•2.2-^âE ZOOPLANKTON DATA AND SAMPLE ARCHIVE DATABASE DESIGN FOR THE DORSET RESEARCH CENTRE JANUARY 1993 (^\ Environment \2J Environnement Ontario ISBN 0-7778-0520-0 ZOOPLANKTON DATA AND SAMPLE ARCHIVE DATABASE DESIGN FOR THE DORSET RESEARCH CENTRE JANUARY 1993 © Cette publication technique n'est disponible qu'en anglais. Copyright: Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1993 This publication may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes with appropriate attribution. PIBS 2253 ZOOPLAhfKTON DATA AND SAMPLE ARCHIVE DATABASE DESIGN FOR THE DORSET RESEARCH CENTRE Report Prepared By: T.W. Pawson and N.D. Yan Ontario Ministry of the Environment Dorset Research Centre P.O. Box 39, Bellwood Acres Road Dorset, Ontario POA lEO Canada JANUARY 1993 TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables ii List of Figures iii Introduction 1 Overview of Database Design 3 The Zooplankton Database 8 Acknowledgements 23 References 24 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Summary of primary keys and foreign keys for the zooplankton database. Table 2 Names and codes of taxa in the Z TAXA table. Table 3 Contents of the Z CODE table (September 1992). LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Master-detail relationship of the data tables. The single arrow head indicates the master table and the double, the detail table. The primary keys for these tables are listed in lower case letters. INTRODUCTION Freshwater zooplankton are sensitive indicators of the loss of aquatic ecosystem integrity in the face of environmental stress, and its recovery following the removal of the stress (e.g., Keller et al. 1990, Keller and Yan 1991). In consequence, the Biological Studies Unit of the Limnology Section of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment's Water Resources Branch has assembled long-term descriptions of zooplankton communities from selected lakes in the Sudbury, Haliburton, Muskoka, Parry Sound and Nipissing areas of Ontario as part of three programmes - the Sudbury Environmental Study (SES, Anon. 1982), the Lakeshore Capacity Study (LCS, Dillon et al. 1984) and the Acid Precipitation in Ontario Study (APIOS, Anon. 1990). These records are unique in two ways. There is an unusually good reference lake data set, i.e., monthly collections for at least 1 year from 56 limnologically-diverse lakes. Secondly, there are unsually long records, > 10 years, from 12 lakes. These data sets provide an excellent baseline description of zooplankton community structure and variability for Canadian Shield lakes, against which the detrimental impacts of future stressors and the benefical impacts of future regulatory or remedial actions can be assessed. Because of the uniqueness and demonstrated value of these data, it is important that the samples are preserved, catalogued and maintained, that the sampling and enumeration protocols are documented and that the zooplankton database itself be clearly documented. In consequence, Yan et al. (1992) have described the construction and performance of the DRC (Dorset Research Centre) metered tow net, the collection gear routinely employed to collect zooplankton and Girard and Reid (1990) have described the zooplankton sampling schedules and sample enumeration protocols. The objective of this report is to describe the design of the zooplankton database - the electronic archive of the samples themselves and of the identification, enumeration and description of attributes of zooplankton species in samples. The zooplankton database was designed with the following objectives: to track the location of samples as they are transferred to and returned from contract enumerators, to record the exact location of samples in the Dorset sample library, to record a complete description of each sample, e.g., date of collection, sampling crew, collection gear and protocol, lake, station, sample volume, and compositing method, to record any permanent alterations of the samples, e.g., removal of animals for confirmatory identification or formation of composite samples, to record a complete description of all enumerations of samples, e.g., taxonomist, count date, count protocol, and count hardware, to record the lengths, identities and other attributes of all taxa examined during an enumeration of a sample, to provide permanent records of all sampling gear employed, sampling sites visited, and zooplankton species encountered, to facilitate the maintenance of data quality, to record all alterations of the database, and to facilitate the maintenance of and access to zooplankton data collected in past, present, and future programmes within the Section. Several types of database models exist, but because of the huge size of the database (hundreds of thousands of individual measurements of animals), and the diversity of its design objectives, we selected a relational database management system as our model (Atre 1980). The database was produced and resides in tables managed by the ORACLE (Version 6) database management system. The tables are accessed via a local area network on an OS2 server. The data that populate the database have been generated in two major ways. Prior to 1985 they were generated by conventional identification and counts of zooplankton aided by dissecting microscopy. The counts were written on log sheets, then keyed into spreadsheets. statistical, or other software packages as needed. Since 1985 the data have been generated by a custom written software package called ZEBRA (Zooplankton Enumeration and Biomass Routines for APIOS), a semi-automated program that facilitates the identification, enumeration, measurement, and demographic description of animals in the samples. This package had its origin in the work of Sprules et al. (1981). It is not the objective of this report to introduce the reader to the advantages of relational databases. The interested reader can consult, for example, Atre (1980) or Date (1990) for such a discussion. Nor is it our purpose to promote our particular database design to other zooplankton ecologists. The interests of each investigator will certainly govern the design of his or her database. Our purpose is simply to document the DRC zooplankton database in detail for those who wish to use the data or examine the samples in the future. Because of the uniqueness of the sample collections and data, we assume there will be many such users in the future. OVERVIEW OF DATABASE DESIGN A relational dababase is perceived by its users simply as a collection of tables. Indeed the "relation" in "relational" is simply a mathematical term for a table (Date 1990). The zooplankton database consists of 17 tables. They can be grouped into three classes: Maintenance tables. Reference tables and Data tables. The five Maintenance tables (ZREMOVE, Z_VOLUME, ZCOMPOSITE, ZCHANGE and ZNOMENCLATURE) document permanent alterations of the samples themselves or of any portion of the database. There are five Reference tables: Z_GEAR, Z_LAKE, Z_TAXA, Z_ATT_ID, and Z_CODE. The first four tables record, respectively, descriptions of all sampling gear, lakes sampled, Ontario zooplankton species, and individual animal's attributes recorded during the coimts. Each of these tables grows very slowly if at all. For example, the Z_TAXA table only grows if species new to the entire database are encountered. The last reference table, Z CODE, provides an explanation for all technician, protocol, hardware and flag codes scattered throughout the database. The entries for all columns with a title ending in "_CODE" are explained in this table. The remaining seven tables comprise the zooplankton data themselves. These tables are hierarchically organized in what are termed master/detail relationships. Master and detail tables are associated in a simple manner. The detail table can contain more than one row of information associated with a single row in its master table. Consider the Z_SAMPLE - Z_COUNT couplet as an example (Figure 1). Each row in Z_SAMPLE uniquely describes a sample, providing the lake sampled, sampling date, sampling gear, etc. Each of the rows in Z_COUNT describes a single, complete session of enumeration of one of the samples, providing a unique count identifier, the count protocol employed, the taxonomist's name, etc. Because a sample can be counted more than once, there may be more than one row in Z_COUNT associated with a single row in Z_SAMPLE. In other words, Z_COUNT is a detail table of Z_SAMPLE. The other master detail couplets are illustrated in Figure 1. There are three detail tables of Z_COUlSrr. Each row of Z_SUMMARY provides information about a single taxon in a count, for example, the numbers of that species counted, the subsample volume examined for that species, and its biomass and abundance. Z_DOMINANT_ROTIFER also provides a single row per taxon in the count; however, the only information provided is the identity and estimated rank abundance of rotifer taxa in the count. We have included this table in the database because this rotifer information is gathered during routine counts at little cost. At the end of a routine crustacean zooplankton count, the taxonomist spends a few additional minutes keying in the rotifer taxa observed and estimating their rank abundances. Z_INDIVID is the last detail table of Z_COUNT. Each of its rows provides the identity and length of each uniquely numbered individual that was identified, counted and measured during the count. The last two data tables are ZATTRIBUTE and ZHAUL. ZATTRIBUTE is a detail table of Z_INDIVID that records demographic data gathered during special zooplankton studies. Each of its rows provides attributes other than body length recorded for individuals examined during a count. For example, the taxonomist may have recorded the gender, numbers of eggs in a clutch, developmental stage, and body width of particular individuals whose unique identifiers are recorded in Z_INDIVID. The last data table, Z_HAUL, is a detail table of Z_SAMPLE. It describes the individual hauls taken with the DRC plankton net whose combined contents form the composite samples that are enumerated. Figure 1 Master-detail relationship of the data tables. The single arrow head indicates the master table and the double, the detail table. The primary keys for these tables are in listed lower case letters. Z_DOMINANT_ROTIFER Count id Sppjd Z-SAMPLE Samplejd i t i k t Z.HAUL Samplejd HauLid V Z_COUNT CounUd 1 I ZJNCHVID mdMd Id X y Z_SUMMARY Co»Jrt_ld Spp_ld Z.ATTRIBUTE Indvid Id CourlTd Ait a The lengths of the tables grow in a cascading fashion along the master/detail relationship hierarchy (Figure 1). For example, on average 300 samples are collected in a year; hence, Z_SAMPLE will grow by about 300 rows a year. Roughly 10% of these sample will be counted twice for purposes of quality assurance, implying that Z_COUNT will grow by 330 rows a year. Because there are roughly 10 taxa of crustacean zooplankton identified in a standard count, roughly 3300 rows will be added to Z_SUMMARY each year. Assuming 250 individuals are counted and measured in each sample, 82,500 rows will be added to Z_INDIVID each year, i.e., 330 counts times 250 individuals. If two attributes other than length, e.g., gender and clutch size, are recorded for each individual counted, then Z_ ATTRIBUTE would grow by 165,000 rows in the year, i.e., 2 attributes times 330 counts times 250 individuals. The size of the dataset provides a sufficient justification for the need for efficient organization of the data. The use of the database is faciliated by the designation of primary and foreign keys. The former uniquely identify rows in a table, the latter provide linkages to other tables. These key columns are identified in Table 1. The remainder of this section details the design of each table in the database. . The order of presentation is Data tables, followed by Reference tables, and, finally. Maintenance tables. We conclude the report by providing the current contents of two of the reference tables, Z TAXA (Table 2) and Z CODE (Table 3). Table 1 Summary of primary keys and foreign keys for the zooplankton database. TABLE SOURCE CODE TABLE PRIMARY KEY(S) FOREIGN KEYS DESTINATION TABLE FOR FOREIGN KEYS Dl ZSAMPLE D2 ZHAUL D3 ZCOUNT D4 Z SUMMARY D5 Z DOMINANT ROTIFER D6 ZINDIVID D7 ZATTRIBUTE Rl ZGEAR R2 ZLAKE R3 ZTAXA R4 ZATTID R5 ZCODE Ml Z REMOVE M2 Z VOLUME M3 Z COMPOSITE M4 Z CHANGE M5 Z NOMENCLATURE SAMPLE ID (SAMPLEID, HAULID) COUNTID (COUNTID, SPPID) (COUNTID, SPPID) INDIVID ID (INDIVIDID, ATT_ID) GEARID LAKEID SPPID ATT ID (T_NAME, PARAMETER, CODE) GEARID LAKE ID SAMPLE ID SAMPLE ID COUNTID SPP ID COUNTID SPP ID COUNTID SPP ID INDIVIDID ATT ID (SAMPLEID, SPPID, ANIMALID) (SAMPLEID, ZDATE) SAMPLEJD SPP ID SAMPLE ID (SAMPLEID, SAMPLEID CONTRIBUTORJD) (TNAME, KEYl, KEY 2, KEY3, PARAMETER, ZDATE) (SPPIDOLD, SPPIDNEW) 7 Z GEAR Z~LAKE Z SAMPLE ZSAMPLE Z COUNT Z~TAXA ZCOUNT ZTAXA ZCOUNT ZTAXA ZINDIVID Z ATT ID ZSAMPLE Z TAXA Z SAMPLE Z SAMPLE THE ZOOPLANKTON DATABASE Dl Z SAMPLE TABLE This table provides information about a particular sample, for example, where the sample was taken , when it was taken, how it was taken, who took it, and its location in the sample archive. # COLUMN DATA TYPE 1 SAMPLE ID varchar (12) not null 2 LAKE varchar (20) not null 3 STATION varchar (11) not null 4 LAKE ID varchar (4) not null 5 ZDAIE date not null 6 ZTIME varchar (4) 7 STN NUM varchar (9) 8 COMP STNS number 9 STYPE CODE varchar (5) 10 DEPTH number 11 GEAR ID varchar (2) 12 TECH CODE varchar (5) 13 NUM HAULS number 14 CAL CNT number 15 CAL TIME varchar (5) 16 VOLUME number 17 DRAWER varchar (3) 18 BO 11 LE varchar (7) 19 LOC CODE varchar (5) 20 XS CODE varchar (5) 21 STUDY CODE varchar (5) 22 VOLCALC CODE varchar (5) 23 R FLAG varchar (1) 24 L FLAG varchar (1) 25 V_FLAG varchar (1) SAMPLE ID This is a unique identifi er for each sample. Since 1980. 5 for the routine DRC samples has been six characters long beginning with the letter Z. SAMPLEJD is the Primary Key for this table. LAKE The name of the lake, excluding the word "LAKE". The column is constrained to accept upper case letters only. STATION LAKE ID ZDATE The DRC eleven digit code used to identify sampling stations in the "WATER" table. This is a foreign key to "W_STATION". The "WATER" table is the database table containing all DRC lake and stream chemistry data. "W_STATION" is an associated table describing sampling locations. The 4 character lake code assigned in ZEBRA, the custom counting software package. When two lakes have the same name and one or both have not been assigned STATION numbers, this code uniquely identifies the lake. This is a foreign key to Z_LAKE. Contains the date on which the sample was taken. This column is in Oracle date format but does not contain the time. ZTIME The time at which the sample was taken. It is a four digit character field in the format "HHMM". STN_NUM The name or number of the station where the sample was collected. This number is unique to the zooplankton programme, i.e., it is not in "WSTATION". COMP_STNS The number of stations in a composite sample. STYPE_CODE The type of sample, e.g., composite. This column is keyed to the "ZCODE" table. DEPTH Depth (in metres) of discrete sample. GEAR_ID A code that keys to the "Z_GEAR" table. "Z_GEÀR" supplies a complete description of the coded gear. TECH_CODE Provides the abbreviated name of the person heading the crew that took the sample. This column is keyed to the "Z_CODE" table. NUM_HAULS The number of hauls taken to form composite sample. CAL_CNT The calibration haul count for a composite formed from multiple hauls with a DRC plankton net (Yan et al. 1992). See Girard and Reid (1990) for description of haul strategies for composites. CAL TIME The time (in seconds) required to pull the meter, used with a DRC plankton net, through the water column during the calibration haul. VOLUME The original volume (in litres) of lake water represented in the sample. DRAWER Number of the file drawer containing the sample bottle in the DRC sample archive. BOTTLE The code number of the bottle in the above named drawer. This number is not the same as the SAMPLE_ID. LOC_CODE A code for the present location of the sample. The "Z_CODE" table explains this code. XS_CODE Code for non-routine sample types to indicate that this particular sample should not be used in routine queries. The "Z_CODE" table provides details. STUDY_CODE A code for the project for which this sample was taken, e.g., APIOS. This column is keyed to the "Z_CODE" table. VOLCALC CODE A code to describe the method that was used to calculate the volume of the sample. Details are explained in the "Z_CODE" table. R_FLAG Flag to indicate that this sample is a routine DRC sample to be included in all regular data analysis. Upper case "F" is used as a flag. A_FLAG Indicates that some animals have been removed. " The "Z_REMOVE" table provide details if the "A_FLAG" is not null. "F" is used as the flag. V_FLAG Indicates that volume has been removed to make a composite. The "Z_COMPOSITE" table provides details if the "V_FLAG" is not null. "F" is used as the flag. D2 ZHAUL TABLE The Z_HAUL table describes the tow net hauls used to form routine composite samples with a DRC plankton net (Yan et al. 1992). # COLUMN DATA TYPE 1 SAMPLE ID varchar (12) not null 2 HAUL ID number not null 3 TOW LENGTH number 4 TOW CNT number 5 TOW TIME varchar (5) 6 R FLAG varchar (1) 10 SAMPLE_ID Sample identifier, keyed to the Z_SAMPLE table. HAUL_ID Uniquely identifies the haul in this sample. TOW_LENGTH The length (in metres) of this particular haul. It is assumed that the net was hauled vertically from this depth to the surface. TOW_CNT The impeller reading from the DRC net associated with this HAUL_ID. TOW_TIME The time (in sec.) taken to pull the meter and net through the water column for this haul. R_FLAG Flag to indicate that this HAUL_ID should be included in routine queries. Upper case "F" is used as the flag. D3 ZCOUNT TABLE The Z_COUNT table provides selected summary information from a single complete enumeration of a sample. # COLUMN DATA TYPE 1 COUNT ID varchar (7) not null 2 CNT TYPE CODE varchar (5) 3 CNT SYSTEM CODE varchar (5) 4 SAMPLE ID varchar (12) not null 5 TECH CODE varchar (5) 6 ZDAIH date 7 CNT PRTCL CODE varchar (5) 8 NUM SPP number 9 NUM INDIVID number 10 ROTIFER INDEX CODE varchar (5) 11 CNT GRP CODE varchar(5) 12 COMMENTS varchar (20) 13 R FLAG varchar (1) 14 OMITCODE varchar (5) COUNT ID A unique code for each uni [que enumeration of a samph such an enumeration involves the identification, counting and measurement of 250 animals. "COUNT_ID" is the primary key for this table. 11 CNTTYPECODE This code reports the class of enumeration that was performed on this sample, e.g., QA/QC. Explanation of codes are provided in the "ZCODE" table. CNT SYSTEMCODE Code to describe the hardware that was used to execute the count of this sample, e.g., "Z2S1" could mean Zebra2 system, Sprules calipers #1. The code is explained in the "Z_CODE" table. SAMPLE ID TECH CODE ZDATE The unique code for this particular sample. This is keyed to the "ZSAMPLE" table. Code identifying the technician who performed the enumeration. Details are found in the "Z_CODE" table. The date of this count. It does not include the time. CNTPRTCLCODE Identifies the counting protocol that was employed. Entries are explained in the "Z_CODE" table. NUM_SPP The number of different taxa identified in this count of this sample. NUM_INDIVID The total number of individuals that were counted. ROTIFERINDEXCODE Code for the relative abundance of rotifers in this count. Details are found in the "Z CODE" table. CNT GRPCODE COMMENTS R FLAG OMIT CODE Identifies the group of organisms that were targeted in this enumeration of the sample, e.g., Rotifera and Crustacea. The codes are described in the "Z_CODE" table. Comments recorded by the taxonomist concerning this count. Flag to indicate that this count is one of the DRC's regular counts to be included in routine queries. An upper case "F" is used as the flag. Entries indicate that there has been a problem with this particular count. The entries are explained in the "Z_CODE" table. 12 D4 Z SUMMARY TABLE The Z_SUMMARY table summarizes the data for each species found in each count. # COLUMN DATA TYPE 1 COUNT ID varchar (7) not null 2 SPP ID varchar (3) not null 3 FA number 4 NUM CT number 5 DENSITY number 6 BIOMASS number 7 NONZEB WEIGHT number 8 W CODE varchar (5) 9 SUML number 10 SUMW number 11 MINE number 12 MAXL number 13 A number 14 B number 15 LWR CODE varchar (5) 16 RFLAG varchar (1) COUNT ID Key to the Z COUNT table that unique ly identifies the SPP ID particular sample. Species identification code as described in the Z_TAXA table. FA The fraction of the sample that was counted for this species. The value is required to calculate animal density or biomass, and m u s tb e> Oa n d <1. NUM_CT The number of animals of this species that was counted in the above fraction of the sample. DENSITY The abundance of this taxon (in #/m^. BIOMASS The biomass of this taxon (in mg dry weight/m^. NONZEBWEIGHT The mean individual weight (in fjg dw) of this taxon. The source of this weight is provided by "W_CODE". 13 W_CODE A code described in "Z_CODE" that explains the biomass calculation method, e.g., "ZEB" if the biomass was calculated from measurements of animals in the count. SUML The sum of the lengths (in mm) of the measured animals. SUMW The sum of the calculated dry weights (in /xg) of counted animals. MINL The minimum length check for this species. This is not the smallest animal encountered in the sample, rather it is a length used for QC purposes during the count. MAXL The maximum length check for this species. This is not the largest animal encountered in the sample, rather it is a length used for QC purposes during the count. A The value of "a" in the length (L) weight (W) regression equation W = aV. B The value of "b" in the length (L) weight (W) regression equation W = aLV LWR_CODE A code that keys back to the "Z_CODE" table providing the source of that length (L) weight (W) regression equation. R_FLAG The flag to indicate that the data for this taxon are to be included in routine queries. The upper case character "F" is used as the flag. D5 ZDOMINANTROTIFER TABLE The Z_DOMINANT_ROTIFER table provides the estimated rank abundance of the rotifers observed in a count of a sample. COLUMN DATA TYPE COUNTID SPPID TAXON RANK varchar (7) not null varchar (3) not null number COUNT ID SPP ID Key to the "Z_COUNT' table that uniquely identifies the count of this particular sample. The sample is described in the "Z_SAMPLE" table. Species identification code from the Z_T AXA table. 14 TAXON_RANK A rank for this species in this count, "1" indicating the most abundant taxon. D6 ZINDIVID TABLE The Z_INDIVID table contains the individual animal's measured lengths. # COLUMN DATA TYPE INDIVID ID COUNT ID SPP ID LENGTH R FLAG INDIVIDID COUNTID SPPID LENGTH R FLAG number not null varchar (7) not null varchar (3) number varchar (1) An identification number that, together with "COUNT_ID", uniquely identifies an individual animal. Key to the "Z_COUNT' table that uniquely identifies the count of this particular sample. Taxon identification number. This is keyed to the "Z_TAXA" table. The measured length of the animal (in mm). Flag to indicate that individual should be included in routine queries. Upper case "F" is the flag. D7 ZATTRIBUTE TABLE The Z_ATTRIBUTE table provides a flexible means of recording attributes, other than body lengths, of each individual animal. The "Z_ATT _ID" table (number R4) provides the details for each attribute code (ATT ID). COLUMN DATA TYPE 1 INDIVIDID 2 COUNTID 3 ATTID 4 ATT VAL number not null varchar(7) not null varchar (4) not null varchar (20) 15 INDrVID_ID An identification number that, together with "COUNT_ID", uniquely identifies an individual animal that was measured. COUNTJD Key to the "Z_COUNT' table that uniquely identifies the count of this particular sample. ATT ID Unique key to the "Z_ATT_ID" table that identifies a particular attribute, e.g., # of eggs, or length of a body part. ATr_VAL The entry for this attribute. Units are provided in the "Description" column in "Z_ATT_ID", where applicable. Rl ZGEAR TABLE The Z_GEAR table describes all of the zooplankton sampling gear used by the DRC since it began collecting zooplankton during the Sudbury Environment Study in 1973. # COLUMN DATA TYPE 1 GEAR ID varchar (2) not null 2 TYPE CODE varchar (5) 3 DESCRIPTION varchar (35) 4 MESH number 5 DIAMETER number 6 AREA number 7 VOLUME number 8 COMMENTS varchar (65) GEAR ID A code assigned to a particular sampling gear. TYPE CODE A descriptive code the tells the user if the gear Schindler/Patalas trap, etc. The "Z_CODE" table explains the codes. DESCRIPTION A description of the gear, e.g., closing conical metered net. MESH The aperture size (in /mi) of the filtering mesh portion of the apparatus. DIAMETER The inside diameter (in cm) of the mouth of a net-type apparatus. The column is null if the gear is not a net. Nets are assumed to have circular mouths. AREA The area (in m^ ) of the mouth of a net. 16 VOLUME The volume (in litres) of a fixed volume sampler, e.g., a Schindler/Patalas trap. COMMENTS Descriptive comments, such as where and when the gear was used. R2 Z LAKE TABLE The Z_LAKE table contains a list of all the lakes and locations from which the DRC has collected samples of zooplankton. COLUMN DATA TYPE LAKE STATION LAKEID EASTING NORTHING varchar (20) not null varchar (11) varchar (4) number number LAKE STATION LAKE ID EASTING NORTHING The name of the lake without the extension "lake" constrained to accept only upper case letters. The column is The standard DRC eleven digit code used in the "WATER" table. This a foreign key to "WSTATION". The 4 character lake code used by ZEBRA, the custom counting software package employed by the DRC. The geographic easting grid reference in the Universal Transverse Mercator Grid System (UTM). The geographic northing grid reference in the Universal Transverse Mercator Grid System (UTM). R3 Z TAXA TABLE The Z_TAXA table provides the scientific name and coded identifier for all the zooplankton taxa in the database. # COLUMN DATA TYPE 1 SPPID 2 SPP ABBREV varchar (3) not null varchar (10) 17 SPPNAME T FLAG varchar (40) varchar (1) SPP_ID The 3 digit numeric code for taxa that is used throughout the database. The 100, 200 and 300 series are reserved for Cladocera, Calanoida and Cyclopoida, respectively. The 400 and 500 series are reserved for Rotifera and the 600 series for macrozooplankton such as larval Chaoborus. The 700 series records miscellaneous taxa such as macro- algae. SPP_ABBREV An abbreviated name of the taxon, e.g., B. long. = Bosmina longirostris. SPP_NAME Full scientific name (Latin binomial) with authority for each taxon. T_FLAG To indicate if the nomenclature has been changed over time, an upper case "F" is used as the flag. R4 Z ATT ID TABLE The Z_ATT_ID table provides a detailed description of the attribute codes. # COLUMN DATATYPE ATTID ATTTYPE DESCRIPTION varchar (4) not null varchar (1) varchar (20) ATT ID ATT TYPE A unique code for the assigned attribute. The attribute type: C (character), N (numeric), T (tabled) or M (measurement). Type C is a character string. Type N will generally be a count, e.g., 4 eggs. Type T represents a character string where all possible values can be prespecified, e.g., male or female gender. Type M represents a measurement of some body part other than total length. DESCRIPTION Brief description of the attribute and, where appropiate, its units. R5 Z CODE TABLE The "Z_CODE" table (see Table 3) provides the user with a flexible and efficient means of defining the codes used throughout all of the database tables. We have used the convention of ending a column name with " CODE" to indicate that all possible entries in this column 18 are explained in this table. # COLUMN DATA TYPE 1 TNAME 2 PARAMETER 3 CODE 4 DESCRIPTION varchar (20) not null varchar (20) not null varchar (5) not null varchar (60) T_NAME The name of the table containing the code. PARAMETER The column in the above table containing the code. CODE The code used. It must be unique and five or less characters in length. DESCRIPTION A detailed explanation of the code. Ml Z REMOVE TABLE The Z_REMOVE table records the permanent removal of any animals from samples, for example, for shipment to other researchers in collaborative work. # COLUMN SAMPLE ID SPP ID ANIMAL ID LENGTH ZDATE DATA TYPE SAMPLEID SPPID ANIMALID LENGTH ZDATE TECHCODE COMMENTS varchar (12) not null varchar (3) not null number not null number date varchar (5) varchar (20) The unique sample identifier code, keyed to the Z_SAMPLE table. Species identification code described in the Z_TAXA table. A unique identification number for the animal that was removed from the sample. There is no relation between this column and "INDIVIDJD" in the "ZINDIVID" table. The length (in mm) of the removed animal. The date the animal was removed. 19 TECH_CODE The code for the technician that removed the animal. The code is explained in the "Z_CODE" table. COMMENTS The reason that the animal was removed. M2 Z VOLUME TABLE The Z_VOLUME table documents the permanent removal of partial volumes from a sample, e.g., to create a composite sample. A flag will the added to "V_FLAG" in the "Z SAMPLE" table when this is done. COLUMN DATA TYPE 1 2 3 4 5 SAMPLEID ZDATE TECH CODE NEW VOLUME SAMPLEID ZDATE TECHCODE NEWVOLUME TECHNIQUE CODE varchar (12) not null date not null varchar (5) number varchar (5) The unique sample identifying code, keyed to the Z_SAMPLE table. The date the sample was manipulated. The code for the technician that removed the partial volume. The technician's name will be found in the "Z CODE" table. The new, final volume of the sample (in litres). TECHNIQUECODE A code for the technique used to manipulate the sample. Details will be found in "Z_CODE". M3 ZCOMPOSITE TABLE This table documents the removal of a fraction of a sample to produce a composite. # COLUMN DATATYPE 1 SAMPLEID 2 CONTRIBUTORJD 3 C PERCENT varchar (12) not null varchar (12) not null number not null 20 SAMPLE_ID The sample identification code of the new composite sample being produced. CONTRIBUTOR ID ^ The sample identification code of the sample contributing volume to the new composite sample. C PERCENT The percent of the new composite sample donated by the contributor. M4 ZCHANGE TABLE The Z_CHANGE table documents all updates (editing) of the database. Because some tables have more then one primary key, "KEYl", "KEY2" and ,"KEY3" refer to the primary keys of a particular table (TNAME) that uniquely identify a row in that table. # COLUMN DATA TYPE 1 TNAME varchar (20) not null 2 KEYl varchar (20) not null 3 KEY2 varchar (20) not null 4 KEY3 varchar (20) not null 5 PARAMETER varchar (20) not null 6 TECH CODE varchar (5) 7 ZDATE date 8 OLD VALUE varchar (5) 9 NEW VALUE varchar (5) 10 COMMENTS varchar (25) TNAME Name of table that was updated. KEYl The three key columns refer to the primary columns of the table which KEY2 is being updated. The number of non-null entries in these three KEYs KEY3 will equal the number of primary key columns in the table. PARAMETER The name of the column being updated. TECH CODE A character code identifying the database manager that performed the update. The code is explained in the "Z_CODE" table. ZDATE The date on which the update was made. 21 OLD_VALlJE The value being replaced. NEW_VALUE The new value. COMMENTS A brief description of the justification for changing the value or an indication of the source of the change. M5 ZNOMENCLATURE This is a table that records any changes in names of taxa. These changes could represent new species, changes in names of existing species, combinations of species, or separation of old species into several new species. # COLUMN DATA TYPE 1 ZDATE date not null 2 CHNG CODE varchar (5) 3 SPPID OLD number not null 4 SPPID NEW number not null 5 CITATION varchar (50) 6 COMMENTS varchar (100) ZDATE The date on which the new nomenclature was incorporated into the routine counting protocol. CHNG_CODE The type of change, i.e., a new species, a renaming of an old species, or a lumping together or splitting of old species. The codes are explained in the ZCODE table. SPPID_OLD The old 3 digit species identification code. See Z_TAXA for details. SPPID_NEW The new 3 digit species identification code. See Z_TAXA for details. CITATION The reference (first author, date, journal, volume and page) that justifies the change in nomenclature. COMMENTS A comment on the change. 22 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Bruce LaZerte and Martyn Futter for advice on database design and Renée Morrison for her patience at the wordprocessor. 23 REFERENCES Anon. 1982. Sudbury Environmental Study: Studies of lakes and watersheds near Sudubry Ontario: final limnological report. Ont. Min. Envir., Water Resources Branch, Limnology Section report SES 009/82, 689 pp. Anon. 1990. Acidic precipitation in Ontario Study (APIOS) - annual program report 1988/1989. Ont. Min. Envir., APIOS co-ordination office report, 94 pp. Atre, S. 1980. Data Base: Structured Techniques for Design, Performance, and Management with Cases Studies. John Wiley & Sons. New York. 442 pp. Date, C.J. 1990. An introduction to database systems. Volume 1. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Mass. 854 pp. Dillon, P.J., K.H. Nicholls, W.A. Scheider, N.D. Yan and D.S. Jeffries. 1986. Lakeshore Capacity Study: Trophic Status., Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Research and Special Projects Branch report, 89 pp. Girard, R. and R.A. Reid. 1990. Dorset Research Centre lakes: sampling methodology (1986-1989) and lake morphometry. Ont. Min. Envir. Data Report DR 90/4. Keller, W. and N.D. Yan. 1991. Recovery of crustacean zooplankton species richness in Sudbury area lakes following water quality improvements. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 48: 1635-1644. Keller, W., N.D. Yan, K.E. Holtze and J.R. Pitblado. 1990. Inferred effects of lake acidification on Daphnia galeata mendotae. Envir. Sci. Technol. 24: 1259-1261. Sprules, W.G., L.B. Holtby and G. Griggs. 1981. A microcomputer-based measuring device for biological research. Can. J. Zool. 59: 1611-1614. Yan, N.D., D.J. McQueen, T.W. Pawson, R. Girard and V. Visman. 1992. Measuring zooplankton net filtration efficiency in Dorset lakes. Ont. Min. Envir. Tech. Report 15 pp. 24 Table 2 Names and codes of taxa in the Z TAXA table. SPECIES ID SPECIES ABBREV SPECIES NAME 101 ACA CURV Acantholebeiis curvirostris 102 ACRHARP Acroperus harpae 103 ALOAFFI Alona affinis 104 ALO COST Alona costata 105 ALOGUTT Alona guttata 106 ALOINTE Alona intermedia 107 ALO QUAD Alona quadrangularis 108 ALORECT Alona rectangula 109 ALOSP Alona sp. 110 BOS LONG Bosmina longirostris 111 CERLAC Ceriodaphnia lacustris 112 CER MEG Ceriodaphnia megalops 113 CER PUL Ceriodaphnia pulchella 114 CER RETIC Ceriodaphnia reticulata 115 CERSP Ceriodaphnia sp. 116 CHY ETC Chydorus bicomutus 117 CHY PIG Chydorus piger 118 CHY SPHA Chydonis sphaericus 119 DAP AMB Daphnia ambigiia 120 DAP CAT Daphnia catawba 121 ■* DAP DUB Daphnia dubia 122 DAP G ME Daphnia galeata mendotae 123 DAP LONG Daphnia longireniis 124 DAP PUL Daphnia pulicaria 125 DAPPARV Daphnia pannila 126 DAP PUL Daphnia pulex 127 DAP RETR Daphnia retrocurva 128 DAPROS Daphnia rosea 129 DAP SCHO Daphnia schodleri 130 DIABRAC Diaphanosoma brachyurum 131 DÏA LEU Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum 132 EUB COR Eubosmina coregoni 133 EUB TUB Eubosmina tubicen 134 EUR LAM Eurycercus lamellatus 135 HOL GIBB Holopedium gibberum 25 Table 2 (cont'd.) SPECIES ID SPECIES ABBREV SPECIES NAME 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 155 156 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 ILY SPIN LAT SET LEFKIN MAC LAT OPH GRAC PLEHAMU POL FED SCA AURI SCAKIN SID CRYS SIM SERR SIM VETU STR SERR BYT CEDE EUE LONG CER QUAD DL\ BIRG CHY GLOB ALACUT EUBSP ACANSP ACROP ALONEL ANCHIS BOSSP BYTHO SP CAMPTO CHYSP DAPSP DL^SP EURYC SP EUBSP GRAPSP HOLSP Ilyocryptus spinifer Latona setifera Leptodora kindtii Macrothrix laticomis Ophryoxus gracilis Pleuroxus hamulatus Polyphemus pedicutus Scapholeberis aurita Scaphokberis kingi Sida crystallina Simocephalus semilatus Simocephalus vetulus Streblocercus serricaudatus Bythotrephes cederstroemi Eubosntina longispina Ceriodaphnia quadrangida Diaphanosoma birgei Chydorus globosus Alonella acutirostris Eubosmina sp. Acantholeberis sp. Acroperus sp. Alonella sp. Anchistropus sp. Bosniina sp. Bythotrephes sp. Camptocercus sp. Chydorus sp. Daphnia sp. Diaphanosoma sp. Eurycercus sp. Eubosmina sp. Graptoleberis sp. Holopedium sp. 26 Table 2 (cont'd.) SPECIES ID SPECIES ABBREV SPECIES NAME 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 199 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 ILY SP Ifyocrytus sp. KUR SP Kurzia sp. LATON SP Latona sp. LEPTO SP Leptodora sp. MACROTH Macrothrix sp. OPHR SP Ophryoxus sp. OXY SP Oxyurella sp. PLEU SP Pleuroxus sp. POLYP SP Polyphemus sp. PSEUD SP Pseudochydoms sp. SCAP SP Scapholeberis sp. SIDA SP Sida sp. SIMOC SP Simocephalus sp. DAP MIDD Daphnia middcndorffiana UNID CLAD Unidentified Cladoceran CAL COP Calanoid copepodid LEPTO ASHL Leptodiaptomus ashlandi AGLA LEPT Aglaodiaptonms leptopus LEPTO MIN Leptodiaptomus minutus SKIS OREG Skistodiaptonuis oregonensis SKIS REIG Skistodiaptonuis reighardi ONY SANG Onychodiaptomus sanguineus LEPTO SICI Leptodiaptomus sicilis LEP SICILO Leptodiaptomus siciloides EPI LAC Episcltura lacustris E LAC CO Episcltura lacustris copepodid LIM MACR Limnocalanus macmrus SEN CALA Senecella calanoides S CAL CO Senecella calanoides copepodid CAL NAUP Calanoid nauplius SE CA NAU Senecella calanoides nauplius DI STAG Diaptomus stagnalis LI MA COP Limnocalanus macrurus copepodid LI MA NAU Limnocalanus macrurus nauplius 27 Table 2 (cont'd.) SPECIES ID SPECIES ABBREV SPECIES NAME 220 221 .225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 NAUP Nauplius-calanoid or cyclopoid COP Copepodid-calanoid or cyclopoid AGLAO SP Aglaodiaptomus sp. DIAPT SP Diaptomus sp. EPIS SP Epischura sp. EURYT SP Eurytemora sp. HESPER SP Hesperodiaptoinus sp. LEPTO SP Leptodiaptomus sp. LIMNO SP Limnocalanus sp. ONYCHO SP Onychodiaptomus sp. SENECSP Scnecellasp. SKISTO Skistodiaptoinus sp. CYC COP Cyclopoid copepodid C B THOM Cyclops bicuspidatus thomasi CYC SCUT Cyclops scuiifer CYC VERN Cyclops vemalis ERG SP Ergasilus sp. EUC AGIL Eucyclops agitis EUC SPER Eucyclops speratus MAC ALBI Macrocyclops albidus MES EDAX Mesocyclops edax ORT MODE Orthocyclops modes tus P F POPP Paracyclops fimbriatus poppei T P MEX Tropocyclops prasinus mexicanus CYC NAUP Cyclopoid nauplius ACAN SP Acanthocyclops sp. CYCLOPS Cyclops sp. DIACYC Diacyclops sp. ECTOCYC Ectocyciops sp. ERGA SP Ergasilus sp. EUCYC Eucyclops sp. MACROC Macrocyclops sp. MESOC Mesocyclops sp. MICROC Microcyclops sp. 28 Table 2 (cont'd.) SPECIES ID SPECIES ABBREV SPECIES NAME 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 401 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 ORTHOC PARAC TROPOC ECTO POLY EUC SERR EUC NEOM E M DEHT EUC PRIO T P PRAS TRO EXT ACA ROB ACA VENTU A VBIS ACA CAR MES AMER K SER CUR ANU FISS ANUSP ASC ECA ASC OVAL ASCSP ASP HERR ASP PRIO ASP SP ASP MULT ASOPSIS BRA ANGU BRA CALY BRA HA VA BRA PATU BRA QUAD BRA URCE BRACSP CEPHA SP Orthocyclops sp. Paracyclops sp. Tropocyclops sp. Ectocyclops polyspinosus Eucyclops semilatiis Eucyclops neomacruroides Eucyclops macniroides denticulatus Eucyclops prionophorus Tropocyclops prasinus prasinus Tropocyclops extensus Acanthocyclops robustus Acanthocyclops venustoides Acanthocyclops venustoides bispinosus Acanthocyclops carolinianus Mesocyclops americanus Keratella serrulata curvicomis Anuraeopsis fissa Anuraeopsis sp. Ascomorpha ecaudis Asconiorpha ovalis Ascomorpha sp. Asplanchna herricki Asplanchna priodonta Asplanchna sp. Asplanchnopsis multiceps Asplanchnopsis sp. Brachionus angiilaris Brachionus calyciflorus Brachionus havaniensis Brachionus patulus Brachionus quadridcntata Brachionus urceolaris Brachionus sp. Cephalodella sp. 29 Table 2 (cont'd.) SPECIES ID SPECIES ABBREV SPECIES NAME 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 CHRO OVA CHRO SP COL MUT COLS? COLU UNC COLU SP CONO COE CONO EXI CONO NAT CONOSP CON HIPP CON UNI CONSP EUCHL SP HL LONG FIL TERM FILSP GAS HYPT GAS STYL GAS SP HEXSP KEL BOST KEL LONG KELSP KER COCH KER CRAS KER EARL KER HIEM KER QUAD KER TAUR KER TEST KERSP LEG LIGO LEC LUNA Chromogaster ovalis Chromogaster sp. Collotheca mutabilis Collotheca sp. Colurella uncinata Colurella sp. Conochiloides coenobasis Conochiloides exiguus Conochiloides natans Conochiloides sp. Conochilus hippocrepis Conochilus uniconis Conochilus sp. Euchlanis sp. Filinia longiseta Filinia terminalis Filinia sp. Gastropiis hyplopus Gastropus stylifer Gastropus sp. Hexarthra sp. Ketlicottia bostoniensis Kellicottia longispina Kellicottia sp. Keratella cochlearis Keratella crassa Keratella earlinae Keratella hiemalis Keratella qiiadrata Keratella taurocephala Keratella testudo Keratella sp. Lecane ligona Lecane liina 30 Table 2 (cont'd.) SPECIES ID SPECIES ABBREV SPECIES NAME 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 LEG MIRA LEC SIG LEGS? LEP AGUM LEP PAT LEPSP MONO SP MON BULL MON LUN MON QUAD MONSP NOTH ACU NOTH LAB NOTH SOU NOTH SP PLA PATU PLASP PLOE LEN PLOETRI PLOE TRU PLOE SP POLY DOL POLY EUR POLYMAJ POLY REM POLY VUL POLY SP POM SUL POMSP SYNOBL SYNPEG SYNSTYL SYN SP TEST PAT Lecane mira Lecane signifera Lecane sp. Lepadella acuminata Lepadella patella Lepadella sp. Monommata sp. Monostyla bulla Monostyla lunaris Monostyla quadridentata Monostyla sp. Notholca acuminata Not hole a lab is Notholca squamula Notholca sp. Platyias patulus Platyias sp. Ploesoma lenticulare Ploesoma tricanthum Ploesoma tmncatum Ploesoma sp. Polyarthra doHchoptera Polyarthra euryptera Polyarthra major Polyarthra remata Polyarthra vulgaris Polyarthra sp. Pompholyx sulcata Pompholyx sp. Synchaeta oblonga Synchaeta pectinala Synchaeta stylata Synchaeta sp. Testiidinella patina 31 Table 2 (cont'd.) SPECIES ID SPECIES ABBREV SPECIES NAME 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 TEST SP TRIG CYL TRIG HIP TRIG MUL TRIG LON TRIG POR TRIG ROU TRIG SIM TRIG SP TRI POGI TRI TETR TRI SP UNID ROT G PUNG 1 G PUNG 2 G PUNG 3 G PUNG 4 G PUNG P G PUNG GFLAV 1 GFLAV2 GFLAV 3 GFLAV 4 GFLAVP GFLAV G TRIV 1 G TRIV 2 G TRIV 3 G TRIV 4 G TRIV P G TRIV G AMER 1 G AMER 2 G AMER 3 Testudinella sp. Trichocerca cylindrica Trichocerca hippocrepis Trichocerca multicrinis Trichocerca longiseta Trichocerca porcellus Trichocerca rousseleti Trichocerca similis Trichocerca sp. Trichotria pocillunt Trichoma tetractis Trichotria sp. Unidentified rotifer Chaoboms punctipennis instar 1 Chaoboms punctipennis instar 2 Chaoboms punctipennis instar 3 Chaoborus punctipennis instar 4 Chaoborus punctipennis pupa Chaoborus punctipennis Chaoborus flavicans instar 1 Chaoborus flavicans instar 2 Chaoborus flavicans instar 3 Chaoborus flavicans instar 4 Chaoborus flavicans pupa Chaoborus flavicans Chaoborus trivittatus instar 1 Chaoborus trivittatus instar 2 Chaoborus trivittatus instar 3 Chaoborus trivittatus instar 4 Chaoborus trivittatus pupa Chaoborus trivittatus Chaoborus amcricanus instar 1 Chaoborus amcricanus instar 2 Chaoborus amcricanus instar 3 32 Table 2 (cont'd.) SPECIES ID SPECIES ABBREV SPECIES NAME 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 701 702 703 C AMER 4 C AMER P C AMER GALBA 1 GALBA 2 G ALBA 3 G ALBA 4 G ALBA P GALBA GHAOB SP GHAO PUP GHAOB II GHAOB 12 GHAOB 13 GHAOB 14 MYSIS PERIDIN ' DINOBRYON GERATIUM Chaoborus americanus instar 4 Chaoboms americanus pupa Chaoborus americanus Chaoborus albatus instar 1 Chaoborus albatus instar 2 Chaoborus albatus instar 3 Chaoborus albatus instar 4 Chaoborus albatus pupa Chaoborus albatus Chaoborus sp. Chaoboms sp. pupa Chaoboms sp. instar 1 Chvoboms sp. instar 2 Chaoboms sp. instar 3 Chaoboms sp. instar 4 Mysis relicta Peridinium spp. Dinobryon spp. Colonies Ceratium hirundinella 33 Table 3 Contents of the Z CODE table (September 1992). TABLE PARAMETER CODE DESCRIPTION Z SAMPLE STYPE CODE COMPl composite of several vertical hauls at one station COMP2 composite of vertical hauls from several stations COMP3 a single vertical haul at one station DISl sample from a discrete depth DIS2 composite of >1 station at 1 depth DIS3 composite of > 1 discrete depth at one station DIS4 composite of > 1 discrete depth at > 1 station DIS5 epilimnetic composite of S/P traps DIS6 hypolimnetic composite of S/P traps Z SAMPLE TECH CODE TP NY BO DH SD RG KR JC WK Trevor Pawson Norm Van Brian O'Reilly Dave Howell Sheila David Robert Girard Kim Ralph Jim Carbone Bill Keller Z SAMPLE XS CODE SS special study QAQCl replicate sample series UNREP sample unrepresentative of community REG regular sample IRREG irregular sampling strategy MSLBD bench sheet mislabelled Z SAMPLE LOC CODE WG DRC CT William Gelling Dorset Research Centre Claudiu Tudorancea 34 Table 3 (cont'd.) TABLE PARAMETER CODE DESCRIPTION Z SAMPLE STUDY CODE APIOS Acid Precipitation in Ontario study Les Lakeshore Capacity Study SES Sudbury Environmental Study YORK York University Z SAMPLE VOLCALC CODE actual w & w/o haul data actual w & fixed w/o data assumed 100% efficiency s/p trap vol * # of stations s/p vol * proportion of that strata Z COUNT CNT TYPE CODE QAQCl replicate count with same count protocol QAQC2 repeat count with different count protocol R routine SS special study Z COUNT CNT SYSTEM CODE Z2S1 Zebra2, Sprules caliper #1 Z2F2 Zebra2, Fowler calipers #2 ZlFl Zebral, Fowler calipers #1 ZlSl Zebral, Sprules caliper #1 DM dissecting microscope, counts without measurements CM compound microscope, counts without measurements Z COUNT TECH CODE WG William Ceiling CT ClaudiuTudorancea NY Norm Yan RS Richard Strus BC Bruce Cave MP Mike Paylor RJ Roberto Jain JM Judy McClellan 35 Table 3 (cont'd.) TABLE PARAMETER CODE DESCRIPTION Z COUNT CNT PRTCL CODE RI R2 R3 R4 R5 entire sample counted (SES 73-79) total count fixed at 350-400 (LCS 1975 TO 1980) 250 animals, <50 per taxon, <30 nauplii 50 animals of SP135 & 142 counted (Plastic Lake 1988,89) 50 animals of all large zooplankton (York protocol) Z COUNT ROTIFER INDEX CODE Z COUNT CNT GRP CODE Z COUNT OMIT CODE Z CHANGE TECH CODE 1 rotifers are extremely abundant 2 rotifers are abundant 3 typical rotifer abundance 4 rotifers are rare 5 , rotifers are extremely rare CRUST count of Crustacea only CHAOB count of chaoborus only ROT count of rotifers only C_R count of both Crustacea & rotifers CCRA Crustacea, chaoborus, rotifers and algae CCR Crustacea, chaoborus and rotifers TAXON count of 1 taxon only SWARM patch of zooplankton sampled numbers too high , DENT species entered twice on benchsheet SSPCT suspect count TP Trevor Pawson NY Norm Yan 36 Table 3 (cont'd.) TABLE PARAMETER CODE DESCRIPTION Z GEAR TYPE CODE Z REMOVE TECH CODE Z SUMMARY W CODE Z SUMMARY LWR CODE C/B DRC modified Clarke-Bumpus sampler S/P Schindler/Patalas trap NET misc. nets PUMP pump sampler TUBE tube sample BOTL sampling bottle e.g., Van Dom TP Trevor Pawson NY Norm Yan ZEB biomass from measured animals m that sample RLWRl measured lengths for that lake in other years RLWR2 measured lengths from other lakes MEAN grand mean weight for that species from all lakes Y&M Yan & Mackie 1987. CJFAS 44: 382 (for sp. 135) CUL Culver et al. 1985. CJFAS 42: 1380. SPRL Sprules et al. pers. comm. MCAUL MCCauley. (IBP) 1984 Z VOLUME TECH CODE TP NY Trevor Pawson Norm Yan Z VOLUME TECHNIQUE CODE FS folsom splitter BBL mixing by bubbling and pipeting STIR mixing by figure 8 stirring and pipeting 37 Table 3 (cont'd.) TABLE PARAMETER CODE DESCRIPTION ZNOMENCLATURE CHNG CODE NEW a new species SPLIT a split of an old species LUMP lumping of old spp. NAME new name for old species GONE a name no longer used 38