S3/ ( * f ■ ■ >4^ tv': Hi Ir V ■ ■ * i u ,. ■ ■■■ ■. /= % ■ THE ZOOLOGICAL RECORD / VOLUME TUB FIFTY-SIXTH BEINO RECORDS OF ZOOLOGICAL LITERATURE RELATING CHIEFLY TO 'FHE YEAR 1919 Compiled for the Zooloqtoal Society op London with Assistanoe from the Regional Bureaus of the International Catalogue, by D. Sharp, II. M. Woodcock, A. K. Totton, F. W. Edwards, II. B. Preston, W. T. Calman, C. T. Regan, W. L. Solater, and M. Hinton superintended by DAVID SHAllF, M.A., F.R.S., F.Z.S., &o. Explorate solum ; sio fit via certio LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY; SOLD AT TDEIR EOUSE IN EEQENT’S PARK MDCCCCXXI. 11 Papers and Memoirs intended for this work slionld be addressed to “The Editor of the Zoological Record, Zoological Society, Regent’s Park, London, N.W. 8.” It is earnestly requested that in the case of separately-printed copies of papers so forwarded, the original pagination may be indicated. Ill EXPLANATORY. This Volume is printed in the Divisions ennineiated on p. iv. The pagination of each Division is separate, and is given at the left-hand top corner of the pages. The number and name of the Division is given as a heading on each left-hand page. The Registra- tion Numbers when of importance are given at the right-hand top corner of the right-hand pag(*s. The date 1919 corresponding to the bulk of the literature indexed is given at the right-hand top corner of the left-hand page. In the Subject Index of each Division authors are (piotcd liy name only. The full references will be found in the Title Section of the Division. The Literature indexed is mainly that of 1919 but includes entries for earlier years that have been received too late for inclusion in previous volumes. On account of the international situation, the Royal Society of London found itself unable to undertake at present any financial responsibility for any volumes of the International Catalogue subsequent to those of the Fourteenth Annual Issue. Under these circumstances the Zoological Society of London arranged to undertake the issue of the present volume, which is the fifty-sixth of the Zoological Record, and would have been N. Zoology of the Nineteenth Annual Issue of the International Catalogue. Its preparation has been conducted as closely as possible on the model of the previous volumes prepared jointly by the International Catalogue and the Zoological Society. It can now be purchased from the Zoological Society of London at the price of £2, either in the binding of the Zoological Record or in series with the International Catalogue. Volume 57, dealing with the Literature of 1920, is in preparation. An explanatory circular regarding issues subsequent to 1920 will shortly be issued to subscribers. IV CONTENTS. I. COMPREGENSIVE and GENERAL ZOOLOGY. II. PROTOZOA. III. PORIFERA OK SPONGIAE. IV. COELENTERATA. V. ECHINODERMAa’A. . VI. VERMIDEA: including Gephvkea and Ptekobkangiiiata. VII. BRAOIIIOPODA and BRYOZOA ok POLYZOA. VIII. MOLLUSOA. IX. ARTHROPODA (General). X. CRUSTACEA. XI. ARACHNIDA and MYRIOPODA; including also OSTKACA, EuRYPTERIDA, PrOTOTRACHEATA. Gigant- XII. INSECT A. XIII. PROCHORDATA = Tunicata, Cepdalociiordata, PNEUSTA. Enteuo- XIV. VERTEBRATA (General). XV. PISCES. XVI. REPTILIA and BATRACHIA. XVII. AVES. XVIII. MAMMALIA. Alphabetical Index of New Names of Geneka and iSuboenera. I. COMPREHENSIVE ZOOLOGY BY D. SHARP This section includes works that deal with more than one branch of Zoology, or that are of general interest to Zoologists. It is, therefore, not complete in itself as regards any one subject included in it. The special records complete each subject. A few memoirs included in the special records are repeated in this division. CONTENTS PAGE I. Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 4 II. Subject-Index : — Hyperzoologj^ : — Philosophical =0000 .. .. .. ,. .. 12 Historical = 0010 : Biography, Obituary notices . . . . . . . . 12 Reports =0020 (vacant) General Treatises, Text-books = 0030 .. . . .. 12 Bibliography =0032 .. .. .. .. 12 Addresses, Lectures, &c. = 0040 (vacant) Pedagogy = 0050 (vacant) Institutions, Museums, Economic= 0060 . . .. ... 12 Nomenclature=0070 .. .. .. .. .. 12 Methods, Technique=0090 .. .. .12 (k-13799(7)q ' a 1 2 Morphology = 0207 — PAGK General, Miscellaneous .. 12 Nervous System .. 12 Blood .. 12 Physiology = 0211 — Oytological. Protoplasm and cell .. 12 Sex . . Metabolic (vacant) .. 12 F unction .. 12 Colour . . . , .. 12 Environment, Adaptation . . Vitality, Senescence, Death (vacant) .. 12 Chemical .. 12 Development = 02 15 — General Ovum, oogenesis (vacant) Spermatozoon, spei’inatogenesis (vacant) .. 13 Fertilization . .. 13 Parthenogenesis Embryology. Metamorphosis (vacant) .. 13 Regeneration .. 13 Ethology =02 19 — General .. 13 Phenology . . .. 13 Migration Food-habits (vacant) Parental (vacant) Sexual (vacant) .. 13 Social .. 13 Luminosity . . ; . . . . .. 13 Parasitism Voice (vacant) Habitat, inch Speleology (vacant) . . 13 Oceanic, Plankton general .. 13 Psychology, Tropisms .. 13 Aetiology and Variation = 0223 — General .. 13 Variation, Mutation. . Teratology (vacant) Hybrids (vacant) Telegony .. 13 .. 13 Heredity .. 13 Evolution. Origin of species Pliylogeny (vacant) ., 13 3 , PAGE Geography = 0227 — General . . . . . . . . . . , . . , 13 Faunae: — Ocean . . . . . . . . . . .... 13 Europe and Mediterianean .. .. .. .. 13 Asia, Malay Archipelago . . . . . . . . 14 , Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 North America .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 South America, etc. . . . . . . . . . . 14 Australia .. .. .. .. ..14 Arctic . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 14 Taxonomy (or Systematic) =0231 14 4 Compr. Zool. . Comprehensive Zoology. [1919] I.— TITLES. Abel, O. Dio Stain me dor Wirbel- thioro. Berlin & Leipzig, de Gruyter 1019 (914 pp.) G69 figs. Review, Nature 108 p. 274. 1 Adami, J. G. Medical contributions to the study of evolution. London (Duckworth &Co.) 1918 (xviii + 372). 2 Adams, 0. 0. Migration as a factor in Evolution ; its ecological Dynamics, ii. Amer. Nat. 53 1919 (55-78). 3 Agar, W. E-, vide Bower, Kerr and Agar. Agduhr, E. Is the post-embryonal growth of the nervous system due only to an increase in size or also to an in- crease in number of the neurones ? Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 27 1919 (1011-1033 1038- 1056) 1 pi. Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 21 1919 (944-965 1024- 1042) pi. . 4 Alexeieff, A. Mitochondries ot role morphog^no du noyau, Paris C. R. soo. biol. 80 1917 (361-363). 5 Allee, W. C. Note on animal distri- bution following a hard winter. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 36 1919 (96-104). 6 Allen, E. J. Address [presidential]. Ann. Rep. Plymouth Inst. Plymouth 16 1918 (5-27). 7 Andrews, O. V. An ecological survey of Lake Butte des Morts bog, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Bull. Wisconsin Soc. 13 1915 (196-211) figs. 8 Annandale, N. The fauna of certain small streams in the Bombay presidency, Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (109- 161) pis. i-vii. 9 [Anon.] Consoil permanent inter- national pour I’exploration do la mer. Rapports ct proems -verbaux des re- unions. 25 .* Rapports administratifs &c. (1916-17, 1917-18). Coponhague Host & fils 1919 (37). 10 [Anon.] Ernst Haeckel. Nature London 103 1919 (487 and 488). 11 [Anon.] Records of Ceylon species. Spolia zeylanica. Colombo 10 1917 (380-394). 12 Apstein, C, Untor Mitwirkung zahh-eicher Spezialisten. Nomina conservanda. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915 1915 (119-202) and supple- ment 1916 (161-163). 13 Baker, E. C. S. Subspecies and the field naturalist. J. Bombay Soc. Bom- bay 26 1919 (518-524). 14 Baker, F. C. Studies in agriculture or fresh-water farming. J, Amey. Mus. N. H. New York 19 1919 (479- 488). 15 Basedow, H. Narrative of an expedi- tion of exploration in North-Western Australia. Proc. S. Aust. Branch R. Geog. Soo. Aust. 18 1918 (105-295) 41 pis. 16 Bateson, W. The progress of mendelism. Nature. London 104 1919 (214-216) with correction (315). 17 Beebe, W. Jungle peace. Now York (Holt & Co.) 1918 (297). 18 Bonnefon, G. Regeneration nYgale pas revivisceneo. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (85-89). 19 Boulenger, G. A. L’evolution est-elle reversible ? Considerations au sujet de certains poissons. C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris 168 1919 (41-44). 20 Bourne, G. C. Fifty years of the “ Quarterly Journal of microscopical science ” under the editorship of Sir E. Ray'Lankestor. Quart. J. micr. Sci. London 64 1919 (1-17). 21 5 Gompr. Zool. Titles. 0000 Bower, F. O., Kerr, J. G. and Agar, W. E. Lectures on sex and heredity delivered in Glasgow, 1917-18. London (Macmillan) 1919 (vi + 119). 22 Buhigas, R. S. Replica a la nota y observaciones do D. F. de Buen a la Mcmoria “ La Purga del mar o HemU' tolalasia.'^ Bol. Soc. Espah. Hist. Nat. Madrid 18 1918 (348-356). 23 Butterfield, W. R. Notes on the local fauna, flora and meteorology for 1918. Hastings Nat., St. Leonards 3 No. 2 1919 (1-20). 24 Castle, W. E. Docs Evolution occur exclusively by loss of genetic factors ? Amer. Nat. 53 1919 (555-558). 25 Chapman, H. G. Presidential address. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. Sydney 44 1919(1-35). / 26 Chumley, J. The fauna of the Clyde sea area, being an attempt to record the zoological results obtained by the late Sir John Murray and his assistants on board S.Y. “ Medusa ” during the years 1884 to 1892. Glasgow Univ. Press 1918 (vi + 200) map. 27 Clark, T. H. A section in the Trenton limestone at Martinsburg, New York. Bull.Mus. Harvard Coll. 63 1919 (20 pp.) pi. 28 Classen, Th. Do sydrussisko Haves Biologi. The biology of the Caspian and the Black Sea. Kobonhavn Googr. Tids. 25 1919 (26-37) with 5 figs. 29 Clementi, A. Ricercho sull’ arginasi : V. sulla presenza doll’ arginasi ncll’ organismo di qualche invertebrato. Atti Ace. Lincei Rend. Roma 27 I 1918 (299-302). 30 Collett, M. E. Resistance'of cilia to cytolytic agents. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 36 1919(423-428). 31 Collin, A. Wilhelm Weltner, ein Nachruf. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9 1918 (61-70). 32 Conklin, E. G. Has progressive evolution come to an end ? J. Amer. Mus. N. H. New York 19 1919 (35-39). 33 Dakin, W. J. The Percy Sladen trust expeditions to the Abrolhos islands. Report 1. Introduction . . . the (N-13799 q) Q formation of the islands. J. Linn. Soc. zool. London 34 1919 (127-180). pis. x- xiv. 34 Danforth, C. H. Evidence that germ cells are subject to selection on the basis of their genetic potentialities. .Journ. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia 28 1919 (385- 412). 35 de Buen, F. Sobre la coloracion roja del agua en las Rias bajas y la bologia de la sardina. Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 18 1918 (327-331). 36 Delage, Y. Suggestion sur la nature et los causes do I’herMit^ segregative (caracteres mendeliens) et do I’heredite agregative (caracteres non mendeliens). C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris 168 1919 (30-36). 37 Dendy, A. [and others]. Animal life and human progress. London (Con- stable) 1919 (ix + 227). 38 Detwiler, S. R. The effects of trans- planting limbs upon the formation of nerve plexuses and the development of peripheral neurones. Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. Washington 5 1919 (324-331). 39 Doncaster, L. An introduction to the study of cytology. Cambridge (Uni- versity Press) (xiv -p 280) xxiv pis, 40 Driesch, H. Studien ueber Anpassung und Rhythmus. Biol. Zentralbl. 39 1919 (433-462). 41 Droogleover Fortuyn, A. B. Over vortebratonzonuwen mot den bouw van evertobratonzonuwen. [On two nerves of vertebrates agreeing in structure with the nerves of invertebrates.] Amster- dam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad.Wet. 27 1919 (783-784) (Dutch). Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 21 1919 (756- 758) (English). 42 Dubois, E. De beteekenis der grootte van het neuron en zyn deelen. [The significance of the size of the neurone and its parts.] Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 27 1919 (503- 520) (Dutch). Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 21 1919 (711-729) (English). 43 Dubois, Raphael. A propos de rochorches r^centes de M. Newton . Harvey sur la biophotogen^se. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 165 1917 (33-35). 44 Diirken, B. Einfuhrung in die Experimentalzoologic. Berlin 1919 [not seen by Recorder]. 45 a 1-2 6 Conipr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1919] Duesbergy J. On the present status of the chondriosome problem. Biol. Bull. AVoods Hole 36 1919 (71-81). 46 East, E. M. and Jones, H. F. In- brooding and outbreeding, their genetio and sociological significance, Phila- delphia, Lippinoott 1919 (285 pp.) *16 illiistr. 47 Evermann, B. W. A century of zoology in Indiana, 1816-1916. Proc. Indiana Ac. 1916 1917 (189-224). 48 Ewart, J. C. Telegony. Nature London 104 1919 (216 and 217), 49 Falz-Fein, P. von. Einiges fiber den Tierpark von Askania Nova und seine Entstchung. S.B. Oes, natf. Fr, Berlin 1919 1919 (296-302). 50 Fanthara, H. B. Evolution and man- kind. S. Afric. Journ. Sc. 15 (287-305) 1919 Cape Town. 51 Fenyes, D. Podigree-orokles. Pedi- gree inheritance. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 15 1917 (383-421). 52 Fisher, R. A. The correlation between relatives on the supposition of mendelian inheritance. Tr. R. Soc. Edinburgh 52 1919 (399-433). 53 Forel, A. Richard Semon. Bull. Soo. Vaud. Lausanne 52 1019 (350-361). 54 Forrest, H. E. A handbook to the vertebrate fauna of North Wales. London, Witherby 1919 (v 4- 109). 55 Fraser, C. McL. Migrations of marine animals. Trans. R. Soc. Canada 12 1919 (139-143). 56 Frisch, K. von. Demonstration von Versuchen zum Nachweis des Farben- sinnes bei angeblich total farbenblin- den Tiercn. Verb, doutsch. zooh Ges. Berlin 24 1914 (50-58). 57 Galippe, V. Parasitisme normal et microbiose. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 165 1917 (162-164). 58 Garstang, W. Nature and man. Presidential address. Naturalist Lon- don 1919 1919 (89-96, 123-134). 59 Gaudissart, P. Roseau protoplas- miquo et chondriosomes dans la gen^se des myofibrillcs. Cellule Louvain 30 1919 (27-43) 2 pis. 60 Goodrich, E. S. The pseudopodia of the leucocytes of invertebrates. Quart. J. micr. Sci. London 64 1919 (19-26) 'pis. i and ii. 61 Grdper, L. ]\[eohani8cho Betrach- tungen und Vorsuche fiber Zellform und Ztdigrosso. Arcli. Entwicklungsmocli. Berlin 45 1919 (443-454). 62 Gravely, F. H. A note on the marine invertebrate fauna of Chandipore, Orissa. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (395-399). 63 Grinnell, J., vide Hall and Grinnell. Gunther, H. Das Sohraubungs- prinzip in der Natur. Biol. Centralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (513-526). 64 Guenther, K. Gedankcn zur Deszen- denztheorie. Verb, deutsch. zool. Ges. Berlin 24 1914 (91-112). 65 Gutherz, S. Zur Lchrc vom Ursprung der ticrischen Keimzellen. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bonn. 92 2 1919 (1— 10) pis. i and ii. 66 Haldane, J. B, S, The probable errors of calculated linkage values, and the most accurate method of deter- mining gametic from certain zygotic series. Journ. Genetics Cambridge 8 1919 (291-297). 67 Hall, H. M. and Grinnell, J. Life-zone indicators’ in California. Proc. Calif. Ac. San Francisco 9 1919 (37-67). 68. Harmer, S. F. Progress of the natural history museum. Nature London 104 1919 (353). 69 Harvey, Ethel B. Mitotic division of binucleate cells. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 37 1919 (96-98). 70 Heikertinger, F. Nomenklatorische Rctormen. iii. Das Kontinuitat- sprinzip in der Tierbenennung. Ver- such einer Losung des Problems ; wie kann fiir jedes Lebewesen auf der ganzen Erde und fiir alle Zeiten ein einzig geltende Name gesichert werden ? Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 1919 (299-302). 71 Heinroth, 0. Zum Gedachtnis an das Hinschoiden von Gehoimrat Professor Dr. Hrauer. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 1917 (497 and 498). 72 7 Compr. Zool. TrtLES. 0000 Heifer, H. Geschichte der biolog- ischon Wassoranalyso. Arch. Hydro - biol. 11 1917 (905-592) figs. 73 Henning, H. Mnemelehro odor Tierpsychologio ? Biol. Zentralbl. 39 1919 (187-192). [Cf. Forel p. 478 T.C.] 74 Herdman, W. A. An address on some pcriodie changes in Nature. Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Liverpool 33 1919 (39-50). 75 Herdman, W. A. An intensive study of the marine plankton around the south end of the Isle-of-man. Proe. Liverpool biol. soe. Liverpool 33 1919 (95-105). 76 Herlant, M. Sur les variations de Tolume du noyau de Toouf active. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 164 1917 (412- 415). 77 Herlant, E. Comment agit la solu- tion hyportoni(juo dans la parth6no- gcn6so oxp6rimcntalo, ii. Lo m^can- isine do la segmentation. Arch. Zool. exp. Paris 58 1919 Notes (291-314) pis. xiii and xiv. 78 Herrera, A. L. Sur uno nouvelle technique pour preparer des imitations de cellules nucleus. Bull. Soc. Zool. France Paris 44 1919 (70-72). 79 Heuscher, H. Das Zooplankton des Ziirichsees mit besonderer Beruck- siehtigung der Variabilitat einigcr Planktoncladoceren. Arch. Hydrobiol. 11 1916 (1-81, 153-240) figs. 80 Horvdth, G. Kitaibel pal dllattahi megfigyclesei. (Observationes zbologi- cae Pauli Kitaibel. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 16 1918 (1-26). 81 Houwink, R. Erfelykhoid. Popu- laire boschouwingen omtront het tegen- woordige standpunt der crfelykheid. [Erbliehkeit Populaire Betrachtungen liber den gegenwiirtigen Standpunkt der Erbliehkeit.] Assen (Floralia) 1919 (62) 13 Taf. 25 cm. 82 Howard, L. 0. Recollections of the early days of the biological Society. P. biol. Soc. Washington 32 1919 (271- 279). 83 Hudson, W. H. Far away and long ago. A history of my early life. Lon- don (Dent & Sons) 1918 (xii -f- 332) 84 (n-13799 q) Q Hudson, W. H. The book of a naturalist. London (Hodder & Stough- ton) 1919 (360 pp.). 85 Jacobs, Acclimatisation as a factor affecting the upper thermal death points of organisms. Journ. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia 27 1919 (427-442). 86 Jensen, A. S. • Quaternary fossils collected by the danish expedition (to the north-east of Greenland 1906-8). K0benhavn Medd. Grpnl. 43 No. 21 1917 (619-632). 87 Jespersen, P. Sargassohavet og dets Dyreliv. The animal life of the Sargasso -sea. Kpbenhavn Naturens Verden 3 1919 (551-572) with 18 figs. 88 Johnston, E. N. vide Lillie and John- ston. Jones, D. F. vide East and Jones. Jordan, II . Dio Phylogonoso dor Loistungen des zontralon Nervon- systoins. Biol. Contralbl. Loipzig 39 1919 (462-472). 89 Jourdy. L’heritago de Lamarck. Etude de philosophie biologique. Ann. Sci. Nat. Paris s6r. 10 2 1918 (133-160). 90 Jullien, J. Pratique photographique et reproduction des sujets do collection. Pr. V. Genbve Bull. Soc. Zool. 2 1913/17 (41-42) 91 Keith, A. Gustav Magnus Retzius. Nature London 103 1919 (448 and 449). 92 Kerr, J. G. vide Bower, Kerr and Agar. Kohlbrugge, J. H. F. Der Akademie- streit im Jahre 1830, der niomals enden wird. Biol. Centralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (489-494). . 93 Kukenthal, W. Dio Bedeutiing der Verbreitung mariner Bcdonticro fiir die Palaogeographie. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (208-228). 9^ Lang, A. Ob die Wassertiere horen ? Winterthur, Mitt. Natf. Ges. 4 1903 (3-55). 95 Lang, W. D. Old ago and extinction in fossils. Proc. Gcol.^ Ass. London. 30 1919 (102-113). 96 Lankester,,-®*^ E. R. The terminology of parthenogenesis. Quart. J. micr. Sci. London 63 1919 (531-536). 97 a 1-3 [1919] 8 Compr. Zooh I. Comprehensive Zoology. Lankester, Sir E. R. The foundation of biological sciences. Nature London 104 1919 (198-201). 98 Latzin, P. H. Die Rollo der Aus- gleichsprinzipe in der Theorie des Lebens. Biol. Zentralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (318-325). 99 Lebedinsky, N. G. Geschlochtsdimor* phismus und sexualselection Verb, naturf. Ges. Basel 30 1919 (273-280) 100 Lillie, F. R. Problems of fertiliza- tion. (Univ. Chicago Sci. ser.) 1919 (xii -P 278). 101 Lillie, R. S. and Johnston, E. N. Precipitation - structures simulating organic growth, ii. A contribution to the physico-chemical analysis of growth and heredity. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 36 1919 (225-272) 6 pis. 102 Lobo, B. Jubileu de Hugo do Vries. Revist. brasileira Rio do Janeiro 2 1918 (19-04). 103 Locy, W. A. The main currents of zoology. New York 1918 (vii -p 210). 104 Lohmann, H. None Untorsuchungen iiber die Verteilung des Planktons im Ozean. S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916 1910 (73-120) Taf. i-iii. 105 Lohmann, H. Ernst Vanhoffen. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9 1918 (73-90). 106 Lund, E. J. A simple method for measuring carbon dioxide produced by small organisms. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 36 1919 (105-114). 107 Lydekker, R. [the late]. Wild life of the world : a descriptive survey of the geographical distributionof animals. London (Warne & Co.) 1910 vol. i (xiv -p 472) vol. ii (xii -P 4^0) vol.iii (xi -P 457). Review Nature 104 p. 09. 108 Maofarlane, J. M. The causes and course of organic evolution : a study in bioenergics. New York and London (Macmillan) 1918 (ix -p 875). Review Nature 104 pp. 149-151. 109 Mac Leod, J. The quantitative method in biology. Manchester biol. series 11 1919 (xii -P 228). 110 Mansuy, H. Paleontologie de TAnnam et du Tonkin. Memoires du service g4ologique de I’lndo-Chine Hanoi 2 fasc. 3 1913 (49) fig. Ill Mansuy, H. Contribution fi I’^tudo des faunes paleozoiques et triasiques du Tonkin. Memoires du service geologique de I’Indo-Chine Hanoi 2 fasc. 5 1913 (5-29) fig. 112 Mansuy, H. Faune du Carboniferien inf(^ricur du Tran-Ninh. Memoires dll service geologique de ITndo-Chine Hanoi 2 fasc. 5 1913 (30-33) fig. 113 Mansuy, H. Description d’esp^ces nouvellcs des terrains paleozoiques et triasicpies du Tonkin. Memoires du service geologique do I’lndo-Chine Hanoi 3 fasc. 2 1914 (15-24) fig. 114 Mansuy, H. Contribution k la paleontologie du Laos. Memoires du ■.service geologique do ITndo-Chine Hanoi 3 fasc. 2 1914 (27-34) fig. 115 . Mansuy, H. Gisements liasiques des schistes do Trian (Cochinchine), Me- moircs du service g6ologiquo de ITndo- Chine Hanoi 3 fasc. 2 1914 (37-39) fig. 116 Mansuy, H. Nouvello contribution fi la paldontologio du Yannan. M6- moires du service geologique de ITndo- Chine Hanoi 3 fasc. 2 1914 (1-12) fig. 117 Mansuy, H. Etude des faunes paleozoiques et mesozoiques des feuilles de Thu-nho-quan et de Sontay (Tonkin). Memoires du service geologique de ITndo-Chine Hanoi 3 fasc. 2 1914 (43-85) fig. 118 Mansuy, H. Faunes des calcaires a Productus do ITndo-Chine. Me- moires du service geologique do ITndo- Chine Hanoi 2 fasc. 4 1913 (135) fig. 3 fasc. 3 1914 (59) fig. 119 Mansuy, H. Faunes cambriennes du Haut-Tonkin. Alemoircs du service g6ologique do ITndo-Chine Hanoi 4 fuse. 2 1915 (35) fig. 120 Mansuy, H. Contribution k Tetude des faunes de I’Ordovicien et du Goth- landien du Tonkin. Memoires du service geologique do ITndo-Chine Hanoi 4 fasc. 3 1915 (22) fig. 121 Marchal, P. Les sciences biologiques appliquees a I’agriculture et la lutte contre les ennemis des plantes aux Etats-Unis. Annalcs du service des 6piphyties Paris 3 1910 (31-382) 155 fig. [paru .egalement a part]. 122 9 Compr. Zool. Titles. 0000 Meves, F. Dio Plastosomentheorio dor Vororbnng. Eino Antwort auf vorachiodono .Einwiindc. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bonn 92 2 (41-130). 123 Miller* L. E. In the wilds of South America : Six years of exploration in Colombia, Venezuela, British Guiana, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. London Unwin 1919 (xiv + 428). 124 Molo. L’indirizzo nel nostro allevamento caprino. Verso le scelte 0 lo formaziono di una razza. Agricolt. Ticinese Lugano 41 1909 No. 1-3. 125 Molo. La selezione per attitudine. Agricolt. Ticinese Lugano 41 1909 No. 24. 126 Morgan, T. H. The physical basis of heredity. Philadelphia (Lippincott) 1919 (305 pp.) Review Nature 106 p. 103 and 104). 127 Morgan, T. H. The genetic and the operative evidence relating to secondary sexual characters. Washington Car- negie Inst. No. 285. 128 Naumann, E. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Teichnannoplanktons. Biol. Zentralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (337-346). 129 Nowth, IT. G. On the orientation of minute objects for the microtome. Quart. J. micr. Sci. London 63 1919 (545-554). 130 Norton, W. A. Some early geo- graphers and explorers of Africa. S. Afric. J. Sci. 17 1919 (479-482). 131 O’Donoghue, C. H. Recent advances in science-zoology. Sci. Progr. 14 1919 (231-235). 132 Osborn, H. F. Lcs collections reunies au Congo par I’expedition de I’american museum of natural history. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 7 1919 (193- 196). 133 Parker, G. H. The elerhentary nervous system. Philadelphia 1919 (229 pp.) RevioAV by G. E. Smith. Nature 103 p. 322. 134 Peeters, L. [Voorkomen van Cordylophora lacuslris en Euspongilla lacustrisin do Zuid-Hollandsche meren.] [Vorkommen von Cordylophora lacustria und Euspongilla lacuslris in den Siid- Hollfindischon Sooen]. Holder Tydschr. Nod. Diork. Ver. (sor. 2) 17 1919 (xvii- xix). 135 Petersen, H. t3ber den Bcgriff des Lobens und die Stufen der biologischen Begriffsbildung. Arch. Entwicklungs- mech. Berlin 45 1919 (423-442). 136 ' Petronievics, B. Sur la loi de revolution irreversible. Sci. Progress London 13 1918 (406-419). 137 Pliimecke, 0. Zur Biologic, mccklen- burgischer Gewasser. iii. Arch. Hydro- biol; 11 1916 (103-112). 138 Poche, F. Ueber das Definieron dor systcmatischon Gruppon. Biol. Zentralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (311-318). 139 Portier, P. Role physiologiquo des symbiotes. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 165 1917 (267-269). 140 Portier, P. Rochorchos sur lcs microorganismes symbiotiques dans la serie animalo. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 165 1917 (196-198). 141 Przibram, H. Tierischc Regeneration als Wachstumsbeschleunigung. Arch. Entwicklungsmcoh. Berlin 45 1919 (U38). 142 Przibram, H. Ursachen tierischer Farbkleidung. ii. Theorie. Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Berlin 45 1919(199- 259). 143 Przibram, H. und Brecher, Leonore. Ursachen tierischer Farbkleidung. i. Vorversuche an Extrakten. Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Berlin 45 1919 (83-98). 144 Przibram, H. und Dembowski, J. Konservierung der Tyrosinase durch Luftabschluss (Zugleich : Ursachen Tierischer Farbkleidung iii). Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Berlin 45 1919 (260-272). pi. vi. 144a Punnett, R.C. Mondolism. Fifth edition. London (Macmillan) 1919 (xv -f 219) 7 pis. 145 Raabe, J. F. C. Zelfmoord by dieren. [Selbstmord bei Tieren.] Nederl. Ind. Blad. Diergen. 31 1919 (385-393). 146 10 Compr.Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1919] Rabaud, E. L’immobilisation xeflexe des Arthropodes et dca Verte- bres. Rev. gen. sci. Paris 28 1917 (135-141). 147 Rabaud, E. La lumidsro et le com- portement des organismes. Bull. Sci. Franco Belgique Paris 52 1919 (325- 343). 148 Raunkiaer, C. Cber das biologische Normalspektrum. K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Biol. Medd. 1 (4) 1918 (3-17). 149 Ravn, F. K. and Ferdinandsen, C., Lind, J., and Sofia Rostrup. Oversigt over Havebrugsplantornos Sygdommo i 1916 og 1917. Attacks of parasites on the horticultural plants in Denmark in the years 1916 and 1917. K0benhavn Tids. Planteavl. 26 1919 (298-334). 150 Redeke, H. 0. Het zoetwaternanno- plankton en zyno beteekenis voor do visschery. [Das Susswassernanno- plankton und seine Bedeutung fiir die Fischerei]. Med. Vissch. Holder 25 1918 (17-25,38-44). 152 Redeke, H. C. Verslag over den toe- stand en de werkzaamheden van het lyksinstituut voor biologisch visschery- onderzoek gedurende hot jaar 1918 ; met bylago : overzicht der uitkomsten van onderzoekingen verricht in het belang der zoot water visschery. [Ber- icht iiber den Zustand und die Tiitigkeit des Reichsinstituts fiir biologische Fischereiuntersuchung wiihrend des Jahros 1918 ; mit Anhang : tlbersicht der Resultato von Untersuchungon im Interesse der Susswasserfischerei ver- richtet]. Heldcr (0. de Boer Jr.) 1919 (43) Taaf. 21 cm. 153 Redeke, H. C. Plankton (Hol- landisch). Haarlem. Verslag Visschery- onderzoek 1918 [1919] (25-43) 1919 [1920] (16-33). 154 Reibiscb, Die Bodenfauna von Nord- und Ostsee. Vorh. deutsch. zool. Ges. Berlin 24 1914 (221-235). 155 Riddle, O. A demonstration of the origin of two pairs of female identical twins from two ova of high storage metabolism. Journ. Exper. Zool. 26 1918 (227-254). 156 Ritchie, J. Animals and man. Scott. Natural. Edhiburgh 1919 1010 (33-66). 157 Roberts, H. F. A darwinian state- ment of the Mendclian theory. Nature London 103 1919 (463). 158 Roberts, M. The function of patho- logical states in evolution. Proc. zool. soc. London 1918 1919 (237-254). 159 St, John, C. Wild sports and natural history of the Highlands. With intro- duction and notes by Sir Herbert Maxwell, Bart. London Foulis 1919. 160 Salkind, J. Sur un mode nouveau d’inclusion. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 79 1916 (811-812). 161 Schaedel, A. Produzenten und Kon- sumenten im Teichplankton, ihro Wech- sclwirkung und ihro Bcziehung zu den physikalischon und chomischen Milieu - einfliissen. Arch. Hydrobiol. 11 1916 (404-457 511-564) pis. xiv-xxxvi tables. 162 Schmidt, J. Individets Va3rdi som Ophav bed0mt efter don florsidigo Krydsnings Metode. The worth • of the individual as genetic source judged after the multifarious crossing. K0ben- havn Medd. Carlsb. 14 1919 Nr. 6 (29). 163 Schmidt, J. Stations in the Atlantic, &c. 1911-15. K0benhavn Medd. Havunders. Serio Fiskeri 5 nr. 7 1919 (27) 2 maps. 164 Sharp, D. [and others]. The Zoo- logical Record, 1917. Zool. Roc. Lon- don 54 1919 (various paginations). 165 Smith, J. P. Climatic relations of the tertiary and quaternary faunas of the California region. Proc. Calif. Ac. 9 1919 (123-173) pi. ix. 166 S0rensen, A. M. Nyere Unders0gelscr over K0nskirtlernes indro Sekrotion. Some recent investigations on the interior secretion of the sexual glands. K0benhavn Mdskf. Dyrl. 31 1919 (161- 178). 167 Spek, J. Studien iiber den Meehan - ismus der Gastrulainvagination. Biol. Zentralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (13-23). 168 Spek, J. Expcvimontolle Beitriige zur Physiologic der Zellteilung. Bioi. Zentralbl. 39 1919 (23-24). 169 11 Compr. Zool. Titles. 0000 Stebbing, T. II. R. Alfred Merle Norman, 18.31-1918. Proc. R. Soc. London B90 1919 (xlvi-xlix) portrait. 170 Stitz, H. Aus der Gcschichtc der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde 1773-1815. S.B. Gcs. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916 1916 (17-42). 171 Stubbs, F. J. Migration as a bio- logical function. .Tjfans. London Nat. Hist. Soc. 1918 1919 (24-29). 172 Sumner, Francis B. Adaptation and the problem of “ Organic Purposeful- ness.” Amer. Nat. 53 1919 (193-217, 338-369). 173 Tfaylor], J. W. T. In meraoriara, William Denison Roebuck. Naturalist London 1919 (143-149). 174 Thayer, G. H. Concealing colora- tion in the animal kingdom. With an introductory essay by A. H. Thayer. New edition. New York and London (Macmillan) (xix + 260) 16 pis. 175 Thienemann, A. Die wissensebaft- lichon Aufgaben und die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Biologischen Station zu Plon. Arch. Hydrobiol. 11 1917 (624-628). 176 Thienemann. A. Otto Zacharias [Obituary]. Arch. Hydrobiol, 11 1917 (i-xxiv) portrait. 177 Thomsoii, J. A. Heredity. Third edition. London (J. Murray) 1919 (xvi -f 627). 178 Thomson, J. A. Secrets of animal life. London (A. Melrose) 1919 (viii -f 324). 179 Trigt, H. van. Een thcorctische beschouwing over de dermatomerie by do vertebraten naar aanleiding van een onderzoek naar de metamcre huid- innervatie by de hagedis. [Fine theo- retischo Betrachtung iiber die Derma- tomerie bei den Vertebraten, veranlasst durch eine Untersuchung nach der metameron Haut -Inner vierung bei der Eidechse.] Amsterdam Werk. Gen. Nat. Geneos. Heelk. (2) 9 1919 (194- 203). 180 [True, F. W.J. A history of the first half-century of the National academy of sciences, 1863-1913. Washington (Nation, acad. sci.) 1913 (xi ll -f-399) pis. 26 cm. 181 Udden, J. A. The deep boring at Spur. Austin Bull. Univ. Texas Sci. Ser. No. 28 1914 (1-109) pis. ff. tables. 182 Vanhbffen, E. Die niedere Tierwelt des Frischen Haffs. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 1917 (113-147 and 663-565). . 183 Voeltzkow, A. [and others]. Reise in Ostafrika in den Jahren 1903-1906 mit Mitteln der Hermann und Elise geb. Heckmann Went?.el-Stiftung ausge- fuhrt von Profe.ssor Dr, Alfred Voeltz- kow. Stuttgart. E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Nagele and Dr. Sproesser. [Incomplete.] 184 Weber, M. Beschouwingen over de Fauna van Nederland. [Betrachtungen liber die Fauna der Nicderlande.] Amsterdam Bydr. Dierk. 21 1919 (176- 193). 185 Wilhelmi, J. Plankton und Tripton. Arch. Hy^obiol. 11 1916 (113-150) figs. 186 Wilhelmi, J. Zur Technik mikro- und makroskopischer Praparate. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 48 1916 (140-144). 187 Wilhelmi, J. Die angewandte Zoologie alswirtschaftlicher, medizin- isch-hygicnischer und kulturellcr Fak- tor. Berlin J. Springer 1919 (88 p]>.) 188 Willey, A. Brancliioderma and Branchiotrema. Tr. R. Soc. Canada Ottawa 12 1919 Sect. 4 (95-104). 189 Wollman, E. La vie aseptique. Bui. Inst. Pasteur Paris 12 1914 (921-931, 953-954). 190 Woods, H. Palaeontology : inverte- brata. Fifth edition. Cambridge bio- logical series 1919 (viii + 412) 173 figs. 191 Wundsch, H. H. Neue quantitative Methoden der hydrobiologischen For- schung. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (129-145). 192 Yung, E. Distribution verticale du plankton dans le lac de Geneva. (C.R.) Arch. Sci. Phys. Genevfe 37 1914 (74- 76). 193 Zschokke, F. Der Rhein als Bahn und als Schranke der Tierverbreitung. Verb. Naturf. Ges. Basel 30 1919 (137- 188). 194 [1919] \2 Com]pr. Zool. I. Comprehensive Zoology. II.— SUBJECT INDEX. The author's name and the number refer to Titles, uhere the full reference uill he found. IIYPERZOOLOGY. Philosophical. 0000 Jourdy, 90 ; Latzin, 99 ; Petersen, 136 ; Poche, 139. History, Biography. 0010 History. Bourne, 21 ; Evermann, 48 ; Hor- vath, Pauli Kitaibel, 81 ; Howard, 83 ; Eohlbrugge, 93 ; Lankester, 98 ; Locy, 104 ; Norton, 131 ; Stitz, 171 ; True, history of tho National academy of sciences, 181. Biography. Anon., Ernest Haeckel, 11 ; Collin, Wilhelm Wcltner, 32 ; Forel, Richard Semon, 54; Heinrotb, Dr. August Brauer, 72 ; Keith, Gustav Magnus Retzius, 92 ; Lohmann, Ernst Van- hoffen, 106 ; Stebbing, A. M. Norman, 170 ; Taylor, William Denison Roe- buck, 174 ; Theinemann, O. Zacharias, 177. Bibliography. 0032 Sharp, 165. General Works, Essays, Text- books. 0040 Abel, 1 ; Allen, 7 ; Anon., 10 Chapman, 26 ; Durken, 45 ; Hudson, 85 ; O’Donoghue, 132 ; |Woods, Palaeontology, 191. Pedagogy. 0050 MacLeod, 110. Economics, Museums, Institutions, 0060 Economics. Baker, freshwater farming, 15 ; Dendy, 38 ; Marchal, la luttc contrc les cnncmis des plantes aux Etats-Unis, 122 ; Ravn, &c., 150 ; Ritchie, 157 ; Wilhelmi, 188. Museums, Institutions. Falz-Fein, 50 ; Harmer, 69 ; Thlene- mann, Plbn (Station, 176 ; Nomenclature, 0070 Apstein, 13 ; Baker, nomenclature and subspecies, 14 ; Heikertinger, 71. Technique, Methods, 0090 Jullien, 91 ; Lund, measuring carbon dioxide, 107 ; Newth, 130 ; Raun- kiaer, 149 ; Salkind, mode nouveau d’inclusion, 161 ; Wilhelmi, 187 ; Wundsch, 192. MORPHOLOGY. 0207 General. Giinther, spiral symmetry, 64. Nervous System. Agduhr, 4 ; Detwiller, transplantation, 39 ; Droogleever Fortuyn, 42 ; Du- bois, 43 ; Parker, 134 ; Trigt, 180. Blood. Goodrich, 61. PHYSIOLOGY. 0211 Cytological. Alexeieff, 5 ; Doncaster, 40 ; Dues- berg, 46 ; Gaudissart, 60 ; Graper, 62 ; Harvey, binucleate cells, 70 ; Herrera, 79; Spek, 169. Sex. Bower, Kerr and Agar, 22 ; Lebe- dinsky, 100 ; Morgan, 128 ; S0rensen, 167. Function. Frisch, Senses, 57 ; Jordan, stages of development of function of nervous system, 89 ; Lang, hearing, 95 ; Willey, respiration, 189. Colour. Przibram, 143 ; Przibram and Brec- her, 144 ; Przibram and Dembowski, 145 ; Thayer, 175. Environment, Adaptation. Alice, hard winter, 6 ; Driesch, adaptation, 41. Chemical. Buhigas, 23 ; de Buen, 36 , Clementi, 80 ; Collett, resistance of cilia to agents, 31. 13 Oompr. Zool. DEVELOPMENT. 0215 General. Qutherz, germ -cells, 66 ; Herlant, variations dc volume du noyau do IVeuf active, 77 ; Lillie and Johnston, nature of growth and heredity, 102 ; Kiddie, twins, 156 ; Spek, 168. Fertilization. Duesberg, 46 ; Lillie, 101. Parthenogenesis. Herlant, artificial, 78 ; Lankester, terminology, 97. Kegeneration. Bonnefon, 19 ; Przibram, 142. ETHOLOGY. 0219 General and Miscellaneous. Classen, biology, Caspian and Black Sea, 29; Jespersen, Sargasso Sea, 88 ; Thomson, 179 ; Wollman, La vie aseptiquo, 190. Phenology. Herdman, 75. Migration. Adams, 3 ; Fraser, .56 ; Stubbs, 172. Social. Portier, 140, 141. Luminosity. Dubois, 44. Parasitism. Galippe, 58. Plankton (General,. Heifer, 73 ; Lohmann, 105 ; Nau- mann, 129 ; Redeke, 152 ; Schaedel, 162 ; Wilhelmi, 186. Psychology. Tropisms. Henning, 74 ; Raabe, 146 ; Rabaud, immobilisation reflexe, 147, 148. 0227 VARIATION AND ETIOLOGY. 0223 General. Jacobs, 86. Variation. Lobo, 103. Telegony. Ewart, 49. Heredity. Bateson, 17 ; Bower, Kerr and Agar, 22 ; Castle, 25 ; Delage, 37 ; East and Jones, 47 ; Fenyes, 52 ; Fisher, 53 ; Haldane, 67 ; Houwink, 82 ; Lillie and Johnston, nature of growth and heredity, 102 ; Meves, plastosome theory, 123 ; Morgan, 127 ; Punnett, 145 ; Roberts, 158 ; Solunidt, 168 ; Thomson, 178, Evolution. Origin of Species. Adami, 2 ; Adams, 3 ; Boulenger, 20 ; Conklin, 33 ; Danforth, 35 ; Fantham, 51 ; Garstang, 59 ; Guen- ther, 65 ; Kukenthal, 94 ; fLang, 96 ; Macfarlane, 109 ; Molo, 125, 126 ; Petronievics, 137 ; Roberts, patho- logical states, 159 ; Sumner, 173. GEOGRAPHY. 0227 General. Kukenthal, 94 ; Lydekker, 103. Ocean. Classen, Caspian and tlie Black Son, 29 ; Jespersen, Sargasso Sea, 88 ; Reibisch, North sea and Baltic, 155 ; Schmidt, Atlantic, 164. Europe. Germany. dc Plumecke, 138 ; Vanhoffen, 183 ; Zschokke, Rhino and distribution, 194, Holland. dd Peeters, 135 ; Redeke, 153, 154 ; Weber, 185. Subject Index — GEoaRAPuy. \4t Compr. Zool I. Comprehensive Zoology. [1919] British Islands. de North America. n Butterfield, 24 ; Chumley, Clyde, 27 ; Forrest, 55 ; Herdman, Isle-of- man Plankton, 76 ; St. John, 160. Andrews, 8 ; ftilark, 28 ; Hall and Grinnell, 68; tSmith, 166; fUdden, The deep boring at Spur, 182. Switzerland. di South America. h Heascher, 80 ; Yung, 193. Beebe, 18; Hudson, 84 ; Miller, 124. Hungary. dk Australia. i Horvath, Hungary, 81. Basedow, 16; Dakin, Abrolhos is- lands, 34, Asia. e Annandale, 9 ; Anon., 12 ; Gravely, 63 ; Mansuy, Paleontologie do I’Annam et du Tonkin, 111-121. Arctic. k fJensen, Greenland, 87. Africa and Madagascar. f TAXONOMY. 0231 Osborn, 133 ; Voeltzkow, 184. Willey, 189. II. PROTOZOA ARRANGED BY U. M. WOODCOCK, D.Sc. CONTENTS. PAGE I. Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 4 IL Subject Index : — • Comprehensive and General = 0403 : — Nomenclature .. «. .. .. .. .. -15 Bibliography. . . , . . . . .... . . 15 Treatises, Collected Works .. .. .. ' . . 15 Addresses, Reviews. . . , . . . . . . . . 15 Economics .. .. .* .. .. 15 Pi otozoa and disease . . . . . . . . . . 15 Amoebosis .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 Coccidiosis ., .. .. .. ..15 Malaria.. .. .. .. .. *.15 Myxosporidiosis .. .. .. ..15 Trypanosomosis . , . . . . . . . * 15 Leishmaniosis . . . . , . . . , . . , 15 Flagellosis .. .. .. .. .. ..15 Balantidiosis ., .. .. .. ..15 Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 Experimental infection . . . . . . . , . . 15 Cultivation .. .. .. .. .. .. 15 Technique. . . . . . . . .... . . 15 - - Structure = 0407 — General Anatomy, Morphology .. .. 16 (a) of Sarcodina . . . . . . . . . . . , 16 (b) of Sporozoa . , . . . . . . ^ , 16 (c) of Mastigophora . . . . . . . . . . 16 (d) of CiliopTiora . . . . . . . . . . * . 16 (if-l3799 e)Q bl PAGK-^ Minute Structure; Special Anatomy: — (a) Shell, envelope, etc. . . (b) Organellae of locomotion . . (c) Nucleus and cytoplasm (d) Nuclear division-mechanisms Physiology = 0411 General . , . . .... Nutrition, excretion. . Movement . . Sense Organs Growth . . . . , . Depression-periods ; recuperation Sexuality Vitality Immortality . . Environmental effects ; response to stimuli Effects of reagents . . Immunity . . , . . . . . . . Development and reproduction = 0415 ; — (a) Mycetozoa (b) Sarcodina (c) Sporozoa (d) Mastigophora .. (e) Ciliophora Ethology = 0419 : — Biology, habits Plankton ... . , . . . . Commensalism Parasitism . . . . . . . . . . (a) Natural Transmission (b) Carriers (c) Hosts . . . . . . . . General . . . . . . .... Nemertinea Chaetopoda Insecta . . Arachnida Mollusca Pisces . . Amphibia ' Keptilia.. ' Aves Mammalia . . . . . . , . Variation, Phylogeny = 0423. . 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 .. 18 3 PAGE Distribution, Geography = 0427 : — Geographical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Europe , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 America , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Australasia . . . . . . . . . . . , 18 Geological ; — Tertiary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Secondary.. .. .. 18 Primary .. .. .. .. .. ..18 III. Systematic = 0431 : — Protozoa, general . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1. Mycetozoa .. .. .. .. .. .. ..1^ 2. Sarcodina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 (a) Amoebaea . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 (b) Foraminifera , . .. .. .. ..19 (c) Ileliozoa (vacant). (d) Kadiolaria (vacant). 3. Sporozoa . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 21 (a) Gregarinldea . . .. .. ... .. ..21 (b) Ooccidiidea .. .. .. .. .. ..21 (c) Ilaomosporidia , . . . . . . . . . 22 (d) Myxosporidia. . ., .. .. .. .,22 (o) Actinomyxidia (vacant). (f) Sarcosporidia. , .. .. .. .. ..23 (g) Ilaplosporidia . . . . . . . . . . 23 Incerlae sedis. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 4. Mastigophora . . , . . . . . . . . . 23 (a) Flagellata . . . . . . . . , . . . 23 (b) Silicoflagellata (vacant). (c) Dinollagellata. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 (d) Rhynchoflagellata (vacant). 5. Oiliophora .. .. .. .. .. .. ..25 (a) Ciliata.. .. .. .. .. ..25 (b) Suctoria . . . . ' . . . . . . , . 26 (n-13799 c) q b 1-2 4 Prot, II. Protozoa. [1919) L— TITLES. Acton, H. W, A study of the dis- tribution of Bagdad boils on the body made with a view to discover the trans- mitting agent, Ind. J. Med. Res. Cal- cutta 6 1919 (262-274). i Agulhon, H. et Chavannes, I. Dif- ferenciation des frottis colords par la methodo de Romanowsky et on gdneral par les maticrcs colorantes du groupo des thiazines, Paris C. R. Soc. biol. 82 1919 (149-151). 2 Arabii, N. Remarques stratigra- phiques sur les formations Tertiares du Bassiji do la Mcr do Marmara. Paris Bull. Soo. Gdol. Franco sdr. 4 17 1017 (1910) (390-405). 3 Armand'Delille, P. Considerations relatives la conception uniciste des Hdmatozoaires des fie vres tierces bdnigne et maligne. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci 168 1919(419-421). 4 Arnaud, Roger. Note sur une nou- velle mdthode panoptique rapide de coloration du sang et des parasites dans les frottis. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 82 1919 (208 & 209). 5 Artari, Alexander. Zur Physiologic der Chlamydomonaden. II. Einige neue Versuche und Beobachtungen. Jahrb. wiss. Bot. Leipzig 53 1914 (527- 535). 6 Bahr, P. Manson. The correlation of the pathology and bacteriology of bacillary dysentery, London J. R.A,M.C. 33 1919 (117-139) 2 pis. 7 Barber, M. A. Some observations and experiments on Malayan Anopheles with special reference to the trans- mission of malaria. Philippine J. Sci. Manila Sect. B 13 1918 (1-47). 8 Barthdlemy, E. Essai de coprologie microscopique. Diagnostic micro- ecopiquo des maladies parasitaires it Protozoaires et k Helminthes, Paris (Vigot) 1917 8vo (1-128) 5 pis. 0 Bassett-Smith, P. W. The infection of their young by Trypanosome-infected mothers. J. Trop. Med. London 22 1919 (198) 1 pi. 10 Bastin, A. Contribution a I’etude de.s Gr^garincs Monocystidees. Le cycle d’ evolution de Monocystis agilis licBso (Stein pro parte). Bull. Biol. France et Belg. Paris 53 1919 (325-373) pis. v & vi. 11 Baylis, H. A. Incidence of Entamoeba histolytica and other intestinal Protozoa among 400 healthy new entries to the Royal Navy. Lancet London 1919 1 (54-57) 12 Bentham, Some observations on a Leucocytozoon of the siskin (Car- diielis spinus). Durham Proc. Univ. Phil. Soc. 5 1913-1914 (139-146) 1 pi. 13 Blacklock, B. and Carter, H, F. The experimental infection, in England, of Anopheles plumheus, Hal., with Plus- modmm vivax (sporozoites in salivary glands). (Prel. Note.) Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol. Liveqiool 13 1919 (187 & 188). 14 Blanc, G. Sur un cas do toxoplas- mosc canine en Tunisie. Paris Bui. soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (377-378). 15 Blanc, G. vide Chatton, E. Blanche!, F. Etude micrographiquo des calcaires urgoniens. Grenoble Trav. Lab. G6ol. 11 1916-1017 (1918) (29 -86) pis. i & ii. 16 Bonne, E. A few notes on “ bosch- yaws,” the dermal leishmaniasis of Dutch Guinea. J. Trop. Med. London 22 1919 (122 and 123). 17 Bonne, C. De parasieten der Surin- aamSche huidleishmaniose (bosch- yaws) [Dio Parasiten der Surinam - ischen Ilautleishmanioso (Bosoh-Yaws)]. Batavia Genecsk. Tydschr. Ned. Ind. 58 1918 (223-233) 1 Taf. 18 5 Prot, Titles. 0400 Boulenger, C. L. Records of the occurrence of intestinal Protozoa in British and Indian Troops in Mesopo- tamia. Ind. J. Mod. Res. Calcutta 7 1919(1-7). 19 Bourcart, J. et Laugier, H. Action du changement d’ altitude sur Teclosion des acces de paludismo secondaire. Paris C. R. Soc. biol. 82 1919 (1105- 1108). ' 20 Bourquin-Lindt, E. Contribution ii I’6tude des Protozoaires de la Vallee de la Chaux-de-Fonds. Neuchatel Bull. Soc. Sci. hat. 43 1917-1918 (1919) (39-95). 21 Boyd, M. E. Observations tipon TricJiomonas intesHnalis in vitro. J! Parasitol. Urbana 5 1919 (132-130) pi. xi. 22 Bresslau, E. Syshjlis hoffi n. gen. n. .spec., cine neue Vorticellide. Biol. Centralbl. Leipzig 89 1919 (41-59). 23 Bresslau, E. und Buschkiel, M. Die Parasiten dcr Stechmuckenlarvon. Bioj. Centralbl, Leipzig 39 1919 (325-330). 24 Brug, S. L. Endolimax ivilliamsi ; the amoeboid Tonti of the iodine-cysts, Ind. J, Med. Res. Calcutta 6 1919 (380-392) 1 ph 25 Brug, S. L. La coloration des Entamibes intestinales des selles. 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W. and Savage, R, E. Re- port on the treatment of Entamoeba hits toly tic a-inteeXloua. London J. R.A.M.C. 83 1919 (418-426). 112 Haig, H. A. Notes on amoebic dysentery from the point of view of microscopical diagnosis. Lancet Lon- don 1919 ii (823-825). 113 Halkyard, E. The fossil Foraminifera of the Blue Marl of the C6te des Basques, Biarritz. (Edited, with additions, by E. Heron-Alien and A. Earland.) Man- chester Mem. and Proe. Lit, Phil. Soc. 62 pt; 2 1917-1918 (1919) (1-145) pis. i-viii. 114 Hamill, Ph. Intravenous injection of antimonium tartaratum in Kala- Azar. Brit. Med. J. London 1919 ii (28). 115 Hance, R. T, Paramoecia with extra contractile vacuoles. Science New York N.S. 48 1918(295 & 2.96). [Vide Zool. Rec. 64 1917 Protozoa (109)]. 116 Hartmann, M. Der Generations weehsed der Prolisten und sein Zusam- luenhahg 'ihit den Red ukt ions- und Befruohtungs-problem. Verh. D. Zool. Ges. Berlin 24 1914 (15-60). ‘ 117 9 Prot. Titles, 0400 Hail gh wont, F. (I. 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Central bl. Leipzig 34 1914 (248-273). 167 Mason, C. W. A case of Balantidium co^i-dysentery. J. Parasitol. Urbana 5 1919 (137 & 138). 168 Mast, S. 0. Effects of chemicals on reversion in orientation to light in the colonial form, Spondylomorum qnater- narium. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 26 1918(603-620). \ 169 Mast, S. 0. Reversion in the sense of orientation to light in the colonial forms Volvox globator and Vandorina inorum. J. exp. Zool. Pliiladelphia 27 1919 (3G7-390). 170 Mast, S, 0. Orientation in Euglenn, with some remarks on tropisms. Biol. Centralbl. Leipzig 34 1914 (641-6G4). 171 Matthews, J. R. A mensurativc study of the cysts of Entamoeba coli. Ann. trop. Med, Parasitol. Liverpool 12 1919 (259-272). 172 Matthews, J. R. The course and duration of an infection with Enta- moeba coli. Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol. Liverpool 13 1919 (17-22). 173 Matthews, J. R. and Smith, A. M. The spread and incidence of intestinal Protozoal infections in the population of Great Britain. I. Civilians in Liver- pool Royal Infirmary. II. Army recruits. III. Children. Ann. trop Med. Parasitol. 12 1919 (349-3G9). 174 Matthews, J. R. and Smith, A. M. Tho intestinal Protozoal infections among convalescent dysenteries exam- ined at tho Liverpool School of Tropica) Medicine. (3rd Report.) Ann. trop. Mod. Parasitol. Liverpool 18 1919 (83-90). 175 Matthews, J. R. and Smith, A. M. The spread and incidence of intestinal Protozoal infections in the population of Great Britain. IV. Asylum patients : V. University and school Cadets. Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol. Liverpool 13 1919 (91-94). 176 Mavor, J. W. On the life-history of Ceratomyxa ncadiensis, a new species of Myxosporidia from the Eastern Coast of Canada. Boston Proc. Amer. Acad. 51 191G (551-578) 3 pis. 177 Meunier, A. Microplancton de la Met Flamande. 3. liCS Peridiniens. Brux- elles Mem. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. 8 No. 1 1919 (l-llG) pis. xv-xxi. 178 Meunier, A. Microplancton de la Mer Flamande. 4. Les Tintinnides et ccefera. Bruxelles M6m. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. 8 1919 No. 2 (1-69) pis. ixii & xxiii. 179 Meylan, C. Note sur quelques esp^ces de Myxomycetes. Lausanne Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. nat. 52 1919 (447- 460). 180 Montgomery, R. E. Insects and their relation to some diseases of Stock. J. E. Africa Nat. Hist. Soc. No. 14 1919 (381-400). 181 Moreau, Fernand, et Mme. Un ami be ii pellicule, commensale d’un Lichen. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 30 1916 (677- 680). 182 Naumann, E. Beitrnge zur Kenntniss des Teichnannoplanktons. 1. Vor- livufige Uebersicht einiger Arbeiten an der Fischereiversuchsstation Aneboda in Sudschweden in den Jahren 1911-1913, Biol. Centralbl. Leipzig 34 1914 (.581-594). 183 Newham, — . Trypanosomiasis in the East African campaign. London J. R.A.M.C. 83 1919 (299-311). 184 O’Connor, F. W. Intestinal Protozoa found during acute intestinal conditions amongst members of tho Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 1916 and 1917. Parasitol. Cambridge 11 1919 (239- 255) pi. xi. 185 12 ProL II. Protozoa. [1919] ^ iPack, D.‘ A. Two Ciliata of Great Salt Lake. Biol. Bull. Wood’s Hole 36 1919 (273-282). 186 Parrot, L. Trois observations do Bouton d’ Orient avcc des rdllexions sur les circonstances de la contamination. Paris Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 1919 <607-611). , 187 Pascher, A. Von der merkwiirdigen Bewegunesweise einiger Flagellaten. Biol. Centralbl. Leipzig 37 1917 (421- 429). 188 Pascher, A. Flagellaten und Rhizo- poden in ihren gegenseitigen Bezie- hungen. Versuch einer Ableitung der Rhizopoden. Jena (G. Fischer) 1917 <1-87) 59 text-figs. Ref. in Biol. Centralbl. 37 1917 (584-586). 189 Pascher, A. Flagellata. 1. Allge- meiner Teil. Panlostomatinae, Proto- masliginae, Dislomalinue bearb. v. E. Leininermann. (Die iSiisswasser-Flora Doutschlands, Oesterreichs und der Schweiz . . . hrsg. v. A. Pascher. H. 1.) Jena (G. Fischer) 19U (IV -|- 138).' 190 Pascher, A. Zur Notiz iiber Flagel- laten und Algen. Berlin Ber. D. bot. Ges. 32 1914(430). 191 Pascher, A. t)ber Flagellaten und Algen. Berlin Ber. D. bot. Ges. 32 1914 <136-160). 192 Patton, W. S. Note on the- etiology of Oriental Sore in Mesopotamia, Paris Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 1919 (500- 504). 193 Pavillard, J. Recherches sur les P4ridiniens du golfo du Lion. Cette Trav. Stat. Zool. Ser. mixte No. 4 1916 <1-70) pis. i-iii. . 194 Pekkola, W. vide Chalmers, A. J. Penard, E. On FoUmilina hoUoni haeronncleoh(s commensal with a Lichen, morphology ; Moreau Ann. Inst. Pa.stcur 30 pp. G77--G80 21 text- Hgs. Arcella excam t a sp. n., N. America ; Cunningham Trans. Amer. • Microsc. Soc. 38 p. 242 2 text^figs. — A. vulgaris var. n. hemisphacrica p. 13, pi. lix fig. 5 and text -fig. 161, A. verrucosa var. n. papyracea p. 1 0, pi. Iviii fig. 3, diagnosed ; Cash & Wailes Brit. f.w. Rhizopoda vol. 4. EndoUmax williamsi (Prow.) ( = Entamoeba w. Prow, -f Iodine-cysts), morphology and stages in life -cycle : Brug Inci. J. Med. Res. 6 pp. 38G-392 1 pi. Entamoeba, peculiar form of, ciliated (?), from liver-abscess, note ; Watts Brit. Med. J. 1919 i p. 378. — E. coli, contribution to knowledge of ; Cragg Ind. J. Med. Res. 6 pp. 462-484 plfe. i-iv. — E. inclusions in; O’Connor Parasitol 11 p. 24G pi. xi figs. 4-10.— E. c., size of cysts ; Matthews Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol 12 pji. 259-272. — E. c. and E. histolytica compared ; ITatg Lancet 1919 ii pp. 823-82.6 6 text- figs. — E. cnniculi sp. n., Java ; Brug Ceneesk. Tydschr. Nedlndie 58 p]i. 811-812. — E. histolytica from liver- abscess, formation and function of crystalloids ; Dehorne Arch. Zool. cx]>. 58 N. ct R. pp. 11-18 4 text-figs. — E. h., 2 distinct races only ; Smith Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol. 13 jip. 1-16. — E. h., notes on biology, life -cycle ; Cutler Parasitol 11 pp. 127-147 pi. vii. — E. h., mode of injesting red blood corpuscles, diagnosis of active forms ; Watt J. trop. Med. 22 ppf 4.5 & 46. — E. tenuis Kuenen and Swcllengr. 1917 (syn. minutissima Brug) [this is really syn. E. niinuta Woodcock and PenfoldJ, note on, p. 628 ; E. cuniculi Brug, note, p. 631 ; E. muris of rat, and form very similar to histolytica in rats, compared, p. 636 ; Brug Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12. lodamoeba gen. n. proposed for the Amoeba producing I-cysts ; Dobell London (Bale, Sons & Danieltson) 1919 p. 110 Mastigamoebula gen. n. africana sp. n. ; Fantham S. Afric, J, Sci. 10 p. 186. Pelomyxa lentissima p. 89, pi. viii figs. 6 & 7, schiedti p. 92 figs. 8, 10, spp. n,, diagnoses ; Sohaeffer Trans. Amer. Microsc Soc. 37 (b) Foraminifera. Foraminifera, Recent, off New Zea- land, with new forms, notes ; Cushman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 pp. 693-640 pis. Ixxiv-lxxv. fForaminifera, Eocene, Aquitaine and Pyrenees, ivith new forms, notes ; Douvill^ Mem. Carte geol. det. Franco 1919 pp. 1-84 pis. i- vii. fForaminifera, Blue’ Marl, Biarritz, with new species, diagnosed ; Halkyard Mem. Lit. Phil. Soo. Manchester 62 No. 2 145 pp. 8 pis. Ammodiscus mestayeri sp. n. New Zealand ; ’ Cushman Proc. U.S. Nat. .Mus. 56 p. 697 pi. Ixxiv figs. 1 & 2. '\Bolivina intermedia sp. n. p. 62, pi. iii fig. 10; Halkyard Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester 62 No. 2. ■\Colnmella gen. n. (Lituolidae) car- 2)e liter iaef or mis sp. n., diagnosed. Blue Marl, Biarritz ; Halkyard T.c. p. 28 pi. ii figs. 1-5 '\Cristellaria robusta sp. n. ; Halk- YARD T.C. p. 90 pi. vi fig. 1. l^Cyclosteginae of D’Orbigny {Orbito- lites and OrbiUndes), comparison of morphology of these forms, relation- ships ; Douvn.t.fe C. R. Acad. Sci. 169 pp. 1130-1135 17 text-figs. ^Discorbina compressa sp. n. p. 114, pi. vii fig. 3, operculmis (d’Orb.) var. n. elegans p. 113 fig. 2 ; Halkyard Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester 62 No. 2. ‘\l)oliolina major gp. n. p. 23 pi. iii figs. 16-17 ; Deprat Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 3 fasc. 1. — /). aliciae p. 43 pi. V figs. 11-14, claudiae p. 44 pi. iv figs. 5-9, psendolepidn p. 46 pi. v figs. 6-9, pi. vi fig. 4, spp. n., Permo-Car-. boniferous, Indochina ; Deprat op. cit. 1 fasc. 3. ^Eulepidina’ roberti sp. n., note; Douville C. R. Soc. geol. 1917 p. 145 . ^ Frondicularia arborescens sp. n. ; Halkyard Manchester Mem. Lit. Idiil, Soc, 62 No. 2 p. 88 pi. v figs. 8, 9. 20 Prot. II. Protozoa. [1919] '\Fu8uUna tschengkianensis, p. 20 pi. ix figs. 16, 17, dussauUi p. 20 pi. viii figs. 6-8, globosa p. 22 pi. vi figs. 5-10, pi. vii fig. 1, margherUii p. 25 pi. viii figs. 9, 10, pi. ix fig. 1, mansuyi p. 32 pi. viii figs. 11, 12, lantenoisi p. 33 pi. ix figs. 2-4, spp. n„ Permo-Car- boniferous, China, etc. ; 1)kpr.\t Mem. Serv. geol. Indocliine 1 fasc. 3. — F. 'propinqua p. 10 pi. i figs. 12, 13, kozui p. 11 pi. iii figs. 4-8, lepida p. 15 pi. ii fig. 5, spp. n., japonica Giimb. varr. n. akasakensis p. 9 pi. iii figs. 10, 11, constricia p. 10, fig. 9; Deprat op, cit. 3 fasc. 1. I Fimd inidae, Pe rm o - Ca vbon i f e ro us , districts in China mid Indochina, with new forms ; Deprat IMem. Serv. g6ol. Indochine 1 fasc. iii pp. 1-77 pi. i-ix. '\Oaudryina rugosa d’Orb., var. n. diff'urmit ; Halkyard Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 62 No. 2 p. 42 pi. ii figs. 7-9. not regarded as a Foramini- ferau ; Chapman Nature 103 p. 4. ^Halkyardia gen. n. Heron-Alien and Earland, for Linderina ovata Halky. and other forms ; (in) Halkyard Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc, Manchester 62 No. 2 p. 108. ■\fIaplophragmiiim tumidum sp. n. ; Halkyard T.C. p. 24 pi. i fig. 9. Hyperammina mestayeri sp. n. New Zealand ; Cushman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 pi. 596 pi, Ixxiv fig. 3. India convexa sp. n., commensal on shell of Cyclammina, note ; Cushman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 pp. 101 & 102 pi. XXV. IfLagena jlexicolUs sp.n. p. 69, pi. iii fig. 11, atrialo -punctata (R and J.) var. n. caudata, p. 59, fig. 12 ; Halk- yard Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 62 No. 2. fLepidocyclina spp., from Tertiary Limestone, CJebu, notes ; Yabe Sci. Rep. Imp., Univ. Japan 5 pp. 37-51 pis. vi & vii. — L. {Fulepndina) monslrosa sp. n., Tertiary I.imestone, Cebu ; Yabe T.c. p. 42 pi. vi fig. 5a, pi. vii figs. 11, 12a, 13. ^Linderina ovata, p. 109 pi. vi figs. 10-12, chapmani p. 110 figs. 8, 9, spp. n.; Halkyard Manchester Alcm, Lit. Phil. Soc. 62 No. 2. ^Lingulinopsis acuiirnargo sp. n. ; Halky.ard T.c. p. 81 pi. v fig. 1. '\Margimilina pyramidale (Karr.) var. n. globosa p. 85 pi. v fig. 2 ; IIai.kyard T.c. IfNeoschwagerina multicirciimvoluta j), 50 pi. ii figs. 7-9, pi. iii fig. 1, N. {Samalrina) mulliseptata p. 53 pi. iii figs. 2-8, spp. n. N, {S.) annae var. n. stricta p. 57 pi. v fig. 2, N. craticuUftra varr. n. grandis, pi. ii figs. 6; 6, tenuis fig. 3, p. 49, Permo-Carboniferous, Indo- China ; Deprat Mem. Serv. Geol. Indochine 1 fasc. 3. — N, craticuUfera var. n. minoensis p. 27 pi. vii figs. 9, 10 ; N. {Siunatrina) lo7igisslma sp. ii. p. 36 pi. v fig. 1-6 ; Permo-Carboni- ferous Indo-China ; Deprat Mem. Serv. Geol. Indochine 3 fasc. 1, Nodosaria {Dentalina) lor if era sp. n. (really Ellipsoidina 1., H. E. and E.), p. 70, pi. iv. figs. 2. 3, N. {D.) pauper Ilia varr. n. hulbosa, figs. 10, 11, crassi- septa figs. 12, 13, p. 72 ; Halkyard Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soe. 62 No. 2. '\N ummulites exilis sp. n.. Eocene ; Douvill6 C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 p. 654. — N. perforatus, note on ; Douville C. R. Soc. Geol. 1917 p. 174. — N. suba- tacicus p. 41 pi. iii figs. 7 & 8, pus- tulosus p. 44 pi. ii figs. 1-4, granifer p. 45 pi. i figs. 39-41, pi. ii figs. 6-8, exilis p. 62 pi. i fig. 42, subexilis p. 65, pi. i figs. 43-45, spp. n., Eocene, Aquitaine and Pyrenees, diagnosed ; DouviiJifi Mem. Carte G(5ol. dot. France 1919. Nummulitidae, evolution and classi- ^fication ; Douville C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 pp. 651-656. ’\Orbitolina-typQ occurring in Upper Jurassic; Blanohet Trav. Lab. Geol. Grenoble 11 p. 73. iPatellina coaica sp. n. ; Halkyard Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 62 No. 2 p. 107 pi. vi fig. 7, pi. viii figs. 6, 7. 1[ Pellatispira Boussac from limestones, Japan, compared with Assilina ; Yabe J. Geol. Soe. Tokyo 26 No. 308 pp. 1-5. '\Pentellina laevis, pi. i fig. 1, attenuata pi. viii figs. 1 & 2, p. 15 spp. n. ; Halk- yard Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 62 No. 2. 21 ProL Systematic. — Coccidiidea. 0431 •\Placopsilina intermedia p. 26, pi. i fig. 8, aggregata p. 27, pi. viii figs. 3, 4, spp. n. ; Halkyard T.c. '\Psammosphaera neminghensis sp. n. Devonian, N.S. Wales ; Chapmai^ Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43 p. 387 figs. 1, 2, 10-12. '\Pulvinulina acutimargo sp. n. p. 120 pi. vii fig. 4, karsteni (Reuss) var. n. parva p. 121 fig. 6, hanerii (d’Orb.) var. n. crassa p. 125, fig. 0 ; Halkyard Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 62 No. 2. — P. bcnsoni sp. n. Devonian, N.S. Wales ; Ouavman Proe. l^inn. Soc. N.S.W. 43 p. 389 fig. 9. Reophax advena sp. n. p. 599 pi. Ixxv fig. 2, R. spiculifera Brady var. n. psendodistans p. 598, fig. 1, New Zea- land ; Cushman Proe. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56. f pinna p. 21, pi. i figs. 4, 5, pohj- morphinoides p. 22, figs. 6, 7, spp. n. ; Halkyard Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 62 No. 2. ■\SrJnvagcrina douvillei p. 38 pi. i figs. 4-6, prisca p. 41 pi. iv figs. 10-14, spp, n., Permo-Carhoniferons, Indo- China ; Deprat Mem. Serv. Geol. Indochiiie 1 fasc. 3. -\iSiphogenerina stdcata pi. vi fig. 3, pnpillosa fig. 4, p. 40, hexaqona p. 41, lig. 5, spp. n. ; Halkyard Manche.stcr Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 62 No. 2. '\Spirillina restis sp. n. (syn. seU seyensis H.A. and E.) ; Halkyard T.c. p. 105 pi. vi fig. 6, pi. vii fig. 8. Spiroloculina elegans sp. n., Murray Island, diagnosed ; Cushman Pap. Dept. Mar. Biol. Carnegie Inst. 9 p. 290 pi. xcvi figs. 1, 2. Technitella mestayeri sp. n. occurrence and diagnosis ; Cushman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 p. 595 pi. Ixxiv fig. 4. ^Textularia biarritzensis sp. n. ; Halkyard Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 62 No. 2 p. 34 pi. ii fig. 6. Totypammina horrida sp. n., New Zealand ; Cushman Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 58 p. 697 pi. Ixxiv fig. 6. Triloculina striolata p. 290 pi. xcvi fig. 3, subgranulata p. 290 fig. 4, spp. n„ Murray Island, diagnosed ; Cushman Pap. Dept. Mar. Biol. Carnegie Inst. 9. (n-13799 e) q ■\Triiaxia dehiacens, p. 44 pi. iii fig* 8, elongata p. 46, fig. 9, spp. n. ; Halkyard Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 62 No. 2. fUvigerma tenuislriata Reuss var. n. dehilis ; Halkyard T.c. p. 100. ^Vaginnlina recta Reuss, var. n. parallela ; Hai.kyard T.c. p. 82 pi. v figs. 6, 6. '\Valvulina ohlonga sp. n. Devonian, N.S. Wales ; Chapman Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43 p. 389 fig. 8. '\Verneuilina recurvata sp. n., p. 43 pi. iii fig. 7 ; Halkyard Manchester Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. 62 No. 2. YVirgulina lineata sp. n. p. 49, pi. viii fig. 5 ; Halkyard T.c. ^Yabeina subgen. n. (of Neosch- wagerina) inouyei sp. n. p. 30 pi. vi figs. 4-10, pi. vii figs. 1, 2 ; Deprat Mem. Serv. Geol. Indochino 3 fasc. 1. (c) Heliozoa. [Vacant.] (d) Radiolaria. [Vacant.] 3. SPOROZOA. (a) Gregarinidea. Caulleryctla annvlatae, p. 329 toxt-fig. 2, note, pipientia p. 331 toxt-fig. 3, spp. n., stages of life-history described ; Bresslau & Busohkiel Biol. Centralbl. 39. Monocystis agilis Hesse, notes on life-cycle (isogamous conjugation) ; Bastin Bull. Biol. France et Belg. 53 pp. 325-373 pis. V & vi. Plevrocystis cuinoti Hesse, note on syzygies, comparison with Nemato- cystia ; Leioh-Sharpe Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 9 3 pp. 256-262 3 text-figs. Porospora nephropsis sp. n. ; L^3aER & Duboscq Ann. Univ. Grenoble 28 pp. 477-481. (b) Coccidiidea. Coccidia parasitic in Man, compara- tive account ; Dobell Parasitol. 11 pp. 147-197 pi. viii. Adelea ovata, cytology of gamete - formation and fertilization ; Greiner Biol. Centralbl. 38 pp. 522-529 8 text- figs. b2-2 22 Prot, II. Protozoa. [1919] Coccidium arloingi ]\Iarotel, of goat, notes on ; Velu Bull. Soo. Path. exot. 12 pp. 298-301. — 0. crotali sp. n„ occurrence and note on ; Piiisalix Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 pp. 11-14 & 20, and Bull. Mus. 1919 pp. 74-70. — C. oxyspora sp. n., from Man,! cysts ; Dobell Parasitol. 11 p. 188 pi. yiii fig. 3. Qoussia trutiae sp. n., from intestine of Salmo fario, notes on gametocytes and sporogony ; L6ger & Hesse C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 pp. 904-906. Merocystis katJiae Dakin, an Aggre- gata-\ike type, life-cycle described ; Foulon La Cellule 30 pp. 119-150 3 pis. Minchinia regarded as synonymous with Haplosporidmm (q.v.) ; Debai- siEux 0. R. Soc. biol. 82 p. 1401. Pseudoklossia chitonis p. 1401, patella p. 1402 spp. n., note on ; Debaisieux 0. R. Soo. biol. 82. (c) Haemosporidia. Uacmogregarina bnmeti sp. n„ from Ginixis, diagnosed j Commes Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 pp. 15 & 16. — //. inexpectata sp. n., a true Haemogre- garine from Man, morphology and occurrence ; Roubaud Bull. Soc. Path, exot. 12 pp. 76-79 10 text-figs. — H. lygosomarum sp. n„ occurrence and note on ; DoRfi New Zealand Journ. Sci. Techn. 2 pp. 163 & 164 1 text-fig. — H. salimbeni sp. n., from Tupinambis, diagnosed ; LtoEU Bull. Soo. Path, exot. 12 p. 219. — //. tigrinae sp. n. from Natrix tigrina, morphology of different forms, effects on host-cell ; Hoare Arch, russes Anat. Hist. 2 pp. 129-135 10 text-figs. Leucocytozoon sp. (probably new) from Carduelis apinus, note on cell- habitat (regarded as l)eing usually parasitic in cry thro blasts) ; Bentiiam Proc. Univ. Durham Phil. Soc. 5 pp. 139-146 1 pi. Malarial parasites, question of the unity of the benign and malignant tertian forms ; Armand-Delille C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 pp. 419-421. — Malarial parasites, question of specificity or unity of the three types ; Seyfarth Centralbl. Bakt. Abth, 1 82 Orig. pp. 064-670, Microbabesia divergens in Nieder- landisch-Indicn (Holltindisch) ; Soiins Ned. Ind. Blad. Dicrgen. 30 pp. 385- 465 3 pis. Piroplasma canis, transmission by Dermacentor reticulalus, morphology of different phases ; Brumpt Bull. Soc. Path, exot, 12 pp. 651-664 4 text-figs. Plasmodium bubalis sp. n., from Indian buffalo, described ; Siieather Bull. Agric. Res. Inst. Piisa No. 90 4 pp. 2 pis. — P. (c/. carinii) from Tupinambis, note on ; L^;GER Bull, Soc. Path. exot. 12 p. 219. — P. mesnili Bouet from Naja nigricolUs, note on, cytoplasmic fusion of two individuals in one corpuscle ; Macfie Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol. 13 pp. 25-29 jil. i figs. 5-24. — P. semnopilheci sp. n., phases in life-cycle descril^d ; Knowles Ind. J. Med. Res. 7 pp. 197-199 pis. xvi-xix. Proteosoma of birds, harmless to the Culicine transmitting host ; Ser- qent Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12})p. 601- 603. — P., non-relationship bcitwcon gametes in the blood, and zygotes developed in the mosquito; Skboent T.c. pp. 603-605. (d) Myxosporidia (including Microsporidia). Ceratomyxa acadiensis Mavor, full account of life-cycle ; Mayor Proc. Anier. Acad. 51 jDp. 551-578 3 pis. and 3 text-fig.s. Qlugea danileivskyi and miilleri, L. Pfr., account of life-history ; Debai- sieux La Cellule 30 pp. 151-184 2 pis, Henneguya brachyura p. 57 text-fig, C., from Notropis anogenus, H. sal- minicola p. 59, figs. D-F, from Oncor- hynchus kisutch, spp. n. diagno.sed ; Ward J. Parasitol. 6 Myxobolua aureatua sp. n., from Notropis anogenus, description of C5'^sts and spores ; Ward T.c. pp. 49-67 pi, V and text-figs, A & B. — M. awellengrebeli sp. n., from Ithodeus amarus, Holland, diagnosed ; Schuur- mans-Stekhoven Amsterdam (J. Clau- .sen) 1918 p. 27. Noaema culicis sp. n., note on ; Bresslau & Busoiikiel Biol. Centralbl. 39 p. 327 text-fig. 1. 23 Prot. Systematic. — Flagellata 0431 Pleistophora simuUi L. and Spl., notes on lifo-cycle ; Debaisibux & Gastaldi La Cellule 30 p. 196 pi. iii. Theloliania corethrae sp. n., from Corethra-la,TY£ie, notes on life -cycle ; ScHUBERG & Rodriguez Arb. kais. Gesundhtsa. 50 pp. 122-132 pis. iii & iv. — T. viuUispora, fibrata and bracteata StrickL, life-history compared ; Debaisteux & Gastai.di La Cellule 30 pp. 189-196 pis. i & ii. — T. varians (Leg.), life-history described; Debai- siEUX T.c. pp. 46-79 pis. i-iii. 0) Actinomyxidia. [Vacant.] (f) Sarcosporidia. Sarcosporidiiun sp. indet., occurring in an Indian, note; Barling J. Parasitol. 6 pp. 98-101 2 text-figs. (g) Haplosporidia. Haplosporidiiim nemcrlis sp. n., occurrence and note on life-cycle ; Brbaisieux C. R. Soc. biol. 82 pp. 1399 & 1400. — H.chitonis {syn. Minchinia c), note on ; Debaisieux T.c. p. 1401. SPOROZOA INCERTAE SEDIS. (Various and doubtful.) Amoebidium fasciculaium sp. n. from rectum of larvae of Anax, notes on ; Lioiitenstein Arch. Zool. exp. 56 N. et R. pp. 50-62 7 text- figs. Anaplasma regarded as a true parasite, distinct from Piroplasma, comparison with latter, A. argentinum Lign., from Argentine cattle ; Lig- nieres Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 pp. 658-566. Derma my coides gen. n„ beccarii sp. n., forming small cysts on Aiolge vulgaris^ a parasite of uncertain nature, compared with Blastocystis and Dermocyslidium, described ; Granata Monit. Zool. ital. 30 pp. 153-160 pis. iv-v. 4.— MASTIGOPHORA. (a) Flagellata. Flagellata : Pantostomatinae, Proto- mastiginae, Distomatinae ; Pascher & Lemmermann. (Die Susswasser- Flora Deutschlands, Oesterreiclis und der Schweiz . . . hrsg. v. A. Pascher. H. 1.) Jena (G. Fischer) 1914 pp. 138. Insectan Flagellates, various, notes on, inoculation to mice ; Laveran & Franchini Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 pp. 665-671 2 text- figs. A Haemoflagellate, type indet. from Man, causing a new type of fatal disease, note on morphology ; L^ger Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 pp. 80-84. Anthophysa vegetans, reproduction in colonial forni ; Enriques Rend. Acc. Lincei 28 i pp. 287-290. Aphthomonas gen. n. infeatans sp. n., a Flagollato with relationships to Leishmania and Leptomonas, regarded as the cause of foot-and-mouth disease, de velopment described ; Stauff acker Zs. wiss. Zool. 115 pp. 1-57 pis. i & ii. Carteria rugulosa sp. n. p. 614 pi. Iv figs. 1, 2, with varr. n. nngulata fig. 3, inaequalis fig. 4, p. 615, granulosa sp. n. p. 616, figs. 7, 8, bulluUna nom. nov. for G. muUifilis p. 616 ; Playfair Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Chlaniydomonas reniformis p. 617, pi. Iv figs. 9, 10, rotula p. 517, fig. 12, maculatap, 618, figs. 15-17 with varr. n. oblonga fig. 18, plancionica fig. 19, p. 619, paupercula figs. 21, 22, puailla fig. 23, p. 520, spp. n. C. lismorensis var. n. gracilis p. 517, fig. 11, angulosa var. n. obesa p. 621, fig. 24, pisiformis var. n. occllaia p. 621, fig. 26; Play- fair T.c. Chlorogonium minimum sp. n. p. 621, pi. Iv fig. 26 ; Playfair T.c. Dicercomonas gen. n. (Tetramitidae) soudanensis sp. n., from Man, notes on morphology and affinities ; Chalmers & Pekkola J. trop. Med. 22 pp. 29 & 30 1 pi. Diplocercomonas nom. n. for Dicer- comonas pracocc. ; Chalmers & Pek- kola T.c. p. 190. Dinenympha gracilis Leidy, account of division ; Zulueta Trab. Mus. Nac. Cienc. Nat. Ser. Zool. 23 pp. 1-25 1 pi. Ditrichomonas gen. n. for Tricho- monas termitis Imms, morphology and division ; Cutler Q. J. Microsc. Sci. 63 pp. 655-688 pis. xxxi-xxxiii. Enteromonas bengalensis sp. n., from human intestine, note on ; Chatterjee Ind. J. Med. Res. 6 pp. 380-382 I text- 24 Prot. II. Protozoa. [1919] Euglena limosa sp. n., occurrence, biology and minute structure ; Gakd 0. R. Acad. Sci. 169 pp. 1423-1426.— E. sp. n. (unnamed) Iowa : Spenckr Proo. Iowa Acad. 24 p. 312 (ig. 6.6 (29 & 30). Herpetomonas [probably really Leplo- mo7ias] deniicis sp. n., occurrence and note ; Fantham S. Afr. J, Sci. 16 p. 186. J enningsia gen. n. (allied to Perane- midae) diatomophaga sp. n„ description ; Schaeffer Trans, Amer. Micr. Soc. 37 pp. 177-182 pi. xiii. Lamhlia (Qiardia) deniicis sp. n., occurrence and note ; Fantham S. Afric. J. Sci. 16 p. 186. Leptomonas clenocephali, cultural forms described and compared with those of L. ctenopsyllae ; Laveran & Franchini Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 pp. 310-313 2 text-figs. — L. c. further notes on, obtained from infected mouse ; Laveran & Franchini T.c. ]>p. 379-383 3 text-figs. — L, davidi, transmitted by a IIemi])teran {Sleno- cephalus), developmental phases ; Fran9A Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 pp. 513 & 514. Medusochloria gen. n. (Volvocineae) phiale sp. n., a remarkable new form, morphology and mode of movement ; Pasoher Biol. Centralbl. 37 p, 424 text-figs. 2, 4, 5. Nematochrysis sessilis nom. n. ; Pas- CHER Bor. D. bot. Ges. 32 1914 p. 430. Octomitus intestinalia occurring in numbers in the blood of frogs ; Pon- SEI.LE G. R. Soc. Biol. 82 pj). 23 & 24 1 text -fig. Pentalrichomonas sp., note on, ' in- gestion of red blood-cells ; Haugh- wouT & Leon Philippine J. Sci. 14 pp. 207-219 1 pi. Phacotus crassus p. 623 pi. Ivi figs. 7, 8, glaber p. 523, figs. 9, 10, australis p. 524 figs. 13, 14, spp. n. ; Playfair Proc. Linn. Soc. N:S.W. 43. Pleromonus angulosa varr. n. scuU- formis pi. Iv fig. 29, vexiUiformis fig. 30, p. 522 ; Playfair T.c. Synura uvella, notes on membrane, locomotor organollae ; I^eterskn Vid, Mecld. 69 pp. 346-357 pi. v. Traclielomonas, genus and species characterized, with special reference to French forms, T. elegans p. 202, pi. i fig. 5, umbilicophora p. 202 fig. 7, margaritifera fig. 9, cribrum fig. 10, amphora fig. 11 and var. n. fusifonhis fig. 12, p. 203, kufferathi fig. 21, tor ley i fig. 22, p. 209, ovoides p. 211, fig. 25, spp. n„ T. volvocina var. derephora j). 201 fig. 3, euchlora var. parvula p. 207 %. 17, varr. n., France, diagnosed ; Conrad Ann. Biol, lacustre 8. — T. sp. n. (un- named— tere.s-group), Iowa ; Spencer Proc. Iowa Acad. 24 j). 343 fig. 65 (No. 36). Trichomonas intestinalis, cultivation, alleged cyst-formation ; Boyd J, Para- sitol. 5 pp. 132-136 pi. xi.- — T. spp,, and other Trichomonads, nuclear division and multiple fission in, described ; Kofoid & SwBZY Proc. Amer. Acad. 51 pp. 287-378 8 jils. and 7 text-figs. Trypanoplasma carassii Swezy, an ectoiiarasite of gold-fish, notes on ; SwEZY Trans. Amer.-Microsc. Soc. 38 pp. 20-24 pi. vi. Trypanosoma capigohii and nudigobii spp. n., occurrence and note ; Fantham S. Afr. J. Sci. 16 p. 187. — T. berberum, hereditary transmission from mother to foetus ; Sergent & Lheritier Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 pp. 177 & 178. — T. brucii and T. rhodesiense, question of specific differences ; Laveran Bull. Soc. Path, exot, 9 pp. 731-738. — T. e.vansi reappearance of kinetonucleus in an akinetonucleate strain ; Laveran 0. R. Acad, Sci. 168 pp. 749-751. — T. guyanense, from Buvidae, diagnosed; L^ger & Vienni-; Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 pp, 268-266. — T. le royi sp. n., from Cinixis, note on ; Commes Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 p. 16. — T. rhodesiense, notes on morphology and behaviour of stiains from Portuguese E. Africa ; Hughes lud. J. Med. Res. 7 [)p. 464-474 1 pi.— T. voltariae sp. n., from Naja nigri- collis, diagnosed ; Macfie Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol. 13 pp. 23 & 24 pi. i figs. 1-4. Volvox aureus var. n. hemisphaerievs p. 526 [)1. Ivi figs. 19, 20; Playfair Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. (b) Silieoflagellata. [Vacant]. 25 Prot. Systematic.— CiLiATA. 0431 (c) Dinoflagellata. Peridinida, from plancton, Flemish coast, with t\cw forma ; MRUNiEaMom. Mils. Hoy. Hist. Nat. Bruxelles 8 No. 1 110 pp. pis. xv-xxi. Peridinida, Gulf of Lyons, notes on ; Pavillard Trav. Stat. Zool. Cette Ser. niixte No. 4 1910 70 pp. pis. i-iii. Amrjlax diacantha sp. n., p. 74 pi. xix figs. 33-30, Belgian coast ; Meunier Mem. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. 8 No. 1. Ceratium reticulatum form hiemalis form. nov. ; Pavillard Trav. Stat. Zool. Cette No. 4 p. 20 text-fig. 1. Clipeodinium gen. n. (Peridinidae) medusa sp. n. a remarkable new form, morphology and movement ; Pascher Biol. Centralbl. 37 p. 420 text-figs. 3 & 0. Coolia gen. n. {Peridinidae), p. 07, monolis p. 68 pi. xix figs. 13-19, sp. n., Belgian coast, diagnosed ; Meunier M6m. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. 8 No. 1. Dinophysis intermedia p. 58 pi. iii fig. 4, lenticula p. 59, fig. 0, V. homunculvs var. n. ventricosa p. 50 text-fig. 15, diegensis var. n. caudata p. 57 pi. iii fig. 2, • Gulf of Lyons ; Pavillard Trav. Stat. Zool. Cette No. 4. Exuviaella minima sp. n. ; Pavillard T.c. p. 11 pi. i fig. 1. Gonyaulax monacantha sp. n. p. 21 pi. i figs. 7 & 8, varr. n. major and 7ninor p. 22 ; Pavillard T.c. — G. cochlea p. 71 pi. xix figs. 26-32, locula- tum p. 73 figs. 37, 38, spp. n., diagnosed ; Meunier Mem. Mus. Roy. Hist. nat. Bruxelles 8 No. 1. Gymnodinium meervalli sp. n., Nether- lands, diagnosed ; Redeke Bijd. tot de Dierk. 21 p. 128 text-fig. 1,2. Oxyioxum elegans sp. n. ; Pavillard Trav. Stat. Zool. Cette No. 4 p. 43 pi. ii fig. 4. Peridiniuntcysliferiimp. 31 text-fig. 6, mite p. 36, fig. 9, spp. n„ leonis nom. n. (for saltans Pav.) p. 32 fig. 6, Gulf of Lyons, diagnosed ; Pavillard T.c. — P. micrapium p. 31 pi. xvi figs. 37-45, defidens p. 44 pi. xx figs. 5-8, nudum p. 40 pi. xviii figs. 1-5, fimbriatum p. 47 fig. 6-10, divaricatum p. 48 pi. xix figs. 55-58, yserense p. 49 figs. 50-54, tuberosum p. .52 pi. xviii figs. 23-27, stagnate p. 63 figs. 28-32, spp. n. coasts of Flanders ; , Meunier Mem. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. 8 No. 1. — P. aciculi- ferum var. n. abrondeiuse, Netherlands, diagnosed ; Redeke Bijd. Dierk. 21 p. 132 text-figs. 3 & 4. Phalacroma acutum sp. n. ; Pavil- iard Trav. Stat. Zool. Cette No. 4 p. 55 pi. iii fig. 7. Properidinium gen. n. p. 54, for aspinnm {moyiospinum Paulsen) nobis, p. 55 pi. xviii figs. 33-36, avellana sp. n. p. 60, figs. 37-41, heterocapsa (Stein) nobis p. .58 pi. xix figs. 43-49 ; Meunier Mem. Mus. Roy. Hist, nat. Bruxelles 8 No. 1. Ptyclwdiscus injlalus sp. n., Gulf of Lyons, diagnosed ; Pavillard Trav. Stat, Zool. Cette No. 4 p. 12 pi. i fig. 3. (d) Rhynchoflagellata. [Vacant.] 5.-CILIOPHORA (INFUSORIA}, (a) Ciliata. Anoplophrya sp. ii. indet., from Enchytraeid worms, diagnosed ; Friend Lane. Nat, 11 p. 92. Bursaria, reversibility of morpho- genetic processes ; Lund J. exp, Zool. Philadelphia 24 1917 pp. 1-32 pis. i-vi, Collinella gen. n. {N icollellidae) gondii sp. n., described ; Ciiatton & pIrard Bull, Soc. Zool. 44 pp. 14-16 text-fig. 2. Discophrya gigantea (Stein), notes on morphology and division ; Galati- Mosella & La Monica Monit. Zool. ital. 30 pp. 127-140 pi. iii. Folliculina boltoni (S. Kent), mor- phology and stages in life-history ; Penard J. R. Microsc. Soc. 1919 pp. 306-319 pis. i & ii. Holophrya, species characterized and classified, bettgalensis text-fig. 1, annan- dalei p. 41 spp. n., diagnosed ; Ghosii Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Nicollella gen. n. {N icollellidae fam, n.), ctenodactyli sp. n., from intestine of gondi, described ; Ciiatton P^RARD Bull. Soc. Zool. 44 pp. 10-14 1 text-fig. Nyctotherus ovalis Leidy, division described ; Zulu eta Trab. Mus. Nac. Cienc. Nat. Ser. Zool. 26 pp. 1-16 6 text-figs. 26 Prot. II. Protozoa. [1919] Oxylricha hymenostoma, an amicro- nucleate form, cultivation without conjugation, cytology, cannibalism ; Dawson J. exp. Zool. 29 pp. 473-513 2 pis. Paramoecium, periodic renewal of the nuclear apparatus, without cell-con- jugation ; Ehomann & Woodruff Biol, Central bl. 34 pp. 484-496 6 text- figs. — P., parthenogenetic phenomena and depression-periods in ; Hertwiq T.c. pp. 557-581 5 text-figs. Prorodon utahensln sp. n., morphology and behaviour ; Pack Biol. Bull. 36 p. 280 text-figs. 3-5, Prototajnrella gen. n. Cunha 1918 (Cycloposthiidae), type-species intes- tinalis Cunha 1915, from caecum of tapir, described ; Cunha Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 11 pp. 5-9 (translations, 1-5) pi. 1. Ptychocylis ampliorella sp. n., Flemish coast, diagnosed ; Meunier Mem. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. 8 2 p. 14 pi. xxii figs. 4-7. Si/stylis gen. n. {VorticeUidac) hojji sp. n., morphology and phases in life- history described ; Bre.sslau Biol. Centralbl. 39 pp. 41-59 7 text-figs. Tintinnidae, plancton, Flemish coast, with new forms ; Meunier Mem. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belg. 8 No. 2 59 pp. pis. xxii & xxiii. Tinlitmojh'iis Jistiilaris p. 23 pi. xxii fig. 21, bulbuliis p. 24, figs. 22, 23, vaaculum p. 25, fig. 25, strigosa, fig. 26, turbo fig. 27, p. 26, producta fig. 34, glan.'t figs. 35, 36, p. 29, avellana p. 30, fig. 37, fuubriata p. 31, figs. 38, 39, spp. n., plancton, Belgian coast ; Meuniicu Mem. Muh. Roy. Hist, Nat. 8 No. 2. Uroleplus mobili'i, nuclear behaviour in division and conjugation described ; Calkins J. exp. Zool. 27 pp. 293-357 95 text-figs. — U. pacl'ii sp. n. Calkins, Great Salt Lake, diagnosis and behaviour in culture ; Pack Biol. Bull. 36 p. 277 text-figs. 1 & 2. Vorticella ovum p. 4, text-fig. 1, punctata p. 5, pi. i and text-fig. 2, spp. n., occurrence and diagnosis ; Dons Tromso Mus. Aarsh. 40. (b) Tentaculifera (Suctoria). Metacineta sp. n. (unnamed, near mysticina) Iowa ; Spencer Proc. Iowa Acad. 24 p. 350 fig. 57 (60 & 61). PROTOZOA INCERTAE SEDIS. f A fossil, regarded as a Protozoan, but of undetermined type, from Limestone, N. Sweden ; Rosen Bull, geol. Inst. Upsala 16 pp. 159-168 text- figs. 1-4. III. PORIFERA OR SPONGIDA ARUANaEU BT H. M. WOODCOCK, D.Sc. (Lond.). CONTENTS PAGE I. Titles . . , . . , . . . . . . , . 2 II. Subject Index: — ^ General works, economics, and technique = 0603 , . 3 Anatomy = 0607 . . . . . . . . , . . . 3 Physiology = 0611. . .. .. .. .. .. 3 Development and growth = 0615. . . . . . . . 3 Ethology = 0619 . , . . . . . . . . . . 3 Variation, Phylogeny = 0623 . . . , . . . » 3 Distribution, Geography = 0627 .. .. .. .. 3 III. Systematic = 0631 Porifera, general . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Calcarea . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 3 Non-Calcarea . . , . . . . . . 4 Myxospongida (vacant). Hexactinellida , , . . . . . . . . 4 Tetraxonida . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Homosclerophora (vacant). Astrotetraxonida (vacant). Sigmatotetraxonida . . . . . , . . 4 Lithistida (vacant). Euceratosa (vacant). b 3 (h-18799 A) Q 2 For. III. Porifera or Spongida [1919] I.— TITLES. Allemand-lMlartin^ A. vide Vaney, C. Annandale, N. The fauna of certain small stream.? in the Bombay Presi- dency. viii. Sponges fropi the Satara and Poona districts and from Chota (Chutia) Nagpur. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta xvi 1919 (160-161), pis. vi & vii. 1 Annandale, N. Notes on freshwater sponges. xvii. A new race of Trochospongilla latmichiana from China. Calcutta Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 1919 (467 & 458). 2 Annandale, N. Sponges, Hydrozoa and Polyzoa of Seistan. Calcutta Rec. Ind. Mus. 18 1919 (83-99), pi. xii. 3 Annnadale, N. Spongillidae. (In : Beitr. Kenntnis Land- u. Susswasser- fauna Deutsch-Sudwestafrikas, heraus- geg. von W. Michaelsen.) Hamburg (Eriederichsen) Lfg. 2 1914 (235-249) pi. vi. 4 Arnesen, E. Brutknospenbildung bei Polymastia mammilaris (O.P. Miill.) Bow. {Rinaldia arctica Mere].). Norske Selsk. Skr. 1917 (1920) No. 1 (1-24) pis. i-vi. 5 Ohumley, J. The Fauna of the Clyde sea area. Glasgow (University Press) 1918 8vo (vi +200). 6 Cross, H. A. The Bermudas as a tyi^e collecting ground for Invertebrates. Des Moines Proc. Iowa Acad. 24 1917 (301-303). 7 Douvill6, Henri. I.ies Spongiaires primitifs. Paris Bui. soc. g6ol. (s6r. 4) 14 1914 (397-406) pis. xii & xiii. 8 Elwes, E. V. Sphaerospongia tessa- lata Phillips. Torquay Journ. Nat Hist. Soc. 2 1919 (291). 9 Hernandez, F. Ferrer. Descripcion de tres esponjas nuevas del litoral espanol. Madrid Rev. real Acad. Ci. 16 1918 (632-640) 1 pi. 10 Hernandez, F. Ferrer. Apuntes para la fauna Iberica. Madrid Bob Soc. e.span. hist. nat. 19 1919 (197-200). 11 Hozawa, S. Report on the calcareous Sponges collected during 1906 by the United States Fisheries Steamer “ Al- batross” in the Northwestern Pacific. Washington Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 54 1919 (525-656) pis. Ixxxiv & Ixxxv. 12 Lees, J. H. and Thomas, A. O. The Ste. Genevieve marls near Fort Dodge and their fauna. Des Moines Proc. Iowa Acad. 25 1918 (699-616) pi. xii. 13 Mansuy, H. Faune des calcaires k Productus de PIndochine. Hanoi Mem. Serv. G6ol. Indochine 3 fasc. iii 1914 (1-69) pis. i~vii. 14 Sharp, E. W. The sponges of Guernsey. Guernsey Rep. Soc. Nat. Sci. 1918 (1919) (110-114). 15 Stephens, J. Two new African fresh- water sponges. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London Ser. 9 3 1919 (94-100). 16 Thomas, A. O. vide Lees, J. H. Tilmann, N. Die Fauna des unteren u. mittleren Lias in Nord- u. Mittel- Peru. Stuttgart Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Boilage-Bd. 41 1917 (628-712) Taf. xxi- xxvi. 17 Topsent, E. Notes sur les genres Semisuherites et Hernias ter cl la. Bull. Inst. Oc6an. Monaco No. 359 1919 (1-11). 18 Trigt, H. van. A contribution to thb physiology of the fresh-wat'er sponges {Spongillidae). Leiden Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. Ser. 2 17 1919 (1-220) pis. i-vi. 19 Vaney, C. et Allemand-Martin, A. Action de V Hippospongia equina des c6tes de Tunisie sur le.s Posidonies. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (1060- 1062). 20 Woodcock, H. M. Porifera (or Spongidab In; Zool. Record 54 1917 No. 3(1-4). 21 Woodruffe-Peacock, T. W. A fresh- water sponge. Naturalist London 1919 No. 760 (245). 22 3 Por. SrSTBMATIC. 0631 IL— SUBJECT INDEX. GENERAL, ECONOMICS AND TECHNIQUE. 0603 Bibliography. Woodcock, 21. ANATOMY.. 0607 [Vacant.] PHYSIOLOGY. 0611 General and Comprehensive. V. Trigt, 19. DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH. 0615 Reproduction, Budding. Arnesen, 6. ETHOLOGY. 0619 Biology, Habitat. Vaney & Allemand-Martin, 20. VARIATION, PHYLOGENY. 0623 Phytogeny. Douvill6, 8. DISTRIBUTION (GEOGRAPHY). 0627 GKOaRAPHIOAL (RhOHNT). Europe. Chumley, 6; Hernandez, 10 & 11 ; Sharp, 15 ; Woodraffe-Peacock, 22. America. Cross, 7. Asia. Annandale, 1 & 3. Africa. Annandale, 4 ; Stephens, 16. Pacific Ocean. Hozawa, 12. Geological (Fossil). Secondary. Douvill6, 8 ; Tilmann, 17. Primary. Lees & Thomas, 13 ; Mansuy, 14. III.— S YSTEMATIC. 0631 PORIFERA, GENERAL. Fresh-water sponges {SpongilUdae) comprehensive account of the physio- logy » V. Trigt Tijdschr. Ned. Dierk. Ver. Ser. 2 17 pp. 1-220 pis. i-vi. CALCAREA. Calcarea, from N.W. Pacific, with new forms, diagnosed ; Hozawa Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 54 pp. 525-566 pis. Ixxxiv & Ixxxv and 11 text-figs. Achmmorpha diomediae sp, n„ Simushir Isl. ; Hozawa Proo. U.S. Nat. Mus. 54 p. 640 pl. Ixxxv fig. 10 and text-fig. 6. ■f Barroisia hertrandi sp. n„ Cretaceous, note on ; Douville Bull. Soc. geol. France ser. 4 14 1914 p. 399 pl. xii fig. 6. ^Gyslolhalamia asiatica p. 8 pl. i fig. 1, pl. -V fig. 1, takreemensis p. 9, pl. V fig. 2, spp. n., Carboniferous, Indocldna ; Mansuy Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 3 fasc. iii. Grantia nipponica p. 534 pl. Ixxxiv fig. 8, text-fig. 4, beringiana p. 637 fig. 9 and text-fig. 6, spp. n. ; Hozawa Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 54. Heieropia medioarticulata sp. n., off Saghalin ; Hozawa T.c. p. 631 pL Ixxxiv fig. 7 and text-fig. 3. ^Holcospongia laminata sp. n.^IJassic, Peru ; Tilmann Neues Jahrb. Mineral 41 p. 705 pl. xxvi figs. 1-3. Leucandra tuba p. .542 pl. Ixxxiv fig. 3 and text-fig. 7, poculij'ormis p. 545 fig. 4 and text-fig. 8, foliata p. 647 fig. 5 and text-fig. 9, kurilensis p. 549 pl. Ixxxv fig. 11 and text-fig. 10, splen- dens p. 651 figs. 12-14 and text-fig. 11, spp. n„ N.W. Pacific; Hozawa Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 54. — L. sulcata p. 532 fig. 1, and text-figs. 1 & 2, rtojai p. 535 fig. 2 and text-figs. 3 & 4, spp. n., Santander ; Hernandez liev. Real Acad. Ci. 16. Leucosolenia albatrossi sp. n., off Copper Isl. ; Hozawa Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 54 pl. Ixxxiv fig. 1 and text-fig. 1. fSolla^ia dussaulti sp. n., p. 9 pl. i fig. 2, Carboniferous, Indochina j Mansuy M^m. Serv. geol. Indochine 3 fasc. iii. 4 For. III. Porifera or Spongida. [1919] Sycon simusJiirensis sp. n. ; Hozawa Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 54 p. 629 pi. Ixxxiv fig. 6 and text-fig. 2. NON-CALCAREA. (a) Myxospongida. [Vacant.] (b) Hexactinellida. ^S'phaeros'pongia tessalata (Phillips), note on ; Elwbs J. Torquay Nat. Hi«t. Soc. 2 p. 291. (c) Tetraxonida. (i) HoMosoi.EuoraonA. [Vacant.] (ii) Astrotetraxonida. [Vacant.] (iii) SiGMATOTETRAXONIDA. Arlemisina hispanica sp, n„ San- tander ; Hernandez Rev. real Acad. Ci. 16 p. 636 fig. 3 and text-fig. 6. ■\Glionolithes lizardensis sp. n., Ste. genevieve beds, Fort Dodge ; liEES & Thomas Proc. Iowa Acad. 26 p. 606 pi. xii figs. 25, 26. Corvospongilla victoriae sp. n., from the Zambesi, diagnosed ; Annandale Beitr. Kenntn. Land- u. Susswasser- fauna D. Sudwestafr. Lfg. 2 p. 243 pi. vi figs. 4 & 6 A-C. Ephydaiia mulleri, note on occurrence in Yorkshire ; Woodreffe-Peacock Naturalist 1919 p. 245. Hemiasterella compUcata sp. n., note on ; Topsent Bull. Inst, ocean. No. 359 pp. 6-7 text-figs. 2-5. Polymastia mammilaris (0. F. Miill.) Bow. (syn. Rinaldia arctica. Mere].), reproduction by budding described ; Arnbsen Norske Selsk. Skr. 1917 No. I 24 pp. 6 pis. Semisuberites arctica, note on ; Top- sent Bull. Inst, ocean. No. 359 pp. 1-5 text-fig. 1. Spongilla alba Carter var. n. rhadi- naea, p. 85 text-fig. 1, lacustris var. n ineptorum p. 86, fig.2, Seistan, diagnosed; Annandale Rec. Ind. Mus. 18. — S. {Euspongilla) macrospiculata p. 95 text-fig. 1, S. {Stratospongilla) hen- gaelensis p. 97 text-fig. 2, spp. n., occur- rence and diagnoses ; Stephens Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 9 3. — S. michael- seni p. 239 pi. vi fig. 3, A-C, S. {Strato - spongilla) africana p. 240, figs. 1, A-C & 2, spp. n., from the Zambesi, diagnosed ; Annandale Beitr. Kenntn. Land- u. Silsswasserfauna D. Sudwestafr. Lfg. 2. — 8. {Euspongilla) cinerea, redescribed p. 158, pi. vi fig. 1, per- viridis sp. n. descrilwd p. 159, pi. vi fig. 2 W. India ; 8. {8tratospongilla) aumatrana, redescribed var. rivvlaris and var. centralis varr. n. described pp. 160, 161, pi. vii from W. India ; Annandale Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Trochospongilla latouchiana subsp. n. sinensis, from China, diagnose.d ; Annandai.e Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 457. (iv) Lithistida. [Vacant.] (d) Euceratosa. [Vacant.] IV. COELENTERATA ARRANaED BY A. KNYVETT TOTTON. 4 CONTENTS PAGE I, Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 II. Subject Index: — General and Miscellaneous = 0803 . . . . . . 5 Structure = 0807 . . . . ^ . . . . . . . . 6- Physiolog-j = 0811. . .. .. .. .. .. 6 , Development = 0815 . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ethology = 0819 . . . . . . . . . . , . G Variation and Phylogeny = 0823. . . . . . . . G Distriliution = 0827 : — Geographical . . . . . . * . . . . . . 6 Geological . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 III. Systematic Index = 0831 : — Hydrozoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Graptolitoidea . . . , . , . . . . . . 12 Scyphozoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is Anthozoa : — Alcyonaria . . , , . . . . . . . . 13 Zoantharia , , . . . . . . . . . . 14 Ctenophora (vacant). b t fK-18799 t) Q 2 Cal. IV. CoBlenterata. [1919] \ L— TITLES. Angrisani, C. Sopra un avanzo di Attinia del Calcare dei Dintorni di Sepino in provincia di Campobasso. Rend, accad. Napoli (3) 23 191'| (54-59) 2 figs. ' 1 Annandale, N. The fauna of small streams in the Bombay Presi- dency. Bee. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (109-161) pis. i-vii. * 2 Anuandale, N. Report on the aquatic fauna of Seistan with sub- sidiary studies. Sponges, Hydrozoa and Polyzoa of Seistan. Rec. Ind. Mus. 18 <83-97) pi. xii. 3 Bale, W. M. Further notes on Australian hydroids — IV. Melbourne Proo. R. Soc. Victoria 31 (327-361) pis. xvi-xvii. 4 Bassler, R. S. Systematic Palaeon- tology of the Cambrian and Ordovician deposits of Maryland. Maryland GeoL Surv. Cambrian and Ordovician 1919 1919 (185-408) 58 pis. 5 Bedot, M. Les variations d'Aglao- phenia pluma (L.). Rev. Suisse Zool. Geneve 27 7 (243-282) 21 text-figs. 6 Berckhemer, P. Der Weisse Jura Epsilon” (Qu.) . . . Jahresh. Ver. Wiirttemb. 75 (19-82) pis. 1-^. 7 Born, A. t)ber “ Mittelsilur,” Senckenbergi'ana Frankfurt a. M. 1 (2) (62-60). 8 Bigelow, H. B. [Contributions to the biology of the Philippine Archipelago and adjacent regions] Hydromedusae, Siphonophores and Ctenophores of the “Albatross ” Philippine Expedition. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100 vol. i 6 (279- 362 1) pis. xxxix-xliii. 9 Billard, A. Note sur une esp^ce nouvelle d’hydroide gyranoblastique {Clava krempfi), parasite d’un alcyo- naire. Bull. Mus. d’Hist. Nat. 1919 3 1919 (187-188) fig. 10 Billard, A. Note sur quelques especes nouvelles de Serlularella de I’expedition du “ Siboga.” Arch. Zool. exp. Paris Notes et Rev. 58 1 (18-25) figs. 1 1 Garruthers, R. (4. A remarkable carboniferous coral. Geol.Mag. Lon- don (N.S. Decade 6) 6 (436-441) pi. ii text -figs. 12 Chadwick, G. H. New species of coral. Mem. Geol. Surv. Canada 111 (1919) 1919 (128-9). 13 Chapman, P. and Skeata, E. W. On the discovery of fossil hydroid remains of the order Calyptoblaslea in the palaeozoic of Victoria, Australia. Geol. Mag. London (550) pi, xv. 14 Chapman, F. [New or little known Victorian fossils in the National Museum, Part' 23 — .] On some hydroid remains of Lower Palaeozoic age from Monegetta, near Lancefield. Melbourne Proc, R. Soc. Victoria 31 (388-393) pis. xix-xx. 15 Child, C. M. and Hyman, L. H. The axial gradients in jf/?/Jro2oa. 1. Hydra. Biol. Bull. Wood’s Hole Mass. 36 (183- 223) texi^-figs. 16 Child, C. M. The Axial gradients in Hydrozoa. Biol. Bull. Wood’s Hole Mass. 37 (101-125) text-figs. 17 Clark, T. H. A section in the Trenton Limestone at Martinsburg, New York. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool, Harvard 63 1 (18) 1 pi. 18 ' Crallan, G. E. J. Report Zoological Section 1918. Soc. Jersiaise Bull. 41 (130-131). 19 Dantan, J. L. La structure de la mesoglee et I’origine des cellules sexuelles du Parantipathes larix (Esper.). La question du feuillet moyen chez les Coelont6r6s. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 168 (629-631). 20 Dick, J. [Clyde AntJiomedusae]. Glasgow Nat. 8 (3) p. 91. 21 3 Coel. 0800 Titlk^., Dietrich, W. O. - Areopsammia, eine none eupsammide Koralle au9 der obor.stou Kreide. Sitzungsb. Gosell. nalurf. Froiiiulo Berlin 1917 (303-307) tcxt-fig. 22 Dietrich, W. O. tJber sogen. Tabu- laton dcs Jura und der Kreide, insbe- «ondere die Gattung Acantharia Qu. Centralbl. Min. Stuttgart 1919 1919 (13, 14) (208-218) 2 text-figs. 23 Ehlers, G. M. Helerola Axial gradients in Hydrozoa ; Child, 17. Function of cinclides ; Qravier, 38. Action of Potassium cyanide on coelenterates ; Hyman, 51. Cellular degeneration and formation of pigment in Hydroida ; Warren, 93. Growth rate of corals ; Magor, 65. ; . DEVELOPMENT. 0815 General. » ,Me8odermio origin of sox colls of Coelenteraia ; Dantan, 20. Pedogenesis with or without Vivi- parity in Actiniaria Gravier, 40. L’Origine endodermique des on- tdroides chez les Hexacoralliaires ; Krempf, 56. Origin of directives of Hexacoralla , in a primitive biradial stage ; Krempf, 66. Development of Oorgonacea ; KUken- thal,59. Early development of Alcyonaria ; Moser, 68. Ovum and Oogenesis. ; Migration of reproductive organs in Hydra ; Tannreuther, 85. i Germ cells and chromosomes of €oelenterata \ Hargitt, 41. Dovolopmont of soximl organa in Actiniaria; Gravier, 39.) Begeneration and Experimental. Die Bildung u, Riickbildung der Ovarien an Hydra ; Goetsch, 34. Bildung u. Riickbildung der Hoden an Hydra ; Goetsch, 33. ETHOLOGY. 0810 Langsteilung bei Hydra ; Wachs, 91. • Clava krempf i parasitic in Alcy- onium ; Billard, 10. Effects of winter 1917-18 on Sugar tia luciac ; Parker, 73. Sagartia luciac ; Hausman, 43. Growth rate of Pacilio coral reefs ; Mayor, 65. Corals ; Vaughan, 88. Migrations of CJtenophores and Coelenterates on W. Coast N. America ; Fraser, 30. VARIATION AND PHYLOGENY. 0828 Variations in Aglaophenia pluma ; Bedot, 6. Variation of Tiaropsis multicirraia ; Kramp, 55. Variation in Ajiemone hepniica ; Galant, 31. . Phylogeny of Antipatharia; Pax, 75. X)ie Stammegeschichte der PlexaU' ridae ; Kukenthal, 68. DISTRIBUTION. 0827 1. Geographical. A. — Marine. General. Distribution of Antipatharia ; Pax, 75. Atlantic (including Mediterranean). Firth of Clyde, Anthornedusac ; Dick, 21. Hydroida ; Crallan, 19. Coelenteraia ; Garstang, 32. , Coelenterates of Port Erin ; Herd- man, 47. Medusae ; Kramp, 55. Spooios of Favia ; Mallhai, 64. ’ Hydroida ; Stechow, 81. 7 C(bI. * Systematic. — Hydrozoa. 0831 Indian Ocean. Coelenterate fauna of Chandipore; Orissa ; Gravely, 36. Anthozoa ; Voeltzkow, 90. New Hydroid ; Warren, 92. Pacific Ocean, Japanese hydroida ; Jaderholm, 53, Madreporaria ; ‘ Folkeson, 28. Hydroida ; Fraser, 29. Southern Ocean. Hydroida ; Bale, 4. Malay area. Alcyonaria\ Moser, 67. Hydromcdusae, Siphonoi)hores and Ctenophores ; Bigelow, 9. New hydroida ; Billard, 11. Arctic. ^ Arctic Hydroida ; Jaderholm, 52. B. — Fresh Water. Craspedacusta from Boss Lake near Elkhart Indiana ; Hargitt, 42. Hydra fusca in Lake Maxinkuckee ; E verm an ^ 26. Hydra from Seistan ; Annindale, 3. • Limnomida pool in Yonniih rivor; Annandale, 2. 2. Geological. Cainozoic. Fossil actinian ; Angrasani, 1. Tabulaten, Acaniharia ; Dietrich, 23. Korallen aus dcm Kalk des Treiben- stein-Sunk bei Hohentauern ; Heritsch, 48. Molikia&pp.\ Nielsen, 70. Corals froin Veglia Id. ; Oppenheim, 71. Corals from Kosavin ; Oppenheim, 72. Mesozoic. ‘ New corals; Chadwick, 13. Solenopora (?) ; Heritsqh, 49. Palaeozoic. ‘ LeS “ Ftsiulipord” globuleux ; Sal66, 77. Corals from Indochina • Mansuy, 63, 61. • Oraptolithidae ; Hede, 46. Oraptolithidae ; Kirste, 64. Gottlands graptoliter ; , Hede, 45. Graptoliioidea ; Hede, 44. Corals from Kentucky ; Foerste, 27. Gfaptolite sub-faunas of A^gl^^^y ; Elies, 25. Fossil hydroids from Lower Palaeo- zoic of Monegetta, Victoria ; Chapman, 15. , Fossil Calyptohlastea 40 miles N. of Melbourne ; Chapman, 14. ■\Graptolitoidea ; Born, 8. Fossil Coelenterata of Maryland j Bassler, 5 New genus of Tetracoralla ; Ehlers, 24. Cryptophyilum gen. n. ; Carruthers, 12. Corals of Ste. Genevieve limestone t Chester series ; Ulrich, 86. Aulophyllum ; Sal6e, 76, Anthozoa and Hydrozoa from Indo- china ; Mansuy, 62. III.— S YSTEMATIC. 0831 . ^ HYDROZOA. . Aequoridae. p. 308 ; Aequorea pensile p. 311 figs. ; macroddctylum (Brandt) p. 313 fig., Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. Agastra, Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 151. Aglaophenia pluma, Bbdot Rev. Suisse 27 p. 244 figs. Aglaophenia adriaticay Monaco, p 143 ; dichotoma, Cette, p. 144 ; helleri; Mediterranean p. 144 ; nanella sp. n. Villefranche, p. 145 fig. ; pluma p. 147 ; rejlexa nom. n. for A. plumosa Pennington, p. 147 septifera, Mediter- ranean, p. 148; bilobidentgta p. 148; IV. Coelenterata. [1919] 8 Ccd- ienerrima p. 148 fig., Chile ; tenuinoda nom. n. for A. gracillima Borradaiol p. 150, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. — A. whiteleggei p. 24 fig. ; suensoni p. 24 fig., Japan, Jaderhoi.m Arkiv. Zool. 12 9. — A. siniiosa p. 352 ; bakcri sp. n. p. 353 figs. ; brachiata p. 354, Bale Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 31. Atnphicaryon acaule, Philippines, Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100 p. 332. Antennella secundaria, Tonga, Medi- terranean, p. Ill; ailiquosa, Mediter- ranean, p. 112; quadriaurita, Havana, p. 113, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syat. ^ Antennellopais integerrima p. 20 ; dojleini p. 20, Japan, Jaderholm Arkiv. Zool. 12 9. Antennularia octoaeriata, Jaderholm Arkiv. Zool. 12 9 p. 23. -\Archaeocryptolaria gen. n. skeatai sp. n. p. 392 figs. ; recta p. 392 figs., Monegetta, Victoria, Chafman Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 31. ^ Archaeolnjo'ea gpn. n. p. 390 longi- cornis sp. n. p. 390 figs., Monegetta, Vietoria, Chapman Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 31. Archisoma natana, Philippines, Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100 p. 344. -\Aulaccra (Beatricea) undulala, SoHUOiiERT Amer. J. Sci. 47 p. 293 «g. liulm mirahiU), Japan, JiDEniiOLH Arkiv. Zool. 12 9 p. 4. Balella gen. n. for Balea Nutting, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 154. Beroe cucumia var. ovata pi. 38 figs. 8-10, Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. Bibrachium gen. n, {-Amphibra- chium F. E. Schulze 1880), Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 6. Bimeria flvminalia, Orissa open sea. Gravely Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 396. — B. fragilis sp. n., Viilefranche, p. 28 ; nutana p. 30, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. — B. rigida sp. n. Pondoland, Warren Ann. Natal Govt. Mus. 4 1 p. 1 figs. Bonneviella p. 329, Bale Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 31. Bourgainvillia vanbanedeni, Cette, pp. 25, 154 ; longicirra p. 25, St. Thomas ; ramosa, Rovigno p. 27 ; rugosa, St. Thomas p. 27, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. Branckiocerianlhus, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 153. Bythotiaridae p. 286, Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. Calamphora campanulata, Natal, Ste- chow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 83. Campanularia indopacifica sp. n., Japan, p. 156; viBafrancensia ncm. n. for C. attenuata Stcchow p. 157, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst.— C. acuta nom. n. for C. raridentata Mark- tanner nec aut. p. 54 ; alia sp. n., Viilefranche, p. 55 fig. ; hincksi, Viilefranche, p. 57 ; raridentata, Medi- terranean, Helgoland, Port Erin, pp. 58, 155 fig. ; rara sp. n., Marseille p. 60 fig. ; C. attenuata sp. n., Viilefranche, p. 61 fig. ; brachycaulis sp. n., Villc- franche, p. 62 fig. ; angulata, Mediter- ranean, p. 63 fig. ; calceolifera, Mediter- ranean, p. 65 ; Icnnoxensis, Rio de Janeiro, p. 66 ; intermedia sp. n., Mediterranean, p. 66 fig., Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. — C. tincta p. 12 ; cMnenaia p. 13, Japan, Jaderholm Arkiv. Zool. 12 9. Calycopais p. 289 ; geometrica p. 290 figs* » P* 202 figs., Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mils. 100. Chromnlancma rubruni, Kramp Danish Ingolf Exi>. 6 8 p. 7 figs. Chuniphyes multidcntata Philippines, Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100 p. 344. Cladocarpella p. 355 ; multiseptata p. 356 ; Bale Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 31. Cladocarpus bocki sp. n. Japan, Jaderholm Ark. Zool. 12 No. 9 p. 24 pi. 6 figs. 3-4. — integer, Davis Str., Jaderholm K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 60 9 p. 10. — moebiusi p. 135; lignosus p. 135, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 S}’^st. ^Clalhrodictyon yunnanenae sp. n. Devonian Indochina, Mansuy Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 3 2 p. 4 figs. Clavactinia gallensis, Chandipore, Gravely Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. .396. Clavopsella gen. n. p. 21 ; ueismanni (Hargitt 1904) p. 22, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. 9 Cod. Systematic. — Hydrozoa. 0831 Chjlia mollis sp. n., Cefcte, p. 44 fig. ; paulcnsis pp. 45-155 ; serrulata p. 46 fig. ; ulvae sp. n., Marseille, p. 47 fig. ; warreni notn. n. for elongata Warren non Marktanner, Algoa Bay, p. 48 ; angulosa, Rio de Janeiro p. 49 ; dichotoma, Cuba, Marseille, Naples, Triest, p. 49 ; geniculata, Villefranche p. 50, Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. — linearis, Japan, Jaderholm Arkiv. Zool. 12 9 p. 12. Coloboncma p. 321 ; typicum p. 322, Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. Cordylophora lacustris, Brcmcrhafcn, Kaiscrhafcn I., Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 11. Coryne mnscoides p. 4 ; pusilla p. 6 fig. ; Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. Cosmctira pilosella p. 61 ; megalofis p. 64, N. Atlantic, Kramp Danish Ingolf Exp. 5 8. Craspedacusia sp., Indiana, Hargitt Sci. N. York 50 p. 414. Wryptophylliim gen. n. p. 439 ; hihernicum sp. n. p. 440 figs.. Carboni- ferous, Carruthers Geol. Mag. London Secade 6 6. Cuspidella cosfata, Mediterranean, Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 73. Cytaeis vcslita, Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 24. jDictyonema sp., Indochina, Mansuy M^m. Serv. g^ol. Indochine 3 2 p. 60 figs. Diphasia pulchra, Arctic, Jaderholm K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 60 9 p. 7. Diphyes contorta, p. 338, Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. Diphyopsis chamiossonis p. 342 ; bojani p. 339 ; dispar p. 340, Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. -\EUipsaciinia suevica sp. n., Berck- HEMER Jahresb. Ver. Wiirttemb. 75 p. 25 figs. Eudendrium generate p. 336, Bale Proc. 11. Soc. Viet. 31. — E. simplex p. 30 ; Capillare p. 31 ; ranienm p. 32 ; ramosum p. 32 ; racemosum p. 32, Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. — E. cnidoferum nom. n. for E. annalum Jaderholm ; inngne, Villefranche, p. 154, Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 154. Eulima p. 296 ; levuka p. 299, Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. Eutonina indicant, N. Atlantic, Kramp Danish Ingolf Exp. 5 8 p. 98. Gonothyraea hicuspidala, Cette, p. 51 ; gracilis, Mediterranean, p. 61 ; hyalina, Cette, Triest p. 52 fig. ; loveni, Marseille, Triest, p. 63, Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. Halecium lankesleri (Bourne), Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 157. — annul-atum nom. n. (=//. pusillum Motz-Kossowska 1911 ncc aut.) p. 33 ; conicum nom. n. (=//. minutum Motz-Kossowska 1911) p. 34; medt- terraneum { — H. flexile Allman 188) p. 34 ; pelrosum nom. n. (=//. robus- turn Motz-Kossowska 1911, nee Pieper) p. 36. — pusillum,, Villefranche, p. 36 fig. ; rejlexum sp. n. Villefranche, p. 37. figs. ; robustum p. 39 ; tenellum p. 41 figs. ; Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. Halirornariap. 124 ; Atarw, Kermadec Id., p. 125 ; pansa, To/iga, p. 125 fig. ; Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 %st. — hians var. profunda p. 26 fig. ; expansa p. 26 fig., Japan, Jaderholm Arkiv. Zool. 12 9. Halocharis indopacijica sp. n., Japan, Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 162. Halopsis ocellata, N. Atlantic, Kramp Danish Ingolf Exp. 6 8 p. 66 figs. Uebella gigas, Villefranche, Marseille, p. 76; parasitica, Villefranche, p. 76; scandens, Pondoland. p. 77 fig. ; brochi (Hadzi) Villefranche, Marseille, p. 78, Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. Hemicarpus pennarius, Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 136. Heteroslephanus annulicornis, Medi- terranean, Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 9 fig. Ileteroiiara. p. 287 ; minor p. 287 figs., Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. ICO. Hydra, Schulze Archiv fiir Bionto- logie 4 2 p. 29. — Schulze Sitz. gesellsch. Natur. Freunde 1918 p. 252. — vulgaris, Seistan, Annandale Roc. Ind. Mus. 18 p. 90. — fusca. Lake Maxinkuckec, Evermann Proc. Indiana Acad. 1918 p. 240. — Goetsch Biol. Centralb. 39 12 p. 644. — Australia, Bale Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 31 p. 356. — Wuchs Biol. Centralb. 39 1 p. 1 figs. 10 CwU Hydraciinia, Coettk Zool. Jahrb. Syst; 89 p. ^li.—Jucicola, Queir.to bej Genua, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 13. , Idielhi gen. n. for Idia Lamx, Steohow Zool, Jahrb- 42 Syst. p, 106. Kirchenpaueria pinnala, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 107 figs. ’ . Lafoea dumosa, Mediterranean, p. 80 fig. ; serpens, Mediterranean, p. 81, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. Laodicea undulata, N. Atlantic, Khamp Danish Ingolf Exp. 5 8 p. 16 figs. - . Laodiceidae, Kramp Danish Ingolf Exp. 5 8 p. 4. Leuckartiara oclona, Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100 j). 282 figs. Lictorella cervicornis California, Era- ser Tr. R. Soc. Can. 12 p. 134 fig. — Stechowi sp. n. Japan, Jaderholm Ark. Zool. 12 No. 9 p. 11 pi. ii fig. 7. Limnocnida indica, Yennah river, AnnandaljP Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 1 10. Liriope tctraphylla, Philippines, Bige- low Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100 p. 325. Lytocarpus filamentosus Natal, War- ren Ann. Natal. Govt. Mus. 4 1 p. 109 figs. — phillipinus p. 351, Bale Proc. R. Soc. Viet, 31. Lylocarpia graejfei (Kirchenpaner 1876) Lytocarpus balei Billard), Tonga, p. 128 fig. ; multiplicnto- pinnata{K. 1876 = L. Aorneili Thornely) Red Sea, p. 131 fig. ; philippina, Tonga, Red Sea, p. 132 fig. ; singular is, Ternale, p. 134, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. Lytoscyphus subrufus (Jaderholni), Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 81. Melicertiim p. 47, oclocoslatum p. 52 figs. ; campanula p. 57, N. Atlantic, Kramp Danish Ingolf Exp. 6 8. . Milrocomidae p. 58 ; mitrocoma polydiademata p. 59 ; N. Atlantic, Kramp Danish Ingolf Exp. 5 8. Monobrachium parasitum W. Coast N. America, Eraser Tr. R. Soc. Can. 12 p. 131 fig. Monotheca, obligua, Mediterranean, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 113. Nauarchus p. 319 ; lialius p. 320 figs., Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. [19^9] Nen^ertesia cylindrica j). 350, Bale Proo, R. Soc. Viet- ■ 31. — irregularis p. 23 fig. ; ciliata p. 23, Japan', Jaderholm Arkiv. Zool. 12 9. — disticha (Heller), Mai'seille, p. 120 fig. ; ramosa p. 122 ; tetrasticha, Villefranche, p. 123 fig. ; japonica p. 124, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 43 Syst. Neoturris p. 283 ; pileata p. 285 figs, Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. Obelia dubia W. Coast N. Amer., Eraser Tr. R. Soc. Can. 12 p. 133 fig. — spinidosa, Orissa, Gravely Rcc. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 396. — nigra, N. Atlantic, Kramp Danish Ingolf Exp. 5 8 p. 89. Octocanna p. 306 ; aphrodite nom, iiov. p. 307 figs., Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. Odonlotheca p. 102 ; bidens, Pon- doland, p. 102, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. Olindiinae p. 317 ; Olindias p. 317 j singularis p. 318, Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. Ophiodes australis sp. n., Bale Proc, R. Soc. Viet. 81 p. 336 pi. 16. Ophiodissa gen. n. (= Ophiodes Ilincks 1866) pi 41; mirabilis p. 42, Steohon Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. Opercularella lacertu, Mediterranean, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 74 fig. Ophinella gan, n. for Ophioncma Hincks, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 107. Orthopyxis p. 331, Bale Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 31. — caliculata, Mediterranean, p. 68 fig. ; compressa, Villefranche, p. 69 ; pacifica sp. n., Vancouver, p. 69 fig. ; volnbiliformis p. 70 ; asymmetrica sp. n., Marseille, p. 71 fig., Steohow Zool, Jahrb. 42 Syst. Faragattya intermedia, Natal, Warren Ann. Natal Govt. Mus. 4 1 p. 125 iigs. Felmatohydra oligactis, Siberia, Ste- OHCW Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 152. Perigonimus gelatinosus, Helgoland, p. 13 ; nanellus sp. n., Naples, p. 14 tig. ; nudus sp. n., Triest, p. 16 fig. ; pusillus p. 17, Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. Phialidium hemisphericum p. 91 figs. ; islandicum sp. n. p. 95 figs., N. Atlantic, Kramp Dani.sh Ingolf Exp. 5 8. . . ly. Coelenterata,. n Chel Systematic. — Hydrozoa, Vhialucium pi' 293 ; fnbenghd p. 295 ; var. pohjnemw var. n.' p. 296 fig. ; Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nafc. Mus. 100. Phortis p. 301 ; cej/lonensis p. 304 ; elliceand p. 305 figs., Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. Physalia ulriculus, scarcity in Indo- Pacific in 1907-10, Bigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100 p. 347. Pliimularia plagiocampa p. 21 fig. ; spiralis p. 22 fig. ; ohliqua p. 22 fig. ; campanula p. 22 fig. ; filicaulis van japonica n. van Jaderholm Ark. Zool. 12 No. 9 p. 21 pi. 5 figs. 2-3. — diaphana, Tonga, Mediterranean, p. 114; hert- ivigi, Japan, p. 117 fig. ; milhri, Ternate p. 119; warreni noin. n. for P. tenuis Warren p. 119, Stecuow Zool. Jalirb. 42 i^yst.-~plumularoides Vancouver Island, Fraser - Tn R. Soc. Can. 12 p. 130 fig. — filicaulis p. 341 ; var indivisa p. 341 ; scabra p. 342 figs. ; rotunda p. 343 fig. ; everta p. 344 fig. ; balei p. 344 fig. ; corrugatissimn p. 340 fig. ; lagenifera p. 347 ; cali- culala p. 348, Bale Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 31. Podoemyne, Goette Zool. ‘ Jahrb. Syst. 39 p. 469. Protiara tropica, JIigelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100 pi. 39 figs. 1-4. Protiayopsis gon. n, for Helcroliara Maas, Stecuow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Svst. p. 150. Ptyckogena lactea, N. Atlantic, Kramp Danish Ingolf Exp. 5 8 p. 31 figS. Pycnotheca gon. n. for Biplof'hcilus Allman, Stecuow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. no. Rhizotrichia gen. n, ( =Trichorhiz.a Russell 1906), Stecuow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 9. Rhophalonema velatum, Bigei.ow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. Bacculina gen. n. p. 332 ; arenosa p. 333, Bale Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 31. Scandia niutabilis, Gulf of Mexico, Stecuow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 79. Sertularella mediterranea, Natal, Warren Ann. Natal Govt. Mus. 4 1 p. 120 figs. — gayi var. gracilescens van n. p. 17 fig. ; areyi p. 18; tropica p. 19; inahai p. 19, Japan, Jaderholm Arkivi '0831 Zool. 12 9.—rentoni p. 337 fig. ; dia^ phana p. 337 fig. ; iorregi p. 338 ; minusculfi nom, nov. for piisilla Bale p. 340 ; mccallumi p. 340 figs., Bale: Proc. R; Soc. Viet. 31. — pedunculala p. 18 fig; : crassa p. 18 fig. ; inconstans p. 19 fig. ; inlricata p. 20 fig. ; acuti- dentata p. 20 fig. ; timorensis p. 21 fig^ ; deliealn p. 21 fig. ; decipiens p. 21 fig. ; serrata p. 22 fig. ; spp. n„ BillAri> Arch. Zool. Exper. Ni et Rev. 58. — africana nom. ri. lot S.fusiformisW&rTen nec Hincks, Natal; p. 83 ; fusiformis„ Bleditcrranean, p. 84 fig. ; lagenoides sp. n., Mediterranean, p. 86 fig. ; crassicaulis, Mediterrahean p. 87 ; tongensis sp. n. p.' 89, Stecuow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. Sertularia operculata, Natal, WarreN ^in. Natal Govt. Mus. 4 1 p. 116 figs. —linealis ; loculosa p. 122 figs.,' Nataly Warren Ann. Natal Govt. Mus. 4 1. — rugosissima p. 15 fig. ; teriera p. 15, Japan, Jaderholm Arkiv. Zool. 12 9. — aestuaria nom. n. for S. humilik Coligdon p. 157 ; indomalayica nom. n. for Caminothuiaria moluccana Cam- penhausen p. 168, Stecuow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. — brevicyathus, Tonga, p. 91 fig. i densa sp. n., Villefranche, p. 93, fig. i disfans, Mediterranean, p. 94 fig. ; maldivensis, Tonga, p. 97 fig. ; perpusilla sp. n. Mediterranean, p. 99 (Ig. ; snyderi, Tonga, p. 101 ; iongensis sp. n. p. 101 (ig., Stecuow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. Silicularia p. 329 ; undulata p. 327, Bale Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 31. Siphonojyhora, Philippines, BigelOw Bull U.S. Nat. Mus. 100 p. 331. Solmissus p. 327, marshalli p. 329, Bigelow Bull U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. Siauridiosarsia, Stecuow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 7. Slaurophora mertensii, N. Atlantic, Kramp Danish Ingolf Exp. 5 8 p. 39 figs. — Stecuow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 151. Slaurolheca, Stecuow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 82. Stegopoma fasligiatvm p. 72 ; plica- tile p. 73, Stecuow Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 42. • Stereotheca gen. n^ p. 103 ; pluri- dentata p. 103, Stecuow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. ^ , . ■ • ; 12 Ccel. IV. CcBlenterata. [1919] Slylaclis inermia, Villefranche, Ste- -^Corynoidca calicularis, Bassler CHOW Zool. Jalirb. 42 Syst. p. 23. — Maryland Geol. Surv. 1919 p. 206 figs. Goette Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 p. 470. , , Ti- t * ^ jCyrtogmpUia spp., Kirste Int. Synthecium evansii, Mediterranean, Ostorlando N.F. 16 p. 197 figs. Bteciiow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 82. xr> • j t i. ^ jDemirastntes spp., Kirste Int. Thamnilis cidaritis, Mediterranean, Osterlande N.F. 16 p. 212 figs. Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 24, .... , , , , * j Dimorphograpt ua p. 137 ; conjerlua • Thecocarpus brevirostris, Tonga, p. p. 138 ; swanstoni p. 138 figs. ; dt- 137 figs. ; phyteuma, Tonga, p. 139 figs., cussalus p. 139 figs. ; phijsophora p. Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. — myrio- , 139 fig. ; elongatus p. 140 figs. ; longi- phyllum var. orientalis p. 25 fig., Japan, ssimus p. 140 ; ciliatas p. 141, Kirste Jaderholm Arkiv. Zool. 12 9. Int. Osterlande N.F. 16. Thuiaria geniculata nom. n. for '1\ distana Fraser 1914, Fraser Tr. R. Soc. Can. 12 p. 136. — carica, W. Coast N. America, Fraser Tr. R. Soc. Can. 12 p. 135 fig. — argentea, Mediterranean, p. 104 ; cupreasina, Mediterranean, p. 105 ; tenera, Trondhjem, p. 105 fig., Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. — tubidi- formia Natal, Warren Ann. Natal Govt. Mus. 4 1 p. 113 figs. Thuiella gen. n. ; aubarticulata (Coughtrey) p. 106, Stechow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Sy.st. Tiarella singularia, N. Coast Jersey, Crallan Soc. Jers. Bull. 41 p. 131. Tiaropais muUcirrata, N. Atlantic, Kramp Danish Ingolf Exp. 5 8 p. 77 figs. Tima bairdii, N. Atlantic, Kramp Danish Ingolf Exp. 6 8 p. 102 figs. ' Tricyclusa gen. n. ( = Tiarella F. E. Schulze 1876) Steohow Zool. Jahrb. 42 Syst. p. 6. Zygonanna p. 314 : vagana p. 315 figs., Bioelow Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100. Zygnphylax brevitheca sp. n. Japan, Jaderholm Ark. Zool. 12 No. 9 p. 9 pi. 2 fig. 4. QRAPTOLITOIDEA. •\Glimacograptua p. 102 ; acalaris p. 103 fig. ; normalia p. 105 fig. ; reel- angularis p. 106 ; mediua p. 107 figs. ; tornquisti p. 107 fig. ; minutua p. 108 figs. ; internexua p. 108 fig. ; hughesi p. 109 fig.; undulutua p. 110; biao- doaua p. Ill; innotatua p. Ill fig.; weiacianus p. Ill ; abnormia p. 112 tectoidea p. 112, Kirste Int. Osterlande N.F. 16. — putillua p. 202 figs. ; apinijer p. 203 figs. ; bicornia p. 204 fig., Bassler Maryland Geol. Surv. 1919 \Diplograptua p, 112 ; inaecii- Jormia p. 113 fig. ; veaiculoaua p. 114 figs.; juncua p. 115 figs.; bellulua p. 116 fig. ; mutabilis p. 117 figs. ; cyper- iodea p. 117 ; tamariacua p. 117 figs. ; dentatus p. 118; ainuatus p. 119 fig.; modeslua p. 120 figs. ; diminutua p. 121 figs. '; magnus p. 122 fig. ; con- ferlua p. 122 fig. ; palmeua p. 123 figs. ; alliaaimua p. 128 ; folium p. 128 figs. ; ovatua p. 131 figs. ; comda p. 132 figs. ; tubular if ormia p. 133 fig. ; acmminatus p. 134 figs. ; bira- atritcH j). 135 figs. ; zimmermani p. 135 fig. ; thuringiacua p. 136, Kirste Int. Osterlande N.F. 16. — veaper- tinua, Bassler Maryland Geol. Surv. 1919 1). 205 figs. IfOraptolitoidea, Mittelsilur, Born Scnckcnbergiana 1 (2) p. 52.-- fGottland, Hede Sver. Geol. Undersok. (C) 12 No. 8. — Oraptolitoidea, Anglesey, Elles Geol. of Anglesey 2 p. 414. '\Mastigrapiua monegtUae sp. n., Chapman Proc. R. Soc. Victoria 31 p. 391 figs." Momgraptiia dubius p. 9 ; flerningi p. 10, Hede Sver. Geol. Undersok. C 281. — '\bohemicu8 p. 117 fig. ; crinitus p. 118 fig. ; dubiua p. 118 fig. ; 7iilssoui p. 119 fig. ; Silurian Skane, Hede Geol. Foren. 41 2. — ^Monograplus [». 142 ; cliugoni p. 144 fig. ; reaurgena p. 144 fig. ; vomerinua p. 145 figs. ; apinulosus p. 147 fig. ; continena p. 148 figs. ; apecioaua p. 148 figs. ; denaua p. 149 ; nilaaoni p. 149 ; aalteri p. 150 ; aanderaoni p. 151 figs. ; ataviia p. 152 ; incommodua p. 152 figs. ; tenuia p. 153 fig. ; concinnvs p. 153 fig. ; argulua p. 154 figs. ; revolulua p. 154 fig. ; priodon p. 155 figs. ; jaekeli p. 158 ; pseudopriodon p. 159 figs. ; pandua p. 159 fig. ; 13 CcbI Systematic. — Anthozoa. 0831 marri p. 160 figs. ; riccarlonmsis p. 161 ; flemingi p. 161 figs. ; sedgwicki p. 162 figs. ; halli p. 164 fig. ; galaenais p. 164 fig. ; incoyi p. 165 fig. ; hccki p. 165 figs. ; lohiferus p. 167 figs. ; flogelaris p. 168 fig. ; distans p. 168 figs. ; exigum p. 160 figs. ; nodifer p. 160 figs. ; crispus p. 170 fig. ; millepeda p. 170 fig. ; argentens p. 171 fig. ; cygne.m p. 172 fig. ; limatnlus p. 173 fig. ; gemmattis p. 173 figs. ; runcinatus p. 174 fig. ; dextrorms p. 175 fig.; turriculalns p. 175 figs.; proteus p. 177 figs.; armatns p. 178 fig. ; spiralis p. 178 fig. ; vehs p. 180 figs. ; planus p. 181 fig. ; phnoides p. 182 fig. ; mirus p. 182 figs. ; inter- medius p. 183 figs. ; elongatus p. 183 * fig. ; involutus’p. 183 fig., Kitste Mb. Osterlande N.F. 16 ■\Jlastriies spp., Kirste Mt. Oster- lando N.F. 16 p. 202 figs. '\Jtetinlites macikntus Silurian Skfino, Here Oeol. Foren. 41 2 p. 119. ‘\Prisliograplus spp., Kirste Mt. Ostelande N.F. 16 p. 184 figs. SGYPHOZOA. Aurelia aurita var. colpota p. 01 ; maldivensis p. 02 figs. ; lahiaia p. 03 ; flavidula p. 95, Stiasny ZooI. Med. 5 2. Carybdm xaymncana, Haiti p. 36 figs. ; alata var. moseri p. 37 fig., Stiasny Z joI. Med. 5 1. Carybdeidae, Stiasny Zool. Med. 5 1 p. 33 47 52. Chiropsalmus buitendijki, Stiasny Zool. Med. 5 1 p. 46 figs. Chrysaora hysoscella p. 72 ; mela- naster^ p. 73, Stiasny Zool. Med. 5 2. Cyanea capillaia var. buitendijki var. n. Seinarang, p. 87 ; var. ferruginea p. 88 ; var. nozakii p. 80 ; var. lam- arcki p. 00 ; var. capillata p. 90, Stiasny Zool. Med. 5 2. Daclylnmetra quinquecirrha, Stiasny Zool. Med. 5 2 p. 75 figs. Nausithoe punctata var. pacifica, Stiasny Zool. Med. 5 2 p. 70 figs. Scyphotnedusae, Stiansy Zool. Med. 6 2 p. '66. Tamoya bursaria, Stiasny Zool. Med. 5 1 p! 38 figs. ANTHOZOA. Alcyonaria. •\Acantharia (= Ubaghsia), Diet- rich Centralb. Min. 1919 p. 214. ^[Chaetetes capilliformis p. 210 fig. ; polyporus p. 211. Dietrich Centr. Min. 1919. ErMnogorgia, key to spp. p. 344 ; mertoni p. 346 ; abietina p. 346, spp. n. Aru Is. ; sphaerophora sp. n. E. Ind. p. 346 ; gracillima p. 347 sp. n. Philip- pines, Kukenthal Zool. Anz. 48. Eunicea, key to spp., Kukenthal Zool. Anz. 48 p. 335. Eunicella, key to spp. p. 341 ; lata p. 342 ; densa p. 312, spp. n. West Africa, Kukenthal Zool. Anz. 48. Euplexaura, key to spp. p. 331 ; pendula, sp. n., W. Aiistr., p. 333 Kukenthal Zool. Anz. 48. ■\Fistulipora, SxiiE Bull. Soc. Beige Geol. 29 p. 46 fT. '\Gorgonella torta, Danien, NielseK Geol. Foren, 40 4 p. 462 fig. •fMoltkia minuta sp. n., Senon, p, 463 figs. ; isis p. 464 fig. ; lyelU p. 465 fig., Nielsen Geol. Foren. 40 4. Leptogorgia irramosa, Molander Ark. Zool. 12 No. 5 figs. Lohophrjtum revision p. 257 ; sar- cophyloides p. 267 figs. ; batarum p. 268 figs., spp. n. ; crebriplicatum p. 272 fig., var. crassospiculatmn var. n. p. 273 fig. ; gazellae sp. n. p. 274 figs. ; schoedei sp. n. p, 276 figs. ; pauci- jlorum p. 277 fig., var. validum p, 281 fig., var philippinense var. n. ]>. 281 fig. ; crassum p. 282 fig., var. crista- galli p. 286 fig., var. borbonicum p.- 287 fig. ; hedleyi p. 287 fig. ; lighti sp. n, p. 289 fig. ; viride p. 290 ; latum p. 290, Moser Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin 9 2. Paraplexaura, key to spp., Kuken- thal Zool. Anz. 48 p. 341. Pennatularia, Kukenthal Da.s Tier- reich 43. Pennatulina biserialia nom. n. for Pennatulacea bilateralia, Kukenthal Das Tierreich 43 p. 26. Plexaurella, key to spp., Kukenthal Zool. Anz. 40 p. 333. Plexauridae, Kukenthal Zool. Anz. 48 p. 330. UCoel. IV. Coelenterata. [1919J Plexauroides, key to spp., Kuken- THAL Zool. Anz. 48 pp. 330 340. 1[Pnmnoa costata, Danien, Nielsen Oeol. Foren. 40 4 p. 462 fig. lihabdoplexaura nom. n. for Hich- ■sonella Nutting, Kukenthal Zool. Anz. 48 p. 333. • Sarcophyton revision p. 221 ; latum p. 236 figs. ; latum var. voeltzkowi var. n. p. 239 figs. ; ehrenbergi p. 240 fig. ; ehrenbergi var. stdlatum p. 242 fig. ; crassocaule sp. n. p. 243 figs. ; Kicutangulum p. 244 fig. ; trochelio- 2)horum p. 246 figs, j digilatum sp. n. p. 240 figs. ; elegans sp. n. p. 252 figs. ; yglaticum p. 253 lig., Moseu Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9 2. ■^Solenojtorq (?) hilberi, Upper Jura Dobrudscha, Heritsch J. K. K. Geol. Tleichs. Wien 67 (2) 1917 p. 335. Subsellljlorae suboido nov. {Umbel- ulidae), Kukenthal Das Tierreich 43 p. 59. Sympodium coralloidea^ Marseille, VAYSSifciiE Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Mar- seille 17 p. 105. ■\Tetradium syringopor aides p. 200 figs. ; columnare p. 201 fig. ; cellulosum p. 202 figs. ; simplex sp. n. Beekman- town Limestone, Maryland, p. 199 figs., Bassler Maryland Geol. Surv. 1919. ZOANTHAIUAe Acropora pharaouis, growth rate, Mayor Zool. Soe. Bull. 22 p. 137.-— ^[panamensis p. 480 figs. ; Ifsahidensis p. 480 figs. spp. u. ; vna’icata p. 481, Vauouan Bull. U.S. Mus. 103. Aclinacis p. 486 ; ■\alabamiensis p. 486 figs., Vaughan Bull. U.S. Mus. 103. Agaricia ^anguillensis p. 428 figs. ; -\dominicensis p. 428 figs. spp. n., Vaughan Bull. U.S. Mus. 103. Alveolites ramosa p. 5 figs. ; subae- qualis p. 5 fig. ; denticulata p. 6 figs. ; yunnanensis sp. n. p. 6 fig., Devonian Indochina, Mansuy Mem. Serv. Gepl. Indochine 3 2. Anemone hepatica,‘ Galant Biol. Oentralb. 39 12 p. 529. , Antiguastraea gen. n. p. 401; cellulosa p. 402 figs. var. silicensis var. n. p. 408 figs., Vaughan Bull. U.S. Mus. 103. Antipatharia, Pax Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 41 p. 467. Antipathes gracilis, Gravier Bull, Mus. Paris,! 91 9 (4) p. 266. '\Arachnophyllum {Strombodes) gra- nulosum sp. n. p. 318 fig. ; marnillare- distans var. n. p. 319 figs. ; spinulosnm sp, n. p. 321 figs., Silurian Kentuck3^, Foerste K. Geol. Surv. 7. ■\Arc1iohelia gen. n. p. 352 ; limonensis sp, n. p. 353 figs., Vaughan Bull. U.S. Mus. 103. iAreopsamtnia gen. n. p. 307 ; mast- richtensis sp. n. p. 307, Dietrich Sitz. Gea. luit. Freunde 1917. ■\Asterosmilia hilli sp. n., Vaughan Bull. U.S. Mus. 103 p. 355 figs. \ Astraeopora asperima. Eocene Veglia Id., Oppenheim Ver. K. K, Geol. Rtichs.* Wien 1914 p. 189. Astreopora ■\goethalsi p. 483 ; ^anti- guensis p. 484 ; "\portoricensis p. 485, spp. n. figs., Vaughan Bull. U.S. Mus. 103. -\Astrocoenia guantanamensis p, 347 ; incrustans p. 347 ; decaturensis p. 348 ; meinzeri p. 349 ; par tori censis p, 350 spp. n. figs. — d'achiardi p. 346 figs. ; incrustans p. 347, Vaughan Bull. U.S. Mus. 103. — ifexpansa. Eocene Veglia Id., Oppenheim Ver. K. K. geol. Reichs. Wien 1914 p. 190. "\Aulophyllum fungite^, Dinantien of Spy, SalIb Bull. Soc. Beige G^ol. 29 p. 29. \Aulopora serpens, Devonian Indo- china, Mansuy M6m. Serv. G6ol. Indo- ohine 8 2 p. 7 ligs. Axopora parisiensis, Eocene Veglia Id., Oppenheim Ver. K. K. geol. Reichs. Wien 1914 p. 191. Balanophyllia lipittieri sp. n. p. 479 figs., Costa Rica, Vaughan Bull. U.S. Mus. 103. t(?) Bunodes sp., Sepino, Angrtsani Rend, accad. Napoli (3) 23 1917 p. 54 fig- ^Calostylis spongiosa pp. n., Silurian Kentucky, Foerste K. geol. Surv. 7 p. 322 figs. '\Columnaria halli, Bassler Maryland Geol. Surv. 1919 p. 198 fig. Cyathomorpha rochetlina p. 466 figs. ; him sp. n. p. 467 figs, broivni p. 458 figs. sp. n. ; belli sp. n. p. 469 figs. ; splendens sp. n. p. 460 figs. ; anguil- ensis ' sp. n. p, 460 figs, roxboroughi 15 Coel. Systematic. —ANTitozoA osai sp. 11. p. 401 figs. ; antiquensis p. 403 figs. ; tenuis p. 407 figs., Vaughan Bull. U.S. Mils. 103. ^Cyaihophylluni sp. n., Kalk des Treibensteins, Heritsch Mitt. geol. ges. Wien 9 (3-4) p. 155. — densisep- tatiim p. 314 figs. ; sedentarium p. 315 figs. ; solilarium p. 317 figs. spp. n., Silurian Kentucky, Foerste K. gcol. Surv. 7. — ceraliies Indochina, Mansuy Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 3 2 p. 4 figs. — cambodqiense , sp. n.. Carboni- ferous Tndocliina, Mansuy M6m. Ser. 06ol. Indochine 8 3 p. 11 figs, Diphnslraea p. 409 ; heliopora p. 470 figs. ; ■\crassoiamdlata p. 470 figs., Vaughan Bull. U.S. Mus. 103. Favia conferta p. 73 figs. ; fragum p. 80 figs. ; gravida p. 80 ; leptophylla p. 92 ; whiijieldi p. 92, Atlantic, Matt- iTAi Terra Nova Report 5 2. — vasta, Australia, Folkeson K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 59 p. 15 fig. — '\macdonaldi sp. n., Vaughan Bull. U.S. Mus. 103 p. 413 figs. Favites -\mexicana sp. n. p. 414 figs. ; ^polggonalis p. 415, Vaughan Bull. U.S. Mus'. 103. ■\Favosiies gothlandica p. 298 figs. ; hisingeri-aplata var. n. p. 299 figs. ; declinata sp. n. p. 300 figs. ; Silurian Kentucky, Foerste K. geol. Surv. 7. — ■\galhlandicci, Indochina, Mansuy M^nn. Serv. geol. Indochine 3 2 p. 17 fig. — forbesi, Cothlandien D6ng-van, Mansuy Mem. Serv. Geol. Indochine 4 3 p. 10 figs. Flabellum rubrum p. 4 ; angiosto- mnm sp. n. p. 5 figs., Australia, Folke- son K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 59 1, Fungia cydolites, Australia, Folke- son K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 59 1 p. 10. — moluccensis sp. n., Moluccas, Horst van der Zool. Mod. 5 2 p. 65 figs. Goniopora ^ja (vacant). 12. Generative organs and gonads J (n-1 3799 7/0 Q ’ b 6 PAGE Physiology = 1011: — 1. General (vacant). 2. Circulation 3. Respiration (vacant). 4. Alimentation ■;<. 5. Excretion 6. Sensation I 7. Experimental . , Development = 1015 ; — 1. General principles 2. General accounts 3. Formation of gonads 4. Oviposition, Fertilisation 5. Larval stages . . G. Organogeny , . : . 7. Post-larval growth-stages 8. Experimental embryology (vacant). Segmentation j> (vacant). 9 9 9 9 9 9 Ethology = 1019; — 1. General accounts (vacant). 2. Special habits . . 3. Habitat 4. Feeding ' 5. Defence and protection 6. Locomotion 7. Autotomy and regeneration 8. Parasites and commensals 9. Protection of young , 10. Sexual dimorphism ,. ^(vacant). 11. Relation to other animals 12. Geological aspect 18. Phenology \/vat>ant'l 14. Hybridization /(.'vacant). 15. Echinoderms as food . . Variation and Aetiology = 1023 : — 1. Variation in form (vacant). 2. Variation in colour . . . . . . , . . . 9 3. Variation, meristic, numerical ^ 4. Variation, meristic, homoeotic J 5. Variation, teratological . . . . . . . . 9 6. Variation, bionomio f\ 7. Variation, mutational /V^^cant;. 8. Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9. Relations to other phyla (vacant). 10. Phylogeny 9 to CD CD Page 3 I--. Distribution = 1027 : — A. Geographical — i. General ii. Atlantic Ocean, etc. . iii. Indian Ocean, etc. . iv. Pacific Ocean, etc. . V. Arctic Ocean, etc. . vi. Antarctic Ocean, etc vii. Malaysia . . ^(vacant). D. Geological — i. General (vacant). ii. Cainozoic — (a) General , . . , .... . . (b) Pleistocene . . . . . . . . (c) Pliocene . . . . . . (d) Mioc(3ne . , . . . . . . . . (e) Oligocene (vacant). (f) Eocene . , ... . . * . . * iii. Mesozoic — (a) General . . , . . . (b) ' Gretaceous (1. Upper; 2. Lower) (c) Jurassic (1. Upper (vacant) ; 2. Lower) (d) Lias (and Rhaetic) . . . . (e) Trias (vacant) iv. Palaeozoic — (a) General (vacant). (b) Permian . . (c) Permo-Uarboniferons (d) Upper Carboniferous (e) Lower Carboniferous (f) Devonian (g) Silurian (1j) Ordovician. , . , • (k) Cambrian III. Bystematio Index =; 1031 i — A. General . . B. Holothurioidea . . c. Echinoidea . i , . D. Asteroidea . . li. Ophiuroidea , , K. Crinoidea . . o. Cystidea and Edrioasteroidea n. Blastoidea , .. K. Incertae sedis (n-13799 m) q 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 13 14 16 b 6-2 4 Bchin. V. Echinoderma. [1919] I.— TITLES. Ball, L, 0. Silver Spur Mine. Recent developments and future prospecting. Queensland Dept. Mines Geol. Surv. Publ. 264 1918 (1-36). [27 B iv (d) ; 31 F.] 1 Bather, F. A. Notes on Yunnan Cystidea. III. Shiocystia compared with similar genera. London Geol. Mag. 6 1919 (71-77 110-115 255-262 318-325) pi. iii & pi. vi figs. 22-30. [07 1 ; 33 8 10 ; 31 G.] ' 2 Bather, F. A. The Antiquity of Parasitio Disease. On the Parasitism of Carboniferous Crinoids. By Roy L. Moodio, Joum. Parasitology, iv, pp. 174-6, June, 1918. London Geol. Mag. 6 1919 (276-277). [19 8; 27 B iv (d) (e) (g) (h) ; 31 F.] 3 'Bather, F. A. Hydreionocrinus verrucosus n. sp.. Carboniferous, Isle of Man. Glasgow Trans. Geol. Soc. 16 1916-17 1917 (203-206). [27 B iv (c) (d) ; 31 F.] 4 Bather, F. A. Some British speci- mens of Ulocrinus. Glasgow Trans. Geol. Soc. 16 1916-17 1917 (207-319). [27 B iv (d) (c) ; 31 F.] 5 Bather, F. A. Yunnan Cystidea. London Geol. Mag. 6 1919 (143-144). [31 G.] 6 Bather, F. A. Cupressocrinus gibber n. sp. du D^vonien sup6rieur do Bel- gique. Bruxelles Bull. Soc. Beige Geol. 28 1914 (129-136). [27 B iv (f) ; 31 F.] 7 Bell, A. Fossils of the Holderness Basement Clays. With descriptions of new species. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (57-59). [27 B ii (b) ; 31 C F.] 8 Bosca Seytre, A. Fauna Valenciana (en resumen). Barcelona Fauna Valenciana (5-131). [Echinoderma at p. 29.] [27 A ii.] 9 Bourcart, J. Sur la presence dii Priabonien dans la region de Salonique. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (855- 856). [27 B ii (f).] 10 Caiman, W. T. Marine boring- animals injurious to submerged struc- tures. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Econ- omic Scries No. 10 1919 (1-34). [19 2.] 11 Cayeux, L. Introduction a T etude pdtrographique des roches sedimen- taires. Paris Mem. Carte Geol. dcHaill^e Franco 1916 1916 (1-524). [Echino- derma at p. 422]. [03 1 ; 07 1 4 5 ; 19 12; 27 B i; 31 A.] 12 Chumley, J. The Fauna of the Clyde Sea Area. Being an attempt to record the zoological results obtained by the late Sir John Murray and his assistants on board the S.Y. “Medusa” during the years 1884 to 1892. Glasgow 1918 1918(1-200). [27Aii; 31 B C D E F.] 13 Cisneros, Jim6nez de, D. Algunos f6siles de los abrededorcs de Alcoy. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 19 1919 (294-296). [27 B ii (c) (d) ; 31 C.] 14 Cisneros, Jim6nez de, D. Geologia y Paleontologia de Alicante. Madrid Trab. Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat. Ser. Geol. 21 1917 1917 (2-140) pis. i-xi map. [27 B ii (a) iii (b 1 2).] 15 Clark, A. H. Echinoderma II : Crinoidoa. Beitriigo zur Kenntnis dcr Meeresfauna Westafrikas. Hamburg Lfg. 2 1914 (307-318). [03 2 ; 27 A ii ; 31 F.] 16 Clark, T. H. A section in the Trenton Limestone at Martinsburg, New York. Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 63 1919 (3-18) pi. i. . [27 B iv (h) ; 31 F.] 17 Cleve-Euler. Quantitative plankton researches in the Skager Rak. K. Svensk. Vetenkaps Ak. Handl. 57 No. 7 1917 (1-130). [15 5; 27 A ii.] 18 5 Eehin, Titles. 1000' Cross, H. A. Tho Bormiulas as a type collecting ground for invertebrates. Troe. Iowa Acad. 24 1917 (301-303). [27 A ii.J 19 Crozier, VV. J. On regcneralion and tho re-formation of lunulcs in Mellila. Amer. Nat. New York 53 1919 (93-96). [19; 310.] 20 Crozier, 'W. J, The amount of Bottom Material ingested by Holo- thurians {Stichopus). J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 26 1918 (379-389). [114; 19 4; 31 B.] 21 Dalloni, M. Contribution iV T etude des terrains Miocenes do I’Algerie. Le Cartennien des environs de IMiliana. Paris Bui. soc. geol. 17 1917 (174-207). [27 B ii (d).] 22 Daus, H. Beitrago zur geologischen Kenntnis von Anatolien. III. Bei- triige zur Kenntnis des marinen Miociliis in Kilildcn und Nordsyrion. Stuttgart N. Jahrb. Min. geol. Pal. 88 1914 (420-500) pis. xvi-xix. [27 B ii (d) ; 31 0.] 23 Delgado, y Nufiez, E. Contribucion al est udio del Erizo dc Mar Cenirechinns anlillarnm. Mem. Soc. Cubana Hist. Nat. 2 1917 (251-280). [03 1 7 ; 07 1 3 5 8 9; 23 2 ; 31 C.] 24 Dowling, D. B. 'Tho Southern I^lains of Alberta. Ottawa Canada Dept. Mines geol. Surv. 93 1917 (1- 189) including pis. xv-xxxv. [27 B iii (b 1); 31 C.] 25 Dunbar, C. 0. Stratigraphy and correlation of the Devonian of Western Tennessee. Bui. Geol. Surv. Tennessee 21 1919 (1-127). [19 12 ; 27 B iv (f) ; 31 F.J 25a Erwe, W. Holothuricn aus dem Boten Mcer. Berlin Mitt. zool. Mus. 9 1919 (177-189). [27 A iii ; 31 B.] 26 Fenton, C. L. Tho Hackberry Stage of tho Upper Devonian of Iowa. Amor. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. 48 1919 (355-376). [27 B iv (f) ; 31 C E.] 27 Ficheur, E. Le Cartennien de Ben Mahis, Region do Berrouaghia (Alger). Paris Bui. soc. gdol. 17 1917 (136-173). [27 B ii (d).] 28 Field, 11. M. Tho Middle Ordovician of Central and South Central Pennsyl- vania. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. 48 1919 (403-428). [27 B iv (h) ; 31 D.J 29 Fisher, W. K. Contributions to the biology of the Philippine Archipelago and adjacent regions. Star fishes of tho Philippine seas and adjacent waters. AVashington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Nation. Mus. Bui. 100 A^ol. 3 1919 (1-547) pis. i-clv. [03 2; 27 A iv ; 31 D.] 30 Fisher, W. K. North Paeific Zoro- asteridae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 8 1919 (387-393). [03 2; 27 A iv; 31 D.] 31 Fod, C. Sullo sviluppo dello nova di Slrongylocentrotus lividus sottoposto aU’aziono del succo .spremuto dallo sperma omogeneo. Pubblicazioni Staz. zool. Napoli 2 1917 (67 75). [11 7 ; 15 4; 31 C.] 32 Foerstc, A. E. Notes on Isotelus, Acrolichas, Calymene and Enerinurus. Granville Ohio Bui. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ. 19 1919 (65-81) pis. xiv xiva xviii. [27 B iv (g) (h) ; 31 D F.] 83 Foerste, A. E. Echinodermata of tho Brassfield (Silurian) Formation of Ohio. Granville Ohio Bui. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ. 19 1919 (4-32) pis. i- vii. [27Biv(g); 31 D F G.] 34 Fraser, C. McL. Migrations of Marino Animals. Proc. & Trans. R. Soc. Canada 12 1919 (139-143). [19 16.] 35 Fiicini, A. Ragioni stratigrafichc e litologiche che convalidano I’etd weal- diana del Verrucano tipico del M. Pisano desunta dai fossile, Catania Atti Ace. Gioonia 11 No. 1 1918 (1-30). [27 B iii (b 2).J 36 Garrey, W. E. The nature of tho fertilization membrane of Asierias and Arbacia eggs. Woods Hole Mass. Biol. Bull. 37 1919 (287-293). [15 4 8 ; 31 C D.] 87 Glsldn, 'T. Results of Dr.‘ E. Mjo- borg’s Swedish scientific expeditions to Australia, 1910-1913. 23. Crinoids. Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 59 No. 4 1919 (37) 1 pi. 3 text-figs. [27 A iv; 31 F.] 37a Gravely, F. H. A note on the marine invertebrate fauna of Chandiporc, Orissa. Calcutta Rcc. Ind. Mus. 16 1919 (395-399). [27 A iii ; 31 C.] 38 Grieg, J. A. P»,emarks on the age of some Arctic and North Atlantic star- fishes. London Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3 1919 (400-408). [15 7; 31 D.] 39 V. Echinoderma. [1919] 0 iEchin. 1. Inst. Geol. Espana 20 1919 (1-156). [27 B hi (a).] 71b , Reed, F. R. C. The Yunnan Cystidea. London Geol. Mag. 6 1919 (92-93), [31 G.] 72 Reed, F. R. C. Yunnan Cystidea. London Geol. Mag. 6 1919 (191-192)i [31 G.] 73 Repelin. J. vide Guebhard, A. and Lambert, J. Russell, E. S. Note on the Rioting Reaction in Asterina gihhosa Penn. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1919 1919 (42.3-432). [19 6; 31 D.] 74 Schafer, H. F. Rat und Lias am Grossen Seeberg bei Gotha und im Flussbett der Apfelstedt bei Weehmar. Zs. Natw. Leipzig 86 1918 (345-377). [27 B hi (o 2) (d) ; 31 C D F.] 75 ‘ Schuchert, C. A Ijowcr Cambrian Edrioasterid Stromatocyslites walcottv, Washington D.G. Smithsonian Inst. Misc. Collect. 70 No. 1 1919 (1-8) pi. i. [03 5 ; 07 3 5 ; 19 3 12 ; 23 8 10 ; 27 B iv (k) ; 31 G.] 76 Shoemaker, C. R. A new Amphipod parasitic on a Crinoid. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 82 1919 (245-246). [19 8 ; 31 k] 77 Smith, G. L. Contributions to the Geology of South-Western Iowa. Proc. Iowa Acad. 23 1916 (77-89). [27 B iv (d); 31 CF.] ‘ ' 78 Smith, G. L. The Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Upper Car- boniferous of Iowa. Proc. Iowa Acad. 22 1915 1916 (273-383). [27 B iv (d) ; 31F.] ' ’ 79 Smith, G. L. Contributions to the geology of South-Western Iowa. Proo. Iowa Acad. 25 1918 (521-536). / [27 B iv (d); 31 F.] . ; . ' » 80 8 Echin. V. Echinoderma. [1919] Spitz, A. Liasfossilien aus dem Caiievese. Wien Verh. Geol. Rchs.- Anst. 1919 1019 (317-325). [27 B iii (d) ; 31 ¥.] 81 Springer, F. On the Crinoid Genus Scyphocrinus and its bulbous root Camarocrimis. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Publ. 2440 1917 (1-74) pis. i-ix. [07 1 ; 27 B iv (g) ; 31 F.] 82 Springer, F. New species of Crinoid. Canada Dept. Mines Geol. Surv. Mem. Ill 1919 (127). [27 B iv (g) ; 31 F.] 83 Theel, H. Ora araoebooytor ooh andra kroppar i perivisoeralhiilan hos echinoderma. i. Aslerias rubens, L. Arkiv. Zool. Stockholm 12 1919 No. 4 (1-38) pis. i-iv. [112 7; 31 D.] 83a Th6el, H. Om amoebocyter och andra kroppar i perivisceralhalen hos echinoderma. ii. Parechinun miliaris. L. Arkiv. Zool. Stockholm 12 1919 No. 14 (1-48) pis. i-viii. [11 2 7; 31 C D.] 83b Thomas, A. 0. A new Crinoid fauna from Monticello, Iowa. Des Moines Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 22 1915 (289-291) pi. xxxii. [27Biv(g); 31 F.] 84 Thomas, A. 0. vide Lees, J. H. Trauth, F. Die “ Neuhauser Schich- ten,” cine litorale Entwicklung des alpinon Bathonion. Wien Verh. Geol. Rohs.-Anst. 1919 1919 (333-339). (27 B iii (o 2).] 85 * Walkom, A. B. Fonostella and Poly- pe ra (?) in South-Eastern Queensland. Brisbane Proc. R. Soq. Queensland 28 1918 (101-103). [27 B ii (a) ; 31 F.] 86 Wanner, J. Die Permischen Echino- dermen von Timor. I. Teil. Palaont. von Timor. Stuttgart 6 1916 (1-329) pis. xcvi-cxiv. [03 2 ; 27 B iv (b) ; 31 F.] 87 Wanner, J. Ptilocrinus, cine neue Krinoidengattung aus dem Unter- devon der Eifol. Berlin Zs. D. geol. Gos. 08 1916 (343-359) pi. xxviii. [27 B iv (f) ; 31 F.] 88 Wanner, J. Eifelocrinus und Peri- pierocrinus, nom. nov. (Synonymische Bemerkungen). Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 68 1916 (360). [27 B iv (f) ; 31 F.] 89 Williams, M. Y. The Silurian Geology and Faunas of Ontario Peninsula and Manitoulin and Adjacent Islands. Canada Dept. Mines Geol. Surv. Mem. Ill 1919 (1-193) pis. i-xxxiv. [27 B iv(g).] 90 Wiman, C. Romarques sur 1(3 cr^tace k, BelciiDiitella mucronata dans la Scanio. Upsala Bull. geol. Inst. 16 1919 (305-316). [27 B iii (b 1).] 91 Woodward, A. E. Studies on the Physiological Significance of certain Precipitates from the Egg Secretions of Arbacia and Asterias. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 26 1918 (459-499) Ipl. [1548; 31 CD.] 92 Zirpolo, G. Notizia di un’ Ophio- glypha lacertosa Lym. anomala. Napoli Bob Soc. nat. 31 1919 (45-48). [23 5 ; 31 E.j 93 Zirpolo, G. Nuovi casi di anomalia delle braccia in Antropecten auraniiac.us L. Napoli Boll. Soc. Nat. 31 1918 1919 (100-108). [23 5; 31 D.] 94 Ik— SUBJECT INDEX. N.B. — TTu number in Clarendon type quoted after the author's name, in the Subject and Systematic Indices, refers lo “ Titles," where a fuller reference will be found. GENEllAL. 1003 1. Historical. Cayeux, 12 ; Delgado y Nufiez, 24. 2. General Treatises and Mono- graphs. Clark, 16 ; Fisher, 30 (fc 31 ; Koehler, 54 ; Wanner, 87. 5. Museums. Hartmeyer, 42 ; Melvill, 66 ; Schuc- hert, 76. 6. Technique. Just, 50 & 51. 7. Nomenclature. Delgado y Nuhez, 24 ; Hawkins, 43. 8. Local Lists. Dunbar, 25a 9 Echin. Subject Index — Distribution. 1027 SrilUOTURE. 1007 1. General accounts. Bather, 2 ; Cayeux, 12 ; Delgado y Nunez, 24 ; Hawkins, 43 ; Springer, 82. 3. Homologies of Classes. Delgado y Nufiez, 24 ; Schuchort, 76. 4. Skeletal Tissue or Stereom. Cayeux, 12. 5. Skeletal Anatomy. Cayeux, 12 ; Delgado y Niiflez, 24 ; Hawkins, 43 ; Schuchert, 76. 6. Hydrocoel, Respiratory Organs, etc. Lastotschkin, 59. 8. Digestive System, Cuvierian organs. Delgado y Nunez, 24. 9. Nervous System and Sense- organs. Delgado y Nuftez, 24. PHYsioLoay. 1011 2. Circulation. Th6ol, 83a k 83b. 4. Alimentation. Crozier, 21. 7. Experimental. Foa, 32 ,* Herlant, 45 ; Lastotschkin, 59 ; Thiel, 83a & 83b. DEVELOPMENT. 1015 4. Oviposition, etc^ Fod, 32 ; Garrey, 37 ; Guthrie & Hibbard, 41 ; Herlant, 45 & 46 ; Just, 49, 50 & 51 ; Lillie, 61a ; Loeb, 63 & 64 ; Fainter, 71a ; Woodward, 92. 5. Larval stages. Cleve-Euler, 18. 8. Experimental Embryology. Garrey, 37 ; Herlant, 46 ; Just, 50 ; Lillie, Ola; Loob, 63 & 64; Painter, 71a; Woodwatd, 92. ETHOLOGY. 1019 2. Special habits. Caiman, 11 ; Fraser, 35. 3. Habitat. Hawkins, 43 ; Huntsman, 48 ; Schuc- hert, 76. 4. Feeding. Crozier, 21. 6. Defence and Protection. Mortensen, 68. 6. Locomotion. Russell, 74. 7. Autotomy and Regeneration. Crozier, 20 ; Kfi2eneck^, 56. 8. Parasites and Commensals. Bather, 3 ; Shoemaker, 77. 12. Geological aspect. Cayeux, 12 ; Dunbar, 25a ; Schuc- hert, 76. 15. Echinoderms as food. Hornell, 47. VARIATION AND iETIOLOGY. 1023 2. Variation in colour. Delgado y Ndfiez, 24. 5. Variation, teratological. Zirpolo, 93 & 94. ^ 8. Evolution. Bather, 2 ; Hawkins, 43 ; Schuchert, 76. 10. Phylogeny. Bather, 2 ; Hawkins, 43 ; Schuchert, 76. DISTRIBUTION. 1027 A. QBOaRAPHICAL. i. General. Cayeux, 12 ; Harfmeyer, 42. 11. Atlantic Ocean, etc. Bosca Seytre, 9; Chnmley, 13; Clark, 16 ; Cleve-Euler, 18 ; Cross, 19 ; Grieg, 39 ; Hordman, 44 ; Koehler, 54. 10 Echin. O' V. Echinoderma. [191^] iU. Indian Ocean. Erwe, 26 ; Gravely, 38. , j iv. Pacific Ocean, etc. Fisher, 30 & 31 ; Gisl6n, 37a. vii., Malays! a. .t , , Fisher, 30. B. GaoLoaioAL. il. Cainpzoic. , o . a. General. Cisneros, Jimenez de, 15 ; Ncmiand, 69 ; Walkom, 88. b. Pleistocene. Belli 8 ; Kaldhol, 52 ; Nordhagen, 70. • I c. Pliocene. . / Cisneros, JUn^s de, 14 ; Moody, 67. d. Miocene. Cisneros, Jimenez de, 14 ; Dalloni, 22; Dans, 23; Ficheur, 28; Lluoca, 62. f Eocenei , Bourcart, 10 ; Kindelan, 52a ; Oppen- heim, 71. iii. Mesozoic. a. General. Palacios, 71b. b. Cretaceous. 1. Upper Cretaceous Cisneros, Jimenez de, 15 ; Dowling, 25 ; Gu^bhard, Lambert & Repelin, 40 ; Hawkins, 43 ; Kindelan, 52a ; Lam- bert, 58 ; Wiman, 91 . 2. Lower Cretaceous. Cisneros, Jim6nez de, 15 ; Fucini, 36 ; Hawkins, 43. i c. Jurassic. ‘ ‘ 2. Lower Jurassic. Kitchen, 53 ; Krenkel, 55 ; Schafer, 75; Trauth, 85. , . , d. Lias (and Rhaetic). Lambert, 57 ; Mariani, 65 ; Schafer, 75 : Spitz, 81. iv. Palaeozoic, b. Permian. Wanner, 87. c. Permo-Carboniferous. Bather, 4 ; Bell, 1 ; Lees, 60. d. Upper Carboniferous. Smith, 78, 79 & 80. e. Lower Carboniferous. Bather, 3, 4 & 5 ; Lees & Thomas, 61. f. Devonian. Bather, 7 ; Dunbar, 25a; Fehton, 27 ; Wanner, 88 & 89. g. Silurian. Bather, 3 ; Foerste, 33 & 34 ; Springer, 82 & 83 ; Thomas, 84 ; William?, po. h. Ordovician. Bather, 3; Clark, 17; Field, 29; Foerste, 33. k. Cambrian. Schuchert, 76. III. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. 1031 A. General. Echimderma, Cayeux 12. ■\Echhioderma, Cayeux 12. B. Holotiiuroidea. Cucumaria, Chumley 13. Holothuria with H. sncosa sp. n. Red Sea, Erwe Berlin Mitt. zool. ]Mu8. 9 pp. 182-180.—//., ClllJMLEY 13. — //., Guthrie & Hinu,\Ru 41. Miilkria, Erwe 26. Phyllophoms, Erwe 26. Psolus, Chumley 13. Slichopus, Crozier 21. — S., Erwe 26, Synapta, Chumley 13. — S., Erwe 26. — S., Guthrie & Hibbard 41. Lastotschkin 59.-' . ' Thyone, Chumley 13.— T., Erwe 26, Thyonidium, Chumley 13. 11 Echin. Systematic — Asteroidea. 1031 C. Echinoidea. Amphidotus, Chumley 13. > > fArchaeocidaris, Smith 78. A rbacia, Garre y 37.— x4.. Just 50. — A. , Koehler 54.— ^1., Woodward 92. >4?’6ac?’e//a, Koehler 54. Brissopsis lyrifer. The el 83b. — • B. , ClIUMLEY 13 Centrechinus anlillamm, Delgado y NuiJez 24. Cidaris, Guthrie & Hibbard 41. — . C. , Koehler 64. ■^Cidaris gervillei, Sor., Lambert 57. • — C., psilonoti Schafer 75. . \ Clypeasfer, Koehler 54. ■fClypcaster, Daus 23. . ■fConulus, Hawkins 43. ’ jCojHodiscus mengaudi, Lambert 68. Diadema, Koehler 54. ^Dindemopsis with 7). ucelcn^is sp. n. Lias France, Lambert Bull. Soc. fitndo Sci. Nat. Nimcs 1914-1917 p. 119. DorocidarU, Koehler 54. — D., KnizENECKi 56. Echinmachnius parma, Just 49, 50&51. Echinocardium cordalum, Tii/.el 83b. — E., Chumley 13.— E., Guthrie & Hibbard 41. Echinocyamiis, Chumley 13. EcMnoidea, Gravely 38. IfEchinoidea, Fenton 27.— E., Kitchin 53.— E., Lilllie 6la. ■\Echinolanipa3, Daus 23. Echinometra, Koehler 54. - ^Eckinon'eus, Hawkins 43. Echinus esculentus, Theel 83b. Chumley 13.— E., Guthrie & Hib- bard 41. — KrIzeneck-I 56. ■ ^Echinus norvegicus, Bell 8. -\Epiaster guebhardi [sp. n.] Upper Cretaceous France, Lambert in Gueb- hard, Lambert & Repelin Notes Proven^ales 6 p. 6. > Eucidaris, Koehler 64. ■ ■\Globator, Hawkins 43. •fHemiaster kumphreysianus , , Dowling Canada Dept. Mines geol. Surv. 93 pi. XXXV. ' . ^Holectypusi KnEVfKEL 55. Laganum, Koehler 54. , , CrOZIER 20. , i .; Meoma, Koehler 54. • Metalia, Koehler 54. ■fMiocidaris torioli, Lambert 67. INucleoliles, Cisneros, JimenEz de 14. 1[Palaeopedina, Lambert 57. Paleolampas, Koehler 54. Paracenlrotust . Herlant 45. — P.,. Koehler 54. Parechinus miliaris, Thi^eE 83bi '\Periasicr with P. esclaponenslf ^ Bp. n. Upper Cretaceous France, Lam- bert Notes rroven^alcs 6 p. 8 pi. iii. i Psamniechinu^, K6i7.ENBOKl 56. f i’yHnG, Hawkins 43. Rhabdobryssus, Koehler 54. Rotula, Koehler 64. < Spalangus purpureus, Theel 83b. — S., Chumley 13. Slrongylocenlrolus lividuSy Dei.oadd y NuRez 24.— /S. L, FoA 32.— Guthrie & Hibbard 41. — S , KrI?.- ENECKi 56. ISlrongylocentroluSy Moody 67. ITogocyamus subgen. H. {Echino- cyamus) and T. seefriedi sp. n. Eocene Togoland, Oppenheim JBeitr, geol. Deutsch. Schutzgebiete 12 1916 p^ 20 pi. i figs, 10-1.3. Toxopnmsies variegatus, Guthrie &, Hibbard 41. Tripnmsles^ KoeiilEr 54. D. Asteroidea. /I caaffta^fer, Fisher 30. . Anscropoda, Fisher 30. < Anthcmidcs, Fisher 30, Anthosticte, Fisher 30. '» Aphroditastcr, Fisher 30, Archaster, Fisher 30. 12 Echin. V. Echinoderma. [1919] Asleriaa ruben-s, Theel 83a & 83b. — A., Chumley 13. — A., Gaerey 37. — .4., Guthrie & Hibbard 41. — A., Koehler 54. — A., Woodward 92. fAsterias, Sohafer 75. Adierim gibbosa, Bussell 74. — A., OuuMLEY 18. — A., Fisher 30.—^., Guthrie & Hibbard 41. — A., Koeh- ler 54. Aslerhwpsis, Fisher 30. Asicrodiscus, Fisher 30. Asteroidea, Grieo 39. Asterosiephane, Fisher 30. Aslroceramus, Fisher 30. Aslromeaites, Fisher 30. Aslropecten with A. vappa inaequalis, A. cucnemis subsp. & sp. n. Philippine Scab, Fisher Washington Nation. JVIus. Bui. 100 pp. 62-89 [A. v. i. at p. 69 ; A. e. at p, 75 pis. x fig. 1 ; xiv figs. 3-3a-d.]. — A. with A. Hupferi, michadseni mamillalus, liberiensis spp. n. W. Africa, Koehler Bcitr. Kennt. Meeresfauna West Af. Lfg. 2 pp. 138-163 268 pis. iv v vi. — A. auranliacum, Zirpolo 94. Aslrolhmma, Fisher 30. Atelorias, Fisher 30. Bcuihogenia, Fisher 80. Bculhopecten, Fisher 30. Brisinga, Fisher 80. Brisingella, Fisher 30. Briaingenea with B. ancluala sp. n. Philippines, Fisher Washington Nation. Mus. Bui. 100 pp. 517-521 [.B. a. at p. 521 pis. cxlvi ; cliii figs. 3-3a-d ; cliv fig. 4]. Buiiaster, Fisher 30. Bytkiolophua, Fisher 30. Calliaster, Fisher 30. Oeramaater, Fisher 30. Chaetaster, Koehler 54. CheiraateTf Fisher 30. Choriaater, Fisher 30. Cnemidaatert Fisher 30. Voi'onaater, Fisher 80. Craspidaster, Fisher 30. Craterobriainga with C. analoga sp. n. Philippines, ^i’lSHER Washington Nation. Mus. Bui. 100 pp. 512-516 [G. a. at p 516 pis. cxmii figs, 7 8 ; cxlix fig. 1]. Cribrella, Chumley 13. — G., Guthrie & Hibbard 41. — G., Koehler 54. Grossaater, Chumley 13. — G,, Fisher 30. Gtenodiacua, Fisher 30. Gtenophoraater, Fisher 30. GlenopUura, Fisher 30. Gulcita, Fisher 30. Diplopteraaler, Fisher 30. Dipaacaater, Fisher 30. Diaaogcnea, Fisher 30. Diatolaateriaa, Fisher 30. Echinaater, Fisher 30. Ferdina, Fisher 30. Freyellaaler, Fisher 30. Fromia, Fisher 30. Goniaaler, Koehler 54. Qomodisasler, Fisher 80. Goniopeclen, Fisher 30. Ilalityh, Fisher 30. Henricia, Fisher 80. llyinenaater, Fisher 30. Jlymenaateridea, Fisher 30. Icoitaater, Fisher 80. Koremaater with K. evaulua a2)icu~ latua subsp. n. Philippines, Fisher Washington Nation. Mus. Bui. 100 pp. 157-161 [A^. e. a. at p. 161 pis. xxxiii fig. 1 ; xxxiv fig. 1 ; xl figs. 3-3a-f]. Leiasler, Fisher 30. Linckia, Fisher 30. — L., Koehler 54, Lilhoaoma, Fisher 30. Lojihaater, Fisher 30. Luidia, Chumley 13. — L., Fisher 30.— L., Koehler 54. Marginaater, Fisher 30. Mediaater, Fisher 30. Meaopaleaater (Ilemipakaaler) schucherti sp. n. Silurian Ohio, Foerste Bui. sci. Lab. Denison Univ. 19 pp. 22-26 pis. iv V. 13 Eehtn. Systematic — Ophiuroidea 1031 Metrodira, Fisher 30. Myxaster, Fisher 80. Myxoderma sacculalum ectene.^, Cali- fornia ; 'platyacanlimm rhomaleum, Oregon siibspp. n., Fisher Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 13 pp. 392-393. Nardoa, Fisher 30. Nepanlhia, Fisher 30. Nymphasler, Fisher 30. Odinia, Fisher 30. Ophidiasler, Fisher 30. — 0., Koeh- ler 54. Oreaster, Fisher 30. Othilia, Fisher 30. Palmipes, Chumley 13. Paragonaster, Fisher 30. Paranepanthia, Fisher 30. Pataymicr, Fismeii 80. Patina, Koehler 64. Patiriella, Fisher 30. Pectinaster with P. inimims pala- wanensis subsp. n. Philippines, Fisher Washington Nation. Mus. Bui. 100 « pp. 182-187 [P. m. p. at p. 185 pis. Hi fig. 3 ; liv figs. 2 2a]. Pedicellaster, Fisher 30. Pdtasier, Fisher 30. Pentaceropsi.9, Fisher 30. Pentaceros, Koehler 54. Perissogonaster, Fisher 30. Persephonaster with P. eiiryacilt brevispinus subsp. n. Philippine Seas, Fisher Washington Nation. Mus. Bui. 100 pp. 111-134 [P. e. b. at p. 115 pis. xxiv fig. 2 ; XXV fig. 3 ; xxx fig. 2 ; xxxii figs. 2 2a]. Pholidaster, Fisher 30. Plutonaster, Koehler 54. Pontioceramus, Fisher 30. Porania, Chumley 13. Prionaster, Fisher 30. Psendar chaster, Fisher 30. Psilaster, Fisher 30. Pteraster, Fisher 30. Radiaster, Fisher 30. Retaster, Fisher 30. Rosaster, Fisher 30. ■\8chucherlia magna sp. n. Silurian Ohio, Foerstb Bui. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ. 19 pp. 26-28 pi. vi fig. 1. Sidonaster, Fisher 30. Solaster, Chumley 13.— /Sf. Fisher 30. — S., Guthrie & Hibbard 41. Sphaeriodiscus, Fisher 30. Stegnobrisinga, Fisher 30. Slellaster, Fisher 30. ■\ Stereoaster squamosus sp. n. Silurian Ohio, Foerste Bui. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ. 19 p. 28 pi. vii figs. 2 a-e. — S., Foerstb 33. Tarachaster, Fisher 30. Tarsaster, Fisher 30. TritonasUr, Fisher 30. Xenorias, Fisher 30. Zoroaster with Z. actinocles, Aleutian Isds. ; evermanni mordax California sp. & subsp. n., Fisher Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 8 pp. 390-391. — Z., Fisher 30. • E. Ophiuroidea. Amphiocnida semisquamafa sp. n. W. Africa, Koehler Beitr. Kennt. Meeresfauna W. Af. Lfg. 2 p. 187 pi. viii figs. 17 19. Amphiodia acutispina, cincta spp. n. W. Africa, Koehler Beitr. Kennt. Meeresfauna W. Af. Lfg. 2 pp. 19,5-197 pis. vii viii. Amphioplus with A. occidenlalis sp. n. W. Africa, Koehler Beitr. Kennt. Meeresfauna W. Af. Lfg. 2 p. 199 pi. vii. AmphiphoUs with A, clypeata, nudi- pora, spp. n. W. Africa, Koehler Beitr. Kennt. Meeresfauna W. Af. Lfg. 2 pp. 191-194 pis. vii viii. Amphiura, Chumley 13. — A., Koeh- ler 54. Ophiarachnella ajricana sp. n. W. Africa, Koehler Beitr. Kennt. Meeres- fauna W. Af. Lfg. 2 p. 178 pi. ix figs. 8 9 17. Opliiactia, Koehler 54. Ophiocnida, Chumley 13. — 0., Koeh- ler 54. Ophiocoma, Chumley 13. — 0.„ Koehler 54. Ophioderma, Koehler 54. 14 ErJiin. V. Echinoderma. [19191 Ohpioglypha lac^rtosa, Zibpolo 93. — O., CiiuMLEY 13. — 0., Koehler 54. Ophiolepis, Koehler 54. Ophiopholis, Chumley 13. Ophiopsila guinensis, platispina spp. n. W. Africa, Koeih^er Bcitr. Kennt. Moeresfauna W, Af. Lfg. 2 pp. 203-200 pi. viii. Ophioteron atlanticura sp. n. W. Africa, Koehler Beitr. Kennt. Meeres- faima W. Af. Lfg. 2 p. 212 pi. x. . Ophiolhrix with 0. tomenlosa sp. n. W. Africa, Koehler Beitr. Kennt. Meercsfanna W. Af. Lfg. 2 pp. 208-210 270 pi. X. — 0., Chumley 13. — 0., Outhrie & Hibbard 41. Ophiiira, Guthrie & Hibbard 41. F. Crinoidea. Wanner 87. . Bather 3. Amphimetra, Hartmeyer 42. Antedon, Chumley 13. — A., Clark 16. — A., Guthrie & Hibbard 41.— A., Hartmeyer 42. ■\Archaeocrinus, Foerstb 33. -fBasleocrmus gen. n. B. conicus, . B. ? kuJcaensis spp. n. Permian Timor, Wanner Pal. Timor 6 pp. 214-217 pi. oix. •\Batocrinidae, Wanner 87. ■\Batocrininae, Wanner 87. ■\Bolbocrinus gen. n, with B. hiero- glyphicusluberculaius,rex,waldthauseniae tv. var. basleensis, pusillus, irregularis, spp. & var. n. Permian Timor, Wanner Pal. Timor 6 pp. 115-125 pis. ci cii. ^Boiryocrimis, Bather 3. — B., Foerste 34. ■\Bursacrinus magnificus, procerus, pyramidalus spp. n. Permian Timor, Wanner 6 pp. 177-184 pi. cvi. -fCalycocrinus gen. n. C. curvatus, spinosus, malaianus, major, pocuhim, coronatus, turbinatus, Tcupangensis, amarassicus, granulatus, crassus spp. n. Permian Timor, Wanner Pal. Timor 6 pp. 200-272 pis. cx cxi. -fCamnrocrinus fig., Dunbar Bull. ' Geol Suiw. Tennessee 21 p. 49 fig. 10. — C., Sprinoer 82. Campsomelra, Hartmeyer 42. Capillaster, Hartmeyer 42. "^Carneyella raymondi sp. n. Ordo- vician U.S.A., Clark Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 63 p. 11 pi. i figs. 18 19. Cenometra, Hartmeyer 42. ■\Ceriocrinus, Smith 78 & 79. ■\Cheirocrimis, Clark 17. ^Cibolocrinus with C. transitorius, minimus, propinquus spp. n. Permian Timor, \\L\nner Pal. Timor 6 pp. 206- 213 pis. ciii-cvii. ^Glidochirus with 0. ulrichi sp. n. Silurian Ohio, Foerste Bui. Sci. Lab. Denison' Univ. 19 pp. 15-19 [O. u. at p. 17 pi. ii figs. 1 a-b]. Colobometra, Hartmeyer 42. Comactinia, Hartmeyer 42. Comantheria, Hartmeyer 42. Comanihina, Hartmeyer 42. ComanlJiUs, Hartmeyer 42. Comaster, Hartmeyer 42. Comal ella, Hartmeyer 42. Comalula, Hartmeyer 42. Comatulella, Hartmeyer 42. Comissia, Hartmeyer 42. ■\Crinoidea, Ball 1.— C., Bell 8. — C., Gislen 87a, — C., Kitohin 53. — C., Lees 60.— G., Lees & Thomas 61.— C., Smith 80. — 0., Walkom 86. ■\Cromyocrinus, Bather 5. •ICupressocrinites, Bather 5. ■\Cupressocrinus gibber sp. n. De- vonian Belgium, Bather Bull. Soc. Beige Geol. 28 pp. 129-136. •\Cyalhocrinus, Bather 5. '\Cydonocrinus iurbmahis sp. n. Per- mian Timor, AVanner Pal. Timor 6 p. 109 pi. c.i, Decametra, Hartmeyer 42. Dichrometra, Hartmeyer 42. 'fDimerocrinus (?) vagans sp. n. Silurian Ohio, Foerste Bui. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ. 19 p. 13 pi. ii figs. 6 a-e. "IDinocrinus gen. u. with D. cornutus sp. n. Permian Timor, Wanner Pal. Timor 6 p. 313 pis, xevi xcvii. 16 Eehin. Systematic — Crinoidea. 1031 jDolocrinus with D. depre.9. apinifer, mula- hilia pyburnenaia, ulrichi, gibboaua spp. n. Silurian N. America, Springer Washington Smiths. Inst. Publ. 2440 pp. 46 47 52 64 55 pis. vi-ix. — >9., Dunbar 25a. Selene7netra, Hartmeyer 42. '\Stachyocrinua gen. n. >9. zea sp. n. Permian Timor, Wanner Pal. Timor 6 p. 233 pi. cvi. Sleplianomdraf Hartmeyer 42. •fSlrongylocrmua ^nolengraffi sp. n. Permian Timor, Wanner Pal. Timor 6 p. 72 pi. ci. '\Sundacrinua gen. n. >9. granulalua sp. n. Permian Timor, Wanner Pal. Timor 6 pp. 219-220 pi. cvi. ^Sycocrinua, Wanner 87. ^Symbaihocrinua with S. campanu- latua & varr. inflala, elongata, S, con- strictua. ainuoaua spp. & varr. n. Permian Timor, Wanner Pal. Timor 6 pp. 15- 22 pi. xcvi. '\Syntomocrinu8 gen. n. S. aundaicus sp. n. Permian Timor, Wanner Pal. Timor 6 pp. 256-257 pi. cx. ■\Thalaaaocri'mia gen. n. T. gracilia sp. n. Permian Timor, Wanner Pal. Timor 6 pp. 311 pi. cxi. -fThelidicrmua gen. n. T. pirijormia. sp. n. Permian Timor, Wanner Pal. Timor 6 pp. 111-112 pi. cii. YPi^norocrinua with T. alaiua, a. var. onajo)-, T. apinoaua, a. var. penla- go7ialia, a. var. amaraasica, a. var. in/ormia, a. var, inciasa, decurlatua, pruboscidena spp. & varr. n. Permian Timor, Wanner Pal. Timor 6 pp. 298-310 pis. cxii cxiii cxiv cix. "fTrimerocrhiua gen. n. T. puinilius^ venlrioaua spp. n. Permian Timor, Wanner Pal. Timor 6 pp. 113-14(1 pi. civ. Tropiometra, Clark 16. — T., Hart- meyer 42. ] lJlocrinua, Bather 5. ■\Zeacrinua ? aundaiciia sp. n. Permian Timor, Wanner Pal. Timor 6 p. 147 pi. ci. Zygomelra, Hartmeyer 42. G. Cystidea & Edrioasteroidea. ■\Allocyatitea, Bather 2. fArchegocyatea, Bather 2. ■\Ariatocyatea, Bather 2. ■\Brockocyatia nodoaariua sp. n. Si- lurian Ohio, Foerste Bui. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ. 19 p. 5 pi. i figs 1-5. ■\Calix, Bather 2. ^Cariocyatitea, Bather 2. '\Godiacyatia^ Bather 2. ^Hippocyatia gen. n.. Bather London Geol. Mag. 6 pp. 71 72. ■\Holocyatilea, Bather 2. -\Lepadocyaliat Foerste 34. •\Megacyatia, Bather 2. \Ovocyatia, Bather 6. — 0., Reed 72. ■\8ingcyalia, Bather 2 6. — 8.y Reed 72 & 73. '\Slromatocyatilea with 8. walcotU sp. n. Lower Cambrian Newfoundland, Sciiu- ohert Washington Smiths. Inst. Misc. Coll. 70 No. 1 pp. 1-8 pi. i figs. 1-4. VI. VERMIDEA ARRANGED BY II. M. WOODCOCK. CONTENTS PAGE Titles (for all groups) . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 PLATYHELMINTHIA, NEMERTINEA, MESOZOA. Subject-Index ; — Comprehensive and General = 1203 .. .. 15 Structure =1207 .. .. .. .. .. 16 Physiology=l211 .. .. .. .. .. ..16 Development=1215 .. .. .. .. ..16 Ethology = 1219 .. .. .. .. .. ..16 Variation, Pliylogeny= 1223 . . .. .. .. .. 17 Distribution (Geography)= 1227 .. .. .. .. 17 Systematic= 1231 : — , Platyhehninthia .. .. .. .. .. .,17 Turbellai’ia .. .. .. .. .. .. .* 17 Trematoda . . . . , , , . . . . . , , 18 Cestoda .. .. ., .. *• .. ..19 Nemertinea .. ., .. .. .. .. ..19 Mesozoa .. .. .. .. .. ..19 NEMATHELMINTHIA. Subject-Index : — Comprehensive and General = y03 .. .. .. .. 19 Structure=1407 .. .. .. .. .. 20 Physiology = 14ll .. .. .. .. .. ..20 Development=1415 .. .. .. .. ,. ..20 Ethology = 1419 .. .. 21 Variation, Phylogeny = 1423 . . .. .. ,. .. 21 Distribution (Geography)= 1427 .. .. .. .. 21 SysTEMATic=1431 : — Nematoda .. .. .. .. .. .. ..21 Nematomorpha (vacant). Acanthocephala . . • . . . . . , . . . 24 (n-13799 o)q b6 2 CHAETOGNATHA, GASTROTRICHA, ROTIFERA. PAGE Subject-Index : — ' Comprehensive and General =1603 .. .. ..25 Structure=1607 .. .. . .. .. .. 25 Physiology =1611 .,25 Development= 1615 .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 Ethology=1619 .. .. .. ..25 Variation, PhyIogeny= 1623 . . .. .. .. ..25 Distribution (Geography) = 1627 .. .. .. .. 25 Systematic = 1631 : — Chaetognatha ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Gastrotricha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Rotifera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 ANNELIDA, GEPHYREA, PHORONIDEA, PTEROBRANCHIATA. Subject-Index; — Comprehensive and General =1803 .. 26 • Strucfcure=1807 .. .. ., .. ..26 Physiology =1811 .. .. .. ., .. ..26 Development=1815 ., .. .. .. .. .. 27 Ethology=1819 '. . .. .. , .. .. .. 27 Variation, Phylogeny= 1823 . . .. .. .. .. 27 Distribution (Geography) = 1827 .. .. .. .. 27 Systematic = 183 1 : — Annelida .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 Archiannelida (vacant). Polychaeta . . . . , . . . . . , . . . 27 Myzostomida .. .. .. .. .. ..34 Oligochaeta . . .... . . . . , . . . 34 Hirudinea . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 35 Echiuroidea . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Gephyrea . . . . . . . . . . • . , . . 35 Phoronidea ,, ,, .. .. ..35 Pterobranohiata . . 35 3 Vtrm. Titles I.— TITLES. Acconci, C. Osservazioni sullo sviluppo delle Planarie d’acqua dolce. Palermo Bull. Inst. Zool. Univ. 1 1919 (49-80) 2 pis. 1 Ackert, J. E. On the life-history of Davainea tetragona (Molin), a fowl- tapeworm. J. Parasitol. Urbana 6 1919 (28-34). 2 Acton, H. W. The incidence and importance of intestinal Entozoa amongst Indian members of the Meso- potamian Expeditionary Force. Ind. J. Med. Res. Calcutta 6 1919 (001-613) pis. i & iii. 3 Agersborg, H. P. Nematodes on marketable fishes. Science New York N.S. 48 1918 (493-495). 4 Allen, G. 0. Habits of earthworms. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (879). 5 Bahl, K. N. On a new type of ne- phridia found in Indian earthworms of the genus Pheretima. Q. J. Microsc. Sci. London 64 1919 (67-U9) pis. vi- viii. 6 Baltzer, F. Die Bestimmung des Geschlechts nebst einer Analyse des Geschlechtsdimorphismus bei Bonellia. Berlin Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel 22 1914 (1-44). 7 Barreto, A. L. de B. Sobro as especios brasileiras da sub-familia Svbulurinae Travassos, 1914. (On the Brazilian species of the sub-family Subulurinae Travassos, 1914.) Rio de Janeiro Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 11 1919 (10-79) (translations 6-71) pis. ii- xxiv. 8 Bather, F. A. The distribution of Terehella’* cancellata. Geol. Mag. London Dec. 6 6 1919 (466). 9 Banche, J. vide Railliet, A. (n-13799 o) q 1200-1800 Baylis, H. A. A remarkable Cyati- cercua from a rare dolphin {Cysticercua taeniae grimaldii Moniez, 1889). Ann. Mag, Nat; Hist. Ijondon Ser. 9 3 1919 (417-424). 10 Baylis, H. A. Some new Entozoa from birds in Uganda. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London Ser. 9 3 1919 (457- 466). 11 Baylis, H, A. A collection of Entozoa, chiefly from birds, from the Murraan Coast. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London Ser. 9 3 1919 (501-614). 12 Baylis, H. A. A now species of the Nematode genus Croasocephalus from the rhinoceros. Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist. London Ser. 9 4 1919 (94-98). . 13 Baylis, H. A. On a curious malforma- tion in Taenia saginata. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London Ser. 9 4 1919 (114- 118). 14 Baylis, H. A. Crossophorus collaris Hemprich and Ehrenberg, a little known Nematode parasite of the Hyrax. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London Ser. 9 4 1919 (343-349). 15 Baylis, H. A. 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Echinococcose excep- tionnelle d’ un Lemur catta L. Lausanne Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. nat. 52 1919 (461- 466) pi. i. 23 Bonlenger, C. L. Report on bil- harziasis in Mesopotamia. Ind. J. Med. Res. Calcutta 7 1919 (8-21). 24 Brade-Birks, S. G. Luminous worms. Nature London 104 1919 (23, 93). 25 Broden, A. Les Microfilaires chez les singes. Paris C. R. Soc. biol. 82 1919 (898 & 899). 26 Brumpt, E. Une nouvelle Filaire pathogene parasite de I’homme {Oncho- cerca caecutiens n. sp.). Paris Bull. Soc, Path. exot. 12 1919 (464-473). 27 Bull, L. B. Contribution to the study of habronemiasis. Adelaide Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 43 1919 (86-141) 3 pis. 28 Busch, K. vide Berliner, E. Castellani, A. and Chalmers, A. J. Manual of tropical Medicine. 3rd Edition. London (Bailliere Tindall & Cox) 1919 (x + 2436) 16 pis. 909 figs. 29 Caullery, M. et Mesnil, E. Notes sur la biologie des mares k Lithotham- nion de la Hague. V. Sur un Rhab- docoele parasite dans I’intestin d’Hap- losyllis hamata. Paris Bull. 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Palaeozoic worms ; with evidence of soft parts. Mel- bourne Proo. R. Soc. Viet. 31 1919 (316-324) pis. xiii & xiv. 37 Christopherson, J. B. The cure of Bilharzia disease by intravenous in- jections of antimony tartrate. Brit. Med. J. London 1919 ii (494). 38 Christopherson, J. B. Antimony tar- trate for bilharziasis ; a specific cure. Lancet London 1919 i (1021-1023). 39 Chumley, J. The fauna of the Clyde sea area. Glasgow (University Press) 1918 8vo (vi 200). 40 Clapier, N. Note sur le parasi- tisme intestinal par les Nematodes sur la zone frontiere du Liberia et de la Guin6e. Paris Bui. soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (660-663). 41 Clarke, J. M. Eosseis Devonianos do Parana. Rio de Janeiro Monograph serv. geol. mineralog. Brasil 1 1913 (XX -f 363) 27 pis. 42 Cobb, N. A. Tetradonema flicana nov. gen. et spec., representing a new family, Tetradonematidae, as now found jparasitio in larvae of the midge- jnsect, Sciara coprophila Lintner. J. Parasitol. Urbana 5 1919 (176-186). 43 5 Verm. 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The Branchiobdellid worms in the collections of the United States National Museum, with descrip- tions of new genera and species. Wash- ington Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 65 1919 (241-266) pis. x-xiii. 66 Ellis, M. M. Branchiobdellid worms (Annelida) from Michigan crawfishes. Decatur III. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 37 1918 (49-61). 67 Ellis, M. M. Green light for demon- strating living Cestode ova. Decatur 111. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 37 1918 (69). 68 Fairley, N. H. Bilharziasis : some recent advances in our knowledge. Lancet London 1919 i (1016-1020). 69 6 Verm, VI. Vermidea. [1919] Faltin, R.. Ett fall af lefverechino- coccus. [Ein Fall von Lebereohino- coccus.] Helsingfors F. Lakarcs. Handl. 66 I 1914 (279-288). [Deut- sches Ref. 288]. 70 Faust, E. C. Notes on South African Cercariae. J. Parasitol. Urbana 5 1919 (164-176) pi. xviii. 71 Faust, E. C. Two new Proieoce- phalidae. J. Parasitol. Urbana 6 1919 (79-83) pi. Vi. 72 Faust, E. C. Studies on American Stephanophialinae. Decatur 111. Trans. Amer. Miorosc. Soc. 37 1918 (183- 198) pis, xiv & XV. 78 Faust, E. C. A new Treraatode. Acanihatrium nycleridis, nov. gen., nov. spec., from the little brown bat. Decatur 111. Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 38 1919 (209-216) pi. xx. 74 Faust, E. C. The excretory system in Digenea. I-III. Biol. Bull. Wood’s Hole 36 1919 (316-344). 75 Fauvel, P. Un singulier oas de croissance intercalaire ohez un Mal- danien {Oravierella n. g., multiannulata n. sp.). Paris Bull. Soc. Zool. 44 1919 (36-40). 76 Fauvel, P. Ann^lides Polychetes de Madagascar, de Djibouti et du Golfe Persique. Arch. Zool. exp. Paris 58 1919 (316-473) pis. xv.-xvii. 77 Fauvel, P. Ami61ides Polychetes des cotes d’Arabie r^colt^es par M. Ch. Perez. Bull. Mus. Paris 1918 (329-344). 78 Fauvel, P. Ann^lides Polychetes nouvelles de I’Afrique orientale. (Notes 1 & 2.) Bull. Mus.Paris 1918 (603- 609) J Of cit. 1919 (33-39), 79 Fauvel, P. Ann^lides Polychetes des lies Gambier et Touamotou. Bull. Mus. 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The effect of adrenin upon the rate of locomotion of Planaria and of toad-iarvae. Biol. Bull. Wood’s Hole 37 1919 (157-167). 182 Mouquet, A. Echinococcose des S(§reuses chez le singe. Cystiques roncontrdes chez les corf, daim et mouton. Bull. Mus. Paris 1918 (420- 423) pl. X. 183 Mouquet, A. I^es mots multilo- culaire et multiv^siculaire qualificatifs de r Echinococcose. Bull. Mus. Paris 1919(251). 184 Munoz-Medina, J. M. vide Lopez- Neyra, C. R. Muratet, L. Pr6sence de Tricho- cdphales et d’cBufs de Trichocephales dans le foie de Mus decumanus. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 82 1919 (1383 & 1384). 185 Nachtsheim, H. Cytologische und experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Geschlecht.sbestimmung bei Dino- philus apatris Korsoh. Arch. mikr. Anat. Bonn 93 1919 Abth. 1 (17-140) pis. ii-v. 186 Nakagawa, K. Further notes on the study of the human lung l)i.stome, Paraqonimus xcestcvmnni, J. Parasitol. Urbana 6 1919 (39-43). 187 11 Verm. Titles. 1200-1800 Nick, L. Aus der Schauearamlung : unser Planktonschrank. Ill Cteno- phoren und Anneliden. Frankfurt-a.- Main Bericht Senckenb. Natf. Ges. 45 1914 (129-151). 188 Nybelin, 0. Zur Eiitwickelungs- geschiohte von Schistocephalus solidus (0. F. Miill.). Centralbl. Bakt. Jena Abfch. 1 83 Grig. 1919 (295-297). 189 O’Connor, F. W. Helminthic ova in human stools. J. trop Med. London 22 1919 (166 & 167). 190 O’Farrell, W. R. vide Blaoklqck, B. Olmsted, J. M. The regeneration of triangular pieces ofPlanaria maculata. A study in polarity. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 25 1918 (157-176). 191 Osborn, H. L. Observations on Micro- phallus ovatus sp. nov. from the cray- fish and black bass of Lake Chautauqua, N.Y. J. Parasitol. Urbana 5 1919 (123-127) pi. X. - 192 Oye, P. van. Untersuchungen fiber die Chaetognathen des Javameeres. Contrib. faune des Indes N6erl. Buiten- zorg 4 1918 (1-61) 14 Textfig. 3 Karten. 193 Peebles, F. A description of three Acoela from the Gulf of Naples. Berlin Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel 22 1915 (291-312) pi. X. 194 Pettit, A. vide Dumas, J. Piguet, E. Oligochetes communs aux Hautes Alpes .suisses et scandinaves. (Note prel.) Rev. Suisse Zool. Geneve 27 1919 (1-17). 195 Piguet, E. Wasserbewohnende Oli- gochaetcn der nordschwedischen Hochgebirge. Naturw. Unters. des Sarekgcbirges in Schwedisch-Lappland gel. von Axel Hamberg 4 Lfg. 7 Stock- holm 1919 (779-804). " 196 Pommsr, G. Ueber die Cuticulabe- f uncle eines Qvos^hivn.-Echinoco(x.us. Centralbl. Bakt. Jena Abth. 1 83 Grig. 1919(171-182). 197 Porter, A. A survey of the intestinal Entozoa both protozoal and helminthic, observed among natives in Johannes- burg from June to November, 1917. Johannesburg Public. S. Afric. Inst. Med. Res. No. 11 1918 (1-58) pis. i & ii. 198 Praihad, B. Notes on Echiuroids from Chandipore, Grissa. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (399-402). 19» Prashad, Baini vide Stephenson, J. Pratt, H. S. A new cystocercous Cercaria. J. Parasitol. Urbana 5 1919 (128-131). 200 Prenant, M. 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Soc. 371918(141-176). 285 Wesenberg-Lnnd, C. Fures0studier. En bathymetrisk-botanisk-zoologisk Undersogelse af Molleaaens Seer. Kjcbenhavn K. Danske Selsk. Skrift ser. 8 3 1917-1919 (1-208) 8 pis. 286 Wharton, L. D. Notes on Nematode parasites of Philippine birds. Te- trameres fissipina (Diesing, 1860) in Philippine chickens. Philippine J. Sci. Manila Sect. D 13 1918 (219-221). 287 Whitehouse, R. H. Indian land Planarians. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (29-40) pi. xi. 288 Whitney, 1). D. The relative in- flucnco of food and oxygen in con- trolling sex in Rotifers. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 24 1917 (101-138). 289 Whitney, D. The ineffectiveness of oxygen as a factor in causing male production in Hydatina senta. J. exp. Zool. Philadelphia 28 1919 (469-492). 290 Wibaut, N. Raderdieren uit bet planton der Amsterdamsche grachten [Radertiere aus dem Plankton der Amsterdamer Graben.] Amsterdam Bydr. Dierk. 21 1919 (161-159). 291 Williamson, H. 0. The distribution of parasite-infected fish. Ann. Applied Biol. Cambridge 6 1919 (48-62). 292 Wislooki, G. B. Observations on Dioctophyme renalc in dogs. J. Para- sitol. Urbana 6 1919 (94-97). 293 Wrench, G. T. Studies in ankylos- tomiasis. No. IV. Calcutta Ind. J. Med. Res. 7 1919 (476-477). 294 1203 Yorke, W. and Macfie, J. W. Slron- gijlidae in horses. VI. Cylkostomum pseudo-cafinaium sp. n. Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol. Liverpool 12 1919 (273-278). 295 Yorke, W, and Macfie, J. W. Stron- gylidae in horses. VII. Cylicostomum pateratum sp. n. Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol. Liverpool 13 1919 (67-62). 296 Yorke, W. and Macfie, J. W. Stron- gylidae in horses. VIII. Species found in American horses. Ann. trop. Mod. Parasitol. Liverpool 18 1919 (137-148) pis. iv-vi, 297 Yoshida, S. On the development of Ascaris lumbricoides L. J. Parasitol. Urbana 5 1919 (106-116) 1 pi. 298 Yoshida, S. On the migrating course of Ascarid larvae in the body of the host. .J. Parasitol. Urbana 6 1919 (19-27). 299 Young, R. T. The degeneration of yolk glands and cells in Cestodes. Biol. Bull. Wood’s Hole 36 1919 (309- 311). 300 Young, R. T. Association of somatic and germ cells in Cestodes. Biol. Bull. Wood’s Hole 36 1919 (312-314). 301 PLATYHELMINTHIA, NEMERTINEA, MESOZOA. SUBJECT INDEX. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL. 1203 Bibliography. Boulenger, 24; Dunkerly, 63. Books, Reviews. Chandler, 36. Controversial. Janicki, 126. 16 Verm. VI Veraiidea. [1919] Economics. Relation to Disease. Thematoda ; — Goddard, 102 ; Surveyor, 258. Bilharziosis ; Christopherson, 38 k 39 ; Fairley, 69 ; Lutz, 161. Cestoda : — Echinococcosis : Blanc, 23 ; Dev6, 58 ; Paltin, 70 ; Henry & Ciuca, 111 ; Mouquet, 183 ; Tenhaelf & Ferwerda, 262. Miscellaneous. Experimental Infection : — Lopez-Neyra & Munoz-Medina, 160. Technique : — Cort, 49; Ellis, 68. STRUCTURE. 1207 General Morphology. Turbelijiria : — Lang, 150. Trematoda : — Cohn, 45 ; Faust, 71-74 ; Goddard, 102 ; Jegen, 127 ; MacCallum, 162 ; Osborn, 192 j Stunkard, 257. Cestoda : — « Baylis, 16 ; Hall, 109 ,* Joyeux, 136 ; Magalhaes, 164; Mouquet, 183 & 184; Railliet & Marullaz, 205 ; Turner, 271. Nemertinba ; — Schroder, 226. Reproductive Organs. Baylis, 14. Histology. Martin, 168; Weimer, 283. Cytology. Pommer, 197 ; Prenant, 201 ; Young, 301. PHYSIOLOGY. 1211 General. Hyman, 120. Excretory System. Faust, 75. Degeneration. Young, 300. Environmental Effects; Response to Stimuli. Cort, 48 ; Goldsmith, 103 ; Kepner k Rich, 141 ; Moore, 182 ; Vandel, 274 ; Weimer, 283. Effects of Reagents, etc. . Christopherson, 38 k 39. DEVELOPMENT. 1215 General, Life-Cycle. Trematoda : — Jegen, 127 ; Lutz, 161 ; Nakagawa, 187; Sewell, 235. Cestoda : — Baylis, 10 ; Lopez-Neyra k Munoz- Medina, 160; Nybelin, 189; Rosen, 215. Mesozoa Lameere, 146. Regeneration. Olmsted, 191. Oogenesis, Embryology, etc. Acconci, 1 ; Dollfus, 61. Larval forms. Kajava, 137 ; Rosen, 215. ETHOLOGY. 1219 Bionomics, General Biology. Crozier, 52 ; Elgood & Cherry, 65 ; Fairley, 69 ; Riley, 208 ; Vandel, 274. Transmission. Ackert, 2 ; Guberlet, 106 ; Kemp & Gravely, 140 ; Nybelin, 189 ; Rosen, 215 ; Soparkar, 243 ; Turkhud, 269. Parasitism. Hosts. General. Johnston, 132; Lopez-Neyra, 159. 17 Fcrm. Systematic.— Platyhelminthia, . , 123Z Annelida, Caullery & Mesnil, 30. CruMacr.a, Nakagawa, 187 ; Osborn, 192. Inseeta. Ackert, 2 ; Guberlet, 106. M ollu.^ra. Boulenger, 24 ; Cawston, 81 ; Faust, 71 & 75; Lagrange, 145; Lutz, 161; Nakagawa, 187 ; Pratt, 200 ; Railliet, 203 ; Sewell, 235. Pisces. Faust, 72 & 73 ; Osborn, 192. Reptilia. Baylis, 16 ; Job, 129. Aves. Baylis, 11 h 12; Fuhrmann, 91; Jegen, 127; Johnston, 134; Lopez- Neyra, 158 ; Mola, 181 ; , Travassos, 266. Mammalia. , Baylis, 10 ; Blanc, 24; Faust, 74; Hall, 109 ; Johnston, 133 ; MacCallum, 162 ; Porter, 198 ; Railliet & Marullaz, 205; Schoppler, 224 ; Turner, 271. VARIATION, PHYLOaENY. 1223 Variation. Goddard, 102 ; Whitehouse, 288. Phylogeny, classification. Faust, 73 ; Hall, 109 ; Peebles, 194 ; Rosen, 215. DISTRIBUTION (GEOGRAPHY). 1227 {Vide ctiam “Parasitism” 1219.] . Europe. Peebles, 194 ; Vandel, 275 ; Wesen- berg-Lund, 286. Asia. Kemp, 139 ; Schroder, 225 ; White- house, 288, (n-13799 o) q A frica. L^ger, 153. Amtrka. Riley, 210. Arctic. , Baylis, 12. SYSTEMATIC. 1231 , ; , PLATTHELMINTmA. . ? (a) Turbellaria. Turbellaria, account of rhabdites ; Pbbnant Arch. Zool. exp. 58 pp. 219- 260 pi. ix. A Rhabdocoelc, sp. indet., from .UaplosylUs armata, described ; ClUL- LBRY ,& Mesnil Bull. Soc. Zool. 48 pp. 198-204 3 text-figs. Amphiscohps Juligineus sp. n., Gulf of Naples, described ; Peebles Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel 22 p. 304 pi. x figs. 8-10 and text-figs. 9-12. Bipaiium andrewesi p. 33, pi. xi, figs. 21, 22, sijlvestre, p. 37 figs. 35, 36, from Southern India, brunneus, p. 34, figs. 24-26, W. Himalayas, splendens, p. 36, figs. 29-31, E. Himalayas and Assam, indica, p. 39, figs. 42, 43, Bengal and Southern India, gpp. n., described ; Whitehouse Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Colyloplana nilgiriense sp. n. S. India, described, p. 34 pi. xi fig. 23 ; Whitehouse Rec. Ind, Mus. 16. Dolichoplana proccra v, Graff, p. 149 text-fig. 2, merloni sp. n. p. 161 fig. 3, Aril Islands ; Schroder Abh. Senc- kenb. Ges. 85. Monochoerus linealus sp. n., Gulf of Naples, described ; Peebles Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel 22 p. . 298 pi. x figs. 3-7 and text-figs. 6-8. Pehnatoplana rotunda, p. 35, pi. xi fig. 27, W. Himalayas, himalayense, p. 37, figs. 32-34, E. Himalayas, macu- losa, p. 38, figs. 37, 38, Ceylon, striata, p. 39, figs. 39t41, S. India spp. n., described; Whitehouse Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. b 7 18 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1919] (fe) Trematoda. Acanthatrium gen. n, (Brachycoeliidae) nycteridis sp. n., from brown bat, diag< nosed ; Faust Trans. Amer. Microsc, So5. 38 pp. 209-216 pi. xx. Anchitrema latum sp. n., from Chamaeleon dilepis (Belg. Congo) de- scribed ; Gedoelst C. H. Soc. Biol. 82 pp. 1250-1252 1 text-fig. Aorchis vide Heronimus. “ Cercariae,"* diagnoses and hosts of unspecified forms, neighbourhood of Paris ; liAGRANGE Bull. Soc. Path, exot. 12 pp. 383-388.—“ O.” South African forms with their Molluscan hosts, notes on, “ (7.” constricta p. 169 pi. xviii fig. 7, cawstoni p. 171, fig. 9, “ spp. n.” ; Faust J. Parasitol. 5. — “ 6’.” convoluta p. 316 text-figs. 1-4, complexa p. 334 fig. 2, trifurcata p. 335, fig. 5, candelabra p. 336, fig. 4, furci- cauda p. 336, fig. 6, robusticauda p. 337, fig. 7, quattuor-solenata p. 337 fig. 8, rhabdocaeca p. 338 fig. 9, “ spp. n.” Molluscan hosts and diagnoses ; Faust Biol. Bull. 86. — “ G.” spatula “ sp. n.“ diagnosed ; Faust T.c. pp. 340-344 3 text-figs. — “ G.'" fusca “ sp. n.” from Ooniobasis livescens, note on ; Pratt J. Parasitol. 5 pp. 128-131 2 text-figs. — “ G.” indicae from Planorbis exustua or Limnaea amygdalum Calcutta probably the larval form of Schistosoma japoni- cum, measurements and tabular com- parison ; Sewell Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 pp. 425^29 1 pi. Cladorchis gigas sp. n., from African elephant, described ; MacCallum Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist, 37 pp. 865-871 pis. cviii-cx. Collyriclum faba (Bremser) Kossack, detailed account of anatomy, develop- ment, affinities and Avian hosts ; Jegen Zeitschr. wiss, Zool. 117 pp. 460-553 pis. xi & xii. Crepidostomum illinoiense sp. n., from Pomoxia, diagnosed ; Faust Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 37 p. 191 pi. xv figs. 16-19. Dicrocoeliidae from domestic animals, notes ; Travassos Rev, vet. zootech. 8 pp. 3-15 6 text-figs. Diasotrema papillatum Goto and Matsudaira synonymous with Qyliau- chen lacharodea Nicoll, comparison of two forms ; Goto J. Parasitol, 6 pp. 44-47. Epibdella steingroveri sp. n., S.W. Africa, described ; Cohn Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool. 115 pp. 460-488 7 text- figs. Fasciola {Diatomum) gigantea, note on from sheep in Seistan, compared with hepatica ; Kemp Rec. Ind. Mus. 18 pp. 62 & 63. Fasciolopaia buaki, parasitic in man, China, morphology, to include also species F. rathouiai and goddardi ; Goddard J. Parasitol. 5 pp. 141-163 pis. xii-xvii. Oylinuchen, vide Diasotrema. Heronimus chelydrae MacCallum (syn. Aorchis extensus Barker & Parsons) morphology, identity of two forms ; Stunkard j. Parasitol. 6 pp. 11-18 pis. ii & iii. Liperosomum obliquum p. 6 fig. 2, transversum p. 7, fig. 3, rarum p. 7, fig. 4, lari p. 8 fig. 5, sinuosum p. 9 fig. 6, spp. n., Avian hosts and diag- noses ; Travassos Buenos Aires 1917. Microphallua ovatus, from crayfish and black bass, described, japonicua for Yoshida’s unnamed species, spp. n. ; Osborn J. Parasitol. 5 i>p. 123-127 pi, X. Notocotylus aeineti sp. n., from Querquedula, morphology described ; Fuhrmann Rev. Suisse Zool. 27 p. 353 pi. V. Paragonimus westermani, note on Cercariae in snails, encysted larvae in crabs ; Nakagawa J. Parasitol. 6 pp. 39-43 2 text-figs. Platynosomuin arielis sp. n., occur- rence and diagnosis ; Travassos Rev. vet. zootech. 8 p. 11 text-fig. 6. Eenifer sp. n. (unnamed, near to eUipticus), from Zamenis constrictor, diagnosed ; Job Proc. Iowa Acad. 24 p. 316. Schistosomum mnnaoni in Brazil, notes on Cercariae and their biology ; Lutz Mem. Inst, Oswaldo Cruz 11 pp. 121-166 (translations, 109-140), pis. xxxvii-xliii. Stephanophiala vitelloba sp. n., frpm Goregonua, diagnosed ; Faust Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 37 p. 186 pi. xiv figs. 6-13. 19 Verm. SuBJfeoT Index. — Nemathelmintuu. 1403 Stephanophialinae, composition of group, classification of constituent members; Faust T.c. pp. 183-19S pis. xiv & XV. (c) Cestoda. Cestodes of Sardinian birds, notes on ; Mola Arch. Parasitol. 16 pp. 557- 578 pi. ix. Aploparaksis murmanica sp, n., diag- nosed ; Bayuis Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 9 3 p. 512 text-fig. 8. Bertiella delafondi (Raill.) note on, from pigeon ; JoHNSTOlsr Mem. Queens- land Mus. 6 p. 169 text-figs. 1-4. Biiiterina ugandae sp. n., occurrence and diagnosis ; Baylis Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 9 3 p. 461 text-fig. 3. I Bothriocejihalidae, account of develop- ment and life -cycle of different species, with special reference to larval forms ; phylogeny ; Rosen Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Neuchatcl 43 pp. 241-300 2 pis. “ Cysticeroide ” dipylidii chyzerii p. 497, dipylidii irinchesii p. 502, nom. nn. ; Lotez-Neyra & Munoz-Medina Bol. Soc. espan. hist. nat. 19. CysticercMS pisijormis Leporis cuni- culi L., note on ; Sciioppler Centralbl. Bakt. Abth. 1 82 Orig. p. 468.— C. taeniae grimaldii Moniez, occurrence in Lagenorhynchus acutus, morphology, probably belonging to genus Mono- rygma ; Baylts Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 9 3 pp. 417-424 3 text-figs. Davainea hothriopliiis (Piana), de- scription ; Magalhaes Arch. Para- sitol. 16 pp. 481-502 7 text-figs.— H. dehilis p. 462 text-fig. 4, vaganda p. 464 fig. 5. bycanistis p. 465 fig. 6, spp. n. hosts and diagnoses ; BayLis Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 9 3. — D. tetrngona (Molin), transmitted to fowls by Musca domeslica ; Ackert J. Paralsitol. .6 pp. 28-34. — D. tetraoensis sp. n., occurrence and diagnosis ; Fuhrmann Rev. Suisse Zool. 27 p. 364 text-figs. 2-8. Ilymenolepis carioca (Magalh.), note on morphology, transmission by Sto- moxy.s calcitrans ; Guberlet J. Para- .sitol. 6 pp. 35-38 pi. iv. — H. nana (v. Sieb.) and H. fraierna sp. n. ( = //. n. var. fraterna Stiles), morphology com- pared ; JoYEUx Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 pp. 228-231. (n-13799o)q Monopylidium arcticum p. 506 text^ figs. 3 & 4, .Hercorarium p. 509, figs 5-7, spp. n., diagnosed ; Baylis Ann Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 9 3. MiiUiceps (Coenurns) ramosus sp. n.i from MacacMS, described ; Railliet & Marullaz Bull. Soc. Path exot 12 pp. 223-228 pi. iii Oochorislica zonari from Z. tropi- dosternum, p. 406 pi. xxi figs. 1-5, aganrne, from A. sp., p. 409 figs. 6, 7, spp. n. ; Baylis Parasitol. 11. Proteocephatus ptychocheilus from P. oregonensi'i p. 79, pi. vi figs. 1-6, laruei from Coregonus williamsoni p. 81, figs. 7-10, spp. n., diagnosed 5 Faust J. Parasitol. 6. Rhabdomcira nigropunclataCraiy, from Caccabis rufa, note ; Lopez-Neyra Asoc. Espan. Progr. Ci. (Congr. Sevilla) 1917 p. 166, 3 text-figs. Taenioideat families, genera and species comprising, characteristics and comparisons, hosts ; Hall Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 pp. 1-94 80 text-figs. Tetrabothrms intrepidus sp. n., from Uria grylle, Murman Coast ; Baylis Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 9 3 p. 502 text-figs. 1 & 2. Nembrtinea. Oeonemertes palacnsis Sentper, from Kci Islands, described ; Sciiroder Abli. Senckenb. Ges. 35 pp. 153-177 pis. x & xi. Mesozoa. Dicyemidae, further contributions to knowledge of life -history ; Lameere Bull. Biol. France et Belg. 53 pp. 234- 275 text-figs. 67-89. NEMATHELMINTHIA. SUBJECT INDEX. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAI.. 1403 Bibliography. Dunkerly, 63. Books, Reviews. Ca^tellani & Chalmers, 29 ; Chandler, 36 ; Ransom & Foster, 206. ; b 7-2 [1919] 20 Verm. VI. Vermidea. ^ctures, Addresses. Stpiner, 249. Economics. ‘ General. 169; Qaiel, 202 ; Railliet, Henry & Baiiche, 204 ; Robles, 213 ; Rousseau, 216 ; Seurat, 232 ; Yorke k Macfie, 295-297. Aoanthooephala. Agersborg, 4. Van Cleave, 272 & 273. Relation to Disease. General. Acton, 3; Berliner & Busch, 18; Blacklock & O’Farrell, 21 ; Bull, 28 ; Clapier, 41 ; Conreur, 47 ; Cobb, 44 ; Dammerman, 53 ; Davis, 54 ; Qlaser & Wilcox, 100 ; Hungerford, 11^ ; L^ger, 154; Muratet, 185 ; O’Connor, 190; Rodhain, 214 ; Rousseau, 217 ; Ruot- salainen, 218; Smith, 241 ; Yorke & Mache, 297. Ankylostomiasis, . " - Mhaskar, 178; Warner, 281. Filariasis. Dumas & Pettit, 62; Rousseau, 216. Onchocercosis. Robles, 213. Spiro ptera-ca,nG6T. Fibiger, 82. TTichinosis. Jensen, 128. Miscellaneous. Artificial Infection, v ^ Ransom '& Foster, 206 ; Stewart, 254 & 255 ; Yoshida, 299. Cultivation, Berliner & Busch, 18 ; Welch & Wehrle, 285. Technique. Acton, 3; Berndt, 19; Job & Stoner, 130; Lane, 148 k 149; Wrench, 294. STRUCTURE. 1407 General. Nematoda. Alimentary System. Stohr, 256. Excretory System. Stefanski, 245. Cytology. Walton, 280. ' PHYSIOLOGY. .. 1411 Secretion. Henry & Ciuca, 111. Excretion. ^ « Stefanski, 245. Circulation. Krecker, 143. Sexuality. Welch & Wehrle, 285. Vitality. Seurat, 230. DEVELOPMENT. 1415 General, Life-Cycle. Guberlet, 107 ; Lewis, 155 ; Stewart, 255 ; Steiner, 248 ; Theiler, 263 ; Yosliida, 298. Oogenesis, Fertilization. Held, 110 ; Meves, 175 & 176 ; Sobotta, 242; Walton, 280; Welch & Wehrle, 285. Parthenogenesis. Welch & Wehrle, 285. Brumpt, 27 ; Cobb, 43 ; Gedoelst, .92-95; Ihle, 123-125; Lewis, 155; Magath, 165 ; de Man, 167 ; Martini, Larval Forms, Seurat, 231 ; Yoshida, 299. 21 Verm. * Systematio-^Nemathelmintuia. , 1431 ETHOLOGY. 1419 Bionomics, Habits. Berliner & Busch, 18 ; Hungerford, 118; L6ger, 152; de Man, 167; Stefanski, 246 ; Steiner^ 247 & 249 ; Yoshida, 299. Transmission. ^ Guberlet, 107. “ Carriers.” Berndt, 19 ; Gmelin, 101 ; Vogel, 279. Parasitism. (Vide etiam Relation to disease, 1403.) General. Johnston, 132; Lopez-Neyra, 159; Seurat, 229. I nsec la. Cobb, 43 ; Davis, 54 ; Theiler, 263. Pisces. Van Cleave, 272 Amphibia. Chandler, 35 ; Van Cleave, 272 Reptilia. Gedoelst, 92, 94 & 96 ; Magath, 165 ; Van Cleave, 272 Aves. Barreto, 8 ; Baylis, 11 & 12 ; Blanc, 22 ; Gedoelst, 95 ; Seurat, 232 & 233 ; Theiler, 263 ; Travassos, 264 & ■ 268 ; Van Cleave, 273 ; Wharton, 287 Mammalia. Barreto, 8; Baylis, 13; Blacklock, 20 ; Broden, 26 ; Brumpt, 27 ; Conreur; 47; Forbes, 85 ; Ihle, 124 & 125 ; Kotlan, 142 ; Muratet, 185 ; Porter, 198; Qiiiel, 202; Railliet, Henry & Bauche, 204; Riley, 209; Rodhain, 214 ; Shircore, 236 ; Turner, 270 ; Wislocki, 293 ; Yorke & Maofie, 295- 297. VARIATION, PHYLOGENY. 1423 Hybridization. Maupas, 170 Classification, Phylogeny. Barreto, 8 ; Steiner, 247. DISTRIBUTION (GEOGRAPHY). 14:^7 [Vide etiam ” Parasitism,” 1419.] Europe. Ditlevsen, 59 ; Dumas & Pettit; 62 ; Steiner, 250 ; Williamson, 292. Asia. McNaughton, 172 ; Mhaskar, 178. A/rica, . . ' \ , Saceghem, 219 ; Shircore, 236. SYSTEMATIC. 1431 Nemathelminthia. («) Nematoda. Nematodes, marine, free -living, from Danish waters; Ditlevsen Kjoben- havn Vid. Medd. 70 pp. 147-214 pis. i-xvi. Nematodes, free-living, Lake Neuen- burg, notes on ; Steiner Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel 43 pp. 142-240 18 text-figs. Nematodes, from birds, Africa, diag- noses ; Seurat No vita t. Zool. 26 pp. 179-189 4 text-figs. • Nematodes, parasitic forms, lieter- oxenous larvae, morphology of ; Seurat Bull. Biol. Francp et Belg. 52 pp. ,344-^- 378 12 text-figs. Ova of the chief Nematode parasites found amongst Indian troops, charac- terized; Acton Ind. J. Med. Res. 6 pp. 604 & 605 pis. i-iii. Acuaria (Disphqrynx) laplantei sp. n., diagnosis and hosts ; Seurat Novitateii Zool. 26 p. 181 text-fig. 2. Amidostomum chevreuxi sp. n. from Himantopus k.t diagnosed ; Seurat Bull. Mus. 1918 pp. 113-115 4 text-figs. Anguillula silusiae de Man, habitat, Thiiringen and morphology described ; DE Man Ann. Soc. Zool. Malacol. 48 pp. 1-9 pi. i. Aphelenchus cocopliilus sp. n., attack- ing oocoanut palms, morphology de- scribed; Cobb West Indian Buil. 17 pp. 204-206 3 text-figs. ^ 22 Venn, VI. Vermidea. [1919J Ascaridia columbae (GmeL), notes On ; Johnston Mem. Queensland Miis. 6 p. 171 text-figs. 6-0. Ascaris colura sp. n., occurrence and diagnosis ; Bayijs Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 9 3 p. 457 text-fig. 1. — A. lumbricoides, eiubryogeny and lai val forms ; Yoshida J. Parasitol. 5 pp. 10.5-115 1 pi. — A. suilla. larva, ana- tomy ; Stewart Parasitol. 11 p. 386 pi. XX. AscoUmnus gen. n. {Angnillulidae) p. 168 Jilifonnis sp. n., p. 168 pi. iv figs. 2, 4, 8, pi. vi fig. 6, coasts of lienmark ; Ditlevsen Vid. Medd. 70. Botirgdatia gen. n. {Oesophagoslo- minae) diducla sp. li., from pig, descrip- tion and relationships ; Raii.liet, Henry & Bauciie Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 pp. 324-332 4 text-figs, Camallanus americanus sp. n., from turtles, monographic account ; Maqath Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 38 pp. 49- 170 pis. vii-xvi. Choniolaimus gen. n. {Anguiliulidae) p. 185, pajtillatns sp, n. p. 185 pi. V fig. 6, pi. vi figs. 1, 4, 9 ; Ditlevsen Vid. Medd. 70. Ohromadora maculaia p. 191 pi. x fig. 3, pi. xi figs. 2, 5, problematica p. 192 pi. X figs. 5, 8, pi. xi fig. 9 spp. n., coasts of Denmark ; Ditlevsen T.c. Cothonolaimvs gen. n. {Anguillnlidae) p. 188, inermis p. 189 pi. ix figs. 1, 6, 8, 0, gracilis p. 190, pi. ix fig. 3, pi. x fig. 4, Ditlevsen T.c, Crossocephalus longicaudatus sp. n. from the rhinoceros ; Bayijs Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 9 4 pp. 94-98 2 text-figs. Crossophorns collaris Hemprich and Ehrlig., note on morphology ; Baylis T.c, pp. 343-349 4 text-figs. ■ Cyatliolaimus microdon p. 199 pi. xi fig. 10, pi. XV fig. 6, macrodon p. 200 pi. xi figs. 6, 8, pi. xii fig. 7, spp. n. Coasts of Denmark ; Ditlevsen Vid. Medd. 70. ' Cylicostomum pateratmn sp. n., from liorses, diagnosed ; Yorke & Macfie Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol. 13 pp. 61- 02 9 text-figs. — C. psendo-catinatmn jp. n. from horses, characterised ; Yorke & Macfie Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol. 12 pp. 273-278 9 text-figs. — C. — {Cylichriostcmurn) ralzii p. 558, cymatostoimim, calicatiforme p. 559, spp. n., from horse, diagnoses ; Kotlan Centralbl. Bakt. Abth. 1 83 Orig.— C. {—Cylichnostomum) zebrae sp. n. from Chapman’s zebra, described ; Turner Proc. Zool. Soc. 1919 pp. 445-451 6 text-figs. Cyriiea seuralii I.opez-Neyra, note on ; Lopez-Neyra Asoc. Espan. Progr. Ci, (Congr, Sevilla) 1917 p. 168 3 text- figs. Cyrtosomum gen. n. (Oxyuridae), characterized, C. sedopori sp. n. from Bceloporua undulatus, N. America, de- scribed ; Gehoelst C. R. Soc, Biol. 82 pp. 910-912 3 text-figs. Demania gracilis sp. n., p. 187 pi. x fig. 6, pi. xi figs. 1, 3, 7, coasts of Den- mark ; Ditlevsen Vid. Medd. 70. Dictyncaulus filaria (Rud.), lung- worm of sheep, note on life -history, transmission ; Gurerlet J. Amer. Vet. Mod. Ahsoc. N.S. 8 pp. 621-627. Diplogaster Iheritieri sp. n. ; Maupas Bull. Biol. France et Belg. 52 p. 496 text-fig. 7. Diplolriaena, Raill. & Hen., char- acters of genus and included species, p. 547, D. henryi j). 550 text-figs. 1-3, parisi p. ,552 figs. 4-6, spp. n., occur- rence and diagnosis ; Bi.anc Arch. Parasitol. 16. Dorylaimopsis gen. n. {Anguiliulidae) p. 162, punctatus sp. n. p. 163 pi. ii fig. 6, pi. iii figs. 2, 3, pi. iv, fig. 1, coasts of Denmark ; Ditlevsen Vid. Medd. 70. Dorylaimua longicaudatus Biitsch., var. n. aquatilis p. 164 text-fig. 6, fecundus Cobb subsp. n. helveticua p. 167 fig. 7, oceurrence and diagnosis ; Steiner Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Neuchatcl 43. Enoplolaimus audax p, 208 pi. xiv figs. 4, 7, pi. XV fig. 5, capiit medusae p. 211 pi. xiv fig. 3, pi. XV fig. 7, pi. xvi figs. 1, 2, cephalophorus p. 207 pi. xiv figs. 1, 5, 6, pi, XV fig. 1, dentaius p. 209, pi. xiii figs. 5, 8, 9, pi. xv figs. 2, 3, pi. xvi fig. 5, latignathus p. 205 pi. xii figs. 5, 6, pi. xiii figs. 1, 3, 4, 7, pi. xiv fig. 2, pi. xvi fig. 3, spp. n., coasts of Denmark ; Ditlevsen Vid. Medd. 70. 23 Vtrm. Systematic. — Nematiielminthia. 1431 Epomidioslomum Skriabine 1910 and Amidostomum Raill, & Henry, notes on species comprising these Strongylids ; Seurat Hull. Mus. 1918 pp. 345-351. Filariae and Microfilariae, from Cameroon, notes on structure, occur- rence and effects ; Rousseau Bull. Soc. Path, e.xot. 12 pp. 35 -51. Filaria (cf. bancrofti), in a man who had never left France, causing lympha- denoma ; Dumas & Pettit C. R. Soc. biol. 92 pp. 512 -514 1 pi. — F. con- jiuictivae (Addario), occurrence in Man, discovery of male worm, notes ; Forbes^ J. R.A.M.C. 33 pp. 303-373 8 text-figs. — F. gallinarum sp. n. Thetler, Fifth and. Sixth Rep. Dir. Vet. Res. Dept. Agric. ; Un. S. Afric. 1919 pp. 049-694. — F. pertenue sp. n., from Cejylialophus sylvicultor, morpho- logy, effects on host ; Rodhain Ann. trop. Med. Parasitol. 13 pp. 109-116 pis. ii & iii. QiUonia gen. n, (Spiruridae) for O. inermis sp. n. from Cranorrhinus cornigalus, described ; Gedoelst C. R. Soc. Biol. 82 pp. 1145-1148. Habronema, study of, and of habrone- miasis ; Bull Adelaide S. Aust. Trans. R. Soc. 43 pp. 85-141 pis. xiii-xv. Halichoanolaimus longicauda p. 170 ' pi. V. figs. 5, 7, 8, pi. vi figs. 3, 7, pi. xvi fig. 4, menzdii p. 172, pi. vi fig. 2, pi. vii figs. I, 8, spp. n. ; Ditlevsen Vid. Medd. 70. Harteriia zorillae 3p. n. larval form ; Seurat Bull. Biol. France et Belg. 52 p. 353 text-fig. 4 bis. Hedruris siredonis from a newt {Notophfhabniis), morj)hology de- scribed ; Chandler J. Parasitol. 5, pp. 116-122 pi. ix. H isliocephalus Dies., characteristics of the genus, and species included, synonym V ; Gedoelst C. R. Soc. Biol. 82 pp. 901- 903. Hupodontolaimus slriatus sp. n. p. 194 pi. X fig. 2, pi. xi fig. 4 ; Ditlevsen Vid. Medd. 70. Ironus ignavus Bast. var. n, colonrus, p. 163, text-fig. 5, occurrence and diagnosis; Steiner Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel 43. Isakis modiglianii, belongs to the genus Rhigonema Cobb. ; Gedoelst C. R. Soc. Biol. 82 p. 913. Linhomoeus lineatus sp. n. p. 167 pi. i figs. 2, 5, pi. ii fig. 3 ; Ditlevsen Vid. Medd. 70. Mermis pachysoma p. 181 text- fig. 8, aorisla p. 184 %. 9, spp. n. ; Steiner Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel 43. Microfilaria demarqnayi and pcrslans from monkeys, compared ; Broden C. R. soc. biol. 82 pp. 898 & 899. Monohystera tenuispiculum sp. n. p. 150, pi. i figs. 3, 6, 10, coast of Den- mark ; Ditlevsen Vid. Medd. 70. Monoposthia conslricta sp. n. j). 195 pi. X figs. 1, 7, pi. xi fig. 11, coast of Denmark ; Ditlevsen T.e. Nematevansia nom. nov. for Evansia, Raill. & Henry ; Idle Bydr. Dierk. 21 1919 p. 100. — iV. Ihle, syn. Quilonia Lane ; Ihle Centralbl. Bakt. Abth. 1 83 Grig. p. 550. Nuinidica gen. n, Barreto 1918- {Allodapa p.p.), for A. numidica Seurat, cliaractenzod ; Barreto Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 11 p. 49 pi. v figs. 1-4. Onchocerca caeculiens sp. n., from- Man, pathology, morphology, compari- son with 0. volvulus, Brumt'T Bull. Soc. Path. exot. 12 pp. 464-473 5 text- figs. Oncholaimus de Mani sp. n. p. 203 pi. xii figs. 2, 4, pi. xiii fig. 2 ; Ditlevsen Vid. Medd. 70.^ Oxyuris curvula, witli comparative references to other species, monumental account of anatomy ; Martini Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. 116 pp. 137-5.34 pis. vi-xx Sc 120 text-figs. Paramermis macroposlhia sp. n. p. 217 text- fig. 16, contorta (v. Linst.) var. n. bathycola p. 189 fig. 10, Lake Neiienburg, diagnosed ; Steiner Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel 43. Parasabalieria ornala sp. n.. p. 166 pi. iii figs. 5, 6, pi. iv figs. 6, 6, coasts of Denmark ; Ditlevsen Vid. Medd. 70. Phanoderma steineri sp. n. p. 161 pi. ii fig. 4, pi. iii figs. 1, 7, 8, coasts of Denmark ; Ditlevsen T.c. Pharyngodon tectipenis sp. n. from a lizard (Congo), described and com- pared with other spp. of the genus ; Gedoelst C. R. Soc. Biol. 82 pp. 869- 872 4 text-figs. 24 Vtrm, VI. Vermidea. [1919] Poteriostorrmm gen. n. {Sderosto- midae) imparidentatum p. 467 text-figs. 1, 2, pluridentatum p. 469, spp. n. from horse, diagnosed; Quiel Centralbl. Bakt. Abth. 1 83 Orig. Proleptus obtusus Dnj. {Acmriidae) morphology described ; Skprat Bull. Mus. 1919 pp. 166-172 2 text-figs. Rhabditis lambdiensis nom. n. p. 487 text-fig. 3, lucianii p. 489, fig. 4, caulleryi p. 492 fig. 6 spp. n. ; Maupas Bull. Biol. ‘ France et Belg. 52. — R. ienuicaudata sp. n., anatomy, especially with reference to absorption and excretion ; Stbfanski Biol. Centralbl. 37 pp. 299-308 9 text-figs. Rusguniella gen. n. for Spiroptera elongata Rud. diagnosed ; Seurat Novitates Zpol. 26 p. 184 text-fig, 3. Sabatieria dubia sp. n. p. 165 pi. iii ^g. 4, pi. iv figs. 3, 7, pi. vi fig C; Ditlevsen Vid. Medd. 70. Seuratia gen. n. (Anguillulidae) p. 197 gracilis sp. n. p. 197 pi. v figs. 1, 9, pi. vii fig. 7 ; Ditlevsen T.c. Sphaerolaimus paradoxus sp. n. p. 174 pi. vii figs. 3, 4, 6, i>l. viii figs. 2, 3, 8, coast of Denmark; Ditlevsen T.c. Stephanolaimus gen. n. {Anguillulidae) p. 183, elegans sp. n. p. 184 pi. v figs. 2, 3, pi. vi fig. 8, coasts of Denmark ; Ditlevsen T.c. Subulura plolina sp.. n. ; Baylis Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 9 3 p. 459 text-fig. 2. — S. travassosi p. 37 pi. xvi figs. 1-5, lutzi p. 38 pi. xvii figs. 1-4, trogoni p. 39 pi. xv, figs. 3, 4, bentocruzi p. 40, pi, xviii figs. 1-3, carlosi p. 41 pi. xix figs., 1-4, olympioi p. 42, pi. xx figs. 1-5, spp. n„ seurati Barreto 1917 p. 36, pi. ix fig.s. 1, 2 & 5, Jialli Barreto 1917 p. 37, pi. xi, figs. 1-4, hosts and diagnosis; Barreto Mem. Inst. Os- waldo Cruz li. Subulurinae, classification of sub- family, constituent genera and species characterised, ' with hosts; Barreto Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 11 pp. 10-79 (translations, 6-71) pis. ii-xxiv. Syphacia of^velata, parasitic in Man, note on ; Riley J. Parasitol. 6 pp. 89- 93 pi. vii. Tetradonema gen. n. {Tetradonemidae _ am. n.) plicans sp. n„ from larvae of Sciara coprophila, description ; Cobb J. ParasitoL5 pp. 176-185 7 text-figs. — T. plicans, biology, notes on life- history ; Hunqerford T.c. pp. 186- 192 pi. xi.x. Tetrameres, known species, with special reference to Brazilian forms, p. 64, T. micropenis Trav. 1915, p. 66, pi. XXV, figs. 1, 2, pi. XX vii figs. 7 & 8, tetrica Trav. 1917, p. 67, dubia Trav. 1917, p. 68, pi. xxvi, fig. 3, gigas Trav. 1917 p. 68 pi. xxviii figs. 12-14, coch- leariae Trav. 1917 p. 69 pi. xxvii, fig. 6, hosts and diagnoses ; Travassos Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz. conjusa (syn. Jissispina Truram) p. 85, text-figs. 4-7, gigas p. 88 figs. 8 & 9, spp. n. from domestic birds, notes ; Travassos Rev. vet. zootech. 9. — T. fissipina (Dies.), from chickens, Philippines, notes on morphology ; Wharton Philippine J. Sci. Sect. D. 13 pp. 219-221. Thoracostomopsis gen. n. {Anguillu- lidae) p. 181, barbatum sp. n. p. 182 pi. ix figs. 2, 7 ; Ditlevsen Vid. Medd. 70. Trigonolaimus gen. n. {Anguillulidae) p. 177, armatus p. 178 pi. viii figs. 1, 4, 6, 7, miner p. 180, pi. viii figs. 5, 9, pi. ix figs. 4, 5, spp. n. coasts of Den- mark ; Ditlevsen Q\c. Trilobus gracilis Bast. var. homo- physalidis, p. 151 text-fig. 2, var. allophysis p. 156 fi^. 3, varr. n. ; Steiner Bull. Soo, Sci, Nat. Neucbatel 43. Yseria gen. n {Histiocephalus p.pA for Y. decora (Duj.) and other spp., californica sp. n., from Oidemia deglandi, diagnosed ; Gedoelst C. R. Soc. Biol. 82 pp. 901-903. h) Nematomorpha. [Vacant.] c) Acanthocephala. Acanthocephala of North American birds, notes on ; Van Cleave Trans. Amer. Mic rose. Soc. 37 pp. 19-47 pis. i-v. Acanthocephala, froni various Verte- brates, Illinois River, notes on; Van Cleave Bull. III. Nat. Hist. Surv. 13 pp. 222-257 pis. xxii-xxviii. 25 Verm, Systematic. — Chaetoqnatha. Conjnosoma rxynstricium sp. n„ occur- rence and diagnosis ; Van Cleave Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 37 p. 22 ligs. 1-3. Echinorhynclnis salveUni p. 23C, figs. 5, 10, 12, coregoni p. 237 figs. 6, 11, 13, spp. n. Linkins, hosts and diagnoses ; Van Cleave Bull. III. Nat. Hist. Surv. 13. Gracilisentis gen. n. {Neoechincr- hynchidae), gracilisentis (Van Cleave), diagnosed : Van Cleave T.c. p. 245 figs. 30-32. Neoechinorhynchidae, synopsis of the family ; Van CleAve T.c. pp. 240, 253. , Neoechmorhynchiis crassns sp. n., host and diagnosis ; Van Cleave T.c. p. 243 figs. 24, 25, 28; Oclos'pinifer gon. n. {Ncoechinorhyn- chidae) maciUntus sp. n., occurrence and diagnosis; Van Cleave T.c. p. 244 figs. 26, 27, 29. Plngiorhynchus Jormosus sp. n., host and diagnosis ; Van Cleave Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 37 p. 24 figs. 4-6. Polymorphus obtusus sp. n., occurrence and diagnosis ; Van Cleave T.c., p. 26 figs. 8 -12. PomphorhyncJius bulbocolU sp. n. Linkins, host and diagnosis ; Van Cleave Bull. 111. Nat. Hist. Surv. 13 p. 238 figs. 7, 8. CHAETOGNATHA. GASTRO- TRICHA, ROTIFERA. SUBJECT INDEX. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL. 1603 Bibliography. Dimkerly, 63. . , STRUCTURE. 1607 General. Gastrotrioha. Steiner, 251. Reproductive Organs. Tannretlther, 261. * ' 1631 PHYSIOLOGY* '1611 Sexuality. Shull, 237 ; Whitney* 289 & 290. ’ Environmental Effects. Shull, 237 ; Whitney, 289 & 290. ^ development: 1615 Embryology. Tannreuther, 261.>, , j ETHOLOGY. ' 1619 Plankton. Virieux, 276. VARIATION, PHYTOGENY. 1623 Heredity. Hopkinson, 113. ' ’ . ^ Phylogeny. . Steiner, 251. DISTRIBUITON (GEOGRAPHY). 1627 Europe. Schlenker, 221 ; Wesenberg-Lund, 288; Wibaut, 291. *45trt. Michael, 179 ; Oye, 193. SYSTEMATIC. 1631 (a) Chaetognatha. Chaetognatha, collected by the ‘‘Al- batross,” Philippine Archipelago, notes' on ; Michael Smithson. Inst. U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 100 vol. i pp. 235- 277 pis. xxxiv-xxxviii. Krohnitta kerperti sp. n. Java- meer ; Oye Contrib. Faune des Indes- Neerland 4 p. 24 text-fig. IL ' ' Sagitfa jyhilippini sp. n. diagnosis and occurrence; Michael U.S. Nat.^ Mus. Bull. 100 vol. i p. 240 pi. xxxiv figs. 1-4. — /8. irichodermis p. S text- figs. 1-3, weheri p. 15, fig. 4, pseudo- regularia p. 17, fig. 5, parva p. 20, figs,’ 6-8, spp. n. Javameer ; Oye Contrib. faune des Indes Ncierlandaises 4. 26 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1919] ZaJionya gen. n. p. 22, cestoda sp. n. p. 23 text-fig. 9, Java ; Oye T.c. (fc) Gastrotricha, Cenlropsis arcticus sp. n., a Kinorhyn- chid larval form, morphology, phylo- genetic affinities to Nematoda ; Steiner Zool. Anz. 50 pp. 177-187 4 text-figs. (c) Rotifer a. Rotifera, plancton, Jura Lakes, notes ; ViiUEUX Ann. Biol, lacustre 3 pp. 105-1 15i ANNELIDA, GEPH V REA, PHORONIDEA, PTEROBRANCHIATA. SUBJECT INDEX. COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL. 1803 Bibliography. Dunkerly, 63. Museum Collections. Nick, *188. Cultivation. Lohner, 157. STRUCTURE. 1807 General Anatomy. Annelida. Fauvel, 77 ; Johnston & Tiegs, 135 ; MacCallnm & MacCalliim, 163; MTn- tosh, 180 ; Remscheid, 207 ; Smith & Green, 240. Gephyrea. Fischer, 83 & 84. PlIORONIDEA. Gilchrist, 97. Choetae. Johannson, 131. Alimentary Canal. Menzi, 173 ; Stephenson & Prashad, 252. Circulatory Organs. Meyer, 177. Metamerism. Malaquin, 166. Excretory System. Bahl, 6. Reproductive Organs. Baltzer, 7 ; Stephenson & Ram, 253. Histology. Gilchrist, 98; Gilson, 99; Livanolf, 156. PHYSIOLOGY. 1811 General. Malaquin, 166 ; V16s, 278. Nutrition, Excretion. Diwany, 60 ; Lohner, 157. Blood. Vl6s, 277. Luminosity. Brade-Birks, 25 ; Friend, 88 ; Gil- christ, 98. Growth. Fauvel, 76. Regeneration. Hunt, 119. Sexuality, Hermaphroditism. Baltzer, 7 ; Dehorne, 55 ; Nachts- heim, 186. Vitality, Anabiosis. Schmidt, 222 ; Schmidt & Stchepkina, 223. Environmental Effects. Response to Stimuli. Hyman, 121 ; Kanda, 138 ; Schmidt & Stchepkina, 223 ; Szymanski, 260. 27 Verm, Systematic. — Polychaeta. 1831 DEVELOPMENT. 1815 Asexual Reproduction. Dehorne, 55 & 56 ; Gilchrist, 97 ; Maupas, 171. Regeneration. Hunt, 119; Mesnil & Caullery, 174. Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis, etc. Nachtsheim, 186. Embryology. Schleip, 220 ; Soulier, 244. Organogeny. Menzi, 173. Anomalies. Rioja, 212. ETHOLOGY. 1819 Bionomics. Habits. Allen, 5 ; Dehorne, 56 ; Friend, 89 ; Pigiiet, 196 ; M’lntosh, 180. Parasitism. Echinodermata. Remicheid, 207. Cmsiaccn. Ellis, 66 & 67. VARIATION, PHYLOGENY. 1823 Classification, Phylogeny. Chamberlin, 34 ; Rioja, 211. DISTRIBUTION (GEOGRAPHY.) 1827 1. Recent (Geographical). Europe. Chumley, 40 ; Friend, 86, 87 & 90 ; Horst, 114 & 117; M’lntosh, 180; Pigaet, 195 & 196; Rioja, 211 ; Sztits, 259 ; Wesenberg-Lund, 286. Asia. Ehlers, 64 ; Fauvel, 77 & 78 ; Horst, 115 & 116; Prashad, 199; Remscheid, 207. Africa. Faivel, 77, 79-81 ; Smith & Green/ 240. Australasia. ^ Benham, 17 ; Fischer, 83 ; Johansson, 131. America. Cross, 51 ; Hoagland, 112 ; Smith, 238; Smith & Dickey, 239; Welch, 284. Pacific. Chamberlin, 33 & 34. Antarctic. Gravier, 105. 2. Fossil (Geological). Secondary. Bather, 9 ; Krcnkel, 144 ; Lange, 151. Primary. Chapman, 37 ; Hadding, 108. SYSTEMATIO. 1831 1. Annelida. (rt) Archiannelida. [Vacant.] {h) Polychaeta. Polychaeta, various localities, “ Al- batross ” expeditions, diagnosed ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 48 514 pp. 80 pis. Polychaeta, Pacific Coast, collected by A. Agassiz ; Chamberlin Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 63 No. 6 pp. 251-270 3 pis. Polychaeta, Aru and Kei Islands, diagnosed ; Ehi.ers Abh. Senckenberg. Ges. 35 2 pp. 227-250 pis. xv-xvii. Polychaeta from Madagascar, Dji-./ bouti and the Persian Gulf, described Fauvel Arch. Zool. exp. 58 pp. 315- 473 pis. xv-xvii. , 28 Ferm. " VI. Vermidea- Polycliaetes, coasts of Arabia, notes ; Fauvel Bull. Mus. 1918 pp. 329- 344. Polychaota, Porto Rico, Bermudas, ’ etc., diagnosed ; IfoAGi.AND Bull. Amer. Mus, Nat. Hist. 41 pp. 571-591 pis. xxix-xxxii. Polycliaetes, Cantabria, notes ; Riqja Rev. Acad. Ci. 17 pp. 54-79. Polychaeta, “ menibranae limitantes,” Bau und Bedeutung, (Russ) ; liiVANOFF Kazan! Trd. obsc. jest 46, No. 2 pp. 1- :286 pi. i-viii. Admetella hastigerens p. 64 pi. ix figs. 6-8, (loUchojpus p. 67, pi. x fig. 1, spi). n. ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Alkmaria gen. n. {TerebelUdae) ro- mijni sp. n., from brackish water, Netherlands, diagnosed ; Horst Zool. Mededeel 5 p. 100 1 text-fig. Amage inhamata sp. n. Bermuda, diagnosed ; Hoaqland Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 41 p. 677 pi. xxx figs. 7-9. Amho gen. n. {Cirrhatulidue) per. brancliiata p. 177, convergena p, 178, spp. n., Monterey, diagnosed ; Cham- berlin Proe. Biol. Soc. Washington 31. Ammotrypane kampeni p. 22 text- fig. 1, ehlersi p. 23 fig. 2, kiikenthuli p. 23, buitendijki p. 24, fig. 3, spp. n., Malay Archipelago, diagnosed ; Horst Zool. Mededeel. 5. — A. remigera^j^. n. ; Eulers Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 35 p. 245 pi. xvii figs. 1-4. Ampharete homa sp. -n. p. 444 • pi. Ixxvii figs. 7, 8 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48, Amphicteia obscurior p. 447, pi Ixxvi figs. 1, 2, ])1. ixxvii fig. 3, uncopaka p. 448, pi. ixxvi figs. 6, 6, pi. Ixxvii fig. 4, orphnius p. 450, pi. Ixxvi figs, 3, 4, pi. ixxvii figs. 1, 2, spp. n. ; Chamberlin "T.c. Anaitidi^s compsa sp. n. p. 105 pi. xv figs. 8 & 9, pi. xvi figs, 1-6 ; Cham- berlin T.c. AncistrosylUs rigida sp. n„ occurrence and diagnosis ; Fauvel Bull. Mus. 1919 p. 337 text-fig. 1. — A. r. Fauvel j Fauvel Arch. Zool. 58 p. 373 text- fig. 4. [1919] Antiobactrum gen. n. for Ophdina brasiliensis, p. 385 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Aphelothrix gen. n. {Leodicidue) for Marphyaa mossambica lA'ters, p. 231 ; Chamberlin T.c. Aphrodite defendens sp. n. p. 80 ; Chamberlin T.c. — A. leioseta sp. n., California; Chamberlin Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 63 p, 254. Arabella munda sp. n., p. 258 ; Chamberlin T.c. , . ^Arabellilea serra sp. n. Schwed(‘n Ordovician ; Haddinq Lund Univ. Arsskr, N.F. 9 Afd. 2 No. 15 p. 33 pi. i figs. 12 -13. Aricia bioreti sp. n., coasts of Africa ; Fauvel Bull. Mus. 1919 p. 34 text- fig. 2. — A. bioreti Fauvel p. 430 figs. 62-56, A. foetida Clap. var. n. auatralia p. 429, occurrence and diagnoses ; Fauvel Arch. Zool. exp. 58. Audouinia ftligera subsp. n. neaophila p. 380 pi. Ixx figs. 5, 6 ; Chamberlkn Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Aiitolytus obliquatua p. 168, pi. xix fig. 8, pi. XX figs. 1-3, planipalpna p. 170 pi. XX fig. 4, pi. xxi figs. 1, 2, torquena p. 172, pi. xix figs. 5, 7, spp. n. ; Chamberlin T.c. Balanochaeta gen. n. {Flabelligeridae), for Trophonia entca, p. 397 ; Cham- berlin T.c. Brada verrucoaa p. 399, pi. Ixviii figs. 3-6, irenaia p. 400, figs. 7-9, pi. Ixix figs. 1-3, spp. n., Chamberlin T.c. Brunchethua gen. n. (Ariciidae) p. 357, latum sp. n. p. 358 pi. Ixiv figs. 7-11, pi. Ixv figs. 1, 2; Chamberlin T.c. Bylgidea nom. nov. for Bylgiu Th6cl praeocc., p. 40 ; Chamberlin T.c. Caulleriella gen. n. for Cirrhatulus viridia p. 372 ; Chamberlin T.c. Cenogenua gen. n. (Lumbriconereidae) deacendena sp. n. p. 333 ; Chamberlin T.c. Oenolhrix gen. n. (Lymbriconereidae) p. 329 mutana sp. n. p. 330 pi. Ixi figs. 1-9, pi. Ixii fig. 1 ; Chamberlin T.c. 29 Verm. Systematic.— -PoLYCHAETA. Ceratonercis erythrceensin p. 606 fcext-fig. 2, pachychaeta p; 606, fig. 3, spp. n„ African coasts ; Pauvel Bull. Mus. 1918. — C. pachychaeta p. 403, figs. 22-26, erythraeensis p. 407, figs. 26-30, 42-47," Madagascar and Red Sea : Fauvel Arch. Zool. exp. 68, Ckadonereis fakaravae sp. n., p. 213 pi. XXXV figs. 6-8 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Chaunorhynchiis nom. n. for Cerato- cephale praeocc., p. 194 ; Chamberlin T.c. Chlneia eutypa sp. n. p. 30, pi. xiii figs. 8 & 9, pi. xiv figs. 1 & 2 ; Chamberlin T.c. Cirrhntulus exuberant sp. n. p. 263 ; Chamberlin Bull. Mus. Harvard 63. — ■ C. meyalus p. 375 pi. Ixx figs. 1-4, sinincolens p. 377, figs. 7-10, spp. n. ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Hatvard 48, Girrhinereis nesioies sp. n. p. 373, pi. Ixx figs. 6, 6 ; Chamberlin T.c. ■\Cnrdylodns ramosua sp. n. Schweden Ordovician ; Hadding Lund Univ. Arsskr. N.F. 9 Afd. 2 No. 15 p. 31 pl. i fig. 6. iCornuUtes youngi sp. n., Silurian, diagnosed ; Chapman Proc. R. Soc. Victoria 31 p. 321 pis. xiii & xiv p.p. Corynocephalus paumotanus sp. n. p. I ll pl. xxiii figs. 1-3 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Crucigera hespera sp. n., p. 270 pl. ii fig. 9 ; Chamberi.in Bull. Mus. Harvard 63. Dcxiorhis subgen. n. of Dexiospira C. and M. for D. foraminosus, p. 478 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Dindymenides nom. n. for Dindy- mene praeocc. p. 385 ; Chamberlin T.c. Distylia monicrea sp. n. p. 267 ; Chamberlin Bull. Mus. Harvard 63. Dorvillea crassa sp. n. p. 339 pl. Ixii figs. 6, 7, pl. Ixiii fig. 1 ; Chamber- lin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. ^ Drepanodus falcatns p. 30 pl. i fig. 3, verulus p. 31 pl. i 4, robuslus p. 31 pl. i fig. 5, Schweden Ordovician : Hadding Lund Univ. Arsskr. N.F. 9 Afd. 2 No. 15. 1831 Ephesieltu gen. n. (Sphaerodoridae)^ genus only diagnosed; p. T 82 ; CiiAk- berlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48.' Eulepethus nom. nov. for Eutepis Grube, p. 90 ; ChAmberlin T.c. ' Eulepis geayi sp. n„ occurrence and diagnosis ; Fauvel Bull. Mus. 1918 p.. 603 text-fig. 1, and Arch. Zool. exp. 68 p. 535 figs. 17-21 76-79. Eunoe eura sp. n. p. 68 pl. iii figs, 2-6 ; Chamberlin Mem, Mus. Harvard 48. Eupisiella nom. nov. for Eupista, p, 424 ; Chamberlin T.c. Eupolymnia cresceniis sp. n, p. 265 pl. iii figs. 6 & 7 ; Chamberi.in Bull, Mus. Harvard 63. — E. regnans p. 433 pl. Ixxix figs. 1-3, insulana p. 434, figs. 4-6, spp. n. ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Euphrosym panamica sp. n. p. 33, pl. xii figs. 7 & 8, pl. xiii figs. 1-7 Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Euratella gen. n. (Sabellidae) for Laonome sahnicidis p, 469 ; Cham- berlin T.c. Euscione nom. novi for Scione, p. 423 ; Chamberlin T.c. Etispio muUiocutatd sp, n„ Cantabria, diagnosed ; Rioja Rev. Acad. Ci. 17 p. 60 text-fig. 2. . Evarnella nom. nov. for Evarne Malnigr. praeocc., p. 40 j Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Filograna implexa, distribution, general account of ; M’Intosh Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist. Ser. 9 3 pp. 125-162. Olycera profundi p. 360 pl. Ixiv figs, 2-6, f iindicola p. 352, spp. n. ; Cham- berlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48, Gravierella gen. n. {Maldanidae) muUiannulata sp. n., intercalary growth described ; Fauvel Bull. Soc. Zool. 44 pp. 36 -40 1 text-fig. — 0. m. described t Fauvel Arch. Zool. exp. 68 p. 438 figs, 68 & 59. — G. m. Fauvel [also described here as new] : Fauvel Bull. Mus. 1919 p. 37 text-fig. 4. [The practice of this author in describing the same form as ncAv in two or three periodicals is most reprehensible.] 30 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1919] , Grubea longisetis sp. n„ French Ouinea ; Fauvel Bull. Mus. 1919 j). 474 text-fig. 2 a-d. Qwasitoa gen. n. (Scalibregmidae) for Oncoscolex heterochaetus p. 300 ; Cham- berlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Hammatopsia gen. n. acanicua sp. n. Schweden Ordovician ; Hadding Bund Univ. Asskr. N.F. 9 Afd. 2 No. 15 p. 27 pi. i fig. 1. Harmopsidea gen. n. (Polynoidae) p. 48, natans sp. n. p. 48 pi. vi figs. 1-5 ; Chamberijn Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Harmothoe mexicana sp. n. p. 64 pi. i figs. 1-9, pi. ii fig. 1 ; Chamberlin T.c. — H. watsoni M’l. and var. mar- physae M’l., note on; M’Intosh Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 9 3 p. 163. Hemipodua mexicanua sp. n. p. 349, pi. Ixiii figs. 2, 3 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Hesione panamena sp. n. p. 188 pl. xxii figs. 9, 10 ; Chamberlin T.c. Ileaperonoe gen. n. {Polyno'idan) p. 252, aenilia sp. n. p. 253 pl. i figs. 1-4, California, diagnosed ; Chamberlin Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 63. Ilyalinoecia tccton p. 310 pl. xxxviii figs. 4-9, pl. xxxix figs. 1, 2, Icu 'cacra p. 317, pl. xxxvii figs. 9, 10, pl. xxxviii figs. 1-3, spp. n. ; Chamberlin Mem. ]\Ius. Harvard 48. Hydroides exaltatua (Marenz.) var. n. vesiculoaus; Fauvel Bull. Mus. 1919 p. 342. — //. norvegica Cunn, note on anomaly and phylogenetic considcra- . tions ; Rioja Bol. Soc. espan. hist, nat. 19 pp. 445-449 2 text -figs. — II. perezi sp. n., Persian Gulf, diagnosed ; Fauvel Bull. Mus. 1918 p. .342 text- fig. 2, and Arch. Zool. exp. 58 p. 462 text-fig. 12. Idanthyraua crelua p. 485 pl. Ixxv figs. 8-15, regalia p. 487, pl. Ixxiv figs. 1-8, spp. n. ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. — I. ornamentaiua sp. n., p. 262 pl. iii figs, 2-5 ; Chamberlin Bull. Mus. Harvard 63. Tlyphagua gen. n. (Flahelligeridae) p. 402, bythincola p. 402 pl. Ixix figs. 4-9, . pluto and aacendena, p. 403, spp. n. ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Kaionereia gen. n. (Nereidae) p. 196, alata sp. n. p. 197 pl. xxviii figs. 6-8, pl. xxix figs. 1-8 ; Chamberlin T.c. Kebuita gen. n. {Scalibregmidae) for Eumenia glabra, p. 300; Chambehun T.c. Keaun gen. n. {OpheUidae) p. 385, fusua ap. n. p. 386, pl. Ixvii fig. 5, pl. Ixviii figs. 1,2; Chamberlin T.c. Laetniatoriice brevihaalata sp. n., Aru Islands ; Ehlbrs Abh. Senckenb. Gee. 35 p. 231 pl. XV figs. 1-7. Laonomedea gen. n. (Sahellidae) for Laonome anlarctica, p. 469 ; Chamber- lin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Leiocrates anomalua sp. n. p. 190 ; Chamberlin T.c. Leodice entelea sp. n., Monterey, diagnosed ; Chamberlin Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 31 p. 175. — L. make- moana p. 233, pl. liii figs. 1-11, aegregata p. 237, pl. liv figs. 1-5, Vila p. 240 pl. liv figs. 6-10, pl. Iv figs. 1-7, oliga p. 244 pl. Iv fig. 11, pl. Ivi figs. 2-9 with subsp. n. ‘papeeleiuna p. 248 pl. Iv figs. 8-10, pl. Ivi fig. 1, pauroneurala p. 249, pl. Ivii figs. 8, 9, pl. Iviii figs. 1-9, pl. lix figs. 1-3, neaiotea p. 253 pl. Ivii figs. 6, 7, panamena p. 256, pl. lix figs. 4-8, pl. lx figs. 1-5, contingena p. 260, pl. Ivii figs. 1-5, spp. n. ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. — L. valens sp. n., California ; Chamber- lin Bull. Mus. Harvard 63 p. 257 pl. i figs. 6-8. Lepidasihenia curia sp. n. p. 61 pl. v •figs. 4-9; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Lepidonotua neaophilua sp. n. p. 75 pl. iv figs. 1-7, pl. V fig. 13 ; Chamber- lin T.c, — L. nolala sp. n., Porto Rico ; Hoagland Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 41 p. 572 pl. xxix figs. 5-10. — L. oniaciformia ; Ehlers Abh. Senck- enberg. Ges. 35 p. 233 pl. xv figs. 8-11, pl. xvi figs. 1-4. Leploecia gen. n. (Onuphidae) j). 319, ahyaaorum sp. n. p. 320, pl. xxxvi figs. 1-6, pl. xxxvii figs. 1-8 ; Cham- berlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Lopadorrhynchua parvum p. 114, 1)1. xvii figs. 6 & 7, nana p, 116, pl. xvi; fig. 5, spp. n. ; Chamberlin T.c. 31 Verm. Systematic. — Polychaeta. 1831 Luynbrico nereis papillifera sp. n., Madagascar, diagnosed ; Fauvel Arch. Zool. 58 p. 396 figs. 0-10, and Bull. Mus. 1918 p. 608 text-fig. 4. — L. papillosa sp n. ; Eulers Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 35 p. 241 pi. xvi figs. 8-16. Maldanella fihrillala sp. n. p. 413, pi. Ixxii figs. 1-6, pi. ixxiii figs, 1 & 2 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Mastigethus gen. n. {Phyllodocidae) p. 119, errans sp. n. p. 120 pi. xvii figs, 8 & 9, pi. xviii figs. 1-6 ; Cham- berlin T.c. Manila gen. n. {Alciopidae) p. 136, nans sp. n. p. 136 pi. xxiv figs. 10 & 11, pi. XXV figs. 1-6 ; Chamberlin T.c. Moyamis gen. n. {Ampharetidae) p. 461, explorans sp. n. p. 462, pi. Ixxvii figs. 11 & 12 ; Chamberlin T.c. Nainereis nannohranchia. sp. n., Cali- fornia ; Chamberlin Bull. Mus. Har- vard 63 p. 260 pi. ii fig. 10, pi. iii fig. 1. — N. retusiceps sp. n. p. 365, pi. ixv figs. 3-6 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. ' N amanereis gen. n. (Nereidae) type N. quadraticeps (Gay), p. 194 ; Cham- berlin T.c. Nanis gen. n. (Phyllodocidae) simplex sp. n. p. 125 pi. xviii figs. 7 & 8, pi. xix figs. 1-4 ; Chamberlin T.c. Nephthys ectopa sp. n. p. 94, pi. xv figs. 1-7 ; Chamberlin T.c, — N. spiri- branchis sp. n. ; Ehlers Abh, Sencken- berg. Ges. 35 p. 235 pi. xvi figs. 5-7. — N. tulearensis sp. n. ; Fauvel Arch. Zool. exp. 58 p. 422 figs. 31-39, and Bull. Mus. 1919 p. 33 text-fig. 1. Nereis buitendijki p. 69 text-fig. 1, N. (Perinereis) rumphii p. 60 fig. 2, N. (Ceratonereis) ramosa p, 62 fig. 3, spp. n., Dutch E. Indies ; Horst Zool. Meded. 5. — N. glandulata n. Porto Rico, diagnosed ; Hoagland Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 41 p. 676 pi. xxx figs. 1-6. — N. mendocinana sp. n., California, diagnosed ; Chamberlin Bull. Mus. Harvard 63 p. 256 pi. i fig. 6. — N. (Neanthes) monierea sp. n., Monterey, diagnosed; Chamberlin Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 31 p. 174. — N. sejgrex p. 202 pi. xxxii figs. 3-5, lenca p. 205 figs. 6-8 pi. xxxiii figs. 1-6, caenodYrus p. 209 figs. 7 & 8, pi. xxxiv figs. 1-6 and pi. xxxv figs. 1 & 2, spp. n. ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Nerinid.es cantabra sp. n. ; Rioja Rev. Acad. Ci. 17 p. 55 text-fig. 1. Nicolea taboguillae p, 425 pi. Ixxix figs. 12 & 13, galapagensis p. 427, pi. Ixxx figs. 1-3, profundi p. 429 pi. Ixxix fig. 9, latens p. 430 figs. 10 & 1 1, spp. n. ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus, Harvard 48. Notomastus pallidior sp. n., Monterey, diagnosed ; Chamberlin Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 31 p. 179. Oenonc telura sp. n. p. 335, pi. Ixii figs. 2-5 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Odonlosyllis atypica sp. n. p. 180, pi. xxi figs. 3 & 4, pi. xxii figs. 1-3 ; Chamberlin T.c. Onuphis proalo2)vs p. 265 pi. xl figs. 3-8, pi. xli figs. 1-10, nanywg^ nathus p. 270, pi. xliii figs. 8-11, pi. xliv figs. 1-5, litabranchia p. 274, pi. 1 fig. 7, pi. li figs. 1-10, pi. lii fig. 1, pachytmena p. 279, pi. xlviii figs. 5-11, pi. xlix figs. 1-8, pi. 1 figs. 1-6, soda p. 284, pi. xlvii figs. 1-11, pi xlviii figs. 1-4, lepta p. 290, pi. xlv figs. 1-7, pi. xlvi figs. 3-12, crassisefosa p. 295, pi. xlii figs. 1-6, pi. xliii figs. 1-7, cobra p. 300 pi. lii figs. 1-8, spp. n. ; Chamberlin T.c. Oriades nom. nov. for Oria praeocc., p. 470 ; Chamberlin T.c. Pabils gen. h. (Ampharetidae) p. 466,- deroderus sp. n. p. 467, pi. Ixxvii figs. 6 & 6 ; Chamberlin T.c. Paiwa gen. n. (Ampharetidae) abyssi sp. n. p. 459, pi. Ixxvi figs. 7-9, pi. Ixxvii figs. 9 & 10 ; Chamberlin T.c. Panthalis panwnensis sp. n. p. 86 pi. xi figs. 4-8, pi. ii figs. 1-6 ; Cham- berlin T.c. Pantoithrix gen. n. (Flabelligeridae) for Pherusa chilensis, p. 397 ; Cham- berlin T.c. 32 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1919] Parabasella fonticula p. 579 pi. xxxi figs. 3-9, midoculi p. 579 pi. xxxi figs. 10-14, pi. xxxii figs. 1, 2,fleca(a p. 580 pi. xxxii figs. 3-8, occurrence and diagnoses ; Hoaqland Bull. Amor. Mus. Nat. Hist. 41. Paronuphis solenolecion sp. n. p. 306, pi. xxxix figs. 3-8, pi. xl figs. 1, 2 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Paumotella gen. u. (Serpulidae) p. 481, iakemoana sp. n. p. 482 pi. Ixxviii figs. 1-5 j Chamberlin T.c. Perinereis nuntia var. n. djibouliensis ; Fauvel Arch. Zool. exp. 58 p. 420. fPeriodon gen. n., aenlealus sp. n. Schweden Ordovician ; H adding Lund Univ. Arsskr. N.F. 9 Afd. 2 No. 15 p. 33 pi. i fig. 14. Petaloproctus crenatus sp. n." p. 410 pi. Ixxiii figs. 3-7 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Phyllodoce fakaravana sp. n. p. 108, pi. xvi figs. 7-12; Chamberlin T.O.. Pista brevibranchia sp. n., p. 264 pi. ii figs. 1-4 ; Chamberlin Bull. Mus. Harvard 63. Platy nereis polyscalma sp. n. p. 219 pi. XXX figs. 5-8, pi. xxxi figs. 1-10 and pi. xxxii figs. 1, 2 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Plotobia gen. n. (TyphloscoJecidae) p. 154 simplex p. 155 pi. ixv figs. 6-11, pi. ixvi fig. 1, coniceps p. 156, pi. Ixvi figs. 2-4, spp. n. ; Chamberlin T.c. Plotohelmis gen. n. (Alciopidae) p. 143, alata sp. n. p. 144 pi. xxiii figs. 4-10, pi. xxiv figs. 1-3 ; Chamberlin T.c. Plololcpsis gen. n. {Polynoidae) p. 40, nans sp. n. p. 41 pi. vii figs. 3 &> 4 ; Chamberlin T.c. Podarke guanica sp. n., Porto Rico, diagnosed ; Hoaqland Bull. Amer. ‘Mus. Nat. Hist. 41 p. 571 pl. xxix figs. 1-4. Podarmus gen. n. (Polynoidae) p. 45, ploq sp. n. p. 46, pl. vi fig. 6 and pl. vii figs. 1 & 2 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. ^Polygnatus alternans pl. i fig. 7, spinalus pl,^ i fig. 8, spp. n. Schweden Ordovician ; Haddinq Lund, Univ, Arsskr. N.F. 9 Afd. 2 No. 15 p. 32. Polynoe innatans pl. 70, pl. viii figs. 1-7, nesiotes p. 72 pl. viii fig. 8, pl. ix figs. 1-5, spp. n. ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Pomatostegus ■itellatus ; JoiiANSSOjj: Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 58 No. 7 p. 10 fig. 2 8-12. Pontogenia curva sp. n. p. 83, pi. x figs. 2-7, pl. xi fig. 12 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Polamoceros paumolanus sp. n. p. 479. pl. Ixxviii figs. 6-9 ; CiTamberlin T.c. fPrioniodus alalus pl. i figs. 9-10, discedens pl. i fig. 11, spp. n. Schweden Ordovician ; Hadding Lund. Univ. Arsskr, N.F. 9 Afd. 2 No. 16 p. 32. Protis torquata sp. n.» Porto Rico ; Hoaqland Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 41 p. 680 pl. xxxii figs. 9-13. Protula procera sp. n. ; Ehlers Abh. Senckenberg Ges. 35 p. 248 pl. xvii figs. 5-9. Pseudonereis alopodon sp. n. p. 228, pl. XXXV figs. 3-5 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Pseudopotamilla panamica sp. n. p. 268 pl. iii fig. 8 ; Chamberlin Bull. Mus. Harvard 63. Pterothrix gen. n. {Lumbriconereidae), type Notocirrus scolicus Mint., p. 325 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Rhynchonerella pycnocera p. 147, pl. XXV figs. 7, 8, pl. xxvi, figs. 1-6, parva p. 150, pl. xxv figs. 9, 10, spp. n. ; Chamberlin T.o. Sabellaria nanella sp. n., p. 261 pl. ii figs. 5-7 ; Chamberlin Bull. Mus. Harvard 63. Sabellastarte itidiea; Johansson Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 58 No. 7 p. 3 figs. 1 A-B. SabcUides delms sp. n. p. 455, pl. Ixxvii fig. 13 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. 33 Verm. SySTEMATIO.— PoLYOHABTA. Saphobranchia gen. n. {Flabelligeri- dne), for Stylariodea longisetosa, p. 397 ; Cham BERLIN T.o. Scionides gen. n. for Terebella reti- culata p. 421 ; Chamberlin T.c. — 8. dux sp. n. p, 266, pi. Hi fig. 9 ; Chamber- lin Bull. Mu8. Harvard 63. Scoloplos madagascariensis sp. n., diagnosed ; Fauvel Bull. Mus. 1919 p. 36 text-fig. 3, and Arch. Zool.’exp. 58 p. 433 figs. 81-86. Semiodera gen. n. {Flabelligeridae) for Siphonostoma caribouin, p. 397 ; Cham- berlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Serpula nannoides sp. n. p. 270, pi. ii fig. 8 ; Chamberlin Bull. Mus. Harvard 63. — 8. vermicularis var. granulosa ; Johansson Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 58 No. 7 p. 6 fig. 1 C. f<8., Kelloway-Faitna, Popilani, W. Russia, notes ; Krbnkel Palaeonto- graph 61 p. 341 pi. xxv fig. 44. — 8. pentastemma nom. nov. for 8. cincta Geinitz 1876 ; Wegner Palaeonto- graph 60 p. 200. — 8. triangulata sp. n., from Trigonia schwarz i zone,Tendagiira ; Lange Arch. Biontolog. 3 H. 4 p. 259 pi. XV fig. 23. 8inistrella gen. n. for 8pirorbis verruca p. 478 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Sonatsa gen. n. [Maldanidae) p. 415 ; meridionalis sp. n. p. 416 pi. Ixxi figs. 1-8 ; Chamberlin T^c. 8pirorbeUa gen. n. for 8jnrorbis marioni p. 478 ; Chamberlin T.c. 8pirorbides gen. n. for 8pirobis cancellalus, p. 478 ; Chamberlin T.c. 8pirobranchus tetraceros ; Johansson Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 58 No. 7 p. 7 fig. 2 1-7. 8ternaspis major sp. n. p. 406, pi. Ixxviii fig. 10 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Sthenelais minor Pruv. and Rac. var. n. digitata; Fauvel Arch. Zool. exp. 58 p. 344. ■\8toma gen. n. hia^is sp. n. Schweden Ordovician ; Hadding Lund. Univ. 7\rsskr. N.F. 9 Afd. 2 No. 16 p. 29 pi. i fig. 2. (n-13799 o) q 1831 8yllis gracilis Gr., fragmentatioti followed by regeneration ; Mbsnil & CaUllbry C. R. Acad. Sci. 169 pp. 926-929. — 8. remex sp. n. p. 175, pi. xxi fig. 6, pi. xxii figs. 4-6 ; ChaMbbr- lin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. 8ynelmis gen. n. {8yllidae) p. .176, simplex sp. n. p. 177 pi. xxviii figs. 1-5 ; Chamberlin T.c. Telake gen. n. {Glyceridae) p. 345, epipolasis sp. n. p. 346, pi. Ixiii figs. 4-8, pi. Ixiv fig. 1 ; Chamberlin T.c. "^Tentaculites jaculus sp. n. Devonian Brazil ; Clarke Monogr. Serv. Gedl. mineralog. Brazil 1 p. 88 pi. viii figs. 5, 6. Terebella panamena sp. n. p. 424, pi. Ixxix figs. 7, 8 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Terebellides euryMethus sp, n. p. 438, pi. Ixxx figs. 7-15 ; Chamberlin T.o. Tttreres nesiolea sp. n. p. 490, pi. Ixxv figs. 1-7 ; Chamberlin T\c. Thelepella gen. n. for Terebella cetrala p. 422 ; Chamberlin T.c. Thelepus pericensis sp. n. p. 437 pi. Ixxx figs. 4-6 ; Chamberlin T.c. Therochaeia gen. n. {Flabelligeridae) y for 8tylariodes collarifer, p. 397 ; Cham^ BERLIN T.c. Tomopteris iniiatans p. 159, pi. xxvii fig. 3, eura p. 160, figs. 1 & 2, idiura p. 161, figs. 4-6, spp. n. ; Chamberlin T.c. Torea pelagica sp. n. p. 131 pi. xxiv figs. 4-9 ; Chamberlin T.c. ^Tr achy derma sp. cf. crassituba Chapm., Silurian, notes on, occur- rence of soft parts ; Chapman Proc. R. Soc. Victoria 31 p. 315 pis. xiii & xiv p.p. Travisia profundi sp. n. p. 387, pi. Ixvii figs. 1-4 ; Chamberlin Mem. Mus. Harvard 48. Uncinereis gen. n. {Nereidae) p. 215, subita sp. n. p. 216, pi. xxx figs. 1-4 ; Chamberlin T.c. Urosiphon gen. n. for Ammotrypane cylindrocaudalus, p. 384 ; Chamberlin T.c. b 8 . 34 Verm. VI. Vermidea. [1919] (c) Myzostomida. Mesomyzostoma gen. n., reichenspergeri sp. n.y endoparasitic in Amphimetra discoidea, described ; Remsgheid Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 35 p. 212 pi. xiii fig. 4. Myzostoma, analytical classification of all species, account of new forms, Aru and Kei Islands, pp. 178-226, M. adhaerens p. 182 pi. xii figs. 1-4, sulcatum p. 189 pi. xiii fig. 6, bicorne p. 192, fig. 5, aruense p. 194, pi. xii figs. 6 & 6, fasciatum p. 196, pi. xiii fig. 3, crislatum p. 197, fig. 1, merto7ii p. 200, fig. 2, taeniatum p. 202, pi. xiv figs. 3, 5-7, spp. n. ; Remsoheid Abh, Senckenb. Ges. 35. (d) Oligochaeta. Oligochaetes common to the high regions of Switzerland and Scandi- navia, with notes ; Piquet Rev. Suisse Zool. 27 pp. 1-17. Oligochaeta, fresh-water, N. Sweden ; Piquet Naturw. Unters. Sarekgebirges 4 Lfg. 7 Stockholm 1919 pp. 779-804 6 text-figs. Earthworms, from Africa, with a new t)rpe, notes ; Smith & Green Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 pp. 145-166 18 text-figs. Les Naidimorphes et leur repro- duction asexuee ; Dehohne Arch, zool. 56 pp. 25-157 with figs. Earthworms, calciferous glands of, comparative account ; Stephenson & Pbashad Trans. R, Soc. Edinb. 52 pp. 455^85 1 pi. Branchiobdellidae, American, with their crayfish hosts, characters and classification, new types ; Ellis Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 pp. 241-265 pis. x- •xiii and 19 text- figs. Cambarincola vitrea p. 257 pi. x fig. 3, text-figs. 14, 15, inversa p. 259 pi. xi fig. 3, text-figs. 16, 17, chiro- cephala p. 263 text-figs. 18, 19, spp. n., diagnosis and hosts ; Ellis T.c. Chamaedrilus glandulosua {Marionina g., Mich.), now to Britain { Friend Nature 104 p. 174. Maoridrihis megacyslis p. 35, text- figs. 1, 2, tliomsoni p. 36 figs. 3-5, spp. n., occurrence and diagnoses : Benham Trans. N. Zealand Inst. 51. Mesenchytraeus, key to N. American species, M. hydrius sp. n., described ; Welch Trans. Amer. Microsc. Soc. 38 pp. 175-188 pi. xvii. Mesoporodrilus lacustris (Verrill), Lake Superior, described ; Smith Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 35. Perieodrilus durvilleanus sp. n., occur- rence and diagnosis ; Benham Trans. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 38 text-figs. 6-8. Pheretima poslJiuma, new type of nephridial system in, described ; Bahl Q. J. Microsc. Sci. 64 pp. 67-119 pis. vi-viii. — Pheretima and other Megasco- lecidae, account of prostate glands ; Stephenson & Ram Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. 52 pp. 435-453 1 pi. Poly tor eutus chaloneri p. 156 text- figs. 10-12, multiporus p. 161 figs. 13-18, spp. n. Brit. E. Africa ; Smith & Green Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 55. Pterodrilus mexicamis, durbini spp. n., hosts and occurrence ; Ellis Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 p. 254 pi. xi fig. 1 and text-figs. 12 13. Rhynchelmis elrodi sp. n., from Montana, described ; Smith & Dickey Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 37 pp. 207- 214 pi. xvi. Sparganophilua elongatus Friend, for Helodrilua elongatus, Friend, occurrence, England, and note ; Friend Nature 103 p. 426i Syngenodrilus gen. n. {Moniligas- tridae) lamuenais sp. n., Brit. E. Africa, described ; Smith & Green Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 p. 146 text-figs. 1-8. Xironodrilus gen. n. {Branchiob- dellidae) p. 243, formosus sp. n. p. 244 pi. xi fig. 2 and text-figs. 3 & 4, host and locality ; Ellis Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55. Xironogiton gen. n. {Branchiobdelli- dae) p. 247, occidentalis p. 248 pi. xii fig. 2, text-figs. 7, 8, oregonenais p. 240 pi. X figs. 1, 2, pi. xii fig. 1, spp. n., latter, with subsp. nn. oregonenais p. 251 text-fig. 9, pectinatus p. 251 pi. xii fig. 3 and text-figs. 10, 11; Ellis T.c 35 Verm. 8ystematio. — Eohuiroidea. 1831 (e) Hirudinea. Ozobranchus branchiatus (Menziee), anatomy described ; MacCallum & MacOallum Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 38 pp. 395-408 pis. xxxiii-xxxviii. (/) Echiuroidea. Archibonellia gen. n. michaelseni sp. n., S.W. Australia, diagnosed ; Fischer Zool. Anz. 50 p. 283 text-figs. 4-6. Bonellia viridis, sexual differentia- tion, morphological and physiological considerations ; Baltzbr Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel 22 pp. 1-44 9 text-figs. Pseudohonellia gen. n. {Bonelliidae) biuterina sp. n., from Gt. Barrier Reef, described ; Johnston & Tieos Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44 pp. 213-229 pis. ix-xi. Thalassema microrhynchus sp. n., from Orissa, diagnosed ; Prashad Reo. Iiid. Mus. 16 p. 399 1 fig. 2. Gbphyrea (Sipunculoidea). Asjiidosiphon hartmeyeri sp. n.» S.W. Australia, diagnosed ; Fischer Zool. Anz. 50 p. 281 text-figs. 1-3. Lithacrosiphon Jciikenthali sp. n., description ; Fischer T.c. pp. 289-293 6 text- figs. Siphonosoma crassum sp. n. Spengel, S. W. Australia, diagnosed ; Fischer T. c. p. 279. 3. Phoronidba. Phoronopsis albomaculata, transverse fission described ; Gilchrist Q. J. Microsc. Sci 63 pp. 493-507 pi. xxix. 4. Pterobranchiata. Cephalodiscus anderssoni Grav. p. 77 toxt-figs. B & 1-10, nigrescens Lank, p. 75, text-fig. A, described ; Gravier 2me exp6d. antarctique fran9aise (1908- 1910). VII. BRACHIOPODA AND BRYOZOA BY ' F. W. EDWARDS. (a) BRACHIOPODA CONTENTS. I, Titles=2000 II. Subject Index., (Jenoral = 2003 . . . . Structure = 2007 . . , . Physiology = 201 1 (vacant). Development = 2015 (vacant). Ethology = 2019 (vacant). Aetiology = 2023 Disti ibutiori = 2027 : — (a) Recent . . . . (y3) Fossil . . III. Systematic Index = 2031 . . PAGE .. 2 . 4 .. 4 4 4 4 4 5 2 Brack, VII. Brachiopoda. [1919] 1.— TITLES. Born, A. Dio Calymene tristani-^iniQ (miltleres Untersilur) bei Almaden, ihre Fauna, Gliederung und Ver- breitung. Abh, Senckeiib. Ges. 36 1918 (311-358) Taf. xxiv-xxvii. 1 Buckman, S. S. The Brachipoda of the Namyau beds, Northern Shan states, Upper Burma. Pal. Ind. Calcutta 3 2 1917 (1-254) pis. i-xxi. 2 Buckman, S. S. Terminology for Beak and foraminal development in Brachiopoda. Trans. N.Z. Inst. 61 1919 (450-454). 3 Butts, C. Geology and mineral re- sources of Jefferson County, Kentucky. Kentucky Geol. Surv. Ser. 3 4 pt. 2 1915 (1-270) pis. i-lxiv. 4 Butts, C. Descriptions and correlation of the Mississippian formations of Western Kentucky. Kentucky Geol. Surv. 1917 [191 8J (1-119) pis. i-xxviii. 5 Caterini, F. Sopra alcune nuove forme di koninckinidi del lias medio del* Appenino centrale. Alti Soc. Tosc, Sci. Nat. Pisa Mem. 32 1919 (150-164) tav. iv. 6 Clark, T. H. A section in the Trenton Limestone at Martinsburg, New York. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zook Harv. Coll. 63 1919 (1-18) pi. i. 7 Clarke, J. M* FI Devoniano de la Argentina occidental (sobre la base de los materiales recogidos por los Dres. Bodenbender y Staffenbeck). An. Minist. Agric. Sec. Geol. Buenos Ayres 8 2 1912 (1-19) 3 pis. 8 Dali, W. H. New shells from the North-West Coast. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 1919 (249-251). 9 Dunbar, C. O. Stratigraphy and cor- relation of the Devonian of Western Tennessee. Bull. Geol. Surv. Tennessee 21 1919.(1-127) pis. i-iv. 10 Fenton, C. L. The Hackberry stage of the Upper Devonian of Iowa. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. 48 1919 (355- 376). 11 Foerste, A. F. Silurian fossils from Ohio, with notes on related species from other horizons. Ohio J. Sci. Columbus Ohio 19 1919 (367-404) pis. xvi-xix. 12 Girty, G. H. Invertebrate Palaeont- ology. In : Hinds, H. and Greene, F. C. The stratigraphy of the Pennsyl- vanian series in Missouri. Missouri Bur. Geol. Mines 13 1915 (263-375) pis. xxvii-xxxii. 13 Hadding, Assar. Kritische Studien iiber die Terebraiula-Arten des Schwed- ischen Kreideformation. Palaeonto- graphica Stuttgart 63 1919 (1-24) Taf. i-ix. 14 Hede, J. E. Faunan i Kalksandstenens Margliga bottenlager soder om Klinte- hamn pa Gottland. Sver. geol, Unders. Arsbok 1917 [1918] Ser. C. No. 281 (1-32) Tav. i-ii. 15 Hede, J. E. Om en forekomst af colonusskiffer vid Skarhult i Skane. Geol. Foren. Stockholm For. 41 2 (113-154) Taf. iv-vi. 16 Hedstrom, H. Ueber einige mit der Schale befestigte Strophomenidae aus dem Obersilur Gotlands. Sver. geol. Undersokning Arsbok 1916 [1917] Ser. CNo. 276 (1-14) Taf. i-iii. 17 Jackson, J. W. On the occurrence of Productua humerosua (= auhlaevia) in Dove Dale ; and its value as a zone- fossil. London Geol. Mag. (6) 6 1919 (507-509). 18 3 Bmeh. Titles. 2000 Jimenez de Cisneroi, D. Sobro la existcncia en Espafia do la “ Zeilleria hirrlatzica ” 0pp. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 19 1919 (348-349). 19 Kindle, E. M. The discovery of a Portaire fauna in the Mankenzie river valley. Canada Dept. Mines Mus. Bull. 29 (Geol. Ser. 36) 1919 (1-14) pis. i-v. 20 fKittl, E. Halorellenkalko voni Vorderen Gosansee. Ann. Hofmus. Wien. 30 1916 (51-54) Taf. hi. 21 Laliee^ F. H. Goolosty of the new fos- silifcrous horizon and the underlying rocks in Littleton, Now Hampshire. Amor. .J. Sci. New Haven Conn. (Ser. 4) 36 1913 (231-250) with ff. tables. 21a Lange, E. Die Brachiopoden. Lamel- libranchiatcn und Anneliden der Tri- gonia .9r/<-tmrz?'-Sohicht, nebst ver- gleichender Dbersioht der Trigonien der gesamten Tendaguruschichten. Arch. Biont. 3 4 1914 (187-289) Taf. xv-xxii. 22 McEwan, E. D. A study of the Brachiopod genus Platystrophia. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 1919 (383-448) pis. xlii-lii. 23 Mansuy, H. Nouvelle contribution k la Pal6ontologio du Yunnan. M6m. Serv. geol. Indochine ,3 2 1914 (1-12). 24 Mansuy, H. Contribution ^ la Paleontologie du Laos. Mem. Serv. Indochine 3 2 1914 (27-34). 25 Mansuy, H. Etude des faunes paleozoiques et mesozoiques des feuilles de Phu-nho-quan et de Son-t&y (Ton- ,kin). M6m. Serv. g6ol. Indochine 8 2 1914 (43-90) pis. i-x. 26 Mansuy, H. Faunes des clacaires ft Productus de 1’ Indochine. Mem. Serv g^ol. Indochine 3 3 1914 (1-52) pis. i-vii. 27 Mansuy, H. Faunes Cambriennes du Haut-Tonkin. Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 4 2 1915 (1-29) pis. i-iii. 28 Mansuy, H. Contribution AT Etude des faunes de I’Ordovicien et du Goth- landien du Tonkin. Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 4 3 1915 (1-22) pis. i-iii. 29 Mansuy, H. Faunes Cambriennes de roxtr5mo-orient mdridional. Hanoi- Haiphong Mem. Serv. g6ol. Indochine 5 1 1916 (1-48) pis. i-viii. 30 Mansuy, H. Faunes paleozoiques du Tonkin Septentrional. Hanoi-Haiphong Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 5 4 1916 (1-23) pis. i-iv. 31 Mansuy, H. Nouvelle contribution a r etude des faunes des calcaires Productus de 1’ Indochine. Hanoi- Haiphong Mem. Serv. g6ol. Indochine 5 4 1916 (26-38) pis. v-vi. 32 Mansuy, H. Etude compl6montairo des faunes paleozoiques et triasiques dans I’est du Tonkin. Hanoi-Hdiphong Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 5 4 1916 (39-71) pis. vii-viii. 33 Mariani, E. Sulla fauna retica lom- barda. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. 58 1919 (104-146) Tav. vii. 34 May, W. L. A revised census of the Mollusca and Brachiopoda in the Table Cape beds. P. Soc. Tasmania 1918 [1919] (101-117). 35 Miller, A. McQ. The geology of Kentucky, a classified compend of State reports and other publications, with critical comment based on original investigations. Kentucky Geol. Surv. Ser. 5 Bull. 2 1919 (1-392) pis. i-lxiv. 36 Richardson, L. The inferior oolite and contiguous deposits of the Crew- kerne district (Somerset). London Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 74 1919 (145- 173) pis. xiv-xvi. 37 Richter, R. u. E. Palaeontologische Boobachtungen, i. tlbor cinzolno Arton von Acidaspis, oto. Jahrb. Nas- sauischen Ver. fur Natiirk. Wiesbaden 70 1917 [1918] (145-161) Taf. 1. 38 Richter, R. Zur Farbung fossiler Brachiopoden. Senckenbergiana 1 1919 (83-96): 39 Richter, R. Erganzende Figur zur ,, Farbung fossiler Brachiopoden.” Senckenbergiana 1 1919 (172). 40 Sato, D. A new locality of Lyttonia. J. Geol. Soc. Tokio 26 1919 (276-277). [Japanese.] i 41 4 Brack. [1919] VII. Brachiopoda. Thomson, J. A. Brachiopod nomen- clature : Spiiifer and Syringothyris. London Geol. Mag. (6) 6 1919 (371- 374). 42 Thomson, J. A. Brachiopod nomen- clature ; Clavigera, Hectoria. Rastel- ligera and Psioidea. London Geol. Mag. (6) 6 1919 (411-413). 43 Ulrich, E. O. The formations of the Chester series in Western Kentucky and their correlates elsewhere. Ken- tucky Geol. Surv. Mississipian Forma- tions 1917 [1918] (1-272) pis. i-xi. 44 Wedekind, R. t)ber Stringocephaltis hurtini und verwandto Formen. Got- tingen Nachr. k. Ges. Wiss. Math.- phys.Kl. 1917(1-9). 45 Williams, M. Y. The Silurian geology and faunas of Ontario pensinsula and Manitoulen and adjacent islands. Canada Dept. Mines Geol. Surv. Mem. Ill 1919 (1-195) pis. i-xxxiv. 46 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. GENERAL. 2003 Burning fossils ; Buckman, 2. Colour in fossils ; Richter, 39, 40. Terminology ; Buckman, 3. Technique ; Jackson, 18. STRUCTURE. 2007 Stringocephalus ; Wedekind, 45. Jurassic Brachiopoda ; Buckman, 2. Shell ; Richter, 40. EVOLUTION. 2023 Jurassic Brachiopoda ; Buckman, 2. DISTRIBUTION. 2027 (/3) Fossil. Palaeozoic, General. Kentucky ; Butts, 4 ; Miller, 36 ; New Hampshire ; Lahee, 21a. Cambrian. Indochina ; Mansuy, 28, 30. Ordovician. Indochina ; Mansuy, 29. U.S.A. ; McEwan, 23 ; Clark, 7. • Silurian. Gotland ; Hede, 15 ; Hedstrom, 17. Scandinavia ; Hede, 16, Spain ; Born, 1. Indochina ; Mansuy, 26. Ohio ; Poerste, 12. Canada ; Williams, 46. Devonian. Indochina ; Mansuy, 24, 26, 33. Tennessee ; Dunbar, 10. Iowa ; Fenton, 11. Argentine ; Clarke, 8 Carboniferous. England ; Jackson, 18. Indochina ; Mansuy, 24, 27. Missouri ; Girty, 13. Kentucky ; Butts, 4 ; Ulrich, 44. Permian. Indochina ; Mansuy, 32. Triassic. Indochina ; Mansuy, 26. Lombardy ; Mariani, 84. Jurassic. England ; Buckman, 2 ; Richardson, 37. Spain ; Jimenez de Cisneros, 19. Italy ; Caterini, 6. Switzerland (Gosau) ; Kittl, 21. E. Africa ; Lange, 22. Indochina ; Mansuy, 25. Burma ; Buckman, 2. Cretaceous. Sweden ; Hadding, 14. Tertiary. Tasmania ; May, 35. 5 Brack. Systematic. 2031 III.— SYSTEMATIC. 2031 •\R1iynchoneUidae. Buckman, Pal. Imlica 8 2 1917, (lofuics the following new generic divisions of the old genus Rhynchondla ; most of the names were proposed, but not defined except by indication of the genotype, in the ' author’s preliminary publications {see Zool. Record 1914 and 1915) : Pisirhyn- chia, Holcorhynchia p. 28, Onathorhyn- chia p. 29,Calcirhynchia,Sphenorhynchia p. 30, Kallirhynchia p. 31, Tropiorhyn chia p. 33, Piarorhynchia p. 34, Cuneirhynchia p. 35, Curlirhyncliia, Homoeorhynchia p. 36, Rhynchonelloidea p. 38, Costirhynchia p. 39, Grandirhyn- chia p. 40, Tetrarhynchia p. 41, QuadratirKynchia p. 42, Oibbirhynchia p. 43, Rudirhynchin p, 44, Stolmorhyn- cliia p. 46, Plyctorhynchia p. 47, Globirhynchia p. 48, Burmirhynchia p. 49, Rhactorhynchia p. 50, Goniorhynchia Russirhynchia p. 52, Cymatorhynchia p. 53, Kiitchirhynchia p. 54, Maxillirhyn,- chia p. 55, Parvirhynchia p. 56, Trichorhynchia, Capillirhynchia p. 58, Furcirhynchia, Lineirhynchia p. 59, Rimirhynchia p. 60, Prionorhynchia p. 62, Squa.mirhynchia p. 63, GranuUr- hynchia p. 64, Flabellirhynchia p. 65, Cryptorhynchia p. 66, NannirJiynchia p. 67, Striirhynchia p. 68, Acanthirhyn- hia p. 69. ‘ ^Ttrebralnlidae. Buokman, Pal. Indica 8 2 1917, defines the following new generic divisions of the old genus Terebratula ; most of the names were proposed, but not defined except by indication of genotype, in the author’s preliminary publications {see Zool. Record 1914 and 1916) : Lingui- thyris p. 99, Euidothyris, Ptyctothyris p. 101, Avonotliyris p. 102, Charltoni- thyris p. 106, Lobothyris p. 107, Cercrithyris, Sliphrothyris p. 109, StroudUhyris p. Ill, Loboidothyris p. 112, Kutchithyris p. 113, Lophrothyris p. . 114, Tubithyris, Spliaeroidothyris p. 115, Goniothyris p. 117, Plectothyris p. 121, Plectoidothyris p. 122, Teguli- thyris p. 123, Trichothyris p. 125, Holcothyris p. 125, Rugithyris p. 127, Cheniothyris p. 128. fAcanthothyris globosa sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 8 2 1917 p. 230. -fAmbocoelia lobaia sp. n. Missouri Carboniferous, GmTY Missouri Bur. ‘ Geol. 18 1916 p. 351. fAthyris sinensis sp. n. Yunnan Carboniferous, Mansuy Mem. Serv. g6ol. Indochino 3 2 1914 p. 8. — planosvlcata mut. n. hidosinensis, Mansuy 2\c. 3 3 1914 p. 26. "fAtrypa reticularis varr. n. elongata p. 380, hillsboroensis p. 381, Ohio Silurian, Foerste Ohio J. Sci. 19. — A. parhsi sp. n. Canada Silurian, Williams Canada Geol. Surv. Mem. Ill p. 120. Aulacothyris injlata, Mansuy 25. Avonotliyris sulcifera, nannodes, obovalis, bella, depressa, plicatina, corrugata, trigonaia, corpulenta spp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917 p. 298. '\Billingrella tonkiniana sp. n. Tonkin Cambrian, Mansuy Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 4 2 1915 p‘. 7. — \B. loung- coensis sp. n. Indochine Cambrian, Mansuy T.c. 5 1 1916 p. 13. \ Burmirhynchia depressa p. 140, touchei p. 141, hpalaiensis p. 142, shanensis p. 143, hsenwienensis p. 144, hsipawensis p. 146, orientalis, obesa p. 147, subglobosa p. 148, costata p. 160, subcoslata, pinguis p. 151, dattai p. 162, ovalis p. 163, subovalis p. 154, guttula p. 155, gulla-p. 166, globulus, pyriformis p. 157, senilis p. 158, inacqiialis p. 159, parva p. 160, seeiigcnsis p. 161, namiuen- sis p. 162, baivgyoensis p. 163, longa p. 164, irregularis 165, pangwolen- gensis p. 166, nammaensis p. .167, regularis p. 168, elegans p. 169, rotunda p. 161, transversalis, lenglawngensis p. 171, namyanensis p. 172, pilgrimi p. 11^, fluminalis p. 174, asiaticap. 175, subtrigonalis, nahsaiensis p. 176, Burma, occidentalis, polystema, injusta, petula, oxoniensis, tiimida, glonierosa, gibba, ornithea, vagans p. 221, dromio, hop- kinsi, restituta, turgida p. 222, England, calculosa p. 222, France, spp. n. Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917. ^Calcirhynchia calcarea sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman T.c. p. 292. ^Cardinihynchia gen. n. Dimerellidae, Buckman T.c. p. 74. ]Cereithyris ovalis sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman 2\c. p. 233. -\Charltonithyris wilsoni sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman T.c. p. 234. 6 Brack. VII. Brachiopoda, '\Cheniothyris latifrons, angusta spp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman T.c. p. 235. '\Ghonetes hoabinhensis sp. n. Indo- china Devonian, Mansuy M6m. Serv. g(^ol. Indochino 3 2 1914 p. 68. — |C. lacroixi, lantenoisi p. 46, indosinensis p. 47, spp. n. Indochine ? Devonian, Mansuy T.c. 6 4 1916.— | (7. gotlaiidicus sp. n. Gotland Silurian, Hede Serv. geol. Unders. Arsbok 1917 [1918] Ser. C. No. 281 p.l6. — fC. scanicus sp. n. Scandinavian Silurian, Hede Geol. Foren, Stockholm For. 41 pp. 125 152. -\Clavigcra, synonymy, Thomson 43. '\Goslirkynchia costigera sp. n. England Jurassic, Bookman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917 p. 291. '\Gryptorkynchia hradjordensis, vaug- hani, avonensis spp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman T.c. p. 228. '\Gurtirhynchia extensa sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman T.c. p. 228. 1[Gymalorhynckia humilis sp. n. Eng- and Jurassic, Buckman T.c. p. 229. '\Gyrtina glabra sp. n. Canada Devo- nian, Kindle Canada Dept. Mines Mus. Bull. 29 p. 4. '\Dalmanella eugeniensis sp. n. with var. palceoelegantula Canada Silurian, Williams Canada Geol. Serv. Mem. Ill p. 118. IfDiaphragmus montesanae sp. n. Kentucky Carboniferous, Ulrich Ken- tucky Geol. Surv. Mississ. Form. 1917 p. 250. ^Dictyolhyris laneolata sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind 3 2 1917 p. 235. Dielasma douvillei p. 28, indosinense p. 29, spp. n. Indochina Carboniferous, Mansuy Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 3 3 1914. — |D. baolacense sp. n. Indo- china Permian, Mansuy T.c. 5 4 1916 p. 37. Dimerellidae fam. n. for Rhynchon- ellina and allies, Buckman Pal. Lid. 3 2 1917 p. 72. '\Euidothyris kolcophora sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman T.c. p. 234. 'fFlabellirhyncMa alba p. 229, delicata p. 230, spp. n. England Jurassic, llUOKMAN 'T.c, [1919] ^[Furcirkynckiaf urcata sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman T.c. ii. 229. ^[Qoniorkynchia goniaeay contracla spp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman T.c p. 229, -fOrandirhynchia laevigata, grandis spp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman T.c. p. 228. ■\Hectoria, Synonymy, Thomson 43. ^Heimia protracla sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917 p. 234. •[Holcothyris sulcata p. 187, concava, ex- cavata)p. 188, trigonalisp. I8d, rostratap. 190, della p. 191, acuminata, aimulala p. 192, subangulata p. 193, subcrralis p. 194, pingiiis p. 195, plecta p. 196, curvata p. 197, macra p. 198, angusta, elliptica p. 199, transver sails, expansa p. 201, Jlexa p. 202, undulata p. 203, obscura p. 205, dubia p. 206, spp. n. Burma Jurassic, Buckman T.c. '\Kallirkynchia dislendens, nudata, expansa, saperba, orbis, lauta, bella, decora, deliciosa, pagana, communalis, obtusa p. 223, amoena, elegantissima, crassicosta, exalta, constricta, indentata, anglica, giobularis p. 224, spp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman T.c. -\Kingena transiens sp. n. E. Africa Jurassic, Lange Arch. Biont. 3 4 1914 p. 202. jfKoninckella canavarii sp. n. Italy Lias, Caterini Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. 32 p. 157. ■fKo ninckina convexa p. 159, inter - media p. 161, spp. n. Italy Lias, Caterini Tc.. ■\ Kutchirhynchia characters, egregia, fulva, formosa England, idonea France, spp. n. Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917 p. 233. ■fLeptaenoidea gen. n. near Leptaenisca p. 2 for silurica sp. n. Gotland Silurian p. 5, Hedstrom Sver. geol. Unders. Arsbok 1916 [1917] Ser. C No 276. ^Liljevallia gen. n. near Brachyprion p. 9, for gotlandica sp. n. Gotland Silurian p. 12, Hedstrom 'T.c. \Lineirhynchia parviplicata sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917 p. 229. 7 Brack. Systematic. 2031 -fLhr^uithyris iimhonala sp. n. Eng- land Jurassic, Buckman T.c. p. 234. ^Lingula lonkincyisis sp. n. Tonkin Trias, Mansuy Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 3 2 1914 p. G9. fLoboidothyris latovatis sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Bid. 3 2 1917 p. 295. jfLophrothyris tophus, contracta, wistleyensis spp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman T.c. p. 233. ^Lyltonia, Sato 41. — ^L. nobilis, Mansuy 24. '\ Marginifcra muricaia var. n. missouriensis, Girty Missouri Bur. Geol. 13 1915 p. 350. ]Marlinia dongquencnsis sp. n. Indo- china Permian, Mansuy Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 6 4 1916 p. 33. fMaxillirhynchia jucunda, implicala spp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917 p. 229. Meristella miareensis sp. n. Tonkin Devonian, Mansuy Mem. Serv. geol. Lidochine 5 4 1916 p. 17. ■\ Nayinirhynchia subpymaea, milvina spp. n, England Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917 p. 230. ^Ncwbcrrya granulosa, Richter 39. ^ Notothyris lochardi sp. n. Indochina Permian, Mansuy Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 5 4 1916 p. 38. — N. waiihi mut. n. cambodgiensis Indochina Car- boniferous, Mansuy T.c. 3 3 1914 p. 30. ^Orbiculoidea tonlcinensis sp. n. Ton- kin Silurian, Mansuy T.c. 3 2 1914 p. 62. jOrlhis {Dinorthis) anmmitica sp. n. Indochina Ordovician, Mansuy T.c. 4 3 1915 p. 12. 1[Orthoteles adnata p. 6, laevis p. 8, spp. n. Gotland Silurian, Hedstrom Sver. geol. Unders. Arsbok 1916 [1917] Ser. 0. No. 276.— fO. deprati sp. n. Yunnan Devonian, Mansuy Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 3 2 1914 p. 7. PanteUaria gen. n. type Megerlia monstruosa. Dale Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 p. 251. ■\Parvirkynchia pellucida sp. n. Eng- land Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917 p. 229. ■\Platystrophia uniplicata, precedens p. 405, trentonensis with varr. chani- plaincnsis, perplana p. 407, hermitagen- sis p. 409, extensa, elegantula p. 410, elegantula varr. n. triplicala, amplisul- caia p. 411, amoena with var. n. longicardinalis p. 412, globosa, rhyncJio- nelliformis p. 413, juvenis p. 416, slrigosa p. 417, nitida p. 418, corryvil- lensis, suhlaticosia p. 419, foerstei with var. n. ampla p. 420, attenuata p. 421, cumiu/gsi p. 422, elkkornensis p. 426, preponderosa p. 427, fervalensis p. 428, spp. n., daytonensis var. n. laurelensis p. 406, precursor varr. n. latiformis, angustala pp. 415-16, ponderosa var. n. arnheimensis p. 428, unicosiata var. n. crossiformis p. 434, cypha varr. n. tumida, arcta, bellatula pp. 436-438, U.S. Ordovician, McEwan Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56. ■\Plecia7nb0nites yenlacensis sp. n. Tonkin ? Devonian, Mansuy M6in. Serv. Geol. Indochine 5 4 1916 j). 49. ■fProductus, list of American species, Girty Missouri Bur. Geol. 13 1915 j). 345. — fP. kumerosus, Jackson 18. — P. khmerianus sp. n. Indochina Car- boniferous, Mansuy Mem. Serv. geol. Indochine 3 3 1914 p. 17. ■fPseudoglossothyris nana sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917 p. 234. fPsioidea, s3monymy, genotype designated, Thomson 43. ^Plerophloios emvirichi, Mariani 34. '\Pustula, list of American species, Girty Missouri Bur. Geol. 13 1915 p. 348. ■\QuadrafirJiynchia sjjhaeroidalis sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917 p. 228. ■\Hafincsquina douvillni sp. n. Tonkin ? Devonian, Mansuy Mem. Serv. g6ol. Indochine 5 4 1916 p. 49. — fjR. orientalis sp. n. Tonkin Ordovician, Mansuy T.c. 4 3 1915 p. 11. ■\RastelUgera, synonymy, Thomson 43. ■\Bectirhyncliia gen. n. Dimerellidae p. 74, cllipsoides sp. n. England Jurassic p. 230, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917. ^Rkactorhynchia brevis, rkacta, impar, diffusa, regalis, tumifacta, iurgidula p. 226, diducta, foecunda, coriniensis, argil- lacea p. 227 spp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman T.c. 1917. 8 Brack. VII. Brachiopoda. [I9I9] ■\Rhynchonella (Norella) tonkiniana sp. n. Indochina Trias, Mansuy M6ra. Serv. g4ol. Indochine 3 2 1914 p. 72. — B. (Pugnax) pugnus, Ricjiter 39. — fjR. rauffi sp. n. E. Africa Jurassic, Lange Arch. Biont. 3 4 1914 p. 197. ■fBhynchonellina gosaviensis sp. n. Gosau Jurassic, Kittl Ann. Hofmus. Wien. 30 1916 p. 53. 'fBhynchospira geniculata sp. n. Indochina Carboniferous, Mansuy M6m Serv. g6ol. Indochine 3 3 1914 p. 26. -fBhynchotreta cabolensis sp. n. Ontario Silurian, Williams Canada Gool. Siirv. Mem. Ill p. 120.~-tK- williamsi sp. n. Ontario Silurian, Eoeeste in Williams T.c. p. 126. ■\Bimirhynckia tardata, ehvata, rimosiformis spp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917 p. 229. 1[Budirhynchia rudis sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman 2\c. p. 228. -\Scliucherlella prosseri sp. n. Ohio Silurian, Eoekste Ohio J. Sci. 19 p. 375. '\Spaeriodothyris globisphaeroidalis sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917 p. 294. '\Sphen(yrhync1iia subplicata p. 178, tatiensisp. 179, Burma, aviformis p. 228, England, spp. n. Jurassic, Buckman T.c. -\8pirijer, validity, Thomson 42. — 1^. bacbounensis p. 6, dongvanensu p. 10, spp. n. Tonkin Ordovician, Mansuy M6m. Sorv. ^6ol. Indochine 4 3 1016. — t>Sf. sikaensia sp. n. Tonkin Devonian, Mansuy T.c. 5 4 1916 p. 16. ■\Spiriferina cambodgiensis sp. n. p. 24, insculpla mut. n. indosinensis p. 23, Indochina Carboniferous, Mansuy T.c. 3 3 1914. 'fSlulmorhynchia stolidota sp. n. Eng- land Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917 p. 228. fSlricklandmia manitonensis sp. n. Canada Silurian, Williams Canada Geol. Surv. Mem. Ill p. 124. "\8lrophondla decewcnsis sp. n. Canada Silurian, Williams T.c. p. 124. ^ Syr ingot ykr is f synonymy, Thomson 42. ^Terehratula carnea var. n. tenuis p. 9, subrotunda var. n. nilssoni p. 10, longirostris var. n. lundensis p. 19, depressa var. n. visae p. 20, Sweden Cretaceous, HADDiNoPalaeontographica 63. — fT. cimex sp. n., Eichter Jahrb. Nassau Ver. 70 pp. 145-161 ; ref. to Newberrya granulosa, Richter Sencken- bergiana 1 pp. 83-96. fTerebratuloidea crassirostris sp. n, Indochina Carboniferous, Mansuy Mem Sorv. g6ol. Indochine 3 3 1914 p. 28. 1[Trichorhynchia dichotoma sp. n. England Jurassic, Buckman Pal. Ind. 3 2 1917 p. 229. ^Whitfieldella cataractensis sp. n. Canada Silurian, Williams Canada Gool. Surv. Mem. Ill p. 121 'fZcilleria hierlatzica, Jimenez did Cisneros 19. 9 Braeh.-Bry. Contents VII (b) BRYOZOA CONTENTS. PAGK I. Titles . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . 10 II. Subject Index. General = 2003 (vacant). Structure = 2007 (vacant). ^ Physiology = 2011 (vacant). Development = 2015 (vacant). Ethology = 2019 (vacant). Variation and Aetiology = 2023 .. .. •• .. 11 Distribution = 2027 : — (a) Recent: — (a) Marine .. .. .. .. 11 (^) Non- Marine .. .. .. .. .. 11' (b) Fossil . . . . . . . . 11 HI. Systematic Index .. .. .. .. .. ..11 b 10 (n-13799 p) q 10 BracK — Bry, VII. Bryozoa. [1919] I.— TITLES. Annandale, N. Sponges, Hydrozoa and Polyzoa of Seistan. Calcutta Rec. Ind. Mus. 18 1919 (83-97) pi. xii. 1 Barroso, M. J. Notas sobre briozoos espanoles. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat: 19 1919 (200-204 340-347) text- figs. 2 Bekker, H. New Bryozoa from the Kuckers stage in Esthonia. London Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (9) 4 1019 (327- 335) pi. vii. 8 Butts, C. Geology and mineral resources of Jefferson County, Ken- tucky. Kentucky Gepl. Surv. Ser. 3 4 pt. 2 1915 (1-270) pis. i-lxiv. 4 Butts, C. Descriptions and correla- tion of the Mississipian formations of Western Kentucky. Kentucky Geol. Surv. 1917 [1918] (1-119) pis. i-xxviii. 5 Cann, F. Hippaliosina, un nouveau Genre de Bryozoaires. Paris Bull. Soc. geol. 18 1918 [1919] (88-94). 6 Caziot, — . Bryozoaires du Port de Nice. Riviera Sciont. 4 3 1917 (8.3-84). 7 Girty, G. H. Invertebrate Palaeont- ology. In : Hinds, H. and Greene, F. C. The stratigraphy of the Penn- sylvanian series in Missouri. Missouri Bur. Geol. Mines 13 1915 (263-375) pis. xxvii-xxxii. 8 Jackson, F! S. The preservation of fresh-water Bryozoa. Trans. Amer. Miorosc. Soc. 38 1919 (217-220) pis. xxi-xxii. 9 Lang, W. D. The Pelmatoporinae, an essay on the evolution of a group of Cretaceous Polyzoa. London Trans. R. Soc. B. 209 1919 (191-228). 10 Lang, W. D. The Kelesfominae, a subfamily of Cretaceous Cribrimorph Polyzoa. London Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 74 1919 (204-220). 11 Lang, W. D. Old age and extinction in fossils. London P. Geol. Ass. 30 1919 (102-113). 12 Laseron, C. F. Notes on some Permo- carboniferous Fenestellidae, with de- scriptions of new species. J. R. Soc. N. S. Wales 52 1918 [1919] (181-202) pis. i-xvi 1 3 Mansuy, H. Faunes des calcaires Productus de I’Indochine. M4ni. Serv. geol. Indochine 3 3 1914 (1-52) pis. i-vii. 14 Mansuy, H. Contribution a 1* Etude des faunes de 1’ Ordovician et du Goth- landien du Tonkin, M6m. Serv. geol, Indochine 4 3 1915 (1-22) pis. i-iii- 15 Miller, A. McQ. The geology of Kentucky, A classified compend of State reports and other publications, with critical comment based on original investigations. Kentucky Geol. Surv. Ser. 5 Bull. 2 1919 (1-392) pis. i-lxiv. 16 Ulrich, E. 0. The formations of the Chester series in Western Kentucky and their correlates elsewhere. Kentucky Geol. Surv. Mississippian Formations 1917 [1918] (1-272) pis. i-xi. 17 Waters, E, W. Batopora (Bryozoa) and its allies. London Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (9) 3 1919 (79-94) pi. vi. 18 Williams, M. Y. The Silurian geology and faunas of Ontario peninsula, and Manitoulin and adjacent islands. Canada Dept. Mines Geol. Surv, Mem. Ill 1919 (1-196) pis. i-xxxiv. 1£ 11 Brach, — Bry. Systbmatio. 2031 II.— S UBJEOT INDEX. EVOLUTION. 2023 Extinction in fossils ; Lang, 12. Kelestominae ; Lang, 11. Pelmatoporinae ; Lang, 10. DISTRIBUTION. 2027 (a) Rkoent. (o) Marine. Spain ; Barroso, 2. Nice ; Caziot, 7. ()3) Non-Marine. Seistan ; Annandale, 1. (f>) Fossil. Palaeozoic, General. Kentucky ; Butts, 4, 6 ; Miller, 16. Ordovician. Esthonia ; Bekker, 3. Indochina ; Mansuy, 15. Silurian. Canada ; Williams, 19. Carboniferous. Missouri ; Girty, 8. Kentucky ; Butts, 4 ; Ulrich, 17. Indochina ; Mansuy, 14. Cretaceous. Riigen ; lang, 11. III.^SYSTEMATIC. Batopora multiradiata. Waters 18. fBatostojnella, relationships, zooecia ; greeniana sp. n. Missouri Carboniferous, Girty Missouri Bur. Geol. 13 1916 p. 320. ]FeneM.dlacxaeria\). 195, cavcap. 197, spp. n. Australia Permo-Carboniferous, Laseron J. R. Soc. N. S. Wales 52. ■fFistulipora zonata sp. n. Missouri Carboniferous, Girty Missouri Bur. Geol. 18 1916 p. 322. HijrpalioHna gen. n. type Eacharella roatrigera Smitt, breviroatria^ laxipora, nom. n., Canu Bull. Soc. g^ol. 18 p. 88. fKelealoma, discussion of genus, gradatum sp. n. Riigen Cretaceous, Lang Quart. J. Geol. Soc. 74 p. 213. "\Liopora gen. n. Batoatomellidae for auhnodosa sp. n. Missouri Carboniferous, Girty Missouri Bur. Geol.13 1916 p. 341. Mamillopora simple, bidentata, crassilahris, Waters 18. Morphasmopora jukeri-brownei (Brydone), Lang 10. ^Nemalopora bogoljubovi sp. n. Esthonia Ordovician, Bekker Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (9) 4 1919 p. 331. Pachydictya kuckeraensis sp. n. Esthonia Ordovician, Bekker T.c. p. 329. Orbilulipora excentrica, Waters 18. Oslhimoaia cantabra sp. h. Spain, Barroso Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 19 p. 342. ■fPhyllopora aisophonenaia sp. n Indochine Carboniferous, Mansuy Mem Serv. g6ol. Indochine 8 3 1914 p. 14. Plumatella {Afrvidella) key to species, peraica sp. n. p. 92, P. {llyalinella «= {Auatralella)) key, bigemmia sp. n. Seistan p. 94, Annandale Rec. Ind. Mus. 18. ■fPolypora pertinax p. 190, lumula p. 191, virga p. 192, spp. n. Australian Permo-Carboniferous, Laseron J. R. Soc. N. S. Wales 52. ^Proretepora montuoaa sp. n. Australia Permo-Carboniferous, Laseron J. R. Soc. N. ,S. Wales 52. p. 187. ' Pmllina gattyae var. n. balearica Balearic Is., Barroso Bol. Soc. esp. Hist, Nat. 19 p. 340. Schiamopora magnicoaiaia sp. n. Spain, Barroso Bol. Soc. esp. Hist. Nat. 19 p. 346. Sphaerophora foaaa, Waters 18. ]TahnUpora lera sp. n. Missouri Carboniferous, Girty Missouri Bur. Geol. 13 1916 p. 340. VIII. MOLLUSCA ARRANGED BY H. B. PRESTON. CONTENTS I. Titles II. Subject Index: — Genetal = 2203 : — Historical Biography Bibliogiapliy ... ... General Treatises aud Monographs Ethno-Conchology... ... Local Lists'... Museums, Collections, Expeditious Nomenclature Techni(|ue Miscellanea... Structure = 2207 : — General Nervous Sj’stem ... Shell Muscular System ... Alimentary System, Radiila and Jaws Hespiratory Organs Reprodiiclive Organs Sense Organs Physiology = 2211 : — Glandular Secretions, Pigments ... Digestive Organs ... Generative Organs Sense Organs Muscular System ... Nervous System ... Experimental PAGE ... 5 >21 — V22 b 11 tN-13799 r) Q 2 Development = 2215 : — General Oogenesis and Ovum Spermatogenesis and Spermatozoon Embryology Parthenogenesis ... ... Regeneration ... ... ... Shell ... PAGE V23 Ethology = 2219 ; — General Movements, Locomotion ... Enemies, Defence and Protection Feeding Habits Breeding Habits Boring Habits Coloration Habitat Acclimatisation, etc.” Hibernation and Jilstivation Parasitism, Commensalism, Parasites, et Evolution ... • Economics 23 Variation and ^Etiology = 2223 ; — General Treatises ... Teratology, Phylogeny and Relationship Evolution Variation in Form... Distribution = 2227 : — General ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 (a) Recent: — (a) Marine Arctic Ocean ... ... ..^ North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea South Atlantic Ocean }>24 Indian Ocean, Red Sea Malaysia Pacilic Ocean Southern Ocean 3 PAGE (/9) Non-Marine ; — Europe as a whole Norway = 2227 da ... ' British Islands = 2227 de France = 2227 df Italy = 2227 dh Switzerland = 2227 di Balkan Peninsula = 2227 dl.,, Malta = 2227 dm EasterJi Siberia = 2227 eah ... British India, etc. = 2227 ef Siam = 2227 ee Malaysia, Philippine Islands, etc. = 2227 eg Persia = 2227 eh China and Corea = 2227 e6... Japan = 2227 ec Asiatic Turkey“= 2227 ei Africa as a whole N. Africa = 2227 /« Belgian Congo = 2227 fc E. and C. Africaj etc. = 2227 ff S. Africa = 2227 fg ... Madagascar, etc. = 2227 fh North America as a whole ... Alaska = 2227 ga Canada = 2227 gh N.E. United States = 2227 gg S.E. United Stales = 2227 gh W. United States = 2227 gi Mississippi Biver System = 2227 gk Mexico = 2227 gl Central America = 2227 hh.,, ... ,. West Indies = 2227 he Venezuela = 2227 M Ecuador = 2227 he Peru = 2227 hf Argentina and Uruguay » 2227 hi Queensland = 2227 id S. Australia = 2227 ig ... ... .. W. Australia = 2227 lA N. Atlantic Ocean = 2227 la Pacific = 2227 n V24 ^25 (b) Fossil: — General Quaternary .; Cainozoic .. Pleistocene .. Tertiary (n-13799 r) q b 11~2 4 (b) Fossil — continued ; — Pliocene Miocene ... Oligocene ... Eocene Cretaceous ... Jurassic Triassic and Liassic Permian Carboniferous Devonian Silurian ... Ordovician ... Cambrian ... III. Systematic Index = 2231 ; — Gastropoda Polyplacophora ... ... Prosobranchia Opisthobranchia, including Pteropoda and Heteropoda Pulmonata Scaphopoda Pelecypoda or Lamellibranchia Cephalopoda Incertae Sedis ... PAGE S26 . 26 . 26 . 27 . 44 . 45 . 52 . 52 . 60 . 61 5 MoCl. Titles. 2200 I.— TITLES. Aldrich, T. H., vide Gardner, J. A. Alkins, W. E. Limnaea glabra Miiller at Caldon Low, Staffs. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (23). 1 Alkins, W. E. Zonitoidcs nitidus var. rvidescens Cockerell in North Stafford- shire. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (52). 2 Alkins,W. E. A scalariform Planorbis carinatus Muller. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (52). 3 Alsop, J. C. Malacological report. Kept. Marlborough Coll. Nat. Hist. Soc. 67 1919 (35). 4 Annandale, N. Zoological results of a tour in the Far East. The Mollusca of Lake Biwa, Japan. Calcutta Mem. As. Soc. Bengal 6 1916 (41-74) pi. iii. 5 Annandale, N. Report on the Aquatic Fauna of Scistan with subsidiary studies. Geographical Introduction. Calcutta Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 1919 (1-16) pis. i-ii. 6 Annandale, N. The fauna of certain small streams in the Bombay Presidency. Calcutta Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 1919 (109- 161) pis. i-vii. 7 Annandale, N. The Gastropod Fauna of Old Lake-beds in Upper Burma. Calcutta Rcc. Geol. Surv. India 5 1919 (209-240) pis. xxi-xxx. 8 Annandale, N. in 6odwin>Austen, H. H. Further note on the burrows of Solenaia solenijormis. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (205-206). 9 Annandale, N. and Prashad, B. Note on the taxonomic position of the Genus Camptocaras, Benson, and of Lithotis japonica,- Preston (Mollusca Pulmonata). Calcutta J. and Proc. As. Soc. Bengal 14 1918 (457-462) pi. xii. 10 Annandale, N. and Prashad, B. Some gastropod molluscs from the Gangetio Delta. Calcutta Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 1919 (241-257) pi. xx. 11 Annandale, N. and Prashad, B. Contributions to the fauna of Yunnan based on collections made by J. Coggin Brown, B.Sc., 1909 10. Part IX. Two remarkable genera of freshwater Gastropod Molluscs from the Lake Erb-Hai. Calcutta Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 1919 (413-423). 12 % Annandale, N. and Prashad, B. Report on the freshwater gastropod molluscs of Lower Mesopotamia. Cal- cutta Rec. Ind. Mus. 18 1919 (103-115) pis. xiii-xiv. 13 Annandale, N., Prashad, B. and Kemp, S. W. Report on the Aquatic Fauna of Seistan with subsidiary studies. The Mollusca of the Inland Waters of Baluchistan and of Seistan, with a note on the Liver-Fluke of Sheep in Scistan. Calcutta Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 1919 (17-63) pis. iii-viii. 14 [Anon.] Lima hutioni H. Woods becomes Lima {Limatula) wondsi Sut. Wellington N. Zealand J. Sci. Tech. 2 1919 (58). 15 [Anon.] Henry Suter( 1841 (?)-19l8). London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (115- 116). 16 [Anon.] Alfred Merle Norman, 1831- 1918. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (116-117). 17 [Anon.] Henderson Collection of Antillean Land Mollusks. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (144). 18 Anthony, R. Reflexions a propos do la genese de la striation musculaire sous 1’ action des causes qui la determinent. I^a question de la structure des fibres a contractions rapides dans les muscles adducteurs des mollusques acephales. Arch. zool. Paris 58 1919 (1-10). 19 6 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1919] Arabu, N. Remarques stratigra- phiques sur les formations tertiaires du bassin de la Mer de Marmara. Paris Bui. soc. g4ol. 17 1917 (390-405). 20 Arey, L. B. and Crozier, W. J. The nervous organization of a Nudibranch. Washington D. C. Proc. Acad. Sci. 5 1919J498-500). ^ 21 Arey, L. B. vide Crozier, W. J. Artom, C. II comportamento della sostanza cromatica durante la sperma- togenesi oligopirenica di Pnludina vivipara Linn. Roma Atti R. Accad. Lincei 28 1919 (284-287). 22 Baker, F. C. The ecology of North American Lyrnnaeidae. Science New Nork N. Y. 49 1919 (519-621). 23 Baker, F. C. Description of a new species and variety of Planorbis from Post-Glacial Deposits. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (94-97) pi. vii. 24 Baker, F. C. A new species of Physa from New York State. Nautilus Boston Mass. 331019(11-13). 26 Baker, F. C. Mollusks infected with parasitic worms. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (97-98). 26 Barney, R. L. vide Mitchell, P. H. Barrows, A. L. An unusual extension of the distribution of the Ship worm in San Franci.sco Bay, California. Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 18 1917 (27-43). 27 Bartrum, J. A. New fossil Mollusca. Wellington Trans and Proc. N. Zeal. Inst. 51 1919 (96-100) pi. vii. 28 Bartsch, P. New land shells from the Philippine Islands. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Nation. Mus. Proo. 66 1019 (301-307) pis. xviii-xx. 29 Bartsch, P. Two now land shells from California. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (247-248). 30 Bartsch, P. Critical remarks on Philippine land shells with descriptions of new forms. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (16-20). 31 Bartsch, P. Critical remarks on Philippine Island land shells. Wash- ington D.C, Proo. Biol. Soo. 32 1919 (177-184). 32 Bartsch, P. A new Epiphragmophom from the coast range of California. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (126- 127). 33 Bartsch, P. Mitra amanda : A correction. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (31). 34 Beeston, H. Field notes on Heli- codonta ohvoluta Miiller. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (31-36 44-50). 35 Bell, A. Fossils of the Holderness Basement Clays. With descriptions of new species. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (67-59). 36 Bell, A. Fossil shells from Wexford and Manxland. Irish Nat. Dublin 38 1919(109-114). 37 Berry, S. Mollusca of Gla'cier National Park, Montana. Philadelphia Pa. Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. 71 1919 (195-209) pis. ix-x. 38 Berry, S. S. Three new alpine Vortigos from California. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919(48-52). 39 Berry, S. S. Preliminary notices of som^ new West American Chitons. Los Angeles Lorquiana 2 1919 ([44-47]). 40 Berry, S. S. Notes on West American Chitons — II. San Francisco Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 9 1919 (1-36) pis. i-viii. 41 . Bohm, J. and Weisfermel, W. tJber tertiare Versteinerungen von den Bogenfelser Diamantfeldern. Beitr. Geol. Deutsch. Schutzgebiete 5 1913 (59-83) pis. viii-xiv. 42 Bonarelli, G. Fosiles de Tierra del Fuego. Physis. Rev. Soc. Argentina Sci. Nat. 3 1917 (433-434). 43 Bonnet, P. Sur les relations entrc Ics couches h Oioceras de I’Annenie (Transcaucasie meridionale et colics de r Himalaya.) Paris C. R. Acad. Sci, 169 1919(288-291). 44 Bosca Seytre, A. Fauna Valenciana (en resumen). Barcelona Fauna Valenciana (5-131) [Mollusca at p. 60], 45 Bourcart, J. Sur la presence du Priabonion dans la region de Saloniquo Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (855- 856). 46 7 Moll Titles. 2200 Boury, E. de. fitudc sur les Scalaircs do la Collection Locard et Nouvelles Observations sur Ics osp^ocs du “ Travailleur ” ct du “Talisman” d^crites ou cities par lui. Bui. Museum Paris 23 1917 (325-330). 47 Boury, E. de. Etude sur les Scalaires de la C6tc Pacifiquo Americaine. A propos d’un recent travail de M. Dali. J. Conchyliol. Paris 64 1918-1919 1919 (33-40). 48 Boutan, L. Note sur le Papillon de mer (Lima hyans). Bordeaux Proc- Verb. soc. linn. 70 1917 (70-72). 49 Boycott, A. E. Observations on the local variation of Clausilia bidentafa. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (10-23). 50 Boycott, A. E. The genitalia of Azeca tridens and Cochlicopa luhrica. J. Conch. I^cds 16 1919 (63-64). 51 Boycott, A. E. Parthenogenesis in Paludesirina jenkinsi. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (64). 62 Boycott, A. E. The Freshwater Mollusca of the Parish of Aldcnham. Being the Anniversary Address to the the Members of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society, 1918. Trans. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc. 17 1919 (1-18). pis. iv-ix. 53 Bretnall, R. W. Onchidiidae from Australia and the South-Western Pacific Islands. Sydney N.S.W. Rec. Austr. Mus. 12 1919 (203-328) pi. xxxviii. 54 Brumfiel, D. M. Microscopic Fauna of a small brook. Proc. Iowa Acad. 22 1916 1916 (363-374) pi. xl, 55 Bryan, A. A Hawaiian form of Tapes Philippivarum. Nautilus Boston Mass. 321919(124-126). 66 Caiman, W. T. Marine boring animals injurious to submerged structures. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Economic Series No. 10 1919 (1-34). 57 Castelli, A. Intorno alia sensibilita olfattiva dei Gasteropodi Polmonati. Richerche istologiche e fisiologiche. Milano Atti Soc. ital. sc. nat. 57 1919 (261-295) pis. xi-xii. 58 Cawston, F. G. Some South African snails and the Cercarise which attack them. S. Afric. J. Sci. Cape Town 16 1919 (376-377). 59 Cawston, F. G. Insanitary snails at Durban during the Winter months. J, Trop. Med. London 22 1919 (189-190). 60 Cayeux, L. Introduction I’^tudo petrographique des roches sddimen- taires. Paris Mem. Carte Geol. d6taill6 France 1916 1916 (1-524). [Mollusca at p. 469.] 61 Caziot, E. Synonymic study on the mollusks of the Department des Alpes- Maritimes mentioned by Antoine Risso with notes on their classification. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 71 1919(166-170). 62 Caziot, — . Complement a la note sur VHelix terveri Michaud. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 44 1919 (95-96). 63 Cazurro y Ruiz, D. M. El cuaternario y las estaciones de la epoca paleolitica on Cataluna. Barcelona Mom. R. Ac. Cs. 15 No. 8 1919 (1-74) pis. i-xiv. 64 Chace, E. M. & [Chace], E. P. An unroported exposure of the San Pedro Pleistoeene. Los Angeles Lorquiana 2 1919 ([41-43]). 65 [Chace], E. P. vide Chace, E. M. Chapman, F. On an Ofetracod and Shell Marl of Pleistocene Ago from Boneo Swamp, West of Capo ifehanek, Victoria. Melbourne Proc. R. Soc. Viet. 32 1919 (24-32) pis. iii-iv. 66 Chaput, E. Remarques sur les origines et la classification des Desmoceras. Paris. C. R. Acad. Sci. 169 1919 (640- 642). 67 Charpiat, R. Observations sur quelques Serrafocerithium (Vignal) de r Eocene. Paris Bui. Mus. Hist. Nat. 1919 1919 (416-422 627-632). 68 Charpiat, R. Sur rimpossibilit4 qu’il y a de comprendre la forme Tiarella dans la section Tiaraceri- thium (Sacco). Paris Bui. Mus. Hist Nat. 1919 1919 (633-634). 69 Christensen. S. De danske skaL bserende Havsnegle (Gastropoder). Flora og Fauna Copenhagen 1917 1917 (118-128). 70 Christensen, S. De danske skal- bserendc Havsnegle (Gastropoder). Flora og Fauna Copenhagen 1919 1919 (28-31 64 95-96). 71 8 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1919] Chumley, J. The Fauna of the Clyde Sea Area. Being an attempt to record the zoological results obtained by the late Sir John Murray and his assistants on board the S.Y. “Medusa” during, the years 1884 to 1892. Glasgow 1918 1918(1-200). 72 Cisneros, Jim6nez de, D. Algunos fosiles de los albrededores de Alcoy. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 19 1919 (294-296). 73 Cisneros, Jimdnez de, D. Geologia y Paleontologia de Alicante. Madrid Trab. ]Mus. Nao. Ci. Nat. Ser. gcol. 21 1917 1917 (2-140) pis. i-xi map.‘ 74 Clapp, Q. H. Now land shcdls from Alabama and Tennessee. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (8-10). 75 Clapp, G. H. Cuban mollusks colon- ized in Florida. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (104-105). 76 Clapp, G. H. and Ferriss, J, H. Praticolella campi, sp. nov. (Plate vi figs. 1-4). Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (78 79). 77 Clapp, W. F. A new Opisthosiphon from Cuba. Nautilus Bostpn Mass. 32 1919 (86-90) pi. vii fig. 14. 78 ClapPjW. F. A new Camaena from the Philippine Islands. Nautilus Boston Mass. 331919(28-30). 79 Clark, T. H. A section in the Trenton Limestone at Martinsburg, New York. Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard 63 1919 (3-18) pi. i. 80 Clarke, J. M. El Devoniano de la Argentina Occidental. (Sobre la base de los materiales recogidos por los Dre*. Bodenbender y Stappenbeck.) Buenos Aires An. Min. Agric. 8 1912. 81 Clasing, M. Die Anatomic von Stem- pelleria magellanica und das buccalo Nervensystem von Margaritifera vul- garis Schum. Mitt. Zool. Inst. West- fiilischen Wil.-Univ. Munster i/W. 1 1918(22-26). , 82 Cleve-Euler. Quantitative plankton researches in the Skager Rak. K. Svensk. Vetenkaps Alc.-Handl. 57 No. 7 1917 (1-130). 83 Cobbold, E. H. Cambrian Hyolithidfe, etc., from Hartshill in the Nuneaton District, Warwickshire. London Gcol. Mag. 6 1919 (149-158) pi. iv. 84 Coemme, S. Note critique sur le genre Cadomoceras. Paris Bui. soc. geol. 17 1917 (44-54) pi. vi. 85 Collot, L. Les Aspidoceras des couches minerai de fer de la Cote d’Or. Paris Bui. geol. Soc. 17 1917 (3-19). 86 Colosi, G. Osservazioni anatomo- istologiche sulla Runcina calaritana n. sp. Torino Mem. Acc. sc. 66 1915 No. 6(1-35). 87 Colosi, G. L’azione della Veratrina sui Gasteropodi Terrestri e la speci- ficita di Limux maximus o Limax cinereo-niger. Arch. zool. Paris 58 1919 (46-48). 88 Colosi, G. Testacellidi conservati nel R. Museo Zoologico di Firenze. Monit. zool. ital. Firenze 30 1919 (57-63). 89 Conklin, E. G. Effects of centri- fugal force on the .structure and develop- ment of the eggs of Crepidula. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 22 1917 (311- 374) pis. i-xxiii. 90 Connolly, M. On Opens strigile (M. & P.) and its allies. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (142-144). 91 Conolly, [Connolly] M. Description of four new South African land-shells, belonging to the subfamily Grahamstown Rec. Albany Mus. 3 1919 (216-219). 92 Cooke, A. H. The radula of the Mitridae. London Proc. Zool. Soo 1919 1919 (406-422). 93 Cooke, A. H. The radula in Thais, Drupa, Morula, Concholepas, Cronia, lopas, and the allied genera. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (90-110). 94 Copeland, M.' Locomotion in two species of the gastropod Genus Alec- trion with observations on the behaviour of pedal cilia. Wood’s Hole Mass. Biol. Bull, xxxvii 1919 (126-138). 95 Cort, W. W. On the resistance to dcsication of the intermediate host of Schistosoma japonicum Katsurada. Urbana J. Parasitol. 6 1910 (84-88). 96 Cossmann, M. Revision des Sca- phopodes, Gastropodcs ct C6phalopodes dll Montien do Belgique. Mem. Mus. Royal Hist. Nat. Belgique 6 1016 (1-71) pis. i-iv. 97 9 MoU. Titles. 2200 Cossmann, M. Monographie illus- tr6e des Mollusques Oligoceniqucs des Environs de Rennes. J. Conehyliol. Paris 64 1918-1919 1919 (133-199) pis. iv-vii. 98 Cossmann and peyrot. Conehologie neogenique de I’Aquitaine. Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 1917-1918 — Ease. 1 234 (5-100 101-180 181-356 357- 491)pls. i-x xi-xvii. 99 Couffon, O. Le Callovien du Chalet Commune de Montreuil-Bellay (M.-&- L.) (Suite). Bull. Soe. Etudes Sci. Angers 48 1918 1919(224-103). 100 Craifaleanu, A. D. Studi sui fermenii degli animali marini. VJ. — Autolisi dei muscoli dei Cefalopodi. Napoli Bol. Soc. nat. 31 1919 (110-117). 101 Crick, G. C. On Ammonites nnvi- cularis, Mantell. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (154-160) pi. iv. 102 Cross, H. A. The Bermudas as a type collecting ground for invertebrates. Proc. Iowa Acad. 24 1917 (301-303). 103 Crozier, W. J. Coalescence of the shell-plates in Chiton. Amer. Nat. New York N.Y. 53 (278-279). 104 Crozier, W. J. Assortive mating in a Nudibranch Chromodoris zebra Heil- prin, J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 27 1918 (247-292). 105 Crozier, W. J. On the use of the foot in some mollusks. J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 27 1919 (359-366). 106 Crozier, W. J. and Arey, L. B. On the ethology of Chiton tuherculatus. Washington D.C. Proc. Acad. Sci. 5 1919 (496-498). 107 Crozier, W. J. vide Arey, L. B. Dacie, J. C. Hastings Littorina rudis. Hastings and E. Sussex Nat. 3 1919 (20-21). 108 Dainelli, G. Fossili Eocenici della Croazia Costiera. Pisa Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat. 32 1919 (3-57) pis. i-ii. 109 Dalimier, H. Note sur unc N6ritine des sables coquillieres Eocenes de la Close de Campbon (Loire-Inferieure). Paris Bul.^oc. g6ol. 17 1917 (36-39). no Dali, W. H. On some Tertiary fossils from the Pribilof Islands. Washington H.C. J. Acad. Sci. 9 1919 (1-3). iil Dali, W. H. Expedition of the Cali- fornia Academy of Sciences to the Galapagos Islands, 1905-1906. XI. — Preliminary descriptions of new species of Pulmonataof the Galapagos Islands. San Francisco Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 2 1917 (375-382). 112 Dali, W. H. Descriptions of new species of Chitons from the Pacific Coast of America. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Nation. Mus. Proc. 55 1919 (499-516). 113 Dali, W. H. New shells from the Northwest coast. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (249-252). 114 Dali, W. H. Descriptions of new species of mollusea from the North Pacific Ocean in the collection of the United States National Museum. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 1919 (293- 371). 115 Dali, W. H. Stylobates f A warning. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (79- 80) pi. vi figs. 8 9 10. 116 Dali, W. H. Note on Thyasira bisectn. Conrad. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (103). 117 Dali, W. H. A new form of Ampul- laria. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (10-11). 118 Dali, W. H. Note on the name Duplicaria. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (32). 119 Dali, W. H. Descriptions of new species of mollusks of the family Turritidae from the West Coast of America and adjacent regions. Wash- ington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. U.S. Nation. Mus. Proc. 56 1919 (1-86) pis. i-xxiv. 120 Dalloni, M. Contribution A l’6tude des terrains Miocenes de I’Algerie. Le Cartennien des environs de Miliana. Paris Bui. soc. gcol. 17 1917 (174-207). 121 Danglade, E. Condition and extent of the natural oyster beds and barren bottoms in the vicinity of Apalachicola, Fla. Washington D.C. Kept. U.S. Comm. Fish. 1916 1917 Appendix V. (1-68) pis. i-vii. 122 Daus, H. Beitrage zur geologischcn Kenntnis von Anatolien. III. Bci- trage zur Kenntnis des marinen Miocans 10 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1919] in Kilikien und Nordsyrien. Stuttgart N. Jarb. Min. Geol. Pal. 38 1914 (420-500) pis. xvi-xix! 123 Dean, J. D. Unauthentic Records of Theha cantiana (Mont.), monst. sinis- trorsum in England. J. Conch. Leeds 161919(41). 124 Debaisieux, P. Quelques Protozoaires parasites les Chitons et des Patelles. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 82 1919 (1400- 1402). 125 Despott, G. The mollusca of Marsasci- rocco Harbour, Malta. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (168-183). 126 Despott, G. vide Gatto, A. C. Detweiler, J. D. The pearly fresh- water mussels of Ontario. Ottawa Contrib. Can. Biol. 1917 1918 (73-91). 127 Diener, C. t)ber eine neue Art des Genus Gymnites (G. spiniger) aus dem bosnischen Muschelkalk. Stuttgart Centralbl. Min. Geol. Pal. 1917 1917 (110-114), 128 Doello-Jurado, M. Algunos moluscos utilizados por los indigenas antiguos de la Argentina, Buenos Aires Prim, Reunion Nac, Soc, Arg, Ci. Nat, 1919 1919 (433-439). 129 Doello-Jurado, M. Limnaea viatrix d’Orb. en el Rio de la Plata. Physis Rev. Soc. Argentina Sci. Nat. 3 1917 (433). 130 Dollfus, G, F. L’Oligocene superieur marin dans le bassin de TAdour. Paris Bui. soc. geol. 17 1917 (89-102). 131 Dowling, D. B. The Southern Plains of Alberta. Ottawa Canada Dept. Mines Geol, Surv. 93 1917 (1-189) including pis. xv-xxxv. 132 Drew, G. A. Sexual activities of the Squid Loliyo 'pealii (Les.). II. The spermatophoro ; its structure, ejacula- tion and formation. Philadelphia Pa. J. Morph. (379-418) pis. i-vi. 133 Dupuis, P. Notes prises au cours de I’examen de la collection de Polypla- cophores du Museum de Paris. Bui. Museum Paris 23 1917 (533-538). 134 Dupuis, P. Notes concernant les Polyplacophores. Bui. Museum Paris 24 1918 (525-533). 135 Edmondson, C. H. Cardium corhis a monoecious bivalve. Science New York N.Y. 49 1919 (402). 136 Eliot, C. Zoological results of a tour in the Par East. Mollusca Nudibran- chiata (Ascoglossa). Calcutta Mem. As. Soc. Bengal 6 1917 (179-182). 137 Etheridge, R. Paljeontologia Novae Cambriae meridionalis — Occasional de- scriptions of New South Wales fossils. No. 7, Sydney N.S.W. Rec. Austr. Mus. 12 1919 (183-192) pi. xxviii-xxx. 138 Etheridge, R. A remarkable univalve from the Devonian Limestone of the Burdekin River, Queensland. Queens- land Geol. Surv. Pub. 260 1917 (13-16). 139 Farnie, W. C. The structure of Amphibola crenata Martyn. Welling- ton Trans, and Proc. N. Zeal. Inst, 51 1919 (69-85). 140 Faure-Marguerit, G. vide Reboul, P. Fenton, C. L. The Hackberry Stage of the Upper Devonian of Iowa. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. 48 1919 (355- 276). 141 • Ferriss, J. H. My journey to the Blue and White Mountains, Arizona. Nautil- us Boston Mass. 32 1919 (81-86). 142 Ferriss, J. H. Lorenzo E. Daniels. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (99- 101). 143 Ferriss, J. H. Along the Mexican Border, 1919. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (37-44). 144 Ferriss, J H. vide Clapp, G. H. Ficheur, E. Le Cartennien de Ben Mahis, Region de Berronaghia (Alger). Paris Bui. soc. geol. 17 1917 (136-173). 145 Field, R. M. The Middle Ordovician of Central and South Central Pennsyl- vania. New Haven Conn. Amer. J. Sci. (4) 48 1919 (403-428). 146 Foerste, A. F. Silurian fossils from Ohio, with notes on related species from other horizons. Ohio Nat. Columbus 19 1918 (367-404) pis. xvi-xix. 147 Foerste, A. F. Notes on Isotelus, Acrolichas, Calymene and Encrinurus. Granville Ohio Bui. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ. 19 1919 (65-81) pis. xiv xiva xviii. * 148 Fortier, E. Note de Malacologie. Rouen Bui. Soc. amis sci. nat. 49 1914-1915 (27-29). 149 11 Moll. Titles. 2200 Fossa-Mancini, E. Osservazioni critiche sugli Hammatoceras. Proc. Verb. Atti Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat. 24 1914 (59-64). 150 Fossa-Mancini, E. La presenza del Pliocene nella collina di Rosora, in pro- vincia di Ancona. Proc. Verb. Atti Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat. 24 1916 (60-62). 151 Fossa-Mancini, E. Lias e Giura nella Montagna della Rossa. Pisa Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat. 30 1916 (220-247). 152 Fossa-Mancini, E. Probabili rapporti filogenetici di alcune ammoniti liassiche. Pisa Atti Soc. Tosc. sc. nat. 32 1919 (137-149) pi. iii [i]. 153 Fossa-Mancini, E. A proposito di alcune recenti publicazioni riguardanti Ammoniti Liassiche. Riv. Ital. Pal. (Parma) 22 1916 (8-20). 154 Foulon, C. Merocystis kathse Dakin une Aggregate de Buccinum undatum. La Ceilule Louvain 30 1919 (121-149) pis. i-iii. 155 Fourtau, R. Catalogue des Invert/jbr^s fossiles do I’Egypte rc^present^s dans les collections du Mus6e de G^ologie au Caire Terrains Cr6- taces. 2me Partie : Mollusques Lamellibranches. Cairo Egypt-Surv. Dept. 1917 1917 (1-109) pis. i-vii. 156 Franz, V. Lichtsinnvcrsucho an Schnecken. Biol. Centralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (540-543). 157 Fraser,. C. McL. Migrations of Marine Animals. Proc. and Trans. R. Soc. Canada 12 1919 (139-143). 158 Frierson, L. S. Remarks upon the identity of “ Unio fasciata," Rafinesque. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (139- 141). 159 Fucini, A. Ragioni stratigrafiche e litologicho che convalidano I’et^ weal- diana del Verrucano tipico del M. Pisano desunta dai fossili. Catania Atti Acc. Gioenia 11 1918 No. 1 (1-30). 160 G., A. C. The brackish-water mollusca of the Maltese Islands. Valletta Arch. Mclitense (J. Malta Soc.) 1 1912 (103- 105). 161 Galati-Mosella, R. Su alcuni casi di rigenerazione oculare multipla osser vati noW Helix mazzulli. Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 28 1917 (129-133). 162 Galiano, E. F. Contribucion al cono- cimiento histologico del corazon de los Cefalopodos. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 19 1919 (230-241). 163 Galiano, E. F. Estudio histologico do los corazones branquiales de “ Sepia officinalis ” L. y de sus ap6ndices. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 19 1919 (353-381). 164 Gams, H. vide Heim, A. Gardiner, A. Spirula peroni Lamarck in North Devon. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (60). 165 Gardiner, A. Hygromia revclata Ferussac in North Devon. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (68). 166 Gardner, J. A. and Aldrich, T. H. Mollusca from the Upper Miocene o^ South Carolina with desciiptions of new species. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 71 1919 (17-63) pis. i-iv. 167 Gatehby, J. B. The Cytoplasmic Inclusions of the Gorin-Colls. Part V. The gametogenesis and early develop- ment of Limncea stagnalis (L.), with special reference to the Golgi Apparatus and the Mitochondria. Q. J. Microsc. Sci. London 63 1919 (445-491) pis. xxvii-xxviii. 168 Gatto, A. C. and Despott,*G. Ma- terial! per una malacofauna marina delle Isole Maltesi. Valletta Arch. Melitense (J. Malta Soc.) 3 1919 (431- 446) ; 4 [? date] (38-46). 169 Germain, L. Contributions & la Faune Malacologiquc do I’Afrique 4quatoriale. LV. Surquelques Gast^ro- podes fluviatiles du Haut Zambeze. Paris Bui. Mus. Hist. Nat. 1919 1919 (46-62, 116-120). 170 Germain, L. Contributions h la Faune Malacologiquc de Madagascar. VII : Un P^l^cypode nouveau des rivieres de Pile de la Reunion. Paris Bui. Mus. Hist. Nat. 1919 1919 (121- 122). 171 Germain, L. Contributions t\ la Faune Malacologiquc de PAfrique 6quatoriale. LVI. Sur les Limn6es africaines appartenant au groupe de Limnaea {Radix) naialensis Kraus. Paris Bui. Mus. Hist. Nat. 1919 1919 (179-186). 172 12 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1919] Germain, L. Contributions k la Faune Malacologique de I’Afrique 6quatorialo. LVII. Sur quelques genres et especes de Pulraon6s do I’Afriquo Orientale. Paris Bui, Mus. Hist. Nat. 1919 1919 (258-265). 173 Gignoux, M. Sur les formations quaternaires des environs do Biot. ( Alpes-Maritiraes). Grenoble Tiav.Lab. geol. 11 1916-17 1918 (24-28). 174 Godwin-Austen, H. H. Description of a new species of Margaritanopsis (Unionidae) from the Southern Shan States, with notes on Solenaia soleni- formis. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (203-206) pi. xv. 175 Godwin-Austen, H. H. On the generic position of Helix distincta, Pfr., of Siam. Calcutta Rec, Ind. Mus. 16 1919 (199-202), 176 Godwin-Austen, H. H, On the sup- posed occurrence of the Miocene genus Fossandua recent in India. Calcutta Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 1919 (209-213). 177 Godwin-Austen, H. H. On tho genus Mysoria, Godwin-Austen. Calcutta Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 1919 (431). 178 Goldsmith, Marie. Acquisition d’une habitude chez le Poulpe. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 164 1917 (737-738). 178a « Good, D. J. vide Richards, A. Gould, H. N. Studies on sex in the hermaphrodite mollusc Crepidula plana. I. History of tho sexual cycle, J. Exp. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 23 1917 (1-52) pis. i-viii. 179 Gouveia, J. J. A collecting trip on the Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, by the Gulick Natural History Club. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (54-58). 180 Gravely, F. H. A note on the marine invertebrate fauna of Chandipore, Orissa. Calcutta Rec, Ind. Mus. 16 1919 (395-399). 181 Grinnell, F. and Ostergaard, J. M. A Synonymical note. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (71). 182 Gu4bhard, A., Lambert, J. and Repelin, J. Sur un Giscment do Fossiles Albiens k La Lubi, Commune de Mops. (Var.) Notes Proven^ales 6 1918 (1-6) pis. ii-iii. 183 Gude, G. K. Description of two new species and a now sub-genus of Land Shells from China. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (118-119). 184 Haas, F. Ndyades del viage al Pacifico verificado de 1865 por ui\a comision do naturalistas onviada por ol gobierno espahol. Madrid Trab. Mus. Nac. Ciencias Nat. Ser. Zool. 25 1916 1916 (1-63) pis. i-ii. 185 Halbert, J. N. Planorbis corneus in Co. Dublin. Irish Nat. Dublin 28 1919 (135-136). 186 Halkett, A. Remarks on the meta- morphosis of the Scallop {Pecten tenuicostatus). Ottawa Nat. 33 1919 (98). 187 Hanna, G. D. The introduction of Acanihinula harpa (Say) and Oircinariu vancouverensis (Lea) into St. Paul Island, Alaska. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (148). 188 Hargreaves, J. A. Sinistral Limnaea pereger Mull, and its progeny. J. (^onch. Leeds 16 1919 (55-57). 189 Harmer, F. W. The Pliocene Mollusca of Great Britain, being supplementary to S. V. Wood’s Monograph of the Crag Mollusca. Part IV : London Palaeontographicai Soc. 1919 1919 (v-xii 463-483). 190 Harris, G. D. Pelecypoda of the St. Maurice and Claiborne Stages, Ithaca N.Y. Bull. Amcr. Pal. 6 1919 (1-260) pis. i-lix. 191 Harris, G. D. A few Mid-Upper Eocene Fossils from the Carolinas and Texas. Ithaca N.Y. Bull. Amer. Pal. 8 1919 (13-18). 192 Harris, G. D. vide Van Winkle, K. Haviland, M. D. and Pitt, F. The selection of Helix nemoralis by the Song- Thrush ( Turdus musicus). London Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3 1919 (525-531). 193 Hedley, C. Notes on the Rock- Oyster Fishery of Auckland. Welling- ton N. Zealand J. Sci. Tech. 2 1919 (365-366). 194 Hedley, C. A review of tho Australian tun shells, Sydney N.S.W. Rec. Austr. Mus. 12 1919 (329-336) pis. xxxix- xliv. 195 13 Moll. Titles. 2200 Hedley, C. Report on Mollusca from elevated marine beds, “ raised beaches” of MoMnixlo Sound. Brit. Antarctic Exp. 1007-9. London 1916 1010 (8r>-88). 196 Heim, A. and Gams, H. Interglaziale Bildungen bei Wildhaus (Kt. St. Gallon). Zurich Vierteljahrsch. Natf. Ges. 631918(10-33). 197 Henderson, J. Some further com- ments upon the work of Lorenzo Eugene Daniels. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1910 (137-138). 198 Herdman, W. A. An intensive study of the marine Plankton around the South end of the Isle of Man. Part XI. Proc. and Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc. 33 1919 (95-105). 199 Herlant, M. Nouvelles recherches sur Taction inhibitrice exerc6e par le sperme de Mollusque sur la fecundation do Tocuf d’oursin. Paris C. R. Acad. , Sci. 169 1919 (519-520). ' 200 Hesse, P. Kritische Fragmente. Frankfurt a. M. Nachr.Bl. D. mala- kozool. Ges. 1918 1918 (34-40). 201 Hesse, P. Das Genus Levantina Kob. Frankfurt a. M. Nachr.Bl. D. malakozool. Ges. 1918 1918 (40-47). 202 Hesse, P. Die Subfamilie Helico- dontinae. Frankfurt a. M. Nachr. Bl. D. malakozool Ges. 1918 1918 (99-110). 203 Hesse, P. Die systematische Stellung von Pyramidnla rupestris Drap., nebst Bemerkungen iiber einige verwandte Genera. Frankfurt a. M. Nachr.Bl. D. malakozool Ges. 1918 1918 (110- 120). 204 Hibbard, H. vide Guthrie, M. J. Higgins, H. C. A new variety of Oliva sericea miniacea. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (68-59). 205 Hinkley, A. A. Mollusca found in the vicinity of Dubois, Illinois. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (14-17). 206 Hirsch, G. C. Der Arbeitsrhythmus der Verdauungsdriisen. Beitrage zur Arbeitsautonomie und Reizwirkung in tierischen zellen. Biol. Centralbl. Leipzig 38 1918 (41-100). 207 Hornell, J. A revision of the Indian Species of Meretrix. Calcutta J. and Proc. As. Soc. Bengal 13 1917 (clxxxii). 208 Hornell, J. The edible molluscs of the Madras Presidency. Madras Bull. Madras Fish Dept. 11 1018 (1-61). 209 Huggins, H. C. Occurrence of Hart- mannia septemspiralis (Razoumovsky) and //. patula (Drap.) in England. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (51-62). 210 Huntsman, A. G. The Vertical Dis- tribution of Certain Intertidal Animals. Proc. and Trans R. Soc. Canada 12 1919 (53-60). 211 Hutton, W. H. Notes on Limnaea pereger m. sinistrorsum. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (58-59). 212 Isnard, P. A propos d’une notice bibliographique sur les nudibranches de Verany. Paris Bui. soc. geol. 44 1919 (97-100). 213 Iwakawa, T. Catalogue of Japanese Mollusca in the Natural History Department, Tokyo Imperial Museum, by T. Iwakawa, Rigakushi, Tokyo. Published by Tokv5 Imp. Mus. 1919 1919 (1-8 1-318 1-6 1-93 1-39). 214 Jackson, J. W. Rare shells in shell- pockets on the Wirral Sand-Dunes. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (68). 215 Jackson, J. W. Lancashire and Cheshire fauna committee. (6th) Report on the Mollusca, 1918. Lanca- shire Naturalist 11 1919 (266). 216 Jacot, A. Some new mollusca about New York City. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (90-94). 217 Jacot, A. On the land shells of Monroe, Connecticut. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (134-136). 218 Johnson, C. W. Joseph Willcox. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (101- 102). * 219 Johnson, C. W. An old collecting ground revisited. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (1-8). 220 Johnson, C. W. Notes on the species of Fasciolaria of the Southeastern United States. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (44-48). 221 Johnston, T. H. A census of the endoparasites recorded as occurring in Queensland, arranged under their hosts. Brisbane Proc. R. Soc. Queens- land 28 1918 (31-79). 222 14 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1919] Jones, K. H. and Itennard, A. S. Notes on the non -marine Mollusca observed in East Ross and the Orkney and Shetland Islands. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (146-162). 223 Jordan, H. Das Wahrnehmen der Nahrung bei Ajilysia limacina und Aplysia depilans. Biol. Centralbl, Leipzig 37 1917 (2-9). 224 Joubin, L. Etudes preliminaires sur les Cdphalopodes recueillis au cours des croisi^res do S.A.S. le Prince do Monaco. 7o Noto : Cycloteuthis sir- vonti nov. gon. ot sp. Bull. Inst. Ocean^ Monaco No. 361 1919 1919 (1-7). 226 Kaldhol, H. Bidrag til Romsdals amts Kvartfiorgeologi. Trondhjem Kgl. Vid. selsk. Skr. 1915 1917 No. 7 (1-183) pis. i-iv. 226 Keilin, D. On the life-history and larval anatomy of Melinda cognata Meigen (Diptera Calliphorinae) para- sitic in the mail II ellicella {Heliomanes) virgata Da Costa, with an account of the other Diptera living upon Molluscs. Parasitol. Cambridge 11 1919 (430-465) pis. xxii-xxv. 227 Kemp, S. W. vide Annandale and Prashad. Kennard, A. S. and Woodward, B. B. On Helix revelata, Britt, auctt. {non F^russac, nec Michaud), and the validity of Bellamy’s name of Helix suhvirescens in lieu of it for the British Mollusc. -London Proo. Malao. Soo. 13 1919 (133-136). 228 Kennard, A. S. and Woodward, B. B. On the generic names for the two British Ellobiidae [Olim Atiriculidae]. Myosotis^ Drapernaud ( = Denticu- laluSt Montagu) and Bidentatat Mon- tagu. London Proo. Malao. Soo. 18 1919 (136-139). 229 Kennard, A. S. and Woodward, B. B. On the first discovery in England of Helicodonta obvuluta (Miill.). London Proc. Malac, Soo. 13 1919 (88). 230 Kennard, A. S. vide Jones, K. H. Kerforne, P. Compte Rendu des Excursions du Laboratoire de Geo- logic de la Faculte des Sciences de Rennes en 1916. Rennes Bui. soc. sci. med. 24 1916 (40-70). 231 Kerforne, P. Compte Rendu des Excursions du Laboratoire de G6ologie de la Faculte des Sciences de Rennes en 1916. Rennes Bui. soc. sci. med. 25 1916 (44-72). 232 Kerforne, F. Compte Rendu des Excursions du Laboratoire de Geologie de la Faculte des Sciences do Rennes en 1917. Rennes Bui. soo. sci, ni6d. 26 1917 (38-52). 233 Kiaer, J. The Lower Cambrian Holmia Fauna at Tomten in Norway, Skrift. Vid. Christiania 1916 1917 No. 10 (1-140) pis. i-xiv. 234 Kindle, E. M. The discovery of a Portage Fauna in the Mackenzie River Valley. Ottawa Mus. Bull. Dept. Mines Canada (Geol. Ser. No. 36) 29 1919 1919 (1-8, 14, 16) [pis. i ii]. 235 Kindle, E. M. Notes on the habits and distribution of Teredo navalis on the Atlantic Coast of Canada. Ottawa . Contrib. Can. Biol. 1917 1918 (92-103). 236- Kitchen, F. L. The Faunal Cha- racters and Oorrelation of the Con- cealed Mesozoic Rocks in Kent. Sum- mary Progress Geol. Surv. W. K. London 1918 1919 (37-46). 237 Krenkel, E. Die Kelloway-Fauna von Popilani in Westrussland. Palaeont. Stuttgart 61 1915 (191-368) pis. xix- xxviii. 238 Krulla, R, Zur Geologic der Umge- bung von Bemdorf. Wien Verb. Geol. Rchs. Anst. 1919 1919 (277-280). 239 Lahille, P. Sobre Chitones do la Patagonia. Physis Rev. Soc. Argentina Sci. Nat. 4 1918 (343-344). 240 Lambert, J. vide Guebhard, A. & . Repelin, J. Lameere, A. Les Dicy^mides. Paris C. R. Ac. Sci. 167 1918 (1058-1062). 241 Lameere,. A. Contributions a la connaissance des Dicy^mides. Troi- si6me Partie. Bull. Biol. France Bel- gique 53 1919 (234-275). 242 Lamy, E, Les Arches do la Mer Rouge (D’apres les materiaux recueillis par M. le Dr. Jousseaume). Bui. Museum Paris 23 1917 (106-112). 243 Lamy, E. Note sur les especcs Lamarckiennes du genre Chama. Bui. Museum Paris 23 1917 (264-27U 244 15 Moll, Titles. 2200 Lamy, E. Notes sur los osp^cos dii genre Spondi/lus d^crites par Lamarck. Bui. Museum Paris 23 1917 (318-324 402-409). 245 Lamy', E. Coquillcs sdncstrcs clicz les Lamellibranches. Bui. Museum Paris 23 1917 (489-493). 246 Lamy, E. Notes sur les espsces du genre Plicaiula decrites par Lamarck. Bui. Museum Paris 24 1918 (510-513). 247 Lamy, E. Description d’lm Lamelli- brancho nouveau do la Mor Rougo. Bui. Museum Paris 24 1918 (514-515). 248 Lamy, E. Les Monies et los Modiolcs de la Mer Rouge. (D’apr^s les mat6- riaux recueillis par M. le Dr. Jousse- aume). Paris Bui. Mus. Hist. Nat. 1919 1919 (40-45 109-114 173-178). 249 Lamy, E. Les Litliodomes de la Mer Rouge. (D’Apres les materiaux re- cuellis par M. le Dr. Jousseaume). Paris Bui. Mus. Hist. Nat. 1919 1919 (252-257 344-350). 250 Lamy, E. Note sur les. especes Lamarckienes du genre Lima Bru- gui^re, 1792. Paris Bui. Mus. Hist. Nat. 1919 1919 (480-486). 251 Lamy, E. Revision des Astartidae vivants du Museum d’Histoire Natu- relle do Paris. J. Conchyliol. Paris 641918-1919 1919 (70-119). 252 Lang, W. D. The evolution of Am- monites. A demonstration given at the British Museum (Natural History) Saturday, 8th February, 1919. London Proc. Geol. Ass. 30 1919 (49-65). 253 Latchford. Canadian Sphaeriidae. Ottawa Nat. 33 1919 (83-86). 254 Lees, J. H. Some features of the Fort Dodge Gypsum. Proc. Iowa Acad. 25 1918 (587-597). 255 Letacq. Note sur deux Helices xerophiliennes {Helix pisana Miill. ct //. variabilis Drap.) natura, Usees dans la plaino d’Alen9on. Rouen Bui. soc. amis sci. nat. 50 & 51 1917 (331-337). 256 Llueca, F. G. El Mioceno marine de Muro (Mallorca). Madrid Trab. Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat. Ser. geol. 25 1919 1919 (1-74) pis. i-xvii. 257 Lobo, B. Conforoncia sobro a Ilha da Trinidade. Rio do Janeiro Arch. Mus. Nac. 22 1919 (105-158). 258 Mariani, E. Sulla Fauna Retica Lombarda. Milano Mcm. Soc. ital. sc. nat. 58 1919 (104-146) pi. vii. i259 Marshall, P. Fauna of the Hampden Beds and classification of the Oamaru System. Wellington Trans, and Proc. N. Zeal. Inst. 51 1919 (226-250) pis. xv-xvii. 260 Marshall, P. and Murdoch, R. Some new fossil species of Mollusoa. Wel- lington Trans, and Proc. N. Zeal. Inst. 51 1919 (253-258) pis. xix-xxi. 261 Maury, C. J. Santo Domingo Type Sections and Fossils, Part I. Ithaca N.Y. Bull. Amer. Palaeont. 5 1917 (165-415) pis. xxviii-lxv. 262 Maury, C. J. Santo Domingo Type Sections and Fossils, Part II. Ithaca N.Y. Bull. Amer. Palaeont. 5 1917 (419-459). 263 McLearn, F. H. New species of Pelecypods from the Cretaceous of Northern Alberta. Ottawa Mus. Bull. Dept. Mines Canada (Geol. Ser. No. 36) 29 1919 1919 (9-12 17-22) [pis. iii-v]. 264 McLearn, F. H. The Cretaceous of Peace and Athabaska Valleys. Canada Dept. Mines Geol. Surv. (Geol. Ser.) Mem. 116 1919 (25-84). 265 Meek, A. Proposed mussel bed at Holy Island. Rept. Dove Marine Lab. 1918 Ser. 7 1918 (18). 266 Meli, R. Appunti sopra alcuni lembi di Lias Rosso Ammonitico dei Dintomi di Narni (Umbria). Roma Bol. Soc. Geol. Ital. 36 1917 1917 (54- 68). 267 Mellen, I. M. The climbing mussel {Mytilua edulis). New York Zool. Soc. Bull. 21 1918 (1582-1584). 268 Mellen, I. M. The common snails. Their relation to balanced aquaria. New York Zool. Soc. Bull. 21 1918 (1591-1594). . 269 Melvill, J. C. Obituary Notice : The Rev. Canon Alfred Merle Norman, D.C.L., F.R.S. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (40-41). 270 16 Moll. vin. Mollusca. [1919] Melvill, J. C, Description of Bathy- toma reynans, n. sp., from the Indian Ocean. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (68). 271 Melvill, J. C. Description of Morum praeclarum, sp. nov., with remarks on the recent species of the genus. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (69-72). 272 Melvill, J. C. Addendum to remarks on the recent species of Morum, Bolton. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (145). 273 Mestayer, M. K. New species of mollusca from various dredgings taken off the Coast of Now Zealand, the Snares Islands and the Bounty Islands. Wellington Trans, and Proc, N. Zeal. Inst. 51 1919 (130-135) pi. viii. 274 Meunier, S. Observations compl6- mentaires sur Psammoceras cloezi Stan. Meun. Paris Bui. Mus. Hist. Nat. 1919 1919 (222-224). 275 Mitchell, P. H. Nutrition of oysters ; Glycogen formation and storage. Wash- ington D.C. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. 35 1915-16 1918 (151-161). 276 Mitchell, P. H. Nutrition of Oysters : the nature of the so-called “ fattening ” of oysters. Washington D.C. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. 35 1915-16 1918 (477- 483). 277 Mitchell, P. H. & Barney, R. L. The occurrence in Virginia of green-gilled oysters similar to those of Marcnnes. Washington D.C. Bull, U.S. Bur, Fish. 35 1915-16 1918 (135-149). 278 Moir, R. Antique Sculpture. A piece of carved chalk from Suffolk. Man London 19 1019 (183-186). 279 Monterosato. Molluschi viventi e quaternari raccolti lungo le coste della Tripolitana. Roma Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital. 3 1919 (1-25) pi. i and supplement. 280 Moody, C. L. Fauna of the Fern an - dino of Los Angeles. Berkely Univ. Cal. Pub. Bull., Dept. Geol. 10 1916 (40-62) pis. i-ii. 281 Moreno, J. M. Topografia del tejido conjuntivo, en los tentaculos de los Ccfalopodos. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp Hist. Nat. 19 1919 (307-316). 282 Morgan, M. J. de. Correspondance. Lettro adressee a M. le Professeur L. Joubin par M. J. de Morgan Associ6 dll Museum. Paris Bui. Mus. Hist. Nat. 1919 1919 (154-156). 283 Morse, E. S. Observations on living Lamellibranchs of New England. Boston Mus. Proc. Soc. Nat. Hist. 35 1919 (139-196). 284 Morse, E. S, New forms of Caecum in New England. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (73-77) pi. v. 285 Morse, E. S. A European mollusk, Helcion pellucidum, never before re- corded in America. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (77-78). 286 Mortensen, T. Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen’s Pacific Expedition 1914-16. I. Observations on protective adapta- tions and habits mainly in marine animals. Vid. Medd. Copenhagen 69 1918 (57-96) [Mollusca at pp. 57, 95]. 287 Murdoch, R. vide Marshall, P. Mush am, J. F. Unusual habitat for Limeua truncatula and Physa fonti- nalis. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (182). 288 Musy, M. Un mollusque nouveau pour Fribourg {Helix aspersa Miill.). Fri- bourg Bui. Soc. Sci. Nat. 23 1916 (109- 110). 289 Naumann, E. Undersokningar ofver Fytsplankton och under den Pclagiska Regionen forsigg&ende Gyttjeochdybild- ningar inom vissa syd-och mellansven- ska urbergsvatten. [German Resum4]. K. Svenska Vetenkaps Ak. Handl. 56 No. 6 1917 (1-165) pis. i-vii. 290 Navarro, L. F. Monografia gcol6gica del Valle del Lozoya. Madrid Trab. Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat. Ser. geol. 12 1915 1915(1-100). 291 Newton, R. B, On Raetomya, a new genus of Pelecypoda, from the Tertiary rocks of Egypt and Southern Nigeria. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (79- 84) pi. i. 292 Newton) R. B, On a Sandstone Cast of Aturia aturi (Basterot), from the Miocene of Western Australia. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (160-167). pis. v-vi. 293 17 Moll. Titles. 2200 Nomland, J. O. Fauna of the Santa Margarita beds in the North Coalinga Region of California. Berkely Univ. Cal. Pub. Bull. Dept. Geol. 10 1917 (293-326) pis. xiv-xx. 294 Nordhagen, R. Plante veksten paa Frooeno og Nserliggende 0er. Bidrag til Kundskapen om Naturforholdene i Norges Skjsergaard. Norske Selsk. Skr. 1916 1917 No. 8 (1-151). 295 O’Connell, M. Orthogenetic develop- ment of the costae in the Perisphinctinae Amer. J. Sci. New Haven Conn. 48 1919 (450-460). 296 Odhner, N. H. Results of Dr. E. Mjoberg’s Swedish Scientific Expedi- tions to Australia 1910-1913 XVII. Mollusca. K. Svensk-Vetenkaps Ak. Handl. 52 No. 16 1917 (1-115) pis. i-iii. 297 0kland, F. Trondelagens landsnegler. Trondhjom Kgl. Vid. selsk. SIu-. 1915 1916 No. 5(1-4). 298 Oldham, C. Vertigo alpestris in Borrowdalo, Cumberland. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (65). 299 Oldroyd, I. S. Some rare shells collected in Puget Sound, Washington, during July, 1918. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (105-106). 300 Oppenheim, P. Die eocane Inverte- braten-Fauna des Kalksteins in Togo im Zusammenhange mit anderen Ter- tiarablagerungen Afrikas vergleichend betrachtet. Beitr. zur geol. Erforech. d. Deutschen Schutzgebiete 12 1916 (1-126) pis. i-v. 301 Oppenheim, P. Das Neogen in Kleinasien. Berlin Zs. D. Geol. Ges. 70 1918 (1-210) pis. i-xii. 302 Orcutt, C. B. Shells of La Jolla, California. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (62-67). 303 Oitmann, A. E. A monograph of the Naiades of Pennsylvania. Part HI. Systematic account of the genera and species. Pittsburg Pa. Mem. Carnegie Mus. 8 1919 (1-384) pis. i-xxi. 304 Ostergaard, J. M. vide Grinnell, F. Packard, E. L. Mesozoic and Ceno- zoic Mactrinae of the Pacific Coast of North America. Berkely Univ. Cal. (n-13799 r) Q Piib. Bull. Dept. Geol. 9 1916 (261- 360) pis. xii-xxxv. * 305 Pallary, P. Le Cyclonassa neritea Linn6 et ses derivations. J. Conchy- liol. Paris 64 1918-1919 19l9 (1-11) pi. i. 306 Pallary, P. J&tudes de Malacologie Retrospective. J. Conchyliol. Paris 64 1918-1919 1919 (12-32). 307 Pallary, P. Heiicidees nouvelles du Maroc. J. Conchyliol. Paris 64 1918- 1919 1919 (51-69) pis. ii-iii. 308 Parona, C. F. Conni sulle fauno sopracretaciche a rudiste del Monte Gargano. Roma Atti R. Acc. Lincei 25 1916 (271-274). 309 Parona, C. F. Saggio Bibliografico sulle Rudiste, con indici dei nomi di autore, di genere e di specie. Roma Boll. R. Com. Geol. Ital. 46 (1-78). 310 [Pavlovic, P. S.] IlaBJiOBHqa, II. 0. IIe*mncKH uyac Larietia serbica n. spec. H8 SanajiHe OpOnje. Glas Srpska Akad . Belgrade 38 1913 (71-75). 311 Pearce, S. S. On a colony of Cochlicopa hibrica Muller. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (69). 312 Pelseneer, P. L’ hybridation chez les mollusques. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (1066-1069). 313 Pericis, B. D. Estratigrafia do la Sierra de Levante de Mallorca (Region de Felanitx) Madrid Trab. Mus. iNac, Ci. Nat. Ser. geol. 10 1915 1915 (1-41). 314 Petersen, C. Une loi fondamentale de I’aceroissement des organismes. Im- primerie Bianco Luno, Copenhague 1919 1919 (1-36). 314a Pesrrot vide Cossmann. Piaget, J. Contribution a la mala- cologie terrestre et fluviatile de la Bretagne. De Saint-Brieuc Plouha. Neuchatel Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. 41 1913- 161917(32-83). 315 Pilsbry, H. A. A peculiar Venezuelan land snail. Philadelphia Pa. Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. 71 1919 (206). 316 Pilsbry, H. A. Mollusca from Central America and Mexico. Philadelphia Pa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1919 1919 (212-223) pi. xi. 317 b 12 18 Mott. vm. Mollusca. [1919] Pilsbry, H. A. A review of the land mollusks of the Belgian Congo chiefly based on the collections of the American Museum Congo Expedition, 1909- 1916. Now York N.Y. Bull. Amor. Mus. Nat. Hist. 40 1919 (1-370) pis. i-xxiii. 318 Pilsbry, H. A. Nenia cooki n. sp. (Plate vii, figs. 11, 12, 13). Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (80-81). 319 Pilsbry, H. A. Types of generic names proposed for Acliatinae. Nau- tilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (98-99). 320 Pilsbry, H. A. A new Californian Micrarionta. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (53). 321 Pilsbry, H. A. A new Chinese Glausilia. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919(63-64). 322 Pilsbry, H. A. Shells from the Chiri- cahua Mountains, Arizona. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (70). 323 Pilsbry, H. A. Manual of Conohology ; structural and systematic. With illustrations of the. species. (Second series : Pulmonata) [Vol. 24] Pt. [98]. Philadelphia (Conchological Dept.) Acad. Nat. Sci. [1919] (65-144) pis. v-ix; Pt. [99] [1919] (145-224) pis. xi-xviii. 324 Pilsbry, H. A. and Ferriss, J. H. New land snails collected by the Ferriss and Hinkley expedition of 1919. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (19-21). 325 Pitt, F. vide Haviland, M. D. Prashad, B. Studies on the anatomy of Indian mollusca. Calcutta Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 1919 (289-296). 326 Prashad, B. On the generic position of some Asiatic Unionidae. Calcutta Roc. Ind. Mus. 16 1919 (403-411). 327 Prashad, B. vide Annandale, N. Prashad, B. vide Annandale and Kemp. Razzawti, A. Contributi alia cono- sconza faunistica dello isole toscane. Pisa Atti Soc. Tosc. sc. nat. 21 1917 (196-224). 328 Reboul, P. and Faure-Marguerit, G. Sur un niveau a Braohiopodes du Tithonique Superieur dans le Massif de la Grande-Chartreuse. Grenoble Trav. Lab. geol. 11 1916-17 1918 (22- 23). 329 Repelin, J. vide Guebhard, A. and Lambert, J. Repossi, E. Ritrovamento di fossili nolla dolomia del M. Gazzo prosso Sestri Ponente. Roma Atti R. Accad. Lincei 28 1919 (378-382). 330 Reynell, A. Wood’s Index Testaceo- logicus. Supplementary note. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (89). 331 Reynell, A. E. Forbe.s’ notes in his copy of S. Loven’s Index Tnolluscorum Scandinavice occidentalia habitantium. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (140-141). 332 Richards, A. and Good, D. J. Notes on the effect of X-radiation on the development of Curningia eggs. Wood’s Hole Mass. Biol. Bull. 37 1919 (209- 221). 333 Roebuck, W. D. A now variety Of Ario7i (tier. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (9). 334 Roman, F. Nouvellos observations sur les faunes continentales tertiaires • et quatenaires de la Basse Valine du Tage. Lisbon Comunic. Com. Serv. Geol. Portugal 12 1917 (70-101) pi. i. 335 Russo, A. II prodotto della pesca a Catania nel biennio 1915-1916 c con- siderazioni sul prodotto del dodicennio 1905-1916. Catania Atti Acc. Gioenia 11 1918 No. 4 (1-12). 336 Sangiorgi, D. Fossili Tortoniani deir alta Valle dell’Idicc. Riv. ital. Pal. (Parma) 23 1916 (11-25). 337 Saunders, F. L. Note on Lepido- pleurus badius (Hedley and Hull). Adelaide Trans. • and Proc. R. Soc. S. Aust. 42 1918 (295). 338 Schafer, H. F. Riit und Lias am Grossen Seeberg bei Gotha und im Flussbett der Apfelstedt bei Wechmar. Zs. Natw-Leipzig 86 1918 (345-377). 339 Schepman, M. M. On a collection of Land and Freshwater Mollusca and a few Marine Mollusca chiefly collected by Dr. H. A. Lorontz from New Guinea, the Am Islands, Timor and Borneo. Leyden Nova Guinea. Res. Exp. Sci. N6orl. N. GuimJie 1912-13 Zoologie 13 1919 (155-196) pis. iv-viii. 340 19 Moll. Titles. < 2200 Schitz, V. Sur la spermatogen^se chez Golunibella rustica L. Arch. zool. Paris 56 1917 (notes et revues 32-47) fig. 340a Schlesch, H. Fauna der islandisehen Land-und Susswasser-Mollusken. Nyt Mag. Naturv. Kristiania 55 1917 (175 196). 341 Schlesch, H. Notes on Arctic-Alpine mollusca. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (29-32). 342 Schmitz, H. Biologische Beziehungen zwischen Dipteren und Schnecken. Biol. Centralbl. Leipzig 37 1917 (24-43). 343 Schneid, T. Die Ammonitenfauna der Obertithonischen Kalke von Neu- burg A.D. Jena Geol. Pal. Abh. 13 1915 (1-114) pis. i [xvii]-xiii [xxix], 344 Sec6rov, S. t)bcr die oxporimontoll erzeugten Doppcl-, Drcifach-und Mohr- fachbildungen der Fiihlor bei den Schnecken, speziell bei den Limnea stagnalis (L.). Arch. EntwMech. Leipzig 40 (104-120). 345 Shaw, H. O. N. Note on an un- published reprint of a paper by J. W. Brazier published in the Sydney Mail, 2nd December, 1871. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (78). 346 [Shecerova, S.] lUe^epoBa, 0. 0 eKcuepuMemajiHO nponsBegeHHM abo- CTpyKHM TpOCTpjKHM H MflOFOCTpyKHM undiTHMa Ko;^ llyaceBa, cneri,najTHO koa dapcKor nyma. {Limnea stagnalis). Glas Srpska 38 1913 (76-100). 347 Shimek, B. Early Iowa locality records. Proc. Iowa Acad. 22 1915 1916 (105-119). 348 Shimek, B. The Loess of Crowley’s llidge, Arkansas. Proc. Iowa Acad. 23 1916 (147-152) pis. v-vii. 349 Shimer, II. W. Post-glacial history of Boston. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 53 No. 6 1918 (441-463). 350 [Sinitzuin, D. Th.] CHnHU,biHi>, 0. IlapTeiioreHGTiiqecKoe iiOKoatiiie ipe- MaioAb n ero hotomctbo b^l MepuoMop- CKiixi> MoJuuocKaxT,. [Parthnogenetic generations of Trematodes and their descendants in the Black Sea Mol- lusca.] Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersbourg 30 No. 5 1911 (1-127) pis. i-vi. 351 (N-13799 r) Q Smith, G. L. Contributions to the Geology of Southwestern Iowa. Proc. Iowa Acad. 23 1916 (77-89). 352 Smith, G. L. The Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Upper Carboni- ferous of Iowa. Proc. Iowa Acad. 22 1915 1916 (273-383). 353 Smith, G. L. Contributions to the geology of Southwestern Iowa. Proc. Iowa Acad. 25 1918 (521-536). 354 Soparkar, M. B. Is human Bilhar- ziosis likely to spread in India ? Cal- cutta Ind. J. Med. Res. Spec. Ind. Sci; Cong. Number 1919 19l9 (207-213). 355 Sowerby, G. B. Notes on Magilus and its allies, substituting the generic name Magiloysis for Leptoconchus lamarcki, Deshayes. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 131919(76-77). 356 Sowerby, G. B. Description of Am- pullaria mermodi, n. sp. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (152-153). 357 Spath, L. F. Notes on Ammonites. London Geol. Mag. 6 1919 (27-35 65- 71 115-122 170-177 220-225). 358 Speight, R. Further notes on the Geology of the Trelissick on Castle Hill Basin, Wellington Trans, and Proc. N. Zeal. Inst. 51 1919 (157-160). 359 Spek, J. Studien fiber den Mechanis- mus der Gastrulainvagination. Biol. Centralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (13-23). 360 Spence, G. C. BracJiypodella orbpon- chensis, nov. sp. from Trinidad, W.I. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (42-43) pi. i. 361 Spence, G. C. Tropidophora standeni nov. sp. from Madagascar. J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (43) pi. i. 362 Spence, G. C. Note on the reproduc- tion of Obeliscus oheliscus (Moricand), J. Conch. Leeds 16 1919 (67). 363 Spitz, A. Liasfossili'en aus dem Canavese. Wien Verh* Geol. Rchs. Anst. 1919 1919 (317-325). 364 Stadler, J. Der Loss und sein Vor- kommen um Passau. Mit besonderer Berficksichtigung seiner Unterlager- ungsverhaltnisse. Ber. Ver. Passau 22 1912-1916 1916 (1-91). 365 b 12—2 20 Moll VIII. Mollusca. [1919] Steenberg, 0. M. Anatomie des Acanthinula et des Vallonia. Les organes genitaux. Vid. Medd. Copen- hagen 69 1918 (1-15). 366 Stelfox, A. W. Notes on the lake- forms of Limnaea pereger. Irish Nat. Dublin 28 1919 (9-12). 367 Stelf ox, A. W. Pisidium parvulm in Co. Antrim. Irish Nat. Dublin 28 1919 (92-93). 368 Strebelj H. Mollusca I. Gen. Puaio- nella. Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Meeresfauna Westafrikas. Hamburg Lfg. 2 1914 (87-126) pi. hi. 369 Suter, H. Description of a now species of the Family Cerithiidae. IVel- lington Trans, and Proc. N. Zeal. Inst. 51 1919 (68-69). 370 Suter, H. Biological notes on Alciiho'e, H. and A. Adams. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (73-74). 371 Tableman, P. Collecting in the vicinity of Newark, New Jersey. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (59-61). 372 Taylor, J. W. Obituary Notice : William Denison Roebuck, M.Sc., F.L;So, etc. J. Conch. Leeds 16'1919 (37-39). 373 Taylor, J. W. Helix (Macularia) vermiculata Miiller in Northampton- shire. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (122). 874 Thomas, A. 0. Some unique Niagaran Cephalopods. Proc. Iowa Acad. 22 1916 1916 (292-300) pis. xxxiii-xxxiv. 375 Thomson, J. A. Polymorphism in the common New Zealand limpet, Cellana radians (Gmelin). Wellington N. Zealand J. Sci. Tech. 2 1919 (264- 267). 376 Tomlin, J. R. le B, Presidential Address. A systematic list of the fossil Marginellidce. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (41-66). . 377 Trauth, F. Die “ Neuhauser Schich- ten,” eine litorale Entwicklung des alpinen Bathonien. Wien Verb. Geol. Rohs. Anst. 1919 1019 (333-339). 378 Trueman, A. E. The common banded snail. A study in variation. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (6-9 67-70). 379 Trueman, A. E. The evolution of the Liparoceratidoe. London Q. J. Geol. Soc. 74 1919 (247-295) pis. xxi- XXV. 380 Vaillandet, A. Listes des fossiles recueillis dans le falun du ruisseau de Malores. Bordeaux Proc. -Verb. soc. linn. 70 1917 (68). 381 Vanatta, E. G. Land shells of Southern Florida. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (18). 382 Vanatta, E. G. Opeaa pumilum Pfr. in Philadelphia. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919(31). 383 Vanatta, E. G. Land shells of Laurel Springs, New Jersey. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (67-68). 384 Vanatta, E. G. Polygyra plana bahamensis Van. n. var. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (72). 385 Van Hyning, T. Insect larvae destroying Physa. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (71). 386 Van Winkle, K. Remarks on Vir- ginia Eocene Fossils. Ithaca N. Y. Bull. Amer. Pal. 8 1919 (6-12). 387 Van Winkle, K. Remarks on some new species from Trinidad. Ithaca N.Y. Bull. Amer. Pal. 8 1919 (19-27). 388 Van Winkle, K. and Harris, G. D. New or otherwise interesting Tertiary molluscan species from the East Coast of America. [Covering Title for series of Notes entered under their various authors.] Ithaca N.Y. Bull. Amer. Pal. 8 1919 (5) pis. i-iii. 389 Vignal, L. Liste des coquilles recue- illies en Septembre, 1917, par M. Petit ain6, a Belle-Ilc-en-Mer (Morbihan). Paris Bui. soc. zool. 42 1917 (1918) (166-168). 390 Vredenburg, E. Note on the occur- rence of Dolium variegatum Lamarck and Maskat, with considerations on its geographical distribution at the present day and in former geological times. Calcutta J. and Proc. As. Soc. Bengal 14 1918 (449-452). 391 Vredenburg, E. The occurrence of Gyproea nivosa Broderip, in the Mergui Archipelago. Calcutta J. As. Soc. Beng. 15 (137-142). 392 21 Moll. St’BJEOT Index. — General. 2203 Vredenburg, E. Two Albino Varietieg of Cyproea erosa Linnaeus. Calcutta J. As. Soc. Bong. 16 1919 (143-146). 393 Vredenburg, E. The occurrence of Cyprcea piriformis Gray in the Mergui Archipelago. Calcutta J. As. Soc. Bong. 15 1919 (147). 394 Vredenburg, E. W. Observations on the shells of the Family Doliidce. Calcutta Mem. Ind. Mus. 7 1919 (145- 190) pis. ii-viii. 395 Walker, B. Notes on certain Philip- pine species of Viviparus Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (109-124) pis. viii & ix. 396 Walker, H. A new species of Campto- ceras. Ann. Arbor Mich. Occ. Pprs. Mus. Zool. 641919(l-6)pl. i. 397 Walker, B. New species of Amnicola from Guatemala. Ann. Arbor Mich. Occ. Pprs, Mus. Zool. 73 1919 (1-4) pi. i. . 398 Walker, B. Notes on North American Naiades. II. Ann. Arbor Mich. Occ. Pprs. Mus. Zool. 74 1919 (1-8) pis. i-ii. 399 Walker, B. Notes on North American Naiades. I. Ann. Arbor Mich. Occ. Pprs. Mus. Zool. 49 1918 (1-6). 400 Watson, , H. Notes on Hygromia limhata Drap. London Proc. Malac. Soo. 13 1919 (120-132) pis. ii-iii. 401 Webster, W. T. Notes on the red variety of Planorbis corneus, L., and some other freshwater mollusca. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 (86-88). 402 Weisfermel, W. vide Bohm, J. Whittaker, E. J. Notes on variation in Planorbis campanulatus Say, from Blue Sea Lake, Quebec. Nautilus Boston Mass. 32 1919 (127-134) pi. x. 403 Willett, G. Mollusca of Forrester Island, Alaska Univalves (continued from page 69). Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (21-28). 404 Williams. M. Y. The Silurian geology and faunas of Ontario Peninsula and Manitoulin and adjacent islands. Canada Dept. Mines Geol. Serv. Mem. Ill 1919 (1-193) pis. i-xxxiv. 405 Wiman, C, Remarques sur le cr6tac6 Belemnitella mucronata dans la Scanio. Upsala Bull. geol. Inst. 16 1919 (305-316). 406 Winslow, M. L. Pleurobema clava (Lam.) and Planorbis dilatatus buchan- ensis (Lea) in Michigan. Ann. Arbor Mich. Occ. Pprs. Mus. Zool. 61 1918 (1-4). 407 Woodruff e-Peacock, T. W. Vertigo pygmaea Drap. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (245). 408 Woodward, B. B. vide Kennard, A. S. Wurtemberg, W. J. Helix kortensis. Nautilus Boston Mass. 33 1919 (71). 409 Wybergh, \V. The coastal Lime- stones of the Cape Province. Tr^'-^s. Geol. Soc. South Africa 22 1919 (46- 67). 410 Zirpolo, G. Micrococcus pierontonii. Nuova specie di batterio fotogeno dell’ organo lumino.so di Rondeletia minor Naef. Napoli Bol. Soc. nat. 31 1919 (75-87). . 411 II. SUBJECT INDEX. N.B.—TAe number in Clarendon Type quoted after the author's name, in both the Subject and Systematic Indices, refers to “ Titles," where the fuller reference will be found. GENERAL. 2203 Historical. Cayeux, 61. Biography. [Anon.] 16 & 17 ; Ferriss, 143 ,* Henderson, 198 ; Johnson, 219 ; Mel- viU, 270; Taylor, 373. Bibliography. [Anon] 16 & 17 ; Caiman, 57 ; Fossa-Mancini, 154 ; Harmer, 190 ; Isnard, 213 ; Kennard & Woodward, 230 ; Fallary, 307 ; Parona, 310 ; Reynell, 331 & 332. General Treatises and Mono- graphs. Cossmann, 98 ; Hesse, 203 & 204 ; Ortmann, 304. 22 MoU. VIII. Ethno-Conchology. Moir, 279 ; Doello>Jurado, 129 ; Wur- temberg, 409. Local Lists. Alkins, 1 & 3 ; Alsop, 4 ; Gardiner, 165 ; Gouveia, 180 ; Hargreaves, 189 ; Hinkley, 206 ; Jackson, 215 ; Jacot, 217 & 218; Johnson, 220; Jones & Kennard, 223 ; Oldroyd, 300 ; Orcutt, 303 ; Pallary, 307 ; Pilsbry, 323 ; Roebuck, 334 ; Stellox, 368 ; Tableman, 372 ; Vannatta, 382 & 384 ; Vignal, 390. Museums, Collections, Expeditions. [Anon.] 18, Boury de, 47 ; Ca^^iot, 62 ; Colosi, 89 ; Ferriss, 142 ; Iwakawa, 214 ; Lamy, 244, 245, 247, 251 & 252 ; Melvill, 270 ; Morgan de, 283. Nomenclature. Dupuis, 135 ; Frierson, 159 ; Ken* nard & Woodward, 228 & 229 ; Pilsbry, 320 ; Sowerby, 356 ; Tomlin, 377 ; Walker, 396 & 400. Technique. Detweiler, 127 ; Drew, 133. Miscellanea. Cadot,. 63 ; Dali, 116 ; Ferriss, 144 ^ Hesse, 201 » STRUCTURE. 2207 General. Cayeux, 61 ; Dali, 117 ; Farnie, 140 ; Galiano, 163 ; Godwin- Austin, 176 ; Odhner, 297 ; Prashad, 326 & 327 ; Spath, 358; Watson, 401. Nervous System. Clasing, 82. Shell. Caiman, 57 ; Coemme, 85 ; O^Connell, 296. Muscular System. Anthony, 19 ; Caiman, 57. Mollusca. [1919] Alimentary System, Radula and Jaws. Annandale & Prashad, 10 ; Caiman, 57 ; Cooke, 93 & 94. Respiratory Organs. Galiano, 164 ; Mitchell & Barney, 278. Reproductive Organs. Boycott, 51 ; Steenberg, 366. Sense Organs. Castelli, 58j Moreno, 282. PHYSIOLOGY. 2211 Glandular Secretions, Pigments, Caiman, 57 ; Hirsch, 207 ; Mitchell & Barney, 278. Digestive Organs. Jordan, 224. Generative Organs. Gould, 179. Sense Organs. Castelli, 58 ; Franz, 157 ; Galati- Mosella, 162 ; Sec6rov, 345. Muscular System. Copeland, 95 ; Craifaleanu, 101. Nervous System. Arey & Crozier, 21 ; Copeland, 95. Experimental. Colosi, 88 ; Herlant, 200. DEVELOPMENT. 2215 General. Spath, 358. Oogenesis and Ovum. Conklin, 90 ; Fortier, 149 ; Gatenby, 168; Hargreaves, 189 ; Hutton, 2121; Richards & Good, 333 ; Spek, 360j Spence, 363. 23 Moll. Subject Index, — ^Variation. 2223 Spermatogenesis and Spermato- zoon. Artom, 22 ; Caiman, 57 ; Drew, 133; Gatehby, 168; Gould, 179; Schitz, 340a. Embryology. Caiman, 57 ; Halkett, 187 ; Spence, 363 ; Suter, 371. Parthenogenesis. Boycott, 52. Regeneration. Shecerova, 347. Shell. Petersen, 314a. ETHOLOGY. 2219 General. - Boycott, 53 ; Crozier & Arey, 107 ; Goldsmith, 178a ; Mellen, 269 ; Spath, 358. Movements, Locomotion. Boiitan, 49 ; Copeland, 95 ; Crozier, i06 ; Farnie, 140 ; Mellen, 268 ; Webster, 402. Enemies, Defence and Protection. Caiman, 57 ; Haviland & Pitt, 193 ; Keilin, 227 ; Mortensen, 287 ; Suter, 371 ; Van Hyning, 386 ; Webster, 402. Feeding Habits. Annandale & Prashad, 10 ; Beeston, 35 ; Brumliel, 55 ; Caiman, 57 ; Eliot, 137 ; Fortier, 149 ; Jordan, 224 ; Mitchell, 276 ; Mitchell & Barney, 278 ; Suter, 371 ; Webster, 402. Breeding Habits. Annandale & Prashad, 14 ; Beeston, 35 ; Caiman, 57 ; Crozier, 105 ; Har- greaves, 189 ; Pelseneer, 313 ; Suter, 371. Boring Habits. Annandale in Godwin- Austen, 9 ; Barrows, 27 ; Caiman, 57 ; Kindle, 236. Coloration. , Pearce, 812 ; Webster, 402. Habitat. Annandale, 7 ; Annandale & Prashad, 10 ; Baker, 23 ; Beeston, 35 ; Brum- fiel, 55 ; Caiman, 57 ; Dacie, 108 ; Fortier, 149 ; Gardiner, 166 ; Hedley, 194 ; Huntsman, 211 ; Hutton, 212 ; Kindle, 236 ; Musham* 288 ; Pearce, 312 ; Saunders, 338. Acclimatisation, Migration, etc. Caiman, 67 ; Clapp, 76 ; Fraser, 158; Hanna, 188 ; Huggins, 210; Letacq, 256 ; Morse, ' 286 ; Vahatta 383. Hibernation and .Estivation. Annandale, 7 ; Annandale & Fras- had, 10 & 14 ; Beeston, 35; Caiman, 57 ; Cort, 96 ; Mitchell, 276. Parasitism, Commensalism, Para- sites, etc. Baker, 26 ; Cawston, 59 & 60 ; Debaisieux, 125 ; Foulon, 155 ; John- ston, 222 ; Keilin, 227 ; Kemp in Annandale & Prashad, 14; Lameere, 241 & 242 ; Schmitz, 343 ; Sinitzuin, 351 ; Soparker, 355; Zirpolo, 411. Evolution. Lang, 253 ; Trueman, 380. Economics. Barrows, 27 ; Caiman, 57 ; Dang- lade, 122; Detweiler, 127; Doello- Jurado, 129 ; Hedley, 194 ; Hornell, 209 ; Kindle, 236 ; Meek, 266 ; Mitchell, 277 ; Russo, 336. VARIATION AND ETIOLOGY. 2223 General Treatises. Boycott, 50 ; Edmondson, 136. Teratology, Phylogeny and Relationship. Alkins, 3 ; Beeston, 35 ; Crozier, 104; Dali, 115; Dean, 124; Fossa- Mencini, 153 ; Hargreaves, 189 ; Hutton, 212 ; Lamy, 246 ; Stehox, 367 ; Thomson, 376 ; Trueman, 379 ; Watson, 401 ; Webster, 402. 24 Moll. VIII.. Mollusca. [1919] Evolution. Annandale, 8 ; Charpiat, 68. Variation in Form. Whittaker, 403. DISTRIBUTION. 2227 (a) Regent. (o) Marine. Arctic Ocean. Dali, 115 & 120. North Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Christensen, 70 & 71 ; Chumley, 72 ; Cleve-Euler, 83 ; Cross, 103 ; Gardiner, 165; Herdman, >199 ; Jacot, 217 ; Johnson, 220 and 221 ; Joubin, 225; Kindle, 236; Melvill, 273; Morse, 284, 285 & 286 ; Naumaun, 290 ; Piaget, 815 ; Pilsbry, 317 ; Vignal, 390. Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea. Bosca Seytre, 45 ; Colosi, 87 ; Despott, 126 ; G., 161 ; Gatto & Despott, 169 ; Monterosato, 280 ; Pal- lary, 306 & 307 ; Sinitzuin, 351. Southern Ocean. Saunders, 338. (j3) Non-Marine. Europe as a whole. Annandale, 5 ; Schlesch, 342. Norway. 2227 da 0kland, 298. British Islands. 2227 de Alkins, 1,2 & 3 ; Beeston, 35 ; Dean, 124; Gardiner, 166; Halbert, 186; Huggins, 210 ; Jackson, 216 ; Jones & Kennard, 223 ; Kennard & Woodward, 228 & 230 ; Oldham, 299 ; Roebuck, 334 ; Steliox, 367 & 368 ; Taylor, 374 ; WoodruHe-Peacock, 408. » France. 2227 df Piaget, 315 ; Caziot, 62. Italy. 2227 dh Razzauti, 828. Switzerland. 2227 di Musy, 289. South Atlantic Ocean. Lahille, 240 ; Lobo, 258 ; Strebel, 369. Indian Ocean, Red Sea. Annandale & Prashad, 11 ; Bretnall, 54; Dupuis, 134; Gravely, 181 ; Hornel, 208 ; Lamy, 243, 248, 249 & 250 ; Melvill, 271 & 272 ; Odhner, 297 ; Vredenburg, 391, 392, 393, 394 &395. Malaysia. Bartsoh, 34 ; Bretnall, 54 ; Dupuis, 184 ; Eliot, 187 ; Melvill, 272 ; Schep- man, 340. ' Pacific Ocean. Barrows, 27 ; Berry, 40 & 41 ; Boury de, 48 ; Bretnall, 54 ; Bryan, 56; Dali, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117 & 120 ; Grinnell & Ostergaard, 182 ; Hedley, 194 & 195 ; Iwakawa, 214 ; Melvill, 272 ; Mestayer, 274 ; Odhner, 297 ; Oldroyd, 300 ; Orcutt, 303 ; Thomson, 376 ; Willett, 404. Balkan Peninsula. 2227 dk Pavlovic, 311. Malta. 2227 dm G.,161. Eastern Siberia. 2227 eab Annandale, 5. British India, etc. 2227 ef Annandale, 7 ; Annandale & Prashad, 10, 11 & 14; Godwin-Austen, 175 & 177 ; Prashad, 826 & 327. Siam. 2227 ee Godwin-Austen, 176. Malaysia, Philippine Islands, etc. 2227 eg Bartsch, 29, 31 & 32 ; Clapp, 79; Schepman, 340 ; Walker, 396. Persia. 2227 eh Annandale & Prashad, 14. 26 Moll. Subject Index — Distribution. China and Corea. 2227 eb Annandale & Prashad, 12 ,* Qude» 184 ; Pilsbry, 822 & 824. Japan. 2227 ec Annandale, 5 ; Annandale & Prashad, 10; Iwakawa, 214; Pilsbry, 324 ; Walker, 397. 2227 W. United States. 2227 gi Bartsch, 80 & 38 ; Berjy, 38 & 39 ; PerrlBS, 142 ; Oroutt, 808 ; Pilsbry, 821, 323 & 824. Mississippi River System. 2227 gk Clapp, 75 ; Hinkley, 206 ; Shimek, 348. Asiatic Turkey. 2227 ei Annandale, 5 ; Annandale & Prashad, 13; Hesse, 202; Prashad, 327. Africa as a whole. Germain, 172. N. Africa. 2227 fa Hesse, 202 ; Pallary, 308. Belgian Congo 2227 fc Pilsbry, 318. East and Central Africa etc. 2227 ff Germain, 170 & 173. South Africa. 2227 fg Connolly, 91 ; Conolly [Connolly], 92 ; Cawston, 59 & 60. Madagascar, etc. 2227 fh Germain, 171 & 173 ; Spence, 362. North America as a whole. Baker, 23. Alaska. 2227 ga Willett, 404. Canada. 2227 gb Latchford, 254 ; Pilsbry, 324 ; Whit- taker, 403. N.E. United States. 2227 gg Baker, 25; Jacot, 218; Ortmann, 804 ; Pilsbry, 824 ; Vanatta, 884 ; Winslow, 407. • S.E. United States. 2227 gh Clapp & Ferriss, 77 ; Pilsbry, 324 ; Tableman, 372 ; Vanattd, 382 ; Walker, 399, Mexico. Pilsbry, 317. 2227 gi Central America. Pilsbry, 317 ; Sowerby, 357 398. 2227 hb ; Walker, West Indies. Clapp, 78 ; Spence, 361. 2227 he Venezuela. Pilsbry, 316 2227 hd Ecuador. Haas, 185. 2227 he Peru. Pilsbry, 319. 2227 hf Argentina and Uruguay. 2227 hi Dali, 118 ; Doello-Jurado, 130 ; Haas, 185. Queensland. Odhner, 297. 2227 id South Australia. Odhner, 297. 2227 ig West Australia. Odhner, 297. 2227 ih North Atlantic Ocean. Lobo, 258 ; Pilsbry, 324 ; 341 ; Vanatta, 385. 2227 la Schlesch, Pacific. 2227 n Dali, 112 ; Gottveia, 180. (6) Fossil. General. Cayeux, 61. ?6 MoU. VIII. MoUusca. [1919] Quaternary. Annandale, 6 & 8 ; Baker, 24 ; Bell, 36 ; Cazurro y Ruiz, 64 ; Gignoux, 174 ; Hedley, 196 ; Heim & Gams, 197 ; Monteros^to, 280 ; Odhner, 297 ; Roman, 335 ; Shimek, 849 ; Shimer ; 350 ; Stadler, 365 ; Vredenburg, 895. Cainozoic. Nordhagen, 295 ; Vaillandet, 381. Pleistocene. Beeston, 35 ; Chace, 65 ; Chapman, 66 ; Kaldhol, 226. Tertiary. Arabu, 20 ; Bartrum, 28 ; Bohm & Weisfermel, 42 ; Boury de, 48 ; Char- piat, 69 ; Cisneros, Jimenez de, 74 ; Cossmann, 97 ; Dali, 111 ; Godwin- Austen, 178 ; Harmer, 190 ; Kerforne, 231 ; Kruella, 239 ; Marshall, 260 ; Marshall & Murdoch, 261 ; Maury, 262 & 263 ; Moody, 281 ; Newton, 292 ; Nomland, 294; FericAs, 314; Roman, 335 ; Speight, 359 ; Suter, 370 ; Vreden- burg, 391 & 395 ; Wybergh, 410. Pliocene. Bell, 37 ; Cisneros, Jimenez de, 73 ; Cossmann & Peyrot, 99 ; Possa- Mancini, 151 ; Oppenheim, 302 ; Packard, 305. Miocene. Cossmann & Peyrot, 99 ; Dali, 117; Dalloni, 121 ; Daus, 123 ; Ficheur, 145 ; Cisneros, Jimenez de, 73 ; Gardner & Aldrich, 167 ; Godwin- Austen, 177 ; Kerforne, 233 ; Llueca, 257 ; Newton, 293 ; Oppenheim, 302 ; Packard, 305 ; Sangiorgi, 337. Oligocene. Bonarelli,43 ; Cossmann, 98; Dollfus, 131 ; Kerforne, 232 ; Packard, 305. Eocene. Bourcart, 46 ; Charpiat, 68 ; Dainelli, 109 ; Dalimier, 110 ; Harris, 191 & 192 ; Oppenheim, 301 ; Packard, 305.; Van Winkle, 387 & 388 ; ' Van Winkle & Harris, 389. Cretaceous. Bonarelli, 43 ; Chaput, 67 ; Cisneros, Jimenez de, 74 ; Cossmann, 97 ; Crick, 102 ; Dowling, 182 ; Fourtau, 156 ; Fucini, 160 ; Guebhard, Lambert & Repelin, 183 ; Kerforne, 233 ; McLearn,^ 264 & 265 ; Navarro, 291 ; Packard, 305 ; Parona, 309 ; Roman, 335 ; Wiman, 406. Jurassic. Cisneros, Jim6nez de, 74 ; Codmme, 85 ; Collot, 86 ; Couffon, 100 ; Fossa- Mancini, 152 ; Kitchen, 237 ; Krenkel, 238 ; PericAs, 314 ; Reboul & Faure- Marguerit, 329 ; Schafer, 339 ; Schneid, 344 ; Trauth, 378 ; Trueman, 380. Triassic and Liassic. Bonnet, 44 ; Cisneros, JimAnez de, 74 ; Diener, 128 ; Fossa-Mancini, 150, 152, 153 & 154; Kerforne, 233; Mariani, 259 ; Meli, 267 ; Repossi, 330 ; Schafer, 339 ; Spitz, 364. Permian. Bonnet, 44 ; Lees, 255. Carboniferous. Etheridge, 138 ; Kerforne, 231 ; Lees, 255 ; Smith, 352, 353 & 354. Devonian. Clarke, 81 ; Etheridge, 139 ; Fenton, 141 ; Kerforne, 131 ; Kindle, 235. Silurian. Foerste, 147 ; Meunier, 275 ; Thomas, 375 ; Williams, 405. Ordovician. Clark, 80 ; Field, 146 ; Foerste, 148 ; Kerforne, 231 & 233. Cambrian. Cobbold, 84 ; Kerforne, 231 ; Kiaer, 234. Ill— SYSTEMATIC INDEX. 2231 N.B. — The numerals in Clarendon when not indicating a Volume refer to Titles. Gastropoda. POLYPL ACOPHOK A. 4canlhochiles, Dupuis 185. Acanlhochiton angelica sp. n. Cali- fornia, Dall Washington Nation Mus. Proo. 65 p. 615. 27 Mdl Systematic. — Prosobrahohia. 2231 Acanihopleura, Dupuis 134. Callistochiton acinatus, celelusj California; aepynotus, Puget Sd.; cyano' sus, chthonius, California ; fisheri, Aleu- tians ; duncamis, Galapagos Is. spp. n., Ball Washington Nation Mus. Proc. 55 pp. 510-512. Chaetopleura, Lahille 240. — ? C. lactica sp. n. California, Ball Washing- ton Nation. Mus. Proc. 55 p. 509. Chiton lamyi sp. n. Obock., Bupuis Bui. Mus. Paris 23 p. 538. — C., Crozier 104. — G., Crozier & Arey 107. — C., Bbbaisieux 125. — C., Bupuis 135. Chomplax^ Bupuis 136. Crasjiedochiton^ Odhner 297. Cryptoplax, Bupuis 135. Cyanoplax fackenthallae sp. n. California, Berry Lorquiana 2 p. [45.] llanleya spicata sp. n. California Berry Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 9 p. 8. I schnochiton (Lepidozona) asthenes, golischi spp. n. California, Berry Lorquiana 2 p. [47]. — I, marmoratus, bryanti, brunneus, listrum, California; ritteri Alaska ; I ? exanthemaius, Straits of Magellan ; I. ophioderma, Panama ; ucelidoluSy Straits of Magellan ; mari- j)osa, berryi, I. {Stenoplax) aethonus, I. {Radsiella) aethalotus, I. eucosmius, venezius, California spp. n.) Ball Washington Nation. Mus. Proc. 55 pp. 503-509. — 7. with 7. bouryi nom. n. for 7. variegatusy Nierstrasz, BuPuis Buh Mus. Paris 23 pp. 534-535. — 7., Berry 41. — 7., Bupuis 135. Lepidopleurus {Leptochiton) ambuslus, lycurguSy oldroydi, California ; agesilausy Straits of Magellan ; nicomedeSy S. Chile, Ball Washington Nation. Mus. Proc. 55 pp. 499-501. — L. hadius, Saunders 338. Leptochiton, Berry 41. Liolophuray Bupuis 135. Mopalia chlorisy California ; goniura, celetoideSy Alaska ; spp. n. M. Semimopalia subgen. n. with J7. {S.) griseay Tierra del Fuego sp. n.. Ball Washington Nation Mus. Proc. 55 pp. 513-514. — M. egrettay cirratay Alaska; phorminxy chacei, California spp. n.. Berry Lorquiana 2 pp. [45-46]. — M. Berry 41. - Nuttallina allantophoray magdalena spp. n. California, Ball Washington Nation. Mus. Proc. 65 p. 502. Placiphorella pacifica sp. n. Alaska, • Berry Lorquiana 2 p. [46]. Plaxiphora, Bupuis 134,— P., Lahille 240. Schizochiton jousseaumei sp. n. Perim, Bupuis Bui. Mus. Paris 23 p. 536. Stenoplax, Bupuis 135. Tonicia mixta, pustulifera spp. n. California, Ball Washington Nation. Mus. Proc. 65 pp. 515-516.— P., Bupuis 136.— P., Lahille 240.— T. y Odhner 297. Xiphiozona subgen. n. {Lepidopleurus), L. (X.) heathi sp. n. California, Berry* Ijorquiana 2 p. [45]. Prosobranchia. Terebridab, Conidae, Turridae {Pleurolomidae olim) & Cancel- LARIIDAB. Admete rhyssa sp. n. S. Coronado Isd., Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 306. f Admete with A. viridula sheppardi sp. n. Tertiary England, Bell Natural- ist London 1919 p. 58. Agathotoma pomara sp. n. California, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 305. Antiplanes agamcdea, California ; Kamchatica, balimoides Behring Sea ; litus, abarbarea, briseis, hyperia, amycus, amphitritCy a. var. beroe California spp. & var. n., Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 66 pp. 33-37. Bathytoma regnans sp. n. Indian Ocean, Melvill Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 p. 68. Bellaspira melea sp. n. Panama, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 29. Borsonellabarbarensis,nychia,om,phale, nicoli, rhodope spp. n. California, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 37-39. — B. civitella sp. n. California, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 302. \Borsonia inculta sp. n. Tertiary U. S. A., Moody Berkely Cal, Pub. Bui, 10 p. 54. 23 Moll. viir. Mollusca. [1U19] Cancellaria septemcostata sp. n. N.W. Australia, Odhneb K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 p. 55. •\Cancellaria harrisi, O. (Trigonostoma) gurabis, O. {Aphera) islacolonisy G. (Narom) losquernadica spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 228-230.— C. quadrata sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Moody Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 56. — O., Gardner & Aldrich 167. Clathrodrillia paziana, limans^ castianira, aenone, callianira, andromeda Carinodrillia sec. n. — 0. {G.) kalis, alcesiis, thestia, haliplexa; G. {Kylix) alcmene, California ; ? G. (K.) alcyone, Cape Lobos spp. n., Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 14-20. Glavatula, Vrbdbnburg 391. ■\Glavatula, Vrbdbnburg 391. ' Gonus mediterraneus var. n. pretunculus Mediterranean Mon- YEROSATO Bull. Soc. Zool. Ital. 3 p. 23.— G., Odhner 297. "fGonus haytensis var. gurabensis, williamgabbi, symmetricus var. semiobsolelus, sewalli, granozonatoides, ornatus, vanattai, olssoni, cercadensis, kitteredgei karlschmidli yarr. & spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 199-201 203 205-208 211. — G. tutus sp. n. Quaternary, Tripoli, Moistterosato Bull. Soc. Zool. Ital. 3 p. 23. Gras8ispiraerigone,VM\amui eurynome, Mexico ; candace, California ; dirce, Tiephele, epicasta, bridgesi, Panama ; bacchia, tepocana, arsinoe, ? G. rugitecta, California ; amathea, Mexico ; mar- tinensis, California spp. n., Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 21-27. Gryptogemma eidola, California ; G. oregonensis, Oregon spp. n., Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 301. — G. polycaste, Oregon ; chrysotkemis, calypso, cymothoe, quentinensis, antigone, adras- tia, California spp. n., Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 30-33. Gymatosyrinx hespera, elissa, Panama Bay ; lalage, California ; plicatellg, Panama Bay ; ? G.ferminiana, palmeri, California ; G. idothea, Straits of Magellan ; hecuba, California spp. n., Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 6-9. ^Gylhara caimitica, cercadica spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 224-225. Gytkarella aculea, louisa, quadriseriata, hippolita, verdensis, ? G. janira, G. electra, California ; niobe, Panama ; amatula, phaethusa, G. {Agathotoma) pyrrhula, euryclea, penelope, California ; camarina, Galapagos Tsds. ; phryne, Panama spp. n., Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 74-80. Daphnella bartschi sp. n. California, Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 76. Diplomeriza duplicata nom. n. for Duplicaria subgen, Terebra, Dall Nautilus 33 p. 32. ^ Drillia with D. sexradiata, kololeuca spp. n. N.W. Australia, Odhner K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 pp. 57-58. ■\ Drillia with D. precursor, sumterensis spp. n. Miocene U.S. A., Gardner & Aldrich Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 71 pp. 19-22. — D. cercadonis, riogura- bonis, losquemadica, donalbertonis, maonisriparmn, hispaniolae, islalindae spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 216 218-221. — D. {Tripia ) clavatuloides sp., n. Oligo- cene France, Cossmann J. Conchyliol. 64 p. 153. Elaeocyma ianthe, California ; attalia, Mexico ; arbela, halocydne, aeolia, Cali- fornia ; abdera, Panama ; aegina, ? E. aerope, California, Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 9-13. Qlypkosloma adana, adria, partefilosa, California ; sirena, Galapagos Isds. ; cymodoce, spp. n., Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 52-54. 1[Olyphostoma golfoyaquensis sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 225. ? Haedropleura melita sp. n. California, Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 30. Leucosyrinx persimilis var. blanca, Oregon ; galapagana, Galapagos Isds. amycus, California ; Kincaidi, Alaska var. & spp. n., Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 5-6. — L. (homsoni, cuviereu- sis spp. n. New Zealand, Mestayer Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 133. '\Leucosyrinx subaltus sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall & Murdoch Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 256. 29 MoU. Systematic. — Peosobhakohia. 2231 Lora bahylonia sp. n. Oregon, Ball Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 250. — L. pilysa, California ; halitropa, Magel- lan Str. ; brachis, Galapagos Isds. ; antipoda, Magellan Str. ; healyi, Arctic Ocean ; popovia, ienuilirala var. cymala, mitrata, pavlova, Behring Sea ; chiac- hiana., alitakensis, Aleutians ; equator ialis Ecuador to Patagonia ; prihilova^ Arctic Ocean ; inequita, Behring Sea ; surana, Californa ; nazanensis, Aleutians ; monterealis, California ; quadra, Aleu- tians ; diegensis, California ; lotta, British Columbia ; Kyskana, Aleutians to Puget Sd. ; mtona, Alaska ; harpa, Arctic Ocean ; regulus, California ; liitkeni, Alaska ; sexta, California ; althorpensis, tenuissima, Alaska ; colpoica, Oregon spp. & var. n. L. lawrenceana for {Bela ienuilirala) noin. n.. Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 66. pp. 40-50. — L. jiora, Aleutians ; L. casentina, California ; L. galgana, Unalaska ; L. amiata, Alaska ; L. rassina, Behring Sea spp. n., Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 302-303. Mangdia {Clathromangilia) rhyssa, M. (Kuriziella) cyrene, dana'e, hebe, arteaya, var. roperi, M. {K. ?) beta California ; M. nunivakensis, Behring Sea ; oenea, philodice, California ; pata- goniensis, Patagonia ; eriopsis, granitica, althorpi, Alaska ; carlottae, Brit. Colum- bia ; evadnc, eriphyle, California ; hermionCt Galapagos Isds. ; laodice, Ecuador ; cesta, California ; ncwcombi, Vancouver ; M. ? dejanira, eurybia, California spp. & var. n., Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 62-72. — M. {Kurtziella) alesidota, tersa spp. n. California, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 304-305. — Jl/., Odhneb 297. ^ Many ilia maoica, lalonis sp. n. Tertiary S. Boraingo, Maury Bui, Amer. Pal. 5 p. 222. — M. muricidea sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Moody Berkely Cal. Pub. Buf. 10 p. 55. ^ Milromorpha mitrodita sp. n. Miocene U.S. A., Gardner & Aldrich Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 71 p. 26. Moniliopsis with M. grippi sp. n. California, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 27. dione, California ; epJiaedra, Panama ; aethra, dictynna, scammoni, telamon, aegialea, California ; Nannodiella Sec. [?] n., jP. (A^) nana, fraternalis, California ; phylira, amycla, Panama ; P. hilaira spp. n., P. trichodes nom. n., for Pleurotoma hirsutum. Ball U.S. Nation. Mus. 66 pp. 54-62. ‘ ^ Pleurotoma quannermis sp. n. Neogen Oppenheim Berlin Zs. B. geol. Ges. 70 p. 106. — P. togoensis sp. n. Eocene Togo, Oppenheim B. geol. Beutsch- Schutzg. 12 p. 59. Pleurotomdla herminca^ California ; thalassica Oregon; oceanidut Panama spp. n.. Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 50-51. Pusionella with P. nifat var. n. major, P. Kraepelini and varr. nana, exlense sculpta, pallida sp. & varr. n., P. compacla sp. n., P. aculeiformis varr. n. vexans, intuslirata W. Africa, Strebel Beitrage Kenntnis Meeresf auna Westafrikas. Moll. I Pusionella Lfg. 2 pp. 87-125. Suavodrillia willetti sp* n. Alaska, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 29. ■\Surcula riomax)nis sp. n. Tertiary S. Boraingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal, 5 p. 213. — 8. ca^tlecliffensis sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall & Murdoch Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 61 p, 266.~y 8. gravida, marginaliff, tqninpiralu, torlu coatata spp. n. Tertiary New Zealand, Marshall Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 61 pp. 231-232. Tabania panope, Ecuador ; zeuxippe, Galapagos Isds. spp. n., Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 81. Terebra, Odhner 297. ^Terebra benesulcata sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Bartrum Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 99. — T. luxuriant, T. {8trioterebrum) lycica spp. n. Neogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. B. geol. Ges. 70 p. 103. — T. sulcata sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall Trans, and Proc. N.Z. inst, 51 p. 232.— T. gausapata var. laevifasciola, cambiarsoi^ petiti, berlinerae, var. & spp. n. Tertiary S. Bomingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 191 195 198. Philbertia capaniola sp. n. California, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 304. — P. hcsione, helena, doria, Turricula libya, off Cape San Lucas ; T, {Knefastia) nigricana, California; T. {8urcula) laysanica, N. Pacific ; 30 Moll VIII. Mollusca. [1919] T. (S.) panthea, Panama Bay ; T. (5.) lavinia, W. Mexico spp. n., Ball Proc. U. S. Nation. Mas. 66 pp. 2-4. ■\Turris politus, margaritatus, reticn- latus spp. n. Tertiary New Zealand, Mabshall Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 pp. 230-231. — T, {Drillia) modeslus sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Moody Berkely dal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 64. Veprecula cooperi sp. n. New Zealand, Mestayer Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 134. Zetekia curia sp. n. Panama, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 305. Oltvidae, Harpidae, Maroinellidae VOLUTIDAE & MiTRIDAE. Alcithoe, Suter 371. '\Ancilla tournoueri sp. n. Oligocene France, Cossmann J. Conchyliol. 64 p. 156. Ancillaria, Odhner 297. Hyalina myrmecoon sp. n. California, Ball Proc.' U.S. Nation. Mus. 66 p. 308. Marginella with M. thomensis nom. n. for M, dautzenbergi, T. & S. non Cossm., M. barnardi nom. n. for Jlf. taylori. Shack, non. 01s., Tomlin Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 p. 65. — M. albuminosa^ West Mexico ; M. pohtula, California ; eremus, anticlea Galapagos Isds. spp. n., Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 307. — J/., Odhner 297. ■\ Marginella christineladdae, maoensis, hispaniolana, M. {Persicula) cercadensis spp. n. Tertiary S. Bomingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 234-237. — M. aveniformis sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 230. — M. (Stazzania) sacyi, behni spp. n. Oligocene France, Cossmann J. Conchyliol. 64 pp. 167-1 58. ■\Marginellidae with M. microgla- phyra nom. n. for M. brevis, Sacco, M. artmanni nopi. n. for M. olivella, Ort,, M. parisiensis nom. n. for M. cylind- racea, Besh., M. seguenzae nom. n. for M. ovulaeformis, Seg., M. transnomin- ala nom. n. for M. ovum, Schafh., M. trochiscus nom. n. for M. (Volvarina) brevispira, 0pp., M. cinneracea var. letraptycta nom. n. for M. c. var. quadriplicata, Bose, Tomlin Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 1919 pp. 41-65. Melo, Odhner 297. Mitra aigna nom. n. for M. amanda Bartsch non Reeve Nautilus 33 p. 31. — 31., Odhner 297. •\Mitra dalli sp. n. Miocene U.S.A., Gardner & Aldrich Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 71 p. 26. — M. quema- dica, berlineri, M. {Strigutella ?) pertur- batrix spp. n. Tertiary S. Bomingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 239- 240. — M. orieiitalis nom. n. for ? M. scrobiculata, Brocc., Oppenheim Berlin Zs. B. geol. Ges. 70 p. 07. Mitridae, Cooke 93. Oliva sericea miniacea var. n.johnsoni [Loc. ?], Higoins Nautilus 33 1919 p. 58. — 0., Odhner 297. 1[Oliva cristohalcoloni sp. n. Tertiary S. Bomingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 231. ■\Olivancillaria {Utriculina) luschani sp. n. Neogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. B. geol. Ges. 70 p. 09. '\Olivella sancti-dominici sp. n. Ter- tiary S. Bomingo, Maury Bui. Amor. Pal. 6 p. 233. Strigatella (Atrimitra) catalinae, diegensis, California; S. {A.) mexicana Mexico spp. n., Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 308-309. Turricula, Odhner 297. Yfurricula {Costellarifi) bullennewloni sp. n. Tertiary S. Bomingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 241. \V eluloderma zelandica sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall Trans and Proc, N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 230. Voluta, Odhner 297. -\Volutolithes grunneri sp. n. Eocene Togo, Oppenheim B. geol. Beutsch. Schutzg. 12 p. 66. Volvaria lubrica, Pott, fig., Tomlin Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 p. 65. Fasciolariidae, Turbinellidae, Buc- cinidae, Nassariidae {Nassidae olim), Pyrenidab {Golumbellidae olim), Muricidae & Thaididae ( Coralliophilidae olim). "fAcanthma (Monoceras) norna sp. n. Tertiary U.S. A., Nomland Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui, 10 p. 309. Aesopus arestus sp. n. California Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 332. 31 Moll. S Y3TBMATI0. — PrOS6bRANOHIA. 2231 Agmwia, Cooke 94. AleclrioUt Copeland 95. ^Alcctrion ncogemrum sp. n. Miocciio U.^A. Gardner k Aldrich Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil ad. 71 p. 29. — A. ccrcadcnsiff, gurahmsis, losquemadica spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 254-265. Alia calHmorpha, cascAana, California ; xenia. Cape San Lucas spp. n., Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 330. Amphissa versicolor var. n. incisa California, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 321. Anachis phanea sp. n. Mexico, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 329. ■f Anachis slyliola obsoleta, sumterensis, anomala subsp. & spp. h. Miocene U.S.A., Gardner k Aldrich Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 71 pp. 30-33. Ancisirolepis with A. eiicosmius var. bicinctus, Alaska ; calijornicus, Califor- nia ; heringianus, Behring Sea ; var. k spp. n.. Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 312-313. Astyris amianiis sp. n. Aleutians, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 331. \Asttjris communis caroUnensis subsp. n, Miocene U.S. A., Gardner & Aldrich Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 71 p. 34. — A. debooyi sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 264. Aulacofusus {Limatofusus) pulcius, Arctic Ocean ; timelus, Aleutians ; irophius, Washington ; morditus. Gulf of Georgia ; dimidiatus, Oregon ; severi- nus, California ; halimeris, Alaska ; trombinus Behring Sea spp. n., Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 318-321. ^Beloqihns incertus sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall Trans, and Proe. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 229. Beringius crebricostatus var undatus- Alaska ; Kennicottii var incisuspnar, shalli, indentatus, Behring Sea var. k spp. n., Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 311-312. Buccinnm with B. solenum, planeti- cum, pemphigus var. major, physema- turn, Behring Sea ; chartium, Japan Sea ; rondinum, rossellinum, Alaska ; angulosum varr. cnismatopleura and Iransliratum Arctic Ocean spp. k varr. n., Ball Proc. U.S. Natioii. Mus. 56 pp. 324-328.— B. unddtum, Foulon 165. — B., ClIRISTBNSfiN 71. Cantharus exanlhematus sp. n.) Cali- fornia, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 329. Chorus, Cooke 94. Chrysodomus smirnius, pribiloffensis, satarus var. tabular is, Behring Sea ; nuceus Alaska ; hypolispus, Japan Sea spp. k var. n., BaIjL Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 222-224* ^Chrysodomus dirus meridici var. n. Tertiary U.S. A., Moody Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 62. ' ^Clavilithes, Bainelli 109. Columbella, Odhner 297. \Columbella {Astyris) constantia sp. n. Tertiary U.S. A., Moody Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 63. Colus {Latisipho) errones Behring Sea ; clementinus, California ; dalmasius British Columbia spp. n., Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Proc. 56 pp. 221-222. — C. {Latifusus) pharcidus. Sea of Okhotsk; C. {Aulacofusus) nobilis, ombronius, Behring Sea ; adonis. Gulf of Japan ; bristolensis, barbarinus, Behring Sea ; sapius, calathus, Alaska ; capponius, Behring Sea ; halidonus, Washington spp. n., Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 314-318. Concholepas, Cooke 94. Coralliobia. Sowerby 356. Coralliophila stearnsiana, C. {Pseu- domurex) kincaidi, orcultiana spp. n. N. Pacific, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 239 & 240. Cronia, Cooke 94. Cyclonassa neritea with G. n. varr. [? n.] minuta, elongata, depressa, globu- losa, compacla Mediterranean, Pallary J. Conchyliol. 64 pp. 1-11. Cymia carinifera var. simplex, C. dubia var. k sp. n. N. Guinea, Schepman Nova Guinea 48 p. 189. — (7., Cooke 94. ^Gymia heneheni sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 268. Donovania lurrilellatd var. n. mirabilis Mediterranean, Monterosato Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital. 3 p. 22. 32 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1919J Drupa walkerae^ Pilsbry & Bryan = Pentadactylus fusco-imbricatuSf Sow. Nautilus 33 p, 71. — /)., Cooke 94. Fasciolaria, Johnson 221. "^Faaciolaria carminamaria sp. n. Tertiary 3. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 246. |J’icw5 affinis sp. n. E5cene U.S.A., Van Winkle Bui. Amer. Pal. 8 p. 8.— F. imperfectus sp. n. Tertiary New Zealand, Marshall & Murdoch Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 255. '\Fusmus alius sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall Trans, and Proc, N.Z. Inst. 61 p. 229.--i^. maorium sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall & Murdoch Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 254. — F. fabulator sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Nomland Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 309. Fusus, Christensen 71. '\Fusus heneJceni var. n. veatchi Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amor, Pal. 5 p. 243.~F., Couffon 100, — F.t Dainrlli 109. '\Fusoficula angclinensis sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui, Amer. Pal. 8 p. 18. Ilauatrum, Cooke 94. ■\Ilyanaasa, Shimer 350. lopaa, Cooke 94. Latirua niger sp. n. N.W. Australia, Odhner K. Svensk. Vet. Ak, Handl. 62 p. 60. "fLatirus dubius sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshali, Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 229. Lepsiella, Cooke 94. LeptoconcMs, Sowbrby 356. ■^Lirofusus gallicus sp. n. Oligocene France, Cossmann J. Conchyliol. 64 p. 161. Magilopais nom. n. for Leptoconchus lamarchi^ Sowerby Proc. Malac. Soc. 13p.77., Magilua, Sowerby 356. ■\Melongem (?) guillemaini sp. n. Eocene Togo, Oppbnheim B. geol. Deutsch Schutzg. 12 p. 64.-3/. {Pugilina) iournoueri, bezieri spp. n. Oligocene France, Cossmann J. Conchy- liol. 64 pp. 162-164. Megalatractus, Odhner 297. 1[Meta islahiapaniolae, perplexabilis spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 267. •\Mettilella wilUamgabbi sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amor. Pal. 5 p. 264. Morula, Cooke 94. Murex (Alipurpura) rhyssus sp. n. California, Dall Proci U.S. Nation. Mus, 56 p. 332. — M., Christensen li.—M., Odhner 297. ■\ Murex yaquensis, M. {Phyllonotus) praepauxillus spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui Amer. Pal. 5 p. 104. — M. (Pteronotus) saaretensis sp, n. Neogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 70 p. 1 10. ■fMuricopais, Dainelli 109. Nassa ennureiisis var. n. depauperata Brit. India, Ann and ale & Prashad Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 p. 263. — W., Odhner 297. 1[Nasaa, Shimer 350. "fNassarina olssoni sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 262. Naaaidae, Christensen 71. Neptunea tolomia, apolyonis, ithitoma, ataphylina, callicerata, N (Trophonopsis) lasia spp. u. N. Pacific, Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 237-238. — N., Christensen 71. ? Nitidella lululenta sp. n. California, Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 331. '\Nitidella cibaoica sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5. p. 263. Nucella, Cooke 94. Palellipurpura, Cooke 94. Phos, Odhner 297. -\Phos sloani sp. n. Miocene U.S.A.^ Gardner & Aldrich Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 71 p. 27. Pinaxia, Cooke 94. Pliciferua {Eetifuaus) incesits, oceani-^ formia spp. n. Behring Sea, Dall Proc.. U.S. Nation. Mus. 66 p. 314. 33 Moll. S YSTEMATIO. — PROSOBRANOHIA, 2231 '\rseudoliva lihiirnica sp. n. Eocene Croatia, Dainelli Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat. 32 p. 54. — P. soldadoemis sp. n. Eocene Trinidad, Van Winkle Bui. Amer. Pal, 8 p. 22. Purpura lapillus var. n. minima France, Vional Paris Bui. soc. zool. 42 p. 107. — P.. Christensen 71. '\Purpura narm sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Nomland Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 310. Pyrula, Odhner 297. Parana, Cooke 94. Ricimda, Odhner 297. ■\Sipho, Harmer 163. ^Sipliormlia propenodosa, kawaemis spp* n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Bartrum Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 pp. 98-99. — >Si. gilherti sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Moody Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 51. ]Blrp.psidnra kerslingi sp. n. Eoeene Togo, Oppenheim B. gcol. Deutsch. Schutzg. 12 p. 58. — B., Dainelli 109. ^Blreptochdus, Dainelli 109. ^Btrombina pseudohaifensis and var. giirabensis, basai, natmiebellae, neu- strasenorae, divilitus spp. & var. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 259-200 202. Thais, Cooke 94. ■\Thais, Shimer 350. Tritonalia gracillina var. obesa, lurida var. rotunda, fuscomtata, circnmlexta var. citrica, interfossa varr. clathrala, nurior and alropurpurea, selera, epiphanea, iracheia, furrita var. & spp. n. N. Pacific, Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 333-330. Triionidea, Odhner 297. Trophon, Christensen 71. "fTrophon prieslUyl sp. n. Quaternary, Hedley Brit. Ant! Exp. 1916 p. 85. — T. perelegans sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Nomland Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 311. — T. raymondi sp. n. Tertiary U. S.A., Moody Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 53. Tudida, Odhner 297. Typhis laiipennis sp. n. N. Pacific, Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 239. ^Typhis cercadicus sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 (n-13799 r) q p. 265. — T. {Cyphonochilus) intergymnus sp. n. Oligocene France, Cossmann J. Qonchyliol. 64 p. 166. \Urosalpinx phriknos sp. n. Miocene U.S.A., Gardner & Aldrich Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 71 p. 35. — U., Shimer 350. XJsilla, Cooke 94. f Vasum dominicense var. n. gurabicum Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 248. Vexilla, Cooke 94. Volutopsius rotundus, Alaska ; Jilosus, Behring Sea ; 'middendorffil var. empha- iicus, diminutus, Japan Sea spp. & var. n., Dall Proc. U.S. Nation Mus. 56 pp. 310-311. ^Xancus praevoideus sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 247. Cymatidae {Lotoriidae olim), Cassidi- DAE, Tonnidae {Doliidae olim), Cypraeidae, Strombidae, Aporr- haidab & Struthiolariidae. Aporrhais, Christensen 71. ^Aporrhais ienuislriata sp. n. Creta- ceous France, Rbpelin in Gu^bhabd, Lambert & Repelin Notes Proven- 9ales 6 p. 4. ■\Arrhoges, Couffon 100, ^ Bursa bufoniopsis, amphitriles spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 i>p. 271-272. Cassis, Odhner 297. Cymatium, Odhner 297. Cypraea erosa with var. n. kaolinica. New Britain ; C. e. var. n. pur,ssima Queensland, Vredenburo Calcutta J. As. Soc. Beng. 15 pp. 143-145.— C. piriformis, Vredenburo 394. — C. m'poscr, Vredenburo 392. — (7., Odhner 297. fCyprcea noueli, palrespatriae spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer Pal. 5 pp. 278-280. — C. {Eocy- praea) sublandanensis sp. n. Eocene Togo, Oppenheim B. geol. Deutsch. Schutzg. 12 p. 52. ^Dicroloma zelandica sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 228. — D., Couffon 100. b 13 34 MolL VIII. Mollusca. [1919] '\Dicmpterus, Couffon 100. Doliidae, Vredenbubg 395. ‘ -fDoliidae, Vredenburo 395, Dolium variegatmn, Vredenburg 391.— Odhner 297. ’\Doliwni variegalum, Vredenburg 391. ^ Erato antiqua sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall Trans, and Proc. N.Z, Inst. 51 p. 227. — E. maugeriae var. n. dorningensis Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 282. ^(Qulturnium gracile var. n. gura- . bonicum Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amor. Pal. 5 p. 271. ^Lotorium praefemorale sp. n. Ter- tiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 270. Morum with M. praeclarum sp. n. Hab (?), Melvill Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 pp. 69-72. — M., Melvill 273. Omila, Oduner 297. fOvula {Neoshnnia) wise-woodae sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 277. ■\Rimella with R. adriatica sp. n. Eocene Croatia, Dainelli Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat. 32 pp. 52-53. ■\Rostellaria (Cyclomolops) suhhumer- osa sp. n. Eocene Togo, OprENiiEiM B. geol. Deutsch. Schutzg. 12 p. 48. ■fSimpulum antillarum var. n. cer- cadicum Tertairy S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer, Pal. 5 p. 270. Slrombus, Odhner 297. ^Slromhus maoensis sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 284. Tonna with T. cerevisina sp. n. N.S. AVales ; T.c. var. n. haurakiemis New Zealand ; T. tetracoiula sp, n. N.S. Wales, Hedley Sydney Bee. Aust. Mus. 12 PI). 329-336. Trivia with T. bipunctala sp. n. N.W. Australia, Odhner K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 p. 53. ^Trivia islahispaniolae, suffusa var. sancti-dominici sp. & var. n. Ter- tiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 281. Cerithiidae, Planaxidae, Nerinei- DAE, Triohotropididae, Verme- TIDAE, TuRRITELLIDAE AND Caeoidae. \ Alaxoccrilhiu7n perpUxmii sp. n. Tertiary Ne)v Zealand, Marshall & Murdoch Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 254, '\Bayania semidecAissuta [Lk.] race tounoueri sp. n. Oligocene France, CossMANN J. Conchyliol. 64 p. 181. BiUiiim residuum sp. n. Mediter- ranean, Monteeosato Boll, Soc. Zool. Ital. 3 p. 17. ^Bitlium oainaniticum sp. n. Tertiary New Zealand, Bartrum Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 96. — B., Sjiimer 350. Bivonia scopulorum sp. n. Mediter- ranean, Monterosato Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital. 3 p. 14. -\Brachytre7na, Couffon 100. Caecum trachaea var. n. UUoralis Mediterranean, Monterosato Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital. 3 p. 13. — 0., Christensen 71. — O., Morse 285. \ Caecum flemingi sp. n. Miocene U.S.A., Gardner & Aldrich Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 71 p. 40. Cerithidea muUicostata sp. n. N. Guinea, Schkpman Nova Guinea 13 p. 192. — C., Odhner 297. '\Cerithidea minuta sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 226. IfCerithiella tricincla sp. n. Tertiary New Zealand, Marshall Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 226. Cerithiopsis crocea var. n. marmorea N.W. Australia, Odhner K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 p. 47. — ? C, sassela sp. n. N. Pacilic, Dall Proc. D.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 345. Cerilhium with C. (F.) atteiiuatmn var. n. brevicandatum N.W. Australia, Odhner K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 p. 47. 1[Cerithium with C. serratu7a var. n. sylvaneclensis, C. tuberculosum var. n. cossmanni Eocene, Charpiat Bui. Mus. Paris 1919 pp. 415-422 527-532 [varr. n. at pp. 417 422]. — C. russelU^ gurabense sp. r. Tertiary S. Domingo ^ 35 Moll. Systematic — Prosobranohia. 2231 Maury Bui. Amsr. Pal. 5 pp. 286-288. — C. lycomdcanum, G. {Tiaracerithium) lycoinnrinium., G. tissarense spp. n. Noogon, OrpRNiiEtM Borlin Zs. I), gcol. Ocs. 70 pp. 88-91.— (7. {Bit- iium f?J) wanneri sp. n. Eoc-^no Togo, OpPENiiEiM B. geol. Deutsch. Sehutzg. 12 p. 46. — G,, Datnelli 109. Glam californica sp. n. N. Pacific, Dael Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 66 p. 346. 'fGryptaulax, Couffon 100. iDiastonia hypermcoes sp. n. Oli- goccnc France, Cossmann J. Conchy- iiol. 64 p. 177. — /)., Dainelei 109. ? Eglisia nebnlosd sp. n. N. Pacific, Daee Proc. U.S. Nation. Mils. 56 p. 348. ■\Exelissa, Couffon 100. 1[Fastig'dla australis sp. n. Tertiary Now Zealand, Suter Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 pp. 68-69. ^ Hemicerithium subimbricdtum sp. n. Oligocene France, Crossman J. Conchy* liol. 64 p. 169. Hirtocerithmm, syrthicum, manu- scriptuin grossularium, exulcer alum, clavium spp. n. Mediterranean, Monte- ROSATO Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital. 3 pp. 16-17. Meioceras, Morse 285. '\3Iesalia koerli sp. n. Eocene Togo, Oppenheim B. geol. Deutsch. Sehutzg. 12 p. 44. -\Paracerithium, Couffon 100. Pefaloconchus montereyensis sp. n. California, Daee Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 250. ■\ Pefaloconchus laddfranklinae sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, MaurV Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 293. Pirendla cyclus sp. n. N. Pacific, Dale Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 346. Planaxis, Odhner 297. Potamides, Odhner 297. ■\ Potamides ormei, sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 290.— P., Datnelli 109. '\Po(amis (?) breberensis n. Eocene Croatia, Datnelli Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat. 32 p. 36. (n-13799 r) Q ■\Procerilhium, Couffon 100. -f Pyrazus, Datnelli 109, • . \Rhycocerilhium, Couffon 100. Siliquaria, Oditnbr 297. iSiliquaria gurabensis sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 293. Stylidium paganicum sp. n. N. Pacific, Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 345. Tdescopium, Odhner 297. ^Telescopium, Datnelli 109. ^Tiaracerithium, Charpiat 69. ^Tiardla, Charpiat 69. \Tiardlacerithium gen. n. [Cert- thiidae], Charpiat Bui. Mus. Paris 1919 p. 534. Trachyrhynchus erosus, ? 7\ pra- tomus, stegrnsii spp. n. N. Pacific, Dai.l Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 346-347. ^Triforis \vide eliam Triphora\ calyp- sonis sp. n. Tertiary S, Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 286. Triphora \vide etiam Tr if oris] bi- . cincta sp. n. N.W. Australia, Odhner K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 p. 47. Tarritella, Dainelij 109. — T., Odhner 297. f Turritella adabionensis, lokpliensis spp. n. Eocene Togo, Oppenheim B. geol. Deutsch. Sehutzg. 12 p. 41. — T. submortoni, sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 294. — T. freya, margaritana spp. n. Tertiary U. S. A., Nomland Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p; 312. — T. carica, aranwsa sp. n. Neogen, Oppenheim, Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 70 pp. 56 81. — T. dup- linen.sis sp. n. Miocene U.S. A., Gardner 6 Aldrich Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 71 p. 41. — T. rudis sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 227. — T. {Hausfator) myurdloides sp. n. Oligocene France, Cossmann J. Con- chy liol. 64 p. 184. — T. lerebrnlis var. applanata, 7\ {Ilausfafor ?) vcrmicula ris var, bijugata, allantica varr. & sp. n. Tertiary S.W. Africa, Bohm Beitr. ereol. Deutsch. Sehutzg. 5 pp. 61-71. — T., Couffon 100. b 13—2 36 Moll. VIll. Mollusca. [1919] Turritellopsis {acicula var.) stimp- soni nom. n., Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 347. ■\Tympanolonus, Dainelli 109. Vermetus, Odhner 297. Tiartdae {Melaniidae olim), Pesu- DOMELANIIDAE, PlEUKOCERIDAE, Littorinidae & Fossaridae. ^Bourguetia, Couefon 100. Cremtioconchus, Ann and ale 7. ■\Faunus, Dainelh 109. Fossarulua, Godwin-Austen 177. jFossarulua, Godwin-Austen 177. Foaaarva angiolua, lucanua spp. n. N. Pacific, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p 350. • ■\Fossarus, Cossmann & Peyrot 99. Haloconcha minor sp. n. N. Pacific, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 350. Laciuna marmorata sp. n. L. var. n. puleoloidea N. Pacific, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 348-349. — L., Christensen 70. -\Lacuna with L. bearnenais, L. {Pseudociraope) degrangei, subacalata, burdigalica, L. {Cirsope) benoisti spp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 442- 448. Liitorina, Annandale & Prashad 11.— X., Christensen 70. — L., Bacie 108. ■\Littorina with L. (Melaraphe) saciji, L. {Touzinia) prevosiina var. perconfusa sp. & var. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 424-435. — L. with L. headleyi sp. n. Tertiary England, Bell Naturalist London 1919 p. 58. — L., Shimer 350. ^LittorinolacAina quincuncialis gen. & sp. n. Oligocene France, Cossmann J. Conchyliol. 64 p. 187. ■\Loxonema, Repossi 330. fMelanella barlschi, mag noli ana spp. n. Miocene U.S.A., Gardner & Aldrich Proe. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 71 p. 37. Melania {Stenomelania) lorentzi, M. {]\[elanoidea) alfcmaarenais, aimilia, alrialisaima spp. n. New Guinea, Schepman Nova Guinea 13 pp. 174- 175. — 1/., Annandale 5 & 7. — M., Annandale & Prashad 11. — i/., Germain 170. \ Melania {Eumelania) bezieri sp. n, Oligocene France, Cossmann J. Con- chyliol. 64 p. 179. — M. diadeana, carica spp. n. Neogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. B. geol. Ges. 70 i^p. 21-23. — M., Cossmann & Peyrot 99. — M., Bianelli 109. Melanoides with M. pyramis varr. n. leopardina, puteicola Brit. India, Annandale & Prashad Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 p. 33. Melanopaia with M. deaerlicola sp. n. Persia, Annandale & Prashad Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 p. 37. Melanopaia, Cossmann & Peyrot 99. ■fPseudomelania, Couffoi^ 100. ■\Purpurina, Couffon 100. '\Risella, Cossman & Peyrot 99. SOLARIIDAE, JeFFREYSIIDAE, LiTIO- piDAE, Rissoidae, Hydrobiidae, VlVlPARlDAE, VaLVATIDAE, AmPUL- LARIIDAE & AsSIMINEIDAE. ? Alabina calena sp. n. N. Pacific, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 345. ■\Alaba with A. costellata varr. n. ventripolens and ecoslala Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bor- deaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 306-370. -\Alvania with .4. rauUni,A. {Aivinia) peyreirensia spp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. Amnicola ciaternina, panzosensis, con- chensenais, hinkleyi spp. n. Guatemala Walker Ann. Arbor Mich. Occ. Pprs. Mus. Zool. 73 pp. 1-4. — A. with subgen. n. Alocinma, A. (.4.) sislanica sp. n. Brit. India, Annandale & Prashad Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 pp. 23 24. Apicularia scwrra sp. n. Mediter- ranean, Monterosato Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital. 3 p. 10. Ampullaria {Felipponea) nerilini- formis sp. n. Uruguay, Ball Nautilus 33 p. 10. — A. mermodi sp. n. C. America, SowERBY Proc. Malao. Soc. 13 p. 152. — .4., Annandale 7. — A., Germain 170. 37 Moll. Systematic — Prosobranohu. 2231 Assiminea, Annandale & PRASiiAn 11. Biihindla {vide etiam Bythinella], Annandale & Prasiiad 11. Bithynia, Annandale 5. — B., Caziot 62. ^Bithynia ? giralanemis, pi-sidica spp .n. Ncogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 70 pp. 134 208. "{Bythinella [vide etiam Bithinelln^ with B. bearnensis sp. n. Neogene Franco, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actcs Soc. linn. 70 pp. 412-415. Blanfordia nesophnra, Cort 96. ^Ceraiia with C. suturalis sp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 395-390. ^Cingula with C. vera sp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 391-392. Cleopatra pirothi var. n. rufolira'a Upper Zambesi, Germain Bui. Mus. Paris 1919 p. 119. Discohelix, Mestayer 274. Fenouilia, Annandale & Prashad 12. ■\Fluminieola {Qillia) lycica sp. n. Neogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. B. geol. Ges. 70 p. 117. Homalogyra atomua, Morse 286. — II., Christensen 71. Ilydrobia, Christensen 70. fllydrobia with II. ventrosa var. poiysarca, II. {Tournoueria) girondica var. umbilicaris, II. {Peringia) ces- iasensis and mut sacyi, H. (Anmicola) leognanensis varr. mut. & spp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 399- 411. Hydrobiidae, Annandale 8. Lanistes, Germain 170. Larina, Odhner 297. Lartetia serbica sp. n. Serbia, Pav- Lovic Glas. Srpska Akad. Belgrade 91 pp. 71-75. Leachia, Caziot 62. '\Lithoglyphua i(?) phrygicus sp. n. Ncogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. B. geol. Ges. 70 p. 135. ■\Manzonia, Cossmann .& Peyrot 99. Mysorella nom. n. for Mysoria, Godwin-Austen Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 431. Mysoria gen. n. type Bithynia cos- tigera K. var. curta Nev., Godwin- Austen Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 p. 211. Nodulus pahneri sp. n. Behring Sea, Ball Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 251. iNystia with N, falunica Benoisb Mss., N. dcgrangei spp. n. Noogeno France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bor- deaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 421-422. ■\Oncomelania fragilis, conoidgles spp. n. Quaternary Burma, Annandale Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. 5 p. 226. Paludestrina ventrosa var. n. pecu- liaris Mediterranean, Monterosato Boll. Soc. zool. Ital. 3 p. 13. — P. jenkinsi, Boycott 52. ^Paludestrina, Shimer 350. Paludina viripara, Artom 22. — P., Odhner 297. — P., Walker 396. Paludomus, Annandale 7. Paraprososthenia, Annandale & Prashad 12. Paraprososthenia gen. n. ( Hydro- biidae) P. minula sp. n. Quaternary Burma, Annandale Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. 5 pp. 228-230. . Parapyrgula subgen. n. {Paraprosos- thenia) with P. (P.) coggini sp. n. Yunnan, Annandale & Prashad Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 pp. 420 421. 1[ Prosodhenia phrygica, sublaevis, P. (?) erythraeensis spp. n. Neogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. B. geol. Ges. 70 pp. 148-150 200. \Pseudamnicola, Cossmann & Peyrot 99. Rissoa, Christensen 70. ^Rissoa with R. orthezensis sp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 p. 374. Rissoina, Odhner 297. -fRissonia with R. elongata var. acalarata & mut. mancietensis, R. bear- nensis, emiliac, bistriata var. ste- phaniensia, R. {Rissolina) aturenais, R. 38 MoU. VIII. Mollusca. {Zebinella) degrangei mut. var. & spp. n. ; R. (Z.) recticostulata mut. n. ; R. {Z. ?) syrtica, R. (Zebina) aquitanica spp. n. Neogene . France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 332-350. '\Scaliola with S. degrangci descr. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 p. 397. ■\Setia, Cossmann & Peyrot 99. Skenea, Christensen 71. '\Solarium stonernanae [? sp. n.] Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 296. — S. ianthinae sp. n. Eoceno U.S.A., Van Winkle Bui. Amisr. Pal. 8 p. 8. — S. with S. stephanense, ' micromphalus, flickif S. (Nipteraxis) peyreirense, merignacense, S. (Pseudotorinia) anguatiforatum, bur- digalense, spp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. Linn. 70 pp. 452-475. ■\Stalioa, Cossmann & Peyrot 99. Slenolhyra echinata, solula, spp, n. Brit. India, An nan dale & Prasiiad Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 p. 247. ■\Stenothyra with 8. aquitanica sp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 415- 416. "fStossicia with 8. planaxoides mut. n. helvelica ^eogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 359-362. fTaia with subgenn, n. CrassUaia, Rimilarioides ; T. (G.) infracrassata ; T. (R.) spinifera, spp. n. Quaternary Burma, Annandale Rec. Geol. Surv. Ind. 5 pp. 234 236. ■\Turbella with T. (Pusilluia) de- grangei sp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 p. 376. Valvata pisidica sp. n. Neogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 70 p 206. — F., Annandale 5. — V., Oaziot 62. Vivipara [vide etiam Viviparus] hukowskii sp. n. Neogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. D. geol. Gos. 70 p. 207. — F., Annandale & Prasiiad 14. — F., Annandale 6.-— F., Germain 170, VivlparidaCf Annandale 8, [1919) Viviparua [vide etiam Vivipard\ with F. burroughianua trinominis nom. n. for Paladina carinata, Val., Walkep. Nautilus 32 p. 120. Zippora augustior sp. n. Mediter- ranean, Monterosato Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital. 3 p. 9. Cyclophoridae, Cyclostomatidae & Truncatellidae. Acicula, Caziot 62. Adelomorpha lorentzi, Aru Isds., A. campanulata, N. Guinea, spp. n., SoHEPMAN Nova Guinea 13 pp. 178- 179. fCoajreWa, Chapman 66. Gyathopomu africanum sp. n. Belgian Congo, Pilsbry Bui. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 40 p. 328. Gyclostoma, Caziot 62. Harimannia septemspiralis, Huggins 210. Iledleya umbilicata sp. n. S. Austra- lia, Oduneu K. Svonslc. Vot. Ak. Hand). 52 p. 75. Lagochilua gudei sp. n. N. Guinea, ScHEPMAN Nova Guinea 13 p. 178. Leplopoma maubane ise makaben- gana subsp. n. Philippines, Bartsoh Washington Nation. Mus. Proc. 55 p. 306. — L. melanoaloma var. n. rufolabiata N. Guinea, Schepman Nova Guinea 13 p. 177. — L. goniostoma cotabatensis, nitidum iveeksi subspp. n. Philippines, Bartsoh Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 pp. 18-19. — L., Odhner 297. ^Omphalotropia minuta sp. n. N. Australia Quaternary, Odhner K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 p. 99. Opisthosiphon berryi sp. n. Cuba, Clapp Nautilu.s 32 p. 86. Pupina, Odhner 297. Pupinella, Odhner 297. Tropidophora standeni sp. n. Mada- gascar, Spence J. Conch. Leeds 16 p. 43. Truncalella truncatula var. n. hn- provisa Mediterranean, Monterosato Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital. 3 p. 13.— 7'. truncatula, Morse 286. 1[Tru7icatella, Cossmann & Peyrot 99. 39 31 oil. Sy stem atio. — Prosobranohia. 2231 Capulidae, Xbnophoridae, Narici- DAE, Adeorbiidab, Lamellaritdab & Naticidae '\Ade.orbis novi-casiri, A. ? vir- giniensis, spp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Van Winkle Bui. Amer. Pal. 8 p. 9. — A. tenuiliratus sp. n. Montien Belgium ; A. simplex, monicnsis fig., Cossmann Mem. Mus. R. Hht. Nat. Belgique 6 pp. (50-02 pi. iv. figs. 17-25. '\Amauropsis guppyi var. n. gura- hensis Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 302. — A., Couffon 100. iAmpnili'na lavallei fig. A. montensis sp. n. Montien . Belgium, Cossmann Mem. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belgique 6 pp. 66-07- pi. iv figs. 43-50.— -4. with A. sancli-stephani, peyreirensis spp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actcs soc. linn. 70 pp. 241-248. — A., Couffon 100. ^Calyptraea montensis sp. n. Montien Belgium, Cossmann Mem. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belgique 6 pp. 70-71 pi. iv figs. 60-08. — C. with G. salloma- censis mut. n. C. cestasensis sp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 269- 281. '\Capnlus {vel Hippo'nyx) inevolutua fig., Cossmann Mem. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belgique 6 pi. iv figs. 54-59. — C. with G. hungaricus mut. syrlicus, G. benoisfi, G. {Gapulacmaea) merig- nacensis mut. & spp. n. Neogere France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 299-309. Grepidula orbiculata sp. n. N. Pacific, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 351. — G., Gould 179. — (7., Conklin 90. — G., Odiiner 297. iGrcpidula, Cossmann & Peyrot 99. — G., SiitMER 350. '\Grommium with G. alurense sp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 250- 251. ^Grucibulum with G. (Dispolaea) biali sp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 291-297. Gryptonatica salimba, aleutica spp. n. N. Pacific, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 351-362. ■f Deshay esia miloni sp. n. Oligocene France, Cossmann J. Conchjdiol. 64 p. 191. Diaphorostoma hillsboroensis sp. n. Silurian Ohio, Foerstb Ohio Nat. 19 p. 385. Elachisna grippi sp. n. N. Pacific, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 354. Euspira acosmita monterona, politiana, canonica spp. n. N. Pacific, Ball Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 pp. 2.52-253. Hippanyx, Odiiner 297. ^Hipponyx, Cossmann & Peyrot 99. Lamellaria, Christensen 71. '\Mitrularia with 31. falloti sp. n* ■ Neogene France, Cossmann & Peyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 322- 323. Natica, Odhner 297. 1[N.atica (Sigaretopsis) corneti, N, {NaS., Caziot 62.— /S., Odhner 297. Vaginula, Odhner 297. Vaginulus, Pilsbry 317. Ellobiidab {Auriculidae olim), Limnabidab, Physidab, Chili- NIDAE and SiPHONARIIDAE. Alexia kobelti, [sp. n.] Malta G., Valletta Arch. Melit. 1 p. 104. Amphibola erenata, Farnib 140. Ancylus, Cawston 59. — A., Caziot 62. — A., Odhner 297. Auricula tramlucens sp. n. Brit. India, Annandalb & Prashad Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 p. 266. Bullinidae Fam. n., Germain Bui. Mus. Paris 1919 p. 121. ^Bullinus, Chapman 66. Camptoceras hirasei sp. n. Japan, Walker Ann. Arbor Mich. Occ. Pprs. Mus. Zool. 64 p. l.—C., Annandalb & Prashad 10. Choanomphalns, Annandalb 6. Qyraulus, Annandalb k Prashad 14. Isidora, Cawston 59. 62 Moll. yill. MoUusca. [1919] Isadora \vith /. gibbosa var, n* brevispira N. Australia, Odhner K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 pp. 74 76. Lmconia bidentata, Kennard & Woodward 229. Limnaea [vide etiamLimneaetLymnea] with L. iranica, Persia ; L. gedrosiarm & var. rectilabxum Brit. India spp. & var. n., Annandale & Pbashad Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 pp. 43 48 49.— L. with L. acuminata var, n. tiatia Brit. India, Annandale Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 p. 141. — L. with L. cor sp. n. Mesopotamia, Annandale & Prashad Rec. Ind. Mus. 18 p. 111 ; — Limnaea, Annandale 5. — L. glabra, Alkins 1. — L. gedrosiana, Kemp in Annandale & Prashad 14. — L., Brumfiel 55. — L., Cawston 59. — Limnaea viatrix, Doello-Jurado 130. — L. stagnalis, Gatenby 168. — L., Germain 170 & 172.— L. pereger, Hargreaves 189. — L. p., Hutton 212. — L., Stelfox 367. ^Limnaea phrygopalustrU, phrygo- ovata, aegaea, pergamenica spp. n. Neogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 70 pp. 129 177 191. Limnea [vide etiam Limnaea el Lymnea] truncatula, Musham 288. — L. stagnalis, §ecerov 345. — L. s., She- CEROVA 347. Lymnaeidae, Baker 23. Lymnea [vide etiam Limnaea el Limned], Caziot 62. Physa solidissima sp. n. Mexico, PiLSBRY Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1919 p. 219. — P. oneida sp. n. New York State, Baker Nautilus 33 p. 11. — P., Brumfiel 55. — P. fmtinalis^ Musham 288.— P., Van Hyning 386. Physopsia, Cawston 59.— P., Ger- main 170. Phytia myosotis, Kennard & Wood- ward 229. Phyza, Caziot 62, Planorbis carinalus, . Alkins 3. — ■ P., Annandale 5 & 7.— P., Cawston 59. — P., Caziot 62. — P. corneas. Hal- bert 186. — P., Odhner 297. — P. car- neus, Webster 402, — P., Whittaker 403.'- P. dilatatus huchanensis. Win- glow 407. ^Planorbia parvus var. urbanensis, P. altissimus sp. & var. n. Quaternary U.S.A., Baker Nautilus 32 pp. 94 95. — P. aubverticillus sp. n. Neogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. I), geol. Ges. 70 p. 170. Planorbula, Pilsbry 317. Saraphia, Caziot 62. Segmentina, Annandale & Prashad 14. ■\Siphonaria dubia fig., Cossmann Mem. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belgique 6 pi. i figs. 27-29. Scaphopoda. ^Cadulus denticulus-tigris sp. n. Ter- tiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 324. ^Denlalium glaucolerrarum sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 323. — D. {Entaliopsis) magnum, D. {Fustiaria) montense, D. {Laevidentalium) liannonicum fig., Coss- mann Mem. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Bel- gique 6 pi. i figs. 1-3 10-11 18-19. — D. {Entalis) davasense sp. n. Neogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 70 p. 55. Pelecypoda or Lamellibranchia. General. f Lamellibranchia, Pourtau 156. Tetrabranohia. Ostraoea. Anomia, Odhner 297. ^Anomia, Mariani 259. ^(Ctenoslreon nitidum, sp. n. Jura, Krenkel Palaeont. Stuttgart 61 p. 295. ■[Exogyra sacyi sp. n. Oligocene France, Cossmann J. Conchyliol. 64 p. 137. — E. popilanica sp. n. Jura, Krenkel Palaeont. Stuttgart 61 p. 303. ■\Gryphaea dilatata var. n. popilanica Jura, Krenkel Palaeont. Stuttgart 61 p. 301. Ostrea, Hedley 194.— 0., Odhner 297. 53 Moll. S rSTEM ATIO. — Peleoypoda . 2231 ^Ostrea titan corrugata var. n. Ter- tiary U.S.A., Nomland Berkley Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 306. — 0. latesmuosa sp. n. Jura, SoiinbiJ) Jena Gool. Pal. Abh. 13 p. 107. — 0. gilbertharrisi sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Mauby Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 246. — 0. gingensis var. n. africana Tertiary S. W. Africa, Bohm Beitr. Geol. Deutsch. Schutzg. 5 p. 61. — 0. vicksburgensis var. n. hidoviciana Eocene U.S.A., Habris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 16. — 0., Siiimbr 350. — 0., Dainelli 109. — 0., Mariani 259. — 0. (Exogyra), Dollfus 131. Peotinacea. Chlamis varia var. n. livida Mediter- ranean, Monterosato Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital 3 p. 2. ■\Chlamys bezieri, G. {Mquipecten) gregoriensis spp. n. Oligocene France, CossMANN J. Conchyliol. 64 pp. 139-140. ■fllinnites, Dainelli 109. Jjima hyans, Bout an 49. — L., Lamy 251. — L., Odiiner 297. '\Lima huttoni, H. Wds. becomes L. {Limatula) woodsi, Sut. Wellington N. Zeal. J. Sci. Tech. 2 p. 68. — L. waipipien^ sis sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall 6 Murdoch Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 266. — L., Mariani 259. Pecten with P, difformis sp. n. N.W. Australia, Odhner K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 p. 15. — Pecten ten- uicostatus, Halkett 187. — P., Mes- TAYER 274.— P., Morse 284. ^Pecten crassicardo biformatis var. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Nomland Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 307. — P. thomp- soni, cercadica, caimitica, hatoviejonis spp. n. Tertiary S. Dom^go, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 262-263. — P. srjlvestrei-sacyi sp. n. Oligocene France, Cossmann J. Conchyliol. 64 p. 138.— P. with P. curdo-sarmatica var. n. Miocene, Daus Stuttgart N. Jahrb. Min. Geol. Pal. 38 p. 488. — P. {ivantubbeanus var. ?) willcoxi var. n. ; cainei, P. {clarkeanus ? var.) bur- lesonensis var. n. ; P. cawcawensis sp. n. ; scintillatus var. n. corneoides Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 pp. 23-28. — P, trentensis sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 8 p. 16. — P. with P. {Amussium) prceobliteratus sp. n. Oligocene France, Dollfus Paris Bui. soc. geol. 17 97. — (N-13799 r) Q , P. {Propeamusium) levis sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Moody Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 66. — P., Schafer 339. — P., Siiimbr 850. Plicatula, Lamy 247. — P., Odhner 297. Spondylus, Lamy 245. — S., Odhner 297. Mytilacea. Avicula, OdhNer 297. ^Aucella sokolowi, popilanica spp. n. Jura, Krenkel Palaeont. Stuttgart 61 pp. 291-292. ^Botula hispaniolae sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 267. ■\ Brachydontes athabaska^nsis sp. n. Cretaceous Canada, McLearn Mus. Bui. Dept. Mines Canada, 29 p. 12. •\Cassianella with C. azzarolae, barnensis spp. n. Rhaetio Lombardy, Mariani Mem. Soc. ital. sc. nat. 58 pp. 120-121. ^Oongeria (?) kairanderensis sp. n. Neogen, Oppenhbim Berlin Zs. D. geol Ges. 70 p. 126. Crenella, Lamy 248. fDreissensia (?) phrygica, lycophila, hierapolitaim spp. n. Neogen, Oppen- heim Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 70 pp. 124-125 127. ^Qervilleia, Schafer 339. ^Inoceramus dowlingi sp. n. Cretaceous Canada, McLearn Mus. Bui. Dept. Mines Canada 29 p. 11. — monsensis sp. n. Cretaceous France, Repelin in GuIjbhard, Lambert & Repelin Notes Proven9ales 6 p. 3. Lithodomus, Odhner 297. ■\Lithodo7nus, Couffon 100. Lithophaya with L. robustay lima, pulchra spp. n. Red Sea, Lamy Bui. Mus. Paris 1919 pp. 262-267 344-360.— L., Calman 57. Malleus, Odhner 297. Modiola, Lamy 248. — M., Morse 284. — M., Odhner 297. ^Modiola visgnolae sp. n. Rhaetio Lombardy, Mariani Mem. Soc. ital sc. nat. 58 p. 123. Modiolaria, Lamy 248. — M., Morse 284. — M., Odhner 297. b 14—2 54 Moll VIII. Mollusca. [1919J ■^Modiolus cercadicus, maonis spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 256. — M. cawcawensis sp. n. Mauricia subgen. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal, 6 pp. 31-32. — M., Shimer 350. Mytilus edulis, Mellen 268. — M., Lamy 248.--iI., Morse 284.— JW., Odhner 297. Mytilus, Schafer 339. — M., Shimer 350. — M., Mariani 259. Perna, Odhner 297. Pinna, Odhner 297. fPinna curvimarginata sp. n. Cre- taceous Canada, McIiEAiiN Mus. Bui. Dept. Mines Canada 29 p. 10. — P. gravida, caiccawensis spp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 pp. 30-31.— P. quadrata sp. n. Jura, SoHNEiD Jena Geol. Pal. Abh. 13 p. 106. — P. bicuneaia sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Nomland Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 308. Pteria, Odhner 297. -\Pterinea, Etheridge 138. — P., AVilliams 405, Se'ptijer, Lamy 248. — S., Odhner 297. •fSeptifer margaritana sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Nomland Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 308. Stempelleria magellanica nom. n. for Avicula m., Ceasing Mitt. Zool. Inst. I Westfalisch. Wil.-Univ. Munster i/W. 1 p. 22. Arcacea. Area, Lamy 243. — A., Morse 284. — A., Odhner 297. ‘\Arca lomasdesamha, yaquensis spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 328, — A. philippsoni sp. n. Neogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 70 p. 32. — A. {cucul- loides ?) var. n. ludoviciana Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 54. — A.{No'etia) reuningi, koerti spp. n. Tertiary S.W Africa, Bohm Beitr. Geol. Deutsch. Schutzg. 5 pp. 63 65. — A., COUFFON 100. ’\Barbatia {Calloarca) submar ylandica sp, n. Tertiary S, Domingo, Maury Bui. Amor. Pal. 6 p. 320. ■^Buchiola with B. dilata sp. n. Devonian Canada, Kindle Mus. Bui. Dept. Mines Canada Geol. Ser. No. 36 29 pp. 5-6. Cuculha, Lamy 243. '\Dicranodonta dowlingi sp. n. Cre- taceous Canada, McLearn Mus. Bui. Dept, Mines Canada 29 p. 0. Glycimeris, Morse 284. '\Glycymeris lisbonensis, sabinensis spp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 pp. 48-51, Leda lomaensis sp. n. California, Dale Washington Proo. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 249. — L., Morse 284. if Leda cty>latoides,.trumani, magnopsis pistorupes, k ittens is, crassiparva, ozar- kola, wautubbeana spp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 pp. 58-69. — L. coelatella sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Van Winkle Bui. Amer. Pal. 8 1919 p. 6. — L., Couffon 100. — L., Schafer 339. ^Liniopsis hanipdenensis sp. n. Ter- tiary N. Zealand, Marshall Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 233. 1[Macrodon, Maiuani 259. ■\ N emodon mcconnelli sp. n. Cretaceous Canada, McLearn Mus. Bui. Dept. Mines Canada 29 p. 10. Nucula, Morse 284. -\Nucula dowlingi sp. n. Cretaceous Canada, McLearn Mus. Bui. Dept. Mines Canada 29 p. 9. — N. ripae sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 74. — N., Couffon 100. — N., Mariani 259. '\Niiculites (Cleidophorus), Williams 405. Pectuneulus with P. setiger sp. n. N.W. Australia, Odhner K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 p. 22. ■\Pectu7iculus togo'dnsis sp. n. Eocene Togo, Oppenheim B. geol. Deutsch. Schutzg. 12 p. 21. \8arepta solenelloides, tenuis spp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 233. '\8capliarca henekeni, golfoyaquensis, cercadica, margaretce, guayubinica, rio- gurabonica, losquemadica, caimiUm ci- baoica, cor-cupidonis, hisjMiniolana, rio- canensis, arihurpennclH, S. (Cunearca) 65 Moll willardausteni spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 331-334 336-337 339-340 341-343. Sheldonella sec. n. {Noetia) ; N. {S.) maoica sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Araer. Pal. 5 p^ 330. Trigonia with T. uniophora var. crebrisculpta var. n. N.W. Australia, Odhnbr K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 p. 23. i[Trigonia albertaensis sp. n. Creta- ceous Canada, McLbarn Mus. Bui. Dept. Mines Canada 29 p. 11. — T. areolaia^ densicoslala spp. n. Tertiary N. Zea- land, Marshall Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst 61 p. 234. — 2\ zonala var. n. grewingki Jura, Krenkbl Palaeont. Stuttgart 61 p. 316. — T., Couffon 100. ^Trinacria pulchra var. sabinica, T. ovalis var. & sp. n. T. {Pachecoa) cainei subgen. & sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 pp. 41-46. Yoldia, Morse 284. SuBMYTILAOEA. Alasmidonta (Decuramhis) marginata susquehannce, Ortman Descr. Pennsyl- vania, Ortmann Mem. Carnegie Mus. 8 p. 187. Anodonia, Annandalb 6. ■\Anodonta, Schafer 839. Anodontince, Ortmann 304. Anodontites, Haas 185. "fAnoplophora pralingeri sp. n. Rhaetic Lombardy, Mariani Mem. Soc. ital sc. nat. 58 p. 128. Astarte, Morse 284. iAstarte mauriana, trinidadensia spp. n. Eocene Trinidad, Van Winkle Bui. Amer. Pal. 8 pp. 19-20. — A. with A. apiculata sp. n. Tertiary England, Bell Naturalist London 1919 p. 68. — A. iriangulatoideSf neu- seana spp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 pp. 91 92. — A., Couffon 100. Astartidce, Lamy 252. Bahoantia gen. n. {Unionidce), Prashad Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 290. fCardinia antero-truncafa sp. n. Rhaetic Lombardy, Mariani Mem. Soc. ital. sc. nat. 58 p. 128. — C., Etheridge 138. (n-13799 r) q 2231 Cardilat Morse 284. — C„ Odhner 297. ^Cardita amrelensis sp. n. Neogen, Oppbnheim Berlin Zs. D. geol. Gles. 70 p. 74. — G. koerti, togoensia, tablig- bo'enaia spp. n. Eocene Togo, Oppbn- heim B. geol. Deutsch. Schutzg. 12 pp. 24-29. Caatalina, Haas 185. Craaaatella jousseaumei sp. n. Red Sea, Lamy Bui. Mus. Paris 24 p. 614. 1[ Craaaatella, Dainelli 109. ^Graaaalellitea enlawcolena sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 8 p. 14, — C. negreetenaia sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 97. — G. aubobeaua sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall & Murdoch Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 267. Criataria, Ananndale 5. ■\Cuna aatartoidea sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 94. Diplodon with D. hidalgoi sp. n. Uruguay, Haas Madrid Trab. Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat. Ser. Zool. 25 1916 pp. 11-23 47-63. — D., Odhnbr 297. Eolymnium subgen. n. Type Unio ierminalia, Brgt., Prashad Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 410. Hyria, Haas 185. Hyriopaia, Annandalb 5. Lainellidena with L. marginalia rha- dinoeua subsp. n. Brit. India, Annan-/ DALE & Prashad Rec. Ind. Mus Calcutta 16 p. 69. — L., Annandalb 7.— L., Prashad 326. Lampailince, Ortmann 804. Lampailia fasciata, Frierson 159. — L. modioliformis, Walker 399. Lanceolaria, Annandalb 5. Margaritanidce, Ortmann 304. Margariianopaia with M. woodihorpi sp. n. Shan States, Godwin-Austen Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 pp. 203-204. ■fModiolopsis kelsoenaia sp. n. Silurian Canada, Williajms Canada Dept. Mines Geol. Surv. Ill p. 123. Systematic. — Pblbcypoda b 14-3 56 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1919] Momcondylaea, Haas 185. Monodontina, Prashad 327. Mycetepoda with M. boUvari sp. u. Ecuador, Haas Madrid Trab. Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat. Ser. Zool. 25 1916 pp. 36 67-58. ■fMyoconcha, Couffon 100. — M. Repossi 330. '\Myophoria with M. valmadrerae ap. n. Rhaetic Lombardy, Mabiani Mem. Soc. ital. sc. nat. 58 p. 123. — M., Repossi 330. — M., Schafer 339. Nodularia {Gcelalura) cariei sp. n. Reunion, Germain Bui. Mus. Paris 1919 p. 122. — N,, Ananndale 5. ■\Pachytypus, Couffon 100. Parreyssia with P. cylindrica sp. n. Brit. India, Annandale Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 p. 150. — P., Prashad 326. Physunio, Prashad 326. Pletholophus, Annandale 5. ■\Pleurophopsis gen. n. [? Unionidae], P. unioides & var. fernandensift sp. & vat. n. Eocene Trinidad, Van Winkle Bui. Amer. Pal. 8 pp. 23-25. Pleurobema clava. Winslow 407. -\Pleuromeris aldrichi sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 95. Priaodon, Haas 185. Pseudodon, Prashad 326. Rhombunio, Prashad 327. Solenaia, Annandale in Godwin- Austen 9. Tetraplodon, Haas 185. ■\Trigonopis, Couffon 100. Turtonia, Morse 284. Unio, Oawston 59. — U. tenerus, Walker 399. "\Unio dowlingi sp. n. Cretaceous Canada, MoLearn Mus. Bui. Dept. Mines Canada 29 p. 11. Unionidae, Walker 400. — U., Ort- MANN 304. Venericardia nodulosa sp. n. Cali- fornia, Dall Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 249. ■\ Venericardia rotunda var. jlabeUum, V. natchitoches, V. (Pleuromeris) tor ti- dens var. & spp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal, 6 pp. 80 84 87. — Venericardia islahispaniolae [? sp. n.], cerrogordensis sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 362-363. Erycinaoba. '\Bornia isosceles, perdita spp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 109. \Erycina, Chapman 66. Kellya, Odhner 297. ■\3Iontacuta cercadica, maoica, his- paniola spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 372-373. Cardiaoea. Cardium corbis, Edmondson 136. — C., Morse 284. — 0.. Odhner 297. ^Cardium with 0. pesurae sp. n. Rhaetic Lombardy, Mariani Mem. Soc. ital. sc. nat. 58 pp. 131-132.— 6'. luschani sp. n. Neogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 70 p. 75. — C. onachitense sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 132. — C. zecki sp. n. Eocene Togo, Oppenheim B. geol. Dcutsch. Sohutzg, 12 p. 22.— C. (Trachycardium) linguatigns, tintinna' bularum, cinderellae G. (Trigoniocardia) haitense var. cercadicum G. (T.) sam- baicum spp. & var. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 373-376.— (7., Schafer 339. Liocardium, Morse 284. 1[Protocerdia gurahica, islahispaniolae spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 377-378. — P. salrivalis sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 134. ■\ Pseudocardita subgen. n. with Gar- dium (P.) bukowskii, phrygicum, laodi- caeense, philippsoni, denisluense, cha- maeforme spp. n. Neogen, Oppenheim Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 70 pp. 136 ISO- US. Tridacna, Odhner 297. 57 MoU. Systematic. — Peleotpoda. 2231 Chamacea. Chama, Lamy 244. — C., Odhnbr 297. ■fCJiama caimitica, cojigregaloides, rio- camica spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 363-364. Chamidae, Odhner 297. ■fEchinochama antiquata var. n. yaqu- emis Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer, Pal. 5 p. 361. ■\Hippurites, Cisneros, Jimenez de 73. Pseudochama, Odhner 297. ■\Rudisies, Parona 310. Conchacea. ■\Amiantis communis sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Nomland Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 305. ■\Anisocardia^ Couffon lOO. Artemis, Odhner 297. Asaphis, Odhner 297. Batissa albertisii var. n. crassior New Guinea, Schepman Nova Guinea 13 p. 185. ■\Callista sacyi sp. n. Oligocene France, CossMANN J. Conchyliol. 64 p. 147. Chione with (7. laticosiata sp. n. N.W. Australia, Odhner KI Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 p. 26. ^Chione auriculala sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Bartrum Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 97. — C. semiplicata sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A. Nomland Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 307. Circe plana sp. n. N.W. Australia, Odhner K. Svensk, Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 p. 27. dementia, Odhner 297. Corbicula, Annandale 5. — C., An- NANDALE & PRASHAD 14. — C., CaW- STON 59. Cryptodon, Morse 284. Cryptogramma, Odhner 297. ,Cyclas, Caziot 62. ^Cypricardia, Etheridge 138. — (7., Mariani 259. Cyprina, Morse 284. -\Cyprina, Couffon 100, Cyrena kochi, sublriangula spp. n. N. Guinea, Schepman Nova Guinea 13 pp. 184-185. — (7., Odhner, 297. ^Cyrena, Dainelli 109. Cyrenoidea guatemalensis sp. n. Guate- mala, PiLSBRY Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1919 p. 221. Cytherea, Morse 284. — C., Odhner 297. \Cytherea adabwnensis sp. n. Eocene Togo, Oppenheim B. geol. Deutsch. Schutzg. 12 p. 30. \Diplodonta corbiscula sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer, Pal. 6 p. 130. Donax mediamericana sp. n. Guate- mala, PiLSBRY Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1919 p. 222. Donax cuneola sp. n. Miocene U.S.A. , Gardner & Aldrich Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 71 p. 49. ■\Ensi^, Shimer 350. Eupera yucatanensis minima subsp. n, Mexico, PiLSBRY Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1919 p. 222. Oenima, Morse 284. ■\Gemma sancti-ynauricensis sp, n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 152. — Q., Shimer 350. ■\Oouidia, Couffon 100. ■\Isocardia, Couffon 100. Machaera, Morse 284, •\Macrocallista densa sp, n. Tertiary U.S.A., Moody Berkely Cal Pub. Bui. 10 p, 58, — M. ? veatchi sp. n. Eocene Trinidad, Van Winki-e Bui. Amer. Pal. 8 p. 21. f Marcia pariaensis sp. n. Eocene Trinidad, Van Winkle Bui. Amer. Pal. 8 p. 20. — M. {Similivenus) tenuisulcata sp. n. Oligocene ^France, Cossmann J. Conchyliol. 64 p. 148. ■\Meiocardia cxirolinae sp. n. Eocene U.^A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 8 p. 14. Merelrix, Hornell 208. ^Mereirix sylvaerupis, ymisensis, pero~ vaia var. Usbonensis, macheani, trigoniata varr. winnensis, bastropensis spp. & vatr. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 pp. 136-137 140 147.— M. angelinae sp. n. Eocene U.S.A. » Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 8 p. 17. 6% Moll. VIII. Mollusca. [1919] Naranis, Odhneb 297. Paphia, Odhneb 297. * . Petricola pholadiformis, Calman67.— P., Morse 284. ^Petricola claibornensis sp, n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 163. — P. caimitica, P. {Bupelaria) riocanensis spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 383-384. Pisidium lilljehorgii, Jones & Kbnnard 223. — P. parvulum, Stelfox 368. — P., Annandale 5. — P., Berry 38. ^Pisidium\ crasaissimum, dagardieme spp, n. Neogen, Oppenhbim Berlin Zs. D. geol. Ges. 70 pp. 146 183. Psammobia, Odhner 297. '\Psammosolen sancti-dominici sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo,- Maury Bui. Amer, Pal. 5 p. 392. ’fSanguineolaria {Psammotella) smith - woodwardi sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingb, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 395. Solerit Morse 284. Sphaeriidae, Latohford 254. Sphaerium, Annandale 5. ■\Tancredia, Caitffon 100. Tapes philippinarum okupi subsp. n« Hawaii, Bryan Nautilus 32 p. 125. — T., Odhner 297. Thyasira bisectaf Dall 117. ■\Unicardium, Couffon 100. VenerupiSf Odhner 297. Venus, Morse 284, ■\Venus, Shimbr 350. Myaoea: ^Anapleris subgen. n. (Gorbwla) ; A. regalia sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Van Winkle Bui. Amer. Pfl. 8 p- 7. Geronia, Morse 284. Corbula, Odhner 297. ^Corbula togo'ensis, dactylus sp. n. Eocene Togo, Oppenheim B. geol. Deutsch. Schutzg. 12 pp. 34-36. — G. tenuis sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Moody Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 69.— (7. (Gurieocorbula) cercadica, caimitica spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bub Amer. Pal. 6 pp. 396-397. — G., Mariani 259. Oaslrochaena dubia, Calman 57. Maclra, Morse 284. — M., Odhner 297. ^Mactra trampasensis sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Packard Berkely Univ. Cal. Pub. Bull. Dept, Geol. 9 p. 282. — M. {Barijmaclra) dcrnburgi sp. u. Tertiary S.W. Africa, Bohm Beitr. Geol. Deutsch, Schutzg. 5 p. 66. \Mulinia pabloensis sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Packard Berkely Univ, Cal. Pub. Bull. Dept. Geol. 9 p. 309. — 31., Gardner & Aldrich 167. — 31., Shimer 350. Mya, Morse 284. 1[3Iya, Shimer 350. 1[Raela tenuiplicata sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Bartrum Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 97. ■\Raelomya gen. n. Type Lovellia schweinfurthi M.-E. Eocene Egypt, Newton Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 pp. 79-84. Saxicava rugosa, Calman 57, — S., Morse 284. — S., Odhner 297. Solecurlus, Morse 284, ■\8oUcurlus, Etheridge 138. Sphenia globula sp. n. N. Pacific, Dall Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 p. 371. ^Spisula aequilateralis gilberli var. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Bartrum Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 99. — S. decisa var. n. pahnaris Eocene U.S. A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 176. — 8. merceden- sis, 8. albaria var. ramonensis, selbyen- sis, merriami, acutirostraia, breviros- trata, chicoensis, tejonensis spp. & var. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Packard Berkely Univ. Cal. Pub. Bull. Dept. Geol. 9 pp. 286 291-292 294-296 300 303. ■\Taeniodon, Schafer 339. Adesmacea. Galobates, Calman 57,’ 3Iarte3ia, Calman 57. ■\3Iarlesia sancti-dominici, sancli-pauli spp, n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bull. Amer. Pal. 5 p, 398. Nauaitoa, Calman 57. Pholadidae, Calman 57. Pholaa, Calman 57.— P., Morse 284. S YSTEM ATICJ. — PhLBOYPOD A. 2231 69 MolU Teredinidaef Calman 57. Teredo norvegica fig., C.UiMAN Brit. Mas. (Nat. Hist.) Econ. Ser. 10 p. 9.— * T. , Barrows 27. — T. navalis^ Kindle 236. — T., Morse 284. ■\ Teredo, Dainelli 109. Xylophaga, Calman 57. Xylotrya, Barrows 27. — X,, Calman 57. Zirfaea, Morse 284. Dibranoiiia. Luoinaoba. fT/ucina gaggensis sp. n, Rhaetic Lombardy, Mariani Mem. Soc. ital. sc. nat. 58 p. 130. fLucinida levifoliata sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, Marshall & Murdoch Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 267. ^Myrlaea loinasdesamba sp. n. Ter- tiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. .367. Phacoides, Odhner 297. ^Phacoides (Lucinisca) hispaniolana, cercadica, P. {Miltha) smithwoodwdrdi , riocAinensis spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 366-369. Tellinaoba. Cumingia, Morse 284. — (7., Ric- hards & Good, 333. ^Cumingia ? Keittensis sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 173. Blacoma, Morse 284. ^Mdcoma carolinensis sp. n. Miocene U. S.A., Gardner & Aldrich Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad, 71 p. 60. — M. danai sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 p. 169. — M. {Psammaconm) yaqnensis, M. {Cymatoica) hispaniolae spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo , Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 391. — ilf., Shimer 350. "f Metis 7 entawetisis sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 8 p. 14. ijSemele linosa var. claibornensis, S. australina ' yafi & sp. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 pp. 171-172. — S. claytoni sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 391. ^Strigilla caimitica sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 389. — S, entykta i^p. n, Miocene U.S.A., Gardner & Aldrich Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 7i p. 47. Tellina, Morse 284. — T., ' Odhner 297. ^Tellina dowlingi sp. n. Cretaceous Canada, McLearn Mus. Bui. Dept. Mines Canada 29 p. 12. — T. liideritzi, T, {Peronaea) oppenheimi spp. n. Tertiary S. W. Africa, Bohm Beitr. Geol. Deutsch. Schutzg. 5 pp. 68 70.— T. trurnani var. australina, cynoglossula, T. leana yarr. yeguana, saboiicd praegravis, T. chero- keensis spp. & varr. n. Eocene U.S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 6 pp. 169-161 164-166. — T. riocanensis islahispanio^ lae, waylandvaughani, maoica, cibaoica, T. {Merisca) sancti-dominici, T. {Scis- sula) cercadica spp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 pp. 384-388. — T. {Moerella) bezieri sp. n. Oligocene France, Cossmann J. Conchyliol. 64 p. 160. Anatinacea. Anatina, Morse 284. -[Anatina with A. galavesae, tremez- zinae spp. n. Rhaetic Lombardy, Mariani Mem. Soc. ital. sc. nat. 58 pp. 133-134. Chamostrea plicifera sp. n. N.W. Australia, Odhner K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 52 p. 34. ^Cuspidaria islahis'paniolae sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 360. Lyonsia, Morse 284. Pandora, Morse 284. ■f Pandora (CUdiophora) prodromos, iuomeyi spp. n. Miocene U.S.A., Gard- ner & Aldrich Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 71 pp. 44-45. ■\ Paracardiu7n, Kindle 235. • ^Pecchiolia delliana sp. n. Eocene U. S.A., Harris Bui. Amer. Pal. 8 p. 16. , ^Periploma clarki sp. n. Tertiary U.S.A., Nomland Berkely Cal. Pub. Bui. 10 p. 307. ^Pholadomya, Dollfus 131. — P., Mariani 259. 60 Moll. VIII. Mollusca. ^Pleuromya ballica sp. n. Jura, Krenkel Palaeont. Stuttgart 61 p. 332. Solemya, Morse 284. Thracia, Morse 284, iThracia vegrandis sp. n. Tertiary N. Zealand, MARSHAUi & Murdoch Trans, and Proc. N.Z. Inst. 51 p. 258. Inoertae Sedis. Ephippodonta granulifera sp. n. N.W. Australia, Odhner K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. 62 p. 25. ■fllacrodus, Repossi 330. Margaritifera, Ceasing 82. ■fOniaria, Kindle 235. -\Paraptax, Kindle 235. ■\Pitaria cercadica sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bid. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 280. M'illiamia galapagana sp. n. Galapagos Isds., Dall Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 2 p. 382. Cephalopoda. General. Cephalopoda, Galiano 1^3. ^Cephalopoda, Lang 253. — C., Spath 358. — C., Fossa-Manoini 164. Cephalopoda. -\Actinoceras, Thomas 375. ^.Egoceras with M. aequicosta, daedi- licosta spp. n. Lias, Trueman Q. J. Geol. Soc. 74 pp. 273-276. •\Amblycoceras with A. brevilobalum, dissotypum spp. n. Lias, Trueman Q. J. Geol. Soc. 74 pp. 279-282. Ammonites navicularis. Crick fig. London Proc. Malac. Soc. 13 pi. iv. Androgymceras with A. obtusicosta, divaricosia spp. n. Lias, Trueman Q. J. Geol. Soc. 74 pp. 277-278. Anisoloboceras gen. n. {Liparocera- tidae), Trueman Q. J. Geol. Soc. 74 p. 263. [1919] ’\Aspidoceras with A. riazi, douvillei, depereti & var. spinosa spp. & var. n. Jura France, Collot Paris Bui. geol. Soc. 17 pp. 3-18. •\Aturia lotzi sp. n. Tertiary S.W. Africa, Bohm Beitr. Geol. Deutsch. Schutzg. 6 p. 74. — A. aturi, Newton 293. jBaclrites, Kindle 235. ^iBecheiceras gen. n. (Liparoceratidae), Trueman Q. J. Geol. Soc. 74 pp. 263 287. ^Belemnites, Meunier 275. ■\Berria8ella (Aulacosphinctes ?) prae- cox ; B. palula, cilata, per grata, adeps, nitida, prava spp. n. Jura, Schneid Jena Geol. Pal. Abh. 13 pp. 64-71. '\CadomocercLs, Coemme 85. IfCosTnoceras gulielmi var. ballica, groesense, balticum, renteri, tornquisti var. & spp. n. Jura, Krenkel Pal- aeont. Stuttgart 61 pp. 257 271 279- 282. Cycloteuthis airventi gen. & sp. n. N. Atlantic, Joubin Bull. Inst. Ocean Monaco 351 pp. 1-7. '\Desmocera^, Chaput 67. •\Discosorus (?) biconoideus sp. n. Silurian U.S.A., Thomas Proc. Iowa Acad. 22 p. 298. •\Gymiiites, Diener 128. -\Hammaloceras, Fossa-Manoini 150. ^Huronia with U. subcylimlrica, hopkintonensis spp, n. Silurian U.S.A., Thomas Proc. Iowa Acad. 22 pp. 294- 297. •\ Liparoceratidae, Trueman 380. ^Liparoceraa with L. aparsicosta, obiuainodum, tiara, pseudostriatum spp. n. Lias, Trueman Q. J. Geol. Soc.. 74 pp. 265;-272. Loligo pealii. Drew 183. — L., Moreno 282. Octopus, Craifalbanu 101. — 0., Moreno 282. — Octopus, Odhner, 297. 1[Oistocera8 with 0. alloeolypum sp. n. Lias, Trueman Q. J. Geol. Soc. 74 pp. 283-287. Ommastrephes, Moreno 282. •\Orthoceras brucensis sp. n. Silurian Canada, W’^iiliams Canada Dept. Mines Geol. Surv. Mem. Ill p. 124. 61 M6a. Syste M ATio, — Cephalopoda. 2231 Parinodicerat gen. n. {Liparocera- tidae), Trueman Q. J. Geol. Soc. 74 p. 288. 1[PeUoceras lithuanicuni, sp. n. Jura, Krenkel Palaeont Stuttgart 61 p. 248. 1[Perisphinctes {Virgatosphinctes) sch- losseri, subdanubiensis, viperinus, echid- neus, serpens, constrictor, lumbricarius } P. {Avlacosphinctes ?) penicellatus,juba> tus, silvescens, diffusus, caesposus, glaher, loricatus', P. (.4.) dicratus callodiscus, tortuosus, kyphosus ; P. {A. Holcoste- phanus ?) ramosus torrulosus, crispus, dilogus; P. (^.) loeschi, serotinus, ; acuticostatus, dacqudi, neoburgensis, cal- lizonus; P. {Pseudovirgatites) advena, scoparius, palmatus, subpalmatus, fran- conicus ; P. {P. ?) spurius spp. n. Jura, ScHNEiD Jena Geol. Pal. Abh. 13 pp. 14-60 76-81. — P. {Orossouvria ?) arlti, barbctrae, bodeni, credneri, winduvicus spp. n. Jura, Krenkel Palaeont. Stuttgart 61 pp. 231-232 237 239 243. \Perisphinctinae, O’Connell 296. •fPicenia gen. n. [Ammonitidae] type F. undulata sp. n. Lias, Fossa- Mancini Pisa. Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat. 32 pp. 143- 148. ^Proplanulites dacquii sp. n. Jura, Krenkel Palaeont. Stuttgart 61 p. 247. j Psammoceras cloezi, Mbunier 275. IfPseudolioceras, Fossa-Mancini 153. ^Pseudovirgatites {Hoplites ?) am- biguus, dubius, spp. n. Jura, Schneid Jena Geol. Pal. Abh. 13 pp. 84-85. ■fQuenstedtoceras maxsei sp. n. Jura, Krenkel Palaeont. Stuttgart 61 p. 227. Rondeletia minor, Zirpolo 411. Sepia officinalis, Galiano 164. — S., Moreno 282. Sepiola, Moreno 282. ^Simocera^ rothpletzi, broilii, schwerl- schlageri, spp. n. Jura, Schneid Jena Geol. Pal. Abh. 13 pp. 88-92. Spirula peronii, Gardiner 165. V icininodiceras gen. n. {Liparo- ceratidae), Trueman Q. J. Geol. Soc. 74 p. 289. ■fVolborthella Fam. n. {Cephalopoda) Ki;er Skrift. Vid. Christiania 1916 p. 27. Inoertae Sbdis. \ Amauropsella julei fig., Cossmann Mom. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belgique 6 pi. iv figs. 51-63. ^Amphitrochilia, Couffon 100. ■fAmpullospira, Cossmann & Pey- ROT 99. ■fAntinodulus, Cossmann & Pbyrot 99. fBoutillieria contracta, montensis fig., Cossmann Mem. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belgique 6 pi. ii figs. 43-00. \Coclopis, Couffon 100. ^Goemansia conica fig., Cossmann Mem. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belgique 6 pi. iv figs. 1-2. ■\ChevciUieria, Cossmann & Peyrot 99. ■\Crepitacella cepula var. n. spirali- striata Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 286. Cryptonatica aleutica ,sp. n. Alaska, Dall j. Biol. Soc. Washington 32 p. 261. ^Gymenorhytis with C. degrangex sp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Pbyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 p. 328. fDillwynella houzeaui fig. ; aulaco- phora sp. n. Montien Belgium, Coss- mann Mem. Mus. R. Hist. Nat. Belgique 6 pp. 35-36 pi. Hi figs. 36-38 45-48. Emarginella, Odhner 297. ■\Helcionella, KiiER 234. ^[Jurassiphorus, Couffon 100. fLamelliphorus, Couffon 100. Lucinoma annulata densilirata var. n. Alaska, Dall Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 249. "fMedoriopsis with M. saucatsensis sp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Pbyrot Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 449-460. \Micreschara with M. {Macrompha- Una) aturensis sp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Pbyrot Bordeaux Actes. soc. linn. 70 pp. 324-326. ^Ooliticia, Couffon 100. 62 MoU. VIII. Mollusca [1919] ^Plesiothyreua with P. aacyi sp. n. Neogene France, Cossmann & Pey- BOT Bordeaux Actes soc. linn. 70 pp. 310-313. '\Poleumita prosseri, paveyi spp. n. Silurian Ohio, Foerstb Ohio Nat. 19 pp. 384-386. •\Polyamma hurdekinemis sp. n. Devon. Queensland, Etheridge Queensland Geol. Surv. Pub. 260 p. 16. ^[Proconulus, Couffon 100. ^Promathildia, Couffon 100. ^Psmdotaphrus^ Cossmann & Pey- ROT 99. ■\Risselloidea, Couffon 100. t? Schafhdutlia, Mariani 259. Skeneopsia alaskana sp. n. Behring Sea, Ball Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 251. ’\Stutchburia, Etheridge 138. YPdioatoina (?) aauri sp. n. Eocene Croatia, Dainelli Atti Soc. tosc. sc. nat. 32 p. 26. •\Terd)rella, Couffon 100. 'fTritia golfoyaquensia sp. n. Tertiary S. Domingo, Maury Bui. Amer. Pal. 5 p. 256. Triionalia interfoaaa beta var. n., California, Dale Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 250. IX. ARTHROPODA (GENERAL) BT D. S H A R l\ CONTENTS PAGE I. Titles . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 1 II. Subject Index.. .. ... 1 N,B, — For Protura vide XII. Insecta, Aptera, L— TITLES. Coutidre, H. Le . membre des Arthropod es. C. R. Ac. Paris 168 1919 (1228-1231). 1 Crampton, G. C. The evolution of Arthropods and their relatives, with especial reference to Insects. Amer. Natural. New York 53 1919 (143- 179). 2 Demoll, R. Antwort auf die Kritik von V. Budden brock. Biol. Zentralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (266-286). 3 Baband, E. L’immobilisation reflexe ot r activity norraalo des Arthropodes. Bull. Biol. France Belgique Paris 63 1919 (1-149). 4 Rabaud, E. Generality du reflexe d’ immobilisation chez les Arthropodes Paris C. R. soc. biol. 79 1916 (823- 826). 5 Rabaud, E. Nature efc mycanisme de Timmobilisation rdflexe des Art.hro- podes. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 79 1916 (826-829). 6 * Rabaud, E. Immobilisation ryflexe et immobility simple chez les Arthro- podes. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 79 1916 (930-934). 7 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. STRUCTURE. 2407. Couti^re, 1 ; Demoll, 3. ETHOLOGY. 2419 Rabaud, 4, 5, 6, 7. EVOLUTION. 2423 Crampton, 2. C I (N-13799 k) Q X. CRUSTACEA ARRANGED BY W T. CALM AN, D.Sc., F.R.S. CONTENTS I. Titles ... II. Subject-Index : — General,. Economics ... Structure Physiology ... ... Development Ethology Variation and Aetiology ... , Distribution: — 1. Geographical : — A. General (vacant). B. Land and Fresh- water C. Marine 2. Geological ... III. System A.TIC Index ; — Decapoda Brachyura ... ... Oxyrhyncha Cyclometopa Catometopa ... Oxystomata Dromiacea PAGE ... 10 .... 11 ... 11 ... 12 ... 12 ... 12 ... 12 ... 12 ... 13 ... 13 C 2 (n-13799 1) Q 2 Anomura Galatheidea (vacant). Paguridea ... Ilippidea (vacant). Macnira Nephropsidea Kryonidea ... Loi icata (vacant). Thalassinidea Caridea Penaeidea ... Stonopidea Euphausiacea... Mysidacea Syncarida ... ,.. Stomatopoda Cumacea (vacant), Tanaidacea ... Isopoda Asellota • Plireatoicidea (vacant). Plabellifera ... Valvifera Epicaridea Oniscoidea Amphipoda Gammaridea Hyperiidea Caprellidea (vacant). Phyllocarida Branchiopoda Phyllopoda ' Cladocera Copepoda ' Branch iura (vacant). Ostracoda ... Cirripedia PAGE 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 IG 16 IG IG 16 IG 17 18 3 Crust. Titles. 2600 L— TITLES. Almeroth, II. tlber weitcre nouo Entomostraken aus dem Litoral des Genfer Sees. Zool. Aiiz. Leipzig 60 1919 (262-255). 1 Birab6n, M. Sobre algunos Clado- ccros de la Republica Argentina. Rev. Mu3. La Plata Bueno* Aires 24 1919 (82-126) text-figs. 2 Bohn, G. vide Drzewina, A. Boissevain, Mia. De Ascomyceet, Kerbertia oniscidamm nov. gen. nov. spec, in den darm van eenige Onisciden. Amsterdam Bydr. Dierk. 21 1919 (213-218) pis. viii & ix. 3 Born, A. Die Calymene Tristani- Stiife (mittleres Untersilur) bei Alma- den, ihre Fauna, Gliederung und Ver- breitung. Frankfurt Abh. Senckenb. Gcs. 36 1918 (311-358) pis. xxiv-xxvii. 4 Bouvier, E. L. Quelques espcces nouvelles des Caridincs. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 1919 1919 (330-336). 5 Bouvier, E. L. et d’Emmerez de Charmoy. Mutation d’une Oaridine'en Ortmannie et observations g6n6rales sur Ics mutations 6volutives des Cre- vettes d’eau douce de la famille des Atyides. Paris 0. R. Acad. Sci. 169 1919 (317-321). 6 Bravo, D. Contribute alia biologia del Cladoceri viventi nelle acque dolci pavesi. Studio del ciclo biologico naturale ; ricercho sperimentali per determiname le leggi di periodicita. Milano Atti Soc. Ital. 56 1918 (261- 311) text-figs. 7 Brian, A. Dcsorizione di una nuova forma di Copepodo neritico della famig- lia Ectmosomidae Sars, vivente tra le alghe del litorale di Quarto dei Mille. Genova Atti Soc. ligust. Soi. Nat. 29 1919 (71-78) text-figs. [See Zool. Reo. 1918 Crust. No. 16.] (n-13799 1) Brian, A. Sviluppo larvale della Psamathe longicauda Ph. e dell’ Har- pncticiia uniremia Kroy. (Copepodi Harpacticoidi.) (Desorizione della serie copepodiforme.) Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat, Pavia 68 1919 (29-68) pis. i & ii. 8 Buytendyk, F. J. J. Sur Paction combinde de narcotiques et de cyanure de potassium sur la Daphnie. Haarlem , Arch. N6erl. de Physiol, ser. lllc des Arch. Ne6rl. 2 1918 (621-629) 6 tabl. et 6 fig. 9 Byrnes, Esther F. Experiments in breeding as a means of determining some relationships among Cyclops. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 37 1919 (40-48) 3 pis. 10 Caiman, W. T. On Barnacles of the « genus Megalasma from' deep-sea tele- graph cables. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 9 4 1919 (361-374) text- figs. 11 Caiman, W. 'P. Marine boring animals injurious to submerged structures. British Museum (Natural History) Economic Series No. 10 London 1919 (35 pp.) text-figs. 12 Caiman, W. T. Dr. C. D. Walcott’s researches on the appendages of Trilo- bites. Geol. Mag. London Deo. vi 6 1919 ( 369-363) pi. viii text-fig. 1 3 Caulle^, M. et Mesnil, F. Sur un nouvel Epicaride {Ancyroniscns bon- nieri, n. g., n. sp.), parasite d’un Sph6romide {Dynamenebidentata Mont). Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 169 1919 (1430- 1432). 14 Caullery, M. et Mesnil, F. Sur . I’origine et la diff^renciation des testi- cules chez Xenocoelotna brumpti C. et M., Cop6pode parasite de Poly cirrus arenivorus Caull. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 82 1919 (696-698) 16 c2-2 4 Ci'ust. X. Crustacea. [1919] Caullery, M. et Mesnil, F. Xenocoe- loma brumpti C. et M. Cop^pode para- site de Polycirrus arenivorus 0. Bull. Biol. France Belgique Paris 53 1919 (161-233) pis. i -iv text-figs. . 16 Chapman, F. Report on the Forami- nifera and Ostracoda from elevated deposits on the shores of the Ross Sea. Brit. Antarct. Kxped. 1907-9 Geology 2 1910 (25-62) 0 pis. 17 Chapman, F. Report on the Forarni- nifera and Ostracoda out of marine muds from soundings in the Ross Sea. Soundings taken by Captain J. K. Davis, S.Y. Nimrod. • Brit. Antarct. Exped. 1907-9 Geology 2 1910 (63-80) 6 pis. 18 Chapman, F. On an Ostracod and shell marl of Pleistocene age from Boneo Swamp, West of Cape Schanok, Victoria.^ Melbourne Proc. R. Soo. Victoria 32 1919 (24-32) pis. iii & iv. ' 19 Charmoy, d’Emmerez do vide Bouvicr, E. L. Chevreux, E. Note piAliminaire sur les Amphipodes rccueillis par leS expeditions du Travailleur et du Talisman (1880-1883). Bull. Museum Paris 1919 1919 (574-580). 29 Chevreux, E. Revision des Scinidae provenant des campagnes de S. A. S. le Prince de Monaco. Bull. Inst. Ocean. Monaco No. 352 1919 (24 pp.) text- Ogs. 21 Chilton, C. The Amphipod Orchestia tucurauna, Fritz Miiller, of Brazil, re- described from New Zealand specimens. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 9 3 1919 (376-386) text-figs. 22 Chilton, G. Ceina, an aberrant genus of the Amphipodan famify Talitridae. Wellington Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 51 1919 (118-129) text-figs. 23 Chilton, C. Destructive boring Crustacea in New Zealand. N.Z. Journ. Sci. Wellington 2 1919 (3-15) text-figs. 24 Chilton, G. Note on the occurrence in Tasmania of the freshwater crab, Hymenosoma laenstris, Chilton. Hobart Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1919 1919 (93- 95). 25 Clark, A. H. Some necessary changes in Crustacean nomenclature. Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (p. 199). 26 Collinge, W. E. Some remarks upon the terrestrial Isopod Porce.llio rulze- hurgii Brandt. J. Zool. Research I/m- don 3 1918 (103-105). 27 Collinge, W. E. Contributions to a knowledge of the Terrestrial lso|)0(la of Natal. Pt. 11. ’Ann. Natal Mus. Pieterrnaritzburg 4 1919 (229-233) pi. xiv. 28 Colosi, G. I Potamonidi conseryati nel R. Musco Zoologico di Firenze. Bull. Soc. Ent. Ital. Fireiizo 50 1919 (39-02) text-figs. 29 Colosi, G. Le mutazioni sperimentali. Monitore Zool. Ital. Firenze 30 1919 (177-180). 30 Colosi, G. Mutazionismo sperimen- tale. Rassegna delle Seienze Biologicho 1 Nos. 9-10, 1919 (p. ). [Criticism of Bouvier and de Charmoy No. 6.] 31 Colosi, G. Riesrehe anatomo- istologiche sugli Eufausiaeei. 11 cuoro di Nematoscelis megalops G. 0. Sars. Torino Atti. Ape. Sci. 55 1919 (61-02) text-figs. 32 Coutidre, H.‘ Sur la morphologic du membre des Crustaces. C. R. Acad. * Sci. Paris 168 1919 (1062-1064). 33 Cowles, R. P. Habits of tropical Crustacea : iii. Habits and reactions of Hermit Crabs associated with Sea Anemones. Manila Philippine Journ. Sci. 15 1919 (81-88) 1 pi. 34 Craifaleanu, A. D. Studi sui fer- menti degli animali marini. Crustacea. V. — Sui fermenti della Maja squinado. Napoli Boll. Soc. Nat. 31 l‘019 (01-70). 35 Currie, Mary E. Exuviation and variation of plankton Copopods with special reference to Calanus finmur- chicus. Ottawa Trans. R. Soc. Canada. 12 Sect. 4 1919 (207-233) text-figs. 36 Dahl, F. Reihenfange und die Okologie der deutschen Landisopoden. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 1919 (193-203, 209-218) text-figs. 37 Dammerman, K. W. Landbouwdier- kunde van Oost-Indie. De schadelijko en nuttige Dieren voor Land-, 'I’uin- en Boschbouw in Oost-Indie. ‘ 8vo 368 pp. text-figs. Amsterdam 1919. 38 5 Crust; Titles. 2600 Deiacliaux» T. Balhymlla chappuisi wov. spec, line noiivelle espcce do Orusiacc cavornicolo. Neuchatol Bui. Soc. Sci. Nat. 44 1920 [1919] (20 pp. [sop. copy]) loxt-figs. 39 Douwe, C. van. • Brackwasscr- Oopcpodcn ana dcm Palu (Isirien). Zool. An/,. Leipzig 60 1919 (173-170). 40 Drzewina, A. et Bohn, G. Reactions aux variations d’eclaircracnt d’un poisson [Trigla corax Rond.) et do son parasite [Ncrocila afpnis II. M. Edw.). Paris C. R. Soe. Biol. 82 1919 (979-9801 41 Fasten, N. Morphology and attached stages of first Copepodid larva of Salmincola edwardsii {O\s,son) Wilson. Publ. Puget pound Biol. Stat. 2 1919 (153-181) pis. xxi-xxviii. 42 Ferrer y Galdiano, M. Algunos nialacostriiceos do Marruccos. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 18 1918 (410- 414). 43 Fujikawa, K. vide Okuda, Y. Granata^ L. Ostracodes provenant dos carapagnes sciontifiques de S. A. S. Albert ler, Prince do Monaco. L Diag- nose d’un Cypridinide nouveau. Bull. Inst. Ocean. Monaco No. 356 1919 (4 pp.) text-figs. 44. Grave, W. Dio in dor Umgebung von Bonn vorkoinmondeii landbo- wohuenden (Jrustaceen und oiniges iibor deren Lobcnsvorhaltnisse. Bonn Verh. nalhist. Ver. 70 1914 (175-248) text-figs. 45 Gravely, F. H. A note on the marine Invertebrate fauna of Chaiidiporc, Orissa. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (395-399). 46 Green, W. R. Studies in the Life- cycle of Bimoccphalus vctulus. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 37 1919 (49-95). 47 Guth, G. tiber den Kopfschild von Lepfodora und Polyphemus. Zool. Anz. 50 1919 (285-286)'. 48 Hansen, 11. J. The Sergosl.idae of the Siboga Expedition. Uitkomsten . . . H.M. Siboga (Resultats des explorations . . . Siboga). Mon. 38 1919 (65 pp.) 5 pis. text-figs. 49 Hartmann, 0. Gbcr das Verhalton dor Zell-, Kern- und Nuclcolengrosse und ihrer gegenseitigen Beziehung bci Cladocoren wahrend des Wachstums, des Generationscyclus und' unter dem Einfliiss ausserer Faktoren. ■ > Eiile zellphysiologische Studie. Archi Zell- forschurig Leipzig 15 1919 (1-94) pis. i-iii text-figs. 60 Hede, J. E. Faunan i kalksand- stonens mtirgliga bottenlager soder om Klintehamn pS, Gottland. Stockholm Sveriges Geol. Unders, Arsbok 11 1917 No. 2 (Ser. C. No. 281) (32 pp.) 2 pis. 51 Hede, J. E. Ora en forekomst af colon usskiffer vid Skarlmlt i ‘ Skane. Stockholm Geol. Foren. Forh. 41 1919 (11.3-154) pis. iv-vi. ' 62 Henry, Marguerite. On some Australian Gladocera. Sydney J. Roy. Soc. N.S. Wales 52 1918 (1919) (463- 485) pis. xl-xlii. 53 Herbst, C. Dber die Regeneration dor Schwanzbeino von Palaemon nach Entfernung der SchWanzganglien, Arch. EntvV. Mcch. Leipzig 43 1917 (329-342) text-figs. • 54 Herdman, W. A. Spolia Runiana.— iii. The distribution of certain Diatoms and Copepoda, throughout the year, in the Irish Sea. London J. Linn. Soc. 34 1919 (95-126) text-figs. 55 Herdman, W. A., Scott, A. and Lewis, IL Mabel. An intensive study of the marine plankton around the south end of the Isle of Man. Part xi. Liverpool Proo. Trans. Biol. Soc. 33 1919 (95-105) text-figs. 66 Herwerden, M. A. van. Over don invlocd van radiumstralen op de oogenese van Dnphnia pulex [Effects of the rays of radium on the oogenesis of Daphnin pulex]. Amsterdam, Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet 27 1918 (289-297) (Dutch) ; Amsterdam, Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 21 1919 (540- 548) (English). 57 Isnard, A. Le Niphargns nicaecnsis. Nouvelle espcce de crustace d’eau douce des eaux .souterraines de Nice. Riviera scientifique Nice 3 1916 (65- 74) text-figs. 68 Janicki, C. and Rosen, F. Lo cycle evolutif du Dihoihriocephalus laius L. Neuchatol Bull. Soc. Sci. Natf 42 1918 (19-53) 2 pis. in text. 59 dMrnefelt, H. Daphnia 'psittacea (Baird) Sbomesta. [Daphnia psittncea (Baird) aus Finland]. Helsingfors Mcdd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fonn 44 1918 (p. 59) [Deutsches Ref. p 255]. 60 6 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1919] Kemp, S. Notes on Crustacea Decapoda in the Indian Museum, xii. Scopimerirae. Rec. Ind. Mua. Cal- cutta 16 1919 ^305-348) pis. xii & xiii text -figs. 61 Kemp, S. Notes on Crustacea Deca- poda in the Indian Museum, xiii. The Indian species of Macroph- thalmus. llec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (383r-394) pi. xxiv. 62 Kesieven, H. L. The origin of yolk in the ova of an endoparasitic Copepod. Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43 1918 (136-141) pi. hi 63 Kindle, E. M. The discovery of a Portage fauna in the Mackenzie River valley. Ottawa Dept. Mines Mus. Bull. 29 (Geol. Ser. 36) 1919 (1-8) pis. i and ii. 64 Kittl, E. vide Trauth, F. Kiihn, A. Versucho iiber die rellek- torisohe Erhaltung des Gleiohgcwichts hoi Krobsen. Berlin Vorh. Doutseh. Zool. Ges. 24 1914 (262-277) toxt-iigs. 65 Lebour, Mario V. Feeding habits of some young fish. Plymouth J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 12 1919 (9-21) text-figs. 66 Lebour, Marie V. The food of post- larval fish. Plymouth J. Mar. Biol. Ass. 12 1919 (22-47). 67 Leigh-Sharpe, W. H. The genus Lernaeopoda. Including a description of L. mustelicola n. sp., remarks on L. galei and further observations on L. scyllicola. Parasitology Cambridge 11 1919 (256-266) text-figs. 68 Lewis, H. Mabel vide Herdman, W. A. Lobo, B. Conforeneia sobre a ihla da 'Prindade. Arch. Mus. Nae. Rio do Janeiro 22 1919 (105-158) 6 pis. text- liga. 69 Luederwaldt, H. Os manguesaes de Santos. Rev. Mus. Paulista S. Paulo 11 1919 (309-408) 1 p\. 70 Luederwaldt, H. Lista dos Crusta- oeos superiores (Thoracostraca) do Museu Paulista que foram cncontrados no Estado de S. Paulo. Rev. Mus. Paulista S. Paulo 11 1919 (427-453). 71 McIntosh, [W. C.J. Notes oh some of the Peracarida (Mysidacea) and Eucarida (Decapoda) of St. Andrews, in the living condition. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 1919 (79-86). 72 Mansuy, H. Description d’espcces nouvelles des terrains palcozoiqucs et triasiquos du Tonkin. M6m. Serv. G6ol. Indochine 3 fasc. 2 1914 (13-24) pis. ii & iii 72a Marsh, C. D. Report on a collection of Copepoda made in Honduras by F. J. Dyer. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Nation. Mus. Proc. 55 1919 (545- 648) pi. xlix. 73 Matteotti, A. Nota sulla variabilita di Potamon edule. Bull. Soe. Ent. Ital. Firenze 50 1919 (12-17) text-figs. 74 Mesnil, F. vide Caullery, M. Mrdzek, Al. Die Schalcndriise von Phylloynathopus. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 501919(145-147). 75 Nakagawa, K. The mode of infection in pulmonary tlistomiasis : Certain freshwater crabs as intermediate hosts of Paragonimus wcslermanii. J. Infect. Dis. Chicago 18 1916 (131-142) pis. maps. 76 Okuda, Y. On the extractive matters of Palinurus japonicus and Loligo breekeri. Tokyo Journ. Coll. Agric. 7 1919 (55-67). 77 Okuda, Y., Uematsu, S., Sakata, K. and Fujikawa, K. Hydrolyeis of the muscle-proteins of Loligo breekeri, Palinurus japonicus and Paralithodes camtschatica. Tokyo Journ. Coll. Agric. 7 1919 (39-54). 78 Parisi, B. I Decapodi giapponesi del Museo di Milano, vii. Natantia. Pavia Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. 58 1919 (59-99) pis. iii-vi text-figs. 79 Paul, J. H. and Sharpe, J. S. 'I’he relationship of Lecithin lo the growth cycle in (hustacea. Biochemical Journ. Cambridge 13 1919 (487-490). 80 Pesta, O. Sind die Dekapoden der Adria “ gut ” bekannt. Wien Ann. Nat. Hofmus. 30 1916 (226-229) pi. vi. 81 Przibram, H. Transitare Scheren- formen der Winkerkrabbe, Gelasimus pugna.c Smith. (Zuglcich : Experi- mcntclle Studicn fiber Regeneration, 7 Cruet. Titles. 2600 V. Mitteilung, uiid Homoeosia bei Arthropoden, II MiUcilung.) Arch. EmIvv. Mccli. Leipzig 48 1917 (47-62) pi. ii. 82 Racovitza, E. G. Notes sur lea Isopodea. 1. Aselltis aquaticus auct. eat une erreur taxononiique. 2. Asellus aquaticus L. et A. mcridiaims n. sp. Arch. Zool. Paris 58 1919 Notes et Revue (31-43) text-figs. 83 Racovitza, E. G. Notes sur les laopodes. 3. Asellus banyulensisn. Bp. 4. A. coxnlis Dollfus. 6. A. coxalis peyerimhojUl ii. subsp. Arch. Zool. Paris 58 1919 Notes et Revue (49-77) text -figs. 84 Raff, Janet W. Abnormal develop- ment of the he«ad appendages in the Crayfish Parachacraps bicarinatus Gray. Melbourne Proc. R. Soc. Victoria 31 1919 (325-326) pi. xv. 85 Rankin, W. M. The Northrop collection of Cruslacoa from the Bahamas. Now York Ann. Acad. Sci. 11 1898 (226-268) pis. xxix-xxx. Reprinted in : A Naturalist in the Bahamas. J. I. Northrop Memorial volume. New York 1910 (69-96) pis. xxix & XXX. 88 Rathbun, Mary J. Three now South American River-crabs. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (5-6) 87 Rathbun, Mary J. A now name for a Dromhd crab. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (p. 197). 88 Rathbun, Mary J. West Indian Tertiary Decapod Crustaceans. Wash- ington D. C. Carnegie Inst. Pub. No. 291 1919 (167-184) pis i-ix. 89 Rathbun, Mary J. A new species of crab from Japan. Now York N.Y. Bull. Amor. Mus. Nat. Hist. 4i 1919 (p. 693) pi. xxxiii. 90 Rathbun, Mary J. The Decapod Crustaceans of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. Rep. Canad. Arct. Exp. 1913-18 7 Pt.A. 1919 (14 pp.). 91 Richardson-Soarle, H. Description d’uii nouveau genre do Crustac6 Isopodo do la Nouvollo Zombie et appartenant a la famillo des Munno- psidae. Bull. Museum Paris 1919 1919 (569-573) text-figs. [This paper appears to be another version (with merely verbal differences) of a paper published in 1912. See Zool. Rec. 1912 Crustacea No. 241). Rosen, F. vide Janicki, C. Roule, L. Sur les premieres phases du developpement embryonnaire chez Palaemon serratus Latr. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (1059-1060). 92 Roux, J. Siisswasserdekapoden von den Aru-und Kei-lnseln. Frankfurt a, M. Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 35 1919 (317-351) text-figs. 93 Sakata, K. vide Okuda, Y. Bars, G. O. An account of the Crustacea of Norway, with short des- criptions and figures of all the species. Vol. 7. Copepoda, Supplement, pts. 1 and 2. Calanoida, Harpacticoida (part) 1919(1-24) pis. i-xvi. 94 Scott, A. vide Herdman, W.A. Sewell, R. B. Seymour. A preliminary note on some now species of Copepoda. Roc. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (1-18) pis. ix. & X. 95 Sharpe, J. S. vide Paul, J. H. Shoemaker, C. R. A new Amphiprd parasitic on a Crinoid. WashmgtoT Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 (p. 245). 96 Sollaud, E. Los premieres phases du developpement embryonnaire chez Leander squilla Fabricius. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (963-965). 97 Sollaud, E. A propos r^u developpc- ment embryonnaire des Palaemonidae. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (1231- 1233). 98 Sollaud, E. Influence des conditions de milieu sur les larves du Palae- moneies varians microgenitor Boas. Paris C. 11. Acad. Sci. 169 1919 (736- 737). 99 Stainforth, T. Some Yorkshire Ar- thropods. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (361-362). 100 Stebbing, T. R. R. Some Crustacea of Natal. Ann. Durban Mus. 2 1919 (119-124) pis. xviii-xx. 101 Sunier, A. L. J. The Stomatopoda of the collection of the visschery- station at Batavia. Contr. faune des Indes N6crl. 1 Fasc. 4 1918 (62-75) 4 fig. 101a 8 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1919] Takesita, M. Funamushi no shok- kaku no saisei. [Regeneration of antennae in Ligyda exotica (Roux),] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 30 1918 (133-136). 102 Terao, A. Surugawan san ebi no iohi shin shu ni , tsiiito. [On a now snooios of maorurous Cmatacoa from’ tho Suruga Ray.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 30 1918 (480-481). 103 Trauth, F. [and Kittl, E.]. tlber einige Krustazeenreste aus der alpin- mediteiTanen Trias. Wien Ann. Nat. Hofmus. 32 1918 (172-192) pi. i text- fig. 104 Troedsson, G. T. Om Sk&nes brachio- podskiffer. [The Scanian Brachipod beds.] Lund Univ. Arsskr. N. F. Avd.’ 2 15 No. 3 [= Fysiogr. Siillsk. Handl. N, F. 30 No. 3] 1918 (110 pp. English summary 86-99) 2 pis. 13 text- figs. 105 Uematsu, S. vide Okuda, Y. Urita, T. Satsu-Gu chiho no kani- rui mokuroku. [A list of crabs o[ tho southernmost parts of Kyushu.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 30 1918 (161-164, 192-196). > 106 Vandel, A. Contribution k la con- naissance de la faune des eaux douces du Jura. Paris Bull. Soc. Zool. 44 1919 (80-94). 107 Vaulx, R. do la. L’intersoxualit6 chez un Crustac6 Cladoceyre : Daphne Atkinsoni Baird. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 169 1919 (97-99). 108 Verhoeff, K. W. t)ber einigo niederosterreichische Diplopoden und Isopoden. Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 67 1917 (220-223). 109 Verhoeff, K. W. t)ber mediterrane Oniscoiden, namentlich Porcellioniden. 23 Isopoden -Aufsatz. Stuttgart Jah- resh. Ver. Wiirttemb. 73 1917 (144- 173) text-figs. 110 Verne, J. Formation exp6rimentale de melanine chez les Crustaces. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 82 1919 (1319-1321) 111 Wallace, N. A. The Isopoda of the Bay of Fundy. Toronto Univ. Stud. Biol. Ser. No. 18 1919 (42 pp.) text -figs. '. 112 Webb, G. E. The development of the species of Upogebia from Plymouth Soupd. Plymouth J. Mar. .Biol. Ass. 12 1919 (81-134) pis. i-xii. 118 Wesenberg-Lund, C. Furesostudier. En bathymetrisk-botanisk-zoologisk Undersogelse af Molleaaens Soer. Kapitel vi. Furesoens Bundfauna. Kobenhavn K. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skr. Rack, viii 3 1919 (135-178). 114 Wilson, C. B. A now species of Parasitic CopopOd, with notes on species already described. Washington D. G. Smithsonian Inst. Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 55 1919 (313-316) pi. xxi. 115 Wilson, C. B. North American Parasitic Copepods belonging to the new Family Sphyriidae. Washington D. C. Smithsonian Inst. Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 55 1919 (549-604) pis. i-ix. 116 Waorentaus, Y. Bosmina crassi- cornis Lillj. esuntyminen Suomessa. [Das Auftreten von Bosmina crassi- cornis Lillj. in Finland.] Helsingfors Medd. Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 42 1916 (98-99) [Deutsches Ref. p. 166]. 117 Yendo, K. Misaki no Penilia. [Penilia (schnackeri Rich.) in Misaki.] Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 30 1918 (p. 33). 118 Zograf, N. Zum Bau, zur Konser- vierung und Bearbeitung der Haut- drtisen von Chirocephqlus {Branchipus) josephinae Grube, Chirocephalus car- nuntan$ Brauor und Streptocephalua auritus C. Koch. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 1919 (139-143) text-figs. 119 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. N.B. — The numbers in Clarendon type refer to list of Titles, except when they indicate a Volume. GENERAL. 2603 Expeditions. “ Nimrod,” Ostracoda ; Chapman, 18. “ Siboga,” Sergestidae ; Hansen, 49. Economics. Cyclops as interraed, host of Dibo- thriocephalus ; Janicki and Rosen, 69 ; Brachyura as intermed. hosts of Paragonimua ; Nakagawa, 76 d Crust. Subject Imdbx.— -ExHOLoor. 2619 Crustacea as food of young fish (marine) ; Lebour, 66 & 67. Birgus (Pagur.) and Paratheiphusa {Cycloin.) as agric. pests in Dutch E. Indies ; Dammerman, 38. Marine timber and rock-boring Iso- poda, Amphipoda ; Caiman, 12 ; Chilton, 24. STRUCTURE. 2607 General. Bathijnella {Syncar.) ; Delachaiix, 39; Xenocoeloma {Copep. paras.); Caullery ct Mesnil, 16 ; Salmincola {Copep. paras.) ; Fasten, 42 ; Sphyriidae {Copep. paras.) ; Wilson, 116. Morphol. of Trilobites and Crustacea ; Caiman, 13. Exoskeleton. Head shield, Cladocera ; Guth, 48. Appendages, Morphol. of appendages, Crustacea ; Coutidre, 33 ; Asellus ; Racovitza, 83. Circulatory System. Heart, Nematoscelis {Euphaus.) ; Colosi, 32. Respiratory System. Resp. passages, Ocypodidae {Caiom.) ; Kemp, 61. Excretory System. Maxillary gland Phyllognathopus {Copep.); Mrizek, 75. Miscellaneous. Dermal glands, Anoslraca {Phyll.) ; Zograf, 119. PHYSIOLOGY. 2611 Digestive ferment of Maia {Oxyrh.); Craifaleanu, 35 ; Extractive substances, Decapoda; Okuda, 77 ; Muscle proteins, Decapoda ; Okuda and others, 78 ; Exper. formation of melanin, Decapoda ; Verne, 111 ; Lecithin and growth, Crustacea ; Paul and Sharpe, 80. Action of narcotics and KCN on Daphnia ; Buytendyk* 9. Reactions to light, Nerocila {Flabell. ) ; Drzewina et Bohn, 41. (13799 Oq Equilibration in Astacus Ktihn, 65. V Exper. on reproductive cycles of Cladocera ; Bruvo, 7. Effect of radium on oogenesis, Daphnia ; Herwerden, 57. Relative sizes of cell, nucleus and nucleolus, Cladocera ; Hartmann, 50. DEVELOPMENT. 2615 Oogenesis and Spermatogenesis. , Oogenesis, Daphnia ; Herwerden, 57. Origin of yolk, Ubius {Copep. paras.) ; Kesteven, 63. Embryology. Palaemonidae {Carid.) ; Roule, 92; Sollaud, 97^ 98. Xenocoeloma {Copep. paras.) ; Caul- lery ct Mesnil, 16. Origin of testes, Xenocoeloma ; Caul- lery and Mesnil, 15. Metamorphosis, Larval Forms, &c. Upogebia; Webb, 113 : Bathynella {Syncar.); Delachaux, 39 : Copepoda; Currie, 36 : Ilarpacticidae {Copep.) ; Brian, 8 ; Copepodid and later stages Salmincola {Copep. paras.) ; Fasten, 42. Generation Cycles. Life-cycle, Simocephalus {Glad.) ; Green, 47. Regeneration. Regen. of uropods, Palaemon ; Herbst, 54 ; of chelipeds, Oelasimus {Catom.) ; Przibram, 82 : of Antenna, TAgyda {Onisc.) ; Takesita, 102* ETHOLOGY. 2619 General. Habits, &c., marine Decapoda and Mysidacea ; McIntosh, 72 : Gecar- cinus {Catom.) ; Lobo, 69 : Oniscoidea; Grave, 45. Sphaeroma {Flabell.) boring in rock; Chilton, 24. Habitats. Shore Decapoda ^ Orissa ; Gruvely, 46 ; Oyiiscoidea ; Dahl, 37. c2-3 10 Crust. X. Grustacesu [1919] Decapoda in Mangrove swamps, Brazil ; Luederwaldt, 70. Plankton, Marine ; Herdmann, 55 56. Subterranean, Bathynella {Syncar.) ; Delachaux, 39 : Qammaridea ; Isnard, 58. Parasitism, Commensalism, &c. On Fish, Gope'poda ; Leigh-Sharpe, 68; Wilson, 115, 116. On Crinoid, Qammaridea ; Shoe- maker, 06. On Annelids, Gopepoda ; Caullery ot Mesnil, 16. On Gruatacea, Epicaridea ; Caullery et Mesnil, 14. Larvae of Dibothriocephalus in Cyclops ; Janicki and Rosen, 59. Fungi in gut, Oniscoidea ; Boissevain, 8. Association of Paguridae' with sea- anemones ; Cowles, 34. VARIATION AND AETIOLOGY. 2623 Variation. Potamon {Cyclom.) ; Matteotti, 74. Var. in development, Gopepoda ; Currie, 36 ; Larval variations, Palae- inonetes {Car id.) ; Sollaud, 99. Mutations in Atyidae (Carid.) ; Bou- vier et de Charmoy, 6 ; Golosi, 31 ; in Atyidae &nd Euphausiacea ; Colosi, 30. Inheritance of varietal characters in Cyclops ; Byrnes, 10. Teratology. Abnorm. head appendages, Para- chaeraps {Nephropa.) ; Raff, 85. Intersexuality in Daphne {Gladocera) ; de la Vaulx, 108. DISTRIBUTION. 2627 1. GEOGRAPHICAL. A. General. [Vacant.] B. Land and Freshwater (including Salt Lakes.) Records of Potainonidae {Oyclorn.)', Colosi, 29. Europe and MediteiTanean Islands. d Asellus ; Racovitza, 83. Denmark, Fureso, Crustacea ; Wesen- berg-Lund, 114. Finland, Gladocera ; Jarnefelt, 60 ; Wuorentaus, 117. Caucasus, Oniscoidea ; Verhoeff, no. Germany, Oniscoidea ; Dahl, 37 ; Bonn, Oniscoidea, Talitrus {Garnm.) ; Grave, 45. British Ids., Oniscoidea ; Collinge, 27 ; Yorkshii-e, Oniscoidea ; Stainforth, 100: East Sussex, OAitscoidea ; Hastings and E. Sussex Nat. 3 No. 2 1919 pp. 4-7. France, Oniscoidea ; Verhoeff, 110 : Jura, Gladocera ; Vandel, 107 : S. France, Asellus ; Racovitza, 84 ; Nice, Qammaridea ; Isnard, 58. Italy, Oniscoidea; Verhoeff, 110: Pavia, Gladocera ; Bravo, 7. Switzerland, Neuchatel and Berne, Bathynella {Syncar.) ; Delachaux, 89 : L. of Geneva, Gladocera, Gopepoda ; Aimer oth, 1. Austria, Oniscoidea ; Verhoeff, 109 : Istria (brackish), Gopepoda ; van Douwe, 40. Asia and Malay Archipelago. e Japan, Formosa, Hainan, Caridea ; Parisi, 79. Tonkin, Garidina {Carid.) ; Bouvier, 5. Chilha Lake and Cochin, India (brackish), Gopepoda ; Sewell, 95. Syria, Asellus ; Racovitza, 84 : Palestine, Oniscoidea ; , Verhoeff, 110. Africa and Madagascar. / Algiers, Asellus ; Racovitza, 84. Natal, Oniscoidea; Collinge, 28. Madagascar, Garidina {Oarid.) ; Bouvier, 5. North America. sundaicus p. 334, dispar p. 336, {Macro- brachium) latidaclylus p. 337, latimanus p. 340, lampropus p. 340, bariensis p. 341, Roux Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 35. — P. {Eupalaemon) longipes p. 79, nipponensis. p. 80, superbus p. 81, venustus sp. n. Hainan p. 82, {Para- palaemon) japonicus p. 83, insularis sp. n. Formosa p. 85, hainanense sp. n. Hainan p. 87, figs., Parisi Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. 58. Processa japonica p. 88 figs., Parisi t.c. Sclerocrangon angusticanda p. 90 fig., Parisi t.c. Sympasiphaea imperialis sp.n. Japan p. 480, Terao Dobuts. Z. Tokyo 30. • Penaeidea. Aceles vulgaris, sp. n. Malay Archip. p. 35, sibogae sp. n. Malay Archip. p. 38, dispar sp. n. Java, Siam p. 39, chinensis sp. n. China Sea p. 41, serru- latus p. 41, spiniger sp. n. Java etc. p. 43, brasiliensis sp. n. Brazil p. 45, paragxiayensis sp, u. Rio Paraguay p. 46, figs,, Hansen SergcBtidae Sibuga. Aristaeomorpha rostridentata p. 59 figs., Parisi Atti Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat. 58. Lucifer iypus p. 53, orientalis sp. n. Malay Archip. p. 55, inlermedius sp. n. Malay Archip. p. 57, penicillifer sp. n. Malay Archip. p. 59, faxonii p. 61, hanseni p. 63, figs., Hansen Sergestidae Siboga. Parapenaeopsis cormilus p. 64 figs., Parisi Atti Soc. Itai. Sci. Nat. 58. Penaeop>sis joyneri p. 60, barbalus p. 61, lamellatus p. 62, mogiensis p. 63, coniger var. andamanensis p. 64, figs., Parisi t.c. — P. monoceros p. 343, Roux Abh. Senckcnb. Ges. 35. Penaeus semisulcalus var. n. pauci- dentalus Japan p. 65 fig., Parisi Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. 58. Sergestes inous p. 8, gardineri p. 9, bimlcalus p. 11, cliallengcri j). 13, fuhjens sp. n. p. 17, seminiulus sp. n. p. 18, orientalis sp. n. p. 22, Malay Archip., figs., Hansen Sergestidae Siboga. Eicyonella maldivensis p. 28, anten- nata sp. n. p. .30, Malay Archip., figs., Hansen t.c. Sicyonia japonica p. 66 figs., Parisi Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. 58. Stenopidea. Stenopus sciitellatus sp. n. Bahamas p. 242 fig., Rankin Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 11 [omitted Zool. Rec. 1898J. EUPHAUSIACEA. Colosi 30, 32. MYSIDACEA. McIntosh 72. 15 Cruist. System ATio. — Amphipoda. 2631 SVNCARIDA. Bathymlla chapimisi sp. n. Neuchatel p. 1 figs!, Delacuaux Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. NeucliJitel 44. STOMATOPODA. Ferrer y Galdiano 43. — Lueder- WALDT 71. — SUNIER 101a. CUM ACE A. [Vacant.] TANAIDACEA. heplochclia filum p. l2, profuiula sp. n. Bay of Fumly p. 10, figs., Wal- . LACE Univ. Toronto Stud. Biol. Ser. 18. Leptognathia (?) psamrnophila sp. n. Bay of Fundy p. 10 figs., Wallace t.c. Typhlolanais aeqitiremis p. 7, inarm- nen-sis sp, n* Bay of Fundy p. 8, figs.^ Wallace t.c. ISOPODA. Assellota. Aselliis aqnaticus p. 37, meridiahus sp. n. England, France, p. 41, hanyu- lensis sp. n. France p. 49, coxalis p. 55, coxalis subsp. n. peyerimhoffi, Algiers p. 68 figs., Racovitza Arch. zool. Paris 58 Notes et Rovue. Eurycope inutica p. 38 figs., Wallace Univ. Toronto Stud. Biol. Ser. 18. Munna fahricii p. 27 figs., Wallace t.c. Pleurogonium rubicundum p. 29, inerme p. 32, spinosissimum p. 35, figs., WAI.LACB t.c. Phreatoicidea. [Vacant.] Flabellifera. Drzewina et Bohn 41. — Calm an 12, 13. — Chilton 24. Valvifera. Edoiea triloba p. 24 figs., Wallace Univ. Toronto Stud. Biol. Ser. 18. Epic ARID eA. ' Ancyroniscus gen. n. {Cdbiropsrdae) bonnieri sp. n. on. Dynamene Cape la Hague p. 1430, Caullery' et Mesnil C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 169. Oniscoidea. BoISSEVAIN 3. — COLLINGE 27.7— Stainportu 100. — Takesita 102,— Verhoeff 109. Akermania gen. n. near Cubaris, spinosa sp. n. Natal p. 230 figs., Col- LiNGE Ann. Natal Mus. 4. Armadillidiuin rehobotense sp. n. Jaffa p, 172 fig., Verhoeff Jahresb. Ver. WUrttemb. 73. Crjlisticus esterelanus Esterel p. 151, var. griseus Riviera p. 156, inferus^ Italy p. 151, caucasius Caucasus p. 162, spp. n. figs., Verhoeff t.o. Haloporcellio subgn, n. of Porcellio {q.v.) p. 169, Verhoeff t.c. Porcellio {Agabiformius) aharonii p. 163 {Proporcettio) quadriseriatus p. 167, {Haloporcellio) penicilliger p. 170, spp. n. Jaffa, figs., Verhoeff t.c. Trichoniscus {Spiloni<^cus) rhenarms sp. n. p. 183, pygmaeus var. n. horticola p. 187, {Trichoniscoides) albidus var. n. topiaria p. 190, stebbingi var. n. rhenana p. 191, Boun, figs.. Grave Bonn Verb, nathist. Ver. 70. — T. verhoejfi sp. n. Germany p. 209 figs., Dahl Zool. Anz. 50. AMPHIPODA. Gammaridea. Calman 12, 13. — Chilton 24. , Ceina egregid p. 120 figs., Chilton Trails. N.Z. Inst. 51. Euonyx talismani sp. n. N. Atlantic . p. 576, Chevreux Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. Haploops proximd sp. il. N. Atlantic p. 677j Chevreux t.e. Harpinia breviroslris sp. n. N. Atlantic p. 578, Chevreux t.c. Laphystiopsis iridomelrae sp. n. on Iridometra, China Sea, p. 245, Shoe- ' MAKER Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 32. Leucothoe spinulosa sp. n. N. Atlantic p. 579, < Chevreux Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. Niphargus nicaeensis sp. n. Nice p. 65 figs., IsNARD Riviera scient. Orchestria tucurauna p. 379 figs., Chilton Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3. ‘ Socarnopsis obesd sp. n. N. Atlantic p. 577, Chevreux Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. - 16 Cruat. X. Crustacea. [1919J Taliirus alluaudi p. 228, Grave Parasida variabilis p. 89 figs. Bonn Verb, nathist. Ver. 70. Biraben t.c. TriscJiizostoma longirostris sp. n. N. Atlantic p. 675, Chevreux Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. Hyperiidea. Scina megameros N. Atlantic p. 1, Alberti Mediterranean p. 3, pusilla N. Atlantic p. 6, inennis N. Atlantic p. 7, spp. n. figs., Chevreux Bull. Inst. Oc6an. Monaco 352. Caprellidea [Vacant.] PHYLLOCARIBA. '\Ceratiocaris cf. robusta Palaeozoic, Tonkin p. 20 figs., Mansuy Mem. Serv. G6ol, Indochine 3 fasc. 2. • BRANCHIOPODA. PilYLLOPODA. ZOGRAF 119. Cladooera. Almeroth 1. — ^Buytendyk 9. — Green 47. — Guth 48. — Hartmann 60. — Herwerden 57. — Jarnefelt 60. VaNDEL 107. DE LA Vaulx 108. — WuORENTAUS 117. — YeNDO 118. Notes and figs, of spp. ; Bravo Atti Soc. Ital. Milano 66 p. 261. Acroperus aviroslria p. 469, sinuatus p. 471, spp. n. N.S. Wales, figs., Henry J. R. Soc. N.S. Wales 52. Alona wallaciana ip. 472, kendallenis p. 474, longirostris p. 475, spp. n. N.S. Wales, figs., Henry t.c. Camptocercus australis var. n. pavesii Pavia p. 276 figs., Bravo Atti Soc. Ital. Milano 56. Ceriodaphnia spinata sp. n. N.S. Wales p. 466 figs., Henry J. R. Soc. N.S. Wales 52. Chydorus deniiculatus p. 480, clelandi p. 481, spp. n. N.S. Wales figs., Henry t.c. Daphnia pulex p, 92, spinulata p. 93, figs., Biraben Rev. Mus. La Plata 24, Diaphanosoma brachyurum p. 84 figs., BirabI^n t.c. Moina micrura p. 112, plalenais p. 118 figs., BlRABliN t.c. Pleuroxus reticulatus sp. n. N.S. Wales p. 478 figs., Henry J. R. Soc. N.S. Wales 52. Scapholeberis spinifera p. 100, figs., Biraben Rev. Mus. La Plata 24. Simocephalus vetulus p. 106 serrii- latus p, 109, figs., Biraben t.c, COPEPODA. Almeroth 1. — Byrnes 10. — Caul- LERY et Mesnil 15. — Currie 36. — VAN Houwe 40. — Fasten 42. — Herd- man 55. — Herdman and others 66.— Janioki and Rosen 59. — Kesteven 63. — Mrazek 75. Acartia chilkgensis sp. n. Chilka Lake p. 9 figs., Sewell Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Acartiella gravely i p. 10, major p. 13, minor p. 15, spp. n. India, figs., Sewell t.c. Alophytophilus gen. n. [see 1918] p. 72, fusiformis sp. n. Quarto dei Mi lie p. 74 figs., Brian Atti Soc. ligust. 29. Cerviniopsis clavicornis p. 20, figs., Sars Crust. Norw. 7. Cyclops ceibaensis sp. n. Honduras p. 646 figs.. Marsh Proc. U.S.Nat. Mus. 55. Ectinosoma proximum p. 23, anguli- frona p. 24, figs., teimum^ clavatum ])1. xvi figs, only, spp. n. Norway, Sars Crust. Norw. 7, Qloiopotes costatus sp. n. on swordfish, S. California, p, 313 figs., Wilson Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55. Harpacticus uniremis larval stages p. 46 figs., Brian Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. 58. Lernaea insolens nom. n. for anomala Wilson non Abildgaard p. 316, Wilson Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55. Lernaeopoda cluthae p. 316, Wilson t.c. — L. niuslelicola sp. n. on Mustelus Plymouth p. 256, notes on other spp., figs., Leiqh-Sharpe Parasitol. 11. Nesippus, Wilson p. 315 Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55. Paeon gen. n. (Sphyriidae) p. 590, ferox on Scoliodon N. Carolina p. 592, versicolor on Mustelus N. Carolina p. 696, spp. n. figs., Wilson t.o. 17 Crust. SySTMMATIO.— OSTRACODA. Paracartin grnni )i, 1ft figfl., Sars Crust. Norvv. 7. Parastephos pallkhis p. G figs., Sars t.c. Perip)lexis gen. n. {Sphyriidae) p. 598, lohodes sp. n. on Ahpocephalus New Jersey p. 599 figs., Wilson Proc. U.S. Nat. Mils. 55. Platycopia perphxa p. 11, pygniaea sp. n. p. 13, Norway, Sars Crust. Norw. 7. Psamaihc lovgicnndn larval fetagos p. 38 figs., Brian Atti Soo. Ital. Sei. Nat. 58. Pseudocyclopia giesbrechti p. 7, crassi- comis p. 9, figs., iSars Crust. Norw. 7. Psetidocy clops crassiremis p. 14 figs., Sars t.c. Pseudodiaptomus iollingeri p. 2, annnndahi p. 5, spp. n. hinghami p. 7, Chilka Lake, figs., Sewell Rec. Incl. Mus. 16. . Rebelula bouvieri p. 679, cornuta sp. n. on Synaphobranchus Japan p. 682, gracilis sp. n. on Synaphobranchus &c. New England p. 585, figs., Wilson Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55. Specilligus p. 315, Wilson t.c. Sphyriidae fain. n. for Sphyrion etc. p. 5G4, Wilson t.c. Sphyrion lumpi p. 670 figs., Wilson t.c. Siephos minor p. 4 figs., Sars Crust. Norw. 7. Snnaristes paguri p. 19 figs., Sars t.c. Xanihocalanus minor p. 3 figs., Sars t.c. Xenocoeloma brumpli, alleni, p. 170, figs., Caullery and Mesnil Bull. Biol. France Belgique 53. Zosime major p. 21, valida p. 22, spp. n. Norway, Sars Crust. Norw. 7. BRANCHIURA. [Vacant.] OSTRACODA. '\Oslracoda, Hede 51. ^Aechmina bovina p. 141 fig., Hede Stockholm Geol. Foren. Forh. 41. — A. Grbnwalli sp. n. Sweden, Silurian, p. 62 figs., Troedsson Lund Univ. Arsskr. N.F. Avd. 2 15 No. 3. 2631 Aglaia obtusala (?) p. 71 fig., Chap- man Brit. Antarct. Exped. Geol. 2. ^Bairdia viclrix p. 49 fig., Chapman t.c. ^Beirichia bussacensis var. n. his- panica Silurian, Spain p. ,347 figs., Born Abh. Senckenb. Gcs, 36. — Beyrichia jonesi p. 132, maccoyiana p. 133, nodulosa p. 134, steusloffi p. 135, figs., Hede Stockholm Geol. Foren. Forh. 41. \Bollia harparum, biplicata spp. n. Sweden Silurian p. 55 figs., Troedsson Lund Univ. Arsskr. N.F. Avd. 2 15 No. 3. 1[ Bythocypris symmetrica p. 142 fig., Hede Stockholm Geol. Foren. Forh. 41. '\Candonocypris assimilis p..28 figs.. Chapman Proc. R. Soc. Victoria 32. Crossophorus grimaldii sp. n. N. Atlantic p. 1 figs., Granata Bull. Inst. Ocean. Monaco 356. '\Clenobolbina sexpapillosa p. 63 rara p. 54 spp. n. Sweden Silurian, figs., Troedsson Lund Univ. Arsskr. N.F. Avd. 2 15 No. 3. -\Cypridina ocevjana, balbersteinenis, spp. n. Trias, Europe, p. 170 figs., Kittl in Trautii Wien Ann. Nat. Hofnms. 32. ^Cypris myiloides, sydneia. p. 27, Icnuisculpta sp. n. p. 28, figs.. Pleisto- cene, Victoria, Chapman Proc. R. Soc. V ctoria 32. Cythere davisi sp. n. Ross Sea p. 72, qnadriaculeala p. 73, figs.. Chapman I3rit. Antarct. Exped. Geol. 2. ^Cythere foveolafa, parallelogramma, p. 38, normani, polytremay p. 60, figs.. Chapman t.c. — C. lubbockiana p. 29 fig.. Chapman Proc. R. Soc. Victoria 32. \Cyiherideis laevata p. ,39 fig.. Chap- man Brit. Antarct. Exped. Geol. 2. '\Cytheropteron antarclicum sp. n. raised beach, Drygalski glacier p. 38 figs.. Chapman t.c. Cytherura obliqua p. 73, rudis p. 74 figs.. Chapman t.c. ^Cytherura costellaia p. 61 fig.. Chap- man t.c. 18 Crust. X. Crustacea. [1919] ‘\Entomis variosiriata, serratostriata, p. 7, brookei sp. n. 'Devonian, Canada p. 8, figs., Kindle Ottawa Dept. Mines Mus, Bull. 29. ■\Jonesina rectangular is sp. n. Sweden Silurian p. 60 fig., Tkoedsson Lund Univ. Arsskr. N.F. Avd. 2 15 No. 3, ihe'perdilia tonkineims sp. . n.; cf. angelini, Palaeozoic, Tonkin p. 19 figs., Mansuy Mem. Serv. G^ol. Indochine 3 fasc. 2. — L. cf. phaseolus ii. 131 fig., Hede Stockholm Geol. Foren. Fork. 41. ■\Limnicy there sicula sp. n. Pleistocene, Victoria, p. 29 figs., Chapman Proc. R, Soc. Victoria 32. ■\Loxoconcha mawsoni sp. n. raised beach, Mt. Erebus p. fiO figs.. Chapman Brit. Ahtarct. Exped. Gcol. 2. 1[ M acrocypris vinei p. 140 fig., Hede Stockholm Geol. Foren. Forh. 41. Pontocypris faba (?) p. 71 figs.. Chapman Brit. Antarct, Exped. Geol. 2. ^Poniocyprh aubrenijormin p. 37 fig.. Chapman t.c. ' ■\Primitia cristata, mundula, p. 137, valida p. 138, figs., Hede Stockholm Geol. Foren, Forh. 41. — P. harparum p. 48, conica p. 49, spp. n., bursa var. n. scanensis, P. (?) biloba sp. n., p. 61, Sweden Silurian figs., Teoedsson Lund Univ. Arsskr. N.F. Avd. 2 15 No. 3. yPhlipsura v.-scripta var. discreta p. 139 fig., Hede Stockholm Geol. Foren. Forh. 41, Xestoleberis variegata, setigera, p. 73 , figs.. Chapman Brit. Antarct. Exped. Geol. 2. -f Xestoleberis davidiana p. 61, figs.. Chapman t.c. CIRRIPEDJA. ■\Lepidocoleus sp. p,^23 fig., Hede Sveriges Geol. Unders. Arsbok 11 No. 2. Megalasma {31 egalasma) minus p. 362, (Olyptelasma) gigas p, 361, pilsbryi sp, n. Java- Australia p. 366 figa., orientale sp. n. Java-Australia p. 367, figs., hamatum sp. n. Atlantic and Indo- Pacific p. 370 figs., Calman Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4, XI. ARACHNIDA TO WHICH ARE ADDED GIGANTOSTRACA (XIPIIOSURA, TRILOBITA, EURYPTERIDA), PANTOPODA, TARDIGRADA, PENTASTOMIDA, MYRIOPOOA and PROTOTRAOIIEATA AKRANOED BY . W. T. OALMAN, D.Sc., F.R.S. CONTENTS. PAGK Gigantostraca. I. Titles = 2800 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 II. Subject-Index=:2803-2827. . .. .. .. 5 III. Systematic Tndkx = 2831 : — Trilobita . . . . . . . . . . 6 Xipliosura, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Eurypterida . . . . , . . . . . ; . . . 7 Pantopoda. I. Titles = 2800 .. . . .. 8 II. Subject-Ini)ex = 280o-2827 . . ,, .. .. ,, 8 in. Systematic Index = 2831 .. .. .. .. ., 8 2 Arachnida (ind. Tardigrada and Pentastomida). I, Titles=3000 . . .. .. .. IT. SuiiJECT-lNDBX =3003-3027 : — General, Economics . . Structure . . Physiology . . . . . , Development. . Ethology . . . . Variation and Aetiology . . Distribution (Geographical) III. Systematic Jndex = 3031 : — General (vacant). Scorpiones . . Peclipalpi . , . • . Palpigradi (vacant). Araneae . . . . Aviculariidae Uloboridae Dictynidae. . Prodidomidae Drassidae . . Palpimanidae Zodariidae. . flersiliidae Pholcidae ... Theridiidae Argiopidae Archaeidae Thomisidae Clubionidae Agelenidae Pisam idae . . Lycosidae . , Salticidae . . Solifugae Pseudoscorpiones . , Opiliones Uicinulei, etc. (vacant). PAGE 9 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 3 PAGR Acftri . . . . . * , , . , . . . . . ♦ 18 Oribiitidao, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' IB Gamasidao. . . . , . .... .... 18 Ixodidae and Argasidae . . . . . * . . . . 20 Trombidiidae, etc. .. i. .. * .. ..20 Il^'dracbnidae .... . . . . . . . . 20 Ilalacaridae .. .. .. .. .. .* 21 JMellidae (vacant). Sarcoptidae .. .• .. .. .. 21 Tjroglypliidae . . - . . , . . . . . . . 22 I)einodicidao .„ .. .. .. .. .,22 Eriopbyidac .. *. .. ,. .. .. 22 Tardigrada .. .. ., .. ,. 22 Pentastomida (vacant). Myriopoda. I. TriLES=3100 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23 II. Subject-Index — 3403-3427 : — , . General (vacant). Stnictnro . . . . . . . . . , . . , . 24 Physiology (vacant). Development (vacant). Ethology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Variation and Aetiology (vacant). Distribution (Geographical and geological) . . . . 24 III. Systematic Index = 3431 ; — Cbilopoda ., .. .. *. .. .. ,, 25 Syinpbyla . . . . , . . . • . . • • 25 ' Paiiropoda (vacant). Diplopoda . . . . . . . . . , . , . . 25 Prototracheata (vacant). ' (N-13790 n)Q . C3— 2 4 Arachn XI. Arachnida.-Gigantostraca. [1919] GIGANTOSTRACA. I.— TITLES. Born, A. Zur Organisation der Trilobiten. Frankfurt Senckenbergiana 1 1919 (159-171) text-figs. 1 Born, A. Die Galijmene TrUtani- Stufo (mittleres Untersilur) boi Alinadon, ihro Fauna, Oliodcrung iind Vorbrei- tung./ Frankfurt Abb. Senckonb. Gcs. 36 1918 (311-358) pis. xxiv-xxvii. 2 Caiman, W. T. Dr. G. D. Walcott’s researches on the appendages of ITilobites. Geol. Mag. London Dec. vi 6 1919 (359 -363) pi. viii text-fig. 3 Etheridge, R. The Cambrian Trilo- bites of Australia and Tasmania. Adelaide Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 43 1919 (373-393) pis. xxxix and xl. 4 Foerste, A. F. Silurian fossils from Ohio, with notes on related species from other horizons. Ohio Nat. Colum- bus 19 1919 (367-404) pis. xvi-xix text- figs. 5 Foerste, A. F. Notes on Isotdus, Acrolichas, Culijmcnc and Encrinurus. Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ. Gran- ville Ohio 19 1010 (65-81) pis. xiv- xviii. 6 Hede, J. C. Faunan i kalksands- tenens margliga bottenlager soder om Klintehamn pa Gottland. Stockholnfv Sveriges Geol. Unders. Arsbok 11 1917 Nq. 2 (Ser. C. No. 281)(32pp.)2pls. 7 Hede, J. E. Om en forekomst af colonusskiffer vid Skarhult i Skano! Stockholm Geol. Foren. Forh. 41 1910 (113-154) pls.i v-vi. . 8 Lake, P. A monograph of the British Cambrian Trilobites. PartV. London Palaeontogr. Soc. 1917 1919 (89-120) pis. xi-xiv. 9 Mansuy, H. Faunes cambriennes du Haut-Tonkin. Mem. Serv. Geol. Indochinc 4 fasc. 2 1915 (35 pp.) 3 pis. 10 Mansuy, II. Contribution l’6tude des faunes de I’Ordovicien et du Goth- landien du Tonkin. Mem. Serv. Geol. Indochine 4 fasc. 3 1915 (22 pp.) 3 pis. 11 Mitchell, J. The Carboniferous 'Fri- lobitcs of Australia. Sydney Proc. Linn, Soc. N.S.W. 43 1918 (437-494) pis. xlvi-liii. 12 Mitchell, J. On two new 'Frilobites from Bowning. Sydney Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44 1919 (441-449) pis. xv and xvi. 13 Richter, R. Von unseren Trilobiten. Frankfurt Ber, Senckonb. Gcs. 45 1914 (49 *-62*) text-figs. 14 Richter, R. Von Bau und Lebcn der Trilobiten. I. Das Schwimmen. Frankfurt Senckenbergiana 1 1919 (213-238) text-figs. 15 Richter, R. and E. Der Proetiden- Zweig Astycoryphe- Tropidocoryphi- Pteroparia. Frankfurt Senckenbergi- ana 1 1919 (1-17, 25-51) text-figs. 16 Richter, R. and E. Proetiden aus neuoren Aufsammlungon im vogi- liindischen und sudetischen Obordevon. Frankfurt Senckenbergiana 1 1919 (97- 130) text-figs. 17 Richter, R. and E. Obor Phucops laevis Munst. und andero Phacopiden des vogtlandischen Oberdevons. Frank- \ furt Senckenbergiana 1 1919 (131-140) text-figs. 18 Richter, R. and E. Von unsern Tri- lobiten. II. Eine uberraschende Tri- lobitenfauna aus dem Eifeler Devon. Frankfurt Ber, Senckonb. Ges. 47 1918 (123-131) 3 pis. 19 Richter, R. and E. Ober die Ein- tcilung der Familie Acidaspidac und iiber einige ihrer dcvonischen Ver- treter. (Vorliiufige Mitteilung.) Cen- trabl. Min. Stuttgart 1917 1917 (462- 472) text-figs. 20 Sjoberg, S. Beschreibung einer nouen Trilobitcn-Art aus dem schwarzen 1’rinucleus - schiefer Ostcrgotlands. Stockholm Geol. Foren. Forh. 40 1918 (457-460) pi. vii. 21 5 Arachn. Systematio- Swinnerton, H. IT. Tho facial suture of Trilobites. Gcol. Mag. Ijondon Dec. vi 6 1919 (103-110) text-figs. 22 Versluys, J. Die Kiemon von Limn- lus und die Lungen der Arachniden. Amsterdam Bydr. Dierk. 21 1919 (41- 48) text-figs. 23 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. N.B. — The number in Clarendon^ when' not referring to a Volume, refers lo the list of Tiileri. GENERAL - 2803-2823. General account of Trilobita ; Rich- ter, 14 : Morphology and affinities of Trilobita ; Caiman, 3. Facial suture, Trilobita ; S winner- ton, 22 : Muscle-attachments in head of Trilobita', Born, 1. Gills of Limulus ; Versluys, 23. Swimming of Trilobita ; Richter, 15. Evolution, Trilobita ; Richter, 16. DISTRIBUTION = 2827. (Geological.) Cambrian. Britain, Trilobita ; Lake, 9 : Tonkin, Trilobita ; Mansuy, 10 : Australia and Tasmania, Trilobita ; Etheridge, 4. Ordovician. Sweden, Trilobita ; Sjoberg, 21 : Ohio, Trilobita ; Foerste, 6. Ordovician and Gothlandian, Ton- kin, Trilobita; Mansuy, 11. Silurian. Sweden, Trilobita, Eurypterida ; Hede, 7 : Sweden, Trilobita ; Hede, 8 : Spain, Trilobita ; Born, 2 : Ohio, Tri- lobita ; Foerste, 56 : N.S. Wales, Tri- lobita ; Mitchell, 13. Devonian. Germany, Trilobita ; Richter, 16- 20 : N.S. Wales, Trilobita ; Mitchell, 13. Carboniferous. Australia, Trilobita ; Mitchell, 12. —Trilobita. 2831 HI.— SYSTEMATIC INDEX 2831 N.B. — The number in Clarendon type, when not that of a Volume, refers to the list of Titles. fTRILOBITA. tloEN 1. — Calman 3. — Richter 14, 15, 19. — SwiNNERTON 22. Acidaspis {Ceratocephala sandber- geri sp. n. Devonian Wiesbaden p. 467 figs., Richter Centralbl. Min. 1917. ’ Acrolichas gon n. tA^)o Lichas cucullus Meek :ui I Worthen p. 402, Foerste Ohio Nat. 19. — A. shideleri sp. n. Ordovitiun, Ohio, p. 73 figs., Foerste Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ. 19. Adaslocephalujn gen. n. {Phacopinae) p. 446, teleotyjncum sp. n. Devonian N.S. Wales p. 447 figs., Mitchell Proc Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Agraulos tonJcinensis sp. n. Cambrian, Tonkin p. 19 figs., Mansuy Mem. Serv. Geol. Indochine 4 fasc. 2. Angelina sedgwicki p. 112 figs.. Lake Brit. Camb. Trilobites. Anomocare cf. subquadratum p. 26 fig., Mansuy Mem. Serv. Geol. Indo- chirie 4 fasc. 2. Asaphus nobilis var. n. caudiculaius ’ p. 354 figs.,'BoRN Abh. Senckenb. Gee. 36. Astycoryphe gen. n. p. 2, sencken- / b'ergiana p. 3, gracilis p. 11, westfalica sp. n. Devonian, Germany p. 14, 'novdki p. 14, brilonensis sp. n. Devonian, Germany p. 16, champernowni p. 16, ^s^figs., Richter Senckenbergiana 1. Beltella gen. n. near Olenus p. 102, depressa p. 104, bucephala p. 106, verisimilis p. 107, figs.. Lake Brit. Camb. Trilobites. Blackwelderia smensis, p. 10, cilix p. 11, alastor p. 12, speciosa sp. n. p. 1.3, Cambrian Tonkin, figs., Mansuy Mem. Serv. G6ol. Indochine 4 fasc. 2. Brachymetopus dunslani sp. n. Car- boniferous, Australia p. 486 figs., Mitchell Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Bumastus cf. ioxus p. 386 fig., Foerste Ohio Nat. 19. [1919] 6 Arachn. XI. Arachnida.— Gigantostraca. Calymene Tristani p. 348 figs., Born Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36. — C. abbreviala p. ~~l‘fr~fe(forta vur minuens 76, niagarensis, brevicepa, p. -78, cedar- villensis sp. n. Silurian, Ohio p. 78, figs., Foerste Bull. Soi. Lab. Denison Univ. 19.—6'. wJiillakeri sp. n. Silurian, Ohio p. 393, cf. vogdesi p. 393, figs., Foerste Ohio Nat. 19. — Culymmene intermedia p. 142 figs., Hede Stockholm Geol. Foren. Forh. 41. Ceraurinus cf. trentoneyiais p. 396 fig., Foerste Ohio Nat. 19. Chaunoproetus isubg. n. of Proelua (q.v.) p. 117, Bichter Scnckenbergiana 1. Cheirurna claviger var. marianua p. 351 figs.. Born Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36. Chuangia naia p. 20 figs.. Mans uy M4m. Serv. G6ol. Indochino 4 fasc. 2. Cooaia deprati sp. n. Cambrian, Tonkin p. 27 figs., Mansuy t.c. Clenopyge direcla sp. n. Cambrian, Britain p. 89 figs., Lake Brit. Cainb. Trilobites. Cyphaspia sp. p. 143 fig., Hede Stockholm Geol. Foren. Forh. 41. CyrlosymboU planilimhala sp. n. p. 103, spp. a, b, c, p. 104, Devonian, Germany, figs., iRiohter Sencken- bergiana 1. • Dahnanitea macrophlhalmua p. 352 fig?».. Born Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36. — D. hrevigladiolua SI), n. Silurian, Ohio p. 401, cf. verrucoaus p. 402, figs., Foerste Ohio Nat. 19. — D. (Haua- mannia) loomeai sp. n. Silurian and ? Devonian N.S. Wales, p. 441 figs., Mitchell Proc. Linn. Soe. N.S.W. 44. Pameaella dongvanenaia sp. n. p. 13, breviccpa sp. n. p. 17, blackwelderi p. 17, Cambrian, Tonkin, figs., Mansuy M4m. Serv. G6ol. Indochine 4 fasc. 2. Dikelocephalina furca p. 118 figs.. Lake Brit. Camb. Trilobites. Dikelocephalua discpidalis p. 115, eelticua p. 116, figs.. Lake t.c. Dolichomelopua ? p. 28 figs., Mansuy M6m. Serv. G6ol. Indochine 4 fasc. 2. Drepanura ? p. 18 fig., Mansuy t.c. Drevermannia aff. brecciac p. 107, sp. c. p. 108, carnica var. n. macilenta p. 109, figs., Richter Scnckenbergiana 1. Encrinurua cf. ornatua p. 391 figs., Foerste Ohio Nat. 19. — E. ornatua p. 79, hillsboroenaia sp. n. Silurian, Ohio p. 80, Foerste Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ. 19. Eurycare sp. p. 94 figs.. Lake Brit. Camb. Trilobites. Qriffilhidea convexicaudalus sp. n. Carboniferous, Australia p. 475, aweeli p. 479, figs., Mitchell Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Helioproetua subg. n. of Proelua (q.v.) p. 119, Richter Scnckenbergiana 1. llldenurus ? p, 29 fig., Mansuy Mem. Serv. G6ol. Indochino 4 fasc. 2. Illaenua giganteua p. 355, Beaumonii p. 356, figs.. Born Abh. Seiuikenb. Ges. 36. laolelua brachycephalua sp. n. Ordo- vician, Ohio p. 65 figs., Foerste Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ. 19. Leonaspis subg. n. of Acidaapis, type A. honhardi Barr, p. 465 fig,, Richter Centralbl. Min. 1917. Leploplaalua salteri p. 90 figs.. Lake Brit. Camb. Trilobites. Lichaa cf. avua p. 356, L. sp. p, 357, figs,. Born Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36. Menocephalua sp. ? p. 22 fig., Mansuy .M6m. Serv. G6ol. Indochine 4 fasc. 2. il/imspis subg. n. of Acidaspia typo A. mira Barr. ]>. 466 fig., Richter Centralbl. Min. 1917. Niobe cunclatrix sp. n. Ordovician Sweden p. 458 figs., Sjoueru Stockholm Geol. Foren. Forh. 40. Parabolinella aimplex p. 110 fig.. Lake Brit. Camb. Trilobites. Pellura acarabaeoidea p. 97, punctata p. 99, olenoidea p. 100, figs.. Lake t.c. ; Phacopa {Portlockia) mancua sp. n. Silurian, Ohio p, 399 fig., Foerste Ohio Nat. 19. — P. laevia p. 133, caecua p. 135, crypto phthabnua p. 136, spp. a, b, p. 136, figs,, Richter Senckenbergiana 1. 7 Araclin. Systematic — Eubypterida.’ 2831 Phaefonides rugulosus^^. 26 fig., Hede Sverigds Geol. Unders. Arsbok 11 No! 2. Phillipsia coUimi p. 414, coulleri p. 447, brevicepsp. 449, proxima, robusta, p. 451, slroudensis p. 453, superba p. 454, waterhousei p. 455, elongata p. 456, rocJchamptohensis p. 459, stanvellensis p. 461, morganensis p. 471, connollii p. 472, rouchelensis p. 473, dungogensis p. 474, spp. n. Carboniferous, Australia, grandis p. 463, woodwardi p. 465, figs., Mitchell Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Placoparia Tourneminei p. 347 figs., Born Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36, Platycorphe gen. n. type Calymene christyi Hall p. 394, dubius p. 395, figs., Foerste Ohio Nat. 19. Primaspis subg. n. of Acidaspis, type A. primordialis Barr. p. 466 fig., Richter Centralbl. Min. 1917. Proetus undulosirialus p. 386, par- viuscultis p. 387, determinatus, princeps, p. 389, collinodosns sp. n. Silurian, Ohio p. 390, figs., Foerste Ohio Nat. 19. — P. conspersus p. 143 figs., Hede Stock- holm Geol. Foren. Forh. 41. — P. sp. p. 15 fig., Mansuy Mem. Scrv. Geol. Indo- chine 4 fasc. 3.— P. {Ghaunoproetus) palensis p. 118, sp. a. p. 119 {Helio- proetus) ehersdbrfensis p. \2\, ohlongulus sp. n. p. 122, (subg. ?) giimbeli p. 123, var, n. abruptirhachis p. 124, fran- conicus sp. n. p. 126, avitus sp. n. p. 128, Devonian, (Germany, figs., Richter Senckenbergiana 1. Pseudomonas pis subg. n. of Acidaspis, type A. brighii Murch. p. 466 fig., Richter Centralbl. Min. 1917. Pteroparia columbella p. 43 fig., Richter Senckenbergiana 1. Pterygometopus co7ifluens sp. n. Silu- rian, Ohio p. 396, achates p. 397, carleyi-rogersensis p. 398, figs., Foerste Ohio Nat. 19. Ptychaspis walcotti p. 22, angulata p. 25, spp. n. Cambrian, Tonkin, figs., Mansuy M6m. Serv. G6ol. Indochine 4 fasc. 2. Ptychoparia (?) latei p. 382, subsdgit- tatus p. 383, (?) australis p. 384, ^ou>- chini p. 385, abroinensis sp. n. Northern Territory p. 385, (?) carolinensis sp. n, Tasmania p. 391, (?) johnstoni sp. n. Tasmania p. 392, tasmaniensis sp* n. Tasmania p. 392, Cambrian, figs., Etheridge Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 43. — P. ? p. 18 figs., Mansuy M6m. Serv. G6ol. Indochine 4 fasc. 2. Radiaspis subg. n. of Acidaspis, type A. radiata Goldfuss p. 466 figs., Richter Centralbl. Min. 1917. Shumardia cf. granulosa p. 9 fig., Mansuy Mem. Serv. G6ol. Indochine 4 fasc. 2. Sketnmatopyge gen. n. p. 114, tietzei sp. n. Devonian, Germany p. 115 figs., Richter Senckenbergiana 1. Stephanocare richthofeni p. 10 figs., Mansuy M6m. Serv. Geol. Indochine 4 fasc. 2. ’ ' T rimer ocephalus grifithidts sp. n. ' Devonian, Gerhaany p. 137 figs., Richter Senckenbergiana 1. ‘ Trinucleus ornatus p. 4 figs., Mansuy M6m. Serv. Geol. Indochine 4 fasc. 3. Tropidowryphe bafroisi p. 26, varr. a and 6 p. 34, fdicostala p. 35, laiens p. 39, memnon p. 41, heteroclyla p. 42, figs., Richter Senckenbergiana 1, Typhloproetus schindeivolji sp. n. Devonian, Germany p. Ill fig., Rich- ter t.c.. XIPHOSURA, ETC. Versluys 23. fEURYPTERIDA. Versluys 23 Pterygotus sp. p. 27 fig., Hede Sveriges Geol. Unders. Arsbok 11 No. 2: XI. Arachnida.— Pantopoda. 11919] 8 Arachn. PANTOPODA. I.— TITLES. Flynp, T. T. Two new Australian Pycnogonida. Hobart Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1918 1919 (91-100) pis. xiii and xiv. - 1 Flynn, T. T. A re-examination of Professor Haswell’s types of Australian Pycnogonida. Hobart Proo.» R. Soo. Tasmania 1919 1919 (70-92) pis. xyiii- xxii. 2 II.— SUBJECT INDEX - 2803-2837. Australia, Tasmania ; Flynn, 1, 2. III.— SYSTEMATIC INDEX. - 2831. Achelia assimilis p. 87 figs., Flynn Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1919. Ammothea auslraliensis sp. n. Port Jackson p. 95 figs., Flynn op. cit. 1918. Anoplodactylus tubiferus p. 79 figs. Flynn op. cit. 1919. Ascorhynchus longicoUis p. 81 figs., Flynn t.o. Nymphon aequidigitahun p. 72 figs., Flynn t.o. Nymphopsis armalus p. 84 figs., Flynn t.c. Pallene (?) valida, p. 75 figs., Flynn t.c. Pseudopallene pachycheira p. 77 figs., Flynn t.c. Pycnog^num aurilineaUim sp. n. Tasmania p. 92 figs., Flynn op. cit. 1918. Bhopalorhynchus ienuissimns p. 71 figs., Flynn op. cit. 1919. 9 Arachn. Titles. — Araounida. 3000 ARACHNIDA (INCL. TARDIGRADA & PENTASTOMIDA) CONTENTS (see p. 2) I.— TITLES. Barrows, W. M. 'Flio taxonomic position of I\l t/funenfi biilhijem {Olcnog^ natha hulbifcra) Banks, with some ob- servations on its habits, Ohio Nat. Columbus 19 1919 (210-212) text-figs. 1 Barrows, W. M. New Spiders from Ohio. Ohio Nat. Columbus 19 1919 (355-360) pi. XV. .2 Bastert, C. vide Willem, V. Berland, L. Diagnoses preliminaires d’Araignecsd’Afriquoorientale. Voyage do Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel. ( Ire note). Paris Bull. Soc. Ent. 1919 1919 (347- 350) text-figs. 3 Berland, L. Note sur le peigne metatarsal que possedent certaines Araignees de la famille des Drassidae. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 1919 1919 (458-463) text-figs. 4 Berlese, A. Intorno agli Uropodidae. Redia Firenze 13 1918 (7-10). 5 Berlese, A. Sul Lipomjssus vatriciff (Gerv.) c su altri Dermanissidi dei Rettili. Redia Firenze 13 1918 (55-71) pi. iii. 6 Berlese, A. Su una nuova specie di' Trombidide appartenente ad un nuovo gene re supposta parassita, alio stato di larva, delle Cavallettc, in Puglia. Redia Firenze 13 1918 (93-97 and 199) pi. iv. 7 Berlese, A. Centuria quarta di Acari nuovi. Redia Firenza 13 1918 (1 15-190) text-fig. 8 Berlese, A, I'ide Trouessart, E. Bernard, Ch. en Kerbosch, M. Mytenaantastingen op kina, thee enz. [.MilbcnnngrilTo auf Kina, Tec u.s.w.) Builenzorg Meded. Proefst. Thee 60 1918 (1-16) 7 Taf. 8a Bishnpp, F. C. The fowl tick and how premises may be freed from it. U.S. Dept. Agric. Farmers’ Bulletin 1070 1919 (10 pp.) text-figs. 9 • Brauer, A. Ueber Doppelbildungen des Skorpions {Euscorpius carpathicus L.). Berlin Sitzber. Ak. Wiss. 1917 1917 (208-221) text-figs. 10 Bryk, F. Spindel niit med sanklod. Ent. Tidskr, Uppsala 40 1919 (97-99). 11 Carr, L. A. The spiders, harvestmen and pseudo-scorpions of Lichfield and neighbourhood. Trans. North Stafford. Field Club 53 1918-19 1919 (71-87). 12 Chamberlin, R. V. A new Solpugid from Panama. Washington Proo. Biol. Soc. 82 1919 (211-212). 13 Chamberlin, R. V. New Western Spiders. Columbus Ann. Ent. Soc. America 12 1919 (239-260) pis. xiv-xix. 14 Chapin, R. M. vide Ellenberger, W. P. Dallman, A. A. Some zoocecidia of South Denbighshire. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (104-106). 15 Dalmas, le Comte de. Synopsis des Araignees de la famil'e des Pro- didomidae. Paris Ann. Soc. Ent. 87 1918 (279-288) ; t.c. 1919 (289-340) figs. 16 [1919] 10 Arachn. XI. Arachnida. Dalmas, le Comte de. Catalogue dea Araign6es du genre Leptodrassus (Onaphosidae) d’apres les mat6riaux de la collection E. Simon au Museum d’Histoire Natiirelle. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 1919 1919 (243-250) text- figs. 17 Dammerman, K. W. Landbouw- dierkunde van Oost-Indie. De schadelijke en mittige Dieren voor Land-, Tuin- en Boschbouw in Oost- Indie. 8vo. 308 i)p. text-figs. Amster dam 1919. 18 Ellenberger, W. P. and Chapin, R. M. Cattle-fever ticks and methods of eradication. U.S. Dept. Agric. Farmers’ Bull. 1057 1919 (32 pp.) text -figs. 19 Emerton, J. H. The flights of Spiders in the autumn of 1918. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (165-168). 20 Emerton, J. H. New Spiders from Canada and the adjoining states. No. 2. Canadian Ent. London Canada 51 1919 (105-108) pi. vii text-figs. 21 Emerton, J. H. Notes on the Spiders collected by l*’rits Johansen of the ‘‘Danmark Expedition” 1900-8 to North-eastern Greenland, Latitude 76|° to •77'^ North. Copenhagen Vidensk. Medd. Nat. Foren. 70 1919 (143-145) text-figs. 22 Ewing, H. E. and Hartzell, A. The ehigger-mites affecting man and domestic animals. J. Econ. Entpm. Concord 2 1918 (250-264) text-figs. 23 Page, L. Etudes sur les Araign^es cavernicoles. iii. Sur le genre Trog- lohyphantes. Arch. Zool. exper. Paris 58 1919 (55-148) pis. ii-viii text-figs. 24 Falconer, W. The spiders of Yorkr shire (continued). Naturalist London 1919 1919 (21-25,137-140,236-238, 207-270, 323-320, 365-308, 400-403). 25 Falconer, W. New and rare British spiders. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (295-302) text-figs. 26 Falconer, W. Additions to the “ Spiders of • Wicken.” Naturalist London 1919 1919 (p. 356). 27 Falconer, W. Plant galls from the Scarborough district. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (392-393). 28 Frisch, — . Overforelse af Fnat fra Dyr til Mennesker. . Transmission of the itch from animals to men. Koben- havn Ugeskrift for Laeger 80 1918 (p. 1348). 29 Hansen, J. P. G. Om Sarcoptesskab hos Hesten. , On the mange produced by Sarcoptes in the horse. Kobenhavn Mdskf. Dyrl. 31 1919 (289-313). 30 Hartzell, A. vide Ewing, H. E. Hatori, Juro. On the endemic Tsutsugamushi disease of Formosa. Ann. Trop. Med. Liverpool 13 1919 (241-256) pis. viii & ix. 31 Henderson, J. R. Two new Scorpions from Southern India. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (379-38'l) pi. xxi. 32 Hewitt, J. Descriptions of new South African Araneae and Solifugae. Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6 1919 (63-111) pis. i-iv text-figs. 33 Hewitt, J. A short survey of the Solifugae of South Africa. Ann. Transvaal Mus. 7 1919 (1-76) pis. i-viii text-figs. 34 Hewitt, J. Descriptions of new South African Spiders and a Solifugo of the genus Chelypus. Rec. Albany Mus. Grahamstown 3 1919 (196-215) text-figs. 35 Hirst, S. Studies on Acari. No, 1. The genus Demodex, Owen. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) 1919 (pp. 44 -j- vi) 13 pis. text-figs. 36 Hirst, S. On two new parasitic Mites {Myocoptea hintoni and Paoroptea natalensia). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser, 9 3 1919 (p. 524). 37 Howard, L. 0. Note on the Vine- garone (Arach. Pedipalpi). Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (p. 26). 38 Kerbosch, M. vide Bernard Ch. Kiilerioh, — . Et Tilfaoldo af Ixodes (Blodmide) paa Conjunctiva. A case of Ixodes being a parasite on the conjunctiva of a man. Kobenhavn Ugeskrift for Laeger 80 1918 (p. 1518). 39 Leitdo, M. Ligeiras notas sobre uma pequena collec9ao de Araneidos do Museu Paulista determjnados por E. Simon. Rev. Mus. Paulista S. Paulo 11 1919 (463-479) [A plate without inscription appears to belong to this paper]. 40 11 Arachn. Titles.— Arach5Tida. 3000 Lcssert, R. do. Araign6cfl dii Kili- mandjaro et dii Merou (suite). R6- siiltats scientifiques de la Mission sucdoise au Kilimandjaro, au M6rou, etc. (1905-1900) sous la direction du Prof. Dr. Yngve Sjiistedt. Rev. suisse Zool. Cleneve 27 1919 (99-234) pi. ii. text-figs. 41 Loman, J. C. C. De. verwantschap der Tardigraden. [Die Verwandt- schaft der 'Tardigraden.] Anisterdam Bydr. Dierk; 21 1919 (73-79) 2 text- fig. 42 McGregor, E. A. The Red Spiders of America and a few European species likely to be introduced. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 1919 (641-679) pis. Ixxvi-lxxxi. • 43 Marshall, Ruth. Now species of water mites of the genus Arrhenurus. Mcnasha 'Trans. AmCr. Micr. Soc. 38 1919 (275-281) pis. xxix-xxxi. 44 i > Merk, L. Lebender Acarus fol- liculoriim Simon im Fischdarm. Zool. Auz. Leipzig 50 1919 (250-252). 45 Muller, A. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Weibehen der Subfamilie Phalan- giini (Genera mit sekundaren Gesch- lechtsdimorphismus). Zool. Jahrb. Abth. Syst. Jena 41 1918 (535-580) pis. x & xi toxt-ligs. 46 MUller, A. Eino neuo Opilionidenart aus Frankfurts Umgobung. Frank- furt Bcr. Senckenb. Gcs. 46 1910 (183- 188) text-Ugs. 47 Munro, J. W. Report of scabies investigation. J. R. Army Medical Corps 3^3 1919 (1-41) text-figs. 48 Nalepa, A. Die Systematik der Eriophyiden, ihre Aufgabe und Arbeitsmethode. Nebst Beraerkungen fiber die Umbildung der Arten. Wien Verb. zool. bot. Ges. 67 1917 (12-38). 49 Nalepa, A. Diptilomiopm, eine neue Eriophyidengattung. Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges, 67 1917 (226-232). 50 Nielsen, E. Nogle lagttagelser over Edderkopper. Contributions to the biology of some Danish spiders. Koben- havn Naturens Verden 3 1919 (337- 362) 13 figg. 51 Nuttall, G. H. F. Observations on the biology of the Ixpdidae. Pt. iii. Dealing with the behaviour of the sexes in Amblyomm% hehraeum, Hyalomma aegyplium and Ehipicephalus bursa when upon the host. Parasitology Cambridge 11 1919 (393-404). 52 Paoli, G. Ixodes loricatus Neumann e Ixodes coxaejurcatus Neumann. Redia Firenze 13 1918 (193-196) text-figs. ' . 53 Pulleine, R. H. A new species of Aganippe from Kangaroo Island. Adelaide Trans. R. Soo. S. Australia 43 1919 (74-70) pi. xii. 64 Reimoser, E. Dio Spinnongattung Micraihena Sundevall. Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 67 1917 (73-100) pis. i-ix. 55 Rodman, G. H. The egg-case of a spider from Cannes. London Proc. Linn. Soc. 131 1919 (78-80) text-figs. 56 Sherriffs, W. R. A contribution to the study of South Indian Arach- nology. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 9 4 1919 (220-252) pis. ii-vi. 67 Soar, C. D. Hydracarina : the genus Oxus Kramer. London J. Quek. Micr. Club 14 1919 (29-34) pi. i. 58 Spassky, E. Die Spinnen des Donge- bietes. ii. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 1919 (147-:i69). 69 Strand, E. Indoaustralischo, pa* puanisoho und polynesisoho Spinnen dos ' Sonokonborgisohen Museums gosamraelt von Dr. E, Wolf, Dr. J.> Elbert u.a. ' Wissensch. Ergeb. d. Hanseatischen Sudsee-Exped. 1909. Frankfurt a.M. Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36 Heft 2 1915 (181-274) pis. xiii- xix. 60 Teodoro, G. 11 ciclo di sviluppo delTakamushi seebndo le recenti ricerche dei giapponesi Miyajima o Okumura. Riassunto e considerazioni generali sulle malattie trasmesse dagli Acari. Redia Firenze 13 1918 (105- 114). 61 Trouessart, E. L. Diagnose de genres nouveaux de Sarcoptides plumicoles. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 9 4 1919 (336-338). 62 Trouessart, E. L. Monographic des generes Hemialgts et Ilyperalges (Sarcoptides plumicoles). Paris Bull. Soc. Zool. 44 1919 (.302- 321) figs. 63 12 Arachii. Xi. Arachnida. [1919] Trouessart, E. e Berlese, A. Generi nuovi di Acari. Redia Firenze 14 1919 (p. ? ). 64 Vandely A. Contribution 5, la con- naissance do la faune des eaux douces du Jura. Paris Bull. Soc. 2iool. 44 1919 (80-94). 65 Versluys, J. Die Kiemen von Limulus und die Lungen der Arach- niden. Amsterdam Bydr. Dierk 21 1919 (41-48) text-figs. 66 Vitzthum, H. Neue myrmecophile Milben. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 1919 (188-192) text-figs. 67 Walter, C. Neue Hydracarinen aus Surinam. Zool, Anz, Leipzig 50 1919 (257-265) text-figs. 68 Walter, C. Hydracarinen aus den peruanischen Anden und aus Brasilien. Rev. suisse Zool. Geneve 27 1919 (19-59) text-figs. 69 Walter, C. Schweizerische Siiss- wasserformen der Halacariden. Rev. suisse Zool. Geneve 27 1919 (235- 242) text-figs. 70 Wesenberg-Lund, C. Furesostudier. En bathymetrisk - botanisk - zoologisk Undersogelse af Molleaaens Soer. Kapitol vi. Furesoens Bundfauna. Kobenhavn K. Danske Vid. Selsk.-Skr. Rack, viii 8 1919 (135-178). 71 Wesenberg-Lund, C. Contributions to the knowledge of the postembryonal ■development of the llydracarina. Kobenhavn Vidensk. Medd. Nat. Foren. 70 1919 (5-57). 72 Willem, V. De bewegingen van het hart en de ademhalingsbewegingen by twee soorten spinnen, [Les mouve- ments du coeur et les mouvements respiratoires do deux especes d’araig- n6es,] Amsterdam ^Vcrk. Gen. Nat. Genees. Heelk. 8 1917 (p. 624). 73 Willem, V. et Bastert, C. Essais d’inscription des pulsations cardiaques chez une araignee. Haarlem Arch. Neerl. de Physiol. Ser. ITIc des Arch. Neerl. 2 1917 (285-289) 3 lig. 74 Yagi, N. Preliminary note on the life-period of the Bulb-mite, Rhizogly- ^hus echinofua. Bor. Oliara Inst, landwirtsoh. Forsoh. Kuraschiki 1 1918 (349-360) pi. vii text-figs. 75 II.— SUBJECT-INDEX. N.B. — The number in Clarendon, when not that of a Volume, refers to the list of Titles. GENERAL, ECONOMICS. 3003. General. Methods of study, Eriophyidae ; Nalepa, 49. Economics (see also Parasitism). Poison of Mastigoproctus (Pedip) ; Howard, 38. Chigger-mites (Trombid.) of man and animals ; Ewing and Hartzell, 23 : Transmission of Sarcop.es from animals to man ; Frisch, 29 : Demode:c in man and animals ; Hirst, 36 : Ixodes on conjunctiva of man ; Killerich, 39 : Sarcoptes in man ; Munro, 48 : Tsutsugamushi disease {Trombicula) ; Hatori, 31 : Akamushi, Transmission of disease by Acari; Teodoro, 61. Cattle - fever tick, Margaropus {Ixod.) ; Ellenberger and Chapin, 19 : Sarcoptes on horse ; Hausen, 30 : Fowl tick, Argas {Ixod.) ; Bishopp, 9. Acari destructive to agric. in Dutch East Indies ; Dammerman, 18 : Mil- benangriffe auf Tee, Kina ; Bernard, Kerbosch, 8a. Red Spiders {Tetranychidae) ; McGregor, 43: Bulb-mite {Hhizogly- phus) ; Yagi, 75. STRUCTURE. 3007- Solifugae ; Hewitt, 34 ; Demodex ; Hirst : Tardigrada ; Loman, 42. Metatarsal comb, Drassidae ; Berland, 4. Lungs of Arachnida ; Versluys, 66. Sexual dimorphism, Opiliones ; Muller, 46. PHYSIOLOGY. 3011. Movements of heart and respiration Araneae; Willem, Z3: of heait, Araneae; Willem k Bastert, 74. DEVELOPMENT. 3015. Post-embryonal dev., Ilydrach- nidae ; Wesenberg-Lund, 72,. 13 Arachn. 3027 Subject Ikdex. — Distribution. ETHOLOGY. 3019. General. Habits, etc., Arancnc; Nielsen, 51: S. Indian Arayicae ; Sherrills, 57 : Olcnognatha (Argiop.) ; Barrows, 1. Breeding Habits, etc. Behaviotir of sexes, Ixodidae ; Niittall, 52. Egg-ease of (?) Cyrtnrachne (Argiop.) ; Rodman, 56. Habitats. Cavcrnicolous, Troglohyphanics (yl >771977.) ; Page, Parasitism and Symbiosis (see also Economics). On Mammals, Demodex ; Hirst, 36 : Sarcopfidne ; Hirst, 37. On Birds, Sarcoptidne ; Trouessart, 62, 63. On Reptiles, Gamasidac ; Berlese, 6. Demodex in fish ; Merk, 45. On Insects, Trombidiidae ; Berlese, 7. Blyrmccophilous Acari ; Vitzthum, 67. Plant galls vide Eriophyidne. Miscellaneous. Use of metatarsal comb, Drassidae ; Berland, 4. Flight of young Araneae ; Emerton, 20. Weighted spiders’ webs ; Bryk, 11. VARDVTION AND AETIOLOGY. 3023. Phylogcny Arachnida ; Versliiys, 66. Teratology. Double monsters in embryos of Euscorpius ; Brauer, 10. DISI'RlBimON. GEOaRAl'HIOxVL 3027. General. Distrib. Uropodidae; Berlese, 5: Many new records of Acari ; Berlese, 8 : Distrib. and Records of Prodidomidae ; de Dalmas, 16 : Records, Lepiodras.ms and related genera ; de Dalmas, 17. Europe and Mediterranean Islands. d Denmark, Fureso, Hydrachnida ; Wesenberg-Lund, 71. Russia, Don region, Araneae ; Spassky, 59. Germany, Frankfurt, Opilioncs ; Muller, 47 : Weimar, Acari ; Vitzthum, 67. British Islands, Oxns (llydrach.); Soar, 58 : England, Araneae ; Falconer, 26 : Sarcoptidae ; Hirst, 37 : Yorkshire, Araneae ; Falconer, 25 : Scarborough, Eriophyidac ; Falconer, 28 ; Staffonl- shirc, Araneae, Opiliones, Pseudo- scorpiones ; Carr, 12: Wicken Fen, Araneae; Falconer, 27: Denbigh, Erophyidae ; Dallman, 15. France, Jura, Hydrachnidae ; Vandel, 65. Franco, Spain, Italy, Carniola, etc. Troglohyphanies ; Fage, 24. Italy, Gamasidac ; Berlese, 6 : Trombidiidae ; Berlese, 7 : U ropodidae ; Berlese, 64. Switzerland, II alacaridae ; Walter, 70. Asia and Malay Archipelago. « China, Hydrachnidae ; Marshall, 44. India, Scorpiones ; Henderson, 32 : S. India, Araneae ; Sherrills, 57. Malay Archipelago, Sarcoptidae ; Trouessart, 63 : Java, Eriophyidac ; Nalepa, 50 : Borneo, Sarcoptidae ^ Trouessart, 64. Africa and Madagascar. / E. Africa, Araneae ; Berland, 3, Kilimanjaro-Moru dist., Thomisidac : de Lessert, 41. S. Africa, Solifugae, Araneae ; Hewitt, 33, 35 : Solifugae ; Hewitt, 34 : Natal, Sarcoptidae ; Hirst, 37. Madagascar, SarcojJtidae ; Trouessart, 63. North America. g Araneae ; Emerton, 21 : Tetrany- chidae (Tromh.) ; McGregor, 43. Western U.S. Araneae ; Chamberlin, 14. 14 Araehn. xr. Arachnida. [1919] Wisconsin, Hydrachnidae ; Marshall, Ohio, ^4mweae ; Barrows, 2. Central and South America and W. Indies. ^ Centr. and S. America, Micrathena ( ; Reimoser, 55; S. Amor., Hydrachnidae ; Marshall, 44 ; Tetrany- chidae {Tromh.) ; McGregor, 43. Panama, ; Chamberlin, 13. Surinam, Hydrachnida ; Walter, 68. Brazil and Peru, Hydrachnidae, flalacaridae ; Walter, 69 ; S. Paulo, Araneae ; Leitao, 40. Australasia. i New Guinea, Australia, New Zea- land, Polynesia, Sarcoptidae ; Troues- sart, 63 ; Papua and Polynesia, Araneae ; Strand, 60. Australia, Sarcoptidae ; Trouessart, 64 ; S. Australia, Avmilariidac j Pul- leine, 54. Arctic. h North - east Greenland, Araneae ; Emerton, 22. Geological. [Vacant.] TIL— SYSTEMATIC. 3031. . N.B. — The number in Clarendon, when not that of a Volume, refers to the list of Titles. SCORPIONES. Bhauer 10. Lychas albimanus sp. n. Cochin p. 379 6gs., Henderson Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16. Palamnaeus tristis sp. n. India p. 380 6gs., Henderson t.c. pedipai.pl Howard 38. PALPIGRADL [Vacant.] ARANEAE. Bryk 11. — Carr 12. — Emerton 20. — Falconer 25, 27. — ^Nielsen 51. — Rodman 56. — Sherriffs 57.— Spassky 59. — Willem 73. — Willem ET Bastert 74. Aviculariidae. Acanthodon (Gorgyrella) hirschhorni sp. n. Rhodesia p. 203, Hewitt Rec. Albany Mus. 3. — A . monticoloides p. 67, graciUpes p. 68, hirsutus p. 69, nigro- pilosus p. 70 figs., mossambicus p. 72, hepburni p. 73, spp. n. S. Africa, Hewitt Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6. Aganippe rainbowi sp. n. S. Australia p. 74 figs., PuLLEiNE Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. 43. Ceratogyrus brachycepAialus p. 103, dolichocephalus p. 104, spp. n. S. Africa, figs.,. Hewitt Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6. Conothele ferox p. 183 figs., Strand Abh. Sonokenb. Ges. 36. Evagrus caffer var. australis p. 95 figs., Hewitt Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6. Galeosoma mossambicum sp. n. p. 78, planiscutum sp. n. p. 79, vandami var. n. circumjunctum p. 80, pluriimnctatum sp. n. p. 81. coronalum var. n. spheroi- deurn p. 82, roberlsi var. n. criniliim p. 82, S. Africa, Hewitt t.c. — G, jiilo- sum p. 206 figs., Hewitt Rcc. Albany Mus. 3. Idiops pulloides sp.n. S. Africa p. 205 figs. Hewitt t.c. Idiolhele gen. n. (Barychelinae) p. 06, nigrofulmis p. 98, pluridentatum sp. n. S. Africa p. 101, figs., Hewitt Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6. Moggridgea pseudocrudeni sp. n. S. Africa p. 210, crudeni p. 212, Hewitt Rec. Albany Mus. 3. ^ Pelmaforycter brevicornis sp. n. Trans- vaal p. 209, Hewitt t.c. — P. breyeri p. 91 fig., tookei p. 92, spp. n. S. Africa, Hewitt Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6. ^ Poecilotheria uniformis p. 1 89, Strand Abh. Scnckenb. Ges. 36, Pferinochiius breyeri sp. n. S. Africa p. 102, Hewitt Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6. 15 Arachn. Systematic, — Arankae. 3031 SeUnocosmia {Phlogiellus) inermis p. 183 figs., bicolor p. 184 figs., lyra p. 185, deliana p. 186, strubelli p. 187, hirtipes p. 188, Strand Abh. Senckenb. Gcs. 36. Spiroctenus marleyi p. 83, spinipalpis p. 84, londinmsis p. 86, curvipes p. 88, spp. n. S. Africa, figs., Hewitt Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6. Stasimopus nigellus p. 93, tysoni sp. n. S. Africa p. 93, Hewitt t.c. IJEOnORIDAE. Uloborus ntahensis sp. n. Utah p, 244, Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amcr. 12. Dictynidae. Ammirobms utahensis p. 239, noinms p. 240, spp. n. Utali, figs., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 12. — A. ogeh- noides sp. n. Brit. Columbia p. 106 figs., Emerton Canad. Ent. 51. Diciyna hamifera p. 144 figs., Emer- ton Vidensk. Medd, 70. — D. quadri- sqnnosa sp. n. New York p. 106 fig., Emerton Canad. Ent. 51, — D. uintana p. 240, coloradensis p. 241, bdlans, socidla, insolens p. 242, vincenf, olym- piana p. 243, spp. n. U.S. figs., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soo. Amer. 12. Dictymidcs gen. n. p. 243 nrizoncnsis sp. n. Arizona p. 244, fig., Chamberlin t.c. PRODTDOMIDAE. Revision of family, de Dalmas, 16. Prodida gen. n., toJigivenlris sp. n. Philippines p. 324, de Dalmas Ann. Soc. Ent. France 87. Prodidomus rodolphianus E. Africa p. 305, tigrinus W. Africa p. 306, robustus Erythraea p. 311, djibutensis Erythraea p. 314, simoni S. Africa p. 315, hispanicus Spain p. 318, geni- culosus Tunis p. 319, spp. n., de Dalmas t.c. — P. dalmasi sp. n. E. Africa p. 347 fig., Berland Bull. Soc. Ent. France 1919. Zimiriim gen. n. p. 325, deserlicola Algeria p. 327, transvaalica Transvaal p. 328, spp. n., DE Dalmas Ann. Soc. Ent. France 87, Zimiris guianensis sp. n. Guiana p. 335, DE Dalmas t.c. Drassidae, Anzacia gen. n. typo Drassodes perexiguus, Simon, p. 249, de Dalmas Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. Camillina nom. n. for Camilla Tullgren non Curtis p. 458, Berland t.c. ' Drassodes auriculoides sp. n. Ohio p. 355 figs., Barrows Ohio Nat. 19. — ■ D. robinsoni, gosiutus p. 245, melius p. 246, spp. n. Utah figs., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amor. 12. Ihrpyllus onbus sp. n. Utah p. 240 fig., Chamberlin t.c. Ilypodrassodes gen. n. typo Drassodes maoricus Dalmas p. 250, de Dalmas Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. Leplodrassus revision p. 243, croalicus nom. n. for Jeminms Chyzcr et Kul- czynski non Simon p. 244, Shnoni nom. n. for ienerrimus Simon non Cambridge, algericus sp. n. Algiers p. 245, fragilis sp. n.. Algiers p. 246, punicus sp. n. Tunis p. 247, tropicus sp. n. Sierra Leone p. 247, pupa, sp. n. Suez p. 248, licentiosus sp. n. Capetown p. 248, figs., DE Dalmas t.c. MicrodrassUs geh. n, type Drassodcjs inaudax, Simon, p. 249, de Dalmas t.c. Prosihesima lacca p. 355, lulen p. 356, spp. n. Ohio, figs., Barrows Ohio Nat. 19. Xysticus acquiescens p. 107, onlari- ensis p. 108, spp. n. N. Amer. fig.s., Emerton Canad. Ent. 51. Zeloles tuobus sp. n. Utah p. 247 fig., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 12. Palpimanidae. Hybosida lesserti sp. n. E. Africa fig., Berland Bull. Soc Ent. France 1919. Zodariidae. Cydrda multipunctata sp. n. E. Africa p. 348 fig., Berland Bull. Soc. Ent. France 1919. Diores kenyae sp. n, E, Africa p. 348 fig., Berland t.c. — D. godfreyi sp. n. S. Africa, p. 105 figs., Hewitt Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6. ' Hersiliidae. Hersilia alluaudi sp. n. E. Africa p. 348 fig., Berland Bulb Soo. Ent. F ranee 1919. 16 Arachn. XI Arachnida. [1919] Pholcidak. Myrmidonella gen. n. minuta sp. n. E. Africa p. 349 fig., Berland Bull. Soc. Ent. France 1919. Psilochoms utahensis sp. n. Utah p. 247 fig., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 12. Theridiidae. Argyrodes levuca sp. n. Fiji p. 192, wolji p. 192, figs., Strand Abh. Senc- kenb. Ges. 36. Argiopidae. Aranea thcisi ab. feisiana j). 221, poumoiua p. 221, de haani p. 222, novae-pommeraniae p. 223, toma sp. n. New Pommerania p, 223, goniaeoides sp. n. Lombok p. 224, figs.. Strand Abb. Senckenb. Ges. 36. — A. (Neoscona) utdhana, A. tusigia, spp. n. Utah p. 254 figs., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 12. A rgiope avara p. 208, crcmilata p. 2 1 1, aelherea p. 211, wolji p. 212, novae- jmmneraniae sp. n. New Pommerania p. 212, wogeonicola p. 213, friedericii p. 214, lihirica p. 215, boetonica sp. n. Celebes p. 215, squallica sp. n. New Guinea p. 216, figs.. Strand Abh. Senckenb. Ges 36. Balhyphantes jUlmoramis sp. n. Utah p. 249 fig., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 12. Caerostris indica, bankana, sumalmna, spp. n. Malay Archip. p. 226, Strand Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36. Ceratinopsis obscurus sp. n. Ontario p. 105 figs., Emerton Canad. Ent. 51. Cornicularia monlicolena sp. n. Utah p. 251 fig., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 12. Cyrlarachne friedericii p. 236 figs.. Strand Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36. Cyrtophora moluccensis and varr. p. 217 figs., admiralia p. 218 figs., doriae p. 219, viridipes var. n. scalaris p. 220 fig.. Strand t.c. ' . Diaea longaiahuensis p. 237 fig.. Strand t.c. Diplocephalus wamolsus sp. n. Utah p. 251 fig., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 12. Diplosiyla crosbyi sp. n. New York p. 105 figs., Emerton Canad. Ent. 51. Erigone psychrophila p. 143 fig., Emerton Vidensk. Medd. 70. Oasteracantha theisi var. quadrisig- natella p. 228, strassenl p. 229, with var. n. anirica p. 230, inahurica p. 230, butleri var. elberti p. 230, wogeonis p. 231, analispina p. 232, with var. anirensis p. 233, wolji p, 233, bradleyi p. 234, taeniaia p. 235, signifera 235, figs.. Strand Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36. GlowgnatJia bulbifera p. 210 figs., Barrow.s Ohio Nat 19. Grammonota villala sp. n. Ohio p. 357 figs., Barrows t.c.— oriles p. 249, simplex, obesior, fralrella, spp. n., Utah p. 250 figs., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 12. — G. semipallida sp. n. Manitoba p. 105 figs., Emerton Canad. Ent. 51. Hilaira ula sp. n. Utah p. 253 figs., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amor. 12. Leucauge graimlala var. ritimara p. 199, grata with seven varr. (? nov.) p. 199, eua p. 201, arbilrariana p. 202, lombokiana p. 202, mahurica p. 203, figs.. Strand Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36. Linyphia latescens, orinoma, spp. n. Utah p. 248 figs., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 12. Lophocarenum minakianum sp. n. Ontario p. 105 figs., Emerton Canad. Ent. 51. Maro humicola sp. n. IDngland p. 300 figs.. Falconer Naturalist 1919. Micrathena rev. of gen. p. 77, pfannli p. Ill, henseli p. 121, annulata p. 149, dahli p. 150, spp. n. S. America figs., Reimoser Wien Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. 67. Nephila impcrialis var. novae-meck- lenburgiae p. 205, prolixa p. 206 figs., celebesiana sp. n. Celebes p. 206 figs.. Strand Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36. Orsinome elberti, p. 197 figs.. Strand t.c. Synaema papuanellum p. 237, sera- nicum p. 238 figs.. Strand t.c. Tctragnatha friedericii p. 194, riti- niarae x>. 195, anirensis sp. n. Anir p. 196, eitapensis p. 196 figs.. Strand t.c. 17 Arachn. Systematic. — Araneae. 3031 Troglohyphanles alluaudi sp. n. Spain p. 91, furcifcr p. 93, cantahricus p. 96, with var. anophathalmus p. 98, nyctalops p. 99, simoni sp. n. France p. 100, Cerberus p. 101, pxjrenoeus p. 104, phragmitis p. 106, marqueti p. 108, affirmatxis p. Ill, coccus sp. n. France p. 113, ghidinii p. 115, polyophthalmus p. 116, Orpheus p. 120, solitarius sp. n. France p. 122, lucifuga p. 124, excavaius sp. n. Carniola p. 125, similis sp. n. Carniola p. 128, spinipes sp. n. Carniola p. 129, gracilis sp. n. Carniola p. 130, figs., Face Arch. zool. 68. — T. inargcri- soni sp. n. England p. 297 figs., Fal- coner Naturalist 1919. Wuhana gen. n. p. 252, relrahens sp. n. Utah p. 253 fig., Chamberlin Ann, Ent. Soc. Amer. 12. Archaeidae. Arclinea godfreyi sp. n. Cape Province p. 196 figs., Hewitt Rec. Albany Mus. 3. Thomisidab. List of African spp., p. 168, de Lessert Rev. suisse Zool. 27. Diaea puncta p. 139, alhicincta p. 141 figs., DE Lessert t.c. ( Dicta argenteo-oculaia p. 99 fig., DE Lessert t.c. Jleriaeus latifrous sp. n. Kilimanjaro p. 137 figs., DE Lessert t.c. Misxunena {Misxixnenops) inckeri sp. n. Kilimanjaro p. 133 figs., de Lessert t.c. Monaeses pustulosus p. 113 fig., de Lessert t.c. Oxyptila marshalli sp. n. Ohio p. 357 figs., Barrows Ohio Nat. 19. Parahomis martini sp. n. Kilimanjaro p. 116 figs., DE Lessert Rev. suisse Zool. 27. Paramystaria gen. n. p. 102, variabilis p. 103, decorata p. 106, spp. n. Kili- manjaro figs., DE Lessert t.c. Philodromus partitus sp. n. Kiliman- jaro p. 158 figs., DE Lessert t.c. Runcinia depressa p. 123, ajfinis tropica p. 124, aethiops p. 126, (Run- ciniopsis) johnstoni sp. n. p. 127, proxima sp. n. p. 129, sjostedti sp. n. p. 131, Kilimanjaro figs., de Lessert t.c. Synaema diana p. 148, imitator p. 151, berlandi sp. n. p. 152, simoneae sp. n, p. . 154, nigrotibiale sp. n. p. 166, Kilimanjaro figs., de Lessert t.c. Thomisus dalmasi p. lid, chubbi p. 121 , spp. n. Kilimajaro figs., de Lessert t.c. Tibellus vossioni var. n. minor p. 161, kibonotensis sp. n. p. 164, Kilimanjaro figs., DE Lessert t.c. Tmarus malleti p. 107, africanus p. Ill, spp. n. Kilimanjaro figs., de Lessert t.c. Xysticus fagei sp. n. Kilimanjaro p. 146 figs., DE Lessert t.c. Clubionidae. Caloctenus boetonensis p. 251 figs.. Strand Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36. Clubioxm elberti p. 251 figs.. Strand t.c. — C. furcMa p. 106, saltitans p. 107, spp. n. N. Amer. figs., Emerton Canad. Ent. 51. — G. orinoma sp. n. Utah p. 255 fig., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 12. Corinna tahitica, proboscidea, p. 252, Strand Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36. Heteropoda slrasseni sp. n. Java p. 245, nicki sp. n. Java p. 246, with var. n. quala Sumatra p. 247, kabaexiac p. 248 fig.. Strand t.c. Olios mygalinus p. 240, lamarcki var. taprobanensis p. 241, bungarensis p. 242, ' wolji p. 242, Strand t.c. Seramba salomonum p. 250 fig.. Strand t.c. Torania panaretijorxnis p. 239, Strand t.c. Tychicus rufoides p. 249, Strand t.c. Aoelenidae. Agelena mimoides sp. n. Utah p. 256 fig., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 12. Cicurina garrina p. 256, utahana with subsp. n. anderis p. 257, idahoana p. 268, spp. n. U.S., figs., Chamberlin t.c. Cybaeus silicis sp. n. Ohio p. 356 figs., Barrows Ohio Nat. 19. Hahnia simoni sp. n. S. Paulo p. 478, LeitAo Rev. Mus. Paulista 11. c 4 (n-13799 n) q 18 Arachn. XI. AraclllUda. [1019J PiSAUEIDAE. Dolomedes (Tarentuloides) karschi p. 255, wetariuH p. 256 fig., Strand Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 86. Hypsithylla celebesiana p. 257 figs., Strand t.c. Thalassiua nmtillatus p. 253, lombo- kanus sp. n. Lombok, p. 254, Strand t.c. Lycosidae. Lycosa lombokibia sp. n. Lombok p. 260 figs.. Strand t.c. Pardosa glacialis p. 145 fig., Emerton Vidensk, Medd. 70. — P. utahensis sp. n. Utah p. 258 fig., Chamberlin Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 12. — P. vancouveri sp. n. Blit. Columbia p. 106 figs., Emerton Canad. Ent, 51. Tarentula tongatabuensis p. 258, feisica sp, n. Caroline Ids. p. 258, lombokensis p. 259, tanna p. 260, figs.. Strand Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36. Salticidae. Asycltua pterygodea p. 267, Strand Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36. Cocalodes armatiaaimua p. 262 figs., Strand t.c. Cytaea exapectana p. 266 fig.. Strand t.c. Evarcha hyllinella p. 264 figs., Strand t.c. Uelpis lonyichelia p 263 figs., Strand t.c. MoUica puailla p. 263 figs., Strand t.c. Opisthoncana formidabilia p. 268 figs,, Strand t.c. Opiathoncua nigriiifemur p. 267 figs.. Strand t.c, Phidippus hirsutua sp. n. Ohio p. 358 figs., Barrows Ohio Nat. 19. Paeudamycua evarchanua sp. n. New Pommerania p. 265 fig., Strand Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36. Saaaacua amaragdinua sp. n. Ohio p. 359 figs., Barrows Ohio Nat. 19. Sittacua curaor sp. n. Ohio p. 359 figs., Barrows t.c. SOLTPUGAE. Rev. of S. African forms, with figs. Only new names noted below, Hewitt Ann. Transvaal Mus. 7, Ammotrecha tabogana sp. n. Panama p. 211, Chamberlin Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 82. Bloaaia laticoata p. 64, laminicornia p. 65, spp. n. S. Africa,' figs., Hewitt Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6. — B. falcifera var. n. dolichognathua p. 58 fig., S. Africa, Hewitt Ann. Transvaal Mus. 7. Chelypua macronyx sp. n. Rhodesia p. 213 fig., Hewitt Rec. Albany Mus. 3. Solpuga lethalis var. n. rectua p. 24, erythronotoidea sp. n, p. 33, tookei sp. n. p. 35, chelicornia varr. n. pubeacena, rufescena, p. 40, and macrognathua p. 41, niaaaa var. n. kafulica p. 73, S. Africa, figs., Hewitt Ann. Transvaal Mus. 7. PSEUDOSCORPIONES. Carr 12. ^ OPILIONES. Carr 12. Phalangiinae spp, $ p. 535 figs., MiiLLER Zool. Jahrb. Abthl Syst. 41. Liobunum haaaiae, rolundum, blqck- walli, p. 185 figs., Muller Bcr. Senc- kenb. Ges. 46. RICINULEI, &c. (Vacant.) ACARI. Hammerman 18. Oribatidae, Eto. Anoelua vcnuatiaaimus sp. n. Florence p. 115, Berlese Redia 13, Gamasidae. Ameroaeiua dubitatua p. 143, delicatua p. 144, spp. n. Florence, Berlese Redia 13. Calholaapia gen. n. superbus N. America p. 173, Berlese t.c. Coprholaapia suhg. n. of Macrocheles (q.v.) p. 146 fig., Berlese t.c. 19 Avaclin. S ySTBMATIO. — AoARI. 3031 Cypholaelaps gen. n. for Laelaps ampullula p. 117, Berlesb t.c. Dinychopsis elimata, urojiodina, gpp. n. Tahiti p. 179, Berlese t.c. Dolaea ajjinis p. 131, villosior Nyassa- land p. 132, spp. n., Berlese t.c. Epicroseius seurati sp. n. Tahiti p. 135, Berlese t.c. Eucylliba gen. n. for Cylliha bordagei p. 13, Berlese t.c. Eugynolaelaps subg. n. of Laelaps (q.v.) p. 128, Berlese t.c. Evholocelaena subg. n. of Ilolocelaena, type II. bursiformis Berl. p. 170, Berlese t.c. Gamasellus {Digamasellns) bicolor Florence p. 135, cylindricus N. America p. 135, presepum Florence p. 130, {Sessiluncus) ercmila Italy p. 137, {Protolaelaps) aster Sardinia p. 137, snbnndus Florence p. 138 spp. n., Berlese t.c. Geholaspis subg. n. of Macrochdes (q.v.) p. 145, Berlese t.c. Gitodinychus subg. n. of Urodinychus, ty[)o U. hyeroglyj)hicus p. 178, Berlese t.e. Ilolocelaeno expolila, pontigera^ p. 170, amygdaligera p. 177, with var. n. inlerrupla p. 178, spp. n. S. America, Berlese t.c. Ilolostaspella {Prholaspina) bisignata sp. n. La Plata p. 175, Berlese t.c. Iloplomegistus bicrinus sp. n. loc. ? p. 143, Berlese t.c. Hypoaspis tenuipes Java p. 117, seniifer Java p. 118, spiculifer E. Africa p. 118, (Stratioladaps) brasiliensis Brazil p. 119, etiopicus E. Africa p. 120, pauperculus Java p. 120, misellus Somaliland p. 121, egenus Zululand p. 122, {Leptolaelaps) elegans Trans- vaal p. 123j {Ilaemolaelaps) spiniiarsis Zululand p. 123, scapularis Durban p. 124, elongatus Italy p. 125, con- currens Sardinia p. 120, inversus Florence p. 127, villosissimus Zululand p. 128, spp. n., inops var. n. zulu Zululand p. 125, Berlese t.c. Laelaps {Eugynolaelaps) coriaceus Durban p. 129, L. giganteus Zululand p. 129, spp. n., Berlese t.c. Laelaps piger sp. n. on snakes, Florence p. 70 figs., Berlese t.c. Lasioseius {Lasioseius) innumerabilis Florence p. 132, dentriticus Florence p. 133, larsalis Florence p. 134, spp. n., Berlese t.c. Leiodinychus subg. n. of TJrodinychus p. 12, Berlese t.c. Leptolaelaps subg. n. of Hypoaspis (q.v.) p. 122, Berlese t.c. Liponyssus natricis p. 68 figs., Ber- lesb t.c. Macrocheles (Geholaspis) alpinus var. n. pauperior Italy p. 146, (Coprholaspis) elimatus S. America p. 148, somalicus Somaliland p. 148, gracilipes La Plata p. 149, validus Abyssinia p. 150, pharaonis Egypt p. 150, spectandus S. America p. 151, abbreviatus Somali- land p. 151, quadriareolatus Brazil p. 162, paganus Angola p. 153, alecto Florence p. 163, with varr. n. aegyptius^ aethiopicus, australis p. 166, posteroar- matus var. ri. novimundi p. 166, medialis E. Africa p. 160, caelatus E. Africa p. 167, mundus La Plata p. 167, insignitus France p. 158, cognaius La Plata j); 159, with var. n. hypogaeus p. 169, fuscus La Plata p. 100, spinipes La Plata p. 101, perparvulus Argentina p. 101, pusillus E. Africa p. 102, spinosus S. America p. 102, pulcher La Plata p. 103, dirnidiatus S. America p. 103, with var. n. difficilis j). 104, vespillo N. America p. 104, immundus La Plata p. 105, peniculaius La Plata p. 100, vicarius La Plata p. 107, decoratus Java p. 107, centrogynus La Plata p. 108, (Nothrholaspis) aciculalus Paris p. 169^ punctatissimus Italy p. 170, nwntivagus var. n. transoreanicus La Plata p. ni,mammifer La Plata p. 171, (Macrocheles) vagabundus var. n. neolro- picus S. America p. 173, var. n. australis Sydney p. 173, spp.' n., Berlese t.c. M acrodiny chus sahg. n, of Urodiny- chus p. 12, Berlese t.c. Melittiphis gen. n. for Laelaps alvearius p. 117» Berlesb t.c. Metagynella gen. n. (Uropodidae) type M. paradoxa sp. n. [not descr.] nests of Camponotus Italy p. ? , Berlese Redia 14. 20 Arachn. XI. Arachnida. [1919] N othrholaspis subg. n. of Macrocheles (q.v.) p. 169, Beelese Bedia 13. Oodinychus subg. n. of UrodinycMis p. 12, Beelese t.c. Pachylaelaps (Paralaelaps) major (Somaliland p. 139, {Elaphrolaelaps) formidabilis Nyassaland p. 140, spp. n., Beelese t.c. ParJiolaspis gen. n. desertus sp. n. Java p. 174, Beelese t.c. Prholaspina subg. n. of Holostaspella (q.v.) p. 175, Beelese t.c. Trematura gen. n. for Uropoda j>(da- vina p. 12, Beelese t.o. Tricholocelaena subg. n. of Holo- celaena, type H. lengicoma Berl. p. 176, Beelese t.c. Tympanospinctus gen. n. near Spin- turnix p. 116, paradoxus sp. n. Natal p. 117, Beelese t.c, Uroobovella {Urocyclella) parvula var. n. nostras Italy p. 180, Beelese t.c. Uropoda hippocrepea sp. n. Tahiti p. 180, Beelese t.c. Uropodidae key to genera and list of species p. 7, Beelese t.c. IxOpiDAE AND AeQASIDAE. Bishopp 9. — Ellenbeeqee and Chapin 19. — Killeeioh 39. — Nuttall 62. Ixodes coxaefurcatus syn. of loricatus p. 193 figs., Paoli Redia 13. Teombidiidae, Etc. Ewing and Haetzell 23. — Teodoeo 61. Abrolophus marmoratus sp. n, Buenos Aires p. 182, Beelese Redia 13, ’ Achorolophus epigaeus sp. n. Italy p. 181, Beelese t.c. Anychus gen. n. near Teiranychus p. 644, type banksi p. 644, rusti p. 645, McGeeqoe Proc. U.S. Nat Mus. 56. Calothrombium nom. n. for Para- thrombium (q.v.) pp. 190 & 199, Beelese Redia 1^ Cienerythraeus subg. n. of Erylhrmis (q.v.) p. 183, Beelese t.c. Diplothrombidium misellum sp. n. Mexico p. 184, Beelese t.c. Erythraeus {Cienerythraeus) trombi- dioides sp. n. New Caledonia p. 183, Beelese t.c. Imparipes {Imparipes) hystricinus var. n. virnariensis Weimar p. 189, ViTZTHUM Zool. Anz. 50. Micrereunetes nom. n. for Ereynetes preocc. p. ?, Beelese Redia 14. Microtrombidium helerocoinum Mexico p. 184, hornocoinum Mexico p. 185, {Enemolhrombium) rouxi Now Caledonia p. 185. gemniatum Mexico p. 186, {Dromeothrombium) perUluslre Now Caledonia p. 187, spp. n., Beelese Redia 13. Neotetranychus rubi p. 647, uniunguis p. 647 fig., McGeeqoe Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56. Paratetranychus peruvianus p. 667, protensis p. 668, ununguis p. • 669, modestus p. 670, pilosus, viridis, p. 671, citri, p. 672, ilicis p. 673, bicolor, p. 675, yothersi p. 676, figs., McGeeqoe t.c. Farathrombium gen. n. {vide Calo- thrombium) p. 94, paolii sp. n. Apulia p. 95 figs., Beelese Redia 13. Schizotetranychus latitarsus p. 648 fig., McGeeqoe Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56. Septanychus gen. n. near Tetranychus, tumidus p. 663, quinquenychus p. 664, figs., McGeeqoe t.c. Smaridia magnijica sp. n. Italy p. 181, Beelese Redia 13. Tetranychus telarius p. 650, althaeae p. 652, ludeni, flavus, p. 653, multidigi- tuli, bimaculatus p. 654, pacijicus sp. n. Oregon &c., p. 657, borealis p 658, sexmaculatus p 659, weldoni, willamettei, p. 660, oregonensis p. 661, monticolus p. 662, figs., McGeeqoe Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56. Trombicula akamushi p. 241 figs., Hatoei Ann. Trop. Med. Liverpool 13. Hydeachnidae. Vandel 65. — Wesenbeeq-Lund 71, 72. Arrhenurus hirsutipalpis sp. n. Peru p. 67 figs., Waltee Rev. suisse Zool. 27.— A. serralus Wisconsin p. 276, 21 Arachn. Systematic— Aoari. 3031 asiaticus China p. 276, distincius China p. 277, vaiencius Venezuela p. 277, merrilli Biazil p. 277, Iriconicus S. Amer. p. 278, epimerosus Brazil p. 278, maderius S. Amer. p. 279, quadricornicus Brit. Guiana p. 279, spp. n. figs., Marshall Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc. 38; Eylais parvipons p. 23, brevipalpis p. 26, spp. n. Brazil figa., Walter Rev. suisse Zool. 27. Frontipoda ciliaia sp. n. Peru p. 42 figs., Walter t.e. Front ipodopsis gen. n. near Fronti- poda p. 267, stahdi sp. n. Surinam p 268 figs., Walter Zool. Anz. 50. Hygrohales placophorus sp. n. Peru p. 39 figs., Walter Rev. suisse Zool 27. Koenilcea curvirostris p. 46, elliptica p. 48, acuhata p. 61, quadricornuta p. 64, spp. n. Brazil figs., Walter t.c. Limnesia unguiculata Peru p. 32, exigua Brazil p. 36, spp. n. figs., Walter t.c. Neocalonyx gen. n. near Galonyx p. 27, godeti sp. n. Peru p. 28 figs., Walter t.c. Oxus plantaris p. 30, ovalis p. 32, strigatus p. 33, figs.. Soar J. Quok. Micr. Club. 14. Subaturus multiporus sp. n. Surinam p. 201 figs., Walter Zool. Anz. 50. Halaoaridae. Halacarus decaporus sp. n. Switzerland p. 236 figs., Walter Rev. suisse Zool. 27. Halacarus {Halacarus) processifer sp. n. Peru p. 21 figs., Walter t.c. Soldanellonyx monardi sp. n. Switzer- land p. 238 figs., Walter t.c. Bdellidae. (Vacant.) Sarcoptidae. Frisch 29. — Hansen 30. Analgopsis gen. n. type passtrinus L. p. 336, Troubssart Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. — A, gen. n. near Analges, type A . passerinus De Geer p. ?, Trouessart Redia 14. (n-13799 n)Q Berlesella gen. n. near Mesalges type B. alata sp. n. [not descr.] on Chaetura Borneo p. ? , Trouessart Redia 14. Hemialges megamerus sp. n. on Pachy- cephala New Guinea p. 304, clypeaius p. 307, circinipes p. 307, spinicrus sp. n. on Orthonyx Queensland p. 308, lumens p. 309, mimus sp. n. on Phony- gama New Guinea p. 310, holognster sp. n. on Cyclopsittacus New Guinea p. 311, forcipes sp. n. on Mystacornis Matlagascar p. 311, spinosus sp. n. on Terpsiphone Madagascar p. 31 phanerorchls sp. li. on Megalestes Kow Guinea p. 312, lativentris Sp. n. oii Pachycepliala Samoa p. 313, dsirolabei sp. n. on Pachycephala Solomon Is. &c. p. 313, humerosus sp. n. on Eury- laimus Malacca p. 314? pardalis sp. n. on Pachycephala New Guinea p. 316, strictilobatus sp. n. on Magalesles New Guinea p. 316, priapus sp. n. on Pachy- cephala New Guinea p. 316, attenuatus sp. n. on Pachycephxtla New Guinea p. 317, longiventer sp. n. on Pachy- cephala New Guinea p. 317, curvispina sp. n. on Pachycephala New Guinea p. 317, furcula sp. n. on Poecilodryas New Guinea p. 318, simulans sp. n. on Orthonyx New Guinea p. 319, many figs., Trouessart Bull. Soc. Zool. Paris 44. Hyperalges magnificus p. 319 figs., Trouessart t.c. Melanalges gen. n. type Megninia elongaia p. 338, Trouessart Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. Myocoptes hintoni sp. n. on Sciurus England p. 624, Hirst Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3, Plesialges gen. n. type mimus sp. n. on Pomathorinus Australia p. 336, Trouessart Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. — P. gen. n. mimus sp. n. [not descr.] on Pomathorinus Australia p. 7, Trouessart Redia 14. Psoroptes imialensU sp. n. on cattle. Natal p. 624, Hirst Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3. Psoroptoides gen. n. type Megninia psoroptopus p. 337, Trouessart Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 4. Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis p. 4 figs., Munro J. R. Army Medical Corps 33. C 4—2 22 Arachn. XI. Arachnida. [1919] Tyroglyphidae. Froriepia gen. n. p. 189 vimarieiisis 8p. n. Weimar, with Lasiua p. 190 figs., ViTZTHUM Zool. Anz. 50. Fhizoglyphus echinopua p. 349 figs., Yagi Ber. Ohara Inst. 1. Eriophyidae. Dallman 15.— Falconer 28.— Nalepa 49. Diptilomiopua gen. n. javanicus sp* n. Java p. 228, Nalepa Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 67. DSMODyDIDAE. Mere 45. Demodex revision p. 19, ermineae 8p. n. on Mustela, Exeter, p. 32, arvicolae var. n. glareoli on Evotomya Devonshire p. 35, figs., Hirst Stud. Aoari Brit. Mus. 1. TARDIGRADA. Loman 42. PENTASTOMIDA. (Vacant.) 23 Arachn. Titles. — Myriopoda. 3400 MYRIOPODA CONTENTS (see p. 3) I.— TITLES. Bagnall, R. S. On the discovery of two species of Brachychaeteumidae a minor group of Millipedes j cculiar to the British Isles. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 9 4 1919 (79-84). 1 Bigler, VV. Beitrag zur Kenntnis alpiner Leptoiuliden, Rev. suisse Zool. Geneve 27 1919 (283-333) pis. iii & iv text-figs. 2 Brade-Birks, Hilda K. and S. G. Notes on Myriapoda. xvi. Some ob.scrvations on nomenclature. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 9 3 1919 (2.53-25G). 3 Brade-Birks, Hilda K. and S. G. Notes on Myriapoda. xv.— -Miscellanea. Irish Nat. Dublin 28 1919 (4-6). 4 Brade-Birks, Hilda K. et S. G. [with notes by H. W. Brolemann.] Notes on Myriapoda. xvii. Pour Tehabiliter quelques anciens noms specifiques. Paris Bull. Soc. Zool, 44 1919 (63-68). 5 Brade-Birks, Hilda K. and S. G. vide Jackson, J, W. Brolemann, H. W. Description d’un genre nouveau et d’uno espece nouvelle de Myrinpodes d’Alg^ric. Alger Bui. soc. hist. nat. 6 1916 (88-94) fig.' 6 Brolemann, H. W. Un nouvel Oxydesmus (Myriapode-Polydesmoide ). Paris Bull. Soc. Zool. 44 1919 (26-29) text-figs. 7 Brolemann, H. W. Un nouveau Myriapode d u sous-ordre des Spiro - streptoides. Paris Bull. Soc. Zool. 44 1919 (29-36) text-figs. 8 Brolemann, H. W. Rectification do la synonymic d’un Spirostrepte. Paris Bull. Soc. Ent. 1918 1919 (281-282). 9 Brolemann, H. W. et Lichtenstein, J. L. Les vulvos dos Diplopodes (M6moire proliminaire). Arch. Zool. exper. Paris 68 1919 (173-218) text- figs. 10 Brolemann, H. W. vide Brade-Birks, H. K. and S. G. Brooks, F. E. A migrating army of Millepeds. J. Econ. Entom. Concord 12 1919 (462-464). 11 Carl, J. Revision dc quelques Spirobolides. Rev. suisse Zool. Geneve 27 1919 (377-404) text-figs. 12 Chamberlin, R. V. A new Texan Parajulus. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (119-120). 13 Chamberlin, Pv. V. Myriapods from Nashville, Tennessee. Psyche Boston 25 1918 (23-30). 14 Chamberlin, R. V. New Polydesmoid Diplopods from Tennessee and Mis- sissippi. Psycho Boston 25 1918 (122-127). 16 Chamberlin, R. V. A new Parajulus from British Columbia. Canadian Ent. London Canada 51 1919 (119-120.) text-fig. 16 Evans, W. On the occurrence of Glomeris perplexa, Latz., near Edin- burgh ; with a revised list of Forth Mvriapods. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 1919 (87-93). ^ 17 Foster, N. H, A list of the Myria- poda of Ulster, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London ser. 9 4 1919 (396-407). 18 24 Araehn. XI. Arachnida— Myriopoda. [1919] Granata, L. Affinity e posizione sistematica di Capilhis iniesiinalis mihi, parassita di Pachy iulus communis (Savi), Monitore Zool. Ital. Firenze 30 1919 (167-171). 19 Jackson, J. W. The bristly millipede at Saltwick Bay near Whitby. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (243- 244). 20 Jackson, J. W., Brade-Birks, Hilda K. and S. G. Notes on Myriopoda. xix. A revision of some fossil material from Sparth Bottoms, Lancs. Geol. Mag. London dec. vi 6 1919 (406-411) pi. ix tcxt-figs. ; reprinted Notes Manchester Mus. No. 25 1919. 21 Lichtenstein, J. L. vide Brolemann, H. W. Porat, C. O. von. Exotisk myriopod antraffad i Sverige. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (9-11). 22 Silvestri, F. Contributions to a knowledge of the Chilopoda Geophilo- morpha of India. llec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (45-107) text-figs. 23 Stainforth, T. The bristly millipede in North Linc.s. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (p. 234). 24 Stainforth, T. Some Yorkshire Arthropods. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (361-362). 25 Varty-Smith, J. C. .Some Stafford- shire Myriapods. 'Ih-ans, North Stafford. Field Club 63 1918-19 1919 (89-90). 26 Verhoeff, K. W. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Diplopoden von Wiirt- temberg, Hohenzollern und Baden. (t)ber Diplopoden 72 Aufsatz). Stutt- gart Jahresh. Ver. Wurttemb. 71 1916 (1-54) pi. i. 27 Verhoeff, K. W. t3ber einigo nieder- osterreichische Diplopoden und Isopo- den. Wien Verb. Zool. Bot. Ges. 67 1917 (220-223). 28 IL— SUBJECT INDEX. STRUCTURE = 3407. Vulva of Diplopoda j Brolemann et Lichtenstein, 10. Spormatophoros of Ghordeumidae ; Verhoeff, 27. ETHOLOGY = 3419. Habitats of Brachychaeteuma {Dipl.) ; B agnail, 1. Migration of Fontaria {Diplop.) ; Brooks, 11. Protozoan parasite, Diplopoda ; Granata, 19. DISTRIBUTION = 3427.. Geographical. Sweden, Orphnaeus {Chilop.) ; v. Porat, 22. Scotland, Forth area, Myriopoda ; Evans, 17. England, Brachychaeteuma {Dipl.); Bagnall, 1 : Yorkshire, Polyxenus {Dipl.); Jackson, 20: Diplopoda; Stainforth, 25 : Lincolnshire, Polyxenus {Dipl.); Stainforth, 24; Staffordshire, Chilopoda t Diplopoda ; Varty-Smith, 26 : East Sussex, Myriopoda ; Hastings and E. Sussex Nat. 3 No. 2 1919 (7-12). Ireland, Chilopoda, Diplopoda ; Brade-Birks, 4 ; Ulster, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Symphyla ; Foster, 18. Central Europe, Diplopoda ; Verhoeff, 27. Switzerland, Diplopoda ; Bigler, 2. Austria, Diplopoda ; Verhoeff, 28. India, Chilopoda ; Silvestri, 23. Baluchistan, Chilopoda ; Silvestri, 23. Sumatra, Chilopoda ; Silvestri, 23. Japan, Chilopoda ; Silvestri, 23. Algiers, Diplopoda ; Brolemann, 6. French Guinea, Diplopoda ; Brole- mann, 7. Madagascar, Diplopoda ; Brolemann, 8. N. America, Biitish Columbia, Diplopoda; Chamberlin, 16: Tennessee, Chilopoda, Diplopoda ; Chamberlin, 14 : Tennessee and Mississippi, Dip- lopoda ; Chamberlin, 15 : Texas, Diplopoda ; Chamberlin, 13. Mexico, Diplopoda ; Carl, 12. New Guinea, Chilopoda ; Silvestri, 23. Geological. Coal Measures, Diplopoda ; Jackson and Brade-Birks, 21. 25 Arachn. Systeuatio.— Myriopoda. 3431 III.— SYSTEMATIC INDEX = 3431. Nomenclature, Brade-Birks 3.' — Brade-Birks and Brolemann 5, Chilopoda. Chamberlin 14. — Foster 18. — -v. For AT 22. — V arty -Smith 26. Geophilomorpha rev. of Indian and other Oriental spp., only new names noted below, Sivestri 23. Gwporophilus gen. n. (Geophilhiae) p. 105, typo anguslus sp. n. Sumatra p. 107 figs., SiLVESTRi Hoc. Ind. Mus. 16. Himanlosoma typicum varr. n. tridi- visa Sumatra, bidivisa India, p. 101, figs., SiLVESTRI t.c. Lamnonyx insularis var. n. orientalis p. 59, cephalotes varr. n. subinsularis, mvltispinata, p. 6J , superior sp. n. India p. 63, subsp. n. 2>ullida p. 05, modeslus sp. n. New Guinea p. 68, subgigas sp. n. Now Guinea p. 70, uncifcr sp. n. New Guinea p. 72, diversidens sp. n. India p. 76, diversisternus sp. n. Japan p. 81, figs., SiLVESTRi t.c. Mesocanthus brevis p. 95, perporosus p. 97, discretus p. 98, spp. n. India figs., SiLVESTRi t.c. Monotar sobius duboscqui var. n. fosteri Ireland p. 4, Brade-Birks Irish Nat. 28. Peniorya indica sp. n. S. India p. 88 figs., SiLVESTRi Roc. Ind. Mus. 16. Polyporogaster sinuatus sp. n. Balu- chistan p. 92 figs., SiLVESTRi t.c. Prolamno7iyx gen, n. near Lamnonyx p. 84, type holstii p. 85, sauteri sp. n. Formosa p. 87, figs., Silvestri t.c. Symphyla. Foster 18. Pauropoda. (Vacant.) Diplopoda. Bag NALL 1. — Brade-Birks 4, 5. — Brolemann et Lichtenstein 10. — Brooks 11. — Foster 18.— Granata 19. — Jackson 20. — Stainforth 24, 25. — Varty-Smith 26. — Verhoeff 28. Chelogonobolus gen. n. p. 399, nahuus p. 401 figs., Carl Rev. suisse Zool. 27. Choctella gen. n. near Nannolene, cumminsi sp. n. Tennessee p. 25, Chamberlin Psyche 25. Craspedosma suevicum subsp. 'n. jurassicum p. 10, vomrathi var. n. zollerianum p. 13, v. var. n. fraxini p. 13, alemannicurn brevilobatum var. n. abnobium p. 16, a. b. var. n. cisrhena- num p. 17, a. bavaricum var. n. silvaeyiigrae p. 17, Germany figs., Verhoeff Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Naturk. 71. Fontaria glendalea p. 28, mimetica p. 29, pcZd p. 122, Tennessee, ochra Mississippi p. 123, spp. n., Chamberlin Psyche 25. . Glomeris undixlata genuina var. n. silvaenigrae p. 36, var. n. bigleri p. 37, Verhoeff Jahresh. Ver. Wurttemb. 71. Haplocookia gen. n. {Polydesminae), mauritanica sp. n. Algiers p. 88 figs., Brolemann Bui. Soc. hist. nat. Alger 6. Isophytlostreptus subg. n. of Mar- donius iq.v.) p. 34, Brolemann Bull. Soc. Zool. France 44. lulus ligulifer claviger var. n. sil- vaenigrae p. 31, Verhoeff Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Naturk 71. Leptoiulus {Leptoiulus) helveticus p. 288, facsi sp. n. with subsp. n. genuinus p. 295, subsp. n. valisiensis p. 299, odieri p. 304, brevivclalus sp. n. p. 310, arelatus sp. n. p. 314, magnus sp. n. p. 318, Switzerland, figs., Bigler Rev. suisse Zool. 27. Mardonius (Isophyllostreptus) Eyrau- di sp. n. Madagascar p. 29 figs., Brolemann Bull. Soc. Zool. France 44. Messicobolus mystecus p. 386 fig., Carl Rev. suisse Zool. 27. Microchordeuma voigtii subsp. n. calcivagum p. 23 figs. Germany, Ver- hoeff Stuttgart Jahreshefte Ver. Naturk. 71. Nannaria gen. n. type minor Tennes- see p. 124, media Tennessee p. 125, infesta N. Carolina p. 126, spp. n., Chamberlin Psyche 25. Ophistreptus contortus synonymy p« 281, Brolemann Bull. Soc. Ent- France 1918. 26 Araohn. XI. Arachnida.— Prototracheata. flDlO] Oxydesmus colombi sp. n. French Guinea p. 25 figs., Brolemann Bull. Soc. Zool. France 44, fPaZaeoso?na gen. n. type Acanther- pesles giganteus Baldwin p. 410, robus- tum p. 411, figs., Jackson and Brade- Birks Geol. Mag. 6. Parajulus hewilli sp. n. Brit. Colum- bia p. 119 fig., Chamberlin Canad. Ent. 51. — P. nigrans sp. n. Tennessee p. 27, Chamberlin Psyche 25. — P. Ugifer sp. n. Texas p. 119, Chamberlin Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 32. Bhinocricus toltecus p. 379, totanacus p. 381, zapotecus p. 383, aztecus p. 384, figs., Carl Rev. suisse Zool. 27. Saussurobolus gen. n. p. 389, nietanus p. 309, neglectus sp. n. Mexico p. 391, figs., Carl t.c. Spirobolus mexicanus p. 403 figs., Carl t.c. Xenobolus gen. n. p. 393, carnifex p. 394 figs., Carl t.c. PROTOTRACHEATA (Vacant.) XII. INSECTA BY D. S HARP (Assisted by H. Campion aud W. H. T. Tams). CONTENTS I. Titles . , . . . . , , . * , , • . II. Subject [ndex : — General = 3503-4803 Ilistorical . . Biographical Bibliographical, Pedagogic .. Collections, Museums, Institutions’ Technique, collecting . , . . . . . . Nomenclature Economic entomology ; — General . . . . . . . . , . Reports. . (Objects attacked vide General and Creatures) Creatures attacking . . Insects and man, human disease Insects and other animals Useful parasites, and predaceous Bee culture (vacant) Silk Miscellaneous Products (vacant) Structure; Morphology =3507-4807 General Of outer parts . i Nervous system, sense organs . . Myology . . . . Alimentary canal . . . , * . Circulatory organs. Respiratory organs Glands, Blood .. .* Reproductive organs .. .. .. . ^ Structure of eggs (vacant) (n-13799^’) q PAGE 8 85 85 85 86 86 86 86 86 86 '86 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 C 6 2 PAOK Physiology =351 1-4811 : — General . , « • • • 88 Parthenogenesis (vide Development) • • • • • • 88 Sex. . ^ • . • . • • • • 88 Hermaphroditism . . . • * . • • 88 Senses • c • • • • • • 88 Particular functions • • • # 88 Metabolic . . • # • • 88 Life . . 88 Environmental (vacant) Chemical (vacant) Colour 88 Developinent= 35 16-4815 : — General . . # • • • 88 Regeneration • • . . « • • • 88 Cycles of Generations . . . . . . • • 88 Chromosomes . . • ♦ • • 88 Oogenesis Spermatogenesis * , , . • • • • 88 Fertilisation (vacant) Parthenogenesis . . . . . . . . 88 Embryology . . . . • • . • 88 Postembryology, Metamorphosis . . . . 88 Larvae . . . . . . 88 Ethology=3519-4819 ; — General • • • • 9 • 88 Ant-life • • • • 89 Bee-life • • , * • • • • 88 Wasp-life . . « • « • • • 80 Termite-life t • 89 Habitat and Cavernicolous • • • • 89 Aquatic • • 89 Gregariousuess . . * • • • 89 Migration, flight . . . • 89 Sound-production. . • . • • 9 • • • 89 Food-habits . . , . • C *0 89 Parasitic . . * , • • • • 89 Nests, Habitat • • • • 89 Sex-relations • • • » 89 Oviposition and parental. . Hibernation (vacant) . . 89 Phenology. . . . . . . . 89 Instinct, psychology, tropisms , , . . . . 89 Attitude, movement, sleep . . . . . . 89 Luminosity . . . . . . 90 Resemblance and utility, mimicry . . . . . • 89 Natural history, special cases . . . . . . . . 90 . Pupal habits, cocoons , , , , • t . • 90 Insects and plants , , , , . t . • 90 Galls , , , , « • . « 90 Acclimatisation . . , , , , . . 90 3 PA(iH Aetiology; Variation =3523-4823 : — General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Variation .. .. .. .. .. .. ..90 Teratologj" .. .. .. .. 90 Hybrids and Crosses (vacant) Heredity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Evolution, including phylogeny. . . . . . . . 90 Geographical or faunistic= 3527-4827 : — General . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 90 Arctic and antarctic . . . . . . . . . . 90 Insular (including New Zealand) . . . . . , 90 Palaearctic region ; — Collective .. .. .. .. .... 91 Europe collectively . . . . . . . . . . 91 North Europe and Siberia . . . . . . . . 92 Britivsh Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Central and East Europe . . . . . . . . 95 France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 South Europe and Mediterranean . . . . . . 97 Caucasus and West and Central Asia . . . . 97 Africa . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 97 Madagascar, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Asia (tropical and Eastern) . . . . . . . . 99 Asiatic Archipelago . . . . . . . . . . 99 Australia and Tasmania . . . . . . . . . . 100 North America . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Central America . . . . . . . . . . ..102 Antilles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 South America . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 III. Systematic = 3631-4831 : — General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Coleoptera=4831 : — General Cicindelidae Carabidae . . Paussidae . . Haliplidae . . Dytiscidae . . Gyrinidae (vacant) Hydrophilidae Staphylinidae Pselaphidae Scydmaenidae Silphidae . . Platypsyllidae (vacant) Trichopterygidae . , Scaphidiidae Histeridae . . . 104 . 104 . 107 . 108 . 108 . 108 . 109 . 114 . 115 . 115 . 116 . 116 . 116 (n-13799 j) Q C 6—2 4 Phalacridae (vacant) Nitidulidae, Helotidae, Monotomidae Trogositidae . . . . . . PAGE 117 . . 118 Colydiidae. . . . . . . . 118 Discolomidae Adimeridae'1 Rhysodidae .. > (vacant) Byturidae . . . . J Cucujidae . . 118 Cryptophagidae . . . . . . 119 Lathridiidae (vacant) Mycetophagidae . . .. 120 Dermestidae . . 120 Byrrliidae (vacant) Thorictidae 120 Parnidae . . 120 Heteroceridae . . . , . , 120 Lucanidae . , . . . . . . 120 Passalidae . . 120 Scarabaeidae 120 Buprestidae - . . 124 Throscidae, Eucnemidae , . 126 Elateridae . . 126 Gebrionidae • • 127 Rhipidoceridae (vacant) Dascillidae . . 127 Malacodermidae . . 127 Clei idae . . . . . , . , 130 Lymexylonidae (vacant) Ptinidae . . . . . . . , 130 Bostrychidae, Lyctidae . . * , 131 Oioidae 131 Tenebrionidae 131 Monommidae (vacant) Cistelidae or Alleculidae. . 133 Nilionidae (vacant), Melandryidae • . 133 Lagriidae . . • • 133 Anthicidae, Pedilidae, Ilylophilidae 133 Mordellidae 133 Rhipiphoridae 133 Cantharidae or Meloidae. . 133 Oedemeridae . . . . . . 134 Pythidae . . . . , . 134 Pyrocbroidae (vacant) Trictenotomidae (vacant) Curculionidae 134 Scolytidae . . 138 Brenthidae 139 Anthribidae ... 140 Proterhiuidae (vacant) Oerambycidae 140 PA.OB Bruchidae . . .... .. 141 Chrysomelidae , , i * • i .* 141 Erotjlidae. . . . .. 145 Endomychidae . . .. 145 Coccinellidae , , .. 145 Strepsiptera . . .. 145 Hymenoptera=4631 : — General . , . . .. 146 Apidae . . . . 146 Piploptera (Vespidae, Euraenidae and Masaridae) .. 149 Fossoria (Sphep^idae, etc.) * , ,. 150 Formicidae .. 152 Ghrjsidae . . , * .. 156 Ichneumonidae . . .. 157 Braconidae .. 163 Evaniidae . . .. 164 Megaljridae (vacant) Sfcephanidae .. 164 Proctotrypidae, Bethylidae . . .. 165 Ohalcididae (including Mymaridae) .. 167 Cynipidae . . , . .. 170 Oryssidae, Oephidae, Tenthredinidae, Xyelidae .. 171 Lepidoptera=4431 : — General . . . . . . • • . • .. 173 Rhopalocera ; — General . . .. 174 Papilionidae . , .. 174 Pieridae. . 175 Danaidae, [ Ithomiidae, Acraeidae, Heliconiidae 175, 176 Nymplialidae . . . , .. 176 Morphidae and allies . . , , .. 177 Satyridae . . .. 177 Erycinidae, etc.. . . , .. 178 Lycaenidae . , .. 178 Hesperiidae . . . . . . .. 179 Ileterocera : — Oastniidae .. 179 Sphingidae . , .. 179 Aegeriidae or Sesiidae. . . . .. 180 Borabyces s.l., etc. . . .. 182 Dioptidae , . .. 187 Noctuidae , , .. 185 Geoinetridae, Epiplemidae, Urauiidae, elc. . . .. 187 Pyralidae, Thyiididae . . .. 190 Pterophoridae . , .. 195 Tortricidae .. 195 Tineidae s.l. .. 196 Trichoptera . . .. 200 Neuroptera (including Panorpatae) .. 200 6 PAGE Diptera=4231 : — General . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Cecidomyiidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Mycetophilidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Chironomidae , . , . . . . . . . . . 206 Culicidae .. .. .. .. .. 211 Psychodidae . . . . . . . . . . , . 214 Simuliidae, Bibionidae .. .. .. .. ..214 Blepharoceridae .. .. .. .. .. ..217 Tipulidae, Rhyphidae and Ptychopteridae, etc. . . 214 Stratiomyidae .* .. .. .. .. 217 Scenopinidae .. .. .. ^. .. 219 Tabanidae. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Leptidae . . . , . . .... . . . . 221 There vidae (vacant) Mydaidae, Asilidae . . . . . . . . . . 220 Acroceridae .. ,, ., .. .. .. 221 Bombyliidae .. .. .. .. .. .. 221 Nemestrinidae .. .. .. .. .. .. 222 Bmpidae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Dolichopidae . . . . . , . . . . . . 222 Loncbopteridae . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Phoridae, Thaumatoxenidae . . . . . . . . 224 Platypezidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Pipunculidae . . . . . . , . . . . . 225 Syrphidae . . . . . . . . 225 Gonopidae . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Oestridae . . . . . . . . , . . . . 226 Muscidae Calyptratae . . . . . . . . . . 226 Muscidae Acalyptratae . , . . . . . . . , 231 Pupipara (Nycteribiidae, Hippoboscidae) . . . . 236 Aphaniptera=3631 . . .. .. .. .. .. 236 Hemiptera=4031 ; — General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 Heteroptera : — Pentatomidae , . . . , . . . . , . . 237 Coreidae, Lygaeidae . , , , . . . . . . 240 Pyrrhocoridae . . .. .. .. 241 Tingitidae 241 Aradidae . , . , . . 242 Berytidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 Phymatidae (vacant) Reduviidae, Nabidae . . . . . . . . . . 242 Gerridae . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Cimicidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Anthocoridae, Henicocephalidae, etc. . . . . 246 Polyctenidae . . . . . . . . , . . . 247 Saldidae . . . . . . , . . . . . 251 Capsidae, Miridae, Isometopidae . . . . . . 247 Hydrocorisae . . . . . . . . . . . 251 7 Homoptera: — PAGE Cicadidae 251 Fulgoridae . . 262 Membracidae . . . , 254 Cercopidae , . 255 Jassidae . . . . . . , , 255 Psyllidae , . 256 Apbidae , , 257 Aleurodidae , . 258 Coccidae 258 Anoplura or Ellipoptera=363l . . 260 Thysai)optera= 3631 . . 261 Psocidae or Psocoptera=3831 . . 262 Mallophaga or Lipoptera=3631 . , Termitidae or Isoptera , , 260 . . 262 Zoraptera . . 262 Embiidao or Embioptera . . . . , , 262 Perl id ae or Plecoptera 263 Ephemeridae or Ephemeroptera=3831 . . 263 Odonata or Paraueuroptera . * 263 Palaeodictyoptera and Fossils of extinct Orders Orthoptera=3831 ; — • • 265 General . . « • • • 266 Forficulidae • • • • 266 Blattidae . . 266 Pbasmidae 268 Mantidae . . , , 268 Gryllidae . . • 4 • • . . 268 Locustidae • • • • , , 269 Acridiidae . . Aptera : — Tbysaniira (vacant) • • # * * * 269 Collembola Protura (vacant) • • 271 8 Inaeeta, XII. Insecta. [1919] I.— TITLES. Achard, J. Description d’un nouveau ChlctiTnys du Congo belgo. Rev. zool. afrio. Bruxelles 7 1919 (07). [Goleoj)’ tera.] 1 Achaid, J. Descriptions de Scaphi- diidae in^dits de la Republique argen- tine. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 192;0 (350-352). [Coleoptera.] 2 Achard, J. Descriptions du nou- veaux Scaphidiidae. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1920 (362-365). [Goleoptera.] 3 Achard, J. Description de deux espfeces nouvelles du genre Ghlamys. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59 1919 (36-40). [Coleoptera.] 4 Ackerman, A. J. Two leafhoppers injurious to apple nursery stock. Bull. U.S. dcp. Agric. Washington 805 1919 (35 pp.) pis. [Homoptera.] 6 Adolph, E. Die Venenentwicklung des Vorderfliigels von Epeorua aasimilis Eaton. Nova Acta L. C. Ak. 102 1916 (3-67) pis. i-xxi. [Ephemeroptera.] 6 Albrecht, K. Orgyia ihyellina Btlr. Ent. Zs. Frankfurt a. M. 29 1915 (9-10) figs. [Lepidoptera.] j Aldrich, J. M. Two new genera of Anthomyidae. Proc. ent. Soc. Washing- ton 21 1919 (106-109). [Diptera.] 8 Aldrich, J. M. Description of a new species of Hylemyia. Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. Columbus 12 1919 (380-381). [Diptera^ 9 Aldrich, J. M. Leiomyza in North America. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (137-141). [Diptera.] 10 Alexander, C. P. The crane-flies collected by the Canadian arctic expedi- tion. Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3 C Ottawa 1919 (3 C-30 C)6 pis. [Diptera.] 11 Alexander, C. P. Notes on the crane- flies of the hawaiian islands (Tipulidae, Diptera). Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 12 1919 (25-32). 12 Alexandeir, C. P. Undoscribod species of Japanese Crane-flies {Tipulidae, Diptera). Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. Columbus 12 1919 (327-348). 13 Alexander, C. P. New nearctic crane-flies (Rhyphidae and Tipulidae, Diptera). Part vii. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (162-172). 14 Alexander, C. P. New nearctic crane- flies (Tipulidae, Diptera) Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (191-199). 15 Alexander, C. P. Records and de- scriptions of neotropical crane-flies. (Tipulidae, Diptera). i. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (132-153) pi. xvii. 16 Alexander, C. P. Notes on the genus DicranopUycha Oston Sackon (Tipulidae, Diptera). Ent. Nows Philadelphia 80 1919 (19-22). 17 Alexander, C. P. Two now crane- flies from California. Ent. Nows Philadelphia 30 1919 (214 and 215). [Diptera.] 18 Alexander, C. P. Undescribed crane- flies in the Paris museum (Tipulidae, Diptera) : african species of the sub- family Limnobiinae. Bull. Mus. Paris 25 1919 (606-611). 19 Alexander, C. P. New species of Eriopterine crane-flies from the United States {Diptera, Tipulidae). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (143-148). 20 Alfken, J. D. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bienenfauna von Algerien. Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 22 1914 (185-237). [Hymenoptera.] ^ 21 Allen, E. W. [and others]. Experi- ment Station record 39 (501-1002) 40 (1-1004) 41 (1-500) Washington 1919. 22 9 Insecta. Titles. , 3500 Allen, J. W. Epuraea distincta Grimmer, a beetle new to Britain. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (128). 23 Alluaud, C. Contributions k I’etude des Carabiques d’Afrique et de Mada- gascar. xxii. Descriptions do quatre ©spaces et d’un genre nouveaux de Chleniens. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (60-53). [Coleoptera.] 24 Alluaud, C. Contributions l’6tude des Carabiques d’Afrique et de Mada- gascar. xxiii. Observations sur divers Clivinidos : descriptions d’une race, d’uno osp6ce et d’un genre nouveaux. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1919 1919 (99- 102). [Coleopiera.] 25 Alluaud, C. Contributions I’etude dos carabiques d’Afriquo et do Mada- gascar. xxiv. Sur le genre Eunostus Lap.-Cast. Descriptions d’espfeces et de vari6t6s nouvellos. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco Paris 1919 1919 (278-281). {Coleoptera.l 26 Andre wes, H. E. Papers on oriental Carabidae. i. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London ser. ix 3 (469-483). {Coleo- ptera.} 27 Andrewes, H. E. Papers on oriental Carabidae, ii. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 4 1919 (1-17). {Coleoptera.} 28 Andrewes, H. E. Papers on oriental Carabidae, iii. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 4 1919 (290-300). {Coleoptera.} 29 Andrewes, H. E. Notes on Bonolli’s “ Tableau synoptiquo.” Trans, entom. Soc. London 1919 1919 (89-92) adden- dum (467). {Coleoptera.} 30 Andrewes, H. E. On the types of oriental Carabidae in the British museum and in the Hope department of the Oxford university museum. Trans, entom. Soc. London 1919 1919 (119-217). {Coleoptera.} . 31 Annandale, N. The fauna of certain small streams in the Bombay Presi- dency. ii. The fauna of mountain streamlets at Khandalla. iii. The fauna of damp rocks at the edge of water- falls at Khandalla. Roc. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (113-121) text-fig. 32 Annandale, N. Mortality among snails and the appearance of blue-bottle files. Nature London 104 1919 (412). {Dip ter a.} 33 Ansorge, E. C. Present condition of the Silk Trade of India. (Vol. ii of Report on Enquiry into Silk Industry in India. Pol. Calcutta 1919 (vi + 115). 34 Apfelbeok, V, Revision der palae- arktischen Mordella Arten aus der aculeata Gruppe. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 12 1914 (605-622). {Coleo- ptera.} 35 Apfelbeck, V. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Sphaerosoma Leach. Revision der Arten von der Balkanhalbinsel. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 14 1916 (471-600). {Coleoptera.} . 36 Apstein, C. [and others]. Nomina conservanda. Hexapoda. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915 1915 (162-180). 37 Arias, J. ' Notas Dipterologicaa. V. Description preliminar de un nuevo Empido de Espana. Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 19 1919 (479-481) 2 figs. 38 Armbraster, L. Zur Phylogeni© der Geschlechtsbestimmungsweis© bei Bienen. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der Parthenogenese sowie der Stammesgeschicht© der Bienen. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 40 1916 (323-388) pi. XV. {Hymenoptera.} 39 Armbruster, W. Mothodisches und Kritischos zur Gesoliloohtsbostim- raungsfrago bei Bienen. Zoitschr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 15 1919 (73-79). {Hymenoptera.} 40 Arnhart, L. Das Puppenhauschen der Honigbiene. Biol. Zentralbl. Leip- zig 39 1919 (494-497). {Hymenoptera.} 41 Arnold, G. The Food of Ants. Proc. Rhodesia Sci. Ass. 12 1912-1913 (11-24). {Hyynenoptera.} 42 Arrow, G. J. A remarkable new ball -rolling beetle. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 3 1919 (433-436). {Coleo- ptera.} 43 Arrow, G. J. Systematic notes on a few melolonthine Coleoptera. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 4 1919 (21-29) pi. i. 44 Arrow, G. J. Notes on rutelino Coleoptera and descriptions of a few new species in the British museum. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 4 1919 (379- 384) pi. viii. 45 10 Insecta, XII. Insecta. [1919J Arthus, M. Recherches exp4rimen< tales sur le venin des abeilles. 0, R. Soo. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (412 and 413). [Hymenoftera.l 46 Assmnth, J. Eine neue Hyyacera vom Bismarck- Archipel. ’s Graven - hago Tydsclir. Ent. 62 1919 (196-201) fig. {Dip ter a. ~\ ' > 47 Ast, F. tlber den feineren Ban der Pacettenaugen bei Neuropteren. Zool. Jahi'b. Abt. Anat. 41 1919 (411-458) pis. xxvi-xxxiii). 48 Aulld, M. Resena de los trabajos verificados por la comision de la fauna forestal Espanola durante el ano do 1916. Bol. Soo. out, Espana Zaragoza 2 1919 (19-28 46-47) 1 fig. 49 Aull6, M. Observaciones sobre la variedad pallidus, establecida por D. M. M. de la Escalera, en la especie Myelophilus piniperda L. {Coleoptera Scolytidae.) Bol. Soo. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 19 1919 (146, 147). 50 Aulmann, G. Psyllidarum Catalogus Berlin (W. Junk) 1913 (1-92). 61 Aurivillius, C. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse dei schwedischen entomo- logischen Reise des Herrn Dr. A. Roman in Amazonas 1914-1915. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 12 1919 No. 11 (1-7). [Coleoptera.} 52 . Aurivillius, C. Gottfrid Agaton Adlerz. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (65-71) portrait. 53 Aurivillius, 0. Eine neue Papilio- Art. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (177). [Lepidoptera.] 54 Aurivillius, C. Svensk insektfauna. [Swedish insectfauna.] 9. Skalbaggar. Coleoptera. 1. Vaxtbaggar. Phyto- phaga. Uppsala 1917 Utg. av. Entomo- logiska foreningen i Stockholm (1-119) text-figs. 55 Aurivillius, 0. Svensk insektfauna. [Swedish insectfauna.] 13. Uymeno- ptera. 1. Gaddsteklar. Aculeata. Fam. 3. Vespidae. 4. Scoliidae. 5. Mutilidae. 6. Sapygidae. 2nd ed. Uppsala 1918 Utg. av. Entomologiska foreningen i Stockholm (151-182) text- figs. [Hymenoptera.} 55a Aurivillius, C. Svensk insektfauna. [Swedish insectfauna.] 2. Ratvingar. Orthoptera. 2nd ed. Uppsala 1918. Utg. av. Entomologiska foreningen i Stockholm (1-25) text-figs. 56 Austen, E. E. Guide to the speci- mens and enlarged models of Insects and Ticks exhibited in the Central Hall illustrating their importance in the spread of disease. 2nd ed. 8vo. London 1919 (1-46) 14 figures. 57 Auzat, V. Notes sur les variet^s et la nomenclature di Hololepta plana. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco Paris 1919 1919 (199). {Coleoptera.} 58 Ayyar, T. V. R. Some south Indian Cocci ds of economic importance. J. Bombay Soc. Bombay 26 1919 (621- 628) 4 pis. [Homoptera.} 59 Ayyar, T. V. R. Some foreign insect pests which wo do not want in India. Agric. J. Ind. Calcutta 14 1919 (500- 511) 3 pis. 60 Ayyar, T. V. R. A contribution to our knowledge of South Indian Coccidae. Bull. Agric. Res. Inst. Pusa 87 Cal- cutta 1919 (pp. 50 36 figs. 16 pis.). {Hemiptera.} 61 B., F. 0. Prof. J. W. H. Trail, F.R.S. Nature London 104 1919 (76). 62 Back, E. A. How Weevils get into Beans. Yearbook U.S. Dept. Agric. 1918 1919 (327-334) 3 pis. {Coleo- ptera.} 63 Bacot, — . Experiments in colour- inheritance in Pediculus humanus. Proc. ent. Soc. London 1918 1919 (clvii). {Ellipoptera.} 64 Bacot, A. W. The fleas found on rats and their relation to plague. J. R. Sanitary Inst. London 11 1919 (53-60). {Aphaniptera.} 65 Bacot, A. and Linzell, L. The incuba- tion period of the eggs of Haematopinus asini. Parasitol. Cambridge 11 1919 (388-392). {Ellipoptera.} 66 Bacot, A. and Talbot, G. The com- parative olfectivenoss of certain culici- fuges under laboratory conditions. Parasitology Cambridge 11 1919 (221- 236). {Diptera.} 67 Bagnall, R. S. Brief descriptions of new Thysanoptera x. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 4 1919 (253-277). 68 Bagnall, R. S. Talks about plant- galls, vi. The wasp galls of the british oak. Vasculum Hexham 5 1919 (127- 134). {Hymenoptera.} 69 11 Insecta^ Titles. 3500 Bahr, P. H. On the transmission of the subtertian malaria parasite {Plas- modium falciparum, Welch, 1897) by Egyptian Anopheles. J. R. A. M. Corps 30 1918 (606-608). {Diptera.l 70 Baker, A. 0. Neotoxoptera violae, Theo. and its allies. Bull. ent. Res. London 10 1919 (46 and 46) pi. i. \Homopierai\ 71 Baker, A. C. An undescribed species of Dryopea injurious to Phyllostachys. Proc, ent. Soc. Washington 21 1920 (104-106). [Homoptera.] 72 Baker, A. C. A Melaphis from moss. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (194- 196). [Hoynoptera.] 73 Baker, A. 0. The identity of Smynthurodes hetae Westwood. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (36-38). [Homoptera.] 74 Baker, A. C. and Turner, W. F. Apple-grain Aphis. J. Agric. Res. Washington 18 1919(311-324). [Homo- ptera.] 75 Baker, A. W. Mallophaga of the Canadian arctic exepdition, 1913-18. Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3 D Ottawa 1919 (3 D-9 D). [Lipoptera.] 76 ^ Baker, 0. F. The Malayan Machaero- tinae {Cercopidae). Philippine J. Soi. Manila 15 1919 (67-80) 1 fig. + 3 pis. [Homoptera.] 77 Baker, 0. F. The genus Krisna {Jassidae). Philippine J. Sci. Manila 15 1919 (209-220) 6 pis. [Homoptera.] 78 Baker, C. F. hjoticos of certain Fulgoroidea, ii : The genus Troholophya. Philippine J. Sci. Manila 15 1919 (301- 305) 6 figs. [Homoptera.] 79 Balfour-Browne, F. On Deronectes depressus Fab. and elegans Panzer. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London ser. ix 3 1919 (293-308) pis. vii and viii. [Goleoptera.] 80 Ball, E. D. The President’s address, economic entomology — its foundations and fiituro. J. ocon. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (24-36). 81 Ball, E. D. The potato leafhopper and its relation to hopper burn. J. ocon. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (149-164) [Homoptera.] 82 Ballou, H. A. Sumniary of entomo- logical information during 1919. Agric* News Barbados 18 1919 (394, 410).1J^88 Bandermann, F. Ueberwintert Pyrameis cardui ? Ent. Zs. Frankfurt a. M. 29 1916 76-76). [Lepidoptera.] 84 Banks, N. New neuropteroid insects. Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 66 (1914) 1916 (619-632) pi. xxviii. 85 Banks, N. The neuropteroid insects of the Canadian arctic expedition 1913- 18. Rep. Canad. arctic exp. 8 B Ottawa 1918 (3 B-5 B). 86 Banks, C. S. lontha ida, a new Philippine Noctuid. Philippine J. Sci. Manila 14 1919 (71-73) 1 pi. [Lepido-‘ ptera.] 87 Banks, C. S. Phlebotomus nicnic, a new species, the’ first Philippine record for this genus. Philippine J. Sci. Manila 14 1919 (163-167) 1 pi. [Dt- ptera.] 88 Banks, C. S. The bloodsucking insects of the Philippines. Philippine J. Sci. Manila 14 1919 (169-189). 89 Banks, C. S. The swarming of Anopheline mosquitoes. Philippine J. Sci. Manila 15 1919(283-288). [Diptera.] 90 Banks, C. S. Two Philippine leaf- mining Biiprostids, one being now. Philippine J. Soi. Manila 15 1919 (289- 299) 3 pis. [Goleoptera.] 91 Banks, N. New Psammocharidae and Philanthidae. Canad. Entom. London Can. 511919 (81-85). [Hymeno- ptera.] 92 Banks, N. The Psammocharidae of western North America. Bull. Mus. Harvard 63 1919 (229-248). [Hymeno- ptera.] 93 Barber, G. W. vide Caffrey and Barber. Barber, H. S. Avocado seed weevils. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (63-60) pi. ii. [Goleoptera.] 94 Barker, C. N. Notes on Natal butterflies. Proc. entom. Soc. London 1919 1919 (vii-x). [Lepidoptera.] 95 Barker, C. N. On some rare beetles in the Barker collection of the Durban Museum with descriptions of species. Pt. I. Ann. Durb. Mus. Durban 2 1919 (100-116). [Goleoptera:] 96 12 Insecia. XII. Insecta. ^919] Barker, C. N; Cicindela bertolonii, Horn, and the South African meinbers of the brevicollis group. Ann. Durb. AIus, 2 (169-188) pi. xxv-xxvi. \CoUo- piera.] 97 Barker, C. N. A criticisip of the foundations upon which the theory of mimicry is built. S. Afric. Journ. Nat. Hist. 1 1919 Pretoria (138-163). 98 Barnes, W. and Lindsey, A. W. A new geometrid from Arizona. Ent. News ^Philadelphia 30 1919 (246). [Lefido- 'ptera.l 99 Barnes, W. and McDunnough, J. Notes on the genus Olene, with descrip- tion of a new species, (3anad. Entom. Eondon Can. 51 1919 (102). [Lepido- ptera.] 100 Barrett, H. P. Observation on the life history of Aedes bimaculatus Coq. {Viptera Culicidae.) Insec. inscit. Washington 1 1919 (63, 64). 101 Baudys, E. Einige Gallon aus Hohonachs Arznci- und Handols- pflanzen-Sammlung. Zoitschr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 14 1919 (306-310). 102 Baumberger, J. B. A nutritional study of insects, with special reference to microorganisms and their substrata. Journ. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia 28 1919 (1-81). 103 Bazile, G. Nouveaux proc6d6s de destruction des Acridiens. C, R. Ac. Sci. Paris 169 1919 (647-649). [Ortho- ptera.] 104 Beck, H. Die Entwicklung des Fliigelgeaders hei Phyllodromia {Blatta) germanica L. Zool. Jahib. Jena Abt. Anat. 41 1919 (377-410) pi. xxv text- figs. [Orthoptera.] 105 Becker, Th. Fauna Faeroensis . . , vi. Dipteren. 3. Orthorrhapha brachy- cera, Cyclorrhapha aschiza und schizo- phora (exkl. Anthomyiinae). Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 39 1916 (121-134) textfig a-b. 106 * Becker, T. Dipteren aus Tunis in der Sammlung des ungarischen National- Museums. Ann.Mus. Hungar. Budapest 13 1916 (301-330). 407 Becker, T. Beitrage zur Kenntnis einiger Gattungen der Bombyliiden. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 14 1916 (17-67). [Diptera.'] 108 Bepker, T* Neue Chloropiden aus dem ungarischen National Museum. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 14 1916 (423-463). [Diptera.] 409 Becker, Tb. Dipterologiache Studien. Erstor Teil Npva Acta L. p. Ah. 402 4917 (446-361) 141 textfigs. ‘ 440 Becker, Th, Dipterologische Studien. Dolichopodidae Zweiter Teil. Nova Acta L. C. Ak. 403 1918 (206-316) 94 textfigs. Ill Becker, Th, Dipferologische Studien. Dolichopodidae, Dritter Teil. Nova Acta L. C. Ak. 404 1918 (37-214) 407 textfigs. 412 Bedel, L. Description d’un Triplax nouveau de Madagascar. Ann. Soc. ent. France Paris 88 1919 (104). [Coleoptera.] 113 Bedel, L. Notes sur I’esp^ce de Qnorimus qui se trouve en Algerie. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (247 and 248). [Coleoptera.] , 114 Bedford, Duke of, and Pickering, S. Science and fruit growing, being an account of the results obtained at tho Woburn experimental fruit farm since its foundation in 1894. London 1919 (xix + 360). 115 Bedford, G. A. H. Notes on tho species of Oastrophilus found in South Africa. Fifth and Sixth Rep. Dir. Vet. Res. Dept. Agric. Un. S. Africa 1919 Pretoria (627-643) 6 pis. [Diptera.] 116 Bedford, G. A. H. Anoplura from South-African hosts; Fifth and Sixth Rep. Dir. Vet. Res. Dept. Agric. Un. S. Africa 1919 (709-731). [Ellipoptera.] 117 Bedford, G. A. H. New Culicino Larvae from tho Transvaal. Fifth and Sixth Rep. Direct. Vet. Res. Dept. Agric. Un. S. Africa Pretoria (739-743) 6 pis. [Diptera.] 118 Beeson, C. F. C. Notes on tho larvae and life histories of Pi-ionine Beetles {Coleoptera, Ceramhycidae, Prionini.) Ind. For. Rec, Calcutta 7 1919(97-119) 2 pis. 119 Beeson, 0. F. C. The life history of the Toon shoot and fruit borer, Hypsi- pyla robusta, Moore {Lepidoptera ; Pyralidae ; Phycitinae) with sugges- tions for its control. Indian Forest Rec. Calcutta 7 1919 (146-216) 13 pis. 2 textfigs. [Lepidoptera.] 120 13 Inaecta, Tituds. 35dd Beeson, C. F. C. The Construction of Calcareous Opercula by Longicorn larvae of the group Gerambycini {Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Ind. For. Bull. Calcutta 38 1919 (1-10) 1 pi. 121 Bemmelen, J. F. van. Die Fliigel- zoichnung der Hepialiden. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 48 1916 (167-175 and 177-189) [Lepidoptera.] 122 Bemmelen, J. F. van. Do vleugel- teekening der Chaerocampinen. Am- sterdam. Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wot. 28 1919 [1920] (380-390) 3 fig. (Dutch) ; Amsterdam. Proo. Soi. K. Akad. Wet. 22 1920 (738-747) 3 fig. (English). [Lepidoptera.] 128 Bemmelen, J. F. van. Do botookonis van gonerieke en specifieke kenmerken, getoetst aan de vleugelteekening dor Sphingiden. [The value of generic and specific characters, tested by the wing markings of Sphingides.] Amsterdam Versl. wis. nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 27 1919 (1072-1088, 1 pi.) (Dutch) Amsterdam Proc. Sc. K. Akad. Wet. 21 1919 (991-1007) 1 pi. (English) [Lepidoptera.] 124 B§nard, G. Description d’une nouvolle esp^ce d'Anthia de la Rhodesia du Sud. Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 1919 (467). [Coleoptera.] 125 B6nard, G. Notes sur lo Rhysaenius iarsalis Waterh. et description d’un Trichiorhyssemus do I’ilo Maurice. Ann Soc.ent.France Paris 87 1919 (541- 544). [Coleoptera.] 126 Benderitter, E. Dynastinae, Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique orientale (1911-1912). R6sultats scientifiques Coleoptera xii 1915 (385- 398) fig. 127 Beniok, L. Einigo neue europaisoho Stemis-krion und Varietdten. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (225-231). [Coleoptera.] 128 Benick, L. Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopinen und Steninen. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (189-195) 291-313). [Coleoptera.] 129 • Benick, L. Ueber eine fiir Deutsch- land neue Nebria : N. Klinckowstromi Mjoberg {Coleoptera, Carab). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (14-17). 130 Bequaert, J. A revision of the Vespi- dae of the belgian Congo based on the collection of the american museum Congo expedition, with a list of ethio* pian diplopterous wasps. Bull. Amei*. ' Mus. New York 89 1918 (1-384) pis. i-vi. [Hymenoptera.] 181 Beqnaert, J. The nearctic Psam- mocharids of the genus Aporinellus Banks. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (115- 123). [Hymenoptera.] 132- Bequaert, J. A new nemestrinid fly from Central Texas. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (301-307).) [Diptera.] 133 Bequaert, J.» vide Rodhain and Bequaert. Bergevin, E. de. A propos de Aelia ' triticiperda Pomel, fl6au dos c6r6alcs.. Algor. Bui. 800. hist. nat. 6 1915 (18-23) av. fig.) [Heteroptera.] 184 Bergevin, E. de. A propos de la capture nouvello pour I’Algerie de Pseudoloxops coccinea Moy. Bull. soc. hist. nat. Alger. 6 1915 (156-157). [Heteroptera.] 136 Bergevin, E. de. Description de deux espfeces nouvelles d' Hyateropteron de I’Afrique du Nord. Alger. Bull. soc. hist. nat. 6 1915 (71-77 av. fig.) [Homo- ptera.] 136 Bergevin, E. de. Description d’une nouvelle espfece d'Orgerius du Maroo occidental. Bull. soo. hist. nat. Alger. 6 1915 63-65 av. fig.) [Homoptera^ iZT Bergevinj E. de. Description d’une nouvelle espfece de Ghanithus Klti. du Maroc sud-occidental. Bull. soc. hist nat. Alger. 7 1916 44-45 av. fig.) [Homoptera.] 138‘ Bergevin, E. de. Note sur le genre Dimorphocoris Rent. Alger. Bui. soc. hist. nat. 7 1916 (61-62). [Heteroptera.] 189 Bergevin, E. de. Liste de quelques Hemipteres rec^uillis au Maroc. Bull, soc. hist. nat. Alger. 7 1916 (303-316). 140 Bergevin, E. de. Description d’une nouvelle esp^ce d’ Hysteropterum (Issi- dae) du Maroc oriental. Bull. soc. ent. France Paris 1919 (286-290). [Homo- ptera.] 141 Bergroth, E. Supplementum catalogi Heteropteroru7nhTVLxe]lensi8 ii. Coreidae,. Pyrrhocoridae, Colobathristidae, Neidi- dae. M6ni. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 22 1913 (125-183). ' 142; 14 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Bergroth, E. Heteropterous Hemi- ptera from Natal and Zululand collected by Dr. I. Trag^rdh. (Medd. Goteborg’a Mils. zool.). Goteborg K. Vetensk. Handl. 16 2 1914 (3-16 sep. pag.). 143 Bergroth, E. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Aneurus Curt. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 12 1914 (89-108). [Heteroptera.] 144 Bergroth, E. Hendecas generum Hemipterorum novorum vel subnovo- rum. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 16 1918 (298-314). 145 Bergroth, E. Die Erscheinungsdata zweier hemipterologischen Werke. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (188-191). 146 Berlioz, J. Description d’une esp6ce nouvelle d’Eumolpide nuisible aux cacaoyers de Tile San Thom6. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1919 (88). [Goleoptera.'] 147 Bernard, Ch. //efopef<«sbestryding, verschillende aanteekeningen [//e?o- pcZi/s-Bekampfung, verschiedene Noti- zon.] Buitenzorg Medcd. Pioofst. Theo 69 1918 (1-21) 1 Taf. [Heteroptera.] 148 Bernard, C. De zaadwants van de theeheesters, Poecilocoria hardwickii [Die Saatwanze der Theepflanzen.] Buitenzorg. Meded. Proefst. thee. No. 67 1919 (11-19) 12 fig. [Heteroptera.] 149 Bernard, Ch. und Gianetti E. Het vangen van Helopeltis door middel van “ tanks ” op de onderneming Goenoeng Mas [Das Fangen von Helopeltis durch “ tanks ” auf der Unternehmung Goe- noeng Mas.] Buitenzorg. Meded. Proefst. Thee 59 1918 (23-38) 3 Taf. [Heteroptera.] 150 Bernau, G. Oarahus cancellatus niiger. Ent. Blatter Berlin 10 1914 (267-285) 11 1915 (14-40). [Coleo^ ptera.] 151 Bernhauer, M. Zuf Staphylinidon- Fauna des tropischen Afrika. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 13 1915 (95- 189). [Coleoptera.] 152 Bernhauer, M. Zur Staphyliniden- fauna von Sud-Amcrika (12. Beitrag). Ent.Zs. Frankfurt a. M. 29 1915 (13-14). [Coleoptera.] 153 Bernhauer, M. Neue Staphyliniden des siidlichcn Ostindiens. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (251-258). [Coleoptera.] 154 Bernhauer, M. Neue Staphyliniden aus den columbischen Cordilleren und dem ubrigen Sudamerika (Fortsotzung). Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (17-23). [Coleoptera.] 155 Bernhauer, M. Beitrag zur Staphy- linidenfauna des tropischen Afrika. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (46-48). [Coleoptera.] 156 Bernhauer, M. Beitrag zur Staphy- linidenfauna Nordamerikas. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (249 and 250) [Coleoptera.] 157 Bernhauer, M. Staphyliniden von Madagascar, den Comoren und Zanzibar. Voeltzkow, Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917 (553-560). [Coleoptera.] 158 Berlin, L. Note a propos des Oryctes de la collection entomologique du museum. Bull. Mus. Paris 25 1919 (599-600). [Coleoptera.] 159 Bezzi, M. Sur un genre nouveau do Dipthre subapth’o des cavit6s souter- rainos du Djurjura. Alger. Bui. soc. hist. nat. 7 1 916 (90-99) fig. 160 Bezzi, M. Fruit flies of the genus Dacus sensu latiore {Diptera) from the Philippine Islands. Philippine J. Sci. Manila 15 1919 (411-443) 2 pis. 161 Bezzi, M. New ethiopian fruit-flies of the genera Tridacus and Dacus. Bull. ent. Res. London 9 1919 (177-182) [Diptera.] 162 Bezzi, M. Two new ethiopian Lonchaoidac, with notes on other species. Bull. out. Res. London 9 1919 (241-254). [Diptera.] 163 Bezzi, M. A new australian species of Rioxa with a remarkable life-habit (Diptera ; Trypaneidae). Bull. ent. Res. London 10 1919 (1-5). 164 Bezzi, M. On the genus Rhodesiella C. F. Adams. J. Now York out. Soc. 27 1919 (174-179). [Diptera.] 165 Bezzi, M. Una nuova specie brasili- ana del genere Aiiastrepha. Boll. Lab. Portici 13 1919 (3-14). [Diptera.] 167 Bezzi, M. Rinvenimento di una Chionea noi dintorni do Torino. Bull. Soc. ent. ital. Firenze 49 1919 (12-49). [Diptera.] 168 Bickhardt, H. Das System der Histeriden. Ent. Blatter Berlin 10 1914 (305-308). [Coleoptera.] 169 15 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Bickhardt, H. Neue Histeriden und Bemerkungen zu bekannton Arten. Ent. Blatter Berlin 10 1914 (309-316). [Coleoptera.] 170 Bickhardt, H. Stammbaum der Insekten von Wilk. Bolsche. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (54 and 55). 171 Bickhardt, H. Georg von Seidlitz. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (239-248) portrait. 172 Bickhardt, H. Dio Histeriden dor Gorningschon Insoktonsammlung im naturhistorischen Museum zu Wies- baden. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (256-261). [Coleoptera.] 173 Bickhardt, H. Oliviersche Typon im Wiesbadener Naturhistorischen Mu- seum. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (26). [Coleoptera.] 174 Bickhardt, H. Eino neue afrikan- ischo Histeridengattung. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (170-172). [Coleoptera.] 175 Bickhardt, H. Neue exotische Histeri- don und Notizen zu bekannton Arten. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (233-244). [Coleoptera.] 176 Bickhardt, H. Neue paiaarktische Histeriden und Bemerkungen zu be- kannton Arten. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (226-232). [Coleoptera.] 177 Bickhardt, H. Neue Histeriden aus dom ungarischen National-Museum und Bemerkungen zu bekannten Arten. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 16 1918 (283-297). [Coleoptera.] 178 Bickhardt, H. Eino neue indomala- yische Histeridengattung. Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (213-216). [Coleoptera.] 179 Bischolf, H. Uobor oinon Fall von schoinbarom lateralem Gynandromor- phismus boi Perineura ruhi Panz. S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (70 and 71). [Hymenoptera.] 180 Bishopp, F. C. and Laake, E. W. The dispersion of flies by flight. J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (210). [Diptera.] 181 Bishopp, F. C. and Wood, H. P. Mites and lice on poultry. Farmers’ Bull. U.S. dep. Agric. Washington 801 1919 (30 pp.). [Lipoptera.] 182 Blackman, M. W. Notes on forest insects. i. On two bark-beetles attacking the trunks of whit© pine trees. Psycho Boston 26 1919 (86-96) pi. iv [Coleoptera.] 183 Blackman, M. W. Notes on forest , insects. ii. Notes on several species of Pityophthorus breeding in the limbs and twigs of white pine. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (134-142) pis. vii-ix. [Coleoptera.] 184 Blair, K. G. A synonymic note. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (101- 103). [Coleoptera.] 185 Blair, K. G. Notes on the Pythidae with descriptions of new species. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (112-124). [Coleoptera.] 186 Blair, K. G. Coleoptera Heteromera collected in Korinchi, West Sumatra, by Messrs. H. 0. Robinson and C. Boden Kloss. J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. Singapore 8 pt. 3 1919 (73-80). 187 Blair, K. G. Notes on the australian genus Cestrinus Er. (fam. Tenebrioni- dae) and some allied genera. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. Sydney 44 1919 (529- 632). [Coleoptera.] 188 Blaisdell, F. E. ^'udies in Alaudes. Trans, amor. ent. Soc. Philadelphia 45 1919 (307-313). [Coleoptera.] 189 Blaisdell, F. E. Synopsis and review of the species of Goelus {Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). Trans, amer. ent. Soc. Philadelphia 45 1919 (315-334) pi. xxxii. 190 Blanc, H. Surla biologic du Dixipptis morosus. C.R. Lausanne Bui. Soc. Sci. Nat. 49 1913 (1914) (xxv-xxviii). [Orthoptera.] 191 Blatchley, W. S. Insects of Florida. 6a. Supplementary notes on the water beetles. Bull. Amer. Mus. New York 41 1919 art. iv (305-322). [Colex)plera.] 192 Blatchley, W. S. Some new or scarce Coleoptera from western and southern Florida, ii and iii. Canad. Entom. London Can, 51 1919 (28-32, 65-69). 193 Bodkin, G. E. Notes on the Coleo- ptera of British Guiana. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (210-219 264-272). 194 16 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Bodkin, G. £. and Cleare, L. D. An invasion of British Guiana by locusts in 1917, with a complete illustrated account of the life-history of the species. Bull. ent. Bes. London 9 1919 (341-357). {Ortho'ptera.'\ 195 Bdlsohe, W. vide Biokhardt. , Borner, — . t)ber das Auftreten gefliigelter Formen bei Blattliiusen. Mitt. Biol. Anstalt Berlin 16 1916 (42- 43). [Homoptera.] 196 Bdrner, — . tJber blutlosende Safto im Blattlauskorper und ihr Verhalten gegenubor Pflanzonsiiften. Mitt. Biol. Anstalt Berlin 16 1916 (43-49). [Homo- ptera.] 197 Bolivar y Peltain, C. Estudio de un nuevo CeutJiosphodrus de Espana (Coleoptera Carabidae). Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 19 1919 (153- 159). 6 figs. 207 Bondroit, J. Notes diverses sur des fourmis d’Europo. Ann. Soc. ont. Belgique Bruxelles 59 1919 (143-158). [Uymenoptera.] 208 Bonne, C. vide Bonne-Wepster and Bonne. Bonne-Wepster, J. and Bonne, C. Four now South American mosquitoes (DiptcrUy Culicidae). Inseo, inscit. Washington 7 1919 (105-113). 209 Bomer, — . Aufzucht der Beblaus- fliegen und ihrer Brut, Mitt. Biol. Reichanstalt Berlin 17 1919 (23-24). [Homoptera.] 198 Borner, C. Stammesgeschichte der Hautfliigler. Biol. Zentralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (145-186). [Hymenoptera.] 199 Borner, — und Blunck, — . Beitrago zur Kenntnis dor wandernden Blatt- lause Deutschlands, Mitt. Biol. Anstalt Berlin 16 1916 (25-42) figs. [Homoptera.] 200 Bois-Reymond, P. du. Besonderheiten aus Schmotterlingssammlungen in Ost- preusson. Zeitschr. wise. Insbiol. Berlin 15 1919 (1-8 80-87) pis. i and ii. [Lepidoptera.] 201 Bolivar, I. Diagnoses d^OrthopUres nouveaux (Phasmidae, Locustidae) de I’Afrique tropicale. Bull. Soc. ent. Prance Paris 1919 1919 (241-243). 202 Bolivar y Fieltain, C. Sobre dos Zabrua de los Altos Pirineos de Aragon ( Co feopfera Carabidae). Bol. soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. 18 1918 (429 430). 203 Bolivar y Fieltain, C. Una Bathy- sciola cavernicola nueva, de la vertiente espanola de los Pirineos (Coleoptera Silphidae). Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 18 1918 (447-449) 4 figs. 204 Bolivar y Feltain, C. Notas sobre Cardbidos espanoles. iii. Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 19 1919 (75-78). [Coleoptera.] 205 . Bolivar y Fieltain, 0. Nueva especio do Scotodipnua do Espafia. Bol. Soo, Espafi. Hist. Nat. Madrid 19 1019 (109 110). [Coleoptera.] 206 Bonne-Wepster, J. and Bonne, C. Description of the larvae of W yeomyia aphohema Dyar {Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (114). 210 Bonne-Wepster, J. and Bonne, C. Diagnoses of new mosquitoes from Surinam, with a note on synonymy {Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. inscit. Washington 1 1919 (165-180). 211 Bonne-Wepster, J. en Bonne, C. Een Phlehotomua-sooxi in Suriname, Phlebotomus squamipennis Lutz en Neiva. Batavia Geneesk. Tydschr. Ned- Ind. 59 1919 (676-680). Fig. [Diptera.] 212 Bordage, E. Sur quelques particu- larit^s do I’histolyse observ^es pendant la metamorphose des insectas mdta- boles. Bull. Soc. ont. Franco Paris 19191919(258). 213 Bordas, L. Considerations gendrales sur les glandes venimeuses des Hymeno- pthres terebrants. Insecta Rennes 9 1919 (94-96). 214 Bordas, L. Considerations generales sur la biologic du Bhynchiies conicua et anatomic de sa Idrvo. Insecta Rennes 9 1919 (196-201). [Coleoptera.] 215 Borden, A. D. vide Sasscer and Borden. Born, P. Fauna Faeroensis . . iii. Carabus catenulatus Scop, und seine Formen. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Sys. 39 1915 (43-54). [Coleoptera.] 216 Born, P. Carabua lineatua Doj. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (64-68). [Coleo- ptera.] 217 17 Inaeeta. Titles. 3500 Bouoomont, A. Siir qiiolquos Copro- phages asiatiques de la collection cnto- mologique du Museum. Bull. Mus. Paris 25 1919 (GOl-606). [Coleoptera.] 218 Bouet, G. Contribution k I’^tude des zones k Glossines du S6n6gal (region du chemin de fer de Thifes Kayes). Paris Bui. soc. path. exot. 9 1916 (802-813). [Diptera.] 219 Bouet, G. et Roubaud, E. R^parti- tion des GlosSinos la Cote d’Ivoire. Paris Bid. soo. path, oxofc. 10 1017 (37- 39). [Diptera.] 220 Bourgoin, A. Insectes Coleoptbres. xiv. Scarabaeidae ; Trichiini ot Ceto- niini. Voy. Allilaud et Jeannel Paris 1919 (121-189) 1 pi. 221 Bourgoin, A. Description d’un genre nouveau et de trois espfeces nouvelles de C6tonides. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco Paris 1919 1919 (218-221). [Coleo- ptera.] 222 Bourgoin, A. Description et diag- noses de Cetonides nouveaux. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1920 (322-324). [Coleoptera.] 223 Bouvier, E.-L. Quelques observa- tions sur les Philanthea. Contribution k I’histoiro de I’instinct des Insectes. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 80 1916 (205- 208). [IJymenoptera.] • 224 Bouvier, E. L., vide Perrier and Bouvier. Bowman, K. Annotated check list of the Macrolepidoptera of Alberta. Alberta Nat. Hist. Soc. 1919 (16 pp.) 225 Bradley, J. C. The synonymy and types of certain genera of Hymenoptera, especially of those discussed by the Rev. F. D. Morice and Mr. Jno. Hartley Durrant in connection with the long- forgotten Erlangen list ” of Panzer and Jurine. Trans, entom. Soc. Lon- don 1919 1919 (50-75). 226 Bradley, J. C. The status of Para- hates Foerster and Parabatus Thomson. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 3 1919 (319-324). [Hymenoptera.] 227 Bradley, J. C. A new Tachytes from Georgia. Ent. Nows Philadelphia 80 1919 (298). [Hymenoptera.] 228 (N-13799j)Q Brain, C. K. The Coccidae of South Africa, iii. Bull. ent. Res. London 9 1919 (197-240) pis. xii-xvi. [Homo- ptera.] 229 Braun, A. F. Wing structure of Lepidoptera and the phylogenetic and taxonomic value of certain persistent Trichopterous characters. Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. Columbus 12 1919 (349-366) 1 pi. 230 Braun, Annette F. A new genus allied to Incurvaria [Microlepidoptera), Ohio J. Soi. Columbus 20 1919 (24). 281 Braun, Annette F, Descriptions of new species of Coleophora. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (108-111 127-131). [Lepidoptera.] 232 Braun, Annette F. Notes on Cosmo- pterygidae, with descriptions of now species. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (260-264), [Lepidoptera.] 233 Brecher, Leonore. Die Puppen- farbungen des Kohlweisslings,' Pieris hra^sicae L. Vierter Toil : Wirkung sichtbarer und unsichtbarer Strahlen. Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Berlin 45 1919 (273-322) pis. vii-ix. [Lepidoptera]. 234 Breddin, G. Neue oder wenig bek- annte neotropischo Hemiptera. Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 86 (1) 1914 (53-59). 235 Bresslau, E. und Buschkiel, M. Die Parasiten dor Stochniuckenlarven. Biol, zontralbl. Leipzig 89 1919 (325-336). [Diptera.] 286 Brdthes, J. Descripcion de un genero nuevo y una nueva especie de “ Tisan6- ptero ” de la Repiiblica Argentina, An. Mus. Buenos Aires 27 1915 (89-92) 5 figs. [Thysanoptera.] 236a Bridges, C. B. The genetics of purple eye color in Drosophila. Journ. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia 28 1919 (265-305). [Diptera.] 237 Bridges, C. B. Specific modifiers of eosin eye color in Drosophila melano- gOrSter. Journ. Exper. Zool. Phila- delphia 28 1919 (337-384). [Diptera.] 238 Bridges, C. B. vide Sturtevant, Bridges and Morgan. Bridwell, J. C. Some additional notes on Bruchidae and their parasites in the Hawaiian islands. Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4 1919 (16-20). [Coleoptera.] 239 C6 18 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Bridwell, J. C. Some notes on Hawaiian and other Bethylidae with descriptions of new species. Proc. Hawaii ent. Soo. Honolulu 4 1919 (21-38). [Flymenoptera.] 240 Bridwell, J. C. Dictyophorodelphax praedicta sp.n. Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. Honolulu 4 1919 (72). [Homoptera.] 241 Bridwell, J. C. Miscellaneous notes on Hymenoptera. With descriptions of new genera and species. Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. Honolulu 4 1919 (109-165). 242 Bridwell, J. C. Descriptions of new species of hymenopterous parasites of muscoid Diptera, with notes on their habits. P. Hawai. ent. Soc. Honolulu 4 1919 (166-179). 243 Brittain, W. H. An infestation of apple sucker, Psylla mali Schmidb. in Nova Scotia. Agric. Gaz. Canada 6 July 1919 (1-5). [Homoptera.] 244 Brqcher, P. Observations sur la circulation du sang dans los ailes des Insoctos. C.R. Gcn6vo Bui. Soc. L6pidopt. 8 1914-17 1917 (55). 245 Brocher, F. La Respiration des Insectes aquatiques images. Bull. Inst. Genevois Geneve 42 1917 (175- 189). 246 Brocher, P. Resum6 de mes travaux concernant les insectes aquatiques parus de 1915 k 1918. Ann. Biol, lacustre 9 1919 (41-50). 247 Brocher, P. Le mecanisme physio- logiquo do la dornik’o muo des larvcs des Agdonides (transformation en imago). Ann. Biol, lacustre Bruxelles 9 1919 (183-200). [Paraneuroptera.] 248 Brocher, P. Les organes pulsatiles m6so- et metatergaux des Lepidopthres. Arch. Zool, exp. Paris 58 1919 (149- 171). 249 Brodersen, L. Om Rosonfober hos Kvseg. The so-called “ rose-fever ” of the cattle caused by the larvae of Hypoderma bovis. Kobenhavn Mdskf. Dyrl. 31 1919 (321-323). — Remarks by C. O. Jensen (324-326), by H. P. H. N0hr (350-351). [Diptera.] 250 Brolemann, H. W. Sur quelques Culex des Pyr6n6os et deseription d’uno osp6co nouvello. i. Campagno 1917. Ann. Soc. ent. Franco Paris 87 1919 (426-440). [Diptera.] 251 Brolemann, H. W. Sur quelques Culex des Pyrenees, ii. Campagno 1918. Ann. Soc. ent. Prance Paris 88 1919 (65-103). [Diptera.] 252 Brook, G. R. vide Parsons and Brook. Brooks, F. E. The roundheaded apple-tree borer. Farmers’ Bull. U.S. dep. Agiic, Washington 675 1919 (20 pp.) [Coleoptera.] 253 Broun, T. A new genus of Hydrae- ninae from New Zealand. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 59 1919 (108). [Coleoptera.] 254 Brown, J. M. The Apterygota of Yorkshire and Derbyshire. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (63-66). 255 Bruch, C. Catalogo Sistematico de los Formicidos Argentinos. Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 (2) 1915 (211-234). [Hyrnen- optera.] 255a Bruch, C. Suplomonto al Catalogo do los Formicidos Argentinos. I. (Ad- denda et Corrigenda.) Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 (2) 1915 (627-637). [Hymeno- ptera.] 255b Bruch, C. Catdlogo sistematico delps Coleopteros de la Republica Argentina. Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 (2) 1915) Pars vi (235-302) iii (303-339) ix (346-400) vii (401-441) ii (471-526). 255c Bruch, C. Suplemento al catalogo sistemdtico de los Coleopteros de la Republica Argentina, i. (Addenda, Corrigenda y Resumen). Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 (2) 1915 (538-573). 255d Bruch, C. Descripcion do un Ceram- bicido Extraordinario de la Republica Argentina. Pleiarthrocerus opacus n. gen. n. spec. Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 (2) 1915 (340-345) 5 figs. [Coleoptera.] 255e Bruch, C. Contribucion al Conoci- mionto de los “ Bethylidae ” Hymeno- ptera) Argentinos y descripcion de una nueva especie. Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 (2) 1915 (442-446) 2 figs. 2551 Bruch, 0. Nuovas Especies do Coleopteros Hidrofilidos. Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 (2) 1915 (447-470) 21 text- figs. 255 g Bruch, C. Un nuovo gorgojo del “ l^rosopanoho ” {O.rycorymis parvulus Bruch). Rev. Mus. La Plata 23 (2) 1916 (231-233) figs. [Coleoptera.] 255h 19 Insecia. Titles. 3500 Bruch, C. Contribuci6n al estuclio do las Hormigas do la Provincia do San Luis. Rov. Mus. La Plata 23 (2) 1916 (291-357) pis. i-xii 20 figs. [Hymeno- ptera.] 255 i Bruch, C. Corambicidos Argentines nuovos o poco conocidos. Rev. Mus. La Plata 24 (2) 1919 (5-27). [Coleo- ptera.] 255k Bruch, C. Observaoiones Biologicas sobre Temnocera spinigera Wied. {Diptera — Syrphidao.) (176-181) pi. 2 figs. Rev. Mus. La Plata 24 (2) 1919. 2551 Brues, 0. T. Parasitio Hyrnenoptera. Report Canadian Arotic Expedition, 1913-18 (Southern Party, 1913-16) 3 Ottawa 1919 (21g-24g). 256 Brues, C. T. Tho classification of insects on the character of tho larva and the pupa. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 37 1919(1-21). 257 Brues, C. T. A new chalcid-fly para- sitic on the australian bull-dog ant. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 12 1919 (13-20) pis. i and ii. {Hyrnenoptera.'] 258 Brues, C. T. A new species of tho Hymenopterous genus Scleroderma from the Galapagos islands. Proc. Calif. Ac. San Francico 2 1919 (309 and 310). 259 Brues, C. T. Notes and dosoriptions of North-amorican Serphidae. J. Now York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (1-19) pis. i and ii. {Hyrnenoptera.] 260 Brues, C. T. Notes on South African Phoridae {Diptera). Psyche Boston 26 1919 (39-44). 261 Brues, C. T. The occurrence of wing- less Phoridae on tho Fiji islands. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (49). {Dijrtera.] 262 Brues, C. T. Note on the genus Liobracon, with tho description of a new species {Hyrnenoptera ; Braconidae). Psyche Boston 26 1919 (68-71). 263 Brues, C. T. Tho occurrence of Anopheles punctipennis in northern New England. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (143). {Diptera.] 264 Brues, C. T. vide Johnson, C. W. Brunetti, E. Descriptions of two new species of Diptera from Seistan, Eastern Persia. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (299-301). 265 (n-13799 j) Q Bryant, G. E. Entomology in Sara- wak, Borneo. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (70-76.) {Coleoptera.] 266 Bryk, F. Weitere Beitrage zur Variabilitat der Rippenkonfiguration der Parnassiiden. .-Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (33-48). {Lepidoptera.] 267 Bryk, F. Parnassius apollo L. und sein Formenkreis. Berlin 1914 (1-181) 35 pis. (Reprinted from Arch. f. Naturgeschichtc Jahrg. 80 Abt. A. 1914.) 268 Buchner, P. Zur Kenntnis der Symbiose niedercr pflanzlicher Organis men mit Pedikuliden. Biol, zentralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (535-540). {Ellipo ptera.] 269 Bugnion, E. Lo ver luisant provcn^al. {Phausis delarouzeei Duval). C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (994-999). {Coleo- ptera.] 270 Buresch, J. Beitrag zur Lepido- ptereniaxma des Piringebirges (Pirin- Planina) in Mazedonien (Schluss). Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 14 1919 (271-281). 271 Burke, H. E. Notes on a cocoon- making colydiid. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (123). {Coleo- ptera.] 272 Burke, H. E. Notes on tho California oak worm, Phryganidia californica. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (124 and 125). {Lepidoptera.] 273 Burke, H. E. Biological notes on some flat headed barkborers of tho genus Melanophila. J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (105-108). {Coleoptera.] 274 Burke, H. E. Biological notes on the flatheaded apple tree borer {Chryso- hothris femorata Fab.) and tho pacific flatheaded apple tree borer {Chryso- bothris mali Horn). J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (.326-330). {Coleo- ptera.] 275 Burrill, A. C. and Smith, M. R. A Key to the species of Wisconsin ants, with notes on their habits. Ohio Nat. Columbus 19 1919 (279-292). {Hyrneno, ptera.] 276 Burrows, C. R. N. Dwarf Lepidoptera. Ent. Rec. London 31 1919 (89-90) pi. iv. 277 Buschkiel, M. vide Brcsslau and Buschkiel. C 6—2 20 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Busck, A. Two MicroU'pido'ptera injurious to strawberry. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (52). 278 Busok, A. On some generic synonymy in the family Geleohiidao. l^-oo. ent. Soo. Washington 21 1919 (94-96). [Lefido'ptera.'] 279 Busok, A. A now species of Buccu- latrix injurious to hollyhock, Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (109). [Le'pido'ptera.] 280 Butler, E. A. Lasiacantha capucina Germ., a tingid bug now to the british list. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (203), [Heteroptera.] 281 Butler, E. A. A new british Capsid. Ent. Rec. London 31 1Q19 (9). [Hetero- ptera.] 282 Butterfield, W. R. Notes on the local fauna, flora and meteorology for 1918. Hastings Nat. St. Leonards 3 No. 2 1919 (1-20). 283 Buxton, T. A. vide Chapman and Buxton. Caballero, A. La CJiara foetida A. Br., y las larvas de Stegomyia, Culex y Anopheles. Bol. Soc. Espan. Madrid 19 1919 (449-455). [Dipterai] 284 Caesar, L. and Ross, W. A. The apple maggot. Bull. Ontario Dep. Agric. Toronto 271 1919 (1-32). [Diptera.’] 2S5 Caffrey, D. J. and Barber, G. W. The grain bug. Bull. U.S. Hop. Agric. Washington 779 1919 (1-35). [Uetero- ptera.'] 286 Caillol, H. Description d’un Acan- thoscelidea nouveau, do Timbouctou. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco Paris 1919 1919 (53 and 54). [Coleoptera.] 287 Calabresi, E. 9ide Senna and Cala- bresi. Calvert, P. P. Gundlaoh’s work on the Odonata of Cuba : a critical study. Trans, amer. ent. Soc. Philadelphia 45 1919 (335-396) pis. xxxiii-xxxv. \_Parancuroptera.] 288 Calvert, P. P. Odonata Anisoptera from Guatemala, collected by Messrs. William Schaus and John T. Barnes. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (31- 38 72-78) pi. iii. {Paraneuroptera.] 289 Calvert, P. P. Odonata zygoptora from Guatemala collected by Messrs. William Schaus and John T. Barnes. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (160- 165). [Paraneuroptera.] 290 Cameron, A. E. The oviposition habit of Oastrophilus nasalis L. Science New York 49 1919(26). [Diptera.] 291 Cameron, M. Now species of Staphy- linidae from Ceylon ; part i. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (224-228 251- 255). [Coleoptera.] 292 Cameron, M. Now species of Staphy- linidao from Rhodesia. Ent. Roc. London 31 1919 (83-86). [Coleoptera.] 293 Cameron, M. New species of Staphy- linidae from Singapore ; part ii. Trans, ent. Soc. London 1918 1919 (231-246). [Coleoptera.] 294 Campion, H. A few recent records of british Odonata. Entomologist Lon- don 52 1919 (115-116). [Paraneuro- ptera.] 295 Campion, H. On some further dragon- flies from Macedonia. Entomologist London 52 1919(202-206). [Paraneiiro- ptera.] 296 Campion, H. A note on some dragon- flies from New Britain. Entomologist Londgn 52 1919 (246-249). [Para- neuroptera.] 297 Cappe de Baillon, P. Sur roxistence, choz les Locustiens ot Ics Grilloniens d’un organe servant k la rupture du chorion au moment do P^closion. C. R. Ac. Soi. Paris 168 1919 (1233- 1234). [Orthoptera.] 298 Carpenter, G. D. H. Discursive Notes on the Fossorial Hymenoptera. J. E. Africa Soc. No. 15 1919 (440-461) 5 pis. 299 Carpenter, G. D. H. vide Poulton and Carpenter. Carpenter, G. H. Two now species of Collembola from Nyassaland. P. Dublin Soc. 15 1919 (543-545) pi. li. 300 Carter, H. J. Notes on australian Coleoptera, with descriptions of new species. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. Sydney 44 1919 (137-173) pis. iv and v. 301 Castle, W. E. Is the arrangement of the genes in the chromosome linear ? Pr. Ac. Sci. Washington 5 1919 (25- 32) figs. [Diptera.] 302 Insecta. Titles. 3600 Caudell, A. R. An economic con- sideration of Orthoptera directly affect- ing man, Smithson llcp. Washington 1917 1910 (507-514). 303 Caudell, A. N., Busck, A. and Howard, L. 0. Frederick Knab, Proc. ent. Soc, Washington 21 1919 (41-52) portrait. 304 Champion, G. C. Notes on various speeies of the genus Ckalchas Blanch, Ent. Mo. Mag, London 55 1919 (1-3). [Goleoptera.] 305 Champion, G. C. New and little- known saltatorial Dascillidao ; supple- mentary note. Ent. mo. Mag. 55 1919 (2G and 27). [GoleojHera.] 306 Champion, G. C. The genus Dianous Samouelle, as represented in India and China. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919(41-55).. [Golmpteta.] 307 Champion, G. C. Obituary, Frederick Du Cano Godman, D.C.L., F.R.S., &c. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (89- 91) portrait. 308 Champion, G. C. Additional notes on the indian species of Dianous. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (97-99). \GolpopteraJ] 309 Champion, G. C. New and little- known saltatorial Dascillidao. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (129-133). {Goleoptera.l , 310 Champion, G. C. On some new species of the staphylinid-genus Planeustomus Duv. from India, with notes on certain allied forms. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (154-156). [Goleoptera.] 311 Champion, G. 0. Some indian Goleoptera (i). Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919(230-246). 812 Champion, G. C. The malacodorm genera Prionoccrus and Idgia, and their sexual characters. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 3 1919 (325-372) pis. xi and xii. [Goleoptera.] 313 Champion, G. C. Notes on the african and asiatic species of Melyris Fab. (sensu lato), with an account of their sexual characters. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 4 1919 (157-219 and 360). [Goleoptera.] 314 Champion, H. G. A cerambycid infesting pine cones in India, Ghloro- phorus strobilicola n.sp. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (219-224) pis, xiii and xiv. [Goleoptera.] 315 Chapin, E. A. Now species of Goleoptera (Fain. Cleridso) from the Philippine and neighbouring regions, collected by Professor Charles F. Baker. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington 32 1919 (225-234). - 316 Chapman, T. A. Egg-laying of Emphytus serotinus. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (6-8). [Hymenoptera.] 317 Chapman, T. A. Notes on saw flies [Pteronus pini and Pteronus sertt/er.) Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (58- 62) pis. i-iii. [Hymenoptera.] 318 Chapman, T. A. and Buxton, P. A. Contributions to a life-history of Tarucus mediterranece Bethune- Baker. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (163- 173) pis. vi-xi. [Lepidoptera.] 319 Chatanay, J. (the lato). Descriptions do Zophosites. Bull. Mus. Paris 25 1919 (589-595). [Goleoptera.] 820 Chatanay, J. Un Teuthredinido parasite des Renonculacees horticoles, Holcanema coeruleocampa Harg. An- nales du service des epiphyties Paris 2 1915 (311-320 av.fig.) [Hymenoptera.] 321 Chittenden, F. H. Notes on Spheno- phorus. P. biol. Soc. Washington 32 1919 (269 and 270). [Goleoptera.] 322 Chittenden, F. H. The bean ladybird and its control. Farmers’ Bull. U.S. dep. Agric. Washington 1074 1919 (7 ppO- [Goleoptera.] 323 Chobaut, A. Description des deux sexes, de I’ceuf et do la larve primaire d’un nouveau Rhipidius de Provence. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (200-206). [Goleoptera.] 824 Chopard, L. Contribution & la fauno des Orthopteres de I’Afrique du Nord. Bull. Mus. Paris 25 1919 (620-623). 325 Chopard, L, Diagnoses d’especes nouvelles dDrthopteres. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1919 (153 and 154). 326 Chopard, L. Description d’un Orthoptere cavernicole du Laos. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1920 (338- 340). 327 Christy, M. Hornets, wasps and flies sucking the sap of trees. Essex Naturalist 19 1919 (10-14). 328 22 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Clark, B, P. Now ainerican Sphingi- dao. Proc. Now Engl. zool. Cl. Cam- bridgo Mass. 6 1010 (39-50) pis. iii-vi. [Lepidoptera.] 329 Clark, B. P. New Sphingidao. Proc. New Engl. zool. Cl. Cambridge Mass. 6 1917 (57-72) pis. vii-ix. [Lepido- ptera.] * 330 Clark, B. P. Some undescribed Sphingidae, Proc. Now Engl. zool. Cl. Cambridge Mass. 6 1919 (99-114) pis. x-xii. [Lepidoptera.] 331 Claycomb, G. B. Notes on the habits of Heterocerus booties. Canad. Entom. London Can. 61 1919 (25) pi. i. [Goleo- ptera.] 332 Cleare, L. D. A useful breeding cage. Bull. ent. Res. London 10 1919 (43) . 333 Cleare, L. D. Insect camouflage. Timehri Demerara 6 1919 (136-144) pi. 334 Cleare, L. D. vide Bodkin and Cleare. Cleghorn, Maude L. A note on the vitality and longevity of silkworm moths during the cold and rainy seasons in Bengal. J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 15 1919 (101-105) pis. iii and iv. {Lepido- ptera.} 335 Clermont, J. Description d’un Apion nouveau d’Espagne {Coleoptera Curculionidse). Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 19 1919 (316 317). 336 Clermont, J. Contribution la fauno dos OoUoplhrea du ddpartomont du Gers. Coram bycidm. Ann. Soc. ent. France Paris 87 1919 (527-536). 337 Clermont, J. Description de la femelle do Cehrio carbonarius Chevr. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco Paris 1919 1919 (210). [Coleoptera.] 338 Cockayne, E. A. Inhoritanco of colour in Diaphora mendica Ch. and var. rustica Hb. Ent. Roc. London 31 1919 (101-104). [Lepidoptera.] 339 Cockerell, T. D. A. The oldest mosquitoes. Nature London 103 1919 (44) . [Diptera.] 340 Cockerell, T. D. A. Miocene fossil insects. Philadelphia Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 66 1915 (634-648). 341 Cockerell, T. D. A. Bees in the collec- tion of the United States national museum. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. Wash- ington No. 2264 55 1919 (167-221). [Hyrnenoptera.] 342 Cockerell, T. D. A. Some halictine bees in the United States national museum. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 20 1919 (177-181). [Hyrnenoptera.] 343 Cockerell, T. D. A. A new colletid bee from Ecuador. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 20 1919 (206). [Hyineno- ptera.] 344 Cockerell, T. D. A. A new mono- phlebine Coccid from Borneo. J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (272). [Homo- ptera.] 345 Cockerell, T. D. A. Descriptions and records of bees, Ixxxiii. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 3 1919 (118-125). [Hyrnenoptera.] 346 Cockerell, T. D. A. Descriptions and records of bees, Ixxxi v. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 3 1919 (191-198). [Hymeno- ptera.] 347 Cockerell, T. D. A. Descriptions and records of bees, Ixxxv. Ann, Mag. Nat, Hist. London 3 1910 (240-250). [Fly- rnenoptera.] 348 Cockerell, T. D. A. Descriptions and records of bees, Ixxxvi. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 4 1919 (98-104). [ILj- menoptera.] 349 Cockerell, T. D. A. Descriptions and records of boos, Ixxxvii. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 4 1919 (355-360). [Hyrne^wptera.] 350 Cockerell, T. D. A. Some fossil parasitic Hyrnenoptera. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven 47 1919 (376-380). 351 Cockerell, T. D. A. Now and little- known amorican bees. Canad. Entom. London Can. 61 1919 (20-28). [Hymeno- ptera.] 352 Cockerell, T. D. A. A now Coccid on the cocoanut palm. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (110). [7/omo- ptera.] 353 Cockerell, T. D. A. The variation of insects. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919(121-123). 354 Cockerell, T. D. A. The bees of Gold hill, Colorado. Canad. Entom. London Can. 61 1919 (271-273). [Hymeno- ptera.] 355 23 Inaeda. Titles. 3500 Cockerell, T. D, A. The bees of ihe Rocky mountain national park. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (28G-294). [Hymeno'ptcra.] 356 Cockerell, T. D. A. The antiquity of the Ichneumonidae. Entomologist London 52 1919 (121 and 122). [//y- menoptera.] 357 Cockerell, T. D. A. Two interesting insects in burmese amber. Entomo- logist London 52 1919 (193-195). 358 Cockerell, T. D. A. Insects in burmese amber. Entomologist London 52 1919 (241-243). 359 Cockerell, T. D. A. Natal Bees. Ann. Durb. Mus. Durban 2 1919 (189- 196). [Hymenoptera.] 360 Cockerell, T. D. A. A new bee from Natal. Ann. Durb. Mus. Durban 2 1919 (117-118). [Hymenoptera.] 361 Cockerell, T. D. A. A new genus of bees from Peru. Ent. News Phila- delphia 30 1919 (17 and 18). [Hymeno- ptera.] 362 Cockerell, T. D. A. The bees of Peaceful valley, Colorado. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (298-300). [Hy- menoptera.] 363 Cockerell, T. D. A. The social bees of tho Philippine Islands. Philippine J. Sci. Manila 14 1919 (77-81). [Hy- menoptera.] 364 Cockerell, T. D. A. The Philippine bees of the family Nomadidee. Philip- pine J. Sci. Manila 14 1919 (83-86). [Hymenoptera.] 365 Cockerell, T. D. A. Tho Prosopidcs, or obtuse-tongued bees, of the Philip- pine Islands. Philippine J Sci. Manila 14 1919 (191-194). [Hymenoptera.] 366 Cockerell, T. D. A. Tho Philippine bees of tho families Anthophoridee and Melectidce. Philippine J. Sci. Manila 14 1919 (195-199). [Hymenoptera.] 367 Cockerell, T. D. A. The Sphocodino bees of tho Philippine Islands. Philip- pine J. Sci. Manila 14 1919 (556-557). [Hymenoptera.] 368 Cockerell, T. D. A. Philippine bees of tho genus Nomia, Philippine J. Sci. Manila 15 1919 (1-8). [Hymenoptera.] 369 Cockerell, T. D. A. The metallic- coloured Halictine bees of the Philip- pine Islands. Philippine J. Sci. Manila 15 1919 (9-13). [Hymenoptera.] 370 Cockerell, T. D. A. A new scale insect on Rhizophora. Philippine J. . Sci. Manila 15 1919 (386-387) 1 fig. [Homoptera.] 371 Cole, F. R. TheDipterous family Cyr- tidse in North America. Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45 1919 (1-79) pis. i-xv. 372 Cole, F. R. Tho cyrtid genera Thyllis and Megalyhus. Canad. En- tom. London Can. 51 1919 (54-62) pi. ii. [Diptera.] 373 Cole, F. R. A new Japanese species of tho cyrtid genus Opsehius. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (94). [Diptera.] 374 Cole, F. R. A now genus in tho Dipterom family Cyrtidro from South America. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (271-274) pi. xi. 375 Cole, F. R. and Lovett, A. L. New Oregon Diptera. Proc. Calif. Ac. 9 1919 (221-256) pis. xiv-xvii. 376 Coleman, L. V. An aberration of Polygonia progne. Ent. News Phila- delphia 30 1919 (112). [Lepidoptera.] 377 Collin, J. B. A Dipteron new to tho british list. Proc. ent. Soc. London 1918 1919 (Ixxvii). 378 Collinge, W. E. Wild birds and dis- tasteful insect larvae. Nature London 103 1919 (404) also (483). 379 Comstock, J. H. and Comstock, A. B. How to know Butterflies. A Manual of the Butterflies of the Eastern United States. New York and London 1917 (xii 311) 45 col. pis, 49 textfig. [Lepido- ptera.] 381 Conner, S. D. Aphids and Ants on Fruit Trees. Proc. Indiana Ac. 1918 1919 (245-246). 382 Copeman, S. M. Observations on a colony of burrowing bees {Andrena fulva) on Primrose hill. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1918 1919 (304-306). [Hymeno- ptera.] 888 Cornetz, V. Actos d’habitudo ot actes de nouvoaut^ choz la Fourmi, Messor harharus. Alger Bull. soc. hist, nat. 7 1914 (46-48'. [Hymenoptera.] 384 24 hiaecta. XU. Insecta. [1919] Corporaal, J. B. Notiz iiber die beiden Roepke’schen Gambirschad- lichen Capsiden. Tijdschr. Ent. s’ Gravenhage 62 1919 (107 and 108). [Hetero'ptera.'] 385 . Courvoisier, L. [the late] Ueber Robon- und Zwischonformon boi Lycae- nidon. Verb, naturf. Gos. Basel 80 1919 (213-247). [Lepido'ptera.'\ 386 Craighead, F. C. Protection from the Coast borer. Bull. U.S. dep. Agric. Washington 787 1919 (1-12). {Goleoptera.) 388 Crampton, G. C. The evolution of arthropods and their relatives with especial reference to insects. Amer. Natural. New York 53 1919 (143-179). 389 Crampton. G. C. Notes on the ancestry of the Diptera, Hemiptera and other insects related to the Neuro- ptera. Trans, ent. Soc. London 1919 1919 (93-118) addendum (466). 390 Crampton, G. C. The genitalia and terminal abdominal structures of males, and the terminal abdominal structures of the larvae of chalastogastrous Hymenoptera. Proc. ent. Soc. Washing- ton 21 1919 (129-151) pis. ix-xii. 391 Crampton, G. C. A phylogenetic study of the mesothoracic terga and wing bases in Hymenoptera, Neuroptera, Mecoptera, Diptera, Trichoptera and Lepidoptera. Psycho Boston 26 1919 (68-64) pi. ii. 892 Crampton, G. C. Notes on the phyto- geny of the Orthoptera. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (42-48 64-71). 893 Crampton, G. C. and Hasey, W. H. The basal sclerites of the leg in insects. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. 39 1915 (1-26) pis. i-iii. 394 Crawford, D. L. The jumping plant lice of the Palseotropics and the South Pacihc islands (family PsyUidae or ChermidsB, Ilomoptera). Philippine J. Sci. Manila 15 1919 (139-207) 3 figs. + 3 pis. 895 Cresson, E. T. DipterologieaX notes and descriptions. Proc. Acad. Phila- delphia 71 1919 (171-194). 396 Criddle, M. Fragments in the life- habits of Manitoba insects. Canad. Entoin. London Can. 51 1919 (97-101). 897 Cros, A. Notes biologiques sur les Mylabres. Ann. Soc. ent. IVance Paris 87 1919 (521-526). [Coleoptera.l 398 Cros, A. Biologic des Cerocoma. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (248-252). [Goleoptera.] 399 Csiki, E. Fauna Goleoplerorum insulae Cretae. i. Caraboidea. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 12 1914 (399- 413). 400 Csiki, E. Uj Anophthalmui-ia] g6mormegy6bol. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 12 1914 (448). [Goleoptera.] 401 Csiki, E. Species nova Hyperinorum ox insula Creta. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 13 1915 (396). [Goleoptera.] 402 Csiki, E. Calosominarum species nova africana. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 14 1916 (122). [Goleopttru.] 403 Culot, J. Importance de la figura- tion accompagnant la description des insectes et particulierement des Lepi- dopthes. C.R. Geneve Bui. Soc. Lepidopt. 3 1914-15 1916 (34). 404 Culot, F. Quolques mots sur la formation des collections. C.R. Geneve Bull. Soc. Lepidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (16-17). 405 Culot, J. Los osp^cos pal6arctiques du genre Plusia. C.R. Gen6vo Bull. Soc. Lepidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (50) Lepidoptera.] ‘ 406 Culot, J. Noctuelles et G6om6tres d’Europe. Vol. 3. Deuxi^mo partie G6om^tres. Geneva 1917-1919 (1-269) pis. i-xi. [Lepidoptera.] 407 Culver, J. J. A study of Gompsilura concinnata, an imported tachinid para- site of the gipsy moth and the brown- tail moth. Bull. U.S. dep. Agric. Washington 766 1919 (1-27) pi. [Diptera.] 408 Cushman, R. A. Descriptions of new North american Ichneumon-flies. Proc. U.S. nat. Mus. Washington No. 2284 55 1919 (517-543). [Hymenoptera.] 409 Cushman, R. A. Notes on certain genera of Ichneumon -flies with descrip- tions of a new genus and four new species. Proc. U.S, nat. Mus. Washing- ton No. 2296 66 1919 (373-382). [Hymenoptera.] 410 25 Inseeta. Titles. 3600 Cushman, R. A. New genera and species of ichneumon flies. Proc. enfc. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (112-120). [Hyme7ioptera.] 411 Cushman, R. A. and Rohwer, S. A. The genus JEphialtes first proposed by Schrank. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 20 1919 (186-188). IHymenoptera.} 412 Davey, W. P. Prolongation of life of Triholium confusum apparently due to small doses of X-rays. Journ. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia 28 1919 (447- 458). [Colcoptcra.] 418 Davidson, W. M. Now aphids from oaks. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (246-248). [Homoptera.] 414 Davidson, W. .M. Life history and habits of the mealy plum aphis. Bull. U.S. dcp. Agric. Washington 774 1919 (16 pp.) pi. [IJo7noptera,] 415 Davis, J. J. Miscellaneous aphid notes, i. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (228-234). IHomoptrra,.] 416 Davis, W. T. Cicadas of the genus Cacama, with descriptions of several new species. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (68-79) pis. xiii and xiv. [Homoptera.] 417 Davis, W. T. Cicadas of the genera Olcanagana, Tihicinoidea and Okana- godes, with descriptions of several now species. J. Now York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (179-223) pis. xix and xx. [Homo- ptera.] 418 Davis, W. T. A new Cicada of the genus Melampsalta. J. Now York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (340). [Homoptera.] 419 Dawson, R. W. New species of Serica (Scarabaeidae). i. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (32-39) pis. \i-ix. [Coleoptera.] 420 Dawson, R. W. New species of Serica. ii. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (223-226) pi. xxi. [Coleoptera.] 421 de Buen, S. vide Pittaluga and de Buen. Deegener, P. Tiersogiologische Beobachtungen und Versuche. S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (1-34). [Lepidoptera.] 422 Dehorne, A. Determination du nombre des chromosomes dans los larves do Gorethra plumicornis. Arch. Zool. exp. Paris 58 1919 Notes (26-30). [Diptera.] 423 DelanoS, P. Existence do Phle~ botomua papatasii Scopoli Mazagan. Paris Bull. soc. path. exot. 9 1916 (762-763). [Diptera.] 424 Delanoe, P. Contribution a I’etude du paludisme au MaToc occidental. Paris Bull. soc. path exot. 10 1917 (686- 611). 425 Delmege, J. A. Some practical notes on the prevention of mosquito brooding. [J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 22 1919 (181-1841. [Diptera.] 426 Demaison, L. Sur quelques especes du genre Chrysophanus. Bull. soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (45-48). [ Lepidoptera.] 427 Demaison, L. La Melitaea didyma Ochs, dans le nord do la Franco. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 (290). [Lepido^ ptera.] 428 Demoll, R. Antwort auf die Kritik von V. Buddenbrock. Biol. Zentralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (266-286). 429 Demoll, R. Die Bedeutung der Elytren der Kafer fiir den Flug. Biol. Zentralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (424-478). 430 Dendy, A. [and others]. Grain posts committee. Reports. Royal Society London 1918. 431 Desbordes, H. Contribution la connaissahee des Hist^rides 4e m6moire. Etude des Histeridae de ITndo-chino. Ann. Soc. ent. France Paris 87 1919 (341-424). [Coleoptera.] 432 Desbordes, H. Contribution la connaissance des Histerides. 6e me- moire. Etude du genre Omalodes Er. Ann. Soc. ent. France Paris 88 1919 (41-64). [Coleoptera.] 433 Desbordes, H. Description d’un nouvel His ter de PInde. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1919 (89). [Coleo- ptera.] 434 Desbordes, H. Liste d’Histeridae recoltds on 1917, 1918 et 1919 par M. L. Burgeon au Congo beige. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (183-187). [Coleoptera.] 435 Desbordes, H. Desciiption d une nouvelle esp^ce de Xestipyge d’Asie mineure. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (206). [Coleoptera.] 436 26 Inaecta, XII. Insecta. [1919] DesbordeS) H. Sur dos Hist6rides appartonaut au mus6o Congo belgo. Kov. zool. afrio. Bruxelles 7 1919 (69- 76). [Goleoptera.] 437 Desoy, A. Instinct et intelligence. Experiences sur I’ammophile. Ann. Soo. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 59 1919 (86-95). [Hymenoptera.] 438 Descy, A. L’ Ammophile des sables. Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 1 1919 (123-132 136-142 147-158). [Flytnenoptera.] 439 Dette, Erna. tlber die Metamorphose von Trichosticha flavescens. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System 39 1916 (417- 442) pis. xi-xii 1 textfig. [Diptera.] 440 Detwiler, J. D. vide Herrick and Det- wiler. Deville, J. Sainte-Claire. On the capture in France of several recently described british Ooleoptera. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (196-200). 441 Deville, J. Sainte-clairo. Notes sur los esp6ces franeaisos du genre Sphae- ridium F. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (230-233). [CoUoptera.'] 442 Deville, J. Sainte-claire. Description d’un Leptusa nouveau do France. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (262). [Goleoptera.l 443 Deville, J. S.-C. Description d’un Limnius nouveau do France. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (263). [Gohoptera.'\ 444 Devos, J. Description d’un Telipna nouveau du Congo. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 6 1919 (62-64). [Lepidoptera.'] 445 Dewitz, J. Untersuchungen iiber Geschlechtsunterschiede No. 4 Das Verhalten der boiden Geschlechter gogenubor Mothylenblau. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. Allgem. 30 1916 (11-24). pis. i-ii. [Lepidopteral] 446 Dewitz, J. Ueber Hamolysine (Aphidolysine) bei Pflanzenlausen. Zool Anz. Leipzig 48 1917 (389-396). [Homo- ptera.'\ 447 Dickerson, E. L. and Weiss, H. B. The Life History and early stages of Platymetopius hyalinua Osb. a Japanese maple leaf-hopper in Now Jersey. Ann. Amor. Ent. Soo. Columbus 12 1919 (369-372). [Ilemiptera.] 448 Distant, W. L. A now lygaoid bug found among stored rice in Java. Bull. ent. Res. London 10 1919 (41). [Hater opiera.] 449 Distant, W. L. Description of a new genus and species of the Homo- ptcrous family Cicadidae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 3 1919 (43). 450 Distant, W. L. Some new species of the Homopterous [sic] family Pyrrho- coridae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London ser. ix 3 1919 (218-222). [Heteroptera.] 451 Distant, W. L. Descriptions of new species and genera of the Heteropterous family Reduviidae from British India. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 4 1919 (71-79). 452 Distant, W. L. Two apparently undescribed species of Cicadidae from tropical Africa. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 4 1919 (136). [Homoptera.] 453 Distant, W. L. Some ethiopian Cicadidae in the Congo museum. Rev. zool. afrio. Bruxelles 7 1919 (155-157). [Homoptera.] 454 Distant, W. L. The Heteroptera of Indo-Chine. Fam. Pyrrhocoridae. En- tomologist London 52 1919 (1). 455 Distant, W. L. The Heteroptera of Indo-China. Fam. Reduviidae. En- tomologist London 52 1919 (145-149 207-211 243-246). 456 Dixey, F. A. Opening address (to British Association). Nature London 104 1919 (121-126). [Lepidoptera.] 457 Dodd, A. P. A now niymarid from Java. Entomologist London 62 1919 (161). [Hymenoptera.] 458 Dodd, F. P. A naturalist in New Guinea.. Victorian Natural. Melbourne 35 1919 (127-144). 459 Dodero, A. Materiali per lo studio dei Goleotteri italiani con doscrizioni di nuove specie, iv. Pam. Pselaphidae. Ann. Mus. Genova 48 1919 (172-258) pis. iii and iv. 460 Dognin, P. Het6roceres nouveaux de I’Am^rique de Sud. M6m. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 22 1913 (1-54). [Lepidoptera.] 461 Dognin, P. H6t6roo^res nouveaux de I’Amdriquo du Sud. Faso. 15 16 17 Rennes 1919 (1-10 1-7 and 1-12). [Lepidoptera.] 462 27 Insecta. Titles. Donisthorpe, H. Myrmccophilous notes for 1918. Ent. Rec. London 31 1919 (1-5 21-20). [Ifipnenoptcra.] 463 Donisthorpe, H. The myrmecophilous lady-bird Coccinella distincta Fald., its life-history and association with ants. Ent. Rec. London 31 1919 (214-222). [Coleoptera.] 464 Doop, J. E. A. don. Lovensgoschie- dcnis van Epilachna dodecastigmaMul- sant in Deli. [Lebensgeschichte von E. dodecastigma]. Teysmannia Batavia 30 1919 (243-254) 1 pi. [Coleoptera.] 465 Doop, J. E. A. den. Aantoekeningen over dc Lasioderma-heBtryding [Notizen ubcr die Z/aafotferwa- Bekampfung]. Me- dan Mededeelingon Deli-proefstation (ser. 2) 3 1919 (7-18). 466 Doop, J. E. A. den. Een en ander over do groono Capsido. [Einigos iiber die griino Oapside.] Medan Meded. Dcliproefstat. (sor. 2) 8 1919 (19-20). [lleteroptera.] 467 Drake, C. J. On some Tingidae new to the fauna of Canada. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (169). [Hetero- ptera.] 468 Drake, C. J. On some North-araeri- ean Tingidae. Ohio Nat. Columbus 19 1919(417-421). [Heteroptera.] 469 Duchaussoy, A. Description de trois esp^ces nouvelles do Thaumatotypidoi Viereck. Alger. Bull. soc. hist. nat. 6 1915 (134-144 av. fig.). [Hymenoptera.] 470 Duchaussoy, A. Nouveaux Bethy- lides do I’Afrique duNord et de I’Europe oricntale. Alger. Bull. soc. hist. nat. 7 1916 (109-126 av. fig.). [Hymeno- ptera.] 471 Dufrenoy, J. Sur los maladies parasitaircs dcs Chenilles procession- aires dcs Pins d’Arcachon. C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris 168 1919 (1345-1346). [Lepi- doptera.] 472 Dufrenoy, J. Les formes de degener- escence des chenilles de Cneihacampa pityocampa parasit6es. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (288). [Lepidoptera^ 473 Duke, H. L. Tsetse flies and try- panosomiasis. Some questions sug- gested by the later history of the sleep- ing sickness epidemic in Uganda pro- tectorate. Parasitology Cambridge 11 1919(415-429). [Diptera.] 474 8600 Duke, H. L. Some observations on the bionomics of Olossina palpalis on the islands of Victoria Nyanza. Bull, ent. Res. London 9 1919 (263-270). [Diptera.] 475 Duke, H. L. An enquiry into the relations of Olossina morsitans and ungulate game, with special reference to rinderpest. Bull. ent. Res. London 10 1919 (7-20). [Diptera.] 476 Duncan, F. M. Insect pests and plant diseases in the vegetable and fruit garden. London (Constable) 1919 (95) 12 pis. 477 Duporte, E. M. The propleura and the pronotal sulci of the Orihoptera, Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (147-163) 2 pis. 478 Durrant, J. H. Collation of the correlated genera of the Tontamen and Verzoichniss bekanntor Sohmotterlingo of Jacob Hiibner. Ent. Roc. London 81 Suppl. (31 pp.). [Lepidoptera.] 479 Durrant, J. H. Three new genera of Tineina resembling Aegeriadae. Novit. zool. Tring 26 1919 (120-122). [Lepidoptera.] 480 Dury, C. A new ciside genus with new species from Manitoba. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (158). [Coleoptera.] 481 Dusmet y Alonso, J. M. Apuntes para la historia de la Entomologia de Espana. Bol. Soc. ent. Espana Zara- goza 2 1919 (74-84 87-98 161). 482 Dustan, A. G. vide Sanders and Dustan. Dutt, G. R. Descriptions of three male Mutillids from India. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (259-261). [Hymenoptera.] 483 Dyar, H. G. The mosquitoes col- lected by'the Canadian arctic expedition. Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3 C Ottawa 1919 (31 C-33 C). [Diptera.] 484 Dyar, H. G. A note on Lesticocampa and a now species {Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (9-11). 485 Dyar, H. G. Westward extension of the Canadian mosquito fauna {Diptera Culicidae). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (11-39). 486 2^'llnsecta^ XII. Insecta. [1919] Dyar, H. G. Some tropical American Pliycitinae (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (IO- CS). 487 , Dyar, H. G. Some new tropical American moths (Lepidoptera). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (74-86). 488 Dyar, H. G. A note on Argentine mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae). Inscc. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (85-89). 489 Dyar, H. G. A revision of the American Sdbethini . of the Sahethes group by the male genitalia (Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (114-142) pi. V. 490 • Dyar, H. G. The larva of Xantho- pastis timais Cramer again (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919(149). , 491 Dyar, H. G. A new subgenus of GulexlAnw. (Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (160). 492 Dyar, H. G. Descriptions of hitherto unknown larvae of Culex (Diptera, Culicidae). Insee. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (161 162). 493 Dyar, H, G. New Moths from Mexico (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Haden- inae). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (162-164). 494 Dyar, H. G. A new Noctuid from Arizona (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Acro- nyctinae). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919(188). 495 Dyar, H. G. and Knab, F. New species of tropical American mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (1-9). 496 Edwards, P. W. Diptera collected in Korinchi, West Sumatra, by Messrs. II. C. Robinson and C. Boden Kloss. J. Fed. Malay St. Singapore 8 1919 pt. 3 f^-59) pis. iii-vi. 497 Edwards, F. W. The larva and pupa of Taeniorhynchus richiardii Fic. (Diptera, Culicidae). Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (83-87). 498 Edwards, F. W. A new british heteropezine fly. Ent. mo. Mag; Lon- don 55 1919 (103-105). [Diptera.'\ 499 Edwards, F. W. Qnophomyia tripu- diana Borgroth : a new british fly. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (176). [Diptera.) 500 Edwards, F. W. Some parthenogenetic Chironomidae. Ann. nat. hist. London 3 1919 (222-228). [Diptera.] 501 Edwards, F. W. A note on the egg- burster of eucephalous fly-larvae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 3 1919 (372- 376). [Diptera.] 502 Edwards, J. A note on the british representatives of the genus Macropsis Lewis ; with descriptions of two new species. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (55-58). [Eomoptera.] 503 Edwards, S. • [Presidential address.] Proo. S. London ent. Soo. London 1918-19 1919 ? (36-46). 504 Eecke, R. van.* Studies on indo- australian Lepidoptera. ii. The Rhopal- ocera, collected by the third New Guinea expedition. Nova Guinea 13 Livr. 1 1915 Leide (55-80) pis. ii and iii. 505 Eecke, R. van. Geschichtlich- anatomische Untersuchung von don Gonitalorganen der Lepidopteren. ’s- Gravenhago Tydschr. Ent. 61 1919 (147-232). 506 Eecke, R. van. Leptothrix tetti- gonioides Ileyl. Exotrocha haemacta Snell. ’s-Gravenhage Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 1919 (121-122). [Lepidoptera.] 507 Eecke, R. van. Synonymic van Heylaerts’ soorten. Ber. Nederl. ent. Ver. ’s-Gravenhage 5 1919 (164 and 165). [Lepidoptera.] 508 Eggers, F. Das thoracalo bitym- panale Organ oiner Gruppe der Lepido- ptera Heterocera. Zool. Jahrb. Jena. Abt. Anat. 41 1919 (273-376) pis. xx- xxiv, textfigs. 509 Eggers, H. Bemerkungen zu Reitters Borkcnkaferbestimmungstabellen, 2 Auflago. (Fortsotzung). Ent. Bliittor Berlin 10 1914 (38-41 107-110 183-189 296-299). [Goleoptera.] 510 Eggers, H. Pityophthorus rossicus nov. spec. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (13). [Goleoptera.] 511 Eggers, H. Ips fallax nov. spec- Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (96). [Goleoptera.] 512 Eggers, II. Trypophloeus klimescM nov. spec. Ent. Bliittcr Berlin 11 1915 (188). [Goleoptera.] 513 29 hisecta. Titles. 3600 Eggers, H. 60 noue Borkenkafer (Ipidao) aus Afrika, nebst zehn neuen Gattungon, zwoi Abarton. Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (229-243) [to be continued]. \GoleopUra.} 514 Eldering, F, J. Acquisition d’habi- tudes par des insectes. Archiv. Neerl. do physiol, (ser. iiie des Arch. Neerl.) 3 1919 (469-491). 515 Elliott, E. A. Some Stephanidao in the British museum. Entomologist London 52 1919 (28-32). {Hyimno- ftcra.] 516 Elliott, E. A. Two new Stephanidae. Entomologist London 52 1919 (73). [Hymenoptera.] 517 Elliott, E. A. Some undescribed Stephanidae in the British museum. Entomologist London 52 1919 (129- 132). [Hymenoptera.] 518 Elliott, E. A. Two new Stephanidae. Entomologist London 52 1919 (162 and 163). [Hymenoptera.] 519 Elmhirst, R. Orihocladus spp., breeding in the sea. Scott. Natural. Edinburgh 1919 1919 (193 and 194). [Diptera.] 520 Elston, A. H. Australian Coleoptera. Pt. 1 Adelaide S. Aust. Trans. R. Soc. 48 1919 (342-348). 521 Eltringham, H. Butterfly vision. Trans. Entom. Soc. London 1919 1919 (1-49) pis. i-v. [Lepidoptera.] 522 Eltringham, E. Note on a remarkable pupal strueture. Proc. entom. Soc, London 1919 1919 (xiv and xv) pi. A. [Lepidoptera.] 523 Emeis, W. Dber Eientwicklung bei den Cocciden. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. Anat. 39 1915 (27-28) pis. iv-vi text- fig. [Homoptera.] 524 Emery, C. Sur le genre Tranopelta et sur le type du genre Cremastogaster. Bull. soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (60-62). [Hymenoptera.] 525 Emery, C. Notes critiques do Myrmecologie. Ann, Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 59 1919 (100-107). [Hy- menoptcra.] 526 Emery, W. T. vide Phillips and Emery. Emmelius, C. Beitrage zur Biologie oiniger Ameisenarton. Biol. Zentralbl. Leipzig 89 1919 (303-311). [Hymeno- ptera.] 527 Enderlein, G. Symphytologica i. Zur Kenntnis der Oryssiden und Tenthrediniden. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (111-127). [Hymeno- ptera.] 528 Enderlein, G. Smyphytologica. ii. zur Kenntnis der Tenthrediniden. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (347- 374). [Hymmoptera.] 529 Enderlein, G. Beitrage zur Kenntnis aussereuropaischer Ichneumoniden. iv. Einige neuo Pimpliden. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (146-163). [Hymenoptera.] 530 Enderlein, G. Einige Notizen zu oinem Mannchen von Emhia aethiopi- corum Karsch 1900 aus dem Kongoge- biet. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 1917 (308). [Embioptera.] 531 Enderlein, G. Calyoza sumatrana, eine neuo Proctotrupide aus Sumatra. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 48 1917 (396). [Hymenoptera.] 532 Enderlein, G. Psyllidologica V. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System 41 1918 (479-486) pi. vii. 7 toxtfigs. 588 Enderlein, G. Beitrage zur Kenntnis dor Copeognathon Psocus hastman- nianus n. sp. aus. Finnland. Zool. Jahrb, Jena Abt. System. 41 1918 (487- 488) pi. viii 1 textfig. [Psocoptera.] 534 Engel, E. O. Fauna Faeroensis . . . vi. Dipteren. 1. Lycoriidae, Fungi- voridae, Bibionidac, Melusinidae, Orphnephilidae, Phrynidae, Limoniidae und Tipulidae. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 39 1915 (95-102) textfig. a-d. 535 Engel, E. 0. Ueber africahische Dejcania-Arten nebst einigen Bemer- kungen zu den amerikanischen Dejeanii- nae T. Townsend {Diptera). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (135-141) 2 figs. 536 Enslin, E. Dio Tenthredinoidea Mitteleuropas. iii [omitted previously] Deutsche ent. Zeitschr. Boiheft 1914 (203-309) vi op. cit. 1917 (539-662) vii (Schluss) op. cit. 1917 (663-790). [Hymenoptera.] , 537 30 Inaeeta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Enslin, E. Beitrage zur Konntnis der Tenthredinoidea vi. {Hymeno'ptera). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (78-83) 3 figs. 538 Ensliii) E, vide Kieffor and Enslin. Erhardt, E. Zur Kenntnis der Inner vierung und der Sinnesorgane der Fliigel von Insecten. Zool. Jalirb. Jena Abt. Anat. 39 1916 (295-334) pis. xvii- xviii, textfigs. 539 Esben-Petersen, 0. Sjaeldnere Sommerfugle. Flora og Fauna 1919 (144). ILe'pido'ptera.] 540 Esben-Petersen, P. Help-notes towards the determination and classifi- cation of the European Myrmeleonidae. Kobenhavn Ent. Medd. 12 1918-19 (97-127) 10 pi. {Neuroptera.] 541 Escalera, M. M. de la. Una especie nueva de Brachycerus 01. do Espana {Cohoptera Curculionidae). Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 18 1918 (415- 416) 2 figs. 542 Esoalera, M. M. do la. Ipidos (Soolytidos) obsorvados on la Pcninula Ibdrica, Marruocos y Canarias. Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 19 1919 (103-108). [Coleoptera.] 543 Escherich, K. Die Ameise, Schilde- rung ihrer Lebensweise. zweite ver- besserte und vermehrte Auflage Braun- schweig 1917 ? (348 pp.) 98 Abbild. [Hymenoptera.] ' 544 Evans, A. M. On the genital arma- ture of the female tsetse-flies (Glossina). Ann. trop. Med. Liverpool 13 1919 (31- 66). [Diptera.] 545 Everts, E. J. G. Nieuwe vondsten voor de Nederlandscho Coleopteren- fauna xx en xxi. [Neue Funde fiir die niederlandischo Coleopteren-fsiunau xx und xxi.] ’s-Gravenhago Ber. Nod. Ent. Ver. 6 1919 (119-120 126-130). 546 Everts, E. Coleoptera, in Juni 1918 by Ommen verzameld. (Coleopteren, im Juni 1918 zu Ommen gesammelt.] ’s-Gravenhage Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 1919 (131). 547 Everts, E. Nieuwe vondsten voor de Nederlandsche Coleopteren -fauna. [Neue Funde fiir die niederlandische UoZeopferen-Fauna xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxv.] ’s-Gravenhage Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 1919 (146-149 160-164 172-175 197- 199). 548 Everts, E. Nieuwe vondsten voor de Nederlandsche Coleoptereniaxma. ’s-Gravonhage Bor. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 (207-209). 549 Everts, E. Mededeeling over diorlyk leven in den komposthoop [Mitteilung fiber Tierlebon im Komposthaufen]. ’s-Gravenhago. Tydschr. Ent. 62 1919 (xxxviii-xl). 550 Faes, H. Les Sirex. Lausanne Chron. agric. 1903 (644-647). [Hy- menoptera.] 551 Fagan, Margaret M. vide Rohwer and Fagan. Fabrenholz, H. Diagnosen neuer Anopluren. iii. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 48 1916(87-93). [Ellipoptera.] 552 Falcoz, L. Description do la larvo de ' Microglossa pulla Gyll. Bull. Soc. ent France Paris 1919 (296-301). [Coleoptera.] 553 Fall, H. C. The Californian spooso fci Malthodes, Ann. out. Soc. Amer. Columbus 12 1919 (31-42) pi. iii. [Coleoptera,] 554 Fall, H. C. Now Coleoptera. viii. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (212-216). 555 Fall, H. C. Carabidae. Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3 E Ottawa 1919 (14 E-16 E). [Coleoptera.] 556 Felt, E. P. Thirty -second Report of the State Entomologist on injurious and other insects for 1916. New York State Mus. Bull. 198 (1917) 1918 (1-276) pis. i-viii, textfigs. 557 Felt, E. P. A Study of Gall Midges, v Tribe Lasiopteriariae. New York State Mus. Bull. 198 (1917) 1918 (101- 252) pis. iii-viii. [Diptera.] 558 Felt, E. P. Insects and the State. Now York State Mus. Bull. 219 220 1919 (1920) (227-231). 559 Felt, E. P. Now Philippine Gall midges. Philippine J. Sci. Manila 14 1919 (287-294). [Diptera.] 560 Felt, E. P. Insect galls and gall insects. Ottawa Natural. 32 1919 (127- 131) figs. 561 Felt, E. P. Plant Galls. Report Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18 (Southern Party 1913-16) 3 Ottawa 1919 (37 G 38 G). [Hymenoptera and Diptera.] 562 31 Insecta. Titles 3500 Felt, E. P. Five non-gall-making midges. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (219-223). [Diptera.] 568 Felt, E. P. Now gall raidgoi^ or Itonididae from the Adirondacks. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (277-292). [Diptera.] 564 Fenyes, A. Coleoptera Fam. Staphy- linidae, Subfam. Aleocharinae ; in Wyts- man’s Genera Insectorum Faso. 173a 1918 (1-110). 565 Fergusson, A. Additions to the list of Scottish Coleoptera. Scott. Natural. Edinburgh 1919 1919 (167-169). 566 Ferris, G. F. Observations on some mealy bugs. J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (292-299). [Homoptera.] 567 Ferris, G. F. Lac-producing insects in the United States. J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (330-333). [Homo- ptera.] 668 Ferris, G. F. Notes on Coccidao. iii. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (108-113). [Homoptera.] 569 Ferris, G. F. Notes on Coccidae. iv. Canad. Entom. London Can. 61 1919 (249-253). [Homoptera.] 570 Ferris, G. F. A remarkable case of insect longevity. Ent. News Phila- delphia 30 1919 (27 & 28). [Homo- ptera.] 571 Ferris, G. F. Two species of Phyllox- era from California. Ent. News Phila- delphia 30 1919 (103-105). [Homo- ptera.] 572 Ferris, G. F. A new species of Psendodiaspis (Hemiptera, Coccidae). Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (275- 276). [Homoptera.] 573 Ferris, G. F. Some records of Polyctenidao. J. Now York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (261-263) pi. xxiv. [Hetero- ptera.] 574 Ferris, G. F. and Nuttall, G. H. F. Anoplura. Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18 (Southern Party 1913-16) 3 Ottawa 1919 (11 D). [Ellipoptera.] 575 Feytaud, J. Note sur la Cochenille oblongue Lecanium persica et sur le traitement des vignes envahies par cct insecte. Annales du service des cpiphy- ties Paris 2 1913 (153-155). [Homo- ptera.] 576 Feytaud, J. Recherches sur V Eude- rriis et la Cochylis dans le Bordelais en 1913. Ann. 6piphytios Paris 2 1915 (108-152 av. fig.). [Lepidoptera.] 677 Fielding, J. W. Notes on the bio- nomics of Stegomyia fasciata, Fabr. Part i. Ann. trop. Med. Liverpool 13 1919 (259-296). [Diptera.] 578 Fisher, W. S, Five new species ot ptinid beetles. Proc. U.S. nat. Miis. Washington 55 No. 2271 1919 (295- 299). [Coleoptera.] 579 Fisher, W. S. A. new genus and species of Cerambycidae from Colorado. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (38-40). [Coleoptera.] 580 Fisher, W. S. Description of a new genus and new species of Buprestidae from Arizona. Proc. ent. Soc. Wash- ington 21 1919 (91-93). [Coleoptera.] 681 Fisher, W. S. Descriptions of new North American Ptinidae, with notes ‘ on an introduced Japanese species. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (181-186). [Coleoptera.] 682 Fisher, W. S. Chrysohothris tranque- barica Gmel. versus impressa Fabr. (Coleoptera, Buprestidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 20 1919 (173-177). 583 Fleischer, A. ' Neue palaarktischo Oedemeriden Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919(168-171). [Coleoptera.] 584 Fleischer, A. Eine neue Prostomis- Art aus dem Elbursgebirge. Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (211). [Coleo- ptera.] 585 Fletcher, T. B. [and others]. Second Hundred Notes on Indian Insects. Bull. Agric. Res. Inst. Pusa 89 1919 (v -f 102). 586 Fleutiaux, E. Melasidae'nonve&nx (CoUopthes) r6colt^s par C. F. Baker. Philippine J. Sci. Manila 15 1919 (445- 450). 587 Fleutiaux, E. Insectes Colcoptkrea. xiii. Elateridao, Trixagidae etMelasidae. Voyage Alluaud et Jeannel Paris 1919 (1-119)1 pi. 588 Fleutiaux, E. Sur quelques Cicindeli- dae du Laos. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1919 (126-128). [Coleoptera.] 589 32 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] FleutiauX) E. Sur quelques Cicindeli- dae d’Indo-Chine (rectifications). Bull. Soo. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (252). [Ooleoptera.] 590 Poa, Anna. Confronte tra i primi stadi evolutivi del baco da seta nelle uova a schiusura normal© o in quelle a schiusura estemporanoa per I’azione deir elettricita. Boll. Lab. Portici 13 1919 (57-69). [Lepidoptera.] 591 Poa, A. Osservazioni sullo sviluppo del baco da seta fino alia formazione della stria germinativa. Boll. Lab, Portici 13 1919 (317-358) pis. i-iv. [Lepidoptera.] 592 Polsom, J. W. ColUmhola of the Canadian arctic expedition. • Rep. Canad. arctic exp. 3 A Ottawa 1919 (3A-29A). 593 Polsom, J. W. Collenibola from the Crocker land expedition. Bull. Amer. Mus. New York 41 1919 (271-302) pis. xvi-xxiii. [Aptera.'\ 594 Pool, Katharine. Preliminary note on the spermatogenesis of Pediculus vestimenti. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 37 1919 (371-384) 2 pis. [Ellipoptera.^bdb Poot, Katharine. Determination of the sex of the offspring from a single pair of Pediculus vestimenti, Biol. Bull, Woods Hole 37 1919 (385-387). [Ellipo^ ptera.l 5fca Pordham, W. J. Notes on the entomology of the Bubwith district. Naturalist London 1919 1919 (13-10 70-71). 596 Porsius, R. t)ber einige von Bequaert in Nordafrika gesammelte Tenthredin- oiden Helsingfors. Ofvers F. Vet. Soc. 60 A No. 13 1919(1-11). [Hymenoptera.'] 597 Porsius, R. Verzeiohnis dor bisher aus dem Lojo-Gebiote bokannt gowor- "denen Tenthredinoiden nebst einer tlbersicht sammtlicher in Finnland festgestellter Arten. Helsingfors Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 46 No. 4 1919 (1-26). {HymenopteraJ\ 598 Poucher, G. Etudes biologiques sur le Cyphocrania gigas Linn6, d’Amboine. Rev. g6n. sci. Paris 22 1916 (706-713 av. fig.). [Orthoptera.] 599 PrauQa, 0. Notes do zoologio m^dicale observations sur le genre Phlebotomus. Broteria Braga 17 1919 (102-160). [Diptera.] 600 Prankenburg, G. v. Die Schwimm- blasen von Corethra. Biologische und morphologische Studien fiber ihre Funk- tion und Beitrage zur Physiologic des geschlossonon Tracheonsystems. Zool. Jahi'b. Jena Abt. Allgem. 85 1015 (505-592) 16 textfigs. [Diptera.'] 601 Fraser, F. C. Notes on some now and • other Indian dragonflies. J. Bombay Soc. Bombay 26 1919 (874-878). [Paraneufoptera.] 602 Fraser, F. C. Note on a collection of Odonata from South Annam. J. N. H. Soc. Siam London 3 1919 (455-461). [Paraneuroptera.] 603 Fraser, F. 0. The larva of Micro- merus lineatus, Burm. Rec. Iiid. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (197-198) 1 pi. [Paraneuroptera.] 604 Frennet, L. et Guilleaume, F. Notes sur la faune des CoUopteres de Belgique Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 1 1919 (13-15). 605 Frey, R. Beitrag zur Konntnis dor Diptcronfauna des nordl. europtiischon Russlands. ii. Dipteren aus Arcliangelsk. Helsingfors Acta Soc. Fauna ct FI. Fenn. 46 No. 2 1918 (1-32). 606 Prey, R. Mittoilungon fiber sfidameri- kanischo Dipteren. Helsingfors Ofvers. F. Vet. Soo. 60 A No. 14 1919 (1-35) Taf. 607 Friederiohs, K. Einiges iibor die Kafer des toten Holzes im Kiefernwald der Insel St Marguerite (Siidfrankreich). Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (20-27). [Goleoptera.] 608 Friese, H, Wissenschaftlicho Ergeb- nisso einer Forschungsroise nach Ostin- dien, ausgoffihrt im Auftrago dor Kgl. Prouss. Akadomio dor Wissonschafton zu Berlin von. H. v. Buttel-Reepen. vii. Bienen aus Sumatra, Java, Malakka und Ceylon. Gesammelt von Herrn Prof. Dr. V. Buttel-Roopen in den Jahren 1911-1912. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 41 1918 (489-520) 2 text- figs. [Hymenoptera.] 609 Frisch, K. von. Dor Farbensinn und Formonsinn dor Biono. Zool. Jahrb. Allg. Jona 35 1914 (1-182) 5 pis. [Hymenoptera.] 610 33 Insecia. Titles. 3500 Frisch, K. von. Demonstration von Versuchen des Farbensinnes bei ange- blich total farben blinden Tieren. Versuche an Bienen. Verb, deutsch. zool. Ges. Berlin 24 1914 (56-58). [Hymenoptera.'] 611 Frisch, K. von. t)ber den Geruchsinn der Biene und seine bliitenbiologische Bedeutung. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. Allgem. 37 1919 (1-238) 14 textfigs. [Hynienoptera.'\ 612 Frisch, K. von. Zur Stroitfrago naoh dom Farbonsinn dor Bionon, Biol. Zontralbl. Leipzig 89 1919 (122-139). [Hymenoj)tera.] 613 Frisendahl, A. Coleopterologiska. notiser. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (49-52). 614 Frisendahl, A. Coleoptera fr^n Jamtland. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (202-205). 615 Fritzsche, R. A. Zur Ueberwinter- ungsfrago von Pyrarrids cardui. Ent. Zs. Frankfurt a. M. 29 1916 p. 80. [Lepidoptera.] 616 Froggatt, J. L. An economic study of Nasonia brevicornisy a Hymeno- pterous parasite of muscid Diptera. Bull, ent. Res. London 9 1919 (257-262). 617 Froggatt, W. W. A new species of wax scale {Geroplastes murfayi) from Now Guinea. P. Linn. Soo. N.S.W. Sydney 44 1919 (439-440) pi. xiv. [^Homopterai] 618 Froggatt, W. W. The Lantana Fly (Agromyza lantanae). Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. Sydney 30 1919 (665-668) 6 figs. [Diptera.] 619 Froggatt, W. W. The European Maize Borer. Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. Sydney 30 1919 (800). [Lepidoptera.] 620 Froggatt, W. W. The Black Banana Stem Weevil {Cosmopolites sordida Germ.). Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. Sydney 30 1919 (815-818) figs. [Coleoptera.] 621 Froggatt, W. W. The Digger Chalcid Parasite {Dirrhinus sarcophagae sp.n. on Sarcophaga aurijrons). Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. Sydney 30 1919 (863-866). figs. [Hymenoptera.] 622 Froggatt, W. W. The Peach Tip. MothiLaspeyresia molesta Busck). Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. Sydney 30 1919 (853-855). [Lepidoptera.] 623 (n-13799 j) Q Frost, S. W. The function of the anal comb of certain lepidopterous * larvae. J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (446-447). 624 Fryer, J. C. F. Notes. Ann. appl. Biol. Cambridge 6 1919 (207-209). 625 Fuchs, G. Die Naturgeschichte der Nematoden und einiger anderer Para- ^ siten. 1. des Ips typographus L. 2. des Hylohius ahietis L. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 88 1916 (109-222) pis. xvii- xxi toxtfig. a-b. [Coleoptera.] 626 Fflge, B. Einwandorung von Insok- ten auf einer entstehenden Insel unter Berucksichtigung der gesammelten Coleopteren, Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 14 1919 (249-265). 627 Fuente, J. M. de la. Catalogo sistem- atico-geografico de los Coledpteros observados en la peninsula iberica, Pirineos propriamente dichos y Bal- eares. Bol. Soc. ent. Espana Zaragoza 2 1919 (11-18 30-45 68-73 104-119 143 199-214). 628 Fuente, J. M. de la. Lista in^dita do Coledpteros de Espana. Bol, Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 19 1919 (178- 188). 629 Fullaway, U. T. Now genera and species of Braconidao, mostly malayan. J. Straits R. Asiat. Soo. No. 80 1919 (39-69) pi. [Hymenoptera.] 680 Fullaway, D. T. Description of Paranagrus oshorni n.sp. {Hymenoptera Mymaridae). Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. Honolulu 4 1919 (53). 631 Fullaway, D. T. and Giffard, W. M. Notes on collection of hawaiian insects on island of Maui. Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. Honolulu 4 1919 (50-52). 632 Fuller, C. The wing venation and respiratory system of certain South African Termites. Ann. Natal Mus. 4 1919 London (19-102) pis. iii-xi. 633 Funkhonser, W. D. New records and species of Philippine Memhracidae. Philippine J, Sci. Manila 15 1919 (16- 29) 1 pi. [Homoptera.] 634 Funkhouser, W*. D. Four new african Membracidae. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (220-224) pi. xix. [Homo- piera.] 635 C 7 34 Insecia, XII. Insecta. [19191 Funkhouser, W. D. A new Tylo- centrus from Arizona (Membracidae ; Homoptera). Ent. News Philadelidiia 30 1919 (217-219) pi. X. 636 Funkhouser, W. D. New neotropical Membracidae. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (267-277). [Homoptera.] 637 Gage, J. H. The staining of Coccids. Ent. News 30 1919 (142 & 143). [Homoptera.] 638 Gahan, A. B. Now reared parasitic Hymenoptera, with some notes on synonymy. Proc. U.S. nat. Mus. Washington No. 2261 55 1919 (113-128). 639 Gahan, A. B. Notes on some genera and species of chalcid-flies belonging to the Aphelininae with description of a new species. Proc. U.S. nat. Mus. Washington No. 2279 55 1919 (403- 407). [Ilymenoptera.] 640 Gahan, A. B. Report on a small collection of indian parasitic Hymeno- ptera. Proc. U.S. nat. Mas. Washington No. 2299 56 1919 (513-524). 641 Gahan, A. B. A now genus of chalcid- wasp belonging to the family Eulo- phidae. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (2 & 3). [Hymenoptera.] 642 Gahan, A. B. A new species of the serphidoid genus Dendrocerus. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (121-123). [Hymenoptera.] 643 Gahan, A. B. Descriptions of seven new species of Opius {Hymenoptera Braconidao). Proc. ent. Soo. Washing- ton 21 1919 (161-170). 644 Gahan, C. J. Method of formation of cuckoo -spit by Philaenus apumarius. Proc. ent. Soc. London 1918 1918 (cliii-elv). [Ho^noptera.] 645 Gallardo, A. Observaciones sobre algunas hormigas do la rcpiiblica argon- tina. An. Mus. nac. Buenos Aires 27 1915 (1-35). [Hymenoptera.] 646 Gallardo, A. Las hormigas del Museo nacional do historia natural de Buenos Aires. Subfamilia Dolicoderinas. An. Mus. nac. Buenos Aires 28 1916 (1-30). [Hy7nenoptera.] 647 Gallardo, A. Notas acerca de la Hormiga Trachyjnyrmex pruinosus Emory. An. Mus. Buenos Aires 28 1916 (241-252) pis. vi-ix. [Ihjmeno- ptera.] 648 Gallardo, A. Notes syst^matiques et ethologiques sur les fourmis Attines de la republique Argentine. An. Mus. nac. Buenos Aires 28 1916 (317-344). [Hymenoptera.] 649 Gatenby, J. B. Notes on the bionomics, embryology and anatomy of certain Hymenoptera parasitica, especially of Microgaster connexus (Rees). J. Linn. Soc. London Zool. 33 1919 (387-416) pis. xxiv-xxvi. 650 Gatenby, J. B. Note on Apantelea glomeratua, a braconid parasite of the larva of Pieria braaaicae. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (19-26). [Hymeiio- ptera.] 651 Gautier, 0. Recherches physio- logiques et parasitologiques sur les larvos de Lepidopt^res nuisibles. Re- marques sur Apantelea glomeratua Linne. C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (720 & 721). [Hymenoptera.] 652 Gautier, C. Recherches physio- logique et parasitologiques sur les L6pidopt^res nuisibles. Parth6no- gen^se chez Apantelea glomeratua LinnA C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (1000- 1002). [Hymenoptera.] 653 Gautier, C. De la fa9on dont les larves dd Apantelea glomeratua sortent des chenilles de Pieria braaaicae. C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (1369-1371). [Hymenoptera.] 654 Gautier, C. et Riel, R. De Palimenta- tion des chenilles dos genres Pieria et Euchloe. C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (1371-1374). [Lepidoptera.] 655 Gautier, C. et Riel, P. Description d’un Apantelea (Braconidae) parasite de Pionea forficalia. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 (309-312). [Hymeno- ptera.] 656 Gebien, H. Boitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Setenia {Coleoptera, Hete- rom.). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (1-14). 657 Gedoelst, L. Inventaire d’uno collection d’Oestrides africains. Bull, ent. Res. London 9 1919 (333-340). [Diptera.] 658 Gelin, H. Formes fran9aises de Pieria manni. Ann. Soo. onL France Paris 87 1919 (537-540) pi. i. [Lepido- ptera.] 659 35 ' Insicta, Titles. 3600 Gelin, H. Quolques captures d' Hemiptcres on Poitou ct dans los rogiono voisincs. Bull. Soc. out. Franco Paris 1919 1919 (255-258). 660 Gerhardty J. Zur Familic dor Hali- plinen, spcziell zu don Verwandtcn von Haliplns ruficollis de Geer. Arch. Hydrobiol. 11 1916 (324-328). [Coleo- ptera.] 661 Gericke, H. Atmung der Libcllen- larven mit bcsondercr Beriicksichtigung dor Zygoptcren. Zool. Jalirb. Jona Abt. Allgom. 36 1917 (157-198) pis. iii-iv 1 tcxtfig. [Odonata.] 662 Giacomelli, E. Algunas novedades de Lepidopterologm Argentina. An. Mus. Buenos Aires 27 1915 (359-363). 663 Gianetti, E. vide Bernard, Ch. Gibson, A. Tho ontomologicnl record for 1918. Bop. out. Soc. Ontario 49 1919 (27 pp-)* 664 Gibson, E. B. Tho genus Phatnoma Fieber (Tingidae, Heteroptera). Tr. amer. ent. Soc. Philadelphia 45 1919 (181-185). 665 Gibson, E. H. Hemiplera collected by the Yale dominican expedition of 1913. Proc. U.S. nat. Mus. Washington No. 2269 55 1919 (275-277). 666 Gibson, E. H. A review of tho leaf- hoppers of the genus Gypona north of Mexico. P.U.S. nat. Mus. Washington No. 2289 56 1919 (87-100). [Homo- ptera.] 667 Gibson, E. H. Five new species of Jassoidca from Honduras. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington 32 1919 (25-27). [Ho7noptera.] 668 Gibson, E. H. The genera Cory- thaica Stul and Dolichocysta Champion (Tingidae). Proc. biol. Soc. Wa«’hing- ton 32 1919 (97-103). [Heteropier a.] 669 Gibson, E. H. The genus Gargaphia Strd (Tingidae, Heteroptera). Tr. amor. out. Soc. Philadelphia 45 1919 (187-200). 670 Gibson, E. H. Notes on tho North- american species of Corizus (Ooroidao, Heteroptera). Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (89-92), 671 (n-13799 j) Q Giffard, W. M. Miscellaneous notes and exhibits of insects collected at Puuwaawaa, North Kona, and Kilauoa, Hawaii. Proc. Hawai. out. So(j. Honolulu 4 1919 (232-233). 672 Giffard, W. M. vide Fullaway and Giffard. Giglio-Tos, E. Saggio di una nuova classificazione dei Mantidi. Bull. Soc, ent. ital. Firenze 49 1919 (50-87). [Orthoptera.] 673 Gilbert, P. A. A Dipterous parasite of nestling birds. Emu Melbourne 19 1919 (48-49). 674 Gillmer, M. Has Ueberwinterungs- Stadium von Pyrameis cardui L. Ent. Zs. Frankfurt a. M. 29 1915 (65). [Lepidoptera.] 675 Gillmer, M. Zur Entwickelungs- Geschichte der Colias hyale L. und iiber dio Gowohnhoiton dor Colias- Baupen uborhatjpt. Ent. Zs. Frank- furt a. M. 29 1915-1916 (77-78 81-82). [Lepidoptera.] 676 Girault, A. A. Javanese Chalcid- flies. Treubia 1 1919 (53-59). [Hy- menoptera.] 677 Girault, A. A. New species of Elasmus from Australia {Hymenoptera, Elasmidae). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (181-187). 678 Girault, A. A. A now species of Lepidiota from northern Queensland {Coleoptera, Scarabaeidao). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (187). 679 Godfrey, E. J. On butterflies col- lected by Malcolm A. Smith and C. Boden Kloss in Southern Annam J.N.H. Soc. Siam London 3 1919 (463- 470). [Lepidoptera.] 680 Goe, M. T. Life history and habits of Silplia inaequalis Fab. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (253-255). [Coleo- ptera.] 681 Goetghebuer, M. Note propos de Paccouplemont de J ohanseniella Will. {Geratopogon Meig.) nitida Macq. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 58 1914 (202-201). [Diptera:] 682 Goetghebuer, M. Observations sur los larvos et los nymphos do quolques Chironomidos do Belgique. Ann. Biol, lacustro Bruxelles 9 1919 (51-78) pis. i & ii. [Diptera.] 683 C 7—2 36 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Qoetghebuer, M. Metamorphoses ot moours de Culicoidcs pulicaris Liim6. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 59 1919(25-30). [Diptera.j 684 Goldschmidt, R. Intersexualitat und Geschlechtsbestimmung. Biol. Zen- tralbl 89 1919 (498-612). [Lepido- ptera.] 685 Goot, P. van der. Aphididae of Ceylon. Spolia zeylan. Colombo 11 1918 (70-75). [Uomopiera.] 686 Goudie, J. C. Notes on the Coho- ptera of North-western Victoria (Part vii). Victorian Naturalist 36 1919 (117- 120). 687 Gough, L. H. On the effects produced by the attacks of the pink bollworm on the yield of cotton seed and lint in Egypt. Bull. ent. Res. London 9 1919 (279-324) pi. xviii. [Lepidoptera.] 688 Graham, J. A. Rhopalocera of the Doullens district, Somme, France, May to August 1918. Entomologist London 52 1910 (131-134). [Lepido- ptera.] 688a Graham-Smith, G. S. Further observations on the habits and para- sites of common flies. Parasitology Cambridge 11 1919 (347-384) pis. xviii & xix. 689 Gram, E. Entomologi og Plante- patologi, ren Entomologi og anvendt Entomologi. Pure entomology in its relation to applied entomology, Koben- havn Ent. Medd. 12 1918-19 (252-256). 690 Grandi, G. Contributo alia conos- cenza degli Agaonini dell’America. Agaonini di Costa Rica. Boll. Lab. Portici 13 1919 (15-56). [Hymeno^ ptera.] 691 Gravely, F. H. On the occurrence of a symmetrical species of Episphenus (Passalid Coleoptera) in Annam. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (297-298). 692 Gravely, F. H. Descriptions of Indian beetle larvae No. iii. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (263-270) 1 pi. and. text-figs, [Coleoptera.] 693 Graves, F. P. Collecting in various places in 1916-1918. Egypt. Ent. Rec. London 31 1919 (5-8 61-66 156-168). [Leepidoptra.] 695 Green, E. E. On a now species of Antonina (Cocci dao) from Ceylon. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (175 & 176). [Homoptera.] 696 Greene, C. T. A new genus in Scatophagidae {Diptera). Proc, ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (120-129). 698 Gridelli, E. Appunti su alcune specie del gen. Aleothara Gravh. Bull. Soc, ent. ital, Firenze 50 1919 (36-38). [Coleoptera.] 700 Griffini, A. I Grillacridi del Tonkino. Studio monografico. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. Syst. 38 1915 (79-108). [Ortho- ptera.] 701 Griffini, A. Studi sui Lucanidi. 5. Nuove osservazioni sulla grande variazione di caratteri nei maschi dei Lucanidi. Natura Milano 9 1918 (not seen by Recorder). ^ [Coleoptera.] 702 Griffini, A. Intorno a teorie ed ipotesi sulla evoluzione dei Coleotteri. Riv. Sci. Nat. Pavia 10 1919 (133-146). 703 Griffini, A, Sui concetti di nanismo e di gigantismo, proposti como applicu- bili alle variazoni individual! nei maschi dei Lucanidi. Natura Milano 10 1919 (13-46). [Coleoptera.] 704 Griffini, A. Studi sui Lucanidi. vi. Sul genere Homoderus et special- mente sull’ H. mellyi Parr. Atti Soc. ital. Milano Pavia 58 1919 (188-215). [Coleoptera.] 705 Griffini, A. Sopra due Oryllacria del museo di Budapest. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 12 1914 (249-260). [Orthoptera.] 706 Griffiths, G. C. Presidential address. Some subsidiary wing-organs of insects. Rep. Proc. Bristol Nat. Soc. 4 ser. 5 1919(22-29). [Lepidoptera.] 707 Grimshaw, P. H. The collection and preservation of Diptera. Scott. Natural. Edinburgh 1919 1919 (55-61 151-156). 708 Grouvelle, A. Description des Clavi- cornes nouveaux de la Republique Argentine. Rev. Mus. La Plata 23 (2)1916 (234-256). [Coleoptera.] 708a Grouvelle, A. [the late]. M^moires entomologiques. Etudes sur les Coleopteres. Deuxiorne fascicule. Paris (Soo. ent. France 1919 (1-203). 709 37 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Grouvelle, A. Descriptions d’espfeces nouvelles du genre Psammoecus Latr. M6m. ent. Paris 2 1919 (5-36). [Goleo- ptcra.] 710 Grouvelle, A. Descriptions d’espfeces nouvelles du genre Cryptamorpha Well. Mem. ent. Paris 2 1919 (39-46). [Coleo- ptera.] 711 Grouvelle, A. Descriptions d’espfeces nouvelles de Clavicornes de I’Afrique australe. Mem. ent. Paris 2 1919 (47- 60). [Coleoptera.] 712 Grouvelle, A. Descriptions d’espfeces nou voile d^Heterocerus d’AJrique. M6m. ent. Paris 2 1919 (61-65). IGoleoptera.] 713 Grouvelle, A. Famille des Crypto - phagidae, Notes synonymiques et rec- tifications k la nomenclature. Mem. ent. Paris 2 1919 (66-69). [Goleoptera.] 714 Grouvelle, A. Descriptions do genres nouveaux et d’espfeces nouvelles do Cryptophagidae. M6m. ent. Paris 2 1919 (70-203). [Goleoptera.] 715 Grouvelle, A. vide Kolbe. Grove, A. J. The anatomy of head and mouth parts of Psylla tnali the apple sucker, with some remarks on the function of the labium. Parasitology Cambridge 11 1919 (456-488) pis. xxvi- xxviii. [Homoptera.] 716 Griinberg, K. Odonaten von Mada- gascar, den Comoren und Ostafrika Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917 (481-486).- [Paraneuroptera.] 717 Guilleaume, F. vide Frennet and Guilleaume. Guitel, F. La station entomologique de la faculte des sciences do Rennes en 1917. Insecta Rennes 8 1919 (177-184). 718 Guitel, F. La station entomologique de la Faculte des sciences de Rennes en 1918. Insecta Rennes 9 1919 (49-56). 719 Gyorify, E. Analecta ad cognitionem Apioninarum. i. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 15 1917 (276-282). [Goleo- ptera.] 720 Habermehl. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen Ichneumoniden- fauna. Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 14 1919 (234-239 286-292) 15 (16-22 104- 111). [Hymenoptera,] 721 Halbert, J. N. Lepidoptera collected in Ireland by Lieutenant R. E. Cusack. Irish Natural. Dublin 28 1919 (67-71). 722 Haldane, J. B. S. The combination of linkage values, and the calculation of distances between the loci of linked factors. Journ. Genetics Cambridge 8 1919 (299-309). [Diptera.] 723 Hall, A. Descriptions of twelve new nymphaline butterflies. Entomologist London 52 1919 (195-200). [Lepido- ptera.] 724 Hall, Esther W. Descriptions of new Tryphoninae of the tribe Ctenopelmini {Hymenoptera] Ichneumonidae). Psyche Boston 26 1919 (155-169). 725 Hallett, H. M. The Lepidoptera of Glamorgan. Trans. Cardiff Soc. 50 1917 (46-86). 726 Hamm, A. H. Observations on the horse bot-fly, Oastrophiliis equi F. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (229- 230). [Diptera.] 727 Hamm, A. H. A ribbon-making fly : oviposition of Geratopogon nitidus Macq. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (66 & 67). [Diptera.] 728 Hampson, Sir G. F. A classification of the Aegeriadae of the oriental and ethiopian regions. Novit. zool. Tring 26 1919 (46-119). [Lepidoptera.] 729 Hampson, Sir G. Descriptions of now Pyralidae of the subfamilies Crambinae and Siginae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London ser. ix 3 1919 (275- 292 437-456 533-547) and 4 (53-68 137- 164 306-326). [Lepidoptera.] 730 Handschin, E. Ueber die Collem- bolenfauna der Nivalstufe. Rev. suisse Zool. Genfeve 27 1919 (65-98) pi. i. [Aptera.] 731 Hanitsoh, R. Blattidao collected in Korinchi, West Sumatra by Messrs. H. C. Robinson and C. Boden Kloss. J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. Singapore 8 pt. 3 1919 (67-72). [Orthoptera.] 732 Hansen, H. Sommerfuglenotitser fra Lolland. Notes on the Lepidoptera of Lolland. Kobenhavn Flora og Fauna 1919 (3-5). 733 Hardenberg, C. B. South African bagworms: their transformations, life- history and economic importance. Ann. Natal Mus. 4 1919 (143-226). [Lepido- ptera.] 784 38 Infsecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Hardenberg, C. B. The study of South African caterpillars. S. Afric. Journ. Nat. Hist. 1 1919 Pretoria (174- 194). [Le'pido'ptera.'] 735 Hardenberg, C. B. Description of a trap-door caterpillar (fam. Hepialidae) from Aliccdalo, Capo Colony. Roc. Albany Mus. Grahamstown 3 1919 (247-256 -j- 7 unnumbered). [Le^pido- piera.] 736 Harrison, J. W. H. Studies in the liybrid Bistoninae. iii. The stimulus of heterozygosis. Journ. Genetics Cam- bridge 8 1919 (259-265). [Lepidoptera.'\ 737 Harrison, J. W, H. Studios in the hybrid Bistoninae. iv. Concerning the sex and related problems. Journ. Genetics Cambridge 9 1919 (1-38) pi. i. {LepidopteraJ\ 738 Harrison, J. W. H. A preliminary study of the effects of administering ethyl alcohol to the lepidopterous insect Selenia bilunaria, with particular refer- cnco to the offspring. Journ. Genetics Cambridge 9 1919 (39-52). 739 Hart, C. A. [(tho late) and Mallock, J. R.]. The Pentatomoidea of Illinois, with keys to tho nearctic genera. Bull. Illinois Lab. Urbana 13 Art. 7 (157-223) pis. xvi-xxi. [Heteroptera.] 740 Harvey, E. N. Experiments on tho nature of tho photogenic substance in tho firefly. J. Amor. Chom. Soc. Easton Pa. 37 1915 (396-401) fig. table. [Coleoptera.] 741 Harvey, Ethel B. Mitotic division of binucleate cells. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 37 1919 (96-98). [Hemiptera.] 742 Hase, A. Ueber das Leben dor Bettwanze (Cimex lectularius L.). S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 1917 (103- 106). [Heteroptera.] 743 Hase, A. Beobachtungen uber den Kopulationsvorgang bei der Bettwanze {Cimex lectularius L.) S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1918 1918 (311-322). [Hetero- ptera.] 744 Hasebroek, K. tJber die Enstehung des neuzeitlichen Melanismus der Schmetterlinge und die Bedeutung der Hamburger Formon fiir dossen Er- griindung. Zool. Jahrb. Jomi Abt. Syst, 87 1014 (667-600) textfigs a-h. [Lepidoptera.] 745 Hasebroek, K. Stellung und Lago der Zwillingsflecke und des Innonrand- fleckes auf den FlUgoln von Vanessa urticae L. und var. ichnusa Bon. als neue Gesichtspunkte fiir die Bestim- mung des phyletischen Alters der wficae-Rassen. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 40 1917 (587-603) 2 figs. [Lepidoptera.] 746 Hasebroek, K. Die morphologische Entwicklung des Melanismus der Ham- burger Eulenform Cymatophora or F. ab. albingensis Warn. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. Allgem. 36 1918 (317-338) 25 textfigs. [Lepidoptera.] 747 Hasey, W. H. vide Crampton and Hasey. Hass, W. Ueber Metallfarben bei Buprestiden. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916 1916 (332-343). [Coleo- ptera.] 748 Haviland, Maud D. The bionomics of Aphis grossulariae Kalt. and Aphis viburni Schr. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 19 1919 (266-269). [Homoptera.] 749 Haviland, Maud B. On tho life- history and bionomics of Myzus ribis, L. (red-curiant A2Jhis). Pioc. R. Soc. Edinburgh 39 1919 (78-112). [Homo- 2>tera.] 750 Hawkshaw, J. C. Le^ridoplera from south Norway, Entomologist London 52 1919 (62-68, 79-82). 751 Hebard, M. Tho Blattidae of Panama. Mom. Amer. Ent. Soc. Philadelphia 4 1919 (1-148) 6 plates. [Orthoptera.] 752 Hebard, M. A new Central-american genus and species of the group Blatel- lites. Tr. amer. ent. Soc. Philadelphia 45 1919 (303-306). [Orthoptera.] 753 Hebard, M. A now genus and species of roach from tho United States and tropical North America. Tr. amer. ent. Soc. Philadelphia 45 1919 (299-302). [Orthoptera.] 754 ' Hebard, M. New genera and species of Melanopli found within the United States. {Orthoptera : Acrididae). Partii. Tr. amer. ent. Soc. Philadelphia 45 1919 (257-298) pis. xxix-xxxi. 755 Hebard, M. Studies in the Derma- ptora and Orthoptera of Colombia. 39 Inaecta. Titles. 3500 First paper. Dermaptera and ortho- pterous families Blattidao, Mantidao and Phasmidao. Tr. amor. ont. Soc. Pliiladelphia 45 1919 (87-179) pis. xvi- xxiii. 756 Hebardy M. Remarks on the species assigned to Cavotettix Hancock, a synonym of Neotettix Hancock. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (78-82). {Orthoptera.] 757 Hebard, M. vide Rehn and Hebard. Hedicke, H. Beitrage zur Kenntnis dor Cynipiden. viii. Uebor oinigo Cynipidengallen aus dem Kgl. botani- schen Garten zu Berlin. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915 1915 (259-262) pis. vii and viii. [Hymenoptera.] 758 Hedicke, H. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Cynipiden. ix. Ueber angeblich “ verirrte ” Gallon von Neuroterus lenticularis 01. S.B. Gcs. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915 1915 (394-396). [Hymeno- ptera.] 759 Hedicke, H. None Gallensubstrate aus dem. Arboretum des. Kgl. Botani- schen Gartens zu Berlin-Dahlcm. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 1917 (174- 177). 760 Hedicke, H. Hie cocidologischo Litoraturdor Jahrol911-l914. Zoitsehr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 15 1919 (49-52). 761 Hedicke, H. Cynipidao (2. Toil). No. XXV. In Strand, E. Neue* Beitrage zur Arthropoden-Fauna Norwegens nebst gelegentlichen Bemerkungon iiber deutscho Arten. Nyt Mag. 56 1919 (119-121). [Hymenoptera.] 762 Heidemann, 0. and Osborn, H- Rhynchota of the Isle of pines. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 1917 (346-355). [li emiptera.] 768 Hfeikertinger, F. Exakto Bogriffs- fassung und Terminologie im Problem dor Mimikry und verwandtor Erschoin- ungon. Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 15 1919 (57-64). 764 Heikertinger, F. Skizzen zur Systematik und Nomenklatur der pala- arktischon Halticinen (Fortsetzung). Ent. Blatter Berlin 10 1914 (33-38 78-85 257-266). IColeoptera.] 765 Heikertinger, F. Vom Spezialisieren (Entomologische Tagesfragen iii.). Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (129-145). 766 Heikertinger, F. Das Geheimnis dor Nahrpflanzenwahl der Tiere. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (171-180). [Coleoptera.] 767 Heikertinger, F. Ueber das Zielen der Carahus-Avten beim ausspritzen ihrer Absondcrung und ueber die’ feindoabwohrendo Wirkung der let- zeren. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (352 and 353). [Coleoptera.] 768 Heikertinger, F. Ein Wort zur Lokalfaunenfrago. Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (202-210). 769 Heikertinger, F. Die metoko Myrmo- koidic. Tatsachenraatorial zur Losung des Mimikryproblems. Biol. Zentralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (65-102). 770 Heikertinger, F. Versuche und Freilandforschungen zur Mimikry- hypothese. 1. Akuleato Hymenoptera als Spinnenboute. Biol. Zentralbl. Leipzig 89 1919 (352-363). 77i Heinrich, C. Note on tho europea n corn borer {Pyrausta nubilalis Hubner) and its nearest amorican allies, with description of larvae, pupae and one new species. J. agric. Res. Washington 18 1919 (171-178) 5 pis. [Lepidoptera.] 772 Heinrich, C. A now Olethreulid from Now York {Lcpidoj>tera). Insoc. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (65 66) pi. i. 773 Heller, H. M. Philippinische Anthri- bidae. ’s-Gravenhage Tydschr. Ent. 61 1919 (242-265) 1 Taf. [Coleoptera.] 774 Heller, K. M. Macronota (Coelodera) diardi G.P. und niasica Schoch. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (83-86). [Coleo- ptera.] 775 Heller, K. M. Eine neue Euenemiden- Gattung von den Philippinen. Ent. Blatter Berlin 18 1917 (161-163). [Coleoptera.] 776 Heller, K. M. Zur Klassihkation oiniger afrikanischer Erotyliden. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (138-156). [Coleoptera.] 777 Heller, K. M. Erganzungen zu mciner “ Klassifikation einigor afrikan- ischen Erotyliden.” Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (274-288). [Coleojjtera.] 778 Heller, K. M. Eine neue, Necydalis ahnliche Callichrominen-Gattung. Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (211-213). [Coleoptera.] 779 40 Insec la. XII Insecta. [1919] Heller, K. M. Allgemeines und Spezielles uber Lamiidengattung Nemo- phas Thoms. Tijdschr. Ent. ’s-Graven- hage 62 1919 (98-103). [Coleoptera.] 780 Hemp el, A. Descripgao de duas novas especies de Coccidas. Revist. Mus. Paulista Sao Paulo 11 1919 (451- 467) pi. [Homoptera.] 781 Hendel, P. Eine neue Gattung der Oscinellinae. Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914 (247 and 248). [Diptera.] 782 Hendel, E. H. Sauter’s Formosa- Ausbeute Tephritinae. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 13 1915 (424-467) pis. viii and ix, [Diptera.] 783 Hendel, F. Neues uber Milichiiden {Diptera). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (196-200). 784 Henning, H. Forels Zugestaridnisse an die Tierpsychologie. Biol. Zentralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (35-37). [Hymenoptera.] 785 Henning, H. Mnemelehre oder Tier- psychologie ? Biol. Zentralbl. Leipzig 89 1919 (187-192). 786 Henriksen, K. L. En Bemterkning om Tertiseret ved Kap Dalton i 0st- Grenland. Note on the tertiary deposits at Cap Dalton in East-Greenland. Kebenhavn Medd, Grenl. 66 1918 (203- 206) 2 figs. ' ' 787 Henriksen, K. L. Oversigt over Inholdet af Entomologiske Meddelolser 1887-1917. Bibliograpliical summary of the periodical publication “ Entomo- logisko Meddelolser” 1887-1917. Kobon- havn Ent. Mcdd. 12 1918 (46-64). 788 Henriksen, K. L. De europaeiske Vandsnyltehvepse og deres Biologi. The aquatic Hymenoptera of Europe and their biology. Kobenhavn Ent. Medd. 12 1918-19 (137-251) 14 figs. 789 Herbert, P. B. A new species of Matsucoccus from pines in California. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (167-161) 2 pis. [Homoptera.] 790 Herrick, G. W. and Detwiler, J. D. Notes on the repugnatorial glands of certain notodontid caterpillars. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 12 1919 (44- 48). [Lepidoptera.] 791 Hesse, E. Lucilia als Schmarotzer. Biol. Contralbl. Leipzig 89 1919 (401- 400). [Diptera.] 792 Heyden, L. v. Beitrag zur Koleo- pteren-'F&una von Buchara in Zentral- Asien (Expedition Kiichler). Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36 (1) 1914 (63-70). 793 Heyden, L. v. Coleoptera gesammelt von Dr. Eugen Wolf und Dr. Georg Priederici. Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36 (2) 1916 (167-178). 794 Heymons, R. Ein gynandromorphes Exemplar von Tenthredella livida L. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915 1915 (1-4). [Hymenoptera.] 795 Heymons, R. Dromopompilus ein neues Pompilidengenus aus Afrika. S.B. Ges. naturf. Berlin 1915 1915 (301-308). [Hymenoptera.] 796 Hill, G. P. Australian Stratiomyidae, with description of new species. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. Sydney 44 1919 (450- 462). [Diptera.] 797 Hindle, E. Sex inheritance in Pediculus humanus var corporis. Journ. Genetics Cambridge 8 1919 (207-277). [Ellipoptera.] 798 Hinke, 0. Wilhelm Kolbo. Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (172-180) portrait. 799 Hirschfelder, A. D. vide Moore and Hirschfelder. H0eg, N. Noglo Meddelelser om Fund af sjeoldnoro og enkelto for don dansko Fauna nyo Billo-Arter i Jylland, spccielt Horsensegnen. Some Goleo- ptera, now or rare in Donmark, taken in the environs of Horsons (Jutland). Kobenhavn Ent. Medd. 13 1919 (23-29). 800 H0egh-Guldberg, O. Sommerfugleo- ptegnolser fra Pakkegrav og Omegn. Notes on the Lepidoptera at the firth of Vojle (Jutland). Kebenhavn Flora og Fauna 1919 (62-63). 801 Hofeneder, K. Stichotrema dalla- torreanum mihi. Eine neue Strepsi- ptere aus einer Orthopt^re. Abh. Sonckenberg Ges. Frankfurt am Main 82 1919 (439-446) pi. xxxii. 802 Hoffmann, E. Lepidoptero\og\&c\iG& Sammelergebnis aus deni Tannen- und Pongau in Salzburg im Jahre 1913. Ent. Zs. Frankfurt a. M. 29 1916 (45- 46 60-62 66-60 69-60 07-08 71-72 74- 76 79-80 82-83 86-87). 803 41 InHer.ta. Titles. 3500 Hoffmann, R. W. Dio embryonalen Vorgange bei den Strepsi'pteren und ihro Deutung. Verb, deuts'ch. zool. Ges. 24 1914 (192-216). 804 Holl, E. Notes entomologiques. Alger. Bull. sec. hist. nat. 6 1916 (7-10 av. fig.). [Le'pido'ptera.} 805 Holland, W. J. and Schwarz, E. A. List of the Coleoptera collected on the Isle of Pinos by Gustav A. Link, Sr., 1912-191.3. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pitts- burgh 11 1917 (333-345). 806 Holland, W. J. Herbert Huntingdon Smith. Ent. Nows Philadelphia 80 1919 (211-214) port. 807 Hollande, A.-Ch. Formes levuros pathog6nos obsorvdos dans le sang d’Acridium {Galoptenus italicus L.). C.R. Ac. Sci. Paris 168 1919 (1341- 1344). \Orthoptera.} 808 Hollande, A. C. Absence d’aloxino dans lo sang dos insoctos. C.R. Soo. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (218-220). 809 Hollinger, A. H. and Parks, H. B. Euclemensia bassettella (Clemens), the Kermes parasite. Ent. News Phila- delphia 30 1919 (91-100) pi. V. [Lejndo- pteraJ] 810 Holloway, T. E. and Loftin, U. C. Insects attacking sugar cane in the United States. J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (448-460). 811 Holmberg, E. L, Las Espocies Argentinas do Coelioxys. An. Mus. Buenos Aires 28 1916 (641-593). [Hymenoptera.] 812 Honors, A. Liste &' Hymhiopth'es captures aux environs deParis(c6te sud). Bull. Soc. ent. Franco Paris 1919 1919 (266-270). 813 Hood, J. D. Two now genera and thirteen now species of australian Thysanoptcra. Proo. biol. Soo. Wash- ington 32 1919 (7.6-91). 814 Hood, J. D. On some new Idolothri- pidae {Thysanoptera). Insec. inscit Washington 7 1919 (66-74) pi. ii. 815 Hood, J. D. On some new Thysano- ptera from southern India. Insec. inscit. 7 1919 (90-103) pis. iii iv. 816 Hooker, H. D. Notes on the life- history of Epipsilia monochromatea Morr. {Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (61-63) pi. iv. 817 Horvith, G. Reduviidao novae africanae. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Buda- pest 12 1914 (109-146), [Heteroptera.] 818 Horv&th, G. Species quatuor novae Reduviidarum generis Ulpius Stal. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 12 1914 (443-447). IHeteroptera.] 819 HorvAth,' G. Miscellanea hemiptero- logica. xiii-xvii. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 12 1914 (623-660). 820 Horvith, G. MagyarorszAgi uj Psyllida. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Buda- pest 18 1916 (190). [Homoptera.] 821 Horvd.th, G. Monographia generis Coctoteris ot affinium ad familiam Pentatoraidarum portinontium. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 13 1916 (224- 251). [Heteroptera.] 822 Hovdrth, G. Monographia Corel - darum generis Pternisiria. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 13 1916 (397-423). [Heteroptera.] 823 Horvith, G. Monographic des Mesov61iides. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 13 1915 (535-566), [Hetero- ptera.] 824 Horvd,th, G. Novum genus peculiare Acanthiidarum. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 13 1916 (698). [Heteroptera.] 825 HorvAth, G. Albania Hemiptera- faundja (Fauna Hemipterorum Al- baniae). Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 14 1916 (1-16). 826 HorvAth, G. Note sur les deux Microvelia d’Europe. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 14 1916 (68-71). [Heteroptera.] 827 HorvAth, G. Revisio Cyrtocorin- arum. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 14 1916 (219-224). [Heteroptera.] 828 HorvAth, G. Colobathristidarum species nova. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 14 1916 (422) [Heteroptera.] 829 HorvAth, G. Species palaearcticae* generis Melanocoryphus. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 14 1916 (469-470). [Heteroptera.] 830 HorvAth, G. Micronectae duae novae ex Hungaria. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 14 1916 (501-503). [Heteroptera.] 831 42 Insecta, XII. Insecta. [1919] Horv&th, G. Species generis Corizus Fall. {Therapha Am, Serv.). Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 15 1917 (166- 174). [Heteroptera.] 832 Horv4.th, G. Heteroptera palac- arctica nova vel minus cognita. i. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 15 1917 (365-381). 833 Horvdthy G. Description d’une nouvelle cigale d’figypte. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 15 1917 (445-447). [Homoptera.^ 834 Horvath, G. De Hydrocorisis nonnullis oxtraouropaeis. Ann. Mus, Hungar. Budapest 16 1918 (140-146). [Heteroptera.] 835 Horvdth, G. Adatok a Balkdn-f41s- ziget Hemiptera-isiuniiknsik ismer^td- hez. (Ad cognitionem faunae Hemi- pterorum balcanicae.) Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 16 1918 (321-340). 836 Horvith, G. Species europeae generis Euphyllura. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 16 1918 (468-472). [Homo- ptera.] 837 Horv4,th, G. Analecta ad cogni- tionem Cydnidarum. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 17 1919 (205-273). [Heteroptera.] 838 Houard, C. Cecidies nord-africaines. Alger. Bui. soc. hist. nat. 6 1915 (95- 100 105-117 av. fig.). 839 Howard, L. 0. Report of the entomo- logist. Rep. dep. Agric. Ent. Washing- ton 1919 (1-27). 840 Howard,. L. O. On the Hymeno- pterous parasites of Kermes. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (255-259). 841 Howe, R. H. A list of dragon-flies collected at Wareham, Mass., during the years 1911 to 1913 by Mr. Outram Bangs. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (65-68). pi. iii. [Paraneuroptera.] 842 Howe, R. H. The Odonata of Con- cord, Massachusetts. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (10-14). [Paran- europtera.] 843 Howe, R. H. Odonata of the Fran- conia region, New Hampshire. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (9-15 & 93). [Paraneuroptera.] 844 Hubenthal, W. Eine neue Art der Coleopteren-Qa,it\M\g Pogonus Dej. aus Siid-Frankreich. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1919 (107). 845 Hubenthal, W. Die indomalaischen Arten der Curculionidengattung Desmi- dophorus Schonherr. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (103-123 199-227). [Coleoptera.] 846 Hubenthal, W. Desmidophorus bickhardti nov. spec aus Tonkin. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (264). [Coleo- ptera.] 847 Huie, L. H. The formation of the germ -band in the egg of the holly tortoise moth, Eudemis naevana Hb. Proo. R. Soc. Edinburgh 38 1919 (154- 165) 2 pis. [Lepidoptera.] 848 Hustache, A. Synopsis des Curcu- lionidesdelafaunemalgache. 1. Brachy- derides et Otiorrhynchides. Ann. Soc. ent. France Paris 87 1919 (441-520). [Coleoptera.] 849 Hustache, A. Curculionides nouveaux do FAfrique tropicale. Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon 66 1919 (45-67). [Coleoptera.] 850 Hutchison, R. H. and Fierce, W. D, Studies on the dry cleaning process as a moans of destroying body lice. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (8-20). 851 Hutson, J. C. The north-american species of the genus Sceliphron. Tr. amer. ent. Soc. Philadelphia 45 1919 (203-227) pis. xxiv and xxv. [Hymeno- ptera.] 852 Imms, A, D. On the structure and biology of Archotermopsis, together with descriptions of new species of intestinal Protozoa and general observa- tions on the Isoptera. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London B 209 1919 (75-180) pis. iii-x. 853 Ingram, A. The domestic breeding mosquitos of the northern territories of the Gold coast. Bull. ent. Res. Lon- don 10 1919 (47-58). [Diptera.] 854 Ingram, A. and Macfie, J. W. S. The early stages of west-african mos- quitos, iv. Bull. ent. Res. London 10 1919 (59-69). [Diptera.] 855 Iyengar, M. O. T. On the results of a mosquito survey of Indore City. Ind. J. med. Res. Congr. Calcutta 1010(26-39). [Diptera.] 856 43 Insectn. Titles. 3500 Jaap, 0. Beitrage ziir Kenntnis der zoococidien Dalmatiens und Istriens. Zoitschr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 15 1919 (23-29 88-95). 857 Jack, H. W. Preliminary Report on experiments with wet rice in Krian. Agric. Bull. Fed. Malay States 7 1919 (298-319) p. 316-317. 858 Jack, R. W. Tsetse fly in southern Rhodesia, 1918. Bull. ent. Res. 10 1919 (71-90) pls.ii-iv 3 maps. [Diptera], 859 Jackson, Dorothy J. Further notes on Aphides eollootod principally in tho Scottish Highlands. Scott. Natural. Edinburgh 1919 1919 (167-165). [Homoptera.] 860 Jacobi, A. Dio Zikadenfauna Madagascars und der Comoren. Voeltz- kow Roise in Ostafrika 8 1917 (519- 552) pis. xxxii-xxxiii. [Homoptera.] 861 Jacobsen, 0. Fortegnelso over de hidtil kendte danske Psyllider. Cata- logue of the Danish Psyllidae. K0ben- havn Ent. Medd. 12 1918-19 (355-360). [Homoptera.] 862 Janse, A. J. T. The past and present state of entomological research in South Africa. S. Afric. Journ. Nat. Hist. Pretoria 1 (127-137). 863 Janse, A. J. T. On the heterocerous fauna of Southern Rhodesia. S. Afric. Journ. Sc. Capo Town 15 (708-711). [Lepidoptera.] 864 Janse, A. J. T. South African bag- worms : a new sub -genus and species of the Genus Acanthopsyche, and a re-description of Trichocoasus arvensis Jans. Ann. Natal Mus. 4 1919 (137- 141). [Lepidoptera.] 865 Janse, A. J. T. Notes on the hepialid genera Gorgopis and Dalaca, with descriptions of six apparently new South-african species. Rec. Albany Mus. Grahamstown 3 1919 (233-246). [Lejndopiera.] 866 Jansson, A. Zur Lobonsweiso einiger Hymenoplera. Ark. zool. Stockholm 12 1919 No. 12 (1-5). 867 Jansson, A. Dio Arthropodenfauna der Eichornchen Nester, Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (75-92). 868 Jansson, A. Interessante Coleoptcra och Hemiptera Jieteroptera iakttagna i Skedevi socken, Ostergotland. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (196-201). 869 Jansson, A. lakttagelser oyer Megachile-homans. blombesok och bete- ende i och for pollen- och honungin- samling. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (206-215). [Hymenoplera.] 870 Jarvis, Florence E. On the occurrence of the immature stages of Anopheles in London. Ann, appl. Biol. Cam- bridge 6 1919 (40-47). [Diptera.] 871 Jeannel, R. Insootos Himiptlres. iii. ,;HonioooophaHdao ot Roduviidao. Voy. Alluaud et Jeannel l-’aris 1919 (133-313) 8 pis. 30 textfigs. 872 Jeannel, R. Bathysciinae nouveaux des Pyrenees ospagnoles. Bol. Soc. Espaii. Hist. Nat, Madrid 19 1919 (129- 137) 2 figs. [Coleoptcra.] 873 Jeannel, R. Deux Trechus avouglos nouveaux de I’Europo orientale. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1919 (102—104), [Coleoptera.] 874 Jeannel, R. Diagnoses preliminaires de Trechinae cavernicoles nouveaux de France. Bull. Soc, ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (253-255). [Coleoptcra.] 875 Jensen, L. P. Fortegnelse over Sjsellands Storsommerfugle. Catalogue of the Macrolepidoptera of the island Sealand. K0benhavn Flora og Fauna 1919 (49-56 97-107 129-136). 876 Jensen-Haariip, A. C. Fra Stranden ved Grenaa. Myrmecoris gracilis found on the beach of Grenaa (Jutland). Kobenhavn Flora og Fauna 1919 (113- 115). [Heteroptera.] 877 Joannis, J. do. Une visite a la collection de Microlepidoptkres d’Achille Guon6e. Ann. Soe. ent. France Paris 881919(l-otc.). 878 Joannis, J. D. Les Gallerides doivent former une famille distincte des Pyra- lidae. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1919 (105-108). [Lepidoptera.] 879^ J0rgensen, L. Do danske Artor af Sleegten Nomada Scop. The Danish species of Nomada Scop. Kobenhavn Ent. Medd. 13 1919 (40-48). [Hymeno- ptera.] 880 J0rgensen, L. Danske Bier. . A catalogue of the Danish bees, continued. K0benhavn Flora og Fauna 1919 (24-28 -44-48). [Hymenoplera.] 881 44 Inaecta, XII. lusecta. [1919] Jorgensen, P. Las Mariposas Argen- tinas (Lep.) Familia Pieridae. An. Mus. Buenos Aires 28 1916 (427-520) figs. [Lepido'ptera.'} 882 Johnson, C. W. A revised list of the Diptera of Jamaica. Phoridae by 0. T. Brues. Bull. Amer. Mus. Now York 41 1919 Art. vlii (421-449). 883 Johnson, 0. W. Now species of the genus Villa {Anthrax), Psyche Boston 26 1919 (11-13), iDiptera.] 884 Johnson, 0. W. On the variation of Tabanus airatm Fabricius. Psycho Boston 26 1919 (163-166). [Diptera.'] 885 Johnson, 0. W. A new species of the genus XJlidia. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (165). [Diptera.] 886 Johnson, W. B. Domestic mosquitoes of the northern provinces of Nigeria. Bull. ent. Res. London 9 1919 (325- 332). [Diptera.] 887 Johnson, W. F. Irish Ichneumonidae and Braconidao. Irish Natural. Dublin 28 1919 (33-37). [Hymenoptera:] 888 Joicey, J. J. and Eaye, W. J. Notes on a large heliconine collection made in French Guiana in 1917, compared with a similar collection made in 1915. Trans, ent. Soc. London 1918 1919 (347- 353) map. [Lepidoptera.] 889 J ones, N. The Lycaenidae of Southern Rhodesia. Proo. Rhodesia Sci. Ass. 16 1917-18 (10-20). [Lepidoptera.] 890 Jordan, K. Some Sphingidao from the East. Novit. zool. Tring 26 1919 (190-192). [Lepidoptera.] 891 Jullien, J. La chasse et la prepara- tion des Coleopteres.. Pr. V. Gen6ve Bull. Soc. Zool. 2 1913-17 1915 (53-55). 892 Jullien, J. Les chenilles urticantes d’apr^s les recherches de M. le Dr. du Bois. C.R. Geneve Bull. Soc, L6pidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (56-67). [Lepidoptera.] 893 Eahl, H. Notes upon the genus Leucophenga Mik, with descriptions of some new species from South America, West Africa and the Philippine islands. Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pittsburgh 11 1917 (364-393). [Diptera.] 894 Eanunel, J. E. Parnassius mnemo- syne L. ab. maculata ab. apollonia. Ent. Zs.Frankfurt a. M. 29 1015 (11-12). Lepidoptera.] 895 Earny, H. Schutzanpassung der Heuschrecken. Jahresber. Maximilian Gymnas. Wien 1914 (1-14 sep. pag.). [Orthoptera.] 896 Earny, H. Ergebnisse der For- schungsreise des Herrn Dr. Adalbert Klaptocz nach Fianzosisch Guinea. Orihopteraxmd. Oothocaria. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 40 1915 (119-146). 897 Earny, H. Revision der Gattung Leproscirtua {Orthoptera, Mecopodinae). Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 1919 (287-289). 898 Earny, H. Synopsis der Mega- thripidae. N. Beitr. syst. Inskundo Berlin 1 1919 (105-110 113-118). [ Thysanoptera.] 899 Eathariner, L. Das Sehen der Insekten. Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 14 1919 (301-304). 900 Eathariner, L. Das Ausschliipfen des Schmetterlings aus der Puppe. Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 15 1919 (9-14). [Lepidoptera.] 901 Eaye, W. J. New south-american butterflies. Ann. nat. Hist. London ser. ix 3 1919 (215-218). [Lepidoptera.] 902 Eaye, W. J. New species and genera of Nymphalidae, Syntomidae and Sphingidae in the Joicey collection. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 4 1919 (84-03). [Lepidoptera.] 903 Eaye, W. J. A striking now species of Oatagramma from french Guiana. Ent. Roc. London 81 1919 (26). [Lepidoptera.] 904 Eaye, W, J. vide Joicey and Kaye. Eeilin, D. Supplementary note on the formation of a cocoon by cyclo- rhaphous Dipterous larvae. Parasitology Cambridge 11 1919 (237 and 238). 905 Eeilin, D. On the life-history and larval anatomy of Melinda cognata Meigen {Diptera Calliphorinae) para- sitic in the snail Helicella {Heliomanes) virgata Da Costa, with an account of the other Diptera living upon Molluscs. Parasitology Cambridge 11 1919 (430- 455) pis. xxii-xxv. 906 Eeilin, D. On the structure of the larvae and the systematic position of the genera Mycetobia Mg., Ditomyia Winn, and Symmerces Walk. {Diptera Nomatooera). Aim. Mag. nat. lliat. London 8 1019 (33-42) pis. ii-v. 907 45 Inaecta. Titlids. 3500 Eeilin, D. On the alimentary canal and its appendages in the larvae of Scatopsidae and Bibionidae, with some remarks on the parasites of these larvae. Ent. mo. Mag. London 1919 (92-96). [Diptera.] 908 Keilin, D. and Nuttall, O. H. F. Hermaphroditism and other abnorm- alities in Pediculus humanus. Parasit- ology Cambridge 11 1919 (279-328) pis. xii-xvii. [Ellipoptera.] 909 Kemner, N. A. Do svonska arterna av slilktot Ualiica. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (143-166). [GoUoptera.] 910 Kemner, N. A. Dio schwedisohon Ererfiotes und Rhy ncolus- Aiim, mit Beschreibung von Rhyncolus Thom- soni. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (166-169). [CoUoptera.] 911 Kemner, N. A. Notizon iiber schwedische Borkenkafer. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (170-176). [Coleo- ptera.^ 912 Kemner, N. A. Uber die Gattung Nothorrhina E-edt. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (322-328). [Coho- pterai] 913 Kemnitz, von. Untersuchungen iiber Stoffbestand und Stolfwechsel der Larven von Oastrophiliis equi. Verb, deutsch. zool. Ges. Berlin 24 1914 (294-307). [Diptera.] 914 Kennedy, C. H. A new species of Argia. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (17). [Paraneuroptera.] 915 Kennedy, C. H. The naiad of the odonate genus Coryphaeschna. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (106-108). [Parnaneuroptera.] 916 Kerremans, C. Coleoptera aus Zentralafrika. iii, Buprestidae. Wissen- schaftlicho Ergebnisse der Expedition R. Graucr nach Zentralafrika, Decem- ber 1909 bis Fcbruar 1^11. Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914 (112-114). 917 Kerremans, C. [the late]. Bupres- tides nouveaux d’Afrique. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 7 1919 (30-45). [Coleo- ptera.] 918 Kerremans, C. [the late]. Descrip- tions de Buprestides nouveaux. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 59 1919 (41-62). [Coleoptera.] 919 Kertesz, K. H. Sauter’s Formosa- Ausbeuto Syrphidao. Diptera ii. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 12 1914 (73- 87). 920 Kert6sz, K. Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Notacanthen. xxiii- XXXV. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 12 1914 (449-567). [Diptera.] 921 KertSsz, K. Some remarks on Gadrema lonchopteroides Walk, with description of a new Musidora from the oriental region. Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914 (074 and 675). [Diptera.] 922 Kertesz, K. Contributions to the knowledge of the Dorylaidae, Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 13 1916 (386- 392). [Diptera.] 923 KertSsz, K. H. Sauter’s Formosa- Ausbeute. Lauxaniinae, ii. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 13 1916 (491-534). [Diptera.] 924 Kertesz, K. Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Notacanthen. xxxvi- xxxviii. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Buda- pest 14 1916 (123-218). [Diptera.] 925 Keys, J. H. A list of the maritime, sub-maritime and coast -frequenting Coleoptera of south Devon and south Cornwall, with especial reference to the Plymouth district. J. mar. Biol. Ass. Plymouth 11 1918 (497-613). 926 Kiefer, 0. Sohmotterlingssammeln im Kandelgebiet. Ent. Zs. Frankfurt a. M. 29 1916 (78-79). [Lepidoptera.] 927 Eieffer, J. J. Bethylidae [Proctotru- poidea]. Das Tierreich 41 Berlin 1914 (xxv -f- 696). 206 figs. [Hymeno- ptera.] 928 Kief f er, J. J. Serphidae ( = Proctotru - pidao) ot Callicoratidao (= Corapluron- idae) [Proctotrupoidoa] Das Tierreich 42 Berlin 1914 (xvii -k 254) 103 figs. [Hymenoptera.] 929 Kieffer, J. J. Diapriidae [Proctotru- poidea]. Das Tierreich 44 Berlin 1916 (xxx -k 627) 166 figs. [Hymenoptera.] 930 Kieffer, J. J. Fauna Faeroensis . . VI. Dipteren. 2. Tendipedidae (Chirono- midae). Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 39 1916 (103-120) textfig. a-m. 931 Kieffer, J. J. Tendipedides (Chirono- mides) de Formose. Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916 (81-121). [Diptera.] 932 46 Inseota. XII. InBecta. [1919] Kieffer, J. J. Chironomides d’Aus- tralie conserves au- muse6 national Hongrois do Budapest. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 15 1917 (176-208). [Diptera.] 933 Eieifer, J. J. Chironomides d’Am6r- ique conserves au Mus6o national Hongrois do Budapest. Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917 (292-364). [Diptera.] 934 Kieffer, J. J. Chironomides d’Afrique et d’Asie. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 16 1918 (31-139). [Diptera.] 935 Kieffer, J. J. Chironomides d’Europe conserves au Mus6e national Hongrois de Budapest. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 17 1919 (1-160). [Diptera.] 936 Kieffer, J. J. Observations sur les Chironomides decrits par J. R. Malloch. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (191-194). [Diptera.] 937 Kieffer, J. J. Un nouveau genre do Chironomido. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1920 (333 and 334). [Diptera.] 938 Kieffer, J. J. Sur les Uymenopthrea parasites des ooth^ques do Mantides. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1920 (357- 359). 939 Kieffer, J. J. Chironomidon der Nordlichen Polarregion. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (38-48 110-120). [Diptera.] 940 Kieffer, J. J. und Enslin, E. Die Insekten Mitteleuropas Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Chr. Schroder. Band 3 Die Gallwespon (Cynipidae) von Prof J. J. Kieffer : Die Blatt- und Holz- wespen (Tenthredinoidea) von Dr. E, Enslin. Berlin 1914 (viii + 213) 8 pis. [Hymenoptera.] 941 Kieffer, J. J. and Thienemann, A. Chironomiden, gosarnmelt von Dr. A. Koch (Munster i. W.) auf don Lofoten, dor Btironinsol und Spitzbergon [Di- ptera]. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (38- 48 110-124) map and 18 textfigs. 942 Kielich, J. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Insectenmuskeln. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. 40 1918 (515-536) pis. xxv-xxvi. 943 King, H. H. A note on the occur- rence of a Coleopterous larva in the urinary tract of man in the anglo- egyptian Sudan. Bull. ent. Res. London 9 1919 (255). 944 King, J. L. Notes on the Biology of the Carabid genera Brachynus, Oalerita and Chlaenms. Ann. Amcr. Ent. Soc. Columbus 12 1919 (382-388) 2 pis. [Goleoptera.] 945 Kinsey, A. C. Fossil Cynipidae. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (44-49). [Hymenoptera.] 946 Kinsey, A. C. An african Figitidae. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (162). [Hymeno- ptera.] 947 Klatt, B. Experimentello Unter- suchungen iiber die Beeinflussbarkeit der Erbanlagen durch den Korper. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (39- 45). [Lepidoptera.] 948 Kleine, R. Chrysomela fastuosa L. und ihro Nahrungspflanzen. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntnis ihrer Biologic. Ent. Blatter Berlin 10 1914 (110-117 146-148 202-206 241-249) 11 1915 (56-53 72-82). [Coleoptera.] 949 Kleine, R. Ein nouor Calodromus aus Java. Ent. Bliitter Berlin 11 1915 (120-122). [Coleoptera.] 950 Kleine, R. Erster Nachtrag zur Gesamt-Literatur der Borkenkafor. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (123-126). [Coleoptera.] 951 Kleine, R. Die Gattung Chrysomela und ihre Standpflanzen. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (203-213). [Coleoptera.] 952 Kleine, R. Cassidonstudion. ii, iii, iv, V, vi and vii. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (24-43 63-73 78-82 91-97 163-178 269-277). [Coleoptera.] 953 Kleine, R. Einige Bemerkungen zur Gattung Cyriodontus Karsch. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (227-232). [Coleoptera^ 954 Kleine, R. Moino Praparations- methode des Kopulationsorgane. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (251 and 252). [Coleoptera.] 955 Kleine, R. Heteroblysmia genus novum. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (285-289). [Coleoptera.] 956 Kleine, R. Einige Bemerkungen uobor die Taphroderini des Bclg. Congo. Ent. illattor Berlin 14 1918 (36-37). [Coleoptera.] 957 47 Inaecia. Titles. 3600 Eleine, R. Die Gattung Hypomio- lis'pa Kleine. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1018 (70™84 157-109 210-225 201-347) Taf. ii and iii. [Coleoptcra.] 958 Kleine, R. Zur Stridulationsapparat der Gattung Lepyrus Germar. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (267-274) pi. i. [Coleoptera.] 959 Kleine, R. Der Stridulationsapparat der Gattung Anisorhynchus Schonh. Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (36-42). [Coleoptera.] 960 Kleine, R. Hat der Stridulations- apparat der Rhynchophoren eincn Zweck ? Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (193-201). [Coleoptera.] 961 Kleine, R. Neue Brcnthiden der papuanischen Fauna aus dem Museum von ,, Natura artis magistra ” zu Amsterdam. Tijdschr. Ent. s-Graven- hago62 1919 (43-51 )pl. i. [Coleoptera.] 962 Klimesch, J. Boitrago zur Kenntnis der Gattung Trypophloeus Fairm. {Glyptoderes Eichh.). Zweiter Teil, die Chitenosen Organe dcs Korporinncrn. Ent. Blatter Berlin 10 1914 (213-219 231-241) 11 1916 (6-13). [Coleoptera.] 963 Knab, F. vide Dyar and Knab. Knight, H. H. A revision of the genus Lygus as it occurs in America north of Mexico, with biological data on the species from Now York. Bull. Cornell Univ. Exp. Stat. Ithaca 391 1917 (557-645) pi. xxiii. [Heteroptera.] 964 Knight, H. H. Notes on species of Miridao inhabiting ash trees (Fraxinus) with the description of a new species. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 12 1917 (80- 82). [Heteroptera.] 965 Knight, H. H. New species of Platylygus with a note on the male of Largidea grossa Van Duzee. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 13 1918 (16-18) pi. i. [Heteroptera.] 966 Knight, H. H. Additional data on the distribution and food plants of Lygus with descriptions of a new species and variety. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 13 1918 (42-45). [Heteroptera.] 967 Knight, H. H. The genus Serico- phanes with descriptions of two new species. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 13 1918 (80-83). [Heteroptera.] 968 Knight, H. H, Interesting new species of Miridae from the United States* with a note on OHhocephalua mutahilia (l^llen). Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soo. 18 1918 (lli-116). [Hetero^ ptera.] 969 Knight, H. H. The male of Lygus univittatus with the description of a now Lygus. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 14 1919 (2l and 22). [Heteroptera.] 970 Knight, H. II. The genus Bolteria Uhler. Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 14 1919 (126-128). [Heteroptera.] 971 Kniz, A. Zur Kenntnis der palae- arktischen Hydrophiliden. Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (11-16). [Coleo- ptera.] 972 Kohl, F. F. Die Crabronen der palaarktischen Region monographisch bearbeitet. Ann. Hofmus. Wien 29 1915 (1-453) pis. i-xiv. [Hymenoptera.] Kolbe, H. Uober die clavicornen Coleopteren von Spanisch-Guinea, auf der Grundlage des von Herrn. G. Tessmann gesammelten Materials, nebst Studien ueber die tiergeographischen Beziehungen der Nitiduliden Afrikas : nebst Besclireibungon nouer Arten von A. Grouvelle. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9 1919(191-213). 974 Kope6, S. Lokalisationsversuche am zontralen Nervensvstem dor Raupon und Falter. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. Allgem. 36 1918 (453-502) pis. ix-xii 7 textfigs. [Lepidoptera.] 975 Kowalski, J. Cin^ses atypiques dans les cellules adipeuses de larves de Pyrrhocoris apterus L. avec quelques remarques sur le centrosome. Cellule Louvain 30 1919 (81-119) 2 pis. [Hemi- piera.] 976 Krausse, A. Uebersicht fiber die Ameisen Sardiniens nebst einigen bio- logischen Beobachtungen. Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 15 1919 (96-103). [Hymenoptera.] 977 Krekich-Strassoldo, H. v. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Anthiciden und Hylophiliden [Coleoptera). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (166-176) 11 figs. 978 Kremer, J. Beitrilgo zur Histologic der Coleopteren mit bosonderer Beriick- sichtigung des Fliigeldeckengewebes und der auftretenden Farbstoffe. Zool. Jahrb. Abt., Anat. 40 1917 (105-154) pis. ii-iii textfigs. 979 48 Insecta XII. Insecta. [1919] Kremer, J. Dio Fliigeldecken dor Voleofteren. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat. 41 1919 (175-272) pi. xiii-xix textfig. a. 980 Kriesche, R. Zur Kenntnis dor afrikanischen Cladognathinen. Mitt, zool. Mus. Berlin 9 1919 (157-176). [Coleoptera.] 981 Kriesche, R. Eino none Euchirino {Coleoptera). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (77-78). 982 Krumbach, T. Zur Naturgeschichte der Singcicadenim Roten Istrien. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 48 1917 (241-250). {Homo- ptera.] 983 Kryger, J. P. Dr. phil. J. 0. JTielson [Entomologist, 1881-1918]. K^benhavn Ent. Medd. 13 1919 (1-11) portr. 984 Kryger, J. P. Biologiske Oplys- ninger om nye eller sjaeldne Billelarver ii. Contributions to the biology of some larvae of Coleoptera, new for the Danish fauna or rare in Denmark. Part 2. K0bonhavn Ent. Medd. 18 1919 (30-39). 985 Kryger, J. P. The European Trichogramminae. K^benhavn Ent. Medd. 12 1918-19 (257-354) 21 figs. [Hymenoptera.'] 986 Kuhnemanu, A. Beschreibungen von 7 Tabanidenlarven aus dem Alkoholmaterial desMuseums fiirNatur- kunde. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9 1919 ^215-218). [Diptera.] 987 Kiinnemaun. Eine neue]Coccinella- Art {0. klingenhergi m.) aus don Karpathon. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (266). [Coleoptera.] 988 Kuntze, A. Bestimmungstabellen der palaaiktischen Eriopterinen. {Di- ptera Nematocera Pol3meura). Ann. Hofmus. Wien. 28 1914 (361-388). 989 Kuntzen, H. Microptilium palustre, nov. spec. Ent. Blatter Berlin 10 1914 (161-163). [Coleoptera.] 990 Kuntzen, H. Die Carabinonfauna Deutsch-Sudwestafrikas. Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9 1919 (91-156). [Coleo- ptera.] 991 Kuntzen, H. Skizze zur Verbreitung einiger flugunfahiger Blattkafer {Metal- lotimarcha). S.B. Ges. naturf. Er. Berlin 1991 1919 (228-250). [Coleo- ptera.] 992 Laake, E. W. vide Bishopp and Laake. Labitte, A. Observations sur RJiodocera rhamni. Accouplement. Bull. Mus. Paris 25 1919 (624 & 625). [Lepidoptera.] 993 Laboissi^re, V. Description d’un Luperus nouveau de Sicile. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1919 (116). [Coleo- ptera.] 994 Laboissibre, V. Descriptions d’une espfece et d’une vari6t6 nouvelles du Galerucini du Cameroun. Bull. Soc. ent. Prance 1919 1919 (140 & 141). [Coleoptera.] 995 Laboissibre, V. Descriptions de deux Oidea nouveaux, du Tonkin. Pull, Soc. ent. Franco 1919 1919 (160 & 161). [Coleoptera.] 996 Laboissi6re, V. Diagnoses de Galerucini nouveaux de I’Afrique. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (281- 283). [Coleoptera.] 997 Laboissibre, V. Diagnoses de Galerucini nouveaux de I’Afrique. Bull. Soc. ent. Prance Paris 1919 (302-305). [Coleoptera.] 998 LaboissiSre, V. Observqjtions sur le genre RudolpJda Jac. et diagnoses de Galerucini nouveaux d’Afrique (Chrysomelidae). Bull. Soc. ent. Prance Paris 1919 1920 (329-331). [Coleoptera.] 999 Laboissi§re, V. Observations sur les Galerucini africains et diagnoses d’es- p6ces nouvelles. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1920 (365-368). [Coleoptera.] 1000 Lacroix, J. L. Description d’un Psocide nouveau, de Prance. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (80 & 81). [Psocoptera.] 1001 Lacroix, J. L. Deux Chrysopides nouveaux de la Guadeloupe. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1919 (108-111). [Neuroptera.] 1002 Lahille, P. Nota sobre “ Prospaltella Berlesei ” How. An. Mus. Buenos Aires 27 1915 (111-126) 7 figs. [Hymeno- ptera.] 1003 Laidlaw, F. F. A list of the dragon- flies recorded from the Indian Empire with special reference to the collection of the Indian Museum. Part ii (contd.). The family Agrionidae. B. The legions Argia and Agrion. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (169-195). [Para- neuroptera.] 1004 49 Inaecta. Titles. 3500 Laing, F. Two species of british Aphides. Enfc. Mo. Mag. London 55 1919(272-274). [Homoplera.l 1005 Lameere, A. Coleoptera Longicornia Fam. Ceram bycidae, subfam. Prioninae* Gen. Ins. (Wytsman) 172 Tervueren 1919 (189 pp.) 8 pis. 1006 Lameere, A. Breyeria borinenais^ un ProioMmipthfe. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 59 1919 (18). 1007 Lang, W. D. A map showing the known distribution in England and Wales of the anopholine mosquitoes with explanatory text and notes. Brit. Mus. London 1915. {^Diptera.] 1008 Langeron, M. Les Phlebotomes de la region parisienno. Paris Bull. soc. path. exot. 9 1916 (573-576). [Diptera.~\ 1009 Langeron, M. Romarquos sur revolu- tion larvaire do Theohaldia annulata (Schank 1776). Paris Bull. soc. path, exot. 9 1916 (704-708 av. fig.) [DijJtera.] 1010 Langhoffer, A. Scolytidae Croatiae. Ent. Blatter Beriin 11 1915 (154-159). [Coleoptera.] 1011 Lankester, Sir R. The terminology of parthenogenesis. Quart. J. micr. Sci. London 63 1919 (531-536). 1012 Lapouge, G. V. do. Carabos nouveaux ou mal connus (suite). Misoell. Ent. 24 1019 (97-112). [Coleoptera.] 1018 Lea, A. M. On Australian Coleoptera. Rec. S. Austral. Mus. Adelaide 1 1918 (83-104) 1 pi. 1014 Lea, A. M. Notes on some miscel- laneous Coleoptera, with descriptions of new species. Trans. R. Soc. S. Austral. Adelaide 43 1919 (166-261) pis. xxv- xxvii. 1015 Lea, A. M. Descriptions of new species of australian Coleoptera. Part xiv. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. Sydney 43 1919 (715-746). 1016 L6cailIon, A. Sur la reproduction et le ddveloppcment dos bivoltins acci- dentcls et de la premiere generation qui en derive, chez le Bombyx du Murier. C.R. Ac. Sci. Paris 168 1919 (366-368). [Lepidoptera.] 1017 L^caillon, A. Ser les changements qu’on observe dans la reproduction et le dovoloppomont dcs Bombyx poly- (n-13799 j) Q voltins de Chine lotsqu’ils sent trans portes et Aleves en France. C.R. Ac. Sci. Paris 168 1919 (529-531). [Lepido- ptera.] 1018 Le Cerf, F. L^pidopthea nouveaux de la collection du Museum d’histoire naturelle de Paris. Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 1919 (27-29). 1019 Le Cerf, F. Voyage du Comte Jacques de Rohan-Chabot dans I’Afrique 6quatoriale portugaise. Description de nouvolles osp^ces de L^pidopthrea (Cos- sidao, Arbolidao). Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 1919 (30-32). 1020 Le Cerf, F. Description d’un Coaaua nouveau de Madagascar. Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 1919 (107). [Lepidoptera.] 1021 Le Cerf, F. Description dhin Cosside malgache. Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 1919 (161). [Lepidoptera.] 1022 Le Cerf, F. Voyage do MM. Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel dans I’Afrique orientale. Description de formes nouvelles de Lepidopteres (Papilionidae, Satyridae). Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 1919 (162-165). 1023 Le Cerf, E. Description d’un genre nouveau et d’une espece nouvelle de Satyride amcricain. Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 1919 (328 & 329). [Lepidoptera.] 1024 Le Cerf, F. Observations sur le genre Phaaaua Walk. ; diagnoses do genres nouveaux et description d’une csp6co nouvelle {Lipidoptirea, Hopialidao). Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 1919 (469-471). 1025 Leefmans, S. Bydrage tot het Helopeltis-vraagstuk voor de thee. [Contibution to the Helopeltis -problem for tea.] Buitetizorg Mcded. Lab. Plantenz. No. 26 1916 (1-214) 10 Figs. [Heteroptera.] 1026 Leefmans, S. Over eenige op Sumatra aangetroffen capsiden. [t)ber einige auf Sumatra gefundene Capsiden.] Buitenzorg Meded. Proefst. thee 54 1917 (19-21) 1 Taf. [Heteroptera.] 1027 Leefmans, S. Bydrage tot de biologic van de wandliiis, Cimex lectulariua L. en tot zyne bestryding. [Beit rag zur Biologie der Wandlaus, Cimex lectu- lariua L. und zu ihrer Bekampfung.] Teysmannia Batavia 30 1919 (12-30) 1 Taf. [Heteroptera.] 1028 C 8 50 Insecta, XII. Insecta. [1919] Leefmans, S. Levenswijze van een aan Orchideeen schadelijke Grioceris spec, (subpolita Motsch.). Treubia Batavia 1 1919 (82-88) 2 pis. and 6 figs. 1029 Lefroy, H. M. vide Smith, K. M. Legendre, J. La dostriiotion dos Moustiques par les Poissons. Paris C.K. Acad. sci. 163 1916 (377-378). 1030 Leng, C. W. Coccinellidae, Elateridae, Chi-ysomolidae, Rhynchophora (except Ipidae). Rep. Canad. arctic exp. 3 E Ottawa 1919 (17 E-21 E). [Coho- ptera.] 1031 Leng, C. W. Edward Doubleday Harris. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (237-240) pi. xxii. 1032 Leonard, M. D. Manual of vegetable- garden insects. New York (391 pp.) 232 figs, [not seen by Recorder]. 1033 Lesne, P. Notes sur divers Zopho- sites. Bull. Mus. Paris 25 1919 (581- 588). [Goleopiera.] 1034 Lesne, P. Notes sur les Colhpikea t6r6dilos. 7. La s6rie du Sinoxylon capillatum Lsn. Diagnose d’une espfece nouvelle. Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 1919 (464-466). 1035 Lesne, P. Un Longicorne indo- malais nouvellement introduit k la R6union. Bull. Soc. ent. Prance Paris 1919 (301 & 302). [Goleoptera.'] 1036 Lestage, J. A. Notes biologiques sur Sialis lutaria L. (Megaloptera). Ann. Biol, lacustre Bruxelles 9 1919 (25-40). [N europteraJ\ 1037 Lestage, J. A. Contribution ^ l’6tude des larvos des Eph6m feres palearctiques (Serie 2). Ann. Biol, lacustre 9 1919 (79-182). \^Ephemero- ptera.'l 1038 Lestage, A. Notes biologiques. Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 1 1919 (64-67). 1039 Lestage; J. A. Notes trichopUro- logiques. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 59 1919 (130-135). 1040 Lestage, J. A. Les Ephfemferes d’Afrique. Notes critiques sur les espfeces connues. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 6 1919 (65-114), [Ephemero- ptera.] 1041 Lestage, J. A. Notes sur quelques Neuroptferes (Ephfemferes et Tricho- ptferes) du Congo beige. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 6 1919 (190-204). 1042 Lestage, J. A. Les Trichopthres d’Afrique. Catalogue synonymique et systematique des espfeces connues. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 6 1919 (251- 335). 1043 Lichtenstein, J. L. Notes biologiques sur les Hymenopthres mfediteiTanfeens (1 fere note). Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 (147-151). 1044 Lichtenstein, J. L. Notes biologiques sur les Hymenopteres mediterraneens. Bull. Soc. ent. iYance Paris 1919 1919 (270-275). 1045 Lichtenstein, J. L. Note preliminairo au sujet de Philotrypesis caricae Hass. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 (313- 316). [Hymenoptera.] 1046 Lichtenstein, J. L. et Picard, F. Notes biologiques sur les Braconides. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (62- 64). [Hymenoptera.] 1047 Lichtwardt, B. Dio Nomostriiiidon dos ungarisohon Natioiial-Musounis in Budapest Ann. Mus,' Hungar. Buda- pest 17 1919 (274-278). [Diptera.] 1048 Lindemans, jJ. 'Stigmus solslcyi Moraw.Ber. Nederl. ent. Ver. ’s-Graven- hage 5 1919 (137). [Hymenoptera.] 1049 Lindsey, A. W. A new Skipper from South America. Ent. Nows Phila- delphia 30 1919 (169 & 170). [Lepido- ptera.] 1050 Lindsey, A. W. vide Barnes and Lindsey. Linzell, L. vide Bacot and Linzell. Lister, J. J. On some north-country species and forms of Lepidoptera. Entomologist London 52 1919 (83-88 106-112), 1051 Ljungdahl, D. N&gra puppbeskriv- ningar. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (97—119 & 216-238). [Lepidoptera.] 1052 Lloyd, LI. Lice and their menace to man. 8vo London 1919 (i-xli 1-136) 12 figs. 4 charts. 1053 Lloyd, J. T. An aquatic dipterous parasite, Qinglymia acrirostris Towns., and additional notes on its lepido- pterous host, Elophila fulicalis. J. Now York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (263-265) pl. XXV. 1054 51 Insecia. Titles. 3500 Lockhead, W. Class-book of econo- mic entomology. Philadelphia (436 pp.) 257 illustr. 1055 Loftin, U. C. vide Holloway and Loftin. ' Lovell, J. H. The flower and the bee: plant life and pollination. London (Constable) 1919 (xvii -f 286). 1056 Lovett, A. L. vide Cole and Lovett. Lucas, R. Catalogus alphabet: cus generum et subgeneiiim Coleopterorum orbis terrarum totius (faniil. trib., subtr. sect, inch) Pars i. Berlin [1919 ?J (xxxi -f 696). 1057 Lucas, W. J. The Odonata of the Lancashire and Cheshire district. Lan- cash. Chesh. Natural. Manchester 1919 (55-60) pi. i. [Paraneuro'ptera.'l 1058 Lucas, W. J. Orthoptera, Odonata and Nouroptora from Salonica. En- tomologist London 62 1919 (4-0). 1069 Lucas, W. J. British Neuroptera in 1917 and 1918. Entomologist London 52 1919 (56-59). 1060 Lucas, W. J. Notes on british Odonata, 1918. Entomologist London 52 1919 (113-115). [Paraneuroptera.] 1061 Lucas, W. J. Notes on british Orthoptera in 1918. Entomologist London 52 1919 (171-174). 1062 Ludlow, C. S. New Siberian Culicidae (Diptera). Insec. inscit. Washington 7 1919 (151-161). 1063 Ludlow, 0. S. New mosquitos from Panama. Psyche Boston 26 1909 (166-169). [Diptera.] 1064 Luederwaldt, H. Sobre a biologia do Tanaphysa adornatalis Warren. Rovist. Mus. Paulista Sao Paulo 11 1910 (459-462) pi. \Lepidoptera.'] 1065 Lundbeck, W. Nogle sjaoldnere samt nogle for vor Fauna ny Dipterer. ii. Some Diptera rare in Denmark or new for the Danish fauna. K0benhavn Nath. Medd. 70 1919 (227-250). 1066 Lundblad, 0. Boot av Anchistro- cerus claripennis Thoms. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (18-21). [Hymeno- ptera.] 1067 Lundblad, 0. Axel Frisendahl. En minnesteckning. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (53-61). [Coleoptera.] 1068 (n-13799 j) Q Lundstrbm, C. None odor wenig bokannte europaischo Mycetophiliden. iv. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 14 1916 (72-80) pis. i & ii. [Diptera.] 1070 Lundstrbm, C. Eine neue Art der Bibioniden-Gattung Plecia Wied. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 14 1916 (457). [Diptera.] 1071 Lutz, F. E. Experiments with Drosophila ampelophila concerning natural selection. New York Bull. Amor. Mus. Nat. Hist. 34 1915 (605- 624). [Diptera.] 1072 Lyle, G, T. Hemiptera-Homoptera taken in theNoAV Forest. Entomologist London 52 1919 (6-11). 1073 Lyle, G. T. Contributions to our knowledge of the british Braconidae. No. 4. Rhogadidae. Entomologist London 62 1919 (134-136 149-155 178- 180). [Ilymcnoplmt.] 1074 McAtee, W. L. Key to the noarctio genera and species of Berytidao. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (79-92). [Heteroptera.] 1075 McAtee, W. L. A new genus for Tettigonia trijasciata Say {Homoptera ; Eupterygidae). Proe. biol. Soc. Washington 32 1919 (121-123). 1076 McAtee, W. L. Preliminary key to the nearctic species of Eupteryx. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (182-186). [Homoptera.] 1077 McAtee, W. L. Notes on two Miridae, Gamptohrochis and Paracalocoris. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (246 & 247). [Heteroptera.] 1078 McAtee, W. L. Report on a second collection of nova-scotian eupterygid leaf-hoppers, including descriptions of now varieties. Canad. Entom, London Can. 51 1919 (225-226). [Homoptera.] 1079 McAtee, W. L. Piscatorial entomo- logy. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (257 & 258). 1080 McAtee, W. L. Notes on the nearctic Nusa {Diptera, Asilidao). Ohio Nat. Columbus 19 1919 (244-248). 1081 McAtee, W. L. and Walton, W. R. District of Columbia Diptera ; Tabani- dae. Proe. ent. Soc. Washington 20 1919 (188-206). 1082 C 8—2 52 Insecta, xn. Insecta. [1919] McColloch) J. W. Variations in tho length of the flaxseed stage of the hessian fly. J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (252-255). [Diptera.] 1083 McDermott, F. A. Experiments on tho nature of tho photogenic processes in tho Lampi/ridae. J. Amor. Chom, Soc. Easton Pa. 37 1915 (401-404). [Coleoptera.] 1084 MoDunnough, J. H. Directions for collecting and preserving insects. Dep. Agric. Canada Ent. Circ. 12 Ottawa 1919 (14 pp.). 1085 McDunnougb, J. vide Barnes and McDunnough. Mace, H. Balkan butterflies. Ent. J\fo. Mag. London 55 1919 (255-258). [Lepidoplera.] 1086 Macfie, J. W. S. vide Ingram and Macfie. MacGillavry, D. Wedorom een Noordelyke (sc. alpine) wants in Neder- land govonden (Glaenocorixa cavifrous Thoms). [Wiodorum oino nordlicho (sc. alpine) Wanzo in den Niederlandon aufgefunden.] ’s Gravenhage Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 1919 (105-109). [Hetero^ ptera.] 1087 MacOillivray, A. D. Sawflies ( Tenthredinoidea), Report Canadian Arctic Expedition 1913-18 (Southern Party 1913-16) 3 Ottawa 1919 (1 G- 19 0). lllymenoptera.] 1Q88 MacGregor, M. E. A now mosquito of tho genus Or thopodomyia from a beech tree-hole in England. J. R. A. M. Corps 33 1919 (451-454) pi. x. [Dipterd]. 1089 MacGregor, M. E. On the occurrence of Stegomyia fasciata in a hole in a beech tree in Epping forest. Bull. ent. Res. London 10 1919 (91). [DipteraJ] 1090 Macnamara, C. Remarks on Collem- hola. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (73-80 241-245 265-270) pis. ii & iv. 11091 Mallocb, J. R. A new Fannia from Formosa. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Buda- pest 12 1914 (163). [Diptera.] 1092 Mallocb,. J. R. Formosan Agromy- zidao. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 12 1914 (306-336) pis. ix & x. [Diptera.] 1093 Mallocb, J. R. The Diptera collected by the Canadian arctic expedition (excluding the Tipulidae and Culicidae). Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3 C Ottawa 1919 (34 C-89 C) pis. 1094 Mallocb, J. R. Now species of flies from California. Proc. Calif. Ac. San Francisco 9 1919 (297-312). [Diptera.'] 1095 Mallocb, J. R. One now genus and two now species of Anthomyiidao from tho vicinity of Washington, D.C Proc. biol. Soc. Washington 32 1919 (1-4). [Diptera.] 1096 Mallocb, J. R. Two new North- araerican Anthomyiidao. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington 32 1919 (133 &; 134). [Diptera.] 1097 Mallocb, J. R. Some now eastern Anthomyiidao. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington 32 1919 (207-210). [Di- ptera.] ' 1098 Mallocb, J. R. The generic status of Zodion palpalis Robertson {Diptera Conopidae), with generic key ‘to the family. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (204 & 205). 1099 Mallocb, J. R. On an undescribod species of Medeterus {Diptera, Dolicho- podidae). Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (7-9). 1100 Mallocb, J, R. A now species of Coenosia from Canada {Diptera, An- thomyiidao). Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (96). 1101 Mallocb, J. R. A now species of Hylemyia from Canada {Diptera, An- thomyiidae), Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (95). 1102 Mallocb, J. R. A new species of the genus Tachydromia from Illinois {Di- ptera, Empididae). Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (248). 1103 Mallocb, J. R. A new species of Phoridao from Illinois. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (256). [Dipter > ] 1104 Mallocb, J. R. Three new Canadian Anthomyiidae. Canad. Entom. Lon- don Can. 51 1919 (274-276). [Diptera.] 1105 Mallocb, J. R. A now anthomyiid from Labrador. Canad. Entom. Lon- don Can. 51 1919 (277). [Diptera.] iiOQ 63 Instda. Titles. 3600 Mallock, H. U. A. Some points in insect mechanics. Proc, zool. Soc. London 1919 1919 (111-110). 1107 Mangkoewinoto, R. M. M. Anophe- linen van West-Java. [Anophelines of West- Java.] Batavia Geneesk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Indie 58 1918 (462-498 2 pi.) (Dutch); Buitentorg Mededeelingen Bur- gerlijken Geneeskundigen Dienst Ned.- Indie 1919 2 (41-82 2 pi.) (Dutch and English). [Diptera.] 1108 Mann, W. M. The ants of the british Solomon islands. Bull. Mus. Harvard Coll. 63 1919 (273-391) 2 pis. {Hymeno- ptera.] 1109 Marchal P. Le cycle evolutif du Puceron lanigere du Pomraier ( Eriosoma lanigera Haussmann). C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris 169 1919 (211-216). [Ilomoptera.'] iiio Mnrohnnd, W. Collcctihg the larvae of Tahanus and Chrysops, Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (131-137). '[Vi- ptera.] 1111 Marchoux, E. Transmission do la l^pre par les mouches. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 30 1916 (61-68). [Diptera.] 1112 Marcus, E. Waldverbreitung koprophager Lamellicornier in Afrika. S.B. Gcs. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (382-394). [Coleopiera.] 1113 Marelli, C. A. Las diferontes larvas de Langostas que acompanan a las grandes mangas de la saltona de Schistocerca paranensis Burm. An. Mus. Buenos Aires 28 1916 (346-390). [Orthoptera.] 1114 Marshall, G. A. K. On the african genera of wingless Brachyderinae with connate claws {Colcoptera, Curculioni- dae). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London 3 1919 (1-28) pi. i. 1115 Marshall, G. A. K. On the genus Aorus Sell. {Coleopiera, Curculionidao). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 4 1919 (338-343). 1116 Marshall, G. A. K. Some new in- jurious weevils from Asia. Bull. ent. Res. London 9 1919 (273-277) pi. xvii. [Coleopiera.] 1117 [Marshall, G. A. K. and others.] The review of applied entomology. Series A : agricultural. 6 London 1919 (Hi + 669-760) 7 (1-644). 1118 [Marshall, G. A. K. and others.] The review of applied entomology. Series B : medical and veterinary. 6 (241- 291) 7 (1-239) London 1919. 1119 Matheson, R. Notes on Pelenomus 5wZcfco?h'sFahrs.(Curculionidae). Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (199-201). [Coleopiera.] 1120 Matsumura, S. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fulgoriden Japans. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 12 1914 (261-306). [Homoplera.] 1121 Maulik, S. Coleopiera, Chrysomelidae (Hispinae and Cassidinae). Faun. Brit. India London 1919 (xi -f 439). 1122 Maulik, S. New Hispinae. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 4 1919 (407- 411). [Coleopiera.] 1123 Maxwell-Lefroy, H. and Ansorge, E. C. Report on an enquiry into tho Silk Industry in India. Vols. 1-3 [1917] fol. Calcutta 1919. [Lepidoplera.] 1124 Mayor, C. M. Twenty five years in south Devon. A LepidoplerisV s retro- spect. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (28-32 79-83). 1125 Meijere, J. C. H. do. Boitrago zur Kenntnis der Dipteren-Larven qnd -Puppen. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 40 1916 (177-322) pis. iv-xiv. [Diplera.] 1126 Meijere, J. C. H. do. Studien ueber palaearktische, vorwiegend hollandische, Limnobiiden, insebesondere ueber ihre Kopulationsorgane. Tidschr. Ent. s- Gravenhage 62 1919 (62-97). [Diplera.] 1127 Meijere, J. C. H. de. Diplera gesam- melt durch die 3te Siid-Nou-Guinea- Expodition. Nova Guinea 13 1^16 (61- 63). 1128 Meyere, J. C. H. .Beitrag zur Kenntnis der sumatranischen Dipleren. Amsterdam Bydr. Dierk. 21 1919 (13- 39) 1 Taf. 1129 Meissner, 0. Die Zucht des Wandeln- den Blattes {PJiy Ilium pulchrifolium [Orlhoptera Phasm.]). Ent. Zs. Frank- furt a. M. 29 1916 (21-22 26-27). 1130 Melichar, L. Monographic der Lophopinen. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 13 1916 (337-385). [Homo- plera.] 1131 54 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Melin, I). NSgia tankar oiu mimicry ooh ekyddaiido likhot med siod av Dtpferologiska studior. Ent. Tidakr. Uppsala 40 1919 (239-294) 2 pis. 1132 Mellor, J. E. M. Observations on the habits of certain flies, especially of those breeding in manure. Ann. appl. Biol. Cambridge 6 1919 (53-88). [^Di'ptera.'] 1133 Melzer, J. Os longicorneos brazileiros da sub-familia Prioninae. Revist. Mus Paulista Sao Paulo 11 1919 (3-207) pis. i-x. [Goleoytera.l 1134 Mendes, C. Lepidopteros do Sala- manca (continuado). Brotoria Braga 16 1918 (111-129). ' 1135 Mengel, L. W. A new Perisama from South America. Ent. News Phila- delphia 30 1919 (181) pi. viii. [Lepido- pteraJ\ * 1136 Mercet, R. G. El genero Centrodora Foerster {Himenopteros Calcididos). Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 18 1918 (103-109) 2 figs. 1137 Meroet, R. G. Gdnoros nuovos do Encirtinos do Espana. Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. 18 1918 (234-421) 4 figs. [Hymenoptera.] 1138 Mercet, R. G. Mas encirtinos nuevos de Espana. Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 18 1918 (430-434) 3 figs. [Hymerioptera.] 1139 Mercet, R. G. Encertinos de Espana. Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 19 1919 (96-102) 5 figs. [IIy?nenoptera.] 1140 Mercet, R. G. Notas sobre Encir- tinos {Himenopteros calcididos). Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 19 1919 (470-478) 6 figs. 1141 Mercier, L. . A propos d’un exem- plaire macropt^re do Velia. C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (524-526). [Hetero- ptera.] 1142 Mercier, L. Production experimontalo de Mouches k come. C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (1217). [Dipteres.] 1143 Metcalf, C. L. A malformed Leptino- tarsa decemlineata. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (9 10). [Goleoptera.] 1144 Metcalf, C. L. A proposed nomen- clature for the parts of the posterior respiratory apparatus of Dipterous larvae and a micro-protractor useful in their description. Psycho Boston 26 1919 (53-58) pi. i. 1145 Metchnikoff, E. La mort du Papillon dll Murier. Un chapitre de thanato- logie. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 29 1915 (477-497) av. fig. {Lepidoptera.'\ 1146 Meusebeck, C. P. W. Three new species of Braconidao. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (113-115). {Hymenoptera.'\ 1147 Meyer, P. Einige Worte zugunsten der genaueren Feststellung des Ver- broitungsgebietes allor nachweislich im Doutschon Roicho aufgofundenon Kaforarton. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (183-189). [Goleoptera.] 1148 Meyer, P. Einmaliger Beitrag zur Kaferfauna des Ampergebietes in Ober- bayern. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (172-179). [Goleoptera.] 1149 Meyer, P. Vierter Beitrag zum Vorkommen verschiedener palaeark- tischor Acalles-kxtQXi. Ent. Blatter 15 1919 (42-47 118-126). [Goleoptera.] 1150 Meyrick, E. Exotic Microlepidoptera. Marlborough 1919 vol. 2 pts. 8 and 9 (225-288). 1151 Meyrick, E. Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. Tr. N. Zealand Inst. Wellington 51 1919 (349-354). 1152 Mickel, C. E. A now genus of Cerambycidao from Wyoming. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (198-200). [Goleoptera.] 1153 Mikkelsen, A. Sommerfuglenotitser fra Skanderborg-Egnon Maj-Juli 1919. Some Lepidoptera taken in the environs of Skanderborg (Jutland) May- July, 1919. K0bonhavn Flora og Fauna 1919 (141-142). 1154 Minnich, D. E. The photic reactions of the honey-bee, Apis ^nellifera, L. Journ. Expor. Zool. Philadelphia 29 1919 (343-425). [Hymenoptera.] 1155 Mitchell, J. D. Notes on Diacrisia virginica. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (191-194). [Lepidoptera.] 1156 Mitter, J. L. Preliminary report on an investigation into the breeding places of Phlebotomus {papatasi and minutus) in Lahore. Indian J. Mod. Res. Calcutta 6 1919 (452-461). [Di- ptera.] 1157 55 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Miyake, T. Brief hietory of entomo- logy in Japan [in Japanoso with some englieh notes], reprinted from Konchu- gaku Hanron 2 Tokyo 1919 (14 pp.). 1158 Miyake, T. Studios on the fruit-flies of Japan. I. Japanoso Orange-fly. Bull. imp. exp. Stat. Japan Tokio 2 1919 (85-165) pis. ii-x. [Diptera.] 1159 Mjoberg, E. Preliminary description of a new family and three new genera of Mallophaga. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (93-96). [Lipopiera.] 1160 Moohtar, A. vide Schuflnor. W., &o. Moesdry, A. Chrysididao plerumquo oxoticao novae. Ann. Mus. nat. Hungar. Budapest 12 1914 (1-72). [Hy?nenoptera.] 1161 Moffat, H. U. The Tso-tse fly and the big game. Proc. Rhodesia Sci. Ass. 10 1910 (85-97) map. [Diptera.] 1162 Mohr, 0. L. Studien iiber die Chromatinreifung der mannlichon Geschlechtszellen bei Locusta viridis- sima. Arch. Biol. Liege 29 1919 (579- 752) pis. xxi-xxv figs. a-i. [Ortho- ptera.] 1163 Mohr, 0. L. Mikroskopische Unter- suchungen zu Experimenten iiber den Einfluss dor Radiumstrahlen und der Killtowirkung auf dio Chromatin- reifung und das Hotoroohromosomoii hoi Decticus verrucivoruft ( J* ). Arck. milcr. Anat. Bonn 92 1 1919 (300-368) pis. xi-xvi. [Orthoptera.] 1164 Molliard, M. Production artificielle d’une galle. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 165 1917 (160-162) av. fig. 1165 Montgomery, R. E. Insects and their relation to some diseases of stock. J. E. Africa Soc. London 14 1919 (381- 400). 1166 Moore, A. A simple method of mounting and preserving insects, &c. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 22 1919 (205-206 and pi.). 1167 Moore, W. and Hirschfelder, A. D. An investigation of the louse problem. Research publ. Univ. Minnesota Minnea- polis 8 No. 4 1919 (1-86). [Ellipoptera.] 1168 Moreira, C. Lps pucerons et leur oeuf d’hiver. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919(236-238). [Homoptera.] 1169 Morgan, T. H. vide Sturtovant, Bridges and Morgan. Morice, F. D. Allantus perhinsi n.sp. A now british sawfly. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (62-65). [Hymeno- ptera.] ' 1170 Morice, F. D. Tenthredella flavi- cornis F. at Lichfield. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (133-135). [Hymeno- ptera.] 1171 Morice, F. D. Lygaeonematus wesmaeli Tischb., a hitherto unrecorded british sawfly from Yorkshire. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (204). [Hymenoptera.] 1172 Morice, F. D. Notes on australian sawflies, especially the “authors’ types ” and other specimens in the British museum of natural history and the Hope collections of the Oxford Uni- versity museum ; with diagnostic synop- ses of the genera and species, and photographs illustrating their structural characters. Trans, ent. Soc. London 1918 1919 (247-333) pis. xi-xv. [Hy- menoptera.] 1173 Morley, C. On some equatorial and other species and genera of african Ichneumoninae contained in the collec- tion of the British museum. Proc. zool. Soc. London 1919 1919 (117-171). [Hymenoptera,] 1174 Moroder, E. Nota sobro PselAfidos y Scidm^nidos Valoncianos. Bol. Soc. Espafi. Hist. Nat. Madrid 19 1919 (455 456). [Coleoptera.] 1175 Morris, C. E. A season’s collecting in the Alpes-maritimes. Entomologist London 52 1919 (15-20 34-37). [Lepido- ptera.] 1176 Morrison, Emily R. The may-fly ovipositor, with notes on Leptophlebia and Hagenulus. Canad. Entom. Lon- don Can. 51 1919 (139-146) 2 pis. [Ephemeroptera.] 1177 • Morrison, H. A report on a collection of Coccidae from Argentina, with descriptions of apparently new species. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1917 (63- 91) pis. iv-vii. [Homoptera.] 1178 Morrison, H. A new genus and species of coccid from Loranthus. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (197-202) pi, xviii. [Homoptera.] 1179 56 Inaecta. XII, Insecta. [1919] Morse, A. P. New records of Ortho- 'ptera in New England. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (16-18). 1180 Morse, A. P. A list of the Orthoptera of New England. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (21-39). 1181 Morton, K. J. Odonata from Mesopo- tamia. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (143-161 183-196) pi. v. [Pamw- europtera.] 1182 Mosher, Edna. Notes on the im- mature stages of Deltometopus rufipes Mels. {Goleoptera, Eucnemidae). Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 12 1919 (49-54) pi. iv. 1183 Mosher, E. Notes on lepidopterous borers found in plants, with special reference to the european corn borer. J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (258-268). 1184 Mosher, E. Notes on the pupae of the european corn borer, Pyrausta nubilalis, and the closely related species P. penitalis. J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (387-389). [Lepidoptera.] 1185 Mosier, C. A. and Snyder, T. E- Eurthor notes on Tabanidae in the Florida everglades. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 20 1919 (182-184). [P*- ptera.] 1186 Mosier, C. A. and Snyder, T. E* Notes on the seasonal activity of Tabanidae in the lower everglades of Florida. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (186-196) pi. xvii. [Diptera.] 1187 Mouchet, R. Contribution h l’6tude dos Myiases. Paris Bui. soc. path, exot. 10 1917 (467-472). [Diptera.] 1188 Monlton, J. C. Cicadidae collected in Korinchi, West Sumatra, by Messrs. H. C. Robinson and C. Boden Kloss. J. Fed. Malay States Mus. Singapore 8 pt. 3 1919 (61-66). [Homoptera.] 1189 Moznette, G. F. Notes on the bronze apple-tree weevil. J. econ. out. Con- cord 12 1919 (426-429) pi. xviii. [Goleoptera.] 1190 MUller, G. Beitrage zur Rhynchoten- fauna Thuringons. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (142-149) 2 figs. [Hemiptera.] 1191 Muir, F. Some Malayan Delphacidae {Homoptera). Philippine J. Sci. Manila 15 1919 (521-631) 1 pi. [Homoptera.] 1192 Muir, F. Notes on the Delphacidae in the British museum collection. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (6-8). [Homoptera.] 1193 Muir, F. Some new american Delphacidae. Canad. Entom. London Can, 51 1919 (36-38). [Homoptera.] 1194 Muir, F. On the genus Ilburnia White. Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. Honolulu 4 1919 (48-50). [Homoptera.] 1195 Muir, F. New hawaiian Delphacidae. Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. Honolulu 4 1919 (84-108) pis. iii and iv. [Homo- ptera.] 1196 Murphy, Helen. E. Observations on the egg-laying of the caddice-fly Brachycentrus nigrisoma Banks, and on the habits of the young larvae. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (154-158) pi. xviii. [Trichoptera.] 1197 Musso. Campagne d’exp6rimentation do la m6thode biologique contre les Schistocerca peregrina dans la rdgion de Bougzoul-Msiline (d6partoment d’ Alger), mai-juin 1915. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 30 1916 (319-329) av. fig. [Ortho- ptera.] 1198 Natvig, R. Zwei interessante Miss- bildungen. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1916 (109) figs. [Goleoptera.] 1199 Navis, L. Raphididae Musei nationalis Hungarici. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 13 1915 (331-336). [N europtera.] 1200 Navis, L. Excursiones entom 6- logicas por Cataluna durante el vprano de 1918. Mem. R. Ac. Ci. Barcelona 15 No. 5 1919 (1-36). 1201 ■ Navis, L. Quelques NeuropUres de I’Algerie. Insecta Rennes 8 1919 (167-176). 1202 Navis, L. Tricopteroa nuevos de Espana. Broteria Braga 16 1918 (7-20). 1203 Navis, L. Embidpteros de la America meridional. Broteria Braga 16 1918 (85-110). 1204 Navis, L. Algunos insectos Neurdpteroa de la Repiiblica Argentina. Serie Tercera. Rev. Ac. Ci. Madrid 17 1919 (287-305) figs. 1-6. 1205 Navis, L. Neuropt6ros do I’lndo- Chino. 3o sirio. Insecta Rennes 9 1919 (185-194). 1206 57 Insecta. NavAs, L. Oiico Neuropteros nuevo8 espanoles. Bol. Soc. ont. Espana Zaragoza 2 1919 (48-56) 4 figs. 1207 Navds, L. Neuropteros de Espana nuevos. (Ser. 2.) Bol. Soc. ent. Espana Zaragoza 2 1919 (218-223). 1208 Neave, S. A. The use of scientific and popular names in economic bio- logy. Ann. appl. Biol. Cambridge 5 1919 (274 and 275). 1209 Nereaheimer, J. and Wagner, H. Beitrage zur ColeoptereniunnB, del Mark Brandenburg, viii. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (65-75). 1210 Newstead, A. and Smith, S. G. New varieties of british Lepidoptera from Cheshire. Entomologist London 52 1919 (226 and 227). 1211 Newstead, R. Some scale-insects (Coccidao) found in the Isle-of-man. Broc. Liverpool biol. Soc. 33 1919 (63 and 64). 1212 Niclot. L’anophelisme mac6donien dans ses rapports avec le paludisme au cours de 1916. Paris Bui. soc. path, exot. 10 1917 (323-328). [Diptera.] 1213 Nicolay, A. S. Additions to insects of New Jersey, No. 7. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (276-279). 1214 Nicolay, A. S. vide Weiss and Nicolay. Nielsen, J. C. Undors^gelser over entoparasitisko Muscidolarver hos Ar- thropoder. vii. Plagia ruralis. Fall. Investigations on the entoparasitic larvae of some flies, vii : Plagia ruralis Fall. (Danish with English summary.) K0benhavn Nath. Medd. 70 1919 (1-3) 4 figs. 1215 Nielsen, P. Description of a new species of Nomatooera polynoura from Denmark with notes concerning some other species. Kobenhavn Ent. Medd. 13 1919 (12-16) 3 figs. IDiptera.] 1216 Nielsen, P. Bidrag til en Fortcg- nelso over jydske Stankelben. (Nemato- cera polyneura.) Tillseg I. Contribu- tions to a catalogue of the Crane-flies of Jutland. 1. Supplement. Koben- havn Flora og Fauna 1919 (33-35). [Diptera.] ■' 1217 Nordqvist, 0. Johan Axel Palm6n. Fauna ooh Flora 14 1919 (131-139) portr. ^ 1218 3600' Nordslrdm, F. Bidrag till kanne- domon om Sverigos dagfjarilar. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (120-142 and 298-321). [Lepidoptera.] 1219 Norgaard, A. V. S. Om Pria dul- camara} (Scop.) og dens Levevis. Contributions to the life-history of Pria dulcamarsB (Scop.). K^benhavn Ent. Medd. 12 1918-19 (128-136). [Coho- ptera.] 1220 Normand, H. Nouveaux CoUopteres de la faune tunisienne (lie. note). Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (221-225). 1221 Notman, H. Coleoptera collected at Cochrane, northern Ontario, August 22-30, 1918, with description of six new species. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (92-102). 1222 Notman, H. Records and now species of Carabidao. J. New York ont. Soc. 27 1919 (225-237). [Coleoptera.] 1223 Notman, H. Notes and new species of Bemhidium. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (292-297). [Coleoptera.] 1224 Nuttall, G. H. F. The biology of Pediculus humanus. Supplementary notes. Parasitology Cambridge 11 1919 (201-220) pi. X. [Ellipoptera.] 1225 Nuttall, G. H. F. The systematic position, synonymy and iconography of Pediculus humanus and Phthirius pubis. Parasitology Cambridge 11 1919 (329-346). [Ellipoptera.] 1220 Nuttall, G. H. F. vide Keilin and Nuttall. Obenberger, J. Buprestides nouveaux do la region palearctique. BuU. Soc. ent. France 1919 1919 (142-145). [Coleoptera.] 1227 Obenberger, J. Neuo Acmaeoderen {Coleoptera Buprostidac). Ent. Bliitt. Berlin 10 1914 (250-254). 1228 Obenberger, J. Neuo palaoarktische Anthaxiaavton. Ent. Blatter Berlin 10 1914 (254-257). [Coleoptera.] 1229 Obenberger, J. Ueber neuo oder wenig bekannte Sphenopteren {Coleo- ptera Buprestidae). Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (51-56). 1230 Obenberger, J. Einige neue palae- arktische Kaferarten. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (75-77). [Coleoptera.\ 1231 Titles. 58 tnaecta. xtl. Insecta. [1919] Obeuberger, J. None BuprosUdon. Ent. Blatter Beilin 13 1917 (85-91). [Coleo'ptera.] 1232 Obeuberger, J. None ChrysobothryS‘ arten {Coleoptera, Buprostidae). Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (123-126). 1233 Obenberger, J. None exotische Agrilusarten. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (178-183). [Coleoptera.] 1234 Obenberger, J. Neiie Cyphogastren {Coleoptera, Buprestidae). Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (253-256). 1235 Obenberger, J. Neuo Polybothrys- arten {Coleoptera, Buprestidae). Ent. Bitter Berlin 13 1917 (278-285). 1236 Obenberger, J. Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der palaearktischen Bu- prestiden. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (19-25). [Coleoptera.] 1237 Obenberger, J. Vier neue palao- arktisehe Coleopteren. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (58-61). 1238 Obenberger, J. None exotische Agrilini {Coleoptera). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (17-23). 1239 Obenberger, J. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Meliboeus Deyr. {Coleoptera- Buprestidae). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (208-213) 9 figs. 1240 Oberthur, C. La Symbiose des Four- mis et des chenilles de Lycaena. C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris 169 1919 (1119-1121). [Lepidoptera.] 1241 Oberthtir, C. Glassification des espfeces et variates de Syricthus do PEuropo occidentale et de I’Algerie. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1919 (128- 132). [Lepidoptera.] 1242 Oberthur, C. Description de deux osp^ces on formes nouvelles de L6pido- pthuis provunant do Yunnan. Bull. Boo. out. Franco 1919 1919 (173--175). 1243 Oberthur, C. Description d’une nouvollo forme de noctuello fran9aise, Agrotis graslini Ramb. var. gouini. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco Paris 1919 (316- 319). [Lepidoptera.] 1244 Oberthur, 0. Description d’une nouvelle forme de Saturnide provenant de I’Afrique occidentale fraii9aise. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 (336). [Lepidoptera.] 1245 O’Donoghue, 0. H. Recent advances in Soionco-Zoology. Sci. Progr. 14 1919 (52-59). 1246 Olsen, C. E. Idiocerus cognaius Fiebor, established in North America. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (126- 128) pi. xvi. [Homoptera.] 1247 O’Neil, J. A. Notes on some Rho- desian Moths of the family Sahirniidae. Ann. Durb. Mus. Durban 2 1919 (149- 168) pi. xxiv. [Lepidoptera.] 1248 O’Neil, J. The Acraeas of Southern Rhodesia. Proc. Rhodesia Sci. Ass. 17 1918-19 (25-64) figs. 1-9. [Lepido- ptera.] 1249 Onslow, H. The inheritance of wing colour in Lepidoptera. i. Abraxas grossulariata var. lutea (Cockerell). Journ. Genetics Cambridge 8 1919 (209-258) pis. ix and x. 1250 Onslow, H. Inheritance of wing colour in Lepidoptera. ii. Melanism in Tephrosia consonaria (var. nigra Bankes). Journ. Genetics Cambridge 9 1919 (53-60) pi. ii. 1251 Onslow, H. The colour of the scales of iridescent insects in transmitted light. Nature London 103 1919 (84). 1252 Onslow, H. Wild birds and dis- tasteful insect larvae. Nature London 103 1919 (464). [Lepidoptera.] 1253 Orchymont, A. d’. Contribution ^ I’etude des sous-familles des Sphaeri- diinae et des Hydrophilinae. Ann. Soc. ent. Franco Paris 88 1919 (105-168). [Coleoptera.] 1254 Orchymont, A. d’. Notes comple- mentairos pour la classification et la phylogenie des Palpicornia. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 6 1919 (163-168). [Coleoptera.] 1255 Orchymont, A. d’. Materiaux pour servir h> l’6tudo do la fauiio ontomo- logiquo do I’lndo-Clunc. Ann. Sou. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 59 1919 (70- 83). [Coleoptera.] 1256 Orchymont, A. d’. Les premiers 6tats d'Hydraena. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 59 1919 (84 and 85). [Coleoptera.] 1257 Orchymont, A. d’. Les genres Enochroides Kuw., Neohydrobius Blackb. et Hygrotrophus W. McLoay. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (226-230). [Coleoptera.] 1258 59 Inaectd, l^iTLftg. 3600 Ormiston, W. Notoa on Coyloii butto-r- flics. Spolia zoylan. Colombo 11 1918 (1-09) part 2 1919 (120-188) pis. ii-viii. [Lepidoptera.] 1259 Osborn, H. T. [and others]. Resolu- tions on the death of Dr. S. W. AVilliston. Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. Columbus 12 1919 (50) portrait. 1260 Osborn, H. vide Heidomann and Osborn. Oshima, M. Formosan termites and methods of preventing their damage. Philippine J. Sci. Manila 15 1919 (319- 383) 13 f)ls. -}- 5 figs. [Isoptera.] 1261 Ottolengui, R. Notes on the Plusii- nae, with descriptions of new species and races. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (117-125) pi. XV. ILepidoptera.] 1262 Oudemans, J. T. Pristiphora ftmsla Iltg. Eene nieuwo bladwosp voor do Noderlandscho fauna. Ber. Nedorl. ent. Vor. 5 1919 (155-158). [Jiynleno- plcra.] 1263 Oudemans, J. T. Twee morkwaardigo vlindorcocons afkomstig uit het insec- tarium van “ Natura Artis Magistra.” [Zwei merkwurdigo Schmotterlings- cocons aus dem Insektarium von “ Natura Artis Magistra.] Amsterdam Bydr. Dierk 21 1919 (109-112) 8 figs. 1264 Oudemans, J. T. Hoeveel oicren Icggon vlinders. [Wieviel Eier logon Schmetterlinge ?] ’s Gravonhago Bor. Ned. Ent. Vor. 5 1919 (131-133). [Jjepidoptera.^ 1265 Oudemans, J. T. Rupscnbescliry- vingen iii and iv. ’s Gravenhage Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 1919 (133-135 149- 151). [Lepidoptera.^ 1266 Oudemans, J. T. Vlindereiercn op abnormalo plaatsen afgezet. [Schmetter- lingsoicr an abnormalcn Stellon gelogt.] ’s Gravenhage Ber. Nod. Ent. 5 1919 (135-136). [Lepidoptera.} 1267 Oudemans, J. T. De poji van Pararge megaera [Dio Puppe von Pararge megaera.] ’s Gravenhage Bor. Nod. Ent. Vor. 5 1919 (151-152). [Lepidoptera.] 1268 Oudemans, J. T. Overwintering van Maerothylacia {Bomhyx) rubi L. ’s Gravenhage Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 1919 (1G6-1G7). [Lepidoptera.] 1270 Oudemans, J. T. Do pop van Pararge megaera. ’s Gravenhage Bor. Ned. Ent. Vor. 5 1919 (167-168). [Lepidoptera.] ' 1271 Oudemans, J. T. Lopliyrus nemorum F. Ber. Noderl. ent. Ver. ’s Gravenhage 5 1919 (169-172). [Hymenoptera.] 1272 Oudemans, J. T. Mededeeling over popkleur by Pararge megaera. ’s Graven- hago Tydschr. Ent. 62 1919 (xv-xvi). [Lepidoptera.] 1273 Paillot, A. Coccobacilles parasites des chenilles de Pieris hrassicae. C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris 168 1919 (476-478). [Lejndoptera.] 1274 Paillot, A. Cytologie du sang des chenilles de Maerolepidopteres. C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris 169 1919 (202-204). [Lepidoptera.] 1275 Paillot, A. La pseudogras.serio, maladio nouvelle des chenilles do Lymantria dispar. C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris 168 1919 (258-2G0). [Lepidoptera.] 1276 Paillot, A. La karyokyn6toso, nouvollo reaction d’immunit6 naturelle observeo chez les chenilles de MacroUpidopteres. C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris 169 1919 (396-398). 1277 Paillot, A. La karyokinetose ; faits nouveaux et considerations generales. C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris 169 1919 (740-742). [Lepidoptera.] 1278 Paillot, A. L’immunit6 naturelle chez les Insectes. Etude d’un cas d’immunite humorale. C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris 169 1919 (1122-1124). 1279 Paiva, C. A. Notes on the Indian glow-worm Lamprophorris tenebrosus (Wlk.). Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (19-28) pi. [Coleoptera.] 1280 Paiva, C. A. Aquatic and semi- aquatic Rhynchota from the Satara and Poona districts. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (152-156) pi. [Hetero- ptera.] 1281 Paiva, C. A. Rhynchota from the Garo hills, Assam. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919 (349-377) 3 pis. [lleteroplera.] 1282 Pantel, J. Le calcium dans la physiologic normale des Phasmides ; oeuf et larve eclosante. C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris 168 1919 (127-129). [Orthopiera.] 1283 60 Inaecta, XII. Insecta. [1919] Pautel, J. Lo calcium, formo do r^sorvo dana la fomollo dos Phasmidos ; SOS foimos d’61imination dans los deux sexes. C. 11. Ac. Sci. Paris 168 1919 (242-244). [Orthoptera.] 1284 Pantel, J. Role du calcium dans la mineralisation du noyau des cellules excr6trices chez les Phasmides. C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris 168 1919 (318-320). [Orthoptera.] 1285 Pantel, J. et Sinety, R. do. Sur lo nombre des Stades postembryonnaires chez les Phasmides, leur fusion et leur dedoublement. Tijdschr. Ent. ’s- Gravonhage 62 1919 (1-29). [Ortho- ptera.] 1286 Parker, R. R. New flies of the genus Sarcophaga from Guam and the Philip- pines. Proc. U.S. nat. Mus. Washington 54 1919 No. 2227 (89-97). [Diptera.] 1287 Parker, R. R. . North-american Sarcophagidae flies of genua Metopo- aarcophaga Townsend. Canad. Entom. London Can, 51 1910 (164-157). [Diptera.] 1288 Parker, R. R. North-american Sarcophagidae : new species of the genua Sarcofahrtia R. Parker. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (281-283). [Diptera.] 1289 Parker, R. R. Another new species of Sarcophaga from Niagara falls. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (265-267). [Diptera.] 1290 Parks, H. B. vide Hollinger and Parks. Parrot, L. Sur un nouveau Phle- botome alg6rien {Phlehotomus sergenti, n, sp.). Paris Bui. soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (564-567) av. figs. [Diptera.] 1291 Parshley, H. M. On the preparation of Hemiptera for tho cabinet. Ent, News Philadelphia 80 1019 (223-227). 1292 Parsons, A. C. and Brook, G. R, Tho mosquito problem in Britain : suggestions for a winter campaign against the important mosquitoes, with notes on insecticides. J. R. A. M. Corps 32 1919 (1-23). '[Diptera.] 1293 Pause, J. Beitrage zur Biologie und Physiologic der Larve von Chironomus gregariua. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. Allgem. 36 1918 (339-452) pis. vii-viii 22 textfigs. [Diptera.] 1294 Pead, C. 11. Some observations on tho pupating habits of a Noctuid moth {Cucullia palliaslria). Proc. Rhodesia Sci. Ass. 10 1910 (105-109). [Lepidoptera.] 1295 Pead, C. H.. Some Rhodesian Cicadidae and observations on Economic Entomology. Pi-oc. Rhodesia Sci. Ass. 10 1910 (20-38). [Uomoptera.] 1296 Peju, G. Culicides dans les Ardennes (avec presentation d’uno carte des foyers d' Anopheles). C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (1267-1269). [Diptera.] 1297 Perkins, R. C. L. A new species of otiorrhynchino beetle of the genus Rhyncogonus Sharp from Laysan island. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (4). [Coleoptera.] 1298 Perkins, R. C. L. Additions to E. Saunders’s catalogue of british Hymeno- ptera (aculeata), 1902, and changes in nomenclature. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (8-12). 1299 Perkins, R. C. ,L. Tho british species of Andrena and Nomada. Trans. On- tom. Soc. London 1919 1919 (218-317) pis. xi-xv. [Hymenoptera.] 1300 Perkins, R. C, L. Giantism in male bees. Proc. ent. Soc. London 1918 1919 (Ixviii-lxx). [Hymenoptera.] 1301 Perkins, R. C. L. Tho pairing of Sty lops and assembling of tho males. Proc. ent. Soc. London 1918 1919 (Ixx-lxxv). [Strepsiptera.] 1302 Perrier, E. et Bouvier, E. L. Discours prononces aux obsOques de M. J. Kiinckol d’Herculais. Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 1919(11-16). 1303 Peschet, R. Description d’un Dytiscidao nouveau do rAm6riquo du Slid. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 (145). [Coleoptera.] 1304 Peschet, R. Listo do CoUopteres recueillis k Paris. ler supplement. Bull. Soc. ent. Prance Paris 1919 1919 (212-214). 1305 Petch, T. Note on tho emergence of winged termites. Spolia zeylanica. Colombo 10 No. 39 1917 (395-397). [Isoptera.] 1306 Pettey, F. W. Insect enemies of tho Codling Moth in South Africa and their relation to its control. S. Afric. J. Sci. 16 1919 (239-257) pis. 19-20. 1307 61 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Peyerimhoff, F. do. Notos sur la biologio de quolquos CoUoptbres phyto- phagoa du Nord-africain (troisi^mo scrio). Ann. Soc. cnt. Franco Paris 88 1919 (1C9-258). 1308 Peyerimhoff, P. do. Nouvoanx Coleopteres dn Nord-africain. Trento ct unicmo note : recoltes do M. R. de Bordo a Bono et dans lo massif do I’Edough. Bull. Soci ont. France Paris 1919 1919 (71-75). 1309 Peyerimhoff, P. do. Un nouvoau ty[)o d’insoctos Slrepsipthrcs. Bull. Soc. ont. Franco 1919 1919 (162-173) pi. i. 1310 Peyerimhoff, P. do. Nouvoanx Colcopthes du Nord-africain. Tronte douxifcmo note : fauno saharienno. Bull. Soc. ont. Franco Paris 1919 1920 (325-328). 1311 Peyerimhoff, P. do. Los Oxypoda fran9ais du groupo du soror Thoms. {Siaphylinidae). Description do doux ospeces nouvolles. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco Paris 1919 1920 (332 and 333). [Coleoptcra.] 1312 Pfeiffer, L. Fine noch nicht beschrie* bono Form von Castnia eudesmia Gray. Castnia eudesmia omissa subsp. nov. Ent. Zs. Frankfurt a. M. 29 1915 (5-6) figs. {Lepidoptera.^ 1313 Phillips, W. J. and Emery, W. T. A revision of tho chalcid-ilios of tho genus Ilarmolita of America north of Mexico. Proc. U.S. nat. Mus. Washing- ton No. 2281 55 1919 (433-471) pis. xxxix-xlviii. [Hyinenopiera.] 1314 Philpott, A. Descriptions of now spocios of Lepidoptera. Trans. N. Zealand Inst. Wellington 51 1919 (224 and 225). 1315 Pic, M. Melanges exotico-entomolo- giqnos. Fascc. 30 31 Moulins 1919 (24 -f 24). {Coleoptcra.] 1316 Pic, M. Deux cspecos nouvolles du genre Camaria Gorra. du Brasil. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1919 (117 and 118). {Coleoplera.] 1317 Pic, M. Note sur lo genre Astylus Cast, ot description do deux espcces nouvolles. Bull. Soc. ont. France Paris 1919 1919 (188 and 189). [Goleoptera.] 1318 Pic, M. Notes divorses, descrip- tions ot diagnoses. Echange Lyon 35 1919 (1 and 2 5 and 6 9-11 13 and 14 17-20 21-23). [Coleoplera.] 1319 Pic, M. Coleopteres exotiques on partio nouvoanx. Echange Lyon 35 1919 (2, 7 and 8, 12, 24). 1320 Pic, M. Etude d6taill6 do divers insectes. Echange Lyon 35 1919 hors texte 1-20). [Coleoplera.] 1321 Pic, M. Contribution k I’etude du genre Astylus Cast. Echange Lyon 35 1919 (hors texto 1-4). [Coleoplera.] 1322 Pic, M. Uno chasso aux Ichnou- monidos. Echango Lyon 35 1919 (6 and 7). [Hymenoptcra.] 1323 Picard, F. Lo Cleonus meixdicus ot le Lixus scabricollisy Curculionidos nuisibles ^ la betteravo. Ann. epi- phyties Paris 2 1915 (321-340) av. fig. [Coleoplera.] 1324 Picard, F. Sur un ichnoumonido {Sycophrurus hesperophanis (n.g. ct sp.) parasite do V lies per ophanes griseus F. dans Ics branches de figuior. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (77- 80). [Hy^nenopiera.] 1325 Picard, F. Sur deux Cccidom5nos du midi de la Franco. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (207 and 208). [Diplera.] 1326 Picard, F. Description d’un Cynipido aphidiphage nouveau {Alloxysta kiefferi n. sp.), parasite du pucoron do la bottom. VO. Bull. Soo. ont. Franco Paris 1919 1919 (238-240). [llymeno^ ptcra.] . 1327 Picard, F. vide Lichtenstein and Picard. Pickering, S. vide Bedford and Pickering. Pictet, A. Roehorchos oxp6rimontales sur la resistance au froid otla longevite des Lepidopteres a I’etat adulte. Geneve Bull. Soc. Lepidopt. 2 1910-13 1913 (206-212). 1328 Pictet, A. Reactions des Insectes vis-^-vis de la lumi^re artificiclle. C.R. Geneve Bull. Soc. Lepidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (46-47). 1329 Pictet, A. Reactions des Lisectes vis-ii-vis des facteurs de I’ambianco (Introduction). C.R. Gonfevo Bull. Soc. Lepidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (43) 1330 Pictet, A. Reactions des Insectes vis-a-vis de la lumi^re solaire. C.R. Gen6vc Bull. Soc. Lepidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (44-45). 1331 62 Inaecta, XII. Insecta. [1919] Pictet, A. Influence do la pression barom6trique sur I’eclosion des papillons. C.R. Geneve Bull. Soc. L6pidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (48-49), [Lepido'ptera.'] 1332 Pictet, A, Reactions dos Insoctos via-^i-vis do la tomp6raturo. C.R. Gon6vo Bull. Soo. L6pidopt 8 1914-17 1917 (57-58). 1333 Pictet, A. Observations biologiques sur lo developpomont do Mamestra hrassicae L. Geneve Bull. Soo. L^pidopt. 3. 1914-17 1917 (85-102). [Lepidoplera.] 1334 Pictet, A. Los reactions des insoctos vis-^-vis do la lumi^jro. Bull. Inst. Gonovois 42 Gon^ve 1917 (107-129) 1335 Pierce, W. D. Contributions to our knowledge of the weevils of the super- family Curculionoidea. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (21-36). [Goleo- ptera.] 1336 Pierce, W. B. Some new phases of the entomology of disease brought about by the groat war. J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (42-48). 1337 ' Pierce, W. B. vide Hutchison and Pierce. Pierre, C. Dipthrea onvoy<5s au Mus6um de Paris par I’arm^o d’Oriont ; Nomatocera polynoura. Bull. Mus. Paris 25 1919 (612-619). 1338 Pierre, C. Nervulations anormales do quolquos Dipthres tipuliformes (2o note). Bull. Soc. ent. Franco Paris 1919 (75 and 76). 1339 Pierre, C. Bescriptions de deux PaxJiyrhina nouveaux de France. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (284- 286). [Diptera.'] 1340 Pillai, R. M. An attack of Nephantis serinopa on coconut palm in Travan- coro. Agric. J. Ind. Calcutta 14 1919 (668-669) 2 pis. [Lepidoptera.] 1341 Pittaluga, A. and de Buen, S. Espfeces espanolas del genero Phlebotomus (Ins. Diptera). Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat, Madrid 18 1918 (377-385) 2 pis. and 8 figs. 1342 Platt, 0. E. The prevalence of Phormia azurea Fallon (larva parasitio on nestling birds) in the Puget Sound and data Qp undoscribed flics of similar habit. (Together with descrip- tions of the two new flies by C. H. T. Townsend and J. M. Aldrich). Ann. Amor. Ent. Soc. Columbus 12 1919 (373-381). [Diptera.] 1343 Platt, 0. E. Parasitism of nestling birds by fly larvae. Condor Hollywood 21 1919 (30-38). [Diptera.] 1344 Plough, H. H. Linear arrangement of genes and double crossing over. Pi‘. Ac. Sci. Washington 5 1919 (167- 168). [Diptera.] 1345 Poirson, H. Un cas do pscudo- parasitismo intestinal par larvos do Charan9on. Paris Bull. soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (385). [Coleoptera.] 1346 Pongrdez, A. Boitriige zur Pscudo- nouropteren- und Nouropterenfauna Polens. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 17 1919 (161-177). 1347 Poppius, B. Ucbersicht dor Pilo- phonis- Avion nebst Boschroibungen vor- wandten Gattungon. Ann.’ Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 58 1914 (237-254). [II eteroptera.] 1348 Poppius, B. Einige none Miriden- Gattungen und Arten aus Nord- Amorika und Cuba. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 58 1914 (255-261). [H eteroptera.] 1349 Poppius, B. Zur Konntnis dor indo-australischon Lygua-Avion. Ann. Mus. hlungar. Budapest 12 1914 (337- 398). [H eteroptera.] 1350 Poppius, B. H. Sauter’s Formosa- Ausbouto : Nabidae, Anthocoridae, Tormatophylidao, Miridao, Isomoto- pidao und Ceratocombidao. Arch. Nat urges Berlin 80 A 8 1915 (1-80). [H eteroptera.] 1351 Poppius, B. Zur Kenntnis dor indo- australischen Capsaricn. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 13 1915 (1-89). [H eteroptera.] 1352 Poppius, B. Lepidoptera aus dem Sarekgebirge. Mit einem Nachtrag von Yngve Sjostedt. Naturw. Unters. des Sarekgebirges gel. von Axel Ham- berg 4 Lfg 7 Stockholm 1919 (763-778). 1353 Porter, A. How insects have affected human progress. S. Afrie. Geogr. Journ, 2 1919 Johannesburg (30-45). ' 1354 63 Insectn. Titles. 3500 Portevin, G. Silphides ot Liodidos nouvoaux. Ann. Soc. ont. Bolgiquo BrnxolloB 58 1914 (100-108). [Coho- ptcra.] 1856 Portevin, G. Revision du genre E stadia Fairm. Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- gique Bruxelles 58 1914 (199-201). {GoUoj)tera.^ 1356 Portevin, G. Revision des Silphides, Liodides ot Clarabidos du Japon. Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 58 1914 (212-236). [Goleovtera.-] 1357 Portier, P. Developpement complet des larves de Tenebrio molitor, obtenu au moyon d’uno nourriture sterilisee a haute temperature (130°). C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (59 and 60). [Coleoptera.] 1358 Pouillaude, I. Lcs Cetonides mal- gachos (suite). Insocta Rennes 8 1919 (5-157) pis. ix-xii. [Coleoptera.] 1359 Pouillaude,!. Les Cetonides malgaches (suite). Insecta Rennes 9 1919 (5-46 57-93 97-144 145-184). [Coleoptera.] 1360 Pouillaude, I. Entomologie retro- spective. Mulsant (Etienne). Insecta Rennes 8 1919 (185-187) portrait. 1361 Pouillaude, I. Perris (Jean-Piorro- Omer-Anne-Edouard). Insocta Rennes 9 1919 (47 and 48). 1362 Poulton, E. B. New mimetic female forms of Charaxes ethalion Boisd. and etheocles Cr. and bred male-like females of the latter. Proc. ent. Soc. London 1918 1919 (Ixxix-lxxxiv). [Lepidoptera.] 1363 Poulton, E. B. and Carpenter, G. D. H. Captain G. D. H. Carpenter’s further notes on ex-German East Africa, almost exclusively east of Lake Tan- ganyika. Proc. ont. Soc. London 1918 1919 (Ixxxviii-cli). 1884- Poutiers, R. Note sur Prospaltella herlesei How. (Chalcididae) parasite de Diaspis pentagona Targ. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1920 (334). [Hymenoptera.] 1365 Prell, H. Beitrage zur Kenntnis dor Dynastinen. viii. Ueber das Genus Eophileurus Arrow. M6m. ent. Soc. Belgique Bruxelles 22 1913 (103-124) pis. i and ii. [Coleoptera.] 1366 Prell, H. Uber die Beziehungen zwischon primaron und sekiindaron Sexualcharakteren bei Schmottorlingen. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. Allgem. 35 1915 (183-224 593-602) pi. vi and xix 3 toxtflgs. [Lepidoptera.] 1867 Prell, H. Monschenschildol als Bion- enwohnung [Hymenoptera). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (157-162) 1 pi. and 4 figs. 1368 Priesner, H. Zur Entwicklungs- goschichte der Turbanaugon von Cloeon dipterum, L. Zo’ol. Jahrb. Jena Abt. Anat. 39 1916 (485-514) pi. xxviii toxtflgs. [Ephemeroptera.] 1369 Prout, L. B. New and insufRcicntly- known moths in the Joicey collection, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 3 1919 (165-190). [Lepidoptera.] 1370 Prout, L. B. New species and forms in the Joicey collection. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 4 1919 (277-282). [Lepidoptera.] 1371 Przibram, H. Fangboino als Regene- rate (zugleich : Aufzucht der Gottesan- botorinnon, ix. Mittoilung, und Homo- oosis boi Arthropodon, iv. Mittoilung). Arch. Entivicklungsmoch. [Berlin] 45 1919 (39-51) pi. i-iii. [Orthoptera.] 1372 Przibram, H. Regeneration beim Haiitfluglcr Cimhex axillaris Panz, (zugleich ; Homoeosis boi Arthro- podon, vi. Mittoilung). Arch. Entwick- lungsmech. Berlin 45 1919 (69-82) pi. v. [Hymenoptera.] 1373 Przibram, H. Fussglieder an Kaferfuhlorn (zugleich : Homoeosis bei Arthropodon, v. Mittoilung). Arch. Entwicklungsmech. Berlin 45 1919. (52-68) pi. iv. [Coleoptera.] 1374 Quaintance, A. L. The San Jose scale and its control. Farmer’s Bull. U.S. dep. Agile. Washington 650 1919 (28 pp.). [Homoptera.] 1375 Rabaudi, E. Observations ot ex- periences sur Ammopliila heydeni Hhlb. Bull. soc. zool. France Paris 44 1919 (52-63). [Hymenoptera.] 1376 Rapp, O. Einige ontomologischo Schrifton die in Hagens “ Bibliotheca entomologica ” fohlon. Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (218 and 219). 1377 Rasetti, F. Pselafidi e Scidmonidi raccolti n^llo provincie di Pisa o di Lucca. Bull. Soc. ent. ital. Firenze 50 1919 (28-35). [Coleoptera.] 1378 f)4 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Robel, H. Lepidopteren. Wissen- schaftliche Ergebnisse der Expedition R. Grauer nach Zontralafrika. Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914 (219-294) pis. xvii-xxiv. 1379 Recroix, H. Contribution k la faune do la Haute-Saone. Vesoul Bull. soc. sci. arts 1914-1916 (125-138). [Di- ptera.] 1380 Rehfous, M. Nouvelles observations , sur la ponto des Hesperides. C.R. Geneve Bull. Soc. Lepidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (15). [Lepidoplera.] 1380a Rehfous, M. Contribution k r6tiido dos Lyc6nidcs. Eraginonts biologiquos. Gon^ve Bull. Soc. L6pidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (209-226). [Lepidoplera.] 1381 Rebn,, J. A. G. Descriptions of new and critical notes upon previously known forms of North-american Oedi- podinao {Orthoptera : Acrididac). First paper. Tr. amer. ont. Soc. Phila- delphia 45 1919 (229-255) pis. xxvi- xxviii. 1382 Rehn, J. A. G. A study of the Orthopterous genus Mermiria Stab Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 71 1919 (55- 120) pis. v-vii. 1383 Rehn, J. A. G. and Hebard, M. A new species of grasshopper of the genus Chloealtis (Acridinae) from the pacific coast. Tr. amer. ont. Soc. Phila- delphia 45 1919 (81-87). [Orthoptera.] 1384 Reinhard, H. J. Preliminary notes on Texas Taohinidao. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (279-285). [Di- ptera.] 1385 Reisinger, L. Ueber das Totstollon der Kafer. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (43-51). [Goleoptera.] 1386 Reitter, E. Droi none Chilodrosus- Arten von Aleppo. Col. Rundschau 1913 (189 and 190). [Goleoptera.] 1387 Reitter, E. Ueber die Arten der Goleopterengaitung Gnathosia Pisch. {Gapnisa Lac.) mit ganz gerandeter Basis der Flugeldecken. Coleopt. Rundschau 1915 (60-62). 1388 Reitter, E. Drei neue Goleopteren- Arten aus der Gattung Anommatus Wesmael. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (40-42). [Goleoptera^ 1389 Reitter, E. Zwei neue palaarktische Kaferarten. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (42 and 43). [Goleopterai] 1390 Reitter, E. Dichotomischo Uebor- sicht dor Tenobrionidon-Gattung Scy- this Schaum. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (66-72). [Goleoptera.] 1391 Reitter, E. None Arten aus der Teuebrioniden-Gattung Microdera Esch- sch. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (92- 95). [Goleoptera.] 1392 Reitter, E. Funf neue Goleopteren der paliiarktischen Fauna. Ent. Bliittor Berlin 11 1915 (159-162). 1393 Reitter, E. Zwei neue Goleopteren- Gattungen der Curculionidao. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (115-118). [Goleoptera.] 1394 Reitter, E. Drei neue Anthonomus- Arton. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (118-120). [Goleoptera.] 1395 Reitter, E. Ein ncues Gephennium aus Kroatien. Coleopt. Rundschau 1916 No. 476 (1 p.). [Goleoptera.] 1396 Reitter, E. Ueber contralasiatischo Thylacites-Arton. Coleopt. Rund- schau 1916 (41-44). [Goleoptera.] 1397 Reitter, E. Ein neuer Otiorrhynchus aus Ostturkestan. Coleopt. Rundsch. 1916 (61). [Goleoptera.] 1398 Reitter, E. Ein neues Piilinus vom Ural. Coleopt. Rundschau 1916 (87) [Goleoptera.] 1399 Reitter, E. Eino untor Ludwig Millers Loitung ausgefuhrte Goleoptera- logische Roise in die ostgalizischen Karpathen. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (127-134). 1400 Reitter, E. Einige neue Goleopteren aus Albanien. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (42-44). 1401 Reitter, E. Beitrag zur Kenntnis dor GoleopterengdAiang Bergrothia und Amaurops. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (201 and 202). [Goleoptera.] 1402 Reitter, E. Bestimmungstabelle der Brachyninae {Goleoptera Carabidae) aus Europa und den angrenzenden Landern. Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (129-146). 1403 Reitter, E. Ueber die Pleurula der adephagen Goleopteren. Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (219 and 220), 1404 65 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Rengel, C. Ein Zwitter von Odynerus callosus Thoms. S.B. Ges. naturf. Er. Boiliu 1917 1917 (00-102). [Jlymmo- plcra.] 1405 Reverdin, J. L. Notes sur le genre Hesperia. Genfeve Bull. Soc. Lepidopt. 2 1910-13 (141-172) pis. 16-19. {Lepidoptera.'] 1406 Reverdin, J. L. Be la variation dans le genre 11 esperia, des races et des aberrations. C.R. Geneve Bull. Soc. Lepidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (33-34). [Lepidoptera.] 1408 Reverdin, J. L. Melanargia galathea. Premi^jre partie : quelques-unes de ses races. C.R. Geneve Bull. Soc. Lepidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (68-59). [Lepidoptera.] 1409 R[everdin], J. L. Charles Blachier. Gon6ve Bull. Soc. Lepidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (110-122) portrait. 1410 Reverdin, J. L. Lycaena alexis Poda [—cyllarus Rott). Aberrations prises i). Banmarooho. Gen6vo Bull. Soo. L6pidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (180-103) pi. 9. [Lepidoptera.'] 1411 Reverdin, J. L. Note sur Erynnis comma L., ses vari6t6s ot ses aberrations. Geneve Bull. Soc. L6pidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (193-209) pi. 9. [Lepidoptera.] 1412 Reyne, A. Eenige opmerkingcn over de bestryding van insccten, schadelyk voor LiWiakoffie. [Einige Bemer- kungen iiber die Bekampfung von Insekten, schadlich fiir LiberiakafEee]. Paramaribo Bull. Landb. West-Indie No. 37 1919 (1-18). 1413 Ricardo, G. Notes on the Asilidae : sub-division Asilinao. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 3 1919(44-79). [Diptera:] 1414 Rich, S. G. Physiology of respiration in some aquatic insects. S. Afric. J. Sci. 16 1919 (225-228). 1415 Rich, S. G. Some features of the South African Odonata as a Fauna. S. Afric. Journ. Sci. Capo Town 15 (588-589). [Paraneuroptera.] 1416 Rich, S. G. Are the Orthoptera and ’Neuroptera actual Orders or Conglomerations. S. Afric. Journ. Sci. 15 Capo Town (618-620). 1417 (N-I3799j)Q Richter, F. Eine Nachschrift zu 0. Taschenborg, “ Eine Antwort auf die paradoxo P'rago : Kann Forficula auricularia fliogon ? ” {Derm.). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (37 38). [Ortho- ptera.] 1418 Ricdme, H. Une plante dangereuso pour los insectes qui en assurent la pollinisation. C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (1046-1047). 1419 Riedel, M. P. Neue und wenig bekannte Limnobiidon aus dem un- garischen National-museum. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 12 1914 (146- 152). [Diptera.] 1420 Riedel, M. P. Elephantomyia west- woodi Osten-Sackon aus Ungarn. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 16 1918 (137- 139). [Diptera.] > 1421 Riedel, M. P. H. Sautor’s Formosa- Ausbouto : Liriopidao (Ptychoptoridao) und Nomatocora polyneura. Dipteraiv. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 16 1918 (315-320). 1422 Riel, P. vide Gautier and Riel. Riley, N. B. Some new Rhopalocera from Brazil collected by E. H. W. Wickham, Esq. Entomologist London 52 1919 (181-186 200-202). [Lepido- ptera.] 1423 Ringdahl, 0. Oversigt av de Svenska Hydrophorus arterna. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (12-17). [Diptera.] 1424 Ris, F. Neucr Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Odonaten-fauna der Neu-Guinca Region. Nova Guinea. Resultats d6 Pexpedition sciontifique neerlandaise a la Nouvelle-Guinee 13 Livr. 2 1919 (Leiden E. J. Brill) (81-131) 30 Text- figs 32 cm. [Paraiieuroptera.] 1425 Ris, F. Neue Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Odonatenfauna von Argentina. M6m. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 22 1913 (55-93). [Paraneuroptera.] 1426 Ris, F. Libellulinen 9. Coll Selys Longchamps 16 2 Bruxelles 1919 (1043- 1278). [Paraneuroptera.] 1427 Ritchie, W. The structure, bio- nomics and forest importance of Cryphalus abietis Ratz. Ann. appl. Biol. Cambridge 5 1919 (171 199), 1428 C 9 66 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919J Roberts, A. W. R. On the life- history of “ wireworms ” of the genus Agriotes Esch., with some notes on that of Aihous haemorrhoidalis, P. Ann. appl. Biol. Cambridge 6 1919 (116-134) pi. iv. [Coleo'ptera.] 1429 Robertson, C. Erroneous generic determinations of bees. Science New York 49 1919 (422). [Hymenoptera.'] 1430 Rocci, U. Osservazioni sui LepidoUeri di Liguria. Note oomparativo (Papili- onidae, Pieridae la partie). Atti Soo. ligust. Genova 80 1919 (3-34) pi. 1431 Rocci, U. Ricorch© sullo forme del gen. Zygaena Pabr. Atti Soc. ligust. Genova 30 1919 (61^-82) pi. iv. [Lepido- ptera.} 1432 Roch. Chasses dans I’ltalie m^ridionale, en Sicile et en Tunisie. [C.R.] Geneve Bull. Soc. Lepidopt. 3 1914-17 1917 (14). 1433 Rodhain, J. La limite septentrionalo de Pair© d’extension de la Qloasina morsitana ontrd la Lualaba ot le lao Tanganyika. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 7 1919 (57-64). [Dipiera.] 1434 Rodhain, J. et Bequaert, J. Mat^riaux pour une etude monographique des Dipteres parasites de I’Afrique. Trois- i6me partie. Dipteres parasites de Peiephant et du rhinoceros. Bull. Sci. Prance Belgique Paris 62 1919 (379-464) pi. iii 1435 Rdber, J. Lepidoptcra Rhopalocora. Nova Guinea 13 Livr. 1 Leide 1915 (43-50). 1436 Roepke, W. Zwei neue javanische Embiiden : Oligotoma maerens und 0. nana m. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte der Embiiden. Buiten- zorg Treubia 1 1919 (5-22) Taf. 15 figs. [Embioplera.] 1437 Roepke, W. Thamnurgides myris- ticae, eine neue javanische Ipide (Ooleoptera : scolytoidea) aus Muskat- Niissen. Treubea Batavia 1 1919(23-29) 7 figs. 1438 Roepke, W. Leucospis littoralis n. sp. eine neue javanische Leucospide {Hym. chalc.). Buitenzorg Treubia 1 1919 (30-33) 3 figs. 1489 Roepke, W. Eon termitophile Tfochoideine van Java. Trochoideus iermitophilus n. sp. ? {Col, Endomy- chidao) [A termitophile Trochoideine of Java]. Buitenzorg Treubia 1 1919 (34-45) 12 figs. 1440 Roepke, W. Zur Lebensweise einiger sozialen Paltenwespen auf Java. Buitenzorg Treubia 1 1919 (46-50) 1 Taf. 1441 Roepke, W. Zur Lebensweise einiger sozialen Palten-wespen auf Java. b. Polistea javanicus Cam. Treubia Batavia 1 1919 (61-67) 2 pis. [Ilyineno- ptera.] 1442 Roepke, W. Some additional remarks concerning Mr. Girault’s des- criptions of new Javanese Chalcid- flies. Treubia Batavia 1 1919 (60). [Hymenoptera.] 1443 Roepke, W. Xyleborus destruens Bldfd. {Coleoptera Ipidae) schadlich fiir Djati (Tectona grandis). Treubia Batavia 1 1919 (68-72). 15 figs. 1444 Roepke, W. Hyalopeplus smarag' dinus n. sp.joine neue Thee-Capside aus Java {Rhynchota. Ilemiptera Heteropt.). Treubia Batavia 1 1919 (73-81) 5 figs. 1445 Roepke, W. Mitteilung fiber die javanischen Maulwurfsgrillen {Ortho- ptera : Oryllidae [Achetida^ subfam. Gryllotalpinen [Curtilinen]). Treubia . Batavia 1 1919 (90-97) 1 pi. and 1 fig. 1446 Roepke, W. Gegevens omtrent de kotfiobossen-boeboek. Stephanoderes JIampei Parr. = coffcae llgd.) [An- gaben fiber die Kalfeebceren-Boeboek {Stephanoderes hampei Perr.i = coffeae Hgd.)]. Buitenzorg. Meded Afd. Plantenziekten No. 38 1919 (1-32) 3 Taf. [Coleoptera.] 1447 Roepke, W. Het Orchideeenblauwtje {Chliaria dendrobii). [Das Orchideen- blaulein.] Teysmannia Batavia 30 1919 (115-121) 1 Taf. [Lepidoptera.] 1448 Roepke, W. Over de bloemknop- wanten van de thee, [tiber die Blumen- knospenwanze der Theepflanze,] Bui- tenz. Meded. Proefst. thee. No. 67 1919 (1-6) 5 figs. [Heteroptera.] 1449 Rohwer, S. A. Descriptions of four new parasitic Hymenoptera. Canad. Entom. London Can. 61 1919 (160-162). 1450 67 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Roliwer, S. A. Philippine wasp studios. Part 1, descriptions of new species. Bull. 14 cnt. sor. Exp. Station Hawaii. S. P. Ass. Honolulul9l9 (5-18). [Ilymcnoptcra.] 1451 Rohwer, S. A. Notes on and descrip- tions of sawflies belonging to the tonthredinid tribe Homichroini. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 20 1919 (161-173). [Hymenoptera.] 1452 Rohwer, S. A. Descriptions of three parasites of Agrilus angelicus. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (4-8). [7/?/- manoptera.] 1453 Rohwer, S. A. Description of a new cynipoid from Trinidad. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (156). \_Hy- menoptera.] 1454 Rohwer, S. A. Descriptions and notes on some Ichneumon-flies from Java. Proc. U.S. nat. Mus. Washing- ton 54 1919 No. 2249 (563-570). [Hymenoptera.] 1455 Rohwer, S. A. vide Cushman and Rohwer. Rohwer, S. A. and Fagan, Margaret M. Additions and corrections to “ The type-species of the genera of the Cynipoidea or the gall wasps and parasitic cynipoids.” Proc. U.S. nat Mus. Washington No. 2266 66 1919 (237-240). [Hymenoptera.] 1466 Roman, A. Fauna Facroonsis . . . V. Ichnoumonidon. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 39 1915 (87-94). [Hy7nenoptera.] 1457 Roman, A. Boitrage zur den schwed- ischen Ichneumones pentagon!. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 12 1919 No. 2 (1-32). [Hymenoptera.] 1458 Rosenfeld, W. SchlupfAvcspen und Borkonkafer. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 pp. 29-37 (9 textfig.). [Hymenoptera.] 1459 Ross, W. A. vide Caesar and Ross. Rostrup, S. Raevehalemyggens {Oligotrophus alopecuri) Optraeden i Danmark og Forsog mod Midler til dons Bckaempelsc. The distribution of the Foxtail Midge in Denmark and experi- ments in methods for its destruction. 133 report of the experimental station for plant culture. Kobonhavn. Tids. Plantoavl 26 1919 (38-51). [Dipiera.] 1460 Rothschild, the Lord. Supplementary notes to the review of Houlbert and Oborthur’s monograph of Castniinao by Talbot and Prout. Novit. zool. Tring 26 1919 (1-27). [Lepidoptera.] 1461 Rothschild, the Lord. List of typos of Tjepidoptera in the Tring museum, i. Sphingidae. Novit. zool. Tring 26 1919 (193-251). 1462 Rothschild, the Lord. Description of a now genus and two new species of Hotorocora. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 3 1919 (487 and 488). [Lepido- pier a.] 1463 Rothschild, Hon. N. C. Siphonaptcra. [in] Results of an expedition to Korinchi Peak, Sumatra-. J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. Singapore 8 pt. 3 1919 (1-6) 2 pis. [Aphaniptera.] 1464 Roubaud, E. Les inscctes ct la degen^rescence dans les Arachides du Senegal. Annuairo et Memoires du Comite d’etudes historiques et scienti- fiques de I’Afrique occidentalo. Goree 1916 (363-436 av. 2 pi.). 1465 Roubaud, E. A propos de la Com- munication de M. Mouchet “ Contribu- tion k I’etude des Myiases. Paris Bull, soc. path. exot. 10 1917 (472-474). [Diptera.] 1466 Roubaud, E. Histoiro d’un t'lovngo do Olossina morsitans k I’lnstitut Pas- teur de Paris. Paris Bull. soc. path, oxot. 10 1917 (629-640) av. fig. [Di- ptera.] 1467 Roubaud, E. Antagonisme du betail et de I’homme dans la nutrition san- guine do V Anopheles maculipennis. Le role antipaludiquo do betail domes- tiquo. C. R. Ac. Sci. Paris 169 1919 (483-486). [Diptera.] 1468 Roubaud, E. vide Bouot and Roubaud. Roubaud, E. ct Van Saceghem, R. Observations sur quclqucs Insectes et Acarions parasites do betail an Congo beige. Paris Bull. soc. path. exot. 9 1916 (763-769). 1469 Rowland-Browne, H. On the specific differences of Erebia ligea L., its arctic forms, and Erebia euryale Esp. En- tomologist London 52 1919 (25-28). [Lepidoptera.] 1470 (n-13799 j) Q C9— 2 68 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [I919] Rowland-Brown, H. Anthrocera achilleae Esper, in Scotland, notes on its distribution and variation. Entomo- logist London 52 1919 (217-225), [Le'pido'ptera.'] 1471 Rudow. Die Schmarotzer der Fliegen, Diptera (Schluss). Ent. Zs. Frankfurt a. M. 29 1915 (1-2). 1472 Rudow. Dio Sclimarotzer der wanzenartigen Insekten, Hemiptera, Homoptera, Rhynchota. Ent. Zs. Frankfurt a. M. 29 1915 (17-18 22-23). 1473 Rtibsaamen, E. H. Boitrag zur Konntnis aussorouropiUscher Gall- muckon, S.B. Gos. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915 1915 (431-482). [Diptera.] 1474 Rtibsaamen, E. H. Cecidomyiden- studien, iv. Revision der deutschen Oligotropliarien und Lasiopterarien nebst Beschreibung neuer Arten, S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915 1915 (485- 567). [Diptera.] 1475 Rtibsaamen, E. H. Cecidomyidon- studien. v. Revision der deutschen Asphondylarien. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916 1916 (1-12). [Diptera.] 1476 Rtibsaamen, E. H. Cecidomyiden- studien vi. S.B. Ges, naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 1917 (36-99). [Diptera. ] 1477 Saalas, U. Kaarnakuoriaisista ja niidon aiheuttamista vahingoista suo- men metsissa. Helsinki 1919 (viii -\~ 415) 13 pis. [Coleo2Uera.] 1478 Sack, P. Aus dom Tx)bon unseror einlioimischen Libellen. Bor. Senckenb. Ges. 45 1914 (110-125) 2 pis. [Para- neuroptei'a.] 1479 Sahlberg, J. Grefve Carl Gustaf Mannerheim stisom Entomolog. Finsko Tidskr. Helsingfors 87 1919 (76-100). 1480 Sahlberg, J. Vad iir Cryptopliagus brunneus Gyll ? Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (1-8). [Coleoptera.] 1481 Sampson, W. Notes on Platypodidae and Scolytidae collected by Mr. O. E. Bryant and others. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. London 4 1919 (105-114). [Coleo- ptera.] 1482 Sanders, G. E. and Dustan, A. G. The apple bud-moths and their control in Nova Scotia. Bull. Dep. Agiic. Canada Ent. 16 1919 (1-39). [Lepido- ptera.] 1483 Sanders, G. E. and Dustan, A. G. The fruit worms of the apple in Nova Scotia. Bull. Dep, Agi'ic. Canada Ent. 17 1919 (1-28). [Lepidoptera.] 1484 Santschi. Premiere serie de recherches sur I’orientation celeste des Fourmis. Alger. Bull. soc. hist, nat. 6 1915 (10-16). [Hymenoptera.] 1485 Santschi, F. Nouvelles Fourmis d’Algerie Tunisie et Syrie. Alger. Bull, soc. hist. nat. 6 1915 (54-63 av. fig.). [Hymenoptera.] 1486 Santschi, F. Nouveaux Formicidos de la republiquo Argentine. An. Soc. ' Argent. Buenos Aires 87 1919 (37-57). [Hymenoptera.] 1487 Santschi, F. > Fourmis nouvelles 6thiopiennes. Rev. zool. afric. Brux- elles 6 1919 (229-240). [Hymenoptera.] 1488 Santschi, F. Fourmis nouvelles du Congo. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 6 1919 (243-250). [Hymeno^Hera.] 1489 Santschi, F. Nouvelles fourmis du Congo beige du Musee du Congo beige, a Torvueren. Rev. zool, afric. Brux- elles 7 1919 (79-91). [Hymenoptera.] * 1490 Santschi, F. Nouveaux genre et sous -genre de fourmis barbaresques. Bull. soc. ent. France 1919 1919 (90-92). [Hymenoptera.] 1491 Santschi, F. Fourmis d’Espagne et des Canaries. Bol. Soc, Espah. Hist, Nat. Madrid 19 1919 (211-218) 2 ligs. [Hymenoptera.] 1492 Santschi, F. Trois nouvelles fourmis des Canaries. Bol. Soc. Espafi. Hist. Nat. Madrid 19 1919 (405-407) 2 figs. [Hymenoptera.] 1493 Sasscer, E. R. and Borden, A. D. The rose midge. Bull. U.S. dep. Agric. Washington 778 1919 (1-8). [Diptera.] 1494 Sattler, W. Lucas von Heyden. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (193-203) por- trait. 1495 Schaeffer, C. Sinonymical and other notes on some species of the family Chi’ysomelidae and descriptions of new species. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (307-340). [Coleoptera.] 1496 Schaeffer, C. Concerning Insects. Brooklyn Mus. Quart. 6 (2) 1919 (89- 102). 1497 69 Insect a. Titles. Schaus, W. A now Amastus from Argentina {Lepidoptera, Arctiidac). Ent. Nows Philadelphia 80 1910 (174). 1498 Scheldt, C. V. Boilrago znr schlosis- chon Kaforfanna. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (163-165). [Coleoptera.] 1499 Schindler, 0. Ein anormalos d* von Euclidia mi Cl. Ent. Zs. Frankfurt a. M. 28 1915 (116). [LepidoptcraJ] 1500 Schindler, 0. Fine interresante Beobachtung von Erehia medusa F. Ent. Zs. Frankfurt a. M. 28 1915 (116). {Lepidoptera.'\ 1501 Schleip, W. Uber die Frago nach der Betoiligung dcs Norvenaystems bcim Farbcnwcchsol von Dixippus. Zool. Jahrb. dona Abt. Allgcnv. 35 1915 (225-232). \prlhoplcra.\ 1502 Schmidt, E. Vcrgloichondo Mor- phologic dcs 2 und 3. Abdominal- sogments boi mannlichon Libcllon. Zool. Jahrb. Jona Abt. Anat. 39 1915 (87-200) pis. ix-xi toxtfigs. [Poran- curoptcra.] 1503 Schmidt, E. Uobor das Schwimmon dor Libollonlarvcn (Ordnung Odonata). Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 1919 (235-237). {Paranmroptcra.] 1504 Schmitt, C. Boitnigo zur Biologic der Feldwcspo {Polisies gallicus L.). Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 15 1919 (112-118). [Hymenoptera.] 1505 Schmitz, H. Dio myrmccophilcn Phoridon dor Wasmann’sehon Samm- lung. Mit Boschreibung neucr Gat- tungon und Arten und eincm Verzeich- nis aller bis Anfang 1914 bekannten myrmocophilen und termitophilcn Pho- ridon. Zool. Jahrb. Jona Abt. Syst. 37 1914 (509-566 pi. xxix-xxx toxtfigs. a-1). [Dtpfem.] 1506 Schmitz, H. Wissonschaftlicho Ergobnisso einor Forschungsreiso nach Ostindien, ausgefiihrt im Auftrago der Kgl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissen- schafton zu Berlin von H. v. Buttel- Roopon. vi. None tormitophilo Dipteren aus don Familion dor Tormitoxoniidon und Phoridon. Gosammclt von Honn. Prof. Dr. V. Buttel-Reepen in den Jahren 1911-1912. Zool. Jarhb. Jena Abt. System 39 1916 (211-266) pis. vi-vii 5 textfigs. 1507 3500 Schmitz, H. Die Phoriden Fa una von Dr. Karl Absolon 1908-1918 besuchten Mittol- und sudost-ouropdisohon Hohlon *8 Gravonhago Tydschr. Ent. 61 1919 (232-241). [Diptera.] 1508 Schmitz, H. Nouo ouropaischo A phiochaela- Avion, ii. ’s Gravonhago Ber. Nod. Ent. Vcr. 5 1919 (110-119). [Diptera.] 1509 Schmitz, H. Zeewatermieron op Ameland. [See wasserameisen auf Ameland.] ’s Gravonhage Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 1919 (122-126). [Hymeiw- ptera.] 1510 Schmitz, H. Neuo europaische Apliiochaeta-Avion. iii. Ber. Nederl. out. Ver. 5 1919 (139-146). [Diptera.] 1511 Schmitz, II. t)bor oinigo 1,’horiden der Olden bergsehon Sammlung. Ent. Ber. Nederland, ent. Ver. 5 1919 (185- 196). [Diptera.] 1512 Schmitz, H. Zur Kenntnis dor Gattung Bradysia Winnortz {Sciaridae, DijHera). Leidon Zool. Med. 6 1919 (25-32) 2 figs. 1513 Scholz, M. F. A. Boitrag zur Konnt- nis und Verbreitung europaischcr Was- serkafor. (Haliplidae, Dytiscidae). Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (232-250). [Coleoptera.] 1514 Schouteden, H. Coptosomiens nouveaux d’Afrique. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 6 1919 (1-9). [H eteroptera.] 1515 Schouteden, H. Les Coptosomiens du Congo beige. Rev. zool. afric. Brux- elles 6 1919 (10-38). [H eteroptera.] 1516 Schouteden, H. Les Xylocopa du Congo beige. Rev. zool. afric. Brux- elles 6 1919 (50-61). [Hymenoptera.] 1517 Schouteden, H. Les Aradides du Congo beige. Rev. zool. afric. Brux- elles 6 1919 (127-131). [H eteroptera]. 1518 Schouteden, H. Tingides nouveaux du Congo beige. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 6 1919 (138-144). [II etero- ptera.] 1519 Schouteden, H. Contribution la fauno dos Acraoides du Congo bolgo. i. genre Acraea Fabr. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 6 1919 (145-162). [Lepido- ptera.] 1520 70 Insecta, XII. Insecta. [1919] Schouteden, H. Vespides du Congo beige des collections du Mus6e de Tervuorcn. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 6 1919 (171-189). [Hymenoptera.] 1521 Schouteden, H. Lea Helopeltis du Congo beige. Rev. zool. afric. Brux- elles 6 1919 (190-192). [Heteroptera.] 1522 Schouteden, H. Ectrichodiides nou- veaux d’Afrique. Rev. zocl. afric. Bruxelles 6 1919 (205-219). [Hetero- ptera.] 1523 Schouteden, H. Un Nabide nouveau du Transvaal. Rev. zool. afric. Brux- elles 6 1919 (241). [Heteroptera.] 1524 Schouteden, H. Un Calisiits nouveau de Congo. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 7 1919 (63). [Heteroptera.] 1525 Schouteden, H. Contribution a la faune dos Hemipteres aquatiques de Belgique. Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 1 1919 (21-25). 1526 Sohtiffner, AV., Swellengrebel, N. H. Swellengrebel-De Graaf, J. M. H. en Mochtar, A. Over de biologie van M. ludlowi, in Sumatra. [On the biology of M. ludlowi in Sumatra.] Buitenzorg Mododeelingen Burgelyken genoeskundigen Uienst Ned. Ind. 1919 3 (65-89) 5 pi. [Diptera.] 1527 Schultze, W. Seventh contribution to the Coleoptera fauna of the Philip- pines. Philippine J. Sci. Manila 15 1919 (545-561) 1 pi. + 1 fig. 1528 Schulz, U. K. T. Beitrage zur Bio- logie dos Apfelblutenstechers \ Anthono- mus pomorum). S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1918 1918 (363-371). [Coleo- ptera.] 1529 Schulz, U. K. T. Beitrage zur Bio- logie von Lariophagus distinguendus Foerst. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (375-377). [Hymenoptera.] 1530 Schulz, U. K. T. Beitrage zur morphologischen und biologischon Kenntnis der Schlupfwespe Lariophagus distinguendus (Forst.) Kurdj. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (402- 432). [Hymenoptera.] 1531 Schulze, P. Mittoilungon iiV)or markische Gallon. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916 1916 (217-241). 1532 Schulze, P. Die Galle von Rhopa- lomyia ptarmica Vallot. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916 1916 (381-384). [Diptera.] 1533 Schulze, P. Das Abandorn dor Zoichnung auf den Fliigelu dor Fouorwanzo {Ryrrhocoris apterus L.). S.B. Gos. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916 1916 (385-395). [Heteroptera.] 1534 Schulze, P. Das Verhalton art- fremder und artgloicher Gallon bcim raumlichen Zusammontrollon und an- doro Mittoilungon iibor Gallon. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1918 1918 (371- 379). 1535 Schulze, P. Eine Bcthylide als Qualgeist dos Menschen in Mazedonien. S.B. Gos. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (378-381). [Hymenoptera.] 1536 Schulze, P. Geschlochtliche Far- bungunterschiede boi den Larven und Puppen von Galerucella calmariensis L. S.B. Gos. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (394-397). [Coleoptera.] 1537 Schumacher, F. Auftroton oinor Tamariskonzikade in Brandenburg. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916 1916 (241-244). [Homoptera.] 1538 Schumacher, F. Uebor die Gattung Stethoconus Flor. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916 1916 (344-346). [Hetero- ptera.] 1539 Schumacher, F. Pseudococcus vovae Nassonow, eine fiir Deutschland none Sehildlaus. S.B. Gos. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916 1916 (346 and 347). [Homoptera.] 1540 Schumacher, F. Uebor eine oriental- ischo zikadenart, Huechys sanguinea Geer, und ihre Rollo in dor chinesischen Medizin. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 1917 (368-382). [Homoptera.] 1541 Schumacher, F. Eisprenger boi Wanzon aus der Gruppo der Pentato- moidon. S.B. Goa. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 1917 (438-444). [Heteroptera.] 1542 Schumacher, F. Die Bedentung der Hemipteren als Bliitonbostauber. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 1917 (444- 446). 1543 Schumacher, F. None athioplscho Bryocorinon. S.B. Gos. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 1917 (447-453). [Hetero- ptera. ] 1544 71 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Schumacher, F. Belostoma {Letho- cerus) cordofanum Mayr, ein riesen- haftos iropiRchoa Wassorinsokt und soiiio Verbroitung auf dor Balkanlial- binsol. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 1917 (516-519). [Heteroptera.] 1545 Schumacher, F. Boitrago zur Konntnis der Hemipterenfaunvi, Mazo- donions. S.B. Gos. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1918 1918 (82-98). 1546 Schumacher, F. Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hemipteren-F&una, Maze- doniens. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1918 1918 (322-325). 1547 Schumacher, F. Entomologisches aus dem Botanischen Garten zu Berlin- Dahlom. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1918 1918 (379-384). lHo7nopiera.] 1548 Schumacher, F. Entomologisches aus dotn Botanischen Garten Berlin- Dahlom. ii. S.B. Gos. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (185-189) and iii (250- 254). [Iio7noptera.] 1549 Schumacher, F. Belosto77ia {Letho- cerus) cordofa7iu77i Ma5rr in der Ungar- ischen Tiefebene. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919 1919 (433-435). [Hetero- ptera.] 1550 Schumacher, F. Die Roridula-Arton und ihro Bowohner. Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 14 1919 (218-220). [Heteroptera.] ' 1551 Schumacher, F. Einige schadlicho Hemipteren von der InselJava. Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 14 1919 (221-224). 1552 Schumacher, F. Verzeichnis der bei Schandau in der Sachsischen Schweiz beobachteten HeTniptereTt. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (150-156). 1553 Schumacher, F. Nomonklatorisches iibor die Schaumzikado, * PhilacTius sp7i7narius L. (fleTTiiptera). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (191-195). 1554 Schumacher, F. Notiz iibor Mcsovelia furcata Mls.-Rey {Heteroptera). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (195-196). 1555 Schuster, A. Bemerkungen iiber die Tenebrionidenausbeute Paganettis auf Kreta. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (1-6). [Coleoptera.] 1556 Schuster, A. Neue palaarktische Tenebrioniden. i. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (86-92). {Coleoptera.^ 1557 Schuster, A. Neue palaarktische Tenebrioniden. Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (27-33). {Coleoptera.] 1558 • Schwarz, E. On the early stages of Catocala titania Dodge, and a des- cription of three new varieties of Catocala. Ent. Nows Philadelphia 30 1919 (14-17). {Lepidoptera.] 1559 Schwarz, E. The early stages of Catocala Tninuta and a description of a new variety of C*. obscura. Ent. News Pliiladelphia30 1919 (196-198). {Lepido- ptera.] 1560 Schwarz, E. A. vide Holland and Schwarz. Schwetz, J. Recherches sur les Glossines (Mouches Tse-Tse). 8vo Brussels 1919 (viii -f- l61) 4 charts and 5 figs. {Diptera.] 1561 Schwetz. Quelques romarques con- cornant los moours do Olossina. tahaniformis Westw. Rov. ,zool, afric. Bruxelles 6 1919 (337-339). {Diptera.] 1562 Schwetz. Quelques observations preliminaircs sur les moeurs do la Pangonia zonata. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 7 1919 (46-54). {Diptera.] 1563 Schwetz. Dix jours d’observation sur los moours de la PaTigoTiia zonata ot do la Pango7iia oldii. Rev. zool. afric. Bruxelles 7 1919 (92-106). {Diptera.] 1564 Scott, H. Notes on the biology of Necrohia ruficollis, Fabr. Anni. appl. biology. Cambridge 6 1919 (101-115). {Coleoptera.] 1565 Scott, H. Swarming of the chalcid Pteromalus deplanatu.s Noes in buildings. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (13-^16). {Hymenoptera.] 1566 Searle, J. The Gleanings of a City Naturalist. Victorian Naturalist 36 1919 (71-80). 1567 Seiler, J. Zytologisohe Verorbungs- studien an Schmottorlingen. S.B. Oes. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 1917 (107-113) pi. i. {Lepidoptera.] 1568 Seiler, J. Researches on the sex- chromosomes of Psychidae. Biol. BuU. Woods Hole 36 1919 (399-404) pi. {Lepidoptera.] 1569 Seitz, A. Ornithoptera. Ber. Senc- kenb. Ges. 47 1918 (136-148) pis. 6-9. {Lepidoptera.] 1570 72 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Seitz, A. Die Grossschmotterlinge der Erdo. Fauna Americana. Lief. 112- 114. [Lepidoftera.] 1571 Seitz, A. Micrarctiinae [in] Gross- schmetterl. Fauna americana 6 (293 etc.). [Lepidoptera.] 1572 Senior- White, R. A note on Lyman- tria ampla (Walker). Spolia zeylan. Colombo 11 1918 (76-80). [Lepido- ptera.] 1573 Senna, A. Nuove specie di Cordus Sch. Bull. Soc. ent. ital. Firenze 50 1919 (78-85). [GoUoptera.] 1574 Senna, A. and Galabresi, E. Contribu* zione alio studioidei Brentidi, Revisione del gruppo Hoplopisthi. Bull. Soc. ent. ital. Firenze 50 1919 (63-77). [Coleoptera.] 1575 Sergent, E. Campagne d’exp6ri- mentation de la methodo biologique centre le* Schistocerca peregrina dans la vallee de la Haute-Talfna. Existence d’une dpizootie autoohtone vaccinante. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 30 1916 (209- 224). [Orthoptera.] 1576 Severin, H. H. P. Notes on the behaviour of the beet leafhopper ( Eutettix ienella Baker). J. ocon. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (303-308). [Homo- ptera.] 1577 Severin, H. H. P. Investigations of the beet leafhopper {Eutettix tenella Baker) in California. J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (312-326) pi. xv. [Homoptera.] 1578 Seydel, C. Le melanisme chez Lymantria monacha L. Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique Bruxelles 1 1919 (93 and 94). [Lepidoptera.] 1579 Seyster, E. W. Eye facet number as influenced by temperature in the bar-eyed mutant of Drosophila melano- gaster. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 37 1919 (168-180). IDiptera.] 1580 Shannon, R. C. vide Snyder and Shannon. Sharp, D. Insecta. Zoological record 1917 54 London 1919 (1-227). 1581 Sharp, D. Studios in Rhynchophora.v. The genus Rhyncogonus. Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. Honolulu 4 1919 (77-82). [Goleoptera.l 1582 Sharp, D. Studios in Rhyncophora. vii., an aberrant new genus and tribe from Now Guinea. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (151-153). [Colco- ptera.'\ 1583 Sharp, D. On the british species of Dryops. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (76-79). [Goleoptera.'\ 1584 Sharp, D. A note on the british species of Sphaeridium. Ent. mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (124-126). [Coleo- ptera^ 1585 Sheldon, W. G. The variation of Sarolhripus revayana Scopoli. Entomo- logist London 52 1919 (97-106 122-128) pi. i. [Lepidoptera.] 1586 Sheljuzhko, L. Parnasaius apollo in Siidwest Russland. Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 15 1919 (36-41). [Lepidoptera.] 1587 Sheljuzhko, L. Neue palaearktischo Lepidopteren-Poxvaon. N. Beitr. syst. Inskunde Berlin 1 1919 (123-132). 1588 Sherman, J. D. Dytiscidae. Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3 E Ottawa 1919 (18 E and 19 E). [Goleoptera.] 1589 Sich, A. Variation in the genus Gerostoma (auct.). Proc. S. London ent. Soc. London 1918-19 1919? (15-21). [Lepidoptera.] 1590 Sikora, H. Vorlaiifige Mitteilung iiber Mycetome bei Pediculinen. Biol. Zontralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (287-288). [Ellipoptera.] 1591 Silvestri, F. Contribuzioni alia conoscenza degli insotti dannosi e dei loro simbionti. iv. La cocciniglia del prugno {Sphaerolecanium prunastri l^nso.). Boll. Lab. Portici 13 1919 (70-126) V. La cocciniglia del nocoiuolo {Eulecanium coryli L.) (127-192). 1592 Simmel, R. Aus moinem forstento- mologischen Tagobuche. i. Juniperus commanis als Sterbcquartior verschie- dener Borkenkaformanchon ? Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (288-201). [Goleoptera.] 1593 Simmel, R. Aus meinem forstento- mologischen Tagebucho ii and iii. Ent. Blatter Berlin 15 1919 (34-36). [Goleo- ptera!] 1594 Sin6ty, R. de vide Pantel and Sinety. 73 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Sjostedt, Y. Nouo Orthopteren ans Afrika und Madagaskar. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 12 1919 No. 1 (1-18). 1595 Skinner, H. A new species of Copaeodes. Ent. Nows Philadelphia 30 1919 (100). [Lepidoptera.] 1596 Skinner, H. A new species of Argynnis from Utah. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (216). \Lepido- ptera.] 1597 Sladen, F. W. L. The stinging instinct in b(5os and wasps. Nature London 103 1919 (325). [Hymenoptera], 1598 Sladen, F. W. L. Wasps and Bees. Report Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18 (Southern Party, 1913-16) 3 Ottawa 1919 (25 G-38 G) figs. [Ilymmo- ptera.] 1599 Sladen, F. W. L. . Notes on the Canadian representatives of british boos. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (124-130). [Hymenoptera.] 1600 Smith, K. M. A comparative study of certain sense-organs in the antennae and palpi of Diptera. With appendix by Professor H. Maxwell Lefroy: Proc. zool. soc. London 1919 1919 (31-69) pis. i-iv. 1601 Smith, S. G. vide Nowstoad and Smith. Smits, Van Burgst, C. A. L. Sluipwespen gekweekt uit ed donnonestrups {Evetria buoliana Schiff.) ; Perilampus batavus n. sp. [Schiipfwespen geziichtet aus dem Kiefernknospentriebwickler (Eve- tria buoliana Schiff.) ; Perilampus batavus n. sp.]. ’s Gravenhage Tydschr. Ent. 61 1919 (143-146). [Hymenoptera.] 1602 Smits van Burgst, C. A. L. Braconi- dae, faun. nov. sp., aanwesig in de colloctio van not Rijk. Tijdschr. Ent. ’s Gravenhage 62 1919 (104-106). [Hymenoptera.] 1603 Smits van Burgst, C. A. L. Bracon variator Nees en Bracon scutellaris Wesm. Ber. Nederl. ent. Ver. ’s Gravenhage 5 1919 (159 and 160). [Hymenoptera.] 1604 Smulyan, M. T. Some observations on the webbing clothes moth {Tineola biselliella Hum.). Psycho Boston 26 1919 (71-73). [Lepidoptera.] 1605 Snyder, T. E. Some significant structural modifications in nearctic termites. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (97-101) pi. viii. [Isoptera.] 1606 Snyder, T. E. Injury to Casuarina trees in southern Florida by the man- grove borer. J, agric. Res. Washington 16 1919 (155-164) pis. xviii-xxi. [Coleo- ptera.] 1607 Snyder, T. E. and Shannon, R. C. Notes on the insect fauna of bank swallows’ nests in Virginia. Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (110-112). 1608 Snyder, T. E. vide Hosier and Snyder. Snyder, T. E. vide Thompson and Snyder. South, R. vide Wileman and South. Spaeth, F. Neuer Beitrag zur Konntnis dor ost und zontral afrikani • schon Cassidinen. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 15 1917 (422-444). [Colco- ptera!] 1609 Spaeth, F. Neue Cassidinen aus Madagascar. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 16 1918 (27-30). [ColeojHera.] 1610 Spaeth, F. Neue Cassidinen aus der Sammlung von Dr. K. Brancsik, dem ungarischen National-Museum und moiner Sammlung. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 17 1919 (184-204). [Coleo^ ptera.] 1611 Spaeth, F. Zur Konntnis der Gattung Oxynodera. N. Beitr. syst. Inskundo Berlin 1 1919 (133-136). [Coleoptera] 1612 Spaeth, F. Drei neue Cassidenen aus dem tropischon Amorika. N. Beitr. syst. Inskunde Berlin 1 1919 (121- 123). [Coleoptera.] 1613 Spaeth, F. Uebor die von Kirsch beschriebenen amerikanischon Cassi- dinon {Coleoptera). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (23-29). 1614 Spessivitzer, P. Now bark-beetles from the neighbourhood of Vladivostok (East Siberia). Ent. Mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (246-250) pis. xv and xvi. [Coleoptera.] > 1615 Speyer, E. R. A contribution to the life-history of the larch Chermes {Cnaphalodes strobilobius Kalt.). Ann. Appl. Biol. Cambridge 6 1919 (171-182) pis. vi and vii. [Homoptera.] 1616 74 Insecfa. XII. Insecta. [1919] Speyer, E. R. Wild birds and dis- tasteful insect larvae. Nature London 103 1919 (446 and 446). [Lepidoptera.] 1617 Springer, F. t)ber don Polymor- pliisinus boi den Larven von Miastor metraloas. Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System 40 1915 (57-118) pis. i-ii. 1618 Staeger, R. Aus dem Leben dor Larve von Pontania vesicator Bremi. Rov. suisso Zool. Gen^jve 27 1919(333- 346). [H ymenoptera.'] 1619 Stainforth, T. The Thomas Stather collection of Lepidoptera. Trans. Hull Sci. Club 4 part 6 1919 (281-298). [Also Hull Mus. publ. No. 118.] 1620 Stamm, R. H. J. C. Nielsen [Danish ontomologist, 1881-1918.] Kobenhavn Nath. Modd. 70 1919 (v-xi) portrait. - ^ 1621 Stark, M. B. A benign tumor that is hereditary in Drosophila. Pr. Ac. Sci. Washington 5 1919 (573-680) figs. [Diplera.] 1622 Stark, M. B. An hereditary tumor. .1. Expor. Zool. Philadolphia 27 1919 (509-522) pis. i-iii. [Diptera.] 1623 Stauffacher. 1. Die “ Chondrio- somen ” in tierischen und pflanzlichen Zellen. 2. Parthenogenetische Port- pflanzung und Befruchtung. 3. Der statische Apparat von Phylloxera vaata- trix. Verb. Schweiz. Natf. Ges. 96 (Prauenfeld) 1913 (1914) II (248-249). [Homoptera.'] 1624 Steck, T. Ueber eine Sammelreise nach Tunesien. [Rof.] Bern Mitt. Natf. Ges. 1914 1916 (xiii-xiv). 1625 Stein, P. Fauna Faeroensis . . . vi. Dipieren. 4. Anthomyiinae. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 39 1915 (135-140). 1626 Stein, P. Zur weitern Kenntnis ausseuropaeischer Anthomyiden. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 16 1918 (147- 244). [Diptera.-] 1627 Stein, P. Zur Anthomyidenfauna Neu-Guinoas. Nova Guinea 13 Zool. 1919 (199-211). [Diptera.] 1628 Stevens, 0. A. The panurgine bees of North Dakota and a new Epeolus. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (205-210). [Hymerioptera.] 1629 Stevens, 0. A. Generic determina- tions. Science New York 49 1919 (71). [H ymenoptera.] 1630 Stichel, H. Onmerkungen und Zutrage zur Gattung Heliconius L. N. Boitr. syst. Inskunde Berlin 1 1919 (119 and 120). [Lepidoptera.] 1631 Stichel, H. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Riodinidenpuppen. Zcitsclu-. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 15 1919 (41-43). [Lepido- ptera.] 1632 Stiller, V. Ueber Vorkommen und Fang kroatischer Ameisengaste und anderer Kafer (mit Beschreibung einer neuen Hr. d’H6relle. Ann. Inst. Pasteur Paris 30 1916 (389-421). [Orthoptera.] 1758 Verhoeff, K. W. Das Scapobasale der Coleoptereji-Anteimen. S.B. Ges naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916 1916 (62-68). 1759 Verhoeff, K. W. Zur Biologie der Elateriden. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1918 1918 (352-359). [Goleo- ptera.] 1760 Verity, R. Contributo alle ricerche sull’ epoca di sviluppo dei Lepidotleri alio state di oomploto sviluppo. (I. Lepidotleri duirni del Plan di Mugnone, m. 119-274, presso Firenze). Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 50 1 91 9 (3-1 1 ). 1761 Verity, R. Elenco di Ditteri raccolti nel Pian di Mugnone, m. 119-274, presso Firenze. Bull. Soc. 'ent. ital. Firenze 50 1919 (18-22). 1762 Verity, R. Le varie modalit^i di schiusura ed il numero di generazioni annuo dei Grypooera o doi Rhopalocora europei illustrati dalle specie toscane di pianura e di collina. Atti Soc. ital. Milano Pavia 58 1919 (1-28). [Lepido- ptera.] 1763 Verity, R. Seasonal polymorphism and races of some ouropean Grypocera and Rhopalocera. Ent. Rec. London 31 1919 (26-33 43-48 87-89 121-129 178-184 193-201). [Lepidoptera^ 1764 Verity, R. The various modes of emergence and the number of annual broods of the Grypocera and of the Rhopalocera of southern Europe, illus- trated by the tuscan species. Ent. Rec. London 31 1919 (66-72 104-110 141-148). [Lepidoptera.] 1765 Versluys, J. Die Verbreitung von Seuchen durch Insekten im Eaiege. Ber. Senckenb. Ges. 47 1918 (36-57). 1766 Vickery, R. A. and Wilson, T. S. Observations on wingless May beetles. J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (238- 247) pis. xii and xiii. [Coleoptera.] 1767 Vidal y L6pez, M. Notas sobre Cincind61idos {Coleoptera). ii. Nueva forma de Cicindela campestris L. y localidad espanola do la (7. campestris maroccana sodata Esc. Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. Madrid 18 1918 (74-75). 1768 Vidal y Ldpez, M. Notas sobre Cicindelidos. iii. Sobre la existencia de Cicindela campestris L. var. olivieria Brulld, en Menorca y nueva forma de dicha espocie. Bol. Soc.*Espafi. Hist. Nat. 19 1919 Madrid (267-268). [Coleo- ptera.] 1769 Viehmeyer, H. Mayr’s Gattung Ischnomyrmex (Hym.) nebst Besclirei- bung einiger nouer Arten aus anderen Gattungen. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 37 1914 (601-612) textfigs. a-c. [Hy- menoptera.] 1770 Villen euve, J. Sur quatre formes nouvellos se rapportant aux Oestridao dubiosae B. Br. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 12 1914 (435-442). [Diptera.] vm Villeneuve, J. Nouveaux Myodaires sup6rieura de Formoso. Ann. Mus. Hungar. Budapest 13 1915 (90-94). [Diptera!] 1772 Villeneuve, J, Notes dipterologiques. Ann. Soc. ent. Franco Paris 88 1919 (259 and 260), 1773 Villeneuve, J. Douxikue note sur lea NematocMes vulnerants (esp6ces fran- 9aises). Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1919 (54-60). [Diptera.] 1774 Villeneuve, J. Descriptions do Tachinaires nouveaux. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 (305-307). [Diptera.] ,1776 Villeneuve, J. Dipthres in4dits. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1920 (352-355). 1776 Villeneuve, J. Sur les esp^ces du genre Loewia Egger. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 (355 and 356). [Diptera.] 1777 Vinal, S. 0. The respiratory system of the Carolina locust {Dissosteira Carolina Linne). J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (19-32) pis. iii-v. [Ortho- ptera!] 1778 81 Insecta. Titles. 3600 Vincent, J. Description d’un nou- veau Catocala do Chine. Bull. Soc. ont. France 1919 (161). [Lepidoptera.] 1779 Vincent, J. Note sur deux Catocala peu connus. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 1920 (335 and 336). \_Lepido- ptera.'] 1780 Voeltzkow, A. [and others]. Flora und Fauna der Comoren. V^oeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917 (429-480). 1781 Voss. Vergleichende Untersuchungen ubor die Flugworkzougo dor* Insekten. 2. Abhandlung. Exporimontello Untor- suchungon iiber den Fliigelschlag und Flug dor Lisokton. Verb, deutsch. zool. Ges. BorUn 24 1914 (59-90) 2 pis. 1782 Vuillet, Alice. Les parasites de Pyrausta nuhilalis Hb. on France. Bull. Soc. ent. France Paris 1919 (308). 1783 Wadsworth, R. V. Notes on the life- history of Ephestia kuehniella. Ann. appl. Biol. Cambridge 6 1919 (203-206). [Lepidoptera.] 1784 Wager, H. On the colour -sense of wasps. Proc. Linn. Soc. London 131 1919 (10). 1785 Wagner, H. Lepidopterorum cata- logue pars 23, Sphingidao subfam. Choorocampinao. Berlin (W. Junk) 1919 (305-440). 1786 Wagner, F. Revision dor europ- aischcn Zygaena carnioUca Rassen {Lepidoptera). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (177-187). 1787 Wagner, H. vide Neresheimer and Wagner. Wahlgren, E. Ueber die alpine und subalpino Collemholenlaxma, Schwedens. Naturw. Untors dos Sarekgebirgos in Schwedisch- Lappland gol. von Dr. Axel Ham berg 4 Lfg 7 Stockholm 1919 (743-762). 1788 Wahlgren, E. Vastarktiska element i Skandinaviens fjarilfauna. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (22-32). [Lepidoptera!] 1789 Wahlgren, E. Uber drei zotter- stedt’scho Gleomotriden. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (72-74). [Lepidoptera.] 1790 Wahlgren, E. Einige Geadervaria- tionen in der Dipterengaiixmg Om- (N-13799j)Q phrale. Ent. Tidskr. Uppsala 40 1919 (295-297). 1791 Wahlgren, E. Svensk insekt- fauna. [Swedish insectfauna.] Utg. av Entomogiska foreningen i Stock- holm. 11. Tv§,vingar. Diptera. 2. Cyclorapha. 2. Schizophora. Fam. 6- 12. Conopidae, Cordyluridae, Coelopi- dae.Cypselidae, Dryomyzidae, Clusiidae,. Helomyzidae, Sciomyzidae. Uppsala 1917 (113-224) textfigs. 1792: .Wahlgren, E. Svensk insektfauna.. [Swedish insectfauna.] Utg. av Entomologiska foreningen i Stockholm... 11. Tv&vingar. Diptera. 1. Orthorapha. 1. Myggor. Nemocera. Fam. 10-11, Uppsala 1919 (69-140) textfigs. 1793 Wahlgren, E. Svensk insektfauna. [Swedish insectfauna.] Utg. av Entomologiska foreningen. 1. Stock- holm. 11. Tvavingar. Diptera. 2.- Cyelorapha. 2. Schizophora. Fam. 13— 20. Uppsala 1919 (225-322) textfigs. 1794^ Walker, E. M. The terminal abdominal structures of Orthopteroid' Insects : a phylogenetic study. Ann, Amer. Ent. Soc. Columbus 12 1919* (267-316) 9 pis. 1795 Walker, E. M. On the male and immature state of Qryllohlatta campo- deiformia Walker. Canad. Entom.. London Can. 51 1919 (131-138) 2 pig, . [Orthoptera.] 1790- Walker, E. M. Orthoptera. Report' of the Canadian Arctic Expedition,. 1913-18 (Southern Party, 1913-16) 3= Ottawa 1919 (1 J-4 J). 1797' Walker, F. H. Synchronous move- ments in Vanessa antiopa larvae, with notes on the attraction of certain male Lepidoptera by the females of their own species. Psycho Boston 26 1919 (13-16). 1798 Wallis, E. F. Diptera in nests of Crabro. Entomologist London 52 1919 (14). [Hymenoptera.] 1799 Walsingham, the Lord. New species of Aristotelia and Micropteryx, Ent, Rec. London 31 1919 (10-12). [Lepido- ptera.] i80a Walsingham the Lord. Appreciation [of F. D. Godman]. Proc. entom, Soc. London 1919 1919 (iii-v). 1801 C 10 82 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919J Walton, W. R. vide McAteo and Walton. Wanka, T. von. Ein nouer Longi- tarsus aus. Schlesien. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (74). [Coleoptera.] 1802 Warren, E. Termites and Termito- ‘ philes. S. Afric. J. Sci. 16 1919 (93- 112) pis. viii-x. [Iso'ptera.^ 1803 Wasmann, E. Das Gosellschaftslobon der Ameisen. Das Zusammenleben von Ameisen verschiedener Arten und vpn Ameisen und Termiten. i. Band. Munster i. W. 1915 (xx + 413) 7 pis. 1804 Wasmann, E. Uober Ameisen - kolonien mit Mendel’scher Mischung. Biol. Centralbl. Leipzig 35 1915 (113- 127). {Hymeno'ptera.'l 1805 Wasmann, E. Luxemburger Amoisen- kolonien mit Mendel’scher Mischung. Festschr. Luxemburg. Naturf. Ver. Luxemburg 1915 (15 pp.). [Hymeno- ‘ptera.} 1806 Wasmann, E. Revision dor Gattung Aenictonia Wasm. (Coleoptera) Staphy- linidae. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 4 1915 (23- 25) pi. ii. 1807 Wasmann, E. Erster und zweiter Nachtrag zur Revision der Gattung Aenictonia Wasm. Ent. Mitt. Beilin 4 1915 (202-204 289 and 290). [Coleo- ptera. 1808 Wasmann, E. Anergatides hohli, eine neue arbeiterlose Schmarotzer- ameisc vom oberen Kongo. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 4 1915 (279-288) pis. vii and viii. [Hymenoptera.'\ 1809 Wasmann, E. Neue dorylophile Staphyliniden Afrikas. Ent. Mitt. Berlin 5 1916 (92-109 134-147) pi. iii. [Goleoptera.'\ 1810 Wasmann, E. Dio Ausbroitung dor argontinisehon Amoiso in der Kap- kolonie und ihr Einfluss auf die ein- heimische Ameisenfauna. Ent. Mitt. Berlin vi 1917 (184-186). [Hymeno- ptera.l 18H Wasmann, E. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse oiner Forschungreise nach Ostindien, angefuhrt im Auftrage der Kgl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten zu Berlin von H. v. Buttel-Reepen. V. Termitophile und myrmecophilo Coleopteren. Zool. Jahrb. Syst. Jena 89 1916 (169-210) pis. iv and v. 1812 Wasmann, E. Die Hiateridae der Genera Insectorum von Heinrich Bick- hardt. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (37-41). [Coleoplera.] 1813 Wasmann, E. Ueber Solenopsis geminata saevissima. Sra. und ihre Gaste. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (69-76). 1814 Wasmann, E. Ueborsicht dor m3rrmocopliilon Paoderinengattung Myrmecosdurus Wasm. Ent. Blatter Berlin I4 1918 (210-214). [Coleo- ptera.l 1815 Wasmann, E. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschon Zentral- Afrika-Expeditiori, 1907-1908, untor Fuhrung Adolf Friedrichs, Herzogs zu Mecklenburg ; Paussiden. ’s Graven- hage Tydschr. Ent 62 1919 (109-130). [Coleoptera.] ' 1816 Wasmann, E. Neue Paussiden aus Zontral-und Sudwost-Afrika. N. Boitr. syst. Inskunde Berlin 1 1919 (111 and 112). \Coleoplera.'\ 1817 Waterhouse, C. O. [the late]. Guido to the exhibited series of Insects in the department of Entomology, British Museum (Natural History). Third ed. 8vo London 1919 (1-66) 62 figs. 1818 Waterston, J. Fauna Faoioensis . . . ii. On some Mallophaga in the Kgl, Zoologisches Museum, Konigsberg, being a collection made in the Faroe Islands by Dr. A. Dampf, 1912. Zool. Jalub. Abt. Syst. 39 1915 (17-42) textfigs. a-f. [Lipoptera.] 1819 Waterston, J. A new syeophagino (Agaonidae-Chalcidoidea) genus and species from the Gold Coast. Ent. Mo. Mag. London 55 1919 (274-277). [Flymenoptera.] 1820 Weber, L. Dio Lobonsorohoinungou dor Kdfor. iii. Dio Atmung. Ent. Blatter Berlin 18 1917 (1-17). [Coleo- ptera.] 1821 Weber, L. Die Lebonserscheinungen der Kafer. iv. Kreislauforgane, Tem- peratur, Fottkorper, Louchtorgano. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (143-159). [Coleoptera.] 1822 Weber, L. Die Lebonserscheinungen dor Kafer. Metamorphose, Wachstum, Lebensdauer, Tod. Ent. Blatter Berlin 14 1918 (1-19). [Coleoptera.] 1828 83 InserJa. Titles. 3500 Weber, L. Dio Lobonsorsclioinungon dor Kafor. v. Sokrotion und Exkrotion. Ent. Blatter Berlin 16 1919 (147-167). [Coleoptera.] 1824 Weiss, H. B. Notes on Oargaphia tiliae Walsh, the linden lace-bug. Proc. biol. Soc. Washington 82 1919 (165- 168). [H eteroptera.] 1825 Weiss, H. B. Notes on Eustrophus bicolor Fabr., bred from fungi. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (132 and 133). [Coleo- ptera.] 1826 Weiss, H. B. Notes on the early stages and larval locomotion of Leia hivittataS^y (Diptera). Psycho Boston 26 1919 (80-82). ' 1827 Weiss, H. B. Notes on Corythuca bulhosa 0. and D. Ohio J. Sci. Colum- bus 20 1919 (17-20). [H eteroptera.] 1828 Weiss, H. B. vide Dickerson and Weiss. Weiss, H. B. and Dickerson, E. L. Insects of the swamp rose-mallow, Hibiscus moscheutos L., in Now Jersey. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 1919 (39-68) pis. x-xii. 1829 Weiss, H. B. and Nicolay, A. S. Notes on the life-history and early stages of Brachys ovatus Web., and Brachys acrosus Melsh. Canad. Entojii. liomlon Can. 51 1919 (80-88) pis. V aiid vi. [Coleoptera.] 1880 Weiss, H. B. and Nicolay, A. S. Notes on Zeugophora scutellaris Suffr., a european poplar-leaf miner in Now Jersey. Ent. News Philadelphia 80 1919 ■^(124-127). [Coleoptera.] 1831 Weld, L. H. A now oak-gall from Arizona. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (264) [Hymenoptera.] 1832 Wellhouse, W. H. Lace bug on hawthorn, Corythuca bellula Gibson. J. econ. Ent. Concord 12 1919 (441-446). [H eteroptera.] 1833 Wesenberg-Lund, C. FuresjjJons Bundfauna. Insecta. K. Danske Vid. Solsk. Skrift, 8 3 1917 (146-163 162). 1834 Wesenberg-Lund, C. Bidrag til Stikmyggenes Biologi i-iii. Contribu- tions to the biology of the Culicidao. K0bonhavn Naturons Vorden 8 1919 (1-26 49-67 150-179) 20 figs. [Diptera.] 1835 Wheeler, G. The variation of Epinephele tithonus, L. Proc. S. London ent. Soc. London 1918-19 1919 ? (29-35) pis. i and ii. [Lepido- ptera.] 1836 Wheeler, W. M. The parasitic Aculeata, a study in evolution. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philadelphia 58 1919 (1-40). [Hymenoptera.] 1837 Wheeler, W. M. The ants of the Galapagos islands. Proc. Calif. Ac. San Francisco 2 1919 (269-297). [Hymenoptera.] 1838 Wheeler, W. M. The ants of Cocos island. Proc. Calif. Ac. San Francisco 2 1919 (299-308). [Hymenoptera.] 1839 Wheeler, W. M. The ants of Borneo. Bull. Mus. Harvard Coll. 63 1919 (43- 147). [Hymenoptera.] 1840 Wheeler, W. M. Two gynandro- morphous ants. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (1-9). [Hymenoptera.] 1841 Wheeler, W. M. A new subspecies of Apliaenog aster treatae Forel. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (50). [Hymenoptera.] 1842 Wheeler, W. M. The ant genus Lodomyrma Emery. Psycho Boston 26 1919 (97-106). [Hymenoptera.] 1843 Wheeler, W. M. A now paper- making Crematogaster from the south- oastem United States. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (107-112) pis. 'v and vi. [Hymeyioptera.] 1844 Wheeler, W. M. The ants of Tobago island. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (113). [Hymenoptera.] 1846 Wheeler, W. M. A singular neo- tropical ant {Pseudomyrma filiformis Fabricius). Psyche Boston 26 1919 (124-131). [Hymenoptera.] 1846 Wheeler, W. M. The phoresy of Anther ophagus. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (145-152). [Coleoptera.] 1847 White, G. F. Nosema-disease. Bull. U.S. dep. Agric. Washington 780 1919 (1-69). [Hymenoptera.] 1848 Whiting, P. W, Gen'~tic studies on the Mediterranean flour - moth, Ephestia kuhniella Zeller. Journ. Exper. Zcol. Philadelphia 28 1919 (413-441) 2 pis. [Lepidoptera,] 1849 (n-13799 j) Q C 10-2 84 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Wiohmann, H. Zur Kenntnis dor Ipiden. iv. Eat. Blatter Berlin 11 1916 (213-217). [CoUo'ptera.] 1860 Wiohmann, H. Zur Kenntnis der Ipiden. iii. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (102-107). [Coleo'pt€fra.'\ 1851 Wickham, H. F. Fossil beetles from Vero, Florida. Florida Geol. Surv. Tallahassee 12 1919 (5-7). [Goleo'ptera.'] 1852 Wickham, H. F. Fossil beetles from Vero, Florida. Amer, J. Sci. New Haven 47 1919 (356-357). 1853 Wickham, H. F. Scaphinotua (Pseudonomarelua) mannii n. sp. {Coleo- ptera Carabidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (170-173) pi. 1854 Wickham, H. F. Two new species of Asaphidion from North America (Coleoptera Carabidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21 1919 (178-180). 1855 Wileman, A. E. and South, R. New speoies of Lithosiadae from the Philip- pines. Entomologist London 62 1919 (49-51 268-271). [Lepidoptera.] 1856 Wileman, A. E. and South, R. Now species of Pyralidae from Formosa. Entom. London 52 1919 (267-268). [Lepidoptera.] 1857 Wilhelmi, J. Ueber Stomoxys calcitrans L. SB, Ges. natuH, IV. Berlin 1917 1917 (179-194). [Diptera.] 1858 Wilhelmi, J. Zur Biologie dor kleinen Stechfliogo Lyperosia irritans (L.). SB. Gos. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 1917(510-515). [Diptera.] 1859 Wilhelmi, J. Uober die hygienische Bodoutung der praktischen Entomo- logie. SB. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 1917 (653-561). 1860 Willemse, C. Orthoptera noerlandica. Aanvullingon en vorbeteringon ii. Tijdschr. Ent. s-Gravenhage 62 1919 (30-42). 1861 Willemse, C. Mecoptera (Panorpata) Neerlandica. De schorpioenvliegen van Nederland en het aangrenzend gebied. ’s*Gravenhage Tydschr. Ent. 62 1919 (131-156) 8 figs. [Neuroptera.] 1862 Wilier, A. Beobachtungen zur Biologic von Melasoma populi L. Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. Berlin 15 1919 (44-47 65-72). [Coleoptera.] 1863 Williams, 0. B. A migration of yellow butterflies {Gatopsilia atatira) in Trinidad. Trans, entom. Soc. London 1919 1919 (76-88) pis. vi-x. [Lepidoptera.] 1864 Williams, F. X. Epyria extraneua Bridwoll, a fossorial wasp that preys on the larva of the tenebrionid beetle, Oonocephalum aeriatum (Boisduval). Proc. Hawai, ent. Soc. Honolulu 4 1919 (55-63). [Hymenoptera.] 1865 Williams, F. X. Some observations on the leaf -hopper wasp, Neaomimeaa haivaiienaia Perkins, at Pahala, Hawaii, Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4 1-919 (63-68). [Hymenoptera.] 1866 Williams, F. X. Some observations on Pipunculua, flies which parasitize the cane leafhopper, at Pahala, Hawaii. Proc. Hawaii, ent. Soc. 4 1919 (68-71). [Diptera.] 1867 Williams, F. X. Philippine wasp studies. Part ii. Descriptions of new species and life history studios. Bull. 14 ent. ser. Hawai. S.P. exp. Slat. Honolulu 1919 (19-186) 106 figs. [Hymenoptera.] 1868 Williams, F. X. A note on the habits of Epactiothynnua opaciventria Turner, an australian Thynnid wasp. Psyche Boston 26 1919 (160-162). [Hymeno- ptera.] 1869 Wilson, H, F. Some new lachnids of the genus Lachniella. Canad. Entom. London Can. 51 1919 (18-22 41-47). [Homoptera.] 1870 Wilson, H, F. Three new lachnids with comparative notes on three others. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (1-7) pis. i & ii. [Flomoptera.] 1871 Wilson, H. F. A new genus and species of aphid. Ent. News Philad. 30 1919 (39 & 40). [Homoptera.] 1872 Wilson, T. S. vide Vickery and Wilson. Winn, A. F. Argynnis apacheana Skinner and Edwards’ plates of A. nokomia. Ent. News Philadelphia 30 1919 (156-159). [Lepidoptera.] 1873 Winther, C. Sommeifuglenotitsterfra Sommeren 1918. Notes on some Lepidoptera found in the year 1918. Kobenhavn Flora og Fauna 1919 (22- 24). 1874 85 Insecta. Titles. 3500 Wolff, M. Dio Proctotrupidon- Gattung Lagynodes Forster (1841). Zool. Jahrb. Jona Abt. System 41 1918 (581-000) pis. xli-xiii 23 toxtfigs. [Hymenoptera.] 1875 Wollman, E. Elevago asoptiquo do larvos do la mouoho ^ viando {Calliphora vomitoria), sur milieu steri- lise haute temperature. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris 82 1919 (593). [Diptera.] 1876 Wood, H. P. vide Bishopp and Wood. Woodruff, L. B. Fall notes on some Alabama butterflies. J. New York ent. Soc. 27 19l9 (159-161). \Lepido- ptera.] 1877 Woodruff, L. B. A review of our local species of the mombracid genus Ophiderma Fairm. J. New Yord ent. Soc. 27 1919 (249-200) pi. xxii. [//omo- plera.} 1878 Wradatsch. Ein Beitrag zur Lebens- geschichte der Cassida splendidvla Suffr. Ent. Blatter Berlin 16 1919 (1-11). [Goleoptera.] 1879 Yerbury, J. W. List of Diptera hitherto recorded from the County of Devon. Rep. Devon. Ass. 51 1919 (222-252). 1880 Yorbury, J. W. The Diptera of Glamorgan. Trans. Oardill Soc. 51 1918 (48-79). 1881 Yerbury, J. W. Seashore Diptera. J. marine biol. Ass. Plymouth 12 1919 (141-145). 1882 Zacher, F. Dio Verbroitung dor doutschen Geradfliigler, ihro Bezle- hungon zu den Pflanzengosellschaften und ihro Abanderungon in Form und Farbe. Ent. Zs. Frankfurt a. M. 29 1915 (39-40 42-43 47 54-55 58-59 61-02 66-67). [Orthoptera.l 1883 Zacher, F. Boitrage zur Kenntnis der Geradfliiglorfauna des Deutschon Alpengebietes {Orthoptera). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (85-102) 5 figs. 1884 Zacher. Boobaohtungon iibor schadliche Insekten. Mitt. Biol. Anstalt H. 16 1916 (16-19). 1885 Zacher. Zur Biologie der Borrats- schadlingo. Mitt. Biol. Reichanstalt Berlin 17 1919 (24-28). 1886 Zacher. Beobachtungen fiber einige schadliche und nfitzliche Insekten. Mitt. Biol. Reichanstalt Berlin 17 1919 (28-31). ■ 1887 Zariquiey, R. GoleSpteros Hipogeos, Bol. Soc. ent. Espana Zaragoza 2 1919 (120-124). 1888 Zariquiey, R. Sobre Dryops {Goleo- ptera) espanoles. Bol. Soc. ent. Espana Zaragoza 2 1919 (215-217) 1 pi. 1889 Zerny, H. Ueber palaarktische Pyraliden des K.K. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums in Wien. Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914 (295-348) pis. xxv & xxvi. \Lepidoptera.) 1890 Zimmermann, A. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der europaischen Dytisciden- fauna. Ent. Blatter Berlin 11 1915 (218-225). [Goleoptera.] 1891 Zimmermann, A. Einige neue afrikanischo Cyhisteraxton. Ent. Blatter Berlin 13 1917 (98-102). [Goleoptera.] 1892 Zimmermann, A. H. Sauter’s For- mosa-Ausbente : Haliplidae et Dytis- cidae {Goleoptera). Ent. Mitt. Berlin 8 1919 (75-77). 1893 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. N.B. — The full reference may he ob- tained from “ Titles'" by means of the author'' s name and the number of the title. GENERAL. Treatises. O’Donoghue, 1246 ; Porter, 1354. Historical. Biographical. Dusmer, 482 ; Mujake, 1158 ; Schu-^ macher, 1541. Aurivillius, Gottfrid Agaton Adlorz, 53 ; B., J. W. H. Trail, 62 ; Bickhardt, G. von Seidlitz, 172 ; Caudell, Busok & Howard, Frederick Knab with bibliography, 304 ; Champion, F. D. Godman, 308 ; H. D., Horeward Chune 86 [nsecta. XI T. Insecta. [1919] Dollraan ; p. 39 Ent. Rec. 31 ; W. W. P„ W. E. Sharp, Ent. Mag. 55 p. 263 ; Hinke, W. Kolbe, 799 ; Holland, H. H. Smith, 807 ; Kryger, Dr. J. C. Niolson, 984 ; Long, E. II. Harris, 1032 ; Lundblad, Axol Eiisemlahl, 1068 ; Nordqiiist, J. A. Palm6n 1218 ; Osborn, S. W. Williston portrait, 1260 ; Perrier & Bouvier, J. Kiinckel d’Herculais, 1303 ; Porritt, W. D. Roebuck, Ent. Mag. 55 p. 91 ; Pouillaude, Mulsant portrait, 1361 ; Pouillaude, Perris, 1362 ; Reverdin, Charles Blaehier, 1410 ; Sahlberg, Mannerheim, 1480 ; Sattler, Lucas von Heyden, 1495 ; Senna, Piero Bargagli, p. 84 Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 50 ; Stamm, J. C. Nielsen, 1621 ; F. 0. W., P. H. Wolley Dod, Canad. Ent. 51 p. 239 ; Walsingham, F. D, Godman, 1801. Bruce F. Cummings, Ent. Mag. 55 p. 264. — Samuel Wendell Williston, Canad. Ent. 51 p. 39 & 40. — Major Thos. Brown, Ent. Mag. 55 p. 261. — Dr. Raphael Blanchard, Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1919 p. 69. — Grand-duko Nicolas Michailovitoh p. 69 Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1919. Bibliegraphical. Brocher, 247 ; Bergroth, 146 ; Hen- riksen, L. Summary of the “ Entomo- logiske Moddelelser ” 1887-1917, 788 ; Klein e, 951 ; Rapp, 1377 ; Sharp, 1581. Pedagogic. Heikertinger, 766. Museums. Collections. Austen, 57 ; Bickhardt, 173, 174 ; Culot, 405 ; Donckier de Donceel, Brussels collections and the war. Bull. Soc. ent. Prance 1919 pp. 295 & 296 ; Habenthal, Reitter’s Coll, to Hun- garian National Museum, Ent. Blatter 13 p. 60 ; Waterhouse, 1818 ; Druco coll. Lycaen. & Hesp. to Joicey, Ent. Rec. 31 p. 185 ; Prices of Brit. Lep. Entom. 52 p. 275 & 276. Technique. Methods. Cleare, breeding-cage, 333 ; Gage, staining, 638 ; Grimshaw, 708 ; Jack- son, fluid for preservation of larvae, p. 117 Canad. Ent. 51 ; Jullien, 892 ; Kleine, 955 ; MoDunnough, 1085 ; Moore, 1167. Nomenclature. Apstein, 37. Economic Entomology. General. Allen, Experiment Station Record, 22 ; Aulld, 49 ; Ball, 81 ; Ballou, 83 ; Bedford & Pickering, 115 ; Caudell, 303 ; Dendy & others, 431 ; Duncan, 477 ; Edwards, 504 ; Felt, 559 ; Flet- cher & others, 586 ; Fryer, 625 ; Gram, 690 ; Holloway & Loftin, 811 ; Jack, 858 ; Leonard, 1033 ; Lockhead, Class- book, 1055 ; Snyder, 1607 ; Marshall, Review of applied entomology, 1118; Neave, use of popular names, 1209 ; Paillot, 1274, 1276, 1279 ; Pead, 1298 ; Reyne, 1413 ; Roubaud, 1465 ; Schaeffer, 1497 ; Vayssibre, Marocco, 1755 ; Veitch, sugar-cane, 1756 ; Wilhelmi, 1860 : Zacher, 1885, 1886, 1887. Reports. Felt, Now York 1916, 557 ; Guitel, Ronnes, 718 & 719 ; Howard, United States, 840. Creatures attacking. (a) Coleoptera. Back, 63 ; Barber, 94 ; Beeson, 119 ; Brooks, Saperda Candida, 253 ; Burke, 275 ; Chittenden, Epilachna, 323 ; Craighead, Cyllene, 388 ; den Doop, Epilachna, 465 ; Doop, Lasioderma, 466 ; Froggatt, 621 ; Klimesch, 963 ; Leefmans, 1029 ; Picard, Cleonus et Lixus, 1324 ; Ritchie, 1428 ; Roepke, 1447 ; Roepke, 1447 ; Saalas, Finland Scolytidae, 1478 ; Schulz, 1529 ; Sim- mel, 1594 ; Vickery & Wilson, 1767 (6) Hynienoptera. Chatanay, 321. (c) Lepidoptera. Beeson, 120 ; Feytaud, 577 ; Frog- gatt, 620, 623 ; Gough, 688 ; Mosher, 1184; Pettey, 1307; Pillai, 1341; Roepke, 1448 ; Sanders & Dustan, 1483 ; Senior- White, 1573. (d) Diptera. Caesar & Ross, 285 ; Culver, 408 ; Miyake, 1159 ; Rostrup, 1460 ; Sassoer & Borden, Dasyneura rhodophaga, 1494. 87 Insecta. 8 OBJECT Index. — Structure. (e) Ilempitera. Ackerman, Empoasca & Empoa, 5 ; Ayyai’, 69, 60, 61 ; Ball, 82 ; Bergevin, Adia triticiperda, 134 ; Bernard, 148, 149 ; Bernard uml Gianetti, 150 ; Brittain, 244 ; Caffrey P> 49-51 Ent. Roc. 31. Metropol. List. G. fraxini McLeod p. 189 Ent. 52. Warwick E. antiopa King p. 260 Ent. 52. Monk’s Wood and Wansford Lister pp. 77-79 Ent. 52. Suffolk H. pinastri Crisp p. 257, Sillan p. 258, Ent. 52. Repton Sesia asiliformis Hayward p. 190 Ent. 52 and Hesperia malvae Hayward p. 168 Ent. 52. Sherwood Daws p. 33 Ent. Rec. 31. N.E, Derbyshire, Rhop., Drabble & Drabble Naturalist 1919 pj). 10-12, Brown p. 79 t.c. Yorkshire, Butterfield p. 278 Natur- alist 1919 ; Huddersfield C. nerii Porritt p. 232 Ent. Mag. 55 ; Wharfe- dalo, Micro., Mansbridge Naturalist 1919 pp. 135 & 136 ; Hull, Stainforth Strather coll., 1620. North England Harrison p. 38-40, 51-53 Entomol. 52. Cheshire Hesperia malvae Thomp- son p. 180 Ent. 52. Durham P. moneta Gardner p. 138 Ent. 52. Cumberland Aspilates ochrearia Ford p. 167 Ent. 52 ; Windermere A. praecox Garnett p. 257 Ent. 52. Witherslack and Rannoch, Lister, 1051. Scotland, Rowland-Brown, 1471 ; Lammermuirs Pol. artaxerxes, Evans p. 96 Scott. Natural. 1919; Forth Boarmia gemmaria Evans p. 199 Scott. Nat. 1919 ; Edinburgh Golias Hill p. 199 Scott. Natural. 1919 ; Forfarshire Golias Carter p. 199 Scott. Nat. 1919; Rannoch Whittle pp. 54-56 Entom. 52 ; Deeside Endromis Gowan p. 200 Scott. Nat. 1919 ; West Highlands Z. achilleae Reid p. 188 and Esson p. 189 Ent. 95 Insecta. Subject Index. — Central and Eastern Europe. 62 ; Islcl. Coll., Jlhopalocera Cowan p. 04 Scott. Natural. 1919 ; Invornoss R. lapponnria Redmayne p. 141 Ent. 52 ; Shetland Saxby p. 21 Entomol. 52. Ireland, Halbert, 722 ; Argynnis aglaia, Ronaparte-Wyse p. 12 Irish. Nat. 28 ; N.E. Ireland Williamg pp. 53- 57 Ent. Rec. 31 ; Mayo Argynnis uglaia, Ruttledge p. 72 Irish Nat. 28 ; Wicklow, Leucophasia, Tebb p. 92 Irish Nat. 28 ; Wexford, Leucophasia, Moffat p. lOG Irish Nat. 28 } East Tyrone Greer pp. 72-74 Ent. Roc. 81 ; Greer p. 118 & 119 Irish Nat. 28; Waterford, Flemyng p. 55 Irish Nat. 28 ; Cork, C. edusa, Westropp p. 120 Irish Nat. 28 ; Leucophasia, Bonaparte- Wyse p. 92 Irish Nat. 28. Trichoptera. Yorkshire P. ohsoleta, Porritt p. 09 Ent. Mag. 55. N europtera. Berkshire Ghrysopa dorsalis Collins p. 09 Ent. Mag. 55 ; Colchester Chrysopa dorsalis Harwood p. 18 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Diptera. Devon, Yerbury, 1880. Glamorgan, Yerbury, 1881, Wellington Coll. Pocota Arkell p. 261 Ent. 52. Yorkshire, Cheetham p. 380 & p. 388 Naturalist 1919, additional list, Id. pp. 394 & 395 t.c. pp. 305 & 310 244 182 96 T.c. Grange Machimus atricapillus Cheetham p. 19 Ent. Mag. 55. Forfarshire, Carter p. 62 Scott. Natural. 1919; Perthshire Carter p. 233 Ent. Mag. 55. Hemiptera. Jersey Butler pp. 137 & 138 Ent. Mag. 55. Cornwall Nolonecta halophila Hutchinson p. 261 Ent. Mag. 55. Now Forest Lyle, 1073. Chiltern hills, Qry poles Butler p. 17 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Norfolk O err is asper Hutchinson p. 33 Ent. Mag. 55. Bradford Elasmostethus, Butler p. 17 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Cumberland Delphax Day p. 17 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Isle-of-man Newstead, 1212. Caithness etc. Jackson, 860. Ireland Ploiaria culiciformis, Johnson p. 91 Irish Nat. 28. Paraneuroptera. Bristol Hewer p. 191 Ent. 52. North Wales Newton pp. 155-157 Ent. 62. Yorkshire, Carter p. 399 Naturalist 1919. Lancashire and Cheshire, Lucas, 1058. Orthoptera. Dorset Haines p. 238 Ent. 52 ; Bloxworth T. verrucivora, Lucas p. 280 Ent. 52. Aptera. Yorkshire and Derbyshire, Brown, 255. (e) Central and Eastern Europe. Insecta. Denmark, Wesenberg-Lund, 1834 ; Austria, Werner Zeitsohr. wiss. Insbiol. 14 pp. 293-297 ; Poland, Pongrdcz, 1347. Goleopiera. Csiki, 401 ; Eggers, Russia, 511 ; Jeannel, Roumania, 874 ; Ktinne- mann, 988 ; Langhoffer, 1011 ; Reitter, Roumania, 1389 ; Reitter, 1396 ; Reit- ter, Ural, 1399 ; Reitter, Carpathians, 1400; Scheidt, 1499; Stiller, 1633; Varendorff, Poland, 1751 ; Varendorff, Wilna, Ent. Bl. 13 pp. 83 and 84. Wradatsch, flood of the Save ; Ent. Bl. 11 pp. 181-187, 1915. Denmark, H0eg, 800. Holland, Everts, 546, 547, 548, 549. Belgium ; Ball, Alost, Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique 1 pp. 60-63 ; Frennet, Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique 1 pp. 50-52 ; Frennet & Guil- leaume, 605; Guilleaume p. 113 and p. 125, Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 69 ; Guilleaume p. 103, Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique 1 ; d’Orchymont, 1264 ; 96 Jnsecla. XII. Insecta. [1919] d'Orchymont) Laccobius ytenensis, Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59 p. 23 ; Van Dors- selaere, 1741, 1742. Germany ; Benick, 130 ; Bickhardt, Wiesbaden mole’s nest. Ent. Bl. 14 p . 181-183 ; Fruhstorfer, Tessin, Z itschr. wiss. InsbioL 14 pp. 232 and 233 : Fttge, Memmert isld., 627 ; Hartmann, Schwarzwald, Ennearthron wagae, Ent. Bl. 13 1917 ; Meyer, 1148, 1149 ; Neresheimer & Wagner, 1210; Stock, 1634; Wanka, 1802. Hymenoptera, Strand, 1639. Denmark ; J0rgeusen, 880, 881. Holland, Lindemans, 1049 ; Oude- mans, 1263, 1269 ; Smits Van Burgst, 1602, 1603. Belgium ; Bondroit, Formicidae, p. 69 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59 ; Dubois, Fossoria, Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique 1 pp. 95-97. Germany ; fCookerell, 341 ; Kieffer & Enslin, 941 ; fKinsey, Baltic, 946 ; Trautmann & Trautmann, 1707 ; Wolff, 1875. Lepidoptera. Denmark ; H0egh-6uldberg, 801 ; Jensen, Sealand, 876 ; Mikkelsen, 1154; Winther, 1874. Germany ; Bois-Reymond, 201 ; Hoffmann, 803 ; Kiefer, 927. Russia, Sheljuzhko, 1587. N europtera. Holland, Willemse, 1862. Diptera. Hendel, 784 ; Schmitz, 1509, 1511, 1513 ; Villeneuve, 1775. Denmark ; Lundbeck, 1066 ; Nielsen, 1216, 1217 ; Rostrup, 1460. Holland, Meijere, 1127. Rousseau, Notiphila stagnicola, Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique 1 p. 101 ; Tonnoir, 1701, 1702, 1703. Germany, RUbsamen, 1475, 1476. Hungary, Riedei, 1420, 1421. Archangolsk, Frey, 606. Hemiptera. MUller, 1191 ; Schumacher, 1553. Denmark; Jacobson, Cat. Psyllidae, 862 ; Jensen-Haarup, 877. Holland, Mac Gillavry, 1087. Belgium, Schouteden, 1526, and Phy' lloxerina salicis, Ann. Soc. ent. Bel- gique 59 p. 24. Germany, Schumacher, 1538, 1540. Hungary; Horvath, 824, 831 ; Schu- macher, 1550. Paraneuroptera. Schuster, Heilbronner, Ent. Zoitschr, Frankf, 29 p. 73. Orthoptera. Willemse, Netherlands, 1861. Zacher, 1884. Aptera. Switzerland, Handschin, 731. (f) France. Insecta. Navds, Insecta 9 p. 195. Coleoptera. Chobaut, 324 ; Clermont, 337 ; Deville, 441, 442, 443, 444 ; Friederichs, 608 ; Hubenthal, 845 ; Jeannel, 875 ; Lebon, Royan, Scarahaeidae, Miscell. ent. 24 p. 61 ; Peschet, 1305 ; Pey- erimhoff, 1312 ; ' Pionneau, France iu6r., Miscell. ont. 24 pp. 41-43 ; Rapp, Siidfrankroich, Ent. Bl. 14 pp. 45-54 1918. Hymenoptera. Gautier & Riel, 656 ; Honord, 813 ; Lichtenstein, 1044, 1045 ; Licht- enstein & Picard, 1047 ; Pic, 1323 ; Picard, 1325, 1327. Lepidoptera. Demaison, 427 ; Etendard, Sarthe, Araschnia levana, Miscell. ent. 24 p. 70 ; Graham, 688a ; Guignon', Fontainebleau Lithocolletis platanijBnW. Soc. ent. France 1919 p. 368 ; Mann & Eveleigh, Upper Lys valley, Bhopalo- cera, pp. 2 and 4, Entomol. 52 ; Miller, Pas-de-Calais and Somme pp. 164 and 165 Ent. 52 ; Morris, 1176 ; Oberthtir, 1244 and Syrichthus, Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 p. 218. 97 Insecta. SuBJnCT Index. — Africa. Diptera. Becker, in Keilin, 908 ; Brolemann, 251, 252 ; Langeron, 1009; P^ju, 1297 ; Pierre, 1340 ; Recroix, 1380 ; Ville- neuve, 1774 and Culex salinus. Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 p. 198. Hemiplera. Gelin, 660. Psocoptera. Lacroix, 1001. (g) South Europe and Mediter- ranean Basin. InsecUHt collectively. Houard, 839 ,* Jaap, 857 ; Lucas, 1059 ; Navds Neuropteroidea, 1201 ; Steck, 1625. Coleoptera. Aplelbeck, 36 ; Bedel, 114 ; Bolivar y Pieltain, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207 ; Clermont, 336 ; Csiki, 400, 402 ; Escalera, 542, 543 ; Fleischer, 584 ; Fuente, 628, 629 ; Jeannel, 873, 874 ; Krekich-Strassoldo, Cairo, 978 ; Labois* si^re, 994 ; Moroder, 1175 ; Normand, 1221 ; Obenberger, 1228, 1231, 1238 ; Peyerimhoff, 1308, 1309, 1311 ; Por- tevin, 1355 ; Rasetti, 1378 ; Reltter, 1389, 1394, 1401, 1402 ; Schuster, 1558; Th6ry, 1679; Vidal, 1768, 1769 ; Zariquiey, 1889. Strepsiptera. Peyerimhoff, 1310. Hymenoptera. Alfken, 21 ; Duchaussoy, 470 ; Krausse, 977 ; Mercet, 1137, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1141 ; Motley, 1174; Santsohi, 1486, 1491, 1492; Tavares, 1673 ; Timberlake, Sicily, 1696. Lepidoptera, Buresch, 271 ; Delbanty, Macedonia, pp. 139-141 Ent. 52 ; Graves, 695 ; Hampson, 730 ; Mace, 1086 ; Mendes, 1135 ; Rocci, 1431 ; Roch, 1433 ; Turati, 1711 ; Verity, 1761 ; Walsing- ham, 1800 ; Wilson, Macedonia, p. 166 Ent. 52. Trichopiera, Navds, 1203, (n-13799 j) Q Neuroptera. Balkans, Mace pp. 239 & 240 Ent. 52 ; Navds, 1202, 1207, 1208. Diptera. Arias, 38 ; Becker, 107 ; Bezzi, 160, 168 ; Delanos, 424, 425 ; Kieffer, 935 ; Niclot, 1213 ; Parrot, 1291 ; Pierre, Macedonia, 1338 ; Pittaluga & de Buen, 1342; Tavares, 1673; Verity, 1762; Villeneuve, 1777. Hemiplera, Bergevin, l35, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141 ; Divac, Servia and Macedonia, S.B. Ges. natiirf. Fr. Berlin 1917 pp. 662 & 663 ; Horvdth, Egypt, 820, 821, 826, 834, 836 ; Krumbach, 983 : Schumacher, 1545, 1546, 1547. Paraneuroptera. Campion, Macedonia, 296. Orthoptera. Chopard, 325. (h) Caucasus, West & Central Asia. Coleoptera. Champion, Arabia, 313, 314 ; Des- bordes, 436 ; Dodero, 460 ; Eggers, 513 ; Fleischer, 585 ; Heyden, 798 ; Krekioh - Strassoldo, 078 ; Maullk, Arabia, 1123 ; Reltter, 1887, 1888. 1397. Hymenoptera. Cockerell, 343 ; Turner, 1724. Diptera. Brunetti, 265. Hemiplera. Horvdth, Arabia, 825 & 838 ; Matsu* mura, 1121. Paraneuroptera. Morton, Mesopotamia, 1182. Uvarov, 1733, 1734, 1735, 1736. Africa. Coleoptera. Achard, 1 ; Alluaud, 24, 25,^26J; Arrow, 43, 45 ; Barker, 96 ; Bdnard, 125 ; Benderitter, 127 ; Berlioz, 147 ; Bernhauer, 152, 156, 158 ; Bickhardt, C 11 *98 Insecia XU. Insecta. [1919] 175, 176, 178 ; Bourgoin, 221 ; Caillol, 287 ; Cameron, 293 ; Champion, 310, 313, 314 : Csiki, 403 ; Desbordes, 435, 437 ; Eggers, 514 ; Fleutiaux, 588 ; ab. 11. tingens p. 136, B. {Brachynolo- mus) limbellus Algeciras, B, {Brachy- nidius) pallidipes Kashmir, p. 137, naevalus Spain, constrictus Taschkent, dilatipennis Turkestan, spp. n., ex- plodens abb, n. abdominalis, p. 139, and substriatulus p. 140, B. Jleischeri p. 143, B. {Pseudaptinus) rugipleuris, Spain, amabilis Algeria, p. 344, micro- phthalmus Andalusia p. 145, spp. n„ B. crepitans ab. n. annulatus p. 142, Reitter Ent. Bl. 15. — B. marleyi sp. n. p. 104, Barker Ann. Durb. Mus 2. — B. angustatus var. n. atropunctatus, Pio p. 17 Echange 35, Gallistomimus exsul S.W. Africa sp. n.t, Kuntzen p, 151 Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Galosoma beesoni sp. n. India p. 290, Andrewes Ann. nat. Hist. 4. — G. . imbricatum hottentottum p. 113, Kunt- zen Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Garabomorphus africanus sp. n. E. Africa p. 122, Csiki Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Garabus catenulatus, in the Faeroes, Born pp. 43-54 Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1915. — G. clairei, Born pp. 124 & 125 Ent. Bl. 14 1918. — G. cancellatus, races, Roubal pp. 180 & 181 Ent. Bl. 11 1915 ; races, Bernau Ent. Bl. 10 pp. 267-285 1914 11 pp. 14-40 1915 : criticism by Hubenthal Op. cit. 11 pp. 109-114 ; races, Bernau pp. 14-33 hybrids pp. 34-40 Ent. Bl. 11 1915 ; Hubenthal pp. 109-114 Ent, Bl. 11 1918. — G. intricatus, forms. Born pp. 193-200 Ent. Bl. 14 1918.— C. irre- gularis, variation, Pinhard pp. 97-100 Ent. Bl. 14 1918. — G. lineatus, varr.. Born pp. 64-68 Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Gatascopus aeneicollis n. n. for cupri- collis Chaud., Andrewes p. 481 Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Ghlaenius obsciiricollis p. 50, im- merens p. 51, allacteus p. 62, spp. n., Madagascar, Alluaud Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — G. peringueyi p. 160, S.W. Africa sp. n. ?, Kuntzen Mitt, zool. Mus. Berlin 9. — G. {Homalolach- nus) sexguttatus Burma p. 2, G. kanarae p. 3, multicolor p. 4, India, chapanus Tonkin p. 6, vitalisi Laos p. 6, tudicus p. 7, apollo p. 8, nilgiricus p. 9, India, 106 Insect a. XII Insecta. [1919]. fletcheri p. 10, henryi p. 11, Ceylon, binghami p. 12, corbetti p. 13, Burma, laotinus Laos p. 14, comans Tonkin p. 15, uninotatus Assam p. 16, spp. n., Andrewes Ann. nat. Hist. 4. — G. macleayi sp. n. Java p. 139, Andrewes Tr. ent. Soo. London 1919, Clivina invalida n. n., for debilis Bates, Andrewes p. 470 Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — C. madagascariensis = (aim* plicifrons Fairm. p. 99, globithorax to Coryza p. 100, Alluaud Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Cnecostolus subg. n. vide Brachynus. Coptodera chaudoiri sp. n. Hong-kong p. 179, Andrewes Tr. ent. Soo. London 1919. Coryza beccarii — {simplex Ch.) globithorax bekitra subsp. n. Madagas-, car, Alluaud p. 100 Bull. Soc. ent. France 19l9. Crepidogaster marginicollis, matonga, p. 105, obscura p. 106, spp. n.. Barker Ann. I)urb. Mus. 2. Cyclosomus buc^ueti seineri subsp. n. p. 121, Kuntzen Mitt. zool. Mus. Borliii 9. Dacnochlaenius gen. n. p. 52 type G. rudicollis F., achilles sp. n. E. Africa p. 53, Alluaud Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Dhanya gen. n. p. 296 Ozaenini, bioculata p. 297, parallela p. 298, spp. n., Borneo, Andrewes Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Dichirolrichus kolbei sp. n. ? S.W. Africa p. 146, Kuntzen Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Dioryche laevigata p. 146 S.W. Africa sp. n. ?, Kuntzen T.c. Distichus macleayi sp. n. Java p. 162, Andrewes Tr. ent. Soo. London 1919. Drimostoma damarense S.W. Africa sp. n. ?, Kuntzen p. 153 Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Euleptus paganus Africa sp. n. f Kuntzen p. 154 Tc. Eunostus latreillei ophthalmicus subsp. n., insignis, p. 279, microphthalmus, Madagascar, crampeli, burgeoni, har~ rarensis, p. 280, vuilleti p. 281, Africa, spp. n., Alluaud Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Eustra maianga p. 299, bryanti p. 300. spp. n., Borneo, Andrewes Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Oeotrechus gen. n. type Anophthalmus discontigryi, fuxeensis sp. n. Ariege, p. 254, orcinus stygius subsp. n. Haute- Garonne p. 255, Jeannel Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Oraphipterus langheldi p. 123, michael- seni p. 124, spp. n. ?, S.W. Africa, Kuntzen Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Halocoryza gen. n. p. 100 ClivinideSy maindroni sp. n. Djibouti p. 101 fig., Alluaud Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Haplopfza umtalia sp. n. p. 115, Barker Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. Uarpalus (Amblystus) debdouensis sp. n. Marocco p. 58, Obenberger Ent. Bl. 14 1918.— namanus p. 143. pseudanisodaclylus, rubrosuturatus, p, 144, S.W. Africa, spp. n. ?, Kuntzen Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. — H. cyrto- notoides p. 234, cordifer, p. 235, spp. n., U.S., Notman J. New York ent. Soo. 27. Hypolithus casperi, michaelseni, p. 141, damarensis p. 142, spp. n., S.W. Africa, Kuntzen Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Itamus dentalus sp. n. Tonkin p. 295, Andrewes Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Kareya gen. n. for pt. of Platymetopus type erebius Bates, Andrewes p. 473 Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Klepsiphrus malvernensis sp. n. p. 108, Barker Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. Laemoslhenus {Geuthosphodrus) levan- tiims sp. n. Spain p. 153, figs. I, 5, 6, Bolivar Bol. Soc, Espan. Hist. Nat. 19. Lasiosera peringueyi sp. n. ? p. 114 S.W. Africa, Kuntzen Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Lebia rutilicollis sp. n. Syria p. 159, Reitter Ent. Bl. 11 1915. — L. monii- cola sp. n. p. 110, Barker Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. — L. {N ematopeza) damarica p. 119, ripicola, L. cruciferella, focki, p. 120, spp. n. ? S.W. Africa, Kuntzen Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Lionychus damarensis sp. n. ? p. 118 S.W. Africa, Kuntzen T.c. Lobodontus conjunctus sp. n. p. 114, Barker Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. Lomasa gen, n. for Chlaenius xantha* crus Wied., Andrewes p. 480 Ann. nat. Hist 3. 107 Insecta. Systematic. — Coleoptbra — Paussidae. Loxomerns wolf sp. n. Now Britain p. 174, Heyden Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 86 1916. Metahletus michaelseni p. 118, p.ama- nus, oculattis, p. 119, gpp, n. ? Africa, Kuntzen Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Microcosmus^ luebberti S.W. Africa p. 148 sp, n. ? Kuntzen T.c. Nebria hlinchowstroemi in Germany p. 14, Benick Ent, Mitt. 8 ; N. brevi- colUs var. •— {klinchowstroemi Mj.), Meyer p. 180 Ent. BI. 15. Omophron bicolor p. 292, India, lestudo Annam p 293, spp. n., An- drewes Ann. nat. Hist. 4, — 0. pic- turatus oligoxanthus subsp. n. p. 113, Kuntzen Mitt zool. Mas. Berlin 9, Orlhogonius dubius sp. n, p. 110, Barker Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. — 0. macleayi sp. n. Java p. 100, Andrewes Tr. ent. Soc. London 1919. P achy Ides beyeri sp. n. Lower Cali- fornia, Notman p. 225 J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Patrobus longipalpus sp. n. New York p. 231, Notman T.c. Pentagonica antennata p. 116, ojieili p. 116, spp. n,, Barker Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. Pheropsophus iranicua sp. n. Persia p. 131, Reitter Ent. Bl. 15. — P. ubomboensis sp. n. p. 104, Barker Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. Plagiopyga transmalensis 107, Barker T.c. Planetes puncticeps sp. n. Japan p. 480, Andrewes Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Platynus iniitans p. 232, foveiceps p. 233, spp n. U.S., Notman J. N. York ent. Soc. 27. Plochionus bicolor sp. n. Florida p. 234, Notman T.c. Pogonus rappi sp. n. Rhone mouth p. 107, Hubenthal Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Polyhirnia atrala schuUzei subsp. n. ? p. 134, Kuntzen Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Prakasha gen. n. for Platymdopus amariformis Bates, Andrewes p. 474 Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Pteroslichus laevilatus sp. n. Brit. Columbia p. 231, Notman J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Scaphinotus {Paeudonomaretus man- nii sp. R. Washington p. 170, fig., Wickham Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Scotodipnua (Microlyphlua) ribagor- zanua sp. n. Spain p. 109, Bolivar Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. 19. Sfitakantha gen. n. for Thyreopterua impreasua Schm.-G., Andrewes p. 482 Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Siagona depresaa and europea dis- tinguished, Andrewes p. 470 T.c. Tachya michaelaeni S.W. Africa sp. n. ? Kuntzen p. 156 Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9 — T. rectnngulua, conjugensy spp. n. U.S. p. 229, Notman J. New York ent. soc. 27. Trechua {Duvalius) macedo Monastic p. 102, jonescoi Roumania p. 104, spp. n., Jeannel Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — T. delhermi dayremi subsp. n., simoni Intevanua subsp. n., mayeli cauaaicola subsp. n., p. 253, Jeannel T.c. Troglorilea breuli Jeann., fig. J, Bol, Soc. ent. Espan. 2 pp. 138-140. Xenilenua marahalli sp. n. p. 108, Barker Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. — X. pueacheli sp. n. ? p. 117 S.W Africa, Kuntzen Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Zabrus eserenaia sp* n. Aragon p. 429, Bolivar Bol. Soc. Espafi. Hist. Nat. 18 1918. Paussidae. Triphyletische Entwicklung, Was- MANN Tydschr. Ent. 62 p. 109. Arlhropterus articulqris sp. n. South Australia, Elston Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p. 342 f. 1. Cerapterus laticornia sp. n. Zentral- Afrika, Wasmann Tydschr. Ent. 62 p. 113 and p. Ill N. Beitr. syst. Insk. 1. — C. horsfieldi p. iv f. 19, habits p. 205, Wasmann Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1916. Pausaus canaliculaiua sp. n. Zentral- Afrika, Wasmann Tydschr. Ent. 62 p. 128 and p. 112 N. Beitr. sj^st. Insk. 1. Pentaplatarthrus focki sp. n. Zentral- Afrika, Wasmann Tydschr. Ent. 62 p. 120 and p. Ill N. Beitr. syst. Insk. 1. JOS Insecia. XII. Insecta. [1919] Haliplidae. The Haliplidae of Belgium, Van Dorsselaoke Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique 1 pp, 68-73. Brycliius ; larva, Rousseau p. 128 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 69. Ualiplua fulvus ab. n, muUialriatus p. 232, fulvicoUia distinctions p. 233, SoHOLZ Ent. Bl. 11 1915. — H. ruJicollia» allies, Gerhardt pp. 324-328 Arch. Hydrobiol. 11 1916. Dytisoidae. The Dytiscidae of Belgium, Van Dorsselaeb Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique 1 pp. 78-92 104-119. Notes on various european Dytisoidae, •SoHOLZ pp. 232-250 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Agabus chalconotus var. n. melano- ■cornia, Zimmermann p. 223 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Bidessua longovalis p. 310, aubsericeus p. 311, spp. n. Florida, Blatchley Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. Copelatua aubfasciatus sp. n. Formo.sa p. 76, Zimmermann Ent. Mitt. 8. Oybisler insignia var. n. regularia, vicinua, p. 98, ertli p. 99, aequatorius p 100, spp. n. Afiica, crassiusculua $ p. 101, auritua and marginicollia p. 102, .Zimmermann Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Deronectea depress us and elegana dis- tinguished pp. 293-308 pis. vii-viii, Balfour-Buowne Ann. nat. Hist. 8. Desmopachria mutchleri sp. n. Florida p. 309, Blatoiiley Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. Hydroporua borealis var. n. montanus p. 218, narentinus sp. n. Dalmatia p. 220, obliquesignatus Bielz valid p. 221, marginatus var. n. pallens p. 222, discretua — {corsicus Wehncke) p. 223, Zimmermann Ent. Bl. 11 1915. — //. incognitas = (seidlitzi Gerh.), ScHOLZ p. 137 Ent. B1. 13 1917. Hygrqtua inaequalis var. n. dal- matinus, versicolor var. n. semilineatus, Zimmermann p. 218 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. llybiua ; characters of european, figs., SoHOLZ pp. 236-247 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. llybiua gattiger = {kieaenwelteri W.), Hubentiial p. 234 Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Laccodytea americanus sp. n. Guiana p. 145, Pesohet Bull, Soc. ent. France 1919. Rhantus lalitans, characters, 2[immer- MANN,p. 224 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. HYDROrillLTDAE. Taxonomy j d’Orohymont pp. 105- 168 Ann. Soc. ent. France 88 and pp. 163-168 Rev. zool. afrio. 6. Tables of franco-rhenane Hydro - philidae continued, De3 Gozis pp. 113- 176 Misoell. ent. 24 sep. pag. BeralUra gen. n. p. 145 next Oocyclua, obscura sp. n. Bolivia p. 146, d’Orchy- MONT Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Berosini ; taxonomy, d’Orouymont p. 164-168 T.c. Cercyon litoralis binotatus = {nor- mannus Ben.), Kni^ p. 16 Ent. Bl. 15. — G. subsulcatus — ( ? sternalis Sh.), Deville p. 199 Ent. Mag. 55. Coelostoma salvazai p. 73 Laos sp. n., d’Orohymont Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 69. Gycreon gen. n. p. 119 Cercyonini, sculpturatus sp. n. Sumatra j). 121, d’Orciiymont Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Gyphostethua subg. n. of Tropislernua type chalybeua Cast., d’Orchymont p. 160 T.c. Dactylostethua gen. n. p. 109 tdphaer- idiini, impunclatus sp. n. Sumatra p, 111, d’Oucuymont 'Ac. Derallua argentinenais p. 459 fig., spegazzmii p. 460, spp. n. La Plata, Bruch Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 1915. Enochroides Kuw. is a synonym of Oocyclua Sharp, Orchymont p. 226 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Enochrua to replace Philydrus, d’Or- chymont p. 148 Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Epimetopua asperatus sp. n. India p. 237, Champion Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Helocharea (Hydrobaticus) salvazai p. 76, II. vitaliai p. 78, spp. n., Cam- bodia, d’Orohymont Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59.---//. atralus La Plata p. 451 fig., ventricoaua La Plata fig., gravidua La Plata fig. p. 452, spp. n., Bruch Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 1915. 109 Insecta. Systematic— CoLBOPTBRA — Hydrophilidab. Hehpellis cossyphoides sp. n. La Plata p. 468 fig., Bruch T.c. Helophorua hanghaasi sp. n. Syr Daria p. 11, Kniz Ent. Bl. 15. Hydraena ; larva, d’Orchymont Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59. — H. imperatrix p. 1.3, calabra p. 14, spp. n. Calabria, Kniz Ent. Bl. 15. Hydrochus minimus sp. n. Florida p. 317, Blatohley Bull., Amer. Mus. 41. — H, corruscans p. 462 fig., richteri p. 463 fig., spp. n. La Plata, Bruch Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 1916. Ilydrophilus ; the egg case, Vande- VELDE Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique 1, p. 9-12 ; H. piceus, cocoon construction. Vandevelde pp 206-208 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. — H. similis sp. n. India p. 162, d’Orohymonx Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. — H. vitalisi sp. n. Annani.p, 79, d’Orohymont Ann. Soo. cut. Belgique 59. — H, longus sp. n. La Plata p. 448 fig., Bruch Rov. Mus. La Plata 19 1916.—//. sartus Seni., Umipes = {profanifuga Sem.), Kni^ p. 16 Ent. Bl. 15. HygrolrophuSy is a subg. of Berosus, Orchymont p. 229 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Neohydrobius, is a synonym of llelochares, Orchymont p. 227 T.c. Neokydrophilus, a valid gen., d’Or- chymont p. 161 Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Noteropagus gen. n. p. 132 Megas- teniini, politus Memtawei p. 134, obscurus Timor p. 135, spp. n., d’Or- chymont T.c. Ochthebins ; synonymy of palaearotic, Knt?. p. 13 Ent. Bl. 15. — 0. martini sp. n. California p. 212, fossatus = {tuberculatns and foveicollis) p. 213, Fall Canad. Ent. 51. — 0, franeJei sp. n. La Plata p. 464 fig., Bruch Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 1916. TJmicrogiton gen. n. p. 121 near Omicrus, insularis sp. n. Engano p. 123 d’ Orchymont Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Oocyclus latus sp. n. Ceylon p. 142, d’Orchymont T.c. Oosternum sculptum sp. n. La Plata p. 469 fig., Bruch Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 1916. Orchymontia gen. n. Ilydraeninae,. spinipennis sp. n. New Zealand, Broun Ann Soc. ent. Belgique 69 p. 108. Paracymus rufocinctus p. 456 fig.,. gmniformis p. 457 fig.. La Plata spp. n., Bruch Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 ^1915. Paromicrus annandulei India p. 130, affmis Japan p. 127, scotti p. 128, caro- linae p. 129, Engano, spp. n., d’Orchy- mont Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Pelosoma meridionale sp. n. La Plata p. 468 fig., Bruch Rev. Mus. La Plata^ 19 1916. • Pelthydrus gen. n. p. 150 next Helochares, sculpturalus Yunnan, minu- tus p. 163, brouni p. 164, Sumatra, spp. n., d’Orchymont Ann. Soo. ent. .France 88. Phaenonotum argentinense p. 465 fig., spegazzinii, regimbarti, p. 466, puncti- colle p. 467, spp, n. La Plata, Bruch Rov. Mus. La Idata 19 1916. Philhydrus obsoletiis p. 463 fig., circumcinctus p. 454 fig., scutellaris^ p. 455 fig., breviusculm p. 456 fig., spp. n. La Plata, Bruch T.c. Psalitrus gen. n. p. 123 near Paro- micrus, vandenbosscheae sp. n. Sumatra p. 124, d’Orchymont Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Pseudohydrobius flavus sp. n. N.S.W. p. 167, Lea Tr. R. Soo. Austr. 43 1919. Rygmodini trib. n. for various New Zealand forms, d’Orchymont p. 105 Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Scoliopsis gen. n. p. 139 Hydrobiini, spinosa sp. n. Ceylon p. 141, d’Orohy- mont T.c. Spercheus gibbus p. 238, belli, bino- dulus, p. 239, spp. n., India, Champion Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. — 8, fimbriicollis sp. n. La Plata p. 460 fig., Bruch Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 19l6. Sphaeridium, characters of british. Sharp pp. 124-126 Ent. mo. Mag. 55 ; characters of european, figs., synonymy, Dbville Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — 8. severini sp. n. India p. 110 thomsoni n.n. for pictum Th. p. 118, d’Orohy- mont Ann. Soo. ent. France 88. Sternolophus and N eosiernolophus, taxonomy, d’Orchymont p. 156 T.c. Tropisternus dilatatus La Plata p. 449 fig., obesus La Plata p. 450 fig., spp. n., Bruch Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 1915. 110 Inaecta. Insecta. [1919] Staphylinidae. The genera of Aleocharinae, Fenyes Oen. ins. fasc. 173a pp. 1-110. Wasmann repeats the descriptions of his paper (recorded last year) Zeitschr. wiss. zool. 117, 1917 ; in consequence of delay in printing these descriptions may have priority : Ent. Mitt. Berlin v. 1916 pp. 92-109 134- 147 pi. iii. Acanthoglossa csikii p. 126, eryth- raeana p. 127, spp. n., Africa, Bern- UAUER Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Actobiua robustus, kiboshensia, spp. n., Africa p. 135, Bernuauer T.o. Acylophorus methneri, uaambarae, spp. n., E. Africa p. 48, Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Adinopsia gen. n. Adinopaini group n. p. 242, nifobrunnea sp. n. Singapore p. 243, Cameron Tr.'ent. Soc. London 1918. Aenictonia {Anommatonia subg. n. p. 29), longicornis p. 30, triatia, achwabiy p. 31, aocia p. 289, A. (Anommatochara subg. n. p. 29), rubella, bicornia, p. 33, wilverthi p. 34, spp. n., Africa, figs., Wasmann Ent. Mitt. 4 1916. — A, rninarzi sp. n. E. Africa p. 160, Bern- hauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Aleochara aerea sp. n. Abyssinia p. 189, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — A. aparaa p. 36, diveraa pharenais subsp. n. p. 37, Gridelli Bulb Sue. ent. itab 60. Anommatochara subg, n, vide Aenic- Ionia. Anommatonia subg. n. vide Aenic- tonia. Astenua rudiventria p. 118, uluguru- enaia, abeaainua, p. 119, tropicua, rufopiceua, p. 120, spp. n. Africa, Bernahuer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — A. madagaacarienaia sp. n. p. 658, Bernhauer Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Aaticta gen. n. near Teiraaticta, buUeli, sp. n. Selangor p. 186 pb iv. f. 13, Wasmann Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1916. Aaiilbidea, gen. n. near Druailla p. 140, rugipennia p. 141 pb iii. f. 6, achwabi p. 142, spp. n. with Anomma in Africa, Wasmann Ent. Mitt. 6 1916. Aatilbua fiaaatua, cordicollia, spp. n. E. Africa p. 168, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Alheta {Metaxia) ujuienaia p. 182, A. {Datomicra) alboguttaia, A. {Microdota) kiboahana, p. 183, eichel- baumiy A. oculata p. 184, A. {Oxypodera subg. n.) kilimandjarenaia p. 185, spp. n. Africa, Bernhauer T.c. — A. picticolUa p. 257, binidena p. 258, spp. n. India, Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Baptolinua affinia abnormalities p. 214, Uhmann Ent. Mitt. 8. Belonuchua silveatria p. 17, praaini- pennia, rnonticola, p. 18, excelaua, braailianua, p. 19, spp. n. Amer. mer., Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Blediua auriculicollia sp. n. E. Africa p. 103, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. — B. philadelphicua n. n. for diaaimilia Fall, tranaitua n. n. for fratellua Fall, Fall p. 26 Ent. News 30. — B. aecerdendua, synonymy, Deville p. 197 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. — B. j)rocerulua, habits, Rapp p. 316 Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Brachydirua gebieni, eroaua, p. 20, denaiventria p. 21, diver aiventr is p. 22, spp. n. Am. mer., Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Bryocharia analis var. merdaria, Newbery p. 32 Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Calliderma puguenaia sp. n. Africa p. 131, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Oardiola caikii sp. n. E. Africa p. 168, Bernhauer T.c. Catarractea gen. n. p. 181, near Zyraa, methnerianua sp. n. E. Africa p. 182, Bernhauer T.c. Cheilaater gen. n. p. 120 near Echiaater, caikii sp. n. E. Africa p. 121, Bernhauer T.c. Gompaochilua africanus Fairm. to Acrognathua, Champion p. 154 Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Cohosoma quinqueguttatum, dilutum, spp. n. Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — C. flavofasciatum sp. n. Madura p. 265, Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 11 1915. — G. robuatum p. 233, rufobrunneum, jlavogullatum, p. 234, abdominale p. 236, championi, walkeri, p. 236, perplexuniy nigromaculatum, X>. 237, rufoteataceum p. 238, spp. n. Ill Insecta. StSTEMATIO. — COLEOPTEBA — StAPHYLINIDAE. Singapore, Cameron Tr. ent. Soc. London 1918. — C. montanum sp. n. Ceylon p. 255, Cameron Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Coproporus linibicollis, glohulosus, bivitlatus, spp. n. Africa p. 155, Bern- HAUER Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — C. rufiventris p. 238, flavipennis p. 239, parvulus p. 240, spp. n. Singapore, Cameron Tr. ent. Soc. London 1918. Crypiobium erythreanum p. 131, aethiopicum, errerense, p. 132, spp. n. Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — C, waageni sp. n. Pegu, p. 252, Bernhauer Ent. BI. 11 1916. Dianous inaeqiialis, caeruleonotatus, p. 45, scabricollis p. 46, cyanogaster p. 47, qmnctiventris, lobigerus, p. 48, distigma p. 49, cameroni p. 50, radiatus p. 61, tortuosus, subvorticosus, aeretis, minor, p. 63, India, pilosus China p. 64, spp. n., Champion Ent. mo. Mag. 55, figs, of aedeagus p. 54. — D. azureus p. 97, cribrarius, luteoguUatus p. 98, spp. n. India, Champion T.c. : notes on the habits, H. G. Champion T.c. pp. 99-101. Diatrechus kristenseni p. 146, aler p. 147, spp. n. Abyssinia, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Diglotta testampcnnis sp. n. Singapore p. 245, Cameron Tr. out. Soo. London 1918. Dinarda africana sp. n. Zanzibar p. 659, Bernhauer in Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Diplopleurua gen. n. near Zyras p. 160, exacvatua sp. n. E. Africa p. 161, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. Discoxenus crassicornis pi. iv. f. 6, acuticornis, spp. n. Ceylon with Odon- totermes p. 179, Wasmann Zool. Jahrb. 39 1916. Disticta gen. n. p. 184 near Tetrasticta, capritermiiis sp. n. Sumatra p. 186 pi. iv. f. 12, Wasmann T.c. Dolicaon laevicollis sp. n. E. Africa p. 131, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. Dorylogaster clavicornis p. 103 pi. iii. f. 2, kohli f. 1, spp. n. Africa, Wasmann Ent. Mitt. 5 1916. Dorylogastrini trib. n. p. 103 Id. t.c. Dorylopora, table including Aenic- tonia minor Eichelb., Wasmann p. 203 Ent. Mitt. 4 1916. Doryloxenus ceylonicus Ceylon p. 176 fig., peradenyiae Ceylon fig. splendidus Ceylon fig., butteli Ceylon fig., p. 176, eutermitis Khandala fig. p. 176, spp. n., Wasmann Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 39 1916. Eleusis quadripunctata p. 553, madagascariensis p. 664, Madagascar spp. n., Bernhauer in Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Espeaon gigantulus sp. n. Usanibara p. 97, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. Eurycnemus regalis p. 160, princeps p. 161, spp. n. Cameroons, Bernhauer T.o. Falagria madurensis sp. n. India p. 266, Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Gyrophaena aenescens, convexicollis, spp. n. Airica p. 167, Bernhauer Ann. Mus, Hungar. 13 1916. Hamitopsenius gen. n. p. 198, Trichopsenini, caudatus sp. n. Sumatra with Hamiiermes p. 201 pi. iv. f. 17, Wasmann Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1916. Hesperus belonychiformis, africanns, p. 145, mirus p. 146, opp. n. Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. Hoplandria tfc Coenonica, characters and position, Cameron p. 230 Ent. Mo. Mag, 55. Lathrobium tenebrosum p. 99, humile p. 100, spp. n. Ontario, Notman J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Leptusa serullazi sp. n. Grande- Chartreuse p. 262, Devillb Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Leucocraspedum nigrum sp. n. Singa- pore p. 243, Cameron Tr. ent. Soc. London 1918. — L. Jiorni sp. n. Ceylon p. 256, Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 11 1916. Lispinus splendens p. 96, ferrugineus , opacipennis, usambaricus p. 96, spp. n, Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar . 13 1915. — L. madurensis, longipennis, spp. n. India p. 251, Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 11 1916. 112 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Medon opacus Madagascar, katonaCt p. 127, magniceps, aqxtatilis, p. 128, silvestris, humeralis, nwschianus, p. 129, M. (Lithocharis) parochraceiiSf dimidiatipennis, p. 130, Africa, spp. n., Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. — M. {Gharichirus) ceylonicua p. 228, M. championi p. 251, basalis p. 262, spp. n. Ceylon, Cameron Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Megalops seriaius p. 192, kolbei p. 193, M. {Stylopodus subg. n. p. 190), bisulcatus p. 293, spp. n. Mexico, Benick Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Megarthropsis gen. n. p. 231 Megar- ihropsini new group, decorata sp. n. Singapore p. 232, Cameron Tr. ent. Soc. London 1918. Meocerus abessinus sp, n. Harrar p. 46, Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Methneria gen. n. p. 180, near Zyraa ? paradoxicornis sp. n. E. Africa p. 181, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. Microgloaaa pulla, larva, figs., Falooz p. 290-301 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Mimocyptua gen. n. Tachyporini, globulus sp. n. Singapore, Cameron p. 241 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1918. Mimogonua africanua, p. 104, methneri, continenlalia, p. 105, spp. n. Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. Mitomorphua nigerrimua sp. n. Madura p. 263, Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Mycetoporua {Isclmoaoma) kill mandscharenaia p. 151, abesainua p. 152 _ spp. n, Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. — M. {IscJinosoma) virginicus p. 249, M. curtipennia p. 260, spp. n. U.S., Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 13 1917. MylUiena faberensia sp. n. Singapore p. 244, Cameron Tr. ent. Soc. London 1918. Myrmecoaaurus tagana sp, n. Argen- tina p. 213, Wasmann Ent. Blatt. 14 1918. Myrmedonia robuata, dollmani, p. 84, doniathorpei, apalha, rhodeaiana, p. 85, aeminigra p. 86, spp. n. Rhodesia, Cameron Ent. Rec. 31. — M. geminata= (apicicornia W. == Z. perveraua Bernh.) p. 71, schmalzi p. 72, bruchiana p. 214,. spp. n. Amer. mer., Wasmann Ent. Blatt. 14 1918. Neobianiua rujipennis sp. n. Ceylon p. 262, Cameron Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Nudobiua coloriventris p. 133, abeaainua, proximua, N. {Pedinolinus} praecellena, p. 134, spp. n. Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Ocalea {Pachorhopala subg. n.) africana sp. n. p. 186, Bernhauer T.c. Ocyplanua — {Dorylonia W.) p. 136, kohli sp. n. \fiih. Anomma in the Congo p. 137 pi. iii. f. 5, Wasmann Ent. Mitt. 5 1916. Ocyuaa pellax sp. n. Algeria p. 71, Peyerimhoff Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Oligolinus excellena sp. n. Madura p. 253, Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Oncogenya nom. n. for Oncophorus Epp., Champion p. 154 Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Ophryomedou gen. n. p. 202 near Medon, crenatiis sp. n. Selangor p. 204 pi. iv. f. 18, Wasmann Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1916. Oaoriua uaambarae p. 103, linearis p. 104, spp. n. Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. — O. punctifrona p. 655, murecariua, achusteri, p. 666, crenifrona p. 557, spp. n. Madagascar, Bernhauer Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Oxypoda grandicollia, uaaureana, p. 187, rudicollia p. 188, spp. n. Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — 0. {Beaaopora) aaturata p. 332, arverna p. 333, spp. n. France, Peyer- imhoff Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1920. — 0. opaca abnormal antennae p. 215, Uhmann Ent. Mitt. 8. Oxypodera subg. n. vide Atheia. Oxyielua {Caccoporua) dareasalamen- aia, aquatilia, p. 98, O. (Epomotylus) fulgena, abeaainua, p. 99, 0. {Onotylua) kristenaeni p. 100, 0. mirua, bacillus, p. 101, plaaoni p. 102, spp. n. Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — 0. insecatua and Larnprinus aaginatua- with ants, Nicholson p. 136 Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Pachorhopala subg. n. yide Ocalea* 113 Insecta. S Y3T a M ITIO. — OOLBOPTBRA — StAPH YLINID AE. Paederus rufofasciatus p. 116, aqua- ticuSy rufiventrisy spectabilis, p. 116, subopacus, viridipenniSy p. 117, pur- puripennis p. 118, spp. n. Africa, fuscipes var. n. nigrolineatus p. 118, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — P. comorensis sp. n. Gross Comoro p. 657, Bernhauer in Voeltz- kow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Paraphytosua ; labium, correction, Cameron p. 32 Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Perostylus subg. n. of Megalops for M. praeditus Sharp, Beniok p. 190 Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Phanolinus chiriquensis ap. n. Panama , p. 13, Bernhauer Ent. Zs. Frankf. 29 1916. Philonthus gigas p. 136, robusticornis, aeihiopsy p. 137, haematodeSy kristenseniy p. 138, methneriy pulcherrimus, p. 139, testaceocinctus p, 140, lacustrisy parci- pennisy magnicolliSy p. 141, nigrocinctusy aethiopicuSy p. 142, inter ocularis, P. {Onbrius) minutissimusy katonaey p. 143, neobisniformis p. 144, spp. n. Africa, P. peregrinus var. n. pustulatus p. 140, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — P. csikii sp. n. E. Africa p. 46, Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 13 1917. — P. tripunctatus, pubipennis, p. 253, imsi- color p. 254, spp. n. Ceylon, Cameron Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. — P. donckieri Madura, borneensis Sarawak, p. 254, madurensis p. 255, spp. n., Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Philothalpus lemoulli sp. n. Guiana p. 14, Bernhauer Ent. Zs. Frankf. 29 1915. Phloeopora africana sp. n. p. 186, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — P. angustiformisy Sharp p. 106 Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Phucobius Sh. = {Orthidus Key), con- gruus Walk., Cameron p. 207 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Pinophilus robustus p. 112, puguensis, abessinus, p. 113, rudisy abnormalis, p. 114, spp. n. Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. Planeustomus tropicus sp. n. Africa p. 97, Bernhauer T.c. — P. longiceps p. 154, bengalensis p. 165, subcarinatus p. 156, spp. n. India, Champion Ent. mo. Mag. 55. {n-13799 j) Q Plociopterus chlorocephalusy colum- binusy spp. n. Am. mer. p. 22, Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Priochirus subconvexus p. 654, voeltz- kowiy Comoren p. 554, spp. n., Bern- hauer in Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Pronomaea leontopolitana sp. n. Singa- pore p. 24.5, Cameron Tr. ent. Soc. London 1918. Pseudoperinthus gen. n. p. 189 and 194 Aleocharini, malyanus sp. n, Sumatra p. 195 pi. iv. f. 16, Wasmann Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1916. Pygostenus wasmanni p. 152, meth- neriy daressalamensis, p. 153, spp. n. Africa, BerniIauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Quedius {Sauridus) sexpunctaius Sp. n. Cape Good Hope p. 47, Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 13 1917. — Q. {Sauridua) parvipennia sp. n. Alberta p. 249, Bernhauer T.c. — Q. pallipes Luc; — {hammianua Sh.), Devillb p. 198 EnL Mo. Mag. 55. Schistogenia methneriy sp. n. E. Africa p. 162, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. — S. dollmani sp. n._ Rhodesia p. 83, Cameron Ent. Rec. 31. Scopaeua linearis sp. n. Ontario- p. 100, Notman J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Somoleptus columbiens sp. n. Colom-^ bia p. 13, Bernhauer Ent. Zs. FrankL 29 1915. Staphylinua methneri, kristenseni, p. 148, banghaaai p. 149, fraternus p. 150, spp. n. Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Stenaesthetus africanus sp. n. p. 106, Bernhauer T.c. Stenua hilfi Bulgaria p. 225, coraicua p. 228, velebiticua Ostaria p. 230, spp. n. ; maculiger var. n. consanguineua, ater ab. n. testaceipes, p. 225, erichsoni var. n. jailensis, coarcticollia var. n. validua, . p. 229 ; male genitalia figs, p. 226, Beniok Ent. Bl. 11 1916. — 8. aethiopicua p. 106, borodanuSy usambarae p. 107, kaguruensisy 8. {Hypostenua) regaliSy p. 108, diana p. 109, continentalis, ulzungweanuSy quadrispinua p. 110, angustiventrisy uluguruenaia p. Ill, matumbiensis p. 112, spp. n. Africa, Bernhauer Ann. C 12 114 Insecta. XIL Insecta. [1919] Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — 8. albidicornis ap. n. India p. 252, Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 11 1915. — 8. rectifrons Peru p. 294, vermicular is p. 295, perrugosus , p. 297, 8. {Tesnua) facetua p. 298, Colombia, 8. (Hypostenua) antillenaia Guadeloupe p. 301, fastigialia p. 302, capillaceua p. 303, cinereus, p. 304, Colombia, distinctus Ecuador p. 305, tuberosicollis p. 307, fulgens p. 308, -Colombia, lacertosus Sumatra p. 311, .squarnoaus p. 312, postnotatua p. 313, -Colombia, spp. n., Benick Ent. Bl. 13 1917. 8tilicus spectabilis p. 121, puncti- pennia, moschiensis p. 122, alienus, nnijormis, laevipe7inis p. 123, uluguru-* •ensis, clarissimus, p. 124, hypsibathus, katonae p. 125, magnicepa p. 126, spp. n. Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. JSlylopodus subg. n. vide Megalops. ‘Tachyporua calidua p. 156, silvestria p. 157, spp. n. Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Taenodema giganteum sp. n. Of)sta Hica p. 13, Bernhauer Ent. Zs. Frankf. 29 1915. Termitobiella gen. n. near Tetrasticta, setipea sp. n. Selangor pi. iv. f. 14, Wasmann p. 187 Zool. Jahrb. Syst. .-39 1916. Termitodiscus butleli sp. n. Ceylon with Odontotermes pi. iv. f. 10, escherichi 'yar. n. picea, Wasmann p. 182 T.c. Termitotima gen. n, near Termitop- tochua, asamuthi sp. n. Bombay not described, Wasmann p. 188 T.c. Thlibopleurus gen. n. p. 162 Myr- inedoniini, kristenseni sp. n. Abyssinia p. 163, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Tinotus minutus sp. n. E. Africa p. 158, Bernhauer T.c. Trogophloeus (Thinodrotnus) lewisi p. 224), T. (Biopinus) peregrinus, T. nitidipennis, p. 225, spp. n. Ceylon, Cameron Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Xanthopygus dirnidiatus sp. n. Bolivia p. 23, Bernhauer Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Zyras bipustulatus, superbua p. 164, fabulosus, phaenominalia p. 165, abea~ ^inua, mirabilia p. 166, dareaaalamenaia jj). 167, regalia, imperialia p. 168, Imki p. 169, arrogans, cicatricosua p. 170, trisulcatus, wichmanni, hector p. 171. puncliventris p. 172, kristenaeni, lome- chuainus p. 173, lucernus, notandua, p. 174, usambarae p. 175, biaulcatua p. 176, caikii p. 177, panganianua, eacherichi, p. 178, lioglutoides p. 179, spp. n. Africa, Bernhauer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. PSELAPHIDAB. Amauroj)a aubei monatruoaipea p. 180 pi. iii f. 6, sulcatula var. n.p. 182, diecki dentibasis subsp. n. p. 182, dentici{lata sp. n. Sardinia p. 183 f. 7, sardoa aritzenaia subsp. n. p. 184 with var. macrocephala, aculeaia f. 9 p. 185, longipes f. 10 p. 186, spp. n., Sardinia, Dodero Ann. Mus. Genova 48. Amauropua gen. n., lobipea sp. n. Albania, Reitter j). 202 Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Aphanogramme subg. n. vide Trim- ium. Articerua aubcylindricornis p. 168 pi. XXV f. 4, mesoalernalia p. 170 ff. 7-8, Western Australia, wUaoni Victoria p. 169 If. 6-6, spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aiist 43* Brachygluta abrupta j). 194 pi. iv f. sp. n. Sicily, Dodero Ann. Mus. Genova 48. Bythinus mimus sp. n. Italy pi. iv f. 2, oreophilus judicariensis, difficilia varr. n. odontogena fig. 4, subdentatua and pachymerua p. 197 bulbifer ab. n. eleganlulus p. 199, argodi liguricua subsp. n. p. 200 f. 5, B. (Macrobythua) redemp>tua p. 201 f. 6, vicinua f. 7, mancinii f. 8, p. 202 with var. conformia, B. {Bythm- opaia) tibialis p. 206 f. 11, thermalia p. 207 f. 12, triangulifer p. 208 f. 13, B. {Trogobythus) gularia p. 209 f. 14, crassitaraia xj. 211 f. 15, spp. n. Italy, B. (Apobytkua) damryi varr. n. arquori- enaia p. 211 and macrops p. 212, aymerichi var. n. lapidicola i). 212 f. 16, foveipennis p. 213 f. 17, andreinii p. 214, B. (Bythoxenua) propomacrus x>. 217, Italy, mirandua Sardinia p. 216 f. 18, spp. n., Dodero T.c. — B. (Lophobythus) bidentatua sp. n. France p. 243 f>l. iv f. 20 with var. aubertanua p. 244, Dodero T.c. — B. erichaoni var n. inuliebria, Kunnemann p. 126 Ent. Bl. 15. Chennium inaulare sp. n. Sardinia p. 240, Dodero Ann. Mus. Genova 48. 115 Insecta. S rSTBMATlO. — COLEOPTERA — SlLPHlD AE. Leanymus mirus sp. n. Queensland, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p. 167 pi. XXV ff. 1-3. Machaerites (Bythoxcmis) bordei sp. n. Algeria p. 72, fig., Peyerimhoff Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Pselaphus insulcatus p. 229 pi. iii f. 16, mrdous p. 231 f. 17 with var. banari- ensis, Sardinia, grajus p. 232, cottianua p. 2,33, Italy, spp. n., Dodero Ann. Mus. Genova 48. — P. paganeitii Spain p, 248, provincialis Frejus p. 249, P. (Pselaphostomus) bussacensis Spain p. 247, spp. n., Dodero T.c. Pygoxyon obesum sp. n. Piedmont p. 174 pi. iii f. 1, Dodero T.c. Trimium {Aphanogramme subg. n.) asturicum sp. n. Leon p. 242, Dodero T.c. Trogasteropsis gen. n. p. 176, coecus , 178 pi. iii f. 2, aglenus, aJiillusp. 179, ardinia, anophthalmus pi. iii f. 4 p. 180 Barcelona, spp. n., Dodero T.c. TycJms tritomm Sardinia p. 218 pi. iii f. 11, aretinus p. 219, cossyrensis p. 220, pulcherrimm p. 222 f. 12 Italy, confusus Sardinia p. 223 f. 13, spp. n., Dodero T.c. — T. hermonis sp. n. Palestine p. 246 pi. iii f. 15, Dodero T.c. Zoufalia gen. n. p. 201 for part of Bergrothia, Rritter Ent. Bl. 14 1918. SCYDMAENIDAE. CepJiennium weingaertneri sp. n. Croatia, Rettter Col. Rundsch. 1916 No. 4/6. SiLPHIDAB. Acanthopsilus subg. n. for Necro- phorus concolor Kr., Portevin p. 223 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. Agathidium ; structural notes, Vatbr- NAHM p. 282-284 Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 14. Agathidium {Cyphoceble) edoughe^ise sp. n. Algeria p. 198, Portevin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. Bathysciola ohermaieri sp. n. Spain p. 447 figs 1-4, Bolivar Bol. Soc. Espafi. Hist. Nat. 18 1918. Brachyloma gen. n. near Pteroloma, curium Japan, p. 218, sinense Yunnan p. 219, spp. n., Portevin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. (n- 13799 j) Q Catopodes gen. n. p. 214 for Catops fuscicornis kr., Portevin T.c. Catops apicalia p. 2l6, angustipes p. 217, spp. n. Japan, Portevin T.c. Cnemopsilus gen, n. near Catops, fernorattts sp. n. New Zealand fig., Portevin p. 190 T.c. Colon elongatum sp. n. Ontario p. 98, Notman J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Dolichocatops gen. n., schenklingi sp. n. New Zealand fig. Portevin p. 191 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. Estadia sicardi Madagascar, niti~ dicollis, p. 200, strigifrons p. 201, Natal, spp. n., Portevin T.c. Euryspeonomus subg. n. vide Speonomus. Eunemadus gen. n. near Nemadus, chilensis sp. n. Chile, Portevin p. 192 T.c. Hydnobius ciliatus sp. n. Algeria p. 197, Portevin T.c. — H. contractus sp. n. India p. 240, Champion Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Nargus albanicus ab. n. ruficollis, Reitter p. 42 Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Necrophorus vespilloides varr. n. Jractus, borealis and subfasciatus, vesti- gator varr. n. bipunctatus and obscuri- pennis, p. 196, antennatus var. n. centralis p. 196, Portevin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. — N. maculifrons ab. n. binderi, Roubal p. 169 Ent Bl. 11, 1915. Paracatops brouni sp. n. New Zealand p. 192, Portevin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. Pseudonemadus gen. n. for part of Ptomaphagus, nigricornis sp. n, Australia and Tasmania, Portevin p. 193 T.c. Ptomaphaginus gen. n. near Ptoma- phagus, longitarsis sp. n. Ceylon, Portevin p. 194 T.c. Ptomascopus morio var. n. lewisi p. 223, Portevin T.c. Ragyles gen. n. near Agyrtes, luteipes sp. n. New Zealand fig., Portevin p. 196 T.c. Silpka inaequalis, habits, Goe Ent News 30 p. 253-265. C 12-2 116 histcta xn. Insecta. ' [1919] Speocharidius gen. u. Bathysciinae p. 130, breuili (type) p. 131, fig. 1, bolivari p. 133, filicornis p. 134, spp. n., Spain, Jeannel Bol. Soc. Espag. 19. Speonomus {Euryspeonomus subgen. n.) Bathysciinae p. 134, type breuli 8p. n. Spain p. 136, fig. 2, Jeannel T.o. Thanatophilus subrugosus, irregularis, gpp. n. Japan p. 221, Poetevin Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. TRIOHOPTBRYaiDAB. Microptilium palustre sp. n. Hungary Kuntzen p. 163 Ent. Bl. 10 1914. Ptinella cretica sp. n. p. 76, Oben- BERQER Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Rodwayia intercoxalis sp. n. Queens- land, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p. 174 pi. XXV f. 13. SOAPHIDnDAE. Baeocera kapfereri sp. n. Tunis p. 42, Reitter Ent. Bl. 11 1915. — B. bicolor sp. n. Argentina p. 361, with var. diluta p. 352, Aohard Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1920. Scaphosoma antennatum p. 362, minu- tum p. 363, spp. n. Sikkim, Aohard T.c. Scaphosoma bonariense sp. n. p. 350 with varr. rubromaculatum, intermedium and dejiciens, p. 351, Aohard T.c. Toxidium minutum sp. n. Sikkim p. 364, Aohard T.c. Histeridae. List of genera, etc., Biokhardt Ent. Bl. 10 pp. 305-308, 1914. Histeridae and ants, Wasmann pp. 37-41 Ent. Blatt. 14 1918. Catalogue of Indo -Chinese Histeridae, Desbordes Ann. Soc. ent. France, pp. 341-424, 87. Notes on the Histeridae of Genera insectorum, Wasmann pp. 37-41 Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Abraeus persetifer sp. n. Congo p. 187, Desbordes Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Acritus impressisternus p. 287, csikii p. 288, spp. n. E. Africa, Biokhardt Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — A. {Ilala- critua) riparius sp. n. Chile p. 310, Biokhardt Ent. Bl. 10 1914. Acrolister kleinei sp. n. Togo p, 244, Biokhardt Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Anaglymma salvazai sp. n. Tonkin p. 406, Desbordes Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. Apobletes externestriatus sp. n. Congo p. 72, Desbordes Rev. zool. afrio. 7. Apobletodes gen. n. p. 184, burgeoni sp. n. Congo p. 185 figs., Desbordes Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Bacanius ferrugineus sp. n. Guade- loupe p. 286, Biokhardt Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Carcinops alberti sp. n. Congo p. 186, Desbordes Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Chlamydopsis latipes p. 176 pi. xxv f. 14, striatipennis p. 177 f. 15, carini- collis p. 178, compressipes p. 179, spp. n. Australia, Lea Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. 43 1919. Chronus madurensis sp. n. India p. 376, Desbordes Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. Oylistolister gen. n. type Platysoma pulvinatum, Biokhardt p. 239 Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Epiechnus caucasicola sp. n. p. 227, Biokhardt T.c. Epiechnus notogaeus Australia p. 233, malayicus Java ? p. 234, spp. n., Biokhardt T,c. — E. cavisternus p. 284, planisternus p. 285, spp. n. New Guinea, Biokhardt Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Epieropsis gen. n. p. 221 near Helaerius, geminata sp. n. Tunis p. 222 fig. Normand Bull Soc. ent. France 1919. Eurylister gen. n. p. 213 for part of Platysoma, dispersus Sumatra, egregius New Guinea p. 215, nudus Moluccas, infans Sumatra p. 216 spp. n., Biok- hardt Ent. Bl. 15. Exorhabdus afer — {africanus, zam- besius and similis Lew.), Biokhardt p. 290 Ann. Mus. Hungar 16 1918. — E. schoutedeni sp. n. Congo p. 74, Desbordes Rev. zool. afric. 7. Exosternus maynei sp. n. Congo p. 76, Desbordes Rev. zool. afrio. 7. Ilalacritus punctum — {Teretrius nig- riiulus Sahib.), Biokhardt p. 189 Ent. Bl. 11 1916. 117 Insecta, S r STBMATIO. — CoLEOPTE RA — NiTIDULID AE. Hisler {Zabromorphiis) csikii sp, n. Abyssinia p. 292, Biokhardt Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — H. terricola var. n. amicorum p. 228, H. (Paralister) hueckingi Buchara p. 230, H. (Atholus) reitteri Japan j3. 231, spp. n.. Biok- hardt Ent. Bl. 14 1918. — H. apicelaevis Travancore p. 394, borneensis p. 395, spp.* n., Desbordes Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. — H. indiicola sp. n. p. 89, Desbordes Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — //. philippinensis — {seclator Lew.), Biokhardt p. 314 Ent. Bl. 10 1914. Hololepta plana Sulzer, varr. n. desbordesi and rouquesi, Auzat p. 199 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — H. {Lio- derma) inermis sp. n. Brazil p. 309, Biokhardt Ent. Bl. 10 1914. Homalopygus iniquus sp. n. Brazil p. 316, Biokhardt T.c. Ilubenthalia gen. n. p. 170 near Microlister, teretrioides sp. n. E. Africa p. 171, Biokhardt Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Hypobletus fuscula, schmidti, spp. n. Bolivia p. 312, H. vethi and imitator Blaokb. to E pier us p. 311, Biokhardt Ent. Bl. 10 1914. Lewisister curvistrius sp. n. Sumatra p. 313, Biokhardt T.c. Liopygus indosinensis p. 354, sub- suturalis p. 355, spp. n. Tonkin, Desbordes Ann. Soc. ent, France 87. Macrolister togoensis sp. n. Africa p. 240, Biokhardt Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Nicotikis maori sp. n. New Guinea p. 288, Biokhardt Ann. Mus. Hungar 16 1918. — N. larnaudiei sp. n. Siam p. 381, Desbordes Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. Omalodes ; table and catalogue pp. 41-04, bisulcatus Brazil, wagneri Argentina p. 50, cerqueirae Brazil p. 67, spp. n., lucidus var. n. lonoulti Guiana p. 60 ; Desbordes Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Onthophilus convictor sp. n. Tunis p. 226, Normand Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1919. — 0. fulvosetosus Sahib, to Epiechnus, Biokhardt p. 189 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Pachycraerus lameyi sp. n. Tonkin p. 376, Desbordes Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. Pachylomalus foveipygus sp. n. Java p. 311, Biokhardt Ent. Bl. 10 1914. Parepierus ppacipennis Palawan, ova- tulus Sumatra, spp. n. p. 237, Biok- hardt Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Paromalus pygostriatus sp. n. Tonkin p. 405, Desbordes Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. Phelister finitimus p. 242, foveipygus, pygmaeus, p. 243, spp. n. Amer. mer., Biokhardt Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Placodisier gen. n. near Plalysoma, nudisternus sp. n. New Guinea, Biok- hardt p. 239 T.c. Platysoma {Platylisler) gibbosum p. 359, bonifacyi p. 360, P. vitalisi p. 373, spp. n., Tonkin, Desbordes Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. — P. siriatifrons sp. n. Congo p. 73, Desbordes Pwev. zool. afric. 7. Saprinus hastifer sp. n. Bolivia p. 236, Biokhardt Ent. Bl. 14 1918.-— 8. rugosifrons p. 213, castanipennis, iris, p. 214, spp. n. Manitoba, Fall Canad. Ent. 51. — 8. laetus, synonymy, Biokhardt p. 267 Ent. Bl. 13 1917. 8phyracus peruanus sp. n. Am. mer. p. 316, Biokhardt Ent. Bl. 10 1914. Teretriosoma novaeguineae sp. n. p. 283, Biokhardt Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Trypeticus helleri sp, n. New Guinea p. 2.33, Biokhardt Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Xestipyge puncticulata sp. n. Adana p. 206, Desbordes Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Nittdulidab. Amartus teslaceipennis sp. n. Angora p. 6, Pio Echange 35. Amphicrosaus vicinus sp. n. Argentina p. 246, Grouvblle Rev, Mus. La Plata 23 1916. Apria gen. n. p. 49, singularis p. 60, peringueyi p. 61, spp. n. S. Africa, Grouvellb M6m. ent. 2. Atarphia tessmanni sp. n. Spanish Guinea p. 206, Grouvellb Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Brachyleptus discolor var. n. rufi- pennis, Pio p. 6 Echange 35. Brachypeplus {Liparopeplus) acumina- tus, B. (Leiopeplus) brunnescens, niti- dior, opacinus, spp. n. Africa p. 204, Grouvbi.le Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9^ 118 Insecta XII. Insecta. [1919] Campsopyga atrtcotor ap.- n. Paraguay p. 241, Orouvelt.e Rev. Mus. La Plata 23 1916. Cillaeus (?) expressus sp. n. Argentina p. 239, Grouvelle T.c. Cryptarcha quadripunctata sp. n. Cameroons p. 205, Grouvelle Mitt, zool. Mus. Berlin 9. — C. cadanescens sp. n. Argentina p. 246, Grouvelle Rev. Mus. La Plata 23 1916. Epuraea ornatula sp. n. Ontario p. 102, Notman J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Lobiopa bruchi sp. n. Argentina p, 242, Grouvelle Rev. Mua. La Plata 23 1916. Macrostolops gen. n., inusitatus, p. 236, singularis p. 238, spp. n. Paraguay Grouvelle T.c. Meligethes curtus p. 52, singularis p. 63, S. Africa spp. n. Grouvbli.b M6m. ent. 2. Meligethinus dolosus sp. n. S. Africa p. 48, Grouvelle T.c. Pocadius glaber sp. n. Argentina p. 244, Grouvelle Rev. Mu.s. La Plata 23 1916. Pria dulcamarce, life -history, Nor- GAARD Ent. Medd. 12 p. 128-136. — P. nigricans sp. n. Cape G.H. p. 47, Grouselle M6m ent. 2. Rhizophagus serricollis sp. n. Crete p. 76, OnENDEROER Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Teloconus gen n., mirijicus sp. n. Argentina Grouvelle p. 234 Rev. Mus. La Plata 23 1916. Trogositidae, Ostomidae. Ancyrona difficilis, fallax, p. 206, caelata, kolbei, p. 207, scutdlaris, amoena p. 208, ambigua, minima, p. 209, spp. n. Africa, Grouvelle Mitt, zool. Mus. Berlin 9. — A. argentina sp. n. Argentina p 248, Grouvelle Rev. Mus. La Plata 23 1916. Qymnochila rotundicollis sp. n. Spanish Guinea p. 209, Grouvelle Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Peltocymba n. n. for Cymba Sdl., Rkitter p. 220 E.vt. Bl. 16. Thymalus indicus sp. n. p. 241 Champion Ent. Mo. Mag. 55 Colydiidae. Agelandia hummleri sp. n. Italy p. 58, Obenberger Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Anommatus mostarensis p. 40, zoufali Bosnia, A. {Paranommatus) beszedesi latria, 41, Reitter Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Bothrideres ( Pse udobothrideres) s ub - costatus, notabilis, spp. n. Spanish Guinea p. 211, Grouvelle Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. — B. contractus, cocoon, Burke p. 123 Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Cerylon substriatum sp. n. Spanish Guinea p. 212, Grouvelle Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. — 0. wagneri p. 253, patens p. 254, spp. n. Argentina, Grouvelle Rev. Mus. La Plata 23 1916. Cicones latus sp. n. Spanish Guinea p. 210, Grouvelle Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Dastarcus fairmairei sp. n. Africa p. 212, Grouvelle T.c. Euclarkia gen. n. neat* Kershaivia, costata sp. n. Western Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p. 180 pi. XXV. f. 16. Lithophorus tuberosus sp. n. Argentina p. 251, Grouvelle Rev. Mus. La Plata 23 1916. Machlotes imperfectus sp. n. Africa p. 211, Grouvelle Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. M icroprius carinicollis sp. n. Rhodesia p. 54, Grouvelle Mem. ent. 2. Prolyctus iridescens sp. n, Argentina p. 249, Grouvelle Rev. Mus. La Plata 23 1916. Synchita lineatosquamosa sp. n. Spanish Guinea p. 210, Grouvelle Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Teredolaemus major sp. n. India p. 241, Champion Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Triboderus tessmanni sp. n. Spanish Guinea p. 211, Grouvelle Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin, 9. CUOUJIDAE. Airaphilus paganettii sp. n. Crete p. 60, Obenbbroer Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Ancistria africana sp. n. Rhodesia p. 56, Grouvelle M6m. ent. 2. 119 Insecta. S YST B M A TI C. — CoLEOPTEB A— Cr YPTOPH AGID AE . Cryptamorpha dumbrelli p. 39, black- burni p. 40, leai p. 42, villosa p. 44, spp. n., Grouvbllb T.c. Hemipeplus suturalis sp. n, Spanish Guinea p. 205, Grouvelle Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Nausibius abnormis sp. n. Rhodesia p. 55, Grouvelle T.c. Prostomis elburica sp. n. Persia p. 211, Fleischer Ent. Bl. 15. Psamtnoecus lineatus Perak p. 6, concolor Java p. 7, brunnescens p. 8, signalus p. 9, Mysol, obesus p. 11, pascoei p. 13, Ceram, inflaUis p. 14 Perak, marginatus p. 16 Sumatra, nitidior p. 18 Java, cephalotes p. 20 N. Australia, ornatus p. 21 Waigiou, crassus p. 23 New Guinea, tereticollis p. 24 Bangai, quudrinotatus p. 26 Pulo Penang, raffrayi p. 28 Singapore, decoratus p. 29 Madura, eximius p. 31 Tonkin, rotundicollis Talang p. 33, personatus Madeira p. 34, parallelus Mashonaland p. 36* spp. n., Grouvelle M6m. ent. 2. Silvanus {Parasilvanus) pulcher sp. n. Spanish Guinea p. 206, Grouvelle Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Cryptophaoidae. Acryplopliagus gen. n. near Hapalips, loberinus sp. n. Bolivia, Grouvelle p. 71 Mem. ent. 2. Anther ophag us, phoresy, Wheeler p. 145-152 fig. Psyche 26. — A. microphthahnus India p. 182, ruficornis Mexico p. 183, spp. n.., Grouvelle M6ra. ent. 2. Bolerus gen. n. p. 92, upicalis p. 93, bouchardi p. 94, spp. n. Sumatra, Grouvelle T.c. Chiliotis longicornis Chile p. 170, gigas Patagonia p. 172, germaini p. 173, exilis p. 175, gracilis p. 176, laticeps p. 178 Chile, iJpp. n., Grouvelle T.c. Cnecosa, to Erotylidae, Grouvelle p. 66 T.c. Cryptophagops gen. n. for Crypto- philus alluaudi G., Grouvelle p. 67 T.c. Gryplophagus and Micrambina, synonymy of New Zealand spp., haldensis and allies, Grouvelle pp. 67 and 68 T.c. Gryplophagus longior Japan p. 184^ convexus p. 187, , elegans p. 188, callo- sipennis p. 191, deceptor p. 193^ subinermis p. 194, longiventris p. 195, , longipennis p. 196 Japan, exilocornis Yunnan p. 200, sinuatus Haiti p. 20 U atomarwides Chile p. 202, spp. n., Grouvelle T.c. — C. brunneus Gyll. to Lyctidae, q.v. Diplocoelus costulatus to Anobocoelus, Grouvelle p. 66 Mem. ent. 2. — D. subjectus n. n. for Loberoschema oblonga R., Grouvelle p. 67 T.c. Empocryptus subovalis sp. n. Bolivia p. 136, Grouvelle T.c. Olisonotha kolbei sp. n. Africa p. 213,. Grouvelle Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Hapalips, taxonomy and description p. 73, dux Costa Rica p. 74, major p. 76, intermedins p. 77, Bolivia, longior Brazil p. 79, curtus Guiana p. 80, setosus Argentina p. 82, simoni Vene- zuela p. 83, similis p. 84, angustus^ p. 86, cephalotes p. 87, Brazil, spp. n., Grouvelle Mem. ent. 2. — H. angulosus^ and guadalupensis are sexes of one, Grouvelle p. 66 T.c. Henoticonus bouchardi sp. n. Sumatra, p. 152, Grouvelle T.c. Itolomarus n. n. for Tomarus Lee., Rbitter p. 220 Ent. Bl. 15. Loberina merged in Hapalips, Grou- VELLE p. 66 M6m. ent. 2. Loberolus gen. n., agilis Madagascar p. 113, cursop Bolivia p. 114, spp. n., Grouvelle T.c. Loberoschema breviusculum p. 138, trimaculatum p. 139, antennatum p. 141, spp. n. Bolivia, Grouvelle T.c. Loberus laticollis Ivory coast p. 115, simoni Venezuela p. 117, glabratus Chile p. 118, curticollis Brazil p. 119, luctuosus Chile p. 121, siultus p. 122, germaini p. 124, amabilis p. 125, Bolivia, excisus Japan p. 126, jucundut p. 128, gentilis p. 129, Tonkin, velox Australia p. 131, spp. n., Grouvelle T.c. Loberus pictus Montr., taxonomy, Grouvelle p. 67 T.c. Micrambina basalis sp. n. Chile p. 180, Grouvelle T.c. Ocholissa peringueyi sp. n. S. Africa p. 58, Grouvelle T.c. 120 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Philophloeus, omitted from Catalogue, species synonymy, P. oblongua = (Diplocoelus tesellatus R.), Grouyellb p. 67 T.c. Platoberus testudo sp. n. Ega p. 112, Obouvelle T.c. Pseudohapalipa capita sp. n. Guiana p. 70, Grouvellb T.c. Paeudohenoticus aeneacena p. 154» falcidena p. 156, viridiaeneua p. .158, triphylloides p. 159, aereua p. 161, brevicollia p. 162, brunneua p. 164, metallicua p. 165, caatanescens p. 166, aubparallelus p. 167, spp. n. Bolivia, GuOlJVlfiLLE T.c. Setarella n. n. for Setaria Muls., Reitter p. 220 Ent. Bl. 15. Telmatophilua analia R. to Micram- bina, vestitua and olivaceua Br. gen. dub., Grouvelle p. 66 M6m. ent. 2. Thallisella aimplex p. 97, luteola p. 99, lepida p. 100, andicola p. 101, ampla p. 103, variegata p. 105, fusco- caatanea p. 106, diluta p. 108, goutiellei p. 109, spp. n. Amer. mer., Grouvelle T.c. Toramus taprobanae p. 142, setifer p. 143, Ceylon, setoaellua p. 145, humeridens p. 146, Tonkin, chilenaia p. 147, injimus p. 149, bellua p. 150, Antilles spp. n., Grouvelle T.c. Myoetophaqidae. Myceiojdiagua bifasciatua sp. n. India p. 242, Champion Ent. Mq. Mag. 55. Dermestidae. Trinodea hirlus, habits, Wradatsoh p. 290 Ent. Bl. 13 1917 and Wank a p. 64 Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Trogoderma versicolor var. n. reduc- turn, Pio p. 17 Echange 35. Thobiotidae. Thorictus pcCganettii sp. n. Crete, grandicollis var. n. creticua, Oben- BERGER p. 77 Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Parnidae = Dryopidae. Dryops, notes on british. Sharp pp. 76-79 Ent. mo. Mag. 55; list of Spanish spp. with figs., male genitalia, pp. 215-217, pi. iii, Zariqiey Bol. Soo. ent. Esparia 2. Limniua thermariua sp. n. E. Pyrenees p. 263, Deville Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Heteroceridae. Heterocerus ; habits, early stages, Clayoomb p. 25 pi. i Canad. Ent. 51. — H. peringueyi p. 61, rodieri p. 62, dilutipennia p. 63, spp. n. Africa, Grouvelle M6m. ent. 2. Luoanidae. Variation of the males, Griffini Rivist. Natura 9 1918 p. ? and 10 pp. 13-46. Cladognathini of Africa, Kriesohe Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9 p. 157-176. Homoderua mellyi, forms figs., allies, Griffini Atti Soo. ital. 58. Lissotea grammicus sp. n. N.S.W. p. 715, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Prosopocoilus kuntzeni sp. n. Spanish Guinea p. 164, Kriesohe Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Passalidae. Epiaphenua, notes on oriental species, annamenaia n. sp., p. 297 fig.. Gravely Rec. Ind. Mus 16. Ophrygoniua cantori, larvae p. 264 figured, Gravely Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Taeniocerus bicuspis, larvae p. 263 pi., Gravely Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. SOARABAOIDAE. Scarabaeidae found with remains of man in Florida (Copria and Strategus), W?cKiiAM Florida Geol. Surv. 12 p. 6 and 7. Coprini. Bolboceraa quadrifoveatum Queens- land p. 181 pi. XXV f. 17 and pi. xxvi f. 44, bispinicolle p. 182 pi. XXV ff. 18-19 and pi. xxvi ff. 45-46, triunum p. 183 pi. xxv f. 20 and p!. xxvi f. 47, Western Australia, spp. n.. Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43. Diastellopalpua, in Africa, distri bution and origin, Marcus pp. 382- 394 SB. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. Oymnopleurua moroaua F., valid, Bouoomont p. 604 Bull. Mus. Paris 25. 121 Insecta. Systematic. — Colboptera — Soarabaeidae. Mmmatium cancer sp. n. Africa p. 4.33 fig., Arrow Arm. nafc. Hist. 3. Oniticellus davidi Moupin p. 601, tridentatus Tonkin p. 602, spp, n., buceriis F. p. 603, Boucomont Bull. Mus. Paris 25. Onthophagus alutaceus sp. n. Florida p. 31, Blatchley Canad. Fnt. 51. — 0. laevis = {lampromdas F.) var. n. asialicus, rugulosus = {expansicollis F.), Boucomont Bull. Mus. Paris 25 p. 604. Trichiorhyssetnus cariei sp. n. Mauritius p. 642 figs., Benard Ann. Soc. ont. Franca 87. Euchirini. Gheirotonus peracanus sp. n. Perak p. 77, Kriesoub Ent. Mitt. 8. Melolonthini. Anodontonyx insular is Queensland p. 217, opalescens N. S. Wales p. 218, niger Tasmania p. 219, spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43. Byrrhomorpha rudis Western Aus- tralia p. 223, basicollis South Australia p. 224, spp. n., Lea T.c. Cheiragra variabilis p. 210 pi. xxv ff. 24-26, sericeipennis p. 213 II. 26-31, spp. n., Queensland, lurida should be referred to Phyllotocus p. 196, pygmaea and aphodides synon. with pusilla p. 207, pallida synon. with ruficollis p. 208, Lea T.c. C heir r ham phica insularis p. 203, coxalis p. 204, tuberculaia p. 205, spp. n. Queensland, Lea T.c. Colymhomorpha splendida sp. n. N. S. Wales, Lea T.c. Empecta disparilis sp. n. Madagascar p. 27 pi. i f. 3, Arrow Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Engyops jlavus sp. n. Queensland, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p. 227, Eucirrus niellyi d = {elegam Br.), Arrow p. 23 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Frenchella gagaiina Western Aus- tralia p. 226 pi. XX vi f. 64, fimbriata Queensland p. 226 f. 65, cribricepa South Australia p. 226 f. 66, spp. n., Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Adst. 43. Qloasocheilifer bidentatua sp. n. Wes- tern Australia, Lea p. 191 pl. xxvi £E. 66-58 T.o. Haplonycha marginipennia p. 188 pl. xxvi f. 64, suavis p. 189 f. 56, nigra p. 190 f. 65, spp. n. Western Australia, Lea T.c. — H. colosaa sp. n. W. Australia p. 721, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Haplopaia aerricollia sp. n. Western Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust, 43 p. 228. Hoplia aurata d = {thoracica Mos.), Arrow p. 29 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Hoplochelus ; characters and com- position, Arrow p. 26 T.c. Lachnosterna cribrosa and farcta, Vickery and Wilson p. 238 pis. xii and xiii J. econ. Ent. 12.^ — L. lanceolata, natural history, genitalia, Hayes pp. 109-117 J. econ. ent. 12. Lepidiota flavimargo sp. n. Borneo p. 27, Arrow Ann. nat. Hist. 4. — L. froggatti var. n. atradbrokenaia Queensland, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p. 187 pl. xxvi. f. 62. — L. consobrina sp. n. Queensland p. 187 Girault insde. inscit. 7. Leucopholia nummicudena = {dijffinis Sli. ~ lateralis Br.), Arrow p. 28 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Liparetrua major inus p. 716, aciitan- gulua p. 717, mixtus p. 718, intermedins p. 719, quinquelobatus p. 720, spp. n. Australia, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Maechidinua gen. n. near Caulobius, latericollis p. 231, marginalia p. 232, spp. n. Western Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43. Maechidiua hackeri p., 229, atrad- brokenaia p. 230, spp. n. Queensland, obacurus synon. with hopeanua p. 230, Lea T.c. Mascarena gen. n. for Lachnosterna rodriguezi Wat., Arrow p. 26 Ann. nat. 4. Odontotonyx rujlcepa sp. n. N.S. Wales, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p. 216. Paralepidiota cavifrona sp. n. Queens- land, Lea p. 186 pl. xxvi. f. 60 T.o. 122 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Phyllotocus laterofuscus p. 198, basi- collis p. 199, cribriceps p. 201, Queens- land, decipiens p. 200 Australia, antennalis N.S. Wales p. 202, spp. n., bimaculatus nigripennis Tasmania p. 195, bimaculatus basalis N.S. Wales f). 195, bimaculatus insularis Queens- and, macleayi palUdus p. 190, occuhn- talis apicifuscus p. 197, South Aus- tralia, navicularis rufibasis, erythroderes, Queensland p. 198, varr. n., vittatus referred to Cheiragra p. 210, sericeus synon. with ruficollis p. 195, Lea T.c. Platydesmus castaneus sp. n. N.S. Wales, Lea p. 16 T.c. Pseudoheteronyx seticollis N.S. Wales p. 220 pi. xxvi f. 61, basicollis Aus- tralia p. 221, pi. XXV ff. 32-33 and pi. xxvi f. 02, puncticollis Queensland p. 222 f, 63, spp. n.. Lea T.c. Rhizotrogus gravis p. 22 pi. i f. 4, pollens p. 23 f. 1, Mauritius, rufus India p. 24 f. 2, spp. n., Arrow Ann. nat. Hist, 4. Rhopaea nigricollis Western Aus- tralia p. 184 pi. XXV f. 22 and pi. xxvi f. 49, decipiens N.S. Wales pi. XXV f. 21 and pi. xxvi f. 48, spp. n.. Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43. Serica campestris p. 33, cucullata p. 34, elusa p. 36, ocbrosoma p. 38, spp. n. Am. bor. genitalia pis. vi-ix, Dawson J, N. York ent. Soc. 27. — S. sponsa sp. n. U.S. p. 223 pi. xxi, Dawson J. New York ent. Soc. 27. — S. brunnea var. n. heymesi, Hubentiial p. 258 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. — S. evidens n. n. for carinata Bl., Blatchley p. 153 Canad. Ent. 51. Stethaspis squamosus sp. n. Queens- land, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p. 192 pi. xxvi ff. 59-60. Systellopus ater sp. n. Australia, Lea p. 187 pi. xxvi f. 53 T.c. Telura clypealis sp. n. Western Australia, Lea p. 215 T.c. Triodontella n. n. for Triodonta Mills., Reitter p. 221 Ent. Bl. 15. Rutelini. Adoretus lacustris p. 267, versutus p. 269, larvae described and figured : caliginosus, notes on larvae p. 270, Gravely Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16.— A. melvillensis sp. n. Northern Territory, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p, 246 pi. xxvii f. 78. Anomala matzenhaueri p. 42, albanica p. 43, spp. n. Albania, Reitter Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Anoplognathus pallidas p. 380 pi. viii figs. 4 and 5, aurora p. 381 f. 6, antiquus p. 382 figs. 2 and 3, spp. n. Australia, Arrow Ann. nat. Hist. 4. — A. multiseriaius sp. n. Queensland, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p. 241 pi. XXV f. 36 and pi. xxvii f. 67. Calloodes nitidissimus sp. n. Queens- land, Lea p. 242 pi. xxvii ff. 71-72 T.c. Fruhstorferia curta sp. n. Mekong p. 383 pi. viii figs. 8 and 9, Arrow Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Mirnadoretus niveosquamosus p. 244 pi. xxvii f. 76, leucothyreus p. 245 pi. xxvii f. 77, spp. n. Queensland, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43. Nannopopillia varicolor sp. n, E. Africa, Arrow p. 384 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Plusiotis viagnijicus sp. n. Chiriqui p. 380 pi. viii f, 1, Arrow T.c. Repsimus manicatus montanus var. n. Victoria and N.S. Wales, liEA Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p. 243. Saidostomus mimicus sp. n. Queens- land, Lea p. 247 pi. xxvii ff. 79-80 T.c. Rchizognathus viridiaeneus, female, p. 243 figs. 74 and 75, Lea T.c. Spilota, preoccupied, Timberlake p. 164 J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Dynastini. Aneurystypus carinaticeps sp. n. Queensland, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p. 237 pi. xxvii f. 82. Gorynophyllus curvicornis sp. n. Queensland, Lea p. 238 pi. xxvii f. 81 T.c. — G. interocularis sp. n. N.S.W. p. 724, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Gryptodus foveatus p. 234 pi. xxvii f. 85, angustus p. 235 f. 87, Northern Territory and Queensland, antennalis N.S. Wales and Queensland p. 234 pi. XXV ff. 34-35 and pi. xxvii f. 86, spp. n., creberrimus, obscurus, sub- costatus, synon. with paradoxus p. 233, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43.— G. aberrans sp. n. N. Australia p. 723, Lea R. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. 123 Insecta. Systematic — Coleoptera — Scarab aeidae. Dyscinetus bidenkitus, early stages, Moore p. 216 Ent. Mo. Mag. 65. Eophileurus ; revision, ^ genitalia pis. i and ii, australicus sp. n. Queens- land p. 119, chinensis irregularis subsp. n. Oshima p. 122, Prbll Mem. ent. Soc. Belgique 22 1913. Heteronychus muticus p. 389 pi. 0 fig. 1-2, amplipennis p. 390 fig. 3-4, nitidus p. 391 fig. 6-6, spp. n. E. Africa, Binderitter Voy. Alluaud and Jeannel Col. 12 1916. Metanasles bicornis gp. n. N.S. Wales and Queensland, Lea Trans. R. ISoc. S. Aust. 43 p. 239 pi. xxvii ff. 83-84. Novapus rugosicollis, male p. 237 figs. 88 and 89, Lea T.c. — N. parvus sp. n. Swan Riv. p. 722, Lea T.c. Oryctes grypus and nasicornis, nomen- clature, distribution, Bertin pp. 696- 600 Bull. Mus. Paris 25. — 0. ' obscurus to Novapus, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p. 236. Pycnoschema incuriosa n. sp. p. 393 pi. 6 fig. 7-8 E. Africa, Binderitter Voy. Alluaud and Jeannel Col. 12 1916. Strategus aloeus, pupa. Bodkin p. 214 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Cetoniini. Cetoniidae of Madagascar, con- tinued, PouiLLAUDE Insecta 8 pp. 5-167 4 pis. Amauroleucocelis jeanneli pi. vii fig. 6 p. 173, Bourooin Voy. Alluaud Ins. Col6op. 14. Anoplochilus punctatissimus sp. n. B. Africa p. 131, Bourooin T.o. Apocnosis jeanneli pi. vii fig. 7 p. 169, Bourooin T.c. Brachymitra thomasi pi. vii fig. 2 . p. 134, Bourooin T.c. Getonia aurata, natural history in Scilly, Blair p. 200-202 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Ghlorobapta frontalis, var., Lea p. 240 f. 90, Tr. R. Soc. S. Austr. 43 1919. Gompsocevhalus dohertyi pi. vii fig. I p. 133, Bourooin Voy. Alluaud. Ins. Coleop. 14. Goptomia sulcata p. 66 pi. ix f. 22 sp. n. Madagascar, uniformis varr. n. nigripilis p. 64 and laeviformis p. 66, mutabilis var. n. rujipilis p. 69, opalina var. n. violacea p. 70 pi. ix f. 16* crucigera var. n. regularis p. 76 f. 16, PouiLLAUDE Insecta 8. Goptomiopsis gan. n. p. 116 for Goptomia fimhriata P., Pouillaudb pi. X f. 6 and xii f. 6 T.c. Gymophorus albosquamosus p. 182, rugosus p. 184, spp. n. E. Africa, Bourooin Voy. Alluaud Ins. Col6op. 14. Eccoptocnemis semiviridis sp. n. E., Africa p. 142 pi. vii fig. 4, Bourooin T.c. Elaphinis xanthosternon sp. n. E. Africa p. 164, Bourooin To. Eudicella cupresuturalis pi. vii fig. 3 p. 138, Bourooin T.c. Oenyodonta fissicornis sp. n. E. Africa p. 144, Bourooin T.c. Olycyphana ? fucata sp. n. Laos p. 324, Bourooin Bull. Soc. ent. Franc© 1919 1920. Gnorimus baborensis sp. n. Algeria p. 248, Bedel Bull. Soc. ©nt. France 1919. Heterocranus gen. n. near Goptomia, incisus sp. n. Madagascar, Bourooin p. 220 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Heterophana ' subcostata p. 142 pi. X f. 19, seminitida p. 163 pi. x figs. 44 & 46, spp. n. IMadagascar,. PouiLLAUDE Insecta 8. Heterosoma nodieri sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 322, Bourooin Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1920. Leucocelis producta p. 174, grandis p. 176 spp. n. E. Africa, Bourooin Voy. Alluaud Ins. Col6op. 14. Liostraca parallelicollis sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 98, PouiLLAUDE Insecta 9. Macronota viitidorsis sp. n. Mekong p. 218, Bourooin Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — 4f. diardi variation, vart. n. ? niasica distinctions, aedeagus figs., Heller Ent. Bl. 11 pp. 83-86. Myoderma melanaria sp. n. E. Africa p. 128, Bourooin Voy. Alluaud Ins.. Coleop. 14. 124 Inaecta* XII. Insecta. [1919] Pachnoda concentrica p. 154, aemula p. 155, artata p. 159, spp. n. E. Africa, alluaudi pi- vii fig. 5 p. 157, ephippiata Byn. latetrabeata p. 153, Bourgoin T.c. Parachilia rugosiceps sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 219, Bourgoin Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Polyplasius acquicostatus sp. n. E. Africa p. 129, Bourgoin Voy. Alluaud Ins. Coleop. 14. Porphyronota alluaudi pi. vii fig. 8 p. 166, Bourgoin T.c, Poioaia fulgidipea, aalvazai, Laos, nodieri Tonldn, spp. n, p. 324, Bourgoin Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919, 1920. Pseudeuryoniia albomaculata sp. n. Madagascar p. 123 pi. x f. 20, Pouil- LAUDE Insecta 9. Sienotarsia vittata sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 183 pi. xi f. 6 & pi. xii f. 11, POUILLAUDE T.c. Trichiomorphua gen. n. Trichiini typo planalua Watorh, p. 125, gracilipea, rvj'us spp. n. p. 126, E. Africa, Bour- goin Voy. Alluaud Ins. Col6op. 14. Buprestidae. Nature of the metallic coloration, Hass S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916 p. 332-343 figs. Acmaeodera graptelytra Algeria, kaby^ liana Tangier, p. 250, gbeUlei Algeria, lusitanica Portugal p. 251, hellenica, leonhardi, p. 252, judaeorum p. 263, spp. n., flavofasciata latiaquammia subsp. n. p. 254, Obenberger Ent. Bl. 10, 1914. — A. daungarica p. 19, atrandi Transcaspian p. 20, spp. n., Oben- berger Ent. Bl. 14, 1918. — A. aquamoaa sp. n. Cairo p. 233, Thi^ry Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — A, ainuaia p. 162, ivenzeli p. 164, wheeler i p. 166, aqua- mosa p. 186, spp. n. U.S., sinuata aexnotata subsp, n. p. 153, Van Dyke Ent. News 30 figs. pi. vii. Agrilus graueri sp. n. C. Africa p. 1 14, Kerremans Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. — A. biafranus W. Africa p. 180, canadensis Canada p. 181, aurrubrensis, narcissus, Costa Rica p. 182, spp. n., Obenberger Ent. Bl. 13 1917. — A. per parvus Caucasus p. 23, aladaghenais Persia, strandi Algeria, p. 24, spp. n., liiura ab. n. zbraslavensis p. 23, Obenberger Ent. Bl. 14 1918. — A. elongatua var. n. makaimirus. Stiller p. 134 Ent. Bl. 14 1918.— A. willcocksi sp. n. Cairo p. 234, Thery Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Anthaxia winkleri Aleppo p. 255, exsul China ? p. 256 with var. satanella p. 257, spp. n., millefolii var. n. pro- tractipennis, N. Africa p. 255, Oben- berger Ent. Bl. 10 1914. — A. delagoana p. 86, colonialia p. 87, spp. n. Africa, Obenberger Ent. Bl. 13 1917. — A. strandi sp. n. Egypt p. 143, Oben- berger Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — A^errini n. ri. for hirticollia Ab. 1893, aalicis ab. n. longUquamia, fulgurana var. n. muliebria, corynthia ab. n. cyaneotincta, i^-punctata var. n. attaviS’ tica, Obenberger p. 22 Ent. Bl. 14 1918. — A. parallela areas subsp. n. Algeria p. 195, Peyerimhoff Ann. Soc. ent. France 88, Brachya ovaiua, aerosus, habits, early stages, Weiss & Nicolay pp. 86-88 2 pis. Canad. Ent. 51. Bupreatia coreana var. n. brunneola p. 143, Obenberger Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Ghalcogenia funebria sp. n. E. Africa p. 85, Obenberger Ent. Bl. 13, 1917. Chrysobothris tranquebarica, Snyder pp. 155 -164 4 pis. J. agric. Res. 16. — O. impressa, tranquebarica, sexpunctata, synonymy, Fisher pp. 173-177 P. ent. Soc. Washington 20. — G. graueri sp. n. Africa p. 113, Kerremans Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914.— C. brahma India p. 123, coeruleoglabrata Gaboon, alecto Brazil, p. 124, costar icana Centr. Am. p. 125, paraguayenaia p. 126, spp. n., Obenberger Ent. Bl. 13 1917. — G. Jemorata and rnalh Uneatipennia distinct, Burke pp. 326-330 J. ccon. Ent. 12. Ghrysochroa mikado sp. n. Japan p. 143, Obenberger Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919.. Ghrysodema f urcata Australia p. 44, gloriosa Celebes p. 45, coriacea Samar p. 46, diversa Amboina p. 47, pallida Brit. Columbia p. 48, spp. n. Kerre- mans Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59. Gisseia fascigera New Guinea p. 20, terrae-reginae Queensland p. 21, spp. n., Obenberger Ent. Mitt. 8. 125 Insecta. Systematic. — Oolboptera — Bcprbstidab. Cryptodactylua vavrai sp. n. India p. 88, Obenbbeqer Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Cyphogastra diabolica New Guinea, collaris, p. 253, herculeana p. 264, Key islds., papnana p. 255, spp. n., ■Obenberger T.c. G. taitina p. 52, aimilis p. 63, Tahiti, emeraldina Loyalty islds., amatina Tulagi, p. 54, aimplex New Hanover ,p. 65, punctulata Trobriand isld., atramentaria New Guinea p. 66, spp. n., Kerremans Ann. Soo. ent. Belgique 59. Cyphoaoma lauaoniae var. n. inter- ruptum, Obenberger p. 21 Ent. Bl. 14 1918. — 0. gravidum ab. n. integrum^ Thery p. 234 Bull Sod. ent. France 1919. Dicercomorpha saunderai sp. n. Philip- pines p. 67, Kerremans Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59. Ectinogonia fasciata p. 58, plagiaia^ Peru, pulverea p. 59, catenulata p. 60, Chile, cristula p. 61, argentinae p. 62, Argentina, spp. n., Kerremans T.c. Endelua calligraphus sp. n. Luzon p. 295 figs., bakeri figs., Banks Philip- pine J. Sci. 15. Euchrotna hunteri Sharp, Bodkin p. 218 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Gasaneria gen. n. p. ,17, mirabilia sp. n. Abyssinia p. 18, Obenberger Ent. Mitt. 8. / Ilippomelaa aeneocuprea Mexico p. 41, deliciosa Peru p. 42, perfecta Colombia p. 43, spp. n. Kerremans Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59. Iridotaenia laevia sp. n. Nias p. 43, Kerremans T.c. Jtdodia coatifera and helladica subspp. n. p. 142, Obenberger Bull. Soo. ent. Franco 1919. Melanophihi ; notes, larvae, Burke pp. 105-108 J. econ. ent. 12. — M. acu- minata, synonymy. Champion p. 177 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55 ; acuminata, habits, Nicholson p. 166 T.c. Meliboeua stupidna p. 208, aiva p. 209, borneenaia, adonis, p. 210, aubstituena p. 211, East Indies, abeaaenicua p. 212, fallator p. 213, spp. n. figs., Obenberger Ent. Mitt. 8. Micraata gyleki p. 90, pygmaeola p. 91, spp. n. Guadeloupe, Obenberger Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Paracupta glauca Solomon islds., cupricoatata Tulagi p. 49, duplicata New Hebrides p. 60, meecki Australia p. 60, spp. ir., Kerremans Ann. Soo. ent. Belgique 59. Paradoxa aatanas sp. n. Congo p. 87, Obenberger Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Paragrilua coslaricensia p. 21, aureo- nitena p. 22, spp. n. Costa Rica, Oben BERGER Ent. Mitt. 8. Paratyndaria gen. n. p. 92 for part of Tyndaria, couraetiae sp. n. Arizona p. 93, Fisher P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Perotia lugubris prolongata subsp. n. Greece p. 21, Obenberger Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Poecilonota sp. Yukon Terr. p. 13e, SwAiNE Kept. Canad. Arct. Exp. 3. Paeudagrilus Julminans sp. n. S. Africa p. 19, Obenberger Ent. Mitt. 8. Psiloptera {Polybolhrys) ataudingerina p. 278, tacena p. 279, boreki, ridem, p. 280, cyanella p. 281, caudatida p. 282, aliena p. 283, platessa p. 284, spp. n. Madagascar, Obenberger Ent. Bl. 13 1917. — P. (Damaraila) gibbosa p. 30, abdita p. 31, miranda p. 32, inaoUna p. 34, lemoulti p. 35, aemula p. 36, acapha p. 37, inaidiosa p. 38, vicina p. 40, paradoxa p. 41, spp. n. Africa, Kerre- mans Rev. zool. afric. 7. Ptoaima II. maculata varr., Pio Echange 35 pp. 7-9 hors texte ; varr. n. libanensia, mediojuncta and lateralis, Pio p. 17 Echange 35. Rhaeboacelia tenuia, life history, Weiss & Dickerson p. 41-44 J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Samhua saianellua sp. n. India p. 89, Obenberger Ent. Bl. 13 1917.* Sphenoptera banghaasi Amasia p. 51, araxana p. 62, veaelyi p. 53, S. {Ohryao- blemma) angelica p. 64, Araxes, S. {Hop- lislura) diabolica Egypt ? p. 65, S. (C.) ignita ab n. monochroa Transcaspian p. 66, Obenberger Ent. Bl. 11 1915. — S. longicollia p. 42, amabilia p. 43, puncticollia p. 44, spp. n. Africa, Kerremans Rev. zool. afric. 7. Stigmodera list of Tasmanian p. 137, octoaignata sp. n. Queensland p. 139 pi. iv f. 1, Carter P. Linn. Soo. N.S.W. 44. Taphrocerua albonotatua sp. n, Florida p. 29, Blatchley Canad. Ent. 51. 126 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Trachys horniana n.n. for horni Kerr. Formosa, Obenberqer Ent. Bl. 14 1918. — T. clavicQrnis sp. n. China p. 144, Obrnberger Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — T. tricuspidata sp. n. Algeria p. 235, Thery Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Throsoidae or Trixagidae. Aulonoihroscus trixagoides p. 109, levifrons p. 110, zanzibaricm p. Ill, spp. n. E. Africa, Fleutiaux Voy. Alluaud Ins. Col6op. 13. Euonemidae. Arisocephalua gen. n. p. 732, flavipes p. 733, rufipennis p. 734, basalis p. 736, spp. n. Australia, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Arrhipia africanua sp. n. E. Africa p. 114, Fleutiaux Voy. Alluaud Ins. Coleop. 13. Deltometopua rufipea larva with trophi, Mosher p. 49-53 pi. iv Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 12. Dictyeucnemia gen. n. p. 728, 77iirus sp. n. W. Australia p. 729, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Dirhagua pygmaeua var. n. Tiominan- dua, Boubal p. 170 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Dromaeolua depreaaus p. 447, cylin- dricua, Borneo, biparlitua Singapore, p. 446, spp. n., Fleutiaux Philippine J. Sci. 15. Dyacolocerua baker i sp. n, Borneo p. 450, Fleutiaux T.c. — D. poroaua p. 727, rubriventria p. 728, spp. n. N.S.W., Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Dyatrigoniathia laticollia Australia p. , ferrughieua Tasmania p. 739, spp. n., Lea T.c. Fornao: tangenaia sp. n. E. Africa p. 112, Fleutiaux Voy. Alluaud Ins, Coleop. 13. — F. doraalia p. 447, umbili- catua p. 448, rnelanoplerua, diapodioidea p. 449, spp. n. Borneo, Fleutiaux Philippine J. Sci. 15. — F. niger p. 735, caataneua p. 736, majorinua p. 737, spp. n. Australia, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Qalba auatralia sp. n. Queensland, Lea p. 741 T.c. Hemiopsida longicornia sp. n. Queens- land p. 726, Lea T.c. Langurioacython gen. n. p. 161 near Scython, bakeri sp. n. Mindanao p. 162, Heller Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Macroacython aimilia sp. n. E. Africa p. 113, Fleutiaux Voy. Alluaud Ins. Coleop. 13. Microrhagua rujicollia sp. n. N.S.W* p. 725, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Nematodinua gen. n. p. 750, armi- pennia sp. n. Queensland p. 751, Lea T.c. Phaenocerua clavicornia sp. n. Tas- mania p. 740, Lea T.c. Subproletater gultaiua sp. n. Singapore p. 466, Fleutiaux Philippine J. Sci. 15. Elateridae. The springing of Elateridae^ Ver- HOEFF pp. 362-359 SB. Ges. natui-f. Fr. Berlin 1918. Adelocera alluaudi p. 9, jeanneli p. 10 Kilimandjaro, buhveiiaia p. 11 Germ. E. Afr., spp. n., Fleutiaux Voy. Alluaud Ins. Coleop. 13. Aeolua nanus p. 69, jeanneli p. 60, africanua, candezei p. 61, spp. n. E. Africa, Fleutiaux T.c. Agriolea, larvae etc., Roberts Ann. Appl Biol. 6 p. 116 pi. ix. Agrypnua ^candezei sp. n. E. Africa p. 8, Fleutiaux Voy. Alluaud Ins. Col6op. 13. Alaua aubrecticollia p. 26, biocellatua p. 28, gerataeckeri, albidua p. 30, spp. n. E. Africa ; antinorii, revoili, tortix figured pi. viii, Fleutiaux T.c. — A. bituberosua var. ? lamasaaenais Neu- Mecklenburg p. 175, Heyden Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36 1915. Anchaatua parvicollia sp. n. E. Africa p. 73, Fleutiaux Voy. Alluaud Ins. Col6op 13. Athoua haemorrhoidalia larva, Roberts Ann. Appl. Biol. 6 p. 110 fig, Oardiophorua fulvua p. 77, mander- enaia p. 78, aamburenaia pi. viii lig. 7, tavelenaia p. 79, mombaaenaia p. 80, primua p. 83, aecundua, tertiua p. 84, fragilia p. 85, fulvopiloaua, unicua p. 86, aingularia p. 87, aolua p. 89, kenyenais p. 90, magnicolliap. 92, fulvipeniiia p. 93, bimaculalua p. 94, spp. n., aubmaculatua var. n. alluaudi, burensiap. 96 E. Africa oclonotatua pi. viii fig. 8, p. 89, Fleuti- aux Voy. Alluaud Ins. Coldop 13. 127 Insecta. Systematic. — Colboptera — Malaoodermidae. Chalcolepidius erythroloma food, Svv^ZEY p. 6 P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Denticollis linearis varr., Pio Echange 35 pp. 16, IG hors texte. Dicronychits unifonnis p. 103, tangensis p. 104, rufus pi. viii fig. 10, p. 105, spp. n. E. Africa, Fleutiaux Voy. Alluaud Ins. Col6op. 13. Drasterius thoracicus sp. n. E. Africa p. 66, Fleutiaux T.c. Elaler titanus sp. n. Albania p. 43, Reitter Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Olyphonyx aberdarensis sp. n. E. Africa p. 101, Fleutiaux Voy. Alluaud Ins. Col6op. 13. Heteroderes motschulskyi nora. n. for nigrofasciata p. 63, H. {Aeoloides) alluaudi sp. n. p. 65, E. Africa, Fleuti- aux T.c. Lacon kilimandjarensis p. 17, ken- yensis p. 18, vicinus p. 19, iinicus, singularis p. 21, samburensis p. 22, tigrinns p. 23, spp. n. E. Africa, Fleutiaux T.c. Ludius bennigseni pi. viii fig. 9, p. 99, Fleutiaux T.c. Mefanoxanthus brevicornis, fitsiformis spp. n. E. Africa p. 70, Fleutiaux T.c. Monadicus gagates E. Africa p. 75, Fleutiaux T.c. Nomopleus alluaudi p. 107, candezei p. 108, spp. n. P]. Africa, Fleutiaux T.c. Olophoeus rugosus,p\. viii fig. 6, p. 41, Fleutiaux T.c. Pantolaniprus cyanipennis sp. n. E. Africa p. 39, Fleutiaux T.c. Perinellus sinaitus sp. n. Sinai p. 14, Pio Echange 35. Psephus depressus p. 43, propensus p. 4^4:, alluaudi, rufus,pA5, agomschioides p. 47, pomachilioides p. 48, linearis p. 49, rubidus p. 60, opacus p. 52, ischiodon- ioides p. 56, spp. n., discolor var. n thoracicus p. 52, mulatus nom. n. for rubripennis x>- 47, E. Africa, ITleutiaux Voy. Alluaud Ins. Coleop 13. Selatosomus guttatus var. n. semino- talus p. 13, Pio Echange 35. Tarsalgus zanzibaricus sp. n. Zanzibar j). 102, Fleutiaux Voy. Alluaud Ins. Coleop. 13. Telralobus candezei p. 35, hemirhi- poides p. 36, pi. viii fig. 5, spp. n. E. Africa ; scutellaris fig, 4, Fleutiaux T.c. Cebrionidae. Cebrio carbonarius, female, Clermont p. 210 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Dascillidae. Macrohelodes montanus sp. n. Tas- mania p. 250, intricatus, gravis, lasmani- cus and niger are varieties of crass us, p. 249, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43. ' Scirtes natovensis, veiichi, spp. n. Fiji p. 27, Champion Ent. mo. Mag. 55. 1 — 8. quadripustulatus, hifidus, j). 130, dolhnani, microcaroides, p. \3l, rhodesiae, neavei, p. 132, spp. n. Africa, Champion T.c. Sclerocyphon aguaticus sp. n. Tas- mania, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S, Aust. 43 p. 252. Malaoodermidae. Apalochrus tonkineus, depressicornis India, A. {Spinapalochrus subg. n.) rufofasciatus Tonkin, spp. n.. Pic Melanges 30. — A. lusanganus, semi- cupreus, p. 10, jeanneli, alluaudi, nairobianus, p. 11, spp. n. E. Africa, also 6 varr. n.. Pic Melanges 31. Apterostylus subg. n. of Astylus for convexus Ch., Pic p. 3 hors texte Echange 35. Arthrobrachus boucardi, longipilis, p. 9, germaini, minutus, vicinus, impressilhorax-, p. 10, i-guttatiis, lajoyei, dubius, p. 11, spp. n. Am. mer., also 4 varr. n.. Pic Melanges 30. Aslyloglossa gen. n. p. 6 near Octo- glossa, coeruleipennis sp. n. Bogota p. 7, Pio T.c. Astylomorphus gen. n. near Chaleos, typo A. viridimicans P., Pio p. 7 T.c. Astylus anticejunclus, notaticollis, atripes, p. 8, unicolor, testaceicornis, scalar is, p. 9, spp. n. Am. mer.. Pic T.c. — A. peruvianus, cribrosus, mutatus, inseparatus, grisescens, p. 20, aenti- pennis p. 21, A-spinosus, confusus, nigrolineatus, p. 22, spp. n. Amer. mer., also 16 varr. n.. Pic Melanges 31. — A. octonotatus, punctatus, curtus, alboscutellatus, lineolatus, bipunctatus, spp. n. Am. mer., also 6 varr. n., Pio 128 Insecta. •XII. Insecta. p. 4 hors texte Eohango 35. — A. luteo- cinclus Brazil, viridimetalicus Argentina, spp. n. p. 188, nigronotatus P. = (curvidens Ch.) p. 189, Pic Bull. Soo. ent. France 1919. Attalua meridanua, germainif p. 13, atrocinctua, diveraicornia, Amer. mor., aubimplicatua Guatemala, jalupanua Mexico, p. 14, bahianua, teapaaenaia, achneideri, p. 15, nicaraguenaia, apinipea, bogotanua. Am. mor., impreaaifrona, carinatifer, India, p. 16, spp. u., also various varr. n.. Pic Melanges 30. — A. buranua, kenyenaia, p. 8, podocarpiniy A. viridimetallicua, p. 9, spp. n. E. Africa, Pic Melanges 31. Belotus aubelongatua, bipunctatua, Honduras, bakeri Nicaragua, bogotanua^ p. 15, mexicanua, biimpresaua Guate- mala, aaturalia Bogota, p. 16, spp. n.,^ Pic T.c- Cqrphurua myrmecophilua sp. n. South Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p. 253. Chakhaa ; annotated list pp. 1-3, abnormia — (Aatylua correptaa Ch.), Champion Ent. Mo. Mag. 55—Chalcaa ; Pig defines the subgenera p. 23, three of them new, and names 12 varr. p. 24, Echange 30, — C. {Paeudoaatylua subg. n.) plicatus, C. faaciculatus, p. 7, lajoyei p. 8, spp. n. Am. mer., bremei var. n. quinquenotatus.. Pic Melanges 30. — Ghalcaa sallei and lineatocollis, 6 varr. n.. Pic pp. 22 & 23 Melanges 31. Chalcomorphus subg. n. of Ghalcaa for obeaua F., Pic p. 23 Melanges 30. « Ghauliognathua brunneomaculatua, bertheloti, spp. n. Amer. mer. p. 19, Pic Melanges 31. Gladapalochrua subg. n. p. 11 for .4* fesHvua Er., Pio p. 11 Melanges 30. Golotea cinctipennia, longonotenaia , minutisaimua, spp. n. E. Africa, Pic p. 7 Melanges 31. Daiphron long alum, aubdepreaaum , infaaciatum, anguatatiforme, laticolle, scutellare, p. 17, inacutellare, excavatmn, incoatalum, c-ostatum, spp. n. Am. mer., lyciforme var. n. undulatum, p. 18, Pic T.c. Danacaeina obenbergeri sp. n. E. Buchara p. 43, Reitter Ent. Bl. 11 1915. [1919] Daaytea nigrovUtdiua, nairobanua, spp. n. E. Africa, Pic p. 3 Melanges 31. Dimorphochalcaa subg. n. of Ghalcaa for G. atrabeatua etc.. Pic p. 23 Melanges 30. Diacodon martapuranum, tolinum^ opacum, Celebes, roonense, alricolor Banquey, p. 17, curticolle. New Guinea, curvatipea Borneo, p. 18, spp. n., Pio T.c. — D. elongatipenne New Guinea, pomeranum, spp. n. p. 19, Pio Melanges 31. Ebaeua madraaensis sp. n. p. 13, Pio Melanges 30. — E. ? tavetanus sp. n. E. Africa p. 8, Pic Melanges 31. Heteracriua Kirsch, Champion p. 279 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Ichihyurua favareli Gaboon, carinatO’ pygua Sumatra with var. vicinus Java, fuscaiua, elongatua, Borneo, immaculalua India, spp. n. p. 15, Pio Echange 35. — I. geiiiculatua sp. n. E. Africa, forcipiger varr. n. alluaudi and jeanneli, Pio p. 1 Melanges 31. Idgia plectrophora p. 330, abyaainica^ longipalpis p. 334, Africa, arabica p. 336, laticornis p. 337, Yemen, ungulata p. 339, vireacens China p. 340, triaerrata India p. 341, cyano- cephala Perak p. 345, femorata p. 346, nilgirica p. 347, India, caeruleiventria Penang p. 348, cavilabria, uniigera, India p. 349, javana p. 350, marginata p. 350, flavolimbata p. 351, India, viridivitta Assam p. 352, maculiventria India p. 353, flavilabris Perak, geni- culata Ceylon, ]). 354, dichroa Borneo, semilecta Ceylon, p. 355, cyanura Ceylon p. 359, luteipea p. 361, indicola p. 362, rosirifera p. 363, nitida p. 364, India, varicornia Tenassenm p. 366, varipea Penang, atricepa p. 367, decolor p. 368, Burma, angualata Borneo p. 860, daaytoidea Burma p. 370, spp. n., male genitalia figured pis. xi & xii, Champion Ann. nat. Hist. 3.—/. maculalithorax sp. n. Tonkin p. 7, Pic Melanges 30. — /. alluaudi sp. n. E. Africa, tripartita var. n. diveraicollial Pic p. 3 Melanges 31. Laiua latefaaciatua, 6-maculatua, spp. n. Formosa p. 12, Pic Melanges 30. Lamprophorua tenebroaus, larva, habits, Paiva Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 19-28 pi. viii. 129 Inaecta SySTEMATIO. — CoLEOPTHRA — MaLACODERMIDAE. Lmin^attaliis gen. n., robuslicornis sp. n. E. Africa, Pio p. 9 Melanges 31. Macroaslyhis subg. n. for antis etc., Pio p. 3 hors fcexte Echango 35. Malachioloniphus ruficeps var. n. obscuripes p. 9, Pic Melanges 31. Malachius alfierii sp. n. Egypt p. 14, Pio Echange 35. Malthodes jeanneli, ugendensis, p. 1, nionstrosicornis p. 2, spp. n. E. Africa, Pic Melanges 31. M. pilosus Trinidad, driliformis Gaboon, M. ? staphylinoides Sumatra, spp. n. p. 16, Pic T c. — M. hdeostylns, Jiircatistylus, Tunis, gracilipygus Al- geria, spp. n. p. 9, Pic Echange 35. — 31. robustithorax sp. n. Algeria p. 13, I^io T.c. — 3f. rejlexus p. 34, magister p. 35, vigilans, basalis, p. 36, mitificus, piceoliis, mollis, p. 37, with var. longi- pennis, appendiculalus, p. 38, obductus. Incur vatiis, p. 39, complicatus, seri- ceiventris, p. 40, vapidus, iularensis, p. 41, visceratus p. 42 spp. n. California, Fall Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 12 figs. 3Ialthoichthyuriis gen. n. type T. dichelifer Chp. p. 12, biolleyi Costarica, luteiceps, longissimus, p. 13 Am. mer., spp. n., Pic Melanges 31. 3taronius inapicalis mendesensis, spp. n. Brazil p. 14, Pic T.c. 3ldyrasiylus subg. n. for wagneri P. etc.. Pic p. 3 hors texte Echange 35. 31elyris, revision african and asiatic species, pp. 157-219 and suppl. p. 360, with the following now ; laxicornis p. 161, rufomarginala p. 164, au.rescens, clliativenlris, p. 166, capensis p. 167, violacea p. 168, laetiila p. 169, quinque- seriata p. 171, S. Africa; congoensis p. 172, denticulata p. 174, umbilicata p. 175, W. and C. Africa ; flavopectus p. 181, foveolola p. 182, masaiensis, luckmani, p. 185, flavofernorata p. 186, itigiensis p. 190, hacquardi p. 191, brevicollis p. 192, pth'gem, serrata, p. 193, airicornis p. 194, virens, uni- formis, p. 145, E. Africa ; anceyi n. n. for versicolor Ancey p. 198, circumsepta Erilraea j). 200, pilicoUis p. 202, parallela p. 204, quadricollis p. 205, Abyssinia ; bicnlcaraln p. 209, cncul- lain p. 210, cyanopectus p. 211, Arabia ; crythrodera India p. 213 ; cyayiipcnnis p. 215, excisa p. 216, longipcnnis (n-13799 j) Q p. 217, E. Africa, fulvipennis Damara- land p. 218 ; spp. n., Champion Ann, nat. Hist. 4. 3Iicroastyliis subg. n. for luctirmnmsis P., Pio p. 3 hors texto Echange 35. Microichlhyurus subg. n., impressu collis Lombock, robuslus Palawan, spp. n., Pio Melanges 31 p. 14. 3Iicromalihiniis gen. n. near 3Iaronius p. 14, maximiceps sp. n. Guiana p. 15, Pic T.c. 3Iimochalcas subg. n. of Aslylus for laeins Er., Pic p. 2 hors texte Echange 35. 3Iixis subinterrogationis, jeanneli with var. kijubeensis, spp. n. E. Africa, Pio p. 9 Melanges 31. Morphochalcas subg. n.- of Chaims for G. linealocollis etc., Pio p. 23 Melanges 30. Paralenus germaini sp. n. Bolivia p. 24, Pio Echange 35. — Paratinus minor sp. n. E. Africa p. 11, *Pic Melanges 31. Pelecophora ? jeanneli p. 3, P. atricolor p. 4, spp. n. E. Africa, Pic T.c. Phausis delarouzeei and L. noctiluca, luminous organs, Bucnion C.R. Soc. Biol. 82 pp. 994—999 figs. Phengodes jloridensis sp. n. p. 30, Blatchley Canad. Ent. 51. Plaleros suluralis, ruhripennis, spp. n. India p. 21, Pic Melanges 30. Prionocerus and Jdgia revised, and the male characters figured. Champion pp. 325-372 pis. xi & xii Ann. nat. Hist. 3. — P. thibetanus sp. n. W. Himalava, Obenbercer Ent. Bl. 14 1918. Pseudoastylus subg. n. vide Chalcas. Pseudocerocoma gen. n. for Lobelus nvirabilis Gorh., Pio p. 12 Melanges 31, Pseiidocololes ? alriceps, P. nairobi- anus, trinotatus, atricolor, kenyensis, p. 7. kijubeensis with var. lateralis, albono- tatus, alluaudi, p. 8, spp. n. E. Africa, Pic T.c. Pseudodasytes subg. n. of Astylus for nigrofemoralis P., Pio p. 3 hors texte Echange 35. C 13 130 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [1919] Silidius rmvenzorensis, kenyensis, sub- opaciceps with var. limbalUhorux, longi- pennis, alluaudi, naivaschnnus, p. 2, jeanneli with var. nigrosuturalis, tesla- ceocinctus, longedentatus p. 3, spp. n. E. Africa, Pic Melanges 31. Silis scmitestaceicornis, fochi. New Guinea, clemenceaui Timor, petaini Borneo, spp. n. p. 18, Pic Melanges 30. Sphinginopalpus dentaticornis, kija- bensis jeanmliy nairobanus p. 5, nakunosus, suturalis, gibbosiis, lateralis, nitidkeps, p. 0, spp. n. E. Africa, also 6 varr. n., Pio Milanges 31. Spinapalochrus subg. n. vide Apalo- chrns. Spinaslylus subg. n. for gorhami P., etc.. Pic p. 3 hors texte Echange 35. Telephorus neglectus sp. n. U.S. p. 215, Falp Canad. Ent. 51. Trogloapalocbrus subg. n. for A. bicornuius P., Pic p. 12 Melange.s 30. Troglops distincticeps, naivashanus, spp.^n. E. Africa, Pic p. 4 Melanges 31. — T. angustatus var. n. normandi. Pic p. 9 Echange 35. Trypheromimus subg. n. of Tryp>herus for T. nankineus Pic, Pic p. 12 Melanges . Tripherus m-signatus with var. bima- culatus sp. n. Formosa p. 24, Pic Echange 35. — F. limbatus sp. n. Japan p. 12, Pig ■Melanges 31. Tucumanius pygidialis p. 16, ar- cmlipes p. 17, spp. n. Brazil, Pic Melanges 30. Tylocerus discoviridis Haiti, amboi- nensis, ribbei Niolco, dohertyi Batchian, semirugulosus Menado p. 19, gracili- cornis, longesuturalis, humboldti, suho- pacus, breveapicalis, subcrasskornis, p. 20, inapicalis. New Guinea, keienais, lateralis Kei isld., costulatua Tcnimber, timorensia p. 21, spp. n., Pic T.c. Xamerpus nigromaculatus sp. n. E. Africa p. 4, Pic Melanges 31. Zygia uureotmcta, atrociliata, with var. n. obscuripes, spp. n. E. Africa, incom- pleta var. n. jeanneli. Pic p. 4 T.c. — Z. cyanea, cherenenais, longipennia, rho- desiana p. 23, rubrofemaralia, mauri- tanka, atriiarais, obscuripea, spp. n. Africa, viridia var. n. curtipennia p, 24, Pro T.c, — Z, coerukacena, coatata, humilia, spp. n. Africa, 7iigripea var. n. viridescens, p. 24, Pio Echange 35. Ci.ERIDAE. Callimerua princeps Philippines p. 227, bornenaia p. 228, oculatus, Borneo, hexagonua Penang p. 229, luzonkus, fuscitaraua Singapore, lateralis p. 230, hasilankua p. 231, albescens, feneatralus, p. 232, albua, flavua, Philippines, arcufer Penang, p. 233, terminalis Borneo p. 234, spp. n., Chapin P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Lemidia baaijlava p. 343, with var. fascinta p. 344, South Australia, auricoma p. 344, with var. flavivenlria p. 345, variabilia p. 345 f. 2, JlavkoUia p. 346, Queensland, spp. n., Elston Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43. Melanoclerus gen. n. p. 226 near Qaatrocentrum, parvus sp. n. Borneo p. 227, Chapin P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Nfcrobia ruficollia, habits, life-history, Scott Ann. appl. Biol. 6 pp. 101-115, figs. Tillua mindanenais p. 225, nitidkollia Borneo p. 226 spp. n., Chapin P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Trkhodea apiarius varr. p. 5, al- veariua p. 6, Pio hors texte Echange 35. Ptinidae. Catorama nigritulum, Weiss p. 255 Canad. Ent. 51. Diphobia longicornis sp. n. Western Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc, S. Aust. 43 p. 256 pi. XXV f. 40. Enaaiba triatis Oil. p. 254 figs., Lea T.c. Ernobius conicola 296, californkua p. 297, champlaini p. 298, spp. n. U.S., Fisher P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Gibbium scotias, sexes, Britten p. 88 Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Myrmecoptinua gen. n. p. 206, butteli sp. n. Sumatra p. 207 pi. iv f. 20, Wasmann Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39, 1916. Neohedobia gen. n. near Hedobia, texana sp. n., Fisher p. 184 Pr. ent Soc. AVashington 21. Oligomerua arbuti sp. n. California p. 296, Fisher P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Polyplocotea carinatkepa sp, n. Wes- tern Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43 p. 254 pi. xxv f. 39. 131 Insecta. SySTEMATIO. — CoLEOPTEBA — TeNEBRIONIDAE. Ptilineurus 7narniomlus, Fisher Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21 pp. 185 and 180. Ptilinus bernhamri sp. n. Ural p. 87, Reitter Col. Rundschau 1916. Ptinus (Eutaphnis) elongalior sp. n. Egypt p. 14, Pic Echange 35. — P. huesanus sp. n. Florida p. 295, Fisher P.U.S. nat. ^lus. 55. — P. viitchelli p. 181, barbcri p. 182, sppJ n. Texas, Fisher Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Stagetus denticornis sp. n. India p. 242, Champion Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Trichodesma prafti sp. n. Texas p. 184, Fisher Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Bostriciiidae, Lyctidae. FAcolyclus gen. n. for Cryptophagus bnumeus Gyll., Saulbero p. 4 Ent. Tidskr. 40. Sinoxylon fnseoveslitum sp. n. Laos p. 405, Lesne Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. ClOIDAE. Cis oblongus glutinosus subsp. n. p. 180 Algeria, Peyerimhoff Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. — C. criddki sp. n. Manitoba p. 158, Dury Canad. Ent. 51. Dolichocis gen. n., manitoba sp. n., Dury p. 158 T.c. Sulcacis langi, Weiss p. 203 Canad. Ent. 51. Tenebrionidae. Notes on Tenebrionidae from Crete, Schuster pp. 1-5 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Achora — {Priothorax Geb.), Blair p. 629 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Adelium delicatuliun p. 105, mac- cullochi p. 106, spp. n„ Australia, abbreviatum varr. n. denlatum lomond- ense p. 107, Carter P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Akis bernhaueri sp. n. Cyrenaica p. 29, Schuster Ent. Bl. 15. Alaudes squamosa p. 309, setigera p. 310, testacea p. 311, spp. n., U.S., Bi.aisdell Tr. araer. ent. Soc. 45. Amarygmns incultus sp. n. Australia p. 172, Carter P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. A^nmogitoii gen. n. Tenlyriini near Hyperops, viberti sp. n. Tunis figs., Peyerimhoff p. 327 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919, 1920. (N-13799j)Q Blapidocamaria subg. n. vide Pseudo- blapida, Blapidocamaria aiigustior sp. n. Brazil p. 3, Pic Melanges 30. Blapidocampsia subg. n. of Campsia p. 3, for C. pallidipes Pic etc., Pic T.c. Blaps violattei sp. n. Algeria p. 328, Peyerimhoff Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919, 1920. Bolbopkanes sericatus sp. n. Australia p, 159, Carter P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Brachycilibe lasmanicum sp. n. Tas- mania p. 148, Carter T.c. Brycopia diemenense Tasmania p. 170, punctatissima Australia p. 171, figs. Carter T.c. Byallius punctatus sp, n, Australia p. 158, Carter T.c. Camaria longipennis n. 117, punctu- lata p. 118, spp. n. Brazil, Pio Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — C. vicina forlipes Borneo p. 7, singularis Peru, viridescens Amazon p. 8, spp. n., Pic Echange 35. Cardiothorax consiriclus p. 100, her- shawi p. 161, miicleayensis p. 162, aUernatus p. 163, spp. n. Australia, figs., Carter P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Catobleps and Blatlicephalus are identical, Falsocossyphus chalanayi Bl. may be pilosiis Pic, Blair pp. 101-103 Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Cestrimis and allies, synonymy, BiiAir pp. 529-532, P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Coelus ; revised, ciliatus varr. n. sparsus p. 325, Blaisdell Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45 pp. 315-334 pi. xxxii. Dorosphaerus granuUpennis sp. n. Sumatra p. 74, Blair J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt 3. Eleodes opaca, metamorphosis, Mo- CoLLocH pp. 183-194 pi. V J. econ. Ent. 12. — E. tricoslala, larval habits Griddle p. 101 Canad. Ent. 51. Enhypnon gen. n. p. 143, Bolito- phaginae, laticeps sp. n. Tasmania p. 144, Carter P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Enoplopus denlipes var. n. rufescens, Pic p. 5 Echange 35. Exangeltus rujipennis sp. n. Queens- land p. 140 pi. iv f. 2, Carter P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. C 13—2 132 Insecta. xn. Insecta. Qnathosia proxima Persia p. 61, punciatissima Kashmir, pseudonemia Buoliara p. 62, spp. n., Reitteb Col. Rundschau 1915. Qonocnemis rufitarsis, aeneipennis, p. 1, opacus p. 2, spp. n., Africa, Pio Melanges 30. Helops ecoffeli var. n. rufocastaneus, piceus auhaeneApenniSy Pio p. 5 Echange 35. Heterophylus rosae sp. n. Turkestan p. 89, Schuster Ent. Bl. 11, 1915. Homoeocamaria ncm. n. for Homoeo- genus Wat., Blair p. 75 J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Laena atripennis sp. n. Greece p. 6, Pig Echange 35. Licinoma puncialatera sp. n. Australia p. 169, Carter P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Litoborus parallelus sp. n. Tripoli p. 30, Schuster Ent. Bl. 15. Lobothorax winkleri sp. n. Turkestan p. 91, Schuster Ent. Bl. 11, 1915. Lobothorax (Stenavus) persicus p. 31, L. (Myladion) ferganensis Turkestan p. 32, spp. n., Schuster Ent. Bl. 15. Micipsa ; table of egyptian, Schus- ter p. 65 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Microcilibe gen. n. near Uloma, castaneum sp. n. Australia, Carter p. 147 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Microdera scythiformis Mongolia, ma- crops Russia (?) p. 93, forte punctata Saissan p. 94, ocularis Transcaucasus, laevigatula Transcaspian, p. 95, spp. n„ Reitter Ent. Bl. 11, 1915.— A/ ImJcesfanica sp. n. p. 87, Schuster Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Micruloma gen. n. Uloma minuta C., Carter p. 146 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Mitua Hope = {Pseudoptatrum Sh.), Blair p. 531 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W 44. Mnionophilus gen. n. p. 141 Bolito- phaginae, horridusp. 142, costatus p. 143, spp. I}. Tasmania, Carter P. Linn. Soc. N S.W. 44. Opatrum reitleri sp. n. Caucasus p. 90, Schuster Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Ospidus vestitus sp. n. Australia p. 155, Carter P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Platydema ellipticum, Weiss p. 276 Canad. Ent. 51. [1919] Plaiyscelis gebieni sp. n. Mongolia p. 88, Schuster Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Pseudoblapida {Blapidocamaria subg. n.) incostata sp. n. Brazil, Pic p. 7 Echange 35. Pterohelaeus darlingensis p. 149, gilesi p. 150, spp. n., Australia, Carter P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Saragus convexus sp. n. Australia p. 153, Carter T.c. Scythis laiicep>s Altai p. 67, rotundi- coHis Alai-Tau, prostenialis, edda, p. 69, suturalis, thetis, Turkestan, dominula Semiretschie, p. 70, aglaja Alai-Tau p. 71, athelea with var. gorgone, substriatula Issy-kul n. 72, spp. n„ Reitter Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Seidlitzellus n.n. for Anisocerus, Reitter p. 221 Ent. Bl. 15. Seirotrana simsoni sp. n. Tasmania, p. 168 fig., Carter P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Setenis subfoveata New Guinea etc. p. 1 fig. 4, mandibularis India and Cey- lon p. 2 fig., producta New Guinea p. 4 fig. 6, amplipennis New Guinea p. 5 fig. 5, barbata New Guinea p. 6, p)auper- cula S. China and 3’onkin p. 7 fig, tonkinensis Tonkin p. 8 fig. 7, evanescens S. China and Tonkin p. 9 fig., opaca India p. 10 fig 8, furva S. India and Ceylon p. 11 fig. 9, polita New Guinea .]). 13 fig 10., pi. ii, spp. n., Gebien Ent. Mitt. 8 (pi. in 7). — S. pubiventris sp. n. Sumatra p. 74, Blair J. Fed. ]\Ialay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Stenogena rufonotata, annvlipes p. 4, robusta p. 5, spp. n., Madagascar, Pic Melanges 30. Stenogenomorpha gen. n., inijnessa sp. n. Madaga.scar, Pic p. 5 T.c. Styrus puncticollis sp. n. .Au.stralia p. 156, Carter P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Sympetes bro wn i p. 152, depress us p. 153, spp. n., Australia, Carter T.c. Tenebriocamaria gen. n. p. 3, atra sp. n. Peru p. 4, Pic Melanges 30. Tentyria paganettii sp. n. Crete p. 6, Schuster Ent. Bl. 11 1915. — T. cyrenaica p. 27, elegans p. 28, spp. n., Cyreniaca, Schuster Ent. Bl. 15. — T. mairei sp. n. ]\farocco p. 327, Peykr- IMHOFF Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919, 1920. 133 Insecta. S YSTBIVIATIO. — COLEOPTBRA — CANTHARID A B . Thoriclosoma gen. n. near Typhlu- Imna, ectatommae p. 258, tibiale p. 259 pi. XXV f. 43, Rpp. n., Western Australia, Lea Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 43. Thraucostoliis montandoni sp. n. Egypt p. 87, ScHU.sTER Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Uloma pygmaea to Palorus, Carter p. 147 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Ulominae, table of Australian genera p. 145, synonymy pp. 145 and 146, Carter T.o. Zophosis ; descriptions of spp. diag- nosed in 1914, CiiATANAY pp. ,589-595 Bull. Mus. Paris 25. — Zophosis, spp., notes pp. 581-588, abyssinica var. n. corrugala p. 583, sphaerura sp. n. Khartoum p. 585, Lesne Bull. Mus. Paris 25. — Z. approximata beraiidi, subsp. n. Sahara, Peyerimiioff p. 325 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919, 1920. CiSTELlDAE OR AlLECULIDAE. Allecula chatanayi, minutissima, viri- dipennis, spp. n. Madagascar p. .4, Pic Melanges 30. Andrimns parfjdw? sp. n. Florida p. 67, Blatchley Canad. Ent. 51. Ilymenorus dichroiis p. 66, sabalensis p. 67, spp. n., Florida, Blatchley T.c. Microcistela gen. n. near Cistelopsis, obscura sp. n. New Cuinea, Pic p. 6 Melanges 30. Orchesiolobopoda gen. n. near Lobo- poda, minutissima sp. n. Brazil, Pic p. 0 T.c. Synallecida alrovittata, lateplagiata, p. 5, rujicornis p. 6, spp. n. Africa, Pic T.c. Melandryidae. Blatticephalus, vide Catobleps in Tenebrionidae. Eustrophus bicolor, early stages, Weiss p. 132, Psyche 26. Orchesia castanea, early stages, Weiss p. 204 Canad. Ent. 51. Lacriidae. Casnonidea maculipennis sp. n. Suma- tra p. 78, Blair J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Anthicidae, Hylophiltdae. Anlhicus informipes sp. n. Simla p. 173 fig. 10, Krekioh-Strassoldo Ent. Mitt. 8. — A. dagestanicus, nicolasi Transcaspian, • longipygus Syria, him* taticollis Corsica, spp. n., corsicus var. n. valdoniellensis, p. 10, fasciatus var. n. codinai p. 11, Pio Echange 35. — -4. car- thagenicnsis var. n. subopaculus Pic Miscell. ent 24 p. 68. — A. humilis and allies, PuEL pp. 49-60 Miscell. ent. 24. Cnopus pinicola sp. n. India p. 244, Champion Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Eughnes securipes sp. n. Caineroons p. 174 fig. 11, Krekich-Strassoldo Ent. Mitt 8. Formicomus gloriosus China, aeslima- bilis India p. 168, sphinx Cairo p. 171, antiquus Bengal p. 172, fig.s., spp. n., Krekich-Strassoldo T.c. Leplaleus rodriguesi var. n. postre- ductus. Pic ji. 10 Echange 35. Notoxus angustulus sp. n. Caucasus p. 166, Krekich-Strassoldo Ent. Mitt. 8. — N. chaldeus varr. n. signati- pennis and innotatus, monoceros teratol., Pio p. 13 Echange 35. Pedilus parvicollis sp. n. California p. 216, Fall Canad Ent. 51. Tomoderus syriacus var. n. innotati- pennis, Pio p. 10 Echange 35. Xylophilus bulbifer sp. n. India p. 244, Champion Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Mordellidae. Mordella pygidialis Herzegowina p. 612, holorndacna p. 614 with var. sibirica p. 615, horvathi p. 616, pur- purascens p. 620, Europe, spp. n., figs., Apfelbech Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12, 1914. Rhipiphoridae. Metoecus paradoxus, Suenson Ent. Medd. 13 pp. 17-22. Rhipidius dsnisi sp. n. Provence p. 200, larva p. 204 fig., Chobaut Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. CantharIdae or Meloidae. , CerocoMa vahli, habits, Cros p. 248- 252 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Lyila {Tetraolylta subg. n.), gerardi sp. n. Brazil, femoralis varr. n. porleri and singularicornis. Pic p. 3 Echange 35. 134 Inaecta, XII. Insecta. [1919J Macrobasis murina, a valid species, Fisher p. 1 Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. 7'etraoJytla subg. n. vide Lytta. Tetraonyx maiidhuii p. 2, simsi p. 3, spp. n., Brazil, dohrni var. n, remot us, i-maculatus var, n. maculaticeps, cly- ihroides var. n. subfasciatus, p. 2, Pic Echange 35. Zonabris ; habits, eggs, larvae, Cros p. 521-526 Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. — Z. bedeU var. n. nugusti, Pio p. 13 Echange 35. — Z. diversesigruita Tunis, tarbatagaiensis Siberia, spp. n., also 9 varr. n.. Pic p. 18 Echange 35, curticornis Armenia, mediobipunctata, svhparallela, Persia p. 19, postbilunulata, kurdistanica, heterodila, kuschkensis Turkestan, breveapicalis Kohat, spp. n., Pic p. 21 T.c. — Z. corynoides varr., Pic p. 18 hors texte Echange 35. Oedemeridae. Ascleropsu excellena gp. n. Asia minor p. 168, Fi.etsciiir Ent. Bl, 15, Asclerostoma gen. n. p, 169 near Xanthochroina, reitteri sp. n. Mallorca p. 170, Fleischer T.c. Golobostomus griseovestitus var. n. nitidus, Pic p. 14 Echange 35. Ischnomera (Asclera) koreana sp. n. p. 168, Fleischer Ent. Bl. 15. Nacerdts ^nelariura ah. n. nigricollis, Rettter p. 44 Ent. Bl. 14, 1918. Oedemera pallida Cairo p. 170, rhodosica Rhodes p. 171, spp. n., Fleischer Ent. Bl. 15. Xanthochroa sumntrensis sp. n. p. 79, Bi.air J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. — X. carniolica in Bosnia, Prossnitz p. 102-104 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Pythidae. The genera of Salpinginae, Blair pp. 112-124 Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Dromiosalpingus gen. n. p. 2 for S. distincticollis etc. Pic, Pic Melanges 30. FaUolauihanus gen. n. p. 3 for Lanihanus albonoiahis P., Pic T.c. Lanthanus luridus sp. n. Colombia, Pic p. 2 T.c. Lissodcma ceylonicum p. 115, lewisi Ceylon, dentigcrum Java, p. 110, andrewesi India p. 117, spp. n., Blair Ent. mo, Mag. 55. — L. {Sjnnolissodema subg. n.) unifasciata sp. n. Japan p. 3, Pic Melanges 30. Neosalpingus brevis sp. n. Queensland p. 745, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Notosalpingus ])arvulus sp. n. W. Australia p. 121, Blair Ent. mo. Mag. 55. — N. brunnens sp. n. Tasmania p. 742, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Oncosalpingus gen. n. p. 122, podagri- cus sp. n. Chile p. 123, Blair Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Platylissodema gen. n. p. 117 for Lanthanus rouyeri Pic, Blair T.c. — P. maculaia sp. n. Nias p. 3, Pic Melanges 30. Platysalpingus gen. n. p. 118 type Rhinosimus wallacei Pasc., longirostris p. 119, approximatus p. 120, spp. n., Now Guinea, and Lanthanus albonotatus Pic, Blair Ent. mo Mag. 65. — P.rufono- tatus sp. n. Now Guinea p, 3, Pio Melanges 30. Sosthenes dufaui sp. n. Guadeloup, Pic p. 2 T.c. JSphaeriestes, synonymy and com- position, Blair pp. 123 and 124 Ent. mo. Mag. 55., Spinolissodema subg. n. vide Lisso- dema. Tasmosalpingus gen. n. p. 743, quadrispilotus p. 744, promiscuus p, 745, spp. n. Tasmania, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. 7'richosphaeriestes gen. n. p. 121, fryi sp. n. Brazil p. 122, Blair Ent. mo. Mag. 55. CURCULIONIDAE. Synopsis of the classification of the Curculionoidae, Pierce P. ent. Soc. Washington 21 pp. 22-36 : for new names of families reference must be made to the work itself. The value of stridulation, Kleine Ent Bl. 15 pp. 183-201. Jumping Curculionidae, Urban pp. 246 & 247^ Ent. Bl. 15. Acalles ; notes on palaearctic, locali- ties, etc., Meyer pp. 42-47 & 118-126 Ent. Bl. 15. 135 Insecta. Systematic. — Coleopteea — Cceculionidae. Alcides jnali sp. n, Assam p. 276 pi. xvii f. 3, Marshall Bull. ent. Res. 9. — A, figuratus p. 1 fig. 16. adversarhiK fig. 14, p. 658, arenatus, plagiatus fig. 18, p. 559, spp. n., Philippines, Schultzb Philippine J. Sc. 15. Anaptoplus hrunneus sp. n, Mada- gascar p. 471, Mustache Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. Angianides trib. n. near Hylobiides p. 151 for, Angianus gen, n. with pratti sp. n. New Guinea p. 152, Sharp Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Anisorhynchus, stridulating organs, Kleine pp. 36-42 Ent. Bl. 15. Antelmia gen. n. Brachyderides vrais p. 464, viridissima sp. n. Mauritius p. 465, Mustache Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. Anthohom'idius subg. n. vide Anlho- nomus. Anlhommus {Anlhommidim subg. n.) diluUis Transbaikal, A. suhchalyheus E. Siberia, p. 118, cnbratellus Manchuria p. 119, spp. n., Reitter Ent. Bl. 11, 1915. — A. pojnorum, habits, oviposition, Schulz pp. 363-371 SB. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1918 ; habits. Fryer p. 208 Ann. appb Biol. 6. Aalinia Pasc. p. 273, A. theivom sp. n. Java p. 274 pi. xvii f. 3, Marshall Bull, ent. Res. 9. Aorus = {Leptobarls Gerst. = Exarcm Pasc.) p. 338, cancellatns Angola p. 341, tenuipes Beira p. 342, spp. n., Marshall Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Apion (Exapion) valentinum sp. n. Spain p. 316, Clermont Bol. Soc. Espafi. Hist. Nat. 19. — A. hibisci early stages, Weiss Dickerson J. New York Ent. Soc. 27 pp. pp. 47-49. A. arago- nicum, food-plant, Chobaut p. 182 Bull, soc. ent. France 1919. Barianus F. {Epiramphus Ch.) p. .507, gibbosus p. 508, striatm p. 509, spp. n. Madagascar, Mustache Ann. soc. ent. Franco 87. Bothynoderes ; the species found in France, Fuel pp. 45-48 Miscell. ent. 24. Brachyceript rolundicollis sp. n. Spain p. 415, figs. 1, 2, Escalera Bol. Soc. Espan. 18, 1918. Bradybamoii gen. n. p. 9 type Stro- phosonma grankollis Boh., awalei p. 10 pi. i f. 6, regularis p. 11, spp, n. E* Africa, Marshall Ann. naL hist. 3. Catalalus minutwi p. 605, fasciatus p. 506, spp. n. Madagascar, Hustachb Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. Cathormiocerus, note on Escalera’s work, Champion p. 67 Ent. mo. Mag. 65. Ceutliorrhynchus tyli, a valid species, Boubal p. 170 Ent. Bl. 11, 1915. -C. hampei form n. ochraceotinctus Wagn. p. 74, Neresheimer & Wagner Ent. Mitt. 8. — C. pulvinatus Sc roberti, habits, Urban p. 315 Ent. Bl. 13, 1917. Chalcocybebus assimils p. 276, biroi p. 277, mesospilus p. 279, ynagdalenae p. 280, spp. n. New Guinea, figs., GyoREFY Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15, 1917. Chaumderm conyoamis p. 57, anten- naUis, t-album, p. 58, spp. n.. Mustache Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon 66. Chilodrusus otiorrhynchoides, alep- pensis, p. 189, JumosuH p. 190, spp. n. Aleppo, Reitter Col. Rundsch. 1913. Cleopomiarua subg. n. of Miarus, Pierce p. 34 P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Coeliodea dryadoa ab. n. infuscatua Nerosh. p. 73, Neresheimer & Wagner, Ent. Mitt. 8. Conotrachelus peraeae sp. n. Guate- mala p. 56 pi. ii. Barber P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. — G. fisaunguia, early stages, Weiss & Dickerson pp. 44-47 J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Coryssomerus robusticollis sp. n., Egypt p. 14, Pic Echange 35. Cmtopus — {Antiatius Fairm.), Mustache p. 476 Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. Cryptorhynchidiua gen. n. = {Cryptor hynchua Sch.), PiUrce p. 25 P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Cychrolonus, validity and composi- tion, ellipticua p. 25 pi. i f. 7, decoraiua p. 27, spp. n. Congo, Marshall Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Cyroiyphua variegatus sp. n. Tas- mania p. 746, Lea P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. 136 Insecta. XII, Insecta. [1919] Cyrlops — {Chlorastus F,) p. 461, albomaculatus sp, n. Mayotte p. 463, Hustaohe Ann. Soo. ent. France 87. Desmidophorinus subg. n. vide Desmi- dophorus. Desmidophorust the Indo-malayan species; transversalis Philippines p. 115, nobilis Tandjong Morawa p. 116, breviusculus Cambodia p. 119, crassus Formosa p. 200, smiilis Philippines p. 201, probus Rangoon p. 202, suavis Sumatra p. 203, helleri p. 205, elongatiis p. 206, D. {Desufiidophorinus subg. n. p. Ill) kolbei P.orneo p. 212, hart- mannianus Sumatra p. 218, fausti Philippines p. 221, schenklingi Anda- mans p. 223, spp. n. ; funebris var. n. fulvopilosus p. 213, imkoffi var. n. propinquus p. 223 ; Hubentiial Ent. Bl. 13, 1917. — D. {Desmidophorinus) bickhardti sp. n. Tonkin p. 264 Hubenthal T.c. Diethusa insignila sp. n. South Aus- tralia, Elston Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust 43 p. 346 f. 3. Dinosius mocquerysi p. 467, aubglo’ hosus p. 468, spp. n. Madagascar, Hustache Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. Dorytomus dilaticollis sp. n. Mongolia p. 161, Reitter Ent. Bl. 11, 1915. » Dyscerus fletcheri p. 274 pi. xvii f. 1, malignus p. 275 f. 4, spp. n. Assam, Marshall Bull ent. Res. 9. Elleschus scanicus = {Dorytomus nothus Rey), Hustache p. 38 Miscell. ent. 24. EremoieSt Swedish, synonymy, Kemner p. 169 Ent. Tidskr. 40. Eugnampius decemsatus, IIenriksen, Kobenhavn Medd. Gronl. 56 1918 po. 203-206 2 figs. Eupiona setosa sp. n. Congo p 61, Hustache Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon 66. Oymnetron squamicolle, Kunnemann p. 101 Ent. Bl. 14, 1918. — 0. hispidum, synonymy, Hustache p. 39 Miscell. ent. 24. Heiliqms pittieri sp. n. Costa Rica p. 64, Barber P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Heterostylus nigropunctatus p. 65, pilosus p. 66, spp. n. Africa, Hustache Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon 66. Holonychus violaceus, excavatus, spp. n. Madagascar p. 449, curtipennis F. var. amethystimus p. 445. Hustache Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. Hypolagocaulus gen. n. near Lago- caulus, stigmatracheloides, p. 617, decorsei p. 618, spp. n. Madagascar Hustache T.c. Iphi'^omus amplicollis p. 493, callosus, griseus, p. 494, spp. n. Madagascar, Hustache T.c. — /. denticulatus sp. n. Zanzibar p. 55, Hdstache Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon 66. I schnotrachelus spinicolUs sp. n. Congo p. 56, Hustache T.c. Lagocaulus incisus p. 515, nnguicu- latus, variegatus, cinereus, p. 516, spp. n. Madagascar, Hustache Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. Lepyrus ; stridulation-apparatus of various species, Kleine pp. 257-274 pi. ; Ent. Bl 14, 1918. Leurops gen. n. p. 18 Brachyderinae, cana p. 19 pi. i f. 1, obesa, substriata, p. 20, spp. n. S. Africa, Maushai l Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Magdalis aenescens, Mognette p. 426-428 pi. XV J. econ. Ent. 12. Mecinini ; tables, Plercb pp. 26-29 P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Metapocyrtus {Orlhocyrtus) malayanus sp. n. p. 552 pi. i fig. 2, m. atratus subsp. n. p. 553, consobrinus p. 554 fig. 5, ornalus p. 555 fig. 12, (M.) violaceus figs. 9, 9a, hucasaaus fig. 10, j). 556, M. (Trachycyrtus) multisguamosus p 557 fig. 13, spp. n. Philippines, Schiiltze Philippine J. Sci. 15. Mimaulodes gen. n. p. 5, fimbiiatus sp. n. Transvaal p. 6, Marshall Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Mimaulus ; characters, MARSfrALL p. 4 T.c. Moroderia gen. n. p. 115 near Homapterus, infiaticeps sp. n. Valencia p. 116, Reitter Ent. Bl. 11, 1915. Mustelinus variegatus p. 480, breui- setis p. 481, spp. n. Madagascar, Hustache Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. Mythecops gen. n. for Thylacites gracUipies Faust, araxis Persia, p. 42, rujicornis Teschen p. 43, spp. n., Reitter Col. Rundsch. 1916. 137 Insecia. Systematic. — Coleoptbra — Curoulionidae, Nanopliyes donckieri var. n. sinensis p. 1, Pic Melanges 30. — N. luteonotatus Cancasus, N. {Goritnalia) letourneuxi Egypt, spp, n., also 5 varr n., Pio p. 11 Echange 35. — N. laterufus, siiblimbatus, spp. n. Madagascar, qentilis var. n. tananarivanus, Pio p. 12 T.c. — N. longipilis sp. n. Caucasus, syriacus varr. n. cerytensis and subaUenuatus, Pic p. 13 T.c. — N. posticus, var. n. imposticus, Pic p. 22 Echange 35. — N. marmoratus varr. pp. 9-12, nilidulus varr. pp. 12-14, hemisphaericus varr. pp. 14 & 15, Pio Echange 35 hors texte. Orchesles monedula Herbst (as Ciir- eulio) = rohoris auctt., Hubenthal p. 115 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Orohitidae ; tables of subfamilies. Pierce p. 29-33 P. ent. Soc. Washing- ton 21. Oliorrhynchus {Phalantorrhynchus) Asturias, 0. {Nehrodislus) tiflensis, spp. n. p. 100, llEiTTER Ent. Bl. 11, 1015. — 0. [Mitnmiris) furiosus sp. n. Aksu p. 61, Reitter Col. Rundsch. 1916. Oxycoryniis parvuhis sp. n. Argentina p. 231, figs., Bruch Rev. Mus. La Plata 23 (2) 19i6. Oxyonyx cailloli sp. n. Algeria p. 210, Peyerimhoff Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Pachyrrliynchus virgatus sp. n. p. 549, pi. 1 fig. 1, insulanus subsp. n., ardentius fig. 7, absurdus figs. 3-4, p. 550, signntus p. 551, figs. G, Oa, spp. n. Phillippines, Schultze Philippine J. Sci. 15. Pelenomus sulcicoUis, habits, early stages, Mathesoh p. 199 pb xviii Canad. Ent. 51. Perilmefus abyssinicus sp. n. p. 61, IIustache Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon 66. Phyllobius (Oedecnemidius) sp. n. Cyprus p. 1, carvipes var. n. lividianus p. 2, Pic Echange 35. — P. urticae & oblongus on strawberries. Fryer p. 203 Ann. appli. Biol. 6. Phytonomus creticus sp. n., Crete p. 396, CsiKi Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13, 1915. Pimelorrhuius gen. n. p. 116 near Holcorrhinus, globatiis sp. n. P»/hodes p. 117, Reitter Ent. Bl. 11, 1915. Polydrusus confluents — {Eusomus burchanensis Schilsky), Hubeethal Ent. Bl. 11 p. 114, 1915.— P. {Metallites) molliconius sp. n. Algeria p. 234, Peyerimhoff Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. — P. {Leucodrosus) clermonti sp. n. Siiain, p. 1, picus var. n. viridimaculatue p. 2, Pic Echange 35. — P. rhodiacns, is from Cyprus, Zuroher p. 169 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Pomphus gen. n. p. 7 type Stropho- somus kirschi Faust, denticollis sp. n. Beira p. 8 pi. i f. 3, Marshall Ann. nat. hist. 3. Prionolixus beauprei var. n. albo- vittalus, Pic p. 14 Echange 35. Proictes ciliaius p. 455, variegatus p. 457, spp. n. Madagascar, Hustaohe Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. — P. dentipes sp. n. Ivory coast p. 46, Hustache Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon 77. Proscephaladeres, composition, Mar- shall p. 12 Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Proscopus gen. n. Brachyderinae, marginatus sp. n. Namaqualand pi. i fig. 4, Marsiiai.l p, 13 T.c. Protostrophus gen. n. p. 14 typo Stropho <''omus crucifrons Boh., imnierens Zululand p. 16, spinicollis Transvaal p. 17 pi. i f. 5, spp. n., Marshall T.c. Pseudamycterus gen. n. p. 23 type schonherri Hope, Pierce p. 23 P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Pseudoblosyrus gen. n. p. 21, sharpi sp. n. Pretoria p. 22 pi. 1 f. 2, Marshall Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Pseudophyfobius rumicum sp. n. Algeria p. 241 , Peyerimhoff Ann. Soc. ^ ent. France 88. Pseudoproictes gen. n. type Proictes pictus F. p. 477, alluaudi sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 478, Hustache Ann. Soc. ent. France 87, Raymondionymus {Raymondiellus) hipponensis sp. n. Algeria, Peyertm- HOFF p. 70 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Rhinoscapha merrilli sp. n. Mindanao p. 557, pi. i fig. 16, Schultze Philippine J. Sci. 15. Rhinosomphus albolineatus sp. n. E. Africa p. 63, Hustache Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon 66. Rhynchites conicus, habits, larva, Bordas pp. 196-201, figs. Insecta 9. Rhyncogonus taxonomy, R. gijfardi sp. n. Hawaii p. 81 fig.. Sharp P. Hawai. ent. Soc 4. — R. bryani sp. n. Laysan isld. p. 4, Perkins Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. 138 Insecta, XII. Insecta. [1919J Rhyncolit^s thomsoni (Grill) sp. n. Sweden p. 167, Kemner Ent. Tidskr. 40. Rhyncliomys decorsei sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 501, Hustache Ann. Soc. ent, France 87. Sharpia rubida & bUhrensis, Huben-' THAL p. 51 Ent. Bl. 13 1917. Sibinia submaculula sp. n. Djibouti, Pio Melanges 30 p. 1. SiierodcLctyliisbrunneuii p.49, dentipes, praeustus, p. 51, rubromaculatus p. 52, ellenbergeri p. 54, spp. n. Africa, Hustache Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon 66. Sphenophonis costicollia p. 269 with var. callosipennis, glyceriae p. 270 with var. missouricnsis, spp. n. U.S., Chittenden P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Stomodes peritediformis sp, n. Persia p. 161, Reitter Ent. Bl. 11. 1915. Synechops gon. n. p. 23 Brachyderinae, irregularis sp. n. Hex river j). 24 pi. i f. 8, Marshall Ann. nat. Hist. 8. Ryntaphocerus tcrrenus sp. n. Congo p. 60, Hustache Ann. Soc. linn. Lyon 66. Syzygops rafjrayi, alluaudi, antelmei, p. 452, obscurus p. 453, spp. n. Mada- gascar, Hustache Ann. Soc. ent. Prance 87. Tanymecus micans p. 46, mozambicus ,p. 41, abyssinicus p. 48, potteri p. 49, spp. n. Africa, Hustache Ann. Soc. linn. L3'^on 66. ThylacAtes ; central a.siatic pp. 41-44, Reitter Col. Rundsch. 1916. Torneuma deplanalum var. = {andreinii Sol.), Meyer p. 188 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Trichalophus stejanssoui sp. n. N.W. America p. 20 E, I, eng Rep. Canad. arctic, exp. 3E. Tychius Jlorieni Egypt, sanctus Jeru- salem, spp. n. p. 14 imbricatus var. n. albovestitus p. 13, Pic Echange 35. — T. venuslus icosiensis subsp. n. p. 243, Peyerimhoff Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Tyloderma laeoicollis sp. n. Florida p. 69, Blatchley Canad. Ent. 51. Xylinophorus fortimamis sp. n. Tasch- kentp. 43, Reitter Col. Rundsch. 1916. Soolytidab, Platypidae, Notes on European Scolytidae, with special reference to Reitter’s tables, Eggers Ent. Bl. 10 pp. 38-41 107-110 183-199 296-299 1914. Notes on Swedish Scolytidae,. Kemner pp. 170-176 figs., Ent. Tidskr. 40. The Scolytidae of Finland, and their work ; S a alas viii + 415 pp. 13 pis. Scolytidae, parasites and their ene- mies, SiMMEL p. 35 Ent. Bl, 15. Supplementary bibliographic list ; Kleine Ent. Bl. 11 pp. 123-126 1915. Males dying in Juniperus, Simmel Ent. Bl. 14 pp. 288-291 1918. Adiaeretus hystrix sp. n. E. Africa p. 242, Eggers Ent. Bl. 15. Bufonus gen. n„ obscurus sp. n. E. Africa p. 231, Eggers T.c. Carphoborus costatus sp. n. Himalaya p. 106, Wiohmann Ent. Bl. 11 1915. — C. andersoni sp, n. N.W. America p. 6E pi. ii f. 1, Swain E Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3E. Carpdiurus ? amanicus sp. n. E. Africa p. 239, Eggers Ent. Bl. 15. Cryphalus corpulentus sp. n. India> p. 113, Sampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. — C. abietis, habits, $ and ^ genitalia, larva, etc., Ritchie Ann. appl. Biol. 5 pp. 171-199. Dactylipalpus africanus p. 229, par- ricida p. 230, spp. n. Africa, Eggers Ent. Bl. 15. Dendroctonus johanseni sp. n. N.W. America p. 5E pi. ii f. 6, Swaine Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3E. Diamerua cherenus sp. h. Harrar p. 230, Eggers Ent. Bl. 15. — D. meriujaki p. 107, making i p. 108, spp. n. Borneo, Sampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Eccoptogaster platystylus Ainur p. 213, frankei p. 214, emarginatus p. 215, Turkestan, nodicornis Brazil p. 216, spp. n., Wiohmann Ent. Bl. 11 1915. — E. jacobsoni p. 247 pi. xv figs 1-3, semenovi p. 247 figs. 4 and 5, male structures, spp. n. E. Siberia, Spes- sivitzev Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. — E. nodulum p. 102, brevicauda p. 104, spp. D. Brazil, Wiohmann Ent. Bl. 11 1915. 139 Insecla. Systematic. — Coleoptbea— BrenthIDAb. Hylaslinoides subg. n of Hylastinus, for Hylastes alni Niisima, Spessivitzev j). 249 Ent. Mag. 65. Hylaslinoides is Alniphagus Swaine, Id. T.c. p. 279. Uylesinus eos sp. n, E. Siberia p. 248, Spessivitzev Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Hylurgops pinifex, natural history, Blacksian pp. 90-96 pi. iv figs. 3 and 4 Psyche 26. Hypothenemus bicolor p. 241, tonsus p. 242, spp. n. Africa, Egqbrs Ent. Bl. 15. — H. ehlersi rotroui subsp. n. Algeria p. 265, Peyerimhoff Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Ips fallax sp. n. Irkutsk p. 96, Eggers Ent. Bl. 11 1915. — /. longidens, natural history, Blackman pp. 85- 90 pi. iv figs. 1 and 2 Psyche 26. Lymantor grangeri sp. n. Algeria p. 253 fig., Peyerimhoff Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Myelophilus pilifer sp. n. E. Siberia, Spessivitzev p. 250 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. — 31. pmiperda var. n. pallidus Spain p. 104, Escalera Bol. Soc. Espan. 19 Aullo T.c. p. 146. Ozophagus gen. n. p. 234, mililaris, cameranus p. 235 spp. n. Africa, Eggers Ent. Bl. 16. Phloeosinus jubatus sp. n. India p. 112, Sampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4, Pityophthorus rossicns sp. n. Tara- bow, Eggers p. 13 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. — P. natural history of N. American, Blackman pp. 134-142 3 pis. Psyche 26. — P. nitidus p. 8E, pi; ii, ff. 3, 4, 5, Swaine Kept. Canad. Arct. Exp. 3E. Platypus sujfodiens, Sampson p. 107 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Polygraphus primus sp. n. Caraeroons p. 217, WiCHMANN Ent. Bl. 11 1915.— P. brunneus p. 236, carphoboroides, coronatus p. 237, knochei, natalensis, p. 238, pygmaeus p. 239, spp. n. Africa, Eggers Ent. Bl. 15. — P. rujipennis p. 7E pi. ii f. 2, Swaine Rep. Canad. arctic, exp. 8E. Pseudocrypturgus gen. n., camerunus sp. n. Africa, Eggers p. 236 Ent. Bl. 16. Pseudohylesinus gen. n., togonus sp. n. Africa, Eggers p. 234 T.c. Scolylus ralzeburgi,- natural history* Tredl pp. 97-102 and 146-154 Ent. Bl. 11 1915. Stephamderes biseriatus, emmi, p. 240* mkulumusius p. 241, spp. n. Africa* Eggers Ent. Bl. 15. — 8. hampeiy biology, Roepke, Buitenzorg. Meded. Afd. Plantenziekten No. 38 pp. 1-32. Strombophorus elongatus p. 231, laevis p. 232, latus, minor, p. 233, spp. n. Africa, Eggers Ent. Bl, 15. Thamnurgides myristicae sp. n. Java pp. 23-29, 7 figs, Roepke Treubia 1. Trigonogetiius denticulatus sp. n. E. Africa p. 106, Wichmann Ent. Bl. 11 1916. Trypophloeus, gizzard pp. 213-219, . 32, verudens p. 33, uker- ewensis p. 34, zanzibarica p. 35, rho- desiaca p. 36, salisburyana p. 37, katangana p. 38, gnnthop. 39, kimberley- ana p. 40, adamantina p. 41, nainaqu- ensis Africa, allicola, p. 42, tibetana p. 43, lama, Tibet, eremophila Nubia, p. 45, durbar India p. 46, maculigera Philippines p. 47, chalcopya Colorado p. 48, alabamensis p. 49, praticola p. 50, sejuncta p. 51, Am. bor., remissa p. 52, altivolans p. 53, ninconensis p. 64, amulana p. 65, Mexico, cya^iella p. 56 Chiriqui, varia Bolivia p. 57, chilicola Santiago, G. (Pentachrysis) nidia p. 58, ione p. 59, irregularis p. 60, Africa, sarawakensis Borneo p. 61, G. {Hexachrysis) meadewaldoi Rhodesia p. 62, lamellata Philippines p. 63, honorata p. 64, stenodera p. 65, gambiensis p. 66, obscuriventris p. 67, Africa, familiaris p. 68, dirce p. 69, Australia, chilena Chile p. 70, G. (Octochrysis) insperata Borneo p. 71, G. (Euchroeus) harmeri Africa p. 72, spp. n., MoosAry T.c. 157 Insecta. Systematic. — Hymbnoptbra — ^Iohneumonidab. Cleptes blaisdelli sp. n. California p. 37, Bridwell P. Hawai, ent. Soo. 4, Ellampwt {Notoztis) foveatus Bosnia, ahyssinicus, p. 1, deauratus China, E. (Holophris) insperalus Queensland, p. 2, spp. n., MocsAry Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Hedychridium ardens var. n. aenenm p. 31, and var. n. aurora p. 32, roseum var. n. caputaureum p. 35, Trautmann Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 15. Hedychrum parvulum, ahyssinicumy p. 8, katanganum p. 9, spinigej’um p. 10, Africa, nearcticum Al&h&ms, p. 11, spp. n., rutilans varr. [n. ?] veterHmumt persicum p. 11, Mocsary Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — H. rutilans var. n. micans p. 32, Trautmann Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 15. Holochrysis hyhrida var. n. concolor p. 33, Trautmann Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 15. Holopya respublicana Nicaragua p. 3, H. {Hedychridium) rhodesiaca Africa, subtilis Turkestan, p. 4, virescens India, attenuata Ceylon, p. 6, aeruginosa Sikkim p. 6, ujkelyiana Colombia, incensa Turkestan, p. 7, spp. n., H. mlokosiewilzi var. n. inaurata p. 3, Mocsary Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Parnopes grandior var. n. charon p. 33, Trautmann Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 15. Spintharis aeraria sp. n. Asia minor p. 12, MocSitRY Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Ichneumonidae (incl. Agriotypidae). Corrections to his list of families of Jchneumonoidea, Viereok. p. 48 P. biol. Soc. Washington 82 ; additions T.c. p. 198. Notes on Swedish Ichneumonidae, Roman Ark. Zool. 12 No. 2 32 pp. Ichneumonidae of the Faeroes, Roman Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 pp. 87-94 1915. The aquatic Hymenoptera of Europe and their biology (Danish), Henriksen Kobenhavn Ent. Medd. 12 1918-19 pp. 137-251 14 figs. Hymenopterous parasites of common flies, Graham-Smith pp. 355-384. Poison glands of Ichneumonidae, Bordas Insecta 9 pp. 94-96. Acherocephalus pilosus sp, n. Formosa p‘. 423, SzEPLTGETi Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Acronus congoensis sp. n. p. 146, Enderlein S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. Acroricnus cingulatus sp. n. Himalaya p. 243, Sz6pligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Adelognaihus, revision of european, Roman pp. 12-20 Ark. Zool. 12 No. 2. Aenoplex polychrosidis sp. n. U.S. p. 524, Cushman P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Aethecerus punctijions sp. n. Sweden p. 6, Roman Ark. Zool. 12 No. 2. Aglaojoppa glabrinotor sp. n. Nyasa- land p. 138, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Agriotypus armatus, pupation, SOHOUTEDEN p. 48 Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique 1. Ahyborhyssa gen. n. for part of Epirhyssa type annulicornis Cam., Enderlein p. 152 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. Amauromorpha — {Eripternimorpha Vicr.), Cushman p. 628 P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Amblyteles spilopterus p. 158, auri- comus p. 159, iestaceator p. 160, spp. n. Africa, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Ancylocnema gen. n. Cryptinae, pulchripennis sp. n. Erythraea, SzfePLiGETi p. 141 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14, 1916. Angitia variegata, pseudocombinata, major, p. 372, A, {Diodes) gigantea, A, pusilla, aniennalis p. 373, trfdnsversalis p. 374, spp. n. Hungary, SzfiPLioETi T.c. Anilastus persimilis, pulcher, p. 378, curvicaudis p. 379, spp. n. Hungary, SZEPLIGETI T.c. ■j" Anomalon miocenicum sp. n. Colorado p. 377, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 47. Aptesis nivarius sp. n. Canada p. 21o, Brues Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3. Atopognathus gen. n. p. 116 near Ecbytus, collaris sp. n. Virginia p. 119, Cushman Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. 158 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Atractodes, notes on Swedish pp. 21-29, gravidus var. n. alpedris 25, Jiolmgreni p. 26 Sweden, spirac^ilator p. 28 Lapland, spp. n., Roman Ark.‘ Zool. 12 No. 2. — A, muiri Japan p. 167, molly i Cape Town p. 168, spp. n., Bridwell Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. — A. tenebricosus, host, Mouley p. 33 Entomol. 52. Barichneumon concinnator Abyssina p. 153, Algeria, fossifer Uganda, p. 154, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Bassocryptus gen. n. p. 18 for Microcryplua gravenliorsli, Habermehl Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 15. Beneclea dimidiatua Natal, politanus Uganda, spp. n. p. 171, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Brachycoryphua undulatiis sp. n. ? Dar-es-Salaam, Habermehl Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 14 p. 289. Buodias gilberti sp. n. Queensland p. 39, Turner Ann. nat.' Hist. 4 — B. unicolor sp. n. New Caledonia p. 235, Turner T.c. Callephialtes brasiliensis sp. n. p. 149, Enderlein S.B. Ges. naturf. Er. Berlin 1919. Campoplex negatus Tasmania p. 37 > exlraneua W. Australia p. 38, spp, n., Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Gamptolynx froggatti p. 41, ruficornia p. 42, spp. n. Australia, Turner T.c. Canidia trassylvanica, > temporalis, Hungary p. 341, rossica Perm p. 342, spp. n., Sz^PLiGETi Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Casinaria compressa, carpathica, spp. n. Hungary p. 344, Szeplioeti T.c. Catadelphus rubricaput sp. n. Uganda p. 123, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Certonotus tasmanienaia p. 650, leuwinensiaW. Australia p. 551, spp. n.. Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Chasmiaa ruficaudator sp. n. E. Africa p. 157, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Chorischizua apicipennia sp. n. W. Australia p. 36, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Ghrislolia ? thoracica sp n. Brazil p. 289, Szeplioeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Chrysopoctonus gen. n. = (Otacustes Ashm.) p. 518, pntruelis sp. n. California p. 520, Cushman P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Codichneumon acopuUfcr, conidlifer, p. 140, suhlunifer p. 141, gemi/iifer, globulifer, sulcifer, p. 142, thyridifer, striatifer,p. 143, spp. n. Africa, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Oorymbiclineamon gen. n. near Coe- lichneumon, carinifer sp. n. Ruwenzori, Morley p. 136 T.c. Oral ichneumon teatacecolor sp. n. Uganda p. 153, Morley T.c. Gratocryplus styriacus sp. n. p. 290, Habermehl Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 14. Oryptaulax superbus, notatus, Africa, cyoneus China, p. 286, metallicus Celebes, coreanus, p. 287, spp. n., Szeplioeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Cryptdla gen. n. Mesosteninae, crassicornis sp. n. Brazil, Szeplioeti p. 290 T.c. Cryptinae ; table of genera, Szep- lioeti T.c. pp. 225-228 1916. Cryplohdcostizus gen. n., rufigaster sp. n. California, Cushman p, 634 P.U.S. nat. Mus. 65, Cryptoideus bicolor p. 637, rufua p. 638, spp. n. U.S., Cushman T.c. Crypturopsis tricolor p. 279, per- aimilis, tibialis p. 280, brasiliensis, intermedins, variicoxa p. 281, rugosus, aimilis, scutellaris, p. 282, dubiosus, humeralis, p. 283, spp. n. Amer. mer., Szeplioeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Cryptus (Meringopus) turkestanicus Alai, meridionalis Spain, p. 243, G. pilosus Turkestan, corsicus, p. 244, antennalis, alboscutellaris, Hungary, caudatus, Germany, p. 245, alboan- nalatus, carpathicus, Hungary, medius, Turkestan, p. 246, setosus Algeria, facialis Hungary, p. 247, rufiventris Cape Colony, saturalia E. Africa p. 248, spp. n., SztoiOETi T.c. Gryptua exul sp. n. Tasmania p. 558, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 3. 169 Insecia, Systematic. — Hymenoptera — Iohnbumonidab. Clenichneumon caslanopygus sp. n. E. Africa p. 161, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Ctenochares microcej)Jmla p. 126, gracilentor p. 127, spp. n. Africa, Morley T.c. Cyanoxorides gloriosus Erythrea, antennalis Perak, p. 418, javanus p. 419, nustraliensis N.S.W. p. 420, spp. n., Sz^PLiOETi Ann. Mas. Hungar. 12 1914. — G. erythrolhorax p. 389, vitalisi Tonkin p. 390, spp. n., Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Cyrtohasis gen. n. p. 114 near NadeA, rogae sp. n. Colorado p. 115, Cushman P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Derocentrus gen. n. p. 113 for Nematopodius texanus and gracilipes, Cushman T.c. Dicamixus gen. n. Mefiosleninae, coriacens sp. n. Bolivia, Szi^plioeti p. 285 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Dihyboplax gen. n. near Lisso- theronia, flavipennis, p. 148, glauca, aeneipennis, p. 149, spp. n. Amer. mer., Enderlein S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. Diodes modestus sp. n. Canada p. 23a, Brues Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3. Dinocryptus gen. n., trislis sp. n. Celebes, Sz^pligeti p. 234 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Edhromorpha quodi Vach. (as Notio- pimpla) = {exquisita Mori.), ceramacare V. = {biteda M.), platymischa V. = {inermis M.), Turner p. 232 Ann. nat. Hist. 3. — E. immaculata = {diversor Mori.) p. 110, fuscator = {flavoorbitalis Cam.) p. Ill, Bridwell P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Ephialtes ; nomenclatorial = {Pim- plidea Vicr.), Cushman and Rohwer P. ent. Soc. Washington 20 p. 186. — E. sannio sp. n. Ecuador p. 153, Enderlein S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. Epijoppa pygidlfer, cnrinifer p. 120, tnangulifer, striatijrons p. 121, spp. n. Africa, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Epirhyssa peruana sp. n. p. 151, Enderlein S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. Eripternimorpha scirpophagae p. 663, javensis p. 664, dammermani p. 566, spp. n. Java, Rohwer P.U.S. nat. Mus. 54. Erythrojoppa rufipedalis p. 124, nigripedalis p. 125, spp. n. Africa, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Exetastes cyaneus sp. n. Turkestan p. 426, Szi^PLiGETi Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. ExocJiilum peryiiciosum sp. n. W. Australia p. 554, australasiae M. to Hahronyx p. 556, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Gabunia rugosa sp. n. Congo p. 416, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Gatnbrus opacus, bicolor^ tegulariSf Hungary, ruficeps, p. 254, unicindus, E. Africa, variegatu^ Bolivia, p. 255, temporalis Hungary, tkoracicus S. Franco p. 256, nigrifemur Spain, curiosiis France, p. 259, semirufus Syria p. 260, coxalis, quadratus, pseudo- cryptus, Hungary, p. 261, spp. n., Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Glodianus peruvianus sp. n. p. 276, Szepligeti T.c. Glypta mutica sp. n. U.S., Cushman p. 540 P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Ooniocryptus pundatus sp. n. Hun- gary p. 250, Szi^pligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Gonioprymnus tarsalis sp. n. Congo p. 420, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Gonotypus intermedius, minor, major* spp. n. Hungary p. 352, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Grypocentrus rufiterminalis sp, n. U.S. p. 157, Hall Psyche 26. Haplomus gen. n. Mesosteninae, fuscipennis, p. 283, pulcher, elegans, p. 284, bicolor p. 285, spp. n. Amer. mer., Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Hedycryptus and Hedycriptinae to replace Cryptus and Cryptinae, Bradley p. 54 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1919. Helcostizus hicarinatus p. 532, rufis- cutum p. 533, spp. n. U.S., Cushman P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. 160 Insecia. XII, Insecta. [1919] Hemiteles compactus Ashm. to Aeno- plex, description, Cushman T.c, Henicospilus montaguei sp. n. New Caledonia p. 324, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Heresiarchini, genera of, Morley p. 165 P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Holocremnus facialis sp. n. Hungary p. 379, Szi^PLiGETi Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Hoplismenus fulvator sp. n. Uganda p. 135, Morley P. zool. soc. London 1919. Hoplocryptua caudatus sp. n. Hungary p. 253, Szi^PLiOETi Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. — H. rubi sp. n. Algeria p. 287, Habermehl Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 14. Hoplonopsis gen. n. Cryptinae, cm- gulatus sp. n. Java, Szi^pliqeti p. 239 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Hoplophorina gen. n. Cryptinae^ nigra sp. n. Peru, Szepliqeti p. 238 T.c. Hygrocryplus turkesianicus, similis, spp. n. Turkestan p. 249, Szi^pliqeti T.c. Hyposoter fugitivus var. n. pacijicus p. 119, Cushman Pr. ent. Soc, Wash- ington 21. Ichneumon, extensorius var. n. cassonensis p. 6, luteorufus sp. n. France p. 7, Pic Echange 35. — 7. rubrornatus, female, Morley p. 156 P. zool, Soc. London 1919. Isadelphus extensor sp. n. California p. 527, Cushman P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Ischnojoppa luteator var. n. unicolor p. 128, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Isurgus heterocerus, habits,' Frie- DERICHS p. 119 Zeitschr. wiss, Insbiol, 15, Labena testacea, marginata, variegata, spp. n. Amer. mer. p. 415, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Labrossyta ruficoxalis sp. n. Manitoba p. 118, Cushman Pr. ent. Soc. W^ash- ington p. 118. Lagenesta monitor Assam p. 144, sinifer p. 145, duplicator, triplicator, p. 146, triangulifer p. 147, Africa, spp. n. Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Lamprocryptus niger Costa Rica, brasiliensis, ruficoxa Brazil, spp. n., SztPLiGETi p. 231 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Leptothecus alutacefer p. 150, puncti- fer, mesonotifer, p. 151, spp. n. Africa, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Limnerium caudatuin p. 345, brevi- caudis p. 346, spp. n. Hungary Szep- LTGETi Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Liotheronia gen. n. near Theronia, kriegeri sp. n. Brazil, Enderlein p. 147 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. 1919. Lissopimpla Kr. = (Notiopimpla Vach.), Turner p. 232 Ann. nat. Hist, 3. — L. veitchi sp. n. Fiji p. 343, Turner Tr. ent. Soc. London 1918. Listrognathus sibiricus, hispanicus, turkesianicus p. 277, tricolor Erytbraea p. 278, spp. n. SzkPLiGETi Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Lytarmes giganieus p. 150, sumatranus p. 151, spp. n. Sumatra, Enderlein SB. Ges, naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. Magwenga gen. n. Heresiarchini, maculipennis sp. n. Uganda, Morley p. 166 P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Mansa funerea sp. n. Mekong p. 486, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 3. — M. volatilis subsp. n. famipennis Queens- land, Turner p. 557 T.c. Megaplectes sibiricola sp. n. Raddefka p. 242, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar, 14 1916, Megacrypius gen. n. p. 232, fiavi- pennis Ceram, apicalis Halmaheira, p. 233, bifasciatus Java, nigrosignatus Celebes, p. 234, spp. n., Szi^pligeti T.c. Melanichneumon carinifer Abyssinia, melanopterus p. 148, glaucopterus p. 149 Uganda, spp. n., Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Mesochorus minutus Hungary, con- color Teneriffe, p. 432, hungaricus p. 433, spp. n., Sz^;PLIGETI Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Mesocry plus gen. n. p. 251, pulcher- rimus sp. n. Bolivia p. 252, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Mesoleius balteatus sp. n. U.S. p, 541> Cushman P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. 161 Insecta. Systematic. — Hymbnoptera — Iohnbumonidae. 1 3Iesopimpla gen. n., sequoiarum sp. n. Colorado miocone, Cockerell p. 376 Araer. J. Sci. 47. Mesosteninae ; table of genera, SzfepLiGETi pp. 262-264 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Mesostenus inter mediv^ Hungary p. 325, pulcher p. 326, melanius. alhocly- peatus, senegalensis, p. 327, abdominalis p. 328, Africa, testacexis New Guinea p. 329, celebesiensis, bidentatulus, p. 330, unifasciatiis, communis, p. 331, fragilis, subtilis p. 332, New Guinea, inferus Java, formosanus, albosignatus, For- mosa, p. 333, hyalimis Lombok, quad- ratus India, p. 334, opacus, transient, uUimus, Formosa, rujifemtir New Guinea, p. 335, bispinosus Costa Rica p. 336, spp. n., SzijPLiGETi T.c. Microchorus gen. n. Mesosteninae, mirabilis sp. n. Java, SzfepLiGETi p. 288 T.c. Microcry plus hansealicus p. 15, similis p. 17, tyrole-nsis p. 18, spp. n., Habermehl Zeitschr. Aviss. Insbiol. 15. Microstenus gen. n. Mesosteninae ; canaliculatus sp. n. Singapore, Szfip- ligett p. 287 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Miojoppa quadrilineola sp. n. S. Africa p. 167, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Myersia pallida sp. n. Florida p. 522, Cushman P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Neliopisthius similis, nigridorsum, spp. n. U.S. p. 379, Cushjviann P.U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Nemeritis, tibialis, elegans, angitiae- formis, spp. n. Hungary p. 348, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Neocry ptus gen. n., superbus sp. n. Erythraea, Sz6pligeti T.c. Neomesostenus niger Hungary, tes- laceus p. 291, transversus, petiolalus, p. 292, Africa, formosanus, indicus, p. 293, pusiilus, persimilis, minutus, abdominalis, India, pulcher,. p. 294, bicingulatus, alboscuteUaris, p. 295, pulchripes, p. 296, Singapore, opacus, exareolatus, apicalis p. 297, semiglaber, filicornis, p. 298, New Guinea, alboma- culatus Bismarck arcliipel p. 299, rujiceps, minor, p. 300, nigriceps, rufipes, tricolor, p. 301, vdriegatus, , peruvianus, p. 302, semirufus, pleuralis^ (n-13799 j) Q p. 303, paraguayensis, trochanteratus, femoralis, p. 304, annulatus, ruficoxa, p. 305, tarsalis, varicoxa, p. 306, Amer. met., spp. n., Sz6pligeti T.c. Neotypus obscurator sp. n. Nyasa- land p. 168, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. V N eoxylonomus gen. n. near Xylono- mus, antennalis sp. n. Bahia, Szfip- LiQBTi p. 421 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Nepiesta hungarica sp. n. Budapest p. 340, SzfipLiGETi Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Nothanomalon meridionalis sp. n. Tasmania p. 556, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 8. Odinophora nigra sp. n. Hungary p. 433, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Odontocryptus gen. n. p. 288 Mesos- teninae, variegatus sp. n. Brazil p. 289, SzEpligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Odontomerus liogaster Hungary, cretensis Crete, spp. n., SzEpligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Oedemopsis hobartensis sp. n. p. 43, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 4. « Olesicampe lucida sp. n. Hungary p. 364, SzEpligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Omergus hungaricus p. 356, temporalis, major, caudatus, p. 357, xanthocarpus, completus, p. 358, semirufus, dubiosus, curticaudis, p. 359, nigrifemur, signatus, p. 360, punctulatus, bicingulatus, brevicornis p. 361, spp. n. Hungary, SzEpligeti T.c. Ophionocryptus nigriceps p. 235, tegularis, striolatus, lucidus, ruficoxa, minor, p. 236, punctulatus p. 237, spp. n. Amer. mer., SzEpligeti T.c. Opisosextus concolor p. 239, incom- pletus, Brazil, ruficeps Mexico p. 240, spp. n., SzEpligeti T.c. Osprynchotus aelhiopicus, minor, spp. n. Africa p. 237, SzEpligeti T.c. Pachysoma gen. n. Mesosteninae, albopictum sp. n. Mexico, p. 290, SzEpligeti T.c. Panargyrops thoracicus sp. n. Kansas p. 528, Cushman P.U.S. nat. Mus, 684 c 16 162 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Paniscus ; there are 3 subgenera,, Paniscus, Parabatua and Parabates, Bradley pp. 319-324 Ann. nat. Hist. 8. Paracollyria terebrator sp. n. Gaboon p. 425, SzEPUQETi Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Paracryj)tus gen. n., hungaricus sp. n., SzEPLiGETi p. 261 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Phaenolobus major sp. n. Hungary p. 424, SzEPLiGETi Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Phaeogenes setiger sp. n. Sweden p. 5, Roman Ark. zool. 12 No. 2. — P {Cen- teterua) ineptifrona sp. n. U.S. p. 113, Gahan P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Phobocainpe albitaraia sp. n. Hungary p. 151, SztPLiQETi Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Phygadeuon inermia Germany p. 21, aileaiacus, rhenanua, p. 104, melanariua Germany p. 105, hispanicua p. 107, spp. n., Habermehl Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 15. — P, phryganideae Ashm. to AenopleXf description, Cushman p. 524 P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Phytodietua austrocaledonicua sp. n. New Caledonia p. 233, Turner Ann. nat. Hist.* 3. — P. celaisaimus sp. n. Tasmania p. 552, Turner T.c. Pimpla vitaliai sp. n. Mekong p. 427, Turner T.c. t Pimpla eocenica sp. n. Colorado eocene, Cockerell p. 122 Entom. 52. Platylabua atricinctua p. 168, medio- rufua p. 169, spp. n. Africa, Mobley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Polyaenua strialua Eorniosa p. 264, alhomarginatua p. 265, lucidua, aimilia, aculellaria, p. 266, rugoaua, liopleuria, longipea, p. 207, areolaris p. 268, Arner. mer. spp. n., SzApligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Polyblastua fulviUnealis p. 155, acopiaroides, kaniacenaia, p. 166, spp. n. U.S., Hall Psyche 26. — P. arcticua sp. n. Canada p. 22g, Brues Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3. Polycyrtus ruguloaua, clypealia, p. 270, xanlhocarpua, caudatua, aimilia, albia- pina, p. 271, canaliculatua, aurina- menaia, rufiphuris,alboanmdatus, p. 272, aemirufns, ejnaculatua, excavatua, nigrotibralia, marginataa, p. 273, gib- bulua, midua, p. 274, trochanteratua, nigricornia, p. 215, spp. n. Amer. mer., SzEPLiGETi Ann. Mus, Hungar. 14 1916. Prinopoda media sp. n. U.S. p. 158, Hall Psyche 26. Proterocryptini n. tribe of Try- phonini for Proterocryptua Ashm., Cushman p. 643 P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Protocryptua surinamenaia, per aimilia, minor. Am. mer., aignatua Costa Rica, p. 228, lucidulua Surinam p. 229, spp. n., SZEPLIGETI Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Paeudeugalta aapaaia sp. n. Indo- china p. 391, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Paeudomansa gen. n. Cryptinae, major New Guinea p. 229, minor Formosa p. 230 spp. n., Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Paeudonemeritia gen. n. p. 338 Campopleginae, major, minor, spp. n. Hungary p. 339, SzEpligeti T.c. Pterocryptus gen. n., niger sp. n. Hungary, Szepligeti T.c. Scopiorua plagoaua sp. n. U.S. p. 159, Hall Psyche 26. Siphimedia pulchra sp. n. Sierra Leone p. 425, Szepligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Spilichneumon didyniatua p. 161, unipunctor, iriangulator , p. 162, spp. n. Africa, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Spilocryptua algericua, pygmaeua, p. 238, cecropiae p. 239, ratzeburgi, heydeni Simplon, p. 285, spp. n., Habermeiil Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 14. — S. exannulalua sp. n. U.S. p. 629, Cushman P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Stenaraeua coraicua p. 321, emaculatua New Guinea, elongatua Roon isld. p. 322, rujicoxia ’ Singapore, piloaua Borneo, p. 323, tuberculatua Moluccas p. 324, formoaanua, rufipea, Formosa, novoguineenaia, p. 325, spp. n., Szep- ligeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Stenarella gen. n. Mesoateninae, hungarica, p. 307, thoracica E. Africa, piloaa Formosa, p. 308, apicalia, gracilis, p. 310, interrupta, basalia, p. 311, nigritaraia, temporalia, levicepa, p. 312, 163 Insecta. Systematic. — Hymenoptera — BrAconidae. frontalis p. 313, major, alterna, ingenita, p. 314, tuberculata, tegularis, p. 316, New Guinea, colorata p. 316, setosa, bifasciata, p. 317, utilis, inermis, brevi- caudis, p. 318, rujigaster p. 319, longipes, nigra, p. 320, persimilis p. 321, Amer. mer. spp. n., SzfePLiaETi T.c. Stenichneumon ochraceator sp. n. Nigeria p. 152, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. Slictopisthius auslraliensis sp. n* Townsville p. 433, SzfePLiOETi Ann. Mus- Hungar. 12 1914, Stilpnus rectangulus sp. n. Sweden p. 30, Roman Ark. Zool. 12 No. 2. Sycophrurus gen. n. Cryptini p. 77» hesperophanis sp. n. Montpellier p. 78» Picard Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Thaumatotypidea fusca p. 138, pi. i, fig. iii-iv, Espagne, santschii p. 140, pis. ii-vii, p. 141, figs, ii-ix, pi. ii Tunisie, cabrerai p. 142, pi. 1, fig. ii, and figs, iv-viii, pt. ii, Espagne, spp. n., Duch- AtJSSOY, Bull. Soc. Alger. 6 1916. Theronia simillima sp. n. New Caledonia p. 233, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 3. t Theronia wickhami sp. n. miocene Colorado p. 378, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 47. Thymaris americanus sp. n. Virginia p. 381, Cushman P.U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Trachyarus brevipennis p. 7, specu- laris p. 8, spp. n. Lapland, Roman Ark. Zool. 12 No. 2. Trapezonalis gen. n. p. 231 Cryptinae, fuscipennis Brazil, kyalinipennis Hon- duras, spp. n. p. 232, SzfePLiOETi Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Trichomma elegantula sp. n. Queens- land p. 666, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Trogns gryps sp. n. Uganda p. 122, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919. f Tryphon explanatum sp. n. miocene Colorado p. 378, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 47. Xanthocrypttis monticolua sp. n. Tasmania p. 40, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Xanthojoppa debilitor, rotundaior, p. 130, truncator, explanator, p. 131, gracilator, striator, bipapillator, collifer, (N-13799i)Q p. 132, cothurnator, geminator^ areo- lator, p. 133, spp. n. Africa, Morley P. zool. Soc. London 1919.—X. kali Assam p. 102, fosaifrona Uganda p. 163, spp. n„ Morley T.c, Xorides indicus Darjiling p. 422, rufithorax Formosa p. 423, spp. n., Sz6plioeti Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Xylonomus vitiosus sp. n. Indo- China p. 482, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 3. — X. crudelis sp. ft. Queensland p. 653, Turner T.o. Xylophrurua meridionalis Dalmatia p. 238, Sz^IPLTGETI Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Zagryphua gen. n. p. 377 Thymaridini ioT Mesoleptus nasutus Cr., Cushman P.U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Zonopimpla aahmeadi sp. n, Brazil p. 147, Enderlein SB. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. Braconidae (incl. Alysiidae). Synonymy of genera, Bradley p. 60 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1919. British Rhogadidae, Lyle pp. 134 etc. Entom. 52. Falcate mandibles of larvae, Brid- well p. 109 P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Alysia luaoriae sp. n. Cape Town p. 176, Bridwbll P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Amyosoma leuzerae sp.' n. Java p. 567, Rohwer P. U.S. nat. Mus. 54. Apanielea gahrielis sp. n. Lyons p. 310, Gautier & Riel p. 310 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — A. (Protapan- telea) bataviensis, A. belippae p. 666, javensis p. 667, spp. n,, Java, Rohwer P. U.S. nat. Mus. 54. — A, expulaus sp. n. Fiji p. 346, Turner Tr. ent. Soc. London 1918. — A. iaelyi sp. n. Arkansas p. 120, Cushman Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. — A. phigaliae p. 113, compresaua p. 114, spp. n,, U.S., Meusebeck Canad. Ent. 51. — A. stag- matophorae sp. n. Maryland p. 120, etnpretiae — {sibinidis Rohw.) ftlmi- feranae = {polychroaidis Vier.), p. 121, GAhan P. U.S. nat. Mus. 55.—^. aicariua, habits, Lichtenstein & Pi CARD p. 64 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — A. glomeratua, natural history, Ga- TENBY pp. 19-26 figs. Ent. Mo. Mag. C 15—2 164 Inaecta, XU. Insecta. [1919] 55 ; emergence of larvae, Gautier p. 1269 C.R. Soc. Biol. 82 ; partheno- genesis, Gautier C.R. Soo. Biol. 82 p. 1000. Aphaereta sarcophagae sp. n. Cape Town p. 177, Bridwell P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Ascogaster rugosa p. 48, argentea p. 49, spp. n. Java, Fullaway J. Straits Asiat. Soc. 80. Austroopius amboinensis sp. n. p. 58, Fullaway T.c. Beognatha gracilis sp. n. Larat p. 49, Fullaway T.c. Bassus immaculatus p. 118, usUatus p. 119, spp. n. U.S., Gahan P. U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Biroia nigra p. 62 Ceram [but altered in M.S. to Borneo], ocliracea p. 63 Ceram, ferruginea p. 64 Java, spp. n., Fullaway J. Straits Asiat. Soc. 80. Bracon conspiciendus sp. n. New Cale- donia p. 231, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 8. •\Bracon fiorissanticola sp. n. miocene Colorado p. 379, Cockerell Amer. J. Sci. 47. Braunsia variegala sp. n. Borneo p. 66 f. 2, Fullaway J. Straits Asiat. Soc. 80. Brulleia euphemia sp. n. Tonkin p. 387, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Campyloneurus lalesuturalis sp. n. Mekong p. 429, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Chelonus vitiensia sp. n. Fiji p. 245, Turner Tr. ent. Soc. London 1918. — C. (Chelonella) proteus sp. n. Maryland p. 116, Gahan P. U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Colastes javanus sp. n. Buitenzorg p. 43, Fullaway J. Straits Asiat. Soo. 80. Cremnops mekongenais sp. n. p. 431, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Cyanoptems rutilans sp. n. New Caledonia p. 230, Turner T.c. Dacnusa iridicola sp. n. U.S. p. 115, Gahan P. U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Dendrosoter ferrugineus, habits, Lich- tenstein & Picard p. 62 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Doryctes maculipennis sp. n. Cali- fornia, Rohwer P. ent. Soc. Washing- ton 21. Ecphylus hicoriae sp. n. New York p. 161, Rohwer Canad. Ent. 51. Euagathia dubiosua sp. n. Mekong p. 432, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 3. — E. spilota Java p. 60, pallida Celebes p. 61, Jiongkongensis China p. 62, spp. n., Fullaway J. Straits Asiat. Soc. 80. Eumorpha vitalisi sp. n. Mekong p. 430, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Gymnoscelua rugidoraalis sp. n. Tonkin p. 388, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Hedylus deaideratus p. 172, clypeatus p. 174, spp. n. Nigeria, Bridwell P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Helcon = (W roughtonia Cam.), Tur- ner p. 487 Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Hemigyroneuron dubiosua sp. n. Papua p. 46 f. 5, Fui.laway J. Straits Asiat. Soc. 80. lleterogamoidea gen. n. p. 43 near Bhogaa, muirii sp. n. Java p. 44 f. 6, Fullaway T.c. Heterospilus hlackmanni sp. n. New York p. 161, Rohwer Canad. Ent. 51. Hormiopterus choenobivorus sp. n. Java p. 670, Rohwer P. U.S. nat. Mus. 54. lacMogonus malayenais Malay penins. p. fijiensia p. 42, spp. n., Fullaway J. Straits Asiat. Soo. 80. Laminitaraus gen. n. p. 57 Cardio- chilinae, muiri sp. n. Philiiipines p. 68 f. 3, Fullaway T.c. Liobracon manni sp. n. Hayti p. 69, Brues Psyche 26. Macroatomion malayenais Malay penins. p. 44, amboineMsia p. 45 f. 1. spp. n , Fullaway J. Straits Asiat. Soc. 80. Met&orua triangularis sp. n. U.S. p. 115, Meusebeck Canad. Ent. 51. Microbracon pemberloni p. 115, swe~ zeyi p. 116, spp. n., Oahu, Bridwell P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. — M. sp. n. Hono- lulu p. 169, Bridwell T.c. Microdus amboinensis p. 56, distinc- tua p. 57, spp. n. Amboina, Fullaway J. Straits Asiat, Soc. 80. 165 Insecta. Systematic. — Hymenoptbra — Proctotrypidab. Microgaster connexus, natural history, hyper-parasites etc., Gatenby J. Linn. Soc. 33 p. 387-416, 3 pis. Muiriella gen. n. Sigalphinae near Polydegmon, concisa sp. n. Larat f. 4, Fullaway p. 47 J. Straits Asiat. Soc. 80. Onco}diane3 hesperidis sp. n. Java p. 569, IlonwER P. U.S. nat. Mus. 54. Opius cupidus p. 162, (urneri p 163» downesi p. 164, richmondi p. 165, lectus p. 167, Am. bor., trinidadensis p. 168, cereus p. 169, Trinidad, spp. n., Gahan Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. — 0. lan~ tanae sp. n. Oahu p. 170, Bridwell P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. — 0. melleus — {Biosteres rhagoletis Richm.), Gahan p. 123 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Orgilus dioryctriae sp. n. California p. 121, Gahan T.c. Pedmotus javanus sp. n. Rohan p. 40, Fullaway J. Straits Asiat. Soc. 80. Platybracon distinctus sp. n. Amboina p. 39, Fullaway T.c. — P. javensis sp. n. Java p. 568, Rohwer P. U.S. nat. Mus. 54. Rhogas cantherius sp. n. England p. 153, Lyle Entom. 52. Trioxys cupressicola sp. n. California p. 116, Gahan P. U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Stephanidae. Notes on Stephanidae, Elliott p. 74 Entom. 52. Diastephanus elegans Singapore p. 31, jlavonotatus Borneo p. 32, spp. n., Elliott Entomol. 52. — D. chinensis sp. n. p. 73, Elliott T.c. — D. bilineatua sp. n. Ilengal p. 162, Elliott T.c. Foenatopus rugiceps p. 29, iridipennia p. 30 & p. 68, longicauda p. 30, India, claripennis Africa p. 31, spp. n., Elliott T.c. — F. punctatus sp. n. Burma p. 73, Elliott T.c. — F. ocellala sp. n. Sarawak p. 131, Elliott T.c. Hemistepkanus granulatua sp. n. Swan river p. 130, Elliott T.c. Megiachus froggattii — {Stephanus ru- bripes M.), Elliott p. 29 T.c. Parastephanellus glaber Singapore p. 129, albicepa Australia p. 130, spp. n., Elliott T.c. Parastephanellus scitus sp. n. Bengal p. 163, Elliott T.c. Evaniidae. Evania levipetiolata sp. n. New Cale- donia p. 229, Turner Ann. Nat. Hist 3. Hyptiogaster extranea sp. n. Fiji, Turner p. 342 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1918. Priatanlacua tuberculicepa sp. n. Me- kong p. 425, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 3. — P. (Tetraulacinua) tonldnenaia sp* n. p. 385, Turner Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Proototrypidae (or Serphidab), Bethylidae. Bethylidae, Kieffer das Tierreich 41 596 pp., 205 figs., 1914. Serphidae, Kieffer das Tierreich 42 254 pp., 103 figs., 1914. Diapriidae, Kieffer das Tierreich 44 627 pp., 166 figs., 1916. Alienidae fam. nov. vide Alienua. Acropiesta brevior sp. n. Schweden p. 473, Kieffer Tierreich 44 1916. Algoella gen. n. p. 273 Bethylidae for Algoa heterodoxa Brues, Kieffer Tier- reich 41 1914. Alienua gen. n. p.ll7 fam. n. Alieni- dae, aenigmalicua sp. n. Cape Town p. 118, Bridwell P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Allanteon gen. n. p. IQ8 Bethylidae for Anteon punctatus Kieffer 1906, Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Allepyris seticornis p. 109 fig. v-vii, mesitioides p. Ill fig. i-iv, spp. n., Tenerifife, Duchaussoy Bull. Soc. Alger 7 1416. Allomicrops gen. n p. 138 Calli- ceratidae for Ceraphron abnormia Perk. Kieffbr Tierreich 42 1914. Anacliata gen. n. p, 462 Diapriidae Type Aclista hololoma Kieff., Kieffer Tierreich 44 1916. Anisepyris viridellus sp. n. Cuba p. 438 Kieffer Tierreiche, Berlin 41 1914. Anteon curvua Schottland p. 166. tridentatus Frankreich p. 156, spp. n. Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Aphelopus trisulcatus sp. n. Deutsch- land p. 216 Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Apristocera gen. n. p. 470 Bethylidae for Pristocera Kieff., Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. 166 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Arysepyris gen. n., calijornicus sp. n., Bridwell p. 34 P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. AsJimeadopria marshalli Schottland p. 124, provancheri Canada p. 141, spp. n., Kieffer Tierreich 41 1916. Atritomellus gen. n. p. 141 Gallicera- iidae Type Atritomus coccophagus, Kieffer Tierreich 42 1914. Basalys californiae sp. n. California p. 199, Kieffer Tierreich 44 1916. Bruesiola gen. n. p. 238 Bethylidae Type Bruesia adjacena Kieff. Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Oalliceraa {^Ceraphron) bispinoaa aeptentrionalis C. b. bohemanni, Skan- dinavien, p. 88 subspp. n., Kieffer Tierreich 42 1914. Calyoza sumatrana sp. n. p. 396, Enderlein Zool. Anz. 48, 1917. Gephalommia westwoodi sp. n. Afrika p. 248, Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Ghelogynus walkeri sp. n. England p, 185, Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Ghlorepyris aimilis sp. n. Philippines p. 35, Bridwell P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Gleptea vide Ghryaididae. Gonoaligmua rufescena . anglicua England p. 184, multicolor rubricepa Italien p. 187, waamanni nidorum Europe p. 205, subspp. n., G. zetter- atedti Lappland und Schonen p. 212 sp. n. , Kieffer Tierreich 42 1914. GryptoaerpTiua occidentalia p. 7, melan- deri p. 8, spp. n. U.S., Brues J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Dendrocerua conwentziae sp. n. p. 122 with var. rufua p. 123, U.S., Gahan P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Dipriaiocera gen. n. p. 471 Bethylidae for Pristocera microchela Kieff., Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Diaaomphalua xanthopoidea sp. n. Belize p. 600, Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Epyria oraniensia p. 116 fig. v-vii Oran sp, n., erythrocerua var. n. rubripea p. 118 fig. 2 vii, brevipennia var. n, meridionalia p. 118 fig. 2 viii~x, Hu- OHAUSSOY Bull. Soo. Alger 7 1916. — E. extraneua habits, metamorphosis, Williams p. 65-63, figs., P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. — E. bipartitus subspp. n. inaequalia & rufimanus p. 317, Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Exallonyx aimilis p. 11, fuscicornia p. 12, aahmeadii p. 13, pleuralia, palli- dicornis^ p. 14, carinatus p. 15, parvulua p. 16, grandia p. 17, spp. n., U.S., Brues J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Gonatopua carettei sp. n. Argentina p. 443, figs., Bruch Rev. Mus. La Plata 19 (2), 1916.— G. wagneri p. 201, rap- toripea p. 202, spp. n., Germany, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. Qoniozua williamai sp. n. Philippines p. 33, Bridwell P. Hawaii, ent. Soc. 4. Holepyris montandoni p. 119 fig. 3 i-iii, p. 120 Bucarest, bergevini p. 121 fig. 3 iv Maroc, spp. n., Duohaussoy Bull. Soc. Alger 7 1916. Laheriua gen. n. p. 59 Bethylidae Type L. vitripennia Halid., Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Lagynodea, pp. 581-606, L. rautheri sp. n. Germany p. 598 figs., Wolff Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 41 1918.— L. thoracicua nigriceps & alpestria p. 134, L. pallidus vulgaris p. 135, flavicornis suhlevis & alp icola p. 136, subspp. n. Kieffer Tierreich 42 1914. Lestodryinus corsicae sp. n. Corsica p. 21, Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Lithobiocerus gen. n, p. 36 near Mystroconemis, vagabundus sp. n. Hono- lulu p. 36, Bridwell P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Loxotropa ashmeadiana sp. n. Canada p. 190, Kieffer Tierreich 44 1916. Megaspilua apsteini sp. n, Tirol p. 232, Kieffer Tierreich 42 1914. Neodiapria gen. n. Diapriidae for Tropidopria erynniae Kieff p. 346, Kieffer Tierreich 44 1910. Oxylabia thomsoni sp. n. Skan- dinavien p. 367, Kieffer Tierreich 44 1916. -\Palaeoteleia gen. n. Scelionidae p. 637, oxyura sp, n. Colorado Miocene p. 638, Cockerell Philadelphia Proo. Acad: 60 1916. 167 Inaecta. SrsTBMATio. — Hymbnoptbua — ChaloididAb. Pantoclis luieipea Transkaiikasien p. 482, subatricornis Frankreich p. 490, spp. n., P. scutellata aptera subsp. n. Alaska p. 498, flavicrus Virginia p. 500, calif orniae California p. 604, spp. n., Kieffeb Tierreich 44 1916. Paramesius spiniger sp. n. Schweiz p. 311, Kteffer Tierreich 44 1916. Parasierola emigrata, ethology, Brio weli, p. 21-23 P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Parisobrachium gen. n, p. 424 Bethy- lidae for Rhabdepyris albipes Kieff., Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Perisierola gen. n. p. 533 Bethylidae 23 Arten Europa, Afrika, Seychellen- Inseln, Nord-, Zentral- imd Sudamerika Kieffeb Tierreich, 41 1914. Phaenomorphus longipes sp. n. U.S. p. 9, Brues J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Phaenopria cubae Cuba p. 63, perkinsi Honolulu p. 64, spp. n., Kieffer Tierreich 44 1916. Pfiorbasia gen. n. p. 58 Bethylidae Type Phorbas laticeps Ashm., Kieffer . Tierreich 41 1914. Prenanteon pyrenaicus parcepunctatus subsp. n. Schottland p. 209, Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Propsilomma gen. n. p. 442 Diapriidae for Psilomma colnmbianum Ashm., Kieffer Tierreich 44 1916. Pseudisobrachium lepianillae p. 123 fig. 4 i-iv, pallidinervis p. 124 fig. 4 ii-iii v-vii, spp. n. Tunisie, Duchaus- SOY Bull. Soc. Alger 7 1916. Pseudomesitius gen. n. p. 113 voisin de Mesitius, validithorax n. sp. p. 116 fig. 2 i-iy Maroc, Duohaussoy T.c. Psilus Jur. to replace Bethylus which may replace Dryinus but is better sup- pressed, Bradley p. 71 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1919. Sclerodermus manoa p. 28, semnopre- piae p. 30, chilonellae p. 31, muiri, tantalus, p. 32, spp. n. Hawaiia, Brid- WELL Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. — SclerO’ derma galapagense sp. n. Galapagos, Brues p. 309 P. Calif. Ac. 2. — Sclero- dermus sidneyanus, stinging habits, Schulze pp. 378-381 fig. SB. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. — S, pedunculus fuscofasciatus subsp. n. Griechenland p. 262, Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Serphus zabriskiei p. 3, sequoiarum, cockerelli, p. 4, debilis p. 6, spp. n., U.S., Brues J. New York ent. Soc. 27. — 8. {Proctrupes) gravidator ruficollis subsp. n. p. 13, Kieffer Tierreich 42 1914. Spilomicrus subarmatus Deutschland p. 290, atriceps Philippinen p. 301, spp. n. Kieffeb Tierreich 44 1916. Trichopria melanosema Spanien p. 84, natans Schweiz p. 88, spp. n., T. {Planopria) morio subtestacea subsp. n. Schweden p. 110, T. (P.) bipunctum, Luzon, p. 112, T. (P.) grenadicola Westindien p. 116, spp. n., Kieffer Tierreich 44 1916. Trichelobrachium gen. n. p. 425 Bethylidae for Pristocera obliterata Kieff., Kieffer Tierreich, 41 1914. Trissomalus cameroni sp. n. Kapland p. 618, Kieffer Tierreich 41 1914. Xenotoma subfuscicornis Deutschland p. 626, X. {Zelotypa) harringtoni Canada p. 549, spp. n., Kteffer Tierreich 44 1916. Chalcididae, Mymaridae. The European Trichogramminae, Kryger K0benhavn, Ent. Medd. 12 p. 267-354 21 figs. SiLVESTRi gives biology of Chalcids, with figures of adults and larvae, Boll. Lab. Portici 18 pp. 88-192. New Javanese Chalcid-flies GiRAULT pp. 63-59, Roepke p. 60, Treubia 1. The parasites of Kermes, Howard & Morrison Ent. News 30 pp. 265-259. The parasites of Mantid oothecae, Kieffer Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 pp. 367-359. Notes, hosts etc., Lichtenstein p. 271-276 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Notes on hawaiian Encyrtidae, Tim- berlake pp. 183-196 P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Notes on 8 species, Lichtenstein pp. 149-151 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Anagyrus nigricornis p. 197, swezeyi p. 199, spp. n. Honolulu, Timberlake Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Aruistatus locustae p. 68, magniacapus p. 69, spp. n. Java, Girault Treubia 1. 168 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Anicetus annulalua sp. n. Oahu p. 227, Timberlake P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Anisoiylus gen. n. p. 170 near Homalotylus, pallentipes sp. n. Arizona p. 175, similis Aslira. subspp. n. texanus & utahensis p. 171, Timber- lake P.U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Aphycomorpha gen. n. p. 225 near Anagyropnis^ araucariae sp. n. Honolulu p. 227, Timberlake Proo. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Aphycus } the palpi p. 176, A. punctipes eggs and larvae, pp. 177-185, SiLVESTRi Boll. Lab. Portici 13. — A. fuscidorsum sp. n. India p. 621, Gahan P.U.S. nat. Mus. 66. Apterolophus gen. n. Elachertinae, pulchricornia sp. n. New York, Gahan p. 3 J. New York ent. Soo. 21. Blastophaga {Julianella aubg. n.) aguilari p. 20 figs., B. {ValentineUa subg. n.) estherae p. 26 figs., tristani p. 33 figs., silvestrii p. 39 figs., tonduzi p. 45 figs., jimenezi p. 50 figs., spp. n. Costa Rica, Grandi Boll. Lab. Portici 13. Blasiothrix sericea, structure and early stage.s, figs., Silvestri pp. 163- 173 Boll. Lab. Portici 13. Bothriencyrtus gen. n. p. 212 type Bothriothorax planifrons How., Timber- lake Proo. Hawai. ent. Soc.4. Brachista nigra p. 335, similis p. 336 f. 20, spp. n„ Kryoer Ent. Medd. 12. Brethesia gen. n. p. 190 near Iso- dromus, latifro7is sp. n. Argentina p. 192, and I. abnormicornis Gir., Timberlake P.U.S. nat. Mus. 66. Bruchophagus mellipes sp. n. India p. 513, Gahan P.U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Oaratomus megacephalus, Morley p. 180 Entom. 62. Centrobia foersteri sp. n. p. 291 f. 5, Kryger Ent. Medd. 12. Centrodora = {Paraphelinus Perk.) p. 403, locustarum Gir. — (speciocissimus) p. 404, Gahan P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. — C. sp ? Spain, p. 103, figs. 1, 2, Mercet Bol. Soc. Espafi. Hist. Nat. 18. Cerapterocerus mirabilis, early stages and adults, figs., Silvestri pp. 103-109 Boll. Lab. Portici 13. Chaetostricha werneri p. 306 f. 11, schlicki p. 307 fig. 12, pulchra p. 309 f. 16, spp. n., Kryger Ent. Medd. 12. Chalcis javensis sp. n. p. 57, Girault Treubia 1. Coccophagus scutellaris fig. p. 90, howardi fig p. 92, Silvestri Boll. Lab. Portici 13. Coelopencyrtus gen. n. p. 218 near Ageniaspis, odyneri Oahu p. 221, swezyi Hawaii p. 222, spp. n., Timber- lake P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Copidosomopsis javensis sp. n. p. 50, Girault Treubia 1. Dinocarsis Uneatipes, cooki spp. n. Java p. 67, Girault T.o. Dinotus agrili sp. n. California p. 6, Rohwer P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Dirrhimis sarcophagae sp. n. N.S.W. p. 835, figs. 1-4, Eroggatt Agric. Gaz. N.S.W. 30. Elasmus pavo, kulabaga, nakomara, arumburinga, p. 181, ero, inkaka, centaur us, b urnsi, p. 182, voUairei, dumasi, shellyi, silvensis, p. 183, regina, joulei, pretiosus, p. 184, un- fasciativentris, nympha, apus, perdubius, p. 185, helena, nanja, grimmi, cygnus, p. 186, io, virgo, p. 187, spp. n., maculati- pennis rex, shellyi geminus, p. 184, picturatus mus p. 185, ignorabilis bellis p. 186, var. n., Australia, Girault Insec. inscit. 7. Encyrtus barbatus sp. n. Oahu, Philippines and Larat, Timberlake p. 209 Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. — E. infidus, structure, egg, larvae, prostigmatic glands figs., Silvestri Boll. Lab. Portici 13 pp. 151-163. Epaenasomyia gen. n. Ghalcididae p. 63, pallidiceps (type), xylocopae spp. n. Java p. 64, Girault Treubia 1. Eupteromalus parnarae sp. n. India p. 522, Gahan P.U S. nat. Mus. 56. Eurytoma parasae p. 514, denticoxa p. 616, dentipectus p. 516, selitibia p. 517, hindupurensis p. 518, spp. n. India, Gahan T.c. — E. phylophaga sp. n. Java p. 55, Girault Treubia 1. Eutelus mayetiolae sp. n. California p. 128, Gahan P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. — E. bruchophagi, larva and pupa, figs., Urbahns p. 171 J. Agric. Res. 16. 169 Insecta. Systematic. — Hymbnoptera — Chaloididab. Oonaiocerus lucidus sp. n. Java p. 161, Dodd Entom. 52. Habrocylus simillimus sp. n. Arizona p. 127, Gahan P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Harmoliia, revised and restricted : porte p. 445, dactylicola p. 446, agro- 'pyrophila p. 450, rujipes p. 453, festucae p. 454, hesperus p. 457, agropyrocola, ovata, p. 458, elymoxena p. 459, elymicola p. 460, atlantica p. 461, elymophila p. 462, poophila p. 463, elymivora p. 464, elymophthora p. 465, spp. n. U.S., 10 pis., Phillips & Emery I’.U.S. nat. Mus. 56. llderoschcma gen. n. PteromalidaCt prima sp. n. Arizona, Gahan p. 126 P.U S. nat. Mus. 55. Ilomaloiyliis, revised, mexicanus Guadalajara p. 156, quaylei p. 157 Sicily, ajricanus p. 159 Cape Town, cockerelli Texas and Mexico p. 163, affinis California p. 165, hrevicauda Mexico p. 166, hyperaspidis U.S. p. 167, punctifrons Florida p. 169, spp. n., Timberlakb P.U.S. nat. Mus. 66. — H. flaminius, Silvestri p. 88 f. 16 Boll. Lab. Portici 13. Isodromus axillaris sp. n. China p. 185, Timberlakb P.U.S. Mus. 66. Jidianella subg. n. vide Blastophaga. Lariophagus distinguendus, meta- morphosis pp. 376-377, habits, struc- ture, pp. 402-432, figs., Schulz S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. Leucospis littoralis sp. n. Java, Robpke Treubia 1 p. 30. Liodontomerus perplexus pp. 166- 168, seciindtis pp. 169-170, life-histories, figs., Urbahns J. Agric. Res. 16. Masia gen. n. Encyrtinae p. 470, type bifasciatella sp. n. Spain p. 472 figs. 1, 2, Mercet Bol. Soc. Espafi. Hist. Nat. 19. Melittobia acasta, habits, oviposition, Graham -Smith pp. 360-371 Parasitol, 11. Mesopirene gen. n. Chalcididae p. 54, type fasciativentris sp. n. Java p. 66, Girault Treubia 1. Microterys masii sp. n., early stages, figs,, Silvestri pp. \2.0-\24t, M. sylvius pp. 187-190, Boll. Lab. Portici 13. Nasonia brevicornis, habits, Frocgatt pp. 267-262 Bull. ent. Res. 9. Neanastatus trochanterieus sp. n. India p. 520, Gahan P.U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Nesencyrtus gen. n. p. 223 near CoelopencyrtuH type Adelencyrtus kaalae Ashm., Timberlakb Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Oligosita nudipennis p. 317 f. 12, pallida p. 318 fig. 13, incrassata p. 319 f. 14, impudica p. 323 f. 17, cngelharli p. 327 1. 18, spp. n., Kryqer Ent. Medd. 12. Ophioneurus danicus sp. n. p. 298 fig. 7, Kryger Ent. Medd. 12. Pachyneuron coccoruni, structure, metamorphosis, figs., Silvestri pp. 110, 116 Boll. Lab. Portici 13. Paracopidomopsis larvarum sp. n. Java p. 58, Girault Treubia 1. Paranagrus osborm sp. n. Philippines p. 53, Fullaway P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Pauridia gen. n. p. 206 near Anagyrus, peregrina sp. n. Oahu p. 208, Timber- lake Proc. Hawai ent. Soc. 4. Penlarthron semblidis, Lestage ppi 34-38, figs., Ann. Biol. Lacustre 9. Perilampus batavus sp. n. Nieder- lande,, Smits van Burgst, Tydschr, Ent. 61 p. 146. Perissopterus zebra, sexes, structure, early stages, figs., Silvestri pp. 115- 120 Boll. Lab. Portici 13. Phaenodiscus aeneus, structure, eggs, larvae, figs., Silvestri pp. 92-104 T.c. Philotrypesis javae sp. n. p. 56, Girault Treubia 1. — P. caricae, habits, figs., Lichtenstein p. 313-316 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Pholidoceras gen. n. Encyrtinae p. 237, type brachyptera sp. n. Spain p. 239, figs. 3, 4, Mercet Bol. Soc. Espana Hist. Nat. 18 1918. — P. integralis sp. n. Spain p. 101, fig. 6, Mercet Op. cit. 19. Prestwichia aquaiica var. n. brevi- pennis, Henriksen Ent. Medd. 12 p. 169. 170 Insect a. XII. Insecta. [1919] Prochiloneurus bolivari sp. n. Spain p. 474, figs. 3, 4, cabrerai sp. n. Canaries p. 477, fig. 5, Meecet Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. 19. Prospaltella berlesei, Lahille pp. 369- 363 An. Mus. Buenos Aires 27 1915, P. berlesei, spreading, Poutiebs p. 334 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Pseuderimerus gen. n. p. 124 Calli- momidae, mayetiolae sp. n. California p. 125, Gahan P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Psilogaster fasciiveniris sp. n. Aus- tralia on Myrmecia gulosa p. 14, metamorphosis p. 16 pi. i, Brues Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 12. ' Pteromalus deplanatus, swarms in buildings, Scott pp. 13-16 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Ptinobius agrili sp. n. California p. 5, Rohweb P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Quaylea gen. n. p. 214 type Cerchysms whittieri Gir., aliena sp. n. Hawaiia p. 216, Timberlake Proc. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. RTimoencyrlus gen. n. Encyrtinae p. 234, type malenotti sp. n. Spain p. 235, figs. 1, 2, Mercet Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. 18 1918. Rhopalicus suspensus, notes and figures pp. 29-37, Rosenfeld Ent. Mitt. 8. Schedioides gen. n. Encyrtinae p. 96, type formosus sp. n. Spain p. 98, figs. 1- 4, Meroet Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. 19. Seres gen. n. p. 275 Agaonidae, armi- pes sp. n. Accra p. 276, Waterston Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Stojnocera ayyari sp. n. India p. 518, Garan P.U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Tetrastichus palgravei sp. n. Java p. 68, Gir AULT Troubia 1. — T. rugglesi sp. n. Minnesota p. 160, Rohwer Canad. Ent. 51. Timeromicrus maculatus, life-history, Urbahns p. 172, figs., J. Agric. Res. 16. Tricladia gen. n. Encyrtinae p. 430, type humilis sp. n. Spain p. 432, figs. 1-3, Mercet Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. 18 1918. Trigonura hicoriae sp. n. New York p. 160, RonwER Canad. Ent. 51. Tumidiscapus orthopterae sp. n, Florida p. 406^ Gahan P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Valentinella subg. n. vide Blastophaga, Xanthoencyrtus apterus p. 201 Oahu, laysanensis p. 203 Laysan, semijiavus Oahu, fullawayi Hawaii, p. 201, spp. n., Timberlake P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Xestonotidea, n.n. for Xestonolus Foerst., foersteri sp. n. India, Gahan P.U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Cynipidae. Additions to and corrections of the list of type-species, Rohwer & Fagan pp. 237-240 P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. The Cynipidae of centr. Europe, Kieffer in Kieffer & Enslin 941. Fossil Cynipidae, Kinsey Psyche 26 pp. 44-46. Aegilips petiolata sp. p. Norway p. 119, Hedioke Nyt Mag. 56 1919. Alloxysta kiejferi sp. n. Montpellier p. 239, Picard Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Amblynotus norvegicus sp. n. Norway p. 120, Hedicke Nyt Mag. 56 1919. Andricus floridus sp. n. Pontevedra p. 131 with subsp. venustus p. 133, burgundus tudensis subsp. n. p. 140, Tavares Broteria 16 1918. — A, spUn- dens sp. n. Arizona p. 264, Weld Canad. Ent. 51. Aspicera africana sp.- n. Salisbury ]i. 162, Kinsey Psyche 26. ^Aulacidea progenetrix, ampliforma, Colorado Miocene p. 46 fig. 1, succinea Baltic amber p. 48 fig. 2, spp. n., Kinsey Psyche 26. Bothrochacis stercoraria sp. n. Cape Town p. 178, Bridwell P. Hawai. ent. Soc. 4, Gy nips, synonymy, Bradley p. 71 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1919. Cynoconaspidia nora. n. for Conas- pidia Hed., Rohwer & Fagan p. 238 P.U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Diglyphosema anastrephae sp. n. Trinidad p. 156, Rohwer Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Sarothrus areolatus, host, Harwood p. 280 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. 171 Insecta. Systematic. — Hymbnoptera — Tenthbedinoidea. Tbntubbdinoidba (Hymbnoptera Phytophaca). Synopses of genera and species of Australian sawflies, Moriob pp. 247- 333 pis. xi-xv ; with many notes on taxonomy, synonymy etc. On the dis- tribution of sawflies in general ; the three zoological “ realms ” ; and the probable origin of the australian saw- flies, Id. T.c. p. 301 — on sawflies in general, the characteristics of the suborder, and the groups included in it ; Id. T.c. pp. 307-321. The wing-nervures, Enderlein p. Ill fig. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. The Tenthredinoidea of centr. Europe, Enslin in Kieffer etheocles, mimetic forms, ethalion f.n. swynnertoni p. Ixxix, etheocles ff.n. rogersi p. Ixxxi & car penteri p. Ixxxii, Poulton p. Ixxix- Ixxxiv Pr. ent. Soc. London 1918. Gupha, only one species, genitalia variable, v. Eecke p. 69 Nova Guinea 13 1915. Gybdelis mnasylus meridionalis subsp. n. Argentina p. 196, Hall Entom. 52. Gymothoe reinholdi vitalis subsp. n. p. 250, herminia Sm. pi. xix figs. 17-19, staudingeri Aur. pi. xxi f. 35, p. 251, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Diestogyna unopunctata p. 248 pi. xix figs. 14 & 20, Rebel T.c. Dryaa paphia, unusual variation, Frohawk p. 235 Entom. 52, Dynamine isolda sp. n. ^Medellin p. 197, Hall Entom. 52. Eunica mygdonia omoa Guatemala, cinara vega Guiana, subspp. n. p. 197, Hall T.c. Euphaedra preussi abb. n. albo- fasciola & ochrofasciata, sarita f. n. intermedia pi. xx figs. 25 & 26, Rebel p. 243 Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Euptoieta claudia thekla subsp. n. Bolivia p. 195, Hall Entom. 52. 177 Insecta. Systematic. — Lepidoptera — Satyridae. Euryphene hadiana sp. n. C. Africa p. 245, choeropis Bak. pi. xx figa. 23 & 24, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. llypolimnas deois albiplaga p. 72 pi, 111 figs. 9 & 9a, v. Eecke Nova Guinea 13, 1915. Junonia lavinia melanina subsp. n. p. 196, Hall Entom. 52. Limenitis sibylla, variation, Fbohawk p. 213 Entom. 52. Megislanis amazonicus sp. n. p. 186, Riley Entom. 52. Melilaea didyma in north France, Demaison p. 290 Bull. Soo. ent. France 1919. 3Iesene wickhami sp. n. Rio Purus p. 200, Riley Entom. 52. 3Iesoxantha ethoseoides sp. n. Cameroons p. 240, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Neptis lugubris sp. n. Tanganyika p. 241 pi, xviii f. 4, Rebel T.c. Palla dobelli sp. n. Cameroons p. 199, Hall Entom 52. Perisama ainerubra sp. n. Bolivia p. 181 pi. viii figs. 3 & 4, Mengel Ent. News 30. Polygonia progne ab. n. martineae p. 112 fig., Coleman Ent. News 30. Precis odavia, variation, Rothschild p. clxxvii P. ent. Soc. London 1918. Pseudacraea dolichiste sp. n. Usam- bara, dolomena dolabella subsp. n. Uganda, p, 198, Hall Entom. 52. Pyrameis cardui hibernation Gillmeb p. 65 Ent. Zs., Frankf. 29, Bandermann p. 75 T.C., Fritzsche T.c. p. 80, Lenz T.c. p. 85 ; larvae in N. Devon, Mathew p. 61 Entom. 52. Rhinopalpa algina anak subsp. n. Aru islds. p. 196, Hall Entom. 52. Temeris laothoe var. n. creta p. 198, Hall T.c. Vanessa urticae eximia subsp. n. Mantchuria p. 128, Sheljuzhko N. Beitr. syst. Insk. 1. — V. urticae & var. ichnusa wing-markings pp. 587-603, Hasebroek Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 40 1917. — V. anliopa larval, habits, sex-relations, Walker Psyche 26 pp. 13-16. (n-13799 j) Q Morphidae and Allies. Bigaena gen. n. Hyantihae, pumilio sp. n. Now Guinea pi. ii f. 9, v, Eboke p. 06 Nova Guinea 13 1916, Hyanthis kodeva oxyophthalma pi, iii f. 7, p. 67, V. Eecke T.c. Morpho persens demerarae subsp. n. p. 215, Kaye Ann. nat. Hist. 3. — M. eugenia f.n. damocles, Dicksee p. clxviii Pr. ent. Soc. London 1918, Stichophthalma godjreyi fig., Ollen- bach p. 868 J. Bombay Soo. 26. Taenaris catops new race colarima ]3. 68 pi. iii figs. 8 and 8a, v. Eecke Nova Guinea 13 1915. Satyridae. Aphysoneura pigmentaria varr. n. keniae p. 163 and latilimba p. 164, Le Cerf Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. Goenonyinpha tiphon, variation. Lister p. 84 etc. Entom. 52. CoenoptycJiia gen. n. near PhysCan- eura, boulleti, sp. n. Rio Grande do Sul, Lb Cerf p. 328 Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. Elymnias jmpua bivittata p. 65 pi. iii figs. 6 and 5a, agondas miiltocellata p. 06, f. 6, new races, v. Eecke Nova Guinea 13 1915. Epinephele jurtina, variation, Wheeler pp. 29-35, 2 pis., P.S. London ent. Soc. 1918-19. — E. nau- bidensis decorata subsp. n. Semiretschje p. 127, Sheljuzhko N. Beitr. syst. Insk. 1. Erebia sedakovic alcmenides subsp. n. Mongolia p. 126, Sheljuzhko T.c. — E. aethiops, in England, Rowland- Brown p. 265, Entom. 52. — E. medusa, Schindler p. 116 Ent. Zeitschr. Frankf. 28 1915. — E. medusa f.n. hyperapennina p. 165, stygne f.n. cOnstantinii p. 166, Turati Atti. Soc. ital. 58. — E. ligea and euryale, Rowland-Browne pp. 25-28 Entomol, 52. 3Ielanargia galnthea, races, Rever- DIN Bull. Soc. Lep. Geneve 3 1912-17 p. 68. ; f. n. apicalis p. 167, Turati Atti, Soc, ital. 58. C 16 178 Insecta. xii. Insecta. Mycah'iis graueri p. 256, alboplaga pi. xxi ligs. 27 and 28, Irilophiis, neiistetteri figs. 29-32, p. 257, aZ6o- cmcta p. 200 figs. 33 and 34, spp. n. Africa, Rebel Ann. Hofmus Wien. 28 1914. — M. terminus new race pesegemua p. 03, pi. iii figs. 1 and 1a, mahadeva new race nigrita figs. 2 and 2 a, duponcheli new race obscurata pi. ii figs. 3 and 3a, p. 64, v. Eecke Nova Guinea 13 1915. Pararge aegeria, variation, Perkins pp. ixii-lxiv Pr. ent. Soc. London 1918 — P. megaera, larva, Oudemans Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 p. 149; Puppe, Oudemans. Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 ]). 151 ; colour of pupa, Oudemans Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 p. 167 and Tydschr. Ent. 62 p. xv. Erycinidae or Riodinidae. Pupal suspension, Stiohel pp. 41- 43 Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 15, Abisara talantus caeca subsp. n. p. 261, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien. 28 1914. Helicopis cupido var. n. nigra p. 186, Riley Entom. 52. Nymphidium multochrea sp. n. Amazons p. 215, Kaye Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Xyniaa potaronus sp. n. Guiana p. 215, Kaye T.c, Lycaenidae. A paper left incomplete by the late L. CouRVOisiER is published by Paravicini, on variable and doubtful European Lycaenidae, Verb, naturf. Ges. Basel 30 pp. 213-247. On difficult forms, . Courvoisier Verh. Ges. Basel 30 pp. 213-247. Notes on Lycaenidae, Rehfous Bull. Soo. L6p. Geneve 3 1914-17 pp. 209- 226. Lycaenidae of Rhodesia, Jones P. Rhodesia Ass. 16 pp. 10-20 1918. Symbiosis of Lycaenidae and ants, Oberthur C.R. Ac. Sci. Paris 169 pp. 1119-1121. Movements of the wings, Perkins & PouLTON P. ent. Soc. London 1919 p. xi. Agriades thetis vectae Graves p. 90 Ent. Rec. 31. [1919] Aricia medon ab. n. minor p. 234, Blaokie Entom. 52. Chliaria dendrobii, Roepke Teys- mannia pp. 115-121. Chrysophanus ; in Franco, dispar var. rutilus, Demaison pp. 45-48 Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1919. Cupido lunifer sp. n. C. Africa p. 268 pi. xxii figs. 37 and 40, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Cyaniris semiargus f. n. semisebrus p. 167, Turati Atti Soc. ital. 58. Deudorix zelomima sp. n. Tangan- yika p. 265 pi. xxii f. 43, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Hypolycaena phorbas new race latostrigatus pi. iii f. 10 p. 75, v. Eecke Nova Guinea 13 1915. lolaua paraailanua sp. n. Tanganyika p. 266, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Liplena modestisaima sp. n. C. Africa p. 264, Rebel T.c. Lycaena alcon life-history, Chapman p. civ. Pr. ent. Soc. London 1918. — L. alcon f. n. italica p. 168, Turati Atti Soc. ital. 58. — L. alexia, aberra- tions Baumaroche, Reverdin Bull. Soc. Lep. Geneve 3 1914-17. — L. arion in the Cottes wolds, Rowland - Brown Entom. 52 pp. 174-178. — L. jolas andreaai subsp. n. Askhabad p. 129, Sheljuzhko N. Beitr. syst. Insk. 1. Lycaenesthea arnoldi sp. n. S. Rho- desia p, 19, Jones Proc. Rhodesia Sci. Ass. 16 1918. Lycaenopsia Irita sp. n. Himalaya p. 314, SwiNHOE Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Mimacraea landbecki pi. xviii f. 8, ab. n. latifasciata f. 1 0, ab. n. flavescens f. 12, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Pentila catauga sp. n. C. Africa p. 263 pi. xxii f. 46, Rebel T.c. Plebeiua icarioides var. n. blackmorei Vancouver, Barnes & McDunnougu p. 92 Canad. Ent. 51. Pseuderesia magnimacula sp. n. C. Africa p. 264, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Euralis pavo, male, Swinhob p. 315 Ann. nat. Hist. 3. 179 Insecla. Systbmatio. — Lepidoptera — Sphingidae. Spindasis loxura sp. n. C. Africa p. 266, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Tajuria drucei sp. n. Shan states p. 315, SvviNHOE Ann. nat. Hist. 8. Tarucus mediterraneae, life-history, Chapman & Buxton pp. 163-173 6 pis. Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Telipna aurivillii pi. xxii figs. 36 and 38, consanguinea figs. 39 and 41, spp. n. C. Africa p. 262, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. — T. acraeoides laplumei sp. n. Congo p. 62, Devos Rev. zool. afric. 6. Theda wickhami sp. n. Rio Purus, Riley p. 200 Entom. 52. Hesperiidae. Oviposition, Rehfous Bull. Soc. Lep. Geneve 3 1914-17. Acleros minuiculus, displacidus^ spp. n. C. Africa p. 272, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Arumna gen. n. AdidojAerinae, nigerrima sp. n. Assam, Swinhoe p. 317 Ann. nat. Hist. 8. Caenides umbrina sp. n. C. Africa p. 275 pi. xxii figs. 45 and 47, Rebei. Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Celaenorrhinus perlustris p. 270 pi. xxii figs. 42 and 44, modestus p. 271 figs. 48 and 50, spp. n. C. Africa, Rebel T.c. — C. astrigera canutama subsp. n. Rio Purus, Riley p. 202 Entom. 52. Ceralrichia flava pi. xxii figs. 51 and 54 p. 274, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Copaeodes chromis sp. n. Mexico p. 100, Skinner Ent. News 30. Erynnis comma, varit^es et aberra- tions, Reverdin Bull. Soc. Lep. Geneve 3 1914-17 pp. 193-209 pi. ix. Eudamus redudus sp. n. Rio Purus p. 201, Riley Entom. 52. Haemactis pyrrhosphenus sp. n. Colombia p. 169, Lindsey Ent. News 80 iig. Hesperia ; notes, Reverdin BulL Soc. L<5p. Geneve 2 1910-13.~H. ,• notes (continuation). Chapman pp. 81-83 3 pis., Ent. Rec. 31. — //., races et aberrations, Reverdin Bub. Soc. (n-13799 j) Q Lep. Geneve 3 1914-17. — H. syrichtus and montivagus, Skinner p 297 Ent. News 30. — H. zebra sp. n, Tanganyi7a' p. 27l pi. xxii figs 52 and 53, Rebeij Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. ’ Quedara gen. n. Plastingiinae p. 316, comoplea sp. n. Borneo p. 317, Swin- hoe Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Sarangesa tristis sp, n. C. Africa p. 269, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. W'ien 28 1914. Syriethus, list, Oberthur pp. 128- 132 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Yangufia rafescens sp. n. Amazons p. 201, Riley Entom. 52. Heterocera. Castniidae Review of Houlbert on Castniinae, with many remarks on nomenclature and variation ; Rothschild Nov. zool. 28 pp. 1-27 ; also Talbot T.c. pp. 28-35. Gadnia dedalus conspicua Bolivia p. 2, papilionaris affmis Peru p. 3, veragmna perambae Ecuador p.’ 5, albomacnlata microslida Nicaragua p. 9 p.valihe quadrata Peru p. 10, viryi intermedia Costa Rica, euphrosyne nnerythra hab. ?, hegemon variegata Sta. Catharina p. 11, linus omissus Guiana p. 24, pellonia pundimargo, mdessus columhiana, Columbia p. 25, subspp. n. ; icarus enddechiodes ab. n p. 13 j G. {Schaefferia) subcoerulea Ecuador p. 18, C. {Prometheus) houl- berti Rio de Janeiro p. 21, spp. n., Rothschild Nov. Zool. 26. Castnia {Sympalamides) signata sp. n. hab. ? Talbot & Prout p. 34 Nov. zool. 26. — 0. erycina, Prout p. clxiv Pr. ent. Soc. T.ondon 1918.— G. eudesmia omissa subsp. n. Chile p. 5, figs., Pfeiffer Ent. Zs. Frankfurt alM. 29 1915. Sphingidae. Value of generic and specific char- acters, tested by wing markings of Sphingides, Van Bemmblen Versl. 27 1919 pp. 1072-1088 (Dutch) Proc. 21 1919 pp. 991-1007 (English). Wing design of Chaerocarapinae, Bemmelen Versl. Ak. Amsterdam 28 pp. 380-390 (Dutch) Proc. Ak. 22 pp. 738-747 (English). C 16—2 180 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] List of the types of Sphingidae in the Tring museum, with some synon* ymy, Rothschild Nov. Zool. 26 pp. 193-251. Catalogue of Choerocampinae, Wag- ner Lep. Cat. 23. Amphjptenis gnnnascus dentoni Peru pi. V f. 1, palmeri brasiliemis pi. iv f, 3, subspp. n. p. 41, Clark P. New Rngl. zool. Cl. 6 1916. Calasymbolus myops occidentulis subsp. n. Colorado p. 112 pi. Aiii f. 4, Clark T.c. Cautethia yucatana sp. n. p. 107 pi. xii f. 3, Clark T.c. Chhenogramma obscura sp. n. Ar- gentina p. 43 pi. iii f. 1, Clark T.c. Chlaenogramma obscura, $ p. 101 pi. X f. 3, Clark T.c. Dolba schausi sp. n. Colombia p. 59 pi. viii f. 3, Clark T.c. Dolba hylaeus floridensis subsp. n. p. 105 pl.xi f. 4, Clark T.o. Dolbogene manni sp. n. Mexico p. 60 pi. viii f. 5, Clark T.c. Qurelca sonorensis sp. n. Mexico p. 108 pi. xii f. 5, Clark T.c. Isognalhus rimosa australis subsp. n. Brazil, Clark p. 65 pi. ix f. 5 T.c. Isognalhus mossi sp. n. Brazil pi. xii f. 2, rimosa brasiliensis subsp. n. f. 1, Clark p. 106 T.c. Lapara halicarniae, p. 102 pi. xi f. 1 and pi. xiii f. 1, Clark T.c. Libyoclanis hollandi sp. n. Congo p. 62 pi. viii. 3, Clark T.c. Lycosphingia hollandi sp. n. Camer- oons p, 61 pi. viii f. 1, Clark T.c. Nyceryx ericea minor subsp. n. Brazil p. 46 pi. v f. 5, Clark T.c. — A. mulleri sp. n. Mexico p. 66 pi. viii f. 2, Clark T.c. Orecta fruhstorjeri sp. n. Venezuela p. 45 pi. V. f. 4, Clark T.c. Oxyambulyx liturata johnsoni subsp. n. Philippines, Clark p. 61 pi. viii f. 1 T.c. — 0. phalaris carycina Rook isld. p. 191, substrigilis tattina Sumatra, semifervens celebensis, p. 192, subspp. n. Jordan Nov. zool. 26. Perigonia lusca bahamensis subsp. n. p. 108 pi. xii f. 4, Clark P. New Ensl. biol. Cl. 6 1917. Protoparce franciscae sp. n. Venezuela p. 42 pi. vi figs. 2 and 3, brontes haiti- ensis pi. iv figs, 1 and 2, affiicta bahamensis pi. iii f. 2, subspp. n. p. 41, Clark T.c. — P. hannibal mayi subsp. n. Brazil pi. vii f. 2, hoffmanni sp. n. Mexico pi. vii f. 1, Clark p. 58 T.c. — P. brontes smythi subsp. n. Porto Rico p. 100 pi. X f. 1, schausi sp. n. Costa Rica p. 101 pi. X f. 2, Clark T.c. — P. barnesi sp. n. Guatemala p. Ill pi. xiii f. 3, Clark T.c. Pseudoclanis karschi, ^ p. 103 pi. xi f. 2, Clark P. New Engl. zool. Cl. 6. Pholus satellilia intermedia subsp. n. Texas p. 67 pi. ix f. I, Clark T.c. Polyptychus roseola sp. n. Congo p. 63 pi. ix f. 2, Clark T.o. Smerinthus cerisyi ab. nigrescens p. 105 pi. xi f. 5, Clark T.c. Sphinx dolli engelhardti sub.sp. n. Utah p. 104 pi. xi f. 3, Clark T.o. Temnora avinoffi Cameroons p. 109 pi. xii f. 6, brunnescens Pondoland p. 110 f. 7, spp. n., Clark T.c. Timoria gen. n. near Mega noton, concolorata sp. n. Tenimber isld., Kaye p. 93 Ann. nat. Hist. 4, Xylophanes mirabilis Colombia p. 47 pi. vi f. 1, jordani Costa Rica p. 48 pi. V f. 3, spp. n., Clark P. New Engl, zool. Cl. 6 1916. — X. tyndarus mar- ginalis subsp. n. Brazil p. 69 pi ix f. 3, mossi sp. n. Brazil j). 70 pi. ix f. 4, Clark T.c. Aegeriidae, or Sesiidae. Revision of oriental and african Aegeriidae, Hampson pp. 46-119 Nov. zool. 28. Aegeria yezoensis p. 81, molybdoceps Japan, chrysoptera Ceylon, p. 82, spp. n., Hampson T.o. Aegerosphecia cyanea sp. n. Celebes p. 80, Hampson T.c. Alonina diffonnis sp. n. Natal p. 78, Hampson T.c. Chamaesphecia tritonias Assam, ethio pica C. Africa, spp. n., p. 68, Hampson T.c. 181 Inaecta. SYSTBMATtO.—LEPIDOPTERA — AeOERIIDAE. Chamanthedon chrysopasta Rhode!3ia, olbicinda Ceylon, p. 65, xanlhopasta, leucocera, p. 66, amorpha, tapeina, le^ico’ pleura, chalypsa, p. 67, Africa, spp. n„ Hampson T.c. Canopia melanocera Queensland p. 71, aunfera Assam p. 73, opalizans Sula MangoH, ignicauda India, p. 74, Spp. n., Hampson T.c. Dasysphecia gen. n. near Megal)- sphecia, for S, hombifornw Rothscn., Hampson p. 79 T.c. EcMdgnathia gen. n. near Mplano- sphecia for Tinthia vitrifasciata H., Hampson p. 97 T.c. Episannina jlavicincta sp. n. Gold coast p. 55, Hampson T.c. Gaea leucozona sp. n. Assam p. 63, Hampson T.c. Glossecia gen. n. near Bembecia type Eesia ignijlua Luo., Hampson p. 113 T.c Glossosphecia gen. n. near Aegeria for Sphecia contaminata Batl., Hampson p. 83 T.c. Grypopalpia gen. n. p. 52 near Aschistophleps, iridescens sp. n. Natal p. 53, Hampson T.c. Homogyna ignivittata Transvaal p. 110, pyrojihora Natal, sanguicosta Came- foons, p. Ill, albicincta Centr. Africa p. 112, spp. n., Hampson T.c. — //. sp>adicicorpus sp. n. Rhodesia p. 190, Prout Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Hypanthedon gen. n. p. 62 near Synanlhedon type Aegeria marisa Druce, Hampson Nov. zool. 26. Hypomeliitia gen. n. near Melano- sphecia, hyaloptera sp. n. Burma, Hampson p. 96 T.c. Lepidopoda. xanihogyna Queensland, pictipes Rhodesia p. 54, sylphina W. Africa p. 55, spp. n., Hampson T.c. Lophoceps gen. n. near Chamaesphecia, abdominalis p. 69, quinquepunefata, Africa, telrazona, cyaniris, Assam p. 70, spp. n., Hampson T.c. Macroscelesia gen. n. for 3Ielittia longipes Moore, Hampson p. 8 T.e. Macrotarsipus microthyris sp. n. Africa p. 58, Hampson T.c. Megalosphecia callosoma sp. n. Rho- desia p. 78, Hampson T.c. Melanosphecia dohertyi sp. n. Obi p. 96, Hampson T.c. Melitlia pyropis p. 84, endoxantha p. 85, chrysoblapta, amblyphaea, acos- metes, p. 86, Africa, molnccaensis Batchian, elaea Assam, p. 89, leucogasler Java, dichroipus Burma, p. 90, japona Yokohama p. 91, callosoma Sumatra, fiaviventris Ceylon, proserpina Queens- land, p. 92, lentistriata p. 93, xanlho- gaster, E. Africa, ectothyris Transvaal, p. 94, abyssiniensis p. 95, spp. n., Hamp.son T.c. Micrecia gen. n. near Bembecia, methynlina sp. n. Kei islds., Hampson p. 113 T.c. Monopetalotaxis sinensis Shanghai, chalciphofa C. Africa, spp. n., p. 59, Hampson T.c. Neolinthia gen. n., semihyalina sp. n. Burma, H.ampson p. 1 15 T.c. Oligophhbia subapicalis sp. n, Burma р. 52, Hampson T.c. Paradoxecia f,en. n. for Aegeria gravis Walk., Hampson p. 114 T.c. Paranthrene propyria, thalassina, chal- с. ochlora xanthopyga, Africa p. 101, pentazonata New Britain p. 102, flavi- frons New Guinea, nlbifrons Burma, canarensis India, p, 103, opalescens Celebes p. 104, aurifera Assam p. 105, cuprescens E. Africa p. 106, mesothyris Natal, leucocera, p. 107, microthyris, New Britain, carulifera Queensland, p 108, zygophora Borneo, metaxantha Burma, p. 109, spp. n„ Hampson T.c. Podosesia surodes sp. n. C. Africa p. 63, Hampson T.c. Pyranthrene gen. n. near Paranthrene, flammans sp. n. C. Africa, Hampson p« 110 T.c. Similipepsis laviocera sp. n. Assam p. 114, Hampson T.c. Sphecia asamaiensis sp. n. Japan p. 81, Hampson T.c. Sphecosesia aterea sp. n. Mindanao p. 77, Hampson T.c. Sura pyrocera, rufitibia, Africa p, 98, Phoenicia Borneo, cyanea Java, p. 99, spp. n., Hampson T.c. Synanthedon hypochalcia Assam, ery- thromma, p. 60, rubripicta, Africa, pyrosema Assam, p, 61, spp. n., Hamp- son T.c. 182 Insecta. XII. Insecta. U919] Thyranthrene gen. n. type Lepidopoda obliquizona H., metazonata sp. n. Natal, Hampson p. 97 T.c. Tinthia xanthospila sp. n. Queensland p. 115, Hampson T.c. Tipulamima pyrosoma p. 66, nigriceps p. 67, spp. n. Africa, Hampson T.c. Tradescanticola gen. n. p. 64 type Sesia uniformis Sn., Hampson T.c. Trichocerota radians p. 116, interve- nata, fulvistriga, dizona p, 117, Assam, brachythyra Celebes p. 118, spp. u., Hampson T.c. Trilochqna chalcipkra sp, n. Madras p. 83, Hampson T.c. Zenodoxus aurantia Assam p. 118, flavicincta Borneo p. 119, spp. n., Hampson T.c. Bombyces s.l. incl. Hepialidab, COSSIDAE etc. Catalogue of Arctiinae, 169 genera, 2007 species, 416 pp., with some new nomenclature ; part 22 of Lep. Cat. Acutia gen. n. p. 89 Syntomidae, bidensis sp. n. Sarawak p. 90, Kaye Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Adelocephala apollinairei sp. n. Colombia p. 10, Dognin H6t. 15. Aethria tenumarginata sp. n. Guiana p. 90, Kaye Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Agylla haighti sp. n. Luzon j). 49, WiLEMAN & South Entomol. 52. Amastiis thermidora sp. ii. Ecuador p. 4, Dognin M6m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. — A. formosana sp. n. Argentina p. 174, ScHAUS Ent. News 30. Anthrocera achilleae, distribution and variation, Rowland-Brown Entom. 52 pp. 217-225. Arctia caja, ab. fig.. Bowman p. 102 P.S. London ent. Soc. 1918-19. Argyrophleps hova Madagascar, psyche, p. 28, atriplaga p. 30, Africa, spp. n., Le Cere Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. Asuia luzonica sp. n. Philippines p. 51, WiLEMAN & South Entomol. 52. — A. punctilineala p. 268, inornala, A. ? ocellata, p. 269, spp. n. Philippines, WiLEMAN & South T.c. Antomeris themis sp. n. Cayenne p. 8, eophila n.n. for aurora Dogu. p. 9, Dognin H6t. 15. Automolis chionoplaga sp. n. Panama p. 3, Dognin Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22, 1913. Bunaea epithyrena var. n. cremeri, Oberthur p. 336 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919, 1920. Celama curvilinea sp. n. Mindanao p. 271, WiLEMAN & South Entom. 52. Chdlconydes ? chalybeia sp. n. C. Africa p. 290 pi. xxiii f. 63, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28, 1914. Chionaema gonypetes Mindanao p. 166, brunneistriga, additicia, Africa p. 166, spp. n., Prout Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Chlorhoda metamelaena sp. n. Colombia p. 4 Dognin Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Chloroda rufolivacea sp. n. Colombia p. 312, Seitz Fauna exot. Americana 6. Chrysasura literata sp. n. Mindanao p. 50, WTleman & South Eiitomol. 52. Chrysocale olivotincta sp. n. hab. ?, Kaye p. 88 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Ooreura sinerubra sp. n. Peru i). 92, Kaye T.c. Correbia fulvescens sp. n. Panama p. 2, Dognin Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Cosmosoma albifrons sp, n. Panama p. 1, Dognin T.c. Cossus cirrilator sp. n. Madagascar p. 107, Le Cere Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. Cyana luzonica sp. n. p. 49, Wileman & South Entomol. 52. Cyanopepla f ulgurata Peru, parvistria hab. ?, spp. n. p. 89, Kaye Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Dalaca, defined p. 240 figs. p. 246, troglodyiis p. 241, leucophaea p. 243, seinicanua p. 244, spp. n. S. Africa, Janse Rec. Albany Mus. 3. Dasychira fascelina caucasica subsp. n. p. 131, Sheljuzhko N. Beitr. syst. Insk. 1. Delphyre leucomela sp. n. Guiana p. 93, Kaye Ann. nat. Hist. 4. — D. totilla var. n. coeriislescens, Dognin p. 4 Het. nouv. 17. Depalpata gon. n, near Burgena, mirabilis sp. n. New Guinea, Roths- child Ann. nat. Hist. 3. 183 Ins&cia, Systematic. — Lepidoptera — Bombyoes. Diacrisia roseicmcta sp. n. Colombia p. 4, Dognin M6m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. — D. nyanzae n.n. for pardalina llothsch., punctilineola n.n. for puncti- lima Wile., Strand p. 416 Cat. Arct. — • D. virginica, food-plants and habits, Mitchell pp. 191-194 Ent. News 30. Diapkora mendica, colour, Cockayne pp. 101-104 Ent. Rec. 31. Dicenlria phthimetia sp. n. Mexico p. 82, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Dryocampa jloresi sp. n. Argentina p. 359, Giacomelli An. Mus. Buenos Aires 27 1915. Encyane phlegon conslrictifascia subsp. n. p. 3, Dognin H6t. 15. Epicopeia leucomelaena sp. n. Yunnan p. 175, Oberthur Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Ephccpsis phlebitis sp. n. Belize p. 2, Dognin M6m Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Eremocossus senegalensis sp. n. p. 27, Le Cere Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. Euagra monoscopa sp. n. Ecuador p. 91, Kaye Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Euproclis semisignala^ variation, Senior-White p. 83 Spolia zeylan- 11. — E, bimaculata ~ {Porthesia isabellina Heyl.), Eeokb p. 165 Ber. Nederl. entj Ver. 5. — E. chrysorrhoea, Theobald p. 169 Entom. 52. Eiirosia ? , costinotata sp. n. Philip- pines p. 50, WiLEMAN & South Entomol. 52. Geodena ochricosta sp. n. C. Africa p. 289 pi. xxiv f. 74, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Qoodia violascena sp. n. C. Africa p. 279 pi. xxiii f. 66, Rebel T.c. Oorgopis, redefined p. 236, figs. p. 246, crudeni p. 237, auralilis p. 238, Jmcalis p. 239, spp. n. S. Africa, Janse Rec. Albany Mus. 3. — G. crudeni, larva, Hardenberg pp. 247-256, T.c. Halisidota sobrinella n.n. for sobrina Motsch., Strand p. 416 Cat. Arct. Heliactinidia austriaca sp. n. Ecuador p. 298, Seitz Fauna exot. Americana 6, Heliura quadrijlavata sp. n. Guiana p. 92, Kaye Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Hemileuca lucina ^ var. latifascia, attracted by fire, Criddle p. 99 Canad. Ent. 51. — H. venosa ' nigra subsp. n. Bogota p. 5, Dognin Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Hepialidae ; the coloration, van Bemmelen pp. 167-189 Zool. Anz. 48 1916. Hepialus tanganyicus spv n. p. 291 pi. xxiii f. 67, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. 'Wien 28 1914. — H. ptiloscelis sp. n. Cape colony p. 230, Meyrick Exot. Microlep. 2. Hylesia mixliplex n.n. for multiplex Dogn. 1916, Dognin p. 9 Het. 15. Hyphantria postalbida sp. n. C. Africa p. 290 pi. xxiii f. 64^ Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Hypophassus gen. n. p. 470 type P. signifer Walk., crenilimbata sp. n. China p. 471, Le Cere Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. llema costalha sp. n. Luzon p. 50, WiLEMAN & South Entomol. 52. Ino globulariae, early stages, Bram* WELL p. 214 Entom. 52. Isostola thabena sp. n. Colombia p. 7, Dognin Het. 15. Leptothrix tettigonioides Heyl. = Exo- irocha haemacta Snell., van Eeckb Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5 p. 121. Limacodes nubeculosa — {Thesea lutea Heyl.), Eeckb p. 165 T.c. Lobobunaea, sp. n., O’Neil p. 158 Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. Ludia, sp. n. O’Neill p. 165 Ann. Durb. Mus. 2. , Lymantria nmpla, early stages, Senior- White Spolia zeylan. 11 p. 76. — L. monacha,, melanism, Seydel p. 93 Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique 1. — L. dispar, parthenogenesis, Rattray p. 166 En- tom. 52. — L. ; transplantation of sox- glands experiments ; Klatt pp. 39-46 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. Macrocneme xantholopha sp. n. Colom- bia p. 4, Dognin Het. nouv. 17. Macrothylacia rubi, hibernation, OuDEMANS p. 166 Ber. Nederl. ent. Ver. 5. ^ Maenas hyalina sp. n. Coloiftbia p. 308, Seitz, Fauna exot. Americana 6. Malachilis preangerensis Heyl. (as Dasychira) — melanochlora Hamps., Eecke p. 164 Ber. Nederl. ent. Ver. 5 184 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Marbla diplosticta pi. xxiv f. 76, hemileuca f. 75, p. 277, nyctemerina p. 278 pi. -xx!!! f. 55, spp. n. C. Africa, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Mesothen aurata sp. n. Colombia p. 1, Dognin Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Miltochrista nigripuncta p. 269, uni- Unea p. 270, spp. n. Philippines, Wile- man & South Entom. 52. Mimagyrta chocoensis Colombia sp. n. p. 87, Kaye Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Miresa sanguineomaculata and nigri- plaga, synonymy, Eeoke p. 165 Ber. Nedorl. ont. Ver. 5. Napata levata sp. n. Peru p. 92, Kaye Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Nodozana fifina sp. n. Panama p. 3, Dognin M6m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Nola tincla sp. n. Mindanao p. 270, Wileman & South Entom. 52. Ohm, the larvae, dorsipennata sp. n. Ottawa, Barnes & MoDunnough p. 102 Canad. Ent. 51. Orgyia thyellina, female, Albrecht p. 9 Ent. Zeitsohr. Erankf. 29 1915. — 0. vetusta, larval life. Chapman p. 41- 43 Ent. Rec. 31. Pericopis fanatica p. 3, luctuosa p. 4, pagana p. 5, P. ? triangulata p. 6, spp. n. Amer. mer. Dognin Het. 15. Perophora pienia sp. n. Colombia p, 6, Dognin Het. 16. Pheia attenuata Panama, simillima Amazons, spp. n. p. 91, Kaye Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Phoenicoprocta variabilis sp. n. Buga- ba p. 90, Kaye T.c. Phragmatobia niepelliana n.n. for alrandi Niop., ivilemani n.n. for obscura Wile., Strand p. 416 Cat. Arct. Phragmatoecia argillosa sp. n. Mada- gascar, Le Cerf p. 161 Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. Pirga nmemosyne sp. n. C. Africa p. 278 pi. xxiii f. 62, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. • Pisara punctilinea sp. n. Philippines p. 270, Wileman & South Entom. 52. Pseudomelisa demiavis sp. n. W. Africa p. 88, Kaye Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Psychidae of S. Africa, transforma- tions, females, etc., Hardenberg Ann. Natal Mus. 4 pp. 143-226 plates. Salagena nigropuncta p. 29, mirabilia p. 31, spp. n. Africa, Le Cerf Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. Saliunca vidua sp. n. C. Africa p. 290 pi. xxiii f. 61, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Sapelia tavetensis p. 276 pi. xxiv f. 73, Rebel T.c. 8chizura concinna, repugnatorial glands, -Herrick & Detwiler p. 44-48 Ann. ent. Soc. Amor. 12 fig. Semimanatha subg. n. of Acantho- psyche, for 8. fumosa sp. n., Janse p. 137 Ann. Natal Mus. 4. 8pilosoma ignivagans sp. n. Yunnan p. 487, Rothschild Ann. nat. Hist. 3. 8teneugoa inornata sp. n. Philippines p. 50, Wileman & South Entomol. 52. 8tibolepis sabalina sp. n. Tanganyika p. 279 pi. xxiii f. 59, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Thyrgia lacryma sp. n. Cayenne p. 6, Dognin Het. 15. Trichocossus arvensis Janse rede- scribed Janse Ann. Natal Mus. 4. Trichophassus gen. n. p. 470 type Epiolus giganteus, Le Cerf Bull. Mus. Paris 1919. Turuptiana sanguinipectus sp. n. Bogota, nemophila f.n. pratincola Bolivia, p. 313, Seitz Fauna exot. Americana 6. Virbia satara sp. n. Bolivia p. 297, Seitz T.c. Xanthospilopteryx grandis var. bateai p. 281 pi. xxiv. f. 70, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Xanthyda anaxantha sp. n. Guiana p. 3, Dognin Het. 17. Zygaena carniolica, forms, many names, pp. 62-82 pi. iv, Rocci Atti Soc. ligust. 30. — Z. carniolica rueckbeili Turkestan, cocandica pamira Pamir, subspp. n. p. 130, Sheljuzhko N. Beitr. syst. Insk. 1. — Z. carniolica. Revision of group, pp. 177-187, Wagner Ent. Mitt. 8. — Z. stoechidis f.n. roseopicta p. 173, transalpina f.n. circumscripta p. 175, Turati Atti Soc. ital. 58. 185 Insecta. Systbmatio. — Lbpidoptera — Nootuidab. Noctuidae. Descri])tions and figures of pupae, Ljungdaht. ])]). 97-119 & 216-238 Ent. Tidskr. 40. Abrostola microvalis sp. n. Texas p. 124 pi. XV f, 12, Ottolengui J. N. York ent. Soo. 27. Acanthodica albiplena Colombia, semi- linea Peru, p. 167, coelebs Colombia p. 168, spp. n., Prout Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Achaea cyanobathra p. 178, janiesoni p. 179, Africa, ministra New Guinea p. 180, pentasema New Caledonia, dmo’c, Madagascar, p. 181, cymalias Cameroons p. 183, spp. n., indistincta valid p. 184, Prout T.c. Aconiia elima sp. n. Queensland p. 318, SwiNHOE Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Acronycta polyporia sp. n. Mexico p. 79, Dyar Inscc. inscit. 7. Agonista endochrysa sp. n. Borneo p. 169, Prout Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Agrolis timbor, hahama, spp. n.» Mexico p. 74, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. — A. graslini var. n. gouini, Oberthur p. 316 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — A. mnltifida, early stages, Astfaluer Ent. Zeitschr. Frankf. 29 p. 7 1916. Amalhes miastigma sp. n. Mexico p. 78, Dyar Inscc. inscit. 7. Anna subdiversa ]). 173, violisparsa p. 175, spp. n. W. Africa, Prout Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Atlonda gen. n. p. 123 type Capnodes trifasciata Moore, natha sp. n. Cape York p. 124, SwiNHOE Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Autographa diversisigna p. 121, inter - alia p. 122, magnifica p. 124, spp. n., Amcr. bor., rectangula var. ii. nargenta p. 122, celsa var. n. sierrae p. 123, alia n.n. for excelsa p. 126, Ottolengui J. New York ent. Soc. 27 figs. pi. xv. Barasa suffida sp. n. Khasia hills p. 120, SwiNHOE Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Blepharita arnica ussuriensis subsp. n. p. 132, Sheljuzhko N. Beitr. Syst. Insk. 1. Caradrina cubicularis, larva in flax, Russell p. 200 Scott. Nat. 1919. Catocala maculata sp. n. China p. 151, fig., Vincent Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919.— (7. niinuta, early stages p. 196, obscura var. n. obvia p. 198, Schwarz Ent. News 30. — C. ohscena p. 335, kusnezovi p. 336, Vincent Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1919. — C. tilania, early stages p. 14, var. n. distincta, minuta varr. n. eureka and obliterala, pp. 16 and 17, Schwarz Ent. News 30. — C., larvae of flebilis, relecta, lachrymosa, obscura, Rowley p. 226 Canad. Ent. 51. — C. ulalume and Carolina, French p. 16 Canad. Ent. 51 ; French p. 130 T.c. — C. nupta, ab.. Long p. 261 Entom. 52. Chamaeclea mapensa sp. n. Mexico p. 80, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Gharacoma perfecta p. 118, araca p. 119, spp. n. Khasia hills, Swinhoe Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Charaeas graminis, habits. Fryer p. 207 Ann. appl. Biol. 6. Cirphis cholica sp. n. Mexico p. 76, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Cobubatha nubidice sp. n. Mexico p. 81, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Cosmophila erosoides sp. n. Argentina p. 360, Giacomelli An. Mus. Buenos Aires 27 1915.— (7., spp. distinguished by male structures pis. ix and x, lyona Sumatra p. 312, dona Australia, milva Gilolo, p. 313, spp. n., Swinhoe Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Cropia mandaea p. 78, impressionata p. 79, spp. n. Mexico, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Cucullia encaena p. 76, syggnomon, eccissica, p. 77, Mexico, edificans Costa Rica p. 77, spp. n., Dyar T.c. — C. pal- liastria, metamorphosis, Pead P. Rho- desia Ass. 10 pp. 105-109, 1910. Diomea padanga sp. n. Sumatra p 124, Swinhoe Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Enmonodia villicosta, sp. n. Mindanao p. 171, Prout Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Ephyrodes gorgoniopis sp. n. Guiana p. 5, Dognin Het. 16. Epipsilia monochromatea, life history p. 61 pi. iv. Hooker Ent. News 30. Ercheia amoena New Guinea p. 176, latistria Gilolo p. 178, spp. n., kebea borneensis subsp. n. p. 176, Prout Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Eriopyga nocanoca sp. n. Mexico p. 76, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. — E. thermosema sp. n. Colombia p. 3, Dognin Het. 16. 186 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Eublemma irresoluta Mexico p. 80, carterotata Costa Rica p. 81, spp. n., Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Euclidia mi, abnormal , Schindler p. 116 Ent. Zeitschr. Frankf. 28 1915. Giaura multijpunctata n.n. for pimc- tata Sw., SwiNHOE p. 119 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Gyrtona yucca, synonymy, Swinhoe p. 121 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Uadena pabulatricula, life-history, Holwede p. 33 Ent. Zeitschr. Frankf. 29 1915. Ilyblaea joiceyi sp. n. Now Guinea, puera vitiemis subsp. n., Prout p. 188 Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Hydroecia crinanensis, food-plant. Burrows, pp. 12 & 33 Ent. Rec. 31.— H. crinanensis, larva. Burrows p. 177 Ent. Rcc. 31. Hydroeciodes compressipuncta p. 162, exagitans p. 163, spp. n., Mexico, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Hypospila andamana sp. n. Port Blair, Swinhoe p. 124 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. lontha ida sp. n . Philippines p. 71, pi. i. Banks Philippine J. Sci. 14. Lagoptera rubida velutina subsp. n.» p. 172, ochrobrunnea Strand is distinct* 0. nicanora subsp. n. New Guinea p. 173, Prout Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Libisosa obiana sp. n. Obi p. 123, Swinhoe Ann. nat. Hist. 4, Lophoptera apirlha Sw. (as Slictoptera) ~ (plumbeola H.), hampsoni sp. n. India, p. 121, cerea Sw. synonjnny p. 122, Swinhoe T.c. Lycophotia federalis sp, n. Mexico p. 75, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Mamestra brassicae, metamorphosis, Pictet Bull. Soc. L6p. Geneve 3 1914 p. 17. Matigramma crenulata sp. n. Argen- tina, Dognin p. 5 Het. nouv. 16. Maurilia gilva sp. n. Cape York p. 317, Swinhoe Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Mdapera roastis, sexes, Prout p. 1 87 Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Mods camptogramma sp. n, Colombia p. 5, Dognin H6t. 17. Mystomemia hortealis sp, n. Mexico p. 82, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Nyctipao albicrustata sp. n. Key islds., hieroglyphica ienebrata subsp. n. Borneo, Prout p. 170 Ann. ntt. Hist. 3. Ogdoconta justitia sp. n. Mexico p. 79, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Oraesia argyrosigna — {Calpe provo- cans H.), Swinhoe p. 123 Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Orotermes monstrosa sp. n. Guiana p. 5, Dognin Het. nouv. 17. Orihosia riUicilla, Raupe, Oudemans, Ber. Ned. Ent. Vcr. 5 p. 133. Parallelia valga Assam p. 184, isotima Cameroons, curvisecta Now Guinea, euryleuca Borneo, p. 185, adunca Came- roons p. 186, spp. n., Prout Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Perata gen. n. for pt. of Adrapsa type curiosalis Sw., Swinhoe p. 127 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Plecoplera occulata = {Heliothisjuncec Sw.), quaesita Sw. (as Remigia) — rests- tens H. part, Swinhoe p. 123 T.c. Plusia, les espdees palearctiques, CuLOT Bull. Soc. L6p. Geneve 3 I9l4 17 p. 50. Prothymia heostrophis sp. n. Mexico p. 81, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Proxenus nigrifrons, acuiipennis, spp. n., Argentina p. 4, Dognin H4t. 16. Sarrothripus revayana, variation, nu- merous abb. n., Sheldon pp. 97-106 & 122-128 pi. Entom. 52. Scriplania optima p. 163, demerodes, inquisita, p. 104, spp, n., Mexico, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Selepa demiota, synonymy, Swinhoe p. 120 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Simplicia schaldusalis varr. & sy- nonymy, moorei n.n. for marginata Moore, trilinea B.-B. to Floccicura, Swinhoe p. 122 T.c. Speiredonia remota capitulifera subsp. n. Celebes p. 171, Prout Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Stictoptera anca sp. n. Khasia hills p. 120, Swinhoe Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Tarache delecta, life-history, Weiss & Dickerson J. New York ent. Soc. 27 pp. 57-61. Thurberiphaga gen. n. Acronyciinae Catalina sp. n. Arizona p. 188, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. 187 Insecia. SySTBMATlO. — Lepidoptera — Geometridae. , Tochara giloloensis p. 126, uniformis Sumatra, salea Fergusson isld. p. 126, spp. n., SvviNHOE Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Tolnaodes dasynota calocraspeda subsp. n. Peru p. 187, Prout Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Tortricodes fragariana sp. n. Brit Columbia p. 62, Busok P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Xanthoecia flavago, larval habits, Thompson p. 266 Entom. 52. Xanthopastis tiniais molinoi, new larval form, p. 149, Dyab Insoc. insoit. 7. Xylosiola novi-mundi sp. n. Ecuador p. 80, Dyar T.o. Dioptidae. Dioptidae ; synonymioal notes, Doa- NiN pp. 7 & 8 H6t. 16. Myonia primula sp. n. Ecuador p. 10, biplagiata peruviana subsp. n. p. 11, Dognin Het. nouv. 17. Phryganidia californica, oviposition, Burke p. 124 P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Geometridae (inch Uraniidae, Epiplbmidae). Revision of australian Oeometridae completed. Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. pp. 258-310, 383-413. European Geometridae ; Culot Noct. & Goom. d’Europe Vol. 3 pp. 1-269, 40 pis. Descriptions and figures of pupae, Ljungdahl Ent. Tidskr. 40 pp. 97-119. Abraxas grossulariata var. exquisita* PoRRiTT p. 16 Ent. Rec. 31 ; ab. n- pulchra, Raynor p. 206 Ent. Roc. 31 ,* larvae as food of birds, Oollinge Nature 103 p. 404 ; Speyer p. 445 T.c. ; Onslow p. 464 T.c. ; Collinge p. 483 T,c. Acasis sertata f. n. viridulata p. 177, Turati Atti Son. ital. 68. Acidalia ludovicaria sp. n. j). 74 pi. xi fig. 215, Culot Noct. & Geom. 3. — A. annotinata Zett. & relicia Zett., Wahl- GREN p. 72 Ent. Tidskr. 40. Amaurinia semirosea sp. n. Colombia p. 24, Dognin Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. A^nelora zophopasta p. 301* mesocapna oncerodes, p. 302, pachyspilat pentheres p. 303, cryphia, camptodes, p. 304 synclera p. 306, genobreches p. 306, macarta, fucosa, p. 307, oritropKa p. 308, belophora p. 310, spp. n. Australia, Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Anaitis subruf ala sp. n. Colombia p. 26, Dognin Mem. Soc. Ent. Belgique 22, 1913. Angelia capnosticta p. 298, mesopkaea p. 299, melancroca p. 300, spp. n. Aus- tralia, Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Anisodes magnidiscaia var. n. rujiceps p. 8, brevipalpis, warreni, spp. n. Colombia p. 9, Dognin M6m. Soc, ent. Belgique 22, 1913. Anurapteryx crenulata sp. n. Arizona p. 246, Barnes & Lindsey Ent. News 80, Apiciopsis albilinea sp. n, Colombia p. 43, Dognin M^m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Authaemon gen. n. p. 296 near Amelora, poliophara, stenonipha, spp. n, Australia p. 297, Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Bagodares tenebrosa sp. n. Guiana p. 46, Dognin M6m. Soc. ent. Belgique 28, 1913. Bassania hilaris sp. n. p. 39, with subsp. n. subiurpis p, 40, Colombia, Dognin T.c. Biston strataria f. n. ochrearia p. 226, Newstead & Smith Entom. 52. Boarmia bkindularia f. n. venosa p. 226 f. 1, Newstead & Smith T.c. Bonatea indecisa sp. n. Colombia p, 40, Dognin M6m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22,1913. Brachyctenistis serricoriiis, plank lineata, p. 37, spp. n. Colombia, B.p. varr. n. subnigra and pallescens p. 38, Dognin, T.c. Gallipia vicinaria sp. n. Colombia p. 25, Dognin T.c. Cambogia subpallida p. 22, in^olila^ albigrisea, p. 23, spp. n. Colombia, Dognin T.c. Capusa graodes p. 398, stenophara p, 399, spp. n. Australia, Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. J88 Tnaeeta, xn. Insecta. [1019] Cartaletis gracilis landbechi subsp. n. Congo, Prout p. 277 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Carlellodes levis magnipuncta subsp. n. Colombia p. 47, DogisIn Mem. Soc, ent. Belgique 22 1913. Casbia synempora p. 268, rbodina, alphitopia, p. 269, rJiodoptila p. 270, sciagrapha p. 271, resinacea p. 272, calliorma p. 273, spp. n. Australia, Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Ceralucha gen. n. p. 399 for Chleniaa arietaria Gn., Turner T.c. Gerlima rufuncula, Iriumbrata, spp. n., aticta ochracea subsp. n., Colorqbia, Dognin p. 36 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Chleniaa paolina p. 401, stenoalicha, meaoaticha, p. 402, basichorda, macro- chorda, p. 403, spp. n. Australia, Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Chloroclystis semochlora sp. n. New Zealand p. 349, Meyrick Tr. N. Zeal, Inst. 51. Cnemodes vinodiacata sp. n. Colombia p. 10, Dognin M6m. Soc. cut. Belgique 22, 1913. Coelocrosaa gen. n. i>. 274 near Rhinodia, drepanucha, hypocrocea, p. 275, leptoxantha p. 276, spp. n. Aus- tralia, Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Gonosara pammicta sp, n. Australia p. 396, Turner T.c. Gophocerolia aubinqidnata sp, n. Colombia p. 24, Dognin M6m. Soc. ent, Belgique 22 1013. Goronidia rubrivena sp, n. Colombia p. 11, Dognin Het. nouv. 17, Cosymbia pendularia ab. n. orbicu- hides, WoouFORDE p. 103 Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Crocallis elinguaria f. n. signatipennia p. 227 f. 2, Newstead & Smith Entom. 62 ; PoRRiTT p. 258 Ent. 62, Smart p. 278 T.c. Cymatophora evelis sp. n. Mexico p. 83, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. — G. or, melanism, Hasebroek pp. 317-338 Zool. Jahrb. Allg. 36, figs., 1918. Emurga atomaria, Turner pp. 1-10 Proc. S. Lond. ent. Soc. 1918-19. Encryphodea gen, n. near Paurocoma, melanochorda, Tasmania, p. 384, ayacia Australia p. 385, spp. n., Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Epicampyla gen. n. near Idiodes, aublaeta sp. n. Australia, Turner p. 293 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 42. Erateina inconapicua sp. n. Colombia p. 27, Dognin ]\tem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Erebochlora internexa p. 16, albisccta p. 17, spp. n. Colombia, Dognin T.c. Eriopygidia comprobata sp. n. Colom- bia p. 14, Dognin T.c. Falculopsis gen. n. p. 45 near Syrrheuma, grandirena sp. n. Colombia with ab. multistriata, p. 46, Dognin T.c. Fisera halnrga, phricotypa, p. 390, bradymorpha p. 391, spp. n. Australia, Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 45. Geoglada (Conolophia) rectislrigaria sp. n. C. Africa p. 286 pi. xxiv f. 71, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Gnophoa glaucinaria f. n, inter- mediaria p. 178, Turati Atti Soc. ital. 58. Heterephyra teatacea sp. n. Colombia p. 10, Dognin M6in., Soc. ent, Belgique 22 1913. Heteroleuca pullaia, subfalcata, simili- pennis, spp. n. Colombia p. 30, Dognin T.c. Heterusia aperla p. 26, reversa p. 27, spp. n. Colombia, Dognin T.c. Hydriomena nipteriodea p. 15, albipul- verata p. 16, spp. n. Colombia, Dognin T.e. Hypolepis ? inlcrrupla, sp. n. Colom- bia p. 22, Dognin T.c. Idiodes ischnora, pn'ionosema, p. 291, ceramopis, fictilis, j). 292, spp. n. Aus- tralia, Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Iridobapta argostola sp. n. Queensland p. 286, Turner T.c. Ischnopteris marmorala, nigralbata, spp. n. Colombia p. 32, Dognin M5m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Isochromodes deminuta with var. obfuacata, bidentata, 34, venata, lineala, p. 35, spp. n. Colombia, /td/aa; var. n. insticta p. 34, Dognin T.c. Larentia verberata ab. n. reverdini, Culot p. 359 Bull. Soc. ent. Erance 1919 1920. — L. decrepitata Zett., Wahl- OREN p. 73 Ent. Tidskr. 40. Leuciria fimbriaria k fimbrialis, syno- nymy, Dognin p. 7 Het. nouv. 17. 189 Insecta. Systematic. — Lepidoptbra — Geometbidae. Leucohrc.'phos braphoUlds, habits, Criddlb p. 98 Canad. Ent. 51. Leucolithodes fiimifascia, L, ? mdar noglyphica, spp. n. Colombia p. 49, Dognin Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Lissochlora alhijimbria sp. n. Colombia p. 8, Dognin T.c. Lomographa odojilocrossa, icasta, p. 2G1, sabulicolor p. 262, spp. n. Australia, Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Lychnosea aganaedoea sp. n. Mexico p. 83, Dyar Inscc. inscit. 7, Macroles netrix & cordovaria, Dognin p. 6 Het. nouv. 17. Melinodes glomeraria ^ p. 44, aurantiata aureata subsp. n., indecens sp. n., Colombia, p. 45, Dognin M6m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Meticulodea pericidosaria var. n. caliginosa, propinqua, p. 50, ochreicosla p. 51, spp. n. Colombia, Dognin T.c. Microgonia asinella sp. n. Colombia p. 33, Dognin T.c. — 31. dognini sp. n. Argentina p. 360 Giacomelli An. Mus. Buenos Aires 27 1915. Micronia plenifascia sp. n. Tangan- yika p. 283 pi. xxiv f. 68, erycinaria G* p. 284 f. 67, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Microxydia vesligiata sp. n. Colombia p. 47, Dognin M6m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Molybdogomplia polymygmala sp. n. Mexico p. 82, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Nadagara argyrosticha sp. n. Queens- land p. 285, Turner P. Linn. Soc, N.S.W. 44. Nadagarodes ochrophara sp. n, Queens- land p. 282, Turner T.c. Nipteria deformata p. 28, nubetincta, monochroma, subcolorata, p. 29, solitaria p. 30, spp. Colombia, Dognin Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Nyssia zonaria f. n. ochracea p. 227, Newstead & Smith Entom. 52. Oenothalia mediostrigata sp. n. Colombia p. 31, Dognin Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Ophthahnophora pepita — {amphis^ saria Oberth.), fulvistriata ~ {plutus Oberth.), nitidiffquama = (? croesus Oberth.), phrynearia Schaus = {bolivari Oberth.), laticlava = {auperamabilis Oberth.), Dognin p. 9 H6t. nouv. 17. Periclina separanda sp. n. Colombia p. 38, Dognin M6m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22, 1913. Peridelias gen. n. p. 265 near Casbia, aprosita sp. n. Queensland p. 266^ Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Perigramma marcescens sp. n. Colom- bia p. 28, Dognin M6m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Perizoma apicesignata p. 10, rostrino- tala, mollis, p. 11, serrilinearia, con- stellata, p. 12, brunneopicta, nigrostipata, |i. 13, mixticolor p. 14, spp. n. Colombia, Dognin T.c. Perusia illuslris, subnotata, spp. n.. Colombia, citrinata aurata, subsp. n. Argentina, Dognin p. 48 T.c. Phigaliapiloaaria, melanism, Butter- field p. 279 & 373, PoRRiTT pp. 280 & 374, Naturalist 1919. Picromorpha gen. n. for Idiodes pyrrliopa Low., Turner p. 277 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Pitthea caesarea sp. n. C. Africa p. 285 pi. xxiv figs. 58 & 60, Rebel Ann.. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Poecilopsis [Apocheima) rachelae, habits, Criddlb p. 97 Canad. Ent. 61. Prosotera gen. n. p. 405 near Chlenias, metopora sp. n. Sydney p. 406, Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Psaliodes lucida p. 18, grandis p. 19,. disrupta, bilinedta, p. 20, tolimata, subocdlata, repertita, p. 21, spp. n. Colombia, Dognin ^Iem. Soc. ent.. Belgique 22 1913. Psamathia ochriptaga sp. n. Colombia p. 51, Dognin T.c. Pseudogenusa gen. n. near Qenusa,. opalescens sp. n. Centr. Africa pi. xxiv f. 72, Rebel p. 285 Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Rhodomena fraclisignata sp. n. Colom- bia p. 17, Dognin Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Rhopalista semiflava sp. n. Colombia, p. 15, Dognin T.c. Scardamia ithyzona sp. n. Queensland p. 280, Turner P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W- 44. 190 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [19I9J Scopula hesycha China, scialophia Assam, spp. n. p. 189, Prout Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Scopula subpartita Assam p. 279, segregata W- China p. 280, paetula Colombia p. 281, toxophora Cameroons, p. 282, spp. n. Prout Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Scotura aborta, aterrima, p. G, per- similis p. 7, spp. n. Colombia, Hognin Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Selidosema protatoxa sp. n. N. Zealand p. 350, Meyrick Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51. Simopteryx sericea p. iO,Jlavida p. 41, Peru, bicurvata Guiana, obliquilinea Ecuador p. 42, spp. n., obliquilinea columbensis subsp. n. p. 43, Hognin M6m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Smicropus consepta sp. n. Colombia p. 6, Hognin T.c. Stathmorrhopa hypsilopha p. 392, hypoleuca p. 393, spp. n. Australia, Turner P.Xinn. Soc. N.S.W, 44. Stibaroma triphasia sp. n. Australia p. 405, Turner T.c. Symmiges gen. u. p. 394 for Chlenias galearia Gn., Turner T.c. Syngria versilinea sp. n. Ecuador p. 52, Hognin M6m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Synzeuxis gen. n. near Amelora, penthina sp. n. Australia, Turner p. 383 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Thalamodes nessostoma ^p. n, Aus- tralia p. 386, Turner T.c. Thalassodes clarifmbria sp. n. Ceylon p. 278, Prout Ann. nat. Hist. 4, Thysanopyga cermalodes p. 31, bipunc- tifera p. 32, spp, n. Colombia, Hognin Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Xanthorhoe eupilheciaria G., Meyriok p. 350 Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51. Xenomigia cuneifera, sordida, spp. n, Colombia p. 7, Hognin M4m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Xenopepla punctata sp. n. Colombia p. 8, Hognin T.c. Pyralidae, Thyrididab. Notes on Guenees collection, JoANNis pp. 18-22 and 24-32 Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. List of types of palaearctic Pyralidae in the Vienna museum, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914 pp. 339-347. Acrorneseres gen. n. p. 41 Phycitinae, dialithus sp. n. Cuba p. 42, Hyar Insec. inscit. 7. Acropentias papuensis sp. n. p. 310, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Adelosemia ? straminella sp. n. Taurus p. 316, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Adelpherupa gen. n., flavescens p. 541, albescens p. 542, spp. n. E. Africa, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Aediodina gan. nov. nymphulinae typo quatemalis Led. p. 133, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. Agloasa arcuatalis sp. n. Syria p. 320 pi. ^xxv f. 21, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. — A, nigripennis sp. n. Apennines p. 185 fig., Turati Atti Soc. ital. 58. Alpheias bipunctalis sp. n. Jamaica p. 312, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Anadelosemia gen. n. p. 51 type Nephopteryx senesciella Schaus, fifria, base, spp. n, Guatemala, p. 52, Hyar Inseo. inscit. 7. Ancylodes nervosella sp. n. Uralsk p. 306 pi. XXV f. 8, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Ancylolomia castaneata Transvaal, melanella, perfasciata, p., 141, prepiella, albicostalis, p. 142, lentifascialis, fulvi- tinctalis, melanothoracia, p. 143 Africa, agraphella Assam, chrysargyria Nigeria, croesus E. Africa, p. 144, dives Madras, ophiralis p. 145, alrijasciaia, irrorata, p. 146, holochrea p. 147, Africa, spp. n., Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Ancylostomia euchroma sp. n. Brazil p. 53, Hyar Insec. inscit. 7. Anoristia {Centrometopia) granulella sp. n. Turkestan p. 311 pi. xxv f. 11, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Aphycitopsis gen. n. Phycitinae, Isabella sp. n. Costa Rica p. 45, Hyar Insect, inscit. 7. Argyria latifasciella Port Harwin, mesozonalis Peru, p. 445, eromenalis Sumbawa, bicuspidalis C. Africia, quadricuspis Rhodesia, p. 446, ob- liquistrialis Argentina, albiceps, uni- punctalis, Transvaal p. 447, araealis Mashonaland, albivenalis Paraguay, atrisparbalis Mexico, tumidicostalis, p. 448, sticticraspis, coniorta, India, argyropasta Cape Colony, p. 449, 191 Insecta. Systbmatio.— Lepidoptera— Pyralidak, Thybididab. policlla, psammathis, bipunctnlis, p. •150, Africa, vitlalalis Brazil, endochralis Ar- gentina, leucomeralis Sierra Leone, p. 451, retractalis Guiana, undulatis Bengal, p. 452, conisphornlis China, molyb- dogmmma Queensland, calamochroa, p. 453, duplicilinea Sierra Leone, leucop- sumis Assam, p. 454, bostralis Uganda p. 455, spp. n., Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Auchmophom sufetuloides sp, n. W. Africa p. 310, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Benia fritillaf convergens, spp. n. Ouatomala p, 59, Dyar Insoo. inscit. 7. Bradina erilitoides p. 108, aulaco- dialis p. 109, spp. n., Formosa, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. Brihaspa linclalis sp. n. Queensland p. 315, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Cacozophera gen. n. Phycitinae, veiiosa sp. n. Guatemala p. 68, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Calamoschoena nigripunctalis p. 307, stictalis p. 308, spp. n. Africa, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Canipyloplesis gen. n. Phycitinae, inveterella sp. n. Guatemala p. 61, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Catancyla gen. n. near Ancylolomia, briinnea sp. n. W. Australia, Hampson p. 140 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Cerocanlhia subcaudata sp. n. Guate- mala p. 42, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Charltona rufalis, endothermalis, Madras, p. 153, interstitialis p. 154, actinialis, atrifascialis, p. 305, albimix- talis, albidalis, argyrasiis, p. 306, Africa, spp. n., Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Chilo brevipalpellm sp. n. Jordan p. 303 pi. XXV f. 6, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. — G. albimarginalis Peru p. 56, diffusifascia Uruguay, pyrocaus- talis W. Africa, p. 57, rufulalis Burma, submedianalis Ceylon, mesostrigalis, ascriptalis, Africa p. 68, gemininotalis Cachar, strigatellus W. Australia, argy- rostoln Venezuela, phlebitalis, p. 59, leptigmmmaUs, leucocraspis, Argentina, calamislis Mexico, p. 60, argentifascia, W. Australia p. 61, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Chilopsis gen. n. next Chilo, squa- mala sp. n. Peru, Hampson p. 66 T.c. Cirrhocrista annulifera p. 323, xan~ thographa, diploschalis, D’Entrecas- teaux islds. convoluta Gold Coast, p. 324, bifurcalis Formosa etc., primulina New Guinea, p. 326, aurantialis Am- boyna p. 326, spp. n., Hampson T.c. Coenotalis gen. n. near Gadira, distictalis sp. n. Nigeria, Hampson p. 162 T.c Coniesta gen. n. type Chilo araealis H., undilinealis p. 640, rufifusalis p. 641, spp. n. E. Africa, Hampson T.c. Conocmmbus gen. n., atrimictellus Now Guinea, calamosiis Transvaal, p. 443, obliqua Brazil p. 444, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. Conotalis gen. n. near Talis p. 150 type Charltona aurantijascia H., nigris- quamalis sp. n. S. Africa, Hampson Ann. hat. Hist. 4. Crambus mediofasciellits Armenia p. 297 pi. XXV f. 3,6 rioniellus Istria p. p. 298 figs. 4 and 5, leucaniellus Akbes p. 299, steppicolellus Orenburg p. 300, cupriacellus Armenia p. 301, spp. n. pertellus aurellus and conchellus pseudo- pauperellus subsp. n. p. 301, crat- crellus and cassentiniellus A genitalia figs p, 302, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. — C, spalulellus sp. n. Apennines p. 183 figs., Turati Atti. Soc. ital. 68. — C, mesoscia, diodonta p. 270, niveicostellus, undilineatus, Africa, al- bidorsatus Singapore, p.^280, cuprescens Juan Fernandez, cinereus New Guinea, melanerges Queensland, calamellus, diascia, Paraguay, p. 282, bidentellus Mexico, atristrigellus Jamaica, melano- lepis Peru, p. 283, melaneurus Punjab, minimellus^ Guiana, dichotomellus S. Africa, p. 284, ellipticellus Natal, elongatus Chile, tripartitus Natal, ohalcimerus Basutoland, p. 285, micralis Cuba argenlimaculatis Brazil, reseda (= mignonette Uy.), argyriplagalis Surinam p. 286, tessellatus perdentellus Africa, apicenotatus, p. 287, distictellus Formosa, prodontellus, p. 288, diar- habdellus, microstrigatus, p. 289, Africa, chinostola Alor islds., agraphellus Sey- chelles, monostictus Centr. Africa, argentictiis, p. 290, ruptifascia Mexico, aiireorufus Brazil, brachiiferus C. Africa, p. 291, infradentatus Transvaal p. 292, ocyperas Uganda p. 437, chilianellus Chile, vittiterminellus, mesombrellns, p. 438, peralbellus, argeniicilia, Africa, 192 Inaccta. XII. Insecta. [1910] f utvinotellus Loiiisiade Arch., p. 439, endoxantha Transvaal, leucorhabdon Florissant, mediofasciellus Nairobi, p. 440, atratellus Brazil, argyrostola Natal, neurellus C. Africa, digrammellus Mexico, p. 441, chionoslola Ceylon altered to chionopepla op. cit. 4 p. 307, hrunneisquamaius C. Africa, albira- di(dis Brazil, p. 442, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist. 3. — G. meristes sp. n. N. Zealand p. 351, Meyrigk Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51. — G. alienellus p. 126, mo'ensis, ranenensis, p. 127, hemnesensia abb. n. Norway, Strand Nyt Mag. 56 1919. Gremnophila f pyrauatdla sp. n. Thian-Sclian p. 317, pi. xxv f. 18, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Guba gen. n. Phycitinae, furculella sp. n. Cuba, p. 50 Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Gulladia albimedialis Queensland, irroralia E. Africa, p. 276, dentilinealis Simla, sinuimargo Pretoria, innotalis China p. 277, spp. n„ Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Gybolomia falvomixlalia sp. n. ]\Iargelan p. 328 pi. xxvi f. 36, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Diatraea obliqualis Argentina, cash- mirensis Kashmir, ustalis Cachar, p. 543, davalis Ceylon, endotherrnalis Peru, calamina Punjab, p. 544, diaperalis Bhutan, louisiadalis St. Aignan, luni- linealis Ceylon, ignefusalis Nigeria, p. 545, hntintrialis Argentina, al- bivenalia Gambia, metaphacalis Trans- vaal, p. 546, subterminalis Uganda, ochrileucalis Queensland, rufistrigalis C. Africa, p. 547, spp. n., Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 3 ; and in Vol. 4, flavilinealis, per^mlverea p. 63, argy- rolepia, mesoplagalis, p. 64, argenlia- parsalis, perfusalis, costifusalis, p. 55, Africa, spp. n. Dioryclria sysstratiotea Guatemala, majorella Mexico p. 43, drucei Mexico p. 44 spp. n., Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. — D. abietella, larval habits. Smart p. 21 Entom. 52 ; T.c, Adkin p. 41, Diploialis gen. n. p. 151 near Gharl- tona, metallescens sp, n. Nigeria p. 152, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Diptychophora natalensis Estcourt, minimalis Sierra Leone p. 444, argen- licilia Jamaica p. 445, spp. n., H ampson Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Diacopalpia ragonoH sp. n. Guatemala p. 44, Dyar Insec. inscit, 7. Donacaula pulverea sp. n. Natal p. 323, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Doratopems fulvescens p. 61, xantho- thenna p. 62, spp. n. Peru, Hampson T.c. Drescomopsis gen. n. p. 61 Phycitinae, aubelisa sp. n. Guatemala ji. 62, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Dysodia acrotoma sp. n. Mexico p. 83, Dyar T.c. Elaarnopalpua puer sp. n. Cuba p. 53, Dyar T.c. Elophila fulicalia, larval respiration, Lloyd p. 263 pi. xxv J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Endotricha anpingia sp. n. Formosa p. 55, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. Endotrichodea gen. n. p. 312 Siginae margaritifera sp. n. New Guinea p. 313, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Entmemacornia gen. n. p. 67 Phy- citinae, proselytes sp. n. Guatemala ji. 58, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Ephestia kuehniella, life-history, Wadsworth Ann. appl. Biol. 6 pp. 203-206. Epischnia ? Irifidella sp. n. Turkestan p. 310 pi. xxv f. 10, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Epizonora and allies, Zerny p. 322 Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Erupa plumbealis puncticilialis, digrammica, p. 536, schoenobina, uni- punctalis, arenalis, p. 537, carnealis p. 638, spp. n. Amer. mer., Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Eschata irrorata sp. n. Assam p. 61, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Eucampyla oconequensia sp. n. Feru p. 60, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Eudorina semifascia, diffusa p. 455, triangulifera, leucoselene. New Guinea, acellata Batchian, p. 456, leucosticta New Guinea p. 533, spp. n., Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 3. ' Eufernaldia micralis sp. n. Jamaica p. 278, Hampson T.c. Eurythmia santiagella sp. n. Cuba p. 62, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. 193 Insecta. SySTRM ATIG. — LEPIDOt*TERA — PyUALIDAE, ThYRIDIDAE. Euzophera ticitoa, cume, laura, p. 66, gaiSj glabrella, p. 67, Guatemala, perangusta Trinidad p. 67, spp. n., JDyaii T.c. Evergestis heliacalis sp. n. Djarkent p. 326 pi. xxvi f. 26, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Exodesis gen. n. p. 313 Siginae, vaterfieldi sp. n. Sudan p. 314, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Fundella eucasis Venezuela, argentina Tucuman, spp. n. p. 40, Dyar Insec. insoit. 7. Galleriidae ; taxonomy, Joannis p. 105 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Hercidia nannodes var. n. fornwsibia p. 60, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. II eterogr aphis rufomixldla sp. n. Ferghana p. 307 pi. xxv f. 9, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Homalopalpia paramnsis sp. n. Brazil p. 49, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Homoeosoma siciliella sp. n. Sicily p. 306 pi. xxv f. 7, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. — H. cubella sp. n. Cuba p. 62, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Hyalospila ptychis sp. n. Cuba p. 49, Dyar T.c. Hypiesta gen. n. next Erupa, arg- yrogramma, p. 638, flavirufalis p. 639, spp. n, 10. Africa, Hampson Ami. nat. Hist. 8. Hypsipyla robusta, life history, pp. 146-216, 13 pis., Beeson Ind. Forest Rec. 7. Ilypsopygia costalis syriaca subsp. n. p. 321 pi. xxvi f. 22, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Leucargyra xanthoceps sp. n. Peru p. 61, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Loxostege elutalis sp. n. Chinese Turkestan p. 328 pi. xxvi f. 27, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Loxostegopsis phaeopasta sp. n. Arizona p. 326, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Macalla derogatella var. n. formosibia p. 60, M. {Parasarama) marganta var. n. shisana p. 61, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. Mastigophorus bilineata sp. n. For- mosa p. 267, WiLEMAN & South Entom. 52. (n-13799 j) Q Megarthria cervicalis sp. n. Cuba p. 42, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Melissobluptes curvicosiellus Uralsk p. 299 p. xxv f. 1, inurciellus Spain p. 296 f. 2, spp. n., Zerny Ann. Hofmus, Wien 28 1914. Mescinia bacerella Cuba p. 69, pandessa, imperfecta, Guatemala p. 60, spp. n., Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Mesolia albimaculalis Nigeria p. 62, presidialis, diaperalis, Mexico p. 63* jamaicensis p. 64, spp. n,, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Myelois quadripunctella pi. xxv f. 20, aeneella, spp. n., Syria p. 379, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. — M. palpalis sp. n. Guatemala p. 40, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Neargyria persimilis sp. n. D’Entre- casteaux islds. p. 276, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Neerupa gen. n. Crambinae, bene* punctalis pp. 278-279 spp. n. Colombia, Hampson T.c. Neobanepa gdn. n. p. 310 Siginae, aglossodes sp. n. Peru p. 311, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Neoschoenobia decoloralis sp. n. N. China p. 309, Hampson T.c. Nephopteryx ? ferrugindla sp. n, Ural p. 316 pi. xxv f. 17, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. — N. ochridor- salis sp. n. Formosa p. 267, Wileman & South Entom. 52. — N. bisra n. Mexico p. 61, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Niphopyralis chionesis Queensland, discipunctalis Louisiade islds., spp. n. p. 307, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Noctiielia vespertalis abb. n. sor- didalis and gilvalis pi. xxvi f. 42, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Nymphula dejinitalis p. 61, uxorialis p. 102, spp. n. Formosa, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. Nymphulodes gen. n. p. 311 typo Nymphula franciscalis Schaus, Hamp- son Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Obtusipalpis brunneata, fusipartalis, p. 314, albidalis p. 316, spp, n. W. Africa, Hampson T.c. Oligosiigma catadystalis, hapilastale, p. 106, aulacodealis p. 106, spp. n. Formosa, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. C 17 194 Inseeta. XII. Inseeta. [1919] Olyca nephelepasa Mexico, asthe- nosoma French Guiana, spp. n. p. 66, Dyab Insec. inscit. 7. Ommatopteryx discopis Transvaal, corsicalis Vizzavona, p. 534, micralis, brunnealis, Philippines, delicatalis C. Africa, p. 636, spp. ii., Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Orthaya ? edetalis sp. n, Formosa p. 52, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. Ozamia clarefacta sp. n. Mexico p. 55> Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Parancyla gen. n. near JSurattha, argyrothysana sp. n. Centr. Africa p. C7, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Paratraea gen. n. near Diatraea, plumbipicta Nigeria p. 542, grisei- fasciata Tran.svaal p. 643, spp. n., Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Parerupa gen. n. near Erupa, diagonnlis sp. n. E. Africa, Hampson T.o. p. 639. Palissa f idvipunctalis Uganda p. 316, Stenojderalis Queensland, rubrilinealis, alrilinealis, ruJUinctalis, geminalis, p. 316, monostidzalis, fulvicepsalis Africa, ochreipalpalis Comoro islds., atricos- talis Queensland, ochroalis Surinam, p. 317, fractilinealis E. Africa p. 318, spp. n., Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Patissodes gen. n. Sigmae, fulvino- tata sp. n. Singapore, Hampson p. 309 T.c. Phlyctaenodes, composition, Zerny p. 327 Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Phycita griseofusa p. 267, taiivanella p. 268, spp. n. Formosa, Wileman & South Entom. 52. Physematia concordalis var. n. de- iloralis Formosa p. 132, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. Pinipealis horneana sp. n. Cuba p. 43, Dyar Insco. inscit. 7. Pionea russispersalis Tian-Schan pi. xxvi f. 37, aJlfinialis Sajan mts. f. 38, spp. n. p. 332, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. — P. costiplaga sp. n. Colombia p. 54, Dognin Mem. Soo. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Platytesis gen. n. p. 308 Siginae, semifurva sp. n. Siam p, 309, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Plodia dolorosa sp. n. Guatemala p. 63, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Pococera nigrilunahs sp. n. Guiana p. 63, Dognin Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Poujadia chejelis sp. n. Guatemala ' p. 63, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Prionopteryx sinensis Chang-Yang, brevivittalis Transvaal, p. 64, meso- zonalis Argentina, albirufalis Sudan, p. 65, rubricalis, microdontalis W. Africa, p. 66, spp. n., Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Prionotalis gen. n. near Gharltona p. 152, peracutella sp. n. Africa p. 153, Hampson T.c. Prismopoda xanthozona, fratella French Guiana, apocerastes Costa Rica, spp. n. p. 45, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Procandiope gen. n. p. 50 Phycitinae mamella sp. n. Panama p. 51, Dyar T.c. Prosmixia (to replace Talis) radialis, discilunalis, Australia p. 147, pdum- bealia, albimac alalia, jlavipara, p. 148, albofascialia, molybdella, albiceps, p. 149, argenteacena S. Africa, albescens Nairobi, p. 160, spp. n., Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Pseudodivona cispha p. 53, sanla- maria Central Africa, carabayella Peru, p. 54, spp. n., Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Ptochostola metascotiella sp. n. Capo Colony p. 276, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Pyralis narynensia sp. n. Chinese Turkestan p. 321 pi. xxvi f. 25, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914.— P. anpingialis p. 56, pupalis p. 57, spp. n., Formosa, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. Pyrausta funeralis sp. n. Ferghana p. 333 pi. xxvi f. 39, aerealis subspp. n. cinnamonalia and glaucalis p. 334, aualriacalis subs])p. n. altaica, juldu- aalis and plumbalis p. 335, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. — P. ainsliei sp. n, U.S. p. 175, nubilalis genitalia, larva and pupa p. 173, pis., Heinrich J. Agric. Res. 18. — P. nubilalis and penitalis, pupae, figs., Mosher p. 386 J. econ. Ent. 12. — P. nubilalis, parasites, Vuillet p. 308 Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1919. Rampylla gen. n. Phycitinae, orio sp. n. Mexico p. 84, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. 195 Insecta. Systematic. — LepidopterA— TortrioidAe, Rehnis yddiopsis sp. n, Cuba p. 58, Dyar T.c. Rhodoneura scardialis sp. n. Tangan- yika p. 280 pi. xxiii f. 60, Rebel Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Rhodophaea getuliella sp, n. Sicily p. 318 pi. XXV f. 19, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. — R. extrincica sp. n. Cuba p. 41, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Salebria rosella pi. xxv f. 14, lactella f. 15, p. 312, Chinese Turkestan, obliguifasciella Djarkent f. 16, S. ? tcuschkella Afghanistan f. 12, p. 313, atritorella f. 13 p. 314 Syr-Darja, spp. n., Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Schoenerupa gen. n. Siginae, ther> mantis sp. n. Ecuador, Hampson p. 312 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Schoenobius pyraustalis Argentina* rufalis E. Africa, p. 320, ignitalisi attenuata, S. Africa, micralis China, semifuscalis Argentina, p. 321, pul- verealis Paraguay, fulvitinctalis IPhilip- pines, phaeopastalis Transvaal p. 322, ochritinctalis Sierra Leone p. 323, spp. n., Hampson T.c. Scoparia ; figures pi. xxvi, Zerny pp. 324-326 Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. — S. promiscua sp. n. Formosa p. 208, WiLEMAN & South Entom. 52. — S. illota sp. n. New Zealand p. 224, Philpott Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51. Stemmatophora oranalis sp. n. Al- geria p. 322 pi. xxvi figs. 23 and 24, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Stenia spodinopa form n. spodino- pella p. 130, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. Slenocalama gen. n. Siginae, ochrotis sp. n. Uganda, Hampson p. 308 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Stericta shisalis sp. n. Formosa p. 53, yamatonis nom. n. for olivalis Wileman p. 64, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. Stiphrometasia gen. n. for Botys monialis Ersch., ZernY p. 331 Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Strepliomescinia gen. n. PhijcUinae, schaiisella sp. n. Cuba p. 60, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7 Styphlolepsis leucosticta W. Australia sp. n. p. 318, Hampson Ann. nat. Hist. 4. (N-13799j)Q Surattha africalis p. 67* soudanensis, Sudan, selenalis Abyssinia, p. 68, rubrifusalia, phaeomesa, E. Africa p. 137, diffusilinea N.S. Wales, albicostalia Madras, p. 138, endoleuca Palestine, arenalis Punjab, p. 139, ochrifasciata E. Africa p. 140, spp. n., Hampson T.o. Sylepta illuatralia, albifurcalia Colom- bia, spp. n. p. 53, Doqnin M6m. Soo. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Symphonia secunda sp. n. Formosa p. 104, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. Tanaphyaa [should be Tanaophyaa] adornatalia, natural history, Luedbr- waldt p. 461 Rev. Mus. Paulista 11 pi. Tatobotya depalpalis sp. n. Formosa p. 130, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. Tegostoma ruptilineale Armenia p. 336 pi. xxvi f. 40, quadridentale Ferghana p. 337 f. 41, spp. n. Zerny Ann.Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Thaumatopais idion sp. n, Mexico p. 85, Dyar Inseo. inscit. 7. Titanio anguatipennia pi. xxvi f. 34, inconspicualia f. 36, spp. n. Tian-Schan p. 330, Zerny Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Tlascala infinitella sp. n. Mexico p. 62, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Topeutia — (Scirpophaga) rhodoproc- talis Singapore, jlavidorsalia Bhutan, brunnealis Burma, iermipunctalia C. Africa, p. 319, irrorata Brazil p. 320, spp. n., Hampson Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Triphassa proboscidalis sp. n, For- mosa p. 58, Strand Ent. Mitt. 8. Vitula macropaaa sp. n. Guatemala p. 61, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Zamagiria maaculimia, deia, p. 46, atriella, pogerythrus, Guatemala, ipse- tona Costa Rica, p. 47, hospitabilia Cuba p. 48, spp. n., Dyar T.c. Pterophoridae. Platyptilia pica, in Scotland, Dur- RANT p. vi P. ent. Soc. London 1919. Tortricidae. Notes on Guenee’s species, made from examination of his collection ; JoANNis pp. 3-18 Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. C 17—2 196 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Function of anal comb, Frost p. 446 figs. J. econ. Ent. 12. Acalla reticulata, Turner pp. 158- 164 Ent. Rcc. 31. Argyro'ploce consanguinana, life-his- tory, Sanders & Dustan pp. 37-39 Bull. I)ep. Agrio. Canada 16. Cacoecia rosana, life-history, Sanders & Dustan pp. 30-33 Bull. Dep. Agric. Canada 16. Carpocapsa pomonella, control, pp. 17-51 pis. i-ii, Felt New York State Mus. Bull. 198 1918. Eulia pinaturbana, life-history, Hart- ZELL pp. 233-237 J. econ. Ent. 12. Grapholitha spp., life-histories of, in Nova Scotia, Sanders & Dustan Bull. Dep. Agric. Canada 17 29 pp. Homona cojfearia, Jardine p. 191 Spolia zeylan. 11. Pammene lobarczewshii zelleri subsp. n. habits, Schulze p. 376 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1918. Peronea maccana, lipsiana, rufana, schalleriana, early stages, Sheldon pp. 252-255 271-274 Entom. 52. Plethreutea cyanana genitalia fig. 1, approximana sp. n. New York, genitalia fig. 2, pp. 65, 66, pi. i, Heinrich Insec. jnscit. 7. Tmetocera ocellana, life-history, San- der's & Dustan Bull. Dep. Agric. Canada 16 pp. 25-29. Tortricodes vide Noctuidae. Tortrix inusitata sp. n. New Zealand p. 225, PiilLPOTT Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51. — 2\ antichroa sp. n. N. Zealand p. 351, Meyrick Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51. Tineidae (inch Micropterygidae, Prototheoridae). A jumping cocoon from S. Africa [vide etiam JScyrotis], Vanhopfen pp. 376-380 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916. Micropterygidae ; morphology and texonomy of, Tillyard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44 pp. 95-136 pi. iii. Wing-coupling in Micropterygidae, Tillyard p. 168 Ent. News 80. The use of the term larva, Ed. p. 265 Ent. News 30. Acompsia vinolenta sp. n. Bombay p. 235, Meyrick Exot. Microlep. 2. Acrocercops angelica Seychelles p. 230, phaeomorpha, helicopa, leucophaea, p. 231, polyclasta p. 232, spp. n. India, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Acrolepia marmaropis, elaphrodes, p. 226, jaspidata, poliopis, bythodes, xi. 227, syrphacopis p. 228, spp. n., Amer. mer., Meyrick T.c. Acrolophua anathyrsa, perissarcha, Guiana p. 278, acanthogona Texas, exaphrista Florida, opathista, p. 279, manticodes, thaminodes, Amer. mer., carpkologa Iowa, p. 280, leucallactis Arizona p. 281, spp. n., Meyrick T.c. Agoraula gen. n. Tineidae, aspera sp. n. Burma, Meyrick p. 242 T.c. Alloclita delozona sp. n. Bombay p. 238, Meyrick T.c. Amaurogramma gen. n. p. 261 near Chrysopeleia, extensa sp. n. California p. 262, Braun Ent. News 30. Anacanipsis, includes Compsolechia and Agriastis, Busck p. 96 Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Anomoses representative of a new family Anomosetidae, Tillyard p. 649 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Anypoptus gen. n. Heliodinidae for Sphecia tricolor Rothsch., Durrant p. 120 Nov. zool. 26. Apothetodes gen. n. near Limnoecia, dialectica sp. n. Bombay, Meyrick p. 233 Exot. Microlep. 2. Archyala halosparta sp. n. New Zea- land p. 354, Meyrick Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51. Argyresthia nymphoconia sp. n. On- tario p. 234, Meyrick Exot. Microlep. 2. Aristotelia aletris sp. n. Sicily ]i. 10, Walsinqham Ent. Rec. 31. — A. fraga- riae sp. n. Brit. Columbia p. 52, Busck P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Asyndetaula gen. n. }). 261 near Mallobathra, vagula sp. n. Assam p. 262, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Atasthalistis hieropla sp. n. Fiji x>. 235, Meyrick T.c. Atychia jlavescens sp. n. Apennines p. 187, Turati Atti Soc. ital. 58. 197 Insecta. Systematic. — Lepidoptera — Tineidae. Bathraula gen. n. p. 237 type Simula- eltla Walk., Meyrick Exot. Microlep. 2. Bathroxena nom. n. for Pelates Dietz, Meyrick p. 243 T.c. Borkhausenia subarctica sp. n. Norway p. 124, Strand Nyt Mag. 56. — B. anco- gramma sp. n. N. Zealand p. 362, Meyrick Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51. Bythocrates gen. n. near Scardia, drosocycla sp. n. Brit. Guiana, p. 268, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Bucculatrix oncota India, acrogramma Queensland, locuphs, p. 287, cuneigera, copeuta, p. 288, Ontario, spp. n., Mey- rick T.c, — B. althacae sp. n. California p. 109, Busck Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Cerostoma hydraea sp. n. Peru p. 228, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2, — C., variation, Sioit pp. 15“2l P.8. London ont. Soo. 1918-19. Cibdcloses gen. n, Hemerophilidae p. 121, dolopis sp. n. Assam p. 122, Dur- rant Nov. zool. 26. Coleophora laricella, Fernald p. 264 Canad. Ent. 51. — C. apicella p. 109, polemoniella p. 127, ericoides p. 128, amaranthella p. 129, granifera p. 130, spp. n. U.S., viburniella Cl. p. 110, cretaticostella Cl. p. Ill, Braun Ent. News 30. Cosmopteryx chrysocrates p. 232, dul- civora p. 233, spp. n. Fiji, Meyrick Exot, Microlep, 2. — G. hermodora Mani- toba, magophila Carolina, isoteles Aus- tralia, p. 282, ancalodes, calypso, Assam p. 283, plesiasta India p. 284, spp. n., Meyrick T.c. — G. opulenta sp. n. California p. 260, Braun Ent. News 30. Granaodes gen. n. p. 238 near Scardia, stereopa sp. n. Colombia p. 239, Meyrick Exot. Microlep. 2. ♦ Gryptophdga rubescens, pupa, p. xiv pi. A, Eltrincham P. ent. Soc. London 1919. Gtenocompa phthonera Assam, cap- noscia Ceylon, p. 263, aphanodes, ad- versa, farinosa, micropsycha, India p. 264, antibola, fiexaspila, Ceylon p. 265, spp. n., Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Gyanauges gen. n. for part of Incur - varia type cyanella Busck, Braun p. 24 Ohio J. Sci. 20. Gyathaula inophora sp. n. New Guinea p. 254, Meyrick Exot. Microlep. 2. Dasmophora gen. n. near Scardia, xerospila sp. n. Guiana, Meyrick p. 268 T.c. Demobrotis ocymorpka & hemiphara to Oxylychna, D. incincta p. 252 India, isoploca Port Darwin, alludens, lampro- deta, p. 253, petrologa, alvearis, p. 264, Ceylon, spp. n., Meyrick p. 249 T.c. Depressaria, ecological relations, Traver Psyche 26 pp. 73-80. Diataga compsacma sp. n. Bartica p. 270, Merrick Exot. Microlep. 2. Dichomeris leucothida sp. n. Bombay p. 235, Meyrick T.c. Diplodoma peregrina sp. n. Assam p. 262, Meyrick T.c. Dolophrosyne gen. n. Heliodinidae p. 120, balteata Sp. n. Qnoonsland p. 121, Durrant Nov. zool. 26. Drymalastis clausa sp. n. Ceylon p, 242, Meyrick Exot. Microlop. 2, Dysoptus tantalota sp. n. Brit. Guiana p. 267, Meyrick T.c. Elachista ranenensis sp. n. ? Norway p. 123, Strand Nyt Mag. 56 1919. • Ephedroxena gen. n, near Tiquadra, incisoria sp. n. Brit. Guiana, p. 277, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. ' Erecthias externella, monastra is the female of, Meyrick p. 353 Tr. N. Zealand Inst. 51. Euclemensia bassettella, economy, Hollinoer & Parks pp. 91-100 pi. v Ent. News 30. Eucrotala tetracola sp. n. Bombay p. 267, Meyrick Exot. Microlep. 2. Eumasia crypsiphila Ceylon, exoria Bengal, spp. n., p. 261, Meyrick T.c. Exanthicd referred to Tineidae near Pseudurgis, Meyrick p. 261 Exot. Micr. 2. Exoncotis gen. n. near Scardia, i?icre- pans sp. n. Guiana, Meyrick p. 269 T.c. Gelechia hibiscella, early stages, Weiss & Dickerson pp. 53-56 J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Hapalothyma gen. n. near Buccula- trix, xanthocorda sp. n., Meyrick p. 288 Exot. Micr. 2. 198 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. Hapsifera ignobilis sp. n. Nairobi p. 259, Meyriok T.c. Harmotona gen. n. Tineidae, diplo- chorda sp. n. Coorg, Meyriok p. 255 T.c. Helice Oh. = {Theison Ch.), p. 261- 263 figs., Braun Canad. Ent. 51. Hepialus vide Bombyces p. 183. Homosetia aricyropis, anaphrictis, tephropis, p. 251, scandalitis, coamopa, Guiana, iambica Colombia, p. 252, spp. n., Meyriok Exot. Microlep. 2. Jlybroma crocorrhoa p. 240, anti- CQsma, pegaeat zacharis, p. 241, spp. n., Ainer. mer., Meyriok T.c. Hypsilophus vittella ab. n. fissella p. 16, radiatella ab. n. aspersa p. 17, Sioh P.S. London ent. Soc. 1918-19. Irenicodes gen. n. Diplosaridae, eury- chora sp. n. New Zealand, Meyriok p. 352 Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51. Ithome, characters, Braun p. 262 Ent. News 30. Lampronia symmeles sp. n. Colombia p. 281, Meyriok Exot. Micr. 2. Latypica rhicnopa Bombay, constrata, retiaria, Ceylon, spp. n., Meyriok p. 258 T.c. Lecithocera acolasta, praeses, spp. n., India p. 236, Meyriok T.c. Leptochersa gen. n. near DeniobroHa, diarthra sp. n. Bartioa, Meyriok p. 272 T.c. Limnoecia tyriarcha sp. n. Bombay p. 234, Meyriok T.c. — L. eristica sp. n. Queensland p. 286, Meyriok Exot. Microlep. 2. Lithocollelis norvegicella sp. n. Norway p. 121 Strand Nyt Mag. 56. — L. penta- desma sp. n. Java p. 230, Meyriok Exot. Micr. 2. — L. fragilella, life-his- tory, Crosby & Leonard J. econ. Ent. 12 pp. 389-392 figs. Machaeropteris plinthotripta sp. n. Madras p. 257, Meyriok Exot. Micr, 2. Melasina nota p. 265, subacta, phaeo- genes, deposita, p. 266, brachiata, coagu- lata, p. 267, spp. n., India, Meyriok T.c. Metatheora gen. n. Prototheoridae, parachlora sp. n. Natal, Meyriok p. 229 T.c. [1919] Micropteryx corcyrella Corfu, erctella, uxoria, Sicily, spp. n., p. 11, Walsing*- HAM Ent. Rec. 31. ■\ Micropteryx pervelus sp. n. burmese amber p. 193, Cookerell Entom. 52. Monopis halospila Colorado, avara Bombay, p. 239, pseudagyrta Assam p. 240, spp. n., Meyriok Exot. Micr. 2. Myrmecozela coryrnbota Peru p. 269, respersa Florida p. 270, spp. n., Meyriok T.c. Mythoplastis gen. n. near Tiquadra, exanthes sp. n. Guiana, p. 277, Meyriok T.c. Narycia scelerata India, plana Congo, p. 262, obserata Ceylon p. 263, spp. n., Meyriok T.c. Neomeristis gen. n. p. 262, type abscensella Walk., Meyriok T.c. Nepticula lucida sp. n. New Zealand p. 225, Philpott Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51. — N. perissopa sp. n. New Zealand p. 354, Meyriok Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51. Oenoe synchorda sp. n. Brit. Guiana p. 249, Meyriok Exot. Micr. 2. Opogona calculata sp. n. Queensland p. 287, micranthes male p. 286, Meyriok T.c. Opsodoca gen. n. p. 270 near Homo- tinea, melrodoxa, amenlata, spp. n., Brit. Guiana p. 271, Meyriok T.c. Orthenches glypharcha sp. n. Now Zealand p. 353, Meyriok Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51. Olochares gen. n. near Choroploca, gypsopa, p. 244, peronacma p. 245, spp. n. Guiana, Meyriok Exot. Micro- lep. 2. Otonoma leucA)chlaena sp. n. Queens- land p. 285, Meyriok T.c. Oxylychna clinocosma p. 249, leuco- sticha, cosmozona, Ceylon, chilota Coorg, p. 250, spp. n., Meyriok T.c. Pancalia leuwenhoekella, attitude, Meyriok p. 160 Ent. Mag. 55. Parameristis gen. n. p. 256 near Machaeropteris, eremaea sp. n. Ceylon p. 257, Meyriok Exot. Microlep. 2. Paraxenistis gen. n, near Plutella, macrostoma, sphenospila, spp. n. Coim- batore, Meyriok p. 225 T.c. 199 Insecta. Systematic. — Lbpidoptbra — Tinbidab. Pectinojyhora gossyinella, natural his- tory, OouoH p. 279 etc. pi. xviii Bull, ent. Res. 9. Periacma plunibea sp. n. Kumaon p. 238, Meyrick Exot. Microlep. 2. Perimede falcata sp. n. U.S. p. 263, Braun Ent. News 30. Periploca gen. n. Cosmopterygidae, purpuriella sp. n. California, Braun p. 261 T.c. Phthorimaea axenopis n.n. for Onori- mmcliema nrtemisidla Kcarf., Meyrick p. 234 Exot. Micr. 2. Placoptila ariionoma sp. n. New Guinea p. 284, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Plalyedra and Pectinojjhora, Busck p. 94 Fr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Prays endocarpa sp. n. Java p. 234, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Promalndis ritficolor sp. n, Madras p. 237, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Prosplocamis gen. n. near Pachypsalis typo Melasina apracta M., Meyrick p. 256 T.c. Prototheora, amended characters, Meyrick p. 229 T.c. — P., wing- nervuration p. 647 fig., relation with Anomoses, Tilly ard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Poacaphora metallifera, Braun p. 264 Ent. News 30. Psephocrita gen. n. near Tiqmdra, melanodoxa sp. n. Guiana, Meyrick p. 255 Exot. Microlep. 2. Schijfermuelleria rostrigera sp. n. Ontario p. 237, Meyrick T.c. Sciomystis gen. n. Tineidae, amynias sp. n. India, Meyrick p. 243 T.c. Scleropasta gen. n. near Monopia type liberiella Z., Meyrick p. 239 T.c. Scyrotis athleta, jumping cocoon, Vanhoffen p. 509 S.B. Ges. naturf, Fr. Berlin 1917. Sitotroga cerealella, at Kew, Fryer p. 207 Ann. appl. Biol. 6. ' Siagmalopliorn autotoma sp, n. Sydney p. 284, Meyrick Exot. Microlep. 2. Stemagoris cnniculata sp. n, Coorg p. 242, Meyrick T.c. Stenoma catenifer, habits, larva, Busck p. 125 Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Stomopteryx and Aproaeretna, status, Busck p. 96 Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Stryphnodes gen. n. near Hapsifera, styracopa sp. n. Ceylon, p. 259, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Syntomactia valida sp. n. Queensland p. 286, Meyrick T.c. Syrmologa gen. n. p. 243 Tineidae^ hucoclistra sp. n. Colombia p. 244, Meyrick T.c. Syrmologa thriophora, cheraopa, aper- matias, spp. n., Guiana p. 273, Meyrick T.c. Talaeporia scoriola var. = {globulosa M. ), Meyrick p. 354 Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51. Themcliotia inexphla sp. n. Ceylon p. 260, Meyrick Exot. Microlep. 2. Timyra rhizophora sp. n. Madras p. 236, Meyrick T.c. Tinea irritata Kumaon, cerinopa Ceylon, p. 245, insignata Assam, meso- placa Madras, cherota Nilgiris, p. 246, atriflua, tylodes, Ontario, catalytica, p. 247, aequens, analytica, delotoma, p. 248, conchylitia p. 249, Amer. mer., spp. n., Meyrick T.c. — T. extracta, ocymora, deapecta, praeumbrata, p. 274, borboro- pia, chloroceroa, p. 275, spp. n., Amer. mer., Meyrick T.c. — T. aphenocoama sp. n. N. Zealand p. 353, Meyrick Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51. — cloacella, early stages, Weiss p. 251 Ent. News 30. Tineola acotangela sp. n. Bombay p. 245, Meyrick Exot. Microlep. 2. — • T. biaelliella, larvae and pupae, Smulyan Psyche 26 pp. 71-73. Tiqnudra drapetica, pontifica, nuci- fraga, spp. n., Amer. mer. p. 276, Meyrick Exot. Microlep. 2. Trichophaga tapetiella, food, Willem p. 209 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. Trithamnora leptacma Assam, ere- bantha Brit. Guiana, spp. n., p. 260, Meyrick Exot. Micr. 2. Typhogenea gen. n. for Epaleuca paapharota M., Meyrick p. 256 T.c. Xyatrologa gen. n. p. 271 near Leuco^ mele, invidioaa, f nlvicolor, spp. n., Amer. mer. p. 272, Meyrick T.c. Zymologa gen. n. near Tinea, myli- copa sp. n. Colombia, Meyrick p. 275 T.c. 200 Insecta, XII. Insecta. [1919] TRICHOPTERA. The wing-norvuration,' Tillyaud p. 624-629 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Systematic annoted catalogue of african Trichoptera, Lest age pp. 251- 335 Rev. zool. afric. 6. — Notes and corrections ; Lestage p. 130-135 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59. Literature list, 1910-1914, Ulmer Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 15 p. 53-56 and 121-128. Adicella noguerand sp. n. Spain p. 30 f. 6, Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 15 No. 5. Anabolia emarginata sp. n. Alaska p. 4b, fig.. Banks Rep. Canad. Arctic exp. 3 1918 '\Aristopsyche gen. n. p. 200 Mesopsy- chidae, superba sp. n. 'Queensland mesozoic p. 202, fig., Tilly ard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Brachycentrus aervatus sp. n. Portugal p. 18, Navas Broteria 16 1918. — B. nigriaoma, habits, larva, Murphy pp. 154-158 pi. xviii J. New York ent, Soc. 27. Dipseudopsis simplex, the calcar, Lestage p. 331 Rev. zool. afric. 6. — D. schoutedeni sp. n. Congo p. 196, figs., I^estage T.c. Halesus productus p. 11, laureatus p. 12, spp. n. Spain, figs. NavAs Broteria 16 1918. Limnephilus harrwiani, female ?, Banks p. 4b fig. 4 Rep. Canad. Arctic exp, 3b. Liihax anceps sp. n. Spain p. 17, Navas Broteria 16 1918. Macronema fragilis, picteli pi. xxviii f. 9, spp. n. British Guiana p. 631, Banks Philadelphia, Proc. Acad. 66 1915. Micrasema vestitum sp. n. Spain p. 19, Navas Broteria 16 1918. Micropterna bofilli sp. n. Spain p. 26, fig., Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 15 No. 5. Neurocentropus gen. n. near Polycen- tropus, vernus sp. n, Zaragoza p. 16, Navas Broteria 16 1918. '\Neuropsyche gen. n. ti. 203 Meso- psycMdae, elongata sp. n. triassio Queensland p. 204 fig., Tilly aud P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Oecetina parishi sp. n. British Guiana p. 631, Banks Philadelphia Proc. Acad. 66 1915. Oecetis fasciata sp. n. Congo p. 200, fig., Lestage Rev. zool. afric. 6. '\Paratrichoptera n. order for the fam. Mesopychidae, Tillyard p. 199 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Phylloicus brevior sp. n. British Guiana p. 632 pi. xxviii ff. 2, 4, Banks Philadelphia, Proc. Acad. 66 1915. Pseudagapetus serotinus sp. n. Spain p. 31 fig. 7, Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 15 No. 5. Rhyacophila laufferi p. 7, viduata p. 8, chesa p. 9, spp. n. Spain, figs., Navas Broteria 16 1918. Sericoatoma fopanum sp. n. Spain p. 27, fig. 5, Navas Mem. Ac. Baroolona 15 No. 5. — S. medium var. n. parallela, Navas p. 19 Broteria 16 1918, Setodellina gen. n. near Pseudose^ lodes, albopunctata sp. n. Congo, fig., Lestage p. 202 Rev, zool, afric. 6. Stenophylax aculeatus sp. n. Spain p. 25, fig., Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 15 No. 5. Ulmeria gen. n. p. 15 near Hydro- psyche for lepida Piet. & pulla Nav., Navas Broteria 16 1918. NEUROPTERA. Including Panorpatae and Parameooptera. ■^Paramecoptera new order vide Bel- montia. The Panorpoid complex part 3, wing- nervuration, phylogeny, Tillyard pp. 633-718 5 pis. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. 201 Insecta. Systematic.- Help-notes towards the determina- tion and classification of the European Myrmeleonidae, Esben-Petebsen K0- benhavn, Ent. Medd. 12 1918-19 pp. 97- 127 10 pi. 1 fig. Dutch Panorpatae WiLLEMSB Tyd- echr. Ent. 62 pp. 131-156. Psychopsidae, the australian with criticism of classification of Navas ; Tilly ARD P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43 p. 760-786 2 pis. Histology of eyes, AsT Zool. Jahrb. Anat. 41 p. 411-468 8 pis. 1919. Acratoleon gen. n, Myrmeleonidaet flavum sp. n. Solomon Is. p. 620 pi. xxviii f. 6, Banks Philadelphia Proc. Acad. 66 1916. Allochrysa boliviana Bolivia, nigrila- bris Colombia, titan Costa Rica, spp. n., p. 623, Banks T.c. Ameromyia alterna sp. n. Argentina p. 296, NavIs Rev. Ac. Ci. Madrid 17. Archepsychops gen. n. Prohemero- biidae p. 206, triassica sp. n. mesozoic Queensland p. 206 fig., Tilly ard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Ascalaphus hispanicus var. n. fumata Spain p. 48, NavAs BoI. Soc. ent. Espana 2. Austroleon fernariiis p. 293 fig. 3, elongatiis p. 294, antennatua p. 296, spp. n., Argentina, NavXs Rev. Ac. Ci. Madrid 17. Austrosialis gen. n. Megaloptera p. 821, ignicollis sp. n. Tasmania p. 823, figs., Tillyard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. ■\Belmontia gen. n. p. 234 fara. n. Bclmontiidae of the new order Para- mecoptera, milchdli sp. n. pormian N.S.W. p. 236 fig. Tillyard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Burcha sicula sp. n. Taormina p. 336, figs., NavXs Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Chrysocerca mariae sp. n. Guadeloupe p. 109, Lacroix Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Chrysopa bonnini sp. n. Guadeloupe p. 108, Lacroix T.c. — C. ckncranella Argentine, figuralis Peru, p. 626, incalis Peru, asoralis Peru and Colombia, p. 627, hesperina Colombia p. 628, breviata' Ecuador, azygota p. 628, ilota, morota, p. 629, — Necroptrea. Philippines, spp^ ri., Banks Phila- delphia Proc. Acad. 66 1916. — G. lanata var. n. gradata p. 300, thalUna p. 300, graciana p. 301, tucumana p. 302, reedina p. 302, spp. n., Argentina, NavXs Rev. Ac. Ci. Madrid 17.^G. vulgaris var. n. prothoracica p. 62, var. n. apostata p. 63, granatensis var. n, edoana p. 64, formosa var. n. boguniana p. 54, var. n. foedata p. 65, tenella var. n. comana p. 55, Spain, NavXs Bol. Soc. ent. Espana 2. — (7. tenella var. n. continua, genei forma n. pupilla p. 221, Spain, NavXs T.o. — C. vulgaris varr. n. albidella, seriata, perezacostai, moneri and serio, pp. 16-19, viridana var. n. ditata p. 19, flavifrons var. n. arnaloti p. 20, prasina varr. h. selysi p. 21, villosa, geminata, p. 22, pairicia p. 23, Spain, NavXs Mem. Ac. Barcelona 15 No. 6. Colobopterus gallardoi sp. n. Argentina p. 288, fig. 1, NavXs Rev. Ac. Ci. Madrid 17. Creoleon v-nigrum var. n. sub- maculosa Ramb. p. 219, var. n. collina p. 220, Spain, NavXs Bol. Soc. ent. Espaua 2. Euroleon gen. n. type Myrmeleon ewropae w?MacLachlan,EsBEN-PETERSEN p. 125 Ent. Medd. 12. — E. nostras var. n. regia Spain p. 218, NavXs Bol. Soc. ent. Espana 2. Feinerus gen. n. near Formicaleo p. 190, umbratus sp. n. Tonkin p. 191, NavXs Insecta 9. Fillus gen. n. p. 289 Ascalaphidae, brethesi sp. n. p. 292 fig. 2 Argentina, NavXs Rev. Ac. Ci. Madrid 17. Gepus curvatus var. n. tersa p. 168, NavXs Insecta 8. Henierobius fulvus sp. n. Algeria p. 174 figs., NavXs T.c. — H. subnebulosus var. n. lucida Spain p. 222, NavXs Bol. Soc. ent. Espana 2. Heterithone gen. n. p. 428, pallida Australia and Tasmania p. 429 fig., megacerca Australia p. 430 fig., spp. n., Tillyard P. IXnn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Ithonidae ; revision, Tillyard pp. 414-437 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Lesna hungarica p. 333, biroi Crete p. 334, spp. n., NavXs Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. 202 Inaeata, XII. Insecta. [1919] Leucochrysa cinctipes Panama p. 624, apicalis Peru, marginalia Bolivia, p. 625, aubmacula British Guiana, callota Texas, p. 626, spp. n.. Banks Philadelphia Proc. Acad. 66 1915. — L. reedi sp, n. Argentina p. 303, NavIs Rev, Ac. Ci. Madrid 17. M acronemurus pupillus sp. n. Algeria p. 173 figs., NavIs Insecta 8. Megapsychops gen. n. p. 771 type P, illidgei Progg., Tillyard P. Linn, Soc. N.S.W, 43. Myrmecoelurus trigrammua var. n, flava Spain p. 48, Navas Bol. Soc. ent, Espana 2. — M. trigrammua var. n, languida p. 168, Navas Insecta 8. Myrmeleon herioclea North Carolina, darwini S. Australia, spp. n., p, 619, Banks Philadelphia Proc. Acad. 66 1915. Nadiva gen. n, p. 303 Ghryaopidae, pletorica sp. n. p. 304, fig. 6 Argentina, Navas Rev. Ac, Ci. Madrid 17. Naizema gen. n. p. 298 Hemerohiidae, paiagonica sp. n. p. 299 fig. 5 Patagonia, Navas T.c. Nathanica fuloicepa var. n. flavida Spain p. 55, NavIs Bol. Soc. ent. Espana 2. Neleea longipea sp. n. Algeria p. 172 fig., Navas Insecta 8. — N. nemauaienaia var. n. fortunyi Spain p. 15, Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 15 No. 5. Neochauliodea aimplex var, n. guttata p. 193, Navas Insecta 9. Neurhermea tonkinenaia, Navas p. 192 T.c. Neuroleon atriatellua sp. n. Algeria p. 171 figs., Navas Insecta 8. Nohoveua gen. n. p. 169 type Myr- meleon lepidua Kl., aurcoiifi sp, n. Algeria p. 170 figs., Navas T.c. Panorpa communia var. n. unijaaciata, Lucas p. 58 fig. Entomol. 52. Plater gen. n. p. 297 Myrmeleonidae, iniquua sp. n. p. 297 Argentina, Navas Rev. Ac. Ci. Madrid 17. Paychopaella gen. n., gallardi sp. n. N.S.W., Tillyard p. 780 pi. Ixxviii f. 11 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Psychopaia gracilia sp. n. N.S.W. p. 776 pi. ixxviii f. 10, Tillyard T.c. — P. elegana, life-history, Tillyard pp. 787-818 pi. Ixxix T.c. Sialia lutaria, natural history, Les* TAGE pp. 25-40 Ann, Biol, lacustre 9, figs. Stenoaialia gen. n. Megaloptera p, 823, auatralienaia sp. n. Queensland p. 824, fig., Tillyard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. ■\Stereochoriata gen. n. p. 196, Stereo- choriatidae fam. n. of Mecoptera p. 195, fruatrata sp. n. mesozoic Queensland p. 197 fig., Tillyard P, Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Sympherobiua intervenalis sp. n. Colombia, modeatua connexua var. n. Peru, p. 630, Banks Philadelphia Proc. Acad. 66 1915. Syncliaia gen. n. Myrmeleonidae type Acanthacliaia baetica Ramb., Navas Bol, Soc. ent. Espana 2 p. 218. Famia Walk. = (AespraNav.), Till- yard p. 432 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. diptera. Nomenclature of the posterior res- piratory apparatus of Dipteroua larvae, Metcalf Psyche 26 pp. 53-58 pi. 1. Diptera of the Faeroes, see Becker, Engel, Kieffer, Stein, in Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 pp. 95-140 1915. Diptera rare in Denmark or new for the Danish fauna ; Lundbeck Nath. Medd. K0benhavn 70 pp. 227-250. Dipteren aus Archangelsk ; Frey Helsingfors Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 46 No. 2 1918 pp. 1-32. List of the Diptera of Jamaica, Johnson (& Brues) Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 pp. 421-449. Molluscophilous Diptera, Keilin Parasitol. 11 pp. 430-455 4 pis. Sense-organs on antennae and palpi ; Smith P. zool. Soc. London 1919 pp. 31-69 4 pis. & 143 figs. ; Lefroy T.c. pp. 66-68. Dispersion, by flight, Bishopp & Laake p. 210 J. econ. Ent. 12. 203 Inaeota. Systematic. — Diptbra — Ceoidomyiidab. Dipterous mimicry, Melin pp. 239- 294 2 pis. Ent. Tidskr. 40. ,*CoUeoting and preserving Diptcra, Orimsiiaw Scott. Natural. 1919 pp. 55-61 & 151-150. Larvae pupae of Diptcra^ de Meijere Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 40 pp. 177- 322, 11 pis. 1916. The egg-burster of eucephalous larvae, Edwards pp. 372-376 figs. Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Die Schmarotzer der Fliegen, Rudow Ent. Zeitschr. Frankf. 29 p. 1 1915. Parasites, etc., of common flies, Graham-Smith pp. 347-384 Parasitol. 11. Ceoidomyiidab or Itonididae. Revision of the Oligotropharia and Lasiopiemria of Germany ; Rubsaambn pp. 485-507 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Revision of German Asphondylaria ; RObsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916 pp. 1-12. Revision of German Cecidomyiaria^ Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 pp. 57-96. Alycaulus gen. n. near Lasiopiera p. 470 mikaniae sp. n. Peru p. 476 fig., Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Anabremia medicaginis sp. n. Europe p. 65, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Anisostephua gen. n. type belulmum K., Rubsaamen p. 87 T.c. Arthrocnodax coprae sp. n. Luzon p. 291, Felt Philippine J. Sci. 14. Aschistomjx gen. n., carpinicolus sp. n. Europe, Rubsaamen p. 66 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Aspliondylia jaapi sp. n. Europe p. 562, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. — A. pilosa K., Rub- saamen p. 9 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916. — A. rochae sp. n. Brazil p. 08, Tavares Broteria 16 1918. — A. grewiae sp. n. Luzon p. 289, Felt Philippine J. Sci. 14 ; gall, Uiohanco T.c. p. 538. Asieromyia chrysothamni sp. n. Colo- rado p. 214, Felt New York State Mus. Bull. 198 1918. Asynapta borealis, dolens, spp. n. U.S. p. 285, Felt J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Alylodiplosia rumicina sp. n. Spain p. 76, Tavares Broteria 17. Bremia sylvesiris sp. n. U.S, p. 289, Felt J. New York ent. Soo. 27. * Bremia macrofilum sp. n. Mindanao p. 290, Felt Philippine J. Sci. 14. Bremiola gen. n. pp. 491 & 656 for G. ombrychidisBv., Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Camptomyia antennata, dentala, p. 286, pectinata p. 287, spp. n. U.S., Felt J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Camptomyza monticola sp. n. U.S. p. 281, Felt T.c. Caulomyia gen, n. pp. 488 & 658 for P. radidfica R., Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Ceddomyia destructor, duration of pupation, McCollooh pp. 252-266 J. econ. Ent. 12. — C. philippinensis sp. n. Luzon p. 294, Felt Philippine J. Sci. 14. Ceddopliila gen. n. p. 661, artemisiae sp. n. Germany p. 652, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Charidiplosis gen. n, p. 80 near Eudi- plosis, concinna sp. n. Brazil p. 81, figs., Tavares Broteria 16 1918. Clinodiplosis cerricola p. 72, lathyri p. 73, sorbicola, scorzonerae, p. 74, G. ? oleracei p. 75, spp. n. Europe, Rub- saamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Glinorhyncha anthemidis sp. n, Europe p. 661, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Golpodia colei sp. n, Oregon p. 223, Felt Ent, News 30. Gontarinia florum p. 90, geisenheyneri, artemisiae, p. 92, geicola p. 93, inquilina p. 94, variabilis p. 96, spp. n. Europe, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. — G. saltata sp. n. Luzon p. 289, Felt Philippine J. Sci. 14, Goprodiplosis quercus p. 80, hyperici p. 82, marini p. 83, spp. n. Spain, Tavares Broteria 17. Gtenodactylomyia antidesmae sp. n. Luzon p. 287, Felt Philippine J. Sci. 14 (gall, Uichanco l.c. p. 635). 204 Inaecla. Xll. Insecta. tl919] Dactylodiplosis gen n. p. 452, heisteriae sp. n. p. 453 figs., Amer. mer., Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Dasymura dielsi sp. n. W. Australia p. 478, figs., Rubsaamen T.c. — D. auritae p. 406, acuminata p. 511, carda- minicola p. 512, angelicae p. 513, aiellariae p. 514, comosae p. 5 1 5, artemisae p. 516, naslurtii p. 517, D. ? myrtilU p. 518, spp. n. Germany, Rubsaamen T.c. — D. loewiana, spadicea, p. 45, dryophila p. 47, schneideri p. 48, jaapiana p. 50, frangalae p. 51, schulzei p. 55, spp. n. Europe, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. — D. rhodophaga, life history, Sasscer & Borden Bull. U.S. dep. Agric. 778 8 pp. figs. Dialeria gen. n. Lasiopierariae, styracis sp. n. Brazil, Tavares p. 78 ‘figs. Broteria 16 1918. Diarthronomyia Felt = ( Dichelo nyx^R. ), Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915 p. 549, Dicrodiplosis insolens sp. n. U.S. p. 288, Felt J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Dictyomyia gen. n. p. 25 near RJiopa- lomyia, navasina sp. n. Salvador p. 26, and lihopalomyia setubahnsis Tav., Tavares Broteria 17. Didactylomyia robusta sp. n. U.S. p. 282, Felt J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Diodaulus gen. n. type linariae Winn., Rubsaamen p. 87 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Diplolahoncus gen. n. type tumorificus R., Rubsaamen p. 59 T.c. Dolicholabis gen. n. p. 72 near Meunieriella, lantanae sp. n. Brazil p. 73, Tavares Broteria 16 1918. Eudiplosis pulchra sp. n. Brazil p. 31, Tavares T.c. — B. rubiae sp. n. Brazil p. 70, Tavares T.c. Geocrypta hypericina sp. n. Spain p. 41, Tavares Broteria 17. Oephyraulus gen. n. pp. 490 and 542 type raphanislri K., Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Qiraudiella gen. n. pp. 489 and 601 for Cecidomyia inclusa Fr., Rubsaamen T.c. Gisonobasis gen. n. near Asphondylia, struthanthi, p. 432, tournefortiae p. 433, spp. n. Amer. mer., Rubsaamen T.c. — G. ignorata sp. n. Portugal p. 9, Ri^B- saambn S.B. Gos. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916. Harmandia populi sp. n. Europe p. 82, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Hdicomyia gen. n. pp. 489 & 522, for R. saliciperda Duf. & pierrei K., Rub- saamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Holoneurus inflatus sp. n. U.S. p. 287, Felt J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Haplodiploais equestris var. n. incerta, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 p. 60. Haplopalpus gen. n. p. 471 Brachy- neuraria, serjaneae sp. u. Peru p. 473 fig., Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Hormosomyia gen. n. n&uv Porricon- dyla, oregonensis sp. n., Felt p. 220 Ent. News 80. Hybolasioptera gen. n. p. 560 for Z-. cerealis, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. ■ Hyperdiplosis insolens sp. n. U.S. p. 291, Felt J. New York ent. Soc. 27. latrophobia gen. n. p. 469 for Clino- diplosis brasiliensis R., fig. p. 468, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Ischnonyx gen, n. p. 5 type verbasci Vail., tavaresi sp. n., Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916. Itonida paederiae sp. n. Luzon p. 293, Felt Philippine J. Sci. 14 ; gall, UlOHANCO l.c. p. 540. Jaapiella gen. n. pp. 490 & 501, catariae p. 602 sp. n. Germany, Rub- saamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin .1915. — J. sarothamni p. 39, knautiae p. 40, clethrophila p. 41, volvens p. 42, spp. n. Europe, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Joannisia borealis sp. n. U.S. p. 280, Felt J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Kaltenbachiella gen. n. p. 490 type strobi Winn., Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. 205 Insecta. Systematic.— Diptera — Ceoidomyiidae. Konisomyia borealis sp. n. U.vS. p. 279, Felt J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Lasioptera colorati S. Dakota p. 129, centerensis New York p. 170, spp. n., Felt New York State Mus. Bull. 198 1918. — L. falcata sp. n. Luzon p. 288, Felt Philippine J. Sei. 14. Lathromyza gen. n. pp. 491 & 518 type schlechtendali Kieff., floritm sp. ri. Germany p. 521, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Leptosyna setipennis sp. n. England p. 104, Edwards Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Lesiodiplosis satiala sp. n. U.S. p. 292, Felt J. New York ent. Soe. 27. Lobodiplosis borealis sp. n. U.S. p. 289, Felt T.c. Machaeriobia gen. n.,' brasiliensis sp. n., Rubsaamen p. 448 fig. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Macrolabis laniii p. 494, jaapi p. 495, spp. n. Germany, Rubsaamen T.c. — M. hieracii p. 30, holosteae p. 37, laserpitii p. 38, spp. n. Europe, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Macroporpa gen. n. near Schizomyia, peruviana p. 437, fig., ulei p. 441 fig., spp. n. Amer. mer., Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Mangodiplosis gen. n. p. 47, mangi- ferae sp. n. Brazil p. 48, Tavares Broteria 16 1918 figs. Megauliis gen. n. p. 461, sterculiae sp. n. Brazil p. 463 fig., Rubsa.ameN S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Metasphondylia gen. n. p. 41, squamosa sp. n. Brazil p. 42, Tavares Broteria 16 1918 figs. Miastor metraloas, polymorphism in larvae p. 56, Springer Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 40 1915. Mikiella gen. n. p. 489 type beckiana, Nik., Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berljn 1915. Misopatha carnpestris sp. n. Germany p. 550, Rubsaamen T.c. Mycodiplosis intermedia, lenis, spp. n. U.S. p. 290, Felt J. New York ent. Soc. 27.— i)/. cerasifolia, food-habits, Wellhouse p. 144 Ent. News 30. Navasia gen. n., santolinae sp. n. Zaragoza p. 34, J (as Navasiella) p. 94, Tavares Broteria 17. Neocatocha sylvana sp, n. U.S. p. 280> Felt J. New York ent. Soc. 27. N eolasioptera major p. 175, albipes p. 190, coloradensis p. 194, spp. n. U.S., Felt New York State Mus. Bull. 198 1918. Neptunimyia flavida sp. n. U.S. p. 279, Felt J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Oligotrophus excedri sp. n. Germany p. 555, RObsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Oligotrophus alopecuri Denmark,. Rostrup Kjzibenhavn, Tids. Planteavl, 26 pp. 38-51. Parwinnertzia gen. n. near W inyiertzia, notmani sp. n. U.S., Felt p. 281 J. New York ent. Soc. 27. ' Paurosphondylus gen. n. type rosen^ haueri R., Rubsaamen p. 59 S B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Pemphigocecis gen. n. pp. 493 & 657 for ventricola R., Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Perrisia cucubalina p. 66, ilicis p. 6L Portugal, squamosa p. 63, spp. n.,^ Tavares Broteria 17. Perrisia affinis, gall, Picard p. 208 Bull Soc. ent. France 1919. Placochela gen. n. p. 4 type nigripes^ F. Lw., Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf* Fr. Berlin 1916. Porricondyla johnsoni p. 282, biden- tata p. 283, spinigera, tumidosa, p. 284, spp. n. U.S., Felt J. New York ent Soc. 27. — P. consobrina p. 221, fulto- nensis p. 222, spp. n. U.S., Felt Ent. News 30. Prionellus eremi sp. n. Colorado,. Felt p. 219 Ent. News 30. Prolanthia gen. n. p. 606 for Cecid^ circumdata Winn., Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Putoniella marsupialis, gall, Picard- p. 207 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Rhabdophaga jaapi p. 626, exsiccans- p. 633, ramicola p. 634, schwangarti p. 636, gemmarum p. 640, spp. n. Germany, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Rondaniella gen. n. p. 493 for bursaria Bremi, Rubsaamen T.o. 206 Insecta XII. Insecta. [1919] Saholomyia gen, n. p. 17 near Stefaniola, parva sp. n. Zaragoza p. 18, figs., Tavares Broteria 17. Schismatodiplosis gen. n. p. 467 near Hypodijilosis for Clinodiplosis lantanae R., fig. p. 466, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Schizomyia ericae sp. n. S. Africa p. 444 fig., Rubsaamen T.c. '' Spkaerodiplosis gen. n., dubia sp. n, [? Brazil], Rubsaamen p. 461 fig. T.c. Sterrhaulus gen. n. p. 490 type corneolus Riibs., Rubsaamen T.c. Styracodiplosis caetensis, Tavares pp. 76-78 figs. Broteria 16 1918. Syndiplosis populi sp. n. Europe p. 81, Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Thecodiplosis mosellana in Ontario, Ross p. 16 Canad. Ent. 51. Thomasiella gen. n. for part of Laaioptera, Rubsaamen p. 659 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Tricholaba gen. n. p. 61 near Hadro- bremia, trifolii p. 62, aimilis p. 63, spp. n. Europe, figs., Rubsaamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Trigonodiplosis gen. n., fraxini sp. n, Europe, Rubsaamen p. 68 T.c. Trisopsis hyperia sp. n. Pontevodra p. 85, Tavares Broteria 17. Tritozyga borealis sp. n. U.S. p. 278, Felt J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Trotteria dalmatica Dalmatia p. 661, lathyri Germany, j). 562, spp. n., Rub- saamen S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1915. Wachtliella gen. n. pp. 491 & 542, niebleri p. 543, dalmatica p. 544, spp. n. Germany, Rubsaamen T.c. Myoetophilidae & Dityomiidae. Ditomyiidae fam. n. for Ditomyia & Symmerus, the larvae of which are described, Keilin pp. 33-42 pis. ii-v Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Bolitophila trullata sp. n. Lapland p. 78, Lundstrom Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Brady sia felix sp. n. Valkenburg (Holl.) p. 26, ff. 1, 2, Schmitz Zool. Med. 5. Dziedzickia immaculata p. 222, oregona p. 223, spp. n. Oregon, figs.. Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. Exechia dentata sp. n. Hungary p. 76, Lundstrom Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Helladepichoria halidayi = (tenuipes Beck.), Lundstrom p. 79 T.c. Leia bivittata, early stages, larval habits, Weiss Psyche 26 pp. 80-82. Macrocera magna n.n. for grandis L., pumilio hypopyg. pi. i f. 2, Lundstrom p. 72 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Mycetophila ujhelyii p. 76, luteiventris p. 77, spp. n. Hungary, figs., Lund- strom T.c. — M. pallida sp. n. Jamaica p. 425, Johnson Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. '\Mycomya lithomendax sp. n. p. 647 Colorado Miocene, Cockerell Phila- delphia Proc. Acad. 66 1915. Phronia uncinata sp. n. Hungary p. 76, Lundstrom Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Platyura africana sp. n. Tunis p. 78, Lundstrom T.c. Platyura nigra sp. n. Oregon p. 222 f. 1 pi. xiv. Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. Trichonta excisa p. 73, trivittata p. 74, spp. n. Hungary, Lundstrom Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Chironomidae. Chironomidae of Australia ; return to previous nomenclature, Kieefer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 pji. 175-228 1917. Larvae & pupae, Biireninseln & Spitzbergen, Thienemann Ent. Mitt. 8 pp. 120-124. The larvae and metamorphoses of numerous belgian Chironomidae ; Goet- GHEBUER pp. 61-78 Ills, i & ii Ann. Biol, lacustre 9. Parthenogenesis, Edwards pp. 221- 228 Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Acanthohelea gen. n. near Palpomyia pruinosa sp. n. Sydney, Kieffer p. 198 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Adiameaa ursus sp. n. Bareninseln p. 42, figs. 2 & 3, Kieffer Ent. Mitt. 8. Allobezzia brevicornis sp. n. Paraguay p. 328, Kieb’fer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. 207 Insecta. Systematic. — Diptera — Chironomidab. Allohelea gen. n. p. 364 near PaU pomyia for pulchripennis K. etc., Kieffer T.o. Apdma gen. n. p. 64 near Dastjheka, auronitens, aurosparsum, p. 66, spp. n. Hungary, Kieffer T.c. Atrichopogon argus, ruber ^ p. 86, minimus p. 87, spp. n. Formosa, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Atrichopogon bifasciatus, immaculatus, p. 181, biroi p. 182, sessilis, vestiti- pennis, p. 183, New Guinea, coracinus, atratus with var. rujiventris, p. 184 N.S. Wales, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — A. microtomus p. 299, auricoma p. 300, pallidipes, picei- ventris, p. 301, fiebrigi, peruvianus, p. 302, sanctilaurentii, columbianus p. 303, spp. n. Amer. mer., Kieffer T.c. — A. densipluma Tunis p. 41, albiscapula Algeria p. 42, distictus p. 43, abyssiniae p. 44, globosus, Africa, atriscapula Tunis, p. 46, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — A. formosanus Formosa p. 89, trifasciatus p. 90, trans- versalis, ventralis, p. 91, Asia Minor, spp. n., Kieffer T.c. — A. pilosipennis p. 23, tritomus p. 24, parvulus, monti- vagus, p. 26, Hungary, psilopterus Europe p. 26, orbicidaris p. 28 with varr. cretensis & longinervis Hungary, silesiacus p. 30, spp. n., setosus n.n. for setosipennis p. 27, transversalis var. n. Jiomopterus p. 29, ventralis varr. n. nigriveniris & coracellus p. 30, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. — A. setosus n.n. for setosipennis K., Kieffer p. 193 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Baeotendipes tibialis sp. n. Egj^pt p. 74, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Bezzia separata p. 96, claripennis, kerteszi, p. 97, spp. n., Formosa, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. — B. curti- cornis p. 196, australiensis p. 197, spp. n. Sydney, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — B. pulchripes sp. n. Paraguay p. 330, Kieffer T.c. — B. exclamationis sp. n. Tunis p. 61, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — B., table of euro- pean pp. 112-117, albosignata Hungary p. 117, bohemica p. 118, brachycera, grisea, p. 119 Hungary, belgica p. 120, brevipluma, fusciclava, p. 121, brevi- nervis, strobli, p. 122, atripluma p. 123, Hungary, leiicosticta Kazan, cinerella, p. 124, armaticrus p. 125, flaviplumai Hungary, csikiana Kazan, p. 126^ spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Mus* Hungar, 17. Calopsectra americana sp. n, Aderon* dack p. 367, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — C. chlorogaster sp. ii. Asia minor p. 118, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Camptochironomus subg. n. vide Chironomus. Camptocladius petiolatus sp. n. Para- guay p. 368, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — C. allocerus, ortho- cerus, p. 77, ornaticornis p. IS, .hoegeni, longiventris, p. 79, monochaetus, Tunis, pretorianus Transvaal, p. 80, guineensis, nigerrimus Abyssinia, p. 81, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — C. gracilipes, sublaminatus, p. 126, flavus, arcuatus, p. 127, atomus, India, orientalis, p. 128, villosipes p. 129, diplosis p. 130, vilis, angorensis, p. 131, heterocercus p. 132, Asia Minor, spp. n., Kieffer T.c. Cataliptus gen. n. p. 94, peyerimhoffi n. sp. p. 96 figs., Bezzi Bull. Soc. Alger. 7 1916. Ceratobezzia fallax sp. n. Paraguay p. 326, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Ceralopogon punctum-album, austra- liensis, p. 178, jlaviventris, lepidopus, p. 179, spp. n. New Guinea, latipennis Sk. to Didymorphleps p. 193, Kieffer T.c. — C. coquilletti Adirondack, tropicus Costa Rica, spp. n. p. 297, Kieffer T.c. — C. radiifer Pretoria p. 35, striati- cornis Tunis, p. 36, maurus p. 37, fusciforceps p. 38, pretorianus p. 39, abyssiniae, Africa, rufescens Tunis, p. 40, spp. n., I^effbr Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — G. cypri p. 86, koniae p. 87, cubitalis Singapore, orna- tipes Ceylon, p. 88, spp. n., Kieffer T.c. — G. squamaticrus p. 9, tetrastictus p. 11, Hungary, venetianus Italy, albo- clavatus, p. 12, bipunctatus p. 13, Hungary, corticicola Westphalia p. 14, antrijovis p. 16, mediterraneua, Crete, distictus, p. 16, hirtidorsum p. 18, rusticus, apricans, p. 19, nitens p. 20, Hungary, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. — G. nitidus, oviposition, Hamm p. 66 Ent. mo. Mag. 55. 208 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Chironomas pallidiceps New Guinea p. 209, imberbis Sydney, dissimilis, p. 210, erimanus New Guinea, lativalva, p. 211, sydneyensis, curtivalva, p. 213, Sydney, pallidiforceps p. 214, huonensis, dolichopelma, p. 215, New Guinea, quadrifasciatus Queensland p. 216, tenuiventria p. 217, grisddorsum, micro- iomus, p. 218, arcuatus N.S. Wales, magnivalva Queensland p, 21^^ ncglectus New Guinea, humilis N.S. Wales, p. 220, spp. n., argentiniae n.n. for debilia Arribalz. p. 221, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — C. biaignatus, natal- enaia, p. 67, ornatipennia, p. 68, Natal, brevipalpia p. 69, brevicornia p. 70, Abyssinia, guineenaia p. 71, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — C. ornatipea p. 343, exciaua, diatinguen- dua, p. 346, melanderi p. 347, excavaiua, U.S., quadripunctatua, p. 348, gracili- valva, loricatiis, p. 349, curtipalpia X3. 350, brevivalva, petiolaiua, p. 351 with var. acutellaria, despectua p. 352, argentinien- aia, bolivienaia, p. 353, pectoralia, abjectua, p. 354, antennalia p. 355, Amer. mer., spp. n., Kieffer T.c. — G. apitzbergenaia p. 45, figs. 4, 5, kochianua Lofoten p. 46, spp. n., Kieffer Ent. Mitt. 8. — G. mallochi n.n. for abbreviatua Mall., tetraatictua n.n. for quadripunctatua Kieff., Kieffer p. 191 Bull Soc. ent. France 1919. — G. clavaticrua, Edwards p. 223 Ann. nat. Hist. 3. — G. colei sp. n. Oregon p. 265, Malloch P. Calif. Ac. 9. — G. filimanua p. 106 with var. ventralia p. 107 India, biroi Ceylon p. 108, albiacapula India p. 109, laminatua Ceylon j). 110, aibiriae Irkutsk ji. Ill, ai6mcu5Tomsk, lendli, p. 1 12, nadayanua, angorenaia, p. 113, Asia Minor, G. {GamptocMronomua subg. n.) flavofaaci- atua Asia Minor p. 114, spp. n., Kieffer T.c. — G.gregariua.larya,, natural history. Pause pp. 339-452 Zool. Jahrb. Allg. 36 1917 figs. Glinohelea rubricepa sp. n, Paraguay p. 318, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — G. longipalpia p. 96, pachy- dactylua p. 97, spp. n., Singapore, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Glinotanypua formoaae, immaculatuay p. 99, lampronotua p. 100, spp. n., For- mosa, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Glinotanypua neotropicua sp. n. Para- guay p. 339, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — G. claripennia sp. n. Egypt p. 63, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Gorynoneura innupta sp, n. England p. 226, Edwards Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Gricotopua aequalia sp. n. New Guinea p. 227, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — C. inornatipea sp. n. Tunis p. 75, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar, 16 1918 . — G. micana p. 122, orientaliay spp. n., Asia Minor, carnoaua var. n. angorenaia, p. 123, Kieffer T.c. Gulicoidea lineatua, xanthoceraa, p, 186 New Guinea, brevitaraia Australia p. 187, auatralienaia New Guinea p. 188, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Mus.* Hungar. 15 1917. — G. columbianua p. 304, hir- tipea, villoaipea, p. 305, aanctaemarthae p. 306, undecimpunctatua p. 307, spp. n., Amer. mer., Kieffer T.c. — G. griaei- doraum p. 46, impreaaua p. 47, circum- acriptua p. 49, Tunis, ailveatrii Came- roons p. 50, lugena Natal p. 51, albo- aparaua Abyssinia, conjunctua, p. 62, xanthogaater p. 63, remotua, guineenaia, p. 54, Guinea, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — C. albonotatua p. 94, nadayanua p. 95, spp. n., Asia Minor, Kieffer T.c. — G., table of european pp. 31-36, latipennia p. 37, nanulua p. 38, cinerellua p. 40, Hungary, belgicua p. 43, aubfaaciipennia Hungary, auaae Italy, p. 44, guttularia p. 46, pallidicornia p. 46, lacteinervia p. 47, Hungary, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. — G. meijereri n.n. for gutti- pennia Meij., Kieffer p. 192 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — G. pulicaria, metamorphoses, figs., Goetqiiehuer pp. 25-30 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59. 'Dactylocladiua clavaticornia p. 118 fig., galactinua p. 119, spp. n., Faroe Is., Kieffer Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1915. — D. peruvianua, longipalpia, p. 360, bolivienaia p. 361, spp. n., Amer. mer., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — D. micana Natal p. 81, palUdua Abys- sinia p. 82, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — D. caloaandalum, indianua, spp. n., India p. 133, Kieffer T.c. — D. heptameris p. 115 ff. 11 & 12, apitzbergenaia p. 116 ff. 13 & 14, spp. n., Spitzbergen, petraeua var. n. urainua Bareninseln p. 117 f. 16, Kieffer Ent. Mitt. 8. 209 Insecfa Systematic. — Diptbra — Chironomidae. Dasyhelea myrmedon sp. n. New Guinea p. 188, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1917. — 7). communis sp. n. Tunis p. 65, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — D. trifasciata p. 92, scutellaris, flaviscapula, p. 93, distalis p. 94, spp. n. Asia Minor, Kieffer T.c. — D., table of european pp. 48-64, microcera Hun- gaiy p. 64, sensualis p. 66, honiocera p. 60, Istria, Ugnicola Bohemia p. 67, heracleae Crete p. 69, acuminata p. 00, tarsalis p. 02, Hungary, spp. n., strobli n.n. for versicolor obscurus Str. p. 63 ; various spp. of Culicoides referred to Dasyhelea p. 64, Kieffer Anrt. Mus. Hungar. 17. — D. — {Pseudoculicoides Mall.), Kieffer p. 192 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Diamesd borealis p. 107 fig., campto- neura p. 109 fig.* spp. ti., Fatoe Is., Kieffer Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1916. — D. fissipes var. n. Iransversalis p. 136, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. — D. arctica sp. n. N.W. America p. 37 C, Mali.och Rep. canad. atctic exp. 3 C. Dicrobezzia venusta, sexes p. 127, Kieffer Atm. Mus. Hungar. 17. Dicrohelea gen. n. p. 363 for PaU pomyia filicornis etc., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Dicrotendipes formosanus sp. n. For- mosa p. 115, with var. frontalis p. 116, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. — D. bilobatus sp. n. Sydney p. 222 Kieffer op. cit. 1917. Forcipomyia miricornis p. 81, formo- Sana p. 83, spp. n., Formosa, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Glyptotendipes americanus sp. n. U.S. p. 356, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Qripekovenia gen. n. near Trissocla- dius, tristis sp. ft. Angora, KieffEr p. 135 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Halliella brevimdnus sp. n. Tunis p. 63, Kieffer T.c. Heteromyia brevibarhd Sp. n. Brisbane p. 192, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. , 15 1917.— H. rufa p. 325, nigra p. 326, spp. n., Amer. mer., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — H, caloptera n.n. for rvfa K., Kieffeb p. 192 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. (n-13799 j) Q Holoconops gen. n^ p. 135 type kerteszi K., KieffeE p. l35 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Homohelea gen. n. p. 364 near Pa^» pomyia, abjuncta K. etc., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Jenkinsia boliviensis sp. n. p. 331, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Johannseniella nitida, copula, figs., Goetghebuer p. 202 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. \Johannsenomyia swinhoei sp. n. Burma in amber p. 243 fig., Cockerell Entom. 52, Lauterhornia septentrionalis sp. n. Faroe Is., p. 112 fig., Kjeffer Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 39 1916. Lepidohelea geil. Ii. p. 364 for Cerato* pogon chrysolophus K., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungaf. 16 1917. Lepioconops spinosipes sp. n, New Guinea p. 190, Kieffer T.c. — L. lactei- penniS p. 32, kyalinipennis p. 33, flavu ventris p. 34, Spp. n., Tunis, KieffEr Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Macropelopia rectinervis Hungary p. 145, curvinervis Susa p. 146, atrinervis Croatia, tenuiventris p. 148, subtenuis p. 160, Hungary, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. MetriocnemuS praticola p. Il5 fig., parcepilosus p. 115, crassipes p. 116 fig., faeroensis p. 117 fig., spp. n., Faroe Is., Kieffer Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1915. — M. ornaticornis sp. n. Sydney p. 225, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — AT, tropicus Sp. n. Paraguay p, 363, Kieffer T.c.^A/. fractinervis, luc^ tuoms, spp. tt., Asia Minor p. 119, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. id 1918.— A/, borealis Lofoten p. W^, catara^tarum Spitzbergen p. 119 ff. 17-18, spp. n., and cataractarum var., Kieffer Ent. Mitt. 8. Microhelea gen. n. p. 364 for Atricho- pogon tropicus K., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Micropsectra angorensis sp. ii. Asia Minor p. 117, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Mixohelea gen. n. p. 364 for Pal- pomyia polysticta etc., Kieffer Ann, Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. C 18 210 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [1019] Monohelea hieroglyphica sp. n. Para- guay p. 312, Kieffer T.c. Orthocladius lobatipennis sp. n. Tunis p. 82, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — 0. arcticus sp. n. Spitzbergen p. 48, Kieffer Ent. Mitt. 8. — 0. mal- lochi n.n. for lacteipennis Mall., Kieffer p. 191 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — O. sordidellus etc. in the sea, Elmhirst p. 193 Scott Natural. 1919. Palpomyia divisa, spinifera, p. 94, indi- visa p. 95, spp. n., Formosa, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. — P. bifas- data Queensland, imparunguis New Guinea, spp. n., p. 194, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — P. tenuicrus p. 320, crassicrus, microchela, p. 321, inermicollis p. 322, Columbiana, callan- gana, p. 323, boliviensis p. 324, spp. n., Amer. mer., Kieffer T.c. — P. rujiceps, flavipectus, p. 59, fuscipectus p. 60, micans p. 61, spp. n., Tunis, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918.: — P. crassi femur Ceylon p. 98, inermithorax Singa pore p. 99, spp. n., Kieffer T.c. — P. table of european pp. 89-97, goetghe- bueri Belgium p. 98, julvescens p. 100, atripectus, rubra, p. 101, flaviscutcllum, terminalis, p. 103, infuscata, longipennis, p. 104, angustipennis, pubescens, p. 105, spinosior p. 106, longicornis p. 107, nigripectus p. 108, fusciclava p. 109, tinctipennis, alricoxa, Hungary, obscuri- pennis Croatia, p. 110, nigridorsum Hungary p. Ill, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Paraclunio irilobalus, valid, Kieffer p. 194 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Paratendipes nigrofasciatus, concolo- ripes, p. 117, astictus p. 118, spp. n., Formosa, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. — P. tunisiae sp. n. p. 72, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar 16 1918. Paryphoconus angustipennis p. 332, anomalicornis p. 333, spp. n., Amer. mer., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Pelopia trisema p. 104, faeroensis borealis fig., p. 105, spp. n., Faroe Is., Kieffer Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1915. — P. gracUlima sp. n. Formosa p. 102, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Polypedilum iricolor p. 119, conso- brinum, monostictum, nanulus, p. 120, spp. n., Formosa, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. — P. apicale sp. n. New Guinea p. 221, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — P. clavatum sp. n. Paraguay p. 356, Kieffer T.c. — P. abys- siniae sp. n. p. 65, Kieffer Ann. Mus- Hungar. 16 1918. Probezzia xanthogaster Kazan, typhae Bohemia, spp. n., p. 130, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Procladius floralis sp. n. Faeroe Is. p. 103, fig., Kieffer Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1915. — P. australiensis p. 200 with var. bipunctatus, pentastictus p. 201, villosimanus p. 202, spp. n., Sydney, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Prodiamesa fulva p. 132, nitidap. 133, spp. n., Hungary, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. — P. bathyphila, larval structure, habits, Thienemann Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 14 pp. 209-217. Protenthes vilipennis sp. n. Hungary p. 137, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar 17. Psectrocladius brevicosta sp. n. Wash- ington p. 362, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — P. tunisiae sp. n. p. 75, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — P. versicolor p. 120, angorensis, polychaetus, p. 121, spp. n., Asia Minor, Kieffer T.c. — P. borealis sp. n. Spitz- bergen p. 110, Kieffer Ent. Mitt. 8. Psectrotanypus brevicalcar var. n. diplosis p. 156, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Psilodiamesa spitzbergensis sp. n. p. 42, Kieitfisr Eut. Mitt. 8. Psilohelea flaviventris Croatia p. 66, .borealis Lofoten islds. p. 68, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. — P. borealis sp. n. Lofoten inseln p. 41 fig. 1, Kieffer Ent. Mitt. 8. Rheotanytarsus guineensis sp. n. p. 73, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Riethia gen. n. Chironomariae, sticto- ptera, p. 203, asticta p. 205, spp. n., N.S. Wales, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Schizoconops gen. n. near Leptoconops, indicus sp. n. Bengal, Kieffer p. 135 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Serromyia micronyx Hungary p. 70, albitarsis Germany p. 71, spinosipes Hungary p. 72 with var. subinermis p. 73, inermipes Italy p. 73, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Mu% Hungar. 17. 211 Inaecta. Systematio.—Diptera — Culicidae. Sphaeromias aejancta p. 90, uncinala p. 91, connexa p. 92, conjuncta p. 93, spp. n., Formosa, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1910. — 8. tenuissima sp. n. New Guinea p. 195, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar, 15 1917. — 8. alhidivenlris sp. n. Colombia p. 316, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — 8. nitidus varr. n. remotus p. 87 and clavicornis and longi- forceps p. 88, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. — 8phaeromias C. == {Jo~ hannsenoynyia Mall.), Kieffer p. 192 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. 8tenochironomus gen. n. Chironominae p. 44, Kieffer Ent. Mitt. 8. 8tictochironomus gen. n. Chironominae p. 44, Kieffer Ent. Mitt. 8. 8tilobezzia — {Hartomyia. M,), Kief- fer p. 192 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — 8. decora sp. n. Formosa p. 89, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar, 14 1910. — 8. pictipes sp. n. N.S. Wales p. 191, Kieffer Ann. Mus, Hungar. 15 1917. — 8. sanctibernardini p. 308, fiebrigi, albo- cincta, p. 309, americana, bispinosa, p. 310, coracina, subsessilis, p. 311, spp. n., Paraguay, Kieffer T.c. — 8. minima p. 10^0, crassipes p. 101, hiroi p, 102, spp. n., India, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — 8. rufithorax, albi- cornis, virescens, spp. n., Hungary p. 84, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. 8yndiamcsa lobifera p. 103, albipennis p. 104, spp. n., Asia Minor, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — 8. mac- romjx sp. n. Mont Cenis p. 136, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Tanypus inconspicmis n. n. for mmi- mus K. 1013, Kieffer p, 203 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — T. bicolori- pennis p. 335, fiebrigi, neotropicus, p. 336, pelargiis p. 337, griseipyennis, myrmedon, p. 338, spp. n. Paraguay, Kieffer T.c. — T. gracilis p. \5\, fulvonotalus p. 152, spp. n., Hungary, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. — T. infortunatus n. n. for Pelopia yninima K. 1913, Kieffer p. 191 Bull, Soc. ent. France 1919. — T. alaskensis sp. n. p. 35o, Malloch Rep. Canad. Arctic exp. 3o. Tanylarsns faeroensis, sandoensis, p. 113, spp. n., Faeroe Is., Kieffer Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1915. — T. sidneyensis sp. n. p. 224, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — T. virgo sp. n. Bolivia p. 357, Kieffer T.c. — T. ato- marius sp. n. Pretoria p. 72, Kieffer (N-13799 j) Q Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — T. cilialuSf parcepilosus, spp. n., Asia Minor p. 116, Kieffer T.c. Tendipes faeroensis p. 109 fig., rupi- cola p. Ill, pseudolabis p. Ill fig., spp. n., Faeroe Is., Kieffer Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1915. — T. pekanus p. 105, brevilobus p. 106, longilobus p. 107, iner- mifrons p. 108, astenus p. 109, circum- datus p. 110, crassiforceps p. Ill, dyslenus p. 112, grandilobus p. 113, spp. n., Formosa, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Thienemannia borealis sp. n. Faeroe Is. p, 114 fig., Kieffer Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 39 1915. Trichocladius Jormosanus sp. n. For- mosa p, 102, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. — T. crassimanus sp. n. Colombia p. 362, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — T. maurus p. 83, tunisiae, Tunis, guineensis, p. 84, spp. n., Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — ■ T. algarum, var. Asia Minor, Kieffer p. 124 T.c. — T. ursus sp. n. Bareninseln p. 112 figs. 7, 8, versicolor sp. n. Lofoten p. 113, figs. 9, 10, curvinervis var. n. polar is Spitzbergen p. 1 12, Kieffer Ent. Mitt. 8. Trichotanypus iris sp. n. Formosa p. 101, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. — T. subglaber sp. n. Sydney, p. 202, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917.— T. vestilipennis sp. n. Adiron- dack p. 339, Kieffer T.c. — T. apimlis sp. n. Natal p. 62, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — T. ferrugineus sp. n. Hungary p. 140, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Xenohelea pntinosa sp. n. Bombay p. 96, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Xylocrypta miricornis sp. n. Hungary p. 77, Kieffer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17.' Zavreliella gen. n. for Chironomus clavaticrus, Kieffer p. 334 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1920. Culicidae. Male and female genitalia, Brole- MANN Ann. Soc. ent. France 88 pp. 72- 103 figs. Culicidsp in Macedonia, Martini pp.< 119 & 120 Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 15 C 18-2 212 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] ' GuUcidae and Phlebotomus of Gold Coast, Ingram pp. 47-58 Bull. ent. Res. 10. Domestic mosquitos in Nigeria, John- son pp. 325-332 Bull. ent. Res. 9. Anophelincs of West- Java, Mangkoe- WINOTO (1108). New mosquitoes from Surinam, with note on synonymy, Bonne-Wepster & Bonne pp. 165-180 Insec. inscit. 7. GuUcidae^ Westward extension of Canadian mosquito fauna, pp. 11-39, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Map of distribution of Anophelinae in England and Wales, Lang Brit. Mus. 1918. Contributions to the biology of the Culicidae, Wesenberg-Lund K0ben- havn Naturens Verden 3 pp. 1-26 49- 67 150-179 20 figs. Terminologie bei Anophelinenlarven, Swbllengrebel GeneeskTydschr. Ned. Ind. 68 1918 pp. 1010-1012. Anopheline laryae of Netherlands India, Swbllengrebel ' & Swellen- grebel de Graaf Meded. Burgerl. geneesk. dienst Ned. Indie 6 pp. 1-47 Early stages of African GuUcidae^ Ingram & Macfie Bull. ent. Res. 10 pp. 59-69 figs. Habitat of larvae, Anopheline, in India, Swellengrebel & Swellen- GREBEL DE Graaf Gen. Tydschr. Ned. Ind. 59 pp. 267-309 Meded. Burgerl. Geneesk. Dienst Ned. Indie 1919 pp. 39-85. Larven von 3 malayischen Anophe- linen, Swellengrebel Geneesk. Tyd- schr. Ned. Ind. 58 pp. 398-400. Larvae of Mucidua scatophagoidea, 739 fig. 1 ; Ochlerotatua argenteopunc- tatusy 741 fig. 3, 0. hirautna, p. 740 fig. 2 ; Gulex aaliaburienaia p. 742 fig. 5, tipuUformia p. 741 fig. 4 ; Bedford Fifth & Sixth Rep. Direct. Vet. Res. Dept. Agric. Un. S. Afric. Anopheline, swarms, Crawford Philipp. J. Sci. 15 pp. 283-288. Effects of Ghara foetida on Culicid larvae, Caballero Bol. Soc. Espan. 19 pp. 449-455. Parasites of the larvae, Bres.slau & Buschkiel Biol. Zentrallb. 39 pp. 325- 326. La destruction des Moustiques par les Poissons, Legendre Paris C.R. Acad. sci. 163 1916 pp. 377-378. Structure and function of air-sacs in Goreihra, Frankenburg Zool. Jahrb. Allg. 35 pp. 505-592 figs. 1915. A'edea grahami p. 154, cyprius p. 158» spp. n. Siberia, Ludlow Insec. inscit 7. — A. pionipa p. 19, intrudena p. 23, spp. n., Canada, mnlatua p. 24 sp. n. Montana, Dyar Insec, inscit. 7. — A. thaxieri sp. n. Grenada W.I. p. 8, Dyar & Knab Insec. inscit. 7. — A. arborealia p. 178, argyro- thorax p. 179, spp. u., Surinam. Bonne- Wepster & Bonne Insec. inscit. 7. — A. {Ochlerotatua) nearcticus sp. n. N.W. Territ. p. 32o, Dyer Rep. canad. arctic, exp. 3c. — A. bimaculatua history, Barrett p. 63 Insec. inscit. 7. Anophelea {Stethomyia ?) niveopalpia sp. n. Panama p. 166, Ludlow Psyche 26. Galladimyia gen. n. GuUcidae type Wyeomyia pandora D. & K. p. 137, Dyar Inseo. inscit. 7. Cleobonnea gen. n. GuUcidae type occulta B.-W. & B. p. 134, J genitalia pi. V fig. 9, Dyar T.C. — G. argenteoroa- tria sp. n. Surinam p. 167, Bonne-Wep- ster & Bonne Insec. inscit. 7. Gulex, notes with figures of male genitalia pp. 425-440, pyrenaicua sp. n. 427, Brolemann Ann. Soc. ent. France 87. — G.y french species pp. 54-58, jugorum sp. n. Loubaret p. 59, Vii.le- NEUVE, Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — G. bpnneae p. 3, chryaelatua p. 5, ocoaaa p. 6, spp. n. Guiana, Dyar & Knab Insec. inscit. 7. — G. bretheai sp. n. Ar- gentina p. 86, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. — C. {Garrollia) aecunda Panama, infoliata, Surinam spp. n. p. 170, G. {Gulex) brevi^ apinoaua, G. {Ghoeroporjja) alcocci, p. 171, sarawaccenaia p. 172, albinemia, cop- penamenaia, p. 173, niccerienaia p. 174, maronienaia p. 175, G. {Melancconion) enaiformia, commerynenaia, p. 176, G. {MochloUyrax) curopinenaia, multiapi- noaus, p. 177, spp. n., Surinam, Bonne- Wepster & Bonne Insec. inscit. 7. — G. townavillenaia n. n. for Gulicelsa fusca T., Taylor p. 836 P. Linn. Soc. N.S. W.43. — G. {Ghoeroporpa) peribleptua larva p. 161, Dyar Inscc. inscit. 7. \Gulex winchesteri sp. n. eocene Colo- rado p. 44, Cockerell Nature 103. 213 InserAa. Systematic. — Diptera — CulicidAb. Culicada albopunctata, quadralimacu- lata, descriptions pp. 67-72 ; male geni- talia of various species pp. 75-86, 16 figs ; female pp. 98-101 figs. 32-40 ; Brolemann Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. — C. ivilsoni sp. n. Australia p. 833 pi. Ixxxi figs. 6-7, Taylor P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Culiseta siberiensis sp. n. Siberia p. 151, Ludlow Insec. inscit. 7. Decamyia ge i. n. Culicidae type Wyeomyia onidus D. & K. p. 135, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Dendromyia ; Key of species pp. 124- 125, Dyar T.c. — I). ronconyana sp. n. Surinam p. 166, Bonne- Wepster & Bonne Insec. inscit. 7. Dinomyia gen. n. type proviolans sp. n. Panama, p. 117, phroso S genitalia pi. V fig. 1, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Diphalangarpe gen. n. Culicidae type Wyeomyia abascanta D. & K. p. 126, Dyar T.c. Dodecamyia gen. n. Culicidae p. 138, type Wyeomyia aphobema Dyar fig. 11, ffplendida fig. 12, clasoleuca fig. 13, J genitalia pi. v, Dyar T.c. Eubonnea subg. n. type Culex tapena sp. n. Surinam p. 150, Dyar T.c. Heliconiamyia gen. n. Culicidae type Wyeomyia galoa D. & K. p. 123, S genitalia pi. v fig. 5, Dyar T.c. Ilyslalomyia gen. n. p. 140 type Wyeomyia circumcimta D. & K. fig. 14, intonca D. & K. fig. 15, genitalia pi. V, Dyar T.c. Hystatomyia lamellata sp. n. Surinam p. 168, Bonnb-Wepster & Bonne Insec. inscit. 7. Lemmamyia gen. n. Culicidae type Limatns methysticus D. & K. p. 140, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7.-— L. pscudome- thysticus sp. n. Surinam p. 166, Bonne- Wepster it Bonne Insec. inscit. 7. Leslicocampa moralesi sp. n. Guate- mala p. 3, Dyar & Knab. Insec. inscit. 7. — L. synonymy pp. 9-10, Irichopus sp. n. Brazil p. 10, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Liphoceratomyia cairnsensis sp. n. p. 837 pi. Ixxxii figs. 8 & 9, Taylor P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Megarhinus aldrichanus sp. n. p. 179, guadeloupensis quianensis subsp. n. p. 180, Surinam, Bonne-Wepster & Bonne Insec. inscit. 7. Menolepis ; key of species p. 138, $ genitalia pi. v fig. 10, DyAr Insec. inscit. 7. Miamyia gen. n. Culicidae type Wyeomyia symmachus D. & K. p. 116, Dyar T.c. Mimeteomyia atripes = {Steg. puncto- lateralis Th.), p. 829, pulcherrima p. 830 Cairns, doddi p. 831 Papua, spp. n., Taylor P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Myzomyia ludlowi, biology, Schuff- NER etc. Med. burgerl. genccsk. dienst. 1919 3 pp. 65-89. Myzorhynchus barbirostris var. n. pah lidus Java, Swellengrebel Geneesk.^ Tydschr. Ned. Ind. 59 p. 8. Pentemyia gen. n. Culicidae type Wyeomyia drapetes D. & K. p. 122, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Phoniomyia ; key of species p. 121, longirostris pi. v fig. 2, trinidadensis pi V fig. 3, d genitalia, Dyar T.c. Prosopolepis fluo sp. n. Surinam p. 169, Bonne-Wepster & Bonne Insec. inscit. 7. PseudosJeusea cairnsensis sp. n. p. 829, Taylor P. Litm. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Eabelhes ; key p. 119, cyaneus synr.ny- my p. 120, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. — S. bijyartipes, chroiopus, synonymy p 105, Bonne-Wepster k Bonne Insec. inscit. 7. Eabcthini ; classification by J geni talia, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7 pp. 114- 142 p. V. Sabethinus moerbisla sp. n. Guiana p. 2, Dyar & Knab Insec. inscit. 7. — Sabethinus; key p. 118, Dyar Insec inscit. 7. Sabeihoides imperfectics sp. n. Surinam p. 165, Bonne-Wepster & Bonne Insec. inscit. 7. Siegomyia fasciata, bionomics. Field- ing Ann. trop. Med. 13 pp. 259-296. — S. fasciata, in Epping forest, Mac- Gregor p. 91 Bull. ent. Res. 10. Taeniorhynchus richiardii, larva and pupa, Edwards pp. 83-87 figs. Ens. mo. Mag. 55. * Theobaldia ; male genitalia ])p. 86- 92 figs. 17-25, female p. 93-98 figs. 26-31, Brolemann Ann. Soc. ent. Franco 88. — T. annu^xita, Evolution larvaire de, Langeron Bui. soCi path, exot. 9 1916 704- 708 fig. 214 Insect a. XII. Insecta. [1919] Toxorhynchites minimus, female, Sen- ior-White p. 189 Spol. Zeylan. 11. Triamyia gen. n. Culicidae type W y corny ia ajporonomg, D. & K. p. 120, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. Trichoprosopon {Joblolia) shropshirei sp. n. Panama p. 168, Ludlow Psycho 20. Uranotaenia cairnsensis, tibialis pi. Ixxxii f. 11, p. 839, antennalis p. 840, hilli p. 841 f. 12, spp. n., Australia, Taylor P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 43. Wyeomyia ; Key of species pp. 127- 129, melanopus p. 130 fig. 4, roloncdta p. 131 fig. 16, spp. n. Panama, fallax fig. 6, roionca fig. 7, adeljdia fig. 8, genitalia pi. v, Dyar Insec. inscit. 7. — tv. prolepidis p. 1, fauna p. 2, spp. n. Panama, Dyar & Knab Insec. inscit. 7. — IF. occulta p. 105, albosqua^nata p. 107, fallax p. 110, splendida p. Ill, spp. n. (Surinam, Bonne-Wepster & Bonne In.sec. inscit. 7. — W. aphobema, larv-a, Bonne-Wepster & Bonne p. 114 Insec. inscit. 7. Psycho DID ae. Male peculiarities, Tonnoir pp. 16 & 17 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59. Les Phl4botomes de la region pari- sienne, Lanoeron Paris Bui. see. path, exot. 9 1916 pp. 673-676. Pericoma undulata p. 8, annulata p. 9, obtusa p. 10, nigricauda, vivosa, p. 11, albifacies, longicornis, p. 12, cornuta, p. 13, palposa, albicornis, p. 14, spp. n. Belgium, Tonnoir Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59. — P. vittata p. 136, unis- jpinosa p. 137, goetghebueri p. 138, spp, n. Belgium, Tonnoir T.c. Phlebotomus, structure, the european species. Franca pp. 102-160 figs. Broteria 17. — P. nicnic sp. n. Philip- pines p. 163, pi. ii, Banks Phillipine J. Sci. 14. — P. sergenii n. sp. Algeria p. 764 figs. 1-10, Parrot Bull. Soc. path, exot. 10 1917. — P. papatasi & minutus, breeding places in Lahore, pp. 452- 161, Mitter Indian J. Med. Res. 6. — P. squnmipennis, notes on, Suiinam, Bonne k Bonne-Wepster Geneesk. Tydschr. Ned. Ind. 59 pp. 676-680. Psychoda (Threticus) obscura sp. n. Belgium p. 140, Tonnoir Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 69. — P. hirtella sp. n. Belgium p. 16, Tonnoir T.c. SiMULIIDAE. Prosimulium borealis sp. n. N.W America p. 4 1C, Mallooh Rep. Canad. arctic, exp. 3C. Simulium similis sp. n. N.W. America p. 42C, Mallooh T.c. Bibionidae. Bibio, Dilophus and Scalopse, alimen- tary canal of larvae, Keilin pp. 92-96 fig.s. Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Parasitic Scatopsidae, Muller p. 120 Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 15. ^ Bibio u'ickhami sp. n. p. 647 Colo- rado Miocene, Cockerell Philadelphia Pjoc. Acad. 66 1915. Dilophus venulatus sp. n. Jamaica p. 426, Johnson Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. Plecia nigra sp. n. Amur land p. 457, Lundstrom Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. XPlecia axeliana sp. n. Colorado Miocene p. 646, Cockerell Philadelphia Proc. Acad. 66 1915. Tipulidae, Rhyphidae, Dixidae, Ptychopteridae. Crane-flies of Jutland, 1, supplement, Nielsen Kobenhavn Flora og Fauna 1919 pp. 33-35. Abdomen, and copulatory structures. DE Meijere pp. 63-65 Tijdschr, Ent. 62. Immature stages of N.W. american Tipulidae with figures, Alexander pp. 17C-23C pis. iv & V Rep. Canad. arctic exp. 3C. Aberrations of nervuration, Pierre pp. 75-77 figs. Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1919. Acyphona punctulata sp. n. Sumatra, DE Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 ii. 14. Agastomyia gen. n. near Stibadocera, albitarsis sp. n. Sumatra, de Meyere T.c. Antocha satsuma sp. n. Japan p. 332, Alexander Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12. Ghionea ; distribution, occurrences, bibliography, Bs»;;i Bull. soo. ent. ital. 49 pp. 12-49 215 Insecta. Systematic. — DiPTfiaA — Tipultdae. Cladura oregona sp. n. Oregon p. 147, Alexander Insec. inscit. 7. Gtenacroscelis penumbrinus sp. n. Sumatra p. 11, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Gylindrotoma japonica sp. n. Japan p. 344, Alexander Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12. Dapanoptera versteegi sp. n. New Guinea p. 62, fig,, de Meijere Nova Guinea 13 1915. Dicranomyia nigrisiigma sp. n. Den- mark p. 12 figs. 1-3, Nielsen Ent. Mcdd. 13. — D. serandi p. 607, tamarae p. 608, recurvana p. 609, nairobii p. 610, spp. n., Africa, Alexander Bull. Mus. Paris 25. — D. signata sp. n. Sumatra, DE Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p'. 13. — D. alascacnsis sp. n. p. 40, Alexander Rep. canad, arctic exp. 30. — D. porteri Ohile p. 133, jorgenseni Argentina p. 134, spp. n., Alexander J. New York ent. Soe. 27. — D, jacobus Maui p. 28, swezeyi Oahu p. 29, spp. n., Alexander Ann. ent. Soc. Amer. 12. — D. unnw- destoides p. 327, basifusca, atriple.ura, p. 328, mesosternata p. 329, spp. n., Japan, Alexander Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12. Dicranoptycha yamata sp. n. Japan p. 332, Alexander T.c. — D. tigrina, minima p. 21, spp. n., Kansas, Alex- ander Ent. News 30. — D. sobrina quadrivittata subsp. n. Colorado p. 191, Alexander Canad. Ent. 51. Dicranota nipponica sp. n. Japan p. 344, Alexander Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12. Dixa binotata sp. n. Sumatra p. 9, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Elephantomyia westivoodi, in Hun- gary, Riedel p. 137 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Elliptera hungarica. p. 146 f. 1, Riedel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Empeda femoralis sp. n. Sumatra p. 20, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Ejnphragma Jcerberti sp. n. Sumatra, DE Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 16. Eriocera {Physecrania) pyrrhomesa . 21, E. {E.) klossi p. 22, spp. n., umatra, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. — E. saturata sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 165, Alexander , Canad. Ent. 51. — E. Columbiana Bolivar p. 147, argentina p. 148, spp. n., Alexander J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Erioptera symplectoides, beckeri, spp. n., Sweden p. 378, Kuntzb Ann. Hof mus. Wien 28 1914. — E. bifurcata sp. n. Japan p. 338, Alexander Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12. — E. subfusca sp. n. Sumatra p. 19, Edwards J. Fed. Malaj’^ St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. — E. angustipennis sp. n. N.W. Territ. p. 5C, Alexander Rep. Canad. arctic exp. 30. — E. {Acy- phona) sj>arsa sp. n. California p. 214, Alexander Ent. News 30. Eriopterinae ; table of palaea retie, Kuntze Ann; Hofmus. Wien 28 1914 pp. 361-388 figs. Gcranomyia macrops sp. n. Congo p. 606, Alexander Bull. Mus. Paris 25. — G. nigripleura sp. n. Panama p. 136, Alexander J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Gnophomyia fascipennis sp. n. Su- matra, DE Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 16. — G. laticincta p. 142, lachrymosa p. 143, olssoni p. 144, spp. n., Panama, Alexander J. New York ent. Soc. 27. — G. tristissima cockerelli subsp. n. Colo rado p. 193, Alexander Canad. Ent. 51. — G. tripudians, Edwards p. 176 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Gonomyia {Leiponeura) hawaiiensis sp. n. Oahu p. 30, Alexander Ann. Amer. ent. Soc. 12. — G. mainensis sp. n. U.S. p. 163, Alexander Canad. Ent. 51. — Q. {Gonomyia) aculifera sp. n. California p. 193, Alexander T.c. — G. {Gonomyella) subcostata P- 137, G. {Leiponeura) gladiator P- 138, Panama, producla Antilles P- 139, spp. n., Alexander J. N. York ent. Soc. 27. Libnotes sumatrana sp. n. p. 17, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. — L. tripunctaia sp. n. Sumatra, DE Meyere By dr. Dierk. 21 p. 14. Limnobia stigmosa sp. n. Sumatra, DE Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 14. — L. trigonia p. 15, striophnra p. 16, spp. n., Sumatra, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Limnobiini ; commencement of re- vision of Netherlands species, db Meijere pp. 66-97 Tijdschr. Ent. 62. 216 Inaecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Limnophila (Lasiomastix) pilifer p, 339 ; {Ephelia) subaprilina p. 340 ; (Prionolabia) rufipennis p. 341, spp. n., Japan, Alexander Ann. Amer, Ent. Soc. 12. — L. (Ephelia) angmiior, p. 163, apiculata, edentata p. 164, spp. n., U.S., Alexander Canad. Ent. 51. — L. hepa- iica sp. n. California p. 215, Alexander Ent. News 30. — L. (Lirnnophilella subg. n.) victor sp. n. Panama p. 146, Alexander J. N. York ent. Soc. 27. — L. (Dactylolabis) rhicnoptiloides sp. n. N. W. Territ. p. 60, Alexander Rep. Canad. arctic exp. SC. Lirnnophilella subg. n. vide Limno^ phila. Liogma serraticornis sp. n. Japan p. 345, Alexander Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12. — L. nodicornia flaveola axxhap. n. Virginia p. 195, Alexander Canad. Ent. 51. ^Mcsomyites concinna, to StyringO' myia, Cockerell p. 44 Nature 103. Nesopeza tarsalis sp. n. Japan p. 347, Alexander Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12. Molophilua sqiiamosus p. 191, bi- apinoaus p. 192, spp. n., California, Alexander Canad. Ent. 51. Mongoma nigricepa sp. n. Sumatra, DE Meyeee Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 15. Nasiternella regia sp. n. Hungary p. 150 f. 5, Riedel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Neomongoma subg. u. of Treniejwhlia for M. disjuncta Al., Alexander p. 140 J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Nephroioma arcHcola sp. n. N.W. Territ. p. IOC, Alexander Rep. Canad. arctic exp. 3C. — N. euceroidea sp. n. New York p. 172, Alexander Canad. Ent. 51. Ormoaia diveraipea p. 334, atripea . 335, tokionia, cinctifer p. 336, taka- ashii p. 337, spp. n., Japan, Alex- ander Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12. — O, bijidaria p. 143, aerridens, dentifera, p. 144, adirondacenais p. 145, stylifer p. 146, spp. n., U.S., Alexander Insec. inscit. 7. Pachyrhina chromicolor p. 284, zonata p. 285, spp. n., France figs., Pierre Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — P. appen- diculata sp. n. Macedonia p. 618, Pierre Bull. IStus, Paris 25. — P. nigrithorax sp. n. Sumatra, de Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 18. Paraptychoptera gen. n. p. 120 for P. lacuatria paludoaa and P. longicauda sp. n. Belgium p. 121, Tonnoir Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59 Paratropeza fiavitibia sp. n. Japan p. 333, Alexander Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12. Penthoptera griaea sp. n. Hungary p. 147, Riedel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — P. aanctaemartae sp. n. Colombia p. 148, Alexander J. New York ent. Soo. 27. Peripheroptera aubandina sp. n. Ar- gentina p. 135, Alexander T.c. Phalacrocera mikado sp. n. Japan p. 346, Alexander Ann. Amer. Ent. Soo. 12, Polyangaeus japonicua sp. n. Japan p. 342, Alexander T.c. Proantocha sub gen. n. Avtocha type apinijer sp. n. Japan 330, 331, x\lex- ander T.e. Psiloconopa directa sp. n. Corsica p. 385, Kuntze Ann. Hofmus. Wien 28 1914. Ptiloatena recurvinervia Bergr., Hun- gary, Riedel p. 147 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Ptychoptera, copula p. 115-118 figs., miniUa sp. n. Belgium p. 120, Tonnoir Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59. Rhamphidia 7nonticola sp. n. Sumatra p. 18, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. — R. albitarais fuacipea and fumipennia subspp. n. Panama p. 137, Alexander J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Rhaphidolabia flavibaaia sp. n. Jaj)an p. 343, Alexander Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12. Sphaerionotus gen. n. near Stegaa- monotua, curtipennia sp. n. Sumatra, DE Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 18. Stygeropia parrioidea sp. n. Alaska p. 9C, Alexander Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3C. Tanyderua mirabilia sp. n. New Guinea p. 61 fig., DE Meijere Nova Guinea 13 1915. 217 Insecta. Systematic. — Diptera — Notaoantha. Tanyj^remna fuscitarsis sp. n. Colom- bia p. 149, Alexander J. New York ent Soo. 27. Teucholabis nocticolor sp. n. Sumatra p. 18, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. — T. inornata, unicolor, spp. n., Formosa jl 317, Riedel Ann. Mus Hungar. 16 1918. Tipula spinicauda p. 613, cinerella p. 614, fuscinervis p. 616, verrucosa p. 616, spp. n., Macedonia, Pierre Bull. Mus. Paris 25. — T. joana sp. n. Japan p. 347, Alexander Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12. — T. pseudofulvipennis sp. n. Java and Sumatra, de Meyers By dr. Bierk. 21 p. 18. — T. jacobsotii p. 12, korinchiensis p. 13,, robmsoni p. 14, spp. n. Sumatra, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. — T. johanseni p. IIC, dijlava p. 12C, hewitti, subpolaris p. 14G, besselsoides, subarctica, p. 150, spp. n., N.W. America, Alexander Rep. Canad. arctic exp. 3C. — T. pendulifera p. 166, novebora- censis p. 167, calopteroides p. 168, manahatta p. 169, phoroctenia, nebu- lipennis, p. \10,' fragilina p. 171, spp. n., U.S., Alexander Canad. Ent. 51. — T. doaneiana n.n. for californica Do. 1912 p. 196, ludoviciana p. 196, plutonis p. 197, shasta p. 198, spp. n., U.S., Alexander T.c. — 7’. andalgala Argen- tina p. 150, spinicauda Panama p. 152, spp. n., Ai-exander J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Trentepohlia (Paramongoma) soror- cula sp. n. Panama p. 141, Alexander J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Trichocera colei sp. n. Oregon p. 162, Alexander Canad. Ent. 51. Trichosticha flavescens life-history pp. 417-442, Dette Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 39 1916. Tricyphona brevifurcata p. 6C, frigida p. 7C, spp. n., Alaska, Alexander Rep. Canad. arctic exp. 3C. — T. macateei sp. n. Maryland p. 166, Alexander Canad. Ent. 51. — T. petio- lata sp. n. Colorado p. 194, Alexander T.c. — T. livida Mad., f. 1 p. 149, Riedel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Blepharooeridae. Liponeura cinerascens, in Belgium, Lestaqe p. 66 Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique Notaoantha = (Stratiomyidae, Xylophagidae* Cocnomyiidae). Criticism of Enderlein’s Dipterolo- gische Studien viii 1914, with synony- my, KertIjsz pp. 123-126 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Abiomyia gen. n. Pachygastrinue p. 529, annulipes sp. n. Formosa p. 631, KertIjsz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Abrosiomyia gen. n. Pachygastrinae 531, sp. n. Toyenmongai p. 632, brt6sz T.o. Actina victoriae sp. n. Australia p. 460, figs.. Hill P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. — A. canadensis sp. n. p. 174, Cres- son P. Ac. Philad. 71. Adraga crassivena sp. n. Batchian p. 199, Kert^sz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Ageiton gen. n. p. 641 Pachygastrinae, aier sp. n. Natal p. 542 figs., KertIisz Ann. Mus. Hungar 12 1914. Aidomyia gen. n. p. 191 Pachygas- trinae, femoralis sp. n. Formosa p. 193, KertIjsz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Aochletus albopilosus p. 173, nigro- pilosus p. 174, spp. n. U.S., Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. Artemita bicolor p. 482, peruviana p. 486, spp. n. Araer. mer., Kert^isz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Ashanlina gen. m p. 637 Pachygastri- nae, antennata sp. n. W. Africa p. 539, Kert6sz T.c, Aspidacantha gen. n. p. 154 Pachy- gastrinae, atra sp. n. E. Africa p. 15.5, Kert^sz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Asyneriius gen. n. p. 542 Pachygas- trinae, for Packygster limbipennis, KertIjsz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Beris tunisiae sp. n. Tunis p. 305, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. Borboridea gen. ii. p. 155 Pachygas- trinae, megaspis sp. n. Brazil p. 157, Kert6sz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Campeprosopa bella p. 24, pulchra p. 25, ornata p. 26, spp. n. Sumatra, Ed WARDS J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Cardopomyia gen. n. p. 178 Pachy- gastrinae, robusta sp. n. Madagascar p. 179, Kert6sz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. 218 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Cechoris7nenus \ gen. n. p. 162 Pachy- gaairinae, flavicornis sp. n. Formosa p. 163, Kertesz T.c. Ceratosolva fasci;pennis sp. n. Sumatra, DE Meyeue Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 21. Chelonomima End. ; Kert6sz p. 608 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Cibotogaster fumipennis Formosa p. 470, enderleini Sumatra p. 476 figs., KERTfiSZ T.c. Gosmariomyia gen. n. p. 552 Pachy- gastrinae, argyrosticta sp. n. Brazil ( = Lophoteles plumula End.) p. 554, Ker- tesz T.c. Cyphomyia obscuripalpis p. 19, ni- gripesp. 20, spp. n. Sumatra, de Meyere By dr. Dierk. 21. — C. orientalis sp. n. Formosa p. 505, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1014. Dactylodeictes gen. n p. 544, Pachy - gastrinae, amazonicus sp. n. p. 545, Kertesz T.c. Damaromyia gen. n. p. 195 Pachyas- trinae, tasmaniai sp. n. Hobart p. 197, Kert6sz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Dialampsis gen. n. p. 193 Pachygas- trinae, for Obrupa argentata Wulp, Kertesz T.c. Diargemus gen. n. p. 167 Pachygas- trinae, jlavipes sp. n. Natal p. 168, Ker- tesz T.c. Dolichodema gen. p. p. 147 Pachygas- trinae africana sp. n. Fernando Po p. 148, Kertesz T.c. Drosimomyia gen. n. p. 160, Pachy- gastrinae, natalensis sp. n. p. 151, KertJisz T.c. Eidalimus gen. n. p. 546, Pachygas- trinae, anmdatus sp. n. Peru p. 547, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Enypnium gen. n. p. 535 Pachygas- trinae, quadripunctatum sp. n. W. Africa p. 536, Kertesz T.c. Eucynipimorpha 7ninuia Will, to Psephiocera, Johnson p. 427 Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. Eulalia laujferi, Becker p. 304 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Euparhyphus quadrimaculatus sp. n. California p. 172, Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. , Evaza formosana sp. n. p. 656, Ker- t6sz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Qlochinomyia gen. n. p. 140 Pachy- gastrinae, albiseta sp. n. New Guinea p. 142, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Qnesiomyia gen. n. p. 648 for Pachy- gaster crassiseta Meij., Kertesz .4.nn. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914 on p. 550 said to be probably Monacanthomyia Bran. Onorismomyia gen. n. p. 533, Pachy- gastrinae,flavicornis sp. n. Takao p. 534 , Kertesz T.c. Hermetia pallidipes sp. n. Darwin p. 454 figs., Hill P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Hermione dispar E. Africa p. 493, apicalis p. 495, excellens p. 497, fenest- rata p. 498, Formosa, spp. n., Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — H., table of palaearctic pp. 208-213, caucasica p. 2\i, 4 urkestanica p. 215, stigmosa Tene- rife p. 217, spp. n., KertIjsz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Lenomyia gen. n. p. 186 Pachygas - trinae, honesta sp. n. Formosa p. 188, Kertesz T.c. Ligyroinyia gen. n. p. 200 Pachygas- trinae, Columbiana sp. n. Colombia p. 201, Kertesz T.c. Lophoteles Lw., pp. 510-514, fasci- pennis sp. n. New Guinea p. 514, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar, 12 1914. Manotes gen. n. p. 180 Pachy gas- trinae, plana sp. n. Paraguay p. 181, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar, 14 1916. Microchrysa bruesi sp. n. Jamaica and Guiana, Johnson p. 426 Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. Negritomyia fulvicollis sp. n. Formosa p. 514, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — N. albitarsis, female p. 452 fig.. Hill P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Nemotelus neuquenensis Argentina p. 618, peruvianus Cuzco p. 619, maculatus p, 52\,flavocingulatus p. 522, Argentina, sordidus Peru p. 524, nudus Colombia p. 525, nigricornis p. 527, congruens, Chile, basalis Peru, p. 528, spp. n., Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — N. per plexus p. 301, consimilis p. 302, mersinae p. 303, spp. n. Tunis, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Neoacanthina gen. n. p. 477 near Artemita, fasciata sp. n. Amazons p. 479 fig., Kert&sz Ann. Mus. Hungar 12 1914. 219 Insecta. Si'STEMATIO. — DiPTERA — TabANIDAE. Neorondania scutellata sp. n. Costa Rica p. 174, Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. Odonlormjia pallida p. 450 figs., ohscura p. 457 figs., spp. n. Darwin, Hill P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Oxymyia gen. n. p. 152 Pachygas- trinae, epacla sp. n. S. Africa p. 153, Kert^sz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Pachygastrinae ; tabic of genera, KertIisz pp. 127-140 T.c. Paracechoriemenus gen. n. p. 103 Pachygafitrinae, intermedins sp. n. For- mosa p. 105, including infnrcatus Meij. and albipes Brim., Kert^sz T.c. Pegadomyia gen. n. p. 182 Pachyga.'i- trinae, j^f'^’inosa sp. n. Formosa p. 183, Kertesz T.c. Pithomyia gen. n. p. 176 Platygas- trinne, lae.vifrons sp. n. Natal p. 177, KEinfisz T.c. Platynomyia gen. n. p. 173 Pachygas- trinae, dimorpha sp. n. E. Africa p. 175, Kertesz T.c. Praomyia gen. n. p. 184 for Pachy- gaster leacliii Curt., Kert^isz T.c. Proegmenomyia gen. n. p. 467, me- tallica sp. n. Amer. mer. p. 468 figs. 10 & 17, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Prostomomyia gen.n. p. 550 Pachyas- trinae, airoyiitens sp. n. Formosa p. 551, Kertesz T.c. Psejyhiocera metzi sp. n. Jamaica p. 427, Johnson Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. Pseudocyphomyia gen. n. p. 149 Pachygastrinae, mimetica sp. n. Amazons p. 150, Kert^:sz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Psendoevaza gen. n. p. 146 Pachygas- trinae typo E. argyroceps Big., KERxfesz T.c. Ptecticus aeneithorax sp. n. Sumatra, DE Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 20. — P. lacteitarsis sp. n. Sumatra p. 23, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Plilocera and Isomerces, discussed, synonymy, table, Kertesz pp. 202- 208, Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Pyelomyia gen. n. p. 189 Pachygas- trinae, antmalata sp, n. Peru p. 190, Kertesz T.c. Rhachicerus fenestratus p. 500, brevi- cornis p. 501, pictipennis p. 602, proxi- mus p. 604, spp. n. Formosa, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — R. robinsoni sp. n. Sumatra p. 26, Ed- wards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Rosapha variegata sp. n. Sumatra, DE Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 19. Saldnbella gen. n. p. 142 Pachygas- trinae typo signatipennis Wulp, yombae so. n. New Guinea p. 145, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Sargus gselli sp. n. Australia p. 459 figs.. Hill P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Sathroptera gen. n. p. 540 Pachygas- trinae, jlavipes sp. n. Celebes p. 541, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Solva tinctijyes sp. n. Sumatra, de Meyere By dr. Dierk. 21 p. 21. Spanioynyia gen. n. p. 462 type pulchripennis Br., KertIsz Ann. Rlus. Hungar. 12 1914. Stratiomyia atra sp. n, Oregon p. 223, fig.. Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. Thopomyia gen. n. p. 171 Pachygas- trinae, dichroa sp. n. Peru p. 172, KERTJfesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Thylacognathus gen. n. p. 167 Pachy- gastrinae for lativentris Wulp, KertIlsz T.c. Tinda ; the species pp. 449-^155, maxima sp. n. Cameroons p. 452, KertI:sz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Wallacea argentifer sp. n. Singapore p. 516, Kertesz T.c. — IF. darwini sp. n. Australia p. 460 figs.. Hill P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Zabrachia magnicornis sp. n. New Mexico p. 171, Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. ScENoriNiDAE or Omphralidae. Omphrale ; variation in nervuration. Wahlgren pp. 206-207 figs. Ent Tidskr 40. Tabanidae. Swarms in Florida, Mosier & Snyder pp. 186-196 Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Some larvae, unnamed, Kuhnemann Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin 9. Collecting and transmitting larvae, Marchand pp. 131-137 Ent. News 30^ 220 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919J Chrysops, ing-pictures of North- american, table of species, McAtee & Walton pp. 194-198 P. ent. Soc. Washington 20. Cydistomyia gen. n. Tabaninae doddi sp. n. Queensland, Tayloh p. 47 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Neochrysops gen. n. p. 191, globosus BP. n. U.S. p. 102 fig., Walton P. ent, Soc. Washington 20. Pangonia zonata, suctorial habits, SoHWETZ Rev. zool. afric. 7 p. 46-54. — P. ; habits, the species is hiornata not zonnta, Schwetz T.c. pp. 92-106. Silvius anguslicallosus p. 44, hackeri p. 45, vicinus p. 46, spp. n., Queensland, elongatulus var. n. persimilis p, 43, Taylor P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Silvius jo nesi sp. n, California p. 175, Cbesson P. Ac. Philad. 71. Tabanus {Therioplecies) tetricAia Cau- casus p. 661, sareplanus S. Russia p. 662, nitidifrons, nigellus, E. Siberia p. 664, T. {Atylotus) pe.culiaris Turke- stan p. 665, albifrons Tunis p. 668, T, brunmscens Cyprus p. 671, mixtus Mediterranean p. 672, spp. n., Szilady' Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — T. walteri p. 48 pi. if. 1, eidsvoldensis p. 49 pi. ii f. 2, obscurilineatus p. 50 pi. i f. 3, obscurimaculatus p. 51 pi. ii f. 4, quad- ratus p. 52, australicus p. 53, daphoenus . 54, griseus p. 55, aprepes p. 56, urandae pi. i f. 5, balcJielori pi. ii f. 6, p. 68, ■ aimophorus p. 59 pi. i f. 7, cryp'xrylhnis p. 60, fugilivus p. 61, silvifonnis p. 62, minor pi. i f. 8, hilli pi. ii f. 9 p. 64, davidsoni p. 65, palpalis p, 66, kendallensis p. 68, robustua p. 69, geraldlonensis p. 70 pi. i f. 12, spp. n. Australia, Taylor P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. — T. townsendi n.n. for angustifrona T., Johnson p. 428 Bull. Amer. Mus. 41.— T. alraiua var. n. fulvoqnlosua, Johnson p. 164 Psycho 26.-7'., table of some North -american, McAtee & Walton P. ent. Soc. Washington 20 pp. 198-205. Mydaidae. Ecthypua limbatus, male, Cresson p. 188 P. ac. Philad. 71. Leptomydaa, males, Cresson pp. 188 & 189 T.c. — L. pantherinua, male, pi. XV f. 10, p. 228, Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. Asilidab. tAsilwif wickhami sp. n. p. 648 Colorado Miocene, Cockerell Phila- delphia Proc. Acad. 66 1915. Cerotainia macrocera var. n. jamaicen- sis, Johnson p. 430 Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. Chryaoceria pollenia sp. n. Oregon p. 237 fig.. Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. Cinadus genitalia sp. n. Sumatra p. 34, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 38 pt. 3. > Cophura cyrtopogona sp. n. Oregon p. 236 fig’. Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. Cyrtopogon auratua p. 230, anomalua p. 231, nebula p. 232, infuscatua, perspicax, p. 233, spp. n., Oregon figs.. Cole T.c. Dioctria vertebraia sp. n. Oregon p. 230 fig.. Cole T.c. Eutolmua albiseta p. 315, subatriatus p. 316, spp. n., Tunis, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Ilabropogon carthaginienais sp. n. p. 307, Becker T.c. Heligmoneura carthaginia, clypeata, p. 312, spp. n., Tunis, Becker T.c. — //. indianus p. 74, sinensis p. 75, neavii p. 76, Katanga, africanus p. 77, natalensis p. 78, spp. n., Ricardo Ann. nat. Hist. 3. IJeteropogon albibarbatua p. 308, alter j). 309, spp. n., Tuni.s, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Lasiopogon cinereus sp. n. Oregon p. 229 fig.. Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. Leptogaater coniermina sp. n. Sumatra p. 31, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. — L. nridua sp. n. Oregon 1). 229, Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. Machimus perplexus sp. n. Tunis p. 317, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — ili. chinensia p. 45, assainen- sia p. 46, coeruleacens, dubius, p. 47, kiriipea p. 48, indianua p. 50, khasiensis p. 51, montanus p. 52, nigrinus p, 53, parvus p. 54, tibialis p. 55, India, ugandiensia Africa p. 56, spp. n., Ricardo Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Metapogon setigerum sp. n. Oregon p. 235 fig.. Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. 221 I nsec la. S Y3TEM ATIC.— D I i*f EK A-^ Bom B YLllD AE. Neoilamus cet/IonicuS p. GO, grandis p. 61, hindostani p. 62, inornatus p. 63 India, nigricans Luzon p. 64, pvlcher Ooylon p. 65, rubrofemoratus Tient-sin p. 67, siamensis p. 68, tropicus India p. 69, tarsalis Ceylon p. 70, neavensis Congo p. 72, africnnus F<. Africa p. 73, spp. n., longistylus numerous synonyms p. 59, Ricardo Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Nusa crnenta Florida p. 244, sicaria Texas p, 246, spp. n., McAteb Ohio Nat. 19. Sci/lniicus minialus sp. n. Tunis p. 310, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Stichopogon dorsatus sp. n. Tunis p. 306, Becker T.c. Leptidae. Arthropeas jonesi sp. n. California p. 176, Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. Chrusopilus egregius sp. n. Sumatra, DE Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 22. — Chrysopila {Poppiusie.Ha subgen. n.) arctica Kanin sp. n., Frey Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fcnn. 46 No. 2 1918 p. 28. — C. gilvipennis sp, ii. Sumatra p. 30, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. — C. nudns p. 176, dilatus p. 177, spp. n., California, Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. Poppiusiella subgen. n. vide Chryso- pila. Ptiolina grandis Kanin sp. n. Frey Acta Soc. Fauna ot FI. Fcnh. 46 No. 2 1918 p. 31. Rhagio sinuatus p. 28, korinchiensis, montivagus, p. 29, Spp. n,, Sumatra, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Acroceridae or CvrtidaE. Monograph of North-american Cyrti- dae. Cole pp. 1-79 15 pis. Tr. atner. ent. Soc. 45. Acrocera convexa California p. 53 pl. X f. 29, huhbardi Arizona p. 58 f. 31, spp. n., bakeri var. n. arizoiiensis p. 61 pl. ix f. 28, bulla var. n. mdanderi p. 65, Cole T.c. Camposella gen. n. p. 271, insignata sp. n. Guayaquil p. 272 pl. xi, Cole Ent. News 30. Megalyhus & Thyllis, characters, pp. 54-63 pl. ii, Cole Canad. Ent. 51. Ocnaed achwarzi Cuba p. 26^ loewi pl. iii f. 12, coerulea f. 14 Texas p. 26, spp. n., Cole Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Ogcodes niger Utah p. 65 pl. xv f. 41, marginatus Wyoming p. 67 f. 42, borealis Quebec, rufoabdominalis Utah p. 68, spp. n.. Cole T.c. Opsebius nipponensis sp. n. p. 94 figs., Cole Canad. Ent. 51. — 0. diligens var. n. hyalinus p. 47, Cole Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Pierodontia johnsoni sp. n. Seattle p. 42, Cole T.c. Bombyliidae. Anastoechus bahirae, fuscipennis, spp. n., Tunis p. 326, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — A., table pp. 51-55 ; asiaticus Transcaspian p. 65, bitinctus Spain, jlaveolus Egypt p. 66, inter- medins Transcaspian, montitim Alai mts. p. 57, sibiricus Baikal p. 59, viduus Greece p. 60, spp. n., BecKer Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Anisotamia, compositioUj Cresson p. 180 P. Ac. Philad. 71. Anthrax macula sp. n. Oregon p. 226 fig.. Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. ' Bomhylius striatus sp. n. Tunis p. 325, Broker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — B. silvus p. 226 sp. n. Oregon fig., aurifer pendens subsp. n. p. 226, Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. — B. facialis, sp. n. Arizona p. 187, Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. Cononedys bituberculata sp. n. Tunis p. 322, Becker Anrt. Mus. Ilungar. 13 1916. Cytherea discipes sp. n. Tunis p. 320, Becker T.c. Eclimus lariiger p. 182, yosemite p. 183, spp. n., California, Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. — Ei celer sp. n. Oregon p. 224, magnus O.S. male p. 225 fig.. Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. EmpidideicuS serenus sp. *n. Tunis p. 329, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Epacm/ns pallidus sp. n. Texas p. 181, Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 7l. Exhyalanlhrat subg. n. of Villa [but treated as distinct] p. 44, argentifer Greece p. 46, auiumnalis Asia Minor, 222 Insecla. XII. Insecta. 11919] confusus Greece, etc., p. 47, contrarius Dalmatia p. 48, pauper N. Africa p. 49, spp n., Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Exoprosopa fumosa Mexico p. 177, jonesi California, E. {Exoptaia) ingens Arizona p. 178, Oresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. Qeron digitaria p. 184 with var. robusta, nivea, p. 185, spp. n., U.S., Cresson T.c. ■\Oeron (?) platysoma sp. n. Colorado Miocene p. 643, Cockerell Philadelphia Proc. Acad. 66 1915. Heterostylum vierecki sp. n. New Mexico p. 186, Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. Lomatia hamifera sp. n. Tunis p. 321, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Lordotus divisus sp. n. New Mexico p. 186, Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. Phthiria incisa sp. n. Tunis p. 328, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 18 1915. — P. psi sp. n. California p. 186, Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. Plesiocera flavifrons sp. n. Tunis p. 324, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Sinaia gen. n. p. 65, kneuckeri sp. n. Sinai p. 66, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Spogostylum argentum sp. n. Oregon p. 227 fig.. Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. — S. vierecki sp. n. U.S. p. 180, Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. Systoechus pumilio sp. n. Tunis p. 327, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — S. table pp. 60-62, longirostris Sarepta p. 63, tesquorum Europe, Tunis, p. 64, unicolor Dalmatia p. 65, spp. n., Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Syslropus varipes sp. n. Sumatra p. 36, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 38 pt. 3. Villa laevis sp. n. Tunis p. 318, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — Villa {Hylanthrax) p. 18 tables pp. 18-27, albida Hungary p. 28, bizonata, bombiformis, Asia minor p. 29, brunnea Greece p. 30, disjuncta Sahara p. 32, fasciculata, haesitans, Greece p. 33, inconstans Tunis p. 34, inquieta Corsica p. 35, mus Armenia p. 36, nana Tunis p. 37, quinta p. 39, suprema Asia minor, satanas Alai mts. p. 40, tomentosa Mediterr. p. 41, spp. n., Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. — Villa, correc- tion to table, Becker op. cit. 15 p. 382 1917. — V. webberi p. 11, lepi- dotoides p. 12 N. America, spp. n., Johnson Psyche 26. Nemestrinidae. Hirmoneura bradleyi sp. n. Texas p. 301 fig., Bequaert J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Nemestrinus pubescens Konia p. 274, variicolor, modest us, Turkestan p. 276, spp. n., Lichtwardt Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17, Neohirmoneura subg. n. of Hirmon- eura type H. flavipes Will., Bequaert p. 306 J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Empidae. ^Empis miocenica, florissantana p. 645, 2 ff., spp. n., Colorado Miocene, Cockerell Philadelj)hia, Proc. Acad. 66 1915. Hybos pilosipes, longisetosus p. 24, spp. n., Sumatra, de Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21. Pieltania gen. n., iberica sp. n., Spain, p. 479, figs. 1, 2, Arias Bol. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat. 19. Rhamphomyia phanerustigma Archan- gelsk sp. n., Frey Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fcnn. 46 No. 2 1918 p. 8. — li. erinacioides p. 45C, ursina, similata, p. 46C, herschelli p, 47C, consermtiva J). 48C, spp. n., N.W. America, Malloch Rep. Canad. arctic exp. 3C. Tachydromia articulntoides Archan- gelsk sp. n., Frey Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fcnn. 46 No. 2 1918 p. 11. — T. harti sp. n„ Illinois p. 248, Malloch Canad. Ent. 51. Dolichopidae. Palaearctio Dolichopidae, Becker Nov. Act. L. C. Ak. 102 1917 pp. 115- 361, and 103 1918 pp. 205-315, and 104 1918 pp. 27-214 ; text-figs. Anahydrophorus gen. n., Dolichopodi- dae for Scatophaga cinerea Fbr. p. 298, Becker Nova ActaiL.C. Ak. 102 1917. 223 Insccta. Systematic. — Diptera — DoLiOHoriDAB. Argyra canariensia Teneriffa p. 67, perplexa Europa merid. p. 71 fig., setulipes Rossia merid. p. 72, striaticollis Polonia p. 73, spp. n., Becker Nova Acta L.d. Ak. 104- 1918. — A. spUndida sp. n. Sumatra, de Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 26. Asyndetua occidenlalis California p. 249, longipalpis Guatemala p. 250, spp. n., VAN Duzee Ent. News 30. Campaicnemus maculatva sp. n., Europa mer. p. 88, Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 104 1918. Chrysotus nigerrimua Asia Minor p. 57, nudus Tunisia p. 58, spp. n., Becker T.c. Diaphorua table of species pp. 163-166 ; spp. n., Virginia, haaalia 168, f. 13, viltalua p. 176, antennalua exico p. 169, venlralia British Hon- duras p. 170, adustiis Idaho, Nevada p. 172, gibboaua north-eastern U.S. p. 173; Oregon, alienua p. 176, f. 8, occidenlalis p. 180, f. 11, albiciliaiua Guatemala p. 177, quadratua Ontario p. 179, f. 10; California, parmatua p. 181, f. 1, repandua p. 183, ff. 3, 14 ; remulus South Dakota p. 182, f. 2, usitatua Oregon, Idaho p. 184, f. 4 ; Idaho aldrichi p. 185, f. 6, triaiigulalua p. 189, f. 7, similia Pennsylvania p. 186, f. 6, trivittatua Florida p. 187, variabilis eastern U.S. p. 191, femoralua Louisiana p. 194, leucoatonia infuacatua var. n. Washington D.C., New Jersey p. 179, spp. n.. Van Duzee Buffalo Bull. Soc. Nat. Sci. 11 1915.— D. varifrons sp. n. Tunis p. 46, Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 104 1918. Dolichopus divisua Mongolei and Sibirien p. 133, falcatua Sehlesien p. 136, fusiformia Turkestan p. 138, griaeifaciea Sibiria p. 141, lapponicua Lapponia p. 141 fig. mucronatus Lap- ponia p. 147, nigreacena Korsika p. 148, nigrilamellatua Ural p. 149, spp. n., occuUua nom. n. for cilifemoratua Staeg. nec. Macq., pictitarsia Polonia p. 152, rufitinctua Ural p. 164, ateini Germania p. 157, aublimbatua Warschau p. 168, ayracuaanua Sicilia p. 159, ayriacua Syria p. 169, turkeatani Turkes- tan p. 161, spp. n., Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 102 1917. — D. daayopa sp. n. N.W. America p. 49C, Malloch Rep. Canad. Arctic exp. 3C. Epithalaaaiua coraicanua p. 266 figs., caucaaicua p. 267 fig., spp. n., Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 103 1918. — E, elegantulua sp. n. Royan p. 362, Villen- BUVE Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1920 Hercoatomua inaularnm Kanarische Inseln p. 221 fig., atroblianua Ungarn p. 237 fig., varicoloria Kaukasus p. 238, fig., spp. n., Becker Nova Acta L. C. Ak. 102 1917. Hydrophorua, the Swedish, albo- aignatna sp. n. p. 16, Ringdahl Ent. Tidskr. 40. — H. tibetanua sp. n. Tibet p. 292, Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 102 1917. — H. pilitaraia sp. n. Alaska p. 5lC, Malloch Rep. Canad. Arctic Exp. 3C. Medeterua longicauda Europa centr. p. 342, murina Kaukasus p. 343, aubglauca Lapponia p. 346, tertia Germania p. Mo fig., vagana Europa centr. et sept. p. 347, spp. n., Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 102 1917.— M. falcatua f aimilia p. 261, novna, longinquua, p. 262, aeneua, cuneiformia, p. 263, nitidiventria, obeaua, p. 264, aequalia, frontalia, p. 265, diatinctvs, obacuripennia, p. 266, halteralia p. 267, viltalua, oregonenaia, p. 268, Am. bor., planipea, flavipea, p. 269, abruptua p. 270, Guatemala, spp. n.. Van Duzee P. Calif. Ac. 9. — M, caeruleacena sp. n. Illinois p. 8, larva p. 9, Mali.ooh Ent. News 30. Microlea gen. n. p. 132, mediterraneua sp. n. Insel Brioni und Korfu p. 133 figs., Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 104 1918. Muacidideicua subg. n. of Hercoatomua for Dolichopua praelextatua Halid, p. 268, Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 102 1917. Neurogona lo7tgipea Ural p. 309 figs., uralenaia Ural p. 311, spp. n., Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 103 1918. Oligochaetua perplexua sp. n. Tunisia p. 353, Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 102 1917. Tachylrechua argentatua sp. n. Suma- tra, DE Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 25. Porphyropa hungarica Hungary p. 220, pailopoda Wurttemberg p. 226, spp. n., Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 103 1918. 224 Insecta. XII. Insecta. 11919] Sciopus albimamis sp. n. Spain p. 156, glaucescens var. n. brionii Insel Brioni Istrien p. 162, mariiimus sp. n. Eur. p. 186 fig., aberrans sp. n, Syria p. 187 fig., Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 104 1918. SphyrotarauH herve-bnzini sp. n. Gallia sept, p. 302 figs.. Parent in Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 102 1917, ~ Submedeterv.s gen. n. p. 360, cuneatua sp. n. Ungarn p. 361 fig., Becker T.c. Sympycnua imperfectus sp. n. Hun- gary p. 107, Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 104 1918. Syntormon abbreviatus Tunisia p. 272 fig., bisetosua Silesia p. 275 fig., mulillaiua Europa mer. p. 280 fig., tabarkae Tunisia p. 285 figs., spp. n., Becker Nova Acta L.C. 103 1918. Sysienua obacurior sp. n. Europa p. 258, Becker T.c. Thrypticua fennicua sp. n. Einnland p. 356 fig., Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 102 1917. Xanthochlorua ultmmontanua sp. n. p. 131 fig., Becker Nova Acta L.C, Ak. 104 1918. Xiphandrium anaU Europa merid. p. 237 fig., bilamellatum Ober-Oster- reich p. 241 fig., f latum Europa sept, p. 246 fig., intermedium Europa centr. p. 248 fig,, tridena Europa centr. p. 253 fig., irijidum Alpes p. 254 fig., spp. n., Becker Nova Acta L.C. Ak. 103 1918. Lonchopteridae or Musidoridae. Muaidora orientalia sp. n. Formosa p. 675, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. # Phoridae, Termitoxenidae. The occurrence of wingless Phoridae on the Fiji Islands ; Brues Psyche 26 p. 49. Aconiiatoptera braailienaia sp. n. Brazil, Schmitz p. 627, fig. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 37 1914. Aenigmatopoetia gen. n. p. 354 orbicularia sp. n. Kamerun p. 636 figs., Schmitz .T.c. Aphiochaeta aniaodactyla, cotMirnata, p. 110, carpalu p. 112, unicolor p. 113, manualia p. 113, feneatrnlia p. 114, praeacuta p. 115, virilia p. 116, aubnudipennia p. 117, herndaeni p. 118, spp. n., Centr. Europe, Schaiitz Ber. Ned. Ent. Ver. 5. — A. aculeata p. 142, ignobilia p. 143, fuaco-halterala p. 144, cuapidala p.il45, spp. n., Centr. Eur., Schmitz T.c., errata T.c. p. 169. — A. oldenbergi p. 191, rubricornis p. 193, Germany, septentrionalia Sweden p. 194, spp. n., Schmitz T.c. — A. alaakensia, platychira, spp. n., N.W. America, Malloch p. 62 C Rep. Canad. arctic t xp. 3 C. Beckerina luteola sp. n. Illinois p. 256, Malloch Canad. Ent. 51. Gonoproaopa armigcra, synonymy, figure, Brues Psyche 26 p. 42, fig. 1. Echidnophora gen. n. Phoridae p. 266, butteli sp. n. Java Sumatra p. 257 fig., Schmitz Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 39 1916. Ecilophora gen. n. p. 524, cornea sp. n. S. Brazil p. 524 figs., Schmitz T.c. Hexacantherophora gen. n. p. 512, cohabitana sp. n. Belgian Congo p. 512 and figs., Schmitz T.c. Hypocera dohrniphoridea sp. n. Bis- marck-Archipel, Assmuth Tydschr. Ent. 62 p. 198. , Odonioxenia gen. n. Termitoxeniidae . 236, breviroatris sp. n. Java p. 237, chmitz Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 39 1916. Paraphiochaeta picia var. n. faaciiven- tria p. 342, Brues Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. Paraapinophora acutellala jamaicensis subsp. n. p. 341, Brues T.c. — P. armipea sp. n. Natal p. 40, Brues Psyche 26. Phalacrcflophora piclofaaciata sp. n. Hungary p. 195, Schmitz Ent. Ber. Nederl. Ent. Ver. 5. Phora presaata sp. n. Paris, Becker p. 449 Parasitol. 11. — P. aptina, noies on, Schmitz Tydschr. Ent. 61 p. 236. Plaatophora waamanni p. 628 figs., aolenopaidia p. 531 figs., Brazil spp. n. Schmitz Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 37 1914. Paeudoatenophora aniricola sp. n. Siidost-Europa, Schmitz Tydschr. Ent. 61 p. 233. 225 Insect a. Systematic. — Diptera — Syrphidae. Tthynclwmicropteron caecntiens sp. n. Bombay p. 619 figs., Schmitz Zool. Jahrb. Abt Syst. 37 1914. Tcrmiloxenia punctivenlris Java p* 244 figs., longiceps Perak p. 249> clitdlaria Ceylon p. 255 fig., spp. ii., Schmitz Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 39 1916. Trtipheonenra pacJn/neurella Dolo- mites p. 189, aequalis Pot.sdam p. 189, spp. n., Schmitz Eut. Bor. Nederl. Ent. Ver. 5. PirUNCULIDAE or Dorylatdae. Dorylas pulvillaliis p. 387, roralis p. 389, separalus p. 390, Formosa, gmtiosus Paraguay p. 391, spp. ii., lentiger p. 386 n.n. for mutildtus K. 1912, Kert^sz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Pipunculus ; its parasitism, Wil- liams pp. 65-68 P. Hawai cnt. Soc. 4. — P. cressoni, jamakensis, spp. n., Jamaica p. 433, Johnson Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. PlatypEzidae. Agalhomyia lutea sp. n. Oregon p. 238, fig.. Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. Syrphidae. Syrphidae singing. Carter p. 18 Ent. Mag. 55 ; Wallis p. 33 T.c. Allogmpta fracla,, natural history, Davidson pp. 236-239 Canad. Ent. 51. Arclnsyrphus gen. n. nahe Helophilus, nitididus Archangelsk sp. n., Frey Helsingfors Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 46 No. 2 1918 p. 15. Arctophila apifonnis sp. n. Sumatra, DE Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 27. Bracliyopa gigas sp, n. Oregon p. 243, fig., Lovett P. Calif. Ac. 9. Brachypalpus piqra sp. n. Oregon p. 241, Lovett T.c. Callicera sumatrensis sp. n. Sumatra, DE Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 26, Chalcomyia aerea, larva, Malloch p. 25 Ent. News 30. Ckilosia ferruginea p. 238, nigrovit- lata p. 239, pacijica p. 240, spp. n., Oregon, Lovett P. Calif. Ac. 9. Criorhina aurea p. 248, lima p. 249, fig., guadriboscis p. 250, figs., spp. n., Oregon, Lovett T.c. (n-13799 j) Q Didea annandalei n. sp. Persia p. 299, Brunetti Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16. Didea pacijica sp. n. Oregon p. 246, Lovett P. Calif. Ac. 9. Eumeruslstrigatus, in North America, Metcalf pp. 170-174 Ent. News 30. Graptomyza ohtusa p. 77, dolichocera p. 79, cynocephala p. 81, deniata p. 83, spp. n., Formosa, figs., KertIjsz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 10i4. ' HelophUns {Mesembrius) alrolaneus sp. n. Sumatra p. 43, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Korinchia gen. n. p. 39 near Proty- locera, klossi p. 40, robinsoni, monticola, p. 41, spp. n., Sumatra, Edwards T.c. Milesia minor sp. n. Sumatra, de Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 28. Phytomia tenebrica sp. n. Sumatra p. 42, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Pipiza oregona sp. n. p. 246, fig., Lovett P. Calif. Ac. 9. Plaiychirus frbntosus sp. n. Oregon p. 247, Lovett T.c. Rhivgia robinsoni sp. n. Sumatra p. 38, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Sericomyia crassijies sp. n. Sumatra p. 44, Edwards T.c. Sphegina orienlalis sp. n. Formosa p. 73, Kert^sz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Syrphus lalifasciatus var. n. submacu- latus Archangelsk, Frey Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 46 No. 2 1918 p. 13. — S. bimaculala. p. 244 fig., pacijica p. 246, spp. n., Oregon, Lovett P. Calif. Ac. 9. — 8. sodalis var. n. inierruplns Alaska p. 65 C, Malloch Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3 C. — 8. wiedemanni n.n. for americanus Wied., Johnson p. 32 Canad. Ent. 51. Temnocera spinigera, Bruch pp. 176- 18l pi. & figs. Rev. Mus. La Plata 24. Volucella rotundata sp. n. Sumatra p. 38, Edwards J. Fed. jMalay St. ]\Ius. 8 pt. 3. Xylota scutellarmafa p. 241, siigmatk pennis p. 242, spp. n., Oregon, Lovett 226 Insecta. XII. Insecla. [1919] CONOPIDAB. Dalmannia blaisdelli, sp. D. Colorado p. 190, Ceesson P. Ac. Philad. 71. Robertsonomyia gen. n. for Zodion palpalis, Malloch p. 205 Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Oestbidae. The larvae connected with elephant and rhinoceros, Rodhain & Bequaert Bull. Sci. France Belgique 52 pp. 379- 460 pi. hi. Atrypoderma gen. n. for Musca ameri- cana Fabr., Townsend p. 692 P. U.tS. nat. Mus. 56. Qastrophilua nasalis, oviposition. Cameron p. 26 Science 49. — O. equi, habits, Hamm p. 229 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55, Notes on the species of Qastrophilua found in South Africa, Bedford Fifth & Sixth Rep. Dir. Vet. Res. Dept. Agric. Un. S. Afric. pp. 627-643 6 pis. Homotrixa gen. n. p. 437, brevijacies 8p. n. Formosa p. 440, Villbneuvb Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Hypoderma bovis, penetration, Stub Kobenhavn Mdskf. Dyrl. 31 pp. 230- 231. Oedemagena tarandi, larva pi. viii figs. 14 & 17, Malloch p. 55 C, Rep. Canad. arctic exp. 3 C. Oestrus interruptus sp. n. Africa p. 333, Gedoelst Bull. ent. Res. 9. Plesiooestrus gen. n. p. 439, aJbifacies sp. n. Congo p. 441, Villeneuvb Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Xanthooeslrus gen. n. p. 438, fastuosus sp. n, Formosa p. 440, Villeneuve T.c. Xystomima gen. n. p. 438, maculi- pennis sp. n. Congo p. 439, Villeneuve T.c. Muscidae Calyptratae. Notes on Texas Tachinidae ; Rein- hard pp. 279-285 Ent. News 30. Descriptive and synonymic notes, Villeneuve pp. 259 & 260 Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Parasite of nestling birds p. 48, Gilbert Emu 19. Alliopsis obesa sp. n. N.W. America, Malloch p. 70 0 Rep. Canad. arctic exp. 3 C. Ammomyia flavipes, rujitibia, spp. n., Peru p. 239, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Anaclysta Jlexa, male, Stein p. 156 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Anametopochaeta gen. n. Lydelliniy olindoides sp. n. Peru, Townsend p. 571 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Anaporia gen. n. type Aporia lima- codis, Townsend p. 560 T.c. Angioneura enigmatica sp. n. Lille & Berlin p. 307, Villeneuve Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Anthomyia plumiseta sp. n. Formosa p. 158, Stein Ann. Mus Hungar. 16 1918. — A. fumipenhis sp. n. New Guinea p. 210, Stein Nova Guinea Zool. 13. Aphantorhapha gen. n. Bigonichetini, arizonica sp. n., Townsend p. 586 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Aravaipa gen. n. Salmaciiniy atropho- poda sp. n. Arizona, Townsend p. 589 T.c. Aricia borealis sp. n. N.W. America p. 64 C, Malloch Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3 C. — A. bicolorata p. 253, orego- nensis p. 254, spp. n., Oregon, Malloch P. Calif. Ac. 9. Aubaeanetia gen. n. p. 569 Lydellini, assimilis sp. n. U.S. p. 570, Townsend P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Austrolydella gen. n. near Stomalo- lydella, assimilis sp. n. Peru, Townsend p. 573 T.c. Beskioleskia gen. n. Leskiini, busckii sp. n. Panama, p. 562, Townsend T.c. Bezzimyia gen. n. p. 591 near Chiri- cahuia, busckii sp. n. Panama p. 592, Townsend T.c. Bufolucilia gen. n. typo L. bujonivora Mon., Townsend p. 642 T.c. Calyptromyia gen. n. near Leucostoma, barbata sp. n. Formosa, Villeneuve p. 92 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Calythea fasciata sp. n. Sarnia p. 199, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Casahuiria gen. n. p. 581 Argyrophy- lacini, cornuta sp. n. Peru p. 682, Town- send P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Charadrella macrosoma v.d. Wulp, Stein p. 232 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. 227 Insecla. Systematic, — Diptepa — ^Musoidab. Charapemyia gen. n. Gymnocketini p. 589, calida sp. n. Peru p. 590, Town- send P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Chlorosarcophaga gen. n. p. 642 Slephanostomatini, cochliomyia gp. n. Panama p. 543, Townsend T.c. Chortophila parcepilosa V. to Hyle^ wyia, Villenedve p. 260 Ann. Soc. ent. France 88. Chrysotachina peruviana sp. n. p. 590, Townsend P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Clinopera scutellata sp. n. Jamaica p. 440, Johnson Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. Coenosia cingulala p. 160, longicornis p. 161, radiaia p. 162, trigonalis p. 163, spp. n., Formosa, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — C. alhicoxa p. 200, costata, fascigera, p., 201, jlavivihrissata, punctigera, p. 202, spp. n. Africa, Stein T.c. — C. alhipila S. America or Africa p. 242, lanigera Sierra S. Lorenzo p. 243, spp. n., Stein T.c. — C. oregonemis sp. n. p. 254, Malloch P. Calif. Ac. 9. — C. alticola p. 303, parvisquama p. 304, spp. n., California, Malloch T.c. — C. fuscifrons sp. n. Ontario p. 96, Malloch Canad. Ent. 51. Compsilura concinnata, natural his- tory, anatomy, Culver Bull. U.S. dep. Agric. 766 35 pp. pi. Compsoptcsis gen. n. p. 90 near Phafiia, rufula, phoenix, spp. n., Formosa p. 92, V’^iLLENEUVB Aim. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Copecrypta andina sp. n. Peru p. 591, Townsend P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Crocula lutea sp. n. U.S. p. 684, Town- send T.c. Cryptolucilia ohscuripe-t sp. n. For- mosa p. 149, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 19i8. C. hirtkeps, marginipennis, spp. n., Africa p. 188, Stein T.c. Cyrtoneurina, valid p. 223, inflexa Brazil p. 224, limbisquama Vera Cruz p. 225, mellhia Brazil p. 226, nudinervis Cordoba p. 227, pallipes Paraguay p. 228, spp. n., Stein T.c. Dejeanin ; African .spp. pp. 135-141, Engel Ent. Mitt. 8. Dialyla nigropolita sp. n* California p. 302, Malloch P. Calif. Ac. 9. Eocarcelia gen. n. p. 582, ceylanka sp. n. p. 683, Townsend P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. (n-13799 j) Q Eremomyia major sp. n. Calif orm'a p. 310, Malloch P. Calif. Ac. 9. Euphormia gen. n. type Musca regina Meig., Townsend p. 642 P. U.S. natv Mus. 56. Eutorocca gen. n. Cordyligasterini,, fasciala sp. n. Ceylon, Townsend T.c. Eutritochaeta gen. n. near Tritochaeia, carpocapsae sp. n. Arkansas, Townsend p. 580 T.c. Fannia interrupla sp. n. Formosa p. 153, Malloch Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — F. prisca sp. n. Formosa p. 154, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — F. fascidta p. 194, fruticosa p. 195, spp. n., New Hannover Africa, Stein T.c. — F. flavipes sp. ii. Paraguay p. 234, Stein T.c. Fortisia, table, rondanii sp. n. Corsica, Villeneuvb p. 366 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1920. Ginglymia acrirostris, larva & pupa, Lloyd p. 264 pi. xxv J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Glossina ; distribution, Rodhain Rev. zool. afric. 7 pp. 67-64 ; genitalia female, Evans Ann. trop. Med. 13 pp. 31-56, figs. ; Recherches sur lea Glos- sines (Mouches Ts6-Tse), Schwetz Brussels 1919 ; in Rhodesia, Jack Bull, ent. Res. 10 pp. 71-90 pis. & maps; in the Ivory Cnast, Bouet & Roubaud Paris Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 pp. 37-39. — G, morsitans, Duke BuU. ent. Res. 10 pp. 7-20 ; rearing, Rou- baud Bull. Soc. path. exot. 10 1917 pp. 629-640. — G. palpalis, Duke pp. 263-270 Bull. ent. Rts. 9. — G. tabani- formis, Schwetz pp. 337-339 Rev. zool. afric. 6. Graphomyia rufitibia sp. n. Formosa p. 147, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 18 1918. — O. exwiia sp. n. New Guinea p. 199, Stein Nova Guinea 13 Zool. Gymnocafcelia gen. n., ricinoruin sp. n. Florida (= Sturmia albifrons Coq.), Townsend p. 582 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Haeinatobia nudinervis p. 150, rufipes p. 161, spp. n. Formosa, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Helina fletcheri sp. n. Illinois p. 274, Malloch Canad. Ent. 51. — H. tuber- culata sp. n. Labrador p. 277, Malloch T.c. — //. fuscomarginata sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 298, Malloch P. Calif. Ac. 9. C 19—2 228 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Hesperodinera gon. n. near Dinera, cinerea sp. n. New Mexico, Townsend p. 551 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Hydrophoria arclica sp. n. N.W. America p. 69c, Malloch Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3c. — //. seticauda sp, n. California p. 306, Malloch P. Calif. Ac. 9. Hydrotaea lonyipila sp. n. New- Hannover Africa p. 194, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — H. Ici^io- 'phthalma p. 297 sp. n. California, Mal- Locn P. Calif. Ac. 9. Hylemyia pedestris p. 274, quintilu p. 275, spp. n. Illinois, Malloch Canad. Ent. 51. — H. recur va p. 308, normalis, '■extremilata, p. 309, spp. n. California, Mai.loch P. Calif. Ac. 9. — H. {Pogono- myza) spinosissiina sp. n. Ontario p. 95, ]\Ialloch Canad. Ent. 51. — //. montana sp. n. Colorado p. 134, Malloch P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. — H. winne- viam sp. n. U.S. p. 209, Malloch T.c. — //. acrostichalU sp. n. Alaska p. 72c, Malloch Rep. canad. arctic exp. 8c. — //. nidicola sp. n. N. America p. 380, Townsend Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12. — H. laUfrons sp. n. Mexico p. 236, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Hypenomyia gen. n. Microchaetini, peliolata sp. n. Arizona, Townsend p. 545 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Incamyiopsis gen. n. Qennariini, imitatrix sp. n. Peru, Townsend p. 587 T.c. Leptodexia gen. n. Calirrhoini, gracilis sp. n. Peru, Townsend p. 550 T.c. Leplomacquarlia gen. n. p. 508 Mac- quartiini, planijrons sp. n. Peru p. 569, Townsend T.c. Leucomelina cabana sp. n. Cuba p. 442, Johnson Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. Limnophora auturalis sp, n. Eonnosa j). 155, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918.— L. conversa sp. n. Madagascar p. 196, Stein T.c. — L. auraniiaca sp. n. Deslacs isld. p. 174, Stein T.c. — L. incrassaia p. 299, magnipunctata p. 301, spp. n. California, Malloch P. Calif. Ac. 9. Lispa mirabilis sp. n. India p. 176, glabra Wied. queried p. 175, Stein Arm. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — L. hirtitarsis Bourbon & R6union p. 197, leucosticta, pennitarsis, p. 198 Madagascar, spp. n., Stein T.c. Loewia & Forlisia, table, Villeneuve p. 356 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Lucilia ; larvae in wounds of Crice- lomys, Vandenbranden p. 197 Rev. zool. afric. 7. — L. splendida, as parasite on Biifo, Hesse Biol. Zentralbl. 39 pp. 401-406. Lydellolhelaira gen. n. Euthelairini p. 558, collaria sp. n. Peru p. 559, Town- send P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Lyperosia irritans, natural history, WiLHELMi S.B. Oes. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Macatecia gen. n. near Hammomyia, protuberans sp. n. U.S., Malloch p. 1 P, biol. Soc. Wasliington 32. — M. alra sp. n. California p. 305, Mal- loch P. Calif. Ac. 9. Machairomaaicera gen. n. p. 577, Mtigeniini, carinata, sp. n., Ecuador p. 578, Townsend P. U.S. nat. Mu.s. 56. Matucania gen. n, Macquarliini, mellisquama, sp. n., Peru, Townsend p. 568 T.c. Megaeitloewia gen. n. ji. 545 Myio- phasiini, morinioides, sp. n., New Mexico p. 546, Townsend T.c. Meigenielloides gen. n. p. 573 Lydel- Uni, cinerea, sp. n., New Mexico p. 574, Townsend T.c. Melinda distinguished from Oneaia, M. cognata life history and habits, Keilin pp. 430-455 jils. xxii xxv Parasitol. 11. Melallicominiho gen. n. Minlhoini, abdominalia sv. n., Arizona, Townsend p, 555 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Metatachina gen. n. Oermariini, melli- frons, sp. n. Maine, Townsend p. 588 T.c. M eloposarcophaga tolliilli i>. 155, pachyprocloaa p. 157, spp. n., Am. bor. 6gs., Parker Canad. Ent. 51. Microaporia gen. n. p. 560, Uramyini, elegana, sp. n., Peru p. 501, Townsend P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Microdiaetona gen. n. near Phyllo- p>hilop$is, gracilis, sp. n., Peru, Town- send p. 565 T.c. Micromintho gen. n. p. 554, Minlhoini, mtlania, sp. n., Arizona p. 555, Town- send T.c, 229 Insecia. Systematic. — Diptera — Musoidae. Minthokoughia gen. n. near Houghia, cylindrical sp. n., Peru, Townsend p. 581 T.e. Minihomyia gen. n. Myiominihoini, abdominalis sp. n., Peru, Townsend p. 564 T.e. Minthozelia gen, n. Zeliini p. 556, monUma, sp. n., Arizona p. 557, Town- send T.e. Morellia abdominalis p. 186, bicolor p. 187, spp. n. Uganda, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 iOlS. — M. cyanicolor India, sordidisquama Ceylon p. 164, spp. n., Stein T.e. Musca domeslica, habits, Mellor Ann. Appl. Biol. 6 p. 53-88. — M. domestiai, attracted by smoke, Criddle p. 100 Canad. Ent. 51. Muscina ; the cocoons, Keilin p. 237 Parasitol. 11. Mydaea altenta India p. 167, bistriata New Guinea p. 168, diaphana p. 169, morosa, Ceylon, pallens Penang, p. 170, rufiventris New Guinea p. 171, sphndida (jeylon, tenax Hongkong, p. 172, iibiclla Darjiling p. 173, spp. n., Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — M, anlennata p. 151, laiila p. 152, spp. n., Eormosa, Stein T.c. — Jli. armata p. 203, decipiens p. 204, distincta p. 205, frontalis p. 206, quadristriata p. 208, spp. n. New Guinea, Stein Nova Guinea 13 Zool. — M. Jlavoscutdlata Madagascar, ovata, p. 191, rutila, seiulosa, p. 192, Africa, spp. n., mulcata = {nemomlis), mollis ^ ~ {hirticeps St.), p. 191, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — M. anomald Jaenn. pp. 212-214 ; cinnamomima Paraguay, convexa Mexico, p. 214, brevipeciinata p. 215 Brazil, dorsipuncta Mexico, lafi'paljns Brazil, p. 216, longi- pila Peru p. 217, maculipcs Mexico p. 218, spnrsiphmaia Brazil p. 219, iarsnlis Cuernavaca p. 220, tinctinervis Brazil p. 221, trichops Peru, vibrissata Brazil, p. 222, spp. n,, Stein T.c. — M. winnemana sp. n. U.S. p. 133, Mal- LOCH P. biol. Soc. Washington 32i Mydaea ; in Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16, 1918, pp. 179-186, Stein gives a table of species of M ydaca in which the following names are mentioned a.s “ nov. sp.” but without deseriptioiis or locality being given, viz., laccata p. 179, semipellucida p. 180, tibiella, seiulmervis, ienax, rufiventris, pallens, bistriata, p. 181, distincta, frontalis, vittithorax, diluta, setnlipes, p. l82, attenta, sphndida, aniennaia, p. 183, demens, armata, p, 184, decipienff, quadristriata, dolosa, semidiaphana, dku phana, p. 185, latita p. 180. Mydaeina gen. n. near Mydaea, obscura spn. n, N.W. Amcriea, Mal- LOCH p. 62c. Rep. canad. arctic, exp. 3c. M yothyriopsis gen. n. Lydellini, bivit- lata sp. n. Brazil, Townsend p. 575 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Neoerigone gen. n. p. 590 Gymno- chetini, cinerea sp. n. Brazil p. 591, Townsend T.c. Neomuscina gen. n. near Muscina, cavicola, sp. n. Arizona, Townsend p. 541 T.c. Neoscolia nom. n. for Scotia R.D., Townsend p. 579 T.c. Neowinthemia gen. n., abdominalis sp. n. Virginia, Townsend p. 683 T.c. Ochromeigenia gen. n„ ormioides sp. n. Java, Townsend p. 678 T.c. Oestroplagia gen. n. p. 666 Voriuih peliolata sp. n. Arizona p. 667, Town- send T.c. Ollachea gen. n. p. 576, Meigeniini, elongata sp. n. Peru p. 577, Townsend T.c. Opelousia gen. n. Moriniini, obscura sp. n. Louisiana, Townsend p. 647, T.c. Ophyra nigromarginata sp. n. Mauri- tius p. 193, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Opsidiopsis gen. n. Miltogramriiini, oblata sp. n. New Mexico, Townsend p. 544 P.U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Opsoleskia gen. n. p. 565 Myiomin^ thoini, flava sp. n. Bartica p. 666, Townsend T.c. Opsomeigenia gen. n. for Hypostena pusilla Coc[., Townsend p. 577 T.c. Opsotkeresia gen. n. Theresiini, obesa sp. n. Maryland, Townsend p. 652 T.e. Opsozelia gen. n* Zeliini, discalis sp. n. Bartica, Townsend p^ 557 T.c. Ormia brevicornis Texas, dominicana Santo Domingo, spp. n. p. 548, Town- send T.c. 230 Insecta. xn. Insecta. [1019J Pachynocera gen. n. Bigonichetini, petiolata sp. n. Peru, Townsend T.c. Pandelleia alpicola sp. n. Hautes- alpes p. 353, Villeneuve Bull. Soe. cut. France 1919 1920, Parameigenia gen. n. Meigeniini for Paradexodes albifachi T., Townsend p 576 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Paracraspedothrix gen. n. near Helo- cera, montivaga sp. n. Europe, Villen- EDVE Bull. Soc. ent. Franco 1919 1920. Parathelaira gen. n. Euthelairinii panamensis, sp. n., Townsend p. 558 P.U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Parazelia gen. n. Zeliini, pulchra sp. n. Panama, Townsend p. 556 T.c. Pegomyia angustiventris sp. n. For- mosa p. 159, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — P. bislriata sp. n. Java p. 177, Stein T.c. — P. cinctinervis p. 239, dolosa p. 2-10, Mexico, maculipennis I’uouman, nigri femur Cuernavaca, p. 241, spp. n. Stein T.o. — P. vanduieei sp. n. California p. 307, Mali.Och P. Calif. Ac. 9. Peleteria arciica sp. n. N.W. America p. 57c, Malloch Rep, Canad. arctic, exp. 3o. Pergandea gen. n. Anlhomyinae, apivora sp. n. U.S., Aldrich P. ent. Soc. Washington 21 p. 106 fig. Petrosarcopjhaga gen. n. p. 543, Stephanostomatini, arizonica sp. n. p. 544, Townsend P.U.S. 'nat. Mus. 66. Phaonia acerba p. 166, debilis p. 167, spp. n., India, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar 16 1918. — P. minima, imitalrix, spp. n. N.W. America, Malloch p. 61c Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3c, — P. winnemanae sp. n. U.S. p. 3, Malloch P. biol. Soc. Washington 32.— P. rafibasis p. 207, flavibasis, aherrans, p. 208, spp. n. U.S., Malloch T.c. — P. limbinervis Mexico p. 208, marginata p. 209, nervicincla, nigrocincta, p. 210, pterospila p. 211, Amer. mer., spp. n., Stein Ann. Mus. Itiingar. 16 1918. — P. bketa, male, Stein p. 189 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Phasiophyto gen. n. Mclanomyini, fumifera sp. n. Peru, Townsend p. 548 P.U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Phorbia brevilarsala sp. n. Alaska p. 73c, Malloch Rep. canad. arctic, exp. 3c. Phormia caerulea sp. n. N.W. America p. 59C, Malloch T.c. — P. melallka sp. n. N. America p. 379, Townsend Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12. Phrynofrontina gen. n. p. 579, Phrynoini, convexa sp. n. U.S. p. 580, Townsend P.U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Phrynolydella gen. n. near Lydella polita sp. n. Arizona, Townsend p. 572 T.c. Plagia parva sp. n. Jamaica p. 436, Johnson Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. — P. ruralis, larva, figs., Nielsen Vid. Medd. 70 p. 1-3 ; entoparasitic larvae, Nielsen Kobenhavn. Nath. Medd. 70 j). 1-3 figs. Pogonomyia quadrisetosa sp. n. N.W. America p. 66c, Malloch Rep. canad. arctic, exp. 3c. Pogonomyioides gen. n. atrata sp. n. N.W. America, Malloch p. 67c. T.c. Proroglulca gen. n. Lydellini, pili- gera sp. n. Costa Rica, Townsend p. 574 P.U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Protocalliphora azurca, pp. 30-38, Plath Condor 21. Paeiideuantha odomaculata sp. n. Peru p. 560, Townsend P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Pseudochaetona gen. n. near Pseudo- dexiuj polita sp. n. Panama, Townsend p. 663 T.c. Pterinopteria gen. n. Theresiini, ciliala sp. n. Peru, Townsend p. 653 T.c. Punamyocera gen. n. Calirrhoini, orouensis sp. n. Peru, Townsend T.c. Pyenonoma dux, habits, Annandale p. 412 Nature 104. Pygophora setitarsis sp. n. New Guinea p. 211, Stein Nova Guinea 13 Zool. 1919. PyrelUa bimaculata sp. n. Africa p. 187, Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. — P. humeralis p. 204, nitida p. 205, semimarginata p. 206, spp. u. Amer. mer., Stein T.c. Sarcofahriia montanensis, 7nadisoni, p. 201, atlantica p. 203, spp. n. U.S. figs., Parker Ent. News. 30, 231 Insecta. Systematic.— Diptera — Acalyptratae. Sarcophaga siibtuberosa Guam p. 89, crinila p. 92, orhntalis p. 94, knabi p. 90, Philippines, spp. n., Parker P. U.S. nat. Mus, 54. — S. yorkii sp. n. Niagara, Parker p. 205 J. New York cnt. Soc. 27. Schaumia desvoidyi n. n. for Tachina bim'iculaia R.-D., Townsend p. 584 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Schisfostephana gen. n. p. 551 There- Slim, aurifrons sp. n. Peru p. 552, Townsend T.e. Sphenomyia gen, n. Phaoninae, kin- caidi sp. n., Alaska. Aldricii p. 108 P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Stenodexia foxii sp. n. Jamaica p. 438, Johnson Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 Steveniopsis gen. n. p. 540, Moriniini, sinuala sp. n. New- Mexico p. 547, Townsend P. U.S. nat. Mus. 68. S in matoly della gen. n. Lydellini, in- fernalis sp. n. New Mexico, Town- send p. 570 T.e. Slomoxy-3 calciirans, habits, Wil- HELMi pp. 179-194 S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Sturmiodexin gen. n. p. 549 Calir- rhoini, riibescens sp. n. Peru p. 550, . Townsend P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Taeniomyia auricollis ~RTeL7A\ p. 237, semipellucida Mexico p. 238, .spp. n., Stein Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Telothyriosoma gen. n. p. 504 Myio- minihoini, tersa sp. n. Guatemala p. 505, Townsend P. U.S. nat. Mus. 58. Tephromyiopsis gen. n. typo Megerlea rnfocaudata Big., Townsend p. 544 T.e. Thelairochaelona gen. n. Eufhelairini, tlirix sp, n. Panama, Townsend p 599 T.e. Topomeigenia gen. n, p. 575 Meigenii- ni, malutina sp. n. Mexico p. 570, Townsend T.c. Trichoduropsis gitianensis sp. n. p 553, Townsend T.c. Trichotopteryx gen. n. p. 586 Bigoni- chetini, tropica sp. n. Peru p. 587, Townsend T.c. Trischidocera gen. n. p. 93 Thrypto- ceratides, sauferi sp. n. Formosa p. 94, ViLi.ENEUVE Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Trochiloglossa gen. n. Leskiini, tro- pica sp. n. Brazil, Townsend p. 561 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Urochaetona gen. n. p. 502, near rhyllophilopsis, longipes sp. n. Peru, Tow'nsend T.c. Urodexia siamensis sp. n. Siam p. 563, Townsend T.c. Urodexodes gen. n. near Paradexodes, charapensis sp. n. Peru, Townsend p. 572 T.c. Vibrissovoria gen. n. Voriini, petio- laia sp. n. Panama, Townsend p. 507 T.c. Weberia speculifrons sp. n. Germany p. 306, Villeneuve Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Xnnthoactia gen. n. p. 585, typo Lasioneura palloris Coq., Townsend P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Xanthocera atra sp. n. Illinois p. 509, Townsend T.c. Xeoprosopa gen. n. Croculini, urii- hnasi sp. n. Peru, Townsend p. 584 T.c. Zenillia boeltcheri sp. n. Switzerland p. 305, ViLLENEuv’^E Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Zosteromeigenia gen. n., mima sp. n. Queensland, Townsend p. 579 P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Muscidae Acalyptratae. Acidia kagoshimensis p. 150 pi. X. f. 5, marumoi p. 151 f. 6, spp. n. Japan, Miyake Bull. imp. exp. stat. Japan 2. — A. fallax sp. n. Jamaica p. 445, Johnson Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. Acidiella longipennis, persimilis pi. viii f. 5, p. 457, spp. n. Formosa, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Acidioxantha punctiventris sp. n. Formosa p. 451, Hendel T.c. A dura formosae sp. n. p. 460, Hendel T.c. — A. maculata sp. n. Oregon p. 252 fig., Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. Acrotaeniostola sexvitlala sp. n. For- mosa p. 438 pi. viii f. 4, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. 232 Insecta. Xll. Insecta [1919] Agromyza subpusilla p. 314, flavo- femorata, fonnosensis, p. 315, frontella p. 316, brunnifrons p. 317, flavis- quania p. 318, niveipennis p. 319, plebeia, nigmta, p. 320, latipennis, koshunensls, p. 321, obesa p. 322, obtusa p. 323, lasiops p. 324, producta p. 325, piliseta, proUjim, )). 326, angiilicepsi p. 327, aliena, setigera, p. 328, varii- liaUerata p. 329, sauteri, subfusca, p. 330, atomella p. 331, nigrisquama p. 332, spp. n. Formosa, longipennis var. n. nigricoxa p. 317, Mallocii Ann. Mus. Hiingar. 12 1914. Allomyia gen. n. Scatophagidae, uti- guiculata sp. n. N. W. America, Mallocii p. 80C. Rep. eanad. arctio exp. 3C. Ambopogon gen. n. Scatophagidae p. 126, hyperboreus sp. n. Yukon riv. p. 127 fig., Greene Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Anastrepha bislrigata sp. ii. Brazil p. 7, Bezzi Boll. Lab. Portici 13. Anoscinella gen. n. Ohloropidae, tri- punctata sp. n. Costa Rica, Becker p. 448 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Cadrema lonchopteroides Walk, to Chloropidae and Cadrema to replace Hippelates. Kertesz p. 674 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — C. rubra aig.n. Colom- bia p. 451, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Calobata helleni Archangelsk sp. n., Frey Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 46 No. 2 1018 p. 24. Calospheniaca, valuer is sp. n. For- mosa p. 454, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Carpophthorella magnijica sp. n. For- mosa p. 149 pi. ix f. 15, Hendel T.c. Chaetodacus diaphorus, latifrons, p, 425, lipsanus p. 427, spp. n. Formosa, Hendel T.c. — C. atrichus p. 420 pi. i fig. 1, a. var. davaonus var. n. p. 421, ablepharus pi. i fig. 2, a. var. mindanaus var. n. p. 422, continuus i>. 424, pi. i fig. 6, megregori pi. i fig. 7, baker i fig. 8, p. 426, mundus p. 429 pi. i fig. 9, tetrachaetus p, 431 pi. i fig. 10, pubescens p. 434 pi. ii fig. 2, spp. n., scutellinus wings p. 432 pi. ii fig. 1, ferrugineus var. occipitalis p. 423 pi. i fig. 3, var. limbiferus p. 424 pi. i fig. 5 varr. n., var. })edeslri sp. 423 pi. i fig. 4, Philip- pines, Bezzi Philippine J. Sci. 15. Chaetolauxania gen. n. p. 496, slermpleuralis sp. n. Formosa p. 498 f. 4, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. ; Chalcidomyia cyanescens sp. n. For- mosa p. 440, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Chloropisca natalensis sp. n. p. 427, Becker T.c. Chlorops montana sp. n. Mont Cenia p. 423. contiiiuata, rectijicata, p. 433, circularis p. 434, spp. n. Africa, grisescens Formosa, obscuripennis, New Guinea, p. 439, brevis Colombia p. 446, nigra Trinidad p. 417, spp. n., Becker T.c. — 0. drier eo-micans Rio Janeiro sp. n.FuEV Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 60 A. No. 14 p. 21. - Chloropsina flacovaria sp. n. For- mosa p. 440, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Colobostrella rtificauda sp. n. For- mosa p. 429 fig., Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Cordylurella gen. n. Scatophagidae^ subviltata sp. n. N.W. America p. 78c, Mallocii Rep. canad. arctio. exp. 3C. Dactylothyrea spinipes sp. n. For- mosa p. 443, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916.— /L annata, sp. n. Sumatra, de Meyere Bydr. Dicrk. 21 p. 38. Dacus tsuiieonis Japan p. 02, ana- tomy, life-history, ravages, D. (Ohaeto- dacus) bezzii p. 146, spp. n. .Miyake Bull. imp. exp. Stat. Japan 2 pi. ii etc. — D. trigonus p. 179, rnacer p. 180, spp. n. Africa, Bezzi Bull. ent. Res. 9. Dasypleuron gen. n. Scatophagidae, tibialis sp. n. Alaska p. 79C, Mallocii, Rep. canad. arctic, exp. 30. Desmometopa ciliata sp. n. N.S. Wales p. 200, Hendel Ent. Mitt. 8. Dioides gen. n. Lauxaniinae p. 491, pictipennis sp. n. Formosa p. 493, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Drosophila simulans sp. n. U.S. p. 153, Sturtevant Psyche 26. — D, flavopilosa Valparaiso sp. n., Frey Ofvers. F. Vet. Soo. 60 A. No. 14 p. 14. 233 Insecta. Systematio.—Diptera — Aoalyptratab. Drosophila ; experiments with ; Castle P. Ac. Washington 5 pp. 25-32 ; Haldane J. Genetics 8 pp. 299-309 ; Lutz Bull. Amer. Mus. 34 pp. 605- 624, 1915; Seyster Biol. Bull. 37 pp. 168-180 ; Stark J. exp. Zool. 27 pp. 509-522 ; Bridges J. exp. Zool. 28 pp. 26.5-305 and pp. 337- 384. Ectocephala conlmeas sp. n. Bolivia p. 447, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Elachiptera luherculifera var. p, 425, tecta sp. n. Uganda p. 435, Becker T.c. Elachiptereicus bimaculatus sp. n. Uganda p. 426, Becker T.c. Emmalochaeta gen. n. p. 444, Chloro- pidae, giganlea Am islds., lineala, infuscata, New Guinea, spp. n. p. 445, Becker T.e. Enicita rossica Archangelsk sp. n., Frey Acta Soc. Fauna et FI. Fenn. 46 No. 2 1918 p. 23. Ensina lacleipennis sp. n. Formosa p. 464, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Euphranta jiicumla, sexsignata pl. viii f. 2, p. 439, apicalis p. 440 f. 1, spp. n. Formosa, Hendel T.c. Euprosopia klossi sp. n. Sumatra p. 48, Edwards .J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Euribia formosella sp. n. Formosa p. 465 pl. ix f. 20, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Eutropha flaviscutellata sp. n. Tunis, fulvifrons var. mediterranean p.i 424, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. • Felderimyia Juacipennis sp. n. For- mosa p. 431, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Formosina tumida, adolescens, p. 441, spp. n. Formosa, Becker Ann. Mus* Hungar. 14 1916. — F. atrata sp. n. Sumatra, de Me y ere By dr. Dierk. 21 p. 36. Fucellia maritima, production of horned specimens, Mercier p. 1217 0. B. Soc. Biol. 82. Gamgjsocera nigricolor New Guinea p. 444, dubiosa Colombia p. 448, spp. n., Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Gastrozona japonica sp. ii, p. 152 pl. . X f. 4, Miyake Bull. imp. exp. Stat. Japan 2. Gaurax infuscatus p. 445, fxdvifrons J). 446, spp. n. New Guinea, immaculatus Colombia p. 450, sp. n., Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Gonatherus atricornis sp. n. N.W. America p. 77C, Malloch Rep. canad. arctic, exp. 3C. Halmopola viridescens n. sp. Persia p. 300, Brunetti Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16. Helomyza lanigera sp. n. Sumatra p. 46, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8pt. 3. — //. grandis sp. n. Sumatra, DE Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 2l p. 29. '\Heteromyiella mtocenica sp. n. Colo- rado Miocene p. 644 f., Cockerell Philadelphia Proo. Acad. 66 1915. Hexacinia palpala sp. n. Formosa p. 459 pl. ix f. 19, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Homalura sienrothi Nord-Argentina sp. n., Frey Ofvcrs. F. Vet. Soc. 60 A. No. 14 p. 20. Hypenidium polyfasciatunisp. n. Japan p. 149 pl. X f. 3, Miyake Bull. imp. exp. Stat. Japan 2. Lauxania {Minettia) discoidalis p. 517, caloptera p. 519, L. {Saprotnyza) parviceps p. 521, multisetosa p. 523, L. {Minettia) bistriata p. 524, L. (Sapromyza) brevicornis p. 525, L. {Minettia) variinervis p. 527, grandis, flavomarginata, p. 529, nigronotata p. 530, paroeca p. 531, honesta p. 532, spp. n. Formosa, Kert^sz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — L. {Sapromyza) leptoptera p. 7, duodecimvittata p. 8, ferdinaiuli p. 9, spp. n. Rio Janeiro, Frey Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 60 A No. 14, Leiomyza slossonae p. 140, melanderi p. 141, spp. n. U.S., Aldrich Ent. News. 30. Leptocera transversalis sp. n. Alaska p. 53C, Malloch Rep. canad. arctio exp. 3C. Leptopyrgota sahblergiana Rio Janeiro sp. n., Frey Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 60 A No. 14 p. 27. Leptotrigonum coeruleifrons Rio Janeiro sp. n., Frey T.c. 234 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Leucophenga discussed pp. 364-370, argenteofasciata p. 371, brunneiperinis p. 373, hasemani p. 375, argenteiventris p. 378, ornativentris p. 379, Amer. mer., bistriata Mindanao p. 386, goodi p. 388, ambigua p’. 389, Cameroons, spp. n., Kahl Ann. Carnegie Miis. 11 1917. Leucopis apicalis sp. n. Formosa p. 332, Malloch Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — L. nigricornis, Coccid and Aphid hosts, Schuhmacher p. 301-306 Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 14. Lonchaea mochii j). 243, phimosissima p. 247 figs., pendula p. 249, spp. n. S. Africa, glabcrrima Wied. synonym}’ p. 248, Bezzi Bull. ent. Res. 9. — L. paiilislana, barbiellinii, aculecfta, spp. n. Brazil, Bezzi O Entomol. Brazil 1910 iii p. 20-25. [Not seen by Recorder; cf. Bezzi Bull. ent. Res. 9 p. 254]. Loxolaenia halterata sp. n. Sumatra, de Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 j). 37. Machaomyia caudata sp, n. Formosa p. 458 pi. ix f. 16, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Melanochaeta ruficollia Rio Janeiro sp. n., Frey Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 60 A. No. 14 p. 23. Melinomyia gen. n. p. 498 Lauxanii- nae, Jiava sp. n. Formosa p. 500 f. 5, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Mellesis subsessilia p. 435 fig. 3, biocidala p. 437 fig. 4, spp. n„ peduncidata, p. 439 fig. 5, nummularia p. 441 fig. 6 pi. ii, Philippines, Bezzi Philippine J. Sci. 15. Meroacinia femorata, pimctulata, p. 437 spp. n., Africa, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. — 31. lucidifrona, a^lma' trenaia, spp. n., Sumatra, de Mey"ere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 37. 3Iilichiella argenteocincta sp. n. Jamaica p. 449, Johnson Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. 31inettia annulipea sp. n. Jamaica p. 444, Johnson T.c. Monacroatichua cUricola p. 442, pi. ii fig. 7, Bezzi Philippine J. Sci. 15. 3Ionocera pp. 502-504, furcata sp. n. New Ireland p. 505, Kertesz Ann, Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. 3Iyceta\diia hornigi sp. n. U.S. p. 193, Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. Napomyza atrala sp. n., Formosa p. 333, Malloch Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Naupoda slrigifera sp. n. Sumatra, de Mey'ERE Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 33. Neanomoea approximata pi. viii f. 9, farinoaa f. 8 p. 455, rufeacens f. 10 p. 456, spp. n., Formosa, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Neoleria gen. n. near Leria, rotundi- coniia sp. n., Alaska, Malloch p. 830. Rep, canad. arctic, exp. 30. N eophyllnmyza equitana, rnelaniu, spp. n., N. Austria p. 108, Hendel Ent. Mitt. 8. Nerhia aumatrenais, linctipennia, spp. ' n., Sumatra, de Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 30. — N. aolitarma sp. n. Jamaica p. 446, Johnson Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. Norellia occidenUdia sp. n. Oregon p. 311, Malloch P. Oalif. Ae. 9. Ochlhiphila quadrata sp. n. Jamaica p. 449, Johnson Bull. Amor. Mus. 41. Opa arctifrona, flavifrona, p. 428, lucidifrona, furcata, p. 429, Immeralis, opaca, p. 430, unicolor p. 431, spp. n., Uganda, Becker Ann. Mu.s. Hungar. 14 1916. Oacinella bella sp. n. Tunis p. 424, venlralia, pumilio, p. 422, laclcijuinnia, Formosa, infecta Now Guinea p. 443, spp. n., forlia Peru p. 451, inconapicua, infumata Colombia, jmbeacena Paraguay, p. 452, spp. n., Becker T.c. — 0. obacuripennia sp. n. Sumatra, de Meyere Bydr.,Dierk. 21 p. 38. Oecothea ariatata sp. n. N.W. America p. 820, Malloch Rep. canad. arctic, exp. 30. Pachycerina ocellaria p. 512, pluniosa p. 513, spp. n., Formosa, Kertesz Ann, Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Pachylopliua pellucidtia var. n. oh- acurior p. 425, cymbiformia sp. n. Uganda p. 426, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Panurgopaia gen. n. p. 494 Lauxanii- nae, ilava sp. n. Formosa p. 406, Kertesz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. 235 Insecla. Systematic. — Dipter a — Ac alyptr atae . Phagocarpus Idos.'ii sp. n. Sumatra p. 51, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Phantasmiella cylindrica sp. n. For- mosa p. 435, Hendel Ann. Mus. Himgar. 13 1915. Phoheticomyia gen. n. p. 500 Lauxa- niinae, for L. hfM?/emMeiyere, KertIisz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. , Phorellia indica sp. n. Darjiling p. 148 pi. ix f. 11, Hendel Ann. Mus. ilungar. 13 191.5. Phorelliosoma hexachaeta sp. n. For- mosa p. 447 pi. ix f. 13, Hendel T.c. Phyladdj)hus infuscalus sp. n. For- .mosa p. 442, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1910. Phijllomyza liiteipalpis p. 310, mtdi^ palpis, dilatala p. 311, spp. n., Formosa, Malloch Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Physogenua (?) imiliicolor sp. n, Jamaica p. 444, Johnson Bull; Amer. Mus. 41. Phytomyza spicata p. 334, suhajfinis p. 335, spp. n., Formosa, Malloch Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Piophila borealis sp. n. Alaska p. 840. Malloch Hop. caiiad. arctic, exp. 30. Plagiostcnoplerina Irifasciala sp. n. Sumatra, de Meyer e Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 32. Plntensina platyplera p. 461 pi. ix f. 17, apicalis p. 462, spp. n., Formosa, Hendel Ann, Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Poecilothea angusiifrons sp. n. For- mosa p. 443 pi. ix f. 12, Hendel T.c. Pseudogriphoneura elegantula Rio Janeiro sp. n., Frey" Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 60 A. No. 14 p. 10. Pseudorhicnoessa gen. n. Milichinae p. 306, spinipes sp. n. Formosa p. 307, Malloch Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Pseudospheniscus Jiumeralis p. 452, connexus p. 453, spp. n., Formosa, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar 13 1915. Psila anguslala sp. n. New York p. 193, Oresson P. ac. Philad. 71. Pterogenia rubriceps sp. n. Sumatra, de Meyerb Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 33. Plilona persimilis sp. n. Formosa p. 446, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Rhahdockaela asteria p. 462 pi. ix f. 18, centralis p. 464, spp. n., Formosa, Hendel T.c. Rhagadolyra bistriata sp. n. New Guinea p. 506, Kert^sz Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Rhagolelis pomonella, control, pp. 52- 07 Felt New York State Mul Bull. 198 1918. — R. pomondlat Caesar and Ross Bull. 271 Ontario Dep. Agric.— R. pomonella, habits in Columbia, Downes pp. 2-4 Canad. F.nt. 51. Rhodesidla = {Meroscinis de Meij.), taxonomy, synonymy, Bezzi pp. 174- 179 J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Ritaemyia gen, n. nahe Pseudo- griphoneura, approximatonervis Brasi- licn sp. n., Frey Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 60 A. No. 14 p. 11. Rioxa jlavicans sp. n. Sumatra p. 50, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St, Mus. 8 pt. 3. — R. termiloxena sp. n. Australia, Bezzi p 2 Bull. ent. Res. 10. Rioxoptilona speciosa sp. n. Formosa p. 445, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar, 13 1915. Rivdlia cognala sp. n. U.S. p. 191, CRE.SSON P. Ac. Philad. 71. Scatdla faeroeensis sp. n. Faeroe Is. p. 132, Becker Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1915. Rcatophagidac, table of genera, Mal- loch p. 75C. Rep. canad. arctic, exp. 3C. Scoliophthalmus femoralus sp. n. Uganda p. 438, pallidinervis sp. n. Formosa p. 444, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Seioptera albipes sp. n. U.S. p. 192, Cresson P. Ac. Philad. 71. Sepidoscinis gen. n. p. 247 Oscinel- linae, maculipennis sp. n. Formosa p. 248, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Sepsis consanguinea sp. n. Europe p. 355, ViLLENEuvfi Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1920. 236 Insecia. XII. Insecta. [1919] Siphonella oscinina var. p. 425, aenescens p. 435, amabilis, alhipennisy p. 436, spp. n., Africa, scutellaris Costa Rica, breviveniris Colombia, j). 449, Becker Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Siphonomyiella gen. n. nahe AldricJiio- myza, rufula Rio Janeiro sp. n., Frey Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 60 A. No. 14 p. 16. Sobarocephala finnilai Brasilien sp. n. Frey p. 32 T.c. Sophira — {Tritaeniopteron de Meij.) excellens sp. n. Formosa p. 441 pi. ix f. 14, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Spaniocelyphua trigonalis extensis subsp. D. Sumatra, de Meyere Bydr. Hierk. 21 p. 39. Sieganolauxania gen. n. zwischen Physogenia und LauxanUiy Frey Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. Helsingfors 60 A, No. 14. Sleganopais vUlUhorax sp. n. N.S. Wales p. 509, Kertesz Ann. Alus. Hungar. 13 1915. Sleleocerns neolropicus var. n. Jlavi- Jrons Rio Janeiro, Frey Ofvers. F. Vet. Soc. 60 A. No. 14 p. 19. Strongylophthalingia metatarsata p. 36, fasciolata p. 37, spp. n., Sumatra, de Meyere Bydr. Dierk. 21, Taeniostola limhala p. 435, connecta p. 136, spp. n., Formosa, Hendpjl Ann. Mus. Hungar, 13 1915. Tanypoda konnchiensis sp. n. Suma- tra p. 54, Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Telosiylus apicatus, himaculatuSy spp. n., Sumatra p. 53, Edwards T.c. Tephritinae from Formosa, Hendel pp. 424 -467 pis. viii and ix Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Themarohystrix erinaceua sp. n. For- mosa p. 433, Hendel T.c. Themira dampfi p. 128 fig., roseni p. 129 fig., spp. n., Faeroe Is., Becker Zool. Jahrb. Syst. 39 1915. Tridacus siylijer sp. n. E. Africa p. 177, Bezzi Bull. ent. Res. 9. Triioxa poUinosa sp. n. Oregon p. 252 fig.. Cole P. Calif. Ac. 9. Trypanocentra nigripennis sp. n, Formosa p. 434, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Ulidia similis sp. n. California p. 165, Johnson P.syche 26. Vidalia bidena sp. n. Formosa p. 443, Hendel Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Nycteribiidae, Hipporoscidae. Lipoptena pavciseta sp. n. Sumatra p. 55 figs., Edwards J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Penicillidia fletcheri var. n. rnajit scula Sumatra p. 58, Edwards T.c. APHANIPTERA. PuleXy embryology compared with Diptera, Strindrerq Zool. Anz. 48 pp. 258-263, 1917. Fleas and plague, Bacot J. R. sanit. Inst. 11 pp. 53-60. Ceratophyllus Jdossi p. 1 pi. i f. 1, idoneus p. 2 f. 2, sodalis p. 4 pi. ii f. 3, spp. n., Sumatra, Rothschild J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Ctenocephalus fells and canis on the dingo. Steel p. 93 P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Pygiopsylla robinsoni pi. ii f. 4, p. 5, Rothschild J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. S. HEMIPTERA. Hemiplera of Saxony, Schumacher pp. 150-156, Ent. Mitt. 8. List of Hemiptera of Albania, Hor- vath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 pp. 1-16 1916. Publication data of Hahn and Herrich-Sehaffer’s “ Hie wauzenartigen Insekten ” Bd. i-ix, and Stal’s “ Hemi- ptera Africana ” Tom. i-iv, Bergroth Ent. Mitt. 8 pp. 188-191. 237 Insecta. Systematic. — Hemiptera — Pentatomidae. Mounting Hemiptera, Parsiiley p. 223-227 Ent. News 30. The parasites of Hemiptera, Rudow Ent. Zeitschr. Frankf. 29 pp. 17 and 22, 1915. Hemiptera as pollinators, Schu- macher SB. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 pp. 444-446. Heteroptera. PeNTATOxMIDAE. Genera omitted in the 1908 Supple- ment to eatalogues of Pentatomidae, Berg ROTH p. 180 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. The Pentatomidae of Illinois, Hart, edited by Malloch and with some descriptions by McAtee Bull. Illinois Lab. 137 pp. 157-223 G pis. The egg-opener, historical, Schu- macher SB. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 pp. 438-444. Acledra carinata p. 50, hiaiis p. 57, Chile, breviscuiata Bolivia p. 58, spp. n., A. fraterna, var. Argentina p. 58, Breddin Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36(1) 1914. Acroimetus gen. n. p. 223 type CorimelaenM major Bredd., sphaeri- dioides Panama .p. 224, tucumanus, persimilis, p. 226, cetratus p. 226, Amer. mer., spp. n., HorvXth Ann. Mus. Hun gar. 17. Alkindus crassicosta sp. n. Brazil p. 232, HorvAth T.c. Amaurocoris subglaber sp. n. Aden p. 367, HorvAth T.c. Amphidexius gen. n. p. 300 near Dandinus, suspensus sp. n. Australia p. 301, Bergroth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Amyssonotum gen. n. Cydnidae for Corimelaena rastrata St., HorvAth p. 212 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Astiroderma gen. n. near Eucoria for Scutellera albipennis Esch., HorvAth p. 215 T.c. Auxentius gen. n. p. 239 near Cocto- feris, integer sp. n. New Guinea p. 240 f. 9, HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Babylas gen. n. p. 241 near Coctoieris, bihamalus sp. n. New Guinea p. 242 f. 10, HorvAth T.c. Boerias = {Tropicoryplia Jeann.), HorvAth p. 659 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Brachysohn gen. n. p. 269 near Crocistethus, opactis sp. n. Bombay p. 270, HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Bromocoris gen. n. p. 234 near Coctoteris, subsimilis p. 235 New Guinea, olens p. 236 Key isld., and including foetidus M. and S. figs., HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. Camparia trib. n. p. 206 for Canopus and Cyrtnspis, HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Canopus = {Chlaenocoris) p. 205, globosus, asphaltinus, j). 207, orbi- cularis, andinus, hypocrita, p. 208, spp. n. Amer. mer., HorvAth T.c. Canthophorus rolumlipennis, valid, HorvAth p. 371 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Cater naultiella degreefi. sp. n. Congo p. 27, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 6. Centrostephus gen. n. p. 262 type Chilocoris parumpunctalus Sign., Gonidf- colUs New Guinea p. 263, pullus New Britain p. 264, spp. n., HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Ceratocoris poppiusi sp. n. Africa p. 1, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 6. — C, pilettei sp. n. Congo p. 13, cephalicus f. n. brevicornia p. 12, Schouteden T.c. Ceratozygum gen. n. p. 222, for Cyrtocoris horridus Germ., figs., Hor* vAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Chersomenida nom. n. for Deserto- menida Kir. 1913, HorvAth p. 659 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Chilocoris alienus E. Siberia p. 265, impressicollis p. 256, crassimargo, biroi, p. 257, New Guinea, puncticeps Abys- sinia p. 268, laevicollis E. Africa, bergrothi Madagascar, p. 259, adelphus Celebes, entzii New Guinea, p. 260, confusus Japan p. 261, pusillus For- mosa p. 262, spp. n., HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar, 17. Chlorochroa sayi, life-history, Caf- FREY and Barber Bull. U.S. dep. Agric. 779 35 pp. figs. Chrysocoris garoensis n. sp. Assam p. 350, Paiva Rec. Ind'. Mus. 16. 238 Insccta. XII. Insecta. [191 Coctoteris armipes p. 226, procerus p. 228, ariguliceps p, 231, despectus p. 233, spp. n., New Guinea, winthemii var. n., nigricornis x). 231, figs. Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. Colobophrys gen. n. Cydninae, soli- taria sp. n. Peru, Horvath p. 244 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Coptosoma scutellatum = (dilatata Motsch.), Horvath p. 365 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — C. bayeri p. 29, bequaerti p. 30, conspicuum p. 31, ituriense, hasindianum, p. 33, katan- gense p. 34, vanderysti p. 36, wombaliense p. 37, spp. n., Congo, puncliceps var. n. mixta p. 35, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 6. Corimelaena polita p. 213, interrupta, minutissima p. 214, Hart, nanella p. 215, agrella p. 216, McAtee, harti p. 215, Malloch, spp. n. Illinois Bull. Lab. Illinois 13. Cradia gen, n. p. 303 near Padaeus^ ansala sp. n. Brazil p. 304, Berqroth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Oydnoides gen. n. typo Corimelaena ciliala Uhl., Hart p. 208 Bull. Illinois Lab. 13. Cyphothyrea gen. n. Cyrlocorinae, erosa sp. n. Peru, Horvath f. 1 p. 219 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Cyrtaspis peruviana, punctulata Trini- dad, spp. n., p. 209, HorvXth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Cyrtocoris obtusus sp. n. Brazil p. 220, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Discocera nigra, valid, Horvath p. 659 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Dokada gen. n. p. 2 near Ceratocoris, dandensis p. 3, pallida p. 4, spp. n., Africa, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 6. Dybowskyia ussurensis, identical with reliculala, Horvath p. 373 Ann. Mus, Hungar. 15 1917. Dysnoetus gen. n. p. 302, anceps sp. n. Yorktown p. 303, Bergroth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Endotylus gen. n. Cydninae, brevi- cornis sp. n. Senegal, Horvath p. 253 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Eucoria placata Colombia p. 213, alticola Mexico p. 214, spp. n., Horvath T.c. Eurydema fieberi var. n. melanogaster oleracea var. n. aberrans p. yi6,formosa varr. n. superstes and hypolexica, rugulosa varr. n. v-rubrum and aneinica, p. 376, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Eurygasler integriceps var. n. distig- ma, Horvath p. 368 T.c. Euryscyius gen. n. tyx^e Tetyra smidtii Fabr., impressus p. 227, with var, melas, corvimis p. 228, vulneratus, Amer. mer., cruentus Mexico, p. 229, r as ilia i). 230, basigraphus i)- 231, Amer. mer., spp. n., Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Euschistus legionarius sp. n. Brazil p. 56, Breddin Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36 1914. — E. subimpunctatus sp. n. Illinois, Hart p. 191 Bull. Illinois Lab. 13. Exithemis similis n. sp. Assam p. 353, Paiva Rec. Ind, Mus. 16. Qalgacus Dist. and G. labidua Er., Bergroth p. 309 Ann. Mus. Hungar, 16 1918. Qalgupha aterrima sp. n. Illinois p. 211, Hart Bull. Illinois Lab. 13. Qalgupha monostira Mexico p. 216, cocci Jielloides, porcata p. 217, luguhris, parvula p. 218, semilimbata, margini- collia p. 219, Amer. mer., spp. n., Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Qeocnethus gen. n. near Macroscytus p. 245, prosternalis p. 246, planicoUia 1). 247, Brazil, obesus x^. 248, meracus, bicolor, I). 249, puncliceps p. 250, casta- neus, Africa, biimpressus Annam, p, 251, fiavirostris Sumatra x^- 252, spp. n., Horvath T.c. Geotomus caucaaicus Kol. = {punctu- lalua M. and R.), Horvath p. 371 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. — Q. caucasicua = {ciliatitylus Sign.), Hor- vath p. 323 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Qloltaspis gen. n. p. 306 near Alcimo- coris, centrotoides sp. n. Nossi-Be p. 307, Bergroth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Godmania gen. n. p. 222 near Qal- gupha, aterrima sp. n. Guatemala p. 223, HorvAih Ann. Mus. Hungar. Jalla subdilatata var. n. vidua p. 376, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. 239 Insccla SYSTEMATia — Hemiptera — Pbntatomidba. Legnolns fumigatus, valid, Horvath p. 372 T.c. Lobofhyrevs brevicaps sp. n. Vcru p. 54, Breddin Abh. Senckenb. Gcs. 38 1914. Macroscytus privignus Madagascar p. 237, scutellaris, exiguus, Natal p. 238j fraterculus Peking p. 241, annulipes, asfrolnbicus p. 242, papuanus p. 243, New Guinea, spp. n., HoRvXth Ann. Mug. Hungar. 17. Maesia gen. n. p. 15 near Ceratocoris, niaesi sp. n. Congo p. 16, Schouteden Rev. zool. afrie. 6. Megymenum affine — {paptiemis Hist.), Horvath p. 659 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Microcompsus gen. n. Thyreocaria for Tetyra daldorfi Fabr., Horvath p. 222 Ann. Mus. Hungar. *17., Microporus syrianis sp. n. p. 370, HorvXth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Mormidca linhi sp. n. Isle of pines p. 351, Heidemann Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 1917. Ncopiolcmus gen. n. near Cocloferis p. 243, humeralis p. 245, assiniilis p. 247, spp. n., New Guinea, and including C. exiguus Diet, and proximus Schout., figs., HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Niamia camerunensis p. 5, orientalis with var. dispar p. 6, rhodesiana p. 7, spp. n., Africa, Schouteden Rev. zool. afrie. 6. Niamia bantu p. 19, bayeri p. 20, borgerhoffi p. 21, callewaerti p. 22, katangensis p. 24, spp. n., Congo, congo- lensis var. n. pallidior p. 23, Schoute- den T.c. Nishadana arabica Aden p. 265, gentilis Senegal, nmbrosa Saigon, p. 266, spp. n., HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Ochelostethus bimiatus p. 271, crassi- cornis, nyassanus p. 272, spp. n., Africa, HorvAth T.c. Odontotarsus parvulus sp. n. Crete p. 3.66, robustus var. n. dilutus p. 367, HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Oplomus subinermis n.n. for inermis Horv. 1911, HorvAth p. 659 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Opophylax gen. n. p. 298 near Aloip- pus, extembratus sp. n. Brazil p. 299, and Eurysieihua signorcti Diet., Ber- GROTH Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Pangaeus rugiceps n.n. for rugijrons Sign. Nec. H.-Sch., HorvAth p. 236 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. Parachilocoris gen. n. near Chilocoria dispar sp. n. Lombok, HorvAth p. 254: T.c. Parajalla — {Ncojalla Schum. 1912), HorvAth p. 659 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Pericrepis gen. n. Thyreocaria, callo- sula sp. n. Argentina, HorvAtii p. 221 Ann. Mus. Hunga(,r. 17. Picromerus hikens, food, Vuillet p. 118 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919, Pododus dissimilis sp. n. Egypt p. 373, HorvAtii Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Podopa curvidena — {dahnatina H.)j HorvAth p. 373 T.c. Poecilocoria hardwickii biology, Ber- nard Buitenzorg. Meded. proefst. thee. 67 pp. 11-19. Polytea speculiger sp, n. and vars. Peru p. 53, Breddin Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36 1914. Psacasta simillima sp. n. Spain p. 368, HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar, 15 1917. Paammozetus and Byrsinua distin- guished, HorvAth p, 235 Ann. IMus. Hungar. 17. Pullneya gen. n. p. 268 near Legnotus meracula sp. n. India p. 269, HorvAth T.c. Putonisca gen. ni p. 235 type Cydnus pallidua Put., scutellaria sp. n. Arabia p. 236, HorvAtii T.c. Runibia eucosma. Walk., distinct from perspicua, Fabr. p. 58, Breddin Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36 1914. Sastragala trilineata n. sp. Assam p. 355, Paiva Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Sciocoris compurcatua = {fissus scuteU laris Put,), HorvAth p. 374 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Scoparipea dissimilis Sumatra p. 232, conviva Borneo p. 233, politus Sumatra p. 234, spp. n., HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 17. 240 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Sehirus dissimilis Asia minor p. 307, breviceps Borneo p. 308, spp. n., Hor- vath T.c. Stictochihis gen. n. near Menecles, iripunctalus sp. n. Brazil, Bergroth ]3. 305 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Tarisa fraiidalrix and chloris, Hor- vath p, 372 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Thyanta elegans sp. n. Illinois p. 218, Malloch Bull. Illinois Lab. 13. Tkyreocoris nitens Peru, difficilis Brazil, spp. n.. p. 55, Breddin Abb. Senokcnb. Oes. 36 1914. — T. bakanicns sp. n., Uskub p. 80, Schumacher S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1918. Tibilis oculata sp. n. Peru p. 58, Breddin Abb. Senckenb. Ges. 36 1914. Trigonosoma bglassogloi, a distinct species, also T. achivum, Horvath p. 372 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Vetora gen. n. near Montando7iens, montandoni sp. n. Congo, Schouteden p. 8 Rev. zool. afric. 6, Vilpianus galii var. n. pictavicus p. 255, Gelin Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Zorcadium gen. n. p. 307 for Euschis. tu8 truncatua Fall., Bergroth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1018, Coreidae. Supplement to catalogue, Bergroth pp. 120-105 M^m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Colpura sulcata n. sp. Assam p. 357, Paiya Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Coriomeris subglaber sp. n. Greece p. 377, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Coriscus — (Alydus), Horvath p, 3 T. c. Corizomorpha and Corizus types, Horvath p. 379 T.c. Corizus, monograph, brevicoi'nis Cau- casus p. 107, mo7iticola Himalaya p. 108, tetraspilus Siberia and Himalaya p. 170, fmestella Armenia p. 173, with var. alterna7i$ p. 174, spp. n., Hqrvath T.c, — Corizus ; the nortb- american, Gibson Canad, Ent. 51 pp. 89-92. Dasynus relatus n. sp. Assam p. 358, Paiva Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Liorhyssus, Bhopalus, Stictople7irus, Macevethus and Agraphopus, types stated, Horvath pp. 379 and 380 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917, Lhnacocaremis, to stand. Id. T.c. Naimophyllia nom. n. for Micro- phyllia Stal, Bergroth p. 143 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Psc7idophloeus cge7ius sp. n. Tamia p. 377, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Pter7iislria falcata p. 402, sphiigera p. 403, U7nbilicalis p. 404, juvcTica p. 405, hisons p. 400, sobrhia p. 407, obsoleta p. 408, 7iigrivent7is p. 410, alacris p. 411, levipes p. 412, com7mitata p. 413, 7noerc7is p. 415, sexlineata p. 420, spp. n., New Guinea, octolmeata var. co7igrex p. 423, i7is7daris var. p7illa p. 417, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Bhopalus 7naciihUus var. n. 7i7nbr(Uilis p. 378, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Scolopocra7iu77i nom. n. for Lwiaco- care7ius Kir. 1913, Horvath p. 059 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Lvoaeidae (or Geocoridae) and Colobathrtstidae. Supplement to the catalogue of Colobathrislidae, Bergroth pp. 174- 177 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Acrobrachys subg. n. vide Cacnoco7'is. Aethalotus canescens sp. n. Durban, Bergroth Goteberg Vet. Handl. 16 p. 5 sep. pag. 1914. Aethalotus 7iigrivenlris sp. n. For- mosa p. 032, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar, 12 1914. A7npera gen, n. near Pa7nera, intrusa sp. n. Java, Distant p. 41 Bull. ent. Res. 10. Astacops nigripe7i7iis New Guinea p. 020, ochraceus Celebes, p^iucticolUs Solomon islds., p. 027, spp. n., Hor- vath Ann. Mils, Hungar. 12 1914. 241 Insecta. Systematic. — Hemiptera — Tingitidae. Caenocoris {Acrohrachys subg. n.) angusUis sp. n. New Guinea p. 633j Horvath T.c. — 6’. vide Thunbergia. Mdlcus idoneus sp. n. Formosa i). 635, HorvXth Ann. Miis. Hungar. 12 1914. Melanocoryphus confluens Spain j). 463, persimilU with var. apricam France etc. p. 466, sancius with var. hisons Syria p. 468, spp. il., Iristraini varr. n, parvipennis exutus p. 462, melanogaster var. n. mendosus p. 463, superbns var. n. kolenatii p. 465 and crythropus p. 466, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Nerihus Jcenipi n. sp. Assam p. 360, Paiva Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Ninus turaensis n. sp. Assam p. 359, Paiva T.c. Oncopdtus microps Queensland p. 654, loiigicornis Celebes p. 655, confusus India (= nigriceps Dist.), jacobsoni Java p. 656, nigripennis Key islds., limbicollis Hammer, p. 658, airorufus var. n. simiilam p. 658, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Phenacantlia marcida Formosa p. 623, dignola,\ soror, India p. 624, P. {Anorygyyia) familica^ Formosa p. 625, spp. n., HorvXth iT.c. — P. {Anorygma) lobyilifera sp. n. China p. 422, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Plinthisus patruelis sp. n. Foimosa p. 637, HorvXth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Scopiastes {Xestonotellus subg. n.) cruentus New Guinea, vicinus New Pomerania, p. 629, cosialis hab. ? p. 630, lepidus Solomon islds. p. 631, gibbicollis Sumatra p. 632, spp. n., HorvXth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Sfenophyella gen. n. p. 636 near Cymophyes, macreta sp. n. N.S. Wales p. 637, HorvXth T.c. Stictocricus gen. n. p. 634 near Microcaevxycoris, mhnus sp. n. New Guinea p. 635, HorvXth T.c. Thunbergia subg. n. of Caenocoris type marginatus Thunb., HorvXth p. 633 T.c. Udeocoris gen. n. p. 310 tyj^e Pacliy- nierus nigro-aeneus Er., Bergroth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Xestonotellus subg. n. vide Scopiastes. (N-13799j)Q Pyrrhocoridae. Supplement to the Catalogue of Pyrrhocoridae, Bergroth pp, 165-174 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Delacampius niilitaris New Guinea, aethiopicus, rhodesianus, Africa, spp. n. p. 220, Distant Ann. nat. Hist 3. Dindymellus gen. n., coimbatorensis sp. n. India, Distant p. 221 T.c. Dysdercus crucifer Stal = {crucifer Mats.), HorvXth p. 660 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Odontopus antananarivos Madagascar p. 218, stramineus Sikkim, spp. n., schoutedeni is var. of confusus, p. 219, Distant Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Pyrrhocoris apterus, colour variations, Schulze pp. 385-395 figs. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916. — P. apterus varr. n. lagenifer and hilaris, HorvXth p. 381 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917 ; f.n. cilrina, Schumacher p. 91 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1918. Raxa gen. n. near Melamphaus, collaris sp. n. Tonkin, Distant p. 1 Entomol. 52. Berytidae or Neididae. Supplement to the catalogue of Neididae, Bergroth pp. 171-179 M^m. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Ahnisus gen. n. p. 81, calvus sp. n. California p. 85, and Hoplinus multi- spinus Ashm., McAtee J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Auchenoplus gen. n. for Metacanthus bilineaius Dist., Bergroth p. 179 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Neides brevipennis Put. a distinct species, HorvXth p. 380 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Tingitidae. Corytliaica and Dolichocysia, dis- tinguished p. 97, C. costata sp. n. Peru p. 99, Gibson P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Corythuca hewitti sp. n. Manitoba p. 159, Drake Canad. Ent. 51. — G. montivaga sp. n. Montana p. 417, Drake Ohio Nat. 19. — C. bellula, life-history, Wellhouse pp, 441-446 figs. J. econ. Ent. 12. — C. bulbosa, early stages, Weiss Ohio J. Sci. 20 p. 17. C 20 242 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919J Gysteochila abettii sp. n. Congo p. 140, SoHOUTEDEN Rev. zool. afric. 6. Dolichocysta magna Colorado, densata Texas, spp. n. p. 102, Gibson P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Oargaphia magna Paraguay p. 194, condensa Arizona p, 197, vanduzeei Costa Rica, lasciva Brazil, p. 198, carinata Arizona p. 199, spp. n., Gibson Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. — G. tiliae, natural history, Weiss P. biol. Soc. Washington 32 p. 165-168. Kapiriella gen. n. p. 138, leplaei sp. n. Congo p. 139, Schouteden Rev. zool. afrio. 6. Lembella gen. n. p. 141, maynei sp. n. Congo p. 142, Schouteden T.C.. Leptoypha ilicis sp. n. Georgia p. 420, Drake Ohio Nat. 19. Monanthia ? riecopina sp. n. U.S. p. 420, Drake T.o. Phatnoma filetia, apinosa, spp. n. Panama j). 185, Gibson Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Wombalia gen. n. p. 139, vanderysti sp. n. Congo p. 140, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 6. Aradidae. Aneurornorpha n. n. for Arieurosoma Ch., Bergroth p. 106 Ann. Mus. Hun- gar. 12 1914. Aneurua mjoebergi p. 94, grandiuaculua p. 95, Madagascar, angualua Reunion p. 96, aublaevia p. 98, ainuatipennia p. 99, India, plicatua Philippines p. 100, aocialis p. 101, conviva p. 102, Sumatra, androphymus Australia p. 105, bironia New Guinea p. 107, spp. n., Bergroth T.c. Burgeonia gen. n., burgeoni sp. n. Congo p. 134 with var. maynei p. Schouteden Rev. zool. afrio. 6. Caliaiua lativentria var. n. nypelai p. 128, Schouteden T.c. — C. atapperai sp. n. Congo p. 65, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 7. Maynea gen. n. p. 135, maynei sp. n. Congo p. 136 with var. lukombenaia p. 137, Schouteden Rev. zool. afrio. 6. Mezira affinia p. 129, bergrothi p. 130, burgeoni, duboiai, p. 131, bejai p. 132, spp. n. Congo, Schouteden T.c. Neuroctenua zulucajfer sp. n., Ber- groth Goteborg Vet. Handl. 16 p. 3 sep pag. 1914. Saurocoria gen. n. p. 89, instana sp. n. California p. 90, McAtee J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Reduviidae, Nabidae. Acanthaspia (s. str.) obscura subsp. n. alluaudi p. 216, angalia pi. viii fig. 34 p. 217 (Leptacanthaapis) orientalis pi. viii fig. 35 p. 221, felixi pi. viii fig. 36 p.223, E. Africa, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. — A. laoaenaia sp. u. p. 244, Distant Entom. 52. Afrocaatra, validity, Schouteden p. 219 Rev. zool. Afric. 6. Afrodeciua gen. n. Reduviidae type lycoidea sp. n. E. Africa p. 165 fig. 11 ; pi. vi fig. 13, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Allaeorhynchua 'notatua, bicoloratus, spp. n. India p. 78, Distant Ann. Nat. Hist. 4. Amuliua confragoaua sp. n. Laos p. 246, Distant Entom. 52. Androclua {Dichraolropis) aeyidiensia pi. X fig. 45 p. 243, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Antiopula conaimilia sp. n. Laos p. 145, Distant Entom. 52. Arbelapaia gen. n. p. 5 near Arbela, aimplicipea sp. n. Formosa p. 6, Pob- rius Arch. Naturgos. 80 A 8 1915. Authenta aubaimilia p. 138 with var. diver aipea, fulvipennia p. 139, diacors p. 140, spp. n. Africa, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Baebiua ruficollia sp. n. E. Africa p. 172 p. vifig. 15, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. H6mipt. 3. Bagauda cavernicola n. sp. Assam p, 366, Paiva Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. — B. tenebricola pi. v fig. 7, p. 155 fig. 8, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hdmipt. 3. Bironiola gen. n. Slenolaemaria, bul- lata, p. 639, mendoaa p. 640 figs. spp. n. New Guinea, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hun gar. 12 1914. Bobba gen. n. p. 10 near Bargylia, culicicapa sp. n. Zululand p. 11 sep. pag., Bergroth Goteborg Vet. Handl. 16 1914, 243 Insecta. Systematic. — Hemiptera — Reduviidae. Calphurnia pacalis sp. n. Formosa p. 649, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Calphurnioides aemula sp. n. New Guinea p. 650, HorvXth T.c. Carcinomma simile sp. n. E. Africa p. 112, HorvAth T.c. Carcinomma simile 6g. 15, astrologus fig. 16 p. 181, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. H6mipt. 3. Casfra dolosa sp. n. Mekong p. 148, Distant Entom. 52. Cethera musiva fig. 14 p. 179, kenyensis pi. vi fig. 17 p. 180, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Heraipt. 3. Cetheromma telescopus pi. vi fig. 18 p. 183, Jeannel T.c. Clepiria nitida, punctata, p. 212, usambarae p. 213, picta p. 214, honneviei p. 215, spp. n. Africa, Schouteden Rev. zool. Afric. 6. Cleptriola hayeri, togoensis, spp. n. Africa p. 216, Schouteden T.c. — C. nigrolutea var. n. discolor, HorvAth p. 116 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Cor anus militaris p. 77, vitellinus p. 78, spp. n. India, Distant Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Cos7Holestes nigrinns sp, n. Laos p. 208, Distant Entom. 62, Cyclosandalus subg. n. vide Olymma- tophora. Distirogaster gen. n. p. 119 near Clepiria, proxima p. 120, aenescens p. 121, tuberculifera p. 122, spp. n. Mada- gascar, HorvAth Ann. Mus. Himgar. 12 1914. Durganda pedestris, formidabilis, spp. n. Indo-China p. 245, Distant Entom. 52. Ecmeiacanthus annulipes pi. viii fig. 33 213, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud. Ins. Hemipt. 3. Ectomocoris assabensis p. 113, semilu- gens, leucodermus, p. 114, spp. n. Africa, luridus var. n. penthogaster p. 114, HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — E. mbaya pi. x fig. 46 p. 246, brachyp- terus pi. X fig. 47, myrmecoides pi. x fig. 48, p. 247, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. — E. simulans, melanopternSf (n-13799 j) Q picturatus, p. 74, apicimaculatus p. 75, spp. n. India, Distant Ann. nat. Hist* 4. Ectrichodia suta sp. n. Zululand, Ber- groth Goteborg Vet. Handl. 16 1914 p. 7 sep. pag. Ectrychotes relatus n. sp. Assam p. 368, Paiva Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. — E. ionkinensis sp. n. p. 148, Distant Entom. 52. Edocla annulipes p. 109, crassispina, insularis, p. WO, limbata, selecta, p. Ill, spp. n, Africa, HorvXth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — Edocla quadrisigmta — {Reduvius reuteri Horv. and reuteria- nus Kirk.), Horvath p. 660 T.c. — E. bisbisignata pi. vii ff. 22-23 1 p. 201 f. 21, praecox p. 201 fig. 22, obockiann pi. vii fig. 24 p. 202 fig. 23, pauper p. 202 fig. 24, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. H6mipt. Z.—E. annulata sp. n. India p. 73, Distant Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Edoclina gen. n. Reduviini p. 211, type fallax sp. n. p. 212 pi. viii fig. 32, E. Africa, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Lis. Hemipt. 3. Endochus erectus, campbelli, parvis- pirms, spp. n. India p. 76, Distant Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Epidaus & Lanca, distinguished, Distant p. 79 T.c, — E, conmctens sp. n. Laos p. 210, Distant Entom. 52. Eriopreda rufa sp. n. E. Africa p. 192, feai pi. vii fig. 20 p. 192 fig. 19, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Glymmatophora {Cyclosandalus subg, n. p. 127) crassipes Madagascar p. 128, aeneiceps p. 129, pellax p. 131, se7ni- rubia, ugandana, p. 132, Africa spp. n., schoutedeni n. n. for splendens Sch. p. 129, HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — G. sivalei p. 207, hejoncki p. 208, sudanica p. 209, sheffieldi, loangwae, p. 210, spp. n, Africa, Schouteden Rev. zool. Afric. 6. Gorpis transvaalensis sp. n. p. 241, Schouteden T.c. — G. annulatus n. sp. p. 370, PaiVa Rec. Ind. Mus. 16, Hadrocranella gen. n. p. 647 near Calphurnia, imbellis sp. n. New Guinea p. 648, HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. C 20—2 244 Insecta. XII. Insecta, [1919] Haematochares striclicollis pi. xii fig. 71 p. 297, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Uaeinatoloecha bicoloripea, apiciinaca- lata, piclurata, p. 146, obscurala, chapa- na, nigrorubra, p. 147, spp. n. Indo- China, Distant Entom. 52. Harpactor (Hypertolmus) cUluaudi pi, xii fig. 66 p. 280, (Diphymus) seyidiensis pi. xii fig. 67 p. 282, bayoni fig. 29 p. 282, segnientarius fig. 30 p. 283, kavirondo pi. xii fig. 68 p. 286, (Har- piscus) tavetanus pi. xii fig. 69 p. 289, var. n. nyikanus p. 290, {Rhinocoris) castanescens pi. xii fig. 70 p. 291, E. Africa, alluaudi p\. xii fig. 66 p. 280, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Hermillua geniculatus pi. ix fig. 39 p. 227, Jeannel T.c. Hoplomargasus gen. n., vicinus sp. n. Madagascar, p. 143, and Helonotus Jasciatus Sign., Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Ischnonyctes marmoratus sp, n. E.. Africa p. 158, fig. 10 ; pi. v, fig. 9, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Isyndus modestus sp. n. India p. 77, Distant Ann. nat. Hist. 4. — 7. lativen- tria sp. n. Tonkin p. 211, Distant Entom. 52. Kataiiga etiennei p. 217, centralia p. 218, spp. n. Africa, Schouteden Rev. zool. Afric. 6. Libyotnemlia vittata sp. n. Cameroons p. 116, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Macroapongua prinai sp. n. N. Guinea p. 229, pi. ix fig. 40, ruficollia pi. ix fig. 41, p. 230, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Maraenaapia bequaertiy pqoliana, spp. n. Africa p. 211, Schouteden Rev. zool. afric. 6. — M. problematica pi. x fig. 53, p. 261, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. — M, praecox, conviva, p. 117, coccinaa p. 118, spp. n. Africa, HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. .12 1914. Margaaua spectabilia p. 140, chalcop- terua, tibialis, p. 141, ventralia p. 142, spp. n. Africa, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — M. kilimanua pi. xii fig. 72, p. 304, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. H6mipt. 3. Microvarus conradli pi. vii, fig. 21 p. 193, fig. 20, Jeannel T.c. Mimocleptria gen. n. p. 123 near Cleptria, cinctella, parvula, p. 124, Transvaal, eleganlula Congo p. 125, piloaa, procera, p. 126 E. Africa, spp. n., Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Myiophanea speluncarum sp. n. E. Africa, p. 153, fig. 7 pi. v, fig. 6, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. H6mipt. 3. Nabia assamensia n. sp. Assam p. 371, Paiva Rec, Ind. Mus. 16. Neoklugia gen. n. p. 71 near Oncoce- phalua, typica sp. n. India p. 72, Distant Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Neothodelmua gen. n. p. 72, typicus sp. n. India p. 73, Distant T.c. Neozirta gen. n. near Zirta, orientalia sp. n. Tonkin, Distant p. 147 Entom. 52. Ocrio'eaaa gen. n. p. 312 near Oncoce- phalus, lobuliventria sp. n. Guiana p^ 313, Bergroth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Oncocephalua funeralia sp. n. Indo- China p. 244, Distant Entom. 52. — 0. piloaulua pi. vi, fig. 14, p. 170, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. H6inipt. 3. Pachyaandalua collar is pi. x fig. 51, orientalia pi. x fig. 52, p. 252, Jeannel T.c. Paralibavius gen. n., aingularis sp. n. Assam p. 368, Paiva Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Paramphibolua zanzibaricua pi. xii fig. 65, p. 278, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Parapanthoua gen. n. near Panihous, apinicollia sp. n. Indo-China, p. 211, Distant Entom. 52. Paraplynua gen. n. Reduviini type lugubria StM. C. Africa p. 213, pi. ix fig. 37, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Paredocla decoraei pi. vii, figs. 25-27 p. 204 figs. 25, 26 ; var. n. chevalieri p. 206, pallipea pi. viii fig. 28, p. 206 fig. 27, abyasinica pi. viii fig. 29, p. 207 fig. 28, Jeannel T.c. Pasiropsia major sp. n. India p. 73, Distant Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Petalocheirua vittiventria pi. vi, fig. 16, p. 175, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Phalantua mitaUnaia sp, n„ Brr- GUOTii Gotoborg Vet. Handl. 16 1914 p, 7 sep. pag. 245 Insecta. S YSTBMATIO. — HbMIPTERA — REDU VIID AB . Philodoxus gen. n. p. 135 for Physor- hynchus principalis Diet., HorvAth Ann. Mas. Hungar. 12 1914. Phoncrgates {Clopophora) vassei sp. n. Mozambique p. 231 pi. ix fig. 42, Jean- NEL Voy. Alluaud Ins. H6mipt. 3. Phonolibes concinnus p. 136, assimilis p. 137, E. Africa, obsoletus Zambesi p. 138, spp. n., HorvAtii Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — P. obsoletus pi. xii fig. 64 p. 277, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Phorticus nfinis, formosanus, spp. n. Formosa p. 3, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A8 1915. — P. varicolor sp. n. India p. 79, Distant Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Phyja gen. n. Euagorasaria, tricolor sp. n. Tonkin, p. 211, Distant Entom. 52. Physorhynchus rodhaini p. 205, rou- lingi p. 206, senegalensis p. 207, spp. n. Africa, Sohouteden Rev. zool. afric. 6. Pirates conspurcatus var. n. vitlu pennis, HorvAth p. 115 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — P. (Cleptocoris) auri- gans pi. x fig. 49 p. 249, ochripennis pi. X fig. 50 p. 250, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Platymeris (s. str.) kavirondo pi. ix fig. 44, pi. 240, Jeannel, T.c. Ploiaria domestica, habits, Schulze p. 381 fig. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. Ploeariola tessellata sp. n. Natal, Ber- GROTH Goteborg Vet. Handl. 16 1914 p. 8 sep. pag. — P. natalensis Natal p. 641, sagax India p. 642, distihgue^ida Ceylon, froggatti Sydney p. 643, bracTiy- stigma- Japan p. 644, spp. n., HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — P. pallida sp. n. E. Africa p. 151 fig. 6 pi. V fig. 5, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Plynaspis gen. n. Reduviini type flaveola Fairm. p. 224, pi. ix fig. 38, Jeannel T.c. Polididus cruentus sp. n. E. Africa p 145, HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar 12 1914. Polytoxus tropicus p. 160 pi. vi fig. lO, vittatus p. 161, ipl. vi fig. 16, spp. n. E. Africa, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Recicolus lepturoides pi. ix, fig. 43 p. 234, Jeannel T.c. Reduviolus sauteri sp. n. J’ormosei p. 4, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80A 8 1916. Reduvius tonkinensis sp. n. p. 244, Distant Entom. 52. Rhaphidosoma inermiceps, trituber- culatuni, sitnoni, decorsei, longispina, truncahim, didieri, occidentalis, basiardi pp. 263-271, figured pi. xi, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Rhiginia bimaculata, sp. n. Ecuador p. 69, Breddin Abh. Senckenb. Ges. 36 1914. Rhinocoris flavidorsum n. n. for Har- pactor flavinotum Mats., HorvAth p. 660 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Santosia rasilis sp. n. Cameroons p. 116, HorvAth T.c. Sastrapada {Harpagockares) signata fig. 13, spinuliceps fig. 12, p. 169, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Scadra castanea n. sp. Assam p. 367, Paiva Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Scoloponotus gen. n. near Margasus, simulans sp. n. Madagascar, HorvAth p. 144 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Sphedanolestes aurescens, dterrirnus, spp. n. India p. 75, Distant Ann. nat. Hist. 4. — S. jlaviventris, marginiventris, p. 207, femo)-alis, aterrimus, p. 208, spp. n. Indo-China, Distant Entom. 52. — S. nanus var. n. pallidus p. 296, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Sphedanovarus gen. n. Reduviini p. 189, type camerunensis Breddin fig. 17 pi. vii, fig. 19, Jeannel T.c. Stenolaemus laticeps Cairo p. 660, papuensis p. 061, spp. n.* HorvAth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914; — S. hirtipes sp. n. India p. 71, Distant Ann, nat. Hist. 4. Sycanus elongaiulus, ventralis, viduus, spp. n. Indo-China p. 209, Distant Entom. 52. — S, ? dubius n. sp. Assam p. 369, Paiva Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 Thysanuchus gen. n. p. 311 for Velinus pilipes Fall., Bergroth Ann, Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Tiarodes rusticus sp. n. Tonkin p. 245, Distant Entom. 52. 246 Insecia, XII. Insecta. [1919] Tinna spinicollis sp. n. E. Africa p. 156 fig. 9 pi. V fig. 8, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. — T. gracilis sp. n. Natal, Bergroth Goteborg Vet. Handl. 16 1914 p. 10 sep. pag. Triatomini trib. nov. Acanthaspidinae p. 177, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. Hemipt. 3. Tribelocephala kilimana sp. n. E. Africa p. 164, pi. vi, fig. 12, Jeannel T.c. Trichedocla montana pi. viii fig. 30 p. 209, subsp. n. keny crisis p. 210, sp. n. pi. viii fig. 31 p. 211, East Africa, Jeannel, T.c. Tridemula gen. n. p. 645 near Ploiariola, pilosa sp. n. New Guinea p. 646, and including P. mixta Dist., Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Ulpius bigibbula p. 443, tumidiceps p, 444, guttiventris p. 445, tuberosus p. 446, spp. n. Madagascar, Horvath T.c. Velinus castaneus p. 208, nigripes p. 209, spp. n. Indo-China, Distant En- tom. 52. Velitra melanomeris sp. n. Tonkin p. 245, Distant T.c. Vilius rubro-niger p. 148, conifacies p. 149, spp. n. Indo-China, Distant T.c. Gerroidea. Mesoveliidae, monograph, taxonomy ; Oerroidea consists of families Hebridae, Mesoveliidae, Hydrometridae, Vetiidae and Qerridae ; Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915 pp. 535-556. Qerris thoracicus fuscidorsum n. n. for t. fuscinotum Rent., Horvath p. 660 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Hebrus bombayensis sp. n. p. 152 pi. iii f. 6, Paiva Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Limnometra fluviorum — {Gerris armata Spin.), Horvath p. 660 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Mesovelia thermalis Hungary p. 547, subvittata New Guinea p. 552, indica Trichinopoly p. 553, spp, n., Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — M, furcata habits p. 195, Sohumaoher Ent. Mitt. 8. Metrocoris natalenis, Bergroth Gote- borg Vet. Handl. 16 1914 p. 13 sep. pag. Melrocoropsis gen. n. near Metrocoris, femorata sp. n. Assam, Paiva Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Microvelia pygmaea, reticulata, charac- ters, distribution, Horvath pp. 68-71 figs. Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. — M. lineatipes and atromaculatus n. spp. p. 362, Paiva Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Onychotrichus rhexenor, figured, Paiva pp. 152-156 T.c. Perittopus maculatus n. sp. Assam p. 363, Paiva T.c. Phyrnovelia gen. n. near Mesovelia, papua sp. n. New Guinea, Horvath p. 555 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Velia currens and rivulorum, doubt- ful distinctions, Mercier C. R. Soc. Biol. 82 p. 524. CiMICIDAE. Cimex lectularius, habits, Hase p. 102-105 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 ; copula, Hase S.B. Ges. naturf. * Fr. Berlin 1918 pp. 311-322 figs. ; Bio- logie, Leefmans Teysmannia Batavia 30 pp. 12-30. Neotticoris nom. n. for Paracimex Kir. 1914, Horvath p. 660 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Anthocoridae. Cardiastethus pygmaeus, laeviusculus, p. 7, longiceps p. 8, spp. n. Formosa, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Triphleps strigicollis sp. n. Formosa p. 9, Poppius T.c. Ceratocambidae, Henicocephalidae, Termatophylidae. Aenictopechys alluaudi sp. n. E. Africa p. 142, figs. 1-5 pi. v, fig. 1, Jeannel Voy. Alluaud Ins. H6mipteres 3. Ceratocombus {Xylonannus) taivanus Formosa p. 76, C. {Tagalonfinnus subg. n.), coloratus p. 78 Pbilip])inc8, spp. n., Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80A 8 1915. 247 Insecia. Systbmatio. — Hemiptera— Capsidae Henicocephalus duhius p. 146 pi. v fig. 2, kenyensis p. 148 pi. v fig. 4, spp. n. E. Africa, fubcrcnlaius pi. v fig. 3 p. 147, Jeannel Voy. Alluaiid Ins. Henaipt. 3. — H. traegaordhi sp. n. Zuliiland, Bergroth Goteborg Vet. Handl. 16 1914 p. 12 sep. pag. Termatophylum orientale sp. n. For- mosa p. 9, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80A 8 1915. POLYCTENIDAE. Eocienes spasmae, intermedins, locali- ties, Ferris p. 262 J. N. York eiit. Soc. 27. Hesperoctenes longiceps, California pi. xxiv p. 261, Ferris T.c. Capsidae or Miridae. Adelphocoris keyensis, sumatranus, p. 32, papuanus p. 33, longipes p. 34, brunnescens p. 35, New Guinea, iimilaris Jjoya\ty islds. p. 36, spp. n., Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. Alepidiella gen. n. p. 262 near Pilophorus, heidemanni sp. n. Am. bor. p. 253, Poppius Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. Allodapus persimilis sp. n. Formosa p. 63, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80A 8 1916. Alloeonotus fulvipes ff. n. macedonica and paganetti, Schumacher p. 93 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1918. Austropeplus gen. n. p. 4 near Hyalopeplus, annulipes sp. n. N. S. Wales p. 5, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Bakeriella gen. n. near Bothriomiris p. 46, crassicornis sp, n. Philippines j). 47, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80A 8 1915. Barberiella gen. n, Capsaria p. 266, formicoides sp. n. Texas p. 266, Poppius Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. Bertsa p. 45 and B. lankana j). 47, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar, 13 1915, Bolteria, distinguished, type, Knight p. 126 Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 14. Bothriomiridius gen. n. p. 44 near Bothriomiris, lugubris sp. n. Formosa p. 46, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Bromeliaemiris gen. n. Bryocorina, bicolor sp. n. India (?) Schumacher Zoitschr. \viss. Insbiol. 14 p. 223. Bryocoropsis gen. n. near Saklbergiella, laticollis sp. n. Spanish Guinea, Schu- macher p. 453 SB. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Calocoridea gen. n. p. 39 near Calo- coris, virescens sp. n. Darjiling p. 40, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. Calocoris rubroannulatus Tonkin p. 37, aterrimus Amer. mer. p. 38, spp. n., Poppius T.c. Camponotidea saundersi and fieberi distinguished, HorvAth p. 327 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Camptobrochis poeciliis Rent. M.S. is synonym of validus var. cunealis R., McAtee p. 246 Ent. News 30. Cephalocapsidea gen. n., rufescens p. 71, obscurata p. 72, spp. n., Formosa, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. . Cheilocapsidea gen. n. p. 13 for Megacoelum insignis Dist., Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Cimicicapsus gen. n. p. 83 near Deraeocoris, brunneus N. Australia p. 84, elongatus India p. 85, spp. n., Poppius T.c. — C. parviceps sp. n. For- mosa p. 41. Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Coquillettia balli sp. n. Colorado p. 112, Knight Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 13 1918. Creontiades bipunctattis p. 11, minutus p. 12, formosanus p. 13, spp. n., For- mosa, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. — G. oricnialia Madura p. 17, novaeguineae p. 18, vitticollia Sydney p. 19, sumairensis p. 20, maculicoUis Darjiling p. 21, marginaius, modiglianii, p. 22, montanus p. 24, Sumatra, ater India p. 26, fruhstorferi Lombok p. 26, spp. n., Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Cyrtopellocoris cubanus sp. n. Caya- mas p. 267, Poppius Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. Cyrtorrhinus elongatus p. 66, annulu collis p. 66, spp. n., Formosa, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. 248 Insecta, XII. Insecta. Decomia gen. n. p. 73 Phylinae, cephalotes sp. n. Formosa p. 74, Poppius T.o. Deraeocoris sauteri p. 38, sordidus p. 39, plebeius, apicalis, p. 40, spp. n., Formosa, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915, — D. schach snbrutilus n. n. for ruliloides Rent. 1902, Hor- vath p. 660 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914, — D. biroi p. 68, pallidiceps p. 69, calocasiae, papuanus, p. 70 New Guinea, aterrimus Sumatra p. 71, celebensis p. 72, indicus p. 74, grisescens N. S. Wales p, 75, fiavidus Philippines, pallidulus Singapore p, 76, insulicola Loyalty islds. p. 77, horvatlii Tonkin p. 78, 7ieocaledonicus p. 79, discoidalis Darjiling p. 80, cribratus New Guinea, pallidornaculalus Batu, p. 81, brevius- culus Sumatra p. 82, spp. n., Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Dichrooscytus elegans var. n. viridicans p. 114, speciosus var. n. rubropalUdus p. 115, Knight Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 13 1918. • Dicyphus =• {Gallobelicxis. Dist.), D. orientalis sp. n. Formosa p. 60, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Dimorphocoris, Bergevin Bull. soc. Alger. 7 1916 p. 61. Diplotrichiella gen. n. p. 65 near Lygua, rufescens sp. n. Trichinopoly p. 66, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 18 1915. Engytatus plebeius p. 61, obscuri- cornia p. 62, spp. n., Formosa, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Eolygua gen. n. p. 36, near Lygua, vittatua sp. n. Formosa p. 37, Poppius T.c. Eoathemrua gen. n. p. 72 near Slhena- rua, craaaicornia sp. n. Formosa p. 73, Poppius T.c. Eupachypeltia flavicornia sp. n. For- mosa p. 55, Poppius T.c. Euryatylomorpha gen. n. p. 16, craaaicornia sp. n. Formosa p. 17, Poppius T.c. Euryatylua pallidua p. 40, acutellaria p. 41, latua p. 42, montanua, baJceri p. 43, spp. n., Philippines, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — E. aauleri p. 15 sp. n. Formosa, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. [1919] Feliaaeua longicepa-‘ p. 55 sp. n. Formosa, Poppius T.c. ^ Fulviua aauteri p. 50 Formosa, brevipilia p. 51 New Guinea, obacuri- cornis Philippines p. 52, spp. n., Poppius T.c. Oaleobelicua nicotianae, biology, den Doop Meded. Deliproefst. 3 pp. 19- 20. Ouianeriua palliditaraia sp. n. Philip- pines p. 44, Poppius Ann. Mus, Hungar. 13 1915. Heidemanniella gen. n. p. 258, Systellonotaria, acutellaria sp. n. Arizona p. 259, Poppius Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. Helopeltia bre-viccyrnia p, 52, faaciati- collia p. 53, pallidua p. 54, spp. n., Formosa, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. — H. aumatranua, larva, CoRPORAAL p. 107 Tijdschr. Rnt. 62. — H. alluaudi, variation, Schouteden p. 192 Rev. zool. afric. 6. Helerocordylua acaciae sp. n. Texas p. Ill, Knight Bull. Brooklyn ent, Soc. 13 1918. Hyalopeplua balceri sp. n. Philippines p. 3, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — H. amaragdinua sp. n. Java pp. 73-81 figs. 1-5, Roepke Treubia 1 ; biology, Roepke Buitcnzorg. Meded. proefst. thee. 67 pp. 1-6. laabel horvathi sp. n. Formosa p. 10, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Largidea groaaa, male, Knight p. 17 Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 13 1918. Liocapaidea gen. n. p. 16 near Liocapaua, nitidicollia sp. n. Sikkim p. 17, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Liocapaua gen. n. p. 15 near Creon- tiadea, breviroatria sp. n. Darjiling p. 16, Poppius T.c. Lopidea intermedia p. 210 f. ii, aayi p. 212 f. 5, mhior p. 213 f. 6, spp. n., U.S., Knight Ent, News 29 [omitted last year]. Lycidocoria uiiijormia sp. n. Spanish Guinea p. 447, Sohumaoher S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. 249 Insecia. Systematic — Hemiptera — Capsidae. Lygus crassicornis p. 343, bicolor p. 344, Sumatra, viaurus Pulo Laut p. 345,/ean?i5 Burma p. 346, pallidiceps Sumatra p, 347, lacvipcnnis Philippines p. 348, (riguttatus p. 349, rufobrunneus p. 351, friihstorferi India, loriae p. 352, papuanus p. 353, New Guinea, clypealis Philijipines p. 354, tonkinensis^ p. 355, huonemis New Guinea p. 356, punctis- ciiUim Singapore p. 357, nigricornis India, muculipes Pulo Laut, p. 358, buchanani New Zealand p. 359, suma- tranus p. 360, viftulatus Celebes p. 361, indicus India p. 362, modiglianii, dohrni, p. 363, gesfroi p. 364, sagiltalis p. 365, Sumatra, celebensis, aikkimcmis, p. 366, viridijlavus p. 367, India, nigrigenis, nigribasis, p. 368, luzonicus p. 369, erimensis New Guinea p 370, basalis Singapore p. 371, umbratus Celebes p. 372, pacfiicus New Hebrides p. 373, ventralis Loyalty islds. p. 374, iriuiri Fiji p. 375, femoralis p. 376, concolor, stali, p. 377, New Guinea, rufescena Borneo, nebulosus New S. Wales p. 378, convcxus p. 379, harmandi p., 380, India, gribodoi Pulo Laut p. 381, rambeensis p. 382, brunnescens p. 383, Sumatra, sublaevis Celebes p. 384, exiguus India p. 385, rufigenis Sumatra p. 386, longirostris Borneo, dubreuili, p. 387, anguslijrons p. 388 India, rubroornatus p. 389, rosaceus p. 390, Sumatra, oceanicus New Hebrides p. 392, malayus Pulo Laut, geniculalus Luzon, p. 393, roiialhieri India p. 394, spp. n„ Porrius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. — L. bipuncHcollis p. 25, kosempoensis p. 26, eous, tainanensis, p. 27, biannulatus p. 28, matsumurae p. 29, bakeri p. 30, v-nigrum, taivanus, p. 31, fuhoshoensis p. 32, nigriclavus p. 33, disciger p. 34, kirkaldyi, niger, p. 35, spp. n., Formosa, Poppius Arch. Naturgos. 80 A 8 lS)l5.--Lygiis : North-amcrican revised, vamiuzeei p. 565, with var. rubroclarus p. 567, humeralis p. 570, cohlmbiensis p. 571, super lorensis, atriflavus, p. 572, striatus p. 578, nigropallidus p. 579, aefatus 1>. 580, bradleyi p. 581, ullranubilus p. 583, nubilatus p. 584, nubilosus p. 585, distinctus p. 594, fagi p. 603 (subg. n. Neolygus jj. 661), atritylus, conftisus p. 606, alni p. 607, geneseensis, viburni, p. 609, parshleyi p. 611 with var. shermani, uiconspicuus, p. 612, tiliae p. 613, caryae p. 615 with var. subfuscus p. 616, aUrinotatus p. 617, neglectus p. 619, univittatus p. 623, quercalbac "p. 624, semivittatus p. 626, omnivagus p. 627, johnsoni j). 629, clavigenitalis p. 632, canadensis p. 634 with var. binotatus, oslryae, p. 635, laurae p. 636, spp. n., Amer. bor. ; and the following varr. n., pratensis var. rubidus p. 565, convexicollis var. coloratus p. 569, elisus viridiscutatus and e. hesperus p. 575, distinguendus tahoensis p. 587, rubicundus winni- pegensis p. 591, olivaceus viridiusculus p. 600 ; Knight Bull. 391 Cornell Exp. Stat. 1917 figs. — L. {Neolygus) nyssae sp. n. Alabama p. 43 fig., tiliae var. n. heterophyllus p. 44, Knight Bull. Brookl}^ ent. Soc. 13 1918. — L. (Neolygus) parrotli sp. n. New York, univittatus Knight p. 21 Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 14. Mahania gen. n. p. 60 near Lygus, elongata sp. n. Darjiling p. 61, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Malatasta schenklingi sp h. Formosa p. 21, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Mandragora gen. n. p. 449 near Physophoroptera, venefica sp. n. Spanish Guinea p. 450 fig., Schumacher S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Marshalliella orientalis sp. n. For- mosa p. 69, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Megacoelum oberthueri Maissour p. 27, papuanum p. 28, celebense p. 29, tagalicum with var. bicolor p. 30, pallidicorne p. 31, Philippines, spp. n., Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — M. clypeatum p. 14, minutum p. 15, spp. n., Formosa, Poppius Arch., Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Neoborus pubescens sp. n. New York p. 81, Knight Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 12 1917. Neolygus subg. n. vide Lygus. Ochtherocapsus gen. n. p. 47, margini- ceps sp. n. N. S. Wales p. 48, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Odoniella camerunensis sp. n. p. 451, Schumacher S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Onomaus elegans sp. n. Assam p. 6, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Opisthuria clandestina varr. n. dor salis and ventralis, Knight p. 115 Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 13 1918. 250 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [19I9J Orthotylus orientalis sp. n. Formosa p. 69, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. PachypeUis corallinua sp. n. Formosa p. 65, Poppius T.c. Pameridea roridulae fig., Soiiumaoher p. 220 Zeitschr. w'iss. Insbiol. 14. Pantilioforma gen, n. p. 447 near Lycidocoris, impressopunctata sp. n. Spanish Guinea p. 448, Schumacher S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Paracalocoris acceptus var. n. mar^ moratus, McAtee p. 247 Ent. News 30. Parthenicus aridus sp. n. New Mexico p. 113, Knight Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 13 1918. Peltidolygus gen. n. near Lygus, puncticollis sp. n. Sikkim, Poppius p. 64 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Peritropis pusillus sp. n. Formosa p. 49, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1916. Phyllopidea gen. n. Phylinae type Bolter ia picta Uhl., Knight p. 127 Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 14. Phytocoris philippinensis, nigropunc- talus, Philippines p. 8, sinicus Shanghai p. 9, spp. n., Poppius Ann. Mus. Hun- gar. 13 1916. Phylocoropsis gen. n. p. 10 near Phytocoris, annulipes sp. n. Philippines p. 11, Poppius T.c. Piezocranum corvinum, female, Hor- vath p. 328 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Pilophoropsis gen. n. p. 249 near Pilojihorus, brachypterus sp. n. Arizona p. 250, Poppius Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. Pilophorus heidemanni Am. bor. p. 240, su77iatranus p. 241 Padang, crassipes p. 242, americanus, huenoi, p. 243, brunneus p. 244, vicarius p. 245, exiguus p. 246, Am. bor., 7iiger Japan p. 247, clavicornis Am. bor. p. 248, . spp. n., Poppius T.c. — P. formosanus, pullulus, spp. n., Formosa p. 64, typicus var. n. obscuripes p. 63, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1916. Platylygus intermedius sp. n. p. 16 pi. i f 2, grandis f. 3, fuliginosus f. 4, p. 17, spp. n., Arizona, Knight Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 13 1918. Porphyrocapsus gen. n. p. 50 near Stenotus, lineatus sp. n. Sydney p. 51, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Porphyrodema nigritarse p. 1, rhino- ceros p. 2, spp. n., N. S. Wales, Poppius T.c. Proboscidocoris reuteri Philippines p. 85, scutellaris p. 86, neoguineanus p. 87, New Guinea, spp. n., Poppius T.c. — P. taivayius sp. n. Formosa p. 42, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Prodromopsis basalis sp. n. Formosa p. 56, Poppius T.c. Pseudeury stylus gen. n. p. 48 near Bury stylus, clavicornis sp. n. Sydney p. 49, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Pycnofurius pallidiscutum sp. n. Formosa p. 58, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Rhinocylapidius gen. n. p. 48 near Rhinocylapus, velocipedoides sp. n. For- mosa p. 49, Poppiu.s T.c. lihodolygus gen. n. p. 67, obscuritarsis sp, n. Sydney p. 68, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Sericophanes parviceps Cuba p. 259, heidemanni New York p. 260, spp. n., Poppius Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 58 1914. — 8, triangularis p. 81, trans- versus p. 82, spp. n. New Mexico, Knight Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. 13 1918. Stenodema longicolle sp. n. Formosa p. 43, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Stenotus stramineus Pondicheiy, brevi- collis, p. 52, bivittatus p. 53, clypealis p. 54, New Guinea, spp. n., Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. — 8. insularisp. 17, longicepsp. \^, jnjgmaeus p. 19, spp. n. Formosa, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Stethoconns japonicus sp. n. Japan p. 344, Schumacher S. B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916. Strongylocoris stygica, early stages, Leonard p. 178 pi. xiv Canad. Ent. 51. Taivaniella gen. n. p. 67 near Lepi- dolon, Julvigenis sp. n. Formosa p. 58, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. 251 Insecia. Systematic. — Hemiptera — Cicadtdae. Thania gen. n. near Lygus p. 62, crassicornis sp. n. Tonkin p. 63, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. Titigi nolops is gen. n. p. 23, drome- darius sp. n. Formosa p. 24, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. — T. camelus sp. n. New Guinea p. 69, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Tinghiotum papuanum p. 66, gracili- corne Philippines p. 67, cretaceum Neiv Guinea p. 68, spp. n., Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 191.5. — T. formosanujn sp. n. Formosa p. 22, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Tolongia gen. n. p. 54, marginicollis sp. n. Sumatra p. 65, Poppius Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Tyraquellus brunneus sp. n. Formosa p. 62, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. Xenoborus neglectus sp. ii. New York p. 82, Knioiit Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 12 1917. Zanchlus apicalis sp. n. Formosa p. 60, Poppius Arch. Naturges. 80 A 8 1915. ZonodoreUus gen. n., lateralis sp. n. Formosa, Poppius T.c. Zonodoropsis gen. n., pallens sp. n. Formosa, Poppius p. 67 T.c. Isometopidae. Paloniella gen. n. for Jsometopus feaniis Dist., Poppius p. 76 Arch. Naturges 80 A 8 1915. Turnebiella gen. n. p. 75, pallipes sp. n. Formosa p. 76, Poppius T.c. Saldidae or Acanthiidae. Omania gen. n., coleoplraia sp. n. Arabia fig., HorvXth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Hydrocorisae. Aphelochirus inops p. 140, gularis p. 141, spp. n., Annam, HorvXth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Belostoma cordofanum, in Hungary, Schumacher p. 433-435 SB. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. Enithares laclea sp. n. Bombay p. 155, Paiva Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Oestroiella limnocoroides = {schoutedeni —perfecla Mont.), Horvath p. 142 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Glaenocorixa cavifrons, and allies, notes on, Mac Gillavry, Ber. Ned. Ent. ' Ver. 5 pp. 105-109. Lethocerus cordofanus, Schumacher SB. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 p. 616-519. Micronecta na?iula, episcopalis spp. n. Hungary, HorvXth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Nychia limpida, HorvXth p. 143 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 16 1918. Plea ugandana Africa, fasciata Java, p. 144, australis Clarence riv., semipicta Colombia, p. 145, spp. n. HorvXth T.c. Micronecta graphiptera sp. n. New Guinea p. 146, HorvXth T.c. Homoptera. ClCADIDAE. Rhodesian Cicadidae, Pead P. Rho- desia Ass. 10 p. 20-38 1910. Notes on the voice of Cicada, Krum- BAOH pp. 241-250 Zool. Anz. 48 1917. Abroma minor sp. n. Madagascar p. 625, Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ost- afrika 3 1917. Ayuthia gen. n. near Tosema, spec- labile sp. n. Indo-China, Distant p. 43 Ann. nat. Hist. 3. Cacama furcata Lower California p. 72, variegata Texas p. 73, calif ornica p. 76, carbonaria Mexico p. 76, spp. n., Davis J. New York ent. Soc. 27 pis. xiii & xiv. Cicada at Quetta, Scott p. 92 Entom. 52. Huechys sanguinea, use in China* Schumacher SB. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 p. 368-382. Hymenogaster planiceps sp. n. Helio- polis p. 445, HorvXth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 15 1917. Medampsalta Icansa sp. n. Kansas p. 340, Davis J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Okanagana niagnifica p. 189 pi. xix f. 1, napa p. 194 f. 4, bella p. 198 pi. XX f. 1, balli p. 211 pi. xx f. 6, utahensis p. 216 f. 4, spp. n. U.S., Davis T.c. 252 Inaecia. XII. Insecta. [1919] Okanagodes gen. n., gracilis sp, n. Utah pi. XX f. 6, Davis p. 221 T.c. Platypleura ladona p. 150, kabindana p. 157, spp. n. Africa, Distant Rev. zool. afric. 7. Tibicen septendecim distribution pp. 84-88, Felt New York State Mus. Bull. 198 1918. Trismarcha voeltzkowi sp, n. p. 525 Madagascar, Jacobi Voeltzkow Reiso in Ostafrika 3 1917. Ugada nigrofasciata, astratula, spp. n. Africa, Distant p. 130 Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Fulqoridae. For extensive synonyny of Delpha- cidae in the British Museum consult Muir Canad. Entom. 51 pp. 6-8. Derbidae in Brit. Mus., some correc- tions to 1918 paper, Muir p. 89 Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Monograph of Lophopinae, Melichar pp. 337-385, 2^ figs., Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Achaemenes intersparsus Ikay, saka- lava Madagascar, p. 527, major Mada- gascar p. 528, figs. spp. n., Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Acothrura gen. n. p. 353 for Corethrura impunctata Jac., Melichar f. 9 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Aluma exigua sp. n. Burma p. 307, Melichar T.c. Akotropis gen. n. Achilinae, furnala Formosa f. 4, p. 270, malayana, Jlaveola Cochin China, p. 271, nitobei, slriatella, Formosa p. 272, Matsumura Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Ariigrus juscovenosus sp. n Nosi-Be, &c. p. 529 figs., Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Arcofacies penangensis sp. n. Penang p. 525, Muir Philippine J. Sci. 15. Asanlorga gen. n. p. 350 near Pyrilla, tuberculata sp. n. Amboina p. 351 f. 7, Melichar Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Betatropis gen. n. p. 274 Achilinae, formosana p. 275 f. 6, horishana p. 276, spp. n. Formosa, Matsumura Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Brixia hildebrandti sp. n. Madagascar p. 529, Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Bursinia bouvieri = {fasciata Horv.), Horvath p. 660 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Catullia vittata sp. n. Japan p. 266 fig. 2, Matsltmura Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Chanithua infurnatus n. sp. p. 42 fig. Maroc., de Berqevin Bull. Soc. Alger. 7 1916. — G. vittatiis = {Dictyo- phora proxima Mel. = harterti Dist.), Horvath p. 660 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Ghloriona fuscipennis sp. n. Demorara p. 38 f. 10, Muir Canad. Ent. 51. Columbiana gen. n. Delphacidea, Iloydi sp. n. Cauca, Muir p. 35 figs. 6 & 7 T.c. Delphacodes guianensis f. 11, subfusca f. 12, spp. n. Demerara p. 38, Muir T.c. Delphax capellanus He Ste. Marie p. 530 figs., nigrigenis Ostafrika p. 530 figs., spp. n., Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. — D, simulans to //- burnia, Muir p. 49 P. Hawai ent. Soc. 4. Diclyophorodelphax praedicla n. Maui p. 72, Bridvvell P. hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Elaamoscelis despecta sp. n. Congo, p. 360, Melichar Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Eponiaia gen. n. p. 285 near Nisia, gutlula Formosa p. 286 f. 10, gutlu- linervia Japan p. 287, spp. n., Matsu- MURA Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Epotiocerus gen. n. Derbinae for Otiocerus flexuoaus Uhl. p. 299 f. 14, Matsumura T.c. Eumetopina maculaia p. 527 pi. i fig. 7, Jlava figs. 5a b, Philippines, bakeri figs. 4a b Borneo, p. 528, spp. n., Muir Philippine J. Sci. 15. Eurysa immunda sp. n. Albania p. 16, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. JIelico2)tera okunii sp. n. Japan p. 281, Matsumura Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Hiateropteron juniper i p. 71 fig. 1 p. 73 Algerie, siraminuin p. 74 fig. 2 p. 76 Maroc, spp. n., Berqevin Bull. Soc. Alger. 6 1915. — H. evanescens sp. n. Marocoo p, 286 figs., Berqevin Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. 253 Insecta. Systematic. — Hemiptera— Fulgoridab. llburnia telramalopii p. 88, longipes, coprosmae, p. 93, stenogynicola p. 94, kokolau p. 95, curvata, acuta, p. 96, waikamolensis p. 97, pulla p. 98, mauiensis p. 99, neocyrtandrae j). 100, vianiake p. 101, raillardiicola, painiu, p. 102, Maui, coprosmicola p. 103, ulehihi p. 104, Hawaii, spp. n., cyathodis eeke siibsp. n. p. 92, Muir P. Hawaii, ent. Soc. 4 figs. Ityraea speciosa, Poulton p. Ixxviii Pr. ent. Soc. London 1918. Jugoda gen. n. p. 367 near Alumaf zebrina p. 368 f. 15, serrula p. 369, spp. n. New Guinea, Melichar Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Kelisia eragrosticola p. 85 sp. n. Maui, Muir P. hawai. ent. Soc. 4. Lanienia tamagawana Japan p. 291, hopponis, wanriana, albinervis, p. 292, nigricans, nitobei, p. 293, Formosa, spp. n., Matsumura Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Lapithasa gen. n. p. 349 near Pyrilla, bakeri sp. n. Philippines p. 350 f. 6, Melichar Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Leialoha lehuae var. n. mauiiensis p. 87, Muir P. hawai. ent. Soc 4. Lophops servillei var. picta, p. 341, fusca sp. n. New Guinea p. 343, Meli- char Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Magadha formosana sp. n. p. 277, Matsumura Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Malaxa javanensis Java p. 524 pi. i fig. 2, obiusipennis Borneo, bakeri pi. i fig. 3 p. 523, nigra p. 524, Philippines &c., spp. n., Muir Philippine J. Sci. 15. Megamehis tiniehri sp. n. Guiana p. 36 f. 9, Muir Canad. Ent. 51. Mesepora gen. n. p. 261, Tropidu- chinae, onukii Formosa p. 262, ogasa^ warana., issiformis, boninensis, p. 263, Bonin isld., spp. n., Matsumura Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Mesotiocerus gen. n. Derbinae, forma- sanus sp. n. f. 15, Matsumura p. 301 T.c. Nesomyyidus gen. n. australis sp. n. Nosy-Be fig., Jacobi p. 529 Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Numicia dorsalis sp. n. Nosy-Be, &c, p. 531 figs., Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Okatropis gen. n. p. 272 Achilinae, rubrostigrna Japan f. 5 p. 273, lineola Caucasus p. 274, spp. n., Matsumura Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Oliarus nosibeamis Nosy-Be p. 528, figs., acnticeps Nosy-Be & Gross- Comoro p. 528 figs., spp. n., Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Ommatidiotiis alternans sp. n. Albania p. 15, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. Orgerkis saboureti n. sp. p. 63 Maroc, Bergbvin Bull. Soc. Algar. 6 1915. Ormenis subclavata sp. n. Madagascar p. 537, Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. — 0. linki sp. n. Isle of pines, Holland p. 347 Ann. Car- negie Mus. 11 1917. Paracorethrura gen. n. p. 352 for Corethrura iocnemis Jac., f. 8, Melichar Ann. Mas. Hungar. 13 1915. Paranisia gen. n. p. 283 near Nisia, formosana p. 284 f. 8, nigricans, frcquens, p. 285, spp. n. Formosa,MATSU- MURA Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Phalaenomorpka castaneiceps p. 538, fig., collaris p. 539, fig., Madagascar, spp. n., Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Pissonotus megaloslyhls sp. n. Deme- rara p. 36 f. 8, Muir Canad. Ent. 51. Plectoderoides gen. n, p. 281 near Plectodera, maculatus p. 282 f. 8, formosanus p. 283, spp. n. Formosa, Matsumura Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Privesa angustinervis sp. n. Nosy-Be p. 535 fig., Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Pseudocorethrura gen. n. p. 379 for Corethrura funebris St., Melichar Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Purohita nigripes sp. n. Penang p, 521, Muir Philippine J. Sci. 15. Rhamphizius pallidus sp. n. Isle of pines p. 374, Osborn Ann. Carnegie Mus. 11 1917. 254 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Rhotala niisimae, jozankeana, p. 278, nawae, Japan, formosana Formosa p. 279, viltata, ibukisana, Japan p. 280, spp. n.. Matsumura. T.c. Rholana hopponis Formosa, kago~ shimana, satsumana, Japan p. 294, maculata, formosana p. 295, toroeiisis p. 296, Formosa, spp. n., Matsumura Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Serida excisa sp. n. Java p. 345, Melichar Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Shirakia gen. n. near Zoraida, infu- mala sp. n. Formosa f. 16, Matsumura p. 303 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Shizuka gen. n. Derbinae near Pamendanga, formosaiia sp. n. f. 12, Matsumura p. 297 T.c. Siopa gen. n. Ricaniinae, fumivenosa sp. n. Madagascar fig., Jacobi p. 535 Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Sogana gen. n. Lophopinae, hopponis sp. n. Formosa, Matsumura p. 268 f. 3 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Sogata 4~spinosa sp. n. Singapore p. 526 pi. i fig. 6, Muir Philipini J. Sci. 15. Stenocranus (?) singaporensis sp. n. Singapore Penang p. 529 pi. i l fig. 8, Muir T.c. Tambinia boninensis, crini, p. 264 Bonin islcl., bizonata Formosa p. 265, spp. n., M atsumura Aim. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Taxila suturalis sp. n. Bonin isld. p. 266, Matsumura T.c. Tempora gen. n. Derbinae near Vekunta, boninensis sp. n. f. 11, Matsu- MURA p. 290 T.c. Teutberga gen. n. Derbinae p. 531, anthracina sp. n. Madagascar p. 532, Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Trobolophya melichari p. 302 figs. 1 & 2, montana p. 303 fig. 4, philipjnnen- sis figs. 5 & 1, benguetensis fig. 6 p. 304, Philippines, penangensis Penang p. 303 fig. 3, spp. n., Baker Philippine J. Sci. 15. Upachara straminea sp. n. Penang p. 522 pi. i fig. 1, Muir Philippine J. Sci. 15. Usana yanonis sp. n. Formosa p. 276 f. 7, Matsumura Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Vekunta to Derbinae, maculata, mal- loti p. 288, albipennis, shirakii, p. 289, stigmata p. 290, spp. n. Formosa, Matsumura T.c. Zeleja gen. n. p. 383 near Epiptyxis, solitaria sp. n. Borneo p. 384 f. 22, Melichar Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1915. Zoraida horishana, koannania, spp. n. Formosa p. 302, Matsumura Ann. Mu.s. Hungar. 12 1914. Membracidae. Anchon gunni sp. n. Pretoria p. 221 pi. xix figs. 1 & 2, Funkhouser Canad. Ent. 51. Anchonoides minutus sp. n. Pretoria p. 221 j)l. xix figs. 3 & 4, Funkhouser T.c. Atymna pilosa sp. n. Peru p. 273, Funkhouser J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Centrochares horrificus Philippines p. 15 pi. i fig. 1, Funkhouser Philip- pine J. Sci. 15. Centrogonia lutea Colombia p. 269, pinguicornis Peru p. 270, spp. n., Funkhouser J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Cryptaspidia elevata p. 26 pi. i fig. 7, longa p. 27 fig. 8, spp. n. Luzon, Funkhouser Philippine d. Sci. 15. Leioscyta brunnea sp. n. Peru p. 268, Funkhouser J. New York ent, Soc. 27. Lycoderes triangulata sp. n. Brazil p. 276, Funkhouser T.c. Membracis humilis var. n. aurora p. 267, Funkhouser T.c. Ophiderma, the N.-american, grisea p. 254, evelyna p. 257, spp. n. U.S., pubescens var. n. australis, flaviguttnla var. n. dejinita, p. 259, Woodruff J. New York ent. Soc. 27 pp. 249-260 pi. xxiii. — O. fascipennis sp. n. Bolivia p. 274, Funkhouser J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Otinotus pilosus E. Africa pi. xix figs. 5 & 6, arcuatus Pretoria figs. 7 & 8, spp. n. p. 222, Funkhouser tiamul, Ent. 51. 255 Insecia. SySTEIVIATIC. — HeMIPTERA — JASSIDAE. Pyrgojiota semperi Philippines p. 17 pi. i figs. 2 & 3, Funkhouseb Philippine J. Sci; 15. Stictocepkala elevata Peru p. 271, nigrioentris Ecuador p. 272, spp. n., Funkhouser J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Stictolobus erectus sp. n. Peru p. 272, Funkhouser T.c. Tricentrus acuticornis sp. n. Philip- pines p. 22 pi. i figs. 5 & 6, fairmnirei p. 20 f. 4, Funkhouser Philippine J. Sci. 15. Vamliizea punctipennis sp. n. Colom- bia p. 275, Funkhouser J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Tylocentrus quadricornis sp. n. Ari- zona p. 217 pi. X, Funkhouser Ent. News 30. Cercopidae. Amberana uncinata p. 543 fig., fissurata p. 543, spp. n. Madagascar, Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Glomd antankara p. 544 fig., rugosa p, 544 figs., robusta p. 545 fig., spp. n. Madagascar, Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. — C. modesta sp. n. Dominica p. 27G, Gibson P. U.S. nat. Mus. 55. Dauphina lallemandi fig., melanops p. 54.3, spp. n. Madagascar, Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Orypomachaerota borneensis p. 74 pi. ii figs. 8, 9, 11, Hi figs. 1, 4, 5, 8, tricolor p. 75 pi. ii fig. 14, iii figs. 2, 6, Borneo, breviceps p. 75 pi. ii figs. 12, 15, iii 3, 7, 9, Penang, spp. n. Baker Philippine J. Sci. 15. Literna minuacula p. 541 fig., ochracea fig., aignaia p. 542 fig., Madagascar, spp. n., Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Machaerota philippinenaia p. 70 pi. i ff. 2, 3, 10, ii fig. 1, fiisca p. 72 pi. i ff. 7, 8, 13, ii ff. 2, 7, 10, spp. n. Luzon, figs, notoceraa, oiaifcra, luzonensia, Baker Philippine J. Sci 15. Maxudea schmidtii sp. n. Penang p. 77 fig. 1, Baker T.c. Nesaiilax gen. n. p. 541 for JRhinaulax vitlipennis Bergr., .Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Philaenua apumarius, nomenclature, pp. 191-195, Schumacher Ent. Mitt. 8 ; formation of froth, Gahan p. cliii-clv and p. clxv-clxvii Pr. ent. Soc. London 1918. Platymeiopiua hyalinua, life-history pp. 369-372, Dickerson & Weiss Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12. Jassidae. Acropona indigena Madagascar p. 550, aubcoeca Moramanga p. 551, spp. n., Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Athysanus albanicus sp. n. p. 14 Albania, HorvXth Ann. Mus. Hungar. 14 1916. — A. picatua, miniaturatiia, spp. n. Honduras, Gibson P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. — A. capicola = {Jaaaua taeniaticepa Kirschb.), brachycep>halua n.n. for brachycepa Mats., HorvAth p. 660 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Bythoacopua tetropa, multiaparaua, spp. n. Madagascar p. 546, Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Coloborrhia enigma sp. n. Madagascar p. 545 figs., Jacobi T.c. Deltocephalua apinoaua sp. n. Hon- duras, p. 26, Gibson P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Draeculacephala aoluta sp. n. Hon- duras Gibson p. 25 P. biol. Soc. Wash- ington 32. Empoa roaae, life-history p. 20-27 pi. V, Ackerman Bull. U.S. dep. Agric. 805. Empoaaca mail, life history pi. iii pp. 1-19, Ackerman Bull. U.S. dep. Agric. 805 ; instars. Ball pp. 149-155 figs. J. econ. Ent. 12. Eupelix, characters of british, Ed- wards p. 105 Ent. mo. Mag. 55. Eupteryx, the North-american, flavoa- cuta varr. n. clavalia and juvenia, McAtee pp. 182-186 Ent. News 30. Euacelia hyperboreiia sp. n. Alaska p. 4 F, Van Duzee Rep. canad. arctic exp. 3 F. Eutettix tenella, habits &c., Severin J. econ. Ent. 12 p. 308 and pp. 312-326 pi. XV. 256 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Gessius malayensis p. 217 figs., pallidus p. 218 figs. pi. v, spp. n. Malay Archipel., Baker Philippine J. Sci. 15. Gypona dictitoria p. 91, nitabunda p. 92, cacozela, occlusa, p. 93, curiata, negotiosa, p. 97, aquila p. 99, dracontea p. 100, spp. n. U.S., Gibson P. U.S. nat. Mus. 56. Hymetta gen. n. p. 121 for Tettigonia trifasciata Say, Il.t, varr. n. balteata, albata and anlhisma, U.S., McAtee P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Idiocerus cognatus, in N. America, Olsen p. 126 pi. xvi J. New York ent. Soc, 27 ; life history, Dickerson & Weiss p. 129 T.c. Krisna minima p. 214 4 figs., simil- lima 4 figs., nigrifrons 4 figs., penangen^ sis 4 figs., muirii 5 figs., olivascens 6 figs., p. 215, magna 7 figs., colorata 3 figs., p. '216, spp. n, Asiatic Archipel., Baker Philippine J. Sci. 15. Macrometopius nom. n. for Macroceps Sign. 1879, Horvath p. 660 Ann. Mus. Hungar. 12 1914. Macropsis decoratus p. 55, populi p. 56, spp. n. England, Edwards Ent. mo. Mag. 55. — M. virescens var. graminea, life-history, Weiss &■ Dicker- son pp. 437-440 J. econ. Ent. 12. Opsius heydeni and staciogalus, Schu- macher p. 241-244 tS.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916. Prosopoxys gen. n., thoracicus sp. n. Madagascar p. 546, Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise in Ostafrika 3 1917. Tettigonia dyeri sp. n. Honduras p. 25, Gibson P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Tettigoniella blattimilay fuscocostatula, p. 547, tergiplagatula, nigrifrontula, simulantula, sikorae, p. 548, hildebrandti, commersoni, p. 549 fig., spp. n. Madagas- car, Jacobi Voeltzkow Reise 3 1917. Typhlocyba querci varr. n. volans, grata, scripta, McAtee Canad. Ent. 51. PSYLLIDAB. Psyllidarum Catalogus, Aulmann (Berlin 1913). Catalogue of the Danish Psyllidae ; Jacobsen Ent. Medd. 12 1918-19(355- 360). Anatomy of head and mouth of Psylla mail, function of piercing, Grove pji. 456-488 3 pis. Parasitol. 11. Arytaina meridionalis p. 173 pi. ii fig. 9, pulcJira p. 175 pi. iii fig 3, Larat, flava p. 174 pi. ii fig 10, brevigena p. 175 pi. iii fig. 4, punctinervis p. 176 pi. iii fig. 1, Singapore, &c., iolani p. 174 pi. ii fig. 11 Luzon, spp. n., Crawford Philippine J. Sci. 15. Cerotrioza corniger Singapore pi. iii fig. 12, microceras Borneo pi. iii fig. 10, p. 202, spp. n., Crawford T.c. Ciriacremum bicaudatum Ost-Afrika . 482 fig. capillicorne Kamenin ]). 483 gs., spp. n., Enderlein Zo»)1. jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 41 1918. Euphalera grandis Moluccas &c. fig 7, maculosus Fiji fig. 8 pi. ii p. 170, spp. n., Crawford Phillippine J. Sci. 15. Euphyllura basalis Avignon p. 469, leucozona Macedonia p. 470, fasciata Spain p. 471, stolata Macedonia p. 472, spp. n., Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 161918, Heteroneura gen. n. Pauropsyllinae type oceanica sp. n. Singapore &c. p. 152 pi. i fig. 11, Crawford Philippine J. Sci. 15. Heteropsylla longicornis sp. n. Larat, Amboina, p. 153 pi. i fig. 12, Crawford T.c. Leptynoptera gen. n. Pauropsyllinae type sulfurea sp. n. Amboina p. 147 pi. i figs 5 & 6, Crawford T.c. Megatrioza stylata p. 196 fig. 1, magnicauda p. 197 fig. 2, gigantea p. 199, robusta, melanoneura p. 200, spp. n., Asiatic Archipel., Crawford T.c. — M. pallida sp. n.- (M.S.) p. 546 galls, UiCHANCO Philippine J. Sci 14. Nesiope heterocephala var. intermedia var. n. Larat, p. 161, Crawford Philip- Iiine J. Sci. 15. Paurocephala minuta Luzon p. 150 pi. i fig. 8, maculata Singapore p. 151 pi. i fig. 9, conigera Amboina j). 151 pi. i fig. 10, Crawford T.c. Pauropsylla deflexa p. 545, montana p. 546, spp. n. (MS.), description galls, UiCHANCO Philippine J. Sci. 14. — P. brevicornis p. 142 pi. i figs. 1 & 2, verticis p. 143 pi. i figs. 3 4, Larat, 257 Insecla. SySTEMATIO. — HBMIPTEltA — APHIDAE. nigra Pusa p. 143, apst/lloides Larat, Borneo, Hawaii, &c., p. 144 pi. i fig. 7 (correction “ P. ” selifera p. 146), Crawford Philippine J. Sci. 15. Psylla fumosa, leprosa pi. iii fig. 8, p. 181, bakeri p. 182 pi. iii fig. 9, muiri p. 183 pi. iii fig. 6, Asiatic Archipel., compta p. 183 pi. iii fig. 11 Fiji, spp. n., Crawford T.c. — P. mali\n N. America, Brittain Agric. Gaz. Canada 6 5 pp. figs. ^Psyllites gen. n. p. 636, crawfordi sp. n. Colorado Miocene p. 637 1 f., Cockerell Philadelphia Proo. Acad. 66 1916. Rhcgmoza gen. n. p. 480, iinctoria sp, n. Paraguay p. 481 fig., Enderlein Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System 41 1918. Stempsylla loyigicornis sp. n. Luzon p. 203 fig. 3, Crawford Philippine J. Sci. 15. Synoza gen. n. p. 479, cornulivmlris sp. n. Peru p. 480 fig., Enderlein Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System 41 1918. Tenaphalara malayensis p. 166 pi. ii fig. 3, striata p. 166 pi. ii fig. 6, triozi- pennis p. 167 pi. ii fig. 6, Singapore, juliana p. 166 Borneo, spp. n.., Craw- ford Philippine J. Sci. 15. P'hysanogyna gen. n. Carsidarinae type {Dynopsylla) minor Crawf. p. 167 pi. ii figs. 2 & 4, Crawford T.o. Trioza populi sp. n. Hungary p. 190, Horvath Ann. Mus. Hungar. 13 1916. — 1\ tenuicona p. 190 pi. iii fig. 2, diptera p. 191 pi. iii figs. 6 & 7, spp. n., Singapore, Crawford Philippine J. Sci. 15. Tyora indica sp. n. India, Amboina, p. 159 pi. ii fig. 1, Crawford T.c. Udamostigma lutheri sp. n. Ceylon p. 484 figs., Enderlein Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System 41 1918. Aphidae. Notes on natural history. Burner Mitt. biol. Reichsanst. 16 pp. 42 43 1916 and 17 p. 23. Wandernden Blattlause Deutschlands BoRner & Blunck Mitt. BioL Anstalt. 16 pp. 25-42 1916. Aphidae and ants, Conner P. Indiana Ac. 1918 p. 246; (N-13799j) Q Aphis nerii, biology at Rio, Moreira pp. 236-238 Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. — A. houghtonensis instars. Baker pp. J. econ. Ent. 12. — A. achilleae p. 161 figs., Jackson Scott. Natural. 1919. — A. grossulariae & viburni, food habits, &c., Haviland P. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 19 pp. 266-269. — A. abrotaniella sp. n. England p. 160, Theobald Entom. 52. — A. tripolii sp. n. England p. 273 figs., Laing Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. — A. heraclella n.n. for heraclii Cow. p. 228, cuscutae sp. n. Utah p. 229, rocAadae Cock. p. 228 figs., Davis Can ad. Ent. 51. Asiphonaphis gen. n., prnni sp. n. Wisconsin, Wilson p. 39 Ent. Nows 80. Chaitophoruiella kuwatvaii n.n. for japonica E. & K., Takahashi p. 176 Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Cnaphalodes strobilobius, life-history, Speyer Ann. appl. Biol. 6 pp. 171- 182 2 pis. Dilachnus nom. n. for Wilsonia (below). Baker p. 263 Canad. Ent. 51. Dryopea morrisoni sp. n. U.S. p. 106 figs., Baker Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Eriosoma lanigeray life-history, Mar- ch al pp. 211-216 C.R. Ac. Sci. Paris 169. Essigdla pini p. 2, thunbergii p. 3, spp. n., U.S. figs., Wilson Ent. News 80. Eulachnus rileyi, p. 6, figs., Wilson T.c. Greenideoida ceyloniae sp. n. p. 73, Van der Goot Spolia zeylan. 11 1918. Heteroneura gen. n. p. 228 for Aphis setariae Th., Davis Canad. Ent. 51. Hyalopterus arundinis, life-history, habits, Davidson Bull. U.S. dep. Agric. 774 16 pp. pi. llysteroneura nom. n. for Hetero- neura (above), Davis p. 263 Canad. Ent. 51. Lachniella inoptis p. 18, thunbergii, vandykei, p. 19, gracilis p. 20, pacifica, atlantica, p. 21, arizonica p. 22, nigra p. 41, montana, burrilli, p. 42, caudelli p. 43, pinivora, edulis, p. 44, montanensis p. 46, schwarzii, pergandei^ p. 46, spp. n., U.S., Wilson Canad. Ent. 5l. C 21 268 Insecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] Lachnua funiperivora sp. n. Maryland p. 6 figs., Wilson Ent. News 30. Macrosiphoniella asterisk/, p. 272 figs., Laing Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Macrosiphum minuluin sp. n. Ceylon p. 71, Van der Goot Spolia zeylan. 11 1918. — M. ribiellum sp. n. U.S. p. 231 figs., Davis Canad. Ent. 51. — M. solanifolii and Myzxis solani, Theobald p. 160 Entom. 52. Melaphis minutus sp. n. Virginia p. 195 figs.. Baker Ent. News. 30. Myzocallis zelkowae sp. n. Japan p. 173 figs., Takahashi Pr. ent. Soo. Washington 21. — il/. quercifolii sp. n. California p. 247 figs., calif ornicua var, n. paUidua p. 248, Davidson Canad. Ent. 51. Myzua gei p. 157, mercurialia, galiifo- lium, p. 158, spp. n. England, Theo- bald Entom. 52. — M. ribia, life- history, structure, p. 78, M. whitei and 31. diapar, synonymical, p. 90, Havi- land P.li. Soc. Edinburgh 89. — M. peraicae = {Siphonophora achyraniea Mon.) Davis p. 231 Canad. Ent. 51. — 31. cynoabati =? {Aphia houghtonenaia Troop), Davis p. 234 T.o. Neotoxoptera and Fullawayella, syno- nymy, variation of wings, Baker p. 45 & 46 pi. i Bull. ent. Bes. 10. Phylloxera atanfordiana sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 103 fig., Ferris Ent. News 30.— P. vaatatrix, statische Apparat, Stauffacher Verh. Schweiz. Nat. Ges. 96 p. 248 1914. Rhopaloaiphum britteni p. 168 figs., lactucae p. 169 figs., Jackson Scott. Natural. 1919. — P. prunijoliae, forms, life-history, Baker & Turner J. Agric, Res. 18 pp. 311-324. Smynthurodea betae, Baker pp. 36-38 P. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Unilachnua gen. n. p. 6 for P. parvua W., Wilson Ent. News 30. Vacuna calif ornica sp. n. p. 245, Davidson Canad. Ent. 51. IF ilaonia gen. n. p. 2 12 type Lachniella gracilia Wils., Baker Canad. Ent. 51, cf. Dilachnua. LEURODIDAE. "fAleurodicua buimiticua sp. n. in amber p. 241 fig., Cockerell Entom. 62. Coccidae. Brief notes, Laing p. 233 Ent. Mag. 55. Some south-indian Coccidae, Ayyar J. Bombay Soc. 26 pp. 621-628 4 pis. Hypostigmatic and ceriparous cells, Lecanium, Teodoro Bull. Soc. ent. ital. 50 pp. 23-27. Embryology of Lecanium hemis- phoericum, Strindberg Zool. Anz. 50 pp. 113-137 11 figs. Egg development, Emeis Zool. Jahrb. Anat. 39 pp. 27-78 3 pis. 1915. Staining Coociduo, Gage Ent. Nows 30 p. 142. Amorphococcua leptoapermi p. 251 f. 34, Ferris Canad. Ent. 51. Antonina zonata sp. n. Ceylon p. 175 figs.. Green Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Aonidia chaetacmeae, rhuaae, p. 216, meaeinbryanthemae, marginalia, p. 216, badia p. 217, spp. n., S. Africa, Brain Bull. ent. Res. 9. Aapidiotua tamarindua pi. iii fig, 10, paeudocamelliae pi. iii fig. 11 Green MS., p. 20, Ayyar Agric. Res. Inst. Pusa Bull. 87. Ceroplaatea murrayi sp. n. New Guinea p. 439 pi. xiv, Froggatt P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. — C. deciduosus sp. n. Buenos Aires p. 79 figs., Morri- son Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Ceroplaatodea miaionea sp. n. Argen- tina p. 81 figs., Morrison Pr. Ent. Soc. Washington 21. Chionaapia margaritae, humilia, p. 231, capparisi p. 233, euphorbiae p. 234, chaetachmae, G. {Phenacaspis) visci, p. 235, C. globoaua p. 236, C. {Poliaapia) higgelariae p. 238, spp. n. S. Africa, Brain Bull. ent. Res. 9. — C. nilgirica, apiculata Green MS. p. 11, Ayyar Agric. Res. Inst. Pusa Bull. 87. Chryaomphalua (Pseudischnaapia) cor- ticoaua sp. n. S. Africa p. 204 pi. xii f, 119, Brain Bull. ent. Res. 9. Ciaaococcua, characters, fulleri anal tube &c. figs., Ferris p. 112 Canad. Ent. 51. Cryploriperaia arizonenaia, synony- my, Ferris p, 298 J. econ. Ent. 12. 259 Inseda. Systematic. — Hemiptera — Cocoidae. Diaspis rhusae p. 225, D. (Epidiaspis) conspioua p. 228, spp. n. S. Africa, Brain Bull. enfc. Res. 9. — D.flava sp. n. Brazil p. 455 fig., Hempel Rev. Mus. Paulista 11. Eriococcus cojfeae sp. n. Brazil p. 453 figs., Hempel T.c. Eremococcus gen. n. p. 262 for Sphaerococcus pirogallis M. fig. p. 263, Ferric Canad. Ent. 51. Eriococcus mendozae p. 69, legumini- cola p. 71, jorgenseni p. 7.3, spp. n. Argentina, figs., Morrison Proc. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Erium ; Morrison p. 74 T.c. Eulecanium coryli, biology, parasites, Silvestri pp. 127-192 Boll. Lab. Portici 13 figs. Fiorinia plana Green MS. p. 15 pi. ii fig. 6, Ayyar Agric. Res. Inst. Pusa Bull. 87. Furcaspis haematochroa sp. n. Bat- batan p. 116, Cockerell Canad. Ent. 51. Gymnaspis faurei sp. n. S. Africa p. 218, Brain Bull. ent. Res. 9. — G. ficus Green MS. pi. v fig. 16, ramak- rishnae Green MS. p. 22, Ayyar Agric. Res. Inst. Pusa Bull. 87. — G. aechmcae, Sohumaoiier pp. 2.30-254 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 191 9. leery a minima sp. n. Mendoza p. 64, figs., Morrison Proc. ent. Soc. Wash- ington 21. Kuwania quercus, figs,, Ferris p. Ill Canad. Ent. 51. Kuwanina obscurata p. 251 f. 35, Ferris T.c. Lachnodius phoradendri Cock. = {salicis F.), Ferris p. 298 J. econ. Ent. 12. Lecanium ramakrishnae Green MS. p. 35, pi. X fig. 27, mercarae Green MS. p. 36, Ayyar Agric. Res. Inst. Pusa Bull. 87. — If, persicay Feytaud Ann. ^piphyties 2 1913 pp. 153-155. Lepidosaphes ulmi, enemies, Tothill pp. 183-196 Bull. ent. Res. 9. Llaveia haematoptera sp. n. Borneo p. 272, Cockerell J. econ. Ent. 12. (N-13799j)Q Macrocejncoccus n. next Pseudo- ’ coccus, loranthi sp. n. Guiana, Morrison p. 198 figs. Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Margarodes vitium, longevity, Ferris Ent. News 30 p. 27. Matsucoccus fasciculensis sp. n. Cali- fornia p. 157, 2 pis., Herbert Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Mytilaspis retrusus Green MS. pi. vi fig. 18, {Lepidosaphes) meliae Green MS. pi. vi fig. 19, p. 24, Ayyar Agric. Res. Inst. Pusa Bull. 87. Orthezia insignis, food-plants &c., Schumacher pp. 379-384 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1918. Parlaioria orienialis Newstead MS. p. 24, ariocarpi, papillosa, vateriae Green MS. p. 26, Ayyar Agric. Res. Inst. Pusa Bull. 87. Phenacoccus ornatus Green MS. p. 44, Ayyar T.c. Pseudaonidia laciniae p. 207, lycii p. 210, nigra p. 211, spp. n. S. Africa, Brain Bull. ent. Res. 9. Pseudococcus ; notes, gahani — {cit- rophilus Cl.) p. 292, (Quercus = {quer- cicolus F.) f . 297, Ferris J. econ. Ent. 12. — P. vovae, Schumacher p. 346 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1916. — P. corymhatus Green MS., crotonis Green (nom. nud.) p. 41, Ayyar Agric. Res. Inst. Pusa Bull. 87. Pseudodiaspis multipora sp. n. Am. bor. p. 276, fig., Ferris Ent. News 30. Pulvinaria mesemhrianihemi, Schu- macher pp. 185-189 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1919. Saisseiia argentina sp. n. Mendoza p. 83, figs., Morrison Pr. ent. Soc. Washington 21. Sphaerococcus p, 249, casuarinae fig. 33, Ferris Canad. Ent. 51. Sphaerolecanium prunastri, structure, parasites, Silvestri pp. 70-126 Boll. Lab. Portici 13. Siigmacoccus asper, anal tube p. 109 fig., Ferris Canad. Ent. 51. C 21—2 260 Insecta. xn. Insecta. [1919] Tachardia larreae, Ferris pp. 330- 333 J. econ. Ent. 12. Targionia merrilli sp. n. Philippines, on mangroves p. 385, fig. 1, Cockerell Philippine J. Sci. 15. Xylococcus, mouth-parts, X. betulae and alni are one, Ferris pp. 109 & 110 Canad. Ent. 51, ELLIPOPTERA. or ANOPLURA. Anoplura, : called Si'phunculata ; Mal- lophaga is a suborder; classification of Siphunculata ; Nuttall pp. 329-333 Parasitol. 11. ‘^Mageiischeibe'" and ovarial ampulla, discussed, Sikora pp. 287 & 288 Biol. Zentralbl. 39 ; and Buchner pp. 535- 540 T.c. Enderleinellus iamiasis sp. n. on Tamias, Fahreniiolz p. 93 Zool. Anz. 48 1916. Haematopinus minors elegam, p. 90, quadripertusus, parviprocursus, p. 91, spp. n. Africa, suis subspp. n. chinensis & germanua p. 90, Fahreniiolz T.c. Haematopinus asini, period of egg- incubation, Bacot & Linzell Parasitol. 11 i>p. 388-392. Hoplopleura acanthopus subspp. n. aequidentis p. 92 and edeniulus p. 93, Fahreniiolz Zool. Anz. 48 1916. Linognatims binipilosus p. 91 on Rcducina, coasaus, gilvua on Cephalop- hua, p. 92, spp. n., Faiirenhoi.z T.c. Neopedicinus gen. n., pataa sp. n. on Cercopithecus, Fahrenholz T.c. Pedicinus paralleliceps colobi subsp. n., Fahrenholz T.c. Pediculidae ; taxonomy p. 333, P. humanus synonymy and bibliography pp. 334-345, specific invalidity of capitis & corporis p. 345, Nuttall Parasitol. 11, Pediculus, sex of offspring of one pair. Foot Biol. Bull. 37 pp. 385-387. Pediculus humanua subspp. n. margi- natus & chinensis, p. 87, corporis angus- tus subsp. n., capitis maculatus subsp. n. ; friedenthali on Hylobates, oblongus on Hylobatea, p. 88, lobalus on Ateles p. 89, spp. n. ; Fahrenholz Zool. Anz. 48 1916. — P. humanus & corporis, the supposed distinctions, hermaphrodit- ism, Keilin & Nuttall Parasitol. 11 pp. 279-328 pis. xii-xvii. — P. humanus, coloration, Bacot p. clvii Pr. ent. Soc. London 1918 ; sensitiveness to light, influence of colour, proportions of sexesj Nuttall Parasitol. 11 pp. 201- 220 pi. X ; P. humanus, Moore & Hirschfelder Publ. Univ. Minnesota 8 No. 4 86 pp. Phithrus (nec Phthirius) correct, Nuttall pp. 345 & 346 Parasitol. 11. Polyplax arvicatus {arvicanti) p. 716, watersoni p. 715 pi. 1 figs. 1-5, spp. n.» Bedford Fifth & Sixth Rep. Dir. Vet. Res. Dept. Agric. Un. S. Afric. LIPOPTERA OR MALLOPHAGA. Mallophaga, a suborder of Anoplura, Nuttall p. 332 Parasitol. 11. Mallophaga of the Canadian arctic expedition. Baker Rep. canad. arctic, exp. 3d 6 pp. pi. Morphology of the genitalia, Strind- berg pp. 84-87 Zool. Anz. 48 1916. Male & female genitalia, Strindberg Zool. Anz. 50 pp. 219-235 11 figs. Mallophaga as blood -feeders, Strind- berg p. 228-231 Zool. Anz. 48 1916. Colpocephalum harrisoni p.^720 pi. ii f. 7 sp. n., Bedford Fifth & Sixth Rep. Dir. Vet. Res. Dept. Agric. |Un. S. Afric. 261 Insecta. Systematic. — Thysanoptera. Dendrola-gia gen. n. Boopiidae, pygi- dialis sp. n. Queensland, Mjoberg p. 94 Ent. Tidskr. 40. Docophorus Iroglodytis sp. n. Faroe Is. p. 27 & figs., Waterston Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 39 1915. 31 acropophila gen. n. Boopiidae,forci- pata sp. n. Australia, Mjoberg p. 95 Ent. Tidskr. 40. Phacogalia gen. n. for Helerodoxus brevispinosus, Mjoberg p. 95 T.c. Trichodectes caffra p. 724 pi. iii fgs. 10 & 11 ; genetta p. 725 pi. iv figs. 12 & 13, spp. n., Bedford Fifth & Sixth Rep. Dir. Vet. Res. Dept. Agric. Un. S. Afric. Trichophilopteridae fam. n., Mjoberg p. 93 Ent. Tidskr. 40. THYSANOPTERA. Aeolothrips fulvicollis sp. n. India p. 253, Bagnall Ann. nat. Hist. 4. — A. fasciatus, male, p. 181 pi. xv f. 4, auricestus sp. n. Brit. Columbia p. 184 pi. xvi f. 2, Treherne Canad. Ent. 51. Aiiaphothrips speciosus sp. n. N.S.W. p. 76, Hood P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Arrhenothrips gen. n. p. 98, raina~ Icrishnm sp. n. S. India p. 99 pi. iv figs. l-2j Hood Insec. inscit. 7, Asemothrips gen. n. near Ilaplo- thrips, picturalus sp. n. Queensland, Hood p. 83 P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Ceratothrips gowdeyi sp. n. tJganda p. 264, Bagnall Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Cercothrips gen. n. Idolothripidae typo Acanthinothrips nigrodentatua Karny p. 73, Hood Insec. inscit. 7. Cryptothrips acanthus p. 88, clari- pennis p. 90, spp. n. Queensland, Hood P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Dendrothrips jeanneli E. Africa p. 260, indicus p. 261, spp. n., Bagnall Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Dinurothrips vezenyii sp. n. Tucuman p. 266, Bagnall T.c. Euthrips cilricinctus India p. 270, cameroni Canada p. 271, spp. n., Bag- nall T.c. Franklimella delicatula E. Africa p. 263, distinguenda p. 264, gemina, fulvipes, p. 266, setipea p. 266, oxyura p. 207, Amer. mor., varicorm Canada p. 268, spp. n., Bagnall T.c. Qigantothripa crawfordi sp. n. Philip- pines p. 71, pi. ii figs. 3, 6, Hood Insec. inscit. 7. Haplothrips piclipes India p. 273, unicolor S. Africa p. 274, spp. n., Bag- nall Ann. nat. Hist. 4. — H. angustus sp. n. N.S.W. p. 77, Hood P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Heliothrips bicinctus Europe p. 258, patter soni Gold coast p. 269, minutis- annus India p. 260, spp. n., Bagnall Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Kleothrips atratus sp. n. E. Africa p. 69, pi. ii figs. 2, 5, Hood Insec. inscit. 7. Limphysothrips gen. n. near Physo- thrips, paradoxus sp. n. E. Africa, Bag- nall p. 272 Ann. ndt. Hist. 4. Liothrips ordinarius sp. n. S. India p. 101 pi. iv figs. 3, 4, Hood Insec. inscit. 7. Auslrothrips gen. n. p. 89, verae sp. n. Alegathripidae, synopsis, with sub- Argentina p. 90, Brethes An. Mus. famm. n., Karny N. Beitr. syst. Insk. Buenos Aires 27 1915. i pp 105-H8. Bacilloihripa padewiihi (sp. ^ n. not Neoheegeria indica sp. n. 8. India p. described), Karny p. 114 N. Beitr. syst. 96 pi. iii figs. 1, 2, Hood Insec. inscit. Insk. 1. 7. Bactridothripa gen. n. p. 116, idolo- Odontothrips uzeli Bohemia, ignohilia morphus sp. n. Perak p. 117, Karny Spain, spp. n. p. 262, Bagnall Ann. Zeitschr. wiss. Insbiol. 14. nat. Hist. 4. 262 Insecta. XII Insecta. [1919] Ophthalmothripa gen. n. Idolothripi- dae, pomeroyi sp. n. E. Africa p. 67 pi. ii figs. 1 & 4, Hood Insec. inscit. 7. Perissothripa gen. n, p. 91, parvicepa sp. n. S, India p. 92 pi. iii figs 3-6, Hood T.o. Podothripa varicornis sp. n. Capo town p. 276, Baqnall Ann. nat. Hist. 4. — P. xanthopua sp. n. Queensland p. 82, Hood P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Rhipiphorothripa cruentatua sp. n. S. India p. 94, Hood Insec, inscit. 7. Scirtothripa dorsalia sp. n. S. India p. 90, Hood T.c, Scirtothripa auatraliae sp. n. Queens- land p. 75, Hood P. biol. Soc. Wash- ington 32. • • Taeniothripa incoTiaequena, variation of wing, Teeherne p. 185 pi. xvii Canad. Ent. 51. — T. pyri, control, pp. 56-59, Felt New York State Mus. Bull. 198 1918. Teuchothri'j^a gen. n. near Liothripa, aimplicipennia, p. 86, badiipennia p. 87, spp. n. N.S.W., Hood P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. Trichothripa melanurua sp. n. Aus- tralia p. 276, Bagnall Ann. nat. Hist. 4. — T. connexua sp. n. N.S.W. p. 84, Hood P. biol. Soc. Washington 82. Tryphactothripa roboria sp. n. Gold coast p. 257, Baqnall Ann. nat. Hist. 4. Zygothripa palleacena p. 78, inerrnia p. 79, cingulatua p. 80, spp. n. Australia, Hood P. biol. Soc. Washington 32. PSOCOPTERA. Caeciliua martini sp. n. France p. 80, Laoroix Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Paocua baatmannianua sp. n. Finn- land p. 487 figs., Enderlein Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 41 1918. '\Paylloneura ? perantiqua sp. n. in amber Burma p. 241 fig., Cockerell Entom. 52. ISOPTERA. On the structure and biology of Archotermopaia, and general observa- tions on laoptera, Imms Phil. Trans. B209 pp. 75-180 8 pis. The origin of caste, Thompson & Snyder Biol. Bull. Woods Holo 86 pp. 155-132 2 pis. Development of caste in 13 species, Thompson Biol. Bull. Woods Hole 36 pp. 379-398 figs. Wing-nervures and respiratory sys- tem, Fuller Ann. Natal Mus. 4 p. 19- 102 pis. Notes on peculiarities, Snyder pp. 97-103 pi. viii Pr. ent. Soc. Washing- ton 21. Termites and termitophilites, War- ren S. Afric. J. Sci. 16 pp. 93-112 3 pis. Biology of Philippine termites pp. 59-65, 4 pis., UiCHANCO Philippine J. Sci. 15. laoptera as food, Rothney p. Ixv. P. ent. Soc. London 1918. Formosan termites and prevention of damage pp. 319-383, 13 pis. and 5 figs., OsHiMA Philippine J. Sci. 15. Termea obacuricepa, emergence of swarm, Petoh pp. 395-397 Spol. zeylan. 10 1917. ZORAPTERA. Zoraptera, phylogeny, Crampton p. 466 Tr. ent. Soc. London 1919. EMBIOPTERA. Revision of South-american Embio- ptera, with two new suborders Netica and Orytlica ; and new tribes, Em’ binoa, Teratembinoa and Clotodinoa, Navas pp. 85-110 Broteria 16 1918 figs. 2G3 Insecla. Systbmatio. — Pakaneuroptera, ^ Burmitembia gen. n. near Oligotonia p. 194, venosa sp. n. burmese amber p. 195 fig., Cockerell Entom. 52. Embia argentina p. 104, birabeni p. 105, spp. n., Argentina, NavAs Broteria 16 1918. — E. aelhiopicorum, male, En- DBRLEiN p. 308 S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917. Oligotoma maerens p. 5, nana p. 20, spp. n. Java, Roepke Treubia 1. PLECOPTERA. Panplecoptera, super order, Cramp- ton p. 44 Ent. Nows 80. Capnia nearclica sp. n. N.W. Torrit., Banks Part B Neuropteroid Insects Caiiad. arctic exp. 3 p. 3b 1918. Kamimuria nigriceps sp. n. Tonkin p. 188, NavAs Insecta 9. • Leuclra alosi Lerida p. 12 fig. 1, aurita Gerona p. 14 fig., spp. n., NavAs ' Mem. Ac. Barcelona 15 No. 5. Neoperla brachyuray male, NavAs p. 189 Insecta 9. Paragnetina tonkinensis sp. n. p. 187, NavAs T.c. Perla (Agnetina) chrysodes sp. n. Tonkin p. 186, NavAs T.c. EPHEMEROPTERA. Critical notes on african Ephemeridao, Lestage pp. 65-114 Rev. zool. afric. 6. The elevated eyes of Cloeon, Pries- NER Zool. Jalirb. Anat. 39 pp. 485-514 pi. Wing-nervuration of Epeorus, Adolph Nova Acta Ac. L.C. 102 1916 pp. 3-67 21 pis. Larvae of numerous forms ; Lestage Ann. biol. lacustre 9 pp. 79-182 figs. Anagenesia leucoptera sp. n. Tonkin p. 185, NavAs Insecta 9. Ceniroptiloides gen. n. p. 107 for C, bifasciatus Peters-., Lestage Rev. zool. afric. 6. Exeuthyplocia gen. n. for E. minima Ulm., Lestage p. 74 T.c. Hagenulus, structure, Morrison Canad. Ent. 51 p. 144 pi. xi figs. 1-7. Leptophlebia betteni, stages, J and ? structures, Morrison pp. 140-144 pi, X T.c. Oligoneura rhenana, swarms, Les- TAGE pp. 26-28 Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique 1. Polymitarcys aavignyi = {temerata Nav.), Lestage p. 77 Rov. zool. afric, 6- PARANEUROPTERA or ODONATA. Comparative anatomy of base of abdomen J, Schmidt Zool. Jahrb. Anat. 39 pp. 87-200 3 pis. 1915. Revision of Gundlach’s overlooked work on the Odonata of Cuba, with synonymy and characters of the species, Calvert Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45 pp. 335-396 3 pis. Dragonflies from Macedonia, Campion p. 202-206 Entom. 62. Odonata from Mesopotamia, Morton Ent. mo. Mag. 55 pp. 143-151 & 183- 196 pi. V. Some features of the South African Odonata as a Fauna, Rich S. Afric. Joum. Sci. 15 pp. 588-589. List of indian dragonflies, pt. 2, Laid- LAW pp. 169-196 Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Annotated list of species at Fran- conia, How,e p. 9-15 Canad. Ent. 51. 264 Insecia, XII. Insecta [1919] List of dragonflies at Wareham, Mass., Howe Psyche 26 pp. 65-68 pi. iii. The Odonata of Argentina, Ris pp. 55-102 Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Notes on Ris’ Libellulinen, Campion p. 234 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Larval respiration, Geeioke pp. 157-198 Zool. Jahrb. Allg. 36 2 pis. 1917. Transformation of A (/no??, the mecha- nism, Buookbr Ann. Biol, laoustre 9 pp. 183-200 figs. Swimming of larva, Schmidt Zool. Anz. 50 pp. 235-237. Acanthagrion interruptum bonariense subsp. n. p. 67, Ris Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Aciagrion olympicum E. Himalayas p. 184, tillyardi Assam p. 187, n. spp., hisopa race n. occidentalis, pallidum additional characters, p. 186, Laidlaw Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Aeschna grandis, nymph, Lucas p. 57 pi. i Lancash. Natural. 1919. Aethiothemis bequaerti sp. n. Congo p. 1127, Ris Cat. Coll. Selys 16 2. Agriocnemis pieris p. 179, splendidis- sima S. and W. India, p. 180, n. spp. ; lacteola redescribed, Laidlaw Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16. Agriogomphus infans sp. n. Argentina p. 72, Ris Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Agrion allies, key p. 169-170, Laid- law Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Agrionoptera insignia chalcochiton subsp. n. Sumatra p. 1068, Ris Cat. Coll. Selys 16 2. Allorhizucha campioni sp. n. W. Africa p. 1055 fig., Ris T.c. Anatya longiludinalia sp. n. Amazons p. 1140, Ris T.c. Anax amazili, coloration, Calvert p. 37 Ent. News 30. Anotogaster klossi sp. n. Annam p. 456, Eraser J. N. H. Soc. Siam 3. Archibasis ceylonica, oscillans, notes p. 194, Laidlaw Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Argia rita sp. n. Arizona p. 17 figs., Kennedy Canad. Ent. 51. — A, joergenseni p. 62, jujuya p. 64, spp. n. Argentina, Ris Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Boyeria irene var. n. brachycerca Spain p. 9, Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 15 No. 5. Brachydiplax chalybea simalura subsp. n. p. 1123, Ris Cat. Coll. Selys 16 2. Brachylhemis fusco-palUata, female, fig., Morton p. 193 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. Caconeura mackwoodi Ceylon p. 876, canningi Nilgiris p. 877, spp. n., Fraser J. Bombay Soc. 26. — C. xanthomelaena sp. n. Neu-Guinea, Ris Nova Guinea 13 p. 91. Ceriagrion coeruleum n. sp. E. Hima- layas p. 189, coromandelianum p. 190, fallax and melanurum p. 191, Laidlaw Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Coenagrion caerulescens var. n. pyg- maea L6rida p. 10, Navas Mem. Ac. Barcelona 15 No. 5. Cordulegaster dorsalis, destroying trout, Cockerell p. 22 Ent. News 30. Coryphaeschna ingens, naiad, Ken- nedy p. 106 fig. Ent. News 30. Crocothemis ; in Mesopotamia, Mor- ton pp. 184-189 Ent. Mo. Mag. 55. — C. saxicolor sp. n. Mashonaland p. 1164, Ris Cat. Coll. Selys 16 2. Cyanothemis gen. n. p. 1171 near Hadrolhemis, simpsoni sp. n. W. Africa p. 1172, Ris T.c. Dasythemis essequiba sp. n. Guiana p. 1108, Ris T.c. Diplacina phoebe sp. n. Ceram, Ris Nova Guinea 13 p. 114. — D. paula p. 1059, phoebe p. 1060 spp. n. New Guinea, figs. Ris Cat. Coll. Selys 16 2. Disparoneura fletcheri sp. n. Shillong p. 876, Eraser J. Bombay Soc. 26. Dythemis williamsoni sp. n. Guiana p. 1208 fig., Ris Cat, Coll. Selys 16 2. 265 Insecta. Systematic. — Extinct Orders. Enallagma assamica sp. n. p. 877, Fraser J. Bombay Soc. 26. — E. malayarmiriy cyathigerum and maldi- vensis, p. 183, parvum p. 184, notes, Laidlaw Rec. Ind. Miis. 16. — E. laurenli p. 379, vesperum p. 380, spp. n. Am. bor., figs., Calvert Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Erpetogomphus schausi sp. n. Guate- mala p. 33, diadophis ? p. 36, figs., Calvert Ent. News 30. Erythrodiplax lenti sp. n. Guiana p. 1156, Ris Cat. Coll. Selys 16 2. Qomphus crassu,% colour-variation, Williamson p. 294 Ent. News 30. Gyyiacantha calypso p. 108 Ceram^ nausicaa p. 109, penelope p. 110, Celebes, spp. n., Ris Nova Guinea 13. Idiocnemis inornaia, sexes. Campion p. 247 fig. Entom. 52. Ischnura evansi sp. n. Tigris p. 146, Morton Ent. mo. Mag. 55. — /., keys p. 172-173, forms of females p. 174, ammndaUi sp. n. Shan States p. 176, aurora^ rufostigma, inarmata p. 176, notes, Laidlaw Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Lihellula depressa, oviposition, Les- TAGE p. 64 Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique 1. Lokia nom. n. for Apatelia, Ris p. 1071 Cat. Coll. Selys 16 2. Lyriothcmis tricolor p. 1063 figs., mortoni p. 1066 figs., spp. n. Burma, Ris T.c. 3Iacrothemis idalia sp. n. Guiana p. 1217, Ris T.c. Megapodagrion erinys sp. n. Argentina p. 61, Ris Mem. Soc. ent. Belgique 22 1913. Micrathyria dictynna Guatemala p. 1146, mengeri Guiana p. 1149 figs., spp. n„ Ris Cat. Coll. Selys 16 2. Micronierus lineatus, larva, taxo- nomy, Fraser p. 197 pi. xxiii Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. NephepeMia chalcottoia sp. n. Guate- mala p. 1131, Ris Cat. Coll. Selys 16 2. Neurothemis intermedia afaionfosubsp. n. Assam p. 1168, Ris T.c. Notiothemis gen. n. p. 1063, jonesi sp. n. Africa p. 1064, fig., Ris T.c. Oligoclada raineyi sp. n. Am. mer. p. 1134, figs., Ris T.c. Onychargia stellata sp. n. Neu Guinea, Ris Nova Guinea 13 p. 95. Orogomphus xanlhoptera sp. n. S. India p. 874, fig., Fraser J. Bombay Soc. 26. Orthemis sibylla p. 1104, concolor p. 1106, Surinam, spp. n., Ris Cat. ColU Selys 16 2. Orthetrum sagitta W. Africa p. 1086, poecilops China p. 1091, spp. n., figs., Ris T.c. OxyagrioUt the argentinian, Ris p. 68 M6m. Soc. ont, Belgique 22 1913. Pseudagrion hengalense sp. n. Calcutta p. 192, rubriceps and hypermelas notes, Laidlaw Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Rhinocypha, lar’sfa and taxonomy, Laidlaw p. 196 Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Rhodischnura gen. n. for I. nursei Mort., Laidlaw p. 177. T.c. Rhodopygia hhiei, $ , Calvert p. 75 Ent. News 30. Selysineura bacillus sp. n. Neu- Guinea, Ris Nova Guinea 13 p. 93. Teinobasis albula sp. n. Neu-Guinea, Ris p. 83, T. olivacea p. 102, samaritis p. 103, Philippinen, pulverulenta p. 104 Neu Guinea, spp. n., Ris Nova Guinea 13. Tyriobapta laidlawi sp. n. Sarawak p. 1121, fig., Ris Cat. Coll. Selys 16 2. Uracis turrialba sp. n. Costarica p. 1137, fig., Ris T.c. Zygoptera from Guatemala, Calvert pp. 160-165 Ent. News 30. EXTINCT ORDERS. ^Breyeria borinensis to Protohemip- tera, Lameere p. 18 Ann. Soc. ent. Belgique 59. ■\ Cocker elliella nom. n. for Cockerellia, Meunier Ann. Pal6ont. iv 1909 p. 132 pi. i f. 3, = Dictyoptilus renaulti Brogn., Lameere p. 159 Bull. Mus. Paris 23 1917. 266 Jnsecta. XII. Insecta. [1919] ORTHOPTERA. The phylogeny of Orthoptera, Cramp- ton Ent. News 30 p. 42-48 & 64-71. Anatomy and morphology of pro- thorax, Duporte pp. 147-153 2 pis. Canad. Ent. 51. Respiratory system of Dissosteira, ViNAL J. New York ent. Soc. 27 pp. 19-32 3 pis. Orthoi3tera of Germany, habits, variation, Zaoher Ent. Zeitschr. Erankf. 29 pp. 39 42 etc. New records of Orthoptera in New Englan4, Morse pp. 16-18 Psyche 26. — List of Orthoptera of New England. Morse pp. 21-39 T.c. Orthoptera affecting man : Caudell Smithson. Rep. 1917 p. 507-514. Rearing Orthoptera p. 249, preserva- tion p. 250-252, Lucas Entom. 52. Forfiouijdae or Dermaptera. Forjicula auricularia, flight, p. 37 Richter, p. 74 Taschenberg Ent. Mitt. 8. N eocosmiella gen. n. p. 95 Opisthocos- miinae, atrata sp. n. Colombia p. 96 pi. xvi f. 4, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Psalis apoUnari p. 90 pi. xvi f. 1, compacta p. 92 figs. 2 & 3, spp. n. Colombia, Hebard T.c. Blattidae. Blattidae of Panama, Hebard Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 4, pp., 1-148, 6 plates. Wing-nervure development, Phyllo- (Iromia, Beck Zool. Jahrb. Anat, 41 p. 377-410 pi. XXV. Acroporoblatta gen. n, p. 126 Peris- phaerinae, adenophora sp. n. Colombia p. 127 pi. xix figs. 5 & 6, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Aglaopteryx lita sp. n. Panama p. 33 pi. ii figs. 14 & 15, Hebard Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 4. Anaplecta lateralis p. 15 pi. ii figs. 3 & 4 ; A. asema p. 16 fig. 5, sordida p. 18 fig. 6, gemma p. 19 fig. 7, hemi- scotia p. 20 fig. 8, cabimae p. 24 fig. 9, pi. ii, spp. n. Panama, Hebard T.c. Andreia gatunae sp. n. Panama p. 93 pi. V fig. 6, Hebard T.c. Antitheton gen. n. p. 303 Pseudomopi- dae, iniquiungues sp. n. Centr. America p. 304 figs., Hebard Tr. Amer. ent. Soc. 45. •\Austroblattula gen. n. p. 380, ipsviciensis sp. n, mesozoic Queensland p. 381 fig., Tillyard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Blattella germanica p. 68 pi. v fig. 16, Hebard Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 4. Buboblatta gen. n, Corydiinae p. 123, type Latindia armata Caudell, pi vi figs 6-8, Hebard T.c. Capucinella gen. n. Panchlorinae p. 109, delicahila sp. n. Panama p. Ill, pi. vi figs. 2 & 3, Hebard T.c. Ceratinoptera klossi sp. n. Sumatra p. 68, Hanitsch J. Fed. Malay St. Mus. 8 pt. 3. Chorisoneura panamae p. 127 figs. 9 & 10, fuscipennis p. 131 fig. 11, cabimae p. 134 figs. 14 & 15, specilliger p. 135 figs. 16-19, gemmicula p. 138 figs. 20-22, pi. vi, spp. n. Panama, Hebard Mem. Ent. Soc. 4. Ghromatonotus gen. n. Pseudomopinae p. 44, heierus p. 46 p. iii fig. 5, lamprus (type) p. 47 pi. iii figs. 6 & 7, spp. n. Panama, Hebard T.c. Colapteroblatta gen. n. p. 120 near Poroblatta, compsa sp. n. Colombia p. 121 pi. xix figs. 1 & 2, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Dendroblatta sobrina p. 31, pi. ii figs. 12 & 13, Hebard Mem. Amer. Ent, Soc. 4. Ectobius lapponicus, Adelung’s sub- spp., Burr p. 8 Ent. Roo. 31. Epilampra shelfordi sp. n. Colombia p. 106 pi. xviii f. 1, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. soc. 45. — E. maya, p. 97 pi. vfig. 7, Hebard Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 4. Eublaberus gen. n. Blaberinae p. 116, type biolleyi Rehn p. 117, Hebard T.c. Eudromiella gen. n. Pseudomopinae p. 34, bicolorata sp. n. Panama p. 35, pi. ii figs. 16-20, Hebard T.c. 267 Insecta, Systematic. — Orthoptbra — BlAttidae. Euphyllodromia decastigmata sp. n, Panama p. 83 pi. iv figs. 18-20, angustata fig. 17, Hebard T.c. Eurycotis pluto sp. n. Panama p. 101 pi. V f. 13, Hebard T.c. Euthlastoblatta compsa sp. n. Panama p. 28 pi. ii figs. 10 & 11, Hebard T.c. Holocompsa panamae sp. n. p. 118, pi. vi fig. 4, Hebard T.c. Hormetica apolinari sp. n. Colombia p. 128 pi. xviii f. 4 & xix f. 7, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc, 45. Hyporhicnoda gen. n. Epilamprinae p. 98, type reflexa S. and Z. p. 100, pi. v figs. 8 & 9, Hebard Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 4. Lschnoptera phuriramosa sp. n. French Guinea p. 144, Karny Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 40 1916. — 7. nox p. 08 f. 7, gatunae p. 72 f. 11, mirella p. 76 f. 13, panamae p. 77 figs. 14 & 16, spp. n. Panama, rufa rufa p. 70 fig. 8, r. occidentalis p. 71 figs. 9>& 10, inca p. 76 f. 12, pi. iv, Hebard .Mom. Amor. Ent. Soc. 4. — 7. apolinari p. 102 pi. xvi figs. 6 & 7, colombiae p. 106 figs. 8 & 10, spp. n. Colombia, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Lamproblalta gen. n. p. 108 near Eurycotis, albipalpus sp. n. Panama p. 109 pi. xvii figs. 7-9, Hebard T.c. — L. albijMlpus p. 100 pi. v figs. 10-12, Hebard Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 4. Latiblatella inornata p. 37 fig. 21, augustifrons p. 39 fig. 22 pi. ii, spp. n. Panama, Hebard T.c. Lissoblatta gen. n. Ectobiinae p. 10, type fulgida Saussure p. 11 pi. ii figs. 1 & 2, Hebard T.c. Litopeltis gen. n. Perisphaerinae p. 140, type Calolampra bispinosa Sauss. p. 141, pi. vi fig. 23, Hebard T.c. Lophonietopum gen. n. Pseudomopinae p. 66, Upturn sp. n. Panama p. 66, pi. iv. figs 1-6, Hebard T.c. Macrophyllodromia splendida sp. n. Panama p. 42 pi. iii figs. 1-4, Hebard T.c. MeUstora micra sp. n. Panama p. 121 pi. vi fig. 6, Hebard T.c. Neoblattella acanthastylata p. 64, figs. 10 & ll, panamae p. 66 fig. 12, impar p. 68 fig. 13, cTiagrensis p. 61 fig. 14, spp. n. Panama, nahua p. 64 fig. 16, fraterna p. 66 fig. 16, pi. iii, Hebard T.c. — N. carrikeri sp. tt. Colombia p. 99 pi. xvii figs. 3-6, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Nyctibora noctivaga, p. 88 pi. v f. 4, Hebard Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 4. Panchlora colombiae sp. n. p. 116 pi. xviii f. 3, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Panchlora minor, p. 108 pi. v fig. 16, Hebard Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 4. Paratropes pinoganae sp. n. Panama p. 89 pi. V f. 6, Hebard T.c. Pelmatosilpha micra sp. n. Colombia p. 112 pi. xviii f. 2, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Phoftioeca phoraspoides p. 109 pi. vi fig. 1, Hebard Mom. Amer. Ent. Soc. 4. Plaiylesles gen. n. p. 97 Pseudomo- pinae, colombiae sp. n. p. 98 pi. xvii figs. 1 & 2, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Polyphaga occidentalis nigrescens subsp. n. Marocco p. 621 figs., Chopard Bull. Mus. Paris 25. Poroblatta gen., n. p. 123 Peris- phaerinae, apatela p. 124 pi. xix f. 3, cylindrica p. 126 f. 4, spp. n. Colombia, Hebard Tr. Amer. ent. Soc. 45. Pseudomops gloriosa sp. n. Panama p. 86 pi. V figs. 1-3, Hebard Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 4. Pycnosceloides aporus p. 104 pi. v fig. 14, Hebard T.c. Pyenosceloides gen. n. near Pycnos- celus, aporus sp. n. Mexico and U.S., Hebard p. 300 fig. Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Pycnoscelus surinamensis, male, Davis p. 109 J. New York ent. Soc. 27. Rhytidometopum megalopterum sp. n. Panama p. 50, pi. iii figs. 8 & 9, Hebard Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 4. ■\8amaroblatta gen. n. p. 373, reticu- lata p. 374 fig., triassica p. 375 fig., jonesi p. 376 fig., blabelloides p. 377 fig., inter calata p. 379 fig., spp. n. mesozoic Queensland, Tillyard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44, 268 Inaecta, XII. Insecta. "\Triassoblatta gen. n. p. 367, typica p. 368 fig., insignita p. 370, intermedia p. 371, spp. n. mesozoio Queensland, Tillyard P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 44. Xestoblatta immaculata sp. n. Panama p. 80 pi. iv fig. 16, Hebard Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 4. Phasmidae. The number of moults in Phasmidae, Pantel & SiNETY Tijdschr. Ent. 62 pp. 1-29. Causation of colour change in Dixip- puSf SoHLEip pp. 226-232 Zool. Jahrb. Allg. 35 1915. Acanthoclonia strangulata p. 141 pi. xx figs. 1-3, carrikeri p. 143 figs. 4 &.5, spp. n. Colombia, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Anisomorpha atrata sp. n. Colombia p. 145 pi. XX f. 6, Hebard T.c. Bacteria apolinari sp. n. Colombia p. 161 pi. xix figs. 10 & 11, Hebard T.c. Bacuncidua digueli sp. n. Mexico p. 153, Chopard Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Boatra colombiae sp. n. Cauca p. 159 pi. xxii figs. 6 & 6, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. ^ ^ Caulonia ; type to be Geroya rabdota W., Hebard p. 163 T.c. Cyphocrania gigas, Fouoher Rev. g6n. sci. Paris 22 1916 pp. 706-713 av. fig. Dixippua moroaua, Blano Bull. Soc. Lausanne 49 1914 C.R. pp. xxv-xxviii. Dyme carrikeri sp. n. Colombia p. 174, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. ■ Oratidia nairobenaia sp. n. Africa p. 241, Bolivar Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Hblcoidea gen. n. near Stratocles, forcepa sp. n. Colombia pi. xxi figs. 2-4, Hebard p. 148 Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Libeihra apinicollia p. 164 pi. xxiii figs. 1 & 2, inaalubria p. 166 f. 3, spp.n. Colombia, Hebard T.c. Libethroidea gen. n. near Libethra, inuaitata sp. n. Colombia pi. xxiii figs. 7 & 8, Hebard p. 170. T.c. Litoaermyle gen. n. near Sermyle p. 171, ocanae sp. n. Colombia p. 172 pi. xxiii figs. 9 & 10, Hebard T.c. [1919] Ocnophila ; type integra, Hebard p. 163 T.c. Parectatosoma minua sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 163, Chopard Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Phyllium keyicum sp. n. Key islds., Karny p. 7, fig., Jahresber. Maximil. Gymnas. 1914. — P. pulchrifolium, rear- ing, Meissner Ent. Zeitschr. Frankf. 29 pp. 21 & 26 1915. Planudea cortex sp. n. Colombia p. 166 pi. xxii figs. 2-4, Hebard Tr. anier. ent. Soc. 45, Paeudophaama eupeplum sp. n. Colom- bia p. 152 1)1. xxii f. 1, Hebard T.c. Stratoclea viridia sp. n. Colombia p. 146 pi. xxi f. 1, Hebard T.c. Mantidab. Synopsis of his classification of Mantidae, Giglio-Tos Boll. Soc. ent. ital. 49 pp. 50-87. Acontiotheapia nom. n, for Acontiatea Rehn, iriodea sp. n. Colombia pi. xviii f. 5, Hebard p. 130 Tr. amer ent. Soc. 45. Fiacheria baetica—{caucaaica Sauss.), UvAROV Bull. Mus. Caucase 12 p. 1. Lobocneme colombiae sp. n. p. 137 pi. xix figs. 8 & 9, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Miopteryx = {Promiopteryx G.-T.), Hebard p. 136 T.c. Paraspilota and Heliomantia, syno- nymical note, Giglio-Tos Boll. Soc, ent. ital. 49 p. 79. Pogonogaaier latena sp. n. Colombia p. 136 pi. xviii figs. 6 & 7, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Theopompa angusticollis to Dactylop- teryx, Sjostedt p. 2 Ark. Zool. 12 No. 1. Gryllidae and Grylloblattidae. Orylloblatta campodeiformia, male, immature stage, Walker pp. 131-138 2 pis. Qryllotalpa hirsuta, africana in Java, pp. 90-97 pi. vii, Roepke Treubia 1. Oryllua campeatria, habits, de Keeper pp. 38-47 Bull. Soc. ent. Belgique 1. 269 Insecta. Systematic. — Orthoptbra — Aoridiidab. Locustidae or Phasconuridae or Tettigoniidae. -\Amblycorypha (?) perdita sp. n. Colorado Miocene p. 636 1 f., Cockerell Philadelphia Proc. Acad. 66 1916, Deinacrida imgacephala, sexes, Hud- son p. 108 Ent. mo. Mag. 55. — D. megacepkala, stridulation, Hudson p. 233 T.c. Drymadusa curvicercia sp. n. Kurdi- stan p. 8 fig., U VAROV Bull. Mus. Caucase 10 1916. Eurycoryplm klaptoczi sp. n. French Guinea p. 123, Karny Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 40 1916. Oampsoclets glabra — {podolica Shwg.) UvAROV Bull. Mus. Caucase 11 1917 1 p. Oryllacris cruenta Br. p. 249, martha sp." n. Annam p. 262, Grtffini Ann. Mus. Ilungar. 12 1914. — 0. humberli p. 88, eugenii p. 94, amitarum p. 100, permodesta p. 103, spp. n. Tonkin, Griffini Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 38 1916. Homorocoryphus mediolessdlaius sp. n. Dar-es-Salam p. 122, Karny Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 40 1916. 1 Sophy a, poltoraiskii sp. n. Erzerum p. 4, U VAROV Bull. Mus. Caucase 11 1917. Kurdia gen. n. p. 6 near Isophya, nesterovi sp. n. Kurdistan p. 6 figs., UvAROV Bull. Mus. Caucase 10 1916. Leproscirtua brunneri, ebneri, p. 287, karschi p. 288, spp. n. W. Africa, Karny Zool. Anz. 50. Liostethomimus gen. n. near Lios- tethus, griffinii sp. n. Brazil, Karny p. 4 fig. Jahrosbcr. Maximil. Gymn. Miinelica siigmatica sp. n. Mexico, Karny p. 6 fig. T.c. — M. rufifolia sp. n. Guiana p. 164, Chopard Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Olynthoscelis zebra p. 10 figs., kurda p. 12 fig., spp. n. Kurdistan, Uvarov Bull. Mus. Caucase 10 1916. — 0. kerketa sp. n. Circassia p. 16 fig., Uvarov Bull. Mus. Caucase 11 1917. Oxycalypta gen. n. near Encalypta> plasoni sp. n. Madagascar p. 7, fig., Karny Jahresber. Maximil. Gymnas. l914. Paradieatrammena vitalisi sp. n. Laos p. 338, Chopard Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919 1920. Paradrymadusa paatuchovi Lenkoran p. 6, expugnata Erzerum p. 7, bocquiU loni p. 9, persa p. 10, Teheran, spp. n., figs., Uvarov Bull. Mus. Caucase 11 1917. Paradrymadusa longipes = {viridipen^ nia Stsch.), Uvarov Bull. Mus. Caucase 12 p. 6. Phyllophyrama gen. n. PseudophyU lidae, rotundata sp. n. Madagascar, Karny p. 6 fig., Jahresber. Maximil. Gymnas. 1914. Platycleis persica Teheran p. 11, iljinskii p. 13, daghestanica p. 14, Caucasus, capitata p. 16 Astrabad, spp. n., figs., Uvarov Bull. Mus. Caucase 11 1917. Tylopais confluens sp. n. French Guinea p. 124, Karny Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 40 1916. Aoridiidae (Locustidae of some writers. ) Acrida robusta sp. n. Transcaucasus p. 8, turrita deaerti subsp. n. p. 10, figs., Uvarov Rev. russe ent. 16 1916. — A. orienlalis sp. n. Africa p. 242, Bolivar Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919, Acridella rothschildi sp. n. Africa p. 242, Bolivar T.c. Acrotylua bicornis sp. n. Madagascar p. 6, Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 12 No. 1. Acteana klaptoczi French Guinea p. 131, brachyptera Dar-es-Salam p. 132, nigrogeniculata Dar-es-Salam p. 133, spp. n., Karny Zool. Jahrb. .Jena Abt. System. 40 1916. Aeoloplua eremiaphila sp. n. Nevada p. 263 pi. xxix figs. 2 & 3, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. A7iconia hebardi sp. n. Texas p. 260 pi. xxvii figs. 22-24, Rehn Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Arcyptera coerulipes sp. n. French Guinea p. 136, Karny Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System 40 1916. — A. jlavi- costa transcaucasica subsp. n. p. 1, Uvarov Bull. Mus. Caucase 11 1917. 270 Insecla. XII. Insecta. [1919] Asemoplus somesi sp. n. Amer. bor. p. 271 pi. xxix figs. 8 & 9, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Bradynotes kaibab, Utah p. 275 pi. xxix f. 12, deplanata Oregon p. 278 f. 13, spp. n., Hebard T.c. Bryodema tuberculata var. n. bavarica p. 100, fig. 5, Zaoher Eat. Mitt. 8. Caloptenopsis madagascariensis sp. n. p. 16, Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 12 No. 1. Cataloipus klaptoczi sp. n. French Guinea p. 143, Karny Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 40 1915. Catantops modestus French Guinea p. 139, pulchripes French Guinea p. 140, spp. n., decoratiis var. n. concolor Kilima-Ndjaro p. 141, viridipes sp. n. Dar-es-Salam p. 141, Karny T.c. Oeles variabilis carbonaria subsp. n. Caucasus, Uvarov Bull. Mus. Caucase 11 p. 2 1917. Ohloealtia aspasma sp. n. Oregon p. 82, figs., Rehn & Hebard Tr. amer.” ent. Soc. is. Ghorthoicetes albomarginatus sp. n. French Guinea p. 135, Karny Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 40 1915. Chrysochraon pictus sp. n. French Guinea p. 126, Karny T.c. Cymochtha pachycerca sp. n. French Guinea p. 127, Karny T.o. Derotmema haydenii mesembrmum subsp. n. p. 231 pi. xxvi figs. 1 & 2, piute sp. n. Nevada p. 233 figs. 5-8, Rehn Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Duroriia acuticeps sp. n. Nairobi p. 241, Bolivar Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Euihymia viridescens sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 12, Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 12 No. 1. Gymnobothroides gen. n. pullua sp. n. Dar-es-Salam p. 134, Karny Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System 40 1915. Heliopteryx humeralis—{satunini Uv.), Uvarov Bull. Mus. Caucase 12 p. 3. - Hesperotettix pacificua capillatua n. race p. 260 pi. xxix f. 4, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Melanoplua hupore^ia p. 280 pi. xxx f. 3, hesperua p. 282 figs. 5 & 6, micro- talus p. 285 figs. 7 «& 8, aspasmus p. 288 figs. 9 & 10, acidocercus p. 290 pi. xxxi f. 6, pegasus p. 293 f. 8, spp. n. U.S., Hebard T.c. Mermiria ; monograph, Rehn pp. 55-120 pis. v-vii, macnlipennis mac- clungi subsp. n. p. Ill, Rehn P. Ac. Philad. 71. Mestobregma impexum Utah p. 239 pi. xxvi figs. 9 & 10, terricolor Texas p. 242 figs. 13-15, spp. n., Rehn Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. NeoteUix=(GavoteUix) p. 78, proavus p. 79, nullisinua p. 81, Hebard Ent. News 30. Nocarodes schelkovnikovi p. 8 Persia, figs., woronowi Ordubad p. 11 fig., rimansonae Tiflis p. 12 fig., Uvarov Bull. Mus. Caucase 12 1918. Nocarodes serricollis = {Vachuschtia aanctidavidi Shug.), Uvarov p. 5 T.c. Oedaleonotua phryneiciia p. 266 pi. ?cxix figs. 5 & 6, fratercula p. 269 f. 4, spp. n. California, Hebard Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Orthacanthacria eximig sp. n. Gold coast p. 2, fig., Sjostedt Ark. Zool. 12 No. 1. Pallaaiella boUvari^{Arcyptera ele- gana Uv.), Uvarov Bull. Mus. Caucase 12 p. 2. Paracaloptenua rubripea sp. n. Mada- gascar p. 154, Chopard Bull. Soc. ent. France 1919. Parapetasia impotena ^ fig., Sjostedt p. 8 Ark. Zool. 12 No. 1. Phymateus viridipes Yd.v.—{brunneri Bob), Sjostedt p. 5 T.c. Podisma lezgina sp. n. Caucasus p. 3, Uvarov Bull. Mus. Caucase 11 1917. Psinidia fenestralis frater subsp. n. Texas p. 247 pi. xxvii figs. 16 & 17, Rehn Tr. amer. ent. Soc. 45. Pycnodictya herero ^ fig., Sjostedt p. 10 Ark. Zool. 12 No. 1. Rodxmia pharaonis varr. n. ferruginea p^ 129 & virescens p. 130 French Guinea, Karny Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. System. 40 1915. 271 Insecta. Systematic. — Apteea — Collbmbola. 8ehistocerca sp., natural history, synonymy, Bodkin & Cleare Bull, ent. Res. 9 pp. 341-357. Sphingonotus pe7\m and halteatus, synonymy, Uvarov Bull. Mus. Caucase 12 p. 3. Stenobothrus macrocenis = {cognatus Fieb.) p. 1, dorsatus—ilorala F.-W.) p. 2, Uvarov T.c. Tmethis saussurei p. 2 figs., zaitzevi p. 7 fig., spp. n. Transcaucasus, Uvarov T.c. Tmethis gibber— {Ereviohia grandis Portsch.), Uvarov p. 4. T.c. Tmetonota peregrina sp. n. French Guinea p. 13C, Karny Zool. Jahrb. Jena Abt. Syst. 40 1916. Tylotropidius crassipes sp. n. Ery threa p. 13, SjoStedt Ark. Zool. 12 No. 1. APTERA. COLLEMBOLA. Alpine CoUembola, Handsohin Rev. suisse Zool. 27 pp. 65-98 pi. i. Descriptions of 8 spp. from Green- land, Folsom pp. 271-302 8 pis. Alpine and subalpine fauna of Sweden, Wahixiren Naturw. Unters. d. Sarekgebirges 4 7 pp. 743-762. Remarks on CoUembola, function of ventral tube, &c., MACNAMARApp, 73-80 pis. iii & iv Canad. Ent. 51. Achorutes caduceator sp. n. Nyassa- land p. 643 pi. li figs. 1-10, Carpenter P. Dublin Soc. 15. — A. sensilis sp. n. N.W. Territ. p. 6a, Folsom Rep. Canad. arctic exp. 8a. Isotomina \2-oculata sp. n.Nyassaland p. 644 pi. li figs. 11-16, Carpenter P. Dublin Soc. 15. Lsotomurus alticolus Carl, Handschin p. 79 pi. i figs. Rev. suisse Zool. 27. Entomobrya comparata sp. n. Alaska p. 13a, Folsom Rep. Canad. arctic exp. 3a. Onychiurus zschokkei sp. n. Switzer- land p. 71 pi. i figs. 1-4, Handschin Rev. suisse Zool. 27. — 0. duodecim- punctatus sp. n. N.W. Territ. p. 6a, Folsom Rep. Canad. arctic exp. 3a. Tetracanthella afurcata sp. n. Switzer- land p. 76 pi. i figs. 6 &c., Handschin Rev. suisse Zool. 27. XIII. PROCHORDATA INOLUDINO ENTEROPNEUSTA AND PTEROBRANCHIA Br 0. TATE REGAN, F.R.S. CONTENTS 1. Titles ... II. Subject Index : — Structure ..i Distributiou III. Systematic Index : — Tunicata ... Cephalochordata (vacant). Enteropneusta and Pterobranchia (vacant). PAGE 2 2 2 d I (n 13799 c) Q 2J Frock. XIII. Prochordata. [1919] I.— TITLES. Coulon, L. Muse4 d’histoire naturelle d’Elbeuf. Catalogue de I’embranche- ment des Tuniciers. Bull. Soc. Elbeuf 87 1918 [1919] (85-93). 1 Hartmeyer, R. Results of Dr. E. Mjoberg’s Swedish scientific expeditions to Australia 1910-13. 25. Ascidien. Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 60 No. 4 1919 (150 pp.) 2 pis. 2 Lohmann, H. Die Appendicularien der Valdivia Expedition. Berlin Verb. Zool. Ges. 24 1914 (157-192). 3 Metcalf, M. M. The Salpidae col- lected by the United States Eisherics Steamer “Albatross” in Philippino Waters during the years 1908 and 1909. Washington Bull. U.S. Nat. Mas. 100(2) Pt. 1 1919 (1-4). 4 Metcalf, M. M. Contributions to the Biology of the Philippine Archipelago and its adjacent Regions. The Sal- pidae. Washington Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100 (2) Pt. 2 1919 (5—189) 14 pis. 5 Michaelsen, W. Tunicata. Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Mceresfauna West- afrikas. Hamburg. 1915 (325-518) pis. xvi-xix. 6 Sluiter, C. P. Uber einige alte und neue Ascidien aus dem Zoologischen Museum von Amsterdam. Amsterdam. Bydr. Dierk 21 1919 (1-12) 1 pi. 7 Stiasny, G. Die Salpon. Sammlung in naturhistorisohon Reichsmuseum in Leiden. Zool. ]\led. Leiden 6 1919 (6-21). 8 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. STRUCTURE. General : Hartmeyer 2. Lohmann 3. Metcalf 5. Michaelsen 6. Sluiter 7. Stiasny 8. DISTRIBUTION. Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Lohmann 3. West Indies Sluiter 7. West Africa Michaelsen 6 ; Sluiter 7. Indo-Austra- lian Archipelago Sluiter 7 ; Stiasny 8. Philippines Metcalf 4, 5. Australia Hartmeyer 2. III.— SYSTEMATIC INDEX. TuNio.vrA, Of Elbeuf Museum, Coulon 1. Althoffia opressa p. 157, Atlantic verticalis p. 158, Indian Ocean gracilis p. 158, Bismarck Is., spp. n., Lohmann Verb. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. 24. Apsteinia subgen. n. (Salpa) type S. pwwc/a/a, Metcalf Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100 (2) p. 71. Brooksia subgen. n. (Cyclosalpa) tyi)e C. rostraia, Metcalf t.c. p. 60. Cnemidocarpa valborgi sp. n. Aus- tralia, Haetmeyeii Stockholm Vet.- Ak. Handl. 60 No. 4 p, 35 pi. i figs. 14-16. Distomus diptychos sp. n. Australia, Hahtmeyeb t.c. p. 87 i>l. ii fig. 48. — D. Malayensis sp. u. Java p. 6, Hipferi compacta var. nov. West Africa p. 4, Sluitek Bydr. Dierk Amsterdam 21, 3 Pvoch. .Sysiematio Index. Jjaptodinides africanus iugo)iosloma var. n. W. Africa, Mtohaelsen IBcitr. Mcercsfauna Westafrik. p. 195 pi. xix fig. 09. Macrodinum macroglossujnsT?. n. Aus- tralia, Habtmeyer Stockliolm Vet.- Ak, llandl. 60 No. 4 p. 126 pi. ii figs. 01-63. Microcosmus agglntinans sp. n. Aus- tralia, Hartmeyer t.c. p. 26 pi. i figs. 10-11. riinllusia julima sp. ii. Java, SuHTER Bydr. Dicrk Amsterdam 21 p. 7. Polyandrocarpa rohusta sp. n. Java- Sco., Sluiter t.c. p. 6. Polycarpa van-kampeni sp. n. Java, Sluiter t.c. p. 3. — P. aurata f. davata f. n. p. 40, intermedia p. 69 pi. 2 figs, 32-36, pohjpMehodes p. 74 pi. 2 figs. 37-42 spp. n. Australia, Hartmeyer Stockholm Vct.-Ak. Hand!. 60 No. 4, — P. goreensis sp. n. W, Africa, Michaelsen Beitr. Mceres- fauna Wcstafr, p. 398 pi, xvi fig. 1. Polycitor schultzei dualana p. 438 pi. xvii fig. 12a, paessleri intermedia p. , 449 pi. xvii fig. 16 varr. n. — P. {Eudisloma) angolanus p. 462 pi. xix figs. 54-65 sp. n. W. Africa, Mich- aelsen t.c. — P. glabrum p. 9 Java giganteus p. 10 West-Indies, spp. n., Sluiter Bydr. Dierk Amsterdam 21. Pyura obesa sp. n. Australia, Hart- MBYER Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 60 No. 4 p. 14 pi, i figs. 4-5. Ritteria subgen. n. (Cydosalpa) type C. amboinensis, Metcalf Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100 (2) p. 53. Salpa, Stiasny 8. — S. maxima tnber- cnlala var. n. Philippines, Metcalf Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100 (2) p. 87 fig. Sigillina mjnbergi sp. n. Australia, Hartmeyer Stockholm V^et.-Ak. Handl. 60 No. 4 p. 117 pi. ii figs. Sfyela aeqnatorialis sp. n. W. Africa, Michaelsen Beitr. Mecresfauna Wcst- afr. p. 389 pis. xvi f. 3 xviii figs. 26-27. Trausiedtia subgen. n. {Cydosalpa) multitentaculafa bicristata subsp. n., Metcalf Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 100 (2) p. 143 pi. xiv. — T. radiata nom. n. — Salpa henseni Apst., Metcalf t.c. p. 152. XIV. VERTEBRATA (GENERAL) «.e., complementary to Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, and Pisces. BY D. SHARP. CONTENTS PAGE I. Tm.Es ... 2 [I. Subject Index : — General = 5203 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Structure = 5207 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 Development = 5215 ... ... ... ... ... 2 Aetiology, Variation and Evolution = 5223 2 Geography = 5227 ^ 2 (H-13790 a)Q d2 2 Van. XIV. Vertebrata. [1019] I.— TITLES. Allis, E. P. The myodome and trigeminqfascialis chamber of fishes and the corresponding cavities in higher vertebrates. Journ. Morph. Philadelphia 32 1919 (207-326) pis. 1-4. 1 Ariens Kappers, G. U. Ceiitrosomen in gangliencellen [Les centrosomes dans lea ganglions nerveux]. Amsterdam Werken. Gen. Nat. Genees. Heelk. (2) 91919(311-312). 2 Beebe, W. The higher vertebrates of British Guiana with special reference to the fauna of the 'Bartica district. No. 7 List of Amphibia, Uoptilia and Mammalia. No. 8. Birds of Bartica District. No. 9. Lizards of the Genus Airniva. Zoologioa Now York 2 1919 (205-238). 3 Delsman, H. C. De betrekkingtuaschen der n. hypoglossus en den schedel by de Vertebraten. [Les rapports entre le nerf hypoglosae et le crane chez les vertebres.] Amsterdam Werk. Gen. Nat. Genees. Heelk. (2) 9 1919 (305- 309). 3a Franz, V. Carl Rabl; ueber die bilaterale oder nasotemporale Sym- metric des Wirbeltierauges. Biol. Zentralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (37-40). 3b Goodrich, E. S. Review of Kbhr, text-book [q.v.]. Quart. J. micr. Sci. London 64 1919 (121-132). 3c Jehu, T. J. The origin of terrestrial vertebrates. Geol. Mag. London 6 1919 1188-189). 4 Kerr, J. G. Text-book of embryology. . Vol. II. Vertebrata with the exception of mammalia. London (Macmillan) - 1919 (xii + 591) 22 cm. 31s. 6d. 6 Mehl, M. C. The use of ou charts in teaching vertebrate palaeon- tology. Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ. Granville Ohio 19 1919 (47-53) pis. viii- xi. 6 Moodie, R. L. Studies in Palaeo- pathology. iii. Opisthotonus and allied phenomena among fossil verte- brates. Amer. Natural. New York 52 1918 (384-394) 8 figs. 7 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. GENERAL. 5208 Mehl, 6. STRUCTURE. 5307 Allis, 1 ; Ariens Kappers, 2 ; i ; FranZj 3b ; Moodie, 7. Delsman, DEVELOPMEN'r. 5216 Goodrich, 3c ; Kerr, 5. AETIOLOGY. 5233 Jehu, 4. GEOGRAPHY. 6337 South America : Beebe, 3. XV. PISCES BT 0. TATE REGAN, F.R.S. CONTENTS PAG* I. Titles ... ... ... . ... ... 8 II. SonjECT Index 8 Economics ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Structure ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Physiology ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Development ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Ethology ... ... 9 Variation and Evolution ... ... ... ... ... 9 Distribution ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Marine ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9 Fresh Water ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Fossil ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 III. Systematic ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 General Works ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Marsipobranchii ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Selachii 10 Eusolachii 10 Pleuiotremata ... 10 Hypotremata ... ... ... ... ... ... 10 Holocephali 10 (n-13799 6) q ’ d 3 2 rjLQK Pisces 11 Palaeopteryg’ii ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 Neopterygii .. ... ... ... ... ... 11 Iiicertae sedis ... ... 11 Protospondyli ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 Ging-lymodi ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 Isospondyli ... ... ... ... ... ... 11 0starioph3\si ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 Apodes ... • ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 Haplomi ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 Microcpyriiii ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 Syiieutognathi ... ... ... ... ... ... 14 Anacanthiiii ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 Soleniclithyes ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 Percomovphi ... ... :.. ... ... ... 15 Scjeroparei ... ... ... ... ... ... 17 Helerosoinata ... ... ... ... ... ... 17 Plectognathi ... 17 Xenopterygii 18 Pediculati 18 Opistlioiiii ... ... 18 Rhipidistia 18 Ostracodermi ... ... ... ... 18 Pisces. Titles. 5400 T.— TITLES. Adam?, L. A. A Memoir on the Phylogcny of the Jaw Muscles in recent and fossil Vertebrates. Now York Ann. Acad. Sci. 28 1919 (51- 166) pis. i -xiii. 1 Ahlborn, F. Der Flugmechanismus der fliegcndcn Fische. Zs. Wiss. Zool. Leipzig 115 191 6 (308-381 ). 2 Alceste, A. I denti c i tracce di una piastra masticatoria cornea nel Cohilis taenia Ij. Monit. Zool. Ital. Firenze 30 1919 (4.3-47). 3 Allis, E. P. On certain Features of the Otic Region of the Chondro- cranium of Lepidosteus and comparison with other Fishes and Higher Verte- brates. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1919 (245-266). 4 Allis, E. P. The Lips and the Nasal Apertures in the Gnathostome Fishes. J. Morph. Philadelphia 32 1919 (145- 197) 4 pis. 5 A1U.S, E. P. The Myodorae and Trigemino-facialis Chamber of Fishes- and the corresponding cavities in Higher Vertebrates. J. Morph. Phila- delphia 32 1919 (207 -322) 2 pis. 6 Andmson-Stonsio, E. Einige Re- mcrkungeh iiber die systematischo Stcllung von Sanrirhthys inou. adisciis p. 68 pis. x fig. 2, xi fig. 1 Seistan, phryne p. 70 pis. x fig. 3, xi fig. 2, Baluchistan, elegans p. 76 pis. ix fig. 4, xi fig. 5 India spp. n., Annandalb t.c. — D. Kangrae sp. n. Wi Himalayas, pRASftAD Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 163. Psilorhynchus tentaculatus sp. n. India, Annandalb Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 128. Onathopogon iijimae sp. n. Formosa, Oshima Ann. Carnegie Mus. 12 p. 219 pL li fig. 2. Catostomidab. Galostomiis richardsoni sp. n. N.W. Canada, Harper and Nichols Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 p. 263 pi. xv. fig. 1. Homalopteridae. Formosiana. gen. n. gilberti sp.. n. Formosa, Oshima Ann. Carnegie Mus. 12 p. 194 pi. xlix figs. 1-2. ConiTIDAB. Nemachilus anguilla sp. n. India, Annandalb Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 127. Bagridae. Pseudobagrus taiwanensis p. 180 pi. xlviii fig. 1 adiposalis p. 181 pi. xlyiii fig. 2 spp. n. Formosa, Oshima Ann. Carnegie Mus. 12. Aoria gen. n. = Maexones Hum. praeocc, Jordan Proc. Acad. Philad. 70 p. 341. Amphiliidae, AinpTiilius opisthophthabnus p. 159 maesii p. 160 spp. n. Congo, Boulenger Rev. Zool. Afr. 7. — A. brevidorsalis sp. n. Mozambique, Pbllegrin Bull. Soc. Zool. France 44 p. 399. Phractura lukugae sp. n. Lukuga, Boulenger P.Z.S. 1919 p. 402 fig. 14 PUces. XV. Pisces— Neoptetiygii. [1919] Amblyoepidae. Amblyceps viurray - siuarti sp. n. Burma, Chaudiiubi Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 272. Liobagrus nantoensis sp. n. Formosa, OsHiMA Anil. Carnegie Mus. 12 p. 183 pi. xlviii fig. 3. Mochocidae. Synodontis violaceus sp. n. Gribingui, Pellegkin Bull. Soc. Zool. 44 p. 212. — S. flavitaeniatus sp. n. Congo, Bou- LENGER Rev. Zool. Afr. 7 p. 161. Schilbeidae. Eutropius eclipsis sp. n. Angola, Fowler Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 p. 270 fig. Clariidae. Clarias nigeriae sp. n. Niger, Popta Zool. Med. Leiden 5 p. 4. Allanbenchelys dhonli sp. n. Lukuga, BouLifiNGER P.Z.S. 1919 p. 402 fig. — A. vianyangae sp. n. Congo, Boulenoer Rev. Zool. Afr. 7 p. 150. Amiuridae. Amiurus skull. Kindred 77. Trogloglanis gen. n. pattersoni sp. n. Texas, Eigenmann Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 58 p. 397 figs, PiMELODIDAE. Megalonema pauciradiatum sp. n. Essequibo, Driver Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 58 p. 455. Luciopimelodus air-bladder, Driver 29. Loricariidae, Plecostomus brevis p. 6 lacerta p. 6 scaplyceps ]). 7 spp. n. San Paulo, Nichols Rev. Mus. Ikuilista 11, Pseudotocinclus gen. u. intermedins sp. n. San Paulo, Nichols Rev. Mus. Paulista 11. Gyclopium maria e sp. n. Colombia, Fowler Proc. Acad. Philadelphia 71 p. 125 pi. viii. APODES. Leplocephalus milneif p. 215 vermi- culatus p. 216 spp. n. Gangetic delta, Southwell and Prasha d Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. Muraenidab. Muraena dinocephala sp. n. W. Africa, Metzelaar Trop. Atl. Visschen p. 211. Ophichthyidae. Syletor gen. n. type P isodonlophis- cruentifer, Jordan Proc. Ac. Philad. 70 p. 343. HAPLOMI. Esoctdae. Esox habits, distribution, Kendall 75. MICROOYPRINI. Cyprinodontidae. Haplochilus dhonli sp. n. Lukuga, Boulenger P.Z.S. 1919 p. 17 fig. Cyprinodon variegatus life liistorj^ Hildebrand 48. Oambusia affinis, life history, Hilde- brand 48. Lebisles reticulalus variation, here- dity, Schmidt 123. SYNENTOGNATHI. ■fForfex gen. n hypuralis sp. n. Miocene, California, Jordan and Gilbert Stanford Univ. Publ. 1919 p. 36 pi. xiv, fig. 3. Belonidae. Platybelone subgen. n. type Belone platyura, Fowler Proc. Ac. Philad. 71 p. 2. Slrongylura peruana sp. n. Peru, Fowler t.c. p. 3 fig. Scombresocidae. Scombresox edwardsi pi. xviii, acu- tillus pi. xiv fig. 2 spp. n. Miocene, California, Jordan and Gilbert Stan- ford Univ. Publ. 1919 p. 37. Hemirhamphidae. Eulepidorhamphus subgen. n. type Hemirhamphus sajori, Fowler Proc. Ac. Philad. 71 p. 7. Zenarchopterus Itendersoni sp. n, Japan, Fowler t.c. p. 8 fig. Exocoetidae. Exocoelus, flying mechanism, Ahl- BORN 2. 15 Puces. Neopterygii. 5431 Cypsdurus polyethmus p. 10 fig. 3 hyperisiius p. 12 fig. 4 spp. n. Atlantic, Fowler Pioc. Ac. Phil ad. 71. ANACANTHINI. Gadidae. ■\Arnoldina gen. n. miistia sp. n. Pliocene, California, Jordan and Gilbert Stanford Univ, Publ. 1919 p. 63 pi. xxvii fig. 2. SOLENICHTHYES. Synonathidae. Syngnathus amis sp. n. ]\Iiocenc, California, Jordan and Gilbert Stan- ford Univ. Publ. 1919 p. .34 pi. xxix fig. 2. — S. pellegrini sp. n. Gaboon, Fowler Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 p. 265 fig. — S. dunckeri sp. n. Antilles, Metzelaar Trop. Atl. Visschen p. 28. PERCOMORPHI. ]Edipcs gen. n. veiernus sp. n. Miocene, California, Jordan and Gilbert Stanford Univ. Publ. 1919 p. 47 pi. viii fig. 4. Serranidae. Serranus dewegeri sp. n. Antilles, METZEiiAAR Trop. Atl. Visschen p. 52. Chilodipteridae. Apogon polylepis sp. n. Natal, Regan Ann. Durban Mus. 2 p. 197 fig- POMATOMIDAE, ^Loplmr gen. n. niiomenus sp. n. Miocene, California, Jordan and Gilbert Stanford Univ. Publ. 1919 p. 44 pis. iii fig. 2 xix xx. Carangidae. Orqmta gen. n. type Micropteryx polycentrus. Jordan Proc. Ac Philad. 70 p. 344. Caranx angolensis sp. n. Angola, Fowler Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 p. 280 fig. Lutianidae. Lulianus hagari sp. n. Miocene, California, Jordan and Gilbert t.c. p. 48 pi. XV figs. 1 4. fLonipoquia gen. n. retropes sp. n. Miocene, California, Jordan and Gilbert t.c. p. 49 pi. xxiv fig. 1. ]Xyrinius gen. n Jiouski, sp. n. Miocene, California, Jordan and Gilbert t.c. p. 50 pi. xxxi fig. 2. Erythrichthyidae. Erythrocles gen. n. type Erythrichlhys schlegeli, Jordan Proc. Ac. Philad. 70 p. 342. Pomadasidae. Pristipoma boschnae sp. n. West Indies, Metzelaar Trop. Atl. Visschen p. 83. Diagramma chiibbi sp. n. Natal, Regan Ann. Durban Mus. 2 p. 199 fig. Sciaenidae. Of California, Starks 127. Umbrina gracilicirrhiis sp. n. Antilles, Metzelaar Trop. Atl. Visschen p. 72. Mullidae. Upeneus phillipsi sp. n. New Jersey, Fowler Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Mich. 56 p. 5 fig. 1. ClCHLIDAE. Tiliapia borkuana sp. n. Borkou, Pellegrin Bull. Soc. Zool France 44 p. 150.— -T. sauvagei sp. n. W. Africa, Fowler Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 p. 243 fig. Pehnatochromis haughi sp. n. Ogowe, Pellegrin Bull. Soc. Zool. 44 p. 103. Paratilapia lukugae sp. n. Lukuga, Boulenger P.Z.S. 1919 p. 18 fig. Lamprologus dhonii sp. n. Lukuga, Boulenger t.c. p. 19 fig. PomacbntridAb. Pomacenirus analis xanthus form, novi Antilles, Metzelaar Trop. Atl. Visschen, p. 98. Azurella gen. n. type Microspalhodon bairdii, Jordan Proc. Ac. Philad. 70 p. 341. Abudefduf ascensionis sp. n. Ascen- sion, Fowler Proc U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 p. 217 fig. 16 Pisces. XV. Pisces— Neopterygii. [1919] Labridak. Doratonotus boeJcei sp. n. Antilles, Metzelaar Trop. Atl. Visschen p. 107. Julis azorensis sp. n. Azores, Fowler Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 p. 205 fig. Gempylidae. Thyrsites kreigeri sp. n. Miocene, California, Jordan and Gilbert Stan- ford Univ. Publ. 1919 p. 41 pi. xvii fig. 2. SCOMBRIDAE. •\Auxides gen. n. sanctae-monicae sp. n. Soledad, California, Jordan Stanford Univ. Publ. 1919 p. 10 pi. v fig. 2. Acanthocybium gills, Bovien 22. XiPHIIDAE. Xiphias gills, Bovien 22, — Denticles, Carter 23. Oax-lionymidab. CalUonymua boekei p. 149, aancti eustatii p. 150 spp. nr. Antilles, Metze- laar Trop. Atl. Visschen. — C. marleyi sp. n. Natal, Regan Ann. Durban Mus. 2 p. 201 fig. Strom ATEiDAE. CenirolopJms maoricus, McCulloch 91. Anabantidae. Anahas ctenotis sp. n. Lukuga, Boulenger P.Z.S. 1919 fig. Macropodus fdamentosus sp. n. For- mosa, OsHiMA Ann. Carnegie Mus. 12 p. 278 pi. lii fig. 2. Oshimia gen. n. type Micracanthus marcliei, Jordan Proc. Ac. Philad. 70 p. 342. Ophiocephalidae. Channa burmanica sp. n. Burma, CiiAUDHURi Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 284. Atherinidae. 1[Zanetedites gen. n. hubbsi sp. n. Miocene, California, Jordan and Gilbert Stanford Univ. Publ. 1919 p. 39 pis. XV fig. 3 xvi. Itheocles gen. n. type Atherina sikorae, Jordan Proc. Ac. Philad. 70 p. 343. Hubbesia gen. n. type Menidia gil- berli, Jordan Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 p. 310. Leuresthes tenuis spawning, Thomp- son and Thompson 130. Melanorhinus gen. n. boekei sp. n. Antilles, IMetzelaar Trop. Atl Viss- chen p. 38. Iso nalalensis sp. n. Natal, Regan Ann. Durban Mus. 2 p. 200 fig. Eleotridae. Revision of Australian spp., McCul- loch and Ogilby 92. Eleotris legendrei sp. n. Madagascar, Pellegrin Bull. SoG. Zool. France 44 p. 270. Gobiidab. Development of Danish spp., Petersen 112. Revision of Australian spp., McCul- loch and Ogilby Rec. Austral. Mus. 12 pp. 193-291 pis. xxxi-xxxvii. Mugilogobius devisi sp. n. Queensland, McCulloch and Ogilby t.c. p. 223 pi. xxxvi fig. 2. Aboma antiqua sp. n. Miocene, Cali- fornia, Jordan and Gilbert Stanford Univ. Publ. 1919 p. 56 j)!- xxix fig. 1. Qobius 5’’Oung stages of Plymouth spp., Lebour 82, 83. — 0. elongatusivom Plymouth, Lebour t.c. — G. bombay- ensis sp. n. India, Annandale Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 138. — 0. balearicus sp. n. Mallorca, Lozano Rey Trab. Mus. Madrid Zool. 39 p. 73. — 0. cura&ao p. 136 Antilles senegambiensis p. 282 W. Africa spp. n., Metzelaar Trop. Atl. Visschen. Xenogobius gen. n. weberi sp. n. Antilles, Metzelaar t.c. p. 140. Rhinogobius taixvanus p. 298 pi. liii fig. 1 formosanus p. 300 pi. liii fig. 2 spp. n. Formosa, Osuima Ann. Carnegie Mus. 12. 17 Pisces. NEOPTERYail. 5431 Qlossogohius 'parvus sp. n. Formosa, OsHiMA t.c. p. 305 pi. liii fig. 3. Vigil gen. n. type Ammocrypla pillucida, JoEDAN Proc. Ac. Pliilad. 70 p. 344. Blenniidae. Blennius niger p. 290, riodourensis p. 291 spp. n. W. Africa, Metzelaar Trop. Atl. VisBclien. Clinidae. Oibbotisia evides variation. Bean and Weed 10. Brannerella sluileri sp. n. Antilles, Metzelaar Trop. Atl. Visschen p. 166 • Histioclinus gen. n. veliger sp. n. Antilles, Metzelaar t.c. p. 167. Acanthemblemaria gen. n. sjnnosa *p. n. Antilles, Metzelaar t.c. p. 169. Pholididae. Unagius gen. n. = CryptopJiihalmus praeocc, Jordan Proc. Ac. Philad. 70 p. 343. Brotulidae. fMerriamhia gen. n. eetenes sp. n. Miocene, California, Jordan and Gilbert Stanford Univ. Piibl. 1919 p. 66 pi. xxvii figs. 1 3. Veraier gen. n. type Pleridium alrum, Jordan Proc. Ac. Philad. 70 p. 343. SCLEROPAREI. Scorpaenidae. '\Rhomarclms gen. n. ensiger sp. n. Miocene, California, Jordan and Gilbert Stanford Univ. Publ. 1919 p. 61 pi. xxxi fig. 6. Scorpaena albofasciata p. 145, tre- decimspindsa p. 146 spp. n. Antilles, Metzelaar Trop. Atl. Visschen. Amblyapistus viarleyi sp. n. Natal, PvEGAN Ann. Durban Mus. 2 p. 202 fig. Hexagrammidae. Hexagrammus achrestus sp. n. Mio- cene, California, Jordan and Gilbert Stanford Univ. Publ. 1919 p. 62 pi. xxiv fig. 2. COTTIDAE. 1[Eoscorpius gen. n. primaevus sp. n. Miocene, California, Jordan’ and Gilbert Stanford Univ. Publ. 1919 p. 63 pi. XXX. Coitus, Michigan spp. notes, Hubbs 54. — (7. quadricornis venernensis, Lonn- berg 88. Plerygiocottus gen. n. macouni sp. n. British Columbia, Bean and Weed Tr. R. Soc. Canada 13 p. 73 pi. iii. CrCLOPTERlDAE. \Bulbiceps gen. n. raninus sp. n. Soledad, California, Jordan Stanford Univ. Publ. 1919 p. 12 pi. vi. Daclylopteridae. Dactylopterus flying mechanism, Ahlborn 2. HETEROSOMATA. Pleuroneotidab. Limanda beanii is a Poecilopsetia, Hubbs 55. Errex gen. n. type Glyptocephalus zachirus, Jordan Proc. Ac. Philad. 70 p. 343. Soleidae. Soka vermeuleni sp. n. W. Africa, Metzelaar Trop. Atl. Visschen p. 219.— S. vulgaris races, Mohr 96. Pnictes gen. n. type AcJiiropsis asphyxiatus, Jordan Proc. Ac. Philad. 70 p. 343.- Cynoglossidae. Plagusia robinsoni sp. n. Natal, Regan Ann. Durban Mus. 2 p. 203 fig. PLECTOaNATHI. Balistidae. Aluteres flankerli sp. n. W. Africa, Metzelaar Trop. Atl. Visschen p. 295. Tetrodontidae. Tetrodon eulepidotus sp. n. Antilles, Metzelaar Trop. Atl. Visschen p. 170. — T. pleurospilus sp. n. Natal, Regan Ann. Durban Mus. 2 p. 203. 18 Pisces. XV. Pisces — Rhipidistia. 11919] Riodontidae. Chilomycterus briareos sp. n. Antilles, Metzelaak Trop. Atl. Vissclien p. 173. Molidae. Mola gills, Bovien 22. XENOPTERYGII. Gobiesocidae. Gobiesox sancti martini sp. n. Antilles, Metzelaar Trop. Atl. Vissclien p. 151. Colylichihys gen. n. type Cotylis fimbriata, Jordan Proc. Ac. PhilacK 70 p. 341. PEDICULATI. Batrachidae. Nnuloyaedium gen. n. type Porich- Ihys purosissimus, Jordan Proc. Ac. Piiilad. 70 p. 342. OPISTHOMI. Mastacembelidae. Ohaudhuria, Regan 116. Mastacembdus decorsei sp. n. Gri- bingui, Pellegrin Bull. Soc. Zool. 44 p. 214. RHIPIDISTIA. ■\Osteolepis head, Goodrich 42. OSTRACODERMI. Mouth, Jaekel 57. '\Tremataspis brain and sense organs, WiMAN 133. XVI. REPTILIA AND BATRACHIA /rranoed by 0. TATE REGAN, F.R.S. CONTENTS. 1. Titles ... ... ... ... .*. page 2 II. Subject Index: — Structure =5007 • < « 7 Physiology = 56 1 1 ... 8 De velopment =5615... ^ ... 8 Ethology =56 19 ... 8 Variation, Heredity = 5623... ... 8 Faunae =5627 ... 8 Actual ... ... 8 Fossil ... ... 8 III. Systematic : — Reptilia • •• 8 Lacertilia • •• 8 Ophidia • •• 10 Pterosauria • •• 10 Crocodilia ... • • • 10 Dinosauria... 10 Chelonia ... ... ... . » • • 11 Anomodontia 11 Rhynchoccphalia ... ... 11 Batrachia 11 Ecaudata 11 (Jaudata ... • • • 12 Stegocephalia ... 12 (N- 13799 Batracien nouveaux du Congo. Rev. Zool. Afr. Bruxelles 7 1919 (186-187). 36 Boulenger, G. A Un cas d’ Evolution h, rebours chez un Lezard africain {Eremias lugubris A. Smith). Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (78-80). 37 Boulenger, G. A. Un cas int^ressant de dimorphisme sexuel chez un Serpent africain {Bothrolycus ater Gunther). Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (666- 669). 38 Boulenger, G. A. Sur le genre Saphaeosauriis, Rhynchoc^phalien du Kimmeridgien de C4rin. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 169 1919 (605-607). 39 Brook, A. J. P. van den„ Over de werking van uraniumzouten op kik- vorschlarven. [L’ action cles sels d’urane sur les larvcs de grenouille.] Amsterdam Werk. Gen. Nat. Genees. Heelk. (2) 9 1919 (285-287). 40 Broom, R. Description of a new Species of Dicynodon. Grahamstown Rec. Albany Mus. 3 1919 (220-222) pi. vii. 41 Broom, R. On the Genus Gom- phorpmthus and its Allies. Grahamstown Rec. Albany Mus. 3 1919 (223-232) pi. viii. 42 Caius, R. P. F. vide Phisalix, M. Case, E. C. A mounted skeleton of Edaphosaurus cruciger Cope in the geological collection of the University of Michigan. Ann. Arbor Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. 62 1918 (1-8) 2 pis. 43 Case, E. C. Notes on a specimen of Stylemys nehracensis Leidy. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven 47 1919 (436-438). 44 Chabanaud, P. Enumeration des Reptiles et des Batraciens de la p^nin- sule Balkan ique envoy es an Museum par le Dr. Rivet, de 1917 a 1919, avec la description d’une variete nouvelle. Paris Bull. Mus. 1919 (21-26). 46 Chabanaud, P. Enumeration des Reptiles et des Batraciens recueillis dans les Indes anglaises par M. Guy Babault cn 1914. Bull. Museum Paris 1919 (452-453). 46 Chabanaud, P. Description d’une espece nouvelle de Batracien du Senegal. Bull. Museum Paris 1919 (454-455). 47 Titles. 4 Reft, XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia. [1919] Chabanaud, P. Enumeration des Batraciona non encore etudi6a de I’Afrique Occidentale fran9aise ap- partenant k la Collection du Museum. Bull. Museum Paris 1919 (456-457). 48 Ohabanaud, P. Reptiles et Batraciens recueillis en Algerie par M, Paul Pallary en 1919. Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 (566). 49 Chabanaud, P. Enumeration des Reptiles recueillis au Dahomey par M. Ch. Primol et re9us au Museum en 1914, Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 (567-568). 50 Chapman, F. New or little-known Victorian Fossils in the National Museum. xxiv. On a Fossil Tortoise in Ironstone from Carapook, near Casterton. Melbourne Proc. R. Soc. Victoria 32 1919 (11-13) pi. i. 51 Cotronei, G. Correlazioni e differ- enziazioni. Roma Atti Aco. Lincei 28 1919 (206-209). 62 Cotronei, G. Correlazioni e differen- ziazioni (sul Triton criatatua) Roma Atti. Acc. Lincei 28 1919 (511-513). 53 Cyr6n, O. Klimatets inverkan p& reptiliernas farger-Fauna och Flora Uppsala 14 1919 (108-126). 54 Cyr6n, 0. vide Lantz, L. A. Dehaut, E. G. Developpement en sens inverse de la coloration verte chez Lacerta muralia tiliguerta et L. mur. quadrilineata. Paris C. R. Soo. Biol. 82 1919 (514-515). 55 Dehaut, E. G. Sur la valeur du crit6rium physiologique pour la dis- tinction des especes et des races ; observations relatives aux diverses formes de Lacerta muralia Laurenti qui vivent en Italie, en Sardaigne et en Corse. Paris Bull. Soo. Zool, 36 1919 (8-11). 66 Drevermann, F. Parasuchier- Schadel aus dem schwabischen Stuben- sandstein. Ber. Senckenb. Natf. Ges. 47 1918 (120-123). 57 Duerken, B, Das Verhalten trans- plantierter Beinknopsen Von Rana juaca und die Vertretbarkeit der Quelle des formativen Reizes. Zs. Wiss. Zool. Leipzig 115 1916 (58-128) pis. iii-v. 58 bann, E. R. Two neAv Crotaline Snakes from Western Mexico. Wash- ington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (213- 216). 59 Dunn, E. R. The Collection of Amphibia Caudata of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 62 1918 (445-471)., 60 Dunn, E. R. vide Barbour, T. Edgeworth, F. H. On the Develop- ment of the Laryngeal Muscles in Sauropsida. J. Anat. London 54 1919 (79-89). 61 Ptirbringer, M. Uober das Ziingen- bein der Reptilien. Amsterdam Bydr. Dierkunde 21 1919 (195-212). 62 Gilmore, C. W. A mounted Skeleton of Dimetrodon gigaa in the United States National Museum, with notes on the skeletal anatomy. AVashington Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 1919 (525- 539) pis. Ixx-lxxiii. 63 Gilmore, C. W. New Fossil Turtles, with notes on two described species. Washington Proc. U.S. Nation. Mus. 56 1919 (113-132) pis. xxix-xxxvii. 64 Gilmore, C. W. A new Restoration of 2 riceratops, with notes on the osteology of the genus. Washington Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 1919 (97-112) pis. iii-ix. 65 Goffaux, R. Les formations amyg- daliennes chez les tetards d’Amphibiens anoures. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 82 1919 (904-906). 66 Goodrich, E. S. Note on the Rep- tilian Heart. J. Anat. London 53 1919 (298-304). 67 Hadge, H. B. Das Urogenitalsystem von Uroplatua fimbriatua. Konigs- borg 1917 (31 pp.) 1 pi. 68 Hammer, E. vide Kappers, C. U. A. Hanson, F. B. The anterior cranial Nerves of Ghelydra aerpentina. Wash- ington Univ. Studies Ser. Sci. 7 1919 (13-41). 69 Hartmann, A. Die Anlage und Ent- wicklung des Vornierenglomerulus bei anuren Amphibien {Rana temporaria) mit besonderer Riicksicht auf seine Gefasse. Arch. Mikr. Anat. Bonn 93 1919 (210-306) pis. ix-kii. 70 5 Ttept. Titles. 6600 Haughton, S. H. A Review of the Reptilian Fauna of the Karroo System of South Africa. Johannesburg Tr. Geol. Soc. S. Afr. 22 1919 (1-26). 71 Hewitt, J. Anhydrophryne rattrayi^ a remarkable new Frog from Cape Colony. Rec. Albany Mus. 3 1919 (182-189) pi. V. 72 Hollander, P. P. t)ber den Ursp- rung der aus dem Mittelhim im dorsalen Langsbiindel absteigenden Nerven- fasern boi Sauropsidon. Jenaisohe Zs. Natw. 1917 (18 pp.). 73 Hovasse, R. Les ph(Snon6mes de maturation de I’oeuf chez Rana fusca. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 82 1919 (856- 857). 74 Jolly, J. Sur les organes lymphoides cephaliques des Batraciens. Paris C. R. Soc. biol. 82 1919 (200-201). 75 Jolly, J. Sur I’existence, chez les Batraeiens, d’organes lymphoides pouvant etre consider^s comme des ebauches de ganglions lymphatiques. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 82 1919 (201- 204). 76 Kahn, R. H. Ein neues Geschlechts- merkmal bei den Froschen, seine anatomische Grundlage und seine biologische Bedeutung. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 1919 (166-169). 77 Kampen, P. N. van. Dio Amphi- bionfauna von Neu-Guinea. Amster- dam Bydr. Diork 21 1919 (62-66). 78 Kappers, C. U. A. und Hammer, E. Das Zentralnervensystem des Ochsen- frosches. Amsterdam Festb. C. Winkler 1918 (368-416) 1 pi. 79 Kesteven, H. L. The Pterygoids in Amphibia and Reptiles and the Parasphenoid. J. Anat. London 53 1919 (223-238). 80 Kollmann, M. Quelques precisions sur r acceleration de la metamorphose des Batraciens anoures sous I’influence do I’extrait de thyroide. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 82 1919 (1009-1012). 81 Kollmann, M. Quelques remarques sur la mue et la k6ratinisation chez les Ophidions. Paris C. R. Soc. Biol. 82 1919 (1012-1013). 82 Lantz, L. A. and Cyr6n, 0. On Lacerta praticola Evorsm. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Jjondon ser. 9 3 1919 (28-31). 83 Lebedinsky, N. und Menzel, R. Experimentelles iiber die Widerstands- fahigkeit des Batrachierlaiches gegen Austrocknung. Zur Frage nach der passiven Verbreitung der Amphibien. Basel Verk. Natf. Ges. 1919 (189- 212). 84 Leplat, G. Action du milieu sur le d^veloppement des larves d’amphi- biens. ' Liocalization et dillerenciation des premieres Ebauches oculaires chez les vert4br6s. Cyclopie et Anoph- thalmie. . Arch. Biol. Li6ge ot Paris 80 1919 (231-321) pis. iii-iv. . 85 Loomis, F. B. An Amphibian from the Eocene. Amer. J. Sci. New Haven 47 1919 (217-219). 86 Lull, R. S. The Sauropod Dinosaur Barosaurus Marsh. New Haven Mem. Connecticut Acad. Sci. 6 1919 (6-42) pis. i-vii. 87 Lundblad, 0. Nagra ord om fargteck- ning och fargforandring hos vattenodla och lake. Fauna och Flora Uppsala 13 1918 (260-261). 88 Maluquer i Nicolau, J. Les Tortugues de Catalunya. Barcelona Treb. Mus. Cienc. Nat. 2 Zool. Ser. No. 8 1919 (93-169) pis. i-viii. 89 McCulloch, A. R. A new Discoglos- soid Frog from Now Zealand. Wel- lington Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51 1919 (447-449) pi. XXX. 90 Menzel, R; vide Lebedinsky, N. Mertens, R. t)ber eine neue Lacerta serpa Raf. der Apenninischen Halbin.sel. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 1919 (169-172). 91 Methuen, P. A. Descriptions of a new Snake from the Transvaal, together with a new Diagnosis and Key of the Genus Xenocalamus, and of some Batrachia from Madagascar. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1919 (349-355). 92 Mitchell, D .T. The Effects of Snake Venoms on Domestic Animals and the Preparation of Anti-Venomous Serum. Gape Town S. Afr. J. Sci. 12 1916 (337-364). 93 Monticelli, F. S. Nuove notizie in torn o agli Axolotl dell’ Institute Zoologico della R. Univorsita di Napoli. Rend. Acoad. Napoli ser. 3 23 1917 (83-86). 94 6 Repu XVI. Reptilia and Batrachia [1919] Mooky C. C. vide Osborn, II . F. Osborn, H. F. and Mook, C. 0. Characters and Restoration of the Sauropod Genus Camarasaurus Cope. Proc. Amer! Phil. Soc. 58 1910 (386- 396) 1 pi. 95 Patzelt, V. Ueber verschiedene Missbildungen beim Frosch, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Histologic und Ent- wicklungsgeschichte dcs Urogenitalap- parates. ' Berlin Arch. Entw.-Mech. 1918 (35 pp.) 1 pi. 96 Phisalix, M. et Cains, R. P. F. L’extension do la fonction vcnimeuso dans Tordro entier des Ophidiens. .1. Physiol. Path. Paris 17 1018 (923- 964). 97 Phisalix, M. et Cains, R. P. F. Pro- prietes venimeuses de la secretion parotidienne chez les Colubrides aglyphes des especes Lycodon aulicus, Dendrophis pictus el Zamenis mucalus. Paris Bui. soc. path. oxot. 10 1917 (474-480). 98 PiAaubert, E. Observations her- p6tologiqucs concernant la faune do Maine-et-Loire. Angers Bui. soc. etud. sic. 46 1916 (57-59). 99 Procter, J. B. On the Skull and Affihities of Rana subsigillatii A. Dum. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1919 (21-27). 100 Procter, J. B. On the Variation in the number of dorsal Scale-rows in our British Snakes. London Proc. Zool, Soo. 1919 (357-364). 101 Ramsden, C. T. vide Barbour, T. Rooy, N. de. Reptilien aus Nord- Neu-Guinea gesammelt von Dr. P. N. van Kampen und Dr. H. Gjellerup. Amsterdam Bydr. Dierk. 21 1919 (81-95). 102 Roux, J. Sur un nouveau Serpent {Shmtes musyi) provonant de la Chino. Rev. Zool. Suisse Geneve 27 1919 (61-63). 103 Ruthven, A. G. Contributions to the Herpetology of Iowa, iii. Ann. Arbor Mich. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. 66 1919 (1-3). 104 Ruthven, A. G. The Amphibians of the University of Michigan-AValker Exjjedition to British Guiana. Ann. Arbor Mich. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. 69 1919 (1-14) pis. i-iii. 105 Schmidt, K. P. Descriptions of new Amphibians and Reptiles from Santo Domingo and Navassa. N. York Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 1919 (519-525). 106 Schmidt, K. P. Contributions to the Herpetology of the Belgian Congo based on the Collection of the American Congo Expedition, 1909-1915. N. York Bull. Amer. Mus. 39 1919 (385- 624) pis. vii-xxxii. 107 Schmidt, W. J. Uebo die sog. Xantholeukophoren beim Laubfrosch. Arch. Mikr. Anat. Bonn. 93 1919 (93-117) pi. iv. 108 Siebenrock, F. Emydura mac- quarrii Gray und der systematischo Wert des Nuchalschildes bei den Schildkroten. Zool. Anz. Leipzig- 50 1919 (273-277). 109 Slevin, J. R. vide Van Denburgh, J. Smith, M. A. Remarks on Col. Wall’s identilication of Ifydrophis ci/anocmctus. Bombay J. Nat. Ilist. Soc. 1919 (682-683). 110 Smith, M. A. Orocodihis siamensis. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 1919 (217- 221) pis. iv-vi. Ill Smith, M. A. The Lizards of the genus Tropidophorus in Siam, with descriptions of two new species. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 1919 (223- 228).; 112 Steinegfir, L. H. and Barbour, 'I'. Check list of North American Amphi- bians and Reptiles. Cambridge Mass. 1918. 113 Sternfeld, R. Neue Schlangen und Echsen aus Zentralaustralien. Frank- furt. a. M. Mitt. Senckenb. Ges. 1 1919 (76-83). 114 Taylor, E. II. 'Two now Snakes of the genus Holarchus, with descriptions of other Philippine species. J. Sci. Manila 13 D 1918 (359-367) 2 pis. 115 Taylor, E. H. New or rare Philip- pine Reptiles. J. Sci. Manila 14 1919 (105-125) 2 pis. 116 Terni, T. L’azione della nutrizione tiroidea sulla sviluppo delle larve di Anfibi sottol’inlluenza di temperature Vario. Monit. Zool. Ital. Firenze 30 1919 (18-24). 117 4 7 Repi. Tranchina, M. C. Sul’accresimento dei oapillari linfaiici nella larva di Discoglossns pictns. Palermo Bull. Inst. Zool. 1 1018 (1-7) 1 pi. 118 Trigt, H. van. Een theoretischo t3cschouwing over do dcmiatomorio by do Vortobraten naar aanlciding van eon ondorzook naar do metamero huidin- nervatie by do hagodis. [Eino thcoro- tisohe Betraehtung iiber Dermatomerie bei Vortobraten naoh Veranlassung oiner Untersuohung naoh den meta- moron llautinnorvation bei dor Eid- coliHo.) Ncdorl. Oonoosk. Amsterdam 62 2 1018 (820-838) ; AVork. Gen. Nat. gonees. Heelk. (.ser. 2) 9 1010 (104-203). 119 Ulenhuth, E. Studion zur Lin sen - regeneration bei don Ampbibion. 1. Beitrag zur Dopigmentirung dor Iris, mit Bemerkungen iiber dor Wert dor Keizphysioiogio. Arch. Entw. Mech. Berlin 1919 (73 pp.) 0 pis. 120 Van Denburgh, J. and Slevin, J. 11. 'I'he Gopher-Snakes of AVestern North America. San Francisco Proc. Acad. Sci. 9 1010 (107-220) pis. xi-xiii. 121 Versluys, J. Uber die Phylogenio dor Schlafengruben und Jochbogen bei den Reptilia. Heidelberg. Sitzb. Akad. AViss. 13 1910 (1-29). ^ 122 Vinlleton, L. Epit>hyso8 ot oartilago do oonjugaison dos Saurop8id6s. Paris 0. R. Acad. Sci. 169 (300-308). 128 Wall, F. Notes on a Collection of Snakes made in the Nilgiri Hills and the adjacent AVynaad. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (562-684) 3 pis. 124 Wall, F. A. Popular Treatise on the Common Indian Snakes (contd.). Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (430-437 803-810) pis. xxvii xxviii. 126 Watson, D. M. S. The Structure Evolution and Origin of the Amphibia. The “Orders” Rachitomi and Stereo- spondvli. London Trans. R. Soc. B- 209 1919 (1-73) pis. i-ii. 126 Watson, H. M. S. Notes on Mr. Kestevon’s Paper on the Pterygoids in Reptilia and Amphibia and the Parasphenoid. J. Anat. London 53 1919 (239-240). 127 5631 Wegner, 'F. Chelonia gwinneri Wegner aus dem Rupelton von Florshcim a. M. Frankfurt a. M. Abh. Senckonb. Ges. 36 1918 (361- 372) pis. xx§iii-xxx. 128 ' Wiman, C. Ein Archosaurier aus ,, der Trias Spitzbergens. Upsala Bull. Geol. Inst. 16 1919 (81-86). 129 Witte, G. F. de. Revision du genre Phrynobatj^chus Giinth. et description d’une espece nouvellc. Rev. Zool. Afr. Bruxelles 6 1919 Fasc. 2 (1-9). 130 Woerdeman, M. W. Beitriigo zur Entwicklungsgcschichtc von Zahnen und Gebiss dor Reptilion. Arch. Mikr. Anat. Bonn. 1919 (104-244) 7 pis. 131 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. STRUCTURE. Visceral Anatomy. Attwood, 8. Nervous System. Hanson, 69 ; Hollander, 73,; Kap pers, 79 ; Tright, 119. . Tegumentary System. Kollman, 82. Osteology. Allis, 3; Andrews, 4; Arthaber, 7; Bolkay, 22, 23 ; Boulenger, 39 ; Broom 41, 42; Case 43, 44; Drevermann, 57 FUrbringer, 62 ; Gilmore, 63, 65 Haughton, 71 ; Kesteven, 80 ; Lull, 87 ; Osborn and Mook, 95 ; Procter, 100 ; Versluys, 122 ; Vialleton, 123 ; Watson, 126, 127; Wegner, 128; Wiman, 129. Myology. Adams, 1 ; Edgeworth, 61. Circulatory System. Benham, 19 ; Goffaux, 66 ; Goodrich, 67; Jolly, 76, 76; Schmidt, 108. Excretory and Reproductive Sys^ terns. Hadge, 68 ; Patzfelt, 90, Subject Index— Structure. 8 Htyl. XVI. Reptilia PHYSIOLOGY. Fertilization Bataillon, 15. Experiments on ^velopment ; Allen, 2 ; Baldwin, 9 ; Fellamy, 18 ; Broek, 40 ; Cotronei, 52, 53 ; Duerken, 58 ; Kollmann, 81 ; Leplat, 85 ; Mon- iioolli, 94; Terni, ill7 ; Uhlenhuth, 120. Drying of eggs ; Lebedipsky and Menzel, 84. Venom; Mitchell, 93; Phisalix and Cains, 97, 98. DEVELOPMENT. (See also Physiology.) Ovum. Hovasse, 74. Embryo. Hewitt, 72. Organogeny. Kidney ; Hartmann, 70 : urogenital system ; Patzelt, 96 : lymph capil- laries; Tranchina, 118 : teeth; Woerde- man, 131. ETHOLOGY. Climate and coloration ; Cyr6n, 54. AETIOLOGY, TERATOLOGY. Evolution , Boulenger, 37 ; Dehaut, 55, 56. Variation ; Lundblad, 88 ; Procter, 101. Sexual dimorphism ; Boulenger, 88 ; Kahn, 77. Teratology; Benham, 19 ; Goffaux, 66 ; Patzelt, 96. FAUNAE. A. Actual. Palaearctic. Europe ; Bolkay, 21 ; Chabanaud, 45 ; Maluqeur, 89 ; Mertens, 91 ; Pr6aubert, 99. Asia ; Barbour and Dunn, 13 ; Boulenger, 30, 31 ; Lantz and Cyr^n, 83 ; Roux, 103. Nearctic. Barbour, 10 ; Blanchard, 20; Bou- lenger, 28 ; Dunn, 59, 60 ; Ruthven, 104 ; Steineger and Barbour, 118 ; Van Denburgh and Slevin, 121. and Batrachia. [1919] Neotropical. South America ; Beebe, 16, 17 ; Boulenger, 28, 29, 82 ; Ruthven, 105. West Indies; Barbour, 11, 12; Barbour and Ramsden, 14 ; Schmidt, 106. Ethiopian. Africa ; Boulenger, 24, 25, 33-36 ; Chabanaud, 47-50 ; Hewitt, 72 ; Methuen, 92; Schmidt, 107; Witte, 130. Madagascar ; Methuen, 92. Indian. Continent ; Annandale, 5, 6 ; Bou- lenger, 26, 27 ; Chabanaud, 46 ; Smith, 110-112 ; Wall, 124, 125. Philippines ; Taylor, 115, 116. Australian. Australia ; Sternfeld, 114. Now Guinea ; Kampen, 78 ; Rooy, 102. Now Zealand ; McCulloch, 90. B. Fossil. Pormo-carboniferous ; Case, 43, 44. Permian ; Gilmore, 63. Permo-triassic ; Broom, 41, 42 ; Haughton, 71. Triassio ; Drevermann, 57 ; Wiman, 129. Jurassic ; Boulenger, 39. Cretaceous ; Gilmore, 64. Eocene ; Andrews, 4 ; Loomis, 86. Oligoceno ; Wegner, 128. Pleistocene ; Chapman, 51. III.— S YSTEMATIC. REPTILIA. Of Karroo, Haughton 71. LACERTILIA. Geckonidae. Qecko tnindorensis sp. n. Philippines, Taylor Philip. J. Sci. 14 p. II5 fig. Oonatodes dickersoni sp. n. Ituri, Schmidt Bull. Amer. Mus. 39 p. 436 fig. 9 Bept. Systematic — Rbptilia. 5631 Hemidactylus ituriemis sp. n. Congo, Schmidt t.c. p. 465 figs. Lepidodaclylufi nanjancnsis sp. n. Tayloti Thilip. J. Soi. 14 p. 113. Lygodactylvs depressus sp. H. Congo, Schmidt Bull. Amer. Mus. 39 p. 466 fig. Sphaerodaclyhts scaber p. 126 ]>1. iii fig. 3, intermedius j). 211 spp. n. Cuba, Barbour and Ramsden Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 47, — S. hecki sp, n. Navassa, W. Indies, Schmidt Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 p. 520. Urotlatidae. Uroplatiis fimbriatus urogenital system, Hadge 68. Agamidae. Amphibolunis reticulatus major, bar- batua minor subspp. n. C. Australia, Sternfbld Mitt. Scnckenb. Ges. 1 p. 78. Japalura flaviceps p. 16, sple^idida p. 18 spp. n. China, Barbour and Dunn jProc. N. Eng. Zool. Club. 7. Iguanidae. Atiolis nibribarbua p. 166 pi. ix figs. 2, 3, quadriocellifer p. 168 pi. x fig. 1, allogiia p. 159 pi. x fig. 2 spp, n, Cuba, Barbour and Ramsden Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 47. — A. ajwllinaria' sp. n. Colombia, Boulenoer P.Z.S. 1919 p. 79 fig.— longiceps, latiroslria p. 621 Navassa, W. Indies, olssoni p. 522 Santo Domingo spp. n., Schmidt Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. Chamaelinorops gen. n. (nr. Anolis) barbouri sp. n. Navassa W. Indies, Schmidt t.c. p. 623. Cyclnra portoricensis sp. n. Porto Rico, Barbour Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington 32 p. 146 figs. Liocephalus raviceps from Cuba, Barbour 11. Anguidae. Celealus W. Indian spp., Barbour 11. Varanidae. Varanus acanthurua brachyurus subsp. n. C. Australia, Sternfeld Mitt. Senckenb. Ges. 1 p. 78. (n 13799 d) Q TbiidAe. Ameiva navaasae sp. n. Navassa W. Indies, Schmidt Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 p. 624.— .d, ameiva, colour variation, Beebe 17^ Proctoporua bogotenaia sp. n. Colombia, Boulenoer P.Z.S. 1919 p. 80 fig. Lacertidae. Acanlhodaclylus boakianua euphra- ticiia subsp. n. Euphrates, Boulbnger Ann. Mag. Hist, (9) 3 p. 549. Eremiaa nitida garamhensia subsp. n. Congo, Schmidt Bull. Amer. Mus. 39 p. 611 figs. — E, lugubria evolution, Boulenoer 37, Ichnotropia chapini sp. n. Congo, Schmidt t.c. p. 508 fig. Lacerta muralis coloration, races, Dehaut 55, 56 ; L. muralia riveii var. n. Greece, Chabanaud Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 p. 23. — L. muralia albnnica var. n. Albania, Bolkay Glasn. Mus. Bosni i Herzegovini 31 p. 12. — L. erhardi veithi var. n. Albania, Bolkay t.c. p. 12 pis. iii, iv. — L.jiumana Mkhelyi var. n. Herzegovina, Bolkay t.c. p. 17 pi. V figs. 2, 4. — L. praticola pon- tica sub.sp. n. Black Sea Basin, Lantz and Cyren Ann. Mag. N.H. (9) 3 p. 30. — L. langi sp. n. Congo, Schmidt Bull. Amer. Mus. 39 p. 492 figs. — L. aerpa races, Mertens 91. Lataslia kidwelli sp n. S. Africa, Boulenoer Tr. R. Soc. S. Afr. 8 p. 39. SCINOIOAE. Algiroidea nigropunctatus concolor var. n. Albania, Bolkay Glasn. Mus. Bosni i Herzegovini 31 p. 18. Egernia atriata sp. n. C. Australia, Sternfeld Mitt. Senckenb. Ges. 1 p. 79. Lygosoma nigriventre p. 141 fig., longicaudatum p. 143 fig. spp. n. New Guinea, De Rooy Bydr. Dierk. 21. — - L. (Hirmlia) leonhardii p. 79, quat- tuordecimlineatu7n p. 80, spp. n., fas- ciolatum intermedium p, 81 subsp. n. C. Australia, Sternfeld Mitt. Senckenb Ges. 1. — L. {Homolepida) petersi nom. n. = L. muelleri Peters non> Schlegel, Sternfeld t.c. p. 81. — L. {Rhodona) planiventrale desertorum subsp. n. C. Australia, Sternfeld t.c. p. 82. d5 10 Repl. XVI. ReptiUa and Batrachia. [1919] Mabuia sudanensis sp. n. Sudan, Schmidt Bull. Amer. Mus. 39 p. 530 pi. XXV. Siaphos kempi sp. n. Philippines, Taylor Philipp. J. Sci. 14 p. 118 fig. Sphenomorphua lednickyi p. 120 fig., llanoai p. 121 fig. spp. n. Philippines, Taylor t.c. Tiliqua ocQipitalis muUifasciata subsp. n. C. Australia, Sterufeld Mitt. Senckenb. fies. 1 p. 79. Chamaeleontidae. Chamaeleon etiennei p. 674, iturienais p. 689 figs. spp. n. Congo, Schmidt Bull. Amer. Mus. 19. OPHIDIA. Of N. and W. Africa, Boulenger 33, 34 ; of India, Wall 125. Glauooniidae. Qlauconia kafubi sp. n. Congo, Boulenger Rev. Zool. Afr. 7 p. 186. Typhlopidae. Typhlops fletcheri sp. n. Nilgiri Hills, Wall J. Nat. Hist. Soc, Bombay 26 p. 656 figs. — T. leonhardii sp. n. C. Australia, Sternpeld Mitt. Sene* kenb. Ges. 1 p. 11 ~T. luzonensis p. 106, manilae p. 106, longicauda p. 108, rugosa p. 109, spp. n. Philippines, Taylor Philippine J. Sci. 14. Colubridae. Ohamaehjcua gen. n., chrislyi sp. n. Ituri, Boulenger Rev. Zool. Afr. 7 p. 22. Bothrolycus ater ,sexual differences in squamation, Boulenger 38. Diadophis punctatus races, Barbour 10. Holarchus . maculaius p. 364 pi. i, burksi p. 365 pi. ii spp. u Philippines, Taylor Philippine J. Sci. 13 D. Hydrophis siamensis and H, cyano- cinctus, Smith 110. Lampropeltis gelulua fldridana p. 1 pi. i fig. 1 Florida, yumensis p. 6 pi. i fig. 2 Arizona subspp. n., Blanchard Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Mich. 70. — L. getulus brooksi subsp. n. Florida, Barbour Proc. N. Eng. Zool. Club. 7 p. 2. Lycophidium polylepis sp. n. Ituri, Boulenger Rev. Zool. Afr. 7 p. 21. Pituophis variation. Van Denburgh and Slevin 121. Rhynchelaps anomalus sp. n. C. Aus- tralia, Sternfeld Mitt, Senckenb. Ges. 1 p. 77, Simotes musyi sp. n. Fokien, China, Roux Rev. Zool. Suisse 27 p. 61 figs. Tropidophorua robinaoni p. 223, thai p. 226, spp. n. Siam, Smith J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3. Xenocalamua imnsvaalensia sp. u. Transvaal, Methuen P.Z.S. 1919 p. 350. Zarnenia conatrictar viscera, Att- wood 8. Viperidae. Crotalus steinegeri sp. n. Sinaloa, Dunn Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 32 p. 214. Lachesia barbouri, sp. n. Mexico, Dunn t.c. p. 213. Trimereaurua maegregori sp. n. Philip- pines, Taylor Philipp. J. Sci. 14 p. 110 figs, fPTEROSAURIA. \Dorygnathua, Arthaber 7. ’ CROCODILIA. Crocodilua aiamenaia, Smith. ■\ Myatrioauchua planiroatria, Drever- MANN 57. Oateoblepharon gen. n. p. 420, oaborni sp. u. p. 421 figs. Congo, Schmidt Bull. Amer. Mus. 39. Tomiatoma ajricanum, Drevermann 57. |I>IN0SAURIA. Vertebrae from Trias of Spitz- bergen, WiMAN 129. \Baroaaurua, Lull 87. \Camarasauru8t Osborn and Mook 95. ■\Dimelrodon, Gilmore 64. •fEdaphoaaurus cruciger, Case 43. •fTriceratopa, Gilmore 65. 11 Rtpl. SySTEMATIO — BlTRAOHrA. 5831 CHELONIA. Of Catalonia, Maluqubr 89. — Of tho Congo, SoHMiDT 107. '\Aspidereies lalus sp. n. Cretaceous of Alberta, Gilmore Proc. U,S. Nat. Mus. 56 p. 129 pi. xxxvii. "fAgoinphus alabamensis sp. n. Eocene of Alabama, Gilmore t.c. p. 123 pi. XXXV. ^Boremys alberteiisis sp. n. Cre- taceus of Alberta, Gilmore t.c. p. 119 pis. xxxiii, xxxiv. Chdonia givinneri, Wegner 128. '\Cosmochelys geri. n. dolloi sp. n. Eoccnce, Nigeria, Andrews P.Z.S. 1919 p. 314 pi. ii. Emydura macquarrii, Sibbenrock 109 ; from Pleistocene of Victoria, Chapman 51. N curankylus wyomingensis sp. n. Cretaceous of Wyoming, Gilmore Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 p. 113 pis. xxix, XXX. -\Slylemy6 nebracensis. Case 44. tANOMODONTIA. ^Cyclogomphodon gen. n. typo Dia- deynodon platyrhinus, Broom Rec. Albany Mus. 3 p. 227. '\Dicynodon schwarzi sp. n.. Broom t.c. p. 229. ■\Octagomphus gen. n. Woodi sp, n. S. Africa, Broom t.c. p. 229 figs. RHYNCHOCEPHALIA. ^SapTiaeosauruSf Boulbngbr 39. BATRACHIA, EOAUDATA. Osteology, . phylogeny, Bolkay 22, 23. — Sexual characters, Kahn 77. Ranidae. Arthroleplis dendrobates p. 8, spinalis p. 187, spp. n., Congo, Boulenger Rev. Zool. Afr. 7. Gephyrofnantis gen. n., boulengeri. sp. n., Madagascar, Methuen P.Z.S, 1919 p. 351. Hylixalus granuliventris sp. n. Colom- bia, Boulenger P.Z.S. 1919 p. 81. Ixalus variabilis tadpoles, Annan - DALE 6.—/. bombayensis sp. n. Bombay, Annandale Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 124 pi. i fig. 1. — 7. garo, p. 207 Kempiae, p. 208 spp. n. Assam, Boulenger Rec. Ind. Mus. 16. 3Iantidaclylus argenteus sp. n. Mada- gascar, Methuen P.Z.S. 1919 p. 353. Phrynobatrachus synopsis of spp. p. 2, P. boulengeri sp. n. Portuguese E. Africa p. G, Witte Rev. Zool. Afr. 6 fasc. 2. — jP. discodactylus sp. n. Ituri, Boulenger Rev. Zool. Afr. 7 p. 7. • ■ Bana synopsis of American spp., Boulenger 28. — 7?. subsigillata, skull, affinities, Procter 100. — B. ornatis- sima and B. ruddi, Boulenger 24. — B. christyi sp. n. Ituri, Boulenger Rev. Zool. Afr. 7 p. 5. — B. limnocharis syJiadrensis subsp. n, India, Annandale Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 123. Trachymantis nom.n. = Microphrym (praeocc.), Methuen P.Z.S. 1919 p. 352. Engystomatidab. Anhydrophryne gen. n., ratirayi sp. n. Amatola Range, S. Africa, Hewitt Rec. Albany Mus. 3 p. 182 pi. v. Xenorhina gigantea sp. n. New Guinea, van Kampen Bydr. Dierk. 21 p. 40. DyscophidaE. Calluella yunnanensis sp. n. Yunnan, Boulenger Ann. Mag. N.H. (9) 3 p. 648. Pleikodontohyla tuberifera sp. n. Mada- gascar, Methuen P.Z.S. 1919 p. 354. Cystignathidae. Lepidobatrachus = Ceralophrys, Bou- lenger 29. Eieutherodactylus montanus sp. n. Santo Domingo, Schmidt Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 p, 619. Bufonidab. Bufo Chudeaui sp. n. Genegal, Chabanaud Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 p. 454. 12 Rept. [1919] XVI. Reptilia and Bati'achia. Nectophryne Kempi gp. n. AsBam, Boulenger Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 207. Hyla helenae sp. d. British Guiana, IlUTHVEN Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Mich. 69 p. 10 pi. i. Pelobatidab. Aelurophryne gen. n. type Bufo mammatus, Boulenger Rec. Ind. Mus. 16 p. 469. Discoglossidab. Liopehna hamiltoni sp. n. New Zea- land, McCulloch Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. 51 p. 447 pi. XXX. CAUDATA. Dunn 60. Amblystoma^ Monticblli 94. Geomolge = Onychodactylus, Dunn Bull. Mus. Corap. Zool. 62 p. 454. Eurycea larvae, Dunn t.c. p. 468. Molge vulgaris f colour changes, Lund- BLAD 88. 1[Ototrilon gen. n. solidus sp. n. Eocene of Wyoming, Loomis Anier. J. Sci. 47 p. 217 6gs. Triturus grouping of species, Dunn Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 62 p. 447. Plelhodon dorsalis, Dunn t.c. p. 460. tSTEGOCEPHALU. Classification, Watson 126. XVII AVES ARRANGED BY W. L. SOLATER, M.A. CONTENTS. page Titi.es . . . . . . . . - . . . . . 5 SupjECT Index : — Comprehensive and General == 5803: — History . .' 37 Riography — General .. 37 „ Autobiography . . 37 „ Obituary Notices . . * . 37 (Jeneral and Topnlar Treatises . . . . 37 Hibliograpliy . . . . . . 37 Institutions and Collections . . 37 Technique and, Methods . . .. 37 Economics. . .. 37 Conservation and Protection . . 37 Acclimatization and Domestication .. 37 Aviculture. . . . 37 Nomenclature . . 37 Phylogeny and Classification . . . . 37 Structure ~ 5807 : — I’lumage and epithelial structures . . 37 Nervous system and Sense organs . . 37 Osteology . . .. 37 Myology and Tendons . . . . 38 Digestive System. . . . 38 Circulatory System .. 38 IJrinogenital System .. , . . 38 Anatomy of special forms . . 38 Physiology = 5811 .. 38 Embryology = 5815 .. .. V. 38 13709 {7)q d 0 2 Ethology = 5819 : — PAGE General and Miscellaneous .. 38 Food habits .. 38 l^ligration, General Problems . , .. 38 ,, Regional Observations .. 38 . „ Migration of Single Species .. 38 ,, Bird-marking and Fly-routes .. 39 Flight • .. 39 Parental relations . , . . . . .. 39 Sexual relations and display .. 39 Nidification, General Problems . . . . 39 „ Regional Observations .. 39 ,, Observations on single species . . .. 39 Voice .. 39 Psychology . . . . 39 Colour and Moult. . . . 39 Pathology . . .. 39 Avian Parasitology .. 39 Mortality . . .. 39 Variation and Aetiology = 5828: — Variation .. , , , , 39 Teratology , , , , 39 Hybrids . . . . , . . . 39 Heredity and Evolution . . . . 40 Fossil and Extinct birds t • 40 Geography = 5827 ; — Palaearctic Region 40 Ethiopian Region 42 Indian Region 42 Australian Region 43 Neotropical Region 43 Nearctic Region . . 43 The Oceans . . 44 HI. Systematic: — Archteopl eryges . . 45 Rlieiformes 45 Struthioniformes . . 45 Casuariiformes 45 Dinornithiformes . , 45 A^pyornithiformes 45 Tinamiformes 45 Galliforines 45 Pteroclidiformes . , 4G Columbiformes 46 Ralliforines 47 ^Podicipedi formes . . 47 Colymbiformes . . 47 3’ PAGE Bphenisciformes . . . . * . . . . . . ' . . 47 ProcoDariiformes , . . . ' . , . . . . • • 48 Alciformes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Lanformes . . . . . . . . , . . . 48 Cliaradriiformes . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Gi uifornies . . . . . , . . . . . . 50 Arcleiformes . . . . . . . . , , . . 50 Aiiseriformes . . . . . . . . ; . . . 50 Pelecaui formes .. .. .. .. .. ..51 Cathartidi formes . . . . . . , . . . . . 51 Accipitriformes .. .. .. .. .. 51 Strigiformes . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Psittaciformes . . . . . . . . * . . . 53 Coraciiformes .. .. .. .. .. ..53 Trogones . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Coccyges . . . . . . . . . , .... 55 Scansores . . • . * . . . . . , » . . . 56 Eurylaomifornios . . . . . . . , . . . . 57 Memiriformes . . . • . . . . . . . . 57 Passeriformes . . . . . . • . . . . . . 58 Ptcroplicliidfe .. .. .. .. .. ..58 Coiiopopliagidae . . .*. . . . . . . 58 Pormicariidm . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Dendrocolaptidm . . . . . . . . . . 58 Tyramiidm . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Pipridm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GO Cotingid?e . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Pitfcidae . . . . . . ' . . . . . . , . 60 llirundinidm . , . . . . . . . . . . 60 Muscicapidm . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Campophagidm . . . . . . . . . . 61 Pycnoiiotidm .... . . . . . . . . 61 'J’imeliideo . . . , . . . . . . . . 61 Troglodytidm . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Cinclidee . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Mimidm . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Turdidm . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Sylviidm . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Vireoiddm .. .. .. .. .. ..64 Ampelidm . . . . . . . . . . . , 64 Prioriopidte . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 fjaTiiidie . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Paridre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Regnlidm . . . . . . . . . . 65 Sittidm • .. .. ... .. .. ..65 Certldidm . . . . . . , . . . . . 65 Zosteropidie . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Dicmidie . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 NectariiiiidiB . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 (n- 13790 g) Q d 6-2 4 PAGE Passeriformes — continued Meliphag-idte . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Mniotiltidte . , . . . . . . . . . . 65 Drepanididae . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Motacillidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Alaudidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Fringillidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Coerebidm . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Procniatidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Tanagridae . . , . . . . . . . . . 68 Ploceidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Tcteridm . . . . . . , . . . . . 60 Stiirnidje . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 EulaBetidfB . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Oiiolidae. . . , . . . . . . , . , . 70 Dicruridaa . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Paradiseidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Corvidae . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 5 t\ve/i. Titles. 5800 I.— TITLES. d’Abadie, 11. Sur loa Cormorans IIup})6.s do Bollo- iMlo-on-Mor. Rov. Frai)(;. d’Orn. Fari.a 6 1919 (S1-S9) map. 1 Adams, L. H. A memoir on tlio phylogony of the jaw muscles in recent and fossil vertebrates. New York Amer. Acad. Sci. 28 1919 (51-166 aves 99-101) 13 pis. text-figs. 2 Adlorsparro, A. Nagra iakttagelsor til do hbgro faglarnas psykologi. Fauna ooh Flora Upp.sala 14 i919 (211-217). 3 Ahlaiider, F. E. Forteckning ofvor svensk ornitologisk litteratur. For aren 1913 och 1914 (jamte iildro tillagg). Fauna och Flora Uppsala 13 1918 (328-336). 4 Ailio, J. Die gcographische ICnt- wicklung des Ladogasees in post- glazialor Zeit etc. Helsingfors Bull. Oornm. Oeol. Ilnlando No. 45 1915 (1-157 birds 20). 5 Alexander, JI. G. Late stay of Swift. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (186) ; also J. 11. Gurney (209). 6 Alexander, W. B. The changes in colour of the bill of the Black Moorhen {Gallinula tenebrosa). Notes from Western Australia. Emu Melbourne 19 1919 (58-60). 7 Alexander, W. B. White variety of the Black Moorhen {Gallhiula tenebrosa). The White-winged Wrens. Emu Mel- bourne 19 1919 (136-138) photo. 8 Allen, F. II. The aesthetic sense in birds as illustrated by the (Jrow. Auk Gam bridge Mass. 36 1918 (112-113). 9 Allen, F. H. The Bluc-Avinged Warbler near Boston. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 36 1919 (292). 10 Allen, F. H. The evolution of bird- song. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (528-536). 11 Allen, G. M. Three interesting Great Horned Owls from New England. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (367- 370). 12 Allen, II. J. Glycogen in the Chick ombryo. Biol. Bull. Wood’s Hole Mass. 36 1919 (63-70) 2 pis. 13 Alsop, F. M. The effect of abnormal temperatures upon developing nervous system in chick embryos. Anat. Rcc. - Philadolphia 15 1919 (307-324) 13 figs. 14 Alverdes, F. Die gleichgerichtete starnmosgeschichtliche Entwicklung der Vogel und Saugetiere. Biol. Zentralb. 39 1919 (385-400). 15 Ambrosetti, II. T. NotaS sobre algunas rapaces. llornoro Buenos Aires 1 1919 (287-290). 16 Ammon, L. v. Tertiare Vogelresto von Regensburg und die jungmiozane Vogelwolt. Regensburg Abhandl. naturw Ver. Heft 12 1918 (iv+70) 10 figs. [Plialacrocorax, Ardeay Botauriies, Gallus, Pluisiiums, Anas]. 17 Anderson, C. E. vide Riddle. Anderson, M. B. Malcolm Playfair Anderson. Condor Hollywood Cal. 211919(115-119). 18 Anon. Dr. Coenraad Kerbert (1849- 1919). Ardca Wageningen. 8 1919 (92-93) portr. Arnold, W. W. Maggot-infested Birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (147-148). 20 Ashby, E. Some of Gould’s Types. Emu Melbourne 18 1919 (311-312) ; also White, S.A. (72). ^ 21 Astley, A. Status of the Yellow Wagtail in Westmoreland. Brit. Birds London 1919 (135-136). 22 Astley, II. D. The wattle of Cabot’s Tragopan. Avicult. Mag. London 10 1910 (149-150). 28 0 Avea. XVII. Aves. [1919] Atwell, W. J. and Sitler, I. The early appearance of the aniagen of the pars tuberalis in the hypophysis of the chick. Anat. Rec. Philadelphia 15 1918 (181-187) 5 figs. 24 Bacbler, E, Bcilrage zur Ornitho- logie des Kantons St. Gallen. St. GalJen Jahrb. Nat. Gcs 55 1919 (323- 354) C pis. 25 Bacmeister, W. Die Weidonmeise bci Strassburg. Munchen Verb. Orn. Gos. 14 1919 (150). 26 Bacmeister, W. Zur Nistfrago dor Schwanzmcison. Orn. Jahrb. Halloin 29 1919 (09-71). 27 Bacmeister, W. Bomerkungon zum Brutgcschaft des Mauerseglers {Cypselus apus L.). Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 27 1919(21-27). 28 Bacmeister, W. 1st Anthropoides Virgo in der “ Neuen Namcnlistc der Vogel Deutschlands ’’nicht niit eigener Nummor oinzui’oihcn. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 27 1919 (107-108). 29 Bailey, A. M. Observations on the Water-birds of Louisiana. Natural Hist. N. York 19 1919 (15-71) many photos. * 30 Bailey, A. M. Notes on our Hawaiian reservation. Natural Hist. N. York 19 1919 (383-395) many photos. 31 Bailey, A. M. Louisiana bird refuges. Wilson Bull. Obcrlin Ohio 30 1918(11-13). 32 Bailey, A. M. Tho Brown Pelican — A good citizen. Wilson Bull. Obcrlin Ohio 30 1918 (05-68) photos. 33 Bailey, F. M. Mrs. Olive Thorne Miller. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (163-169) portr. 34 Bailey, P. M. A return to the Dakota Lake region. Condor Holly- wood Cal. 21 1919 (1-11 108-114 157- J02 189-193 225-230). 35 Bailey, F. M. Olive Thorne Miller. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (69- 73) portr. 36 Baily, W. S. Tho Himalayan Siskin {Ohrysomitris spinoides). Avicult. Mag. Jjondon 10 1919 (92-93). 37 Baker, E. C. S. Notes on a collection of birdskins formed by Mr. E. G. Herbert, C.M.Z.S., M B.O.U. Bangkok J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 1919 (177-216 409-443). 38 Baker, E. C. S. The Game-birds of India, Burma and Ceylon. Pts. xxvi, xxvii & xxviii, Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (319-337 705-715 835-906) 3 col. ifiates. 39 Baker, E. C. S, Some notes on Oriental Woodpeckers and Barbets. Ibis London 1919 (181-222). 40 Baker, E. C. S. On tho subspecies of Alcedo meninting. London Bull. Bt. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (30-40). 41 Baker, E. C. S. On the races of Penlhoceryx sonnerali. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (45-17). , 42 Baker, E. C. S. liinorlha chloro- phaia fuscigularis subs]), n. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (77). 43 Baker, E. C. S. Qalloperdix spadacea ■steivarii subsp. n. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 40 1919 (18-19). 44 Baker, E. C. S. Oarine brama fryi sub ip. n. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 40 1919 (60-61). 45 Baker, E, C. S. Further notes on some Oicruridae. Nov. Zool. Tring 26 1919(41-15). 46 Baker, E. C. S. Two interesting albinos. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 16 1919(167). 47 Baker, E. C. S. Notes on two collections of birds from Soistan. Roc. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 18 1919 (121-134). 48 Baker, E. C. S. vide, Whistler. Baldwin, S. P. Bird-banding by means of systematic trapping. New York Abs. Proc. Linh. Soc. No. 31 1919 (25-56) 7 pis. 49 Bangs, O. Tho races of Dendroica vitellina Cory. Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 62 1919 (493-495). 50 Bangs, O. Notes on American Short- oared Owls. Cambiidge Mass. Proc. N. Engl. Zool. Cl. 6 1919 (95-98). 51 Bangs, O. A new Striated Grass Warbler from tho Philippines. Cam- bridge Mass. Proc. N. England Zool. Cl. 7 1919 (5-6). 52 Bangs, 0. and Penard, T. E. Some critical notes on birds. Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 63 1919 (21-10). 63 7 Aves. Titles. 5800 Bangs, 0. and Penard, T. E. Tho name of the Common Jungle Fowl. Cambridge Mass. Proc. N. Engl. Zool. Cl. 7 1919 (23-25). 54 Bannerman, I). A. List of tho birds of the Canary Islands, with detailed reference to the migratory spacics and the accidental visitors. Part i. Corvidae- Sylviidae (84-131). Part ii. Turdidae- Hirundinidae (291-321); Part iii. Picidae-Sulidae (457-495). Part iv. Anatidae-Laridae (708-764). Ibis Lon- don 1919. 55 Bannerman, D. A. Note on two rare Ibises (Lampribis). On two now African birds {Cercococcyx and Saroth- rura). On a male example of Spermo- spiza polidgenya. On a rare Petrel in the Atlantic. London Bull. Brit. Orn. 01.39 1919(4-11). 56 Bannerman, D. A. Note on some rare birds from tho Belgian Congo. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (94-97). 57 Bannerman, D. A. Crateropus tene- hrosus claudei subsp. n. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (99-100). 58 Bartels, M. Ueber einige fuer Java neue Voegel. Treubia Batavia 1 1919 • (51-52). 59 Bartsch, P. The bird rookeries of tho Tortugas. Washington D.C. Ann. Report Smiths. Inst, for 1917 1919 (469-500) map & 36 pis. 60 Baxter, E. V. and Rintoul, L. J. On the Great Crested Grebe as a Scottish breeding species; Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 (67-77); also Robinson, H. W. (197). 61 Baxter, E. V. vide Rintoul. Beaufort, L. F. de en Bussy, L. P. do. Vogels van de Oostkust van Sumatra. [Vogel der Ostkiisto von Sumatra.] Amsterdam Bydragen Dierkunde 21 1919 (229-276) map. 62 Becher, S. Fliigelf arbung der Kolibris und geschlechtliche Zuchtwahl. Anat. Hefto Wiesbaden 57 1919 (449-482). 63 Becker, K. Zum Vorkommen dor Mittel-. oder Schnatterente {Ghaulelas- mus sireperus) in Niederosterreich als Brutvogel. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 29 1919 (71). 64 B6d6, P. Notes sur le Corraoran Commun a Sfax [Tunisic]. Rev. Fran?. '' d’Orn. 6 1919 (35-38). 65 Beebe, W. Birds of Bartica district [Brit. Guiana]. Zoologica New York 2 1919 (229-233). 60 Behre, E. H. and Riddle, 0. Tho effect of quinine on the nitrogen con- tact of the egg albumen of Ring-doves. Amer. J. Physiol. 50 1919 (364-376), ' , 67 Belcher, C. F. Nesting of Uganda birds. J. E. Afr. and Uganda N.H. Soo. No. 16 1919 (473-478). 08 B6ldi, Oraf G. Ornithologischo Notizen aus West-Persien und Meso- • potamien./ Aquila Budapest 25 1919 (89-101 Magyar & German). 69 Belt, A. (edited by). Notes on the local fauna, etc., etc., for 19l8. Hast- ings and E. Sussex Nat. 3 No. 2 i019 (1-3). 70 Bent, A. C. Geographical variation in the Black-throated Loons. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 36 1919 (238-242). 71 Bent, A. C. Life histories of North American Diving Birds. Order Pygo- podes. Washington D.C. BuU. U.S. Nat. Mus. No. 107 1919 (xiv-f-239) 55 pis. 72 Berg, B. Stlllsynta F&glor. Andra Samlingen. Skrantarnan {Sterna caspia)^ Dvargtarnanj( /Sterna minuta), Gr&g&son {Anser cinereus) (1-342) many photos Stockholm (Norstedt) 1919 4to. 73 Bergman, S. Fran Islands fagelvarld. Fauna od Flora Uppsala 14 1919 (241-254) 4 photos. 74 Bergtold, W. H. The Crow in Colorado. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (198-205). 75 Berney, F. L. An ornithologist with the A.I.F. in Egypt and Palestine. Emu Melbourne 19 1919 (43-48). 76 Bertoni, A. de W. Especies de aves nuevas para el Paraguay. Hornero Buenos Aires 1 1919 (255-258). 77 Beveridge, F. S. The birds of North Uist. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 (17-24, 94, 193) ; also Harting, J. E. (78) and Smalley, F. W. (169-170). ' 78 8 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1919J Blaauw, F. E. On the eclipse plumage of Spermo'pMla pileaia. Ibis London 1919 (83-84). 79 Blaauw, F. E. On the plumage - development of Net lion torquatum, Poecilonetta eryihrorhyncha and Anas unduJata. Ibis London 1919 (454-45C). 80 Blackwelder, E. Notes on the sum- mer birds of the Upper Yukon region, Alaska. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 67-34). 81 Bflathwayt], F. L. The late Dr. J. Wiglesworth. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (52-55) portr. 82 Boetticher, H. v. Ornithologischo Beobachtungenin der ]\Iuss-Alla-Gruppe (Rila-Gebirge) 1916-19. J. ^ Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (233-257). 83 Bolam, G. On the effect of the winter of 1916-17 on bird-life. Vascu- lum Hexham 4 1918 (9-12) ; also J. S. T. Walton (34-35). 84 Bolam, G. Ornithological Miscel- lanea. Vasculum Hexham 4 1918 (86-90). 85 Bolam, G. Some winter wildfowl (in Northumberland). Vasculum Hex- ham 5 1919 (145-152) figs. 86 Bonhote, J. L. Bird-liming in Lower Egypt, with an introduction on the need for protection of birds in Egypt by Major S. S. Flower (ii-f 9). Cairo (Govt. Press) 1919 1. 8vo. 87 Boring, A. M. and Morgan, T. H. Lutear colls and hon-feathcring. J. gen. Physiol. New York 1 1918 (127-131) 4 figs. 88 Boubier, M. Les cinq evontails do migration dcs oiscaux do . la fauno palearctique. Geneve Bull. Soc. Zool. 2 1919 (216-228) map. 89 Boubier, M. Du balancoment or- ganiquo ontro les longueurs compar^es do I’aile et du tarse choz les oiscaux. Rev. Franf. d’Orn. Paris 6 1919 (49-50). 90 Boubier, M. La distribution geo- graphique des Manchots (Spheniscides) et sur I’interpretation geophysique. Rev. Pran9. d’Orn. Paris 6 1919 (131- 136). 91 Boule, M. Los Grottos do Grimaldi Baousse-Rousse), vol. i fasc. iv Geologic et Paleontologio Oiseaux (299-331 342-344) pis. 36-41 Monaco 1919 4to. 92 Bowdish, B. S. vide Philipp. Boyd, A. W. Birds in the north of Franco 1917-18. Ibis London 1919 (56-77). 93 Bradbury, W. C. Nesting notes on the Rocky Mountain Creeper. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (49-52) 4 photos. 94 Bradbury, W. 0. Some notes on the egg of JE^yornis maximus. Condor Hollywood ^Cal. 21 1919 (97-101) 4 photos. 95 Brewster, W. An undescribed race of Honslow’s Sparrow. Cambridge Mass. Proc. N. Engl. Zool. Cl. 6 1918 (77-79). 96 Brimley, C. S. and H. H. vide Pear- son. Brookes, G. B. Report on investi- gation in regard to the spread of Ih'ickly Pear by the Scrul)-Turkey {MegapoUius lumulus). hhmi l\li4 bourne 18 1919 (288-292). 98 Brooks, W. S. Two interesting addi- tions to the collection of the Boston Society of Natural History : Oavia pacifica, Squalarola sqvatarola. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (589). 99 Brooks, W. S. An undescribed Song Sparrow from Alaska. Cambridge Mass. Proc. N. Engl. Zool. Cl. 7 1919 (27). 100 Brouwer, G. A. and Verwey, d. Waarnomingen van hot “ Trekstation Noordwijk aan Zee.” Ardea IVagen- ingen 8 1919 (1-91) map et. ot. 101 Brown, A. Report on the birds of Epping Forest for 1919. London Trans. Nat. Hist. Sue. for 1918 1919 (30-37). 102 Bryant, H. W. A holiday trip to the far Upper Murray. Emu Mel- bourne 19 1919 (62-68). 103 Buchner, O. Ueber Albinismus in der Tierwelt Wurttemborgs. Stuttgart Jahresh. Ver. Natk. 75 ^1919 (83-128 Vogel 99-106). 104 Buckner, C. D. and others. The normal growth of White Leghorn Chickens. Amer. J. Physiol. Baltimore 47 1918 (393-398). 105 9 Ares. . Titles. 5800 Bimyard, P. F. On the nest- feathers and down of the Blue-winged Teal {Querquedula disaors). Remarks on the Crossbill. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (35-30). 106 Bunyard, P. F. Erythristie eggs of V ayiellus vanellus. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 89 1919 (97-98). 107 Bunyard, P. F. On the cause of Bcratchcs on birds-eggs. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 40 1919 (33-30). 108 Burkitt,J. P. The Wren. Irish Nat. Dublin 28 1919 (85-89). 109 Biirkitt, J. P. Relation of song to the nesting of birds. Irish Nat. Dublin 28 1919 (97-101). 110 Burleigh, T. D. Bird-life in south- western France. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (497-513). Ill Burns, F. L. The ornithology of Chest or County, Pennsylvania. (]^122) 21 illustr. Boston (Gorliam PressJ 1919 8vo. 112 Busing, 0. Die Felsentaubo {Riparia rupestris Scop.) in Tirol. Orn. Mon- atsbor. Berlin 27 1919 (104-105). 113 Bussy, L. P. do vide Beaufort. Butler, A. G. Further notes on growth of markings and. colour. Avicult. Mag. London 10 1919 (43-45) I pi. 114 Butterfield, E. P. Cuckoos’ eggs and fost(U’ paroiits. Former status of the Starling. Late stay of Swifts. Naturalist London 1919 (110-111). 115 Buxton, P. A. vide Cheesman. Buytendyk, F. J. J. Gewoontovorm- ing by vogcls. (Gcwohnhcitsbildung bei Vbgeln). Amsterdam Work. Gen. Nat. Genees. Hcclk. (2) 9 1919 (237-238) Nedorlandsch Tydschrift Geneeskunde Amsterdam 62 2 1918 (991-992). 116 Cahn, A. R. Notes on the vertebrate fauna of Houghton and Iron Counties, Michigan. Madison Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. 19 1918 pt. 1. 117 Campbell, A. J. Notes on birds from the Gouldian-Gilbcrt * type-locality, North Australia. Emu Melbourne 18 1919 (172-188). 118 Campbell, A. J. Further notes on additions to the “ H. L. White collection.” Emu Melbotirne 18 1919 (254-205). 119 Campbell, A. J. Black and White AVren-Warbler {Malurus lecuopterus). Emu Melbourne 19 1919 (1) pi. i. 130 , Campbell, A. J. The Rosella Parrot {Platycereus eximius) : a sketch. Emu Melbourne 19 1919 (130-132). 121 Cardoso, A. La ornitologia fantastica do los concjuistadores. Hornero Buenos Aires 1 1919 (248-255) 3 figs. 122 Carpenter, N. K. Evidence that many birds remain mated for a number of years. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (28-30) see also J. E. Law (20-27) and L. 11. Miller (77-80). 123 Carriger, H. W. and Wells, G. Nesting of the Northern Pileated Woodpecker. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (153-150) photo. 124 Cathelin, F. Principcs do geometric appliques par I’oiscau dans la construc- tion do son nid. Rev. Fran9. d’Orn, Paris 6 1919 (1-0). 125 Cathelin, F. Comment I’oiseau re- trouve-t-il et aborde-t-il son nid. Rev. Franc. d’Orn. Paris 6 1919 (110-114). 126 Chance, E. Observations on the Cuckoo. Brit. Birds 12 1919 (182-184) 13 1919 (90-95). 127 Chapman, A. Bird notes on the Borders 1918-19. Vasoulum Hexham 5 1919 (152-155). 128 Chapman, F. M. Notes from a traveller in the tropics. Bird-Lore Harrisburg Pa. 21 1919 (11-15 87-91 157-164 ^33-341) many photos. 129 Chapman, F. M. William Brewster, 1851-1919. Bird-Lore Harrisburg Pa. 21 1919 (277-280) portr. and other photos. 130 Chapman, F. M. Descriptions of proposed new birds from Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile. [Microsittace, V pueerthia, Cincloides, Leptasthenura, Siptornis, Pseudochloris^ Atlapetes, Di- glossa, Oreomanes, Tangara, Amhly- cercu-s]. New York Bull. Amer. Mus. N. H. 41 1919 (323-333). 131 Chapman, F. M. Descriptions of proposed new birds from Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and Colombia. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 32 1919 (253-268) 3 text- figs. 132 Chapman, F. M. vide Oberholsor. 10 Av^s. XVII. Aves. ri9i9] Cheesman, R. E. and Buxton, P. A. Remarks on i Passer moabiiictcs meso- potamicus, London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 40 1919(59-60). 138 Chernel von ChernalhAza, S. Die Siberische Drossel {Turdus sibiricus Pall.) eino neuo Ersclieinung in der Vogelfauna Ungarns. Aquila Buda- pest 25 1919 (7-13 Magyar & Germ.), 134 Chernel v. Cbernelbdza, S. Herbst- beobachtungen aus der Gegend von Balatonsee in Jahre 1918. Aquila Budapest 25 1919 (115-126 Magyar & Germ, resume) 2 figs. 135 Chernel von Chernelhdza, S. Nomen- clator avium regni Hungariae (1-76) Budapest 1918 (bound up in Aquila Budapest vol. xxv). 136 Chisholm, A. H. Bell-birds {Oreoica cristata) and caterpillars. Emu Mel- bourne 18 1919 (295-297) photo. 137 Chisholm, A. H. Introduced birds in Queensland. Emu Melbourne 19 1919 (60-62). 138 Chubb, C. Notes on the family Dendrocolaptidae, with suggestions for its division. Ann. Mag. N. H. London (9) 3 1919 (273-275). 139 Chubb, C. New forms of South American birds. Ann. Mag. N. H. London (9) 4 1919 (301-304) {Perissotri- cus, Atalotriccus, Pipromorpha, Elae- nid\. 140 Chubb, C. Notes on collections of birds in the British Museum, from Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Argentina. Part i. Tinamidae-Rqllidae. Ibis Lon- don 1919 (1-55) 1 pi. 2 text-figs ; Part ii. Podicepediformes - Accipitriformes ibid (256-290). 141 Chubb, C. Oh a now genua, Polio- lamia and four new Yi\aciH{8ckmrus) of Amorioaii birds. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (41-42). 142 Chubb, C. Descriptions of new forms of Dendrocincla and Xenops. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (51-53). 143 Chubb, C. On a new genus, Sticto- myrmornis and five new subspecies of the genera Synallaxis, Automolua, Philydor, Dendrocincla. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (59-61). 144 Chubb, G. On two new forms of Pseudochloris. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (70-72). 145 Chubb, C. Synallaxia macconnelli sp. n. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 p. 78. 146 Chubb, C. Note on the first British captured example of the Needle-tailed Swift {Ghaetura caudacuta). On a nest of a Blackbird with four eggs and three of the Song-Thrush. Lopkotriccus macconnelli sp. n. described. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (90). 147 Chubb, C. On a new genus of Tyrannidae. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (98-99). 148 Chubb, C. Description of two new American birds [^Legatus]. London Bull. Brit. Orn, Cl. 40 1919 (42-44). 149 Chubb, C. New South American birds Myiodynaatcs'\. Lon- don Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 40 1919 (61- 62). 150 Chubb, E. C. A skeleton of the Dodo (Didus ineplus). Durban Ann. Mus. 2 1919 (97-99) 1 pi. 1 text-fig. 151 Clark, H. L. Echinoderms in birds’ stomachs. 'Science New York 51 1919 (594-595). 152 Clarke, J. M. The new Gaspe Bird- sanctuaries. Natural Hist, N. York 19 1919 (373-382) many photos. 153 Clarke, J. P. S. New birds from Somaliland {W arsanglia nov., Ger- comela. Micropus, Alaemon, Tschagra']. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 40 1919 (48-50). 154 C[larke], S. R. The late Frederick Du Cane Godman, F.R.S. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (258-259). 155 Clarke, W. E. An old-timo record of tho brooding of tho White Stork in Scotland. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 (25-26). 156 C[larke], W. ,E. The Starlings of Shetland, Fair Isle and St, Kilda. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 (183-185). 157 Clarke, W. E. Wild Swans observed in the Western Highlands in summer. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 (196-197). 158 11 AvC8. Titles. ‘5800 Cleland, J. B. The birds of Pilliga Scrub, New South Wales. Emu Mel- bourne 18 1919 (272-286) map. 159 Cleland, J. B. The food of Australian birds. An investigation into the char- acter of the stomach and crop con- tents. Sydney Dept. Agr. N.S.W. Sci. Bull. No. 15 1918 (1-112). . 160 Coker, R. E. Habits and economic relations of the Guano birds of Peru. Washington Proc. tJ.S. Nat. Mus. 56 1919 (449-511) 17 pis. 161 Cole, C. F. Notes on the food of the Swift Parrot {Lathamus discolor). Notes on the food of the Yellow Parrot {Platijcercus flaveolus). Emu Mel- bourne 19 1919 (128-129). 162 Cole, L. J. and Lippincott, W. A. The relation of plumage to ovarian condition in a Barred Plymouth Rock Pullet. Biol. Bull. Wood’s Hole Mass. 36 1919 (1(17-182) 2 pis. , 163 Collinge, W. E. Some further in- vestigations of the food of Wild Birds. J. Board Agr. London 25 1919 (1444- 1402) 9 figs. & diagrams. 164 Collinge, W. E. Some remarks on the food of the Barn-Owl {Strix jlammea, Linn.). London J. Wild Bd. Invest. Soc. 1 1919 (9-10) 1 fig. 165 Collinge, W. E. Wild birds and dis- tasteful Insect Larvae. Nature London 103 1919 (404, 483); also Speyer (445-440) and Onslow (404). 166 Congdon, E. D. The embryonic structure of avian heart muscle, with some considerations regarding its earliest contraction. Anat. Rcc. Philadelphia 15 1918 (135-150) 10 figs. 167 Contreras, M. do. Un nouvel oisoau americain admis dans la fauna beige. La Moucttcfuligincuse Laras fuUginosus Gould. Gerfaut Bruxelles 1919 (19-22) fig. 168 Coopman, L. Alfred Sacr6. Gerfaut Bruxelles 1919 (3-10). 169 Coopman, L. Lo Pipit gorge-rousso Anthus cervinus (Pall.). Gerfaut Bruxelles 1919 (48-58 79-87). 170 Cordes, H. F. Uebersicht der von mir wahrend der Kriegsjahre 1917-18 in Russland gesammelter Gelege^ Zs. Ool. Orn. Berlin 24 1919 (57-00). 171 Cory, C. B. Catalogue of the Birds of the Americas and the adjacent Islands in the Field Museum of Natural History. Part ii. No. 2. Families Trogonidae, Cuculidae, Capitonidae, Rhamphastidae, Galbulidae, Bucconi- dae, Picidao. Chicago 111. Field Mus. Pub. Zool. Ser. 13 1919 (310-007) 1 pi. [Coccyzus, Nys talus, Soroplex, Chrysoptilus, Geleus, Crocomorphus]. > 172 Cory, C. B. Descriptions of new birds from South America. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 36 1919 (88-89). [Tardba, Erionoius, Drymophila, Furnarius, Gin-> cloides], 178^ Cory, C. B. New forms of South American Birds and proposed new subgoncra. Auk Cambridge Mass; 36 1919 (273-270). 174 Cory, C. Bi Descriptions of throe now South American birds. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 36 1919 (540-541) [Auto- molus, Xiphocolaptes, Dendrocolaptes]. 175 Cory, C. B. A review of Reichen- bach’s genera Siptornis and Granio- leuca, with descriptions of now allied genera and a subgenus. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (149-100). 176 Cory, C. B. The relationships and geographical distribution of the species and races belonging to the genus JRhynchocyclus. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (217-224). 177, Coward, T. A. The birds of the British Isles and their eggs. 1st ser^ (Corvidae to Sulidae). (vii-f 370) 242 col. & 65 other pis. London (Warno) 1919 sm. 8vo. 178 Coward, T. A. Notes on the Verte- brate Fauna of Cheshire and South Lancashire. Lancs, and Chesh. Nat. Darwen 11 1919 (229-232 235-242 267-270). 179 Crandall, L. S. Sarcidiornis sylvicola in Venezuela. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (419). 180 Csorgey, T. tJebcr die Saatkrahon in Torokkanizsa. Aquila Budapest 25 1919 (194-199 Magyar & Ger- man). 181 12 Avti. XVII. Aves. [1919] • Cunningham, J. T. Results of a jneiidelian expciiment on fowls, in- cluding tho production of a pile breed. London Proc. Zool. Soc. for 1919 1919 <173-202) 1 pi. 182 Currie, A. J. Occurrence of Indian Red-broastcd Flycatcher {Siphia hijpery- ihra) in the lleccan. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (667). 183 Currie, C. 0. Birds of a Gippsland Oardcn. Victorian Naturalist 36 1919 (85-88). 184 Dabbone, R. Las ospociea y sub- ospooios Argontinas do los g6iuu'os Qeosilta Swainson y Cinclodes Gray. Buenos Aires An. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. 30 1919 (113-196) 2 maps 7 text-figs. 185 Dabbene, R. Lariformes de la Ropublica Argentina (Parte 3a). Hor- noro Buenos Aires 1 1919 (213-220). 186 Dabbene, R. Notas sobre una coleccion de aves de la isla de Martin Garcia, llornero Buenos Aires 1 1919 (236-248). 187 Dabbene, R. Especies de aves poco comunes o nuevas para la Republica Argentina. Hornero Buenos Aires 1 1919 (259-266) ; also Physis Buenos Aires 4 1919 (551-558). 188 Damnierman, K. W. Landbouwdior- kundo van Oost-lndio. Do schadolijko on nuttige dieren voor land-, tuin- en boschbouw in Oost-Indie. (x-|-368, aves 231-244) many illustr. Amster- dam (Bussy) 1919 1. 8vo. 189 Danforth, C. II. The developmental relations of brachydactyly in tho domestic fowl. Amer. J. Anat. Phila- delphia 25 1919 (97-1 15) 5 figs. 190 Dart, R, Lo. Capture interessante (on Calvados] {Cursorius gallicAis). Rev. Fran9. d’Orn. Paris 6 1919 (28). 191 Dawson, H. Extension of range of tho Bronze-winged Dove {Chalcopftaps indica). Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (671-672). 192 Dawson, W. L. Tho Solitaires of Shasta. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (12-21) photo. 193 Dennler, G. Dio hirnanatomisch bogriindeto Sondorstellung von Jynx torquilla, Ein Beitrag zur Systematik der Vogel. Falco Halle 15 1919 (7-10). 194 De Vries, T. Medcdeclingen be- trelfendo Ncderlandsche broedvogels. Ardea Wageningon 8 1919 (117-124). 195 Dietrich, F. Ornitlu.logische Boobach- tungen in Bclgien. Zs. Ool. Orn. Berlin 24 1919 (102-111). 196 Dixon, J. Wild Ducks as winter guests in a City Park. Washington D.C. Nat. Geogr. Mag. 1919 (331-332). 197 Dobbriok, 1^. Nyrocu riifinu (Ball.) auf dem Drainonseci bei Elbing. Grn. Monutsber. 27 1919 (30-31). 198 Dobbrick, L. Ardeola ralloides (Scop.) am Drausensee bei Elbing crlegt. Orn- Monatsber. Berlin 27 1919 (130-131). 199 Doello-Jurado, M. Nolas sobre nidos do horneros {Funarius). Hornero Buenos Aires 1 1919 (273-284) 1 pi. 200 Donald, C. H. The Birds of Prey of the Punjab. Bombay J. Nat. Hist Soc. 26 1919 (629-655 826-835) 3 pis. 201 Donald, C. H. Some Birds of Prey of Mesopotamia. Bombay J. NaC Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (845-346). 202 Doolittle, E. A. Breeds of tho Black Duck in Lake Co., Ohio. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 36 1 91 9 (560-56 1 ). 203 Douthitt, B. P. Migration j-ecords for Kansas birds. Wilson Bidl. Oberlin Ohio 30 1918 (100-111) 31 1919 (6-20 45-52). 204 Dove, H. S. Migration of Swifts. Emu Melbourne 19 1919 (53-56). 205 Dove, H. S. The Blackbird in Tasmania. Emu Melbourne 19 1919 (70). 206 Dubois, A. D. An experience with Horned Grebes {Colymbus aurilus). Auk Cambridge Ala.ss. 36 1919 (170- 180) 6 photos. 207 Duerden, J. E. The gormplasm of the Ostrich. Amor. Nat. New York 53 1919 (312-337) 3 figs. 208 Duerden, J. E. Crossing tho North African and South African Ostrich. J. Genetics Cambridge 8 1919 (157-198) 1 pi. 2 text-figs. 209 13 Aves. Titles. 5800 Duerden, J. E. Breeding experi- ments with North African and South African Ostriches. iv. Increasing the number of plumes : degeneration and restoration. v. Crossing the North and South African Ostriches. vi. Degeneration. Pretoria Dept. Agr. Union of S.A. Bull. No. 7 1918 (1- 39) No. 3 1919 (1-36) No. 7 1919 (1- 56) many figures. 210 Duerden, J. E. A new adaptive callosity in the Ostrich. Grahamstown Roc. Albany Mus. 3 1919 (190-195) 1 pi. 211 Dupond, C. Le Guillemot do Brun- nich on Belgique {Uria 1. lomvia) (L.) Gerfaut Bruxelles 1919 (87-93) illustr. 212 Dwight, J. Reasons for discarding a proposed race of the Glaucous Gull {Larns hyperhorcus). Auk Cambridge Mass. 86 1910 (2-1 2-248) 2 text-figs. 213 Dwight, J. The relationship of the Gulls known as Larus fuscus and Larus affinis. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (542-546) 2 pis. 214 Dwight, J. Description of a new race of the Western Gull. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (11-14). 215 Earl, T. M. Harris Hawks in Ohio. Wilson Bull. Oborlin Ohio 30 1918 (15- 16). 216 Eckardt, W. R. Warum Jiiohen grbsscro Zugvogcl in dor bekannten Keilform ? Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 27 1919 (45-50). 217 Edwards, L. A. C. Continental Jays in Oxfordshire and Sussex. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (107). 218 Eifrig, C. W. G. Notes on birds of the Cliieago area and its imniodiatG vicinity. Auk Cambridgo Mass. 86 1919 (513-524). 219 Eifrig, C. W. G. The birds of the sand dunes of north-western Indiana. Brookville Ind. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1918 1919 (280-303). 220 Ekama, II. Hot verblijf van enkelo trekvogels in Nederland in 1918. Ardea Wagoningon 8 1919 (94-104). 221 Ekblaw, W. E. Finding the nest of the Knot. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 30 1918 (97-100). 222 Ekblaw, W. E. The food-birds of the Smith Sound Eskimos. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 31 1919 (1-5). 223 Ekblaw, W. E. The Snow Bunting, an arctic study in black and white. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 31 1919 (41- 45). 224 Enomoto, Y. Migration and habits of Swallows in Shikoku. Tori Tokio 2 No. 8 1919 [Japanese]. 225 Erichsen, W. J. Some summer birds of Liberty county, Georgia. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 36 1910 (380-303 590-501). 226 EfvansJ, W. The late Captain Sydney E. Brock. Scot. Nat. Edin- burgh 1919 (27-28). 227 Evans, W. The Great Crested Grebe in Forth. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 (49-50). 228 Evans, W. Woodcock and the safety of their young. Scot. Nat. Edin- burgh 1919 (51-54) ; also Brooksbank, E. (95-96). 229 Evermann, B. W. Nesting of the Wilson Snipe {Gallinago delicata) in California. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (121), also E Wail (207-209). 230 Falz-Fein, F. v. Vortrag iibor die Vogolwelt von Askania-Nova (Taurien). J. Ornith. Loii)zig 67 1010 (227-220). 231 Farley, F. L. The White Pelican, Pehcanns erythrorhyncJios, in Alberta. Canada Fiolti-Nat. Ottawa 33 (38-39). 232 Farley, J. A. Early arrival of the Tree Swallow in Plymouth, Mass. Auk Cambridge Mass. 38 1919 (577- 579). 233 Parwell, E. I). Bird Observations near Chicago (1-102) Chicago (privately printed) [191 9J. 234 Faxon, W. Capt Thomas Brown’s ‘Illustrations of American ornithology of Wilson and Bonaparte.’ Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 36 1019 (623-626). 235 Fechner vide Schuster. Ferdinand, J. Skadegog {Coccysfes glandarius (L.) i. Danmark. Coccystes glandarms found in Denmark. Koben- havn Ornith. Tids. 13 1919 (212-213). 230 14 Av&8. XVII. Aves. [1919] ’ Finch-Davies, C. G. Some notes on Hieraaetus ayresi Gurney Son. - {Lo'pho- triorchis lucani Sharpe et aucto rum). Ibis London 1919 (167-179 785) 1 pi. 237 Finch-Davies, 0. G. South African Hawks. Ibis London 1919 (569-561). 238 Finch-Davies, C. G. Ornithological notes from Walfish Bay. S. Afr. Journ. N. H. Pretoria 1 1919 (265-266). 239 Finckh, H. E. The Spine-tail Swift {Chaetura caudacuta). Austr. Zool. Sydney 1 1919 (210-211) figs. 240 Finn, F. Bird behaviour, (1-303) 44 illustr. London (Ilutoliinsoii) [1919] 8vo. 241 Fischer, W. J. Neuos zur wurt- tembergischen Vogelfauna. Stuttgart Jahresh. Ver Natk. 75 1919 (143-148), 242 Fischer-Sigwart, H. Die Blaudrossel {Monticola cyanea L.) und ihr Vor- kommen in der Schweiz. Orn. Boo- bacht. Basel 17 1919 (33-36). 243 Fischer-Sigwart, II. Uobor don Vogelzug in schweizerischon Mittcl- lande und fiber Vogelflug. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt a. M. 57 1916 (83-97 105-112 130-155). 244 Fleming, J. H. Birds of northren Saskatchewan and northern Manitoba collected in 1914 by Capt. Angus Buchanan. Canada Ficld-Nat. Ottawa 33 1919 (109-113). 245 Flower, S. S. vide Bonlioto. Forrest, H. E. A handbook on the fauna of North Wales. (1-106). London (Witherby) 1919 8vo. 246 Forrest, H. E. Birds in Record of bare facts for the year 1918. Slu-cws- bury Rec. Caradoc and Sev. Valley F. Cl. No. 28 1919 (9-17). 247 Freeman, D. A bird calendar for the Fargo [N. Dakota] region. Fargo Coll. Bull. 15 1919 (9-16). 248 French, J. C. The Passenger Pigeon in Pennsylvania. Its remarkable history, habits and extinction, etc., etc. (1-257) many illustr. Altoona Pa. 1919. 249 Fries, C. Ring dufran som tradgarts- f&gol i Sverige. Fauna ocli Flora Upp- sala 14 1919 (228 -231). 250 Frohawk, F. W. Birds beneficial to agriculture. Bt. Mus. (N.II.) Econ. Ser. No. 9 (1-48) 22 pis. London 1919 8vo. 251 Gabriel, J. On the destruction of Mutton-birds and Penguins at Phillip Island. Victoria Nat. Melbourne 35 1919 (178-180). ' 252 Gabrielsou, I. N. A list of the birds found in Marshall County Iowa. Dos Moines Proc. Iowa Acad. 25 1919 (123-153) map 2 photos. 253 Gairdner, K. G. Notes on two King- fishers. Occurrence of the Bunneso Barred-back Pheasant {Fhasiunns hii- miae b^irmauicus) near (iliiengmai, N. Siam. Bangkok J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 1919 (229). 254 Garnett, D. G. Observations on birds seen in the north-oastern Atlantic Ocean, English Channel and St. George’s Channel, August to October, 1917. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (222-229) map. 255 Garnett, M. Coloration of the soft parts of some birds. Brit. Birds Jjondon 13 1919 (62-63). 256 Gengler, J. Einige kritischo Benicik- ungen zu don palaarktischen Corviden. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (215-223), 257 Gengler, J. Art-Untorart odor Form-Formenkrois. Ornith. Jahrb. Halloin 29 1919 (1-2). 258 Gengler, J. OrnithologiselK'S aus Syrmien. Ornith. Jalub. Halloin 29 1919 (2-32). 259 Gengler, J. and Stresemann, E. Dryobates major balca^iicus subsp. n. Anz. Orn, Gos. Ba3^ Miinchon No. 1 1919 (2). 260 Gerl^ch, R. Ornithologischo Beobach- tungen aus der Gogend ostlich von Reims. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (211-215). 261 Gertz, O. Do forsta iakttagclserna i Sverige angaendo biindolkorsnabben {Loxia leucoptera Gmel. hijasciaia Bjohm), Fauna och Flora Uppsala 14 1919 (159-162). 262 Gibson, E. Further ornithological notes from the neighbourhood of Cape San Antonio, Province of Buenos Ayres. Part ii. Trochilidao- Platuloidae. Ibis London 1919 (495-537). 263 15 Aves. Tit QifTord, E. W. Field notes on the Land-birds of the Galapagos Islands and of Cocos Island, Costa Rica. San Francisco Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (4) 2 pt. 2 1919 (189-258). 264 Gilbert, P. A. Notes on Chestnut- rumped (3ronnd-Wren {Ilylacola pyrrho- pygiaVig. and Hors.). Emu Melbourne 18 1919 (292-295). 265 Gilbert, P. A. The Black-throated Hone3’^-eater {Melithreptus gularis). Emu Melbourne 9 1919 (28-33) 2 photos. 266 Gill, E. L. Crows, Rooks and Star- lings versus Kestrels and Peregrine Faleons. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (23-25). . 267 Gill, E. L. Bird notes from the Hancock Museum (Nowcastle-on-Tyne). Vasculum Hexham 5 1919 (156-158). 268 Gillespie, T. H. The breeding of the King Penguin. Nature London 104 1919 (314). 269 Gilmore, A. F. Birds of field, forest and park. (xii + 318) many illustr. Boston (Page eoy.) 1919 8vo. 270 Gladstone, H. S. A naturalist’s ealendar kept by Sir William Jardine, Bart., LL.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.E., ete., at Jardine Hall, Dumfriesshire, from 1st January to 31st May, 1829. Dum- fries Trans. Nat. Hist. Arch. Soe. (3) 6 1919 (88-124) 1 pi. 1 portr. 271 Gladstone, H. S. Birds and the war. London (Skeffington) 1919 8vo ,* also Nature London 102 1919 (488-489). 272 Godfrey, R. The Birds of the Buffalo Basin, Capo Province ii, S. Afric. Journ. Nat. Hist. Pretoria 1 1919 (195-210). 273 Goodale, H. D. Interstitial eells in the gonads of domestic .fowl. Anat. Rec. Philadelphia 16 1919 (247-250) 4 figs. 274 Goodall, J. M. Breeding of the Curlew in Surrey. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (260-262). 275 Gordon, J. G. MoH. Iceland and its birds. Perth Proc. Soe. Nat. Sci. 6 1919 (187-201). 276 Gosse, P. Notes on the birds of the Balearic Islands. Avicult. Mag. London 10 1919 (243-245) 2 photos. 277 6800 Gowanlock, J. N. vide O’Donoghue. GreatoreXj C. Some ornithological notes from Shetland. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (159-160). 278 Greschik, E. Der Verdauungskanal und der obero Kehlkopf des gelbkop- figen Goldhahnchens {Regulus cristatus Koch). Aquila Budapest 25 1919 (127- 194 Magyar and German) 1 pi. 15 text- figs. 279 Greschik, E. Zur Morphologie des Zungengeriistes des Haus- und Feld- sporlings. Aquila Budapest 25 1919 (200-207) 2 text-figs. 280 Grev6, C. Der Friihjahrsvogolzug in den Ostseeprovinzen Russlands 19i4. Zool. Boob. Frankfurt-a-M. 56 1915 (67-60). 281 Grinnell, G. B. Ruddy Sheldrake on the Atlantic coast. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (561-562). 282 Grinnell, J. The English Sparrow has arrived in Death Valley : an experi- ment in nature. Amer. Nat. New York 53 1919 (468-472). 283 Grinnell, J. Recent additions to the California State list of birds. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (41-42). 284 Grinnell, J. Notes on the Elegant Torn as a bird of California. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (230-234). 285 Grinnell, J. vide Hall. Griscom, L. Further notes from Leon Co., Florida. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (587-589). 286 Grote, H. tJber oinige Vogel der deutschostafrikanischen Siidkiiste. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (298-302). 287 Grote, H. Ornithologischo Beobach- tungen aus dem siidlichen Uralgebiet (Orenburg). Ein Beitrag zur kenntnis der Ornis Ostrusslands. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (337-383). 288 Grote, H, Neue ostafrikanische Vogel- formen. [3Iacrosphenus, Alseonax, Phyllasirephus.'] Orn. Monatsbor. Berlin 27 1919 (62-63). 289 Gudgan, M. Do la diminution des oiseaux dans I’Eure et ses raisons. Rev. Fran9. d’Orn. Paris 6 1919 (147-148). 290 16 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1919J i Guinness, H. Distribution of Jays (in Ireland). Irish Nat. Dublin 28 1919 (12); also G. S. Beveridge (44) and G. H. Pentland (72). 291 Gunthorp, H. A heronry on Lake Cormorant, Minnesota. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (492-496). 292 Gurney, J. H. Ornithological notes from Norfolk for 1918. 25th annual report. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (242-257). 293 Gurney, R. Modern zoological nomen- clature. Norwich Trans. Nat. Soc. 10 1919 (335-352). 294 Guthrie, D. Some bird notes from South Uist. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 (145-150 187-192). 295 Gyngell, W. Common wild birds of the Scarborough district. Naturalist London 1919 (17-20 72-74 105-106 174-180 263-266 333-336). 296 Hadley, P. Egg- weight as a oritorion of numerical production in the domestic fowl. Amor Nat. Now York 53 1919 (377-393). . 297 Haeusler, R. Notes on the acclima- tization of birds. N. Zeal. J. Sci. Tcchn. Wellington 2 1919 (16-18). 298 Hagen, W. Uober die Bedentung des Gesanges und dcr nachtlichcn Wan- derrufe dor Vogel. Orn. Monatsb. Berlin 27 1919 (119-125). 299 Hall, H. M. and Grinnell, J. Life- zone indicators in California. San Francisco Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. (1) 9 1919 (37-67). 300 Hall, R. The eastern Palaearctica and Australia. Emu Melbourne 19 1919 (82-98) 2 photos. 301 Hammling, J. Winter- und Priih- jahrsvbgol anf dcr Wartho (1917) Orn. ]\Ionatsbcr. Berlin 27 1919 (1-3). 302 Hanna, G. D. Notes on birds of the Pribilof Islands. Washington J. Acad. Sci. 9 1919 No. 6. 303 Hansen, M. En Musvaageunge. The life history of a young buzzard. Ko - bonhavn Ornith. Tids. 13 1919 (80-88) 3 figs. 304 Harper, F. A new subspecies of Prunella modularis from the Pyrances. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (243-244). 305 Harris, H. Historical notes on Harris’s Sparrow {Zonotrichia querula). Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (180- 190). 306 i Harris, H. Birds of the Kansas City region. St. Louis Mo. Trans. Acad. Sci. 23 1919 (213-371) maps. 307 Harris, J. A. vide Riddle. Hartert, E. Jigilhalos caudalus pyrenaicus subsp. n. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (40). 308 Hartert, E. Serinus buchanani sp. n. described. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (50-51 59). 309 Hartert, E. On a new Guinea-fowl from Morocco. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (68-69 85-87). 310 Hartert, E. Ammoperdix heyi nicolli subsp. n. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl 40 1919 (3-4). 311 Hartert, E. A now bird from China [Turdus]. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 40 1919(52). 312 Hartert, E. More notes on the Crested Larks of the Nile Valley. Nov. Zool. Tring 26 1919 (36-40). 313 Hartert, E. Types of birds in the Tring Museum. B. Types in the General Collection. i. Covidae to Moliphagidae. Nov. Zool. Tring 26 1919 (123-178). 314 Harvey, W. G. and R. C. Bird notes from Mackay, Q. Emu Melbourne 19 1919 (34-43) 14 photos. 315 Haviland, M. D. and Pitt, F. The selection of Helix nemoralis by the Song-Thrush {Turdus musicus). Ann. Mag. N. H. London (9) 3 1919 (525- 531). 316 Havre, G. van. Faune do Belgique. La Base de Zimmermann {Buteo buleo zimmermannae) Ehmeko 1893. Le Cinclo d’eau a ventre noir {Oinclus cinclus cinclus (L.) 1758. Gerfaut Bruxelles 1919 (14-17 38-39). 317 Havre, G. van. Observations orni- thologiques faites du lor janvier 1914 au 31 d^cembro 1918 ct rcsscmblecs par lo chevalier G. v. H., a Wyncgliem, Gerfaut Bruxelles 1919 (23-32). 318 Headley, F. W. Adult Cuckoo killing nestling birds. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (57). 319 17 Aves. Titles. 5800 Hellmayr/C. E. Troglodytes niusculus honariae and Pseudocolaptes boissone- auiii medianns subspp. n. Anz. Orn. Gos. Bay. Mimchou No. 1 1919 (2-3). 320 Hellmayr, 0. E. JMiscollanca Orni- thologioa iv. xii. V^icr none Formon aus dcni tropisdimi Amcrika. xiii. No- raenklatorisdios. IMiinchcn Verhandl. Orn. Gos. J4 1919 (126-133) {Canlharus, Planesticus]. 321 Hellmayr, C. E. and Laubmann, A. Nomenclator des Vogel Bayerns. (viii-f- 68). Miinchon (G. Fischor) 1916 8vo. 322 Helms, 0. Fuglcnc ved Nakkebolle- fjord. The birds in the environs of the Nakkebollo inlet (Funen). Pt. 3. Kovenhavn Ornith. Tide. 13 1919 (1-32 93-206) 53 text- figs. 323 Henderson, A. Local changes in animal distiibution. vStirling Trans, N. H.and Arch. Soc. 1914-19 1919 (62- 78). 324 Hennemanii, W. Ueber das Auftre- ten dos tSoidenschwanzos im Sauerlande 1918-19. Orn. Monatsb. Berlin 27 1919 (131-133). 325 Honningcr, W. F. Notes on Ohio Birds. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 30 1918 (19-21). 326 Hons, P. A. Eenigo opmerkingen omstront don Valkbuizcrd, Buteo huieo ruficmidus Menzb. ~ Biiieo buteo zim- mermannae Ehm, Jaarber. Nod. Vogclk. Daventer No. 9 1919 (99- 107) 2 pis. 327 Henshaw, II. W. Autobiographical notes. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (102-107 165-171 177-181 217-222). 328 Horinga, G. Do intraprotoplasma- tisehc liggifig dor nourolibrillen in axon en eindorgaan. [Dio intraprotoplas- matischo Lage dor Ncurofibrillen in Axon und Endorgan.] Handl. Nod. Nat. Geneesk. Congres 16 1918 (343- 352). 329 THermitte, J. llcctifications (sur Milvns govinda ot Fraicrcula arctica). Rev. Frany. d’Orn. Paris 6 1919 (139). 330 THermitte, J. Oiscaux observe dans la region de Grenoble (Iserc) ct du Lau tarot (Hautos Alpes). Rev. Frany. d’Orn. Paris 6 1919 (14,5-146). 331 (n-13799 g) g Herrick, F. H. Andubon’s biblio- graphy. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (372-380). . 832 Hess, A. Ein Boitrag zur Avifauna dos Binntales (Wallis). Orn. Beobach. Basel 17 1919 (18-25 35-44). 333 Hess, A. Schrei- und Schelladler im der Schweiz. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 27 1919 (9-10). 334 Hesse, E. Ueber Horstbaum und Stimme des Wesperbussards {Pernis apivorus L.). Aquila Budapest 25 1919 (103-105 Magyar & German). 335 Hesse, E. Der Nachtigallschwirl Locus tella luscinioides Savi, seine Entdeckung und Gegenwartige Verbrei- tung in Deutschland. Altenburg Mitt. Ostorland 16 1919 (372-386). 336 Hesse, E. Zur Ornis des Leipziger Gobictos. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (392-431). 337 Hesse, E. Die Fusshaltung der Trappe {Otis tarda L.) im Fluge. Or- nith. Monatsber. Berlin 27 1919 (77- 79) 2 figs., also Pohl, R. (129-130). 338 Heiirn, W. C. vayi. Reis naar Java via Amerika. Jaarber. Nederl. Vogelk. Deventer No. 9 1919 (73-96). 339 Heyder, R. Neuoro Boobachtungon an Weidonmeise und Schlagschwirl ira Sachsen. Orn. Monatsber, Berlin 27 1919 (31-32). 340 Heyder, R. Ueber Massenziige und Zugstrasseh von Kranich und Saatgans in Sachsen. Hydrobates pelagicus (L.) und Fulmarus glacialis (L.) atif Bor- kum. Ornith. Monatsber. 27 1919 (79- 81). 341 Hildebrandt, H Boitrag zur Ornis Ostthiiringons. Altenburg Mitt. Oster- lande 16 1919 (289-371). 342 Hildebrandt, H. Noch einige Worte fiber die Zugstrassen. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 27 1919 (8-9). 343 Hine, J.. S. Birds of the Katraai region [Alaska]. Ohio Journ. Sci. Columbus 19 1919 (476-486) 5 figs. 344 Hoffmann, B. Ffihrer durch unsero Vogolwelt zum Beobachten und Bestim- men der haufigsten Arten durch Augo und Ohr. Leipzig (Teubner) 1919. 346 d 7 18 Aves. XVll, Aves. [1919] Hoffmann, B. Vom Vogelleben im hintorpommerschen Kustengebiet nebst cincm Vcrgleicli niit der VogehveJt des iUgiiii (Pfroiiton). Miiiichcn Vorhandl. Orn. Gcs. 14 1919 (89-102). 346 Hoffmann, B. Dio Ringcltaubo als Nestrauber und andoros. Oin. Monats- bcr. Boilin 27 1919 (99-101). 347 Hoffmann, B. Zu W. Schusters Aufsatz ,, Freinistendo Hohlenbriitor ” Bd. xlix nr. 9. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 1919 (237-238). 348 Hollister, N. The systematic position of the lling-neckod Duck. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 36 1919 (460-163). 349 Hollister, N. Some changes in the summer bird life at Delaware, Wisconsin. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 31 1919 (103-108). 350 Holt, E. O. Red-bellied Nuthatch {Sitta carolinensis) in Alabama. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (584). 351 Hopkiuson, E. A list of the birds of the Gambia. (1-32) Brighton (Farn- combe) 1919 8vo. 352 Hopkinson, E. The Figoons of the Gambia. Avicult. Mag. London 10 1919 (103-107). 353 Hopkinson, E. Records of birds which have bred in captivity. Bird- notes Aslibourno (3) 2 1919 (17-20, 30-34, 60-^63, 78-82, 107-111, 129-132, 166-170, 182-185, 180 bis-184 bis, 205-208, 225-229, 254-258). 354 Hopwood, C, Notes on some nests recently found in South Tonasserim. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (853-859). 355 H0rring, R. Fugle. I. Andefuglo og Honsefugle. (Danmarks Fauna 23.) The Danish birds. Part I. Anaeriformes and Galliformes. Copenhagen (Gad.) 1919 (1-240) 82 figs. 18| x 12^ cm. 356 Hprring, R. Fuglene ved do dansko Fyr i 1917. 35te Aarsberetning om danskc Fugle. The birds at the Danish lighthouses in the year 1917. 35th annual report. Kobenhavn Nath. Medd. TO 1919 (251-290). 357 Hough, T. B. Notes regarding bird- life in the Stiiwarty (compiled by Capt. G. F. Scott Elliot). Dumfries Trans. Nat. Hist, and Ant. Soc. (3) 6 1919 <48-65). 358 Houssay, F. Sur un indice morpho- logique du vol chez Ics ojseaux. Bull. Mus. Paris 1919 (438-445, 552-558). 1 fig. 359 Howard, H. E. Behaviour of a Cuckoo. Nature London 103 1919 (426). 390 Howell, A. II. Deseriplion of a new Seaside Sparrow [Thryospiza] from Florida. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (86-87). 361 Hubner, M. Im Mai auf Hiddensoe. Zs. Ool. Orn. Berlin 24 1919 (60-74). 362 Hudson, W. H. Birds in town and village. (1-274) 8 col. j)ls. London 1919 8vo. 363 Hunt, C. J. Notes on the February birdlife of southern Mississippi and L(misiana. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 30 1918 (68-75). 364 Hurst, J. W. Utility Ducks and Geese : their successful management etc., with brief notes on some orna- mental Waterfowl. (1-91) many figs. London (Constable) 191 9 8vo. 365 Hutchings, C. B. Bird life in the Bermudas. Ottawa Nat. 32 1919 (111-113). 366 Huxley, J. S. Note on the drumming of Woodpeckers. Brit. Birds London 131919(40-41); also Tracy (88). 367 Huxley, J. S. Some points in the sexual habits of the Little Grebe, with a note on the occurrence of vocal ducts in birds. Brit. Uirds London 13 1919 (155-158). 368 Ibatb, A. Pyrrhnla pyrrhula L. Brutvogel bei Danzig. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 27 1919 (10). 369 Ingram, 0. Down tracts in nestling birds. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (78-79) fig. 370 Ingram, 0. Notes on the height at which birds migrate. Ibis London 1919 (321-325). 371 Iredale, T. vide Mathews. Jackson, A. C. The }noults and sequence of plumages of the British Waders. Pts. x. Brit. Birds liondon 12 1919 (172-179). 372 Jackson, Sir F. Cklorophoncus andaryae sp. n. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (91). 373 10 Avts, Titles. Jackson, S. AV. Haunts of the Letter-winged Kite {Elayius scriptus Gould), with an account of its breeding habits and notes on some other species (in Queensland). Emu Melbourne 18 1919 (100-172) 7 photos. , 374 Jespersen, P. Lidt om Nordfyns Vade- og Svomrncfuglcfanna mod saorligt Hensyn til Oflonso Fjord. Notes on the swimmers and wading biids of Northern Funen, with special reference to the Odense Fjord. Koben- havn Flora og Fauna 1919 ((>5-73). 375 Jones, A. E. A list of the birds found in the Simla hills, 1908-18. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (601-620). 376 Jones, A. E. Further notes on the birds of Ambala district, Punjab. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (675-676). 377 Jourdaiu, F. U. (I Mesopotamian Bird Notes. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (860-861). 378 Jourdain, F. 0. R. Further notes on the breeding of the Groat Skua in the Orkneys. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (170-171). 379 Jourdain, F. 0. It. Tlu; slates of the Common Buzzard in England. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (187-188). 380 Jourdain, F. C. R. Obituary ; Francis Richard Salisbury Baxcndale. Ibis London 1919 (765-768). 381 Jourdain, F. C. R. On the eggs of Pterocles sencgalluf!. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (27-28). 382 Jourdaiu, F. C. R. Ornithological Report (Oxford neiglibourhood) 1918. Oxford Proe. Rep. Ashm. N. H. Soc. for 1918 1919 (11-13). 383 Jourdain, F. C. R. Ati old reference to the Hebridean Thrush {7'nrdus ph. hehridensis). ^ Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 (62) ; also Rintoul, L. J. and Baxter, E. V. (66). 384 Jourdain, F. R. C. vide Meinertz- hagon. Jourdain, F. C. R. vide Mullens. Kawaguchi, M. On the habits and sexual differences of the Himalayan Cuckoo. Tori Tokio 2 No. 8 1919 3 figs, [in Japanese]. 385 (n-13799 g)Q • 5800 Kempster, H. L. vide Palmer,^. S. ’'Y* Kennard, F. H. Notes on a now subspecies of the Blue- winged Teal. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (455-460) pi. xvii. 386 Kenny, E. T. Migration of Snipe in Burma. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (850-852) map. 387 Kersey, H. J. Notes from Dolomite, Western Queensland. Emu Melbourne 19 1919 (50-53). 388 Kershaw, J. A. A new Pigeon recorded lor Australia. The Red-oared Pigeon {Globiccra ruhricera). Emu Mel- bourne 18 1919 (239) col. pi. 389 Einnear, N. B. Extension of range of the Green Imperial Pigeon {Carpophaga ae. aenea) in Western India. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (846). 390 Kirk, C. Groat Spotted AVoodpecker in Argyll. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 (185). 391 Kirke, D. J. B. Nesting of the Pied Flycatcher and Garden Warbler in Ross-shire. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 (194). 392 Kitchin, E. A. Nesting of the Short- ’ eared Owl in western Washington. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (21-25) photos. 393 Klatt, B. Transplantation dcr Ilaube boim Haubenhuhn. Berlin SitzBcr. Ges. naturf. Freunde 1917 (412-416) 1 fig. 394 Kleinschmidt, O. Die Farbungen des flchottischen Moorhuhns. Falco Hallo 15 1919 (2-4) [Tetrao]. 395 Kleinschmidt, O. Ornis Germanica . 3rd cd. Boitngo zu Falco (1-10) Hallo Apl. 1919 8vo. 896 KIoss,X\ B. Notes on some recently described Siamese Birds. Bangkok J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 1919 (447-453). 397 Kioss, C. B. vide Robinson. Koch, M. L. and Riddle, O. The chemical composition of the brain of normal and ataxic (?) Pigeons. Amer. J. Physiol. Baltimore 47 1918 (124-136). 398 Koenig, A. Die Sperrsehn abler (Fissirostres) Aegyptens. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (4^-485). 399 d 7-2 20 Avea. XVII. Aves. [1919] Kollmann, M. Observations sur les Drganes g^netaiix femelles de quelques Falconides, canal de Wolff et ovaire double. Paris Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 44 1919 (43-52) 3 text-figa. 400 Eormos, T. u. Lambrecht, K. Die Folsnischo Pilisszauto. Boitiago zur Geologic, Archalogie und Fauuo dcr Postglazialzeit. Budapest Mitth. J.B. Kgl. Ungar. Geol. R. A. 23 1916 (333- 354) 6 |)ls. 67 text-figa. 401 Koske, F. Die Sammlung i)ommcr- scher Vogel im Greifswald. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (159-195). 402 Koslowsky, J. El Cabure, Glaucidium nanum (King) raro caso de mimetismo. Hornero Buenos Aires 1 1919 (227-235) 1 pi. 403 Kracht, W. Vortrag fiber das VogcL leben und den Vogelzug von Tschorny- Jar an der unteren Wolga. J. Ornith. 67 1919 (322-331). 404 Kristensen, K. Ornithologiske Optcg- nelser fra Uldum-Egnen og iiaermest tilstodende Egne tilligemed lidt Fugle- biologi. Notes on the birds in the .environs of IJldum (Jutland). Koben- havn Flora og Fauna 1919 (13-15, 36-39). 405 Krohn, H. Die Steine fressendcn Vogel. Zs. Ool. Orn. Berlin 24 1919 (17-29). 406 Krohn, H. Die naturliche Brutzoit dofi EisvogelH. Za. Ool. Orn. Berlin 24 1919 (31-36). 407 Kuhl, H. Dio Brutvogel Blankeneses und seiner nachsten Umgebung. Zs. Ool. Orn. Berlin 24 1919 (36-40). 408 Euroda, N. Descriptions of three new birds from the southern islands of Japan. Dobuts. Zasshi l^okio 31 1919 (231-233 Japanese and English). 409 Euroda, N. Descriptions of five new forms of Japanese Pheasants. Dobuts. Zasshi Tokio 31 1919 (299-312 Japanese and English). 410 Eurod^, N. On the migration of Bome Waders about the mouth of the Rokinga river [Japanese]. Tori Tokio 1919. 411 Euroda, Y. and Miyakoda, J. On the migration of some common species of birds in the vicinity of Seoul, Corea.. Tori Tokio 2 No. 8 1919 [in Japanese]. 412 Labitte, A. Quelques observations sur des nids de Pie. Rev. Franc;. d’Orn. Paris 6 1919 (19-23) fig. 412 Lambrecht, K. vide Kormos. La Mer, V, K. vide Riddle, La Touche, J. D. New bircls from China {Syrnium, Gecinus, lyngipicus, Phasianus]. London Bull. Brit. Orn. 01.40 1919 (50-51). 414^ Laubmann, A. Bemerkungen fiber einigo bisher fibersehcne Namcn Chr. L. Brchm’s. Mfinchon Verb. Orn. Ges. 14 1919 (103-106). 415 Laubmann, A. Zura Vorkommen des Austernfischers {II aeyna topics ostralegus osiralegus L.) im Regierungsbezirk Schwaben und Neuburg. Orn. Monats- ber. Berlin 27 1919 (27-30). 416 Laubmann, A. Zur nomenklatur der Gattung Brisson 1760. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 27 1919 (75-76). 417 Laubmann, A. Zur nomenklatur des Alpenstrandlaufers. Orn. Monatsb. Berlin 27 1919 (127-129). 412 Laubmann, A. vide Hollmayr. Lawyer, G. A. Federal protection of migratory birds. Washington Yearb. U.S. Dept. Agr. for 1918 1919 (303- 316); 419 Leigh, A. G. 3’ho Lesser Redpoll,. Grey AVagtail and Yellow Wagtail in Warwickshire. Brit. Bds. London 12 1919 (230-231). 420 Lendon, A. Birds noted during a holiday trip in Victoria. S. Austr. Orn. Adelaide 4 1919 (47-51). 421 Leopold, A. Differential sex migra- tion of Mallards in New Mexico. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (182-183). 422 Le Souef, H. S. Notes on the plumage display of the Birds of Paradise in Taronga Park. Austr. Zool. Sydney 1 1919 (206-207). 423 Letacq. Notes zoologiques et obser- vations botaniquos rocucillies k Asse- lo-Boisno et aux environs. Mans (lu) Bill. soo. agrieult. sei. 45 1916 (251- 264). 424 21 Aves. Titles. 5800 Levandcr, K. M. Havaintoja nuuita- inien vesilintujen ravinnosta. [Bcobach- tungon liber die Nahrung einigor Was- servbgel.] Helsinki Luonnoii Ystavii 23 1919 (129-133). 425 Lewis, II. F. Winter Robins in Nova Scotia. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (205-217). 426 Lilienthal, G. Der Einfliiss der Fliigelform auf die Flugart der Vogel. Rerlin Sitz-Ber. Ges. natf. Freunder 1917 (2G3-280) 20 figs. 427 Lincoln, F. C. Some notes on the plumage of the male Florida Redwing {Agelaius p. (loridanus). Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (19G-197). 428 Lincoln, F. C. A strange case of hybridism. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 30 1918 (1-2) pi. 429 Llntlnor, E. Dio Folsensehwalbe im Bayern. Aliinchen Verhandl. Orn. Gos. 14 1919 (148-119). 430 Lindner, F. Fulmarus glacialis L. iind die neuerdings erfolgte Erweiterung seines Brutgebietes nach Siiden (seine Ansiedlung in Island). J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (383-392). 431 Lippincott, W. vide Cole. Lonnberg, E. Hybrid .Gulls. Ark. Zool Stockholm 12 No. 7 1919 (1-22) 3 pis. 6 text-figs. 432 Lonnberg, E. The names of the Song-Thrush and the Redwing. Ibis London 1919 (367-369). 433 L[6nnberg], E. Ornithologiska notiser fran Vanern 1918. Fauna och Flora Uppsala 13 1918 (175-180). 434 LOnnberg, E. Om hybridpr mcllan inllsar. Fauna och Flora Uppsala 14 1919 (1-21) 1 col. pi. 6 toxt-figs. 435 L[6nnberg], E. Ornithologiska notiser. 5. Dvilrgmasen funnen in Sodermann- land. G. En varietet af silltrut. Fauna och Flora Uppsala 14 1919 (31-34). 436 L[6nnberg], E. En bastard mellan gronfink [Chloris chloris] och steglitsa [Carduelis carduelis]. Fauna och Flora Uppsala 14 1919 (70-76). 437 L[6nnberg], E. Alfagoln {Clangula hyemalis) hackande i Oisa. Fauna och Flora Uppsala 14 1919 (86-88). 438 Lonnberg, E. Till kannedomen om huss valornas {Hirundo urhica] och nagra andra faglars utbredning i Sverige, Hur lange ha svanar {Cijgnus olor) haft hemvist i Takern ? Till kanne- domen om doppingens ruggning {Podi- cens cristatus). Fauna och Flora Upp- sala 14 1919 (218-227). 439 Loomis, L. M. The reality of bird species. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (235-237). 440 Loomis, L. M. Variation in the Galapagos Albatross. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (370-372) 3 pis. 441 Loomis, L. M. Dichromatism in the Wedge-tailed Shearwater. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 36 1919 (487-489) 1 pi. 442 Lord, C. E. A trip to the National Park of Tasmania at Mount Field. Emu Melbourne 19 1019 (98-100) 3 Iihotos. 443 Liicaniis, F. Der Zug der Wald- schnepfc {Scolopax l uslicola L.). Berlin SitzBer. Ges. natiirf. Freunde 1918 (55-60) map. 444 Lucanus,*F. von. Der Zug der Vogel Europas nach den Ergebnissen des Ringversuchs. Berlin SitzBer. Ges. naturf. Freunde 1919(167-185) 3 njaps. 445 Lucanus,F. von. Zugund Wanderung der Vogel Europas nach den Ergebnisser des Ringversuchs. J. Orriith. Leipzig 67 1919 (1-78 297-298) map. 446 Ludwig, E. Zur Entwicklungs- geschichte der Leber, des Panereas und des Vorderdarms bei dcr Ente und beim Maulwurf. Anat. Hefte Wiesbaden 56 1819 (515-593) 45 text- figs. , 447 Luederwaldt, H. Os manguesaes do Santos. San Paulo Rev. Mus. Paul- ista 11 1919 (309-408 Aves 343-355). 448 Lynes, H. New racial forma of Sit la and Erithacus from Morocco. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 40 1919 (32). 449 McAtee, W. L. Further notes on the fishy flavour of birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (100-101). 450 McAtee, W. L. Observations on the shifting range, migration and economic value of the Bobolink [Dolichonyx orjjzivorus]. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (430-131). 451 22 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1919] McCarrison, R. The pathogenesis of deficiency disease. No. v. Histo- pathology [in Pigeons]. India Journ. Med. Res. Calcutta 7 1919 (269-278) 8 pis. 452 Maccaughey, V. The Hawaiian Elepaio {Ohasiempis). Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (22-35). 453 M’Conachie, W. Bird notes from Lauderdale. Scot. Nat. 1919 (29). 454 M’Gilp, J. N. Notes on nest and eggs of Desert Bush-Chat { Ashby ia lovensis). Emu Melbourne 19 1919 (56-57). 465 McQilp, J. N. Notes from the Lake Frome district. S. Austr. Orn. Ade- laide 4 1 919 (70-74). 456 MacIntyre, D. The care of orphaned birds. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (206-207). 457 Mackenzie, J. M. D. Nidification of the Smaller Streaked Spider-hunter {Arachnothera aurata). Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soe. 26 1919 (669-671). 458 Mackworth-Praed, C. vide Sclater. Me William, J. M. The Yellow Wag- tail in the Soine-inferioure. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (76-77). 459 Mail, W. P. Haunts of the Black- headed Cull. Vasculmn Hexham 5 1919 (97-101) 2 photos. 460 Mailliard, J. Notes from the Feather river country and Sierra valley, Cali- fornia. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (74-77). 461 Mailliard, J. Notes on the avifauna of the Inner Crest Range of California. San Francisco Proo. Cal. Acad. Sci. (4) 9 1919 (273-296). 462 Mairlot, M. Remarques sur la bio- logic du Coucou {Ouculus canorus canorus L.). Geifaut Bruxelles 1919 (32-35). 463 Mairlot, M. Lo Bruant jaune ( Em- Itriza cilrinella citrinella L.). Gerfaut Bruxelles 1919 (68-74). 464 Mangold, E. Elektrographische Un- tersuchung des Erregungsverlanfes im Vogelherzen. Arch. ges. Physiol. Bonn 175 1919 (327-354) 2 pis. 1 text-fig. 465 Mannsberg, A- Freiherr von. Daten iiber der Vogelzug und iibor das Vorkommen einiger Vogelarten im Siebenbiirgen, aus den Jahren 1915-17. Aquila Budapest 25 1919 (13-30 Mag- yar and German). 466 Marelli, C. A. Sobre el contenido del estomago do algunas aves. Horneio Buenos Aires 1 1919 (221-228). 467 Marshall, P. Occurrence of fossil Moa-bones in the Lower Wanganui Strata. Wellington Trans. N. Zeal. Inst. 51 1919 (250-253) 1 pi. 1 text-lig. 468 Martin, E. G. and Rich, W. H. The activities <*f decerebrate and de- cerebellato chicks. Amor. J. Physiol. Baltimore 46 1918 (396-411). 469 Masefield, J. R. B. Report on Zoology. Aves. Stafford Trans. N. Staffs Field Cl. 52 1918 (112-115); 63 1919 (92-94). 470 Mathews, G. M. The Birds of Australia 7 pt. v (385-499) pis. 363- 370. London (Witherby) 1919 4 to. ) 471 Mathews, G. M. Samuel Albert White, Thomas Carter, William David Kerr Macgillivray. Austral. Avian Roe. 3 1919 (161-180) 3 portr. 472 Mathews, G. M. Two new Aus- tralian birds f Barnardius, Biipiturus]. London Bull Brit. Oi'u. Cl. 40 1919 (44- 45). 473 Mathews, G. M. and Iredalo, T. Proper name of the Tree Spairow. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (111). 474 Mathey-Dupraz, A. Notes ornitho- logiques do la region du Bosphore. Orn. Boobacht. Basel 17 1919 (25-29). 475 Maxwell, Sir II. The Golden Eagle in Galloway. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 (47-48). 476 Maede-Waldo, E. G. B. Residts of the {)rot(“.ction of the Great Skua {Meyalestris calarrhacles) in Shetland. Scarcity of Grouse in Scotland in 1918. London Bull Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 (55-57) ; also Talbot-Ponsonby, C. G. (57-58). 477 Medlicott, W. S. Bird-notes from the Western Front (Pas-de-Calais). Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (271-275). 478 23 Aves, Titles, 5800 Meinertzhagen, 11. A preliminary study of the relation between geo- graphical distribution and migration with special reference to the Palaearctic Region. Ibis London 1919 (379-392) ; also Jourdain (785-786). 479 Meinertzhagen, R. New forms of Melanoconjpha and Corvus described. London Bull Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (83- 85). 480 Mellor, J. W. Description of a new sub:?])ecics of Climacteris. S. Austr. Orn. Adelaide 4 1919 (5-6). 481 Mellor, •!. W. In the pino and malice: birds uKmtilicd in the hundred of Bookpurnong, 8outh Australia. S. Austr. Orn. Adelaide 4 1919 (20-23 39-46). 482 Mellor, J. W. Kingfisher encounters a snake. »S. Austr. Orn. Adelaide 4 1919 (25). 483 Mellor, J. W. Regent honey-eaters. Visit to the Adelaide Plains. S. Austr. Orn. Adelaide 4 1919 (74-76). 484 Mercier, A. De quoi se nourrissent les Etourneaux. Gerfaut Bruxelles 1919 (40-46). 485 Merk-Biicliberg, M. Aus deni.Leben unserer Waldhiihru'r. Ornith. Jahrb. llallein 29 1919 (55-69). 486 Merk-Biicliberg, M. Das Alpen- schneehuhn. Lagopus mutns. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt-a-M. 56 1915 (81-90). 487 Merk-Bncliberg, M. Die Alpendohln [Pyrrhocorax alpinus]. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt-a-M. 56 1915 (147-151). 488 Merk-Buchberg, M. Haselwild [Bo- nasia honasia\. Zool. Beob. Frank- furt-a-M. 57 1916 (33-42). 489 Merk-Buchberg, M. Dor Trappo \Olis tarda\. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt-a- M. 57 1916 (221-226). 490 Menegaux, A. Etude d’unc collection (Poi-seaux faite par M. E. Wagner dans la province des “ Misiones, ” Re- publiquc Argentine. Rev. Fraii9. d’Oin. Paris 6 1919 (6-8). 491 Menegaux, A. Enquete sur la disparition du Moineau dans le midi. Rev. Frang. d’Orn. Paris 6 1919 (65- 71 129-131). 492 Meyere, J. L. F. Welk voedsel eet de rock hot liefst ? [Welches Futter ist die Saatkraho am liobsten ?]. Tydschr. Plantenziekten Wageningen 25 1919 (53-63) ; also Ritzema-Bos, J. (63-77). 493 Millais, J. G. Obituary : Theodore Roosevelt. Ibis London 1919 (335- 341). 494 Miller, W. de W. On Brologerin jerrugineijrons Lawrence. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 36 1919 (110). 495 Miller, W. de W. The deep plantar tendons in the Puff-birds, Jacamars and their allies. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (285-286). 496 Miller, W. do W. The afTinities of Chamaethlypis. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (290-291). 497 Miller, W. de W. Four rare birds in Sussex county, New Jersey. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (293). 498 Miller, W. de W. Constant differenco in relative proportions of parts as a specific character. Auk Cambridge Mass. 38 1919 (295-296). 499 Miller, W. do W. Notes on the structure of Anseranas semipalmata. Auk Cambridge Ma:-s. 36 1919 (562- 561 ). ' 500 Miller, ^V. de W. 'I'he 4’anagrine genus Procnopis Cab.inis. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 36 1919 (576-577). 501 Mitchell, H. H. Bird notes from Saskatchewan. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (222-225) 3 photos. 502 Miyakoda, J. vuh. Kuroda. Moffat, C. B. The Rev. Charles William Benson, M.A., LL D. Irish Naturalist Dublin 28 1919 (73-78) portr. 503 Momlyama, 'l\ On some specimens of birds from Saglialin in the Sa])poro Museum. Tori Tokio 2 No. 8 1919 [in Japanese]. 504 Momlyama, T. and Nomura, M. Notes on some birds from Iruma-gun, Prefect. Saitama. Tori Tokio 2 No. 8 1919 map & photos [in Japanese]. 505 Morgan, A. M. Birds of the south- eastern part of South Australia. S. Austr. Orn. Adelaide 4 1919 (7-20). 506 Morgan, A. M. Weights of some Australian birds. S. Austr. Orn. Adelaide 4 1919 (91-95). 507 24 Aves, XVII. Aves. [1919J Morgan, T. H. vide Boring. Moseley, E. L. Trees, Stars and Birds. A book of outdoor science (viii+404+xvi) 300 illustr. New York (World Book Coy.) 1919 8vo. 508 Mousley, H. “The Singing Tree” or how near to the nest do the male birds sing ? Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (339-348). . 509 Mousley, H. Further notes and observations on the birds of Hatley, Stanstead county, Quebec, 1918. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (472-487). 510 Mullens, W. H. The Ruff — an early record. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (13-20) 2 figs. 511 Mullens, W. H., Swann, H. K. and Jourdain, F. C. R. A geographical bibliography of British ornithology from the earliest times to the end of 1918, arranged under counties, being a record of printed books, published articles, notes and records relating to local avifauna, pt. 1 (1-96). London (Wither- by) 1919 8vo. 512 Munro, J. A. Notes on some birds of the Okanagan Valley, British Colum- bia. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (64-74). 513 Munro, J. A. Notes on the breeding habits of the Red Crossbill {Loxia curvirostra minor) in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (67-60). 614 Neumann, 0. Lalage schisticeps sp. n. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (333). 515 Neumann, 0. Ueber einige Arten des Genus Collocalia. Om. Monatsber. Berlin 27 1919 (108-110). 516 Nichols, J. B. Wild hybrid between House-Sparrow and Tree-Sparrow. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (136). 617 Nichols, J. T. Problems suggested by nests of Warblers of the genus Dendroica. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (225-228). 618 Nicoll, M. J. Handlist of the Birds of Egypt. Publ. No. 29 Zoological Service (i-xii+l-HO) map 25 col. pis. Cairo (Govt. Press) 1919 8vo. 519 Nicoll, M. J. Uragus sibiricus and Motacilla personata taken in Sussex. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 89 1919 (89). 520 Nielsen, P. Optegnelser vedrorendo Islands Fugle, tildeis efter egen lagt- tagelse i en laengere Aarraekke. Notes on the birds of Iceland, based on obser- vations during several years. With introduction and remarks by B. Sse- mundsson. Kobenhavn Ornith. Tids. 13 1919 (33-79 214). 521 Noble, G. K. Notes on the avifauna of Newfoundland. Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 62 1919 (543- 668). 522 Nomura, M. vide Momiyana. Nordqvist, 0. Johan Axel Palinen. Fauna och Flora Uppsala 141919 (131- 139) portr. 523 Nyqvist, H. Graiirlan [Motacilla hoaruU{\ iifven i Sr vid Smalands Taberg. Fauna och Flora Uppsala 14 1919(180- 182). 524 Nyqvist, H. Nagot om andhonornas sommardrakter. Fauna och Flora Upp- sala 14 1919 (279-283). 525 Oberholser, H. C. Birds of a Wash- ington City Dooryard. Amer. IMidland Nat. Notre Dame Ind. 6 [1919 ?] (1-3). 626 Oberholser, H. C. An all-day bird trip at Washington D.C. Amer. Midi. Nat. Notre Dame Ind. 6 1919 (103- 110). 527 Oberholser, H. C. Description of a now subspecies of Piranga hcpulica Swainson. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (74-80). 628 Oberholser, H. C. Notes on North American birds. vii, viii, ix. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (81-85 406- 408 656-559). 529 Oberholser, H. C. Zamelodia v. Hedymeles. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919(115). 530 Oberholser, H. C. Fourth annual list of proposed changes in the A.O.U. Check-list of Noilh American Birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (266-273). 531 Oberholser, H. C. Larus canus hracky- rhynchus in Wyoming. Polysticta Eyton versus Stellaria Bonaparte. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (276-277). 532 Oberholser, IT. C. The proper generic name for the Ruff. Jleleraclitis versus Heteroscelus, The status of 25 Ave/f. Titles. 5800 Charadrius ruhncollls (irnelin. Auk Cambricigo Masa. 36 1919 (278-279). 533 Oberliolser, H. C. Tkrasocfns versus Ifarpia. Tlie status of the generic name Archihufeo. The proper name of the Texas Barred Owl. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 36 1919 (282-283 420- 421)^ 534 Oberliolser, II. C. The status of the genus Hypocenior Cabanis. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 36 1919 (286-287). 535 Oberliolser, H. 0. The geographic races of Ile.d'ymdes melanocephalus. Auk Cambridge Mass. 361919 (408-416). 536 Oberliolser, II. C. The generic name of the Gannets. Polysficfa versus Stellaria, a correction. MegaJestris versus Calharacta. Auk Cambridge Mass. 38 1919 (417-418). 537 Oberliolser, H. C. No.tes on the races of Quiscalus quiscalus (Linnaeus). Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (549- 555). ■ 538 Oberliolser, H. C. Piranga erythro- vielas versus Piranga olivacea. Auk Cambridge IMass. 36 1919 (575-576). 539 Oberholser, H. C. A sjmopsis o( the races of the Guiana Flycatcher Myiar- chm ferox (Gmelin). Brookvillo Ind. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. for 1918 1919 (304-308). 640 Oberholser, II. C. An unrecognised subspecies of Melanerpes erythroce- phalus. Canada Field-Nat. Ottawa 33 1919 (48-50). 541 Oberholser, H. C. A new Cliff Swallow from Canada. Canada Field- Nat. Ottawa 33 1919 (95). 542 Oberholser, H. C. Description of an interesting new Junco from Lower Cali- fornia. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919(119-120). 5*43 Oberholser, H. C. De.scription of a new subspecies of Pipilo fuscus. Con- dor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (210-2U). 544 Oberholser, H. C. A review of the Plover Genus Ochthodromus Reichen- bach and its nearest allies. Madison Trans. Wisconsin Acad. 19 1918 pt. 1. 545 Oberholser, H. C. A revision of the subspecies of Passercuhts ros trains (Cassin). Ohio Journ. Sci. Columbus 19 1919 (344-354). 546 Oberholser, II. C. Spizixidae, a new family of Pycnonotine Passeriformes. Washington J. Acad. Sci. 9 1919. 547 Oberholser, H. C. Diagnosis of a new genus of Bucerotidae. Washing- ton J. Acad. Sci. 9 1919 (167-168). 548 Oberholser, H. C. Mutanda Ornitho logica, V, vi, vii, viii. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (7-8 21-22 127 -128 239-240). 549 Oberholser, H. C. Description of a new Conurus from the Andaman Is- lands. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (29-32). 550 Oberholser, H. C. The status of the subgenus Sieberocitta Cones. Washing- ton Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (135-138). 551 Oberholser, H. C. Spizella arhorea the proper name for the Tree Sparrow. The proper name for Limicola platy - hynclia (Temminck). The taxonomic position of the genus Ramphalcyon. The status of the genus Cenlronyx Baird. The generic name of the Rook. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 82 (139- 141). 652 Oberholser, II. C. The status of Lams hyperborens barrovianus Ridg- way. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (173-176). 553 Oberholser, H. C. Pagophila eburnea V. P. alba p. 199. The status of the genus Asarcia Sharpe, p. 200. The names of the subfamilies of the Scolo- pacidae, p. 199. Notes on the names of Halobaena caerulea and Prion viltaius. Washington D.C. Proc, Biol, Soc. 32. 554 Oberholser, H. C. The birds of the Tambelan Islands, South China Sea, Washington Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 1919 (129-143). 555 Oberholser, II. C. Notes on the Wrens of the genus Nannus Billberg, Washington Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 1919 (223-236). 656 Oberholser, H. C. Notes on birds collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott on 2C Avea. XVII. Aves. [1919] Pulo Taya, Berhala Strait, South- eastern Sumatra. Washington Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 65 1919 (267-274). 657 Oberholser, H. 0. A revision of the subspecies of the White-eollared King- fisher, Sauropatis chloris (Boddaert). Washington Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 1919 (351-395). 558 Oberholser, H. C. The races of tlie Nicobar Megapode, Megapodius 7iiro- harienais Blyth. Wasliington Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 1919 (399-402). 559 Oberholser, H. C. Notes on Dr. W. L. Abbott’s second collection of birds from Simalur Island, Western Su- matra. Washington Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 1919 (473-498) map. 560 Oberholser, H. C. A second bird survey at Washington D.C. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 30 1918 (34-48). 561 Oberholser, II. 0. Description of a iu;w llcd-winged Blackbird from Texas. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 31 1919 (20-23). 562 Oberholser, H. 0. Description of another new subspecic£iii of Lmiius ludovicianus. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 31 1919 (87-90). 563 Oberholser, H. C. and Chapman, F. M. The migration and plumages of North Ameiican birds. Bird-lore Harrisburg Pa. 21 1919 (23-24 100-102 170-172 354-350). 564 Obermayer, K. Die Vogelwelt von Tulin bei Wien. Ornith, Jahrb. Ifallcin 29 1919 (44-51). 565 O’Dcnoghue, C. II. and Gowanlock, J. N. Notes on the Caspian Tern {Sterna caspia) and the Parasitic Jaeger {Slercorarius paracilimia) in Mani- toba. Canada Field-Nat. Ottawa 33 1919 (1-6) 4 photos. 666 Oldham, C. The nesting of the Black-necked Grebe in Hertfordshire. Loftdon Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (28-34). 567 Oordt, G. J. van. De stand der Aalscholver-koloniesin Nederland {Pha- lacrocrax carbo). Ardea Wargeningen 8 1919 (111-117). 568 Oordt, G. J. van. The Avocet win- tering in Holland. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (239-240) ; also Popham (260). 569 Oordt, G. J. van. Ueberwinterung des Siibelschnablers in Holland. Orn. Monastber. Berlin 27 1919 (61-62). 570 Osmaston, B. B. Supplementary notes on some Indian birds. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (424-429). 571 Owen, J. H. Some habits of the Sparrow-Hawk. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (114-124) 4 photos. 572 0[wen], J. H. A list of the birds of Felstead School. Felstead Rep. School Sci. Soc. No. 26 1919 (16-29). 573 Palmer, U. S. Growth and repro- duction ill fowls in the absence of carotinoids and the physiological rela- tion of yellow pigmentation to egg- laying. Wa.shington D.C. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 5 1919 (582-587). 574 Palmer, S. and Kempster, H. L. Relation of plant carotinoids to growth, fecundity and reproduction of Fowls (299-312) 1 pi. Phy.siological relation between fecundity and the natural yellow pigmentation of certain breeds of Fowls (313-330) 2 pis. The intluence of speritic feeds and certain pigments on the colour of the egg yolk and body fat of Fowls (331-337). J. Biol. Chem. Baltimore 39 1919. 575. Pangburn, C. H. A three months’ list of the birds of Pinellas county, Florida. Auk (Jambridge Mass. 36 1919 (393-405). 576 Paque, A. Moeurs du coucou. Gerfaut Bruxelles 1919 (74-77) ; also A. Mercier (98-99). 577 Parsons, F. E. Geobasileua hedleyi rosinae. S. Austr. Orn. Adelaide 41919 (51-52). 578 Patterson, A. H. Some Yarmouth Bird-notes for 1917. Norwich 'rrans. Nat. Soc. 10 1919 (367-370). 579 Pearson, T, G., Brimley, C. S. and Brimley, H. H. Birds of North Carolina. (North Carolina Geological and Eco- nomic Survey, vol. iv). (i-xxiii 4-1-380) 29 col. pis. 1 map many text-figs. Raleigh, N. C. (Edwards and Brough- ton) 1919 1. 8vo, 580 Penard, T. E. Remarks on Beebe’s “ Tropical Wild Life.” Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (217-225). 581 27 Ave/t. Titles. 6800 Penard, T, E. Revision of the genus Buthraupis Cabanis. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 H)10 (536 540). 582 Penard, T. E. Sarkidiornis .^i/lvicola in British Guiana. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (504). 583 Penard, T. E. The name of tlio Black Cuckoo ( Eudynamys). Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (509-570). 584 Penard, T. E. Some untenable names in ornithology. Cambridge Mass. Proe. N. Engl. Zool. Cl. 7 1919 (21-22). 585 Penard, T. E. Two new birds from Roraima[6Vi/oroaer;je.s, Tnnagra]. Cam- bridge Mass. Proe. N. England Zool. Cl. 7 1919 (29-31). 586 Penard, T. E. vide Bangs. Perkins, R. C. L. On a new genus and species of bird of the family Dropanididae from the Hawaiian Is- lamls. Ann. Mag. N. II. London (9) 3 1919 (250-252). 587 Philipp, P. B. and Bowdish, B. S. Further notes on New Brun.swick birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (30-45) 2 pis. 588 Philpott, A. Notes on the birds of south-western Otago. Wellington Trans. New Zeal. Inst. 61 1919 (210- 224). 589 Pike, 0. G. The Black-necked Grebe. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (140-154) 11 photos. 590 Pillinkhof, J. II. Calnmodus aquatica (Gmelin), brood vogel langs de oevers van bet JMeppelerdiep. Ardea Wagon - ingen 8 1919 (124-120). 591 Pitt, E. vide Ilaviland. Plate, L. Ueber Driisen und Lymph- knoten in der Ohrfalte der Truthenne und des Auerhahns. Arch. Micros. Anat. Bonn. 91 1918 (208-217) 1 pi. 592 Plate, L. Demonstation ceylonischer Vogel (Formolverfahrcn). Verhandl. D. zool. Ges. Berlin 25 1914 (113). 593 Plath, O. E. Tho prevalence of Phormia azurca Fallen (larva parasitic on nestling birds) in the Puget Sound region. Columbus Ann. Entom. Soc. Amer. 12 1919 (373-378). 594 Plath, O. E. Parasitism of nestling birds by fly larvae. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (30-38). 595 Pohlman, A. G. Concerning the causal factor in tho hatching of the chick, with particular reference to the musculus coraplexus. Anat. Rec. Phila- delphia 17 1919 (89-104). 59& Portielje, A. F. .1. Biologische opmer- kingen uit do Diergaarde van het Kon. Zoologisch Genootschap „ Natura artis magistra.“ [Biologische Bemerkungen aus dem Ticrgarten der Kgl. Zoolo- gischen Gesellschaft ,, Natura artis magistra “]. Amsterdam Bydr. Dierk. 21 1919 (137-144) 1 pi. 597 Poalton, E. B. The supposed fascination of birds by snakes and the mobbing of snakes by small birds. Nature London 102 1919 (486). 598 P[ym], A. H. The late Frank Nor- gate. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (21-22) ; also Tuck (64). 599 Ramiay, J. Notes on birds observed in the Upper Clarence River district,/ N.S.W., Sept.-Dee., 1918. Emu Mel- bourne 19 1919 (2-9) photos. 600 Rattray, R. H. vide AVhistler. Ray, M. S. T)e8cri])tion of a t'wenty- yoar series of eggs of tho Sierra Juneo {Jiinco oreganus thurberi). Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (184-188)4 photos. 601 Raynor, H. M. Golden Eagle at East Moriches, N.Y. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (421). 602 Reed, C. S. Breves notas acerca de nidos y huevos de algunas aves de la Cordillera de Mendoza. Homeio Buenos Aires 1 1919 (267-273) 1 fig. 603 Reichenow, A. Neu benannter Arten. [Puf f intis., Limnohaenus, Cac~ cabis, Pterordes, Pf.eroclurus, Hyliota^ Pytilid]. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (225-221). 694 Reichenow, A. Tringn maetdota auf Samoa. Neiic Arten : — Francolinus, Sy- via, Monv^tus. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (33.3-335). 605 Reichenow, A. Chloris macedonira sp. n. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 27 1919 ( 1 34). 606 28 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1919] Reichling, H. Beitriige zur Avi- fauna des Mtinsterlandes ii. Beobach- tungen ausdern Jahre 1917. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (78-105). 607 Rendahl, H. Notes on a collection of birds from Panama, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Ark. Zool. Stockholm 12 No. 8 1919 (1-36). 608 Rendahl, H. Stare ringmarkt i Sverige, aterfunnen i England. Fauna ooh Flora Uppsala 14 1919 (35-37). 609 Renshaw, G. The passing of the Spotted Emu : a bird that never existed. Avicult. Mag. London 10 1919 (67-69) pi. 610 Ribeiro, A. de M. A fauna verte- brada da Ilha da Trindade. Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro 22 1919 (169-194 aves 179-192) 6 pis. 611 Rich, W. H. vide Martin. Richards, V. F. The early history of a Duck Hawk {Falco pereyrinns wiatum). Auk Cambridge Mass. 86 1919 (349-350) 4 photos. 612 Richmond, C. W. Fonster’s edition of I.«evaillani’s Oiseaux d’Afrique. Auk Cambridge Mass, 36 1919 (546-549). 613 Richmond, C. W. In memoriam — Edgar Alexander Mearns, 18.56-1916. Washington D.C. Smithson. Rep. for 1917 1919 (649-662) portr. 614 Riddle, O. and Anderson, C. E. Studies in the physiology of reproduc- tion in birds. viii. The effects of quinine on the production of egg-yolk and egg albumen. Amer. J. Physiology Baltimore 47 1918 (92-102). 615 ♦ Riddle, O. and Harris, J. A. Note on the relation of blood fat to sex, and on the correlation between blood fat and egg production in the domestic fowl. J. Biol. Chem. Baltimore 34 1918 (161-170); also Warner and Edmond (171-174). 616 Riddle, O. and La Mer, V. K. Post- mortem melanin pigment formation in pigmentless retinas and choroids of white Ring Doves. Amer. J. Physiol. Baltimore 47 1918 (103-123). 617 Riddle, 0. vide Bahre. Riddle, O. vide Koch. Ridgway, R. The birds of North and Middle America. Pt. viii, Jacanidae, (Edicnemidae, Haematopodidae, Arena- riidae, Aphrizidae, Charadriidae, Scolo- pacidac, Phalaropidae, Recui virostii- dae, Rhynchopidao, Sternidae, Laiidao, Storcorariidae,. Alcidao. Washington D.C. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. No. 50 1919 (i-xvi + 1-852) 34 pis. 618 Riley, J. H. Six new birds from Celebes and Java. [Excaljactoria, Anas, Megalurus, Dicruropsis, Pacliy- cephala, Zosterops.] Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (93-96). 619 Ringdahl, 0. Fagelnotiser fran Iliil- singborgstrakten vintern 1918-19. Fauna och Flora Uppsala 14 (183-185). 620 Rintoul, L. J. and Baxter, E. V. Report on Scottish ornithology in 1918 including migration. Scot. Nat. Edin- burgh 1919 (99-144). 621 Rintoul, L. J. vide Baxter. Rintoul, L. J. and Baxter, E. V. vide Jourduin. Ritzema-Bos, J. vide Meyere. Riviere, B. B. Note on some hand- reared Red-backed Shrikes. Norwich Tran.s. Nat. Soc. 10 1919 (353-356) col. pi. 622 Robbins, C. A. A colony of Cape Cod Piping Plover {Myiaiitis meloda). Auk Cambridge Mass. 361919 (351- 355). 623 Roberts, A. Some notes on birds and descriptions of new subspecies. Pre- toria Ann. Transv. Mus. 6 1919 (116- 118). 624 Roberts, T. S. Water Birds of Minnesota Past and Present. Bien. Rep. State Game Com. Minnesota for 1918 1919 (56-91) photos. 625 Roberts, T. S. A review of the ornithology of Minnesota. Res. Publ. Univ. Minnesota 7 No. 2 (vi-pl02) map & photos. 1919 12mo. 626 Robinson, H. C. Note on certain recently described subspecies of Wood- peckers. Ibis London 1919 (179-181). 627 Robinson, H. 0. Notes on the Verte- brate fauna of the Pahang-Johore archipelago. J. Fed. Malay Mus. Kuala Lumpur 7 1919 (325-329). 628 29 Aves. Titles. 5800 Robinson, H. C. and Kloss, C. B. On a collection of birds from the Province of Ptiket, Peninsular Siam. Bangkok J. Nat; Hist. Soc. Siam 3 1919 (87-119) map. 629 Robinson, H. 0. and Kloss, C. B. On a new form of White-eye from Siam. Bangkok J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 1919(44,5). 630 Robinson, H. 0. and Kloss, C. B. On birds from south Annam and Cochin China. Pt. i. Phasianidae Campophagidao (.392-453) 5 pis. map. Pt. ii. Pycnonotid.ae-Dicacidae (565- 625). Ibis London 1919. 631 Robinson, H. C. and Kloss, C. B. Descriptions of new Malayan birds [Garndax, Geemus, lygnipicus, Eury- Iniinus, SerilopJms, Rhinocichla, Polio- sitta, Ophrydorms], London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 40 1919 (11-18). 632 Robinson, 11. C. and Kloss, 0. B. On a eollectibn of birds from N.E. Sumatra. Singapore J. Straits Asiat. Soc. No. 80 19l9 (73 133) map. 633 Robinson, H. W. Interesting migra- tion of Scandanavian Rock-Pipit. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (278). 634 Robinson, II. W. Migration of Starling from Finalnd to the Mediter- ranean. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (80). 635 Robinson, H. W. Report on Lanca- shire ornitholog}^ 1918. Lancs, and Chesh. Nat. Darwen 11 1919 (271-272). 636 Rochon-Duvigneand, A. Enquete siir la vision des oiseaux. Rev. Frati9. d’Orn Paris 6 1919 (89-92 105-110). 637 Ross, J. A. Six months* record of a pair of Mallcc-Eowls \Leipoa ocdlola]. Emu Melbourne 18 1919 (285-288). 638 Rothschild, Lord. On one of the four original pictures from life of the Reunion or White Dodo. Ibis London 1919 (78-79) pi. ii. 639 Rothschild, Lord. On a new sub- species of Ostrieh. London Bull Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (81-83). 640 Roulledge, K. The bird-cult of Easter Island. Eolk-Lore London 28 1917 (337-355). 641 Rowan, W. and others. On the nest and eggs of the Common Tern. jlmialilis). A cooperative study. Biometrika Cambridge 12i 1919 (308- 354) 5 pis. 642 Rows we 11, B. T. Rejiort of the ornithological section 1918. Guernsey Rep. Trans. Soc. Nat. Sci. for 1918 1919 (97-100). 643 Rudiger, W. Die Vogel welt von Crossen a. d. Oder und Umgebung. Zs. Ool. Orn. Berlin 24 1919 (51-53 74-78 86-93). 644 Rust, il. J. A favourite nesting haunt of the Merrill Song Sparrow. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (145- 156) 8 photos. 645 Ruxtbn, J. E. The Grasshopper Warbler. Vasculum Hexham 4 1918 (36-39) 2 photos. 646 St. Quintin, W. H. Breeding of tho Lessor White -fronted Goose. Avioult. Mag. London 10 1919 (129-130). 647 Sachtleben, II. Garduelis enrduelia balcanica sub.sp. n. . Munehen Anz. Orn. Ges. Bay. No. 1 1919 (3-4). 648 Sachtleben, H. Sitja mropaca cisal- pina -subsp. n. Miinchen Anz. Om. Ges. Bay. No. 2 1919. 649 Sachtleben, H. Zur Kenntnis der Wasserschmatzer [Cinclu.. n. [^==^*S'. ajricanus (Cassin)l. London Bull, linr. Orn. Cl. 39 191 9 (pp. 87 94). 681 Sclater, W. L. . De.scrip(ions of new Hawks {Spizaelvs, Spilornis, J*eniu). London Bull. Brit. Orn. (3. 40 1919 (37-42). G82 31 Area. Titles. 5800 Scott-Eiliot, G. F. rich Hough. Seeraann, W. Her Wandcrfilke im Oanabriiokcv Jjandc. Irrgasie uml Ausnahme Erschcimingcn im Osna* brucker Landc. Falro Halle 15 1910 (4-6). 683 Seguin-Jard, F. Lo Gucpirr ordinaire (Merops opiasler) on Vendee. Rev. Frann. d’Orn. Paris 6 1919 (93). 684 Selous, E. Ornitliologieal observa- tions and refleetions in Shetland. Naturalist London 1919 (167-168 259-262 357-360 381-385). 685 Seton, E. T. On t he popular names of birds. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (229-235). 686 Shaver, N. E. A nest study of a Maryland YelloAv-throat (Geoihlypis Irichas). Iowa Citv Univ. Iowa Studies 1st Sor. No. 28 1019. 687 Shufeldt, R. VV. A ih roe-legged Robin {P lanes ticuH m. migratorins). Auk Cambridge Mass, 36 1919 (585- 586). 688 Shufeldt, R, W. Material for a study of the Mceapodiidae. Emu Mel- bourne 19 1919 (10 28 107-127) 13 pis. 689 Shufeldt, R. W. 1’he osteology of the Giant Gallinule of the Philippines, Porphyrio pulvcrnlen Ins (Tcmminek), with notes on the osteology of Tachy- haplus philippensis (Bonneterre) and Hydro phasianus chirugus (Scopoli). Philippine J. Sci, Manilla 14 1919 (87- 104) 5 pis. 690 Shufeldt, R. AV, Osteological and other notes on the ]\lon key-eating Eagle of the Philippines, Pithccophagn jf'.flr.ryi (Grant). Philippino J. Sei. Maniilal5 1919(31 58) 11 pis. 691 Simon, E. Notes critiques siir les Trochilides. Rev. Fr. d’Orn. Paris 6 1919 (52-54) [15 new generaj. 692 Sitlcr, I. vide Atwell. Sladen, A. G. L. Notes on birds observed in Palestine. Ibis I.iondon 1919 (222-250) map. 693 Snouckaert van Schauburg, Baron R. C. Note on the Jays of ilolland. Ibis London 1919 (625-628). 694 Snouckaert van Schauburg, Baroyi R. Ornithologie van Nederland. AA'^aarnemingen van 1 October 1918 tot on mot 30 September 1919. Jaarber. Ned. Vogelk. Deventer No, 9 1919 (14-23). 695 Snouckaert van Schauburg, Baron R. Over Vogels van Deli (Sumatra). Jaarber. Ned. Vogelk. Deventer 9 1919 (33-72). 696 Soffel, K. Die Vogelwelt von Locarno (Lago Maggiorc) und Um- bcgtinfr. Zool. Bcob. Frankfui’t-a-M. 56 1915 (241-246 265-274). 697 Someren, V. G. L. van. Colour change in the plumage of birds. Avicult. Mag. London 10 1919 (61-62) ; also Butler, A. G. (63-64 78-82). 698 Someren, V. G. van. Descriptions of new African birds [Sarothrum^ Vinngo^ Stiginalopdia^ Brndypferns, (Jhloro- phoneuSt Lnniarius, Bmithornis, Bias,' Caprimulgus, Melittophagus, Colins, Uroeolius Haleyon, Anxydrus, Cosmops- nrus, Granaiina, Sporopipes, Lagohos- iicta, Eslrilda, Pytelia, Serinus, An- ihus, Mirajra, Ayns\. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 40 (19-28 52-58). 699 Soper, J. D. Bird -life in the Alberta wilds. Ottawa Nat. 32 1919 (147-149). 700 Sowerby, A. de C. A sportman’s miscellany [in China], (viii -f 226), many illustr. Tientsin (Tientsin Press) 1917. 701 Sowerby, A, de C. Birds of the battle- fields. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (266-270). 702 Spurrell, J. A. An annotated list of the land birds of Sac County, Iowa. Wilson Bull. Oborlin Ohio 81 1919 (1 17- 120). 703 Stadler, II. Celtia cetti, der Sciden- rohrsanger, in Friaul. Munrlien Ver- handl. Orn. Ges. Bay. 14 1919 (107- 125) photos. 704 Stadler, H. Einigo Merkwiirdig- keiten des Herbstzugs im Maintal : Spat zichendc Blaukehlchen, Stein- schmlitzer, Schwa rtzkchlchen, Ufer- schwalben, Baumfalken, Flussufer- laufei ; uberwintemde Gabel weihen. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 27 1919 (50- 54). 705 32 Avta. XVII. Aves. [1919J Stadler, H. Weidenmeisen in Nord- frankreich. Orn, Monalsber. 27 1910 (73-74). 706 Stanford, J. K. Some notes on the Wryneck. Prit. Birds I.ondon 13 1910 (82-84). 707 Stanford, J. K. Ornithological notes from Suffolk. Brit. Birds London 13 1919(170 172). 708 Steenhuizen, P. L. Het broeden van de Geoorde Punt {Podiceps nigri- collis Brehm) op de Ankeveensche plasscn in Mci 1918. [Das Briiten des 11 aubcnl anchors {Podiceps nigricollis Brehm) in den Ankovecnschcn Siimi)fcn in Mai 1018.] Amstcnlam Bydr. Dierk. 21 1910 (105-107) I text-fig. 709 Steiner, H. Das Problem der Diastataxio des Vogel flii gels. Jenaische Zs. Natw. 55 1918 (221-496) 3 pis. 49 text-figs. 710 Stcndall, J. A. S. The Two-barred Crossbill [in Ireland]. Irish Nat. Dublin 28 1919 (50). Sec also R. LI. Praeger, ibid. 711 Stephens, P. An annotated list of the birds of San Diego county, Cali- formia. San Diego Trans. Soc. N. H. 3 1919 (142-180). 712 Stephens, T. 0. Bird records of the past winter, 1917-1918, in the Upper Missouri Valley. Des Moines Proc. Towa Acad. 25 1919 (71-83). 713 Stephens, T. C. Notes on the birds of South Dakota, with a preliminary list for Union County. Des Moines Proc. Iowa Acad. 25 1919 (85 -104). 714 Stevenson, P. G. Belted Kingfisher in Cornwall. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (216). 715 Stewart, J. Remarks on the eggs of Sarciophorus malnbaricus. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 40 1919 (30-32). 716 Stone, W. Occurrence of the Red Phalarope in Pennsylvania. Auk Cam- bridge Mass. 36 1919 (419-420). 717 Stone, W. Editions of Baird,. Cassin and Lawrence’s Birds of North America. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1910 (428- 430). 718 Stone, W. Jacob Post Girand, Jr. and his works. Auk Cambiidgo Mass. 36 1019 (464-472) portr. 719 Stresemann, E. Zur Frage der Ent- stehung neuer Arten durch Kreuzung. Jaarber. Ned. Vogelk. Deventer No. 9 1919 (24-32). ‘ 720 Stresemann, E. Sollen Subtilformen benannt werder ? J. Ornith. Lei])zig 67 1919 (291-297). 721 Stresemann, E. [New subspecies from the Balkan Penin.sula, Oinclus, Cettia^ Picus.] Miinchen Anz. Orn. Ges. Bay. No. 1 1919 (4 6). 722 Stresemann, E. Notwendige Namens- anderungen [Palco, Colccus], Neuo subspecies Emberiza, Dryobates. Vor- lanfiges fiber das geographische Vari- ieren der Korpergrosse beim Gimpel J^PyrrhuLa.'] Nachtrag zur Termino- logie der Gefiederwandlungen. Miinchen Anz. Orn. Ges. Bay. No. 2 1019 (8-13). 723 Stresemann, E. Uber die Porraen der Gnippo Aegithalos caudaius und ihre Kreuzunger. Miinchen Beitr. Zoo- geogr. pa'l. Reg. 1 1919 (3-24). 724 Stresemann, E. Ober die euro- pfiischen Gimpel (Pyrrhiila). Miinchen Beitr. Zoogeogr. pal. Reg. No. 1 1919 (25-26) map. 725 Stresemann, E. Notiz fiber Oenlro- pus rcctungais Strickl. und \crwandte Arten. Miinchen Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 14 1010 (37-38). 726 Stresemann, E. Uber die euro- paischen Baumlaufer. Miinchen Ver- handl. Orn.. Ges. 14 1919 (39-74) 2 maps. 727 Stresemann, E. Beitrage .sur Kennt- nis der Gefiederwandlungen der Vogel I. Miinchen Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 14 1919 (75-81). 728 Stresemann, E. Sitta europaea homeyeri : eine rcine Basse oder cine Mi.schrasse ? Miinchen Verli. Orn. Ges. Bay. 14 1919 (139-147)’ 729 Stresemann, E. vide Gengler. Stuart-Sutherland, R. Birds ob- served about the Lighthouse, Puysegur Point, Invercargill, N.Z. Emu Mel- bourne 19 1919 (133-135). 730 33 Aves. Titles. 5800 Stubbs, F. J. Migration as a bio- logical function. London Trans. Nat. Hist. Soo. for 1918 1919 (24-29). 731 Snlfern, C. Notes on the migration of birds over the Mediterranean sea. Brit. Birds I^ndon 13 1919 (173-181). 732 Sunkel, W. Ziir Avifauna von Nordfrankrcich. Om. Monatsber. Berlin 27 1919 (32-34). 733 Sunkel, W. Ueber Vorkommen und Lebensweise der Weidenraeise {Parus salicarins rhcnanus Kleinschm.) in Nordfrankrcich. Orn. Monatsber. Berlin 27 1919 (93-99). 734 Sunkel, W. Von der Vogelwelt Miinchens. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt- a-M. 561915(111-116). 735 Sutton, J. jMoming bird calls about daybreak at Netherby. S. Austr. Orn. Adelaide 4 1919 (96-99). 736 Swaen, A. E. H. Bizzonderheden betreffonde de Gierzwaluw. {Apus apns (L.)). Ardea Wageningen 8 1919 (105- 111). 737 Swales, B. H. A former record of the Heath Hen ( Tympanuchus cupido) at AVashington D.O. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 321919(198). 738 Swann, H. K. A synoptical list of the Accipitres (Diurnal Birds of Prey), .Pts. i, ii (1-38, .39-74). London (Wheldon) 1919 8vo. 739 Swann, H. K. vide Mullens. Swenk, M. H. Revisory notes on the list of the birds of Nebraska. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 30 1918 (112-117). 740 Symons, R. E, Bird life in the Drakensberg, Natal and Basutoland. S. Afric. Joum. Nat. Hist. Pretoria 1 1919 (224-238). 741 Tannreuther, G. AV. Partial and complete duplicity in chick embrj’os. Anat. Rec. Philadelphia 16 1919 (355- 367) 6 figs. ' ,742 Taverner, P. A. Birds of Eastern Canada. Canada Geol. Surv. Mem. 104 (iv 4- 297) 50 col. pis. 68 text-figs. Ottawa (Govt. Printer) 1919 8vo. 743 Taverner, P. A. The birds of Red Deer river, Alberta. Auk Cambridge Maes. 36 1919 (1-21 f48-265) 4 pis. map. 744 (N-13799 y)(J Taverner, P. A. The summer birds of Hazelton, British Columbia. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (80-86) photo. 745 Taverner, P. A. Bird-houses and their occupants. Ottawa Nat. 32 1919 (119-126). 748 Taverner, P. A. The birds of Shoal Tiake, Manitoba. Ottawa Nat. 32 1919 (137-144 157-164) 1 fig.; also Canada Field-Nat. Ottawa 33 1919 (12-20). 747 Taverner, P. A. An important distinction between our two Goldeneyes (Clangula clangula americana and Clangnla islandica). Canada Field- Nat. Ottawa 33 (57-58) 4 figs. 748 Tavistock; Marquis of. Notes on Barraband’s Parra keet ( Polytdis harrabanii). Avicult. Mag. London 10 1919 (64-73). 749 Tavistock, Marquis of. Some notes on keeping Parrots. Bird Nolo= Ashbourne (3) 2 1919 (26-30 50-54 85-88 98-101 12.3-126 160-164 186- 189 186 bis.-189 bis.). 750 Tayler, AV. A unique case of asym- metrical duplicity (Dnplicitas .asym- metros) in the Chick. London Proo. Zool. Soc. for 1919 1919 (83-109) 3 pis. 2 text-figs. 751 Tesohauer, 0. Algumas notas sobre ethnologia et “folklore” na flora 0 avifauna du Brasil. Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro 22 1919 (221-230). 752 Thienemann, J. xviii. Jahres- bericht (1918) der Vogelwarte Rositten der Deutschen Omithplogischen Gesell- schaft. J. Omith. Leipzig 67 1919 (257-291). 753 Thienemann, J. Von der Vogelwarte Rositten. Eine neue Methode in der Schnepfenzugforschung. Zool. Bco- bachter Frankfurt-a-M. 56 1915 (53- 55). 754 Thomson, D. The nesting habits of the Grass- Warbler {Cisiicola exilis). Emu Melbourne 18 1919 (199-200). 755 Thorburn, J. A naturalist’s sketch- book. (viii -f 71) 60 pis. Iiondon 1919 4to. 756 Ticehnrst, C. B. On Asiatic Starlings. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (380-383). 767 d 8 34 A^>e^t. XVII. Aves. Ticehurst, N. F. Tho birds of Bardsoy Island. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (42-61 6C-75 101-106 129- 134 182-193) photos 758 Ticehurst, N. F. Are Cuckoos over reared by Greenfinches ? Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (137-138). 759 Tischler, F. Das angebliche Vorkom- men des »Stepponadlers {Aquila orien- t((lia Cab.) in Pommern. Orn* Monats- ber. 27 1919 (3-6). 760 Tischler, F. Berichtigung bezuglich Anthns cervinns. Orn. Monatsb. Berlin 27 1919 (106). 761 Tischler, F. Fine noue Rohrara- morform ? Orn. Monat^bcr. Berlin 27 1919 (117-119). 762 Todd, W. E. C. Descriptions of apparently now Colombian birds. [Atlapeies, Phaenicothraupis, Cisto- thorus, Leucolepis, Mecocercnlus, Platytriccus, Myiobius, Pipra, Uylopezusy. Qrallariat Leptasthennra, Daconychura, Celcus, Veniliornis Non nula, Odontophorus, Oryptvrus. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 82 1919 (113-117). 763 Townsend, C. H. and Wetmore, A. The Birds : in Reports on the scien- tific results of the expedition to the tropical Pacific in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer “ Albatross,” from August, 1899 to March, 1900. Commander Jefferson, F. Moser, U.S.N., Commanding No. XXI. Cambridge Mass. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 63 1919 (151- 225). 764 Tratz, E. P. Beitrage zur Ornitho- logie des siidlichen Vcnetiens und des Kiistenlandes. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (129-168). 765 Tratz, E. P. Oraithologisches aus dem Kaprunertal im Pinzgau. Ornith. Jahrb. Hallein 29 1919 (33-44). 766 Tratz, E. P. Vorlaufiges fiber den Zug des Seidensohwanzes in Jahre 1913-14. Zool. Beob. Frankfurt-a-M. 55 1914(225-228). 767 Trischitta, A. Sulla pretesa esistenza del VuUur monachus Linn, in Sicilia. Palermo Bull. Inst. Zool. R. Univ. 1 1918 (43-46). 768 [1919] Trischitta, A. Sulla esistenza del picchio nero (Dryocopus mar Hus i^Linn.) in Sicilia. Palermo Bull. Inst. Zool. R. Univ. 1 1919 (77-80). 769 Turner, E. L. Q^he Bittern in the Noifolk Broads. “ A great entail.” Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (5-12 34- 36) 3 photos. 770 Turner, E. L. Notes on the breeding of the Bittern in Norfolk. Norwich Trams. Nat. Soc. 10 1919 (319-334) 6 photos. 771 Tuttle, H. E. Some notes on the drumming of the Ruffed Grouse. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 1326-330) 1 pi. 772 Van Fleet, C. C. A short paper on the Hutton Vireo. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919(162-165). 773 Verwey, J. vide Brouwer. Virchow, H. Ueber des Hinter- hauptsgele.nk von Phea darwini. Berlin Sitz Ber. Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin 1917 (230-232) 4 text-figs. 774 Virchow, H. Ueber die Halswir- bolsaulo von Plotus anhinga. Berlin SitzBer. Ges. Naturf. Freunde 1917 (454-468) 7 figs. 775 Virchow, H. Ueber die Wirbel- sauie des Kranichs. Berlin SitzBer. Naturf. Freunde 1918 (105-132) 11 figs. 776 Wait, E. R. Feeding habits of nestling Bee-eaters. Nature London 1031919(4). 777 Walcher, — . Winterbeobachtungen iiber der Alpenleinzeisig in den Solker Tauern. Ornith. .Jahrb. Hallein 29 1919 (51-65). 778 Walli-s, E. A. Notes on the Crested Lark in northern France. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (180-181). 779 Wallis, E. A. Notes on the birds of a valley in the Champagne district. Franco. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (218-221). 780 Walton, J. S. T. vide Bolam. Watkin, H. R. Why the Nightingale is seldom heard in Devon. Torquay J. Nat. Hist. goc. 2 1918 (236-237); also Fagan (305). 781 35 Aves. Titles. 5800 Wayne, A. T. The nest and eggs of - Wayne’s Warbler {Dendroicn virens waynei) taken near Mount Pleasant, S.O. Auk Cambridge Mass. 30 1919 (489-492). • 782 Welander, — . Nagra ornitologiska iakttagelser somnjaren 1919. Fauna och Flora Uppsala 14 1919 (232-235). 783 Wells, G. vide Carriger. Wells, T. Scotocichla fuscicapilla babaulti subsp. n. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (69-70). 784 Wells, T. Poliopsar leucoeephalus annamensis subsp. n. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (77-78). 785 Wetmore, A. Notes on the structure of the palate in the Icteridae. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (190-197) 2 text-figs. 786 Wetmore, A. Bird records from the Sacramento valley, California. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (73-74). 787 Wetmore, A. A note on the eye of the Black Skimmer (Rynckops nigra). Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (195). ^ 788 Wetmore, A. Description of a Whippoorwill {Seinchalcis noctitherus sp. n.] from Porto Rico. Washington Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (235- 238). 789 Wetmore, A. Lead poisoning in Waterfowl. Washington D.C. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bull. No. 793 1919 (1-12) 4 figs. 790 Wetmore, A. vide Townsend. Whistler, H. Some birds of the Ludhiana district, Punjab. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (585-598). 791 Whistler, H. Some birds observed at Fagoo, near Simla. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (770 775). 792 Whistler, H. Variety of the Common House Crow {Gorvus splendens) at Jhang, Punjab. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (843). ^ 793 Whistler, H. A note on the breeding of the Hill Partridge {Arborkola torqueola) near Simla. Bombdv J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (849). ^ 794 Whistler, H. The Indian Peregrine Falcon. Ibis London 1919 (149-151) ; ai.so E. C. vS. Baker (152-153) and R. H. Rattray (369-371). 795 (n-13799 g) q White, H. L. The Letter- winged Kite {Elanus scriptus Gould). Emu Melbourne 18 1919 (157-159) pi. xx, 798 White, L, S. Nesting habits of the Brown Rpckchat {Cercomela fusca). Bombay j. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (667-668) ; also W. H. Matthews, (843-844). 797 White, S. A. Four ornithological trips to the Nullabor Plains. Emu Melbourne 18 1919 (189-198) photos. 798 White, S. A. The Allied Buff- rumped Tit- Warbler {Oeobasilens hed- leyi rosinae). Emu Melbourne 19 1919 (81-82) pi. xix. 799 White, S. A. Sketch of the life of Samuel White. S. Aiistr. Orn. Ade- laide 4 1919 (26-33 54-60 79-82). 800 White, S. A. Birds recorded from the early days up to the present time for the Reed Beds district. S. Austr. Orn. Adelaide 4 1919 ( 101-1 14). 801 Whitlock, F. L. Notes on birds breeding in the Dampier Archipelago, N.W. Coast of Australia. Emu Mel- bourne 18 1919 (240-253) photos. 802 Wibeck, E. Till Kanncdomen om nagra svenska f&glars hackningsvanor. Fauna och Flora Uppsala 14 1919 (127 - 130). 803 Wiglesworth, J. Wall-Creeper in Somerset. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (185). 804 Wiglesworth, J. Ornithological Report for 1918, Taunton Proc. Somerset Arch. Nat. Hist. Soo. 64 1919 (xlv-xlvi). 805 Wiglesworth, J. The Heronries of Somerset. Taunton Proc. Somerset Arch. N. H. Soc.,64 1919 (68-85). 806 Willett, G. Notes on the nesting of two little-known species of Petrel \Ptetodroma hypol'euca, Oceanodroma Irislrxmi]. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (60-61). 807 Willett, G. Bird notes from south- eastern Oregon and north-eastern California. Condor Hollywood Cal. 21 1919 (194-207) 5 photos. 808 Williams, J. Some Florida Herons. Wilson Bull. OberlinOhio 30 1918(48- 65)^ 809 d8— 2 36 Avejs, XVII. Aves. [1919] Williams, J. A Vulturo census and some notes. Wilson Bull. Obeilin Ohio 30 1918 (75-83). 810 Williams, J. Purple Martina at St. Mark’s, Florida. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 81 1919 (71-83). 811 Williams, J. Notes on birds of Wakulla county, Florida. Wilson Bull. Oberlin Ohio 31 1919 (109-117). 812 Williams, R. W. Winter birds of East Goose Creek, Florida. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1019 (45-56). 813 Williams, W. J. American Goshawk {Accipiter gentilis atricapillus) in Ire- land. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (31-32), 814 WiliiamsoD, W. J. F. The nidifica- tion of certain Terns. Bangkok J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 1919 (83- 85). 815 Willmott, E. Pied Blackbird from Warley Place. Essex Nat. Stratford 10 1910 (11-15). 816 Witherhy, H. F. and others. A practical Handbook of British Birds pts. 1-5 (1-336) many text-figs., 12 pis. London (Witherby) 1919 8vo. 817 Witherby, H. F. The Pied and White Wagtails. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (37-39) pi. 818 Witherby, H. F. Notes on birds observed near Dunkerque, Nord, France. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (194-205) ; also Wallis and others (231-236 264). 819 Witherby, H. F. The Shetland Starling. Brit. Birds London 12 1919 (207-208). 820 Witherby, H. F. and others. Addi- tions and corrections to the Hand- List of British Bird.s (third list). Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (2-4). 821 Witherby, H. F. and others. Spring immigration of Jackdaws on the Hamp- shire Coast. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (80). 822 Witherby, H. F. The “ British Birds ” marking scheme. Progress for 1918. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (96-100). 823 Witherby, H. F. Recovery of marked birds. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (125-128). 824 Witherby, H. F. Swallow ringed in Yorkshire found in South Africa. Brit. Birds London 13 1919 (196). 825 Witherby, H. F. Remarks on some Portuguese birds. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 39 1919 (47-49); also Hartert (49-50). 826 Witherby, H. F. Remarks on birds from the Balearic Islands, Spain and Portugal. London Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 40 1919 (29-30). 827 Wood, C. A. The eyes of the Burrow- ing Owl [Speotgto cunicularia] with special reference to the fundus oculi. Contrib. Med. Biol. Res. dedicated to Sir Wm. Osier, in honour of his seven- tieth birthday, etc., etc. 1919 (818- 823) col. pi. text-fig. 828 Worcester, D. C. A nesting place of Micropus suhfurcatus in Mindoro. Philippine J. Sci. Manilla 15 1919 (533- 534). 829 Wright, A. H. Tho Yellow-throated Warbler in Central New York. Auk Cambridge Mass. 36 1919 (580-581 ). 830 Wright, H. W. Black Duck ( Anas rubripes irislis) nesting in Boston Public Gardens. Auk Cambridge Mas.s. 36 1919 (355-367). 831 Zedlitz, O. Graf. Ueber das Vor- kommen von Kormoran, Schnatterente und Limose auf den Militischer Teichen. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (118-123). 832 Zedlitz, O. Graf. Otis tetrax L. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (123-126). 833 Zedlitz, O. Graf. Ueber die Formen von Turdus musirus. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (485-490). 834 Zimmer, C. Dor Beginn des Vogel- gesanges in der Fruhdammorung. Munchen Verhandl. Orn. Ges. 14 1919 (152-180). 835 Zimmer, T. T. Some notes on the birds of southern Palawan and adjacent islands. Philippine J. Sc. Manilla 13 D 1918 (327-357). 836 Zimmermann, R. Omithologische Aufseiohnungen aus Sedan. J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 (302-321). 837 37 Aves. Subject Index. — Structure. 5807 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. N.B. — For full Reference vide Titles, COMPREHENSIVE AND GENERAL. 5803 History. Cardoso, 122 ; Rothschild, 639 ; Schenk, 660. Biography— General. J. P. Giraud (1811-1870), Stone, 719; Sir Wm. Jardine, Gladstone, 271; S. White, White, 800; S. A. White, T. Carter, W. D. K. Mac- GiLLivRAY, Mathews, 472. Biography— Autohiography- H. W. Henshaw, 328. Biography - Obituary N otices. M. P. Anderson, Anderson, 18; F. 11. S. Baxendale, Jourdain, 381 ; C W Benson, Moffat, 503 ; L Brasil, Sclater, 676; W. Brewster, Chapman, 130 ; S. E. , Brock, Evans, 227 ; Marchesb Doria, Sclater, 676 ; T. A. Dorrien-Smith, Sclater, 673 ; F. Du C. Godman, Clarke, 155 ; Sclater, 675 ; C. KERBERT,Anon.,19; SirW.Macgregor, Sclater, 678; J. C. McLean, Sclater, 677 ; A. Maes, Schaeck, 657 ; E. A. Mearns, Richmond, 614; Mrs. 0. T. Miller, Bailey, 34, 36; F. Norgatb, Pym, 599; J. A. Palmen, Nordqvist, 523 ; T. Roosevelt, Millais, 494 ; A, Sacr^, Coopman, 169 ; J. Wigles- woRTH, Blathwayt, 82 ; Sclater, 677. General and Popular Treatises. Finn, 241 ; Gilmore, 270 ; Moseley, 508 ; Thorburn, 756 ; Witherby, 817. Bibliography. Ahlander, 4; Cardoso, 122; Faxon, 235; Herrick, 332; Mathews, 471 p. 443 ; Mullens, 511, 512 ; Richmond, 613 ; Schenk, 660 ; Schiebel, 662 ; Schmidhoffen, 666 ; Stone, 718. Institutions and Collections. Tring Museum, Hartert, 814 ; Rosit- TER Bird-Station, Thienemann, 753. Technique and Methods. Plate, 593. Economics (see also under Food-habits, p. 68). Bailey, 33; Brookes, 98; Cleland, 160; Coker, 161; Collinge, 164, 165, 166 ; Dammerman, 189 ; Frohawk, 251; Hurst, 365; McAtee, 450 ; Riddle & Harris, 616. Conservation and Protection. Bailey, 31 ; Bonhote, 87 ; Clarke, 153; Gabriel, 252; Lawyer, 419; Meade-Waldo, 477 ; Schenk, 661 ; Taverner, 746. Acclimatization and Domestication. Chisholm, 138 ; Dixon, 197 ; Ha6us- ler, 298. Aviculture. Baily, 37; Dixon, 197; Hopkinson, 354 ; St. Quintin, 647 ; Tavistock, 749, 750. Nomenclature. General Principles, Gurney, 294. Changes and Emendations, Bangs & Penard, 53, 54; Hellmayr, 321; Laubmann, 415, 418; Lbnnberg, 433 ; Mathews & Iredale, 474; Oberholser, 530, 535, 537, 539, 549, 552, 554; Penard, 584, 585 ; Richmond, 613. Vernacular Names, Seton, 686. Phylogeny & Classification. Dennler, 194; Gengler, 258; Loomis, 440 ; Miller, 497, 499 ; Oberholser, 529, , 552; Stresemann, 721. STRUCTURE. 5807 Plumage and Epithelial Structures. Boring & Morgan, 88; Boubier, 90; Ingram, 370; Steiner, 710; Wetmore, 786. Nervous System and Sense Organs. Dennler, 194; Heringa, 329; Wood, 828. Osteology. Chubb, 151; Danforth, 190; Gres- chik, 280; Shufeldt, 689 p. Ill, 691; Virchow, 774, 775, 776. 38 Aves. Myology and Tendons. Adams, 2 ; Miller, 496. Digestive System. Greschik, 279. Circulatory System. Plate, 692. Urino-genital System. Goodale, 274 ; Eollman, 400. Anatomy of Special Forms. ' Stuutiiio, Duerden, 211; Meoa- poDiADE, Shufeldt, 689, p. Ill ; Por- PHYRIO, TACHYBAFrUS, HyDROPHASIA- NUS, PITIIECOPHAGA, Shufeldt, 691 ; Didus, Chubb, 151 ; Anserakas, Miller, 600; Iynx, Dennler, 194; JIegulus, Greschik, 279; Passer, Greschik, 280. PHYSIOLOGY. 6811 Nervous System and Sense Organs. Martin & Rich, 469; Riddle & La Mer, 617; Rochon-Duvigneaud, 637. Crrculation. Congdon, 167 ; Mangold, 466. Reproduction. Riddle & Anderson, 615. Limb movement, Houssay, 359; Virchow, 774, 775, 776. Chemical Physiology. Allen, 13; Behre & Riddle, 67; Koch & Riddle, 398; Riddle & La Mer, 617 ; Palmer, 674. Miscellaneous. Buckner, 105; Klatt, 394; Pohlman, 596. EMBRYOLOGY, 5816 Alsop, 14; Atwell & Sitler, 24; Congdon, 167 ; Ludwig, 447 ; Tann- reuther, 742 ; Tayler, 761. [1919] ETHOLOGY. 5819 General and Miscellaneous. Baldwin, 49 ; Bent, 72 ; Bolam, 84 ; Buytendyk, 116; Finn, 241; Gibson, 263 ; Gladstone, 272 ; Haviland & Pitt, 316; Morgan, 507; Poulton, 698 ; Routledge, 641 ; Teschauer, 762. Food-habits. General, Clark, 152; Cleland, 160; Collinge, 164, 165, 166; Krohn, 406; Levander, 426 ; Marelli, 467 ; Wait, 777. The Food-habits of ; Lathamus and Platycercus, Cole, 162; Turdus, Havi- land & Pitt, 316; Slurnus, Mercier, 485 ; Gorvus, Meyere, 493. Migration (General Problems). Boubier, 89; Eckardt, 217 ; Ingram, 371; Leopold, 422; Lucanus, 446; Meinertzhagen, 479; Stubbs, 731. Migration, regional observations. British Islands : Gurney, 293 ; Rintoul & Baxter, 621 ; Ticehurst, 758. France : Schuster, 670. Germany : Stadler, 705. Hungary : Mannsberg, 466. Switzerland : Fischer-Sigwart, 244. Holland ; Brouwer & Verwey, 101 Ekama, 221 ; Swaen, 737. Denmark: H0rring, 357. Russia ; Gr6ve, 281 ; Eracht, 404. Mediterranean : Suffern, 732. Canary Is. : Bannermau, 55. Eastern Asia : Enomoto, 225 ; Euroda. 411 ; Euroda & Miyakoda, 412. Indian Empire : Eenny, 387. North America; Douthitt, 204; Oberholser, 564 ; Pearson & Brimley, 580; Philipp & Bowdish, 588. Atlantic Ocean : Garnett, 256. Migration of single species. Scolopax, Lucanus, 444 ; Thinemann, 754 ; Ghaetura, Dove, 205 ; Irido- procne, Farley, 233 ; Bomhycilla, Tratz, 767. XVII. Aves. 39 Ave^. Subject Index. — Variation, Etc. 5823 Bird-marking and Fly-routes. Baldwin, 49; Falz-Fein, 231 ; Hey- der, 841 ; Hildebrandt, 343 ; Luoamis, 445, 446 ; Rendall, 609 ; Robinson, 635; Thienemann, 753; Witherby, 823, 824, 825. FUght. Eckardt, 217 ; Houssay, 359 ; Lilien- thal, 427. Parental Relations. Evans, 229 ; Macintyre, 457. Sexual Relations and Display. Carpenter, 123; Huxley, 368; Le Souef, 423. Nidification (General Problems). Belcher, 68; Bent, 72; Bunyard, 108; Cathelin, 125, 126; Morgan, 507 ; Mousley, 609 ; Nichols, 618; Schuster, 671 ; Wibeck, 803. Nidification (Regional obser- vations). Holland : De Vries, 195. Switzerland : Bachler, 25. Russia: Cordes, 171. Eoytt: Koenig, 899. India: Baker, 39;'^ Donald, 201; Hopwood, 355; Jones, 876, 377 ; Whistler, 791. Siam: Baker, 38; Williamson, 815. Sumatra : Beaufort & Bussy, 62. Australia : Ramsay, 600 ; Whitlock, 802. Argentina: Doello-Jurado, 200; Gibson, 263 ; Reed, 603. Galapagos Is.: Gifford, 264. United States: Bartsch, 60 ; Pear- son & Brimley, 580 ; Williams, 809. Nidification (observations on single species, Pfc- III. Systematic). Bacmeister, 27, 28; Bradbury, 94, 95'; Bunyard, 107; Carriger & Wells, 124; Cheesman &> Buxton, 133 ; Chisholm, 137 ; Dawson, 193 ; Dove, 206 ; Dubois, 207 ; Ekblaw, 222, 224 ; Evermann, 230; Gilbert, 265, 266; Gillespie, 269; Gunthorp, 292; Hesse, 335; Jackson, 374; Jourdain, 382; Eitchin, 393 ; Krohn, 407 ; Mackenzie, 458; M’Gilp; 466; Munro, 614; Oldham, 567 ; Owed, 672 ; Pike, 690 ; Ray, 645; Richards, 612; Rowan, 642 ; Rust, 645 ; Schlegel, 664, 666 ; Shaver, 687 ; Shufeldt, 689 ; Steen- huizer, 709; Stewart, 716; Thomson, 755 ; Turner, 771 ; Van Fleet, 773 ; Wayne, 782; Whistler, 794; White, 797 ; Willett, 807 ; Worcester, 829. Voice. General Observations : Allen, 11; Burkitt, 110; Hagen, 299; Hoffmann, 346; Mousley, 509; Saunders, 663; Sutton, 736 ; Zimmer, 835. On the song or note of : Bonasa, Tuttle, 772 ; Pernis, Hesse, 335 ; DryohateSf Huxley, 367 ; ReguluSf Saunders, 654 ; Gorvus, Allen, 9. Psychology. Adlersparre, 3; Allen, 9; Cathelin, 126 ; Gladstone, 272 ; Ponlton, 598. Colour and Moult. ^ Blaauw, 80; Butler, 114; Jackson, 372; Someren, 698; Stresemann, 723 p. 12, 728. Pathology. McCnrrison, 462 ; Wetmore, 790. Avian Parasitology. Arnold, 20 ; Plath, 594, 595. Mortality. Meade-Waldo, 477. VARIATION AND AETIOLOGY. 6823 Variation. Baker, 47 ; Buchner, 104 ; Duerden, 208; Grinnell, 283 ; Loomis, 441,442. Teratology. Cole & Lippincott, 163; Danforth, 190 ; Shufeldt, 688 ; Tannreuther, 742 ; Tayler, 751. Hybrids. Duerden, 209, 210; Lincoln, 429; L6nnberg, 432, 435, 437 ; Nichols, 517. 40 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1919] Heredity and Evolution. Evolution : Alverdes, 16 ; Butler, 114 ; Haviland & Pitt, 316 ; Stresemann, 720. Genetics : Boring & Morgan, 88 ; Cole & Lippincott, 163; Cunningham, 182; Duerden, 208, 209, 210 ; Hadley, 297 ; Palmer & Eempster, 575 ; Riddle & Harris, 616. Sexual Selection : Becher, 63i Fossil and Extinct Birds. Ailio, 5 ; Ammon, 17 ; Boule, 92 ; Kormos & Lambrecht, 401 ; Marshall, 468 ; Rothschild, 639 ; Schweppen- burg, 672. GEOGRAPHY. 5827 General. Boubier, 91 ; Hall & Grinnell, 300. PALAEARCTIC REGION. British Islands. General and Popular Works: Coward, 178; Hudson, 363; Mullens, 512; Thorburn, 756; Witherby, 817, 821. Hertfordshire : Oldham, 567. Surrey : Goodall, 275. Sussex : Belt, 70 ; Edwards, 218 ; Nicoll, 520. Berkshire : Jourdain, 383. Oxfordshire : Edwards, 218 ; Jour- dain, 383. Somersetshire ; Wiglesworth, 804, 805, 806. Devonshire : Watkin, 781. Essex : Brown, 102 ; Chubb, 147 ; Owen, 673 ; Willmott, 816. Suffolk : Stanford, 708. Norfolk ; Gurney, 293 ; Patterson, 579; Turner, 770, 771. Lincolnshire ; Mullens, 611. Worcestershire : Leigh, 420. Staffordshire : Masefield, 470. Shropshire : Forrest, 247. Cheshire : Coward, 179. Lancashire : Coward, 179 ; Robin- son, 636. Yorkshire ; Gyngell, 296. Westmoreland : Astley, 22. Northumberland : Bolam, 84, 85, 86; Chapman, 128; Gill, 267, 268. Wales ; Forrest, 246 ; Ticehurst, 758. Scotland, General ; Baxter & Bintoul, 61 ; Clarke, 157 ; Rintoul & Baxter, 621 ; Henderson, 324. Berwickshire : M’ Conachie, 454. Dumfries-shire : Gladstone, 271. Kirkcudbrightshire : Hough, 358 ; Maxwell, 476. Midlothian : Clarke, 156. Argyllshire : Kirk, 391. Inverness-shire ; Clarke, 158. Ross -SHIRE : Eirke, 392. Outer Hebrides : Beveridge, 78 ; Guthrie, 295 ; Eleiuschmidt, 395. Orkney and Shetland ; Greatorex, 278; Jourdain, 379; Meade-Waldo, 477; Selous, 685; Witherby, 820. Ireland: Guinness, 291; Elein- schmidt, 395 ; Lindner, 431 ; Steudall, 711; Williams, 814. Guernsey : Rowswell, 643. France. General : Menegaux, 492. Eastern France (War Districts) : Schuster, 670 ; Sowerby, 702 ; Stadler, 706; Sunkel, 733, 734. Nord : Boyd, 93 ; Witherby, 819. Pas-de-Calais : Boyd, 93 ; Medli- cott, 478 ; Wallis, 779. Somme : Boyd, 93. Seine Inf. : McWilliam, 459. Eure : Gudgan, 290. Sarthe : Letacq, 424. Calvados : Dart, 191. Belle Isle : Abadie, 1. Vendee : Seguin-Jard, 684. Landes : Burleigh, 111. C. Pyrenees : Hartert, 308. PYRtNEES-ORiENTALES : Harper, 305. Ardennes ; Gerlach, 261 ; Zimmer- man n, 837. Yonnk : Wallis, 780. 41 Avcs. Subject Index.— GEoaRAray. 5827 Alsace : Bacmeister, 26* Isere et Hautes-Alpes : I’Her- mitte, 331. Monaco : Boule, 92. Oermany. General : Bacmeister, 29 ; Hesse, 336; Holfmann, 345; Kleinschmidt, 398. Westfalen: Hennemann, 325; Reichling, 607. Hannover : Schnurre, 668 ; See- mann, 683. Hesse : Schnurre, 668. Thuringischb Staaten : Hilde- brandt, 342. Prov. Sachsen : Hesse, 337. Kongr. Sachsen ; Heyder, 340 ; Soheloher, 659. Brandenburg : Hammling, 302 ; Rudiger, 644. Holstein : Euhl, 408; Schelcher, 659. Pommern : Hoffmann, 346 ; Hubner, 362; Koske, 402; Reichenow, 604; Tischler, 760. Westpreussen : Dobbrick, 198, 199; Ibath, 369. Ostpreussen : Tischler, 761. ScHLESiEN : Zedlitz, 832. WuRTTEMBERG : Fischer, 242. Bayern : Hellmayr u. Laubmaun, 322; Laubmann, 416; Lindner, 430; Merk-Buchberg, 486 ; Sachtleben, 650 ; Stadler, 705 ; Sunkel, 735. Friessische Ins* : Heyder, 341. Austria-Hungary. General : Schmidhoffen, 666. Lower Austria: Becker, 64; Ober- mayer, 565. Tirol : BUsing, 113. Cecho-Slovakia : Gengler, 259. Galicia : Schelcher, 658. Hungary : Chernel, 134, 135, 136 ; Csbrgey, 181 ; Eormos & Lambrecht, 401 ; Mannsberg, 466 ; Schenk, 660, 661 ; Schweppenburg, 672. Switzerland. B^chler, 25 ; Fischer-Sigwart, 243. 244; Hess, 833, 334; Soffel, 697; Tratz, 766. Belgium. Contreras, 168; Coopman, 169, 170; Dietrich, 196; Dupont, 212; Havre, 317; 318; Mairlot, 463, 464; Basque, 577. Holland. brouwer & Verwey, 101 ; Ekama, 221; Oordt, 568, 569, 570 ; Snouckaert, 694, 695; Steenhuizen, 709; Swaen, 737. Scandinavia. Denmark : Ferdinand, 236 ; Helms, 323; H0rring, 356, 357; Jespersen, 375 ; Eristensen, 405. SwBDBi? : Berg, 78 ; Fries, 250 ; Gertz, 262; Lbnnberg, 434, 436, 438, 439; Nyqvist, 524, 525; Ringdahl, 620; Welander, 783 ; Wibeck, 803. Iceland : Bergman, 74 ; Gordon, 276 ; Nielsen, 521 ; Schi01er, 663. Russia. General : Cordes, 171 ; Stresemann, 723. Finland : Ailio, 5. Baltic Prov. : Gr6ve, 281* Lithuania : Sachtleben, 651. Orenburg ; Grote, 288. Taurien : Falz-Fein, 231. Astrakan : Eracht, 404. Caucasus Region : Gengler, 257. Iberian Peninsula. Spain and Portugal: Wltherby, 828, 827. Italy. Sachtleben, 649 ; Stadler, 704 ; Stresemann, 723, 724 ; Tratz, 765. Balkan Peninsula. Turkey: Mathey-Duprez, 475. Bulgaria : Boetiicher, 83. Roumania : Stresemann, 722, 723. Macedonia : Gengler & Stresemann, 260; Reichenow, 606; Sachtleben, 648 ; Stresemann, 722. 42 Aves. XVTI. Aves. [1919] Mediterranean Sea and Islands. Mediterranean : Suffern, 732. Balearic Is. : Gosse, 277 ; Wither- by, 827. Sicily ; Trischitta, 768, 769. North Africa. Morocco: Hartert, 310 ; Lynes, 449. Tunis : B6d6, 65. Egypt : Berney, 76 ; Bonhote, 87 ; Hartert, 311, 313; Koenig, 399; Nicoll, 519. Atlantic Islands. Canary Islands : Bannerman, 55. Western Asia. Syria: Rothschild, 640. Palestine : Berney, 76 ; Gengler, 257 ; Meinertzhagen, 480 ; Schmitz, 667 ; Sladen, 693. Mesopotamia : B61di, 69 ; Donald, 202; Jourdain, 378. Persia : Baker, 48 ; B61di, 69. Russian Asia. Siberia; Hall, 301. Eastern Palaearctic Asia. Saghalin : Momiyama, 504. Japan : Enomoto, 225 ; Euroda, 409, 410, 411 ; Monaiyama & Nomura, 505. Corea : Kuroda & Miyakoda, 412. N. China; Hartert, 312; Reiche- now, 604 ; Sowerby. 701. Tibet : Reichenow, 604. ETHIOPIAN REGION. General ; Sclater, 674. West Africa. Gambia : Hopkinson, 352, 353. Nigeria : Reichenow, 605. Cameroon : Bannerman, 56 ; Sclater, 681. Belgian Congo : Bannerman, 57, 58 ; Reichenow, 604 ; Schouteden, 669. Angola : Reichenow, 604 ; Someren, 699. Prince’s Is., Gulf OiF Guinea ; Bannerman, 56. South Africa. General : Finch-Davies, 237, 238. S.W. African Protectorate : Finch-Davies, 239. Cape Province and Transvaal : Godfrey, 273 ; Roberts, 624. Natal ; Symons, 741. Portuguese E. Africa : Someren, 699. Tanganyika Territory (German East Africa) : Grote, 287, 289 ; Someren, 699; Reichenow, 604, 605. Kenya Colony (Bt. East Africa) : Bannerman, 56 ; Hartert, 309 ; Reich- enow, 604 ; Someren, 699. Uganda: Belcher, 68; Jackson, 373 ; Someren, 699. North-East Africa. Somaliland ; Clarke, 154. Sudan : Sclater & Mackworth-Praed 679. INDIAN REGION. Indian Empire and Ceylon. General ; Baker, 39 ; 40 ; Osmas- ton, 571. N.W. Frontier Province ; Whist- ler, 795. Punjab : Donald, 201 ; Jones, 376, 377; Whistler, 791, 792, 793. Bombay : Einnear, 390. 11YDRAB4D (Deccan) : Currie, 183. Madras Pres. : Baker, 44, 45 ; Dawson, 192. Ceylon : Wells, 784. Assam : Baker, 41. Burma : Baker, 41 ; Hopwood, 356 ; Kenny, 387 ; Mackenzie, 458. Andaman and Nicobar Is. : Ober- holser, 550, 559. Malayia. Malay Peninsula ; Robinson, 628; Robinson & Kloss, 632. Sumatra and Adjacent Is. : Beau- fort & Bussy, 62 ; Oberholser, 557, 558, 560; Robinson & Kloss, 633; Snouc- kaert, 696. Java ; Bartels, 59 ; Dammerman, 189; Riley, 619; Robinson & Kloss,. 632. 43 Aves. Subject Index.— Geography. 5827 Borneo : Baker, 43 ; Robinson & Eloss, 632 ; Sclater, 682. Tambelan Is. (S. China Sea, W. of Borneo) : Oberholser, 556. Celebes : Riley, 619. Philippine Is. : Bangs, 62 ; Neu- mann, 515. Palawan : Sclater, 682 ; Zimmer, 836. Indo- China and Southern China. Sum : Baker, 38 ; Gairdner, 264 ; Eloss, 397 ; Robinson & Eloss, 629, 630, 632 ; Williamson, 816. Annam and Cochin China : Robin- son & Eloss, 631 ; Wells, 785. Southern China: Baker, 40; La Touche, 414; Sclater, 682. AUSTRALIAN REGION. New Guinea and dependent Islands. New Ireland : Neumann, 616. New Guinea : Reichenow, 606. Australian Commonwealth. General : Cleland, 160 ; Mathews, 471. Western Australia : Alexander, 7; Mathews, 478; Whitlock, 802. South Australia ; MoGilp, 46.6; Mellor, 481, 482, 484; Morgan, 606, 607 ; White, S. A., 798, 801. Northern Territory : Campbell, 118. Tasmania : Lord, 443. Victoria: Bryant, 103; Currie, 184; Gabriel, 262; Lendon, 421. New South Wales: Cleland, 169; Gilbert, 266 ; Ramsay, 600. Queensland: Chisholm, 138; Har- vey, 315 ; Jackson, 374; Eersey, 388. New Zealand and Pacific Islands. New Zealand: Haeusler, 298; Philpott, 589 ; Stuart-Sutherland, 730. Pacific Islands in General : Townsend & Wetmore, 764. Samoa : Reichenow, 605. Hawaiian Is. : Bailey, 31 ; Mac- caughey, 453 ; Perkins, 687 ; Willett, 807. NEOTROPICAL REGION. General : Chubb, 141 ; Cory, 172. South America. Argentina: Ambrosetti, 16; Chap- man, 131 ; Dabbene, 185, 186, 187, 188 ; Gibson, 263; Hellmayr, 320; Marelli, 467 ; Menegdux, 491 ; Reed, 603. Paraguay : Bertoni, 77 ; Chubb, 144. Chile : Chapman, 129, 131. Bolivia ; Chapman, 181, 182 Reichenow, 605. Peru: Chapman, 129, 131, 182; Chubb, 140; 142; Coker, 161; Cory, 172, 173 ; Hellmayr, 320. Galapagos and Cocos Is., Costa Rica : Gifford, 264. Brazil: Bangs & Penard, 63; Chapman, 132; Chubb, 140, 142; Cory, 172, 173, 175 ; Luederwaldt, 448; Ribeira, 611 ; Teschauer, 752. British Guiana : Beebe, 66 ; Chubb, 140, 142, 144, 146, 147, 149, 160; Penard, 681, 683, 686. Venezuela: Cory, 173; Crandall, 180; Hellmayr, 321. Colombia : Bangs & Penard, 63 ; Chapman, 132; Cory, 172; Hellmayr, 321; Todd, 763. Central America. General: Ridgway, 618. Panama : Bangs & Penard, 53 ; Chapman, 129 ; Rendahl, 608. Costa Rica : Bangs & Penard, 63 ; Rendahl, 608 ; Sclater, 680. Nicaragua : Rendahl, 608. Guatelama ; Chubb, 142. West Indies. General : Ridgway, 618. Tobago : Chubb, 140. Porto Rica : Wetmore, 789. Cayman I. and Swan I, : Bangs, 60; Cory, 172. NEARCTIC REGION (including Mexico). General and Popular Works i Cory, 172; Gilmore, 270 ; Moseley, 508 ; Ridgway, 618. 41 Avei. XVII. Mexico. Bangs & Fenard, 53. Lower California ; Dwight, 215 ; Oberholser, 643, 544, 563. Western United States. California : Carriger & Wells, 124 ; Dawson, 193 ; Dixon, 197 ; Evermann, 230 ; Grinnell, 283, 284, 285 ; Hall & Grinnell, 300; Mailliard, 461, 462; Oberholser, 546; Stephens, 712; Van Fleet, 773 ; Wetmore, 787 ; Willett, 808. Colorado : Bergtold, 75 ; Bradbury, 94. Wyoming : Oberholser, 632. Montana : Dubois, 207. Idaho ; Rust, 645. Oregon : Willett, 808. Washington ; Kitchin, 393. Middle United States. Texas : Oberholser, 628, 662. Louisiana : Bailey, 30, 32 ; Hunt, 364 ; Eennard, 386. % Mississippi ; Hunt, 364. Alabama ; Holt, 351. Missouri ; Harris, 307. Kansas ; Douthitt, 204. Nebraska ; Swenk, 740. S. Dakota ; Stephens, 714. N. Dakota ; Bailey, 35 ; Freeman, 248. Minnesota : Roberts, 625, 626. Wisconsin ; Hollister, 350. Iowa : Gabrielson, 253 ; Spurrell, 703; Stephens, 713. Illinois ; Eifrig, 219 ; Farwell, 284. Indiana : Eifrig, 220, 219. Michigan : Cahn, 117. Ohio : Doolittle, 203 ; Earl, 216 ; Henninger, 326. Eastern United States. Florida ; Bartsch, 60 ; Griscom, 286; Howell, 361 ; Pangburn, 576; Bafford, 652 ; Williams, 809, 812, 813. Georgia : Erichsen, 226. Aves. • [1919] North Carolina : Grinnell, 282 ; Pearson & Brimley, 580. District of Columbia ; Oberholser, 526, 527, 661; Swales, 738. Pennsylvania : Burns, 112 ; Stone, 717. New Jersey : 498. . New York : Raynor, 602 ; Wright, 830. Massachusetts : Allen, 12 ; Richards, 612 ; Robbins, 623 ; Wright, 831. New Hampshire ; Brooks, 99. Canada. General ; Taverner, 743. Nova Scotia ; Lewis, 426. New Brunswick ; Philipp & Bow- dish, 588. Quebec Prov. : Clarke, 163 ; Mous- ley, 610. Ontario : Saunders, 655, 656. Manitoba ; Fleming, 246 ; 0*Don- oghue & Gowanlock, 666; Taverner, 747. Saskatchewan : Fleming, 245 ; Mitchell, 502. Alberta ; Farley, 232 ; Soper, 700 ; Taverner, 744. British Columbia ; Munro, 513, 614 ; Taverner, 746. Newfoundland. Noble, 522. Greenland. Ekblaw, 222, 223, 224. Alaska. Mainland : Blackwelder, 81 ; Brooks, 100 ; Hine, 344. Aleutian Is. ; Oberholser, 556. Pribilof Is, : Hanna, 303. THE OCEANS. Atlantic Ocean ; Garnett, 255. Bermuda Is. : Hutchings, 366. Pacific : Heurn, 339. 45 Avei-. Systematic. — Galliformbs. 5831 III.— SYSTEMATIC. The arrangement of Sharpe’s “ Hand- list of Birds ” is here used ; where generic names differ, the name in the Hand-list is prefixed in square brac- kets. Full references are given only in the case of new genera and species. In other cases the numeral in Clarendon refers to the TAst of Titles^ where the full reference will be found. ORDER ARCH.EOPTERYGES. ■\Archaeornis* gen. n. for the Berlin example Archaeopteryx siemensi, Pet- RONlEvics Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1917 p. 5 foot-note. ORDER RHEIFORMES. Bhea darwini flexion of leg- joint, Virchow 774. — Pterocnemia tarapa- censis garleppi in Catamarca, Argentine, Dabbenb 188 p. 259. ORDER STRUTHIONIFORMES. Struthio genetics and variation of the germ-plasm, Duerden 208 ; tarsal callosities, Duerden 211. — S. camelus and S. experiments and results of hybridization, Duerden 209, 210. — S. camelus syriacus subsp. n. Syrian desert, note on the type -locality of the.typical form and key of known forms, Rothschild Bull. B. 0. C. 89 p. 83. ORDER CASUARIIFORMES. Dromaeus irroratus not a distinct species, Renshaw 610. ORDER DINORNITHIFORMES. ]Dinornis rohustus in the Lower Wanganui [tertiary] beds of New Zea- land, Marshall 468. ORDER ^PYORNITHIFORMES. ^jFpyornis maximus note on the egg, Bradbury 95 ORDER TINAMIFORMES. Tinamus too weddelli taxonomic note, Chubb 141 p. 6. * Accidentally omitted from Aves for 1917. Crypturus idoneus sp. n. Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 117.— Crypturellus parvirostris new to Argen- tina, Dabbenb 188 pp. 260 652. — G. garleppi ajfinis subsp. n. Bolivia, Chubb Ibis 1919 p. 8. Nothoprocta curvirostris nestling, plumage, Chubb 141 p. 11. Galopezus elegans formosus caeca figured, Chubb 141 p. 14. ORDER GALLIFORMES. Game birds of India, Burma and Ceylon pts. 26-28 with descriptions of the forms of Lophophorus and Tragopan and coloured plates of Lophophorus refulgens and Tragopan h. blythii Baker 39. List of the Megapodidae with remarks on classification, taxonomy and distri- bution, Shufeldt 689. Megapodius nicobariensis abbotti subsp. n. Great and Little Nicobar Is., Obbrholser Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 p. 401.— Af. tumulus economic relation to spread of Prickly Pear, Brookes 98. Leipoa ocellata mound-building, habits, Ross 638. i Penelope aequatorialis history and nomenclature, Chudb 141 p. 10. Ghamaepetes goudotii races discussed, G. g. antioquiana subsp. n. Colombia, Chubb Ibis 1919 p. 22 : G. fa^ani figured with addt. description, id. ibid p. 24. [Lagopus] Tetrao scoticus scarcity in Scotland, Meade-Waldo 477. — Tetrao [scoticus} hibernicus Ireland, T. [/S'.] dresseri Hebridees subspp. n., Klein- sohmidt Falco 15 p. 3. — L. mulus habits, etc., etc., in Germany, Merk- Buchbero 487* Tetrao urogallus, T. tetrix, T. bonasia field notes and habits in Bavaria, Merk-BuchbErg 486. Tympanuchus cupido formerly occur- ring nr. Washington D.C., Swales 738. — T. americanus x Pedioecetes p. campestris hybrid, Lincoln 429. Pedioecetes pha^ianellus present status in Alberta, Taverner 744. Bonasa umbellus notes on “ drum- ming,” Tuttle 772. 46 Aves, XVII. Aves. [1919] [Tetrastes] Bonaaia bonasia habits, ■etc., etc., in Germany, Merk-Buohberg 489 Gaccabia hwanghoenia sp. n. E. Tibet, Beichbnow J. Ornith. 67 p, 226. Ammoperdix heyi nicolU subsp. n. nr. Cairo, Hartert Bull. B. 0. 0. 40 p. 4. Francolinus chinensis (Muller) name changed to F. pintadeanua (Scop.), Oberholser 549 p. 21. — F. tachadenaia nr. Lake Chad, F. grotei S. German E. Afr. spp. n., Reichenow J. Ornith. 67 p. 334. Pterniatea nudicollia the form occur- ring in the southern coastlands of German E. Afr. discussed, Grote 287. Arboricola torqueola on a nest and eggs near Simla, Whistler 794. — A. ru- fogularia annamenaia S. Annam, p. 403, pi. X, A. brunneipechia albigula S. Annam, p. 405, pi. xi, subspp. n., Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919. — A. rolli in N.E. Sumatra, Robinson & Kloss 633 p. 74. Excalfactoria c. chinenaia occurring Sumatra, Robinson & Kloss 633 p. 76. — E. c. palmeri subsp. n. Java, Riley Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 p. 93. Oalloperdix apadacea atewarti subsp. n Travancore with designation of type localities to other races, Baker Bull. B. 0. C, 40 p. 18. Tragopan caboii note on colour of wattle, Astley 23. Gennaeua annamenaia plumages, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 408. Phaaianua on the forms met with in N. China, Sowerby 701 p. 63 101. — P. colchicua hemptinnii subsp. n. Hupeh China, La Touche Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 51. — P. veraicolor robuatipea Sado I. pp. 299, 309 ; P. v. kiuaiuensia Kiusiu pp. 300, 309 ; P. v. tanenaia Tanegas- hima I. pp. 300, 310 , P. aoemmjrringi aubrufua E. Hondo pp. 303, 311 ; P. a. intermediua N.W. Shikoku pp. 304, 312, all in Japan, Kuroda Debuts. Zasshi 31. — Phaaianua auguatua sp. n. Upper Miocene of Bavaria, Ammon 17 [Calophaaia] Phaaianua humiaeburma- nicua ranges to Siam, Gairdner 254. Oallua gallus nomenclature of species and races. Bangs & Penard 54 ; in the Marquesas Is., Townsend & Wetmorb 764. — fG. longaevua sp. n. Upper Miocene of Bavaria, Ammon 17. Numida aabyi sp. n. W. Morocco, and note on Linnaeus’ original descrip- tion of Phaaianua meleagria, Hartert Bull. B. 0. C. 39 pp. 69 8.5. Odontophorua guianenaia subspecies reviewed O. g. aimonai Bolivia p. 26, O. g. panamenaia Panama p. 26, 0. g. buckleyi Eastern Ecuador p. 27 subspp. n., Chubb Ibis 1919. — 0. variegatua sp. n. Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 116. ORDER PTEROCLIDIFORMES. Pteroclurua exuatua emini subsp. n. N. W. of Victoria Nyanza, Reichenow J. Ornith. 67 p. 226. — Pteroclea aene^ gallua on the eggs, Jourdain 382, Pteroclea gutturalia tanganjicae subsp. n. E. of Tanganyika, Reichenow J. Ornith. 67 p. 226. „ ORDER COLUMBIFORMES. The Pigeons of the Gambia, Hopkin- soN 353, Sphenocercus aphenurua new to Cochin China, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 412. Vinago delalandei granti subsp. n. Tanganiyka Terr., Someren Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 20. Ptilopua coralenaia in tlie Paumatu Is. and other Pacific Island species listed and eommented on, Townsend & Wetmore 764 p. 186. Olobicera pacifica figured with des- cription, etc,, etc., Mathews 471 p. 414 pi. 366. — 0. rubricera found in Australia, Kershaw 389 pi. xxxv. — 0. wilkeaii a synonym of 0. aurorae, p. 190, O. oceanica iownaendi subsp. n. E. Caroline Is. p. 191, Wetmore Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool 63. Carpophaga cenea ranging north of Bombay, Kinnear 390. — Muacadivorea ceneua mirtua distinctive characters, Oberholser 560 p. 479. Ducula inaignia griaeicapilla new to French Indo-China, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 413. 47 Avcs. Systbmatio. — Sphenisoiformbs. 5831 Columba argentina {G. grisea auct.) occurring on Pulo Taya I., off Sumatra, Oberholser 557 p. 270. — C. palumbus, a blue -green egg, Schlegel 665 ; a nest robber, Hoffmann 347. — Oenoenas nigrirostris taxonomic note, E-endahl 608 p. 14. Macropygia emiliana hypopercna cor- rection of orig. descript., Oberholser 560 p. 478. — M. ruficeps sumatranm subsp. n. N.E. Sumatra, Robinson & Kloss J. Straits Asiat. Soc. 80 p. 77. Ectopistes migratorius common in southern Quebec Prov. about 1840, Mousley 510 p. 486 ; history in Pennsylvania, etc., French 249. Zenaida auriculata noronha subsp. n. Fernando Noronha I., Brazil, Chubb Ibis 1919 p. 36. Turturferrago acclimatised in Queens- land Chisholm iSS.—Stigmatopelia lugens funebra subsp. n. Kenya Colony, SoMEREN Bull. B. 0. C. 210 p. 21. Chalcophaps indica ranging to Chittur Madras Pres., Dawson 192. Leptoptila verreauxi brevipennis subsp. n. Trinidad, Chubb Ibis 1919 p. 45. [Geotrygon] Oreopelela v. violacea new to Argentina, Dabbene 188 p. 662. Didus ineptus on a skeleton, Chubb 151, — D. borbonicus note on history Rnd photograph of an original picture, Rothschild 639. ORDER RALLIFORMES. [Limnopardalis] Par dir alius rity- rhynchus subspecies noticed, P. r. tschudii subsp. n. Central Peru, Chubb Ibis 1919 p. 60. Hypoiaenidia striata rcliqua subsp, n. Biraalur I, Sumatra, Oberholser Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 p. 476. Aramides cajanea grahami subsp. n. Tara, Brazil, Chubb Ibis 1919 p. 63. Ilimantornis haematopus whitesidei on the Welle river, Bannerman 57 p. 97. Porzana pusilla occurs in Java, Bartch 59. Sarothrura rufa ansorgei Angola, r. elizabethae Uganda subspp, n,, Someren Bull B. 0. C. 40 p. 20. — S. somereni sp. n. Bt. E. Africa, Banner- man Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 8, male described, Someren ibid p. 28. Limnobaenus tsingtauensis sp. n. Tsingtau China, Reichenow J. Ornith. 67 p. 226. Amaurornis pJioenicura cleptea addt. examples noted and measured, Ober- holser 560 p. 474. Gallinula tenebrosa colour changes in the bill, Alexander 7 ; an albino figured, Alexander 8. — G. c. chloropus colour of soft parts, GArnett 256. Porphyria pulverulentus osteology, Shufeldt 690 ORDER PODICIPEDIDIFORMES. Life histories of N. American Grebes, Bent 72. Podiceps ruficollis vocal ducts in courtship, Huxley 368. — Tachybaptus philiqypensis osteology, Shufeldt 690 p. 98. [Dytes] Colymbus auritus, nesting habits in Montana, Dubois 207. [Proctopus] Podiceps nigricollis nest ing notes in Hertfordshire, Oldham 567 ; nesting habits and photos. Pike 590 ; colour of soft parts, Gar- nett 256 ; nesting in Holland, Steen HUizEN 709. — Proctopus nigricollis gurneyi subsp. n. Cape Prov., Roberts Ann. Transv. Mus 6 p. 118. [Lophedhyria] Podiceps cristatus list of breeding records in Scotland, Baxter & Rintoul 61 ; breeding in the Forth area, Evans 228. ORDER COLYMBIFORMES. Life -histories of N. American Loons and Divers, Bent 72. [Colymbds^ Gavia arctica on variation and the subspecies. Bent 71. — G. pacifica in New Hampshire, Brooks 99. ORDER SPHENISCIFORMES. Distribution of Penguins and its geophysical significance, Boubier 91. Aptenodytes patachonica breeding in captivity, Gillespie 269. Eudyptila mmordestruction at Phillip I., Victoria, Gabriel 253 48 4^veH. XVII. Aves. [1919] Spheniacus humboldti habits on the Peruvian guano islands, Coker 161 p. 466 pi. 63 ORDER PROCELLARIIFORMES. Oceanodroma tristrami nesting habits on Laysan I., Hawaiian group, Willett 807. Fregata measurements and descrip- tions of the races of Trinidad I., off Brazil, Ribeieo 611 p. 186. Puffinus chlororhynchus dichroma - tism, Loomis 442. — P. brevicaudatus destruction at Phillip I., Victoria, Gabriel 252. — P. heinrothi sp. n. Baltic, Reiohenow J. Ornith. 67 p. 226. — Reinholdia reinholdi figured with description, etc., etc,, Mathews 471 p. 421 pi. 367. JEatrelata hasitata in mid-Atlantic, Bannbrman 56 p. 10. — Pterodoma haeaitata P. diabolica are identical with description of original types, Bangs & Penard 53 p. 21. — Ptero- droma hypoleuca nesting habits on Laysan I., Hawaiian group, Willett 807. — trinitalia and arminjoniana measurements and description from Trinidad I., Ribeiro 611. — Pterodoma. inexpectata figured with description, etc., etc., Mathews 471 p. 426 pi. 368. Fulmarua glacialia breeding range in Ireland and elsewhere, Lindner 431. Prion forateri a list of the sub-species and note on nomenclature, Ober- HOLSER 554. Pelecanoidea garnoli habits and econo- mics on the Peruvian coasts, Coker 161 p. 462. Diomedea chionoptera figured with description, etc., etc., Mathews 471 p. 427 pi. 369. — D. irrorata variation and dichromatism, Loomis 441. [Thalaasogeron] Diomeded chryaoatoma recorded from W. Australia, Alexan- der 7. ORDER ALCIFORMES. The AuLs, etc., etc., of North and Middle America monographed, Ridq- WAY 618 Life histories of N. American Auks, Bent 72, Uria 1. lomvia wrongly recorded from Belgium, Dupond 212. Fratercula arctica wrongly recorded as breeding in Rion I., Gulf of Lyons,. Hermitte 330. ORDER LARIFORMES. The Gulls, etc., etc., of North and Middle America monographed, Ridg- WAY 618. The Seissorbills and Skuas of Argen- tina, Dabbene 186. [Hydroprogne] Sterna caapia nesting in Manitoba, O’Donoghue & Gowan- LOCK 566 ; nesting on Lake Huron, Saunders 655. Sterna fluviatilia a biometrical study of the eggs. Rowan and others 642. — S. longipennia in Java, Bartels 59. — S. elegana status and occurrence in California, Grinnell 285. — Thalasseus bergii rectiroatria (Peale) in the Pau- matu Is. a distinct form, Townsend & Wetmore 764 p. 186. — S. bergii, S. melanauchen, S. anaeatheta nesting motes in Siam, Williamson 815. — Onychoprion fuacalua nesting notes on the Tortugas, Bartsch 60. — Sterna sp. bird-cult of Easter Island, Routledge 641. Anoua atolidua nesting notes on the Tortugas, Bartsch 60. — A. s. unicolor not a valid subspecies, Townsend & Wetmore 764 p. 183. — A. s. pileatua on the Tambelan Is., China seas, Oberholser 555 p. 136. [Micranoua'] Megalopterua melano- genya note on nomenclature, Townsend & Wetmore 764 p. 184. Rynchopa nigra pupil a vertical slit, Wetmore 788. Larua minutua occurrence in Sweden, Lonnberg 436. — L. ridibundua field notes. Mail 460. — L. fuliginosua sup- posed occurrence in Belgium, Con- treras 168. — L. dominicanua habits on the Peruvian coasts, Coker 161 p.458. — L. fuacua affinia status in the Canaries, Bannerman 55 p. 768. — L. fuacua and L. affinia status and relationship, Dwight 214. — L. fuacua x L. leucop- ierus, L. marinua x L. glaucua hybrids described, Lonnberg 432 435. — L. occidentalia livens subsp. n. L. Cali- fornia, Dwight Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington 32 p. 11. — L. canua brachyrhyn- chus in Wyoming, Oberholser 532. — 49 A ves. Systkmatic. — Charadriifobmes. 5831 L. brachyrhynchns must stand as a subspecies of L. camis, Oberholser 529 p. 83. — L. hyperboreus barrovianus is a distinct subspecies, Oberholser 553 ; a synonym of L. hyperboreus, Dwight 213. Pagophila alba (Gunn.) is correct, name for the Ivory Gull, Oberholser 554. Catharacla is correct generic name for the Great Skua, Oberholser 537. Megalestris skua protection in Shet- land, Meade- Waldo 477 ; nesting in the Orkneys, Jourdain 379. ORDER CHARADRIIFORMES. The shore birds, etc., etc., of North Middle America mongraphed, Ridg- WAY 618. Moults and plumage sequence in British waders, Jackson 372, Scolopacinae Canutinae and Nume- niinae are the subfamilies of Scolo- pacidae, Oberholser 554. Haematopus o. ostralegus in Bavaria, Laubmann 416. Oreophilus ruficollis simonsi subsp. n. Bolivia, Chubb Ibis 1919 p. 262. [Lobipluvia'] Shrciopliorus malabari- cus remarks on the nesting habits and eggs, Stewart 716. Vanellus vanellus erythristic clutch of eggs, Bunyard 107. Squalarola squatarnla individual with- out a hind toe. Brooks 99. Ochthodromus a review of the genus, Oberholser 545. — Pagolld wilsonia beldingi, Lower California to Peru p. 112 ; P. w. cinnamomina Columbia, to N.E. Brazil on the coast p. 113 subspp. n., Ridgway Birds M. and N. Amer. pt. 8 Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 50. \^jEgialitis'\ Charadrius dubius curoni- cus is the race which has occurred on the Pacific coast of N. America, Ober- holser 529 p. 559. — C. d. curonicus and C. d. alexandrinus nesting habits near Dunkerque, Witherby 819 p. 200. — meloda breeding in New England, Robbins 623. — M. alticola new to Argentina, DabBene 188 pp. 260 552. — Charadrius rubricollis Gmel. must replace G. cucullatus, Oberholser 533. Becurviroalra avosetla wintering in Holland, Oordt 569 574. * Numenius arquata breeding in Surrey, Good all 275. — Phmopus phceopus vcurie- gatus in the Ladrone islands and discussion of the validity of the genus, Townsend & Wetmore 764 p. 178. Liinosa lapponica baueri in the Ellice Is., with discussion of validity of the genus Vetola, Townsend & Wetmore 764 p. 180. Totanus calidris robustus in Iceland, its distinctive characters, Sohioler 663. Neoglottis gen. n. for type Totanus melanolencus (Gmel.), Ridgway [Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. No. 50] Birds M. and N. Amer. pt. 8 p. 329. Heteractitis incanus and H. brevipes respective ranges in Pacific islands, Townsend & Wetmore 764 p. 179. — Heteroscelus brevipes in the Pribilof Is., new to N. America, Hanna 303. — Heteroscelus Baird is the correct generic name for H, incanus (Gmel.), Ober- holser 533. [Tringoides^ Actitis macularia new to Argentina, Dabbene 188 p. 552. {^Pavoncella^ Philornachus Anon, is the correct generic name for the Ruff, Oberholser 533. — Machetes pugnax an early record for Lincolnshire, Mullens 511. jEchmorhynchus parvirostris oii the Paumotu Is., apparently a distinct species, Townsend & Wetmore 764 p. 182. [H eteropygia] Tringa maculata first record for Samoa, Reichenow 605. Tringa canutus eggs obtained in N. Greenland, Ekblaw 222. [Pelid7ia] Tringa pygmcea Schinz is the correct name for the Dunlin (T. alpina auct.), Laubmann 418. Limicola falcinella (Pontop.) is cor- rect name for L. platyrhyncha (Temm.) et auct., Oberholser 552 p. 140. Gallinago, snipe in China, SoVerby 701 p. 1 ; migrations in Burma, Kenny 387. — G. gallinago ringing re- sults and > migration movements, Thibnemann 754. — G. delicaia nesting in California, Evermann 230. > d 9 (n-13799 ^)q 50 Avcs. XVII. Aves. [1919] ' Scolopax ruslicola migration-lines in Europe deduced from ringing experi- ments, Luo AN us 444 ; do they carry their young ? Evans 229. [Crymophilus] Phalaropus fulicarius new to Pennsylvania, Stone 717. Phalaropus discussion of the correct type of the genus, Laubmann 417. Hydrophasianus chirugus osteology, Shufeldt 690 p. 101. Asarcia a well-defined genus, Ober- HOLSER 554 p. 200. Cursorius gallicus captured in dept. Calvados, Dart 191. Orlhorhaniphus maguiroslris scorn- mophorus subsp. n. Tauibelan Is., S. China Sea, Oberholser Froc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 p. 133. Otis tarda habits, etc., in Germany, Merk-Buchberq 490 ; position of feet in flight, Hesse 338. Otis tetrax distribution, migrations and other habits, Zedlitz 833. ORDER GRUIFORMES. Orus grus migration routes in Saxony, IIeyder 341. — 0. viridirostris vertebral column, osteology and joint mechanism, Virchow 776. Pseudogeranus leucauchen breeding habits in captivity, Portielje 597. Anthropoides virgo occ. in Germany discussed, Bacmeister 29. ORDER ARDEIFORMES. Lampribis rothschildi nom. n. pro. L. olivacea Reichw. nec Du Bus Prince’s I., Bannerman Bull B. 0. C. 40 p. 6. Giconia ciconia old time record of nesting in Scotland, Clarke 156. Ardea goliath breeding habits in capitivity, Portielje 597 photo. — A. cinerea Heronries in Somerset, Wig LES WORTH 806 ; status in the Canaries, Bannerman 55 p. 715.- — A herodias heronry in Misscsota, Gun- THORF 292. — Ardea hrunhuberi sp. n. Upper Miocene of Bavaria, Ammon 17. Herodias alba and H. garzetta pre- sent and past distribution of breeding areas in Hungary and protection and preservation, 'Schenk 661. — Casmero- dius albus on the races, Oberholser 529 p. 557. * Florida caerulea breeding notes in Florida, Williams 809. Notophoyx flavirostris note on plum- ages and subspecies, Campbell 118 p. 177, Ilydranassa tricolor breeding notes in Florida, Williams 809. Demiegrelta s. sacra in the Paumotu, Gilbert and Caroline Is., note on di- chromatism, Townsend »&; Wstmore 764 p. 171. . Nycticorax caledonicus in the Caro- lines, Townsend & Wetmorb 764 p. 172. Tigrisoma salmoni taxanomic note, Chubb 141 p. 273. [Ardetta] IxobrycMis sinensis moorei subsp. n. Caroline Is. and other sub- species listed, Wetmore Bull Mus. Comp. Zool. 63 p. 173. Botauriis slellaris nesting and other habits in Norfolk, Turner 770 771. 1[Botauriles avihis gen. et sp. n. Upper Miocene of Bavaria, Ammon 17. ORDER ANSERIFORMES. Lead poisoning in waterfowl. Wet- more 790. Ducks eating echinoderms, Clark 152. Utility Ducks and Geese, Hurst 365. Anseranas semipalmata remarkable structural characters entitle it to family rank. Miller 500. Sarcidiornis sylvicola new to Vene- zuela Crandall 180; in Bt. Guiana, Penard 583. Anser, the forms met with in N. China, Sowerby 701 pp. 85 157. — A. segetum and A. arvensis heads figured, Bolam 86 p. 149. — A. ery- thropus breeding in captivity, St. Quintin 647. Casarca ferruginea first definite record for Atlantic coast U.S. A., Grinnell 282. Anas plalyrhynchos differential sex- migration in New Mexico, Leopoi.d 422. — A. rubripcs tristis breeding in Boston Public Gardens, Wright 831. — A. superciliosa perena subsp. n Celebes, Riley Proc. Biol. Soo. Wash. 32 p. 93. 61 Ave$. &T8TEM1TI0. — AoOIPITRIFOBMBS. 6831 — A. s. pdeioensis taken in Tonga Is., Townsend & Wetmore 764 p. 176. — A. undulata pluniage -development, Ulaauw 89. — f.4nas risgoviensis sp. n. Upper Miocene of Bavaria, Ammon 17. Eunetla falcata in the Pribilof Is. Jiew to N. America, Hanna 303. CJmulelasmus strepenis nesting in L. Austria, Becker 64. Nettion carolinense should stand as a distinct species, Oberholser 529 p. 81. — N. tnrquatmn plumage-development, Blaauw 80. Pwcilonelta erylhrorhijncha plumage - development, Blaauw 80. Querquedula discors on the down and nest feathers, Bunyard 106. — Q. d. albinucha subsp. n. Louisiana, Kennan Auk 36 p. 459 pi. xvii. Nyroca rufina near Elbing in W. Prussia, Dobbrick 198. [Fuligula] Marila collaris its syste- matic position and taxonomic relation- ships, Hollister 349. Clangida c. americana and C. is- landica, distinctive characters, Taver- ner 748. — Bucephala c. clangida colour of soft parts, Garnett 256. Polyslicte not Stellaria must be used for Stcller’s Eider, Oberholser 532. ORDER PELECANIEORMES. Phalacrocorax carho status of colonies in Holland, Oordt 568 ; fie Id -notes at Sfax, Tunisia, B^de 65. — P. cristaius nesting on Belle Isle off Brittany, Abadie 1. — P. bougainvillei, P. vigua, P. gaimardi habits and economics on the Peruvian coasts, Coker 161 p. 474. — fP. praecarbo sp. n. Upper Miocene of Bavaria, Ammon 17. Plot us anhinga the joints of the vertebrae and their action, Virchow 775. Moris is the correct generic name of the Gannets, Oberholser 537. Sida bassana its nesting rocks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Clarke 153. — piscator and 8. leucogaslra plotus in the Paumotu Is. and discussion of the nomenclature of the Boobies, Townsend & Wetmore 764 pp 167-170. — 8. variegata, 8. nebouxi habits and economic on the Peruvian N-< 13799 g)Q coasts, Coker 161 p. 406. — Piscairix sida on the polymorphic forms on Trinidad Is., Ribeira 611 p. 183. Pha'ethon rubricaudns, nr. the Mar- quesas, taxonomic note, Townsend & Wetmore 764 p. 166. — 8caeophce- than rubricaiidus rotlischildi is the form occurring off Lower California, Ober- HOLSBR 529 p. 557. — Leptopheethon catesbyi of the Bermudas is a subspecies of L. lepturus, Oberholser 529 p. 666. Pelecanus thagus habits, plumage- changes and economics on the Peruvian coast, Coker 161 p. 480. — P. cry- throrhynchos in Alberta, Farley 232. ORDER CATHARTIDIFORMES. Catharista atrata breeding in capti- vity with photo, PoRTiELjE 597. Cathartes aura septemtrionalis and Catharista urubu field and other notes in Florida, Williams 810. ORDER ACCIPITRIFORMES. A revised list of the Accipitres with descriptions, keys, etc., etc. Pts. i, ii, Swann 739. Birds of Prey of the Punjab listed and discriminated with Iiabits, etc., etc., Donald 201. Note on Argentine Hawks, Ambro- SETTI 16. On the female genital organs in the Falconidse, Kollmann 400. 8agittarius serpentarius note on generic name, Sclater & M.-Praed 678 p. 707. Vultur nionarchus on supposed occur- rence in Sicily, Trischitta 768. Gyps fulvus fidvescens in the Sudan, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. ^704. — G. coprotheres (Forster) is the oldest name for G. kolbii auct., Richmond 613 p. 548. [Otogyps^ TorgoS tracheliotus nubicus note on generic and specific names, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 706. Circus hudsonius should stand as a subspecies of the European C. cyaneus, Oberholser 529 p. 82. Micraslur inelanolencus hucHeyi subsp. n. Ecuador, Swann Synop. List Accipitres p. 16 bis. d 9—2 52 Aves. XVII. Aves. . [1919] ■t Parabuteo unicinctus harrisi in Ohio, Earl 216. : , . Afeliemx metabales races and their ranges, Solater & M.-Praed 679 p. 702. \Aslur'\ Accipiter gentilis atricapillus in Co. Tyrone, Ireland, Williams 814. Accipiler nisus effect of sunshine on habits, Owen 572. — A. minullus list of African races, Sclater & M.-Praed, 679 p. 700. — A. gularis in Java, Bartels 59. Buteo on the Ethiopian species, B. jakal archeri figured in colour p. 252, B. b. rujiventer the correct name for B. desertorun auct. p. 254, B. oreophilus and B. meneiresi note, Sclater 674. — B. galapagensis nesting and other habits, Gifford 264 p. 190. — B. ery- thro7iotus note on plumages, Chubb 141 p. 281. — B. rufofuscus (Forster) is the oldest name for B. jackal Baud, et auct., Richmond 613 . p. 649. — B. buteo life history in Denmark, Hansen 304 ; commoner in England, Jourdain 380. — B. buteo zi miner mannae occurrence in Belgium, Havre 317. — B. rujiicaudus occurrence in Holland, Shoukaert 695 p. 18 description and comparison of specimens, Hens 327. — B. b. harterti Madeira p. 43, B. b. rothschildi Azores p. 43, B. b. bannermani Cape Verde Is. p. 44, B. abbrevialus minimus, S. Brazi Ip. 51 subspp. n., Swann Synop. List Accipitr. — B. borealis polymorphic plumages and economics in Alberta, Taverner 744. Leucopternis albicollis recorded from Peru, Chubb 141 p. Leucopternis ghiesbreghli coslaricensis subsp. n, Costa Rica, Sclater Bull. B. 0. C. 39 p. 76. Ilarpia harpyja is the correct name for the S. Amer. Harpy Eagle, Obeu- holser 534. Aquila chrysaelos in Galloway, Max- well 476. — A. nipalensis orienlalis and A. p. pomarina, first African records, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 pp. 697-8. — A. orientalis on supposed occurrence in Pomerania, Tischler 760. — A. poma- rina and A. maculata occurrence in Switzerland, Hess 334. [Archibuleo] Triochis , must , replace Archibuteo p. 282, not separable from Buteo p. 420, Oberholser 534. Lophotriorchis isidori plumages of adult und young, Chubb 141 p. 283.— Ilieracelus ayresi identical with L. lu- cani description of specimens and coloured plate, Finch-Davies 237. Spizaetus batesi sp. n. Cameroon, Sclater Bull. B. O. C. 39 p. 87 ; = S. africanus, Cassin id. ibid p. 93. — ’ S. nipalensis fokiensis subsp. n. Fokien, China, Sclater Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 37. [Asturinula] Kaupifalco monogram- micus range of the two races, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 695. Herpetotheres cachinnans queribundus subsp. n, Pernambuco Brazil, Bancs & Pbnari) Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 63 p. 23. Pithecophaga jefferyi osteology, Siiu- FELDT 691. > Spilornis cheela ricketti Fokien, China, p. 37, S.c:> kinabaluensis Kinabalu Mt. Borneo p. 37, S. c. palawanensis, Palawan I. p. 38 subspp. n. with a synopsis of the genus Sjnlornis, Sclater Bull. B. 0. C. 40.— aS. bassus (Forster) antedates S. bacha (Baud.) et auct., Richmond 613 p. 549. Halioeetus albicilla brooksi is the form of the Sea Eagle occurring in Alaska, Oberholser 529 p. 82. — 11. leucoyuster breeding notes from Bampier Is. and nest photographed, Whitlock 802 p. 243. Thalassoaetus pelagicus in the Pribilof Is. new to N. America, Hanna 303. [Nauclerus'l Cheliclinia riocourii sexual distinctions and generic name, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 691. Milvus migrans on the Sudanese subspecies, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 689. — ill. govinda wrongly recorded from Provence, France, Her- mitte 330, Elanus scriplus figured in colour with notes on nesting habits and other habits, Jackson 374 White H. L. 796. Oampsonyx swainsonii synonymy of the two races, Chubb 141 p. 287. Machaerhamphus ulcinus recorded from Sumatra, Robinson & Kloss 633 p. 82. , Pernis apivorus the nesting-tree and the voice, Hesse 335. — P. celebensis steerei subsp. n. Philippine Is., Sclater Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 41. 63 Aves. SySTHMATIO. — CORACIIFORMKS. Falco percgrinus on the alleged occurrence in South Africa, Fincji- Davies 238. — F. peregrinus, F. p. calidus, F. p. babylonicus, F. p. pele- grinoidcs all in Sudan in winter p. 082. F. j>. minor breeding in Sennar p. 684, F. subbuteo cuvieri ranging to Bahr- el-Ghazal p. 685, SclaIer & M.-Praed 679. — F. peregriniis nesting near Deer- field, Mass., Richards 612. — F. pere- grinalor and F. babylonicus breeding ranges in N.W. India, Whistler 795. — F. moluccensis bernsteini nom. n. pro F. m. orienialis Mcy. and Wig. preoccupied, Stresemann Anz. Orn. Ges. Bay. 2 p. 8. ORDER STRTGIFORMES. Asio flammeus nesting habits in Washington State, Kitchin 393. — A. f. breviauris (Schlogel) is the name for the Short-eared Owl of southern S. Anierica p. 96, A. f. sanfordi subsp. n. b’alkland Is. p. 97, A. galapagoensis ccquatorialis, Chubb = A. /. bogotensis Chapman p. 97, Banos Proc. N. Engl. Zool. Cl. 6. Bubo uralensis sometimes laying five eggs, SciiLEGEL 664. — B. virginianus hetcrocnemis and B. v. ivapacutha both in Massachusetts in winter, Allen 12. — B. nfricanus races commented on, SaiiATER& M.-Puaro 679 p. 078. Byrnium alnco hnrtcrli subsp. n. llup(‘h, China, La TouctJR Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 60. — Strix varia helveola is the correct name for theiTexas Barred Owl, Oberholser 534. [Athene] Carine nociua spilogaster from the Sudan distinct from C. n. soynaliensis, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 681. — G. brama fryi subsp. n. S. India, Baker Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 00. S])eotyto cuyiicularia structure of eye and nocturnal habits. Wood 828. Glancidhun nanuni, a case of mimicry, Koslowsky 403. Strix flamynea food investigation, Colling E 165. ORDE R PSITT ACIFO RM ES. Nestor yiotabilis note on the food habits, PiiiLPOTT 589 p. 211. Choriphilus peruvianus in Cook and other Is., note on nomenclature, Wetmorb 764 p. vl93. 5831 [Conurus] Eupsittula astec vicinalis subsp. n. Taraaulipas Mexico, Banos & Penard Bull. Mus. Oomp. Zool. 63 p. 24. Microsittace J errugineua minor subsp. n. S. Chile, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 p. 323. Brotogeris ferrugineifrons note on the type and unique example which should be placed in genus Bolborhynckua, Miller 495. Poicephahia craastis second known specimen from the Bahr-el-Gharal, SOLATBR & M. -PRABD 679 p. 676. • * [Palaeornis] Cohurua fasciatus abbolti subsp. n. Andaman Is., Oberholser Proc. Biol. Soc. AVashington 32 p. 29. — • C. /. coins distinctive characters, Oberholser 560 p. 481. Polytelis barrabayidi avicult. notes, Tavistock 749. Platycercus adclaidae note on Gould’s type specimen, Ashby 21. — P. flaveohls food-habiis, Cole 162. — P. eximius dis- tribution and plumages of ' the races, Campbell 121. Barnardius zonarius woolundra subsp. n. W. Australia, Matthews Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 44. [Patpholna] Paeplwldlva chryaopk.ry- gins figured with description, etc., Matthews 771 p. 431 pi. 370. [N anodes] Lathaiyius discolor food habits. Cole 162. . ' ORDER CORACIIFORMES. Sub-Order Coraciae. Eurystoyyius glnucurus extention of range to the Welle river, Bannerman 57 p. 97. — E. afer African races reviewed, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 673. — E. calonyx in Java in winter, Bartels 59. Sub-Order Halcyones. Ceryle rudis leucoryielanura distri- bution in Siam, Gairdner 254. — 0. alcyon details of occurrence in Cornwall, Stevenson 715. Alcedo - ispida incubation period, Kroiin 407. — A. megalia nom. n. pro A. grandis Blyth, Oberholser 549 j). 22. — /I. meninling revision of races 54 Aves, XVII. Aves. [1919] p. 36, A, m. scinlillans Burma p. 38, A. m. coUarii Assam p. 39 subspp, n., Bakeu Bull. B. 0. a 39. Ceyx tridaclyla occurrence in Siam, Gaiedner 254. Syma sellamontis sp. n. New Guinea, Reioiienow Journ. Ornith. Leipzig 67 1919 p. 334. Halcyon badia hudongcnsis subsp. n. Uganda, Someren Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 28. — II. malimbicus review of the races p. 699, II. cyanoleucus and II. senega- lensis relations discussed p. 670, ScLATER & M.-Praed 679. — II. miya- koensis sp. n. Miyakoshima, Loochoo Is., Kuroda Dobats. Zasshi 31 p. 231. — Sauropatis sacra rabulala Eua, Tonga Is. p. 197, S. s. celada Vavau Tonga Is. p. 198, subspp. n. S. s. sacra Tongatabu, Tonga Is., the type locality p. 196, Wetmore Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 63. — //. sanctus, encounter with a snake, Mellor 483. — II. chloris on the status of the Malayan races recently described, Robinson 628 p. 327. — Sauropatis chloris revision of sub- species p. 353, S. c. palmeri Java p. 369 ; 8. c. azela Engano I., Sumatra, p. 377 ; S. c. chloroptera Simalur I., Sumatra, p. 379 ; S. c. amphiryta Nias I. , Sumatra, p. 382 ; S. c. hyperponiia New Hebrides p. 387 subspp. n., Oberholser Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55. — Ramphalcyon capensis simalurensis taxonomic note, Oberholser 560 p. 485- Rhamphal^yon its taxonomic position, Oberholser 552 p. 140. Todirhamphus wiglesivorlhi Sharpe a synonym of T. lulus (Gm.), Townsend & AVetmore 764 p. 199. Sub-Order Bucerotes. Flatycorax gen. n. for typo Buceros semigaleatus Tweeddalo, Oberholser J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 9 p. 167. Sub Order Upupae. Upupa epops the Canarian forms discussed, Bannerman 55 p. 472. — U. e. butleri on this and other races in the Sudan, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 665. Scoplelus aterrimvs note on the racial forms, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 664. Sub-Order Meropes. Melillophagus boleslawskii a yellow- throated phase of M. b. fremitus, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 663. [Merops} Melillophagus mulleri yalensis subsp. n. Uganda, Someren Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 26.— J/. apiasler 6rst record from Vendee, France, Seguin-Jard 684. Sub-Order Momoti. Momolus pilcomajensis sp. n. S. Bolivia, Reichenow J. Ornith. Leipzig 67 p. 334. .. n Sub-Order Caprimulgi. The Goatsuckers of Egyiit, Koenig 399 p. 431. Scotornis climacurus geographical races in western and north-eastern Africa, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 657. Gosmeloriiis vexillarius type locality Sierra Leone, Sclater &, M.-Praed 679 p. 659. [Gaprimulgusl^ Selochalsis noctilherus sp. n. Porto Rica, Wetmore Proc. Biol. Soc. AVash. 32 p. 235. — O. nubteus iaruensis subsp. n. Tam desert, C. keniensis sp. n. Mt. Kenia, Someren Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 25. — G. balesi rangen to the AVelle river, Bannerman 57. — G. bimaculalus Peale revived by Ober- holser not valid, Robinson & Kloss 633 p. 90. Sub-Order Cypseli. The Swifts of Egypt, Koenig 399 p. 442. Gollocalia list of forms in Berlin Mus. p. 108, G. uropygialis heinrolhi subsp. n. Neu-Meckenburg (New Ire- land) p. 110, Neumann Orn. Monatsb. 27. — G. innominala and C. linchi cyanoplila neAV to Sumatra, Robinson & Kloss 633 p. 90. Ghaelura caudacuta note on first British example, captured in Essex in 1846, Chubb 147 ; clinging to a ver- tical wall, Finckh 240 ; migration movements in Tasmania, Dove 205. Gypselus apus breeding habits, Bac- meister 28 ; Apus apus late stay in British Isles, Alexander 6 ; England, Butterfield 115. — A. apus migration 55 Ams. Systematic. — Coccyges. 5831 dates in Holland, Swaen 737. — Micropus a. kollibayi, M. ni. indba in the Sudan, Sclatbr & M.-Praed 679 pp. 65 1 652. — M. murinus breh- morum and M. u. wmcoZor 'migration- dates in the Canaries, Bannerman 55 pp. 460 465. — M. subjurcalus nesting habits in Mindoro P.I., Wor- cester 829. — M. somalicus sp, n. Somaliland, Clarke Bull. B, 0. C. 40 p. 49. — Apus nakuruensis sp. n. Nakuru Kcnia Colony, Someren Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 58. — M. peruvianus sp. n. Peru, Ciiarman Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 253 2 figs. Sub-Order Trochili. Metallic colouration and sexual sclec- tio!i and relations in humming-birds, Becher 63. Heteroglaucis for Trochilus ruckeri Bourcier ; Anopetia for Phacthornis geunellei Boucard, Cosmorrhipis for Lophornis pavoninus Salv. and Godui. Lithiophanes for Lophornis insignibarbis Simon, Cyanolampis for Trochilus doubledayi Bourcier, all p. 52 ; Chlorurania for Trochilus glaucopis Omel. ; Hypochionis for Ornismyia cyanocephala Less. ; Leuconympha for Trochilus viridipalleus Bourc. et Muls. ; Prodosia for Oreopyra heniilcuca Salv. ; Fimaragdochroa for Ildiodoxa jnculft Old. ; Qnaphoccrcus for Tro- chilus adda d’Orb. et Lafrcsn. ; Ilaplo- phacdiaiov Trochilus aurdiae B. and M.; Fidalopogon for Trochilus ruf iceps Gould all p. 53 ; Tephrolesbia for Cynan- thus grisciventris Tacz. ; Piocercus for Trochilus dizm Less, et Delattre p. 54 genn. n., Simon Rev. Frang. d’Orn. 6. Phodornis eurynome new to Argen- tina, Dabbene 188 p. 533. Agyrtria v. versicolor new to Argen- tina, Dabbene 188 p. 553. Pterophanes cyanopterus {Prus,er) must replace P. icmminckii Boiss. pre- occupied, Bangs & Penard 53 p. 24. Stephanoxis loddigesi new to Argen- tina, Dabbene 188 p. 533. Sub Order Colii. Colius slrialus Sudanese races dis- cussed, ScLATEU & M.-Praed 679 p. 649. — C. slrialus mombassicus, nr. Mombasa, p. 26, C. s. ugandensis Uganda p. 26, G. s. kikuyensis C. Kenya Colony p. 27, (7. leucocephalus turncri Kenya Colony p. 27, subspp. n.j Someren Bull. B. O. C. 40. — Urocolius macrurus griseogularis subsp. n. central lake district Uganda, Someren Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 27. ORDER TROGONES. Trogon mdanocephalus taxonomy and subspecies, critical remarks, Rendaiil 608 p. 18. Pyrolrogon erylhrocephalus annamen^ sis subsp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 424. ORDER COCCYGES. Sub-Order Musophagi. Musophaga v. rossj? recorded from the Bahr-el-Ghazal, Sclater & M.- Praed 679 p. 648. Sub-Order Cuculi. [Goccysles] Clamalor glandarius per- haps breeding in the Sudan, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 641 ; found in Denmark, Ferdinand 236. Pachycoccyx varius occurs in the Pahr-el-Gliazal, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 642. Cuculus c. canorus adult killing nestling birds, Headley 319 ; curious incident in egg-laying, Howard 360 ; foster parents and number of eggs, Butterfield 115 ,* nesting-habits and experiments, Chance 127; fostered by Greenfinches, Ticehurst 759 ; ob- servations in Belgium, Mairlot 463 Paque 577. — (7. c. bangsi nom. n. pro G. c. minor Brehm, Oberholser 549 p. 22. — G. optalus habits and sexual differences [in Japanese], Kawaguchi 385. — G. solitarius, G. jacksoni and G. mabirae taxonomy and relationships, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 644- Penlhoceryx sonnerati revision of races p. 45, P. s. waili subsp. n. Ceylon p. 47, Baker Bull. B. 0. C. 39. Ger cococcyx mechowi wdlsi subsp. n. Cameroon, Bannerman Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 7. Gacomanlis caslaneiventris figured Mathews 471 pi. 366. 5G Axes. XVII. Aves. * [1919] Goccyzua minor caymanensis subsp. n. Cayman I., W.I., Cory Cat. Bds. Amel- ia p. 336. — G. melanocoryphus, nesting and other habits in the Galapagos, Gifjtobd 264 p. 195. U rodynamis taitensis parasitic' on the Noddy ? Townsend & Wetmore 764 p. 194. Eudynamys acolopacea is the oldest name for the Indian Black Cuckoo, Penard 584. [Gentropus] Polophilus phasianinus melv.llensis subsp. n. Melville I., N. Australia, Mathews Bds. Austr. 7 p. 391. — G. rectunguis and G. nigro- rufuSy taxonomic note on these Malayan species, Stresemann 726. — G. grilli, G. fischeri and G. senegalensis in the Sudan discussed, Sclater & M.- Praed 679 p. 645. — G. efulensis neumanni note on additional examples and description of nestling. Banner- man 57. llhopodytes tristis type locality and taxonomy, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 427. Mhinortha chlorophcea fuscigularis subsp. n. Sarawak, Baker Bull. ll 0. C. 39 p. 77. Garpococcyx renauldi in Siam, second recorded example, Baker 38.. ORDER SCANSORES. Sub-Order Indicatores. Prodotiscus regulus regulus in the Sudan, colour of tail feathers, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 640. Sub Order Capitones. Lybius leucocephalus and L. aenex district species, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 635. [Barbatula] Pogoniulua chryaoconua achubotzi taxonomic note, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 637. ■ [Ghotorhea] Gyanopa mystacophanea aurentiifrona subsp. n. Siam, Robinson & Kloss J. N. H. Soc. Siam 3 p. 100. Gyanopa oorti annamensia and G. franklini auricularia subspp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 428. — Megalaema lagrandieri re -described from Annam, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 429. Thereiceryx faioatricta or the Siamese form. Baker 38. — T, lineatua four races recognised p. 213, T. faioatricta nomen- clatural note and races p. 215, Baker 40. Meaobucco duvauceli stuarti subsp. n. Siam, Robinson & Kloss J. N. H. Soc. Siam 3 p. 100. — Gyanopa duvauceli list of races. Baker 40 p. 217. Xantholaema haemacephala synonymy of the two races recognised. Baker 40 p. 219. Sub-Order Galbulae. On the deep plantar tendons. Miller 496. Sub-Order Buccones. On the deep plantar tendons. Miller ,496. [Bucco] Nyatalua maculatua nuchalia subsp. n. Ceara, Brazil, Cory Cat. Bds. Americas p. 398. Nonnula frontalia palleacena subsp. n. Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 116. Monaaa nigra (Miill.) name changed to M. atra (Bodd.), Oberholser 549 p. 22. Sub-Order Pici. [Colaptea'] Soroplex campestris cearae subsp. n. Ceara, Brazil, Cory Cat Bds. Americas p. 414. [Qecinua'\ Picua viridia dofleini Mace- donia, P. V. rornaniae Roumadia subspp. n„ Stresemann Anz. Orn. Ges. Bay. No. 1 p. 5. — P. viV/a/MS on the subspecies in Siam, Baker 38 j)p. 420-422. — P. xanthopygiua (Bp.) is the correct name for Oecinua atriolatus (Blyth), et auct. Oberholser 549 p. 8. — P. canus revision of Oriental races p. 183, P. c. ricketti subsp. n, Eokien, China, p. 187, P. vitialua two races recognised p. 189, P. erythropygiua races p. 190, Baker Ibis 1919.— G. c. microrhyn- chus S.W. Siam p. 12, 0. vitlatus connectena Langkawi I. p. 13 subspp. n., Robinson & Kloss Bull. B. O. C. 40. • — O. c. jacobsii subsp. n. Hupeh, China, La Touche Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 50. — Brachylophua chlorolophua vanheysti subsp. n. Sumatra, Robinson & Kloss J. Straits Asiat. Soc. No. 80 p. 97. — Brachylophua chlorolophoidea taxo- nomic note, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 433. 67 Aves. Systematio — Mknuriformes. 5831 Ghloronerpes rubiginosus roraimae subsp. n. Roraima Bt. Guiana, Penard Proc. N. Engl. Zooi. Cl. 7 p. 29. Campethcra punctuligera (Wagl.) is correct name for C. punctata (Valenc.) et auct., Oberholser 549 p. 8. — Dendromus hargitti a synonym of Campethera punctata balia, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 629. — Campethera abingoni chrysurus new to the Sudan, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 630. Chrysoptilus melanochlorus juae Ccara, Brazil, p. 444 ; C. punctigula notnta Colombia p. 446 subspp. n., Cory Cat. Bds. American. [Chrysopleg7yia] Collophus ininiatus perlatus Kloss probably = C. m. malac- cen5j'5,BAKER 40 p. 193. — Chrysophlegma jlavinucha lylei Kloss, 2)robabiy = C. f. pierrei, Baker 40 p. 192. Gauropicoides rajjlesi three races recognized, Baker 40 p. 209. Melanerpes erythrocephalus erythroph- thalmus Silloway revived for a distinct form from west-central U.S.A., Ober- holser 541. [Deyidropicus] Dryobates major and D. minor on the “ drumming,” Huxley 367. — D. major italiae Italy p. 9 ; D. m. candidus Rumania p. 10 subspp. n., Strehemann Anz. Orn. Gcs. Bay.- No. 2. -^D. m, balcanicus subsp. n. Macedonia, Gengler & Stresemann Anz. Orn. Ges. Bay. No. 1 p. 3. — D. leucoios stechowi subsp. n. Lithuania, Sachtle- BEN Verb. Orn. Ges. Bay. 14 p. 181. Picoides arcticus nest and eggs j)hoto- grajjhed and described, Philipp & Bowdish 588 p. 40. Dendropicos elachus nom. nov. pro D. (Temm.)preoccupied, Ober- holser 549 p. 8. — D. poecilolaeyyius new to the Sudan, Sclater & M.- Praed 679 p. 630. lyngipicus pygmaeus clenientii subsp. n. Hupeh, China, La Touche Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 61. — Y. mitchellii {Malh.) is the correct name for Y. pijgmaeus (Vig.) p. 7, Y. moluccensis (Gm.) for Y. auritus (Eyton) p. 8, Oberholser 549. — I. canicapillus note on the races, Baker 40 p. 192. — 7. canicapillus suffusus subsp. n. Malay Peninsula, Robinson & Kloss Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 14. V enilliornis chocoensis sp.n. Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 114. Mesopicos goertae abessinicus race.s reviewed, Sclater & M.-Praed 679 p. 632. Micropternus brachyurus discussion of races. Baker 40 p. 197, Robinson 627. Tiga javanensis and T. shorei species and subspecies discussed. Baker 40 p. 206. Celeus elegans approximans subsp. n. N. Brazil, Cory Cat. Bds. Americas p. 460 col. pi. — G. innotatus degener subsp. n. Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol, Soc. 32 p. 116.” Crocomorphus jiavus peruvianus subsp. n. N. Peru, Cory Cat. Bds. Americas p. 457. Chrysocolaptes strictus chersonesus note on affinities and status, Robinson 627. — G. guttacristatus only two races recognizable, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 438 ; further discussion of races. Baker 40 p. 194. Ceophloeus lineatus mesorhynchus critical note on subspecific forms, Rendahl 608 p. 21. [Dryotomus] Phloeotomus pileatus abieticola nesting habits in California, CARRiaER& Wells 124. [Picus] Dryocopus martins supposed occurrence in Sicil}^ Trischitta 769. Sasia species and subspecies listed. Baker 40 p. 210. Jynx torquilla anatomy of brain and systematic position, Dennler 194; field notes and nesting habits, Stan- ford 707. ORDER EURYL/KMIFORMES. Serilophus lunatus stolidus subSp. n. Peninsular Siam, Robinson & Kloss Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 16. Eurylaimus javanicus brooJcei, E. ochromelas kalamantan subspp. n. Borneo, Robinson & Kloss Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 16. ORDER MENURIFORMES. The following described and figured : Menura novaehollandiae, pis. 363-4, Harriwhitea alberti pi. 366, MathSws 471. 68 Aves, XVII. Aves. [1919] ORDER PASSERIFORMES, Fam. Pteroptoohidab. Scylalopus niger new to Argentina distinctive characters and distribution, Dabbene 188 p. 262 554. Fam. Conopophagidae. Conopophaga lineaia anomala in Argentina, Dabbene 188 p. 555. Fam. Formicariidae. [Thamnophilus] Hypcedaleus gutlalus rodrigtiezianits new to Argentina, Dab- ben B 188 p. 555. — Taraba viajor approximans subsp. n. Ceara, Brazil, Cory Auk 36 p. 88. — Erionotus cear~ ensis sp. n. Ceara, Brazil, Cory Auk 36 p. 88. Poliolaema gen. n. for type Myrmo- thenila cmereivenh is Scl. and Salv., Chubb Bull. B. 0. C. 39 p. 42. Formicivora ferruginea new to Ar- gentina, Dabbene 188 p. 655.— Drymophila richmondi nom. n. pro Formicivora ochropyga Hellraayr pre- occupied, Cory Auk 36 p. 88. Pithy s Vie ill. 1916 is antedated by Manikup Desm. 1805, Chubb 142 p. 42. Rhopoterpe Cab. 1847 is antedated by Myrmornis Henn. 1783, Chubb 145. Sticlomyrmornis gen. n. for type Hypocnemis naevia (Gmel.), Chubb Bull. B. 0. C. 39 p. 69. Or allaria varia imperator new to Argentina, Dabbene 188 p. 550.— G. alticola sp. n. Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 115. — O. watkinsi sp. n. Peru, Chapman Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 255. — Hylopezus perspicillatus pallidior subsp, n. Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 115. Grallaricula boliviana sp. n. Bolivia, Chapman Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 p. 257. Fam. Dendrocolaptidae. The proposed division of the Family Dendrocolaptidas into four — Furna- riidae, Synallaxidae, Xenopidae and Dondrocolaptida), Chubb 139. Qeosilta review of Argentine forms with key, Dabbene 185 p. 113. Furnarius cristalus and F. rufus nests described and figured, Doello- J URADO 200. — F.agnatus endoecus subsp. n. N.W. Venezuela, Cory Auk 36 p. 89. U pucerthia dumetoria hallinani subsp. n. S. Chile p. 324, U. dabbenei sp. n. Tucuman, Argentina p. 325, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. Cinclodes review of the Argentine forms with key, Dabbene 185 p. 151. — G. fuscus tucumanns subsp. n. Tucuman, Argentina, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 p. 326. — C. neglectus sp. n. W. Peru, Cory Auk 36 p. 89. Leptastheniira andicola exterior Co- lombia, Todd Proc. Biol, Soc. 32 p. 115, — L. purictigula sp. n. Tucuman, Argentina, L. andicola peruviana subsp. n. Peru, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 p. 327. Synallaxis ruficapilla new to Argen- tina, Dabbene 188 p. 657. — S. sticto^ thorax piurae subsp. n. Peru, Chabman Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 p. 257.— S. peruviana sp. n. Peru p. 274, S. frontalis juae Ceara, Brazil, S. gu- janensis huallagae Peru p. 274, 8. semicinerea pallidiceps Ceara, 8. scutata neglccta Ceara p. 275 subspp. n., Cory Auk 36. — 8. macconnelli sp. n. Bt. Guiana, Chubb Bull. B. 0. C. p. 78. — 8. albigularis josephinae subsp. n. Bt. Guiana, Chubb Bull. B, O. C. 39 p. 60. — 8. brachymus chapmani subsp. n. Colombia, and note on synonymy of other forms. Bangs & Penard Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 63 p. 25. 8iptornis review of the species with key, Cory 176. — 8. urubambensis sp. ii. Peru, J. punensis rufala subsp. n. Tucuman, Argentina, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 p. 328. — 8. maculicauda new to Argentina, 8. ruticiUa also found in Argentina, Dabbene 188 p. 556. Cranioleuca reeview of the species with key, Cory 176. Pseudosiptornis gen. n. for type 8iptornis oltonis Berlepsch, Cory Proc. Biol. Soc, Wash. 32 p. 150. 8iptornopsis gen, n. for type 8ip- tornis hypochondriacus Salvin, Cory Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 p. 150. fiO ilrgs. SyaiEMATio. — Passeriformes. 5831 Siptornoidcs gen. n. for .type Sip- iornis Jlamnmlata Jartline, Cory Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 p. 150. Ensiplornokles subg. n. for type 8ip>lornis anthoidcs King, Cory Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 p. 160. Pseudocolaples boissoneaulii oberhol- seri subsp. n. Ecuador, Cory Auk 36 1^. 275. — P. b. medianus subsp. n. N. Peru, Hellmayr Anz. Orn. Ges. Bay. No. 1 p. 3 ; also Verhandl. 14. p. 129. Phaccllodomus strialiccps griseipectus subsp. n. Peru, Chapman Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 258. Auioniolus turdinus macconneUi subsp. n. Bt. Guiana, Chubb Bull. B. O. C. 39 p. GO.— A. leucophlhahntis bangsi subsp. n. Brazil, Cory Auk 36 p. 540. Ilylocryphifi gen. n, for typo //. cnjtJirocephalus sp. n. Peruvian Ecuador boundary. Chapman Proc. Biol Soc. 32 pp. 258-9 fig. 3. Philydor erythrocercus guianensis Bt. Guiana p. 60, P. atricapillus pallidior Paraguay p. G1 subsp. n„ Chubb Bull. B. 0. C. 39. Euphilydor subg. n. for type Philydor lichtensteini Cab. and Heeine Cory Auk 36 p. 273. Heliobletus superciliosusnew to Argen- tina, Dabbene 188 p. 667. Xenicopsoides subgn. n. for type Anabazenops variegaticeps Scl., Cory Auk 36 p. 273. Xenops genibarbia cayoensis subsp. n. Bt. Honduras, Chubb Bull B. 0. C. 39 p. 52. — X. ruUliis coyincclens subsp. n. Bolivia, Chapman Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 p. 259. Sclerurus mexicanus certns Guate- mala, S. ni. macconneUi Bt. Guiana, S. m. peruvianns E. Peru all p. 41, S. in. bahiae Bahia, Brazil, p. 42 subspp. n., Chubb Bull. B. O. C. 39. Dendrocincla longicauda guianensis subsp. n. Bt. Guiana, Chubb Bull. B. 0. C. 39 p. Gl. — D. bartletti sp. n. E. Peru p. 61, 1). fuliginosa wallacei subsp. n. Para, Brazil, p. 62, Chubb Bull. B. 0. C. 39. — D. Infresnayei chris- tinni subsp. n. Colombia, Banos Sc Penard Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 63 p. 25. Deconychura typica minor subsp. n, Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 116. [Dendrornis] Xiphorhynchus triangu- laris bangsi subsp. n. Bolivia, Chapman Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 p. 260. Xiphocolaptes bahiae sp. n. Brazil Cory Auk 36 p. 540. Picolaples Lesson note on taxonomy and proper usage of this name, Chubb 145. — P. affinis lignicida subsp. n, Tamaulipas Mexico, Bangs & Penard Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 63 p. 26. — P. fuscus koenigswaldianus synonymy etc., etc., Dabbene 188 pp. 26G 557. — Thripobrolus layardi \madeirae Brazil 261, T. warsccniczi bolivianus Bolivia p. 262 subspp. n., Chapman Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32. Dendrocolaptes picumnus cearensis subsp. n. Brazil, Cory Auk 36 p. 641. Fam. Tyrannidae. Mecocer cuius leucophrys notatus subsp. n. Colombia, Todd Proc. BioL Soc. 32 p. 114. — M. subtropicalis sp. n. Peru, Chapman Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 262. ‘ Knipolegus comatus (Licht.) name changed to K. lophotes Boie, Ober- holser 549 p. 127. Muscisaxicola maclovinna mentalis Orb. and Lafr revived with historical note on type p. 26, 31. albilora taxo- nomic note p. 27, Bangs & Penard 53. Rhynchocyclus list of species and subspecies with geographical distribu- tion and diagnoses in many cases,, Cory 177. Euscarthmus gularis (Temm.) name changed to E. rufilaius Hartl., Obbr- holser 549 p. 128. 3Iicrocochlearius gen. n. for type Euscarthmus josephinae Chubb, Chubb Bull. B. 0. C. 39 p. 98. Lophotriccus macconneUi sp. n. Bt. Guiana, Chubb Bull. B. O. C. 39 p. 90. [Orchilus] Perissotriccus ecaudalus miserabilis subsp. n. Bt. Guiana, Chubb Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 4 p. 301. [Colopteryx] Atalotriccus griseicep9 whitelyanus subsp. n. Bt. Guiana, Chubb Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 4 1919 p. 301. CO Ave^. XVII. Aves. [1919] Serpophaga helenae sp. n. Bt. Guiana, Chubb Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 61. Anaereles agraphia sp. n. Peru, Chapman Proc. Biol. Soo. Wash. 32 p. 263. • Tachuris Lafresn. has priory of Cyanolis Swains, and must be used, Bangs & Penard 53 p. 28. Mionectes atriaticollis columbianus subsp. n. Colombia, Chapman Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 p. 264. — Pipro- morpha oleagina tvallacei L. Amazon valley p. 301, P. o. hauxwelli E. Peru and E. Ecuador p. 302, P. o. chapmani Colombia p. 302, P. o. lobagensia Tobago W.I. p. 302, P.o. maccomxelli Guiana p. 303, P. o. roraimae Mts. of Bt. Guiana p. 303 subspp. n., Chubb Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 4. Blcenia flavogaster macconndli, E, eristata tvhitelyi subspp. n. Bt. Guiana, Chubb Ann. Mag. N.H. (9) 4 p. 304. i Legatus albicollis successor Bt. Guiana, B. variegaius nevagans Panama subspp. H., Chubb Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 43. Myiodynastes solitarius ,duncani subsp. n. Bt. Guiana, Chubb Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 62. Myiobiua semijlavus sp. n. Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 114. Pyrocephalus nanus and P. dubius nesting and other habits on the Gala- pagos Is., Gifford 264 p. 197. [Blacicus] Myiochanes ardosiacua cineraceus (Lafresn.) must replace M. a. polioptilua Todd as Lafresnay’s name has been hitherto misapplied, Pangs & Penard 53 p. 29. Planchesia pullata nom. n. pro P. fuaca (Bodd.) invalidated, Penard 585. Myiarchus ferox synopsis of races, Oberholser540 . — M. lawrenceii on the race found in Costa Rica, Rendahl 608 p. 25. Eribates magnirostris nesting and other habits on the Galapagos Is., Gifford 264 p. 200. Form Pipridab. . Pipra erylhrocephala Jiammiceps, P. veluiina minuscula subspp. n. Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 115. Form Cotingidae. Atlila cinereua (Gm.) name changed to A. rujus Lafres. Oberholser 549 p. 127. Form Pittidae. [Uydrornia'\ Pitta nipalcnsia soror plumages, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 442. Pitta atricapilla Lesson Philippine Is. antedated by P. sordida (Muller), Oberholser 549 p. 239. Pam. Hirundinidae. The Swallows of Egypt mono- graphed, Koenig 399 p. 455. [Chelidonariai] Ghelidon urbica nest- ing in cliffs in Switzerland, Bachler 25 p. 327 ; Delichon urbica migration dates in the CJanaries, Bannerman 55 p. 317. [Glivicola'] Gotyle riparia nesting in sand cliffs near St. Gullen, Baouleu 25 p. 339. — Riparia p. chinensia (Gray) must replace li. p. sinensia (Jerd.) preoccupied, Oberholser 549 p. 239. Plyonoprogne rupestris occurrence and status in Bavaria, Lindner 430; Riparia rxipeslr is occurrence in the Tyrol, Busing 113. [Tachycineta] Iridoprocne bicolor cixily arrival dates at Plymouth, Mass., Farley 233. Hirundo rustica migration dates in the Canaries, Bannerman 55 p. 315 ; ringed in Yorkshire, found in S. Africa, Witherby 825. Progne subis field notes and migra- tion dates in Florida, Williams 811. Petrochelidon albijrons hypogjolia subsp. n. W. Canada, Obekhoslek Canada Fie Id- Nat. 33 p. 95. Fam. Muscicapidae. Alaeonax murinus roehli subsp. n. G. E. Afr., Grote Orn. Monatsb. 1919 p. 62. Muscicapa sibirica cacubata nom. n. pro M. a. fuliginosa (Hodgs.) invalid ; M. cinereiceps (Sharpe) must replace M. ferruginca (Hodgs.) invalid, Penard 585. 61 Aves. Ststematio.— Passeriformes. 5831 Cyornis lemprieri distinguishing cliaiacters, Zimmer 836 p. 343. — C. vimhMjsli sp. n. N.M. Sumatra, Robin* SON k Ki.oss J. Straits Asiat. Soo. No. 80 p. 104. Niltava grandis decorata subsp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 444. Erythromyias timorensis nom. n. pro E. pyrrhonotus S. Miill. preoccupied, Hellmayr 321 p. 132. [Muscicapula] Dendrohiastes hy- perythra annamensis S. Annam, Robin- son & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 445. Chasiempis review of forms with keys, descriptions and distribution in the Hawaiian Is., Maccaughey 453. Ilaplornis nom. h. to replace 3Ius- cicylva Gray nec Muscylva Lesson for type Hhipidura lessoni Gray, Wetmore Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 63 1919 p. 201 (c/. Stone Auk 38 p. 160). Hyliola afinis sp. n. Cameroon, Reiciienovv J. Ornith. 67 p. 226. Bias timsicus changamwensis subsp. n. coast region Kenya Colony, Someren Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 24. Smithornis capensis meinertzhagaii subsp. n. Kenya Colony, Someren Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 24. Eryihroccrcus maccalU occuring on the lower Congo, Schouteden 669 p. 191. 7'erpsiphone afjinis procera distinctive characters, Oberiiolser 560 p. 487. Myiagra iownsendi sp. n. Kambara, Fiji Is., WiTMORE Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 63 p. 205. Cnjptololapha malcolomsmithi sp. n. p. 448 pi. xvi fig. 1, C. casiamictps annamensis subsp. n. p. 447, C. tephro- cephala ocularis subsp. n. p. 448, all S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919. Stoparola lhalassina (Swains) must replace S. melanops (Vigors) pre- occupied, Oberiiolser 549 p. 240. Fam. Campophagidae. Graucalus macei siamensis taxo- nomic note, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 450. Volvocivora koratensis and other Siamese species taxonomic note, Kloss 897 p. 447. PericroGotus andamanmsh miny- distinctive characters, Ober* iiOLSBR 560 p. 493. — P. cantonensis occurrence in Siam, Robinson & Kloss 629 p. 106. * ? i Lalage sckisticeps sp. n. Philippine Is., Neumann J. Ornith. 67 p. 333. Fam. Pycnonotidab. jEgithma philipi Oust. •= JS. tiphia, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 565. Chloropsis cyxnopogon scptentrionalis subsp. n. Siam, Robinson & Kloss J. N. H. Soc. Siam 3 p. 107. [Zoie] Hemixus tickelli griseiventer subsp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 668. Criniger ochraocus synonymy and status, Robinson & Kloss 629 p. 108. [Bleda] Phyllaslrephus tephrolaemus us(ynbarac p. 62, P. Jlscheri cognitus p. 63 subspp. n. G. E. Afr., Grotb Orn. Monatsbsr. 1919. Molpastes h. bengalensis semi-albino described, Baker, 47. Pycnonotus aurigaster germaini taxo- nomic note, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 571. Xanthiscus flavescens sordidus subsp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 569. Olocompsa jlaviventris johnsoni taxo- nomic and other remarks, Baker 38 p. 195. Spizixus must form type of a new family Spizixidae p. 14 ; Cophixua gan. n. for typo 8. semilorques p. 15 Oberholsbr j. Acad. Sci. Washington 9. Fam. Timeliidae. Hylacola pyrrhopygia field notes and nesting habits, Gilbert 265. Trochalopteron yersini sp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919,p. 575 pi. xiii fig. 2. Pomatorhinus olivaceus annamensis S. Annam p. 577, P. tickelli brevirostris Cochin China p. 578 subspp. n., Robin- son & Kloss Ibis 1919. 62 Aves. XVIT. Aves. Qarrulax leucolophus, 0. moniliger, distribution of races, Baker 38 pp. 182- з. — 0. pectoralis meridionalis subsp. n. Siam, Robinson & Kloss Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 11. — G. vassali re- described p. 673, 0. milleti sp. n. S. Annam p. 574 pi. xii, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919. Stactocichla merulina annamensis subsp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 577 pi. xiii fig. 1. Rhinocichla mitraia major subsp. n. Malay Peninsula, Robinson & Kloss Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 16. Crateropus tenebrosus claudei subsp. n. Welle river, Belgian Congo, Banner- man Bull. B. O. C. 39 p. 99. OpTirydornis albogularis moultoni subsp. n. Borneo, Robinson & Kloss Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 171. Scotocichla fuscicapilla babauUi subsp. n., N. Ceylon, Wells Bull. B. O. C. 39 p. 69. Macrosphenus albigula sp. n. G. E. Afr., Grote Orn. Monatsb. 1919 p. 62. Setaria rufifrons nomenclatural note. Baker 38 p. 186. Turdinuhis epilepidotus clarus subsp. n S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 682. Rimator danjoui sp. n. S. Annam Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 578 pi. xiv fig. 2. Alcippe. nepalenais annamensis subsp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss ibis 1919 p. 582. Pseudominla airiceps sp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 683 pi. xiv fig. 1. Stachyris nxgriceps dilulus subsp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 584. Tesia cyanivenlris olivacca from Annam with taxonomic note, Robin- son & Kloss 631 j). 690. Siva sordida orienlalis subsp. n. •S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 587. Jlerpornis xanlhohuca sordida subsp. и. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 588. [1919] Cutia nipalensis legalleni subsp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 588 pi. XV. Pterythius aeralatus annamensis subsp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 589. Mesia argenlauris cunhaci subsp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 591 pi. xvi fig. 2. Fam. Trocslodytidae. Heleodytes pallescens (Lafr.) must replace H. ballealus (Baird) with taxonomic note. Bangs & Penard 53 p. 29. Thryomanes b. beivicki status in Ontario, Saunders 656. Cistoihorus aequalorialis fulvescens subsp. n. Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol, ^oc. 32 p. 114. Troglodytes musculus bonariae subsp. n. Argentina, Hellmayr Anz. Orn. Gea. Bay. No. 1 j). 2 ; also Ver- handl. 14 p. 128. — T. rosaceus type locality designated Chili, Hellmayr 321 p. 128. Salpinctes guadeloupensis must stand as a subspecies of S. obsoleius, Ober- iioi,SER 529 p. 407. [AnortJmra] Troglodytes troglodytes field notes in Ireland, Burkitt 109. — Nannus troglodytes list of recognized races p. 226, N. t. kishensis Kiska I., Aleutian Is., p. 228, N. t. tanagensis Tanage I., Aleutian Is., p. 229, Ober- holser Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55, Leucolepis laivrencii assiuiilis, L. phaeocephalus propinquus subspp. n. Columbia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 114. Pnoepyga pus ilia annamensis subsp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 691. Fam. Cinclidae. Cinclus cinclus cinclas occurrence in Belgium, Havre 317. — C. c. medius and O. c. meridionalis distinct sub- species both occurring in Bavaria, Saoiitlebgn 650.^ — G. c. orientulis subsp. n. Macedonia, Stresemann Anz. Orn. Ges. Bay. No. 1 j). 4. C3 A ves. Sy.-iTKMiTio. — Passeriformes. 5831 Fam, Mimidae. Mimus longicaudatus punensis Hellm. is a synonym of M. 1. albogriseus Less,, IIellmayr 321 p. 133. — M. antellius nom. n. pro 31. lividus (Licht.), Obeu- iiOLSER 549 p. 128. N esomimus nesting and other habits of the various species in the Galapagos Is., Gifford 264 p. 207. Fam. Turdidae. Myadestes townsendi nesting liabits in California, Dawson 193. [J/enda] Turdus merula on a neat containing four eggs as well as three of T. numcus clarkei, Chubb 147 ; pied var. in Fissex, Wilemott 816 ; modified nesting habits in Tasmania, Dove 206. — Plancsticus serranus cumanensis flubsp. n. N.W. Vene/ueln, ITei.lmayu Vorhandl. Orn. Ges. Bay. 14 p. 127. — Turdus nndigmis Lafresn. has priority over T. gymnophthahnus, T. rujo ■ palliatus note on name. Bangs & Penari) 53 p. 31. — Planesiicus ni- veiceps nom. n. pro P. albiceps (Swinh.) preoccupied Heelmayr 321 p. 133. Geocichla c. citrina new to Sumatra, Robinson & Keoss 633 p. 119. — Turdus ciirinus courtoisi subsp. n. Anhwei, China, IIartert Bull. B. (,). C. 40 p. 52. [Cichloselys] Turdus sibiricus first record for Hungary, Chernel 134. Oreocincla aureus angustirostris oc- currence in Annam v/ith descriptive note, Robinson & Keoss 631 p. 692. Turdus pilaris in Nortjiumberland in aumiiKu-, Boeam 85. — Planesiicus migratorius wintering in Nova Scotia, Lewis 426 ; anatomy of a three-legged individual, Shufeedt 688. Ilylocichla minima minima (Lafresn.) is correct name for H. aliciae hicknelli (Ridgw.), Bangs & Penard 53 p. 30. — Turdus iliacus in Northumberland in summer, Boeam 85. — Turdus musicus [Song-thrush] food habits and selection of snails, TIavieand & Pitt 316 ; revision of the subspecies of Song- Thrush, Zedeitz 834. — T. musicus a suggestion in regard to the name, Lonnberg 433. — T. philomelus phih- melus status in the Canaries, Banner- man 55 p. 291.— !T. p. hebridensis an early note on, JourdAiN 384. [Peirophila^ 3Ionlicola cyanea occur- rence in Switzerland, Fischer-Sigwart 243. [7'harrhaleus] Prunella- modular is mabbottii subsp. n. Pyrenees, France, Harper Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 p. 243. — P. m. obscura from Portugal sufTiciently distinct from P. m. occi- dentalis, Witherby 826. [Ephthianura] Askbyia lovensis nest and eggs, M’Giep 455. Henicurus guttatus juvenile plumage, Robinson & Keoss 631 p. 694. [/4c ion] Lucinia megarhyncha occur- rence in Devon, Watkin 781. Erithacus rubecula melophilus in Portugal, Witherby 826. — E. r. alias subsp. n. Morocco, Lynes Bull. B. U. C. 40 p. 32. Copsychus saularis zacnecus distinc- tive characters, Oberhoeser 560 p. 489. Kiltacincla malabarica inacruruS status of Malayan races and nomen- clatural note, Robinson 628. Cossypha niveicapilla (Lafresn.) ante- dates C. verlicalis iHartl., Bangs & Penard 53 p. 31. [Pratincola] Saxicola iorquala hiber-‘ nans in Portugal, Witherby 826. Oreicola ferrea in Annam, Robinson & Keoss 631 p. 596. Cercomela fusca, nesting habits in India, White 797. — C. speclatrix sp. n. Bt. Somaliland, Cearke Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 49. [Saxicola] (Enanlhc hispanica xanlho- mclaena the Black-throated and Black- eared birds dimorphic forms of the same species, Sladen 693 p. 235. Canlharus melpomene sierrac subsp. n. Santa Marta, Colombia, Heeemayr Verb. Orn. Ges. Bay. 14 p. 126. Fam. Sylviidae. Locusiella luscinioides history and distribution in Germany, Hesse 336. — L. ochotensis new to Palawan, Zimmer 836 p. 347. — L. naevia nest and eggs photographed, Ruxton 646. 64 Ares. XVII. Aves. [1919] [A crocephalus ]Calamodyta aquatica breeding note in Holland, Pellinkhof 591. — Conopoderas atypha sp. n. Paka- rava p. 206, G. a. rava subsp. n. Whit- sunday p. 208, 0. a. cryyta subsp. n. Makemo p. 209, G. a. agassizi subsp. n. Apataki p. 210, G. a. nesiarchia subsp. n. Rangiroa p. 210, G. a. erema subsp. n. Makatea p. 211, all in the Paumotu group, G. percernis sp. n. Marquesas Is. p. 213, Wbtmore Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 63. Gisticola exilis nesting habits, Thom- son 755. Megalurus palustr is forbesi subsp. n. Luzon Philippine Is., Banos Proc. N. Engl. Zool. Cl. 7 p. 6. — M. celebensis sp. n. Celebes, Riley Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 p. 94. Eremiornis carteri nest described and figured, Whitlock 802 p. 250 pi. xl. Gryptillas victorini in the Drakenstein Mts., Cape Prov., Roberts 624, Bradypterus yokanae Vgsuidfi p. 21, B. altumi Mt. Kenia spp. n. p. 22, SoMEREN Bull. B. 0. C. 40. — B. trans- vaalensis sp. n. Transvaal, Roberts Ann. Transv. Mus. 6 p. 116. — B. babaeculus note on this rare species, Roberts 624. Sylvia communis status in the Canaries, Bannbrman 55 p. 122. [Melizophilus] Sylvia sard a balearica distinotiyo characters, WiTHEi^«y 827. {Acanthiza^^ Qeobasileus hedleyi rosince, field-notes. Parsons 578 ; figured in colour with notes on habits and distri bution. White 799, Dryodromas fulvicapilla silberbaueri subsp. n. Cape Prov., Roberts Ann. Transv. Mus. 6 p. 117. Geitia cetti in the Friuli valley, N.E. Italy, and its song, Stadler 704. — G. c. miilleri subsp. n. Macedonia, . Stresemann Anz. Om. Ges. Bay. No. 1 P-6. Suya crinigera cooki recorded from Annam, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 601. • Prinia inornaia herberii taxonomic remarks and eggs described^ Baker 38 p. 203. Malurus leucopterus status and plu- mage discussed, Campbell 119 p. 260 ; its relationship to its allies M. cyanotus and If. edouardi, Alexander 8. — M. leucopterus, M. cyanotus and M. edouardi figured in colour, Campbell 120. Stipiturus malacJiurus media subsp. n. W. Australia, Mathews Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 45. Fam. Vibeonidak. Vireo h. huttoni field notes in Cali- fornia, Van Fleet 773. Fam. Ampelidae. Ampelis garrulus movements in Ger- many 1913-14, Tratz 767. Fam, Prionopidae. Hemipus hirundinaceus (Temm.) must replace //. obscurus (Horsf.) preoccupied Oberhoieer 549 p. 240. Pinaroleste^ nesiolis sp. n. Kambara, Fiji Is., Wetmore Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool 63 p. 216. Fam. Laniidae. Lanins ludovicianus grinnelli subsp. n. N. Central Lower California, Ober- HOLSER Wilson Bull. 31 p. 87. [PAoneu^] Lanins nubicus breeding in Macedonia, Stresemann 722. [Enneocto7ius] Lanuis collurio habits of young birds observed in captivity. Riviere 622. Ghlorophoneus andaryae sp. n. Uganda, JacksonBuU. B. O. C. 39 p. 94.-6'. elgeyuensis 'sp. n. Kenya Colony, Someren Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 23. Laniarius ruficeps cooki subsp. n. Tarn desert, Kenya Colony, Someren Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 23. [Pomatorhynchus] Tschagra senegala xvarsangliensis subsp, n. Somaliland, Clarke Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 50. Oreoica cristata nesting habits and caterpillars 4n nests, Chisholm 137. Pachycephala rufogularis note on Gould’s type specimen, Ashby 21. — • P, pluviosa sp. n. Celebes, Riley Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 95. 65 Avc-f. Systematic— Passeriformes, 5831 Fam. Pauidar. [Pcecile] Par us palustris in Spain, Witherby,827. — P. salicarius rhenanus habits and occurrence in N. France, Stabler 706, Sunkel 734. — P. atri- capillus rhenanus occurrence near Strass- bourg, Bacmeister. — P. a. salicarius in Holstein and the Erzgebirge, Schel- CHBR 659. — P. rnontanus salicarius in Saxony, Heyder 340. [iSittiparus] Parus varius sunsumpi Tanegashima, P. v. yakushimensis Yaku- shima, S. Islands of Japan, Kuroda Dobuts. Zasshi 31 p. 232. JEgithaliscus annamcnsis gp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 606. Mgithalos caudatus discussion of the interrelations of the group p. 3, JE. c. romanus subsp. n, Italy p. 10, Stresb- MANN Beitr. Zoogeogr. pal. Reg. 1. — M. c. expugnatus nesting habits, Baomeister 27. — AE.- c. pyrenaicus subsp. n. C. Pyrenees, Hartert Bull. B. O. C. 39 p. 40. Fam. Reoulidab. Regulus cristatus anatomy of alimen- tary canal, Grbschik 279. — R. calendula geographical variation in the song, Saunders 654. Sylviparus modestus in Annam with list of subspecies, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 607. Fam. Sittidab. Sitta europaea Homeyeri its status discussed, Stresemann 729. — S. e. atlas subsp. n. Morocco, Lynes Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 32. — S. e. cisalpina subsp. n. Italy, Saohtleben Anz. Om. Ges. Bay. No. 2 p. 7. [Dendrophila~\ Poliositta azurea ni’ griventer subsp. n. W. Java, Robinson ifc Kloss Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 17. Fam. Certhiidae. Certhia on the forms breeding in Hesse and Hanover, Sohnurre 668. — C. brachydaciyla and C. familiaris origin, evolution, relationship, pre- sent and part distribution, Stressmann 727. — 0. familiaris montana nesting habits in Colorado, Bradbury 94. — O. brachydaciyla ultramonfana doubtfully {H-13799 g) Q separable from lusitaniea, Wither- BY 826. — C. discolor meridionalis subsp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 600. Trichodroma muraria in Somerset- shire, Wiglesworth 804 805. Climacteris erythrops parsonsi subsp. n. South Australia, Mellor S. Austr. Om. Adelaide 4 p. 5. Fam. Zosteropidae. Zosterops palpehrosa wilUamsoni subsp. n. Siam, Robinson & Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soo. Siam 3 p. 445. — Z. atrifrons surda subsp. n. Celebes, Riley Proo. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 p. 96. Fam. Dioabidae. Acmonorhynchus affinis sp. n. Pala- wan, Philippine Is., Zimmer Philippine J. Sci. 13 p. 348. Fam. Neotariniidab. \Chalcosteihd] Cinnyris ornata micro- leuca subsp. n. Pulo Taya, off S.E. Sumatra, Obbrholser Proc. U.S. Mus. 55 p. 273. JStkopyga siparaja tonkinen'sis in Annam taxonomic note p. 621 ; JE. sanguinipectus johnsi and JE. gouldiae annamensis subspp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 621 pi. xviii. Arachnothera aurata nesting habits in Burma, Mackenzie 458. . Fam. Mbliphagidae. List of types in the Tring Museum, Hartert 314 p. 172. Melithreptus gularis field notes, nest- ing habits and distribution, Gilbert 266. Myzomela rubatra nomenclature note p. 219, M. r. dichromata subsp. n. Ponap6 E. Caroline Is. p. 220, Wetmore Bull. Mus. Comp. Zo61.63. — M.splendida Tristr. = M. c. cardinalis, Hartert 314 p. 172. [Meliphaga] Zanthomiza phrygia trt- gellasi, nr. Adelaide, Mellor 484. FAm. Mniotiltidab. List of types in the Tring Museum, Hartert 314 p. 171, d'lO 66 Aves. XVII. Aves. [1919] Vermivora pmus example with affinities to V. clirysoptera, near Boston, Allen 10. Dendroica castaneiceps must stand as a subspecies of D. erithacJiorides, Obbrholsee 529 p. 85. — D. tigrina nest and eggs photographed and described, Philipp & Bowdish 588 p. 38. — D. virens waynei first descrip- tion of nest and eggs taken in N. Caro- lina, Wayne, 782. — D. vitellina races reviewed p. 493, D. v. nelsoni subsp. n. Swan Island, Carribean Sea, p. 494^ Bangs Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool 62. Geothlypis trichas nest studies, Shaueu 687. Chamaethlypis its affinities, Miller 497. Myioborua melanocephalus boUvianus subsp. n. Bolivia, Chapman Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 265. Basileulerus luteoviridis superciliaris subsp, n. Peru, Chapman Proc. Biol Soo. 32 p. 206. Certhidea olivacea and C. cinerascens nesting and other habits on the Gala- pagos Is., Gifford 264 p. 220. Pam. Drepanidae. List of types in the Tring Museum, HARTERT314p. 169. Dysmorodrepanis gen. n. (p. 250) for type D. munroi sp. n. p. 251 Lanai, Hawaiian Is., Perkins Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 3. Fam. Motaoillidab. List of types in the Tring Museum, Hartert 314 p. 167. Motacilla alba lugubris and M, a. alba their distinctions pointed out, WiTHERBY 818 pi. 2. — M. a. per sonata taken in Sussex, first record for Sussex, Niooll 520. — Motacilla flava rayi dis- tribution in N. France. McWilliam 459. Anthus cervinus status and habits in Belgium, Coopman 170 ; in East Prussia, a correction, Tischler 761. — A. spinoletta littoralis ringed in Finland recovered in N.E. France, Robinson 634. — A. s. japonicus in the Pribilof Is, new to N, America, Hajina 303, — A. rubescens must stand as a subspecies of A. spinoletta, Oberholser 529 p. 406. — A. blayneyi sp. n. Kenia Colony, SoMEREN Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 56. Fam. Alaudidae. List of types in the Tring Museum, Hartert 314 p. 163. Alaemon hamertoni tertia subsp. n. Somaliland, Clarke Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 49. Melanocorypha bimaculata gaza subsp. n. Palestine, Meinertzhagen Bull. B. O. C. 39 p. 84. Oalandrella pispoUtta canaricnsia~G. 7)iinor rufescens (Vieill.), Hartert 314 p. 163. Mirafra apiata adendorffi subsp. n. Roberts Ann. Transv. Mus. 6 p. 117. — 31. africana harterti Neum.=;J/. a. tropicalis, Hartert 314 p. 164. — M. longonotensis sp. n. Kenya Colony, Someren Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 57. — 31. assamica marionae in Annam Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 619. Oalerida cristata further notes on Egyptian and Sudanese subspecies, Hartert 313. — O. c. cristata in northern France, Wallis 779. Fam. Fringillidab. List of types in the Tring Museum, Hartert 314 p. 152. Qeospiza habits of the various species in the Galapagos Is., Gifford 264 p. 225. Camarhynchus nesting and other habits of the species in the Galapagos Is., Gifford 264 p. 246. [Ligurinus]Chloris chloris X Garduelis carduelis a hybrid, Lonnberq 437. — Ghloris macedonica sp. n., Reiohenow N. Macedonia Orn. Monatsb. 1919 p. 134. Eophona migratoria pulla nom. n. pro E. m. melanura (Grael.) invalid, Penard 585. Pheucticus uropygialis terminalis subsp. n. Peru, Chapman Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 32 p. 266. [Zamelodia'] Hedytneles should be used instead of Zamelodia, Oberholser 07 Aves, Systbwatio. — Passeriformes. 5831 530. — II. nielanoceplialus papago subsp. n. Mexico and W. Central U.S.A., Oberholser Auk. 36 p. 413. Spermophila pileata eclipse plumage, Blaauw 79. Catamenia analoides griseiventris subsp. n. Peru, Chapman Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 267. Cardinalis phoeniceus note on the type specimen, Hartert 314 p. 155. Sallalor striatipictus furax Costa Ilica p. 32, 8. s. speralus Pearl Is., Panama, p. 33 subspp. n. and other forms reviewed. Bangs & Penard 53. Carduelis cardiielis balcanica subsp. n. Macedonia, Sachtleben Anz. Orn. Ges. Bay. No. 1 p. 3. — C. c. weigoldi note on this Portuguese . race, Witherby 826. {Hypacanthis], Chrysomitris sp>inoides breeding in captivity, Baily 37. \Linaria^ Acanihis jlaviroslris stolicz- kae Hart. = Carduelis f. monlanellus Henders. and Hume, Hartert 314 p. 157. — A. linaria rujescens field notes in the Austrian Alps, Waloher 778. Passer domesiicus nesting habits, Hoffmann 848; its scarcity in the south of Ihimcc, Menisgau.x; 492 ; has reached Death Valley, California, Grinnell 283. — P. domesiicus x P. montanus a wild hybrid, Nichols 517. — P. maobiticus mesopotamicus ,note on range, nest and eggs, Cheesman & Buxton 133. [Poliospizd] Crithagra leucoptera — C. albogularis juv., Roberts 624. Warsanglia gen. n. for type, W. johannis sp. n. Somaliland, Clarke Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 48. Serinus psuedobarbatus sp. n. E. Uganda, Someren Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 56. — 8. buchanani sp. n. Kenia Colony, Hartert Bull. B. 0. C. 39 p. 50. Loxia curvirostra probably nesting in Suffolk in 1918, Bunyard 106. — L. c. yninor nesting habits in British Columbia, Munro514. — L. c. meridiona- Us subsp. n. S. Annam, Robinson & Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 018. — L. bifasciata date and localtiy of an early record in Ireland corrected, Stbndall 711.* — L. leucoptera bifasciata early history in Sweden, Gertz 262. Pyrrhula pyrrhula review of the European subspecies, Stresemann 725; breeding near Danzig, I bath 369. — P. pyrrhula minor Brehm and P. p. germanica Brehm must be distinguished and recognised, Stresemann 723 p. 11. — P. owstoni characteristics and afiini- ties, Hartert 314 p. 160. Uragus sibiricus taken in Sussex, first record for Europe, Nicoi.l 520. Ember iza scKoeniclus volgae subsp. n. South Russia, Stresemann Anz. Orn. Ges. Bay. No. 2 p. 9. — E. s. sckoeniclus pallidior on an intermediate example from Wurtemberg, Tischlbr 762-i — E. melanocephala type locality not correctly given by Hartert, Schiebel 662 double moult, Stresemann 728 p. 78. — E. c. citrinella habits in Belgium, Mairbot 464. — Vj. cineracea Brehm must bo used instead of E. cinerea Strickl. 1837 nec Gmel. 1789, Hell- MAYR 321 p. 133. Ilypocenlor this name should be used for the aureola group of Buntings, Oberholser 535. [Miliaria] Emberiza calandra status ill the Canary Is., Bannerman 65 p. 107. Plectrophenax nivalis field notes and nesting in N. Greenland, Ekblaw 224. Passerculus rostratus revision of sub- species, Oberholser 546. Centronyx a distinct genus, characters given, Oberholser 552 p. 141, [Ammodramus] Passerherbulus hens- lowi susurrans subsp. n. Virginia, Brewster Proc, N. Engl. Zool. Cl. 6 p. 78. — Thryospiza mirabilis sp. n. Cape Sable, Eorida, Howell Auk 36 p. 86. [Haemophila] Peucaea aestivalis bach- mani in Canada, first record, Saunders 656. Junco oreganus pontilis subsp. n. North Lower California, Oberholser Condor 21 p. 119. — J. o. thurberi the eggs and their variations, Ray 601, 6S Aves XVII. Aves. [1919] Spizella canadensis Bodd. is correct name of American Tree - Sparrow, Mathews & Ibbdale 474. — S. moniicola (Gm.) name changed to arborea (Wilson), Obkiuiolseb 552 p. 139. Zonotrichia querula historical notes and exact type -locality, Harris 306. Melospiza melodia merrilli nesting notes in Idaho, Rust 645. — M. cinerea semidiensis subsp. n. Semidi Is., Alaska, Brooks Proc. N. Engl. Zool. Cl. 7 p. 27. Pipilo fuscus aripolius subsp. n. middle Lower California, Oberholser Condor 21 p. 210. Pseudochloris uropygialis connectens Peru p. 329, P. olivascens sordida Jujuy, Argentina, p. 330 subspp. n., Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 41. — P. salvini sp. n. N. Peru p. 70, P. aurei- ventris incat subsp. n. Chilian Andes p. 71, Chubb Bull. B. O. C. 39. Atlapes semirujus majusculus subsp. n. Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 113. — A. canigenis sp. n. Peru, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 p. 330. Pam. Cobrebidak. List of types in the Tring Museum, Hartert 314 p. 151. Diglossa mystacalis albilinea subsp. n. Peru, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 p. 331. Oreomanes binghami sp. n. Peru, Chapman Bull. Amer, Mus. 41 p. 331. Pam. Prooniatidae. Procnias its status and relation to Tangara, Miller 501. p. 35, T. heinei must re place T. alricapilla preoccupied p. 36, Banos & Penard 53, — T. aureata (Vioill.) must replace 2\ cyanocephala (Vioill.) and list of races, Bangs & Penard 53 p. 31. Calospiza larvala Central American races discussed, Rendahl 608 p. 32. — Tangara cyaneicollis gularis subsp. n. S.E. Peru, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 p. 332. Iridosortiis rufivertex (halites.) taxono- mic and historical note, must replace I. dubusia (Bp.), Bangs &; Penard 53 p. 36. Buthraupis revision of the group, Penard 582. Bangsia gen. n. for type Buthraupis arccei cceruleigularis Cherric, Penard Auk 36 p. 539. Gnemaihraupis gen. n. for type Buthraupis eximia (Boissoneau), Pen- ard Auk 36 p. 538. Piranga hepatica oreophasma subsp. n. S.W. U.S.A. to C. Mexico, Ober- iiOLSER Auk 86 p. 74. — P. olivacca (Gmel.) must replace P, erythromelas ( Vieill.), Oberholser 539. Phaenicothraupis rubica coccinea subsp. n. Colombia, Todd Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 p. 113. Tachyphonus brevipes .Lafresn. pre- occupies T. napensis Lawr., Bangs & Penard 53 p. 37. — T. metallacius nom. n. pro T. rufivenlris (Spix) preoccupied, Oberholser 549 p. 240. Chlorospmgus ophthalmicus note on taxonomy. Bangs & Penard 53 p. 37. Cnemoscopus gen. ii. for type Ilernis- pingus rubrirostris (Lafresn,), Bangs & Penard 53 p. 38. Fam. Tanagridab. Fam. Ploceidae. List of types in the Tring Museum, Ust of types in the Tring Museum, Hartert 314 p. 148. Hartert 314 p. 137. Chlorophonia pyrrhophrys (Scl.) must Urobrachya phcenicea quanzat = replace O. pretrei (Lafresn.), Bangs u. axillaris mechowi, Hartert 314 & Penard 53 p. 34. p 145 [Euphonia] Tanagra violacea rodway i Pyromelana franciscana pusilla dis- subsp. n. Roraima, Bt. Guiana, Penard tinctivc characters discussed, Hartert Proc. N. Engl. Zool Cl. 7 p. 30. — 314 p. 144. — Euplectes capensis macror- T. 1. lauta et T. 1. proba nom. n. pro hynchus subsp. n. Cape Prov., Roberts T. hirundinacea {Bp.) et T. gralho Cab. Ann. Transv. Mus. 6 p. 117. 69 Aves. Systbmatio. — Passeriformbs. 6831 Mandingoa gen. n. for type Estrilda nitidula Hartl., Hartert Nov. Zool. 26 p. 147. Lagonosticta seyiegala note on the subspecies, Hartert 314 p. 147. — Estrilda drier eovinacea rndolfi nom. n. pro Lagonosticta graueri Rothsch., Hartert Nov. Zool, 20 p. 141. — L rubricata reichenowi subsp. n. Mikin- dani Germ. E. Air., Grote J. Ornith. 67 p. 301. — L. rhodopareia umbriventer Mt. Kenya region p. 54, L. jamesoni taruensis coast lands of Kenya Colony p. 54, L. senegalla kikuyuensis Kenya Colony p, 55 subspp. n., Sombren Bull. B. 0. C. 40. Steganopleura Bp. type designated bichenovii Vig,, Mathews 471 p. 433. Tavistockia gen. n. for Loxia guttata Shaw, Mathews Bds. Austr. 7 p. 434. {Zonogastrls] Pytdia melba angolensis Angola, P. m. grotei coast of Tanganyika Terr, subspp. n., Reichbnow J. Ornith. 67 p. 227. — P. m. mosambica subsp. n. Mosarabique p. 55, P. percivali sp. n. Kenya Colony p. 56, Someren Bull. B. 0. C. 40. PoepTiila gouldiae note on races, Campbell 118 p. 187. Estrilda astrild litoris subsp. n. Ruvu river, German E. Afr., Grote J. Ornitli. 67 p. 301. — E. charmosyna kiwanukae subsp. n. Kenya Colony, Someren Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 55. Qranatina ianthogaster rothschildi Kavirondo, Q. i. montana nr. Lake Nai- vasha, O. i. ugandae W. Uganda desert subspp. n., Someren Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 53. — Uraeginthus bengalus ugandae note on races and nomenclature, Hartert 314 p. 141. Sporopipes frontalis loitanus subsp. n. S.E. Uganda, Someren Bull. B. O. C. 40 p. 54. Malimbus malimbus crassirostris subsp. n. Unyoro, Uganda, Hartert Nov. Zool. 26 p. 140. Spermospiza poliogenys first descrip- tion of male, Bannerman 56 p. 9. Fam. Ioteridab. List of types in the Tring Museum, Hartert 314 p. 136. A note on the structure of the palate in the Icteridae, Wetmore 786. Ostinops decumanus insularis revived for birds from Trinidad and Tobago, Banos & Pbnard 53 p. 38. Amblycercus holosericeus australis subsp. n. Bolivia, Chapman Bull. Amer. Mus. 41 p. 333. Dolichonyx oryzivorus, its range, mig- rations and economics, MoAtee 451. Agelaius phceniceus on the race occur- ring in Nicaragua, Rendahl 608 p. 29. — A. p. fipridanus note on the plumage, Lincoln 428. — A. phceniceus predatorius, A. p. fortis and A. p arctolegus winter and summer ranges in the middle U.S.A., Harris 307 p. 285. — A. p. megapotamus subsp. n. Texas, Obbrholser Wilson Bull. 31 p. 20. Curaeus aterrimus (Kittl.) name changed to G. curaeus (Mol.), Ober- holser 549 p. 128. Icterus nigrogularis (Hahn) must replace Oriolus xanthornus Gmel. un- usable for the Troupial, Hellmayr 321 p. 132. Andriopsar ; this genus should bo used for Icterus gularis (Wagl.), Wetmore 786 p. 190. Quiscalus quiscula note on races, Q. q. ridgwayi nom. n. Q. q. quiscula auct. nec Linn., Oberholser 538 ' p. 552. Fam. Sturnidae. Types in the Tring Museum listed, Hartert 314 p. 134. Sturnus vulgaris note on the Highland and Island subspecies, Clarke 157 ; the Asiatic subspecies described and listed, Ticehurst 757. — Sturnus v. vulgaris former status in England, Butterfield 115 ; food habits in Bel- gium, Meroier 485 ; ringed in Sweden, taken in England, Rendahl 609 . ringed in Finland, captured in S. France, Robinson 635. — S. v. zetlandi- cus distinctness confirmed, Witherby 820. [Spodiopsar] Poliopsar leucocephalus annamensis subsp. n. Annum, Wells Bull. B. 0. C. 89 p. 77. 70 Avet» XVII Aves. [1919] Acridotheres tristis albino desoiibed, Bakeu47 ; acclimatized in Queensland, Chisholm 138. Fam, Eulabetidae. [Eulabes] Gracula javanica prasiocara occurring on the Tembelan Is., S. China sea, Oberholser 555 p. 141. Aplornis brunnescens note on generic characters, Townsend & Wetmore 764 p. 218. Lamprocorax panayensis rhadino- rhamphus distinctive gharacters, Ober- holser 560 p. 494. — L. . p. richmondi subsp. n. Pulo Taya, oil Sumatra, Oberholser Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 55 p. 272. Cosmopsarus regius donaldsoni subsp. n. Somaliland and frontier districts of E. Africa, Someren Bull. B. Ol C. 210 p. 52. Amydrua montanua sp. n. Mt. Elgon, Someren Bull. B. 0. C. 40 p. 62. Onychognathus fulgidua interniedius taxonomic note on the races, Hartbrt 314 p. 135. Eam. Oriolidae. Types in the Tring Museum, Hartert 314 p. 133. Oriolua oriolua early moults, Strese- MANN 728 p. 80. — 0. xanthornus (Linn.) 1758 replaces 0. melanocephalua Linn. 1766 for the Indian Oriole, Hellmayb 321 p. 131. — 0. melanocephalua thaiacoua remarks on this supposed race ; O. indicua and 0. tenuirostria difficult distinguishing marks, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 613 614. [Mimeta] Oriolua finachi a subspecies of 0. alriatua on so-called mimicry in this group, Hartert 314 p. 133. Pam. Dioruridae. List of types in the Tring Museum, Hartert 314 p. 130. Dicrurua annectens siamensia a dis- tinct race, Baker 46 p. 41. Ghibia hottentotta two races only recognized. Baker 46 p. 44. [Dicruropaia] Dicrurua {bractealua ?) bimienaia subsp. n. Burn, Molucca Is., Hartert Nov. Zool. 26 p. 133. — Dicruropaia monlana sp. n. Celebes, Riley Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 32 p. 94. — Dicrurua cineraceua rebap- tizatua nom. n. pro Buchanga palaivan- ensia Palawan, Hartert Nov. Zool. 26 p. 130. Buchanga leucophaea batahenaia subsp. n. Sumatra, Robinson & Kloss J. Straits Asiat. Soc. No. 80 p. 125. Bhringa remifer revision of races, Baker 46 p. 42. — B. r. peracenais recorded from Annam with taxonomic note, Robinson & Kloss 631 p. 611. Pam. Paradiseidae. List of types in the Tring Museum, Hartert 314 p. 127. Plumage display of Birds of Paradise, Le Souef 423. Pam. Corvidae. List of types in the Tring Museum, Hartert 314 p. 123. [Trypanocorax] Corvua frugilegua food, Meyers 493 ; field notes in Hungary, Csorgey 181 ; attacking hawks. Gill 267. Frugilegua Selys-Longch. is the cor- rect generic name of the Rook, Ober- holser 552 p. 141. [Heterocorax'] Corvua capenaia kordo- fanenaia nom. n. pro C. c. minor Heugl. preoccupied by Gorax aylveatria minor Brehm 1860, Laubmann Vcrhandl. Orn. Ges. Bay. 14 p. 103. Corvua critical note.s on European forms p. 215, C. cor?iix kaukaaicua subsp. n. Caucasus regions p. 220, C. c. ayriacua subsp. n. Palestine p. 221, Genqler J. Ornith. 67. — G. c. judaeua subsp. n. Palestine, Meinertzhagen Bull. B. O. C. 39 p. 85. — C. corone attacking hawks, Gill 267. — C. cauri- nua must stand as a subspecies of C. brachyrhynchoa, Oberholser 529 p. 81. — C. aplendena a brownish varia- tion, Whistler 793. — C. brachyrhynchoa on the subspecies occuring in Colorado, Bergtold 75. 71 Ave$. System ATio.— Passeriformes. 5831 Co^ceus monedula arriving on the south coast in April, Witherby 822. — C. fuscicollis (Vieill.) is the oldest name for G. neglectus (Sohlcg.) et auct., Strbsbmann 723 p. 8. [Rhinocorax] Gorvus brachycercus nom. n. pro Gorvus aj/im^Ruppell 1835 nec Shaw 1809, Hellmayr Verhandl. Orn. Ges. Bay. 14 p. 131. Pica pica distribution in Ireland, Guinness 291 ; note on the nest, Labitte 413. Gissa gabriellae O. -Grant a synonym of G. hypoleuca Gigl. and Salv. ; G, margaritae sp. n. S. Annam, Robinson Sc Kloss Ibis 1919 p. 604 pi. xvii. Oarrulus glandarius on the races found in Holland, Snouckabet 694. — 0. g. glandarius in Oxon and Sussex, Edwards 218 Sicberocitta recognised as a sub- genus for the Aphdcoma sieberii group of the genus, Obbrholser 551, Gissilopha sanhlasiana nelsoni subsp. n. Colima Mexico, G. pulchra Nelson is synonym of typical form, Banos & Penard Bull. Mus. Comjw Zool. 63 p. 40. Pyrrhocorax alpinus habits, etc., in Germany, Mbrk-Buchbero, 488. XVIII. MAMMALIA ARRANQRD BY MARTIN A. 0. HINTON. CONTENTS I. Titles • •• • t « • • • PACE 4 II. Subject Index : — Oomprelieiisive and General = 6003 Treatises, Text-books • • • 14 i3ib!iog’raphy Institutions, Oollectioiis ... • • • • • • • • • 14 • • • • • • 14 Economics • • • • • • • • • 14 Miscellaneous ... . • • 14 Structure = 6007 : — General and Comparative ' ... 14 Histology ... ... . . • 14 Tegument... ' ... ... 14 Nervous system and sense-organs . . • 15 Myology _ ... 15 Osteology and Dentition... . . • 15 Alimentary system ... 15 Circulatory and Respiratory Systems ... 15 Blood, Lymph, etc. . ... 15 Placenta ... . . . 15 Excretory organs. Special glands ... 15 Organs of reproduction ... 15 Physiology = 6011: — General and miscellaneous ... ... ... 15 Development = 6015 : — Ovum, oogenesis ... ... ... ... 15 Spermatozoon, spermatogenesis. . . ... ... ... 15 Embr^^ology ' , ... ... ... 15 Post-embryonal ... ... ... ... 15 Ethology n= 6019 : — General ... ... ... 15 Habits ; (life-histories) ... ... ... 15 (w-13799/)q d 11 2 PAGE Variation and Aetiology = 6023 : — Variation ... ... • . . ... 16 Evolution ... ... ... ... . . • 16 Hybrids ... = . ... ... ' ...' ... ' ... ... 16 Heredity ... ... ... 16 Geography = 6027 : — Europe = d and da to dk ... ... ... 16 Germany ... ... ... ... ... ... 16 Belgium dd ... ... 16 British Islands de ... ... 16 France df ... ... 16 Spain d^... ... ' ... ... ... 16 Italy dh ... ... 16 South-Eastern Europe dl ... ... ... 16 Asia = e ... . ... ... ... 16 Asiatic Russia ea ... ... 16 China and Tibet eh ... ... 16 Japan and Korea eo ... ... . . . 16 Cochin China, etc. ed ... ... . . . ... 16 British India ef., . ... . . . 16 Malaya, etc. eg,., ... ... . . . 16 Persia and Syria ek and ei ... ... 16 Africa and Madagascar = / .*. ... ... 16 North America =. g ... . . . 16 Central and South America, Antilles = h . . . . . . 17 Australasia and Southern Ocean = i • • t ... ... 17 ystematic = 6031 : — ' General. Primates ... ... ... 17 A. Anthrbpoidea ; . ^ ... ... ' ... 17 Hominidae and Simiidae ... 17 Cercopithecidae ... ... 18 Cebidae and Hapalidae ... ... ... 18 •B. Lemuroidea ... ... ... ... « .. 18 Cliiroptera ... ... ... 18 Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae ... 18 • Natalidae and Vespertilionidae ... ... 18 Molossidae V ... 19 Insectivora ... 19 Galeopteridae^ ... 19 Tupaiidae and Macroscelididae ... . . . 19 Soricidae and Talpidae ... ... 19 Nesophontidae ... ... ... 19 Erinaceidae ••• - f •• ... 19 Chrysochloridae ... ... ... 19 3 Ournivora A. Carnassideiitia ... Felidae Viverridae ... ... ... Ilytenidae and Proteleidae ... Oanidae Ursidae Procyonidae ... Miistelidae ... B. Pinnipedia c. Creodonta ... Rodentia ... ... ... ... ... - , Aplodontidae, Sciuridae and Anomaltiridae Castoridae and Gliridae ... Dipodidae and Geomyidae Muridae ... ... ... - ... ... Spalacidae ... ... ... Ilystricidae, Octodontidae, Caviidae, etc. , Leporidae and Ochotonidae Ungulata ... ... A. Artiodactyla ... Bovidae Giraffidae Cervidae Tragulidae and Ilyemoschidae Hippopotamidae, Suidae and Dicoiylidae B. Perissodactyla ... Equidae ... ' ... ... ..* Tapiridae and Rhinocerotidae Extinct Families ... ... c and D. llyracoidea and Proboscidea ... Sironia and Cetacea. ' Edentata ... . ; Marsupialia ..., ... Monotremata ... rAas ... 19 ... 19 ... 19 ... 20 ... 20 ... 20 ... 20 ... 20 ... 20 ... 21 ... = 21 ... 21 ... 2i ... 22 ..; 22 ... 22 ... 23 ... 24 ... 24 ... 24 i.. • 24 .... 24 ... 25 ... 25 ... 25 ... 25 ... 25 ... 25 ... ,26 . ... 26 ... ' 26 26 . 27 w ... 27 ... '27 (if-13799/) Q d U— 2 4 Mam, XVIII. Mammalia. [1919] I.— TITLES. Allen, G. M. The American collared lemnings {Dicrostonijx). Cambridge Mass. Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 62 1019 (609-640). , 1 Allen, G. M. Bats from Mount Whit- ney, California. J. Mamin. Baltimore 1 1919 (1-5). 2 Allen, J. A. Severtzow’s Classifica- tion of the Felidae. New York N.Y. Bui. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 41 1919 (335-340). 3 Allen, J. A. Notes on the synonymy and nomenclature of the smaller Spotted Cats of tropical America. New York N.Y. Bui. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 41 1919 (341-419). 4 Allen, J. A. Preliminary notes on African Carnivora. J. Mamm. Balti- more 11919 (23-31). 5 Andrews, C. W. Note on some fossil mammals from Saloniea and Imbros. Geol. M%. London dec. vi 5 (540-643) toxt--fig. 6 Andrews, R. C. A note on the skeletons of Balaenoptera edeni, Ander- son, in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Bee. Ind. Mus. Calcutta 15 1918 (105- 107) pi. 7 Anthony, H. E. Mammals collected in eastern Cuba in 1917. With descrip- tions of two new species. Now York N.Y. Bui. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 41 1919 (625-643) pis. 35-37. 8 Anthony, II. A propos do quelques caracteres anatomiques de la queue des Pangolins et de leur utilisation en Taxonomic. Bui. Museum Paris 1919 1919 (17-20). 9 Anthony, R. A propos de la Taxo- nomic des Pangolins ; Rectification an lUgne Animal do G. Cuvier. Bui. Mus6um Paris 1919 1919 (429-431). 10 Anthony, R. Le plan de description du neopallium humain. Paris Bui. Inst. G6n. Psychologique 19 Nos! 1-3 (1-23 of reprint) 19 text-figs. 11 Bailey, P. G. (the late) vide Puimett, R. 0. , Bailey, V. A new subspecies of beaver from North Dakota. J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 1919 (31-32). 12 Baker, E. C. Stuart. Subspecies and the field naturalist. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (518-524). 13 Barge, J. A. J. Waarom sluit zich de ductus venosus Arantii ? (Pourquoi le Ductus venosus Arantii so fermo-t-il ? Amsterdam Werk. Gen. Nat. Genees. Heelk (ser. 2) 9 1919 (293-297). 14 Baudouin, M. La dent de sagesse, qui est function du mode d’ alimenta- tion, n’est plus en voie d’atrophie. Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 165 1917 (367- 369). 15 Beddard, P. E. Further contributions to the anatomy of the Sperm Whalo {Physeter macrocephahis) based upon aq examination of two additional Foetus. Ann. Durb, Mus. 2 1919 (129- 148) pi. xxii 13 text-figs. Durban. 16 Beebe, W. Higher vertebrates of British Guiana with special reference to the fauna of Bartica District. Zoologica New York 2 1919 (205-227). 17 Bemmelen, J. F. van. Androgeno oorsprong der hoorns en geweien. [Androgenic origin of horns and antlers.] Amsterdam Versl. Wis, Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 27 [1918] (274- 280) (Dutch) Amsterdam Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 21 1919) 570-576) (English). 18 Blaauw, F. E. On the breeding of Oryx (jazella at Gooilust. London Proc. Zool. Son. 1919 1919 (29-30) pi. i. 19 5 Mayn. Titles. 600Q Boas, J. E. V. Einigo Bemer- kungen iiber die Hand dos Menschen. Kobonhavn Vid. Sclsk. Biol. Medd. 2 1 1919 (32) with 10 plates and 6 figs. 20 Boer, S. de. Uber die Form und den Bau der Dermatome und Hire Verbreitung fiber den tierisehen Korper. Feestbundel Cornelis Winkler Psy- ehyatrische Neurologisehe Bladen Am- sterdam 1918 (94-117 fig. 1). 21 Bolk, L. De topographische ver- liondingen dor orbitao in jongo on volwasson schodols van den menseh on do mensehapen. [On the topo- graphieal relations of the orbits in infan- tile and adult skulls in man and apes.] Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 26 1918 (1364-1373 13 text-fig.) (Dutch). Amsterdam Proo. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. 21 1919 (277-286 13 fig.) (English). 22 Bolk, L. Das Haarkleid eines Fetus von Schimpanse. Amsterdam By- dragen Dierkunde 21 1919 (67-66 8 Text-fig). 23 Bordas, F. et Krall, K. Correspon- dance echangee au sujet des chevaux pensants d’Elberfeid. Bui. Inst, psychol. Paris 14 1914 (47-50). 24 Boulenger, E. G. Report on methods of rat dostruotion. With an introduo- tioii by P. Chalmers Mitchell, C.B.E., F.U.S., LL.D., D.So., Secretary to the Society. Londoii Proo. Zool. Soc. 1919 1920 (227-244). 25 Burlet, H. M. de. Zur Entwick- iungsgeschiehte des Walschadels, IV. Ober das Primordial-cranium eincS Embryo von Lagenorhijyichus alhir- oslris. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 49 1916 (393-406). 26 Burlet, H. M. de. Zur Entwick- iungsgeschichte des Walschadels. V. Zusammenfassung des fiber den Knor- pclschadel der Wale Mitgeteilten. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 50 1917 (1-18). 27 Burlet, H. M. de. Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgcschiehtc der Wirbelsaule der Cetaccon. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 50 1917 (371-402). 28 Burlet, H. M. de and Correlj6, J. Dbcr Variationen des menschlichon inusculus biceps brnchii. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 50 1917 (403-416). 29 Cabrera, A. Sobre los leopardos africanos, con descripcion de una forma nuova. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 18 1918 (472-482) lam. xvi-xvii. 30 Cabrera, A. El primer okapi vivo en Europa. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 19 1919 (443-446). 31 Cabrera, A. Dos ejemplares de Ziphius de las costas mediterraneas do Espaua. Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 19 1919 (468-470). 32 Cabrera, A. Mamlfcros del yacimiento sblutrcnso de San Julian do Ramis. Barcelona Treballs Mus. Ci. Nat. 7 1919 (5-21) lam. i-iii table. 33 Cabrera, A. Genera Mammaliurn. Monotremata. Marsupialia. Madrid Mus. Nac. Ci. Nat. 1919 (1-177) lam. i-xix. 34 Castle, W. E. Siamese, an albinistic colour variation in cats. Araer. Nat. New York N.Y. 53 1919 (265-268). 35 Caziot, C. Commt. Notes complemen- taires sur lo lynx des Alpes-Maritimes. Paris Bui. Soc. Zool. 44 1919 (96-97). 36 Chapin, C. L. A microscopic study of the reproductive system of foetal free-martins. J. Exper. Zool. 23 1917 (463-482). Philadelphia Pa. 37 Chubb, E. C. A South African ele- phant from the Addo Bush. Durban Ann. Mus. 2 1919 (126-128) pis. xxi- xxii. 38 Correlj6, J. vide Burlet, H. M. de. Cragg, E. and Drinkwater, II! Hereditary absence of phalanges through five generations. Journ. Genetics Cambridge 6 1916 (18-89 pi. ii). 39 Cunningham, J. T. vide Woodward, A. S. Davidson, Miss W. M. vide Thomas, O. Dep^ret, Ch. Sur une faunule de Mammiferes de 1’ Eocene moyen de Belgique, Paris Bui. soc. gc'bl. (scr 4) 12 1916 (808-816 av. fig.). 40 Dep6ret, C. Sur un petit Acero- Iherium trouve h Burght dans I’argile do Boom. Paris Bui. soc. g«!'ol. (s6r. 4) 12 1916 (816). 41 6 Mam, XVIII. Mammalia. [1919] , Dep6ret, r- Sur TexietencB d*mie faune de - Mammiferes.udu .Plioc^sno inf6riour dans lo Soaldision inf^rieur du Paderlion d’ Anvers. Paris Bui. soc. g^ol. 12 1915 (8\1). 42 j Dice^ L. R. The mammals of south- eastern Washington. J. Mamni. Balti- more 1 1919 (10-22). . . ' ; 43 Dixon, J. Notes on the natural his- tory of the bushy-tailed wood rats pf California.* Berkeley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 21 1919 (49-74) pis. lr-3 text-figs. 3. , ' 44 Dixon, J. vide Giinnell, J.- ^ - . Drinkwater, .H., vide Cragg, 0. Drips, D. vide Mann, F. C. Dubois, E. Vergelyking van hot hersengewicht in functie van het lichaamsgewicht, tusschen de twee fleksen [Comparison of the brain weight in function of the body weight between the two sexes]. / Amsterdam Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. K. Akad. Wet. 27 [1919] (713-732) (Dutch) ; Amsterdam Proo, Soi. K. Akad. Wet. ' 21 1919 (860-870) (English). 45 Earnshaw, F. L. vide Lawyer, G. A. i Eaton, G. F. Vertebrate remains in the Cuzco gravels. • Amer, J. Sci, ilew Haven. Conn. (Ser. 4) 36 1913 (3-14 Avith ff.). ' . 46 Fabiani, R. I. mammiferi quaternari della regione veneta. Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 6 1919 (1-174) pis. i-xxx text- figs. 1-16. 47 Fawcett, E. The Primordial cranium of Miniop tents schreibersi at the 17 millimetre total length stage. J. Anat. London 53 1919 (315-350) pis. kiii-xxi text-figs. 23. ^ ^ ’ Federley, H. Boitrage zur Kenntnis der Saugetiergametogenese, I. Dio Spermatogeneso Yon Mus silvaticViS If. Helsingfors Acta Soc. Sc. Fenn.* 48 No. 6 1919 (1-37 mit Taf. upd Fig).^ A9 Fielde, ! Adele M. Concerning the sense of smell in dogs. . Philadelphia Proo. Acad. Nat. Sci. 67 1915 (42). 50 Figgins, J. D. Description of a new species of caribou from the region of the. Alaska- Yukon, boundary. . Proc. Colorado Mus. Nat. Hist. Deo. 1919 unpaged (3 pp. and 2 plates). ^ 51 • Fitzsimons,i;-F. W. The Natural History of South Africa. > Mammals in five volumes 1 (i-xix 1-178) 2 (i-xi 1-105) 1019 8vo London Longmans. 52 Fraser, Elizabeth A. The develop- ment of the urogenital system in the Marsupialia, with special reference to Trichosurus vulpecula. Part II J. Anat. London 53 1919 (97-129). 53 Freund, h. Beitrage zur Entwick- lungsgeschichte der Sirenen. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 49 1914 (353-388). 54 Gidley, . J. W. Significance of di- vergence of the first digit in the primi- tive mamalian* foot. AVashington D.C. J.Acad-Sci. 9 1019 (273-280). 55 Giglio-Tos, E. A proposito del coni- glio di Porto Santo e della realta della specie. Roma ' Riv. Biol. 1 1919 (50-72). ' 56 , Giuffrida-Ruggeri, A^. La contro- versia sul fpssile di Piltdown e Torigine del philum umano. Monitore zool, ital. Firenze 30 1919 (1-18). 57 Graves, Henry S. and Nelson, E. W. Our national elk herds ; a program for conserving the elk on national forests fibout the Yellowstone National Park. AVashington D.C. U.S. Dept. Agric. Circ. 51 1919(1-34). 58 Gregory, AV. K. The evolution of the human face. Nat. Hist 19 1919 (421-425). 59 Grinnell, J. Five new five-toed kangaroo rats from California. Berke- ley Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 21 1919 (43-47). 60 Grinnell, J. Four new' kangaroo rats from AA^est-Central California. AA^ash- ington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 82 1919 (203-205). 61 Grinnell, J, and Dixon, J. Natural history of the ground squirrels of California. Sacramento Cal. State Comm. Horticulture Monthly Bui. 7 1918 1919 (597-708). 62 Grinnell, J. vide Hall, H. M. Guyon, L. virfc Nageotte, J. * Gyldenstolpe, N. On a collection of mammals made in eastern and central Borneo by Mr. Carl Lumholtz. Stock- holm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 60 No. 6 1919 ( 1-62) pis. 1-6 text-figs. 63 7 Mam. 6000, Titles. Gyldenstolpe, N. Alistof themammala afc present known to inhabit Siam. J. Nat. Hist. Soo. Siam Bangkok 8 1919 (127-176). 64 Haagner, A. K. The Rhodesian baboon {Choiropithccns rhodcsiae Haagn). Pretoria S. Afric. Journ. Nat. Hist. 1 1919 (172-174) pis. x-xi. 65 Hatferl, A. Zur Entwicklungs- geschichte der Aortenbogcn und der Kopfarterien von Tarsius spectrum. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 50 1916 (19-48) 66 Hall, H. M. and Grinnell, J. Life- zone indicators in California. San Francisco Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. [4] 9 1919 (37-67). 67 Hamilton, Major J. Stevenson. Field- notes on some mammals in the Bahr-el- Gebel, Southern Sudan. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1919 1920 (341-348) chart. y 68 Harmer, S. F. Report on Cetacea stranded on the British Coasts during 1918 (with two text-figures and one map). London British Museum (Nat. Hist). No. 6 1919 (1-24). 69 Harmer, S. F. Subantarctic whales and whaling. London Proc. R. Inst. 1919 1919(1-6) Abstract. 70 Hatai, S. On several elTeois of feoditig email quantities of Sudan 111 to young albino rats. Journ. Exper. Zool. 26 1918(101-117). 71 Hay, 0. P. Descriptions of some mammalian and fish remains from Florida of probably Pleistocene age. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Nation, Mus. Proc 56 1919 (103-112) pis. xxvi-xxviii. 72 Hay, 0. P. On some proboscideans of the state of New York. Science New York N.Y. n.s. 49 1919 (377-379). 73 Hays, F. A. The influence of ex- cessive sexual activity of male rabbits. II. On the nature of their offspring. J. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 25 1918 (671-613). 74 Hays, F. A. tndc Lloyd-Jones, 0. Hernandez-Paoheco, E. Los caballos del Cuaternario superior segun el arte paleolitico. (The late Pleistocene horses according to Palaeolithic art.) Madrid 1919 (1-27 Reprint only seen). 75 Hernandez-Pachecd, E. La cavema cie la Pena de Candamo (Asturias). Madrid Mom. Comi Invest. Paleont. Prehist. 24 1919 (1-281) Lain, i-xxvii text-figs. 1-186. 76 Hill, J. P» vide Woodward, A. S. , Hinton, M. A. C. Scientific results from the Mammal Survey No. xviii (continued). Report on the house rats of India, Burma and Ceylon. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (Part II 384-416) Part HI 716-726. 77' ‘Hinton, M. A. C. Notes on the genus CricetomySf with descriptions of four new forms. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9) 4 1919 (282-289). 78 Hinton, M. A. C. The field mouse of Foula. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 1919(177-181). 79 Hogben^ L. T. The progressive reduction of the jugal in the mammalia. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1919 1919 (71-78). 80 Hollister, N. East African mammals in the United States National MuseunLj Part II. Rodentia, Lagomorpha and Tuhulidentata. Washington D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Nat. Mus. Bui. 99 1919 (x-1-184) 44 pis. 81 Howell, A. H. Descriptions of nino now North American Pikas. Washing- ton D.C. Proo. Biol. Soo. 82 1919 (105-110).' 82 Howell, A. B. A new cotton rat from Arizona. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (161-162). 83 Howell, A. H. Notes on the fox squirrels of south-eastern United States, with description of a new form from Florida. Journ. Mamm. 1 1919 (36-38). 84 Howell, A. B. An easy method of cleaning skulls. J. Mamm. Baltimore 11919(40-41). I 85 Hubrecht, A. A. W. Beilrage zur Ontogenie des Saugetiere. Friiheste Entwicklungsstadien ,und Placentation von Galeopithecus, bearbeitet von Dr. Dan. do Lange. Amsterdam Vcrhandl. K. Akad. Wot. 2o Sect. 16 No. 6 1919 (1-39 13 Taf.) . 86 ‘ Jackson, H. H. T. The Wisconsin Napaeozapus. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soo. 32 1919 (9-10). ‘ 87 8 Mem, xvill. Mammalia. [1919J Jackson, If. II. 'r. An unrccogniscsd shrew from Warren Island, Alaska. Washington D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1910 (23-24). 88 Jacobson, E. and Kloss, C. B. Notes on the Sumatran hare. J. Fed. Malay Mus. Kuala Lumpur 7 1919 (293-298). 89 Johnson, H. M. Some experiments on pitch-discrimination in dogs. [Ab- stract]. Psych. Bull. Princeton N.J. 9 1912 (59). 90 Johnston, T. B. The ileo-csecal region of Calliceius personaius, with some observations on the morphology of the mammalian caecum. J. Anat. London 54 1919 (66-78). 91 Joleaud, L. Relations entre les migrations du genre Ifipparioti ct les connexions continentales de I’Europc, de I’Afrique et de I’Ameriquc au Miocene supericur. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (177-179). 92 Joleaud, L. Sur lea migrations d, r6poquo ndogone dos Hippariont dos Hippotraginc^s et des Trag^laphin^s. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (310-311). 93 Joleaud, L. Sur les migrations des genres Hystrix, Lepus, Anchitherium et Mastodon a I’epoque neogene. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (412-414). 94 Joleaud, L. Sur le role des chenaux maritimes nord-floridien et sud-carai- bicn dans les migrations des mammi- f^res tertioure^ et quaternaircs. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (955-957). 95 Justice, W. A, Discussion on the rat problem : remarks. Ind. J. Med. Res. Calcutta (Spec. Ind. Sci. Cong. No.) 1919 1919(179-180), 96 King, H. D. Studies on inbreeding. I. The effects in inbreeding on the growtli and variability in the body weight of the albino rat. J. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa 26 1918 (1-54). 97 King, H. D. Studies on inbreeding. II. The effects of inbreeding on the fertility and on the constitutional vigor of the albino rat. J. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 26 1918 (335- 378). 08 King, H. D. Studies on inbreeding. 1^, The effects of inbreeding, with selection, on the sex ratio of the albino rat. J. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 27 1918(1-35). 99 King, H. I), vide Whiting, P. AV. Kloss, C. B. On a fourth collection of Siamese mammals. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam Bangkok 3 1919 (49-69). 100 Kloss, C. B. A necessary amend- ment to the description of Tau talus. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam Bangkok 3 1919 (71). 101 Kloss, G. B. Three new mammals from Siam. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam Bangkok 3 1919 (73-77). 102 Kloss, C. B. New and other white- toothed rats from Siam. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam Bangkok 3 1919 (79-82). 103 Kloss, C. B. On mammals col- lected in Siam. J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam Bangkok 3 1919 (333 407). 104 Kloss, C. B. vide Jacobson, E. Kloss, C. B. vide Robinson, 11. C. Koch, M. L. vide Koch, W. Koch, W. and Koch, M. L. Con- tributions to the chemical differentia- tion of the central nervous system. 3. The chemical differentiation of the brain of the albino rat during growth. J. Biol. Chem. Baltimore 15 1913 (423-448). 105 Kollmann, M. Sur la presence de I’os planum chez les Lemuriens. Bui. Museum Paris 1919 1019 (321-323). 106 Koschevnikov, G. A. and Uvarov, B. P. [KoaceBHHKOBB, r. A. n YBapoB'h, B. IT.] KoiiCTaimiirb AjieKcteBiiy'i. OaTjUHii'jb. (20. vi. 186 — IIO. xi. 1915) HeKpojjori. ii iieiioucii^b iieMur- nux'b pa6oTb h noBux'b (popM^b omicbii- Hijx^b noKOilHbiM'b K. A. OaTyjiiiHLiM^h. [K. A. Satunin Obituary ; Biblio- graphy and list of species described by him.] Tiflis 1916 (i-xxxii) with portrait. 107 Krall, K. vide Bordas, F. Krediot, G. Over hermaphroditis- mus by de geit. [Ueber Hormaphro- ditismus boi dcr Zi(ige.] Tydschr. Dierg. Utrecht 46 1919 (1-26 3 Taf.). 108 9 Mam. TiTLKiJ. 6000 Kunhardt, J. C. oiut de vue chirur- gical. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 79 1916 (984-991 av. fig.). 142 i Nelson, E. W. vide Graves, H, S. * Neuville, H. vide Retterer, E. ;^' NiBhi, S. ■ Zur vorglciohendon Ana- tomie der cigentlichen (genuinen) Riickenmuskeln. (Spinodorsale Mus- keln der tetrapoden ■ Wirbeltiere). Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 50 1916 (167- 318). 143 Onslow, H. A note on certain names recently applied to sable mice. J. Genetic^ Cambridge 6 1917 (231-235). 144 Osborn, H. F. Observations on tho skeletons of Morofus cooki in the American Museum. New York N.Y. Bui. Geol. Soc. Amer. 29 1917 (131- 133). 145 Osborn, H. F. A long-jawed mas- todon skeleton from South Dakota and. phytogeny of the Proboscidea. (Ab- stract). New York N.Y. Bui. Geol. Soc. Amer. 29 1917 tl33-13'0. 146 Osgood, W. H Names of some South American mammals. J. Mamm. Bal- timore 1 1919 (33-36). 147 Papanicolaou, G. N. vide Stockard, C. R. Paulli, S. Laerebog i Huspatte-' dyrencs Anatomi. Textbook of tho anatomy of tho domestic mammals, 2. ed. Coponhagon Gyldondal 1919 (284) with 202 figg, 148 Percival, A. B. Game and disease. J. E. Afr. and Ug. Nat. Soc. 1918 (302- 315). 149 Petersen, G. Undersogelser over Nyrebaekkenets Form i den unipapil- Isere Nyre hos Huspattedyrene. In- vestigations on the shap^of the jiclvis In the unipapillar kidney of tho domestic mammals. Kobenhavn Vet- erinaer- og Landbohojskolens Aars- skrift 1919 (220-237) with 2 plates and 8 figg. 150 , Petit, G. Remarques sur la mor- phologie du centre phrenique des mammiferes. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1910 (417-419). 151 Petit, L. Les animaux h fourrurc et la guerre. Paris Bui. soc. zool. 44 1919(18-70). 152 Piaz, G. dal. Gli Odontoceti del Miocene Bellunese. Partie quart a. Eoplatanista iialica. Padova Mem, 1st. Geol. 5 1916 1919 (1-23) pis. i & it text-figs 11, 153 Piaz, G. dal. Gli Odontoceti del Miocene Bellunese. Partie 'rerza. Egualoddphia fabianii. Padova Mom. 1st. Geol.r 5 1917-18 1919 (1-34) 9 text figs. pis. i-v. 154 11 Mam, Pocock/ Rv L I . On the external charactet^kt of-*' existing Chevtotains; London Proc. Zool. Soo. 1919 1919 (l-ll)toxt -figs. U5. 165 Pocock, R. I. The classification of the mongooses (Muhgotidae). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9) 3 (616-624). 156 Poiiock, Ri li vide Woodward, A. S. Punnett, R. C. and Bailey,' P. 0. (the late). Oenctic studies in rabbits. I. On the inheritance of weight. J. Genetics Cambridge 8 1918 (1-26). 167 ' Rabaiid, E. L’imprcgnation inater- iiMle ; k propos des viols allcitlands. Rev. sci. Paris 54 1916 (199-201). 158 Retterer, E. . Des relations genetiques entre derme et epiderme. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 79 1916 (819-823). 159 Retterer, E. De I’origine ccto- dermiquo doe follieuloa cloa du gland du Taureau. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 79 1916 (921-925). 160 Retterer, E. Do revolution des teguments glandairo ct preputial du Boeuf. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 79 1916 (996-1000): 161 Retterer, E, De rosteogenese experimentale. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 79 1916(1046-1049): 162 Retterer, E. et Neuville, H. De la conformation et de la texture du gland de Taureau. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 7 1916(816-819). 163 Retterer, E. et Neuville, H. Ad- herence, chez le Boenf, du gland au prepuce ou fourreau. Paris 0. R. soc. biol. 79 1916 (1110-1113). 164 Retterer, E. et Neuville, H. Du gland du Bolier et du Bone. "Paris C. R. soc. biol. 80 1917 (116-119). 165 ' Retterer, E. et Voronolf, S. Evolu- tion (?)loignee des greffes articulaires. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 79 1916 (918-921). 166 Retterer, E. et Voronoff, S. Re- generation sur un Chien de T extremity res6quee d’un os long et production d’une nearthrose. Paris C. R. soc. biol. 79 1916(1042-1046). 167 Reuter, W. . An account of a fin- back-whale {Balaenopkra spec.) which was washed ashore on the south coast of the Preanger regencies in December, 1916. Treubia Batavia 1 1919(101-138) pis. i-xx; 168 6000 : , Revilliodi P. J ^ L^etat actuel , de nos \ connaissances sur les Ghiropti^reS f ossile® (Note preliminaire).v>' vG6neve’ 0. R* Soo. Phys. HistgNdt. 86 1919 (93-06)* ■ ■. -vM.. ;■ ■ , ■ 16» “ Rhumbler, L. Der Arterienverlauf aiif der Zehnerkolbenstange von . Cervits^ elapkus h. und sein Einfluss auf die Gewoihforni. - Zs. wiss. Zool. Leipzig 115 1916 (337^307) Taf. and 12 text- figs. 170 Ribeiro, A. de M. Dinomys pacarana ? Rio de Janeiro Arch. Escol. Sup. Agrio. Med. Vet. 2 1918,(1919) (13-16).3, pls- .... ■ m Roberts, A. - Descriptions, of sonm new mammals. Pretoria Ann. Trans- vaal Mus. 6 1919 (112-116). 172 Robinson,) H. 0. and Kloss, C. B. On five new mammals from Java. Ann. Mag; Nat. Hist, London (9) 4- 1919 (374-378). , - ‘ n! 178. Robinson, H. C. and Kloss, C. B. On a collection of mammals from tho Bolicoolen and Palembang Residencies,. South-West Sumatra. J. Fed. Malay Mus. Kuala Lumpur 7 1919 (267-291) pi. 174 Robinson, H. C. and Kloss, C. B. On mammals, chiefly from the Ophir District, West Sumatra, collected by Mr. E. Jacobson. J. Fed. Malay Mus. Kuala Lumpur 7 1919 (299-323). 175^ Roman, F. Lc Rhinoceros {Cera- torhinns) iag cusdu Mus4e de Franefort sur-Main (Oligoccne superieur de: Budenheim, pres Mayence). Paris BuL soc. geol. (ser. 4) 4 1914 (349-366 av. fig.). 176. Rossen,' .V. " En Undersogelso af Kronvildtcts Skra3lning paa Rodgran, The peeling of the stag on the spruce. Kobenhavn Tids. Skov. Rsekke B. 30 1919 (96-104). > - 17T Roubaud, E. mde Mesnil, F. Ruhwandl, G. Bemerkungen fiber die Entwicklung der Paukentasche bei der Hauskatzo {Fclis domestica). Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 50 1916 (108- 112). 176 Schultz, A. Der canalis cranio- pharyngeus persistens beim Mensch uhd bei den Affen. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 50 1917 (417-426). 179 Titles. . ' ? : 12 Mam XVlii. Mammalia. [1919] Scott, H. H. and Lord, C. E. Studies of Tasmanian Cetacea. Part I, {Orca gladiator, Pseudorca crassidens, Glohi- cephalus melas). Hobart Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1919 1919 (1-17) pis. i-ix. 180 Shidlovsky, M. V. Materials to the Fauna of the Rodents of Transcaucasia. Part I. Microtince. 1 Subg. Arbusticolu n. Tiflis Bull. Terr. Exper. Stat. No. 2 1919 (i-vi 1-26) pis. i-iv, 4 text-figs. 181 Shidlovsky, M. V. Materials to the Fauna of the Rodents of Transcaucasia. Part 1 Microtince. 2. subg. Chionomya Miller. Tiflis Bull. Terr. Exper. Stat. No. 5 1919 (1-38) pis. i-iii 1 text-fig. 182 Smith, G. E. vide Woodward, A. S. Sokolowsky, A. Zur Biologic und Stammesgeschichte des Katzenbaren {Ailurus Jidgens F. Cuv.) Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 1919 (238-245). 183 Sonntag, C. F. The variations of the digastric muscle of the Rhesus Macaque and the Common Macaque. London Proc. Zool. Soc. 1919 1920 (437-439) 5 text-figs. 184 Stadelmann, F. Die sogenannten Gaumcnfortsatzes und die Umlagcrung des Gaumens, Kritische Studicn an Embryoncn des Schafes {Ovis ariea) und des Sohweines (Sus domeaticiis) un i an einem Hunde Embryo mit Lippenkiefergaumenspalte. Morph . Jahrb. Leipzig 60 1916 (115-165). 185 Stauffaoher, H. Dor Erreger der Maul- und Klauenseuche. ' Zs. wiss. Zool. Leipzig 115 1916 (1-57). 186 St^fanescu, S. Sur la phylog6nio do r Elephaa africanua. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (97-99). 187 St^fanescu, S. Sur los sections transversales des lames des molaires d’ Elephaa africanua. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (464-467). 188 St^fanesou, S. Sur la coordination des caract^res morphologiquos ct (’o mouvoments des molaires des elcplmnts et des mastodontes, Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (906-908). 189 StManescu, S. Sur la structure des lames des molaires do V Elephaa indicua et sur Porigine differonte des deux especes d’ Mephants vi vants. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (1208-1211). 190 Stefanescu, S. Sur 1’ application pratique des caracteres de la racine des molaires des Elephants et des Mastodontes. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919(1329-1332). 191 St6fanescu,S. Surlesfossesalveolaires, les periodontes, les loges alveolaires et les alveoles des elephants et des masto- dontes. Paris C. R. Acad. Sci. 169 1919 (148-151). 192 Stewart, C, A. Changes in the relative weights of the various parts, systems and organs of young albino ratsundorfed for various periods. J. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 25 1918 (301-353). 193 Stockard, C. R. and Papanicolaou, G. N. Further studies on the modifica- tion of the germ-cells in mammals ; the effect of alcohol on treated guinea- pigs and their descendants. J. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 26 1918(119-226). 194 Szalay, B. Der grimine Schelch. Ueber “ Glossentiere ” und einige Tiernamen, wie Elch, Schelch, Tra- golaphus, Bockhirsch, Onager, Wul- desel, Brandhirsch, Equicervus. Zool. Ann. Wiirzburg 7 1916 (127-192). 195 Taylor, J. Rat and plague conditions in hutted camps. Ind. J. Med. Res. Calcutta (Spec. Ind. Sci. Cong. No.) 1919 1919 (173-178). ' 196 Taylor, W. P. Notes on Mammals collected principally in Washingoii and California between the years 1853 and 1874 by Dr. James Graham Cooper. San Francisco Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. [4] 9(69-121). 197 Taylor, W. P. A new Pocket Gopher from Western Washington. Washing- ton D.C. Proc. Biol. Soc. 32 1919 (169-172). 198 Taylor, W. P. Suggestions for field studies of mammalian life-histories. Washington D.C. U.S. Dept. Agric. Dept. Circ. 59 1919 (1-8). 199 Teilhard de Chardin, P. Les Car- nassiers des phosphorites du Quercy. Ann. paleont. Paris 9 1915 (103-192 av. fig.). 200 Thomas, 0. The white-toothed shrew of Palestine. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9) 3 1019 (32). 201 l3 Mam. Titles. 6000 Thomas, O. On sonic small mam- mals from Catamarca. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9) 3 1919 (11.5-118). 202 Thomas, O. On small mammals collected by Sr. E. Budin in North- western Patagonia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London' (9) 3 1919 (199-212). 203 Thomas, O. Two new Argentine species of Akodon. Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist. London (9) 3 1919 (213-214). 204 Thomas, 0. Notes on Gerbils re- ferred to the genus McrioiiPfi, with descri[)tions of new species and sub- species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9)3 1919 (203-273). 205 Thomas, 0. Two new Gerbils from Sinai. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9) 3 (559-560). 206 Thomas, O. On a small collection of mammals from Lumbo, Mozambique. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9) 4 1919 (29-34). 207 Thomas, 0. A new species of Euneomys from Patagonia, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9) 4 1919 (127- 128). 208 Thomas, 0. List of mammals from the Highlands of Jujuy, North Argen- tina, collected by Sr. E. Budin.. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9) 4 1910 (128- 135). 209 Thomas, 0. Two new rodents from Tartagal, Salta, N. Argentina. Aiin. Mag. Nat. Histr. London (9) 4 1919 (154-L56). 210 Thomas, O. The method of taking the incisive index in rodents. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9) 4 1919 (289-290). 211 Thomas, O. The types of the mam- mals described by M. Fernand Latastc. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9) 4 1919 (350-354). 212 Thomas, O, Scientific results from the Mammal Survey, No. XIX. A synopsis of the groups of true mice found within the Indian Empire. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (417-421). 213 Thomas, 0. A new ' species of Nesokia from Mesopotamia. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 ^422-423), 214 ' Thomas, O. Some new mammals from Mesopotamia. Bombay ^J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (745-749). 215 Thomas, O., Wroiighton, R. C. and Davidson, Miss W. M. Scientific re- sults from the Mammal Survey. No. XX (Thomas : Notes on genus Che- Hones p. 726 ; Wroughton : Change of coat in the Common Palm Squirrel — An appeal, p. 727 ; Wroughton and Davidson : Two new forms of the Funambulus tristriatus group, p. 728 ; Wroughton : On the genus Tadarida (Wrinkle-lip Bats). Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soc. 26 1919 (720-733). 216 Thompson, D. A. W. On whales ' landed at the Scottish whaling stations, especially during the years 1908-1914. Parts IV to VI. The Bottlenose, Humpback and Finner whales. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 1919 (1-16). . 217 Thompson, D. A. Vv. On whales landed at the Scottish whaling stations, especially during the years 1908-1914. Part VII. The Sei-whale. Scot. Nat. Edinburgh 1919 1919 (37-46). 218 Toldt, K. Geweih Studien auf Grund einer eigenartigen Hirschstangen -Abnormitfit. Zool. JAhrb. Jena 69 1917 (245-316) 3'afeh. 2 text-figs. 2. 219 Toldt, K. t)ber die Gabelbildungen und die Eissprosse des Edelhirsch- geweihes. Wien Verb. ZoolBot. Ges. 68 1918 (68-95). 220 Toldt, K. Bemerkungen iiber cirt Fetus von Hippopotamus amphibius L und iiber einen 9 Monate alten Elcphas maximus L. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 1918 (65-91). ' 221 Toldt, K. Neuere Arbeiten iiber das Integument des Flusspferdes. BioL Centralbl. Leipzig 39 1919 (346-351). 222 Toldt, K. Symmetrische Zeichnung derSaugetierhaut infolge des Haarkleid- wechsels. Wien. Anz. Ak. Wiss. No. 23 1919 (1-3) [Reprint only s?en], 223 Uvarov, B. P. [yBapoBT,, 13. IL] vide Kcsschevnikov, G. A. [KojKeBnii- KOB'fc, r. A.] Vallois, H. V. Sur quelques carac- teres du femur du Pithecanthtopei. Paris C.R. Acad. Sci. 168 1919 (7.39- 741). 224 14 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1919] i > Vialleton, L. Epiphyses et cartilage de conjugaison chez les mammifcres. Paris 0. R. Acad. Sci. 169 1919 (200- ?02). 226 Voronoff, S. vide Retterer, E. ' Waite, E. R. Two Australasian lilue whales, with special reference to the Corvisart Bay whale. Adelaide Rco. S. Austral. Mus. 1 1919 (167-168) pis. xxi-xxvi. 226 Whiting, P. W. Inheritance of coat- color in cats. Exper. Zool. Phila- delphia Pa. 25 1918 (639-664 pi. i-ii). 227 Whiting, P. W. Inheritance of white-spotting and other color char- acters in cats. Amer. Nat. 53 1919 <473-482). 228 Whiting, P. W. and King, H. D- Ruby-eyed dilute gray, a third allelo- morph in the albino series of the rat. J. Exper. Zool. Philadelphia Pa. 26 1918 (66-64). 229 Winge, H. Udsigt. over Hvalernes indbyrdos Slaegtskab. (A view of the inter-relationships of Oetacea) Kjob- enhavn Nath. Medd. 70 1919 (69-142). 230 Wood- Jones, E. vide Woodward, A. S. Woodward, A. S,. On mammalian bones from excavations in the London District. Geol. Mag. London dec. vi 4 1917 (422-424). 231 Woodward, A. S., Smith, G. E., Hill, J, P., Wood-Jones, F., Pocock, R. I., Cunningham, J. T., Mitchell, P. C. and MacBride, E. W. Discussion on the zoological position and affinities of Tarsius. London Proc. Zool. Soo. 1919 1920 (466-498) pi. I text-figs. 1-6. 232 Wroiighton, R. 0. Summary of t^he results from the ‘ Indian Mammal Survey of the Bombay Natural History Society. Bombay J. Nat. Hist. Soo. 26 1919 (Part III 338-379 ; Part IV 776-802). 233 ' Wroughton, R. C. vide Thomas, 0. ' Ziegler, H. E. Das Gedachtnis des Hundes. Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 1919 <265-273). 234 II.— SUBJECT INDEX. 6003 to 6027 N.B. — For full Refereneea goto Titles. comprehensive and general. 6003 Treatises, Text-Books. Cabrera, 34. Bibliography. Gyldenstolpe, 63 ; Koschevnikov & Uvarov, 107. Institutions, Collections. Hollister, 81 ; Le Souef, 115 ; Taylor, 197 ; Thomas, 212. Economics. Boulenger, 25 ; Dixon, 44 ; Grinnell & Dixon, 62 ; Justice, 96 ; Kunhardt, 109; Percival, 149; Petit, 152; Rossen, 177 ; Stauffacher, 186 ; Taylor, 196. Whaling. Harmer, 69, 70 ; Thompson, 217, 218. Conservation of species. Graves & Nelson, 58 ; Lawyer & Earnshaw, 114. Technique. Howell, 85 ; Thomas, 211 ; Taylor, 199. Miscellaneous. Merriam, 133; Szalay, 195. STRUCTURE. 6007 General and Comparative. Beddard, 16 ; Boas, 20 ; Paulli, 148 ; Toldt, 221 ; Woodward and others, 232. Histology. Retterer et Neuville, 163; Vialleton, 225. Tegument. Zietzschmann, O. Betraebtungen zur Bolk, 23 ; Lander, 111 ; Pocock, vergleiohenden Anatomie der Stiuger- 155 ; Retterer, 159 ; Retterer et tierkralle. Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 50 Neuville, 164 ; Rhumbler, 170 ; Toldt, 1917 (433-450). 235 ‘ 219-223 ; Zietzschmann, 235. 15 Mam. Subject Index. 6023 Nervous System and Sense-Organs. Anthony, 11 j Boer, 21; Lander, 111 ; Marelli, 127 ; Nageotte, 140, 141 ; Nageotte, ct Quyon, 142 ; Petit, 151 ; Smith, 232. Myology. Burlet & Correl|6, 29; Nishi, 143; Sonntag, 184. Osteology. General. Andrews, 7 ; Bolk, 22 ; Hogben, 80 ; Kollniann, 106 ; Retterer, 162 ; Schultz, 179 ; Scott & Lord, 180 ; Vallois, 224. Osteology and Dentition. Andrews, 6; Anthony, 8; Fabiani, 47 ; Hay, 72 ; Osborn, 145, 146 ; Piaz, 153, 154 ; Revilliod, 169. Dentition {vidi etiam Osteology). Baudouiii, 15 ; Stefanescii, 187-192 ; Thomas, 211. Alimentary System. Johnston, 91 ; Kunze, 110; Lander, 111. Circulatory and Respiratory Systems. ' Barge, 14 ; Hafferl, 66 ; Lander, 111 ; Rhumbler, 170. Excretory Organs ; Special Glands. Petersen, 150. Organs of Reproduction. , Chapin, 37 ; Fraser, 53 ; Retterer, 160, 161 ; Retterer et Neuville, 163, 165. PHYSIOLOGY. 6011 Baudouin, 15 ; Fielde, 50 ; Hatai, 71; Hays, 74; Johnson, 90 ; Lillie, 116; Lloyd-Jones & : Hays, 117; Mann & Drips, 126; Maximoff, 180, 131, 132; Stewart, 193; Stockard & Papanicolaou, 194. DEVELOPMENT. ?■ 6015 Ovum; Oogenesis; Spermatozoon; Spermatogenesis. Federley, 49. Embryology. , . ^ Burlet, 26, 27, 28; Chapin, 37; Fawcett, 48 ; Fraser, 53 ; Freund, 54 ;' Hafferl, 66 ; Hill, 232 ; Hubrecht, 86 ; Ruhwandl, 178 ; Stadelmann, 185. Post-Embryonal. Koch Sc Koch, 105 ; Maximoif, ' 130, 131, 132; Nageotte, 140, 141; Nageotte & Guyon, 142 ; Retterer, 162; Retterer et Voronoff, 166, 167. ETHOLOGY. 6019 Sexual and Parental. Bemmelen, 18 ; Blauuw, 19 ; Dubois, 45. Habits. ' Oeneralf and of particular creatures. ' Boulenger^ 25 ; Dixon, 44 ; Fitz- simons, 52 ; Grinnell Sc Dixon, 62 ; Hamilton, 68 ; Jacobson Sc Kloss, 89 ; Lang, 112 ; La Rue, 113 ; Le Soue!, 115; Ldnnberg, 123; Lneder- waldt, 125 ; Mills, 136 ; Rosseh, 177 ; Sokolowsky, 183 ; Taylor, 199. Migrations of whales, Thompson, 217, 218. Breeding. Lillie, 116. Mental Processes and Instincts. Bordas et Krall, 24; Fielde, 50; Ziegler, 234. Parasitism. . , Mesnil ot Rouband, 135. Pathology. Murray, 139. VARIATION AND ^ETIOLOGY. 6023 Abnormalities, Cragg Sc Drinkwater, 89; Krediet, 108 ; Toldt, 219. 16 Mam. XVIIT. Mammalia. [1910] Variation. Castle, 35 ; Sonntag, 184. Heredity. Castle, 35 ; King, 07-99 ; Onslow, 144; Punnett & Bailey, 167 ; Rabaud, 168; Whiting, 227, 228; Whiting & King, 229. Evolution, Phylogeny. Oidley, 55 ; Giuffrida-Ruggeri, 57 ; Gregory, 59 ; Sokolowsky, 183 ; Stei- anescu, 187-192 ; Woodward and others, 232 ; Winge, 230. GEOGUAPIIY. 6027 Geographical distribution, etc. Hall & Grinnell, 67; Morice, 137; Tertiary, Joleaud, 92 95. Europe. d Tertiary, Revilliod, 169. Germany. dc Matschie, 128; Roman, 176. Belgium. dd Eocene Dep6ret, 40 ; Pliocene Dep6ret, 42. Biitain. de Harmer, 69 ; Hinton, 79 ; Thomp- son, 217, 218. France. df Caziot, 36 ; Tertiary Dep^ret, 41 ; Teilhard, 200. Iberian Peninsula. dg Spain, Cabrera, 32 ; Pleistocene, Cabrera, 33 ; Hernandez-Pacheco, 75, 76. Italy. dh Pleistocene, Fabiani, 47 ; Miocene, Piaz, 153, 154. South-Eastern Europe. dl Miocene, Andrews, 6. Asia « Allen, 5. Asiatic Russia. Turkestan; MUller, 138. Siam and Yunnan. ed Siam, Gyldenstolpe, 64 ; Kloss, 100- 104. British India. «/ India, Andrews, 7 ; Thomas, 205, 213, 216. India, Burma and Ceylon, Hinton, 77 ; Wroughton, 233. Baluchistan, Thomas, 205. Malaysia. eg Reuter, 168. Borneo, Gyldenstolpe, 63. Java, Robinson Sc Kloss, 173. Sumatra, Jacobson & Kloss, 89 ; Robinson & Kloss, 174, 175. Persia, Syria and Arabia. eh Thomas, 205, 214, 215. Asia Minor, Matschie, 129. Trancaucasia, Shidlovsky, 181, 182. Palestine, Muller, 138 ; Thomas, 201. Sinai, Thomas, 206. Africa. / Allen, 5 ; Cabrera, 30, 31 ; Hinton, 78 ; Lonnberg, 123. Porto Santo, Giglio-Tos, 56. N. Africa, Thomas, 205. Sudan, Hamilton, 68. Belgian Congo, Lonnberg, 119, 120, East Africa, Hollister, 81. Portuguese E. Africa, Thomas, 207. South Africa, Chubb, 38 ; Fitzsimons, 52 ; Haagner, 65 ; Roberts, 172. North America. Allen, 1, 4; Howell, 82; Graves Nelson, 58. Tertiary, Osborn, 145, 146. Alaska, Figgins, 51 ; Jackson, 88. Now York, Pleistocene, Hay, 73. Wisconsin, Jackson, 87. 17 Mam. Systematic. 6031 North Dakota, Bailey, 12. Washington, Dice, 43 ; Taylor, 197, 198. California, Allen, 2 ; Dixon, 44 ; Grinnell, 60, 61 ; Grinnell & Dixon, 62 ; Merriam, 134 ; Taylor, 197. Arizona, Howell, 83. Florida, Howell, 84 ; Pleistocene, Hay, 72. Central and South America : West Indies. h Allen, 4. South America, Lonnberg, 121, 122 ; Osgood, 147 ; Ribeiro, 171. Cuba, Anthony, 8. British Guiana, Beebe, 17. Peru, Eaton# 46. Argentina, Thomas, 202, 204, 209, 210. Patagonia, Thomas, 203, 208. Australasia. i Australia, Le Souef, 115 ; Waite, 226. Queensland, Longman, 118. Tasmania, Lord, 124 ; Scott & Lord, 180. South Atlantic. Harmer, 70. III.— SYSTEMATIC. 6031 N.B. — Numerals in Clarendon type^ when not indicating a Volume, refer to Titles. General. Divergence of the hallux and its significance, Gidley, Washington J. Acad. Sci. 9 p. 273 ; progressive re- duction of jugal, Hoqben P.Z.S. 1919 p. 71. Types of mammals described by Lataste, Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 4 p. 350 ; subspecies in relation to the work of the field naturalist. Baker, J. Bombay Nat. H. S. 26 p. 518. (n-13799/) q List of Siamese forms, Gylden- STOLPE J. Nat. Hist. Soo. Siam 3 p. 127 ; Borneo list of species inhabiting mainland and bibliography, Gylden- STOLPE Sockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 60 No. 6 p. 52 ; list from British Guiana, Beebe Zoologica. New York 2 p. 217 ; Tasmanian list, synonymies, biblio- graphy and notes. Lord Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1918 p. 16 Australian in New York, Le Souef Zoologica. 2 p. 167. fPleistocene of Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 6 1919 (1919). Migrations of Tertiary mammals aud inter-continental relations, Jole- AUD C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 pp. 177 310 412 & 955. I.— PRIMATES. Brain, Anthony Bui. Inst. Gen. Psychol. 19 Nos. 1-3 ; topographical relations of orbits in youth and age, Bolk Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. Amster- dam 21 p. 277 ; canalis cranio-pharjm- geus persistens, Schultz Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 50 p. 417 ; Zungenpapillen, Kunze Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 49 p. 569 ; function and atrophy of M.3., Bau- DOUIN Paris C. R. Acad. sci. 165 p. 367. Primates, Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 j). 49 ; from Borneo, skull measurements, Gyldenstolpe Stock- holm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 60 No. 6 p. 4 ; of Belgian Congo, Loenberq Rev. Zool. Africaine 7 p. 107. A Anthropoidea. Hominidae and Simiidae. Homo, hand. Boas, Kobenhavn Vid. Selsk. Biol. Medd. 2 1. Anthropopithecus pelage of foetus, Bolk Amsterdam Bydr. Dierk. 21 i). 57 ; sensibilite au paludisme humain, Mesnil et Roubaud Paris C. R. Acad, sci. 165 1917 p. 39. ■fEoanthropus dawsoni endorsement of Miller’s criticisms, Giuffrida- Ruogeri Monitore zool. ital. Firenze 30 p. 1[Pitheca7ithro2)us femur, Vallois Paris C. R. Acad. Sci, 168 p. 739. d 12. 18 Mam. xvill. Mammalia. [1919] Cercopithecidae. Cercojnthecus ascanius katangae p. 122 Kinda, Katanga, a. orientalis p. 125 Zuwani River, Brit, E. Al'rica, brazzte uelensis p. 130 Poko, Uele District, leucampyx maesi p. 133 Lake Leopold, I. elgonis p. 133 Mt. Elgon, pyrogaster p. 137 Atene, Kwango, pjygerythrus katangensis p. 141 Kinda, Katanga, subspp. et sp. n., Lonnberg Rev. Zool. Africaine 7. Choir opithecus rhodesiae, Haaqner S. Afrio. Journ. Nat. Hist. L p. 172. Colobus {Piliocolobus) bnmneus sp. n. Haut-Uele, Belgian Congo, LiiNN- BERQ Rev. Zool. Africaine 7 p. 112. Macaca nemestrina indochinensis p. 343, irus atriceps p. 347, E. Siam subspp. n., Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3. Macacus rhesus and fascicularis varia- tions in digastric muscle, Sonntaq P.Z.S. 1919 p. 437. Miopithecus talapoin pileltei subsp. n. Kabawaki, Mt. Ruwenzori, L(5nn- BERG Rev. Zool. Africaine 7 p. 119. Paptio kindae sp. n. Kinda, Katanga, Lonnberg Rev. Zool. Africaine 7 j). 147. Pithecus pyrrhus sondaicus subsp. n. West Java, Robinson & Kloss Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 4 p. 374 ; germaini changensis an alternative name for Presbytis germaini mandibularis, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 p, 396. Presbytis argenteus p. 338, cristala koratensis p. 340, E. Siam sp. et subsp. n., Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Saim 3. Hapalidae and Cebidae. Callicebus jjersonatus caecum, John- ston J. Anat. London 54 p. 66. Cebus xanthosternos Wied the ten- able name for Cebus variegatus Geoff r., Osgood J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 35. /b— Lemuroidea. Lemuridae os jJanum, Kollmann Bui. Museum Paris 1919 p. 321. Tarsius zoological position and allinities, Woodward and others P.Z.S. 1919 J). 465 ; spectrum dovcloj)mont of aorta and cephalic arteries, IIafeerl Morph, Jahrb. Leipzig 50 p. 19. II.—GHIROPTERA. Notes on Cuban species, Anthony Bui. Amer. Mus. N. H. 41 p. 636 ; Mount Whitney, California, habits and distribution, G. M. Allen J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 5 ; Tertiary, Revili.iod Geneve C. R. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. 36 p. 93. Rhinolophidae & Hipposideridae. '\Paradoxonycteris soricodon gen. et sp. n. Tertiary Mormont, Revilltod Geneve C. R. Soc. JMiys. Hist. Nat. 36 p. 95. YParaphyllojdiora robusta gen. et sp. n. Tertiary Quercy, Revilliod Geneve C. R. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. 36 p. 93. , ’\Pseudorhinolop)hus egepkmgensis sp. n. Tertiary Egerkingen, Revilliod Geneve C. R. Soc, Ph}^s. Hist. Nat. 36 p. 94. Rhinolophus lemanensis sp. n. Ter- tiary St. Gerand-le-Puy, Revjlliod Geneve C. R. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. 36 p. 95. Natalidae. Natalus primus sp. n., Cuba, probably extinct, Anthony Bui. Amer. Mus. N. H. 41 p. 642, Vespertilionidae. Cistugo lesueuri sp. n. Lormarins, Paarl, District, S. Africa, Roberts Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6 p. 112. Eptesicus hingstoni p, 745 Baghdad wain p, 746 Basra, Mesopotamia spp. n., Thomas J. Bombay Nat. H. S. 26 ; melckorum sp. n. Kersfontein, Berg River, Cape Province, Roberts Ann, Transvaal Mus. 6 p. 113. Miniop)terus schreibersi primordial cranium, Fawcett J. Anat. London 53 p. 315. Myotis albicinctus sp. n., Mount Whitney California, G, M. Allen J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 2 ; Ifsalodorensis sp. n. Tertiary Ravellen Fluh (Soleure), Revilliod Geneve C. R. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. 86 p. 94 j myotis (^,uatcr- miry Regione Vencta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 p. 20. 19 Mam. Systematic. 6031 Pipislrellus coxi sp. n., Amara, Mesopotamia. Thomas J. Bombay Nat. H. S. 26 p. 747 ; P. subjlavus occur- rence in VVisconsin, Jackson J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 38. ]Sa7nonycleris niajori gen. n. et sp. Tertiary Samos, Revilliod Geneve C. R. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat, 36 p. 95. ■\Stehlinia gracilis gen. et sp. n. Tertiary Quercy, Revilliod Geneve G. R. Soc. Phys. Hist, Nat. 36 p. 94. Molossidae. Tadarida sindica Kashmir, Upper Sind Frontier, thomnsi Bhiij, Cutch, p, 732, gossei Poona p. 733 spp. n., Wrougiiton j Bombay Nat. II. S. 26. III.— INSEGTIVORA. From Siam, Ki.oss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 ]). 53 ; from Borneo, Gylden- STOLi’E Stockholm, Vet. -Ale. Handl. 60 No. C p. 19. Galeopteridae. Galeopithecus volans Embryologie, Placentation, Hubrecht Amsterdam Verhandl. K. Acad. Wet. 2e Sect. 16 No. 6 p. 1. Galeoplerus lechei sp. n. Gentral Borneo, Gyldenstolpe Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 60 No. G p, 17. Macroscelididae and Tupaiidab. Petrodrovius {Mesoderms) rovumae specimens from Lumbo, mossainbicus withdrawn (synonym of rovumae), Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 4 p. 30. Tupaia minor humeralis subsp. n. Bencoolen, West Sumatra, Robinson & Kloss j. Fed. Malay Mus. 7 p. 265. — glis cambodiana p. 357, g. olivacea p. 358 Siam subspp. n., Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3. SORICIDAE AND TALPIDAE. Crocidura russula judaica subsp. n. Jerusalem, Palestine, Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 3 p. 32. Sorex obscurus maliiiosus subsp. n. Warren Island, Alaska, Jackson P. Biol. Soc. Washington 32 p. 23. Talpa europcea Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919(1919) p. 17. fN esophontidae. '\Nesophonies edilhae and micrus contrasted, longirosLris sp. n. Daiquiri Guba, Anthony Bui. Amer. Mus. N. H. 41 p. 633. Erinaceidae. Erinacens europccus Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919) p. 18. Paraechinus ludlowi sp. n., Hitt, Euphrates, Thomas J. Bombay Nat. H. S. 26 p. 748. Chrysochloridae. Chrysochloris minor sp. n. Klaver, Olifants River, Gape Provincoj Roberts Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6 p. 113. IV.—GARNIVORA. List of and key to Indo-Bunneso forms, Wrougiiton J. Bombay Nat. II . S. 26 p. 338 ; from Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 p, 51 ; from eastern and central Borneo, Gylden- stolpe Stockholm, Vet.-Ak. Handl. 60 No. 6 p. 24 ; des phosphorites du Quercy, Teilhard de Ghardin Ann. paleont. Paris 9 1915 p. 103. Fur bearing animals and the war. Petit Paris Bui. Soc. zool. 44 p. 68. A.— Carnassidentia. Felidae. Seveitzow’S classification, Ai.len Bui. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 41 p. 335 ; synonymy and nomenclature of smaller spotted cats of Tropical America, figures of skulls, Allen ibid p. 341 ; Quater- nary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919) p. 67. Ailurus fulgens Biologie and Stam- mesgeschichte, Sokolowsky Zool. Anz. 50 p. 238. Felis catus albinism, Gastlb Amer; Nat. 53 p. 265 ; inheritance of white- spotting and colour characters, Whi- ting Amer. Nat. 53 p. 473 and J. Exper. Zool. 25 p. 539 ; Entwicklungs-ges- chichte der Paukentasche, Ruhwandl Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 50 p. 108; onca in California, Merriam J. Mamm. Baltimore I p. 38; ■\-veronis sp. n. Pleistocene Florida, Hay Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 p. 108. 20 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1919] Lyiuc lynx in Alpes-Maritimes, Caziot Paris Bui. soc. zool. 44 p. 96. Margay glaucula nicaraguae subsp. n., Nicaragua, Allen Bui. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 41 p. 357. Oncilla gen. nov. for pardinoides oncilla Thos. (spp. included being pardinoides Gray, caucensis Allen and guthula Hensel), Allen Bui. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 41 p. 358. Panthera pardus reichenowi subsp. n. Yok6, Kamerun, Cabrera Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 18 p. 481. ■\Trucifelia jloridanua teeth Pleis- tocene Florida, Hay Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 p. 106. ViVERRIDAE. Ariela Gray a synonym of Mungos, Allen J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 30. Cro^sarchus (genotype C. obscurus E. Cuv.) a valid generic name, Allen J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 30. ' Ilelogale ivori sp. n. Lumbo, Portu- guese E. Africa, Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9)4p. 31. Herpesles a tenable generic name (genotype Viveri'a ichneumon L.), Allen J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 31. Mungotidae a special family for mongooses, classification of and key to genera, Pooook Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 3 p. 615. Mungoa untenable as generic name for Indian mongooses, but is the valid name for “ Crossarchus ” fasciatua (Desmarest), Allen J. Mamm. Balti- more 1 p. 27. Mungos semitorquatua uniformis subsp. n. Ophir District, West Sumatra, Robinson & Kloss J. Fed. Malay Mus. 7 p. 302 ; pulverulentua maritimua subsp. n. Lamberts Bay, Roberts Ann. Transvaal Mus. 6 p. 114. Oahornictia piacivora gen. et sp. n., Niapu, Belgian Congo, Allen J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 j). 25. Paguma larvata vagans subsp. n. Western Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 8 p. 73. Paradoxurua birmanicua Wrought, a s3monym of P. hermaphroditua laolum Gyld., Gyldenstolpb J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 8 p. 147. Prionodon linsang dental formula, Robinson & Kloss J. Fed. Malay Mvis. 7 p. 264. Viverricula malaccensia ihai subsp. n.. Central Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 8 p. 352. XenogaU p. 26, microdon p. 27, Akenge, Belgian Congo, gen. et sp. n., Allen J. Mamm. Baltimore 1. Hyaenidae. ^Hyaena aalonicae sp. n. Upper Miocene, Salonica, Andrews Geol. Mag. Doc. vi 5 p. 641 ; crocuta spelcea Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919) p. 76. Canid AE. Quaternaiy Regione Veneta, Fabiani Pa lova Mem. 1st. Geol. 6 1919 (1919) p. 58. Canis characters and ancestr}'^ of the dog of the Yaghan-Indians of Tierra del Fuego, L()NNBERa Ark. Zool. Stockholm 12 No. 13 p. 10 ; australis Kerr antedates antarcticua Shaw, Os- good J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 j). 34. Cerdocyon thous fronto subsp. n. Chaco Austral, Rio de Oro, Argentina, Lonnberg Ark. Zool. Stockholm 12 No. 10 p. 13. Ohrysocyon brachyurua 111. antedates jubatua, Osgood J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 35. Paeudalopex lycoides Phil, affinities, Lonnberg Ark. Zool. Stockholm 12 No. 13p. 1. Ursidae. Ursus horribilia habits, Mills 136 ; 1[apelceus and liguslicua Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919) p. 21. Mustelidae, Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mom. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919) p. 47. Aonyx synonymy, Allen J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 23. Lutra key to Sumatran species and subspecies, Robinson & Kloss J. Fed. Malay Mus. 7 p. 307. 21 Mam, Systematio. . ~ 6031 Lutreola cylipena skin from tho Stadt- kreise Elbing, Matschie SitzBer. Ges. natf. Er. Berlin 1919 No. 7. Micraonyx nom. nov., for Leptonyx Lesson 1842 preoccupied by Leptonyx Swainson 1821 (Aves) and Leptonyx Gray 1837 (Mamm.), Allen J, Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 24. Mustela erminea number of young, Bartholomew Scot. Nat. 1919 p. 181. Tayra barbara sinuensis Humboldt may antedate T. h. biologice Thos., or T, b. irara Allen, Osgood J. Manyn. . Baltimore 1 p. 35. ^.—Pinnipedia. [Vacant.] G. — Creodonta. ■\Amphictis 7ianus sp. n. phosphorites clu Quercy, Teilhard de Chardin Ann. Paleont. Paris 9 p. 158. 'fCynodictis palrnidens sp. n. p. 126 phosphorites du Quercy, Teilhard de Chardin Ann. Paleont. Paris 9 p. 175. ^Cynodon miacinus p. 117, cephalo- galinus spp. n. phosphorites du Quercy, Teilhard de Chardin Ann. Paleont. Paris 9 p. 157. ^Pachjcynodon tenuis sp. n. phos- phorites du Quorey, Teilhard de Chardin Ann. Paleont. Paris 9 p. 137 ^Plesictis stenogalinus spp. n. p. 127, major p. 148, phosphorites du Quercy, Teilhard de Chardin Ann. Paleont. Paris 9. "\Proailurus medius var. crassa var. n., phosphorites du Quercy, Teilhard DE Chardin Ann. Paleont. Paris 9 p. 175. V.— RODENTIA. List of and key to Indo-Burmese forms, Wroughton J. Bombay Nat. H. S. 26 pp. 351 776; of Eastern and Central Borneo, Gyldenstolpe Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 60 No. 6 p. 28 ; of East Africa, account of U.S. Nat. Mus. collection, figures of skulls, of types, measurements, Hollister U.S. Nat. Mus. Bui. 99 pt. II p. 9. Method of taking incisive index, Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 41 p. 289. AplodontidaB, SoiuridAe and Anomaluridae. Sciuridae from Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 p. 65. Ammospermophilus Californian forms, characters, distribution, habits and economic relations, Grinnell & Dixon Cal. State Comm. Horticulture Monthly Bui. 7 p. 686. Arctomys marmotta in Spanish Pleis- tocene, Hernandez-Pacheco Madrid Mem. Com. Invest. Paleont. Prehist. 24 p. 172. CaUospermophilus chrysodeirus Cali-, fornian subspecies, characters, dis- tribution, habits and economic re- lations, Grinnell & Dixon Cal. State Comm. Horticulture Monthly Bui. 7 p. 676. Cilellus Californian species, key to forms, characters, distribution, habits and economic relations, Grinnell & Dixon Cal, State Comm. Horticulture Mon.thy Bui. 7 p. 597. Funambulus coat-changes p. 727, Wroughton ; tristriatus group p. 728, thomasi p. 729 Khandalla, Bombay Presidency, gossei p. 730 Nilgiri Hills, spp. n., Wroughton & Davidson J. Bombay Nat. H. S. 26 ; peninsulae Miller a synonym of insignia jalorensia Bonhoto, Gyldenstolpb J. Nat. Hist* Soc. Siam 8 p. 162. Hylopeles harrisoni caroli subsp. n. E. Borneo, Gyldenstolpe Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 60 No. 6 p. 29. Marmota marmota Quaternary Re- gione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919) p. 79. Paraxerus jlaviviUis mossambicus subsp. n. Lumbo, Portuguese E. Africa, Thomas Ann. Mag. H. N. (9) 4 p. 31. Pelaurista petaurida lumholtzi subsp. n. Central Borneo, Gyldenstolpe Stockholm Vet.-Ak. Handl. 60 No. 6 p. 28. RJiinosciurus laticaudatus saturatus subsp. n. Barisan Range, West Sumatra, Robinson & Kloss J. Fed. Malav Mus. 7 p. 274. Sciurus niger avicennia subsp. n. Florida, Howell J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 37. 22 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1919] Tamiops macclellandi liantis subsp. n. S.E, Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 p. 379. Castoridae & Gliridae. Castor ca'nadeneis inissouriensis sub- sp. n., Bismarck, N. Dakota, Bailey J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 32 ; fiber (Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919) p. 81. Olis glis Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol, 5 1919 (1919) p. 83. Muscardinus avellanarius (Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mom. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919) p. 84. Dipodidae & Geomyidae. Dipodomys jolonensis Monterey (Jounty p. 203, berkeleyensis Berkeley, sanctiluciae Monterey County p. 204, califor7iicus exiinius Sutter County, spp. et subsp. n. California, Grinnell P Biol. Soc. Washington 32.' Nupaeozapus insignis Jruteclanus sub- sp. n.. Crescent Lake, Oneida County, Wisconsin, Jackson Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 32 p. 9. Perodipus not distinct from Dipodomys, Grinnell P. Biol. Soc. Washington 32 p. 203 ; elephantinus p. 43 San Benito County, sioarlhi p. 44 Sap Luis Obispo County, dixoni p. 45 Merced County, leucogenys p. 46 Mono County, monoensis p. 46 Mono County, California spp. n., Grinnell Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 21. Thomomys douglasii tacomensis sub- sp. n, Washington, Taylor P. Biol. Soc. Washington 32 p. 169. Muridae. Muridae from Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 p. 60 ; Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919) p. 85. Abrolhrix suffusus tnodestior p. 202 Maiten, W. Chubat, s. moerens p. 203, Beatriz, Nahuel Huapi, N.W Pata- gonia, subspp. n., Thomas Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist. London (9) 3. Acodoii arenicola brain, Marelli Physis 4 ij. 439. Akodowglaucinus p. 116, Chumbicha, Catamarca, • bealus ' p. 204 Beatriz, Nahuel Huapi, ’ iniscatus p. 205 Kos- lowsky Region, i. ' collinus p. 206 W. Chubut, Patagonia, ' weocewMs p. 213 Upper Rio Negro, Patagonia, bene- f actus p. 214 Bonifacio, S.W. Buenos Ayres Province 3 ; ■ tartareus 4 p. 155 Tartagal, Salta, N. Argentina, spp. et subsp, n., Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9). Apodemus fridariensis thuleo subsp. n. Island of Foula, Hinton Scot. Nat. 1919 p. 178 ; sylvaticus spermatogenesis. Federley Helsingfors Acta Soc, Sc. Fenn. 48 No. 6. Arbusticola subgen. n. of Microtus, rubelianus sp. n. Mts. of 'rranscaucasia, r. colchicus N. Koutais, p. 21, r. inter- medins southern declivities of Central Caucasus, r. daghestanicus Daghestan, p. 22, subspp. n., Shidlovsky Tihis Bull. Terr. Exper, Stat. No. 2. Bamlicota siamensis sp. n. Central Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 p. 382. Cheliones gen. n., for Meriones hur- rianae Baluchistan and N.W. India, Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 3 p. 265 ; hurrianae collinus subsp. n., Kohat, N.W, Frontier India, Thomas J. Bom- bay Nat. H. S. 26 p. 726. Chionomys nivalis oseticus, oseticus ab. lucidus, n. ighesicus p. 36, i. mut. gotshobi, n. trialeticus, n. satunini, p. 37, pshavus p. 38 Caucasus subspp. mut. et sp. n., Shidlovsky Tiflia Bull. Terr. Exper. Stat. No. 5. Cricetoynys gambianus distribution and subspecies 4). 282, g.'grahami subsp. n. Nuba Mts. p, 283, emini group p. 285, e. ' sanctus Inkongo, Sankuru, 'cosensi Zanzibar Id. p, 286, ■ servorum Lagos p. 288 subsp. et spp. n., Hinton Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 4. Dicrostonyx revision of American forms, exsul sp, n. St. Ijawrence Island, G. M. Allen Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard Coll. 62 p. 509. Eligmodontia hiriipes jucunda subsp. n. Abrapampa, Jujuy, Thomas Ann, Mag. N. H. (9) 4 x>- 131 ; griseoflava brain, Marelli Physis 4 p. 482. Eu7ieornys micropus alsus subsp. n. Maiten N. Chubut, N.W. Patagonia, 3 p. 202 ; dabbenei sp. n. Santa Cruz, 23 Mam. Systematic. 6031 Patagonia 4 ji. 127 ; (Auliscomys) leucurus sp. n. La Lagunita, Maimara, Jujuy, Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 4 p. 129. Qeoxus p. 207 gen. n. for Oxymi/cterus valdimanus Phil., fossor p. 208 Maitcn, W. Chiibat, Patagonia sp. n., Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 3. Gerbillus floweri p. 559, bonhotei' p. 560 N. Sinai spp. n., Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 3 ; cheesmani sp. n. Mesopotamia, Thomas J. Bombay Nat. H. S. 26 p. 748. Uesycromys carillns argurus subsp. n. Abrapampa, Jujny, TiiOMAS Ann. Mag. N. H. (9)4p.'l30. Iretiomys gen. n. for Reithrodon lo'ngicaudaius Phil., Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 3 p. 201. Leggada generically distinct from Mus p. 418, synopsis of Indian species p. 417, nilidula popaea subsp. n. Mt. Popa, Burma (Dry Zone) p. 420, Thomas J. Bombay Nat. H. S. 26. Meriones taxonomic value of bullfte and status of previously described forms p. 263, lectotype of melanurus Rupp, chosen p. 264, palUdus'tripolius p. 265 N.W. TvxpoM, ' pelerinus p. 266 Tebuk,' N.W. Arabia, libycus ' caudatus p. 267 Fer ljan, Tripoli, p. 268 Karytein, Syrian Desert, 'c7mro?i p. 269 Karim River, VxiVBm,'ainbrosius p. 270 N.E. of Ahwaz Persia, *isis p. 271 Ramleh, Alexandria, L. Egypt, black- leri'lycaon p. 272 Kara Bagh, Lycaonia, Asia Minor, subspp. et spp. n., Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 3. Microlus see Ckinomys an I Arbusti- cola. Mus synopsis of Indian species p. 417, genus restricted to Palaearctic forms р. 418, gentilnlus sp. n. Aden p. 421, Thomas’J. Bombay Nat. H. S. 26. Mycieroniys crociduroides vulcani subsp. n. West Java, Robinson & Kloss Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 4 p. 378. Neotoma cinerea cinerea p. 50, с. occidentalis p. 56, identity of Teonoma spdaea Sinclair with N. c. occidentalis p. 57, distribution habits, economic status p. 67, Dixon Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 21, Nesokia buxtoni sp. n. Amara, ]\lo80potamia, Thomas J. Bombay Nat. H. S. 26 p. 423. Oryzomys flavescens brain, Mabelli Physis 4 p. 448. Olomys silberhaueri sp. n. Lormarins, Paarl District, S. Africa, Roberts Ann, Transvaal Mus. 6 p. 1 14. Rattus griseivenier rahengis p. 74, rajah siarma p. 75 ; bower si lactivenier p. 80, kennethi p. 81, subspp. et sp. n. Western Siam ; rajah koratis p. 376, r. kraynis p. 377, rattus lanensis p. 378, r. kramensis, r. niesanis, r. koratensis p. 370 subspp. n., Siam, sakarateyisis related to jerdoni and not to concolor, p. 381, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soo. Siam 3 ; sabanus mayapahit p. 375, bukit ireubii p. 376, cremorivenler cretaceit- venter p. 377 subspp. n. West Java, Robinson & Kloss Ann. Mag, N. H. (9) 4 ; rattus wroughtoni Nilgiri Hills p. 384, r. gangutrianus KumaOn p. 389, r. sikkimensis Sikkim p. 394, r. khyensis Chin Hills p. 398, r. tikos Tenasserim p. 400, r. tatkonensis Chindwin p. 402, macmillani Upper Chindwin p. 409, nitidus obsoletus Chin Hills p. 415 skull measurements p. 716, subspp, el sp. n., Hinton J. Bombay Nat. H. S. 26 ; nbrvegicus and rattus methods of destruction, Boulenger P.Z.S. 1919 p. 227 ; Rat problem in India, Kunhardt p. 143, Taylor p. 173 ; Justice p. 179 Ind, J. Med. Res. Calcutta (Spec. No.) 1919 ; In- heritance in albino rats, Whiting & King J. Exper. Zool. 26 p. 65. Reithrodon cunicnloides brain, Mar- ELLi Pli3^si8 4 p. 444. Sigmodon hispidus cienegae subsp. n. Pima County, Arizona, Howell P. Biol, Soc. Washington 32 p. 161. Steatomys loveridgei sp. n. Lumbo, Portuguese E. Africa, Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 4 p. 33. Tautatus amended definition of genus, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 3 p. 71. Teonoma spelaea Sinclair a synonym of Neotoma cinerea occidentalis, Dixon Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool. 21 p. 67. Spalacidab. Spalax (Mesospalax) labanmei sp. n. Eskischchir, Kloinasion, Matschib Sitz- Ber. Ges. natf. Er. Berlin 1919 p. 35. 24 Mam. XVIII. Mammalia. [1919] OOTODONTIDAE, HySTIUOIDAB, CaVII- DAB, &0. Abrocoma cinerea sp. n. Corro- Casabindo; Jujuy, Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 4 p. 132. ■fBoromys ofella and torrei dentition, Anthony Bui. Amer. Mus. N. H. 41 p. 631. Capromys pilorides p. 628, nana p. 629, columhianus p. 630 cranial and dental characters, Anthony Bui. Amer. Mus. N. H. 41. Cavia tschudii arequipce nom. nov. for t. pallidior Thomas 1917, not Kerodon niala pallidior Thomas 1902. ( = Carla (Monticavia) n. pallidior ^ Osgood J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 34. Ctenomys 'fdcM p. 117 Chumbicha, Catamarca ; haigi p. 210 Maiten, W. Chubat, h.'lcntulus p. 211 Upper Rio Negro, Patagonia, spp. el subsp. n., Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 3 ; • syl- vanua sp. n. Tartagal, Salta, N. Argen- tina, Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 4 p. 156. Dinomys pacarana ?. characters and figs, of skulls, Ribeiro Arch. Escol. Sup. Agric. Med. Vet, Rio de Janeiro 2 p. 13. Galea negrensis 3 p. 211, Upper Rio Negro, Patagonia ; comes 4 p. 134 Abrapampa, Jujuy, spp. n., Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H, (9). Hystrix hirsutirostris aharonii p. 61, h, schnilzi p. 64 further descriptions, narynensis sp. u. Naryn, Turkestan p. 67, Muller SitzBer. Ges. natf. Fr. Berlin 1919. Lagidium vulcani sp. n. Oerro Casabindo, Jujuy, Thomas Ann. Mag. N. H. (9) 4 p. 133. LkPORIDAB & OOHOTONIDAE. Lepus europxua p. 77, limidus p. 78, Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919). Nesolagus netscheri distribution, habits, moult, and notes on specimens, Jacobson & Kloss J. Fed. Malay Mus. 7 p. 293. Ochotona princeps 'lutescens p. 105 Banff, Alberta, uinta' ventorum Wind River Mts., Wyoming, u.'lemhi Lembi Mts., Idaho p. 106, u.-nevadensis Ruby Mts., Nevada, saxatilis incana Pecos Baldy, Now Mexico p. 107, fenisex ‘ brunnescens Keechelus, Washington p. Ififi* /• ’fumoaa Mt. Jefferson, Oregon, scMsticeps'jewetti Baker County, Oregon p. 109, s.'fuscipes Palawan Mts., Utah p. 110, subspp. n., Howell P. Biol. Soc. Washington 32. Oryctolagus cuniculus huxleyi Porto Santo and evolution, Giglio-Tos Roma Riv. Biol. 1 p. 50. VI.— UNGULATA. Ungulata of Eastern and Central Borneo, Gyldenstolpe StockholmVet.- Ak. Handl. 60 No. 6 p. 47 ; “ Glossen- tiere,” Szalay Zool. Ann. Wurzburg 7 p. 127. A— Artiodactyla. Androgenic origin of horns and antlers, Bemmelen Proc. Sci. K. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam 21 p. 570. Boviiub. liovidae Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919) p. 125. Alces alces conservation of yellow- stone herds, Graves & Nelson U.S. I)ept. Agric. Circ. 51 1919. Anoa see Buhalus. Antelopes of Southern Sudan, notes on habits and distribution, Hamilton P.Z.S. 1919 p. 341. Bison Palaiolithic pictures in cave of Pena de Candamo, Hernandez- Paoheco Madrid Mem. Com. Invest. Paleont. Prehist, 24 pp, 85 183. Bos pictures in cave of Pena de Can- damo, Hernandez-Paoheco Madrid Mem. Com. Paleont. Prehist. 24 p. 74 p. 181. Buhalus (selected by Lydekker as “ first reviser”) must stand as genus name if Bubalus and Atioa be com- bined in one genus, but Anoa probably generically distinct, Hollister P. Biol. Soc. Washington.32 p. 45. Budorcas taxicolor whitei anatomy, Lander P.Z.S. 1919 p. 203. Capra Palaeolithic pictures in cave of Pena de Cadamo, Hernandez- Paoheco Madrid, Mem. Com Invest. Paleont Prehist. 24 pp. 94 186. 25 Mam. Systematic. 6031 Capricornis sumalraensis anmcUns subsp. n. S.W. Siam, Kloss J. Nat. Hist. Soc. Siam 8 p. 391. Cephalophus notes on specimens in Congo Museum p. 162, nigrifrons kivuensis Lake Kivu p. 166, n. lusumbi Katanga p. 168 subspp. n., Lonnbero Rev. Zool. Africaine 7. Damaliscus Hang in Southern Sudan, habits and distribution, Hamilton P.Z.S. 1919 p. 341. Oryx gazella breeding at Gooilust, Blauuw P.Z.S. 1919 p. 29. Ovis comosa nom. nov. for Ovis jubaia Peters (nec. Kerr), mongolica Sev. (used by Lydekker as substitute for jubata) preoccupied, Hollister P. Biol. Soc. Washington 32 p. 46. Rupicapra Palaeolithic pictures in cave of Pena de Candamo, Hernandez- Paoheoo Madrid Mem. Com. Invest. Paleont. Prehist. 24 pp. 98 187. Sylvicapra notes on specimens in the Congo Museum p. 177, grimmia uvirensis N.W. Tanganyika p. 179, g. lobeliarum Mt. Elgon p. 181, subspp. n. LiiNNEERo Rev. Zool. Africaine 7. Giraffidab. Olcapia joJmsioni note on living specimen, Cabrera Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 19 p. 443 ; habits and trapping, Lang New York Zool. Soc. Bui. 21 p. 1601. Cervidae. Cervidae Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919) p. 105. Cervus daphus antlers, Toldt Zool. Jahrb. Jena 36 p. 245 and Wien, Verb. Zool. Bol. Ges. 68 p. 68 ; Arterien- verlauf auf der Zehnerkolbenstange, Einfluss auf die Geweih form, Rhumb- LER Zs. wiss. Zool, 115 p. 337 ; Palaeo- lithic pictures of various species in cave of Pena de Candamo p. 66, daphus and dajna in Spanish Pleistocene, Hbrnan- dez-Pacheco Madrid Mem. Com. Invest. Paleont. Prehist, 24 p. 177. Mazama rufa toba p. 2 Chaco Central, r. rosii p. 6 Chaco Austral, simplici- cornis argentina p. 10 Chaco Central, (n-13799 /) Q Rio de Oro, Argentina, subspp. n., Lonnbero Ark. Zool. Stockholm 12 No. 10. Rangifer incguirei sp. n. Kletson Creek, Yukon, Figgins Proc. Colorado Mus. Nat. Hist. Dec. 1919 (unpaged). Tragulidab & Hyemoschidae. Tragulidae and Hyemoschidae nomen- clature p. 1, external characters p. 2, penis p. 8, generic characters and diag- noses of genera p. 10, Pocock P.Z.S. 1919. - Hyemoschus generic characters, Po- cock P.Z.S. 1919 p. 11. Moschiola generic characters, Po- cock P.Z.S. 1919 p. 11. Tragulus generic characters, Pocock P.Z.S. 1919 p. 10. SUIDAE &, HiPPOPOTAMIDAE. Hippopotamus amphibius characters of foetus and integument, Toldt Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 p. 65 and Biol. CentralbL Leipzig 39 p. 346. Sus scrofa p. 99, s. antiquus p. 102, palastris p. 103, domesticus p. 104, Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919) ; Palaeolithic pictures in cave of Pena de • Candamo, Hbrnandez-Pacheco Ma- drid Mem. Com. Livest. Paleont. Prehist. 24 pp. 102 189. B-— PerisBodactyla. Equidae. Equus quagga in Southern Sudan, Hamilton P.Z.S. 1919 p. 346 ; caballus p. 92, asinus p. 96 Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919) j Palaeolithic pictures in cave of Pena de Candamo, Hebnandez-Pacheco Madrid Mem. Com. Invest. Paleont. Prehist. 24 pp. 103 190 ; ^cazurroi sp. n. Pleisto- cene (Solutreen) San Julian de Ramis, Gerona, Cabrera Barcelona Treballs Mus. Ci. Nat. 7 p. 8. jfHipparion remains from Miocene of Salonica, Andrews Geol. Mag. [VI] - 5 p. 642 ; migrations et les con- nexions continentales au Miocene superieur, Joleaud C. R. Acad. Sci. 168 p. 177. d 13 2C> Mam. XVlll. Mammalia. [1919J f Lophiotherium pygmceum teeth Eocene, Belgium, DispfeRET Paris Bui. 80C. g6ol. (4) 12 p. 813. Riiinoobbotidae. ^Aceratherium albigense lower jaw Stampien, Antwerp, Disp^rbt Paris Bui. soc. g6ol. (4) 12 p. 816. Rkinoceroa -fmerckii Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919) p. 89 ; {Gerator- hhma) tagicus Oligocene superieur de Budenheim, pres Mayence, Roman Paris Bui. soc. geol. (ser. 4) 14 p. 349. t Extinct Families. ^Chasmotherium minimum teeth Eocene, Belgium, Deperet Paris Bui. soc. g6ol. (4) 12 p. 811. '\Lophido7i medium mutations, Bel- gium Eocene, Deperet Paris Bui. soc. geol. (4) 12 p. 809. '\Moropua cooki note on skeletons in American Museum, Osborn Bui. Geol. Son. Amer. 29 j). 131. ^Proj)alaiotherium isselanum teeth Eocene, Belgium, Deperet Paris Bui Soc. geol. (4) 12 p. 812. D. and £?.— Proboscidea and Hyracoidea. Proboscidea classification, Osborn Bui. Geol. Soc. Amer. 29 p. 133 ; fossil New York State, Hay Science New York 11. s. 49 p. 377. Elephas molars and phylogeny, STEii'ANESCU C R. Acad. Sci. Paris 168 pp. 97 464 906 1208 1329 169 p. 148 ; africanus races and habits, LOnnberg Fauna och Flora 13 p. 209 ; africanus capensis notes on specimen from Addo Bush (photographs), unreliability of characters used for differentiating local races, Chubb Ann. Durban Mus. 3 p*126 ; 7naxhnus characters of 9 months’ old specimen, Toldt Zool. Anz. Leipzig 50 p. 65 ; '\antiquus p. 142, 'fprimigenius p. 146, Quaternary Regione Veneta, Fabiani Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1919 (1919); '\imperator jaw Pleistocene, Florida, Hay Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 p. 103. •fTetrabelodon angustidens from Im- bros Miocene, Andrews Geol. Mag. VI] 5 p. 642. VII & VIII.—CETACEA & SIRENIA. Cetacea evolution, descent from Hyae- 7iodontidae, classification and affinities of living and fossil genera, Winge Vidensk. Medd. Dansk naturh. Foren. 70 p 59 ; Knorpelschadel p. 1 ; Ent- wioklungsgesohichte der Wirbelsiiule, p. 371, Burlet Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 50 ; stranded on British coasts during 1918, Habmer Brit. Mus. Report No. 6 ; Subantarctic whaling, Harmer London Proc, R. Inst. 1919 p. 1. S irenia Entwicklungsgeschichte, Freund Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 49 p. 353. Balaenoptera 7iiusculus (physalus) p. 6, borealis p. 37, at Scottish stations, Thompson Scot. Nat. 1919 ; sp. [sibbaldii] specimen stranded on south- coast of Preanger regencies, osteology, Reuter Treubia, Batavia 1 p. 101 ; musculus {sibbaldii) notes on Aus- tralasian specimens, Waite Rec. S. Austral. Mus. 1 p. 157 ; edcni skeletons at Calcutta, Andrews Rec. Ind. Mus. 15 p. 105. ■fEoplata7iista gen. n. p. 6, italica sp. n. p. 9, Miocene Belluno, Piaz Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 5 1916 (1919). Globicephalus melas skeleton, Scott & Lord Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1919 p. 13. Hyperoodon rostratus at Scottish stations, migration and food, Thompson Scot. Mat. 1919 p. 1. Lagenorhynchus albirostris develop- ment of skull, Burlet Morph. Jahrb. Leipzig 49 p. 393. Megaptera longhnana at Scottish stations, Thompson Scot. Nat. 1919 p. 4. M esoplodon 7niru7n specimen stranded at Liscannor, Co. Clare, Harmer Brit. Mus. Report Stranded Cetacea No. 6 p. 18. Orca gladiator skeleton Scott & Lord Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1919 p. 9. Physeter 7nacrocephalus anatomy of foetus, Beddard Ann. Durb. Mus. 2 p. 129. Pseudorca crassidens skeleton, Scott & Lord Proc. R. Soc. Tasmania 1919 p. 6. 27 Mam. Systematic. 0031 •^Squalodelphis gen. n. p. 6 fabianii p. 15 Miocene Belluno, Piaz Padova Mem. 1st. Geol. 6 1917 (1919). ■fTrichechus antiquus jaw Pleistocene, Florida, Hay Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 p. 109. Ziphius caviroslris on coast of Queensland, Longman Proc. Q. Soc. Queensland 81 p. 90 ; Note on two specimens on coast of Malaga, Oabbera Madrid Bol. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 19 p. 468. IX.— EDENTATA. Bradypus Iridactylus habits, Lueder- WALDT Rev. Mus. Sao Paulo 10 p. 793. Euphractus sexcinctus flavimanus Des- marest antedates E. s. gilvifes Allen, Osgood J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 33. Manis taxonomic value of tail characters p. 17 ; species represented in pi. 74 Cuyier’s R^gne Animal p. 429, Anthony Bui. Museum Paris 1919. Orycteropidae account of U.S. Nat. Mus. collection from East Africa, Hollister U.S. Nat. Mus. Bui. 99 pt. ii p. 169. '\Thinohadisies segnis gen. et sp. n., Pleistocene Florida, Hay Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 56 p. 104. Tolypeuies matacus Desraarest re- places conurus Geoff., Osgood J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 33. Za'edyus pichiy Desmarest replaces ciliatus Fisher, Osgood J. Mamm. Baltimore 1 p. 33. X.— MARSUPIALIA. Marsupialia Review of genera, characters, habits, literature and dis- tribution, Cabrera Genera Mamma- Hum Madrid 1919 p. 23. Amperta gen. n. for Ghaetocercus cristicauda Krefft,CABRERA Gen. Mamm. p. 65 [— Dasycercus, Peters, 1875]. Didelphidae key to genera, Cabrera Gen. Mamm. p. 29. Holothylax gen. n. for Didelphis opossum h., Cabrera Gen. Mamm. p. 47 [ — Metachirops, Matschie, 1916]. . Mimania gen. n. for Didelphis dimidiata Wagner, Cabrera Gen. Mamm. p. 43. Trichosurus vulpecula development of urogenital system, Fraser J. Anat. London 53 p. 97. . XI.— MONOTREMATA. Monotremata Review of Genera characters, habits, literature and distri- bution, Cabrera Genera Mammalium Madrid 1919 p. 9. INDEX TO NAMES OF NEW GENEEA AND SUBGENERA RECORDED IN THIS VOLUME (iNOLUDINQ NEW NAMES FOR GENERA PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED).'*' Abiomyia Kerthz Ins. 217 Abrosiomyia Kertesz Ins. 217 Acanthatrium Faust Verm. 18 Acanthemblemaria Metzelaar Pisces 17 Acanthohelea Kieffer Ins. 206 Acanthopsilus Portevin Ins. 115 Acontiothespa Hebard Ins. 268 Acothrura Me.lichar Ins. 262 Acratoleon Banks Ins. 201 Acrobrachys Horvath Ins, 240 Acromeseres Dyar Ins. 190 Acroporoblatta Hebard Ins. 266 Acrossocheilus Oshinia Pisces 13 Acrotmetus Horvath Ins. 237 Aory])tophagus Qrouvelk Ins. 119 Acutia Kaye Ins. 1 82 Adelpherupa Hampson Ins. 190 Adiaclema Enderlein Ins. 171 Adicrnia Enderlein Ins. 171 Adinopsis Cameron Ins. 110 Aediodina Strand Ins. 190 Aeluropliryne Boulenger Kept. 12 Aenigmatopoeus Schmitz Ins. 224 Afrodecius Jeannel Ins. 242 Agastomyia de Meyere Ins. 214 Ageiton Kertesz Ins. 217 Agnosicrabro Kohl Ins. 160 Agoraula Meyrick Ins. 196 Agriogenia Banks Ins. 150 Ahyborhyssa Enderlein Ins. 167 Aidomyia Kertesz Ins. 217 . Ps\n\a Jordan Pisces 11 Akermania Colluuje Crust. 15 Aknisiis McAtee Ins. 241 Akotropis Matsumura Ins. 252 Alepidiella Poppius Ins. 247 Algoella Kieffer Ins, 166. Alienm Bridwell Ins. 165 Alisea Jordan & Gilbert Pisces 12 Alkmaria Horst Verm. 28 Allanteon Kieffer Ins. 165 Allohelea Kieffer Ins. 207 Allomicrops Kieffer Ins. 165 Allomyia Mallach Ins. 232 Alloscenia Enderlein Ins. 171 Alocinna Annandale and Prashad Moll. 36. Alophytophilus Brian Crust. 16 Alyoaiihis Rilbsaamen Ins. 203 Amaurogramma Braun Ins. 196 Amauropus Reitter Ins. 1 14 Am bo Chamberlin Verm. 28 Ambopogon Greene Ins. 232 Ammogiton Peyerimhoff Ins. 131 Ampera Distant Ins. 240 Amperta Cabrera Mam. 27 Amphidexius Bergroth Ins, 237 Amyssonotum Horvath Ins. 237 Anaclista Kieffer Ins. 165 Anadelosemia Dyar Ins. 190 Anahydrophorus Becker Ins. 222 Analgopsis Trouessart Arachn. 21 Anametopochaeta Townsend Ins. 226 Anaporia Townsend Ins. 226 Anapteris Van Winkle Moll. 58 Ancylocnema Szepligeli Ins. 167 Ancyroniscus Caullery andMesnil Crust, 16. The total number of names in this index is 1,344 ; distributed as follows, viz. ; — Protozoa 19 ; Coelenlerata 22 ; Echinoderma 27 ; Vermidea 87 ; Brachiopoda 5; Bryozoa 2; Mollnsea CG ; Crustacea 11; Arachnida 46; Myriopoda 10; Insecta 917; Pioehordata 4; Pisces 78; Reptilia 11; Airs 21 ; Mammalia 18. The total last year was 1,297. (n-13799 t) d 14 2 Anergatides Wasmann Ins. 163 Aneuromorpha Bergroth Ins. 242 Angianus Sharp Ins. 136 Anhydrophryne Hewitt Kept. 11 Anhylaeus Bridwell Ins. 146 Anisoloboceras Trueman Moll. 60 Anisostephus Riibsaamen Ins. 203 Anisotylus Timberlalce Ins. 168 Anommatochora Wasmann Ins. 110 Anommatonia Wasmann Ins, 110 Anoscinella Becker Ins. 232 Antelmia Hualache Ins. 135 Anthonomidius Reitter Ins. 135 Anychus McGregor Arachn. 20 Antiguastraea Vaughan Coel. 14 Antiobactnim Chamberlin Verm. 28 Antitheton Hebard Ins. 266 Anypoptus Durr ant Ins. 196 Anzacia de D almas Arachn. 15 Aoria Jordan Pisces 13 Apelma Kiejfer Ins. 207 Apericlista Enslin Ins. 171 Aphanogramme Dodero Ins. 114 Aphantorhapha Townsend Ins. 226 Aphelothrix Chamberlin Verm. 28 Aphthomonas Stauffacher Pfot. 23 Aphycitopsis Dyar Ins. 190 Aphycomorpha Timberlake Ins. 168 Apobletodes Desbordes Ins. 116 Apothetodes Meyrich Ins, 196 Apria Grouvelie Ins. 117 Apristocera Kieffer Ins. 165. Apsteinia Metcalf Prochord. 2 Apterolophus Gahan Ins. 168 Apterostylus Pic Ins. 127 Arame Andrewes Ins. 105 Aravaipa Townsend Ins. 226 Arbelopsis Poppius Ins. 242 Arbusticola Shidlovshj Mam. 22 Archaeocryptolaria Chapman Cod. 8 Archaeolafoea Chapman Coel. 8 Archaeopilumnus Rathbun Crust. 12 Archaeomis Petronievica Aves 45 Archepsychops Tillyard Ins. 201 Archibonellia Fischer Verm. 35 Archohelia Vaughan Coel. 14 Arctosyrphus Frey Ins. 225 Areopsammia Dietrich Coel. 14 Arisocephalus Lea Ins. 126 Aristichthys Oshima Pisces 13 Aristopsyche Tillyard Ins. 200 Arnoldina Jordan & Gilbert Pisces 15 Arrhenothrips Hood Ins. 261 Arunena Swinhoe Ins. 179 Arysepyris Kieffer Ins. 166 Asantorga Melichar Ins. 252 Aschistonyx Riibsaamen Ins. 203 Asclerostoma Fleischer Ins. 134 Ascolaimus Ditlevsen Verm. 22 Asemothrips Hood Ins, 261 Ashantina Kertesz Ins. 217 Asiphonaphis Wilson Ins. 257 Aspidacantha KertSsz Ins. 217 Astiota Wasmann Ins. 110 Astilbides Wasmann Ina. 110 Astiroderma Horvath Ins. 237 Astyloglossa Pic Ins. 127 Astylomorphus Pic Ins. 127 Asyncritus Kertesz Ins. 217 Asyndetaula Meyrick Ins. 196 Ateloza Enderlein Ins. 171 Atopognathus Cushman Ins. 157 Atritomellus Kieffer Ins. 166 Atrypoderma Townsend Ina. 226 Attonda Sivinhoe Ins. 185 Aubaeanetia Townsend Ins. 220 Auchenoplua Bergroth Ins. 241 Augustivestis Pilsbry Moll. 46 Austroblattula Tillyard Ina. 260 Austrolydella Townsend Ins. 226 Aiistropeplus Poppius Ins. 247 Austrosialis Tillyard Ins. 201 Austrothrips Brhthes Ins. 261 Authaemon Turner Ins. 1 87 Auxentius Horvath Ins. 237 Auxides Jordan Pisces 16 Avakubia Pilsbry Moll. 46 Ayuthia Distant Ins. 261 Azalois Jordan & Gilbert Pisces 12 Azurella Jordan Pisces 15 Babylas Horvath Ina. 237 Bactridothrips Karny Ins. 261 Bakeriella Poppius Ins. 247 Balanochaeta Chamberlin Verm. 28 Balella Stechow Coel. 8 Balwantia Prashad Moll. 55 Bangsia Penard Aves 68 Barberiella Poppius Ins. 247 Basleocrinus Wanner Echin. 14 Bassocryptus Habermehl Ins. 158 Bathraula Meyrick Ins. 196 Bathroxena Meyrick Ins. 197 Becheiceras Trueman Moll. 60 Belmontia Tillyard Ins. 201 Belonarion Pilsbry Moll. 47 Beralitra d'Orchymont Ins. 108 Berlesella Trouessart Arachn. 21 Beskioleskia Townsend Ins. 226 Betatropis Matsumura Ins. 252 Bezzimyia Townsend Ins. 226 Bibrachium Stechow Coel. 8 Bigaena v. Eecke Ins. 177 Bironiola Horvath Ins. 242 Blapidocamaria Pic Ins. 131 Blapidocampsia Pic Ins. 131 Bobba Bergroth Ins. 242 Bocageia Pilsbry Moll. 60 Bolbocrinus Wanner Echin. 14 Bolerus Grouvelie Ins. 119 8 Borboridea Kortesz Ins. 217 Botaurites Amino7i Aves 50 Bothrieiicyrtus Tiinberlake Ins. 168 Bothriomiridius Pdppius Ins. 247 Bourgelatia Railliet, Henry and Bauche Verm. 22 Bourgeonia Schouteden Ins. 242 Brachyloma Portevin Ins. 115 Brachynidiiis Re.itter Ins. 105 Brachynolomus Reitter Ins. 105 Brachysolen Horvath Ins. 237 Bradybamon Marshall Ins. 135 Brancliethiis CluimberUn Verm. 28 Brannerion Jordan Pisces 12 Brcmiola Rubsaamen Ins. 203 Brethesia Tiniberlake Ins. 168 Bromeliaemiris Schumacher Ins. 247 Bromocoris Horvath Ins. 237 Brooksia Metcalf Prochord. 2 Brucsiola Kieffer Ins. 166 Bryocoropsis Schumacher Ins. 247 Buboblatta Hebard Ins. 266 Bufolucilia Townseyul Ins. 226 Bufonus Eggers Ins. 138 Bulbiceps Jordan Pisces 17 Burmitembia Cockerell Ins. 263 Bylgides Chamberlin Verm. 28 Bythocratcs Meyrick Ins. 197 Cacozophera Dyar Ins. 191 Cadne Heller Ins. 145 Calholaspis Berlese Arachn. 18 Calidivitrina Pilsbry Moll. 47 Calladimy ia Dyar Ins. 2 12 Oalocoridea Poppius Ins. 247 Calothrombium Berlese Arachn. 20 . Calycocrinus Wanner Echin. 14 Calyptromyia Villeneuve Ins. 226 CamilHna Berland Arachn. 15 Camposella Cole Ins. 22 1 Camptochironomus Kieffer Ins. 207 Campy loplesis Dyan Ins. 191 Capucinella Hebard Ins. 266 Cardinirhynchia Buckman Bracli. 5 Cardopomyia Kertesz Ins. 217 Carinodrillia Dali Moll. 28 Casahuiria Townsend Ins. 226 Cataliptus Bezzi Ins. 207 Catancyla Hampson Ins. 191 Catarractes Befnhauer Ins. 1 10 Catopodes Portevin Ins. 115 Caulleriella Chamberlin Verm. 28 Caulomyia Rubsaamen Ins. 203 Cechorismenus Kertesz Ins. 218 Cecidophila Rubsaamen Ins. 203 Cedna Heller Ins. 145 Cenogenus Chamberlin Verm. 28 Cenothrix Chamberlin Verm. 28 Centrarchites Cockerell Pisces 11 Centroptiloides Lestage Ins. 263 Centrostephus Horvath Ins. 237 Cephalocapsidea Poppius Ins. 247 Ceratoperia Enderlein Ins. 171 Ceratozygum Horvath Ins. 237 Ceratucha Turner Ins. 188 Cercothrips Karny Ins. 261 Ceylonicola Friese Ins. 147 Chaetolauxania KertSsz Ins, 232 Chalcomorphus Pic Ins. 128 Chamaelinorops Schmidt Kept. 9. Chamaelycus Boulenger Rept. 10 Charapemyia Townsend Ins. 227 Charidiplosis Tavares InS. 203 Chaunorhynohiis Chamberlin Verm. 29 (Jheilaster Ins. 110 Cheilocapsidea Poppius Ins. 247 Oheliones Thomas Mam. 22 Chelogonobolus Carl Myr., Arachn. 25 Chersomenida Horvath Ins. 237 Chibolepis Cockerell Pisces 11 Chilopsis Hampson Ins. 191 Chlerogas Cockerell Ins. 147 Chlorosarcophaga Townsend Ins. 227 Choctella Chamberlin Myr., Arachn. 25 Choniolaimus Ditlevsen Verm. 22 Chromatonotus Hebard Ins. 266 Chrysopoctonus Cushman Ins. 158 Cibdeloses Durrani Ins. 197 Ciniicicapsus Poppius Ins. 247 Ciadapelochrus Pic Ins. 128 Clavopsella Stechow Coel. 8 Cieistoplax^J^u^eriemlns. 171 Cleobonnea Dyar Ins. 212 Cleopomiarus Pierce Ins. 135 Clipeodinium Pascher Prot. 25 Cnecosfcolus Reitter Ins. 106 Cnemathraiipis Penard Aves 68. Cneraopsilus Portevin Ins. 115 Cnemoscopus Bangs & Penard Aves 68, Cockerelliella Meunier Ins. 265 Coelocrossa Turner Ins. 188 Coelopencyrtus Timberlake Ins. 168 Coenoptychia Le Cerf Ins. 177 Coenotalis Hampson Ins. 191 Colapteroblatta Hebard Ins. 266 Collinella Clialton & Perard Prot. 25 Colobophrys Horvdth Ins. 238 Columbiana Muir Ins. 252 Columella Halkyard Prot. 1 9 Compsoptesis Villeneuve Ins. 227 Coniesta Hampson Ins. 119 Conocrambus Hampson Ins. 191 Conogiilella Pilsbry Moll. 46 Constalis Hampson Ins. 191 Coolia Meunier Prot. 25 Coprholaspis jBeriese Arachn. 18 Coptomiopsis Pouillaude Ins. 123 \ Cordylurella Malloch Ins. 232 Corymbichneumon Morley Ins. I58 Oosmariomyia Kertiaz Ins. 218 4 Cosmochelys Andrews Rept. 11 Costigulella Pilsbury Moll. 46 Cothonolairaus Ditlevsen Verm. 22 Cotylichthys Jordan Pisces 18 Cradia Bergroth Ins. 238 Cranaodes Meyrich Ins. 197 Crassitaia Annandale Moll^ 38 Cryptella Sz^pligeti Ins. 168 Oryptohelcostizus Cushman Ins. 168 Cryptophagops Orouvelle Ins. 169 Cryptophyllum Carruthers Coel. 9 Cryptorhynchidius Pierce Ins. 135 Ctenerythraeus Berlese Arachn. 20 Cuapetes Clark Crust. 14 Cuba Dyar Ins. 192 Cultriculus Oshima Pisces 13 Cyanauges Braun Ins. 197 Cyanothemis Bis Ins. 264 Cyologomphodon Broom Rept. 11 Cyclosandalus Horvdth Ins. 243 Cyoloteuthis Jouhin Moll. 60 Cycreon d'Orchymont Ins. 108 Cydistomyia Taylor Ins. 220 Cydnoides Hart Ins. 238 Cylistolister Bickhardt Ins. 116 Cynoconaspidia Rohwer and Fagan Ins. 170 Cypholaelapa Berlese Arachn. 19 Cyphostethus d'Orchymont Ins. 108 Cyphothyrea Horvdth Ins. 238 Cyrtobasia Cushman Ins. 159 Cyrtosomum Qedoelst Verm. 22 Dacnochlaenius Alluaud Ins. 106 Dactylodeictes Kertesz Ins. 218 Dactylodiplosis Rubsaamen Ins. 204 Dactylostethus d’Orchymont Ins. 108 Damaromyia KerUsz Ins. 218 Dasmophora Meyrich Ins. 197 Dasypleuron Mallock Ins. 232 Dasysphecia Hampsow Ins. 181 Decamyia Dyar Ins. 213 Decna Heller Ins. 146 Decomia Poppius Ins. 248 Dendrolagia Mjdberg Ins. 261 Depalpata Rothschild Ins. 182 Doran ohylaeiis Bridwcll Ins. 147 Derooentrua Cushman Ins. 169 Dermomycoides Oranata Prot. 23 Desmidophorinus Hubenthal Ins. 136 Dexiorbis Chamberlin Verm. 29 ^ Dhanya Andrewes Ins. 106 Dialampsis KerUsz Ins. 218. Dialeria Tavares Ins. 204 Diargemus KerUsz Ins. 218 Diatomoeca Jordan & Gilbert Pisces 1 1 Dicamixus Bzepligeti Ins. 169 Dicercomonas Chalmers and Pekkola Prot. 23 Dicrohelea Kiefer Ins. 209 Dictyeucnemis Lea Ins. 126 Dictynoides Chamberlin Arachn, 15 Dictyoglessula Pilsbry Moll. 51 Dictyoraia Tavares Ins. 204 Dihyboplax Enderlein Ins. 159 Dilachnus Baker Ins. 257 Dimorphochalcas Pic Ins. 128 Dindymellus Distant Ins. 241 Dindymenides Chamberlin Verm. 29 Dinocrinus Wanner Echin. 14 Dinbcryptus Szcpligeti Ins. 159 Dinomyia Dyar Ins. 213 Diodaulus Riibsaamen Ins, 204 Dioides Kertesz Ins. 232 Diphalangarpe Dyar Ins. 213 Diplocercomonas Chalmers and Pekkola Prot. 23 Diplolaboncus Riibsaamen Ins. 204 Diplopleurua Bernhauer Ins. Ill Diplotalis Hampson Ins. 192 Diplotrichiella Poppius Ins. 248 Dipristocera Kieffer Ins. 166 Diptilomiopua Nalepa Arachn. 22 Disticta Wasmann Ins. Ill Distirogaster Horvdth Ins. 243 Ditrichomonas Cutler Prot. 23 Dochmioglene Enderlein Ins. 172 Dodecamyia Dyar Ins. 213 Dokada Schouteden Ins. 238 Dolichocatops Portevin Ins. 115 Dolichocis Dury Ins. 131 Dolichodema Kertesz Ins. 218 Dolicholabis Tavares Ins. 204 Dolichorhachis Mann Ins. 154 Dolophrosyno Durr ant Ins. 197 Dorylaimopsis Ditlevsen Verm. 22 Dotillopsis Kemp Crust. 12 Drescomopsis Dyar Ins. 192 Dromiosalpingus Pic Ins. 134 Dromopompilus Heymons Ins. 151 Drosimomgia KerUsz Ins. 218 Dyscolocrabro Kohl Ins. 151 Dysmorodrepanis Perkins Aves 66 Dysnoetua Bergroth Ins. 238 Eohidgnathia Hampson Ins. 181 Echidnophora Schmitz Ins. 224 Ecitophora Schmitz Ins. 224 Eclipea Jordan and Gilbert Pisces 15 Ectasis Jordan and Gilbert Pisces 11 Edoclina Jeannel Ins. 243 Eicolyctus Sahlberg Ins. 131 Eidalimua Kertesz Ins. 218 Eifelocrinus Wanner Echin. 15 Elatotrypes Fisher Ins. 140 Ellimichthys Jordan & Gilbert Pisces 12 Embryocrinus Wanner Echin. 15 Emmachaere Jordan Gilbert Pisces 1 1 Emmalochaeta Becker Ins. 233 Encryphodes Turner Ins. 188 5 Endotricliodes Hampton Ina. 192 . Endotylus Horvdth Ins. 238 Enhypnon Carter Ina. 131 Ennelichthya Jordan Pisces 12 Entagaricus Pilsbry Moll. 46 Entmemacornis Dyar Ins. 192 Enypnium Kertesz Ins. 218 Eocarcelia Toivnsend Ins. 227 Eolygus Poppius Ins. 248 Eolymnium Prashad Moll. 55 Eomyelodactylus Foersie Echin. 15 Eoplatanista Piaz Main. 26 Eosocrpius Jordan k Gilbert Pisces 17 Eosthenanis Poppius Ins. 248 I]()xeno3 Peijerimhoff Ins. 145 Epaenasomyia Oirault Ins. 168 Eperlanio Jordan Pisces 12 Ephedroxena Meyrick Ins. 197 Ephesiella CJiamberlin Verm. 29 Epicampyla Turner Ins. 188 Epieropsis Normand Ins. 116 Eponisia Matsumura Ins. 252 Epotiocerus Matsumura Ins. 252 Equestrimcssor Santschi Ins. 154 Ereminella Pallary Moll. 48 Eremococcus Ferris Ins. 259 Errex Jordan Pisces 17 Erythrinolepis Cockerell Pisces 1 1 Erythrocles Jordan Pisces 15 Eublaberus Hebard Ins. 266 Eubonnea Dyar Ins. 213 Euclarkia Lea Ins. 118 Eucylliba Berlese Arachn. 19 Eudromiella Hebard Ins. 266 Eiigynolaolaps Berlese Arachn. 19 Eulepethus Chamberlin Verm. 29 Eulepidorhamphus Fowler Pisces 14 Eunemadus Portevin Ins. 115 Eiipareophora Enslin Ins. 172 Euphilydor Cory Aves 59 Euphormia Townsend Ins. 227 Eupistella Chamberlin Verm. 29 Euratella Chamberlin Verm. 29 Euroleon Navds Ins. 201 Eurylister Ins. 116 Euryscytus Horvdth Ins. 238 Euryspeonomus Jeannel Ins. 115 Eurystylomorpha Poppius Ins. 248 Euscione Chamberlin Verm. 29 Eusiptornoides Cory Aves 59 Eusystellus Kleine Ins. 140 Eutelecrinus Wanner Echin. 15 Eufcorocca Townsend Ins. 227 Eutritochacta Townsend Ins. 227 Evarnella Chamberlin Verm. 29 Evholocelaena Berlese Arachn. 19 Exeuthyplocia Lestage Ins. 263 Exhyalanthlax Becker Ins. 2%l Exodesis Hampson Ins. 193 Exoncotis Meyrick Ins. 197 Extrarius Jordan Pisces 13 Ealculopsis Dognin Ins. 188 Falsolanthanus Pic Ins. 134 Feinerus Navds Ins. 201 Filins Navds Ins. 201 Forfex Jordan & Gilbert Pisces 14 Formosiana Oshima Pisces 13 Fornicocassis Spaeth Ins. 143 Frontipodopsis Walter Arachn. 21 Froriepia Vitzthum Arachn. 22 Fnlakora Matm Ins. 154 Ganolytes Jordan Pisces 11 Gassneria Obeuberger Ins. 125 Geholaspis Berlese Arachn. 19 \ ' Geocnethus Horvath Ins. 238 Geoporophilus Silvestri Myr., Arachn, 25 Geotrechus Jeannel Ins. 106 Geoxus Thomas Mam. 23 Gephyraulus Rubsaamen Ins. 204 Gephyromantis Methuen Rept. 11 Gilsonia Gedoelst Verm. 23 Giraudiella Rubsaamen Ins. 204 Gisonobasis Rubsaamen Ins. 204 Gitodinychus Berlese Arachn. 19 Glochinomyia Kertesz Ins. 218 Glossecia Hampson Ins. 181 Glossophecia Hampson Ins. 181 Glottaspis Bergroth Ins. 238 Gnathylaeus Bridioell Ins. 147 Gnesiomyia Kertesz Ins. 218 Gnorismomyia Kertdsz Ins. 218 Godmania Horvdth Ins. 238 Gracilisentis Van Cleave Verm. 25 Graptostele Pilsbry Moll. 46 Gravierella Fauvel Verm. 29 Gripekovenia Kieffer Ins. 209 ' Grypopalpia Hampson Ins. 181 Gvvasitoa Chamberlin Verm. 30 Gymnarion Pilsbry Moll. 46 Gymnobothroides Karny Ins. 270 Gymnocarcelia Townsei^ Ins. 227 Hadrocranella Horvdth Ins. 243 Halecodon Cockerell Pisces 11 Halkyardia Heron- Allen and Earland Prot. 20 Halocoryza Alluaud Ins. 106 Haloporcellis V erhoeff Crust. 15 Hamitopsenius Wasmann Ins. Ill Hammatopsis H adding Verm. 30 Hapalothyma Meyrick Ins. 197 Haplocookia Brolemann Myr., Arachn. 25 Haplohelix Pilsbry Moll. 48 Haplomus SzepUgef.i Ins. 159 Haplonepion Pilsbry Moll. 46 Haplopalpus Rubsaamen Ins. 204 Haplornis Wetmore Aves 61 Harmopsides Chamberlin Verm. 30 Harmotona Meyrick Ins. 198 1 Hayia Jordan and Gilbert Pisces 1 1 Heidemanniella Poppius Ins, 248 Helicomyia Riibsaamen Ins. 204 Heliconiamyia Dyar Ins. 213 Helmintholepia Cockerell Pisces 11 Hemithyreopus Kohl Ins. 151 Hesperodinera Townsend Ins. 228 Hesperonoe Chamberlin Venn. 30 Heterithone Tillyard Ips. 201 lleteroblysniia Rhine Ins. 140 Heterocranus Bourgoin Ins. 123 Heterogamoides Fnllaway Ins. IC4 Heterolasma Elder s Coel. 15 Heteroneura Craivfmd Ins. 256 Heteroneura Davis Ins, 257 Hotoroschoma (7a/ia>i- Ins. 109 HexacantheropUom Schmitz Ins. 224 Hippaliosina Ganu Bry., Brach. 11 Hippocystis Bather Echin. 16 Histioclinus Metzelaar Pisces 17 Holcoides Hebard Ins. 268 Holoconopa Kiefer Ins. 209 Holopteridius Bruch Ins. 140 Holothylax Cabrera Mam. 27 Homoeocamaria Blair Ins. 132 Homohelea Kieffer Ins. 209 Homotrixa V illetieuve Ins. 226 , Hoplocampoides Enslin Ins. 172 Hoplomargasus Horvath Ins. 244 Hoplonopsis SzSpUgeti Ins. 160 Hoplophorina Szepligeti Ins. 160 Honnosomyia Felt Ins. 204 Hubbesia Jordan Pisces 16 Hubenthalia Bickhardt Ins. 117 Hybolasioptera Riibsaamen Ins. 204 Hylastinoides Spessivitzev Ins, 139 Hylocryptus Chapman Aves 59 Hymetta McAtee’lm, 256 Hyoliris Williams Ins. 161 Hypanthedon Hampson Ins. 181 Hypenomyia Townsend Ins. 228 Hypiesta Hampson Ins. 193 Hypodrassodes de Dalmas Arachn. 15 . Hypolagocaulus Hustache Ins. 136 Hypomelittia Hampson Ins. 181 Hypomiolispa Kleine Ins. 140 Hypophassus Le Cerf Ins. 183 Hyporhicnoda Hebard Ins. 267 Hystatomyia Dyar Ins. 213 Hysteroneura Davis Ins. 257 latrophobia Riibsaamen Ins. 204 Idiella Stechow Coel. 10 Idiothele Hewitt Arachn. 14 Ilyphagus Chamberlin Verm. 30 Incamyiopsis Townsend Ins. 228 Indocrinus Wanner Echin. 15 lodamoeba Dobell Prot. 19 Iquius Jordan Pisces 12 Irenicodes Meyrick Ins. 198 6 Irenomys Thomas Mam. 23 Irillion Jordan Pisces 12 Ischiocassis Spaeth Ins. 143 Ischnoglessula Pilsbry Moll. 61 Ischnonyx Riibsaamen Ins. 204 Isophyllpstreptus Brolemann Myr., Arachn. 25 Itotomarus Reitler Ins. 119 Jaai)iella Riibsaamen Ins. 204 Jenningaia Schaeffer IVot. 24 Jugoda Melichar Ins, 253 Julianella Qramli Ins. 169 Kaionoreis Chamberlin Verm. 30 Kaltcnbachiella Riibsaamen Ins. 204 Kapiriclla Schouteden Ins. 242 * Kareya A ndrewes Ins. 106 Kebuita Chamberlin Verm. 30 Kesun Chamberlin Verm. 30 Koratia Godwin- Austen Moll. 47 Korinchia Edwards Ins. 225 Kurdia Uvarov Ins. 269 Laberius Kieffer Ins. 166 Laminitarsus Fnllaway Ins. 164 Lampoquia Jwdaw and Gilbert Pisces 16 Lamproblatta Hebard Ins. 267 Langurioscython Heller Ins. 126 Lanugodacne Heller Ins. 145 Laomenes Clark Crust. 14 Laonomedes Chamberlin Verm. 30 Lapithasa Melichar Ins. 253 Lathromyza Riibsaamen Ins. 205 Leiodinychus Berlese Arachn. 19 Lembella Schouteden Ins. 242 Lemmamyia Dyar Ins. 213 Lenomyia Kertesz Ins. 218 Lopadiocrinus Wanner Echin. 15 Lepidohelea Kieffer Ins. 209 Leptaenoidea Hedstrbm Brach. 6 Leptochersa Meyrick Ins. 198 Leptodexia Townsend Ins. 228 Leptoecia Chamberlin Verm. 30 Leptolaelaps Berlese Arachn. 19 Leptomacquartia Townsend Ins. 228 Loptynoptera Crawford Ins. 256 Leucempria Enslin Ins. 172 Leucicthyops Cockerell Pisces 1 1 Leurops Marshall Ins. 136 Libethroidea Hebard Ins. 268 Ligyromyia KerUsz Ins. 218 Liljevallia Hedstrom Brach. 6 Limnophilella Alexander Ins. 216 Limphysothrips Bagnall Ins. 261 Liocapsidea Poppius Ins. 248 Liocapsus Poppius Ins. 248 LioporaOj)4y Bry., Brach. 11 Liostethoinimus Karny Ins. 269 Liotheronia Enderlein Ins, 160 7 Lissoblatta Hebard Ins. 267 Lithobiocerus Bridwell Ins. 166 • Litopeltis Hebard Ins. 267 liitosormyle Hebard Ins. 268 Littorinalacuna Cossmann Moll. 36 Loberolus Orouvelle Ins. 119 Locustipes Heller Ins. 141 Lokia Ris Ins. 265 Lomasa Andrewes Ins. 106 Lophar Jordan and Gilbert Pisces 16 Lophoceps Hampson Ins. 181 Lophometopum Hebard Ins. 267 Loxocrinus Wanner Echin. 16 Lusingania Laboissiere Ins. 143 Lusingattalus Pic Ins. 129 Lydellothelaira Townsend Ins. 228 Lygisma J ordan & Gilbert Pisces 12 Macateeia Malloch Ins, 228 Machaeriobia Rubsaamen Ins. 205 Machairomasicera Townsend Ins. 228 Macroastylus Pic Ins. 129 Macrocepicoccus Morrison Ins. 259 Macrodinychus Berlese Arachn. 19 Macrometopius Horvdth Ins. 256 Macropophila Mjoberg Ins. 261 Macroporpa Rubsaamen Ins. 205 Macroscelesia Hampson Ins. 181 Macrostolops Grouvelle Ins. 118 Maechidinus Lea Ins. 121 Maesia Schouteden Ins. 239 Magilopsis Sowerhy Moll. 32 Magwenga Morley Ins. 160 Mahania Poppius Ins. 249 Maliatsinia Spaeth Ins. 144 Malthoichthyurus Pic Ins. 129 Mandingoa Hartert Aves 69 Mandragora Schumacher Ins. 249 Mangodiplosis Tavares Ins. 205 Manotes Kertesz Ins. 218 Margretbia Jesperscn & Tuning Pisces Mascarena A rrow Ins. 12 1 Masia Mercet Ins. 169 Mastigamoeba Fanthwn Prot. 19 Mastigethus Chamberlin Verm. 3l Mastigopliallus Hesse Moll. 48 Matncania Townsend Ins. 228 Mauita Chamberlin Verm. 31 Mauricia Harris Moll. 54 Maynea Schouteden Ins. 242 Medusochloris Pascher Prot. 24 Megacheuma Mickel Ins. 141 Megacryptus Szepligeti Ins. 160 Mogaouloewia Townsend Ins. 228 Megapsychops Tillyard Ins. 202 Megarthropsis Cameron 112 Megaulus Rubsaamen Ins. 206 Meigenielloides Townsend Ins. 228 Melanorhinus Metzelaar Pisces 16 Melanoclerus Ins, 130 Melinomyia Kertesz Ins. 234 Melittiphis Berlese Arachn. 19 Melyrastylus Pic Ins. 129 Merrimina Jordan & Gilbert Pisces 17 Mesafrication Pilsbry Moll. 47 Mesepora Matsumura Ins. 253 Mesocryptus SzSpligeM Ins. 160 Mesomyzostoma Remscheid Verm. 34 Mesopimpia Cocker ell Ins. 161 Mesopirene Girault Ins. 169 Mesotiocerus Matsumura Ins. 253 Metagynella Berlese Arachn. 19 Metallicoraintho Townsend Ins. 228 Metanalges Trouessart Arachn. 21 Metapedias Enderlein Ins. 172 Metasphondylia Tavares Ins. 205 Metatachina Townsend Ins. 228 Metatheora Meyrick Ins. 198 Methneria Bernhauer Ins. 112 Metrocoropsis Paiva Ins. 246 Metylaeus Bridwell Ins. 148 Miamyia Dyar Ins. 213 Micraonyx Allen Mam. 21 Micrecia Hampson Ins. 181 Micrereunetes Berlese Arachn. 20 Microaporia Toionsend Ins. 228 Microastylus Pic Ins. 129 , Microchaetona Townsend Ins. 228 Microcochlearius Chubb Aves 59 Microchorus Szepligeti Ins. 161 Microcilibe Carter Ins. 132 Microcistela Pic Ins. 133 Microcompsus Horvdth Ins. 239 Microdrassus de Dalmas Arachn. 15 Microhelea Kieffer Ins. 209 Microichthyurus Pic Ins. 129 Micromalthinus Pic Ins. 129 Micromintho Townsend Ins. 228 Microstenus Szepligeti Ins. 161 Microtes Becker Ins. 223 12 Micruloma Carter Ins. 132 Mikiella Rubsaamen Ins. 205 Mimaulodes Marshall Ins. 136 Mimochalcas Pic Ins. 129 Mimocleptris Horvdth Ins. 244 Mimocyptus Cameron Ins. 112 Mimulapis Bridwell Ins. 148 Minthohoughia Townsend Ins. 229 Minthomyia Townsend Ins. 229 Minthozelia Townsend Ins. 229 Minuania Cabrera Mam. 27 Mixohelea Kieffer Ins. 209 Mnionophilus Carter Ins. 132 Mogamis Chamberlin Vorm. 31 Mollocrinus Wanner Echin. 16 Monardia Enslin Ins. 172 Monobrachiocrinus Wanner Echin. 16 Moroderia Reitter Ins. 136 Morphochalcas Pic Ins. 129 Muiriella Fullaway Ins. 165 8 Musoidideious Becker Ins. 223 Mydaeina Malloch Ins. 229 Myothyriopsia Townsend Ins. 229 Myrmecoptinus Waainann Ins. 130 ^lyraiidonella Berland Arachn. 16 Mysorella Godwin- Austen Moll. 37 Mysoria Godwin- Austen Moll, 37 Mythecops Beitter Ins. 136 Mythoplastis Meyrick Ins. 198 Nadiva Navds Ins. 202 Naizema Navds Ins. 202 Namanereis Chamberlin Verm. 31 Nannaria Gha^nberlin Myr,, Arachn. 25 Nannophyllia Bergroth Ins. 240 Nans Chamberlin, Verm. 31 Nautopaedium Jordaw Pisces 18 Navasia Tavares Ins. 205 Neerupa Hampson Ins. 193 Nematevansia Ihle Verm. 23 Neraatodinus Lea Ins. 126 Neoacanthina Keriesz Ins. 218 Neobanepa Hampson Ins. 193 Neocatonyx Walter Arachn. 21 Neochrysops Walton Ins. 220 Neocosmiella Hebard Ins. 266 Noooryptus SzSpligeti Ins. 161 Neodiapria Kiejfer Ins. 166 Neoerigone Townsend Ins. 229 Neoglottis Ridgway Aves 49 Neohedobia Fisher Ins. 130 Neohirmoneura Bequaert Ins. 222 Neoldugia Distant Ins. 244 Neoleria Malloch Ins. 234 Neolygus Knight Ins. 249 Neomeristia Meyrich Ins. 198 Neomongoma Alexander Ins. 216 Neomuscina Townsend Ins. 229 Neopedicinus Fahrenholz Ins. 260 Neoptolemus Horvath Ins. 239 Neoscotia Townsend Ins. 229 Neothodelmus Distant Ins, 244 Neotinthia Hampson Ins. 181 Neotticoris Horvath Ins. 246 Neowinthemia Townsend Ins. 229 Neoxylonomus Szepligeti Ins. 161 Neozirta Distant Ins. 244 Nesaulax Jacobi Ins. 255 Nesencyrtus TimberlaTce Ins. 169 Neshylaeus Bridwell Ins. 148 Nesomyndus Jacobi Ins. 253 Netrocerina Enderlein Ins. 172 Neurocentropus Novas Ins. 200 Neuropsyche Tillyard Ins. 200 Nicollella Chatton and Perard Prot. 25 Nohoveus Navds Ins. 202 Nomiapis Cockerell Ins, 149 Noteropagus d'Orchymont Ins. 109 Nothrholaspis Berlese Arachn. 20 Nothylaeus Bridwell Ins. 149 Notiothemis Bis Ins. 265 Numidioa Barreto Verm. 23 Nymphulodes Hampson Ins. 193 Ochromeigenia Townsend Ins. 229 Ochtherocapsua Poppius Ins. 249 Ocrioessa Bergroth Ins. 244 Octagornphus Broom llept. 1 1 Octospinifer Van Cleave Verm. 25 Odontocryptus Szepligeti Ins. 161 Odontoxenia Schmitz Ins. 224 Oestroplagia Townsend Ins. 229 Okanagodes Davis Ins. 252 Okatropis Matsumura Ins. 253 Ollachea Townsend Ins. 229 Omania Horvdth Ins. 251 Omicrogiton d'Orchymont Ins. 109 Oncia Annandale Moll. 51 Oncilla Allen Mam. 20 Oncogen ys Champion Ins. 112 Oncosalpingus Blair Ins. 134 Oodinychus Berlese Arachn. 20 Opelousia Townsend Ins. 229 Ophinella Stechow Coel. 10 Ophiodissa Stechow Coel. 10 Ophryomedon Wasmann Ins. 112 Ophthalmothrips Hood Ins. 262 Opophylax Bergroth Ins. 239 Opsidiopsis Townsend Ins. 229 Opsodoca Meyrick Ins. 198 Opsoleskia Townsend Ins. 229 Opsomeigenia Townsend Ins. 229 Opsotheresia Townsend Ins. 229 Opsozelia Townsend Ins. 229 Orchesiolobopoda Pic Ins. 133 Orchymontia Broun Ins, 109 Oreohomorus Pilsbry Moll. 60 Oriades Chamberlin Yevm. 31 Orqueta Jordan Pisces 15 Orthogibbus Germain Moll. 46 Osbornictis Allen Mam. 20 Oshimia Jordan Pisces 16 Osteoblepharon Schmidt Kept. 10 Otochares Meyrick Ins. 198 Oto triton Loomis Kept. 12 Oxycalypta Karny Ins. 269 Oxymandias Jordan k Gilbert Pisces 11 Oxymyia Kertesz Ins. 219 Oxypodersb Bernhauer Ins, 112 Ozophagus Eggers Ins, 139 Pabits Chamberlin Verm. 31 Pachecoa Harris Moll. 55 Pachorhopala £crw/ia«er Ins. 112 Pachynocera Townsend Ins. 230 Pachysoma Szepligeti Ins. 161 Pachy thrissops W oodward Pisces 1 2 Paeon Wilson Cruat. 16 Paiwa Chamberlin Verm. 31 Palaeoholopus Wanner Echin. 15 9 Palaeosoma Jackson & Brade-Birks Arachn. 26 Palaeofccleia Cockerell Ins. 166 Paloniella Poppius Ins. 261 Pantellaria Dali Brach, 7 Pantilioforma Schumacher Ins. 260 Pantoithrix Chamberlin Verm. 31 Panurgopsis Kertesz Ins. 234 Paracatillocrinus W anner 'Rchin. 16 Paracechorismenus Kertesz Ins. 219 Parachilocoris Horvdth Ins. 239 Paracorethrusa Melichar Ins. 253 Paracraspedothrix VUleneuve Ins. 230 Paracryptus SzepUgeti Ins. 162 Paradoxeoia Hampson Ins. 181 Parade xonycteris Revilliod Mam. 18 Paralibavius Paiva Ins. 244 Parameigenia Townsend Ins. 230 Paramerisfcis Meyrick Ins. 198 Paramystaria de Dessert Arachn. 17 Parancyla Hampson lus. 194 Paranisia Matsumura Ins. 263 Parapanthous Distant Ins. 244 Paraphacota Santschi Ins. 166 Paraphyllophora Revilliod Mam. 1 8 Paraplynus Jeannel Ins. 244 Paraprososthenia A Moll. 37 Paraptychoptera Tonnoir Ins. 216 Parapyrgula A & Prashad Moll. 37 Paratlielaira Toivnsend Ins. 230 Parathrombiam Berlese Arachn. 20 Parathyreopus Kohl Ins. 161 Paratopula Wheeler Ins. 166 Paratraea Hampson Ins. 194 Paratyndaris Fisher Ins. 126 Parawinnertsia Felt Ins. 206 Paraxenistis Meyrick Ins. 198 Parazelia Townsend Ins. 230 Parepimelitta Bruch Ins. 141 Parerupa Hampson Ins. 194 Parholaspis Berlese Arachn. 20 Parinodiceras Trueman Moll. 61 Parisobrachium Kieffer Ins. 167 Patissodes Hampson Ins. 194 Paumotella Chamberlin Verm. 32 Panridia Timberlake Ins. 169 Paurosphondylus RiXbscbamen Ins. 206 Pegadomyia KertSsz Ins. 219 Pelthydrus d'Orchymont Ins. 109 Peltidolygus Poppius Ins. 260 Peltocymba Reitter Ins. 118 Pemphigocecis Rubsaamen Ins. 205 Pentemyia Dyar Ins. 213 Perata Swinhoe Ins. 186 Pergandea Aldrich Ins. 230 Pergula M or ice Ins. 173 Pericrepis Horvdth Ins. 239 Peridelias Turner Ins. 189 Periodon Hadding Verm. 32 (n-13799 t) Periplexis Wilson Crust. 17 Periploca Braun Ins. 199 Peripterocriniis Wanner Echin. 16 Pcrisierola Kieffer Ins. 167 Perissothrips Hood Ins. 262 Perostylus Benick Ins. 113 Petrosarcophaga Townsend Ins. 230 Phacogalia Mjoberg Ins. 261 Phasiophyto Townsend Ins. 230 Philodoxus Horvdth Ins. 246 Phobeticomyia KertSsz Ins. 235 Pholidoceras Mercet Ins. 169 Phorbasia Kieffer Ins. 167 Phosciscus Oshima Pisces 13 Phrynofrontina Townsend Ins. 230 Phrynolydella Townsend Ins. 230 Phyja Distant Ins. 245 Phyllophyrama Karny Ins. 269 Phyllopidea Knight Ins. 250 Phymovelia Horvdth Ins. 246 Phytocoropsis Poppius Ins. 250 Picenia Mancini M,oll. 61 Picromorpha Turner Ins. 189 Pioltania Arm.? Ins. 222 Pilophoropsis Poppius Ins. 260 Pimelorrhinus Reitter Ins. 137 Pithomyia KerUsz Ins. 219 Placochela Rubsaamen Ins. 205 Placodister Bickhardt Ins. 117 Planimyrma Viehmeyer Ins. 155 Plater Navds Ins. 202 Platybelone Fowler Pisces 14 Platycorax Oberholser Aves 64 Platylestes Hebard Ins. 267 Platylissodema Pic Ins. 134 Platynomyia Kertesz Ins. 219 Platysalpingus Blair Ins. 134 Platytesis Hampson Ins. 194 Plectoderoides Matsumura Ins. 263 Pleiarthrocerus Bruch Ins. 141 Plesialges Trouessart Arachn. 21 Plesiooestrus VUleneuve Ins. 226 Pleurophopsis Van Winkle Moll. 56 Plicigulella Pilsbry Moll. 46 Plotobia Chamberlin Verm. 32 Plotoholmis Chamberlin Verm. 32 Plotolepsis Chamberlin Verm. 32 Plynaspis Jeannel Ins. 246 Pnictes Jordan Pisces 17 Podarmus Chamberlin Verm. 32 Poecilocera Schaeffer Ins. 144 Pogonomyioides Malloch Ins. 230 Poliolaema Chubb Aves 68 Polyenaulus Etheridge Moll. 44 Pomphus Marshall Ins. 137 Poppiusiella Frey Ins. 221 Poroblatta Hebard Ins. 267 Porphyrocapsus Poppius Ins. 250 Poteriostomum Quid Verm. 24 Prakasha Andrewes Ins. 107 d 16 10 Praomyia Kerlesz Ins. 219 Prholaspina Berlese Arachn. 20 Priraigulella Pilsbry Moll. 46 Prion otalis Hampson Ins. 194 Proantocha Alexander Ins. 216 Procandiope Dyar Ins. 194 Prodida de Dalmas Arachn. 16 Proegmenomyia KerUsz Ins. 219 Prolamlonyx Silvestri Myr., Arachn. 26 Prolanthia Biibsaamen Ins. 206 Properidinium Meunier Prot. 26 Prophyllocrinus Wanner Echin. 16 Propsilomma Kieffer Ins. 167 Proroglutea Townsend Ins. 230 Proscopus Marshall Ins. 137 Prosopoxys Jacobi Ins. 266 Prosotera Turner Ins. 189 Prosplocamis Meyrick Ins. 199 Prostomomyia Kertesz Ins. 219 Protiaropsis Stechow Coel. 11 Protostrophus Marshall Ins. 137 Prototapirella Cunha Prot. 26 Psalitrus d’Orchijmont Ins. 109 Psephocrita Meyrick Ins. 199 Pseudamycterus Pierce Ins. 137 Pseuderimerus Qahan Ins. 170 Pseudeurystylus Poppius Ins. 260 Pseudoastylus Pic Ins. 129 Pseudoatta Gallardo Ins. 155 Pseudobonellia Johnston & Tiegs Verm 35 Pseudoblosyrus Marshall Ins. 137 Psoudocardita Oppenheim Moll. 66 Pseiidocerocoma Pic Ins. 129 Psoudochaetona Townsend Ins. 230 Pseudocorethrura Melichar Ins. 253 Pseadocrypturgus Eggers Ins. 139 Pseudocyphomyia Kerlesz Ins, 219 Pseudodasytos Pic Ins. 129 Pseudoovaza Kerlesz Ins. 219 Pseudogenusa Rebel Ins. 189 Pseudohylesinus Eggers Ins. 139 Pseudolina Schaeffer Ins. 144 Pseudomansa Sz&pligeti Ins. 162 Pseudomesitius Duchaussoy Ins. 167 Pseudonemadus Portevin Ins. 116 Pseudonomcritis Szepligeti Ins. 162 Pseudoperinthus Wasmann Ins. 113 Pseudophocylides Kleine lna. 140 Paeudoproictes Hustache Ins. 137 Pseudorhicnoessa Malloch Ins. 235 Pseudosiptornis Cory Ayes 68 Pseudotocinclus Nichols Pisces 14 Psoroptoides Troueasart Arachn. 21 Psychopsella Tillyard Ins. 202 Psyllites Cockerell Ins. 257 Pterinopteria T'ownsend Ins. 230 Ptorooryptus Szdpligeti Ins. 162 Ptorothrix Chamberlin Verm. 32 Pterygiocottus Beaii & Weed Pisces 17 Ptilocrinus Wanner Echin. 16 Ptomaphaginus Portevin Ins. 115 Ptychoon Pilsbry Moll. 46 Pullneya Horvdth Ins. 239 Punamyocera Townsend Ins. 230 Piipigulella Pilsbry Moll. 46 Putonisca Horvdth Ins. 239 Pyonosoeloides Hebard Ins. 267 Pycnotheca Stechow Coel. 11 Pyelomyia Kertesz Ins. 219 Pyranthrene Hampson Ins. 181 Quaesita Jordan & Gilbert Pisces 1 Quaylea Timberlake Ins. 170 Quedara Swinhoe Ins. 179 Raetomya Newton Moll. 68 Ragytes Portevin Ins. 115 Raiamas Jordan Pisces 13 Rampylla Dyar Ins. 194 Raxa Distant Ins. 241 Rectirhynchia Buckman Brach. 7 Rhabdoplexaura Kiikenthal Coel. 14 Rhachiocrema Mann Ins. 155 Rhegmoza Enderlein Ins. 257 Rheocles Jordan Pisces 16 Rhinocylapidius Poppius Ins. 2.50 Rhinoencyrtus Mercet Ins. 170 Rhizotrichia Stechow Coel. 1 1 Rhodischnura Laidlaio Ins. 265 Rhodolygus Poppius Ins. 250 Rhomarchus Jordan & Gilbert Pisces 17 Rhoinurus Jordan Pisces 11 Rhopalospiria Enderlein Ins. 173 Riethia Kieffer Ins. 210 Ritaemyia Frey Ins. 235 Ritteria Metcalf Prochord. 3 Rivularioides Annandale Moll. 38 Robortsonoinyia Malloch Ins. 220 Roemerocrinus Wanner Echin. 16 Rogenites Jord!a» Pisces 11 Rondaniella RUbsaamen Ins. 205 Rusguniella Seurat Verm. 24 Ruwenzoria Laboissiere Ins. 144 Sacculina Bale Coel. 11 Saldubella Kertesz Ins. 219 Salsolomyia Tavares Ins. 206 Samaroblatta Tillyard Ins. 267 Saraonycteris Revilliod Mam. 19 Sandomingia Rathbun Crust. 13 Saxjhobranchia Chamberlin 33 Sathroptera Kertdsz Ins. 219 Saurocoris McAtee Ins. 242 Saussurobolus Carl Myr., Arachn. 26 Scaphestes Oshima Pisces 13 Scaphodacne Heller Ins. 145 Sohedioides Mercet Ins. 170 Sohismatodiplosis Rubsaamen Ins. 206 Schistostephana Townsend Ins. 231 11 Sohizoconops Kiefer Ins. 2 10 Schoenerupa Hampson Ins. 195 Soiomystis Meyritk Ins. 199* Scionidcs Chamberlin Verm. 33 Scleropasfca Meyrick Ins. 199 Scoliopsis d'Orchymont Ins. 109 Scolopocranum Horvdth Ins. 240 Scolojionotus Horvdth Ins. 245 Sebastavus J ordan & Gilbert Pisces 1 1 Seidlitzelius Reilter Ins. 132 Semimanatlia Janse Ins. 184 Semiodcra Chamberlin Verm. 33 Sepidoscinis Hendcl Ins. 235 Septanychiis McGregor Arachn. 20 Seres Watersfon Ins. 170 Setarclla Reitler Ins. 120 Setodellina Lestage Ins. 200 Seuratia Dillevsen Verm. 24 Sfitakantlia Andrewes Ins. 107 Sbeldonella Maury Moll. 65 Shirakia Matsumura Ins. 254 Shizuka Matsumura Ins. 254 Silvigulella Pilsbry Moll. 40 Sinaia Becker Ins. 222 Sinitrella Chamberlin Verm. 33 Siopa Jacobi Ins. 254 Siphonomyiella Frey Ins. 236 Siptornoides Cory Aves 59 Siptornopsis Cory Aves 68 Smithites Jordan & Gilbert Pisces 12 Sogana Matsumura Ins. 254 Sonatsa Chamberlin Verm. 33 Soosia Hesse Moll. 49 Spaniomyia KerUsz Ins. 219 Speocharidius Jeo;me/. Ins. 110 Spliaerionotus de Meyere Ins. 216 Sphaerodiplosis Riibsaamen Ins. 200 Sphedanovarus Jeannel Ins. 245 Sphenomjda Aldrich Ins. 231 Spinapalochrus Pic Ins. 130 Spinastylus Pic Ins. 130 Spinibarbus Oshima Pisces 13 Spinolissodema Pic Ins. 134 Spirorbella Chamberlin Verm. 33 Spirorbides Chamberlin Verm. 33 Spongiocyathas Folkeson Coel. 10 Squalodelphia Piaz Mam. 27 Stachyocrinus Wanner Ecliin. 16 Steganolauxania Frey Ins. 236 Stehlinia Revilliod Mam. 19 Stenarella Szipligeti Ins. 162 Stenocalama Hampson Ins. 195 Stenochironomus Kieffer Ins. 211 Stenogenomorpha Pic Ins. 132 . Stenophyella Horvdth Ins. 241 Stenosialis Tillyard Ins. 202 Stcphanolaimus Ditlevsen Verm. 24 Siereochorista Tillyard Ins. 202 Stereostele Pilsbry Moll. 46 Stereotheca StecJww Coel. 1 1 Sfcerrhaulus Rubscbamen Ins. 206 Steveniopsis Townsend Ins. 231 Stiohotrema Hofeneder Ins. 146 Stictochilus Bergroth Ins. 240 Stictochironomus Kieffer Ins. 211 Stictocricus Horvdth Ins. 241 Stictomyrmornis Chubb Aves 58 Stiphrometasia Zicrny Ins. 195 Stoma II adding Verm. 33 Storaatolydella Townsend Ins. 231 Stratiopisthius Senna & Calahresi Ins. 140 Strephomescinia Dyar Ins. 195 Stryphnodes Meyrick Ins. 199 Sturmiodc.xia Townsend Ins. 231 Stylopodus Ins. 114 Stypoza Enderlein Ins. 173 Submedeterus Becker Ins. 224 Subuliniscus Pilsbry Moll. 61 Sundacrinus IFamier Echin. 16 Sycoplinirus Picard Ins. 163 Syletor Jordan Pisces 14 Symmigcs Turner Ins. 190 Synclisis Navds Ins. 202 Synechops Marshall Ins. 138 Synelmis Chamberlin Verm. 33 Syngenodrilus Smith & Green Verm. 34 Synoza Enderlein Ins. 267 Syntomocrinus Wanner Echin. 16 Synzeuxis Turner Ins. 190 Syrmologa Meyrick Ins. 199 ^Systylis Bresslau Prot. 26 Taivaniella Poppius Ins. 260 Tarsistcs Jordan Pisces 10 Tasmosalpingus Lea Ins. 134 Tavistocka Mathews Aves 69 Telake Chamberlin Verm. 33 Teleozontos Pilsbry Moll. 47 Teloconus Grouvelle Ins. 118 Telothyriosoma Townsend Ins. 231 Tempora Matsumura Ins. 254 Tenebriocamaria Pic Ins. 132 Tephrorayiopsis Townsend Ins. 231 Termitobiella Wasmann Ins. 114 Termitotima Wasmann Ins. 114 Tetradonema Cobb Verm. 24 Tetraolytta Pic Ins. 134 Teuchothrips Hood Ins. 262 Teutberga Jacobi Ins. 254 Thalassocrinus Wanner Echin. 10 Tliania Poppius Ins, 251 Thelairochaetona Townsend Lis. 231 Thelepella Chamberlin Verm. 33 Therochaeta Chamberlin Verm. 33 Thetidicrinus IFann^r Echin. 16 Thinobadistes Hay Mam, 27 Thlibopleunis Bernhauer Ins. 1 14 Thomasiella Riibsaamen Ins. 200 Thopomyia KerUsz Ins. 219 12 Thoracostomopsis Dillevsen Venn. 24 Thorictosoma Lea Ins. 133 Thuiella Stechow Coel. 12 Thunbergia Horvdth Ins. 241 Thurberiphaga Dyar Ins. 186 Thylacognathus Kertdaz Ins. 219 Thyranthrene Hampson Ins. 182 Thysanogyna Crawford Ins. 257 . Thysanuchus Bergroth Ins. 245 Tiarellacerithium Charpiat Moll. 35 Timoria Kaye Ins. 180 Tinginotopsis Poppius Ins. 251 Tingitana Pallary Moll. 49 Togocyaraus Oppenheim Echin. 1 1 Tolongia Poppius Ins. 251 Topomeigenia Townsend Ins. 231 Tortigulella Pilsbry Moll. 46 Trachymantis Methuen Kept. 1 1 Tradescanticola Hampson Ins. 182 Trapezonalis Szepligeti Ins. 163 Traustedtia Metcalf Prochord. 3 Trematura Berlese Arachn. 20 Triamyia Dyar Ins. 214 Triassoblatta Tillyard Ins. 268 Trichelobracbium Kieffer Ins. 167 Trichiomorphus Bourgoin Ins. 124 Trichocathaioa Oude Moll. 49 Tricholaba Rilbsaamen Ins. 206 Tricholocelaena Berlese Arachn. 20 Trichophassus Le Cerf Ins. 184 Trichosphaeriestes Blair Ins. 134 Trichotopteryx Townsend Ins. 231 Tricladia Mercet Ins. 170 Tricylusa Stechoio Coel. 12 Tridemula Horvdth Ins. 246 Trigonodiplosis Riibsaamen Ins. 206 Trigonolaimus Ditlevsen Verm. 24 Trimerocrinus Wanner Echin. 16 Triodontella Reitter Ins. 122 Trischidooera Villeneuve Ins. 231 Tritobrachia Enderlein Ins. 173 Trochiloglossa Townsend Ins. 231 Trogasteropsis Dodero Ins. 115 Trogloapalochrus Pic Ins. 130 Trogloglanis EigenmannV\s,Go^ 14 Trypheroraimus Pic Ins. 130 Turnebiclla Poppius Ins. 251 Tympauospinolus Berlese Arachn. 20 Typhogenes Meyrick Ins. 199 Udeocoris Bergroth Ins. 241 Ulmeria Navds Ins. 200 Unagius Jordan Pisces 17 Uncinereis Chamberlin Verm. 33 Unilachnus Wilson Ins. 258 Urochaetona Townsend Ins. 231 Urocleaii/ordaa Pisces 11 Urodexoides Townsend Ins. 231 15 voB\p\ion‘ Chamberlin Verm. 33 Valentinella Grandi Ins. 170 Varicostele Pilsbry Moll. 46 Verater Jordan Pisces 17 Vertillaria Pilsbury Moll. 50 Vetora Schouteden Ins. 240 VibrisBovoria Townsend Ins. 231 Vicarihelix Pilsbry Moll. 49 Vicininodiceras Trueman Moll. 61 Vigil Jordan Pisces 17 Vinetifer Jordan Pisces 11 VVachtliella Rubsaamen Ins. 206 Warsanglia Clarke Aves 67 Wheeleripone Mann Ins. 156 Wilsonia Baker Ins. 258 Wombalia Schouteden Ins. 242 Wubana Chamberlin Arachn. 17 Xanthoactia Toiofisend Ins. 231 Xanthooestrus Villeneuve Ins. 226 Xenhybona Santschi Ins. 156 Xenicopsoides Cory Aves 59 Xenobolus Carl Myr., Arachn. 26 Xenogale Allen Mam. 20 Xenogobius Metzelaar Pisces 16 Xeoprosopa Townsend Ins. 231 Xestonotellus Horvdth Ins. 24 1 Xestonotidea Gahan Ins. 170 Xiphiozona Berry Moll. 27 Xironodrilus Ellis Verm. 34 Xironogiton Ellis Verm. 34 Xyne Jordan & Gilbert Pisces 12 Xyrinius Jordan & Gilbert Pisces 15 Xystomima Villeneuve Ins. 226 Xystrologa Meyrick Ins. 109 Yabeina Deprat Prot. 21 Yseria Gedoelst Verm. 24 Zagryphus Cushman Ins. 163 Zahonya Oye Verm. 26 Zanetidites Jordan & Gilbert Pisces 16 Zavreliella Kieffer Ins. 211 Zcloja Melichar Ins. 254 Zimirina de Dalmas Arachn. 15 Zonitotrochus Pilsbry Moll. 47 Zonodorellus Poppius Ins. 251 Zonodoropsis Poppius Ins. 251 Zorcadium Bergroth Ins. 240 Zosteromeigenia Townsend Vos,. 231 Zoufalia Reitter Ins. 115 Zymologa Meyrick Ins. 199 The preservation photocopy was made and hand bound at BookLab, Inc. in compliance with copyright law. The paper, Weyerhaeuser Cougar Opaque Natural, meets the requirements of ANSI /NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). Austin 1994 ; % ■■’ll, ■uv :'‘M- -i. r,, V ," ■ 'S.; W f .. ' ■■■'. r. . . ' 9- '. ... .1 o re: ( n- F: 9 o' i i ■