts- burg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 1917 (430- 460) pis. xliii-xlv. 82 Jordan, H. Rheotropism of Epi- nephelus striatus Bloch. Washington Proc. Acad. Sci. 3 1917 (157-159). 83 Kascharoff, D. N. The alimentary canal of Cyclothone signata . Rev. Zool. Russe Moscow 2 1917 (83-84). 83a Kopaczewski, W. Recherches sur le Serum de la Murene ( Muraena helena L.). Bull. Inst. Ocean. Monaco 326- 335 1917. 84 Krivetzki, A. Sur la morphologic des elements de l’arc liyoide chez les Selaciens. Rev. Zool. Russe Moscou 2 1917 (16-19). 85 Kuntz, A. Notes on the embryology and larval development of live species of Teleostean Fishes. Washington Bull. Bur. Fish. 34 1914 [1916] (407- 429). 86 Lambe, L. M. Sur la presence de dents d’Helodonte a Roche Miette et dans les environs, Alberta, Bull. Mus. commem. Victoria Canada 1 1915 (21- 25). 87 Lamont, A. The Lateral Sense Organs of Elasmobranchs : The Ani- pullary Canals of the Genus Rain, Edinburgh Trans. R, Soc. 51 1917 (467_ 493) 8 pis. 83 Lane, W. H. The Game Fishes of the Persian Gulf. Bombay J. Nat, Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (121-135). 89 Lonnberg, E. En laxoring med tva munnar. Sv. Fisk. Tidskr. Uppsala 26 1917 (17-20). 90 7 Pieces. Titles. 5400 Longley, W. H. The Significance of the Colors of Tropical Reef Fishes. Washington Carnegie Inst. Year Book 15 (209-212) 1917. 91 Lubosch, W. Kaumuskeln der Knochenfisehe, Ligamentum maxillo- mandibulare, Wesen der Streptognafchie u. Genese des Squamoso-dentalgelenken. Jenaische Zeitschr. Natw. 1917 (56 pp.). 92 Mast, S. O. Changes in shade, color and pattern in fishes and their bearing on the problems of adaptation and behavior, with especial reference to the Flounders Paralichthys and Ancylop- setta. Washington Bull. Bur. Fish. 34 1914 [1916] (173-238) pis. xix-xxxvii. 93 Mayes, A. G. On the non-existence of nervous shell-shock in Fishes and marine Invertebrates. Washington Proc. Acad. Sci. 3 1917 (597-598). 94 McCulloch, A. R. Studies in Aus- tralian Fishes No. 4. Sydney Rec. Austral. Mus. 11 No. 7 1917 (163-188) pis. xxix-xxxi. 95 McCulloch, A. R. Ichthyological Notes. Australian Zoologist Sydney 1 Pt.. 4 1917 (89-93) pi. x. 96 McCulloch, A. R. and Waite, E. R. South Australian Museum Expedition to Strzelecki and Cooper Creeks. Adelaide S. Aust. Trans. R. Soc. 41 1917 (472^175). 97 Meek, A. Dove Marine Laboratory. Report for the Year ending June 39th 1917 (54 pp.). 98 Nichols, J. T. Ichthyological Notes from a cruise off southwest Florida, with description of Gobiesox yuma sp. n. New York. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 37 1917 (873-877) pi. cxi. 99 Nichols, J. T. and Griscom, L. Freshwater fishes of the Congo Basin obtained by the American Museum Congo Expedition, 1909-1915. New York Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 37 1917 (653-756). 100 Nordquist, O. Aalstudien. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 11 No. 6 1917 (22 pp.). 101 Ogilby, J. D. Three undescribed Queensland fishes. Brisbane Proc. R. Soc. Queensland 28 1916 (112-114). 102 Otterstr0m, C. Y. Fi*k III. Fast- kaebede, Buskgaelleie, Ganoider, Tvaermunde og Rundmunde. (Dan- marks Fauna 20). The Danish fishes. III. K0benhavn (G. E. 0. Gad) 1917 (168 pp.). 18£ cm. x 12| cm. Price 2,75 kr. 103 Petersen, C. G. J. Om vore almin- delige Kutlingers (Gobius) Udvikling fra iEgget til voksen Fisk m.m. The development of the Danish species of Gobius. K^benhavn Ber. Biol. Stat. 24 1917 (3-16) 1 pi. 104 Portier, P. vide Gueylard, F. Pratt, J. H. The fisheries of North Carolina. Raleigh J. Mitchell Soc. 32 1917 (149-175). 105 Prince, E. P. Notes on the eggs and larval stages of the Halibut. Ottawa Rep. Dep. Fish. 1916 (19-23) 1 pi. 106 Prince, E. P. On serially striped haddock in New Brunswick. Ottawa Rep. Fish. Dep. 1917 Suppl. (86-90) pi. ix. 107 Purser, G. L. The early develop- ment of the spleen of Lepidosiren and Protopterus. Q. J. Microsc. Sci. London 62 1917 (231-241) pis. xv- xvii. 108 Radcliffe, L. Description of a new Goby, Garmannia syongicola, from North Carolina. Washington Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus, 52 1917 (423-425). 109 Radcliffe, L. vide Evermann, B. W. Radcliffe, L. and Welsh, W. W. Notes on a collection of fishes from the head of Chesapeake Bay. Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (35^2). 110 Regan, C. T. A revision of the clupeoid fishes of tUe genera Pomolobus, Brevoortia and Dorosoma and their allies. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 19 1917 (297-316). Ill Regan, C. T. A revision of the clupeoid fishes of the genera Sardinella, Harengula, &c. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 19 1917 (377-395). 112 8 Piacea. XV. Pisces. [1917] Regan, C. *T. A revision of the clupoid fishes of the genus Pellonula and of related genera in the rivers of Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 19 1917 (198-207). 113 Regan, C. T. The fishes of the genus Glupea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 1917 (226-229). 114 Regan, 0. T. Additions to the fish fauna of Natal. Ann. Durban Mus. 1 Pt. 5 1917 (458-459). 115 Retzius, G. N&gra bidrag tiu kan- nedomen orn ependym-och nervcel- lernas struktur i cyclostomemas rygg- marg. [Einige Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Struktur der Ependym- und Ner- venzellen im Riickenmark der Oyclos- tomen.] Stockholm Sv. Lakares. Handl. 42 1916 (583-593) ; deutsches Res. 693) 1 pi. 116 Riddle, M. C. Early development .of the Chinook Salmon. Puget Sound Mar. Stat. Publ. 1 1917 (319-338). 117 k Roule, L. Sur le developpement larvaire et post-larvaire des poissons du genre Mugil. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (194-196). 118 Roule, L. Etude sur les aires de ponte et les d6placements p6riodiques du Thon Commun dans la M6diter- ran6e occidentale. Ann. Inst. Ocean. Monaco 7 Fasc. 7 1917 (26 pp.). 119 Roule, L. Sur l’habitat du Thon (Orcynus thynnus L.) et ses d^place- ments littoraux dans la M6diterrann6e occidentale fran9aise. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (643-646). 120 Roule, L. Sur les rapports de parents du Saumon ( Salmo salar L.) et des Truites d’Europe ( Salmo trutta L., Salmo fario L. et var.). Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (721-723). 121 Riickert, J. Zur Entwicklung der Vena cardinalis posterior von Torpedo und deren Beziehungen zur Vorniere. Arch. Mikr. Anat. Bonn 1917 (29 pp.) 2 pis. * 122 Riickert, J. Ueber die Glomeruli der Vomiere von Torpedo und deren arterielle Gefasse. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bonn 1917 (79 pp.) 4 pis. 123 Rynberk, G. A. van. Sur l’innerva- tion segmentale de la peau de la nageoire thoracique chez le requin. ( Scyllium catulus). Folia neuro-biologica Haar- lem 10 1917 (423-127). 124 Sanchez y Sanchez, M. Investi- gaciones sobre la estructura de los tubos nerviosos de los Peces. Trabaj. Mus. Nac. Madrid Ser. Zool. 28 1917 (96 pp.). 125 Schicbe, 0. E. Vorstudien zu bio- logischen Beobachtungen an Amiurus nebulosus Les. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (336-344). 126 Schmidt, J. Raeeunders0gelser. I. Zoarces viviparus L. og dens lokale Racer. The local races of Zoarces viviparus in the Danish waters. Ko- benhavn Medd. Carlsb. 13 1917 (271— 386) 3 maps. 127 Seale, A. The Mosquito Fish Gambusia a f finis in the Philippine Islands. Philippine J. Sci. Manila D. 12 1917 (177—189). 128 Seale, A. New species of Apodal Fishes. Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 61 1917 (79-94). 129 Shelford, V. E. An experimental study of the effects of gas waste upon Fishes, with especial reference to stream pollution. Bull. Illinois Lab. Nat. Hist. 11 1917 (381-412). 130 Smith, H. M. Report of the U.S. Commissioner of Fisheries for 1915. Washington 1917. 131 Smith, H. M. New genera of deep- water Gurnards (Peristediidae) from the Philippine Islands. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (145-146). 132 Snyder, J. O. An account of some Fishes from Owens River, California. Washington Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 54 1917 (201-205). 133 Snyder, J. O. The fishes of the streams tributary to Toinales Bay, California. Washington Bull. Bur. Fish. 34 1914 [1916] (377-381). 134 Starks, E. C. vide Jordan, D. S. Stendell, W. Die Schnauzenorgane der Mormyriden.. Zs. Wiss. Zool. Leipzig 1916 (20 pp.) 1 pi. 135 Takahashi, N. On the homology of the median longitudinal muscles — supracarinalis and infracarinalis — with the fin -muscles of the dorsal and anal fins, and their functions. Tokyo J. Coll. Agric. 6 1917 (199-213) 2 pis. 136 Tanaka, S. Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan. Tokyo 25, 26 1917 (441-174) 10 pis. 137 9 Pisces. Subject Index — Economics. 5400 Taylor, H. F. The structure and growth of the scales of the Squeteague and the Pigfish as indicative of life history. Washington Bull. Bur- Fish. 34 1914 [1916] (285-330) pis. 1.- lix. 138 Thompson, D’A. W. On some of the scarcer fishes in the Aberdeen Market. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 (235-249). 139 Thompson, W. F. A contribution to the life -history of the Pacific Herring ; its bearing on the condition and future of the Fishery. British Columbia Rep. Comm. Fish. 1916 (39-87). 140 Thompson, W. F. Regulation of the Halibut Fishery of the Pacific. British Columbia Rep. Comm. Fish. 1916 (28-34) 1917. 141 Thompson, W. W. vide Gilchrist, J. D. F. Thulin, T. Den elektriska vavnadens histalogi has Torpedo. [Note sur 1’histologie de l’organe 61ectrique do la Torpille]. Stockholm Sv. Lakares. Handl. 42 1916 (607-622 i res. franc. 622) 1 pi. 142 Vance, L. vide Eigenmann, C. II. Vayssi&re, M. A. Note zoologique et anatomique sur un Regalecus ( Gym - netrus) gladius Cuv. et Val. pris dans le golfe de Marseille. Bull. Museum Paris 1917 (15-25) 2 pis. 143 Voorhoeve, F. J. Over den bouw van de kleine hersenon der Plagiosto- mon. [Uebor den Ban des Klcinhims der Plagiostomen.] Amsterdam (Du- waer & van Ginkcl) 1917 (88 pp.) 144 Waite, E. R. vide McCulloch, A. R. Wells, G. A. The skull of Acanthias vulgaris. J. Morph. Boston Mass. 28 1917 (417-436) 3 pis. 145 Welsh, W. W. vide Radcliffe, L. Willey, A. Investigation into the Pacific Halibut Fisheries. Ottawa Rep. Dep. Fish. 1916 Suppl. (1-18). 146 Williamson, H. C. On the Herring in captivity and on an effect of the environment on the structure of this Fish. J. Zool. Res. London 2 1917 (101-110). 147 Wintrebert, P, L’automatisme des premiers mouvements du corps chez les S61aciens ( Scyllium canicula t Cuv.). Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (369- 371). 148 Wintrebert, P. La gastrula des S61aciens ( Scvllium canicula Cuv.) Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (411- 413). 149 Wodehouse, R. P. Report on the Life History of the Cod as determined from the scales and other data. Ottawa Rep. Dep. Fish. 1916 Suppl. (103- 113). 150 Woodward, A. S. Note on Plectro- dus , the jaw of an Upper Silurian Fish. Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 1917 (74-75). 151 Woodward, A. S. Notes on the Pycnodont Fishes. Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 1917 (385-389) pi. xxiv. 152 Woodward, A. S. The so-called coprolites of Ichthyosaurians and Labyrinthodonts. Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 1917 (540-542) pi. xxxiv. 153 II. — S U B J E C T INDEX. GENERAL. Bibliography of Fishes ; Dean & Eastman 36. ECONOMICS. General ; Allen, 1, 2, 3 ; Bensley, 15 ; Bjorck, 17 ; Blegvad, 18 ; Gil- christ,. 61 ; Herdman, 69a ; Meek, 98 ; Pratt, 105 ; Smith, 131. Investigations on — Selachii ; Hen- schen, 69 : Glupea harcngus ; Anders- son, 9 : Glupea pallasii ; Thompson, 140 : Sardina pilchardus ; Bounhiol, 25, 26 : Alosa finta ; Bounhiol, 27 : Salmo salar ; Heitz, 68 ; Hutton, 75 : Oncorhynchus ; Fraser, 56, 57 ; Riddle, 117: Anguilla anguilla ; Nordquist, 101 : Gadus callarias ; Wodehouse, 150 : G. aeglejinus ; Duff, 38 : Uro- phycis chuss ; Craigie, 32 : Gynoscion regalis, Orthopristis chrysopterus'[ ; Taylor, 138 : Hippoglossus ; Jespersen, 76 ; Prince, 106 ; Thompson, 141 ; Willey, 146: Rhombus maximus and Solea vulgaris ; Johansen, 77. 10 Pt«2'i-3. XV. Pisces — Structure. [1917] STRUCTURE. General. Viscera of Regcilecus ; Vayssteree 143. Tegumentary System. Lips and nostrils ; Allis, 6 : snout organs of Mormyridae ; Stendell, 135 : pigment ; Ballowitz, 11, 12. Nervous System. Dahlgren, 33 ; Horst, 70 ; Lament, 88 ; Retzius, 116 ; Sanchez, 125 ; Rynberg, 124 ; Voorhoeve, 144. Alimentary System. Coprolites ; Woodward, 153 : ali- mentary canal ; Kascharoff, 83a. Myology. Allis, 5 ; Lubosch, 92 ; Takahashi, 136. Electric organs. Thulin, 142. Osteology. Skeleton ; Daniel, 35 ; Eastman, 39 ; Woodward, 152 : skull ; Allis, 4 ; Wells, 145 : hyoid arch ; Krivetzki, 85. Vascular System. Danforth, 34. Reproductive System. Ballowitz, 13 ; Gonel, 31. Excretory System. Conel, 31 ; Riickert, 123. DEVELOPMENT. Eggs, Larvae and Post-larval Stages. Allen, 1 ; Gilchrist, 60 ; Euntz, 86 ; Petersen, 104 ; Prince, 106 ; Riddle, 117 ; Roule, 118 ; Wintrebert, 149. Organogeny. Skull ; Allis, 4 : vascular system ; Anthony, 10 ; Ruckert, 122 : supra- pericardial body ; Camp, 29 : spleen ; Purser, 108 : intestine ; Hoskins, 71. PHYSIOLOGY. First movements of Scyllium ; Wintrebert, 148 : function of muscles ; Takahashi, 136 : of fins ; Boutan, 28 : serum of Muraena ; Kopaczewski, 84 : reactions of Amiurus ; Schiche, 126 : rheotropism ; Jordan, 83 : effects of gas waste ; Shelford, 130 : of changes of salinity ; Gueyland et Portier, 66, 67 : shell-shock ; Mayer, 94. ETHOLOGY. (See also Economics.) Habits of — Persian Gulf Fishes ; Lane, 89 : Gambusia af finis ; Seale, 128 : Glupea harengus ; Williamson, 147. Migrations ; Bjorck, 17 ; Roule, 119-120. Food ; Blegvad, 18. Coloration ; Gilchrist, 60 ; Longley, 91 ; Mast, 93. VARIATION AND EVOLUTION. Evolution ; Boulenger, 20, 21 ; Eigemnann, 41 ; Roule, 121 ; Schmidt, 127 : Variation ; Prince, 107 ; Schmidt, 127 ; Williamson, 147 : Teratology ; Amemiya, 7 ; Bamber, 14 ; Droog- lever, 37 ; Festa, 53 ; Lonnberg, 90. DISTRIBUTION. (a) Marine. Sub -arctic and North Temperate zones. Britain ; Allen, 1 ; Thompson, 139 : Denmark ; Otterstrom, 103 : Mediter- ranean ; Jordan & Hubbs, 81 : Chesa- peake Bay ; Radcliffe & Welsh, 110 : British Columbia ; Gilbert, 58 : Japan ; Tanaka, 137. Tropical Zone. W. Atlantic ; Fowler, 55 ; Nichols, 99 ; Pratt, 105 ; Radcliffe, 109 : Natal ; Gilchrist & Thompson, 63 ; Regan, 115 : Persian Gulf ; Lane, 89 : Ceylon ; Jordan & Starks, 82: India; Chaud- huri, 30 : Queensland ; McCulloch, 95, 96 ; Ogilby, 102 : Philippines ; Smith, 132 : Hawaii ; Gilbert & Hubbs, 59. 1 1 Pisces. SYSTEMATIC, EuSBLAOHII. 5431 South Temperate Zone. S. Africa ; Gilchrist, 61 ; Gilchrist & Thompson, 62 : Australia ; McCulloch, 95, 96 : Chile and Peru ; Evermann & Radcliffe, 52 ; Hubbs, 72. (b) Freshwater. Palaearctic. Europe ; Ekman, 49, 50 ; Otter- strom, 103 : Yalu R. ; Ginsburg, 65. Ne arctic. Bensley, 15 ; Evermann & Hilde- brand, 51 ; Huntsman, 73 ; Snyder, 133, 134. Indian. Ceylon ; Jordan & Starks, 82. Ethiopian. Africa ; Boulenger, 22, 23, 24 ; Gil- christ & Thompson, 64 ; Nichols & Griscom, 100 ; Regan, *113. Neotropical. S. America ; Eigenmann, 42-46 ; Eigenmann & Fisher, 47 ; Eigenmann & Vance, 48 ; Evermann & Radcliffe, 52 ; Fisher, 54. Australian. McCulloch & Waite, 97. (c) Fossil. Eastman, 39 : Silurian ; Woodward, 151 : Devonian ; Lambe, 87 : Permo- carboniferous ; Andersson, 8 : Triassic and Eocene ; Hussakof, 74 : Miocene ; Berry, 16. III.— SYSTEMATIC. GENERAL WORKS. Allen 1; Andersson 8 ; Bensley 15 ; Chaudhuri 30 ; Eastman 39 ; Eigenmann 42, 44 ; Evermann & Radcliffe 52 ; Fisher 54 ; Fowler 55 ; Gilchrist 61 ; Gilchrist & Thompson 62-64 ; Hussakoff 74 ; Jordan 79; Jordan & Evermann 80 ; Jordan & Hubbs 81 ; Jordan & Starks 82 ; Lane 89 ; McCulloch 95, 98 ; McCulloch & Waite, 97 ; Nichols 99 ; Nichols & Griscom 100 ; Otterstrom 103 ; Pratt 105 ; Radcliffe & Welsh 110 ; Snyder 134 ; Tanaka 137. MARSIPOBRANCHII. Spinal cord, Retzius 116. Petromyzonidae. Of E. Canada, Huntsman 73. Myxinidae. Urinogenital sj^stem, Conel 31. SELACHII. f Pleclrodus, Woodward 151. Hyoid arch, Krivetzki 85 ; Klein- hirn, Voorhoeve 144 ; Coprolites, Woodward 153. ICHTH Y ODORULITES. f Harpacanthus 'procumbens sp. n. Carboniferous Missouri,- Eastman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52 p. 266 pi. vii f. 1. f Oracanthus triangularis sp. n. Car- boniferous Missouri, Eastman t. c.p. 268 pi. v figs 5, 6. PLEUROPTERYGII. t Cladodus aculeatus sp. n. Carboni- ferous of Oklahoma, Eastman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52 p. 255 pis. x f. 4 xviii f. 1. EUSELACHII. PLEUROTREMATA. Caninoa, Jordan 78. Hexanciiidae. Heptane, hus maculatus skeleton, Daniel 35. Carohariidae. Mustelus abbotti p. 6 pi. i f, 2, nigro- maculatus p. 9 pi. ii f. 2, spp. n., Peru, Evermann & Radcliffe Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 95. Carcharinus spp. Florida, Nichols 99. 12 Pisces. XV. Pisces — Euselachii. [1917] SCYLIORHINIDAE. Scyliorhinus canicula hermaphrodite, B amber 14 ; embryology, Wintrebert 148, 149 ; S. punctatus sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist Mar. Biol. Rep. 2 p. 129 fig- Petalodontidae. f Polyrhizodus grandis sp. n. Carboni- ferous of Illinois, Eastman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52 p. 257 pi. viii figs. 1, 2. Hybodontidae. t Helodus subtuberatux sp. n. Devonian, Alberta, Lambe Bull. Mus. Victoria Canada 1 p. 24. Heterodontidae. Gyropleurodus peruanus sp. n. Peru, Evermann & Radclifee Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 95 p. 2 pi. I f. 1. Squalid ae. Squalus brevirostris sp. n. Japan, Tanaka Fishes of Japan 26 p. 464 f. 364 ; S. acanthias skull, Wells 145 ; development of suprapericardial body, Camp 29 ; of intestine, Hoskins 71. HYPOTREMATA. Torpedinidae. Electric, motor norve cell, Dahlgren 33 ; electric organs, Thulin 142. Raiidae. Raid ampullary canals, Lamont 88. Trygonidae. Pleroplalea australis, McCulloch 95. HOLOCEPHALI. Chimaera monstrosa, distribution, Thompson 139 ; C. colliei chondro- cranium, Allis 4. PISCES. PALAEOPTERYGII. Platysomidae. f Ecrinesomus, Andersson 8. fCATOPTERIDAE. f Gatopterus gracilis, Eastman 39. NEOPTERYGII. PROTOSPOND YLI . ISemionotidae. •j Lepidotus ccngolensis sp. n. Trias Congo, Hussakof Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 p. 761 figs.; L. walcotti sp. n. Trias of Wyoming, Eastman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52 p. 283 pis. xii f. 4 xiii f. 3. |Macrosemiidae. ■ \Notagogus minutus sp. n. Jurassic Bavaria Eastman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52 p. 287 pi. xiv f. 4. fASPIDORHYNCHlDAE. ■ \Belonostomus tenuirostris, Eastman 39. fPYCNODONTIDAE. Stiucture, evolution, Woodward 152. ISOSPONDYLI. Clupeidae. Clupea synopsis of spp., Regan Ann. Mag. N.H. (8) 19 p 227 ; G harengus in captivity, Williamson 147 ; growth, Andersson 9 ; G. pallassii variation, life history, Thomp- son 140. Sardina sardina, Bounhiol 25, 26. Sardinella camerontnsis p. 380 Cama- roon dayi p. 381 India spp. n., Regan Ann. Mag. N.H. (8) 19. Harengula revision, Regan t.c. p. 386. Lile platana sp. n. La Plata, Regan t.c. p. 394. Heringia revision, Regan t.c. p. 394. Hyperlophus translucilus sp. u., McCulloch Rec. Austral. Mus. 11 p. 1 65 pi. xxix f. 3 . Alosa finta habits, Bounhiol 27. Pomolobus revision, Regan Ann. Mag. N.H. (8) 19 p. 299. Brevoortia pectinata, Regan t.c. p. 301. Ethmalosa gen. n. type Clupea dorsalis, Regan t.c. p. 302. Hilsa gen. n. = Paralosa Regan nec Bleek. revision of spp., Regan t.c. p. 303. 13 Pi3C33. Cyfrinoidea. 5431 Nematalosa gen. n. p. 312 japonica Japan arabica Muscat, spp. n. p. 313, Reoan t.c. Gonialosa gen. n. typo Chaloessus modestus, Regan t.c. p. 315. Pellonula tenuis sp. n. Congo, Nichols & Griscom Bull. Amor. Mus. 37 p. 675 f. 3 , P. slanleyana sp. n. Stanloy Falls, Regan Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 19 p. 201. Poecilolhrissa gen. n. p. 201 congica sp. n. p. 202 Congo, Regan t'c. Microlhrissa parva sp. n. Upper Congo, Regan t.c. p. 202. Potamothrissa gen. n. type Pellonula oblusirstris, Regan t.c. p. 203. Cynothrissa gen. n. p. 203 mento sp. n. p. 204 fig. Nigeria, Regan t.c. Odaxothrissa vittala sp. n. Ubanghi, Regan t.c. p. 205. Stolothrissa gen. n. lanyanicae sp. n. Tanganyika, Regan t.c. p. 206 fig. Limnothrissa gen. n. typo Pellonula ntiodon, Regan t.c. p. 207. Ilisha harroweri sp. n. Colon, Fowleb Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 69 p. 128 fig. Stolephorus branehiomelas sp. n. Colombia Eioenmann Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 56 p. 682. Knebiidae. Kneria slappersii sp. n. Lumbum- bashi, Boulenger Rev. Zool. Afr. 4 p. 162. Salmonidae. Oncorhynchus life history, Fbaseb 56, 57 ; early development, Riddle 117. Salmo marine origin, Boulengee 21 ; Roule 121 ; S. salar, Heitz 68 ; Hutton 75. Galaxijdae. Galaxias dubius sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchbist & Thompson Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 11 p. 472. Gonostomatidae. Gyclothone signala alimentary canal, Kaschaboff 83a. Mobmybidae. Schnauzenorgane, Stendell 135. Marcusenius osborni p. 667 f. 1, retrodorsalis p. 668 f. 2 spp. n. Congo, Nichols & Gbiscom Bull. Amer Mus. 37 ; M. stappersii, squalosloma spp. n. Lukinda, Boulengee Rev. Zool. Afr. 4 p. 162. Gnalhonemus moeruensis sp. n. Moero, Boulengee t.c. p. 163. Mbrmyrus asinus sp. n. Moero, Boui.engEb t.c. p. 163. OSTARIOPHYSI. C YPR1NOIDEA . Chaeacidae. Alestes carmesimis sp. n. Congo, Nichols & Gbiscom Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 p. 681 f. 5. Alestes viitalus sp. n. Tanganyika, Boulengee Ann. Mag. N.H. (8) 20 p. 363. Brycon ecuadorensis p. 687, meeld p. 688 spp. n. Ecuador, Eioenmann Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. . 56. Entomolepis gen. n. type Telragonop - terus steindachneri, Eioenmann Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 43 p. 63. Moenkhausia lepidura hasemani subsp. n. Santarem, Eioenmann t.c. p. 102 pi. xv f. 3. Cithabinidae. Nannocharax luapulae sp. n. Luapula, Boulengee Rev. Zool. Afr. 4 p. 163. Distichodus largi sp. n. Congo Nichols & Gbiscom Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 p. 687 pi. lxix. Microstomdlichthyoborus gen. n. bash- forddeani sp. n. Congo, Nichols & Gbiscom t.c. p. 685 f. 6. Cypbinidae. Barilius salmolucius sp. n. Congo, Nichols & Gbiscom Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 p. 702 f. 16. Engraulicypris congicus sp. n. Congo, Nichols & Gbiscom t.c. p. 703 f. 17 ; E. moeruensis sp. n. Moero, Bou- lenoeb Rev. Zool. Afr. 4 p. 168. 14 Pisces. XV. Pisces — Cyfringidla. [1917 J Amblypharyngodon grandisquamis sp. n. Ceylon, Jordan & Starks Ann. Car- negie Mus. 11 p. 438 pi. xliv. Barbus trachypterus p. 164, stappersii, curtus, oxycephalus p. 165, pseudogna * thodon p. 166 Moero, luJcindae, brachy- gramma p. 166, brevidorsalis p. 167, Lukinda, intermedins p. 167 Luapula spp. n., Boulenger Rev. Zool. Afr. 4 ; B. taeniopleura p. 364 urostigma, lufulci- ensis p. 365 spp. n. Tanganyika, Bou- lenger Ann. Mag. N.H. (8) 20 ; B. atrwnaculaius p. 697 f. 12, rubripinnis p. 699 f. 13, dolichosoma p. 700 f. 14, candens p. 701 f. 15 spp. n. Congo, Nichols & Griscom Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 ; B. annectens sp. n. S. Africa, Gil- christ & Thompson Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 11 p. 554 ; Barbus sexual characters, Boulenoer 19 ; icterism, Festa 53. Varicorhinus stappersii sp. n. Tan- ganyika, Boulenoer Ann. Mag. N.H. (8) 20 p. 364. Labeo fisheri sp. n. Ceylon, Jordan & Starks Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 p. 436 pi. xliii ; L. hamiltoni sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist & Thompson Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 11 p. 553 ; L. cyclopinnis p. 690 f. 8 sorex p. 691 f. 9 intermedius p. 694 1. 10 spp. n. Congo, Nichols & Griscom Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Discognathus ornatus sp. n. Congo, Nichols & Griscom t.c. p. 696 f. 11. Hemibarbus longirostris, Ginsburg 65. SI LU WIDE A. Of Carnegie Museum, Fisher 54. Ariidae. Oaleichthys ocellatus sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist & Thompson Mar. Biol. Rep. 3 p. 61 fig. Bagridae. Qnathobagrus gen. n. p. 711 depressus sp, n. p. 712 fig. 21 Congo, Nichols & Griscom Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Amarginops gen. n. platus sp. n. Congo, Nichols & Griscom t.c. p. 713 f. 22. Chrysichthys stappersii p. 366, grandis p. 367, spp. n., Tanganyika, Boulenger Ann. Mag. N.H. (8) 20. Leploglanis brevis sp. n. Lubumbasbi, Boulenger Rev. Zool. Afr. 4 p. 169. Amphiliidajb. Amphilius notalus sp. n. Congo, Nichols & Griscom Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 p. 715 f. 24 ; A. natalensis sp. n* Natal, Boulenger Ann. Durban Mus. 1 p. 432. Doumea alula sp. n. Congo, Nichols & Griscom Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 p. 722 f. 27. Schilbeidae. Eutropius gastratus sp. u. Congo, Nichols & Griscom Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 p. 708 f 20 ; E. nasalis sp. n. Moero, Boulenger Rev. Zool. Afr. 4 p. 1 69. Clariidae. Clarias zygouron p. 704 f. 18, malar is p. 705 f. 19, spp. n., Congo Nichols & Griscom Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 ; G. stappersii, macrutus, spp. n., Lukinda, Boulenger Rev. Zool. Afr. 4 p. 168. Dinotopterus jallae sp. n. S. Africa. Gilchrist & Thompson Ann. S. Afric, Mus. 11 p. 557 fig. 165. Moohocidae. Synodontis unicolor, polystigma spp. n. Moero and Luapula, Boulenger Rev. Zool. Afr. 4 p. 170 ; S. dJionti sp. n, Tanganyika, Boulenger Ann. Mag, N.H. (8) 20 p. 367 ; 8. tenuis sp. n„ Congo, Nichols & Griscom Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 p, 717 f. 25 ; S. jallae sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist & Thomp- son Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 11 p. 561. Acanthocleithron gen. n. p. 720, chapini sp. n. p. 721 f. 26 Congo, Nichols & Griscom Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. Ghiloglanis elisabethianus sp. n. Lubumbasbi. Boulenger Rev. Zool. Afr. 4 p. 171. Amiuridae. Amiurus prirnaevus sp.n. Eocene (?) of Wyoming Eastman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52 p. 293 pi. xx ; A. nebulosus habits, reactions, Schiche 126. Pimelodidae. Cheriocercus gen. n. eques sp. n. Brazil Eige mann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 p. 398 pi. xxxix. 15 Pisces. SlLCROIDEA. 5431 Rhamdia microps sp. n. Uruguay, Eigenmann & Fisher Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 p. 394 pi. xxxviii. Pimeilodella serrata p. 235 pi. xxix f. 1 Bolivia, steindachneri p. 237, Amazon, avahandavae p. 240 pi. xxix f. 3, Tiet£, hasemani p. 241 pi. xxx f. 7 Amazon, laticeps p. 243 pi. xxx f. 2, notomelas p. 244 pi. xxx f. 3. Paraguay, tnefae p. 244 pi. xxxi f. 2 Orinoco, boliviano, p. 245 pi. xxxi f. 2 Bolivia, itapicuruensis p. 247 pi. xxxi f. 3 E. Brazil, griffini p. 250 pi. xxxii f. 3 Paraguay, spp. n., Eigenmann Mem. Carnegie Mus. 7. Doradidae. Doras leniiginosus sp. n. Amazon, Eigenmann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 p. 401 pi. xl. Entomocorus gen. n. benjamini sp. n. San Joaquin, Eigenmann t.c. p. 403 pi. xli. Ageneiosus madeirensis sp. n. Bolivia, Fisher Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 p. 426 pi. xlii. Triciiomycteridae. Srleronema gen. n. operculatum sp. n. Uruguay, Eigenmann Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 56 p. 691. Hatcheria titcombi sp. n. R. Comajo Eigenmann t.c. p. 692. Pygidium heterodontum p. 692 Argen- tine, latidens p. 693, metae, slraminium p. 694, dorsoseriatum p. 695, latistri- atum , regani p. 696 Colombia, iheringi p. 697, paolence p. 698, reinhardti , vernv i latum p. 699, alternatum p. 700, Brazil', spp. n., Eigenmann t.c. Vanddlia sanguinea sp. n. R. Madeira, Eigenmann t.c. p. 701. Branchioica gen. n. p. 702, bertoni sp. n. p. 703, Paraguay, Eigenmann t.c. Loricariidae. Hemiancislrus wilsoni sp. n. Colom- bia, Eigenmann Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 56 p. 678. Pseudancistrus pediculatus sp. n. Colombia, Eigenmann t.c. p. 679 Ancislrus triradialus sp. n. Colombia, Eigenmann t.c. p. 680. Chaetoslomns leucomelas sp. n. Colom- bia, Eigenmann t.c. p. 681. Farlowella azygia p. 299 pi. xxix figs. 1, 2, Santarem, jauruensis p. 300 pi. xxx f. 3 Jaura, hasemani p. 301 pi. xxx figs. 1, 2, Para spp. n., Etgen- maNn & Vance Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11. A stroblepus latidens p. 674, frenatus p. 676, spp. n., cyclopum sanlanderensis p. 675, grixalvii mierescens p 677, varr. n., Colombia, Eigenmann Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 56. APODES. Anguillidae. Anguilla anguilla, NordQutst 101. Muraenidae. Muraena helena serum, Kopac- zewski 84 ; M. vagrans S. America, viridipinna Mauritius p. 88, acutis Gulf of Panama p. 89 spp. n., Seale Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 61. Gymnothorax pikei p. 90, eiegans p. 91, insignia p. 93 Mauritius, dorsalis p. 92 Hong Kong spp. n., Seale t.c. Scuticaria unicolor sp. n. Society Is., Seale t.c. p. 94. Echeliuae. Muraenichthys labialis sp. n. Marshall Is., Seale Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 61 p. 79. Garmanichihys gen. n. denlalus sp. n. Barbados, Seale t.c. p. 80. OPIirCHTHYTDAE. Bascanichthys pusillus sp. n. Fiji, Seale Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 61 p* 81. Quasirtmus produclus p. 82 Bahamas, parvipinna p. 83 Acapulco spp. n. Seale t.c. Ophichlhys serpentinus p. 84 S. Africa, uniserialis p. 85 China, exilis p. 86 Chile spp. n., Seale t.c. Myrichthys alci sp. n. Japan, Tanaka Fishes of Japan 26 p. 458 figs. 358- 360. 16 Pi aces. XV. Pisces — SlLUROIDEA. [1917] MICROCYPRINL Cyprinodontidae. f Parafundulua gen. n. nevadensis sp. n. Tertiary Nevada, Eastman Proc. XJ. S. Nat. Mus. 52 p. 291 pis. xvi f. 1 xvii, xviii f. 3. Haplochilus platysternus sp. n. Congo, Nichols & Griscom Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 p. 724 f. 28. Gyprinodon variegatus, Lucania par - i a eggs and larvae, Kuntz 86. Qambufiia ajjinis habits, Seale 128. SYNENTOGNATHI. Hemirhamphidae. Hemirhamphas picarti, Jordan & Hubbs 81. ANACANTHINI. Gadidae. Gadus callarias life history, Wode- iiouse 150 ; O. aeglejinus growth, Duff 38 ; variation, Prince 107o Urophycis chuss life historv, Craigie 32. Macruridae. Hymenocephalus tenuis sp. n. Hawaii, Gilbert & Hubbs Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 54 p. 173. ALLOTRIOGNATHI. Traohypteridae. Begalecus gladius visceral anatomy, Vayssiere 143. SOLENICHTHYES. Syngnathidae. Hippocampus olden time knowledge, Eastman 40 ; H. arnei nom. n. = //. aimei , Roule Bull. Mus. Paris 1916 p. 383. PERCOMORPHX. P ERGO IDE A. Serranidae. Epelytes gen. n. punctatus sp. n. Peru, Evermann & Radoliffe Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 95 p. 71 pi. vi f. 3. Therapon welchi, barcoo . spp. n. Central Australia, McCulloch & Waite Trans. R. Soc. S Australia 41 pp. 472- 475. Plesiopidae. Paraplesiops jollifei sp. n. Queens- land, Ogilby Proc. R. Soc. Queensland 28 p. 112. Chilodipteridae. Olossamia aprion, gillii , McCulloch 95. Centrarchidae. f Priscacara dartonae sp. n. Eocene of Wyoming, Eastaiann Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52 p. 296 pi. xxiii. Scorpididae. Scorpis Australian spp., McCulloch 95. Latilidae. Caulolalilus cabezon sp. n. Peru, Evermann & Radcliffe Bull. U S. Nat. Mus. 95 p. Ill pi. x f. 3. Pomatomidae. Pomalomus lophar , Jordan & Hubbs 81. Carangidae. Selene gibbiceps sp. n. S. Africa, Gil- christ Mar. Biol. Rep. 2 p. 130 fig. Lutianidae. Aprion roseus , McCulloch 95. Nemipteridae. Nemipterus iheodorei sp. n. Queens- land, Ogilby Proc. R. Soc. Queensland 28 p. 113. Liognathidae. Gerre* pericke sp. n. Peru, Evermann & Radcliffe Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 95 p. 93 pi. viii f. 3. Gazza addammys sp. n. Ceylon, Jordan & Starks Ann. Carnegie M113. 11 p. 446 pi. xlv. 17 Pisces. Triohiuroidea. 5431 POMADASIDAE. Pomadasys sinuosus sp. n. Colombia, Eigenmann Proc. Amor. Phil. Soc. 50 p. 683. Dacymba gen. n. type Pristipoma bennettii Lowe, Jordan & Hubbs Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 p. 464. Orthopristis chrysopterus life history, Taylor 138. SciAENIDAE. Sciaena stark si sp. n. Peru, Evermann & Radcliffe Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 95 p. 104. Menticirrhus coker i sp. n. Peru, Evermann & Radoliffe t.e. p. 107 pi. x f. 2. Stellifer melanochir sp. n. Colombia, Eigenmann Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 56 p. 682. Cynoscion regalis life history, Taylor 138. SP ARID AH. Dentex albus sp. n. S. Africa, Gil- christ Mar. Biol. Rep. 2 p. 128 fig. Hoplegnathidae. Hoplegnathus algoensis sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist & Thompson Mar. Biol. Rep. 3 p. 66 fig. ClOHLIDAE. Pelmatochromis robustus p. 638 fig., ngamensis p. 539 fig., spp. n., S. Africa, Gilchrist & Thompson Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 11. Tilapia Arnoldi p. 497, druryi p. 600, ellenbergeri p. 504, intermedia p. 482, kirkhami p. 510 fig. 36, mackeani p. 499, rumsayi p. 501 fig. 129, sheshekensis p. 489, swierstrae p. 498 fig. 128, sykesii p. 500, spp. n., S. Africa, Gilchrist & Thompson t.o. Paratilapia arnoldi p. 621, ellenbergeri p. 621 fig., marginata p. 581, zambe- 8ensis p. 523 fig., spp. n., S. Africa, Gilchrist & Thompson t.c. ; P. longi - pinnis p. 728 f. 29, xenodon p. 729 f. 30, spp, n., Congo, Nichols & Grisoom Bull. Amer. Mus. 37. ,Lamprologus obliquus sp. n. Congo, Nichols & Grisoom t.c. p. 731 f. 31. (n-4840 b) POMACENTRIDAE. Chromis inter crusma sp. n. Peru, Evermann & Radcliffe Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus 95 p. 119 pi. xi f 3. Labridae. Labrus mixtus larva, Allen 1. SCARIDAE. Xenoscarus gen. n. denticulalus sp. n. Peru, Evermann & Radcliffe Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 95 p. 129 pi. xii f. 1. Callyodon margarita sp. n. Colon, Fowler Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 69 p 133 fig. MUG1LOIDEA. Sphyraenidae. Sphyraena ragliava sp. n. Chilka Lake, Ohaudhuri Mem. Ind. Mus. 5 p. 600 fig- Atherinidae. Kirtlandia vagrans eggs and larvae, Khnt7, 86. Colpichthys gen. n. type A therinops regis Hubbs Proc. Ac. Pliitad. 1917 p. 305. Thyrinops gen. n. type Atherinichthys pachylepis , Hubbs t.c. p. 306. Austromenidia gen. n. type Basilich thys regillus, Hubbs t.c. p. 307. Mugilidae. Joturus daguae sp. n. Colombia, Eigenmann Proo. Amer. Phil. Soo.f 56 p. 681. Mugil larvae, Roule 118. ANABANTOIDEA. Anabantidae. Anabas rhodesianus sp. n. S. Africa Gilchrist & Thompson Ann. S.|Afrio. Mus. 11 p. 548. TRIOHIUROIDEA . Trichiuridae. Benlhodesmus atlanticus , Gilbert 58 . c 4 18 Pisces. XV. PisCeS — SOOMBROIDKA. [1917] SCOMBROI DBA. SCOMBRIDAE. Scomber scomber larvae, Allen 1. Orcynus thynnus habits, Roule 119, 120. Histiophoridae. Istiophorus calvertensis sp. n. Miocene of Virginia, Berry Amer. J. Sci. 43 p. 401 figs. GOBIOIDEA . Eleotridae. Hemieleotris levis sp. n. Colombia, Eigenmann Proc. Amer. Phil. Soo. 50 p. 084. Gobtidae. Gubius development, Petersen 104. — G. lidwilli sp. n. Sydney, McCulloch Rec. Austral, Mus. 11 p. 187 pi. xxi. f. 3. — G. ( Clenogobius ) daguae sp. n. Colombia, Eigenmann Proo. Amer. Phil. Soc. 56 p. 685. Cienogobius sligmaticus eggs and larvae, Kuntz 86. Rhinogobius sowerbyi sp. n. Yalu R., Gins burg Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 54 p. 100. Awaous decemUneatu .? sp. n. Colombia. Eigenmann Proc. Amer. Phil. Soo, 56 p. 680- Gannannia spongicola sp. n. N. Carolina, Radcliffe Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52 p. 423 fig. Gobiosoma bosci eggs and larvae, Kuntz 86. Sicydium hildebrandi sp. n. Colombia, Eigenmann Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 56 p. 685. BL ENNIOIDEA . Blenniidae. Petroscirtes anolius, rotundiceps, Me Cullooh 96. Aspidontus maroubrae, McCulloch 96. CLIN'LDAE. Porogrammus enpensis sp. n. S. Africa, Gilchrist & Thompson' Mar. Biol. Rep. 3 p. 57 fig. ZOARCIDAE. Zoarces vivipanu variation, evolu- tion, races, Schmidt 127. Brotulidae. Brotula maculata sp. n. Peru, Ever- mann & Radcliffe Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 95 p. 151 pi. xiii. f. 3. SCLEROPAREI. Scorpaenidae. Sebastichthys chamaco sp. n. Peru Evermann & Radcliffe Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 95 p. 136 pi xii f. 3. Triglidae. Gargariscus gen. n. semidentatus sp. n. Philippines, Smith Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 145. Heminodus gen. n. philippinus sp. n. Philippines, Smith t.e. p. 146. HETEROSOMATA. Color changes, Mast 93. Bothtdae. Rhombus maximus migration, Johan- sen 77. Pleuronectidae. Hippoglos us vulgaris life history* Jespersen 76 Prtnce 106 ; Thomp- son 141 ; Willey 146. SOLEIDAE. Solea vulgaris migration, Johansen 77. Soleichthys, McCulloch 96. PLECTOGNATHI. Balistidae. Caniherines maynardi sp. n. Queens- land, Ogilby Proc. R. Soc. Queens- land 28 p. 114. 19 Pisces. Pisces — Heterostraoi. 5431 SYMBRANOHII. Symbranohibae . Fore-brain, Horst 70. XENOPTERYGII. Gobiesocidae. Gobiesox yuma sp. n. Florida, Niohols Bull. Araer. Mus. 37 p. 876 fig. Arbaciosa hierogliyphica sp. n. Peru, Evermann & Radoliffe Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. 95 p. 155 pi. xiv f. 2. PEDICULATI. Batraohoididae. Porichthys afuerae sp. n. Peru, Evermann & Radciiffe Bull. U.S. Nat. Mup. 95 p. 152 pi. xiv f. 1. Lophiidae. Lophuis piscatorius larva, Allen 1. Onoooephalidab. HalieiiiicJithys filzsimonsi sp. h. S. Africa, Gilchrist & Thompson Mar. Biol. Rep. 3 p. 58 fig. HETEROSTRACI. f Airaspis desiderata fig., Eastman 39. XVI. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA ARRANOED BY 0. TATE REGAN, F.R.S. CONTENTS I. Titles ... II. Subject Index: — Structure Physiology ... Development... Ethology Aetiology, Teratology Faunae Actual Fossil III. Systematic : — Reptilia Lacertilia ... Ophidia Plesiosauria Crocodilia ... Dinosauria... Chelonia ... Cotylosauria Anomodontia Batrachia Ecaudata ... (Jaudata ... Apoda Stegocephalia PACK 2 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 c 5 (k* 4840 d) 2 Kept. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1917] I.— T I T L E S. Adler, L. Untersuchungen iiber die Entstehung der Amphibienneotenia. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Physiologie des Amphibienschilddriise. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bonn 1916 (101 pp.) 7 pis. 1 Allen, B. M. Effects of the extirpa- tion of the anterior lobe of the hypo- physis of Bana pipiens. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 32 1917 (117-130). 2 Andersson, L. G. Results of Dr. E. Mjoberg’s Swedish scientific expedi- tions to Australia 1910-1913. 9. Batrachians from Queensland. Stock- holm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 52 No. 9 1916 (20 pp.) 1 pi. 3 Annan dale, N. Report on a collec- tion of Reptiles and Batrachians from Java. J. Fed. Malay Mus. Kuala Lumpur 7 1917 (107-111). 4 Annan dale, N. The occurrence of Bana pleskii Gunther in Kashmir. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 13 1917 (417- 418). 5 Archer, E. Abnormal circulation of a Frog. Melbourne Proc. R. Soc. Victoria 30 1917 (96-97) pi. xviiii. 6 Axt, M. C. Die Beugemuskeln der Hinterextremitat von Emys blandingi. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 1917 (22 pp.). 8 pis. 7 Barbour, T. Notes on the Herpetology of the Virgin Islands. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (97-104). 8 Barbour, T. A new Antillean Sphaerodactylus. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 (163-164). 9 Barbour, T. and Noble, G. K. A revision of the Lizards of the genus Cyclura. Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 60 1916 (140-164) 15 pis. 10 Barbour, T. and Rams den, C. T. A new Anolis from Cuba. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 29 1916 (19-20). 11 Baumann, F. Batrachier aus Sud- Amerika. Rev. Suisse Zool. Gen&ve 25 1917 (131-144). 12 Beccari, N. Le cellule dei gangli spinali e simpatici in una grossa Tar- taruga ( Testudo calcarata). Monitoro Zool. Ital. Firenze 28 1917 (15-20) pis. ii.-iii. 13 Boulenger, G. A. Les Batraciens Urodeles rapportes au genre Euproctus , leurs rapports ethologiques et phylo- g6niques. Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (709-712) (801-805). 14 Boulenger, G. A. Sur Involution de l’appareil a venin des Serpents. Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (92-94). 15 Boulenger, G. A. Considerations sur les Reptiles permo-triasiques de l’ordre des Cotylosauriens. Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (456-459). 16 Boulenger, G. A. Sur la conforma- tion des phalangettes chez certaines Grenouilles d’Afrique. C.R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (987-990). 17 Boulenger, G. A. On the variation of the Common Lizard, Lacerta vivipara. J. Zool. Res. London 2 1917 (1-16). 18 Boulenger, G. A. A revision of the Lizards of the genus Nucras. Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 13 1917 (195-216) pis. vi. vii. 19 Boulenger, G. A. Description of a new South African Lizard of the genus Eremias. Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 13 1917 (217-219). 20 Boulenger, G. A. On a second species of the Batrachian genus Am- phodus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 20 1917 (184-185). 21 3 Kept. Titles. 5600 Boulenger, G. A. Description of a new Lizard and two new Frogs dis- covered in West Africa by Dr. H. G. F. Spurred. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 19 1917 (407-409). 22 Boulenger, G. A* Descriptions of new Lizards of the Family Lavsertidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 19 1917 (277-279). 23 Boulenger, G. A. Descriptions of new Frogs of the genus Rana. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 20 1917 (413-414). 24 Boulenger, G. A. On the use of the names Plesiosauria and Sauro pterygia. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 (221- 222). 25 Boulenger, G. A. Remarks on the Midwife Toad ( Alytcs obstctricans), with reference to Dr. P. Kammerer’s publi- cations. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 8 20 1917 (173-184). 26 Br&thes, J. Description d’un nou- veau Colubridae Aglypha de la Repub - lique Argentine, Zamenis argentinus Brethes sp. n. Physis Rev. Soc. Argent. Ci. Nat. 3 1917 (92-94). 27 Brimley, C. S. The two forms of Red Spelerpes occurring at Raleigh, N.C. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (87-88). 28 Broom, R. and Haughton, S. H. Some new species of Anomodontia (Rcptilia). Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 12 1917 (119-125). 29 Caius, F. vide Phisalix, M. Camp, C. L. Notes on the Jocal dis- tribution and habits of the Amphibians and Reptiles of south-eastern California in the vicinity of the Turtle Mountains. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 12 1916 (503-544). 30 Camp, C. L. Note on the systematic status of the Toads and Frogs of Cali- fornia. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 17 1917 (115-125). 31 Camp, C. L. Spelerpes platycephalus, a new Alpine Salamander from the Yosemite National Park, California. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 17 1916 (11-14). 32 Camp, C. L. Description of Bujo canorus, a new Toad from the Yose- mite National Park. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 17 1916 (59-62). 33 (n-4840 d) Camp, C. L. The subspecies of Sceloporus occidentals. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 17 1916 (63-74). 34 Case, E. C. The environment of the Amphibian Fauna at Linton, Ohio. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. 44 1917 (124-136). 35 Chabanaud, P. Description d’un Lacertilien nouveau du Maroc. Bull. Museum Paris 1917 (3-6). 36 Chabanaud, P. Sur divers Reptiles de Kebili (Sud-Tunisien) recueillis par M. le Commandant Vibert. Bull. Museum Paris 1916 (226-227). 37 Chabanaud, P. Sur divers Reptiles et Batraciens du Maroc recueillis par M. Pallary. Bull. Mus6um Paris 1916 (228-233). 38 Chabanaud, P. Enumeration des Ophidiens non encore etudies de l’Afrique occidentale, appartenant aux Collections du Museum, avec la des- cription des especes et des variates nouvelles. Bull. Museum Paris 1916 (362-383). 39 Chabanaud, P. Revision du Genre Prosymna Gray. Bull. Museum Paris 1916 (433-440). 40 Chabanaud, P. Note compl&nentaire sur tes Ophidiens de l’Afrique occi- deniale, avec la description d’une espece nouvelle. Bull. Mus6um Paris 1917 (7-14). 41 Dantschakoff, W. Ueber die Ent- wicklung des Blutes in den Blut- bildungs organen bci Tropidonotus natrix. Arch. Mikr. Anat. Bonn 1916 (88 pp.) 4 pis. 42 Delsman, H. C. De gastrulatie van Rana esculenta en van Rana fusca. [The gastrulation of Rana esculenta and of Rana fusca.] Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 25 [19161 (780-794) (Dutch) ; Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 19 1917 (906- 920) (English). 43 Dep6ret, C. Monographie de la Faune de Mammiferes Fossiles du Ludien inferieur d’Euzet-les-bains (Gard). Reptiles. Ann. Univ. Lyon 40 1917 (250-254). 44 Despott, G. I nostri rettili. J. Malta Sci. Soc. 2 1914 (93-96). 45 c 5—2 4 Rept. [1917] XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. Dollo, L. Sur la dbcouverte de Telbosauriens tertiaires au Congo. Rev. Zool. Africaine Bruxelles 4 1915 (210-220). 46 Douthitt, H. Eryops. Eryopsoides gen. nov. from the New Mexico Per- mian. Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. 10 1917 (237-241). 47 Dunn, E. R. The Salamanders of the genera Desmognathus and Leucogna- thus. Washington U.S. Nat. Mus. Pfoc. 53 1917 (393-433). 48 Dunn, E. R. vide Fowler, H. W. Edwards, D. J. A study of the anatomy and the vasomotor pheno- mena of the sympathetic nervous system in the turtle. Amer. J. Physiol. Boston 33 1914 (229-252). 49 Fowler, H. W. and Dunn, E. R. Notes on Salamanders. Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 69 1917 (7-28). pis. iii.-iv. 50 Fry, D. B. Description of Aphan - tophryne, a new Batrachian genus from New Guinea. Sydney Proc. Linn. Soo. N.S. Wales 1916 (770-786) pis. liv- lv. 51 Gaige, H. T. Description of a new Salamander from Washington. Gcc. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan 40 1917 (3 pp.) 1 pi. 52 Garman, S. The Galapagos Tortoises. Cambridge Mass. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 30 No. 4 1917 (261-296) 42 pis. 53 Gatenby, J. B. Note on the Sex of a Tadpole raised by Artificial Partheno- genesis. Q. J. Miscrosc. Sci. London 62 1917 (213-216). 54 Gibson, R. B. vide Ruth, E. G. Gilmore, C. W. The Fossil Turtles of the Uinta formation. Pittsburg Mem. Carnegie Mus. 7 1916 (101-161) pis. xviii-xxvii. 55 Griffin, L. E. A catalog of the Ophidia from South America at pre- sent (June, 1916) contained in. the Carnegie Museum, with descriptions of some new species. Pittsburg Mem. Carnegie Mus. 7 1916 (163-227) pi. xxviii. 56 Griffin, L. E. A List of the South American Lizards of the Carnegie Museum, with description of four new species. Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 1917 (304-320) pis. xxxii-xxxv. « 57 Griffin, L. E. Leptodeira albofusca (Lacepede) a synonym of Leptodeira annulata (Linnaeus). Pittsburg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 1917 (321-326). 58 Griffin, L. E. A Synopsis of the Saurian Genus Prionodactylus. Pitts- burg Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 1917 (428-429). 59 Hammer, E. Demons tratie van een reconstructiemodel van bet centraal zenuwstelsel van Rana mugiens. [De- monstration eines Reconstructions - modells des zentralen Nervensystems von Rana mugiens.] Amsterdam Werk. Gen. Nat. Gen. Heellc. 8 1917 (654- 658). 60 Haughton, S. H. Investigations in South African Reptiles and Amphi- bians. 10. Descriptive catalogue of the Anomodontia. Cape Town Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 12 1917 (127-174) pis. xvi-xviii. 61 Haughton, S. H. vide Broom, R. Hay, 0. P. On a collection of fossil Vertebrates made by Dr. F. W. Cragin in the Equus Beds of Kansas. Sci. Bull. Kansas Univ. 10 1917 (39-51) pis. i-iii. 62 Herlant, M. Le m^canisme de la parthenogenese experimentale chez les Amphibiens et les Echinodermes. Bull. Sci. France Belgique Paris 50 1917 (381-^424). 63 Hernandez-Pachecho, E. Hallazgo de tortugas gigantescas en el Mioceno de Alcald de Henares. Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Madrid 17 1917 (194-202). 64 Hesser, C. Om skoldpaddlungans utveckling. Bidrag tiu losningen av lungprablemet. [t)ber die Entwick- lung der Schildkratenlunge. Beitrag zur Losung des Lungenproblems.] Stockholm Sv. Lakares Handl. 42 1916 (980-1016 ; deutsches Res. 1014- 1016) 2 pis. 65 Hoepen, E. C. N. van. Note on Myriodon and Platycranium. Pretoria Ann. Trans. Mus. 5 1917 (217). 66 5 Rept Titles. 5600 Hooley, R. W. On the integument of Iguanodon bernissartensis Bou- lenger and of • Morosaurus becklesii Mantell. Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 1917 (148-150) pi. x. 67 Hutchinson, H. N. Observations on the reconstructed skeleton of Diplo- docus Carnegiei as set up by Dr. W. J. Holland in the Natural History Museum in London. Geol. Mag. London (6) 4 1917 (356-370) pis. xxii- xXiii. 68 Jordan, H. E. The history of the primordial germ-cells in the Logger- head Turtle embryo. Washington Proc. Acad. Sci. 3 1917 (271-275). 69 Krizenecky, J. Ein Fall von Her- maphroditismus bei Triton cristatus und einigo Bemerkungen zur Frage der schnellen Differenzirung. Arch. Entw. Mech. Leipzig 1917 (20 pp.) 1 pi. 70 Lambe, L. M. On Cheneosaurus tol- manensis , a new genus and species of Trachodont Dinosaur from the Edmon- ton Cretaceous of Canada. Ottawa Nat. 30 1917 (117-123) pis. vi, vii. 71 Lambe, L. M. A new genus and species of crestless Hadrosaur from the Edmonton Formation of Alberta. Ottawa Nat. 31 1917 (65-73) pis. ii, iii. 72 Lambe, L. M. The Cretaceous Thero- podous Dinosaur Gorgosaurus. Canada Geol. Surv. Memoir 100 (Geol. Ser. 83). Ottawa 1917 (iii + 84 pp.). 73 Lange, S. J. de. Das Hinterhim, das Nachhirn und das Ruckonmark der Reptilien. Folia neuro-biologica Haar- lem 10 1917 (385-422). 74 Leffler, O. H. Zur Psychologie und Biologie des Axolotls. Halle 1915 (49 pp.) 2 pis. 75 Maluquer, J. Sobre algunos reptiles de los alrededores de Melilla (Mamie - cos). Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Madrid 17 1917 (428-432). 76 Maluquer, J. Les Serps de Cata- lunya. Barcelona Mus. Barcinonensis Scient. Nat. Op. Ser. Zool. 7 1917 (1-87)' pis. i-viii. 77 Mertens, R. Studien zur Syste- matik des Lacertiden. 1. Untersuch- ungen iiber die Variabilitat der Italie- nischen Mauereideschen. Leipzig 1915 (118 pp.) 24 pis. 78 Moo die, R. L. vide Williston, S. W. Noble, G. K. vide Barbour, T. O’Donoghue, C. H. A note on the ductus caroticus and ductus arteriosus and their distribution in the Reptilia. J. Anat. London 51 1917 (137-152) 79 Os aw a, G. Beitrage zur vergleich- enden mikroskopischen Anatomie der Wirbeltiere. II. Mitt, : Verdauungs- organe der Urodelen und Gymno- phionen. Tokyo Mitt. med. Fak. 18 1917 (443-596) 25 pis. 80 Osborn, H. F. Skeletal Adaptations of Ornitholestes, Struthiomimus, Tyran- nosaurus. N. York Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 35 1917 (733-771) pis. xxiv. xxvii. 81 Peracca, M. G. Sopra una nuova specie di Lacertide del gen. Algiroides dell’Uganda. Torino Atti. Acad. Sci. 52 1917 (351-354). 82 Pettit, A. Mycose chez uno Tortue de mer ( TJmlassoclielys caretta L.) Bull. Inst. Ocean. Monaco 336 1917 (4 pp.). 83 Phisalix, M. Sur la valeur subjective de revolution de l’appareil venimeux des serpents et de Taction physiolo- gique des venins dans la systematique. Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (121- 123). 84 Phisalix, M. Sur la glande parotide venimeux des Colubrid6s aglyphes et sur l’existence de cette glande chez des especes appartenant aux Boid^s et aux autres families do Serpents qui s’y rattachent. Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (959-962). 85 Phisalix, M. et Caius, F. Sur les propri6t6s venimeuses de la secr6tion parotidienne des especes de Serpents appartenant aux Boides et aux Uropel- tides. Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. 165 1917 (35-37). 86 Pope, P. H. The introduction of West Indian Anura into Bermuda. Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 61 1917 (119-131) 2 pis. 87 Rabl, C. Ueber die Muskeln und Nerven der Extremitaten von Iguana tuberculata. Anat. Hefte Wiesbaden 1916 (109 pp.) 5 pis. 88 Ramsden, C. T. vide Barbour, T. 6 Rept. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia [1917J Rao, C. R. N. On the occurrence of iridocytes in the larva of Microhyla inornata Bouleng. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 13 1917 (281-292). 89 Redfield, A. C. The reactions of the melanophores of the Horned Toad. Washington Proc. Acad. Sci. 3 1917 (202-203). 90 Redd eld, A. C. The co-ordination of the melanophore reactions of the Horned Toad. Washington Proc. Acad. Sci. 3 1917 (204-205). 91 Retterer, E. He l’ossification en- chondrale chez le Triton. Paris C.R. Soc. Biol. 1917 (291-294). 92 Risser, J. Olfactory reactions in am- phibians. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia 16 1914 (617-652). 93 Rooy, N. de. The Reptiles of the Indo -Australian Archipelago. II. Ophidia. Leiden (E. J. Brill) 1917 (334 pp.). 94 Ruth, E. S. and Gibson, R. B. Dis- appearance of the pigment in the melanophore of Philippine House Lizards. Philippine J. Sci. Manila Sect. B. 12 1917 (181-188). 95 Ruthven, A. G. Description of a new species of Eleutherodactylus from Colombia. Ann. Arbor. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan 34 1917 (4 pp.) 1 pi. 96 Ruthven, A. G. Two new species of Eleutherodactylus from Colombia. Ann. Arbor. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan 39 1917 (6 pp.) 1 pi. 97 Ruthven, A. G. A new Amphibian of the genus Eleutherodactylus from the Santa Marta Mountains, Colombia. Ann. Arbor. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan 43 1917 (3 pp.) 1 pi. 98 Ruthven, A. G. On the occurrence of Bufo fowleri in Michigan. Ann. Arbor. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Univ. Michigan 47 1917 (5 pp.) 1 pi. Ruzicka, V. Beschleunigung der Hautung (bei Tritonen) durch Hunger. Arch. Entw. Mech. Leipzig 1917 (40 pp.) 1 pi. 100 Ry van Beest Holle, Ch. L. du. Mededeeling over eenige afwykingen in het veneuse stelsel van en over abnormale ovariaalvorming by Rana esculenta. [Mitteilung iiber einige Abweichungen im venosen System von und iiber abnorme Ovarialbildung bei Rana esculenta .] Helder Tydschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. 16 (Ser. 2) 1917 (XIX-XX). 101 Schmalhausen, J. On the dermal bones of the shoulder-girdle of the Amphibia. Rev. Zool. Russe Moscou 2 19f7 (102-110). 102 Schmalhausen, J. On the extremi- ties of Ranidens sibiricus Kessler. Rev. Zool. Russe Moscou 2 1917 (129- 135). 103 Schmidt, W. J. Studien am Integu- ment der Reptilien. VII. Bau und Entwicklung der Eidechsenkrallen. Zool. Jahrb. Jena 1916 (100 pp.) 5 pis. 104 Schmidt, W. Studien am Integu- ment der Reptilien. Ueber die Haut der Acrochordinen. Zool. Jahrb. Jena 1917 (48 pp.) 2 pis. 105 Shuler, E. W. Dinosaur Tracks in the Glen Rose Limestone, Texas. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven 44 1917 (294- 298). 106 Sinclair, W. J. A new labyrinthodont from the Triassic of Pensyl vania. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. 43 1917 (319-321). 107 Smith, B. G. Notes on the late history of the germinal vesicle in Cryptobranchus allegheniensis. Rep. Mich. Acad. Sci. Lansing 17 1916 (73- 75). 108 Smith, B. G. The process of ovula- tion in Amphibia. Rep. Mich. Acad. Sci. Lansing 18 1916 (102-105). 109 Smith, M. A. Description of new Reptiles and a new Batrachian from Siam. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 1917 (221-225). 110 Smith, M. A. A list of theBatrachians at present known to inhabit Siam. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 1917 (226-231) (256). Ill Smith, M. A. Preliminary diagnoses of four new Sea-Snakes. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 1917 (340-342). 112 Smith, M. A. On Tadpoles from Siam. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 1917 (261- 281) 2 pis. 113 Smith, M. A. A new Snake and a new Prog from Siam. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 1917 (276-278). 114 7 Rept. Titles. 5000 Snyder, J. O. Notes on Hawaian Lizards. Washington Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 54 1917 (19-25). 115 Stefano, G. de. Le Tartarughe fossili della famiglia Ptychogasteridae et la classificazione delle Cryptodira Clidosterna. Atti. Soc. Ital. Mus. Civ. st. nat, Milano 55 1917 (278-288). 116 Steineger, L. A new species of Horned Tree -toad from Panama. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (33-34). 117 Steineger, L. Cuban Amphibians and Reptiles collected for the United States National Museum from 1899 to 1902. Washington U.S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 53 1917 (259-291). 118 Sternberg, C. M. Notes on the feed- ing habits of two Salamanders in cap- tivity. Ottawa Nat. 30 1917 (129- 130). Swingle, W. W. The accessory chromosome in a Frog possessing marked hermaphroditic tendencies. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 33 1917 (70-90). 120 Swingle, W. W. Experiments with feeding thymus glands to Frog larvae. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 33 1917 (116- 132). 121 Tagliaferro, N. On the occurrence of a new gigantic land Tortoise at Conadino, Malta. J. Malta Sci. Soc. 2 1914 (76-79). 122 Taylor, E. H. Brachymeles, a genus of Philippine Lizards. Philippine J. Sci. Manila D. 12 1917 (267-279) 1 pi. 123 Thompson, J. C. The variation exhibited by Thamnophis ordinatus (Baird and Girard) a Garter Snake inhabiting the San Francisco Peninsula. Washington Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 52 1917 (345-366). 124 Trigt, H. van. De dermatomerie by de hagedis (Lacerta viridis) [Die Der- matomerie der Eidechse (Lacerta viri- dis)]. Rotterdam Yerh. Bat. Gen. (2) 7 1917 (1-136) 18 pis. 125 Van Denburgh, J. Concerning the origin of the Soft-shelled Turtle. Aspidonectes californiana, Rivers. San Francisco Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 7 1917 (33-35). 126 van Denburgh, J. Notes on the Herpetology of Guam, Mariana Islands. San Francisco Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 7 1917 (37-39). 127 Waite, E. R. Results of the South Australian Museum Expedition to Strzelecki and Cooper Creeks. Ophidia. Adelaide, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austral. 41 1917 (435-440). 128 Watson, D. M. S. A Sketch Classi- fication of the Pre -Jurassic Tetrapod Vertebrates. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 (167-186). 129 Weese, A. O. An experimental study of the reactions of the Horned Lizard, , Phrynosoma modes turn Gir., a Reptile of the semi-desert. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 32 1917 (98-116). 130 Wilder, I. W. On the breeding habits of Desmognathus fusca. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 32 1917 (13-20). 131 Willich-Kressmann, M. Schuppen- reste bei Sireniden. Jena 1916 (36 pp.) 1 pi. 132 Williston, S. W. and Moo die, R. L. Qgmodirus martinii, a new Plesiosaur from the Cretaceous of Kansas. Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. 10 1917 (61-73) 5 pis. 133 Wiman, C. Ein Plesiosaurierwirbel aus der Trias Spitzbergens. Upsala Bull. Geol. Inst. 13 : 2 1916 (223-226). 134 Wiman, C. Neue Stegocephalens- finde aus dem Posidonomyaschiefes Spitzbergen. Upsala Bull. Geol. Inst. 13 1916 (209-222) pis. xv-xvi. 135 Wiman, C. t)ber die Stegocephalen Tertrema und Lonchorhynchus. Upsala Bull. Geol. Inst. 14 1917 (229-240) pis. xi.-xiii. 136 Woer deman, M. W. Gebitsontwik- keling beiReptilien. Amsterdam Werk. Gen. Nat. Genees. Heelk. 8 (Ser. 2) 1916 (377-382). 137 Zietz, F. R. Results of the South Australian Museum. Expedition to Strzelecki and Cooper Creeks. Lacer- tilia. Adelaide Tr. R. Soc. S. Austral. 41 1917 (469-472). 138 8 Reyt. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1917] II.— SUBJECT INDE X. STRUCTURE. Nervous System. Beccari, 13 ; Edwards, 49 ; Hammer, 60 ; Lange, 74 ; Rabl, 88. Tegumentary System. Integument ; Schmidt, 105 ; Trigt, 125 ; scales ; Willich-Kressmann, 132 ; claws ; Boulenger, 17 ; Schmidt, 104 ; pigment ; Rao, 89. Myology. Axt, 7 ; Fry, 51 ; Rabl, 88. Osteology. . Fry, 51 ; Hutchinson, 68 ; Lambe, 71-73 ; Osborn, 81 ; Schmalhausen, 102-103 ; Wiman, 134-136. Alimentary System. Osawa, 80. Circulatory System. Archer, 6 ; O’Donoghue, 79 ; Ry van Beest Holle, 101. Reproductive System. Ry van Beest Holle, 101. PHYSIOLOGY. Reaotions of Phrynosoma ; Weese, 130. Olfactory reactions ; Risser, 93. Vasomotor phenomena ; Edwards, 49. Extirpation of hypophysis ; Allen, 2. Effects of hunger on casting of skin ; Ruzicka, 100. Thymus feeding ; Swingle, 121. Glands ; Adler, 1. Venom ; Phisalix, 84, 85 ; Phisalix et Caius, 86. Melanophores ; Redfield, 90, 91 ; Ruth and Gibson, 95. DEVELOPMENT. General. Gastrulation ; Delsman, 43 ; en- dochondral ossification ; Retterer, 92. Ovum and Oogenesis. Herlant, 63 ; Jordan, 69 ; Smith, 108, 109 ; Swingle, 120. Organogeny. Blood ; Dantschakoff, 42. Lungs ; Hesser, 65. Limbs ; Schmalhausen, 103. Claws ; Schmidt, 104. Teeth ; Woerdeman, 137, Larvae. Smith, 113. ETHOLOGY. Boulenger, 14, 16 ; Camp, 30 ; Case, 35 ; Leffler, 75 ; Pettit, 83 ; Pope, 87 ; Sternberg, 119 ; Wilder 131. AETIOLOGY, TERATOLOGY. Evolution of poison gland ; Bou- lenger, 15 ; Phisalix, 85 ; evolution experiments ; Boulenger, 26. Variation ; Boulenger, 18 ; Mertens, 78 ; Thompson, 124. Abnormal circulation ; Archer, 6 ; hermaphroditism, . Krizenecky, 70. Sex ; Gatenby, 54. FAUNAE. A. Actual. Palaearctic. Europe ; Boulenger, 18 ; Spain ; Maluquer, 77 ; Malta ; Despott, 45 ; Italy ; Mertens, 78 ; Kashmir ; Annan- dale, 5 ; Central Asia, Boulenger, 24. Nearctic. Dunn, 48 ; Fowler and Dunn, 50 ; Carolina, Brimley, 28 ; Washington, Gaige, 52 ; Michigan, Ruthven, 99 ; California, Camp, 30-34 ; Thompson, 124 ; Van Denburgh, 126. 9 Reft. Systematic — -Reptilia. 5631 Neotropical. S. America ; Baumann, 12 ; Brdthes, 27 ; Griffin, 56-59 ; Buthven, 96-98. Panama ; Steineger, 117. Antilles ; Barbour, 8, 9; Barbour and Noble, 10 ; Barbour and Ramsden, 11 ; Boulenger, 21 ; Steineger, 118. Galapagos; Garman, 53. Ethiopian. Africa ; Boulenger, 19, 20, 22-24 ; Chabanaud, 36-41 ; Maluquer, 76 ; Peracea, 82. Indian. Continent; Boulenger, 23-24; Smith, 110-114. Archipelago; Annandale, 4 ; Rooy, 94 ; Taylor, 123 ; Van Denburgh, 127. Australian. Australia; Andersson, 3; Waite, 128 ; Zietz, 138. New Guinea, &c. ; Fry, 51 ; Rooy, 94. Hawaii ; Snyder, 115. B. FOSSIL. Stefano, 116 ; Watson, 129. Carboniferous ; Case, 35. Permian ; Douthitt, 47. Permian and Triassic ; Boulenger, 16 ; Broom and Haughton, 2& ; Haugh- ton, 61. Triassic ; Sinclair, 107 ; Wiman, 134-136. Wealden ; Hooley, 67. Jurassic and Cretaceous ; Osborn, 81. Cretaceous ; Lambe 71-73 ; Willis- ton and Moodie, 133. Tertiary ; Dollo, 46 ; Hay, 62 ; Tagliaferro, 122. Eocene ; Dep6ret, 44 ; Gilmore, 55. Miocene ; Hernandez Pachecho, 64. HI.— S YSTEMATIC. REPTILIA. • Arterial system, O’Donoghue 79. Prejurassic, classification, Watson 129. Of Malta, Despott 45 ; of Africa, Chabanaud 37, 38 ; of Virgin Is., Barbour 8 ; from Java, Annandale 4, LACERTILIA. Of Cuba, Steineger 118 ; of S, America, Griffin 57 ; of California, Camp 34; of Guam Van Denburgh 127 ; from C. Australia, Zietz 138. t Placosaurus rugosus, Dep£ret 44. Geckonidae. Of Hawaii, Snyder 115. Gonatodes hasemani sp. n. Bolivia, Griffin Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 p. 304 ph xxxii. Gymnodaclylus moerens sp.n. Morocco. Chabanaud Bull. Mus. Paris 1916 p. 228 figs.; G. intermedium sp. n. Siam, Smith J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p4. 221. Sphaerodactylus elegantulus sp. n. Antigua, Barbour Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 163. Iguanidae. Anolis steinbachi sp. n. Bolivia, Griffin Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 p. 308 pi. xxxiii ; A. mestrei sp. n. Cuba, Bar- bour and Ramsden Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 29 p. 19. Cyclura caymcinensis p. 148 pi. iii. Cayman Is. inornata p. 151 pi. xiv, nuchalis p. 156 pi. viii figs. 1, 2, Bahamas steinegeri p. 163 pi. xii, Mona Isd. spp.n., Barbour and Noble Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 60 ; C. pinguis sp. n. Virgin Is., Barbour Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 100. Phry nosoma modest am habits, re- actions, Weese 130. Sceloporus occidenlalis taylori subsp. n. California, Camp Univ. Calif. Publ Zool. 17 p. 66. Teiidae. Prio no lady lus albostrigalus Minas Geraes p. 316 pi. xxxiv, eigenmanni Bolivia p. 310 pi. xxxv, spp. n., Griffin Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11. 10 Rept. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1017] Lacertidae. Algiroides boulengeri sp. n. Uganda, Peragca Atti. Accad. Torino 52 p. 351. Eremias adramitana sp. n. Arabia, Boulenger Ann. Mag. N.H. (8) 19 p. 279 ; E. aspera sp. n. S. Africa, Boulenger Ann. S. Africa. Mus. 13 p. 217. Ichnotropis tanganicana sp. n. Tan- ganyika, Boulenger Ann. Mag. N. H. (8) 19 p. 278. Lacerta viridis var. woosnami var. n. Persia, Boulenger t.c. p. 277 figs. ; L. muralis variation, Mertens 78 ; L. vivipara variation, Boulenger 18. Nucras revision, Boulenger 19. Prionodactylus synopsis of spp., Griffin 59. Soinoidae. Of Hawaii, Snyder 115. Brachyrneles elerae p. 273 pi. i, fig. 4 burksi p. 275 pi. i fig. 5, spp. n., Philip- pines, Taylor Philippine J. Sci. D. 12. Chalcides trifasciatus sp. n. Morocco, Chabanaud Bull. Mus. Paris 1917 p. 3 figs. ; C. boulengeri, Chabanaud 37. Lygosoma koratense sp. n. Siam, Smith J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p. 222 ; L. spurrelli sp. n. Ashantee, Boulenger Ann. Mag. N.H. (8) 19 p. 407. OPHIDIA. Of Catalonia, Maluquer 77 ; of Cuba, Steineger 118 ; of S. America, Griffin 56 ; of Malay Archipelago, Rooy 94 ; of Africa, Chabanaud 39, 41. Glauoonitdae. Qlauconia monticola sp. n. Congo p. 366 figs., bicolor gruveli subsp. n. Dahome}', Chabanaud Bull. Mus. Paris 1916 O. boueti sp. n. Soudan, Chabanaud Bull. Mus. Paris 1917 p. 9 figs. Typiilopidae. Helminthophis bondensis sp.n. Colom- bia, Griffin Mem. Carnegie Mus. 7 p. 165. Typhlops dubius p. 364 figs, rufescens p. 365 figs. spp. n. Congo, Chabanaud Bull. Mus. Paris 1916. Boidae. Aspidites ramsayi, melanocephalus, Waite 128. COLUBRIDAE. Aparallactus nigrocollaris sp. n. p. 377 figs, roncheti var. n. p. 378 figs. Congo, Chabanaud Bull. Mus. Paris 1916. Aporophis melanocephalus sp. n. Bolivia, Griffin Mem. Carnegie Mus. 7 p. 171. Alractus laeniatus sp. n. Bolivia, Griffin Mem. Carnegie Mus. 7 p. 173 pi. xxviii figs. 1-3. CalamariT, elegans p. 158, simalurensis , lautansis p. 159, spp. n. Simalur, de Rooy Reptiles I. A. Archip. Gephalosimus subgen. n. ( Simocepha - lus) insignis sp. n. Congo, Chabanaud Bull. Mus. Paris 1916 p. 369 figs. Chamaelortus aulicus Ellenbergeri var. n. Congo, Chabanaud t.c. p. 375 figs. Chlorophis heterodermus pobeguini subsp. n. Guinea, Chabanaud t.c. p. 371. Clelia euprepa p. 203 pi. xxviii figs. 7-9 Bolivai, peruviana p. 204 Peru spp. n., Griffin Mem. Carnegie Mus. 7. Dipsadomorphus Boueti sp. n. Guinea, Chabanaud Bull. Mus. Paris 1916 p. 373 fig. Elaps colombianus p 216, hollandi p. 218 pi. xxviii figs. 10-12, spp. n. Colombia, Griffin Mem. CainegieMus. 7. Hydrophis lamberti, rostralis p. 340, consobrinus, siamensis p. 341, spp. n., Siam and Perak, Smith J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2. Leptodeira albofu^ca = annulata, Griffin Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 p. 321. Liophis elaeoides sp. n. Bolivia, Griffin Mem. Carnegie Mus. 7 p. 187. Lycodon florensis sp. n. Flores, de Rooy, Reptiles I. A. Archipelago p. 110. Prosymna revision, Chabanaud 40. Rhadinaea orina sp. n. Bolivia, Griffin, Mem. Carnegie Mus. 7 p. 195. 11 Rept. Systematic. — Reptilia . 5631 Rouleophis gen. n. chevalieri sp. n. Guinea, Chabanaud Bull. Mus. Paris 1916 p. 379 figs. Simotes longicauda joynsoni subsp. n. Siam, Smith J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p. 276. Thamnophis ordinatus variation, Thompson 124. Tropidodipsas spilogaster sp. n. Boli- via, Griffin Mem. Carnegie Mus. 7 p. 197 pi. xviii figs. 4—6. Zamenis argentinvs sp. n. Argentina, Brethes Rev. Soc. Argent. Ci. Nat. 3 p. 93 fig. VlPERIDAE. Vipera russelli siamensis subsp. n. Siam, Smith J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p. 223. t PLESIOSAURIA. t Plesiosaur in and f Snuropterygia, use of names, Boulenger 25. Vertebrae, Triassic, Spitsbergen, Wi- man 134. t Ogmodirus martinii, Williston & Moodie 133. CROCODILIA. ]Congosaurus, Dollo 46. Crocodilus acutus, rhombifer, Stein- eger 118. fDINOSAURIA. f Cheneosaurus gen. n. lolmanensis sp. n. Crctaeoons of Alberta, Lambe Ottawa Nat. 30 p. 118 pis. vi vii. t Diplodocus carnegiei, Hutchinson 68. f Edmontosaurus gen. n. regalis sp. n. Cretaceons, Alberta, Lambe Ottawa Nat. 31 p. 66 pis. ii iii. t Eubrontes titanopelopatidus sp. n. Glen Rose Limestone, Texas, Shitler Amer. J. Sci. 44 p. 298 fig. t Gorgosaurus gen. n. libratus sp. n. Cretaceous, Canada, Lambe Canada Geol. Surv. Mem. 100. f Iguanodon bernissarlensis integu- ment, Hooley 67. t Morosiurus beclclesii integument, Hooley 67. ■ \Slruthiomimas gen. n. tj7pe Ornitho- mimus altus Lambe, Osborn Bull. Amer. Mus. 35 p. 733. f Orintholestes skeleton, Osborn t.c. f Tyrannosaurus skeleton, Osborn t.e. CHELONIA. Development of lungs, Hesser 65. Aspidonectes calif or niana, Van Den- burgh 126. f Baena inflala p. 112 pi. xix, gigantea p. 116 pi. xx, platyplasira p. 120 pi. xviii fig. 2 spp. n. Eocene of Uinta, Gilmore Mem. Carnegie Mus. 7. ■j Echmatemys douglassi p. 128 pi. xxii, hollandi p. 133 pi. xxiii fig. 1, oh scum p. 135 pi. xxiv, depressa p. 139 pi. xxiii fig. 2 spp. n. Eocene of Uinta, Gilmore t.c. f Hadrianus robustus p. 146 pi. xxv, ulahensis p. 148 pi. xxvi spp. n. Eocene of Uinta, Gilmore t.c. f Ptychogasteridae, Stefano 116. Testudo Miocene of Alcala, Hernan- dez-Pachecho 64 ; T. uintensis sp. n. Eocene of Uinta, Gilmore Mem. Carnegie Mus., 7 p. 150 pi. xxvii ; T. equicomes sp. n. Tertiary of Kansas, Hay Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. 10 p. 40 pi. iii fig. 1 ; T. macrophyes p. 273 pis. iii-v, clivosa p. 283 pi. xxi, typica p. 285 pis. xxii xxxiv spp. n. Galapagos, Garman Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 30 ; T. robustissima sp. n. Malta, Tag- liaferro J. Malta Sci. Socl 2 p. 76. fCOTYLOSAURIA. Boulenger 16. fANOMODONTIA. Of S. Africa, Hauohton Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 12 pp. 127-174 pis. xvi- xviii. f Chdyrhynchus gen. n. lachrymalis sp. n. S. Africa, Haughton t.c. p. 156 figs. f Myosaurus gen. n. gracilis sp. n. S. Africa, Hauohton t.c. p. 164. ■\Polytsrasaurus gen. n. natahnssi sp. n. S. Africa, Haughton t.c. p. 167. 12 Rept. XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1917] t Dicynodon cy clops p. 131 grandis p. 140 spp. n. S. Africa, Haughton t. c. ;j D. corslorphinei p. 1 19, cavifrons p. 120, rogersi p. 121, pygmaeus p. 123 spp. n. S. Africa, Broom & Haughton Ann. S. Afric. Mus. 12. •\Emydops platyceps sp. n. S. Africa, Broom & Haughton t.c. p. 124. t Platycraniellus nom. jx.-^Platy- cranium (preocc.), Hoepen Ann. Trans- vaal Mus. 5 p. 217. BATRACHIA. Shoulder girdle, Sohmaliiausen 102. Prejurassic, classification, Watson 129. Of Carboniferons of Ohio, Case 35. Of Cuba, Steinegkr 118 ; of Cali- fornia, Camp 30, 31 ; of Virgin Is., Barbour 8 ; of Siam, Smith 111. ECAUDATA. From S. America, Baumann 12; from Java, Ann and ale 4 ; from Queensland, Andersson 3 ; intro- duced into Bermuda, Pope 87. Tadpoles from Siam, Smith 113. Ranidae. Nyctixalus robinsoni sp. n. Java, Annandale J. Fed. Malay Mus. 7 p. 110. Phrynixalus reginae sp. n. Queens- land, Andersson Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 52 No. 9 p. 4 figs. Bana pleskii, Annandale 5 ; R. leonensis sp. n. Gold Coast, Boulenger Ann. Mag. N.H. (8) 19 p. 408 and 20 p. 418 ; R. phrynoides p. 413 Yunnan, tibetana p. 414 Tibet, macrognathus p. 414 Burma, grahcimi p. 415 Yunnan, tarahumarae p. 416 Mexico, floweri p. 417 Nile, spp. n. Boulenger Ann. Mag. N.H. (8) 20 ; B. cubitalis sp. n. Siam, Smith J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p. 277 ; B. boylii muscosa p. 118, sierra p. 120, subspp. n., California, Camp Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 17. Rappia spurrelli sp. n. Ashantee, Boulenger Ann. Mag. N.H. (8) 19 p. 408. Engystomatidae. Aphantophryne gen. n. pansa sp. n. New Guinea, Fry Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 1916 p. 772 pis. liv lv. Callula mediolineata sp. n. Siam, Smith J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p. 224. CySTIGNATIIID AE . Crinia acutirostris sp. n. Queensland, Andersson Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 52 No. 9 p. 8 fig. Eleutherodactylus delicatus sp. n. Colombia, Ruthven Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Michigan 43 p. 1 pi. i ; E sanctae- martae p. 1 pi. i fig. 1, megalops p. 3 pi. i fig. 3, spp. n., Colombia, Ruthven Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Michigan 39 ; E. insignis sp. n. Colombia, Ruthven Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Michigan 34 p. 1 pi. i. Bufonidae. Bufo canorus sp. n. California, Camp Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 17 p. 59 figs. ; B. turpis sp. n. Virgin Is., Barbour Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 102 ; B. foivleri, Ruthven 99. Pseudophryne rugosa sp. n. Queens- land, Andersson Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 52 No. 9 p. 13 fig. Hylidae. Hyla nannotis p. 16 figs., serrata p. 17 fig., tympanocryptis p. 19 figs., spp. n., Queensland, Andersson Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Handl. 52 No. 9. Ceraihyla panamensis sp. n. Panama, Steineger Proc. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton 30 p. 31. Microhyla inornata iridocytes, Rao 89. Discoglossidae. Alytes obstetricans, breeding, evolu- tion, Boulenger 26. H emiphractid ae . Amphodus auratus sp. n. Trinidad, Boulenger Ann. Mag. N.H. (8) 19 p. 185. 13 Rept. Systematic — Batraohia. 5631 GAUD AT A. Fowler & Dunn 50. Scales, Willich-Kressmann 132. Digestive organs, Osawa 80. Amblyatoma mexicanum, Leffler 75. Desmognathus revision, Dunn 48 ; D. fusca breeding, Wilder 131. Plethodon wehrlei sp. n. Pennsylvania, Fowler & Dunn Proc. Acad. Philadel- phia 69 p. 23 pi. iv. Ranidens sibiricus development of limbs, Sciimalhausen 103 ; R. olym- picus sp. n. Washington, Gaige Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Michigan 40 p. 2 pi. i. Spelerpes ruber , montanus, Brimley 28 ; 8. plalycephalus sp. n. California, Camp Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 17 p. 11. APODA. / chthyophis glutinosus digestive or- gans, Osawa 80. 1 STEG OCEPH AL I A . f Calamops gen. n. paludosus sp. n. Triassic Pennsylvania, Sinclair Amer. J. Sci. 43 p. 319 fig. \Eryopsoides gen. n. type Ophiacodon grandis Marsh Permian of New Mexico, Douthitt Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull. 10 p. 241. ^Lonchorhynchus skull* Wiman 135, 136. f Lyrocephalus , Wiman 135. f Peltostega gen. n. erici sp. n. Trias of Spitzbergen, Wiman Bull. Geol. Inst. Upsala 13 p. 210 pis. xv figs. 1-3 xvi fig. 1. t Tertrema skull, Wiman 136. f U ranocenlrodon nom. n.— ^Myriodon (preocc.) Hoepen Ann. Transvaal Mus. 5 p. 217. XVII. AVES ARRANGED UY W. L. SCLATER, M.A. CONTENTS I. Titles II. Subject Index: — Comprehensive and General = 5803: — History Biography — General „ Special ^ „ Obituary Notices . . . . General 'treatises. . Bibliography Institutions and Collections .... Technique . . Economics. . Bird-protection . . Acclimatization . . Aviculture. . Nomenclature .. .. .. .. .. .Phylogeny and Classification Structure = 5807 : — Plumage and epithelial structures Nervous system and Sense organs Osteology.. .. .. .. .. .; Circulatory and Glandular Systems Respiratory System Urinogenital System General Anatomy of special forms Physiology = 581 1 Embryology = 5815 .. .. .. .. Ethology = 5819 : — General and Miscellaneous Food habifs Migration, General ,, Regional Observations ,, Migration of Single Species or Groups „ Bird-marking experiments and results PAGE 5 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 c 6 (n-4840 g) PAGE 2 Flight .. .. ..34 Sexual relations and display . . . . . . 34 Nidification, General . . . . . . . . . . 34 „ Regional Observations . . . . . . 34 ,, Observations on single species . . . . 34 Oology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Psychology . . . . . . . . . . 34 Colour and Moult. . . . . . . . . , 34 Pathology . , . . . . . . . . . 34 Avian Parasitology . . . . . . . . 35 Mortality . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Variation and Aetiology = 5823 : — Variation . . , . . . . . . . . . 35 Teratology . . . . . . . . . . 35 Hybrids . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Heredity and Evolution . . . . . . . . . . 35 Fossil and Extinct birds . . . . . . . . . 35 Geograph}" = 5827 : — General . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Palaearctic Region . . . . . . . . 35 Ethiopian Region . . . . . . . . . . 37 Indian Region .. .. .-. .. .. ..37 Australian Region . . . . . . . . . . 38 Neotropical Region . . . . . . . . 38 Nearctic Region . . . . . . . . . . 39 The Oceans . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 III. Systematic: — Archeeopteryges . . . . . . . . . . 40 Apter3Tgiformes . . . . . . . . . . 40 Tinamiformes .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 Galliformes . . . . . . . . . . 40 Turnici formes . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Pteroclidiformes . . .. .. .. .. .. 41 Oolumbiformes . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Opisthocomiformes . . . . . . . . . . 42 Ralliformes . . . . . . . . . . 42 Podieipediformes . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Colymbiforraes . . . . . . . . . . 43 Sphenisciformes . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Procellariiformes . . . . „ , . . . . . . 43 Alciformes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Lariformes . . . . . . . . . . 43 Charadriiformes . . . . . . . . . . 44 Gruiformes . . . . . . . . . . 44 Ardeiformes . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Palamedeiformes . . .. .. .. .. ..45 3 Anseriformes Pelecaui formes Accipitriformes Strigiformes Psit-taci formes Ooraciiformes Trogones . . Coccyges . Scansores . . Piciformes Meuuriformes Passeriformes Pteroptochidae Conopopliagida Formicariides Dendtocolaptides Tyramiidre Pipridae. . Cotingidae Atrichornithida Hiruiidiiiides Muscicapidee Campophagides Pycnonotides Timeliides Troglody tides Cinclidse. . Mimidee Turdides Sylviidas Vireonides Ampelides Artamides Laniidas Parides . . Regulidse Sittidee Certhiides Zosteropides Diceeidee Nectariniides Meliphagidee Mniotiltides Drepanidides Motacillides Alaudides Fringillides Ccerebidee PAGE 45 45 46 47 47 48 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 54 54 55 55 55 56 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 . 59 . 60 (h-4840 g) c 6—2 4 PAGE Passeriformes — continued. Tanagridae . . . . . . . . . . HO Ploceidm .. .. .. .. .. .. 00 Tcteridm . . . . . . . . . . . . HI Sturnidsa . . . . . . . . , . . . HI Eulabetidm . . . . . . . . . . HI Oriolidse. . . . . . . . . . . . 61 DicruridtB .. .. .. .. .. .. HI Paradiseidte . . . . . . . . .... HI Corvidae . . . . . . . . . . 61 5 Aven. Titles. 5800 I.— T I T L E S. Adam, J. C. A pair of Long-oared Owls. Edinburgh Trans. Field Nat. & Micros. Soc. 7 1915 (63-91) 2 photos. 1 Alexander, C. J. Notes on zonal dis- tribution in the mountains of Latium, Italy. Brit. Birds London 11 1917 (74-82). 2 Alexander, C. J. Observations on birds singing in their winter quarters and on migration. Brit. Birds London 11 1917 (98-102). 3 Alexander, H. G. Birds at Lunge - ness, 1916. Brit. Birds London 10 1917 (263-266). 4 Alexander, W. B. Procellariformes in Western Australia. Emu Melbourne 17 1917 (40-42). 5 Alexander, W. B. White-winged Black Terns in Western Australia : a remarkable visitation. Emu Melbourne 17 1917 (95-100). 6 Allard, H. A. The song of the Grasshopper Sparrow ( Ammodramus savannarum australis Maynard). Science New York 45 1917 (362). 7 Anderson, J. 0. New Zealand Bird- song : further notes. Wellington Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 49 1917 (519-530). 8 Anderson, R. M. Preliminary list of specimens collected by the Canadian Arctic expedition, 1914-1916. Ottawa Sumry. Rep. Geol. Surv. for 1916 1917 (376-381). 9 Andrews, 0. W. Roport on the re- mains of Birds found in the Glaston- bury Lake Village ; in “ The Glaston- bury Lake Village ” by A. Bulleid & H. St. G. Gray vol. ii. 1917 (631-637) 1 fig. 10 Anfrie, E. Les anomalies et les variations individuelles parmi les oiseaux faisant partie de notre collec- tion. Rev. Fran9. d’Om. 9 1917(113- 116 137-142 158-162). \\ [Anon.] Annual Report on the Birds of Epping Forest for the year 1916. London Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1916 1917 (90-97). ig [Anon.] Obituary. Mr. B. H. Wood- ward. Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (197- 198). 13 [Anon.] Obituary. Edward Pearson Ramsay. Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (241-243) portr. 14 [Anon.] Obituary. A. J. North. Emu Melbourne 17 1917 (59-60). 15 A.O.U. Committee. Second annual list of proposed changes in the A.O.U. Check-list of North American birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (198- 205). 16 Arctander, H. Traek af fuglelivet Storehedinge. [Notes on bird life near Storeheding, Zealand.] Kjobenhavn Omith. Tids. 11 1917 (5-16). 17 Arldt, T. Lie Ausbreitung der Vogel. Arch. Naturg. Berlin 81 Abt A. 12 Hft. 1916 (13-135). .18 Arundel, W. B. [and others]. Breed- ing habits of Willow-Warbler and nesting sites at considerable heights from ground. Brit. Birds London 11 1917 (88-92). 19 Ashby, E. Field notes on Acan- thornis magnus (Gld.) Scrub Tit or Groat Tit. Adelaide S. Austr. Orn. 3 1917 (10-12). 20 Ashby, E. Tasmanian field-notes. Adelaide S. Austr. Om. 3 1917 (61-68). 21 Ashby, E. Notes on a collecting trip in the Low North of South Australia. Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (231-234). 22 6 A ves. XVII. Aves. [1917] Ashby, E. Description of a new subspecies of Platycercus elegans (Gmelin). Emu Melbourne 17 1917 (43-45). 23 Astley, H. D. The Red-breasted Goose ( Bernicla ruficollis). Avicult. Mag. London 8 1917 (213-214) col. pi. 24 Auel, H. Beobachtungen iiber die Potsdamer Vogelfauna und iiber das Erscheinen ihrer Zugvogel im Friih- jahr. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 (87- 92). 25 Bacmeister, W. Beitrag zur Avi- fauna von Ostpolen. Palco Halle 12 1916. 26 Bacmeister, W. Ueber Parus sali- carius. J. Ornith. Leipzig 1917 Bd. ii. (1^). 27 Bacmeister, W. Einige Aufzeich- nungen iiber die Vogel Nord-Serbiens. Orn. Jahrb. Hallein 27 1916 (44-48). 28 Bacmeister, W, Zum Vorkommen des Zaunammers ( Emberiza cirlus L.) ins- bosondere in Nordostfrankreich. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 25 1917 (81-85). 29 Bahrmann, U. Ueber die Vogel der Umgebung von Ruhland. J. Orn. Leipzig 65 1917 (468-506). 30 Baily, W. S. Whydahs. Avicult. Mag. London 8 1917 (129-133) photos. 31 Baily, W. S. Some Rails and Galli- nules. Avicult. Mag. London 9 1917 (21-24) photos. 32 Baily, W. S. Nesting of the Black- breasted Mexican Quail [Colinus pec- toralis]. Bird -Notes Ashbourne 8 1917 (21-23) 2 photos. 33 Baily, W. S. The nesting of the White- cheeked Finch-Lark [Pyrrhulauda leu- cotis\. Bird-Notes Ashbourne 8 1917 (133-135) 3 photos. 34 Bailey, B. H. Description of a new subspecies of the Broad- winged Hawk. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (73-75). 35 Bailey, F. M. Birds of the humid coast. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (8-13 46-54 95-101). . 36 Bailey, F. M. Red letter days in Southern California. Condor Holly- wood Cal. 19 1917 (155-159). 37 Baker, E. C. S. The Game Birds of India, Burma and Ceylon. Pts. xxi, xxii. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (1-39 161-198) 2 col. pis. 38 Baker, E. 0. S. Notes on the nidi- fication of some Indian Falconidae. Ibis London 1917 (224-241 350-362) 2 pis. 39 Baber, E. C. S. Description of new subspecies of Sylviparus, Parus, Gami- lax, Eupetes, Pomatorhimis, Corytho- cichla, S tacky ridopsis, Gyanoderma. London Bull. B.O.C. 38 1917 (7-10). 40 Baker, E. 0. S. Description of new subspecies of Bulbuls. London Bull. Brit. Orn. 01. 38 1917 (15-17). 41 Baker, E. C. S. and Jourdain, F. 0. R. Abnormal clutches of eggs in Tringa hypoleuca. London Bull. B.O.C. 37 1917 (24-28). 42 Bales, B. R. Another unusual laying of the Flicker (Colaptes auratus luteus). Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 29 1917 (188- 191). 43 Bangs, O. Notes on the geographical races of Tangara gyroloides. Cambridge Proc. N. Engl. Zool. Cl. 6 1917 (73-76). 44 Barnard, 0. Bird -life as affected by drought. Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (234-236). 45 Barnard, H. G. vide Campbell. Bartsch, P. Relationship of Florida Herons. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (86). 46 Bartsch, P. Additions to the Haitian avifauna. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 (131-132). 47 Bateson, W. and Thomas, R. H. Note on a Pheasant showing abnormal sex-characters. J. Genetics Cambridge 6 1917 (163-164) 1 pi. 48 Baxter, E. V. vide Rintoul. Beaupre, E. The American Golden Plover in eastern Ontario. Ottawa Nat. 31 1917 (29-31). 49 Beck, R. H. Bird photographing on the Falkland Islands. Bird-life on the Falklands. New York Amer. Mus. Journ. 17 1917 (429-460). 50 Beebe, W., Hartley, G. I. and others. Tropical wild life in British Guiana. Zoological contributions from the tropical research station of the New 7 Aves. Titles. 5800 York Zoological Socioty. Vol. 1 (I- 504), 143 pis. and figs. New York (N.Y. Zool. Soc.) 1917 8vo. 51 Begg, W. Autumn migration at Little Ross Lighthouse, Kirkcudbright- shire. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 (3- 5). 52 Begg, W, Siberian Chiffchaff ( Phyllo - scopus collybitci tristis) at Little Ross Lighthouse, Kirkcudbrightshire. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 (33). 53 Bedchambers, T. P. Notes on the Mallee Fowl ( Leipoa ocellata rosinae). No. 2. Adelaide S. Austr. Orn. 3 1917 (78-81) text-fig. 54 Bergtold, W. H. A study of the in- cubation periods of birds. What determines their lengths ? (1-109). Denver (Kendrick- Bellamy) 1917 8vo. 55 Bergtold, W. H. Regurgitation in the Bohemian Waxwing. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 34 1917 (341-342). 56 Bergtold, W. H. The birds of Denver. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 29 1917 (113-129). 57 Berlepsch, H. Freiherr von. Wiehtige Beobachl ungen im Paraguavisclien Ur- wald. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bd. ii 1917 (5-8). 58 Berlioz, J. Sur les variations de plumage chez les oiseaux. I. Etude de VHalcyon albicillus Cuv. et du Chloropsis hardtvicki Jard. et Selby. Rev. Fram?. d’Orn. Paris 9 1917 (173- 174). 59 Berry, W. A chair of economic ornithology. Scbt. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 (121-135). 60 Bickerton, W. Notes on Birds ob- served in Hertfordshire during the year 1915. Watford Trans. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. 16 1917 (141-156). 61 Bishop, S. C. and Wright, A. H. Note on the Passenger Pigeon. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (208-209). 62 Blaauw, F. E. Een en ander over bastaarden en Kleurslagen. [Einiges liber Bastarde und Farbenvarietaten.J Ardea Leiden 6 1917 (56-61). 63 Blaauw, F. E. Some notes on the BJack-facod'Ibis (Theristicus melanops). Avicult. Mag. London 8 1917 (146-148) photo. 64 Blaauw, F. E. On the breeding of the Tropical Seed -Finch ( Oryzoborus torridus). Avicult. Mag. London 9 1917 (40^13). 65 Blaauw, F. E. On the breeding of the South African Black Duck ( Anas sparsa). Ibis London 1917 (69-71) 1 pi. 66 Blaauw, F. E. vide Phillips. Blagg, E. W. H. A blue-grey variety of the Rook. Avicult. Mag. London 8 1917 (178-179). 67 Blakeslee, A. F. vide Harris. Boase, H. Observations on some habits of the Coot. Scot. Nat. Edin- burgh 1917 (59-64). 68 Bolam, G. Jottings from the east nook of Cumberland. Vasculum Hexham 3 1917 (40-^4). 69 Bolam, G. Notes on the winter of 1916-17 in the Alston district. Vas- culum Hexham 3 1917 (78-82 1 10-114). 70 Boring, A. M. and Pearl, R. Sex studies. IX. Interstitial cells in the reproductive organs of the chicken. Anat. Rec. Philadelphia 13 1917 (253- 268) 6 figs. 71 Bouet et Millet-Horsin. Liste des oiseaux recueillis ou observes a la Cote d’Ivoire en 1906-1907 et en 1913-1914. Rev. Fran?,. d’Orn. Paris 9 1917 (3-6). 72 Bowles, J. H. Coloration of down in adult ducks. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (206-207). 73 Bowles, J. H. Notes on the Kenni- cott’s Screech Owl (Otus asio kenni- cotti) in the Puget Sound region. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (422-427). 74 Bowles, J. H. The winter migration of 1916—17 in the Northwest. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (125-129) 2 photos. 75 Bowles, J. II. Two new records for the Slate of Washington. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (187). 76 Bowdish, B. S. vide Philipp. Boyd, A. W. Birds of the Suez Canal zone and Sinai Peninsula. Ibis London 1917 (539-557). 77 8 Avt*. XVII. Aves. [1917 J Boyle, II. S. Field notes on the Seriema (Chany a burmeisleri). Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (294-296). 78 Bradbury, W. C. Notes on the nesting habits of the Clarke Nutcracker in Colorado. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (149-156) 4 photos. 79 Brasil, L. A mistake of Lat hands. His so-called Sea-Eagle from Botany Island. Austr. Av. Bee. London 3 1917 (109-112). 80 Brasil, L. Wbat is Tardus minutus ? Forster, from Cook’s “ Botany Island.” Ibis London 1917 (422-428). 81 Brasil, L. Le nom do genre Mesites. Rectification. Rev. Fran9. d’Orn. 9 1917 (179-180). 82 Braun, E. Beobachtungen an Ivanarienbastarden. Danzig Schr. Nat. Ges. 14 1917 (31-48). 83 Braun, F. Ueber den Zusammenhang zwischen dem Temperament und den Gesangesausserungen der Singvogel. J. Omith. Leipzig 65 Bd ii 1917 (9-15). 84 Braun, F. Ueber Gesangeaaufser- ungcn kranker und* sterbender Vogel. Om. Monatsber. Berlin 25 1917 (1-4). 85 Braun, F. Ueber den Einfluss langerer Gefangenschaft auf manche geistige und korperliche Eigenschaften der Stuben- vogel. Omith. Monatsber. Berlin 25 1917 (49-55). 86 Braun, F. Winterliche Beobacht- ungen aus Deutsch-Eylau. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin. 25 (103-107). 87 Bretscher, K. Der Friihlingszug des Kukuks in der Schweiz. Zurich Vierteljahrsch. Natf. Ges. 62 1917 (143- 152). 88 Brimley, C. S. Thirty-two years of bird migration at Raleigh, North Carolina. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (296-308). 89 Brimley, 0. S. Some known changes in the land vertebrate fauna of North Carolina. Chapel Hill N.C. J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 22 1917 (176-183). 90 Brooks, A. Birds of the Chilliwack district, B.C. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (28-50) map. 91 Brooks, W. G. The possibility oi Fuff inns bermudae Nichols and Mow- bray in the north Atlantic. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 34 1917 (206). 92 Brooks, W. S. Notes on some Falk- land Island birds. Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 61 1917 (135- 160) 3 pis. 93 Brown, E. J. The San Lucas Sparrow ( Fasserculus ros trains gut- tatus) in California. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (340). 94 Bryan, W. A. Description of Tele- S'piza ultima from Nihoa Island. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (70-72). 95 Bryant, H. C. vide Swarth. Bunyard, P. F. On the eggs and nest -down of Somateria v.- nigra , N. spectabilis and Heniconetta stelleri. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 37 1917 (20-21). 96 Bunyard, P. F. On the nest and eggs of Lojphodytes cucullalus. London Bull. B.O.C. 37 1917 (46). 97 Bunyard, P. F. Report on the effect of the severe and prolonged winter of 1916-1917 on our resident birds. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 38 1917 (20-24). 98 Burg, G. von. vide Studer. Burg, P. W. van der. Waamemingen betreffende de in dit voorjaar (1917) in myn tuin gebroed hebbende vogels en hun nesten. [Beobachtungen fiber die irn Jalire 1917 in meinem Garten gebrfitet hubenden Vogel und ihre Nester.J Ardea Leiden 6 1917 (61-64). 99 Burkitt, J. P. Note on the Long- eared Owl. Irish Nat. Dublin 26 1917 (161-163). 100 Burleigh, T. D. Bird life about Samar, southern Clinton Co., Pa. Cassinia Philadelphia no. 20 1917 (18- 23). 101 Burns, F. L. Miss Lawson’s recollec- tions of ornithologists. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (275-282). 102 Burtch, V. Nesting of the Florida Gallinule. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (319-321) 2 pis. 103 9 Avcit. Titles. 5800 Butler, A. G, Two rare Tanagers. The Purple -bellied Tanager (Calliste cyanopygia ) and the Black-chinned Mountain Tanager (Compsocoma nota- bilis). Avicult. Mag. London 8 1917 (293-296) col. pi. 104 Butler, A. G. vide Meiklejohn. Buturlin, S. A. On the birds of the Far East [Russian]. Mess. Om. Moscou 8 1917 (3-19, 73-88). 105 Campbell, A. J. The Yellow -breasted Bush-Chat (Ephthianura crocea). Emu Melbourne 17 1917 (61-62) col. pi. 106 Campbell, A. J. and Barnard, H. G. Birds of the Rockingham Bay District, North Queensland. Emu Melbourne 17 191 7 (2-38, 106-107) 8 pis. 107 Carroll, C. J. The severe winter of 1916-17 and its effect on birds in the south of Ireland. Brit. Bds. London 11 1917 (26-28). 108 Carroll, C. J. On newly discovered Irish colonies of Roseate and Sandwich Terns. Brit. Birds London 11 1917 122-124). 109 Carter, T. The birds of Dirk Hartog Island and Peron Peninsula, Shark Bay, Western Australia, 1916-1917, with nomenclature and remarks by Gregory M. Mathews, Ibis London 1917 (564-611) map 2 pis. 110 Cary, M. Life zone investigations in Wyoming. Washington D.C. U.S. Dept. Agr. N. Amer. Fauna no. 42 1917 (1-95) map 14 pis. 17 text-figs. Ill Cathelin, F. Du pretendu retour au nid des oiseaux migrateurs et de l’in- stabilite de residence. Rev. Fran^. d’Om. Paris 9 1917 (169-172). 112 Chapin, J. P. The classification of the Weaver-Birds. New York Bull. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 1917 (243-280) 5 pis. 9 text-figs. 113 Chapman, A. Frederick Courtenay Selous. Brit. Birds London 10 1917 (200-204) portr. 114 Chapman, A. Concerning Grebes. Vasculum Hexham 2 1917 (113-116). 115 Chapman, A. vide Rintoul and Baxter. Chapman, F. M. Notes on the plumage of North American birds. Bird-Lore Harrisburg Pa. 19 1917 (86- 87 262-263 330-331) 3 col. pis. 116 Chapman, F. M. Daniel Giraud Elliot. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (1-10) portr. 117 Chapman, F. M. The distribution of bird -life in Colombia; a contribution to a biological survey of South America. New York Bull. Amer. Mus. N.H. 36 1917 (x + 729) 41 pis. and maps 21 text-figs. 118 Chapman, F. M. Descriptions of new birds from Santo Domingo and remarks on others in the Brewster- Sanford collection. New York Bull. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 1917 (327-334) [Oreopeleia, Microsiphonorhis, Micro-, ligea.] 119 Chernel v. Chernelhdza, Otto Herman. Nachruf. Aquila Budapest 21 1915. 120 Chick, H. and Hume, E. M. The dis- tribution in wheat, rice and maize grains of the substance, the deficiency of which in a diet causes polyneuritis in birds and beri beri in man. London Proc. R. Soc. B 90 1917 (44-60). 121 Chick, H. and Hume, E. M. The effect of exposure to temperatures at or above 100 deg. C. upon the substance (vit amine) whose deficiency in a diet causes polyneuritis in birds and beri- beri in man. London Proc. R. Soc. B 90 1917 (60-68). 122 Chisholm, A. H. Queensland notes. Emu Melbourne 17 1917 (48-51). 123 Cholodkovsky, N. Contribution a la connaissance des cysticerrjues d’oiscaux. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris 80 1917 (219-222). 124 Christiani, A. Om fund af Gejrfugle- knogler paa Vardo (Norge). [On a find of Great Auk’s bones near Vardo, Norway.] Kjobenhavn Omith. Tids. 11 1917 (1-4) 1 pi. 1 text-fig. 125 Chubb, C. Chamaepetes fagani, Penelope brooki and Columba ogilvie- granli spp. n. described. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 38 1917 (4-5). 126 Chubb, C. Scytalopus simonsi, Leptoptila intermedia and Columba anolaimae spp. n. described, and ob- servations on the two forms of Gym- nopelia. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 38 1917 (17-19). 127 10 A vex. XVII. Aves. [1917] Chubb, C. New forms of Crypturus, Rhynchotus, Nothoprocta, Nothura, Galopezus , Columba , Metriopelia, Lepto- ptila, Geotrygon, Pardirallus, Neocrex, Gonopophaga described. London Bull. Brit, Orn. Cl. 38 1917 (29-34). 128 Clarke, 0. van H. Nesting in Mace- donia. Ibis London 1917 (640-643). 129 Clarke, W. E. Recovery of a Wood- cock supposed to have been ringed in Ireland. Irish Nat. Lublin 26 1917 (191). 130 Clarke, W. E. An overlooked occur- rence of the Black Lark in Great Britain. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 (49-50). 131 Clarke, W. E. Wild life in a West Highland Deer Forest. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 (255-264, 279-288). 132 Clay, C. I. A new record for Cali- fornia ( Passerculus s. savanna). Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (68). 133 Coates, H. “ Wanted to Complete.” [Perthshire bird notes.] Perth Trans. Soc* Nat, Sci. 6 1916 (85-102). 134 Collett, A. K. vide Thomas and Collett. Collinge, W. E. The economic status of wild birds. Journ. R. Horticult. Soc. 42 pt. i and Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 (51-58). 135 Collinge, W. E. Destructive wild Birds. Nature London 99 1917 (6-7). 136 Cooper, J. M. Birds of Lake Oni- gamis region, Que. and Algonquin. Park, Ont. Ottawa Nat. 30 1917 (123— 129). 137 Corainville, E. C. de. Observations sur quelques oiseaux de ma collection. Rev. Franc. d’Orn. Paris 9 1917 (153- 155). 138 Cory, C. B. Notes on little known species of South American birds, with descriptions of new subspecies. Chicago Field Mus. Pub. Zool. Ser. 12 1917 (3-7). 139 Coursimault, E. Faune des oiseaux chanteurs des environs de Vendome. Rev. Franc. d’Om. 9 1917 (42-45 75- 76 101-103). 140 Coward, T. A. Notes on the Verte- brate Fauna of Cheshire and South Lancashire. Lancs. Nat. Darwen 9 1917 (185-192 203-210 245-252 275- 279). 141 Coward, T. A. vide Standen. Crandall, L. S. Breeding Birds. Results during 1916 in the Park. New York Zool. Soc. Bull. 20 1917 (1442- 1443). 142 Crandall, L. S. Our Emu family. New York Zool. Soc. Bull. 20 1917 (1521-1525). 143 Criddle, N. The Red-tailed Hawk in Manitoba, Ottawa Nat. 31 1917 (74- 76). 144 Criddle, S. and Criddle, N. Horned Larks at Awene, Manitoba. Ottawa Nat. 30 1917 (144-148). 145 Curtis, W. P. Phenological report on first appearances of birds etc. etc. in Dorset during 1915. Dorchester Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist, F. Cl. 37 1916 (137- 193) 4 photos. 146 Dabbene, R. Especies y subespecies aparamente nuevas de Geosilta y Ginclodes de la Republica Argentina y del Sur de Chile. Physis Buenos Aires 3 1917 (52-59). 147 Dabbene, R. Los venccjos [Cyp- selidae] de la Republica Argentina. El Hornero Buenos Aires 1 1917 (3-8) 4 text-figs. 148 Dabbene, R. Notas sobre una colec- cion de aves de la isla de Martin Garcia. El Hornero Buenos Aires 1 1917 (29-34) map. 149 Dabbene, R. Cypseloides senex (Temminck) y Glibanornis dendro- ‘ colaptoides (Pelzeln) en Misiones (R.A.). El Hornero Buenos Aires 1 1917 (37). 150 Dahl, F. Die Benennung der Tiere. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (205-213). 151 Danchakoff, V. The position of the respiratory vascular net in the allantois of the chick. Amer. J. Anat. Phila- delphia 21 1917 (407-418) 1 pi. 152 Dawson, C. B. Some Colony Birds. Part iii. Timehri Georgetown 4 1917 (38-57). 153 Deschiens, R. Contribution a l’etude des deplacements locaux des oiseaux cotiers. Rev. Fran^. d’Om. 9 1917 (97-99 117-120 142-145). 154 11 Aves. Titles. 5800 Despott, G. Notes on the ornithology of Malta. Ibis London 1917 (281-349 466-526). 155 Despott, G. Anser albifrons [in Malta]. Malta Arch. Melitense 2 1916 (204). 156 Despott, G. Ornithological notes from the Maltose Islands (July- December, 1916). Malta. Arch. Melitense 1917 (251-256). 157 Dice, L. R. Habits of the Magpie in southeastern Washington. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (121-124) 2 photos, 158 Dixon, J. The home life of the Baird Sandpiper. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (77-84) map 5 photos. 159 Dobbrick, L. Studien an Horsten der Wiesenweihe. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bd. ii 1917 (16-27). 160 Dobbrick, L. Beitrag zur Omis Russisch-Litauens. Om. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (17-20 33-37). 161 Dobbrick, L 1st Urinator immer Briinn in Westpreussen vorgekommen. Ora. Monatsber. Berlin 25 1917 (101 — 103). 162 Doello-Jurado, M. Sobre aves de Puerto Deseado. El Hornero, Buenos Aires 1 1917 (8-16) 3 photos. 163 Domaniewski, J. von. Sitta europaea homeyeri Hart, und verwandte Formen. Miinchen Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 13 1917 (174-180). 164 Domaniewski, J. von. Nomen- klatorische Bemerkung zur Gattung Buteo Lacep. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 25 1917 (129-130). 165 Domaniewski, J. Contribution a la distribution g6ographiquo du genre Sitta L. [Polish]. Varsovie (Warsaw) C. R. Soc. Sci. 1913 (1037-1044). 166 Domaniewski, J. Materiaux a la faune omithologique de Pologne. Var- sovie (Warsaw) C. R. Soc. Sci. 1915 (663-678). 167 Domaniewski, J. Faune Passeri- formes Okolie Saratova. Passeriformes der Umgegend von Saratov. Varsava Trav. Soc. Sci. Ill no. 18 1916. 168 D’Ombrain, E. A. The Great Black Palm Cockatoo (Microglossus aterrimus) in captivity. Austr. Zool. Sydney 1 1917 (95-97) fig. 169 Donald, C. H. The Raptores of the Punjab. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (231-248) 2 pis. 170 Douglas, S. R. An experimental investigation of the migration of Wood- cock breeding in the west of Ireland. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 (159-165). 171 Dove, H. S. Bird notes from Tas- mania. Emu Melbourne 17 .1917 (45- 47). 172 Dunlop, E. B. Polygamy among Rooks. Brit. Birds London 10 1917 (278-279). 173 Dwight, J. The status of Larus thayeri, Thayer’s Gull. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (413-414) 1 pi. 174 Ekama, H. Het verblyf van enkele trekvogels in Nederland in 1916. [Das Verbleiben einiger Zugvogel in den Niederlanden im Jahre 1916.] Ardea Leiden 6 1917 (1-13). 175 Erdmann, R. Cytological observa- tions on the behaviour of chicken bone marrow in plasma medium. Amer. J. Anat. Philadelphia 22 1917 (73-125) 9 pis. 2 text-figs. 176 Etheridge, R., jun. Obituary — Edward Pierson Ramsay, LL.D., Curator, 22 Sept. 1874 to 31 Dec. 1894. Sydney Rbc. Austr. Mus. 11 1917 (205- 217) portr. 177 Evans, A. H. With the British Asso- ciation in Australia. Ibis London 1917 (43-68). 178 Evans, E. vide Rintoul and Baxter. Evermann, B. W. A day with the birds of a Hoosier swamp. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 29 1917 (169-175). 179 Ewart, J. C. and Mackenzie, D. The moulting of the King Penguin ( Apteno - dyles paiagonica). Edinburgh Trans, R. S. 52 pt. i 1917 (115-132) 2 pis. 180 Farley, J. A. Ornithology at St. Mark’s [Venice], Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (171-181). 181 Faxon, W. Brewster’s Warbler (V ermivora leucobranchialis) in Lexing- ton, Mass. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (481-482). 182 F6nis, F. de. Contribution a l’etude des cris et du chant des oiseaux dans ses rapports avec la musique. Paris Bull. Inst. Gen. Psychol. 17 1917 (87- 130). 183 12 Avta. XVII. Aves. Fenk, R. Ueber das Vorkommen von Anthus spinoletta spinoletla in Thiirin- gen und im Harz. J. Ornitli. Leipzig 65 Bdii 1917 (28-34). 184 Ferrar, M. L. Occurrence of the Wood-Snipe ( Gallinago nemoricola) in Salsette. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (149-150). 185 Fincli-Davies, C. J. The Damaraland Hombill. Ibis London 1917 (273-274). 186 Fischer-Sigwart, H. Eine Varietat von Lanius collurio L. im Jura. Om. Jahrb. Hallein 27 1916 (49-50). 187 FitzSimmons, F. W. Our native birds : their value to man. Cape Town S. Afr. J. Sci. 13 1917 (366-372). 188 Foote, J. S. A contribution to the comparative histology of the femur. Washington D.C. Smiths. Contr. Knowl. 35 no. 3 1916 (1-242, birds 59-75) 35 pis. 189 Forrest, H. E. [Birds observed.] Shrewsbury Rec. Caradoc. P. Cl. no. 26 [1917] (15-21). 190 Forty, C. H. Occurrence of the Pied Imperial Pigeon ( Myristicivora bicolor) in the Gulf of Siam. Bangkok J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 2 1917 (254-255). ' 191 Foster, A. H. A list of Birds which have occurred in North Hertfordshire, with notes on each species. Watford Trans. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. 16 1917 (189-220). 192 Foster, N. H. Measurements and weights of Birds’ eggs. Irish Nat. Dublin 26 1917 (41-47). 193 Foster, N. H. The winter of 1916-17 and its effect on bird-life in Co. Down. Irish Nat. Dublin 26 1917 (118-120). 194 Fowler, H. W. Some rare or un- usual birds in upper Philadelphia. Cassinia Philadelphia no. 20 1917 (7-13). 195 Franz, V. Das Vogelleben im Aisne- gebiet. Om. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (112-119). 196 Froggatt, W. W. The destruction of bird-life in Australia. Austr. Zool. Sydney 1 1917 (75-79). 197 Fulljames, H. J. and others. Breed- ing Song-Thrush x Blackbird hybrids. Bird Notes Ashbourne 7 1917 (198-202). 198 [1917] Fuye, M. de la. Essai sur la photo- graphic des Rapaces. Rev. Frany. d’Orn. 9 1917 (49-52 68-72) 2 figs. 199 Gabrielson, I. N. Some notes on Connecticut birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (461-465). 200 Gabrielson, I. N. A criticism of two recent lists of Iowa birds. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 29 1917 (97-100). 201 Gebhardt, E. Pi chtelge bergs beo- bachtungen 1914. Miinchen Verhandl. Ornith. Ges. 13 1917 (158-170). 202 Gengler, J. Der Formenkreis Frin- gilla coelebs L. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bdii 1917 (35-42). 203 Gengler, J. Materialen zur bayer- ischen Ornithologie. VIII. Achter Beobachtungsbericht aus den Jahren 1911, 1912, 1913 und 1914. Miinchen Verhandl. Ornith, Ges. 13 1917 (1-23). 204 Gengler, J. Herbst- und Winter- beobachtungen in Russisch-Polen, Wol- hynien und Westrussland. Om. Jahrb. Hallein 27 1916 (63-82). 205 Gengler, J. Weitere Kriegsbeobacht- ungen aus Belgien und Frankreich. Orn. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (4-10 20-25). 206 Geyr von Schweppenburg vide Schweppenburg. Ghigi, A. Richerche sull’ incrocia- mento del Qallus sonnerati con polli domestici. Bologna Mem. Acc. sc. (7) 3 1916 (1-16) 1 Tav. 207 Gianini, C. A. Some Alaska Peninsula bird notes. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (394-402). 208 Gladstone, H. S. Handbook to Lord Lilford’s Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Islands (1-69). London (Bickers) 1917 8vo, 209 Gladstone, H. S. John Hunt, 1777— 1842. Brit. Birds London 11 1917 (125-137 148-155) portr. 210 Godard, A. Les oiseaux necessaires a l’agriculture. Rev. Sci. (rose) Paris 1917 (428-433). 211 Golsan, L. S. and Holt, E. G. Further notes on Alabama birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (456-457). 212 Goodson, A. vide Hartert. 13 Aves. Titles. 5800 Gottschalk, P. Die Naumann- Bibliothelc im Naumann -Museum in Cothen. J. Omith. Leipzig 65 Bd ii 1917 (57-62); 213 Granger, W. vide Matthew. Granvik, H. Weitero Beitrage zur Frage dos Zuriickbleibens der Berg- finken in Schweden wahrend des Winters 1915-16. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 (190-193). 214 Greaves, W. Bird notes from Hebdcn Bridge. Naturalist London 1917 (247- 248). 215 Greschik, F. Geschmacltsknospcn auf der Zunge des Amazonenpapageis. Anat. Anz. Jena 50 1917 (257-270). 216 Grinned, J. Field tests of theories concerning distributional control. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (115-128). 217 Grinnell, J. The niche -relationships of the California Thrasher. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 34 1917 (427-433) map. 218 Grinned, J. The subspecies of Iiesperiphona vespertina. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (17-22) fig. 219 Grinned, J. An invasion of California by the Eastern Goshawk. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (70-71). 220 Grinned, J. and Storer, T. I. A new race of Fox-Sparrow, from the vicinity of Mond Lake, California. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (165-166) 1 fig. 221 Griscom, L. vide Nichols, Murphy and Gri scorn. Gunther, R. T. Report on agricul- tural damage by vermin and birds in the counties of Norfolk and Oxfordshire in 1916. (1-92) Oxford (University Press) 1917 8vo. 222 Gunther, R. T. Note on the ac- climatisation of the Australian Black Swan ( Chenopsis atrata). Ibis London 1917 (241-244) 1 text-fig. 223 Gurney, J. H. Ornithological notes from Norfolk for 1916. 23rd annual report. Brit. Birds London 10 1917 (230-244). 224 Gyldenstolpe, N. On birds and mammals from the Malay Peninsula. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 10 'no. 26 1917 (1-31). 225 Gyldenstolpe, N. Notes on the heel- pads in certain families of Birds. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 11 no. 12 1917 (1-15) 16 text-figs. 226 Haase, O. Beitrage zur Avifauna von Nowaja Semlja. Nach dem Danischen von H. Theo. L. Schaaning. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bd ii 1917 (63-72). 227 Hagen, W. Ornithologische Mitteil- ungen [in der Gcgend von Liibeck]. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 (181-189). 228 Hagen, W. Zur Biologic und Faunistik unserer Certhia-Arten. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bd ii 1917 (73-80). 229 Hagen, W. Gibt es zwei deutschc Blasshiihner ? Ornith. Monatsber. Berlin. 25 1917 (85-92). 230 Hagen, W. vide Laubmann. Hahn, E. Ueber den Farbensinn der Tagvogel und die Zapfenolkugeln. Zs. wiss. Zool. Leipzig 116 1916 (1-42) 1 Taf. 7 text-figs. 231 Hammling, J. Nouer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt der Provinz Posen. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 (397-434).- 232 Hammling, J. Coracias garrulus boi derNahrungsaufnahme. Orn. Monatsb. 251917(57-58). 235 Hanna, G. I). The summer birds of the St. Matthew Island [Bering seaj bird reservation. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (403^10). 234 Hanna, W. C. Further notes on the White -throated Swifts of Slover moun- tain. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (1-8) 4 figs. 235 Hansen, H. E. and Squires, W. A. A list of birds breeding in San Francisco County, California. Condor Holly- wood Cal. 19 1917 (54-62) ; also Ray, ibid. p. 170. 236 Harris, J. A., Blakeslee, A. F. and Kirkpatrick, W. F. Inter-periodic correlation in tho egg production of the Domestic Fowl. Washington D.C. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 3 1917 (565-569). 237 Harris, J. A., Blakeslee, A. F. and Warner, D. E. Body pigmentation and egg production in the Fowl. Wash- ington D.C. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 3 1917 (237-241). 238 14 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1917] Hartert, E. On the European forms of the Cormorant and Little Bustard. Brit. Birds London 10 1917 (210-214). 239 Hartert, E. Synallaxis terrestris bolivari and V ireo josephae mirandae subspp. n. described. London Bull. B. 0. C. 37 1917 (31-32). 240 Hartert, E. Remarks on Myrme- cocichla and Phylloscopus. London Bull. B. 0. C. 37 1917 (41-43). 241 Hartert, E. On the so-called penis of Textor niger. London Bull. B. 0. C. 37 1917 (51-53). 242 Hartert, E. Alaernon alaudipes boavistae subsp. n. London Bull. B. 0. C. 37 1917 (56). 243 Hartert, E. Sylvia deserticola maroc- cana, Ardea cinerea firasa, Aethopyga seheriae tonkinensis subspp. n. de- scribed. London Bull. B. 0. C. 38 1917 (6-7). 244 Hartert, E. Note on the taxonomy of Parus flavipectus and description of a new subspecies ; also description of. a new Herpornis. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 38 1917 (19-20). 245 Hartert, E. On a new subspecies of Anthreptes and notes on Edolisoma. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 38 (26-29). 246 Hartert, E. On some Rallidae. i. The name of the African “ Purple Coot.” ii. Porphyrio poliocephalus caspius subsp. nov. iii. The forms of Gallinula chloropus. iv. The forms of Porzana fusca (L.). Nov. Zool, Tring 24 1917 (265-274). 247 Hartert. Notes on Game-birds, i. The generic name of the Red-legged Partridges. ii. The correct name of the Barbary Partridge, iii. The forms of the Greek Partridge. iv. Ammo- perdix. v. The forms of Perdix perdix. vi. The correct names of the “ Black-bellied Sandgrouse ” and the Common Francolin. vii. The forms of Francolinus pondiceriamis. viii. The subspecies of Francolinus francolinus. ix. Francolinus bicalcaratus and its races, x. On the synonymy of Tetrao parvirostris . Nov. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (275-292). 248 Hartert, E. Some further notes on Anthreptes malaccensis. Nov. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (323). 249 Hartert, E. On the forms of Coturnix coturnix. Nov. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (420-425). 250 Hartert, E. Scolopax rusticola mira. Nov. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (437) 1 pi. 251 Hartert, E. On the Crested Larks of the Nile valley. Nov. Zool. 24 1917 (439-441). 252 Hartert, E. Notes on Pheasants. Nov. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (442-452). 253 Hartert, E. A few notes on the Birds of Yemen. Nov. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (454-462). 254 Hartert, E. The subspecies of Cyanopica cyanus. Nov. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (493). ' 255 Hartert, E. and Goodson, A. Notes and descriptions of South American Birds. Nov. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (410- 419). 256 Hartert, E. and Goodson, A. Further notes on South American birds. Nov. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (494-501). 257 Hartert, E. vide Rothschild. Hartert, E. vide Sclater. Hartley, G. I. vide Beebe. Haviland, M. D. Notes on the breeding -habits of the Dotterel on the Yenesei. Brit. Bds. London 11 1917 (6-11) 2 photos. 258 Haviland, M. D. vide Meiklejohn. Hegyfoky, J. Vogelzug und Wetter im Friihling des Jahres 1915 u. 1916. Aquila Budapest 23 1917 (50-55 Magyar, 445-448 German). 259 Heinroth, O. Joh. Friedr. Naumann im Lichte der heutigen Forschung. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 (116-120). 260 Heinroth, O. Bezieliungen von Jahreszeit, Alter und Geschlecht zum Federwechsel. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bd ii 1917 (81-95). 261 Helper, H. Vogelbeobacht ungen im Friihling. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (214-220). 262 Hellmayr, C. E. Beschreibung von sechs neuen neotropischen Vogelformen, nebst einer Bemerkung iiber Ampelion cinctus (Tsch.). Miinchen Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 13 1917 (106-119). 263 15 Aves. Titles. 5800 Hellmayr, C. E. Zur Nomenklatur zweier palaarctischer Krahen. Munchen Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 13 1917 (181-187). 264 Hellmayr, C. E. Miscellanea Ornitho- logica. ii. Zwei neue neotropiscke Tracheophonen. Munchen Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 13 1917 (188-200). 265 Helms, O. og Schi01er, E. L. Orn nogle for Gronlands 0st- og Westkyst nye og sjaeldne Arter. [New or rare birds from the east and west coasts of Greenland.] Kjobenhavn Orn. Tids. 11 1917 (172-175). 266 Hennemann, W. Zum Vorkommen der Nachtigall im Sauerlande. Munster Jahresber. Westfal. Prov.-Ver. Wiss. 44 1915-16 (169-173). 267 Hennemann, W. Ornithologische Beobachtungen im Sauerlande in den Jahren 1912 und 1913. Orn. Jahrb. Hellein 27 1916 (95-133). 268 Hennemann, W. Zum Vorkommen des Girlitz im Sauerlande. Orn. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (38-42). 269 Hennemann, W. Zur Lebensweise der Wasseramsel Ginclus aquaticus Bchst. Om. Monatsber. Berlin 25 1917 (78-80). 270 Hennicke, 0. R. Etwas fiber die hygienische und wirtschaftliche Be- deutung der Vogel. J. Omith. Leipzig 65 Bd ii 1917 (96-111). 271 Henninger, W. E. The diary of a New England Ornithologist [Erwin I. Shores]. An appreciation. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 29 1917 (1-17). 272 Henninger, W. F. More records from the “ Shores ” collection. Wilson Bull. .Oberlin Ohio 29 1917 (95-96). 273 Hersey, F. S. The present abund- ance of birds in the vicinity of Fort St. Michael, Alaska. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (147-159). 274 Hersey, F. S. The status of the Black-throated Loon ( Gavia arctica) as a North American bird. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 34 1917 (283-290). 275 Hess, A. Erbeutung einer Asia- tischen Kragentrappe (Otis macqueeni) in der Schweiz. Orn. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (58-59). 276 Hess, A. Das Blasshuhn ( Fulica atra ) als Ringvogel. Orn. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (111-112). 277 Hesse, E. Vom Jagdfalk und Alpen- Lammergeier im Zoolog. Museum der Universitat Leipzig. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bdii 1917 (112-115). 278 Hesse, E. Feldlerche ein Nestjunges forttragend. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 25 1917 (143-144). 279 Heurn, W. C. van. Uit het vogel- leven van ,, Nederland tusschen de tropen.“ [Aus dem Vogelleben von „den Niederlanden zwischen den Tropen.“] Daventer Club Jaarber, Nederl. Vogelk. J. B. 7 1917 (25-40). 280 Heyder, R. Einige Gelegenheits- beobachtungen an der Vogelwelt der weiteren Umgegend von Verdun (Frank- reich). Om. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (121-128). 281 Hildebrandt, H. Das Vorkommen einiger Vogel im Beobachtungsgebiet C. L. Brehms einst und jetzfc. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bdii 1917 (1 16-124). 282 Hildebrandt, H. 1st das Vorkommen von Glaucidium passer inum L. und Syrnium uralense Pall, im Osterlande erwiesen ? Omith. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (25-28). 283 Hoffmann, B. Die verschiedenen Methoden der Darstellung von Vogel- stimmen. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 (66-86). 284 Hoffmann, B. Der Gesang und Andres von unserem Mauersegler (Cyp- selus apus L.). J. Omith. Leipzig 65 1917 (459-464). 285 Hoffmann, B. Omithologischos aus Pfronten. Munchen Verhandl. Ornith. Ges. 13 1917 (61-73). 286 Hoffmann, B. Weissfliigelige See- schwalben (Hydrochelidon leucoplera [Schinz]) am Dippclsdorper Teich in Sachsen. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 25 1917 (147-148). 287 Hollaender, P. P. UeberdenUrsprung der aus dem Mittelliim im dorsalen Langs biindel absteigenden Nerven- fasem bei Sauropsiden. Jenische Zs. Natw. 55 1917 (203-220) 11 figs. 288 Hollister, N. The Black Vulture in the District of Columbia and Maryland. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (123). 289 Holt, E. G, vide Golsan and Holt. 16 Aves. XVII. Aves, [1917] Hopkinson, E. Reference list of coloured plates of the Parrots. Avicult. Mag. London 8 1917 (85-89 117-127 151-156 176-177). 290 Hopkinson, E. Cuckoos in captivity. Avicult. Mag. London 9 1917 (31-40). 291 Hopkinson, E. Whydahs. Bird Notes Ashbourne 8 1917 (183-186 210- 214 237-247 259-264). 292 Hopwood, J. C. and Mackenzie, J. M. D. A list of birds from the North Chin Hills. Bombay «T. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (72-91). 293 H0rring, R. Fuglene ved do dansko Fyr i 1915. 33te Aarsberetning om danske Fugle. [The birds at the Danish lighthouses in the year 1915. 33rd annual report.] Kobenhavn Nath. Medd. 68 1917 (211-297). 294 Howe, F. E. The Acanthizae or Tit- Warblers. Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (170-180) 2 pis. 1 text-fig. 295 Howe, F. E. Description of the neat and eggs of Melithreptus alricapillus mallee Mathews. Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (238). 296 Howe, F. E. Observations on the genus Hylacola (Ground-Wrens). Emu Melbourne 17 1917 (87-94 113) 1 pi. 297 Howell, A. B. A new subspecies of Red -winged Blackbird from western Central America. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (196-197). 298 Howell, A. B. Birds of the islands off the coast of southern California. Hollywood Cal. Cooper Orn. Cl. Pacific ooast Avif. no. 12 1917 (1-127) map. 299 Hughes, F. I. Note on the Great Brown Vulture ( V ultur monachus) in captivity. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (298 -300) 3 photos. 300 Hume, E. M. vide Chick. Ibath, A. Das staatliche Vogel- schutzgebiet an der alten Weichsel- miindung bei Neufahr unweit Danzig. Beitr. Naturdenkmalpflcgo 5 1916. 301 Ibarth. Ueber den. Kariningimpel Om. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (128— 129). 302 Ingram, Sir W. The Great Bird-of- Paradise on the island of Little Tobago ( Paradisea apoda). Avicult. Mag. London 8 191 7 (341 -351). 303 Iredale, T. vide Mathews. Jackson, A. C. The moult and se- quence of plumages of the British Waders. Brit. Birds London 11 1017 (55-64 83-85 105-116). 304 Jacobi, A. Art bereehtigung, Winter- kleid und Melanism us von Uria mandtii Licht. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bd ii 1917 (125-128). 305 Jacobi, A. Die Enstehung von H. G. L. Reichenbachs “ volLstaruligster Naturgeschichte der Vogel.” Orn. Monatsbcr. Berlin 25 1917 (97-101). 306 Johnston, S. J. On the Trematodes of Australian birds. Sydney N.S.W. J. R. Soc. 50 1917 (187-260) 10 pis. 307 Jordans, A. von. Die Vogelfauna Mallorcas mil Berucksichtigung. Menorcas und der Pityusen. Ein Beitrag zur Zoogeographie des Mediter- rangebietes. Falco Halle 10 1914. 308 Jourdain, F. C. R. On the eggs of Porzana cinerea brevipes , Uria troille troille and U . t. calif arnica. London Bull. B. 0. C. 37 1917 (19-20). 309 Jourdain, F. C. R. On the eggs of some Japanese Cuckoos. London Bull. B. O. C. 37 1917 (45). 310 Jourdain, F. C. R. vide Baker. Jourdain, F. C. R. vide Meiklejohn. Jourdain, F. C. R. vide Owen. Jungersen, H. F. E. Two cases of pseudohermaphroditism in male Pigeons (Columba domestica). Koben- havn Nath. Medd. 68 1917 (7-22) with 2 figs. 311 Karamsin, A. N. Birds observed in the Aktubinsk-circle of the Turgai- Region. [Russian] Mess. Orn. Moscou 8 1917(117-124). 312 Kayser, C. Ueber das fruhere Horsten des Steinadlers im Riescn- •gebirge. Ornith. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917(137-141). 313 Kayser, C. Einigo Notizen zur Ornis Schlesiens. Orn. Monatsbcr, Berlin 25 1917 (163-164). 314 Kayser, C. Ornithologische Beo- bachtungen aus der Umgegend von Lissa i.P. Posen Zs. D. Gcs. Wiss. 21 1911. 315 17 Aves. Titles. 5800 Kayser, C. Ornithologische Beo- bachtungen aus der Umgebung von Lissa i.P.,insbesondere seit dem Herbst 1916. Posen Zs. D. Ges. Wiss. 23 1917 (2-19). 316 Keene, A. E. vide Ramsay. Kennedy, G. H. Some factors in- volved in the nesting habit of birds. Condor Hollywood Cal, 19 1917 (87- 93) G figs. 317 Kennedy, J. N. Notes on birds ob- - served in the North Sea and North Atlantic Ocean during the auiumn and winter of 1914. Ibis London 1917 (30- 41). 318 Kennedy, J. N. A little-known bird- colony in the Gulf of Mexico. Ibis . London 1917 (41-43). 319 Kennedy, J. N. Birds in the Ancre valley during the winter of 1916-1917. Ibis London 1917 (526-538) map. 320 Kershaw, J. A. New and rare Vic- torian birds from Mallacoota. Emu Melbourne 17 1917 (107-108). 321 Killermann, S. Die ausgestorbenen Maskarenenvogel. Natw. Wochenschr. Jena 14 1915 (353). 322 King, J. Bird Lifo in the midlands of Natal. Cape Town S. Afr. J. Sci. 13 1917 (362-365). 323 Kirkpatrick, W. F. vide Harris. Klein, — . Fortpflanzung von Gypaelus barbalus im Kon. Zool. Garten in Sophia. Omith. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (12-13). 324 Kleinschmidt, O. Die Verwandt- schaft von Emberiza citrinella und Emberiza leucocephala. J. Omith. Leipzig 65 1917 (93-95). 325 Kloss, C. B. On two new races of Palaeornis eupatria (Linn.). Bangkok J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 2 1917 (218-220). 326 Knopfli, W. Mutmassliche Ausbild- ung und Gcschichto der Vogelgescll- schaften des schweizcrischen Mittel- landes. Orn. Jahrb. Hallein 27 1916 (1-26). 327 Knopfli, W. Beitrage zur Morpho- logic und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Brustschulterskelettcs der Vogel. Zurich Vierteljahrsch. Natf. Ges. 62 1917 (49- 58). 328 (n-4840 g) Koch, R. Die Vogel der Umgegend von Anholt und des Niederrheins, nach den Aufzeichnungen und Sammlungen des verstorbenen Ffirsten Leopold zu Salm-Salm, Anholt Jahresber. West- fal. Prov. Ver. 44 1915-16 (132-153). 329 Koenig, A. Die Eulen Aegyptens. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bd ii 1917 (129- 160). 330 Kollibay. Ueber Missbildungen und Farbenabanderungen in der Reichs- graflich Schaffgottschen Sammlung in Warmbrunn. J. Omith. Leipzig 65 1917 (105-107). 331 Kollibay, P. Bemerkungen fiber einige turkestanische Vogel. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 (444-458). 332 Konradsen, O. G. Danmark Som yngleplads for skovsneppen ( Scolopax rusticula). [Woodcock breeding in Denmark ] Kjobenhavn Omith. Tids. 11 1917 (38-43). 333 Koske, F. Die Veroffentlichungen fiber die Vogelwelt Pommems. (Or- nithologische Bibliographie Pommems bis zum Ende des Jahres. 1915). J. Orni th. Leipzig 65 1917 (1-42 121-169). 334 Koske, F. Der Karmingimpel in Pommem. Om. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917(110-111). 335 Koudashev, Prince . A. Pre- liminary list of birds observed in the Sochi district of the Black-Sea Govern- ment. [Russian]. Mess. Omith. Moscou 8 1917 (20-36 89-97 English summary 96-97). 336 Kruss, P. Der Vogelzug auf Helgo- land in den Jahren 1912 und 1913. Nach den Tagebfichern der Vogelwarte der kgl. biologischen Anstalt auf Helgo- land zusammengestcllt. J. Omith. Leipzig 65 1917 Sonderhft. (1-120). 337 Krtiss, P. Einige auf Helgoland erlegte seltnere Vogelarten. Orn. Monatsb'. Berlin 25 1917 (141-142). 338 Kuroda, N. A collection of Birds from Tonkin. Tokyo Annot. Zool. Japon. 9 1917 (217-254) 339 Kuroda, N. Notes on Formosan Birds, with description of a new Bull- finch. Tokyo Annot. Zool. Jap. 9 1917 (255-297). 340 c 7 18 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1917] Kuroda, N. On one new genus and three new species of birds from Corea and Tsushima. Tori [Bird] Tokyo No. 5 1917 Supplement (1-6) 1 pi. 2 text-fig. 341 La Touche, J. D. D. Further notes on the birds of the Province of Fohkien in south-east China. Ibis London 1917 (557-564). 342 Lakjer, T. Bjergvipstjert ( Motacilla melanope) ynglende i Sverige. [M. melanope breeding in Sweden.] Kjo- benhavn Ornith. Tids. 11 1917 (97- 100). 343 Laubmann, A. Beitrage zur Avifauna des Elbsees bei Aitrang im Algau. Miinchen Verhandl. Ornith. Qes. 13 1917 (24^9). 344 Laubmann, A. Ein neuor Name fiir Atcedo grandis Blyth. Miinchen Ver- handl. Ornith. Ges. 13 1917 (105). 345 Laubmann, A. Eine noue Raben- kralie aus Japan. Miinchen Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 13 1917 (201-202). 346 Laubmann, A. Bemerkungen zu Fulica stenoleuca Peckelhoff. Orn. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (130-133); also Hagen ibid. (144-145). 347 Le Souef, W. H. I). Australian Ibises. Emu Melbourne 17 1917 (94-95) 2 pis. 348 Legge, W. V. A new Raptor (Gypoictinia melanosterna) for Tas- mania. Emu Melbourne 17 1917 (103- 105). 349 Leigh, H. S. vide Theobald. Lincoln, F. C. A review of the genus Pediaecetes in Colorado. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (83-86)1 pi. 350 Lincoln, F. C. The birds of Rock Canyon, Arizona. Wilson Bull. Oborlin Ohio 29 1917 (63-73) 6 photos. 351 Lindner, C. Zusammenfassung der Ergebnissein Bezug auf die Erforschung des deutschen Steinsperlings ( Passer petronius) im let.zten Jahrzehnt (1906- 1916). J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bd ii 1917 (161-165). 352 Littlejohns, R. T. Observations from the Fern-tree Gully district (Vic.). Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (236-238). 353 Lloyd, H. Ontario bird-notes. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (457-^60). 354 Lonnberg, E. Birds collected in eastern Congo by Captain Elias Arrhenius. Stockholm Ark. Zool. 10 no. 24 1917 (1-32). 355 Lonnberg, E. Notes on some in- teresting East African Birds. Stock- holm Ark. Zool. 11 no. 5 1917 (1-5). 356 Loveridge, A. A natural history • expedition through the Kedong valley, B.E.A. J. E. Afr. and Uganda N. H. Soc. 6 1917 (157-167). 357 Loveridge, A. Natural history notes from British East Africa. J. E. Afr. and Uganda N. H. Soc. 6 1917 (170- 185). 358 Lowe, J. R. B. Notes on Ashbyia lovensis. Notes on Amytornis mer- rotsii. Adelaide S. Austr. Orn. 3 1917 (40-42). 359 Lowe, W. P. Remarks on Colorado birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (453-455). 360 Lucanus, F. von. Das numerische Verhaltnis der Gesclilechter in der Vogelwelt. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bd ii 1917 (166-175). 361 Lucanus. [On T urdus iliacus coburni .] J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1917 (228-229). 362 Lucanus, F. von. Ueber die geo- graphischen Formen von Turdus visci - vorus L. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 (506-512). 363 Lucanus, F. von. Ornithologische Station des “ Lotos ” in Liboch a. Elbe. Orn. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (176-177). 364 Ludlow, F. Notes on the bird -life of Ahwaz, Persia. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (303-306). 365 McAtee, W. L. Life and writings of Professor F. E. L.Beal. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (243-264) portr. 366 McAtee, W. L. The shedding of the stomach lining by birds, particularly as exemplified by the Anatidae. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (415-421) 2 pis. 367 19 Aves. Titles. 5800 MoAtee, W. L. Propagation of Wild- Duck Poods. Washington D.C. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bull. no. 465 1917 (1-40) 35 figs. 368 McAtee, W. L. Some local names of birds. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 29 1917 (74-95). 369 McAtee, W. L., Preble, E. A. and Wetmore, A. Winter birds about Washington, D.O., 1916-1917. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 29 1917 (183-187). 370 Macgillivray, W. Ornithologists in North Queensland. Emu Melbourne 17 1917 (63-87). 371 McGowan, W. vide Theobald. McGregor, P. J. 0. Notes on birds observed at Erzerum. Ibis London 1917 (1-30). 372 Mackenzie, D. Spoonbill in the Outer Hebrides. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 (293). 373 Mackenzie, D. vide Ewart. Mackenzie, J. M. D. vide Hopwood. Mackworth-Praed, 0. W. A collec- tion of birds from two districts of British East Africa. Ibis London 1917 (362-421) map. 374 Mackworth-Praed, 0. W. vide Sclater. M’Lennan, W. vide White, H. L. Macnamara, 0. The Purple Martin. Ottawa Nat. 31 1917 (49-54). 375 Macoun, J. et Macoun, J. M. Cata- logue des Oiseaux du Canada (xii -f 909 4* xv). Ottawa (Imp. du Gouv.) 1916 8vo. 376 MacReynolds, G. A Pennsylvania Starling roost. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (338-340). 377 Martorelli, G. Di un nuovo caso di asimmetria del becco nella Sitta cinna- momeiventris. Milano Rend. 1st. lomb. 49 1916 (892-896) 5 text figs. 378 Masefield, J. R. B. Report of Sec- tions— Aves. Stafford Trans. N. Staff. Field Cl. 51 1917 (100-104). 379 Matthew, W. D. and Granger, W. The skeleton of Diatryma, a gigantic bird from the lower Eocene of Wyoming. New York Bull. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 1917 (307-326) 13 pis.; also Amer. Mus. Joum. 17 1917 (417-418) 2 figs. 380 Mathews, G. M. Tho Birds of Aus- tralia 6 pts. 2-6 (105-516) pis. 283-324. London (Witherby) 1917 4to. Mathews, G. M. Birds of the north and north-west of Australia. Adelaide S. Austr. Orn. 3 1917 (12-17 34-38 68-75 109-113). 382 Mathews, G. M. New subspecies and notes on species. Austr. Av. Rec. London 3 1917 (71-78). 383 Mathews, G. M. The re-discovery of two lost birds. Austr. Av. Rec. London 3 1917 (79-90) 1 pi. 384 Mathews, G. M. Notes on some extra-limital Parrot names. Austr. Av. Rec. London 3 1917 (91-94). 385 Mathews, G. M. On a collection of birds from the Macleay Museum, Sydney, N.S.W. Austr. Av. Rec. London 3 1917 (95-97). 386 Mathews, G. M. Silvester Diggles, Ornithologist. Austr. Av. Rec. London 3 1917 (98-108). 387 Mathews, G. M. Additions and corrections to my list. Austr. Av. Rec. London 3 1917 (127-128). 388 Mathews, G. M. Some now Australian birds. Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (ISO- 185). 389 Mathews, G. M. and Iredale, T. Avian nomenclatorial notes. Austr. Av. Rec. London 3 1917 (113-126). 390 Mathews, G. M. vide Carter. Meares, C. S. Field-notes on the nesting of the Dotterel in Scotland. Brit. Birds London 11 1917 (12-14). 391 Meares, C. S. Field-notes on the nesting of the Hobby. Brit. Birds London 11 1917 (50-54). 392 Meiklejohn, R. F. Some reflections on the breeding-habits of the Cuckoo ( Cuculus canorus). Ibis London 1917 (186-223) ; also Haviland, Butler, Nicholl (456-462), Jourdain (633- 636). 393 Menegaux, A. Etude d’une collection d’oiseaux du Matto Grosso. Rev. Fran?. d’Orn. Paris 9 1917 (24-26 37-40 55-58 84-88). 394 M[enegaux], A. Reprise d’un Alba- tros bague. Rev. Fran?. Om. 9 1917 (64). 395 c 7—2 (n-4840 g) 20 Avee. XVII. Aves. [1917] Menegaux, A. Rubiette Titys et Rubiette de Caire. Rev. Fran?. d’Orn. 9 1917 (91-92). 396 Merikallio, E. Om. de i hule traeer rugende aenders okologi. [On ducks which breed in hollow trees.] Kjoben- havn Ornith. Tids. 11 1917 (85-96) 3 figs. 397 Merriam, H. F. Nesting of the Cape May Warbler at Lake Edward, Quebec. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (410- 413). 398 Meyere, J. L. F. de. Ringmusschen ( Passer montana [L]) onder dakpannen. [Feldsperlinge unter Dachziegeln.] Ardea Leiden 6 1917 (107-109). 399 Michel, J. Ornithologische Reise- skizzen. Om. Jahrb. Hallein 28 1917 (1-18). 400 Milburn, C. E. Ornithological notes from Middlesbrough, chiefly relating to 1916. Vasculum Hexham 3 1917 (57- 59). 401 Millais, J. G. vide Rintoul and Baxter. Miller, L. E. A search for Scytalopus. New York Amer. Mus. Joum. 17 1917 (157-167) photos. 402 Miller, W. de W. vide Oberholser. Millet-Horsin. Le commerce des ojseaux k Dakar. Rev. Fran?. d’Orn. Paris 9 1917 (21-24 33-37). 403 Millet-Horsin, Notes omitliologiques d*A[friqueJ 0[rientale] F[ran?aise]. Rev. Fran?. d’Ora. Paris 9 1917 (104-107). 404 Millet-Horsin vide Bouet. Mintus, A. Die aus ’Nieaer-Oester- reich als Horstvogel verscbwundenen Raubvogelarten. Orn. Jahrb. Hallein 27 1916 (33-44). 405 Moffat, C. B. An exterminating winter : its effects on bird-life in Co. Wexford. Irish Nat. Dublin 26 1917 (89-98). 406 Moffat, C. B. Some migrant notes. Irish Nat. Dublin 26 1917 (131-133). 407 Morgan, A. M. Notes on the food and temperatures of Cormorants. Ade- laide S. Austr. Orn. 3 1917 (75-78). 408 Morgan, A. M. Birds on the river Murray. Adelaide S. Austr. Om. 3 1917 (99-109). 409 Mousley, H. The breeding of the Black-throated Blue Warbler at Hatley, Stanstead County, Quebec, 1916. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (187-191). 410 Mousley, H. A study of subsequent nestings after the loss of the first. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (381-393) 2 pis. 411 Mousley, H. Sap-drinking habits of Warblers. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (484-485). 412 Mullens, W. H. and Swann, H. K. A bibliography of British Ornithology from the earliest times to the end of 1912, including biographical accounts of the principal writers and biblio- graphies of their published works. (In six parts), Pts. v-vi (497-691). Lon- don (Macmillan) 1917 8vo. 413 Murphy, R. 0. Natural history observations from the Mexican portion of the Colorado desert. New York Abs. Proc. Linn. Soc. nos. 24-25 1917 (43-101) map 5 pis. 414 Murphy, R. C. A new Albatross from the west coast of South America. New York Bull. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 1917 (861-864) 1 text-fig. 415 Murphy, R. C. vide Nichols, Murphy and Griscom. Myers, J. A. Studies on the syrinx of Gallus domesticus. J. Morph. Philadelphia 29 1917 (165-201) 7 pis. 416 Natorp, O. Beobachtungen am Brutplatz des Halsbandfliegenfangers ( Muscicapa collaris Bechst.) in Schlesien. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bd. ii 1917 (176- 188). 417 Neumann, O. Ueber die Avifauna des unteren Senegal -Gebiets. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bd. ii 1917 (189- 214). 418 Neumann, O. Neue Formen aus dem papuanischen Gebiet. Orn. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (153-156). 419 Neuville, H. vide Retterer. Newton, E. T. Notes on bones found in the Creag nan Uamh Cave, Inchna- damff, Assynt, Sutherland. Edinburgh Proc. R. Soc. 37 1917 (344-348). 420 21 Avee. Titles. 5800 Nibe, T. Kakko no hanshoku to oyoshikiri to no kwankei. [Relation of Acroceplialus orientalis to the breeding of the cuckoo.] Tori [Bird] Tokyo No. 5 1917 (62-72). 421 Nicholl, A. M. 0. vide Meiklejohn. Nichols, J. B. Rare birds in Sussex. Brit. Birds London 11 1917 (46). 422 Nichols, J. B. and Parkin, T. Three birds new to the British List. Brit. Birds London 10 1917 (264-262) 3 figs. 423 Nichols, J. T., Murphy, R. 0. and Griscom, L. Notes on Long Island birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (434-444). 424 Nichols, W. B. A catalogue of the birds of the Stour estuary. Pt. 1. Ipswich Proc. Sufi. Inst. 16 1917 (167-178). 425 Nicoll, M. J. Sylvia norrisae sp. n. and Prinia gracilis natronensis subsp. n. described. London Bull. B. O. C. 37 1917 (28-30). 426 Noble, H. Supposed breeding of the Barnacle Goose in Iceland. Brit. Bds. London 10 1917 (181-184). 427 Noggler, J. Beobachtungen fiber den Vogelzug in Mariahof, 1916. Om. Jahrb. Hallein, 28 1917 (61-52). % 428 Norton, A. H. Type of the Large - billed Puffin. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (205-206). 429 Oberholser, H. C. Critical notes on the eastern subspecies of Sitla caro- linensis Latham. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (181-187). 430 Oberholser, H. C. Notes on North American birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (191-196 321-329 465-470). [Cepphus, Dendrocygna, Anas,Lophortyx , Myiarclius , Planesticus, Vireo, Baeolo- phus, Geothlypis, Dendroica, V ermiror a, Molothrus, Loxia, Passer, Bannermania , Cymochorea, Sula, Fregata, Bubo.] 431 Oberholser, H. C. A synopsis of the races of Bombycilla garrula (Linnaeus). Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (330- 333). 432 Oberholser, H. 0. Notes on the genus Pufjinus Brisson. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 34 1917 (471-475). 433 Oberholser, H. C. The migration of the North American Swallows. Bird- lore Harrisburg Pa^lO 1917 (320-330). 434 Oberholser, H. 0. The status of Aphelocoma cyanotis and its allies. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (94- 95). 435 Oberholser, H. C. A new subspecies of Geothlypis beldingi. Condor Holly- wood Cal. 19 1917 (182-184). 436 Oberholser, H. C. Notes on the Fringilline genus Passerherbulus and its nearest allies. Ohio J. Sci. Columbus 17 1917 (332-336). 437 Oberholser, H. C. The Birds of the Anamba Islands. Washington D. C. Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 98 1917 (iv -|- 75) map and 1 pi. 438 Oberholser, H. C. Diagnosis of a new laniine family of Passeriformes. Washington J. Acad. Sci. 7 1917 (ISO- 181). 439 Oberholser, H. C. Diagnosis ol a new pycnonotine family of Passeri- formes. Washington J. Acad. Sci. 7 1917 (537-538). 440 Oberholser, H. C. Description of a new Sialia from Mexico. Washington D. C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (27-28). 441 Oberholser, H. 0. Mutanda omitho-. logica. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (75-76 125-126). 442 Oberholser, H. C. Description of a new genus of Anatidae. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30 1917 (119-120). , 443 Oberholser, H. C. Piranga rubra rubra in Colorado. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (122). 444 Oberholser, H. C. Autumn Water- bird records at Washington D.C. Wash- ington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soo. 30 1917 (122). 445 Oberholser, H. C. Description of a new subspecies of Perisoreus obscurus. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 1917 (185-188). 446 Oberholser, H. C. The Birds of Bawean Island, Java sea. Washington D.C. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 52 1917 (183-198). 447 22 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1917] Oberholser, H. C. A review of the subspecies of the Leach Petrel, Oceano- droma leucorhoa (Vieillot). Washing- ton Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 54 1917 (165-172). 448 Oberholser, H. C. Birds collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott on various islands in the Java Sea. Washington D.C. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 54 1917 (177- 200). 449 Oberholser, H. C. A co-operative bird census at Washington D.C. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 29 1917 (18-29); also W. de W. Miller and C. H. Rogers (30-32). 450 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. Remarks on some recent collections of birds made by Mr. G. L. Bates in Cameroon. Ibis London 1917 (72-90) 1 pi. 451 Oldys, H. The meaning of Bird- music. New York N.Y. Amer, Mus; Journ. 17 1917 (123-127). 452 Oort, E. D. van. Resultaten van het ringonderzoek van het Ryksmuseum te Leiden. [Resultate der Markierung durch das Reichsmuseum zu Leiden.] Ardea Leiden 6 1917 (110-114). 453 Oort, E. D. van. Ornithologische waamemingen in Nederland. [Ornitho- logische Beobachtungen in den Nieder- landen.] Ardea Leiden 6 1917 (98- 107). 454 Oudemans, A. Dodo-studien. Naar aanleiding van de vondst van een gevelsteen met Dodo-beeld van 1561 te Vere. [Dodo-Studien, nach Anleitung des Pundes eines Giebelsteines mit Dodo- Bild von 1561 zu Vere.] Amsterdam Verh. K. Akad. Wet. 2e Sect. 19 No. 4 1917 (1-140 mit 41 Pig.) Auszug. Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 25 1917 (924-925) (Holland- iscli). 455 Oudemans, A. C. Leguatia gigantea Schleg. Ardea Leiden 6 1917 (37-55) 1 pi. 2 text-figs. 456 Oudemans, A. C. Mededeelingen door Dr. A. C. O. over zijne Dodo- Studieu. Ardea Leiden 6 1917 (74- 79). 457 Outes.F. F. Formaci on del Gabinete del Rey primeras contribuciones sud- americanas (1769). El Hornero Buenos Aires 1 1917 (16-21). 458 Owen, J. H. Notes on the breeding- habits of the Red-backed Shrike. Brit. Birds London 10 1917 (175-180) 2 figs. 459 Owen, J. H. and Jourdain, F. C. R. Curious nesting sites of Spotted Fly- catcher. Brit. Birds London 11 1917 (87-88). 460 Page, W. T. Some Toucans. Bird- Notes Ashbourne 8 1917 (41-46) 4 pis. 461 Palmer, T. S. In memoriam : Wells Woodbridge Cooke. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (119-132) portr. 462 Palmer, T. S. Personalia in omitho- logy — Report of the committee on biography and bibliography. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (446-462). 463 Palmer, T. S. Botta’s visit to Cali- fornia. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (159-161). 464 Paris, P. Oiseaux recemment dis- parus. Chalon-sur-Saone Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. 21 1917(1-5). 465 Parkin, T. vide Nichols, J. B. Paterson, D. R. vide Proger. Paton, E. R. Some notes on the breeding-habits of the Merlin. Brit. Birds London 11 1917 (29-30). 466 Patten, C. J. Western Black-eared Wheatear ( Oenanthe hispanica his- panica), on migration obtained on Tuskar Rock : a bird new to Ireland. Nov. Zool. Tring 24 1917 (1-16) 1 pi. 467 Pax, E. Wandlungen der schlesischen Tierwelt in geschichtlicher Zeit. Beitr, Naturdenkmalpflege 5 1916 (414- 472). 468 Pearl, R. The selection problem. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (65-91). 469 Pearl, R. The experimental modi- fication of Germ cells : (i) General plan of experiments with ethyl alcohol and certain related substances (123-164) 3 figs, (ii) The effect upon the Domestic Fowl of the daily inhalation of ethyl alcohol and certain related substances (165-186) 4 figs, (iii) The effect of parental alcoholism and certain of the drug intoxications upon the progeny (241-310) 7 figs. J. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia 22 1917. 470 23 Aves. Titles. 5800 Pearl, R. vide Boring. Pease, A. E. Thomas Hudson Nelson. Brit. Birds London 10 1917 (205-209) portr. 471 Pedersen, A. Nogle op tegnelser om Sydsjaellands Fugle. [Notes on the birds of south Zealand.] Kjobenhavn Omith. Tids. 11 1917 (148-159). 472 Pellinkliof, J. H. Eenige mededee- lingen omtrent het voorkomen van den Ortolaan ( Emberiza hortulana) in het Zuidwesten van Drenthe. [Einige Mitteilungen fiber das Vorkommen der Gartenammer im Siidwesten von Drenthe.] Ardea Leiden 6 1917 (90- 92). 473 Pelt Lechner, A. A. van. Overzicht der specimina in „Ootheca Wolleyana“ als uit Nederland afkomstig vermeld staande. [Uebersicht der Specimina, welche im „Ootheca Wolleyana“ als aus den Niederlanden herkfinftig ange- geben sind.] Ardea Leiden 6 1917 (21-32). 474 Perreau, G. A. Bakloh Aviary notes. Bird Notes Ashbourne 8 1917 (5-10). 475 Peters, J. L. Birds from the northern coast of the Dominican Republic. Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 61 1917 (391-426). 476 Peters, J. L. The Porto Rican Grasshopper Sparrow. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (95-96). 477 Petit, L. din6. L’arriv6e des hiron- delles et des martinets en 1917. Paris Bull. Soc. Zool. 42 1917 (108-109). 478 Petronievics, B. and Woodward, A. S. On the pectoral and pelvic arches of the British Museum specimen of Archaeopteryx. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 (1-6) 1 pi. 479 P6zard, A. Loi numerique de la regression des organes erectiles, con- secutive a la castration post puberale chez les Gallinaces. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 164 1917 (734-736). 480 Philipp, P. B. and Bowdish, B. S. Some summer birds of northern New Brunswick. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (265-275) 3 pis. 481 Phillips, J. C. The Steamer Duck ( Tachyeres cinereus). Ibis London 1917 (116-119) ; also Blaauw (274-276). 482 Plaz, J. Graf. Zugsbeobachtungen aus dem Pongauer Ennstale. Orn. Jahrb. Hallein 28 1917 (35-46). 483 Plimmer, H. G. Report on the deaths which occurred in the Zoo- logical Gardens during 1916 etc., etc. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 (27-35). 484 Plocq, E. Sur quelques oiseaux de Lorraine. Rev. Fran<,‘. d’Orn. Paris 9 1917 (125-126). 485 Poliakov, G. I. Albinism and mela- nism in the Goldfinch. [Russian.] Mess. Ornith. Moscow 8 1917 (126- 127) 1 pi. 486 Poncins, V icomte de. Les migrations des Cols-verts. Rev. Fran?. d’Om. Paris 1917 (120-122). 487 Porsild, M. P. Om nogle Vestgr^n- landske Pattedyr og Fugle 1—11. Arbejder fra den Danske arktiske station paa Disko. No. 10 (31-54) fugle p. 54. Ktfbenhavn (Lunos) 1916 8vo. 488 Potter, J. K. Unusual nesting site of the Least Bittern at Camden N.J. Cassinia Philadelphia No. 20 1917 (14-17) photos. 489 Preble, E. A. vide Me A tee. Proger, T. W. and Paterson, D. R. Ornithological notes for 1916. Cardiff Trans. Nat. Soc. 49 1917 (67-69). 490 Ramsay, J. and Keene, A. E. The Lyre Bird ; some nesting notes. Austr. Zool. Sydney 1917 (81-82) 4 photos. 491 Raspail, X. Nidification du Rouge- ueue Tithys et dur6e de l’incubation e son ceuf. Paris Bull. Soc. Zool. 42 1917 (85-87). 492 Rathbun, S. F. Description of a new subspecies of the Western Meadow- lark. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (68-70). 493 Ray, M. S. vide Hansen. Reichenow [A.]. [On the forms of Certhia brachydactyla.] J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 (97). 494 24 Aves, XVII. Aves. [191 7 J Reichenow [A.]. [Phyllastrephus indicator and its sub, specific races], J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 (115). 495 Reichenow, A. Turdus pondoensis, Dryonastes tsinlingensis, Bradypterus usambarae, Calamocichla palustris, Cin- nicerthia paramosa, Turdinus tangan- jicae, Ploceus quilimancnsis, P. epi- polius , P. poruloensis spp. n. J. Ornith* Leipzig 65 1917 (391-392). 496 Reichenow [A.]. Ueber die Arten der Gattung Sycalis. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 (513-514). 497 Reichenow [A.]. Gerygone stictilaema, Chcetura buergersi spp. n. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 (514). 498 Reichenow [A.]. Ueber den fahl- bauchigen Kleiber. ( Sitta caesia sordida). Ornith. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (55-57). 499 Reichling, H. Beitrage zur Avi- fauna des Munsterlandes. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 (193-220). 500 Reichling, H. Beitrage zur Vogel- fauna des Munsterlandes. Munster Jahres-Ber. Westfal. Prov. Ver. 44 1915-16 (154-168). 501 Rendahl, H. Vom Abzug der schwedischen Waldschnepfen in den Jahren 1903-1912. Om. Jahrb. Hal- lein 27 1916 (26-33). 602 Renshaw, G. The Celebean Maleo (M egacephalurn maleo). Avicult. Mag. London 8 1917 (168-170). 503 Renshaw, G. The Secretary Bird and Mantell’s Apteryx. Avicult. Mag. London 8 1917 (334-341) photos. 504 Relterer, E. et Neuville, H. De la rate des pigeons ou colum bides. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 80 1917 (485-488). 505 Relterer, E. et Neuville, H. Resultats generaux obtenus par l’dtude de la rate d’une trentaire d’especes d’oiseaux. Paris C. R. Biol. Soc. 80 1917 (952- 955). - 506 Richmond, C. W. The earliest name for the Nighthawk. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (88-89). 507 Richmond, C. W. A new name for Onychospiza Prjev. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (89). 508 Richmond, O. W. “ One of the rarest birds.” Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (215-217). 509 Richmond, C. W. Generic names applied to birds during the years 1906 to 1915, inclusive, with additions and corrections to Waterhouse’s “ Index Generum Avium.” Washington D.C. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53 1917 (565-636). 510 Richmond, C. W. Description of two now birds from Haiti. Washington Smithson. Misc, Coll. 68 No. 7 1917 (1-3). 511 Riddle, O. The control of sex ratio. Washington J. Acad. Sci. 7 1917 (319— 356). 512 Ries, A. Die Vogel Bambergs und seiner Uingebung. Bamberg Ber. Nat. Ges. 1915 (331-426). 513 Riley, J. H. An unrecorded bird ( Tyrannies tyrannus) from the Bahamas- Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (209). 514 Riley, J. H. A bird ( Pinecola enucleator kamtschathensis) new to the North American fauna. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (210). 515 Rintoul, L. J. and Baxter, E. V. On the Pale -breasted or American Brent Goose in Scotland. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 (25-26) ; also Chap- man and Evans ibid (74-77) McWilliam and Robinson ibid (99-100) Robertson and Haigh ibid (103-104) Millais ibid (215-217). 516 Rintoul, L. J. and Baxter, E. V. Report on Scottish ornithology in 1916, including migration. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 (147-206). 517 Rintoul, L. J. and Baxter, E. V. Autumn displays in our British birds. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 (265-270). 518 Ritchie, J. The animal remains from Constantine’s Cave, Fife Ness. Edinburgh Proc. Soc. Antiquaries Scot- land 49 1915 (251-253). 519 Riviere, C. L’elevage de l’antruclie a Madagascar. Difficultes et insucces d’ordre general. Rev. Franc. d’Orn. Paris 9 1917 (72-74 88-91 122-125 155-158). 520 Roberts, A. Ornithological Notes : Classification of African Birds : New Records of Birds : New species and subspecies : Parasitism amongst Finches. Pretoria Ann. Transvaal Mus. 5 1917 (246-262). 521 25 Aves. Titles. 5800 Roberts, A. Descriptions of a new species and genus of Flycatchers from East Africa and two new subspecies of Guinea Fowls from South Africa. Pretoria Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6 1917 (1-3). 522 Robinson, H. 0. On a collection of Birds from Pulau Langkawi and other islands on the north-west coast of the Malay Peninsula. J. Fed. Malay Mus. Singapore 7 1917 (129-191). 523 Robinson, H. W. Evidence for the breeding of the Green Sandpiper in Westmoreland in 1917. Brit. Birds London 11 1917 (103-104 168) 524 Robinson, H. W. Lanner Falcon in north Lancashire. Ibis London 1917 (462). 525 Robinson, H. W. Some evidence cor- roborating the supposed breeding of the Green Sandpiper in the British Isles. Ibis London 1917 (611-612). 526 Robinson, H. W. Ornithological report for north Lancashire for 1916. Lancs. Nat. Darwen 9 1917 (299- 302) also 10 1917 (12). 527 Rogers, C. H. vide Oberholser. Rossler, E. Omithologische Beo- bachtungen zwischen Dran mid Krn- dija. Om. Jahrb. Hallein. 28 1917 (18- 29). 528 Rothschild, Lord. Remarks on Tyto arfaki Schleg. London Bull. B.O.C. 37 1917 (17-19). 529 Rothschild, Lord. On the status of Lophophorus impejanus Lath, and L. refulgens Temm. London Bull B.O.O. 37 1917 (49-51). 530 Rothschild, Lord. Melanoperdix nigra borneensis subsp. n. London Bull. B.O.C. 38 1917 (3-4). 531 Rothschild, Lord. Note on the African species of Turtur ( Ghalcopelia auct.). London Bull. Brit. Om. Cl. 38 1917 (25-26). 532 Rothschild, Lord and Hartert, E. Review of the forms of Lalage karu inhabiting the Papuan subregion. Lon- don Bull. Brit. Om. Cl. 37 1917 (15-17). 533 Rothschild, Lord and Hartert, E. Myzomela eichhorni interposita subsp. n. London Bull. B.O.C. 37 1917 (38). 534 Rudiger, W. Omithologische Beo- bachtungen in den Gouverments Kowno und Kurland. Arch. Naturges. Berlin 82a 1917 (12-27). 535 Rudiger, W. Beitrage zur Nistweise der Schellente ( Fuligula clangula). Omith. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (10-12). 536 Rust, II. J. An annotated list of the birds of Fremont county, Idaho, as observed during the summer of 1916. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (29- 43) Map and 12 photos. 537 Ruttledge, R. F. Ornithological notes from south Mayo. Irish Nat. Dublin 26 1917 (148-151). 538 Sabin, F. R. Preliminary note on the differentiation of angioblasts and the method by which they produce blood vessels, blood-plasma and red blood- cells as seen in the living chick. Anat. Rec. Philadelphia 13 1917 (199-204). 539 Seemundssan, B. New or rare birds in Iceland (Icelandic). Reykjavik, Skyrsla natturupr. 1915-1916 (28-30). 540 St. Quintin, W. H. Breeding notes of 1916. Avioult. Mag. London 8 1917 (248-251). 541 Sage, J. H. Description of Audubon. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (239-240). 542 Sarudny, N. A. The representatives of the genus Cynchramus in the Russian Turkestan [Russian]. Mess. Omith. Moscow 8 1917 (38-56 98-116). 543 Saxtorph, S. M. Nyere Meddelelser om Danske Fugle ii. [Recent notes on Danish birds.] Kjobenhavn Omith. Tids. 11 1917 (101-147). 544 Schaanning, H. T. L. Bidrag til Sidensvansons ( Ampelis garrulus Lin.) biologi og morphologi. [On the structure and habits of Ampelis garru- lus]. Kjobenhavn Omith. Tids. 11 1917 (17-37) 10 figs. 545 Schalow, H. Einigo Bemerkungen zur Vogelfauna von Nowaja Semlja. j. Omith. Leipzig 65 Bd. ii. 1917 (215- 222). 546 Schalow, H. Uber das Vorkommen von Merops apiaster L. in der Mark Brandenburg. Om. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (156-159). 547 26 Av68. XVII. Aves. [1917] Schenk, J. Fauna Regni Hungariae. Animalium Hungariae hucusque cogni- torum enumeratio systematica Aves in memoriam Regni Hungariae mille abhinc annis constituti edidit Regia Societas Scientiarum naturalium Hun- garica (1-114 Magyar and Latin) 1 map Budapest 1917 8vo. 548 Schenk, J. Der Vogelzug in Ungam in den Friikjakren 1915. und 1916. Aquila Budapest 23 1917 (13-49 Magyar 438-444 German). 549 Schenk, J. Altberiihmte sieben- biirgische Vogelsammlungen. Aquila Budapest 23 1917 (163-195 Magyar, 468-482 German). 550 Schiebel, G. Sckneeammern (Pas- ser ina nivalis L.) und Zwergtrappe (Otis tetrax) in Krain 1914-1915. J. Omith. Leipzig 65 Bd ii 1917 (223- 225). 551 Schiebel, G.. Uber die Vogel der Insel Arbe (Nord-dalmatien). iii Teil : Ostem 1913 und Os tern 1914. Orn. Jahrb. Hallein 27 1916 (82-87). 552 Schiebel, G. Ornithologisckes von einer Reise durch Siid-dalmatien (Insel Lissa, Spalato und Ragusa) im August 1913. Orn. Jahrb. Hallein 27 1916 (87-94). 553 Schi01er, E. L. vide Helms. Schlegel, R. Hie Rohrsanger des Leipziger Flachlandsgebietes mit besonderer Beriicksichtigimg ihrer Vor- kommens in den Flussgebieten der weissen Elster, Pleisse, vereinigten und Zwickauer Mulde nacli dem sach- sischen Berglande und Erzgebirge zu. J. Omith. Leipzig 65 1917 (169-181). 554 Schmitt, C. vide Stadler. Schmitz, P. E. Tagebuchnotizen aus Tabgha am See Genesareth. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 25 1917 (75-78 92- 94). 555 Schuster, L. Ueber Vorkommen der Weidenmeise in Ostfrankreich. Orn. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (145-146). 556 Schuster, L. Ueber das Vorkommen der Ammern in Nordostfrankreich. Orn. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (160- 163). 557 Schuster, L. Einige ornithologische Beobachtungen aus den Champagne. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 25 1917 (170- 174). 558 Schweppenburg, H. Frhr. G. von. Vogelzug in der westlichen Sahara. J. Omith. Leipzig 65 1917 (43-65). 559 Schweppenburg, H. Frhr. G. von. Ins Land der Tuareg. J. Ornitli. Leipzig 65 1917 (242-312) map. 560 Schweppenburg, H. Frhr. G. von. Otto le Roi zur Erinnerung. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 435-443 portr. 561 Schweppenburg, H. Freiherr G. von. Hie omithogeographische Stellung des Tuareg-Berglandes. J. Omith. Leipzig 65 Bd ii 1917 (43-56). 562 Sclater, W. L. The birds of Yemen, south-western Arabia, with an account of his journey thither by the collector, Mr. G. Wyman Burv. Ibis London 1917 (129-186) 2 pis. 1 text-fig. 563 [Sclater, W. L.] Obituary-Capt. F. 0. Selous, Baron Lucas and Oingwall, Commander the Hon. R. O. B. Bridge- man, R.N., T. H. Nelson, Hr. E. A. Mearns, Prof. F. E. L. Beal. Ibis London 1917 (244-251). 564 Sclater, W. L. On a new South American Jay of the genus Cyanolyca. Ibis London 1917 (465-466) pi. viii. 565 Sclater, W. L. Obituary. Prof. E. A. Goeldi, Hr. E. P. Ramsay. Ibis London 1917 (613-617). 566 Sclater, W. L. A remarkable varia- tion in Pceocephalus ineyeri. London Bull. B. O. C. 37 1917 (32). 567 Sclater, W. L. Note on Francolinus gariepensis jugularis and F. g. pallidior. London Bull. B. O. C. 37 1917 (46-47). 568 Sclater, W. L. Note on British examples of Neophron percnopterus and Catharacta skua. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 38 1917 (13-14)% 569 Sclater, W. L., Mackworth-Praed, 0. W. and Hartert, E. A note on the British Puffin. Brit. Birds London 11 1917 (162-166). 570 Scoville, S. The Evening Grosbeak (HesperipJiona v. vespertina) in south New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (210-212). 671 27 Avea. Titles. 5800 Sell, R. A. Some notes on the effects upon bird life, of the Corpus Christi storm of August 18, 1916. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (43-46). 572 Selous, E. Habits of the Great Crested Grebe. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (110-112). 573 Selous, E. Ornithological observa- tions and reflections in Shetland. Naturalist London 1917 (89-92 260- 269). 574 Selva, M. Distracciones ornitologicas. El Homerd Buenos Aires 1 1917 (22- 29). 575 Sheppard, T. On arranging Museum cases for Birds. Naturalist London 1917 (61-68). 576 Shufeldt, P. W. Nesting of the Chiapas Blue Grosbeak (Ouiraca caerulea chiapensis). Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (480-481). 677 Shufeldt, R. W. Fossil birds found at Vero, Florida, with descriptions of new species. 9th Ann. Rep. Florida State Geol. Surv. 1917 (35-42) 2 pis. also Joum. Geol. Chicago 25 1917 (18- 19). 578 Shufeldt, R. W. .Fossil remains of what appears to be a Passerine Bird from the Florissant shales of Colorado. Washington D.C. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 53 1917 (453-455) 2 pis. 579 Shelton, A. C. A distributional list of the Land-birds of west central Oregon. Eugene City Or. Univ. Oregon Bull. 14 1917 (1-51) map 10 figs. 580 Simes, J. A. Aspects of bird life in Europe. London Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1916 1917 (77-89). 581 Sitowski, Ptaki Pienin. [Vogel des Pienin]. Krakow Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. 1916 (44-81) Polish with German resume. 582 Skinner, M. P. Thie Ospreys of the Yellowstone. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (117-121) fig. 683 Skinner, M. P. The birds of Molly Island, Yellowstone National Park. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (177- 182). 2 photos. 584 Skovgaard, P. Yngletiden i Esbjer- gegnen. Iagttagelser fra 1915, 1916 og 1917. [The breeding season near Esbjerg, notes for 1915-17.] Kjoben- havn Omith. Tids. 11 1917 (160-171). 585 Sladen, H. G. L. Notes on birds recently observed in Macedonia. Ibis London 1917 (429-433). 586 Smalley, F. W. Occurrence of the Buff -backed Heron ( Ardeola ibis ibis ) in Norfolk. Brit. Birds London 11 1917 (146-147) photo. 587 Smith, A. P. Some birds of the l)avis mountains, Texas. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (161-165). 588 Smith, F. The correlation between the migratory flights of birds and certain accompanying meteorological conditions. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 29 1917 (32-35). 589 Snouckaert van Schauburg, Baron R. H. H. terMeer. Darven ter Club Jaarber Ned. Vogelk. J.B. 7 1917 (3-4) portr. 590 Snouckaert van Schauburg, R. Orni- thologie van Nederland. Waarnem- ingen van 1 October 1916 tot en met 30 September 1917. [Ornithologie der Niederlande. Bcobachtungen vom I. Oktobor 1916 bis zum 1. Oktobcr 1917.] Daventer Club Jaarber Nederl. Vogelk. J.B. 7 1917 (15-23) 1 Taf. 691 Snouckaert van Schauburg, R. Wyz- igingen in de namen van eenige vogel- soorten. [Aenderungen in den Namen einiger Vogelarten.] Daventer Club Jaarber. Nederl. Vogelk. J.B. 7 1917 (42-44). 592 Snouckaert van Schauburg, R. Over de verbreiding van ,* Coccycolius iris.11 [Ueber die Verbreitung von „Coccy- colius iris.11] Daventer Club Jaarber. Nederl. Vogelk. J.B. 7 1917 (45-46). 593 Snouckaert van Schauburg, R. Gele Kwikstaarten. [Gelbe Bachstelze.] Daventer Club Jaarber. Nederl. Vogelk. J. B. 7 1917 (47-54). 594 Snouckaert van Schauburg, R. Drie zomers aan zee. [Drei Sommer am Meere.] Daventer Club Jaarber. Nederl. Vogelk. J.B. 7 1917 (55-86). 595 Someren, V. G. L. van. A rare forest Francolin, Francolinus lathami schu- botzi. J. E. Afr. and Uganda N.H. Soc. 6 1917 (139-140) col. pi. 596 28 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1917] Spurrell, J. A. Annotated list of the Water Birds, Game Birds and Birds of Prey of Sac County, Iowa. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 29 1917 (141-160). 597 Squires, W. A. vide Hansen. Stadler, H. Uebende Buchfinken. J. Om. Leipzig 65 1917 (465-467). 598 Stadler, H. Vom Zug der Mauer- segler ( Micropus apus apus (L.)) im Maintal 1916. Miinchen Verhandl. Ornith. Ges. 13 1917 (74-86). 599 Stadler, H. Einiges von der Hecken- braunelle, Pfiffe, Balzflug, “ Laub- vogelrufe ” (Accentor). Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 25 1917 (72-75). 600 Stadler, H. und Schmitt, C. Fragen und Aufgaben der Vogelsprachkunde . J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bd. ii 1917 (226— 236). 601 Stadler, H. u. Schmitt, C. Hie Rufe der Mauersegler. Miinchen Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 13 1917 (152-157). 602 Standen, R. and Coward, T. A. Burnet and other reputed unpalatable moths eaten by birds. Lancs. Nat. Harwen 10 1917 (133-136), also Wilkin- son, O. J . t.c. p, 169. 603 Stechow, E. Ornithologische Beo- bachtungen aus Bad Nauheim. Miin- chen Verhandl. Ornith. Gres. 13 1917 (53-60). 604 Stephens, T. C. Bert Heald Bailey. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 29 1917 (195- 197). 605 Stoddard, H. L. Notes on a few of the rarer birds of Sauk and Dane counties, Wisconsin. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (63-67). 606 Stoddard, H. L. The Roseate Tern (Sterna dougalli) on Lake Michigan. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (86). 607 Stolz, J. W. Ornithologische Aus- beute aus Polen im Sommer 1916. J. Ornith. Leipzig 65 1917 (368-389). 608 Stone, A. 0. Description of the eggs and nesting-place of Strix Candida Tickell (Tyto longimembris walleri Mathews), Australian Grass Owl. Emu Melbourne 17 1917 (39^0). 609 S[tone], W. Origin of the generic name Mihia. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (229-230). 610 Stone, W. Report on spring migra- tion of 1916. Cassinia Philadelphia No. 20 1917 (24-41). 611 Stone, W. A new Hummingbird from Colombia. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 69 1917 (203-204). 612 Stoney, R. P. The weights of Pintail and Pantail Snipe. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (306). 613 Storer, T. I. vide Grinnell. Stresemann, E. Beobachtungen fiber die Hohe des Seglerfluges. Miinchen Verhandl. Ornith. Ges. 13“ 1917 (50- 52). 614 Stresemann, E. Ueber gemischte Vogelschwarme. Miinchen Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 13 1917 (127-151). 615 Stresemann, E. Die Verwendbarkeit des Entfemungsmessers zur Ermittel- ung der Plughohe. Miinchen Ver- handl. Om. Ges. 13 1917 (171-173). 616 Strohl, J. Conrad Gessner’s “ Wald- rapp.” Versuch einer Erganzung und textkritischen Ordnung des vorhande- nen Materials. Zurich Vierteljahrsch. Natf. Ges. 62 1917 (501-538) 6 figs. 617 Strong, R. M. Some observations on the origin of melanin pigment in feather germs from the Plymouth Rock and Brown Leghorn Fowls. Anat. Rec. Philadelphia 13 1917 (97-108) 6 %s. 618 Strong, R. M. An improved obser- vation tent. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (290-293) 1 pi. 619 Stubbs, P. J. On a blue egg of the Lapwing. Essex Nat. Stratford 18 1917 (105-106). 620 Stubbs, P. J. Notes on certain breeding habits of the Snipe. Essex Nat. 18 1917 (109-110). .621 Stubbs, P. J. The London Gulls. London Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1916 1917 (37-41). ' 622 Studer, T. and Burg, G. von. Ver- zeichnis der schweizerischen Vogel und ihre Verbreitungsgebiete. Neubear- beitet auf Grand des Kataloges der in der Schweiz beobachteten Vogel mit Fragenschema der schweizerischen Kommission. (1-92) 1 Kart. Bern 1916 8vo, 623 29 Aves. Titles, 5800 Swaen, A. E. H. Byzonderheden bfetreffende de gierzwaluw [. Apus apus (L)]. [Besonderheiten fiber die Turm- schwalbe. Apus apus (L)]. Ardea Leiden 6 1917 (32-35 114-120). 624 Swann, H. K. vide Mullins. Swarth, H. S. A revision of the Marsh Wrens of California. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 34 1917 (308-318) map. 625 Swarth, H. S. Geographical variation in Sphyrapicus thyroideus. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (62-65). 626 Swarth, H. S. Observations on some Fresno County birds. Condor Holly- wood Cal. 19 1917 (129-130). 627 Swarth, H. S. and Bryant, H. C. A study of the races of the Whitefronted Goose (A user albifrons) occurring in California. Berkeley Cal. Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool. 17 (209-222) 1 pi. 2 text-fig. 628 Swynnerton, C. F. M. Colours of the eggs and the nests of birds. Ibis Lon- don 1917 (268-272). 629 Tuning, A. V. Storken ( Giconia alba) i Danmark. Kjobenhavn Omith. Tids. 11 1917 (49-84). 630 Taverner, P. A. Preliminary list of specimens [of birds] taken by 0. L. Patch, near Barkley Sound, Vancouver Island, between December 16, 1915, and January, 1 1916. Ottawa Summary Rep. Geol. Surv. for 1916 1917 (355- 357). 631 Taverner, P. A. Preliminary list of specimens taken by C. H. Young and Wm. Spreadborough, at Brackendale, Lillooet and McGillivray Creek, British Columbia, between June 11 and Sep- tember 12, 1916. Ottawa Summary Rep. Geol. Surv. for 1916 1917 (359- 368). 632 Tavistock, Marquis of. Australian Parrots : Moult of Owl’s beaks. Ibis London 1917 (637-639). 633 Taylor, W. S. The Bobwhite [ Colinus virginianus texanus ]. Austin Univ. Texas Bull. No. 1748 1917 (1-26) photos. 634 Terrill, L. Mcl. Homed Larks in the Province of Quebec. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 29 1917 (130-141). 635 Theobald, F. V., McGowan, W. and Leigh, H. S. Report on the food found in the Rook, Starling and Chaffinch. Journ. Bd. Agriculture London Suppl. No. 15 1916 (7-56). 636 Thiebout, C. H. Raven in Nederland. Ardea Leiden 6 1917 (64-65). 637 Thienemann, J. XVI. Jahresbericht (1916) der Vogelwarte Rositten der Deutschen Omithologischen Gesell- schaft. J. Omith. Leipzig 65 1917 (313-367). 638 Thienemann, J. Treffen die Zug- vogel Vorbereitimgen zu ihren Reisen ? J. Omith. Leipzig 65 Bd. ii 1917 (237- * 260). 639 Thienemann, J. Vogelwarte Rositten (Tannenhaherzfige). Om. Monatfcber. Berlin 25 1917 (174-176). 640 Thomas, R. H. vide Bateson. Thomas, W. B. and Collett, A. K. Birds through the year (viii + 366). Many col. illustr. and textfigs. London (Jack) [1917] 4 to. 641 Tiscliler, F. Das mannliche Jugend- kleid der Schellente ( Nyroca clangula). Falco Halle 1915. 642 Tischler, F. Die Kleider des Fichten- kreuzschnabels ( Loxia curvirostra). J. Omith. Leipzig 65 Bd. ii 1917 (261- 268). 643 Tischler, F. Limicola platyrincha im Binnenlande von Ostpreussen erlegt, Om. Monatsb. Berlin 25 1917 (146- 147). 644 Tjebbes, K. Sur les rapports g6n6- tiques entrc Thaumalea picta et Thau- malea obscura Schlegel d’apres les etudes experimentales de M. le Dr. J. H. Krimmel (|). Haarlem Arch. Neerl. Sci. Soc. Holl. (3) 3 1 917 (316-323). 645 Todd, W. E. C. Preliminary diag- noses of apparently new Birds from Columbia and Bolivia. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (3-6). 646 Todd, W. E. C. New genera, species and subspecies of South American birds. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (127-130). 647 Townsend, C. W. The Labrador Chicadee ( Penthestes hudsonicus nigri- cans) in a southward migration. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (160-163). 648 30 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1917] Townsend, 0. W. In Audubon’s Labrador. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (133-140) 3 pis. 649 Trotter, S. William P. Turnbull. Cassinia Philadelphia No. 20 1917 (1- 6) portr. 650 Troxell, E. L. Oligocene fossil eggs. Washington J. Acad. Sci. 6 1916 (422-425) 2 figs. 651 Tschermak, A. von. Ueber das ver- schiedene Ergebnis reziproker Kreuzung von Hfihnerrassen * und fiber dessen Bedeutung ffir die Vererbungslehre. (Theorie der Anlagensehwachung oder Genasthenie. Biol. Zentralb. Leipzig 37 1917 (217-277) 12 figs. 652 Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen, V. Bitter von . Ueber das oinstige Vorkommen des Bartgeiers ( Oypaetus barbalus) im osterreichischen Alpengebiete. J.Ornith. Leipzig 65 Bd. ii 1917 (269-277). 653 Uchida, S. Mallophaga from Birds of Formosa. Tokyo J. Coll. Agr. 3 1917 (171-188) 1 pi. 1 text fig. 654 Uchida, S. Kyushyu san Namiye- Gera no hyohon ni tsuite. [On a specimen of Dryobates leucotos namiyei Stejn.) Tori [Bird] Tokyo No. 4 1917 (1-5). 655 Uchida, S. Honshyu oyobi Kyushyu ni okeru tsuru no toratchi. [Localities in Honshyu and Kyushyu visited by the Cranes.] Dobuts Z. Tokyo 29 1917 (Prelude 15-18 with pi.). 656 Vries G., de. Mededeelingen betreffende Nederlandsche broedvogels. [Mitteilungen fiber hollandische Brut- vogel.] Ardea Leiden 6 1917 (92-98). 657 Waite, E. R. vide White, S. A. Waite, H. W. The breeding of the White-eared Bulbul {Molpastes leu- cotis). Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (297). 658 Waite, H. W. The breeding of the Gull-billed Tern {Sterna anglica). Bom- bay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (300- 301). 659 Walker, A. Some birds of central Oregon. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (131-140) map and photo. 660 Wallis, H. M. Mortality among birds during the February frost in west Cornwall. Brit. Birds London 10 1917 (267-268). 661 Warner, D. E. vide Harris. Watzinger, A. Omithologisches aus Gmunden und Umgebung. Om. Jahrb. Hallein 28 1917 (46-47). 662 Watzinger, A. Am Neste des Eulen- zeisigs. Orn. Jahrb. Hallein 28 1917 (47-49). 663 Wayne, A. T. A list of Avian species for which the type locality is South Carolina. Charleston Contrib. Mus. 3 1917 (i-vi -f 1-8). 664 Wesemuller, A. Der Glaube an Vogelwinterschlaf und seine ursprfing- liche Grundlage. J. Ornithl Leipzig 65 1917 (221-227). 665 Wetmore, A. On the fauna of Great Salt Lake. Amer. Nat. New York 51 1917 (753-755). 666 Wetmore, A. The birds of Culebra Island, Porto Rico. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (51-62). 667 Wetmore, A. An abnormal egg of Fulica americana. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (65-66) 1 fig. 668 Wetmore, A. The relationships of the fossil bird Palaeochenoides mioceanus. J. Geol. Chicago 26 1917 (555-557) text-fig. 669 Wetmore, A. A new Cuckoo from New Zealand. Washington D. C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (1-2). 670 Wetmore, A. A new Honey-eater from the Marianne Islands. Washing- ton Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (117-118). 671 Wetmore, A. On certain secondary sexual characters in the male Ruddy Duck. Erismatura jamaicensis (Gmelin). Washington D. C. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 52 1917 (479-482). 1 fig. 672 Wetmore, A. vide McAtee. Wettstein, O. von. Berichtigungen und Erganzungen zur Ornis des Gsch- nitztales bei Steinach am Brenner, Tirol. Om. Jahrb. Hallein 28 1917 (29-35). 673 White, H. L. North Australian Birds. Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (117— 158) map. 674 Avee. Titles. 5800 White, H. L. Descriptions of new or rare eggs. Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (159-164) 2 pis. 675 White, H. L. Description of a new Honey-eater of the genus Ptilotis from North Australia. Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (165). 676 White, H. L. North Australian Birds. Observed by Wm. M’Lennan. Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (205-231) 1 pi. 677 White, H. L. Description of nest and eggs of the Rufous -crowned Emu- Wren ( Stipiturus ruficeps Campbell). Emu Melbourne 17 1917 (39). 678 White, S. A. In the Far North-East. A scientific expedition (1-144). Many photos. Adelaide (Thomas) [1917] 8vo. 679 White, S. A. The Cruize of the A voce t in search of Skuas and other things (1-68). Many photos. Adelaide (Thomas) [1917] 8vo. 680 White, S. A. A sketch of the life of Samuel White — ornithologist, soldier, sailor and explorer. Adelaide S. Austr. Orn. 3 1917 (19-22 44-49 83-87 117- 122). 681 White, S. A. Further notes upon the Arctic Skua ( S tercorarins parasiticus). Adelaide S. Austr. Om. 3 1917 (38-39). 682 White, S. A. New record for South Australian waters — Finding t he Flesh - footed Petrel ( Puffinus carneipes Gould). Adelaide S. Austr. Om. 3 1917 (39). 683 White, S. A. Results of the South Australian Museum Expedition to Strzelecki and Cooper creeks, Septem- ber and Ootober, 1916. Aves. Adelaide Trans. R. Soc. S. Austr. 41 1917 (441- 466) 1 pi. 684 White, S. A. Everard Range Tit- Warbler {Acanthiza marianae). Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (158-159) pi. xxxii. 685 White, S. A. Description of nest and eggs of the Desert Chat {Ashby ia lovensis, Ashby). Emit Melbourne 6 1917 (165-167) 2 pis. ; also Waite ibid. (167-168). 686 White, S. A. Record of a new Tree- creeper for South Australia. Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (168-169). 687 White, S. A. Cooper’s Creek Tree- creeper {Climacteris waitei). Emu Melbourne 17 1917 (1) pi. 1. 688 Whitley, H. Successful breeding of Sulphur-crested Cockatoos {Gacatua galerita). Bird-Notes, Ashbourne 8 1917 (61-65) photos. 689 Whymper, S. L. On a cinnamon - coloured variation of the Red Grouse. London Bull. BT O. Cl. 37 1917 (24). 690 Wiglesworth, J. The Little Owl {Athene noctua) in Somerset. Taunton Proc. Somerset Archaeol. Nat. Hist. Soc. 63 1917 (152-161), map. 691 Wilkinson, O. J. vide Standen. Willett, G. Further notes on the birds of Forrester Island, Alaska. Condor Hollywood Cal. 19 1917 (15-17). 692 Williamson, W. J. F. The birds of Bangkok. Bangkok J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 2 1917 (185-214). 693 Wilson, F. E. Description of the Winiam Tit-Warbler, Acanthiza winia - mida sp. nov. Emu Melbourne 16 1917 (169-170). 694 Witherby, H. F. On some results of ringing Song-Thrushes, Blackbirds, Lap- wings and Woodcock. Recovery of marked birds. Brit. Birds London 10 1917 (215-224). 695 Witherby, H. F. “ Continental ” Wood-Pigeons and Blackbirds. Brit. Birds London 10 1917 (273-274). 696 Witherby, H. F. The moults of the British Passe res, with notes on the sequence of their plumages. Brit. Birds London 10 1917 (280-290) 11 1917 "(15-19 31-42). 697 [Witherby, H. F.] Recovery of marked birds. British Birds London 11 1917 (166-159). 698 Witherby, H. F. On a new Tree -Pi pit from N.W. India. London Bull. B.O.C. 37 1917 (43). 699 Witherby, H. F. Note on Anthus campestris and Oenanthe hispanica. London Bull. B.O.C. 37 1917 (56-57). 700 Wood, C. A. The fundus oculi of birds, especially as viewed by the ophthalmoscope. A Study in com- parative anatomy and physiology (1- 180) 61 pis. 145 text-figs, Chicago (Lake Press) 1917 I. 8vo. 701 32 Avea. XVII. Aves. [1917] Woodward, A. S. vide Petronievics. Wright, A. H. vide Bishop. Wright, H. W. The Orange -crowned Warbler as a fall and winter visitant in the region of Boston, Massachusetts. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (11-27). 702 Wright, H. W. Labrador Chickadee (Penthestes hudsonicus nigricans) in Boston and vicinity in the fall of 1916. Auk Cambridge Mass. 34 1917 (164- 170). 703 Zaliesski, I. M. Alauda arvensis kiborti subsp. nov. [Russian.] Mess. Omith. Moscow 8 1917 (125). 704 Zedlitz, 0. Oraf von. und Triitzschler, Liste der in Gebiete der Schara beo- bachteten Vogel. J. Omith. Leipzig 65 Bd. ii 1917 (278-308) map. 705 Zietz, F. R. Note on the Little Black Cormorant ( Mesocarbo a ter Lesson Adelaide S. Austr. Om, 3 1917 (82). 706 Zietz, P. R. The Grey-faced Petrel ( Pterodroma macro'ptera Smith), a new record for the S. A. Coast. Adelaide S. Austr. Om. 3 1917 (116-117). 707 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. N.B. — For full Reference, vide Titles. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL. 5803 History. Farley, 181 ; Hildebrandt, 282 ; Outes, 458 ; Strohl, 617; Wesemiiller, 665. Biography. General; Burns, 102; Mullins & Swann, 413 ; Palmer, 463. t _ Special ; J. J. Audubon, Sage, 542 ; P. E. Botta, Palmer, 464 ; S. Diggles (1817-1880), Mathews, 387 ; J. Hunt, Gladstone, 210 ; J. P. Naumann, Heinroth, 260 ; E. L. Shores, Henninger, 272 ; W. P. Turnbull (1830-1871), Trotter, 650; S. White, g. A. White, 681. Biography - Obituary Notices. B. H. Bailey, Stephens, 605 ; F. E. L. Beal, M. C. Atee, 366 ; Sclater, 564 ; R. O. B. Bridgeman, Sclater, 564 ; W. W. Cooke, Palmer, 462 ; D. G. Elliot, Chapman, 117 ; E. A. Goeldi, Sclater, 566 ; O. Herman, Chernel, 120; O. Le Roi, Schwep- penburg, 561 ; Baron Lucas & Ding- wall, Sclater, 564; E. A. Mearns, Sclater, 564 ; H. H. ter Meer, Snouckaert, 590 ; T. H. Nelson. Pease, 471 ; Sclater, 564 ; A. J. North, Anon, 15; C. P. Ramsay, Anon, 14; Etheridge, 177; Sclater, 566; P. C. Selous, Chapman, 114 ; Sclater, 564, pi. vi ; B. H. Woodward, Anon, 13. General Treatises. Thomas & Collett, 641. Bibliography. Gladstone, 209 ; Hopkinson, 290 ; Jacobi, 306; Koske, 334; McAtee, 366 ; Mathews, 387 ; Mullens & Swann, 413 ; Palmer, 463 ; Schenk. 548. Institutions and Collections. New York Zool. Park, Crandall, 142, 143 ; Naumann Lii rary, Gott- schalk, 213 ; Rositten Bird-watching Station Thienemann, 638. Technique. Fuye, 199 ; Sheppard, 576 ; Strong, 619. Economics (see also under Food-habits, p. 33). Berry, 60 ; Collinge, 135, 136 ; Fitz- simmons, 188 ; Froggatt, 197 ; Godard, 211 ; Gunther, 222 ; Hennicke, 271 ; McAtee, 368 ; Riviere, 520 ; Theobald McGovan & Leigh, 636. Bird-Protection. Ibath, 301 ; Taylor, 634. Acclimatization. Gunther, 223; Ingram, 303, 33 Avts. Subject Index. — Ethology. 5819 Aviculture. Bailey, 31, 32, 33, 34 ; Blaauw, 64, 65, 66 ; Braun, 86 ; Crandall, 142, 143 ; Hopkinson, 291, 292: Page, 461; Per- reau, 475 ; St. Quentin, 541, Whitley, 689. Nomenclature. General Principles, Dahl, 151. Changes and Emendations ; A.O.U. Committee, 16 ; Brasil, 82 ; Hartert, 247, 248 ; Laubmann, 345 ; Mathews, 381, 388 ; Mathews & Iredale, 390 ; Oberholser, 431, 433, 442 ; Richmond, 507, 508, 510 ; Snouckaert, 592 ; Stone, 610. Vernacular Names, Despott, 155 ; McAtee, 369. Phylogeny k Classification. Chapin, 113 ; Selva, 575. STRUCTURE. 5807 Plumage and epithelial structures. Chapin, 113 ; Gyldenstolpe, 226 ; Hartley, 51. Nervous System and Sense Organs. Gresohik, 216 ; Hahn, 231 ; Hollaen- der, 288 ; Wood, 701. Osteology. Chapin, 113 ; Erdmann, 176 ; Foote, 189; Knopfli, 328. Circulatory and Glandular System- Retterer & Neuville, 505, 506. Respiratory System. Myers, 416 ; Wetmore, 672. Urino-genital System. Boring k Pearl, 71 ; Danchakoff, 152 ; Hartert, 242. General Anatomy of Special Forms. Archaeoptoryx , Petronievics & Wood- ward, 479; Ampelis garrulus, Schaaning. 545 ; Jaea.ua, Crotophaga, Caprimulgus. Pitangus, En.pidonomus, Hartley, 51. (n-4840 g) PHYSIOLOGY. 5811 Nervous System and Sense Organs. Hahn, 231 ; Wood, 701. Digestion and Nutrition. McAteb, 367. Respiration. Myers, 416. Reproduction. Danchakoff, 152 ; Pezard, 480. EMBRYOLOGY. 5815 Epithelial, Muscular and Skeletal Systems. Knopfli, 328 ; Strong, 618. Respiratory and Vascular systems. Myers, 416; Sabin, 539. Reproductive System. Danchakoff, 152. Embryology of special forms. Jacana,' Crotophaga , Caprimulgus, Hartley, 51. ETHOLOGY. 5819 General and Miscellaneous. Simes, 581 ; Stresemann, 615. Food-habits. General'. Chick & Hume, 121, 122 ; Standen & Coward ; 603. The food habits of i-Coracias, Hammling, 233 ; Phalacrocorax , Morgan, 408 ; Corvus , Sturnus , Fringilla, Theobald, McGowan k Leigh, 636. Migration. Generali Alexander, 3 ; Cathelin, 112 ; Smith, 589 ; Thienemann, 639. Regional Observations : British Isles, Begg, 52 ; Curtis,, 146 ; Moffat, 407 ; - Nicholson, 425 ; Rintoul & Baxter, 517. c 8 34 Ave*. XVII. France, Petit, 478. Germany, Auel, 25 ; Heller, 262 ; Krtiss, 337. Austro-Hungary, Hegyfoky, 259 ; Noggler, 428; Plaz, 483; Schenk, 549 Holland, Ekama, 175 ; Swaen, 624 ; Vries, 657. Denmark, H0rring, 294. Malta, Despott, 155. North Africa, Boyd, 77 ; Schwep- penburg, 559. Japan, Uchida, 656. North America, Bowles, 75 ; Brim- ley, 89 ; Oberholser, 434 ; Stone, 611. Migration of single species or groups. Cuculus, Bretscher, 88 ; Scolopax , Douglas, 171 ; Aeronautes, Hanna, 235 ; Anas, Poncins, 487 ; Scolopax, Rendahl, 502 ; Micropus , Stadler, 599 ; Caryocatactes. Thienemann, 640. Bird-marking experiments and results. Clarke, 130 ; Hess, 277 ; Menegaux, 395 ; Oort, 453 ; Thienemann, 638 ; Witherby, 695, 698. Flight. Stresemann, 614, 616. Sexual Relations and Display. Dunlop, 173 ; Luc anus, 361 ; Meikle- john, 393; Riddle, 512; Rintoul & Baxter, 518. Nidification (General). Bergtold, 55 ; Kennedy, 317 ; Mous- ley, 411 ; Swynnerton, 629. Nidification (Regional obser- vations). Holland, Burg, 99; Pelt-Lechner, 474. Macedonia, Clarke, 129. Aves. [1917] Australia, Campbell & Barnard, 107 ; White, H. L., 675. Neotropical Region. Beebe & Hartley, 51 ; Doello-Jurado, 163. Nearctic Region, Philipp & Bow- dish, 481. Nidification (observations on single species, Vide Pt. III. Sj'stematic). Arundel, 19 ; Baker, 39 ; Baker & Jourdain, 42 ; Bales, 43 ; Bellchambers, 54 ; Blaauw, 66 ; Bradbury, 79 ; Bunyard, 96, 97 ; Burtch, 103 ; Carroll, 109 ; Dixon, 159 ; Dobbrick, 160, Hanna, 235 ; Havilland, 258 ; Howe, 296 ; Jourdain, 309, 310 ; Klein, 324 ; Meares, 391, 392 ; Meiklejohn, 393 ; Merikallio, 397 ; Merriam, 398 ; Meyere, 399 ; Owen, 459 ; Owen & Jourdain, 460 ; Paton, 466 ; Potter, 489 ; Ram- say & Keene, 491 ; Raspail, 492 ; Rudiger, 536 ; Schaanning, 545 ; Shufeldt, 577 ; Stone, 609 ; Stubbs, 620; White, H. L., 678; White & Waite, 686. Oology (see also under Nidification). Foster, 193 ; Harris and others, 237, 238 ; Mousley, 411 ; Wetmore, 668. Voice. General : Alexander, 3 ; Andersen 8 ; Braun, 84, 85 ; F6nis, 183 ; Hoffman, 284, 286 ; Oldys, 452 ; Stadler, 598, Stadler u. Schmidt, 601. On the song or call-note of i-Am- modramus , Allard, 7 ; Cypselus, Hoffman, 285 ; Accentor, Stadler, 600 ; Cypselus, Stadler & Schmitt, 602. Psychology. Braun, 84. Colour and Moult. Bowles, 73 ; Ewart & Mackenzie, 180 ; Heinroth, 261 ; Jackson, 304 ; McAtee, 367 ; Tischler, 643 ; Witherby, 697. Pathology. Braun, 85 ; Chick & Hume, 121, 122 ; Plimmer, 484, 35 Aves. Subject Index. — Geography. 5827 Avian Parasitology. Cholodkovsky, 124 ; Johnston, 307 ; Roberts, 521 ; Uchida, 654. Mortality. Carroll, 108; Foster, 194: Moffat, 406; Sell, 572; Wallis, 661. VARIATION AND AETIOLOGY. 5823 Variation. Anfrie, 11 ; Berlioz, 59 ; Blagg, 67 ; Braun, 86 ; Corainville, 138 ; Kollibay, 331 ; Martorelli, 378 ; Pearl, 470 ; Poliak ow, 486 ; Sclater, 567. Teratology. Anfrie, 11 ; Jungersen, 311 ; Kolli- bay, 331 ; Martorelli, 378. Hybrids. Blaauw, 63; Fulljames, 198 ; Ghigi, 207 ; Tschermak, 652. Heredity and Evolution. Genetics :-Ghigi, 207 ; Harris and others, 237, 238 ; Pearl, 469, 470 ; Tjebbes, 645 ; Tschermak, 652. Secondary Sexual Characters, Bateson & Haig, 48 ; Wetmore, 672. Influence of External Condi- tions, Barnard, 45 ; Bunyard, 98. Fossil and Extinct Birds. General :-Arldt, 18 ; Andrews, 10 ; Newton, 420 ; Paris, 465 ; Ritchie, 519 ; Shufeldt, 578, 579 ; Troxell, 651 ; Wetmore, 669. Special Forms Described :-Alca impennis, Christiani, 125 ; Diatryma , Matthew & Granger, 380 ; Didus, Oudemans, 455, 457 ; Leguatia, Oude- mans, 456 ; Archaeopteryx , Petronievics & Woodward, 479. GEOGRAPHY. 5827 General. Alexander, 2 ; Arldt, 18 ; Deschiens, 154 ; Grinnell, 217 ; Schweppenburg, 562. (n-4840 g) PALAEARCTIC REGION. General : Simes, 581. British Isles. British Isles, Bunyard, 98 ; Nichols & Parkin, 423 ; Thomas & Collett, 641. Middlesex, Clarke, 131 ; Stubbs, 622. Hertfordshire, Bickerton, 61 ; Foster, 192; Sussex, Nichols, 422 ; Nichols & Parkin, 423. Kent, Alexander, 4. Oxfordshire, Sclater, 569. Somersetshire, Andrews, 10; Sclater, 569; Wiglesworth, 691. Dorsetshire, Curtis, 146. Cornwall, Wallis, 661. Essex : Anon, 12 ; Owen, 459. Suffolk : Nichols, 425. Norfolk : Gurney, 224 ; Smalley 587. Staffordshire : Masefield, 379. Shropshire : Forrest, 190. Cheshire : Coward, 141. Lancashire : Coward, 141 ; Robin- son, 525, 527. Yorkshire : Greaves, 215 ; Mil- burn, 401. Westmoreland : Robinson, 524, 526. Cumberland : Bolam, 69, 70. Northumberland : Chapman, 115. Glamorganshire : Proger & Pater- son, 490. Scotland : Rintoul & Baxter, 516, 517. West Lothian : Adam, 1. Kirkcudbrightshire : Begg, 52, 53. Fife : Ritchie, 519. Perthshire : Coates, 134. Inverness-shire : Clarke, 132. Sutherland : Newton, 420. Lewis : Mackenzie, 373. Shetland : Selous, 574. c 8—2 3G Aves. XVIT. Ireland : Carroll, 108, 109 ; Douglas, 171 ; Patten, 467. Co. Down : Foster, 194. Co. Wexford : Moffat, 406. Co. Mayo : Ruttledge, 538. France. General : Bacmeister, 29 ; Gengler, 206; Hartert, 248; Petit, 478; Schuster, 557. Aisne : Franz, 196. Loire et Cher : Coursimault, 140. Marne ; Schuster, 558. Meurth et Moselle : Ploca, 485. Meuse : Heyder, 281 ; Schuster, 556. Somme : Kennedy, 320. Germany. General : Hagan, 280 ; Hilde- brandt, 282. Westfalen : Hennemann, 267, 268, 269; Koch, 329; Reichling, 500, 501. Hesse-Nassau : Stechow, 604. Thuringische Staaten : Hilde- brandt, 283. Konigr. Sachsen : Hoffmann, 287 ; Schlegel, 554. Lubeokt Hagen, 228. Brandenburg : Auel, 25 ; Heifer, 262; Schalow, 547. Pommern : Koske, 334, 335. Posen : Hammling, 232 ; Kayser, 315, 316. Schlesien: Bahrmann, 30 ; Kay- ser, 313, 314 ; Natcrp, 417 ; Pax, 468. Westpreussen : Braun, 87 ; Dob- brick, 162 ; Ibarth, 302. Ostpreussen : Thienemann, 638 ; Tischler, 644. Bayern :-Gebhardt, 202 ; Gengler, 204 ; Hoffmann, 286 ; Laubmann, 344 ; Ries, 513 ; Stadler, 599. Helgoland :-Kriiss, 337, 338. Austria-Hungary. General :-Tschusi, 653. Ober-Oesterreicii :-Plaz, 483 ; Watzinger, 662, 663. Aves. [1917] Nieder-Oesterreioh :-Mintus, 405. Steiermark :-Noggler, 428. Tirol : -Michel, 400 ; Wettstein, 573. Dalmatien :-Schiebel, 552, 553. Croatia and Slavionia :-Rossler, 528 ; Schiebel, 551. Bohemia :-Kayser, 313 ; Lucanus, 364. Galicia :-Sitowski, 582. Hungary :-Hegyfoky, 259 ; Schenk, 548, 550. Switzerland. Switzerland : -Bretscher, 88 ; Fischer-Sigwart, 187 ; Hess, 276 ; Knopfli, 327 ; Studer & Burg, 623. Belgium. Gengler, 206. Holland. Burg, 99-; Ekama, 175 ; Meyere, 399 ; Oort, 453, 454 ; Pellinkhof, 473 ; Pelt-Lechner, 474, Snouckaert, 591, 594, 595 ; Swaen, 624 ; Thiebout, 637. Scandinavia. Denmark -.-Aretander, 17 ; H0r- ring, 294 ; Konradsen, 333 ; Pedersen 472 ; Saxtorph, 544 ; Skovgaard, 585, Tanning, 630. Norway :-Christiani, 125. Sweden :-Granvik, 214; Lakjer, 343 ; Rendahl, 502 Iceland :-Noble, 427 ; Saemundsson, 540. Russia. General :-Lucanus, 363. Finland :-Merikallio, 397. Kurland --Rudiger, 535. Gouv, Kowno :-Dobbrick, 161 ; Rudiger, 535. Poland :-Bacmeister, 26 ; Dom- aniewski, 167, 168 ; Stolz, 608. Woliiynia :-Gengler, 205. Saratow :-Domaniewski, 167, 168. 37 Aves. Subject Index. — Geography. 5827 Gouv. Minsk :-Zed!itz, 705. Tcherno-Morsk (Black Sea Dis- trict) :-Koudeshev, 336. Nova Zembla :-Ha,ase, 227; Schalow, 546. Iberian Peninsula. Portugal :-Reichenow, 494. Italy. Alexander, 2, 3, ; Hartert, 248. Balkan Peninsula. Serbia :-Baemeister, 28. Macedonia :-Clarke, 129 ; Sladen, 586. Mediterranean Islands. Balearic Is. :-Jordans, 308. Malta :-Despott, 155, 156, 157. Cyprus :-Hartert, 248. North Africa. Marocco : -Hartert, 244, 248. Algeria :-Schweppenburg, 559, 560, 562. Egypt :-Boyd, 77 ; Hartert, 252 ; Koenig, 330 ; Nicoll, 426. Western Asia. Asia Minor :-McGregor, 372. Palestine : -Schmitz, 555. Persia :-Hartert, 247; Ludlow, 365. Russian Asia. Turkestan :-Hartert, 245, 248; Kollibay, 332 ; Sarudny, 543. Turgai Prov :-Karamsin, 312. Gouv. Yeneseisk :-Haviland, 258. Ussuriland :-Buturlin,‘ 105. Eastern Palaearctic Asia. Corea :-Hartert, * 255 ; Kennedy, 341. Japan Jour dain, 310; Laubmann, 346; Uchida, 656. Northern China :-Reichenow, 496. Atlantic Islands. Cape Verde, Azores, Madeira : Hartert, 243, 250. ETHIOPIAN REGION. West Africa. Senegal :-Millet-Horsin, 403, 404 ; Neumann, 418. Ivory Coast :-Bouet et Millet- Horsin, 72. Togoland :-Reichenow, 496. Cameroon : O. Grant, 451. Belgian Congo : Lonnberg, 355; Reichenow, 496. South Africa. South West African Protec- torate : Finch-Davies, 186 ; Roberts, 521, p. 256, 522. Cape Province : Reichenow, 496. Natal : King, 323 ; Roberts, 522. Rhodesia, Transvaal : Roberts, 52E Central and East Africa. Portuguese East Africa : Reich- enow, 496. German East Africa : Reichenow, 496 ; Roberts, 522. British East Africa r Lonnberg, 356 ; Loveridge, 357, 358 ; Mack- worth-Praed, 374. Uganda : Rothschild, 532 ; Someren, 596. North-East Africa and Arabia. Arabia : Hartert, 248, 254 ; Sclater, 563. Madagascar and Mascarene Islands. Hartert, 244 ; Killermau, 322. INDIAN REGION. Indian Empire and Ceylon. India : Baker, 38, 39 ; Perreau, 475. North-West Frontier Province : Witherby, 699, 700. 38 Avo8. XVII, Aves. [1917] Punjab : Baker, 40 ; Donald, 170 ; Waite, 658, 659 ; Hughes, 300. United Provinces : Hartert, 248. Bombay Pres. : Ferrar, 185. Central Province : Baker, 41. Burma : Baker, 41 ; Hopwood & Mackenzie, 293. Malaysia. Malay Peninsula : Gyldenstolpe, 225 ; Hartert, 245 ; Robinson, 523. Sumatra : Hearn, 280 ; Oberholser, 440. Borneo : Hartert, 246 ; Rothschild, 531. Celebes : Hartert, 246. Islands of the Java Sea : Ober- holser, 447, 449. Anamba Island South China Sea and Nicobar islands : Oberholser, 438. Indo- China and Southern China. Siam : Baker, 40 ; Forty, 191 ; Kloss, 326 ; Williamson, 693. French Indo-China : Hartert, 244 ; Kuroda, 339. Yunnan; Baker, 40, 41. South China : Hartert, 241 ; La Touche, 342. Formosa : Kuroda, 340. AUSTRALIAN REGION. New Guinea and dependent Islands. New Guinea : Neumann, 419 ; Reichenow, 498 ; Rothschild, 529. New Guinea and Adjacent Is- lands : Rothschild & Hartert, 533. Solomon Is. : Rothschild & Hartert, 534. Australian Commonwealth. Australia, General : Barnard, 45 ; Evans, 178 ; Mathews, 381, 386, 388, 389. Western Australia : Alexander, 5, 6 ; Carter, 110 ; Mathews, 382, 384. South Australia : Ashby, 22, 23 ; Lowe, 359 ; Morgan, 409 ; S. A. White, 679, 680, 682, 683, 684, 686, 687 ; Zietz, 706, 707. Northern Territory : Mathews, 382 ; H. L. White, 674, 675, 676, 677. Tasmania : Ashby, 20, 21 ; Dove, 172 ; Legge, 349 ; Mathews, 383. Victoria : Kershaw, 321 ; Little- johns, 353 ; Wilson, 694. Queensland : Campbell & Barnard, 107 ; Chisholm, 123 ; Macgillivraj , 371; Mathews, 383; H. L. White, 675. New Zealand & Pacific Islands. New Zealand : Andersen, 8 ; Wet- more, 670. New Caledonia : Brasil, 80. Marianne Is. : Wetmore, 671. Guam : Hartert, 247. Hawaiian Is. ; Bryan, 95. NEOTROPICAL REGION. South America. Falkland Is. and S. Georgia : Beck, 50 ; Brooks, 93. Argentine : Boyle, 78 ; Chubb, 128; Dabbene, 147, 148, 149, 150; Doello-Jourado, 163 ; Hartert & Good- son, 256 ; Miller, 402 ; Outes, 458. Paraguay : Berlepsch, 58. Chile : Dabbene, 147, 148 ; Murphy, 415. Bolivia : Chubb, 127 ; Hartert & Goodson, 256 ; Hellmayr, 263 ; Miller, 402 ; Todd, 646. Peru : Chubb, 126, 127, 128 ; Hart- ert & Goodson, 256, 257 ; Hellmayr, 263, 265 ; Colombia : Chapman, 118 ; Chubb, 126 ; Hartert & Goodson, 257 ; Stone, 612 ; Todd, 646, 647 ; Sclater, 565. Brazil : Chubb, 128 ; Cory, 139 ; Hartert & Goodson, 257 ; Hellmayr, 265 ; Menegaux, 394. Ecuador :-Chubb, 126, 128 ; Hartert, & Goodson, 256 ; Reichenow, 495. Dutch Guiana :-Hartert & Goodson, 256. 39 Aves. Subject Index. — Geography. 5827 British Guiana :-Beebe, 51; Chubb, 128; Dawson, 153. Venezuela :-Chubb, 128 ; Hartert, 240 ; Hartert & Goodson, 256, 257 ; Hellmayr, 263 ; Todd, 647. Trinidad and Leeward Is. :-Har- tert & Goodson, 256, 257. Central America. Salvador :-Howell, 298. Costa Rica :-Hartert & Goodson, 256. West Indies. Haiti and Santo Domingo : Bartsch, 47 ; Chapman, 119 ; Peters, 476 ; Richmond, 511. Porto Rico :-Peters, 477 ; Wet- more, 667. BAHAMAS:-Riley, 514. Alacran Reef, G. of Mexico : Kennedy, 319. NEARCTiC REGION (including Mexico). Mexico. Hartert & Goodson, 256 ; Murphy, 414 ; Oberholser, 436, 441 ; Shufeldt, 577. Western United States. California :-Bailey, 37 ; Brown, 94 ; Clay, 153; Grinnell, 218, 219, 220; Grinnell & Storer, 221 ; Hanna, 235 ; Hansen & Squires, 236 ; Howell, 299 ; Oberholser, 431 ; Swarth, 625, 626, 627 ; Swarth & Bryant, 628. Arizona :-Lincoln, 351. Utah :-Wetmore, 666. Colorado :-Bergtold, 57; Brad- bury, 79 ; Grinnell, 219 ; Lincoln, 350 ; Lowe, 360 ; Oberholser, 444. OREGONr-Bailey, 36 ; Shelton, 580 ; Walker, 660. Idaho :-Rust, 537. Wyoming :-Cary, 111; Skinner, 583, 584. Washington :-Bowles, 74, 75, 76; Dice, 158 ; Oberholser, 446 ; Ratbburn, 493. Middle United States. Texas Sell, 572 ; Smith, 588 ; Taylor, 634. Alabama :-Golsan & Holt, 212. Iowa : -Bailey, 35 ; Gabrielson, 201 ; Spurrell, 597. Wisconsin :-Stoddard, 606. Indiana :-Evermann, 179 ; Stod- dard, 607. Eastern United States. Florida : -Oberholser, 431. South Carolina :-W ay ne, 664. North Carolina :-Brimley, 89, 90. Virginia :-Oberholser, 450. District of Columbia :-Hollister, 289 ; McAtee, Preeble & Wetmore, 370 ; Oberholser, 445, 450. Maryland :-Hollister, 289 ; Ober- holser, 450. Pennsylvania :-Burleigh, 101 ; Fowler, 195 ; MacReynolds, 377 ; Stone, 611. New Jersey :-Oberholser, 431 ; Potter, 489 ; Scoville, 571 ; Stone, 611. New York :-Bishop & Wright, 62 ; Burtch, 103 ; Nichols, Murphy Griscbm, 424. Connecticut :-Gabrielson, 200 ; Henninger, 273. Massachusetts :-Faxon, 182;’ Townsend, 648 ; Wright, 702, 703. Canada. General -.-Macoun & Macoun, 376. New Brunswick :-Philipp & Bow- dish, 481. Quebec :-Cooper, 137 ; Merriam, 398; Mousley, 410; Terrill, 635; Townsend, 649. Ontario :-Beaupre, 49 ; Cooper, 137 ; Lloyd, 354 ; Macnamara, 375. Manitoba :-Criddle, 144, 145. British Columbia .--Brooks, 91 ; Grinnell, 219 ; Taverner, 631, 632. Mackenzie :-Dixon, 159. Arctic . Canada :-Anderson, 9. 40 Aves. [1917] XVII. Alaska. Alaska :-Dixon, 159 ; Gianini, 208 ; Hanna, 234 ; Hersey, 274 ; Oberliolser, 431 ; Riley, 515 ; Willett, 692. Greenland. Helms & Schi01er, 266 ; Porsild, 488. THE OCEANS. North Sea & N. Atlantic :-Ken- nedy, 318. HI.— SYSTEM ATIC. The arrangement of Sharpe’s “ lland-list of Birds ” is here used ; where generic names differ, the name in the Hand-list is prefixed in square brackets. Full references are given only in the case of new genera and species. In other cases the numeral in Clarendon refers to the List of Titles, where the full reference will he found. ORDER ARCHiEOPTERYGES. If Archaeopteryx, on the pectoral and pelvic arches, Petronievics & Woodward 479. ORDER APTERYGIFORMES. Apteryx mantelli, history of intro- duction into Europe, Renshaw 504. ORDER TINAMIFORMES. On the nesting and other habits of the Guianian Tinamous and on the struc- ture of the tarsus with figures, Beebe 51, p. 253. Tinamus major, zonal distribution of races enumerated, Chapman 118 p. 187. Crypturus cinnamomeus spencei, Venezuela p. 29, C. obsoletus punensis Peru p. 30 subspp. n., Chubb Bull. B.O.C. 38. — C. soui zonal distribution of races, Chapman 118, p. 191. Microcry piurus nom. n. for Cryp- turellus preoccupied, Chubb Bull. B.O.C. 38 p. 30. Aves. Bhyncliotus rufescens alleni subsp. n. Central Brazil, Chubb Bull. B.O.C. 38 p. 30. Nothoprocta pentlandii simon si subsp. n. N. Peru, Chubb Bull. B.O.C. 38 p. 30. Nothura darwini mendozensis subsp. n. Argentina, Chubb Bull. B.O.C. 38 p. 31. Calopezus elegans morenoi subsp. n. Patagonia, Chubb Bull. B. 0. C. 38 p. 31. ORDER GALLIFORMES. Megapodius duperryii subspecies listed, Oberholser 449 p. 189. Leipoa ocellata, incubation period and habits, Bellchambers 54. Megacephalum maleo avicult. and other notes, Renshaw 503. Penelope crislata and P. perspicax distinctive characters, Chapman 118 p. 195. — P. broohi sp. n. E. Ecuador, Chubb Bull. B. O. C. 38 p. 5. Chamaepetes fagani sp. n. W. Ecua- dor, Chubb Bull. B. O. C. 38 p. 4. Lyrurus t. britannicus a cinnamon - coloured variation, Whymper 690. Tetrao parvirostris note on synonymy, Hartert 248 p. 292. Pedicecetes phasianellus jamesi subsp. n. Colorado, Lincoln Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 p. 84. [Caccabis] Alectoris must take the place of Caccabis as the generic name of the Red-legs p. 270, A. barbara barbara (Bonn.) must replace Caccabis petrosa as the name of the Barbary Partridge p. 275, A. graeca Cypriotes subsp. n. Cyprus p. 278, A. g. falki subsp. n. Russian Turkestan p. 280, Hartert Nov. Zool. 24. Ammoperdix heyi and A griseo- gularis on subspecific forms, A. heyi intermedia subsp. n. S. Arabia, Hartert Nov. Zool 24 p. 282. Francolinus pondicerianus, 3 sub- species recognised, F. p. interpositus subsp. n. northern India p. 288. — F. francolinus type locality Cyprus p. 287, subspecies reviewed p. 288, F. bicalcaralus subspecies revised, F. b. ayesha subsp. n. Morocco p. 291, Hartert Nov. Zool. 24. — F. laihami 41 Avcs. Systematic. — Columbiformes. 5831 schubotzi description, habits, coloured plate, Someren 596. — F. • gariepensis jugularis and F. g. pallidior, note on examples from Ovampoland, Sclater 568. — F. adolfii-frederici Reichw. = F. mulemae O.-Grant, Lonnberg 356 p. 2. — F. hartlanbi in Damaraland new to S. Africa, Roberts 521 p. 256. Perdix perdix review of the sub- species, P. p. italica Italy p. 283, P. p. armoriedna western France p. 284 subspp. n., Hartert Nov. Zool. 24. Melanoperdix nigra borneensis subsp. n. Borneo, Rothschild Bull. B. O. C. 38 p. 3. Coturnix coturnix review of the races, p. 420, C. c. inopinata Cape Verde Is., p. 422, C. c. confisa Madeira p. 423, G. c. conturbans Azores p. 423 subspp. n., Hartert Nov. Zool. 24. Lopliopliorus impejanus and L. refulgens on their status and varieties, Rothschild 530. Gennaeus Indian species reviewed, G. albocristatus figured in colour, Baker 38. Phasianus , example with abnormal sex -characters, Bateson & Haig 48. — P. colchicus, taxonomic notes and list of subspecies, Hartert 253. Calopliasis mikado addt. description and food habits, Kuroda 340 p. 263. [Chrysolophus] Thaumalea picla and T. obscura hybrids and genetics dis- cussed, Tjebbes 645. G alius, Indian species reviewed, G . sonnerati figured in colour, Baker 38.— G. sonnerati crossed with domestic fowl, Blaauw 63 ; Ghigi 207. — G. varius (Shaw), on Bawean I. type locality fixed on Java, Oberholser 447 p. 187. Pavo ; on hybrid Peacocks, Blaauw 63. Numida papillosa damarensis subsp. n. . S.W. Africa Protect., Roberts Ann. Trans. Mus. 6 p. 2. — N. p. pti- lorhyncha in Yemen, Sclater 583 p. 185. Gvilera edouardi symonsi subsp. n. Karkloof Natal, Roberts Ann. Trans. Mus. 6 p. 3. Lophortyx calalinensis Griimell, a recognizable race of L. californica, Oberholser 431 p. 194. Eupsychortyx crislatus lilloralis subsp. n. Santa Marta, E. decoratus sp. n. Bolivar, Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30 p. 6. Colinus virginianus texanus econo- mics habits and conservation, Taylor 634. — C. pectoralis nesting in captivity, Baily 33. — C. cristatus Colombian subspecies discussed, Chapman 118 p. 198. Odontophorus parambae zonal range and specific characters, Chapman 118 p. 200. ORDER TURNICIFORMES. Marianornis gen. n. for Ortygodes varia (Lath.), Mathews Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 128. ORDER PTEROCLIDIFORMES. Pterocles orientalis (L.) is the correct name for the Black-billed Sand- grouse P. arenarius auct., Hartert 248 p. 287. ORDER COLUMBIFORMES. S phenocercus sororius La Touche = ,S. sieboldi Temm., La Touche 342 p. 561. Vinago calva in Damaraland new to S. Afr., Roberts 521 p. 256. Bulreron capellei passorhina subsp. n. Pulo Mata Siri, Java sea, Oberholser P.U.S. Nat. Mus. 54 p. 192. [Osmolreron] Dendrophassa vernans adina subsp. n. Anamba Is., Ober-. holser Bull. U.S. N. Mus. No. 98 p. 20. \Spilotreron\ Haemataena melano- cephdla massoptera subsp. n. Pulp Mata Siri Java sea, Oberholser P.U.S. Nat. Mus. 54 p. 191. \Carpuphagd] Muscadivores aeneus polius subsp. n. Anamba Is., Ober- holser Bull. U.S.N. Mus. No. 98 p. 18. — M. rosaceus zamydrus subsp. n. Solombo Besar I. Java Sea, Ober- holser P.U.S. Nat. Mus. 54 p. 179. Lopholaemus antarclicus egg from N. Queensl. described, H. L. White 675 p. 163. 42 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1917] Columba domestica pseudoher- maphroditism in male pigeons, Jun- gersen 311. — G. palumbus differences between British and Continental birds, Witherby 696. — G. plumbea wallacei Para, Brazil, C. p. andicola Bolivia subspp. n., Chubb Bull. B. 0. C. 38 p. 32. — C. subvinacea taxonomy and distribution of Colombian races, Chap- man 118 p. 204. — G. anolaimae sp. n. Colombia, Chubb Bull. B. O. C. 38 p. 17. — G. ogilvie-granti sp. n. N. Peru, Chubb Bull. B. 0. C. 38 p. 5.— C. albinucha sexual differences noticed, Lonnberg 355 p. 10. Turturoena sharpei note on ex- amples from B.E.A., Lonnberg 356. Ectopisles migralorius in New York State in 1909 ?, Bishop & Weight, 62. Zenaida ruficauda antioquiae subsp. n. Antioquia, Colombia, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 36 p. 207. ScardafeUu squamata cearae subsp. n. Ceara Brazil, Cory Chicago Field Mus. Publ. Zool. 12 p. 6. Gymnopelia ceciliae (Less. 1845) has priority over G. anais (Less. 1847), G. c. gymnops subsp. n. Chubb Bull. B. 0. C. 38 p. 18. Ghaemepelia talpacoti nest and eggs described with photo, Beebe 51 p. 213. Metriopelia melanoptera saturatior subsp. n. Ecuador, Chubb Bull. B. O. C. 38 p. 32. [Chalcopelia] 'l'urtur afer revision of the blue-spotted forms, T. a. sclaieri subsp. n. Uganda and W. Africa, Rothschild Bull. B. O. C. 38 p. 26.— G. afra kilimensis not a good sub- species, Lonnberg 355 p. 11. Leptoptila verreauxi macconnelli subsp. n. Bt. Guiana, Chubb Bull. B. O. C. 38 p. 32. — L. plurnbeiceps in Colombia, Chapman 118 p. 212. — L. ochroptera approximans subsp. n. Ceara Brazil, Cory Chicago Field Mus. Publ. Zool. 12 p. 7. — L. intermedia sp. n. Peru, Chubb Bull, B. O. C. 38 p. 17. Geotrygon montana nest and eggs described, Beebe 51 p. 213. — G. bourcieri baeza subsp. n. Ecuador, Chubb Bull, B. O. C. 38 p. 33.— Oreopeleiu bourcieri distribution in Colombia, Chapman 118 p. 214. — O. leucometopius sp. n. Prov. Azua, S. Domingo W. I., Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 p. 327. ' \Raphus cucullatus , f Aptornis soli- tarius, f Pezophaps solitarius , Dodo studies, Oudemans 455 457. ORDER OPISTHOCOMIFORMES. Opisthocomus cristatus habits and haunts especially of the young bird, Beebe 51 p. 155. ORDER R ALLIFORMES . t Rallus adelus nom. n. for i?. intermedins M.-Edw. preoccupied, Ober- holser Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30 p. 76. [Limnopardalis] Pardirallus rity- rhynchus simonsi subsp. n. Peru, Chubb Bull. B. O. C. 38 p. 33. Eulabeornis castaneiventer, eggs from N. Terr. Australia described, H. L. White 675 p. 164. Porzana albicollis nest and eggs described with photo, Beebe 51 p. 215. — P. flaviventris hendersoni subsp. n. Haiti, Bartsch Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 p. 131. [ Poliolimnas ] Porzana cinerea brevipes on the eggs, Jourdain 309. Greciscus viridis nest and eggs described with photo, Beebe 51 p. 216. [ Limnobaenus ] Porzana fusca a review of the subspecies, p. 271, P. f. bakeri subsp. n. Assam p. 272, Hartert Nov. Zool. 24. Neocrex erylhrops olivascens subsp. n. Venezuela, Chubb Bull, B. O. C. 38 p. 33. Gallinula chlorojms a list of recog- nised subspecies p. 267, G. c. guami Guam I. Western Pacific p. 268, Hartert Nov. Zool. 24. — G. galeata nesting habits in New York State, Burtch 103. Porphyrio madagascariensis (Lath.) is the correct name of the African Purple Coot p. 265 ; P. poliocephalus caspius subsp. n. Caspian area p. 266 and list of Palaearctic species, Hartert Nov. Zool. 24. 43 Avts. Systematic. — Lariformes. 5831 Fulica atm, habits in Scotland, Boase 68 ; migrations, Hess 277. — F. 8tcnoleuca status discussed, Hagen 230 ; Laubmann 347. — F. americana an abnormal egg, Wetmore 668. ■ \Leguatia gigantea history, classi- fication and other notes, Oudemans 456. Podica notes on the species and sub- species, Mackworth-Praed 374 p. 414. ORDER PODICIPEDIFORMES. [Proctopus] Oolymbus nigricollis in Heligoland, Kruss 338. [ Lophaethyia ] Podiceps cristatus court- ing and other habits, Selous 573. ORDER COLYMBIFORMES. [Oolymbus] Gavia arctica status in N. America, Hersey 275. — Urinator immer on the date of the earliest record in West Prussia, Dobbrick 162. ORDER SPHENISCIFORMES. Aptenodytes patagonica, moult in captivity, Ewart & Mackenzie 180. Pygoscelis papua field notes and nesting habits with photos on the Falkland Is., Brooks 93 p. 130. Eudypies, Australian species dis- cussed Mathews 389 p. 184. Spheniscus magellanicus on the Pata- gonian coast photographed, Doello- Jurado 163. ORDER PROCELLARIIFORMES. Procellariiformes of Western Aus- tralia, Alexander 5. Oceanodroma leucorhoa review of subspecies, Oberholser 448. Banner mania and Cymochorea not generically separable from Oceanodroma , Oberholser 431 p. 465. Pufjinus taxonomic notes on N. American species and recently separated genera and subgenera, Oberholser 433. — P. carneipes occurrence in S. Australian waters, White 683. — P. bermudae occurrence in N. Atlantic, Brooks 92. — Thyellodroma pacifica chlororhyncha nesting habits, Carter 110 p. 573. [Oestrelata] Pterodroma macroptera first record for S. Australian coasts, Zietz 707. Halobaena murphyi sp. n. South Georgia, Brooks Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 61 p. 146. Diomedea chionoptera ringed at Ker- guelen captured near Cape Horn, Menegaux 395. Rhottonia subg. n. for type Diomedea (Rhottonia) sanfordi sp. n. coast of Chile, Murphy Bull. Amer. Mus. N. H. 37 p. 861. ORDER ALCIFORMES. | Chenalopex not Plautus must be the accepted name for the Great Auk, Mathews & Iredale 390 p. 118.— • Alca impennis bones found near Vardo, Norway, Christiani 125. Uria troille troille and U. t. calx - f arnica, on the eggs, Jourdain 309. [Cepphus] Uria mandtii note on this so-called variation, Jacobi 305.. [Pseudurid] Cepplius snmvi record in Alaska doubtful, Oberholser 431 p. 191. Aethia generic name discussed, Stone 610. Fratercula arctica grabae a discussion as to its validity, Sclater and others 570. — F. a. naumanni type specimen and type locality indicated, Norton 429. ORDER LARIFORMES. Hydrochelidon leucoptera visitation to Western Australia, Alexander 6. [Gelochelidon] Sterna anglica breeding habits in the Punjab, Waite 659. [ Hydroprogne ] Sterna caspia first record for Washington State, Bowles 76. Sterna dougalli on Lake Michigan, Stoddard 607. — S. s. sandvicensis and S. d. dougallii breeding in Ireland, Carroll 109. — S. fuliginosa and S. sandvicensis acuflavida breeding in Gulf of Mexico, Kennedy 319. — S. melanauchen provida subsp. n. Pro- vidence Bank between Seychelles and Madagascar, Oberholser Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 98 p. 16. 44 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1917] Lams ridibundus in London, Stubbs 622. — L. argentatus thayeri status discussed, Dwight 174. — f L. ve.ro sp. n. Pleistocene of Florida, Shufeldt 578 p. 40. [Megalestris] Catharacta skua on a melanistic example found dead in Oxfordshire, Sclater 569. Stercorarius parasiticus its phases in S. Australian waters, White 682. — S. parasiticus visilori subsp. n. New S. Wales, Mathews Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 73. — Coprotlieres pomarinus nutcheri subsp. n. New S. Wales, Mathews Austr. Av. Rec. 3 j). 72. ORDER CHARADRIIFORMES. Moult of British Waders, Jackson 304. Vanellus vanellus, a blue egg, Stubbs 620. Charadrius dominions, in Ontario, Beaupre 49. [Ochthodromus] Pagolia wilsonia rufi- nucha subspecific characters and tax- onomy, Peters 476 p. 405. Eudromias morinellus breeding habits in Siberia, Haviland 258 ; in Scot- land, Meares 391. [JEgialeus] Charadrius semipalmatus in Sussex, first record for Bt. Isles, Parkin 423. [Helodromas\ Totanus ochropus sup- posed breeding in England, Robinson 524 526. [Tringoides] Tringa hypoleuca ab- normal clutches, Baker & Jourdain 42. — Actitis hypoleuca aurita recognised by Mathews, cannot be maintained, Oberholser 438 p. 15. Tryngites subruficollis first record for Washington State, Bowles 76. [ Heteropygia ] Pisobia bairdi field and breeding notes in Arctic America, Dixon 159. Qallinago gallinago, breeding and drumming habits, Stubbs 621. — G. gallinago and G. stenura, weights in S. India, Stoney 613. Scolopax rusticola migrations in Ire- and, Douglas 171’; ringed in Ireland recovered in Shetland, Clarke 130 ; nesting in Denmark, Konradsen 333 ; migration dates, etc., etc., in Sweden, Rendahl 502. — S. rusticola mira from Amami,Loo Choo Is. figured, Hartert 251. Phalaropus lobatus at 7,600 ft. in Yemen, Sclater 563 p. 182. Jacana spinosa development, ptery- losis wing structure, etc., etc.. Hartley 51 p. 293. — J. nigra, type locality “ Brazil ” incorrect, Chapman 118 p. 226. [Tetrax] Otis te.tr ax in Croatia, Schiebel 551. — O. t. tetrax and O. t. orientalis distinguished with dis- tribution notes, Hartert 239 p. 212. Houbara macqueeni occurrence in Switzerland, Hess 276. ORDER GRUIFORMES. Grus vipio, G. monachus and G. japonensis migrations in Japan, Uchida, 656. Mesooenas Reichenb. must replace Mesites Geoffr. preoccupied, Brasil 82. Psophia crepitans habits of old and young birds the latter figured in colour and photographed, Beebe 51 p. 247. Chunga burmeisteri field notes in Argentine, Boyle 78. f Diatryma steini sp. n. Lower Eocene of Wyoming, Matthew & Granger Bull. Amer. Mus. '37 p. 322. ORDER ARDE IF ORMES. Ibis molucca, field notes, Le SouiiF 348. Carphibis spinicollis field notes, Le SouiiF 348. [Comatibis] Geronticus eremita former distribution in Switzerland ; the Waldrapp pf Gesner, Strohl 617. Theristicus melanops field and avi- cultural notes, Blaauw 64. Ciconia alba in Denmark, Taning 630. Xenorhynchus asiaticus in Malay Peninsula, Robinson 523 p. 141. 45 Arcs. Systematic. — Peuoaniformes. 5831 Ardea cinerea fnasa subsp. n. Mada- * gascar, Hartert Bull. B. 0. C. 38 p. 6. — A. herodias wardi and H. h. ivurde- manni relationship and taxonomy, Bar- tsch 46. — t A. sellar dsi sp. n. Pleisto- cene of Florida, Shufeldt 578 p. 38. Garzetla nigripes eggs from N. Terr. Australia described, H. L. White 675 p. 162. Tigrisoma salmoni taxonomic note, Chapman 118 p. 231. Ardeola i. ibis in Norfolk 2nd record for British Is., Smalley 587. [Ardetta] Ixobrychus exilis unusual nesting site in New Jersey, Potter 489. — /. exilis bogotensis on the Bogota savanna, Chapman 118 p. 231. ORDER PALAMEDEIFORMES. Chauna torquata (Oken) antedates C. salvadorii Chubb & Brabourne, Hellmayr 265 p. 200. ORDER ANSERIFORMES. Propagation of Wild Duck Foods, MoAtee, 368. 'Moult of the stomach lining in Ducks, Me At ee, 367. Coloration of down in adult Ducks, Bowles 73. Euolor gen. n. for type Anas olor Gm., Mathews & Iredale Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 117. Chenopsis atrata effects of frost and cold, Gunther 223. Anser albifrons at Malta, Destott 156. — A. albifrons and A. a. gambeli both occurring in California in winter with distinctive characters, Swarth & Bryant 628. ' Branta bernicla glaucogastra occur- rence in Scotland discussed, Rintoul & Baxter and others 516. — B. leucop- sis supposed breeding in Ioeland, Noble 427. — Bernicla rujicollis figured in colour with notice, Astley 24. Chloephaga hybrida malvinarum and G. magellanica field notes in N. Falklands Brooks 93 p. 152. — G. leucoplera (Gmel.) must replace G. magellanica (Gmel.) pre-occupied, Oberholskr 442 p. 75. Dendrocygna vuluata record in New Jersey doubtful, Oberholser 431 p. 192. Pseudotadorna crislata gen. et sp. n. Corea, Korop a Tori No. 5 1917 p. 1 i text fig. (cf. Ibis 1918 p. 732). Anas boscas migratory movements, Poncins 487. — A. rubripes tristis fur- ther critical taxonomic notes, Ober- holser 431 p. 192. — A. sparsa breeding in captivity, Blaauw 66. Horizonetta gen. n. for type Anas laysanensis , Oberholser Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30 1917 p. 119. Nettion leucophris (Vieillot) must replace N. torquata (Vieill.) preoccupied, Oberholser 442 p. 75. ■ \Querquedula floridana sp. n. Pleis- tocene of Florida Shufeldt 578 p. 30. [Aythya\ Marila nationi its relations to Alias erythrophthalma and the African Nyroca brunnea Ey ton cleared up, Chap- man 118 p. 234. Tachyeres cinereus question of the flying and non-flying forms in Falkland Is. discussed, Brooks 93 p. 155 ; Phillips & Blaauw 482. [Clangula] Nyroca clangula young male plumage, Tischler 642 ; Fuli- gnla clangula nesting habits, Rudiger 536. Oidemia americana in Fohkien Prov. China, La Touche 342 p. 563. Heniconetta stellar i on the eggs and nest-down, Bunyard 96. Somateria v.- nigra and S. spedabilis on the eggs and nest-down, Bunyard 96. Erismatura jamaicensis tracheal air sacs and larynx, secondary sexual characters, Wetmore 672. Merganetta Columbiana plumage and moult of young, Chapman 118 p. 236. Lophodytes cucullatus note on nest and egg, Bunyard 97. ORDER PELICANIFORMES. Phalacrocorax notes on temperature and food habits of Australian species, Morgan 408. — P. carbo carbo and P. c. subcormoran-us distinguished as the two European Cormorants, Hartert 46 Area. XVII. Aves. [1917] 239. — P. gaimardi on the Patagonian coast, bird and eggs photographed, Doello-Jurado 163. — Microcarbo ater description of young bird, Zietz 707. Sula dactylatra calif arnica cannot be included in the list of N. American birds, Oberholser 431 p. 467. Fregata note on nomenclature of N. American races, Oberholser 431 p. 468. Pelecanus crispus remains found near Glastonbury, Andrews 10. — P. ery- thrarhynchos , field notes in Yellowstone Park, Skinner 584. IfPalaeochenoides a Steganopode rather than an Anserine bird, Wetmore 669. ORDER ACCIPITRIEORMES. Status of the Accipitrine birds of Lower Austria, Mintits 405. The Raptores of the Punjab, Donald 170. Serpentarius secretarius history of introduction into Europe, Rensiiaw 504. Vultur monackus habits in captivity, Hughes 300. Neophron percnopierus note on the first recorded British example killed in 1825, Sclater 569. Circus buffoni recorded from Colom- bia, Chapman 118 p. 240. — C. pygargus nesting habits, Dobbrick 160. A star a. atricapiUus invading Cali- fornia, Grinnell 220. — A. tachiro tenebrosus subsp. n. Londiani Bt. E. Afr. Lonnberg Ark. Zool. 11 No. 5 p. 2. — A. sphenurus recorded fjom Yemen, Sclater 563 p. 178. AccipHer nisus nisus, A. n. melano- schistos, A. affinis , A. virgatus virgatus, A. v. confusus, A. gularis nesting and other habits in India and eggs figured, Baker 39 p. 350 pi. vii. — A. cirrocepha- lus haesitata subsp. n. Cape York, Queensland, Mathews Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 128. — A. beniensis sp. n. Beni Belgian Congo, Lonnberg Ark. Zool. 10 No. 24 p. 13. — A. guliifer nom. n. pro A. guttahis auct., Hellmayr Miinchen Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 13 p. 200. Erythrotriorchis radiatus queenslandi- cus subsp. n. Queensland, Mathews Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 128. Buteo anceps ruficauda on the name and status of the Steppe Buzzard, Domaniewski 165. — B. borealis the Antillean subspecies discussed, Peters 476 p. 399. — B. platypterus iowensis subsp. n. Iowa, U.S.A., Bailey Auk 34 p. 73. Bupornis magnirostris geographical and individual variation of Colombian forms, Chapman 118 p. 243. Gy pact us barbatus recorded occur- rences in N. Austrian Alps, Tschusi 653 ; breeding habits in captivity, Klein 324. — G. barbatus grandis on two Swiss examples, Hesse 278 ; in Yemen, Sclater 563 p. 178. Aquila chrysaetos found in the N. Riesengebirge borders of Silesia and Bohemia, Kayser 313. — A. pomarina pomarina in Bt. E. Africa first record so far south, Mackworth-Praed 374 p. 407. [Eutolma'etus] Hieraaetus fasciatus in Yemen, Sclater 563 p. 179. Spilornis bassus bjniveanus subsp. n. Bawean I. Java sea Oberholser P. IT. S. N. Mus. 52 p. 185. Gypoictinia melanoslerna first occur- rence in Tasmania, Legge 349. Falco peregrinus peregrinator, F. severus, F. subbuteo centralasiae nesting and other habits in India and eggs figured. Baker 39 p. 224 pi. v. — F. feldeggi in Lancashire, Robinson 525. — - F. s. subbuteo breeding habits in England, Meares 392. — F. oesalon breeding habits in Scotland, Paton 466. | Hierofalco] Falco ruslicolus on a supposed specimen of F. islandicus in the Leipzig Museum, Hesse 278. Cerchneis moluccensis microbalia subsp. n. Solombo Bcsar I. Java sea, Oberholser Proc. TJ.S. N. Mus. 54 p. 178. — C. araca nom. n. for C. gracilis (Lesson) ; C. alopex eremica nom. n. for. C. a. deserticola Reichw. both pre- occupied, Oberholser Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30 p. 76. — Falco sparverius dominicensis plumage changes, Peters 476 p. 401. 47 Axes. Systematic. — Psittaoi formes. 5831 Pandion halia'etus not Haliaetus leucogaster found by Capt. Cook on Botany I. off New Caledonia Brasil 80. — P. h. carolinensis nesting in the Yellowstone, Skinner 583. ORDER STRIGIFORMES. The Owls of Egypt, Koenig 330. Asio otus field notes and nesting habits, Adam 1 ; habits in Ireland, Burkitt 100. Bubo virginianus elutus subsp. n. Bolivar Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30 p. 6. — B. v. wapacuthu (Gmel.) on the identification of this form, Oberholser 431 p. 469. Nyctea nyctea on Heligoland, Kruss 338.' [$cops] Otus capensis subspecies discussed, Roberts 521 p. 247. — O. asio kennicotti field notes in Washington state, Bowles 74. Ninox scutilaia subspecies discussed, Robinson 523. — Spiloglaux novaesee- landiae tasmanica subsp. n. Tasmania, Mathews Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 70. — N. humeralis eggs from N. Queensl. described, H. L. White 675 p. 159. [Syrnium] Strix baweayia sp. n. Bawean I. Java sea, Oberholser P. U. S. N. Mus. 52 p. 190. Athene noctua spread in (Somerset- shire, Wigleswortii 691 ; Carine noctua moult of beak, Tavistock 633. Speotyto cunicularia gr allaria taxo- nomic note and list of subspecies, Cory 139 p. 6. [Strix] Tylo arfaki remarks and criti- cisms on Mr. Mathew’s views, Roth- schild 529. — Strix Candida nesting place and eggs, Stone 609. ORDER PSITTACIFORMES. Reference list of colored plates of Parrots, Hopkinson 290. Australian parrots, stray notes, Tavistock 633. Note on some Indian parrot names, Mathews 385. The following Australian species figured and monographed with correc- tions in nomenclature, &c. : Harrisor- nis lathami pi. 283, Zanda baudinii pi. 284, Z. funerea pi. 285, Callocorydon fimbriatus pi. 286, Kakatoe galerita pi. 287, Lophochroa leadbeateri pi. 288, Ducorpsius sanguineus pi. 289, Licmetis tenuirostris p). 290, Eolophus roseica- pillus pi. 291, Leplolophus hollandicus pi. 292, Lorius pectoralis pi. 293, Geoffroyus geoffroyi pi. 294, Polytelis swainsonii pi. 295, P. anthopeplus pi. 296, Northipsitta alexandrae pi. 297, Aprosmictus erythropterus pi. 298, Alis- terus scapularis pi. 299, Plalycerus elegans pi. 300, flaveolus pi. 301, P. caledonicus pi. 302, P. icterolis pi. 303, P. adscilus pi. 304, P. venustus and P. hilli pi. 305, P. eximius pi. 306, Bar- nardius barnardi pi. 307, B. zonarius pi. 308, Purpureicephalus spurius pi. 309, Psephotus haematonotus pi. 310, P. varius pi. 311, Northiella haemato- gaster pi. 312, P sephotellus pulcherrimus pi. 313, P. chrysoplerygius pi. 314, Neopsephotus bourlcii pi. 315, Neona- nodes chrysogaster and N. chrysostomus pi. 316, N. elegans pi. 317, N. petro- philus pi. 318, Neophema pulchella pi. 319, N. splendidn pi. 320, Lathamus discolor pi. 321, Melopsittacus undu- lafus pi. 322, Pezoporus wallicus pi. 323, Geopsittacus occidentals pi. 324, Mathews 381. \Cyclopsiltacus] Opopsitta coxeni tweedi subsp. n. N. S. Wales, Mathews Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 128. Suavipsitla nom. n. pro Nannopsit- tacus Mathews preoccupied, Mathews Bds. Austr. 6 p. xix. Microglossus aterrimus habits in captivity, Dombrain 169. Calyptorhynchus banksii samueli subsp. n. Central Australia, Mathews Bds. Austr. 6 p. 120. Callocorydon gen. n. pro Callocepha- lon auct. type C . fimbriatus {—C . galea- turn auct.) p. 150, C . fimbriatus superior subsp. n. N. S. Wales p. 158, Mathews Bds. Austr. 6. Cacatua galerita breeding in con- trolled liberty, Whitley 689. — Kakatoe galerita inter jecta Victoria p. 184, K. g. aruensis Aru. Is. p. 187 subspp. n. Mathews Bds. Austr. 6. — K. parvulus abbolti subsp. n. Solombo Besar I. Java sea, Oberholser P. U.S. Nat. Mus. 54 p. 181. — Lophochroa leadbeateri superflua subsp. n. S. Australia, Mathews Bds. Austr. 6 p. 196. — 48 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1917] Ducorpsius sanguineus westralensis Mid- west Australia, D. s. normantoni Queensl. subspp. n., Mathews Bds. Austr. 6 p. 211. — Eolophus roseicapillus howei subsp. n. Victoria, Mathews Bds. Austr. 6 p. 234. [Nasiterna] Micropsitta chloroxantha nom. n. for M. [—Nasiterna] pygmea (Q. & G.) preoccupied, Oberholser 442 p. 120. [Gonurus] Aratinga ae. aeruginosa type locality in Colombia suggested, not Cayenne, Chapman 118 p. 257. Pyrrhura frontalis (Vieill.) must re- place P. vitiata (Shaw) preoccupied, Oberholser 442 p. 126. — P. subandina sp. n. Bolivar Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30 p. 6. Brotogeris jugularis exul subsp. n. Venezuela, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 129. Amazona, structure of the taste organs and the tongue, Greschik 216. Triclaria malachitasea (Spix) must replace the name T. cyanogastra (Vieill.) jneoccupied, Oberholser 442 p. 126. [Pionopsitlacus] Hapalopsittaca fuer- lesi figured in colour, Chapman 118 p. 264 pi. xxxvii. Poeocephalus meyeri, a remarkable colour- variation, Sclater 567. Palaeornis eupatria avensis Burma, P. e. siamensis Siam subspp. n., Kloss J. N. H. Soc. Siam 2 p. 219. Polytelis swainsonii (Desmarest) must replace the name P. barrabandii (Swains.) preoccupied, Oberholser 442 p. 125. Aprosmictus cyanopygius egg from N. Queensland described, H. L. White 675 p. 163. Layardiella gen. n. for type Pyrrliu- lopsis tabuensis (Gmel.), Mathews Bds. Austr. 6 p. 289. Loriculus asiaticus (Lath.) must take the place of Loriculus indicus (Gmel.), preoccupied for the Ceylon Parrot, Oberholser 442 p. 125. Platycercus elegans fleurieuensis subsp. n. Fleurieu Pen. S. Austr., and note on other members of the genus Ashby Emu 17 p. 44. — P. caledonicus flindersi Flinders I. Bass. Str. p. 328, P. eximius colei Victoria p. 360 subspp. n., Mathews Bds. Austr 6. Psephotus varius ethelae Central Australia, P. v. orientalis eastern in- terior of Australia subspp. u., Mathews Bds. Austr. 6 p. 408. Clarkona gen. n. for typo Psephotus varius Clark, Mathews Bds. Austr. 6 p. 391. [Neophema] Neonanodes chrysostomus cyanopterus subsp. n. Victoria, Ma- thews Bds. Austr. 6 p. 446. ORDER CORACIIFORMES. Sub-Order Coraciae. Coracias garrulus food habits, Hamm- ling 233. — C. abyssinus in the Yemen, Sclater 563 p. 177. Sub-Order Halcyones. Alcedo hercules nom. n. pro A. grandis Blyth 1845 preoccupied, Laub- mann Miinchen Verhandl. Ornith. Ges. 13 p. 105. Ceyx rufidorsus and allied forms discussion p. 23, C. tridactylus macro- carus subsp. n. Nicobar Is. p. 24, Oberholser Bull. U.S. N. Mus. No. 98. Dacelo gigas tvatsoni subsp. n. N. Queensl., Mathews Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 70. — D. minor, eggs from N. Queensl. described, H. L. White 675 p. 162. [ Halcyon ] Sauropatis chloris cyanes- cens subsp. n. Pulo Taya off S.E. Sumatra, Oberholser P. U.S. N. Mus. 52 p. 189. Sub-Order Bucerotes. Lophoceros nasutus subspecies dis- cussed, Roberts 521 p. 248. — L. erythrorhynchus damarensis distribution and validity of race, Finch-Davies 186. Sub-Order Upupae. Irrisor erythrorhynchus sub-species discussed, Roberts 521 p. 250. Rhinopomastus cyanomelas sub-species discussed, Roberts 521 p. 253. 40 Ares. System atio. — Coccyges. 5831 Sub-Order Meropes. Merops apiaster in Brandenburg, Sohalow 547 ; in Yemen, Sclater 563 p. 174. Sub-Order Momoti. Urospatha martii semirufa on the tail-rackets. Chapman 118 p. 267. \Prionornis] Electron plalyrhynchus taxonomy of Colombian races. Chap- man 118 p. 268. Sub-Order Caprimulgi. Nyctibius griseus abbotti subsp. n. Haiti, Richmond Smithson. Misc. Coll. 68 No. 7 p. 1. Oliordeiles m. minor (Forster) ante- dates G. v. virginianus (Gmel.) for the Night-hawk, Richmond 507. Microsiphonorhis gen. n. for type M. brewsteri sp. n. Prov. Azua S. Domingo, W. I., Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 p. 329. Gaprimulgus nigrescens egg and nesting place described with photo., Beebe 51 p. 219. — G. nigrescens embry- ology and pterylosis, Hartley 51 p. 321 .—Nyctipolus h. hirundinaceus taxo- nomic note p. 3, N. h. cearae subsp. n. Ceara Brazil p. 4, Cory Chicago Field Mus. Publ. Zool. 12. Sub-Order Cypseli. Review of the Swifts of the Argentine Dabbene 148. Collocalia lowi and G. veslita arne- chana taxonomy, Oberholser 438 p. 27.-— G. francica yorhi — G. fuciphaga yorlci, Mathews 389 p. 181. [Ghaetura] Streptoprocne zonaris zonal distribution of the two Colombian races, Chapman 118 p. 276.— -rC. novae- guineae mamberana subsp n. Dutch New Guinea, Neuman Orn. Monatsb. 25 p. 153. — G. biirgersi sp. n. New Guinea, Reiciienow J. Orn. 1917 p. 514. Gypseloides senex in Misiones, Argen- tina, Dabbene 150. A'eronautes melanoleucus nesting notes in California, Hanna 235. (n-4840 g) \Gypselu8\ Micropus height of flight, Stresemann 614. — Apus apus arrival dates in Holland, S waen 624 ; Micropus apus migrations in the Main Valley, Stadler 599 ; song, Stadler & Schmitt 602 ; Hoffmann 285. Sub-Order Trochili. Phoethornis striigular.is subrufescens subsp. n. Pacific coast region of Colom- bia, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 36 p. 283. [Aphantochroa] Phaeochroa cuvieri notia subsp. n. Bolivar Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 p. 5. Lepidopyga lilliae sp. n. Santa Marta Colombia, Stone Proc. Acad. N. Sci. Philad. 69 p. 204. Helianthea coeligena ferruginea subsp. n. Colombia, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 36 p. 298. Boissonneaua f. Jlavescens taxonomic note, Chapman 118 p. 300. [Eriocnemis] Veslipedes paramillo sp. n. Colombia, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 36 p. 301. [Spalhura] Ocreatus u. underwoodi distinctive characters, Chapman 118 p. 303. Heliangelus exortis sexual and othe characters, Chapman 118 p. 304. Oxypogon stubeli addt. description of male etc. etc., Chapman 118 p. 306. Gyanolesbia distrib. and distinctive characters of Colombian forms, Chap- man 118 p. 307. ORDER TROGONES. Trogonurus assimilis characters in Colombia, Chapman 118 p. 314. Pyrotrogon oreskios uniformis subsp. n. Trang Malay Peninsula, Robinson J. Fed. Malay Mus. 7 p. 149. ORDER COCCYGES. Sub-Order Musophagi. Turacus emini and T. ugandae are these distinct species ? Lonnberg 355 p. 15 ste] Phylloscopus trochi- loides fokiensis subsp. n. Pokien China, Hartert Bull. B.O. C. 37 1917 p. 43. Acanihiza and Geobasileus distribu- tion, taxonomy and synonymy of the species, Howe 285. — A. pygmaea eggs from N. S. Wales described, H. L. White 675 p. 160. — A. marianae figured in colour with additional notes, S. A. White 685. — A. winiamida sp. n, Victoria, Wilson Emu 16 p. 169. Keartlandia gen. n. for Acanthiza flaviventris Ashby, Mathews Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 78. Acanthornis magnus field-notes, Ash- by 20. Apalis jacksoni minor subsp. n. Cameroon p. 76 and T. ansorgei sp. n Angola p. 77, O. Grant Ibis 1917. — A . porphyrolaema note on two examples from Elgon, LOnnberg 356 p. 4. [Euprinoides] Apalis rujigularis taxo- nomy and sexual distinctions, O. Grant 451 p. 77. Gamaroptera super ciliar is races dis- cussed, O. Grant 451 p, 75. Scotocerca inquieta buryi distinctive characters, Sclater 563 p. 159. [Burnesia] Prinia gracilis natronensis subsp. n. Lower Egypt, Nicoll Bull. B. O.C. 37 p. 29. J\falurus ivhitei is a synonym of M. callainus Gld., Ashby 22 p. 232. — Nesomalurus \eucopterus rediscovery on Dirk Hartog I. W. Austr. and re- description with coloured figure, Mathews 384 ; also Carter 110 p. 593. — Bailor nis leuconotn.s and H. cyanotus question of identity and other points discussed, Mathews 384 p. 88, also Carter 110 p. 589 pi. x. Devisornis gen. n. for type M alums alboscapulatus, Mathews Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 90. Stipiturus malachurus hartogi figured with note on discovery, Carter 110 p. 597 pi. xi.— S. ruhceps nest and eggs, H. L. White 678. [Amytornis] Diaphorillas textilis re- discovery, D. t. carter i subsp. n. Dirk Hartog I. W. Austr., Mathews Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 87 pi.; habits and additional description, Carter 110 p. 599. — A. merrotsii field-notes, Lowe 359. Magnamytis dorolheae a distinct species not a subspecies, Mathews 389 p. 183. 57 Arts. Systematic. — Fam. Vireonidae. Vireo josephae mirandae subsp. n. Venezuela, Hartert Bull. B.O.C. 37 p. 32. — F. bellii arizonae Ridgway a well-defined race, Oberholser 431 p. 322. — F. crassirostris tortugae subsp. n. Tortuga I. Haiti, Richmond Smith- son Misc. Coll. 68 No. 7 p. 2. Cyclarhis fiavipectus parvus subsp. n. Colombia, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 36 p. 541. Fam. Ampelidae. Ampelis garrulus structure and life history, Sohaanning 545 ; Bombycilla garrula three races are recognizable, Oberholser 432 ; regurgitation habit, Bergtold 56. Fam. Art amid ae. Artamus leucoryn amydrus subsp. n. Solombo Besar I. Java Sea, Ober- holser P. TJ.S. Nat. Mus. 54 p. 185. — Austrartamus melanops nest and eggs figured, S. A. White 684 p. 460 pi. 31 fig. 1. Fam. Laniidae. Lanius yemenensis = L. minor, Sclater 563 p. 153. — L. arabicus 0. Grant = L. buryi, Sclater 563 p. 154. [ Enneoctonus ] Lanius collurio a varia- tion, Fischer-Sigwart 187 ; breeding habits, Owen 459. [Otomela] Lanins c. phoenicuroides and L. c. isabdlinus differences . and breeding ranges, Kollibay 332 p. 444. Pachycephala inornata eggs from N. Queensl. described with photo., H. L. White 675 p. 163. Fam. Paridae. [. Poecile ] Parus salicarius field notes, Bacmeister 27. — Penthestes hudsoni- cus wintering in southern New England and New Jersey, Townsend 648, Wright 703. [Lophophanes] Parus dichrous wellsi subsp. n. Yunan, Baker Bull. B.O.C. 38 p. 8. — Baeolophus inornatus murinus and B. wollweberi annexus (Cassin) readily recognizable races, Oberholser 431 p. 323. Passeriformes. 5831 Parus major quelpartensis subsp. n. Quel part I. Corea, Kuroda Tori No. 5 p. 3 pi vi figs. 1-2. [Pentheres] Parus thruppi note on, in East Africa, Mackworth-Praed 374 p. 377. [Gyanistes] Parus fiavipectus note on taxonomy, P. f. carruthersi subsp. n. Samarkand, Hartert Bull. B.O.C. 38 p. 19. Fam. Regulidae. Bex or Regillus v. Regulus as the generic name for the Golden-crested Wren, Mathews & Iredale 390 p. 119. Sylviparus modestus simlaensis subsp. n. N.W. Himalaya, Baker Bull. B.O.C. 38 p. 8. Fam. Sittidae. Sitta geographical distribution, Do- manewski 166. — S. europaea homey eri and its allied forms discussed, Domani- EWSKI 164. S. caesia sordida status discussed, Reich enow 499. — S. cin- namomeiventris asymmetry in the bill, Martorelli 378. — S. carolinensis cookei subsp. n. N.E. tJ.S.A. and S.E. Canada (= S. c. carolinensis auctt. nec Lath.) p. 185, S. c. carolinensis applies to the S.E. U.S.A. race, Oberholser Auk 34 p. 181. Fam. Certhiidae. Certhia familiaris song and other characteristics of' the German rares, Heger 229. — C. brachydactyla lusitanica subsp. n. Portugal, Reichenow J. Ornith. 1917 p. 97. Climacteris minor egg from N. Queensl. described, H. L. White 675 p. 164. — C. waitei sp. n. S. Australia, White Emu. 16 p. 168 ; figured in colour with notice, White 688. . Fam. Zosteropidae. Zosterops abyssinica arabs distinctive characters, Sclater 563 p. 153. — Z. palpebrosa ijimae subsp. n. Tsushima and Korea, KurodA Tori No. 5 p. 4 pi. vi fig. 3 text fig. 2. — Z. solombensis sp. n. Solombo Besar 1. Java Sea, Ober- holser P. U.S. Nat. Mus. 54 p. 188. — 58 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1917] Z. solombensis zachlora subsp. n. Pulo Kalamban Laurot Is. Java Sea, Ober- holser P. U.S. Nat. Mus. 54 p. 199. — Z. bayeri sp. n. Londiani Bt. E. Afr. Lonnberg Ark. Zool. 11 No. 5 p. 3. Fam. Dicaeidae. Dicaeum trigonosligmum hypochloum subsp. n. Anamba Is., Oberiiolser Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. No. 98 p. 07. Fam. Nectartniidae. Nectarinia melanogaster nectar inioides and N. erythrocerca in East Africa taxonomic and other notes, Mackworth- Praed 374 p. 375. Aethopyga seller iae the subspecies and the Tonkinese form, Kuroda 339 p. 249. — A. s. tonkinensis subsp. n. Tonkin, Hartert Bull. B.O.C. 38 p. 7. — A. siparaja ochropyrrlia subsp. n. Anamba Is., Oberholser Bull. U.S. N. Mus. No. 98 p. 65. Cinnyris abessinicus hellmayri dis- tinctive characters, Sclater 563 p. 152. — C. brasiliana eumecis subsp. n. Anamba Is., Oberiiolser Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. No. 98 p. 63. Anthreples liypogrammica intensior subsp. n. Borneo, Hartert Bull. B.O.C. 38 p. 27. — A. malaccensis addi- tional note on races, Hartert 249. — A. m. anambae subsp. n. Anamba Is., Oberiiolser Bull. U.S. N. Mus. No. 98 p. 61. — A. m. baweanus subsp. n. Bawean I. Java Sea, Oberiiolser P. U.S. N. Mus. 52 p. 196. Fam. Meliphagidae. Melithreptus atricapillus mallee nest and eggs, Howe 296. Myzomela rubatra saffordi subsp. n. Guam, Marianne Is. Wetmore Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash 30 p. 117. — >M. eichhorni interposita subsp. n. Itendova Solomon Is., Rothschild & Hartert Bull. B. O.C. 37 p. 38. Certhionyx variegatus nest and eggs figured, S. A. White 684 p. 464 pi. xxxi fig. 2. Ptilotis albilineata sp. n. Northern Terr. Australia, H. L. White Fmu 16 p. 165 figured on plate xlv. — Tricoder e cockerelli jardinei subsp. n. N. Queensl., Mathews Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 71. Xantliotis f laviventer watsoni subsp. n. N. Queenl., Mathews Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 71. Fam. Mniotiltidae. Vermivora leucobronchialis occur- rences in Massachusetts, Faxon 182. — V. c. celata a winter visitor in the Boston neighbourhood, Wright 702. — V. celata orestera is a distinguishable race from the Rocky Mountains region, Oberiiolser 431 p. 326 Dendroica petechia albicollis (Gmel.) is a distinct Haitian form, Peters 476 p. 421 ; also Bartsch Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 p. 132. — D. tigrina breeding notes in Quebec Prov., Merriam 398. — D. coerulescens breeding at Hatley, Quebec Prov.* Mousley 410. — D. c. cairnsi is a distinguishable race, Ober- holser 431 p. 325. — D. coronata and other warblers, sap-drinking habits, Mousley 412. Microligea montana sp. n. Prov. Azua S. Domingo, W.I., Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 37 p. 330. Geothlypis trichas brachydactyla (Swains.) is the earliest name for the northern race, Oberiiolser 431 p. 324. — G. beldingi goldmani subsp. n. L. California, Oberiiolser Condor 19 p. 183. Fam. Drepanididae. Telespiza ultima sp. n. Nihoa I., Hawaiian group, Bryan Auk 34 p. 70. Fam. Motacillidae. Motacilla melanope breeding in Swe- den, Lakjer, 343. — M.flava subspecies in Holland, Snouckaert 594. An thus type should be A. campestris, Mathews & Iredale Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 125. — A. trivialis haringloni subsp. n. Hazara, N.W. India, With- erby Bull. B.O.C. 37 p. 44. — A. sordidus arabicus S. Arabia, A. s. sokotrae Sokotra subspp. n., Hartert . Nov. Zool. 24 p. 457. — A. campestris minor breeding at Peshawar, Witherby 700. — A. rufulus cinnamomeus and A. leucophrys captus recorded from Yemen, Sclater 563 p. 150. — A. s. spinoletta in Thuringia and the Harz, Fenk 184. 59 Aves. Systematic. — Passeriformes. 5831 Fam. Alaudidae. Alaemon alaudipes boavistae subsp. n. Cape Verde Is., Hartert Bull. B.O,C. 37 p. 56. Otocoris alpesiris subspecies in Mani- toba, Criddle 145. — 0. a. pratincola and 0. a. alpestris field notes in Quebec Prov. , Terrill 635. Melanocorypha c. calandra in Sussex, first record for Bt. Isles, Nichols 423, — M. yeltonensis in Middlesex in 1737, Clarke 131. Alauda arvensis carrying away young from nest, Hesse 279. — A. a. Iciborti subsp. n. Siberia ? Zaljesski Mess. Ornith. 8 p; 125. Mirafra africanoides harei subsp. n. Windhuk Damaraland, Roberts Ann. Transvaal Mus. 5 p. 258. Galerida cristata forms occurring in the Nile Valley, Hartert 252. Pyrrhulauda leucotis nesting in cap- tivity, Bailey 34. Fam. Fringillidae. Hesperiphona vespertina revision of subspecies, H. v. brooksi Bt. Columbia p. 20. //. v. californica California p. 20, H. v. warreni Colorado p. 21 subspp. n. Grinnell Condor 19. Guiraca caerulea chiapensis eggs and nest near Tehuantepec, Mexico, Shu- feldt 577. Oryzoborus torridus breeding in cap- tivity, Blaauw 65. — 0. angolensis breviroslris nest and eggs described with photo. Beere 51 p. 237. Sporophila castaneiventris and S. bouvrorlides nest and eggs described with photo., Beebe 51 p. 239. — S. lineola restricta subsp. n. Magdalena Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 128. Catamenia inornata dimensions of races, Chapman 118 p. 559. Idiospiza gen. n. for type Linaria [now Catamenia ] inornata Lafres., Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 p. 127. Fringilla coelebs discussion of groups and Bubspecific forms, Gengler 203 ; food habits and economics, Theobald, McGowan & Leigh 636. — F. monti- fringilla in Sweden in winter, Granvik 214.. Carduelis carduelis albinism and melanism, Poliakov 486. Spinus symonsi sp. n. Basutoland, Roberts Ann. Transvaal Mus. 5 p. 257. Astragalinus psaltria columbianus note on diversity of tail coloration, Chap- man 118 p. 564. [Linaria] Acanthis linaria rufescens breeding in Austria, Watzinger 663. Pseudacanthis yemenensis figured in colour with text fig. of wing and tail, Sclater 563 p. 145 pi. iv. fig. 1. Onychostruthus nom. n. pro Onycho- spiza Prjev. 1876 preoccupied by Onychospiza Rey 1872 type O. taczan- owskii which latter antedates Monti - fringilla mandelli Hume, Richmond 508! Rhynchostruthus percivali yemenensis further description, Sclater 563 p. 142. [ Petronia ] Passer petronius recent occurrences in Germany, Lindner 352. — P. dentata in S. Arabia, Sclater 563 p. 143. Passer domesticus hostilis Klein- schmidt is the correct designation of the Sparrow in the U.S.A., Ober- holser 431 p. 329. — P. d. burgi note on, Sclater 563 p. 143. Serinus serinus in Westphalia, Hen- nemann 269. — S. canarius on the hybrids, Braun 83 .—S. rothschildi=S. uropygialis (Heugl.), Sclater 563 p. 144. Anomalospiza imberbis parasitic on Prinia flavicans , Roberts 521 p. 259 text fig. p. 246. Sycalis taxonomic notes, Reiohenow 497. Carpodacus erythrinus in Pomerania, Koske 335 ; in West Prussia ? Ibartii 302. Loxia curvirostra moults and plumage changes, Tischler 643. — L. c. bendirei must be recognised as a distinct race, Oberholser 431 p. 328. — L. megaplaga additional examples secured and geo- graphical relations commented on in S. Domingo, Chapman 119 p. 331. 60 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1917] Pyrrhula pyrrhula nesa nom. n. pro P. p. pileata the British Bullfinch, Mathews & Iredale Austr. Av. Rec. 3 1917 p. 122. — P. uchidai sp. n. Formosa, Kuroda Annot. Zool. Jap. 9 p. 295. Pinicola ennclealor Jcamtschalhensis in the Pribilofs a new American record, Riley 515. f Emberiza] Cynchramus species found in Turkestan, Sarudny 543. — G. citri- nella and E. leucocephala taxonomic relations, Kleinschmidt 325. — E. cirlus in N.E. France, Bacmeister 29. — E. cinerta semenowi sexual distinctions and occurrence in Yemen, Sclater 563 p. 146. Fringillaria slriolala and F. arabica synonymy and taxonomic note, Sclater 563 p. 147. [ Plectrophenax ] Passerina nivalis in Croatia, Sohiebel 551. \Colurniculus\ Ammodramus savan- narum borinquensis subsp. n. Porto Rico, Peters Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30 p. 95. — A. s. australis song, Allard 7. [A mmodromus] Passerherbulus re- vision and generic arrangement of species, Oberholser 437. Netnospiza gen. n. for type Passerher- bulus hensloivii (Aud.), Oberholser Ohio J. Sci. 17 p. 335. Thyrospiza gen. n. for type Passer- herbulus maritimus (Wilson), Ober- holser Ohio J. Sci. 17 p. 332. \Haemophild\ Myiospiza humeralis meridanus subsp. n. Venezuela, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 127. Brachyspiza capensis antillarum addt. account and description, Chapman 119 p. 333. Passerella iliaca monoensis subsp. n. California, Grinnell & Storer Condor 19 p. 165. Pseudochloris eitrina antioquiae subsp. n. Colombia, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 36 p. 571. Atlapetes Jlaviceps and A. fusco- olivaceus from Colombia figured in colour, Chapman 118 p. 574. pi. 40. Fam. Ccerebidae. Coereba aterrima of the Lesser An- tilles, taxonomy and synonymy, Hell- mayr 265 p. 197. Diglossopis caerulescens note on dis- tribution, Hartert & Goodson 257 p. 494. — D. c. saturata subsp. n. San- tander, Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 128. [ Dacnis ] Ateleodacnis speciosa ama- zonum subsp. n. Peru, Hellmayr Miinchen Verh. Orn. Ges. 13 p. 106. Cyanerpes c. cyaneus nest and eggs described with photo., Beebe 51 p. 241. — Arbelorhina (= Cyanerpes) remarks and identifications of Cabanis’ species of this genus, Hellmayr 265 p. 193. Fam. Tanagridae. [ E uphonia \ Tanagra xanthogastra measurements of Colombian subspecies, Chapman 118 p. 588. \ Calospiza] Calliste cyanopygia figured with notice, Butler 104.— Tangara gyroloides races revised, T. g. nupera subsp. n. western Ecuador, Bangs Proc. N. Engl. Zool. Cl. 6 p. 76. — Tangara lutleyi nom. n. pro Calliste melanotis Sci., Hellmayr Miinchen Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 13 p. 198. Compsocorna notabilis figured with notice, Butler 104. Sporothraupis cyanocephala hypo- phaea subsp. n. Venezuela, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 128. Ramphocelus ehrysonotus a hybrid of li. icteronotus X JR. flammigerus with map of ranges, Chapman 118 p. 610. Piranga r. rubra not P. r. cooperi occurs in Colorado, Oberholser 444. Phoenicothraupis rubiginosus sp. n. Bolivar Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30 p. 3. Thlypopsis fulviceps intensa subsp. n. Santander Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 128. Fam. Ploceidae. The classification of the Weaver Birds and their structural and diag- nostic characters, Chapin 113. Systematic— Passeriformes. 5831 01 Avcs. Avicult. and other notes on Whydalis (Viduinae), Hopkinson 292. Vidua serena, parasitic; habits, Roberts 521 p. 259. Munia atricapilla occurrence in Aus- tralia ? Mathews 389 p. 180. [ Po'ephila ] Neopo'ephila per sonata watsoni subsp. n. N. Queensl., Mathews Austr. Av. Rec. 3 p. 71. Textor niger on the so-called penis, Hartert 242. Malimbus coronatus and M. cassini female and immature plumages, 0. Grant 451 p. 75. [Sycobrotus] Ploceus quilimanensis, Quilimane, P. - epipolius G.E. Afr. and P. pondoensis Pondoland spp. n., Reichenow J. Ornith. 1917 p. 392. \Phormoplectes ] Heterhyphantes preussi, H. insignis and II. dorso- maculatus, heads figured with taxonomic notes, O. Grant 451 p. 72. Pam. Ioteridae. Ostinops decumanus melanterus Santa Marta, Colombia, 0. sincipitalis aus- tralis Bolivia subsp. n., Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30 p. 3. Molothrus ater artemisiae Grinnell is a distinguishable race, Oberholser 431 p. 327. — M. badius bolivianus subsp. n. Bolivia, Hellmayr Miinchen Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 13 p. 108. Agelaius phoeniceus grinnelli subsp. n. Salvador, C. Amer., Howell Auk 34 p. 196. Sturnella neglecta conjluenta subsp. n. Pacific coast region of Brit. Columbia, Washington and Oregon, Rathburn Auk 34 p. 68. Icterus clirysocephalus nest and egg described with photo., Beebe 51 p. 243. — I. mesomelas carrikeri subsp. n. Santa Marta, Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30 p. 4. Pam. Sturnidae. Sturnus vulgaris , food habits and economics, Theobald, McGowan & Leigh 636 ; a starling roost in Penn- sylvania, MaoReynolds 377. Pam. E ulabetid ae. | Eulabes] Oracula javensis baweana subsp. n. Bawean I., Java sea, Ober- holser P. U. S. N. Mus. 52 p. 195.— G. javana prasiocara subsp. n. Anamba Is., Oberholser Bull. U.S.N. Mus., no. 98 p. 53. Cinnyricinclus leucogaster new to S. Arabia, Sclater 563 p. 140. Aplornis cantoroides longipennis subsp. n. New Guinea, Neumann Orn. Monatsb. 25 p. 155. Lamprocorax panayensis heterochlorus subsp. n. Anamba Is., Oberholser Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. no. 98 p. 67- Ilagiopsar tristrami ' hadramauticus from S. Arabia a distinct subspecies, Sclater 563 p. 140. Coccycolius iris distribution in West Africa, Snouckaert 593. Pamily Oriolidae. Oriolus maculatus lamprochryseus subsp. n. Solombo Besar I., Java sea, Oberholser P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 54 p. 186. Fam, Dicruridae. Dicruropsis pecloralis solombensis subsp. n. Solombo Besar I., Java sea, Oberholser P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 54 p. 184.— D. p. sirensis subsp. n. Pula Mata Siri I., Java sea, Oberholser P. U. S. Nat. Mus. 54 p. 198. Dissemurus paradiseus microlophus subsp. n. Anamba Is., Oberholser Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. no. 98 p. 59. Fam. Paradiseidae. Craspedophora magnifica claudia subsp. n. N. Queensl., Mathews Austr., Av. Rec. 3 p. 72. Paradisea apoda in Little Tobago, W. Indies, Ingram 303. Fam. Corvidae. [Trypanocorax] Gorvus frugilegus, food habits and economics, Theobald, McGowan & Leigh 636 ; a blue-grey variation, Blagg 67 ; polygamous habits, Dunlop 173, 62 Avea. XVIT. Aves. [1917] Corvus cor one on the identity of Linnaeus’ species, Hellmayr 264. — G. c. interpositus subsp. n. Japan, Laub- mann Miinclien Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 13 p. 201. Coloeus monedula Soemmering ii (Fiscli.) antedates G. m. collaris, Hell- mayr 264 p. 184. Nucifraga caryocatactes , migration movements at Rossitten, Prussia, Thienemann 640. — N. Columbiana nest- ing habits in Colorado, Bradbury 79. Pica pica hudsonia field-notes, Dice 158. Gyanopica cyanus interposila subsp. n. Corea and Manchuria, Hartert Nov. Zool. 24 p. 493. Celalyca Gray 1870 antedates Laletris Reich w. 1906 for C. lanceolatus, Hell- mayr 265 p. 198. [Grades] Perisoreus obscurus rathbuni subsp. n. N.W. Washington, Ober- holser Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30 p. 185. Aphelocoma cyanotis and A. Cali- fornia, revision of subspecies, Ober- holser 435. Gyanolyca viridicyanea cuzcoensis subsp. n. eastern slopes of Peruvian Andes, Sclater Ibis 1917 p. 465 pi. viii. — G. v. cyanolaema subsp. n. Peru, Hellmayr Munchen Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 13 p. 107. XVIII. MAMMALIA ARRANGED RY MARTIN A. 0. HINTON. CONTENTS Titles PAGE ... 4 Subject Index: — Comprehensive and General = 6003 * Treatises, Text-books ... 15 Institutions, Collections ... ... 15 Economics ... 15 Miscellaneous ... ... 15 Structure = 6007 : — General and Comparative ... 15 Histology. .i ... ... 15 Tegument... ... 15 Nervous system and sense-organs ... 15 Myology ... ... 15 Osteology and Dentition ... 15 Alimentary system ... 16 Circulatory and Respiratory Systems ... ... 16 Blood, Lymph, etc. ... ... ... 16 Excretory organs. Special glands ... 16 Organs of reproduction ... 16 Placenta ... ... 16 Physiology = 6011 : — General and miscellaneous ... 16 (n-4840 /) c 10 2 Development = 6015 : — ■ Ovum, oogenesis ... Spermatozoon, spermatogenesis.,. Embryology Ethology = 6019 : — General ... Instinct, Mental Processes, Psychology Habits Seasonal changes, etc Variation and ^Etiology = 6023 : — Variation ... Abnormalities Hybrids ... Heredity Evolution ... Geography = 6027 : — Europe = d and da to dk Scandinavia, etc. da Russia European db German Empire dc Holland and Belgium dd British Islands de France df Spain dg Italy dh... Switzerland rft ... Austria-Hungary dk Mediterranean Islands dm Asia = e Asiatic Russia ea China and Tibet eh Japan and Korea ec Cochin China, etc. ed British India ef. . Malaya, etc. eg ... Persia, Syria and Arabia eh and ei ... Africa and Madagascar = / North America = g Central and South America, Antilles = h Australasia and Southern Ocean = i ... III. Systematic = 6031 : — Primates a. Anthropoidea Hominidae and Simiidae Cercopithecidae Cebidae and Hapalidae b. Lemuroidea 3 PAGE Chiroptera Vespertilionidae ... ... ... ... Rhinolophidae, Hipposideridae and Nycterida Molossidae and Phyllostomidae ... Insectivora Tupaiidae and Macroscelididae ... Soricidae and Talpidae ... Nesophontidae Centetidae and Chrysochloridae Carnivora a. Carnassidentia ... ... Felidae V.iverridae Hymnidae and Proteleidae ... Oanidae Ursidae Procyonidae ... Mustelidae b. Pinnipedia o. Creodontia Rodentia ... ... ... ... ... * Sciuridae and Castoridae Dipodidae, and Gliridae Muridae ... Spalacidae and Geomyidae Hystricidae, Caviidae, etc. Leporidae and Ochotonidae Ungulata a. Artiodactyla Bovidae Cervidae and Giraffidae Camelidae Hippopotamidae, Suidae, and Dicotylidae Extinct Families b. Perissodactyla Equidae Tapir idae and Rhinocerotidae Extinct Families c and d. Hyracoidea and Proboscidea ... Sirenia and Cetacea Edentata Marsupialia ... Monotremata ... ... ... ... 19 ... 19 ... 19 ... 19 ... 20 ... 20 ... 20 ... 21 ... 21 ... 21 ... 21 ... 21 ... 21 ... 21 ... 21 ... 21 ... 21 ... 21 ... 22 ... 22 ... 22 ... 22 ... 22 ... 23 ... 24 ... 24 ... 25 ... 25 ... 25 ... 25 ... 26 ... 26 26 ... 26 ... 26 ... 26 ... 27 ... 27 ... 27 ... 27 ... 27 ... 27 ... 28 (n- 4840 f) c 10—2 1 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1917] I.— TITLES. Abe, Y. Echigo-usagi no kisetsuteki honshoku ni fcsuite. [On the seasonal change of colour in Lepus timidus L.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 1917 (201-209 22G-233 269-276). 1 Aguilar-Amat, J. B. d’. Instruccions per a la proparacio i envio de mamifers amb desti al Musou. Barcelona Mus. Barcin. Sci. Nat. Op. ser. Zool. 1 1917 (1-16). 2 Airaghi, C. Sui molari d’elefante delle Alluvioni Lombardo con osser- vazioni sulla filogenia e scomparsa di alcuni Proboscidati. Milano Mem. Soc. ital. so. nat. 8 1917 (191-242) Tav. 3. 3 Allen, G. M. The whalebone whales of New England. Boston Mass. Mem. Soe. Nat. Hist. 8 1916 (107-322) 9 pis. 4 Allen, G. M. New fossil mammals from Cuba. Cambridge Mass. Bui Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 61 1917 (3-12) pi. 5 Allen, G. M. Two undescribed West Indian bats. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (165-170). 6 Allen, J. A. The skeletal characters of Scutisorex Thomas. New York Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 37 1917 (769-784) pis. lxxxix-xcii text-figs. 1-8. 7 Allen, J. A., Lang, H. and Chapin, J. P. The American Museum Congo Expedition collection of Bats. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 37 1917 (405-563) 26 text-figs. & 12 pis. 8 Allen, J. A. vide Elliot, D. G. Alph6raky, S. Deformity of Os penis in a Seal ( Phoca caspica Nilsson). London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 1918 (251) text-fig. 9 Andersen, A. C. vide M^llgaard, Holger. Andersen, K. On the determination of age in Bats. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (249-259) plate. 10 Andersen, K. On the so-called colour phases of the rufous Horsehoe-Bat of India (Bhinolophus rouxi , Temm.). Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (260-273) pis. i-ii. 11 Andrews, R. C. Whale hunting with gun and camera. A naturalist’s account of the modern shore-whaling industry, of Avhales and their habits, and of hunting experiences in various parts of the world. D. Appleton & Co. New York & London 1916 xxii-333. 12 Anthony, H. E. New fossil Rodents from Porto Rico, with additional notes on Elasmodontomys obliquus Anthony & Heteropsomys insulans Anthony. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 37 1917 (183-189) pi. 13 Anthony, H. E. A new Rabbit and a new Bat from Neotropical regions. New York N.Y. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 37 (335-337) pi. 14 Anthony, H. E. Two new fossil Bats from Porto Rico. New York Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 37 1917 (565-568) pi. lvi. 15 Anthony, R. Seconde note sur un proced6 d’etudo de l’architecture du tissu spongieux des os. Bui. Museum Paris 22 1916 (287-288). 16 Anthony, R. La musculature de la nageoire pectorale du Mesoplodon et la marche de la regression des muscles de l’extremit6 anterieure chez les Cetaces. Arch. Zool. Exper. Paris 56 1917 (359-374) text-figs. 1-7. 17 Anthony, R. vide Boule, M. Babault, G. Les moeurs des Pteromys de l’lnde. Bui. Museum Paris 22 1916 (430-432). 18 5 Mam. Titles. 6000 Bailey, V. A new subspecies of meadow-mouse from Wyoming. Wash- ington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (29-30). 19 Bailey, V., Bell, W. B. and Brannon, M. A. Preliminary report on the mammals of North Dakota. Agric. Exp. Sta. North Dakota Agricultural College Cir. No. 3 1914 (1-20). 20 Barge, J. A. J. Over de ontwikkeling van de cranio-vertebraalgrens by het schaap. [Ueber die Entwicklung der Cranio-vertebralgrenze beim Schafe.] Amsterdam Werk. Ge l. Nat. Genees. Heelk. 8 1917 (636-639). 21 Battaglia, R. Nota preliminare sul Paleolitico della Venezia Giulia. Pa- dova Atti Acc. von.-trent. (3) 8 (1915) 1916 (196-207). 22 Baudet, F. Het conserveeren van gesensibiliseerde roode bloedlichaampjes van het schaap. [Das Conservieren sensibilisierter roter Blutkorperchen des Schafes.] Tydschrift vergelykende geneeskunde gezondheidsleer dierziekten Leiden 2 1917 (304-309). 23 Bell, A. A list of type and figured specimens in the geological gallery, Ipswich Museum. Ipswich J.F. Cl. 5 1917 (Mammals 41-44). 24 Bell, A. G. Sex -determination in sheep. J. Hered. Washington 5 1914 (47-57 with ff. tables). 25 Bell, W. B. vide Bailey, V. Bespaloff, F. Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Elenhirns ( Cervus alces). Folia neuro-biologica Haarlem 10 1917 (159- 203 5 Taf.). 26 Boas, J. E. V. Vildtskade. On the damage caused in woods by deer. K0benhavn Fra Naturens Vaerksted 5 1916 (161-176) with 15 figg. 27 Boas, J. E. V. Das Gehorn von Antilocapra und sein Verhaltnis zu dem andorer Cavicornia und der Hirsche. Kjzibenhavn Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Biologiske Meddelelser I 2 1917 (1-23) with 2 plates and 4 figg. 28 Bolam, G. Mice, voles and shrews. Vasculum Hexham 2 1917 (98-104). 29 Bolk, L. Anatomische Bemerkungen fiber einen Fetus von Elephas africanus. Amsterdam Verb. K. Akad. Wet. 2e. Sect. 19 No. 6 1917 (1-40 28 Textfig.). 30 Booth, H. B. Bottle-nosed Dolphin ( Tursiops tursio) caught off Walnoy Island. Naturalist London 1917 1917 (300-301). 31 Boule, M. and Anthony, R. Neopal- lial morphology of fossil men as studied from endocranial casts. J. Anat. London 51 1917 (95-103). 32 Boyd, M. M. Crossing bison and cattle. J. Hered. Washington 5 1914 (189-197 with ff.). 33 Boynton, W. H. A study of the normal blood of the carabao. Philip- pine J. Sci. Manila Sect. B Trop. Med. 8 1913 (59-66 with tables). 34 Boynton, W. H. Rinderpest in swine with experiments upon its trans- mission from cattle and carabaos to swine and vice versa. Philippine J. Sci. Manila 11 sect. B 1916 (215-263). 35 Brannon, M. A. vide Bailey, V. Brinkmann, A. Gorillaen. (The Gorilla). Bergen Natures 41 1917 (357-369) 5 text-figs. 36 Brouwer, B. Ueber den Verlauf der Beinfasern in der Pyramidenbahn. Psychiatrische neurologischo Bladen Amsterdam 1917 (99-110 4 pi.) 37 Buhigas, R. S. Balaenoptera borealis Lesson (Nueva especie para la fauna Ib^rica). Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 17 1917 (231-234). 38 Burne, R. H. Notes on Some of the viscera of an Okapi ( Okapia johnstoni Sclater). London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 1917 (187-208) text-figs. 1-23. 39 Burrell, II. The deposition of the eggs of Monotremes. Australian Zool. Sydney N.S.W. 1 1917 (87). 40 Buttikofer, J. Die Kurzschwanzaffon von Celebes. Zool. Medcd. Leiden 3 1917 (1-86) Taf. 12 map and 10 text- figs. 41 Cabrera, A. Mamfferos del viaje al Pacffico verificado de 1862 a 1865 por una comision de naturalistas enviada por el Gobierno Espanol. Madrid Trab. Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat. ser. Zool. Num. 31 1917 (1-62). 42 C) Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1917] Cabrera, A. Notas sobre el genero “ Cebus .” Madrid Revista Real Ac. Ci. Ex. Fis. Nat. 16 1917 (1). 43 Cabrera, A. Algunos nomina mutanda en los carnivoros. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 17 1917 (487-488). 44 Cabrera, A. Dos ardillas exdticas nuevas. Madrid Bol. Real. Soc. espan. Histor. Nat. 17 1917 (516-519). 45 Caldwell, George T. vide Wells, H. G. Calonne-Beaufaict, A. de. Note sur les phases de couleur chez Cobus de fossa et Bos coffer de la region de l’Uele. Rev. Zool. Africaine Bruxelles 4 1916 (183-190). 46 Calvet, L. Sur un cas d’atrophie de la veine cave sup6rieure droite chez le mouton. Paris Bui. Soc. Zool. 42 1917 (81-85). 47 Camerano, L. Contributo alio studio dei Wormiani palato palatini e dei Wormiani medio palatini di Calori nei mammiferi. Torino Boll. Musei Zool. anat. 30 1915 No. 706 (1-8) Tav. 1-4. 48 Camerano, L. Osservazioni intorno alia bipartizione del lacrimale nei mammiferi ungulati artiodattili. Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 30 No. 707 1915 (1-7) tav. 1-4. 49 Camerano, L. Materiali per lo studio della partizionedel nasale nei mammiferi Ungulati artiodattili e nei Carnivori. Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 31 No. 709 1916 (1-4) Tav. 1-3. 50 Camerano, L. Ricerche intorno all’ “ os supramaxillare accessorium ” di Vrolilc, alia partizione dell’ intermascel- lare, e sulle ossificazioni che si trovano nella fontanella maxillo nasale dei mammiferi Ungulati artiodattili e in alcuni Carnivori. Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 31 No. 710 1916 (1-16) tav. 1-7. 51 Camerano, L. Osservazioni intorno alia Rupicapra rupicapra parva, Cab- rera. Torino ' Boll. Musei zool. anat. 31 No. 712 1916 (1-4). 52 Camerano, L. Contributo alio studio degli Stambecchi Iberici. Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 32 1917 No. 720 (1-30) tav. 1-2. 53 Camerano, L. Ricerche intorno alle sottospecie della Capra sibirica Meyer. Torino Boll. Musei zool. anat. 32 No. 722 1917 Parte I No. 722 (1-41) Parte II No. 723 (1-19) tav. 1-2. 54 Camerano, L. La forma delle nodo- sity delle corna e il sistema di colora- zione nei sottogeneri “ Euibex ” ed “ Eucapra ” Camer. Torino Atti Acc. sc. 52 1917 (231-236). 55 Carpenter, G. H. Some notes on the Dublin Gorilla. Irish Nat. Dublin 26 1917 (125-130). 56 Carr, H. Principles of selection in animal learning. Psych Rev. Prince- ton N.J. 21 1914 (157-165). 57 Carter, T. The cytomorphosis of the marsupial enamel-organ and its sig- nificance in relation to the structure of the completed enamel. London Phil. Trans. R. Soc. ser. B. 208 1917 (271-305) 4 pis. 58 Cary, M. Life zone investigations in Wyoming. Washington D.C. U.S. Dept. Agric. Bur. Biol. Surv. N. Amer. Fauna 42 1917 (1-95) 17 text-figs, map & 14 pis. 59 Chapin, J. P. vide Allen, J. A. Chapman, F. New or little-known Victorian fossils in the National Museum. Part XXI. Some Tertiary Cetacean remains. Melbourne Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 30 1917 (32-43) 2 pis. 60 Charlton, H. H. The fate of the unfertilised egg in the white mouse. Biol. Bull. Wood’s Hole Mass. 33 1917 (321-332). 61 Chenoweth, H. E. The reactions of certain moist-forest mammals to air conditions and its bearing on problems of mammalian distribution. Biol. Bull. Wood’s Hole Mass. 32 1917 (183-201). 62 Chubb, E. C. A new Bat of the genus Otomops, obtained at Durban. Ann. Durb. Mus. 1 1917 (433) 2 pi. Durban 63 Chubbs, S. H. Celtic and Norse Horses ; new accessions to the Equidae Collection. New York N.Y. Zool. Soc. Bui. 20 1917 (1449-1453). 64 Clarke, W. Eagle. Wild Life in a West Highland deer forest. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 (255-264 279-283). 65 Copeland, M. and Pope, A. S. Notes on Maine Mammals. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 (159-160). 66 7 Mam. Titles. 6000 Costa, A. C. da. Origine et developpe* ment de l’appareil surr^nal et du syst&me nerveux sympathique chez les Cheiropt^res. Lisbonne Mem. Soe. Port. Sc. Nat. 4 1917 (1-102) pis. 5 text-figs. 13. 67 Coward, T. A. Notes on the verte- brate fauna of Cheshire and South Lancashire. Lancs. Nat. 10 1917 (Mammals 187-189). 68 Criddle, Stuart. Note on a wounded [castrated] deer. Ottawa Nat. 29 Ottawa 1915-16 (32). 69 Deichmann, E. Hvorledes fortaerer en Muldvarp sine Regnorme ? How does the mole eat earth-worms ? K0benhavn Nath. Medd. 68 1917 (209- 210). 70 Depdret, C. Monographie de la faune de mammif&res fossiles du Ludien Inferieur d’Euzet-les-Bains (Gard). Ann. Univ. Lyon. Fasc. 40 1917 (1-288) 27 pis. and 3 figs. 71 Detlefsen, J. A. Genetic studies on a cavy species cross. With a Prefatory note by W. E. Castle. Washington (Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 205) 1914 (134 with pis. ff. tables). 72 Dice, L. R. Distribution of the land vertebrates of South-eastern Washing- ton. Berkoley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 16 1916 (293-348). 73 Dixon, J. Home Dressing of furs and skins. New York N.Y. Forest & Stream 1917 (308-309). 74 Dixon, J. Control of the California Ground Squirrel. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Agric. Exp. Sta. Circ. No. 181 1917 (1-14) 3 text-figs. 75 Dixon, J. and de Ong, E. R. Control of the Pooket Gopher in California. 1. Natural History of the Pocket Gopher ; various methods of control (Dixon) : II. A method of poisoning Pocket Gophers (de Ong). Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Bui. Coll. Agric. Exp. Sta. No. 281 1917 (1-16) 4 text-figs. 76 Duckworth, W. L. H. A note on some charts representing the relations of cranial length and breadth. J. Anat. London 51 1917 (376-391). 77 Diirst, J. U. Die Vererbung von Missbildungen und Krankheiten mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung eigener Zuchtungsversuche. Zurich Viertel- jahrschr. Natf. Ges. 58 1913 (1914) (xxx-xxxi). 78 Elliot, D. G. A check-list of mammals of the North-American continent, the West Indies and the neighbouring seas. Supplement (edited by J. A. Allen). New York N.Y. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 1917 (iv-192). 79 Ewart, J. C. Studies on the develop- ment of the horse. 1. The develop- ment during the third week. Edin- burgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 1917 (287-329). 80 Ewart, C. vide Moir, J. R. Fantuzzi, A. Note zootecniche. Agricolt. Ticinese Lugano 42 1910 No. 23. 81 Fawcett, E. The primordial cranium of Microtus amphibius (Water-rat), as determined by sections and a model of the 25-mm. stage. With comparative remarks. J. Anat. London 51 1917 (309-359) 4 text-figs, and 10 pis. 82 Franca, C. Le Bouquetin du Gerez ( Capra lusitanica ); notes sur une espfcce 6teinte. Lisboa Arquiv Univers. 4 1917 (19-54) 10 pis. §£ 83 Fuente, J. Ma. de la. Enumeration de las especies zoologicas que han sido descritas por primera vez sobre ejem- plares procedentes de la provincia de Ciudad Real. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 17 1917 (Mammals 278). 84 Garcia, A. Congenital bilateral absence of kidneys in a 140-millimetre pig-embryo. Philippine J. Sci, Manila 11 sect B. 1916 (191-199). § 85 Gianettoni, C. Alcune note zootec- niche sull’allevamento delle capre. Agricolt. Ticinese Lugano 40 1908 No. 18-24 30-33 38-40 42-45 47. 86 Gianettoni, C. Ancore sulla ques- tione della selezione e dell’incrocio nel miglioramento delle capre ticinese. Agri- colt. Ticinese Lugano 40 1908 No. 23. 87 Gianettoni, C. Ancore sulla precocity ed ete dei riproduttori : Consanguineita. Agricolt. Ticinese Lugano 40 1908 No. 35-36. 88 Gianettoni, C. Noterelle caprine. Agricolt. Ticinese Lugano 41 1909 No. 42 42 1910 No. 6 7 8 16. 89 8 AIamt XVIII. Mammalia. [1917] Gianettoni, C. Lo sviluppo dell’arte e delle. scienza zootecnica. Agricolt. Ticinese Lugano 42 1910 No. 33. 90 Gibson, A. vide Robinson, A. Gidley, J. W. Notice of a new Paleo- cene mammal, a possible relative of the Titanotheres. Washington D.C. Smith- sonian Inst. Nation. Mus. Proc. 52 1917 (431-435). pi. 91 Goldman, E. A. New mammals from North and Middle America. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (107-116). 92 Goldman, E. A. Two new pocket mice from Wyoming. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (147- 148). 93 Goodnight, C. My experience with bison hybrids. J. Hered. Washington 5 1914 (197-199 with fig.). 94 Grinnell, J. Field tests of theories concerning distributional control. Amer. Nat. New York N.Y. 1917 51 (115-128). 95 Grinnell, J. and Storer, T. I. The Yosemite Cony — a chapter in the Natural History of the Yosemite National Park. San Francisco Bui. Sierra Cl. 10 1917 (159-164) pi. 96 Groot, J. G. de. Untersuchung fiber Blutbildung bei Tupaja javanica (und anderen Saugetieren) in dem trachtigen Uterus. Utrecht. (J. van Druten) 1916 (24 1 Taf.). 97 Gunther, R. T. Report on Agricul- tural Damage by Vermin and Birds in the counties of Norfolk and Oxford- shire in 1916. 8 vo. Oxford 1917. 98 Gyldenstolpe, N. On Birds and Mam- mals from the Malay Peninsula. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 10 No. 26 1917 (Mammals 24-31). 99 Haagner, A. K. On the variability in the nature or temperament of wild animals in captivity, with special refer- ence to South African species. Ham- lyn’s Menag. Mag. London 3 1917 (4-6). 100 Hagedoorn, A. C. vide Hagedoorn, A. L. Hagedoorn, A. L. en Hagedoorn, A. C. Rattensoorten. [Rattenarten.] Teysmannia Batavia 28 1917 (1-23). 101 Hainan, E. T. vide Marshall, F. H. A. Hammond, J. On the causes respon- sible for the developmental progress of the mammary glands in the rabbit during the latter part of pregnancy. London Proc. R. Soc. ser. B 89 1917 (534-545). 102 Hance, R. T. The diploid chromo- some complexes of the pig ( Sus scrofa ) and their variations. J. Morph. Phila- delphia Pa. 30 1917 (155-222). 103 Harmer, S. F. Report on Cetacea stranded on the British Coasts during 1916 (with one text-figure and one map). London British Museum (Nat. Hist.) 1917 (1-13). 104 Hay, O. P. Description of a new species of Mastodon, Qomphotherium elegans, from the Pleistocene of Kansas, Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Nation. Mus. Proc. 53 1917 (219-221) pi. 105 Hay, O. P. Description of a new species of extinct Horse, Equus lambei, from the Pleistocene of Yukon Terri- tory. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Nation Mus. Proc. 53 1917 (435- 443) 3 pis. 106 Haynes, W. Inbreeding in dogs. J. Hered. Washington 5 1914 (368-369). 107 Hays, Grace P. A case of a syndac- tylous cat. J. Morph. Philadelphia Pa. 30 1917 (65-82). 108 Helbing, H. Zur Kenntnis einiger Carnivoren aus dem Phryganidenkalk des Allierbeckens. Basel Verb. Natf. Ges. 28 1917 (439-461). 109 Hescheler, K. Uebor oinon Unter- kiefer von Rhinoceros antiquitatis Blumenb. aus dem Kanton Schaff- hausen. Zurich Vierteljahrsch. natf. Ges. 62 1917 (319-326). 110 Hollister, N. Some effects of environ- ment and habit on captive lions. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Nation. Mus. Proc. 53 1917 (177-193) pis. xxii-xxv. Ill Holmes, H. F. vide Slye, M. Howell, A. H. Description of a new race of Say’s Ground Squirrel from Wyoming. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (105-106). 112 Hulshoff Pol, D. J. De ontwikkeling der Fossa Sylvii by Semnopithecus - embryo’s. [The development of the 9 M am. Titles. 6000 Fossa Sylvii in embryos of Semno- pithecus .] Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 25 1917 (984-990 6 Textfig.) (Dutch) ; Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 19 1917 (938-943 6 fig.) (English). ) 113 Hulshof! Pol, D. J. De aapspleet by Semno pithecus. [Die Affenspalte bei Semnopithecus.] Amsterdam Werk. Gen. Nat. Genees. Heelk. 8 1917 (630- 632). 114 Iwanow, E. Le processus d’ejacula- tion du sperme chez les animaux domestiques (choval, chien). Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (230-233). 115 Iwanow, E. Le sperme de quelques mammiferes. Paris 0. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (233-235). 116 Iwanow, E. Observations sur le processus d’ejaculation du sperme chez le chien. Duree et volume des dif- ferentes portions de la secretion sper- matique. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (514-516). 117 Iwanow, E. Facteurs qui agissent sur le travail des glandes de Tappareil genital male du chien. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (517-520). 118 Iwanow, E. Moyen de rendre le sperme infecte des mammiferes in- capable de transmettre l’infection. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (765-767). 119 Jackson, H. H. T. A new shrew from Nova Scotia. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 30 1917 (149-150). 120 Johnson, C. E. An additional case of pancreatic bladder in the domestic cat. Anat. Rec. Philadelphia 8 1914 (267-270 with 1 fig.). 121 Jolly, W. A. The electro -motive changes accompanying activity in the mammalian ureter. Cape Town Trans. R. Soc. S. Africa 6 1917 (227-230). 122 Jones, F. W. The genitalia of Tupaia. J. Anat. London 51 1917 (118-127). 123 Jones, F. W. The structure of the orbi to -temporal region of the skull of Lemur. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 1918 (323-329) 5 text-figs. 124 Jones, F. Wood. Effect of captivity on the cranial form of the Lion. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 1918 (333). 125 Jordan, H. E. Tho spermatogonosis of the Mongoose ; and a further com- parative study of mammalian sper- matogenesis, with special reference to sex chromosomes. Washington D.C. Carnegie Inst. Tortugas Lab. Papers 5 1914 (165-180). 126 Kingery, H. M. Oogenesis in the white mouse. J. Morph. Philadelphia Pa. 30 1917 (261-315). 127 Kingsley, J. S. Outlines of Com- parative Anatomy of Vertebrates. 2nd ed. 8vo. Philadelphia 1917 (x + 449). 128 Kloss, C. B. On a new mongoose from Siam. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam Bangkok 2 1917 (215-217). 129 Kloss, C. B. Instructions for pre- paring mammal skins. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam Bangkok 2 1917 (232-246). 130 Kloss, C. B. Description of a new macacque from Siam. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam Bangkok 2 1917 (247-249). 131 Kloss, C. B. On a new Murine genus and species from Siam. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam Bangkok 2 1917 (279-281). 132 Kloss, C. B. On five new mammals from Siam. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam Bangkok 2 1917 (282-287). 133 Kloss, C. B. On a third collection of Siamese mammals. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam Bangkok 2 1917 (288-318). 134 Kloss, C. B. On the Mongooses of the Malay Peninsula. J. Fed. Malay Mus. Kuala Lumpur 7 1917 (123-125). 135 Kloss, C. B. On two new Pygmy Shrews from the Malay Peninsula. J. Fed. Malay Mus. Kuala Lumpur 7 1917 (127-128). 136 Kloss, C. B. vide Thomas, O. Krieg, H. Pferdestudien an der Ostfront. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 49 1917 (197-205) 7 text-figs. 137 Kuroda, N. Sen-Man san honyurui no shosaishubutsu ni tsuite. [On a small collection of mammals from Corea and Manchuria.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 1917 (355-364). 138 Landacre, F. L. Embryonic cerebral ganglia and the doctrine of nerve com- ponents. Folia neuro-biologica Haarlem 8 1914 (601-615) 4 fig. 139 10 Mam. xvm. Mammalia. [1917] Lang, H. vide Allen, J. A. Lenze, Paul. Ein Beitrag zur Form und Formveranderung der Erythro* cyten und ihr Verhaltnis zu den Blut- plattchen bei unsern Haustieren. Arnsvalde [1909] Bern vet. mer. Diss. (22). 140 Lewis, T. Upon the motion of the mammalian heart. London Proc. R. Soo. eer. B 89 (560-573). 141 Lillie, F, R. Sex-determination and sex-differentiation in mammals. Wash- ington D.C. Proc. Nat. Acad, Sci. 8 1917 (464-470). 142 Little, C. C. Coat color in pointer dogs. J. Hered. Washington 5 1914 (244-248 with table). 143 Long, J. A. vide Pratt, B. H. Luna, E. Sulle modificazioni dei plastosomi delle cellule nervose nel trapianto ed in seguito al taglio dei nervi. Folia neuro-biologica Haarlem 10 1917 (3-17). 144 . Macdowell, E. C. Size inheritance in rabbits. With a prefatory note and Appendix, by W. E. Castle. Washing- ton (Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 196) 1914 (55 with ff. tables). 145 Mackenzie, W. C. Further studies on the peritoneum and intestinal tract in Monotremes and Marsupials. J. Anat. London 51 1917 (278-292) 7 text-figs. 146 Marett, R. R. The site, fauna, and industry of La Cotte de St. Brelade, Jersey. Archaeologia Oxford 67 1916 (75-118) 2 pis. and 48 text-figs. 147 Marshall, F. H. A. and Hainan, E. T. On the post-oestrous changes occurring in the generative organs and mammary glands of the non-pregnant dog. London Proc. R. Soc. ser. B 89 1917 (546-559). 148 Marshall, F. R. Holstein milk yield. J. Hered Washington 5 1914 (437-439). 149 McLean, J. A. The sapphire hog. J. Hered. Washington 5 1914 (301-304 with fig.). 150 Miguel de Barandiardn, J. In- vestigaciones prehistoricas en la dio- cesis de Vitoria. Zaragoza Bol. Soc. Arag. 16 1917 (210-236). 151 M’Intosh, Prof. On the skeleton of an adult female Small Finner or Piked Whale ( Balaenoptera acutorostrata, Lac6p6de). London J. Zool. Research 2 1917 (37-73) 5 pis. 152 Moir, J. R. On some human and animal bones, flint implements, etc., discovered in two ancient occupation- levels in a small valley near Ipswich. London J. R. Anthrop. Inst. 47 1917 (367-412). (Contains report on horse bones by C. Ewart at p. 379.) 153 M011gaard, Holger. Om Betyd- ningen af n^jagtige Stofskiftefors0g for Udviklingen af en rationel Fodrings- laere for det malkende Kvaeg. [The importance of exact experiments on the change of matter by milk-cows.] K^benhavn Landboh^jskolens Fors^gs- lab. 94 1917(7-41). 164 M011gaard, Holger. Forel0big Beret- ning om Resultater af Stofskiftefors0g med malkende Kvaeg. [Preliminary report on some experiments on the change of matter by milk-cows.] K^benhavn Landboh0jskolens Fors0gs- lab. 94 1917 (137-147). 155 M011gaard, Holger and Andersen, A. C. Metodisk Redegjzirelse for et Pettenkofersk Respirationsapparat til Fors0g med malkende Kvaeg. [The respiration apparatus of Pettenkofer used for experiments with milk-cows.] K^benhavn Landboh^jskolens Fors0gs- lab. 94 1917 (42-136) with 5 pis. and 12 figs. 156 M011gaard, Holger and Andersen, A. C. Metodisk og toknisk Redegjirelse for et Pettenkofers Respirationsapparat til Forsjzfg med malkende Kvaeg samt en forel^big Beretning om Fors0gs- resultaterne. [The respiration appa- ratus of Pettenkofer used for experi- ments with milk-cows and a pre- liminary report on the result of these experiments.] K^benhavn Den. kgl. Veterinaer- og Landboh0jskolens Aars- skrift 1917 (193-307) with 17 figs. 157 Molo, [C.]. La questione della selezione e dell’ incrocio nel migliora- mento delle capre. Agricolt. Ticinese Lugano 40 1908 No. 21. 158 Molo, [C.]. Ancora sull’ argomento della selezione e dell* incrocio nel miglioramento caprino. Agricolt. Ticinese Lugano 40 1908 No. 24. 159 11 Mam. Titles. 6000 Molo, [0.]. Osservazioni all’ articola del Sig. Sianettoni sulle precocity et et& dei riproduttori. Agricolt. Ticinese Lugano 40 1908 No. 32. 160 Molo, [0.]. Note zootecniche. Agri- colt. Ticinese Lugano 41 1909 No. 28. 161 Mottram, J. C. and Russ, S. Ob- servations and experiments on the susceptibility and immunity of rats towards Jensen’s Rat sarcoma. London Proc. R. Soc. ser. B 90 1917 (1-33). 162 Mrizek, A. An appeal to American helminthologists [for information on the parasites of the muskrat]. The Journal of Parasitology Urbana 111. 1 1914 (104). 163 Narbel, P. Presentation de cranes de rongeurs et de cas de d6veloppement anormal des incisives. C.R. Arch. Sci. Phys. Geneve 38 1914 (79-80). 164 Neuville, H. vide Retterer, E. Newton, E. T. Notes on the bones found in the Creag nan Uamh Cave, Inchnadamff, Assynt, Sutherland. Edinburgh Proc. R. Soc. 37 1917 (344- 349) pi. 165 Newton, E. T. Mammalian remains, etc., from the Holderness gravels. Naturalist London 1917 1917 (105). 166 Nuttall, T. E. The Piltdown skull. Man London 17 1917 (80-82). 167 Ognev, S. I. [OmeBT), 0. II.] MjieKomiTaiomiii TaBpnuecKOH rydepHm, npeiiMymecrBeHHO kphm- cnaro nojiyocTpoBa. Haem 1. rpu3yHw. [Mammalia of the Taurus Government, especially those of the Crimean Penin- sula. Part I. Rodents.] Simferopol Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 1916 (1-63) 4 pis. 168 Ong, E. R. de vide Dixon, J. Otten, L. Over de biologie van Mus concolor. [Ueber die Biologie von Mus concolor.] Batavia Geneesk. Tydschr. Ned. Ind. 57 1917 (534-568); Welte- vreden Med. Geneesk. Lab. Feestbundel 1917 (219-225) ; Buitenzorg Meded. Burg. Gen. Dienst Ned-Ind. 6 1917 (82-119) (Dutch and English). 169 Pan, I. del. Exploracion de la cueva prehistorica del Conejar (Caceres). Madrid Biol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 17 1917 (185-190). 170 Parker, Katharine M. The develop- ment of the hypophysis cerebri, pre- oral gut, and related structures in the Marsupialia. J. Anat. London 51 1917 (181-249) 42 text-figs. 171 Paterson, A. M. The action of the Biceps flexor cruris. J. Anat. London 51 1917 (362-363). 172 Petronievics, B. On the skull of Tritylodon longaevus, Owen. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (283- 289) pi. 173 Pitt, Frances. Some notes and ob- servations on the mole in captivity. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1917 1917 (207- 213 231-234). 173a Pocock, R. I. On the external characters of the Felidae . Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, London 19 1917 (113-136). 174 Pocock, R. I. The Lemurs of the Hapalemur group. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (343-352). 175 Pocock, R. I. The groups of the small and medium-sized South-Ameri- can Felidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (43-47). 176 Pocock, R. I. A new genus of Ursidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (128-130). 177 Pocock, R. I. The genera of Hapalidae (Marmozets). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (247-258). 178 Pocock, R. I. The classification of existing Felidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (329-350). 179 Pocock, R. I. Work of the Beavers in the Society’s Gardens. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 1917 (100-103) text-fig. 180 Pope, A. S. vide Copeland, M. Pratt, B. H. and Long, J. .A. The period of synopsis in the egg of the White Rat, Mus norvegicus albinus. J. Morph. Philadelphia Pa. 29 1917 (441-459) pi. & 2 text-figs. ^ 181 Pycraft, W. P. The jaw of the Pilt- down man, a reply to Mr. Gerrit S. Miller. Sci. Prog. London 11 1917 (389-409) pi. & 4 text-figs. 182 Rabaud, fi. Telegony. J. Hered. Washington 5 1914 (389-399 with tables). 183 12 Main . xviii. Mammalia. [1917] Rabaud, 13. Dominance et reces- sivit6 chez les souris “ lux6es.” Paris Bui. Soc. Zool. 42 1917 (87-97). 184 Reimers, J. H. W. T. Mendelfactoren inzake haarkleur bij paarden. [Fac- teurs mend61iens dans la couleur du pelage des chevaux.] Cultura orgaan Nederlandsche landbouwkundigen Tiel. 29 1917 (248-262 339-354 377-394 404-416). 185 Resink, A. J. Mededeeling over ont- wikkeling van het mesoblast by Erinaceus en Tupaia. [Mitteilung iiber Entwicklung des Mesoblast bei Erinaceus und Tupaia.] Helder Tyd- schr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. 16 (2) 1917 (III- IV). 186 Retterer, E. Du developpement et de la structure du cartilage hyalin. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (23-27). 187 Retterer, E. Origine nucleaire des hematies (uterus gravide et moelle osseuse). Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (551-554). 188 Retterer, E. De Torigine et de la structure du systeme medullaire du cartilage et de l’os. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (662-665). 189 Retterer, E. Structure et evolution de la tonsile conjonctivale du cliien. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (860-863). 190 Retterer, E. and Neuville, H. Des organes genitaux externes du Tanrec. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (19-23). 191 Retterer, E. and Neuville, H. De l’appendice ur^tral de quelques rumi- nants. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (178-181). 192 Retterer, E. and Neuville, H. De la structure de l’appendice urethral. Paris 0. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (259-263). 193 Retterer, E. and Neuville, H. Du penis et du gland du mouton. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (287-290). 194 Retterer, E. and Neuville, H. Du developpement et des homologies du gland des Ovin6s, des Antilopin^s et des Bovinas. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (339-343). 195 Retterer, E. and Neuville, H. Du penis et du gland des Cervides. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (379-382). 196 Retterer, E. and Neuville, H. Du penis et du gland du Guib et du Nylgau, ainsi que des affinity de ces ruminants. Paris 0. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (438-441). 197 Retterer, E. and Neuville, H. Appre- ciation des caractferes anatomiques au point de vue de la classification. (Re- ponse a M. Trouessart.) Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (607-611). 198 Revilliod, P. Fledermause aus der Braunkohle von Messel bei Darmstadt. Darmstadt Abh. geol. Landesanst. 7 1917 (160-201) 18 text-figs, and pi. 199 Revilliod, P. Contribution a l’6tude des Chiropt^res des terrains tertiaires. Premiere partie. Gen&ve Mem. Soc. Paleont. Suisse 43 1917 (3-56) pi. & 13 text-figs. 200 Ritzema Bos, J. De muskusrat, bisamrat of Ondatra ( Fiber zibethicus L.). [Die Moschusratte, Bisamratte oder Ondatra {Fiber) zibethicus L.] Tyds. Plantenziekten Wageningen 23 1917 (47-79 2 pis.). 201 Roberts, A. Fourth supplementary list of mammals in the collection of the Transvaal Museum. Ann. Transvaal Mus. Pretoria 5 1917 (263-278). 202 Roberts, A. Descriptions of two new species of a new subgenus of bats and a new species of mole rats. Ann. Transvaal Mus. Pretoria 6 1917 (4-6). 203 Robinson, A. and Gibson, A. De- scription of a reconstruction model of a horse embryo twenty-one days old. Edinburgh Trans. R. Soc. 51 1917 (331- 346). 204 Robinson, H. C. On two little-known Rats from Western Java. J. Fed. Malay Mus. Kuala Lumpur 7 1917 (93— 99). 205 Robinson, H. C. On three new races of Malayan mammals. J. Fed. Malay Mus. Kuala Lumpur 7 1917 (101-105). 206 Robinson, H. C. and Thomas, O. A new Mink-line Mustela from Java. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (261-262). 207 Roegholt, M. N. De topographie van thorax en abdomen van Chimpans^,. Semnopithecus melalophus en Macacus cynornolgus , vergeleken met die van den 13 Mam.. Titles. 6000 inonsch. [Dio Topographic ties Thorax und Abdomens des Chimpans6, Semno- pithecus melalophus und Macacus cyno- molgus, verglichen mit derjenigen des Menschen.] Leiden (E. J. Brill) 1917 (173 13 Taf.). 208 Roosevelt, T. Through the Brazilian wilderness. New York (Scribner) 1914 (xiv -f* U 383 with pis. maps). 209 R[ossi], G. La Razza bruna. Agri- colt. Ticinese Lugano 40 1908 No. 17. 210 Russ, S. vide Mottram, C. Scharff, R. F. On the Irish Pig. Irish Nat. Dublin 26 1917 (173-185) pi. 211 Schulte, H. von W. A note on the lumbar vertebrae of Scutisorex Thomas. New York N.Y. Bui. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 37 1917 (785-792). 212 Sera, G. L. La testimonianza dei fossili di antropomorfi per la quest) one dell’ origine dell’ uomo. Milano Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 56 1917 (25-156). 213 Sergi, G. Su l’uomo fossile dell’ Olmo (Provincia di Arezzo). Roma Riv. Antropologia 21 1916-1917 (1-17 of reprint) 6 text-figs. 214 Shaw, D. M. Form and function of teeth : a theory of “ maximum shear.” J. Anat. London 52 1917 (97-106). 215 Sheehy, E. J. An abnormality in the arterial system of the rabbit. Dublin Sci. Proc. R. Soc. 15 N.S. 1916 (159- 162). 216 Shimek, B. Geology of Harrison and Monona counties. Iowa Geol. Surv. Des Moines 20 (Rep. 1909) 1910 (271- 485 with maps pis. tables ff.). 217 Simpson, Q. I. Coat-pattern in mammals. J. Hered. Washington 5 1914 (329-339 with ff.). 218 Slye, Maud. The incidence and in- heritability of spontaneous tumors in mice. (Second report.) J. Med. Res. Boston 30 (N. Ser. 25) 1914 (281-298 with charts). 219 Slye, Maud, Holmes, Harriet F. and Wells, H. Gideon. The primary spon- taneous tumors of the lungs in mice. Studies on the incidence and inherit- ability of spontaneous tumors in mice. Fourth communication. J. Med. Res. Boston 30 (N. Ser. 25) 1914 (417-442 with pis.). 220 Smirnov, N. [OMnpnoirc>,H.] 3aM*feTKa o(5t> ypMificKOML ahkom'b (japan!) (Ovis orientalis urmiana Guenther). [Note on the Wild Sheep of the Urmi Island (Ovis orientalis urmiana Guenther.] Tiflis Bui. Mus. Cauc. 10 1916 (273- 288) pi. 221 S0rensen, W. Taenkende Heste og — tankel^se Mennesker. Intelligent horses and injudicious men. Remarks on account of the horses of Mr. Krall. K0benhavn Gads Magasin 10 1916 (619- 623). 222 Souli§, A. vide Tourneux, F. Sowerby, A. de C. On Heude’s collection of Pigs, Sika, Serows and Gorals in the Sikawei Museum, Shang- hai. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1917 1917 (7-26). 223 Sowerby, A. de C. On a now species of Shrew from Corea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (317-319). 224 Stehlin, H. G. Die Saugetiere des schweizerischen Eocaens. Teil 7 H. 2. M Zurich Abh. Schweiz, pal. Ges. 41 1916 (1299-1552). 225 Stehlin, H. G. Miocane Saugertier- reste aus der Gegend von Elm (Prov. Hessen). Basel Verh. Natf. Ges. 28 1917 (191-205). 226 Storer, T. I. vide Grinnell, J. Terry, R. J. The primordial cranium of the cat. J. Morph. Philadelphia Pa. 29 1917 (281-433) 30 figs. 12 pis. 227 Thomas, O. Notes on the species of the genus Cavia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (152-160). 228 Thomas, O. A new bat of the genus Scotaecus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (280-281). 229 Thomas, O. A new species of Aconaemys from Southern Chili. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (281- 282). 230 Thomas, O. Some notes on Three- toed Sloths. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (352-357). 231 Thomas, O. A new vole from Palestine. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (450-451). 232 Thomas, O. On the small Hamsters that have been referred to Cricetulus phaeus and campbelli. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 19 1917 (452-457). 233 14 Mam. Thomas, 0. The geographical races of Galago crassicaudatua. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (47-50). 234 Thomas, 0. Some, mammals from the delta of the Parana. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (95-100). 235 Thomas, O. On the arrangement of the South American rats alliedfto Oryzomys and Rhipidomya. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (192- 198). 236 Thomas, O. Two new rats of the Rattus confucianus group. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (198-200). 237 Thomas, O. A new Agouti from the Moon Mountains, Southern British Guiana, with notes on other species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London|t 20 1917 (259-261). 238 Thomas, O. Notes on Agoutis, with descriptions of new forms. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (310-313). 239 . Thomas, O. A new Heliophobiua from North-eastern Rhodesia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (314- 315). | 240 Thomas, O. The Spalax of the Grecian Archipelago. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (315-317). 241 Thomas, O. A new rat of the genus Mylomys from the Upper Nile. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (362-363). 242 Thomas, O. Notes on Georychus and its allies. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 20 1917 (441-444). 243 Thomas, 0. Preliminary diagnoses of new mammals obtained by the Yale-National Geographic Society Peruvian Expedition. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Miso. Collect. 68 No. 4 1917 (1-3). 244 Thomas, O. Scientific Results from the Mammal Survey. No. XVI. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (199-206). 245 Thomas, 0. On the allocation of the name Sciurus f inlay soni, Horsfield. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam Bankok 2 1917 (343-345) with appendix by C. B. Kloss (345-346). 246 [1917] Thomas, 0. vide Robinson, H. C. Tillett, B. C. The evolution of the sheep. Ottawa Nat 29 Ottawa 1916-16 (90-93). 247 Tourneux, F. Les noyaux sous- zonaires de l’ovule de la taupe. Toul- ouse Mem. Acad. Sci. inscrip. (II) 2 1914 (375-378). 248 Tourneux, F. et Souli6, A. Le proamnios chez l’embryon de taupe ( Talpa europaea). Toulouse Mem. Acad. Sci. inscrip. (II) 4 1916 (453- 454). 249 Trouessart, E.-L. Les rapports de 1’anatomie et de la zoologie. Reponse a M. Retterer. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (527-529). 250 Trouessart, E.-L. Rapports de l’ana- tomie et de la Zoologie systematique. Deuxieme reponse & M. Retterer. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (611-613). 251 Trouessart, E.-L. Le lapin de Porto Santo qt le lapin n6gre de la Camargue. Bui. Museum Paris 1917 (366-373) text-fig. 252 Vecchio, 0. del. Osservazioni su alcuni resti di Canidi raccolti nella grotta Guglielmo sul Palanzone (alta Brianza). Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 55 1917 (239-251). 253 Waite, E. R. Results of the South Australian Museum Expedition to Strzelecki and Cooper Creeks. Mam - malia and Ophidia. Adelaide Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 41 1917 (430-434). 254 Wang, C.-C. The earliest stages of development of the blood-vessels and of the heart in ferret embryos. J. Anat. London 52 1917 (107-185) 37 text-figs. 255 Watson, D. M. S. The evolution of the tetrapod shoulder girdle and fore- limb. J. Anat. London 52 1917 (1-64). 256 Wells, H. G. and Caldwell, G. T. The purine enzymes of the anthropoids and marsupials. [Relationship of anthro- poid apes to man.] New York Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 11 1914 (153-154). 257 Wells, H. Gideon vide Slye, Maud. White, H. L. Kangaroos in cap- tivity. Australian Zool. Sydney N.S.W. 1 1917 (83-84). 258 XVIII. Mammalia. 15 Mam. Subject Index. 6007 Winge, Horluf. Udsigt over In- sektaedernes indbyrdes Slaegtskab. [A survey of the mutual relationship of the Insectivora.] K0benhavn Nath. Medd. 68 1917 (83-203). 259 Wood, N. A. Notes on the mammals of Alger County, Michigan. Ann. Arbor Occ. Papers Mus. Zool. No. 36 1917 (1-8) map and 4 pis. 260 Wroughton, R. C. Bombay Natural History Society’s Mammal Survey of India, Burma and Ceylon. Report No. 27, Bhutan Duars. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (63-71). 261 Wroughton, R. C. Bombay Natural History Society’s Mammal Survey of India, Burma and Coylon. Report No. 28. Kalimpong (Darjiling). Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (274-278). 262 Wroughton, R. C. Scientific Results from the Mammal Survey. No. XV. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1917 (40-51). . 263 Wroughton, R. C. Scientific Results from the Mammal Survey. No. XVII. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 25 1918 (361-362). 264 Yatsu, N. Tan-hoda to so-hoda no ainoko. [Hybrid between camel and dromedary.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 1917 (Prelude 15-16 with pi.). 265 Yocom, H. B. Some phases of spermatogenesis in the mouse. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 16 1917 (371- 380). 266 Young, C. C. Origin of Karakul sheep. J. Hered. Washington 5 1914 (445-447 with pi.). 267 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. 6003 to 6027 N.B. — For full References go to Titles. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL. 6003 Treatises, Text-Books, etc. Kingsley, 128. Institutions, Collections. Bell, 24 ; Sowerby, 223. Economics. Boas, 27 ; Boynton, 35 ; Dixon, 74, 75 ; Dixon and de Ong, 76 ; Gunther, 98 ; Ritzema Bos, 201. Whaling, Andrews, 12 ; Allen, 4. Miscellaneous. Aguilar-Amat, 2 ; Kloss, 130 ; Ret- terer and Neuville, 198 ; Trouessart, 250, 251. STRUCTURE. 6007 General and Comparative. Bolk, 30 ; Burne, 39 ; Roegholt, 208. Histology. Anthony, 16 ; Costa, 67 ; Jordan, 126 ; Retterer, 187, 188, 189, 190. Tegument. Andersen, 11 ; Boas, 28 ; Camerano, 55 ; Pocock, 174. Nervous System and Sense-Organs- Bespaloff, 26 ; Boule & Anthony, 32 ; Brouwer, 37 ; Costa, 67 ; Hulshoff Pol, 114 ; Landacre, 139 ; Luna, 144. Myology. Anthony, 17 ; Paterson, 172. Osteology. General. Allen, 7 ; Anthony, 16 ; Barge, 2i ; Boule & Anthony, 32 ; Camerano, 48- 54 ; Camerano, 48-51 ; Duckworth, 77 ; Fawcett, 82 ; Gyldenstolpe, 99 ; Hol- lister, 111 ; Jones, 124, 125 ,* M’Intosh, 152 ; Nuttall, 167 ; Petronievics, 173 ; Schulte, 212 ; Sergi, 214 ; Terry, 227 ; Watson, 256. Os penis, AlphSraky, 9. Osteology and Dentition. Allen, 5 ; Anthony, 13, 15 ; Chap- man, 60 ; Dep6ret, 71 ; Hay, 106 ; Narbel, 164 ; Newton, 165 ; Pycraft, 182 ; Revilliod, 199, 200 ; Sera, 213. Dentition ( vide etiam Osteology). Airaghi, 3 ; Andersen, 10 ; Carter, 58 ; Gidley, 91 ,* Hay, 105 ; Shaw, 215. 16 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1917] Alimentary System. Mackenzie, 146. Circulatory and Respiratory Systems. Calvet, 47 ; Sheehy, 216 ; Wang, 255. Blood, Lymph, etc. Baudet, 23 ; Boynton, 34 ; Lenze, 140. Excretory Organs ; Special Glands. da Costa, 67 ,* Garcia, 85 ; Johnson, 121. Instinct, Mental Processes, Psychology. Carr, 57 ; Haagner, 100 ; S0rensen, 222. Habits. General, and of particular creatures. Babault, 18 ; Boas, 27 ; Bolam, 29 ; Burrell, 40 ; Carpenter, 56 ; Deich- mann, 70 ; Grinnell & Storer, 96 ; Lang & Chapin, 8 ; Pitt, 173a ; Pocock, 180 ; Waite, 254; White, 258. Seasonal Changes, etc. Abe, 1 ; Andersen, 10, 11. Organs of Reproduction. AlphGraky, 9 ; Jones, 123 ; Retterer & Neuville, 191-197 ; Tourneux, 248. Placenta. Tourneux et Souli6, 249. PHYSIOLOGY. 6011 Chenoweth, 62 ; Groot, 97 ; Ham- mond, 102 ; Hollister, 111 ; Iwanow, 115, 117, 118 ; Jolly, 122 ; Jones, 125 ; Lewis, 141 ; Lillie, 142 ; Marshall & Hainan, 148; M011gaard, 154, 155 ; Mollgaard & Andersen, 156, 157 ; Mot- tram & Russ, 162 ; Slye, 219 ; Slye, Holmes & Wells, 220. DEVELOPMENT. 6015 Ovum ; Oogenesis ; Spermatozoon Spermatogenesis. Charlton, 16 ; Iwanow, 115-119 ; Jordan, 126 ; Kingery, 127 ; Pratt & Long, 181 ; Yocom, 266. Embryology. Costa, 67 ; Ewart, 80 ; Fawcett, 82 ; Hance, 103 ; Hulshoff Pol, 113 ; Parker, 171 ; Resink, 186 ; Robinson & Gibson, 204 ; Terry, 227 ; Wang, 255. VARIATION AND 2ETIOLOGY. 6023 Variation. Calonne-Beaufaict, 46 ; Krieg, 137. Sex Determination. Bell, 25; Lillie, 142. Abnormalities. Calvet, 47 ; Garcia, 85 ; Hays, 108 ; Sheehy, 216. Hybrids. Boyd, 33 ; Detlefsen, 72 ; Goodnight, 94 ; Yatsu, 265. Heredity. Durst, 78 ; Fantuzzi, 81 ; Gianettoni 86, 87, 88, 89, 90; Hagedoorn, 101 Haynes, 107 ; Little, 143 ; Macdowell 145 ; Marshall, 149 ; McLean, 150 Molo, 158, 159, 160, 161 ; Rabaud, 183 184 ; Reimers, 185 ; Rossi, 210 Simpson, 218. Environment and Distribution. Cary, 59; Chenoweth, 62; Dice, 73 ; Grinnell, 95 ; Hollister, 111 ; Jones, 125. ETHOLOGY. 6019 General. Criddle, 69. Evolution, Phylogeny. Dep6ret, 71 ; Sera, 213 ; Tillett, 247 ; Watson, 256 ; Winge, 259 ; Young, 267. 17 Mam. Subject Index. 6027 GEOGRAPHY. 6027 Europe. d Russia in Europe. db Crimea, Ognev, 168. Germany- dc Tertiary, Revilliod, 199 ; Miocene, Stehlin, 226. British Islands. de Booth, 31 ; Clarke, 65 ; Coward, 68 ; Harmer, 104 ; M’lntosh, 152 ; Scharff, 211. Prehistoric, Moir, 153 ; Pleistocene, Newton, 165, 166. France. df Tertiary, DepSret, 71 ; Helbing, 109 ; Revilliod, 200. Pleistocene, Jersey, Marett, 147. Iberian Peninsula. dg Buhigas, 38 ; Camerano, 53 ; Fran?a, 83 ; Fuente, 84. Spain, prehistoric, Miguel de Baran- diaran, 151 ; Pan, 170. Italy. dh Pliocene and Pleistocene, Airaghi, 3 ; Pleistocene, Battaglia, 22 ; Sergi, 214 ; Vecchio, 253. Switzerland. di Eoceno, Stehlin, 225 ; Plcistocono, Hescheler, 110. S.E. Europe. dl Greece, I. of Lemnos, Thomas, 241. Asia e Camerano, 54 ; Thomas, 233. China and Tibet. cb China, Kuroda, 138 ; Sowerby, 223 ; Thomas, 237. Thibet, Pocock, 177. Japan and Koyea. ec Corea, Kuroda, 138 ; Sowerby, 224. Formosa, Thomas, 237. (n-4840 /) Siam and Yunnan. ' ed Siam, Kloss, 129, 131 to 135 ; Thomas, 246. India and Burma. df India, Andersen, 11 ; Thomas, 245 ; Wroughton, 261 to 264. Burma, Thomas, 245 ; Wroughton, 263, 264. Malaysia. eg Cabrera, 45 ; Gyldenstolpe, 99 ; Kloss, 135, 136 ; Robinson, 206. Celebes, Buttikofer, 41. Java, Robinson, 205 ; Robinson & Thomas, 207. Persia, Syria, and Arabia. eh Kurdistan, Smirnov, 221. Palestine, Thomas, 232. Africa. / Brinkmann, 36 ; Thomas, 234 ; Wroughton, 263. Porto Santo, Trouessart, 252. Bahr-el-Ghazal, Thomas, 242. Spanish Guinea, Cabrera, 45. Congo, Allen, 7 ; Allen, Lang & Chapin, 8 ; Calonne-Beaufaict, 46. Nyasaland, Thomas, 229. N.E. Rhodesia, Thomas, 240. Madagascar, Pocock, 175. South Africa, Chubb, 63 ; Roberts. 202, 203 ; Thomas, 243 North America. g Elliot, 79 ; Goldman, 92. Yukon Pleistocene, Hay, 106. Nova Scotia, Jackson, 120. Maino, Copeland & Pope, 66. New England, Allen, 4. Iowa, Shimek, 217. Michigan, Wood, 260. Kansas, Pleistocene, Hay, 105. North Dakota, Bailey, Bell & Brannon, 20 ; Paleocene, Gidley, 91, Washington, Dice, 73, c 11 XVIII. Mammalia. [1917] Wyoming, Bailey, 19 ; Cary, 59 ; Goldman, 93 ; Howell, 112. California, Dixon, 75 ; Dixon & de Ong, 76 ; Grinnell, 95 ; Grinnell & Storer, 96. Central and South America : West Indies. Contral America, Cabrera, 42 ; Gold- man, 92 ; Thomas, 231. Panama, Anthony, 14. South America, Cabrera, 42 ; Pocock, 176, 178 ; Thomas, 228, 231, 236, 239. Brazil, Roosevelt, 209. British Guiana, Thomas, 238. Peru, Thomas, 244. Southern Chili, Thomas, 230. Argentina, Thomas, 235. West Indies, Elliot, 79. Cuba, Pleistocene, Allen, 5 ; Anthony, 14. Jamaica, Allen, 6. Santo Domingo, Allen, 6. Porto Rico, Pleistocene, Anthony, 13, 15. Australasia. Australia, Tertiary, Chapman, 60. Australia, Waite, 254. III.— S Y S T E M A T 1 0. 6031 N.B. — Numerals in Clarendon type, when not indicating a Volume , refer to Titles. General. Eocene mammals from Euzet-les- Bains, general considerations, Deperet Ann. Univ. Lyon Ease. 40 p. 255 ; Pleistocene list from Jersey, Marett Archaeologia 67 p. 84 ; Type and figured specimens fossil mammals in Ipswich Museum, Bell Ipswich J. F. Cl. 5 p. 41. Malay mammals skull measurements ( Presbytis , Macaca, Tupaia, Lutra, Ratufa , Sciurus, Rattus and fius), Gyldenstolpe Ark, Zool. Stockholm 10 No. 26 p. 24. I.— PRIMATES. Thorax and abdomen in higher primates, Roegholt 208 ; purine enzymes, relationship of anthropoid apes to man, Wells & Caldwell New York Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. li p. 153. A.— Anthropoidea. Hominidae and Simiidae. Anthropoidea fossil forms reviewed, dental and osteological characters, and bearing on origin of man, Sera Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 56 p. 25. f Eoanthropus dawsoni lower jaw not that of a Chimpanzee, Pycraet Sci. Prog. lip. 389 ; cranial capacity, Nuttall Man 17 p. 82. Gorilla popular review of species and subspecies, habits, Brinkmann Bergen Naturen 41 p. 357 ; notes on captive in Dublin, Carpenter Irish Nat. 26 p. 125. Homo fossil endocranial casts as guides to neopallial morphology, Boule & ‘Anthony J. Anat. London 51 p. 95 ; skull from Pleistocene of Olmo, Arezzo, Serqi Riv. Antropologia 21 p. 1. Cercopithecidae. Cynopithecus key to species, descrip- tion figures and distribution, Butti- kofer Zool. Meded. Leiden 3 p. 1. Macaca siamica sp. n., North Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p. 247. Pithecus barbei fig. of head of type, shanicus sp. n. N. Shan States p. 47 ; shanicus a synonym of P. melamerus Elliot p. 361, Wroughton J. Bomba v N.H.S. 25. Semnopithecus development of fossa sylvii, Hulshoff Pol Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 19 p. 938. Cebidae & Hapalidae. Cebus notes on the genus and pro- visional key to species, Cabrera Revista Real Ac. Ci. Ex. Fis. Nat. Madrid 16 p. 1. Hapalidae characters and classifica- tion, Pocock Ann. Mag. N. H. 20 p. 247. 19 Mam. Systematic. 6031 ft. — Lemuroidea. \Adapis p. 219 {Lepladapis) magnus p. 222, rapports et phylogenie p. 229, DepIsret Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. Oalago crassicaudatus geographical races and nomenclature p. 47, c. um- brosus p. 49 subsp. n. N. Transvaal, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20. Hapalemur and Prolemur generic dis- tinctions, Pocock Ann. Mag. N.H. 19 p. 345. Hapalemur schlegeli sp. n. (?) N.W. coast of Madagascar, Pocock Ann. Mag. N.H. 19 p. 348. Lemur skull orbito-temporal region and -os planum , Jones P.Z.S. 1917 p. <123. Loris malabaricus sp. n. Malabar (S. Coorg), Wroughton J. Bombay N.H.S. 25 p. 45. f Microchaerus p. 237, edwardsi p. 238, rapports et phylogenie p. 243, DepIsret Ann. Univ. Lyon. Fasc. 40. Nyclicebus coucang insular is subsp. n. Pulau Tioman Pahang, Robinson J. Fed. Malay Mus. 7 p. 101. Prolemur see Hapalemur . II.— CHIROPTERA. Tertiary Braunkohle of Darmstadt, Revilliod Darmstadt Abh. geol Lan- desanst 7 p. 160. Congo, systematic list p. 405, Allen, distribution and ecology p. 479, field notes p. 497, Lang & Chapin Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 ; appareil surrenal, system© nerveux sympathique, em- bryology, da Costa Mem. Soc. Port. So. Nat. 4 p. 1. Vespertilionidae. Eptesicus aler p. 443, faradjius p. 444 Faradje, garambae p. 445 Garamba, Belgian Congo, spp. n., Allen Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37. Glauconycteris humeralis p. 448, alboguttatus p. 449 Medje Belgian Congo, spp. n., Allen Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37. Miniopterus breyeri vicinior Aba Belgian Congo subsp. n., Allen Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 p. 450. Pipislrellus abaensis sp. n. Aba Belgian Congo, Allen Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 p. 442. Scotaecus ivoodi sp. n. Southern Nyasa- land, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.II. 19 p. 280. Scotophilus gairdneri sp. n. Central Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p. 284. Rhinolophidae, Hipposideridae & Nycteridae. Hipposideros caffer niapu p. 431 Niapu, abae p. 432 Aba, nanus p. 434 Faradje, langi p. 434 Avakubi, gigas niangarae p. 438 Niangara Belgian Congo subspp. et spp. n., Allen Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37. Nycteris pallida p. 425 Faradje, avakubia p. 426 Avakubi, Belgian Congo spp. n., Allen Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 37. f Palaeophyllophora gen. n. p 36, sanctae-nebouleae p. 43 Ste Neboule, quercyi p. 43 Quercy & Mormont, spp. n.. Tertiary, Revilliod Mem. Soc. Paleont. Suisse 43. f Pseudorhinolophus fyjstory p. 5, description of material p. 9, schlosseri p. 11 (fig.) p. 48 (description), weithoferi p. 48 spp. n„ morloti p. 47, Tertiary phosphorites Quercy, Revilliod Mem. Soc. Paleont. Suisse 43. Rhinolophus abae p. 428, axillaris p. 429 Aba, Uele Dist. Belgian Congo spp. n., Allen Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 ; rouxi rouxi seasonal changes in coloration, p. 260 ; determination of individual age by dental stages of wear, age of Bat population p. 249, Andersen J., Bombay N.H.S. 25. Phyllostomidae. Chilonycteris parnellii pusillus subsp. n., Santo Domingo, Allen P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 168. Erophylla sezekorni syops subsp. n., Jamaica, Allen P. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton 30 p. 167. Monophyllus\ frater sp. n. Cave deposit Porto Rico, Anthony Bull. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 p. 565. Phyllonycteris\ major sp. n. Cave deposit Porto Rico, Anthony Bull. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 p. 567. XVIII. Mammalia. [1917]- 20 Mam. Phyllops\ vetus sp. n., fossil (Pleisto- cene ?) Cuba, Anthony Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 p. 337. Phyllostomus hastatus curaca subsp. n., Arcliidona, R. Napo, Ecuador, Cabrera Madrid Trab. Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat. 31 p. 12. Sturnira lilium parvidens subsp. n. Mexico, Goldman P. Biol. Soc. Washing- ton 30 p. 116. Vampyrus spectrum nelsoni subsp. n. Vera Cruz, Mexico, Goldman P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 115. Molossidae. Allomops p. 470 subgen. n., of Mops (type Mops ( Allomops ) osborni) ; (A) osborni p. 473 Kinshasa, (.4) occipitalis . p. 474 Avakubi, (A) faradjius, p. 476 Faradje, (A) nanulus , p. 477 Niangara, Belgian Congo spp. n., Allen Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37. Chaerephon frater p. 456 Malela (near Boma), russatus p. 458 Medje ; Lophomops p. 460 for G. ( Lophomops ) chapini p. 461 Faradje (L) cristatus p. 463 Boma ( L ) abae p. 464 Aba, Belgian Congo subgen. et spp. n., Allen Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37. Lophomops subgen. n. of Chaerephon (type C. (L) chapini), Allen Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 p. 460. Molossops aequatorianus sp. n., Bar- bahoyo, R. Guayas, Ecuador, Cabrera Madrid Trab. Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat. 31 p. 20. Mops congicus, p. 467 Medje, nian • garae p. 468 Niangara, trevori p. 469 Faradje, Belgian Congo spp. n", Allen Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 (see also Allomops). Nyctinomus ochraceus Medje, Belgian Congo sp. n., Allen Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 p. 455. Otomoq>s icarus sp. n. Chubb Ann. Durb. Mus. p. 433. Platymops petrophilus p. 4 Rusten- burg, haagneri p. 5 Damaraland spp. n., Roberts Ann. Transv. Mus. 6 (see iurther under Sauromys). f Arohaeonycteridae & Palaeoohiropterygidae. f Archaeonycteris trigonodon gen. el sp. n., Braunkohle Darmstadt, Revil- liod Darmstadt, Abh. geol. Lande- sanst 7 p. 181. \Palaeochiropteryx p. 163 tupaiodon p. 179 spiegeli p. 180 gen. et spp. n., Braunkolile Darmstadt, Revilliod Darmstadt Abh. geol. Landesanst 7. III.— INSECTIVORA. Survey of the mutual relationships, Winge K0benhavn Nath. Medd. 68 1917 (83-203). Macroscelidae & Tufaiidae. Elephantulus rupestris mapogonensis 277 ; van-dami p. 277 subsp. et sp. n., Roberts, A. Ann. Transv. Mus. 5. Ttipaia genitalia, Jones J Anat. London 51 p. 118; clarissa p. 200 S. Tenasserirn, belangeri tenaster p. 201 Tenasserim River sp. et subsp. n.» Thomas J. Bombay N.H.S. 25. SORIGIDAE & TaLPIDAE. Crocidura aagaardi sp. n. Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p. 283 ; gravida Langkawi Ids. W. Coast, tionis Tioman Id. E. Coast, Malay Peninsula, spp. n., Kloss J. Fed. Malay Mus. 7 p. 127 ; thomasi sp. n. Corea, Sovverby Ann. Mag. N.H. 20 p. 318. Microsorex hoyi in Maine, Copeland Sc Pope P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 160. N eosorex palustris albibarbis in Maine, Copeland & Pope P. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington 30 p. 160. Pachyura malayana sp. n. Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p. 282. Scutisoricinae subfam. n. of Soricidae for Scutisorex group, Allen Bull. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 p. 781. Scutiscrrex osteology, Allen Bull. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 p. 769 field notes, Lang ibid p. 781 ; lumbar vertebrae, Schulte ibid p. 785. Sauromys subgen. n., for Platymops Sorex fumeus umbrosus subsp. n. haagneri and petrophilus, Roberts Ann. Nova Scotia, Jackson P. Biol. Soc. Transvaal Mus. 6 p. 5. Washington 30 p. 149. 21 Mam. Systematic. 6031 Talpa europaea nOyaux sous-zonaires de l’ovule, Tourneux 2 p. 375 ; proam- nios, Tourneux et Soulie Mem. Ac. Sc. Toulouse (II) 4 p. 453; in captivity, Pitt Scot. Nat. 1917 pp. 207 and 231 ; How does the mole eat earth-worms? Deichmann K0benhavn Nath. Medd. 68 p. 209. INesophontidae. f ? N esophontes micrus sp. n. Pleisto- cene cave Matanzas Cuba, Allen Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 61 p. 5 Centetidae & Chrysochloridae. Amblysomus liottentotus garneri subsp. n. Roberts Ann. Transv. Mus. 5 p. 278. Centetes genitalia, Retterer & Neu- ville C. R. soc. biol. Paris 80 p. 19. IV.— CARNIVORA. Miocene Elm, Stehlin Basel Verh. Natf. Ges. 28 p. 193 ; partizione del nasale No. 709, “accessory” bones in premaxillary & maxillo-nasal regions No. 710, Camerano Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Torino 31. A. — Carnassidentia. Felidae. External characters 19 p. 113; South American classification 20 p. 43 ; classification & key to genera 20 p. 329, Pocock Ann. Mag. N. H. Felis leo effect of captivity on cranial form, Jones P. Z. S. 1917 p. 333 ; leo massaica effects of captivity on skull, Hollister Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 53 p. 177 ; ly,ix Pleistocene Sutherland, Newton Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 37 p. 348 ; guttula amazonica subsp. n. Tabatinga Amazonia, Cabrera Madrid Trab. Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat. 31 p. 28 ; temmincki note, Gairdner J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p. 251 ; domestic cat syndactyly in, Hays J. Morph. 30 p. 65 ; primordial cranium, Terry J. Morph. Philad. 29 p. 281. Viverridae. Mungos auropilnctatus & nepalensis measurements, Wroughton J. Bombay N. H. S. 25 p. 68 ; siamensis sp. n. N. Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. (n-4840 /) Siam 2 p. '£15'; Malay spp. p. 123, perakensis p. 124 Taiping Perak, incertus p. 125 Trang Siamese Malaya, spp. n., Kloss J. Fed. Malay Mus. 7. Paradoxurus nomenclature of & key to Indian & Burmese speciesjp.’ 48, birmanicus sp. n. Upper Burma p. 51, Wroughton J. Bombay N. H. S. 25 ; bondar de Blainville tenable name of P. niger Desmarest 1820 antedated by Viverra nigra Peale & Beauvois 1796, Cabrera Bol. Real. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 17 p. 487. Hyaenidae. Hyaena cuvieii Boitard 1845 the tenable name for the Cape Hyaena, Cabrera Bol. Real. Soc. Es. Hist. Nat. 17 p. 488. Canid ae. Ganis lupus remains from Grotta Guglielmo sul Palanzone, Vecchio Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 55 p. 239. f Procynodiclis p. 214, euzetensis sp. n. p. 215 Ludien inferieur Euzet- les-Bains, ' DepIsret Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. Thos riparius or perhaps T. aureus riparius Hemprich & Ehrenberg 1832 tenable -name for Canis variegatus Cretzschmar (nec. Gmelin), Cabrera Bol. Real. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 17 p. 488. Vulpes alopex in Pleistocene of Sutherlandshire, Newton Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 37 p. 348 ; cor sac “ nigra ” Kascenko antedated by nigra Bork- hausen 1797, Cabrera Bol. Real. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 17 p. 488. Ursidae. Arcticonus gen. n. for Ursus flii - betanus Cuvier, Pocock Ann. Mag. N. H. 20 p. 129. ]TJrsavus elmensis sp. n. Miocene Elm, Stehlin Basel Verh. Natf. Ges. 28 p. 201. Ursus arctos in Pleistocene of Suther- landshire, Newton Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 37 p. 348. Mustelidae. % Development of heart & blood- vessels in the Ferret, Wang J. Anat. London 52 p. 107. c 11—2 22 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1917] Ictonyx capensis limpopoensis subsp. n., Roberts Ann. Trans v. Mus. 5 p. 263. Lutra vulgaris Pleistocene Suther- landshire, Newton Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 37 p. 348. Meles taxus in Pleistocene Suther- landsiiire, Newton Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 37 p. 348. Mustela lutreolina sp. n. W. Java, Robinson & Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. 20 p. 261 ; erminea & vulgaris in Pleis- tocene Sutherlandsliire, Newton Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 37 p. 348. \Palaeogale p. 439, angustifrons p. 440, minuta p. 447 Tertiary Allier- beckens, Helbinq Basel Verb. Natf. Ges. 28. \Plesictis stenoplesictoides sp. n. Ter- tiary Allierbeckens, Helbing Basel Yerh. Natf. Ges. 28 p. 457. f Stenogale p. 450, brevidens p. 451 Tertiary Allierbeckens, Helbing Basel Verb. Natf. Ges. 28. B.~ Pinnipedia. Cystophora cristala in Florida, Miller P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 121. Phoca caspica os penis fractured & naturally reunited, Alpheraky P. Z. S. 1917 p. 251 ; vitulina ? Pleistocene Holderness, Newton Naturalist 1917 p. 105. G.— f Creodontia. \Hyaenodon p. 174, heberti p. 175, nouleti p. 188 sp. n. Bartonien Castrais, requieni p. 189, minor p. 201 rameaux phyletiques de genre p. 209, Deperet Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. f Quercytherium p. 164, tenebrosum p. 165, rapports et phylogenie p. 170, Deperet Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. f Viverravus euzetensis sp. n., Ludien inferieur Euzet-les-Bains, Deperet Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40 p. 246. V. — RODENTIA. Rodentia of Crimea, Ognev Sim- feropol Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 1 ; Cranes et d^veloppement anormal des incisives ; Narbel Arch. Sci. Phys. Gendve 38 1914. Sciuridae & Castoridae. Callosciurus erubescens sp. n. Selan- gor, Cabrera Bol. Real. Soc. espanola 17 p. 518. C alios permophilus lateralis caryi subsp. n. Wyoming, Howell P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 105. Castor canadensis work in Zoological Gardens, Pocock P.Z.S. 1917 p. 100. Citellus ( Colobotis ) musicus Crimea , Ognev Simferopol Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 9 ; Ground Squirrel con- trol, Dixon Univ. Cal. Pub. Agric. Exp. Sta. Giro. No. 181. Eutamias toivnsendi ochrogenys fac- tors controlling its distribution, Grin- nell Amer. Nat. 51 p. 123. Heliosciurus rufobrachialus benga subsp. n., Cabo San Juan (Guinea Espanola), Cabrera Bol. Real. Soc. Espanola 17 p. 517. Lariscus insignis fornicatus subsp. n., Pulau Tioman, Pahang, Robinson J. Fed. Malay. Mus. 7 p. 102. Mesosciurus ferminae p. 49 Bueza, candelensis sumaco p. 51 San Jose, E. Ecuador sp. et subsp. n., Cabrera Madrid Trab. Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat. 31. Pteromys habits, Babault Bui. Museum, Paris 22 p. 430. Sciurus atrodorsalis thai subsp. n. Central Siam, Kloss J.*Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p. 285 ; finlaysoni Hors- field name applicable to squirrel of Si- Cliang Island, portus Kloss a synonym ; tachardi Robinson the tenable name of mainland form, Thomas J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p. 343 ; demurrer by Kloss ibid. p. 345. Tomeutes tenuis tiomanicus subsp. n., Pulau Tioman, Pahang, Robinson J. Fed. Malay Mus. 7 p. 103. Dipodidae & Gliridae. Alactaga saliens Crimea, Ognev Simferopol Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 54. Alactagulus acontion Crimea, Ognev Simferopol Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 55. Dyromys nitedula subsp. ? Crimea, Ognev Simferopol Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 11. 23 Marti. Systematic. 6031 Scirtopoda lelum fcilz-feini Taurus Gouv., Ognev Simferopol, Bui. Soc. Nat. Crim6e 5 p. 53. Sicista nordmanni Crimea, Ognev Simferopol, Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 49. , Muridae. Acomys flavidus sp. n. Sind, Thomas J. Bombay N.H.S. 25 p. 205. Aconaemys porteri sp. n. Osorno, S. Chili, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 19 p. 281. Ahodon surdus Huadquina Peru sp. n., Thomas Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 68 No. 4 p. 2 ; arenicola hunteri subsp. n., delta of Parana, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20 p. 97. Arvicola amphibius rela ? in Pleis- tocene of Sutherlandshire, Newton Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 37 p. 348 ; terrestris sbsp., Crimea, Ognev Sim- feropol Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 45 (see also under Microtus). Chilotus socialis parvus Crimea, Ognev Simferopol, Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 43. Chroeomys inornatus Ollataytambo Peru, sp. n., Thomas Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 68 No. 4, p. 2. Cricetiscus gen. n. for Cricetulus campbelli (Genotype) & sungorus, Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. 19 p. 456. Cricetulus phaeus neglectus “ aberr. nov., ” p. 33, arenarius p. 37, Crimea, Ognev Simferopol Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 ; migratorius vernula p. 453 Khotz, Trebizond, alticola p. 455 Ladak, subsp. et sp. n., Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 19 ; see also under Cricetis- cus. Cricetus cricetus Crimea, Ognev Simferopol Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 30. Delomys gen. n. p. 196, for Hesper- omys dorsalis, d. collinus p. 197 subsp. n. N.E. Sao Paulo, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20. Deltamys Tcempi gen. et sp. n. delta of Parana, Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. 20 p. 98. Dicrostonyx turqualus in Pleistocene of Sutherlandshire, Newton Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 37 p. 348. Diomys p. 203 crumpi p. 204 gen. et sp. n. Pareshnath, Hazaribagh, Thomas J. Bombay N. H. S. 25. Ellobius talpinus Crimea Ognev Simferopol Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 46. Epimys norvegicus, raltus alexan- drinus, Crimea, Ognev Simferopol Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 15. Evotomys glareolus in Pleistocene of Sutherlandshire, Newton Proc. R. Soc.. Edinburgh 37 p. 348. Fiber zibelhicus parasites, MrAzek J. Parasitology Urbana 111. 1 p. 104. Guyia gen. n. for Millardia Icalh- leenae Burma (Dry Zone), Thomas J. Bombay N.H.S. 25 p. 201. llesperomys frida Chospyoc, car illus marcarutn Lauramarca, Peru subsp. et sp. n., Thomas Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 68 No. 4 p. 1. Inomys gen. n. for Oryzomys incanus , Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20 p. 197. Malacothrix typicus fryi subsp. n. Roberts Ann. Transv. Mus. 5 p. 263. Micromys minutus Crimea, Ognev Simferopol, Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 29. 31 icr oryzomys subgen. n. of Oryzomys (Genotype O. minutus Tomes), (31.) aur illus sp. n. Torontoy Peru, Thomas Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 68 No. 4 p. 1. 3Iicrotus philistinus sp. n. Ekron S.E. of Jaffa Palestine, Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. 19 p. 450 ; montanus caryi subsp. n. Wyoming, Bailey P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 29 ; arvalis Crimea, Ognev Simferopol Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 37 ; agrestis & ratti- ceps in Pleistocene of Sutherlandshire, Newton Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 37, p. 348 ; amphibius primordial cranium Fawcett J. Anat. London 51 p. 309. 3ticroxus torques Matchu Piccbu, Peru sp. n., Thomas Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 68 No. 4 p. 3. Millardia mellada dunni subsp. n. Amballa Punjab, Thomas J. Bombay N.H.S. 25 p. 202. Mus musculus oogenesis, Kingery J. Morph. 30 p. 261 ; fate of unfertilized egg, Charlton Biol. Bull. Wood’s Hole 33 p. 321 ; dominance and recessivite 24 Mam. -XVIII. Mammalia. [1917] Rabaud Paris Bui. Soc, Zool. 42 p. 87 ; musculus hortulanus p. 16, flavicollis flavicollis and sylvaticus subsp. ? p. 23, Crimea, Ognev Simferopol Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 ; norvegicus albums synap- sis in egg, Pratt & Long J. Morph. 29 p. 441 ; concolor Biologie, Otten Batavia, Geneesk. Tydschr. Ned. Ind. 57 p. 534. Mylomys christyi sp. n. Bahr-el- Ghazal, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20 p. 362. Neotoma cinerea lucida subsp. n. Charleston Mts., Nevada, Goldman P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 111. Ondatra (Fiber) zibethicus economics, Ritzema Bos Tyds. Plantenz. 23 p. 47. Oryzomys delticola sp. n. delta of Parana, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20 p. 96 ; see also Micr oryzomys. Peromyscus eremicvspapagensis subsp. n., Sonora, Mexico, Goldman P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 1 10. Phaenomys gen. n. for Oryzomys fer- rugineus, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20 p. 196. Rattus culturatus p. 198 Mt. Arizan Formosa, confucianus chihliensis p. 190 Imperial Tdmbs Pekin, sp. et subsp. n., Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20 ; lepturus p. 93, bartelsi p. 95, description and measurements of specimens from W. Java, RoniNSON J. Fed. Malay Mus. 7 ; rattus thai subsp. n., Central Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p. 286. (See also under Epimys and Mus.) Rhagomys gen. n. for Hesperomys rufescens, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20 p. 192. Rhipidomys characters of genus and list of species, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20 p. 194. Synaplomys cooperi fatuus in Maine, Copeland & Pope P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 159. Tatera key to Indian species p. 42, sherrini Sind, dunni Punjab spp. n. p. 43, Wboughton J. Bombay N.H.S. 25. Taterona gen. n. for African Gerbils (genotype T. afra = Qerbillus afer , Gray), Wroughton J. Bombay N.H.S. 25 p. 40. Tautatus p. 279, thai p. 280, gen. et sp. n. Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam. 2. Thomasomys generic characters and list of species, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20 p. 194 ; notatus Torontoy, gracilis Matchu Picchu, daphne Ocobamba Valley, Peru, spp. n., Thomas Smith- sonian Misc. Coll. 68 No. 4 p. 2. Spalacidae, Geomyidae, Hetero- myidae, & Bathyergidae. Gopher control, Dixon & de Ong Univ. Cal. Pub. Bui. Coll. Agric. Exp. Sta. No. 281. Georychus Jcomatiensis p. 272, rufulus p. 273, stellatus p. 272, vandami p. 273, vryburgensis p. 274 5 ; palhi p. 5 6, Roberts Ann. Trans. Mus. Pretoria ; notes on characters, and criticism of Austin Roberts’ work, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20 p. 441. Heliophobius angonicus sp. n. Angoni- land, Rhodesia, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20 p. 314. Perodipus ordii luteolus subsp. n., Wyoming, Goldman P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 112. Perognathus parvus clarus p. 147 Wyoming, P. flavus p. 148 subspp. n. Wyoming, Goldman P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30. Spalax monticola insularis subsp. n. I. of Lemnos, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20 p. 315 ; typhlus and microphthalmus Crimea, Ognev Simferopol, Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 47. Hystricidae, Caviidae, &c. ^Boromys torrei sp. n. Pleistocene cave Matanzas Cuba, Allen Bui. Mus. Comp. 2ool. Harvard 61 p. 6. Cavia notes on species p. 152, rosida p. 154 E. Parana, tschudii umbrala p. 157 Central Peru, t. pallidior p. 158 Arequipa, nana Bolivian Highlands, spp. et subspp. n., Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 19 ; rufescens, porcellus and crosses, Detlefsen Washington Car- negie Inst. Pub. No. 205 p. 134. Dasyprocia punctata nuchalis Panama p. 113, p. richmondi p. 114 Nicaragua, subspp. n., Goldman P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 ; fuliginosa mesatia subsp. n., Tarapoto, Ecuador, Cabrera Madrid Trab. Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat. 31 p. 53 ; aguti lunaris subsp. n. Moon Mountains, S. British Guiana p. 259 ; felicia p. 310 Paraguay, azarae catrinae 25 Mam. Systematic. 6031 p. 311 S. Brazil, variegala boliviae p. 312 S. Bolivia , pandora p. 313 I. of Gorgona, spp. et subspp. n., Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 20. f Elasmodontomys relationships tooth structure, Anthony Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 p. 185. Geocapromys cubanus sp. n. Pleisto- cene cave Matanzas Cuba, Allen Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 61 p. 9. f Ileptaxodon bidens gen. et sp. n., Cave Porto Rico, Anthony Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 p. 183. f Heteropsomys relationships, Anthony Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 p. 187. f II omopsomys antillensis gen. ei sp. n., Cave Porto Rico, Anthony Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 p. 187. Synodontomys gen. n. for Capromys columbianus Chapman', Allen Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 61 p. 5. f Trechomys p. 159, euzetensis sp. n. p. 160 Ludien inferieur Euzet-les- Bains, Det^ret Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. LePORIDAE & OCHOTONIDAE. Size inheritance in rabbits, Mac- do well Washington Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 196 p. 55. Lepus timidus seasonal change of colour, Abe Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 pp. 201, 226, 269 ; variabilis scoticus ? in Pleistocene of Sutherlandshire, New- ton Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 37 p. 348 ; rajput sp. n. Rajputana, Wrough- ton J. Bombay N.H.S. 25 p. 361 ; ( Eulagos ) europaeus transsylvanicus Crimea, Ognev Simferopol Bui. Soc. Nat. Crimee 5 p. 55. Ochotona factors controlling distri- bution of Californian species, Grinnell Amer. Nat. 51 p. 120 ; schisticeps muiri habits and enemies, Grinnell & Storer Sierra Cl. Bui. 10 p. 159. Oryctolagus cuniculu-s algirus Loche antedates O. c. huxleyi Haeckel for Porto Santo and Iberian rabbit p. 369, brachyotus p. 371 subsp. n. La Camargue (Bouches-du-Rhone), and note on le lapin de3 Cyclades Grecques, Troues- sart Bui. Museum Paris 1917. Sylvilagus gabbi comobrinus subsp. n. Panama, Anthony Bui. Amer. Mus. N.H. 37 p. 335. VI. — UNGULATA. A. — Artiodactyla. Bipartizione del lacrimalc 30 No. 707 ; partizione del nasale 31 No. 709 ; accessory bones in intermaxillary and maxillo-nasal regions 31 No. 710, Camerano Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Torino ; appendice uretral 30 p. 178 ; development and homologies of gland, Retterer & Neuville C.R. soc. biol. Paris 80 p. 339 ; Erythrocyten und Verhaltnis zu den Blutplattchen, Lenze Diss. Bern Arnswalde 1909 ; Vererbung von Missbildungen und Krankheiten, Durst Zurich Vierteljahrschr. Natf. Ges. 58 ; selection and inheritance (chiefly in goats) see papers by Fan- tuzzi, Gianettoni, Molo & Rossi Agricolt. Ticinese Lugano 40, 41 and 42. Bovidae. Gehorn, Verhaltnis zu dem anderer Cavicornia und der Hirsche, Boas K^benhavn Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Biologiske Medd. 1 (2) p. 1. Bos caffer colour phases in Uelle region, Calonne-Beaufaict Rev. Zool. Africaine 4 p. 186 ; sondaicus and B. s. porteri note on, Gairdner J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 2 p. 250. Capra characters and status of Iberian species and races 32 No. 720 ; sibirica characters of subspecies 32 Nos. 722 and 723, Camerano Boll. Mus, Zool. Anat. Torino ; j lusitanica characters and history, Franca Arquiv. Univers. Lisboa 4 p. 19 ; ( Euibex and Eucapra ) horns and coloration in these subgenera, Camerano Atti Acc. sc. Torino 52 p. 231. Capricornis Chinese Serows ( argyro - chaetes, vidianus, milne-edwardsi, colla- sinus and rocherianus valid species), Sowerby P.Z.S. 1917 p. 20. Cobus defassa colour phases in Uelle Region, Calonne-Beaufaict Rev. Zool. Africaine 4 p. 183. Nemorhaedus Chinese Gorals ( cinereus , griseus, niger, henryanus, arnouxianus, caudatus, and raddeanus valid species), Sowerby P.Z.S. 1917 p. 24. Oreotragus oreotragus transvaalensis subsp. n., Roberts Ann. Transv. Mus. 5 p. 276. 26 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1917] Ovis atrophy of right superior vena cava , Calvet Bui. Soc. Zool. France 42 p. 81 ; penis et gland, Retterer & Neuville C.R. soc. biol. Paris 80 1917 p. 287 ; orientalis urmiana skulls and horns from Koyun-Dagh Id., Smirnov Bui. Mus. Cauc. 10 p. 273 ; platyura origin, Young J. Ilered. Washington 5 p. 445 ; evolution of sheep, Tillett Ottawa Nat. 29 p. 90. Bupicapra rupicapra parva Cabrera a subspecies or var. of B. pyrenaica, Camesano Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Torino 31 No. 172. Cervidae & Giraffidae. Gervus Chinese species of Sika (0. kopschi, mantchuricus, dybowskii, man- darinus, and dugennianus valid species), Sowerby P.Z.S. 1917 p. 16 ; alces brain, Bespaloff Folia neuro-biologica Haar- lem 10 p. 159 ; elaphus and tarandus in Pleistocene of Sutherlandshire, New- ton Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 37 p. 348 ; damage caused in woods by deer, Boas Kpbenhavn Fra Naturens Vserksted 5 p. 161. Okapia johnstoni viscera, Burne P.Z.S. 1917 p. 187. Bangifer tarandus Pleistocene Hol- demess, Newton Naturalist 1917 p. 105. Camelidae. Camel and dromedary hybrid, Yatsu Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 29 p. 15. Lama vicugna mensalis subsp. n. Incapirca, Junin, Peru (and Bolivia), Thomas Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 68 No. 4 p. 3. SuiDAE & DlCOTYLIDAE. \Cebochaerus p. 102, minor p. 105, rapports et phylogenie p. 110, Deperet Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. ■j Chaeropotamus depereti p. 92 rap- ports et phylogenie p. 98, Deperet Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. Sus Heude’s Chinese species ( palu - dosus , moupinensis, gigas, coreanus, and meles probably valid), Sowerby P.Z.S. 1917 p. 12 ; scrofa diploid chromosome complexes, Hanoe J. Morph. 30 p. 155 ; Irish “ Greyhound ” pig history, skulls, and modern representatives, Scharff Irish Nat. 26 p. 173. Pecari tajacu modestus subsp. n., Tarapoto, Ecuador, Cabrera Madrid Trab. Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat. 31 p. 57 ; angulatus bangsi subsp. n., E. Panama, Goldman P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 109. Extinct Families. f Brachyodus onoideus Miocene Elm, Stehlin Basel Verh. Natf. Ges. 28 p. 192. f Dacrytherium p. 114, ovinum p. 116, rapports et phylogenie p. 122, Deperet, Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. f Dichodon p. 147, cervinum p. 149, rapports et phylogenie p. 155, Deperet Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. •j Haplomeryx p. 138, euzetensis sp. n., p. 140 Ludien inf6rieur Euzet-les-Bains. rapports et phylogenie p. 144, Deperet Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. f Leptotheridium p. 125, lugeoni p. 126, rapports et phylogenie p. 130, Deperet Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. f Xiphodon p. 133, intermedium p, 133, rapports et phylogenie p. 136, Deperet Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. B.— Perissodactyla. Equidae. f Anchilophus dumasi p. 63 phylogeny p. 73, Deperet Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. | Anchitherium aurelianense Miocene Elm, Steiilin Basel Verh. Natf. Ges. 28 p. 197. Equus lambei sp. n., skull Pleistocene Yukon Territory, Hay Proc. U.S. Nat, Mus. 53 p. 435 ; “ Equus adamiticus sp. nov., sub nom. E. Larteti ” Pleisto- cene Olmo, Arezzo, Sergi Riv. Antro- pologia 21 p. 7 (of reprint) ; caballus figures of Celtic and Norse horses, Chubb Zool. Soc. Bui. New York 20 p. 1449 ; development during third week, Ewart Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 51 p. 287 ; model of 21 day embryo, Robinson & Gibson Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh 51 p. 331 ; bones and teeth 27 Mam. Systematic. 6031 from prehistoric sito at Ipswich, Ewart in Moir J. R. Anthrop. Inst. ,47 p. 379 ; Coloration and striping in Russian horses, Krieg Zool. Anz. 49 p. 197 ; psychology, Sorensen K0ben- liavn Gads Magasin 10 p. 619. f Lophiotherium cervulum p. 77, phy- logeiiy p. 86, Deperet Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. Rhinocerotidae. f Rhinoceros antiquitatis lower jaw from Pleistocene of SchafThauscn, Hescheler Zurich Vierteljahrsch. natf. Ges. 62 p. 319. Extinct Families. f Palaeotherium crassum p. 12, stehlini sp. n. Euzet-les-Bains p. 37 Ludien in- ferieur, Deperet Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. f Plagiolophus annectens p. 41 phylo- geny, Deperet Ann. Univ. Lyon Fasc. 40. \Titanoides primaevus gen. et sp. n., lower jaw and teeth from Paleocene (Fort Union), North Dakota, Gidley Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 52 p. 431. C. and D Hyracoidea and Pro- boscidea. Proboscidea dental characters of fossil and recent, phylogeny and extinc- tion, Airaghi Mem. Soc. ital. sc. nat. 8 p. 191. Elephas africanus, Anatomie vom Fetus, Bolk Amsterdam Verh. K. Acad. Wet. 2e Sect. 19 p. 1 ; ? trogontherii figures of molar from Jersey Cave, Marett Archaeologia 67 pi. xiv ; f primigenius synonymy and dentition, Italian specimens, Airaghi Mem. Soc. ital. sc. nat. 8 p. 234. Euelephas \namadicus synonymy and dentition, Airaghi Mem." Soc. ital. sc. nat. 8 p. 229. f Gomplwtherium elegans sp. n., lower molar Pleistocene (Sheridan Beds) Kansas, Hay Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 53 p. 219. f Loxodon meridionalis dentition p. 209, f antiquus p. 217, Airaghi Mem. Soo. ital. sc. nat. 8. VII & VIII.— SIREN1A & CETACEA. Whales and whaling, Andrews 12 ; British stranded whales, Harmer 104 ; Whalebone whales of Now Eng- land, Allen Mem. Boston Nat. Hist. Soc. 8 p. 107 ; myology of Cetacean flipper, Anthony Arch. Zool. Exper. Paris 56 p. 359. Balaenoptera borealis near Villanueva de Arosa, Buhigas Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. Madrid 17 p. 231 ; acutorostrata osteologv, M’Intosh J. Zool. Research 2 p. 37." Mesoplodon myology of flipper, Anthony Arch. Zool. Exper. Paris 56 p. 359 ? f compressus Tertiary Aus- tralia,'Chapman Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 30 p. 35. f Parasqualodon wilkinsoni Tertiary Australia, Chapman Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 30 p. 40. f Physelodon bailey i Australian Ter- tiary, Chapman Proc. R. Soc. Victoria 30 p. 33. \Scaldicetus lodgei sp. n. Oligocene Victoria, Chapman Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 30 p. 34. Steno cudmorei sp. n., Lower Pliocene Australia, Chapman Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 30 p. 41. Tursiops tursio at Walney Island, Booth Naturalist 1917 p. 300. “ Z/iphius ( Dolichodon ) geelongensis ” note on, Chapman Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 30 p. 40. IX.— EDENTATA. Bradypus nomenclature characters and distribution of species p. 352, macrodon p. 356 Oriente of Ecuador, violeta p. 357 Balzar Mts., W. Ecuador, Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 19. Scaeopus, Peters, available generic name for Bradypus torqualus , Thomas Ann. Mag. N.H. 19 p. 352. X. — MARSUPIALIA. Development of hypophysis cerebri and pre-oral gut, Parker J. Anat. Londort 51 p. 181 ; cytomorphosis of enamel-organ, Carter Phil. Trans. B. 28 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1917] 208 p. 271 ; anatomy of gastrointes- tinal tract, Mackenzie J. Anat. London 51 p. 000 and 278. Didelphis marsupialis particeps subsp. n. San Miguel Island, Panama, Goldman P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 107. Macropus , Kangaroos in captivity, White Austral. Zool. 1 p. 83. Marmosa mexicana savannarum subsp. n., Panama, Goldman P. Biol. Soc. Washington 30 p. 108. Orolestes inca gen. el sp. n., Torontoy, Peru. Thomas Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 68 No. 4 p. 3. XI.— MONOTREMATA. Anatomy of gastrointestinal tract, Mackenzie J. Anat. London 51 p. 000 and 278 ; deposition of eggs, Bur- rell Austral. Zool. 1 p. 87. Tritylodon the most primitive of mammals, skull, Petronievics Ann, Mag. N.H. 20 p. 283. INDEX TO NAMES NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA RECORDED IN THIS VOLUME (including new names for genera previously established).’* Abagous Sharp Ins. 109 Abrotheus Broun Ins. 109 Abura Matsumura Ins. 210 Acanthedra Meyrick Ins. 179 Acanthentedon Dodd Ins. 132 Acanthionella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 12 Acanthocallis Matsumura Ins. 210 Acanthocella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 12 Acanthocleithron Nichols & Oaiscom Pisces 14 Acanthodo theca Townsend Ins. 194 Acarithopupa Wenz Moll. 47 Aceratoneuromyia Girault Ins. 132 Acreotrichites Cockerell Ins. 192 Acridiophaga Townsend Ins. 194 Acrolichanus Ward Verm. 16 Acronca Barnes & McDunnough Ins. 171 Acropezum Alluaud Ins. 87 Adelopygus Desbordes Ins. 93 Adenifera Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 12 Adleria Rohwer & Fagan Ins. 138 Adolendana Distant Ins. 205 Adorrhinyptia Arrow Ins. 96 Adriaria Pallary Moll. 41 Aechmella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 12 Aegorina Le Cerf Ins. 148 Aegerosphecia Le Cerf Ins. 148 Aeolagrion Williamson Ins. 219 Aeronectris Meyrick Ins. 179 Agatyrus Broun Ins. 92 Agdistopsis Hampson Ins. 171 Aglaopteryx Hebard Ins. 222 Aglaotomidea Rohwer & Fagan Ins. 138 Airograptus Ruedemann Coel. 8 Akamptogonus Attems Myr., Araclin. 22 Alalomantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 223 Alassostoma Stunkard Verm. 16 Alcicornis MacCullum Verm. 16 Aleirhogas Baker Ins. 130 Aleurodaphis Van der Goot Ins. 210 Alexandraspis Lambert & Thiiry Echin. 13 Allantella Hallman Por. 3 Allaorops Broun Ins. 109 Allochares Banks Ins. 122 Allochlorodes Prout Ins. 164 Allomops Allen Mam. 20 Allonychella Silvestri Ins. 226 Alloperdita Viereck Ins. 120 Amallectis Meyrick Ins. 177 Amarginops Nichols & Griscom Pisces 14 Ambarvalia Distant Ins. 205 Amblycoryphenes Townsend Ins. 194 Amiscogaster Girault Ins. 132 Ampheremus Fall Ins. 99 Amphiacantha Matsumoto Echin. 22 Amphichilus Matsumoto Echin. 22 Amphisamytha Hessle Verm. 25 Amphisticta Sjostedt Ins. 219 The total number of names in this index is 1,131 ; distributed as follows, viz.: — Protozoa, 13; Porifera 12; Coelenterata 13; Echinoderma 52 ; Vermidea 48 ; Bryozoa 64 ; Brachiopoda 9 ; Mollusea 67 ; Crustacea 20 ; Araclinida 46 ; Myriopo'da 17 ; Insecta 680 ; Pisces 28 ; Reptilia 15 ; A vcs 25 ; Mammalia, 22. The total last year was 1,598. (n 4840-0 C 12 Anagyropsis Girault Ins. 132 Ananusia Girault Ins. 132 Anasigerpes Giglio-Tos Ins. 223 Anauchen Pilsbry Moll. 47 Anawixia Chamberlin Arachn. 15 Ancyrobdella Oka Verm. 27 Andiniravinia Townsend Ins. 194 Anegcephalesis Dyar Ins. 171 Anepsiotes Kleine Ins. 113 Anobostra Hampson Ins. 171 Anommonia Schmitz Ins. 198 Anomoxena Meyrick Ins. 179 Anoplanomala Arrow Ins. 97 Anorthoscutum Lambert & Echin. 13 Antimitra Iredale Moll. 30 Anuraphis Del Guercio Ins. 210 Anxietas Iredale Moll. 41 Apaturris Iredale Moll. 30 Aphantophryne Fry Rept. 12 Apithecia Prout Ins. 164 Apodrassus Chamberlin Arachn. 15 Aproctonema Keilin Verm. 20 Aquaelicium Distant Ins. 205 Arachnastraea Yabe & Hayasaka Coel. 9 Arakawana Matsumura Ins. 210 Arborella Osburn Bry., Brach. 12 Archaegopis Wenz Moll. 45 Archaeonycteris Revilliod Mam. 20 Archipetalia Tillyard Ins. 219 Arcticonus Pocock Mam. 21 Arebius Chamberlin Myr., Arachn. 21 Areocosma Meyrick Ins. 179 Argoravinia Townsend Ins. 194 Arimatria Matsumura Ins. 210 Armilustrium Distant Ins. 205 Arpediomimus Cameron Ins. 91 Arpediopsis Cameron Ins. 91 Arthrochthonius Ewing Arachn. 17 Aselgeoides Distant Ins. 205 Ashfordia Taylor Moll. 46 Aspidaphis Gillette Ins. 210 Astafides Wade Moll. 35 Astrocles Fisher Echin. 19 Astrolliris Fisher Echin. 19 Atactopsis Townsend Ins. 194 Atlasica Pallary Moll. 46 Atopidocyphon Pic Ins. 100 Atropocarus Ewing Arachn. 17 Auchmerina Enderlein Ins. 209 Aulina Smith Coel. 9 Auromantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 223 Austrobilharzia Johnston Verm. 16 Austrolaenilla Bergstrom Verm. 25 Austromantispa Esben- Petersen Ins. 185 Austromenidia Hubbs Pisces 17 Austropassalus Mjoberg Ins. 95 Austrosalips Turner Ins. 122 Axidragma Hallman Por. 3 Axinectya Hallman Por, 4 Axiodeancia Clark Brach. 4 Aymarella Chamberlin Arachn. 14 Banksiella Muir Ins. 205 Banya Schouteden Ins. 201 Barrukia Bergstrom Verm. 25 Basanaedus Pic Ins. 103 Bathosella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 12 Bathynoe Ditlevsen Verm. 25 Bathyparia Lamb Ins. 198 Brunella Forel Ins. 126 Belapha Enderlein Ins. 216 Belaster Spencer Echin. 19 Benia Schouteden Ins. 201 Bercaeopsis Townsend Ins. 194 Bethylitella Cockerell Ins. 138 Biaka Joicey & Talbot Ins. 146 Blaesoxipho theca Townsend Ins. 194 Blatticephalus Heller Ins. 104 Blattotetrastichus Girault Ins. 133 Boltenella Wade Moll. 32 Borborothinia Townsend Ins. 194 Borneocamaria Pic Ins. 103 Brachaciptera Lea Ins. 114 Brachydoxa Meyrick Ins. 179 Bracliyhedybius Pic Ins. 100 Brachyrhabdus Aurivillius Ins. 114 Bracliyspathus Wickham Ins. 99 Branchioica Eigenmann Pisces 15 Brasilium Pic Ins. 104 Brisingella Fisher Echin. 19 Brisingenes Fisher Echin. 19 Brouzetia Cossmann Moll. 35 Bryodrassus Broun Ins. 109 Bidbocephalus Watson Prot. 23 Burmacrocera Cockerell Ins. 187 Burmitempis Cockerell Ins. 192 Bustomum Lane Verm. 20 Calamops Sinclair Rept. 13 Callanaitis Iredale Moll. 54 Callisphecia Le Cerf Ins. 148 Callithia Le Cerf Ins. 148 Callixestis Meyrick Ins. 179 Callocorydon Mathews Aves 47 Calobatinus Silvestri Ins, 226 Calometopidins Bourgoin Ins. 98 Calopelma Chamberlin Arachn. 13 Calospilota Giglio-Tos Jns. 223 Calotachytes Turner Ins, 123 Calydoniomorpha Pic Ins. 103 Camelomantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 223 Campanilopa Iredale Moll. 35 Campsiomorpha Pic Ins. 103 Camptopelta Willislon Ins. 191 Camptopsis Townsend Ins. 195 Capanica Meyrick Ins, 170 3 Caractacaster Spencer Echin. 19 Cardiataxis Lambert Echin. 14 Cardiodectes Wilson Crust. 20 Carlyleia Girault Ins. 133 Carmentalia Distant Ins. 205 Carphuromorphus Pic Ins. 100 Carphurotroglops Pic Ins. 100 Carsidaroida Crawford Ins. 209 Cataspilota Giglio-Tos Ins. 223 Cathalistis Meyrick Ins. 179 Caucasicola Hesse Moll. 49 Cecalymenus Enderlein Ins. 216 Celaenura Kennedy Ins. 219 Celestica Meyrick Ins. 179 Centrolysmus Navas Ins. 185 Cephalosimus Chabanaud Rept. 10 Ceratoglyphina Van der Goot Ins. 210 Ceratotrix Weise Ins. 116. Cercocladia Draudt Ins. 152 Ceropsilopa Cresson Ins. 198 Cervaphis Van der Goot Ins. 210 Cetheromma Jeannel Ins. 203 Chaetoravinia Townsend Ins. 195 Chaetosturmia Villeneuve Ins. 195 Chamanthedon Le Cerf Ins. 148 Cheilonereis Benham Verm. 25 Chelyrhynchus Haughton Rept. 11 Cheneosaurus Lambe Rept. 11 Cheriocercus Eigenmann Pisces 14 Chitaspis Annandale Bry., Brach. 12 Chirodiscoides Hirst Arachn. 19 Chloroidia Townsend Ins. 195 Chloroneura Laidlaw Ins. 219 Chloropetella Roberts Aves 63 Chlororhinia Townsend Ins. 195 Chromadorissa Filipjev Verm. 20 Chrysocneme Draudt Ins. 152 Ciliagrion Sjostedt Ins. 219 Circoniscus Pearse Crust. 18 Circoporella Hayasaka Coel. 8 Cistudinomyia Townsend Ins. 195 Cithara MacCullum Verm. 16 Clarkona Mathews Aves 48 Clathurina Melvill Moll. 30 Climacura Howard, Dyar & Knab Ins. 188 Clusivius Distant Ins. 205 Cnemidophyllum Rehn Ins. 225 Coccaster Spencer Echin. 19 Coccodiplosis de Meyere Ins. 187 Coccothorax Aurivillius Ins. 114 Cochisea Barnes & McDunnough Ins. 165 Coelopora Lang Bry., Brach. 12 Coelura Schott Ins. 226 Coenomantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 223 Colastomion Banker Ins. 130 Collipravus Wilson Crust. 20 Colpichthys Hubbs Pisces 17 Compsodes Hebard Ins. 222 Consualia Distant Ins. 205 Cordylepalpa Joicey & Talbot Ins. 160 Coriandria Tomlin Moll. 37 Corymboporella Lang Bry., Brach. 12 Cosmiorrliina Bourgoin Ins. 98 Crateulophus Masi Ins. 133 Creonella Wade Moll. 39 Cretacechinus Lambert & ThUry Echin. 14 Cribrellopsis Koehler Echin. 20 Cribrendoecium Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 12 Cricetiscus Thomas Mam. 23 Cruzia Travassos Verm. 20 Cryphalites Cockerell Ins. 112 Cryptosalius Turner Ins. 123 Cuphosopalpus Pic Ins. 105 Curiatius Distant Ins. 205 Curtolyprops Pic Ins. 103 Cyamidia Lambert & Thiery Echin. 14 Cyanopsis Townsend Ins. 195 Cynothrissa Regan Pisces 13 Cyphoderopsis Carpenter Ins. 226 Cystisella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 12 Cystophora Yabe & Hayasaka Coel. 9 Cyrtillus Aurivillius Ins. 114 Dacnitoides Ward & Magatli Verm. 20 Dacryonella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. .12 Dactylopopillia Arrow Ins. 97 Dacymba Jordan & Hubbs Pisces 17 Dakoticancer Rathbun Crust. 14 Daradaxoides Distant Ins. 205 Dartia Soar Arachn. 19 Dasycorsa Prout Ins. 165 Daubania Scott Ins. 119 Dauciscala de Boury Moll. 39 Deferundata Distant Ins. 206 Dellamora Normand Ins. 107 Delomys Thomas Mam. 23 Deltamys Thomas Mam. 23 Dendrozoum Fuchs Coel. 8 Desmoulinaster Lambert & Thiiry Echin. 14 Desmoxya Hallman Por. 4 Deuteroclara Villeneuve Ins. 195 Devisornis Mathews Aves 56 Dexopollenia Townsend Ins. 195 Dexosarcophaga Townsend Ins. 195 Dialeuronomada Quaintance & Baker Ins. 213 Dialeuropora Quaintance & Baker Ins. 213 Dialeuroplata Quaintance & Baker Ins. 213 Diaphanomyia Townsend Ins. 195 Diaphragmella Etheridge Moll. 51 4 Diascepsis Durrani Ins. 180 Diaugasma Melvill Moll. 31 Didymocentrus Aurivillius Ins. 114 Didymosella Ganu & Bassler Bry. , Brach. 12 Diholocynips Rohwer & Fagon Ins. 139 Dinardopsis Bruch Ins. 91 Dinarmolaelaps Masi Ins. 134 Diomys Thomas Mam. 23 Dionychella Silvestri Ins. 226 Diplopholeos Ganu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 12 Diplopola Bezzi Ins. 195 Dirhipis Enderlein Ins. 189 Dirphiphagus Brethes Ins. 134 Disemorpha Pic Ins. 106 Disphaerocephalus Cockerell Ins. 203 Distantinia Muir Ins. 206 Distefania Checchia-Rispoli Crust. 14 Doxomeres Meyrick Ins. 180 Dragmacidon Hallman Por. 4 Dragnmtella Hallman Por. 4 Drepanosticta Laidlaw Ins. 220 Du vita Busck Ins. 180 Ecthropsis Brethes Ins. 128 Ectoplana Kaburaki Verm. 16 Edmontosaurus Lambe Rept. 1 1 Elachertodomyia Girault Ins. 134 Elaphromyia Taylor Ins. 191 Electrobisium Cockerell Arachn. 17 Electrocyrtoma Cockerell Ins. 192 Electrofoenus Cockerell Ins. 131 Eleodiomyia Townsend Ins. 195 Elizabetha Schouteden Ins. 201 Embonyclia Navas Ins. 217 Emersonopsis Girault Ins. 134 Enoplostoniella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 13 Enteremna Meyrick Ins. 180 Enterponosia Matsumura Ins. 204 Entomocorus Eigenmann Pisces 15 Entomolepis Eigenmann Pisces 13 Enveja Navas Ins. 217 Eoscutum Lambert Echin. 15 Epaleura Meyrick Ins. 180 Epelytes Evermann & Radcliffe Pisces 16 Epicalotermes Silvestri Ins. 217 Epicyliosoma Silvestri Myr., Arachn. 22 Eptany tarsus Matsumura Ins. 189 Equirria Distant Ins. 206 Eremoctenia Scott Ins. 200 Eriaporus Water ston Ins. 134 Eriopreda Jeannel Ins. 203 Eryopsides Douthitt Rept. 13 Espejoia Burger Prot. 28 Esperona Navas Ins. 185 Ethmalosa Regan Pisces 12 Eucecidoses Brethes Ins. 181 Eucosmechinus Lambert & Thiery Echin. 15 Eucrotala Meyrick Ins. 181 Euidiella Townsend Ins. 195 Eulimostraca Bartsch Moll. 39 Euloewiopsis Townsend Ins. 195 Eumoorea Dyar Ins. 173 Eunotomyia Masi Ins. 134 Euolor Mathews Aves 35 Euparafrontina Brethes Ins. 195 Eupolmoides Masi Ins. 134 Eupelops Ewing Arachn. 17 Eupetochira Meyrick Ins. 181 Euphoroceropsis Townsend Ins. 195 Euphthiracarus Ewing Arachn. 17 Eupododexia Townsend Ins. 195 Euravinia Townsend Ins. 195 Eurycoenis Bengtsson Ins. 218 Eurymnus Bergroth Ins. 202 Eurytomidia Masi Ins. 134 Euscopoliopteryx Townsend Ins. 195 Eusynamphoneura Townsend Ins. 195 Eutetranychus Banks Arachn. 18 Eutheresiops Townsend Ins. 195 Euthlastoblatta Hebard Ins. 222 Exhyalella Stebbing Crust. 19 Exophthalmodes Pierce Ins. 110 Falsocamaria Pic Ins. 103 Falsoconopalpus Pic Ins. 105 Falsolaius Pic Ins. 100 Falsolophocnemis Pic Ins. 103 Falsonemostira Pic Ins. 106 Fascioloides Ward Verm. 17 Fauxulella Pilsbry Moll. 47 Fibulaster Lambert & Thiery Echin. 15 Flabellohedybius Pic Ins. 100 Fletcherimyia Townsend Ins. 195 Floridinella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 13 Folka Swinhoe Ins. 161 Fordicidia Distant Ins. 206 Formicilabia Rehn & Hebard Ins. 222 Formosemia Matsumura Ins. 204 Fossiger Wasmann Ins. 92 Fossulocephus Pic Ins. 139 Francoa Del Guercio Ins. 211 Freyellidea Fisher Echin. 20 Fushia Matsumura Ins. 211 Fusinella Thiele Moll. 33 Fustigerillus Wasmann Ins. 92 Gabrielona Iredale Moll. 41 Gajechinus Lambert & Thiery Echin. 15 Galleristhenia Hampson Ins. 173 Gargariscus Smith Pisces 18 Garmanichthys Eigenmann Pisces 15 Garricola Chamberlin Arachn. 15 5 Gastropella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 13 Geckobiella Banks Arachn. 18 Geniaspidius Masi Ins. 134 Geodiaphana Thiele Moll. 45 Geropascliia Hampson Ins. 174 Gibbostrongylium Pic Ins. 103 Gibrella Navas Ins. 186 Gigaleurodes Quaintarce & Balcer Ins. 213 Gigantotlieca Townsend Ins. 195 Gilbertella Turner Ins. 123 Ginglymacarus Ewing Arachn. 17 Girvanaster Spencer Echin. 20 Glauconympha Oberholser Aves 53 Glaucosarcophaga Townsend Ins. 195 Glossura Cockerell Ins. 121 Glyphinaphis Van der Coot Ins. 211 Glyphodiscus Fisher Echin. 20 Gnamptonoina Meyrick Ins. 181 Gnathobagrus Nichols & Griscom Pisces 14 Gobaishia Matsumura Ins. 211 Gogia Walcoit Echin. 24 Gonomyella Alexander Ins. 189 Gonial osa Regan Pisces 13 Gonimaretia Clark Echin. 15 Gorekia Bergstrom Verm. 25 Gorgosaurus Lambe Kept. 11 Grabauphylium Foerste Coel. 10 Grammeila Canu Bry., Brach. 13 Grammophora Gedoelst Verm. 21 Greenideoida Van der Goot Ins. 211 Griala Navas Ins. 186 Grypotes Dyar Ins. 161 Gudwana Distant Ins. 208 Guyia Thomas Mam. 23 Gyliauchen Pilsbry Moll. 48 Gymnonothrus Ewing Arachn. 17 Gyroneurella Baker Ins. 130 Halliella Broun Ins. 110 Halticorcus Lea Ins. 117 Hannabura Matsumura Ins. 211 Hapalosaris Meyrick Ins. 181 Haplonema Ward & Magath Verm. 21 Haplorhabdus Aurivillius Ins. 114 Hapsidopora Lang Bry., Brach. 13 Haringtonia Mathews & Iredale Aves 54 Harknessella Reed Brach. 5 Harpiliopsis Borradaile Crust. 16 Hayhurstia Del Guercio Ins. 211 Hedybioattalus Pic Ins. 100 Heligmostrongylus Travassos Verm. 21 Heliomantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 224 Hemigyroneuron Baker Ins. 130 Heminodus Smith Pisces 18 Hesperotingis Parshley Ins. 202 (n-4840 t) Heptaxodon Anthony Mam. 25 Heterectya Hallman Por. 4 Heterocarpoides De Man Crust. 16 Heterodamaeus Ewing Arachn. 17 Heterosphecia Le Cerf Ins. 148 • Hexeurytoma Dodd Ins. 135 Hiloa Pilsbry Moll. 41 Hilsa Regan Pisces 12 Hippadenella Canu & Bassler Bry. , Brach. 13 Hippellozoon Canu & Bassler Bry.* Brach. 13 Hippodiplosia Canu Bry., Brach. 13 Hippomenella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 13 Hippomolgus Sars Crust. 20 Hippoporella Levinsen Bry., Brach. 13 Hippozeugosella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 13 Hirayamaia Marumo Ins. 174 Holacarta Meyrick Ins. 181 Holotachytes Turner Ins. 123 Homilostola Meyrick Ins. 181 Homopsomys Anthony Mam. 25 Horamella Draudt Ins. 154 Horioctenus Chamberlin Arachn. 16 Horizonetta Oberholser Aves 45 Hyalacme Hesse Moll. 38 Hybocrossa Turner Ins. 181 Hydropionea Hampson Ins. 174 Hyllus Wade Moll. 32 Hymenicoides Kemp Crust. 14 Hymenosphecia Le Cerf Ins. 148 Hypersymmoca Chretien Ins. 181 Hypoxystis Prout Ins. 167 Hypselaster Clark Echin. 16 Hypselolampas Clark Echin. 16 Hypsipezum Alluaud Ins. 88 Hypsorinus Chamberlin Arachn. 15 Hyptiogastrites Cockerell Ins. 131 Hystatoderes Lameere Ins. 114 Hysterothylacium Ward & Magath Verm. 21 Idielliopsis Townsend Ins. 196 Idiospiza Todd Aves 67 Iguvium Distant Ins. 206 Uiotona Car nochan Ins. 93 Indocnemis Laidlaw Ins. 220 Inomys Thomas Mam. 23 Inososgenes Broun Ins. 110 Isolcomyrmex Santschi Ins. 126 Isomantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 224 Isophrictis Meyrick Ins. 181 Jaoksoneuma Brade-Birks Myr., Araohn. 22 Jicaltepecia Townsend Ins. 196 Johannsenia Guthrie Ins. 187 C 12-2 6 Keartlandia Mathews Aves 56 Kellymyia Townsend Ins. 198 Kenyacus Alluaud Ins. 88 Kiberbius Chamberlin Myr., Arachn. 22 Kleidionella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach 13 Kleidotomidea Rohwer & Fagan Ins. 139 Konjikia Nagano Ins. 155 Kronos Distant Ins. 209 -Kunugia Nagano Ins. 155 Kymella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 13 Labicria Enderlein Ins. 209 Lanicides Hessle Verm. 25 Laonoenia Hallman For. 4 Lasiothyris Meyrick Ins. 178 Latiblatetella Hebard Ins. 222 Larentioides Prout Ins. 167 Layardiella Mathews Aves 48 Lechrictenus Chamberlin Arachn. 14 Leidya Franga Prot. 26 Leiosella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 13 Leodamns Masi Ins. 135 Lepraliella Levinsen Bry., Brach. 13 Leptacanthaspis Jeannel Ins. 203 Leptaegeria Le Cerf Ins. 149 Leptolepis Ley Ins. 96 Leptonemobius Sjostedt Ins. 225 Leptosemia Matsumura Ins. 205 Leptotipula Alexander Ins. 189 Leucodrepanilla Nagano Ins. 155 Limentinus Distant Ins. 209 Limnohalacarus Walter Arachn. 19 Limnothrissa Regan Pisces 13 Liocalymene Raymond Arachn. 5 Liopagus Chamberlin Arachn. 17 Lissadoretus Arrow Ins. 97 Litocosmia Hebard Ins. 222 Loboa von Ihering Moll. 48 Lobothelphusa Bouvier Crust. 14 Loimos MacCallum Verm. 17 Longiimguis Van der Coot Ins. 211 Lophocera K enrich Ins. 174 Lophomops Allen Mam. 20 Lorymodes Hampson Ins. 174 Losbanyosia Muir Ins. 206 Lovellona Iredale Moll. 31 Loxomima Draudt Ins. 155 Loxotegopsis Dyar Ins. 174 Lychnopsis Vidal Moll. 46 Lysippides Hessle Verm. 26 Macchiatiella Del Guercio Ins. 211 Maclennania Mathews Aves 54 Macrogrotea Brithes Ins. 129 Macrosiphonerhis Chapman Aves 49 Macrotarsipodes Le Cerf Ins. 149 Macrostomoniella Baker Ins. 130 Macrotrotomma Pic Ins. 107 Mahenoyrtus Masi Ins. 135 Mahutia Laboissiere Ins. 117 Mafestas Distant Ins. 209 Mallochina Schmitz Ins. 193 Malmella Dognin Ins. 155 Maltzanella Hesse Moll. 49 Mamersopsoides Viets Arachn. 19 Mannia Prout Ins. 167 Mansakia Matsumura Ins. 211 Marianornis Mathews Aves 41 Mastersornis Mathews Aves 53 Matsumurana Distant Ins. 209 Matutinus Distant Ins. 206 Maurohelix Hesse Moll. 50 Mayena Iredale Moll. 35 Mayerella Huntsman Crust. 19 Mediorhynchus Cleave Verm. 22 Megagnatha Bolton Ins. 221 Megalosphecia Le Cerf Ins. 149 Meionops Marshall Ins. Ill Melanaphis Van der Goot Ins. 211 Melanospliecia Le Cerf Ins. 149 Melittina Le Cerf Ins. 149 Melognathus Chamberlin Arachn. 14 Membraniporidra Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 14 Membrendoecium Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 14 Merallus Masi Ins. 135 Mesomyites Cockerell Ins. 192 Mesopeltis Masi Ins. 135 Mesoseces Faura & Canu Bry., Brach. 14 Metacamarella Reed Brach. 5 Metacalosoter Masi Ins. 135 Metal aptus Malenotti Ins. 135 Metalliopsis Toivnsend Ins. 196 Metaphrya llceda Prot. 28 Metaphycus Merced Ins. 135 Metasphecia Le Cerf Ins. 149 Metoposarcophaga Toivnsend Ins. 196 Metracolposa Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 14 Metradolium Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 14 Metrocrypta Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 14 Metroperiella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 14 Micracanthorhynchus Travassos Verm. 22 Micreuchilia Pouillaude Ins. 98 Microcarphurus Pic Ins. 101 Microconomorphus Pic Ins. 105 Microcrypturus Chubb Aves 40 Microgoniadera Pic Ins. 103 Microlygris Prout Ins. 168 Micromyzus Van der Goot Ins. 211 7 Microphysetica Iiampson Ins. 174 Microryzomys Thomas Mam. 23 Microstomatichthys Nichols & Griscom Pisces 13 Microstrongylium Pic Ins. 103 Micro varus Jeannel Ins. 203 Microxylota Jones Ins. 193 Miltoravinia Townsend Ins. 196 Mimene Joicey & Talbot Ins. 147 Mimocastnia Seitz Ins. 144 Mimodacne Bedel Ins. 118 Mindana Muir Ins. 206 Miobantia Giglio-Tos Ins. 224 Miocora Calvert Ins. 220 Miyana Fruhstorfer Ins. 142 Monochorhynchus Muir Ins. 206 Monotripta Meyrick Ins. 182 Morpholycus Lea Ins. 108 Mossaoudia Clark Echin. 16 Muricollisis Knlccnthal Coel. 9 Musoniola Giglio-Tos Ins. 224 Myosaurus Haughion Kept. 11 Myxactia Villeneuve Ins. 196 TJapcia Navds Ins. 217 Nathrius Brethes Ins. 115 Neabrolepoideus Girault Ins. 135 Nemafcalosa Regan Pisces 13 Nematoserica Arrow Ins. 96 Nemospiza Oberholser Aves 60 Nemostiromorpha Pic Ins. 106 Neoamphitrite Hessle Verm. 26 Neobothynotus Wirtner Ins. 204 Neocremastus Cushman Ins. 129 Neocyclokara Muir Ins. 207 Neodendrokara Muir Ins. 207 Neodimmockia Dodd Ins. 135 Neogymnobates Ewing Arachn. 17 Neolamenia Muir Ins. 207 Neoleprea Hessle Verm. 26 Neomyzus Van der Goot Ins. 211 Neopastis Meyrick Ins. 182 Neopius Gahan Ins. 130 Neoprivesa Distant Ins. 207 Neorhizobius Del Guercio Ins. 212 Neorhopus Girault Ins. 135 Neorhyssalus Baker Ins. 130 Neoribatula Ewing Arachn. 17 Neosabellides Hessle Verm. 26 Neosciatheras Masi Ins. 135 Neosigala Turner Ins. 182 Neosphecia Le Cerf Ins. 149 Neotaxila Fruhstorfer Ins. 144 Neotephria Prout Ins. 168 Nesiotica Turner Ins. 156 Nesogenomorpha Pic Ins. 104 Neteja Navds Ins. 186 Neula Navds Ins. 186 Nicolella Reed Brach. 6 Nippocallis Matsumura Ins. 212 Nippolachnus Matsumura Ins. 212 Nipposiphum Matsumura Ins. 212 •Nishiyana Matsumura Ins. 212 Nobiliscala de Boury Moll. 39 Nocaldria Navds Ins. 186 Nodita Navds Ins. 186 Nothembius Chamberlin Myr., Arachn. 22 Nothorestias Muir Ins. 207 Notochaetopsis Townsend Ins. 196 Notocrinus Mortensen Echin. 24 Notodiaphana Thiele Moll. 44 Nofcoficula Thiele Moll. 34 Notoglyptus Masi Ins. 136 Nudacotyle Barker Verm. 17 Nudivagus Wade Moll. 36 Nurudea Matsumura Ins. 212 Nurudeopsis Matsumura Ins. 212 Nycteromimus Champion Ins. 105 Nyctobius Chamberlin Myr., Arachn. 22 Oabius Chamberlin Myr., Arachn. 22 Obriomorplia Aurivillius Ins. 115 Ochetosella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 14 Odontionella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 14 Oedisiphum Van der Goot Ins. 212 Ogivalina Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 14 Oliera Brtehes Ins. 182 Oligomantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 224 Ommaleskia Townsend. Ins. 196 Onychocnemis Marshall Ins. Ill Onychosfcruthus Richmond Aves 59 Operculella Monterosato Moll. 50 Ophiophthalmus Matsumoto Echin. 23 Ophiosemnotes Matsumoto Echin. 23 Ophiurothamnus Matsumoto Echin. 23 Opiconsiva Distant Ins. 207 Opsophasiopteryx Townsend Ins. 196 Opsophytopsis Townsend Ins. 196 Orbitestella Iredale Moll. 42 Orchamus Quaintance & Baker Ins. 213 Orchoporus Lambert & Thiery Echin. 17 Oridia Rioja Verm. 26 Orinocosa Chamberlin Arachn. 16 Orinomus Chamberlin Arachn. 14 Orinophonus Alluaud Ins. 89 Orionastraea Smith Coel. 10 Orolestes Thomas Mam. 28 Oromantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 224 Orosiotes Niishima Ins. 113 Osminia Le Cerf Ins. 149 Osmocnema Draudt Ins. 156 Oswaldocruzia Travassos Verm. 21 Otionella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach., 14 8 Otopsis Ditlevsen Verm. 26 Oturovana Reitter Ins. 94 Oxnerella Dobell Prot. 23 Oxyadoretus Arrow Ins. 97 Oxyclypeina Lambert & Thiery Echin. 17 Oxyelaea Giglio-Tos Ins. 224 Oxylechia Meyrick Ins. 183 Oxyophthal melius Giglio-Tos Ins. 224 Oxyrhynchaxius Parisi Crust. 15 Oxysarcodexia l^oivnsend Ins. 196 Oxythaphora Dyar Ins. 162 Pachybela Turner Ins. 183 Pachyloidellus Midler Arachn. 17 Pachysandalus Jeannel Ins. 203 Paganalia Distant Ins. 209 Pagobius Chamberlin Myr., Arachn. 22 Pagodinella Thiele Moll. 48 Palaeocliiropteryx Revilliod Mam. 20 Palaeoglandina Wenz Moll. 44 Palaeomantis Bolton Ins. 221 Palaeophyllophora Revilliod Mam. 19 Paliger Wasmann Ins. 92 Pannonia Pallary Moll. 37 Paobius Chamberlin Myr., Arachn. 22 Parabagous Sharp Ins. Ill Parabalaenanemertes Brinkmann Verm. 19 Parablastothrix Mercet Ins. 136 Paraboysidia Pilsbry Moll., 48 Parachrysocharis Girault Ins. 136 Paractocharis Cameron Ins. 91 Paradinia Draudt Ins. 156 Paraf undul us Eastman Pisces 16 Parageniaspis Masi Ins. 136 Paragyroneuron Baker Ins. 131 Parakosalya Distant Ins. 207 Paraliburnia Jensen- II aar up Ins. 207 Paramevania Draudt Ins. 156 Paramorea Wade Moll. 34 Paramyiocnema Girault Ins. 136 Paranastatus Masi Ins. 136 Paranepanthia Fisher Echin. 21 Paraphaenops Jeannel Ins. 89 Paraphasiopsis Townsend Ins. 196 Paraphytosus Cameron Ins. 91 Paraptica Meyrick Ins. 183 Pararoubaudia Villeneuve Ins. 196 Parasarcodexia Townsend Ins. 196 Parasciatheras Masi Ins. 136 Parasesia Le Cerf Ins. 149 Paratactopsis Townsend Ins. 196 Parathyris Douville Brach. 6 Paratimea Hallman Por. 4 Paratinanthus Lambert & Thihy Echin. 17 Parcoblatta Hebard Ins. 223 Pardalis Travassos Verm. 22 Paressisus Aurivillius Ins. 115 Paridris Brethes Ins. 138 Parochmastis Meyrick Ins. 183 Parodomyia Townsend Ins. 196 Pauronychella Silvestri Ins. 226 Pectinophora Busck Ins. 183 Pedrilliomorpha Pic Ins. 117 Pelagorhynchus Pavillard Prot. 27 Peltopyga Townsend Ins. 196 Peltostega Wiman Rept. 13 Peltotrachelus Marshall Ins. Ill Pemphigonotus Lamb Ins. 199 Pengalenganus Pic Ins. 103 Pentatomophaga de Meyer e Ins. 196 Perigastrella Canu & Bassler Bry. „ Brach. 14 Peripandalus De Man Crust. 16 Periporosella Canu & Bassler Bry. Brach. 14 Perissolalage Oberholser Aves 53 Perixestis Meyrick Ins. 183 Pliaenomys Thomas Mam. 24 Phaeoihadina Mathews & Iredale Aves 56 Phelsumaster Lambert & Thihy Echin.. 17 Philandia Germain & Kerremans Ins. 99 Philaristis Meyrick Ins. 183 Philodamus Quaintance & Baker Ins.. 213 Pliilosina Ris Ins. 220 Phlaebarodes Giglio-Tos Ins. 224 Phormiobius Broun Ins. 92 Phractoporella Lang Bry., Brach. 14 Phryganomima Hampson Ins. 175 Phycitodes Hampson Ins. 175 Phymotaxis Lambert & Thiery Echin. 17 Physalidicola Brethes Ins. 187 Pliysciomorphus Pic Ins. 105 Phyzanica Turner Ins. 183 Pickworthia Iredale Moll. 42 Pictoscala Dali Moll. 39 Pierogenes Meyrick Ins. 183 Pionatax Viets Arachn. 19 Plaeocarria Cockerell Ins. 221 Plagiosmittia Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 14 Platyclypeina Lambert & ThUry Echin . 17 Platycraniellus HoepenBept. 12 Platylimnobia A lexander Ins. 190 Platyrhopalides Wasmann Ins. 90 Playfairia Reed Brach. 6 Plecophlebus Cockerell Ins. 185 Plethotaenia Clark Echin. 17 Plutopaschia Hampson Ins. 176 Pneumobites Ward Verm. 18 Pnigomantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 224 Podochirus Schwartz Crust. 19 Podoclepsis Dequal Verm. 28 9 Poocilothrissa Regan Pisces 13 Poecilurus Todd Aves 61 Poikilosakos Watson Brach. 6 Polleniopsis Townsend Ins. 197 Polyeucta Turner Ins. 183 Polystomoides Ward Verm. 18 Polythecalis Yabe & Hayasdka Coel. 10 Polythore Calvert Ins. 220 Polytsrasaurus Haughton Rept. 11 Pontonides Borradaile Crust. 16 Porinula Levinsen Bry., Brach. 14 Potamothrissa Regan Pisces 13 Potniarcha Meyrick Ins. 183 Praetaxila Fruhstorfer Ins. 144 Premelittia Le Cerf Ins. 149 Primerenca Navas Ins. 185 Privesana Distant Ins. 207 Proaegeria Le Cerf Ins. 149 Probagous Sharp Ins. 112 Probalaenanemertes Brinkmann Verm. 19 Proctocopis Draudt Ins. 167 Procyliosoma Silvestri Myr. , Arachn. 23 Propachyneuronia Oirault Ins. 136 Propachytomoides Girault Ins. 136 Prosopophorella de Meyere Ins. 199 Prosthetocirca Townsend Ins. 197 Protarchyntis Meyrick Ins. 183 Protofoenus Cockerell Ins. 131 Protoscinis Cockerell Ins. 199 Prototheora Meyrick Ins. 177 Pseudalcathoe Le Cerf Ins. 149 Pseudanastatus Masi Ins. 136 Pseudobagous Sharp Ins. 112 Pseudoblapida Pic Ins. 104 Pseudocryphalus Swaine Ins. 113 Pseudodiscoides Lambert & Thiery Echin. 17 Pseudoechthistatus Pic Ins. 115 Pseudofigulina Hesse Moll. 50 Pseudogyroneuron Baker Ins. 131 Pseudolieterakis Travassos Verm. 22 Pseudohylesinus Swaine Ins. 113 Pseudomikiola Brethes Ins. 187 Pseudolagria Champion Ins. 106 Pseudoleacina Wenz Moll. 45 Pseudomaenas Prout Ins. 169 Pseudomelittia Le Cerf Ins. 149 Pseudomesalia Douville Moll. 36 Pseudophidiaster Clark Echin. 21 Pseudoplites Lameere Ins. 115 Pseudotadorna ICuroda Aves 45 Pseudotachinomyia Smith Ins. 197 Psychomantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 224 Ptilogenes Meyrick Ins. 183 Puranoides Moulton Ins. 205 Pycnothele Chamberlin Arachn. 14 Pycnozancla Turner Ins. 183 Pygospermopliagus Pic Ins. 116 Pyncostola Meyrick Ins. 183 Qucchuclla Chamberlin Arachn. 16 Rabdostigma Quaintance & Baker Ins. 213 Rachidiscodes Broun Ins. 112 Rafaelia Townsend Ins. 197 Raimondia Townsend Ins. 197 Raphidechinus Lambert & Thiery Echin. 17 Raviniopsis Townsend Ins. 197 Recicolus Jeannel Ins. 203 Rectonychocella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 14 Rensselaerina Dunbar Brach. 7. Reynellona Iredale Moll. 42 Rhachisphora Quaintance & Baker Ins. 213 Rhagomys Thomas Mam. 24 Rhaphoxya Hallman Por. 4 Rheomantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 224 Rhinophoracarus Viets Arachn. 19 Rhodacmea Walker Moll. 49 Rhodocepliala Walker Moll. 49 Rhodomahtis Giglio-Tos Ins. 224 Rhogasella Baker Ins. 131 Rhomantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 224 Rhottonia Murphy Aves 43 Rhumbleria Burger Prot. 23 Rhynchomyiopsis Townsend Ins. 197 Ridiaschina Brethes Ins. 183 Rileyopsis Bergevin Ins. 207 Rispolia Lambert Echin. 17 Rooseveltia Fox Ins. 200 Rondanioestrus Villeneuve Ins. 194 Rondoletia Naef Moll. 59 Rotulechmus Lambert & Thiery Echin. 18 Rouleophis Chabanaud Rept. 11 Rusostigma Quaintance & Baker Ins. 213 Salvaza Navas Ins. 186 Samlandaster Lambert Echin. 18 Sankisia Schouteden Ins. 202 Saraceniomyia Townsend Ins. 197 Sarcodexiopsis Townsend Ins. 197 Sarcophodexia Townsend Ins. 197 Sarothromyiops Townsend Ins. 197 Sasakiella Okubo Coel. 8 Sauromys Roberts Mam. 20 Scaeotes Durrant Ins. 184 Scarabaeophaga Townsend Ins. 197 Scepasma Enderlein Ins. 190 Schizadoretus Arrow Ins. 97 Schizaropsis Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 15 Schizella Bezzi Ins. 192 Schizellozoon Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 15 10 Schizemiella Canu & Bassler Bry. , Brach. 15 Schizobathysella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 15 Schizobodo Chatton Prot. 27 Schizoraavella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 15 Schizoneuraphis Van der Goot Ins. 212 Schizophorella Reed Brach. 7 Scliizopodrella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 15 Schizorthosecos Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 15 Schoenobiodes Hampson Ins. 176 Sciatherellus Masi Ins. 136 Scleronema Eigenmann Pisces 15 Scobina Wade Moll. 32 Scotteus Masi Ins. 136 Segregara Tucker Arachn. 14 Selenoritus Alluaud Ins. 89 Selysina Duboscq Prot. 24 Semihaswellia Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 15 Seminola Wade Moll. 34 Senzilla Navas Ins. 218 Serratapliis Van der Goot Ins. 212 Serropalpimorpha Pic Ins. 105 Serropalpolycus Pic Ins. 105 Setaphis Van der Goot Ins. 212 Shafferia Walcott Crust. 19 Slierbornia I redale Moll. 36 Silisoptinus Pic Ins. 102 Sindonophora Meyrick Ins. 184 Skiapus Morley Ins. 129 Soldanellonyx Walter Arachn. 19 Sosanopsis Hessle Verm. 27 Spalangiolaelaps Girault Ins. 137 Speleoplectus Minozzi Ins. 92 Sphegigastrella Masi Ins. 137 Sphindocis Fall Ins. 102 Spinolyprops Pic Ins. 104 Spinosphaera Hessle Verm. 27 Spirobolomyia Townsend Ins. 197 Stamenocella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 15 Stauromantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 225 Steganacarus Ewing Aracyn. 17 Stenelachistus Masi Ins. 137 Stenorhopalus Wasmann Ins. 90 Stenosphecia Le Cerf Ins. 149 Stenostreptus Carl Myr., Arachn. 23 Stenurostreptus Carl Myr., Arachn. 23 Stephanosella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 15 Stereoptila Meyrick Ins. 184 Stictiella Parker Ins. 125 Stictodrya Champion Ins. 105 Stigmaeopsis Banks Arachn. 18 Stolothrissa Regan Pisces 13 Stomachetosella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 15 Stomacoccus Ferris Ins. 215 Strogylocephala Crawford Ins. 210 Strongyl amnia Hallman Por. 4 Struthiomimus Osborn Rept. 1 1 Suavipsitta Mathews Aves 47 Subaturus Viets Arachn. 19 Subdysmorphorhynchus Kleine Ins. 113 Suberiopsis Broch Coel. 9 Suborycliodes Kleine Ins. 113 Sycopteron Bolton Ins. 186 Sycosoter Picard & Lichtenstein Ins. 131 Symphycus Masi Ins. 137 Synactia Villeneuve Ins. 197 Synamphoneuropsis Townsend Ins. 197 Synclialara Meyrick Ins. 184 Syncoptozus Enderlein Ins. 210 Syncyliosoma Silvestri Myr. Arachn. 23 Synhoplos Lamb Ins. 200 Synisoma Collinge Crust. 18 Synochitis Lambert Echin. 18 Synodontomys Allen Mam. 25 Synsynella Hay Crust. 18 Synthemiopsis Tillyard Ins. 220 Syringosoma Townsend Ins. 198 Systegnum Enderlein Ins. 191 Systellogaster Gahan Ins. 137 Systellus Kleine Ins. 113 Tachinaephagus Girault Ins. 137 Taeniaphora Kenrick Ins. 177 Taeniurites Cockerell Ins. 140 Taiwanosemia Matsumura Ihs. 205 Takanea Nagano Ins. 158 Takecallis Matsumura Ins. 212 Tanaorhamphus Ward Verm. 22 Tanypteryx Kennedy Ins. 220 Tarachodella Giglio-Tos Ins. 225 Tarachodula Giglio-Tos Ins. 225 Taterona Wroughton Mam. 24 Taumantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 225 Tauromantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 225 Tecupa Swinhoe Ins. 148 Tegoribates Ewing Arachn. 17 Teleosphecia Le Cerf Ins. 150 Telmatactis Gravier Coel. 10 Teluropus Marshall Ins. 112 Tembandumba Distant Ins. 208 Temnodiscus Lambert Echin. 18 Tephomyiella Townsend Ins. 198 Tetralicia Harrison Ins. 213 Tetrancistrum Goto & Kikuchi Verm. 18 Tetranobia Banks Arachn. 18 Tetranychina Banks Arachn. 18 Thalerostoma Meyrick Ins. 184 Thamboceras DouvilU Moll. 59 Thaumastonyx Alluaud Ins. 89 Thauritens Pavillard Prot. 28 Theomantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 225 11 Theopompolla Giglio-Tos Ins. 225 Theopompula Giglio-Tos Ins. 225 Theresea Pic Ins. 104 Thibefcia Joicey & Iiayc Ins. 150 Tholeopelta Lambert & Thifay Echin. 18 Thoracaphis Van der Goot Ins. 212 Thripsaphis Gillette Ins. 212 Thylepticocnema Townsend Ins. 198 Thyrinops Hubbs Pisces 17 Thyromorpha Turner Ins. 184 Thyrospiza Oberlxolser Aves 60 Thysanopsis Townsend Ins. 198 Tigobius Chamberlin Myr. , Arachn. 22 Tilithemis Sjostedt Ins. 220 Tillopsis Berlioz Ins. 1 18 Tisma Giglio-Tos Ins. 225 Titarrogrypa Townsend Ins. 198 Titanoides Gidley Mam. 27 Todolachnus Matsumura Ins. 213 Tournoueraster Lambert Echin. 18 Toxemma Hallman Por. 4 Trachymantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 225 Trachyzancla Turner Ins. 184 Transculicia Dyar Ins. 189 Trematoichos Canu & Bassler Bry. , Brach. 15 Tricercomonas Wenyon & O'Connor Prot. 27 Trichanomala Arrow Ins. 97 Trichaphaenops Jeannel Ins. 90 Trichinochaeta Townsend Ins. 198 Trichobaptria Prout Ins. 170 Trichodolichopeza Alexander Ins. 190 Trichometallea Townsend Ins. 198 Trichotriura Silvestri Ins. 226 Trifur Wilson Crust. 21 Triphyllozoon Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 15 Triporobius Chamberlin Myr., Arachn. 22 Tripselia Scott Ins. 200 Trisoleniella Rohwer & Fagan Ins. 139 Trisphaera Vinassa Prot. 23 Trixosarcophaga Townsend Ins. 198 Trochiloleskia Townsend Ins. 198 Tropacarus Eiving Arachn. 17 Trophodiscus Fisher Echin. 22 Tropicoritus Alluaud Ins. 90 Tubucella Canu & Bassler* Bry., Brach. 15 Tulaeopoda Townsend Ins. 198 Tunabo Chamberlin Arachn. 16 Tutaibo Chamberlin Arachn. 15 Tylopora Lang Bry., Brach. 15 Tylopterna Bezzi Ins. 200 Tylotia Melvill Moll. 32 Ugartea Bartsch Moil. 41 Umbclusia Townsend Ins. 198 Uranocentrodon Hoepen Rept. 13 Uraphis Del Guercio Ins. 213 Urocopia Sars Crust. 21 Uromantis Giglio-Tos Ins. 225 Urortalis Cockerell Ins. 200 Velumella Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 15 Ventriculus Wenz Moll. 38 Veprecula Melvill MolJ. 32 Verdunia Mercet Ins. 138 Veromessor For el Ins. 127 Vespanthedon Le Cerf Ins. 150 Vetofistula Etheridge Bry., Brach. 15 Vibracellina Canu & Bassler Bry., Brach. 15 Vizcaya Muir Ins. 208 Volcanalia Distant Ins. 208 Wailamyctes Archey Myr., Arachn. 22 Waskia Wenyon & O'Connor Prot. 27 Watabura Matsumura Ins. 213 Wilderia Pratt Verm. 18' Willowsia Shoebotham Ins. 227 Wohlfartiopsis Townsend Ins. 198 Wunderia Grossbeck Ins. 177 Wuria Viets Arachn. 19 Xantharete Draudt Ins. 159 Xenanusia Girault Ins. 138 Xenoscarus Evermann & Radcliffe Pisces 17 Xerocrates Meyrick Ins. 184 Xygographa Meyrick Ins. 184 Yamataphis Matsumura Ins. 213 Yamatocallis Matsumura Ins. 213 Yezabura Matsumura Ins. 213 Yezaphis Matsumura Ins. 213 Yezocallis Matsumura Ins. 213 Yezoterpnosia Matsumura Ins. 205 Zanclidia Prout Ins. 171 Zaommoencyrtus Girault Ins. 138 Zarax Fruhstorfer Ins. 144 Zeagyrtes Broun Ins. 93 Zenocolon Broun Ins. 93 Zonagrion Kennedy Ins. 220 Zuffardia Checchia-Rispoli Echin. 18 Zygastropyga Townsend Ins. 198 Zygocotyle Stunkard Verm. 18 This preservation photocopy was made and hand bound at BookLab, Inc. in compliance with copyright law. The paper, Weyerhaeuser Cougar Opaque Natural, meets the requirements of ANSI /NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). Austin 1994