W.'Sfc, ^ III mil y .o ^ -fj % <*■ \ \ c/ isslr / X Cp A \N b, A'^ .=*===3^ ^> A Jpsfttk .5^ V ^ bk > ^ A> ,1)1 ^ "% H X <*■ a a m y \ act ko0 s<^ /^Plfex A % > ^ \ *■ Xy _. x vw^ vwy \~ *> ptsHfll ya Yc Jp v cP % **0, vv .sn % « Q, - _,y.,: \ A w A' A, £> Kf* xP \ %, sC A1 ^ -A5 A / .O A A^ £■ b. III Hr % 1 V I' ,A * bv @gjfa \ / xo^ % W ^ ^o A> b, 'AgSSSA A5" A, A % / A A, W &L ',/■ \ AA x iAA xV ^ A A % y \ <> A ,,\' v..-::';;- :;-3., _ (y^ A * <„ Sfejfl y „. it .cP V 1 % xb- 1, A> x ^A. A ,e> a i%'-r-b#^| a kf c^v bp ^ b Jp-M -„.. d? 71/ • D / Q v: ^7 1. Part 1. May 9, 1962 PAGE Serological Correspondence Among Horseshoe “Crabs” (Limulidae). By Carl N. Shuster, Jr. Plate 1; Text-figures 1 & 2 1 2. Relative Abundance, Microhabitat and Behavior of Some Southern Appa- lachian Salamanders. By Robert E. Gordon, James A. MacMahon & David B. Wake. Text-figure 1 9 3. Sexual Discrimination and Sound Production hr Uca pugilator Bose. By Michael Salmon & John F. Stout. Plate I; Text-figures 1&2 15 4. Low Temperature Effect on the Testicular Cell-components of the Common Indian Toad, Bufo melanostictus Schneider. By S. L. Basu. Plate I; Text- figure 1 21 5. Biology and Behavior of Damon variegatus Perty of South Africa and Admetus barbadensis Pocock of Trinidad, W. I. (Arachnida, Pedipalpi). By Anne J. Alexander. Text-figures 1-5 25 6. Breeding Activities, Especially Nest Building, of the Yellowtail ( Ostinops decumanas) in Trinidad, West Indies. By William H. Drury, Jr. Text- figures 1-4 39 7. Further Observations on the Pilot Whale in Captivity. By David H. Brown. Plates I & II 59 Part 2. September 15, 1962 8. A Field Study of the Black and White Manakin, Manacus manacus, in Trinidad. By D. W. Snow. Text-figures 1-21 65 9. Longevity of Fishes in Captivity, as of September, 1956. By Sam Hinton. 105 10. Hybridization Experiments in Acheilognathine Fishes (Cyprinidae. Teleostei). A Comparison of the Intergeneric Hybrids between Tanakia tanago and Rhodeus spinalis and Rhodeus ocellatus from Korea and Japan. By J. J. Duyvene de Wit. Plates I & II; Text-figure 1 117 Part 3. November 29, 1962 PAGE 11. Observations of the Sound Production Capabilities of the Bottlenose Porpoise: A Study of Whistles and Clicks. By William E. Evans & John H. Prescott. Plates I-IV; Text-figures 1-6 121 12. Notes on the Biology of Some Trinidad Swifts. By D. W. Snow. Text- figure 1 129 13. The Genetics of Some Polymorphic Forms of the Butterflies Heliconius melpomene Linnaeus and H. erato Linnaeus. I. Major Genes. By J. R. G. Turner & Jocelyn Crane. Plate I; Text-figure 1 141 Part 4. 14. Effects of Hybridization on Pigmentation in Fishes of the Genus Xipho- phorus. By James W. Atz. Plates I-VIII 153 15. A Field Study of the Golden-headed Manakin, Pipra erythrocephala, in Trinidad. By D. W. Snow. Text-figures 1-6 183 16. The Natural History of the Oilbird, Steatomis caripensis, in Trinidad, W.I. Part 2. Population, Breeding Ecology and Food. By D. W. Snow. Plates I-IV; Text-figures 1-4 199 Index to Volume 47 223 ZOOLOGICA SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 47 • PART 1 • MAY 9, 1962 • NUMBERS 1-7 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY The ZOOLOGICAL PARK, New York Contents PAGE 1. Serological Correspondence Among Horseshoe “Crabs” (Limulidae). By Carl N. Shuster, Jr. Plate I; Text-figures 1 & 2 1 2. Relative Abundance, Microhabitat and Behavior of Some Southern Appa- lachian Salamanders. By Robert E. Gordon, James A. MacMahon & David B. Wake. Text-figure 1 9 3. Sexual Discrimination and Sound Production in Uca pugilator Bose. By Michael Salmon & John F. Stout. Plate I; Text-figures 1&2 15 4. Low Temperature Effect on the Testicular Cell-components of the Common Indian Toad, Bufo melanostictus Schneider. By S. L. Basu. Plate I; Text- figure 1 21 5. Biology and Behavior of Damon variegatus Perty of South Africa and Admetus barbadensis Pocock of Trinidad, W. I. (Arachnida, Pedipalpi). By Anne J. Alexander. Text-figures 1-5 25 6. Breeding Activities, Especially Nest Building, of the Yellowtail ( Ostinops decumanus ) in Trinidad, West Indies. By William H. Drury, Jr. Text- figures 1-4 39 7. Further Observations on the Pilot Whale in Captivity. By David H. Brown. Plates I & II........... 59 1 Serological Correspondence Among Horseshoe “Crabs” (Limulidae)1 Carl N. Shuster, Jr. Department of Biology, New York University2 (Plate I: Text-figures 1 & 2) Introduction The few researchers, Graham-Smith (1904), Boyd (1937), Wilhelmi (1942, 1944) and Leone & Webb (1952), that have reported on systematic aspects of the blood serum of horseshoe “crabs,” have all compared Limulus serum with that of animals outside of the family. Since the present report is the first on the comparative serology of the Limulidae, it constitutes an introduction to the serological relationships among horseshoe “crabs.” Three of the four extant species, representing the two sub- families, were serologically compared: the North American species Limulus polyphemus (Linnaeus) Muller, Limulinae, and two Indo- Pacific species, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda (Latreille) Pocock, and Tachypleus gigas (Muller) Leach, Tachypleinae. The fourth, the remaining Asiatic species, Tachypleus tridenta- tus Leach, was not studied. The data, obtained by turbidimetric measure- ments and agar-diffusion records of the precipi- tin reaction between antigens and antibodies, were limited by the available supply of serum from the Indo-Pacific species. Our serological findings provide a basis for a more comprehensive study on the system atics of the Limulidae. There is questionable support for 1 Based upon Part II of a dissertation in the Depart- ment of Biology accepted by the Faculty of the Grad- uate School of Arts and Science, New York University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. This study was aided by a grant from the Research Council, during the summers of 1953 and 1954, and is listed as a contribution from The Serological Museum, Bureau of Biological Research, Rutgers— The State Uni- versity of New Jersey. Contribution No. 21 : University of Delaware Marine Laboratories. 2 Present address: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. the taxonomy proposed by Pocock (1902), who divided into three genera the four extant species previously confounded under Limulus. Materials and Methods Hemolymph samples were collected from adult limuli in eleven populations of Limulus, from Florida to Maine, during the summer of 1953. Sera for this study were selected from animals in four widely separated populations: Pleasant Bay, Massachusetts; Providence River, Rhode Island; Miles River, Maryland; and Sar- asota Bay, Florida. Sera from two of the three Indo-Pacific species, C. rotundicauda (samples from eleven specimens) and T. gigas (one sam- ple), were obtained by Dr. D. S. Johnson and his associates in the Department of Zoology, University of Malaya. Without this generous as- sist from Dr. Johnson the present study would not have been possible; the author owes him a personal note of gratitude. Similar contacts with other researchers, to obtain T. tridentatus serum, proved nonproductive. The hemolymph was preserved for study in the following manner (see Boyden, 1953, for general procedure). (1) A horseshoe “crab” was held in ventriflexion over a large glass beaker, or a funnel, and the arthrodial (dorsi- mesal) membrane in the hinge region cut deeply to puncture the underlying heart. Hemolymph usually flowed rapidly, directly from the heart; the flow could be increased by slowly moving the opisthosoma up and down like a bellows. (2) The hemolymph was stored overnight in an ice chest or a refrigerator to allow the amoebocytes to coagulate and form a “clot.” (3) Then, after the clot formed, the serum was decanted into a graduate. (4) A stock solution of merthiolate ( 1 gram merthiolate powder in 100 milliliters of distilled water) was then added, 1 milliliter of the stock solution to each 49 milliliters of serum and the solution shaken well. (5) The merthio- 1 2 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 1 lated serum was bottled and stored in a cold room until used (temperature regulated at 1°C.). Antisera to the serum of female Limulus from six different populations and the Tachypleinae sera were produced, using rabbits as producers. A reciprocal testing program was followed, limi- ted only by the small amount of Tachypleinae serum available. Full reaction curves for each of the antigens were run on the Libby photron- reflectometer (photron’er). In graphing the re- sults, galvanometer readings on the photron’er were expressed as turbidity units along the or- dinate, antigen concentration as antigen dilution along the abscissa. Each successive cell of anti- gen dilution, 1 through 15, contained one-half as much antigen as the preceding cell. The first cell, 1, was assumed to contain 5% antigen, or a titer of 1/20. Thus, cell 15 has an assumed an- tigen titer of 1/327,680. The exact protein con- centration is not critical when whole titration curves are available for comparison. Total tur- bidity values for each curve were obtained by adding all the individual turbidities of each an- tigen dilution tube in the test. A value of 100 percent, was assigned to the area under the hom- ologous curves and the heterologous values then expressed as percentages of the homologous total. These serological tests were conducted at The Serological Museum, Bureau of Biological Re- search, Rutgers— The State University of New Jersey, under the direction of Drs. Ralph J. DeFalco and Douglas G. Gemeroy in 1954 and 1955. The techniques and procedures elaborated by Dr Alan A. Boyden, director of The Serologi- cal Museum, and co-workers (Boyden & De- Falco, 1943; Bolton, Leone & Boyden, 1948; and Leone, 1949, 1950) were used. The author is grateful to Dr. Boyden for reviewing the manuscript of this report. Another measure of the precipitin reactions among Limulidae sera and antisera were ob- tained from a series of tests using the double- diffusion, Jennings-modified (Jennings & Malone, 1954; Jennings, 1954), three-depot method of Ouchterlony (1949). The desired test combinations of sera and antisera, each reactant placed separately in the corner reser- voirs of a triangular plastic plate, separately diffuse through the agar. The diffusing reactants immediately combine in the region of equiva- lent concentrations (Munoz, 1954). At first in- visible, this combination appears in time as a band or zone of precipitin which can be photo- graphed. Dr. Sheldon A. London conducted these tests at the University of Delaware in 1957, in conjunction with a problem on micro- bial serological correspondence. The author is indebted to Dr. London for the photographs and the data he obtained. Results Reciprocal precipitin reactions between the sera and antisera of three species of Limulidae, L. polyphemus, T. gigas and C. rotundicauda, are summarized in Tables 1 and 2, and are shown on graphs (Text-fig. 1), a diagram (Text-fig. 2) and photographs (Plate I). The curves (Text-fig. 1) obtained from the precipitin tests are typical unimodal curves which show no departure in spatial arrange- ment from a typical reaction curve (see for ex- ample: Leone, 1949; Boyden & DeFalco, 1956). The relative positions of the peaks of the curves are also typical, with the peaks of the heterolo- gous curves usually to the right of and exceeded by the peak of the homologous reaction. Turbidimetric results are summarized by a diagram (Text-fig. 2) indicating the serological distance between the species using a modifica- tion of Boyden’s (1932) method. When the reaction values between two species are averaged and subtracted from 100, a serological “yard- stick” is obtained which indicates the relative distances between the species. Thus the triangle in Text-figure 2B gives the relative distance be- tween the three species according to a turbidi- metric measurement of the precipitin reaction of their serum proteins in the reciprocal tests. Reactions among sera and antisera for three Limulus from widely separated populations pro- duce the typical homologous pattern of coalesced zones and form four precipitin bands in the agar plates (Plate I, Figures A, B). The crossed zones produced by tests between the three spe- cies show the unrelated character of at least two major components of the reactants (Plate I, Figures C, D) or one component (Plate I, Figures E, F). The Tachypleus-Carcinoscorpius reactants appear to produce the coalesced zones typical of strong serological correspondence (Plate I, Figures G, H). The asymmetry of the zones is ascribed to unequal concentrations of the reactants, with zone displacement toward the reservoir containing the reactant of lesser concentration. Discussion An examination of the turbidimetric data (Table 1 and Text-fig. 1) reveals the marked difference in the magnitude of the reaction of each of the antigens to the antisera and the shift to the right of the heterologous reaction curves in the region of antigen excess. 1962] Shuster: Systematic Serology of Limulidae 3 Text-fig. 1. Precipitin titration curves showing the order of serological relationships among three species of horseshoe “crabs”: Limulus polyphemus, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda and T achy pie us gigas. The antisera and test sera (antigens) are given in the legend for each series of curves. The area under the homologous reaction curve is highlighted by the shaded background. 4 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 1 Table 1. Relative Amounts of Precipitin Reaction, Recorded as Turbidity in Photronreflectometer Tests These four sets of data (A-D) are represented graphically in Text-fig. 1. Antiserum Antigen Peak Tube Number 1 Peak urbidity Units Total Percent, of Homologous Reactions A. L. polyphemus L. polyphemus* (8) 501 2641 100 L. polyphemus * (8) 481 2502 95 C. rotundicauda (8) 361 1556 59 T. gigas (9) 230 1212 46 B. L. polyphemus L. polyphemus (5) 305 1924 100 C. rotundicauda (7) 247 1284 67 T. gigas (7) 183 1025 53 C. C. rotundicauda C. rotundicauda (7) 336 1549 100 T. gigas (7) 189 871 56 L. polyphemus (8) 112 477 31 D. T. gigas T. gigas (7) 320 1769 100 C. rotundicauda (7) 171 1208 68 L. polyphemus (7) 143 616 35 * Serum from specimens in two geographically different populations. A comparison of all the reaction curves sug- gests that the several different rabbits employed in the production of the antisera reacted to the sera and produced comparable specificities of antibodies. The shift to the right of the hetero- logous curves, with respect to the homologous reaction, generally denotes a lesser amount of serological reaction between the heterologous sera and the test antisera. We are concerned here, however, with the relative placement of the species, from the homologous to the lesser reaction of the heterologous antigens, in each of the apparently linear serological series. These series are the basis for the two-dimensional dia- gram (Text-fig. 2) of the relationships among the three species. For a general discussion of the principles of systematic serology and the im- Table 2. Summary of the Turbidimetric Data on the Reciprocal Precipitin Reactions, Re- corded as Percent, of the Homologous Reaction. These data are graphically portrayed in Text-fig. 2. Antiserum Antigen Limulus Carcinoscorpius Tachypleus L. polyphemus 100 59 46 100 67 53 C. rotundicauda 31 100 56 T. gigas 35 68 100 plications of the results of precipitin testing see Boy den (1942). The serological placement of L. polyphemus slightly closer to C. rotundicauda than to T. gigas (Table 2 and Text-fig. 2B) requires further test- ing. Evidence (Shuster, 1958) indicates that L. polyphemus has a greater correspondence in morphometric and morphological characters with the genus Tachypleus than with Carcino- scorpius. Data for a definitive systematic evalu- ation, however, are not available. For instance, it is possible that T. tridentatus, which was not tested, is closer serologically to Limulus than T. gigas is. Further, since the Indo-Pacific serum supply was limited and only two rabbits were employed, one each, for the production of the antiserum to T. gigas and C. rotundicauda, a sharply defined serological relationship is im- possible at this time. The turbidimetric data are consistent, as the reciprocal tests show (Table 2). The greater reaction between Limulus serum and the anti- serum of the two other species (46 and 59% or 53 and 67%), than that from the reciprocal reactions (35 and 31%), may indicate that the Limulus serum has one or more additional chem- ical components. The number of these compon- ents is suggested by several kinds of studies. According to Allison & Cole (1940), hemo- cyanin is the only protein present in the serum of Limulus polyphemus after complete removal of the clot. They also noted that the clotting pro- cess, which involves the amoebocytes, does not 1962] Shuster: Systematic Serology of Limulidae 5 Text-fig. 2. Two stages in the construction of a “serological yardstick” diagram show the relative distances between the three species: Limulus polyphemus, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda and Tachypleus gigas. remove any appreciable amount of hemocyanin from the serum. Limulus hemocyanin exists, within the pH range of 5.2-10.5, in four different and stable molecular species, but dissociation and a fifth component appear when the pH is less than 5.2 (Eriksson-Quensel & Svedberg, 1936). The electrophoretic pattern of Limulus hemocyanin reveals at least five components (Deutsch & McShan, 1949) and at least four prominent entire bands are revealed by the hom- ologous test for Limulus in the agar-diffusion precipitin technique. The later technique reveals one and perhaps two major reaction bands that do not coalesce in any of the reciprocal reactions between Limulus and the two Indo-Pacific spe- cies. Reactions between only Tachypleus and Carcinoscorpius give entire but fewer bands. Boy den (1943) found that the serological correspondence among marine crustaceans of the same genus averaged 46%. Later, in similar studies, Leone (1949, 1950) distinguished be- tween species of the same genus within certain families of Crustacea. In his studies the magni- tude of serological correspondence between crustaceans of the same genus was as low as 31%, but most values were above 70%, with some as high as 89% for closely related species. In our Limulidae study the heterologous reac- tions ranged from 30 to 67%. Although not directly comparable, the serological distance between species of the same genus of marine Crustacea, when used as a “ruler” for compari- son with the values among the Limulidae, sug- gests that the three species studied are congen- eric. Interpretation of the “distances” provided by the “serological ruler” is arbitrary, since “dis- tance” depends upon a sliding scale which in turn is an expression of the specificity, i.e., the discriminating capacity, of the antiserum which varies from antiserum to antiserum. Also, there are too few species and the present data are too scanty to establish more definite serological measurements of either species or genera within the Limulidae. Further, the best available refer- ence for comparison is a distant taxonomic group comprised of many families, the Crus- tacea. The Limulidae is a very small taxon by comparison, but it is one that has roots in an old history, as measured by the geologic age of the Xiphosura, and one that reflects a conserva- tive evolution. If we consider that the present serological findings coincide with the current sub-Limulidae taxonomic categories given in the beginning of this report, then the serological distance between species, genera and families is indeed narrow. The author wishes to express his gratitude and sincere thanks to the men most closely asso- ciated with the inception and progress of his studies on the Limulidae. Dr. Thurlow C. Nel- son, Rutgers— The State University of New Jer- sey, counseled the writer in the formative years of the research. Dr. Harry A. Charipper, New York University, was largely responsible for the culminating stages of the dissertation prepara- tion. Dr. Alfred C. Redfield, Woods Hole Ocean- ographic Institution, and Dr. William C. Cole, Rutgers— The State University of New Jersey, were instrumental in aiding the study through counsel and research grants from their respec- tive institutions. Summary From the turbidimetric measurements of pre- cipitin reactions among the Limulidae sera and the rabbit-produced antisera it can be concluded that: 1. The precipitin reactions produced typical titration curves. 2. No demonstrable differences were found in the homologous reactions based on Limulus sera from different populations. 6 Zoological New York Zoological Society [47: 1 3. The sera of the two Indo-Pacific Limulidae tested, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda and Tach- ypleus gigas, are readily distinguished from the sera obtained from different populations of Lim- ulus polyphemus. 4. Serological correspondence is greatest be- tween the two species of Tachypleinae, but C. rotundicauda may be serologically closer than T. gigas to L. polyphemus. 5. The three species of Limulidae are con- generic when compared to the same magnitude of serological correspondence among marine Crustacea. 6. The taxon including the Limulidae is limi- ted in number of species, yet it exhibits a long geologic history and a conservative evolution. If the current classification is correct, wherein three of the four species are not congeneric, then the taxonomic categories of the extant species, genera and families are indeed narrow. 7. The results and other information re- viewed in the discussion suggests that Limulus serum may have one or more components not present in the sera of the two Indo-Pacific spe- cies. Data from agar-diffusion records of the pre- cipitin reaction revealed: 1. Four major bands of reaction or compon- ents in Limulus homologous reactions. 2. A lack of correspondence for one and per- haps two major components between the Indo- Pacific species and Limulus. 3. An apparent complete correspondence be- tween the two species of Tachypleinae. The present study was limited by the lack of an adequate supply of sera from the Indo-Pacific species. More extensive serological studies would be of great value in interpreting the systematics and evolution of the Limulidae. These studies should include serum of the species Tachypleus tridentatus and employ, for example, the im- munoelectrophoretic method (first used by Grabar & Williams, 1953, and emphasized as a requirement in systematic serology by Williams, 1956), among other techniques. Literature Cited Allison, J. B., & W. H. Cole 1940. The nitrogen, copper and hemocyanin content of the sera of several arthropods. J. Biol. Chem., 135:259-265. Bolton, E. T., C. A. Leone & A. A. Boyden 1948. A critical analysis of the performance of the photronreflectometer in the measure- ment of serological and other turbid sys- tems. J. Immunol., 58: 169-181. Boyd, W. C. 1937. Cross-reactivity of various hemocyanins with special reference to the blood protein of the black widow spider. Biol. Bull., 73:181-183. Boyden, A. A. 1932. Precipitin tests as a basis for a quantitative phylogeny. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. & Med., 29:955-957. 1942. Systematic serology: A critical apprecia- tion. Physiol. Zool., 15:109-145. 1943. Serology and animal systematics. Amer. Nat., 77:234-255. 1953. Zoological collecting expeditions and the salvage of animal bloods for comparative serology. Science, 118:57-58. Boyden, A. A., & R. DeFalco 1943. Report on the use of the photronreflect- ometer in serological comparisons. Phys- iol. Zool., 16:229-241. 1956. On measuring serological correspondence among antigens. Serol. Mus., Bull., No. 16:3-8. Deutsch, H. F., & W. H. McShan 1949. Biophysical studies of blood plasma pro- teins. XII. Electrophoretic studies of the blood serum proteins of some lower ani- mals. J. Biol. Chem., 180:219-234. Eriksson-Quensel, Inga-Britta, & T. Svedberg 1936. The molecular weights and pH-stability regions of the hemocyanins. Biol. Bull., 71:498-547. Grabar, P., & C. A. Williams 1953. Methode permettant l’etude conjugee des proprieties electrophoretiques et immuno- chimique d’un melange de proteines. Ap- plication au serum sanguin. Biochemica et Biophysica Acta., 10:193-194. Graham-Smith, G. S. 1904. Blood-relationship amongst the lower Ver- tebraia and Arthropoda. In “Blood Im- munity and Blood Relationship” (G. H. F. Nuttall). Cambridge Univ. Press. Jennings, R. K. 1954. Diffusion-precipitin studies of the com- plexity of antigen mixtures. II. The num- ber of zones formed by one antigen. J. Bacteriol., 67:565-570. Jennings, R. K., & Frances Malone 1954. Rapid double diffusion precipitin analysis. J. Immunol., 72:411-418. Leone, C. A. 1949. Comparative serology of some brachyuran Crustacea and studies in hemocyanin cor- respondence. Biol. Bull., 97:273-286. 1962] Shuster: Systematic Serology of Limulidae 7 1950. Serological systematics of some palinuran astacuran Crustacea. Biol. Bull., 98:122- 127. Leone, C. A., & H. E. Webb 1952. Serological relationships among some dis- tantly related arthropods and mollusks. System. Zool., 1:184 (Abstract). Munoz, J. 1954. The use and limitations of serum-agar techniques in studies of proteins. In “Sero- logical Approaches to Studies of Protein Structure and Metabolism.” Rutgers Univ. Press, New Brunswick. OuCHTERLONY, 6. 1949. An in-vitro test of the toxin-producing capacity of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Lancet, 256:346-348. Pocock, R. I. 1902. The taxonomy of recent species of Limu- lus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 9:256-262. Shuster, C. N., Jr. 1958. On morphometric and serological relation- ships within the Limulidae, with particular reference to Limulus polyphemus (L.). Diss. Abs., 18:371-372. WlLHELMI, R. W. 1942. The application of the precipitin technique to theories concerning the origin of verte- brates. Biol. Bull., 82:179-189. 1944. Serological relationships between the Mol- lusca and other invertebrates. Biol. Bull., 87:96-105. Williams, C. A., Jr. 1956. Antigen-antibody reactions in gels and systematic serology. Proc. Fourteenth In- ternal. Congr. Zool.: 336-337. 8 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 1: 1962] EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE Plate I These retouched photographs of triangular serum-agar plates show the visible bands of pre- cipitin reaction among the three species: Limulus polyphemus, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda and Tachypleus gigas. The set of three letters around each triangle indicate the side from which the serum of each species (designated by CAPITAL LET- TERS: L, C, and T) or antiserum to each species (lower case letters: 1, c, and t) diffused. The eight sets of reactions, designated by the letters A through H, are described in the text. SHUSTER PLATE I SEROLOGICAL CORRESPONDENCE AMONG HORSESHOE •'CRABS” (LIMULIDAE) 2 Relative Abundance, Microhabitat and Behavior of Some Southern Appalachian Salamanders1 Robert E. Gordon, James A. MacMahon & David B. Wake University of Notre Dame and University of Southern California (Text-figure 1) Introduction SOME 44 years have elapsed since Emmett Reid Dunn described Plethodon yonah- lossee and discussed the relative abun- dance and behavior of the salamanders associ- ated with it in the Linville, Avery Co., North Carolina, area (Dunn, 1917). Many of Dunn’s observations concerning the plethodontid sala- manders were supplemented in a later publica- tion (Dunn, 1920) and by other workers (Breder & Breder, 1923; Bailey, 1937; Gray, 1939; Wood, 1947; Hairston, 1949; and Pope, 1950). The type locality of Plethodon yonahlossee is given as “near the Yonahlossee Road about 1 Vi mile from Linville, North Carolina” (Dunn, 1917) . The general area in which Dunn worked “most of the time in sight of the road” embraces a hill which “rises to about 4,400 feet,” with the road having an average altitude of 4,100 feet. In August, 1960, the authors made observations and collections along the Yonahlossee Road (frequently referred to as “Old Yonahlossee Road”) in the vicinity of View Rock, a vantage point overlooking N. C. Hwy. 220. The collec- tion was prompted by a need for an ontogenetic series for investigations of osteology and my- ology (DBW), comparative physiology (JAM) and behavior and periodicity (REG). This paper presents ( 1 ) a report of the collec- tion, (2) a comparative description of the type 1The field work was supported in part by a grant, Na- tional Science Foundation G-13327, to the first author. locality after 44 years, and (3) a discussion of the habitat, relative abundance and behavior of collected salamanders. Description of the Collecting Stations Dunn (1917) gives no detailed description of the flora of the type locality for Plethodon yon- ahlossee nor of the surrounding area, but we in- fer from his remarks (see p. 595) that the mixed mesophytic forest typical of the undisturbed southern Appalachian Mountains prevailed. Our collections were made at two stations. The first was a gentle slope 0.5 miles below View Rock (toward Linville); the second was 0.6 miles above View Rock and approximately 1.5 miles from the Linville entrance to the Yon- ahlossee Road. In our judgment, the second sta- tion embraces the type locality as designated by Dunn. The area has been subjected to at least one lumbering since Dunn’s visit, as indicated by the presence of well-decayed stumps up to four feet in diameter and numerous fallen logs. The flora of both stations consists of a second growth mixed mesophytic forest, aptly described as a “rich woods.” At the first locality the col- lecting was concentrated along and on the down- hill side of the Yonahlossee Road. We estimate the area covered as one acre. No detailed notes of the flora were made, but the area had less understory, fewer stumps and logs than the second locality. Distinctive landmarks encountered during the collecting permitted us to measure the total area covered at the second locality. We collected an 9 10 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 2 area on the southeast slope (15% gradient) 100 X 200 yards above the road, and 100 X 100 yards below the road. The elevation of the pres- ent road is 4,300 ft. at this point. The area was bounded on the east by a fast-flowing stream and on the west by a dense understory of nettle which prohibited effective collecting. The pres- ent road bed was laid down to the north, or uphill, from that travelled by Dunn, and rem- nants of the old roadbed formed a distinctive landmark below the present road, a distance of 100 yards. The total area in which we collected is approximately 2.1 acres. The flora of the second station was examined both at the time of our collection and on a subsequent trip over the surrounding area. The canopy is dominated by a mixture of red and white oaks, maples, buckeyes, ironwood, gum and tulip trees. A few hemlocks are scattered through the area. The understory is sparse al- though seedlings of the above, plus chinquapin, catbriar and an occasional rhododendron thicket are present. The most prevalent plants compos- ing the herbal layer are jewelweed, nettle, shield fern, pipsissewa, goldenrod, twayblade, bell flower and clumps of pinesap. The sandy surface is covered by a 3- to 4-inch loam on top of which leaf litter, minimally 3 inches in depth, occurs. Stumps and logs in var- ious stages of decay are numerous and seem to constitute important physical features of the habitat of Plethodon yonahlossee. Occasional outcrops of the underlying granite occur. The leaf litter, logs, stumps, rock outcrops and bases of plants conceal the openings to the refugia of the salamanders. Methods Daytime collecting was restricted to the hours of 4:00 to 6:15 P.M. Both stations were ex- amined. Six man-hours were spent hand-collec- ting salamanders exposed by log rolling and rock turning. Night collecting with light from two head- lamps and a Coleman gas lantern was carried out between 8:30—12:00 P.M. The salamanders were collected by hand, but few objects were turned. The entire night sample was taken from the station 0.5 miles above the View Rock. In all, 10.5 man-hours were spent in collecting at night. The two samples were maintained separately, so as to permit a comparison between day and night sampling. The Sample The total number of salamanders taken, in 16.5 man-hours of collecting at the two stations, was 661. The sample includes the following forms: Diemictylus v. viridescens, Desmogna- thus ochrophaeus carolinensis, D. m. monticola; Plethodon c. cinereus, P. g. glutinosus, P. yon- ahlossee, P. jordani metcalfi, and Eurycea bis- lineata wilderae. A difference between day and night collecting was first noted by Bailey (1937), who obtained much better results for P. yonahlossee at night. Nocturnal collecting is effective for almost all species of salamanders; however, no quantita- tive reports of collecting results have been made. Diurnal collecting yielded 28.3 salamanders per man-hour, whereas nocturnal collecting pro- duced 46.8 per man-hour. In addition, habitat disturbance is minimal during night collecting. The destruction of habitat during diurnal collec- ting activities has led to reduction of population size (as measured by availability) in some areas that have been visited from time to time by one of us; other areas that have been collected with the same intensity at night with little or no hab- itat destruction continue to produce large sam- ples of animals. Another important point not mentioned by previous workers is the composition of a sample as affected by difference in time of collecting (Table 1). While it can be argued that animals taken during the day are not available for sampling at night, only a part of the daytime sample (in our best judgment, 20 per cent.) was taken from the same locality as was sampled at night. The difference in sample composition is striking. If the species were ranked from most abundant to least abundant, not one of the six most abundant taken in the daytime would re- tain its position when based on nocturnal abun- dance. This difference is a result of the behavior and consequent availability of the species en- countered. Desmognathus seemed to occupy the most superficial cover of all species and conse- quently was more available in the daytime than when it was active at night. Plethodon yon- ahlossee and P. jordani retreat into deep bur- rows and hence are not discovered by rock rolling, log turning, etc., as is P. glutinosus, which occupies a more superficial diurnal refuge. Note that the three most abundant ple- thodons represent only 36 per cent, of the diur- nal sample, but 72 per cent, of the nocturnal sample. Relative Abundance Although Dunn collected for three days and we for only one, we believe that the results are comparable because the mean number of in- dividuals for one of Dunn’s days is equivalent to our single day. Dunn’s sample of August, 1916, 1962] Gordon, MacMahon & Wake: Southern Appalachian Salamanders 1 1 Table 1. Percentage Composition of Sample by Day, by Night, and Total Compared with that of Dunn (1917) Percent of Total Species D + N* Dunn, 1917 Day Night Diemictylus viridescens (eft) 1.8 0.0 0.5 9.5 Desmognathus ochrophaeus 57.6 24.2 32.8 29.3 Desmognathus monticola 2.9 1.0 1.5 0.0 Plethodon cinereus 1.2 2.3 2.0 10.4 Plethodon glutinosus 10.6 6.7 7.7 10.2 Plethodon yonahlossee 6.5 16.7 14.1 5.0 Plethodon jordani 18.8 48.7 40.9 32.6 Pseudotriton ruber 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 Eurycea bislineata 0.6 0.4 0.5 2.8 Total number individuals 170 491 661 462 *Day and night combined. probably was made during diurnal forays. There is no indication of time of collecting in either his 1917 or 1920 paper, and night collecting for reptiles and amphibians has been prevalent only in the last twenty years. In view of these points, we believe that the only valid comparison that may be drawn is between our daytime data and those of Dunn. Several differences between the two sets of data (Table 1) may be noted, including (1) an increase in the percentage of Desmognathus ochrophaeus in the sample (29.3 to 57.6%); (2) a decrease in the percentages of Plethodon cinereus (10.4 to 1.2%) and P. jordani (32.6 to 18.8%); and (3) the relative constancy of P. yonahlossee and P. glutinosus. Eurycea was noticeably rare, but this form is lacking in samples from other areas of the south- ern Appalachians which in recent years had been very productive. The data may indicate either a gradual shift in the composition of the population, or a short term fluctuation that may be cyclic. The latter, in view of previous collecting (1948-50, by REG) , seems to be the case for Eurycea. Whatever drastic effect lumbering might have had upon the area has been negated by subse- quent succession, although one is tempted to suggest that the 20 per cent, decrease in the combined plethodon group (primarily P. cin- ereus and P. jordani ) from that of 44 years ago may be attributed to lumbering. At the same time, the addition of stumps and logs in various stages of decay would seem to enhance the posi- tion of P. yonahlossee, since these appear to represent conspicuous elements in its habitat (Pope, 1950). Pope (1950) discusses the relative abundance of Plethodon yonahlossee , P. glutinosus and P. /. metcalfi. His daytime data (obtained in July and August, 1949) for P. yonahlossee and P. glutinosus are converted to percentages and compared to that of Dunn (1917 and 1920, combined) and our data for 1960 (Text-fig. 1). The percentage distribution for all daytime samples (except that of Pope from Comers Rock) falls into the same general pattern. How- ever, we believe that the best measure of rela- tive abundance lies in a combined collecting, one which samples the individuals not only in their refugia, but also as they are active on the surface. A reversal of the pattern occurs when our data are pooled to illustrate this point. The reversal would be even greater if the individuals taken at night were considered separately. The latter procedure would be misleading, but per- haps not as much as consideration of a daytime sample alone. Minimal Available Density Because of the paucity of data to indicate the number of salamanders per unit area in the southern Appalachian Mountains, we have cal- culated a density figure for the four most com- mon species on the Yonahlossee Road (Table 2). We recognize that these data have inherent weaknesses. The figures do not represent the total number of salamanders per unit area, and do not represent crude density. Test & Bingham (1948), working with P. cinereus in Michigan, showed that the number of animals present on the surface (and available for capture) at any one time represents only a portion of the total population present in the area. The term mini- mal density is appropriate because ( 1 ) not every animal observed was captured; (2) a portion of the daytime sample was taken from the area collected at night; and (3) an estimate of the surface area covered in the daytime collecting was made. Two sets of figures are presented. 12 Zoological New York Zoological Society [47: 2 Text-fig. 1. The relative abundance of P. yonahlossee and P. glutinosus at different localities and under different collecting conditions (A— Iron Mt., B— Buck Mt., C— Comers Rock, data from Pope, 1950; D— Lin- ville 1917-20, day, data from Dunn; E— Linville 1960 day; and F— Linville 1960 night). The data for the nocturnal sample were collected from a measured area (2.1 acres), but the sample is biased by the daytime collecting in the area. Those for the total sample were calcu- lated from an estimated total area of 3.1 acres. Thus the figures represent minimal available densities and should be treated with caution. We suggest that future collectors may find that sampling (even of the “one-stop” type) from a measured area will make their data on relative abundance more meaningful if the min- imal available density is calculated for each species. Microhabitats, Behavior and Competition Pope (1950) points out that the existence of P. glutinosus and P. jordani at Linville “is of spe- cial interest and calls for further investigation in view of their ecological segregation elsewhere.” His subsequent remarks (p. 87) imply that the sympatry of the two may be due to disturbed conditions brought about by lumbering. That this cannot be the case is evident from (1) Dunn’s (1917) statement regarding “. . . the primitive condition of flora and fauna, and being rendered accessible by the splendid Yonahlossee Road, is a paradise . . .” and (2) the existence of P. glutinosus and P. jordani together in the second-growth woods in approximately the same relative proportion today (1:5, respectively) as existed in Dunn’s sample (1:3). In view of the inability of competent taxono- mists to distinguish between P. glutinosus and the southern representatives of P. jordani, we prefer to believe that a genetic difference in the two taxa which permits one to readily distin- guish between them in the northern portion of the P. jordani range, also reinforces their ecolog- ical isolation where the two are sympatric. Table 2. Minimal Available Density per Acre for the Four Most Abundant Salamanders on the Yonahlossee Road, Linville, North Carolina Nocturnal Sample Total Sample Desmognathus ochrophaeus 56.7 70.0 P. glutinosus 15.7 16.5 P. yonahlossee 39.1 30.0 P. jordani 113.8 87.4 1962] Gordon, MacMahon & Wake: Southern Appalachian Salamanders 13 Pope (op. cit.) postulates competition be- tween P. yonahlossee and P. glutinosus on the basis of similarity of “habitat niches” and food items. He was unable to demonstrate a convinc- ing difference in diet. The fact that P. glutinosus is more readily available during the day than P. yonahlossee (as indicated by our collections and those of Dunn and Pope) leads us to think that there is a difference in microhabitat or be- havior between the two taxa. Vernberg (1955) found that P. glutinosus was less photosensitive than P. cinereus. Our collections reveal an earlier peak of activity for P. glutinosus than for P. cinereus with P. yonahlossee intermediate. This seems to indicate that P. glutinosus is less light- sensitive than P. yonahlossee. P. glutinosus either (1) does not penetrate the subsurface to the depths inhabited by P. yonahlossee, or (2) takes advantage of its relatively less sensitivity to light and comes to the surface (beneath cover) dur- ing daylight hours more frequently than P. yon- ahlossee. In either case, P. glutinosus seems to be effectively isolated by microhabitat from P. yonahlossee, at least enough to reduce spatial competition. As long as an abundant food sup- ply exists these two species can be considered only as potential and not actual competitors. Concerning the habitat of P. yonahlossee, we are in essential agreement with Pope (1950) that this species is not “restricted to a zone within 100 feet” of streams as reported by Hairston ( 1949) . The eastern margin of our plot was bounded by a stream, but there was no evidence that P. yon- ahlossee was any more abundant near the stream than it was toward the nettle patch on the west- ern boundary. Our observations of animals retained in the laboratory are of interest here. The animals were retained on wet leaves in large finger bowls with an excessive amount of moisture in the bottom. A series of pustules appeared on the skin of P. yonahlossee but not on the other plethodons re- tained in the same bowls. P. yonahlossee was ob- served more often on top of the leaves, than were the other taxa and this may represent moisture avoidance behavior. Activity Time was noted at intervals throughout the collecting period and determination of activity peaks of the various species was attempted. If peaks of abundance may be considered an index to peaks of activity (see Hairston, 1949), there is a suggestion that adults of the plethodon taxa are isolated during the active portion of the diel cycle on a temporal basis. The young of all these species were especially prevalent before 9:00 P.M. Subsequent observa- tions indicate that the young appear shortly after dusk and attain a peak of abundance by 8:00 P.M., 1 hour after sundown at this locality. Adults of P. yonahlossee attained a peak in abundance between 9:00 and 10:00 P.M., with a minor peak between 11:30-12:00 P.M. Be- tween 10:00 and 11:00 P.M. both P. yonahlos- see and P. glutinosus were often observed in re- fugia with only their heads exposed. P. jordani (juveniles and small adults) were present throughout the evening, but large adults (and P. cinereus ) were definitely more abundant after 10:00 P.M. Although our sample of adult P. glutinosus was not large, we have the impression (at Linville and elsewhere) that the peak of ac- tivity outside the refugia is slightly earlier than that of P. yonahlossee (8-9:00 P.M.) These ob- servations represent our concensus recorded im- mediately after the end of collecting. The obser- vations were confirmed by one of us (JAM) who visited the area during August, 1961. Our observations on behavior of the pletho- dons at Linville substantiate and supplement those of Dunn (1917) and Pope (1950). Pleth- odon jordani was observed on the leaf litter, near the bases of trees, logs and in open areas. Be- tween 8:30 and 10:00 P.M., individuals seemed sluggish and were captured with the same ease as an individual found beneath a log during the day. However, from 10:00-12:00 P.M., this spe- cies became more active and agile and less easily caught. This latter behavior never approached that of P. yonahlossee. P. jordani climbs more often than the other three species of Plethodon. Many were collected on trunks and low branches of shrubs up to 3.5 feet from the ground. Groups were observed feeding on fungal gnats around decaying fungi, or on fruit flies and other insects at the base of trees from which sap flowed. Plethodon glutinosus was moderately abundant and easily caught in the early evening. No climb- ing was observed; practically all individuals were at the bases of plants, near logs or lying with their heads exposed in the openings of refugia. After 11:00 P.M., P. glutinosus was conspicu- ously absent from the surface area. This obser- vation is not in accord with that of Hairston (1949), who reported an abundance peak at 11:00 P.M. in the Black Mountains during late July. As described by Dunn and Pope, P. yonah- lossee is the most agile of all eastern plethodons. Usually only one opportunity is available to cap- ture an individual. If the collector misses, the animal retreats into a refugium for the evening. Numerous individuals were first seen with then- heads sticking out of refugia. Others were mov- ing at the bases of trees, or beside fallen rotted 14 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47:2: 1962] logs and stumps. In most instances, this species was associated with a log over 10 inches in diam- eter, with not more than 1 to 3 inches of the log below the surface. A thick layer of leaf litter accumulation at the log— ground interface was a prerequisite. P. yonahlossee climbs more than P. glutinosas or P. cinereus, but less than P. jordani. Summary The type locality of Plethodon yonahlossee near Linville, Avery Co., North Carolina, was visited in August, 1960. The flora and physical aspects of two sampling areas, 2.1 acres and an estimated 1 acre, are described. Diurnal collecting yielded 28.3 salamanders per man hour, as opposed to 46.8 salamanders per man hour at night. Ranking of the species according to percentage composition of the sam- ple is shown to vary with the time in which the sample is taken. The relative abundance of each species en- countered is compared with Dunn’s figures of 44 years ago. The most significant differences lie in a two-fold increase of Desmognathus ochro- phaeus and a marked decrease in Plethodon cinereus and P. jordani; Plethodon yonahlossee and P. glutinosus have remained relatively con- stant. The relation of P. yonahlossee to P. glutinosus is examined in terms of relative abundance in diurnal collections made by Pope (1950), Dunn (1917, 1920) and ourselves. Five localities are involved, yet the percentage distribution of the two species remains approximately the same at all but one locality. Competition between these two taxa, postulated by Pope ( 1950) , is believed to be reduced by differences in microhabitat and behavior. The minimal available density is calculated for the four most common species at the type local- ity. This density term is explained and its use as a quantitative basis for determination of relative abundance is suggested. Temporal isolation in activity between age groups and the different species of Plethodon was observed and is discussed. General observa- tions on behavior and microhabitat are offered. References Bailey, Joseph R. 1937. Notes on plethodont salamanders of the southeastern United States. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich., 364: 1-10. Breder, C. M., & Ruth B. Breder 1923. A list of fishes, amphibians and reptiles collected in Ashe Co., North Carolina. Zoologica, 4(1): 1-23. Dunn, E. R. 1917. Reptile and amphibian collections from the North Carolina mountains, with espe- cial reference to salamanders. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 37(23): 593-634. 1920. Some reptiles and amphibians from Vir- ginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Ala- bama. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 33: 129-138. Gray, Irving E. 1939. An extension of the range of Plethodon yonahlossee. Copeia 1939, (2): 106. Hairston, Nelson G. 1949. The local distribution and ecology of plethodontid salamanders of the Southern Appalachians. Ecol. Monogr., 19(1): 47- 73. Pope, Clifford H. 1950. A statistical and ecological study of the salamander Plethodon yonahlossee. Bull. Chi. Acad. Sci., 9(5): 79-106. Test, F. H„ & B. A. Bingham 1948. Census of a population of the red-backed salamander ( Plethodon cinereus). Am. Midi. Nat., 39: 362-372. Vernberg, F. John 1955. Correlation of physiological and behavior- al indices of activity of Plethodon cinereus and Plethodon glutinosus. Am. Midi. Nat., 54(2): 383-393. Wood, John T. 1947. Notes on North Carolina salamanders. Copeia 1947, (4): 273-274. 3 Sexual Discrimination and Sound Production in Uca pugilator Bose Michael Salmon & John F. Stout Department of Zoology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland (Plate I; Text-figures 1 & 2) Introduction THE purpose of this study was to investi- gate sexual discrimination and to describe certain display behavior, including sound production, by males of Uca pugilator. Speci- mens and models with various combinations of male and female appendages were introduced to resident males. Sound production was ob- served and the sounds produced were physically analyzed. The reproductive behavior of fiddler crabs ( Uca sp.) has been investigated by many work- ers during the last fifty years. In all species, copulation is usually preceded by display be- havior, consisting of the “waving” of the male’s large cheliped. In some species, sounds are pro- duced which play a role in courtship. “Waving” behavior is believed to define the territory of the male and attract females (Crane, 1941). Sound production in Uca involves movements of the large cheliped. Dembowski (1925) de- scribed a peculiar “shivering” of the large cheliped in U. pugilator, lasting from one to three seconds, which was used by one crab to “call” another out of its burrow. Crane (1941) reported sound production by “rapping” of the cheliped against the ground in three Pacific American species of Uca, and in U. pugilator (Crane, 1943). Burkenroad (1947) made ob- servations on U. pugilator. He did not believe that rapping of the cheliped was involved in sound production in this species, as he failed to detect any disturbance of sand grains below the cheliped of a male that had just produced sounds. No rattling of the dactyl or vibration of the body could be detected. He concluded that some other mechanism of sound production was utilized. Rathbun (1914) described ridges, thought to be stridulatory, on the large cheliped and ambulatory legs of male U. musica. Auri- villus (in Burkenroad, 1947) predicted, on morphological grounds, that stridulation would be found in the genus. Burkenroad (1947) conducted experiments to investigate sexual discrimination in Uca. He re- leased normal males, males without the large cheliped, and females of U. pugilator into an area occupied by resident males. In all cases, normal males evoked aggressive responses, but males without the large cheliped and females were courted by resident males. Altevogt (1957), working with U. marionis and U. annu- lipes, concluded that sexual discrimination by males was based on the presence of the large cheliped. Materials and Methods All observations and experiments were carried out on the west side of Pivers Island, Beaufort, North Carolina, during August, 1959 and 1961. The population of U. pugilator resided in clear areas of sand, either just above the high water mark or about 10 metres inland. Sexual discrimination by males was investi- gated. In 1959, experiments were performed which repeated those of Burkenroad (1947). Males without the large cheliped, normal males, and females were released, in that sequence, and allowed to move through a 3 X 3 metre study area where over 40 males were exhibiting waving behavior. This sequence of releases was repeated ten times and the reactions of the resi- dent males to all released specimens were re- corded. In 1961, other introduction experiments were performed. A male that had previously exhibited waving behavior was frightened into its burrow. Two probes were placed in the sand about 0.6 metre to either side of the burrow 15 16 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 3 (Text-fig. 1). A dead specimen, killed by im- mersion in dilute alcohol, was placed between the probes. A long piece of thread was tied to a leg on either side of the body and then placed around one of the probes on the corresponding side and back about 1.5 metre toward the ob- server. The probes were placed in the sand so that by pulling the thread attached to either side of the dead crab, the specimen could be moved toward one or the other probe and within 7.5 cm. of the burrow. Dead specimens were introduced once to each of five resident males in this order: normal females; females with an attached large cheliped; normal males; and males with the large cheliped removed. Also introduced were two blue clay models of crab bodies. One model had two small chelipeds at- tached and the other, one large and one small cheliped attached to the anterior face. Each in- troduction consisted of slowly moving the dead crab or model from one probe to the other. After an experiment was completed, the male was frightened into his burrow. Another dead crab or model was prepared for the next test which was performed about five minutes after the male emerged from its burrow. Other introduction experiments were performed using live male Text-fig. 1. A clay model (A) with two small chelipeds attached is used to demonstrate the tech- nique employed in introduction experiments. By pulling the thread (B) from either side, the model could be moved between the probes (C) and through the resident male’s territory. The male’s burrow (D) was about 7.5 cm. from the model when it passed through the male’s territory.. c Text-fig. 2. The appearance of the large cheliped of live male U. pugilator used in introduction ex- periments to conspecific resident males. In the first trial, the dactylopod was removed (A); in the second trial, the anterior half of the protopod (B); and in the third trial, the protopod was completely removed (C). The parts of the claw outlined with dashed lines represent the removed portions of the appendage. specimens. These were also tied with thread and moved between the probes as described above. Before each introduction, portions of the large cheliped were removed (Text-fig. 2, A-C) . For the first introduction, the dactylopod was re- moved; for the second, the anterior half of the protopod; and for the third, the entire protopod. All three introductions were performed once in the order described until each of five additional resident males had been tested. Sounds produced by males of U. pugilator were recorded with a Magnecorder tape recorder (model PT63-A) and a Dukane microphone (model 7A150). The microphone was suspend- ed above or placed on the sand 2.5 cm. from the burrow. The sounds were analyzed with a Kay Electric Company Sonograph Model Re- corder (B). Results of Field Observations Resident males and females defended an area of 7.5 to 15 cm. in diameter around their bur- 1962] Salmon & Stout: Sexual Discrimination and Sound Production in Uca pugilator 17 rows from intruders of the same sex. Four resi- dent females each approached by another female advanced with chelipeds extended and open. The intruder female then retreated from the area. More than five resident males ap- proached by intruding males exhibited aggres- sive responses as follows. The resident male oriented so that the large cheliped was held slightly away from the body and with its broad surface facing the intruder. If the intruder came within 7.5 to 10 cm. of the resident male, the latter advanced, opening its cheliped, until the broad surfaces of both individuals’ large cheli- peds came into contact. The resident then pushed the intruder from its burrow, using its cheliped as a shield. Occasionally, the resident male pointed its opened claw toward the in- truder. If the intruder advanced, the claws of both individuals would be locked together and the intruder was either pushed or flipped away by the resident. If the intruder was more aggres- sive, the resident male retreated into his burrow but with the large cheliped opened and facing upward out of the entrance. Intruding females either evoked aggressive or courtship behavior from resident males, the latter occurring more frequently. Observations by the authors confirm those made by Crane (1943) on the features of waving exhibited by males. The chelipeds were raised upward and, at the same time, the animal rose on its “toes.” The claws were then extended laterally and lowered, as was the body. Finally, the chelipeds were returned to the an- terior margin of the body. The frequency of the waving motion was about once every two seconds when no female was present. When a female approached, the frequency increased to more than twice that rate. The claw was not brought back to the body, but raised and lowered while laterally extended. The male oriented so that the broad face of the claw was turned to the female. If the female moved toward him, the male would go toward his burrow in short spurts of 2.5 to 5 cm., starting as the claw and body were raised and stopping as they were lowered. In five observations, the female fol- lowed about 5 cm. behind the male as he moved toward his burrow. The male then entered the burrow, but the large cheliped remained extend- ed out of the entrance. Waving of the large claw continued, but when lowered it was vibrated against the sand at the lip of the hole, producing a rapid series of thumps. Similar sounds were heard after the female entered the male’s bur- row. On four occasions, lone males were ob- served making these sounds in their burrows at night by hitting the base of the large claw against the side of the burrow. Over fifty sounds produced by one male in his burrow were recorded during the day. A sono- graphic analysis of three sounds is presented (Plate I). Each burst of sound had a duration of 0.2 to 0.3 seconds. Of the 17 bursts analyzed, 7 consisted of 5 pulses; 5 of 4 pulses; 3 of 3 pulses; and 2 of 6 pulses. Each pulse was pro- duced when the claw hit the surface of the ground as it was vibrated. The sound energy was concentrated between 85 and 2,000 cycles. With sounds of higher intensities, a suggestion of harmonics was present with frequencies up to 10,000 cycles. Results of Introduction Experiments The results of introduction experiments per- formed in 1959 were in agreement with those of Burkenroad ( 1947) . Females and males with- out the large cheliped were courted, but normal males elicited aggressive responses from all resi- dent males. Results of introduction experiments performed in 1961 are shown in Table 1. In all instances where dead crabs of either sex bore an intact large cheliped, the resident males re- sponded aggressively. These responses were the same as those observed under natural condi- tions. When the dead introduced specimens bore no large cheliped, the resident males exhibited waving behavior and sound production typical of courtship. Neither waving nor aggressive responses were exhibited toward clay models with two small chelipeds attached. In two of five introductions, aggressive responses were ex- hibited to clay bodies bearing a large cheliped. Live male specimens with the dactylopod re- moved, and with the dactylopod and anterior half of the protopod removed, all evoked aggres- sive responses from resident males. Live males with the protopod removed were courted by four of five resident males. Discussion Even though the specimens and models were not introduced to resident males in a random order, the following tentative conclusions can be made. Sexual discrimination in U. pugilator is based on the presence or absence of the large cheliped, regardless of the sex of the specimen bearing the appendage. This appendage releases aggressive behavior in male-male encounters, and may be important in inducing sexual recep- tivity in females. The posterior portion of the protopod, the broadest surface of the claw, is capable of eliciting aggressive responses from other males, so that an intact claw is not neces- sary for sexual discrimination. The large cheliped also functions as a sound- producing organ and the sounds have come to 18 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 3 play an important role in courtship. Burkenroad (1947) suggested that sounds substituted for the attractive qualities of the large cheliped when that appendage could no longer be seen by the female. He found that sounds were produced more frequently at night than during the day. The results of our field observations seem to support this view. When a male produces sounds during the day, he is partially hidden from the female by the lip of the burrow so that waving motions of the claw could no longer be effective visual stimuli. The waving motion is then modi- fied to include a rapid vibration of the claw against the ground. The sounds produced either substitute for the visual stimuli of waving or may have other functions in courtship. The results of sonographic analysis as well as field observations support the conclusion that Table 1. Responses of Male Uca pugilator to Conspecific Males and Females and to Clay Models1 Number of Responses Stimulus Waving Aggressive Response No Apparent Response Dead Female 5 0 Dead Female: large cheliped attached 0 5 Dead Male 0 5 Dead Male: 5 0 large cheliped removed Clay Model: 5 Two small chelipeds Clay Model: one large, one small cheliped Live Male: 0 dactylopod removed 2 3 5 Live Male: 0 5 dactylopod and anterior half protopod re- moved Live Male: 4 1 entire protopod removed 1 All tests with models and dead specimens were per- formed on the same five resident males. Live individuals were introduced to five other resident males. stridulation is not used to produce sounds occurring during courtship in this species. A stridulatory sound is usually characterized by the concentration of the maximum energy in the higher frequencies. But rapid vibrations of the cheliped against the ground would be ex- pected to produce thumping sounds which would show predominantly low frequency compo- nents such as those analyzed in this study. Summary Courtship behavior of Uca pugilator was ob- served in a natural population. Waving behavior by males was exhibited when no female was present, but when a female approached a male, the waving motion was modified to produce sounds by vibrating the claw against the ground. A sonographic analysis of these sounds from one specimen showed that the energy of the sound was concentrated between 85 and 2,000 cycles and had a duration of 0.2 to 0.3 seconds. The role of sound production in the reproduc- tive behavior of the species is discussed. Sexual discrimination by males was studied by introducing models and specimens of either sex, bearing or not bearing the large cheliped (typical of male individuals), to resident males. In all cases, resident males exhibited aggressive responses to the specimens bearing the large cheliped and courted specimens without the large cheliped, regardless of the sex of the intro- duced specimen. It was concluded that the domi- nant visual cue in sexual discrimination was the presence or absence of the large cheliped. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Dr. C. G. Bookhout, Director of the Duke University Marine Laboratory, for his encouragement and aid in carrying out this study. Drs. Howard E. Winn and Anthony R. Picciolo read the manu- script and offered many helpful criticisms. This study was supported by grants to Dr. Howard E. Winn from the Office of Naval Research (N. R. 104-489) and the U. S. Public Health Service (B 3241). References Altevogt, R. 1957. Untersuchungen zur biologie, okologie, und physiologie indischer winkerkrabben. Zeitschr. fur Morph, und Okol. der Tiere, 46: 1-110. Burkenroad, M. D. 1947. Production of sound by the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator Bose, with remarks on its nocturnal and mating behavior. Ecology, 28: 458-461. 1962] Salmon & Stout: Sexual Discrimination and Sound Production in Uca pugilator 19 Crane, J. 1941. Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XXVI. Crabs of the genus Uca from the west coast of Cen- tral America. Zoologica, 26: 145-207. 1943. Display, breeding and relationships of fiddler crabs (Brachyura, genus Uca ) in the northeastern United States. Zoologica, 28: 217-223. Dembowski, J. 1925. On the “speech” of the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator. Trav. inst. Nencki, Vol. Ill, No. 48. Rathbun, M. J. 1914. New genera and species of American Brachyrhychous crabs. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 47: 117-229. 20 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 3: 1962] EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE Plate I Fig. 1. Sonographic analysis of three sounds pro- duced by one male Uca pugilator in its burrow during the day. SALMON & STOUT PLATE I FIG. I SEXUAL DISCRIMINATION AND SOUND PRODUCTION IN UCA PUGILATOR BOSC 4 Low Temperature Effect on the Testicular Cell-components of the Common Indian Toad, Bufo melanostictus Schneider S. L. Basu G. C. Bose Biological Research Unit, Bangabasi College, 19 Scott Lane, Calcutta 9, India (Plate I; Text-figure 1) THE degree of warmth, humidity, light and other climatic features in combina- tion with the internal rhythm are respon- sible for controlling the sexual pattern of ani- mals. The environmental temperature plays a great role in the reproductive physiology of poikilothermous animals such as fishes, amphib- ians and reptiles, although this appears to be lacking in warm-blooded birds and mammals (Bullough, 1951, p. 29). The potentially contin- uous type of spermatogenesis of Rana esculenta could be suppressed by decreasing the tempera- ture during summer time, and the reverse during the winter induced activity (Galgano, 1934, 1935). Similar action on spermatogenesis was also proved to be true when Triturus crist atus cranifer (Galgano & Falchatti, 1940; Mazzi & Galgano, 1949), Triturus viridescens (lift, 1942), Geotriton fuscus, Triturus alpestris, Rana gracea and Rana latestei (Cei, 1942 a, b, and 1944) were treated with high temperature during winter and summer months. In the South American wood frog, Leptodactylus ocellatus typica, Cei (1948) and Rengel (1950) observed a temperature tolerance limit both in summer and winter and spermatogenesis is reported to be impaired if the frogs are treated beyond that range in both the seasons. However, Rengel (1950) was unable to observe any such effect when Leptodactylus ocellatus reticulatus was treated at high tempearture ( ± 30°C) . Similarly, Cei (1944) could not induce spermatogenesis in Rana arvalis when it was treated with high temperatures during winter. Witschi (1924) re- ported that spermatogenesis is independent of environmental temperature in Rana temporaria. This was experimentally supported by Cei ( 1942, 1944) by keeping the frogs at high temperatures during the winter. But van Oordt (1956a, b) treated Rana temporaria at 5°C for two months and observed the absence of spermatogenetic activities. In Telmatobius schreiteri (Cei, 1949) and Hyla raddiana andina (Caruso, 1949) sper- matogenesis is continuous and is not affected by the considerable low temperature of the high al- titudes of the Andes mountains. It is, therefore, evident that spermatogensis is dependent on the temperature in most of the Salientia, but with some specific variations. The above reports are from the temperate zone with the exception of some South American tropical examples. Consequently, it appears useful to study the influence of low temperature espe- cially on tropical toads like Bufo melanostictus where spermatogenesis is continuous (Mondal & Basu, 1960; G. Church, 1960) and is not affected by an average temperature fluctuation of 38°-150C. Materials and Methods Mature male toads, Bufo melanostictus, were collected from the vicinity of Calcutta and were brought to the laboratory the next day. The body weight and snout-to-vent length of all experi- mental animals varied from 28-32 gms. and 70- 75 mm. respectively. Secondary sexual charac- ters were carefully observed before treatment. A group of ten toads was allowed to stay in a controlled temperature room (±10°- 15°) and another batch of five was kept at outside normal room temperature for one month. This experi- ment was performed during the months of Aug- ust-September 1960 (Group A) and April-May 1961 (Group B). At the time of autopsy, body weight, snout-to-vent length, testicular weight and secondary sex characters were noted. The right testis of all the individuals was fixed and sectioned at 6p and stained with hematoxylin 21 22 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 4 Table 1. Observations Taken from the Control and Low Temperature Treated Toads for Thirty Days DURING THE MONTHS OF AUGUST-SEPTEMBER (1960) AND APRIL-MAY (1961). Relative Testis Wt. (in mg.) Testis Tubule Diameter (in p) Spermatogenetic Stages! Percentage of Tissue Components Interstitium Testis Tubule Misc.f 0 I ii m IV V August-September (1960) Group A Control 70 52.5 47.0 26.0 40.5 75.5 4.0 5.2 10.8 87.5 1.7 (5)* Treated 67 45.5 48.2 25.0 42.5 70.5 2.7 4.0 20.35 78.6 1.15 GO)* ±10°-15oC 30 days. April-May (1961) Group B Control 134 57.0 35.0 23.0 40.5 80.2 2.0 3.2 17.5 81.2 1.3 (5)* (Treated) 135 56.5 37.0 22.5 27.5 75.7 2.2 4.0 18.2 80.5 2.3 (10)* ±10°-15°C 30 days. ^Figures indicate the number of toads used, flncludes blood vessels, vasa efferentia and some empty spaces. JStage O = Primary spermatogonia at resting phase. Stage I — Secondary spermatogonia less than ten cells in a cell nest. Stage II = Secondary spermatogonia more than ten cells in a cell nest. Stage III = Primary spermatocyte. Stage IV = Secondary spermatocytes. Stage V = Spermatids. eosin. Different spermatogenetic stages were counted and the percentage of tissue compon- ents was calculated by a planimetric method. Tubule diameter and relative testicular weight were also recorded. Results and Discussion The relative testicular weight of both control and treated toads of Group A (vide Table 1) is well within the normal range, as was pre- viously reported by Mondal & Basu (I960) in dealing with the annual spermatogenetic cycle of the present species. The overall picture of the different spermatogenetic stages and the average number show no distinct difference caused by the treatment. A decrease, although not very re- markable, in the number of cell nests from stage III onward is observed among the treated toads of Group A (August-September, 1960). Sperms are embedded in the Sertoli cells and the va«a efferentia remain closed in all the treated and control toads during the months of August- September, 1960. The most prominent differ- ence is noted in the testis tubule diameter, which is definitely narrow in the treated group (45.5/x) when compared with the controls (52.5 p). Sim- ilarly the percentage of interstitium has in- creased in the treated batch of animals (20.3% ) as compared with that of the controls ( 1 0.8 % ) . About 10% increase of the interstitial cellular components due to low temperature and an average shrinkage of Ip of the tubule diameter are definitely significant (Text-fig. 1; Plate I, A & B). In toads of Group B (April-May, 1961) both control and treated individuals show differences of insignificant nature in their relative testis weight, tubule diameter and also in their per- centage of tissue components (Table I; Text-fig. 1 ) . So far as the different spermatogenetic stages are concerned, an abrupt and sudden fall in the cell nest number of the secondary spermatogonia of stage II is noted in the treated group. The number of spermatocytes has also been de- creased but not as significantly as have the spermatogonia. The sperms are found both in scattered and bundled condition in the tubular lumen, suggesting spermiating activity in the toads (Plate I, C& D). The experiments of Galgano (1934, 1935) on Rana esculenta proved beyond doubt that tem- perature can induce or suppress spermatogenesis. On the other hand, in Rana temporaria Witschi (1924) and Cei (1942, 1944) believed that temperature caused no significant influence on spermatogenesis. Later, van Oordt (1956 a, b) and Galgano & Lanza (1951) proved that the influence of temperature exists in Rana tempor- aria if treated for a long period. All the above- mentioned observations are limited to the frogs of the temperate zone where normal environ- mental temperature is very low. On the contrary the frogs and toads inhabiting the tropical and subtropical zones generally show a continuous type of spermatogenesis and their temperature tolerance limit is also variable. This appears to be inherent and varies from species to species. 1962] Basu: Temperature Effect on Testicular Cell-components of Bufo melanostictus 23 100- 90- 60- 70- 60- 50- 40- 30- 20- 10- 6R0UP A B CD E F Text-fig. 1. Illustrating the change in the tubule diameter (in p), interstitium percentage and testis tubule percentage of control and treated toads in Groups A, C & E (August-September) and Groups B, D & F (April-May). The normal cycle of Rana tigrina (Basu & Mon- dal, 1961) and Bufo melanostictus (Mondal & Basu, 1960; Church, 1960), inhabiting more or less the same climatic zone, show a good deal of difference particularly during the winter months. A similar condition is reported by Rengel (1950) with regard to a South American species of Leptodactylus, which shows contin- uous spermatogenesis. Rengel (1950) observed that if Leptodactylus ocellatus reticulatus is ex- posed to temperature higher than ±30°C there is no harmful effect on spermatogenesis, but this temperature appeared to be too high for the testicular cell divisions of Leptodactylus ocella- tus typica. The present experiment on Bufo mel- anostictus reveals that very low temperature treatment in the warmest days (±36°-40°C) of the year (April-May, 1961) causes no signifi- cant effect except the decrease of the secondary spermatogonial number. But the toads of Group A (August-September, 1960) under similar treatment did not show any such remarkable fall in the cell nest number of stage II. On the contrary the tubule diameter and percentage of the interstitium was remarkably affected by low temperature in Group A. This proves that the role of low temperatures on male gonads of I [CONTROL ITREATED Testis tubule Testis tubule diameter { in)J) Inierstitium % Bufo melanostictus is different during the sum- mer and autumn months. In summer probably the spermatogenetic stages are more susceptible than is the interstitium of autumn. However, it is expected that prolonged treatment for several months may affect all the target organs during the summer and autumn months. In Rana tem- poraria, Witschi (1924) concluded that sperma- togenesisis is to a large extent independent of the environmental factors and consequently de- pends on the internal rhythm determined by genetic factors. But experiments of van Oordt (1956) suggest that prolonged treatment may change the condition. Cei (1948) and Rengel (1950), from their experimental observations, are of the opinion that there remains a certain temperature tolerance limit in the spermato- genetic field of the Salientia. Moreover, from different reports so far available it appears that the temperature tolerance range of the Salientia varies from species to species even in the same climatic zone. The present experiment also sug- gests that in Bufo melanostictus seasonal varia- tion causes some difference in the site of sensi- tivity and also that it has a wide range of temperature tolerance which is suitable for its adaptation to this tropical climate. Acknowledgements 1 wish to record my sincere thanks to Dr. S. K. Brahma for photomicrography and to the authorities of G. C. Bose Biological Research Unit for extending facilities for this research. Summary 1. The common Indian toad, Bufo melano- stictus Schneider, was treated with low tempera- ture (±10°-15°C) during summer (April-May) and autumn (August-September) months of the year. The treatment was continued for one month. 2. No significant effect on spermatogenesis was observed except a sudden fall in the number of secondary spermatogonial cell nests of treated toads during the summer season. 3. The autumn toads after treatment showed a decrease in the diameter of the tubules and an increase in the percentage of interstitium in the testis tissue components. 4. Possible significance of the changes due to this treatment and some probable explana- tions have also been discussed. References Basu, S. L. & A. Mondal 1961. The normal spermatogenetic cycle of the common Indian frog, Rana tigrina Daud. Folia Biologica, 9 (2): 135. 24 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 4: 1962] Bullough, W. S. 1951. Vertebrate sexual cycle. Methuen & Co., Ltd., London. Caruso, M. A. 1949. Sobre al ciclo sexual anual de algunos Hylidae del Norte Argentino (Phyllo- medusa sauvagii e Hyla raddiana). Acta Zool. Lilloana, 8: 83. Cei, G. 1942a. L Influenza dei fattori ambientali sulla spermatogenesi del Geotriton fuscus Bonap. (Spelerpes fuscus). Arch. Zool. Ital., 30: 311. 1942b. Richerche biologiche e sperimentali sul ciclo sessuale annuo dei Triton alpestris ( Triturus alpestris” Laur.) del Trentino e dell’alto Adigo. Studi Trentini Sci. Nat., 23: 1. 1944. Analisi biogeografica e richerche biolo- giche e sperimentali sul ciclo sessuale annuo della Rana rosse d’ Europa. Monit. Zool. Ital., 54, suppl. 1. Cei, J. M. 1948. El ritmo estacional en los fenomenos cic- licos endocrino-sexuales de la Rana cri- olla (Leptodactylus ocellatus L.) del Norte Argentino. Acta Zool. Lilloana, 6: 283. 1949. Sobre la biologia sexual de un batracio de grande altura de la region andina (“Tel- matobius schreiteri Vellard). Acta Zool. Lilloana, 7: 467. Church, G. 1960. Annual and lunar periodicity in the sexual cycle of the Javanese toad, Bufo melan- ost ictus Schneider. Zoologica, 45 (13)- 181. Galgano, M. 1934. L’influenza della temperatura sulla sper- matogenesi della Rana esculenta L. Monit. Zool. Ital., 45 suppl., 82. 1935. Intorno all’influenza del clima sullea spermatogenesi di “Rana esculenta L.” Arch. Ital. Anat. Embryol., 35: 511. EXPLANATION Plate I (Photomicrographs of 6p, sections through the testis of Bufo melanostictus ) A. Section showing the hyperplasia of the inter- stitium ( vide arrow) and narrow tubule diam- eter of treated toads during August-September (Group A). X 100. B. Section showing the normal condition of the testis in the control toads of August-September Galgano, M. & L. Falchelli 1940. L’influenza della temperatura sulla sper- matogenesi e sopra i caratteri sessuali dei Triton cristatus Laur. Monit. Zool. Ital., 51: 166. Galgano, M., & B. Lanza 1951. Contributi intorno all’azione della tem- peratura e dell ’ormone folliculostimolante sulla stasi spermatogenetica in Rana tem- poraria L. Rend. Acad. Naz. Lincei., (8) : 11, 105. Ifft, J. D. 1942. The effect of environmental factors on the sperm cycle of Triturus viridescens. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 83: 111. Mazzi, V. & M. Galgano 1949. Ultariori observazioni intorno all’effetto della serra calda sul ciclo sessuale del Triton cristato. Rend, Acad. Naz. Lincei, (8): 6, 518. Mondal, A., & S. L. Basu 1960. Spermatogenetic cycle in Bufo melano- stictus Schneid. Ind. Jour. Physiol, and Allied Sci., 14: 2, 43. Rengel, D. 1950. Accion de la temperatura elevada sobre la espermatogenesis de des formas de “Leptodactylus ocellatus L.” Acta Zool. Lilloana, 9: 425. van Oordt, P. G. W. J. 1956a. Regulation of the spermatogenetic cycle in the common frog (Rana temporaria). Thesis, Utrecht University. 1956b. The role of temperature in regulating the spermatogenetic cycle in the common frog (Rana temporaria). Acta Endocrinol., 23: 251. WlTSCHI, E. 1924. Die entwicklung der keimzellen der Rana temporaria L. 1. Urkeimzellen und sper- matogenese. Z. Zell. U. Gewemelchre, 1, 523. OF THE PLATE (Group A). Note the undifferentiated inter- stitium and wide tubule diameter. X 100. C. Testis sections of treated toads during April- May (Group B), showing the sudden fall of secondary spermatogonia (Stage II) in the folli- cles. X 100. D. Section through the testis of control toads of Group B showing very little difference except the normal number of secondary spermatogonia (arrow indicates the stage II cell-nests). X 100. BASU PLATE I LOW TEMPERATURE EFFECT ON THE TESTICULAR CELL COMPONENTS OF THE COMMON INDIAN TOAD. BUFO MELANOSTICTUS SCHNEIDER 5 Biology and Behavior of Damon variegatus Perty of South Africa and Admetus barbadensis Pocock of Trinidad, W.I. ( Arachnida, Pedipalpi) 1 Anne J. Alexander2 Department of Zoology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa (Text-figures 1-5) Contents Introduction 25 Habitat 25 Feeding 26 Washing 27 Intraspecific Behavior 27 Courtship 29 Development 32 Phylogenetic Discussion 34 Summary 36 References 36 Introduction TAILLESS whip-scorpions or scorpion- spiders are dorsally flattened, cryptically colored arachnids, found in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Their systematic position is controversial so that a study of their biology and behavior is not only interesting in its own right, but might also be relevant to this question. The scorpion-spiders have traditionally been placed in the arachnid order Pedipalpi, but in 1949 Millot replaced this by two new orders, the Uropygi and the Amblypygi, the latter contain- ing the scorpion-spiders. Subsequently Petrunke- vitch ( 1955) has divided the Pedipalpi into three separate orders, the Thelyphonida (true whip- scorpions), the Schizomida and the Phrynichida Contribution No. 1,015, Department of Tropical Re- search, New York Zoological Society. 2 Some of the observations recorded here were made in Trinidad on a visit to the field station of the Depart- ment of Tropical Research and thanks are due both the staff of the station and the Society for making this visit possible. Financial assistance is also gratefully acknowl- edged from the National Science Foundation, the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research and the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851. (scorpion-spiders). He agrees with Millot, how- ever, that the first two are more closely related to each other than either are to the scorpion- spiders. Both of these proposals imply that the previous order Pedipalpi reflected similarities which had in fact arisen in two separate lines of evolution. All these conclusions have been reached from a consideration of the morphology of the animals, the more recent suggestions tak- ing into account the internal as well as external features. It seemed possible that behavioral char- acteristics might supply evidence for or against the suggested convergence of the Schizomida and Thelyphonida with the Phrynichida. Few records have been made of the behavior of the Pedipalpi as a whole and this dearth of information is espe- cially noticeable in the case of the Phrynichida. The present observations on Admetus barbaden- sis and Damon variegatus, both members of the family Tarantulidae, are offered in view of this lack. It is hoped that if they serve no other pur- pose, they may provide some incentive to record the equivalent information for the other two groups; for until comparative studies have been made on the animals as a whole, much of what is said here must remain a speculative contribu- tion to the subject of pedipalp relationships. Habitat In the field these scorpion-spiders can be found beneath loose pieces of wood or leaves, more especially under forest cover. There is no indi- cation that they ever construct burrows for them- selves either in the wild or in the laboratory, as has also been reported by Gravely (1915) for the East Indian scorpion-spiders. If the cover is suddenly removed from a specimen, it may stay absolutely still, presumably employing behavior 25 26 Zoological New York Zoological Society [47: 5 which would sometimes lead to its being over- looked because of its general flatness and cryptic coloration. If it moves, it does so quickly, run- ning suddenly sideways onto another surface of the covering object or away to another hiding place. It never threatens unless it has actually been picked up and then only occasionally. D. variegatus is more markedly synanthropic than A. barbadensis and in many parts of Natal can be collected very readily from cellars, out- houses or man-holes where it lives either in crev- ices or freely on the walls if the place is fairly dark. This acceptance of human habitation is a biological feature which contrasts with the be- havior of the schizomids and thelyphonids, nei- ther of which has been reported to occur asso- ciated with man. In laboratory conditions both A. barbadensis and D. variegatus show a diurnal rhythm of ac- tivity in which the active phase is nocturnal and since the former species has been found wander- ing about at night in the forests of Trinidad, it is assumed that the activity pattern shown in the laboratory is a natural one and not induced by disturbances during the day. Similar habits occur in the other two groups but it is common for most arachnids to be nocturnal. Feeding There is no information about what the scor- pion-spiders eat in the field. Prey is, however, caught at night and is almost certainly living. Animals such as moths, crickets, spiders, cock- roaches and beetles are accepted in the labora- tory and probably form part of the normal diet. In stalking prey, the scorpion-spider approaches directly, i.e., not sideways as in escape. The tips of the first pair of legs3 tap the prey so gently that they seldom disturb it. When the scorpion- spider is an inch or two from its prey, it suddenly throws itself upon the insect, clutching at it with the exposed spines of both pedipalps. Sometimes, when the prey is especially large, the scorpion- spider attacks several times in this manner, re- treating between each attack. More usually the insect is impaled on the pedipalpal spines at the first onslaught. Once the prey is caught, the pedi- palps fold, pulling it towards the mouth and re- taining their hold of it while the needle-like cheli- cerae alternately dig down into it. After the meal the corpse is often left as a mangled mass of exoskeleton but this is not in- variably so; sometimes it remains almost entire, 8 The first legs are very long and antenniform and will be referred to throughout this study as the “feelers;” see Patten (1917). only showing external damage at the points where the chelicerae had punctured it. This is strongly reminiscent of what occurs among the spiders and suggests that scorpion-spiders may also rely on extra-oral digestion to a considera- ble extent. Such a consideration leads directly to the prob- lem of how the food is conveyed into the gut, once it has been liquified by the digestive juices. Just behind the mouth opening there is a typi- cally arachnid sucking pharynx and ingestion it- self consists of drawing up the fluid contents of the corpse into this sac. Both scorpions and scorpion-spiders possess “pseudotracheal” areas on certain limbs. In the scorpions such filter-like areas are located on the coxal endites of the second legs. During feeding either digestive juices pass through these and onto the food or the liquified food passes through them into the gut: there is no decisive evidence as yet to distinguish between these possibilities. Limb movements, which occur during feeding, could help move the fluid in either direction. In the scorpion-spiders there is no limb movement, yet on each coxa of the pedipalps they have a pseudotracheal area structurally resembling the pseudotracheae of a scorpion. The main channel, like that in the scorpions, opens into the base of the esophagus. In captivity scorpion-spiders frequently drink water. In this behavior, as in the eating pattern, there are alternate movements of the chelicerae. These cease for short intervals as fluid is drawn up into the gut. The significance of the cheliceral movements is obscure; perhaps they are merely a reflection of the fact that the animal uses the motor pattern of normal feeding when drinking free water. Conversely, the similarity of the eat- ing and drinking patterns is in keeping with the suggestion that it is a fluid which is taken up into the mouth during feeding and that extra- oral digestion must occur. As with the detection of prey, the detection of water appears to be done by sense organs on the feelers. This may be demonstrated as fol- lows : A desiccated animal is put on the bottom of a dish which has a number of small holes bored in its lid and many drops of water placed between these holes. During its investigation of the dish, the scorpion-spider will eventually put one of its feelers up through a hole and into a drop of water. Immediately, the behavior pat- tern of drinking can be seen in the animal below and it will make efforts to get at the water. The sense organs involved have not yet been identi- fied, nor is it clear whether the feelers only can be used for detecting water. 1962] Alexander: Biology and Behavior of Damon variegatus and Admetus barbadensis 27 Washing This behavior may be seen most frequently after the animals have been drinking or eating, though they will interrupt other behavior, such as courting or fighting, to wash themselves. The feelers and walking legs are pulled to the mouth by the pedipalps and then drawn between the chelicerae, being cleaned by the medial brushes which occur on these appendages (Text-fig. la). During washing, the chelicerae move up and down as they do in eating or drinking. Text-fig. 1. a— Lateral view of the left chelicera of A. barbadensis, showing the mesial brushes on both first and second segments, b— Lateral view of the last segment of the pedipalp of A. barbadensis, showing the structure used by the animal for wash- ing its limbs. The catching of a leg or feeler by the pedipalp may occur as a preliminary to its being washed between the chelicerae, as described above, but the action may also be repeated over and over again without the chelicerae being involved at all; the limb is pulled a short distance towards the mouth by the pedipalp and then released. Here the pedipalp itself is doing the cleaning: the apparatus concerned is a little close-haired brush on the last segment (Text-fig. lb)4. The limb is drawn through this brush as it returns to its position after being pulled towards the mouth. The important function of the cleaning brush, however, is the washing of the pedipalps them- selves. Though the brushes of the chelicerae are able to clean some of the spines on the inner surface of the pedipalp, this cleaning action is incomplete and many of the pedipalpal spines 4 It is this structure that Barnard, Ann. Mag. nat. hist. (6), 11, 28-30 (1893), suggested was a sense organ, and the homologue of the adhesive organ on the last segment of the pedipalp of the solifugid. are not reached at all. If the pedipalpal spines are to act as weapons, their sharpness is all-im- portant. This must depend on their being kept free of congealed remnants of prey and dirt and it is desirable that there should be a mechanism for cleaning them properly. It is the pedipalpal brushes which do the major part of this cleaning, wiping each of the large spines in turn, then cleaning the outer surface of the pedipalp itself. The brushes are themselves cleaned on the cheli- ceral hairs, these being moistened at the mouth. It seems possible that the brush on the pedipalp of D. variegatus and A. barbadensis has been evolved primarily for the cleaning of these pedi- palpal spines. Millot (1949) shows the presence of the brush in his illustration of Charinus milloti Fage, a member of the Charontidae, the second family of Phrynichida. So pedipalpal brushes may occur throughout the whole order; possibly they were one of the prerequisites for the capital- ization of the pedipalpal spines as weapons. Intraspecific Behavior Aggressive and threatening behavior occurs in encounters between two males or two females, between an adult and a young animal or even between two young animals, and the same be- havior comprises the first part of courtship in any pair of scorpion-spiders. Hence a descrip- tion of actual courtship behavior will be left un- til after consideration of intraspecific behavior which does not lead up to mating. In an encounter between individuals that are clearly unevenly matched, (i.e., a small and a large individual or one injured and one intact), regardless of which touches the other first, the result is almost always the same. The “inferior” animal runs off sideways for a short distance and then extends the nearer feeler towards the supe- rior animal, quivering it violently in the air over the body of the other. Then, without neces- sarily any further move from its antagonist, the weaker will suddenly fold in its feelers and run off as far as possible from the other. Sometimes the superior animal may unfold its pedipalps and threaten or even rush and fling itself at the inferior. Invariably, however, the latter animal escapes uninjured from the first encounter. In laboratory observations it may subsequently be killed, but such an event should perhaps be re- garded as something that would not normally occur in the field; it seems to happen only when the weaker animal is allowed no space for escape. When the contestants are more evenly matched, the first encounter may, as in the pre- vious case, include violent pedipalpal attack. Here the two animals will strike at each other 28 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 5 with one or both pedipalps. The spines on these appendages may tear the carapace or abdominal tergites or rip open the swollen intersegmental membranes of the pedipalps where they are ex- posed in threatening. Such wounds are often fatal and, if the stricken animal is not eaten im- mediately by its opponent, it will usually be dead by the following day. In addition to these direct attacks, however, there are numerous conflicts that end without any blood being shed. Such encounters may be de- scribed as threat fights and they precede almost all true courtship. There are several variations, but in general the victor must beat its opponent into submission using only its delicate feelers. Although the blows may be given with such force that the body of the opponent sways be- neath them, it is obvious that little discomfort, let alone hurt, could come from them. This would appear to be a case of highly ritualized threatening which does not involve the weapons of offence themselves. The commonest form of threatening is what is here called “side-tapping.” The animal con- cerned faces about 45° away from its opponent, (Text-fig. 2a), bends its abdomen so that it is more nearly in line with the opponent, extends and opens the pedipalp furthest from the enemy and taps or beats the latter’s body with the nearer feeler, which is stretched out in front. The body of the animal doing the tapping is nearly always held very close to the ground, as if it needs support. The opponent normally does one of two things: either it returns the tapping, using pre- cisely the same pose as does the first animal so that a very symmetrical effect is achieved (Text fig. 2b) or it stands up, holds its body well away from the ground and allows the first to beat at it (Text-fig. 2c). If the latter response is made, the animal which is being beaten usually extends its pedipalps to some extent, drawing the tips fairly close together and keeping the claws (formed by the spines) closed, i.e., not using the normal threat pose in which the pedipalps are both extended and opened. Whether there is mutual side - tapping or whether only one animal taps, the behavior lasts Text-fig. 2. Diagrammatic representation of an encounter between two specimens of D. variegatus. Animal I is above, with its feelers represented in black, Animal II is below and is the smaller. In all cases the full length of the feeler of Animal I is not shown in proportion to its body, a— Animal I is side-tapping, leading with the left feeler while the right is folded back, b— Animal I is side-tapping slightly more actively, as can be seen from the fact that its body is more fully oriented towards II and it has opened and extended its right pedipalp further. Animal II is now returning the side- tapping so that there is a mutual exchange of blows, c— Animal I has gone into what is virtually the extreme side-tapping pose while II has taken up the “pas- sive” stance, with legs raising the body high above the substratum while the pedipalps are half extended and the claws almost completely closed. The feelers curve forward gently and touch at II. 1962] Alexander: Biology and Behavior of Damon variegatus and Admetus barbadensis 29 only a short time and then there is a reorganiza- tion. In the case of mutual side-tapping, the pair pull in their feelers and face each other. Then they gradually revert to side-tapping once more but this time leading with the other feeler. Be- fore the new orientation and as the animals face each other, the feelers may exchange a few beats. Occasionally, after coming forward to change, the pair revert to leading with the same feeler as they were using before. Less frequently, one animal will change its leading feeler while the other will not, thus producing a thoroughly dis- organized side-tapping. If only one animal of the pair has been tap- ping, and the other is passive, the roles are re- versed periodically; thus the passive scorpion- spider begins to tap while its partner rises up on its legs, brings both pedipalps to the half-ex- tended position and holds its feelers partly back, i.e., it assumes the passive role. Another behavior pattern can be distinguish- ed; this seems to occur in animals which are both more active than the couples described above. Each stands with its pedipalps open and partly, or even widely extended and then the animals lunge in turn towards each other. Some- times they spike the body or one of the limbs but quite frequently they miss altogether. Some- times both animals strike together and the spines of the two pairs of pedipalps become entangled. A slight variation of this pattern is one in which both animals move sideways, facing each other and occasionally lunging across the space that separates them. In some cases the same dance- like steps occur but the animals merely beat at each other with their feelers instead of using their more offensive pedipalps. These various patterns may merge into one an- other or change abruptly from one to the other; there is as yet no clear explanation of the sig- nificance of each, or of why or how the changes are initiated. The sequence does not seem to have any precise bearing on the final result of the encounter. This latter takes one of three forms. Firstly, there may be a serious pedipalpal exchange between the pair and in this one or both may be injured or killed. Secondly, one of the pair may suddenly turn and run off rapidly (be- havior that does not normally follow a series of active tapping at the opponent). Lastly, one or both of the animals may just wander off slowly and pay no further attention to the other. Courtship True courtship is far more difficult to observe than the encounters recorded so far. The chances of seeing this behavior, however, are increased if the observations are made at night and under a very dim or red light. In neither D. variegatus nor A. barbadensis can the sexes be distinguished from a glance at the dorsal surface and so, for experimental work, it is convenient to deter- mine the sex of each animal and mark its back with appropriate paint. Sexing can be done using the differences in the details of the furrows on the genital operculum, as was suggested for D. variegatus by Lawrence (1949). With live animals, however, it is better to hold the animal on its back and lift the edge of its operculum gently; if it is a male, the genital organs will be extruded (Text-fig. 3a). These male organs will be referred to here as “genital cones.” (The term “penes” used by Lawrence (1949) is un- acceptable for, as will be seen later, they do not function as intromittent organs). They are rela- tively larger in A. barbadensis than in D. var- iegatus and consist of a pair of conical structures (Text-fig. 3b) almost joined together at their bases, each opening towards the midline by way of many peculiar foldings. The male ducts lead into the bases of these genital cones. The under surface of the female operculum bears no such organs, but in the female A. bar- badensis there is a pair of small dark-colored sclerites lying obliquely just under the opercu- lum (Text-fig. 3c) . These point towards the mid- line and are attached anteriorly. Their function will be discussed later in relation to the egg-case. The female D. variegatus lacks these sclerites and has instead a number of complicated fold- ings of the cuticle, some of which are sclerotized (Text-fig. 3d). In either case the single opening of the female duct lies at the base of the oper- culum. Returning to the actual courtship, it has al- ready been said that this is normally preceded by certain behavior patterns which also occur in encounters between animals of the same sex or immature stages. In the first part of an en- counter the degree of violence may vary widely, but eventually, if genuine courtship is to follow, the animals will reach a stage when the female response to the side-tapping of the male becomes one of submission. Instead of holding her body stiffly away from the ground, she allows it to come to rest, spreading her legs out sideways. Her pedipalps are folded from the semi-extended position into one of rest and her feelers become motionless. The male then straightens his body and comes forward to face her; he beats her intermittently with both feelers. Presently he extends his pedipalps fairly slowly and lunges at her, pushing her with his body as if testing her passivity. During these advances, the female may show signs of recurring aggression and immediately the male will move back and again 30 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 5 Text-fig. 3. a— Genital area of A. barbadensis showing the extruded genital cones, b— View of the genital cones from the undersurface of the genital operculum The male ducts and accessory glands would empty into the cones through that part which is shown by cross-hatching in the diagram. Part of the slit-like opening of the cones can be seen, si. c— Undersurface of the genital operculum of a female A. barbaden- sis to show the sclerites, sc, which hold the anterior end of the egg-case, d— Undersurface of the genital operculum of a female D. variegatus showing the foldings and sclerotization which occur there in the formation of a socket, so, into which the anterior end of the egg-case is moulded. The position of the first pair of book-lungs can be seen, bl. begin his intermittent beating. Such upsets oc- cur more and more infrequently until, eventual- ly, after some hours, she lies passively under all his advances. D. variegatus completed courtship in the lab- oratory on one occasion only and then a part of the behavior was not seen. Courtship climaxed by mating has, however, been watched in A. bar- badensis on five occasions. The patterns of courtship and mating were virtually identical— except for points of difference introduced by deliberate interference. It seems likely that the behavior in the two species is the same. There is no mating grasp at all in these scorpion-spiders and the animals remain un- connected throughout as in some of the pseudo- scorpions and mites. Once the female is truly passive, mating can begin. The male lowers his body and touches it to the ground several times. He gets up, moving closer to and almost touching the body of the female who remains motionless. He turns round so that he faces directly away from her and, lowering his body, crouches down on the sub- stratum as before. A slender, transparent sperm- atophore is then extruded from his genital open- ing. Once the distal end of the spermatophore is cemented onto the ground, the male scorpion- spider raises himself and turns round so that he again faces the female. He then moves for- 1962] Alexander: Biology and Behavior of Damon variegatus and Admetus barbadensis 31 ar Text-fig. 4. Spermatophore of A. barbadensis. a— Lateral view; the right-hand side is that from which the female approaches to take up the sperm, b— Dorsal, slightly lateral, view showing the face approached by the female. The position of the two sperm masses is indicated by the cross-hatched areas just above the capsule portion of the spermatophore, e, where they are normally held by the arms, or, of this region. Stem of spermatophore, s; flat basal portion which is cemented down onto the substratum, w. ward and crouches on top of the spermatophore, moving his body slightly as if orienting him- self correctly in respect to it. Once settled, the male normally remains motionless for up to five minutes. Apparently it is during this time that he places two masses of sperm in position on the proximal end of the spermatophore. Cer- tainly up to this point the spermatophore has been empty of sperm. The male slowly rises from the spermatophore and steps back a few centimeters. He quivers and the female which has so far remained im- mobile comes forward, her feelers guiding her towards the spermatophore (Text-fig. 4). Fin- ally she crouches over it, applying her genital region to its proximal end. She jerks forward against it, usually several times in quick suc- cession though sometimes there is a thirty-second interval between the first and second attempt. She then stands up with the two masses of sperm caught partly beneath her genital oper- culum. The male becomes active once more and taps the female rapidly for about fifteen seconds. When she moves away from the empty sperma- tophore, the male eats it. The two animals then separate and there is no evidence of aggression. Finally, in this section on the reproduction of the Phrynichida, it may be mentioned that elec- trical stimulation of the genital area of a living male D. variegatus can cause the production and extrusion of a spermatophore. When low in- tensity shocks are first applied, the operculum will be lifted slightly and the genital cones be ex- truded. Presently, from between and posterior to these, a larger organ begins to appear. This is a many-lobed structure which will be referred to here as the “genital body” (Text-fig. 5). Fur- ther gentle stimulation causes the secretion of an amount of transparent, very sticky material, presumably that which normally cements the spermatophore to the substratum. Then, also from between the lobes of the genital body, the 32 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 5 Text-fig. 5. The genital region of a male D. variegatus showing the “genital body”, gfo, which has been extruded from the genital opening after electrical stimulation. The lobes of the genital body are somewhat asymmetrical in this example, so that the flap, f, of the right side is still tucked in on the left, uf. The genital cones have been displaced laterally and anteriorly and are only just recognizable, gc, in the drawing. The spermatophore is extruded at the point marked, gd, in the mid-line and between the various lobes. The stria- tions, bl, represent part of the first pair of book-lungs which are visible under the genital operculum. actual spermatophore itself is extruded. In such artificial conditions the production is never suc- cessful and the structure could clearly not be used for transference of sperm by the animal concerned. The use of such stimulatory tech- niques was reported by Piza ( 1950) working on a scorpion, Tityus bahiensis. Here a structure, which subsequent work has identified as the spermatophore, was partly extruded from the animal. In the case of a South African scorpion subjected to similar treatment, not only was the skeleton of the spermatophore ejected, but also a large part of the glandular apparatus which secretes it. Thus it should be borne in mind that the eversion of the “genital body” in D. var- iegatus may well be an artifact due to the ab- normal stimulation and that in natural produc- tion of a spermatophore this does not occur. Development It is known that in the Phrynichida, Schizo- mida and Thelyphonida, the eggs are attached beneath the abdomen of the female after they are laid, a phenomenon that occurs also in the pseudoscorpions. The eggs of A. barbadensis and D. variegatus are held together in a fairly tough egg-case consisting partly at least of chitin. According to Millot (1949) and Law- rence (1953) the cavity within the egg-case is continuous with that of the female genital organs until the young are freed. In the case of A. barba- densis this is not so; the anterior end of the egg- case is a tough dried stalk which is held in position just beneath the genital operculum by the pair of sclerites mentioned earlier (p. 29 and Text-fig. 3c). This coupling of the anterior end may occasionally come loose and the animal is apparently incapable of hooking it up again. When this happens, the case is merely left at- tached by sticky threads to the abdomen. Occa- sionally, however, the whole attachment fails and the egg-case is dropped to the ground. In 1962] Alexander: Biology and Behavior of Damon variegatus and Admetus barbadensis 33 one such instance, the female then ate the young and their case. As Lawrence and Millot have observed, the abdomen of D. variegatus may be considerably hollowed out so that the egg-case does not pro- ject much below the normal level of the ab- domen. The lateral margins tend, in fact, to overlap the edges of the egg-case and thus insure better protection. In A. barbadensis this hollow- ing of the abdomen is far less marked and the egg-case tends to hang down below the normal level of the abdomen, especially just before hatching. The egg-case is secreted when the eggs are laid. It appears as a semi-transparent, colorless material which toughens and darkens during the subsequent twenty-four hours. It consists of two layers, an outer one which encloses the whole and a thinner inner layer which is continuous with packing material which lies between the eggs and the stalk attaching the case to the female. It is not known how long the eggs remain within the case but they can certainly be carried for as long as a month before hatching. Emerg- ence from the egg-case takes place during the night or early morning as a rule. The young come out through a ragged slit at the posterior end of the case. About twenty-four hours before the hatching this part of the egg-case can in fact be seen to have become softened and partly freed from the abdomen. Emergence may take as long as the whole night, the young easing slowly out of their own first exuvia as well as the partially liquified case. As they become free, they climb back onto the female. The remnants of the egg- case, the egg-shells and exuvia remain attached to the female until the young desert her several days later. The young scorpion-spiders, A. barbadensis numbering from 15-30, D. variegatus up to 50, cling onto the abdomen of the female, covering both the ventral and dorsal surfaces, a phenom- enon which occurs also among thelyphonids, as shown by the illustrations given by Strubell (1926) andYoshikura (1958). They have never been seen on the prosoma and if one is dropped there experimentally, it will immediately climb back to the abdomen. It is not clear why this is so, either in terms of what controls the behavior of the young or what selective advantage is given by such a distribution of the young on the parent. Among scorpions, the female does not appear to be incommoded by the young which cling onto her prosoma any more than by those on the abdomen. Newly hatched A. barbadensis are very soft and dusky pink; in D. variegatus the abdomen is light green. The abdomen is relatively much longer at this stage than it is in the adult and eleven segments are far more easily recognized. The feelers are folded up and, like the pedi- palps, they are not used during this instar. The legs, however, attach the young very effectively to the female and one of the young animals can be disengaged only with great diffi- culty. If indeed a few are detached and strewn around the female, they make but feeble attempts to climb up again and only occasionally succeed. The female does not help in this at all, and in fact she merely shakes them off her legs if she can. She may touch one tentatively with her feeler for several seconds, then suddenly lunge for- ward, catch it on the spines of the pedipalps and immediately begin to eat it. Observations in which one or more of the young were eaten were made on four females and there is no evidence that they would not have eaten the entire broods if given the chance. In two cases the young had been hatched outside the labor- atory so that there is little possibility that the behavior was abnormal. This leads to the con- clusion that there is no maternal behavior towards young scorpion-spiders that leave their perches on the back of their mother. This is in marked contrast to the complex maternal patterns shown by many other ara- chnids, such as some of the spiders and scor- pions. In terms of selective advantage, the ex- planation for this does not seem to lie in the young scorpion-spiders being more firmly fixed to the parent than are young scorpions; both appear equally well attached. It seems possible, however, that the two different types of response can be correlated with the reactions of the mothers to a threatening danger or a disturbance. In such circumstances, a scorpion will stand and threaten with claws or sting, otherwise it re- mains immobile. In only a few cases will it run away, and if flight occurs, it is usually brief.6 A scorpion-spider, on the other hand, stands and tries to defend itself only if it has already been partly damaged. Very occasionally it will remain still and perhaps be overlooked; almost always, however, it starts to run immediately. The flight is broken up into short dashes side- ways but as a rule the animal finally comes to rest several yards from the site of the original 5 Possible exceptions to this generalization are such flattened, rock-dwelling scorpions as the South African genus Hadogenes, which may display an escape res- ponse. This, however, is not shown by females carrying their young, so that at such a time their behavior is similar to that of the other scorpions mentioned above and not to be compared with that of the phrynichids. 34 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 5 disturbance. The point is that, if young scorpion- spiders are knocked off their mother, they usu- ally have no chance to climb back because their mother will normally be some distance away by the time they are ready to do so. It is of no advantage for the female to have developed behavior which would allow her to distinguish her own young from any other helpless, wiggling arthropod which might be food on the ground. In the case of the scorpion, mother and young are still together after an “attack” has passed and it would be advantageous for a female to possess a behavior pattern that actually helps the young to remount, and even more so for her to recognize that they should not be eaten. A further consideration which may prove im- portant in such an explanation of why the phrynichid female has evolved no recognition of her young is that these animals, unlike scorpions, possess no “homes” in which they live and to which they return. It would thus be of interest to know of the Thelyphonida and the Schizomida— more especially as females from both these orders are reported to live in burrows, at least when they have eggs (see Gravely, 1915; Millot, 1949; and Yoshikura, 1958). On their mother’s back, the young phrynichids make almost no movement during the second in- termolt period. This lasts four to six days in A. barbadensis, up to 12 days in D. variegatus. The second molt appears always to begin during the morning. The length of time taken for any one individual molt varies considerably, from six minutes to almost three hours. There seems to be a preferred site for this event— the posterior part of the abdomen of the female— and most of the young do not begin to shed their skins until they can move towards this position. The molt begins with a number of cheliceral movements. Then a blister-like swelling arises on the cara- pace. This pulsates slightly and a split gradually appears round its anterior margin. The animal bulges out of this slit. Of the limbs the first to be freed are the chelicerae, then the pedipalps and lastly the legs. As the old cuticle is sloughed back, fluid within the body of the young can be seen to be pulsating rhythmically. When the new cuticle is uncovered, it is almost colorless but rapidly becomes greenish-blue and darkens over the next couple of days to a brilliant metallic green. The old skins are not eaten by mother or young and they fall from the mother’s back as pieces of pink fluff. Like the first exuviae of scorpions and unlike their own late stages, the skins that are left after this molt are very thin, soft and flexible. This is presumably a reflection of the fact that the animals are markedly un- sclerotized during their early instars. Unlike many scorpions which remain for some time on the female after they molt, the young scorpion-spiders climb off within a few minutes of freeing themselves of their cast skins. This climbing down is no accident and is quite “deliberately” done, for a young third instar nymph will immediately run off its mother if replaced. There is a marked change in the behavior of the phrynichids after their second molt. Once they reach the ground, they run around quickly, feelers are unfurled and they tap tentatively at objects near them. There is a noticeable avoid- ance of light. None of this behavior was of course present when the young were on their mother. Within two days they are capable of catching and eating termites provided for them, and are clearly independent of the female and, indeed, can be found at this stage running about by themselves in the field. Phylogenetic Discussion It has already been said that the study of the behavior of the Pedipalpi might throw light upon the phylogenetic relations of the different groups which have been lumped in this order. Many of the observations here recorded merely serve to emphasise the need for comparable studies on the other two members of the Ped- ipalpi, the Thelyphonida and the Schizomida. Of the biology that has been described, how- ever, three aspects appear as though they might provide material of significance in relation to the phylogeny of these groups, namely, feeding, sexual behavior and the general reactions of defence and offence. The importance of feeding has already been implied in the stress which Petrunkevitch lays on the feeding organs in his classificatory system. It is, however, abundantly clear that more work is still needed on the mechanism of feeding in the Phrynichida, while even less is known of the details in thelyphonids and schizomids (Snodgrass, 1948). It is per- haps significant that although the filter-plate apparatus in the Phrynichida is superficially like that of scorpions, there are no associated limb movements in the former. Courtship likewise can be but sketchily com- pared in the three groupings because actual mat- ing has not yet been seen in the thelyphonids. From descriptions of the preliminary behavior (Fischer, 1911; Gravely, 1915) it seems that the male in this order grasps the female first with his pedipalps and subsequently with his chelicerae, during which the two animals face each other. Schizomids also promenade before mating takes place (Sturm, 1958) and a cheli- 1962] Alexander: Biology and Behavior of Damon variegatus and Admetus barbadensis 35 ceral grasp occurs, but here, however, the grasp is quite different from that reported for thely- phonids. It is the female which holds the male and the part which is grasped is the specialized portion of his tail; consequently both animals face in the same direction. Hence it is possibly of little significance that the Phrynichida also differ widely, in having no mating grasp at all. Indeed such variations in detail of courtship may occur even among arachnids which are un- doubtedly closely related; for instance among the pseudo scorpions a mating grasp may or may not be present. Insemination is indirect by way of a sperma- tophore stuck down onto the substratum. Con- sidered alone, however, the fact is of little sig- nificance as this would appear to be the primitive method among the Arachnida (Alexander & Ewer, 1957) if not among terrestrial arthropods generally (Angermann & Schaller, 1956; Gila- rov, 1958). If the arachnids were originally aquatic forms in which fertilization was effected by “casual” meeting of sperm and eggs after both had been liberated into the sea, then the first step in the evolution of the spermatophore is perhaps exemplified by the behavior of water mites and some pseudoscorpions in which the male deposits spermatophores apparently hap- hazardly around him, with or without the pres- ence of a female. With a drier and wider habitat there would be increased danger of desiccation of the sperm and perhaps decreasing chances of a female coming across such casually depos- ited spermatophores. Thus there would be selec- tion for an association between male and female to be established before deposition of a sperma- tophore occurs and it is to be expected that such associations may have been independently evolved several times. Nevertheless the phryn- ichids and schizomids might be regarded as re- lated insofar as the male has his posterior end towards the anterior end of the female while he deposits a spermatophore. Such behavior is in contrast to that of the pseudoscorpions, the mites and especially the scorpions where the spermatophore would not function if the female were forced to approach it from the opposite direction. However, the very specialized mating grasp of the schizomids makes it improbable that the position taken up during spermatophore extrusion bears any direct relationship to that of the phrynichids. The marked dissociation of the acts of sperm- atophore deposition and sperm extrusion is unique and it is hard to see any advantage to the species from such behavior. It is, however, clear that the two events are completely independent. Thus on two occasions a male Admetus re- turned, in one case three times, to a spermato- phore when he apparently been unable to load it successfully at the first attempt. Another time a female Admetus walked away while the male was depositing sperm; the male chased after her, courted her once more to passivity and then returned to his depositing of sperm. This dis- sociation possibly offers the advantage that should anything cause a faulty deposition of a spermatophore or disrupt the mating, sperm will not have been wasted. A somewhat similar situ- ation occurs in Tityus trivittatus in which Biicherl (1956) has described a “reloading” of the spermatophore after the female had removed the first mass of sperm. Petrunkevitch has postulated a close associa- tion between the Phrynichida and the Araneae, and the present observations can be read in support of such an opinion. It has been suggested (Alexander, 1962) that the sexual behavior of spiders may be derived from that of forms in which there was a dissociation of the act of loading a spermatophore from its deposition. This is the condition in the phrynichids. Further, it is easier to envisage the course of the evolu- tion of spider mating were it derived from a pattern in which the members of a pair did not grasp and this again is a phrynichid character. Finally we will consider what Manton (1958) would term “habits of life.” It is this last type of behavior that is hardest to categorize dis- tinctly, the facts are less definite, actions less stereotyped and more difficult to describe. As Manton says: “Habits of life which appear to have been of evolutionary significance vary greatly in their ease of recognition because they may not be exercised all the time.” Nevertheless it is from this level of activity that an under- standing of the general biology and the direction of morphological and behavioral evolution will emerge. In considering the life habits of the groups of the Pedipalpi it is desirable to point out that the natural micro-ecological distribution of the animals is not markedly different. What is signifi- cant, however, is that the Schizomida and Thely- phonida remain within their burrows or in spaces in the soil while the Phrynichida run freely over it or hide in crevices— the animals may be referred to as being “of fixed abode” and “vagrant,” respectively. Defensive behavior can be correlated with this difference. The “fixed abode” groups stay to defend themselves with cheliceral pedipalps or repugnatorial glands when concealment is no longer possible. The Thelyphonida are aggressive in captivity and large specimens may even damage human hands with their pedipalps. This is in complete contrast 36 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 5 to the emphasis among the phrynichids on cam- ouflage or flight; the scorpion-spiders either sit still and are overlooked or get away quickly and unexpectedly with sudden and disconcerting sideways darts— behavior for which their flat- tened form, short abdomen and the sideways extension of their legs are well adapted. The absence of attack as a defensive response in phrynichids is also partly reflected in an “inefficient” use of the pedipalps during prey- catching, for the scorpion-spiders frequently fail to hold prey at which they grasp. In natural conditions there must often be unsuccessful attempts or the prey must be weaker, smaller and consequently hunted more frequently. In either case accurate locating and careful stalk- ing is important and for these two phrynichid characteristics are essential, the habit of roam- ing freely about and the possession of elongated feelers. Together with the latter must be con- sidered the toilet behavior patterns involved in keeping them clean as well as the specialized pedipalpal brushes. Though it is freely admitted that this is but the beginning of an understanding of phrynichid life habit, the number of anatomical and beha- vioral characteristics which can be correlated with this habit suggests that it has been of prime importance in controlling the direction of phry- nichid evolution. When similar and more com- plete analyses are available for the Thelypho- nida and Schizomida, it may prove possible to comprehend the true inter-relationships of these groups and their relationships with the other Arachnida. Summary 1. The general biology and behavior of two species of phrynichid, Admetus barbadensis Po- cock and Damon variegatus Perty, have been studied. A description is given of their habitat, food and manner of feeding, their drinking and their cleaning patterns. 2. Behavior which does not lead up to court- ship but occurs between two members of the same species is described; much of this behavior consists of threatening contests in which the deli- cate feelers are used as “weapons.” 3. The main course of courtship is described. Insemination is achieved by means of a sperma- tophore which the male deposits on the sub- stratum and from which the female picks up the sperm mass. This method of mating is compared and contrasted with those occurring in the schizomids, scorpions, pseudoscorpions and some of the mites. 4. Events associated with the electrical stimu- lation of the genital area of a male D. variegatus are described and discussed in relation to the production of a spermatophore. 5. The manner in which the eggs are cared for after they have been laid and the hatching of the young is described, as well as general ob- servations on their behavior in contrast to that of the adult animals. An hypothesis is put for- ward attempting to explain, in terms of selective advantages, the absence of any maternal reaction from the female phrynichid to one of her young struggling on the ground in front of her. 6. The behavior recorded here is discussed in relation to its bearing on conclusions about the inter-relationships of the Phrynichida, Schi- zomida and Thelyphonida. References Alexander, A. J. 1962. Courtship and mating in amblypygids (Pedipalpi, Arachnida). Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. (in press). Alexander, A. J., & D. W. Ewer 1957. On the origin of mating behavior in spi- ders. Amer. Nat., 91: 311-317. ANGERMAN, H. & F. SCHALLER 1956. Spermatophorenbau und bilding bei Ar- thropoden mit indirekter Spermatophoren- iibertragung. Ber. 100-jaarf. Deutsh. en- tomol. gesell. Berlin, 228-237. Bucherl, W. 1956. Escorpioes e Escorpionismo no Brazil. Mem. Inst. Butantan, 27: 121-155. Fischer, G. E. C. 1911. The courtship of whip-scorpions. J. Bom- bay Nat. Hist. Soc., 20: 888-889. Gilarov, M. S. 1958. Evolution of the insemination character in terrestrial arthropods. Zool. Zh., 27: 707-735. (In Russian, with English sum- mary). Gravely, F. M. 1915. Notes on the habits of Indian insects, Myriapods and Arachnids. Rec. Ind. Mus., 11: 483-539. Lawrence, R. F. 1949. Notes on the whip-scorpions (Pedipalpi) of South Africa. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Afr., 32: 1-11. 1953. The biology of the cryptic fauna of for- ests. Cape Town: Balkema. Manton, S. M. 1958. Habits of life and evolution of body de- sign in arthropoda. Joum. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool., 44: 58-72. 1962] Alexander: Biology and Behavior of Damon variegatus and Admetus barbadensis 37 Millot, J. 1949. Ordre des Uropyges et Ordre des Ambly- pyges. In Traite de Zoologie. 6. Ed. P. P. Grasse. Paris: Masson et Cie. Patten, B. M. 1917. Reactions of the whiptail scorpion to light. J. Exp. Zool., 23: 251-275. Petrunkevitch, A. 1955. In Treatise on invertebrate Paleontology. Part P. Lawrence: Univ. Kansas Press. Piza, S. de T. 1950. Reproductive organs and reproduction in Tityus bahiensis (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Proc. 8th Int. Congr. Ent. Stockholm, 1948: 1026-1027. Snodgrass, R. E. 1948. The feeding organs of Arachida, including mites and ticks. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 110, No. 10, 1-93. Strubell, A. 1926. Thelyphonus caudatus L- eine biologische Skizze. Verh. Nat. Ver. Bonn, 82: 301-314. Sturm, H. 1958. Indirekte Spermatophoreniibertragung bei dem Geisselskorpion Trithyreus sturmi Kraus (Schizomidae, Pedipalpi). Natur- wissenschaften, 6: 142-143. Yoshikura, M. 1958. Observations on the breeding habits of a whip scorpion Typopeltis stimpsonii Wood. Acta Arachnol. 16: 1-7. 6 Breeding Activities, Especially Nest Building, of the Yellowtail ( Ostinops decumanus ) in Trinidad, West Indies1, 2 William H. Drury, Jr. Massachusetts Audubon Society (Text-figures 1-4) Most authors agree that two families excel at building complex nests— the Icteridae of the New World and the Ploceidae (True Weavers) of the Old World. This paper reports nest building and some asso- ciated breeding activities of the Yellowtail, Ostinops decumanus, of the Icteridae, as ob- served during ten days in late January, 1960, at the New York Zoological Society’s Depart- ment of Tropical Research field station at Simla, Arima Valley, Trinidad, W. I., and discusses relevant literature. Since F. M. Chapman (1928) made a three- year study of the courtship and breeding activi- ties of Wagler’s Oropendola, Zarliynchus wag- leri, on Barro Colorado Island, Panama Canal Zone, the most comprehensive reports on the flamboyant displays and the complex hanging nests of this group of the Icteridae are by Skutch (1954) on the Montezuma Oropendola, Gym- nostinops montezuma, and the Yellow-rumped Cacique, Cacicus cela; by Tashian (1957) who studied the Yellowtail at Simla; and by Schafer (1957) who studied Ostinops decumanus and Psarocolius angustifrons in detail. Although these papers do not include critical analyses of nest-building motions, they allow me to make comparisons of the nest-building techniques. (These papers are referred to below without citation). The four species of oropendola— angustifrons, decumanus, montezuma and wagleri— appear to be very closely related, and as a systematist Contribution No. 1,016, Department of Tropical Re- search, New York Zoological Society. Contribution No. 36 from the Hatheway School of Conservation Education, Massachusetts Audubon So- ciety, South Lincoln, Massachusetts. trained in a field other than ornithology, I would not hesitate to include them in the same genus. However, the currently accepted generic names are used here. Table 1 lists outstanding features of the behavior during courtship and nest build- ing shared by members of this group. Nest building suggests that they are close to the caciques— just how close may be revealed in fur- ther studies. Habitat The Yellowtail nests in large numbers in the erythrina trees, Erythrina micropteryx, also called “bois immortel,” introduced into the Arima Valley to provide shade in the cocoa and coffee plantations (Text-fig. 1). Although the cocoa, Theobroma cacao, coffee, Coffea arabica, and banana, Musa paradisica, trees planted under the erythrina are also introduced, all are readily accepted by the native birds. The under- growth of most of Trinidad is cleared several times a year with long knives, locally called cut- lasses. The cutting suppresses the heavy second- ary growth that would compete with the local crops. Rising above the understory to an average height of 50 to 150 feet are the erythrina, whose orange-red blossoms cover their crowns early in the year at the close of the rainy season. Schafer describes identical habitat for Yellowtails in Venezuela. The ends of the erythrina branches are ideally suited for the attachment of the Yellowtail’s nest, because (Text-figs. 3, 4) of the whorls of stiff, dead leaf- or flower-bases that extend two to five inches along the branch at the bases of the smaller branches. The bases of the nests we saw were woven into these burr-like structures. Furthermore, the trees are tall, with smooth bark, and at the top they spread umbrella-like 39 40 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47:6 Text-fig. 1. Part of Yellowtail nest colony in Erythrina tree. Nests 1 and 18 were studied during site estab- lishment; nests 9, 10, 18 and 19 were studied during building of the sleeve, closing the entrance, and weav- ing the bag; nests 13, 15 and 19 were studied during weaving the bag and closing the bottom. crowns which do not interfinger with each other. As Skutch points out, these characteristics pro- vide sites that protect the nests from predators (chiefly lizards and snakes). He describes the destruction of a colony of Yellow-rumped Caciques to which a snake found access by vines growing up the trunk. Schafer comments on the form of branch-tip preferred for nest establish- ment and the umbrella shape of trees chosen by decumanus, comparing them with the require- ments of the forest-opening species, angusti- frons, which places its nest on the wall of vege- tation along roadsides. Territorial Behavior of the Males Erythrina trees are scattered 40 to 50 yards 1962] Drury: Breeding Activities of Yellowtail (Ostinops decumanus) 41 ing intruder. C. Low level song posture given when alone, primarily territorial. D. High level song posture given when near a female, primarily sexual. E. Anxious and aggressive female in squabble near her nest. F. Soliciting female. apart on the steep hillsides of the Arima Valley. Each dominant male Yellowtail appeared to oc- cupy a territory covering two or three adjacent trees. The males in the colonies which Chapman and Skutch studied did not seem to have a terri- tory or a set relation to any particular group of females. I agree with them that as soon as one male made a supplanting attack on another, the attacked bird left, suggesting dominance and territory defense, but I saw no territorial fights, nor did Schafer. Schafer’s detailed discussion of territory in decumanus and angustifrons shows site tenacity and hierarchical arrangement among dominant and subordinate males around a colony tree. There are differences of degree, but in both species subordinate males intrude almost undisturbed, especially at the period of copulation. When an “intruding” male came into a tree (even the nesting tree itself), he often spent as much as ten minutes there without being at- tacked. If the resident male did pay attention to 42 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47:6 the newcomer, however, he moved into the tree or branch, flying directly at the intruder or perching 20 yards away, then walking or hop- ping toward him with neck swollen and head point up slightly (Text-fig. 2B). Soon the in- truder (Text-fig. 2A) left and shortly afterward both males sang. If, however, an intruding male bowed and sang, he was often rushed by the territory owner. In one instance the intruder left soon after the owner bowed and called twice. The male has half a dozen song or patrol perches at which he spends most of his time. When active, he spends four to ten minutes at each perch. When inactive, he may be difficult to find— either he is away from his tree or sitting quietly on one perch. Schafer has notes on the schedule of activities of territorial males and fe- males. I heard some sing all day, and the most active singing between 0600 and 0900, and between 1600 and 1930, local time, as did Schafer. Tashian recorded the frequency of singing and reported no peaks, but that may have been be- cause his study was made earlier in the repro- ductive season. Song and Display.— The song is described in detail by Tashian, who used moving picture film to analyze and time the postures which accompany it. Schafer separates territorial from nuptial song. As a bird starts his nuptial song, he drops his head steeply between his feet and raises his tail over his back, stiffly fanning his under tail coverts which, like his tail, are yellow. The bird then usually gives two hollow, gurgling calls and, standing in a deep bow with the feathers of his neck stiffly raised, gives a rattling trill ( eeeeoooo-eeeeoooo , or eedy-eedy-ooo) , which grades into a continued rustling made by flapping his relaxed but raised wings (Text-fig. 2D) ; then he stands up. He may repeat this call as often as every twenty seconds for two hours, but usually the call is relatively infrequent, given about once every three or four minutes. Schafer reports every three minutes, or 10-20 times an hour, averaging 100 times a day. I found this call most frequently directed toward a single female or group of females. Schafer found the noisy flight between perches so regular a prelude to this song as to be a part of it. He found that this call was less frequently given than the terri- torial song, and I agree. The territorial call starts with (1) a rattling gurgle, or (2) a hoarse tsteeee or tsreee-kleee, ending in a series of “plop’Mike calls -ka-wow- wow-wow. I did not see the posture which ac- companied it and heard no wing-rustling with it. Usually it is given by an isolated male and, I believe, not necessarily in the presence of fe- males. Schafer says that the cry is given with raised and weakly beating wings, and with plu- mage not fully displayed (Text-fig. 2C). The singing bird, especially away from a nest- ing tree, may alternate his song with feeding in the blossoms of the erythrina tree, but usually when he is singing he spends the time between songs moving among his trees, standing, peering around in the tree, preening wings, flanks and neck, ruffling feathers, scratching, pecking at his feet( between the toes) or wiping his bill. When in a nesting tree, the male occasionally flies vig- orously (his wings make a deep resonant sound) to perch on the side of a nest that is completed or is being built. He lands with head already down and neck swollen, and gives his full song, perches stiffly, with crest raised, neck swollen and blue eye glaring, for ten or fifteen seconds, and then flies, usually to perch on the branch at the base of this same nest. I saw a male fly at and replace a female who had just flown in and landed on the nest, and several times a male responded to the arrival of a female or a group of females with a bow and a song. The male was especially likely to respond with song to the arrival of females if he had recently driven away another male. Most of the time, even when the male flies to her nest, the female pays no overt heed to his activity. Occasionally she is evidently interested and watches him, usually with her head up and feathers sleeked (head-up “threat” of icterids, with some “fleeing tendency,” Text-fig. 2E). I found no direct relation between song display and copulation. Schafer does not suggest any close relation and points out that during the copulation period territoriality seems to be min- imal. During the day, males are usually isolated on territories, although many (young and inferior males, Schafer suggests) visit other males’ terri- tories or nesting trees. In the evening males stay isolated in the crowns of the erythrina trees until after the evening roosting flights of females, which take place between about 1800 and 1830. Then males leave their territories and fly singly to the communal roosts which, in the Arima Val- ley, are in a large clump of bamboo at the bot- tom of the valley below Simla. On their roost- ing flights, females in groups of three to thirty come from several miles, usually in short flights between crowns of erythrinas. They stop in the territories of actively singing males and often engage in precopulatory actions. Males are the last to settle in the bamboo roosts. They start to sing on their trees again before the sun is up. The females of any one nesting tree readily visit territories of other males, and I saw copula- 1962] Drury: Breeding Activities of Yellowtail (Ostinops decumanus) 43 tion less often in nesting trees than in other trees where a male was on station but where there were no nests. Territorial Behavior of the Females 1 counted 1, 3, 5, 22 and 43 nests in five different trees, each in a singing male’s territory (Text-fig. 1). Females usually in groups of a dozen, but at times several dozen, fed in the cocoa and citrus trees and moved along the ridges down into the groves to gather nesting material and food. Actively building females spent much of the day working at their nests, while groups of females not especially attached to the nesting tree visited it for several periods of twenty minutes to half an hour. As Skutch and Chapman report for their oro- pendolas, a number of Yellowtail females oper- ated as a group and placed their nests on the same branch or on a series of branches close together. These nests were consistently placed on the leeward side of the tree and on the outer and upper part of the crown, at least 40 feet above the ground. Schafer agrees, and has many details on choice of colony trees, location of nests, calendar and schedule of events which led up to colony establishment. He stresses the im- portance of weather changes which start the cycle, but does not mention subgroups of fe- males within a colony. When close together in what appears to be a squabble over the nest site, the females stand with heads raised to a 45° angle and with tail partly raised (Text-fig. 2F). I saw no fighting such as recorded by Skutch and Chapman, but frequently heard a nasal hiss, garreeoo or aaah, from birds in this circumstance. It resembled part of the song of a Starling, Sturnus vulgaris. The females crowded their nests together even within the limits of the group and four of the nests I watched being built were woven into a neighbor’s or a previous year’s nest. Schafer mentions hostility of females to males and their fierce attacks on inept immature males that tres- pass at their nests. Progress of the Breeding Cycle Chapman, Skutch, Beebe (in Tashian) and Tashian agree that nest building starts at the very end of December and in early January. This coincides with the end of the rainy season. Chap- man believed that for Wagler’s Oropendola the start of the nesting season is more accurately associated with date than with the last of the rains, but Schafer shows in detail how the down- pours that come with cold, northerly winds start the cycle in decumanus and how humidity con- trols the start in angustifrons. Chapman reported the beginning of the breeding cycle as being sig- nalled first by the arrival of individual males in the colony tree. Both Chapman and Skutch say that the real start is the arrival of groups of females to inspect the branches of the colony tree. Schafer shows clearly that in angustifrons the males’ territorial activity is a critical stimulus for the start of the nesting activity by females. If he stops his display, they stop. Copulation— The male Yellowtail sings in his tree, occasionally flies noisily and perches with a group of females who are preening or moving among the branches. The females may ignore him or may move away nervously, with their heads slightly raised and feathers sleeked (Text- fig. 2E). This activity continues through the early stages of nest building. Schafer shows that copulation receptivity appears in females of both decumanus and angustifrons as they finish the nest bag and line it. When receptive, the female flies to a branch near a male. Twice I saw a female fly to a male from inside her nest, and on other occasions females came “out of the blue” into an isolated song tree. The female perches above or near the male with feathers sleeked, head raised and tail raised or horizontal, and may almost imper- ceptibly flutter her wings. The male, with neck swollen, hops and walks along the branches to perch below and beside her. The female squats and flutters her wings, with head and tail slightly raised; the male mounts for about ten seconds while both birds flutter their wings. The male dismounts and, in my observations, flies rapidly away at once. On landing, he wipes his bill and continues his patrolling and singing. After ruffling and shaking her feathers, the female usually either started to preen or flew off. Schafer’s notes are very brief but agree with these. Tashian reports that the male sang and displayed and pecked at the female’s cloaca be- fore copulation, and that he displayed again after copulation. I have notes on several se- quences in which a male approached a female as in copulation and then pecked violently at her cloaca, but these preliminaries did not lead to copulation and suggest rejection by the fe- male. Asynchronous Activities of Groups of Females. —All authors agree that many females start nests much later in the season than the main group. Chapman felt that some may have been second nests. Schafer emphasizes the place of imma- turity. In one of Chapman’s groups of late-nest- ing females, building was interrupted and then the beginning of the rainy season caused them to abandon the colony site. Skutch found a colony in northern Honduras feeding nestlings in Sep- 44 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47:6 tember. As with so many birds, the breeding cycle of the oropendolas must be started by a regular annual time-giver, and breeding con- tinue until interrupted by some internal or en- vironmental time-giver— in this case, the next rainy season. There is also variation in the timing of an individual female’s breeding during the species peak in late January. At the tree I watched, there were about a dozen females prospecting, four nests being started, six nests being built, about thirty idle nests or with females incuba- ting, and at least five nests with females feeding young. Females regularly came and perched near the idle nests and clucked, or they flew in and perched head down in the entrance for twenty seconds, turned and perched looking out for thirty seconds to a minute, then flew off. Nest Building Building Material— (See Table 1 for details of nest-building materials used by the five spe- cies. Schafer describes them in detail for angus- tifrons and decumanus ) . Schafer says that decumanus collects mate- rials among the trees and off the ground, at a distance from the colony, while angustifrons collects material low in undergrowth or on the ground under the colony. Skutch describes the collecting of fibers underneath a banana frond by a female montezuma, and the actions are similar to those used by ( 1 ) the Baya, Ploceus philippinus, in India when nipping and tearing strips from the base toward the tip of a rice leaf, Oriza sativa, (Ali, 1931); and (2) by the Village Weaver, Textor cucullatus, tearing leaves of Elephant Grass, Pennisetum purpureum, (Col- lias, 1959). My observations showed that decumanus uses chiefly long, fibrous strips and grass. The ma- terials are green when brought to the nest, but turn brown in a day or two. In many cases the fruiting heads of the grass (resembling Panicum ) were still visible. On other occasions small vines with tiny green leaves (resembling the Solanum family) were used. Schafer says that the supports and weave are chiefly (80%) liana tips, and that the packing between is en- tirely Spanish moss, Tillandsia usneoides if avail- able. He describes the material used by decum- anus as slender and. fine, in contrast to the char- acteristically coarse and turgid material available in the forest interior and used by angustifrons. Skutch describes montezuma folding over the strips from the banana frond in order to carry long pieces. Yellowtails brought their material in unfolded or gathered into loops in the bill, and often the material streamed far out behind the bird as she flew (Text-fig. 1). When the female Yellowtail starts to build, she uses pieces that average 30 to 45 cm. long; then, as she finishes the base and builds the sup- ports at the entrance, she brings fewer pieces per trip and they are 60 to 100 cm. long. She brings many shorter pieces again as she weaves the sides. When weaving the bottom, she brings a few long pieces (100 to 150 cm.). These ap- pear to be strips of banana leaf. Skutch speaks of violent squabbles over nest- building materials in montezuma and no squab- bles in the Yellow-rumped Cacique. Schafer de- scribes frequent violent fights in angustifrons and few in decumanus. Chapman describes the stealing of loose ends from slovenly nests or from those of absent birds by wagleri, as does Skutch in montezuma. These two species may demolish a messy nest. Schafer comments that stealing is usual in angustifrons, infrequent in decumanus. I saw very little grabbing of material from other nests. On one occasion a female re- peatedly flew past a nest with a moplike mass hanging below the finished entrance, and each time she grabbed a hanging, loose end and tried to fly off with it, usually unsuccessfully. On another occasion, a female perched several min- utes on the outside of a nearly completed nest, pecked and seemed to try to pull out the tiny, still-green fibers sticking out or looped through the brown weave. Another time a female perched on the outside of the nest and repeatedly pushed her bill through the weave, opening it and making a series of fairly large holes, but not pulling anything out. In each case the visitor left when the builder came back, but in no case did the builder chase her. Schafer says that young males make holes in the sides of nests during the period when females are receptive. Schafer discusses nest building in decumanus and angustifrons, emphasizing differences in lo- cation, placing of the nest, and the materials used. His data are very largely on angustifrons, and although he describes the phases of building (anchoring the nest and weaving; building the apron; building the ring and the future entrance; building the bag; and bringing the nest lining), he does not treat in detail the movements in- volved. Phase 1: Site Establishment.— When the fe- male is establishing her nest site, she spends from five to fifteen minutes perched at a fork in a branch at the tips of the long branches of the erythrina (Text-fig. 3A and B). She walks and hops, alternating her feet, along the main part— peering, looking under and over the forks 1962] Drury: Breeding Activities of Yellow tail (Ostinops decumanus) 45 near the tip. She spends much time peering out across the valley. Skutch and Chapman de- scribe frequent squabbles in groups of females inspecting branches. Schafer describes threat postures, but no real fights. I found the females inspecting alone, and saw no squabbles among the few birds prospecting. There were several squabbles among the females on lower branches where nests were already established. When the female first brought material (long grass or vines), she perched and looked around, moved, looked around, flew to another branch, stepped on the grass and gathered another loop, then flew to another part of the tree. At two sites, where females had been prospecting on previous days, I watched a female bring long grass in her bill and, perching on the branch, look, move, look, then push it into the dead leaf petiole bases at the joint (Text-fig. 4D). These females brought several loads before the grass remained in place. The female may or may not step on the grass with one foot (Text-fig. 3C) ; she may grasp an end in her bill, gather another loop, pick up all the material, and fly off again; she may do no more, and just fly off; or she may take bits of the grass and push them down into the clump of dead leaf bases, then reach around the branch and pull a strand up around the branch (Text-figs. 3E & 4A); or she may pull a loose end around a leaf base and poke it into the mass of material with a short shake (four or five times) of her bill— the tremble-shove (Lorenz, 1955). When building the base of the nest, the female pulls ends around and uses the bill-shake more conspicuously than when weav- ing the sides of the nest. I found the females hesitant and irregular in their activity when establishing the nest site, but I think this may have been caused by my pres- ence. Schafer suggests that activity during this period is readily interrupted. Phase 2: Establishment of the Nest Base.— The female brings grass and may put her foot on the newly-brought material (Text-fig. 3C), or may merely push it into the tangle already in the leaf base. Soon after some material hangs down, she pushes the new material into the mop (apron, tablier) just under the branch. When the mop is short, she usually pulls only a little and just “fiddles” with loose ends, then flies off. As the mop lengthens, she tucks the new material under the branch and, reaching over to the other side, grasps a piece of grass in the very tip of her bill (Text-fig. 3D), often with a little shake as she takes it. She pulls this gently or firmly toward her and tucks it into the grass on her side of the branch, with two or three pokes and four or five shakes of her bill. Or she takes a piece of grass from the side nearest her, pulls it over and tucks it into the grass around and behind the branch, with the same bill-shakes. Us- ually she worked two, three or four times from her side of the branch, then shifted to reach behind and work from there. She often worked for several minutes without touching the green grass which she had just brought. I did not establish that she worked with the same piece of grass, but the fact that she did no alternate pecking on one side and tucking into the other with the reverse, suggests that she was not work- ing with a particular blade. The only action I saw during the building of the base was “peck-pull around-tuck”— with the grass held in the leaf base or under the female’s feet. She put her foot on the nesting material only during the first day or two (as Schafer also reports), but worked on the base for twice that length of time. As more grass was added, the female pulled harder at the loose and long ends of the grass. Comment.— My notes show consistent differ- ences in the construction of the nest base by the Yellowtail, when compared to the other oropen- dolas and cacique. According to Chapman and Skutch, wagleri and montezuma weave the pliant material around and around the branch, and they suggest that the bird wraps an individual piece and ties it to the branch before working with a new piece. Schafer’s notes agree more closely with mine, but in angustifrons he suggests that when the female brings in the first long fibers, she does give each one individual atten- tion in wrapping them around the branch, and further, that she may perch and swing on the hanging end as if testing its security. Phase 3: Transition to the Sides of the Nest.— Soon there is a loose mop of fibers about 10 cm. long hanging from the fork of the branch and extending 7 to 10 cm. along both sides of the fork, and then the female shifts to the next phase of building. Now, instead of perching with both feet on the branch (Text-figs. 3C, D, E & 4A) , she perches with one foot on the branch and the other on the mop which is hanging from the branch (Text-fig. 4B). Her weight on the hanging fibers causes the apron to elongate. The female still pokes the grass into the woven ma- terial near the branch, but now pokes it only into the mop and not on top of the branch. She still consistently pulls the grass around some- thing (either the branch or the edge of the ma- terial hanging from the base) and uses the peck- pull around-tuck movement. Thus she weaves over the branch and also binds or “overcasts” the edge of the material on the two “open” sides of the nest’s horseshoe-shaped base (Text-fig. 3F). 46 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47:6 Table 1. Comparisons of Behavior in Courtship and Nest Building Gymnostinops Zarhynchus Ostinops Psarocolius Character montezuma wagleri decumanus angustifrons Cacicus cela Roosts Bamboo Bamboo Palms Male’s call chuck chac quic Alarm cack chack-chack kak-kak-kak chak-chak Male’s alarm panics colony P P P a Male’s song tsu ta ta ooo Deep, liquid. Melodious Bell-like Brilliant and tsreee kleee a “hope you tschuudu melody 3-6, varied wow wow choke,” du du du soft thick WOW sputtering tshuuii wup crescendo to cackle, crash wup wup explosive 5-6 Territory Several males, Several males. Several males. Several males, Several males. 1 tree 1 tree several trees. several trees. 1 tree 1 male domi- 1 male domi- nant and sub- nant and 2-3 ordinate subordinates. males present Territorial song eedy eedy ooo Melodious cherie du and shorter du du than song. wup wup wup emphasis on 2 & 3 Song bow P P p pa Raises on toes P P P pa P Neck swollen P p pa P Eyes glare Blue Blue Green-brown Tail up during song p Flicked P Vi P Wing-waving during song P a P pa P Male flight noisy P p P pa Enlarged bill P p P P P Presence of crest p Small p P p small Courtship away from colony P p P a P Dark central tail feathers P p P P Females outnumber males Several times 6 to 1 P P P At least polygamous P P P P P Sex size-difference P P P P P Territorial fights a a a a a Female preens male’s neck p a P Male pecks female’s cloaca (a) P a P Females associate in flocks P p P pa P Female threat raah whine raaah whine tcherie Hiss garreeoo or raah Female alone builds P P P P P One tree P P P a Nest at end of rain P P P a P Short-distance migrant a P P a Female territory P P P Height of nests 15-35 m. > 35 m. 10-20-35 m. 5-8 m. > 15 m. Roof over entry a a a a P Female chooses site P P Terminal hanging branch P P Isolated tree P P P a P 1962] Drury: Breeding Activities of Yellow tail (Ostinops decumanus) 47 Table 1. Comparsions of Behavior in Courtship and Nest Building ( continued ) Gymnostinops Zarhynchus Ostinops Psarocolius Cacicus cela Character montezuma wagleri decumanus angustifrons Nests close together P P P 5-10 over 100-200 m. P Leeward side of tree P P P a Base in whorl of leaf bases P P Previous year’s base P P P Materials Slender & fine Coarse & turgid Palm strips and fibers P P P P Tendrils— vines P 20-25 cm. long 80% at start P Bark strips P P Air roots Weed stalks P P P Grass and sedge P P Bromeliads Nearly all of interstices Lining Leaves Dead & dying Soft leaves, Dry d /Bromeliad Kapok P fibers P £ < Sedge O IHeliconia cotton Bark P Collect At distance Near nest Steal loose ends p Often p Often Rarely p Often Nest Building Base of wrapped tendrils p (knots) P P P P Head over limb, reaches under P P P P to grasp Apron P P P P Convert to loop P P P P P By uniting By uniting edges edges Standing in ring p P a a P Work head down P P (p) a a P Enter by door P P P May enter May enter below below Enters on wing— no pause P P a a Only if hurried Perches and pauses as leaves P P P P Female works inside P P P P P Building time 14-16 23-25 9-25 19-33 ad. 17-51 yg. Nest length 60-120 cm. 55-100 cm. 125-137 cm. 76-140 cm. 30-45 cm. Large diameter 17-23 cm. 20 cm. 20-22 cm. 20-22 cm. Incubation days @ H 17 17-19 19-20 Nestling days @ 30 36 28-34 or 25-30 31-36 p = action or article is present, a — action or article is absent, pa = action or article may be present or absent. Blank means no observation is available. 48 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47:6 Text-fig. 3. Nest-prospecting and nest-building postures. A. & B. Investigating possible nest site, Phase 1, at Nest 1. (Note cluster of previous year’s leaf bases). C. Looking over valley before leaving, Phase 2, when nest base is still a ball-like snarl at the fork. D. & E. Reaching over and down for a loose end to pull up over and tuck, Phase 2. F. Perched on the hanging apron, reaching across to pull around and tuck— the first stages of closing the entrance, Phases 4 and 5. G. Pattern of grasses in Nest 5, with female perched in entrance feeding young. H. Detail of pattern of weave in the side of a nest. 1. Detail of the weave at the base of the entrance— Nest 9. At first ( at least one day) she perches as often with both feet on the branch as with one foot down, but as the material gradually lengthens she spends more time perched on the hanging ma- terial. Later she may again perch with one foot on the branch, even after the two halves are partially joined together (see below). Phase 4: Buldiing the Sides of the Entrance — Now, as the female returns with fibrous material, she perches with both feet on the hanging, tangled mop. She works between her feet with her head up, pokes her load of grass into the woven material, reaches out and around, pecks, pulls out and up, brings head in, and pokes with three or four shakes of her bill; or she pecks, pulls out and around behind, and pokes in be- hind with a shake. At this stage she adds a new motion : she first stuffs the large beakful of rather short material into her work; then she pushes her bill through the material, grasps a bit in the tip of her bill, pulls it back toward her, then moves it horizon- tally and pokes it into the weave again— with or without a short (four or five) shake. I refer to this as “horizontal peck-pull-poke.” Schafer con- siders this action specific to the wadding or filling {hour rage intercalaire) . As long as she weaves with both the peck-pull around-tuck and the horizontal peck-pull-poke, she weaves the supporting structure— the horse- shoe-shaped cross-section— with overcast edges. This part of the nest often has holes in it because the bird spends most of her time overcasting the edges. She spends less time working with 1962] Drury: Breeding Activities of Yellowtail (Ostinops decumanus) 49 Text-fig. 4. Nest-building postures. A. Working on the nest base. Phase 2 at Nest 1. B. Working on the apron, Phase 3 at Nest 9, when still perching on the branch. C. Perched on the two halves of the apron, Phase 5 at Nest 10, starting to work the edges together. D. Branch tip of Erythrina, showing this year’s cluster of leaves and last year’s shriveled leaf bases. E. & F. Perched inside nest, working on the nest bag below the entrance hole. Phase 6 at Nests 13 and 19. G. & H. Reaching below feet to pull hanging pieces in closing the bottom of the nest, Phase 7 at Nests 13, 15, 19. the horizontal peck-pull-poke which weaves the fabric of the bag. The supports of the nest are thus straplike, tied together tightly by connec- tors, but they do not form an evenly woven bag (Text-fig. 3H) ; crudely, they resemble the braided handles of a string shopping bag. Schafer says that decumanus usually works head-down (in contrast to my observations) , but that angus- tifrons works on the apron head-up. Phase 5: Closing the Base of the Entrance.— (Schafer calls this the ring and future entrance) . To start joining the two sides below the entrance, the female uses the horizontal peck-pull-poke on the material which hangs loose and frayed across the open bottom of the horseshoe-shaped sleeve, and, as Schafer says, she uses long pieces at this stage. At first she perches on one side and takes a bit of grass from the same side, pulling it across to poke it into the other (Text-fig. 3F) . Finally, she perches with one foot on each side of the horseshoe, and works strips across from one side into the woven part on the other (Text- fig. 4C) . She may work either on the outside or the inside of the sleeve, and may spend all of several visits below the entrance, working hor- izontally on the lower part of the structure. This transition may be seen as a gradual increase in use of the horizontal peck-pull-poke, until it is applied all around the bag and replaces the peck- pull around-tuck. She closes the gap, still using a combination of the horizontal weaving and overcasting actions, but her attempt to join the sides is not immediately successful; usually she starts to bring the two sides together about a foot above the place where they are ultimately joined. The entrance may be 30 to 45 cm. long 50 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47:6 if she starts to close it soon after the apron is large enough for her to perch on, or it may be 60 to 90 cm. long if she continues to weave with the overcasting action. This accounts for differ- ences in lengths of the hanging nests. Nests vary from just over two to more than four feet long (60 to 120 cm.). Schafer emphasized that the difference in experience between young and old females may explain the observed differences in length. When the base of the entrance is closed and the apron has become a sleeve, the female spends a long time working with the overcasting motion on the margin at the base of the entrance. At this point the pull-around is vertical. Thus she weaves a buttonhole-like stitch along the bottom of the entrance (Text-fig. 31). Her weight, com- ing and going, pulls the material down, and by pulling it thus makes the dense weaving stronger where she perches to enter. Before the entrance is well sewed in, she usually still hitches up woodpecker-like to the branch to perch and look around before she flies off. Entrances are on the lee side of the nest. Phase 6: Building the Sides of the Nest.— While she is working on the sides and supports of the nest, the female characteristically works on the inside, but often works on the outside. As soon as the bottom of the entrance is firmly closed, she does almost all her work on the in- side. As far as I could see, she uses chiefly the horizontal peck-pull-poke action and brings larger beakfuls of material (on an average 30 to 60 cm. long). As the female works inside the bag, she sits woodpecker-like (her tail may be bent up be- hind her in the the sleeve and occasionally her wings may be partly opened (Text-fig. 4E & F). She works four or five minutes, reaching slowly and carefully through the weave to grab a bit of fibrous material in the tip of her bill, pull it toward her, then poke it through again, often with a little shake. There is less pulling, tugging and wrapping of long pieces, and more delicate attention to detailed weaving. Also, she spends much less time, proportionately, gathering build- ing materials at this stage. Now she starts to add a new movement. After about every ten to fifteen horizontal weaving actions, she reaches down between her feet to peck, pull up and poke (Text-fig. 4G & H). The longer she continues to use only horizontal weaving, the longer the bag of the nest. Where two nests are built immediately next to each other, the female may carry her weaving action across into the material of the adjacent nest, as Skutch pointed out. I observed this in the case of nests #7 and #13 (Text-fig. 1). Skutch described how one bird, building thus into a neighbor’s nest, seemed to make its own nest an additional length below the bottom of the neighbor’s nest so that there was a “proper” length of bag hanging down. The two females I watched did the same. This suggests that a definite length of bag stimulates the bird to the next activity, which leads to closing the bottom. Crook’s (1960) discussion of the change of stimuli which leads to changes in the building techniques used by weaver finches agrees with this. Phase 7: Closing the Bottom— During the building of the sides, the female perches with both feet at the same level, above or just below her bill, and works reaching ahead, beside or between her feet. In closing the bottom, she reaches way down between her feet, almost doing a somersault (Text-fig. 4G and H), grasps the long, hanging strands, pulls them up to eye- level, and weaves them into the side— pulling and poking with little or no evident shaking of her bill. As she moves around she gradually takes more and more bits from one side and weaves them into the opposite side. This closes the bottom. But because of her weight and her inefficient actions, she is not immediately suc- cessful. The stage at which she shifts to closing the bottom and her success with the cross- weaving govern the length of the hanging bag. She continues to weave horizontally, alternating work on the sides and on the bottom. Schafer reports that young female angustifrons may have to try several bottoms before they succeed. Chapman, Skutch and Schafer commented that their birds entered the nest only through the entrance— once the entrance is formed. While building the sides, the Yellowtail usually enters and leaves by the entrance, but may often fly in and out through the bottom of the nest, even after she has started to close the bottom. When the first strands are hooked across the bottom, the female spends much time weaving between her feet, pulling especially hard on the grass with which she is working. During this action her wings are often partly raised and her tail is pushed hard against the side of the bag (Text-fig. 4G). Her pushing movements inside and her weight as she climbs up the sides combine to enlarge the gourd-like bottom, and to pull the strands taut. Schafer comments on the joggling and pushing inside the nest during this phase, which forms the 25 cm. diameter of the bag. Phase 8: Lining the Nest.— My observations at one nest suggest, as do Tashian’s, that the birds 1962] Drury: Breeding Activities of Yellowtail (Ostinops decumanus) 51 use bits of leaves, chiefly erythrina, to line the nests. I could not see the motions used in form- ing this lining because the nest screens them. Movements visible on the outside of the bag, however, showed that the bird frequently changed her position, joggling the nest, and that her wings and tail were raised. Other birds, whose nest-molding activity has been recorded in detail, thrust the breast forward by pushing the feet back and up, and Schafer’s observa- tions show that decumanus tramples the nest- lining materials (torn fragments of dried, brown leaves) while turning around and around. This is the period of the female’s receptivity to copulation. Attentiveness to Building— The birds build fitfully as they weave the base and may be absent for several days. Schafer says the period lasts one to nine days, according to the level of stimulation and to the female’s age. As the sides of the nest are started, they still build sporad- ically and may be absent for a day or two, but then work with energetic spurts of concentrated activity. Schafer says the closing of the ring takes one to six days and that an inexperienced angustifrons worked 16 days and built down 1 m. before successfully closing the entrance. After the birds start to weave the hanging sleeve, they work constantly until the bottom of the nest is partly closed, which takes four to five days (Schafer). Then they may be absent for a day or two before the bottom is brought together. Once finally started on the bottom, they work constantly until it is closed, but they may pause again before weaving the thick bottom and lin- ing the bag which takes two to six days. Even when the heavily woven bottom is finished, the female may spend hours slowly and carefully weaving horizontally part way up the bag. Discussion Function of the Territory. — Skutch and Chapman commented on the peculiar territory structure in the oropendolas. They were unable to establish whether a male took up a territory and defended it, and whether pairing was prom- iscuous or polygamous. Schafer compares terri- torial behavior in decumanus and angustifrons in detail but does not comment. Males seem to give their attention temporarily to one group of females and readily shift atten- tion to a new group. In the Yellowtail, my ob- servations point to isolation of males on their own defended territories, but although I watched for 35 hours at one tree with 43 nests (long enough to expect to observe frequent copula- tions if they were restricted to the male whose territory included the nesting tree), I saw copu- lation there only twice. During the same period I saw eight copulations in trees with no nests. This suggests either (a) that the females are nesting in one particular male’s territory but each is paired to a specific male whose territory may be elsewhere, or (b) that the females nest together in one male’s tree by flock formation among the females without regard to sexual relations with any particular male. There may be polygamy, no pair formation or “standard” pair formation. The restriction of the term “pair formation” to those cases in which copulation takes place only with the pair partner, may not necessarily apply to these birds. Such limitations gratuitously suggest some form of propriety— which may be anthropomorphic. My notes, and Schafer’s, show a hierarchy of several males associated with a colony tree. Thus there is territory but its exclusiveness is modified. Schafer points out the lowering of territorial “jealously” during the copulation period in decumanus and what appears to be complete promiscuity in both species where inferior males intrude to copulate with receptive females while the dominant male is occupied. Chapman and Skutch suggest that groups of females establish a new nesting site and that the presence or absence of the male is unimportant; in fact, the males seem to follow groups of fe- males. Schafer’s observations, especially of an- gustifrons, show the necessity of the territorial males’ constant stimulation to arouse and carry through the females’ interest in nesting. These observations and mine lend support to Tinbergen’s (1957) explanation of the function of territory; namely, the combination of a need for the male to act in a specific way recognizable by females and other males during pair forma- tion, coupled with a need for the male to have a fixed location. The site, in the case of the oropendolas studied by Skutch and Chapman, seems to be a group of females rather than a map area. With this change in structure, it may become selectively advantageous to the species to de-emphasize the aggressive aspects of the display of the male or lower his tendency to exclude other males. Thus, the male goes through his song display to stimulate the female, but he is not necessarily bound to drive away other males, and the female does not necessarily restrict her attentions to one male or the male in whose territory she builds. I can see no way in which food enters directly into the selective advantage of territory in this case. Closing the Ring.— The building of the en- trance by the Yellowtail contrasts with that described by Skutch and Chapman for their 52 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47:6 species. Their birds weave an apron across the fork and then, standing on the material, push an entrance through the partly woven material which then becomes a circle or loop. This loop is used as a perch, and the sleeve is woven downward from it— the bird hanging head down into the sleeve. Although they do not dwell on details, the descriptions of these authors suggest that their species use techniques of building the base and loop which are similar to those used by the True Weavers (Ploceidae) as reported by many authors (Friedmann, 1922, Ali, 1931; Grzimek, 1952; Collias, 1959; and Crook, 1960). The techniques which Schafer and I describe are similar, and differ from those of the weavers. While the weavers make a ring first and build the nest bag out from the ring, which becomes the mouth of the bag, decumanus and angusti- frons build a hanging apron (horseshoe-shaped in cross-section) directly down from the foun- dation on the branches and join the free ends to form the ring and the entrance. The tech- niques of weavers and oropendolas resemble each other in the weaving of free-hanging ends from one side into the other, but differ in the location of the ring in forming the nest foun- dation, and (at least in decumanus) differ also in that the female oropendola works with her head at the level of her feet or above, while the male weaver works with his head down below his feet. Skutch watched one montezuma after her properly formed circle was broken when her neighbor stole some loose ends. The robbed fe- male perched with one foot on each side of the ring and in this “uncomfortable” position closed the two sides in the same way as I observed the Yellowtail to do. This suggests that the two systems may not be fundamentally different in the oropendolas. Entering and Leaving— Both Skutch and Chapman observed that the returning bird darts swiftly into the nest entrance as soon as it has been formed. They suggest that the fast dis- appearance into the bag and the long look around before leaving serve to avoid predation. In building the foundation and sides of the nest, however, the female Yellowtail perches on the outside and is conspicuously exposed. Even so, she peers around over the valley just before fly- ing away. Also, later in the cycle, when she visits the completed nest or comes to feed the young, she perches for ten to twenty seconds with her head down inside the bag and her yellow tail hanging out conspicuously. This action must deny the significance of the fast dart into the entrance as only to avoid predation. There may be advantage to the peering around before leaving, but it would seem that the tech- nique of entering may be dictated as well by the bird’s heavy wing-loading which exposes her to the danger of stalling as she flies up sharply to the entrance. Techniques of Nest Building.— Herrick (1911) pointed out that the stereotyped movements used by birds to build their nests are con- venient tools for the comparative study of be- havior and its evolutionary aspects, yet little work has been done since. Later, Laven (1940a) repeated this suggestion. Several authors have described the nest-building activities of birds that nest on open ground, especially the non- passerine species, e.g., Selous (1902) and Brock (1911) for the Lapwing, Vanellus vanellus; Portielje (1925) for the Cormorant, Phalacro- corax car bo, and (1928) for the Herring Gull, Larus argentatus; and Tinbergen (1931) for the Common Tern, Sterna hirundo, and (1936) for the Herring Gull. Several studies have shown how universal certain nest-building actions are. Although the loons, Gavia stellata, (Huxley, 1923) and grebes (Huxley, 1914; Selous, 1901) merely drop their nesting weeds, moss or mud on the nest edge, most birds add them with some form of tremble-shove: Cormorant (Portielje, 1925, and Kortlandt, 1940); herons (Lorenz, 1955); storks (Schiiz, 1943); and perching birds, Raven, Corvus corax (Lorenz, 1940). Friedmann’s (1922) study of the building actions of the Ploceidae was one of the very few on perching birds until the Second World War. In 1943, Nice mentioned the appearance of gener- alized nest-building actions in the developing behavior of young Song Sparrows, Melospiza melodia, and since then several authors have re- ported on the early appearance of these funda- mental actions (Dilger, 1956; Goodwin, 1954; Kramer, 1950; Nicholai, 1956; and Schiiz, 1943). Nest-building actions, more or less modified, are used by many species as part of courtship actions, e.g., Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant, herons, woodpeckers, Lapwing and other shore- birds, Alcidae and estrildid and ploceid finches. In addition, certain of the actions associated with nest building, and thus presumably primarily sexual, have been transferred to aggressive ac- tion, e.g., scraping by Ringed Plover, Charadrius hiaticula, (Laven, 1940), and Killdeer, Chara- drius vociferus; nestling and scraping by Col- lared Flycatcher, Ficedula albicollis, (Lohrl, 1951; Curio, 1960); and grass pulling by Her- ring Gulls (Tinbergen, 1951 and 1952). Moyni- han (1955) argues, however, that grass pulling by Herring Gulls is not transferred from sexual 1962] Drury: Breeding Activities of Yellow tail (Ostinops decumanus) 53 motivation, but is directly aggressive as redi- rected attack. Kluijver (1949/1955) seems to have started the revival of detailed studies of nest-building techniques. He describes the building actions of the Great Reed Warbler, Acrocephalus arundi- naceus; van Dobben ( 1949) describes the build- ing actions of the Icterine Warbler, Hippolias icterina and Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs; and Kramer (1950) describes the nest-building ac- tions of the Red-backed Shrike, Lanius collurio. Kluijver, van Dobben and Kramer define the fundamental actions of nest building in passerine birds as three: (1) nestling— the bird presses its breast down into the nest-cup, usually with bill and tail pointed upward; (2) trampling— the bird presses its breast to the bottom of the nest-cup and kicks vigorously and repeatedly with each leg, backward and upward (3) pecking, tugging and tucking— the bird reaches forward and grasps nest material, pulls it one way or the other, and tucks it into the nest again. These actions are the same as Herrick (1911) de- scribes for the nest building of the American Robin, Turdus migratorius, Red-eyed Vireo, Vireo olivaceus, and Baltimore Oriole, Icterus galbula. Additional detailed studies of a number of passerine species show how widely distributed these actions are : Sylviidae— Lesser Whitethroat, Sylvia curruca, and Blackcap, Sylvia atricapilla, Dechert (1955), Icterine Warbler, van Dobben (1949); and Great Reed Warbler, Kluijver (1949/1955); Paridae— Long-tailed Tit, Aegi- thalos caudatus, Maxse (1951), Tinbergen (1953b), and Bearded Tit, Panurus biarmicus, Koenig (1952); Sittidae— European Nuthatch, Sitta europaea, Lohrl (1958); Ploceidae— Baya, Ali (1931), and Village Weaver, Grzimek (1952), and other weavers, Crook (1960); Estrildidae of several species, Kunkel (1959); Turdidae— European Blackbird, Turdus merula, E. and I. Messmer (1956); Muscicapidae, Lohrl (1951), Curio (1960); Fringillidae— Chaffinch, van Dobben ( 1949) , Marler ( 1956) ; and Emberizidae— Song Sparrow, Nice (1943). All these studies show that the movements used by passerine birds in placing nest material and forming the nest-cup are uniform and wide- spread, but as Dechert (1955) illustrated, the important thing is the sequence of these actions, the materials used and how they are used. Her study of the Lesser Whitethroat and Blackcap showed that these closely related species used nearly identical actions but different materials, and that they used the actions in different pro- portions, thus creating quite different nests. A further illustration of the importance of the ma- terial chosen is given by Lorenz (personal com- munication) who, when first keeping some Red- billed Weaverbirds, Quelea quelea, discovered that they were unable to build their huge nests because the grass native to Germany did not “stick.” He obtained some of the grass the birds use in their native Africa and found that the leaves of this grass are “retrorsely scabrous” on their margins (have small tooth-like spines on their edges) , causing the leaves to cling together. Ali (1931) realized the importance of the scabrous margins of rice leaves in the nest build- ing of the Baya. Schafer’s study also shows the importance of different nesting materials in simi- lar species, but his study also shows use of dif- ferent actions (in anchoring the base). Nickell, (1958) examined nesting materials and nest types of 169 species of eastern North American species. In a number of families scattered among the perching birds, some of the generalized actions have atrophied and some actions have been added to the basic repertory. The estrildid finches (Kunkel, 1959) built their messy, domed nests with the following actions: (1) the bird, standing in the middle of its nest, grabs material with its bill and pushes it away, or it may simply push at the wall and roof of the nest with its head; (2) the bird grasps material and pulls sideways, either to the left or to the right; (3) the bird pulls material directly toward itself into the cup. In these actions, the birds have lost certain of the basic behavior sequences and their nests seem to reflect this. It is interesting, in terms of the former classi- fication of the estrildid finches with the ploceid finches (Steiner, 1955), that they share two unusual nest-building actions: (1) termination (Crook, I960)— a grass stalk held in the beak is moved by a rotating motion of the bill until it is held at one end; (2) to stretch the building material and form the pocket-like nest, the builder pushes against the walls with its head or bill. The highest development in nest building, nearly all authors agree, occurs in two families —the Old World True Weaver Finches (Plocei- dae) and the New World blackbirds, troupials and orioles (Icteridae). Ploceids such as the Red-billed Weaverbird studied by Friedmann (1922), the Baya described by Ali (1931), the Village Weaver described by Grzimek (1952) and studied and photographed by Collias (1959), and the species discussed by Crook (1960), use additional actions to weave and tie knots in their material in order to fasten it to the foundation branches. According to Fried- mann (1922) and Crook (1960), the True Weavers take a fiber in the bill, hold it at the end, 54 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47:6 place it on a branch (sometimes holding it with the foot), then take one end of the fiber and push it to the far side of the branch. Reaching around the other side, they take the strand and tuck it under the part they are standing on, then pull taut the knot that has been made. The fiber is repeatedly drawn round and round, each time being inserted within the previous loop. The end may also be looped in and out through the al- ready-woven fabric. Collias (1959) describes “four basic mech- anisms in working a grass strip into its nest. He tends (1) to bend the strip about some object, either a twig, another grass strip, or his own leg; (2) to double a strip back on itself; (3) to alter- nate the direction in which he winds the strip about objects such as twigs or other grass strips; and (4) to poke and pull a strip through holes, normally the interstices of the nest materials. It is in the possession of mechanisms (3) and (4) that a true weaver (Subfamily Ploceinae) differs from other weaverbirds. . . The end of a strip is often looped back on itself in such a way that pulling on the strip tightens its attachments. This is essentially a hitch type of knot. Knots of other types than the hitch are rare.” In this specific treatment of an individual fiber, the action of these birds differs from that of many Icteridae. They tuck a bill full of fibers into the nest mate- rial and then may ignore them until dealt with again “by accident.” In the ploceid finches, the foundation of the nest is made by forming a loop on which the bird stands and which it uses as an entrance from which to build the sleeve that will become the nest bag. The caciques and oropendolas studied by Skutch and Chapman resemble the True Weaver Finches in building a similar loop. These authors also suggest that the birds wind the strands around the branches to form the foundation of the nest. However, my study of the Yellowtail, and Schafer’s, show that such behavior is not characteristic of decumanus and angustifrons. The New World orioles have specific actions peculiar to themselves which are slight modifica- tions of the generalized ones of most perching birds: pecking, pulling around and tucking (Herrick, 1911, Baltimore Oriole). Herrick showed that after the nest bag was constructed, the Baltimore Oriole also used the standard trampling, nest-molding technique. The fact that the enormous and complex nest of the Yellow- tail is built by simple actions which are used by other species to make much simpler nests, points to the generalization that variation is built out of specializations of a few fundamental “inven- tions.” To emphasize this, Selous (1902) and later Kramer (1950) pointed out that the scraping actions of plovers and sandpipers, gulls and terns, are homologous with the trampling actions of perching birds making their cup-shaped nests. Similar trampling actions are found among a number of the Laro-limicolae: Lapwing, Selous (1902), Brock (1911), Rinkel (1940) and Laven (1941); Turnstone, Arenaria interpres, Bergman (1946); Northern (Red-necked) Phalarope, Phalciropus lobatus, Tinbergen (1935); Common Tern, Tinbergen (1931); Caspian Tern, Hydroprogne caspia or tsche- grava, Bergman (1953); and Herring Gull, Tinbergen (1936). Furthermore, these studies show that there are other nest-building actions in gulls and terns (and my own studies show that the same is true in sandpipers, Calidris bairdii, and plovers, Charadrius vociferus and Ch. melodus, similar to those of perching birds. When sitting on its scrape, the bird picks up material and either drops it over the shoulder or pulls it immediately in front of itself and drops it. These actions are identical to the side- ways pulling or the peck-pull around-tuck action of perching birds. The big difference, of course, is in the choice of nest-building material, the uniformity of treatment and concentration given to the material. Shorebirds and gulls either use no material, cast the material aside, or do not pursue the treatment to a final resting place. Many small perching birds may spend two or three days building; the Red-eyed Vireo spends approximately five. The Yellowtail may spend three to five weeks. A Killdeer may spend two to three weeks scraping, and then continue for another three weeks throwing nest material over its shoulder, or pecking, pulling and dropping material on the edge of the nest after the eggs have been laid until they hatch. The bird usually kicks with its feet five to ten times in the tramp- ling movements each time it settles on the nest. In the Piping Plover the persistence of this action is functional. It is used to uncover eggs that have been buried by blowing sand. Similar actions are used to uncover buried eggs by the Kentish Plover, Charadrius alexandrinus, and the Little Ringed Plover, Charadrius dubius, (Walters, 1956), and by Kittlitz’s Sandplover, Charadrius pecuarius, (Hall, 1958), which regu- larly covers its eggs when frightened from them. Clearly, the type of action and the amount of time spent on the action does not control the end product. But there seems, in fact, to be a sequence in the intensity of attention paid to the nesting material from (a) the very careless handling by shorebirds and gulls through (b) 1962] Drury: Breeding Activities of Yellowtail (Ostinops decumanus) 55 the sloppy work of the estrildid finches, to (c) the situation found in most perching birds, and finally (d) to the True Weavers and icterids. In the evolution of nest building (which is at least in part independent of the evolution of those factors used in classification), similar motions have been applied to different types of material, and a change has been made accord- ing to differences in the “plan in mind” and perseverance to that plan: specialized actions added, and new reactions appearing to specific building situations. The difference is not in the motion (the tool) but in the central nervous system, which in turn is modified, within limits, by changes in environment which influence the living bird (see especially the differences in the nest building of young and old female angustifrons studied by Schafer). Stereotyped Behavior and Brain Structure.— In considering the modification of behavior patterns in evolution and according to experience of the individual organism, the basic difference in brain structure between birds and mammals must be taken into account, as described by Cobb (1960). In birds, the basal area of the fore- brain, the corpus striatum, has been greatly enlarged. This is the area associated with quick, complex physical co-ordination. In contrast, the roof of the forebrain in mammals has been developed— an area whose specialization has tended toward associations developed during the experience of the individual. The impression of bird behavior is of stereo- typed responses (consistent and efficient) that are uniform as they occur, but whose occurrence is modifiable between species and according to experience of the individual bird. Certain stimuli or events change the bird’s instructions and its behavior shifts. When watching the Yellowtail construct its nest— operating steadily and mech- anically with a smooth, weaving action for a period of time, and then shifting over to a new system of weaving— I was strongly reminded of the control on an automatic loom by a card. The machine’s motions— and the bird’s— do not have the ability to change the card. The ability to change the card must, in a very crude way, be the organism’s ability to learn and associate. The bird’s actions are efficient in its present cir- cumstances and, through evolution, suitable to its environment. During the bird’s life, it seems that inherited material is as if carded and in units, and during maturation the bird “learns” what conditions, stimuli or parts of the environ- ment are suitable for the expression of that inborn activity. The nest building of the Yellow- tail is an illustration of the complex train of activity patterns that is changed to another complex train by a stimulus, rather than an illustration of a series of simple actions built up by association into complex trains, as seems to be the product of much mammalian learning. But this illustration does not clarify the crux of the questions presented by the shifts in nest- building behavior by the Yellowtail. What com- bination of “things” leads to the decision to change the “card?” How does the bird treat inconsistent information upon which it must base its decision? For example, the behavior of a bird whose nest has been partly destroyed by the robbing of nest-building material by its neighbor. There must be a “look” (Thorpe, 1956; Crook, 1960; ? Gestalt) about the mate- rial and the state of construction which influ- ences the sequence of activities that the bird fol- lows. This hypothesis is supported by several natural tests resulting when several males work at the same nest (Crook, 1960). The bird’s actions are neither guided exclusively as if by the unravelling of a string, as seem to be the activ- ities of an insect, nor yet with the gradual brick- by-brick building of the association of learned actions into a whole, as may be the case with much mammalian development. Summary 1. Yellowtails nest in colonies, 2-43 nests in the Arima Valley, chiefly in Erythrina micro p- teryx, an introduced shade tree towering over the cocoa, coffee and banana tree plantations. 2. A dominant male defends twoor three neigh- boring trees but allows intrusion of subordinate males if the intruder does not display. Males have a territorial and a sexual song. 3. Males hold territories in nestless trees, and females copulate with males other than the dom- inant male of the colony tree. 4. Groups of females within a colony, nest ac- cording to a schedule independent of other groups. 5. Nest-building material is collected in valley bottoms away from the colony tree; it is chiefly grass, sedge and thin vines. The building mate- rial averages 30-45 cm. when the female starts the base, 60-100 cm. when building the supports and sides of the entrance, 30-45 cm. in weaving the bag, and 100-150 cm. when closing the bottom. The nest appears to be lined with dried leaves. 6. Detailed observations of nest-building tech- nique show that a few simple movements are used and that the fibrous strips are dealt with by chance— not woven in individually. Actions are: 56 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47:6 (a) Push billful of material into the work, reach over and grasp any end, pull around and tug, tuck in with tremble-shove. The female may perch on the branch or on the apron that she in making when using this technique; (b) Push billful into the work, push bill through and grasp end, pull out and move to the side, tuck with a shake. The female perches woodpecker-like on the side on the nest; (c) When closing the entrance, the female weaves across the two free edges, then overcasts the edges to bind the entrance with a buttonhole- like stitch; (d) She uses chiefly the horizontal move- ments in making the bag, whose length seems to be measured by distance below the entrance. In closing the bottom, she reaches down between her feet to peck, pull up and poke. 7. The bird’s attentiveness to nest building varies, being least at the start, strongest when building the sides of the nest, and interrupted before the bottom is closed and the nest lined. 8. Discussion: (a) Territory in Yellowtails suggests purely courtship function. Copulation appears to be promiscuous; (b) Closing the entrance and weaving the sides of the nest, as observed by Schafer and myself, use different techniques than have been described so far; (c) It is not clear why females hesitate on the nest entrance when entering and leaving; (d) A review of nest-building techniques shows that three fundamental movements are widespread even among non-nest builders such as gulls and plovers. To these movements some groups have added actions by which they con- struct sloppy or elegant nests. The fine nests of the ploceid weaver finches are based on per- sistent individual attentions which tie knots in the fibers. Among the Icteridae, the fiber gets attention by accident, once it has been pushed into the work. Closeness of weave and security of attachment result from persistent repetition of actions. Literature Cited Ali, S. A. 1931. The nesting habits of the Baya (Ploceus philippinus). Joum. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 34 (4): 947-964. Bergman, G. 1946. Der Steinwalzer, Arenaria i. interpres (L.), in Seiner Beziehung zur umwelt. Acta. Zool. Fenn., 47: 3-144. 1953. Verhalten und Biologie der Raubsee- schwalbe ( Hydroprogne tschegrava). Acta. Zool. Fenn., 77: 3-45. Brock, S. F. 1911. Lapwings ( Vanellus vulgaris) in the pair- ing season. The Zoologist, 15: 296-304. Chapman, F. M. 1928. The nesting habits of Wagler’s Oropendola (Zarhynchus wagleri) on Barro Colorado Island. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., 58: 123-166. Cobb, S. 1960. 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Zeits. Tierpsychol., 16: 302- 350. Laven, B. 1941. Beobachtungen uber Balz und Brut beim Kiebitz ( Vanellus vanellus L.). Journ. fiir Ornith. Erganzungsband III (1941): 1-64. Laven, H. 1940a. Studies on nest building (Nestbaustudien). Ornith. Monatsberichte, 48: 128-131. (A Review). 1940b. Beitrage zur Biologie des Sandregenpfei- fers ( Charadrius hiaticula L.). Journ. fiir Ornith., 88: 183-287. Lohrl, H. 1951. Balz und Paarbildung beim Halsbandflieg- enschnapper. Journ. fiir Ornith., 93 : 41-60. 1958. Das Verhalten des Kleibers (Sitta europaea caesia Wolf). Zeits. Tierpsychol., 15: 191- 252. Lorenz, K. 1940. Die Paarbildung beim Kolkraben. Zeits. Tierpsychol., 3: 278-292. 1955. Morphology and behavior patterns in closely allied species. In: “Group Proc- esses,” Trans. 1st Conf., 1954: 168-220. Marler, P. 1956. Behaviour of the Chaffinch, Fringilla coe- lebs. Behaviour, Suppl. V, 184 pp. Maxse, V. 1951. The British Long-tailed Tit ( Aegithalos caudatus rosens ) : How its nest is built. Proc. 10th Int. Orn. Cong., Uppsala, 1950: 564-566. Messmer, E., & I. Messmer 1956. Die Entwicklung der Lautausserungen und einiger Verhaltensweisen der Amsel (T Ur- dus merula merula L.) unter naturlichen Bedingungen und nach einzelauf zucht in schalldichten Raumen. Zeits. Tierpsychol., 13: 341-441. Moynihan, M. 1955. Remarks on the original sources of dis- plays. Auk, 72: 240-246. Nice, M. M. 1943. Studies in the life history of the Song Spar- row (Part II). Trans. Linn. Soc., N. Y., Vol. VI. viii + 329 pp. Nicholai, J. 1956. Zur Biologie und Ethologie des Gimpels ( Pyrrhula pyrrhula L.). Zeits. Tierpsy- chol., 13: 93-132. Nickell, W. P. 1958. Variations in engineering features of the nests of several species of birds in relation to nest sites and nesting material. Butler Univ. Bot. Studies, 13 (2): 121-140. Portielje, A. F. J. 1925. Zur Ethologie bezw. Psychologie van Pha- lacrocorax carbo subcormoransis (Brehm). Ardea, 16: 107-123. 1928. Zur Ethologie bezw. Psychologie der Sil- bermowe Larus a. argentatus Pontopp. Ardea, 17: 112-149. Rinkel, G. L. 1940. Waarnemingen over het gadrag van de Kievit ( Vanellus vanellus L.) gedurende de broedtijd. Ardea, 29: 108-147. Schafer, E. 1957. Les Conotos — Bonner Zoologische Beit- rage. Sonderheft 5, 148 pp. 58 Zoologica : New York Zoological Society [47: 6: 1962] Schuz, E. 1943. Bewegungsnormen des Weissen Storches. Zeits. Tierpsychol., 5: 1-37. Selous, E. 1901. An observational diary of the habits— mostly domestic— of the Great Crested Grebe ( Podiceps cristatus ) and of the Peewit ( Vanellus vulgaris ) with some general remarks. Zoologist, 1901: 161- 183; 339-350; 454-462 (for Great Crest- ed Grebe). 1902. An observational diary of the habits— mostly domestic— of the Great Crested Grebe ( Podiceps cristatus ) and of the Peewit ( Vanellus vulgaris) with some general remarks. Zoologist, 6: 133-144 (for Peewit). Skutch, A. 1954. Life Histories of Central American Birds. Part I. Families Fringillidae, Thraupidae, Icteridae, Parulidae, and Coerebidae. Pacific Coast Avifauna, No. 31. Cooper Ornithological Society, Berkeley, Calif. 448 pp. Steiner, H. 1955. Das Brutverhalten der Prachtfinken, Sper- mestidae, als Ausdruck ihres selbstand- ingen Familiencharakters. Acta XI Congr. Int. Ornith., 1954: 350-355. Tashian, R. E. 1957. Nesting behavior of the Crested Oropen- dola ( Psarocolius decumanus) in north- ern Trinidad, B.W.I. Zoologica, 42 (7): 87-97, 2 pis. Thorpe, W. H. 1956. Learning and instinct in animals. Har- vard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 493 pp., illus. Tinbergen, N. 1931. Zur Paarungsbiologie der Fluseeschwalbe (Sterna h. hirundo L.). Ardea, 20, 1-18. 1935. Field observations of East Greenland birds. 1. The behaviour of the Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus L.) in Spring. Ardea, 24: 1-42. 1936. Zur Sociologie der Silbermowe (Larus a. argentatus Pontopp.). Beitr. Fortpfl. Biol. Vogel, 12: 89-96. 1951. The study of instinct. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 228 pp., illus. 1952. Derived activities; their causation, bio- logical significance, origin, and emancipa- tion during evolution. Quart. Rev. Biol., 27: 1-32. 1953a. The Herring Gull’s world. London: Col- lins New Naturalist Monograph No. 9: xvi & 255 pp. 1953 b. Specialists in nest building. Country Life, 30: 270-271. Jan. 1953. 1957. The functions of territory. Bird Study, 4 (1): 14-27. van Dobben, W. H. 1949. Nest-building technique of Icterine War- bler and Chaffinch. Ardea, 37: 89-97. Walters, J. 1956. Eiruckgewinnung und Nistplatzorientier- ung bei See- und Flussregenpfeifer. Lim- osa, 29 (4): 103-129. 7 Further Observations on the Pilot Whale in Captivity1 David H. Brown Curator of Mammals, Marineland of the Pacific, Marineland, California (Plates I & II) Introduction RECORDS on the behavior of a captive Atlantic pilot whale, Globicephala ma- croryncha Gray (Kritzler, 1952), and of captive Pacific pilot whales, Globicephala scam- rrtonii Cope (Brown, 1960), have shown that these delphinids generally adapt readily to con- finement in large aquaria. At Marineland of the Pacific, Marineland, California, Pacific pilot whales are exhibited with striped dolphins, Lagenorhynchus obli- quidens Gill, in a circular tank 80 feet in diam- eter and 19 feet deep. Glass windows placed in three levels of corridors permit observations of what transpires beneath the surface. Observation of surface activity can be made from a “top deck” area, where seating facilities are provided. Prior to January, 1959, the exhibit consisted of two female pilot whales and four striped dol- phins (Brown, 1960). This paper describes the capture of a male pilot whale and the activity observed upon its introduction into the tank. An account of the sickness and death of a fe- male pilot whale, including findings at necropsy, is given. The behavior of the male pilot whale at the time of this death is also described. Also presented are remarks on laryngeal withdraw- al in certain odontocetes. Behavior During Capture On January 21, 1959, the Marineland col- lecting vessel, Geronimo, while operating in the Catalina Channel, California, encountered a very diffuse school of approximately 40 pilot whales. Several distinct pods were involved, some being almost a mile apart. Family groups Contribution No. 18, Marineland of the Pacific Bio- logical Laboratory. were seen in which a male could be observed swimming with mother and young. The men maneuvered their vessel close to what appeared to be a family group, consisting of a female, a calf and a larger male. The collec- tor had the opportunity of rapidly snaring the latter animal, which for the first 35 minutes af- ter becoming ensnared, towed the Geronimo around in large circles. The animal was quickly brought alongside the boat by winching in the nylon lead rope. No sounds were heard coming from him during any of these procedures, and while still attached to the line his dives consumed about five minutes. The animal had a tendency to dive and then rest at the end of the dive, leav- ing the line quite slack. The large size of the pilot whale made it impossible to lift him aboard, so, to effect his transport to Marineland, a de- flated 20-foot rubber life raft was pulled be- neath the animal, quickly inflated, and thus he was safely secured during the return trip to port. The animal was measured and found to be 17 feet 3 inches long; his weight was estimated to be about 3,000 pounds. Introduction into the Exhibit The pilot whale made no movements in the raft during the return journey or while he was hoisted into the exhibit tank. Upon being re- leased he quickly dived and began to swim slow- ly in a head down position, only inches from the floor of the tank. After being submerged for five minutes he surfaced to blow, and then again resumed the head down position, which he maintained for several hours, interrupted only by excursions to the surface to breathe. At this time the female pilot whales appeared to show fear and swam rapidly together around the periphery of the tank, accompanied by the 59 60 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47:7 striped dolphins which also appeared to show apprehension at the presence of the new arrival. Several hours later, toward the end of the day, the female whales commenced to rub their flip- per tips against the male. The females were also seen to butt the melons of their heads against the larger melon of the male. By the following morning the animals were quite familiar with one another and in the en- suing weeks, between feedings, spent their time swimming (Plate I, Fig. 1) or lying together in close formation on the surface in what appeared to be a resting position. Feeding the New Arrival Inducing newly arrived cetaceans to accept nourishment in capitivity is often difficult, ow- ing to the stresses of capture, unusual confines of captive environment and the type of food the animal is expected to consume. Inanition results rapidly in emaciation with most cetaceans. Pilot whales, probably as a re- sult of their less active behavior, seem to with- stand prolonged fasting with far less weight loss than the small delphinids (Brown, et al., I960; Brown & Norris, 1956). The first pilot whale captured by Marineland in 1957 responded to forced feeding on its eighth day in captivity (Brown, 1960) while the other female com- menced to accept dead squid voluntarily after 14 days of fasting. No major loss of body weight occurred in either case. The first attempt to feed the new pilot whale was made six days after his introduction into the tank; this was effected each evening by throw- ing large quantities of squid into the water. The active feeding behavior demonstrated by the other animals would, we hoped, initiate a favor- able response in the new arrival. This technique proved successful, and on February 1 he began to feed and thereafter regularly accepted 100 pounds of squid each day. The rapidity with which Globicephala usually adapts to captivity has already been discussed (see Kritzler, 1952, and Brown, 1960). The male pilot whale also quickly responded to the attendant’s summons and within four weeks of his capture learned to lunge half of his body clear of the water to accept food from his train- er’s hand. It is remarkable that what must have been the animal’s well established behavior pattern did not offer more resistance to such major en- vironmental change. It is conceivable that the presence of the female pilot whales already es- tablished in the exhibit contributed largely to the adult animal’s remarkably rapid integration into the group. Sexual Behavior Sexual behavior among the pilot whales in Marineland of the Pacific has been seen sporad- ically throughout the spring and winter months. The first of the following observations was made only 25 days after the male’s admission into the tank. February 15, 8:00 a.m. Both female pilot whales were observed swimming around and rubbing against the ventral surface of male’s body. After several minutes of this activity the three animals swam almost to the floor of the tank and commenced to butt their heads to- gether with great force. The larger female moved away and began to rub her genital opening on the floor of the tank. The smaller female and the male commenced to slowly swim together, the smaller animal swimming upside down, in a position immediately under and considerably forward of the male. In this position she was seen to arch her body and vigorously rub her genital opening between the flippers of the larger animal. At this time the male extruded its penis, and when the female moved back to a position where her ventral surface approximated his, several attempts at intromission were made. De- spite the female’s apparent sexual receptiveness, however, penetration was not achieved. April 1, 9:45 a.m. This morning a loud creak- ing sound was heard coming from the circular tank; investigation revealed the large pilot whale very active, rubbing himself against the females. The vocalization emanated from the large whale and was not accompanied by any emission of air. The sounds produced were similar to the creaking of a rusty hinge. This activity appeared to disturb the striped dolphins which were rap- idly swimming around the tank in close forma- tion. The glans penis was protruding from the male’s genital opening at this time. April 17, 10:00 a.m. The large female was swimming against and rubbing her genital open- ing on the ventral surface of the male. The striped dolphins again appeared very active and were also seen to rub against the male pilot whale. The two larger animals then sank to floor of tank and upon confronting each other some 30 feet apart swam at each other, butting the melons of their heads together with great force. On several occasions the smaller female through force of impact was thrust backward through the water several feet; the whip-like crack produced by these collisions could be clearly heard outside the tank. After indulging in this behavior several minutes, the male had an erection, and although the female drifted pas- sively in the water and appeared receptive, many attempts at intromission again proved unsuc- cessful. 1962] Brown: Observations on the Pilot Whale in Captivity 61 October 28, 7:30 a.m. This morning the smaller female was observed rubbing the ven- tral surface of her body against male’s and trail- ing her flippers and dorsal fin over the larger animal’s genital opening. After two or three minutes of this play, the male extruded about 18 inches of his penis and tried to effect intro- mission. Penetration occurred briefly, where- upon the male returned to a resting position on the surface, and was eventually joined by the female. November 7, 11:30 a.m. The male pilot whale was swimming around tank with his penis ex- truded about twelve inches. The smaller female forcibly butted him on his side and then assumed the position noted on February 15, 1959. Intro- mission was again attempted. November 14, 9:30 a.m. There was consid- erably activity in the whale tank this morning. Both female pilot whales were rubbing against male, who maintained a head down position. The animals were extremely vocal and produced a bleating or crying sound and a loud buzzing noise, which had not been heard before. These vocalizations were not accompanied by any emission of air from the animal’s blowholes. At 10:30 a.m. diver G. McLaughlin reported the male lying on his back at the surface with his penis extruded about 24 inches. Other behavior of probable sexual signifi- cance has been observed many times in both male and female pilot whales. McBride & Hebb (1948) recorded similar behavior in male Tur- siops while Tavolga & Essapian, (1957) de- scribed unpaired female T ursiops engaged in un- usual activities of a sexual nature. The male pilot whale is often observed rub- bing his genital opening on the floor of the tank and sometimes on these occasions the animal utilizes a piece of stone; by means of body move- ments he attempts to rub this against the wall of the genital orifice or the glans penis, which is usually extruded at this time. The females also employ the tank floor in a similar manner. The diving ladder has been rubbed by the smaller whales so violently it has become loosened at its mountings. Brown & Norris (1956) record sexual stimu- lation of male T ursiops by underwater petting. On one occasion a diver while swimming with the male pilot whale and patting his sides elicited an identical response; the male extruded his penis and moved towards the man. Tavolga & Essapian (1957) have described the sexual behavior of the bottlenosed dolphin, Tursiops truncatus Montagu, and they state that the dominant role during courtship is as- sumed by the male. The observations at Marine- land on interspecific mating activity between female Lagenorhynchus and male Tursiops (Brown & Norris, 1956) and more recently be- tween Globicephala are contrary to those de- scribed in Tursiops by the above authors. Ob- servations made at Marineland generally show the female to be responsible for the initiation of precopulatory behavior. It would appear that the wide range of sexual behavior recorded in male T ursiops by McBride & Hebb (1948) and Brown & Norris (1956) is not so apparent in Globicephala, but it must also be noted that this statement is made after observing only one captive adult male. It is pos- sible that younger males demonstrate a broader field of sexual proclivity. Observations on the mating activity of Tur- siops truncatus show that little difficulty is ex- perienced by these smaller active animals in effecting penetration. An individual upon pro- ducing an erection is able to swing the penis around in a half circle and thus can achieve intromission with an approach from either side, and by swinging on its back under the female is able to contrive intromission by a powerful vertical flexure of its body. The male pilot whale appears to lack this underwater dexterity, and the females seem to play the major role in precopulatory body positioning. Before erection, the male’s penis is enclosed within the genital sheath. When fully extended it is about 24 inches long and approximately six inches in diameter at its base. The shaft tapers to an apex surmounted by a ver- miform glans some four inches long. Unlike that of Tursiops the penis is not rigid but flex- uous, upon extension its contortions giving the false impression of independent movement. During the several attempted and one success- ful intromission, strong pelvic thrusts were seen. Aggressive Behavior In a previous paper (Brown, 1960), aggres- sive behavior in a female pilot whale after months of solitary confinement was recorded. After being transferred to a tank with another whale, these aggressive actions ceased. Except for one incident, to be discussed later, the male has not directed aggressive behavior towards any man, and has allowed divers to grasp his flippers or dorsal fin as he swam around the tank. This was stopped after the small female made attempts to ram and bite the man involved. Interspecific Relationship and Play Schools of Globicephala and Lagenorhynchus are commonly seen swimming and feeding to- 62 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47:7 gether in the Catalina Channel. In February, 1957, during the capture of a pilot whale, sev- eral striped dolphins accompanied the snared whale to within a few feet of the hull of the Geronimo. Interspecific behavior has also been seen in the circular tank. Of particular interest is the association between a female whale and a fe- male dolphin. This first became apparent during the spring of 1960 when they spent many days playing together, their favorite sport being to catch the air emitted from each other’s blowhole. A variation of this play took place below the water-inlet jets where each animal in turn re- leased air into the current. Behavior of a possible homosexual nature has occurred between this pair; the dolphin nuzzled the genital opening of the whale, which then did the same to her companion. On occasion the dolphins “tease” the pilot whales by biting their flukes. At this writing, the male is subject to this treatment, and he is seen to pursue the agile dolphins, who easily evade his rushes. The diver’s hose provides a constant source of interest to the whales, who loop the hose around their pectoral flippers and rub it with their bodies. On one occasion a man wearing a Desco mask was pulled around the tank for several minutes by the male, who seized the airline in his mouth. Sickness and Death of a Pilot Whale The large female pilot whale had lived at Marineland since January, 1957. During the initial months of capitivity she swallowed a rub- ber innertube, but after oral administration of mineral oil, the tube was regurgitated (Brown, 1960) . Following this incident, the animal main- tained good health until inception of the fatal sickness now to be described. On March 2, 1960, symptoms of a gastroen- teric disorder became apparent and vomiting oc- curred regularly after feeding. This made oral medication difficult. However, some mineral oil given in squid was retained. The animal showed no other abnormality and continued swimming activity around the tank. March 3. The whale’s condition not im- proved, emesis occurs after eating even small quantities of food. At- tempts at medication unsuccessful. Mineral oil and kaopectate regurgi- tated almost immediately upon ad- ministration. March 4. Still avidly accepts food, all of which is lost shortly after ingestion. Today quite inactive between at- tempted feedings and lies on surface with eyes closed. 4:30 p.m. The antispasmodic, methyl - atropine - nitrate (Metro- pine), given in food and apparently retained. An additional feeding at 5:00 p.m. induced vomition. Metro- pine again given in food at 12:00 a.m.; air and cloudy fluid expelled at 12:15 a.m. March 5. 9:00 a.m. This morning general condition seems improved, animal active and swimming with other whales. At 9:30 a.m., Metropine given in food; some loss of fluid and discharge of air seen shortly after feeding. Animal retained all of food given during remainder of day. Apart from oral air and fluid loss, behavior quite normal. March 6. Animal vomited during the night; considerable quantities of predi- gested food found floating in center of tank. Refused to swim to the feeding platform and spent the day lying on the surface with eyes closed, occasionally sounding to the floor of the tank. March 7. The whale’s condition remains un- changed. At 9:45 a.m. vomits cloudy fluid, and at 12:15 a.m. seen slowly swimming with male, eyes closed; At this time vocalized sev- eral times, making high pitched squeals which were accompanied by air emissions from blowhole. At 2:00 p.m. returned to surface and stayed in same position for re- mainder of the day. March 8. 4:00 a.m. Female lying with other whales at the surface of the tank, respiration rapid and shallow. This was the last observation made prior to death. Behavior of the Male Pilot Whale At 5:30 a.m. on March 8, the male pilot whale was first seen transporting the dead fe- male to and from the surface by grasping her flipper in his mouth (Plate 1, Fig. 2). He carried her in this fashion for the next five hours. An erection occurred at 8:15 a.m., and on several 1962] Brown: Observations on the Pilot Whale in Captivity 63 occasions he effected intromission with the dead animal. A diver entered the tank at 8:45 a.m. and endeavored to pass a rope around the fe- male’s tail. On seeing this, the male momen- tarily released his burden and tried to strike the man with his head. To entice the male to leave the dead animal, squid was thrown into the water, but he ignored this, seized the female and continued to carry her around the tank. Another diver entered the water, and the whale became more active. Swimming at great speed around the tank, he emitted bleating sounds and recommenced copulation with the dead female. The other female at this time began to vocalize and tried to push a diver with her head. While endeavoring to evade the divers, the big male dropped the dead animal, which lodged between the rocks cemented to the floor of the tank. He then seized the caudal peduncle in his mouth and again succeeded in lifting the body to the surface, where he changed his hold firstly to the dorsal fin and then the flipper. In recovering the body he displaced several rocks; one large boulder weighing at least 700 pounds was propelled completely across the bottom of the tank. At 9:45 a.m. the diver finally suc- ceeded in passing a line around the dead female’s tail. The male then offered little resistance to her removal from the tank, and shortly there- after accepted food in a normal way. Our collectors have seen behavior of a similar nature in wild pilot whales, and report two cases of female whales supporting dead young. Sev- eral authors (see McBride &Hebb, 1948, Moore, 1953, and Hubbs 1953) have also recorded such actions in Tursiops. While these mother-young relationships are not beyond interpretation, the behavior of the male pilot whale is difficult to translate. The complex social behavior of this species and the environmental restrictions of captivity without doubt furnished behavioral stimuli at this time. Necropsy The dead female pilot whale had increased 23 inches in total length during the three years and two months she had been in captivity and weighed 1,360 pounds. Postmortem examina- tion was performed on the day of death by vet- erinary pathologists of the Los Angeles County Livestock Department. Necropsy showed chron- ic enteritis. Submucosal hemorrhages with pete- chiae up to 3 mm. in size were found throughout the entire intestinal tract (Plate II, Fig. 3). Fur- ther investigation however, revealed laryngeal occlusion as the primary cause of death. The following is an excerpt from the path- ologist’s report: “When the whale’s head was totally severed from the body, a piece of rock fell to the floor, its origin unknown at that time. I approached the severed head from its posterior aspect and proceeded to dissect the remaining part of the trachea, larynx and esophagus. I was able to enter my hand into the pharyngeal area. By grasping the elongated epiglottis and aryte- noid structures, then depressing and retracting, I was able to force this anterior part of the lar- ynx out of the pharyngeal chamber. Further traction on the larynx with one hand and in- cision of the ventral attaching structure with the other hand resulted in my freeing the afore- mentioned structures. “Dissection and examination of these struc- tures revealed a well defined localized lesion of the mucous membrane on the floor and partly on the side walls of the larynx in the region of the thyroid cartilage. “This lesion was approximately 5 cm. long, extended up each side wall about 3 cm. at its longest points. It was irregular in form but well demarcated. The pathological change of the mu- cous membrane was that of passive congestion, and edema not to the point of macroscopic necrosis. It was evident this lesion was due to pressure of the rock. Thorough examination of the esophagus, pharynx and trachea revealed no gross lesions.” Discussion During the months preceding the death of the large female, the whales were often seen mouth- ing fragments of stone separated from the reefs on the floor of the tank. The female pilot whale seemed particularly prone to this activity and was frequently seen to ingest, and then expel, the stone involved. The fatal consequences of this behavior were revealed by the pathology just described, and it is evident that laryngeal occlusion induced by inspiration of a stone was the primary cause of death. It is assumed that the enteric lesions were secondary in this case. The etiologic implications are apparent. It is quite plain that the stone gained access through the glottis into the aryteno-epiglottid tube, after entry into the palatopharyngeal region via the mouth. Oral entry was supported by subsequent investigation, which showed the stone too large to pass the bony nares of the skull (Plate II, Fig. 4). It is not illogical to assume that vomi- tion occurred after the stone had been swal- lowed; during emesis, and involuntary retraction of the aryteno-epiglottid tube, the stone passed into the dilated sphincter of the naso-pharynx. Reinsertion of the tube and respiratory action 64 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47:7: 1962] caused its migration into the laryngeal struc- ture. Since the death of the pilot whale, laryngeal retraction has been recorded in a male bottle- nose dolphin. This was observed while treating a lesion in the commisure of the animal’s mouth. While his jaws were being forcibly held apart, he convulsed and vomited. When the animal’s jaws were released, he violently exhaled and expelled vomitus through his blowhole. It is evident that the opening of the mouth withdrew the lamyx from the nasal cavity; the enforced withdrawal prevented respiration, in- ducing convulsion and regurgitation. Vomitus then entered the vacated nasopharynx. Upon allowing the mouth to close, the aryteno-epi- glottid tube reentered the narial cavity. The powerful exhalation cleared the nasal passage. It would then appear that on full expansion of the jaws the tube is retracted by action of the throat muscles connected to the hyoid bone. The ability to disengage the larynx from the narial cavity by full expansion of the jaws is perhaps possessed by all odontocete whales, and possibly facilitates the passage of large items of food through the esophagus. Acknowledgements The author wishes to express his sincere ap- preciation to Dr. Rankin W. McIntyre and Dr. Maurice Barenfus for their skillful post- mortem examination of the dead pilot whale, and also to Mrs. Muriel Johnson for her help in preparing the manuscript. He also wishes to thank Captain Frank Brocato and Frank Calan- EXPLANATION Plate I Fig. 1. Male pilot whale accompanied by females in the circular tank, Marineland of the Pacific. (Photograph by Peter Stackpole). Fig. 2. Male pilot whale carrying dead female in circular tank, Marineland of the Pacific. (Photograph by Robert Vanderhoof). drino of the Geronimo for observations made during the capture of the male pilot whale. References Brown, D. H. 1960. Behavior of a captive Pacific pilot whale. Jour. Mamm., 41: 342-349. Brown, D. H., R. W. McIntyre, C. A. Delliquadri & R. J. Schroeder 1960. Health problems of captive dolphins and seals. Jour. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc., 137 (9): 534-538. Brown, D. H. & K. S. Norris 1956. Observations of captive and wild ceta- ceans. Jour. Mamm., 37: 311-326. Hubbs, C. L. 1953. Dolphin protecting dead young. Jour. Mamm., 34: 498. Kritzler, H. 1952. Observations on the pilot whale in cap- tivity. Jour. Mamm., 33: 321-334. McBride, A. F. & D. O. Hebb 1948. Behavior of the captive bottle-nosed dol- phin Tursiops truncatus. Jour. Comp, and Physiol. Psych., 41: 111-123. Moore, J. C. 1953. Distribution of marine mammals to Flor- ida waters. Amer. Mid. Nat., 49: 117-158. Tavolga, M. C., & F. S. Essapian 1957. The behavior of the bottle-nosed dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus ): mating, pregnancy, parturition and mother-infant behavior. Zoologica, 42 (2): 11-31. OF THE PLATES Plate II Fig. 3. Opened lower intestine of pilot whale, showing enteritis and submucosal hemor- rhage. (Photograph by J. Courtland Beazie). Fig. 4. Skull of pilot whale demonstrating the size of stone in relation to the bony nares. (Photograph by J. Courtland Beazie). BROWN PLATE i FIG. 1 FIG. 2 FURTHER OBSERVATIONS ON THE PILOT WHALE IN CAPTIVITY BROWN PLATE II FURTHER OBSERVATIONS ON THE PILOT WHALE IN CAPTIVITY ,V.V NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY GENERAL OFFICE 630 Fifth Avenue, New York 20, N. Y. PUBLICATION OFFICE The Zoological Park, New York 60, N. Y. OFFICERS PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT Fairfield Osborn Laurance S. Rockefeller SCIENTIFIC STAFF: John Tee-Van General Director William G. Conway. . Director, Zoological Park Christopher W. Coates. .Director, Aquarium ZOOLOGICAL PARK Joseph A. Davis, Jr. . . Associate Curator, Mammals Grace Davall ...... Assistant Curator, Mammals and Birds William G. Conway . . Curator, Birds Herndon G. Dowling . Curator, Reptiles Charles P. Gandal. . . Veterinarian Lee S. Crandall. .... General Curator, Emeritus William Beebe Honorary Curator, Birds AQUARIUM James W. Atz Curator Carleton Ray Associate Curator Ross F. Nigrelli Pathologist & Chair- man of Department of Marine Biochem- istry & Ecology C. M. Breder, Jr. Research Associate in Ichthyology Harry A. Charipper . . . Research Associate in Histology Sophie Jakowska Research Associate in Experimental Biology SECRETARY TREASURER George W. Merck David H. McAlpin Klaus D. Kallman. . . . Research Associate in Genetics Louis Mowbray ..... Research Associate in Field Biology GENERAL William Bridges . , Editor & Curator, Publications Dorothy Reville . . Editorial Assistant Sam Dunton ..... Photographer Henry M. Lester. .Photographic Consultant DEPARTMENT OF TROPICAL RESEARCH William Beebe Director Emeritus Jocelyn Crane Assistant Director John Tee-Van Associate William K. Gregory Associate AFFILIATE L. Floyd Clarke. Director, Jackson Hole Biological Research Station EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Fairfield Osborn, Chairman James W. Atz William G. Conway William Beebe Lee S. Crandall William Bridges Herndon G. Dowling Christopher W. Coates John Tee-Van ZOOLOGICA SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 47 • PART 2 • SEPTEMBER 15, 1962 • NUMBERS 8-10 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY The ZOOLOGICAL PARK, New York Contents PAGE 8. A Field Study of the Black and White Manakin, Manacus manacus, in Trinidad. By D. W. Snow. Text-figures 1-21 65 9. Longevity of Fishes in Captivity, as of September, 1956. By Sam Hinton. 105 10. Hybridization Experiments in Acheilognathine Fishes (Cyprinidae. Teleostei). A Comparison of the Intergeneric Hybrids between Tanakia tanago and Rhodeus spinalis and Rhodeus ocellatus from Korea and Japan. By J. J. Duyvene de Wit. Plates I & II; Text-figure 1 117 8 A Field Study of the Black and White Manakin, Manacus manacus, in Trinidad1,2 D. W. Snow Department of Tropical Research, New York Zoological Society, New York 60, N. Y. (Text-figures 1-21) Introduction The Black and White Manakin ( Man- acus manacus ) is one of the commonest forest birds in Trinidad. It is also one of the easiest to study in the field, and it was this fact, combined with the outstanding interest of its communal courtship displays, that led me to devote much of my time to it during AV2 years’ residence in the Arima Valley, the site of the New York Zoological Society’s Tropical Field Station in the center of the Northern Range of Trinidad (Text-fig. 1). It is a small, stockily built bird, with short wings and relatively long, strong legs (Text-fig. 2). The sexes differ markedly, the male being black and white and the female olive-green; the legs are orange in both sexes. Though it occurs in forest of all kinds, it probably reaches its greatest abundance in secondary forest. Like other manakins, it subsists largely on fruit which it takes in flight. It bathes in shallow streams, and drinks occasionally from streams but usu- ally from water collected in the leaves and bracts of plants. Though it will feed on occasion in the tops of lofty trees, most of its life is spent within 25 feet of the ground. In particular, it nests only a few feet above the ground, and displays on and within a few inches of the forest floor. It is communal in its courtship; each male dis- plays at a cleared “court” on the forest floor within a few yards, or even a few feet, of his neighbors. Groups of courts constitute “display grounds,” which are used year after year. The 1 Contribution No. 1015, Department of Tropical Research, New York Zoological Society. 2 This study has been supported by National Science Foundation Grants G4385 and G21007. females visit the display grounds to mate. No pairs are formed, and the male takes no part in the nesting. One other member of the family occurs in Trinidad, the Golden-headed Manakin ( Pipra erythrocephala) . Both occur in the same habi- tats and have largely the same feeding and nest- ing habits. The Golden-headed Manakin, how- ever, displays 25 feet or more up in the trees, and also tends to feed and nest higher than the Black and White Manakin, so that, although it is even more abundant, it is less suitable for de- tailed study. A shorter account of its biology will be presented in a later publication. There have been some previous accounts of the biology of Manacus. Chapman’s pioneer- ing study of the courtship of Gould’s Manakin (M. vitellinus ) in Panama was the first detailed study of any of the Pipridae (Chapman, 1935). Although there had been some earlier accounts, it was this paper which first drew attention to the extraordinary development of courtship be- havior in the family. Working on specimens sent to him by Chapman, Lowe (1942) de- scribed the musculature of the wing-feathers and other specializations responsible for the loud mechanical noises made by the males dur- ing their displays. In Trinidad, Chapman (1894) had earlier made some brief observa- tions on the display of M. manacus, and sub- sequent writers have occasionally referred to the males’ courtship gatherings. A preliminary ac- count of the present study, dealing only with display, has already been published (Snow, 1956). Darnton (1958) has also published some observations made at a Trinidad display ground of M. manacus. Finally, Sick (1959) has dealt with Manacus among other genera in his review of displays in the Pipridae as a whole. 65 66 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 8 Text-fig. 1. Trinidad, showing the study area (S) and the annual isohyets. The Northern Range ex- tends along the whole of the northern side of the island, the two highest points being shown (Aripo and El Tucuche). It may be noted that, although M. manacus and M. vitellinus have usually been treated as separate species, there are no important differ- ences in behavior between them (Appendix 1) and morphologically they differ only slightly, M. vitellinus having the plumage suffused with orange-yellow which is lacking in M. manacus. They would thus reasonably be considered as conspecific, but for evidence that they are sym- patric in Colombia (de Schauensee, 1950). The present study is based on observations continued over years. Display was watched, and filmed, from hides at display grounds, the most complete observations being made at one display ground that was visited regularly over the whole period and weekly, except for a few gaps, from June, 1958, to September, 1961. Trapping was an important part of the work; a total of 271 individuals were caught in mist-nets in the study area, many of them repeatedly. Some 150 more were trapped in other parts of Trinidad, mainly in connection with the work of the Trinidad Regional Virus Laboratory. Each bird trapped in the study area was given a different color combination, and many of them were seen subsequently in the field. Many of the males occupying courts at the display grounds under observation were eventually color-ringed. Trapped birds were also examined for moult and other details of plumage, and were weighed. Breeding was studied by systematically search- ing for nests along certain stretches of forest stream, and recording their fate. Searching was continued in all months of the year, not only at seasons when manakins were known to be nest- ing. Twenty-eight birds were ringed as nestlings. Some observations on behavior at the nest were made from a hide. Food was studied by direct observation of birds feeding, and by collecting the regurgitated remains of food from display grounds and from below nests. Throughout the work, attention was directed to certain problems of general biological interest concerning the ecology of birds in tropical for- est. These include; numbers, reproductive rate and the control of the population; the food sup- ply throughout the year; the breeding season and the factors controlling it; the function of communal displays. I am much indebted to my wife for help in the field work, especially the trapping and the finding and inspection of nests; to Dr. William Beebe and Miss Jocelyn Crane for placing at my disposal all the facilities of the New York Zoo- logical Society’s Tropical Field Station; to Dr. W. G. Downs and Dr. T. H. G. Aitken for the opportunity to examine birds trapped during the field studies of the Trinidad Regional Virus Laboratory; and to Mr. N. Y. Sandwith, Mr. N. W. Simmonds and Dr. J. J. Wurdack for many plant identifications. My thanks are due also to Dr. N. P. Ashmole, Mr. R. E. Moreau and Dr. D. Lack for valuable criticisms of the paper in draft. The whole work was generously sup- ported by the National Science Foundation. The Environment The lower part of the Arima Valley at 400- 1,800 feet above sea level, the site of the study area (Text-fig. 3), has a natural vegetation transitional between lower montane rain forest and lowland seasonal forest (Beard, 1946). As most of the area is government forest, the greater part of this natural vegetation remains little altered except for a limited amount of lum- Text-fig. 2. Male Black and White Manakin; rest- ing posture. 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 67 Text.-fig. 3. The study area. Manakin display grounds are shown as cir- cles and are lettered. Dot- ted line: boundary be- tween St. Patrick’s Estate and Government Forest. Broken lines: pathways and roads. Hatched area: unforested country. bering, which has reduced the number of large trees of the economically important species (es- pecially Cordia alliodora, Cedrela mexicana and Carapa guianensis) . The forest is rich in tree species, many of which bear berries of suitable size for manakins to eat. The country is hilly and steep, the underlying rocks being rather soft schists. The main Arima River flows with a gently winding course down the valley and is joined by numerous steep-sided tributaries, which in turn are joined by numerous deep side-gullies. The whole area is thus divided and subdivided into numerous ridges. The main river and the larger side-streams have water all the year round, while the gullies fill up only after heavy rain. Along the side-streams and in the gullies the dampest con- ditions are found; the vegetation includes tree- ferns and many smaller ferns, Carludovica, Cyclanthus bipartitus and species of Heliconia. At the other extreme, up on the well-drained ridges there is a thinner forest of trees tolerant of desiccation, among which the Yellow Poui (Tabebuia serratifolia) is prominent during the dry season, when it loses its leaves and produces its yellow blossoms in two or three bursts of flowering. In the dry season there is a marked contrast between the ridges, where the forest includes an important deciduous element, and the lusher vegetation along the stream bottoms. The main road up the valley follows the river. As a consequence, the forest along the river has been much opened up and the natural vegetation modified. In particular there are great clumps of an introduced bamboo. St. Patrick’s Estate, where the two main dis- play grounds that were studied were situated and all the trapping was carried out, is an area of secondary forest adjoining the government forest. Some large trees remain, but mostly the trees are in various stages of growth, up to a height of about 60 feet. This secondary forest is even richer in berry-bearing trees and shrubs than the primary forest. Melastomaceae are es- pecially abundant, being represented by twelve common tree species and several shrubs. Among the lower-story trees and shrubs, in both primary and secondary forest, the berry-bearing Rubi- aceae are important and are represented by many species. Along the Northern Range the rainfall in- creases steadily from west to east. Port-of-Spain, at the foot of the hills at the western end, has an average annual precipitation of 55 inches, while at the eastern end the average is well over 100 inches (Text-fig. 1). The Arima Valley, half way along, has an intermediate rainfall, but closer to that of the eastern end than to the western. The average precipitation at Verdant Vale Estate, adjoining St. Patrick’s, for the six years 1935-40 was 108.1 inches. The four years 1957-1960 were considerably drier, the average being only 89 inches (Text-fig. 4). Probably a long-term average would be around 100 inches at an altitude of 500 feet above sea level. There is one main dry and one main wet sea- son. The dry season begins in January and ends variably, usually in May. The wet season lasts for the rest of the year, but is usually broken by a spell of dry weather in September or October (the “petit careme”) . Monthly totals of only one or two inches, sometimes less, are recorded in February and March; in the wet season totals of 15 inches or more are common. There is, how- 68 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 8 MONTHS Text-fig. 4. Mean monthly rainfall, 1957-1960. ever, considerable variation in the rainfall from year to year, especially in the length and sever- ity of the dry season. At all times of the year there is much sunshine. Shade temperatures rarely rise above 88° F. and on wet and cloudy days they remain in the seventies. Nightly minima are usually between 65° and 75°, falling a few degrees lower on the coldest nights of the months December-March. Mean temperatures rise steadily from December to May, remain steady from May to September, then fall more rapidly from October to Decem- ber (Text-fig. 5). Relative humidity is very high at nights, being always close to saturation; the day minimum varies much with location, season and weather. In two years’ records an absolute minimum of 43% was recorded in March at Simla, half a mile from the study area (Beebe, 1952). MONTHS Text-fig. 5. Mean monthly temperatures. St. Pat- rick’s Estate. Upper line: mean daily maxima. Lower line: mean daily minima. The seasons affect the appearance of the forest strikingly. Most of the trees have well- defined flowering and fruiting seasons, and all the trees of any one species are usually well syn- chronized. Thus when the Yellow Poui flowers, towards the end of the dry season, the forest for a few days is dotted with patches of brilliant yellow. A little later another common tree, the White Olivier ( Terminalia obovata), loses its leaves and comes into flower, and pale yellow patches appear all over the forest. In general, there is most flowering and most loss of leaf during the dry season, and most renewal of leaf during the wet season. In prolonged dry spells, especially towards the end of the dry season, the ground becomes parched and hard, the dead leaves on the forest floor crackle underfoot, and the leaves of the shrubs and smaller trees be- gin to wilt. The first heavy rain after such spells has a greatly stimulating effect on all plant and animal life, and makes the sharpest seasonal change of the whole year. Distribution, Numbers and General Ecology No detailed survey was made of the distribu- tion of the Black and White Manakin in Trini- dad, but visits to many parts of the island showed that it occurs generally in all kinds of forest, primary and secondary, from sea level to about 2,000 feet, except for the dry forests at the western end of the Northern Range to the west of El Tucuche (Text-fig. 1). It is especially abundant in the forests of the central and eastern parts of the Northern Range, at moderate alti- tudes, and in the adjacent low-lying forests. This is the sector of highest rainfall, up to 100 inches or more. Above 2,000 feet, where the rainfall is considerably higher and the forest changes to the montane type, the Black and White Manakin becomes rather rare. The two highest display grounds found were on Aripo at about 2,000 feet and on El Tucuche at about 2,200 feet. Very few birds were seen on walks through the mountain forests above 2,000 feet. Where manakins are common, display grounds are scattered at intervals through the forest. In the hilly country of the Northern Range they are mainly situated on ridges, either on the crest or a little way down one of the sides. Those in the study area (Text-fig. 3) were situated on minor side-ridges not more than two or three hundred feet above a stream bed. In low-lying country, however, display grounds are common in per- fectly level forest. The preference for a situation on a ridge, where it is available, may be due to the commanding position of such a display ground over the streams below, along which the females prefer to nest. More critical than the position of the display ground with respect to ridge or stream bed is the structure of its lower vegetation. The Black and White Manakin depends for its display on small upright saplings up to about 20 mm. in diameter. As will be seen later, two or more of these must be available within a few feet of each other to allow a bird to display fully. Further, a communal display ground cannot be established 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 69 unless there are many such groups of saplings within a few yards of each other. The same display grounds seem to be used as long as the vegetation remains unchanged. All those that were under observation persisted for up to AV2 years, and local information indi- cated that they were already old. During a visit to Panama in 1958 the display ground of M. vitellinus studied by Chapman in 1932 was found to be active exactly in the position which he described. In the course of the AVi years’ observations at the main display ground that was studied, the same individual saplings continued to be used, and though they were not measured when ob- servations began they showed no apparent growth. In this, as in other respects, the tropical forest is an extremely constant, unchanging habitat. Only a few courts were abandoned, due to the fall of a mass of vines or a small tree, and some new ones were cleared, but these new ones were mainly peripheral and they did not all last long. The central nucleus of courts remained almost the same. Text-figure 3 shows the distribution of dis- play grounds in the area of forest, comprising some 450 acres, that was most thoroughly cov- ered. It is unlikely that any large display grounds were not found, but small, intermittently-used display grounds (the “practice display grounds,” p. 80) may easily have been missed. From the number of courts at these main display grounds it is possible to assess the number of adults in the area. There were approximately 205 courts at the seven main display grounds known in the area. At the display ground studied in most detail (A in Text-fig. 3) it was found that in addition to the established adult males there were about a quarter as many unestablished adults. Thus 205 courts probably corresponds to some 250 adult males. Trapping showed almost exact equality between the sexes (p. 97). Thus there were probably about 500 adult birds in the 450 acres of forest. There was no evidence for any considerable change in numbers in the course of the study. The main display ground under observation usu- ally had from 24 to 28 active courts over the four years, and another that was observed less closely (B in Text-fig. 3) had from 30 to 33 over three years. Although individuals are in general seden- tary, there was nevertheless too much local move- ment for the trapping figures to be used for an independent assessment of the population. Espe- cially during the moult there must be some indi- vidual wandering, as the proportion of birds ringed then but never retrapped nor seen again was higher than at other seasons (47% for the months of moult, July-October, compared with 19% for the other months). For feeding, too, birds may move several hundred yards. Two males trapped at the main trapping place (T in Text-fig. 3), one of them as a juvenile, were later found established at display ground E, nearly half a mile away, and three females were found nesting about half a mile from where they were trapped. All these were probably feeding at the time that they were trapped. None was found at any greater distance from the trapping place. In the breeding season, which lasts for sev- eral months, males and females are differently distributed in the forest for the greater part of the day. The males keep to their display grounds, up on the ridges, while the females hold small territories along the streams and gullies by which they mostly nest. The sexes meet when feeding and bathing, and also, for short periods, at the display grounds. When feeding and bathing, males from the two display grounds A and B kept mainly to separate areas (Text-fig. 6). Thus at the main trapping place (T) many males from display ground B were trapped while feeding, most of them repeatedly, but only one male from dis- play ground A was ever trapped there, once only. No males from display ground A were ever seen at the two bathing places nearest to T, but males from display ground B were seen bathing at them 13 times. At the bathing place nearest display ground A, on the other hand, there were 13 records of males from A bathing, and only 8 of males from display ground B. Though no figures are available for compari- son, there is little doubt that the density of the manakin population in the forests of the Arima Valley, and probably over much of Trinidad, is unusually high. Manacus was found to be much more sparsely distributed in various forest habi- tats in British Guiana, Surinam and Panama, and the published accounts from other areas are in agreement. Two factors are probably re- sponsible for the high Trinidad population. First, the forest in Trinidad is much broken up, and there is a high proportion of second growth. Clearings, paths and roads are numerous. Where lumbering is carried out, the trees that are re- moved are mostly species whose fruits are un- suitable for manakins to eat (especially Cordia alliodora, Cedrela mexicana, Carapa guianensis, Sterculia caribaea and Mora excelsa) . Many of the manakins’ main food trees are characteristic of secondary forest and of road-edges, being relatively rare in untouched forest; this is par- ticularly true of the most important family of 70 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 8 Text-fig. 6. Foraging and bathing ranges of 9 males from display ground A (left) and 13 males from dis- play ground B (right). Figures in squares: numbers of observations at bathing and trapping places. Dots: sight records of feeding birds. all, the Melastomaceae, which flourish in second growth in areas of high rainfall and reach a great abundance in the wetter parts of Trinidad. Thus a moderate amount of clearing and lum- bering benefits the manakin population. Sec- ondly, with a reduced avifauna, compared with neighboring parts of Venezuela, Trinidad shows to some extent the phenomenon characteristic of islands: few species, but large populations of those species that are present. This must be attributed to reduced competition from other species, but the way in which this reduction of competition operates is far from clear. DISPLAY First Impression of a Display Ground It is difficult to describe the activities at a dis- play ground of Black and White Manakins in terms suitable for a scientific journal and at the same time give any adequate impression of the total effect of the bizarre postures and move- ments, the sharp snaps and cracks, and the ex- traordinary vivacity of the whole performance. Yet undoubtedly this combined effect is of para- mount importance, for communal display would not have evolved if the effect of a group of males displaying at close quarters had not, for the fe- male manakin, greater attractive power than that of a single male displaying by itself. The first impression is bewildering. Spaced only a few feet apart (if the courts are well con- centrated), a group of small black and white birds are seen leaping about and performing oth- er evolutions with extraordinary rapidity, within a few inches of the ground. Accompanying these movements, some of which are too rapid to fol- low in detail by eye, are a variety of sharp cracks, like percussion caps exploding, rolling snaps, and whirring and grunting noises, as well as a chorus of excited high-pitched calls. Closer inspection shows that each bird is per- forming on and around a small area of bare soil and rootlets, which shows up plainly against the surrounding leaf litter, and that two or three saplings around the edges of each cleared area are the chief perches of the displaying birds. More prolonged observation shows that the birds’ bewildering evolutions can be resolved into a number of highly stereotyped movements. Surprisingly, the whole performance may be tak- ing place, and may continue to do so, without the presence of a single female. But if a female does appear, the intensity of display will at once increase. Anatomical Specializations of the Male and the Mechanical Sounds Lowe (1942) made a detailed examination of the plumage and musculature of Manacus vitel- linus and described the structures responsible for its specialized displays. In its morphology M. manacus seems to be identical with M. vitel- linus, and its displays are almost identical. Here only a short summary will be given of the ana- tomical findings. It is still not certain how all the mechanical sounds are made. As Sick (1959) remarks, full elucidation will depend on experi- ments on birds displaying in aviaries. Both the primaries and secondaries are modi- fied in the male. The four outer primaries are very narrow and stiff, the outer webs especially 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 71 being extremely narrow. Due to this, the male makes a grasshopper-like whirring in level flight which is automatic and not a part of any display. Females and young males, which have unspe- cialized primaries, make only a low whirr when they fly, and moulting males that have lost some of their outer primaries also fly comparatively silently. However, the attenuated outer prima- ries are probably also responsible for the sound made during “fanning,” a display to be described later. The secondaries are more highly modified. Their shafts are unusually thick, and the outer webs very stiff. In addition, the ends of the quills are not attached to the ulna but pass dorsally to it and are loosely attached to a tendon that runs along the dorsal side of the radius. The muscle slips attached to the bases of the secon- daries are very highly developed. The secon- daries thus have great mobility. These modifications of the secondaries are un- doubtedly responsible for the two loudest me- chanical noises made in display, the single “snap” and the “rolled snap.” A single “snap” is made each time the displaying bird jumps from one perch to another; it is also made, much less often, by perched birds. In either case the wing movement is much too rapid for the details to be seen. The “rolled snap” is also made when perched or just before taking off for a leap or short flight. As it is made the wings can momen- tarily be seen raised above the back and vibrat- ing rapidly. Both in the single and the rolled snap the actual sound is probably made by the stiff outer vanes of the secondaries brushing against one another rapidly as the wing is opened and closed, partly through the action of their muscles and partly due to the nature of their attachment along the radius. More general muscular modifications are also important for the display. In particular there is a great development of the pectoral muscula- ture (responsible for the very rapid wing-actions needed for “snapping”), the thigh musculature (responsible for the powerful leaps from perch to perch) , and the muscles moving the tail (con- nected with the rapid turning about in mid-air during jumps between perches). The appearance of the head is much altered during display. Most striking are the elongated feathers of the throat, which are puffed out to form a white “beard” protruding beyond the tip of the beak. Connected with this, Lowe reported a noticeable development of the unstriated mus- cles activating these feathers, and also of the muscles of the hyoid apparatus. The neck feath- ers, and the feathers of the sides of the head, are also greatly puffed out, so that the black cap is transformed from a broad oval to a narrow slip of black tapering to a point at the posterior end. Seen from the front the bird appears all white with a small black lozenge in the middle. Probably the neck feathers too are provided with a specialized musculature. Voice Black and White Manakins utter a variety of rather simple, mainly monosyllabic, calls. Un- doubtedly the very loud mechanical snaps have functionally replaced the loud and more com- plex calls of some other manakins and the re- lated Cotingidae. Nevertheless some of the calls are quite loud, and they make up an important part of the total volume of sound heard at an active display ground. The only call of the adult that is unconnected with display and uttered by both sexes is a rather plaintive monosyllabic “peerr,” slightly trilled at the end. It is uttered by alarmed birds, such as females whose nests have been approached or males disturbed at a display ground, by solitary birds away from display grounds or nests, and by males sitting quietly at the display ground between bouts of display. In aggressive encount- ers between males, it is uttered by the subordi- nate bird. As the excitement of a male mounts, his calls change from the unexcited “peerr” to a louder, higher-pitched and untrilled “chwee.” This is the dominant vocal sound made during the out- bursts of calling and snapping which greet the arrival of a female at a display ground. The “peerr” call has other variants that sound like “pee-you” or “pee-yuk,” being more disyl- labic, with the trilled ending modified into a more distinct separate note. Chapman described these as “notes of awareness, address and re- sponse, or of inquiry or protest”; certainly they have a varied social significance that cannot be simply defined. They are uttered by males at display grounds in a variety of circumstances, but not in the immediate presence of a female. A quite distinct call, a disyllabic “chee-poo,” typically marks the beginning of a bout of dis- play. Frequently it follows immediately after a rolled snap. It is not uttered in other circum- stances. Juvenile males, when displaying, sometimes utter a rather soft, plaintive “pu.” In M. vitel- linus this call is associated with a stereotyped display (Appendix 1), but in M. manacus it seems almost to be obsolescent, since it was rarely heard, and then only from juveniles when engaged in uncoordinated display with other young birds. The begging calls of young birds, in the nest 72 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 8 and when being fed after leaving the nest, are described elsewhere (p. 89 and 90). The Court The general character of the display ground has already been described, and the constancy of the courts from year to year mentioned. The spacing of the courts at different display grounds is variable. If there are sufficient suitable sap- lings, most courts may be within a few feet of each other and clusters of two or three may be in contact with each other. If groups of suitable saplings are fewer, courts may be many yards apart. At the largest display ground seen in Trini- dad (H in Text-fig. 3) there were some 70 courts, many of them almost touching each other, within an area of about 20 by 10 yards. More commonly courts are on average from one to five yards apart. The display grounds of M. vitellinus studied by Chapman in Panama were far more scattered, and also very small, with not more than five courts spaced as much as 200 feet apart. This situation is probably unusual; at an- other display ground in Panama visited in 1958, the spacing of the courts was the same as in Trinidad. The size of a court is also variable. Most are roughly oval and measure about 3 by 2 feet. From this area all dead leaves are carried away and most of the rootlets are stripped white by the owner’s continual picking at the bark. All that remains is bare earth, rootlets and such sticks as are too large for the bird to carry away. One of the upright saplings growing round the court is more important than the others, in that some of the main displays, and mating it- self, take place on it. This “main upright,” as it will be called, must be fairly straight and smooth; those that were measured were not less than 6 mm. or more than 20 mm. in diameter near the ground. Its bark is usually worn smooth by the continual rubbing of the bird’s feet, and below it the ground is kept especially well cleared. The birds clear their courts at intervals throughout the day, usually during bouts of dis- play. Typically, the bird jumps down onto the ground beside the object, usually a leaf, which is littering the court, picks it up and flies to a perch a few feet away, dropping it as it lands. Or it may lean down from a low perch at the base of a sapling, pick up an object and fly away with it. Less often, a bird flies down and without alighting, or alighting for only a fraction of a second, picks up a leaf and flies off with it, the whole movement being so rapid that it is impos- sible to see in detail. The Elements of the Display The different displays were seen very many times and were recorded on 16 mm. movie film, usually at 24 frames per second (the light at the display grounds was not good enough for ex- posures shorter than 1/50 second) . This account differs to some extent from previous accounts of the display of M. manacus. Previous observ- ers have not seen all the displays, and their ac- counts of some that they have seen have been inaccurate. This is not surprising; conditions of observation are often not easy, and in any case very fast display movements need to be seen many times, and over a long period, before their exact nature becomes clear. There are also some differences between this account and Chapman’s account of the display of M. vitellinus. Some of these seem to represent real differences between the behavior of the two species; they are dealt with fully in Appendix 1. The “ snap-jump ” This is the most frequently used of the display movements. Typically, the bird perches in a horizontal position across one of the upright saplings round its court, with its head thrust forward and beard extended, then suddenly with a loud snap leaps to another perch, reversing its position as it reaches the other perch so that it lands facing the way it came from (Text-fig. 7). The complete leap from one perch to an- 3 * Text-fig. 7. The “snap-jump”: a male turning in the air and landing after the jump. The bird approaches the perch in an upright position (1), tucks tail under, at the same time turning head and neck (2 and 3), and lands facing the way it came from (4). (Drawn from movie film.) 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 73 other usually lasts from one-sixth to one-quarter of a second, depending on the distance between the two perches. During the jump, the whirring noise made during normal flight is not heard. Many snap-jumps may be repeated in quick succession, so that the bird crosses and recrosses its court with great rapidity. When more than two perches are available, there is a tendency for the sequence of snap-jumps to follow a fixed pattern from one perch to another. Because the snap and the jump are simul- taneous, it would seem that the snap depends on the wing-movements involved in the leap. Very occasionally, however, a bird makes a snap and remains perched, but such snaps are less loud than those accompanying a jump. The “rolled snap” The bird leans forward on its perch, raises its wings above the back, and with a vibrating movement that is almost too rapid to see emits a loud rolling snap, like a succession of single snaps run together. It frequently takes flight immediately afterwards, or if it does not fly utters a call, “chee-poo,” indicative of mounting excitement. The rolled snap typically introduces a bout of display after a period of inactivity. The “grunt-jump” This follows after a sequence of snap-jumps between the saplings round the court. The bird jumps or flies to the “main upright,” landing transversely on it within a few inches of the ground, then with beard extended, body tensed and even quivering slightly, as if bracing itself for the effort, it leaps down to the ground, turn- ing in the air as it does so, lands momentarily on its feet facing the perch, and leaps back to a higher position on the same perch (Text-fig. 8). As it leaves the ground it emits a curious sound between a grunt and a whirr. The whole se- quence, from leaving the perch to landing on it \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ » \v £ Text-fig. 8. The beginning of the “grunt-jump,” from two viewpoints, showing the bird’s trajectory (right, upper). Just before jumping, the bird raises its head and neck and half-opens its wings. (Drawn from movie film.) 74 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 8 again higher up, is extremely rapid and difficult to follow by eye; it lasts just over one-third of a second. The same grunting sound is occasionally made by perched birds, and is accompanied by a sud- den humping up of the back, the head being held forward and rather low. At the same time the wings are moved, but too rapidly for the details to be seen. The grunting sound thus made is a little lower-toned, lasts longer and is more vi- brant than that made on an upward jump. A sound approaching the grunt is also made when a bird rapidly flies upward from the ground to a perch, or from one perch to another. Thus the sound is certainly mechanical in origin but it is not clear how it is made. The “slide down the pole” Immediately after landing on the main up- right, after the “grunt-jump,” the bird may move down the perch for several inches in a head- downward position, with the wings beating, moving with such short steps that it appears to slide. As it approaches the bottom of the sapling it turns to a more horizontal position (Text-fig. 9). This display is comparatively infrequent. The “grunt-jump” followed by the “slide down the pole” represent the culminating phase of the courtship display in that they immediately precede copulation, as described later (p. 77). The male “slides down the pole” on to the back of the female, who perches below him on the sapling. “Fanning” This is a very distinct display. The male leans forward on his perch, holding his head low, with the neck retracted and the beak pointing slightly upwards, and sways his body from side to side. At the same time he holds his wings out from the body and. beats them at the rate of five times per second, raising and depressing the tail and the whole hind end of the body synchron- ously. The beating of the wings makes a low- frequency whirring sound, easily distinguishable from the flight whirr. Apparently due to the re- traction of the head between the “shoulders,” as the wings are raised the feathers of the hind- neck are pushed forwards and upwards so that they stick out as two flickering white puffs be- hind the bird’s head at either side (Text-fig. 10). This display is most often directed at a female which has approached a male’s court. Several seconds of fanning, during which the male may repeatedly shift his position so as to present himself to the female, are usually fol- lowed by his flying to the court and executing a series of rapid snap-jumps. The display is also occasionally performed when no female is pres- ent. The upright posture Displaying birds sometimes assume an upright / 2 3 Text-fig. 9. The “slide down the pole.” (1) the beginning of the slide, just after landing from the “grunt-jump.” (2) half way down. (3) near the end of the slide, the body becoming more horizontal and the tail fanned. (Drawn from movie film; no attempt has been made to show the feet, which move too fast to appear on the film.) 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 75 / 2 3 Text-fig. 10. “Fanning.” Left, (1) and (2): wings closed and wings raised. Right (3): wings raised, seen from the front. (Drawn from movie film.) posture when perched, with the head pointing upwards and beard extended. This posture does not seem to play an integral part in any of the main display movements described above, though it sometimes follows a bout of snap- jumps. The posture may be held for several seconds. Aggressive displays between males When two males are perched close together, the dominant one may extend his beard, turn about frequently on his perch, give little jumps along the perch, hold his head low and turn it from side to side, or raise and vibrate his wings, all these being incomplete forms of normal sex- ual displays. Sometimes he may fan his tail and turn it towards the other bird. The subordinate bird sits quietly, with throat and body plumage sleeked; when threatened he may flick his wings and suddenly fan and close his tail, probably flight-intention movements. Aggressive behavior between males may culminate in prolonged flight chases round and round the display ground and in fights on the ground. The Daily Rhythm of Display Apart from the weeks when he is moulting, the adult male manakin is at all times closely at- tached to the display ground. Almost as soon as it is light enough to see, the first males appear at their courts. Display soon begins and reaches a peak, then after an hour falls off to a low point between 0900 and 1100 hours. In late morning the intensity of display increases again and reaches a second peak around 1400; it then falls off again gradually and by 1700 has prac- tically ceased. The males gradually move away, a few late ones remaining until about 1800. The precise times of the beginning and end of display vary somewhat, depending on the times of sun- rise and sunset and on the variations in light intensity due to weather and the forest canopy. Text -figure 11 shows the results of a continu- ous watch on a single ringed male throughout the daylight hours of January 27, 1960, a day of moderately intense display. Between 0625, when he arrived, and 1747, when he finally left, he was present and under observation for 90% of the time. He was probably present for some- what longer than this, as at times he perched a few yards away from his court in a place where he could not easily be seen, and thus he was re- corded as absent for a few short periods when he was almost certainly present. His 24 recorded absences nearly all lasted less than 5 minutes. During one of the longest absences, of 6 minutes from 1659 to 1705, he certainly bathed, as he returned looking dishevelled and preened vigor- ously ( and this is the time when observations by forest streams showed that bathing activity is at its height). There was no reason to suppose that this bird’s activity on this day was in any way unusual. Less complete observations on many other birds showed a similar degree of attach- ment to the display ground throughout the day. Females visit the males at their courts mainly during the two periods of intense display (0630* 0800 and 1330-1500). Intensity of display by the males and the presence of the females are of course interrelated, in so far as the presence of a female stimulates the males, and intense display by the males attracts the females. But apart from this, the males’ daily cycle of dis- play is to a great extent independent of the females, as it is equally marked at seasons when the females are visiting them hardly or not at all. On the day when a continuous watch was kept, only one visit by a female was recorded in the afternoon. This was unusual; typically as many females are seen visiting the males in the afternoon as in the early morning period. Text-figure 11 shows that the male under ob- servation left the display ground, presumably to feed, mainly at times when display was slack, and that his first absence took place soon after 0800, when the early period of intense display was over. Trapping and observation away from the display grounds confirmed that these are the main feeding times. In particular, trapping at a feeding area (T in Text-fig. 3) regularly 76 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 8 VISITS BY - FEMALES ABSENCES _ _ , OF S*tS I I I | I I I I I I I I I I 06 07 08 09 10 II 11 13 ft 15 16 17 18 19 TIME OF DAY Text-fig. 11. The activity at display ground A. January 27, 1960. Intensity of display measured by number of snaps in 5-minute periods (snaps in excess of 200 omitted). Female visits: thin line, one female present; thick line, several females present. showed a period of great activity in the hour be- tween 0800 and 0900. Text-figure 12 shows the numbers of males, known to have courts, that were trapped in this area in the different hours of the day. It was also found that, at least occasionally, males may feed intensively in the short period between first light and their arrival at the dis- play ground. This may depend on the availa- bility of fruiting trees in the forest canopy or in open places along the forest edge, where the light allows feeding at such an early hour. Displays Between Male and Female Males display vigorously and perform all the display movements described above when no female is present, as already mentioned. But the arrival of a female leads to especially intense and sustained display. Indeed the observer is usually first made aware of the presence of the cryptically colored female by the upsurge of display and calling. Her arrival is usually greeted by an outburst of rolled snaps, as males fly to their courts to display, by an intensification of the single snaps, as males that are at their courts perform rapid snap-jumps, and by a change in the calling from an occasional “peerr” to a chorus of excited “chwee” calls. If the female approaches a male’s court, he may fly to her and, landing beside her, give a prolonged display of “fanning,” after which he will usually fly down to his court and perform a series of rapid snap-jumps. There is always a strong tendency for the males to fly towards the female as well as to go to their courts and display. Sometimes several males will fly towards her while she is still at the edge of the display ground, and though 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 77 quantitative observations on this point would be difficult and were not made, the tendency seemed to be strongest in the first weeks after the moult, and in those males that were less settled at their courts. The tendency for males to fly towards a female is also strong when, as sometimes happens, she flies in high and perches well above the courts. Several males then often fly up to her and call and snap excitedly, but in such cases the female appears unwilling to go down to the courts. Females that are ready to join the males at their courts fly in only a few feet above the ground. Usually males do not approach a female until she is within a few yards of their court, and they then perform the fanning display at her. Fan- ning is a clear indication that the female is with- in the male’s sphere of influence, even though she may still be several feet from his court. Two males were never seen fanning simultaneously at the same female. The behavior of the females when they first arrive at the display ground is quiet and almost secretive. They flit from perch to perch, within a few feet of the ground, and show signs of ini- tial nervousness. Early in the season, before breeding has begun, they often arrive in groups of up to five together; later they more often come singly. Early in the season they not only arrive to- gether but also go down to the courts in groups, and a rather confused display develops. The male displays hard, but at the same time seems somewhat “taken aback” by the number of fe- males present. They perch on the surrounding saplings and on his court, frequently flitting from one perch to another and changing places with each other, keeping clear of the male and yet plainly attracted to his court. But when a single female visits a male at his court a well coordinated display or dance may take place, which may culminate in copulation. 10 r— i These dances become commoner as the breed- ing season approaches. As would be expected, all transitions may be seen between the confused situation with several females present at a court and the highly coordinated dance between the male and a single female. A full sequence of the precopulatory display is as follows. The female approaches the court; the male flies to her and “fans” for several sec- onds; the male then flies down to his court and executes a rapid series of snap-jumps; the female soon follows, landing on one of the upright saplings; a mutual dance then takes place, with the male doing repeated snap-jumps across the court and the female crossing him in mid-air and landing at the place which he has just left; after a series of these jumps, the female lands on the “main upright;” the male jumps and lands below her on it, then immediately executes a “grunt-jump,” going down to the ground and back up onto the main upright above the female; he then “slides down the pole” onto her as she is perched crosswise on it, and copulation takes place; during copulation the male has one foot on the perch and one on the female’s back. More often, only a part of this sequence is seen. In particular, the preliminary fanning, which serves to attract the female to the court, is usually given only to hesitant females, and such birds, when they do go down to the court, usually do no more than a few jumps with the male. On the other hand, females that are ready to copulate often fly straight to the main upright and the male at once follows with the sequence “grunt-jump”— “slide down the pole”— mounting. It was sometimes observed, and is probably usu- ally the case, that these birds had recently visited the male and had danced with him several times. When females first dance with a male they are nervous, and the males in their turn sometimes behave aggressively towards them. The female tends, when flying to the perch that he has just NUMBER OF ADULT MALES 5 ' TRAPPED u — ltlT A— i 06 07 08 09 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TIME OF DAY Text-fig. 12. Numbers of adult males with courts trapped at a feeding area throughout the day. 78 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 8 left, to keep a little higher. Thus the two birds cross in mid-air with the female a little above. This tendency to keep above the male is un- doubtedly an indication that the female is not ready to mate, to do which, as described above, she must allow the male to land above her on the same upright. If the male, perched below her on the main upright, does a “grunt-jump” to land above her, the female, if not ready to mate, at once flies to another perch. The females that visit the same display ground probably have a mutually stimulating effect upon one another. As already mentioned, they tend to come to the display ground in small groups, especially at the beginning of the season, and at all times the outburst of display that accom- panies the visit of one female to the display ground must help to attract other females. As a result, there is a tendency for the nests near any one display ground to be better synchro- nized with each other than with nests near other display grounds (Table I). Table I. Synchronization of Nestings of Females Along the Same Stretches of Stream, 1961 Number of nests started along different stretches of stream (see map, Text-fig. 3) Tripp Stream Arima River St. Pat’s Stream Feb. 26-Mar. 1 3 1 Mar. 2-6 2 1 — Mar. 7-11 — — — Mar. 12-16 1 4 2 Mar. 17-21 1 — 1 Mar. 22-26 _ — — Mar. 27-3 1 1 — 1 Apr. 1-5 2 — — Apr. 6-10 3 — 2 Apr. 11-15 1 — 1 Apr. 16-20 2 2 — Apr. 21-25 1 — — Apr. 26-30 — — — May 1-5 — — 1 May 6-20 — — — May 21-25 — — 1 May 26-30 — — 1 May 31-June 4 — — 2 June 5-9 4 — 3 June 10-14 5 — 1 June 15-19 1 4 1 June 20-24 — 1 1 June 25-29 1 — — Notes. A small number of nests started after the end of June are omitted. The “Arima River” nests were all situated along the 600-foot stretch west and south of display ground F, at the lower edge of Text-fig. 3. Choice of Display Partner by Visiting Females At the main display ground, 39 color-ringed females were seen visiting the courts and danc- ing with males, most of which were themselves color-ringed. Three of the females were seen visiting the display ground in three successive years, and eight in two successive years. There was no evidence for any kind of pair- formation at the display ground. Without excep- tion, all those females that were seen visiting more than once (21 out of the 39) visited and danced with more than one male. Usually in the course of a single visit females went from one male to another. They all undoubtedly went to many more males than they were seen to visit, since they are difficult to follow as they flit silent- ly from court to court in the undergrowth. Certain males were outstandingly successful in attracting females, especially 8 45, whose court was close to the hide. Twenty of the 39 color-ringed females visited him, as well as many unringed females. The large number seen visit- ing him was only partly due to the fact that his court was easy to observe, as only four color- ringed females were seen to visit an adjoining court, and at two other close courts, also easy to observe, only 9 and 12 were seen. In the early part of the season 8 45 was regularly visited by four or five females together, while the males displayed persistently but vainly at neighboring courts. Within the area under detailed observa- tion, two other males were also very successful, but because their courts were farther from the hide and the undergrowth round one of them was rather thick, only 17 and 4 color-ringed females were identified visiting them. There was no obvious reason for $ 45’s suc- cess. He was an old bird, established when trapped in 1958. He was constantly at his court, but not more so than many other males, and his court was not obviously more suitable than many others. He displayed vigorously, but so did most other males, and the display movements are so stereotyped that no differences could be seen between his display and that of his neighbors. His success remained high in all three years: 7, 7 and 1 1 color-ringed females were seen vis- iting him in the years 1959-61, the higher num- ber in 1961 being probably due to the greater number of females in the population that were ringed by then. Copulation is seen much less frequently than the courtship dances. As mentioned above, it often takes place rather suddenly, with little preliminary display. Only for 8 45 was any worthwhile record obtained. He was seen copu- 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 79 lating with two different color-ringed females and 15 times with unringed females. At the least he must have copulated with three different birds in a single season, and undoubtedly with many more, since observations were usually made on only one morning a week. Relations Between Males and the Ownership of Courts During most of the year there is little overt aggressive behavior between the males. With the ownership of their courts uncontested, neighbor- ing males perch and display close to each other without hostility. Nevertheless competition for courts is strong, and when one falls vacant it is usually soon taken over by another bird, either an unestablished bird or one that has been oc- cupying a less suitable court. Some males remained unestablished for months. Such birds often display for periods at one of the outlying courts of a display ground, but they do not occupy them permanently. They shift frequently, and when an opportunity arises move to a more central court. It is because males do not remain satisfied with outlying courts that the courts in the central nucleus of the display ground remain much the same year after year, while the number and positions of the outlying courts change. Unestablished males sometimes hang about for days round the edges of an occupied court, coming down to it and displaying when the own- er is away and vacating it as soon as he returns. There were also several cases of what appeared to be joint ownership of a single court. This situation was usually short-lived, except at one court where it continued for 7 months. The two males would sit together within a few inches of each other on the court. However, one (a ringed bird) was dominant and it alone dis- played when both were present, the other bird only when it was alone, and then only hesitantly. The two birds had a strong tendency to leave the court together and return together. In such cases, as long as one bird is clearlv dominant and the other subordinate, there is no open hostility between them, aggressive behavior being limited to the posturing described above (p. 75). But it occasionally happens that an in- truding male actively tries to oust the owner and does not assume a subordinate position. Then prolonged flight-chases may take place, the own- er pursuing the intruder, who does not leave the display ground but flies round and round. Or the two birds may come to grips and roll to- gether interlocked on the ground. The main display ground under observation was on such a steep slope that when this happened the two birds would roll helplessly downhill over their neighbors’ courts. During the moulting season temporary changes of ownership are frequent as old birds abandon their courts, and newcomers, in many cases young males who have completed their moult earlier (p. 85), take them over. But when the moult is over and the old birds have re- turned, the courts normally revert to their origi- nal ownership and the position becomes stabil- ized. It is then rather rare for an established bird to be ousted by another. Only one such case occurred in the part of the display ground, comprising some 16 courts, that was under the most detailed observation, and the ousting was only temporary. The aggressor, $ 109, though an old bird, was of unsettled habits. From March, 1959, when he was trapped, to May, 1960, he had held one court, abandoned it and disappeared for three months, and had then oc- cupied another court. At the end of May he abandoned this court too and began to hang about round the edges of the court of $ 45, al- ready mentioned as an outstandingly successful old bird who had been in possession of his court for at least two years. On May 3 1 these two were apparently involved in a fight, which unfortu- nately was not seen. $ 109 was seen in the after- noon at one of the bathing places, with the side of his head bloody and his plumage dishevelled. On the next morning he was in possession of $ 45 ’s court and $ 45 was not present. But a week later $ 45 was back in possession. $ 109 was again hanging about round the edges of the court and later he shifted back to his second court, which he retained for over a year until observations ceased. Once a male is well established at a court, his tendency to keep to it still needs constant rein- forcing by the presence of his neighbors at the surrounding courts. This is particularly clearly seen in the early part of the moulting season. The display ground is then largely abandoned except for some of the later males which have not yet begun to moult. These birds move about and display freely at courts at which they have never been seen displaying before. A little later, when the young males that have completed their moult come to the display ground and try to establish themselves, they too move from court to court and seem unable to settle at one court while others remain unoccupied. Unestablished males occasionally shift from one display ground to another. Ten color-ringed males were seen frequenting two different display grounds (A and B, and in one case A and C; Text-fig. 3). Seven were known to be young birds that had not yet settled, three of them 80 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 8 being still in juvenile plumage. Two others were adults, but were unestablished and had probably only recently moulted into adult plumage. The tenth was an old male (adult when ringed a little over a year earlier) , which, having tried unsuc- cessfully for a year to establish himself at display ground A, shifted to another (C), where he acquired a court. Though they are aggressive towards each other, males have a strong tendency to sit within a few inches of each other on neutral ground between their courts, especially between bouts of display. Sometimes, but by no means always, slight movements and postures show that one is mildly dominant to the other. The same is also seen when one male is hanging about round the edge of another bird’s court; the two spend much time sitting together when display is slack. Also in the case of apparent joint ownership de- scribed above, the two males would sit for long periods close together. As a result of this ten- dency, at times when display is slack the own- ers of courts that are close together spend much more time at the display ground than the own- ers of the more isolated courts. Obviously, this strong social tendency is es- sential to the maintenance of a communal dis- play ground. Aggressiveness and sociability are so balanced as to result in a compact group of constantly maintained, individual territories. Mutual stimulation is also of great importance in raising the intensity of display and so more effectively advertising the display ground. Though display is inhibited when two males are too close together through competition for the same court, in the normal situation display by the owner of one court conspicuously stimu- lates the neighbors to display. In the absence of females display thus tends to occur in bursts, one bird starting and setting off the others. The chorus of rolled snaps that introduces these bursts is one of the characteristic sounds of a display ground. The Settling Down of Young Males at the Display Grounds Juvenile males moult into adult plumage in their second summer, between June and Sep- tember. Before this they are indistinguishable in color from the females, but their behavior dif- fers and it is not difficult to tell the sex of a female-plumaged bird when it has been watched a few times in the field. From as early as twelve weeks after leaving the nest they begin to make incipient display movements. They become highly social and move about in small groups which may be seen performing uncoordinated display, often in com- pany with one or two males in adult plumage. Often they display well away from a display ground, but they also regularly visit the display grounds and hang about round the periphery, where they are often joined by the unestablished adult males attached to the display ground. They perform all the display movements of the adult males, but as their wing-feathers are un- modified the mechanical sounds are softer, the “snap” being reduced to a “snip.” The displays are also more confused. When displaying to- gether, they have a strong tendency to fly to a perch that another bird has just left; thus they are continually changing places. At times they utter a distinctive call heard only in this context, a plaintive “pu” (p. 71). In the study area there was a small tract of secondary forest where juvenile males and unes- tablished older males displayed so regularly that several small courts were created, 10 to 20 yards apart, some of which remained more or less clear for months, while one remained for nearly three years. Altogether, 1 8 different color-ringed males were seen displaying at these courts, as well as many unringed birds. Nearly all were juveniles or birds known to have only recently moulted into adult plumage; the two exceptions were adult males from a neighboring display ground. In addition, four females were seen dis- playing with the males; three of these were known to have nesting territories very close at hand. The use of this “practice display ground,” as it may be called, became a tradition in the local population. During the period of observa- tion none of the courts was ever occupied con- tinuously for any length of time by a single male. No other practice display grounds were found, but their intermittent use would make them difficult to find except in areas which are under regular observation. While moulting into adult plumage the young males stay away from the display grounds and, like the moulting adults, become inconspicuous. When their adult plumage is complete they re- appear and become bolder, temporarily occu- pying courts vacated by moulting adults. But they cannot maintain their ownership when the adults return, and there begins a usually pro- longed unsettled period, during which they try to establish themselves at a court. Fairly complete information was obtained on 1 1 color-ringed birds during this period, and less complete information on several others. All these were watched first as juveniles, and then for at least a year after their moult into adult plumage. All moulted into adult plumage in the months June-October. There was a strong tendency for all these 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 81 birds to occupy courts temporarily and shift for no obvious reason, and it was never possible to be sure if a court, once occupied, was going to prove permanent or not. Of the 1 1 birds, one was established by the following April, one by the following June, and one not until the second February after its moult. Another held a court in the February following its moult, but in De- cember moved to another court, which at the time observations ceased appeared to be perma- nent. Another was definitely not established in the second February after its moult but estab- lished itself two months later. Thus these five birds established themselves approximately 8, 10, 16, 18 and 20 months after their moult to adult plumage. The remaining six birds were less successful; all were still unestablished after periods ranging from 12 to 24 months. The history of $ 114, the bird that established itself in the second February after its moult, was known in some detail. It hatched in August and left the nest on September 2, 1958. It was re- trapped in April, 1959, and color rings were added to the numbered ring that it had been given as a nestling. It was subsequently seen three times in June, once displaying at the prac- tice display ground with another probably juve- nile male, and once at one of the outlying courts of display ground A with several other probably juvenile males. It was last seen in juvenile plum- age on June 24, being seen again in full adult plumage on October 31, when it was again dis- playing at the practice display ground. From November onwards, though it was seen display- ing five more times at the practice display ground, it frequented display ground A more and more. Usually it appeared nervous and hung about round a group of central courts. In March, 1960, it tried unsuccessfully to clear a court in a rather unsuitable, but central, place in the display ground. From the end of June to mid- October it was not seen and was undoubtedly moulting. It reappeared on October 1 8 and from then onwards was constantly present, sometimes displaying at unoccupied courts and sometimes hanging about. In February, 1961, at 2 Vi years old, and IV2 years after moulting into adult plumage, it began to clear a new court a few yards from the central nucleus of courts, and though the site was not very suitable it success- fully cleared it and held it until the second week of September, when it again disappeared for the moult. THE ANNUAL CYCLE The Annual Cycle of Display As already mentioned, except when they are moulting the adult males are normally present at the display ground throughout the year. From the beginning of August, 1958, to the end of July, 1959, an early-morning watch was made each week at the main display ground under ob- servation, and a quantitative record was kept of the intensity of display by counting the snaps accompanying each display jump. Text-figure 13 shows the intensity of display as thus record- ed through a complete year, based on the aver- age number of snaps per 5-minute period re- corded in the hour of most intense display. The figure also shows the numbers of females record- ed as visiting the display ground during the wo •a OF TRAPPED so BIRDS IN MOULT 200 INTENSITY OF DISPLAY IOO to /VESTS S STARTED IN S-DAY PERIODS Text-fig. 13. The annual cycle of display, breeding and moult, August 1958 to July 1959. 82 [47: 8 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society early-morning watches, the numbers of nests found in the neighboring forest, and the percent- age of adults trapped in the vicinity that were undergoing wing-moult, and thus provides a conspectus of the annual cycle of the species for this one year. It will be seen that display did not cease com- pletely at the season of moult, but was merely much reduced. This was because individual males moulted at rather different times, so that by the time that the latest ones had abandoned their courts some of the early ones were back again. More striking was the almost complete cessation of display in the second half of March, probably due to a temporary food shortage, as discussed later. It did not occur in other years, but in 1960/61 there was a more prolonged cessation of display in December and early Jan- uary, the cause of which was not clear and which also was not recorded in other years (p. 87). Thus the normally continuous cycle of display may show occasional and irregular interruptions. Text-figure 13 also shows that small numbers of females visited the display ground from the end of the moulting period onwards, but that, as would be expected, the greatest numbers were recorded at and shortly before the start of breeding. As shown in more detail later, the breeding season did not start at the same time in each year. In the five seasons of observation, the be- ginning of breeding varied from one to six months after the ending of the moult. Probably in every year the males are ready to mate over a very long period, from shortly after the end of the moult until shortly before the beginning of the following moult, and the timing of the breed- ing season depends on the females, whose readi- ness to nest is affected by environmental factors that vary from year to year (p. 87). To settle this point, it would be necessary to make an examination of the males’ gonads throughout the year. This was not a main part of the present study, but specimens were exam- ined when available. A series of eight males, taken in the first half of December, i.e., very soon after the end of the moult, had their testes well developed (mean dimensions 3.6 X 2.4 mm.; largest 5 X 3.5, smallest 3X2), but not so large as those of a series of nine collected in February (mean 5.2 X 3.4 mm.; largest 7 X 5, smallest 3.5 X 2.5). These birds were col- lected from a display ground about 12 miles east of the Arima Valley. The Breeding Season Text-figure 14 shows how greatly the breed- ing season varied in the five years. In 1957, apart from a single nest in March, breeding was first recorded at the end of May and quickly reached a peak in early June. It then continued steadily until early September. In both 1958 and 1959 breeding began abruptly in mid- April. In 1960 the start was in early January, with a single nest at the end of December, 1959, and in 1961 breeding began in the latter half of February. In all years, the start of breeding was well-de- fined, many nests being built and getting their eggs within a fortnight, while observations at the display ground at and shortly before this period showed intense activity resulting from the visits of numerous females, and more copu- lations were seen then that at any other time. There was a little evidence, as can be seen from Text-fig. 14, that nesting ended rather later in 1957 and 1958, when it began late, than in the early breeding seasons of 1960 and 1961. The breeding season lasted from 4 to 8 months in the different years. The relation of the breeding season to weather and other environmental factors is considered in a later section (p. 85). The Moult Sequence of moult The full post-breeding moult follows a se- quence similar to that of other passerine birds. Replacement of the wing-feathers follows a con- sistent pattern. It begins with the dropping of the secondary major coverts. Typically the outer ones drop a little before the inner ones, so that as the new feathers grow they are in a graded order of length from outside inwards. While the coverts are growing, the innermost primaries are moulted, the first two or three being dropped at almost the same time. The moult of the ten primaries proceeds regularly towards the end of the wing, one feather being dropped when its neighbor on the inside is about half grown. The speed of growth of each feather is such that three adjacent feathers are generally in various stages of growth, four or only two being less usual. Like the innermost ones, the outermost two or three primaries drop at almost the same time. The moult of the nine secondaries typically begins when the primary moult has reached the 4th or 5th primary (numbered from the inside) . Its sequence is less regular than that of the pri- maries. Secondary moult begins from the two ends and works inwards. Two or three of the innermost secondaries drop at the same time, but at the outer end of the row the second feath- er does not drop until several days after the first. Growth and replacement proceed more quickly from the outer than from the inner end, so that although two or three of the innermost second- 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 83 10 NESTS 5 ■ 1951 T T 1 1 7T (w> w T~ — — 1 S 1958 5 1959 5 I960 5 1961 1 ! 1 4.4 , ■ , — ,1 li f i 1 i l •'t' i •'t* 1 (w) w 1 ■— ■ i i I , 5 s r r • H h.ILIlb 1 , i i 'P 1 1 » « 8 8 • W iLi*i Mu m ,i w % IN MOULT Text-fig. 14. The breeding seasons, 1957-1961. Histograms: nests started in 5-day periods. Dotted lines: percentages of trapped birds undergoing wing-moult. W: beginning of wet season. (W) : rainfall, followed by further dry weather. aries drop together, the last feather to grow is usually the 5th or 6th (numbered from the out- side), less usually the 4th. The moult of the tail is also less regular than that of the primaries. Typically it begins when the primary moult has reached about the 5th primary; usually all the feathers of the tail drop together and the new ones as they grow are of much the same length. The moult of the head and body is variable in its sequence, but its beginning and ending coin- cide closely with the beginning and ending of the primary moult and it is usually heaviest in the middle of this period. The moult of the primaries, besides being the most regular feature, spans very nearly the en- tire period of the moult. The main stages of the moult have been given numbers based on the replacement of the primaries, following a meth- od used by Miller (1961), and these numbers have been used in Text-fig. 15. The stages recog- nized are as follows: Stage 1. Secondary major coverts being re- placed; not primaries. 2. Primaries 1 and 2 being replaced; 3-10 old. 3. Primaries 4-10 old. 4. Primaries 5-10 old. 5. Primaries 6-10 old. 6. Primaries 7-10 old. 7. Primaries 8-10 old. 8. Primaries 9-10 old. 9. 3 or 4 outer primaries not yet full- grown. 10. 1 or 2 outer primaries not yet full- grown, or with traces of sheath at base. The season of moult In contrast to the breeding season, the season of moult in all probability varies very little. Text- fig. 14 shows the percentages of trapped birds 84 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 8 1959 1961 l 6 3 3 (o 3 h 8 ffl 4- 3 if 9 9 9 \6 (o 5 9 10 10 9 T17 9 © o >5 22. 39 3/ i ... i j 13 II O 1 5 3 4* 6 A/ 0 03S. Mr 7 mi\3 7 9 7 B ■ 1 a s O O 10 II 1/ VI VII Vlll Zb IX 1 — “ T " 1 1 “1 X XI XII 1 II Text-fig. 15. Moulting seasons, 1958-1961. Each square represents one individual trapped at the stage of moult indicated by the number. Dotted squares: juvenile males moulting into adult plumage. Figures below the line: percentages of the total number trapped fliat were undergoing wing-moult. 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 85 undergoing wing moult in the four years for which data were collected, and in Text-fig. 15 these moulting individuals are shown according to their stage of moult. It will be seen that the moult extends over the six months July-Becem- ber, with most birds in moult in August-October. Only one individual was found to be moulting in June and one in January, and none in the months February-May. In the four years, the moult be- gan and ended at approximately the same time. In calculating these percentages, all trapped birds have been included. However, as will be shown later, the moult of juveniles into adult plumage, in their second autumn, takes place on average a few weeks earlier than the moult of adults. It has not been possible to separate the age-groups in Text-fig. 15, because juvenile fe- males moulting in their second autumn cannot be distinguished from older females, but the five juvenile males are indicated. Length of time taken to moult The trapping of five individuals twice, and two three times, in the course of a single moult, showed that, except for the innermost and outer- most primaries, two or three of which drop more or less together, the primaries drop at intervals of 8 to 10 days, and that the complete replace- ment of the primaries takes about 80 days. The total period from the dropping of the secondary major coverts to the completion of the growth of the last wing-feather must take a few days longer. Observation at the display ground provided an independent assessment of the length of time taken to moult. It has already been mentioned that the males are usually present at all times except when moulting. Their disappearance be- fore moulting and reappearance afterwards are quite sudden, and in nine cases the period of ab- sence was known accurately to within a few days. All were between 76 and 85 days. The moults of juveniles Mainly in their first autumn and winter, juve- niles undergo an apparently prolonged moult which is not heavy at any time, involving the head, body, lesser coverts and, at least some- times, some of the inner secondary major cov- erts. All but 4 of the 35 records of this moult were in the months August to January. In their second autumn the moult to adult plumage takes place. Unless the past history of the individual is known, this moult is recogniz- able only in the male, since the female and juvenile plumages are the same. What follows therefore concerns only the males. The moult to adult plumage takes place rath- er earlier than the subsequent moults, being usu- ally complete by the end of October and often by the beginning of September. The most ex- tensive information conies from field observa- tions of 20 young males which were seen when in juvenile plumage, most of them for the last time in June, and then again when they had com- pleted their moult into adult plumage, at which time they are rather conspicuous as they display persistently and try to establish themselves at display grounds. Fifteen of these birds had com- pleted their moult by the end of October, four of them as early as mid-September. It was not of course certain that they were seen as soon as they had completed their moult, so these dates are the latest possible. More exact but less abundant evidence comes from the trapping of five males during their moult into adult plum- age, as shown in Text-fig. 15. Annual variations in the moulting season There were no obvious annual differences in the moulting season when the population was considered as a whole, but individual birds dif- fered markedly in the times at which they moult- ed in different years. Eight birds were trapped while moulting in two different years (succes- sive years, except in two cases), and one bird in three successive years. These showed con- siderable differences, of up to over two months, in the timing of their moults. Certainly in one case, and perhaps in two, this was due to the fact that in the first year the bird was moulting into adult plumage, but in other cases this was not so. Observations at the display ground showed the same thing. The moulting periods of five adult males were found in two successive years, one in three successive years, and one in four suc- cessive years. These showed considerable varia- tions from year to year which could not be at- tributed to the age of the bird (Text-fig. 16). The cause of these variations is considered in the next section. Environmental Factors and the Annual Cycle In view of the annual variation in the breeding season and the relative fixity of the moult, it seems likely that the manakins’ annual physio- logical cycle is, as it were, anchored to the yearly cycle of the seasons by their response to environmental factors initiating the moult. Consideration of the juveniles strengthens this supposition. Young birds may leave the nest in any month from January to October, yet all, as far as known, moult into adult plumage in the months June-September of the year following their year of birth. In seeking the external regulator which year 86 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 8 #45 56 59 60 61 VIII IX X XI XII I 672 59 6 o 61 681 59 6110 59 6109 60 61 6133 60 61 6190 60 61 Text-fig. 16. Moulting periods of seven males in successive years. Broken lines indicate that the begin- ning or ending of a period was not exactly known. after year maintains the timing of the birds’ physiological cycle, keeping all the individuals more or less synchronized, we cannot consider the Black and White Manakin in isolation. Al- most all other Trinidad birds, so far as known, sea birds, swamp birds and land birds, moult at approximately the same season as the Black and White Manakin (Snow & Snow, in prepara- tion. 2). and this is of course the moulting season qf northern hemisphere birds generally. It is most reasonable to suppose that the same external regulator is operating for all of them, and that this regulator is day-length, even though in Trinidad, at 10° N., the annual variation in day- length is only 74 minutes. If day-length is the main regulator, other more variable environmental factors may still exer- cise important modifying or secondary effects on the timing of the different phases of the an- nual cycle. The data are not inconsistent with the hypothesis that the ending of the breeding season and the start of the moult are in fact partly controlled by the onset of the wet season, though they do not follow for several weeks. The wet season began on the following dates in the four years for which there was information on the moult (parentheses indicating heavy rain- fall followed by a further dry spell) : 1958— April 29 1959— (April 9) , May 22 1960— April 20 1961 — May 22 The trapping data do not show any appreci- able differences in the time of moult in these four years (Text-fig. 15), but the samples are not large and they are composed mainly of dif- ferent individuals. The data on moulting dates of the same individuals over successive years show a more consistent pattern, though here again, as would be expected, there are incon- sistencies. The date of moult was known for four individuals in both 1958 and 1959: all moulted 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 87 later in 1959. The dates were known for eight individuals in both 1959 and 1960: six of them moulted earlier in 1960 than in 1959. The dates were known for five in 1960 and 1961: three of them were later in 1961 than in 1960. (One individual, whose first moult was from juvenile to adult plumage, has been omitted) . Thus of 17 annual differences in date of moult, 13 agreed with the differences in the date of onset of the wet season. The data for $ 45, the only bird whose moulting dates were known in all four years, agree exactly with the weather data (Text- fig. 16). Clearly more records would be needed, for more individuals and more years, for an ade- quate test, but these data are at least suggestive. The environmental factors concerned in the onset of breeding are still obscure. Of most ob- vious apparent importance is the weather. The period from January to late May, during which breeding may begin, is generally dry except at the end, when heavy but irregular precipitations may occur. Towards the end of this period, in April and May, especially if there has been little recent rainfall, the ground becomes ex- tremely parched, even in the forest, and the leaves of many herbs, shrubs and even large trees wilt. In such a case, the first heavy rain- falls stimulate many birds, including manakins, to build nests and lay eggs (as also in northern Venezuela, a short distance to the west of Trini- dad; Gilliard, 1959). This occurred in 1959, when heavy rain on April 9-10 was followed by an outburst of nest-building and the first manakin eggs were recorded on April 20. But in 1957 heavy rain at the end of April had no effect, while in 1958 breeding began at the same time as in 1959 although there had been no heavy rain for several weeks. The early start in 1961 might be attributed to the weather in Janu- ary and February, which was wetter than usual, but the very early start in 1960 took place before the dry season had properly begun and cannot be easily attributed to weather. Once the breeding season has started, fluctua- tions in activity may be pronounced and some of these were certainly due to weather. Thus in 1961, after an early start, with steady nesting from February to the end of April, there was an almost complete cessation in May, followed by a great outburst in early June. The second half of April and most of May were exceptionally dry in this year, and it was not until May 22 that heavy rain fell. Clearly other factors besides weather must contribute to the timing of the breeding season. Some observations suggest that fluctuations in the availability of food may play a part in some years. As will be shown later (p. 93), fruit grad- ually becomes more plentiful from January to April; in the first three months of the year the number of species of Melastomaceae in fruit is at its lowest, and annual variations in the fruit- ing seasons of the various species may result in temporary gaps, when no species is in fruit. It seems probable that such annual variations in the food supply during this period may help to determine whether the manakins start breeding early or late. The only marked food shortage was recorded in March, 1959. In mid-March there was a sudden decrease in activity at all the display grounds visited in the Arima Valley. The courts were deserted and became covered with leaves. No Melastomaceae were found in fruit— an exceptional situation, to judge from later observations— and manakins visited the guava trees in our garden and even fed on the fallen fruit. This situation lasted two or three weeks, after which display was resumed and re- turned to normal. As mentioned above, there was rain on April 9-10 and nesting began soon after. In the winter 1960/61 there was an even longer period of cessation of display. Activity declined at all display grounds in December and at the main display ground under observation several males which had returned after finish- ing their moult disappeared again. The cessation of display by Pipra erythrocephala was even more complete. Display was gradually resumed during January and was normal by the end of the month. The data from the Arima Valley alone suggested a correlation between this cessa- tion of display and food shortage. The great crop of Matchwood ( Didymopanax ) fruit, which is an important part of the manakins’ food in November and December, was nearly at an end, while two important melastomes, Miconia kappleri and M. myriantha, had also recently finished, after a good crop. Another melastome of importance at this season, M. gui- anensis, was not yet ripe. There was in fact a gap in the sequence of the main fruits. How- ever, during the same period Pipra ceased dis- playing equally completely in a locality 6 miles away on the north side of the Northern Range, in an area of forest where food was abundant. These observations emphasized the danger of generalizing from the situation in one locality only. The problem of the start of breeding in the Black and White Manakin becomes clearer when it is considered in a wider context. There is a common pattern to which the annual cycles of most Trinidad land birds conform (Snow & Snow, in preparation. 2). As already mentioned, the months from July to October or November are occupied by the moult. After the moult, 88 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 8 there may be a minor peak of breeding, followed by a decline in December and then a gradual increase in breeding activity to a peak in April- June. Seen against this common pattern, the situation in the Black and White Manakin may be better understood. Immediately after the moult there is no actual breeding, though males display hard and females pay preliminary visits to the display grounds. From the end of Decem- ber onwards the readiness to breed gradually in- creases. Early in this period of increasing readi- ness, especially good conditions of weather, food, or perhaps other environmental factors not obvious to the observer, are necessary to stimulate breeding. Later, nesting may be stimu- lated by quite slight environmental changes as long as the weather is not too dry. Towards the end of the dry season, if the drought has been severe, the onset of nesting, or its resumption after an earlier start, depends upon and follows quickly after the first heavy rainfall. Whatever the initiating factors, the start is abrupt, involv- ing many birds at the same time, almost cer- tainly due in part to the intense social stimula- tion to which manakins are exposed both at and away from the display grounds. It must be emphasized that the details of the breeding seasons, as shown in Text-fig. 14, apply only to the Arima Valley. Visits to an area of more humid forest 10 miles to the east showed in each of three years that breeding began earlier than in the Arima Valley, in one year several weeks earlier. The difference was probably due to the different climate, and suggests a reason for the variable breeding season in the Arima Valley. Rainfall decreases steadily from east to west along the Northern Range. Concomitantly, towards the west, with an increasingly severe dry season there is an increasing tendency for birds to delay breeding until the wet season begins. In the Arima Valley, half way along the range, it appears that environmental factors favoring early or late starts are nicely balanced; hence the great variations in different years. NESTING The Female and her Territory The age at which the females start to breed was not determined. Juvenile females were seen visiting display grounds when they were not more than five months old, but no information was obtained on the first nesting of a color- ringed bird. The only female of known age found nesting was nearly three years old. Breeding females occupy small territories along the streams and gullies where most of the nests are found. Soon after the moult is over they advertise their presence by persistently call- ing the monosyllabic “peerr”; this behavior then declines, to be renewed again as the breeding season approaches. A few observations of ag- gressive behavior between two females at what appeared to be territory boundaries suggested that the territories are defended against neigh- boring females, but competition for a nesting territory does not seem to be intense. Territories are small and probably highly compressible, as occupied nests may be found within a few yards of each other. As mentioned earlier (p. 78), nests along the same stretches of stream tend to be more closely synchronized with each other than with nests along other streams, probably because the females visit the same display ground in company. Although the females’ wing-feathers are un- modified, in aggressive encounters with other females and in the presence of intruders near the nest they may give typical male displays, but with softer sounds. The beard is protruded, though the feathers are not very long, and little jumps may be made from perch to perch, each accompanied by a soft “snip.” Occasionally they may make a soft “rolled snap.” Observations were made on 14 color-ringed females nesting along the section of stream that was most frequently watched, and on two nest- ing further afield. In general these birds re- mained, and so far as known nested, within the same small area during the period of observa- tion. One bird remained in the same territory for 3 Vi years, and others for shorter periods. There were two known cases of change of terri- tory. One of these birds was found nesting, with- in an area of about 40 by 20 yards, once in 1958, probably in 1959 (behavior suggesting nesting, but nest not found), and twice in 1960. Half way through the breeding season of 1961 (whether she had already attempted to nest or not was not known), she shifted 320 yards up- stream, where she was found nesting for the fourth time. The other bird also shifted in the middle of the breeding season, in this case only 150 yards. The Nest The nest is built within a few feet of the ground, usually at a height of between 1 Vi and 5 feet. It is of typical manakin type, a rather thinly woven shallow cup, slung between hori- zontal supports. A large number of nests (38% of the total) were slung between two side frond- lets of a fern frond, and most of the others were slung in forks between the side twigs of small saplings or shrubs. Over 95% of all the nests found were on or near the banks of streams or gullies, many of them overhanging the water. 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 89 The outer cup of the nest is made of rootlets and black fungal hyphae (probably Marasmius sp.; see Sick, 1957), with occasionally a few dead leaves. Some of the rootlets used are very long (29 inches in one case), and being wound round and round, inside and outside the sup- porting twigs, they bind the nest firmly to its support. A little cobweb is also used to secure the nest to its supporting twigs. The lining is of different material. The great majority of all nests examined were lined with the branching panicles of Nepsera aquatica, a small herbaceous member of the Melastom- aceae. The rich brown stalks of these panicles are very fine, smooth and shiny; each of the branches into which they are subdivided ends in a small fruit capsule. Due to the branching and to the terminal capsules, they adhere to each other when interwoven so that if pulled out the lining usually comes away from the rest of the nest intact. Nepsera aquatica grows along forest edges and road-sides, not in the forest itself. In spite of this, it was the usual nest-lining of nests found well within the forest as well as those nearer the edges. At the main trapping place on the edge of secondary forest, six females were trapped car- rying nest-material in the 1961 breeding season, and in every case it was Nepsera aquatica. In spite of regular searching in the neighboring secondary forest towards which they were flying when trapped, none of the nests of these six birds was found, which suggested that most of them at least were flying some distance with the nest-material, as indeed it is clear that manv birds must which nest far from a forest edge. No birds were trapped carrying nest-material in other years, suggesting that Nepsera was unusu- ally scarce elsewhere in 1961. Unfortunately the identity of the nest-lining was not discovered until late in the study. In- complete observations made subsequently sug- gested that Nepsera flowers mainly in the dry season, from December to April, and that the dead or fruiting panicles are mainly available from March to August. In support of this sug- gestion, it was several times noted that early nests were lined with other less suitable material, sometimes finely branched dead grass-heads. But observations on this point were inadequate to show whether the availability of Nepsera could be a factor in the timing of the breeding season, and the point requires further study. For three nests an interval of four days was recorded between the beginning of building (a few strands only in place) and nest completion, and for seven others intervals of 5-7 days were recorded. Nests sometimes remain half com- pleted for days, apparently because the female is not ready to lay. Incubation and Fledging Detailed observations from a hide were made at only one nest. These are the basis of the ac- count of behavior at the nest given here. The rest of the data in this section were obtained in the course of repeated visits to many nests. The clutch, normally of two eggs, is usually laid soon after the nest is complete. In every case in which there was information on the point, the second egg was laid two days after the first. Though visits were not usually frequent enough to give an exact time of laying, the time of laying of eleven eggs was known within a few hours and all were laid round the middle of the day, mostly between 1000 and 1400 hours, none being earlier than 0750 or later than 1545. Apparently complete clutches of one egg are not rare. The clutch was regarded as complete when the number of eggs present remained the same for three days or more and the bird was known to be incubating. Of the 244 complete clutches thus recorded, 22 consisted of only one egg- The female does not usually sit until the sec- ond egg is laid. Thereafter she is regularly on, except for periodic absences during which she must feed. At the nest under observation from a hide, during three hours’ watching in the morn- ing in fine weather, three days before the eggs hatched, the female sat for 71% of the time. Two completed periods on the nest lasted 46 and 53 minutes, and two recesses lasted 14 and 26 minutes. As incubation proceeds, the female sits more and more tightly. Early in incubation she usually flies from the nest when the observer is still several yards away; in the last two or three days before hatching she usually remains on the nest until the observer is very close and then flutters away close to the ground giving distrac- tion display. The incubation period (from the laying of the second egg to the hatching of the second young) was ascertained at seven nests to be 19 ± Vi days and at two nests to be 1 8 ± Vi days. The young hatch with a thin covering of down. At the nest under observation, when they were one day old they were brooded for 34% of the time during a watch of nearly two hours in the morning. When they were five days old they were brooded for 41% of the time during a watch of one hour 40 minutes, but the next day they were not seen to be brooded at all. They are generally very silent. Small nestlings utter soft cheeping calls audible for only a few feet; no calls were heard from large nestlings. 90 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 8 The young are fed by regurgitation, mainly on fruit with a small proportion of insect food. The bird under observation from a hide normally arrived with no food in the beak, perched on the edge of the nest, and produced a succession of fruits which she would give to the two young alternately. The feeding rate was recorded on five days and showed a steady increase, from one feed every 28 minutes when the young were one day old to one feed every 18 minutes at 13 days. Like the adults, the nestlings are capable of swallowing surprisingly large fruits. At the nest under observation, some of the fruits brought to the young were not only very large but con- sisted mainly of a large seed only partially en- closed by a small aril. After swallowing the fruit the young regurgitate the larger seeds, and nests with young are often found to have one or two seeds lying in the nest-cup. At the nest under observation, the female picked up these seeds and usually swallowed them, but occasion- ally carried them away. She also swallowed the faeces of the young up to the tenth day; on the thirteenth day she sometimes swallowed them, and sometimes the young defaecated over the nest-edge. Thus as the young grow larger an accumula- tion of regurgitated and defaecated seeds, to- gether with a few insect hard-parts, spatters the ground and leaves below the nest. Examination of many of these piles of remains, as well as observations from the hide, showed that the young are fed on the same fruits as the adults themselves eat, except for some of the largest kinds. The young remain in the nest for 13-15 days. For six nests with two young the periods were: 13 and 14; 14; 14; 14; at least 14; 14 and 15 days. For two nests with one young the periods were 13 and 14 days. After they have left the nest the young are extremely difficult to see. They perch in low vegetation, move little, and either do not call or call very seldom. Later they accompany the female but are still not easy to locate because they are so silent. It was remarkable that the juvenile’s begging call, a loud and distinctive “weeee-e-e,” rather plaintive and slurred at the end, was only heard on one occasion, from two full-grown juveniles accompanying a female. Thus little information was obtained on the post-fledging period by direct observation, but data on the interval between the fledging of young and the start of the next clutch (Table V) suggest that the young are attended by the female for three or four weeks. Breeding Success and Reproductive Rate In calculating nesting success, only those nests have been used that were found before the clutch was complete; most were in fact found while they were being built. (For a discussion of the bias introduced if nests found at a later stage are included, see Snow, 1955) . In this way we can obtain figures for the percentage of all nests started ( i.e in which eggs were laid) that reached the hatching and fledging stages, and for the number of young produced for each nest started. Table II summarizes the results of the five seasons’ observations. Like other tropical forest birds (Skutch, 1945), M. manacus has a very high rate of nest failure. Combining all the years, 40% of all nests started reached the hatching stage, and 19% produced fledged young; each nest started produced an average of 0.33 fledglings. There were considerable differences between the years, but the significance of these is uncertain. An- alysis by months shows that late nests were con- siderably more successful than early nests (Table III). Most nests fail early, apparently through predation (Table IV). Predation also falls heav- ily on the 40% that reach the nestling stage. In all, 86% of all nest losses were attributed to predation. In nearly every case predation can only be presumed, as there was no evidence ex- cept a clean, empty nest. Indirect evidence sug- gests that the chief predators are snakes, of which there are several known or potential egg- Table II. Breeding Success Year Number of nests Reached hatching Reached fledging % reaching fledging Number of young fledged 1957 29 18 + 3? 12 41 22 1958 19 3 3 16 5 1959 30 7 + 2? 4 13 8 1960 79 39 + 11? 18 23 28 1961 70 13 + 6? 7 10 11 All years 227 80-102 44 19 74 Note. Queries in the hatching column indicate that the nest failed just before or just after hatching, the exact time not being known. 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 91 Table III. Analysis of Breeding Success by Months Number Number of Number Reached of young young Month of nests fledging fledged per nest Jan. 6 0 0 -0.14 Feb. 16 2 3 Mar. 14 2 4 1 0.13 Apr. 34 2 2 J May 43 10 17 •0.35 June 63 11 20 J July 25 9 15 1 0.55 Aug. 26 8 13 J eating species frequenting low growth in the forest. The fact that no traces of chewed egg shell were ever found in or near a nest seems to rule out small mammals as important predators. Neither have birds been implicated. The toucan Ramphastos vitellinus, the only Trinidad, rep- resentative of a family known to be nest-robbers (Skutch, 1944), rarely comes within 20 feet of the ground. The large cacique Psarocolius decu- manus and the larger flycatchers may occasion- ally rob nests, but there was no evidence that any of these could be important nest-predators near ground-level in the forest. Frequently nests are found not only empty but partly dismantled only a day or two after they had been occupied. This is not however due to a predator. The nest-material is much in demand, not only by other manakins but by the flycatcher Pipromorpha oleaginea, so that aban- doned nests may soon be reduced to a mere framework. Inadequate construction or support of the nest caused 6% of all the failures. In particular, nests are sometimes slung between side-fronds of a fern which after a time wither, so that the Table IV. Causes of Nest Failure Cause of failure Number of nests Eggs predated 105 Eggs deserted 3 Eggs lost through collapse of nest 11 Eggs or small young predated 24 Young predated 29 Young lost through collapse of nest 1 Nest flooded 7 Tree fell on nest 1 Human disturbance 2 nest tilts and the eggs or young fall out. Natural catastrophes were the only other regular cause of failure (4% of the total); in several cases nests placed low over streams were flooded or swept away after heavy rain, and once a nest was destroyed by a natural tree-fall. Loss by flooding was the only cause of failure which showed seasonal variation; all cases occurred in the wet months June-August. Reproductive rate Individual females nest more than once in the course of the long breeding season, but it is not easy to find out the average number of nesting attempts made by each bird. Observations at the display ground showed that known females vis- ited and displayed with the males at intervals throughout the heeding season, but were too few to throw any certain light on how many times a single female attempted to nest in the season. More satisfactory information comes from ob- servations on the repeated use of the same nests. As already mentioned, the females usually occupy fixed territories throughout the breeding season. Thus when a nest is used more than once, or when a new nest is built within a few feet of the site of a previous one, it is likely that the same female is involved. Also, in such cases the intervals between the ending of one nesting attempt and the laying of the next clutch show certain consistencies (Table V), which further supports the belief that the same bird is involved. Fortunately, repeated use of the same nest or nest-site is rather common. Table V. Intervals Between Broods Number of days between end of one breeding attempt and laying of first egg of next clutch 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41 + After loss of eggs or young 4 10 5 5 7 After success- ful fledging — — 3 4 1 In 1957 and 1958, when the breeding seasons were rather short, 11 nests or nest-sites were used twice. In 1960, with a very long breeding season, 12 nests or sites were used twice, 3 three times, 2 four times, and there was a single case of a succession of five nestings in two nests, the second nest, which was used twice, being built within a few feet of the first, which was used three times. In 1961, with a fairly long breeding season, 11 nests were used twice and 3 three times. 92 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 8 These observations suggest that two to four nesting attempts during the breeding season are usual, two being commoner in a short season and three or four occurring more often in the longer breeding seasons. If three is provisionally accepted as the average number, then, with each nest started producing on average 0.33 fledg- lings, each female will on average rear approxi- mately one fledgling a year. In the years 1957-60 15 nestlings were ringed along the section of stream where intensive trapping was carried out, and all, as far as known, left the nest successfully. Of these, four were later trapped and became fully adult (i.e., reached their second autumn) and a fifth was seen several times, up to nearly a year after it had left the nest. The other ten were never trapped nor seen. Though a small sample, this suggests that at least one-third of the birds which leave the nest survive to become adult. Thus if each breeding female rears on average one fledg- ling a year, she will contribute on average 0.33 to the next year’s adult population. FOOD Feeding Habits The Black and White Manakin is predomi- nantly a fruit-eater, taking a great variety of fruits from trees, shrubs and even low herbs. Typically the bird makes a rapid sally from its perch, plucks a fruit in flight, lands with it in its beak, and then swallows it whole. But fruits are sometimes plucked from a perched position if they are accessible. Manakins do not hop about to feed, nor do they cling to the bunches of fruit on which they are feeding, as do the tanagers and honeycreepers which are often seen feeding with them. Almost all the fruits eaten are small berries, but a few exceptions were noted. Sometimes pieces are plucked from the fruiting catkins of Cecropia peltata, sections are taken from the compound fruit of the introduced rubber tree Castilloa elastica, and during the period of food shortage mentioned earlier manakins came down onto the ground and fed on fallen fruits of the cultivated guava ( Psidium guajava ) . They have a wide gape and can swallow very large fruits for their size. They often have to “juggle” large fruits in the beak for some time before they can swallow them; probably the fruit is softened during the process and so made easier to swallow. With the largest fruits of all, this juggling may go on for a minute or more, while it seems to the observer that the bird can- not possibly succeed in getting the fruit down. The three largest fruits that manakins were seen eating, after much juggling, were the following: Coussarea paniculata (Rubiaceae), length 19, diameter 16 mm.; Protium guianense (Burser- aceae), length 15, diameter 11 mm.; and Cordia lockhartii (Boraginaceae) , length 15, diameter 10 mm. Undoubtedly the wide gape is of great importance to the species in making available a greater range of fruits than could normally be eaten by such small birds. Thus Black and White Manakins can feed on fruits that cannot be eaten by considerably larger birds such as the tanagers Tan gar a mexicana and T. gyrola. A small quantity of insect food is taken, also in flight. Not uncommonly manakins follow army ants and take the insects disturbed by them, plucking them in flight from a leaf or tree trunk. Occasionally a manakin is seen, when feeding on berries, to pluck a small object, prob- ably a resting insect or spider, from the under- side of a leaf. When termites swarm after the heavy rains which bring the dry season to an end, manakins hawk for them from exposed tree-top perches, as do many other birds. A greater proportion of insect food is fed to the young than is eaten by the adults themselves. Thus insect remains were found in eight of 15 food samples collected from below nests with young, but in only four of 93 samples col- lected from display grounds. Nearly all the in- sect remains consisted of hard parts of the imagines of small Coleoptera and Diptera; re- mains of a small damsel-fly (Odonata, Zygop- tera) were also found in three of the samples. The fact that insect larvae were never found in the samples may not be significant in itself, as they would probably not be distinguishable among the food debris. However, the birds’ be- havior when feeding suggests that they would rarely be taken. Black and White Manakins drink regularly from the water that collects in the large colored bracts of the abundant banana-like plant Heli- conia cf. wagneriana. Less often, they drink from streams. Composition of the Food Altogether, Black and White Manakins were seen feeding on the fruits of 66 species of plants (40 trees, 13 shrubs, 7 vines, 6 others), of which 4 (3 trees, 1 vine) remained unidentified. Col- lections of seeds from display grounds and be- low nests brought the total to 105 species, of which 32 remained unidentified. Most of the unidentified species were represented by only a few seeds, and comprised a very small fraction of the total food. The identified fruits, and the months in which they were found to be eaten, are listed in Appendix 2. As already noted, one family of plants, the 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 93 Melastomaceae, is of especial importance. 47 % of all records of manakins observed feeding were from Melastomaceae. All except nine of the 108 samples collected from display grounds and below nests contained melastome seeds, which often far outnumbered everything else; seven samples contained only melastome seeds. Records were obtained of manakins feeding on at least 17 species of melastomes, nearly all of them trees and shrubs of the genus Miconia. Several other less common species were prob- ably fed on. The berries of these melastomes contain large numbers of very small seeds which show little difference between the species. Ex- cept for one species with unusually large seeds, they were not distinguished in the samples col- lected from display grounds and below nests. The family Rubiaceae was easily second in importance to the Melastomaceae. At least 15 species of this family were found to be eaten, and 14% of all observations of birds feeding were from them. The remainder of the identified food plants belonged to a variety of families, with few species in each. The Euphorbiaceae and the Moraceae, both with 4 species, were the most important tree families in number of spe- cies. The greatest number of records for single tree species were from Didymopanax moroto- toni (Araliaceae) and Ficus clusiifolia (Mor- aceae) . Records were obtained from a variety of smaller plants, the only apparent requirement being that they should bear fleshy berries of the right size. Among these were aroids of the genera Monstera and Philodendron, Costus spiralis (Zingiberaceae) , Stromanthe tonckat (Marantaceae), two species of Heliconia (Mus- aceae) and the grass Lasiacis sorghoidea. There were no records of manakins feeding on the fruits of aroids of the genus Anthurium, the epiphytic cactus Rhipsalus, or any of the mistle- toes. They are all common, and were fed on by some other fruit-eating birds. They are translu- cent berries, with a rather tough skin enclosing a sticky pulp, and perhaps are not easily digest- ible by manakins. The Melastomaceae— Trees and shrubs of the genus Miconia are a conspicuous feature of the secondary vegetation of the Arima Valley. They also occur, but not so abundantly, in primary forest. They range in size from shrubs a few feet high to 70-foot trees, but apart from their size they are all rather similar in appearance and all bear, in conspicuous terminal panicles, roundish berries which are from 3 to 10 mm. in diameter and contain numerous very small seeds embedded in pulp. Three other genera of melastomaceous shrubs, Clidemia, Conostegia and Platycentrum, have similar fruits, but as food for manakins, at least in the study area, they were of minor importance. There was also one record of a manakin picking pieces from the much larger fruit of a melastomaceous tree of the genus Henriettea. In the Arima Valley trees of the genus Miconia produce a constant succession of fruit throughout the year (Text-fig. 17). A greater number of species are usually in fruit in the wet than in the dry season (Table VI), so that the food supply then is more assured. Two of the commonest species, M. guianensis and M. multi- spicata, fruit in the dry season, and one or two others of lesser importance, but annual varia- tions in their fruiting seasons can produce a tem- porary gap in the succession. As already mentioned, this apparently happened in March, 1959, but unfortunately the different species had not been distinguished by then and it was only recorded that no melastomes could be found in fruit. There was also a gap in January, 1961, when M. kappleri and M. myriantha had just finished fruiting and M. guianensis had not yet ripened. The shrubs of the genus Miconia, as well as those of the related genera mentioned above, are of far less importance, only 4% of all the records from melastomes being from them. They tend to fruit less prolifically than the trees and to spread their fruiting over a longer pe- riod. Thus few berries are available on one plant at one time, and manakins do not pay much attention to them when the more abundantly fruiting trees are available. They fruit more in the wet season than the dry (Table VI). The Rubiaceae— In the forest a large number of the small trees and shrubs belong to this fam- ily. The identification of some of them is not easy, and a few more than the 15 recorded spe- cies may have been involved. Like the mela- stomes, many of them bear fruit conspicuously in terminal panicles. Their fruits are more di- verse in appearance, many of them being rather larger than those of the melastomes. They con- tain in most species one or two, in a few spe- cies several, seeds embedded in pulp; some spe- cies have arillate fruit. Like the melastomes, the tree species have mainly well-defined fruiting seasons, while the shrubs fruit over a long pe- riod but mainly in the wet season. Thus they also provide a more or less continuous food supply throughout the year, but far less abundantly than the Melastomaceae. Availability of Food Throughout the Year Text-figure 18 shows that there were well- marked seasonal changes in the numbers of 94 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 8 i a in iv v vi vii vni ix x xi xn i i i s i i i s r“~p i ~r~ At multispicata — — At splend&ns ■ M. tomentosa. M. prasina M. amplexans M. chrysophylla At affinis At kappleri At punctata At my riant ha At hoLoserice a At yuianensis Text-fig. 17. Fruiting seasons of Miconia tree species, Arima Valley, October 1959 to September 1961. (Since most of the species did not fruit at exactly the same time in the different years, the fruiting periods for any one year were mostly a little shorter than shown.) kinds of fruit recorded as taken in the different months, with a marked peak in April and a minor one in November-December. But the high figures in the period February-July are partly caused by the inclusion of samples col- lected from below nests, which included various small seeds not found at the display grounds and perhaps taken because the small berries con- taining them were specially suitable as food for nestlings. A truer picture of the variety of food available is probably presented by Text-fig. 19, which shows the average number of different kinds of fruit in the collections made at display ground A, and thus eliminates variation due to locality and the requirements of nestlings. Again the figure shows that there was a steady increase in variety from January onwards, with the great- est variety between March and June and the least from August to October. It has already been shown that the date at which breeding starts is variable, ranging from early January to late May. In relation to the food supply, it starts at some time in the period when the variety of food available is steadily increas- ing. Food conditions are by no means the same in each year, and it seems reasonable to suppose that their variation may affect the time at which breeding starts. Though no quantitative assessment of insect food has been made, it appears almost certain Table VI. Number of Species of Melastomaceae in Fruit in Different Months Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Trees 3 3 3 3 5 8 7 Shrubs — — — — 2 4 4 5 3 4 6 6 5 5 5 3 1 Note. Especially in the shrubs, there is a little out-of-season fruiting. This has been omitted; figures indicate regular and abundant fruiting. 1962] Snow: Field Study of the Black and White Manakin 95 Uj K Text-fig. 5. Over-all sound pressure levels meas- ured at various locations .25 inches from the head of a specimen of Stenella graffrnani during sound simulation tests. ism that produced these signals was not deter- mined, deflation of the upper or distal nasal tract stopped the echo-location clicks. These sounds were achieved with air pressures of 1 psi within the specimens of Stenella and 1.5 psi within the Tursiops. Air flow was 10 liters per minute for both. In addition to the sonagraphic analyses made of the clicks produced with the heads, measure- ments were also made of the over-all sound pres- sure level Va of an inch and 15 inches from the head at every 60° in the horizontal and ver- tical planes. The measures of over-all sound pressure level near the surface of the head at both distances are shown by the polar plots presented in Text-figs. 5 & 6. Most note- worthy is the asymmetrical radiation, with the stronger signal output on the right. This asym- metry immediately calls to mind the general asymmetry of cranial structures in toothed whales (Odontoceti) noted by anatomists. Ho- sokawa (1950) has reported this in the muscu- lature of the larynx of the sperm whale; Law- rence & Schevill (1956) have noticed this in the nasal sac system and skulls of Tursiops trun- catus and Stenella plagiodon; and we have found that the nasal sacs in Tursiops truncatus and Stenella graffrnani are larger on the right side. In fact, all the delphinids examined by the jun- ior author have exhibited an asymmetrical devel- opment of the cranium and nasal sac system. These include Delphinus bairdi, Tursiops gilli, Lagenorhynchus obliquidens, Stennella longi- rostus and Globicephala scammoni. The indirect evidence presented so far indi- cates that porpoises do have structures that can produce a variety of different types of sounds. It does not, however, add any support to the contention that echo-location clicks and whist- ling sounds are produced by separate mechan- isms. The following observations, however, add credence to the supposition of specialized sound producers. All of the initial observations of sound pro- duction using specimens of Tursiops were ac- complished with groups of five or more animals. In order to simplify the sound analyses and ob- servations on behavior, one animal was trans- ferred to the smaller plastic-lined tank one day before testing. In this tank the porpoise was not restrained and was given food immediately. Using the previously described equipment, re- corded Tursiops sounds, whistles and clicks were broadcast into the tank. Until this test, not a great deal of success had been achieved in elici- ting whistles from solitary animals. During this test and for a period after stimulation, however, several long whistles were produced by the ani- mal. The most interesting aspect of this behavior was that in all cases, the solitary animal pro- duced echo-location signals and whistles simul- taneously. Lilly & Miller (1961) report similar behavior from a physically restrained, solitary Tursiops. The time duration of the whistle por- tion of the simultaneous emissions that they observed ranged from .1 to .4 seconds. We have observed whistle durations from .45 to 1.5 sec- onds, the majority of them being longer than .6 second. Several sonagrams of these simultan- eous signals are shown in Plate IV in which it can be seen that the whistles are overlaid on the pulsed signal. The whistles are not highly modulated and appear normal, that is, as they do in Plate I, B. If only one mechanism for sound production was involved, the whistle could be expected to show some of the modulations of the echo-location signal. 1962] Evans & Prescott: Sound Production Capabilities of Bottlenose Porpoise 127 Text-fig. 6. Over-all sound pressure levels measured every 60°, 15 inches from the head of a specimen of Stenella graffmani in both A vertical plane and B horizontal planes. Conclusions and Summary 1 . All of the natural vocalizations of a group of Tursiops and a single individual Tursiops can be placed in one of the three following categories: Plosive or pulse signals, whistles and barks. 2. Both Tursiops truncatus and Stennella graff- mani have anatomical structures capable of producing a variety of sounds under condi- tions of artificial stimulation. These sounds are not unlike the ones produced naturally by these animals. Sounds artificially produced in the head of a specimen of Stenella showed an asymmetrical sound radiation pattern corres- ponding with the asymmetry of the cranial structures. 3. Tursiops is capable of producing echo-loca- tion pulses and whistles simultaneously. 4. Anatomical and behavioral evidence, as well as sound pressure measurements, indicate that the echo-location clicks are produced in the nasal-sac system of porpoises. Within the sac- system, the tubular sacs combined with the nasal plug nodes appear to be the site of sound production. It is only through the tubular and connecting sacs that we find a continuous air passage, the vestibular and pre- maxillary sacs being cul de sacs. Bibliography Hosokawa, Hiroshi 1950. On the cetacean larynx, with special re- marks on the laryngeal sacs of the sei whale and the aryteno-epiglottideal tube of the sperm whale. Sci. Rep. of the Whales Res. Inst., 3: 42-43. Kellogg, W. N. 1958. Echo-ranging in the porpoise. Science, 128: 982-988. 1960. Auditory scanning in the dolphin. Psych. Rec., 10(1): 25-27. Kellogg, W. N., R. Kohler & H. N. Morris 1953. Porpoise sounds as sonar signals. Science 117: 239-243. Lanyon, W. E. & W. N. Tavolga (Editors) 1960. “Animal Sounds and Communication.” 443 p. A.I.B.S., Washington, D. C. Lawrence, B., & W. E. Schevill 1956. The functional anatomy of the delphinid nose. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, 114(4): 103-151. Lilly, I. C, & A. M. Miller 1961. Sounds emitted by the bottlenose dolphin. Science, 133: 1689-1693. 128 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 11: 1962] Murie, J. 1871. On Risso’s Grampus, G. rissoanus. Jour. Anat. Physiol., 5: 118-138. Norris, K. S., J. H. Prescott, P. Asa-Dorian & P. Perkins 1961. An experimental demonstration of echo- location behavior in the porpoise Tursiops truncatus (Montagu). Biol. Bull., 120(2): 163-176. EXPLANATION Plate I Fig. 1. Sonagrams of examples of the three types of sound produced underwater by Tursiops truncatus. A. Clicks or pulses. B. Whistle. C. Bark. Plate II Fig. 2. A. Larynx from Stenella graffmani. B. Larynx from Tursiops truncatus. Plate III Fig. 3. A. Sonagrams of sound produced by pass- ing air through the excised larynx of Sten- Reysenbach de Haan, F. W. 1956. Hearing in whales. Acta Oto-Laryngolo- gica, Supp. 134. Turner, W. 1868. A contribution to the anatomy of the pilot whale ( Globicephala Svineval, (La- cepede). Jour. Anat. Physiol., 2: 66-79. F THE PLATES ella graffmani. B. Sonagrams of sound pro- duced by passing air through a severed head from Stenella graffmani. C. Sonagram of short-duration, repetitive, pulse sounds generated by air flow through the nasal sac system of one specimen of Stenella graff- mani. Plate IV Fig. 4. Sonagrams of four instances of simultan- eous production of echo-location pulses and whistles by a single isolated Tursiops trun- catus. EVANS a PRESCOTT PLATE 1 B C OBSERVATIONS OF THE SOUND PRODUCTION CAPABILITIES OF THE BOTTLENOSE PORPOISE: A STUDY OF WHISTLES AND CLICKS EVANS & PRESCOTT A B TRACHEA ARYTENOID CARTILAGES ADDITUS LARY EPIGLOTTIS EXCISED LARYNX FROM EXCISED LARYNX FROM STENELLA GRAFFMAN! TURSIOPS TRUNCATUS OBSERVATIONS OF THE SOUND PRODUCTION CAPABILITIES OF THE BOTTLENOSE PORPOISE: A STUDY OF WHISTLES AND CLICKS FREQUENCY IN KILOCYCLES EVANS & PRESCOTT PLATE 111 TIME OBSERVATIONS OF THE SOUND PRODUCTION CAPABILITIES OF THE BOTTLENOSE PORPOISE: A STUDY OF WHISTLES AND CLICKS REQUENCY (KILOCYCLES) FREQUENCY (KILOCYCLES) FREQUENCY (KILOCYCLES) FREQUENCY (KILOCYCLES) EVANS a PRESCOTT PLATE IV 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 OBSERVATIONS OF THE SOUND PRODUCTION CAPABILITIES OF THE BOTTLENOSE PORPOISE: A STUDY OF WHISTLES AND CLICKS 12 Notes on the Biology of Some Trinidad Swifts1 D. W. Snow Department of Tropical Research, New York Zoological Society, New York 60, N. Y. (Text-figure 1) [This paper is one of a series emanating from the Tropical Field Station of the New York Zoological Society, at Simla, Arima Valley, Trinidad, West Indies. This station was founded in 1950 by the Zoological Society’s Department of Tropical Re- search, under the direction of Dr. William Beebe. It comprises 200 acres in the middle of the Northern Range, which includes large stretches of undisturbed government forest preserves. The laboratory of the Station is intended for research in tropical ecology and in animal behavior. The altitude of the research area is 500 to 1,800 feet, and the annual rainfall is more than 100 inches. [For further ecological details of meteorology and biotic zones, see “Introduction to the Ecology of the Arima Valley, Trinidad, B.W.I.,” William Beebe, Zoologica, 1952, 37 (13): 157-184.] Contents Page Distribution, Status and Feeding Habits 130 The Breeding of Chaetura brachyura 131 Breeding, Moulting and Roosting of Other Chaetura Species 1 34 The Moulting Sequence in Chaetura 134 The Breeding of Cypseloides rutilus 135 Hovering Flight in Cypseloides and Chaetura 137 Summary 138 Literature Cited 138 Appendix 139 THE biology of the neotropical swifts is not well known. For the genera Chaetura and Cypseloides, with which this paper is concerned, only Beebe (1949), Haverschmidt (1958) and Sick (especially 1948, 1951, 1958, 1959) appear to have made significant recent contributions. They are difficult birds to watch and many are difficult to identify in the field. Several species have never been found nesting. Compared with the mainland of South Amer- ica, where, to judge from published data, it is iContribution No. 1018, Department of Tropical Re- search, New York Zoological Society. unusual for several species to be common in the same area, Trinidad is especially suitable for field studies of swifts. Here, on an island meas- uring some 50 by 30 miles, seven species are resident: five of them are known to breed and all seven probably do so. Only one species can be called rare. Probably nowhere else in the neotropical region can so many breeding species of swifts be found in so small an area. During 4Vi years’ residence in Trinidad, 1 made such observations on the swifts as oppor- tunity permitted. They were not a main subject of study, but their abundance brought them con- stantly to notice. Nests of two species were found in sufficient numbers for a limited analy- sis of breeding season, number of broods, nest- ing success and other aspects of breeding biol- ogy. In addition, five species were caught in mist-nets, two of them in good numbers, and a sixth was twice caught by hand. This paper presents the information thus collected. I have followed Lack (1956) in his wide definition of the genus Cypseloides. For vernac- ular names, I have followed Eisenmann (1955) except that I have preferred to use the more evocative name Cloud Swift for Cypseloides (Streptoprocne) zonaris. I am grateful to my wife for much help with the field work, to Dr. Wilbur G. Downs for pho- tographic assistance, and to Charles T. Collins, J. Dunston and R. P. ffrench for visiting nests at times when I was unable to do so. C. T. Collins discovered one of the Chestnut-collared Swift nests and J. Dunston three of the Short- tailed Swift nests. This study, part of a wider program of field studies on the biology of neo- tropical birds, has been generously supported by National Science Foundation grants G 4385 and G 21007. 129 130 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 12 Distribution, Status and Feeding Habits The Cypseloides Species J he Chaetura Species Chestnut-collared Swifts (C. rutilus) are The Short-tailed Swift (C. brachyura) , Band- common in the Northern Range, but they feed rumped Swift (C. spinicauda) and Gray-rumped much higher than the Chaetura species, and pre- Swift (C. cinereiventris) are all common spe- senting only a black silhouette are often less easy cies, but they have different local distributions. to identify with certainty. Because they fly high, The Short-tailed Swift is the most widespread, they were the only species resident in the Arima occurring all over the island; it is the only spe- Valley never to be caught in a mist-net. They are cies regularly occurring over open country and usually seen in ones or twos, or small parties, towns. It may be seen throughout the Northern Only once were many seen together; on Septem- Range (the range of forested mountains, up to ber 3, 1958, large numbers were seen flying 3,000 feet high, running along the north side around the summit of El Tucuche (3,068 ft.), of Trinidad), but is less common there than the second highest peak in Trinidad, and with the other two species. The Band-rumped Swift them only a very small number of four other occurs generally over forested country and species. This was a post-breeding aggregation; wooded savanna, in both lowlands and hills. The many were seen to be moulting their wing- Gray-rumped Swift is common in the Northern feathers. Range; I did not see it elsewhere. The Cloud Swift (C. zonaris ) , the largest and The fourth species, Chapman’s Swift (C. most majestic of the New World swifts, is a chapmani ) , is very little known. Apart from the migrant to Trinidad. The first birds arrive in original series collected by Chapman in 1894, July (first dates: 1957, end of July; 1958, July only a few specimens have been collected, in 27; 1959, July 14; 1960, mid-July; 1961, July widely scattered localities from Panama to cen- 8). August and September are the months when tral Brazil (Wetmore, 1957). 1 several times the greatest numbers are present. By October thought that I saw Chapman's Swift among their numbers have begun to decline, but a few mixed parties of swifts in the Northern Range, are seen irregularly until February. This prob- but the first positive evidence was obtained on ably represents a post-breeding dispersal from November 27, 1960, when one was caught in a breeding areas in the Andes of Venezuela to the mist-net at 1,800 feet at the head of the Arima west of Trinidad. A number of specimens col- Valley in the center of the Northern Range, lected by Roberts (1934) on August 28 were all Having had the opportunity to examine a living completing their moult. I obtained three speci- bird in the hand and to note its field characters mens, in late July and early August; all appeared as it flew away on release, I later was confident to be juveniles and were not moulting, that I saw Chapman’s Swift on two occasions. Cloud Swifts are erratic in their appearance, once in the same place and once in the lower being present in great numbers one day and ab- part of the Arima Valley. But hundreds of the sent the next. They feed at all heights, and range three other Chaetura species were examined rapidly and widely over the island. It is likely before these were seen. From these few records, that at least on occasions they spend the night and from Chapman’s specimens collected at in the air, as the European swift A pus apus has Valencia at the foot of the Northern Range been found to do. On August 11, 1957, I about six miles east of the Arima Valley, we watched a large flock at dusk in the Arima Val- may conclude that Chapman’s Swift is prob- ley, in the center of the Northern Range. They ably resident in the Northern Range in small were spiralling upwards, gradually drifting out numbers. of sight behind some hills. Some at least were I obtained no evidence for any differences in still circling when poor light prevented further feeding habits of the three common Chaetura observation. Cloud Swifts roost on cliffs, in species in places where they occurred together, clefts and behind waterfalls (Sutton. 1951). though quantitative observations might eventu- There are few suitable cliffs in Tunidad, except ally show fine differences. All feed regularly the sea cliffs of the north coast, and it seemed from ground level to several hundred feet up. unlikely that the large flock I was watching They commonly skim close to the ground in could all have found roosting places for that sheltered clearings in the hills, probably because night. of the abundance of flying insects in such places. Belcher & Smooker (1936), on rather unsat- and when termites swarm after wet weather isfactory evidence, record another migrant swift they all come low to feed on them. In wet wea- for Trinidad, the Black Swift (C. ( Nephoecetes ) ther great flocks of them move rapidly up and niger ) . This species would be expected to occur down the valleys and across the watersheds, occasionally on passage, and further observation avoiding the rain-storms. may confirm that it does so. 1962] Snow: Biology of Some Trinidad Swifts 131 Other Species Panyptila cayennensis is widespread in small numbers, breeding from near sea level to at least 1,000 feet in the Northern Range. My records of its nests are all in the northern and eastern parts of Trinidad, but the other parts of the island were visited much less often. Panyp- tila feeds high above the ground and is usually only to be identified with binoculars. Reinarda squamata is confined to savanna and swamp forest in the east of Trinidad, following the distribution of the palm Mauritia setigera, on which it nests. It commonly feeds close to the ground. The Breeding of Chaetura brachyura Nest-site Belcher & Smooker give the only previous rec- ords of the nesting of the Short-tailed Swift in Trinidad. They reported one nest in a chimney, with 3 eggs on June 20, and one nest in a sea cave, with 3 eggs on June 3. There are no breed- ing records from elsewhere, but observations by Bond (1928, and in litt.) suggest that Short- tailed Swifts nest in chimneys in St. Vincent. I discovered a small breeding colony of Short- tailed Swifts by chance on May 7, 1957, when, watching swifts flying low over bushy savanna near Valencia, I saw a bird suddenly drop out of sight in the grass. I found that it had entered a concrete man-hole, part of an abandoned drain- age system constructed during the war when this savanna was the site of a U.S. Air Force camp. A search made in the immediate area revealed eight other man-holes which swifts could enter, and three more were eventually found on other parts of the savanna. These holes were kept under regular observation until Sep- tember, 1961, giving complete records for five breeding seasons. Some other breeding sites were found. Short- tailed Swifts were seen during the breeding sea- son entering and leaving sea caves in the rocky north coast of Trinidad, and in Huevos Island off the northwest corner of Trinidad, but no ac- cessible nests were found. One pair was found nesting in a chimney in Arima. Finally, a pair nested for two seasons in a nest-box which I erected 30 feet up against the trunk of a large Chataigne tree ( Pachira insignis ), 500 feet above sea level in the Arima Valley. The use of this nest-box was unexpected, as all previous records of their nests had been in caves, man-holes or chimneys, and the species is less characteristic of forest than the other Chaetura species. The history of its occupation was as follows. On July 9, 1959, a pair of Band- rumped Swifts had been observed entering a natural cavity some 30 feet up in the trunk of this tree, and from observations made on July 1 1 it was clear that they were feeding young. A ladder was put up to the hole, but the nest could not be seen. The entrance was narrow, and the hole was irregular and descended several feet. Since Band-rumped Swifts had never been found nesting, I subsequently blocked up the natural hole and fixed a nest-box near by, 5 feet long and 1 Vi feet square in section, with a slit-shaped hole near the top about 5 inches wide (about one inch wider than the tree-hole). Occupation of the box was first noted on June 22, 1960, when a pair of Short-tailed Swifts were found to be feeding five half-grown young. In 1961 a pair of Short-tailed Swifts again nested in the box. In both years a pair of Band-rumped Swifts, presumed to be the former owners of the tree-hole, were several times seen about the tree. It seems that, in making the hole of the box a little wider than the tree-hole, I inad- vertently made it big enough for Short-tailed Swifts to enter and they were thus able to dis- possess the smaller Band-rumped Swifts (the mean wing-length of the two species differs by about 17 mm.). It is probably because of their larger size that Short-tailed Swifts normally nest in caves and man-made cavities, while the smaller Chaetura species, as far as known, nest in tree-holes. It was of interest that when the Short-tailed Swifts left the box after feeding the young, they used to fly off down the valley in the direction of the savanna three miles away. They would return from the same direction. Breeding Season When I first found the nesting colony in the man-holes in early May, 1957, nests were being built and none had eggs until a week later. Table I shows the monthly distribution of the 86 nest- ings recorded at this colony in the five years. Breeding begins in April or early May and con- tinues until August or early September (the three breeding dates obtained at other sites, and Belcher & Smooker’s two records, all fall near the middle of this period). Numbers were too few to reveal slight annual variations, but there were no marked differences in breeding season in the five years. There was usually a regular succession of nestings in each hole in the course of the breed- ing season, either in the same nest or, less often, in a succession of nests. No hole ever contained more than one occupied nest at the same time. The intervals between the nestings suggested, as would be expected, that these were normally successive layings by the same female. Com- bining all the years, two holes were used four 132 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 12 Table I. Breeding Season of Chaetura brachyura Number of nests started in periods aalf-monthly 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 all years April 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 May 1 5 4 1 3 1 14 2 4 3 2 3 2 14 June 1 1 4 3 4 12 2 1 1 5 1 2 10 July 1 3 2 1 3 9 2 1 4 2 1 1 9 Aug. 1 3 1 2 3 9 2 3 3 Sept. 1 1 1 1 3 Totals 19 16 16 14 21 86 times in a season, six holes three times, 22 holes twice, and 13 holes only once. These nests suf- fered a very high rate of predation, which un- doubtedly raised the number of nesting attempts above what would be usual in a more success- fully breeding population. If we consider only the nine cases where the first nesting attempt was successful, five were followed by a second laying and four were not. The breeding season is hardly long enough for three broods to be reared successfully. Clutch-size Chaetura species are known to have, for swifts, very large clutches, and the Short-tailed Swift is no exception. The mean number of eggs in 41 clutches was 3.6 (Table II). Mean clutch-size probably decreases in the course of the breeding season, since the only clutch of six eggs and all the clutches of five were laid in May. Table II. Clutch-size of Chaetura brachyura Number of nests with clutch-size of 1 2 3 4 5 6 April 2 1 May 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 June 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 July 1 2 3 2 2 2 Aug. 1 3 2 2 Sept. 1 1 1 All months 1 2 17 16 4 1 It was not possible to obtain exact data on the intervals between the laying of successive eggs, as my visits were not frequent enough, but incomplete data for ten nests showed that the normal interval is probably two or three days and longer intervals are not uncommon. A clutch of nine eggs has been omitted from Table II, as it was certainly laid by more than one female. Apart from the abnormal size of the clutch, it could hardly have been laid by one bird as all nine eggs were laid within 14 days. It was of interest that the eggs were incubated successfully, though they were two or three deep in the nest; all nine hatched at about the same time. There was another instance in which the circumstantial evidence was strong that two fe- males were laying in the same nest. Three eggs were laid between 0830 hours on June 1 and the afternoon of June 3, an abnormally quick rate of laying for a single bird. All three eggs were found broken below the nest on June 3, sug- gesting that the two birds were in conflict. For Chaetura andrei, Sick (1959) has reported a similar case of more than one female laying in the same nest. Such cases are presumably at- tributable to shortage of nest-holes. Incubation and Fledging Periods Because the colony was as a rule visited weekly, it was not possible to obtain incubation periods for most of the nests. But more frequent visits were made over limited periods, with the result that for three nests the incubation periods (from the laying of the last egg to the hatching of the last young) were found to be 17 ±1, 17-18 and 18 ±1 days. None of the less exact records was inconsistent with a 17-18 day in- cubation period. Fledging periods were difficult to ascertain for the additional reason that the inspection of nest- holes near the fledging time was liable to cause the young to leave prematurely. Also it was found that the young birds return to their nest- hole by day after their first flight. Thus only very careful, repeated observations would show with certainty when undisturbed young first fly. With these reservations, partial information was obtained on the fledging periods at eleven nests. At five of them, the young flew out on inspection at the ages of approximately 28, 29, 29, 32 and 34 days. One of those that flew when 29 days old was caught as it struggled to rise clear of the long savanna grass and was found to have a wing-length of 1 12 mm., 8 mm. shorter than the mean adult wing-length. At the six nests where there was no evidence of disturb- ance, the young left as follows: 1962] Snow: Biology of Some Trinidad Swifts 133 (1) one of the two at 29-32 days, the other at 32-36 days. (2) the first young at 32-36 days, the other two at 36-40 days. (3) one of the two at 34-38 days, the other after 38 days. (4) all four young before 35 days. (5) both young at 35-42 days. (6) the first two young before 36 day s, the third after 36 days. To sum up these observations, the young can fly if disturbed as early as 28 days after hatch- ing; if undisturbed, they do not usually leave until they are 30-40 days old. Like Chimney Swifts ( Chaetura pelagica), young Short-tailed Swifts climb out of the nest while they are still unfeathered and cling to the wall near the nest. At one nest, one of the four nestlings was found clinging to the out- side of the nest when 15 days old, the other three still being in the nest-cup. Two days later, at the age of 16-17 days, all four were clinging to the wall a few inches below the nest. At other nests the young were not recorded leaving the nest until three or four days later than this. Intervals between Broods The intervals between the ending of one nest- ing attempt and the laying of the first egg of the next clutch could not usually be ascertained exactly, but 27 intervals were known to within 4 days. These were as follows: after successful fledging of previous brood: 4,12,13,18,24. after loss of eggs: 9, 10, 10, 15, 17, 19, 24, 24, 27, 27, 31, 32, 32, 32, 35, 51, 74. after loss of young: 17, 19, 29, 51. Over half of the intervals are between 10 and 30 days. Some of the very long intervals may be false, due to the fact that an intervening clutch had been started and lost between my visits. Be- cause of the variability of the intervals, the num- ber of records is rather small for any certain conclusions, but there is a suggestion that re- laying usually follows more quickly after the successful fledging of a brood than after a failure. Nesting Success This population of Short-tailed Swifts nesting in underground man-holes was singularly un- successful in its breeding; only 15 (17%) of the 86 recorded nestings resulted in fledged young. Usually eggs vanished soon after they were laid, but some losses occurred at all stages. However, hardly any information was obtained on the causes of failure. The possibility was not ex- cluded that snakes and lizards could get into the holes and attack the nests, but there was no evidence that they did so. The only certain pred- ator was a large spider (My gale sp.). When I accidentally dropped two newly hatched nest- lings on the floor of the hole, one of these spiders rushed out of a crevice, seized one of the nestlings before I could pick it up, and re- treated back to its lair. The squeaks of the nestling ceased the moment it was seized and it appeared to be dead within a second. As this large spider can climb vertical walls it could be a regular predator of small nestlings. Three nest-holes regularly filled with water after heavy rain, and several nests, as well as at least three adults, were lost in this way. These observations can, however, have little significance in the ecology of the species as a whole. Underground man-holes must be such an unusual nest-site for the Short-tailed Swift that neither the high rate of nest failure nor the causes of failure are likely to be typical. The Moult, and Roosting Habits Two birds trapped on August 14, one caught on September 16, eight on September 18, and one on September 25 were all in various stages of moult. Only three other adults were caught, one in March and two in July, and none of these was moulting. Details of the sequence of moult are given in a later section. At 1000 hours on September 16, 1957, a fine sunny day, one of the nest-holes which had not been in use for some weeks was found to con- tain about 50 adult swifts. On September 25, 50 birds were again found in this hole at 1020, and ten were found in another hole containing a nest with eggs, apparently deserted. The birds caught on these two days were in moult, as has been mentioned above. Subsequently it was found that during the moult the adults regularly spent part of the day in two or three of the holes, either clumped, as at night, or clinging scattered on the wall. I visited the colony at night several times and found the swifts roosting in the holes all the year round, but in the months November-March their presence was irregular. Outside the breed- ing season, they tended to congregate in two or three holes, the same ones that they were found in by day during the moult, roosting in clumps of 30 or more birds together. As the breeding season approached their numbers declined, the roosting aggregations broke up, and each hole was finally occupied at night by a pair or three birds. As late as February, up to 50 birds were found roosting in the nine holes inspected; by early May the numbers had fallen to 21. 134 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 12 When disturbed at night, Short-tailed Swifts give the same wing-clattering display as has been described for the Chimney Swift (Fisher, 1958). The birds slowly raise their wings above the back, then spring away from the wall with a clattering sound, to land back in the same spot or a few inches away. The clattering appears to be made by the rapid clapping together of the wing-tips. Several birds in a clump will raise their wings together and clatter at the same time, so that the noise is quite startling to the intruder. There seems no doubt that it is an anti-predator display analogous to the hissing of tits and some other hole-nesting birds. After a few bursts of clattering a roosting clump becomes broken up, with the birds more evenly scattered over the sides of the hole. Breeding, Moulting and Roosting of Other Chaetura Species Extremely scanty information was obtained on the other Chaetura species. For Chapman’s Swift nothing was found out except that the in- dividual caught on November 27, 1960, was undergoing slight body moult. For the Band-rumped Swift there were only two observations of note. On July 9 and 11, 1959, as already mentioned, a pair was found to be feeding young in a hole about 30 feet up in the trunk of a Chataigne tree ( Pachira in- signis) . This is the first indication of the breed- ing site of the species. A flash photograph of Short-tailed Swifts roosting in one of the man- holes on February 27, 1958, showed the pres- ence among them of a single Band-rumped Swift. This appears to be the first record of roosting for the species. More information came from the trapping program. Twenty-one Band-rumped Swifts were caught in mist-nets in the Arima Valley, 6 in January, 1 in February, 1 in April, 2 in August, 8 in October and 3 in November. One caught on August 3 was finishing its wing-moult, the two outer primaries not being full-grown. Another, caught on October 23, was probably just finishing its wing-moult as some of the primary coverts were growing but not the pri- maries themselves, which were fresh. These were the only examples of wing-moult. Eleven of the 17 birds trapped in the months October- January were undergoing body-moult. The weights of these trapped birds are given in the Appendix. For the Gray-rumped Swift even less infor- mation was obtained from field observation. I once almost certainly saw a pair enter a cleft in an Immortelle tree ( Erythrina micropteryx ) about 1,000 feet above sea level in the Arima Valley at dusk, but the light was so bad that when the birds, which I had had under observa- tion for half an hour as they circled the tree, finally entered, or appeared to enter, the hole, I could not be certain of what I had seen. Forty-three Gray-rumped Swifts were caught in mist-nets, in several months of the year. An analysis of the moults of these birds is given in Table III. It will be seen that 9 of the 13 birds trapped between June 14 and November 6 were undergoing wing-moult, but none of the 29 birds trapped from January 5 to May 26. The bird trapped on May 26 had an incubation patch and weighed 16 gm., the highest weight recorded (see Appendix), and so was clearly laying eggs. This evidence suggests that the Gray-rumped Swift has much the same breeding season as the Short-tailed Swift. Table III. Moult Data for Trapped Chaetura cinereiventris Number of individuals showing Body-moult Wing-moult only No moult Jan. 14 2 Feb. 2 April 4 6 May 1 June 1 1 July 1 Aug. 1 Oct. 3 Nov. 4 2 The Moulting Sequence in Chaetura Nine moulting Short-tailed Swifts were ex- amined, nine moulting Gray-rumped Swifts, and one moulting Band-rumped Swift. The wing-moult follows the pattern that is general in many birds; the primaries moult in sequence from inside outwards and the secondaries cen- tripetally from the two ends. For the primary moult, which spans practically the entire period of the moult, the following stages are recognized, using a method of notation adapted from Miller (1961) : Stage 1, 1st (innermost) primary grow- ing, 2-10 old; Stage 2, 2nd primary growing, 3- 10 old; and so on to Stage 9, 9th primary grow- ing, 10th old; Stage 10, 10th primary growing. The secondaries are much shorter than the primaries and their replacement is much more rapid. They do not begin to be moulted until the primary moult is well advanced, and they finish before the primaries finish. No difference was noted between the Short-tailed and Gray- rumped Swifts in this respect. Three birds were examined whose primary moult was at Stage 6; 1962] Snow: Biology of Some Trinidad Swifts 135 all had old secondaries. Two were examined at Stage 7; in one the secondaries had begun to moult, but not in the other. Three at Stage 8 were all replacing their secondaries. Two at Stage 9 and two at Stage 10 had all finished re- placing them. The tail moults centripetally. It begins after the primary moult has begun and ends at about the time that the primary moult ends. In the Short-tailed Swift it seems, by extrapolation from the specimens examined, that the tail be- gins to moult at Stage 4 or 5 in the primary moult, but no birds were examined at these stages. In the Gray-rumped Swift the tail moult begins later, at Stage 7 or 8. This difference between the two species is apparent from the following comparison of birds at the same stages of primary moult: Short-tailed Swift Gray-rumped Swift Stage 6. Two birds, both half way through tail-moult One bird, tail not moulting Stage 7. Two birds, about three- quarters through tail- moult Stage 8. One bird; tail-moult nearly complete Two birds; one just starting tail-moult, the other half way through Stage 9. One bird; tail-moult complete One bird; tail-moult nearly complete Stage 10. — Two birds ; tail-moult nearly complete Besides being less regular in its sequence than which small streams flow under the main road the wing-moult, the tail-moult is also sometimes not complete Two birds that were not moulting showed incomplete replacement of the tail-feath- ers: in one the outermost pair of feathers, and in the other the central pair, were old and worn, the rest of the tail-feathers being new. The Breeding of Cypseloides rutilus Belcher & Smooker give records of three clutches, from two nests, and Orton (1871) mentions the nest-site. These appear to be the only breeding records published for the Chest- nut-collared Swift. During the present study ten occupied nests were found, and two other unoc- cupied nests. Nests are usually repaired and used year after year, and the ten occupied nests gave records of 33 nestings. that runs up the Arima Valley. The remaining nest was in a small sea cave on the north coast. Owing to the collapse of its roof, this cave had become a hole with a low tunnel leading through to the sea. The nest was sit- uated 7 feet up, under an overhang above the landward end of the tunnel. Chestnut-collared Swifts were also seen during the breeding sea- son entering and leaving La Vache cave on the north coast, a large sea cave occupied by Oil- birds ( Steatornis caripensis) , and flying out of a sea cave on the north side of Huevos Island, off the northwest corner of Trinidad. There are many caves along the north coast of Trinidad and the off-lying islands, and doubtless Chestnut- collared Swifts breed in them in considerable numbers. Nest and Nest-site The nest is a substantial bracket, semicircular in horizontal section, with a shallow depression for the eggs. It is made of various plant fibres, usually including some moss, and is fixed, pre- sumably with saliva, onto a smooth rock-face or wall, a few feet above water. The natural nest- sites in the Northern Range of Trinidad are vertical or overhanging rock-faces at the sides of mountain streams or gorges; eight nests were found in such sites. In addition, one nest was found under a bridge, about 16 feet above the water, and two were found in culverts, through Breeding Season and Breeding Statistics The breeding season is much the same as that of the Short-tailed Swift; the first eggs were laid in April or May in each year, and the last in August. The date of laying of 32 clutches is shown in Table IV (one nest could not be dated accurately enough for inclusion). Is is curious that two of Belcher & Smooker’s three clutches fall outside these limits. One of them was accu- rately dated August 31 -September 2, only a little later than the latest of my nests; the other was found on November 10. The possibility that the 136 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 12 Table IV. Breeding Season of Cypseloides rutilus Number of nests started in half monthly periods April 2 1 May 1 3 May 2 3 June 1 4 June 2 4 July 1 2 July 2 6 Aug. 1 5 Aug. 2 4 latter was an old deserted clutch is not men- tioned. In all cases except one, the clutch was two eggs. The interval between the laying of the two eggs was not accurately determined, but at one nest it was at least two days and the other rec- ords are all consistent with a two-day interval between eggs. The single clutch of one egg was laid in cir- cumstances that suggested a bird breeding for the first time. The nest was begun in June, 1961, in a site that was known not to have been used for at least four years, as the place had been under fairly frequent observation. Building was slow and was hindered by heavy rain which caused part of the nest to fall away. The nest was finally completed by the third week of August and the single egg was laid a few days later. The incubation period (from the laying of the second egg to the hatching of the second young) was ascertained at three nests to be 22, 22-23 and 24 days. Fledging periods were ascertained to within a few days at four nests, and were found to be 37-44, 38-40, 39-40 and 39-41 days. At another nest the date of hatching was not known, but the period from the laying of the second egg to the flying of the two young was found to be 60-63 days. Two of the nests that were followed through a complete breeding season were used only once, ten were used twice and one was used three times, the first two attempts being unsuccessful and the third successful. The season would not be long enough for three broods to be reared. The most complete record was obtained for one nest-site that was occupied for five successive years, though eggs were not laid in it in the fifth year. Two broods were reared in 1957, two in 1958 and one in 1959. In 1960 the first brood was reared and a second clutch was laid but was lost soon afterwards. In the off-season 1960/61 the nest, which was only about four feet above the water of a rock-bound pool in a mountain stream, was washed away. Another nest was built in April, 1961, a few feet away, but even nearer the water; it remained empty for several weeks, then it too was washed away in July. The bird returned to the old site and built a new nest in late July and August; but probably by then the season was too far advanced and no eggs were laid in it. The history of this nest- site in shown graphically in Text-fig 1. Intervals between broods (from the flying of the young to the laying of the first egg of the next clutch) were rather short. Those that were known to within a range of six days were as follows: 4-8, 5-11, 6-11, 9-11, 10-13 days. In MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. 1957 1959 1980 1961 Text-fig. 1. Occupation of a Chestnut-collared Swift nest-site over five breeding seasons. Each nesting is indicated by a heavy line, and the hatching date by a short bar. Dots: nest-building. For further details see text. 1962] Snow: Biology of Some Trinidad Swifts 137 addition there was one instance of the first egg of the second clutch being laid 3-5 days before the single nestling of the previous brood left the nest. The two intervals following loss of eggs were longer than those following successful fledging: 13-17 and 21-23 days. Chestnut-collared Swifts’ nests seem to be safe from predators, and breeding success was fairly high: 15 (63%) of the 24 nestings which could be used for analysis resulted in fledged young. Two clutches were soaked by water running down the rock-face after heavy rain and were abandoned. The eggs or young disappeared from six nests, and one was deserted for no known reason. Although the hatching rate was high in the successful nests (27 out of the 29 eggs that survived to the expected date of hatching), there were a few losses of eggs during incubation, and some losses of young at all stages, and the mean number of young leaving 18 successful nests (all of which had clutches of 2 eggs) was 1.3. An estimation of the reproductive rate can be made from these figures, which there is no rea- son to think are untypical. If the mean number of nesting attempts per year is taken to be two, nesting success is 63%, and the number of young fledging from successful nests is on average 1.3, each breeding pair will rear on average 1.6 young per year. Adaptations to Cliff-nesting There is suggestive evidence that birds which nest in safe sites tend to have longer incubation and fledging periods than related species nesting in sites more exposed to predation, presumably because the selective pressure for quick develop- ment is relaxed (Lack, 1 954). This may be part of the reason for the long incubation and fledg- ing periods of the Chestnut-collared Swift com- pared with Chaetura species, which are almost certainly tree-hole nesters by origin. If clutch-size is limited by the number of young that can be fed, a reduction in the rate of development of the young will enable clutch- size to be increased. As Lack points out, there is good evidence that this has happened: passer- ines with safe nest-sites tend to have not only slower rates of development but also larger clutches than passerines with exposed nest-sites. The small clutch of the Chestnut-collared Swift and of other Cypseloides species (Lack, 1956), compared with Chaetura species, is contrary to this rule. Probably it is due to the nature of the nest-site. Chaetura nestlings climb out of the nest when half-grown, so that large families can be reared from their small nests, but it would be impossible for half-grown Chestnut-collared Swifts to cling safely to the smooth, often over- hanging rock-faces to which the nest is fixed, and two full-grown young are as many as can be accommodated on the flatfish top of the nest. Towards the end of their nestling period they exercise their wings while hanging to the outer rim of the nest, a method also recorded for the Black Swift (Bent, 1940). An alternative explanation for the small clutch-size in Cypseloides is that their method of feeding is such that they are unable to find food for more than one or two nestlings. As mentioned above, Chestnut-collared Swifts feed higher than the Chaetura species, and the density of flying insects must in general decrease with altitude. The point cannot be ruled out, yet it seems unlikely that in many different habitats, and over a wide range of latitude, Chaetura species are always about three times as efficient at collecting food as Cypseloides species. Lack (1956) has stated that among swifts only the Hemiprocninae and Cypsiurus develop nestling down, presumably for warmth and cam- ouflage, as they nest in exposed sites. But downy young have been recorded for the Black Swift (Bent, 1940), and in the Chestnut-collared Swift, too, the nestling develops thick down. Like the Black Swift, the Chestnut-collared Swift is hatched naked and grows its down after a few days; Table V gives details of the develop- ment of a nestling whose exact age was known. Presumably in Cypseloides the nestling down is primarily an adaptation for heat conservation. The shady and damp places where they nest are several degrees colder than the surroundings. Hovering Flight in Cypseloides and Chaetura It does not seem to have been recorded that some swifts on occasion adopt a hovering method of flight in which the wing action must be more like that of a hummingbird than of a swift in normal flight. During night visits to the Oilbird colony in the Arima gorge, roosting Chestnut-collared Swifts were sometimes dis- turbed by my torchlight and would fly slowly about the cave with a hovering flight, the body being rather upright, until they came in contact with a rock-face to which they could cling. Twice I easily caught a bird as it hovered slowly towards me and clung to my clothing. In the same gorge in the day-time Chestnut-collared Swifts, when disturbed from their nests, would fly off with the usual rapid flight, as do those disturbed from nests in more open places along streams. Limited observations suggested that they normally also fly to their nests with rapid flight. Under undisturbed conditions, the hover- ing flight is probably used by the swifts when going to roost in caves and dark gullies at dusk. 138 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 12 Table V. Development of Nestling Chestnut-collared Swift Date Age j Description 3 June Just hatched Naked; skin pink; down rudiments visible as dark spots on upper surface. 6 June 3 days Down visible as blackish streaks, not yet through skin. 9 June 6 days Down beginning to sprout on upper surface. Rhythmic clutching movements with feet when removed from nest. 13 June 10 days Eyes just open; gray woolly down all over upper surface, much sparser on under- side. 17 June 14 days Thick down above and below. Primary and secondary coverts up to 1 mm. out of sheath; primaries and secondaries as long pin-feathers. 22 June 19 days Thick down all over body; feathers in sheath beneath down; front half of head feath- ered, feathers of fore-crown sooty with rusty fringes; wing-feathers 10-15 mm., tail-feathers c. 5 mm. beyond sheaths. 27 June 24 days Head well feathered; wing- and tail-feathers well grown. 8 July 35 days Nearly ready to fly; collar dull rufous. 11 July 38 days Still in nest in late afternoon. 14 July 41 days Nest empty. and perhaps going to nests in clefts where a straight run-in is not possible. Its value in allow- ing safe flight in dark and confined places is ob- vious. Short-tailed Swifts were seen to use the same hovering flight when rising vertically out of the man-holes where they nested. As they rose clear of the hole they at once changed to the usual rapid flight and flew off low, skimming the grass. Chaetura species must always fly thus when they leave narrow chimneys or other cavities with a top hole. Summary The breeding and other aspects of the biology of swifts of the genera Chaetura and Cypseloides were studied in Trinidad, West Indies. The status of the five resident and one migrant species is summarized. A small breeding colony of Chaetura brachy- ura was kept under observation for five breeding seasons. The breeding season extended from April to early September. Most birds made from one to three nesting attempts in each season. Mean clutch-size was 3.6 eggs, the incubation period was 17-18 days, the fledging period 30- 40 days. Breeding success was low, but was con- sidered not to be typical, owing to the unusual nest-sites (underground sewer manholes). After the breeding season, moulting birds often spend part of the day clumped together in the nest- holes. Data are presented on weights and measure- ments of Chaetura brachyura, C. cinereiventris and C. spinicauda, and on the sequence of moult in C. brachyura and C. cinereiventris. Data are given on 33 nestings of Cypseloides rutilus, nesting on overhanging cliffs above streams, under bridges and culverts, and in sea caves. The species is single or double brooded, and repairs and re-uses its old nests year after year. The clutch normally consists of 2 eggs. Incubation lasts 22-24 days, and the fledging period is about 40 days. The young is hatched naked, but develops a thick covering of down. The small clutch, the long development period and the nestling down are all considered to be correlated with the specialized nest-site. Literature Cited Beebe, W. 1949. The swifts of Rancho Grande, north-cen- tral Venezuela, with special reference to migration. Zoologica, 34: 53-62. Belcher, C., & G. D. Smooker 1936. Birds of the Colony of Trinidad and To- bago. Part 3. Ibis, (13) 6: 1-35. 1962] Snow: Biology of Some Trinidad Swifts 139 Bent, A. C. 1940. Life histories of North American cuckoos, goatsuckers, hummingbirds and their allies. Smiths. Inst. Bull. no. 176. Bond, J. 1928. On the birds of Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, and Barbados, B.W.I. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 80: 523-545. Eisenmann, E. 1955. The species of Middle American birds. Trans. Linn. Soc. N. Y., 7. Fisher, R. B. 1958. The breeding biology of the Chimney Swift. New York State Mus. Bull. no. 368. Haverschmidt, F. 1958. Schornsteine als Massenschlafplatz von Chaetura brachyura in Surinam. J. Orn., 99: 89-91. Lack, D. 1954. The natural regulation of animal num- bers. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1956. A review of the genera and nesting habits of swifts. Auk, 73: 1-32. Miller, A. H. 1961. Molt cycles in equatorial Andean spar- rows. Condor, 63: 143-161. Orton, J. 1871. Notes on some birds in the museum of Vassar College. Amer. Nat., 4: 713. Roberts, H. R. 1934. List of Trinidad birds with field notes. Tropical Agriculture, 11: 87-99. Sick, H. 1948. The nesting of Chaetura andrei meridion- als. Auk, 65: 515-520. 1951. Umstellung der Nistweise beim Stachel- schwanzsegler Chaetura andrei. J. Orn., 93: 38-41. 1958. Geselligkeit, Schornstein-Benutzung und Ueberwinterung beim brasilianischen Stachelschwanzsegler Chaetura andrei. Vogelwarte, 19: 248-253. 1959. Notes on the biology of two Brazilian swifts, Chaetura andrei and Chaetura cin- ereiventris. Auk, 76: 471-477. Sutton, G. M. 1951. Mexican birds: first impressions. Univer- sity of Oklahoma Press, Norman. Wetmore, A. 1957. Species limitation in certain groups of the swift genus Chaetura. Auk, 74: 383-385. Appendix Wing-Lengths and Weights The figures in parentheses give the number meas- ured, and are followed by the range and the mean. Weights were recorded immediately after cap- ture, except where specified. Wings were measured in the normally closed position, the primaries re- taining their natural curvature. Chaetura brachyura Wing (10) 116-130, 119.9 mm. Weight (11) 17-30. 19.8 gm. The large weight-range is due to a single bird of 30 gm.; all the others were between 17 and 22 gm. This very heavy bird, a female, was caught on March 22, about six weeks before breeding began; it was very fat, the ovary being still quite small. The other birds were all caught in August and September. Chaetura cinereiventris Wing (37) 98-105, 101. 5 mm. Weight (43) 12.5-16. 13.8 gm. Chaetura spinicauda Wing (19) 98-107, 102.6 mm. Weight (21) 13-18, 14.2 gm. Chaetura chapmani Wing (1) 120 mm. Weight (1) 25.5 gm. Cypseloides rutilus Weight (2) 20, 22 gm. The lighter of the two birds was captured in the evening and weighed early next morning. Cypseloides zonaris Weight (3) 60, 63.5, 74 gm. The two lighter birds had been knocked down with sling-shots from a low-flying flock and had been several hours without food when weighed. 13 The Genetics of Some Polymorphic Forms of the Butterflies Heliconius melpomene Linnaeus and H. erato Linnaeus. I. Major Genes. 1,2 J. R. G. Turner3 Sub-Department of Genetics, The University of Liverpool & Jocelyn Crane Department of Tropical Research, New York Zoological Society, New York 60, N. Y. (Plate I; Text-figure 1) [This paper is one of a series emanating from the tropical Field Station of the New York Zoological Society at Simla, Arima Valley, Trinidad, West Indies. The Station was founded in 1950 by the Zoo- logical Society’s Department of Tropical Research, under the direction of Dr. William Beebe. It com- prises 200 acres in the middle of the Northern Range, which includes large stretches of undisturbed government forest reserves. The laboratory of the Station is intended principally for research in tropi- cal ecology and in animal behavior. The altitude of the research area is 500 to 1,800 feet, with an annual rainfall of more than 100 inches. [For further ecological details of meteorology and biotic zones see “Introduction to the Ecology of the Arima Valley, Trinidad, B.W.I.” by William Beebe. Zoologica, 1952, Vol. 37, No. 13, pp. 157-184.] Contents pAGE I. Introduction 141 II. The Genetics of H. melpomene 142 A. Materials and Methods 142 B. Results 144 1. Inheritance of the Ray pattern. ... 144 2. Inheritance of the Dennis pattern . . 145 3. Inheritance of the width of the bands 145 iContribution No. 1019, Department of Tropical Re- search, New York Zoological Society. ^This study has been supported by the National Sci- ence Foundation (G6376). A grant-in-aid from the National Geographic Society is also gratefully acknowl- edged. Much of the field work was made possible through the co-operation of the Alcoa Steamship Com- pany and the Suriname Aluminum Company. 4. Linkage of Ray, Dennis and Band factors 145 III. The Genetics of H. erato 149 A. Materials and Methods 149 B. Results 149 IV. Discussion 150 V. Summary 151 VI. References 151 I. Introduction THE neotropical butterflies Heliconius melpomene and H. erato (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Heliconiinae) show com- plex parallel polymorphism in their wing mark- ings (Oberthiir, 1902; Eltringham, 1916; Joicey & Kaye, 1916). In connection with research into the biology of the heliconiine butterflies of Trini- dad4, the genetics of several of the polymorphic forms of H. melpomene has been investigated. Crosses were made between several forms bred from eggs obtained in the wild in Surinam (Dutch Guiana) and between the Surinam stock and insects from Trinidad, West Indies, where the species is monornorphic. The results show that most of the differences between the major poly- morphic forms studied are produced by genes in the same linkage group; analysis of previously described broods of H. erato (Beebe, 1955) 3Present address: Genetics Laboratory, Zoology De- partment, University of Oxford, Great Britain. 4ReIated in different degrees to the present contribu- tion are the following: Beebe, 1955; Crane, 1955, 1957; Fleming, 1960; Beebe, Crane & Fleming, 1960; Alex- ander. 1961.1, 1961.2. 141 142 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 13 shows that the mode of inheritance of analogous patterns in this species is very similar to that in melpomene. This paper deals with differences produced by major genes; a second paper will deal with quantitative variation (Turner, in press). The preliminary work involved in assembling the material was long and exacting. The difficul- ties included irregular seasonal scarcities, the intermittent prevalence of disease, the apparent impossibility of hand-pairing the images, the usually rapid deterioration of the stock with in- breeding and, finally, the fact that the larvae, being not only non-gregarious but incompatible, had to be reared singly. We would like, there- fore, to express particular thanks to the people responsible, through parts of two years at the Trinidad Field Station, for the collection of the stock and the rearing of the resultant broods. Included are Mr. Henry Fleming, who collected the breeding stock on field trips to Surinam and who designed the breeding cages, and the fol- lowing laboratory assistants: Mesdames Susan Allan, Kathleen Campbell, Frances W. Gibson and Jane S. Kinne, and Misses Constance Carter and Diana Jeffrey. Our appreciation for help in later stages of the work goes to Dr. P. M. Sheppard of the University of Liverpool for reading the draft of the paper, to Professor K. Mather, F.R.S., for giving us his valuable opinion on the crossover values, and to Prof. R. J. Pumphrey, F.R.S., for reading the script. Finally, we express our indebtedness to the late Dr. William Beebe for his continued and constructive interest in the general study of the biology of the heliconiines and for his helpful suggestions in the course of the present section of the work. II. The Genetics of H. melpomene A. Materials and Methods 1. Methods of Collection. Most of the mate- rial for the present contribution was collected in Surinam in December, 1958, and during the same month in 1959. Rearing and breeding were carried out at the Trinidad Field Station. Crosses between Surinam material and melpomene from Trinidad were produced by mating stock living near the field station with broods resulting from the eggs and larvae collected in Surinam. In both years the Surinam collections were made during pronounced dry seasons in the vicinity of Moengo, a bauxite mining commu- nity in the northeastern part of the country. Some were taken near the wharf and others close to the Moengo end of a 30-mile road join- ing Moengo and Albina. The latter town borders the Maroyne (=Maroni) River which separates Surinam from the region of French Guiana from which came the collection described by Joicey & Kaye (1916). The Moengo area has become so well known to us over a period of years that individual food plants, located in previous sea- sons in an area of some 20 square miles, could be revisited daily. Eggs and larvae of H. melpomene were ex- ceedingly scarce during the two collecting peri- ods under consideration, each of which lasted one week. The total catch numbered 13 in 1958 and 17 in 1959; each year the specimens were found in only two small areas; 12 of those taken in 1958 came in fact from a single vine. During each year only two or three imagos were seen flying in the entire area of search. It therefore seems likely that the resultant broods came from not more than several females each season. 2. Methods of Breeding. A summary of the material is given in Table I. As indicated, the broods resulting from the eggs collected in De- cember, 1958, were exceedingly subject to dis- ease and/or genetic weakness. In the following year therefore it was thought wise to breed pairs in which the males and females in the genera- tion came from localities separated by approxi- mately 10 miles. Abnormalities, particularly crumpled wings and the inability to emerge fully from the pupal case, as well as a number of forms of disease and/or abnormalities in the larvae, frequently appear in the second inbred generation. Even when inbreeding is avoided, however, as in our nongenetical studies, it is not possible ever to plan definitely to rear particular species of heliconiines, including H. melpomene, in any given season, because of the frequent occurrence Table I. Year ] 1 Eggs Laid p Eggs Hatched % Hatched Larvae Successfully Reared % Larvae Successfully Reared of Eggs Laid % Larvae Successfully Reared of Eggs Hatched 1959 248 227 91.6% 25 10.1% 11% I960 2,605 1,832 70.4% 777 29.8% 44.7% 1962] Turner & Crane: Genetics of Some Polymorphic Forms of Butterflies 143 of disease. Sometimes a year of abundance is followed by two poor seasons as in the material under consideration; sometimes good and poor years alternate; rarely do two good years follow each other. Evidence is accumulating that poor seasons occur simultaneously in Surinam and Trinidad, and that both the annual amount of rain and the condition of the food plants are involved. The eggs and larvae collected in Surinam were brought to Trinidad by air and reared in the laboratory by the same general method pre- viously described (Crane, 1955, pp. 168-170; Beebe, Crane & Fleming, 1960, pp. 113-115). Briefly, this consists of rearing each caterpillar in an individual dish, because of the cannibalistic habits of the early instars and the frequent ag- gressive behavior of larger larvae. Low slender dishes, 60 X 28 mm. in size and with ground glass lids, are ideal containers during the first three to four instars. When adequate space and glassware become a problem the early instars are also reared in 3 X 1-inch vials, with the uncorked mouths pushed into a tray of damp sand. Humidity, a most important factor in the rearing of heliconiines, is difficult to control when the vials are used. In the stender dishes and in the 4 x 4 X 2.5-inch glass refrigerator dishes used for the last one or two instars, humidity is furnished by small sections of cotton dental wads, which are saturated and squeezed partly dry. Larvae also drink from drops of water left on the sprinkled leaves. The normal foodplant of the species both in Surinam and in Trinidad is Passiflora laurifolia L. Eggs have been collected also in the field and reared in the laboratory on three other species of the same genus, P. auriculata HBK, tuberosa Jacquin and lonchophora L. Before the prepupal wandering phase, larvae for genetical study are furnished with a piece of firm wire netting laid beneath the glass cover of the dish. Healthy larvae climb on the netting and usually spin the pad toward the middle of the screen, pupation normally taking place the following morning. Pupae are kept undisturbed for 24 hours, after which each screen with its label is transferred to the top of a jar or tumbler above a well-soaked cotton wad. The approximate usual durations of the devel- opmental stages are as follows: Egg, 4 days; larval instars, 15; pupal, 9 to 10. Further details are given in Beebe, Crane & Fleming, loc. cit. The night before emergence, if the imago is certainly not to be bred, the screen with the pupa is transferred to the top of a cylinder made of soft wire netting and set in a dish of damp sand. After emergence the butterfly is allowed to dry the newly expanded wings for several hours be- fore being placed, wings folded, in a transparent plastic envelope, and chloroformed. About 24 hours later, when rigor mortis has passed, the butterfly is removed, the wings opened out flat with forceps, and the insect returned to the en- velope. In the absence of a drying cabinet the envelopes may be stored in a cardboard carton and, without uncovering, exposed daily to hot sun or the top of a warm oven. Abundant and constant paradichlorobenzine is a tropical neces- sity, not only to ward off pests but to prevent mold. The prompt spreading of the wings and storage of the insect in fully transparent en- velopes eliminates both pinning and traditional spreading techniques; considerable time is thus saved, while shipping, sorting and study are all facilitated. Butterflies intended for breeding are treated as follows. Males are released, as soon as the wings dry, into isolation cages of wire mesh measuring at least six feet on a side. When more than one male is kept temporarily in the same cage, the specimens are marked with water- proof, quick-drying lacquer. The males are al- lowed to mature to the requisite age for mating before being placed in a cage with a female, since courtship is then more likely to take place, particularly between individuals of low vitality. No male mates before the second morning after emergence, at the imaginal age of about 48 hours; 72 hours is the normal age in melpomene while 96 hours is occasional. Males are placed singly in breeding cages that measure at least 9x9x8 feet, preferably on the night before breeding is expected to take place, so that any shock of handling is minimized and time allowed for recovery. The insect should never be picked up between bare fingers or chased with a net; a strip of wax paper will insulate wings from the fingers or a small net may be used after the insect has come to rest. Females to be bred are placed either in small isolation cages or directly in the breeding cage. Mating can occur in this species at any imaginal age from about 1 Vi hours to about 12 days. Females are most attractive on the first and sec- ond days. Males may be bred at least four times with healthy offspring resulting. They are not known to mate on successive days, although mating is often repeated when one day has elapsed between the pairings. Successful breed- ing has resulted in males more than two months old. It has not been found possible to pair any heliconiine by hand5, and they have not been l'Dione juno, which rarely mates or oviposits in cap- tivity, can be hand mated and will readily lay when 144 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 13 mated successfully in cages much smaller than the size specified above. Females will however lay eggs in normal numbers in cages measuring about six feet in each dimension. Single individ- uals of either sex may be kept when necessary for two or, rarely, three days in cages about three feet on a side; however, they must be fed, beginning on the second morning, with flowers placed on a shelf near the cage top in the bright- est corner. If the butterflies are kept longer in such cramped quarters, their vitality proves to be impaired when eventually they are moved to the breeding cages. Details of the maintenance of butterfly in- sectaries will be found in Crane & Fleming, 1953, and Crane, 1955, 1957. The principal factors ensuring success, regardless of cage size, are: abundant natural flower food; abundant humidity, maintained through sprinkling when necessary; foliage, or at least growing grass, inside the cage; and ample sun and shade. No female has ever been found to lay eggs on any plant not belonging to the genus Passiflora. The maximum number of eggs laid by a single H. melpomene was 196 over a period of fifty- five days. One to four eggs are usually laid per day, rarely more, beginning on the eighth to fif- teenth day after emergence. The major egg- laying period is finished after about two weeks; later in the female’s life eggless days may be- come frequent. Eggs are collected every after- noon to avoid predation by ants. It is doubtless unnecessary to emphasize the importance for care and detail in labelling at every step of the study, from the gathering of eggs, whether wild or cage-laid, to the final labels on the envelopes holding the imagos. Self-adhesive labels are used on the rearing dishes while metal garden markers work well on breeding and egg-laying cages out-of-doors. 3. Methods of Study. The wing pattern of mel- pomene is made up of a number of elements which vary independently and which occur in most if not all possible combinations, each one of which has a separate taxonomic name (Seitz, 1913; Joicey & Kaye, 1916). Rather than be- come involved in nomenclatural difficulties, we have adopted the procedure recommended by Camp and Gilmour (Gilmour, 1958) in another context, of keeping the genetic and taxonomic confined in a black silk-organza sleeve. Heliconius nu- mata and H. erato have been hand mated and the latter has laid in a sleeve. However, both species are refractory in these respects and the techniques are not recom- mended unless the normal methods have failed. names completely separate; this system also has the advantage that the same notation may be used for H. erato. The various pattern elements we studied are therefore designated by English names, with appropriate symbolic letters, as follows:— Ray (R) : the presence of four to six red radiate marks on the discal part of the upperside of the hindwing (PI. I, Fig. 1); nonray (r) : the absence of such red rays (PI. I, Figs. 2-5); Dennis (D) : the presence of extensive red areas at the base of the forewings on the upper and under sides, and on the base of the hindwings on the up- perside (PI. I, Figs. 1-3); nondennis (d) : the absence of such red areas (PL I, Figs. 4-5); Wide-band (B) : the presence of a broad red band extending from the costal edge of the forewing towards the inner angle (PI. I, Figs. 1, 2 & 4); narrow-band (b) : the presence of a narrow red band extending from the costal edge of the forewing toward the inner angle (PI. I, Figs. 3 & 5). In addition there was much quantitative vari- ation in the width and shape of the forewing bands and in the amount of yellow pigment in the discal area of the forewing, which will be discussed in the second paper (Turner, 1962). In the course of the present study, Crane has been responsible for the Trinidad aspects, in- cluding methodology, pair selection and super- vision of rearing and recording. The work of analysis, on the other hand, has been accom- plished altogether by Turner at the University of Liverpool. B. Results Data for all the broods reared will be found in Tables II and III. In the light of our findings we have deduced the genotypes of most of the parent butterflies, although in some instances, marked with an asterisk, it has been possible only to indicate the most likely genotype, as- suming that crossing-over has not occurred. Note that as the Trinidad population is monomorphic all Trinidad butterflies must be homozygous at the major loci. 1. Inheritance of the Ray Pattern. The only brood in which this pattern occurred (Table XI, 1 ) shows that it is probably inherited as a single factor, one of the parents of the brood being a recessive homozygote, the other a heterozy- gote, but it is not possible to tell from the data 1962] Turner & Crane: Genetics of Some Polymorphic Forms of Butterflies 145 Table II. Breeding Data for H. melpomene (First Series). (1959) $ Parent 9 Parent Brood Brood No. Brood or Origin Phenotype Origin Phenotype BDR Bdr bdr Total 8 0 1 0 1 1 Surinam Bdr Surinam BDR $ 3 4 0 7 3 5 0 8 $ 0 2 6 8 2 Surinam Bdr Surinam bdr 2 0 3 2 5 0 5 8 13 3 Surinam Bdr Surinam Bdr 8 0 2 0 2 4 3 Bdr Trinidad Bdr 8 0 1 0 1 5 Surinam Bdr Trinidad Bdr 8 0 1 0 1 whether the gene is dominant or recessive; the use of the capital R for the Ray pattern is there- fore provisional. For reasons explained under Section 4 below, it is apparent that the locus is not sex-linked. 2. Inheritance of the Dennis Pattern. A large number of broods show that this pattern is pro- duced by a single dominant gene which is not sex-linked. For example, in Table III, broods 3, 6 and 27, all of which are D x D, give a satisfactory approximation to the ratio 3 D:1 d. The dominance of the D gene is confirmed by brood 23, and broods 14, 22, 24, 26 and 32 among others conform to the 1:1 backcross ratio, so confirming that a single gene is in- volved. Broods 22, 24 and 26 also show that the gene is autosomal, for if it were sex-linked all males would be nondennis and all females Dennis. The anomalous individuals in brood 7 are assumed to be the result of an error. 3. Inheritance of the Width of the Bands. Similarly the difference between a Wide-band and a narrow-band is produced by a single auto- somal locus, the factor for Wide-band being dominant. In Table III, among others, broods 4, 9, 10 and 22 are seen to be F2 generations, corresponding to the 3:1 ratio, broods 13, 23 and 29 are backcross generations and brood 13 demonstrates the absence of sex-linkage. Again the anomalous individual (brood 28) is assumed to result from an error. 4. Linkage of Ray, Dennis and Band Factors. The three loci controlling the patterns Ray and Dennis and the width of the band are all in the same linkage group. Thus in Table II, brood 1 is apparently a backcross for the Ray and Dennis factors and departs significantly from independ- ent assortment (P < .01 by Fisher’s exact test) ; there are no crossovers. The maximum cross- over value, estimated on the assumption that if one more butterfly had emerged it would have been a crossover, is 11%, with a standard error of ± 11%. It is therefore highly unlikely that the COV is more than 30% and it may be much lower. We stated earlier that the Ray locus was not sex-linked; the reason for this conclusion is now obvious. The data themselves do not exclude the pos- sibility that the Ray locus is on a separate chromosome from the Dennis locus, but that the R gene can only express itself in the presence of the D gene; however we think this unlikely, as there is a variety of H. melpomene in which the Ray pattern occurs independently of the Dennis pattern (var. contiguus, see Eltringham, 1916, plate XII, 26). As this variety apparently occurs only in Ecuador (Joicey & Kaye, 1916: p. 420), it is possible that the COV between D and R is very low. Similarly the D and B loci are linked, as is shown by broods 22 and 24 (P for independent assortment less than .0003). If crossovers had occurred they could have been detected by in- spection of the phenotypes in broods 4, 15, 17, 22, 24, 27 and 30 (Table III); in these broods no butterflies have appeared in the crossover class (bd) and as at least one, and in some broods probably both parents in each cross are repulsion heterozygotes, it is not possible to obtain a reliable estimate of the crossover value. A total of 11 butterflies from broods 2, 14, 17 and 32 (Table III) has been crossed in such a way that their genotypes can be determined from their progeny; of these, 3 are carrying crossover chromosomes, two of them bd and one BD (the original chromosomes in the crosses 146 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 13 EQ J 3 H o SO Os K M CO D ^ Z ^ o w y > ul CO CO H a i « o. £ g 2 si BS O (L, < S< £ Q .3 o s 5 < a a CQ .a .3 CO O H x x> x 05 Q 05 O c a o a a> -C Ok o a ■g:§> £ ° 05 v-> ho m ©\ mh N r*o ( h-n h-i ,-1 fvi ts h-i hr rf c h© oo © 00 -in N © © © HH(fi W n N O N |N £0 VO ^ OKI kl -* VO ho © O jO\ © *- Of © © I© © © © © © I© Of T3 00 A ■§ OO “M” Bd Bd/bd “H” Bd Bd/bd Surinam Surinam 1962] Turner & Crane: Genetics of Some Polymorphic Forms of Butterflies 147 3 .5 c o O c no ON u 2 u C/3 Q Z O u BJ co ir^ r- loo *■ _ _4 ^ ON jo - -> loo vo *0 |*-H rr, r-i !■’*■ ■n t-~ l< ! m C4 1*0 1 ro ro r- o >o o o o lo © © © I© 'O NO © ©©j© ©©I© >— rr |i/-i ® — ’ r-ir*N|Tj- <-i © © I© © ©Oj© oooojNO vi |r~ o *o c* *o o *o o rt' £ o a d> 1-1 ctf <*> o c 3 - 3 o V5 ^ 13 ^ ■*“* S .9 ^ i2 (J K CO o a s « Q o Z 03 CL, o a o a <1) O G 4> XI CU O G ■gs* CO IS *0" « 3 T3 00 X "D © « © CQ © © © 03 © 03 © 00 « i f4 -C 3 CO © © go as Q D X) X © 03 Q X) Q Ci Q 00 03 03 s D ©' •° 03 0 2 os « T3 TJ 03 03 *0 '■a 03 CQ -o "O 03 03 Tj e° D X D 03 Q x Q x C x ^ Tf Bi J CD H «> £ O G O o i o G a> X Oh °.9 ■gf 25 co •o 03 2 © 03 s « © CQ * •* -a T3 03 CD ■*• * ’O *0 CQ 02 •O X \ ’O X T3 CQ T3 X Q X Q © x “ Q X TD rO CQ 03 \ \ "O GC3 CQ T? 03 T3 03 T5 2 Q Q © Q -a *u T3 "O -O X) CQ 00 DO oa 00 03 CQ 03 CQ 03 CD to “> w Kc io h \o N r) ht o\ n n tt n© © oooooo oo m b— i ct m 1/-1 nc n ■'O' On Cl fN pt ih h— 1 »-i (v| — 1 m c*n rn CJ >0 O O [O OOO cefli h- OOO C4 m «-i On OOO O © |© OOjO ro C4 >0 •Nt O ItJ- OOO t N Kc <-1 o |*i cn f- © © 0 O © jo r-l ■'t r' no O NO O O j© n « |Nf ♦00 +0 Ot <0 ot «OOt CQ •o X •o X •o X ”0 Q X CQ Q 03 G x G x ■a x ■o CQ •V CQ •a a X CQ Q CQ -a CQ T3 CQ ■O CQ •a *c Q x Q CQ E r ca Q.S J 1m D 00 T3 I1 ♦Indicates that the genotype is not known for certain. The genotype given is the most probable, assuming that crossing over has not occurred. Words and letters within quotation marks are the designations of wild-caught butterflies. Discrepancies in the total numbers of offspring have been produced by insects which could not be scored for sex. 1962] Turner & Crane: Genetics of Some Polymorphic Forms of Butterflies 149 being hD and Bd). Again the amount of infor- mation is so small that no reliable estimate of the crossover value can be obtained. From Tables II and III it will be seen that the following chromosomes, genotypes and pheno- types have been observed in our broods (not considering the R locus) : Chromosomes: BD, bD, Bd and bd; Genotypes: BD/Bd, Bd/Bd, bD/bD, Bd/bd, bD/bd, bD/Bd and bd/bd; Phenotypes: BD, bD, Bd and bd. That is, all possible phenotypes and chromo- somes occurred, and all but three of the possible combinations of those chromosomes. Taking the Ray pattern into account, the following pheno- types were found: BDR, BDr, bDr, Bdr, bdr. Other phenotypes have been found in the wild (loicey & Kaye, 1916). III. The Genetics of H. erato A. Materials and Methods Data presented by Beebe (1955) of broods reared from wild individuals of H. erato give information about the inheritance of various elements of the pattern in this species. The fol- lowing symbols have been used in tabulating his results:— B: a wide forewing band, as in mel- pomene; Bb: a complicated, broken forewing band, different from anything in the melpomene material; D: red pigmentation of the base of the forewing, similar to that of Dennis in melpomene, but lacking the basal red on the hindwing; d: absence of this red pigmentation; R: Ray patterns, similar to those in melpomene, but extending into the basal area of the hindwing; r: the absence of such red rays; (y) : indicates that the feature with which the symbol is bracketed is yel- low instead of red; thus if B is a red forewing band, (By) is a yellow one; w: presence of prominent white spots in the forewing band. The difference between the Dennis and Ray patterns in the two species is worthy of special note and is illustrated in Text-fig. 1; for illus- trations of the other patterns see the plates in Beebe’s paper. B. Results Beebe’s results are summarized in Table IV and permit the following conclusions:— 1. The female parent of Brood B, being from Trinidad where the species is monomorphic, must have been homozygous for all major wing-pat- tern loci. This means that in this brood the fac- tors for the D pattern, R pattern and Bb pattern (Broken-band) were all dominant and the male parent was homozygous. Unless complex factor interaction is involved, the gene for yellow col- oring of the forewing band is recessive to the gene for red coloring. 2. It is therefore likely that brood D is a back- cross for the D and R factors, the unknown male parent having been a heterozygote (P > .5). D and R could be recessive, as the fit to an F2 ratio is also good (P > .2), but in view of the result for brood B this seems unlikely. The brood gives a strong suggestion of linkage be- tween the D and R loci. Assuming that the brood is a double backcross, P for independent assortment is less than .001, and the maximum value for the crossover rate is 8% ±7%. The data do not exclude the possibilities that (a) Dennis and Ray are pleiotropes of one gene, or (b) D and R are on separate chromosomes but that one can only express itself in the presence of the other; though both these alternatives seem unlikely because of the existence of specimens Text-fig. 1. Difference between Ray and Dennis elements in H. melpomene (left) and H. erato (right). Ray element white, Dennis element stippled. 150 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 13 Table IV. Breeding Data for H. erato. (Beebe’s Data). Brood Letter $ Parent Phenotype and Origin 9 Parent Phenotype or Genotype and Origin Brood Bb DR Bb DRw (Bby) Dr BDR Bdr 1 Total A ? BbDr 9 0 0 1 0 0 1 Surinam Surinam B (Bby)DR Bdr/Bdr 13 0 0 0 0 13 Surinam Trinidad C ? Bdr $ 1 0 0 0 0 1 Surinam Surinam 9 0 1 0 0 2 3 T T ~o ~o T 4 D ? Bdr $ 0 0 0 3 5 8 Surinam Surinam 9 0 0 0 2 3 5 ~o "o ~o T 8 13 E ? Bdr $ 0 0 0 0 2 2 Surinam Surinam 9 0 0 0 0 2 2 "o ~o ~o ~o “4 ~4 Insects designated “?” were the wild mates of the females and were never seen. in which Dennis occurs without Ray (vars. dry ope and cybelina; see Seitz, 1913, PI. 78) and in which Ray occurs without Dennis (var. vesta\ see Seitz, 1913, p. 393). 3. Brood C therefore also provides evidence of linkage between the D and R loci, and be- tween these two loci and the factor, apparently Bb, which is affecting band-width in this brood; it is not possible to prove or estimate the linkage ( P for independent assortment greater than .1). It is unlikely that the Bb and D patterns are pleiotropes of the same gene, or appear linked because of factor interaction, as they can occur independently (vars. callicopis and erythraea; Seitz, 1913, PI. 78). 4. Nothing can be said about the inheritance of white coloration. 5. There is no evidence for or against sex- linkage. 6. One reservation must be made : the appar- ent linkage of the various loci could have been produced even if the loci were not linked, if the females had mated twice in the wild; double matings have been suggested by Ford (1936) to explain anomalous broods reared from wild Papilio females. IV. Discussion The polymorphisms of Heliconius erato and H. melpomene are of exceptional interest from a number of points of view. The species are undoubtedly aposematic (Crane and refs., 1955, preliminary observations; and L. P. Brower, J. V. Z. Brower & C. T. Collins, in prep., experi- mental study). Almost certainly the species are also Mullerian mimics and are involved in mim- etic relationships of amazing complexity with numerous other Lepidoptera (Eltringham, 1916). Again, the hue red, which in the most usual form of both species is present as a fore- wing band, has high value in releasing courtship behavior; in fact an all-red model of about the size of a normal butterfly acts as a supernormal stimulus (Crane, 1955, on H. erato and in prep, on H. melpomene.) Finally, evidence is emerg- ing (Beebe, Crane & Fleming, 1960; Alexander, 1960.1; and Crane et al. unpubl.) that H. mel- pomene and H. erato are closely related. In those features studied so far, both poly- morphisms are apparently controlled by loci in the same linkage group and are therefore poly- morphisms of the type described by Sheppard (1953). At least two of the elements resulting in more extensive red markings than usual are dominant in both species, while that responsible for much reduced forewing bands is recessive. We have emerging, therefore, in the study of these two species a number of related factors to be considered in our further examination of the biology and evolution of these and other heliconiines. First, the probable value of red as a warning hue associated with aposematism. Sec- ond, the definite value of the same hue in court- ship behavior, additional amounts of red having, up to a certain size, extra stimulating value in experimental situations. Third, the dominance, as shown in the present contribution, of certain elements responsible for red in excess of the usual forewing band. Fourth, the apparent oc- 1962] Turner & Crane: Genetics of Some Polymorphic Forms of Butterflies 151 currence of polymorphic forms exhibiting more than a single red forewing area of moderate size in few geographic localities, compared with the wide distribution of the species. Fifth, our field observations (unpublished and incomplete) in Surinam, indicating that individuals with the larger areas of red markings are uncommon to rare in the field. Sixth, mimicry. Seventh, multi- locus polymorphism with linked genes. V. Summary 1 . The butterflies Heliconius melpomene and H. erato are highly polymorphic; this paper, the first of two, describes differences produced by major genes. 2. In H. melpomene three major loci, all linked on the same autosome, have been dis- covered. They are: B; affecting the width of the band on the forewing; D: producing a red suffusion on the base of fore- and hindwing; and R: producing red rays on the hind- wing. One of the crossover values appears to be low (less than 30%); the other has not been determined, although crossovers have occurred. 3. In H. erato the evidence is less certain but it seems that there are three loci, all linked, which produce patterns analogous to those pro- duced by the three linked loci in melpomene. There are slight but important differences in the effects of D and R in the two species, and the B locus gene which narrows the band is dominant in erato but recessive in melpomene. 4. In erato there appears to be a single re- cessive factor which changes the color of the forewing band from red to yellow. 5. The interest of the polymorphisms in con- nection with courtship behavior, aposematism and linkage are noted. VI. References Alexander, A. J. 1961.1. A study of the biology and behavior of the caterpillars, pupae and emerging but- terflies of the subfamily Heliconiinae in Trinidad, West Indies. Part I. Some as- pects of larval behavior. Zoologica, 46: 1-24. 1961.2 A study of the biology and behavior of the caterpillars, pupae and emerging but- terflies of the subfamily Heliconiinae in Trinidad, West Indies. Part II. Molting, and the behavior of pupae and emerg- ing adults. Zoologica, 46:105-123. Beebe, W. 1952. Introduction to the ecology of the Arima Valley, Trinidad, B. W. I. Zoologica, 37: 157-184. 1955. Polymorphism in reared broods of Heli- conius butterflies from Surinam and Trin- idad. Zoologica, 40: 139-143. Beebe, W., J. Crane & H. Fleming 1960. A comparison of eggs, larvae and pupae in fourteen species of heliconiine butter- flies from Trinidad, West Indies. Zoo- logica, 45: 111-154. Crane, J.. & H. Fleming 1953. Construction and operation of butterfly insectaries in the tropics. Zoologica, 38: 161-172. Crane, J. 1955. Imaginal behavior of a Trinidad butter- fly, Heliconius erato hydara Hewitson, with special reference to the social use of color. Zoologica, 40: 167-196. 1957. Imaginal behavior in butterflies of the family Heliconiidae: Changing social pat- terns and irrelevant actions. Zoologica, 42: 135-145. Eltringham, H. 1916. On specific and mimetic relationships in the genus Heliconius. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1916: 104-148. Fleming, H. I960. The first instar larvae of the Heliconiinae (butterflies) of Trinidad, West Indies. Zoologica, 45: 91-110. Ford, E. B. 1936. The genetics of Papilio dardanus Brown (Lep.). Trans. R. Ent. Soc. Lond., 85: 435-466. Gilmour, J. S. L. 1958. The species: yesterday and tomorrow. Nature, 181: 379-380. Ioicey, J. J., & W. J. Kaye 1916. On a collection of Heliconine forms from French Guiana. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., 1916: 412-431. Oberthur, C. 1902. Observations sur la variation des Heli- conia vesta et thelxiope. Etudes d’En- tomologie, 21. 26 pp., 11 pis. Seitz, A. 1913. Heliconiinae. In Seitz, A. (ed.), 1924. The Macrolepidoptera of the World, 5. Stutt- gart. Sheppard, P. M. 1953. Polymorphism, linkage and the blood groups. Amer. Nat., 87: 283-294. 152 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 13: 1962] Turner, J. R. G. 1962. The genetics of some polymorphic forms of the butterflies Heliconius melpomene Linnaeus and H. erato Linnaeus. Part II. “Continuous” variation. Zoologica (in press). EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE Plate I Specimens of Heliconius melpomene showing the major pattern elements discussed in this paper. All the butterflies are red and black, except that the dif- fuse C-shaped or triangular mark in the forewing cell of Figs. 3 and 5, and two small areas near the costal edge of the forewing of Fig. 3, are yellow; these yellow marks will be discussed in the second paper (Turner, 1962). Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Fig. 5. Wide-band, Dennis, Ray (BDR). Wide-band, Dennis, nonray (BDr). Narrow-band, Dennis, nonray (bDr). Wide-band, nondennis, nonray (Bdr). Narrow-band, nondennis, nonray (bdr). TURNER a CRANE PLATE I FIG. 1 FIG. 2 FIG 3 FIG 4 FIG. 5 THE GENETICS OF SOME POLYMORPHIC FORMS OF THE BUTTERFLIES HELICONIUS MELPOMENE LINNAEUS AND H. ERATO LINNAEUS NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY GENERAL OFFICE 630 Fifth Avenue, New York 20, N. Y. PUBLICATION OFFICE The Zoological Park, Bronx 60, N. Y. OFFICERS PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENT Fairfield Osborn Laurance S. Rockefeller SCIENTIFIC STAFF: William G. Conway . . Director, Zoological Park Christopher W. Coates . . Director, Aquarium John Tee-Van ...... General Director Emeritus ZOOLOGICAL PARK Joseph A. Davis, Jr. . . Curator, Mammals Grace Davall Assistant Curator, Mammals and Birds William G. Conway. . Curator, Birds Peter Ames Assistant Curator, Birds Herndon G. Dowling . Curator, Reptiles Charles P. Gandal . . . Veterinarian Lee S. Crandall ..... General Curator Emeritus Roland Lindemann .... Consultant in Mam- mal Management AQUARIUM James W. Atz Curator Carleton Ray Associate Curator Ross F. Nigrelli Pathologist & Chair- man of Department of Marine Biochem- istry & Ecology C. M. Breder, Jr Research Associate in Ichthyology Harry A. Charipper. . . Research Associate in Histology SECRETARY TREASURER George W. Merck David H. McAlpin Sophie Jakowska Research Associate in Experimental Biology Klaus D. Kallman. . . . Research Associate in Genetics Louis Mowbray Research Associate in Field Biology GENERAL William Bridges . . Editor & Curator, Publications Dorothy Reville . . Editorial Assistant Sam Dunton ..... Photographer Henry M. Lester. . Photographic Consultant DEPARTMENT OF TROPICAL RESEARCH Jocelyn Crane Directing Curator John Tee-Van Associate William K. Gregory .... Associate AFFILIATE L. Floyd Clarke Director, Jackson Hole Biological Research Station EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Fairfield Osborn, Chairman James W. Atz Lee S. Crandall William Bridges Herndon G. Dowling Christopher W. Coates John Tee-Van William G. Conway f] ! I’' -j 1 1 , ■ ' •. ■ •, •• " ■. • ?v.,„ i i • 7. > - . <\. 1 n ’ **t & h i ; : : •% ?tir ■:■■■ .v>-> d ’ rft-f • • 1 \U»4^HM||pi4 S^o s'! 3 ZOOLOGICA SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 47 • QUARTERLY PART 4 • WINTER, 1962 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY The ZOOLOGICAL PARK, New York Contents PAGE 14. Effects of Hybridization on Pigmentation in Fishes of the Genus Xipho- phorus. By James W. Atz. Plates I-VIII 153 15. A Field Study of the Golden-headed Manakin, Pipra erythrocephala, in Trinidad. By D. W. Snow. Text-figures 1-6 183 16. The Natural History of the Oilbird, Steatornis caripensis, in Trinidad. W.I. Part 2. Population, Breeding Ecology and Food. By D. W. Snow. Plates I-IV; Text-figures 1-4 199 Index to Volume 47 223 Zoologica is published quarterly by the New York Zoological Society at the New York Zoological Park, Bronx Park, Bronx 60, N. Y., and manuscripts, subscriptions, orders for back issues and changes of address should be sent to that address. Subscription rates: $6.00 per year; single numbers. $1.50, unless otherwise stated in the Society’s catalog of publications. Application to mail at second-class postage rates is pending at Bronx, N. Y. Volume 47, Part 3 (Fall, 1962), was published on November 29, 1962. 14 Effects of Hybridization on Pigmentation in Fishes of the Genus Xiphophorus James W. Atz New York Aquarium, New York Zoological Society 1 and New York University 2 (Plates I-VIII) Contents page I. Introduction 153 II. Materials and Methods 154 III. Results 156 1. Inheritance of Monomorphic Pigmen- tary Patterns in Hybrids 156 2. Inheritance of Polymorphic Pigmentary Patterns in Hybrids 158 a. Micromelanophore Polymorphic Pat- terns 158 b. Macromelanophore Polymorphic Patterns 161 IV. Discussion 169 1. Genetics of Micromelanophore Pigmen- tary Patterns as Revealed by Their Appearance in Hybrids 169 2. Genetics of Melanosis and Melanoma in Hybrids 170 a. Capacity for Atypical Growth and Specificity of Macromelanophore Genes 170 b. Evidence for the Evolution of Macro- melanophore Genes and Their Poly- genic Modifiers 172 c. Atypical Pigmentation Associated with the Sc Gene 174 3. Further Aspects of Hybridization 175 V. Summary 176 VI. References 177 I. Introduction This paper is dedicated to Myron Gordon. The dedication is particularly appropri- ate for a number of reasons. Most of the hybrids treated herein were produced under 1 From the Genetics Laboratory of the New York Aquarium, New York Zoological Society. This Labora- tory is supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service, and is located at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. 2 From a dissertation submitted to the Graduate School of Arts and Science, New York University, New York, N. Y., in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Dr. Gordon’s direction, and publication of this work was one of many projects left unfinished by his untimely death in 1959. Dr. Gordon had caught the parental stock from which the crosses were made, founded the unique Genetics Labora- tory of the New York Aquarium in which they were made and, most important of all, provided the rationale under which their existence and study assumed significance. It is especially fitting that the paper appears in the scientific journal of the New York Zoological Society; Dr. Gordon was intimately associated with the Society for the major part of his career and numerous scien- tific reports by him and his associates were pub- lished in Zoologica over the years. Finally, deep personal feelings add another dimension to the dedication. Myron Gordon was a dear friend as well as mentor. It was he who suggested the pig- mentation of hybrids as a subject for a doctoral thesis and made available the fishes and facilities of the Genetics Laboratory. Myron Gordon first recognized the remark- able combination of features that makes the fishes of the genus Xiphophorus so worthy of study (Atz & Rosen, 1959). Not the least of these is their ability to hybridize with one an- other. In fact, it was the melanotic hybrids of X. maculatus—X. hellerii that first brought these fishes to the attention of biologists and medical men (Atz, 1941). Because they have been more readily available for experimentation than the other species of Xiphophorus, because their hy- brids often develop melanoma and because X. maculatus shows an unusual but clear-cut sex- linkage, these two species have been the subject of many more investigations than any of their congeners. Dr. Gordon’s broad approach to the problems of comparative oncolgy, however, in- cluded a study of all the then known species of 153 154 Zoologica: New York Zoological Society [47: 14 Xiphophorus and their hybrids.3 As can be seen in Table I, nearly two-thirds of the 28 crosses recorded up to the present were first made by Dr. Gordon (see the papers by Gordon, Gordon et al. and Rosen). The author wishes to thank Dr. Donn E. Rosen for invaluable help received during many long and spirited discussions. Dr. Klaus D. Kali- man, Research Associate in Genetics of the New York Aquarium, who succeeded Dr. Gor- don in direction of the Genetics Laboratory, also provided valuable assistance, including a critical reading of the manuscript, and this is gratefully acknowledged. Special thanks are due the Amer- ican Museum of Natural History, in particular the Department of Birds, for their most generous provision of space and facilities. II. Materials and Methods The hybrid fishes upon which this study is based have been produced over a period of more than 25 years, but the great majority of them are the result of crosses set up since 1939 in the Genetics Laboratory of the New York Aquari- um. Almost all of the stocks of fishes that have been used were derived from specimens col- lected alive in their native Mexico or British Honduras, thus insuring purity of ancestry, for domesticated fish, obtained from pet stores or commercial breeders, almost invariably have a hybrid somewhere among their progenitors. The following is a list of the strains used in the present studies, the geographical area from which they were taken, and the expedition re- sponsible for collecting the foundation speci- mens: Xiphophorus couchianus (Girard, 1 859) 4 Rio Santa Catarina, Nuevo Leon (1939) — Gordon, Atz, Evelyn Gordon; (1958)— Gordon, Evelyn Gordon. Xiphophorus variants xiphidium (Gordon, 1932) Rio Purificacion, Tamaulipas (1939)— Gor- don, Atz, Evelyn Gordon. 3 In accord with this approach, the recent discovery of two new species, X. clemenciae and X. milled, and four new subspecies (Rosen, 1960) opens up a wide field of comparative genetics. 4 With the exception of the spelling of hellerii, these scientific names are the same as the ones used by Rosen (1960) in his comprehensive revision of the teleost genus Xiphophorus (Family Poeciliidae, Order Cyprinodonti- formes). The orthographic change is required by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature adopted by the XV International Congress of Zoology and pub- lished in 1961. Rio Santa Engracia, Tamaulipas (1958) — Gordon, Evelyn Gordon. Xiphophorus variatus variants (Meek, 1904) Rio Axtla, San Luis Potosi (1939)— Gordon, Atz, Evelyn Gordon. Xiphophorus variatus evelynae Rosen, 1960 Rio Necaxa, Puebla( 1957)— Rosen, Malcolm Gordon, Gordon. Xiphophorus montezumae montezumae Jordan & Snyder, 1900 Rio Salto, San Luis Potosi (1957)— Rosen, Malcolm Gordon, Gordon. Xiphophorus montezumae cortezi Rosen, 1960 Rio Axtla, San Luis Potosi (1939) — Gordon, Atz, Evelyn Gordon. Xiphophorus pygmaeus pygmaeus Hubbs & Gordon, 1943 Rio Axtla, San Luis Potosi (1940) — New York Aquarium Expedition to La Cueva Chica, C. M. Breder, Jr., leader. Xiphophorus maculatus (Guenther, 1866) 8A— Domesticated, white, spotted strain (Au- gust 7, 1939)— Matsuno, New York, N. Y. 23 & 30 — Rio Jamapa, Veracruz ( 1939) — Gordon, Atz, Evelyn Gordon. Gp— Rio Grijalva, Tabasco (1952)— Gordon. Bp— Belize River, British Honduras ( 1949) — Gordon, Fairweather. Xiphophorus hellerii strigatus Regan, 1907 3B — Arroyo Zacatispan, Oaxaca ( 1939) — Gordon, Atz, Evelyn Gordon. 124— Domesticated strain. Xiphophorus hellerii guentheri Jordon & Evermann, 1896 Gx— Rio Grijalva, Tabasco (1952)— Gordon. Bx— Belize River, British Honduras (1949) — Gordon, Fairweather. Xiphophorus hellerii hx— Domesticated, albino strain. A description of the laboratory in which these viviparous, tropical, freshwater fishes have been maintained and the care that is given them may be found in Gordon (1950c). A total of 3,000 hybrids was involved in the present study. Most of the specimens were fixed and stored in formalin, some in ethyl alcohol. In addition to the hybrids, preserved examples of the strains from which they had been derived were examined, as well as numerous fish caught and preserved in the wild. The latter are now part of the collections of the Museum of Zool- Table I. Earliest References to Hybridization of Fishes of the Genus Xiphophorus 1 1962] Atz: Effects of Hybridization on Pigmentation in Xiphophorus 155 a a <3 Q 5 g Co Co ft. Cl ft i'R a a a a « :§ £ St 3 S3 •S -5 a B Ph o p< a ft •S -5 ,W) £ CO CO O G O 73 l-l o O cj .2 c o 73 u O O c o 73 «-> o O Os ^ c# w ^ G ? | C 0> u, T5 0> ■ « O o o VO as o o VO Os o & a .2 i=4 33 Tf IT) os as g a o o 73 73 o o oo Os 2 c c o o 73 73 u i_ o o OO vo .tS B oo wc3 o' C ^ I ^ oo •3 o2 fflOC c.£Pc^ ° % o oo *2 5 ■g S ooo2 o^oc - m C 52 o ^ g Os 73 Os C/3 — w g°. 73 73 *- a> °a® • S O co 4 o> S3 £ 5 rs C o 73 u O O a a S 5 Co Co ?s ft. ft. X co X ^ O Tf o T-H C w o +* 73 CO u 3 O & o o VO os o ■8 8 g 8 3 D c +-* % e ■a 2 c '*'1 r* c ^ o co co 3 73 |h O w % • ~ co Cl, J3 3 cd £3 p > co ^ C3 co •SS2 ■55 s r « b o > O VM O ^ 73 g " •5 43 -a :- S 2 -fJ sJ C 1) 7 !U > v*. 73 cd o •" -c A+-< co O /^s .Si >,• Cl, G q 3g (3 CO 73 _ o 5 o 2 2 ^ 3 s ^52 < s >< 9 9 £ 3 1 X 1 t-4 CD O 00 73 CD O CO 73 cu O 03 T3 CD O CO 73 <1 T3 < -a cd O CO 73 S3 o g ^ Ui 'a ^ gj o q G S S 2 O Oh O CO hJ 4-. M o CD a, co < g o Z G o £ rH % ^ ^ O g 03 "S ° n-S ” -e .9 CO 8 3.1 8 a_l CO Is Ip cd G o O 5 O rO 73 a 03 >> 73 O P3 [L, .g •S 3 3 1 §1* J’| I 9 ■*-’ o % 8.9 a a 2 o 9 'g > 73 o G3 G 2 co °> 73 o P3 A U 'gG -5 0 G 73 G w S w a .3 a 3 S3 -ft a .ft. ^ £ ^ ts? ft o t: g o ^ o >< G O Z Y TD O CQ a ^5 r °£! S S3 cu S’B a .2 2 ’53 -ft ■**» ft 0 t: S 8 **•• § ft -ft 'U a Oc <^v s 73 CO 0 CO 'w' *c3 CO /**s *G 73 /*s /*■* \ a. CO (H 0 Q u CO Oh CO G a O CL 03 'w' Oh CO Oh CO •w 73 CD 73 73 (D 73 0 a 5 « 9 S-s X) o ^ Gh .2 55 o oj; C'2i E « a o c 8 S 3 "“IN'S tt co G & g •G ^ ^ .5P.S2 .S 'f -a g o a es . § - ° M-i G V-I G O G ^ O 3 „ >,43 ^ G cfl G D-O O O -S O « ~ W G o g G o o .Q wo o G G .SS ^ O Is 2 is > o ■s ce a-o-g'Sho g> ^ 9 « 2 -5 >- -S -S X G 3 G « 2 *1 t* « y -s s _r W >^42) t/mn tn o s^J-slU CD * ^ G W) w -* 00 03 rl .G .9 ^ g o fl § 73 o 0 a S'S is ^2 *5 rG G G a 53«-F«a ■9 .