{ /^ iZuZd^. M*<>«'«»'^ The Gray Squirrel. (Courtesy of F. H. Tucker, Boston.) Zoology A A Textbook for College and U?tiverstty Students By F. E. CHIDESTER, A.M., Ph.D. Professor of Zoology, West Virginia University NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY, Inc. 250 Fourth Avenue 1932 '^3 Copyright, ig32, by D. Fan Nostra?!^ Compa?iy, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This book or any parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publishers. PRINTED IN U. S. A. LANCASTER PRESS, INC. LANCASTER, PA. To the Student who uses this TexthooX: This textbook represents many years of learning and experience on the part of the author. It does not treat of an ephemeral subject, but one which, since you are study- ing it in college, you must feel will have a use to you in your future life. Unquestionably you will many times in later life wish to refer to specific details and facts about the subject which this book covers and which you may forget. How better could you find this information than in the textbook which you have studied from cover to cover? Retain it for your reference library. You will use it many times in the future. The Puhlishers. Dedicated to DR. AND MRS. C. W. CHIDESTER A RARE COMBINATION IN MEDICAL PRACTICE AND A CONSTANT SOURCE OF STIMULATION TO SCIENTIFIC EFFORT PREFACE This text was written as a general survey of modern zoology for use by college students and to serve as a reference book for biologists. In the author's attempt to include in the introductory course not only the basic principles so obviously essential to a general culture course in animal biology, but also to satisfy the needs of students entering medicine and agriculture, he has found it desirable to em- phasize physiology, ecology and applied zoology. Many of the most interesting portions of this text have been introduced as a result of inquiries by keen students. After using much of the subject matter as a mimeographed text, the author prepared the manuscript in its final form, and during three summers has availed himself of the aid of many specialists at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. Through the interest of various authorities who gave advance information about their work, certain chapters include material prior to the actual publication of the research discussed. Some of the most important features of the book are the logical arrangement of facts about the animals within a group, a statement of the chief characteristics at the beginning of the discussion, and a summary on the economic importance at the end of each section. The newer physiology has been introduced and a bibliography checked by experts in each field is given at the end of each chapter. Sources readily available have been selected and resumes chosen instead of the pioneer researches. Extensive discussions of Embry- ology and Animal Behavior have been found undesirable since such studies cannot be comprehensively treated in an introductory course without excluding other fundamental subjects. The writer takes pleasure in thanking the following colleagues at West Virginia University: Dr. A. M. Reese, Dr. L. H. Taylor, Mr. A. G. Eaton, Dr. L. H. Peairs, Dr. A. J. Dadisman, Mr. Chan- dler Brooks, Dr. J. A. Eiesland, Dr. P. D. Strausbaugh, Dr. A. J. Hare, Dr. F. B. Trotter and Dr. C. G. Brouzas. Certain chapters have, furthermore, received the benefit of criti- cism by the following specialists: Dr. G. N. Calkins and Dr. C. A. Kofoid, Protozoa; Dr. M. M. Metcalf, Evolution; Dr. C. E. Mc- vi PREFACE Clung and Dr. E. Carothers, Cytology; Dr. A. B. Dawson, Blood; Dr. A. C. Redfield, Respiratory Pigments; Dr. A. M. Lucas, Ciliary Action; Dr. Edwin Linton, Dr. C. A. Kofoid, and Dr. H. W. Stunk- ard, Platyhelminthes; Dr. Frank Smith and Dr. Earl Martin, Annelida; Dr. N. A. Cobb, Dr. M. C. Hall, Dr. C. A. Kofoid, Nematoda; Dr. R. S. Lynch, Dr. H. M. Miller and Dr. H. B. Smith, Trochelminthes; Dr. B. H. Grave and Dr. E. D. Crabb, Mollusca. Dr. C. M. Child, Dr. Austin Clark and Dr. William Patten have kindly furnished concise summaries of their important theories. With the aid of their staffs the following Librarians, Mr. George Osborn, Rutgers University, Dr. L. D. Arnett, West Virginia University, and Mrs. T. H. Montgomery, Marine Biological Lab- oratory, have so contributed to the accuracy of the text by their tireless efforts in furnishing reprints, references and books that they deserve much of the credit for such corrections of errors made by senior scholars as the author may have been able to make. Dr. W. H. S. Demarest, Dr. F. B. Trotter, and Dr. J. R. Turner, the University Presidents under whom the writer enjoyed every opportunity for effective teaching that these able executives could possibly furnish, should be heartily thanked for their aid. The writer also wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to: the late Dr. C. W. Hargitt, Dr. W. M. Smallwood, Dr. C. F. Hodge, Dr. A. M. Reese, Dr. F. R. Lillie, Dr. E. G. Conklin, Dr. C. B. Daven- port, Dr. T. J. Headlee, Dr. Gary Calkins and Dr. C. E. McClung. By their encouragement, these men have been largely responsible for the vigor and enthusiasm with which the writer has been able to study zoological problems and to teach his subject for more than twenty years. General criticism has been offered by Dr. J. A. Dawson, Dr. Mary MacDougall, Dr. W. C. Curtis, Dr D. H. Tennent, Dr. Charles Packard, Dr. R. A. Budington, Dr. W. L. DoUey, Dr. Oscar Richards, Dr. J. W. McGregor, Dr. J. W. Mavor, Dr. Leigh Hoadley, and many others. In the preparation of the glossary. Professor A. J. Hare of the West Virginia University has assumed the responsibility for the Greek and Latin derivations of the words used. The drawings were made by Mr. W. J. Moore, Mrs. Helena Lammers and Mr. Norris Jones. F. E. C. Woods Hole, Mass., November 1931 CONTENTS Preface chapter page I — Introduction i The Function of Zoology — The Divisions of Zoology — Living Things Compared with Non-Living Matter — Protoplasm — Structure of the Cell — Structure of Protoplasm — Physiological Properties — Chemical Composition — Proteins — Carbohydrates — Fats — Water — Chemical Elements — Carbon — Hydrogen — Oxygen — Nitrogen — Sulphur — Mineral Salts, Enzymes, Hormones and Vitamins — Animal Relation- ships— Fitness to Survive — Plants and Animals — Table — Classification — Metazoa — Vertebrates — Phylum Chordata — Sub-phylum Vertebrata — Sub-phylum Adelochorda — Sub-phylum Urochorda — Invertebrates — Phylum Arthropoda — Phylum Mollusca — Phylum Molluscoidea — Phylum Trochelminthes — Phylum Annelida — Phylum Echinodermata — Phylum Nemathelminthes — Phylum Platyhelminthes — Phylum Coc- lenterata — Phylum Porifera — Phylum Protozoa. II — Protozoa 21 Classification — Characteristics — Natural History — Class i. Sarcodina — Type of Group — Ameba proteus — Orders of Sarcodina — Parasitic Sarcodina — Class 2. Mastigophora (Flagellates) — Type of Group — Euglena — Economic Importance of Flagellates — Class 3. Infusoria (Ciliates) — Type of Group — Paramecium — Parasitic Ciliates — Class 4. Sporozoa — Type Plasmodium vivax,the Malarial Sporozoon — Orders of Sporozoa — General Considerations — External Anatomy and Internal Differentiation — Locomotion — Ingestion and Digestion — Respiration ■ — Circulation — Excretion — Irritability — Reproduction and Regenera- tion— Sarcodina — Mastigophora (Flagellata) — Infusoria (Ciliata) — Sporozoa — Endomixis — Distribution — Economic Importance — Fossil Relatives and Relationship to Other Phyla — Metazoa. Ill — Porifera 47 Classification — Characteristics — Distribution — Pigment in Sponges — Type of Group — Grantia — External Anatomy — Ingestion and Diges- tion—Circulation— Respiration — Excretion — Reproduction — Nervous System — Habits — Enemies — Associations — Economic Importance of the Porifera — Positive — Negative — Fossil Relatives — Ancestry and Relationship to Other Phyla. IV — Coelenterata 54 Classification — Characteristics — Natural History — Class i. Hydrozoa — Hydra — Obelia — Alternation of Generations In the Hydrozoa — Si- phonophora — Class 2. Scyphozoa — Type of Group — Aurelia — Class 3. Actinozoa — Anemones and Corals — Class (or Phylum) Ctenophora — vii 39371 viii CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE General Consideration of the Coelenterates — Distribution — Anatomy — Physiology — Habitat — Regeneration — Fossil Relatives — Ancestry and Relationship to Other Phyla — Economic Importance of Coelenterates. V — ^Platyhelminthes 71 Classification — Characteristics — Natural History — Class i. Turbella- ria — Type of Group — Planaria — Class 2. Trematoda — Anatomy and Life History of the Liver Fluke — Trematode Parasites — Class 3. Ces- toda — Type of Group — Taenia solium — Cestode Parasites — General Consideration of the Platyhelminthes — Distribution — Anatomy and Physiology — Behavior — Regeneration — Fossil Relatives — Ancestry and Relationship to Other Phyla — Axial Gradient Theory of Child — Nemertinea, Possibly Allied to Platyhelminthes. VI — Nemathelminthes 87 Classification — Characteristics — Natural History — Class Nematoda — Family i. Ascaridae — Tvpe of Group — Ascaris lumbricoides — Family 2. Anguillidae — Life History of Caconema (Heterodera) radicicola — Family 3. Strongylidae — Life History of Necator americana — Family 4. Trichotrachellidae— Family 5. Filarldae — Life History of Filaria bancrofti — Family 6. Trichinellidae — Life History of Trichinella spiralis — Uncertain Classes formerly placed under Nemathelminthes — Acanthocephala — Gordiaceae — Mermithidae — General Consideration of the Nemathelminthes — Distribution — Physiology — Fossil Relatives — Ancestry and Relationship to Other Phyla. VII— Annelida 100 Classification — Characteristics — Natural History — Class i. Archi- Annelida — Polygordius — Class 2. Chaetopoda — Type of Group — Lumbricus terrestris — Conjugation in the Earthworm. Class 3. Hirudinea — Type of Group — Hirudo medicinalis — Adaptation of the Leech to its Mode of Life — General Consideration of the Annelida — Distribution and Habits— Parasites of the Annelida — Physiology, Anatomy, and Locomotion — Regeneration — Fossil Relatives — Ances- try and Relationship to Other Phyla — Economic Importance of An- nelida. VIII — Trochelminthes • . • • 121 IX MOLLUSCOIDEA I 27 Natural History— Class i. Brachiopoda— Class 2. Bryozoa (Polyzoa) — Class 3. Phoronidea. X ECHINODERMATA 1^9 Classification — Characteristics — Natural History — Class i. Aste- roidea — Type of Group — Asterias — Artificial Parthenogenesis — Class 2. Ophiuroidea — Class 3. Echinoidea — Class 4. Holothuroidea — General Considerations — Anatomy and Locomotion — Physiology — Behavior — Embryonic Development — Parental Care — Regeneration CONTENTS ix CHAPTER PAGE and Autotomy — Fossil Relatives — Ancestry and Relationship to Other Phyla — Economic Importance. XI— MoLLUscA 142 Classification — Class i. Pelecypoda or Lamellibranchiata — Class 2. Amphineura — Class 3. Gastropoda — Class 4. Scaphopoda — Class 5. Cephalopoda — Characteristics — Natural History — Class i. Lamel- libranchiata— Types of Group — Clams and Mussels — Natural History of Lamellibranchiata — Class 2. Gastropoda — Natural History of Gas- tropoda— Class 3. Scaphopoda — Value of Dentalium — Class 4. Ceph- alopoda— Natural History — Pearls — Composition — Source and Value — Culture Pearls — Coated Glass Substitutes for Pearls — References — General Consideration of the Mollusca— Distribution— Physiology- Nervous System — Regeneration — Growth Studies of the iVIollusca — Embryology — Care of the Young — Fossil Relatives — Ancestry and Relationship to Other Phyla — Economic Importance of Mollusca — Positive — Negative. XII — Arthropoda '°3 Classification— Characteristics— Natural History— Class i. Crustacea — Types— Crayfish and Lobster— Class 2. Onychophora— Class 3. Myriapoda— Class 4. Insecta (Hexapoda)— Type of Group— Lubber Grasshopper— Characteristics of More Important Races of Honey Bees —Methods of Insect Control— Class 5. Arachnida— Bibliography on Venomous Spiders— Other Classes— Xiphosura—Pycnogonida-Tardi- grada— General Consideration of the Arthropoda— Characteristics and Distribution— Integument and Musculature— Digestive System— Respiration— Circulatory System— Excretion— Nervous System and Sense Organs — Fossil Relatives. XIII— Chordata ^°9 Classification— Sub-phylum Hemichorda (Enteropneusta)— Sub-phy- lum Urochorda (Tunicata)— Sub-phylum Cephalochorda (Adelochorda or Acrania)— Sub-phylum Vertebrata or Craniata— Class i. Cyclo- stomata— Class 2. Pisces— Class 3. Amphibia— Class 4. Reptilia— Class 5. Aves— Class 6. Mammalia— Invertebrates versus Verte- brates—Sub-phylum Hemichorda (Enteropneusta)— Type of Group— Balanoglossus— Sub-phylum Urochorda (Tunicata)— Sub-phylum Cephalochorda (Adelochorda or Acrania)— Type of Group— Amphi- oxus— Theories of the Origin of Vertebrates— Amphioxus— Arthropod —Annelid— Nemertean— Bibliography. 221 XIV — Cyclostomata Craniata— Classification— Characteristics— Cyclostomata— Character- istics— Myxinoids — Petromyzontia. XV— Pisces ^^"^ Classification— Characteristics— Natural History— Sub-class Elasmo- branchii— Type of Group— The Skate— Sub-class Teleostomi— Order I. X CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE Crossopterygii — Order i. Chondrostei — Order 3. Holostei — Order 4. Teleostei — Sub-class Dipnoi — General Consideration of the Fishes — Locomotion — Coloration — Sound Producing Organs — Respiration — Poison Glands — Skin — Blood — Lymph — Endocrine Glands — Lymph- oid Tissue — Senses — Messmates and Associates — Parental Care — Habitat — ^Temperature — Electric Organs — Phosphorescent Organs — Adaptation of Fishes to their Environment — Economic Importance — Positive — Negative — Migration in Fishes — Homing Instinct — Fossil Relatives. XVI — Amphibia 265 Classification — Apoda or Coecilians — Urodela or Caudata — Anura, Salientia or Ecaudata — Characteristics — Natural History — Order i. Apoda — Order 1. Urodela — Family i. Amphiumidae — Family 2. Sal- amandridae — Family 3. Oroteidae — Family 4. Sirenidae — Order 3. Anura — Family i. Pipidae, etc. — Family 2. Bufonidae — Family 3. Ranidae, etc. — Type of Group, Rana pipiens, the Leopard Frog — Ex- ternal Characters of the Frog — Skin — Muscle, Tendon, Fascia — Diges- tive System — Circulatory System — Action of the Heart — Respiratory System — Urinogenital System — Nervous System, Sense Organs — General Consideration of the Amphibia — Distribution — External Anat- omy— Skeleton — Muscles — Physiology — Digestive System — Respira- tory System — Circulatory System — Urinogenital System — Embryology — Parental Care — Parthenogenesis — Experimental Embryology — Re- generation— Habitat — Fossil Relatives — Economic Importance — Posi- tive— Poisonous Amphibians — Resistance of Amphibia to Poisons. XVII — Reptilia 302 Amnion and Allantois — Classification — Characteristics — Natural His- tory— Super-order 2. Chelonia — Type of the Group — The Slider Terrapin — Super-order 6. Archosauria — Order Rhyncocephalia — Or- der Crocodilia — Order Squamata — Sub-order Lacertilia — Sub-order Ophidia — General Consideration of the Reptilia — Distribution — Anatomy and Locomotion — Digestive System — Respiratory System — Superficial Differences between the Crocodilia — Voice — Circulatory System — Excretory System — Reproductive System — Care of the Young — Nervous System and Sense Organs — Rattle of the Rattlesnake — Poisonous Reptiles — Action of Snake Venom on the Digestive Tract — Toxicity — Treatment of Snake Bite — Susceptibility of Snakes to Poison — Do Mother Snakes Swallow their Young? — Some Superstitions that Exist Regarding Snakes (Casselberry) — Fossil Relatives — Adapta- tions of Reptilia — References on Reptilia. XVIII— AvEs 334 Division A. The Ratitae — Characteristics — Tinamous — Division B, The Carinatae — Characteristics — Classification — Order i. Pygopodes — Order 2. Longipennes — Order3. Tubinares — Order 4. Steganopodes — Order 5. Anseres — Order 6. Odontoglossae — Order 7. Herodiones — CONTENTS xi CHAPTER PAGE Order 8. Paludicolae — Order 9. Limicolae — Order 10. Gallinae — Order 11. Columbae — Order 12. Raptores — Order 13. Psittaci — Or- der 14. Coccyges — Order 15. Pici — Order 16. Machrochires — Order I. 17. Passeres — Natural History — -The Anatomy and Physiology of ^ Birds — Characteristics — Temperature — Feathers — Color — Skeleton- Digestive System — Tongue — Buccal Glands — Esophagus — Crop — I Proventriculus— Gizzard — Small Intestine — Rectal Cecae — Rectum — Liver — Pancreas — Circulatory System — Respiratory System — Voice — Excretory System — Reproductive System — Nervous System — Sense Organs — Susceptibility of Birds to Poison — Types of Nests — Bird Mi- gration— Why Do Birds Migrate? — Speed of Flight — Economic Im- portance of Birds — Positive — Negative — Fossil Relatives — Arche- opteryx — Archeornis — Ichthyornis — Hesperornis — A Living Connect- ing Type. XIX — Natural History of Mammals 373 Characteristics — Order i. Monotremata — Order 2. Marsupialia — Order 3. Insectivora — Order 4. Chiroptera — Order 5. Carnivora — Sub-order Fissipedia — Sub-order Pinnipedia — Order 6. Rodentia — Sub-order Simplicidentia — Sub-order Duplicidentia — Order 7. Eden- tata— Order 8. Ungulata — Sub-order Hyracoidea — Sub-order Peris- sodactyla — Sub-order Artiodactyla — Order 9. Sirenia — Order 10. Ce- tacea — Order 11. Primates — Races of Man — Fossil Man — Mam- mals as Migrants. XX — Mammalia — Physiology 420 Man versus the Higher Apes — Physiology of the Vertebrate Animal — Mammalian Physiology — External Anatomy and Locomotion — His- tology— The Skin — Claws or Nails — Hair — Perspiration — Digestive System — Mouth — Teeth — Salivary Glands — Tongue— Esophagus — Stomach — Small Intestine — Liver — Pancreas — Digestion in the Small Intestine — Cecum — Appendix — Large Intestine — Digestion in the Ruminant — Chemical Characteristics of Protoplasm — Proteins — Col- loids— Precipitin Reaction — Carbohydrates — Monosaccharids — Disac- charids — Fats — Lipins — Chemical Elements of Protoplasm — Carbon — Hydrogen — Oxygen — Nitrogen — Mineral Salts — Sulphur — Phosphorus — Calcium — Silicon — Fluorine — Sodium — Chlorine — Potassium — Magnesium — Copper — Iodine — Arsenic — Iron — Manganese — Bro- mine— Boron — Zinc — Aluminium — Enzymes — Autocatalysts — Nutri- tion and Vitamins — The Organs of Internal Secretion — Endosecretory Glands vi'ith a Duct — Testis — Ovary — Liver — Pancreas — Ductless Glands — Thyroid — Parathyroid — Thymus — Suprarenal — Pineal — Pituitary — Interrelations of the Organs of Internal Secretion — Effects '* of Emotions on the Internal Secretions — References on the Endocrines — Circulatory System — Action of the Heart — Pulse — Comparative Anatomy of the Portal Systems— Blood — Blood Groups — Lymph — Lymphatics — Flow of Lymph — Spleen — Respiratory System — How Long Can Aquatic Mammals Submerge? — Voices of Mammals — Excre- xii CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE tory System — Reproductive System — Female — Male — Propagation Rate in Mammals — Periods of Gestation — Nervous System and Sense Organs — A Triumph of Coordination — Fatigue in the Nerve Cell — Regeneration in the Nervous System — Hibernation and Aestivation Organs that Man Can Lose — Statistics of Vitality — Susceptibility of Mammals to Poison. XXI — Social Life of Animals 482 Association of Different Species — Living Free — Commensalism — Sym- biosis— Parasitism — Effects of Parasitism — On Parasite — On Host — Association of the Same Species — Colonies — Communities — Gregari- ousness — Polygyny and Polyandry — Cases in which the Sexes Live Apart — Societies Composed of Different Species — Monogamy — Sea- sonal Mateships — Types of Families — Parent Families — Father Families — Mother Families — Child Families — References on Animal Relationships — Protection — Masking — Color Resemblance — Mimicry — Geographical Distribution— Barriers — Salinity of Water^ — Water Supply — Depth of Water — Temperature — Mountain Ranges — Do- mestication of Animals — Dog — Cat — Horse — Donkey — Pig — Cattle — Goat— Sheep — Rabbits — Pigeons— Fowls — Ducks — Geese — Peacocks — ^Turkeys — Tissue Survival Outside of the Body — Longevity of Ani- mals— Mammals — Birds — Reptiles — Amphibia — Fishes — Arthro- poda — MoUusca — Annelida — Coelenterata — Pulse Frequency. XXII — Evolution, Heredity, Eugenics 499 Cell Division — Amitosis — Mitosis — Oogenesis — Spermatogenesis — Fer- tilization— Theories of Heredity and Evolution — History of the Evolu- tionary Idea — What we owe to Charles Darwin — Examples of Men- delian Inheritance in Man — The Origin of Species according to Lamarck, Darwin, Weismann, Mendel and DeVries — Evidences for the Theory of Evolution — i. Morphology — 2. Classification — 3. Blood Tests — 4. Embryology — 5. Paleontology — 6. Geographic Dis- tribution— Sex Determination — Sex Linked Characters — Crossing Over — Genes — Lethal Factors — Physiological Basis — Parthenogenesis — Identical versus Fraternal Twins — Hermaphroditism and the Free Martin — Hen Feathering in the Sebright Bantam — Evidence for and against the Inheritance of Acquired Characters — Inheritance of Disease — i. Prenatal Infection — 2. Prenatal Injury to the Germ Cells or Embryo — 3. Inheritance of Weakness Predisposing to Disease — 4. Inheritance through the Germinal Substance — Maternal Impres- sions— Eugenics. CHAPTER I Introduction Living as they did near the Mediterranean and Aegean seas where tides receded and left animals upon the shore, and where insects developed in decayed flesh, it was natural that the early Greeks and Romans should believe in the spontaneous generation of life. This belief persisted until the experiments of an Italian naturalist, Redi, performed in 1688, showed that maggots originated in meat from eggs laid by flies. In the middle of the nineteenth century, Pasteur proved conclusively that not only larger organ- isms, but even minute bacteria would not develop in sterilized media unless they were introduced. We believe that all life came from pre-existing life — omne vivum ex vivo — but it is not our purpose to discuss in this text the various theories of how life came into being. • We are interested in the science of all living things, Biology (Gr. bios, life; logos, discourse), once termed Natural History, which includes the study of the struc- ture and activities of both plants and animals. While we must consider the plants in their relationship to animals, we cannot include the study of Botany, but must confine ourselves to the study of animals, called Zoology. The Function of Zoology.— The science of Zoology (Gr. zoon, animal; logos, discourse) indicates to us the relationship of animals from the unicellular to the most highly developed multicellular organism, man. In order to understand an animal thoroughly, we must know its anatomy, physiology, reaction to environmental conditions, and its economic importance. Medicine in all its aspects owes a great debt to Zoology, not only because of the opportunity to observe lower forms under favorable circumstances, but also because of the important relationship of parasitic animals to each other and to man. Some of the most important discoveries in sanitation and preventive medicme, as well as in surgery, have been made as a direct result of zoological studies. Agriculture owes much of its advancement to experimental work 2 INTRODUCTION done by medical men and veterinarians, but within the past ten years physiologists and biochemists in agricultural and medical colleges have united in nutrition studies, undreamed in previous decades. The Divisions of Zoology. — Systematic Zoology, or Taxonomy (Gr. taxis, arrangement; nomas, law), has since the earliest days engaged the attention of naturalists. In fact, for many years they contented themselves with merely naming hundreds of animals. Fierce battles were waged over the question of priority and much time was wasted in futile arguments over species differences. In 1735 a Swedish naturalist, who took the Latin name of Linnaeus, conceived the idea of a system of binomial nomenclature such that the generic and specific names written in Latin or Greek could be understood by scientists of all nations. Animals distinguished only slightly from each other were placed as different species of the same genus. For example, the domestic cat, the wild cat, and the lion belong to the same genus, which we call Felis; the domestic cat belongs to the species domestica and the lion is Felis leo. Over f 450,000 species of insects alone have been described. The branches of Systematic Zoology include, among others, CoTpe^^alogy, the clas- sification of Molluscs; Entomology, the classification of Insects; Herpetology, the classification of Reptiles; Ornithology, the classi- fication of Birds; and Mammalogy, the classification of Mammals. From comparison of external characters, science progressed to a study of internal arrangement and functions. Thus we have two great divisions arising, one which deals with the form and structure, being called Morphology (Gr. morphe, form; logos, discourse), and the other treating of the functions of organs and parts, called Physi- ology (Gr. phusis, nature; logos, discourse). Morphology includes Gross Anatomy (Gr. anatemno, to cut up), which deals with dissection; Histology (Gr. histos, a web; logos, discourse), which is the study of the structure of cells and tissues usually stained by dyes; Ejnbryology (Gr. en, in; bruo, bud), which traces the development of the egg; and Pathology (Gr. pathos, suffering; logos, discourse), which deals with the structure of diseased tissues. The study of Pathology is linked with Histology, Em- bryology and Physiology. But Zoology is by no means confined to the study of stained or preserved specimens. It is not the type of subject that it was termed by the Professor of Latin quoted by Conklin: "Biology INTRODUCTION 3 deals with things as dead as the dead languages and not nearly as well preserved." Biology rests ultimately upon the foundation of the two funda- mental sciences, Physics and Chemistry. Recent advancement in the utilization of ultra-violet light and radium on animal growth gives us an inkling of the future possibilities in Physics. The com- paratively new science of Biochemistry is continually presenting us with explanations of extremely important physiological processes hitherto unknown. ' In another age, all the branches of knowledge, whether relating to God, or man or nature, will become the knowledge of "the revelation of a single science," and all things, like the stars in heaven, will shed their light upon one another.' Jowett: Plato, Introduction to Meno. Physiology (Gr. phusisy nature; logos, discourse), the study of functions, includes the study of Animal Behavior and Psychology. Lovatt Evans, in an address before the British Association for the Advancement of Science, said: "Physiology is something more than bio-chemistry and bio-physics; it is and always will remain a bio- logical subject." Ecology (Gr. oikos, house; logos , discourse), the study of the re- lationship of animals to their environment, has developed far beyond the old Natural History of which Miall said: "Natural History is encumbered by multitudes of facts which are recorded only because they are easy to record." The study of Physiology is now so linked with that of Ecology that it is difficult to separate them. Zoogeography treats of the spatial distribution of animals while Paleozoology, which deals with their fossil remains, links Geology with Zoology. Evolution (Lat. e, out; volvere, roll), the study of the origin and descent (or ascent) of species, must draw upon all fields of Morphology and Physiology as well as on Taxonomy and Paleon- tology. Heredity treats of the transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring. Genetics deals with Heredity and Variation. Living Things Compared With Non-Living Matter. — The late Professor W. K. Brooks of Johns Hopkins University once said: "A living thing is a being which responds to the stimulus of any event in such a way as to adapt its actions to other events of which the stimulus is the sign." There are certain fundamental distinctions between living and non-living matter, as will be seen in the following table. INTRODUCTION Living and Non-Living Matter Each plant and animal has a definite size limit and form characteristic of the species. Living organisms grow by intussusception, the addition of particles of protoplasm prepared from their food by metabolic processes. Living organisms contain certain ele- ments characteristic of protoplasm, and Including complex proteins, built up from Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitro- gen, and undergo constant tearing down (katabolism) and upbuilding (anabo- llsm). Living organisms are able to reproduce complete Individuals like themselves, and to regenerate mutilated portions. Besides growth and reproduction, living matter has other powers: contractility, irritability, nutrition, respiration and ex- cretion. There is no limit to the size ^ or form reached by non-living matter (e.g. water). Non-living bodies grow by adding to themselves on the outside by accretion,^ accumulations of material chemically the same. Non-living matter may contain the same elements but be lacking In the spark of LIFE. Non-living matter Is utterly unable to reproduce. Non-living matter is devoid of these characteristics. Protoplasm Protoplasm is the term used to indicate that complex substance from which all living things are built up. Protoplasm is somewhat jelly-like in appearance, and nearly colorless, but may be opaque when it contains food particles. It is considered to be an emulsoid, existing either as an apparently liquid sol, with minute invisible molecules; or as a gel, firm in consistence, with larger visible par- ticles. Protoplasm is made up of "unit masses," which we term cells. Each cell has a nucleus and cytoplasm. Plant cells may have a cellulose wall, but in animal cells a cell wall is frequently absent. Structure of the Cell. — A cell is a complex living system or physiological unit of protoplasm which contains a nucleus. The protoplasm outside of the nucleus is usually called "cytoplasm." All the contents of the cell have been shown to be the seat of vital activity, but the nucleus contains certain elements, colored readily by dyes, hence called chromatin granules, which a vast amount of ^ Since radiation pressure will in the end overcome gravity, even the mass of a star beginning as a nebula cannot exceed a certain limit. Nature abhors infinity of size. (J. A. Elesland.) ^ Huxley cited crystals as an example of accretion. We now believe that crystals are assembled by electrical forces less complicated than in organic combinations. INTRODUCTION scientific study has shown to be the carriers of hereditary charac- teristics, but which may yet share the honors with unknown units. Chemical or physical agents may combine to determine the activity of these granules. Cey^fro/ bodies Coenfr-osomc) _ '^/" PJasmosome or true nucleolus f ■^Y_Mf-^'fc)te^.;,^^/(_' A Chromatin ^Z t^^W^^^M\'^^-A\ Linm _ ^ i-(^L-v<^P'_:.:c*--i^ Koryosome or chromatin- nucleoJus ' ' ^ ' vr/osom es :^^'^ I "-^ ,% V^V-'-Trive wall or membrane ^^^m^^i^&i'V" ^'^■^■^'^^ i^etoplosmic or paroplosfic boc/i&s Fig. I. Diagram of a generalized cell. (After Wilson, The Cell in Development and Heredity. Courtesy of The Macmillan Co.) Cell Membrane and Cell Wall. — The cell membrane protects the cytoplasm from many physical and some chemical injuries. It is, however, only semi-permeable, and admits some solvents, but retains the colloids of its own protoplasm, and excludes foreign ones. On account of the tendency for water to pass or diffuse from a liquid with low concentration of soluble substance, through a per- meable membrane to a liquid with higher concentration, we find that the energy or osmotic pressure varies with the degree of similarity of the concentrations. In discussing two solutions, we refer to their tonicity. For example, a solution losing water through a membrane would be hypotonic, while the one that gained the water would be called hypertonic. Two solutions in osmotic equilibrium are called isotonic. The cell membrane may have a covering of some resistant material like chitin or hardened gelatin in the animals, or of woody cellulose in the plants. This covering is called the cell wall. Cytoplasm. — The most conspicuous structure in the cytoplasm, aside from the nucleus and certain large vesicles and plastids, is the centrosome, or central body (consult Figure i), which we find acting as the division center for the aster in mitotic division. (See page 500.) No centrosome is present in the cells of flowering plants. Cytoplasmic Granules. — Granules of various kinds are scattered throughout the cytoplasm, suspended in the clear, viscid "hyalo- plasm." The relatively large yolk granules occur as solids, semi- solids or as liquid drops. Fat and glycogen appear as cell inclusions. 6 INTRODUCTION Plastids, found chiefly in plant cells, aid in the formation of starch and various pigments. Chlorophyll bodies, the centers of formation of starch by photosynthesis, are considered the most important of the chloroplastic type. Secretory granules of various chemical composition and physical consistency, more or less transitory in nature, are found in secretory cells. They dissolve to produce fat, mucin, or an enzyme. (See page lo.) Storage granules are also quite generally distributed. Fibrillae, almost as characteristic as granules, appear in many types of cells, including gland cells, nerve cells and muscle cells. Fibrillae may be produced by the fusion of small granules, but like certain other cytoplasmic inclusions, some fibrillae are regarded as artifacts. The chondriosomes or mitochondria vary in form from granules of 0.2 mu. to rods and filaments of much greater length. They are found in most living cells and resemble albumins somewhat, both in solubility and in staining reactions. The earlier technique of fixation by acids such as acetic destroyed the mitochondria, but they are shown successfully in living cells by Janus Green B. Regaud suggested, as a possible explanation of their function, that they are the centers of chemical action, and that they extract substances from the protoplasm, transforming them into specific intra-cellular structures. Cowdry has suggested that they supply a surface-film, perhaps with a significance comparable to the nuclear and cytoplasmic membranes.^ The Golgi apparatus is the term given to a group of cell-com- ponents found widely distributed in both plant and animal cells. They, like chondriosomes, require fixation by reagents lacking acetic acid. Osmic acid fixers seem to show them best. The apparatus appears in diffuse form as separate bodies, or in localized form as a "Golgi net" consisting of concentrated fibrils. It has been suggested by Nassanov, Bowen and others that the Golgi- bodies have a secretory function. Bowen suggested that the Golgi apparatus may be a center for the formation of enzymes. H. Hibbard (Arch. d'BioL, Tom. 38, p. i, 1927) and M. Parat (Arch. d'Anat. mic, Tom. 24, p. 73, 1928) have shown that Golgi- bodies may be depositions of the stain used. We are still in con- siderable doubt regarding the function of Golgi-bodies, mitochon- ' Consult Osterhout, W. J. V. 1929. Some aspects of permeability and bioelec- trical phenomena. Bull. Nat. Res. Council, pp. 170-288, Washington, D. C. INTRODUCTION 7 dria and other cell components, but it Is hoped that improved tech- nique in fixation and staining, together with the development of tissue culture studies and the micro-manipulation of living cells, will reveal the functions of real structures and indicate which granules are only artifacts. There are other scattered bodies in the cytoplasm, not readily seen but "haloed" under strong illumination, which may be the ultimate units from which chondriosomes and Golgi-bodies are aggregated. Nucleus. — The nucleus is visible in living cells. Some cells contain several nuclei, as in the giant cells of bone marrow, and many others are found to contain two types of nuclei, certain protozoa, In fact, having both a nutritive and a reproductive nucleus. The nucleus is essential to the life of the cell, and is related to metabolism and the secretory phenomena. The nuclear monbrane, tough and elastic. Is found In the majority of animal cells, but is absent in certain protozoa. It disappears during mitosis (indirect cell division, page 500). The nucleo-reticulum consists of chromatin, which Is stained by basic dyes. Chromatin may appear in the form of fine granules, larger granules, or in a network, with net-knots of massed granules. (See Fig. i.) Chromatin granules {chromomereSy chromioles) are suspended on a reticulum of linin, which is delicate In structure and stained by acid dyes. The granules aggregate to form chromosomes,'* which are constant In number for the cells of the same species. Appar- ently the granules are not dissociated, but usually prepared to reassemble. The chromosomes are carriers of hereditary /«f/orj or "genes," although we are not certain that they are the sole means of transmission from one generation to the next. (See p. 538.) Nucleolus. — The nucleolus or plasmosome Is a dense body, spherical in shape, and chemically different from chromatin since it Is stained with acid dyes. During cell division, the nucleolus usually disappears. Sometimes there are several nucleoli, which may play a part in the metabolism of the cell. Structure of Protoplasm. — The fact that protoplasm differs under various physiological conditions has given rise to several *" Chromosomes are individual chromatic elements which appear definitely in the nucleus at the end of the prophase stage and which act as unit structures during mitosis." E. Carothers. See page 500 for a discussion of mitosis. 8 INTRODUCTION theories of its structure. The granular theory suggests that a protoplasmic mass is made up of minute granules which mass into solids or arrange themselves in a linear series to form fibrils. The fibrillar theory notes the fibrous structure of certain organs and stresses the idea of a feltwork of fibrils. According to the reticular theory, protoplasm is to be compared to a fish net or a hammock. The alveolar theory indicates that protoplasm is comparable to an emulsion such as milk, or a mixture of oil and water. The colloidal theory recently championed by E. B. Wilson suggests that the alveoli are of secondary origin and that the ultimate particles, "minute scattered bodies, finally produce an emulsion-like structure." Physiological Properties. — Protoplasm has the power to utilize foods, to grow and repair wastes and develop energy. It secretes usable material and excretes wastes. Repair of broken-down tissues and construction of new is termed anabolism. The destruction of waste materials is called katabolism. Both processes combined, which result in life activity, are called 7netabolism. Protoplasm responds to all sorts of external stimuli, adjusting itself to the environment whenever possible. Finally it has the power of re- production and a limited power of regeneration. Chemical Composition. — When we attempt an analysis of the chemical constituents of living protoplasm, we induce important changes. By weighing the material before treating it, and then com- paring the weights of all substances determined, we find that it is possible to learn most of the constituents, except that all important one — LIFE. Protoplasm consists of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, inorganic salts, enzymes, water and the "vitamins." Proteins, which constitute about 40 per cent of dry protoplasm, are compounds with high molecular weights, containing about 53 per cent carbon, 22 per cent oxygen, 17 per cent nitrogen, 7 per cent hydrogen. They also contain small quantities of sulphur and phosphorus. Proteins include the albumen of eggs, fibrin of the blood and casein of milk. They are colloids, and as such do not readily diffuse through membranes nor go into solution. Carbohydrates, which constitute about 11 per cent of dry pro- toplasm, consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, the last two elements being always present in the same ratio as in water, dextrose for example being C6H12O6. Glycogen, the only example of animal starch, is found chiefly in the liver and muscles. Carbohydrates can be converted into fats. INTRODUCTION 9 Fats, constituting about 12 per cent of dry protoplasm, contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in such proportions that there is much less oxygen than in the carbohydrates. Fats of the body are derived from fatty substances consumed and are also formed from carbohydrates and proteins. Fats are essential in maintaining the proper body temperature. Water is most essential to life and constitutes over 50 per cent of the weight of most animals. Even the most ardent anti-pro- hibitionist is made up of about 60 per cent water. It is necessary to bathe tissues and to furnish the adequate liquid for blood, lymph and cerebro-spinal fluid. Chemical Elements of Protoplasm. — Carbon compounds are the primary materials of protoplasm. About 18 per cent of protoplasm consists of carbon. Carbon unites with oxygen to form carbon dioxide |B|HflH| and to liberate energy. Hyaroger^^hout 1 1 per cent of protoplasm) is taken into the bodies of plants and animals in combination with oxygen as water, and is also excreted in this form. Oxygen is found in the free state and unites with various com- pounds of protoplasm, the process of oxidation releasing energy. In combination with living tissues we find that oxygen makes up about 65 per cent of protoplasm. Nitrogen is essential to protoplasm of which it comprises about 1 per cent. It forms 79 per cent of the atmosphere. Taken into plant bodies usually in the form of nitrates, the plants utilize it in the manufacture of proteins. Jfjimonia, a nitrogen compound, formed in the katabolism of plants and animals, is changed by certain bacteria into nitrates which are then absorbed by plants. Sulphur, usually found in the soil as calcium sulphate, is ab- sorbed by plants and used in the manufacture of some amino-acids. Mineral Salts, Enzymes, Hormones and Vitamins. — The above elements are said to comprise about 99 per cent of the weight of an animal, but there are a number of other elements present in various chemical combinations in extremely minute quantities. Some of these are absolutely necessary to life, while others influence the glands of internal secretion and thus aflfect growth. Among the most important of these elements are iodine, iron, calcium, phos- phorus, chlorine, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Other elements assuming greater importance every day are arsenic, manganese, copper and zinc. Suffice it to say here that mineral 10 INTRODUCTION salts are so essential to life that if they are withheld from the animal body, death ensues much more quickly than from the lack of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. In solution the salts of the body provide the proper medium for living tissues, and aid in main- taining the optimum condition of physiological equilibrium. (For a further discussion of the significance of the salts of these elements see page 437.) Enzymes are complex organic substances produced in living cells by glands some of which are modified to produce other important secretions. Enzymes are able as catalysts to hasten chemical reac- tions, but do not enter into the end product of the reaction, and are not themselves consumed. Endocrine glands are glands of internal secretion that produce catalyzing hormones which act as "messengers of stimulation," in- fluence growth, and regulate the animal througlfHlyMjj^ole life. (See page 444.) Vitamins are certain accessory food factors that have been studied extensively since 191 1. Just what their chemical com- position may be has not yet been fully decided. The reader will find further discussion of the subject in the section on Nutrition and the Endocrines (page 441). Animal Relationships Fitness to Survive. — If we study simply the structure and the activities of organisms and neglect the relation of the living being to its environment, our study is not Biology, or the science of life. Biology introduces a new problem, that of fitness. Biology asks "When, how, why.?" Aristotle said: "The essence of a living thing is not what it is made of, nor what it does, but why it does it." It is the adjustment of the individual to his environment which makes life possible. Life is one long continuous fight, a "struggle for existence." T. R. Malthus in his "Principles of Population" showed that human population tends to increase in a geometrical ratio (i, 2, 4, 8) while the food supply tends to increase in an arith- metical ratio (i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Famines are still occurring in India and China. Today man is dependent on his fellow man for his subsistence and directly or indirectly dependent on the plants and animals about him. Each animal or plant represents a force in Nature and is beneficial or injurious. If we study the habits of animals we will INTRODUCTION ii be able to evaluate them and to determine whether they should be treated as friends and encouraged to increase, or even artificially- propagated, or whether they should be attacked by chemical and mechanical agencies or by protecting their natural enemies. The most practical way within our reach of studying that adjustment between the organism and the external world — the fitness — which constitutes life is to learn all we can about the physical basis, and all we can about its fitness. To study life, we must consider three things: (i) the orderly sequence of external nature; (2) the living organism and the changes that take place in it; and (3) that continuous adjustment between the two sets of phenomena which constitutes life. Plants and Animals. — It might appear that, since man is an animal, Zoology is the more important of the two studies. But we must remember our thesis — the proper relation of the individual to his environment — and we will see that plants and animals alike make up the environment. The study of the relation of animals and plants to disease is at present demanding the attention of some of the world's greatest scientists. To Linnaeus (1707-78) we owe the classification of plants and animals. He stated that "plants grow and live, while animals grow, live, and feed." Owen (1803-93) declared that a definition of plants excluding all animals, or of animals excluding all plants, is impossible. As we go down to the simplest forms we find dif- ficulty in distinguishing between plant and animal. No one can tell. We call these lowest types Zoophytes (Protista) and Phytozoa. Origin. — Every organism kiiown in nature arises as a simple cell. In the plant we call it the ovule; in the animal the ovum. Composition. — So far as their chemical nature is concerned, the plant and animal cell are the same. This has been repeatedly proved. All contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. The skeletons, however, differ widely. The skeleton is largely a cell wall modified in many ways. In general, plants exhibit a linear aggregation of cells, while animals show a mass aggregation. Morphology. — No outline can be drawn which will be common to all plants and animals. Physiology. — Plants and animals stand widest apart in the mode of nutrition, and here we have the chief distinctions: 12 INTRODUCTION Characteristics of /inimals Animals usually have a definite shape and are possessed of automatic motion. Animals depend chiefly on solid food which is liqui- fied by internal digestion. Animals derive carbon from starch, sugars, fats, from plants and from other animals. Animals derive their Ni- trogen from complex ni- trogenous compounds formed by other organ- isms. They secrete Ni- trogenous wastes. Animals are chiefly de- void of chlorophyll. Animals are composed of cells with or without cell walls and chiefly without cellulose. Animals have more marked division of labor among the organs and tis- sues of the body. Animals use the potential energy of food, changing it into kinetic energy. We may say they are generally oxidizers. Animals are destructive or katabolic. Exceptions Some plants move and some animals are sta- tionary. Certain parasites, animal and plant, absorb food from that to which they are attached. Symbiotes in hydra make food for hydra and hydra makes CO2 for symbiotes. Fungi are also exceptions. Some Protozoa live like plants and some plants are carnivorous. Some protozoa, sponges and coelenterates have chlorophyll while some parasitic plants have no chlorophyll. Cellulose is found In Flagellates and the tunic of Tunicates. Characteristics of Plants Plants have a more vari- able shape and are devoid of automatic motion. Plants absorb food In the form of liquid or gases. Plants derive their Car- bon chiefly from CO2 of the air and water. Plants derive their Nitro- gen from simple Nitrogen compounds especially in the soil. They do not give oflF Nitrogenous wastes. Plants are chiefly chloro- phyll bearing and use the kinetic energy of sunlight in building up complex compounds. Plants are composed of cells with definite cellu- lose walls Plant cells show little division of labor. Plants build up simple food into complex sub- stances. They convert kinetic energy of sunlight into potential chemcal energy. They are re- ducers of carbon dioxide, liberating oxygen. Plants are predominantly constructive or anabolic. They make more energy than they can use. Classification Natural Classification is an attempt to group animals on the basis of similarity in structure and probable relationship. INTRODUCTION 13 Let us trace the cat from Kingdom to Species. Kingdom — Animalia Phylum — Ch or data Su b-Ph YLUM — Vertebrata Class — Mammalia Order — Carnivora Fami l y — Felidae Genus — Felis Species — Felis domestica. Metazoa. — /\nimals belonging to the Phyla above the Protozoa have many cells and are called Metazoa (Gr. meta, beyond; zoow, animal). Beginning as single cells, the Metazoa pass through stages in which the cells are arranged in at least two layers, the ectoderm and the endoderm. As adults Metazoa are made up of cells arranged in unlike groups. Definitely specialized for par- ticular functions, we find the cells dependent on one another, and manifesting a pronounced "division of labor." It is customary to begin the study of zoology with types of the Protozoa, the lowest of the great divisions of animals. But before we take up these forms, it may be well to survey briefly the animal kingdom, beginning with the highest group of Vertebrates, the Mammalia, to which class we belong. Vertebrates Vertebrates belong to the most highly developed Phylum of the animal kingdom, called Chordata. Members of this group include five well known classes, Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals. All of them possess a bony axis called the backbone or vertebral column. In general we find that the vertebrates are of much larger size than the invertebrates, and their greater activity is accompanied by special adaptations of structure. Phylum — Chordata. — Sub-Phylum — Vertebrata Class I. Cyclostomata Class II. Pisces Class III. Amphibia Class IV. Reptllia Class V. Aves Class VI. Mammalia 14 INTRODUCTION To the vertebrates belong all the most familiar animals such as fishes, frogs, snakes and dogs. Vertebrates have certain structures in common: I. Remarkable similarity in the three divisions of the body, head, trunk, and tail. 1. All vertebrates are bilaterally symmetrical, i.e. a plane passed through an axis of the body will divide it into two equal halves. 3. A supporting axis, the notochord, is found at some stage of development in all forms, but is replaced in all higher vertebrates by an axial skeleton. Both appendicular and axial skeleton are internal. 4. All vertebrates have two body cavities, the coelom and the digestive tube. 5. The nerve cord is hollow and dorsal to the alimentary canal. Class Mammalia (13,000 species). — Mammals are warm-blooded animals with hair or wool covering the body, having a muscular diaphragm which separates the chest from the abdomen. They never have gills, but breathe by lungs. They have a well developed and usually convoluted brain with many important association tracts. While some mammals are adapted to aquatic and others to aerial life, the majority are suited to life on land. Except in a few of the lower forms we find that before birth young mammals are closely attached to their mothers by a structure called the placenta. In general, mammals are further advanced at birth than in the lower classes of vertebrates. Mammary glands furnish nourishment to the young until they are able to shift for them- selves. Mammals range from the most highly developed form, man, to the primitive duckbill platypus, which lays eggs and has diffuse mammary glands. Class Aves (23,000 species). — Birds are unlike mammals, having specialized in a quite different direction. They have a body tem- perature ten degrees higher than that of the mammals, and are dis- tinguished from all other animals by the presence of feathers. Their highly developed wings and pectoral muscles, hollow bones, large lungs, and air sacs adapt the majority of them to an aerial life, although some forms like the ostrich are flightless. Birds are of great economic importance in the extermination of insects, but they are of aesthetic value since many of them are beautifully colored, while others are sweet singers. Class Reptilia (5,000 species). — Reptiles differ more widely INTRODUCTION 15 among themselves than other classes of vertebrates. In some respects they appear to be related to both birds and mammals. They have scaly or armored skins, never have gills, but breathe by lungs and are cold blooded. They have three chambers to the heart, the ventricular septum being perforate in all except the crocodilia. Living forms are terrestrial or aquatic but extinct forms were aerial. With the exception of a few lizards and snakes, they are oviparous. (Lizards, snakes, turtles, alligators.) Class Amphibia (4,000 species). — With slimy skins, the modern species lacking armor, but externally resembling the reptiles so much that Cuvier once termed them "naked reptiles," the amphibia mark a transition from the aquatic life of fishes to the terrestrial life of reptiles. In the larval condition practically all amphibia have gills, while as adults they breathe by lungs, although in some forms gills still persist. Amphibia are cold blooded, and their unpaired fins are never supported by fin rays. They are, with a few exceptions, oviparous. (Salamanders, frogs, toads.) Class Pisces (20,000 species). — As strikingly adapted to life in the water as birds are to life in the air, the fishes are all aquatic, moving chiefly by a muscular tail. They have paired appendages in the form of fins, and unpaired median fins always supported by fin rays. All have permanent gills supported by cartilaginous or bony gill arches. Fishes are cold blooded, the body temperature remaining the same as that of the medium in which they swim. The heart is two chambered, only the lung fishes exhibiting a prim- itive auricular septum. In the skin of most fishes, one finds scales. Some fishes are oviparous, others are viviparous. (Shark, sturgeon, mackerel, trout.) Class Cyclostomata. — While they somewhat resemble the bony true eels, the hags and lampreys have no jaws, no lateral appendages and no scales. A rasping tongue and a circular sucking mouth are present. The gills are pocket-like and the vertebrae are separate from the notochord. Lampreys are true vertebrate parasites. Sub-phylum Adelochorda {Cephalochordd). — Fish-like forms once classed with the mollusca. Branchiostoma (Amphioxus) has a dorsal fin, lateral metapleural folds, well developed myotomes, and a persistent notochord. The nerve cord has a neurocele. A pharynx, with many gill slits, leads into a ventral atrium and currents pass out the atriopore. A cranium is absent. Sub-phylum Urochorda (1,500 species). — Once called worms, the i6 INTRODUCTION tunicates or "sea squirts" were later called mollusca. They are characterized by a cellulose tunic, retrogressive metamorphosis and reversible heart beat. Invertebrates Having described briefly the Urochorda and Adelochorda, which we may consider types intermediate between the Vertebrates and the Invertebrates, let us consider the characteristics that differen- tiate the Invertebrate Phyla. We have seen that all the Verte- brates belong to the same Phylum, and are to a great extent related, but the Invertebrate Phyla are widely different in characteristics. 1. Invertebrates have neither internal skeleton nor notochord. 2. For the most part their nervous system is ventral to the di- gestive tract. 3. They lack gill slits or visceral clefts. 4. When present, the heart is dorsal. Phylum Arthropoda (450,000 species). — Segmented animals, some with jointed appendages. Body covered by a chitinous exo- skeleton secreted by cells beneath It; bilaterally symmetrical, with anus but poorly developed coelom. (Examples — crab, spider, mos- quito.) Phylum Mollusca (60,000 species). — Unsegmented with no true appendages. Fundamental bilateral symmetry Is lost in Gastro- poda; while the ventral muscular foot characteristic of the group is subject to modification. Frequently a bilobed shell is present with the mantle, a dorsal fold of the body wall covering the animal. Sometimes both shell and mantle are absent; but a coelom and anus are present. (Examples — oyster, clam, snail and octopus.) Phylum Molluscoidea (2,000 species). — a. Bryozoa or Polyzoa- Colonlal, like some Coelenterates. Complete alimentary canal. Large body cavity. (Pectinatella is the commonest fresh water form.) b. Brachiopoda — once gigantic bivalves, rulers of the ocean. Phylum Trochelminthes (500 species). — Somewhat resembling the Infusorian protozoa, the Rotifers are often called "wheel ani- malcules." Well developed digestive system with mouth, mastax (chewing stomach), glandular stomach, intestine and anus. Fe- males large, males few In number and small; resemble larvae of annelids and molluscs. Phylum Annelida (4,000 species). — Visibly segmented worms with three cellular layers. (Triploblastic.) No jointed appen- INTRODUCTION 17 dages; setae in the skin. Coelom opens to exterior by dorsal pores and ventral nephridiopores. Alimentary canal well developed and usually specialized. Nervous system consists of two dorsal ganglia and a ventral chain of ganglia. (Examples — earthworm, leech.) Phylum Echinodermata (3,000 species). — Triploblastic (three layered) with a calcareous exoskeleton in plates or as spicules; larvae bilaterally symmetrical but adults radially symmetrical. The coelom is well developed; slow locomotion facilitated by water vascular system; all marine; never bud to form a colony. (Ex- amples— starfish, sea urchin, and brittle star.) Phylum Nemathelminthes (1,500 species). — Unsegmented with an elongate cylindrical body covered with tough cuticle; tubular digestive tract with mouth and anus; coelom present; paired ex- cretory organs and tubular gonads; nerve ring and associated gan- glia; many parasitic. (Examples — hookworm, eel-worm, trichina.) Phylum Platyhelminthes (4,600 species). — Unsegmented flat- tened worms, bilaterally symmetrical and with three distinct layers (triploblastic). Free living forms have a gastro-vascular cavity with no anus, while the degenerate parasitic forms lack a digestive cavity. (Examples — liver fluke, tape worm, and planaria.) Phylum Coelenterata (4,500 species). — Radially symmetrical with two cellular layers, and a non-cellular mesoglea; single gastro- vascular cavity or Coelenteron; formerly called Zoophytes. Sting- ing cells or nematocysts in the body wall. (Examples — corals, sea anemones, jelly fishes and hydroids.) Phylum Porifera (2,500 species). — Bodies of sponges consist of a mass of connective tissue with two-layered (diploblastic) body wall penetrated by canals or pores. All are aquatic, mostly marine. Radially symmetrical; skeleton of spicules usually supports the body wall. (The common bath sponge is an example.) Phylum Protozoa (10,000 species). — Although it would seem that in some respects sponges might be considered colonial Protozoa, we must distinguish the latter from all Metazoa by their charac- teristic of being complete single celled animals, without true tissues. They are mostly so small as to be visible only with the aid of a microscope; many species are colonial; many are parasitic. PHYLUM PROTOZOA. Class I. Sarcodina. Class II. Mastigophora Class III. Infusoria. Class IV. Sporozoa. 1 8 INTRODUCTION PHYLUM PORIFERA. PHYLUM COELENTERATA. Class L Hydrozoa. Class n. Scyphozoa. Class IIL Actinozoa or Anthozoa. PHYLUM OR CLASS CTENOPHORA. PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES. Class L Turbellaria. Class IL Trematoda. Class IIL Cestoda. Uncertain Class, Nemertinea. PHYLUM NEMATHELMINTHES. Class I. Nematoda. Uncertain Classes. Acanthocephala. Gordiaceae. PHYLUM ANNULATA, OR ANNELIDA. Class I. Archi-Annelida. Class II. Chaetopoda. Class III. Hirudinea. PHYLUM TROCHELMINTHES. PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDEA. Class I. Brachiopoda. Class IL Bryozoa. Class IIL Phoronidea. PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA. Class I. Asteroidea. Class II. Ophiuroidea. ^^}\ Class III. Echiftoidea. Class IV. Holothuroldea. PHYLUM MOLLUSCA. Class I. Pelecypoda. Class IL Amphineura. Class III. Gastropoda. Class IV. Scaphopoda. Class V. Cephalopoda. PHYLUM ARTHROPODA. Class I. Crustacea. Class II. Onychophora. Class III. Myriapoda. Class IV. Insecta (Hexapoda). Order i. Thysanura (Aptera). Order 2. Ephemerida. Order 3. Odonata. Order 4. Plecoptera. Order 5. Isoptera. Order 6. Corrodentia. INTRODUCTION 19 Order 7. Mallophaga. Order 8. Thysanoptera. Order 9. Euplexoptera. Order 10. Orthoptera. Order 11. Hemiptera. Order 12. Neuroptera. Order 13. Mecoptera. Order I4. Trichoptera. Order 15. Lepidoptera. Order 16. Diptera. Order 17. Siphonaptera. Order 18. Coleoptera. Order 19. Hymenoptera. Class V. Arachnida. Other Classes. Pycnogonida. Tardigrada, PHYLUM CHORDATA. Sub-phylum Hemichorda (Enteropneusta). Sub-phylum Urochorda (Tunicata). Sub-phylum Cephalochorda (Adelochorda or Acrania). Sub-phylum Vertebrata or Craniata. Class I. Cyclostomata, Class II. Pisces. Sub-class Elasmobranchii. Sub-class Teleostomi. Order i. Crossopterygii. Order 2. Chondrostei. Order 3. Holostei. Order 4. Teleostei. Sub-class Dipnoi. Class III. Amphibia. Order i. Apoda or Coecilians. Order 2. Urodela or Caudata. Order 3. Anura (Salientia or Ecaudata). Class IV. Reptilia. Super-order i. Cotylosauria. Super-order 2. Chelonia. Super-order 3. Therapsida (Theromorpha). Super-order 4. Sauropterygia. Super-order 5. Ichthyopterygia. Super-order 6. Archosauria. Class V. Aves. Division A. Ratitae. Division B. Carinatae. Order i. Pygopodes. Order 2. Longipennes. Order 3. Tubinares. 20 INTRODUCTION Order 4. Steganopodes. Order 5. Anseres. Order 6. Odontoglossae. Order 7. Herodiones. Order 8. Paludicolae. Order 9. Limicolae. Order 10. Gallinae. Order 11. Columbae. Order 12. Raptores. Order 13. Psittaci. Order 14. Coccyges. Order 15. Pici. Order 16. Machrochires. Order 17. Passeres. Class VI. Mammalia. Order i. Monotremata. Order 2. Marsupialia. Order 3. Insectivora. Order 4. Chiroptera. Order 5. Carnivora. Sub-order Fissipedia. Sub-order Pinnipedia. Order 6. Rodentia. Sub-order Simplicidentia. Sub-order Duplicidentia. Order 7. Edentata. Order 8. Ungulata. Sub-order Hyracoidea. Sub-order Perissodactyla. Sub order Artiodactyla. Order 9. Sirenia. Order 10. Cetacea. Order 11. Primates. CHAPTER II Protozoa The Protozoa (Gr. protos, first; zoon, animal) are the simplest living animals and some of them resemble plants. Primitive and mostly microscopic though they are, the Protozoa are complete organisms in a single cell, carrying on the physiological processes of higher forms. A protozoan may be ameboid, flagellated, or ciliated, depending on its organs of locomotion. Classification Class 1. Sarcodina (Gr. sarx, flesh) move by false feet or pseudo- podia. Class 2. Mastigophora (Gr. ?nasfix, whip; and phero, bear) move by flagella. Class 3. Infusoria (Lat. in/usus, crowd In) move by cilia, and are also called Ciliata. Class 4. Sporozoa (Gr. spo?'a, seed; and zoon, animal). No loco- motor organs in adult stage. Characteristics 1. Morphologically the simplest ones are equal to isolated epi- thelium. 2. Physiologically they are equal to the whole group of cells making up the human body. Protozoa are complete unicellular organisms and many have a brief multicellular phase. 3. Functionally they epitomize life processes. 4. Theoretically they are generalized cells. 5. Of practical economic importance, they cause many diseases. 6. As soil organisms protozoa are of doubtful importance. Protozoa were first discovered by Leeuwenhoek in rain water. Misconceptions arose because of the insufficient magnification possible. O. F. Mueller (1786) made the first classification. He classified 350 species, 150 of which are still regarded as valid. He 21 22 PROTOZOA believed them to be the simplest form of animal. Von Siebold and Kolliker (1849) proved that Protozoa are single cells and complete organisms as well. Max Schultze (1865) gave the present idea. Natural History Class I. Sarcodina. Type of Group — Ameha proteus. Ex- terna/ Anatomy. — Amebae resemble minute grayish animated par- ticles of jelly. Some species of amebae, large enough to be seen Pseudopodium Cry:sfal 4^ ii^fe^"'^^^'^ ' •S:'a vacuole V . -fiT^ - ^^■■&-'-^^^^^=^- — -^^r—Food particle Fig. iA. Ameba proteus-dubia SchaefFer. (Drawn by H. N. Lammers, after E. F. Botsford, Jour. Exp. Zool., vols. 45-46, 1927.) with the naked eye, have been selected and cultivated for laboratory use. The diameter of the smaller ones is as little as five microns. They constantly change their shape, sending out little projections called pseudopodia, or "false feet" (Fig. 2, A and B). The outer covering of the ameba is called the ectosarc (ectoplasm) and is lacking in color. The inner portion of the animal called the endosarc (endoplasm) contains the nucleus, the synthetic and hereditary center of life, and vacuoles of different types. The PROTOZOA 23 presence of numerous granules and particles of food gives the animal a grayish appearance. Fig. iB. Jmeia dividing. (Drawn by H. N. Lammers, after E. F. Botsford, Jour. Exp. Zool., vols. 45-46, 1927.) Locomotion. — There are a number of theories attempting to explain the movement of ameba, but none of them seems quite adequate. According to the contractile theory of Bellinger (1906) and others, contractile fibrillae were postulated. He showed that when viewed with the microscope in a horizontal position the ameba "walks" on stiff pseudopodia ^ (Fig. 3 A). is-iiri \~-AdvQncinq pseudopodium Fig. 3//. Locomotion of Ameba. (After Bellinger.) The surface tension theory indicates that ectoplasm is most rapidly formed at the point where surface tension is increased. Schaeffer (1920) has also emphasized the fact that ameba has a wavy path or a flattened spiral.^ The adherence theory states that a pseudopodium adheres more strongly to one side and that the endoplasm of that region, and ultimately the whole animal, moves in that direction. In the theory advanced by Mast (1923) ^ it is suggested that 1 Dellinger, O. P. 1906. Locomotion of Ameba and allied forms. Jour. Exp. Z06I., vol. 13, pp. 337-358. 2 Schaeffer, A. A. 1920. Ameboid Movement. Princeton University Press. ^ Mast, S. O. 1923. Mechanics of locomotion in Ameba. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. 9, pp. 258-261. 24 PROTOZOA Shell, composed of sond Fig. 35. Pseud o podia Difflugia. (After Leidy.) the moveme'tit of ameba is dependent on changes of the protoplasm from sol to gel and back to a sol state again. (See page 4.) It has also been suggested by Mast that form in ameba is dependent on water content. Digestion. — Food is ingested directly through the ectoplasm^ and having entered the endoplasm, minute quantities of HCl secreted around the food mass form a gas- tric vacuole. Carbohydrates are not acted upon to any extent, digestion being chiefly limited to protein and fat. Solid wastes are extruded at any point, the ameba moving away and allowing the weighty excrement to pass through the ectoplasm. Ameba can nip a paramecium in two, engulfing one-half, and leaving the other half outside. Circulation. — There is no definite distribution of food materials but the movements of the animal thoroughly distribute the food granules. Respiration. — Oxygen is taken in through the whole surface of the body, and CO2 is extruded. The contractile vacuole is also im- portant in the interchange of gases. Excretion. — Besides the ejection of solid feces by merely leaving them behind as the animal moves forward, the contractile vacuole definitely functions in the excretion of liquid and gaseous wastes. Reproduction. — The ameba is able to divide its nuclear and cyto- plasmic constituents equally, the process being called binaj-y fission or division. Under adverse conditions or sometimes solely for reproductive purposes the ameba encysts. It then forms daughter cells which mature in about three weeks. The number produced varies in different species. Nervous System and Reactions. — Without nerve cells or fibers, the ameba is still a complete neuromuscular organism. It reacts to all sorts of stimuli, including light, heat, touch, gravity, currents of water, chemicals, and electricity. Tropisms. — The term "tropism" has long been used to indicate the reaction of an animal to some sort of stimulus. A few of the I PROTOZOA ^5 tropisms are indicated: (i) Photo tropism, or heliotropism — reaction to light. (2) Geotropism — reaction to gravity. (3) Rheotropism — reaction to currents (stream pressure). (4) Thermotropism — re- action to heat. (5) Thigmotropism — reaction to touch or contact. (6) Chemotropism — reaction to a chemical. (7) Galvanotropism — reaction to electrical currents. In general we find that for any animal there exists an optimum attracting stimulus, which we may term positive tropism (or taxis) ^ and a negative stimulus, usually the more powerful one. For example, the ameba will be positively phototropic to a certain light, but negatively phototropic to one of greater intensity. Orders of Sarcodina. Order i. — Lobosa — (Ameba) soft jelly-like — 5-200 ii. in diameter. They are found in pools of stagnant water. Each species assumes its characteristic shape (Fig. 3 A). They are full of granules and have one or more nuclei and a contractile vacu- ole. They reproduce by simple fission, by sporulation, and rarely by conjugation. Order 2. — Foraminifera. They have a test or shell full of openings, through which project filose pseudopodia. They are chiefly marine, varying in size from microscopic to two inches in diameter. Their shells are calcareous, siliceous and chitinous (horny). There are 120 species of Foraminifera in English chalk clifi^s. The Norfolk chalk measures are 1,450 feet thick. Globi- gerina ooze forms gray chalk which is deposited on the bottom of the ocean to depths of 2,500 fathoms. They reproduce by motile swarm spores and by binary fission. Sometimes young with shells are formed in the terminal chamber of the adult. The nummulites, the largest of the foraminifera, are as large as a silver dollar. The limestone pyramids of Egypt are full of nummulites. Order J. — Heliozoa are mostly found in fresh water. They have fine stiff radiating pseudopodia. Some have skeletons of delicate siliceous spicules. Some species are colonial. Reproduction is by fission^ spore-Jorrnation and by conjugation (Fig. 4). Order 4. — Radiolaria are all marine. They differ from Heliozoa in having a much more elaborate skeleton of siliceous or other mineral substance. They have a central capsule surrounding the nucleus. They are united to form colonies of various shapes in some groups. Fossil radiolaria are found in slate, flint, chalk and deep sea deposits. 26 PROTOZOA Reproduction. — {a) Binary fission. The nucleus divides first, then the central capsule, then the extra-capsular tissue, {b) Spore- formation. The intra-capsular protoplasm divides into small ^' Egested particle Nucleus Con f roc tl/e vacuole Fig. 4. Actinosphaerium, a Heliozoan. (Drawn by H. N. Lammers. After Leidy.) masses, each of which becomes a flagellula with a single flagellum. Sometimes the spores produced are alike, in others they are di- morphic some being microspores and others megaspores. Symbiosis of Radiolaria. — Radio- laria and algae (yellow cells) live in symbiotic relation. (See page 482.) The radiolarian supplies CO2 and N waste. The alga gives off O and makes sugar. P arasitic S arcodina. — Lambl (i860) discovered an organism in feces of a child and decided that it was connected with diarrhea, but later rejected this opinion. Later (Afte7calkTns757o%;;'7/irPro- Lewis and Cunningham (1870) found tozoa. Courtesy of Lea and amebae in the feces of nearly 20 per Febiger.) cent of cholera patients examined in India. They were not the cause of cholera, however. Other investigators found two species of ameba in the intestine of man, one harmless, Entameba coli^ one causing dysentery^ Entameba histolytica (Fig. 5). E-ndosome —- Cor lex of chromalin Fig. 5. Endamoeba intestinalis. PROTOZOA 27 Entameba buccalis {gingivalis) , found in the mouth around carious teeth, is considered one of the causes of Pyorrhoea alveolarisJ^ Class 2. Mastigophora (Flagellates). Type of Group — Eu- glena. — Certain intermediate forms called Mastigamebae (Fig. 7) ...Girdle -- Tooth !l7"ii Longitudinal Flagellum .Tentacle Fig. 6. Noctiluca scintillans, postero- ventral view. (Courtesy of C. A. Kofoid.) have not only the changeable shape and pseudopodia of the ameba, but are provided with a flagellum in addition. There is apparently a direct evolution from the pseudo- / podium to the flagellum. The true flagellates may have one or more flagella. Some- times one flagellum is used for locomotion and another as an anchor. Some forms have cellu- lose tests and some are without any shell or case. One group of marine flagellates have siliceous skeletons similar to those of the Radiolaria. Reproduction is by simple longitudinal division. ' FlocjeUum „V(/> P^eudopodi-um Fig. 7. Mastigameba aspera. (Calkins. After F. E. Schultze.) Sometimes encystment occurs. Euglena is a green flagellate found in fresh water associated with 3 Kofoid, C. A. 1929. The protozoa of the human mouth. Jour, of Paras., vol. 15, pp. 1 51-174. 28 PROTOZOA Profoplosmic Jnclusion F/oge//um Bleph aroplas t Eyespo t Reservoir Other protozoa and with many of the algae. At times used in elementary courses by botanists, since it furnishes the movement so necessary to intrigue the student, it is unquestionably a plant- animal. Its shape is roughly that of a cigar and it moves through the water by means of a flagellum (Fig. 8). The body is covered by a cuticle, the external portion of the ectosarc. The endosarc contains the gullet, a reservoir, contractile vacuoles, chromoplasts and a nucleus. Some authors have claimed (apparently without observa- tion) that Euglena does not in- gest solid particles. The writer has observed with a class of thirty students a whole culture of Euglena in the act of ingest- ing food granules. The animal thrives best, however, when given abundant sunlight. It is quite evidently one of those Phytozoa which is able to utilize chlorophyll as well as to ingest solids. The red " eye-spot " is ap- parently composed of material with the power of absorbing light. Reaction to shadows occurs in Ruglena. just he/ore the pigment spot reaches the shaded region. In Volvox, a colonial flagellate, each cell has a true " eye-spot." Strong light produces negative phototropism. Economic Importance of Flagellates. — Uroglena not only colors drinking water yellow, but produces a fishy oily odor similar to that of cod liver oil. Peridinians (Gonyaulax) sometimes turn the sea red as blood off the coasts of California, Australia and India. They remove the free oxvgen from the water and cause suffocation of the fish. Synura tivella produces in drinking water a bitter spicy taste resembling that of ripe cucumbers. Dinobryon, also a colonial form, Nucleus — Fttramy/on body Pyrsnoid Fig. 8. Euglena gracilis. (Drawn by H. N. Lammers. After W. B. Baker.) PROTOZOA 29 has a fishy odor similar to seaweed. Cristispira is the large flagellate found in the crystalline style of clams and oysters. Trypanosoma gambiense^ found in Southern Africa, causes sleep- ing sickyiess in man. It is known to be transmitted by the bite of Glossina palpalis^ the tse-tse fly. Other species of tse-tse flies transmit different species of trypanosomes to mammals. Try- panosoma brucei causes the tse-tse fly disease of cattle in tropical Africa. The Germans claim that a drug called Bayer 205 is a specific for sleeping sickness. A remedy for paresis, tryparsamide, developed at the Rockefeller Insti- tute, has been substituted for the German patented preparation, and reported successful. Leishmania transmitted by in- sects cause Leishmaniasis or infan- tile ulcer, and tropical ulcer. Surra and dourine are trypanosome dis- eases of cattle and horses. Giardia ( Lamblia) inlestinalis, parasitic in the duodenum of man and the rodents, causes diarrhoea. The parasite is specific for each mammal. Histo)nonas meleagridis causes black-head (entero-hepatitis) o f turkeys. It is a small degenerate flagellate of the trichomonad type, which in tissues, loses its flagella. Symbiosis. — Symbiosis between termites and protozoa has been discussed by Cleveland {Science, vol. 61, no. 1585, p. 520) who has shown that the intestine of wood-feeding termites contain small flagellate protozoa, which may be removed by incubation, starvation, or oxygenation without killing the termites. Neither organism can live very long without the other, the termites dying three or four days after the protozoa are taken from them. Cleveland empha- sizes the fact that oxygenation will destroy ciliates and flagellates found in cockroaches as well. Fig. 9. Giardia maris. AX, axostyle; 5, blepharoplast; BB, basal body; C, centriole; E, endosome; N, nucleus; PL, parabasal body; RH, rhizoplast. (Calkins. After Kofoid and Swezy.) 30 PROTOZOA Class 3. Infusoria. — In the Infusoria we find that the body is provided with cilia useful in locomotion and the ingestion of food. All Infusoria possess cilia in at least the immature condition, but in a few forms they are replaced in the adult by tentacles. Subclass 1. Ciliata. — Infusoria having cilia throughout life. They have a mouth, often with an undulating membrane. They include five orders. Order i. Holotricha. — Primitive Infusoria with small uniform cilia arranged in more or less spiral rows. (Examples: Paramecium^ Colpoda.) Order 2. Heterotricha. — Infusoria in which small cilia are found covering the body while the peristome is bordered with a spiral of large adoral cilia. Fusion of the cilia into membranelles produces a direct pathway to the mouth. (Example: Stentor.) Order j. Oligotrichida. — In this order the adoral zone forms a ring around the margin of the peristome. Cilia are greatly reduced or absent, and membranelles are the only motile organs. There are three families, two of which are free living ( Halteridae and Tintin- nidae), and the third consists of parasitic forms {Ophryoscolecidae) in the stomach of ruminant mammals. (See page 482.) Order 4. Hypotricha. — Ciliata with a dorso-ventrally flattened body. The dorsal surface has longitudinal rows of vestigial cilia in the form of spines, while the ventral surface has hooks, fans, and fringed plates. The hooked cirri act as legs. (Examples: Stylo- nychia, Oxytricha.) Order 5. Peritricha. — Ciliata for the most part bare of cilia, except in the oral region, and in some species with an aboral circlet of cilia. The peristome bears a spiral band of large cilia, which continues around the lid-like disc marking the distal end. Many of the Peritricha are attached by a stalk which contains a contractile fiber. (Examples: Vorticella, Epistylis.) Subclass 2. Suctoria {Jcinetaria, Teniae ulif era). — Infusoria which have cilia in the young condition, but tubelike tentacles in the adult. They have no locomotor organs except in the free- swimming young, and are attached by a stalk. Other Infusoria are caught by the tentacles and after the cuticle has been dissolved, the fluid protoplasm is sucked down into the body of the suctorian. (Examples: Podophyra; Dendrosoma, a colonial form.) Subclass 1. Ciliata. Infusoria. Order i. Holotricha. Type — Paramecium caudatum. — Paramecium is a slipper-shaped, ciliated PROTOZOA 31 0 0 :i :3 i 0 u 0 5 ^ 5 5 :S; 4J 0) * 0 < 5 -t^ s^ :) (J c: u ..«> : b: . ^''^> ; Fig. 13^. Chilodon. (After M. ^4- MacDougall.) 5. Colpoda cucullulus. (After Biitschli.) C. Podophyra sp., a Suctorian. (After Calkins, Biology of the Protozoa. Courtesy of Lea and Febiger.) havior. Jennings has shown that Paramecium responds positively to contact, gravity and to running water, and that its behavior with reference to stimuli of light, chemicals, electricity and heat depends 36 PROTOZOA upon the force of the stimulus, In some cases the reaction being positive and in others negative. Economic Importance of Ciliates.^ — Bursaria is said to produce an odor in water supplies similar to that of a salt marsh. Vorticella and Stentor (Fig. 14, A) are frequently found in "'pipe moss " and along edges of reservoirs and dams, but are not injurious. Ciliates clean up bacteria in sewage disposal plants. Fig ^r Nucleus ff~^ ^^//e/ Controcfile i/ocuo/e Stentor sp. (After Stein. Drawn by H. N. Lammers.) Fig. i^B. Opalina. (After Biitschli. Drawn by H. N. Lammers.) Parasitic Ciliates. — Balantidium coli and Balantidium minutum have been found in the intestines of human beings infected with ® In considering the value of Protozoa, we must remember that they are mar- velously adapted to laboratory experimentation. Calkins, Woodruff, Jennings, and others have demonstrated this by a variety of fundamental studies on life processes. Packard has studied the influence of salts on the division rate of Paramecium, adding to our information facts which may have significance in efforts at the control of cancer. (Packard, C. 1926. Effect of sodium on the rate of cell division. Jour, of Cancer Research, vol. 10, pages 1-14.) PROTOZOA 37 dysentery and are thought to be concerned with certain ulcers of the large intestines. Opalina (see Figure i^B) is parasitic in the intestine of the frog (Metcalf). Several species of ectoparasitic infusoria are known to attack fishes, causing inflammation and death. Ichthyophthirius attacks steel-head-trout fingerlings, catfish, bass and perch. The common stickleback is one of the carriers for the parasite. Cyclochaeta and Chilodon are parasites of goldfish, brook trout and small mouth black bass but apparently do not infest salmon, steel-head trout or perch. Cyclochaeta thrives best when the temperature of the water is low, below 50° F., but Chilodori cy print requires a higher temperature (Guberlet). , • ■ ' f .• oneme around moafh Phoryngeol boskef \r^:^^:^-^m-^- "^ol/road track' Fig. 15. Neuromotor apparatus of Chlamydodon. (After M. S. MacDougall. Biol. Bull., vol. 54, p. 473, 1928.) Class 4. Sporozoa. Type — Plasmodium vivax. — The Sporozoa lack organs of locomotion and are characterized by their method of reproduction by spore formation. They are all parasitic forms at the active stages of their life cycle. The malarial Plasmodia include three species. One, P. vivax., produces chill every 48 hours; another, P. malariae, causes chill every 72 hours; while the third, P. falciparum., produces attacks daily or at irregular intervals (Fig. 16). Infected/d-zw^/^ mosquitoes of the Anopheline group are able to 38 PROTOZOA transmit the organisms. The blood of a malarial patient containing gametocytes is sucked up into the alimentary canal of the mosquito where the gametocytes produce matured macrogametocytes (egg) Some may be taken into the stomach of the niosquitowhen it bites luman Development of Parasite in 6: InSalivary Development Gland (SffTlosq. in the rPosc^uito '/ /In Body ' L Cavity of moscj. '^^oscj. Storo2^^^ Fig. i6. Life history of tiie malarial organism. (After Kellogg and Doane. Courtesy of Henry Holt & Co.) and flagellated microgametocytes (sperm) which conjugate and form a zygote or ookinete which grows into a multicellular somatella or sporoblast in a cyst in the wall of the stomach. This cyst liberates PROTOZOA 39 ...e -« thousands of tiny sporozoites which collect in the mosquito's salivary glands. If the mosquito afterwards bites a human being some of the sporozoites from the wound may be introduced and will enter the red blood corpuscles, and when sufficiently numerous will produce a chill. Such chills occur at the end of every 48 hours with each recurring cycle of sporulation, in the case of Plasmodium vivax. Quinine, the specific against malaria, may be resisted by certain of the malarial parasites in the spleen or bone marrow. Orders of Sporozoa. Order i. Gregarinida. — Monocystis is an abundant parasite of the seminal vesicles of the earthworm. Porospora gigantea (two- thirds of an inch long) is parasitic in the alimentary tube of the lobster. Order 2. Coccidia. — Coccidia cause red dysentery in calves and infest the liver and intestine of man and other vertebrates, besides oysters, insects and Crustacea. At least five species of Eimeria occur in chickens. One of these is very destructive to young chickens. Order ?. — Haemosporidia live in the blood. The r -I- 1 T-»I J- J J U tic. 17. A two important families are the Flasmodidae and the poiycystid Babesidae. gregarine. The Plasmodidae include the malaria organisms. Wasielewsky. They induce malaria in birds and mammals. Plus- (From Calk- modium vivax causes tertian fever, P. malariae causes ":^' '° °^/ • 1 r of the rroto- quartan fever and P. falciparum causes tropical tever. .^^ Courtesy Paresis has recently been treated successfully by of Lea and infecting the patients with malaria. The organisms Febiger.) are transmitted by Anopheline mosquitoes. (See Fig. 89.) O'Roke (1930) has found a fatal malarial disease in quails transmitted by a degenerate fly, Lynchia, living in the feathers. The Babesidae include several important blood parasites, all of which are transmitted by ticks. Babesia bigemina, the organism producing Texas cattle fever, is transmitted by the bite of the tick Boophilus annulatus. Death occurs in acute cases in two days. Trypan-blue has been used in the treatment of babesiasis. Babesia canis, the organism attacking dogs, has been the most studied. East Coast fever is caused by Babesia parva which is found in the red blood corpuscles of cattle, producing anemia. Oroya fever is a human disease occurring in mountain valleys of Peru. It is a 40 PROTOZOA severe anemia associated with irregular fever, caused by Bartonella bacillijormis. Order 4. — Myxosporidia cause epidemics in fishes and silk worms. Order 5. Sarcosporidia. — Sarcocystis is found in the muscles of pig, mouse and man. It has been suggested that the larvae of flies may transmit Sarcosporidia. General Considerations Protozoa are generalized single cells. They are differentiated into ectoplasm and endoplasm. All organs of locomotion and defense are from the ectoplasm. The seat of digestion and other functions is the endoplasm. All Protozoa have a nucleus. There is generally one but very often Protozoa are multinuclear. Other forms, Infusorians, have two nuclei, one macronucleus and one micronu- cleus. The former may be chain or dumb-bell shaped. Locomotion. — The organs of locomotion in Protozoa are pseu- dopodia, flagella or cilia. The ciliates are extremely speedy in movement, while many of the flagellates scull rapidly. Shipley found that in the case of four amebae given ten trials, the fastest moved 0.2 of a mm. in 60 seconds, while the slowest moved that distance in 80 seconds. Nutrition. — Nutrition consists of capture and ingestion, digestion and defecation. It may occur also by osmosis. (i) Many organisms can build up complex proteins from simpler chemical materials. There are holophytic plant-like types in which sunlight energy is used in synthesis and saprozoic forms in which the protoplasm is built up from organic substances in solution. (2) Other organisms are entirely dependent on a supply of protein ready made, obtained either by the holozoic method — by engulfing and digesting other living organisms; or as parasites — by feeding on digested foods. Parasites generally absorb their food in an osmotic manner rather than by engulfing it. Some species of Euglena are holophytic and others saprozoic. Some species in the life of one individual are holophytic in the sunlight and saprozoic in the dark. Ingestion. — The ameba type is enclosing; but vortex currents are set up by the cilia in Ciliates while the Suctoria pour their endoplasm into an animal, digest it and then suck it through their tentacles. Wenyon states that enzymes probably aid in liquefying the protein. PROTOZOA 41 Digestion is always intracellular and in the endoplasm. Gastric vacuoles contain fluids taken in with the food. Water is modified by osjnosis to become a digestive fluid weak in HCl. At the begin- ning of the digestive process, when food matters are first ingested, there is a remarkable secretion of acid. This secretion ceases with the beginning of the breakdown of food materials. Usually there is a distinct alkaline reaction in the food vacuoles. Proteins are the main sources of nutrition; starch is affected but slightly, but it is claimed that the Rhizopoda dissolve starch grains and even cellulose. Few protozoa are known to digest fats, but oil droplets and fat bodies are found in practically all of the protozoan groups. Dawson and Belkin have shown "^ that Ameba dubia and A. proteus are able to digest several of the oils, including peanut oil and olive oil. Some of the injurious bacteria may serve as excellent food for an ameba. Rndameba coli ingests intestinal bacteria and Endameba histolytica engulfs red blood corpuscles. Kofoid finds that a flagel- late {Pentatrichoinonas) ingests red blood corpuscles. The majority of protozoan parasites absorb food by osmosis. Some Ophryo- scolecidae eat chlorophyll grains. Excretion is by osmosis and also in the majority of Protozoa by one or more contractile vacuoles. Contractile vacuoles are formed in the endoplasm by accumulation of liquid. The cause of their contraction is unknown. Probably the contractile vacuole is also a respiratory organ. In one-half hour a protozoan throws out a quantity of water equal to the size of its body. Irritability. — The Protozoa are sensitive to nearly all stimuli. There is not satisfactory evidence of color vision, although many forms react to changes in light intensity. With regard to reaction to the pull of gravity it is argued that this is not a true positive geotropism (p. 25) in Paramecium. The Protozoa react to tem- perature changes, chemical and electrical stimuli. Ameba is a complete neuromuscular organism capable of responding to stimuli without correlation. Reproduction in Ameba coiiijiAlA of. (i) simple TJi^Joicm or fiooion^a). -buddrng^-Xg^-^pere formatioti^ Reproduction and Regeneration. Reproduction in the Sarco- dina. — (i) Fusion of two amebae is said to occur, resulting in a new organism. The significance and results of such a procedure are unknown. Such a process has been compared to the fusion of the 7 Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol, and Med., 1928, vol. 25, pp. 790-793; and Biol. Bull., 1929, vol. 56, p. 80. 42 PROTOZOA sperm with the egg but no cytological proof of zygote formation has been achieved. (2) Sporulation or encystment occurs in Ameba. The animal becomes spherical, secretes three-layered cysts and produces, by successive divisions of the nucleus, a multicellular somatella containing 2, 4, 8 or more nuclei. The Ameba divides at encystment into as many individuals as there are nuclei in the somatella. These emerge through a pore from the cyst as amebulae and in a few hours develop into full grown amebae. (3) Fission. In some forms, division (binary fission) takes place during activity; in others it takes place in a cyst. (4) Budding. In Euglypha, the animal buds and new particles go out from the shell. Simple division in Protozoa may lead to colony formation. (5) Conjugation in the Sarcodina is general, except in Lobosa and an investigator thought that he had seen it in Ameba proteus. This may have been only agglutination. (6) There is no evidence of reorganization, or endomixis (see page 44) in the Sarcodina. Regeneration in the Sarcodina. — The excision of one-fourth of the cytoplasm of the Ameba has no effect on its division. Regenera- tion may take place in twenty-four hours and division follows nor- mally. Enucleated amebae can move, but are not able to carry on other body processes and soon die. Reproduction in the Flagellata. (i) Fission. — With but few exceptions the flagellates have longitudinal fission. (2) Encystment and sporulation also occur at times. Reproduction in the Ciliata.^ (i) Fission. — All ciliates have transverse division. The reproduction of the macronucleus is usually by direct division with little evidence of spindle formation or definite chromosomes. In less complicated types of division, the division of the macronucleus is relatively simple. In some forms the macronucleus elongates, then constricts to form two equal portions, one passing to each of the daughter cells {Paramecium, Colpoda). When two macronuclei are present, each divides inde- pendently of the other {Oxytricha, Stylonychia). In some types multiple macronuclei may contain nuclear clefts with large granules which reproduce by division. Micronuclei, if multiple in the cell, do not fuse. The chromatin contents may be in part distributed and then unite into a long banded nucleus. No elimination of micro- nuclear material occurs. Each one divides by mitosis, with a * Consult Robertson, M. 1929. Life cycles in the Protozoa. Biol. Rev., vol. 4, no. 2, April. PROTOZOA 43 definite number of chromosomes, (2) Conjugation is typical of the Ciliata (see p. 23)- (3) Encystment and sporulation are characteris- tic of many forms like Colpoda. In spore-formation there are many simultaneous divisions. Encystment, while characteristic of the Sporozoa, is found in ail classes of the Protozoa. Motor organs are withdrawn and the ani- mal forms a test or shell excluding the water, and becoming en- cysted or fixed. "In the majority of cases (Minchin, p. 165) an individual in the process of encystment becomes perfectly spherical; occasionally ovoid or pear shaped. Any food particles or foreign bodies are usually ejected or ab- sorbed, contractile vacuoles disappear, all locomotor organs absorbed or cast off. The protoplasm of the organism becomes less fluid and more opaque. Lastly the cyst membrane itself appears around the body. It stands off distinctly from the rest of the body and may vary from a soft slimy or gelatinous coat to a firm membrane, often tough and impervious." Protozoa in the encysted state are able to withstand drying, freezing or sun baking. They may be transmitted by winds or birds to a great distance. In parasitic forms, encystment is an adaptation connected with a change from one host to another. In the spo?'OZoan parasites y two forms of cysts are distinguishable: I. Full grown forms may produce large resistant cysts, spherical or oval in form. 2. Smallest forms in developmental cycle, the products of multiple fission or sporulation, may secrete around them- selves tough resistant envelopes, within which they may multiply further. In this case, the envelope is the sporocyst and the entire body a spore. " The spores of bacteria are for the most part simply cysts, but are called spores on account of their small size " (Minchin, p. 166). The functions of encystment are: i. To protect during adverse conditions. 2. For purpose of digestion after a heavy meal. 3. Reproduction. 4. Reinfection. It should perhaps be emphasized at this point that some ciliates (Colpoda) divide on/y after forming a division cyst. Regeneration in the Ciliata is a phase of growth. Ciliata with the macronucleus (nutritive nucleus) will live since this nucleus supervises constructive metabolism. Yet Dawson showed that Oxytricha, lacking a micronucleus, would live for 289 generations, from July 10, 1917, to Nov. 17, 1919, without conjugation, reor- ganization (endomixis), or encystment. 44 PROTOZOA If Stentor is cut into two pieces, any part containing a portion of the nucleus will regenerate readily. Endomixis. — There is some controversy over the significance of the complete nuclear reorganization without cell fusion first de- scribed by Woodruff as occurring periodically in pedigreed races of Paramecium. At regular intervals of about 30 days, in Parameciurn aurelia (sixty in P. caudatum) the old jnacronucleus gives rise to buds or fragments which are absorbed in the cytoplasm. Each of the micronuclei divides twice, which forms new products of both micro- and macronuclei. It is the belief of Calkins, from his investigations on Uroleptus, that " endomixis " is a satisfactory substitute for the fusion of different nuclei at conjugation. He holds that continued vitality is possible when either process furnishes the necessary reorganization of nuclear elements. Endomixis does not seem to be essential to all ciliates. It has been interpreted as parthenogenesis. Distribution of the Protozoa. — Even the most barren soils con- tain Protozoa, the same species being found in tropical, temperate, and arctic soils. The maximum numbers of soil Protozoa are found at a depth of 4 to 5 inches, but some species seem able to live under anaerobic conditions. Certain Protozoa thrive as internal parasites, and live in the blood or internal organs of other animals. The majority of the Protozoa, however, are aquatic. They are found from the deepest seas (5,000 fathoms) to a point 10,000 feet above sea level, Juday reported a fresh water anaerobic ciliate found in the centrifuged plankton of Lake Mendota. It appeared in water containing a minimum amount of oxygen. The maximum number (95,250) appeared in a litre of water from a stratum having no oxygen. Pack reported 1 ciliata, 9 algae, 5 bacteria, i crustacean and 2 fly larvae in the water of Great Salt Lake which has 23 per cent salinity. Dilution of the medium caused a shortening of the cirri of the ciliates with increased size and activity. Fossil Relatives and Relationship to Other Phyla. — The Fora- minifera are of great geological importance, and are common as fossils from the Silurian rocks down to the present time. Today they are found in calcareous ooze, and are building beds of chalk and nummulithic limestone. The siliceous skeletons of the Radiolaria are found in slate and deep sea ooze. They aid in the formation of flint. (See p. 52.) PROTOZOA Economic Importance of Protozoa* Negative 45 Classes Positive Disease Organism Sarcodina Limestone Chalk Flint Amebic dysentery End. histolytica Flagellata Bad taste in drinking water Synura, Uvella, Dinobryon Sleeping sickness Tryp. gambiense Dysentery Giardia (Lamblia) intestinalis Tropical ulcer Leishmania Pyorrhoea Endameba buccalis Ciliata Experimenta- tion Odor in drinking water Bursaria (salt marsh smell) Dysentery Balantidium Opalina Sporozoa Malaria Plasmodium vivax Coccidiosis Eimeria Red dysentery Eimeria Silk worm disease Nosema bombycis Encysted in muscle, Sarcocystis degenerate it From the Tertiary deposits of the Barbadoes, Ehrenberg described 278 species of Foraminifera, known today. We consider the Protozoa as the most primitive forms of animal life. Certain forms are so closely allied to the plants that they can scarcely be claimed exclusively by zoologists. The Sarcodina form an ascending series from the Lobosa, with no skeleton, up to the Radiolaria, which have well-developed skeletons. The Mastigameba is a Flagellate with pseudopodia, and we might consider it a connecting type between the two classes of Protozoa. The fact that Porifera have collar cells, somewhat resembling the flagellated protozoa, has led some zoologists to sug- gest the evolution of Choanoflagellata into Sponges. Kofoid finds in the colonial Dinoflagellata^ with nettling organs and eye spots, relationships to the Coelenterata. 1 Negri bodies were at one time classed as Sporozoa, and later as Sarcodina, but they are now grouped with various other inclusions of diseased cells, such as in tra- choma, and sprue, as Chlamydozoa, or "mantle-covered" animals. Cowdry has even questioned whether the granules are microorganisms. Hurst suggests (Lancet, Sept. 19, I931, p. 622) t\i3it rabies may have been transmitted in certain Trinidad cases from humans to cattle, by vampire bats. See also Knutti, R. E., 1929, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, vol. 93, p. 754. 46 PROTOZOA References on Protozoa BuTSCHLi, O. 1889. Protozoa, in Bronn's Tierreich. Calkins, G. N. 1901. The Protozoa. Lemcke and Buechner, New York. Calkins, G. N. 1909. Protozoology. Lea and Febiger. Calkins, G. N. 1926. The Biology of the Protozoa. Lea and Febiger. Clarke, J. J. Protozoa and Disease. Pt. i, London, 1903; Pt. 2, London, 1908. Conn, H. W. 1905. Protozoa of Fresh Water of Connecticut. Bulletin Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut. Craig, C. F. 1926. A Manual of the Parasitic Protozoa of Man. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, Pa. DoFLEiN. 1927. Lehrbuch der Protozoenkunde. Jena. Leidy, J. 1879. Fresh-water Rhizopods of North America. Govern- ment Printing Office. Minchin, E. a. 191 2. Introduction to the Study of the Protozoa with Special Reference to the Parasitic Forms. E. Arnold, London. Sandon, H. 1927. The Composition and Distribution of the Protozoan Fauna of the Soil. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. Stitt, E. R. 191 8. Practical Bacteriology, Blood Work and Animal Parasitology, 5th edition. Philadelphia and London. Waksman, S. a. 1927. Principles of Soil Microbiology. Bailliere, Tindall and Cox. Ward, H. B., and Whipple, G. C. 191 8. Fresh-water Biology. John Wiley and Sons. Wenyon, C. M. 1926. Protozoology, 2 vols. Wm. Wood & Co., N. Y. Metazoa. (Gr. meta^ beyond; zoon^ animal.) — As we have al- ready shown (page 13), the Metazoa include all the Phyla above the Protozoa. The Metazoa begin as single cells, the fertilized eggs or ova, but early in their embryonic life they form two or three cell layers^ from which develop the organs and structures of the adult animal. The germ cells are functional in reproduction, while the body (somatic) cells carry on all other functions. To what extent the germ cells (germplasm) may be affected by the somatic cells (somatoplasm) and by environmental influences, is the basis of considerable controversy. (See page 514, Inheritance of Acquired Characters.) The somatic cells form tissues^ the discussion of which is deferred to a later chapter. (Page 426.) CHAPTER III PORIFERA PoRiFERA (Lat. porus, a pore; ferre^ to bear) were originally classed as colonial Protozoa. Found attached to rocks and other submerged objects, they resemble sea weed and were at one time considered as plants. With the exception of one family they are found in salt water. While sponges may reproduce by eggs and sperm, they com- monly reproduce by budding, colonies sometimes reaching a diam- eter of three feet. It is possible to cultivate them artificially since a complete sponge will develop from a single isolated cell. There are three kinds of sponges, the horny sponge used in com- merce, the siliceous sponges and the calcareous sponges, the last named having no commercial value. Classification Class I. Calcarea (Lat. calcarius, lime) with spicules of carbonate of lime. Class II. Hexactinellida (Gr. hex, six; aktiriy a ray) with siliceous spicules, in six rays. Class III. Demospongiae (Gr. demos, people; sponges, sponge) having spicules of silicon, or spongin. Characteristics 1. Sponges are the simplest Metazoa, with two distinct layers, ectoderm and endoderm, and an undifferentiated middle layer, the mesoglea — which is filled with spicules of siliceous, horny or calcareous material. They are a community of cells with relatively little division of labor. 2, There is no true coelom or body cavity, but the internal gastral cavity or cloaca ranges from a single tube to many branched chambers. a. Ascon — incurrent apertures pass directly into inner space. b. Sycon — cell layers folded — ectoderm and endoderm, central space. 47 48 PORIFERA c. Leucon — external opening to canals, through orifices leading through ectoderm to endoderm. The water comes in the incurrent canal, then into the radial, then to the paragastric cavity. The radial canals are lined with Jiagella; all whip down and suck the water in. 3. The general symmetry o f t h e embryonic gastrula stage is re- tained in the adult. Distribution. — The ma- jority of the sponges are marine, but there are a few fresh water forms (Spon- gillidae). They are found attached to rocks, sea weed and submerged objects. The true horny sponges are found in shallow water, not deeper than 450 fathoms. Other forms are found at great depths. Pigment in Sponges. — Many sponges contain pig- jnent. The lipochrome pigment zobyierythrin (seen in lobsters) is common. The green pigment of the fresh water sponge, analo- gous to chlorophyll, prob- ably aids in holophytic nutrition. Sponges vary in color from red brown to bright colors with pronounced Fig. 18. Top, commercial sponge. Center, the finger sponge. Bottom, red sponge. (From A. G. Mayer, SeasJiore Life. Courtesy of N. Y. Zool. Soc.) PORIFERA 49 iridescence. The majority are gray in color. They vary in size from microscopic to several feet in diameter. Their shape, while frequently cylindrical, is quite variable. They may branch to form a network, or assume the shape of a fan, or even that of a hat- crown. (Figure i8.) Type of Group — Grantia. — Grantia is a cylindrical, vase-shaped marine sponge, somewhat less than an inch in length. It is readily obtained from submerged piles and rocks alongshore, and since it is convenient in size for external gross study, and can readily be sectioned, it is ordinarily studied in college courses. External Anatomy. — Grantia has an outer or dermal layer, consisting of epithelial cells, contractile cells, gland cells and poro- cytes. Lime spicules and spongin fibers are formed by the sclero- blasts, which belong to the inner portion of the dermal layer. The body wall consists of a skeleton of calcareous spicules of which there are four varieties, a long and a short scimitar shape, a trident shape, and a T shape. At times other four- and five-rayed spicules are noted. The middle layer is a jelly-like mesoglea, with wandering ameboid cells, which ingest, store and transport food materials. From time to time, germinal cells are here developed from some of the wander- ing cells, and form ova or spermatozoa. Gemmules (statoblasts) are formed in certain species. (See p. 50.) The inner or gastral layer lining the radial canals is made up of " collared " flagellate cells, or choanocytes, which create currents of water and bring inward particles of food. Ingestion and Digestion. (Figure 19.) — Food is ingested by specialized cells and digested as in protozoa. Some cells are for ingestion; the flagellated collar cells are extremely important in absorbing and taking up food. They form rather dense masses near the nuclei. Certain cells in the mesoglea are for storage, and still others are for nutrition. The sponges make use of detritus coming from dead plant and animal tissues found in sea water along the coast. Food vacuoles are formed as in the Protozoa. Circulation. — Circulation is by means of the ameboid wandering cells of the middle layer. Respiration is carried on by the cells of the body wall. Excretion is osmotic by cells, and also by the ex- pulsion of solids through the osculum. Reproduction, (i) Asexual. — Buds may arise near the base of the sponge and become detached as a separate individual, or in 50 PORIFERA some sponges colonies may be formed. Budding or branching is a common method of reproduction in sponges. In the fresh water Spongilla and in some of the marine sponges, the autumnal death of the adult sponge is preceded by the formation of statoblasts, or gemmules. The mesogleal cells aggregate in a clump, are surrounded by a firm membrane, and protected by blunt spicules, called amphidiscs. These gemmules survive the winter, and develop into males or females. From the ferti- lized eggs come the summer generation of sponges which produce gemmules and die in the fall. The gemmules serve to preserve the race, and to disperse it as well. They may be desiccated for years and then grow new Spongillae when the water returns. (2) Sexual. — Ameboid wandering cells from the mesoglea form eggs or spermatozoa. The ferti- lized eggs become flagel- lated free swimming larvae, then become fixed, pass through a primitive gas- trula stage, and finally de- velop the inhalant ostia and the exhalant osculum of an adult. The flagel- lated cells of the larva de- velop into the gastral choanocytes of the adult, and the larval inner cells develop into the dermal layer. Nervous System. — The first clearly marked neuromuscular cells in the Invertebrates are found in the sponges where certain " poro- cytes " are found surrounding the pores leading to the incurrent canals. There is no nervous receptor present, but the porocytes contract as do the Protozoa when stimulated. This may be called the independent-effector stage. Although the nervous system is thus Fig. 19. Longitudinal section of a simple sponge. 0, osculum; ip, incurrent pores. (Parker and Haswell, Textbook of Zoology. Courtesy of Macmillan and Co., Ltd.) PORIFERA 51 but little developed, the sponge reacts to stimuli. G. H. Parker has shown that the oscula (of Stylotelld) were closed in quiet sea water and on exposure to the air and to ether. The ostia (pores) opened in sea water currents and in fresh water and atropine, and closed in weak ether and cocaine. Habits. — Sponges furnish shelter for small organisms. They are inactive (sessile) and only open and close their openings. They are not eaten by fishes or even Arthropoda. Their strong odor and r' Fig. :o. Clam shell infested with boring sponge. (From A. G. Mayer, Seashore Life. Courtesy of New York Zool. Soc.) taste are important aids to the spicules in keeping enemies away. Micro-organisms that find their way through the pores are taken in as food by the phagocytic cells of the cloaca and radial canals. Sponges are not true parasites, but the boring sponge, C/iona, perforates the shell of oysters and other similar forms, seeking ^ro/^f- tion instead of food. (Figure 20.) Enemies of the sponges are bacteria, plant parasites and a few fish, which attack them when they are young. Associations. — Certain species of crabs (Dromia) are masked by sponges living as commensals, which profit by securing more oxygen. 52 PORIFERA A compact orange-colored sponge {Suberites domunculd), of peculiar odor, grows around the shell inhabited by a hermit crab and dissolves the shell substance. Algae live in sy?nbiosis with some sponges. A cuttlefish {Rossia glaucopis) (see MoUusca, p. 154) puts its eggs in pockets in the substance of a siliceous sponge. Economic Importance. Positive. — i . The uses of the sponge are too well known to more than mention that they are of great im- portance in hospitals, homes, factories and garages. 2. As an industry, sponge fisheries are of great value, probably being worth nearly two million dollars annually. In 1926 they brought in (Florida fisheries alone) $666,093.00. 3. The siliceous sponges form flint deposits. Negative. — i. Sponges may kill oysters by boring into them. (Boring sponges.) 2. They may attach to the oysters and starve them by taking the food first. 3. They may actually reduce the oxygen of the water in their immediate vicinity by using currents first. 4. Sometimes /r^j-A water sponges are of serious injury in that they attach to the walls of reservoirs and water pipes, and oflFer lodgment for fresh water mussels and Bryozoa. Various algae accumulate and the debris lodging against the miscellaneous or- ganisms produces a felt-like mass called " pipe-moss." 5. The United States Department of Agriculture has published a bulletin on the reclamation of soil in Florida marshes showing that the sponge spicules wear away the hoofs of the mules used in plow- ing, while the shoes of the plowmen are worn through and their feet rendered raw in one day. Fossil Relatives. — Fossil sponges similar to existing groups have been found in formations from the Cambrian period down. They are chiefly found in chalk and flint. It has been estimated that a mass of sponge skeletons may give rise to beds of flint nodules in the space of fifty years. Siliceous sponges derive their spicules from small quantities of silicate in the sea water, originating from the decomposition of igneous rocks such as granite. The sponges and the Radiolaria (see page 44) furnish siliceous skeletons to aid in flint formation. The siliceous chalks are the first stage in the formation of flint. There is evidence from the casts of spicules found that the silica of sponge skeletons actually dissolved and was then redeposited. PORIFERA S3 Ancestry and Relationship to Other Phyla. — Porifera are nearer the Protozoa than are any of the other types of Metazoa. The collar cells resemble certain colonial choano-flagellates . While the sponges somewhat resemble the Coelenterata, in having a fixed mode of life, in budding, and in having a large gastro- vascular cavity, the mode of formation of embryonic layers in the two groups shows radical dissimilarity. They are probably derived separately from the Protozoa. References on Sponges Cobb, J. N. 1902. The Sponge Fishery of Florida in 1900. Report of U. S. Fish Com. Davis, R. O. E. 1912. Sponge Spicules in Swamp Soils. Circ. No. 67, Bureau of Soils, U. S. D. A. Flegel, Ch. 1908. The Abuse of the Scaphander in the Sponge Fisheries. Bull. U. S. Bureau Fish., Vol. 28. Moore, H. F. 1908. The Commercial Sponges and the Sponge Fish- eries. Bull. U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Vol. 28, part i, pp. 403, 407-1 1, 426. Tressler, D. K. 1923. Marine Products of Commerce. Chem. Cat. Co., N. Y. Wilson, H. V. 1910. Development of Sponges from Tissue Cells Outside the Body of the Parent. Bull, of the Bur. of Fish., Vol. 28, pp. 1265-1271. Wilson, H. V. 1911, Development ot Sponges from Dissociated Tissue Cells. Bull, of the Bur. of Fish., Vol. 30. Consult, also, papers by Galtsoff, P., U. S. Bur. Fish. CHAPTER IV COELENTERATA The Coelenterata (Gr. koilosy hollow; enteron^ Intestine) are aquatic, and are for the most part marine, some developing into enormous colonies. Their bodies, especially the tentacles, bear nematocysts or " thread cells," structures not found in other Phyla, which are used for offense and defense. The corals, which secrete hard exoskeletons, are the most significant economically. Classification Class L Hydrozoa {Gr. hudra, wa.t€:r serpent; zoon, animal). They include fresh water hydra, marine hydroids, small jelly fishes (Gonionemus), and some stony corals. Class II. Scyphozoa (Gr. skuphos, cup; zoon^ animal). They in- clude most of the large jelly fishes (Aurelia). Class III. Anthozoa or Actinozoa (Gr. anthos, a flower; zoon, animal). Include sea anemones, most stony corals, sea fans, sea pens. Characteristics 1. Radially symmetrical. 2. They have two cellular layers, ectoderm and endoderm, with a non-cellular mesoglea, a jelly-like substance, between. 3. They have a hollow body, the central space being called the gastro vascular cavity or coelenteron. This may be very small (Aurelia). 4. They have stinging cells or nematocysts. Natural History Class I. Hydrozoa. Hydra. (Figure 21.) — Because it is so easy to collect and keep in the laboratory, many zoologists include Hydra in the first course in zoology. It is from 1/16 of an inch to 3/4 of an inch long, and lives in fresh water attached by one end, but is able to move about. The body is a tube cylindrical in shape, with 54 COELENTERATA 55 a basal disk for attachment, and a ?nouth surrounded hy Jive to ten tentacles at the other. Reproduction. — Buds appear laterally, and during the repro- ductive season in October the spermaries (testes) may be seen on the anterior third of the body, while the ovaries are seen on the posterior or basal end. Hydra eggs resemble an ameba in ap- pearance. Buds are formed by the outgrowth of the endo- derm and the ectoderm, and at first include an enteron connec- tion with that of the parent. The outside of the Hydra, except the basal disc, is cov- ered by a thin cuticle. Hydra has two distinct cellular lay- ers, an outer ectoderm, which is thin and colorless, and an inner layer, the endoderm, which is more than twice as thick as the outer layer and has in it brown or green color- ing matter depending on the species. Between the ecto- derm and endoderm there is a jelly-like substance called the mesozlea. The body and t- it j • -j- l • "^ ■' ^IG. 21. hydra vtriats, showing testes the tentacles are hollow, the above and ovaries below. (After Hertwig- space being called the gastro- Kingsley, Manual of Zoology. Courtesy of vascular cavity or cloaca. Henry Holt & Co.) (Figure 22, A, B, C.) The ectoderm, protective and sensory, consists of (a) epithelio- muscular cells, inverted cones with contractile fibrils; (b) interstitial cells, which produce three kinds of nematocysts, (i) barbed with hypnotoxin; (2) cylindrical, with a coiled thread and no barbs, and (3) spherical, with a barbless thread in coils; (c) glandular cells at the basal disk, which aid in attachment. The sex cells of both ovaries and spermaries are derived from ectodermal interstitial cells. The mesoglea is thin, jelly-like and non-cellular. The endoderm has large digestive cells with muscle fibrils at the base, and with flagellae or pseudopodia projecting into the cloaca; 56 COELENTERATA absorptive cells in the gastrovascular endoderm, and secretory cells which are small gland cells. Flacjellum —ip if —Pseudopoc/ium Fig. ^iA. Hydra, longitudinal section. (Modified from Parker. Courtesy of The Macmillan Co.) Nerve cells are present in hydra in the ectoderm, a few in the endoderm. Some nerve cells are connected by processes with the muscle fibers of the epitheliomuscular cells. COELENTERATA 57 Ingestion and Digestion.— Yiydrz. feeds on those minute animals that it can seize with its tentacles. It attacks them with nemato- cysts and propels them to its mouth by tentacles. Muscular contraction of the body walls forces the food into the lower part of the coelenteric chamber. Some of the endoderm cells have ^ro]ect\ng pseudopodia or flagella, while others are glandular. Digestion. — i. The secretory cells of the endoderm furnish the digestive fluid which acts on the contents of the gastrovascular cavity. 2. The digestive cells with pseudopodia engulf some of the food. 3. The absorptive cells take it in. Nervous Systejn. — Ectodermal nerve fibers and cells form a plexus. There are superficial cells. Some nerve cells connected with epithc muscular cells are motor. There are a few endo- dermal nerve cells also. Behavior. — Hydra attach, swing and feed, and sometimes loop or somersault. In response to mechanical stimula- tion, hydra contracts at first but, becoming ha- bituated, gives no fur- ther reaction, except as it may at times move away from the occupied region. The righting position is not deter- mined in hydra by grav- ity. It reacts to light, temperature and chemi- cal stimuli. I n other coelenterates, particu- larlv the sea anemones, one finds remarkable response to tactile and photic stimuli. Food. — The food of hydra consists of aquatic forms, including an occasional mosquito larva and rarely the eggs and fry of fishes. Ene?nies. — The chief enemies of hydra are bacteria, saprolegnia, aquatic insects and of course fishes and crayfish. Economic Importance. — Hydra is to some extent beneficial in that it captures an occasional mosquito larva. Since it also devours Fig. 225. Hydra stinging cells. (After Dahlgren and Kepner. Courtesy of The Macmillan Co.) 58 COELENTERATA annelids and Crustacea that are food for fishes it may be considered injurious. Gudger has called attention to early studies of Trembley and the more recent ones of Beardsley which indicate the surprising ability of hydra to capture young fishes. Beardsley found that in one of the hatcheries of the U. S. B. P., hydras averaged 131 per square inch in certain troughs used for black-spotted trout fry and that they were responsible for a considerable mortality among the young trout. —Endoderm Mesoglea — Ectoderm Fig. 22C. Hydra, cross section. (After Marshall and Hurst.) The Hydrozoa are especially interesting to us on account of their two forms of zooids, the nutritive hydranths and the reproductive zooids, called medusae. In many of the Hydrozoa we find alterna- tion of generations, the asexual generation being a fixed, plant-like colony, while the sexual generation is a free swimming medusa. Obelia, a Hydroid. — Since alternation of generations is especially well shown in Obelia, it is frequently used in elementary zoology courses. Obelia is a colonial animal that looks like a plant. It has a basal root, the hydrorhiza, attached to rocks, wharves and to alga, which gives off stems, the hydrocauli. The side branches from the hydro- cauli develop hydranths, or independent zooids, like a hydra in structure. The tentacles of the hydroid are not hollow but solid. COELENTERATA 59 Occasionally one finds a modified hydranth which is for the purpose of reproduction, and is called the gonangium. The perisarc is the thick outside covering, which is hard and chitinous. It is expanded to form the cup of the hydranth and is then called the hydrotheca^ or in the case of the gonangium^ the gonotheca. A shelf across the base of the hydrotheca is the support Fig. 23. Alternation of generations in the //>'^ro/iO/^f//«. (From Shumway, Gf wra/ Biology. Courtesy of John Wiley & Sons.) for the hydranth. The soft parts of the stem are called the coenos- arc, and the cavities of the coenosarc open into the hydranth forming the typical gastrovascular cavity. The ectoderm contains nerve cells, epitheliomuscular cells and interstitial cells with nematocysts of two or more types. The mesoglea is an undifferentiated, jelly-like layer between the ectoderm 6o COELENTERATA and endoderm. The endoderm contains large feeding cells with pseudopodia and flagella, digestive cells (gland cells), and muscle fibers. (Figure 23.) Fig. 24. Portuguese man-of-war, Physalia, sheltering several shepherd fish, Nomeus, amid its tentacles. (Courtesy of American Museum of Natural History.) Alternation of Generations {Metagenesis) in the Hydrozoa. — In Obelia, there are two types of zooid. The reproductive one, called the gonangium^ produces ectodermal medusa-buds along the blasto- COELENTERATA 6i style^ which Is a continuation of the living central portion, the coenosarc. The medusa buds, when mature, pass out at the top of the gonangium and develop into medusae. Some medusae pro- duce eggs and some produce sperms. The fertilized eggs develop into a motile stage which, after swimming around for a time, settles down and grows into a colony similar to the parent. The colonial form reproduces asexually, by budding, and the medusae reproduce sexually, by eggs and sperms. The zoophyte stage begins in the autumn, and the medusa stage in the spring, so the life history takes one year. Siphonophora. — While we cannot discuss all the Orders of Hydrozoa, we will consider briefly one of the most beautiful of the pelagic forms, belonging to the Order Siphonophora. The familiar " Portuguese Man of War " (Figure 24) consists of a colony of individuals illustrating the condition of polymorphism. The ectoderm invaginates and produces a large pneumatophore or float. From the coenosarc arise individuals functioning as sensory polyps or feelers, and numerous retractile tentacles supplied with nettle cells. Feeding tubes digest and distribute the food. Reproductive zooids are also present. Class 2. Scyphozoa. — All Scyphozoa are marine, the majority being pelagic, i.e., swimming at the surface of the ocean. Some of them are beautifully colored, and certain species are phosphorescent. All jellyfishes are carnivorous, and the larger forms are able to capture and consume fishes. In their life history alternation of generations is found, but the asexual stage is not highly developed and in some cases a simple metamorphosis occurs. Type of the Group — Aurelia. (Figure 25.) External Char- acteristics.— Aurelia is a saucer-shaped jelly fish about 4 inches in diameter, with four distinctive gastric pouches, conspicuous because of the orange gonads found inside them arranged along the outer wall towards the margin. The concavo-convex umbrella has an exumbrella only slightly elevated in comparison with Gonionemus, and the velum is absent. Each gastric pouch has a subgenital pit. These have no connection with the extrusion of embryos and prob- ably are respiratory and excretory. Digestive System. — The mouth, rectangular when distended. Is usually collapsed In the preserved specimen. Four oral arms, folded like a leaf, and although they are devoid of tentacles, plentifully supplied with nematocysts, are used to transport food to the mouth, 62 COELENTERATA and with the aid of the nematocysts on the jnarginal tentacles^ to kill it preparatory to digestion. From the mouth leads a short gullet, situated on the 7nanubrium. The stomach is extended at four points into the horseshoe-shaped gastric pouches. These have relatively thick jelly walls. The gastric pouches have many gastric filaments^ covered with nem- atocysts, so that even if prey remains alive up to that point, it can be killed. The radial canals carrying food to the circular canal are of two types, the unbranched adradial, which proceed di- rectly from the sides of the gastric pouches to the circular canal, and which have no sense organs at their ends; and the branched canals, called per-radial and inter-radial. The per-radial canals orig- inate at the corners of the Fig. 25. Aurelia, a Scyphozon. (From Verrill.) mouth, between the pouches, and have a sense organ at the end of their central trunk; the inter-radial canals branch so close to the gastric pouches that one cannot in some cases actually see the beginning of the lateral branching. They arise at the middle of the outer margin of the gastric pouches, and they also have sense organs at the end of the main trunk. Respiration is osmotic through the entire animal; and possibly facilitated by means of the subgenital pit. Circulation is not vascular, merely by water currents with food in suspension. Ex- cretion is by the extrusion of solids through the mouth, and by osmosis. Again the subgenital pits may function. The circular canal of some medusae communicates with the exterior by small excretory pores at the tips of papillae. These apparently function in the excretion of nitrogenous wastes. Reproduction. — The gonads are situated in the gastric pouches and the eggs or sperms are discharged, not through the subgenital pits, but into the stomach and out through the mouth. Fertilized eggs are frequently seen developing attached to the oral arms. (Figure 26.) COELENTERATA 63 Nervous System and Sense Organs. — The nervous system consists of a plexus of nerve fibers extending over the subumbrellar surface between the epithelial layer of ectoderm and the muscular layer. The plexus is thickened in a ring extending around the animal near the circular canal and connecting with the sense organs, or tentaculo- cysts. The marginal tentaculocysts are equilibratory and olfacto- gustatory. Adjacent to the ocellus or statocyst are found the so- called " olfactory pits." Fig. 26. Development oi Aurelia. First row, growth of planula to scyphostoma; below, strobilation (separation of ephyrae): left, oral view of scyphostoma; right, two ephyrae. (After Hertwig-Kingsley, Manual oj Zoology, after Hatschek. Courtesy of Henry Holt & Co.) Class 3. Actinozoa (Anthozoa). Sea Anemone. — The Actino- zoa include numerous species of sea anemones and corals. Sea anemones are solitary animals, forming no permanent colony. They are fleshy, with no skeleton. Anatomy of the Sea Anemone. — The sea anemone is cylindrical, with xx.^ peristome covered with hollow, horn-shaped tentacles, bear- ing nematocysts. The mouth is provided with a muscular ciliated groove, the siphonoglyph, which aids in holding and propelling the food. George Meredith said, " Sea anemones are flowering stomachs which open to anything and speedily cast out what they cannot con- 64 COELENTERATA sume." The gastrovascular cavity is divided by thin double mesen- teries into six radial chambers. Other shorter mesenteries, not at- tached to the digestive tube, incompletely divide the cavities still further. Near the base of the coelenteric chamber (gastrovascular cavity) there are two types of mesenterial filaments. The first are secretory in function, while the second, the acontia^ are provided with gland cells and nematocysts. The acontia may be shot out through the body wall of an irritated anemone until the mass of white threads conceals the bottom of an aquarium jar. Italians eat certain sea anemones, terming them " ogliole." Fig. 27, Corals. (Courtesy of American Museum of Natural History.) Corals. — The coral polyps resemble the sea anemones in their internal structure, having an esophageal tube, mesenteries, and internal gonads. Unlike the anemones, they form colonies^ and have leathery, calcareous, stony, or horny skeletons of ectodermal origin. In the red coral, originally separate spicules become embedded in a cement-like deposit of calcium carbonate, forming a hard branched rod which serves as an axis for the colony. Members of a coral colony are connected, each individual securing its own food. COELENTERATA 65 however. In one group of stony corals, the zooids are differen- tiated, certain smaller individuals, the siphonozooids, lacking longitudinal muscles, tentacles and gonads. Red coral is fashioned into jewelry for children, while the white and rose pink Japanese corals bring high prices. (See page 70.) The living polyps are significant since they may become the foundation of islands, or protective barrier reefs (Figure 28), but frequently menace shipping when they grow to a point just below Fig. 28. Great Barrier Reef of Australia. (Courtesy of Amer. Mus. of Nat. Hist.) the surface. In general, the corals that build reefs are found in a zone extending about 30° on each side of the equator. For the most part, since they cannot live in water below a temperature of about 60°, corals are found in tropical waters, near the coast, ranging no lower than 20 fathoms, and never found in brackish or fresh water. Formation of Coral Islands. — Charles Darwin suggested that an island surrounded by a coral reef might subside,^ thus accounting for an atoll and its enclosed lagoon. (See Figure 29.) Sir John Murray and A. Agassiz have staunchly supported the erosion theory. According to this theory coral reefs form around an oceanic island. The reef grows but the soil and rock of the island are washed away until an atoll with its lagoon are left. The few lagoons that serve ^ Davis, W. M., 1928, in his book The Coral Reef Problem, Am. Geog. Soc, agrees with Darwin. The glacial control theory of Daly is the only serious rival to the sub- sidence theory. 66 COELENTERATA as safe harbors for ships do not offset the many dangerous coral reefs that threaten ocean shipping. Fig. 29. Whitsunday Island in the South Pacific, an atoll built by corals. (After Darwin.) Ctenophora. — The Ctenophora (Gr. ktenos, of a comb; phoreo, I bear) are free-swimming marine animals, extremely transparent, and for the most part found in tropical seas, although quite gen- erally distributed. They are called sea walnuts or comb jellies. (Figure 30.) They are of little importance except as food for other marine animals. The U. S. Bureau of Fisheries has, however, reported the appearance of great numbers of Ctenophores coincident with the disappearance of oyster larvae in Great South Bay. Formerly known as destructive to molluscan larvae, there have been a number of years, 1917, 1921, 1927, when heavy " sets " of young oysters were lost during the month of June. Prob- ably certain temperature conditions were responsible for the appearance of the Ctenophores at a date earlier than usual, and at a time when they could do damage to young oysters. It is of course also barely possible that the temperature changes were injurious to the oysters, and that the injury done by Ctenophores was correspondingly less. Fig. 30. Mnemiopsis, a Ctenophore (Courtesy of T. C, Nelson.) COELENTERATA 67 General Consideration of the Coelenterata Distribution. — The majority of the Coelenterates are found in salt water, where they are extremely numerous. The common fresh water hydra and a species of fresh water medusa are the only inland types. Anatomy. — All Coelenterates have a body wall consisting of two layers of cells (ectoderm and entoderm) and an undifferentiated mesoglea. Digestion and circulation take place in a single coe- lenteron. Muscle fibers aid in the process of locomotion. Loco- motion is active in the jelly fishes like Gonionemus, which ejects jets of water, but less rapid in the larger jelly fishes, which execute undulatory movements. Hydra loops and somersaults. Physiology. — Digestion is largely extracellular in some coe- lenterates, the enzymes being discharged into the gastrovascular cavity. In others it is an intracellular process. The endoderm cells responsible for digestion and absorption are ameboid in character, in some cases apparently fusing to form a syncytium. In many Coelenterates, cilia or flagella bring about a slow circulation of the liquid, which may be termed gastrovascular circulation. Tryptic ferments found in some Coelenterates probably furnish an acid secretion as in protozoa. Digestion of animals with a chitinous covering is effected in the anemones by mesenterial jilmnents which penetrate to all parts of the body and there digest and absorb food matters. There is little or no evidence of free existence of pro- teolytic enzymes in the gastral cavity. Glandular cells empty their secretion into the gastric cavity, where it becomes liquid and evidently has a part in what may be termed predigestion of food. Products of this early digestion may be, and doubtless are, carried to the most distant parts of the body by a sort of circulation, some- times termed gastrovascular. This group appears to present a sort of transition between purely intracellular digestion as it appears among the protozoa and purely extracellular digestion found in higher animals. Respiration and excretion are performed through the body wall and solid wastes are extruded through the mouth. Nervous System. — In the Coelenterates we find that specialized ectodermal cells receive and transmit stimuli to internally situated contractile cells. The nerve net consists of a diffuse network be- tween the receptor and effector cells. Parker ^ calls the units of ^Parker, G.H. 1919. Elementary Nervous System. J. B. Lippincott Co., N. Y. 68 COELENTERATA this nerve net protoneurons . There are sense organs for equilibra- tion, touch, visual sense and gustation. Reproduction is asexual, by fission and budding; and sexual, by ova and spermatozoa. Hermaphroditism and separate sexes are both found. Many species of Coelenterates give off medusae when not a month old. Their life cycles may be completed in three months. Sagartta completes its life cycle in about 15 months. The sea anemones may undergo pedal " laceration," which is asexual reproduction. Size. — Hydrozoa are mostly of small size. The Scyphozoan jelly fishes are larger, Cyanea arctica reaching a diameter of 12 feet with tentacles nearly 100 feet long. The largest reef anemone, Discoso?na, an Actinozoan found in the Mediterranean Sea, reaches a diameter of 1 feet. Habitat. — A little hydroid lives in the mouth of the tube of the worm Sabella. Stylactis^ another hydroid, lives on the skin of the rock perch, Minous minot. Stylactis vertnicola attaches to the worm Aphrodite at 2,900 fathoms. Scyphozoa have been found at a depth of 2,000 fathoms. Regeneration. — The remarkable ability of Hydra to regenerate has been known since the experimental work of Trembley in 1744. The hypostome with the tentacles will produce an entire new Indi- vidual, and as many as seven heads have been produced by splitting the animal anteriorly. Hydra may be turned Inside out and become normal in a short time. It was at first thought that the ectoderm cells were transformed into endoderm. This Is not so, however. The animal either turns Itself back or else the inturned ectoderm disappears and new ectoderm forms from the lips downward, cover- ing the endoderm. Interesting experimental work has been done by several investi- gators with various Scyphozoa Including Aurella. They regenerate remarkably when segments are cut out. Fossil Relatives. — Hydrozoa are found as fossils from the Cam- brian to the present. Scyphozoa are 99 per cent water and so few traces remain In the rocks. Lithographic slates, found In the Juras- sic strata of Bavaria, show the impressions of the thin soft bodies or tentacles of jelly fishes. Sometimes the digestive cavity was filled with sand and covered by other mud or sand before the body of the jelly fish disintegrated and so the outline of the containing cavity was preserved. Actinozoa or Anthozoa are found from the COELENTERATA 69 Cambrian to the present. Corals are composed of CaCOa and so are well preserved. Sea anemones and Ctenophores are not preserved as fossils. Ancestry and Relationship to Other Phyla. — The lowest Coe- lenterate form known is the simple hydrozoan polyp, represented by Hydra and by the hydrula stage of many Hydrozoa. Scyphozoan polyps are represented by the scyphula of Aurelia, which is more complex because of the stomodaeum, gastric ridges and filaments. The Actinozoan polyp or actinula is more complex still. The hydroids have adopted asexual multiplication by budding during the larval stage. Certain of the zooids become medusae^ the rest retaining the polyp form and furnishing nourishment for the asexual colony. The relationships of the Ctenophora to other Coelenterata are doubtful. While the absence of stinging capsules and the presence of collared endoderm cells in the Porifera places them in a separate Phylum, it is assumed that they were derived from the Protozoan ancestors of the Coelenterates. Economic Importance of Coelenterates Hydrozoa. — Hydra is an enemy of mosquito and other insect larvae, but of relatively small importance in such a role. It also attacks trout fry. Hydra is an enemy of annelids {Tubifex) and small Crustacea such as Daphnia, which are important food for fishes. The hydroids are food for fishes. Polypodium is in early life parasitic on the eggs of the sturgeon. Scyphozoa are eaten in Japan and the Philippines, preserved in salt or between oak leaves. Sertularia are sometimes sold as " air-plants." Actinozoa. — Sea anemones have been used as food by the Italians for many years. They are sold under the name of " ogliole." When fried in oil they are said to be very palatable. In the West Indies, a coral-like form called the " sea-ginger " is esteemed as a condiment. Corals are the only Coelenterates of great importance economi- cally. Coral reefs are formed by the limestone secretions of in- numerable animals resembling anemones somewhat in structure. Sometimes reefs of coral surround islands which submerge (Darwin's theory, page G^) and leave a " lagoon " that proves a safe haven for ships. But, in many cases, reefs are dangerous liabilities in 70 COELENTERATA ocean travel. Many Pacific Islands are formed entirely of coral rock, while the East Coast of Northern Queensland is bounded for 1,250 miles by the Great Barrier Reef, which extends parallel to the coast at a distance from shore ranging from 10 to 90 miles. (See page 65.) The precious corals have been known for centuries. In India, coral is used as a gift to the dead to keep evil spirits away from the bodies. Pure white Japanese coral necklaces are extremely valu- able, those with pale pink tints bringing as much as $5,000. The finest rose-pink coral brings from $400 to $600 an ounce, but the ordinary red pieces bring only about $10. The small fragments used in children's necklaces bring about ^oi. a string. References on Coelenterates Hargitt, C. W. 1 901. Synopsis of the Hydromedusae of North America. American Naturalist, vol. XXXV. Trembley, a. 1744. Memoires pour servir a I'histoire d'un genre de polypes d'eau douce a bras en forme de cornes. Leyden. (Re- markable first study of Hydra.) CHAPTER V Platyhelminthes The Platyhelminthes (Gr. plains, broad; helminthus, an intes- tinal worm) are soft bodied, bilaterally symmetrical and dorsi- ventrally flattened worms lacking the true segmentation character- istic of the earthworm. The majority of the Turbellaria are free living, the Trematodes are all ectoparasites or endoparasites, and the Cestodes are all endoparasitic. Some parasitic flatworms re- quire several hosts in order to complete their life history. Platyhelminthes have two embryonic layers, the ectoderm and endoderm. They differ from higher worms in that they have no coelom. A packing tissue, the mesenchyme, forms a compact mass oi pa7-enchyma (connective tissue) occupying the space between the organs and the body wall. The majority are hermaphroditic, i.e., with the gonads of both sexes in one individual. The digestive tract, when present, is a coelenteron with no anal opening. Classification Class 1. Turbellaria (Lat. turbo, I disturb), Planaria. Class 2. Trematoda (Gr. trema, a pore; eidos, resemblance), Distomes, liver flukes. Class 3. Cestoda (Gr. kestos, girdle; eidos^ resemblance), tape worms. Characteristics I. Flattened dorsiventrally. 1. Bilaterally symmetrical. 3. Do not bud to form a colony, but do form linear chains (tape worm). 4. Lack a coelom, the spaces between the organs and body wall being occupied by connective tissue called parenchyma. 5. Excretory system of paired branched proto-nephridia or flame cells, connected in a water vascular system. 6. Nervous system consists of a supra-esophageal ganglion with main ventral nerve trunks. 7. Have two embryonic layers. 71 72 PLATYHELMINTHES Natural History Class I. Turbellaria. — Turbellaria are unsegmented worms, living in fresh, brackish or salt water or moist earth. They are elongated and flat, and antero-posteriorly differentiated, with two prominent eyes. They vary in color from transparent to red, gray, brown and almost black. Some {Planaria maculatd) are spotted. Locomotion is by undulation and by means of cilia. (Figure 31.) 5ra/n Eye ■ Ovory YolR (glands In^esfine -Lofero/ nerve Vos deferens- Genital pore' 1- Pharynx ~Infes//'ne ■ Mouth Penis Oviduct Vocjina Fig. 31. A Planarlan worm. (From Lankester, after von Graff.) Planarians vary in size, but do not usually exceed one-half inch in length. Some greenhouse and tropical tree planarians are over a meter in length. They are widely distributed in fresh or salt water, but only a few are pelagic. They usually live free but are sometimes found in a state of commensalism, as for example Bdelloura, which lives in the gill books of the horseshoe crab, Limidus. Planaria are dorsiventrally differentiated and have eye-spots and ganglia. The lappets, antero-laterally situated, are olfacto-gustatory organs. The ectoderm is ciliated, often glandular, and equipped with rhab- dites, rod-like bodies capable of being discharged on irritation. Turbellaria with a branched digestive tract are called Dendrocoela, and those with a straight digestive tract are called Rhabdocoela. PLATYHELMINTHES 73 Type of Group — Planaria. Anatomy of P. maculata. — The body- wall consists of the ciliated epidermis basement membrane, circular muscles, external longitudinal muscles, internal longitudinal mus- cles, outside of the connective or packing tissue, called parenchyma. Digestive System. — The mouth is situated at the end of a pro- trusible proboscis or pharynx, which is midventral. The mouth leads into a central tube which may be axial as in the Rhabdocoela, or branch, one running towards the head, and two, postero-laterally, towards the tail. Digestion is both intercellular and intracellular. Irregular columnar cells and goblet cells line the digestive cavity. The goblet cells secrete an enzyme, probably used entirely in the digestion oi fat. Intracellular digestion begins when the columnar cells push out pseudopodia which seize and ingest food particles, which later appear in vacuoles. There is no anal opening and any undigested food must be discharged from the mouth. There are no well-developed circulatory or respiratory systems, as the branched digestive tract distributes the food in the form of lymph. Excretory System. — The water vessels of the excretory system run through all parts of the body. They consist of two main longitudinal trunks running on the right and left sides of the body and opening externally on the dorsal surface by means of several minute pores; connected in front by a transverse vessel. From each main trunk come numerous branches which give off in turn a system of fine vessels which terminate in flame cells, which are cells with cilia directed down the tube. Some zoologists think that they may also be respiratory in function. Reproductive System. — The reproductive system is hermaphroditic (monoecious). The male part of the apparatus consists of the testes., vasa deferentia and cirrus or penis. The testes are numerous, rounded structures situated near the right and left borders. Two ducts, the vasa deferentia, run backwards from the neighborhood of the testes and unite in the middle line posteriorly. The median duct thus formed passes into the protrusible cirrus which opens in the genital cloaca. At the base of the penis the seminal vesicles empty, while the ducts of the prostate glands also empty into the canal. The female reproductive organs consist of the ovaries, oviducts, vitelline glands {yolk glands) and the uterus, a muscular sac. Fertilization takes place in the uterus and the eggs develop in cocoons that are passed along the oviducts from the animal's body, producing 74 PLATYHELMINTHES tremendous lacerations sometimes, but the tissue destroyed is easily regenerated. The cocoons contain about a score of eggs with several hundred yolk cells containing food. The larva at a certain stage develops a temporary larval mouth and gullet, and swallows the food yolk, by which it is able to grow rapidly. The larval mouth disappears and a new permanent mouth replaces it. The embryo is like its parents when it leaves the shell. Adult over-nourished Planaria undergo fission, the posterior portion quickly regenerating a head. The nervous systejn consists of the brain, a bilobed affair with two longitudinal nerve cords or ventral nerve chains running backwards, and giving off, internally and externally, transverse branches which also subdivide. The inner ones frequently anastomose to form commissures. The brain is rather diffuse and made up of groups of ganglion cells, nerves, and has transverse fibers connecting the nerve cords. The animals are responsive to all sorts of stimuli, and the eye-spots, the lateral olfacto-gustatory organs, and the anterior end are all well supplied with nerve endings. Food. — Planaria live upon small Crustacea, larvae of Crus- tacea, water mites, and Rotifera, as well as on plant food such as diatoms and algae. They are also said to attack earthworms. Class 2. Trematoda. — The Trematoda are leaf-like parasites with no cilia in the adult, a thick cuticle, ventral suckers, sometimes with posterior hooks, and with a forked or branched alimentary canal ending in blind branches, the cecae. Type of Group. — The liver fluke, Fasciola {Distomum) hepatic a. The adult liver fluke lives in the bile ducts of sheep, cattle, horses and pigs, and sometimes occurs in man. It is soft-bodied, flatteneft and leaf-like with a triangular lobe at the broader end, and with two well-developed suckers, the anterior one being perforated by the mouth, and the posterior one ventrally situated. The disease " liver rot," which is especially prevalent among sheep pastured on snail-inhabited marshy ground, has killed many millions of sheep. Life History. — The eggs of the liver fluke are 1/180 of an inch long, with brownish shells, having a greenish sheen. They can develop only in water where they hatch in from four to five weeks. The larva or miracidium is 1/125 of an inch long, ciliated, and with a single eye, but has no gut. If the larva does not find a snail of the right species in from eight to ten hours, it dies. Having entered the lungs of the snail, it loses its cilia, becomes broader and, PLATYHELMINTHES 75 Fig. 32. Life-history of Fasciola hepatica. A, "egg"; B, miracidium; C, sporo- cyst; D, E, rediae; F, cercaria; G, tail-less encysted stage; E, adult (neither reproduc- tive organs nor nervous system is shown), b.o. Reproductive opening of redia; c, cercaria; E, egg; ent, intestine; g, nerve-ganglion; g.c, germ-cells; g.l, cyst-producing gland-cells; n, nephridium (only a few of the main branches of the excretory network are shown); n.o, nephridial opening; o.s, oral sucker; p, proboscis (extruded); v.s, ventral sucker; y, yolk-cells. (After Kerr. Courtesy of Macmillan and Co., Ltd.) 76 PLATYHELMINTHES as a sporocysty develops germ cells which produce embryos. These embryos grow into rediae which have germ cells and a primitive digestive tube including a mouth, a pharynx and an intestine but no anus. If the weather is warm, the rediae continue to multiply in the lungs of the snail. If it is cold they multiply for a short time and then pass into the liver of the snail where they give rise to tailed forms called cercariae which have an oral and a ventral sucker, and a forked intestine with no anus. The cercariae escape from the P'e-nis ~--.^ Ovary Shell (j/and Vas c/eferens ''rot sucker Uterus Vas deferens - Yolk-duct Testis Yolk-qlonc/s- Fig. 22- -A" adult liver fluke. (After Kerr. Courtesy of Macmillan and Co., Ltd.) body of the snail and, after swimming about, settle down on grass, later becoming encysted. When their plant substrate is eaten the cercariae develop in about six weeks into adult liver flukes and travel from the intestine of the sheep to its bile ducts. Thus from one single egg come the larval stages, miracidia, sporocysts, rediae^ cercariae and finally many adult flukes. The adult liver fluke is a tailless cere aria with well-developed PLATYHELxMINTHES 77 hermaphroditic gonads. Its digestive system consists of a mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, intestine and non-anastomosing caecal tubes. The intestine is usually darkened by the blood and bile used as food. The excretory syste?n consists of a main duct with four anterior ducts, a dorsal and a ventral one on either side. The nervous system consists of a collar around the pharynx; two lateral ganglia and one ventral median ganglion. The male reproductive system consists of a pair of testes, vasa deferentia near the seminal vesicle, the ejacu- latory duct and the penis or cirrus with its sac. Tho. female repro- ductive system consists of the ovary, oviduct, yolk glands, shell gland, vitellarian ducts and the vagina or uterus, opening at the genital pore. Trematode Parasites.— Some of the trematodes infesting other mammalian hosts are likely to infest man occasionally. For exam- ple, Fasciola hepatica has been found in the human liver. Some are normally parasites of man. The blood fluke Schistosojna (Bilharzia) haojiatobium is a human parasite found in Egypt involving large numbers of troops during the recent war. The cercaria enter the blood stream through the skin, finding their way to the small veins of the bladder and colon and becoming mature in the submucous tissue. They require as an intermediate host the non-operculate fresh water snail Bulinus or Planorbis. Developing in the liver of the snail into tubular sporo- cysts, germ cells develop within the sporocysts into cercariae with forked tails. These later escape from the snail and in the free state these cercaria must find a mammalian host in forty hours or die. When they come in contact with mammalian skin they cast off their tails, dissolve the cells of the skin, and work their way into a lym- phatic or the blood stream and thence to the liver where they mature and eventually lodge in the mesenteric veins. There was very good scientific basis for the blind worship of the Nile ibis, an important enemy of snails. (See p. 154.) Schistosoma japonicumy found in the Orient, is somewhat smaller than Bilharzia. It requires as its intermediate host the snail Katayama nosophora in Japan and Oncomelania hupensis in the Yangtze Valley. It is quite possible that several snails found in the United States might act as carriers for Schistosoyna japonicum but none as yet have been found. Schistosoma cause inflammation of the rectum and bladder. Other species of Schistosoma ^ are found in tropical America, the West Indies and the Philippines. 3 Cort, W. W. 1928. Schistosome dermatitis in the United States (Michigan). Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, vol. 90, p. 1027. 78 PLATYHELMINTHES Clonorchis sinensis^ found in China and Japan and recently- introduced into the U. S., infests the liver of man, cats, dogs and pigs. It is generally leaf-like in shape and has two suckers. The eggs hatch in the operculate snail Bithynia and the cercariae leave the snail and encyst in thirty-four reported species of fresh water fish. Man and the other mammalian hosts acquire the infection by eating uncooked infected fish. Fig. 34. Cercaria and adult of Cryptocotyk lingua. (Courtesy of H. W. Stunkard.) In Cryptocotyle lingua., studied by Stunkard,-* we have an in- teresting illustration of what may occur with introduced species. The snail, Littorina litto?-ea, brought with ballast to New Brunswick, Canada, in 1855, is supposed to have carried with it the cercariae of Cryptocotyle lingua. The metacercariae of C. lingua occur in marine fishes, chiefly the cunner, and adults are found in the intes- tines of fish-eating birds and mammals. Four related species have been shown experimentally to be infective for man. (Figure 34.) It is possible that this form, readily collected at the Marine Biologi- cal Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., may be used inland just as the nematode Metoncholaimus pristiurus is now being shipped to dis- tant points. (See page 98.) Class 3. Cestoda. Type — Taenia solium. — The common pork tape worm lives in the alimentary canal of man as an adult. Its secondary host is the pig. The adult tape worm has a well-developed * Stunkard, H. W. 1930. The life history of Cryptocotyle lingua. Jour. Morph. and Physiol., vol. 50, pp. 143-183. PLATYHELMINTHES 79 " head " or scolex armed with both hooks and suckers. The pro- glottids are budded from the neck, the oldest being at the posterior end. The worm may reach a length of over twelve feet and have 1,000 proglottids. An alimentary canal is not necessary on account of the parasitic habit of absorbing food predigested. Excretory tubes end in flame cells. The complete reproductive system develops in each of the pro- glottids and attains sexual maturity beginning with the 200th. The animal is male nearer the anterior end and hermaphroditic posteriorly. The male structures consist of testes, efferent ducts, vasa deferentia, a cirrus and a cirrus sac. The female reproductive system consists of the paired ovary, the oviduct, yolk gland and duct, shell gland and duct and the uterus and vagina. The uterus is simple until the 600th segment; then it branches. The egg rises in the ovary, passes into the oviduct, and is included with the yolk cells and spermatozoa in a chitinous shell, and finally passes into the uterus and is released by rupture of the uterus when the matured segment is discharged. Fertilization takes place before the shell is formed, and may be by sperms from the same proglottid. The eggs develop into hexacanth (6 hooked) embryos while still in the uterus. They pass out in the feces and if eaten by a pig escape from their covering and bore into the muscles. A proscolex, which is a cyst with the cavity filled with water, develops a head and forms a bladder worni or cysticercus with the scolex invaginated into the bladder. When infested pork which is not fully cooked is eaten, man receives cysticerci, which evert and attach, by the scolex, to the wall of the alimentary canal and develop a chain oi proglottids. Cestode Parasites. — Echinococcus granulosus {Taenia echino- coccus) is found in the intestine of the dog. It is the most injurious to man of the parasites belonging to the Cestode group and is taken into the body upon unwashed salads or in drinking water contaminated by ova from infected dogs. The adult worm in the dog has usually not more than four or five proglottids. When the eggs reach the ali- mentary canal of man, cattle, sheep, and hogs, the egg shells are dissolved and the hooked embryos bore into the liver where they develop into cysts. The bladder-worm stage is extremely large, sometimes reaching a diameter of seven inches. It produces a large number of scolices which in turn produce other crops of scolices. 8o PLATYHELMINTHES The tissues of the host wall up the bladder worm and the enlarging bladder worm is known as a hydatid cyst. Taenia saginata is a human tape worm which grows to a length of forty feet, its terminal segments reaching a width of 3/16 of an inch. The scolex has four large strong suckers without hooks. The cysticercus stage is found in the muscles of cattle and occasionally in dogs. It is more common in the United States than the pork tape worm. Taenia solium is one of the commonest tape worms of man in Europe. It reaches a length of twelve feet. Its scolex has both suckers and hooks. The " bladder worm stage" Cysticercus cel- lulosae, is found normally in the muscles of the pig but also occurs in the dog, cat, rat and man. Dipylidium caninum is found in the dog and cat and occasionally occurs in man. Each proglottid contains a double set of repro- ductive organs. The cysticercus is extremely small, a fact cor- related with its existence in secondary hosts as small as dog lice and fleas. Taenia serrata, the common tape worm of the dog, has the rabbit as its secondary host. If the rabbit swallows the eggs of the tape worm, larvae develop in the alimentary canal and bore their way through its wall into blood vessels which carry them to the liver. From the liver the larvae migrate to the peritoneal cavity where they grow into bladder worms or cysticerci. When a bladder worm is swallowed by a dog the scolex attaches to the mucous lining of the alimentary canal by means oi hooks and suckers and buds off a chain of proglottids. Taenia coenurus, the dog tape worm, produces larvae {Coenurus cerebralis) which infest the brain of cattle, sheep and deer and cause the disease known as " staggers " or " gid." It has many segments as an adult in the intestine of the dog, and the cystic form may reach a size of ^ of an inch in the brain of the intermediate host. Diphyllobothrium latum^ the broad tape worm, causes anemia in man. Its ciliated hexacanth embryo gets into the gut of a fresh v/ater copepod, Cyclops strenuus or Diaptomus gracilis, then is eaten by fish in whose muscles it encysts in the form of an immature worm known as a plerocercoid. If eaten uncooked it becomes the adult tape worm in man. Recently immigrants from Finland and Baltic regions of Europe have introduced this parasite in the Great Lakes region where fish have become infected. It is believed that PLATYHELMINTHES 8i the severe anemia produced by this parasite is due to a toxin given off by the tape worm and absorbed into the blood of the host.^ Although there are many parasitic flatworms to be found in fishes, birds and mammals, there is little danger of contracting disease if the meats are well cooked.^ A B Fig. 35//. Tapeworm head, cp, cirrus pouch; gp, genital pore; n, nerve; ov, ovary; sg, shell gland; /, testicles; tc, transverse canal; ut, uterus; 0, vagina; vc, ventral canal; vd, vas deferens; vg, yolk gland. X 20. (After DefFke, 1891, pi. i, fig. 3.) {Coenurus cerebralis.) B. A segment. (Ranson. U. S. Dept. Ag., Bull. 66.) Remedies for Platyhelminth Infections. — While it has been demonstrated that santonin and nicotin, in doses fatal to ascarids, have little effect on the cestodes, we know that the tape worm, Taenia, is more sensitive to Beta-naphthol than Ascaris. The oil of " male fern " {Aspidium) and Chenopodium are specifics for tape worm. They stupefy the animal, it releases its scolex, and then a mild cathartic will remove the whole worm. * Vergeer, T. 1928. Dipkyllobothrium latum (Linn. 1758) the broad tapeworm of man. Jour. Am. Med. Assoc, vol. 90, pp. 673-678. Also consult: Lyon, M. W., Jr. 1926. Native case of infestation by the fish tapeworm Diphyllobothrium latum. Jour. Am. Med. Assoc, vol. 86, pp. 264-265. ^Linton, Ed. 1912. Cestode cysts in the flesh of marine fish and their bearing on food values. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc (References.) 82 PLATYHELMINTHES General Considerations Distribution. — Free living flatworms occur from the deep sea to the surface of fresh water lakes, while parasitic forms infest animals of all the higher Phyla. The Turbellaria are usually free-living, consuming insect larvae and aquatic worms and eking out their diet by means of diatoms and algae. Some forms like the flatworm, Bdelloura, which lives in the gill books of the king crab, are commensals, while still others are found parasitic in the intestines of Echinoderms and worms. The Trematoda are all parasitic, some of them attaching to the gills of fishes by hooks and suckers as ectoparasites. Others are true internal parasites, found in the pericardial cavity of the mussels, the urinary bladder of Amphibia and the alimentary canals, liver and lungs of vertebrates. Many Trematodes find molluscs neces- sary as their secondary hosts, the commonest instance being that of the liver-fluke and the snail. The Cestoda are internal parasites usually found in the ali- mentary canal and requiring another vertebrate or invertebrate as a secondary host. Passage from one host to another is not an active migration as in the Trematodes. On account of their extreme parasitism we find that the Cestodes are the most degenerate of the flat worms. Physiology. — The Turbellaria are covered with fine vibratile cilia which aid in respiration as well as locomotion. They have a well-developed, branched digestive tract, and a complicated excre- tory system consisting of water vessels which give off fine capillaries, which terminate in flame cells. It is assumed that the excretory system may also function in respiration. The reproductive system is " monoecious," or hermaphroditic? The nervous system is highly developed, consisting of central cerebral ganglia or brain, from which proceed posteriorly two longitudinal ventral nerve cords, with connecting nerve strands or commissures. The Trema- toda lack cilia but have minute cuticular papillae. They have an anterior mouth surrounded by a muscular oral sucker, while poste- riorly is a larger ventral sucker. Other openings are the median genital openings and the posteriorly situated excretory pore. The mouth leads into a muscular pharynx, a short esophagus and a rather "^ Consult Curtis, W. C. 1902. Life history, normal fission, and reproductive organs of Planaria maculata. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 30. PLATYHELMINTHES 83 large intestine which divides into two lobes, each branched into ceca. The only external opening of the alimentary canal is through the mouth. Excretory system and nervous system are well de- veloped, while the reproductive organs are hermaphroditic. In the Cestoda we find that an alimentary canal is absent, but that repro- ductive, nervous, and excretory systems are well developed. Behavior. — The Turbellaria have well-developed tactile, olfac- tory-gustatory and light percipient organs, but in the Trematodes and Cestodes little development of these functions is found. In the green marine worm, Convoluta roscoffensis^ geotropism has been found to fluctuate with the rise and fall of the tides, even when the animal was moved to an aquarium. Geotropism is dependent on the statocyst. In Convoluta and in another Turbellarian, Vortex, it is found that the parenchyma contains symbiotic unicellular green algae (see page 26) similar in relations to that with the yellow cells of Radiolaria. Regeneration. — Planaria are notable in their ability to regenerate new parts, a single individual having been cut into one hundred twenty transverse pieces, behind the eyes, and each piece regenerat- ing a perfect worm. The tape worms are able to produce new pro- glottids as long as the scolex remains. Fossil Relatives. — Fossil flatworms are rare. They occur from the Pennsylvanian down to the present. Ancestry and Relationship to Other Phyla. — The Turbellaria and the Ctenophora have possibly been derived from a common ancestor, the bands of cilia in larval Turbellaria resembling some- what the ciliary swimming plates found in Ctenophora. The simplest Platyhelminthes are Turbellaria; then we come to the Trematoda, in which the larval cercaria corresponds to the cysticerci of the Cestoda. The form Ligula has been considered a connecting link between the Trematoda and the Cestoda, since it has the elongated body and multiple gonads of the tape worm, but repre- sents only a single proglottid. Axial Gradient Theory of Child.— Dr. C. M. Child of the University of Chicago, after experimenting with Planaria for many years,^ elaborated an important theory of axiate organization, according to which there is a gradient of metabolic activity in every 8 Consult also Child, CM. 191 5. Individuality in Organisms; and Senescence and Rejuvenescence. Published by Univ. of Chicago Press. 84 PLATYHELMINTHES organism. Dr. Child kindly consented to prepare for this text a brief summary, which we are privileged to print without alteration. "Many different lines of evidence, observational and experimental, indicate that physiological polarity of axiation in general is in its simplest terms a gradation or gradient in physiological condition along the axis in question involving both quantitative differences in metabolism and proto- plasmic constitution. During development the primary gradient or gradients may be altered, may disappear and new gradients may arise so that the original gradients do not necessarily persist in the adult organism. Localization and differentiation at different levels of an axis result from the differences in physiological condition at different levels of a gradient and are often factors in altering or obliterating the original gradient. "The evidence also indicates that such gradients arise or originate in the reaction of a cell or a cell mass to some environmental differential, but after its establishment a gradient may persist through cell division or other reproductive process and so be inherited by the offspring of such reproduction. A gradient may be determined by the localization, experimentally or otherwise, of a region of increased physiological activity in a cell or cell mass. The gradient in its beginning may be nothing more than the gradation in activity from the center to the periphery of such a region. In consequence of growth the center of such a region may be- come an apical or anterior end of an axis. The environmental differen- tials which determine gradients may be of various sorts, light, electric current, local stimulation, differential exposure to oxygen, etc., and in the case of organ axes, buds, etc., the environmental factors determining the gradient may consist in the relations of the part concerned to other parts of the organism. "The high or most active end of a gradient may exercise a physio- logical dominance over other regions. This dominance in its more primitive form apparently decreases in effectiveness with increasing distance from the dominant region and if a part of the organism comes, either through increase in size of the organism or through decrease in dominance or certain other conditions, to lie beyond the range of dom- inance, physiological isolation of the part results and in many of the simpler organisms such physiological isolation may result in agamic reproduction. "The gradient theory has no quarrel with heredity. The gradient merely provides the plan, the pattern, the framework, so to speak, while the material and its possibilities are given in the hereditary constitution of the protoplasm in which the gradient exists." PLATYHELMINTHES 85 Class (or Phylum) Nemertinea. (Gr. nemertes, true).— The Nemerteans are soft, contractile, chiefly marine flatworms some- times classed with the Turbellarian Platyhelminthes. They range in length from 5 mm. to 90 feet. The mouth is anterior and ventral and the anus is posterior. They have an eversible proboscis armed with stylets, indicating that it is functional both as a tactile and an ofl'ensive or food-t'aking organ. The digestive tract consists of an esophagus, stomach, intestine with paired diverticula or a long cecum, and a rectum. The circulatory system, not found in Platyhelminthes, consists of two or three longitudinal trunks with connecting branches. The blood sometimes contains hemoglobin. Excretion is effected through paired and many-branched longitudinal canals which open to the outside through pores. Most nemerteans are unisexual, and a few are hermaphroditic. The paired gonads discharge their products through the body wall, having no permanent genital ducts, A few are viviparous. Development is direct or in some forms by the metamorphosis of a free swimming larva, the pilidium (Desor's larva). (See p. 220.) The nervous system consists of a four-lobed brain with a pair of large lateral nerves uniting at the posterior end of the body, a dorsal median nerve, and, in some, a ventral median nerve. There are lateral ciliated cerebral canals related to the dorsal cerebral lobes. Certain species have as many as two hundred ocelli equipped with a lens and nerve, while others have two otolithic vesicles. Nemerteans are carnivorous, and feed on soft-bodied inverte- brates, certain large species capturing tubiculous worms. A few are parasitic, infesting Crustacea and mollusca, while others are commensals in the pharynx and atrial cavities of tunicates. References on Platyhelminthes Fantham, Stevens and Theobald's (1920) Translation of Braun's Thierischen Parasiten des Menschen. Linton, E. Many papers published by the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. Stiles, C. W. Cestode Parasites of Man. Bulletins 25 and 28, U. S. Hygienic Laboratory. Stiles and Hassall. The Inspection of Meats for Animal Parasites. Bulletin 19, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Stunkard, H. W. Many papers listed in his bibliography, New York University. 86 PLATYHELMINTHES Consult also papers listed in standard books on Parasitology, such as Castellani & Chalmers, Chandler, Rivas, Stitt, and Underhill. References on Nemertinea CoE, W. R. Synopsis of the Nemerteans, pt. i. Am. Nat., vol. 39, p. 425. Verrill, a. E. 1892. Marine Nemerteans of New England and adjacent waters. Trans. Conn. Acad, of Sc, vol. 8, p. 332, CHAPTER VI Nemathelminthes. Nemas The Nemathelminthes (Gr. nema, thread; helmins, an intestinal worm) or Nemas live in fresh and salt water, damp earth and moss, and among decaying substances; many are parasitic. They are often minute in size and some may remain viable when dried. They vary in size from o.oi to i meter or more in length. Classification. (Modified) Class Nematoda Fam. I. Ascaridae. 1. Anguillulidae 3. Strongylidae. 4. Trichuridae. 5. Filaridae. 6. Trichinellidae. Characteristics I. Elongate worms, many parasitic. 1. Body usually cylindroid and unsegmented. 3. A nerve ring with associated ganglia. 4. Single and paired excretory organs, and tubular gonads. Natural History Dr. N. A. Cobb states (Nematodes and their Relationships): "The number of species of nematodes must be enormously greater than is commonly supposed. It may be estimated that more than 80,000 nematode species infest the 40,000 species of vertebrates. Insects, much infested, will add many thousands of other species. The mollusks, crustaceans and various groups of worms are also infested and investiga- tions continue from these species also to augment the number of known species of parasitic nematodes. " Numerous as the parasitic species are, it is certain that the nematodes living free in soil and in water far out-number them; they probably con- 87 88 NEMATHELMINTHES stitute one of the important mechanical as well as biological factors in soil and in the bottom of lakes and oceans. Estimates based on (Dr. Cobb's) investigations show that in the upper foot of an arable soil the numbers of nematodes run to thousands of millions per acre." Longevity. — When in encysted condition in grains or in the soil, nemas may live for years. Needham found in 1743 that nematodes in wheat ears would live for several months in a dried condition. Baker found that nematodes dried for twenty-eight years became active again when moistened. (Becquerel. Latent Life. Scientific Am. Supp., vol. 82.) Family i. Ascaridae. — In the nemas of this family the body is thick, and the mouth has tnree lips always bearing papillae and amphids. The males are smaller than the females and have a curved caudal end. Numerous species attack the vertebrates and many of the invertebrates, living as parasites in their intestines, but found in other organs or in the body cavity. In general they require no intermediate host. Type of the Group — Ascaris lumbricoides. — Jscaris lumbri- coides, the human " eelworm," is found in the human small intestine where resultant lesions may induce the symptoms of anemia.^ Profound respiratory affections such as pneumonia may be caused by ascarids lodged in the lungs. It has been estimated that from 10 per cent to 40 per cent of Europeans are infested with A. lum- bricoides. The females contain as many as sixty million eggs. After fertilization the eggs pass out of the body of the host with the feces. The eggs become embryonated in the soil. Such ova remain viable for five or six years. They enter the digestive tract through water or contaminated food. Dirt eaters sometimes take them in and it is possible that they may also enter with unwashed vegetables. Ascaris lufnbricoides has been found in the dog, sheep and hog. It possibly occurs in the cat and the rat. The host relationship of pig and human ascarids has been tested by feeding eggs of the human ascaris to pigs. They induced respiratory disturbances but did not become established In the digestive tract of any of the pigs. ^ Wells, Jour. Paras., vol. 17, pp. 167-182, June, I931, found that a single dog- hookworm, a strongyle, see p. 92, may withdraw .8 cc. of blood from the host in 24 hours. The Ascaridae may be extremely injurious also. The number of nemas as yet known and studied is relatively so small that their classification is still provisional. NEMATHELMINTHES 89 .^\ Excretory Pore Pharynx -Excretory Tube Oenito/ Pore — t/agino % ^--Uterus -^4 — Ovary Eggs of the pig ascarls did not produce mature ascarids in the mon- key and the two human subjects. No intermediate host is required for the development of Ascaris hwibricoides. Anatomy.— TVq female Ascaris lumbricoides is about six inches long. It has a slender body tapering at both ends. The body is grayish pink in color with lateral stripes. Digestive Syste?n. — The month has one dorsal and two sub-ventral lips. The dorsal lip bears two large papillae, each sub-ventral lip bears a small lateral papilla and a large sub-ventral papilla. The amphids are small pores slightly dorsal to the lateral papilla. Amphids are supposed to be gustatory. The long muscular esophagus leads into the intestine which runs throughout the body, ending with a slightly smaller rectum that opens at the anus. Ab- sorption takes place through the walls of the intestine. Excretory System. — The excretory system consists of two longitudinal canals, one in each lateral chord; they open to the exterior through a single ventral pore near the post-pharyngeal region. (Figure '^i^d) Reproductive System. — The female reproductive system consists of two slender coiled, thread-like ovaries, con- tinuing into the dilated uteri which join to form a short tube, the vagina. The sperm from the male fertilizes the eggs in the uteri and the eggs pass out through the genital pore, situated about one-third the distance from the head, a shell resisting digestive juices. The male (about 4 inches long) has a sinale thread-like testis from which the vas deferens leads to the seminal vesicle and thence to the ejaculatory duct which opens at the rectum. --Intestine -Excretory Tub^ Fig. 36. Anatomy of a female round worm Ascaris. (After Shipley and McBride. Courtesy of Macmillan and Co., Ltd.) The eggs are covered with 90 NEMATHELMINTHES Nervous System. — A nerve ring encircles the esophagus con- nected to two large nerve cords, one ventral and one dorsal; with several other lesser cords and numerous nerve strands and connec- tives.^ Other Ascarids. — Parascaris equorum, the largest species of Ascaridae, is found in the horse family where it infests the small intestine. Males are eight to ten inches and females ten to twelve inches long. This species was used by Van Beneden in his classical study of chromosomes. It is said that one-third of the dry sub- stance of A. megalocephala consists of glycogen. Ascaris vitulorum infests calves, attacking the small intestine and sometimes ascending to the abomasum. It produces diarrhea, colic and intestinal inflammation. Ascaris ovis infests the small intestine of sheep. Ascaris suilla {lumbricoides) infests the hog's small intestine. If it enters the stomach it causes nausea; if it infests the pancreas it may occlude the bile ducts and cause jaundice. Infesting the lungs, it causes " thumps." Toxocara canis and Toxuscaris leonina infest dogs; Toxocara mystax infests cats. As- caridia lineata occurs in poultry, infesting the intestine. Ascaridia maculosa (syn. Heterakis maculosa) attacks pigeons. Enterobius (Oxyuris) vermicularis (Oxyuroidea), a white worm called the pinworm of man, is less than J/2 inch long. The male is 2 mm. to 3 mm., the female 9 mm. to 10 mm. in length. The color is white, the body is expanded anteriorly. Metchnikoff believed the pinworm an important cause of appendicitis. Several con- flicting reports have since appeared, but there is good evidence that the eggs and larvae of the pinworm are found in diseased appendices. Oxyuris eqiii^ the horse pinworm, is found in the rectum and large intestine of the horse, ass and mule. Rhabditis nigrovenosa {Rhabdiasoidea). — In this form we find well marked the alternation of generations — hermaphroditic with sexual. It is found in the lungs of the frog and toad in a her- maphroditic condition. The eggs are laid and pass into the ali- mentary canal from the lung. They develop in water or soil into a nematode in which the sexes are separate. Fertilized eggs develop internally and eat all but the cuticle of the mother. From a free life in the mud they pass into the frog's lung, by way of its cuticle and mouth. 1 For nervous system of Ascaris see Handbuch der Zoologie, v. 2, Achte Lieferung Teil (4) Bogen 23-32, ss. 280-283. NEMATHELMINTHES 91 Family 2. Anguillulidae.— This immense group consists of small, thread-like nematodes which live in water, mud and soil, and also parasitically in plants and animals. Anguillula aceti, the vinegar eel,^ a frequent subject for laboratory- experimentation, lives in vinegar and stale paste. Tylenchus dipsaci {devastatrix) attacks oats, rye, clover, hyacinths, the ear cockle of wheat and about a hundred other plants. Tylenchus tritici attacks oats. Caconema {Heteroderd) radicicola attacks over seven hundred plant species, including tomatoes, cucum- bers, potatoes, turnips, peach trees, lettuce, and most other crops and weeds. In crop rotation it is most important to keep down the weeds. Lije History of Caconema radicicola.— The female is pear shaped, and about 1/25 of an inch or about one-half the diameter of the head of an ordinary pin. More than 500 eggs may be produced by one female. Some of these pass out to the exterior, but many remain in the body of the mother to develop, nourished by her remains and by egg yolk. Upon hatching, the larvae seek out roots of many species of hosts and drill into them by means of a protrusible oral spine. The irritation causes a swelling or tubercle, the root-gall or root-knot. The males pass through a larval stage and shed their skins, then travel through the root tissue, as long eelworms, pair with the females and die. Males are 1/12 to i/io of an inch long. Experiments showed that Heterodera schachtii, the beet-root nema, will travel thirty feet to a bed of germinating beet seeds. In warm climates, such as the southern states and parts of California, soil nematodes may pass through ten generations a year. In colder latitudes, freezing may destroy them. Their ability to encyst themselves preserves many in cases where the soil is porous enough to enable them to burrow deep and then encyst. Warm, moist sandy soils favor these nemas; heavy wet soils are less affected. Control. — The best method of removing plant parasitic nemas from the soil seems to be by rotation of crops. A few plants, like some varieties of wheat, millet, peanuts, rye, red-top, forw, cow-peas and soy beans, prove to be only slightly susceptible to Caconema {Heterodera) radicicola. In greenhouse soils, either stearn steriliza- tion or the use of hot water is effective. In the absence of weeds, lure-crops are used in greenhouses to advantage. 1 Consult G. Zebrowski, 1931, "Anguillula Aceti— A Desirable Nema For Type Study." Science, vol. 74, pp. 390-391, Oct. 16, 1931. 92 NEMATHELMINTHES Family 3. Strongylidae. — This family is of especial interest to us since it includes the hookworm of man, the gapeworm of fowls, and many other internal parasites infesting domestic animals. While these parasites are ordinarily found in the digestive tract, strongylosis may be bronchial or pulmonic, intestinal, vascular or renal. Young animals suffer more than adults. Larvae of the hookworm cause profound irritation as they bore through the skin of the feet into lymph spaces. Dictophyme renale {Eustro7Jgylus visceralis) {S. gigas, Rud) is the largest of the Nema- thelminths. The females may reach a length of 39 inches. It infests the kidneys of Carni- vora (dog), Ungulata (horses, cattle) and even man. Strongyloidea {Dictyocaulus viviparus) {Strongylus tnicrurus) infests the bronchi and air cells of cattle and causes verminous bron- chitis. Dictyocaulus filaria infests sheep, goats and camels, attacking the bronchi and lungs. Metastrongylus elongatus attacks the bronchi and lungs of hogs. Strongylus elon- gatus paradoxus infests the fourth stomach (abomasum) of sheep, goats and cattle. Strongylus equinus bores through the gut into the blood vessels and causes aneurisms in the mesenteric vessels of the horse. Numerous other forms infest the domestic animals. A (After Jordan and Kel- very common parasite of the fowls is Syn- logg, Animal Life. ^^^^Z^J trachealis (Figure 37), the " gape- Courtesy of D. Appleton >> T L ^ • 1 r ^ r- . worm. In the tropics several cases or human mrestation by gapeworms nave been reported this year (1931). Oesophagostoma radiatum forms cysts in the mucous membrane of the intestines of cattle. 0. columbianum, the nodular worm of sheep and cattle, produces nodules in the large intestine which have been mistaken for intestinal tuberculosis. Necator americanus., the hookworm of man (Figure 50, A., 5, C and D), causes tibial ulcer and dirt eating, besides weakness from loss of blood. The symptoms of hookworm include paleness, thin- ness, dull skin and eyes, dry hair, weakness, a depraved appetite for Fig. 37. Syngamus trachealis, the^ape-worm NEMATHELMINTHES 93 ashes, tobacco, paper, plaster. Hookworm disease may be mistaken for anemia as the red corpuscles are deficient in number. The eggs pass out in the feces and if allowed to get into the soil will develop into tiny worms. Larvae of the hookworm enter the feet, boring through the skin into lymph spaces, thence via the lymph vessels to the veins and into the heart. The heart pumps them through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. From the lungs (where they form lesions) they travel up the bronchi and trachea to the pharynx and are swallowed down the esophagus and into the stomach and intestine. They may come directly into the intestine from the mouth and esophagus, if taken in with dirty water or food. In the intestine they do not multiply, but the females continuously produce ova remaining there sometimes for three years. Nicoli showed (1917) that hookworm larvae will live in water for eighteen months, but Ackert found (1924) that at the end of that time, they were no longer infective.^ Ackert also discovered that larvae will live in water ranging from 45° to 98° F. The similar European hookworm {Ancy- lostoma duodenale), found first in English Egypt, is about 2/5 of an inch long, living in the small intestine of man. Ancylostoma braziliense., a worm infesting the small and rarely the large intestines of the cat, dog and fox, is the cause of " ground itch " in Southern United States. Reference has been made (page 88) to the important study of Wells (1931) on anemia pro- duced by the dog-hookworm. Through the activity of Dr. C. W. Stiles, U. S. P. H. S., and his co-workers in the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission,^ the hookworm is now being controlled in the United States and approaching control elsewhere. Dr. Stiles has pointed out (Scientific Monthly, October, 193 1, vol. 2>3^ PP- 362-364) that hookworm disease is even now one of the most important causes of backwardness in southern school-children. Family 4. Trichuridae. — These nematodes, placed under the family Trichinellidae by some writers, are called the " hair necks," as they have a long slender anterior portion which contains the esophagus. The head is nude and the mouth rounded. They are oviparous. 2 Ackert, J. E. 1924. Studies on the longevity and infectivity of hookworm larvae. Am. Jour, of Hyg., vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 222-225. ' Cort and his associates, in the International Health Board, have published more than thirty papers on hookworm disease, chiefly in the Am. Jour, of Hygiene. 94 NEMATHELMINTHES Trichuris trichiura {Trichocephalus trichiwis) lives in the large intestine near the cecum of man. It does not move and is sup- posed to be of little injury. The posterior part of the body is threadlike, while the anterior part is much narrower and hairlike. Related species infest the colon and cecum of sheep, cattle, dogs and hogs. embr B Fig. 38. A, Trichinella spiralis^ female. B, larvae in muscle, not yet encysted. C, encysted larva. (From Daugherty after Leuckart. Courtesy of W. B. Saunders Co.) NEMATHELMINTHES 95 Family 5. Trichinellidae. (Figure 38, A, B and C.)— In the minute Trichinella spiralis, the body is thicker posteriorly and not so slender and filamentous anteriorly, as in the Trichuridae. The embryos develop in the uterus and are hatched there, so that the young are brought forth alive (viviparous). The Trichinellidae are found in the muscles of pigs, rats, mice, man, rabbits, guinea pigs, and dogs. They are not found in birds. Each larval worm is encysted in an oval capsule 0.4 to 0.6 mm. long. Cysts may number 100,000 to 125,000 per cubic inch of meat. Life History of Trichinella spiralis. — If the cysts are eaten, the digestive juices free the worms from the meat in which they are encysted. They then enter the small intestine and become mature in a few days. The female, 3 to 4 mm. long (male 1.5 mm.), penetrates the intestinal mucous membrane and in a month gives birth to 1,500-10,000 living young and then dies. Young are carried from the lymph vessels through the thoracic duct to the veins, and finally from the blood vessels they wander into the most actively used muscles of the body, such as the diaphragm, eye- muscles, and muscles of the neck. They destroy the sarcolemma and become encapsulated in cysts about 1.5 mm. long. High fever is a symptom of trichinosis. In Emmerslaben, Saxony, in 1884, there was an historic instance of one infected pig producing serious illness in 364 people, 57 of whom died in the space of one month. Within the past five years, a number of fatalities have been recorded, due to Trichinella infections, in these United States. Family 6. Filaridae. — These extremely minute elongated worms live in blood and lymph vessels, serous cavities of the body, and in subcutaneous connective tissue. The males usually have a spirally rolled tail, and the females have two ovaries. The majority of them are viviparous. None of the family are blood suckers. Filaria bancrojti, formerly called Filaria sanguinis hominis, is a slender, threadlike worm, the male about 40 mm. in length and the female about 100 mm. (4 inches). They live in the lymphatic glarids of man, and pass from the eggs into the blood and sometimes into the kidneys. They are supposed to cause elephantiasis by obstructing the flow of lymph. They are transmitted by night- flying mosquitoes. Loa loa, a smaller form, is transmitted by a biting fly ( Chrysops), which is day-flying. Filaria perstans is trans- mitted by a midge (Culicoides). It is essentially a parasite of the dark skinned races, rarely attacking the whites of West Africa. 96 NEMATHELMINTHES Filaria equina infests the serous cavities and has been found in the aqueous humor and causes opaque cornea in the horse. The female Guinea worm {Dracunculus medinesis) is about thirty- six inches long and as large as packing twine. It produces abscesses under the skin in which the worm is coiled. Embryos must enter water and penetrate the microscopic crustacean Cyclops. The larva reaches man through drinking water containing Cyclops. Guinea worms occur in Asia, Africa, and tropical America. Mermithidae. — The hairworm, Mermis subnigrescens, is a parasite of the common grasshopper. The grasshoppers swallow the eggs with their plant food. The hairworm Agamermis decaudata also infests grasshoppers. Cobb and his associates have suggested that control of grasshoppers as pests may be aided by parasitizing them, thus causing sterility and death. They found that a high degree of parasitism caused all developing hairworms to become 7nales and a low degree of parasitism resulted in the parasites all being females^ with a gradient (see page 84) between the extremes, corresponding to the degree of parasitism. The Mermithidae constitute a very large group, others of which infest injurious insects, such as mosquitoes, ants, cutworms, and the like. Forms Uncertain in Position Formerly Classed with the Nema- thelminthes — Acanthocephala. — In this group of " thorn-headed " worms, we find a protrusible rostrum or proboscis with five or more rows of recurved hooks. An alimentary canal is absent. An un- paired cerebral ganglion is present. The larva of Echinorhynchus gigas lives in the larva of the June bug (Melolontha). The adult worm is found in the pig, attached when full grown to the wall of the small intestine. It is dioecious, i.e., the sexes are separate. The ovaries of the female break up into free floating egg groups. The uterus picks up immature and fer- tilized eggs indiscriminately, but only the elongate, shelled ones may pass the canals; immature eggs are led by a ventral opening back to the coelom. In E. gigas, protonephridia open beside the genital opening. The oviducts of the female and the penis of the male are at the posterior end. Gordiaceae. — These minute, slender animals are commonly known as " horse-hair worms." They have an esophageal nerve ring, a ventral nerve cord and the female genital opening is at the cloaca. The larvae infest insects and the adults live in water, twining around plants and depositing their eggs. NEMATHELMINTHES 97 Treatment of Nematosis. — A diet rich in carbohydrates is said to lessen the damage to the liver, kidneys and adrenals that frequently ensues from the use of carbon tetrachloride in hookworm disease. Hexylresorcinol is also effective. (Science, Aug. 1 8, 193 1.) In certain pioneer studies, T. B. Johnson and W. W. Hodge, in May and June, 1913, determined the phenol coefficients of resorcinol. Vulva — Vat^tna Bipolar gang/ion cells-^- Nerve -rinq Lateral chord — ■■- Ovum in ejaculatory duct Ovary with c(^cjS In process of development Amphidiol nerve Excretory pore Coudol gland p^ £(^ in process of fertilization — Spermatozoa £ P- ioi4> but it was not until 1921, Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc, vol. 43, pp. 348-360, that Hodge's curve with one more point added was published. 98 NEMATHELMINTHES As an outgrowth of this pioneer work on alkyl-resorcinol deri- vatives, Doctor Leonard of Johns Hopkins University has developed the internal antiseptic "hexyl resorcinol." Thyynol in 6o-grain doses is effective in the treatment of human helminthiasis. The active principle of oil of chenopodium, called ascM-idole, is used in doses of 0.5 c.c. Calomel, santonin, and oil of male fern {Aspidiuni) are beneficial in trichinosis, but not effective after the parasites have become encysted. Nematodes as Laboratory Material. — Certain free-living aquatic nemas are so resistant to external conditions that they can be shipped alive long distances, and are thus favorable laboratory material for zoological courses in schools and colleges. Prominent among these are species inhabiting foul mud, such as Metoncholaimus pristiurus (marine) and its close relatives, and certain species of Dorylaimus (fresh water). M. pristiurus have been shipped thousands of miles both summer and winter, and used successfully.^ General Consideration of the Nemathelminthes Distribution. — Nematodes are found from the depths of the sea to the tops of mountains and in hot springs and Antarctic ice. While it was formerly supposed that they were almost all parasitic, it is now known that besides infesting animals and plants of all species, there are very many, small, free-living species. Physiology. — Nematodes usually have a simple digestive tract, well-developed excretory organs, tubular gonads and a nerve ring with sensory papillae and both dorsal and ventral nerves. Fossil Relatives. — The Nematodes range from the upper Paleo- zoic to the present. They are found in the Coal measures and parasitic in insects in the Tertiary amber. Ancestry and Relationships to Other Phyla. — The various classes of Nemathelminthes differ and it is still very doubtful whether they should be grouped into a single Phylum. Some of the families formerly classed under the Nemathelminthes are now separated, apparently resembling the Annelida. References on Nematodes Chandler, A. C. 1922. Animal Parasites and Human Diseases. J. Wiley and Sons, N. Y, * Cobb, N. A. 1 93 1. Science, vol. 74, pages 489-490. NEMATHELMINTHES 99 Cobb, N. A. 1914. Nematodes and their Relationships. Year Book of U. S. D. A., 1914, and many papers. CoRT, W. W., AND Associates. (Many papers in Am. Jour, of Hy- giene.) Harris and Brown. 1925. Oxyuris vermicularis as a causative factor in appendicitis. Jour. Am. Med. Assoc, vol. 84, no. 9, pp. 650-654. Stiles, C. W. 1903. Hookworm Disease. Bulletin 10, Hygienic Lab., Washington. Stiles, C. W. 1910. Hookworm Disease. Pub. Health Bulletin 32, Washington. Stiles, C. W. 1910. Soil pollution as cause of ground itch, hookworm disease and dirt eating. Circ, Rockefeller Sanitary Commission for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease. Underhill, B. M. 1924. Parasites and Parasitosis of the Domestic Animals. Macmillan Co., N. Y. Ward, H. B., and Students. (See bibliography from Univ. of Illinois.) CHAPTER VII Annelida or Annulata The older terminology included the Molluscoidea, the Platyhel- minthes, the Trochelminthes, and the Nemathelminthes with the Annelida under the general term Vermes. For several decades, however, the Phyla have been separated. The Annelida (Lat. annellus, a little ring) are the most highly developed of the worms, with regularly segmented bodies, which in most cases indicate by external annulations the metameric arrange- ment within, which is such that the internal organs are repeated in each segment. The head usually has a " prostomium " in front of the mouth. (See Figure 45.) There is usually a well-developed coelom, and an extensive series of blood vessels. Hair-like or comb-like gills function in respiration in some forms, while in others minute capillaries in the skin aerate the blood. The excretory organs, called nephridia, are segmentally arranged and the nervous system consists of dorsal cerebral ganglia, and a ventral nerve cord with segmentally arranged ganglia. Classification I. Class Archi- Annelid a (Gr. arche, beginning; Lat. anne//us, a little ring) without setae or parapodia. 1. Class Chaetopoda (Gr. chaite, bristles; pons, foot) with setae. 3. Class Hirudinea (Lat. hirude, a leech) without setae or parapodia, but with suckers. Characteristics 1. Segmented worms in which the segmentation is in most cases visible externally. 2. Appendages paired, not jointed. 3. Setae are present in the body wall. 4. The coelom usually communicates with the exterior by paired nephridia, and pores. 100 ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA loi 5. The nervous system consists of two dorsal ganglia, connecting commissures passing around the pharynx, and a ventral chain of ganglia with lateral nerves. 6. The alimentary canal is well developed and usually specialized. 7. Trochophore larva found in many forms. Natural History Class I. Archi-Annelida. — The most primitive of the Annelida are the Archi-Annelida, represented by two families, both marine and exceedingly small. The family Folygordiidae includes the sand-living form Polygordiiis. It is slightly over an inch long, with indistinct external annulations, but a septate coelom, and metameric development of nephridia, gonads, digestive tube and ventral nerve cord. The larva has a trochophore stage. The family Hist7~iodrilidae are minute parasitic worms infesting the lobster. They have three horny jaws, a well-developed digestive system consisting of esophagus, intestine and rectum; and have primitive united cerebral ganglia. The sexes are separate. Class 2. Chaetopoda. — In the Chaetopoda, segmentation is distinct both internally and externally, and the setae are segmentally arranged on the parapodia or sunk in pits. Order 1. Polychaeta. — The polychaetes are chiefly marine animals, with setae arranged in groups on the fleshy parapodia. They have a distinct head, usually provided with sense organs. The prostomiufn bears from one to ten dorsal tentacles and two ventral palps, which in certain forms are broken up into long respiratory filaments. The sexes are usually separate. Eyes are present on the prostomium of some forms, and lithocysts in a few forms (^reni- cola). Polychaetes are of diflferent colors, including red, blue, green, or yellow. They usually pass through a trochophore stage. (See p. 125.) Heterogony is present in Nereis, a small pelagic form alternating with a large bottom living one. The palolo worms of Samoa {Leodice viridis) come to the surface during the October full moon to breed and are caught by the natives who use them for food. A few polychaetes are found in fresh water; the rest are marine, and chiefly bottom living animals, which burrow in the sand or live in tubes. The free-living forms are predaceous; the sedentary ones Hve on all kinds of organic matter. There are many commensals and a few parasites. (See p. 483.) I02 ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA SyUidae are brightly colored forms less than an inch long, which are frequently found associated with sponges; some have an al- ternation of generations, in Autolytus for example (Fig. 40) an asexual individual sending off from its posterior end buds which become male or female. Aphroditidae are scale bearers, the scales, called elytra^ acting as breathing organs. Lepidonotus squamatus has twelve pairs of elytra. Polynoe, a small form about an inch long, has a large proboscis, with four strong jaws and a circle of papillae. It has twelve pairs of scales. Aphrodite, sometimes called the " sea mouse," is about five inches long and of a bril- liant iridescent color. Phyllodocidae are green and usually iridescent, with a long head which bears four pairs of short and four pairs of long tentacles. They secrete slime which binds mud together. Nereidae include the common Nereis, which may reach a length of eighteen inches. The " clam worm," as it is called by fishermen, is bluish green in color, and lives during the day in burrows in the sand, but comes out during the night, and is preyed upon by fishes. Nephthydidae are dorsi-ventrally flattened, elongate worms, whitish in color with a distinct red dorsal blood vessel. They are found in sand and mud along the shore. Leodicidae {Eunicidae) include the Pacific (Samoan) palolo worm, and the Atlantic palolo worm {Leodice fucatd) of the West Indies and the Gulf of Mexico, which swarm within three days of the full of the July moon. (See the Sa- moan palolo, page 118.) Diopatra is a large reddish brown worm, found from Massachusetts to South Carolina, in long tubes which project above the surface. Diopatra reaches a length of twelve inches, but is difficult to capture on account of the speed with which it hides in its tube. (Fig. 41.) Glyceridae include forms which are smooth, about eight inches long, and have many segments. The small conical head has many tentacles. The long proboscis has four hooked jaws. The Seden- FiG. 40. A sex- ual individual of Autolytus with male about to de- tach. (From Ver- r i 11 , Invertebrate Animals of Vine- yard Sound.) ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA 103 Moufh —Peristomlal cirrus taria lack both jaws and a protrusible pharynx. They have small uncini, or hooked setae, and a few hair setae. Some species form calcareous tubes (Serpula), while others use the material available, furnishing a cement by which they bind together sand, shells, or sea weed into protective coverings. The Spion- idae include a number of small burrowing worms with long peris- tomial cirri curving over the back, and with the dorsal cirri serving as gills. The proboscis lacks jaws. The Chae- topteridae include fifteen species of short, stout worms, which live in parchment-like tubes. Wino , a porapodium Fig. 41. Diopatra cuprea. (From Verrill.) Fig. 42. Chaetopterus pergamentaceus. (Original drawing by H. Lammers.) Certain species are highly phosphorescent. Important studies in Experimental Embryology have been made with the Woods Hole species, C. pergaynentaceus. (Fig. 42.) In the Tej'ebellidae we find a cylindrical body, having many similar lobes, and with well-de- I04 ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA veloped mucus-forming glands. Amphitrite (Fig. 43) reaches a length of fifteen inches, and is reddish brown in color. It is found in sand and mud at low water mark. Polycirrus (the blood worm) is a long, slender, blood-red worm which does not form a tube, and has no branching gills. The Amphictenidae are small worms which form portable tubes of sand open at both ends. Cistenides {Pec- tinarid) gouldii is a flesh-colored form found in shallow water from North Carolina northward. The Cirratididae are worms with a cylindrical body, having many similar segments with long filamentous cirri. They live in burrows. Maldanidae form sand tubes. They lack gills. Cly- menella is one of the commonest types. The Arenicolidae are represented by but two com- mon species. Arenicola mar- ina^ called the " lug-worm," reaches a length of ten inches. It has twelve pairs of branched red gills on the central seg- ments. It burrows as much as two feet into the sand, but can be located by castings at the entrance. The Sabellidae in- clude a number of genera. The tentacles are rudimentary, the palps very large. A proboscis is present. They form mem- branous tubes in mud and sand. Example — Sabella jnicrophthalma. Serpulidae form long contorted calcareous tubes which are found incrusting shells. {Serpula or Hydroides^ Older 2. Oligochaeta. — These hermaphroditic annelids lack tentacles and parapodia, and have only a few setae, projecting from pits in the body wall. Certain oligochaetes have external gills {Nais). The head is not distinct, but has a small projection, the prostomiujn, and ^ peristomiuniy which contains the mouth, but lacks setae. Paired ovaries and testes are present in each animal, and seminal receptacles store the sperm prior to the extrusion of eggs Fic. 43. Tufted worm {Amphitrite ornatd). (Drawn by V^errill.) ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA 105 and sperm into a cocoon, which is secreted by the modified clitellum. There is no metamorphosis. The oligochaetes are singularly lacking in sense organs, pigment eyes being found in the Naids. We shall mention only five of the eleven families. (Figure 44.) Aelosomatidae are microscopic fresh water worms, whose red, yellow and brown oil globules make them appear spotted. They reproduce by fission, and are considered the most primitive oligochaetes. Enchytraeidae are slender small worms found in plants and in fresh water, near the sea shore. Their blood may be colorless, red or yellowo The small white form, Enchytraeus albidus^ is re- commended by Gamble as exceedingly useful for obser- vation under a binocular microscope. It requires a temperature not higher than 60° F. Naidae are small, trans- parent, aquatic forms with a distinct head, and from two to four groups of setae on each segment. In Nais^ a common fresh water species, the blood is yellow or red. Eyes are usually present. Budding is a common form of reproduction. The Tubifi- cidae are slender reddish worms living in tubes, from which they protrude the posterior end into the water. Many species of Tubifex are found in brackish water; a few occupy fresh. Lumbricidae include the common earthworms. Among them are the familiar Lu7nbricus terrestris of Europe and America; Eisenia {Allolobophora) foetida, commonly found in manure; and Helodrilus^ represented in America by ten species. Aristotle called the earthworms the " intestines of the earth." Order 2. Oligochaeta. Fam. Lumbricidae. Type — Lumbricus terrestris. — The earthworm is from 5 to 18 inches long, with 100 to 160 segments, strongly marked by external rings. A tropical species, Alegascolex australis^ reaches a length of eleven feet. Fig. 44. Nats. (From Leunis. Davenport's Zoology. Courtesy of The Macmillan Co.) io6 ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA Anatomy. — At Its anterior end, Lumbricus terrestris has a pro- boscis-like fleshy lobe called the p7'Ostomium, with a mouth imme- diately behind it on the ventral side. The skin is covered by a transparent cuticle which is slightly iridescent, and is externally marked by annulations representing true segments. All segments except the first and the last have four pairs of setae, two pairs being ventral and two pairs ventro-lateral. (Fig. 45, A and B.) From the 31st to the 37th somite, the clitellum is situated. This aids the worms in adhering at mating and furnishes a slimy sub- ~ ~ — Prostomium -A Mouth Seta A B Fig. 45. A, ventral view of the first four segments of Lumbricus terrestris, showing rows of setae. B, enlarged seta. (Drawn by W. J. Moore.) Stance that hardens into the cocoons In which the eggs are fertilized and develop. The setae of the 26th somite are modified for repro- duction. The external openings Include the mouth and anus at opposite ends. There are two nephridiopores for each somite except the first three and the last. The two pairs o{ seminal receptacle openings are found between the ninth and tenth and the tenth and eleventh somites. The two oviducal openings are at the 14th somite. The two vasa deferentia at the 15th somite are readily seen. There are also dorsal pores on the middle line of the back between the rings, ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA 107 from the 8th somite to the last one, which permit the passage of fluids from the coelom to the skin. The anus is at the posterior end. Skin. — The thin protecting cuticle is formed from the living cells of the hypodermis beneath. The hypodermis consists of a single layer of cells most of which are covering and supporting, but some of which are modified into glandular (mucus) cells, and others into nervous cells. The nerve cells are connected with sensory fibers passing into the nerve cord, and the animal is very sensitive to light, touch and chemically different substances. The setae which are chitinous are worn away and replaced by reserve setae that grow from the main seta-sac. Muscular System. — The circular muscles lie immediately beneath the hypodermis and, contracting, elongate the segments. The longitudinal muscles, contracting, draw the ends of the segments towards each other, and the direction of the setae determines whether the movement is forwards or backwards. Body Cavity. — The body cavity, lined by peritoneum, contains the digestive tract, gonads, nephridia, circulatory system and nerv- ous system beside the coelomic fluid with yellow cells, derived from the walls of the intestine, and the phagocytic amebocytes which, like the phagocytic white corpuscles of man, engulf poisonous particles. Digestive System. — The mouth or buccal cavity (1-3 somites) leads into the pharynx (4-5 somites), with glands which moisten, and with powerful muscles which force food on. External muscles attached to the body wall expand the pharynx. The esophagus (6-i4th somite) has three pairs of saccular calciferous glands, at the loth, nth, and 12th somites, secreting calcium carbonate, which neutralizes the free acid of the soil. The secretions from the posterior pairs of calciferous glands open into the anterior pair, and thence into the esophagus. (Figure 46.) The three pairs of glands are really parts of one glandular struc- ture, which extends from somites 10 to 14. In many specimens of Lumbricus terrestris, the only distinct enlargements are in somite 10. The crop (15th and i6th somites) is for storage, and mixture with the secretions of the calciferous glands. The gizzard (17th and i8th somites) grinds the food with sand and gravel. The stomach- intestine (19th somite to anus) has a median dorsal infolding, the typhlosole, that increases the surface for absorption and retards the passage of food. io8 ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA Prostomium Cerebral ganglia ('brain) —F'/lorynx -Pharyngeal muscles —Seqmen t — Septum —A Nephr.idium (enlarged) Serninal vesicle I -Aortic arch (dorsal heart) -Seminal receptacles Seminal vesicle Z. Calciferous gland — E:sophQ<^us Seminal vesicle 3 Crop Giz:zard -Dorso-infesfinal blood vessels ■Dorsal blood vessel Stomach- infest in e ■Lateral diverticulum Fig. 46. Internal anatomy of the earthworm. (Drawn by W. J. Moore and Norris Jones.) ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA 109 The stomach-intestine has secretory cells that furnish a digestive jfluid corresponding essentially to the pancreatic juice of the mam- mals, as it digests proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Albumin is broken down in y/2 hours at 37° C. in an alkaline medium, or 28>^ hours in an acid medium. It is believed thac a peptolytic ferment is present that accounts for slow digestion in an acid medium. An amylotic ferment diastase changes starch into sugar (maltose). An emulsifying ferment acts on the fats. Absorption is by osmosis and the blood transports the nutriment. The rectU7n is the posterior part of the intestine and has no typhlosole. It opens to the outside through the posterior anus. Circulatory System. — There are 5 longitudinal blood vessels; I dorsal, i ventral, i subneural and 2 lateral neural vessels; 5 pairs of doj-sal hearts or aortic arches (7-1 1 somites). Parietal vessels connect the dorsal longitudinal vessel to the subneural. In the first 12 somites the dorsal vessel is not a collecting vessel, but behind the last pair of hearts in the nth somite, it receives blood from the body wall and the alimentary tract. Two longi- tudinal trunks lateral to the alimentary canal collect blood from the anterior somites and passing posteriorly, join the dorsal vessel in the 1 2th somite. From the posterior part of the body the blood is carried forward in the dorsal vessel as far as the " hearts " which force it into the ventral vessel. Valves in the aortic arches and dorsal blood vessel prevent the blood from returning. The ventral vessel distributes the blood, which flows anteriorly in front of the aortic arches and posteriorly through the remainder of the body wall, nephridia, and alimentary system. Aerated blood returns to the dorsal trunk through the subneural and intestinal vessels. There are two distinct fluids which remain separated. The coelomic fluid is found between the gut and the body wall. The haemolymph is found in a series of closed tubes. The coelomic fluid corresponds to the lymph of higher animals which bathes the individual cells of the body. Haemolymph is apparently a solution of haemoglobin. The red fluid corresponds to red blood corpuscles of the blood of the higher animals and serves as a carrier of oxygen to various cells and tissues of the body. In marine worms the respiratory pigment is called chloro- cruorine. It is ^or^^jyr/w combined with iron. Some marine forms like Arenicola and Nereis have brilliant red blood; Aphrodite and no ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA I ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA m Polynoe have pale yellow blood; but in Sabella It is an olive green. The nervous system is well supplied with blood, having two lateral neural and one subneural vessel for the nerve cord. At room temperature (i2°-i8° C.) in Lumbricus terrestris, the dorsal vessel pulsates about fifteen to twenty times per minute, and in Nereis (marine sand-worm) it is about eight times per minute. Respiration is osmotic. There are many capillaries under the cuticle. Excretion. — Paired nephridia are found in each segment except the first three and the last. The receiving opening, the ciliated nephrostome, is situated one segment anterior to the one contain- ing its own yuphridium and nephridiopore. From the nephrostome or funnel, currents flow into the ciliated neck which passes through the anterior wall of the segment behind, then into a narrow tube which coils three times and then opens into a wide glandular tube^ which expels the waste at the external opening, the nephridiopore. About half of the nephridiopores are situated on the ventral surface in front and slightly laterad to the outer seta of the inner double row; while the remainder of the excretory apertures are high up on the side of the animal, dorsad to the row of dorsal seta bundles, at irregular distances.^ Solid wastes pass out the anus and gaseous wastes through the dorsal pores of the body wall, which are mid-dorsal, in the groove between the segments. The first one is between segments ten and eleven and opens into segment eleven. Reproductive System. (Figure 46.)— The earthworm is hermaph- roditic (monoecious) with the gonads of both sexes, but does not fertilize its own eggs. Female Internal Structures External Structures Ovaries, 13th somite. Oviducts opening at 14th somite. Two pairs of setninal receptacles. Openings to the seminal receptacles be- tween the 9th and loth; and the loth and nth somites. ^ In our description of the earthworm it will be noted that certain errors of most textbooks have been corrected, particuhirly in treating of the calciferous glands, the position of the nephridiopores, and the collecting vessels in the anterior somites. Such corrections were inspired by the paper by Frank Smith, Certain differences between text book earthworms and real earthworms. Trans. 111. Acad. Sc, vol. 17, pp. 78-83. For systematic study of the Annelida, see Verrill, A. E., 1880, New England Annelida. Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., vol. 4. 112 ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA Male Paired testes in the loth and nth so- mites. Three pairs of seminal vesicles at- Paired vasa deferentia opening at the tached from the 9th to the 12th 15th somite, somite. The last pair, bi-lobed, extend down over the 13th and sometimes the 14th somite. CO crc ! F- \ PJl MR Fig. 48. Nervous system of the earthworm. Drawing showing a lateral view of the arrangement of the larger nerve trunks in the left half of the anterior segments of the earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris. A, nerve from lateral region of cerebral ganglion which passes to prostomium; AN, dorsal ramus of anterior segmental nerve; AR, ventral ramus of anterior segmental nerve; 5, nerve from near middle region of circumpharyngeal connective which passes to segment i; 5C, buccal cavity; C, nerves from ventral region of circumpharyngeal connective which pass to segment 2; CG, cerebral ganglion; CPC, circumpharyngeal connective; D, branch of nerve to pro- stomium that supplies tissues of dorsal region of buccal cavity; £, nerve that supplies the portion of the prostomium in the dorsomedian region of segment i; F, gangliated thickening of enteric nerve plexus; G, branch of nerve to segment i that supplies tissues of ventral region of buccal cavity; L, septal nerve; M, mouth opening; MTV, dorsal ramus of median segmental nerve; MR, ventral ramus of median segmental nerve; P, prostomium; PN, dorsal ramus of posterior segmental nerve; PR, ventral ramus of posterior segmental nerve; SG, subpharyngeal ganglion; I-VI, segments i to 6. (Courtesy of W. N. Hess, Journal oj Experimental Zoology, vol. 40, p. 235.) Conjugation. — Two earthworms pair so that segments 9, 10 and II of each animal are opposite the clitellum at segments 31-37, and the vasa deferentia of each animal are nearly opposite the 26th seg- ment of the other where the setigerous glands are modified. Mucus secreted by the clitellar and other glands of each worm becomes hardened into a single " slime-tube " encasing both animals from the ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA "3 8th to the 37th somite. Two parallel lines extend posteriorly from the vasa defe- rentia to the clitellum, forming primitive channels for the passage of seminal fluid. Within the slime-tube the seminal fluid flows, containing free spermatozoa and spermatophores. The spermatophores are deposited in the seminal receptacles of the other worm and the slime-tube is soon left. Fertilization. — Later on at the appear- ance of the capsule or cocoon, formed by capsulogenous glands in the clitellar region, the 4-6 mature eggs are picked up at the egg-sacs opening at the oviducal apertures in the 14th somite; and the sperms that were stored in the receptacles are secured at their openings between the 9th and loth and the loth and nth somites. Fertilization is effected in the cocoon at the time it slips off over the head, and since the sperms are from an- other animal, self-fertilization is pre- vented. In Lumbricus comtnmiis, two embryos are produced as a rule, in many cases arising as twins from a single ovum. Foot found (1898) that the total number of eggs in 100 cocoons was 399, about 4 to a cocoon. Isolated worms deposit cocoons for weeks. The observations of Foot and Wilson have been to some extent contradicted by Grove and Cowley (1926), who found in Eisenia foetida that cocoon formation does not take place while the worms are still united by the conjugation slime tube.^ 2 Grove, A. J., and Cowley, L. F. 1926. On the reproductive processes of the brandling worm, Eisenia foetida (Sav.). Quart. Jour. Microsc. Sci., 70 (4), 559-581- KL A> Fig. 49. Sperm transfer in Lumbricus terrestris, (Drawn by W. J. Moore.) 114 ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA 115 They noted that after conjugation, a new slime tube is formed extending from the 7th to the 34th segment and that the eggs pass back into the cocoon, before it leaves the region of formation at the clitellum. Whether the sperms are squeezed out as the capsule reaches the apertures of the seminal receptacles, or they are also passed back to the capsule, the authors are not certain. Nervous System. — In the worms we have well-developed cerebral and ventral ganglia, constituting the centralization stage in the evolution of the nervous system of invertebrates. A bilobed brain (paired cerebral ganglia) sends off two circumpharyngeal connectives, which unite at the subpharyngeal ganglion. A ventral nerve cord has a ganglion in each segment, with three pairs of lateral nerves. Two pairs come off at the ganglia and one pair between the ganglia. Afferent nerve fibers are sensory; efferent nerves are motor. Stough (Jour. Comp. Neurol., vol. 40, no. 3, June, 1926) has shown that the giant fibers, seen in cross sections of the earthworm nerve-cord, are strictly segmental structures, and consist of a large number of closely applied parallel axones. Epidermal sense organs, chiefly lo- cated anteriorly and posteriorly, were discovered by Fanny Lang- don when a college Junior. (Figure 50.) Behavior. — Earthworms react to the ordinary stimuli of light, temperature, chemicals and electricity. They are very susceptible to the contact stimuli produced by vibrations. It is reputed that one way to drive earthworms from their burrows is to bore with a sharp stake into adjacent soil. Several articles have appeared recently regarding the so-called " singing " of earthworms. Apparently reliable reports have been made of the peculiar noises, possibly due to the rasping of the setae over stones or pebbles. Clark (Animals of Land and Sea) states that the singing girls of Java sometimes swallow earthworms in the hope that the tinkling sound will be " imparted to their voices." Class 3. Hirudinea — Leeches. — Hirudo medicinalis, the medic- inal leech, has a deep olive hue, is velvety, two to three inches in length, hermaphroditic and is found in Europe, America, Turkey and Africa. Medicinal leeches live 15-20 years, and are adult at 5 years. They inhabit water; the female deposits 15-20 eggs in a cocoon. These hatch in 3-4 weeks. External Anatomy. — Their external segmentation does not cor- respond to the internal. There are usually 5 external grooves to each segment. The medicinal leech has 2 suckers. ii6 ANNELIDA OR ANNUL AT A Digestive System. — The digestive tract consists of the mouth, with three jaws, armed with chitinous teeth, a pharynx, esophagus, crop with eleven lateral diverticula, stomach and an anus. A secretion called deutero-albumose (hirudin) prevents the blood from clotting. It is formed by the glands located near the jaws. The muscular pharynx dilates to receive the blood and passes it on through the short esophagus to the crop which has 1 1 pairs of lateral diverticula and which stores the blood until it is digested in the globular stomach. No digestion takes place in the lateral " pockets." The rectum., situated between the last two diverticula^ is separated by a sphincter muscle from the true stomach. It ends as the dorsal anus near the posterior sucker. Circulatory System. — There are two main lateral vessels running longitudinally. These are connected with each other by looped vessels which give off many branches. There are two sinuses., one dorsal and one ventral, with numerous primitive lymphatic vessels. The blood is red with many white blood corpuscles. The leech has a body temperature of about 57° F., except when it has just gorged with mammalian blood. Respiration is carried on by the highly vascular skin. Experi- ments have shown that leeches will live in pure Nitrogen for from 2 to 6 days. Excretory System. — Seventeen pairs of nephridia, from the second to the eighteenth segment, open laterally on the ventral surface. There are about five external annulations to each true segment. Reproductive System. — Leeches are hermaphroditic. There are nine pairs of diffuse testes^ which are situated on each side of the nerve cord. The spermatozoa pass by a short canal into the long wavy vasa deferentia. From these they travel in the epididymis where they are bundled into spermatophores and pass out by the penis. They leave the body in the mid-ventral line between rings 30 and 31. Two small tubular ovaries are enclosed in vesicles., continuing into oviducts which unite as a uterus. Glandular cells secrete into the uterus a mucus fluid which later hardens into a cocoon. The genital pore is situated in the mid-ventral line at rings '^^ and "^^^d (segment 11). Conjugation consists in the actual simul- taneous insemination of each worm by the other. Spermatophores may remain for a long time in the uterus or may travel almost immediately in the female ducts and fertilize the eggs at the ovaries. Cocoon formation results. ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA 117 The Nervous System consists of a pair of dorsal ganglia situated above the pharynx and of a double commissural nerve cord with 23 ganglia. The dorsal, supra-esophageal ganglia are connected with the sub-esophageal pair by a rather narrow nerve ring surrounding the esophagus. The sub-esophageal ganglia represent five pairs of fused ganglia. From the dorsal ganglia, nerves supply the " eyes " and tactile and gustatory organs. The last ganglion gives rise to seven pairs of nerves. The h-ain gives rise to five pairs of optic nerves. There are ten " eyes " and many olfacto-gustatory and tactile sense organs. Allied Injurious Leeches.— Hirudo sanguisaga is found in the nasal passages of man. Haemopis vorax, the horse leech, is taken into the mouth when young by horses and cattle. It lives in ponds, ditches and springs and attacks man, the horse, ox, camel, and dog. It may become attached to the mouth, pharynx or even descend to the trachea. It is also found attached to the conjunctiva. It produces anemia, emaciation and even death. The treatment is strong salt solution, alum, and tar. The tar causes coughing and expulsion of the parasites loosened by the action of the salt and alum. If the water is stocked with fish or filtered through sand, the parasites are destroyed. The land leeches^ Haemadipsa Zeylanica^ are wiry, active forms, thin as a knitting needle, i inch long and not more than }4 inch in diameter. They attach to the legs of man and animals. They are found in Ceylon, India, the East Indies, Japan, Australia and South America. Adaptation of the Leech to Its Mode of Life. — The leech is re- markably adapted to its habitat. It can swim with great rapidity; it is protected by a rather tough hide. It has a mouth with 3 jaws armed with chitinous teeth, a crop with 1 1 lateral diverticula capable of storing enough blood to last 9 months. It takes in 3 times its own weight at one time. Not only does it have anterior and poste- rior suckers, but it secretes a substance " hirudin " said to be deutero-albumose, which prevents blood from clotting. General Considerations Distribution. — The Chaetopoda, which include earthworms and aquatic worms found in both salt and fresh water, are distributed widely. Very few are parasitic but a number are commensals. It ii8 ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA is estimated that the average field soil has 150,000 earthworms to the acre. Some fresh water Oligochaeta form tubes of mud held together by a mucus secretion. Others like the marine Chaetopterus form a yellow, parchment-like tube. Some species like Hydroides (^Serpidd) form lime tubes on shells. Sabellaria, an aberrant form, builds reefs on porous rocks from sandy tubes. Some species excavate galleries in rock or corals. Behavior. — The palolo-worm^ Eunice, found in the Pacific coral reefs, swarms during the last quarter of the moon in October and November. The sexual posterior part of the worm (called the epitoke) separates from the sexless anterior portion {atoke) and floats on the sea, giving off spermatozoa and eggs. Fishermen prepare their nets and boats and capture these worms in great numbers, sometimes cooking them in leaves, but at other times eating them alive. (See p. 102.) The Annelids are said to give little response to light and shadow after they have become accustomed to them. But Copeland, 1930 (Jour. Comp. Psychol., vol. 10, p. 339), showed that in Nereis virens, an apparent " conditioned response " was induced by either in- creased or decreased illumination, which indicated to the worm the presence of food. The earthworm draws leaves into the burrow to line it. There is no exploration of the form of the leaf; it is seized at any point, but only those seized at or near the apex get into the burrow. Hirudinea. — The leeches {Hirudinea) are parasitic forms infest- ing invertebrates as well as vertebrates. The majority of the leeches live in fresh water and parasitize molluscs and the vertebrates. Certain of them are permanent ectoparasites, Branchellion attaching to various elasmobranchs. The giant leech {Macrobdella valvidi- viana) may reach a length of i>^ feet and is subterranean and carnivorous. Clepsine carries its young on the ventral surface. The skate sucker {Pontobdella muricata) has a leathery knobbed skin. It lays its soft eggs in empty mollusc shells and guards them for over 100 days. Lophobdella lives on the lips and jaws of the Cro- codilia. Certain intermediate types, the Myzostomata, parasitize the feather stars, forming galls on them. Parasites of the Annelida. — Certain parasitic Nematodes, the minute threadworms {Pelodera pellio), are found in the body cavity and nephridia as well as the ventral blood vessels of the earthworm. Various protozoa also infect the Annelida. ANNELIDA OR ANNULATA 119 Physiology, Anatomy, and Locomotion.— The Chaetopoda are made up of similar segments or metameres. At the sides are borne chaetae or setae^ which are in some forms attached to muscular processes called parapodia. The well-developed body cavity or coelom contains the alimentary canal, the vascular system and respiratory branchiae. The excretory organs, nephridia^ are ar- ranged in pairs in each segment except the first three and the last. Sexes are separate in some forms while others are hermaphroditic. The nervous system consists of paired dorsal cerebral ganglia and a ventral chain of ganglia with lateral nerves. The larval form is called a trochophore . The Naidae are fresh water forms which bud asexually. The Hirudinea have 2^o\xX five external annnlations to each internal segment and have an extremely distensible crop for the storage of blood. They are hermaphroditic. They swim with great rapidity. * The aquatic forms have an undulatory movement, while the land forms, like the ordinary earthworm, contract the circular muscles of the body, thus elongating the segments, and then having fixed the setae in the ground, by contraction of the longitu- dinal muscles, direct the movement of the worm either anteriorly or posteriorly. Regeneration. — Earthworms will regenerate a head or a tail, sometimes forming a tail in place of the head, and starving to death. Grafting and fusion to form two-headed or two-tailed individuals have been successful. Fossil Relatives. — The Chaetopoda are found as fossils from the Cambrian to the present, while the Hirudinea are unknown as fossils. Ancestry and Relationship to Other Phyla. — There seems to be a well-defined connecting link between the leeches and the allies of the earthworm, since we find that the leech Acanthobdella has setae and a well-developed coelom. There seems to be a wide gap between the Platyhelminthes and the Annulata, since both metamerism and a different nervous system characterize the latter. Some would hold that the hair worm, Gordius^ is a close relative of the Annulata. On account of the common Trochophore larva, some have linked the Trochelminthes with the Annulata. (See page 125.) Economic Importance of the Earthworm Positive. — {a) Charles Darwin estimated that there were 50,000 worms in one acre of ground and cited a stony hill covered with earth I20 ANNELIDA OR ANNUL AT A three Inches deep In twenty years. Eighteen tons of earth were brought to the surface In one acre. {b) Earthworms have been and probably are still used by some savages as food. {c) Earthworms and marine annelids are used as fish bait. Negative. — {a) Earthworms may be of slight injury in green- house soils. {b) Earthworms are accidentally Intermediate hosts in the trans- mission of the gape-worm, Syngaynus trachealis. It is not necessary to the life of the parasite that it be taken in by the earthworm. {c) Certain medical men have from time to time suggested that the earthworm may be important in transmitting cancer through the deposition of the organism in feces transferred to vegetables by the earthworm. This is purely conjectural. Economic Importance of the Leech Positive. — (a) In cases of hemophilia (persistent bleeding) and after contusions, physicians and veterinarians still use leeches to extract blood. Some drug stores keep a supply of leeches on hand In the spring to serve the needs of those foreigners who get black eyes at weddings and other celebrations. The doctor of the Middle Ages was called the " leech." (b) Leeches are said to have been used for food by some savages. Negative. — Leeches parasitize some aquatic and amphibious forms. CHAPTER VIII Phylum Trochelminthes The Rotifera, sometimes called "wheel animalcules," belong to a group, the exact relationship of which is unknown. They have sometimes been classed with the worms. The majority of them are free swimming and move by means of a trochal disc (Fig. 51). In other forms a telescopic tail aids the animal in performing looping movements similar to those of a leech. Przibram states that, in the Rotifer, growth is not followed by the formation of new cells, but the size of single cells increases. Rotifera are for the most part found in fresh water, although a few are marine. When the water dries up, the thick-shelled winter eggs of certain rotifers may be dispersed by the wind or by animals. They are able to survive freezing temperature. Eichhorn (1781) describing Floscularia says: "Now I come to a very wonderful animal, which has often rejoiced me in my observa- tions: I call it the Catcher: extraordinarily artistic in its structure, wonderful in its actions, rapid in capturing its prey." (From H. S. Jennings, in Ward and Whipple's "Fresh Water Biology," published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 191 8.) Rotifera have an elongated body^ with a tail-like appendage, the foot^ which commonly ends in two pointed toes. Pedal cement glands aid in attachment. The digestive syste^n is well developed with an anteriorly situated inouth which is between the ciliated trochal discs and leads into a muscular pharynx. At the lower end of the pharynx is the gizzard or mastax which has chitinous teeth. (See Gosse, "Structure, Functions and Homologies of the Manduca- tory Organs in the Class Rotifera." Phil. Trans., 1856.) The excretory system is relatively simple, with paired convoluted tubes, the kidneys, which open directly or indirectly into the cloaca. The nervous system consists of the dorsally situated brain, with nerves given off to the corona, the muscles, integument, and sense organs. Two large nerves are given off laterally from the brain and each divides into a ventral and a lateral longitudinal trunk. The sense organs consist of the tactile and olfacto-gustatory an- 121 122 PHYLUM TROCHELMINTHES tennae, and the single or paired eyes, which are not present in all forms. The male reproductive system consists of a large testis, two or .Bristle of C orona Ciliary Rim. Dorsal Antenna Ciliated Area.\ Retractors of the Corona fsophagus Ciliated Area CiJ A'u clei of the yolk Gland Ciliated Area Lateral Antenna' Intestine Sensory ,:~; Bristle Brain \\..A/astax '^^V^^'\\ Masticatory j;. \/V' Apparatus %\ j--'\ Gastric Gland cJJ — '^ \ Retractors of ■r^ \ •• the Corona ^ , • -r \ — Stomach ^^^■^^r?. >>^- .. . \ . Foot Retractor £y.cretory Tube Lateral /JC I Antenna fji. '-•■Contractile Bladder __ _ Foot Retractor- Y!^.— - -ji^- -Cloaca ■//'-■■■ Cloaca Fig. 51. Diagram of a Rotifer. Brachionus rubens Gosse. (After Wesenberg-Lund.) four so-called prostate glands, a well-developed vas deferens, a large seminal vesicle, and a protrusible penis. Males of most Rotifera are relatively short-lived and quite degenerate. In some species no traces of the digestive glands and mastax, prominent in the female, are found. The rudimentary PHYLUM TROCHELMINTHES 123 anterior portion of the digestive tube serves as a suspensory ligament for the testis. (Miller, 1931.) Cloacal fertilization is not apparently the rule, since in many cases the male apparently bores into the body wall and the sperms evidently pass through the wall of the oviduct in order to fertilize the eggs. (Gamble, Camb. Nat. Hist.) Males hatch from the small eggs of the mictic females. In the female the large yolk-gland or vitellarium^ which usually consists of eight cells, is found on the ventral side of the stomach. The true ovary consists of many small, rounded cells, the posterior one enlarged and receiving a shell just before it is extruded. Rotifers are especially interesting to us on account of their use in experiments on the alternation of parthenogenetic and bi-sexual development. Whitney, Shull, Luntz and others have studied the influence of food and other factors on the control of the reproductive cycle in rotifers (Figure 52).' Recalling Loeb's discovery that in the Echinodermata the ex- traction of water from the eggs by hypertonic solutions would start developmental processes, Jacobs (1909) suggested that in certain rotifers desiccation is able to bring on reproduction. Hickernell (1917), studying Philodina roseola^ found that the dried rotifer had an integument thinner than that of the undried specimen, and that an increase in the number of ovarian nuclei occurred at the very beginning of the drying process, while the animal was recover- ing. But Whitney (1930), reporting on the hatchability of eggs of Hydatina senta stored for twenty-two years, found that the fecundity of individuals hatching from fertilized eggs after this long period of desiccation was lowered, the mothers from old eggs producing an average of thirty less daughters than the controls. It was shown by dal Bianco (Jour. Exp. Zool., vol. 39, no. i, 1924) that HCl and FeSOa brought about a notable acceleration of the life cycle of Proales felisy even with concentrations that induced a marked mortality. Jennings and Lynch (1928) studied the origin of individual differences during parthenogenetic reproduction under constant environmental conditions. Their studies seem to indicate that differences in the length of life of rotifers result from the interaction of rhythmic processes of digestion and reproduction. They found, 1 Consult Shull, A. F., Determination of types of individuals in aphids, rotifers and cladocera. Biol. Rev., 1929, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 218-248. 124 PHYLUM TROCHELMINTHES in addition to difference in length of life, differences \n fecundity of individuals, correlated with differences in the size of the partheno- genetic eggs from which they were derived. Lynch and Smith (1931) showed that in rotifers it is possible to produce and maintain depression for a long period of time and that the depression becomes Fig. 52. Brachionus militaris. Dorsal views. A, female with attached par- thenogenetic female eggs; 5, female with attached parthenogenetic male eggs; C, female with attached fertilized eggs; D, male. (After Whitney, Jour. Exp. ZooL, vol. 24, Oct. 1917.) PHYLUM TROCHELMINTHES 125 greater in later generations. With restoration to normal conditions, however, it disappears within one or two generations. Miller (1931) has described the life history of the rotifer Lecane^ which is admirably suited to a study of the alternation of partheno- genetic and bisexual generations. The mictic female rotifer, capa- ble of sexual reproduction, produces small eggs which if unfer- tilized develop into males. The fertilized eggs are larger and pro- duce females. The com- mon type of rotifer female, the amictic^ can- not reproduce by am- phimixis (see page 518). Eggs of the amictic fe- males develop by diploid parthenogenesis (see pages 503 and 505) and produce diploid females, which may be either am- ictic or mictic. In Mil- ler's studies, the length of life of females of Lecane inermis depends to some extent on the Fig. 53. Female producing and male produc- Se verity of the process ing eggs of Lecane inermis. Left, the fertilized of egg production. The (female producing) egg of the mictic female. Right,, /■ , J the (female producing) egg of the amictic female. \ Bottom, the (male producing) egg of the mictic about two-tnirds as female, before the initiation of cleavage. (Courtesy- many eggs as the amictic of H. M. Miller and the Biol. Bull.) and have a longer life. Parasitisyn in Rotifers. — Some rotifers (Drilophaga) parasitize worms and some (Seison) parasitize Crustacea. Others are internal parasites found infesting the coelom or the intestine of worms. The trochosphere^ or trochophore larvae of the Rotifera, resemble the free swimming larvae of certain annelids. (See page 119.) References on Trochelminthes HiCKERNELL, L. M. 1917. A Study of desiccation in the rotifer Phi- lodina roseola, with special reference to cytological changes accom- panying desiccation. Biol. Bull., vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 343-407. 126 PHYLUM TROCHELMINTHES Jacobs, M. H. 1909. The effects of desiccation on the rotifer Philo- dina roseola. Jour. Exp. Zool., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 207-263. LuNTz, A. 1926. Untersuchungen iiber den Generationswechsel der Rotatorien. I. Die Bedingungen des Generationswechsels. Biol, Zentralbl., 46: 233. LuNTZ, A. 1929. Untersuchungen iiber den Generationswechsel der Radertiere. II. Der zyklische Generationswechsel von Brachionus bakeri. Biol. Zentralbl., 49: 193. Lynch, R. S., and Smith, H. B. 1931. A study of the effects of modifi- cations of the culture medium upon length of life and fecundity in a rotifer, Proales sordida, with special relation to their heritability. Biol. Bull., vol. 60, no. I, pp. 30-63. Miller, H. M. 1931. Alternation of generations in the rotifer Lecane inermis Bryce. I. Life histories of the sexual and non-sexual generations. Biol. Bull., vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 345-381. Shull, a. F. 191 1. Jour. Exp. Zool., vol. 10, 191 1, and later papers. Wesenburg-Lund. 1929. Handbuch der Zoologie, Bd. 2, L. 50, W. de Gruyter & Co., Berlin u. Leipzig. Whitney, D. D. 1907. Determination of sex in Hydatina senta. Jour. Exp. Zool., vol. 5, pp. 1-26. Whitney, D. D. 1916. The control of sex by food in five species of rotifers. Jour. Exp. Zool., vol. 20, pp. 263-296. Whitney, D. D. 1930. Hatching twenty year old eggs and the reduc- tion of vigor in the rotifer Hydatina senta. Anat. Rec, vol. 47, P- 354- CHAPTER IX MOLLUSCOIDEA Certain forms known as Brachiopoda and Bryozoa ("Polyzoa" of England), on account of their resemblance to Mollusca, have been grouped under the Phylum Molluscoidea. In 1830, J. V. Thompson separated the Bryozoa from the polyps, and called them Polyzoa from their habit of gemmation, and their digestive tube. One year later, Ehrenberg changed the term to Bryozoa. In 1841, Milne-Edwards created the Phylum Mollus- coidea, including it in Bryozoa and Tunicata. Subsequently the Tunicata were removed, and in 1 853, Huxley added the Brachiopoda. Class I. — The Brachiopoda (Gr. brachion^ the arm; and pous^ a foot) are strictly marine, being found in all oceans, and occupy a calcareous bivalved shell, the valves of which are dorsal and ventral instead of lateral as in the Lamellibranchs. Once rulers of the sea, it is supposed that the Brachiopoda or " lamp-shells " were notably reduced in numbers by boring molluscs. They are geologically very ancient, Lingula, the oldest known genus of animals, having changed but slightly since the earliest Silurian times. Class 2. — The B^-yo- zoa (Gr. bruon^ moss; and 200W, animal) are for the most part colonial, somewhat resembling hydroids. They are sometimes stained and sold as " air-plants " but Hydrozoa (page 69) are the common " air plants." They are found in both salt and fresh water. The false coral {Discosoma nidita) is a marine colonial form that encrusts shells and stones until it somewhat resembles coral. It is found in water at least thirty feet deep. (Mayer.) 127 ° A Fig. 54. Statoblast of CristattUa. (After Allman. Courtesy of Macmillan and Co., Ltd.) 128 MOLLUSCOIDEA Occasionally one finds the fresh-water Bryozoa Fredericella and Plumatella encrusting masses of vegetation and plant life in " pipe moss." They die speedily when water is filtered, or when ground water is used. The compound bryozoan Pectinatella alarms some pond owners as it increases rapidly, forming a jelly-like mass, some- times six feet in diameter. (Figure 54.) Bryozoa are eaten by sharks, the cunner (a teleost), and an aquatic mammal, the " black- fish." References on Bryozoa Allman, G.J. 1856. Monograph of freshwater Polyzoa. Proc. Roy. Soc. BossLER, R. S. The Bryozoa or Moss Animals. Smiths. Inst. Rep. no. 2633. O'Donoghue, C. H. and E. 1926. Second List of Bryozoa from Van- couver Island Region. Cont. to Can. Biol., N.S., iii, pp. 47-132. OsBURN, R. C. 1912. The Bryozoa of the Woods Hole Region. Bull, of the Bur. of Fish., vol. 30, doc. no. 760, pp. 205-266. Class 3, Phoronidea. — The Phoronidea resemble the Bryozoa in some respects and are usually placed under the MoUuscoidea. Phoronidea are sessile marine worms bearing tentacles and living in chitinous sand-covered tubes. The body of Phoronis is cylindrical, and unsegmented, containing a large body cavity, with mesenteries dividing it into three chambers. There are two circulatory fluids, a colorless one in the body cavity, and the red hemoglobin-zonx.2\mvi^ blood of the closed circulatory system. Phoronis is hermaphroditic, the larvae in their metamorphosis passing through a stage called the Actinotrocha. A horseshoe-shaped nerve ring is located at the base of the tentacles, with two ciliated sensory grooves anterior to it. CHAPTER X ECHINODERMATA EcHiNODERMATA (Gr. ecMnos, a sea hedgehog; derma, skin) Is a group of marine animals representing the most highly specialized of the radially symmetrical forms, and is further distinguished by the presence of a calcareous skeleton, which is sometimes in the form of scattered particles or spines, in other cases developed into plates. A well-developed coelom points to a high degree of organization. Classification Class 1. Asteroidea (Gr. aster, a star; eidos, resemblance) pentamer- ous; arms not sharply marked off from disc; ambulacral groove present. (Starfishes.) Class 2. Ophiuroidea (Gr. ophis, a snake; oura, a tail; etdos, form) pentamerous; arms sharply marked off from disc; no am- bulacral groove. (Brittlestars.) Class 3. Echinoidea (Gr. echinos, hedge-hog; eidos, form) pen- tamerous; without arms or free rays; test of calcareous plates having movable spines. (Sea urchin, sand dollar, heart urchin.) Class 4. Holothuroidea (Gr. helos, whole; thurois, rushing) long ovoid; muscular body wall; tentacles around mouth. (Sea cucumbers.) Class 5. Crinoidea (Gr. krinon, a lily; eidos, form). Arms gen- erally branched and with pinnules; aboral pole usually with cirri or sometimes with stalk for temporary or permanent attachment. (Feather star, sea lily.) Class 6. Cystoidea (Gr. cystis, bladder; eidos, form) — extinct. Confined to Paleozoic; extend from Cambrian to Permian inclusive with maximum development in Ordovician and Silurian. Calyx usually stemmed; mouth nearly or quite central upon the upper (ventral) surface. From the mouth radiates two to five or more simple or branching ambulacra along which food particles pass to the mouth probably driven 129 I30 ECHINODERMATA by numerous cilia. These food grooves may be on outer surface and are rarely extended into free branches, the arms. Anal opening excentric, often closed by a valvular pyramid. Cystoids are the oldest and least specialized group of Pelmatozoa (which include cystoids, blastoids and crinoids). Class 7. Blastoidea (Gr. blastos^ a bud; eidos^ form) — extinct. Confined to the Paleozoic, ranging from the Ordovician to the Permian. Calyx ovate, short stemmed or stemless; distinct arms absent, existing only as pinnules. Ten spiracles around mouth, connected internally with hydrospires. Some have a distinct anal opening; in others this is fused with one of the spiracles. From the mouth radiate five ambulacra! areas. Characteristics I. Radially symmetrical; larvae bilaterally symmetrical. 1. Calcareous skeleton, sometimes in plates which fit into each other to form a shell; sometimes in the form of scattered particles or spicules. 3. In many the surface is beset with spines or tubercles. 4. Never move rapidly in an adult condition; some are fixed by a stalk. 5. Never bud to form a colony. 6. All marine. 7. Water vascular system (coelomic in origin) used for locomotion and to open bivalve molluscs. 8. Body cavity well developed in the disc and usually in the arms, and separate from the digestive cavity. Natural History Class 1. Asteroidea. Type of Group — Asterias forbesii. Starfish. (Figure 55.) — The starfishes have a star-shaped body, with a central disc and five radiating arms, each of which contains a prolongation of the body cavity and the organs belonging to the digestive, reproductive and water-vascular systems. On the dorsal side one finds the anus and the madreporic plate, while on the ventral surface the tube feet protrude from five narrow grooves. External Anatomy. — The upper (aboral) surface is distinguished by the presence of many spines of various sizes; pedicellariae at the bases of the spines; a madreporite which is the entrance to a water- vascular system; and anus. ECHINODERMATA 131 The lower surface, usually attached, has a mouth, five grooves (ambulacral) with two to four rows oi tube feet extending from them. The skeleton is made up of calcareous plates {ossicles) united by connective tissue. Ossicles are regularly arranged around the mouth and in the ambulacral grooves and often along the sides of the Fig. 55. Common starfish. (From Mayer. Courtesy of N. Y, Zool. Soc.) arms. The ambulacral ossicles are movably articulated so that they can open or close the groove. At the end of the ray the ambulacral ossicles end in a median terminal ossicle. There are thus two or three rows of movable ambulacral spines. The spines are shoj-t and blunt, covered with ectoderfu and arranged in irregular rows parallel with the long axes of the rays. They are supported on irregularly shaped ossicles. 132 ECHINODERMATA Fig. 56. Ambulacral plates and pores. (W. J. Moore.) In the spaces between the ossicles are a number of minute pores , the dermal pores^ bearing retractive dermal branchiae or papulae which are soft filiform processes and concerned in respiration. The body wall is covered with a layer of ciliated epithelium, the epidermis, continued over tubercles, spines, pedicellariae, dermal branchiae and tube feet. (Figure 56.) Musculature. — The arms are movable, being supplied with muscle fibers in the body wall. Digestive System. — The mouth opens through a short passage, the esophagus, into a wide sac, the cardiac divi- sion of the stomach. This is five-lobed (pentagonal), with each lobe opposite one of the five arms. The cardiac stomach is everted through the mouth. Its retraction is effected by special retractor muscles attached at the sides of the ambulacral ridges. The cardiac stomach communicates with the smaller pentagonal pyloric stomach, which in turn opens into a short conical intestine, leading upward to open at the anal aperture on the aboral side of the disc of the starfish. The pyloric stomach is extended at its five corners to form a pair of pyloric ceca in each ray. Each pair of pyloric ceca begins as a cylindrical duct, leading into the pyloric chamber. This bifurcates to form two smaller ducts, which give off laterally short branches, each connected with many small glandular pouches. The glandular pouches secrete juices containing enzymes and pass them through the series of ducts into the pyloric stomach. The pyloric (hepatic) ceca are productive of a digestive juice similar to the pancreatic juice of vertebrates, which converts starch into sugar, proteins to peptones and emulsifies fats. Intestinal ceca, attached to the intestine, secrete a brownish material, probably excretory. Water Vascular System. — This remarkable system (Figure 57) is used in the starfish for locomotion and in securing its food. It is a specialized portion of the coelom. From the madreporic plate, the stone canal leads downwards to the ring canal or circular canal. (The circular canal bears four pairs of Tiedemann's vesicles and one extra opposite the stone canal); from this canal five radial canals pass out. ECHINODERMATA 133 one into each arm; the radial canals give off side branches from which come connecting canals to the tube feet and ampullae. The tube feet furnish a means of adhering to smooth surfaces when a vacuum has been created by the withdrawing of water into the ampullae. Squeezing the ampullae causes the water to distend the tube feet and they protrude through the pores. Madreporite Stone Canol Tiedemonn Body Circular Cona/ —■ /Radial Canol - Ampulla Connecting Cono/ Tube Foot Fig. 57. Water-vascular system of the starfish. (Drawn by W. J. Moore.) Respiration. — The dermal branchiae are thin-walled finger-like sacs that protrude through little holes in the wall of the animal, called dermal pores. Dermal branchiae, as the name indicates, are for respiration. Circulation. — The presence of a well-developed digestive system and of a quantity of coelomic fluid renders the blood vascular system of less importance. The coelomic fluid contains a number of ameboid corpuscles that collect wastes and pass them to the exterior by passing along the walls of the dermal branchiae. It is also worthy of note that the minute Tiedemann's vesicles on the circular 134 ECHINODERMATA canal of the water vascular system produce ameboid lymphocytes that may be quite important. The perihaemal system, compared by some to a true blood vas- cular system, consists of the axial organ (genital stolon), adjoining the stone canal; the oral ring vessel, surrounding the mouth and divided by a septum; the perihaemal vessel, divided by a septum, and the five radial blood vessels that are found in the rays. The perihaemal septum is found to contain gelatinous connective tissue and many white blood corpuscles (leucocytes), and is perforated by many irregular channels. Excretion. — Besides osmotic excretion, the starfish has the ability to excrete shells and other wastes from the mouth. Indigestible foods also pass through the intestine and out at the anal aperture. The ameboid corpuscles of the coelomic fluid aid in excretion. Reproduction. — Starfishes are not hermaphroditic, although some other Echinoderms are. Each animal produces from paired gonads either eggs or sperms. The gonads are situated in the rays with their ducts opening on the aboral surface through minute pores on a pair of sieve-like plates situated close to the bases of the arms, between the rays. During the spawning season the gonads may have so many eggs that the starfish will have enormously distended rays, and the hepatic ceca may be crowded until they are much reduced in size. The eggs are fertilized outside the body, although many perish without fertilization having been effected. In one year a starfish may have arms two and one-half inches long and be ready to spawn. Artificial Parthenogenesis. — Norman, Greene, Matthews, Mor- gan and Loeb, developed a method of inducing the development of unfertilized eggs of echinoderms. Loeb continued the work for many years and proved that in the absence of sperms, variation in the temperature, the addition of sodium chloride, potassium bromide and cane sugar solutions would cause normal larvae to develop. For years students in the embryology course at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, have repeated the experiments with complete success. Subsequent to his echinoderm work, Loeb succeeded in producing fatherless frogs. (See page 299.) In nature, echinoderms and some annelids as well as plant lice and rotifers normally develop parthenogenetically, that is, without the stimulus of sperm. Nervous System. — The nervous system consists of the nerve ring. ECHINODERMATA 135 found in the disk, and a radial nerve with branches, found in each ray, in the integument covering the ambulacral groove. There are also two radial nerve bands forming the deep nervous system, and a third set of nerve elements, the aboral or coelomic nervous system, extending along the roof of the arm superficial to the muscles. Sense Organs. — The tube feet and the spines have tactile nerves associated with them and the whole animal is undoubtedly sensitive to temperature. At the end of a ray one finds a red spot, the " eye,'^ which is sensitive to light. Above it is a process, called the tentacle, similar in appearance to the tube feet but without a terminal sucker. The tentacles are olfacto-gustatory organs and more important to the starfish than the so-called " eyes." Behavior. — The starfish senses food and is able to open oysters readily. MacBride states that small bivalves are taken completely into the stomach of the starfish, the empty shell being later expelled through the mouth. MacBride quotes Schiemenz as follows: " A bivalve able to resist a sudden pull of 4,000 grams will yield to a pull of 900 grams long continued. A starfish can exert a pull of 1,350 grams- but must raise itself into a hump in order to open an oyster." Turned upon its back the starfish ordinarily uses certain rays to right itself. Economic Importance. Positive. — Starfish are used to a limited extent as fertilizer, and have been extremely valuable in the study of embryology, particularly in connection with the problems of fertilization. Negative. The starfish injures oysters and other molluscs by direct action, opening and devouring them or ingesting small ones and expelling the shells from the mouth. One little starfish ate over 50 young clams in 6 days (Mead). Class 2. Ophiuroidea. — The brittle stars or " serpent stars " re- semble the true starfishes considerably, having a star-shaped body with a central disc and five radiating arms. They have distinct oral and aboral surfaces with the mouth in the center of the disc. The arms are slender and tapering, covered with plate-like ossicles and lateral spines. The muscular system of the arms is highly developed so that rapid movement is effected by their lateral sweep. Pyloric ceca and anus are lacking, the madreporic plate is on the ventral surface instead of the dorsal, the tube feet are tactile instead of locomotor and the ampullae have disappeared. Serpent stars secure their food by means of specialized, oral tube feet, two 136 ECHINODERMATA pairs to each arm. " Brittle stars " have highly developed autotomy and the ability to regenerate new arms. (Figure 58, ^^ and 5.) Fig. 58. A, serpent star. 5, sand dollar. (From Verrlll.) Class 3. Echinoidea. — The sea urchins are not star-shaped, but globular. The shell or test is made up of firmly united ossicles ranged in rows which run from the oral to the aboral poles. Many of the plates bear movable spines which aid in locomotion. Five ambulacral plates have openings into the egg sacs. There are five bands of distensible locomotor tube feet beginning near the oral opening and running towards the aboral pole. The distinctive feature of the sea urchin known as Aristotle^ s lantern consists of five jaw-like structures, each bearing a rather large sharp white tooth. The intestine is quite long and has no radiating ceca. Sea urchins are able to chisel out solid rock by turning round and round. The spines of large sea urchins have been used as slate pencils by missionaries in the Pacific Islands. The sand dollars or " cake urchins'" are flattened and disc-like, living near the surface of the sand. The heart urchins or " sea bears " bury themselves in the muddy sands for several inches. Under the Fig. 59. Purple sea urchin. (From Mayer, Seashore Life. Courtesy of N. Y. Zool. Soc.) ECHINODERMATA 137 name of " sea eggs," the urchins are sold during the spawning season in the Orient. Class 4. Holothuroidea. — The sea cucumbers include rather small forms which are found in the colder waters, and large tropical species. Some of the Holothurians are called sea slugs because of their resemblance to a mollusc. Other forms are called cotton spinners because they excrete cottony filaments when irritated. Fig. 60. Sea cucumber. (Courtesy of Amer. Mus. of Nat. Hist.) The sea cucumber has a muscular body wall with a few calcareous spicules, a circlet of tentacles around the mouth and five zones of tube feet running from mouth to anus. {Synapta lacks tube feet.) The alimentary canal consists of a long coiled intestine with a muscular enlargement, the cloaca, at the posterior end. Respiration is carried on by the cloaca, tentacles, respiratory trees and body wall. General Considerations In the adult condition, Echinoderms usually creep along the sea bottom, for they are all marine. The larvae, however, are surface swimmers, or " pelagic." They are gregarious in habits and found in all depths. Anatomy and Location. — The Echinodermata are radially sym- metrical, with an exo-skeleton of calcareous plates or ossicles bearing in most cases spines. They have a well-developed alimentary, nervous and water vascular system, with a poorly developed vascular system. Reproduction is sexual. Locomotion in the starfishes is a slow, creeping movement by 138 ECHINODERMATA ^ I means of the tube feet. The Holothuroidea utilize their tentacles in movement. The brittle stars move by lateral contractions of their arms. The Echinoidea move by means of spines and a few tube feet. Physiology. — In the sea urchin we have the first instance of masticatory structures in the invertebrates. The five teeth of the " Aristotle's lantern " are extremely powerful. The digestive system is extremely efficient as seen in the starfish. (See p. 132.) Respiration is carried on by the dermal branchiae. Circulation is not well developed and perhaps is not needed with the complicated water vascular system. The body fluid, hydrolymph or blood, is similar to the fluid in the water vascular system, but is richer in albumen. In the sea cucumber, Thyone, the hemoglobin occurs in small, very numerous corpuscles. Excretion is carried on by the mouth, the dermal branchiae and the intestine. Reproduction. — Well-developed gonads are present and sexes are separate in many of the Echinoderms. Parthenogenesis occurs frequently. (See p. 134.) Behavior. — The Echinoderms have well-developed reactions to stimuli of touch, light and temperature They also have primitive olfacto-gustatory sense. Embryonic Development of the Echinodermata. — The eggs of Echinoderms divide into 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 cells, each finally be- coming a blastula^ then a gastrula^ and finally a larval stage. The larvae are bilaterally symmetrical, with an aUmentary canal from which later bud two coelomic sacs. These form the body cavity and the water-vascular system. The larvae of the different classes vary somewhat in structure. Bilateral symmetry is lost in the adults except as it is retained slightly in the Holothuroidea. Importance of Echinodermata in Biological Research. — During the past thirty years, we have seen increased utilization of invertebrate forms in research at our marine laboratories. The starfish and the sea urchin have been the types used in numerous chemical and physiological studies, far-reaching in their significance. Mathews, Child, J. Loeb, Tenn/nt, F. Lillie, R. Lillie, Just, Heilbrunn, Glaser, Sampson, Woodward, and their associates, have been especially active in these studies.^ 1 See the Wistar Institute Bibliographic Service, and the Journal, Biological Abstracts, for references. Also refer to paper by D. H. Tenn^nt, 1929, Studies in experimental embryology based on sea urchin eggs. Sc. Mon., vol. 29, no. 2 (167), pp. 1 17-124. ECHINODERMATA 139 Echlnoderm eggs are especially convenient for studies on the physiological changes occurring during development. Warburg found for example that fertilized starfish eggs utilized oxygen eight times as fast as the unfertilized ones. Important studies on the changes in permeability of eggs immediately following fertilization have been made by R. Lillie and more recently by Dorothy Stewart. F. Lillie and E. Just believe that the secretions of Arbacia (a sea urchin) eggs contain an amboceptor with an ovo-phile side chain which combines with the egg and a spermo-phile side chain which combines with the sperm. The egg secretion enables the sperm to fertilize the egg. (Consult Lillie, F. R. 191 9. Problems of Fertilization. Univ. of Chicago Press.) But A. E. Woodward finds that it is possible to precipitate from the egg secretion by one method a substance which activates the sperm, and by another method a second substance which brings about parthenogenetic development of the sea urchin egg. Dr. Woodward has also utilized iodin (see page 439) as an agent in parthenogenesis. (Consult Woodward, A. E., and Hague, F. S. 1917. Iodine as a parthenogenetic agent. Biol. Bull., vol. 38, PP- 355-360.) The writer of this text believes that iodin saturates the un- saturated fats of the egg, and that increased oxidation causes cell division to occur.^ (See papers by Chidester and associates.) Parental Care. — In the Asteroidea, the young are sheltered in the arms of the adults. One form, Pteraster, has a tent-like brood pouch. Regeneration. — The Echinoderms have a well-developed charac- teristic known as self-mutilation or autotomy. This is most marked in many Ophiuroids, some Asteroids and some Holothurians, but does not occur at all among the Echinoids. Brittle-stars and star- fishes, when removed from water or molested, will sometimes break off portions of their arms, piece by piece, to the very base. The central disc is entirely capable of regenerating new arms. The sea cucumbers frequently eviscerate themselves, escape from their 2 Iodin has a well-known corrosive action on fats, and it is undoubtedly effective m dissolving the fatty pellicle around tubercle bacilli as well as other pathogenic organisms treated successfully by cod liver oil. The West Virginia University group are treating certain diseases with super-iodized cod Hver oil. Possibly iodin is re- sponsible for the protective and curative actions ascribed to other chemicals admin- istered in combination with it. I40 ECHINODERMATA enemies and later regenerate the entire alimentary canal. Mayer (Seashore Life) reports that the brittle sea cucumber Synapta lives in a ringed sand tube agglutinated with slime. Bands of sand are formed and forced down to finally form the tube. Leptosynapta breaks itself up into short lengths and then regenerates. Fossil Relatives. — Cystoidea are extinct. Their fossils are con- fined to the Paleozoic, extending from the Cambrian to the Permian with maximum development in the Ordovician and Silurian. The Blastoidea, also extinct, are confined to the Paleozoic, ranging from the Ordovician to the Permian. The Crinoidea range from the Ordovician to the present time, being most abundant as fossils in the Upper Paleozoic. The Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea, Holothuroidea and Echinoidea have descended to the present, from the upper Paleozoic. Ancestry and Relationships to Other Phyla. — It has been found so difficult to connect the Echinodermata with other Phyla that they have been for some time considered relatively isolated. Early attempts to link them with the Coelenterata on account of their radial symmetry have encountered the objection that the Echino- dermata have an extensive coelom or body cavity. They have highly developed alimentary and nervous systems not present in the lower Phyla. It is now believed that the embryonic history of the Echinoderms indicates that they developed from a group with bilateral symmetry. The oldest classes of Echinodermata are those with the radial symmetry least developed. Thus the stalked Cri- noids are considered the ancestors of the free living forms. Crinoidea, Cystoidea and Blastoidea represent the primitive type, while radially symmetrical Asteroidea, Ophiuroidea and Echinoidea are probably descended from the primitive Holothuroidea. The Echinodermata are an isolated group, with no living or fossil links. The echinoderm larva, somewhat comparable to that of Balanoglossus, called Tor- naria (see page 217), has led evolutionists to place the Phylum in the series of Invertebrates that are supposed to be progenitors of Vertebrates. ECHINODERMATA 141 Economic Importance of the Echinodermata Class Asteroidea, Echinoidea. Holothuroldea. Negative Attack oysters and clams, open- ing shells and devouring the soft parts. Positive Fertilizer. Eggs used as food. Experimental embryology. Roe of sea urchins are eaten. Spines are used as slate pencils. Several species of sea cucum- bers are utilized as food by the Chinese under the names of trepang or beche-de-mer. References on Echinodermata Cole, L. J. 1913. Direction of locomotion in the starfish, Asterias forbesii. J. Exp. Zoo!., vol. 14. Gemmill, J. F. 1 91 2. The locomotor functions of the lantern in Echi- nus, with observations on other allied activities. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., Ser. B, vol. 85. Kindred, J. E. 1924. The cellular elements in the perivisceral fluid of echinoderms. Biol. Bull., vol. 46, pp. 228-251. Paine, V. L. 1926. Adhesion of the tube feet in starfish. J. Exp. ZooL, vol. 46, pp. 361-366. CHAPTER XI MOLLUSCA The Mollusca (Lat. mollis^ soft) are bilaterally symmetrical. This symmetry is modified by dextral, sinistral, or frontal torsion in the adult Gastropoda. While for the most part the Mollusca differ from the Annelida and the Arthropoda in being unsegmented, the Cephalopoda have certain segmented ducts, and the Amphineura are segmented. The majority have an exoskeleton of calcium car- bonate, the shell. In general we find that Mollusca are sluggish. Many Mollusca are of economic importance (see page i6i). Classification Class 1. Pelecypoda (hatchet foot) or Lamellibranchiata (leafy gills). Clams, oysters, mussels, scallops. Usually bilater- ally symmetrical, with two-valved shells, and a two-lobed mantle. Abundant in Cretaceous of America. Marine and fresh water. Class 2. Amphineura (on both sides — a nerve). Chitons, with bilateral symmetry, shell of eight transverse calcareous plates and many pairs of gill filaments. Ordovician to present. Marine. Class 3. Gastropoda (belly foot). Snails, slugs, whelks, with a spirally coiled shell. Some dextral and others sinistral. Cambrian to the present. Abundant since Ordovician. Marine and fresh water. Class 4. Scaphopoda (boot foot). Tooth shells with tubular shell and mantle. Cambrian to the present. Dentalium from the Tertiary to the present. Marine. Class 5. Cephalopoda (head foot). Cuttle fishes, squids, octopi and nautili. Bilaterally symmetrical foot divided into arms with suckers. Nervous system is located in the head. Nautiloids are first known from the Cambrian rocks; they reach their maximum development in the Silurian and decline to the Triassic. Marine. 142 MOLLUSCA 143 Characteristics 1. Mollusca are mostly unsegmented and without jointed ap- pendages. 2. Symmetry is fundamentally bilateral, but in the Gastropoda there is superposed dextral or sinistral asymmetry. 3. The foot is usually for locomotion. 4. The mantle is a dorsal fold of the body wall which covers the animal. 5. Frequently a shell is secreted by the mantle, but sometimes the mantle and shell are absent. Natural History Class I. Lamellibranchiata. Clams and Mussels. — As a type for study either the fresh water mussel {Anodontd) or the clam {Venus) proves excellent. Both are bilaterally symmetrical and have a well-developed foot. The Structure of the Shell. — " The mussel shell consists of three layers. The outside horny layer is called the perlostracum; the middle prismatic layer is formed from tiny prisms of calcium car- bonate separated by thin layers of the horny conchiolin found in the perlostracum; the Inner layer Is the nacre or ' mother of pearl * which consists of alternate layers of calcium carbonate and conchio- lin arranged parallel to the surface. The perlostracum and the prismatic layers are secreted from the edge of the mantle, while the nacre Is secreted from the whole of the epidermal surface of the mantle." ^ Externally marking the shell, we find rather prominent depres- sions, three or four in number, called lines of growth. Indicating the number of seasons of growth. Less prominent depressions, the lines being close together. Indicate the number of new edges of the shell laid down by the mantle during the course of a single season. There are also annual layers of nacre. Internal Anatomy. — In both forms we find well-developed ante- rior and posterior adductor muscles. These must be cut in order to separate the shells. When cut, the dorsal hinge ligament forces the valves to gape open. Lining both valves we find the mantle. This is adherent to the shell ventrally just Inside the edge, the point of 1 Parker, T. J., and Haswell, W. A. 1928. Text-book of Zoology. The Mac- Millan Co., London. 144 MOLLUSCA attachment, the pallid linCy being readily seen in the cleaned shell. In the hard-shelled clam^ Venus, which has two well-developed siphons, we find a posterior invagination under the adductor muscle called the pallial sinus. It marks the point of attachment of the siphonal muscles. The siphons of fresh water mussels are very poorly developed. Fig. 6 1. Model of clam. (Courtesy of Amer. Mus. of Nat. Hist.) Digestion. — The mouth has two pairs of labial palps, ciliated externally; the gullet or esophagus is short. A pair of irregular dark brown glands, the liver, surround the large stomach which has in it a slender gelatinous rod, the crystalline style. T. C. Nelson (Biol. Bull., 1925, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 86-99) gives three views of the func- tions of the crystalline style, (i) It contains amylotic ferments which digest starch. (2) Its mucous or viscid secretion holds the food long enough for proper digestion. (3) It separates the food from foreign particles, acting as a " stirring rod." The intestine passes from the posterior end of the stomach to the visceral mass, coils parallel to the first portion, then turns backwards and proceeds as the rectum through the pericardium and above the posterior adductor muscles, finally discharging into the MOLLUSCA 145 dorsal exhalant siphon or cloaca. The wall of the rectum has a longitudinal ridge or typhlosole (as in the earthworm). Two similar ridges begin in the stomach and are continued into the first part of the intestine. An oyster is said to strain 135 liters of water daily to obtain its oxygen and food. GaltsofF, P. (1928, Bull. Bur. of Fish., vol. 44), has shown that for the North Atlantic oyster the maximum flow of water is 3.9 liters per hour at 25° C; for the Gulf of Mexico oysters, it is nearly twice as much, 7.5 liters per hour at 25° C. Circulation. — The heart consists of a ventricle., surrounding part of the rectum, and two auricles. The ventricle contracts and drives the blood through the anterior and posterior aortae. Some of the blood goes to the mantle where it is oxygenated and then returns to the heart but not to the kidneys. The rest circulates through the body and is finally collected by the vena cava just beneath the pericardium. From the vena cava, the blood passes into the kidneys and gills to the auricles and into the ventricle. Oxygen and dissolved food are carried to all parts of the body, CO2 to the gills, and other wastes to the kidneys. Respiration takes place through the surface of the mantle, and by means of a pair of branchiae or gills made up of two lamellae on each side, united at the edges except dorsally. A lamella is com- posed of gill folds supported by chitinous rods and covered with cilia. The cilia of the gills produce a current which sets in through the inhalant siphon into the mantle cavity and through the ostia and the water tubes into the suprabranchial (epibranchial) chamber and out at the exhalant siphon. The ingoing current carries oxygen for the aeration of blood, and also brings food such as diatoms and Protozoa, which pass into the mouth between the ciliated labial palps. The outgoing current carries excreta from the blood and feces from the cloaca. Excretion. — The nephridia (organs of Bojanus) are a single pair, one on each side of the body just below the pericardium. They are U-shaped tubes bent on themselves and opening at one end into the pericardium and at the other on the external surface of the body. There are two parts — a brown, spongy, glandular kidney, and a thin- walled non-glandular bladder with ciliated epithelium which com- municates with its mate anteriorly by a large oval aperture. The kidney receives excreta from the pericardium by cilia. Waste is carried out through the exhalant siphon. The bladder receives 146 MOLLUSCA excreta from the blood. Another excretory organ is the pericardial gland or " Keber's organ." It lies just in front of the pericardium and discharges into it. It may collect from the kidney; it secretes uric acid. Reproduction. — The sexes are usually separate. A few forms are hermaphroditic and protandrous. The gonads^ situated above the foot, are paired masses of tubes which open just in front of the renal aperture on each side. Spermatozoa pass out of the dorsal siphon of the male and into the ventral siphon of the female. The eggs pass out of the genital aperture and lie in the gills. They are fertilized there and develop in a modified pouch or marsupium. The eggs develop by cell division until in the fresh water mussel a Byssus SheU ^:".iA; Adductor muscle tfM^JfD Fig. 62. Glochldium of Anodonta. — A, a young mussel or glochidium. (After Balfour.) B, the gills of a fish in which are embedded many young mussels forming "blackheads." (After Lefevre and Curtis.) (From Hegner, College Zoology. Courtesy of Macmillan Co.) glochidium is produced. This has a shell with two valves, hooked in some species, and closed by muscles. The glochidia attach to the gills or fins of a fish, become surrounded by the stimulated epithelium of the host, and develop there until able to carry on independent existence. They are thus dispersed by the fishes to considerable distance. (Figures 62 and ^^?) In Venus and many other molluscs, we find that the embryo develops as a free swimming larva of the trochophore type called a veliger. Eggs. — Lamellibranchs have a large number of eggs. The oyster has 300,000 to 60,000,000 per annum. The fresh water mussel has 200,000. Nervous System. — There are two cerebral ganglia (one on each MOLLUSCA 147 side of the esophagus) with cerebral commissures forming a nerve ring. Each cerebropleural ganglion sends a nerve cord ventrally, ending in a sin^t pedal ganglion in the foot. Each cerebropleural ganglion gives off a cerebrovisceral connective (sometimes enclosed by the kidneys) leading to a single visceral ganglion. Fig. 63. Different stages of cyst. Proliferation in glochidia, fin margin of carp. (After Lefevre and Curtis. Jour. Exp. Zool.^ 19 10.) Sense Organs. — A patch of yellow epithelial cells, the " osphra- dium," covers each visceral ganglion. They are supposed to be olfacto-gustatory organs. Paired otocysts (statocysts) with calcareous statoliths behind the pedal ganglia are organs of equilibrium. Yves Delage removed the otocysts and caused lack of balance. The edges of the mantle have sensory cells — especially on the inhalant siphon — which are sensitive to light and touch. Pecten, the scallop, has from 80 to 120 ocelli at the edge of the mantle. They are connected with the branchial ganglion and each has cornea, lens, and optic nerve. Apparently visual organs are absent in the fresh water bivalves, but they are better developed in the marine forms along shore. There is no satisfactory evidence for color vision in Mollusca. Certain eyeless species react to sudden darken- ing very quickly, but soon get used to stimuli and cease to respond. The sense of geotropism ^ is determined by obscure conditions. Reactions are influenced by size of illuminated or darkened surface, as well as by intensity of light. Class I. Lamellibranchiata. — Fresh water mussels or clams ( Unionidae, Anodontidae, Lajnpsilidae) have assumed considerable importance in America. The United States Bureau of Fisheries has established a Biological Station at Fairport, Iowa, for the artificial ^ See page 25 for definition of tropisms. 148 MOLLUSCA propagation of mussels in the Mississippi basin. Valuable pearls are secured from the adult mussels, and pearl buttons are manu- factured from certain mussel shells. Their larvae (glochidia), parasitic on the gills and fins of fishes, become dispersed widely. (Figure 64, A and .S.) Fig. 64//. Unto gibbosus Barnes. (After Simpson, U. S. B. F. Bull., 1898.) The sa/f water or edible mussel {Mytilus edulis), cultivated for many years in France and England, has only recently come into general use in the United States. Through the activities of the late Dr. I. A. Field,3 the many mussel beds on the Atlantic coast are now being utilized. In mid-summer, mussels may sometimes become poisonous. The " pearl-oyster " (Meleagrina), which is not a true oyster but a mussel, is found in the Fig, 645. Lampsilis luteolus La. Female. (After South Sea Islands, Ja- Simpson, U. S. B. F. Bull., 1898.) pan, Ceylon, the East Indies and the West Indies. Pearls are an accumulation of layers of " nacre " laid down around foreign substances. (See page 157, Culture Pearls.) The softs helled clam {My a arenarid)^ sometimes called the long- ^Field, I. A. 191 1. The food value of sea mussels. Bull. Bur. Fish., vol. 29. MOLLUSCA 149 necked clam, is preferred by New Englanders for clam bakes and chowders. It has extremely long siphons. The quahog ( Venus mercenaria), or hard-shell clam, is found along the entire Atlantic coast. Used little at the coast, it is preferred inland as it can be shipped long distances and kept alive for a considerable time. Blue- lined ones were used as money " wampum " by the American Indians (Figure 65, A and B). The giani clam {Tridacna gigas) is Fig. 65. y/, soft shell clam, M\a. B, razor shell clam, Ensis. Courtesy of The Century Co.) (From Arnold. found in tropical waters where it sometimes proves a menace to divers. Its shell may weigh five hundred pounds and reach a length of four feet. A single valve may be found in use as a church font. The razor-shell clam {Solen maximus) is eaten by the poorer people of the British Isles, but not known in fashionable restaurants. The giant " geoduck " clam of the Pacific coast {Glycimeris generosa) reaches a weight of six pounds and has a siphon sometimes extended twenty-four inches. The West Coast ''little neck" clam {Tapes staminea) is an important food. The cockle {Cardium edule) is eaten considerably in Europe. It is easily digested. The scallop (Pecten irradians) found off-shore on the Atlantic coast does not reach a diameter greater than three inches. Its single adductor muscle is used for food. The giant scallop {Pecten maxijnus) is found in deeper water and reaches a diameter of seven inches. Both the scallops are extremely rich in iodine and should be utilized more inland since they keep on ice in a much better condition than do oysters. The crusaders brought with them from the Holy Land a Mediterranean scallop {Pecten jacoboeus) which they wore as a badge, indicating their foreign service. I50 MOLLUSCA The oyster [Ostred) "* is sessile and lacks a foot. It is used in America more than any other shell fish and has been popular in spite of the occasional occurrence of typhoid carried by freshened oysters. The practice of transporting oysters from relatively clean salt water to the mouths oi polluted t'xy&vs and there keeping them " floating " until they have become bloated and swollen and have lost their true ocean flavor is one that has brought oyster dealers additional money when they sold oysters by the quart, but has lost many lives from the typhoid germs collected. Fig. 66. Mussel with Buddha images. Chidester. {Sci. Am. Supply 191 5.) The window-glass shell ( Placuna placenta) is used in the tropics for windows in churches and other buildings. Reese reports that the demand for " window pane " shell in the Philippine Islands has recently exceeded the supply, so that the Philippine Bureau of Science planted new beds. The wood-boring ship-worms {Teredo and Bankid) were in early days a formidable enemy of wooden ships. Recently it was dis- covered that the wood-boring ship-worm, Teredo navalis^ was doing ^ Brooks, W. K. 1905. The Oyster. Bait. MOLLUSCA 151 great damage to the piles in Pacific and Eastern harbors/ At- tempts by the United States Navy to protect wharves and piles IS Fig. 67. Teredo navalis. Age five weeks from metamorphosis. 6", shell ;F, foot; /j, incurrent siphon; es, excurrent siphon;/), pallet. (B. H. Grave, Biol. Bull., Oct. 1928.) A have resulted in the sheathing of some docks with concrete pregnation of the piles with creosote has also given a large measure of protection (Figure 67). The borer {Pholas) is able to penetrate rocks and cement. It has extremely long united siphons and a shell with a file-Hke surface. Class 2. Amphineura. (Figure 68.) — The chitons are bilaterally symmetrical molluscs with eight calcareous plates or shields which protect the dorsal surface of their boat-shaped body. Like the wood louse and armadillo they are able to roll themselves into a ball for protection. In some species the shell plates have between eleven thousand and twelve thousand primitive visual organs. Chitons Im- Fig. 6 8. Chiton. (From Hertwig-Kingsley, Manual of Zoology. Courtesy of Henry Holt &Co.) ^ Grave, B. H. 1928. Natural history of shipworm. Teredo navalis, at Woods Hole, Mass. Biol. Bull., vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 260-282. Hill, C. L., and Kofoid, C. A. Marine Borers and Their Relation to Marine Construction on the Pacific Coast. Final Report of the San Francisco Bay Marine Piling Committee. 1924. Sigerfoos, C. P. 1908. Natural History, Organization and Late Development of the Teridinidae or Shipworms. Bull. U, S. Bur. Fish., vol. 27, p. 191. 152 MOLLUSCA are found in shallow water, and are used as bait and for food. One Pacific coast species reaches a length of eighteen inches. Class 3. Gastropoda. — The Gastropoda differ from the Lamelli- branchiata considerably, in that they usually have a spirally coiled shell consisting of a single piece, a head region with eyes and sensory tentacles, and in the alimentary canal have a buccal organ, the odontophore^ bearing rows of chitinous teeth and functional in rasping food and in cutting through other shells. Gastropoda creep slowly on a ventral foot, which in the marine snails carries a horny opercu- lum used in closing the orifice when the foot is retracted. The chank-shell {Turbinella pyruni) , found in the Indian Ocean, is used in the East Indies for bangles. When cut into armlets and anklets, chanks are worn by the women of Hindustan. Chank- shells were also used for beating cloth. The whelk {Buccinum) is eaten by some Europeans. Another whelk {Purpura) was used by the ancients in the production of " Tyrian Purple." The Romans secured their dyes from shells found off the coast of Tyre in Asia, and at Meninge on the shore of Africa. Pliny speaks of the mixture of dyes of different shades to produce the finest purple for royal robes. The slipper limpets {Crepidula Jornicatd) are de- generate scale-like animals that in many cases become attached permanently to a stone or dead shell by a stony cement secreted by the foot. The embryology of Crepidula was the subject of an authoritative study by Conklin (Jour, of Morphology, vol. 13, 1897). The common limpet {Patella vulgata) is used as food in England and on the Continent much more than in the United States. The ear- shells ( Haliotis) found on the Western coast of America appear like the single valve of a Lamellibranch, but they are true gastropods. The shells are used for the manufacture of ornaments, in inlays and also for making buttons. They also yield blister pearls of brilliant colors. The fleshy foot of the animal is an excellent food, which has been eaten in Europe and the Orient for centuries, and furnishes abalone steak in California. It is also dried and shipped to the Orient. The cowries {Cypraeidae) are used for ornaments, to sink fishnets, and as money. A small species {Cypraea moneta) is used in Siam and Western Africa as money. Lankester mentions the fact that in the Friendly Islands the orange cowrie, a symbol of rank, is worn only by the chief of the tribe. The helmet shells {Cassidae) are used in the manufacture of cameos^ since either white or black may be carved with the other as MOLLUSCA ^S3 a background. The tritons or sea conchs {Tritonidae) reach a length of twelve inches. The South Sea Islanders use one species as a trumpet. The common periwinkle {Littorina)^ used as food in Europe, particularly the British Isles, is not so popular in America, although it occurs along the Atlantic coast. The oyster drill ( Uro- salpinx cinereus) is an im- portant enemy of the Lamellibranchs. Using its " radula " it quickly bores holes into the hardest shell. (Figure 69, A and B.) The drilling sea snail {Natica heros) deposits its eggs in a " collar " com- posed of sand, agglutinated by mucus. The land snail {Helix pomatia)^ imported from Europe, is sold in large cities and considered a delicacy. The American Helicidae are smaller in size and are considered by some vegetable gardeners to be quite injurious to plants. The escaped Euro- pean garden snail is very destructive to certain veg- etables and flowers. Pliny speaks of snails, cultivated by the Romans, with shells that would hold a quart of wine! The modern snails are not more than three or four inches lo"g- ^ . ... The common pond snails include the genus Limnaea with its shell a right-handed spiral, which lays its eggs in the spring in capsules covered with jelly; and the genus Physa (in which the Fig. 69. Enemies of the oyster. A, Uro- salpinx, the drill; B, Fidgur, the whelk. (From U. S. B. F. Report, 1897.) 154 MOLLUSCA spiral is a left-handed one), which attaches its egg capsules to sticks and leaves in the water. Either form is excellent for the study of embryonic development, since the eggs are deposited in laboratory aquaria and develop rapidly. (Figure 70, A and 5.) The land slugs {Limacidae) have a vestigial shell. A species found in California reaches the length of twelve inches. The giant slug {Arioli- ?nax sp.) is used by the South American Indians in the manufacture of " bird lime " to capture Fig. 70. Left, hummingbirds. Lymnaea with dex- om c ^ '^ j J*1*~ ^ , , ,, „. , ^ Snails are of great sanitary and medical sig- tral shell. Right, , r . 1 j •.• Physa with sinistral nincance as hosts ot larval trematodes, parasitic shell. in vertebrates, including man. (See p. 77.) Class 4. Scaphopoda. — The tooth shells or tusk shells have a tubular calcareous shell open at both ends. The foot is at the larger end. A lingual ribbon (radula) is present, and the animal has a rudimentary head. Tentacles, eyes, a heart and gills are absent. The captacula are ciliated contractile filaments perhaps for breathing and securing food. The animal has the univalve shell and radula of the Gastropoda and the symmetry and pointed foot, without tentacles or head, that characterize the Lamellibranchiata. The Dentalium or iusk shell was used in California among the Indians and the early whites as currency. The shells used were valued at ^5.00 each if about two and one-half inches long; smaller ones were about one inch long and were worth about ^oi. An eleven- shell string was worth about I50.00. Dentaliums were traded for wives, clothing, furs, and woodpecker scalps, whose red topknots were of considerable value also. Class 5. Cephalopoda. — The Cephalopoda, which include the squids, sepias and octopuses, are highly developed marine Mollusca. They have a true head, with well-developed eyes and olfactory organs, and the anterior portion of the foot is modified into tentacles or arms. The body is bilaterally symmetrical. Locomotion is accomplished by movements of the tentacles and by expulsion of water from a funnel or siphon leading out from the mantle cavity. The shell is usually internal, that of the cuttlefish being sold as " cuttle-bone," but in the Nautilus, the shell is highly developed as a chambered external coiled structure. MOLLUSCA HS The cuttlefishes^ or Sepias, have ten arms and a pair of highly developed eyes. The body is covered by the mantle. Cuttle- bone comes from the inner shell, which is very porous and light in weight and largely lime. Cuttlefishes furnish sepia ink which is used in art. Ground cuttlebone called " pounce " is used somewhat in medicine as an anti-acid and when powdered fine is used by draftsmen to prevent blotting. Italians esteem the " sepias " a delicacy. India ink is made from the ink bags of fossil cuttlefishes. The octopus {Octopus vulgaris) bears eight arms. It may reach a length of fifteen feet and weigh seventy-five pounds. Terrible stories are related (at a few dollars a column) regarding the battles of divers with these horrible " devil fishes." They are used for food by the Chinese and Italians. Fig. -jiA. Female Argonauta argo. (Lull, Organic Evolution, after Claus-Sedgwick. Courtesy of Macmlllan and Co., Ltd.) The squid (Loligo) reaches a length of about one foot. The internal shell, called the " pen " on account of its resemblance to a feather, is relatively thin and chitinous (horny), not calcareous. 6 The Arctic cuttlefish is said to reach a length of eighteen feet, its size being ap- parently correlated with the greater abundance of diatoms and other food in the plankton of northern waters. 156 MOLLUSCA Giant squids may reach a total length of thirty feet, the body being not more than ten feet long. They form the food of the sperm whales. Squids are used for bait and are eaten by French, Italians, and the Orientals. Squid oil has been used for lubricating, and by the Chinese as a medicine. The chambered nautilus {Nautilus pompilius) is a cephalopod with a many-chambered, spiral shell, lined with beautiful pearly nao'c. Unlike the squids and octopi, the nautilus lacks an ink sac and cannot change its color. Oliver Wendell Holmes' celebrated poem has immortalized " The Chambered Nautilus." The paper nautilus {Argo- nauta argo) with a thin shell is more active than the chambered variety and is frequently seen near the surface of the ocean. The females are pelagic during breeding season, but are found in the depths the rest of the time. The male Argonaut, one inch long, only i/io of the size of the female, has no shell, and is able to detach the third arm on the left side laden with sper- matophores and spermatozoa. The entire " hectocotylized arm " passes into the mantle cavity of the female and, at- FiG. 7i5. Male Argonanta showing taching, permits the spermatozoa hectocotylized arm. (Lull, Organic Evo- ^^ fertilize her eggs. (Figure 71, A and B.) Pearls. — Since so much of the reputation for economic importance of the Mollusca depends on the value of pearls, let us consider the source of pearls and the methods used in producing " culture pearls." Composition. — The composition of pearls is 91.72 per cent carbonate of lime, 5.94 per cent organic matter and 2.34 per cent water. Source and Value. — The pearl " oyster," one of the Aviculidae, Margaritifera, is not an oyster but a mussel. It is found in the Persian Gulf and off the coasts of Ceylon and Japan. Similar forms lution, after Claus-Sedgwick. of Macmillan and Co., Ltd.) Courtesy MOLLUSC A 157 have been found in the Philippine Islands and on the coasts of Venezuela and Pacific Mexico. Black pearls from the " pearl oyster " of the Gulf of Mexico are extremely valuable. The fresh water mussels, besides furnishing pearl buttons, also produce a fine quality of pinkish pearls. The abalones {Haliotis) found in the Pacific Ocean produce very few good blister pearls but the shells are valuable for mother of pearl. Pink pearls are sometimes secured from the large West Indian conch shell, Strombus gigas^ one of them having sold for five thousand dollars. True pearls increase in value notably according to the size. If a one-grain pearl is worth ^10.00, a two-grain pearl is worth ^40.00, while a ten-grain pearl is valued at ^1,000.00. Culture Pearls. — The nucleus of a pearl may be a parasite, an ovum, a fragment of tissue, or a bit of shell or other hard material. Investigators have found Cestode larvae, Trematode worms, and even small Crustacea and Hydrachnids as the nuclei of pearls. Centuries ago the Chinese discovered that if foreign substances were placed between the mantle and shell of a mussel, in many cases a coating of " mother-of-pearl " was laid down over the insert. The Japanese developed the earlier work of the Chinese to a great enterprise under the guidance of the late Prof. Mitsukuri, opening the oysters slightly and inserting bits of sand, images, and bits of mother of pearl, with the result that blister or culture pearls were produced. In 1892, Kokichi Mikimoto, the " Pearl King," following the suggestions made to him by Professor Mitsukuri, began the cultivation of pearls on a large scale. Mikimoto's oyster beds extend over 40,000 acres. According to Jordan (1927) he employs one thousand people. The divers are all young women who, it is reported, can remain two minutes under water. Culture pearls with a spherical mother-of-pearl nucleus are just as aesthetic as a natural pearl, which may be the " sarcophagus " of a tape-worm. In spite of attempts to bar them from the market as genuine, they are now sold for as much as $200 each. Chemically and biologically they are true pearls. Coated Glass Substitutes for Pearls. — Alabaster or glass beads are now coated with pearl essence secured by the extraction of guanin crystals from herring and other fishes (see page 254) and are sold as artificial pearls. 158 MOLLUSCA References on Pearls Chidester, F. E. 191 5. Artificial production of pearls. Sc. Am., Supp. No. 2043, Feb. 1 91 5, p. 140- Jordan, D. S. 1927. Mikimoto and the culture pearls. Sc. Am., Oct. I927> PP- 300-302. Tressler, D. K. 1923. Marine Products of Commerce. N. Y. General Consideration of the Mollusca Distribution. — Mollusca are found in both fresh and salt water, and on land. While they are usually free-living, they serve as obligatory intermediate hosts in the development and transmission of certain parasitic worms, such as the lung and blood flukes of man, and are also found in association with some of the aquatic Crustacea, Physiology. — The soft bodies of the molluscs are protected by a slimy covering frequently supported by a shell. Certain of the gastropods and cephalopods lack such a shell. In the Lamellibranch, Pecten^ the two valves are rapidly opened and closed and the animal flaps along at considerable speed. Other forms like the long-necked clam {Myd) utilize their siphons in bur- rowing while the majority move slowly by means of the foot. The oyster is sessile in the adult condition. In certain Gastropoda there is a slow wave-like muscular motion of the foot; whereas in other species locomotion is accomplished by ciliary activity (Copeland ''). The Cephalopoda when undisturbed move slowly by means of the tail fin and sometimes by " walking " on the arms, but they are capable of very rapid backward movement by jets of water ejected from the " funnel " or siphon. The Mollusca have a well-developed body cavity usually divided into two chambers, the pericardial and the visceral. Digestion is facilitated by the secretions from the hepato-pancreas or " liver." The Gastropoda have a highly developed lingual ribbon, the " radula," which is instrumental in the penetration of hard shells. Snails are able to digest cellulose without the aid of bacteria. In Cephalopoda a salivary secretion is poisonous enough to paralyze small crabs. The devil-fish or octopus has acid-secreting glands which soften the shells of oysters at the point of drilling. Teredo feeds in part on the wood from its burrows filed off by its shell. " Copeland, M. 1919. Locomotion in two species of the gastropod, Alectrion. Biol. Bull., vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 126-138. MOLLUSCA 159 Many of the snails respire by means of air taken into the mantle cavity which functions as a lung. Other aquatic forms breathe by means of gills. Pinna-globulin is a pigment in the blood of the Lamellibranchs. Pinna squamosa has manganese instead of the copper common to invertebrates, including oysters, but it does not appear to function in transporting oxygen. Many gastropods and cephalopods have haemocyanin, and in the Gastropod Planorbis, haemoglobin occurs. (Redfield, personal communication.) Nervous System. — The nervous system of the MoUusca consists of cerebral, visceral and pedal ganglia, with connectives. In the Gastropoda, the coiled shell causes the nervous system to be in a spiral. It is said that the smallest snail can withstand more strychnine than an adult man. Richards has shown « that Mytilus is poisoned readily by atropine and camphor and less so by caffeine. Regeneration. — Autotomy is not characteristic of moUusca in general, but a few Lamellibranchs and Gastropods are able to part with and regenerate a new bit of their foot. Growth Studies on the MoUusca. — Molluscs are especially suited for studies of the growth of animals because the shell is added to and extended by the mantle as the organism grows. The amount added in a given time, or the rate of growth, depends on the amount of food that the animal receives. During the winter the animals get little food and the edge of the shell thickens leaving a growth ring or check mark when the growth begins again early the next spring. On Cape Cod, Massachusetts, the growth of the edible mussel {Mytilus) begins in March following the great increase of its food (plankton) in January and February .^ The growth rings of the Pacific Coast razor clam {Siliqua) appear very clearly so that Weymouth i" and his associates have been able to extend our views 8 Richards, O. W. 1929. Conduction of the nervous impulse through the pedal ganglion of Mytilus. Biol. Bull., vol. 56, pp. 32-40. Richards has shown that the rate of conduction of the nervous impulse was 92.9 ± 2-2, cm. per second in Mytilus edulis at 24° C. 9 Richards, O. W. Studies on the growth of M. edulis and calijornianus in progress communicated personally to the author. 10 Weymouth, F. W., and McMillin, H. C. 1930. Relative Growth and Mortality of the Pacific Coast Razor Clam and Their Bearing on the Commercial Fisheries. Bull. U. S. B. F., vol. 46, pp. 543-567- i6o MOLLUSCA of the nature of the growth process from the analysis of measure- ments of the growth of this clam. Other forms do not show these rings clearly so that Richards has used x-ray pictures to show the internal structure of the shell not visible to the unaided eye. The growth of many shells takes place in an orderly manner and in some cases in precise mathematical form such as the logarithmic spiral formed by the chambered nautilus. ^^ Embryology. — The eggs of the MoUusca are extremely numerous. In the oyster, it is estimated that there are 60,000,000; in the squid as many as 40,000. The sexes are usually separate except in the Gastropoda. (Figure 72.) \ ■v, ■-. [ / Fig. 72. First stages in embryonic development of the pond snail {Lymnaeus): fl, egg cell; b, first cleavage; c, second cleavage; d, third cleavage; e, after numerous cleavages (Morula);/, blastula (in section); |", gastrula just forming (in section); h, gas- trula completed (in section). (After Rabl.) This may be taken as a type of the earliest development of all many-celled animals (Metazoa). (From Jordan and Kel- logg, Animal Life. Courtesy of D. Appleton and Co., Publishers.) Most larval molluscs include a trochophore stage, which becomes a veliger larva. The velum is situated anteriorly to the mouth and proves extremely important in the locomotion and dispersal of the animal. In the fresh water mussels, a parasitic stage, the glochidium (see page 148) attaches to the gills or fins of fishes. Care of the Young. — In certain of the Gastropoda, the eggs hatch within the body of the parent. In one form the female {Galerus chinensis) hatches her eggs by keeping them between her foot and " Thompson, D. A. W. 1917. Growth and Form. Camb. Univ. Press. MOLLUSCA i6i the stone to which she adheres. The octopus broods her eggs, renewing the water around them by siphonal jets. Fossil Relatives. — As indicated on page 1 42, under Classification of Mollusca, they are found from the Cambrian to the present, the La- mellibranchs being especially abundant in the Cretaceous of America. Ancestry and Relationship to Other Phyla. — On account of the occurrence of the trochophore larva the Mollusca are linked with the worms. The Cephalopoda are separated from the other Mollusca, having no free larvae and being provided with highly developed eyes and nervous system. Economic Importance of Mollusca Class Positive Lamellibranchiata. i. As money. Quahaugs and cowries, i. 1. Pearls. Pearl oysters, clams and mussels. 3. Buttons from mussel shells. 4. As ornaments. 5. Food — oyster, clam, mussel, scallop (adductor muscle), shells as chick- 2. en grits. 6. For roads (New England uses oyster shells). 7. As church fonts — Tridacna (500 lb. shells). 8. Window pane (Placuna). Negative a. Pholas — "borer." b. "Ship-worms." Teredo navalis and Bankia fimbriata attack wooden ships and piles. Giant clam. Tridac- na gigas (enemy of divers). Gastropoda. I. For food or bait. Whelks, periwin- kles, top shells, limpets, the aba- lone (Haliotis). 1. For buttons and as ornaments. Ear shells, sea snails, cameo shells (Cassis), top shells. Queen conch shells {Strombus gigas) were for- merly used in Liverpool for the manufacture of porcelain. 3. For dye stuffs the "sea hare" fur- nishes purple dye. "Tyrian pur- ple" {Purpura, the whelk). 4. For bird lime. The giant slug is used by South American Indians to lime humming birds. 5. The calcareous front doors (oper- cula) of some S. American gastro- pods are sold for use in the U. S. as "eye-stones." 1. Boring gastropods at- tack lamelli- branchs. 1. Destroy vegetables and plants — gar- den snail (slug) Limax. 3. Sometimes snails at- tack the eggs of fish in nests. 4. Intermediate hosts of larval stages of flukes of man. l62 MOLLUSCA Amphineura. Scaphopoda. I. Chiton used as food and for bait. I. Tusk shells (Dentalium) were used as currency in California by the Indians. Cephalopoda. I. Little known except in fiction. 1. Sepia "bone" and "cuttle bone" used to feed birds requiring lime. 2. Dr. J. A. Eiesland cites the use of cuttlebone for erasers in Norway about 1870. 3. "Pounce" as anti-acid (medicine); in art work to prevent blotting. 4. Sepia — for ink. 5. Squid oil — medicine and as lubricant. 6. Food and fish bait. Squids, octopi and sepia. References on Mollusca Cooke, A. H. 1895. Mollusca, in Cambridge Natural History, Mac- millan Co. Gould, A. H. 1870. Report on Invertebrata of Massachusetts. 2d ed. Binney (Mollusca and Tunicata). Johnson, M. E., AND Snook, H. J. 1927. Shore Animals of the Pacific Coast. The Macmillan Co., N. Y. Simpson, G. B. 1901. Anatomy and Physiology of Polygyra albolabris and Umax maximus, etc. New York State Educational Depart- ment. Tressler, D. K. 1923. Marine Products of Commerce, N. Y. Verrill, a. E. 1882. Report on the Cephalopods of the Northeastern Coast of America. Report of U. S. Fish Commission for 1879. Government Printing Office. CHAPTER XII Arthropoda The Arthropoda (Gr. arthron^ a joint; pous^ a foot) include more than one-half the number of species in the animal kingdom and comprise a wide variety of forms, with great significance econom- ically. The body, segmented and bilaterally symmetrical as in the Annelida, is covered by a chitinous exoskeleton. The heart is usually elongated and the nerve cord is ventrally situated, while the cerebral ganglia are dorsal and anterior as in the earthworm. This Phylum includes insects, barnacles, crabs, crayfishes, spiders, ticks, and scorpions. The bee is an example of a beneficial form; the housefly, of an injurious type. Classification Class 1. Crustacea. Class 2. Onychophora. Class 3. Myriapoda. Class 4. Insecta. Class 5. Arachnid a. Characteristics 1. Marked metamerism. 2. Appendages jointed. 3. Body covered by chitinous exoskeleton, secreted by cells beneath it. 4. Bilateral symmetry. 5. Mouth and anus at opposite ends. ' 6. Seldom ciliated. 7. Muscles usually striped. 8. Dorsal heart, with incomplete circulatory system, the blood sinuses extremely important. 9. Nervous system includes a ventral nerve chain with ganglia and paired dorsal cerebral ganglia. 164 ARTHROPODA PQ o u *C u to £ o ■4-) c o Subphylum (Cephalochorda, Adelochorda, or Acrania). Type — Branchio stoma ^ or Amphioxus. — Amphioxus, the lancelet, is transparent, less than three inches long, lives in shallow sea water, partly buried in sand, burrows head foremost, swims at night. Beebe reports them in the Sargasso Sea. (Figure loi.) It has a median dorsal fin, extending posteriorly to form the caudal fin and then ventrally to the post-atrial region to form the ventral fin. The laterally situated meta- pleural folds occupy the position of lateral fins in fishes. Body Wall. — The outer covering is a single layer of columnar epithelium cells, the epidermis., with sensory cells, goblet cells (unicellular glands) and ciliated cells. The dermis consists of soft connective tissue. Muscular Layer. — The muscular layer has strikingly definite metameric segmen- tation. The myomeres, myotomes or muscle plates are alternately arranged on the right and the left sides permitting flexible lateral movements and with connective tissue septa 2 Balanoglossus, the Tunicates, and Branchiostoma have the following characteristics in common at some stage in their existence: (i) notochord; (2) pharyngeal gill slits; (3) dorsal nervous system. Fig. ioi. A lateral view of Amphioxus (trans- parency), a, anus; «./>., atrial pore; f./., caudal fin; ^&D cir., cirri, on the edge of the vestibule leading to the mouth; ^./., dorsal fin; r, fin rays; g, gill of branchial structures consisting of alternate slits, through which the water passes, and supporting plates, in the walls of which are the blood vessels; in., intestine, from which : as a diverticulum springs /, the liver; m, the mouth sur- rounded by a fringed velum; my., myotomes or muscle segments; n.c, notochord; 0, ovaries; s.c, spinal cord; 'G ^•/•> ventral fin. (From Galloway. Courtesy of P. Blakiston's Sons Co.) CHORDATA 215 called myocommas. The dorsal body wall is greatly thickened as it is in all Chordates and contains the hollow nervous system and the notochord. The notochordal sheath of connective tissue is produced dorsally into a covering for the canal containing the nerv- ous system. The cells are turgid with fluid. Digestive System . — The mouth has ciliated oral cirri, with tactile sensory cells. The twelve velar tentacles extend as strainers from the velum across the mouth. The pharynx with its one hundred pairs of gill slits functions in respiration as well as digestion. The epi- branchial groove is ciliated, dorsally indenting the phar- ynx, and the ventrally situ- ated endostyle (Figure 102) (hypobranchial groove) fur- nishes mucus which entangles food particles. The food is carried by the cilia of the „ _ .• ^ ^i- ,, •^ . Fig. 102. Cross-section Amphioxus. epibranchial groove to the m- Hertwig-Kingsley. a, aorta descendens; b, testine. The liver, attached peribranchial space; c, notochord; ro, coelom to the anterior end of the (branchial body cavity); e^ hypobranchial intestine, protrudes into the groove, beneath It the aorta ascendens; g, 1 1 ;,.,, TU^ V,o gonad; ^^, gill arches; ^i, pharynx; /, liver; »7, pharyngeal cavity. Ine he- & ' '^ ' '^ ^ ^ ■' ° . •J- • muscles; «, nephndia, on the lert with an patlC secretion is a digestive ^..^w; r, spinal cord; .«, spinal nerve; .;>, gill juice probably analogous to glit. (After Lankester and Boveri. Courtesy the secretion of the pancreas of Henry Holt & Co.) of the vertebrates. Respiratory System. — The atrium is a wide chamber between the body wall and the pharynx into which the gill clefts lead. As in the tunicates the cilia lining the gill clefts produce a current setting in at the mouth, entering the pharynx and passing thence by gill slits into the atrium and out the atriopore. The current is for respiration as well as food. The coelom consists of paired cavities in the pharyn- geal region connected by narrow canals in the gill folds with the endostyle. 21 6 CHORD ATA Circulatory system consists of a dorsal vessel (paired and un- paired dorsal aortae); a ventral vessel (subintestinal vein and ven- tral aorta); and commissural, connecting, afferent and efferent branchial arteries with intestinal capillaries. The circulation differs from that in the Annulata, since the blood in the ventral vessel travels forwards and the blood in the dorsal vessel travels backwards which is the opposite from the condition in the Annelida. All the intestinal blood passes through the liver before reaching the ventral aorta. The hepatic portal system is characteristic of all verte- brates. The blood is almost colorless with no leucocytes and but few erythrocytes. Excretory System. — There are 90 pairs o( nephridia situated above the pharynx. Columnar and excretory cells are situated on the floor of the atrium. Reproductive System. — The sexes are separate, 26 pairs o{ gonadial pouches opening into the atrium. The ripe germ cells burst from the inner walls of the gonadial pouches and escape by way of the atrium and atriopore to the external water where fertilization takes place. Nervous System. — The dorsal nerve tube has an axial cavity, the neurocele, which is dilated anteriorly to form the cerebral ventricle. The dorsal portion of this ventricle is dilated into a pointed pouch, the median olfactory lobe, while in the ventral posterior portion there is a depression probably corresponding to the infu7jdibulu7n of higher forms. A large number of spinal nerves come from the spinal cord. They arise alternately, in each segment, two dorsal nerves, sensory and motor, supplying the skin and transverse muscles; and two ventral nerves, purely motor, supplying the myotomes. Sense Organs. — The olfactory pit {hypophysis) is a ciliated depres- sion opening externally on the left side of the snout. The median cerebral " eye " has no lens and may not be sensitive to light. The socalled gustatory groove on the roof of the buccal cavity may not be an organ of taste. There are no equilibratory or auditory organs known. Kconomic Importance. — Vast quantities of the Amphioxus are used as food by the Orientals, particularly the Chinese. Theories of the Origin of Vertebrates Theories of the origin of vertebrates include the Amphioxus theory, the Annelid theory, the Nemertean theory and the Arthropod CHORDATA , 217 theory. The higher phyla of Invertebrates have practically all been studied by investigators with the idea that affinities with the vertebrates could be determined. Amphioxus Theory. — The Amphioxus theory as developed by various workers and set forth by Willey is as follows. The ancestor of the vertebrates was a free swimming animal intermediate between the tadpole of the Tunicate and Amphioxus. It had the ventral mouth, pituitary and notochord (limited) of the Tunicate; and the myotomes, coelomic epithelium, and straight alimentary canal of the Amphioxus. The chief factor in the evolution of the verte- brates has been the concentration of the central nervous system along the dorsal side of the body and its conversion to a hollow tube. The hypophysis may have become evolved in connection with a functional neuropore. Adam Sedgewick and Van Wijhe suggested that the neural canal had as its original function the promotion of oxygenation of the tissue of the Central Nervous System, the water entering by the neuropore and leaving through the posterior neu- renteric canal. Harmer and Brooks suggested independently that the gill slits arose at first to carry away the bulk of water con- stantly entering the mouth with the food, obviating the necessity of the flow of water through the alimentary canal. Later they aided in performing the function of respiration. (Cephalodiscus has luxuriant branchial plumes, sufficient for respiration, and the pair of gill slits allow the water to pass from the pharynx.) The noto- chord occurs in Balanoglossus {Enteropneusta) in the proboscis; and in the tail of larval Tunicates. In Balanoglossus it may be a divergent structure. The notochord may have arisen as a solidi- fication of the endoderm, continued into the caudal portion of the body to afford axial support for a locomotor tail. Endoderm as a stiffening substance has been developed in some medusae and hy- droid polyps as there is skeletal tissue in their tentacles in the form of a solid endodermal axis. The Amphioxus theory supposes that Amphioxus was derived from a Tunicate (Ascidian) and that the Tunicate arose from a form possibly hke Balanoglossus. Balanoglossus may or may not have arisen from the Echinodermata. The ciliated Tornaria larva of Balanoglossus is similar to the larvae of the Echinoderms in that it possesses bilaterality, ciliated bands, pelagic life and is small and quite transparent. That the earlier fishes were similar to Amphioxus and that the 21 8 CHORDATA higher fishes developed from the primitive type through the in- fluence of a rapid stream environment is the belief of T. C. Chamber- lain. Arthropod Theories. — The theory of Gaskell (1908) is based on the assumption that the whole alimentary canal of a crustacean-like Arthropod united with the nerve cord to form the hollow brain and spinal cord of the vertebrates. Gaskell's theory reflects his knowl- edge of physiology, but indicates his lack of training in comparative anatomy, embryology and paleontology. Patten's Arachnid theory was first published in 1889 in the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, and was followed by a number of important papers preceding the publication of his book in 191 2. Dr. Patten has pointed out (personal communication, 1 931) that the Arachnid theory gives a satisfactory explanation of the other theories of evolution of vertebrates while none of these theories explains the detailed resemblance between Vertebrates and Arachnids, The following summary was furnished by Dr. Patten (consult his article in the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, vol, Si.PP- 317-378, 1890): "The Arachnid theory — 1890 — is based on the following evi- dence: (i) In the Arachnids, the first sixteen, or more, metameres form a characteristic pattern, consisting of five groups of highly specialized functions and organs, all of them different and all ar- ranged in a definite sequence. (2) This basic pattern is essentially the same as that in the "head" of vertebrates, and all the corre- sponding organs in each group have essentially the same structure, and develop embryologically in essentially the same ways. Some of the corresponding parts are the notochord and the endocranium, the main divisions of the brain, special groups of sense organs, nerves, ganglia, somites, gill sacs, and oral arches. (3) The marine Arachnids were the highest animals in existence during the long and very early geologic eras. In the Cambrian, or some pre-Cam- brian era, they apparently gave rise to the great class of Ostraco- derms, which are mainly Silurian; and they in turn gave rise to the true fishes, with united oral arches, which first appeared in the Devonian. Many peculiarities of the Ostracoderms, especially the structure of the exoskeleton and the oral arches, support this conclusion. (4) The Tunicates, Amphioxus, and other chordate CHORD ATA 219 types, are regarded as defective, aberrant offshoots of the main vertebrate arachnid phylum." The recent discovery by Prof. J. Kiaer of well-preserved fossil Ostracoderms in the Silurian rocks of Norway, and the collection by Professor Stenso of perfectly preserved fossils of one of them, Cepha- laspis, from the Devonian rocks of Spitzbergen, have given new evi- dence to support Professor Patten, and gratified the friends of this "grand strategist of evolution.!' Serial sections of the Spitzbergen specimens studied by Patten indicate that the "radiating bony chan- nels for the cranial nerves, and many other architectural features of the anatomy of the head conform to the general plan seen in the heads of fossil Enrypterids and other arthropods." ^ Professor Patten has made three expeditions to the Island of Oesel excavating fossils and in 1931 found six new species of ostraco- derms.^ Annelid Theory. — The Annelid theory advanced by Dohrn, Semper, Beard and Delsman postulates that an annelid is turned over on its back and develops a mouth and anus. The notochord is represented in the annelids by a bundle of fibers running along the nerve chain, occupying a similar position to the notochord of the chordata and apparently serving the same function of support. Connective tissue encloses both nerve cord and fiber bundles (Faserstrang.) just as the notochord and the spinal cord are enclosed in the higher type. The segmentally arranged nephridia correspond to the primitive kidney tubes of the vertebrate kidney. The segmentally arranged ganglia around the appendages of some worms ( Nereis) may cor- respond to the branchial and lateral sense organs of the Ichthyopsida and the ganglia of some of the cerebral nerves. The fundamental relationship of the nervous system and the vascular system to the digestive tract as found in the annelids is quite comparable to the condition in the primitive vertebrates. Wilder has indicated the present trend away from the Annelid theory and points out that a worm-like ancestor does not necessarily mean that we must accept an annelid. (See trochophore, p. 125.) 5 Gregory, W. K., 1928, in Creation by Evolution, edited by F. Mason, Mac- millan Co., New York. * Consult Patten, W., 1931, New Ostracoderms from Oesel. Science, vol. 73, no. 1903, pp. 671-673. Tremataspis has, as predicted, paired jaws or oral arches, like those in embryonic vertebrates (frog) and which work sidewise, not forward and back- ward as in the united oral arches of adult vertebrates. 220 CHORDATA Nemertean Theory. — The Nemerteans, probably related to the Platyhelminths, were suggested as having affinities with vertebrates, by Hubrecht. His theory attempts to homologize the proboscis sheath of the Nemertean with the notochord of the chordate. He suggests that the vertebrate nervous system developed from the three nerve cords of a Nemertean. The dorsal nerve cord of the Nemertean became the central nerve system and the lateral nerve cords persist in the rami lateralis X, of the lower vertebrates. As the other organs of the animals are not similar in arrangement the theory seems of little importance. References on the Origin of Vertebrates Delsman, H. C. 1922. The Ancestry of Vertebrates as a Means of Understanding the Principal Features of Their Structure and Development. Weltevreden (Java). Gaskell, W. H. 1908. The Origin of the Vertebrates. London, Longmans-Green. Hubrecht, A. A. W. 1883. On the ancestral form of the Chordata. Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci., N.S., 23: 349-368. Lull, R. S. 191 7. Organic Evolution. New York, Macmillan. MacBride, E. W. 1914. Text-book of Embryology. Vol. i, Inverte- brate. London, Macmillan. Newman, H. H. Vertebrate Zoology. New York, Macmillan. OsBORN, H. F. 1917. The Origin and Evolution of Life. New York, Scribners. Patten, W. 191 2. The Evolution of the Vertebrates and their Kin. Phila., Blakiston. Patten, W. 1920. The Grand Strategy of Evolution. Boston, R. G. Badger. Wilder, H. H. 1909. History of the Human Body. New York, Holt. CHAPTER XIV Cyclostomata Craniata. — The Craniata include the vertebrates, from the eel- like lamprey, up to man himself. In all we find that in the embryo an axial notochord appears. This is persistent inside the centrum of the vertebra of an elasmobranch, but is replaced in higher forms by the true vertebral column. Classification. — I. Cyclostomata II. Pisces. III. Amphibia. IV. Reptilia. V. Aves. VI. Mammalia. Characteristics of Craniata. — i. Segmented animals without external ringing of the body but with metameric arrangement of the internal parts. 2. A cuticular skeleton absent, but there may be a horny epi- thelium or dermal ossifications. (Scales, etc.) 3. An axial skeleton is present; either a notochord or skull and vertebral column. Two kinds of appendages are supported by the axial skeleton, the unpaired fins of the fishes and amphibia and the paired fins, or limbs of the higher vertebrates. 4. The central nervous system is dorsal and hollow and consists of cerebrum, midbrain, optic lobes, cerebellum, and medulla ob- longata, with the spinal cord attached. The eyes and ears are the most highly developed of the sense organs. 5. The respiratory organs arise from the endoderm; gill slits are present in the embryo. In land forms, these are replaced by lungs, developed from the hinder part of the pharynx. 6. The heart is ventral and consists of one or two auricles; and one or two ventricles. In gill breathers the blood in the heart is venous. Pulmonary respiration brings blood to the heart pure 221 222 CYCLOSTOMATA from the left side. The sinus venosus brings the impure blood to the right side of the heart. Circulation is a thoroughly closed system. Cyclostomata. (Gr., a circle; a mouth.) — The Cyclostomes, forms just below the fishes, include hag-fish and lampreys, both of which somewhat resemble eels but differ in a number of essential characteristics. (Figure 103.) Fig. 103. Cyclostomes. Upper figure, Pacific hagfish, Bdellostoma dombeyi. X 3^. The light apertures along the sides are mucous canals, the dark ones are branchial openings. Middle figure, Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa. X K- The dots along the side are mucous pits; the left common branchial aperture is at *. Lower figure, sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. X 3^. (After Dean.) Characteristics. — i. No jaws. 2. No lateral appendages. 3. No scales. 4. No masticatory apparatus; rasping tongue present. 5. No atrial cavity. 6. Have a median unpaired nostril and the first distinct ap- pearance of a head. 7. Have round mouth closed by the tongue. 8. Pocket-like gills. 9. Persistent notochord. 10. Vertebrae present, separated from notochord. 11. The gonads discharge into the coelom. Myxinoids. — The hag-fishes produce slime and, when captured, " turn water into glue." They are all marine. They attack dis- abled fish and enter the gills or mouth. Their digestive apparatus is so large that one meal takes a long time to digest. Blind, they CYCLOSTOMATA 223 hunt at night. They are hermaphroditic, with an ovotestis, but one sex always predominates. Petromyzontia. (Stone; suck in.) — The lampreys are found in both fresh and salt water, the marine species being larger. They are predaceous, true vertebrate parasites. (Brook lampreys are not parasitic.) The lamprey breathes through the mouth except when feeding, then through the gill clefts.^ Gage and Day of Cornell University showed that the lake lampreys have in their buccal glands an anticoagulating substance similar to " hirudin." (See page 116.) The larvae, once called Ammocoetes, resemble Amphioxus. They have a hood, median eye, endostyle, epibranchial groove (which becomes the esophagus). The endostyle becomes the thyroid gland, and the median fin specializes. 1 Consult Gage, S. H. 1927. The Lampreys of New York State. Supp. to 17th. Ann. Report, N. Y. State Cons rvation Commission. Gage, S. H. 1929. Lampreys and tiieir ways. Sc. Mon., vol. 28, pp. 401-416, May. Surface, H. A. 1897. Lampreys of Central New York. Bull. U. S, Fish. Comm., vol. 18, pp. 210-215. Wheeler, W. M. 1900. Development of Urinogenital Organs of the Lamprey. Zool. Jahrb., vol. 13, pp. 1-88. CHAPTER XV Pisces Classification Subclass Elasmobranchii. Subclass Teleostomi. Order 1. Crossopterygii. Order 2. Chondrostei. Order 3. Holostei. Order 4. Teleostei, Subclass Dipnoi. Characteristics 1. Aquatic vertebrates. 2. Breathe by gills (vascular outgrowths of the pharynx). In the Dipnoi a single or double swim bladder functions as a lung, and the air is received at the surface of the water. 3. The swim bladder of the Teleostomi is used as a hydrostatic organ. 4. There are two pairs of fins, pectoral and pelvic, and also unpaired median fins. 5. The skin usually has numerous scales, formed from the dermis, but covered with epidermis which may produce enamel. Scales are suppressed in electric fishes, and rudimentary in some other forms. Glandular cells are also found in the skin. There are sensory mucus canals, for touch and chemical sense. Some fishes have well-developed poison glands near the fins. 6. The lateral line organs along the trunk are for vibrations of low frequency. 7. The muscle segments persist throughout life. There is no muscle in the dermis however. 8. The gut ends in a cloaca in many; in others a distinct anus is situated in front of the genital and urinary apertures. 224 PISCES 225 9. The nostrils are paired; there are no posterior nares, so the organs are exclusively olfactory. 10. There are no tympanic cavities or ear drums. 11. The heart is two chambered with venous blood except in the Dipnoi where it begins to be three chambered and receives pure blood from the lung as well as impure blood from the body. Apart from the Dipnoi, the heart has one auricle, receiving impure blood from the body; one ventricle which drives it through the ventral aorta to the gills, whence the purified blood flows to the head and by the dorsal aorta to the body. There is a sinus venosus receiving the impure blood and sending it into the auricle and thence to the ventricle. The conus or bulbus arteriosus, located at the exit of the arterial trunk from the heart, becomes more bulbous in the Dipnoi, presaging the development of the distinct bulb of the Amphibian heart. There are no vena cavae, but there are two posterior cardinal vessels. 12. The kidney is the persistent mesonephros. There is no distinct urinary bladder. (Small paired ones in some fishes.) Natural History Subclass Elasmobranchii. (Gr., a metal plate; Lat., a gill.) Characteristics. — The Selachii have a cartilaginous skeleton, placoid scales, gills covered (separate covers), heart with arterial cone, a spiral valve in the large intestine and no swim bladder. Sharks have triangular teeth with notched edges; dogfish have flat, diamond-shaped teeth. They are marine except one fresh water Nicauragan shark. (Figure 104.) The great white shark or " man-eater " {Carcharadon carcharius) grows to thirty feet in length. Usually found in tropical waters, it sometimes strays to the North Atlantic. It will follow ships and seize refuse and so occasionally gets a " man overboard." Until the summer of 191 6 all reports of attacks on man by sharks in American waters were branded as false. Whale sharks reach a length of fifty to sixty feet. They eat small fish, squids and shrimps, straining them out of the water by means of the gill rakers. The thresher shark has a much elongated upper lobe on its " super-heterocercal tail," which furnishes a powerful weapon and also drives the small 226 PISCES Nurse Shark Gingli/mostoma cirratum (Gmelin) Smooth Dogfish Mustelus canis (Mitchill) Hammer-head Shark Sphyrna zygaena ( Linnaeus) Sand Shark Carcharias littoralis (Mitchill) Spined Dogfish Squalus acanthias (Linnaeus) Tiger Shark Galeocerdo tigrinus (Miiller and Henle) Thresher Shark Alopias vulpes (Gmelin) Man-eater Shark Carcliarodon carcharias (Linnaeus) ^Mackerel Shark Isurus tigris (Atwood) Fig. 104. Sharks of various types. (After Nichols and Breder. Courtesy of N. Y. Zoological Society.) PISCES 227 fish together. Angel sharks are transition types between sharks and the skates and rays. They have large pelvic and pectoral fins, extending laterally. (Figure 105.) Rays and skates are much flattened dorsiventrally. They vary in size from the small " rugs" of the New Jersey coast to large skates eight feet in diameter. (Figure 106.) In the electric ray {torpedo-ray) modified muscle plates called electropaxes are developed from the muscles of the pectoral region. They are under control of the ray and connected with nerve centers in the medulla. The whip-tailed or sting-rays have tails armed with barbed spines, eight to nine inches long. At the base of the spines poison is secreted which entering the wounds made by the tail causes severe inflammation. Eagle rays may reach a width of twenty feet. The animal envelops prey with its " wings." Pearl divers have been drowned by these " sea vampires." Sawfish may be twenty feet long with a five-foot snout equipped with saw- like teeth. (Figure 107, A, B, C, D.) Holocephali. (Chimeras.) — The sea cat has an operculum or gill cover and five claspers developed from its fins. It reaches a length of three feet and rarely attacks bathers. (Figure 108). Subclass Elasmobranchii. Type of the Group — The Skate.^ General External Characteristics. — i. Body flattened dorsiven- trally. (The flounder is flattened laterally.) 2. Pectoral fins broad, fused perfectly with head and trunk. Pelvic fins well developed and bilobed, bearing claspers in the male. 3. Ventral mouth with teeth. 4. Paired nostrils located ventrally. 5. Dorsally situated spiracles, originally the first pair of gill clefts, communicating with the pharynx. 6. Five pairs of gill clefts located ventrally. (Laterally in the dogfish.) 7. Ventral anus leading into cloaca. 8. Two small pouches, one on each side of anus with two ab- dominal pores opening into coelome. Integument.— The epidermis has several layers of cells and is richly supplied with glandular goblet cells. The dermis is studded with bony dermal placoid scales or " skin teeth," which are based in ^ Since it is possible to secure rather small mature skates, many instructors prefer to use them instead of the shark. We will therefore describe the skate, but present figures to illustrate the nervous system of the dogfish. 228 PISCES Fig. 105. The angel-shark {Rhina Squat'ind). J, dorsal view; B, view of the mouth and nasal barbels. />./., pectoral fin; pv.f., pelvic fin; sp, spiracle. (Courtesy of Am. Mus. of Nat. Hist.) Fig. 106. Common skate. (Courtesy of N. Y. Zool. Soc.) PISCES 229 Sting Ray Dasyatis centrura ( Mitchill ) Butterfly Ray Pteroplatea maclura ( Le Sueur) Eagle Ray Myliohatis freminviUei ( Le Sueur) Great Manta Manta birostris (Walbaum) Torpedo Tetronarce occidentaZis (Storer) Fig. 107. Rays. (Courtesy of Nichols and Breder and the N. Y. Zoological Society.) 230 PISCES bone, cored with dentin or ivory and tipped with enamel from the epidermis. The enamel is inorganic, the cells being replaced by lime salts. The dentin contains 34 per cent organic matter and the bone is cellular tissue. tn.sp Fig. 108. Chimaeroid fish. After R. Lull. (Courtesy of The Macmillan Co.) There are senso?~y tubes or mucus canals on the ventral surface just under the skin. They function for touch and chemical sense, having ampullae with sensory cells at the inner ends and pores opening to the outside. There are no spines on the ventral surface except a few bristly ones in the region of the cloaca. Muscular System. — The muscles are segmentally arranged, the jaw muscles being well developed. Organs not present in the skate are the electric organs, best developed in the teleosts, a South Ameri- can eel {Gymnotus) and an African Siluroid {Malapterurus) , but also found in the Elasmobranch torpedo ray. In the torpedo they lie on each side of the head between the gills and the anterior part of the pectoral fin. They are vertical prisms, divided by transverse partitions of connective tissue into large number of cells formed from metamorphosed muscle fibers. These electropaxes or electric plates consist of muscle substances and many nerve endings. Four nerves connect them with the electric lobe in the medulla oblongata. Skeleton. — The skeleton is cartilaginous with a deposition of bone in the jaws and vertebral column. The skull of the skate is not ossified: It consists of a large cartilaginous case with brain cavity; 2 condyles, 1 large ear capsules, 1 large nasal capsules, a long rostrum in front and two fontanelles on the roof. The pectoral girdle is a hoop of cartilage attached dorsally to the crest of the vertebral plate. The ventral region, the coracoid is separated from PISCES 231 the dorsal, scapular region, by three facets serving as attachments for the three basal portions of the pectoral fin, while the supra- scapula connects the scapula with the crest of the vertebral plate. The pelvic girdle is not attached to the vertebral column. In the male the claspers are connected closely with the posterior part of the hind limb and have a complex cartilaginous skeleton and an associated gland. Cavities. — The coelom in the trunk is divided into a pericardial cavity, lined vf ith. pericardium consisting of coelomic epithelium and connective tissue, while the abdominal cavity is lined with peri- toneum. In the dorsal neural cavity is found the central nervous system. Digestive System. — The mouth has teeth (special development of dermal teeth) which are worn away at the outside and renewed on the inside. A naso-buccal groove connects the nostrils with the buccal cavity, while the spiracles which communicate with the buccal cavity ventrally, open dorsally behind the eyes. The tongue is reduced or almost entirely absent, in skates but is present in sharks. Salivary glands are lacking, but the short broad esophagus has mucus glands which lubricate it somewhat. The U-shaped stomach (see Figure 109) is divided into cardiac and pyloric regions. The sfnall intestine is extremely short and receives the secretions from liver and pancreas. The three lobed liver has a large gall bladder, leading by the bile duct to the small intestine. The pancreas at the end of the duodenum, has its duct opening opposite the bile duct. The colon is rather large and has a well developed spiral valve, in which the mucous layer of the large intestine is so coiled that it increases surface for absorption and retards the passage of the food. The rectal gland, possibly with an excretory function,^ is at the posterior part of the intestine. The spleen, a ductless gland, dark red in color, is attached to the stomach by mesentery but has no digestive significance. It is functional in blood formation. Respiratory System. — The spiracles open dorsally, each con- taining a rudimentary gill on the anterior wall supported by a spiracular cartilage. Water may enter or leave the mouth. The spiracles serve as intakes for the respiratory stream and also as spout holes to clear away debris and to keep the eyes clean. ^ 2 Crawford, J. 1899. On the rectal gland of the Elas-mobranchs. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, vol. 23, pp. 55-61. 3 Rand, H. W. 1907. Amer. Nat., vol. 41, p. 285. 232 PISCES In higher vertebrates the spiracle is used in connection with audition and while other gill clefts disappear entirely, it gives rise to the tympanic cavity and the Eustachian tube. There are five pairs of gill pouches, opening internally to the pharynx and externally by gill slits. Bile due t — -/- — • Gall bladder Liver ■Cordioc stomach Spiral valve Rectal gland Fig. 109. Digestive system of skate. (Drawn by W. J. Moore.) Water enters the mouth and passes the interior clefts into the branchial pouches, then outward by the exterior clefts. Gill pouches are developed from the pharynx and so the respiratory epithelium is endodermal. Cartilaginous visceral arches alternate with the gill clefts. A gill consists of two hemibranchs or half gills. The Dipnoi utilize the gills and the modified swim bladder which functions as a lung. Circulatory System. — The heart is four-chambered consisting of one auricle, one ventricle, with an auriculo-ventricular valve with two lips, the sinus venosus, situated dorsally and posteriorly and PISCES ^33 with numerous valves, which lead into tlie auricle, and the conus arteriosus with six valves, which carries the blood anteriorly from ■Mondfbulor •Frontat Spirocular Bcrsi/or £Jff'eTna/ cor-of/d ■Inferno/ carotid — Comrnon carotid — Superior coronary Hyo 'dean •Anterior innominote Posterior coronary Ventral aorta Verfebrol Posterior innominate Auric le (ofrium) ■Afferent ttronctiiof Nutrient arteries fgil/s) ■Efferent brancttio/ ttypotironchia/ Ventricle Bracftial ■Sob-clovian Superior mesenteric Fig. 1 10. Arterial circulation of skate. (Drawn by W. J. Moore.) the heart to the ventral aorta. (Figure no.) In fishes the heart is at the anterior end of the coelome. (Figure in.) The walls of the ventricle are thick and the walls of the auricle are thin. The 234 PISCES hearts of all fishes except the Dipnoans contain venous blood only. The ventricle forces the blood through the ventral aorta to the afferent branchial arteries to the capillaries of the gills, where it is oxygenated and thence passes into the efferent branchial arteries and into the dorsal aorta, thence throughout the body. Juqu/or vein Inferior Jutjular vein Veins from abdominal woll- Cordinal vein — I Hemorrhoidal vein — -1 Ppigosfric vein —■ Iliohemorriioidal vein- Posterior anastomosis_ of cardinal vein Femoral vein~~-^—r — Bulbus arteriosus -Con us arteriosus /Auricle ■Sinus venosus Ventricle frecavol sinus Hepatio sinus ■ Cardinal vein -Brachial vein Cardinal sinus Spermatic sinus Henal portal veiry ^Factors of renaj portal vein from pelvic and lumbar regions ^Branches of renal portal vein enterincj l^idney Caudal vein Fig. III. Venous circulation of skate. (After Parker's Zootomy. Courtesy of Mac- millan and Co., Ltd.) The renal portal system is well developed in the Elasmobranchs but disappears in birds and mammals. In the skate the caudal vein brings blood from the tail, dividing in the abdominal cavity to form the right and left renal portal veins, which end in afferent renal veins supplying the kidneys. The blood leaves the kidneys by the posterior cardinal veins which enter the cardinal sinus. The hepatic portal vein is formed by the union of veins that bring blood from the stomach, intestine, spleen and pancreas. The large vessel thus formed passes forwards and enters the liver. Leav- PISCES ^35 ing the liver the blood enters the sinus venosus by two hepatic sinuses, closely apposed. Urinogenital System. — The dark red kidneys lie dorsal to the vertebral column. Several tubes from each kidney combine to form a ureter. The two ureters open into the urogenital sinus. — Testis Epididymis Fig. 112. Urinogenital system of male skate. (Drawn by W. J. Moore.) whence the watery products pass out by the cloaca; in the female they open into little bladders — the dilated ends of the Wolffian ducts — and thence by a common aperture into the cloaca. Segmental ducts divide into Wolffian and Miillerian ducts. The Wolffian duct becomes in the male the vas deferens; in t\icfe7nale it is an unimportant Wolffian duct; the Miillerian duct becomes in 236 PISCES the/emale the oviduct, in the male it is a mere rudiment. The body- cavity rids itself of waste through the abdominal pores. '^ In the male, the anterior portion of the kidney persists as the epididymis, and its duct becomes the spermiduct. The posterior portion, the functional kidney, has its own duct, the ureter. In the female no direct connection exists between the reproductive and renal organs in the anterior portion. The ureters open in males into a median chamber — the urino-genital sinus — which also re- OsNum — Esophagus -Oviduct —Mesonephric duct -Ovary -j — S/?e// gland Uterine portion of the oviduct Kidney ^Ureters Urinary bloddei^ Urinary papilla Cloaca Opening of cloaca^ ■Abdominal Pore Fig. 113. Urlnogenital system of female skate. (Drawn by W. J. Moore.) ceives the spermiducts. This communicates with the cloaca by a median opening on a papilla — the urino-genital papilla. There is a median urinary sinus in females. The ureters open into the sinus or directly into the cloaca. The testes are fastened by a fold of peritoneum on each side of the cardinal sinus. (Figure 112.) Spermatozoa pass from the testes by the vasa efferentia into a tube * Smith et al. have shown that the perivisceral fluid escapes through the abdominal pores. They also emphasize the secretory capacity of the pericardium and peritoneum in Elasmobranchii. (Smith, H., 1929, J. Biol. Chem., vol. 81, no. 2.) PISCES 237 surrounded anteriorly by the epididymis. The tube of the epi- didymis is continued into the vas deferens which is dilated posteriorly into the seminal vesicle and adjacent sperm sac. The vasa. de- ferentia open into the urogenital sinus. Sperms pass along the groove between the claspers of the male. The ovaries are anchored by peritoneum on each side of the cardinal sinus. The eggs escape into the body cavity, and enter the single anterior aperture of the two oviducts. (Figure 1 13.) The lower portions of the oviducts open into the cloaca. Many of the dog fishes and sharks are viviparous^ while the skate is oviparous^ with a horny purse (Figure 114) secreted by its oviducal or "shell" glands. Nervous System. — The brain consists of the fused cerebral hemispheres with a nervous roof, the optic thalamus or thala- mencephalon, with dorsal pineal body, and ventral pituitary body and thinly roofed third ventricle within; the mid-brain with paired optic lobes above, the crura-cerebri below, the Aqueduct of Sylvius or iier passing below; the cerebellum with its anterior and posterior lobes both marked by ridges and grooves; and the medulla oblongata which has a thin vascular roof, and lateral restiform bodies. There are ten pairs of cerebral nerves, and many paired spinal nerves.^ (Figure 115, Fig- ure 116.) Sense Organs. — In the Elasmobranch Fig. 114. Egg case of a eye, there is no focusing device. The shape skate. (Drawn by Norris of the eye and the density of the vitreous Jones.) humor aid in keeping the spherical lens close to the pupillary opening of the iris. The ears are sacs with three pairs of semicircular canals. Within the vestibule are calcareous 6 Norris, H. W., and Hughes, S. P. The cranial, occipital and anterior spinal nerves of the dogfish, Squalus acanthias. Jour. Comp. Neurol., vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 293-395- 238 1 0 O ^ 0 .0 ?) ?? C o I u § «-» u u CO C .§ o ^-^ ^ >-' ^ 8 c ^ -^ v^ C ^ 2 il c u > • a 'S .2 r 1 1 J 1 .5 >i; o -T3 vri O AMPHIBIA 289 ventral surface is flatter than the dorsal. The orange-colored ad- renal body, on the ventral surface, is a gland of internal secretion. (See page 286.) The kidneys are made up of coiled uriniferous tubules with a knot of blood vessels, the glomerulus^ at one end. The Wolffian duct is the sperm- duct in the male and the ureter In the female. The Miillerian duct is the oviduct in the female and rudimentary in the male of Rana pipiens. It is absent in the bull frog. The kidneys of the male frog are closely related to the sexual organs. (Figures 153 and 154-) The vasa eferentia are ducts carrying spermatozoa from the testes, passing into the substance of kidneys and through the kidney to the ureter which acts as a vas deferens also and is called Ley dig s duct. The kidney receives blood from two sources, the renal ar- teries from the aorta and the renal portal veins which bring venous blood to be purified. The kidney secretes urea (NH2CO3) and Na, K, Ca, and Mg phosphates and chlorides. The urinary bladder is a bilobed sac attached to the ventral side of the cloaca below the openings of t\xQ ureters. The bladder collects Fi^- ^S^- Ventral view of the nervous 11, -11 system or frog. (After Woodruff, Foun- urme when the cloaca is closed. , ,. / d- 7 c -c ^ /- dations of Biology, from ncker. Lourtesy Nervous System.''— i:\i^ brain of The Macmillan Co.) (Figure 155, A^ B, andC) consists of small olfactory lobes at the anterior end of the two elongated cerebral hemispheres; two large optic lobes^ a diencephalon with the vestigial pineal stalk attached, a narrow cerebellum situated just ^ Strong, O. S. 1895. Cranial nerves of amphibia. Jour. Morphol., vol. 10. 290 AMPHIBIA anterior to the rather wide medulla oblongata. Ventrally one sees the paired optic nerves, which cross (optic chiasma), the infundibulum to which is attached the pituitary gland or hypophysis. There are ten pairs of cerebral nerves. (See table, below.) Sense Organs. — Olfactory sense is served by small nasal cavities with folded walls of nasal membrane. The anterior nares lead to the cavities from the outside and t\\t posterior nares open into the mouth. In the fish, as already noted, the olfactory openings were used only for smell, but in the amphibia and higher vertebrates, the nares are important in respiration. The eyes are well developed, but the Origin, Components, Function and Distribution of the Ten Cerebral Nerves OF Fishes and Amphibia Num- Name Functional Cells of Origin Distribution ber Components I. Olfactory Sensory Nasal mucous membrane Mitral cells of olfactory bulb. II. Optic Sensory Gang, cells of retina Diencephalon (Thalamen- cephalon). III. Oculomotor Motor III. Nucleus in midbrain Sup., Inf. and Int. Recti; and Inf. oblique muscles of the eye. IV. Patheticus or Tro- chlearis Motor IV. Nuc. dorsal midbrain Sup. oblique muscle. V. Trigeminal Sensory (Motor) V. nuc, Mandibular nerve to jaws; and medulla Gass. Ophthalmic, Maxillary and Motor gang. Mandibular nerves. VI. Abducens Motor VI. Nuc, medulla Ext. rectus muscle. Sensory fibers associated. VII. Facial Largely VII. Side of Muscles of face, muscles of hy- Motor medulla oid arch, roof of mouth, pala- tine, hyomandibular and lateral line (in larval am- phibia). VIII. Auditory Sensory Side of medulla Utriculus, sacculus and semi- circular canals of Internal IX. Glosso- Motor and Side of medulla ear. Muscles and sensory corpus- pharyngeal Sensory cles of pharynx and tongue. X. Pneumo- Motor and X. Nuc, medulla Sensory and motor fibers to gastric or Sensory visceral arches, pharynx. Vagus heart, and alimentary canal. AMPHIBIA 291 animal, like many others, is sensitive primarily to moving objects. The tongue is supplied v^\t\\ papillae, bearing taste organs. In order to detect a substance it must be liquefied. Hearing is quite well developed. Near the center of the tym- panic membrane is a little protuberance, the tip of the columella, the small bone at its inner end connected with an opening in the skull which communicates with the inner ear. When the tympanic membrane vibrates in response to sound waves, the vibrations com- municated to the internal ear produce the sensation of hearing. Amphibian tadpoles have functional lateral line organs sensitive to vibrations of low frequency, one step below the sensation of hearing. In adult amphibia they disappear. In the skin there are thermal and tactile organs. General Consideration of the Amphibia Distribution. — Amphibia live in or near swamps, ponds and streams and are never found in salt water. They are on this ac- count absent from most oceanic islands. Although many of them have lost their gills and taken up terrestrial life, they return to water to spawn. The salamanders are for the most part limited to the temperate zone, while the Anura are found widely distributed and hibernate or aestivate as temperature demands. External Anatomy. — There is a great variation in the matter of retention of gills in the salamander, some having persistent gills and lungs while others lose the gills entirely. In the toads and most tree frogs, webs are lacking from the hind toes, while certain species of frogs have their toes ending in rounded sucking discs. Amphibia respire largely by the skin, which is full of capillaries. The stratum corneum of the skin is shed periodically. Warts and granules are cornifications of the epidermis. In the males of the African " hairy frog " {Astylosternus), the granules of the skin are developed at the breeding season into hairlike structures, which, according to Kingsley, are supplied with nerves and are probably sensory in function, although certain writers have described them as accessory breathing organs. The skin of amphibia is rich in mucus glands, Cryptobranchus being especially slimy. Some species of amphibia have well-de- veloped poison glands. (See page 300.) 2g2 AMPHIBIA Skeleton of the Amphibia. — The sku// of the amphibian has less cartilage in the adult than is found in the bony fishes. It has two occipital condyles for articulation of the first vertebra. The car- tilaginous nasal capsules are connected with the auditory capsules nasal ,sphiruhethmoid digits palaiine- fronto-parietaL. pterygoid cervical vertebra, clavicle- sacral vertebra jTused -•calcaneum tibio-fibula / astragalus Fig, 157. Skeleton of garden toad. (After Kellogg, Animals and Man. Courtesy of Henry Holt & Co.) by trabeculae. In the tailless amphibians {Anura) there is a well- developed tympanic cavity opening internally by the Eustachian opening. In the frog, cartilage develops into the bones of the upper jaw AMPHIBIA 293 and the hyoid apparatus, which remains partly cartilaginous and supports the tongue. The cartilaginous cranium has a number of cartilage bones and some membrane bones. The scapula is ossified and connected with the dorsal supra- scapula, which is partly cartilaginous. The ossified coracoid has a bar of cartilage, the pro-coracoid, while the clavicle is a membrane bone attached to it. The coracoid and pro-coracoid are joined ventrally by the epi-coracoid cartilage. The episternum, tipped by the cartilage plate, the omosternum, projects anteriorly from the united epi-coracoids. The sternum extends posteriorly and is tipped by the cartilaginous xiphisternum. The pectoral limb consists of the humerus, the fused radio-ulna, six carpals and four complete digits with a vestigial pollex on the radial side. The vertebral column has nine vertebrae and an elongated poste- rior urostyle. The vertebral column furnishes a firm dorsal sup- porting structure, and protects the delicate nerve cord. The pelvic arch consists of two long curved ilia, the fused ischia with the ventral fused pubes. Into the acetabulum or socket fits the femur. The tibia and fibula are united (tibio-fibula), while the two proximal tarsal bones, the calcaneum and the astragalus, are extremely elongated, making an additional segment in the hind limb. Next to the three distal tarsal bones there are five well- developed digits with a spur, the prehallux on the tibial side of the first. Muscles. — In the lower Urodela the muscles are segmented in both trunk and tail. In the Anura, the myotomic structure is for the most part lost except in the divisions of the rectus abdominis muscles. Muscles are attached to bones by means of bands of modified connective tissue known as tendons. Physiology. Digestive System. — In the common toad, teeth are absent. The retractor bulbi muscles pull the eye balls down in both toads and frogs for protection, so that they are able to clamp down on worms and insects that otherwise might escape from their mouth. When present in the Amphibia, teeth occur on the premaxillae, maxillae and vomers, but they are also found on the palatines and the dentaries. The tongue is fixed in many salamanders, while in the frogs and toads it is usually free posteriorly and can be flipped out. In a few forms, called the Aglossa, it is absent. 294 AMPHIBIA Respiratory System.— The most striking example of metamor- phosis occurs in those amphibia in which the larval external and internal gills are replaced in the adult by lungs (see Figures 158 and 159). In many salamanders, respiration is pharyngeal and cuta- Infernal carotid Hyoid —/famus cornmun/'cans — Oil I cleft ■Occipifo-vertebral — Bulbus arteriosus ■Scapular -Conus arteriosus ^ ■Pulrnonory —Anterior scapular -y^ Broc/lio/ r^ Fhsterior scapular £piijastric Pancreot Ic — — Hepatic — Anterior mesenteric — t/roqenifal — C liypoqastric ■Dorsal aorta ■Gastric Coelioco -mesenteric —Accessory mesenteric ^ Posterior mesenteric L umbar ■Posterior epiqosfric Iliac —Sciatic -Caudal Fig. 158. Arterial system, ventral view, of Cryptobranchus. (After Reese, Amer. Nat., 1906, vol. 40.) neous. Even in the frog, during hibernation, respiration is cuta- neous. The body temperature of the frog varies from 58° to 61,° Fahrenheit. Salamanders are mute, but frogs and toads are noisy creatures, especially at spawning time. AMPHIBIA 295 Circulatory System. — It is very easy to see in the embryonic Anura and even in the adult Urodela a transition from the fish type of vascular system. The red blood corpuscles of the Amphibia are oval, nucleated and extremely large. In the salamander Amphiuma, the red corpuscles are eight times as large as those of a man. i/enfr/c/e Superior \/ena co\/a y '^. Innominate 1 Internal Jugular - - Brochiol- Posterior corc/mol- Splenic ~ — ^ — inferior gastric Pancreatic Portal Atx/ominol ■Mesenteric Inferior cava Vein of Jacobson Prom urinary ■ I Hoc Caudal - Fig. 159. Venous system. Ventral view. (After Reese, Amer. Nat., 1906, vol. 40.) Urinogenital Organs. — In the male amphibian, we find an inter- esting condition in that the " Leydig's duct " transports both urine and sperm to the cloaca. Embryology. — The ripe ova of frogs have distinct po/ar dif- ferentiation. The upper " animal pole " is deeply pigmented, while 296 AMPHIBIA the lower " vegetal pole " has no pigment but is rich in yolk and much heavier. Frog eggs are deposited in a mass of jelly which encloses green algae aiding in aeration, and which unquestionably aids in the absorption and radiation of heat. The jelly also pre- serves the eggs from friction and the attacks of enemies. (Figure 160.) Fig. 160. The metamorphosis of the frog. (After Brehm, from Galloway- Welch, Textbook of Zoology. Courtesy of P. Blakiston's Son & Co.) Cleavage. — The first vertical cleavage occurs about 3 hours after fertilization, and divides the ovum into a right and a left half. The second vertical cleavage about three-fourths of an hour after the first is at right angles to the first while the third cleavage, an equa- torial one, divides the dorsal pole from the ventral. Segmentation which is total but unequal results in the development of a ball of cells of which the dorsal ones are smaller and more numerous than the yolk cells beneath. At this stage the egg is called the blastula. At the close of segmentation the egg has developed into a hollow sphere with the cavity or blastocoel nearer the dark upper pole. The upper hemisphere has two quite distinct layers. A crescentic groove appears at one side of the egg between the layer of white and dark cells. The horns of the crescent extend until they form a cir- cle, the blastopore, which is filled with a mass of white cells called the yolk plug. Rapid division of the marginal black cells in the dorsal region reduces the diameter of the blastopore. At this stage the AMPHIBIA 297 egg is called the gastrula. The upper germ layer or ectoblast de- velops from this layer of black cells. From the development of the band of cells and the fusion of its right and left halves, a meridional band extends into the dorsal lip of the blastopore. On the dorsal side, the groove becomes a long narrow slit which is the primitive digestive tract of the frog. The roof of the niesenteron, as it is called, is the beginning of the lower germ layer, the entoblast. Fig. \b\A. Vinal Edwards and Robert Goffin at the nets. Woods Hole, Mass. The middle germ layer, the mesoblast^ arises as two plates split off from the outer surface of the entoblast and yolk cells. The mesoblast separates into two layers with a space between which becomes the coelom. Germ Layers. — From the ectoblast are derived epidermis, nerv- ous system and the lining of the mouth and anus. An anterior invagination called the stomodaeum develops into the mouth and a posterior one into the proctodaeum. From the entoblast are derived the lining epithelium of the diges- tive tract and its associated glands. From the mesoblast come muscles, bones, blood vessels and urino- genital organs. Superficial Changes. — At first the egg is spherical, then in four or five days it becomes ovoid, finally elongating at about the loth 298 AMPHIBIA day into a fish-like tadpole with distinct head, body and tail. Three pairs o{ external gills ^ which are later to be replaced by internal gills, function i n respiration. I n front of the two gill-arches two depressions unite to form a ventral horseshoe-shaped sucker. Shortly after hatching the mouth and anus are devel- oped and the alimentary canal becomes tubular and folded while its diverticula^ the liver and pancreas, are formed. Internal gills covered by operculi replace the external gills. Rapid increase in size occurs, the tail which has been developed to a remarkable ex- tent soon begins to degenerate, and the limbs appear. At about the 8th week the gills are replaced by lungs. At about the loth week the tadpole ceases to feed on algae, the skin is moulted, the gills are absorbed, the digestive system assumes its adult condition and the animal becomes carniv- orous. Then the tail is com- pletely resorbed, the hind limbs Fig. 161 5. George M. Gray, Curator, ^ ^ ■' , , . , ^.^ ■ D- 1 • t T u . elongate and the animal comes Marine Biological Laboratory. «.,njiiga.Lv, m, «_i (Photo by Chidester, 1931.) to shore as a young /ro^. References Hodge, C. F., and Dawson, J. Civic Biology. Ginn and Co. Wright, A. H. 1910. The Anura of Ithaca, N. Y. A key to their eggs. Biol. Bull., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 69-71. Wright, A. H. 1914. Life Histories of the Anura of Ithaca, N. Y. Carnegie Inst. Washington, D. C, Pub. 197. AMPHIBIA 299 Parental Care. — A number of species of frogs and toads build nests in which eggs are deposited. Some frogs attach these nests to leaves over the water and the tadpoles hatch and drop in. Still others deposit their eggs in masses of froth some distance from the water. The male sometimes proves to be the caretaker of the young. In the obstetric toad he carries strings of eggs until the tadpoles are ready to hatch. In another species, the South American Rhino- derma, the male transfers the eggs to his huge vocal sacs until they are hatched. The viviparous salamanders have already been men- tioned. Parthenogenesis. — Bataillon, Loeb and others have induced the parthenogenetic development of frogs. Parmenter's studies of the chromosomes of these fatherless creatures show that they may be either male or female. Experimental Embryology and Regeneration. — On account of the convenience with which amphibian eggs may be secured inland, they have been used a great deal in experimental embryology. Grafting of two different species and divisions of the egg at the two- cell stage have been successfully accomplished. W. Roux, Hertwig, Morgan, W. H. Lewis, Spemann, and many other investigators have performed experiments on the developing eggs of amphibia. Roux injured the first formed blastomeres, and Hertwig (1893) and later Morgan (1902) studied the develop- ment of half embryos and whole embryos from one of the first two blastomeres of the frog's egg. W. H. Lewis first showed (1904, Amer. Jour, of Anatomy, vol. 3) that the optic vesicle determines location of the lens. Spemann and his students have made many significant studies on the development of the eggs of Triton, the salamander. (Consult Morgan, T. H., 1927, Experimental Em- bryology, Columbia University Press.) Harrison, who was the pioneer (see page 495) in tissue culture (J. Exp. Z06I., 1907, vol. 4, p. 239; 1910, vol. 9, p. 787), has trained a number of anatomists, who have carried on extremely important experiments on transplantation and extirpation of limbs and eyes in Amphibians. An interesting account of some of the work was brought out in the discussion following a lecture by Detweiler given at the November, 1930, meeting of the N. Y. Neurological Society, and reported in Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 914-919, April 1 93 1. (Consult also papers by Harrison, Det- weiler, D. Hooker, F. Swett, and R. Burns.) 300 AMPHIBIA Habitat. — As stated before, amphibia hibernate and aestivate. That they are able to live in cavities in solid rock has often been reported. But Buckland, after experiments with frogs and toads enclosed in cavities of stone and excluded from air and food, found that none lived over two years and most succumbed inside of a year. Fossil Relatives. — The Stegocephalia are extinct, tailed forms which lived in fresh water. Their teeth were complexly infolding (Labryinthodonts). One form known as Mastodonsaurus had a skull over four feet long and nearly as wide. They were abundant in the lower Permian and Upper Pennsylvanian. Traces of gills in certain fossil forms indicate that the Stegocephalian larvae were aquatic. They were armored, some of them having overlapping scales like fishes. The Urodela have very few fossil remains. One, found in Ger- many, in Miocene rocks, was called " homo diluvii testis," or " the man who witnessed the flood." Anuran fossils are rare, and found only from the Comanchian to the present, while Apodan {Gymno- phionan) fossils are unknown. The connecting links between the lobe-finned fishes (Cros- sopterygii) and the amphibians have not yet been discovered, but comparison of the skulls, labyrinthine teeth and fishlike shoulder girdles of land-living amphibia with these fishes indicates their close relationship. The Stegocephalia are apparently related to certain of the extinct Reptiles, the Theromorpha (Therapsida), which appear to have affinities with the Mammals. Huxley, comparing amphibians with mammals, brought out the fact that both have two occipital condyles, and that the carpal bones resemble each other. But Theromorpha (see page 331) also have two occipital condyles. Economic Importance of Amphibia. Positive. — i. As food, we find that frogs (legs) are in considerable demand. 2. Frogs and toads are important enemies of injurious insects. 3. As experimental animals for use in Physiology and Embry- ology the Amphibia are unexcelled. 4. Savages secure arrow poison from the skins of some Anura. Poisonous Amphibians. — The poisons from the skin glands of toads, salamanders and newts, when injected can kill mammals, birds, reptiles, and even fishes, provided the dose is proportionate to the size of the animal. Small birds and lizards succumb in a few minutes while guinea-pigs, rabbits and dogs succumb in an hour. AMPHIBIA 301 A young dog will suffer discomfort for twenty-four hours after taking a toad in its mouth. Snakes, however, eat toads without any dis- comfort. The Indians of Columbia obtain poison from Dendrobates tincto- rium by exposing the frog to fire, and use it for shooting monkeys, as it acts on the central nervous system. Toads do not cause warts, although their skin is poisonous. The Chinese have for thousands of years used a toad-skin preparation called " Senso " as a heart stimulant. It is said to be fifty to one hundred times as powerful as digitalis, to which it is chemically allied. Resistance of Amphibia to Poisons. — The toad is not poisoned by dosages of digitalis that prove fatal to the frog. This resistance depends upon a difference in the tissues, as the isolated hearts be- have the same. The frog is tolerant of morphine in quantities fatal to man. References on the Amphibia Barbour, T. 1926. Reptiles and Amphibians. Chamberlain, F. M. 1927. Notes on the Edible Frogs of the U. S. Report of the Commissioner, U. S. Fish. Com. DiCKERsoN, Mary C. 1906. The Frog Book. New York. Kirkland, H. a. 1897. The Habits of the American Toad. Hatch Expt. Sta. Bull. 46. Miller, N. 1909. The American toad. Am. Nat., vol. 43, pp. 641- 668 and 730-745. Surface, H. A. 1913. First Report on the Economic Features of the Amphibians of Penna. Zool. Bull., Penna. Dept. Agr., Harrisburg, May-July. Wright, A. H. 1914. Life Histories of the Anura of Ithaca, N. Y. Carnegie Inst. Washington, D. C, Pub. No. 197. Wright, A. H. 1920. Frogs, Their Natural History and Utilization. Bur. Fish. Doc. No. 888. CHAPTER XVII Reptilia Amnion and Allantois. — Comparison of Reptilia with Aves and Mammalia shows that the first two Classes, sometimes grouped as Sauropsida^ are much more closely related to each other than either one is to the Mammalia. The three classes are alike in possess- ing a structure called the amnion. In the course of devel- opment in the reptiles, birds and mammals, called Amniota, the embryo is enclosed in a membranous dome-like sac, the amnion, which contains a fluid, the amniotic liquor. A net- work of blood vessels is developed over the yolk-sac which is an organ of res- piration as well as of nutri- tion. (Figure 162.) w\ '' f / ^^^ I ra^^Mi • vtM* -^" higher mammals, however, the allantois effects respiration. The allantois is a vascular sac- like outgrowth from the Fig. 162. Vertebrate embryos with their hinder part of the embry- membranes. A, reptile or bird; 5, placental onic intestine. It is pres- mammal. In A the yolk sac is functional and ent in Amphibia but is very the allantois respiratory; in B the yolk sac is 5^1^11. 'XV^ fishes and am- functionless and the allantois becomes the , ., . , , • u ^u „ii„„ , . , .,■ I J /Ar phibia, lackmg both allan- nutntive placenta and umbihcal cord. (Arter ^ , .° Wilder, History of the Human Body. Courtesy tois and amnion, are some- of Henry Holt & Co.) times called Anamniota. 302 REPTILIA 303 In Amniota, the allantois grows around the embryo as a stalked vesicle^ which in reptiles, birds and monotremes lies close beneath the egg shell and acts as a respiratory organ during the rest of the em- bryonic period. It also receives excretory matters from the kidneys. In the mammals above the monotremes, an important vascular connection takes place between mother and fetus by means of the allantois. This is called the placenta. The allantois becomes attached to a definite region of the uterine wall and from it vascular processes or villi arise so that the fetal and maternal blood vessels come into close relationship with each other. Gills are no longer necessary since the allantoic placenta functions in the respiration and nutrition of the fetus. Classification Super-order i. Cotylosauria. Primitive fossil forms. Super-order 2. Chelonia. Living forms, including turtles and tortoises. Super-order 3. Therapsida (Theromorpha) . Fossils linked with mammals. Super-order 4. Sauropterygia. Fossil forms with a long neck. Super-order 5. Ichthyopterygia. Fossil aquatic forms. Super-order 6. Archosauria. Besides the primitive fossil Theco- dontia, Pterodactyla and Dinosauria, the super-order in- cludes one living connecting type, the Rhyncocephalian Hatteria, and the living orders of Crocodilia and Squamata. Since only four orders of the Reptilia have living representatives, we shall discuss these first, and defer the description of fossils to the section on Fossil Relatives (page 330). Living Orders of Reptilia Chelonia. Rhyncocephalia. Crocodilia. Squamata. Characteristics The reptiles have an amnion, an allantois, a horny skin, ossified skeleton, two auricles, two ventricles with incomplete septum (except in the Crocodilia), a single occipital condyle, are cold blooded, breathe by lungs and have twelve cerebral nerves. 304 REPTILIA Natural History Super-Order 2. Chelonia. — Skull without temporal vacuities. Compact body enclosed in a case, consisting of bone and horny plates, which form a dorsal carapace and a ventral plastron. The vertebrates and ribs of the thoracic region fuse into the carapace, and the pectoral and pelvic girdles are internal to the ribs. The limbs terminate in claws, or are flipperlike. There are no teeth and the quadrate bones are immovable. The cloaca is elongated. This order includes tortoises, which are strictly terrestrial; turtles y semi-aquatic and marine; and terrapins y which are hard- shelled fresh water species. Fig. 163. Atlantic green turtle. (Courtesy of N. Y. Zool. Soc.) The green turtle ( Chelone mydas) is a marine form, reaching a weight of 400 pounds, whose flesh, oil and eggs are all consumed by South Americans. In this country, soup and flesh are esteemed delicacies. The hawks-bill turtle {Chelonia imbricatd) is a smaller marine form once used as a source of tortoise-shell, but now little sought. The leathery turtle {Sphargis coriaced) is the largest living turtle, reaching a weight of 1,000 pounds and a length of six feet. It is marine, but spawns on land. It is inedible. The giant tortoise {Testudo) ot the Galapagos Islands is a gentle form, frequently photographed at zoos carrying children on its back. It may reach a weight of 300 pounds. The common snapping turtle {Chelydra REPTILIA 305 serpentina) of Eastern America and the alligator snapping turtle {Macrochelys lacertind) of Southern United States are vicious forms, feeding on fishes. The common snapper attacks young water fowl. # o ^ ® e ^,\ ® o c? Q ^ Fig. 164. Soft-shelled turtle. (Courtesy of N, Y. Zool. Soc.) Fig. 165. Diamond back terrapin. (Courtesy of N. Y. Zool. Soc.) The pai?jted terrapin^ Troosts terrapin^ and the yellow-bellied terrapin are Httle used for food, but the red-bellied or " slider " terrapin and the diamond-backed terrapin are much served in fashionable 3o6 REPTILIA restaurants. Overfishing has reduced the importance of the terrapin fisheries over one half in 30 years. The wood terrapin is edible and protected from extermination in New York State. The common spotted turtle is said to be unable to eat when out of the water. Fig. 166. Skeleton of Cistudo {Emys europaea). V, vertebral (neural) plates; C, costal plates; M, marginal plates; Nn, nuchal plate; Py, pygal plate; B, plastron (ventral shield); CI, clavicle; Jcl, inter-clavicle; Sc, scapula; Co, coracoid; Pco, acromial process (pro-coracoid); Pb, pubis; Js, ischium; Jl, ilium; H, humerus; R, radius; U, ulna; Fe, femur; T, tibia; F, fibula. (After Claus-Sedgwick. Sonnenschein, London.) The musky map and speckled turtles are all important enemies of insects. The common box turtle feeds on insects, but also consumes some vegetable matter. It has a lobed plastron which it can close tightly. (Figs. 163, 164, 165, 166.) REPTILIA 307 The soft-shelled turtles {Aspidonectes feros) are edible forms found from South Carolina to Texas and up the Mississippi to the Great Lakes. They weigh as much as 30 pounds. They are omniv- orous, feeding on Crustacea and insects, but also destroying fish and waterfowl, since they are extremely fast swimmers. Type— The " Slider" Terrapin {Pseudemys rubriventris) .—The turtle has no teeth, but horny jaws. Its tongue is broad and soft, and the pharynx is thin walled and distensible. The thick-walled esophagus bears papillae. The stomach has a pyloric valve. The small intestine consists of the duodenu7n, ileum, with an ileocecal valve, large intestine and rectum. There are paired cloacal sacs and the respiratory system consists of the glottis, larynx, trachea and two bronchi. The lungs are large and many branched. The hyoid apparatus supports the larynx. Movements of the hyoid, neck and anterior limbs aid in respiration. Aquatic tortoises and marine turtles have two large sacs at- tached to the cloaca. These are filled with water and richly vascular. At times, when water is replaced by CO2, they may buoy up the shell and supplement the lungs. Females are said to utilize the liquid in these sacs in wetting down the eggs deposited in sand on the shore. The heart has two auricles and incompletely divided ventricles, the septum being perforated. The venous blood passes from the postcaval and two precaval veins into the sinus venosus and thence to the right auricle. From the right auricle it flows to the right side of the ventricle. From the right ventricle it goes to the puhnonary artery which divides on the right and left; and also through the left aorta which sends blood to the viscera and into the dorsal aorta. The left arch is therefore venous to the alimentary canal by way of the coeliac. Purified blood from the lungs passes to the auricle and left side of the left ventricle. The blood then goes through the right aortic arch to the dorsal aorta. It is impure, because mixed in the ventricle. The turtle has no renal portal, but the usual hepatic portal system. Urinogenital Organs. — The urinary system consists of paired, reddish, oval kidneys, paired ureters, a urinary bladder shaped like a dirigible balloon, the cloaca, oval in shape, and the anus. The testes are oval, yellow bodies with vasa deferentia leading to the grooved penis which is attached to the anterior wall of the cloaca. The paired ovaries are rather diffuse, somewhat resembling the single left ovary of the bird. The oviducts open into the cloaca. 3o8 REPTILIA Turtles lay white oval or rounded eggs in the sand, tamping the earth down with the posterior portion of their shell. Nervous System. — The cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum are large and the olfactory apparatus is well developed. The eyes are small and hearing is acute. Tactile sense is well developed, the animal being sensitive to raps on its shell. The skin of the ap- pendages is especially sensitive. Super-Order 6. Archosauria. Rhyncocephalia. — Rhyncoce- phalia (Gr. rhynchos, snout; and cephale, the head) are generalized types, linking the Squamata, Crocodilia and Dinosauria. They resemble the Lacertilia in form, but differ in having a fixed quadrate bone. They are represented by one living relative, Sphenodon ( Hatteria) . (See page 1,1^ i .) The New Zealand lizard, Sphenodon or Hatteria, has a well- developed ^/«d'«/d'_>'^, sensitive to light. It lives in a burrow. There are several fossil relatives from the Permian to the present, with maximum development in the Triassic. Fig. 167, Gavial. (Courtesy of N. Y. Zool. Soc.) REPTILIA 309 Order Crocodilia. — Alligators, crocodiles, and caimans, like the turtles, have an oval cloacal opening, immovable quadrate bones, and bony plates in the skin. They differ in structure from all other reptiles although their shape is hzard-like. They have abdominal ribs and abdominal sternum. Their teeth are placed in sockets. The heart is completely four-chambered. The Chinese alligator {Alligator sinensis) lives in the Yang-tse Kiang in China. It is a small species, greenish black, with yellow spots. It is the nearest living relative of the American alligator. The American alligator {Alligator mississippiensis) is found as far north as North Carolina. It may reach a length of 16 feet 3 inches. It is the only crocodilian that bellows. It is much less vicious than the crocodiles. Alligators are sold to tourists, and there is a constant demand for their hides, used for bags and pocket- books. Alligator farms supply animals to the cinema producers. The caimans of South America are quite vicious. Gavials, found in India, may reach a length of thirty feet, and are quite ferocious, but rarely attack man. (Figure 167.) The salt water crocodile and the mugger of India and the sacred African crocodile ^ are extremely dangerous animals and cause many deaths annually. An American crocodile, resembling the African form, was found in Florida in 1875, ^1 I^^. W. T. Hornaday. It is extremely vicious. Order Squamata. {Super-Order F/.)— This order includes two sub-orders, Lacertiliay or lizards, and Opkidia, or snakes. The Squamata (Lat. squamatus, a scale) have horny scales, renewed periodically, movable quadrate bones, a transverse cloacal opening and paired penes. Sub-Order Lacertilia. (Lat. lacertus, a lizard.) — The lizards, chameleons and iguanas have certain characteristics distinguishing them from the snakes and the crocodilia. Lacertilia have paired appendages or rudiments, scaled ventral surface, tympanic mem- branes, a sternum (usually) and movable eyelids. The blind-worm, or slow-worm, a limbless lizard {Anguis Jragilis) found in Europe and Asia, is a most snaky animal. Its body is covered with smooth round scales and its locomotion resembles that 1 " The crocodile is esteemed sacred by some of the Egyptians, by others he is treated as an enemy, and the people of Elephantine even eat their flesh. The lonians called the Egyptian ' Champsae ' crocodiles, after the wall-lizards of Ionia." (Hereodotus II, 69.) The name Champsae remains today in the Coptic language. 3IO REPTILIA of a snake. It is not blind and certainly not at all worm-like. It is viviparous. Ditmars cites a case of 2. Jourteen-inch female giving birth to sixteen young, each three inches long. Young slow-worms feed on termites. Adults feed on earth-worms, insect larvae and slugs. The teeth are re-curved and fang-like with traces of a groove^ showing that the animal is related to the poisonous lizards. The " glass snakes " {Ophisaurus apus of Europe, and 0. ventralis of America) are limbless lizards. (Figure 168.) Their movable eyelids, and ear openings distinguish them from the true snakes. When attacked, they quite easily drop their brittle tail and move away to regenerate a new one. Fig. 168. Glass snake, Ophisaurus ventralis. (Courtesy of N. Y. Zool. Soc.) The beaded lizards ( Helodermatidae) include two poisonous forms found in deserts in the United States, Mexico and Central America. The Gila monster {H. suspectum), a beaded lizard with grooved fangs, has been reported to be quite poisonous to man, but the evidence is rather inconclusive. (See p. 328.) Its large tail is a reservoir for fat storage. It may reach a length of two feet. The geckos of the Mediterranean region {Geckonidae) can run on smooth surfaces, climbing walls and ceilings by means of adhesive pads on their toes. The suctorial disks are arranged like the slates on a roof. The gecko is non-venomous, feeding on insects. It drops its tail when attacked. (Figure 169.) The European ''green lizard" or wall lizard {Lacerta viridis). REPTILIA 311 is a generalized type. It eats insect larvae but is not able to digest those with hard chitinous coverings. Its tail is very brittle and quickly dropped off when the animal is irritated. The common swift {Sceleporus spinosus undulatus) is an arboreal lizard living chiefly on tree-inhabiting insects. It deposits its eggs, which re- semble tortoise eggs, in a rather deep tunnel. Fig. 169. Ringed gecko, ventral view. Tarentola annularis. Northern Africa. (Courtesy of N. Y. Zool. Soc.) T\v^ flying dragon {Draco volans) (Figure 170) lives in the Indo- Malay region. It has membranes stretched between the fore and hind limbs and extends these to plane from tree to tree or limb to limb. It is brightly colored like the flowers among which it lives. The horned-toad {Phrynosoma cornutum) (Figure 171) is a true lizard armed with long neck spines and peculiarly adapted for desert life, having a dull grey concealing color and being equipped with valves in its nostrils which prevent the inhalation of fine sand. It drinks dewdrops and eats insect larvae and ants. Captive speci- mens have been observed by Ditmars and others to shoot jets ot blood from the eyes a distance of five feet. The animal is not poisonous, is easily tamed, and can be " hypnotized " by gently stroking its ventral surface. 312 REPTILIA The skinks include a species (Eumeces quinquelineatus) which lives from Massachusetts to Florida and westward to Texas. It may reach a length of ten inches. It changes in color in a striking manner as age increases. The monitor ( Varanus sahator) was for many years considered the largest lizard. It is found in Ceylon and the Malay Archipelago. It reaches the length of eight feet and is able to swallow a hen's egg at one gulp. It is used as food. The Nile monitor ( Var- anus niloticus) digs through the rain-softened walls of the clay nests of a South African termite, and de- posits its eggs, ten to thirty in number, in the center of the nest. The termites re- pair the nest, but after about ten months the young escape from their leathery egg shells and, aided by the rainy season, tunnel out and seek the nearest stream. The largest living lizard {Varanus ko7nodoensis) was only recently discovered in the hills of Kommodo in the Lesser Sunda Is- lands. It is said to reach a length of ten feet. The smallest lizard ( Lepidoblepharis sanctae- mariae) found in eastern Panama is about two inches long, weighing less than five grams. The sea lizard, an iguana {Amblyrhynchus cristatus), inhabits the shores of the Galapagos Islands. It feeds on sea weeds and when attacked swims away into the sea. The animals are gregari- ous, living in flocks of several hundred. The common iguana {Iguana tuberculatd) found in tropical Fig. 170. Draco volans (flying lizard). (After Hilzheimer.) REPTILIA 3^3 America is largely herbivorous, but the young individuals feed upon insect larvae. Adults will also capture small rodents and young birds. The iguana is arboreal and grows to a length of six feet. The flesh, tasting much like chicken, is considered a delicacy in tropical America. .rv Fig. 171. Phrynosoma. (Courtesy ot" X. Y. Zool. Soc.) The chameleons {Chamaeleon vulgaris) are arboreal forms found in the Old World, some in Africa and Arabia, others in India and in Spain. The club-shaped tongue, half the length of the body, is covered with glutinous material and is used in capturing insects. The colors include green, blue, grey, brown, black and yellow. Chameleons are able to change their color with extreme rapidity, but do not, according to Ditmars, assume the colors of their back- ground, as do fishes and amphibia. The Aynerican " chameleon " {Anolis carolinensis) is found in Southeastern United States. It is not a true chameleon, but changes color under changed conditions of light and temperature. From ashy grey it will turn to a dull yellow or a vivid green. Its food is meal-worms and flies and it drinks dew from leaves. It reaches a length of six inches. Sub-Order Ophidia} (Gr. ophis, a snake.) — Snakes have a 1 Much of the material on snakes in this text has been compiled from R. L. Ditmars' Reptiles of the World and Reptile Book. Doctor Ditmars has inspected a part of the MS. 314 REPTILIA bifid protrusible tongue, frequently fanged, movable, displaceable maxillary and palatine bones, numerous vertebrae, movable ribs and ventral scutes. They lack tympani. Eustachian tubes, sternum, and appendages. Their eyelids are fused. The lungs are asym- metrical, some species having a degenerate right and others a de- generate left lung. The urinary bladder is absent and the urine, chiefly uric acid, as in birds, solidifies in the air. The temperature of snakes varies from 68° to 84° Fahrenheit. "The limbless serpent can outclimb the monkey, Outswim the fish, Outleap the zebra, Outwrestle the athlete. And crush the tiger." (Owen.) The yellow-headed worm snake {Glauconia albijrons) reaches a length of eight inches. It lives in ant hills and is a formidable enemy of termites. The Boidae {pythons and boas) have vestigial hind legs, a pair of strong movable spurs attached to vestiges of the pelvic bones. Among the common pythons are the regal python, which may reach Fig. 172. West Indian boa. (Courtesy of N. Y. Zool. Soc.) a length of thirty feet, and can swallow a small antelope; and the smaller Indian python, which is much used in side-shows, as it is easily tamed. The Anaconda or water boa is extremely vicious. It is viviparous, Ditmars recording one specimen that gave birth REPTILIA 3^S to thirty-four young, each one twenty-seven inches in length and an inch in diameter. (Figure 172.) The common boa {Boa constrictor) reaches a length not greater than II feet. It is a native of tropical South America. Easily tamed it is used by " snake-charmers," although its smaller size renders it less thrilling to audiences, fearful lest they miss the sight of a snake tightening its coils on its tamer. Ditmars relates a case of a brood of 64 young. Other boas include the vicious Cuban boa, the common American rubber boa, and the Indian sand boas. The Fig. 173. Thamnophis marciana. (Courtesy of A. G. Ruthven.) brown sand boa or two-headed snake {Eryx johnii) has a round stumpy tail, sometimes painted with " eyes " by the Hindoos, who claim that one end of the animal watches while the other sleeps. The sub-family Colubrinae includes the majority of snakes. All of this family lack poison glands and hollow fangs. (Figure 173.) The Eastern ribbon snake is a beautiful reptile, reaching a length of 3 feet. It feeds on fishes and amphibians. The garter snakes {Eutania) are all prolific viviparous forms, and are beneficial for the most part. The water snakes iTropidonotus) are sometimes quite vicious but are non-venomous. The brown water snake is the largest, reaching a length of 5 feet. An Indian water snake {T. macrophthalmus) spreads its neck and was mistakenly brought in by the natives when the British first offered a bounty for the hooded cobra. The Indian rat snake of the Malay peninsula is protected by a fine, as a rat exterminator. It reaches a length of 8 feet. The American black snake {Zamenis constrictor) is not a constrictor, but holds its prey to the ground under a coil. It destroys small rodents, but occasionally eats amphibians and young birds. T\it family Colubridae include a number of large snakes killing 3i6 REPTILIA by constriction and feeding entirely on mammals and birds. They are of tremendous importance in destroying injurious rodents. The pilot black snake ( Coluber obsoletus) is found from New England to Florida and ranges west of the Mississippi. It hibernates with the timber rattler. The chicken snakes {^Coluber o. quadrivittatus) are feared by poultrymen as enemies of young fowls and as egg eaters, but destroy more than enough rodents to pay their way. The hog-nosed snake, blowing viper or puff-adder {Heterodon platyrrhinus) is a most sinister reptile. When alarmed it flattens the anterior portion of its body, hisses, shakes the tail and darts its head here and there. It feigns death on some occasions, rolling on its back and becoming limp. It will not bite. The common king snake or chain snake {Ophibolus getulus) ranges from Southern New Jersey to Florida and westward to the Pacific coast. Although a deadly enemy of the poisonous snakes of America and apparently immune to their venom, Ditmars found that when injected with the poison of the Cobra, they died within the hour. The king snake is cannibalistic but is extremely fond of rodents. A large king snake may be 6 feet long. The animal, although such an enemy of other reptiles, is easily tamed by man. The milk snake [Ophibolus doliatus) is found in the Northeastern states. It frequents barns, hunting for mice, and has been mis- takenly thought to rob the dairy, although it has never been caught " milking the cows." The ring-necked snake (Diadophis regalis) found west of Illinois is the largest of the genus. It lays eggs which are so thin skinned that they hatch in half the time required by other snake eggs. It lives under flat stones and in dead trees and feeds upon earthworms, salamanders, young lizards and snakes. The scarlet king snake ( Cemophora coccinea) is found in the south- eastern part of the United States. Its chief interest is that it is confused with the deadly coral snake. The scarlet snake feeds on mice and reptiles. It is oviparous and coils around its eggs until they are hatched. The Opisthoglypha are not as poisonous as the Elapine and Vi- perine snakes, since they have furrowed or grooved fangs, located at the extreme rearof the upper jaw. Ditmars, however, emphasizes the fact that their venom acts on the nerves and that it will kill a lizard more quickly than the bite of a viper. The annulated snake {Sibon septentrionalis) of Africa and the tropical Americas, and the pike-headed snake {Oxybelis acuminatus) REPTILIA 317 of Mexico and South America, are opisthoglyphs that feed on lizards. The Proteroglypha include two sub-families, the Hydrophinae which are marine forms, and the Elapinae which include Old World Cobras and the New World coral snakes Their fangs are hollow and connected with venom glands secreting powerful poison. The fangs are rigidly attached on the anterior portion of the upper jaw instead of folding back against the roof of the mouth as in the viperine snakes. ^^^y ' ^Bf j^K^^^^Ki^^iiflBlk ^i^^_ ^^^Bf ■ ^^-. jP .4 ^ ' ' . L ■• Fig, 174, Sea snake, (Courtesy of N. Y. Zool. Soc.) One of the Hydrophinae^ the yellow-bellied sea snake {Hydrus platurus), is found in salt water off the coast of Central and tropical South America, The sea snakes swim in schools of 20 or more. They are preyed upon by fish and sea birds. Their venom is ex- tremely powerful and produces a benumbing of the nerve centers. (Figure 174.) The Elapine snakes have a slender body and a narrow head. Their fangs are short, always erect and situated on the anterior portion of the jaw. But one genus of these reptiles is found In America. The Spectacled Cobra or " Cobra-de-Capello " ( Naja tripudians) Is found In India and the Malay Archipelago. Although the fangs 3^8 REPTILIA are extremely small, their wounds are more quickly fatal than those of the vipers with large teeth. Spectacled cobras are said to be most vicious when in captivity, apparently proving untamable. Ditmars states that cobra venom ejected and entering the eyes will produce blindness or death. Cobras feed on small rodents, birds and amphibians and can swallow eggs entire. They reach a length of over 6 feet. (Figure 175.) Fig. 175. Asp. (Courtesy of X. Y. Zool. Soc.) The Egyptian cobra or Asp ( Naja haje) is a smaller snake than the spectacled cobra, reaching a length of not more than five feet. It is extremely intelligent and startlingly quick in its movements. The king cobra or Hamadryas ( Naja bungarus) reaches the length of 12 feet. It is said to be the most deadly of the Old World REPTILIA 319 snakes. Apparently tamable, it Is most treacherous. Cobras are oviparous. In 1927, there were 19,069 deaths from snake-bite in India. Cobras and kraits were chiefly responsible. The Ringhals {Sepedon hue 7n achates), a South African cobra, reaches a length of five feet. It feeds on amphibians, birds and their eggs, and small rodents. It ejects jets of poison six feet. The krait {Bungarus coeruleus) is an extremely dangerous snake found in Asia and the Malay Archipelago. It has no hood. It reaches a length of 4 feet. The Australian black snake {Pseudechis porphyriacus), an ex- tremely venomous snake, is sometimes called the purple death adder. (See p. 328, Snake Venoms.) Fig. 176. Body rings of false coral snake and true coral snake. (Courtesy of Anti- venin Institute of America.) Several species of Doliophis are found in Southeastern Asia. The venom-secreting glands are not confined to the head but extend through the anterior one-third of the body. Due to this strange variation, the heart is located more posteriorly than in other snakes. About 26 species of the New World Elapine snakes are known, two of them being found in Southern United States. The two 320 REPTILIA species of Elaps found in the United States resemble harmless forms including the Western milk snake and the scarlet king snake. The poisonous snake (Figure 176) has single black rings bordered with a pair of yellow rings while in the harmless species the yellow rings are single bordered with a pair of black rings. The harlequin snake or coral snake {Elaps fulvius) is found in our Southern States and ranges into Mexico. It is cannibalistic but very fond of lizards, which seem quite susceptible to its poison. Coral snakes seem quite gentle and do not " strike " but certainly do bite and chew vigor- ously. They are oviparous and according to Ditmars the eggs re- quire as much as thirteen weeks for development. Family Viperidae. — The viperine snakes are long fanged with small vertical movable maxillaries each bearing an extremely long hollow fang. Each maxillary has a lever bone aiding in the eleva- tion of the fang. When the jaws are closed, the fangs of the vipers fold against the roof of the mouth. The majority of the viperine snakes have thick bodies and flattened heads, the pupils resembling those of a cat eye. Certain of the true vipers {Sub-family Viperinae) are horrific in appearance while others found in South Africa are according to Ditmars " Moderately slender with an ordinary head while the eye has a round pupil and there is a loreal plate (between the eye and the nostril) as seen in the typical harmless snakes." The Cape viper {Causus rhombeatus) has relatively small fangs which are lifted at will. Cape vipers are found in Southern Africa, reaching a length of about 3 feet. Unlike vipers in general, this form is oviparous. It feeds on frogs, apparently without using its poison fangs. The common viper ( Vipera berus) is found all over Europe and is the only poisonous snake found in the British Isles. It feeds on rodents and young birds. The sand natter ( Vipera ammodytes) is found in Southeastern Europe. A soft horn about one-eighth of an inch in length protrudes from its snout. It reaches a length of two feet and is extremely dangerous. It feeds on small rodents. The Daboia or Russell's viper ( Vipera russellii) is one of the most deadly snakes of India. The Puff adder {Bitis arietans), found in Africa, hisses loudly at each breath. The gaboon viper {Bitis gabonicd) of tropical Africa will stand its ground when sur- prised, hissing viciously. Ditmars calls it " the most sinister of all the venomous snakes, in its aspect." The horned viper or asp REPTILIA 321 {Cerastes cornutus) is a small African desert species with a sharp spine above each eye. The pit vipers {Sub-family Crotalinae) have a deep pit between the eye and the nostril. (Figure 177, A and B.) The water moccasin or cotton-mouth snake {Agkistrodon piscivorus) is a semi-aquatic form found in the Southeastern United States. Poison qlond Head of Micrurus (Pro feroglypha) Cross section of cjrooved fonq. Grooved foncj. Poison gland Head of Crotalus (So ten o q hyp ho) Cross section of hol/Ov^ fonq- Tronsporenf" yiev^ feet) and the fact that it injects a teaspoonful of poison. (Figure i8o.) The diamond back rattlesnake ( Crotalus adamanteus) , found in the Southeastern part of the United States, grows to a length of eight feet and weighs more than any other Doisonous form. Death ensues in less than an hour after its bite. ■.^\-- M^I^Mi?^-^ Fig. 1 80. Barba amarilla. (Courtesy of N. Y. Zool. Soc.) Other rattlesnakes of the United States include the pigyny or ground rattlesnake of Southeastern United States, the Massasagua of the Central and Western states, the Texas rattler (6 feet long) (Figure 181), the timber rattler of the eastern mountains, and the horned rattler or sidewinder of the Western states. (Figure 182.) Ditmars has recently described a ten-foot Honduran rattlesnake that produces paralysis of the neck muscles in a few minutes. The smallest adult snake, a Syrian Leptotyphlops, is blind, lives in the sand and resembles in size and shape a steel knitting needle. General Consideration of Reptilia Distribution. — The Lacertilia are of wide distribution. The wall lizard {Lacerta muralis) is found from Belgium to North Africa. The Chelonia are found in the temperate and tropical regions for the most part. The sea-turtles are confined chiefly to the tropical seas. The Caimans are found in Central and South America, while 3^4 REPTILIA REPTILIA 2^^ the alligators are found In North America and in China. The true Crocodiles of Africa and Asia have an American relative. The Snakes are widely distributed, the common grass snake {Tropi- donotus natrix) ranging from Sweden to Algeria. Fig. 182. The sidewinder or horned rattler {Crotalus cerastes). (Courtesy of Chas. Bogert.) Anatomy and Locomotion. — The Reptiles vary from the limbless Snake to the Lizards and Crocodiles which have well-developed limbs and a powerful tail. The oddest appearing forms are of course the Turtles. In the Chelonia both dorsal and ventral surfaces are covered by large horny plates. The scales are confined to the head, neck, limbs and tail. The Lizards and Snakes have horny plates covering their entire surface. In the skin of the geckos there are minute hard bodies intermediate between cartilage and bone. In the Crocodilia the whole surface is covered with horny plates underlaid with a pad of dermal connective tissue. In all Reptiles, except the Crocodilia, a periodical moult or ecdysis occurs. This casting of the old skin is done completely in Snakes and some Lizards, while in other Reptiles it is by degrees. Lizards move by means of their limbs and tail. Snakes have an undulatory movement on land and are able to swim very well. The aquatic Chelonia utilize their legs very effectively in swimming. Crocodilia depend upon limbs and tail and are able to swim with rapidity. On land their activity is much reduced but they are surprisingly quick in seizing prey and in the use of their powerful tail. Digestive System. — For the most part Lizards are non-poison- ous. The Mexican beaded Lizards have grooved teeth and are supplied with poison glands. Snakes rarely have premaxillary teeth. The vipers have a single large curved hollow poison fang 326 REPTILIA with small reserve fangs at its base. This is moved to a vertical position when a snake opens its mouth to strike its prey. In the Chelonia there are no teeth but the horny jaws resemble a bird's beak. The Crocodilia have many conical hollow teeth on the pre- maxillae, maxillae and dentary. The tongues of certain Lizards are forked and retractile as in Snakes. The chameleon has an extremely long club-shaped tongue. In Snakes the tongue is extremely slender and is utilized as a tactile organ. Some hold that it is sensitive to sound vibrations. In the esophagus of turtles there are large horny recurved papil- lae. Crocodilia and Chelonia have a gizzard-like stomach. In Lizards and Snakes a rudimentary cecum is found at the anterior end of the large intestine. Respiratory System. — In the Snakes and some snake-like Lizards there is a great reduction in the size of the left lung. Chameleons have inflatable air-sacs which enable them to puff up and startle their enemies. The Crocodilia and Chelonia have large and well- developed lungs. In the Crocodilia the nostrils are at the upper end of the snout and can be closed by two valves. In front of the choanae, two soft " palatal folds " shut off the mouth from the pharynx. When a crocodilian is drowning its prey, it can push the glottis anteriorly to meet the posterior nares, and then respire comfortably. Old ma.\e gavials have a cartilaginous hump containing air which, situated at the tip of the snout, enables them to remain under water longer than younger animals. Superficial Differences between the Crocodilia Alligator. Crocodile. Exposes four points above water Exposes snout and neck crest when when floating — the eyes and the floating, nostrils. Fourth tooth from front bites into Fourth lower tooth from front pro- socket in upper jaw; in older ani- jects slightly outward and fits in- mals it may pierce jaw and show to grooved notch in outer edge of from above. upper jaw. Makes nest of sticks and grass. Makes nest in sand. Less active and vicious. More active and vicious. The caimans may have a blunt snout like the alligator or a pointed one like the crocodile. They also have the fourth tooth of REPTILIA 327 the lower jaw fitting into a socket. The gavial has a decidedly long and pointed snout and the first and fourth lower teeth bite into grooves in the upper jaw. Voice. — Snakes and lizards have no vocal cords, but hiss through the nose. Crocodilia roar and the tortoise of the Galapagos Islands bellows. Circulatory System. — xAll Reptilia have a four-chambered heart, but with the exception of the Crocodilia the ventricular septum is perforated. The red corpuscles of snake blood are 11 microns long, approximately the same as in frog blood, but those of the lizard are about 16 microns in length. Excretory System. — The kidneys are not always symmetrical in Reptiles, in the Snakes for example being elongated and band-like. The kidneys of Lizards are fused in the mid-line. A urinary bladder (usually bi-lobed) is found in Lizards and Chelonians, but is lacking in Snakes and Crocodiles. The urine is rich in salts and solidifies quickly on reaching the air as in the case of birds. Reproductive System. — Fertilization is internal in the Reptilia, which have either a bifid or a median solid penis. Many Lizards and the majority of Snakes are viviparous but the Crocodilia and Chelonia are oviparous. Care of the Young. — Crocodilia and Chelonia deposit their eggs in nests of sand or twigs and grass, and return to them periodically. The female python protects her eggs by coiling around them, her temperature rising several degrees during the process to promote hatching. Nervous System and Sense Organs. — In the Reptilia the brain has distinctly advanced from the amphibian type. The cerebral hemispheres have developed greatly but the cerebellum remains small. The eyes are large and the ears well developed, except in the Snakes where a middle-ear is absent. Tactile, olfactory and gustatory senses are well developed. The Turtle is surprisingly sensitive to taps on its shell. Rattle of the Rattlesnake. — Several species of snakes, including the bushmaster and the copperhead, have a large horny spine at the base of the tail. In the rattlesnake after the first year, three moults occur annually and at each moult a new rattle is formed. Considering the first ring to represent the first year, the age of a rattlesnake may be determined by allowing three rings for each year. The possibility of accidental loss of a segment or two must of course be considered. 328 REPTILIA Poisonous Reptiles. — With the exception of the beaded Lizards, the Lacertilia are not poisonous. A Bornean Lizard, Lanthanotus, is suspected of being poisonous. Heloderma produces painful swellings in man, but its venom has no hemolytic action. The salivary glands of Snakes are differentiated into organs for the formation of powerful poisons. In the Australian black snake they act on the bloody causing intravascular clotting; some of this class also contain hemolytic substances. The arterial and venous walls are broken down and the blood oozes out. Gangrene may set in. Cytolysins act on red cells, white cells and the endothelium of the blood vessels. The other class, typified by the cobra, cause a paralysis of respiration. According to Cushney and Yagi, the action of cobra venom is like that of curare in that it paralyzes nerve endings. Noguchi states that in the case of cobra venom toxic action must be ascribed to neurotoxin. Poisoned animals suffer from motor paralysis. The chief local effect produced by rattlesnake and water moc- casin venom is, according to Noguchi, the escape of red blood corpuscles from the vessels. Hemorrhages are not restricted to the site of the injection of the venom. Animals killed with snake venom decompose rapidly because of the decrease in bactericidal power of the blood, caused by the venom. Toxicity. — According to Barbour the common laboratory stand- ard of toxicity ^ is the minimal lethal dose per pigeon. The poison of sea-snakes which is dangerous to man instantly kills fish. Turtles are almost as susceptible to all venoms as fish. Worms, Insects and Echinoderms are only slightly susceptible to snake venoms. While snakes and frogs quickly succumb to cobra venom, they are relatively insusceptible to the bites of rattlers and moccasins. The digestive juices destroy most snake venoms, but poisons of the cobra, the Old World Vipers, and the Australian black snake are resistant. ^ Philpott (Proc. Soc. for Exp. Biol, and Med., vol. 26, pp. 522-523, 1929) has shown that the venom of the Texas rattlesnake {Crotalus atrox) in dilutions of 0.00025 gm. per cc. had an immediate lethal effect on Paramecium caudatum, Stentor coeruleus and Bursaria truncatella. Action was slow in effect on Volvox spermatosphara and Oxytricha fallax, and was only temporary and slight in Chilomonas Paramecium. Coleps hirtus, Podophyrafixa and Dileptus gigas were unaffected. The minimum lethal dose of Agkistrodon piscivorus (moccasin) for Paramecium caudatum was 0.0000014 gm., and for the venom of the fer-de-lance {Bothrops atrox) was 0.0000125 gm. REPTILIA 329 Treatment of Snake Bite. — If administered very soon after the person is bitten, anti-venin serum is effective. A tight ligature, preferably of rubber, should be placed above the wound, but must not be left on more than half an hour at a time or gangrene will set in. The wound should be cut open with a knife or razor blade and may be sucked although this is unsafe if a person has sores in his mouth. A strong potassium permanganate solution is injected or poured upon the wound and serum is administered if available. After the first few moments potassium permanganate is not effective.' Subsequent treatment should include the draining of a wound for two weeks at least. Most engineers and explorers now carry into territory where rattlers and moccasins abound, antivenins, a little vial o{ potassium permanganate crystals^ a scalpel or razor-blade to cut open the wound, bandages, and a tourniquet. However, if one wears boots or puttees, he is usually quite well protected. Hypodermic injections of strych- nine are useful as a stimulant. It is held by some that small doses of alcohol are beneficial. This is a pernicious belief, as the adminis- tration of alcohol is likely to hasten death by distributing the venom more rapidly in the blood vessels. Caffeine (strong coffee) and strychnine are beneficial in relieving from giddiness and stupor. Susceptibility of Snakes to Poison. — The snake is not poisoned by amounts of digitalis fatal to the frog. Its tissues are not sus- ceptible, as isolated hearts behave the same. Cayenne pepper, fresh slaked lime and powdered sulphur are worthless as snake repellents. Snakes are immune to tear-gases and to poison gases including phosgene and chlorin. They are, however, susceptible very quickly to chloroform and also to mustard-gas. Do Mother Snakes Swallow their Young? — This question is one that has often been propounded. There is absolutely no doubt that snakes do swallow other snakes and that they may even, when alarmed, swallow their own young. Many people have testified to seeing the old snake swallow little ones, but no one has ever reported the interesting phenomenon of the little snakes returning to the light of day. Perhaps they do! 1 Dr. A. M. Reese is studying the effects of potassium permanganate on mam- mals receiving injections of snake venom that would ordinarily be toxic. 330 REPTILIA Some Superstitions That Exist Regarding Snakes. ^ — "l. Snakes do not suck or milk cows. This is next to a physical impossibility and science has no authentic record to prove it true. " 2. Hoop snakes do not exist. Substantial rewards have been offered for specimens and a demonstration of* rolling' but no one has tried to claim the reward. "3. Snakes do not charm birds but cause them to become so excited or nervous that they lose reason or instinct of protection. This is especially true of nesting birds. "4. When a snake is killed some vital organ or organs stop function- ing, but all cells are not killed. These living cells function by reflex action for a varying period of time dependent on the kind of cells, and not dependent on the action of the sunlight. " 5. Snakes do chase people, especially the blue racer. It is, however, a coward and will run equally fast in the opposite direction if the pursued become the pursuer. "6. Snakes do not sting or bite with any part of the body except the teeth. The tongue is sensory in function, being the seat of the senses of touch, taste and perhaps smell. "7. No snake or part thereof has any medicinal property which can- not be found in some other material. For instance sweet oil is just as good as rattler oil, and not as repulsive to most people. This belief has been imposed upon the people by 'fakes' or 'quack doctors.' They are not even considered by reputable physicians. "8. Green is not a warning color against poisonous snakes. "9. Snakes are blind only during the process of molting or when the old skin is loose and is being shed because a new skin has developed underneath. " 10. A horse-hair rope will not act as a barrier to a rattlesnake. This has been demonstrated many times by actual test," Fossil Relatives. Super-Order I. Cotylosauria. — Geologically the oldest known reptiles, appearing in the Carboniferous and dis- appearing in the Triassic. Skulls completely roofed, v^^ith no lateral temporal vacuities. Pelvis, flattened. Resembled Stego- cephalia in presence of pectoral cleithrum. Heavy neural arches. Example: Seymouria. ' By permission of R. D. Casselberry from the Pennsylvania State College, Cor- respondence Study Department, Zoology 35 C, Lesson 7. REPTILIA 331 Super-Order 11. Chelonia. (Gr. chelone^ a tortoise.) — Fossil relatives of the turtles include a Permian species Eubotosaurus, found in S. Africa, which had teeth and widened ribs. Super-Order III. Therapsida. {Anomodontia, Theromorpha.) (Gr. ther, a wild beast; morphe^ form.) — Single lateral temporal vacuity below post-orbital and squamosal. Brain case high, ear low, columella articulates with quadrate. Lower jaw flattened, with loosely articulated bones. Fossils found in Permian and to the Triassic age, chiefly from Africa and North America. The Mammalia are supposed to have arisen from this order, possibly by way of the Theriodontia, which were carnivorous, with teeth resembling the incisors, canines and molars of mammals. The Monotremata (see p. 373) have been compared with the Therio- dontia, in support of such a theory. Examples: {Dicynodon^ Cynognathus^ Galepus, Ophiacodon). Super-Order IV. Sauropterygia. (Gr, sauros^ a XvL?ixdi\pterygia^ fins.) — /\quatic reptiles with a single temporal vacuity, bounded by the post-orbital squamosal arch. Single coracoids, meeting in a ventral symphysis. The cervical region is extremely long, and the caudal portion of the spinal column is very short. Sauropterygia range from the Triassic to the Cretaceous. Super-Order V. Ichthyopterygia. {Gr. ichthysy & fish; ptejjgia, fins.) (Ichthyosauria.) — Marine reptiles with a single lateral temporal vacuity, a large head, elongated jaws, teeth in grooves, no neck, and a long tail resembling a fish. They had two pairs of paddle-like limbs, no sacrum, primitive pelvis, no sternum, but well- developed abdominal ribs. They are of the Mesozoic age, ranging from the Triassic to the Upper Cretaceous. Super-Order VI. Archosauria. — Several Orders belong to this super-order, which includes the reptiles that have two lateral tem- poral vacuities in the skull. Order i. — Thecodontia are the earliest Reptiles to show a diapsid skull with two lateral temporal vacuities. 07-der 2. — Rhyncocephalia appeared in the Permian, with maxi- mum development in the Triassic. Order J. Dinosauria. (Gr. deinos, terrible; sauros, a lizard.) — These Mesozoic land reptiles were among the largest, reaching a length of one hundred feet and a height of twenty feet. The earliest species, in the Triassic, were carnivorous. Another branch, the Sauropoda, include gigantic herbivores. A herbivorous branch, the 33^ REPTILIA Ornithopoda, had a bird-like beak, and the Orthopoda had pneumatic bones and a bird-like pubis. Order 4. Crocodilia. — Fossil Crocodilia are found in the Triassic strata. Huxley traced an " almost unbroken series " of Crocodilia from the Triassic down. Order 5. Pterodactyla or Pterosauria. (Gr. pteron, a wing; and sauros, a lizard.) — The Pterosauria were adapted for flight, having a long neck and a pair of bat-like leathery wings. The bones were light and hollow, the breast bone was keeled. The earlier forms had sharp teeth. They varied in size from that of a sparrow to the Pterodactyl with a twenty-four foot wing stretch. The largest forms lacked teeth and had a short tail. Order 6. Squamata. — The Squamata are geologically the most recent of the Reptilia now persistent. Sub-Order {a). Lacertilia. — There are a few fossil lizards in the Jurassic, but the majority began with the Tertiary. Sub-Order {b). Ophidia. — Fossil snakes appeared in the Ter- tiary strata. Sub-Order (c). Pythonomorpha. — These extinct forms had a snake-like body with paddle-like limbs used in swimming. They reached a length of over fifty feet {Mososaurus). The skull re- sembled that of the Lacertilia. Adaptations of Reptilia. — The Crocodilia have protective bony plates in the skin, sharp teeth, strong jaws and a muscular tail. A valve in the throat shutting off the mouth from the pharynx (see p. 326) enables them to submerge their prey and still breathe with ease. The Chelonia have a strong compact box-like shell and powerful cutting jaws. Large lungs enable them to remain under water for some time. Lacertilia have rapid locomotion. In some protective coloration is evident. The long tail is a storehouse for food and in many species is broken off and left when enemies are pressing. Ophidia have displaceable jaw bones and loose ribs, permitting the animal to swallow prey larger than itself. The glottis is anterior to the mouth, enabling the snakes to breathe while swallowing. The teeth are recurved so that the prey cannot escape. Snakes kill by crushing or utilizing poison glands. Economic Importance of Reptilia. — Crocodilia furnish skins that are used in the manufacture of shoes, bags, pocket books and belts. They feed on fish and in the case of the Asiatic and African crocodiles, destroy many human lives. The flesh of crocodiles is said to be REPTILIA 23:^ unpalatable on account of its strong musky flavor. (Clark.) Alli- gators are occasionally eaten by the Southern negroes. Lacertilia are important in the extermination of injurious insects and some species (iguana) are utilized as food. Ophidia are in general bene- ficial in exterminating harmful rodents and insects. The poisonous snakes are relatively few, but cause twenty-five thousand or more deaths annually, most of them in India. References on Reptilia Barbour, T. 1926. Reptiles and Amphibians. Houghton Mifflin Co. DiTMARS, R. L. 1907. The Reptile Book. New York. DiTMARS, R. L. 1 9 10. Reptiles of the World. New York. Reese, A. M. 191 5. The Alligator and its Allies. New York. Surface, H. A. First Report on the Economic Features of the Turtles of Penna. Zool. Bull, of the Dept. of Agr. of Penna., Harrisburg, Aug. -Sept. Surface, H. A. 1907. The Lizards of Pennsylvania. Bull, of the Dept. of Agr. of Penna., Harrisburg. CHAPTER XVIII AVES Birds are more highly specialized in structure and habits than even the mammals. They, like the insects, are perfectly adapted to flight. Geological records and some vestigial structures (scales) indicate the close relationship of birds to reptiles. So widely distributed are birds and so familiar to our sight and hearing, that it is difficult to conceive of a civilization without them, or what would happen to that civilization, did they not exist. Eco- nomically, birds are of the greatest significance, since they not only serve as food, but are the most important agencies in keeping insects from utterly destroying the food of men. More than 23,000 species of birds have been described. They have been classified according to types of bills and claws and in some cases from their colors and habits. The classification is variable and unreliable. Subclass I. Archeomithes. — Fossil birds. The fossil, reptile-like birds belonging to the genus Archeopteryx are quite evidently connecting types between the reptiles and the birds. (See Fossil Relatives of Birds, page 370.) Subclass II. Neomithes. — Recent birds. Among the more recent birds, there are two Orders that exist as fossils, and will be described later, under the heading of Hesper- ornithiformes, and Ichthyornithiformes. (See page 371.) The remainder of the Subclass Neornithes will be arbitrarily divided into two divisions, the running birds, called Ratitae, and the flying birds, or Carinatae. Natural History Division A. The Ratitae The Ratitae are the running birds with reduced wings. Exam- ples: ostrich, emu, cassowary, rhea. Characteristics. — i. Raft-like or keelless breast bone. 2. Wings rudimentary or not large enough for flight. 3. Foot two-toed, large leg fitted for running. 334 AVES 33 s The ostrich reaches a height of 6 to 8 feet and may weigh 450 pounds. Its single stride when running is 25 feet and it runs 60 miles per hour, but in circles, and is easily caught. It uses its two- toed feet in defense and can kick a horse to the ground. Ostriches do not hide their heads in the sand, but they do thrust them into the sand in search of water which they frequently find. The eggs are said to contain as much food as 24 hens' eggs. African savages utilize the egg shells as containers. Ostrich plumes are extremely valuable or less so according to the fashion dictated by milady. High tariff, overproduction, and post-war depression, caused the price of feathers to drop from I14 to less than $4 a pound. There are now about 250,000 birds on African ostrich farms. In the United States, ostriches have been bred since 1882. The plumes are plucked or clipped twice a year. (Figure 183.) The emu is an Australian form next to the ostrich in size. It lacks the ornamental wings and tail plumage of the ostrich. The cassowaries inhabit Australia and the Malay Archipelago. They have long silky plumage and live in thickly wooded regions. Some- times they take to the water for bathing. The female cassowary is larger than the male. Both sexes are black. The plumage is made into rugs, mats and head ornaments. The r-heas, the New World ostriches, live on the pampas of the Argentine Republic, Southern Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. Their wings are better developed than those of the ostrich. They flap them as they run. The elephant birds, now extinct, were existent in Madagascar 400 years ago. They were flightless and about 7 feet tall. Their eggs, found in Madagascar, are 13x9 inches with a capacity of two gallons. A single Aepyornis egg was equal to 12 ostrich eggs, 288 hens' eggs, or 500,000 humming-bird eggs. The natives of Mada- gascar claim that elephant birds are still left in the interior, but this is doubted. The 7noa {Dinorthiformes), now extinct, lived in New Zealand 500 years ago. It was like the ostrich, but with heavier bones and rudimentary wings. The kiwis of New Zealand belong to the genus Apteryx, and are not completely wingless. They are probably related to the cassowaries. Their voice is a shrill sound — KI-WI. The nostrils are at the tip of the bill. The male incubates the eggs which are about one-fifth the body weight of the bird. Tinamousy which are found from South America to Mexico, are classed by some authorities near the ostriches and considered Ratitae; while others class them as an aberrant family of the order 33^ AVES J^ Fig. 183. Group of Ratite birds. J, Rhea, R/iea americana; B, the Kiwi, yipteryx australis; C, Cassowary, Casuarius uniappendicidatus; D, Ostrich, Struthio camelus; E, Emeu, Droaemus novae-hollandae. (Newman, Vertebrate Zoology. Re- drawn after Evans. Courtesy of The Macmillan Co.) AVES 337 Galliformes, among the Carinatae. The wings are short and rounded; the keel of the sternum is well developed and the pectoral muscles large. The tail feathers are reduced. Strong, swift run- ners, they can rise, after considerable effort, to 150 feet and fly or plane a thousand yards. Probably the tinamous represents an intermediate condition between the flying birds and the running or flightless birds. DivisioN^ B. The Carinatae The Carinatae include most of our common flying birds. Characteristics. — They have a keeled sternum and are for the most part fliers. Classification (Modified from the A. O. U. Check List).— Order i. Pygopodes — auks, grebes and loons, penguins. Order 2. Longipennes— gulls and terns. Order 3. Tubinares — petrels and albatross. Order 4. Steganopodes — frigates, cormorants and pelicans. Order 5. Anseres — wild geese and swans. Order 6. Odontoglossae — flamingo. Order 7. Herodiones — storks, herons, ibises, and spoon-bills. Order 8. Paludicolae — cranes, rails and coots. Order 9. Limicolae — plovers and snipes. Order 10. Gallinae — pheasants, pea-fowls, chickens, turkeys. Order 11. Columbae — pigeons and doves. Order 12. Raptores — hawks and owls. Order 13. Psittaci — parrots and parokeets. Order 14. Coccyges — kingfishers and cuckoos. Order 15. Pici — woodpeckers. Order 16. Machrochires — humming birds, swifts, nighthawks, and whip-poor-wills. Order 17. Passeres — flycatchers, larks, jays, orioles, and grackles. Order 1. Pygopodes. — Looyis are large, often 24-28 inches long, and the most expert diving birds. Their cry is weird, laughing, loud and melancholy, resembling the dying wail of a person. The small European grebe is called the " dabchick " because it tucks its young under its wings when it dives to escape enemies. Grebes resemble penguins more than loons. The " Great Auk" once abundant on the islands north of Scot- land and near Newfoundland, has been killed off, feathers being the 338 AVES chief attraction. The eggs have been collected, resulting in no evidence of their presence, other than bones. The last living speci- men was seen in 1844. The penguins (Figure 184), marine birds found in the Antarctic seas, have paddlelike wings which work from the shoulder in a rotary fashion. The legs are set far back, and the feet are used for steering, not propulsion. Penguins have almost waterproof feathers. Their plentiful subcutaneous fat produces a marketable oil. The male aids in incubating the eggs which require 6 weeks to hatch, and the young are blind. Fig. 184. Galapagos penguin. (Courtesy of N. Y. Zool. Soc.) Order 2. Longipennes. — Gul/s (Figure 185, A and B) are aquatic, mainly oceanic, of medium size, with long pointed wings and webbed feet. They are scavengers of the ocean, feeding from the surface. Terns are more active than gulls. Their bodies are slender and they have long-forked tails and pointed bills. They nest on islands in colonies. Order 3. Tubinares. — The petrels , " Mother Carey's Chick- ens," are widely ranging sea birds of moderate size with long narrow wings and a hooked bill. The " stormy petrel," the smallest of AVES 339 web-footed birds, Is deemed a prophet of rough weather. The albatross^ immortalized by Coleridge in his " Rime of the Ancient Mariner," is one of the largest of the flying birds with a wing stretch of from twelve to fifteen feet and may weigh twenty pounds. It is able to fly and soar for hours. The gannets are sea birds fre- quenting the colder regions, coming ashore during stormy weather. — JUk^. Black Tern =■ fa-* Herring Gull Fig. 185. A, black tern. 5, herring gull. (From L. A. Fuertes. Courtesy of Slingerland-Comstock Publishing Co.) Order 4. Steganopodes. — The cormorants are large sea-coast birds. They are voracious fish eaters, coming to inland lakes during the breeding season. The Chinese tame them and use them in catching fish. The darters or " snake birds " are not marine, but frequent inlets of the sea and fresh water lakes. They excel as divers, but are poor flyers. The frigate birds or " man-of-war birds " are true sea birds, only coming to shore to nest. They have long wings, and an extremely long tail. Their legs are weak, but they are remarkable flyers. The pelicans are large tropical birds. The large bill and lower jaw are provided with large pouches in which are stored fish. They are known to many by their stubby tail and short legs. (Figure i86.) Order 5. Anseriformes. — The swans are large birds, graceful in form and movement. They are pugnacious and quarrelsome. Their voice is " like a blast from a French horn," but musical when given by a large flock in chorus. The trumpeter-swan is white. The geese are intermediate between swans and ducks in some characteristics, especially in the length of the neck. (Figure 187.) Some ducks are feathered brilliantly. One of the most handsome 340 AVES is the male mandarin duck. Diving birds can remain under water about one minute. Eider ducks are natives of the north and are the best known and most valuable of the duck family. Many eider ducks are slaughtered to secure the much prized breast feathers, Fig. 1 86. Pelican. (Courtesy of E. R. Sanborn and N. Y. Zool. Soc.) " eider-down." The mergansers^ or fish ducks, differ from true ducks in having more slender bodies, grebe-like necks, and long compressed bills with serrated edges. They are fish eaters and hence not as edible as other ducks, but are much sought by hunters on account of their " quick-get-away." (Figure 187, A^ B, C, D.) Order 6. Odontoglossae. — Flamingoes are large, long-legged, long-necked birds with pink plumage. They are good flyers, but are better known as waders. They scoop up fish and shell-fish, straining them out as the water and mud pass through holes in the lower part of their beak. Order 7. Herodiones. — Herons, ibises, and storks bear a strong resemblance to one another. The ibis fed on snails in the Nile, and was worshipped. (See Schistosoma, page 77.) The long legs, collapsible necks, and flapping wings of storks are well known to all children. The stork migrates long distances. (See p. 366.) AVES 341 The spoonbill is stork-like with a spoon-shaped bill that easily captures insect prey, larvae, fish, frogs, etc. It is found in the trop- ics. The tropic birds are found in the tropic oceans, flying hundreds of miles from land and taking refuge on ships or floating debris. (Figure 188.) Fig. 187. A, black duck. 5, Canada goose. C, greater scaup. D, mallard ducks. (From L. A. Fuertes. Courtesy of Slingerland-Comstock Publishing Co.) Orders. Paludicolae. — The sandhill crane is the most abun- dant and largest of this species found in America. The great bustard is the largest of European birds, being about 45 inches long and weighing about 30 pounds. It looks like a goose, but has a head and bill resembling the crane. The sun bitterns are small, like the rails, with short legs, thin neck, a large head and a long, pointed bill. The head is sunk on the body, when at rest, giving the bird a neckless appearance. The rails resemble the quail and the plover. (Figure 188, A, B, C, D.) Order 9. Limicolae. — The Limicolae are marsh and shore birds, with long necks, long slender bills, rather long slender legs, short tails 342 AVES and wings. They are usually brown or gray, with blotches of white. The hind toe is, with one exception, lacking or extremely short. There are about 75 species of these mud-dwellers in the United States. Fig. 188. y/, great blue heron. 5, night heron. C, killdeer. D, ring-necked plover (From L. A. Fuertes. Courtesy of Slingerland-Comstock Publishing Co.) The phalaropes are small in size with lobed toes. The female is more brilliantly colored than the male (which is uncommon in birds) and does the courting. The male incubates the eggs. The -plover, or killdeer, is one of the most beautiful of the shore birds, being found along inland pools and ponds. The American golden plover is found along the seashore and frequenting the banks of tide pools. It migrates tremendous distances. (See p. Z^(y^ AVES 343 Other members of this order are the American woodcock^ with its long sensitive, probe-like beak, used in procuring earthworms; the Wilson's snipe, the sandpipers, and the curlews. Order 10. Gallinae. — This order includes two families of un- familiar birds, the brush turkeys {Megapodes) of Australia and New Guinea and the curassows and guans ( Cracidoe) of tropical America. Fig. 189. //, snipe. 5, spotted sandpiper. C, bob white. D, spruce grouse. (From L. A. Fuertes. Courtesv of Slingerland-Comstock Publishing Co.) The Gallinaceous birds include the common fowl and game birds such as wild turkeys, grouse, partridges, bob-whites, and ptarmigans. The most highly specialized types are characterized by brilliant plumage, being the males of the golden and Lady Amherst pheasants, native to South China and Eastern Thibet. The common bob-white or quail \s> an extremely important weed- seed and insect destroying bird. The rufed grouse are strong flyers and their flesh is extremely palatable. Ruffed grouse are susceptible to the disease tularemia. Wild turkeys are still found in the East, 344 AVES in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Ptarmigans turn snow white in winter. Pea fowls are oriental birds, domesticated all over the world. There are four distinct species of the jungle fowls ^ all native to the jungles of the Indo-Malayan regions. The domestic fowl has come from the red jungle fowl of this species. The black breasted game fowl ho.?, retained more than the others the original characteris- tics of its ancestors. The most different from the primitive is the Japanese tosa fowl, in which the tail feathers have been known to reach a length of fifteen feet, and also the Cochins, with their short, plump appearance and feathered shanks. (See p. 494, Domesti- cated Animals.) The Greeks were addicted to the sport of cock- and quail-fights. The Chinese and Malays still have quail-fights. (Consult D'A. W. Thompson, " A Glossary of Greek Birds." Oxford, 1895.) Order 11. Columbae. (Pigeons, doves.) — The dodos, recently extinct, were large, peculiar looking pigeons. Pictures of them, and their bones, prove them to be odd looking, short, plump with an eagle-like beak and very little plumage. The true pigeons are a . large family widely distributed * The best known are the carrier /\ pigeons, rock pigeons and the great crowned pigeon. The rock pigeon or rock dove is the species from which most fancy breeds of domestic pigeons have come. When they are allowed to interbreed freely the offspring revert to the characters of their wild ancestors. Homing pigeons were used by the Greeks who probably learned the art of training pigeons from the Persians. The Sultan estab- lished a message system using pigeons, which lasted in Bagdad from 1 150 to 1258. Homing pigeons were used in transmitting mes- sages by the Roman general Decimus Julius Brutus who was then besieged by Mark i\.ntony. During the World War the combatants used over five hundred thousand homing pigeons, the American Army utilizing twenty thousand. Our homers are equipped by the Signal Corps with " pigeon whistles " to frighten away hawks. The passenger pigeons (Figure 190) once lived in flocks of enormous numbers. Wilson, an early American ornithologist, estimated one flock to include two billion individuals.'* The last passenger pigeon, hatched in the Cincinnati Zoo, died there on *A town in Michigan marketed (1869-1870) in two years 15,840,000 pigeons. Hornaday. (Our Vanishing Wild Life.) AVES 345 September i, 1914, at the age of twenty-six years. The passenger pigeon had a pointed tail and nested several feet from the ground. The mourning dove is a beautiful bird, and although it has a square tail is sometimes confused with the passenger pigeon. It is an important enemy of weed seeds. It nests on or near the ground. Fig. 190. Passenger pigeons. (Courtesy of Field Museum of Natural History.) Order 12. Raptores. — Eagles, hawks, falcons, owls and condors are characterized by hooked sharp beaks, strong talons, large crop and markedly predaceous habits. The golden eagle has dark brown plumage. It is nearly one yard long, with a wing spread of nearly seven feet. It destroys poultry, young deer, and small mammals. It is still found in the Rockies. The American^ or " bald " eagle^ our national bird, has a white head and tail in its fourth season. It lives along rivers and feeds on fish, although it is not above the occasional capture of a lamb. (Figure 191.) The sharp-shinned hawk and Cooper s hawk (Figure 192) are the common hawks most responsible for the loss of game and poultry, while the duck hawk is extremely destructive to water fowl. Sparrow hawks and pigeon hawks are important enemies of the English sparrow, and beneficial rodent exterminators, but attack some valuable birds. 346 AVES The American goshawk^ a native of Canada, coming to the United States only in the winter, is a bold destroyer of game birds, especially the ptarmigan. It has been known to escape with a freshly killed chicken or even to follow the owner into the house and Fig. 191. Eagle family. The female is ripping up a fish to feed to her three eaglets, whose white heads are ranged before her. The inbending of the left foot of the male, seen taking off in the air, was due to an old wound. He was wantonly killed in the following November. Vermilion, April 27, 1924, at about six in the evening. By F. H. Herrick. American Eagle Series of Western Reserve University. snatch it from the table (Fisher). It reaches a length of twenty-five inches. The ancient sport of falconry is being revived somewhat abroad and in the United States, and goshawks are the favorite " falcons." In Turkestan, sparrow-hawks, goshawks, buzzards, AVES 347 kites and eagles have been used in falconry tor centuries. Golden eagles are used to hunt foxes for their pelts. Fig. 192. Young Cooper's hawk. (Courtesy of W. E. Rumsey and A. J. Dadisman.) References on Falconry Blanc, M. E. 1895. Hunting with birds of prey. Pop. So. Men., vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 818-823, Oct. FuERTES, L. A. 1920. Falconry, the sport of kings. Nat. Geog., Dec. Goodman, G. G. 1929. Falconing. Nat. Hist., July-Aug. Lattimore, O. 1929. The desert road to Turkestan. Nat. Geog., June. The Turkey buzzard (see Figure 193 C), seen in most of the Southern States, is valued by man on account of its importance as a scavenger. Laws once existed in some Southern States protecting the buzzard. It is suspected of carrying the germs of hog cholera. The Andean condor^ the Caltforntan condor and the king vulture^ all members of the group Falconiformes, are notable in their ability 348 AVES to soar for hours. This capability has baffled physicists interested in the problems of aviation. The secretary birds are the strangest of the birds of prey. They Fig. 193. A, red-tailed hawk, 5, osprey or fish hawk. C, turkey buzzard. D, great gray owl. (From L. A. Fuertes. Courtesy of Slingerland-Comstock Publish- ing Co.) are long-legged, standing about four feet high and with great speed- ing ability. They are fond of snakes, but will eat lizards, frogs, AVES 349 and insects. Distending a stiff wing, they receive the bite of a snake, stun the reptile and kill it. There are eighteen species of owls in the United States. Among the commonest forms are the barn owl, the long-eared owl, the barred owl, the great gray owl — an Arctic bird never found south of the Ohio River, and the screech owl. The great horned owl, sometimes called the " tiger of the air," is a bloodthirsty game killer. Besides killing poultry, it is of great importance as a destroyer of rodents. It is the only owl that can be considered an enemy of man. The snowy owl comes from the Arctic zone to the Northern part of the United States in the winter. It feeds upon wild game and rodents, but avoids poultry yards. The bun-owing owl is found in prairie dog holes in the Southwestern states. It does not prey upon the " dogs " but avoids them and their companions (?) the rattlesnakes. Bur- rowing owls are able to dig their own holes, and certainly do not go down into homes already occupied. Order 13. Psittaci. {Paj-rots and paroquets.) — The parrots are brilliantly colored with great ability to mimic. They live to a great age (seventy-five years) and learn to talk quite readily. At times they display remarkable memory for certain expletives uttered by their owners in moments of stress. The African Gray parrot with a red tail is the best talker. The brush-tongued parrots, found in Australasia, have an odd " brush " at the end of the tongue, adapted to feeding on honey. The paroquets are extremely small parrots found in the United States, in Florida. They feed on fruit and seeds. The macaws are large scarlet and blue birds with long pointed tails and horrible voices. The hyacinthine macaw of Brazil feeds on nuts of the palm, macuja, crushing them by means of its powerful beak. The cockatoos are usually snow-white, with long triangular erectile crests. They are frequently trained for vaudeville exhibi- tion. A giant black species from New Guinea with a slender cylindrical tongue, and an enormous beak, is able to open the excessively hard " canary nut." Order 14. Coccyges. — The cuckoos are best known from their peculiar habit of placing eggs in other birds' nests. Instead of building a nest of her own, the female lays the egg on the ground, then carries it in her bill to some other nest. This parasitic habit belongs to the Old World Cuckoo, for the American cuckoo builds its own nest. The Coraciae are sub-orders having affinities with the cuckoos 35° AVES and the sparrows. They include the kingfishers and the horn-bills. The horn-bills are large birds using their enormous bills in wall- ing up nests. The male seals up the female in a hollow tree, feeding her through a small aperture. The kingfisher family includes three species in the United States. It nests in a hole dug horizontally into a bank of earth. Its food consists almost entirely of small fishes. The belted kingfisher is an enemy of trout and other fry at fish hatcheries. Order 15. Pici. — The woodpeckers and sapsuckers are the most familiar of our native birds. There are about twenty-five species of American woodpeckers. The flicker, or golden-winged wood- pecker, is a large bird which perches crosswise on limbs like the true perchers. It is also called the " yellow hammer " or "high- hole." Its stomach contents show over fifty per cent insect food, about forty per cent vegetable food, chiefly berries and seeds. The red-headed woodpecker, immortalized in Longfellow's " Hiawatha," is a showy creature with a brilliant crimson head and neck, white breast and black back and tail. Its food consists of ants, beetles, weed-seeds and fruits. It is particularly fond of beech-nuts. The downy woodpecker and the hairy woodpecker consume about seventy- five per cent insect food and about twenty-five per cent vegetable food, mostly weed-seeds and wild fruits. The yellow-bellied sap- sucker injures trees by girdling them. It drinks the sap exuding from its neatly formed squarish holes. In New England some orchard owners protect their trees with fine wire netting. This form is the most migratory of our woodpeckers. Toucans have enormous bills which, however, are extremely thin and light in weight. Order 16. Machrochires. — The Machrochires Include the whip- poor-will, night hawk and chimney swift which are exceedingly valuable as enemies of both day and night flying insects. (Figures 194 and 195.) The humming-birds feed on insects and spiders and on the sap of trees in holes prepared by the sapsucker, as well as upon the nectar of flowers. Humming birds, although small, are exceedingly brave and pugnacious, and one pair of them will attack and drive to flight hawks and large snakes. The swifts are less attractive than humming birds and are often mistaken for swallows. They have a broad bill and wide mouth like the goat-suckers. AVES 3S^ Fig. 194. Rufous hummingbird on nest. (Photo by W. L. and Irene Finley. Cour- tesy of National Park Service.) Fig. 195. Nest and eggs of ruby-throated humming bird. (Courtesy of Fred E. Brooks.) Order 17. Passeres. — This is the largest order of birds, con- taining over half the species. As the name indicates the forms are perching birds. The birds of paradise are the most brilliantly colored of the order. The great bird of paradise is the most beauti- ful of the species. The lyre-birds rival the birds of paradise in plumage construction, but are not so brilliant. 3S' AVES The blue-birds, robins and the thrushes {Fam. Turdidae) are important enemies of insects and worms. Robins are a bit injurious to cherries, since the dietary change offered by these (acid) fruits is so welcome to them. The chickadee {Fam. Paridae) is an extremely important enemy of insects, including aphids (plant-lice) and canker worms. Fig. 196. J, kingbird. B, wood thrush. C, chimney swift. D, horned lark. (Courtesy of Slingerland-Comstock Publishing Co.) The crows and jays {Fam. Corvidae) number over two hundred species. They eat fruits, insects, seeds and the eggs and young of other birds. The king-bird., the phoebe and the fly-catchers, crested and least {Fam. Ty7~annidae),2iX^ all extremely important insect destroyers. AVES 3S3 The king-bird, however, is said to be an important enemy of honey- bees. Black-birds and orioles {Fam. Icteridae) are among the most beautiful of birds. The boboUyik of the south is an enemy of rice fields. In the north it is considered one of our sweetest singers. The orioles are extremely beautiful birds with peculiar nests hanging down considerable distances from boughs. The cow-bird has the habit of laying its eggs in the nests of other birds, particularly sparrows and warblers. Fig. 197. Young brown thrashers. (Courtesy of G. H. Roush.) The sparrows znd finches {Fam. Fringillidae) are all important destroyers of weed-seeds. The English sparrow, however, which was introduced into America in 185 1 has proved a menace to the eggs and young of our beneficial tree swallows. The shrikes or butcher birds {Fam. Laniidae) are important enemies of English sparrows and rodents, but on account of their habit of killing the small forms like the chickadee and the wren, must be considered injurious. They impale the bodies of their victims on twigs. 354 AVES The swallows {Fam. Hirundinidae) are extremely efficient insect destroyers. Their relatives, the purple martins^ will readily take up their abode in bird houses. The mocking-birds, thrashers and wrens are beautiful singers and important enemies of insects. The warblers {Fajn. Mniotilitidae) include over one hundred species, about seventy-five of which are found in the United States. They are important enemies of insects. Fig. 198. Whitebreasted nuthatch. (Courtesy of F. E. Brooks.) The Anatomy and Physiology of Birds No animal has feathers except the bird. " A bird is known by its feathers." Every part of the organization is modified for aerial life. Characteristics. — i. Feathers. 1. Sternum and shoulder girdle enlarged to support wing mus- cles. 3. Forelimbs modified as wings. AVES 3SS 4. Pelvic girdle and hind limbs adapted to support the body on the ground. 5. Respiratory system developed to produce a higher tempera- ture than in any other animal. 6. Absence of teeth. 7. Loss of the left aortic arch. 8. Right ovary and oviduct lost. 9. Poorly developed olfactory organs. 10. Extraordinary development of the eyes. Temperature ^ is lower in most lowly organized birds. There is a progressive gradation to the higher birds. The apteryx or kiwi, a wingless bird of New Zealand, has a temperature of 37.9° C. (100.2° F.). The emu, cassowary and penguin have a temperature of 39.° C, the sparrows and warblers from 42° C. to 44° C. (107.6° F.), the common fowl, 40.6° C. The average of sparrows is 109.9° F., which is 10° above the temperature of man. (Figure 199.) Feathers have a hollow, transparent barrel, or quill, continuous with the shaft or rachis. The shaft is opaque, quadrangular in cross section and filled with a pithy substance. From the shaft above the quill arise lateral branches, known as barbs or rami. Barbs give off barbules and these in turn give off the barbicels which are hooked processes. The hooked processes produce the web and furnish it strength to resist or act upon the air. From the underside of some feathers at the juncture of the quill with the web- bearing portion is a secondary feather, the after shaft. There are three kinds of feathers: (i) Contour feathers (complete). (2) Down feathers, soft shaft, no barbs, serve to retain heat. Some have no shaft. (3) Filoplumes, degenerate, hairlike with few or no barbs. Feathers are derived from cornification of the inner layer of the epidermis. The papillae consist of external epidermis and internal dermis, the latter furnishing nutriment to the growing feathers. Epidermal scales of the birds arise similarly from papillae. Birds shed their old feathers. They molt in the fall and have a partial molt in the spring b7-eeding-season. They acquire a new set of feathers from the follicles. Some also shed parts of their claws, bill and bill membranes. (Figure 200.) ^ For further data on temperature and color, see Knowlton's Birds of the World. 356 AVES Color. — (i) The chemical absorption colors have coloring matter as a pigment or coloring solution. Colors thus produced are black, red, brown, orange and yellow, rarely green, and never blue. Certain red birds (plantain eaters, Miisophagidae) lose their red color in the rain but regain it when dry. The pigment (turacin, a copper salt) stains the water into which the animal goes for a bath. Fig. 199. Forms of beaks. After Claus. Forms of beaks {a, b, c, d, k, after Naumann; g, i, m, 0, regne animal; /, from Brehm): a, Phoenicopterus antiquorum; b, Platalea leucorodia; c, Emberiza citrinella; d, Turdiis cyaniis; e, Falco candicans; f, Mergus merganser; g, Pelecanus perspicillatus; h, Recurvirostra avocetta; i, Rhynchops nigra; k, Columba livia; /, Balaeniceps rex; m, Anastomos coromandelianus; n, Ptero- glossus discolor; 0, Mycteria senegalensis; p, Fakinellies ignetis; q, Cypselus apus. (From Daugherty. Courtesy of W. B. Saunders & Co.) (2) Another type of color production is by means of pigment combined with structural peculiarities, such as ridges and furrows in the surface of the feather itself. Thus we find produced blue, green usually, sometimes yellow. In transmitted light, feathers with these colors show the color of the pigment. (3) Metallic colors are found in the humming birds, dove, grackle, starling, and peacock. The commonly accepted hypothesis is that AVES 357 77ietallic colors are due to the structure of the surface of certain parts of the feathers such as striae^ ridges, knobs or pits, in combination often with an extremely colorless layer, these elements acting as prisms. Dr. R. M, Strong believes that in the pigeon the metallic colors of the neck feathers are due to spherical granules of the trans- parent wall and terms them " plate interference colors " or New- tonian rings. Feathers are found only on certain feather tracts which differ in different species of birds. Fig. 200. Foot forms, a, semi-palmate, wading of Ciconia; b, perching of Turdus; c, rasorial of Phasianus; d, raptorial of Falco; e, adherent of Cypselus; f, cursorial of Struthio; g, zygodactyl (scansorial) of Picus; h, lobate of Podiceps; i, lobate and scalloped of Fulica; k, palmate of Anas; I, totipalmate oi Phaethon. (From Schmarda. Hertwig-Kingsley. Courtesy of Henry Holt & Co.) Skeleton. — The forelimbs and pectoral girdle (Figure 201) are modified for flight. The skeleton of the limb is rigid. The hind limbs and pelvic girdle are used for bipedal locomotion. The skeleton is permeated by air usually in ratio to the mode of life. (i) Condors and cranes, soaring birds, have lightly built skele- tons. (The snipe and the curlew have airless bones, but fly long distances.) (2) Ducks and other water fowls have cavities of the long bones filled with marrow. 35^ AVES Fig. 20I. Skeleton of an Egyptian vulture. Rh, cervical ribs; Du, inferior spinous process of the thoracic vertebrae; CI, clavicle; Co, coracoid; Sc, scapula; St, sternum; Stc, sternocostal bones (sternal ribs); Pu, uncinate process of the thoracic ribs; % ilium; Js, ischium; P^, pubis; H, humerus; R, radius; U, ulna; C C, carpus; Mc, metacarpus; P' P" P'", phalanges of the three fingers; Fe, femur; T, tibia; F, fibula; Tm, tarso-metatarsus; Z, toes. (Claus-Sedgwick. Courtesy of Macmillan and Co., Ltd.) AVES 359 (3) Bones of strictly aquatic birds are solid, being filled with bony tissue. The presence of air in the bones is believed to aid in oxygenizing the blood and in adjusting the air pressure when a bird descends rapidly from a great height. A fossilized wing of a pterosaur recently sent to the U. S. National Museum from Oregon was so perfectly preserved that it was possible to determine the character of the bones. Instead of being hollow as in our modern fliers, the cavities of the bones were filled with light spongy tissue which served to strengthen them. Digestive System. — The mouth is without teeth. (Vestigial teeth are present in some parrots.) The tongue is of various types: (i) Pointed, in the pigeon; (2) Long and protrusible, in the wood- pecker; (3) Short, in parrots; (4) Sucking tubes, in the humming birds. In birds we find that swallowing consists of violently jerking the head with an accompanying tongue pressure. There is no soft palate, and no epiglottis is present, but the larynx is protected by retroverted papillae at the base of the tongue. Insectivorous birds have a pouch at the base of the throat. In the nutcrackers there is a goitrous swelling in the throat, where the animal stuffs itself with nuts. The pelican's enormous bill holds 10 quarts of water. The upper part of the esophagus has buccal glands, sometimes called salivary glands, used to moisten the food. The crop is a non- glandular sac in which the food is softened and macerated. Animal food may remain in the crop for 8 hours, and vegetable food may be retained for from 16 to 20 hours. Fruit and insect eating birds have no crop. The pigeon has a double crop. " Pigeon's milk " is formed in the o'op and consists of proteins and oil, with no casein and no sugar of milk. It is a milky appearing fluid which mixes with macerating grains and is regurgitated for the young. The toucan regurgitates and chews over its food. The indigestible parts of the prey of the owl are regularly " cast " or regurgitated from the stomach. The lower part of the esophagus is a continuation from the crop to the stomach. The proventriculus has glandular walls, its gastric follicles secreting gastric juice. (Figure 202.) The gizzard is thick and muscular, and is used to grind food. It corresponds to the pyloric end of the mammalian stomach. The triturating agents are hard foreign bodies such as sand and gravel. Pigeons and other gallinaceous birds carry gravel to their young. It is necessary to have such in order to bruise the grains 360 AVES and allow the gastric juice to act. Fowls can pulverize glass and some metals by grinding them in the gizzard. The small intestine consists of the duodenum and the ileum. Esophagus (upper portion) Crop Esophagus C/oiver portion) Liver Co small portion) Bile ductus ■Fttncreos Proventricu/us Gizzard Spleen Ceca ■Duodenal loop Recturf) Anus Fig. 202. Digestive tract of common fowl. (Drawn by W. J. Moore.) The duodenum has a U-shaped loop. This varies in different birds but is ordinarily quite long and equal to twice the length of the body, except in the fish eaters, where it may be but one-eighth the length AVES 361 of the body. The ileum is not ordinarily long, but in the owls it is nearly as long as the duodenum. The rectal ceca are diverticula at the point where the ileum enters the rectum. In the grebe, a single cecum in present. In most birds there are two ceca, variable in length according to their habits. In the pigeon the ceca are not more than 2 inches long (shorter than in any other vegetable feeder) while in the common domestic fowl, they may reach a length of 3 feet. Rectum. — The large intestine (called the rectum rather than the colon) is wider than the small intestine, and has coarse, short villi. It terminates by a valvular opening in a dilated cavity, the remains of the allantois (see page 302), now a rudimentary urinary bladder. The ureters and generative ducts open into a transverse groove at the lower part of the urinary dilation. The anal follicles are in a conical glandular cavity communicating with the posterior part of the cloaca and named the " Bursa Fabricii." Liver and Gall Bladder. — There is usually a gall bladder, with two bile ducts leading from the large liver to the duodenum. The pigeon has no gall bladder but the fowl has an extremely large one. Pancreas. — The pancreas is a compact elongated reddish gland lying in the loop of the duodenum, into which it discharges its ferments through three ducts. The three enzymes digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats as in mammals (p. 432). Circulatory System. — The heart is comparatively large. (Figure 203.) Two auricles are present and the two ventricles are com- pletely separated. The right auricles receive impure blood from the right and left precavals, and the postcaval veins. The blood passes from the right auricle through the auriculo-ventricular valve to the right ventricle. From the right ventricle it goes past the semilunar valves to the pulmonary artery and thence to the lungs. Four pulmonary veins from the lungs bring the blood to the left auricle. From the left auricle through the mitral valve it passes to the left ventricle. From the left ventricle it passes the semilunar valves to the right aortic arch ^ which gives off the innominate arteries, then continues as a dorsal aorta. Venous and arterial blood do not mix in the bird. The jugular veins are united by a 8 In the reptiles, the right aorta transmits pure blood, while the left aortic arch contains mixed blood. The pigeon (Columba) has about 2,000,000 red corpuscles in a cu. mm. of blood. Erythrocytes vary in size from 12.1 microns in the fowl to 14.7 in the pigeon. 362 AVES transverse vein so that if the head is turned around the blood can still flow back into the heart through one of the jugular veins. Grac/iiol artery Srochio/ t^e/n Subclavian artery Vertebral vein Vertebral artery ■Juqulor vein Common carofi'd artery Brachial artery. Broctiia/ vein .Lett pectorof arteries and veins __Internal mammary artery and vein — Left auricle -. - J f Rii^tlt precavat vein y / Aortic arch flight auricle Post cava/ vein — Riqtit ventricle "^ Hepatic veins Reno/ artery temorot artery Afferent renal vein-^^=-^=S t^emorol vein Ffenal porta/ vein 3ciafic artery Renal arteries Dorsal aorta Fig. 203. Heart of pigeon. (After Parker's Zootomy. Courtesy of Macmillan and Co., Ltd.) "^Left pulmonary artery Left ventricle —Coe/ioc artery Dorso/ aorta -Anterior mesenter/c artery ■Epiijastric vein I/iac vein Afferent renai vein —f^emora/ artery Femora/ vein Renal vein Respiratory System. — Air passes from the anterior nares or nostrils through the posterior nares, pharynx, trachea, and bronchi into the lungs and thence into from six to nine large air sacs. The air is forced into the air sacs by passage through the air in flight and out of them by wing compression. Hollow bones which render them lighter in the air are found in the soaring birds. Voice Box. — The syrinx is a structure found at the point where the trachea divides into the bronchi. A flexible valve extends AVES 363 forward at the point where the trachea divides. Muscles control the tension of this valve and the number of vibrations and pitch resultant are thereby regulated. Bird Songs. — Call notes are heard throughout the year, but songs, which Darwin believed to be associated with sexual selection, are limited in most birds to the breeding season. (See page 515, Sexual Selection.) The rhea and the ostrich are said to be mute. References on Bird Songs Allan, F. H. Some little known songs of common birds. Nat. Hist., vol. 22, p. 235. Oldys, Henry. 191 7. The meaning of bird music. American Museum Journal, vol. 17, February, pp. 123-126. Saunders, Aretas A. Flight songs and mating songs. Auk, vol. 39, p. 172. Tyler, W. M. 1923. Courting orioles and blackbirds from the female bird's eyeview. Auk, vol. 40, Oct., pp. 696-697. Excretory System. — The kidneys are paired and ordinarily three lobed. The first lobe is usually larger although in the pelican the third lobe is larger. The tern has 7 or 8 lobes in its kidneys and the eagle has four. No urinary bladder is present. A rudimentary urinary bladder is found most highly developed in the ostrich, while the owl, pelican, grebe and swan have small ones. The urine solidifies on reaching the air.'' The adrenals (suprarenals), endo- secretory glands regulating blood pressure, are rounded and yellow- ish and found on the inner edge of the first lobe of the kidney. Reproductive System. Male. — In the male, there are two testes which vary greatly in size according to season. Two seminal vesicles store the sperms. There are two vasa deferentia with eversible papillae at the cloacal end. The Anatidae have a penis, coiled when flaccid. The Cursores have a penis consisting of two fibrous bodies with a fissure between. (Figures 204 and 205.) Female. — In the female the right ovary is degenerated^ with a vestigial oviduct. The left ovary persists and has a long convoluted oviduct with a papilla at the end. The oviduct secretes albumen in the upper part, farther down the shell gland secretes the shell membrane and finally the posterior part secretes the shell. The ^ Great deposits of the feces and urine of certain birds are found in Peru. This substance, rich in salts, is sold as the fertilizer, "guano." See page 368. 364 AVES uterus Is considerably enlarged. Antiperistalsis of the oviduct sometimes results in the formation of a new shell on an egg already provided with one. Ovory - with ot/o of different siie ■Funnel of oviduct •Kidney -Oviduct Ureter Sfiell glared -Rudimentary ritjflf ov/duct Vesicula s&niinolts \ \ \\ jl / / Openinq of the areter\ \ \\ \\ / y^ Opening of ureter- into tfie cloaca NsV'O^^^— ^5^/^ '"'" ''^^ clooca Open.no of vas deferensfii^^ ^'^^ Opening of oviduct ,nto the clooca / ( j 1 ,„^„ ,^g cloaca -Cloaca ^-Cr^ ~Z^^ Cloaco Fig. 204. Reproductive system of the Fig. 205. Reproductive system of the fowl, male. (Drawn by W. J. Moore.) fowl, female. (Drawn by W. J. Moore.) Nervous System. — The brain is short and very broad. The cerebral hemispheres are large and the optic lobes immense. The cerebellum is extremely large, indicating well-developed equilibration. The olfactory lobes are very small. Sense Organs. — The bill and tongue are tactile organs; tactile nerves are also present at the base of the feathers, especially the wings and tail. The sense of synell is very poorly developed while the sense of taste is poor but serviceable. Hearing is extremely acute and vision is phenomenal. The eyes are very large and of a biconvex shape. Birds have a tremendously developed power of accommodation. They can swoop down to the water with great AVES 2^s rapidity and seize a fish which is unseen by a man standing on a clifF above the water. Buzzards see a sleeping man and gather quickly. Many a traveler has when ill been quite disconcerted by the sight of buzzards gathered in his vicinity. Keen eyes enabled one of them to note his quietude and others quickly gathered as the scout circled downward. Whether the buzzard smells decaying flesh of dead animals is a debated question. Experiments seem to indicate that it sometimes does. Many zoologists are of the opinion that sight Is the chief means of locating the buzzards' food. Susceptibility of Birds to Poison.— Small doses of morphine produce in birds disturbances of the digestive tract and a light sleep. Types of Nests. — Birds' nests vary greatly in structure and in location. Birds may deposit their eggs on the sand, unprotected, or they may build a nest in an excavation in the ground or in a hollow tree. Some forms seek out lofty eyries^ others build colonies on the sides of cliffs, while still others build mounds. The mound- building birds of Australia open the mounds to admit the sun and remove or add debris as the humidity varies. The nests of others float on stagnant pools or are built in the grasses of swamps and meadows. There is a great specialization in the material \x^Q.di in constructing the nest. Some warblers line their nests with the seed capsules of a certain species of moss. The tailor bird sews leaves together with plant fibers. The tropical bower-bird includes bits of shell and bone in its nest. The crow and the starling are particularly fond of bright bits of metal. Stories are told of tame crows that successfully stole table silver. The chipping sparrow lines its nest with horsehair., while the crested flycatcher usually Includes a portion of the cast skin of a snake. As mentioned before, the South American hornbill male seals his spouse Into her nest in a hollow tree and brings food to her during the nesting period. The chimney swift builds its nest (In a chimney) of twigs stuck together by saliva. The edible birds' nests of the Orient are built by swift-like birds {Collocalia) , in rocky caverns along the sea. The first nests built are made up almost entirely of glutinous salivary secretion and are sold for as much as $15.00 per pound. The first quality nests are almost entirely destroyed by native collectors. Later nests con- taining twigs and other foreign matter are not destroyed, or the birds would soon be extinct. 266 AVES One of the most beautiful of the birds' nests is that of the Balti- more oriole. It is easily recognized by the long strand suspending it a foot from its supporting branch. It is tightly woven and when the bird is on its nest its weight closes the opening so that no rain can enter. The South American cacique builds a nest similar to that of the oriole and with a much longer anchor. It may hang seven feet from a branch. Bird Migration. — Coward classifies birds with respect to their migrations as: (i) Permanent residents; (2) Summer residents. (Leaving in autumn and returning in spring); (3) Winter residents. (Leaving in the spring for their breeding area); (4) Birds of passage — or spring and autumn migrants; (5) Irregular migrants — occasional invaders; (6) Stragglers or wanderers. The American Golden plover nests along the Arctic coast from Alaska to Hudson Bay; winters in Argentina, after a roundabout oceanic flight of 2,500 miles, passing through Labrador and Nova Scotia with rests and feeding at each of these places, then flies directly across the sea to Guiana and thence after a further rest to Brazil where it feeds until March. The return route is a more direct one. The distance covered in the elliptical indirect route is said to be nearly 20,000 miles. Birds usually migrate in company with other experienced travellers, but they make successful pil- grimages when it is evident that older birds are not there to guide the flock. Storks marked in Prussia have been taken in the African Trans- vaal. The Arctic tern nests along the coast of Maine and North- ward to the limit of land, but winters along the borders of the Ant- arctic continent. Thus it migrates about 11,000 miles, probably at sea. Cooke states that the Arctic tern has more hours of daylight than any other animal. " The midnight sun has already appeared before the birds' arrival at the Northern nesting site, and does not set during their entire stay at the breeding grounds. During two months of their sojurn in the Antarctic^ the birds do not see a sunset." They have 24 hours of daylight for at least 8 months of the year. Some species fly by day and some by night, others fly both day and night. Some day-migrants follow coast lines or river valleys, guiding themselves by sight. But in the case of the noddy and sooty terns, studied by Watson and Lashley, birds liberated at sea, 600 AVES 367 miles from their nests and 450 miles from shore, and others liberated on the mainland 850 miles away flew directly to the proper island and nests. Why Birds Migrate. — One of the commonly accepted theories as to migration is that ages ago the United States and Canada were occupied by non-mi gj-ato7j birds. When the Arctic ice fields moved South during the glacial period, rendering the Northern half of the continent uninhabitable, because of lack of food supply and a low temperature, the birds migrated farther and farther each decade until finally the racial habit of long migrations was established. Another theory is that the birds' original home was in the South and that as the ice retreated northward they sought a less crowded breeding ground, only to return to their winter quarters in the South. In some recent work done by W. Rowan of Alberta, Canada, the factor of the physiological impelling force of the developing gonads is emphasized along with the environmental factor provided by varying day lengths.'^ Rowan says: " Migration cannot be looked upon as an act of volition, but as the automatic response to a certain physiological state probably induced by a gonadial hormone. The birds must migrate if physically able to do so." Unquestionably Rowan's point regarding the influence of the gonads is well taken. (See Fish Migration, page 263.) We know that birds have a time sense, and that the northerly movement of the robin is correlated with the attainment of a certain mean daily temperature. The average of weather conditions influences the average time of arrival, and the flight of night mi- grants is known to be correlated closely with meteorological condi- tions. Adams found that bird migrants arrive in waves following peculiar types of weather. In spite of the evidence collected by many observers, there are those who seem content, like many of the adherents of the " parent- stream " theory in fishes, to dismiss the whole problem by stating that it is probably due to a mysterious sense of direction. Others have suggested that a peculiar physical property of the feathers causes the magnetic pole to exert a powerful attractive influence. * In his studies on the sexual cycle of the European starling, Bissonnette has shown that increased daily light periods will increase spermatogenic activity. Consult Bissonnette, T. H., 1931 (Jour. Exp. Zool., vol. 58, pp. 281-319), and earlier papers. 368 AVES Speed of Flight. — Migrating birds are able to reach a speed of loo miles an hour and travel from i,ooo to 5,000 feet above the earth. A carrier pigeon is recorded as having averaged fifty-five miles an hour for four hours, probably exceeding the speed of most migrants. Mr. Thomas Ross, who is in charge of the army lofts at Fort Monmouth, N. J., is quoted (American Magazine, June 1928) as stating that an American carrier pigeon flew 300 miles at a little over seventy-one miles an hour. He also quotes the unsubstan- tiated statement that a pin-tail duck has made 125 miles an hour. Herons, hawks and flickers fly about twenty-five miles per hour. According to Chapman, the great wandering albatross of the South- ern Seas has been known to fly 3,400 miles in eight days. Economic Importance of Birds. Positive. — i. The eggs and flesh of the common fowl, ducks, geese, and even the ostrich, are eaten. 1. Feathers of the ostrich, the egret and the bird of paradise have been in times past great favorites for ornamentation. 3. The Chinese are extremely fond of the edible birds' nests secured along the coast, north of Borneo. 4. From the Islands of the South Pacific comes the important fertilizer known as guano. ^ This has been deposited for centuries. 5. As scavengers, the buzzards and vultures are especially valuable. 6. Birds are preeminently our best friends in that they destroy insects, rodents and the seeds of our most pestiferous weeds. The English starling, until recently considered as great a pest as the English sparrow, is, according to S. S. Pennock of Philadelphia, an extremely successful hunter of the larvae of the Japanese beetle. Negative. — i. Destroyers of poultry. Very few birds attack domestic fowls. Several species of the hawks may be classed as injurious, while the only owl that is injurious is the great horned owl. 2. Enemies of beneficial birds. The English sparrow, the starling and the jay drive away other birds and the jay eats eggs and young. The shrike or butcher bird is an important enemy of our bird friends. 3. Destroyers of crops and fruits. The crow, the English spar- row, the robin, and the grackle consume some of our food products. ' For further information regarding guano, consult: Murphy, R. C. 1924. The most valuable bird in the world. Nat. Geog. Mag., vol. 46, p. 279, and Coker, R. E. 1920. Peru's wealth producing birds. Nat. Geog. Mag., vol. 37, pp. 537-566. AVES 369 4. Disseminators of injurious seeds and parasitic animals. Even our valuable game birds may be the means of dispersing parasitic worms and protozoa, and it is a well-known fact that the starling, introduced into New Zealand, spread the seeds of the English blackberry, with the result that the thorny bushes form a snare for lambs and interfere with cultivation. References on Birds Beal, F. E. L. and Others. 1916. Common Birds of S. E. United States in Relation to Agriculture. Farmers' Bull. no. 755, U. S. Dept. Agr. Bradley, O. C. 1915. The Structure of the Fowl. A. and C. Black, Ltd., London. Chapman, F. M. 1910. Birds of Eastern North America. New York. Chapman, F. M. 1903. Color Key to North American Birds. New York. Fisher, A. K. 1908. Economic Value of Predaceous Birds and Mam- mals. Yearbook of the U. S. Dept. Agr. FoRBUSH, E. H. Game Birds, Wild-Fowl and Shore Birds. Mass. State Board of Agriculture. FoRBUSH, E. H. Useful Birds and their Protection. Published by the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture. Friedmann, H. 1929. The Cow Birds. C. C. Thomas Co., Springfield, 111. Heilmann, G. 1927. The Origin of Birds. D. Appleton and Co., New York. Henshaw, H. W. Fifty Common Birds of Farm and Orchard. Farmers' Bull. no. 513. Kaupp, B. F. 1 91 8. The Anatomy of the Domestic Fowl. W. B. Saunders Co. McAtee, W. L., and Beal, F. E. L. Some Common Game, Aquatic, and Rapacious Birds in Relation to Man. Farmers' Bull. no. 497. Mentor. 1913. Game Birds of America. Vol. i, Oct. 6, no. 34. Mentor. 1916. American Birds of Beauty. Vol. i, June 2, no. 16. National Geog. Mag. 1914. 64 Pictures in Colors of Common Birds of Town and Country. Vol. 25, May. Thomson, J. A. 1923. The Biology of Birds. The Macmillan Co., N. Y. Weed, C. M., and Dearborn, N. Birds in their Relation to Man. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 37° AVES Fossil Relatives of the Birds. Saururae. — These reptile-like forms had a long, slender, lizard-like tail, sharp teeth, a short neck, a small keel to the breast bone and claws on the fingers and toes. Two specimens were found in the Jurassic of Bavaria. The Archeopteryx (Gr. ancient wing) was discovered in 1861 at Solen- FiG. 206. Archeopteryx as it would appear with feathers restored. (From Romanes, Darwin and After Darwin. Courtesy of Open Court Publishing Co.) hofen, Bavaria; (Figure 206.) It had been so well preserved be- tween the layers of lithographic slate that the details of feathers of the wing and tail were plainly seen. It had a bird-like head and brain. Its jaws were, however, equipped with sharp reptilian teeth. The head and neck were devoid of feathers while the legs had quill feathers. The wings had three fingers with reptile-like claws, with AVES 371 the metacarpal bones separated. The fingers had the same number of joints as in the lizards. The keel was only lightly developed. Archeopteryx used its wings chiefly for planing rather th.B.n flying. The Archeornis (Gr. ancient bird), slightly different from the Arche- opteryx, was discovered in an almost perfect state of preservation in 1877, "6^^ Eichstatt, Bavaria. It had an extremely long reptilian tail with twenty-one joints, which was " Hke a telescope pulled out, while the tails of the modern birds are like a closed telescope." Fig. 207. Left, Ichthyornis victor. Right, Hesperomis regalis. (From Daugherty. Courtesy of W. B. Saunders & Co.) Ichthyornithiformes. — Ichthyornis (Figure 207 A) had socketed teeth, a keeled sternum and was a strong flyer and apparently a fish eater. It was found in the Cretaceous of Kansas. It was small, about the size of a pigeon. Hesperornithiformes. — Hespej-ornis (Figure 207 B) was a three- foot, flightless diving bird, with grooved teeth, a keelless sternum and strong paddle-like hind limbs. It was also found in the Creta- ceous of Kansas. A Living, Connecting Type. — In the South American Hoactzin, the adults are like certain pheasants, but differ in anatomical characteristics. The breast bone is wider behind than in front; the keel of the sternum is confined to the posterior part; the crop is 372 AVES large and muscular, taking the space usually filled with pectoral muscles and the anterior part of the sternum. The young birds when first hatched have a clawed thumb and index finger on the wing, Nucleus of ^ Pander l-otebra-^ Blastoderm ,. NecK of iQtebra Inner- She/I Outer- £helf membrane White yolk--' yel/ow YolH ■-CholQZO Dense a/bumen '' l^e.ss dense a/bumen ^ Vitellines membr-ane Fig. 208. Diagram of the hen's egg in longitudinal section. (After Lillie. Courtesy of Henry Holt & Co.) resembling the condition in Archeopteryx. They are able to climb about the branches and find their own food, using their feet and wing digits. fhoryn^eof poucnes I to JOT Anr. carc//na/ v. Aortic Qr-dh JS"-, Aortic ortzriei TTandlZI Trocnsa /\trium - Duct Of Cuvier •- Stnus s/enosus ' i- iver - Ventricle- Dorsal aorta Mesonephros ' F