Herbert Deuce. WT UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LIBRARY BOOK NUMBER 430 182124 H86E JACOB HUBNER & CARL GEYER ZUTRAGE ZUR SAMMLUNG EXOTISCHER SCHMETTERLINGE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Biodiversity Heritage Library https://archive.org/details/zutrgezursammlun01hbne ZUTRAGE zur SAMMLUNG EXOTISCHER SCHMETTERLINGE BESTEHEND IN BEKUNDIGUNG EINZELNER FLIEGMUSTER NEUER ODER RARER NICHTEUROPAISCHER GATTUNGEN VON Jacop HUBNER CarL GEYER 1818=1825 1832-1837 (FAPEEN (a10s) 6 2UCSBURG (TAFELN 104-172) 1818-1837 NEW ENGLISH FACSIMILE EDITION with 172 coloured plates with Introduction, and Systematic and Alphabetical Indices by W. F. KIRBY BRUSSELS V. VERTENEUIL & L. DESMET PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS 1908-1912 182124 INTRODUCTION yf; and « Zutrage » in our Introduction to the former work, it is not necessary to :\ go over the same ground again; but a few supplementary observations may not =A. be out of place. The 12 species to which Htitbner published letterpress in Latin and German, were probably the first issued plates of the Sammlung, and the list is as follows : Iphiclides Ajax, Pennsylvania; Leptosia Brephos, Brazil; Ithomia Doto, South America; Mechanitis Polymnia, Brazil; Eieides Dianasa, Brazil; Asterope Sapphira, Brazil; Eurybia Halimede, Brazil; Heliochlzna Leucosia, Brazil; Syrmatia Nyx, Cuba, Surinam; Cycnus A#tolus, Brazil; Thysanotis Athemzena, America; Thracides Salius, Brazil, We have spoken already of the difficulty of ascutaining the exact dates of publication of Hibner’s works. The two-page tract known as the « Tentamen » is supposed to have been issued in 1805; it is a list of generic and specific names of European Lepidoptera. Htibner’s « Verzeichniss-bekannter Schmetterlinge » appeared in sheets; and the probable dates of publication are given by Mr C. Davies Sherborn (See Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Jan. 1912) approximately as follows : Pages I-16 (1816); 17-80 (1818); 81-160 (1820); 161-240 (1822); 241-304 (1825); 305-432 (1826); Anzeiger (1827). When a species figured in Hiibner’s Zutrage is referred to in the Verzeichniss, it should be regarded as the type of its genus, but otherwise one of the species placed under the same generic name in the Verzeichniss should be accepted. Whereas the species figured in the Sammlung were almost always previously described by other authors, most of those —— es figured in the Zutrage were new to Science. The Zutrage was one of the few works of Hiibner to which complete letterpress was issued, The introduction deals with nomenclature, and other generalities, and the letterpress states the locality, sex, collector, and affinities of the specimen figured. It rarely, however, contains information of permanent value, and we have therefore replaced it by alphabetical and systematic Indices, only quoting one or two specimens to show its character, In the alphabetical Index the numbers in the systematic Index are quoted, so that-every species can be referred to without difficulty. The following are the contents of the five parts of the Zutrage. Erster Hundert (dated 1818), 32 pages (of which 2 are Title and Introduction) and 8 pages of Index, giving separate lists of the species figured, and their generic and specific names, and similar lists of the allied species with which they are compared. Zweyter Hundert (dated 1823). Letterpress similar. Drittes Hundert (dated 1825), 40 pages, of which 2 are Title and 4 Introduction; and 8 pages of Indices. Vierter Hundert (by Carl Geyer) (dated 1832); 48 pages of which 2 are Title, 4 Introduction, and 6 Indices. Finftes Hundert (by Carl Geyer) (dated 1837); 52 pages including 2 Title, 2 Intro- duction, and 6 Indices. WES KR ve Chiswick, London, August 1912. me LIVRAISON PLANCHES J. HUBNER&C.GEYER & LEPIDOPTERES EXOTIQUES a (1806-1837) i 4 8 SS 4 3) NOUVELLE EDITION Revue, corrigée et augmentée AVEC SUPPLEMENT SYNONYMIQUE, OBSERVATIONS ET NOTES PAR W. F. KIRBY ET PUBLIEE AVEC UNE TRADUCTION FRANCAISE DES NOTES PAR P. WYTSMAN q te eS ee PRIX DE LA LIVRAISON : 10 FRANCS ‘ oS : y i fr Peg et eee i) i) 14) TRUMAN ANT Cee eR eRe R Ree Vy Sy MP.V. VERTENEVIL & L OESMET, SRUXELLES . ee eee AS =— = . “a Ip Z 2 OQouw WICt: ~ulrage Oxote Khinett 1 CK eft. Cafe GIP 74) y a) . a ae aap 2 : twee Sipuphaedra C Meanwra, 3.4. Cyonia CLL Fey (op i Veron Gracilenta Z € < OY ah, i Ta © CA G70 7 FO Gf) ©C/Oubner ~utrage Oxol.c chimell. 1 © ‘oof. GCafel 4 D413) 7 PP Tp) 7? ? 3, TH. Halasi7e bad Shap hop fe tyrlte ALoris Lhemonoeé, 77.18 Vioptes Cyne Ry 7 : — > : > >= 75) ae ¢ CY Go 5 = © /Oubner: ~ulrage Oxel.c chimeltt. 1 © oft. Cafe GID 4) 719 20 23 a) 2) 7 x. — 2 19, 20. OplizeuxD — Lituralts, 21.22. C Were ROriE Orpulata; 23. 24 A ypooropha C Yorailis oe “9 Z ke Ze he: Ore, a ¥ © /Oubner aulrage Oxel.c chinett. | © 0efC. Cafe LI (5) 25 26 27 28 772) GZ GZ (e724 e ‘ 2 25. 26, of olygrammate Nebracicum, 7, LE. C Mypoorephea c Hormos BI, FO. Opheota Olonympha OF oh, — C GF GED a lone ©€/6utbner. c / Uf / 77 37, 38. Olymnias yi, 39.40. Lscudosphr Lolistes : c Ve 7 DY we erreedt. 1. oO ee) a Gafel ADI 8) ©C/Outbner: 79. 80. © Nizcalests Ctrea OFF O Za C.6& Gfa yp ee « (OutbnICr: aulrage Orel. Canele, LE ‘Cel. Cajel QUO (5) 85 86 i C h , ye, ; ony - OT. 82. ( Melipotis ficcrsda , 8S, SY Yo thimea Yah &5. 86 So thacodia Mellicula ¢ 6, x 2 — CO = > t- . Le (C y) c Gy >) 9 =~ 7}, 2% « OMONE: aulrage Oxel.c ele Le ‘Oe. Gafel IC/ 1) 90 ») > Cc é at J Cs of F c Dithys —CUCOPRACLA SO, YO. « Phaeo Alaena Oc ndinooa, 97. 92. La TLGPAPITA (f)? COCOA (@ x of, — >] os — j i, s ? Mi ¢ Cy | (GeO) yp) VYory ©C/Ooubner atilrage Ox0l.c chimelt. 1 © oe. Capel I O19) ) Gf GF GZ, Oo > 14. 4. Centronia C Helaniti i, 94, 96, ¢ Napalia (@ WMibalio, G7, GS. . Thrace OCUITLA ate riferc ¢ 67 Gs) tae > ye — ~ 7j— =e oF rG (C Y GZ Oy Bea my Ay «j “Co MUMONnES. a~tilrage Oxcl.c Tele WIA Cefl . Capel HW Das) LOO. 103. ZOL, 702. 104 (IZ, 4 G)? , Gg Gy? . G9, 100. HNMemiarg lid C Piles, tt bu bas “Ld, Or, 702. — DL Caphe LITE Lita ks, 703, 104. Mypagyrti Lis tlaria ta ¢ ae me Tage, a CVG hehe Ure wis GF: alr age OX0L.C ehmett a, eft : Capel WL 09 lev c 9). 106. L0%. 109. 108. 110. > a a > 105 106 Ouptychia c VA UWina TO 5. a y, 6G; rea FOE O. ~2aectes — 7? Zé 7 10¢ Griae Tt G z LEOriCL, 99. 17 Lie Zt pp, Bice UY gGMaea 6 2077 O oad > QO Ge Sa Ay ye «j © MONE ZA alrage Cae OL helt D. Cel Capel ITM eo) 17. 112. 3. HC. Fe 5 GF > HES Z . GP OG» ; uw. 2, Ltichodis « Distrigata, M3114 Digstiad Argyralis, us. U6. Haematia . Lhoenicealis ¢ Fé 677 O 0 7 D DZ G70 7 Tia ~4C dd ye : aulrage Ce et:7 © "oeft . Capel J Te (21). 2) Oy ly; 0) jar, 4 /, 7. 8. Coenipeta Colliguens U9, 120. € Al ypia CUetomaciutatis, 121. 722. ¢ |frazmon < poy: Cx a C/ou _— YAS. aulrége ©. ee See 10% ‘oof. Cal DY. (22) CF 2 ay Op C7P P GO / 123. 124. My menitis Cao, 125. 126. Ohopentis Nespersalis, 127, 128, HMemeroplenis Lyralis CF ah, Ps : zt us ee me 5 eS ¢ Cc Y G Ly 2p) ha « OMONE. autrage Oxol.e tht le ‘bef. Gafell 314 23) f, é tf ? @) 129. 730. © Migonitis c toede, 137, 132. © Micropts Longali, 133. TSL. C Antichloris Caca MOG ~ > Ge G70 p > y= « OMONE: fl 2 ; ’ : >, / ie) A L577. 158. © Aelia Calligra wreu7Lid-, 59. 160. C Jemiothzaa Gaubarva , 167. 162. C Jef, 7Aax ¢ lo iam PIULT LL c U OY oh, og r OQ C4 G70 7 (Sim lh POV 4j « OMONLEY: aulrage Oxol.c chmett. 1 C/oeft. Cafel IU 29) L100. 16 Mae 8) f -s 5 Se, ye } x 4 a “ty (ees Ca 1c Ce > D My, L632. 164% Ohiridza Ohemiosto, 165. 166. Outactio Oristifica, IO7. 168, © Lroyria DLusstlalia OF ah, ~~ > SD Gyvo ig AG «C ‘ott Yr aulrage CLE LCN eff . Capel Ai 20) L70, 109 WL 173. 174 f2 GP ‘ fp) ) 73) 3) = of / = of of t 169.170, —Ledamione .« Lelidn alta, TiAl OAc Opler s Diigaspes taria, L713. 174 Liyr Wt C2 Niutilaria é c ~ OZ ~_— =) Past 5 Lt ¢ GF Gio 77 « Hn bi, LO71€f: aulrage Oxel.ec ete 1@© ‘oefl . Ga 5 Oe) Od. A P31) L176. ISO, 7. 2) GF 7) > ah, 175. 176 [ili Wud OvagorTads, 177. 178. ¢ Helia Compotrizz, 179. 180, € Jemiothro.a’ Limlularia O77 PS. > = Jes OF GS P C (ae Gn 4 an eee « OUONE: autrage Ox0t.c leh melt l € ‘oeft. Cafe IL. D (82) ISR. L186. J, / J ) (va ) (81, 182 bodusta cAutilaria 183. 184. (ecrope Carex, 185. 186.C Lrgyria = OLS GS s Z CQ Go 7 PYEG E © /oubner: autrage Oxcl.c LAaeliel ‘ef L. Cafel O80 (34) L194 L9G. OY” pes ) Gam (P CP F L197. 792. Dy de ‘herr 7 Cc Hypo LAAL Ya 1983. T94 CoeLade. me VLITVLLILEL C10, L95. 196. GB roayel laen a ot TUOUGI a @ (4 ¢ 1G © BS E ran «j Ott Ler: ~ulrage Cie C, SD iele 1@7 oofl. Cafe I20 5) we 200. 7 : 2 “ 7) 7 IF), IIB. VAs TPesta (Glen che. I, 79.9. 200. G TYOOCEO lio C OTLOCLILTLAT LA C © Gj J f— > ee > Ti - f Ge 5 C727 WES ©C /Oubner aulrage Oxel.c chmett. 26 ‘oeft. Cafel I2 f16) 2O4% ) 7 a) /@) : ? 201, 202. Glaenio c eee: 203, 204, L 10d C Iiphon, 205, 206c Lethmia c ibrcatec. C77 O Z 5 3 +4 as 3 . ( CZ 2B) ; (G6 i, On neo) Vd } « OMONE: autrage Oxvot.c eee Be bef . Cafel ILS (37) 2O9 LL0. go } / e ED pers y 207, 208. Orybthia Caloleuce, 209 210. ¢ wry thie c Nelaphaca, ou, 212. Loectlavornra Chryaw aa i | AY) yale O77 — 5 2 : SN 7 aoe EF = 4 (C DD, ; (G , fly) >= Yr « OMONE’: ~ulrage OCxc0t.c ee | beft ; Cajel Bee (38), 276: LIE. oF GY ' 52) GY ie) 2 49. 2tt. Ancistrola Llagra, 25 210; Ouplagiat Lhy lira, HAE. Opleonec Condriotes Os7O PS 7 2 : Sr / e L g ¢ Cx 5) GE Oy) Go jaye aya! « OMONE: autrage Ox. lpunett: 2 € oft. Cafel 389) 220, 299 >) @ Va) ) ) ey S , “ DG, 219 220, Athides DVolichoo, 227, 222, OUCHTOTIAA Troserptnd, 229224 Tharmach ¢ Jartanea CS 2h, — > Gi. Tire c Hj = : ne: CX) G7 Y~ao7 ©€ /Oubner: autrage Oxol.c chinelt.2.& ‘eft. Cafel JO V0) L228. 729. 230, Za ? ) ; 9) GP? C25, 226. Orape xl « Symmon Wd, 227. 228 Vhemitades c Luguad, 229, 230, Lampides DMealliston é é oa ee « ‘Ott LES. ~ulrige Cxole Zoe ALK Ne bel. Cafe Jd OU) 7 , y On > aoe 4 fay, fr 7 ch ee gC , Off 252. C Adelpha Lesaure, 233. 24.2 Megisto ‘e Mergaea ii, 235.236 Maematea Lelotaria —~_2» E a 45 ne «C OMONE: awutrage Oxt.c Jehunett 2C7| bef . Capel DI4 43) ) OW @ 5 CH? LI, QL4, (e lepia Ser, 245. 246. Ouproctts c trgyrorrhoea, PAT 4S. ¢ Syosaura TLrepa reewla C?¢ ¢ £€ WW 2h, Ze (2: G77Oo 5 eG ; rpe a ee ‘ 4 7 GY © /Oubrer: wutrage Ox0t.c *chinelt. 2 &/ bef. Ode 244 ‘a 7 , ; Ae 7, Pe Re ) Yo) GT Intochton Styli, 251,252. Carta Coliutrio, 253.254. 0udule Falchricolora = t Lip a ore PM One GO 90K 2 oye MONE: autrage Oxel.e eae FAG bef . Capel DIO (45) E Z : Pp ; (2) jj Ui, 255. 256. C honympha Gomophila; 257. 258 Dhermiadeo Ophestu, 259, 260. © Uy lothris ‘E Molpodia ¢ 2 7 G 7 oh 7 ( >) 2 a - ata =A g me CY ; Gs OY) VOY fm C/oubner: aulrage Ox0l.C chimell. 2€ ‘Oe l. Gafd I oy, (46), 266. y GY , 2 A P © 0 Te Z 261. 262. AA@bUMU)S 2 Aacomattu, 263, 204 ‘andalides My adios 265.266: Ophaltias tthala G ei 2h, ~_ —~S, ; oe Sy ee Zion f Hepes uh Ee) 9 Qh? Y Qe © /Oubner: autrage Oxot.c chinetd. 20) eft Cafel DI 147) 269. Te IY Fp ZF 267, 268. Ya ouphore c Leanthe, 269.270. Calisto ¢ Herophite EG ; 2h, a )) 7 > SF aS , GO G70 p Yop « « iG L4L071C7: awulrage Gale eee PAC) oof l . Cafel DIDI 4g) ) (2 , 7) ) j Zz r GP RTL. Cie Ly rrhopyge HMyperier, 273.274, Sipart DV ellucida, 275,276. Ohymelicus Luer £ CO “ C : Gc f i 2h, a 2) are —— ~ i = 3 - 2. ¢ ZY GC y O y y (= » ©C/Oubner: awlrage Oxet. EE (3.© oeft . Gael OH tay. 280, if 2D Gp - > : ) 277. ZTE. € Mezpreroltlenuma _Liena Td, 279.280, Ds atidopteris « hycha, LEL. 282. C tAntiblemma Cotatis O77 oh re és es a Th ve C a y) C A a) =e « OMONMCS: ublrage Cxotc inti ‘oft. Cafel DAN 50) L256) ; ) ? f , e 283. 2B. ¢ Melani Lycea 285, 286: C Syllepte c -rcomptatio, 287 288. CLnomio Orosa t c O77 O i, ee 5 Bs as tee Ge A c Ce 5 G27 > DR EH « OMUONE aulrage Oxel.c Thee: 2E ‘oof l. Call JFE WV). RED. 290, STE) ph Nita P Den Uf 289. 290, fovta Su lnia, 291. 292. or lb c raze) RI. RGA Gee C Uegcbnce OF 2h, — =. 2 A f- =A EB ( (Cy Gs a7 VY rf c « OMONC. ~ulrage Oxct.c ele 2@/bel. Ge CL OAS (52) wn 295. 2IC BOO Vier oO / Gy ve) ye 7 CO 7 ; JP). ) 295.296. Ouctliatio (Snturiatis 297 298 atlaus Ouriides, 299.300. Ouba nite otita, C . E > 2h Ss @ —~s- >= Th Se * (G va Y Gf 2) 9 y 4) i= ©C/oubner: ~ulrage O204e lohrriel 201 Oefl ; Gafel JAA (53) BOL. 3O3. 3O4 JOB. a y) / O O e ; ra FOL. FO2. Zeoius Chryson re 3 F203. 3O4. _Lamprosema LE Es, IOS, 3OC6. Oudceptio c Vrretita © G ca > 5) GVO) ZED) Cat Sy ans Se 5 ( (ON ; be . C Uf, = ©C/OubNer. aulrage Oxelc Lhmett. eC ef L. Cafel O LO (5, SOF ron af. Fi ) . (GQ), 307 208. —erene C rit) yale, BOI. PIO. ¢ Ly llectria Congemmale ou, 812, Oulepidotis -Llabastraria C77 2h, 2 > a Vimge - CL. CB 5 F727 Cae © /oubner: ~ulrage Oxvol.c cChineld..© oof t. Cafel OND 65) FLA). A) ) 7 Gz , 2) GLP. FLL Goniurus ieleg, BLS, 316. Gahicina Oncor, 317. 318. ¢ Vtomia Lignarts. () 6770 ws = z se eae “if S ( CZ Y E C if OY VOY EO AV tO © /Oubner. ~ulrage Ovele Chinetl. 2C/beft. Cafl 4 (56) 820. iD oro 4) ) GLI, 320, © Lirote ) butrverartay OAL, Gad, ( lio GQaotuo. CF 2 - CO Cy Gro = ae 1 ea Fe re Ley} C ae. © /Oubrer: ~ulrage O.volec chmelt.?.€ ‘eft. Cafel DAS (59) C 7) : > / Gp e fp P23. FLL Wess termanslia’ hiperba, 325,326. © Deycpoved, Ue CHenoaa 327.328. Qustivia Lupulla: OF WA ze © CQ G770 7 Gia ya © /Ooutbner: ~ulrige Ox0l.c ete. 2@ ‘eft. Cafel O4I 58) TSO. 332. SPL, fp a) Om: O ) e. G29. FSO. Lericopis Gauenta, G31, 332 Oudiopts Siucidatio, P33, S34 Cchhia Oxiguati Go, icles ee RUE «jC ‘OMONE aulrage Oxcl.0 Jopanete L2€ ‘Def Cafe DOU (59) FLO. Se We GF Gp ; 2) A, Pe) ote Ay Re SSS. FIC SL i ars Pardalaria; G37. 338. Séncania (a Hbilinex, FRI. FLO. C Iadacia se Made ce O77 a i ») CGY G70 fp Fae Am C/Oubner: sulrége Oxole cChinelt.2.€ ‘ofl. Capel DI 60) Z DF CF }. P.7. GF 2a PM, P42. Lhosphita Vee, P43. S44 Aelia Mibu GAS. 346, C Hoaematopts C/aniaria Oe oC EG G 2 ) 347. 248. Ounelts We - B49. 25O. elena SIDS PSL. PSL. C lp era ¢ uingualis CO7 2h, — 2 CO Sy, 5 G70 7 GP =a © “oOubner: ~ulrage Oxelec chinett.<.C/boef . Cafel OOO 162 3 ) ph @ a) PI. FFT4 Vierr.on adeo oY yalio, 35S, FSC. ¢ Fridill. TTLITLA- ¢ Soclinatts, 857. 35E. Ochenato Chia 5) a ae a « /oubner ~ulrage Ox0l.c Chirvetl. / 365. 366 Coles LE rrhothea, 367. 308. C Wi tlactra Fraeciaalio, 369. 370 G laphyria c leg uistriatis O77 O oe 2 Ge Cie Fy ee «j OMONE. wulrdge Oxo —lerelt. 2. bef . € safel QO (65) S77. 373. S76. D, : 2 4 4) Te Op i 4 B71. 372. Syrrhodia LU ore B73. 37H, C Argyro Grama Omega 4 878. 376. AMiypena Nusticalio. a a7 ¢ C a —~_2» f— CC fa we _C// ¢ ys ae See SS =< S 5 (@ >) ; (G i, oO 4 C =) ; «C ‘OubNeEer: ~ulrage OCacte pete. © ‘befl. Cafel OO V wo) FAL. FIO. P82 Gj : ) > f FG Tf a78. Lhialithis GOT a, IIG. FBO, Dpistio Aleari, FEL PRL. Varasemia t¢ Lgnitarca: O77 2h, z . e i BS BJ C (Ce) C, 9 SVWh eee © oubner: aulrage Oxel.c chinell. 2G Oefl. Cafel JIS 67). Tp Gay), : (a) Gf) 383. 384. —Sriamaid cs Jitlis, 885.886. ¢ leyrva Sots 387. 388. YT ¢ Dionedaa: O77 O ~ 5 on = Ly =a A me oC Gey ; G70 pf C Yn © (Oulver: ~ublrage Cxele chmett. 2G Cel. Gafel I DI 05) GOL ) TL? fi. Oo : Ges , 6 FBI. FIO NMelicon 7a. Lange dorfit, FIL. SIL, C Virore 7a Orta, BIP. BI4.C Yer artis é een la y < KK 2h, oe pe se oF, a He7 GeO) FAG OMON: ~utrage Oxet.c chine. 2 © Oefl. Gafel O00 (OD), BIC. BOI. PIS. 400, Cf 2h, ~ > = Le < , ( CQ 5 LG 9 7 Wh Wt © “oubner: ~ulrage Ox0l.c chinell 3G Oefl. Cafel 207 wo 406 Gp, A. : GP ) a) GOL, 402. C rgoretts C Durneyt 4O3. 4OL, © retaretia- ¢ Drunnew, 405, 406, Cyenva Cunea © 77 @ = > ») GC >= fe 4 ( CE sy (SOY a) Wi VP ©C/Oubner. aulrage Ox0l.c chinelt.3. © ‘Cet. Cafe IO (0) 407 408 409. 4/0 | ieee: T?, Ef Gg / poe, f 407. 408. Clnaea (ty Pe 409, 410, Oherina Ceroidarta, 411, 412 Outbaphe AUP ARECLACA CFO ZA Se 2) » G27 (Gye © /Oubner: aulrage Oxol.c Chine. 3. © bef. Gafel I03 172) 416. f/f A / , ) fo é f é 413, 414. ¢ Wont 0 Haut her 415. 416. C Epes 2 Yorers. 417, 418. | tgerocha Gone C CF ah, i ES O CA) oO Cf O77 ae Wi jm ay ©C /Oubner: aulrage Ox0l.c chineld. 3. bef/l. Cafel « 047) , 419 420. ? : l ) OG ) “19. 420. € Lynomonia Cc Jeguistriarto, 427, 422. € LMhyma Ganglo, 423 L424, ( Duy thas t LE GY 2h Fa = eC CA oO Vie) 3) GF 3) A) AM ae « OMOME?: ~ulrage Oxol.c eee bef. Cafel JOY £26 pee p By; rm ) QGP ; Vb L. c Ue 125,426. Htolachtis C Srcacyera 427. 428. Ma eotts C lelant, 429.430. Carrthavtia Z, mlhellularia : an isl a a ae Uae abe dik ee ; 1 677 o. 4 > AY G/7 Oo Pie may WD © (Outbner: aulrage Oxol OE CK bef : Cafel 00 (73) 436. 3) i 2 7 >. 5 : 451. AG. Gutfpaanote Wh, 433. 434, Sorim erta Gite 435, 436. Linacta C Molyldaenallis C77 O 7 = 5 = sao 7 RS p : ¢ CQ 5 G70 7 VY ~Lyy «j OMONME: aulrage Ox0l.c ehinelt. 3. © 0eft. Capel OO/ (76) 43.9 440, C7 oh AL x 2 ae OF A mah Khia GD G7 ~ fo C/Oubner: aulrage Oxol.c chinelt. 3. © ‘bef. Cafel 00857 ¢ LAO. LAS . Ve Go 2 Qo ) FZ 443. A444 C tedra chnecio lari, L4G. 440. Cl COTILG- C Aida 44). 448. (C! PY GA Trripreret z ; iy i Wi ia PAF ; eR a vty M. i CY oh Tis > Ce GO pA SGN OW be Ve «j (OMUOCNME. aulrage CPE eties C ‘ofl. Cafel 0.9 78) / , laay, voy Ba W/: / ? 449,450. Codaenie thulea, 261,452. /bephodia ¢ Lertuartd, 458. 454. Melitlea chat TLL OTTRLD / ; Lie G7? O = O BD) Gyo Ey « UGY; Y1Er: aulrage CL 0. © ‘oefe : Gafel D7, Wh VY). 460. YH Dy y J Ty : } (74 a) } iD 455.456. C He feos ply 4359, 458. C Ly repo ter Lez e Yonety LL lis, 459, 460. Delerubz a Gravel ATLA Z 7 — Cy 2h, 5 5 a Lf =< : 4 Ce = 2G 7 4) sr © “Oubner: ~ulrage Oxcl.c Chine. 3 © Cel. Cafel | D/L 1S). 466. ; ae ae J If, GE. Oy) (aya . = . . 467. A462. ( Ll, CALOTIZAO C eyes, VBS. ACH C Cyloicius LVynacuos, 465. 466. Chrysophila ( Leia ' ; i} | i) iyi yrelstarbe lee Tan sabatshihies } Pippouh i ead > OVC a7 C Ge Gro © /Oubrer: aulrage Oxol.c chine .3.© ‘eft. ; ) Gr hf t [ tf ; ; if G , 4% 469. 468. Lielias « Lirthys 469.470. Joanthrene Chatcerope, Wil WA m4 eae a) ck koy7 O) oa a Ge Go Fa ere ©C/oubner aulrage Gutle ets OA befl ; Cafe H/ O (82) ; fe) 2) 2) , 7D) é G, 2 G, AGS 474A Oucharta Cc ATU LCL, 4V5. 4976. C ophodia APOPasta, ADO, 498. OD richromia DiUGeTraInNL ney) oh, Sas " CO CA a CGO 7 > 5 tad] C/ouwbner: atutrage Oxot.c ChinHtis € ‘oe l. Cafe I/ (53) “ST 482 (OR OP, a) OG @ (GE 479.480. Oemenrts Lhaesyla; MBL, 48-2. LU) ATS TDemortia; 488.484. ( rinnogaan Oymhene COO A Ya) Ce Gwo p >) C/OubNEL. aulrage Oxol.c Lee ‘oof t. Capel Of PY). ~—w 490. (Gj Es wh a) y @ GP 4E5, 486 Doysmorp his Latyocha 4S). 488. Liychnuchus a lenis, 489. 490, Oudstlextd Lupula OF sh A © Ge G/7O me a 3) mw ye ©C/Oubner: aulrage Oxol.© chimett. 3 © ‘oof. Capel HY Oss) OC. 7. Cs Ga (é 4, A) ) 491. 492. Ophialtiao Crilewis: 4938 4O4. © VETS We 495, 496. © aechmid Confaoa ae 5) mada GCafel Pf { (80) Oe ee ee : ~ vay ze £ ‘Ge A ; C Ly O7 © /Gutbner, ~ a . : Lay af s CY Ey SOY) Fr — ©C/bubner: aulrage Oxol.othmett.8©/6 ft. Capel OST (90) fP 2) oC) i (E ? Op OP F 519.520. Ouchera c Ve bs lag inarta 521, 522 Wien a La usta 525,524. Larotis Lrittacalis GF ah, wn ©C Ce GVO 7 V2) — OOD Cc ‘Outtner aulrage Ox0t.c TE Ee ‘Oefl . Cafe DOO) ) iE e Z) 525.526. U/reuos Ohoratus 527, G28. Orvycina Liysippe OF oh — C (Cp GO D7 Pa 5) — KO « Ou EEL: aulrage Oxol.c Jehunrelt 0. C7 Oefl ; Gafel OOO (92) LP ma GV? &p (Zy) GP > 529. 580 Opysteme Ourlada, 531, 532 Dioptis ec Mica, 683 54. Laranthrene Tepoidiformes C77 O = O = = ee OS s . (Ge 5 Go 2) ae C Ott YLT? atilrage Ox0t.c lehaete £2).© A Oefl . Cafel JI Yi (93) d360. D Vf y BPP 2) ao 335. 536. Corycia c lagron 337. 538, C Lutomolis Drs S39, 540, Craspedia Lantana é é é 7 2h, _— =)) a > ae, DQ GEO om Baa ‘SG 46) MLO711E?: aulrage Oxot On el mA oof. Capel JI00 195) 348 550. f. y y, 2) %, A, I47. SUB. CO Nmartia Chrysopelea, T49, 550, © Anagoga Cognataria 551, S82. Grarene Sc rdori C77 @, rl 2) 2, Sey i ae fe ~ = ¢ CAA 9 _G7f97 go a Oita ‘GC OMOTMMES: aulrage Ox0t:-c ehunett: IC bel f Cafe yo) VAL) © Q 2) Cam : Ce ; FES. 55% Ouerdas Othra; 303. SEC. Crochaphora Le ai EEEBER I87. 558. Lorphyrinia (e Woes O72 w eri =~ eC (C Y Oo G TO Sis 2) = (OTE © /oubner: aulrage Oxel.c chinelt.3.C /oefl : Capel P06 197) J59. 500. 564%, > f Cy. (a J (Le GF) fnaed Verticordia, 561 562. EE Se Inelusa 563 564, (0.008 Yemissaria 559. 5BO. CF C77O vf oe a S. ae Swe 2 A aS ¢ (Cc LY) By GZ 2a) C 3} ~— (3 © /outlner autrage Oxot.c Ze ap egg « ‘oe ¢. Cafel Db IG 98) 7) (Ga 2 ? » 7 GS FEC. C Tpantes c Vepppoheo, 507. S68. (Ofer Cc WE ape 5B9,. STO. C Lgnomonia Cuadrifilaris. Cfo a 7e Z Cre eNO Cre) > Gea Pe ry MLONEL. —~ulrage Oxcl.c chmelt.3, oft : Cafel IIDC 199) Ss Uy Ay A\(i ' y 4). G ; GF Gp e a oe Hdejoha Iynaa,r.o72 OnhiogrammacIngunctariasore. ore, De Kh, bis F « 4 ep. wd © Le TILL, G7) IT Vi OLLIE ALE Cc TYpUreclaru; 0. 576 angrapta Cc Spt El td € 7 2 I > 77 > hip + , (oe > Evo ayiees « OMUONEL. awulrage Grate “pints © ‘eft. Capel WD 00) a r e ”) a) > 2) Pp, 577. 578. Ouerdes Oucoma, 579.580 (elaenorhinits Lucifer, 581, 582, Celzenorhunis, Ee, haemo lio OY oh ae eC CY , _CHI7 OEE HAG ‘SE “Ott FLEE autlrage OCx2cte eee /oefl ; Capel JIG? (IC) TES. 5S, 58? 586. j / e AO we GE 2 583. 584 Cor Gas 585. 586. Outropa Le yay IBY, 588. Dandie GALES Of oh, 7 (eM G2) Gon B= yey a ©C/oubner: autrage Ox0l.0 chimett.S. C/bel. Cafel DEQS (102) IED. SIO. B22, eae bul (Gas ; @) 4 ; WY, A é 589. 590. Spe Gare, 591, 592, Chrysaceates c EDD SIS. B94. CA, leclunchrova S ex ZL 2 Pe AS 7 a © GE es G7 oO) ED) ira GC OMCNME?: aulrage Oxo0t.c chet 3.01 befl 5 Cafel IDGY (TO3). 2 SIC. 599. TIS. 600. 2 7) ; CZ, @p f 4 2 59S, 596. Onyo Lugubris, 5IF SIE. OMe aA Dinette 599. COO. © elie CF aio - OF =< a © CD G07 Fiat VV) = = ©C/oubNnEer atulrage Oxl.c Thaete Aen eft . Cael DQ) (OW). 602 608. 605. G04. 606. @ Oo, TP. : : G2 ef Ge GOT, BO2. Guerd a C Veale 603. GOL, © Map xb pgp , BOS. COG. ee Oranspec La > OF =< 2) (é rp) G ar, 2) >= 5 re © /Oouwbner aulrage Grate Lee LE ef. Cafel 390 105. 608. Che: 009 Ga ) y Gp 607 GOB. C Mapes Oherustocle, 609. 610. G ONMLUTIMA Meas ~_— G7 O 4, 5 = | “ E. eS CD GO Fr aa © /b6ubner: aulrage Oxoto tehmett. 4© ‘oeft Cafe OF, (106) 61 613. 614. 615. FE. 2) f G- te ; GP 47 611. G12, ¢ chs Oa c Leb iaiys, G13. 014 Oria Sanguinea, 615. GLO. SE ly ACSMTOI O77 2h, — © (GB . GO 4 Fam =) nS . | ‘OMON1Ef. aubragces w’wolee lehnett: 4 @/ bet . Cafel DIDS 0) 4 ) l 2) y, 7) 77. O18 Dirwocopa C Werte 619 G20. Lecrops ato eee a eee OMONE. atlrage Ox. CAunnedl. 4. E bel. fe DDI 08) Pp 2) C2] (2) , Ze /. (Fa) ; 621 622. Doteded Lyciae 25, 6239. G24 Gales WS earnelee, 025. G20. Ohymelicus Lu strla ofa Se O, - se a Ge Gyn 7 pa) vyiy ( /Ott YLT: autrage Oxot.c “ep jeli Ee oof t . GCafll OC iG (109) 6830. e 5 GE a) 5 Ge Gone 4, 62%, G28. Ouptichis , Junta; 629, 680, Crochiphora Ocoticale, 631, 632. Leopeh Ci C mphion OF) 2h, a 5 J oO ra Ae ‘GC ‘Out YICr: Aulrage CL ‘4 eA befl A Cafe OWL 110) . G34 6387 638. &, C ; 4 O G7 633. 634. © Ab areprmae LF B25, 636. iy this Sphine, 637. 638. (ek vores: eee G ‘ oh, ~— >) % ae > SSS ee ice : Be ¢ CY GOD CG y) Vey © /Oubner: aulrage Ox0l.c chimelt. © eft. Cafel OC 2 1) a ) Po y — — v | e D) Y / ( iE afi (Fp. Lvs / 639. 040. Oupatla raades Dec usd AUS, C4. 642. Ourema C7 rbela, O43. O44 Linacia < Siclvidoroates 2 Oy 2h = 5 > rail se f ¢ (€ AY G, 5 C ay ~rr-o © /Oubner: ~tilrage Oxeleo chinell.1 © ‘Oe. Gafel O08 (M2) O46. O47. 648 GE ; (2) FG Tes, HL Pp , YU, /. 645. O46 Shiclides (Cas, O47. O48. Sdalin Coes, 649. 6350. Wireralbans TCL AL G7 O - : 2 = thy = 5 Cy CG, D/A =) y © (oubner: sulrége Cxolc chinet © bef. Cafel OC4 183) o ? S) CG a ( C P {i , / a B52. C Miposcritva Landon O53. C54 ( VAT AG OTL Catamitiio, 655.656 Lhacochlaena © Ce eh i © (Qe GO ~ a >) Wa oad « OMUONE:. ~ulrage Oxrol.c ehurelt: Z& Vet. Capel O09 1) 660 GP Ve Seay Cc y @ YB) 57. GSE. Cc Wt, PACLLA /, Ctl O59. 660. Ohne c hep ites, 667, 662. Le Cate C7 ah, Sa 4 s aha - é ie D) Gea GO 7 C >) wen «j OMOME: aulrage Ox0le Sele Z © ‘0efl. Gafel 06 OWE) 663. GOO. ) GP e a) ZC f) . - if 603.664. Lentroriaa ¢ Nezec Ui, 605. 666. Op7rzeunxio Libri ali, 607, 668. Oherinia Cniostaria _2?> vy OF a Gs 6a» ~ we «j (‘0Oubner: autrage Ox0l.c eee YEG ‘0efl. Cafel OC 1) i ZC 2 Z, ) Ef 669. B70. © Hf, Tae, Judith, O71 O72. C yl 72 Ohymbraeus, 073, 674, ch lva Vantherales he a yw: | | ds r 5 7 uy ty ° rg Te gr ee Wesel} Ase o \or anes ate “ O// < = O p SET i= OX iz a GF Gf? © /Outbner aulrage Ox0t.c tae ett. 4 CK oe Capel OC Sty) 680. e 9) ? ¢ GZ, O75. 676. Ouplychia Crista, 677. BFS C Lrgijriul c higa, 679. G8O. C EPS Sulorvlimblis LETS ah, a =) rp) G FO — ay (S 7 4LO71C7: aulrage Cee 4 ofl , Cafel OC Qs) 682. 683 O8%. 68C. ? Gan, a4 : (orf 681. 682. Dyachryoia Bale, 683 684. C Irigonophora Srigiperda; 685, 656. Gb ymelicus / Go y z ¢ C7 2h, re (2 Ge GO 7 (Fe 5 ; ; © /Oubner: awutrage Ox0l.c chinett 4 ‘oe. Cafel O/ (MY). O82. 690. ? ) x? é i ( ‘ / G8}. GES. ( Mechanitis ‘ Ui, phi 689. 690. ¢ Lodia lrmmbolarw O9L, 692. Lypotigra ) DV iphd: TAaCLd Gy, f y Fe ’ © /Oubner: re) GO +A Cad 2B) ees © /Outbner: aulrage Oxol. een ell AEC ‘Oefl Capel O75 129). 73D 740, for @ 8) CG lama ? 13S. TC. cs WEL Ogiota IX F3SR. Gon dona Siloangula, FFI F4O. Galides ASriga OF O ba ? OC (Pa Gop Vy PE | OMUONE: aulrage Ox0l.c pete: Yo bef : Cafel 07. D po) 44. 4 Gp Gf Z Z y} ) V4L, Fu, (GLUE: Del een. 43. run Hyrerd PONIWMS), 43. V4. Cladophora Leucographa C77 O yf ee 5 a a ae &/ a Z y: re CA) C707 Z {?, OY) « OWE. aulrage Ox0l.c Tele ALE ‘oefl ; Cafel O20 (2D) ? Gp GF 2 GF) Gf, ; i) “7. T48 Gonopterts TFergaea 749. 750. © Welicoprs Laid, Vol. FE2. Lhiy gions Cultaria OF oh, i (2: C D GO +» — 4 2 ©C/oubner autrage Oxet.c chinelt. 4 ‘oe. Capel 0271 130) e J Ze f 4s , O 5S. T54. C pistemnle Amphison, V55. V56 Ohracides e Ms 757. F5E. Curate SLumenaria C ay — C (Oe GOD = 5 i CeO wou Ge G77 7 LY LD ©C/oubner autrage Oxot.c chinett. 4 © ofl Capel O24 133) Z) 0... Pp Ca i 5 GP aes VL. 772. (alophaga Leis, V3. 174. Lantoporia Orolenia 75.770. C Lgriphila Bistrialis ? a AN? ) (CTA 5 j C y G / ¢ 4 177. TIE. C Ineiredonia (es Veoducti; 779. FEO. C ee QE pb VEL. FE2, ALOD OIE c Tiyrex Gyr a « ji a iF > LD GO yp = Va) Wea Wea) « ‘Oo Z ose aulrage Gx a eo 4©@ ‘oof t . Cafel 026 (3D) 786 eo g Gf @ Ff ? VE2. VEL. Cee Oaurwne, 785.786. Heliophoriu BWeleni 9, TE. EB. Tronia c Sg uatidan: GO) | . he AY 4s “A A St =) (G ZY (G i, O7 z Ss? r¢ v « CO LLO071Cf: aUulrage O20t.c lehunelt ACT bel , te rafel 0 Ly, (136) V94 GFA 2) ) O “ i ; . y 789. FIO. © Ceoxénge c Mare LA; VL. VG2. Coryotuo Lapithis, 793.794, Ouchromia Cc ty oche OY O ~ 5 ws Gyo > IO”? «C /O UMOMNMCE?: autrage Oxot eel AC ‘ooft . Capel 025 (137) iC) 2) Zz Z 2 oy: 795.796, Onantia riotomed tit, V97, 98. Ousyphone G ee 799. 800. Malachtrs c y eduota Cfo Zz - Ya) De) i ge) We > © 70 UOTE? aulrage er oe er Ie "eft ; Cafe O?. y (738) 801.02, (Gratnin Haagic. 603,504. Abaers ED poe 805.806.C. Malenydris in OF O ee EE . C (GB ~ GFA ea) Oye C/%o oe atitrage Ox0t.c chinelt.3. © ‘oeft Cafe O03 1139) STO. 0 Gr &- : A , 2. 807 808. Leratinza , Jemurnd , 809. 810.7) otis Crap hale, Gt, 812. © Loriades Crssie COs O — 5 77 pee Os & z 5 i (E® LG, > BY PvE «C OUONE: aulrage Ox0t:e ehurvett .J,C Cefl A Cafe a 5 (140) S16 STE. I. Zaps a) |p 2 SIGE SAB. EU HAnartiu CLatima, 816. 816. Ourema Lely, 817, 818. (Geen Ocotula: 677 ©€/oubner S34 BS ny hay Meg yp P,P rE 6 - GF, y . g } 829. 830, L Borer te Oritagenta, 8S. B32. Bredia C audtay 833. 836 6 iol Cotentalo 1G 2 ~ > iz Ze ‘ ae 5 & ¢ CY 3 KG@) 9) VB) fa CG) f- € “0 LLO71Ef: ~tulrage O2c0£.e Can etl. I.€ 46 ofl “ Gafel WO (44) E39. 8B. S40. of, (Zz) SG? a) Z 7? @) B25, 836. Laonias TFavoniwa 837, B38. Gynacphora ce Nocrits, 839, SLO. mL angrapla - Me? é“ — C O77 O ee . = ‘ a= 2 ») (GB > Gro ION Cj ‘ou ALES: aulrige Orolo —lehinctt. dE / bef. Cafel . 20 (145). 2) ) a) ‘O. 841, 242. € Weatorides Cresoida- S43. 844 Catopotlia Lizotde C a 2h, se O = = hy s ; EP LEDs ay ne © /Outbner ~utrége Oxoto %hmett 5C/veft. Capel 03 / 116) B29. 860 L 2) 7 Op ) B45. S46. C A lirote Calbanaria, B47. B48. C ete WS 849, BIO Lolygonia Cingillarva z ¢ ¢ G ZL — O 2 > : vi A a CGFA SS MGV) ya) C 2} a « OWCTIE?: ~ulrage Oxet.c ehmett.d.€ ‘Cel. Cafel 03S (147) OG / / e @ G-~ S51. B52. Der c Withee; SSF PSM. C Mylothres Olodra, 855.856. Ourranthis C Facularta > C - 3 So 77s ze x s C (C LY C i, 2) > 5 Ac © /Oubner ~tlrage Oxel.c chimelt.5€ ofl. Cafel O39 ins) . SOT. 860. S62 ; y) Q y/ (re 857. 858. C Lore LOT © Vedas 859. 86O Ougraphe (4 LMbifron. 1, SOL. SO?. ¢ Celera hrota Cfrconstand OO we I Sy ie ae e > . (C Y i (G vO 3} Pr ry e C/oubner autrége Oxote lehinAt AC. ofl : Cafel O46 (149) SO¥ S65. 867 Cc ? @e2 OD) ) SO?, 864. © Frast hinta’¢ Hippodrome, 605 866. Ourolw as tiere ta. 887 868. ( Leroptera é OTUPTUNATUA 5 Cs 7, i >) war >= \ : S © LY me Cc OD) y Wap ye “Oo uMONE, aulrage Gust re) Es OC. ‘oof Le Capel 0 Yi, (50) Cc GZ f GE” ; ae F Qe gts S69. B70. © lyrreenitio Cc Morgare, 971 872. Gynamine Qy Yor, BIB. S74 Gow ws aevitarta f ¢ é Or = s | ee ~~ se x G LY S G Ly, >) 9 ay) > C © (Ou WSL. ~utrage Oxvol.c chinelt. 3C/ bef/C. Cafel O42 wn E @) SK y , ff oy"? 875. 876. (bers ben, Ofras, S77, 8Y8. C Braroc Anta C rina; 879. 88O. Dy wtromea ¢ Yoracata ¢ Gea e : 2 Sere SS $ 2 Ce - G07 iy dedig ict | AG) UO: autrage Oxet.c leh melt: d © A befl : Cc safel OF y 152) (Oe 2 1) Z, . y) D @S81 882. Origonia C Ves SES. SES ( piles (fd, 885. 886. Cocrapeta Q ollutrix ; E & 2h, — O) Gz Gyvo Fam Vie, easy. C77 C Vs fa fae © /Oubne,r: ~utlrage Oxel.c chimelt.5.© ofl. Cael O AY 158) Fine GF; 2) 7) (Fa) 3 G Callicor C Muyduop eo AS9. SIO. © yrichloeé C Leracgcitiia 89, 892 Crocota ¢ Nircaria 6j7 OQ ee s He Pee ee, Ge - GfF7 7 i pipe C/OouUbNEer. aulrage Oxct.c Jehunett. 3.E ‘oefl : Ca/fel O42 (154). ) O 3 y O, ; ) B 893. SIL Calheor Candrena, 895.896 C Abvaet (& lyave, BIT, SIS. Chaletope Lycopodia. aps, se, Se pipas ©C /Oubner: ~ulrige Ox. Chmett.3.¢ bef. GCafel O V0 (155) 90%, % ) OG ) (e720) C “ a, “ y GII. GOO. © Lat VASA LACIE , IO. IO?. oaddoptert ) Lytaea, IOS. GOW, © Dendis (a Jormulere. OO i C CAI SUG O7 (ZF OY Pfs («c ‘OuUCNE, aulrage Oxol.c pet EC ‘oeft. Cafel OF (156) GID IOI. V/E GP, y oO G a) a 7a y 903.900. C: Luinec Lhidilte, 907. GOS. Cecrops Fes Let), 909. 10. Leplomeris Ossularia GO, x ; : - Cy, 7 f 2 we G2 ~~, (GO) y5, C >) > ; © OMUONE: aulrage Oxelec lehinett..€ eft. Capel O45 157) ILO. tp ( / y y — 9/1. P12. Linopaed On 5) iphone ITZ. G14, C rete V7 odprtey ID. ILC. Orc Aeritt LTECOC¥ TIRE 5) es NE ee «C ‘Ot l Ten autrage CL 5C% oft : Cafel 0 4G 58). G19: 920. 922 &, , Z e =. of) HY HE © Heavis Cc Weeesticts, I19. 920. Le hamphidiwum Gradals, 924 922. (Omedto Opaka C77 O — CO GD = GO pn CEO /) G AG: UO. ~ulrage Oxct.c chinetl.I.©/bef.. C rafel OIU (159. / Q ea 2 Of (S72) i fo 923.924. Wigs che @ legano, 925. G26. COLES CIE G27, 928. Leriplacis Gla LCOTTLL uC: Vee ige O. ae eC if, gett. 3. oe, ‘oof . @G afl OD: i (160) GPE. ; y bn MOE Oy (Fak ey, ¢ G29, 930. LO TIM, Oriopas, IIL, G32. Colotio « Nililatw, IB? GA. C Bithyo Long: L42460 GF oh, wa >) 3 Gyo y Fe Waal Soubner: autrage Cee A C%oeft , Cafe 0232 160) ‘C WM I36. eC Za e 7A) L,.. Cc G25. G36. UILLCE. Oryphosa, 937.938. OUP CTE CGuatheme, 939,940 CNabsidota Qcsselare. Rey, 2h ce Cee) - Ga 7 P= yy ro C/ouwbner: aulrage Oxvol.c Chinell. € bef. Capel 0. JP (162). ae (272) Co GP (Eq, t a) , G41. G42. € tetides Liflades, 943. DY Origoria Landa GLE, S40. (Oherituo Cypria C77 O 7, eS . a fifa 2 : © (CE SS KGiO) 5) Fie Wa C/OubnNer: atilrage Oxot.c hi ntt:d © ‘Cefl * Cafe OY (163), a Of) / 3 947.948. Crastia Koger S49, I50. C Lphrodite CS Lntevippe Z C7 ) —_ > 7. a S275 . oF ae ¢ Ee AY ~- Cc Le ») 3) Cc 7, ‘ me jC OWONE?: autrage Oxot.c Lehunett.d.€ Z bel. Oa el 0D) (16 e Gr a ) ¢ Y F 95. 952. Ourenita LD “77a, 953. 954. C Ageroniia Liisa, GSS. GSC. C Aithon /, gril rats GO, ez : 2 ee ae 2 . (i Ce -G O7 J yr « OUOTNIE?: aulrage Oxot.c lehurectt:b © oe. Capel ODO (165) ICO. y GD, Cf. (GE 957. GSE. ( A oraura Thaedone, I59. 60. — Withiyo Ogphra 2160 OF 2h - C Ge . G70 7 (ee Oey age | CO LLO71C7: autrage Oxel.c See EMC oe. Cafe 0, ) / (160). IO4 ICC. ) fp a O, GF EZ, , IL IB? Calophag a TZilotis, 63 96% lytic Liturna; I6B5. IGC. Mrangas Ohrasy ll 6772 v - > ~ aS © Z 4 Ge _ Goa ee © /Oubner: autrage Oxotc tLhmett JOCK befl t Capel 0968 (167). 9E7 7 GZ, QO ? j GZ IBY. GBS. Mon aves € H alice, 969, 970, Ourenta« Venegalenot, GAL G2. C Arcolasta (ce Hinde 6 @. iG : IZ (2) KY ~ GO, Zn Oya Cj oes aulrage Be Se Ie oft , Cafe O03 68) IFO. GP Gp) Gp CF GF ) GV2. I74 BDlhoyris Dorr, IIS. G76. C trgynnis Aellona, IVA, IE. Omoli Waoilideo Z CL, cS OF7 oh, oa 1 ue Ga 7 Fey) AVE c “6 MONG: aulrage Grole Vat J. Oeft. Cafel 000 (169). IBA eo Of a) (Fa) ; oe : 979. TBO. ures CL 981. G82. OUTLETS Balderi, IEE. G84 C Merreccrraimed a c Alector CY oh PCB ee - F797 Gaya ne C/Oubner: aulrage Oxet.c Chinell.3.& Oe. Gafel OO ij0) DIO. “i < / “ Pp, CP 5 7) Uylothrr d Cyhona 9S 7, ISS. ( Hymenite Shino ISI. GIO. SLoly tichli C cypore OF 2h, a7 2 (Ga G77O A OW) GRY ANE ©C/oubner: ~ulrage Oxot.c leh nett: dC A befl , Gafel 00 Fry) @Q Q ( y / ( F Y ; ‘ P GGL, 992. C Lp hiro dite C uporipe, 993. G4. C Iphrodile Ovarne, IIS GIB I rei eartenre ida OUTTA > _— C 5 2 $2 = 7 i es 7 A ¢ C ae) re C ly 2) 3) a ©C/oubrer: atilrage Ox0£.c chimell.3& ‘Ceft. Capel 00. yp y) LOOO. _. 2 fp 7 I97. GIS. Triamidles re Le po halts, 999 1000. — Heo ele Soseata ‘a! a Jaca EEE EEN NE EE ae bo =e LIVRAISON PLANCHES A ie AY , U Sh ad hula Fi aml S cao [ Pavey MR A eee tre kn ws ' Meh eee 4 ’ » f eS +a nn re iY ae * 4, a eae : m. oak abe ; ara i, wa oy a 29e be 4 Lea 4 ra H 1 q 2808 rites rd yn Q, Y cea =>: oe. Str oar omen SPAS | J. HUBNER &C. GEYER | LEPIDOPTERES EXOTIQUES (1806-1837) SSS 16 SS: v rey NOUVELLE EDITION Revue, corrigée et augmentée AVEC SUPPLEMENT SYNONYMIQUE, OBSERVATIONS ET NOTES SETAC -W. F. KIRBY ET PUBLIEE AVEC UNE TRADUCTION FRANCAISE DES NOTES PAR P. WYTSMAN S00 PREGDE LA LIVRAISON : 10 FRANCS eo Ay & (mak es “ty aT > REP °5 EpELueeueu Lal « _ YaEEAURN CERT UENROERE ER | LIVRAISON PLANCHES 4 CL I—-CLM— CP ee 8 Y « ELE EEL AAA AD A AAA TS J. HUBNER & C. GEYER LEPIDOPTERES EXOTIQUES anak (1806-1837) S16 NOUVEL EE EDITLON Revue, corrigée et augmentée Ee ee ee ee Ps ia ~ - r z =: athe as (areola v7 , in te ‘A A dha ‘ Pt Rees Ne ; aA. —= LS > AVEC SUPPLEMENT SYNONYMIQUE, OBSERVATIONS ET NOTES PAR WwW. E: KIRBY ET PUBLIEE AVEC UNE TRADUCTION FRANCAISE DES NOTES PAR P. WYTSMAN S66 == PRIX DE LA LIVRAISON : 10 FRANCS . Ma Pree eR ELEL LT LLL ELL =r aa SEE ME ME EB ee Ne MG Ne Se Se See ee 23-4) me LIVRAISON | PLANCHES ( ae ( 6% at s J. HUBNER & C. GEYER LEPIDOPTERES EXOTIQUES nae 4 € = (1806-1837) DSSo——+ EEE COVA T nes NOUVELLE EDITION 5 ¥ Revue, corrigée et augmentée E = AVEC ; SUPPLEMENT SYNONYMIQUE, OBSERVATIONS ET NOTES PAR W. F. KIRBY ET PUBLIEE AVEC UNE TRADUCTION FRANCAISE DES NOTES PAR P. WYTSMAN S96 Eo yt Aa See oe oe io. as aa y x Prix DE LA LIVRAISON : 10 Francs ie VERE LA a POS as os Ob 4 zs ) o a a ‘e — © eB es, ee rs pe Chie ; 3 < . aie Sa ie _ 7 eRe UL ain i " al al’ at : We i ht - y el ai , ae oft " iS yr * 1; 4 Hh } mt / ‘ . ae y; t , i u + ‘ ‘* J ‘ / § é it } nt) 4 ; ) ’ A % A fon it A i il a " f ; / NAT it in ; A f é Ae ! ! Yabe TS Wale | vt i f ‘ / EF Tez bi gata } * fe # ' a y " , . a 4 f ive Ky A hy ’ As ‘ f ee, , 1 Hae pi) Le % . m : ah Wt Mt r ‘ } ; ‘ - j A i.e , e ‘ ;} Ai é % } i fe F { ; # q / } * [ / ' , ; " ; ) Hee . ‘ yt ' " M 4 in 4 Po . : é hp. a / ‘ fr t i ¢ ¥ ’ cP. , 1 ye , . v . ys a . a f j 3 ; . ' } . e a * ity IN 4 \! Pie 2 a Ant Hi * a § its > i melt ® , iA ¥ , F “3 rae . ; . 4 ' J ’ y ‘ 7 ’ ‘ . x iY \ ‘ ‘ { 4 . f ‘ bs gh Si 4 ei ™< | nant ; oe ia 4 t . * \ 4 a “ ‘ ‘ ‘a . ‘ \ e . \ ; + \ ‘ \ i Rar , ‘ y \ b ; bi » ; j \ r - 7 4 y ¥ 4 SY] We a x * } : av ‘ u ND ’ > a R ti . . ¢ .