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Voutume IV. 

FEBRUARY 20, 1886, TO JANUARY 28, 1888. 

'71099 > 



SE Pega). 


C. HART MERRIAM, Chairman. 


fa or oe 


Officers and Committees for 1887 . . . + © © «© © © © «© « iv 
Officers and Committe¢@s for 1888 . . . . 2 2% © © «© «© @ v 
Joint. Commisetan.: 2450 peal aa ee eee ee ew vi 
Proceedings, February 20, 1886, to January 20, 1888. . . . .~ vii-xxii 
Saturday Lectures; 2586-6 2s ata ae oe eee se ee 
cb 95 1887 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Xxili 
Baird Memorial Meeting 500 0 wd 6 ei pei gira es es) RRM 
Notice of Botanical Section’). 23563 soe a ae oe ee a ie EG 
Addresses and Communications: 
Description of a new species of Bat from the Western United 
States / Vespertilio ctiliolabrum, sp. nov.), mE C. Hart Mer- 
riama (December: 19; 2800") 65) ns Se ea fae ate ict Loe 
Description of a new Mouse from New Mexico (Hesperomys 
anthonyt, sp. nov.), by C. Hart Merriam (April 15, 1887*) . 5-8 
The Beginnings of Natural History in America—The Third 
Century—Annual Address of the President, G. Brown Goode, 
JANGSry: 22, SF es aciee ee eh We le a oe ee eee 
Some American Conchologists. Annual Address of the Presi- 
dent, William H. Dall, January 28, 1888. . . . - - + 95-134 

Description of a new Fox from Southern California ( VudZes 
macrotis, sp. nov.), by C. Hart Merriam (February 18, 1888.*) 135-138 

* Author’s separates of the special papers here enumerated were published on the dates given 
in the parentheses following the author’s name. 




' ELectep January 8, 1887. 









WILLIAM H. DALL, President. 



Committee on Communications. 

G. BROWN GOODE, Chairman. 

Committee on Publications. 

C. HART MERRIAM, Chazrman. 


Committee on Lectures. 

G. BROWN GOODE, Chairman. 

Committee on the Trees and Shrubs of Washington. 

LESTER F. WARD, Chairman. 


* Ex-Presidents of the Society. 












WILLIAM H. DALL, President. 



Committee on Communications. 

G. BROWN GOODE, Chairman. 

Committee on Publications. 

C. HART MERRIAM, Chairman. 

Committee on Lectures. 

G. BROWN GOODE, Chairman. 

Committee on the Trees and Shrubs of Washington. 

LESTER F. WARD, Chairman. 


* Ex-Presidents of the Society. 


A temporary joint committee, appointed for the purpose of 
considering the advisability of forming a permanent joint com- 
mittee, submitted the following report to each of the five societies 

concerned :— 

WuerEAS, There now exist in Washington several scientific 
societies, organized with similar aims, working by similar meth- 
ods, composed largely of the same members, and meeting in the 
same place; and 

Whereas, Matters of common interest are numerous and con- 
stantly increasing: therefore it is 

Resolved, That it is the sense of this committee, that it is advis- 
able to form a Joint Commission of the Anthropological, Biolog- 
ical, Chemical, Geographic and Philosophical Societies of Wash- 
ington to consider questions of common interest ; 

That such Joint Commission shall consist of three representa- 
tives from each of the five Societies ; : 

That its functions shall be advisory, except that it may execute 
instructions on general subjects, and in special cases, from two or 
more of the Societies participating ; 

Provided, That no Society shall be bound by the Commission 
to an act as to which it has not given instruction. 

The above resolution resulted in the establishment of a perma- 

nent Joint Commission, composed of the following delegates : 

Anthropological Soctety. Biological Society. 


’ Chemical Society. National Geographic Society. 

Philosophical Society. 


NINETIETH MEETING, February 20, 1886. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-seven persons present. 

Dr. D. E. Salmon and Dr. Theobald Smith presented a pa- 
per, which was read by the latter, entitled, ON a New MetTuHop 
oF Propucine Immunity From Conracious DIsEASEs. 

A paper by Prof. C. V. Riley, describing A CARNIvoROUS 
ButTerFLy Larva, FENESICA TARQUINIUS,f was read by Mr. 
J. B. Smith. Specimens of both the larva and imago were ex- 
hibited. : 

Prof. L. F. Ward spoke upon THE PLANE TREE AND ITS AN- 
cEsTors,{ and exhibited specimens and figures of both the recent 
and fossil species. 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam described A NEw SpeciEs or APLODON- 
TIA FROM CALIFORNIA,§ and exhibited skins and skulls of the. 
only two species of the genus at present known. 

Ninety-First Meetinc, March 6, 1886. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-six persons present. - 

Dr. George Vasey spoke upon NEw anp RECENT SPECIES OF 

Mr. Charles Hallock read a paper entitled Hyprr-INstTincr 

* Until March 19, 1887, the meetings were held either in the Lecture 
Room or in the office of the National Museum, and subsequently in the 
Assembly Hall of the Cosmos Club, on Lafayette Square. 

+1886. Amer. Nat., June; and Proc. Ent. Soc., Washington, i, No. 2, 
P- 37- 

{The Paleontological History of the Genus Platanus. <Proc. U. S. 
Nat. Mus., xi. (In course of publication.) 

§ 1886. Merriam, C. Hart. Description of a New Species of Aplo- 
dontia from Caitfornia. < Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., iii, No. 10, pp. 312-328, 
plates 19, 20, and two tables. 



The President in the chair, and twenty-one persons present. 

The following communications were presented : 

Dr. D. E. Salmon and Dr. Theobald Smith, Notrres on Somer 

Dr. H. G. Beyer, Remarks on ANnTI-PyYRETICs. 

Dr. W. S. Barnard, THE Errects or KEROSENE ON ANIMAL 
AND VEGETABLE LiFe, with exhibition of a fungus that had de- 
veloped in an emulsion of kerosene and milk. 

FLorA CoLuMBIANA FoR 1885.* | 

Ninety-Tuirp MEETING, April 3, 18386. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-two members present. 

Mr. J. B. Smith read a paper entitled Some PEecuttar SEc- 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam described a NEw Supspecies oF GRAY 

A paper by Dr. R. W. Shufeldt, on Some Earty, AND As 
F. W. True. Photographs of the drawings were exhibited. 

Dr. Frank Baker and Mr. J. L. Wortman spoke upon REcENT 

Ninety-FourtH Meetine, April 17, 1886. 

Prof. Ward, Vice-President, in the chair, and seventeen per- 
sons present. 

Prof. Theodore Gill described THr CHARACTERISTICS AND 
Fami iss oF [nromous FIsSHEs. 

* 1886. These Proceedings, ili, pp. 106-132. 

t Science, April 16, 1886, 35:. 

t Embodied in the article, ‘‘ Elbow-ioint,” Wood’s Reference Hand- pot 
of Medical Sciences, vol. ii. 


Mr. F. A. Lucas read a paper entitled Nores.oN THE VERTE- 

Mr. F. W. True gave an account of Some DIsTINCTIVE CrRa- 
of specimens, and also exhibited a specimen of a wood hare, 
showing an abnormal growth of fur. 

NINETY-FirtH MEETING, May 1, 1886. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-six persons present. 

Prof. R. E. C. Stearns read a paper entitled INSTANCES OF 

Mr. John A, Ryder spoke upon THE EvoLuTIoN OF THE 
MAMMALIAN PLACENTA,{ which, he contended, had passed in its 
evolution from a diffuse, through a zonary, to a discoidal condi- 
tion. | 

Mr. W. H. Dall exhibited specimens of LiIncuLA (GLOTTIDIA) » 
PYRAMIDATA, Stimpson, attached to sand and bits of shell by 
the tip of the peduncle. He also described THE SuPERFICIAL 

NINETY-SIxTH MEETING, May 29, 1886. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-two persons present. 

Mr. J. B. Smith read a paper on Ants’ Nests AND THEIR 

Dr. T. H. Bean presented a communication on THE Trout 

*1886. Lucas, F. A. The Sacrum of Menopoma. <Amer. Nat., xx, 
pp- 561, 562, June. 

+1887. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, pp. 8, 9. 

{ A Theory of the Origin of Placental Types, and on certain vestigiary 
structures on the placentz of the mouse, rat, and field-mouse. American 
Naturalist, August, 1887, pp. 770-784 (with two figs.) 

See also (the placentation of the two-toed ant-eater, Cycloturus didac- 
tylus), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., 1887, p. ——. 

§ 1886. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., xii, No. 6. _ 

| 1886. Amer. Nat., xx, pp. 679-687, August. 


oF NortH AMERICA, with exhibition of specimens, which was 
followed by a long discussion, in which many members partici- 

Prof. L. F. Ward exhibited a SPECIMEN OF THE Pato La 
Cruz, oR Woop OF THE Cross, obtained in Northern Brazil. 

NINETY-SEVENTH MEETING, October 16, 1886. 

The President in the chair, and twelve members present. 

The Secretary read a letter from Dr. Basil Norris, U. S. A., 
Spokane Falls, W. T., descriptive of the larval form of a species 
of Amblystoma, probably A. tigrzva, a specimen of which was 

Mr. F. H. Knowlton read a paper on FAsciaTION IN Ra- 
NUNCULUS AND RuUDBECKIA, exhibiting specimens of each of the 
genera, and reviewing the different theories held by authors as to 
_ the cause of this structure. Remarks upon the same subject 
were made by Dr. Fernow, Prof. Ward, and Mr. Mann. 

Mr. J. B. Smith gave an account of an abnormal abundance 
of DyNASTES TITYUS, one of the largest of the American beetles, 
and having an intensely disagreeeble odor. It occasionally oc- 
curs in the District of Columbia, and ranges south and west from 
there into Texas and Mexico.* 

Mr. F. W. True presented A Revision OF THE GENUS La- 
GENORHYNCHUS. He also exhibited an abnormally developed 
hoof of a mule, which was curved and twisted like a ram’s horn, 
and a living specimen of the Almiguz (Solenodon cubanus) 
from Cuba, the largest known American Insectivore. 

NINETY-E1IGHTH MEETING, October 30, 1886. 

The President in the chair, and ten members present. 
Prof. Theodore Gill presented a communication on ‘T-aN10So- 

* 1887. Popular Science Monthly, xxx, pp. 409, 410, January. 
+ The Characteristics and Relations of the Ribbon-fishes. <Am. Nat., 
v. 21, p. 86, Jan., 787. 


Dr. H.G. Beyer, U.S. N., called attention to an alleged method 
of instructing the memory, which is being widely advertised. 

NINETY-NINTH MEETING, November 13, 1886. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-two persons present. 

The following amendment to the Constitution, on motion of 
Mr. Dall, was unanimously adopted: ‘* No person shall be con- 
sidered a member ofthe Society until he shall have signified to 
the Secretary, in writing, his acceptance of election, and shall have 
paid his entrance fee and annual dues for the year in which he 
shall have been elected.” 3 . 

Dr. Filip Trybom, Inspector of Fisheries, of Sweden, read a 

Prof. J. W. Chickering, Jr., under the title, TRAVELS IN 
ALASKA, gave a graphic description of the coast scenery of British 
Columbia and southeastern Alaska, as seen from the deck of a 
passenger steamer. : 

Mr. William H. Dall presented some Historicat Notes on 

OnE HunpreptH MEETING, November 27, 1886. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-five persons present. 

Prof. W. H. Seaman presented a communication entitled 
Nores ON MARSILIA QUADRIFOLIA, illustrating his remarks 
with stereopticon views, and herbarium and microscopical speci- 
mens. Prof. Ward referred to the paleontological history of the 
order containing the Marsz/ia. 

Prof. L. F. Ward spoke upon THE AuTUMNAL HUEs OF THE 
Co_umBIAN Fiora, which he thought were much brighter and 
finer than farther north. This paper gave rise to a long discus- 
sion, in which Prof. Riley, Dr. Merriam, Mr. Mann, and Mr. 
Goode participated. 

* 1887. Trysom, Firip. The Present Condition of the Natural Sciences 
in Sweden. < Amer. Nat., xxi, pp. 409-415, May. 
t+ Annual Rept. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1886. 


Dr. C. Hart Merriam described A New Species or Bat, 
VESPERTILIO CILIOLABRUM, from the Western States.* 

One Hunprep anp First MEETING, December 11, 1886. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-three persons present. 

The following papers were read: 

Dr. Theobald Smith, Parasiric BacTERIA AND THEIR RE- 


Mr. C. D. Walcott, CkustacEAN TrAcKs Founp on STRATA 

Dr. Frank Baker, THE FoRAMEN oF MAGENDIE.{ 

Dr..C. Hart Merriam, DesckiIPTION oF A NEw SUB-SPECIES 

(Seventh Annual Meeting.) 

The President in the chair, and twenty-one members present. 

The annual reports of the Secretary and Treasurer were read 
and accepted. 

The following board of officers was elected for the ensuing 
year : | 

Prestdent—Mr. William H. Dall. 

Vice- Prestdents—Prof. Lester F. Ward, Dr. Frank Baker, 
Mr. C. D. Walcott, Dr. C. Hart Merriam. 

Secretartes—Mr. Richard Rathbun, Mr. Frederic A. Lucas. 

Treasurer—Mr. F. H. Knowlton. 

* 1886. These Proceedings, iv, pp. 1-4 (Extras issued Dec. 17, 1886). 

¢ 1886. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 157. 

¢ Embodied in the article, ‘‘ Meninges,” Wood’s Reference Hand-book of 
Medical Sciences, vol. viii. 

§ Science, Dec. 24, 1886, 588. 


Additional Members of the Counctl—Dr. T. H. Bean, Dr. 
George Vasey, Prof. O. T. Mason, Dr. H. G. Beyer, Prof. R. E. 
C. Stearns. 

OnE Hunprep AND TurrD MEETING, January 22, 1887. 
(Seventh Anniversary Meeting. ) 

The President, Mr. Dall, occupied the chair, and about seventy- 
five persons were present, including invited guests. 

The retiring President, Mr. G. Brown Goode, delivered an ad- 
dress, entitled; THr BrGInnincs oF NaturAL HIstTory IN 

OnE HuNnpDRED AND FourtH MEETING, February 5, 1887. 

The President occupied the chair, and thirty-five persons were 
present, including Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace, of England. 

Mr. William T. Hornaday read a paper entitled THE Last oF 
THE BuFFALO, in which he described the rapid destruction of this 
species, and narrated his recent experiences in obtaining speci- 
mens for the National Museum. 

Prof. Cope, Dr. Merriam, and Mr. Fernow made remarks upon 
the same subject. 

Mr. Richard Rathbun exhibited a series of temperature charts 
prepared by the U. S. Fish Commission to illustrate the surface 
water temperatures of the Atlantic sea coast of the United States, 
in connection with the migrations of fishes. 

_ Mr. Dall spoke upon the value of temperature observations in 
studying the distribution of marine animals. 

* These Proceedings, pp. 9-94. Extras printed with cover and title page. 

+ 1887. RATHBUN, RICHARD. Ocean Temperatures of the Eastern Coast 
of the United States, from observations made at twenty-four light-houses 
and light-shifs. <U. S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries. * * * 
The Fisheries and Fishery Industries of the United States. * * * By 
George Brown Goode * * * anda Staff of Associates, Section iii, pp. 
155-176, 32 folding plates, quarto. 


Dr. C. Hart Merriam described A New Species or Woop 
Rat, NeotomaA BrYANTI, FROM CERROS ISLAND, off Lower Cal- 

Mr. Leonhard Stejneger exhibited specimens of several NEw 
remarks upon the avifauna of that region. 

Mr. Eaduard Muybridge, of Philadelphia, by invitation, ex- 
hibited a series of his photographic views of animals in motion, 
and explained the process of taking them. The assistance of these 
views in explaining some obscure points in the evolution of ver- 
tebrates was pointed out by Prof. Cope. 

OnE Hunprep AND Firru MEETING, February 19, 1887. 

Prof. Ward, Vice-President, in the chair, and twenty-two per- 
sons present. ; 

The presiding officer announced that an invitation had been re- 
ceived from the Cosmos Club to use its new hall for the future 
meetings of the Society. It was accepted. 

Prof. E. D. Cope described A New Species oF SNAKE, from 
the District of Columbia, closely related to the common Water 
Snake, Zropzdonotus sipedon, which he proposes to call 7. 62- 
sectus.{ He also spoke upon THE Hyorip APPARATUS IN THE 

Dr. George Vasey made some remarks upon A REcENT Co - 
and exhibited specimens of the rarer species. 

Prof. R. E. C. Stearns read a paper on THE ASCLEPIAD 
PLANT, ARAUJIA ALBANS,§ and explained the mechanism of its 
blossoms in capturing Lepidoptera. This subject was further 
discussed by Prof. Riley, Mr. Smith, Prof. Ward, Dr. Baker, 

and Prof. Cope. 

* 1887. Amer. Nat., xxi, No. 2, pp. 191-193. 

+ 1887. SreyJNEGER, LEonuarpD. Birds of Kauai Island, Hawaiian Ar- 
chipelago, collected by Mr. Valdemar Knudsen, with descriptions of new 
spectes. <Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, pp. 75-102. 

$1887. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x, p. 146. 

$1887. STEARNS, R.E.C. Avaujia albens as a moth trap. <Am. 
Nat., xxi, pp. 501I~507. . 


One HuNDRED AND SIxTH MEETING, March 5, 1887. 

Prof. Ward, Vice-President, in the chair, and twenty-eight 
persons present. 

Mr. P. L. Jouy presented a communication entitled CorEa ; 
THe CountTRY AND THE PEopLE, and exhibited a large series 
of native implements and utensils, and also many photographs. 

Dr. Frank Baker described Somze UNusuat Muscutar Vari- 
ATIONS IN THE HuMAN Bopy,* which had recently come under 
his notice, illustrating his remarks with the aid of diagrams and 
prepared specimens. 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam exhibited and described A New Species 
or Woop Mouse, Evotomys CANADENSIS, recently received 
from the mountains of North Carolina. 

Dr. H. G. Beyer made some remarks upon THE PRESERVA- 
TION OF BoTTLED Mus&umM SPECIMENS, especially in the line of 
Materia Medica. 

OnE HunpDRED AND SEVENTH MEETING, March 19, 1887. 

Prof. Ward, Vice-President, in the chair, and twenty-two per- 
sons present. 

Mr. L. O. Howard read a paper entitled A Rock Creek Pur- 
LANTHROPIST,f the philanthropist being the larva of a species of 
flydropsyche, which preys upon the abundant larve of the black 
fly (Stmulium venustum) . 

Mr. Charles Hallock described THrt Trans-ConTINENTAL 

IN DEEP SEA ICHTHYOLOGY, much to the credit of the former 

Mr. F. A. Lucas noted THe OccurrENcE or NocrurNaL 
LEPIDOPTERA AT SEA, mentioning some twelve or thirteen spe- 
cies which had been found distant from land.§ 

* Published in the New York Medical Record, December 31, 1887, vol. 
xxxli, No. 27, under the title, ‘‘ Some Unusual Muscular Anomalies.” 

+ 1886. Published in part in Annual Rept., Dept. of Agriculture, 1886, 
p- 510. 

t 1887. American Field, xxvii, 15, 344, April 9. : 

§ Science, April 8, 1887. 


Capt. J. W. Collins, under the title Some Nove Facts In 
THE NATURAL History OF THE CopFIsH, described certain curi- 
ous variations in the species, and exhibited several articles found 
in the stomachs or imbedded in the flesh. The most peculiar of 
these was a small hand-made knife of curious workmanship. 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam described A NEW SpEciEs oF MOUSE 

OnE HunprRED AND E1cHutH MEETING, April 2, 1887. 

The Society met for the first time in the Assembly Hall of the 
Cosmos Club. The President occupied the chair, and thirty per- 
sons were present. 

Dr. Theobald Smith described the QUANTITATIVE VARIATIONS 

Dr. Edward Eggleston made an interesting communication, in 
the form of queries, addressed to the members of the Society, re- 
Cotonists or Nortu America. Many replies were obtained. 

Prof. O. T. Mason exhibited and described a large series of 

Mr. F. W. True gave an account of THE BLACKFISH OF OUR 

OnE Hunprep AnD NintH MEETING, April 16,.1887. 

The President in the chair, and forty-one persons present. 

Mr. W. H. Dall described some Recent GrorocicaL Ex- 
PLORATIONS IN SOUTHWESTERN FLoripa,} made by himself. 
The observations were discussed by Mr. G. K. Gilbert and Dr. T. 
Sterry Hunt. 

Dr. H. G. Beyer spoke upon Tue AcTIon OF CAFFEINE UPON 

* 1887. These Proceedings, iv, pp. 5-8. (Extras issued April 15, 1887.) 
+1887. Dari, Witt1AMH. WJWotes on the Geology of Florida. <Amer. 
Tour. Sci., xxxiv, pp. 162-170. 



Dr. C. Hart Merriam read a paper detailing the RAVAGES OF 

One HunprED AND TENTH MEETING, April 30, 1887. 

. The President in the chair, and thirty-eight persons present. 

Dr. J. H. Kidder exhibited a rounded concretion-like mass 
taken from the stomach of a codfish; and also several rounded 
grass balls from a small salt pond near Pyramid Lake, Nevada, 
and explained’ their composition. These gave rise to much dis- 
cussion, and Mr. McGee, who had collected the grass balls, de- 
scribed the manner of their formation. 

Mr. F. A. Lucas spoke upon THE Os PROMINENS IN Birps. 

Mr. W. T. Hornaday read a paper entitled Crvi_izaTION As 
AN EXTERMINATOR OF SAVAGE Races, which led to some re- 
marks by Prof. Ward and Mr. Dall. 

Mr. W. H. Dall called attention to A GENus oF BIvALVE Mor- 
Lusks New To Nortu America. The genus is Cyrenxella.t 


The President in the chair, and forty-two persons present. 

Prof. C. V. Riley presented some BioLocicaL NoTEs on 
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, suggested by a recent trip to’ that re- 
gion. Remarks were made by Dr. Vasey, Dr. Merriam, Prof. 
Stearns, and Mr. Dall. 

Mr. P. L. Jouy exhibited specimens of A Birp NEw To JAPAN, 
PITTA OREAS OF SWINHOE, from the island of Tsushima. 

Mr. F. H. Knowlton made a communication on THE RECENT 
SHOWER OF POLLEN IN WASHINGTON, the so-called ‘* sulphur 
shower.” The distance which pollen may be carried by the 
winds gave rise to remarks by Dr. Vasey, Prof. Riley, and Prof. 

* 1887. Published in part in Annual Rept. tide of Agriculture for 1886, 
pp- 246-250. 
+ 1887. Amer. Jour. Sci., xxxiv, p. 170. 


The question, ‘‘ Dors THE FiyincG Fisu Fry?” was discussed 
by Mr. W. B. Barrows, Engineer G. W. Baird, U. S. N., Mr. 
Lucas, Mr. Goode, Mr. Hallock, Mr. Dall, and Prof. Riley. 

One Hunprep AND TweLrrH MEETING, May 28, 1887. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-one persons present. 

Prof. R. E. C. Stearns read a paper entitled THz ProrEcTiveE 
specimens of several species. 

Mr. R. T. Hill explained Tue TruzE Grotocicat Horizon 
OF SOME HITHERTO UNPLACED FAuNAS, with special reference to 
the Cretaceous of Texas. Mr. McGee made some remarks on Mr. 
Hill’s paper. . 

Mr. G. Brown Goode exhibited a series of JAPANESE CHROMO- 
LITHOGRAPHS OF FisHEs, recently published. Mr. Baba, of 
Japan, spoke upon Japanese methods of delineation, and the sub- 
ject was further discussed by Prof. Gill, Prof. Riley, Mr. Dall, 
Mr. Stejneger, and Prof. Seaman. 


The President in the chair, and forty persons present. 

The President announced the death, during the summer recess, 
of Prof. Spencer F. Baird, the only honorary member of the So- 
ciety, and of Dr. Charles Rau, one of its most distinguished active 

Mr. L. O. Howard described AN Ant-DEcCAPITATING PaRa- 
SITE, the larva of a species of Diptera, probably belonging to the 
family Coxopide, from New Hampshire. 

Dr. George Vasey presented some Notes on WESTERN 

Mr. F. A. Lucas read a paper entitled THz Brrp Rocks or 
THE GULF oF SAINT LAWRENCE IN 1887.* These rocks are situ- 
ated in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and were visited, during the 

* 1888. The Auk, April. 

Se ae ee 
ote ot ee 2 e : 


summer of 1887, by Mr. Lucas with the Fish Commission schooner 

Mr. A. A. Crozier, under the title, Some BoranicaL TERMs, 
referred to the ambiguity attending the use of the words ‘ sinis- 
trorse ’’ and ‘‘ dextrorse,” as applied to twining plants. 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam gave an account of the FAUNA AND FLora 


The President in the chair, and thirty-six persons present. 

Mr. John B. Smith read a paper on SoME GEOGRAPHICAL VA- 
RIATIONS OF INSECTS, with special reference to local variations 
in Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. | 

Dr. T. H. Bean presented a communication respecting THE 
Younc Forms or SOME OF OuR Foop FIsHEs, and exhibited 
alcoholic specimens of the same. | 

Mr. N. P. Scudder explained THE PERIOD OF GESTATION IN 

Mr. H. E. Van Diemen exhibited specimens of the fruit and 
colored drawings of the foliage, flowers, and fruit of THE Jap- 

Prof. Theodore Gill described the characteristics of THE Fisu 

One HunprRED AND FirTEENTH MEETING, Nov. 1g, 1887. 

Prof. Ward, Vice-President, in the chair, and thirty-two per- 
sons present. 

Col. Marshall McDonald presented an EXPLANATION OF PAST 

Mr. Walter B. Barrows read a paper entitled Fresuet NorEs 

Dr. T. H. Bean described A New Species oF THyRSITOPS 


FROM THE NEw ENGLAND FISHING BANnks,* with the aid of 
photographs and a life-size crayon sketch. 

Mr. F. W. True gave a review of some of the more important 
works on Cetaceans published since 1886. 

Mr. F. A. Lucas read a paper entitled An AtcinzE CEME- 
TERY, being the resting-place of the Great Auk on Funk Island, 
off Newfoundland. 

Mr. H. E. Van Diemen called attention to a cluster of the 
fruit of the date palm, Phenzx dactylifera, from New Orleans, 
which he had placed upon the table for examination. 


The President in the chair, and thirty-nine persons present. 

Mr. Charles Hallock read a.paper descriptive of THE Great — 
RosEAU Swamp of northwestern Minnesota. 

A communication from Dr. C. A. White, on Tue Rapip Dis- 
read by the Secretary. 

Dr. Theobald Smith made a few remarks upon PEPTONIzING 

Mr. C. D. Walcott exhibited A Fosstr LincuLa PRESERVING 
THE CAST OF THE PEDUNCLE, from the Hudson Terrane, near 
Rome, N. Y. : : 

Ptof. Theodore Gill discussed THz PHyLOGENY OF THE CE- 


Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Vice-President, in the chair, and twenty- 
three persons present. | : 

Mr. C. L. Hopkins read a paper ‘entitled Nores RELATIVE To 

Dr. Cooper Curtice described some recent observations respect- 

* Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., x (in course of publication). 


Mr. C. D. Walcott exhibited a SEcTion oF A Fossit Enpo- 
CERAS OVER E1cutT FEEtr 1n LENGTH, and explained its structure 
and relations to other shell-bearing Cephalopoda, both fossil and 

Mr. Leonhard Stejneger read a paper entitled How rue Great 


The President occupied the chair, and sixteen persons were 


Dr. C. Hart Merriam exhibited and described A NEw Species 

Mr. W. B. Barrows described THE SHAPE OF THE BiLt IN 
SnaAiL-EaTinG Birps, with special reference to the Kite, Ros- 
trhamus sociaétlis, and the ‘‘ crying” birds, Aramus. 

A paper by Mr. H. Justin Roddy, on the FEEpING Hasirs oF 
Some YounG Raprores, was read by Mr. Lucas. 

One HunprRED AND NINETEENTH MEETING, Jan. 14, 1888. 
(Eighth Annual Meeting). 

The President occupied the chair, and twenty-seven members 
were present. 

The annual reports of the Secretary and Treasurer were read 
and accepted. : 

The following board of officers was elected for the ensuing 
year: | 7 | 
Prestdent—Mr. William H. Dall. 

Vice-Presidents—Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Prof. L. F. Ward, 
Prof. C. V. Riley, Mr. Richard Rathbun. 

* 1887. American Naturalist, xxi, pp. 1047-1054, December. 


Secretartes—Mr. J. B. Smith, Mr. F. A. Lucas. 

Treasurer—Mr. F. H. Knowlton. 

Additional Members of the Council—Dr. T. H. Bean, Dr. 
J. H. Kidder, Prof. R. E. C. Stearns, Mr. F. W. True, Dr. . 
George Vasey. 

The President announced the following Committee on Satur- 
day Lectures: Prof. G. Brown Goode, Chairman; Dr. Frank 
Baker, Mr. G. K. Gilbert, Dr. C. Hart Merriam, Prof. C. V. 


(Eighth Anniversary Meeting). 

The eighth anniversary meeting of the Society was held in the 
lecture hall of Columbian University, on the evening of January 
28, about seventy-five persons being present. 

The President, Mr. William H. Dall, delivered an address, en- 


The fifth course of Saturday Lectures under the auspices of the 
Biological Society and the Anthropological Society was begun 
March 6, 1886. The lectures were delivered in the lecture room 
of the National Museum, and the following programme was carried 

March 6: Mr. WiLt1AmM Hattock. The Geysers of the Yellowstone. 

March 12: Prof. Witt1am HarKness. How the Solar System is 

March 20: Prof. T. C. MENDENHALL. The Nature of Sound. 

March 27: Prof. F. W. CLarKe. The Chemistry of Coal. 

April 3: Dr. C. HART Merriam. The Migration of Birds. 

April zo: Dr. WASHINGTON MATTHEWS. The Gods of the Navajos. 

Afgril 16: Dr. D. B. Stwmons. Social Status of the Women of Japan. 

April 24: Prof. W. K. BrRooKes. Life. 

May 1: Prof. Lester F. Warp. Heredity and Opportunity. 

May &: Dr. JoHN S. Bittincs. Animal Heat. 

* These Proceedings, pp. 95-134. Extras printed with title page and 


The sixth course of Saturday Lectures was begun March 12, 
1887, under the auspices of the Biological, Philosophical, and 
Anthropological Societies. The lectures were delivered in the 
lecture hall of the National Museum, eight being given on Sat- 
urday afternoons, and four on Wednesday evenings with the aid 
of the stereopticon. The programme was as follows: 

March 12: Gen. A. W. GREELY, U.S.A. Animais of the Arctic Region. 

March 19: Capt. C. E. Dutton, U. S. A. Earthquakes. 

March 23: Mr. W. J. McGee. The Charleston Earthquake. (Evening 
lecture. ) 

March 26: Prof. Oris T. Mason. The Natural History of Human Arts. 

April 2: Dr. B. E. FERNow. Our Forestry Problem. 

April 6: Mr. THomas Witson. Pre-historic Man in Europe. (Even- 
ing lecture. ) 

April 16: Dr. Epwarp M. Hartweti. The Aims and Effects of 
Physical Training. 

April 20: Dr. FRANK BAKER. Facial Expression. (Evening lecture.) 

April 23: Miss H. C. DeS. Assporr. The.Chemistry of the Higher 
and Lower Plants. 

April 30: Prof. HARRISON ALLEN. Rights and Lefts. 

May 4: Prof. S. P. LANGLEY. Sunlight and the Earth’s Atmosphere. 
(Evening lecture.) . 

May 7: Dr. J. H. Bryan. The Mechanism of the Human Voice. 


January 11, 1888, a meeting commemorative of the life and 
scientific work of Prof. Spencer Fullerton Baird was held in the 
lecture hall of the Columbian University, under the joint auspices 
of the Anthropological, Biological, and Philosophical Societies of 
Washington. A very large number of persons was in attendance. 
Mr. Garrick Mallery, President of the Philosophical Society, pre- 
sided, and the following addresses were delivered : 

PATING SOCIETIES, by Mr. Garrick Mallery. 

ProFEssor Barrp As ADMINISTRATOR, by Mr. William B. 
Taylor, of the Smithsonian Institution. 


Proressor Barrp IN ScIENCE, by Mr. William H. Dall, Pres- 
ident of the Biological Society. 

Mr. J. W. Powell, President of the Anthropological Society.* 


A preliminary meeting of persons interested in Botany took 
place November 21, 1887, in the office of the Botanist of the De- 
partment of Agriculture. A second meeting was held December 
5, at which a Botanical Section of the Biological Society was for- 
mally organized. Dr. George Vasey was elected President, and 
Mr. A. A. Crozier, Secretary. The first regular meeting was 
held January 4, 1888, when the following papers were read: 

Prof. E. A. Burgess. 

F. H. Knowlton. 

3. FuNGI oF THE AriID Recions, Prof. S. M. Tracy. 

4. GLa@OsPORIUM OF THE Wax BEAN, Miss E. A. Southworth. 

The Section is to meet monthly. 

* These addresses, together with a portrait of Professor Baird, have been 
printed in the Bulletin of the Philosophical. Society, vol. x, pp. 41-77, 1888. 
Also separately issued with independent pagination. 


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( Vespertzlio ciliolabrum sp. nov.) 

By Dr. C. Hart MERRIAM. 
(Read November 27, 1886.) 

Specimens of a small and apparently hitherto undescribed 
species of bat have reached me from two widely separated 
localities in the Western United States. The first were col- 
lected by Mr. A. B. Baker in Trego County, Kansas; the 
second by Mr. A. W. Anthony in Grant County, in the ex- 
treme southwestern corner of New Mexico. 

Mr. Baker writes me that ‘‘ the first two of these bats were 

_ found in bluffs or cafions near the town of Banner, and were 

hidden away in clefts in the chalk rock. The others were 
captured at a bluff several miles distant. They-*had secreted 
themselves in abandoned swallows’ nests which were inacces- 
sible; but the bats were easily dislodged by means of stones. 
They were followed to their various places of yeriay and seven 
were secured.” 

These bats belong to the group of American Vesfertzlzos, of 
which V. xzt¢dus may be considered fairly typical. They differ 
from V. xztidus, however, in size, proportions, and color, as 
well as in the much larger size of the ear. 

The Kansas specimens vary in color from bade pure white to 
pale yellowish-brown, or even isabella-brown, while those from 
New Mexico are tawny-isabella above and much paler under- . 



The following characters will serve to distinguish the species 

from its allies: 

(Type No. 2797 female ad., Merriam Collection). 

Bey SS Se aes EP 

Dental formula: i. RS pm. 3-3 "3-3 20 

The outer upper incisor of each side slopes forward and 
inward parallel to the inner, contrary to the rule in the genus 
Vespertilio, in which these teeth usually are divergent; cusp . 
of inner upper incisor bifid, the anterior point being larger. 
First upper premolar small and crowded against (and usually 
somewhat internal to) the canine; second upper premolar 
minute and wholly internal to the tooth-row so that it is not 
visible from the outside except in immature individuals; third 
premolar very large, nearly or quite equal to canine. Middle 
lower premolar smallest; posterior largest. 

Sides of upper lip fimbriate. Glandular prominences be- 
tween eyes and nostrils moderately developed. Tip of ear 
laid forward extends to end of muzzle. 

The calcaneum reaches about half-way from the foot to the 
tip of the tail; the postcalcaneal lobule is large for a Ves- 
pertilio; the calcaneum ends in a projecting tooth or lobule. 

The form of the ear is somewhat intermediate between that 
of V. nztidus and that of V. nigricans: Internal basal lobe 
slightly rounded; middle three-fourths of anterior margin 
strongly conyex; tip shortly rounded off, forming a small, pro- 
jecting lobe posteriorly, beneath which the outer border is 
sharply emarginated for about one-third of its entire length ; 

bottom of emargination straight or slightly convex; below this 

* The specific name czliolabrum refers to the fringe of hairs along the 
sides of the upper lip. 


the outer margin becomes abruptly convex and then nearly 
straight, with a distinct reflexed lobe near its base. Tragus at- 
tenuated above; inner margin straight or slightly convex; outer 
margin slightly concave in upper half, then slightly convex, 
with a distinct lobule at the base, which is separated by a 
notch from the convexity above. 

Thumb very small, considerably shorter than the foot. Foot 
small. Wings from base of toes. Upper surface of wing- 
membranes haired from about the middle of the humerus to 
the knee: basal third of upper surface of interfemoral mem- 
brane cevered with hair; on under surface of interfemoral the 
hair is arranged in little tufts along transverse lines, about 
thirteen in number. Half of last vertebra of tail free. 

Fur long and soft; basal portion dusky ; apical portion vary- 
ing from whitish or yellowish-white to isabella-brown (tawny- 
isabella in the New Mexico specimens), which in some indi- 
viduals is nearly as dark as in V. sududatus; the colored apical 
portion varies in extent from less than one-third to more than 
one-half the length of the hairs. 

Measurements from alcoholic specimens.—Male adult (No. 
2794 Merriam Collection): Head and body, 42 mm.;_ head, 
16.25 mm.; tail, 37 mm.; ear, from inner basal angle, 15 
mm.; tragus, 6.75 mm.; humerus, 22 mm.; forearm, 32.50 
mm.; thumb, 3.75 mm.; third finger, 56 mm.; fifth finger, 
44 mm.; tibia, 11.25 mm.; hind foot, 7 mm. 

Female adult (type, No. 2797 Merriam Collection) : Head 
and body, 43 mm.; head, 16.25 mm.; tail, 40 mm.3; ear, 
from inner basal angle, 15 mm.; tragus, 6.75 mm.; humerus, 
22 mm.; forearm, 33 mm.; thumb, 3.50 mm.; third finger, 
56 mm.; fifth finger, 45.50 mm.; tibia, 11.50 mm.;_ hind 
foot, 7.50 mm. 


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Hesperomys ( Vesperimus) Anthony sp. nov. 

By Dr. C. Hart MErRRIAM. 
(Read March 19, 1887). 

During the spring and summer of 1886, Mr. A. W. Anthony, 
of Denver, Colorado, made his headquarters: at Camp Apache, 
Grant county, New Mexico (about lat. 31° 20’). Camp Apache __ 
is in a hot desert region in the extreme southwestern corner of 
_ the Territory, and only about four miles from the Mexican 

The following extract from one of Mr. Anthony’s letters 
sufficiently describes the region. He writes: ‘‘ You can form 
some idea of my location when I tell you that our nearest 
water is a very small spring nine miles across the valley, 
from which all our water is carried in wagons. The only 
trees within forty miles are a few very small stunted cedars 
and oaks. The only other vegetation consists of cacti and 
other plants characteristic of these hot dry deserts.” 

_ While in this region Mr. Anthony made a valuable collec- 
tion of mammals, which he has very kindly presented to me. 
Among other things of interest it contains five specimens of a 
pretty little mouse, hitherto unknown in the. United States, 
which I believe to be undescribed, and which, therefore, I 
take pleasure in dedicating to its discoverer. _ In coloration,* 

_ proportions, and cranial characters this mouse differs so rad- 


ically from all previously known species, that comparison 
with others is unnecessary. Unfortunately, nothing is known 
of its habits. It may be distinguished from its congeners by 

the following diagnosis: 


Type No aSaz” male ad., Merriam Collection. 

Size, small; tail considerably longer than head and body; 
ears large and scant haired; whiskers long, reaching past 
shoulders. Soles naked, 6 tuberculate; palms 5 tuberculate ; 
thumb armed with a blunt nail. 

Cotor.—Upper parts from nose to tail, uniform clear ash- 
gray, more or less darkened by black-tipped hairs; sides 
bright buffy-fulvous ; under parts white, the plumbeous basal 
portion of the hairs showing through on the chin and throat, 
which are thinly clothed with rather short hairs; belly 
strongly washed with salmon, which may be due to earth- 
staining. Pelage soft. The fur covering the breast, abdo- 
men, and flanks is very much more dense than that of the 
rest of the body, from which it may be distinguished at a 
glance. In fact, on the sides it forms well-marked flank 
patches or tufts. Possibly this character may be seasonal ; 
if not, it is very remarkable. In the young the belly is pure 
white, and. the buffy-fulvous flank patches are not apparent. 

The material at hand consists of five skins and skulls, col- 
lected in April and May. All are males. Nos. 2332 and 
2335 are immature, though the latter is full grown. The 
Skins were prepared with unusual care, and consequently 
afford measurements of approximate accuracy. Moreover, Mr. 
Anthony recorded the total length of each before skinning. 


Tableof Measurements of five Specimens of Hesperomys Anthonyi collected 
at Camp Apache, Grant County, New Mexico, by A. W. Anthony. 

(Measurements in millimeters). 

R Sex 
Skin Skull i 
ngs Brick rr Total length, |, Total “Head en | Bina sof ar Date 
: ly Vv : . foot. | from : 
—— body. Sea pa crown. 
2149 2675 | ‘ad 165; | 144 | 68 80 | 81.5 | 18.5 12. /Apr. 12,1886, 
2332 2840 | j‘im 162 | 145 | 62 7-908 18.6.) We fe ee 
2333 2841 |-j‘ad 168 | 145 | 638 81 | 82.5) 19.5 | 12. |May10, ‘ 
2334 | 2842 | J‘ ad 165 | 150 | 66 83 | 8. | 19.5) 12. $e ee 
2335 | 2843 |G‘im. 162 | 189 | 64 The PB AO ee ee 
| | i 

CRANIAL CHARACTERS.—The skull, compared with that of 
fT. leucopus, is short, broad, and flat. The incisor foramina 
reach’ past the anterior plane of the first molar. The nasals are 
short and do not extend so far posteriorly as the premaxillaries. 

Excluding skull No. 2840, which is not full grown, the close 
agreement in cranial measurements is remarkable. 

Cranial Measurements. 

No. | No. | No. | No. 
2840 | 2841 | 2842 | 2843 

Sim. |S aa. PaaS 

Basilar length (from one of the occipital condyles to posterior 
\ edge of alveola of incisor of same Side). ..........2...cccessecsssereseoeee 18.9 | 20. 20.3 | 20.4 
Basilar length of Hensel (from inferior lip of foramen magnum 

to posterior edge of alveola Of iNCiSOT). ............seeeee eeceeeseeeeeenees 16.5 | 18, 18. 18. 
<even test Ty WOMB: DRCAAGH sos cic ciscapcncessndsnct seeder dcaske ss cestsdessouensee pe ag eS? cs ae Be 3) Fay a 
AHGCTOLISAL  CONBETICEION. \oisssicssiusccsh cootebtenn es cs scandsetucevevscrecdecsepoves 3.8 3.9 3.7 3.7 
Grontest length-of Nawal DOME... 5. 6icsci cya séscscinscctous sosss sass cces succsdeses 7.4 | 7.8 | 85 | 8&3 
Length of upper molar series.................. $6°|: 38 | &8 |-a8 
EPOABNT CO PROUT i503 capvseacicess avoseasesaseuses sbeceeneesscesscessscescenscee census 5.4 5.6 5.6 5.7 
Fe aes, EROS ML TIOCOEE oe oe) sctate en bases ecscOersSsadhectaknecacesssoyces 8.8 | 9.5 | 9.5 | 9.5 
Distance between alveole of upper molar series anteriorly...........) 2.5 | 2.5 2.5 | 2.5 
i ie dN a es “6 “© posteriorly ........ | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 
Foramen magnum to post-palatal notch. ............:scc0 cee eee! TA | 8 8. 8.2 

Height of cranium from inferior lip of foramen magnum ............ 6.8 7.3 ( F ts 
Fronto-palatal depth (taken at middle of molar series)..............++. 5.8 6.2 6. 5.8 
SPIGUAL OF FURAN A oy nce png ticdy tas tc deseda tne wadees ce fused; lncendns kgpesdacawsecess 12.6 | 12.9 | 12.9 | 13.2 

Length of under molariform Series, ..........c.0sceceesssereseoe: ae coe cadeve 3.7 3.8 3.8 4, 

* The apparent discrepancy between the total length as recorded by Mr. 
Anthony and that taken from the dry skin is due to the necessary stretching 
of the fresh specimens for measurement. 


By G. Brown Goope. 


In the address which it was my privilege, one year ago, to read 
in the presence of this Society, I attempted to trace the progress 
of scientific activity in America from the time of the first settle- 
ment by the English in 1585 to the end of the Revolution—a 
period of nearly two hundred years. | 

Resuming the subject, I shall now take up the consideration 
of the third century—from 1782 to the present time. For con- — 
venience of discussion the time is divided, approximately, into 
decades, while the decades naturally fall into groups of three. 
From 1780 to 1810, from 1810 to 1840, from 1840 to 1870, and 
from 1870 to the close of the century, are periods in the history 
of American thought, each of which seems to be marked by 
characteristics of its own. These must have names, and it may 
not be inappropriate to call the first the period of Jefferson, the 
second that of Silliman, and the third that of Agassiz. 

The first was, of course, an extension of the period of Linneus, 
the second and third were during the mental supremacy of Cuvier 
and Von Baer and their schools, and the fourth or present, begin- 
ing in 1870, belongs to that of Darwin, the extension of whose 
influence to America was delayed by the tumults of the civil con- 
vulsion which began in 1861 and ended in 1865. 

The ‘‘ beginnings of American science” do not belong entirely 

*Annual Presidential Address delivered at the Seventh Anniversary 
Meeting of the Biological Society of Washington, January 22, 1887, in 
the Lecture Room of the U. S. National Museum. 


to the past. Our science is still in its youth, and in the discus- 
sion of its history I shall not hesitate to refer to institutions and 
to tendencies which are of very recent origin. 

It is somewhat unfortunate that the account book of national 
progress was so thoroughly balanced in the Centennial year, It 
is true that the movement which resulted in the birth of our Re- 
public first took tangible form in 1776, but the infant nation was 
not born until 1783, when the treaty of Paris was signed, and 
lay in swaddling clothes until 1789, when the Constitution was 
adopted by the thirteen States. 

In those days our forefathers had quite enough to do in adapt- 
ing their lives to the changed conditions of existence. The 
masses were struggling for securer positions near home, or were 
pushing out beyond the frontiers to find dwelling-places for them- 
selves and their descendants. The men of education were in- 
volved in political discussions as fierce, uncandid, and unphilo- 
sophical in spirit as those which preceded the French revolution 
of the same period. 

The master minds were absorbed in political and administra- 
tive problems, and had little time for the peaceful pursuits of 
science, and many of the men who were prominent in science— 
Franklin, Jefferson, Rush, Mitchill, Seybert, Williamson, Mor- 
gan, Clinton, Rittenhouse, Patterson, Williams, Cutler, Ma- 
clure, and others—were elected to Congress or called to other 

positions of official responsibility. 


The literary and scientific activities of the infant nation were 
for many years chiefly concentrated in Philadelphia, unti] 1800 
the federal capital and largest of American cities. Here, after 
the return of Franklin from France in 1785, the meetings of the 
American Philosophical Society were resumed. Franklin con- 

tinued to be its president until his death in 1790, at the same 


time holding the presidency of the commonwealth of Pennsyl- 
vania, and a seat in the Constitutional Convention. The pres- 
tige of its leader doubtless gave to the Society greater promi- 
nence than its scientific objects alone would have secured. 

In the reminiscences of Dr. Manasseh Cutler there is to be 
found an admirable picture of Franklin in 1787. As we read it 
we are taken back into the very presence of the philosopher and 
statesman, and can form a very clear appreciation of the scien- 
tific atmosphere which surrounded the scientific leaders of the 

post-Revolutionary period. 


Dr. Cutler wrote: 

‘¢ Dr. Franklin lives on Market street. His house stands up a 
court at some distance from the street. We found him in his 
garden sitting upon a grass-plot, under a large mulberry tree, 
with several gentlemen and two or three ladies. When Mr. 
Gerry introduced me he’ rose from his chair, took me by the 
hand, expressed his joy at seeing me, welcomed me to the city, © 
and begged me to seat myself close by him. His voice was low, 
his countenance open, frank, and pleasing. I delivered to him 
my letters. After he had read them he took me again by the 
hand and, with the usual compliments, introduced me to the 
other gentlemen, who are, most of them, members of the Con- 
vention. Here we entered into a free conversation, and spent the 
time most agreeably until it was quite dark. The tea-table was 
spread under the tree, and Mrs. Bache, who is the only daughter © 
of the Doctor and lives with him, served it to the company. 

‘* The Doctor showed me a curiosity which he had just received 
and with which he was much pleased. It was a snake with two 
heads, preserved in a large vial. It was about ten inches long, 
well proportioned, the heads perfect, and united to the body about 
one-fourth of an inch below the extremities of the jaws. He 
showed me a drawing of one entirely similar, found near Lake 
Champlain. He spoke of the situation of this snake if it was 
travelling among bushes, and one head should choose to go on one 
side of the stem of a bush and the other head should prefer the 
other side, and neither head would consent to come back or give 
way to the other. He was then going to mention a humorous 
matter that had that day occurred in the Convention in conse- 
quence of his comparing the snake to America; for he seemed 
to forget that everything in the Convention was to be kept a pro- 
found secret. But this was suggested to him, and I was deprived 
of the story, 


‘¢ After it was dark we went into the house, and he invited me to 
his library, which is likewise his study. It is. a very large cham- 
ber and high-studded. The walls are covered with shelves filled 
with books ; beside these, four large alcoves, extending two-thirds 
the length of the chamber, filled in the same manner. I presume 
this is the largest and by far the best private library in America. 
He showed me a glass machine for exhibiting the circulation of 
- the blood in the arteries and veins of the human body. The cir- 
culation is exhibited by the passing of a red fluid from a reservoir 
into numerous capillary tubes of glass, ramified in every direction, 
and then returning in similar tubes to the reservoir, which was 
done with great velocity, and without any power acting visibly 
upon the fluid, and had the appearance of perpetual motion. 
Another great curiosity was a rolling press for taking copies of 
letters or other writing. A sheet of paper is completely copied 
in two minutes, the copy as fair as the original, and without de- 
facing it in the smallest degree. It is an invention of his own, 
extremely useful in many circumstances of life. He also showed 
us his long artificial hand and arm for taking down and putting 
up books on high shelves, out of reach, and his great arm-chair, 
with rockers and a large fan placed over it, with which he fans 
himself, while he sits reading, with only a slight motion of the 
foot, and many other curiosities and inventions, all his own, but 
of lesser note. Over his mantel he has a prodigious number of 
medals, busts, and casts in wax or plaster of Paris, which are the 
effigies of the most noted characters of Europe. But what the 
Doctor wished especially to show me was a huge volume on bot- 
any, which indeed afforded me the greatest pleasure of any one 
thing in his library. It was a single volume, but so large that it 
was with great difficulty that he was able to raise it from a low 
shelf and lift it to the table; but, with that senile ambition which 
is common to old people (Dr. Franklin was eighty-one), he in- 
sisted on doing it himself, and would permit no one to assist him, 
merely to show how much strength he had remaining. It con- 
tained the whole of Linnzus’s Systema Vegetabilium, with large 
cuts colored from nature of every plant. It was a feast to me, 
and the Doctor seemed to enjoy it as well as myself. We spent 
a couple of hours examining this volume, while the other gentle- 
men amused themselves with other matters! The Doctor is not 
a botanist, but lamented he did not in early life atterid to this 
science. He delights in natural history, and expressed an earnest 
wish that I should pursue a plan I had begun, and hoped this 
science, so much neglected in America, would be pursued with 
as much ardor here as it is now in every part of Europe. I 
wanted, for three months at least, to have devoted myself entirely 
to this one volume, but, fearing lest I should become tedious to 
him, I shut the book, though he urged me to examine it longer. 


He seemed extremely fond, through the course of the visit, of 
dwelling on philosophical subjects, and particularly that of natu- 
ral history, while the other gentlemen were swallowed up in poli- 
tics. This was a favorable circumstance to me, for almost all his 
conversation was addressed to me, and I was highly delighted 
with the extensive knowledge he appeared to possess of every 
subject, the brightness of his faculties, the clearness and vivacity 
of his mental powers, and the strength of his memory, notwith- 
standing his age. His manners are perfectly easy, and everything 
about him seems to diffuse an unrestrained freedom and happi- 
ness. He has an incessant vein of humor, accompanied with an 
uncommon vivacity that seems as natural and involuntary as his 

To Franklin, as President of the Philosophical Society, suc- 
ceeded David Rittenhouse [b. 1732, d. 1796],a man of world-wide 
reputation, known in his day as ‘‘ ¢Ae American Philosopher.”* 

He was an astronomer of repute, and his observatory built at 
Norriton in preparation for the transit of Venus in 1769 seems to 
have been the first in America. His orrery, constructed upon an_ 
original plan, was one of the wonders of the land. His most 
important contribution to astronomy was the introduction of the 
use of spider lines in the focus of transit instruments.f 

He was an amateur botanist, and in 1771 made interesting 
physiological experiments upon the electric eel.{ 

He was a Fellow of the Royal Society of — and the 
first Director of the United States Mint. 

Next in prominence to Franklin and Rittenhouse were doubt- 
less the medical professors, Benjamin Rush, William Shippen, 
John Morgan, Adam Kuhn, Samuel Powell Griffiths, and Cas- 
par Wistar, all men of scientific tastes, but too busy in pub-_ 
lic affairs and in medical instruction to engage deeply in research, 
for Philadelphia, in those days as at present, insisted that all 

*See obituary in the European Magazine, July, 1796; also Memoits 
of Rittenhouse, by WILLIAM BarTon, 1813,.and Eulogium by Benjamin 
Rush, 1796. 

t Von Zacu: Monatliche Correspondenz, ii, p. 215. 

¢ Phila. Medical Repository, vol. 1. 


her naturalists should be medical professors, and the active inves- 
tigators, outside of medical science, were not numerous. Rush, 
however, was one of the earliest American writers upon eth- 
nology, and a pathologist of the highest rank. He is generally 
referred to as the earliest professor of chemistry, having been 
appointed to the chair of chemistry in the College of Philadel- 
phia in 1769; it seems certain, however, that Dr. John Morgan 
lectured on chemistry as early as 1765.* 

Dr. Shippen [b. 1735, d. 1808], the founder of the first 
medical school. [1765] and its professor of anatomy for forty- 
three years, was still in his prime, and so was Dr. Morgan 
[b. 1735, d. 1789], a Fellow of the Royal Society, a co-founder 
of the medical school, and a frequent contributor to the Philo- 
sophical Transactidns. Morgan was an eminent pathologist, 
and is said to have been the one to originate the theory of the 
formation of pus by the secretory action of the vessels of the 
part.t He appears to have been the first who attempted to 
form a museum of anatomy, having learned the methods of 
preparation from the Hunters and from Siie in Paris. The 
beginning was still earlier known, for a collection of anatomical 
models in wax, obtained by Dr. Abraham Chovet in Paris, was 
in use by Philadelphia medical students before the Revolution. { 

Another of the physicians of colonial days who lived until 
after the revolution was Dr. Thomas Cadwallader [b. 1707, 
d. 1779], whose dissections are said to have been among the 
earliest made in America, and whose ‘‘ Essay on the West 
India Dry Gripes,” 1775, was one of the earliest medical trea- 
tises in America. 

Dr. Caspar Wistar [b. 1761, d. 1818] was also a leader, 

* BARTON’s Memoirs of Rittenhouse, p. 614. 

+ THACHER. American Medical Biography, i. p. 408. 

¢ This eventually became the property of the University. See Barton’s 
Rittenhouse, p. 377. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., ii, p. 368. 

cpg allies Sl laa ai 


and was at various times professor of chemistry and anatomy. 
His contributions to natural history were descriptions of bones of 
Megalonyx and other mammals, a study of the human ethmoid, 
and experiments on evaporation. He was long Vice-President of 
the Philosophical Society, and in 1815 succeeded Jefferson in its 
presidency. The Wistar Anatomical Museum of the University 
and the beautiful climbing shrub W7starza are among the me- 
morials to his name.* 

Still another memorial of the venerable naturalist may per- 
haps be worthy of mention as an illustration of the social condi- 
tions of science in Philadelphia in early days. A traveller visit- 
ing the city in 1829 thus described this institution, which was 
continued until the late war, and then discontinued, but has been 

resumed within the last year: 

‘¢ Dr. Wistar in his lifetime had a party of his literary and sci- 
entific friends at his house, one evening in each week, and to this 
party strangers visiting the city were also invited. When he died, 
the same party was continued, and the members of the Wistar 
party, in their turn, each have a meeting of the club at his house, 
on some Saturday night in the year. This club consists of the 
men most distinguished in science, art, literature, and wealth in 
the city. It opens at early candle-light, when not only the mem- 
bers themselves appear, but they bring with them all the strangers 
of distinction in the city.”+ 

The ‘‘ Wistar parties” were continued up to the beginning of 
the civil war in 1861, and have been resumed since 1887. A 
history. of these gatherings would cover a period of three-quarters 
of a century at the least, and could be made a most valuable and 
entertaining contribution to scientific literature. 

Packard, in his History of Zodlogy,} states that zodlogy, the 
world over, has sprung from the study of human anatomy, and 

* Hosack: Tribute to the Memory of Wistar, New York, 1818. 

+ ArwaTER: Remarks made on a tour to Prairie du Chién; thence to 
Washington City, in 1829. Columbus, 1831, p. 238. 

¢ Standard Natural History, pp. lxii-lxxii. 


that American zoology took its rise, and was fostered chiefly, 
in Philadelphia, by the professors in the medical schools. 

It was fully demonstrated, I think, in my former address, that 
there were good zodlogists in America long before there were 
medical schools, and that Philadelphia was zo/ the cradle of 
American natural history; although, during its period of polit- 
ical pre-eminence, immediately after the Revolution, scientific 
activities of all kinds centred in that city. As for the medical 
schools it is at least probable that they have spoiled more nat- 
uralists than they have fostered. 

Dr. Adam Kuhn [b. 1741, d. 1817] was the professor of 
botany in 1768 *—the first in America—and was labeled by his 
contemporaries ‘‘ the favorite pupil of Linnzus.” Professor 
Gray, in a recent letter to the writer, refers to this saying as a 
‘¢myth;” and it surely seems strange that a disciple be- 
loved by the great Swede could have done so little for botany. 
Barton, in a letter, in 1792, to Thunberg, who then occupied 
the seat of Linnzus in the University of Upsala, said: 

‘* The electricity of your immortal Linné has hardly been felt 
in this Ultima Thule of science. Hada number of the pupils of 
that great man settled in North America its riches would have 
been better known. But, alas! the only one pupil of your prede- 
cessor that has made choice of America as the place of his resi- 
dence has added nothing to the stock of natural knowledge.’’+ 

The Rev. Nicholas Collin, Rector of the Swedish Churches 
in Pennsylvania, was a fellow-countryman and acquaintance of 
Linneus { and an accomplished botanist, having been one of the 
editors of Muhlenberg’s work upon the grasses and an early 
writer on American linguistics. He read before the Philo- 

sophical Society, in 1789, ‘‘An Essay on those inquiries in 

* See p. 99, ante. 

+ B.S. Barton, in Transactions American Philosophical Society, iii, 
P- 339- 

t ‘‘I often heard the great Linnzeus wish that he could have explored 
the continent of North America.” Coxiuin: Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., iii, 
p- Xv. 


Natural Philosophy which at present are most beneficial to the 
United States of North America,” which was the first attempt 
to lay out a systematic plan for the direction of scientific re- 
search in America. One of the most interesting suggestions he 

made was that the Mammoth was still in existence. 

‘¢ The vast Mahmot,” said he, ‘* is perhaps yet stalking through’ 
the western wilderness; but if he is no more let us carefully 
gather his remains, and even try to find a new skeleton of this 
giant, to whom the elephant was but a calf.” * 

Gen. Jonathan Williams, U.S. A. [b. 1750, d. 1815], was first 
superintendent of the Military Academy at West Point and 
‘¢ father of the corps of engineers.” He was a nephew of 
Franklin, and his secretary of legation in France, and, after 
his return to Philadelphia, was for many years a judge of the 
court of common pleas, his military career not beginning till 
1801. This versatile man was a leading member of the Phil- 
osophical Society and one of its Vice-Presidents. His paper 
‘* On the Use of the Thermometer in Navigation” was one of the 
first American contributions to scientific seamanship. 

The Rev. Dr. John Ewing [b. 1732, d. 1802], also a Vice- 
President, was Provost of the University. He had been one of 
the observers of the transit in 1769, of which he published an 
account in the Transactions of the Philosophical Society. He 
early printed a volume of lectures on Natural Philosophy, and 
was the strongest champion of John Godfrey, the Philadelphian, 

in his claim to the invention of the reflecting quadrant.f 

* Id., p. xxiv. 

+ ‘‘Thomas Godfrey,” says a recent authority, ‘‘ was born in Bristol, ' 
Penn., in 1704, and died in Philadelphia in December, 1749. He followed 
the trade of a glazicr in the metropolis, and, having a fondness for mathe- 
matical studies, marked such books as he met with, subsequently acquir- 
ing Latin, that he might become familiar with the mathematical work in 
that language. Having obtained a copy of Newton’s ‘ Principia,’ he de- 
scribed an improvement he had made in Davis’ quadrant to James Logan, 


Dr. James Woodhouse [b. 1770, d. 1809] was author and ed- 
itor of several chemical text-books and Professor of Chemistry in 
the University, a position which he took after it had been refused 
by Priestley. He made experiments and observations on the 
vegetation of plants, and investigated the chemical and medical 
properties of the persimmon tree. He it was who first demon- 
- strated the superiority of anthracite to bituminous coal by reason 
of its intensity and regularity of heating power.* 

The Rev. Ebenezer Kinnersley [b. in Gloucester, England, 
Nov. 30, 1711, d. in Philadelphia, July 4, 1778] survived the 
Revolution, though, in his latter years, not a contributor to 
science. The associate of Franklin in ‘‘ the Philadelphia Ex- 
periments ” in electricity, his discoveries were famous in Europe 
as well as in America.f It is claimed that he originated the 
theory of the positive and negative in electricity; that he first 
demonstrated the passage of electricity through water; and that 
he first discovered that heat could be produced by electricity ; 
besides inventing numerous mechanical devices of scientific 
interest. From 1753 to 1772 he was connected with the 
University of Pennsylvania, where there may still be seen a 
window dedicated to his memory. 

Having already referred to the history of scientific instruction 
in America,{ and shown that Hunter lectured on comparative 
anatomy in Newport in 1754; Kuhn on Botany, in Philadel- 
phia, in 1768, Waterhouse on natural history and botany, at 
Cambridge, in 1788; and some unidentified scholars upon chem- 
istry and natural history, in Philadelphia, in 1785, it would 

seem unjust not to speak of Kinnersley’s career as a lecturer. 

who was so impressed that he at once addressed a letter to Edmund Halley 
in England, giving a full description of the construction and uses of God- 
frey’s instrument.” 

* SILLIMAN: American Contributions to Chemistry, p. 13. 

+ See Priestley’s History of | femaeee 

t P. 99, anée. 


He seems to have been the first to deliver public scientific lec- 

tures in America, occupying the platform in Philadelphia, New- 

_port, New York, and Boston, from 1751 to the beginning of 

the Revolution. The following advertisement was printed in 
the ‘* Pennsylvania Gazette” for April 11, 1751: 

Notice is hereby given to the Curzous that Wednesday next 
Mr. Kinnersley proposes to begin a Course of Experiments on the 
newly-discovered Electrical Fire, containing not only the most 
curious of those that have been made and published in Europe, 
but a considerable Number of New Ones lately made in this City, 
to be accompanied with methodical Lectures on the Nature and 
Properties of that Wonderful Element. 

Francis Hopkinson [b. 1737, d. 1791], signer of the Declar- 
ation of Independence, was treasurer of the Philosophical 
Society, and among other papers communicated by him was 
one in 1783, calling attention to the peculiar worm parasitic in 
the eye of a horse. The ‘‘ horse with a snake in its eye” was — 
on. public exhibition in Philadelphia in 1782, and was the 
object of much attention, for the nature and habits of this peculiar 
Filaria were not so well understood then as now. , 

The father of Francis, Thomas Hopkinson [b. in London, 
1709, d. in Philadelphia, 1751], who was overlooked in my 
previous address, deserves, at least, a passing mention. Coming 
to Philadelphia in 1731 he became lawyer, prothonotary, Judge 
of the Admiralty, and member of the Provincial Council. As 
an incorporator of the Philadelphia Library Company, and origi- 
nal trustee of the College of Philadelphia, and first President 
of the American Philosophical Society in 1743, his public spirit 
is worthy of our admiration. He was associated with Kin- 


nersley and Franklin in the ‘* Philadelphia Experiments ;” and 

Franklin said of him: 
‘‘ The power of points to throw off the electrical fire was first 

communicated to me by my ingenious friend, Mr. Thomas Hop- 
kinson.” * 

* Witson & Fiske: Cyclopedia of American Biography, iii, 260. 


The name of Philip Syng is also ‘mentioned in connection 
with the Philadelphia experiments, and it would be well if some 
memorials of his work could be placed upon record. : 

William Bartram [b. 1739, d. 1823] was living in the famous 
botanical garden at Kingsessing, which his father, the old King’s 
botanist, had bequeathed.him in 1777. He was for some years 
professor of botany in the Philadelphia college, and in 1791 
printed his charming volume descriptive of his travels in Flor- 
ida, the Carolinas, and Georgia. The latter years of his life 
appear to have been devoted to quiet observation. William 
Bartram has been, perhaps, as much underrated as John Bar- 
tram has been unduly exalted. He was one of the best observ- 
ers America has ever produced, and his book, which rapidly 
passed through several editions in English and French, is a 
classic and should stand beside White’s ‘‘ Selborne” in every 
naturalist’s library. Bartram was doubtless discouraged early 
in his career by the failure of his patrons in London to make any 
scientific use of the immense botanical collections made by him in 
the South before the Revolution, which, many years later, was 
lying unutilized in the Banksian herbarium. Coues has called 
attention very emphatically to the merits of his bird work, which 
he pronounces ‘‘ the starting-point of a distinctly American 
school of ornithology.”” T'wo of the most eminent of our early 
zodlogists, Wilson and Say, were his pupils; the latter his kins- 
man, and the former his neighbor, were constantly with him_at 
Kingsessing and drew much of their inspiration from his conver- 
sation. ‘‘ Many birds which Wilson first fully described and 
figured were really named and figured by Bartram in his 
Travels, and several of his designations were simply adopted 
by Wilson.”* 

Bartram’s ‘‘ Observations on the Creek and Cherokee Indians ”’+ 


* Cours: Key to North American Birds, p. xvi 
t Trans. Am. Ethnological Society, iii, 1851. 


was an admirable contribution to ethnography, and his general 
observations were of the highest valuc. 

_ In the introduction to his ‘‘ Travels,” and interspersed through 
this volume, are reflections which show him to have been the 
possessor of a very philosophic and original mind. 

His ‘‘Anecdotes of an American Crow ” and his ‘‘ Memoirs 
of John Bartram ”’* were worthy products of his pen, while his 
illustrations to Barton’s ‘‘ Elements of Botany” show how 
facile and truthful was his pencil. 

His love for botany was such, we are told, that he wrote a 
description of a plant only a few minutes before his death, a 
statement which will be readily believed by all who know the 
nature of his enthusiasm. Thus, for instance, he wrote of the 

Venus’s Fly Trap: 

‘‘Admirable are the properties of the extraordinary Dionza mus- 
cipula! See the incarnate lobes expanding ; how gay and sportive 
they appear! ready on the spring to entrap incautious, deluded in- 
sects! What artifice! There! behold one of the leaves just closed 
upon a struggling fly ; another has gotten a worm; its hold is sure ; 
its prey can never escape—carnivorous vegetable! Can we, after 
viewing this object, hesitate for a moment to confess that vegeta- 
ble beings are endowed with some sensible faculties or attributes 
similar to those that dignify animal nature? They are living, or- 
ganical, and self-moving bodies; for we see here in this plant 
motion and volition.”+ 

Moses Bartram, a cousin of William, and also a botanist, was 
also living near Philadelphia, and in 1879 published ‘*Observa- 
tions on the Native Silk Worms of North America,” and Hum- 
phrey Marshall [1722-1801 ], the farmer-botanist, had a botanical 
garden of his own, and in 1785 published ‘* The American 
Grove—Arbustrium Americanum ”—a treatise on the forest trees 
and shrubs of the United States, which was the first strictly 

* Nicholson’s Journal, 1805. 
+ Travels, 1793, p. xiv. 



American botanical book, and which was republished in France 
a few years later in 1789. 

Gotthilf Muhlenberg [b. 1753, d. 1815], a Lutheran clergy- 
man, living at Lancaster, was an eminent botanist, educated in 
Germany, though a native of Pennsylvania. His ‘* Flora of Lan- 
caster” was a pioneer work In 1813 he published a full cata- 
logue of the Plants of North America, in which about 2,800 
species were mentioned. He supplied Hedwig with many of the 
rare American mosses, which were published either in ‘* Stirpes 
Cryptogamice ” of that author or in the ‘‘ Species Muscorum.” 
To Sir J. E. Smith and Mr. Dawson Turner he likewise sent 
many plants. He made extensive preparations, writing a gen- 
eral flora of North America, but death interfered with his pro- 
ject. The American Philosophical Society preserves his her- 
barium, and the moss Funxerza Muhlenbergiz, the violet, Viola 
Muhlenbergit, and the grass Muhlenbergia, are among the 
memorials to his name.* : 

To Pennsylvania, but not to Philadelphia, came, in 1794, 
Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), the philosopher, theologian, and 
chemist. Although his name is more famous in the history 
of chemistry than that of any living contemporary, American 
or European, his work was nearly finished before he left Eng- 
land. He never entered into the scientific life of the country 
which he sought as an exile, and of which he never became 
a citizen, and he is not properly to be considered an element 
in the history of American science. 

His coming, however, was an event of considerable political 
importance; and William Cobbett’s ‘‘ Observations on the Em- 
igration of Doctor Joseph Priestley. By Peter Porcupine,” was 
followed by several other pamphlets equally vigorous in ex- 
pression. McMaster is evidently unjust to some of the public 

* Hooker: On the Botany of America. Edinburgh Journal of Science, 
iii, p. 103, e¢ seg. 


men who welcomed’ Priestley to America, though no one will 
deny that there were unprincipled demagogues in America in 
the year of grace 1794. Jefferson was undoubtedly sincere when 
he wrote to him \the words quoted elsewhere in this address. 

Another eminent exile, welcomed by Jefferson, and the writer, — 
at the President’s request, of a work on national education in the 
United States, was M. Pierre Samuel Dupont de Nemours [b. in 
Paris, 1799, d. 1817]. He was a member of the Institute of 
France, a statesman, diplomatist, and political economist, and 
author of many important works. He lived in the United States 
at various times, from 1799 to 1817, when he died near 
Wilmington, Delaware. Like Priestley, he was a member of the 
American Philosophical Society, and affiliated with its leading 

The gunpowder works near Wilmington, Delaware, founded 
by his son in 1798, are still of great importance, and the statue 
of one of his grandsons, an Admiral in the U. S. Navy, adorns 
one of the principal squares in the National Capital. 

Among other notable names on the roll of the society, in the 
last century, were those of Gen. Anthony Wayne and Thomas 
Payne. His Excellency General Washington was also an active 
member, and seems to have taken sufficient interest in the society 
to nominate for foreign membership the Earl of Buchan, Presi- 
dent of the Society of Scottish nes leary and Dr. James An- 
derson, of Scotland. 

The following note written by Washington is published in the 

Memoirs of Rittenhouse : 

‘¢ The President presents his compliments to Mr. Rittenhouse, 
and thanks him for the attention he has given to the case of Mr. 
Anderson and the Earl of Buchan. 
_ * Sunpay AFTERNOON, 20¢h April, 1794.” 

Of all the Philadelphia naturalists of those early days, the one 
who had the most salutary influence upon the progress of science 


was, perhaps, Benjamin Smith Barton [b. 1766, d. 1815.] 
Barton was the nephew of Rittenhouse, and the son of the Rev. 
Thomas Barton, a learned Episcopal Clergyman of Lancaster, 
who was one of the earliest members of the Philosophical Society, 
and a man accomplished in science. 

He studied at Edinburgh and Gottingen, and at the age of 19, 
in 1785, he was the assistant of Rittenhouse and Ellicott, in 
the work of establishing the western boundary of Pennsylvania, 
and soon after was sent to Europe, whence, having pursued an 
extended course of scientific and medical study, he returned in 
1789, and was elected professor of natural history and botany in 
the University of Pennsylvania. He was a leader in the Philo- 
sophical Society, and the founder of the Linnzan Society of 
Philadelphia, before which, in 1807, he delivered his famous 
‘¢ Discourse on some of the Principal Desiderata in Natural His- 
tory,” which did much to excite an intelligent popular interest 
in the subject. His essays upon natural history topics were the 
first of the kind to appear in this country. He belonged to the 
school of Gilbert White and Benjamin Stillingfleet, and was 
the first in America of a most useful and interesting group of 
writers, among whom may be mentioned John D. Godman, 
Samuel Lockwood, C. C. Abbott, Nicholas Pike, John Bur- 
roughs, Wilson Flagg, Ernest Ingersoll, the Rev. Dr. McCook, 
Hamilton Gibson, Maurice Thompson, and W. T. Hornaday, as 
well as Matthew Jones, Campbell Hardy, Charles Waterton, 
P. H. Gosse, and Grant Allen, to whom America and England 
both have claims. 

Barton published certain descriptive papers, as well as manuals 
of botany and materia medica, but in latter life had become so 
absorbed in medical affairs that he appears to have taken no 
interest in the struggles of the infant Academy of Natural Sciences, 
which was founded three years before his death, but of which he 

never became a member. 


His nephew and successor in the Presidency of the Linnzan 
Society and the University Professorship, William P. C. Barton 
[b. 1786, d. 1856], was a man of similar tendencies, who in 
early life published papers on the flora of Philadelphia [Flore 
Philadelphiz Prodromus, 1815], but later devoted himself chiefly 
to professional affairs, writing copiously upon materia medica and 
medical botany. 

The admirers of Benjamin Smith Barton have called him ‘‘the ~ 
father of American Natural History,” but I cannot see the pro- 
priety of this designation, which is equally applicable to Mitchill 
or Jefferson, and perhaps still more so to Peter Collinson, of 
London. The praises of Barton have been so well and so often 
sung that I do not feel guilty of injustice in passing him briefly by.* 

The most remarkable naturalist of those days was Rafinesque, 
[b. 1784, d. 1872], a Sicilian by birth, who came to Philadel- 
phia in 1802. 

Nearly fifty years ago this man died, friendless and impover- 
ished, in Philadelphia. His last words were these: ‘‘ Time ren- 
ders justice to all at last.” Perhaps the day has not yet come 
when full justice can be done to the memory of Constantine 
Rafinesque, but his name seems yearly to grow more prominent 
in the history of American zoédlogy. He was in many respects 
the most gifted man who ever stood in our ranks. When in his 
prime he far surpassed his American contemporaries in versa- 
tility and comprehensiveness of grasp. He lived a century too 
soon. His spirit was that of the present period. In the latter 
years of his life, soured by disappointments, he seemed to become 
unsettled in mind, but as I read the story of his life his eccen- 
tricities seem to me the outcome of a boundless enthusiasm for 

the study of nature. The picturesque events of his life have 

*W. P. C. Barton: Biography of Benjamin S. Barton, Philadelphia, 


been so well described by Jordan,* Chase,t and Audubon} that 
they need not be referred to here. The most satisfactory gauge 
of his abilities is perhaps his masterly ‘‘ Survey of the Progress 
and Actual State of Natural Sciences in the United States of 
America,” printed in 1817.§ His own sorrowful estimate of 

the outcome of his mournful career is very touching: 

‘‘T have often been discouraged, but have never despaired 
long. I have lived to serve mankind, but have often met with — 
ungrateful returns. I have tried to enlarge the limits of knowl- 
edge, but have often met with jealous rivals instead of friends. 
With a greater fortune I might have imitated Humboldt or 

Dr. Robert Hare [b, 1781, d. 1858] began his long career of use- 
fulness in 1801, at the age of twenty, by the invention of the oxy- 
hydrogen blow-pipe. This was exhibited at a meeting of the 
Chemical Society of Philadelphia in 18or.|| 

This apparatus was perhaps the most remarkable of his orig- 
inal contributions to science, which he continued without inter- 
ruption for more than fifty years. It belongs to the end of the 
post-revolutionary period, and is therefore noticed, although it is 
not the purpose of this essay to consider in detail the work of 
the specialists of the present century. 

Dr. Hugh Williamson [b. Dec. 5, 1735, d., in New York, May 
22, 1719] was a prominent but not particularly useful promoter 
of science, a writer rather thana thinker. His work has already 
been referred to. The names of Maclure, who came to Phila- 
delphia about 1797, the Rev. John Heckewelder, and Albert 
Gallatin [b. 1761, d. in 1849], a native of Switzerland, a states- 

man and financier, subsequently identified with the scientific cir- 

* JORDAN: Bulletin xv, U. S. National Museum: Science Sketches, p. 143. 

+ CHASE: Potter’s American Monthly, vi, pp. 97-101. 

t Aupuson: The Eccentric Naturalist <_ Ornithological Biography, 
P- 455. | 

§ Amer. Monthly Magazine, ii, 81. 

|| Amer. Month. Mag., i, 8o. 


cles of New York, complete the list of the Philadelphia savans 
of the last century. 

There is not in all American literature a passage which illus- 
trates the peculiar tendencies in the thought of this period so 
thoroughly as Jefferson’s defense of the country against the 
charges of Buffon and Raynal, which he published in 1783, 
which is particularly entertaining because of its almost pettish 

depreciation of our motherland. 

‘¢On doit etre etonné” (says Raynal) ‘‘ que l Amerique n’ait 

pas encore produit un bon poéte, un habile mathematicien, un 
homme de génie dans un seul art ou un seule science.” 
_ ¢¢ When we shall have existed a people as long as the Greeks did 
before they produced a Homer, the Romans a Virgil, the French 
a Racine and Voltaire, the English a Shakespeare and Milton, 
should this reproach still be true, we will inquire from what 
unfriendly causes it has proceeded that the other countries of 
Europe and quarters of the earth shall not have inscribed any 
name on the roéle of poets. 

‘¢In war we have produced a Washington whose name will in 
future ages assume its just station among the celebrated worthies 
of the world, when that wretched philosophy shall be forgotten 
which would have arranged him among the degeneracies of na- 
ture. . 

‘¢ In physics we have produced a Franxk/in, than whom no one 
of the present age has made more important discoveries, nor has 
enriched philosophy with more, or more ingenious, solutions of 
the phenomena of nature. 

‘© We have supposed J/r. ARzttexhouse second to no astronomer 
living; that in genius he must be the first because he is self- 
taught. He has not indeed made a world; but he has by imita- 
tion approached nearer its Maker than any man who has lived 
from the creation to this day. There are various ways of keeping 
the truth out of sight. Mr. Rittenhouse’s model of the planetary 
system has the plagiary appellation of an orrery ; and the quadrant 
invented by Godfrey, an American also, and with the aid of which 
the European nations traverse the globe, is called Hadley’s quad- 

‘¢ We calculate thus: The United States contain three millions 
of inhabitants; France twenty millions; and the British Islands 
ten. We produce a Washington, a Franklin, a Rittenhouse. 
France then should have half a dozen in each of these lines, and 
Great Britain half that number, equally eminent. It may be true 


that France has; we are but just becoming acquainted with her, 
and our acquaintance so far gives us high ideas of the genius 
of her inhabitants. 

‘¢ The present war having so long cut off all communications 
with Great Britain, we are not able to make a fair estimate 
of the state of science in that country. The spirit in which she 
wages war is the only sample before our eyes, and that does not 
seem the legitimate offspring either of science or civilization. 
The sun of her glory is fast descending to the horizon. Her phi- 
losophy has crossed the channel, her freedom the Atlantic, and 
herself seems bearing to that awful dissolution whose issue is not 
given human forethought to scan.’’* 

This was one phase of public sentiment. Another, no less 
instructive, is that shown forth in the publications of Jefferson’s 
fierce political opponents in 1790, paraphrased, as follows, by 
McMaster in his ‘‘ History of the People of the United States :” 

‘¢ Why, it was asked, should a philosopher be made President? 
Is not the active, anxious, and responsible station of Executive illy 
suited to the calm, retired, and exploring tastes of a natural phi- 
losopher? Ability to impale butterflies and contrive turn-about 
chairs may entitle one to a college professorship, but it no more 
constitutes a claim to the Presidency than the genius of Cox, the 
great bridge-builder, or the feats of Ricketts, the equestrian. Do 
not the pages of history teem with evidence of the ignorance and 
mismanagement of philosophical politicians? John Locke was a 
philosopher, and framed a constitution for the colony of Georgia, 
but so full was it of whimsies that it had to be thrown aside. 
Condorcet, in 1793, made a constitution for France, but it con- 
tained more absurdities than were ever before piled up in a system 
of government, and was not even tried. Rittenhouse was another 
philosopher ; but the only proof he gave of political talents was 
suffering himself to be wheedled into the presidency of the Demo- 
cratic Society of Philadelphia. But suppose that the title of phi- 
losopher is a good claim to the Presidency, what claim has Thomas 
Jefferson to the title of philosopher? Why, forsooth! 

‘¢ He has refuted Moses, dishonored the story of the Deluge, 
made a penal code, drawn up a report in weights and measures, 
and speculated profoundly on the primary causes of the difference 
between the whites and blacks. Think of such a man as Presi- 
dent! Think of a foreign minister surprising him in the act of 
anatomizing the kidneys and glands of an African to find out why 
the negro is black and odoriferous ! 

* Notes on Virginia, 1788, pp. 69-71. 


‘¢ He has denied that shells found on the mountain tops are parts 
of the great flood. He has declared that if the contents of the 
whole atmosphere were water, the land would only be overflowed 
to the depth of fifty-two and a half feet. He does not believe 
the Indians emigrated from Asia. 

‘¢ Every mail from the South brought accounts of rumblings and 
quakes in the Alleghanies, and strange lights and blazing meteors 
in the sky. These disturbances in the natural world might have 
no connection with the troubles in the political world; neverthe- 
less it was impossible not to compare them with the prodigies all 
writers of the day declare preceded the fatal Ides of March.” 

be ey 

In New York, although a flourishing medical school had been 
in existence from 1769, there was an astonishing dearth of natu- 
ralists until about 1790. Governor Colden, the botanist and 
ethnologist, had died in 1776, and the principal medical men 
of the city, the Bards, Clossy, Jones, Middleton, Dyckman, 
and others, confined their attention entirely to professional 
studies. A Philosophical Society was born in 1787, but died 
before it could speak. A Society for the Promotion of Agri- 
culture, Arts, and Manufactures, organized in 1791, was more 
successful, but not in the least scientific. Up to the end of 
the century New York State had but six men chosen to mem- 
bership in’ the American Philosophical Society, and, up to 1809, 
but five in the American Academy. Leaders, however, soon 
arose in Mitchill, Clinton, and Hosack. 

Samuel Latham Mitchill, the son of a Quaker farmer [b. 1764, 
d. 1831], was educated in the medical schools of New York 
and Edinburgh, and in 1792 was appointed Professor of Chem- 
istry, Natural History, and Philosophy in Columbia College. 
Although during most of his long life a medical professor and 
editor, and for many years representative and senator in Congress, 
he continued active in the interests of general science. He made 
many contributions to systematic natural history, notably a His- 
tory of the Fishes of New York, and his edition of Bewick’s 


‘¢ General History of Quadrupeds,” published in New York in 
1804, with notes and additions, and some figures of American 
animals, was the earliest American work of the kind. He was the 
first in America to lecture upon geology, and published several 
papers upon this science. His ‘‘ Mineralogical Exploration of 
the banks of the Hudson River” in 1796, under the ‘‘ Society 
for the Promotion of Agriculture, Manufactures, and Useful 
Arts,” founded by himself, was our earliest attempt at this 
kind of research, and in 1794 he published an essay on the 


‘*Nomenclature of the New Chemistry,” the first American 
paper on chemical philosophy, and engaged in a controversy 
with Priestley, in defence of the nomenclature of Lavoisier, 
which he was the first American to adopt. 

His discourse on ‘‘ The Botanical History of North and South 
America” was also a pioneer effort. He was an early leader 
in ethnological inquiries and a vigorous writer on political topics. 
His ‘* Life of Tammany, the Indian Chief”? (New York, 1795), 
is a classic, and he was well known to our grandfathers as the 
author of ‘‘ An Address to the Fredes or People of the United 
States,” in which he proposed that ‘* Fredonia” should be adopted 
as the name of the nation. 

Dr. Mitchill was a poet,* and a humorist, and a member of the 
literary circles of his day. In ‘* The Croakers” Rodman Drake 
thus addressed him as ‘‘ The Surgeon General of New York :” 

‘*Tt matters not how high or low it is 
Thou knowest each hill and vale of mpOwiedge, 
Fellow of forty-nine societies 
And lecturer in Hosack’s College.” 

Fitz-Greene Halleck also paid his compliments in the following 


‘¢ Time was when Dr. Mitchill’s word was law, 
When Monkeys, Monsters, Whales and Esquimaux, 
Asked but a letter from his ready hand, 
To be the theme and wonder of the land. ss 

*Examples of his verses may be found in Duyckinck’s Cyclopedia of 
American Literature. 

Pe eh See ad 


These and other pleasantries, of which many are quoted in 
Fairchild’s admirable ‘‘ History of the New York Academy of 
Sciences,” gives us an idea of the provinciality of New York 
sixty years ago, when every citizen would seem to have known 
the principal local representatives of science, and to have felt a 
sense of personal proprietorship in him and in his projects. 

Mitchill was a. léader in the New York Historical Society ; 
founder of the Literary and Philosophical Society, and of its 
successor, the Lyceum of Natural History, of which he was long 
president. He was also President of the New York Branch of 
the Linnzan Society of Paris, and of the N. Y. State Medical 
Society, and Surgeon-General of the State Militia; a man of the 

widest influence and universally beloved. He served four terms 

‘in the House of Representatives, and was five years a member 

of the U. S. Senate.* 

DeWitt Clinton [b. 1769, d. 1828], statesman and_philan- 
thropist, U. S. Senator, and Governor of New York, was a 
man of similar. tastes and capacities. What Benjamin Frank- 
lin was to Philadelphia in the middle of the eighteenth century 
DeWitt Clinton was to New York in the beginning of the nine- 
teenth. He was the author of the Hibernicus ‘‘ Letters on 
the Natural History and Internal Resources of the State of New 
York” (New York, 1822), a work of originality and merit. As 
President of the Literary and Philosophical Society he delivered 

in 1814 an ‘‘ Introductory Discourse,” which, like Barton’s in 

* See Francis, JoHN W. Life of Dr: Mitchill, in Williams’s American 
Medical Biography, pp. 401-411, and eulogy in Discourse in Commemora- 
tion of 53d Anniversary of N. Y. Hist. Soc., 1857, 56-60; andin his Old 
New York; also— 

Sketch by H. L. Fairchild in History of the New York Academy of Sci- 
ences, 1887, pp. 57-67; also Dr. Mitchill’s own pamphlet: Some of the 
Memorable Events and Occurrences in the Life of Samuel S. Mitchill, of 
New York, from the year 1786 to 1827. 

A biography by Akerly was in existence, but has never been printed. 

Numerous portraits are in existence, which are described by Fairchild. 


Philadelphia, ten years before, was productive of great good. It 
was, moreover, laden with the results of original and important 
observations in all departments of natural history. Another im- 
portant paper was his ‘‘ Memoirs on the Antiquities of Western 
New York” printed in 1818. 

Clinton’s attention was devoted chiefly to public affairs, and 
especially to the organization of the admirable school system of 
New York and other internal improvements. He did enough in 
science, however, to place him in the highest ranks of our early 

Hosack has been referred to elsewhere as a pioneer in miner- 
alogy and the founder of the first botanic garden. He was long 
president of the Historical Society, and exercised a commanding 
influence in every direction. His researches were, however, 
chiefly medical. 

Samuel Akerly [b. 1785, d. 1845], the brother-in-law of 
Mitchill, a graduate of Columbia College, 1807, was an in- 
dustrious worker in zodlogy and botany and the author of the 
‘‘ Geology of the Hudson River.” John Griscom [b. 1774, d. 
1852], one of the earliest teachers of chemistry, began in 1806 a 
career of great usefulness. ‘‘ For thirty years,” wrote Francis, 
‘¢ he was the acknowledged head of all other teachers of chem- 
istry among us (in New York), and he kept pace with the flood 
of light which Davy, Murray, Gaylussac, and Thenard, and 
others shed on the progress of chemical philosophy at that day.” 
About 1820 he went abroad to study scientific institutions, and his 
charming book, ‘A Year in Europe,’ supplemented by his regu- 
lar contributions to Sz//iman’s Journal, commenting on scientific 
affairs in other countries, did much to stimulate the growth of 

scientific and educational institutions in America. 

*Hosack: Memoirs of DeWitt Clinton. New York, 1829. RENwIcK: 
Life of DeWitt Clinton. New York, 1840. CAMPBELL: Life and Writings 
of DeWitt Clinton. New York, 1849. 


Francis tells us that he was for thirty years the acknowledged 
head of the teachers of chemistry in New York.* 

A zealous promoter of zodlogy in those days was F. Adrian 
Vanderkemp, of Oldenbarnavelt, New York, who in 1795, we 
are told, delivered an address before an Agricultural Society in 
Whitesburg, N. Y., in which he offered premiums for essays 
upon certain subjects, among which was one ‘for the best ana- 
tomical and historical account of the moose, fifty dollars, or for 
bringing one in alive, sixty dollars.” 

Having mentioned several American naturalists of foreign 
birth, it may not be out of place to refer to the American origin 
of an English zodlogist of high repute, Dr. Thomas Horsfield, 
born in Philadelphia in 1773, and after many years in the East 
became, in 1820, a,resident of London, where he died in 1859. 
His name is prominent among those of the entomologists, bota- 
nists, and ornithologists of this century, especially in connection | 

with Java. 

In New England, science was more highly appreciated than in 
New York. Massachusetts had in John Adams a man who, like 
Franklin and Jefferson, realized that scientific institutions were 
the best protection for a democratic government, and to his efforts 
America owes its second scientific society—the American Acad- 
emy of Arts and Sciences, founded in 1780. When Mr. Adams 
travelled from Boston to Philadelphia, in the days just before 
the Revolution, he several times visited at Norwalk, we are told, 
a curious collection of American birds and insects made by Mr. 
Arnold. ‘* This was afterwards sold to Sir Ashton Lever, in 
whose apartments in London Mr. Adams saw it again, and felt 

a new regret at our imperfect knowledge of the productions of 

* Griscom, JOHN H.: Memoir of John Griscom. New York, 1859. 
+ DeWitt Clinton, in Trans. Lt. Phil. Soc. N. Y., p. 59. 


the three kingdoms of nature in our land. In France his visits 
to the museums and other establishments, with the inquiries of 
Academicians and other men of science and letters respecting 
this country, and their encomiums on the Philosophical Society 
of Philadelphia, suggested to him the idea of engaging his native 
State to do something in the same good but neglected cause.’”’* 

The Academy, from the first, was devoted chiefly to the physi- 
cal sciences, and the papers in its memoirs for the most part 
relate to astronomy and meteorology. 

Among its early members I find the names of but two natural- 
ists: The Rev. Manasseh Cutler, pastor of Ipswich Hamlet, one 
of the earliest botanists of New England,t and William Dan- 
dridge Peck [b. 1763, d. 1882], the author of the first paper on 
systematic zodlogy ever published in America, a ‘‘ Description. 
of four remarkable fishes, taken near the Piscataqua in New 
Hampshire,” published in 1794.{ Peck, after graduating at 
Harvard, lived at Kittery, N. H., and first became interested in 
natural history by reading a wave-worn copy of Linné’s ‘+ Sys- 

tem of Nature,” 

which he obtained from the ship which was 
wrecked near his house. He became a good entomologist, and 
communicated much valuable material to Kirby in England, and 
was also one of our first writers on the fungi. He was the first 
to occupy the chair of natural history in Harvard University, to 
which he was appointed in 1800. ; 

The Rev. Dr. Jedediah Morse [b. 1761, grad. Yale, 1783, 
d. 1826] was the earliest of American geographers, and appears, 
especially in the later gazetteers published by him, to have printed 
important facts concerning the number and geographical distribu- 
tion of the various Indian tribes. 

The Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences was founded 

* KIRTLAND: Mem. Amer. Acad. New Series, vol. 1, p. xxii. 
t See previous address, p. 95. 
$~ Mem. Amer. Acad. Sci., ii, Part ii, p. 46. 1797. 


in 1799, one of the chief promoters being President Dwight 
[b. 1752, d. 1817], whose ‘‘ Travels in New England and 
New York,” printed in 1821, abounds with scientific observations. 

Another was E. C. Herrick [b. 1811, d. 1862], for many 
years librarian and subsequently treasurer of Yale College, 
whose observations upon the aurora, made in the latter years of 
the last century, are still frequently quoted; and later an active 
investigator of volcanic phenomena, and the author of a treatise . 
on the Hessian fly and its parasites, the results of nine years’ 
study; and of another on the existence of a planet between 
Mercury and the sun. 

Benjamin Silliman [b. in Trumbull, Conn., Aug. 8, 1779, d 
in New Haven, Nov. 27, 1869], who, in 1802, became Professor 
of Chemistry at Yale, began there his career of usefulness as 
an organizer, teacher, and critic. One of his introductions to 
popular favor was the paper which he, in conjunction with 
Prof. Kingsley, published, ‘‘An account of the meteor which 
burst over Weston, in Connecticut, in December, 1807.” This 
paper attracted attention everywhere, for the nature of meteors 
was not well understood in those days. Jefferson was reputed to 
have said in reference to it, ‘‘ that it was easier to believe that 
two Yankee professors could lie than to admit that stones could 
fall from heaven ;” but I think this must be pigeon-holed with 
the millions of other slanders to which Jefferson was subjected 
in those days. I find in the papers by Rittenhouse and Madison, 
published twenty years before, by the Philosophical Society, 
matter-of-fact allusions to the falling of meteors to the earth. 

Silliman was the earliest of American scientific lecturers who 
appeared before popular audiences, and, as founder and editor of 
the Journal of Science, did a service to science, the value of 
which is beyond estimate or computation. 

Benjamin Waterhouse, Professor of the Theory and Practice 
of Medicine in Harvard, 1783-1812, was one of the earliest 


teachers of natural botany in America, and the author of a poem 
entitled ‘* The Botanist.”* The Rev. Jeremy Belknap [b..1744, 
d. 1798], in his ‘* History of New Hampshire,” and the Rev. 
Samuel Williams [b. 1743, d. 1817], in his ‘* Natural and Civil 
History of Vermont,”} made contributions to local natural his- 
tory, and Capt. Jonathan Carver [b. 1732, d. 1780], in his 
‘¢ Travels through the Interior Parts of America,” t gave some 
meagre information as to the zodlogy and botany of regions 
previously unknown. 

In the South the prestige of colonial days seemed to have de- 
parted. Except Jefferson, the. only naturalist in Virginia was 
Dr. James Greenway, of Dinwiddie Co., a botanist of some 
merit. Mitchell returned to England before the Revolution, and 
Garden followed in 1784. H. B. Latrobe, of Baltimore, was 
an amateur ichthyologist, and Dr. James MacBride, of Pine- 
ville, S. C. [b. 1784, d. 1817], was an active botanist. Dr. 
Lionel Chalmers [b. 1715, d. 1777], who was for: many years 
the leader of scientific activity in South Carolina, was omitted 
in the previous address. A graduate of Edinburgh, he was for 
forty years a physician in Charleston. He recorded observations 
on meteorology from 1750 to 1760, the foundation of his ‘* Trea- 
tise on the Weather and Diseases of South Carolina ” [ London, 
1776], and published also valuable papers on pathology. He 
was the host and patron of many naturalists, such as the Bar- 
trams. 3 

There was no lack of men in the South who were capable of 
appreciating scientific work. Virginia had fourteen members 
in the American Philosophical Society from 1780 to 1800, while 
Massachusetts and New York had only six each, the Carolinas 
had eight, and Maryland six. The population of the South 
was, however, widely dispersed and no concentration of effort 

* Biography in Polyanthus, vol. ii. 
_¢t Walpole, N. H., 1794, 8vo, p. 416. 

oat Sle ae a ae 


was possible. To this was due, no doubt, the speedy dissolu- 
tion of the Academy of Arts and Sciences founded in Richmond 
in 1788.* 

A name which should, perhaps, be mentioned in connection 
with this is that of Dr. William Charles Wells, whom it has 

been the fashion of late to claim as an American. It would 

_ be gratifying to be able to vindicate this claim, for Wells was 

a man of whom any nation might be proud. He was the orig- 
inator of the generally-accepted theory of the origin of dew, and 
was also, as Darwin has shown, the first, to recognize and an-_ 
nounce the theory of evolution by natural selection.; Unfor- 
tunately Wells’s science was not American science. We might 
with equal propriety claim as American the art of James 
Whistler, the politics of Parnell, the fiction of Alexandre 
Dumas, the essays of Grant Allen, or the science of Rumford 
and Le Vaillant. 

Wells was the son of an English painter, who emigrated, in 
1753, to South Carolina, where he remained until the time of 
the Revolution, when, with other loyalists, he returned to 
England. He was born during his father’s residence in Charles- 
ton, but left the country in his minority; was educated at Edin- 
burgh, and though he, as a young physician, spent four years in 
the United States, he was permanently established in London 
practice fully twenty-eight years before he read his famous letter 
before the Royal Society. 

The first American naturalist who held definite views as to 
evolution was, undoubtedly, Rafinesque. In a letter to Dr. 
Torrey, Dec. 1, 1832, he wrote: 

‘¢ The truth is that species, and perhaps genera also, are form- 

ing in organized beings by gradual deviations of shapes, forms, 
and organs taking place in the lapse of time. There is a tendency 

* See previous discourse, p. 98. 
+ Darwin: Origin of species, 6th Amer. Ed., p xv. Morse: Proc. 

Amer. Assoc. Adv. Science, xxv, p. 141. 


to deviation and mutation in plants and animals by gradual steps, 
at remote, irregular periods. This is a part of the great universal 
law of perpetual mutability in everything.” 

It is pleasant to remember that both Darwin and Wallace 
owed much of their insight into the processes of nature to their 
American explorations. It is also interesting to recall the clos- 
ing lines, almost prophetic as they seem to-day, of the ‘‘Epistle 
to the Author of the Botanic Garden,” * written in 1798 by 
Elihu Hubbard Smith, of New York, and prefixed to the Amer- 
ican editions of ‘* The Botanic Garden :” 

‘¢ Where Mississippi’s turbid waters glide 
And white Missouri pours its rapid tide; 
Where vast Superior spreads its inland sea 
And the pale tribes near icy empires sway; 
Where now Alaska lifts its forests rude 
And Nootka rolls her solitary flood. 
Hence keen incitement prompt the prying mind 
By treacherous fears, nor palsied nor confined ; 

Its curious search embrace the sea and shore 
And mine and ocean, earth and air explore. 

‘*¢ Thus shall the years proceed,—till growing time 
Unfold the treasures of each different clime; 
Till one vast brotherhood mankind unite 
In equal bonds of knowledge and of right; 
Thus the proud column, to the smiling skies 
In simple majesty sublime shall rise, 
O’er ignorance foiled, their triumph loud proclaim, 
And bear inscribed, immortal, DARWIN’s name.” 


During the three decades which made up the post-revolution- 
ary period there were several ‘‘ beginnings” which may not 
well be referred to in connection with individuals or localities. 

The first book upon American insects was published in 1797, 
a sumptuously-illustrated work, in two volumes, with 104 col- 
ored plates, entitled “The Natural History of the rarer Lepi- 
dopterous Insects of Georgia.” This was compiled by Sir 
James E. Smith from the notes and drawings of John Abbot 

* Erasmus, grandfather of Charles Darwin. 


[b. about 1760], living in England in 1840, an accomplished 
collector and artist, who had been for several years a resident 
of Georgia, gathering insects for sale in Europe. Mr. Scudder 
characterizes him as ‘* the most prominent student of the life his- 
tories of insects we have ever had.”’* 

There had, however, been creditable work previously done in 
what our entomologists are pleased to call the biological side of 
the science. As early as 1768, Col. Landon Carter, of ‘‘ Sabine 
Hall,” Virginia, prepared an elaborate paper ‘* On the Habits of 
the Fly-Weevil that destroys the Wheat,” which was printed by 
‘the American Philosophical Society,f accompanied by an ex- 
tended report by ‘‘ The Committee of Husbandry.” In the same 
year Moses Bartram presented his ‘* Observations on the native 
Silk-Worms of North America.” 

Organized effort in economic entomology appears to date from 
the year 1792, when the American Philosophical Society ap- 
pointed a committee to collect materials for a natural history of 
the Hessian Fly, at that time making frightful ravages in the 
wheat-fields, and so much dreaded in Great Britain that the 
import of wheat from the United States was forbidden by law. 
The Philosophical Society’s committee was composed of Thomas 
Jefferson, at that time Secretary of State in President Washing- 
ton’s cabinet, Benjamin Smith Barton, James Hutchinson, and 
Caspar Wistar. In their report, which was accompanied by 
large drawings, the history of the little marauder was given in 
considerable detail. 

The publication of Wilson’s American Ornithology, begin- 
ning in 1808, was an event of great importance. It was in 1804 

*There is a whole series of quarto or folio volumes in the British Mu- 
seum done by him, and a few volumes are extant in this country. Be- 
sides, all the biological material in Smith-Abbot’s Insects of Georgia is 
his.”—Letter of S. H. Scudder. 

+t Transactions of the American Philosophical Soc., 1, 274. 

t Jbed., p. 294. 


that the author, a schoolmaster near Philadelphia, decided upon 

his plan. In a letter to Lawson he wrote: 

‘¢T am most earnestly bent on pursuing my plan of making a 
Collection of all the Birds of North America. Now, I don’t 
want you to throw cold water on this notice, Quixotic as it may 
appear. I have been so long accustomed to the building of Airy 
Castles and brain Windmills that it has become one of my com- 
forts of life, a sort of rough Bone, that amuses me when sated 
with the dull drudgery of Life.” 

I need not eulogize Wilson. Every one knows how well he 
succeeded. He has had learned commentators and elo-, 
quent biographers. Our children pore over the narrative of 
the adventurous life of the weaver naturalist, and we all are 
sensible of the charms which his graceful pen has given to the 
life-histories of the birds. 

His poetical productions are immortal, and his lines to the 
Blue Bird and the Fisherman’s Hymn are worthy to stand by 
the side of Bryant’s Waterfowl, Trowbridge’s Wood Pewee, 
Emerson’s Titmouse, Thaxter’s Sandpiper, and, possibly best 
of all, Walt. Whitman’s Mocking-Bird in ‘‘ Out of the Cradle 
endlessly Rocking.” : 

Ichthyology in America dates also from these last years of 
‘the century. Garden was our only resident ichthyologist until 
Peck and Mitchill began their work, but Schepf, the Hessian 
military surgeon, printed a paper on the Fishes of New York 
in 1787, and William Bryant, of New Jersey, and Henry Col- 
lins Flagg, of South Carolina, made observations upon the elec- 
tric eel, in addition to those which Williamson, of North Car- 
olina, laid before the Royal Society in 1775. 

Paleontology had its beginning at about the same time in the 
publication of Jefferson’s paper on the Megalonyx or ‘‘Great 
Claw ” in 1797.* 

* The first vertebrate fossils were found in Virginia. Samuel Maverick, 
of Massachusetts, reported to the colony at Boston in 1836 that, at a place 


This early study of a fossil vertebrate was followed 20 years 
later by the first paper which touched upon invertebrates—that 


by Say on ‘‘ Fossil Zodlogy,” in the first volume of Silliman’s 
Journal. Lesueur seems to have brought from France some 
knowledge of the names of fossils, and identified many species 
for the early American geologists. | 

Stratigraphical and physical geology also came in at this time, 
and will be referred to later. ' 

The science of mineralogy was brought to America in its 
infancy. The first course of lectures upon this subject ever 
given in London was in the winter of 1793-4, by Schmeisser, 
a pupil of Werner. Dr. David Hosack, then a student of 
medicine at Edinburgh, was ‘one of his hearers, and inspired by 
his enthusiasm began at once to form the collection of minerals 
which he brought to America on his return in 1794, which was_ 
the first mineralogical cabinet ever seen on this side of the 
Atlantic. This collection was exhibited for many years in New 
York (and in 1821 was given to Princeton College). Howard 
soon after obtained a select cabinet from Europe, and the 
museum of the American Philosophical Society acquired the - 
Smith collection. In 1802, Mr. B. D. Perkins, a New York 
bookseller, brought from London a fine collection, which soon 
passed into the possession of Yale College, and in 1803 Dr. Arch- 
ibald Bruce brought over one equally fine, which was made the 
basis of lectures when in 1806 he became professor of miner- 
alogy in Columbia College. George Gibbs, in 1805, imported 
the magnificent collection which was long in the custody of the 
American Geological Society. Seybert, about the same time, 
brought to Philadelphia the cabinet which in 1813 was bought 
by the Academy of Natural Sciences and was lectured upon by 

Troost in 1814. 

on the James River, about sixty miles above its mouth, the colonists had 

found shells and bones, among these bones that of a whale, eighteen feet 

below the surface.—Neill’s Virginia Carolorum, p. 131. 


Much of the early botanical exploration was, however, carried 
out by European botanists: André Michaux [b. near Vetsailles, 
1746, d. Madagascar, 1802], a pupil of the Jussiens and an ex- 
perienced explorer, was sent by this government, in 1785, to 
collect useful trees and shrubs for naturalization in France. He 
remained eleven years; made extensive explorations in the 
regions then accessible, and as far west as the Mississippi; sent 
home immense numbers of living plants; and, after his return, 
in 1796, published his treatise on the American Oaks,* and pre- 
pared the materials for his posthumous ‘‘ Flora Boreali-Ameri- 
canas.” : e 

Frangois André Michaux [b. near Versailles, 1770, d. at 
Vauréal, 1855] was his father’s assistant in these early travels, 
and in 1802 and 1806 himself made botanical explorations in the 
Mississippi Valley. His botanical works were of great impor- 
tance,t especially that known in its English translation as the 
‘¢ North American Sylva,” afterward completed by Nuttall, and 
still the only work of the kind, though soon to be supplemented, 
we hope, by Professor Sargent’s projected monographs. 

Frederick Pursh [b. 1774, in Tobolsk, Siberia, d. June 11, 
'1820, in Montreal, Canada] carried on botanical explorations 
between 1799 and 1819 ; living, from 1802 to 1805, in Philadel- 
phia, and from 1807 to 1810 in New York. In 1814 he pub- 
lished in London his ‘‘ Flora Americe Septemtrionalis.” Pursh’s 
Flora was largely based upon the labors of the American bot- 
anists Barton, Hosack, LeConte, Peck, Clayton, Walter, and 
Lyon, and the botanical collection of Lewis and Clarke, and — 
enumerated about 3,000 species of plants, while Michaux’s, 
printed eleven years before, had only about half that number. 

A. von Enslen collected plants at this time, in the South and 
West, for the Imperial Cabinet in Vienna. C. C. Robin, who 

* Histoire des chénes de l’Amerique Septentrionale, 1801; 36 plates. 
| Voyage 4 l’ouest des monte Alléghany, &c. 8vo, pp. 684. Paris, 1808. 
Histoire des arbres foréstiéres de l’Amerique, Septentrionale. 


travelled from 1802 to 1806 in what are now the Gulf States, 
wrote a botanical appendix to his Travels, published in 1807, on 
which Rafinesque founded his ‘* Florula Ludoviciana” (New 
York, 1817). 

Thaddeus Henke [b. 1761, d. in Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1817] 
visited Western North America with the Spaniards late in the 
last century,'and made large collections of plants, which were 
sent to the National Museum of Bohemia, at Prague, and in 
part described in Presl’s ‘‘ Reliquie Henkiane,” 72 plates. 

Archibald Menzies [b. 1754, d. 1842], an English naval sur- 
geon, also collected on our Pacific coast, under Vancouver, in - 
1780-95, and his plants found their way to Edinburgh and Kew. 

Captain Wangenheim, Surgeon Schoepf, of the Hessian 

contingent of the British army, Olaf Swartz, a Swedish botan- 
ical explorer, and others, also gathered plants in these early days, 
and, in some instances, published in Europe their botanical 
- Other collectors of this same class were L. A. G. Bosc [1759- 
1828], who made botanical researches in the Carolinas during 
the last two years of the century, and returned to France in 1800 
with a herbarium of 1,600 species. He also collected fishes, 
and his name is perpetuated in connection with at least two 
well-known American fauna. Another was M. Milbert, who 
collected for Cuvier in New York, Canada, the Great Lake 
region, and the Mississippi Valley from 1817 to 1823. 

The Baron Palisot de Beauvois [b. 1755, d. 1820] came from 
Santo Domingo to America in 1791. He travelled extensively, 
and being a zodlogist as well as a botanist, made observations 
upon our native animals, particularly the reptiles. 

It is to him that we owe the most carefully recorded of 
existing observations of young rattlesnakes crawling down their 
parent snakes’ throats for protection from enemies. 

Most of these men did not contribute largely to the advance- 


ment of American scientific institutes or affiliate with the natu- 
ralists of the day. 

Of quite another type was the Count Luigi Castiglioni, who 
travelled, soon after the Revolution, throughout the Eastern 
States, and published in 1790 two volumes of his travels.* 

The Count Volney [b. at Craon Feb. 3, 1757, d. in Paris 
April 25, 1820], traveller, statesman, and historian, travelled 
in this country from 1795 to 1798, and in 1803, while a Senator 
of the French Republic, published his famous work upon the 
United States, containing his observations upon its soil and its 
climate, and upon the Indians, together with the first doctrines 
of the language of the Miamis,t and also giving a description 
of the physical and botanical features of the country. Volney 
was an admirer and intimate friend of Franklin, and it was in his 
home at Passy, we are told, that he conceived the idea of his most 
famous book ‘‘ Les Ruines.’’f 

Among the traditions of Fauquier county, Virginia, is one 
which is of interest to naturalists, since it relates to an incident 

showing the interest of our first President in science : 

‘*¢ About the year 1796,” runs the story, ‘‘ at the close of a long 
summer’s day, a stranger entered the village of Warrenton. He 
was alone, and on foot, and his appearance was anything but 
prepossessing. His garments, coarse and dust-covered, indicated 
an individual in the humble walks. "From a cane across his 
shoulders was suspended a handkerchief containing his clothing. 
Stopping in front of Turner’s tavern, he took from his hat a paper 
and handed it to a gentleman standing on the steps; it read as 
follows : 

*¢.The celebrated historian and naturalist 
VoOLNEY needs no recommendation from 

* Viaggio negli Stati Uniti del America Settentrionali. 

+t Tableau du climat et du sol des Etats-Unis d’Amerique, s suivi d’eclair- 
cissements sur la Floride, sur la»colonie frangaise a Scioto sur quelques 
colonies canadiennes, et sur les savages. Paris, 1803. 8vo,2vols. 2d 
edition. Paris. 8vo, 1 vol., pp. 494. Map. 

t BicrLow, Jonn: Franklin’s Homeand Host. in France. The Century, 
May, 1888, p. 743. 


In 1801 Jefferson began his eight years of presidency. Since he 
was the only man of science who has ever occupied the chief magis- 
tracy, he hasa right to a high place in the esteem of such a society 
as ours, and I only regret that, having spoken of him at length 
a year ago, I cannot now discuss his scientific career in all its 

I then spoke of the credit which was due to him for beginning 
so early as 1780 to agitate the idea of a government exploring 
expedition to the Pacific, which culminated in the sending out 
by Congress of the expedition of Lewis and Clarke, in 1803. 
Captain Lewis [b. 1774, d. 1809], the leader of this expedition, 
was a young Virginian, the neighbor, and for some years the 
private secretary, of President Jefferson. He set out in the sum- 
mer of 1803, accompanied by his associate, Captain Clarke, and 
twenty-eight men. They entered the Missouri, May 14, 1804, 
before the middle of the following July had reached the great 
fails, and by October were upon the western slope, where, em- 
barking in canoes upon the Kouskousky, a branch of the Colum- 
bia, they descended to its mouth, where they arrived on the 15th 
of November, 1805. The following spring they retraced their 
course, arriving at St. Louis in September.* The results of the 
expedition were first made known in Jefferson’s message to Con- 
gress, read February 19, 1806. 

The statue of Meriwether Lewis is one of those at the base 
of the Washington Monument in Richmond, Virginia, and is 
worthy of the man and his career. 

Dr. Asa Gray in a recent letter says: 

‘‘T have reason to think that Michaux suggested to Jefferson 
the expedition which the latter was active in sending over to the 
Pacific. I wonder if he put off Michaux for the sake of having 
it in American hands? ”’+ 

The idea of anexpedition to the Pacific was one which was likely 

* See a complete bibliography of the various reports of this expedition, 
by Elliott Coues, in the Bulletin of the U. S. Geological Survey. 
t See Amer. Journ. Sci., xii, No. 1. 


to occur to any thoughtful American, and was, after all, simply 
the continuing of a plan as old as the Spanish days of discovery. 
Jefferson, at all events, was an active promoter of all such enter- . 
prises, and after a quarter of a century’s effort the expedition was 
dispatched, while in 1805 Gen. Z. M. Pike was sent to explore 
the sources of the Mississippi river and the western parts of 
‘¢ Louisiana,” penetrating as far west as ‘‘ Pike’s Peak,” a name 
which still remains as a memento of this enterprise. 

The organization of these early expeditions marked the begin- 
ning.of one of the most important portions of the scientific work 
of our government—the investigation of the resources and 
natural history of the public domain. The expeditions of Lewis 
and Clarke, and of Pike, were the precursors and prototypes of 
the magnificent organization now accomplishing so much for 
science under the charge of Major J. W. Powell. 

As early as 1806, Jefferson, inspired by Patterson and Hassler, 

urged the establishment of a national Coast Survey, and in this 
"was earnestly supported by his Secretary of the Treasury, Albert 
Gallatin, who drew up a learned and elaborate project for its 
organization, and an act authorizing its establishment was passed 
in 1807. During his administration, in 1802, the first scientific 
school in this country was established, the Military Academy at 
West Point. The Military Academy was a favorite project of 
General Washington, who is said to have justified his anxiety for 
its establishment by the remark that ‘‘ an army of asses led by a 
lion is vastly superior to an army of lions led by an ass.” 

Jefferson has been heartily abused for not gratifying Alexander 
Wilson’s request to be appointed naturalist to Pike’s expeditions. 
It is possible that even in those days administrators were ham- 
pered by lack of financial resources. It must also be remem- 
bered that in 1804 Wilson was simply an enthusiastic projector 
of ornithological undertakings, and had done nothing whatever 

to establish his reputation as an investigator. 


One of Jefferson’s first official acts was to throw his presidential 
mantle over Priestley. Two weeks after he became President of 
the United States he wrote these words: 

‘¢Tt is with heartfelt satisfaction that, in the first moments of 
my public action, I can hail you with welcome to our land, 
tender to you the homage of its respect and esteem, cover you 
under the protection of those laws which were made for the wise 
and good like you, and disclaim the legitimacy of that libel on 
legislators which, under the form of a law, was for some time 
placed among them.” 

* '* * ‘Yours is one of the few lives precious to mankind, 
and for the continuance of which every thinking man is solicitous. 
Bigots may be an exception. What an effort, my dear sir, of 
bigotry in politics and religion have we gone through. * * * 
All advances in science were prescribed as innovations. They 
pretended to praise and encourage education, but it was to be the 
education of our ancestors. We were to look backwards, not 
forwards for improvement; the President (Washington) himself 

declaring in one of his answers to addresses that we were never | 

to expect to go beyond them in real science. This was the real 
ground of all the attacks on you; those who live by mystery and 
charlatanerze fearing you would render them useless by simpli- 
fying the Christian philosophy, the most sublime and benevo- 
lent, but most perverted system that ever shone on man, en- 
deavored to crush your well-earned and well-deserved fame.”’* 


With the close of the third decade ended the first third of a 
century since the Declaration of Independence. We have now 
passed in review a considerable number of illustrious names and 
have noted the inception of many worthy undertakings. 

‘¢ Still, however,” in the words of Silliman, ‘‘ although indi- 
viduals were enlightened, no serious impression was produced 
on the public mind; a few lights were, indeed, held out, but 
they were lights twinkling in an almost impervious gloom.” 

This was a state of affairs not peculiar to America. A gloom 
no less oppressive had long obscured the intellectual atmosphere 

* Jefferson’s Works (T. J. Randolph ed.), 1830, iii, 461. 
ft Silliman, i, 37. 



of the old world. There were a goodly number of men. of 
science, and many important discoveries were being made, but 
no bonds had yet been formed to connect the interests of the men 
of science and the men of affairs. 

Speculative science, in the nature of things, can only interest 
and attract scholarly men. and though its results, concisely and 
attractively stated, may have a passing interest to a certain por- 
tion of every community, it is only by its practical applications 
that it secures the hearty support of the community at large. © 

Huxley, in his recent discourse upon *‘ The Advance of Science 
in the Last Half Century,”* has touched upon this subject in a 
most suggestive and instructive manner, and has shown that Bacon, 
with all his wisdom, exerted little direct beneficial influence upon 
the advancement of natural knowledge, which has after all been 
chiefly forwarded by men like Galileo and Harvey, Boyle and 
Newton, ‘‘who would have done their work quite as well if 
neither Bacon nor Descartes had ever propounded their views 
respecting the manner in which scientific investigation should be 

I think we should look upon Bacon as the prophet of modern 
scientific thought, rather than its founder. It is no doubt true, 
as Huxley has said, that his ‘* scientific insight ” was not sufficient 
to enable him to shape the future course of scientific philosophy, 
but it is scarcely true that he attached any undue value to the 
practical advantages which the world as a whole, and incident- 
ally science itself, were to reap from the applications of scientific 
methods to the investigation of nature. 

Even though the investigations of Descartes, Newton, Leibnitz, 
Boyle, Torricelli, and. Malpighi, had directly helped no man to 
either wealth or comfort, the cumulative results of their labors, 

and those of their pupils and associates, resulted in a condition 

* Woop, T. H.: The Reign of Victoria; a survey of Fifty Years of Pro- 
gress. London, 1887. 


of scientific knowledge from which, sooner or later, utilitarian 
results must necessarily have sprung. 

It is true, as Huxley tells us, that at the beginning of this cen- 
tury weaving and spinning were still carried on with the old 
appliances ; true that nobody could travel faster by sea or by land 
than at any previous time in the world’s history, and true that 
King George could send a message from London to York no 
faster than King John might have done. Metals were still 
worked from their ores by immemorial rule of thumb, and the 
centre of the iron trade of these islands was among the oak for- 
ests of Sussex, while the utmost skill of the British mechanic did 
not get beyond the production of a coarse watch. 

It cannot be denied that although the middle of the eighteenth 
century was illuminated by a host of great names in science, 
chemists, biologists, geologists, English, French, German, and , 
Italian, the deepening and broadening of natural knowledge had 
produced next to no immediate practical benefits. Still I cannot 
believe that Bacon, the prophet, would have been so devoid of 
‘* scientific insight” as to have failed to foresee at this time the 
ultimate results of all this intellectual activity. 

But Huxley says: 

‘¢ Even if, at this time, Francis Bacon could have returned to 
the scene of his greatness and of his littleness, he must have re- 
garded the philosophic world which praised and disregarded his 
precepts with great disfavor. If ghosts are consistent, he would 
have said, ‘‘ these people are all wasting their time, just as Gil- 
bert, and Kepler, and Galileo, and my worthy physician Harvey 
did in my day. Where are thé fruits of the restoration of science 
which I promised? This accumulation of bare knowledge is all 
very well, but cuz doz0? Not one of these people is doing what I 
told him specially to do, and seeking that secret of the cause of 
forms, which will enable him to deal at will with matter and 
superinduce new nature upon old foundations.” 

As Huxley, however, proceeds himself to show, in the dis- 

cussion which immediately follows this passage, a ‘* new nature, 


begotten by science upon fact,’’ has been born within the past 
few decades, and pressing itself daily and hourly upon our atten- 
tion, has worked miracles which have not only modified the whole 
future of the lives of mankind, but has reacted constantly upon 
the progress of science itself. 

It is to the development of this new nature, then in its very 
infancy, that we must look for the revival of interest in science 
on this side of the Atlantic. 

The second decade of the century was marked by a great 
accession of interest in the sciences.. The second war with 
Great Britain having ended, the country, for the first time since 
colonial days, became sufficiently tranquil for peaceful attention 
to literature and philosophy. The end of the Napoleonic wars 
and the restoration of tranquillity to Europe tended to scientific 
advances on the other side of the Atlantic, and the results of the 
labors of Cuvier, whose glory was now approaching its zenith, 
of Brongniart, of Blainville, of Jussieu, of Decandolle, of Werner, 
of Hutton, of Buckland, of De la Beche, of Magendie, of Hum- 
boldt, Daubuisson, Berzelius, Von Buch, of Herschel, of Laplace, 
of Young, of Fresnel, of Oersted, of Cavendish, of Lavoisier, Wol- 
laston, Davy, and Sir William Hooker, were eagerly welcomed 
by hundreds in America. 

‘¢In truth,” wrote one who was among the most active in 
promoting these tendencies, ‘‘ in truth, a thirst for the Natural 
Sciences seemed already to pervade the United States like the 
progress of an epidemic.” ae 

The author of these enthusiastic words was Amos Eaton 
[b. in Chatham, N. Y., 1776, d. May 6, 1842], one of the most 
interesting men of his day. In 1816, at the age of forty, he 
abandoned the practice of law and went to New Haven to 
attend Silliman’s lectures on Mineralogy and Geology. He was 
aman of great force and untiring energy, and one of the pio- 
neers of American geology; though the name, ‘‘ father of Amer- 


ican geology,” sometimes applied to him, would seem to belong 
more appropriately to Maclure, or, perhaps, to Mitchill. He 
was, however, only some eight years later than Maclure in 
beginning geological field-work. Eaton’s ‘‘ Index to the Geology 
of the Northern States of America,” printed in 1817, was the first 
strictly American treatise, and seems to have had a very stimu- 
lating effect. He was pre-eminently an agitator and an educator. 
He travelled many thousands of miles on foot throughout New 
England and New York, delivering, in the meantime, at the 
principal towns, short courses of lectures on natural history. 
In March, 1817, having received an invitation to aid in the intro- 
duction of the Natural Sciences in Williams College, his Alma 
Mater, he delivered a course of lectures in Williamstown. 
‘s Such,” he remarks, ‘‘ was the zeal at this institution that an 
uncontrollable enthusiasm for natural history took possession of 
every mind; and other departments of learning were, for a time, 
crowded out of the college. The authorities allowed twelve 
students each day (seventy-two per week) to devote their whole 
time to the collection of minerals and plants, in lieu of all other 
exercises.” * | : 

In April, 1818, he went to Albany on the special invitation 
of Gov. DeWitt Clinton and delivered a course of lectures on 
Natural History. ‘*In Albany I found,” wrote he, ‘* Dr. T. 
Romeyn Beck, and in Troy, Doctors Burrett, Robbins, and 
Dale, zealous beyond description in the cause of Natural Science. 
By the exertions of these gentlemen a taste for the study of 
Nature was strongly excited in those two cities, especially for 
that of geology. They, together with several others, had become 
members of the New York Lyceum of Natural History, and, in 
the fall of 1818, established a society of the same name and 
upon a similar plan in Troy. Collections were made with 

such zeal that, in the course of a few months, Troy could boast 

* Geological Text-Book, 2d ed., 1832, p. 16. 


of a more extensive collection of American geological specimens 
than Yale College, or any other institution upon this continent.’’* 

‘¢In this period,” remarked Bache, ‘‘ the prosecution of mathe- 
matics and physical science was neglected; indeed barely kept 
alive by the calls for boundary and land surveys of the more ex- 
tended class, by the exertions necessary in the lecture-room, or by 
isolated volunteer efforts. 

‘‘As the country was explored and settled the unworked mine 
of natural history was laid open, and the attention of almost all 
the cultivators of science was turned toward the development of 
its riches. 3 

‘¢ Descriptive natural history is the pursuit which emphatically 
made that period. As its experiment may be taken the admira- 
ble descriptive mineralogy of Cleaveland, which seemed to fill the 
measures of that day and be, as it were, its chief embodiment, 
appearing just as the era was passing away.” 

The leading spirits of the day seem to have been Silliman, 
Hare, Maclure, Mitchill, Gibbs, Cleaveland, DeWitt Clinton, 
and Caspar Wistar. 

Names familiar to us of the present generation began now to 
appear in scientific literature: Isaac Lea began to print his 
memoirs on the Unéontde ; Edward Hitchcock, principal of the 
Deerfield Academy, was writing his first papers on the geology 
of Massachusetts; Prof. Chester Dewey, of Williams College, 
[b. 1781, d. 1867], afterwards known to us all from his excellent 
work upon the Carices, was discussing the mineralogy and geol- 
ogy of Massachusetts; Dr. John Torrey, also to be famous as a 

botanist, was then devoting his attention to mineralogy and 

* The Troy Lyceum of Natural History was incorporated in (819, and a 
lectureship was created, filled by Mr. Eaton (Szlliman’s Fournal, ii, 173). 
In 1820 a similar association, ‘‘ The Hudson Association for Improvement 
in Science,” was founded in the city of Hudson, and in 1821 the Delaware 
Chemical and Geological Society. 

+ Presidential Address Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1851, pp. vi, xlvi. 


chemistry ; Dr. Jacob Porter was making botanical observations 
in central Massachusetts ; quaint old Caleb Atwater, at that time 
almost the only scientific observer west of the Alleghanies, was 
discussing the origin of prairies, meteorology, botany, geology, 
mineralogy, and scenery of the Ohio country, and a little later 
the remains of mammoths. 

Prof. J. W. Webster, of Boston, was making general studies 
in geology; the Rev. Elias Cornelius and Mr. John Grammer 
were writing of the geology of Virginia; Mr. J. A. Kain, upon 
that of Tennessee, I. P. Brace, that of Connecticut, and James 
Pierce, that of New Jersey. 

To this period belonged the brilliant Constantine Rafinesque, 
with Torrey, Silliman, Cleaveland, Gibbs, James, Schoolcraft, 
Gage, Akerly, Mitchill, Dana, Beck, and Featherstonhaugh. 

Dr. Henry R. Schoolcraft, afterwards prominent in ethnology, 
printed, in 1819, his ‘‘ View of the Lead Mines of Missouri,” 
the first from American contributors to economic geology; and 
in the same year his ‘‘ Transallegania,” a mineralogical poem, 
probably the last as well as the first of its kind written in 
America. In 1821 he published a scholarly ‘* Account of the 
Native Copper on the Southern shore of Lake Superior.”* 

Mineralogy and geology were the most popular of the sciences. 

American Geology dated its beginning from this previous 
decade. Prof. S. L. Mitchill was one of the first to call 
attention to the teachings of Kirwan and the pioneers of Eu- 
ropean geology, and very early in the century began to 
instruct the students of Columbia College in the principles 
of geology as then understood. He published Observations 
on the Geology of America, and also edited a New York edition 
of Cuvier’s ‘‘ History of the Earth,” contributing to this work 
an appendix which was constantly quoted by early writers. 

The first geological explorer was William Maclure [b. in Ayr, 

* Amer. Jour. Science, iii, pp. 201-210. 



Scotland, 1763, d. in San Angel, Mexico, Mar. 23, 1840], a 
Scotch merchant who amassed a large fortune by commercial 
connections with this country, and became a citizen of the United 
States about 1796. His most important service to American 
science was that of a patron, for he was a liberal supporter of the 
infant Academy of Sciences in Philadelphia, and for twenty-two 
years its president, besides being an upholder of other important 

The publication in 1809 of his ‘‘ Observations on the Geology 
of the United States” marks the beginning of American geo- 
graphical geology and the first attempt at a geological survey of 
the United States. This had long been the object of his ambi- 
tion, and, in order to prepare himself for the task, he had spent 
several years in travel throughout Europe, making observations 
and collecting objects in natural history, which he forwarded to 
the country of his adoption. 

His undertaking was undoubtedly a remarkable one. ‘‘ He 
went forth with his hammer in his hand and his wallet on his 
shoulder, pursuing his researches in every direction, visiting 
almost every State and Territory, wandering often amidst path- 
less tracts and dreary solitudes until he had crossed and re- 
crossed the Alleghany mountains not less than fifty times. He 
encountered all the privations of hunger, thirst, fatigue, and ex- 
posure, month after month and year after year, until his indom- 
itable spirit had conquered every difficulty and crowned his 
enterprise with success,”* and after the publication of his me- 
moir he devoted eight years more to collecting materials for a 
second and revised addition. 

The geological map of the United States, published in 1809, 
appears to have been the first of the kind ever attempted for an 
entire country. Smith’s geological map of England was six 

years later, and Greenough’s still subsequent in date. 

* Martin: Memoir of William Maclure, p. 11. _ 


The publication in London in 1813 of Bakewell’s ‘+ Introduc- 
tion to Geology” seems to have given a great stimulus to geo- 
logical researches in this country, as may be judged from the 
publication of an American edition a year or two later. 

Mitchill, Bruce, and Maclure soon had a goodly band of asso- 
ciates. Naturalists were not confined to limited specialties in 
those days, and we find all the chemists, botanists, and zodlo- 
gists absorbed in the consideration of geological problems. 
Maclure and most of the Americans were disciples of Werner. 

Silliman, writing in 1818, said: 

‘¢A grand outline has recently been drawn by Mr. Maclure 
with a masterly hand and with a vast extent of personal obser- 
vation and labour ; but, to fill up the detail, both observation and 
labour still more extensive are demanded ; nor can the object be 

effected till more good geologists are formed and distributed over 
our extensive territory.” 

On the 6th of September, 1819, the American Geological : 
Society was organized in the philosophical room of Yale Col- 
lege, an event of great importance in the history of science, 
hastening, as it seems to have done, the establishment of State 
surveys and stimulating observation throughout the country. 
This Society, which continued in existence until about 1826, 
may fairly be considered the nucleus of the Association of Ameri- 
can Geologists and Naturalists, and, consequently, of the Ameri- 
can Association for the Advancement of Science. Members 
appended to their names the symbols, M. A. G. S., and it was 
for a time the most active of American scientific societies. 

The characteristics of the leading spirits were summed up by 
Eaton at the time of its beginning: 

_ ¢¢ The President, William Maclure, has already struck out the 
grand outline of North American geographical geology. The 
first Vice-President, Col. G. Gibbs, has collected more facts and 
amassed more geological and mineralogical specimens than any 
other individual of the age. The second Vice-President, Pro- 
fessor Silliman, gives the true scientific dress to all the naked 


mineralogical subjects which are furnished to his hand. The 
third Vice-President, Professor Cleaveland, is successfully em- 
ployed in elucidating and familiarizing those interesting scenes ; 
and thus smoothing the rugged paths of the student. Professor 
Mitchill has amassed a large store of materials and annexed them 
to the labors of Cuvier and Jameson. The drudgery of climbing 
cliffs and descending into fissures and caverns, and of traversing 
in all directions our most rugged mountainous districts, to ascer- 
tain,the distinctive characters, number, and order of our strata, 
has devolved upon me.”’* 

Eaton has very fairly defined his own position among the early 
geologists, which was that of an explorer and pioneer. The epi- 
thet, ‘‘ Father of American Geology,” which has sometimes been 
applied to him, might more justly be bestowed upon Maclure, or 
even upon Mitchill. The name of Amos Eaton [b. 1776, d. 
1872] will always be memorable, on account of his connection 
with the geological survey of New York, which was begun in 
1820, at the private expense of Hon. Stephen Van Rensselaer ; 
also as the founder, in 1824, of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- 
tute, the first of its class on the continent. : 

The State of New York was not pre-eminently prompt in 
establishing an official survey, but the liberality of Van Rensse- 
laer and the energy of Eaton gave to New York the honor of 
attaching the names of its towns and counties to a large num- 
ber of the geological formations of North America. 

In these early surveys Eaton was associated with Dr. Theo- 

dore Romeyn Beck and Mr. H. Webster, naturalist and collec- 
tor, one of the first being a survey of the county of Albany, un- 
der the special direction of a County Agricultural Society, fol- 
lowed by similar surveys of Rensselaer county and Saratoga 
county and others along the Erie Canal. 

In July, 1818, Professor Silliman began the publication of the 
American Journal of Science, which has been for more than 

two-thirds of a century the most prominent register of the scien- 

* Index to the Geology of the Northern States. 2ded. 1820. p. viii. 


tific progress of this continent. Silliman’s journal succeeded, 
and far more than replaced, the American Mineralogical Jour- 
nal, the earliest of American scientific periodicals, which was 
established in New York 1810 by Dr. Archibald Bruce, and 
which was discontinued after the close of the first volume, in 
1814, on account of the illness and untimely death of its pro- 
jector.* The Mineralogical Journal was not so limited in 
scope as in name, and was for a time the principal organ of 
our scientific specialists.f 

We can but admire the spirit of Silliman, who remarks in the 

preface to the third volume: 

‘‘ Tt must require several years from the commencement of the 
work to decide the question [whether it is to be supported], and 
the editor (if God continues his life and health) will endeavour 
to prove himself neither impatient nor querulous during the time 
that his countrymen hold the question undecided, whether there 
shall be an American Journal of Sctence and Arts.” 

In the fall of 1822 he announced that a trial of four years had 
decided the point that the American public would support this 

Prior to the establishing of Silliman’s journal, the principal 
organs of American science were the Medical Reposztory, 
commenced in 1798, of which Dr. Mitchill was the chief 
proprietor; the Mew York Medical and Physical Journal, 
conducted chiefly by Dr. Hosack; the Boston Journal of Phi- 
losophy and the Arts, and other similar periodicals. Our 
students looked chiefly, however, to the English journals— 
Tilloch’s Phclosophical Magazine and Nicholson’s Journal of 
Natural Philosophy, and later, Thomson’s Aznals of Phil- 
osophy, the Annales de Chimie. 

*<**No future historian of American science will fail to commemorate 
this work us our earliest Aurely scéentzjic journal, supported by original 
American communications,” said Silliman in his prospectus, 1817. 

+The only copies of this journal known to be in existence are in the N. 

Y. State Library and the Harvard Library. 


The American Monthly Magazine, established in 1814 by 
Charles Brockden Brown, was fully as much devoted to science 
as to literature, and an examination of this and other journals 
of the early portion of the century will, I think, satisfy the student 
that scientific subjects were more seriously considered by our 
ancestors than by the Americans of to-day. The American 
Monthly published elaborate reviews of technical works, such as 
Cleaveland’s Mineralogy, and summaries of the world’s progress 
in science, as well as the monthly proceedings of all the scientific 
societies in New York, and papers on systematic zoology and 
botany by Rafinesque. 

In 1812 the American Antiquarian Society was established at 
Worcester, and before 1820, when its first volume of transactions 
appeared, had collected 6,000 books and ‘‘a respectable cabinet.” 
This was a pioneer effort in ethnological science. Archeologia 
Americana contained papers by Mitchill, Atwater, and others, 
chiefly relating to the aboriginal population of America. The 
name of Isaiah Thomas, LL. D. [b. in Boston 1749, d. in Wor- 
cester 1831], the founder and first president of the society, who 
at his own expense erected a building for its accommodation and 
endowed its first researches, should be remembered with grati- 
tude by American naturalists. He was one of the most eminent 
of American printers, and styled by DeWarville ‘‘ the Didot of 
- America.” | 
In 1812 the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 
~-was founded, the outgrowth of a social club, whose members, 
we are told, had no conception of the importance of the work 
they were undertaking when, in a spirit of burlesque, they 
assumed the title of an academy of learning. 

In 1816 the Coast Survey, after years of discussion, was placed 
in action under the supervision of Hassler (who had been ap- 
pointed its head as early as 1811), but, two vears later, the work 

going on too slowly to please the Government, it was stopped. 


The Linnzan Society of New England, established in Boston 
about this time, was the precursor of the Boston Society of 
Natural Science. 

The publication of an American edition of Rees’s. Cyclopedia, 
in Philadelphia, was begun in 1810, and the 47th volume com- 
pleted in 1824. This was an event in the history of American 
science, for it furnished employment and thus fostered the inves- 
tigations of several eminent naturalists, among whom were Alex- 
ander Wilson, Thomas Say, and Ord; while, at the same time, it 
fostered a taste for science in the United States and gave currency 
to several rather epoch-making articles, such as Say’s upon 
Conchology and Entomology. 

Mr. Bradbury, the publisher of this Cyclopedia, was the first 
of a goodly company of liberal and far-seeing publishers who 
have done much for science in this country by their patronage of 
important scientific publications. | } 

In 1817 Josiah Meigs, Commissioner of the Land Office, issued 
a circular to the several Registers of the Land Offices of the 
United States requiring them to keep daily meteorological obser- 
vations, and also to report upon such phenomena as the times of 
the unfolding of leaves of plants and the dates of flowering, the 
migrations of birds and fishes, the dates of spawning of fishes, 
the hibernation of animals, the history of locusts and other in- 
sects in large numbers, the falling of stones and other bodies from 
the atmosphere, the direction of meteors, and discoveries rela- 
tive to the antiquities of the country. 

It does not appear that anything ever resulted from this step, 
but it is referred to as an indication that, seventy years ago, our 
Government was willing to use its civil service officials in the 
interest of science. A few years later the same idea was carried 
into effect by the Smithsonian Institution. 

In those early days each of the principal cities had public mu- 
seums founded and supported by private enterprise. Their pro- 


prietors were men of scientific tastes, who affiliated with the nat- 
uralists of the day and placed their collections freely at the dis- 
posal of investigators. 

The earliest was the Philadelphia Museum, established by 
Charles Wilson Peale, and for a time housed in the building of 
the American Philosophical Society. In 1800 it was full of pop- 

ular attractions. 

‘¢ There were a mammoth’s tooth from the Ohio, and a woman’s 
shoe from Canton; nests of the kind used to make soup of, and a 
Chinese fan six feet long; bits of asbestos, belts of wampum, 
stuffed birds and feathers from the Friendly Islands, scalps, tom- 
ahawks, and long lines of portraits of great men of the Revolu- 
tionary War. To visit the Museum, to wander through the rooms, 
play upon the organ, examine the rude electrical machine, and 
have a profile drawn by the physiognomitian, were pleasures 
from which no stranger to the city ever refrained.” 

Dr. Hare’s oxyhydrogen blow-pipe was shown in this Museum 

by Mr. Rubens Peale as early as 1810. 
The Baltimore Museum was managed by Rembrandt Peale, 

and was in existence as early as 1815 and as late as 1830.* 

Earlier efforts were made, however, in Philadelphia. Dr. 
Chovet, of that city, had a collection of wax anatomical models 
made by him in Europe, and Prof. John Morgan, of the Univer- 
sity of Pennsylvania, who learned his methods from the Hunters 
in London and Sué in Paris, was also forming such a collection 
before the Revolution.+ 

The Columbian Museum and Turrell’s Museum, in Boston, 
are spoken of in the annals of the day, and there was a small 

collection in the attic of the State House in Hartford. 

*<* Baltimore has a handsome museum superintended by one of the 
Peale family, well known for their devotion to natural science and to 
works of art. It is not their fault if the specimens which they are enabled 
to display in the latter department are very inferior to their splendid ex- 
hibitions in the former.”—Mrs. TrRoLLopr, Domestic Manners of the 
Americans. London, 1831. 

+ Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., ii, p. 366. 



The Western Museum, in Cincinnati, was founded about 1815, 
by Robert Best, M. D., afterwards of Lexington, Ky., who seems 
to have been a capable collector, and who contributed matter to 
Godman’s ‘¢ American Natural History.” In 1818 a society styled 
tie Western Museum Society was organized among the citizens, 
which, though scarcely a scientific organization, seems to have 
taken a somewhat liberal and public-spirited view of what a mu- 
seum should be. ‘To the naturalist of to-day there is something 

refreshing in such simple appeals as the following: 

‘¢ In collecting the fishes and reptiles of the Ohio the managers 
will need all the aid which their fellow-citizens may feel disposed 
to give them. Although not a very interesting department of 
zoology, no object of the Society offers so great a prospect of 
novelty as that which embraces these animals. 

‘¢ The obscure and neglected race of insects will not be over- 
looked, and any specimen sufficiently perfect to be introduced 
into a cabinet of entomology will be thankfully received.’’* 

Major John Eatton LeConte, U.S. A. [b. 1784, d. 1860], was 
a very successful student of botany and zoélogy. He published 
many botanical papers*and contributions to descriptive zodlogy, 
and also in Paris, in conjunction with Boisduval, the first 
instalment of a work, of which he was really sole author, upon the 
Lepidoptera of North America. 

The elder brother, Dr. Lewis LeConte [b. 1782, d. 1838], 
was equally eminent as an observer, and was, for forty years, one 
of the most prominent naturalists in the South. On his _planta- 
tion in Liberty county, Ga., he established a botanical garden 
and a chemical laboratory. His zodlogical manuscripts were de- 
stroyed in the burning of Columbia just at the close of the civil 
war, but his observations, which he was averse to publishing in 

his own name, were, we are told, embodied in the writings of his 

*An Address to the people of the Western Country, dated Cincinnati, 
Sept. 15, 1818, and signed by Elijah Slack, James Findlay, William Steele, 
Jesse Embrees, and Daniel Drake, Managers. 

t Histoire Generale et Iconographie. 


brother, of Stephen Elliott, of the Scotch botanist Gordon,* of 
Dr. William Baldwin, and others. { 

Stephen Elliott, of Charleston, South Carolina [b. 1711, d. 
1830], was a graduate of Yale in the class of 1791, and, while 
prominent in the political and financial circles of his State, found 
time to cultivate science. He founded in 1813 the Literary and 
Philosophical Society of South Carolina, and was its first presi- 
dent; and in 1829 was elected Professor of Natural History and 
Botany in the South Carolina Medical College, which he aided 
to establish. He published ‘‘ The Botany of South Carolina and 
Georgia” (Charleston, 1821-27), having been assisted in -its 
preparation by Dr. James McBride; and had an extensive 
museum of his own gathering. The Elliott Society of Natural 
History, founded in 1853, or before, and subsequently con- 
tinued under the name of the Elliott Society of Science and 
-Art, 1859-75, was named in memory of this public-spirited 

Jacob Green [b. 1790, d. 1841], at different times professor 
in the College of New Jersey and in Jefferson Medical College, . 
was one of the old school naturalists, equally at home in all 
of the sciences. His paper on Trilobites (1832) was our first 
formal contribution to invertebrate paleontology ; his ‘*Account of 
some new species of. Salamanders,’’§ one of the earliest steps in 
American herpetology ; his ‘* Remarks on the Unios of the United 
States,”|| the beginning of studies subsequently extensively prose- 
cuted by Lea and some other entomologists. Healso wrote upon 

the crystallization of snow, and was the author of ‘‘ Chemical 

* Loudon’s. Gardeners’ Magazine. 

+ A. H. Stephens in Fohnson’ s Cyclopedia, p. 0702. 

Sag LeConte family deserves a place in Galto’s ‘“ Hereditary Ge- 
nius.” Prof. John LeConte, the physicist, and Prof. Joseph LeConte, 
the geologist, were sons of Dr. Lewis LeConte; while Dr. J. L. LeConte 
is the son of his brother, Major LeConte. 

§ Contributions of the Maclurian Lyceum, i, Jan., 1827, p. 3. 

| Ibid, i, ii, 41. 

A oA hls eae ee hi > 



Philosophy,” ‘* Astronomical Researches,’ and a work upon 
Botany of the United States. 

The earlicr volumes of Silliman’s Journal were filled with notes 
of his observations in all departments of natural history. 

José Francisco Correa da Serra, secretary of the Royal 
Academy of Lisbon, was resident in Philadelphia in 1813, in the 
capacity of Portuguese minister, and affiliated with our men of 
science in botanical and geological interests. In 1814 he lectured 
on botany in the place of B. S. Barton, and also published sev- 
eral botanical papers, as well as one upon the soil of Kentucky. 

Alire Raffenau Delile, formerly a member of Napoleon’s 
scientific expedition to Egypt, and the editor of the ‘‘ Flora of 
Egypt,” was in New York about this time, for the purpose of 
completing his medical education, and seems to have done much 
to stimulate interest in botanical studies. 

To this as well as to the subsequent period belonged Dr. | 
Gerard Troost [b. in Holland, Mar. 15, 1776, ed. at Leyden, d. 
at Nashville, Aug. 17, 1850], a naturalist of Dutch birth and edu- 
cation, who came to Philadelphia in 1810, and, was a founder 
and the first President of the Philadelphia Academy. In 1826 
he founded a Geological Survey of the environs of Philadelphia ; 
in 1827 became Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Ge- 
ology in the University of Nashville. As State geologist of 
Tennessee from 1831-49 he published some of the earliest State 
geological reports. 

Another expedition, well worthy of mention, though not ex- 
ceedingly fruitful, was one made under the direction of Mr. 
Maclure, President of the Philadelphia Academy, to the Sea 
Islands of Georgia and the Florida peninsula. The party con- . 
sisted of Maclure, Say, Ord, and Titian R. Peale, and its re- 
sults, though not embodied in a formal report, may be detected 
in the scientific literature of the succeeding years. This was 
early in 1818, while Florida was still under the dominion of 


Spain, and the expedition was finally abandoned, owing to the 

hostile attitude of the Seminole Indians in that territory. 


The third decade of the century, beginning with 1820, was 
marked by a continuation of the activities of that which pre- 
ceeded. In 1826 there were in existence twenty-five scientific 
societies, more than half of them especially devoted to natural 
history,* and nearly all of very recent origin. 

The leading spirits were Mitchill, Maclure, Webster, Torrey, 
Silliman, Gibbs, LeConte, Dewey, Hare, Hitchcock, Olmstead, 
Eliot, and T. R. Beck. 

Nathaniel Bowditch [b. 1773, d. 1838], who, in 1829, began 
the publication of his magnificent translation of the ‘*‘ Mecanique 
Celeste” of La Place, with those scholarly commentations which 
secured him so lofty a place among the mathematicians of the 

Still more important was the lesson of his noble devotion of 
his life and fortune to science. The greater part of his monu- 
mental work was completed, we are told, in 1817, but he found 
that to print it would cost $12,000, a sum far beyond his means. 
A few years later, however, he began its publication from his 
own limited means, and the work was continued, after his death, 
by his wife. The dedication is to his wife, and tells us that 
‘¢‘ without her approbation the work would not have been under- 

Another person was W. C. Redfield [b. 1789, d. 1857], who, 
in 1827, promulgated the essential portions of the theory of 
storms, which is now pretty generally accepted, and which was 
subsequently extended by Sir William Reid in Barbadoes and 
Bermuda, and greatly modified by Professor Loomis, of New 
Haven. An eloquent eulogy of Redfield was pronounced by 

* Amer. Journ. Sci., x, p. 368. (Cut). 


Professor Denison Olmsted at the Montreal meeting of the Ameri- 
can Association in 1857.* 

Among the rising young investigators appear the names of 
Joseph Henry, A. D. Bache, C. U. Shepard, the younger Silli- 
man, Henry Seybert, William Mather, Ebenezer Emmons, 
Percival, the poet geologist, DeKay, Godman, and Harlan. 

The organization, in 1824, of the Rensselaer School, after- 
wards the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, at Troy, marked the 
beginning of a new era in scientific and technological education. 
Its principal professors were Amos Eaton and Dr. Lewis C. 

In 1820 an expedition was sent by the General Government 
to explore the Northwestern Territory, especially the region 
around the Great Lakes and the sources of the Mississippi. This 
was under charge of Gen. Lewis Cass, at that time Governor of 
Michigan Territory. Henry R. Schoolcraft accompanied this 
expedition as mineralogist, and Capt. D. B. Douglass, U. S. A., 
as topographical engineer ; and both of these sent home consider- 
able collections reported upon by the specialists of the day. Cass 
himself, though better known as a statesman, was a man of scien- 
tific tastes and ability, and his “ Inquiries respecting the History, 
Traditions, Languages, &c., of the Indians,” published at Detroit 
in 1823, is a work of high merit. 

Long’s expeditions into the far West were also in progress at 
this time, under the direction of the General Government; the 
first, or Rocky. Mountain, exploration in 1819-20; the second to 
the sources of the St. Peter’s, in 1823. In the first expedition 
Major Long was accompanied by Edwin James as botanist and 
geologist, who also wrote the Narrative published in 1823. The 
second expedition was accompanied by William H. Keating, 
Professor of Mineralogy and Chemistry in the University of 
Pennsylvania, who was its geologist and historiographer. Say 

* See History of N. Y. Academy of Science, p. 76. 


was the zodlogist of both explorations. De Schweinitz worked 
up the botanical material which he collected. 

The English expeditions sent to Arctic North America under 
the command of Sir John Franklin were also out during these 
years, the first from 1819 to 1822, the second from 1825 to 1827, 
and yielded many important results. To naturalists they have 
an especial interest, because Sir John Richardson, who accom- 
panied Franklin as surgeon and naturalist, was one of the most 
eminent and successful zoélogical explorers of the century, and 
had more to do with the development of our natural history than 
any other man not an American. 

His natural history papers in Franklin’s reports, 1823 and 
1828, his ‘* Fauna Boreali Americana,” published between 1827 
and 1836, his report upon the ‘‘ Zodlogy of North America,” are 
all among the classics of our zodlogical literature.* 

The third decade was somewhat marked by a renewal of in- 
terest in zodlogy and botany, which had, during the few preced- 
ing years, been rather overshadowed by geology and mineralogy. 

Rafinesque had retired to Kentucky, where, from his profes- 
sor’s chair in Transylvania University, he was issuing his Az- 
nals of Nature and his Western Minerva; and his brilliancy 
being dimmed by distance, other students of animals had a 
chance to work. 

One of the most noteworthy of the workers was Thomas Say 
[b. 1787, d. 1834], who was a pioneer in several departments of 
systematic zoology. A kinsman of the Bartrams, he spent many 
of his boyhood days in the old botanic garden at Kingsessing, 
in company with the old naturalist, William Bartram, and the 
ornithologist Wilson. At the age of twenty-five, having been 
unsuccessful as an apothecary, he gave his whole time to 

zoology. He slept in the hall of the Academy of Natural 

*See Rev. Jonn McItwrairn’s Life of Sir John Richardson, C. B., 
LL. D. London, 1868. Also Obituary in London Reader, 1865, p. 707. 


Sciences, where he made his bed beneath the skeleton of a 
horse, and fed himself upon bread and milk. He was wont, we 
are told, to regard eating as an inconvenient interruption to sci- 
entific pursuits, and to wish that he had been created with a hole 
in his side, through which his food might be introduced into his 
system. He built up the museum of the society, and made 
extensive contributions to biological science. 

His article on conchology, published in 1816 in the American 
edition of Nicholson’s Cyclopedia, was the foundation of that 
science in this country, and was republished in Philadelphia in 
1819, with the title, «‘A Description of the Land and Fresh- 
water Shells of the United States.” 

‘¢ This work,” remarked a contemporary, ‘‘ ought to be in the 
possession of every American lover of Natural Science. It has 
been quoted by J¢. Lamarck and adopted by AZ. de Ferrusac, | 
and has thus taken its place in the scientific world.” 

Such was fame in America in the year of grace 1820. 

In 1817 he did a similar service for systematic entomology, 
and his contributions to herpetology, to the study of marine 
invertebrates, especially the crustacea, and to that of invertebrate 
paleontology, were equally fundamental. 

As naturalist of Long’s expeditions he described many Western 
vertebrates, and also collected Indian vocabularies, and it is 
said that the narrative of the expeditions was chiefly based upon 
the contents of his note-books. 

In 1825 he removed from Philadelphia to New Harmony, In- 
diana, and, in company with Maclure and Troost, became a 
member of the community founded there by Owen of Lanark. 
Comparatively little was thenceforth done by him, and we can 
only regret the untimely close of so brilliant a career.* 

*See Memoirs by B. H. Coates, read before American Philosophical 
Society, Dec. 16, 1834. Memoirs by George Ord; also a tribute to his 
memory in Dall’s presidential address before the Society in January, 1888. 


Charles Alexander Lesueur [b. at Havre-de-Grace, France, 
Jan. 1, 1778, d. at Havre, Dec. 12, 1846], the friend and associate 
of Maclure and Say, accompanied them to New Harmony. The 
romantic life of this talented Frenchman has been well narrated 
in his biography by Ord.* He was one of the staff of the Bau- 
din expedition to Australia in 1800, and to his efforts, seconding 
those of Peron, his associate, were due most of the scientific 
results which France obtained from that ill-fated enterprise. 
Lesueur, though a naturalist of considerable ability, was, above 
all, an artist. The magnificent plates in the reports prepared by 
Peront and Freycinet { were all his. He was called ‘the 
Raffaelle of zodlogical painters,” and his removal to America in 
1815 was greatly deplored by European naturalists. He travelled 
for three years with Maclure, exploring the West Indies and the 
eastern United States, making a magnificent collection of draw- 
ings of fishes and invertebrates, and in 1818 settled in Philadel- 
phia, where, supporting himself by giving drawing lessons, he 
became an active member of the Academy of Sciences, and 
published many papers in its Journal. 

No one ever drew such exquisite figures of fishes as Lesueur, 
and it is greatly to be regretted that he never completed his pro- 
jected work upon North American Ichthyology. He issued a 
prospectus, with specimen plates, of a ‘‘ Memoir on the Meduse,” 
and his name will always be associated with the earliest American 
work upon marine invertebrates and invertebrate paleontology, 
because it was to him that Say undoubtedly owed his first ac- 
quaintance with these departments of zodlogy. In 1820, while 
at Albany in the service of the United States and Canadian 
Boundary Commission, he gave lessons to Eaton and identified 
his fossils, thus laying the foundations for the future work of 
the rising school of New York paleontologists. 

*Orp: Memoir of Charles Alexander Lesueur. Am. Your. Scé., 2d ser., 
viii, p. 189. 

t Voyage des Decouvertes aux Terres Australes. 

t Voyage aux Terres Australes. 



Twelve years of his life were wasted at New Harmony, and 
in 1837, after the death of Say, he returned to France, sarrying 
his collections and drawings to the Natural History Museum at 
Havre, of which he became Curator. His period of productive- 
ness was limited to the six years of his residence in Philadelphia. 
But for their sacrifice to the socialistic ideas of Owen, Say and 
Lesueur would doubtless be counted among the most distin- 
guished of our naturalists, and the course of American zodlog- 
ical research would have been entirely different. 

The Rev. Daniel H. Barnes [b. 1785, d. 1828], of New York, 
a graduate of Union College and a Baptist preacher, was one of 
Say’s earliest disciples, and from 1823 he published papers on 
conchology, beginning with an elaborate study of the fresh-water 
mussels. This group was taken up in 1827 by Dr. Isaac Lea, 
and discussed from year to year in his welJ-known series of 
beautifully illustrated monographs. . 

Mr. Barnes published, also, papers on the ‘‘ Classification of the 
Chitonide,” on ‘* Batrachian Animals and Doubtful Reptiles,” 
and on ‘* Magnetic Polarity.” 

The officers of the Navy had already begun their contributions 
to natural history which have been so serviceable in later years. 
One of the earliest contributions by Barnes was a description of 
five species of Chztoz collected in Peru by Capt. C. S. Ridgely, 
of the ‘‘ Constellation.” 

In this period (1828-++-) was begun the publication of Audu- 
bon’s folio volumes of illustrations of North American birds— 
a most extraordinary work, of which Cuvier enthusiastically ex- 
claimed: ‘* C’est le plus magnifique monument aoe Art ait en- 
core élevé a la Nature.” 

Wilson was the Wordsworth of American naturalists, but Au- 
dubon was their Rubens. With pen as well as with brush he 
delineated those wonderful pictures which have been the delight 
of the world. 


Born in 1781, in Louisiana, while it was still a Spanish colony, 
he became, at an early age, a pupil of the famous French painter 
David, under whose tuition he acquired the rudiments 
of his art. Returning to America, he began the career of an ex- 
plorer, and for over half a century his life was spent, for the 
most part, in the forests or in the preparation of his ornitholog- 
ical publications— occasionally visiting England and France, 
where he had many admirers. His devotion to his work was as 
complete and self-sacrificing as that of Bowditch, the story of 
whose translation of LaPlace has already been referred to. It 
was a great surprise to his friends (though his own fervor did, 
not permit him to doubt) that the sale of his folio volumes was 
sufficient to pay his printer’s bills. Audubon was not a very 
accomplished systematic zodlogist, and when serious discrimi- 
nations of species was necessary, sometimes formed alliances 
with others. Thus Bachman became his collaborator in the 
study of mammals, and the youthful Baird was invited by him, 
shortly before his death in 1851, to join him in an ornithological 
partnership. His relations with Alexander Wilson form the 
subject of a most entertaining narration in the ‘‘ Ornithological 
Biography.’’* | : 

Thomas Nuttall [b. in Yorkshire, 1786, d. at St. Helens, Lanca- 
shire, Sept. 10, 1859] was so thoroughly identified with Ameri- 
can natural history and so entirely unconnected with that of 
England that, although he returned to his native land to die, we 
may fairly claim him as one of our own worthies. He crossed 
the ocean when about twenty-one years of age, and travelled in 
every part of the United States and in the Sandwich Islands 
studying birds and plants. From 1822 to 1828 he was curator 
and lecturer at the Harvard Botanical Garden. Besides numer- 
ous papers in the Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy, 
he published in Philadelphia, in 1818, his ‘‘ Genera of North 

* 1, P. 439- 


American Plants,” in his ‘‘ Geological Sketch of the Valley of 
_ the Mississippi,” in 1821; his ** Journal of Travels into the Ar- 


kansas Territory,” a work abounding in natural history obser- 
vations ; in 1832-4 his ‘* Manual of the Ornithology of the United 
States and Canada ;” and in 1843-9 his ‘* North American Sylva,” 
a continuation of the Sylva of Michaux. About 1850 he retired 
to a rural estate in England, where he died in 1859. 

Nuttall was not great as a botanist, as a geologist, or a zodlo- 
gist, but was a man useful; beloved, and respected. 

Richard Harlan, M. D. [b. 1796, d. 1843], who, with Mitchill, 
Say, Rafinesque, and Gosse, was one of the earliest of our herpetolo- 
gists, and who was one of Audubon’s chief friends and supporters, 
published in 1825 the first instalment of his ‘‘ Fauna Americana,” 
which treated exclusively of mammals. This was followed, in 
1826, by a rival work on mammals, by Godman. MHarlan’s book 
was a compilation, based largely on translations of portions of | 
Desmarest’s ‘‘ Mammalogie,” printed three years before in Paris. 
It was so severely criticised that the second portion, which was 
to have been devoted to reptiles, was never published, and _ its 
author turned his attention to medical literature. | Godman’s 
‘* North American Natural History, or Mastology,” contained 
much original matter, and, though his contemporaries received it 
with faint praise, it is the only separate, compact, illustrated 
treatise on the mammals of North America ever published, and is 
useful to the present day. John D. Godman [b. in Annapolis, 
Md., Dec. 20, 1794, d. in Germantown, Pa., Apl. 17, 1830] died 
an untimely death, but gave promise of a brilliant and useful 
career as a teacher and investigator. His ‘‘ Rambles of a Nat- 
uralist” is one of the best series of essays of the Selborne type 
ever produced by an American, and his ‘‘ American Natural His- 
tory” is a work of much importance, even to the present day, 
embodying as it does a large number of original observations. 

Michaux’s Sylva was, as we have seen, continued by Nuttall: 


Wilson’s American Ornithology was, in like manner, continued 
by Charles Lucien Bonaparte [b. in Paris, May 24, 1803, d. 
in Paris, July 30, 1857], Prince of Canino, and nephew of 
Napoleon the First, a master in systematic zodlogy. Bonaparte 
came to the United States about the year 1822, and returned to 
Italy in 1828. His contributions to zodlogical science were of 
great importance. In 1827, he published in Pisa his ‘‘ Specchio 
comparativo delle ornithologie di Roma e di Filadelfia,” and 
from 1825 to 1833 his ‘* American Ornithology,” containing de- 
scriptions of over one hundred species of birds discovered by 

The publication of Torrey’s “ Flora of the Middle and North- 
ern Sections of the United States”’ was an event of importance, 
as was also Dr. W. J. Hooker’s essay on the Botany of 
America,* the first general treatise upon the American flora or 
fauna, by a master abroad, is pretty sure evidence that the work 
of home naturalists was beginning to tell. 

So, also, in a different way, was the appearance in 1829 of 
the first edition of Mrs. Lincoln’s ‘‘ Familiar Lectures on Bot- 
any,’ a work which did much toward swelling the army of 
amateur botanists. 

Important work was also in progress in geology. Eaton and 
Beck were carrying on the Van Rensselaer survey of New York, 
and in 1818 the former published his ‘‘ Index to the Geology of 
the Northern States.” Prof. Denison Olmstead, of the Univer- 
sity of North Carolina, was completing the official survey of 
that State—the first ever authorized by the government of a State. 

Prof. Lardner Vanuxem, of North Carolina, in 1828, made an 
important advance, being the first to avail himself successfully of 
- paleontology for the determination of the age of several of our 
_ formations, and their approximate synchronism with European 


* Brewster’s Edinburgh Journal of Science, iii, p. 103. 
¢ Gill. 

ee a en ee et Se oe oe 


Horace H. Hayden, of Baltimore [b. 1769, d. 1844], pub- 
lished in 1820 ‘‘ Geological Essays, or an inquiry into some of 
the geological phenomena to be found in various parts of America 
and elsewhere,” * which was well received as a contribution to 
the history of alluvial formations of the globe, and was apparently 
the first general work on geology published in this country. 
Silliman said that it should be a text-book in all the schools. 
He published, also, a ‘* New Method of preserving Ana- 
tomical Preparations,” + ‘* A Singular ore of Cobalt and Manga- 
nese,” { on ‘** The Bare Hills near Baltimore,’’|| and on “ Silk 
Cocoons,Ӥ and was a founder and vice-president of the Maryland 

Academy of Sciences. 


In the fourth decade (1830-40) the leading spirits were Silli- 
man, Hare, Olmstead, Hitchcock, Torrey, DeKay, Henry, and 

Among the men just coming into prominence were J. W. 
Draper, then professor in Hampden Siduey College, in Virginia, 
the brothers W. B. and H. D. Rogers, A. A. Gould the 
conchologist, and James D. Dana. 

Henry was just making his first discoveries in physics, having, 
in 1829, pointed out the possibility of electro-magnetism as a 
motive power, and in 1831 set up his first telegraphic circuit at 
Albany. In 1832 the United States Coast Survey, discontinued 
in 1818, was reorganized under the direction of its first chief, 
Hassler, now advanced in years. 

The natural history survey of New York was organized by the 

* Rey. Sill. Journ., iii, 47. Blackwood’s Mag., xvi, 420; xvii, 56. 
t American Medical Record, 1822. 

t 2dzd. 1832. || Silliman’s Journal, 1822. 

§ Journ. Amer. Silk Company, 1839. 

{] Proc.. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., ii, 163. 


State in 1836, and James Hall and Ebenezer Emmons were 
placed upon its staff. : 

G. W. Featherstonhaugh [b. 1780, d. 1866] was conducting 
(1834-5) a Government expedition, exploring the geology of 
the elevated country between the Missouri and Red rivers and 
the Wisconsin territories. He bore the name of ‘+ United States 
Geologist,” and projected a geological map of the United States, 
which now, half a century later, is being completed by the U. 8S. 
geologist of to-day. Besides his report upon the survey just 
referred to, Featherstonhaugh printed a ‘*‘ Geological Reconnois- 


sance, in 1835, from Green Bay to Coteau des Prairies,” anda 
‘¢ Canoe Voyage up the Minnay Sotor,” in London, 1847. 

In 1838 the United States Exploring Expedition under Wilkes 
was sent upon its voyage of circumnavigation, having upon its staff 
a young naturalist named Dana, whose studies upon the crusta- 
ceans and radiates of the expedition have made him a world-wide 
reputation, entirely independent of that which he has since gained 
as a mineralogist and geologist. It is customary to refer to the 
Wilkes expedition as having been sent out entirely in the inter- 
ests of science. Asa matter of fact it was organized primarily 
in the interests of the whale fishery of the United States. 

Dana, before his departure with Wilkes, had published, in 


1837, the first edition of his ‘* System of Mineralogy,” a work 
which, in its subsequent editions, has become the standard man- 
ual of, the world. | 

The publication of Lyell’s ‘* Principles of Geology ” at the be- 
ginning of this decade ( 1830) had given new direction to the 
thoughts of our geologists, and they were all hard at work under 
its inspiration. 

With 1839 ended the second of our thirty-year periods—the 
one which I have chosen to speak of as the period of Silliman— 
not so much because of the investigations of the New Haven 
professor, as on account of his influence in the promotion of 

American Science and scientific institutions. 


This was a time of hard work, and we must not withhold our 
praise from the noble little company of pioneers who were, in those 
years, building the foundations upon which the scientific institu- 
tions of to-day are resting. 

The difficulties and drawbacks of scientific research at this time 

have been well described by one who knew them :* 

‘¢ The professedly scientific institutions of our country issued, 
from time to time, though at considerable intervals, volumes of 
transactions and proceedings unquestionably not without their 
influence in keeping alive the scarcely kindled flame, but whose 
contents, as might be expected, were, for the most part, rather in 
conformity with the then existing standard of excellence than in 
advance of it. Natural history in the United States was the mere 
sorting of genera and species. The highest requisite for distinc- 
tion in any physical science was the knowledge of what European 
students had attained. Astronomy was, in general, confined to 
observations, and those not of the most refined character, and its 
merely descriptive departments were estimated far more highly 
than the study of its laws. Astronomical computation had hardly 
risen above the ciphering out of eclipses and occultations. Indeed, 
I risk nothing in saying that astronomy had lost ground in Amer- 
ica since those colonial times, when men like Rittenhouse kept 
up a constant scientific communication with students of astronomy 
beyond the seas. And I believe I may farther say, that a single 
instance of a man’s devoting himself to science as the only earthly 
guide, aim, and object of his life, while unassured of a professor’s 
chair or some analogous appointment upon which he might de- 
pend for subsistence, was utterly unknown. 

‘¢ Such was the state of science in general. In astronomy the 
expensive appliances requisite for all observations of the higher 
class were wanting, and there was not in the United States, with 

the exception of the Hudson Observatory, to which Professor 
Loomis devoted such hours as he could spare from his duties in 
the college, a single establishment provided with the means of mak- 
ing an absolute determination of the place of any celestial body, or 
even relative determinations at all commensurate in accuracy with 
the demands of the times. The only instrument that could be 
thought of for the purpose was the Yale College telescope, which, 
although provided with a micrometer, was destitute of the means 
of identifying comparison-stars. A better idea of American as- 
tronomy a dozen years ago can hardly be obtained than by quot- 

*GouLp, B. A. Address in commemoration of Sears Cook Walker. 

<Proc. Amer. Assoc. Ad. Sci., viii, 25 


ing from an article published at that time by the eminent geometer 
who now retires from the position of President of this Association. 
He will forgive me the liberty for the sake of the illustration. 
‘The impossibility,’ said he, ‘of great national progress in as- 
tronomy, while the materials are, for the most part, imported, can 
hardly need to be impressed upon the patrons of science in this 
country. * * * And next to the support of observers is the 
establishment of observatories. Something has been done for this 
purpose in various parts of the country, and it is earnestly to be 
hoped that the intimations which we have heard regarding the in- 
tentions of Government may prove to be well founded; that we 
shall soon have a permanent national observatory equal in its ap- 
pointments to the best furnished ones of Europe ; and that Ameri- 
can ships will ere long calculate their longitudes and latitudes from 
an American nautical almanac. ‘That there is on this side of the 
Atlantic a sufficient capacity for celestial observations is amply 
attested by the success which has attended the efforts, necessarily 
humble which have hitherto been made.’” * 


Just before the middle of the century a wave, or to speak more: 
accurately, a series of waves of intellectual activity began to pass 
over Europe and America. There was a renaissance, quite as 
important as that which occurred in Europe at the close of the 
Middle Ages. Draper and other historians have pointed out the 
causes of this movement, prominent among which were the in- 
troduction of steam and electricity, annihilating space and 
relieving mankind from a great burden of mechanical drudgery. 
It was the beginning of the ‘‘ age of science,” and political as well 
as social and industrial changes followed in rapid succession. 

In Europe the great work began a little earlier. Professor 
Huxley, in his address to the Royal Society in 1885, took for a 
fixed point his own birthday in 1825, which was four months 
before the completion of the railway between Stockton and 
Darlington—‘‘ the ancestral representative of the vast reticulated 
fetching and carrying organism which now extends its meshes 

over the civilized world.” Since then, he remarked, ‘‘ the greater 

* PEIRCE, BENJAMIN, Cambridge Miscellany, 1842, p. 25. 

al ial _ a — oe 


part of the vast body of knowledge which constitutes the modern 
sciences of physics, chemistry, biology, and geology has been 
acquired, and the widest generalizations therefrom have been 
deduced, and, furthermore, the majority of those applications of 
scientific knowledge to practical ends which have brought about 
the most striking differences between our present civilization and 
that of antiquity have been made within that period of time.” 

It is within the past half century, he continued, that the most 
brilliant additions have been made to fact and theory and service- 
able hypothesis in the region of pure science, for within this time 
falls the establishment on a safe basis of the greatest of all the 
generalizations of science, the doctrines of the Conservation of 
Energy and of Evolution. Within this time the larger moiety of 
our knowledge of light, heat, electricity, and magnetism has been 
acquired. Our present chemistry has been, in great part, created, 
while the whole science has been remodelled from foundation to 

‘‘It may be natural,” continued Professor Huxley, ‘* that 
progress should appear most striking to me among those sciences 
to which my own attention has been directed, but I do not think 
this will wholly account for the apparent advance ‘ by leaps and 
bounds’ of the biological sciences within my recollection. The 
cell theory was the latest novelty when I began to work with the 
microscope, and I have watched the building of the whole vast 
fabric of histology. I can say almost as much of embryology, 
since Von Baer’s great work was published in 1828. Our 
knowledge of the morphology of the lower plants and animals 
and a great deal of that of the higher forms has very largely been 
obtained in my time; while physiology has been put upon a to- 
tally new foundation, and, as it were, reconstructed, by the thor- 
ough application of the experimental method to the study of the 
phenomena of life, and by the accurate determination of the 

purely physical and chemical components of these phenomena. 


The exact nature of the processes of sexual and non-sexual repro- 
duction has been brought to light. Our knowledge of'geograph- 
ical and geological distribution and of the extinct forms of life 
has been increased a hundredfold, As for the progress of geo- 
logical science, what more need be said than that the first volume 
of Lyell’s ‘ Principles’ bears the date of 1830.” 

It cannot be expected that, within the limits of this address, I 
should attempt to show what America has done in the last half 
century. -I am striving to trace the beginnings, not the results, of 
scientific work on this side of the Atlantic. I will simply quote 
what was said by the London Z7mes in 1876: 

‘¢In the natural distribution of subjects, the history of enter- 
prise, discovery, and conquest, and the growth of republics, fell 
to America, and she has dealt nobly with them. In the wider 
and more multifarious provinces of art and science she runs neck: 
and neck with the mother country and is never left behind.” 

It is difficult to determine exactly the year when the first 
waves of this renaissance reAched the shores of America. | Silli- 
man, in his Priestley address, placed the date at 1845. I should 
rather say 1840, when the first national scientific association was 
organized, although signs of awakening may be detected even be- 
fore the beginning of the previous decade. We must, however, 
carefully avoid giving too much prominence to the influence of 
individuals. I have spoken of this period of thirty years as the 
period of Agassiz. Agassiz, however, did not bring the waves 
with him; he came in on the crest of one of them; he was not 
the founder of modern American natural history, but, as a public 
teacher and organizer of institutions, he exerted a most important 
influence upon its growth. 

One of the leading events of the decade was the reorganization 
of. the Coast Survey in 1844, under the sage administration of 
Alexander Dallas Bache,* speedily followed by the beginning of 

* Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., ii, 164. 



investigations upon the Gulf Stream, and of the researches of 
Count Pourtales into its fauna, which laid the foundations of mod- 
ern deep-sea exploration. Others were the founding of the 
Lawrence Scientific School, the Cincinnati Observatory, the 
Yale Analytical Laboratory, the celebration of the Centennial 
Jubilee of the American Philosophical Society in 1843, and the 
enlargement of Silliman’s ‘‘ American Journal of Science.” 

The Naval Astronomical Expedition was sent to Chili, under 
Gibbon (1849), to make observations upon the parallax of the 
sun. Lieut. Lynch was sent to Palestine (in 1848) at the head 
of an expedition to explore the Jordan and the Dead Sea. 

Frémont conducted expeditions, in 1848, to explore the 
Rocky Mountains and the territory beyond, and Stansbury, in 
1849-50, a similar exploration of the valley of the Great Salt 
Lake. David Dale Owen was heading a Government Geological _ 
Survey in Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota (1848), and from all 
of these came results of importance to science and to natural 
history. y 

In 1849, Prof. W. H. Harvey, of Dublin, visited America and 
collected materials for his Werezs Boreali-Americana, which 
was the foundation of our marine botany. 

Sir Charles Lyell, ex-President of the Geological Society 
of London, visited the United States in 1841 and again in 1845, 
and published two volumes of travels, which were, however, of 
much less importance than the effects of his encouraging presence 
upon the rising school of American geologists. His ‘‘ Principles 
of Geology,” as has already been said, was an epoch-making 
work, and he was to his generation almost what Darwin was to 
the one which followed. 

Certain successes of our astronomers and physicists had a bear- 
ing upon the progress of American science in all its departments, 
which was, perhaps, even greater than their actual importance 
would seem to warrant. These were the discovery, by the Bards 


of Cambridge, of Bards comet in 1846, of the satellite Hyperion 
in 1848, of the third ring of Saturn in 1850, the discovery by 
Herrick and Bradley, in 1846, of the bi-partition of Belas comet, 
and the application of the telegraph to longitude determination 
after Locke had constructed, in 1848, his clock for the registra- 
tion of time observations by means of electro-magnetism. 

It is almost ludicrous at this day to observe the grateful senti- 
ments with which our men of science welcomed the adoption of 
this American method in the observatory at Greenwich. 

Americans were still writhing under the sting of Sidney 
Smith’s demand ‘* Who reads an American book?” and the nar- 
rations of those critical observers of national customs, Dickens, 
Basil Hall, and Mrs. Trollope. 

The continental approval of American science was like balsam 
to the sensitive spirits of our countrymen. 

John William Draper’s versatile and original researches in 
physics were also yielding weighty results, and as early as 1847 
he had already laid the foundations of the science of spectroscopy 
which Kirchhoff so boldly appropriated many years later. 

Most important of all, by reason of its breadth of scope, was 
the foundation of the Smithsonian Institution, which was organ- 
ized in 1846 by the election of Joseph Henry to its secretaryship. 
Who can attempt to say what the conditions of science in the 
United States would be to-day, but for the bequest of Smithson? 
In the words of John Quincy Adams, ‘‘ Of all the foundations 
or establishments for pious or charitable uses which ever signal- 
ized the spirit of the age or the comprehensive beneficence of the 
founder, none can be named more deserving the approbation of 

Among the leaders of this new enterprise and of the scientific 
activities of the day may be named: Silliman, Hare, Henry, 
Bache, Maury, Alexander, Locke, Mitchel, Peirce, Walker, 
Draper, Dana, Wyman, Agassiz, Gray, Torrey, Haldeman, 


Morton, Holbrook, Gibbes, Gould, DeKay, Storer, Hitchcock, 
Redfield, the brothers Rogers, Jackson, Hays, and Owen. 

Among the rising men were Baird, Adams the conchologist, 
Burnett, Harris the entomologist, and the LeConte brothers 
among zodlogists; Lapham, D. C. Eaton, and Grant, among 
botanists ; Sterry Hunt, Brush, J. D. Whitney, Wolcott Gibbs, 
and Lesley, among, chemists and geologists, as well as Schiel, 
of St. Louis, who had before 1842 discovered the principle of 
chemical homology. 

I have not time to say what ought to be said of the coming of 
Agassiz in 1846. He lives in the hearts of his adopted country- 
men. He has a colossal monument in the museum which he 
reared, and a still greater one in the lives and works of pupils 
such as Agassiz, Allen, Burgess, Burnett, Brooks, Clarke, Cooke, 
Faxon, Fewkes, Gorman, Hartt, Hyatt, Joseph LeConte, Lyman, 
McCrady, Morse, Mills, Niles, Packard, Putnam, Scudder, St. | 
John, Shaler, Verrill, Wilder, and David A. Wells. 


They were glorious men who represented American science at 
the middle of the century. We may well wonder whether the 
present decade will make as good a showing forty years hence. 

The next decade was its continuation. The old leaders were 
nearly all active, and to their ranks were added many more. 

An army of'new men was rising up. 

It was a period of great explorations, for the frontier of the 
United States was sweeping westward, and there was need of a 
better knowledge of the public domain. 

Sitgreaves explored the region of the Zufii and Colorado rivers 
in 1852, and Marcy the Red River of the North. The Mexican 
boundary survey, under Emory, was in progress from 1854 to 
1856, and at the same time the various Pacific railroad surveys. 

There was also the Herndon exploration of the valley of the Am- 


azon, and the North Pacific exploring expedition under Rogers. 
These were the days, too, when that extensive exploration of 
British North America was begun, through the co-operation of 
the Hudson’s Bay Company with the Smithsonian Institution. 

It was the harvest-time of the museums. Agassiz was building 
up with immense rapidity his collections in Cambridge, utilizing 
to the fullest extent the methods which he had learned in the 
great European establishments and the public spirit and generosity 
of the Americans. Baird was using his matchless powers of 
organization in equipping and inspiring the officers of the various 
surveys, and accumulating immense collections to be used in the 
interest of the future National Museum. 

Systematic natural history advanced with rapid strides. The 
magnificent folio reports. of the Wilkes expedition were now 
being published, and some of them, particularly those by Dana 
on the crustaceans and the zodphytes and geology, that of Gould 
upon the mollusks, those by Torrey, Gray, and Eaton upon the 
plants, were of great importance. | 

The reports of the domestic surveys contained numerous papers 
upon systematic natural history, prepared under the direction of 
Baird, assisted by Girard, Gill, Cassin, Suckley, LeConte, Cooper, 
and others. The volumes relating to the mammals and the birds, 
prepared by Baird’s own pen, were the first exhaustive treatises 
upon the mammalogy and ornithology of the United States. 

The American Association was doing a great work in popular 
education through its system of meeting each year in a different 
city. In 1850 it met in Charleston, and its entire expenses were 
paid by the city corporation as a valid mark of public approval, 
while the foundation of the Charleston museum of natural his- 
tory was one of the direct results of the meeting. 

In 1857 it met in Montreal, and delegates from the English 

scientific societies were present; this was one of the earliest of 
those manifestations of international courtesy upon scientific 

eround of which there have since been many. 

NE en a nt een | 


In the seventh decade, which began with threatenings of civil 
war, the growth of science was almost arrested. A meeting of 
the American Association was to have been held in Nashville in 
1861, but none was called. In 1866, at Buffalo, its sessions were 
resumed with the old board of officers elected in 1860. One of 
the vice-presidents, Gibbes, of South Carolina, had not been 
heard from since ‘the war began, and the Southern members 
were all absent. Many of the Northern members wrote, explain- 
ing that they could not attend this meeting because they 
could not afford it, ‘‘ such had been the increase of liv- 
ing expenses, without a corresponding increase in the salaries 
of men of science.” Few scientists were engaged in the war, 
though one, O. M. Mitchel, who left the directorship of the 
Dudley observatory to accept the command of an Ohio brigade, 
died in service in 1862, and another, Couthouy, sacrificed his — 
life in the navy. Others, like Ordway, left the ranks of science 
never to resume their places as investigators. 

Scientific effort was paralyzed, and attention was directed to 
other matters. In 1864, when the Smithsonian building was 
burned, Lincoln, it is said, looking at the flames from the win- 
dows of the Executive Mansion, remarked to some military offi- 
cers who were present: ‘‘ Gentlemen, yonder is a national 
calamity. We have no time to think about it now. We must 
attend to other things.” 

The only important events during the war were two; one 
the organization of the National Academy of Sciences, which 
soon became what Bache had remarked the necessity for in 
1851, when he said: ‘‘ An institution of science, supplementary 

_to existing ones, is much needed to guide public action in refer- 

ence to scientific matters.’’* 
The other was the passage, in 1862, of the bill for the estab- 
lishment of scientific educational institutions in every State. 

* Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., vi, xlviii. 


The agricultural colleges were then, as they still are, unpopular 
among many scientific men, but the wisdom of the measure is 
apparently before long to be justified. 

Before the end of the decade, the Northern States* had begun a 
career of renewed prosperity, and the scientific institutions were 
reorganized. The leading spirits were such men as Pierce, 
Henry, Agassiz, Gray, Barnard, the Goulds, Newberry, Lea, 
Whittlesey, Foster, Rood, Cooke, Newcomb, Newton, Wy- 
man, Winchell. 

Among the rising men, some of ‘them-very prominent before 
1870, were Barker, Bolton, Chandler, Eggleston, Hall, Hark- 
ness, Langley, Mayer, Pickering, Young, Powell, Pumpelly, 
Abbe, Collett, Emerson, Hartt, Lupton, Marsh, Whitfield, 
Williams, N. H. Winchell, Agassiz, the Allens, Beale, Cope, 
Coues, Canby, Dall, Hoy, Hyatt, Morse, Orton, Perkins, Rey, 
Riley, Scudder, Sidney Smith, Stearns, Tuttle, Verrill, Wood. 

Soon after the war the surveys of the West, which have coa- 
lesced to form the U. S. Geological Survey, were forming under 
the direction of Clarence Cook, Lieut. Wheeler, F. V. Hayden, 
and Major Powell. 

The discovery of the nature of the corona of the sun by Young 
and Harkness in 1869 was an event encouraging to the rising 

spirits of our workers. 


With 1869 we reach the end of the third period and the thresh- 
old of that in which we are living. I shall not attempt to define 
the characteristics of the natural history of to-day, though I wish 
to direct attention to certain tendencies and conditions which 
exist. Let me, however, refer once more to the past, since it 

leads again directly up to the present. 

* See A. D. Wuirte’s Scientific and Industrial Education in the United 
States. < Popular Science Monthly, v, p. 170. 



In a retrospect published in 1876,* one of our leaders stated 
that American science during the first forty years of the present 
century was in ‘a state of general lethargy, broken now and 
then by the activity of some first-class man, which, however, 
commonly ceased to be directed into purely scientific channels.” 
This depiction was, no doubt, somewhat true of the physical 
and mathematical’ sciences concerned, but not to the extent indi- 
cated by the writer quoted. What could be more unjust to the 
men of the last generation than this? ‘It is,” continues he, 
‘¢ strikingly illustrative of the absence of everything like an 
effective national pride in science that two generations should 
have passed without America having produced anything to con- 
tinue the philosophical researches of Franklin.” 

‘I may not presume to criticise the opinion of the writer from 
whom these words are quoted, but I cannot resist the tempta- 
tion to repeat a paragraph from Prof. John W. Draper’s eloquent 

centennial address upon ‘* Science in America :” 

‘¢In many of the addresses on the centennial occasion,” he 
said, ** the shortcomings of the United States in extending the 
boundaries of scientific knowledge, especially in the physical and 
chemical departments, have been set forth. ‘We must acknowl- 
edge with shame our inferiority to other people,’ says one. ‘ We 
have done nothing,’ says another. * * * But we must not 
forget that many of these humiliating accusations are made by 
persons who are not of authority in the matter; who, because 
they are zgzorant of what has been done, ¢hizk that nothing 
has been done. They mistake what is merely a blank in their 
own information for a blank in reality. In their alacrity to de- 
preciate the merit of their own country they would have us confess 
that, for the last century, we have been living on the reputation 
of Franklin and his thunder-rod.” 

These are the words of one who, himself an Englishman by 
birth, could, with excellent grace, upbraid our countrymen for 
their lack of patriotism. 

The early American naturalists have been reproached for de- 

* North American Review. 


voting their time to explorations and descriptive natural history, 
and their work depreciated, as being of a character beneath the 

dignity of the biologists of to-day. 

‘¢ The zoélogical science of the country,” said the president of 
the Natural History Section of the American Association a few 
years since, ‘* presents itself in two distinct periods: The first 
period may be recognized as embracing the lowest stages of the 
science; it included, among others, a class of men who busied 
themselves in taking an inventory of the animals of the country, 
an important and necessary work to be compared to that of the 
hewers and diggers who first settle a new country, but in their 
work demanded no deep knowledge or breadth of view.” 

It is quite unnecessary to defend systematic zodlogy from such 
slurs as this, nor do I believe that the writer quoted would really 
defend the ideas which his words seem to convey, although, as 
Professor Judd has regretfully confessed in his recent address 
before the Geological Society of London, systematic zodlogists 
and botanists have become somewhat rare and out of fashion in 
Europe in modern times. 

The best vindication of the wisdom of our early writers will 
be, I think, the presentation of a counter-quotation from another 
presidential address, that of the venerable Dr. Bentham before 
the Linnean Society of London, in 1867: 

‘¢Tt is scarcely half a century,” wrote Bentham, ‘‘ since our 
American brethren applied themselves in earnest to the in- 
vestigation of the natural productions and physical condition of 
their vast continent; their progress, especially during the latter 
half of that period, had been very rapid until the outbreak of the 
recent war, so deplorable in its effects in the interests of science 
as well as on the material prosperity of their country. The pe- 
culiar condition of the North American Continent requires im- 
peratively that its physical and biological statistics should be ac- 
‘curately collected and authentically recorded, and that this should 
be speedily done. It is more than any country, except our Aus- 
tralian colonies, ina state of transition. Vast tracts of land are 
still in what may be called almost a primitive state, unmodified 
by the effects of civilization, uninhabited, or tenanted only by the 
remnants of ancient tribes, whose unsettled life never exercised 


much influence over the natural productions of the country. But 
this state of things is rapidly passing away; the invasion and 
steady progress of a civilized population, whilst changing gen- 
erally the face of nature, is obliterating many of the evidences 
of a former state of things. It may be true that the call for re- 
cording the traces of previous conditions may be particularly 
strong in Ethnology and Archeology ; but in our own branches 
of the science, the observations and consequent theories of, Dar- 
win having called special attention to the history of species, it 
becomes particularly important that accurate biological statistics 
should be obtained for future comparison in those countries 
where the circumstances influencing those conditions are the most 
rapidly changing. ‘The larger races of wild animals are dwin- 
dling down, like the aboriginal inhabitants, under the deadly in- 
fluence of civilized man. Myriads of the lower orders of animal 
life, as well as of plants, disappear with the destruction of forests, 
the drainage of swamps, and the gradual spread of cultivation, 
and their places are occupied by foreign invaders. Other races, 
no doubt, without actually disappearing, undergo a gradual change 
under the new order of things, which, if perceptible only in the 
course of successive generations, require so much the more for 
future proof an accurate record of their state in the still unsettled 
condition of the country. In the Old World almost every at- 
tempt to compare the present state of vegetation or animal life 
with that which existed in uncivilized times is in a great meas- 
ure frustrated by the absolute want of evidence as to that former 
state; but in North America the change is going forward, as it 
were, close under the eye of the observer. This consideration 
may one day give great value to the reports of the naturalist sent 
by the Government, as we have seen, at the instigation of the 
Smithsonian Institution and other promoters of science, to ac- 
company the surveys of new territories.” 

Having said this much in defence of the scientific men of the 
United States, I wish, in conclusion, to prefer some very serious 
charges against the country at large, or, rather, as a citizen of 
the United States,to make some very melancholy and humili- 
ating confessions. ‘ : 

The present century is often spoken of as ‘‘ the age of science,” 
and Americans are somewhat disposed to be proud of the manner 
in which scientific institutions are fostered and scientific investi- 
gators encouraged on this side of the Atlantic. 

Our countrymen have made very important advances in many 


departments of research. We have a few admirably organized 
laboratories and observatories, a few good collections of scientific 
books, six or eight museums worthy of the name, and a score or 
more of scientific and technological schools, well organized and 
better provided with officers than with money. We have several 
strong scientific societies, no one of which, however, publishes 
transactions worthy of its own standing and the collective reputa- 
tion of its members. In fact, the combined publishing funds of all 
our societies would not pay for the annual issue of a volume of | 
memoirs, such as appears under the auspices of any one of a dozen 
European societies which might be named. , 

Our Government, by a liberal support of its scientific depart- 

ments, has done much to atone for the really feeble manner in 

which local institutions have been maintained. The Coast Sur- 
vey, the Geological Surveys, the Department of Agriculture, the 
Fish Commissions, the Army, with its Meteorological Bureau, its 
Medical Museum and Library, and its explorations; the Navy, 
with its Observatory, its laboratories and its explorations ; and in 
addition to these, the Smithsonian Institution, with its systematic 
promotion of all good works in science, have accomplished more 
than is ordinarily placed to their credit. Many hundreds of vol- 
umes of scientific memoirs have been issued from the Government 
printing office since 1870, and these have been distributed in such 
a generous and far-reaching way that they have not failed to reach 
every town and village in the United States where a roof has been 
provided to protect them. : 

It may be that some one will accuse the Government of having 
usurped the work of the private publisher. Very little of value 
in the way of scientific literature has been issued during the same 
period by publishers, except in reprints or translations of works 
of foreign investigators. It should be borne in mind, however, 
that our Government has not only published the results of investi- 
gations, but has supported the investigators and provided them 


with laboratories, instruments and material, and that the me- 
moirs which it has issued would never, as a rule, have been ac- 
cepted by private publishers. 

I do not wish to underrate the efficiency of American men of 
science, nor the enthusiasm with which many public men and cap- 
italists have promoted our scientific institutions. Our countrymen 
have had wonderful successes in many directions. They have 
borne their share in the battle of science against the unknown. 
' They have had abundant recognition from their fellow-workers 
in the Old World. They have met perhaps a more intelligent 
appreciation abroad than at home. It is the absence of home ap- 
preciation that causes us very much foreboding for the future. 

In Boston or Cambridge, in New York, Philadelphia, Bal- 
timore, Washington, Chicago, or San Francisco, and in most of 
the college towns, a man interested in science may find others — 
ready to talk over with him a new scientific book, or a discovery 
which has excited his interest. Elsewhere, the chances are, he 
will have to keep his thoughts to himself. One may quickly re- 
cite the names of the towns and cities in which may be found ten 
or more people whose knowledge of any science is aught than 
vague and rudimentary. Let me illustrate my idea by supposing 
that every inhabitant of the United States, over fifteen years of 
age, should be required to mention ten living men eminent in sci- 
entific work, would one out of a hundred be able to respond? 
Does any one suppose that there are three or four hundred thou- 
sand people enlightened to this degree? 

Let us look at some statistics, or, rather, some facts, which 
it is convenient to arrange in statistical form. The total number 
of white inhabitants of the United States in 1880 was about forty- 
two millions. The total number of naturalists, as shown in the 
Naturalist's Directory for 1886, was a little over 4,600. This 
list includes not only the investigators, who probably do not ex- 

ceed five hundred in number, and the advanced teachers, who 


muster, perhaps, one thousand strong, but all who are sufficiently 
interested in science to have selected special lines of study. 

We have, then, one person interested in science to about ten 
thousand inhabitants. But the leaven of science is not evenly dis- 
tributed through the national loaf. It is the tendency of scientific 
men to congregate together. In Washington, for instance, there 
is one scientific man to every 500 inhabitants, in Cambridge one 
to 850, and in New Haven one to 1,100. In New Orleans the 
proportion is one to 8,800, in Jersey City one to 24,000, in New 
York one to 7,000, and in Brooklyn one to 8,500. I have before 
me the proportions worked out for the seventy-five principal cities 
of the United States. The showing is suggestive, though no doubt 
in some instances misleading. The tendency to gregariousness 
on the part of scientific men may, perhaps, be further illustrated by 
a reference to certain societies. The membership of the National 
Academy of Sciences is almost entirely concentrated about Bos- 
ton, New York, Philadelphia, Washington and New Haven. 
Missouri has one member, Illinois one, Ohio one, Maryland, New 
Jersey and Rhode Island three, and California four—while thirty- 
two States and Territories are not represented. A precisely sim- 
ilar distribution of members is found in the American Society of 
Naturalists. A majority of the members of the American Associ- 
ation for the Advancement of Science live in New York, Massa- 
chusetts, Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, Michigan, Min- 
nesota, Chio, Illinois and New Jersey. 

It has been stated that the average proportion of scientific 
men to the population at large is one to ten thousand. A more 
minute examination shows that while fifteen of the States and Ter- 
ritories have more than the average proportion of scientific men, 
thirty-two have less. Oregon and California, Michigan and Del- 
aware have very nearly the normal number. Massachusetts, 
Rhode Island, Connecticut, Illinois, Colorado and Florida have 
about one to four thousand. West Virginia, Nevada, Arkansas, 

oa a ae a Oe eee ee She Fen 
a a r ae . ues i 


Mississippi, Georgia, Kentucky, Texas, Alabama and the Caro- 
linas are the ones least liberally furnished. _ Certain cities appear 
to be absolutely without scientific men. The worst cases of des- 
titution seem to be Paterson, New Jersey, a city of 50,000 in- 
habitants, Wheeling, with 30,000, Quincy, Illinois, with 26,000, 
Newport, Kentucky, with 20,000, Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 
and Kingston, New York, with 18,000, Council Bluffs, Iowa, 
and Zanesville, Ohio, with 17,000, Oshkosh and Sandusky, with 
15,000, Lincoln, Rhode Island, Norwalk, Connecticut, and 
Brockton and Pittsfield, Massachusetts, with 13,000. In these 
there are no men of science recorded, and eight cities of more 
than 15,000 inhabitants have only one, namely, Omaha, Ne- 
braska, and St. Joseph, Missouri, Chelsea, Massachusetts, Co- 
hoes, New York, Sacramento, California, Binghamton, New 
York, Portland, Oregon, and Leadville, Colorado. 

Of course these statistical statements are not properly statis- 
tics. I have no doubt that some of these cities are misrepresented 
in what has been said. This much, however, is probably true, 
that not one of them has a scientific society, a museum, a school 
of science, or a sufficient number of scientific men to insure even 
the occasional delivery of a course of scientific lectures. 

Studying the distribution of scientific societies, we find that 
there are fourteen States and Territories in which there are no sci- 
entific societies whatever. There are fourteen States which have 
State academies of science or societies which are so organized as 
to be equivalent to State academies. | 

Perhaps the most discouraging feature of all is the diminutive 
circulation of scientific periodicals. In addition to a certain num- 
ber of specialists’ journals, we have in the United States three 
which are wide enough in scope to be necessary to all who attempt 
to keep an abstract of the progress of science. Of these, the Amer- 
ican Fournal of Science has, we are told, a circulation of less than 

Soo; the American Naturalist, less than 1,100, and Sczence. less 


than 6,000. A considerable proportion of the copies printed go, 
as a matter of course, to public institutions, and not to individuals. 
Even the Popular Science Monthly and the Sctentific Amert- 
can, which appeal to large classes of unscientific readers, have 
circulations absurdly small. 

The most effective agents for the dissemination of scientific 
intelligence are, probably, the religious journals, aided to some 
extent by the agricultural journals, and to a very limited degree 
by the weekly and daily newspapers. It is much to be regretted 
that several influential journals, which ten or fifteen years ago 
gave attention to the publication of trustworthy scientific intelli- 
gence, have of late almost entirely abandoned the effort. The 
allusions to science in the majority of our newspapers are singu- 
larly inaccurate and unscholarly, and too often science is referred 
to only when some of its achievements offer opportunity for witti- 

The statements which I have just made may, as I have said, 
prove, in some instances erroneous, and, to some extent, mislead- 
ing, but I think the general tendency of a careful study of the dis- 
tribution of scientific men and institutions is to show that the peo- 
ple of the United States, except in so far as they sanction by their 
approval the work of the scientific departments of the Government, 
and the institutions established by private munificence, have little 
reason to be proud of the national attitude toward science. 

I am, however, by no means despondent for the future. The 
importance of scientific work is thoroughly appreciated, and it 
is well understood that many important public duties can be per- 
formed properly only by trained men of science. The claims of 
science to a prominent place in every educational plan are every 
year more fully conceded. Science is permeating the theory and 
the practice of every art and every industry, as well as every de-_ 
partment of learning. The greatest danger to science is, per- 
haps, the fact that all who have studied at all within the 

— S 




last quarter of a century have studied its rudiments and feel 
competent to employ its methods and-its language, and to form 
judgments on the merits of current work. 

In the meantime the professional men of science, the scholars, 
and the investigators seem to me to be strangely indifferent to the 
questions as to how the public at large is to be made familiar 
with the results of their labors. It may be that the tendency to 
specialization is destined to deprive the sciences of their former 
hold upon popular interest, and that the study of zodlogy, bot- 
any and geology, mineralogy and chemistry will become so 
technical that each will require the exclusive attention of its . 
votaries for a period of years. It may be that we are to have no 
more zodlogists such as Agassiz and Baird, no more. botanists 
such as Gray, and that the place which such men filled in the 
community will be supplied by combinations of a number of 
specialists, each of whom knows, with more minuteness, limited 
portions of the subjects grasped bodily by the masters of the last 
generation. It may be that the use of the word naturalist is to 
became an anachronism, and that we are all destined to become, 
generically biologists, and, specifically, morphologists, histologists, 
embryologists, physiologists, or, it may be, cetologists, chirop- 
terologists, odlogists, carcinologists, ophiologists, helmintholo- 
gists, actinologists, coleopterists, caricodlogists, mycologists, 
muscologists, bacteriologists, diatomologists, paleo-botanists, crys- 
tallographers, petrologists, and the like. 

I can but believe, however, that it is the duty of every sci- 
entific scholar, however minute his specialty, to resist in himself, 
and in the professional circles which surround him, the tendency 
toward narrowing technicality in thought and sympathy, and 
above all in the education of non-professional students. 

I cannot resist the feeling that American men of science. are 
in a large degree responsible if their fellow-citizens are not 

fully awake to the claims of scientific endeavor in their midst. 


I am not in sympathy with those who feel that their dignity 
is lowered when their investigations lead toward improvement 
in the physical condition of mankind, but I feel that the highest 
function of science is to minister to their mental and moral wel- 
fare. Here in the United States, more than in any other country, 
it is necessary that sound, accurate knowledge and a scientific 
manner of thought should exist among the people, and the man 
of science is becoming, more than ever, the natural custodian of 
the treasured knowledge of the world. To him, above all oth- 
ers, falls the duty of organizing and maintaining the institutions 
for the diffusion of knowledge, many of which have been spoken 
of in these addresses—the schools, the museums, the expositions, 
the societies, the periodicals. To him, more than to any other 
American, should be made familiar the words of President 
Washington in his farewell address to the American people: 











By Wixii1AmM H. DALL. 

I had selected another theme as the subject of my address on 
‘this occasion. But the press of engagements which had to be 
met prevented the completion of the work required by my first 
choice, and in looking about for a substitute which would require 
less original research I remembered that we have not anywhere 
an epitome of the biography of those naturalists who began in 
this country the study of the mollusca and who may be truly said 
to be the pioneers of American conchology. 

There was the more propriety in the selection of this topic. at 
the present time since in the year 1887 came the seventieth 
anniversary of the publication in the United States of the first 
paper on the American shells, by an American, which ever 
appeared. We can regard it as forming the extreme limit which 
might have been attained by a single life, mature enough in 1817 
to have appreciated in some measure the dawn of conchological 
investigation in America. The only naturalist whose life nearly 
coincided with this period, the late Dr. Isaac Lea, passed over to 
the majority about a year ago, and, as it happens, his attention 
was not called to what the French call ‘‘ the beautiful Science” 
until 1825. 

The contributions of American investigators to the sum of our 
knowledge of the mollusca have been numerous and important. 
Many American publications are among the classics of this branch 

of science.f 

*Annual presidential address, delivered at the Eighth Anniversary 
Meeting of the Biological Society, January 28, 1888, in the lecture-room 
of Columbian University. 

+ Consult Binney (W. G.): Bibliography of North-American Conchol- 
ogy, previous to the year 1860, prepared for the Smithsonian Institution, 



But it is not to their publications that I desire to direct your 
attention, nor to the reputation, due to their labors, acquired for 
the United States among foreign investigators. It is to the men 
themselves, the circumstances of their lives, their struggles in an 
inappreciative age, their unwearied and self-sacrificing devotion to 
the study of nature. | 

Of course, in an address of this Sort, there is only time for the 
briefest mention of ‘many facts of interest and value to the biog- 
rapher ; and it would be quite impossible to do even as much as 
_ this for all those who have a right to appear on a complete record. 
So I have confined my attention to some of those. who may fairly 
be considered as pioneers, reserving for another occasion those still 
active, and many other worthy names. 

Following the example of Coues and Goode in their classifi- 
cation of the students of vertebrate zodlogy, I may divide the 
study of mollusca in this country into three periods, although 
these are connected by many intermediate links. The infancy of 
the science, with a Linnean classification, has no representation 
in American conchological literature, which sprang, full-grown, 

like Minerva from the head of Jove, from the Lamarckian school 

Part i. Washington, Smithsonian Institution, March 1863; Part ii, June, 
1864, 8vo, viii, 650, and iv, 298 pp. Also Tryon (G. W.): A Sketch of the 
History of Conchology in the United States (Am. Journ. Science, xxxiii, 
March 1862, pp. 13-32), and List of American Writers on Recent Con- 
chology, with the titles of their memoirs and dates of publication. New 
York, Bailliére, 1861, 8vo, 68 pp. | 
There are also a number of portraits of the more distinguished Con- 
_chologists given in the first and second volumes of the American Journal 
of Conchology, though these are not always as good as might be wished. 
The above-mentioned works, which contain almost no biographical de- 
tails, and various dictionaries and encyclopedias have been freely con- 
sulted for the material used in this address, but a good deal of it has been 
the result of personal inquiry, letter-writing. and even advertisement in 
the newspapers for dates and other missing details. To numerous cor- - 
respondents I take this opportunity of expressing my thanks for data 
furnished and which would probably in a few years have been irretrievably 


of Europe. The first period might fitly bear the name of its in- 
augurator, Thomas Say. It is characterized by a rapid advance 
in the determination of the fauna, the classification of the species, 
and the exploration of vast areas. It extended from 1817 to 

The second period should bear the name of Dr. A. A. Gould. 
It was inaugurated by his report on the Invertebrata of Massa- 
chusetts, and characterized by the broader scope of investigation, 
the interest in geographical distribution, the anatomy of the 
soft parts, and the more precise definition and exact discrimination 
of specific forms, as exemplified in his writings. 

The third period would be appropriately called after Dr. Wil- 
liam Stimpson, who eagerly adopted the radical changes in classi- 
fication rendered necessary by the discoveries of Loven, and 
stood ready to welcome the theory of evolution with all the light 
it shed in dark places. 

Though violently opposed to evolution, the teachings of Agas- 
siz did much to hasten the fruition of the new school of students. 
For the rational methods of teaching and investigation which he 
devised or made popular, the present era is greatly in his debt. 
This period can hardly be said to have been introduced by any 
epoch-making work, but gradually the old methods were discarded 
for the new. 

The latter were fully exemplified by such works as Morse’s 
‘‘ Pulmonifera of Maine” (1864), Stimpson’s ‘* Hydrobiine ” 
(1865), and a long list of subsequent publications. 

Of men belonging to the Sayian period may be mentioned Say, 
Lesueur, Barnes, Green, Morton, Couthouy, Warren, Anthony, 
Nuttall, Haldeman, and Conrad. , 

Rafinesque was sud generis, and Lea links this period with the 
next. 3 5 

Of the Gouldian period are Gould, Amos Binney, C. B. 
Adams, Carpenter. 


Of the Stimpsonian period I can only refer to Bland, whose 
place is here rather than with Gould ; and lastly, Stimpson himself. 

Tuomas Say. 

Thomas Say was born at Philadelphia, of Quaker ancestry, 
July 27, 1787. His father, as was usual in those days, united to 
the profession of a physician the duties of an apothecary. Young 
Say received a very rudimentary education in one of the Quaker 
schools and at the ‘‘ Friends’ Academy ” at Weston, a few miles 
from Philadelphia. Ata later time he studied pharmacy under 
his father’s supervision, and was established in that business with 
another person whose steady habits it was supposed would ensure 
success. Among his acquaintance Say’s name was always 
associated with honor and veracity. Conscious of rectitude him- 
self, ingenuous and sincere, he took for granted that others were 
so, and, as is too often the case, he fell a victim to his trust in 
others. Having endorsed the business paper of ostensible friends, 
through their failure he was involved in financial ruin. His heart 
was not in business, he attended to it with indifference, and, from — 
his school days, was drawn irresistibly toward a study of animated 
nature. March 21, 1812, he became a member of the Academy 
of Natural Sciences, then in the process of transformation from 
a social club to an association of naturalists. The president, 
William Maclure, seems to have been a warm and intimate friend 
of Say, and assisted him pecuniarily, for he became the first 
curator of the embryo museum and lived on its premises for sev- 
eral years, part of the time subsisting on such frugal fare as might 
be obtained for twelve cents a day! His time was devoted to 
study and his reputation as a naturalist was already somewhat 
spread, for he was selected by the publishers to furnish several 
articles on American Natural History to the American edition of 
Nicholson’s British Encyclopedia, a work which rapidly reached 
its third edition. In the winter of 1816-17 appeared the second 


volume, in which the article ‘‘ Conchology,” consisting of fifteen 
pages and illustrated by four plates, was prepared by Say, and has 
the honor of being the first paper on American Conchology by 
an American which appeared in this country. It contained a 
general statement of the principles of the science as then under- 
stood, followed by descriptions of American land and fresh-water 
shells to the number of thirty-one species. The article was 
issued separately, with a title page, as ‘‘ Descriptions of Land 
and Fresh-water Shells of the United States.” The second edi- 
tion, issued the following year, contained some improvements, 
and the third edition (1819) had the article considerably en- 
larged, as it forms twenty pages of the fourth volume of the 

The readiness with which Say responded to the requests of 
others, his liberality in communicating his knowledge to those 
who sought it, and his agreeable social qualities were the cause 
of so many interruptions that he was led to devote to study the 
hours which he should have given to repose, and often worked 
all night. This injudicious course resulted in serious derange- 
ment of the digestive organs, and weakened his constitution. 
These causes, together with habits of rigid austerity in diet, were 
probably instrumental in bringing about his premature decease. 

In 1818, Say, Ord, Maclure, and Peale made an expedition to 
the sea islands of Georgia and the country east of Florida, then 
under Spanish rule. Later, Say was appointed chief zodlogist to 
the two expeditions to the headwaters of the Mississippi, etc., 
commanded by Major Long. The same modesty which led him 
to decline a professorship in an institution of learning on the 

ground of inadequate scholarship led him to decline the position of 

*The first edition is very rare. A copy is said to exist in the library of 
the U. S. Naval Academy. The second edition occurs in the library of the 
Boston Atheneum and the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia. The 
original manuscript is in the archives of the Academy of Natural Sciences 
of Philadelphia. 


historian of Long’s expedition after the death of Dr. Baldwin, the 
first appointee. This modesty led to habits of retirement, and , 
withdrew him from society, except that of his private friends, 
among whom he was idolized. His domestic virtues were beyond 
eulogy, and his disposition was so truly amiable, his manners so 
charming, that no one, having once formed his acquaintance, 
could cease to esteem him. 

These qualities led him to be influenced by those whom he 
admired, and who possessed a more pushing and self-assertive 
disposition. It is probable that the great mistake of his life was 
due to influence thus exerted by his friend and patron, Wm. 

About the year 1824 the recurrence of one of those waves of 
sentiment, which, like spots on the sun, appear at intervals, with 
a certain regularity, to obscure the common sense of the most be- 
nevolent and enlightened of mankind, led to the disinterested, 
though foolish, investment by Robert Owen of large sums in a 
socialistic enterprise. At the village of New Harmony, in a 
malarious situation on the Wabash river of Indiana, the sun of 
righteousness, letters, and science was to rise and illuminate the 
benighted Western world. Mr. Maclure became convinced of the 
truth of the gospel according to Owen, and, in 1825, set out for the 
New Jerusalem, involving in his train his friend Sey and several 
other naturalists. With them went several ladies of intelligence 
and beauty, one of whom, Lucy Sistare, became the devoted wife 
of Say, and long survived him.* Ina little more than a year the 
community went to pieces, one founder retiring to Europe, and 
the other to Mexico, disgusted with the intractability of human 
nature. It is sufficient to quote a criticism by the son, Robert 
Dale Owen, himself a member of the community, as given in his 

autobiography fifty years later:¢ ‘*I do not believe that any 

*She died in 1886, according to Mr. Schwarz. 
+ Threading my Way, by Robert Dale Owen. 8vo. New York, Carleton 
& Co., 1874; p. 290. 

a we eS a oP os 


industrial experiment can succeed which proposes equal remuner- 
ation to all men, the diligent and the dilatory, the skilled artisan 
and the common laborer, the genius and the drudge. What may 
be safely predicted is that a plan which remunerates all alike 
will, in the present condition of society, ultimately eliminate 
from a co-operative association the skilled, efficient, and industri- 
ous members, leaving an ineffective and sluggish residue, in whose 
hands the experiment will fail, both socially and pecuniarily.” 

But Say had become involved for life. He had married, he 
had accepted the agency of the property, the duties of which 
compelled his presence on the spot; he had no other means of 
support, and therefore resigned himself with his usual philosophy 
to await the course of events, appropriating all his moments of 
leisure to his favorite pursuits, and preserving unruffled the’ 
serenity of his mind. Mrs. Say prepared drawings and litho- 
graphs, and on a little hand-press the early numbers of the 
‘«¢ American Conchology ” were printed. 

The malaria began to influence his health. Had he felt free to 
follow his medical advice or the affectionate solicitation of his 
friends, he would have returned to the more genial climate of his 
native city. But a sense of duty predominated over the claims 
of affection and the terrors of death, and he remained to become 
a sacrifice to a fever, which carried him off on the roth of Octo- 
ber, 1834. 2 

I have seen no description of Mr. Say’s personal appearance, 
but his portrait* indicates that his face and expression were in 

harmony with his amiable character. 

* National Portrait Gallery, vol. iv. Copied in Am. Journ. Conchology, 
vol. i, 1865. Biography, by Ord, in LeConte’s edition of Say’s American 
Entomology, and in Waldie’s Select Circular Library, vol. v, 1835, by B. 
H. Coates, M. D. It seems evident from the hypercritical and patronizing 
tone of Ord’s biography that his old friendship for Say had been severely 
wrenched, if not broken, by the personal controversies which raged so 
violently at Philadelphia, and involved nearly all the scientific workers, or 
those interested in the progress of science, of which Philadelphia was 
then the American centre. <A better biography of Say is greatly needed. 



His conchological work was far above the average of its day, 
and fully abreast of the knowledge of the time. 

His monument,* erected in 1846 by Alexander, brother of 
William Maclure, in the garden of the Maclure mansion at New 
Harmony, bears the following appropriate lines: 

Votary of Nature, even from a child, 

He sought her presence in the trackless wild. 

To him the shell, the insect, and the flower 

Were bright and cherished emblems of her power; 
In her he saw a spirit all divine, 

And worshipped like a pilgrim at her shrine. 


Second, in point of time, among those who published in 
America on American and other mollusks, is Charles Alexander 
Lesueur,f born at Havre-de-Grace, France, Jan. 1, 1778. 

He grew up with a love for natural history so great that in 
order to accompany the scientific expedition of the *‘ Geographe ” 
under Baudin in the year 1800 he enlisted as a landsman among 
the crew. Another enthusiast who had, as it were, forced him- 
self upon the expedition was Francois Péron, who discovered the 
unusual talents of Lesueur as an artist and succeeded in getting 
him transferred to the position of zodlogical draughtsman, where 
those talents could be put to their proper use. Henceforth the 
two young men were inseparable friends. The commander of 
the expedition turned out to be most unfit for his position. Be- 
sides exhibiting great inhumanity to his subordinates, it is alleged 
that he was no better than a thief and appropriated to his own 
emolument the stores of the expedition. He died at last, with 
many of the others, and finally of the scientific staff only Péron 

and Lesueur returned to France in 1804. Six years later Péron 

*Recently described by Mr. E. A. Schwarz in Proc. Ent. Soc., Wash., 
vol. i, No. 2. 
t See Memoir, by George Ord, in Silliman’s Journal, second series, vol. 

viii, p. 189, 1849. 


died in the midst of his labors. Lesueur, inconsolable, was in- 
duced to take a voyage to the Antilles and the United States to 
remove the melancholy which oppressed him. He arrived in the 
United States in 1816 and settled ‘in Philadelphia the following 
year, where he taught drawing and pursued his studies, being 
very cordially received by the resident naturalists. After a resi- 
dence of nine years in Philadelphia, where he was in a situation 
most congenial to his tastes and useful to science, he was impelled, 
through a mistaken sense of duty, to join the settlement of 
Socialists at New Harmony, Indiana. The presence of Mr. Say 
rendered the new situation endurable for a time, but with his 
death in 1834 the delusive expectation that human virtue would 
increase in the ratio that human individuality was stifled faded 
completely away, and the position was no longer bearable. He 
departed for New Orleans and for France, where his tastes and | 
acquirements found their opportunity of fruition at Paris, near 
the Jardin des Plantes, and afterward at Havre, where a museum 
was established, of which he was appointed curator in 1845. He 
was attacked by sudden inflammation of the lungs, which carried 
him off on the 12th of Dec., 1846, in the 68th year of his age. 

Lesueur was a man of unobtrusive and modest manners and 
social and amicable disposition. Frugal himself, he was gen- 
erous to others, even in cases where prudence would justify re- 
serve. He suffered from robbery, perpetrated under the guise of 
friendship, yet with. the remnant he had left, and the infirmities 
of age coming upon him, he shared with others whose necessities 
were greater than his own. 

Lesueur was more of an ichthyologist than a conchologist, but 
his paper on Firola, in vol. 1 of the Journal of the Academy of 
Natural Sciences, was the second paper on mollusks published 
in the United States and the first on exotic mollusks which 
appeared here. 



The Rev. Daniel Henry Barnes, of the Baptist denomination, 
was born in Canaan, N. Y., April 25, 1785, and was killed by 
falling froma stage coach between Nassau and Troy, N. Y., 
- October 27, 1828. He graduated at Union College in 1809, and 
took charge for three years of the classical school there, at a later 
time. Afterward he was professor of languages in the Baptist 
Theological Seminary, and in 1824 was associate principal of the 
New York High School for Boys, an institution he is said to have 
originated and conducted with great ability. He declined calls 
to the Presidency of Waterville College, Maine, and the Colum- 
bian University, of Washington, D.C. He was a man of high 
reputation for character and culture, and one of the chief pro- 
moters of the New York Lyceum of Natural History, now the 
New York Academy of Sciences. He assisted Webster in the 
preparation of his dictionary, and published several early papers 
on the Unxzontde and Chitons, of which he described several 
forms, while others have been named in his honor by several 



Another of the earliest contributors to molluscan literature in 
America was Dr. Jacob Green, who was born July 26, 1790, 
at Philadelphia, and died there February 1, 1541. He was the 
son of Ashbel Green, President of Princeton College in 1812, and 
grandson of the Revolutionary patriot, the Rev. Jacob Green, 
who was President of the College of New Jersey in 1757. Our 
conchologist graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1806, 
was professor of chemistry and natural history at Princeton 1818- 
22, and then professor of chemistry in the Jefferson Medical Col- 
lege, of Philadelphia, until his death. While his contributions 
to conchology were not numerous they were of a high order of 

merit, and on other subjects, such as chemistry, paleontology 

wey ai a alla a lil as face es. eS 
7 Seen r 


(Trilobites), and botany, his work procured him a wide-spread 

and excellent reputation. 

It may not be amiss to mention here an old Englishman named 

. John Warren, who for many years dealt in shells and curiosities 

in Boston. About/1857 he was still extant. I have little per- 
sonal information about him, but remember him as a stout, florid 
old gentleman, who supplied Miss Sarah Pratt and other Boston 
amateurs with handsome shells at high prices. In 1834 he pub- 
lished a small quarto edition of Lamarck’s genera of shells, 
illustrated with 17 plates, which he entitled ‘‘ The Conchologist.” 

He did no original work, but, singularly enough, in Carus and © 
Englemann’s Bibliography, he is confounded with Dr. J. C. 
Warren, the distinguished surgeon of Boston, who published | 

some papers on molluscan anatomy. 


Among those who have promoted the study of mollusca from 
the paleontological side, one of the earliest and most distinguished 
names is that of Samuel George Morton.* Born in Philadelphia 
Jan. 26, 1799, of Irish ancestry and of a family in which the 
gifts of education were highly prized and abundantly enjoyed, he 
early lost his father, and at the age of sixteen entered a counting- 
room to be prepared fora mercantile career. His desire for study 
monopolized his leisure, and in 1817 he entered the medical 
school of the University of Pennsylvania, where he graduated in 
1820 with honors, and afterwards pursued his studies at Paris 
and in Edinburgh. In 1826 he returned to Philadelphia, where 
he practiced his profession and pursued his scientific studies, and 
the following year he married Rebecca Pearsall. His career was 
terminated on the 15th of May, 1851, by an attack of pneumonia, 


* See Silliman’s Journal, 2d series, vol. xiii, p. 153, March, 1852. 


but not until his name, through his scientific work, had become 
familiar to scholars in both hemispheres. His synopsis of the 
organic remains in the Cretaceous formation of the United States 
gave him a high reputation and materially advanced the science. 
Morton was enthusiastic and energetic, but neither vain nor arro- 
gant. He was drawn into the early controversies which involved 
the Philadelphian group of naturalists, and appears in them as 
the especial champion of Say and Conrad. He had a literary 
turn and strong religious convictions, both of which are percep- 

tible in his scientific publications. 

Tuomas NuTTALL. 

Although he was especially distinguished in the domain of 
botany, yet by his shell collections in various parts of America, 
and somewhat belated studies of this conchological material, it 
becomes proper to include in this summary, a notice of Thomas 
Nuttall. Born in Settle, Yorkshire, in 1786, he was in very 
humble circumstances, and as a journeyman printer had few 
opportunities for mental development. Yet he was endowed 
with a strong, clear intellect, the faculty of self-denial, and the 
passion for study and for the investigation of nature. A hope of 
improving his position in life and of finding opportunity for study 
of the natural sciences brought him to the United States in 1808, 
when only 22 years of age. Through the influence of Barton, 
the botanist, he was led to take up the study of plants, and a large 
part of his life was thenceforth devoted to exploration and re- 
search. In1817 he already had been admitted to several scientific 
societies of high standing. In 1822 he succeeded Peck in charge 
of the botanic garden at Cambridge, Mass. In 1842 a small 
estate near Liverpool was left him by a relative, on the condition 
that he resided upon it at least nine months of every year. He 
then returned to England, where he died at the age of seventy- 
three, September 10, 1859. Durand says of him:* ‘‘He wasa 

* Biographical Notice, Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., vii, p. 297, 1860. 



remarkable looking man; his head was very large, bald, and 
bore marks of a vigorous intellect; his forehead expansive, but 
his features diminutive, with a small nose, thin lips, and round 
chin, and with gray eyes under fleshy eyebrows. His height 
was above the middle, his person stout, with a slight stoop; and 
his walk peculiar and mincing, resembling that of an Indian. 
Nuttall was naturally shy and reserved in his manners in general 
society, but not so with those who knew him well. If silent or 
perhaps morose in the presence of those for whom he felt a sort 
of antipathy, yet, when with congenial companions, he was 
affable and courteous, communicative and agreeable.” * * * 
‘¢T have frequently seen him in social circles when he was the 
delight of the company, from his cheerful and natural replies to 
all questions, and his voluntary details on the subject of his 
travels and adventures.” * * * ‘Nuttall was extremely 
economical in his habits and careless about his dress. None of | 
his Philadelphia friends, I believe, ever knew where he resided, 
or in what manner he lived.” The profession of science is not a 
very profitable one, yet, in spite of the few opportunities he had 
for accumulating, he had succeeded, through the strictest saving, 
in laying aside enough for his old age, even if he had not in- 
herited the estate of Nut Grove, which was encumbered with 
annuities and burdened with a heavy income tax. 

Nuttall’s adventures and privations while exploring among 
hostile Indians, or during long voyages, were many and exciting, 
but he declared to his friends that hardships were cheaply pur- 
chased if they brought him the opportunity for travel and the 
contemplation of nature, which he found a source of constant 



Josrpn Pirry Cournovuy. 

Among the early papers on mollusca in the Journal of the 
Boston Society of Natural History none are more finished and 
satisfactory than those by Joseph Pitty Couthouy. Born in Bos- 
ton January 6, 1808, of French extraction, I learn that he joined 
the Boston Latin School with the class which entered in 1820. 
His tastes were for a seafaring life; he shipped on board his 
father’s vessel and rose rapidly in his profession. He married 
Mary Greenwood Wild, March 9, 1832. He became a member 
of the Boston Society of Natural History April 6, 1836, and in 
the reference to his first paper, read October 5, 1836, I find him 
styled Captain Couthouy. A year later the United States explor- 
ing expedition under Wilkes was projected, and, full of enthusiasm, 


Couthouy came on in person and applied to President Andrew 
Jackson for a position on the scientific corps. The President 
said he could not seriously entertain the application as the list of 
officers was already complete. To which the irrepressible young 
sailor replied, ‘‘ Well, General, ’ll be hanged if I don’t go, if I 
have to go before the mast!”* This pleased ‘‘ Old Hickory,” 
who told him, * Go back to Boston and I will see if anything can 
be done for you.” There, a few days after his return, his commis- 
sion as Conchologist of the Scientific Corps was received. He 
sailed with the expedition August 18, 1838. After leaving 
Samoa his health suffered. Wilkes, who was preparing a narra- 
tive of the expedition, demanded that Couthouy should turn all 
his notes and drawings over to his commander. Couthouy re- | 
fused, as he considered that his subsequent work would be 

crippled by the absence of notes and drawings already made, and - 
that as a member of the scientific corps he was entitled to retain 

his papers until the end of the voyage. He was thereupon sus- 

pended by Wilkes and ordered home from Honolulu in 1840, 

‘¢ for disobedience of orders.” 

He had made many valuable drawings and notes, many of 
which are preserved in the report on the Mollusca and Shells of 
the expedition. He had numbered his notes with a serial num- 
ber, and a tin tag, similarly numbered, was attached to the 
specimen, which was preserved in spirits for future anatomical 
study and identification. The authorities in Washington had 
appointed a reverend gentleman who knew nothing of science, 
with a fat salary, to unpack and take care of the specimens sent 
home by the expedition. This gentleman, finding that the pres- 
ence of some lead in the tinfoil tags was whitening the alcohol, 
carefully removed all the tags and put them in a bottle by them- 
selves without replacing them by any other means of identifi- 

cation. Twenty years ago I saw this bottle of tags on a shelf at 

* 7. @., aS a common sailor. 



the Smithsonian and heard its mournful history. Prominent con- 
chologists resident in the United States were favored, for a con- 
sideration, with many rare specimens before any of the expedition 
naturalists had returned. Some of those contemporary with the 
events have told me of the prizes secured in this immoral man- 
ner, unworthy of a true naturalist, though doubtless the tempta- 
tion was great. 

The result of such proceedings may be imagined. Couthouy 
found that the shells to which many of his notes related could 
not be identified, and others had disappeared altogether. //He 
worked over the mass that remained until the return of the expe- 
dition, when, to crown all his misfortunes, the pay of the natu- 
ralists was reduced forty-four per cent., though low enough 
previously. For Couthouy, who had a wife and two children to 
support, it was the last straw. He declined to attempt the report, 
and his papers and collections, after sundry vicissitudes, were put 
into the hands of Dr. A. A. Gould, who bears willing testimony 
to the value of Couthouy’s work. After this he returned to his 
profession as a master in the mercantile marine, visiting South 
America and the Pacific. In 1854 he took command of an ex- 
pedition to the Bay of Cumana, where he spent three years in 
the unsuccessful search for the wreck of a Spanish treasure ship, 
the San Pedro, lost there early in the century. Our next trace of 
him is shortly after the outbreak of the rebellion. He volunteered 
in the navy, and, August 26, 1861, was appointed acting volun- 
teer lieutenant. Five days later he was ordered to command the 
U.S. bark Aznugfisher ; December 31, 1862, to command U.S.S. 
Columbia, which was wrecked, and Couthouy made prisoner. 
After three months at Salisbury he was exchanged, and, May 29, 
1863, ordered to the Mississippi squadron to command the moni- 
tor Osage, but was transferred to U. S. steamer Chillicothe. 
On the 3d of April, 1864, while off Grand Ecore, Louisiana, 
on the turret of his vessel, he was shot from an ambush on the 

eT ee tee 


shore, and died the following day. The dispatches announcing 
his death bore testimony to his value as an officer. He was eulo- 
gized by Admiral Porter and his fellow officers of the flotilla. 

Those who knew Couthouy describe him as active and enthu- 
siastic, with reminders of his French ancestry in his physiognomy 
and manner; of middle height, dark complexion, and more trim 
in his dress and refined in his ways than would have been ex- 
pected from one who had always followed the sea. One friend 
says of him: ‘** As brave and gallant a soul as ever trod a deck, 
and a lively and always entertaining companion.” 

I am informed that he left a son, Joseph P., and two daughters 
in Boston, and the family is not extinct there. His signature to 
some documents at the Navy Department is in a handsome flow- 
ing hand. He was a good linguist, speaking Spanish, French, 
Italian, and Portuguese with fluency, and had even mastered sev- | 
eral dialects used among the Pacific Islands. 

I have not yet come on the track of any published portrait of 
Couthouy, and none of the biographical dictionaries or cyclope- 
dias refer to him. I have therefore gone into detail a little more 
fully than I should otherwise have done to preserve from oblivion 
the memory of a patriotic officer and a good conchologist. 

The sketch portrait which accompanies these notes, in default 
of a better, was derived from an unsatisfactory photograph, the 
only thing available, taken between 1861 and 1863 and kindly 
lent to the writer by a surviving relative. 

Joun Goutp ANTHONY. 

A naturalist who has left his mark on the classification of our 
fresh-water shells was John Gould Anthony, who was born in 
Providence, Rhode Island, May 17, 1804, and died in Cambridge, 
Mass., Oct. 16, 1877. Mr. Anthony had few educational advan- 

tages, leaving school at the age of twelve years, and, going to 

Cincinnati, engaged in business, where he continued for thirty- 


five years. In 1863 he was placed in charge of the mollusk col- 
lection at the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy in Cambridge by 
Prof. Louis Agassiz, whom he accompanied to Brazil on the 
Thayer expedition in 1865. Mr. Anthony was a man of small 
and delicate frame, with a well-shaped head, whose brilliant dark 
eyes were a marked feature in his countenance. He suffered in 
later years from an affection which impaired his sight, and at 
times prevented him from doing any work. ‘To this cause is due 
the fact that some of his later work was occasionally wanting in 
the precision and accuracy which characterized that of an earlier 
time. He wrote a very beautiful, clear hand, and his labels were 
as elegant as if engraved on copper. The attractiveness of the 
Cambridge collection is largely due to his unwearied efforts. A 
portrait of Mr. Anthony, though not a very good one, was pub- 
lished in the American Journal of Conchology, vol. ii, part 2, 
1866. His collection was added to that of the museum at Cam- 
bridge. 3 


Samuel Stehman Haldeman was born at Locust Grove, Penn- 
sylvania, Aug. 12, 1812, and died at Chickies on the roth of 
September, 1880. : 

He studied in a classical school at Harrisburg and for two years 
at Dickinson College, but did not graduate. In 1836 he was 
called to assist the late H. D- Rogers in the geological survey of 
New Jersey, and from 1837 to 1842 was engaged in geological 
work on the State Survey of Pennsylvania. In 1851 he was pro- 
fessor of natural science in the University of Pennsylvania, and 
from 1869-80 professor of comparative philology in the same - 
institution. He was a member of the National Academy of 
Sciences. His papers number over two hundred titles, and in- 
clude such subjects as chess, the natural sciences, and especially 

philology. He was a distinguished philologist, but to American 


conchologists his memory will always be grateful, since he was 
the first to illustrate a work on American mollusks with the beau- 
tiful engravings on copper, which were the product of Lawson’s 
burin. These illustrations, though issued as early as 1840, are 
as fine’as anything which can be found in the literature to the 
present day. Haldeman was short and thickset, with a very 
peculiar voice, piercing dark eyes, and a pleasant and unaffected 
manner. He was in easy circumstances, and the freedom which 
this gave him resulted in a wide and somewhat desultory range 
of study, and heightened some personal. peculiarities of mind. 


Distinguished among conchologists and paleontologists alike 
was Timothy Abbott Conrad, born in New Jersey in 1803, who 
died at Trenton Aug. 9, 1877. Information in regard to him I 
have found rather difficult to obtain, but it would seem that he 
was always interested in the natural sciences, especially geology 
and paleontology, and in 1837 was appointed one of the geolo- 
gists to the State of New York, and prepared the report for that 
year. He was paleontologist to the survey in 1838-41. He pre- 
pared paleontological reports on the collections of the U. S. 
exploring expedition under Wilkes, of Lynch’s U. S. expedition 
to the Dead Sea, the Mexican boundary survey, and some of the 
Pacific Railway explorations. He never married, and during the 
latter part of his life lived on a small property near Trenton, 
coming into Philadelphia frequently to pursue his work at the 
Academy. He was of spare proportions, rather shy and reserved, 
wrote an abominable hand, and was very careless about his letters, 
which were largely on scraps of paper without date or location. 
He drew many of his own plates on stone, and his peculiar style 
of illustration is very recognizable. Though his contributions to 
science were multitudinous and long continued, his native care- 

lessness, brief diagnoses, and errors of date and citation gave his 


work among the more conservative conchologists a. reputation 
perhaps less than its deserts. His defects were chiefly constitu- 
tional, rather than wilful ; he had an acute and observant eye, and 
an excellent, if sometimes hasty, judgment on matters of geology 
and classification. When we consider his work with that of the 
naturalists of the French ‘‘ New School” of the present day, there 
seems in comparison little to complain of in Conrad’s methods. 
Early in life he undertook several journeys to the South especially 
for collecting purposes, and several naturalists contributed to his 
expenses with the view of receiving series of the fossils. An 
unfortunate controversy arose from the conflicting claims to the 
right and priority of description of many of these species, to 
which Conrad’s extreme carelessness no doubt in a large part 
contributed. At all events the conflict raged with great violence 
for several years, and burdened the literature with many syno- 
nyms. ‘The matter was still further complicated by the fact that 
some of his friends, among whom Morton and Say have been 
mentioned, to preserve, as they supposed, Conrad’s rights, wrote 
and published certain descriptions from his material during his 
absence and without his knowledge, of which he was obliged, for 
their sake, to assume the responsibility on his return. To this 
day the dates of publication of the various parts of his ‘* Tertiary 
Fossils” are unknown to the public, and were not remembered 
by the author within a range of several years. Conrad dabbled 
in literature, and printed a little volume of poems for distribution 
among his friends. I have heard that all his invaluable docu- 
ments and manuscripts were sold or destroyed as waste paper 

shortly after his death through the ignorance of his heirs. 


One of the most singular figures in the portrait gallery of 
scientific men, eccentric as many of them have always been con- 
sidered, is that of Constantine Samuel Rafinesque-Schmaltz. He 


was born in Galata, a suburb of Constantinople, Oct. 22, 1783, 
and died at Philadelphia, Sept. 18, 1840, of cancer of the 
stomach. His father’s name was Rafinesque, and he was of 
French extraction, but during the hostilities between the French 
and Neapolitans, which arose about the time he settled in Sicily, 
he added the name of his mother, to his own and represented 
himself as an American. He arrived in the United States when 
only nineteen years of age (1802), and returned to Europe in 
1805, after which, according to his own account, he was engaged 
in commercial pursuits and scientific studies at Palermo. He 
travelled furiously, and collected wherever he went. In 1815 he 
returned to this country, but the vessel which brought him 
was wrecked on the coast of Connecticut, and his collections and 
property were lost, leaving him in a state of poverty from which 
he never was able to emerge. He was, however, received by 
American naturalists and others as became his acquirements, and, 
in 1819, was appointed professor of botany and natural history in 
Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky, which remained 
his headquarters, in spite of many pedestrian journeys, until 1826, 
when he removed to Philadelphia, where he remained until his 
death. His multitudinous writings have been reviewed by Gray, 
Haldeman, and Tryon in the American Journal of Science, 
and by Amos Binney in his Terrestrial Mollusks of the United 

Rafinesque was a marked example of the adage, ‘* Great wit to 
madness nearly is allied,” and the workings of a mind of unusual 
acumen, brilliancy, and activity were always clouded by a cer- 
tain incoherency due to his highly excitable and versatile tem- 
perament. He possessed talents which, properly regulated, 

would have carried him to the front rank of scientific workers. 

* See Silliman’s Journal, vol. 40, 1st series, p. 221, 1841; also vol. 42, pp. 
280-91, 1842, and vol. xxxiii, 2d series, p. 163, March, 1862; and Terr. 

Moll., 1, pp. 41-54. 


In 1836 we find him insisting, in his Flora Telluriana, that new 
species and new genera are continually produced by deviation 
from existing forms. Every variety is a deviation which becomes 
a species as soon as it is fixed sufficiently to constantly reproduce 
its kind. Many of the genera he suggested are fully recognized 
to-day, though by his contemporaries regarded as worthless. But 
from about 1819 a marked deterioration was noticed in his work, 
which finally became tinged deeply with a sort of monomania. 
Societies and journals were obliged to refuse his writings, which 
poured forth in an ever-increasing flood. When he could obtain 
means he printed for himself, in shabby and miserable form it is 
true, but still he printed and projected journals and works which 
died still-born or never saw the light. His madness seems to have 
culminated in one of his publications where he describes twelve 
new species of thunder and lightning. 

Of his personal appearance we have the following amusing 
notes from Audubon’s journal : 

‘¢ A long, loose coat of yellow nankeen, on which the inroads 
of time were plainly visible, stained as it was with the juice of 
many a plant, hung about him like a sack. A waistcoat of the 
same, with enormous pockets and buttoned up to the chin, reached 
below over a pair of tight pantaloons, the lower parts of which 
were buttoned down to the ankles. The dignity he acquired 
from the broad and prominent brow which ornamented-his coun- 
tenance was somewhat diminished by the forlorn appearance of 
his long beard and the mass of lank black hair which fell from 
his shoulders.” After relating the distance he had walked he 
expressed his regret that his apparel should have suffered, but at 
the same time he eagerly refused the offer of any clean clothes, 
and it was with evident reluctance he accepted an invitation for 
ablution. ‘The surprise of the ladies of Audubon’s family was 
involuntarily manifested in the exchange of glances which spoke 

volumes. Soon, however, their astonishment was converted into 


admiration at the ease and enlightenment of his conversation. 
Plants and animals with which he was unfamiliar aroused in him 
a sort of delirium or ecstacy. At night Audubon was surprised 
by an uproar in the naturalist’s apartment. On reaching it to 
ascertain the cause, he found his guest divested of all clothing, 
rushing about the room engaged in a sanguinary contest with the 
bats which had entered by the open window. His weapon was the 
handle of Audubon’s favorite violin, which had been demolished 
in the fray. Without noticing the entrance of his host he con- 
tinued his extraordinary gyrations until he was so exhausted that 
he could hardly use his voice to request that Audubon would ob- 
tain a specimen for him, as he was convinced they were of a new 

Notwithstanding this unpromising beginning, Rafinesque re- 
mained three weeks in Audubon’s family, who became perfectly 
reconciled to his oddities and found him a most agreeable and in- 
telligent companion. One evening, however, he suddenly dis- 
appeared, without a word to anyone, and it was only after some 
weeks that a letter was received which assured his entertainers of 
his gratitude and his safety. 

In contrast to his carelessness about his personal appearance, 
the older Silliman speaks of his beautiful and exact chirography, 
and says that his communications were always in. the neatest pos- 
sible form. Even in his direst poverty he always retained friends 
and admirers. It is certain that he must have possessed many 
lovable qualities. | 

In this connection we may call to mind a friend, Charles A. 
Poulsen, of Philadelphia, who was devoted to conchology and had 
a fine collection. Mr. Poulsen translated Rafinesque’s ‘* Mono- 


graph of the Bivalve shells of the river Ohio” in 1832, and for 
years his cabinet was resorted to in the vain hope of positively 
determining some of Rafinesque’s ill-defined species. Mr. Poulsen 

died in Philadelphia in 1866, and I have heard that his collection 


was dispersed. many specimens being acquired by the late well- 
known conchologist, Cc. M. Wheatley, of Phenixville, Penn- 

Isaac LEA. 

Dr. Isaac Lea, of Philadelphia, whose long and active life 
gave him among the younger generation the title of the Nestor 
of American Naturalists, was born in Wilmington, Delaware, 
March 4, 1792, and died at his home in Philadelphia in his ninety- 
fifth year, Dec. 8, 1886. His ancestors came from Gloucester- 
shire, England, accompanying William Penn on his second visit. 
His taste for natural history manifested itself at an early age, and 
was fostered by his mother, who was fond of botany, and by his 
association with Vanuxem, then a youth, who was devoted to 
mineralogy and geology, then hardly organized as sciences. 
Their studies were undirected ; but, in 1815, they became mem- 
bers of the Academy of Natural Sciences, then about three years 
old. Though engaged in business, young Lea became an active 
member of the Academy, and published a mineralogical paper in 
its journal in 1817. This was followed by a very long series of 
contributions to mineralogy and conchology, recent and fossil, | 
which have made his name familiar to naturalists all over the © 

He married, in 1821, Miss. Frances A. Carey, daughter of Mat- 
thew Carey, the well-known economist, and became a member of | 
the publishing house of Carey & Sons, from which he retired in 
1851. Mr. Lea’s married life was exceptionally long and happy, 
lasting fifty-two years, and blessed with a daughter and two sons, 
who still survive. One of these sons is the well-known student 
of ecclesiastical history, while the other has long stood at the head © 
of American photographic chemists. 

In 1825 began those studies of fresh-water and land shells, 
especially the Unios, with which Dr. Lea’s name will always be 
associated. In 1836 he published his first ‘‘ Synopsis” of the 

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genus, a thin octavo of fifty-nine pages. The fourth edition of 
this work appeared in 1870, when it had grown to 214 pages 

Dr. Lea was a member of most American and many foreign 
scientific societies. He visited Europe and studied his favorite 
mollusks atall the museums. There he made the acquaintance of 
Férussac, Brogniart, Gay, Kiener, and other distinguished men, 
whose names now sound like echoes from a past epoch. Up to 
1874 he continued ever busy on the Unionidae, and the number of 
new forms, recent and fossil, made known by him amounts to 
nearly 2,000. Not content with figuring and describing the 
shells alone, he figured the embryonic forms of thirty-eight 
species of Unio, and described the soft parts of more than 200. 
He also investigated physiological questions, such as the sensi- 
tiveness of these mollusks to sunlight and the differences due to 
sex. His observations on the genus Unio form 13 quarto vol- 
umes, magnificently illustrated. Dr. Lea was president of the 
American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1860; 
he presided over the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadel- 
' phia for several terms, and was given the degree of LL. D. by 
Harvard College in 1852. | 

His scientific activity extended over more than sixty years. 
He was active in affairs and vigorously participated in those con- 
troversies in which Say, Conrad, Morton, and others were en- 
gaged half a century ago. Of these the echoes only have come 
down to us, but there is plenty of evidence that the battle was 
often hot and the victory energetically contested. 

Dr. Lea had an intellectual and, in later years, a most vener- 
able presence. He was ever anxious to interest the young in 
scientific pursuits, and was notably active in charitable and relig- 
ious enterprises. In his youth he manifested more than ordinary 
artistic talent, much like his distinguished contemporary, Alvan 


It is impossible to do justice to such a life as Dr. Lea’s in the 
proper limits of an address of this sort. It is of the less impor- 
tance in the present case, because an excellent bibliography of his 
works, preceded by a biographical sketch and an admirably 
etched portrait, has been published by the U. S. National 
Museum,* to whom Dr. Lea bequeathed his invaluable collec- 

tion of minerals and shells. 

Avucustus AppDIsSON GOULD. 

Among those, next to Say, who have beneficially influenced 
the study of mollusca in this country, and interested young 
people in that pursuit, no name stands higher than that of 
Augustus Addison Gould. He was born in New Ipswich, New 
Hampshire, April 23, 1805, and died of cholera in Boston on the 
15th of September, 1866. His father was originally named 
Nathaniel Gould Duren, but, on account of an inheritance, re- 
versed the order of his surnames. ‘The father was a musician, 
artist, and engraver, noted for his elegant penmanship, and of a 
good Chelmsford family; but not in affluent circumstances. 
From him Dr. Gould probably derived his facility as a delineator 
of shells. In early life young Gould knew privation, but he per- 
severed in his endeavors for an education, and succeeded in car- 
rying himself through college, graduating at Harvard in 1825, 
and in medicine in 1830. : 

He devoted his energies largely to his profession, which he 
regarded as the work of his life, and in which he soon rose to 
deserved eminence. But natural science claimed his leisure 
hours, and to increase them he often robbed himself of sleep. He 
taught botany and zoédlogy at Harvard for two years, was one of 
the founders and earnest supporters of the Boston Society of 

Natural History, and original member of the National Academy, 

* Bulletin No. 23, compiled by N. P. Scudder. 


_ and president of the Massachusetts Medical Society in 1865, and 
until his death. A brother was a member of the well-known 
firm of Gould & Lincoln, publishers, and through them a number 
of Dr. Gould’s works were republished during his lifetime. It is 
unnecessary to enumerate his works—the mollusca of the Wilkes 
exploring expedition, and the magnificent posthumous work on 
American land shells, edited by Dr. Gould for the executors of 
Amos Binney, would have given him lasting fame. But the work 
which was most useful to American science was his classical 
Report on the Invertebrata of Massachusetts, published by the 
State in 1841, and adorned with fine copper-plates from his own 
drawings. This was practically devoted to the mollusks, and 
served as a manual for New England shells, excellent in every 
way, and free from unnecessary technicality or pedantic expres- 
sions. ‘The speaker well remembers the value this book had for 
him in his boyish days, and it is said that to it Stimpson 
owed the impulse which led him, in spite of obstacles, to devote 
himself to science. | 

Dr. Gould was tall, spare, with dark gray eyes, and hair orig- 
inally dark, but gray at the time I first knew him. He was the 
ideal of the ‘‘ Good Physician,” with a winning, sympathetic 
manner; quiet, and slightly reserved to strangers, but with a 
living spring of gentle humor for his friends. Full of kindliness, 
true piety, self-denial, and noble impulses, no one could know 
him, in the midst of his interesting family, without loving and 
honoring the man as well as admiring the scientist. The clear,. 
straightforward and exact quality of his work made it easy of 
comprehension, and there is no knowing how many persons were 
inspired by it to a study of the animals he described. He was 
particularly able in his study of the smaller forms of land shells, 
which he drew with wonderful accuracy and artistic taste. A 
good portrait of Dr. Gould was published in the Annual of 
Scientific Discovery for 1861 and afterward reprinted in the 


American Journal of Conchology, vol. 1, part 4, 1865.* This 
picture, though well executéd, wants the winning expression 

which was characteristic of his face. 


The first to project and illustrate in the highest style of the art 
a work on the Helicide of the United States, doing for the land- 
shells what Haldeman had attempted for the fresh-water gastro- 
pods, was Amos Binney, of Boston, born October 18, 1803, who 
died at Rome, Italy, February 18, 1847, leaving his work still 
incomplete. He graduated at Brown University in 1821, and in 
medicine at Harvard in 1826, but his health proving precarious 
he devoted himself to commercial pursuits with remarkable suc- 
cess, reserving his leisure for science and art, of which he was 
passionately fond. He was one of the founders and a liberal 
giver to the Boston Society of Natural History, which elected 
him its president from 1843 until his death. He was active in 
establishing the American Association of Naturalists and Geolo- 
gists, which has since developed into the American Association 
for the Advancement of Science. 

As a member of the Massachusetts General Court} he was 
instrumental in securing the organization of the zodlogical and 
botanical commissions to which we owe the classical Massachu- 
setts Reports by Harris, Emerson, Storer, and Gould. 

At his death his work on the Terrestrial Mollusks of the United 
States was unfinished, but he provided in his will for its comple- 
tion, a work for which his executors designated his friend and 
townsman, Dr. Gould, as editor. This work is unsurpassed in 

elegance of execution by any similar publication to the present 

* A brief notice of Dr. Gould’s life appeared in those copies of the second 
edition of the ‘‘Invertebrata” which-were distributed by his family. 
There is a notice by Dr. Jacob Bigelow in the transactions of the Suffolk 
County Medical Society in 1866. 

+ So the legislature is styled in that State. 


day. The premature death by pneumonia of Dr. Binney cut off 
many promising plans for the promotion of science and art in 
America. Those interested in land shells, however, do not need 
to be told that his son, Mr. William G. Binney, has well sus- 
tained his father’s reputation in the same field. Dr. Binney was 
above the average height, robust, well formed and refined in 
appearance. His hair and eyes were very dark, and his expres- 
sion grave and reserved. This and the somewhat severe tone of 
his voice was apt to convey to those who did not know him an 
impression of hawteur, which did not correspond to the real feel- 
ings of the man. An excellent biographical sketch is given by 
Dr. Gould in the first volume of the Terrestrial Mollusks, which 
was published in 1851. Dr. Binney was buried at Mount Au- 
burn, where the monument which commemorates him is one of 

those to which the stranger’s attention is always attracted. 


Charles Baker Adams, one of the most industrious and best 
known American conchologists, was born in Dorchester, Massa- 
chusetts, on the eleventh of January, 1814. Of a family of six 
children he was the only one spared to his parents. When four 
years old his father, Mr. Charles J. Adams, removed permanently 
to Boston, where he engaged in business. At an early age the 
boy showed great interest in chemistry and natural history, in | 
which he was encouraged by his. parents, who gave him the use 
of a room for a laboratory and furnished the means for procuring 
chemicals and apparatus. The time usually given to play by- 
most lads of his age was largely occupied by young Adams in 
experimenting with reagents or studying and arranging the vari- 
ous objects of natural history which he collected in excursions 
with his father or received from friends. - He studied in the Bos- 
ton schools, at Phillips Academy, Andover, and entered Yale 
College in October, 1830. In September, 1831, he removed to 


Amherst, and joined the sophomore class, graduating in 1834 
with the highest honors. Shortly afterward he entered the Theo- 
logical Seminary at Andover, but in 1836 he left his studies of 
divinity to join Professor Hitchcock in prosecuting the geological 
survey of the State of New York. ‘This work being terminated 
by the illness of Professor Hitchcock he returned to Amherst and 
busied himself, for several years, partly as a tutor at Amherst and 
partly by delivering lectures on geology at various educational 
institutions. In September, 1838, he became professor of chem- 
istry and natural history at Middlebury College, Vermont, and 
the following February married Mary, daughter of the Rev. 
Sylvester Holmes, of New Bedford, Mass. 

In 1845 he became State Geologist of Vermont, and continued 
the operations incident to that office for three years. Under his 
unremitting labors as a popular teacher in the college and his 
geological work in the field his naturally delicate constitution 
suffered, and he was obliged to seek a less rigorous climate. He 
visited the island of Jamaica in the winter of 1843-4, and in 1847 
resigned his professorship at Middlebury to accept that of zodlogy 
and astronomy at Amherst. In the winter of 1848-49 he again 
visited Jamaica, and in November, 1850, he went to Panama, re- 
turning by way of Jamaica the following spring. Anxious to 
pursue further his investigations on the mollusk-fauna of the West 
Indian islands, Prof. Adams left for St. Thomas by way of Ber- 
muda in December, 1852, arriving on the 27th, but in his weak 
condition became a victim of the pernicious malaria of that island, 
and, though tended with solicitude by his St. Thomas friends, died 
the 18th of January, 1853. <A tablet was placed over his grave 
by the residents of St. Thomas as a memorial of their esteem and 
admiration for his character. ‘The Professor’s widow, four sons, 
and a daughter survived him. 

Prof. Adams was of middle height, slender and delicate in ap- 

pearance, with fine expressive eyes and a winning countenance. 


In his domestic relations he was gentle and affectionate ; in his 
friendships, faithful and generous. His earnestness and ability as 
a teacher gave him popularity and success in his college duties, 
while his private character was above reproach. He was quiet 
and studious in his habits, but had the true New England genius 
for hard work; having in his laboratory at the college an old 
green lounge, where’it is said he sought repose in the early morn- 
ing hours after many a night devoted to original research. Indeed, 
it is commonly reported among those who knew him that he re- 
linquished to Nature only so much of his time as she imperatively 
demanded and fairly burned his candle at both ends. Notwith- 
standing his quiet ways, he was not a man to be imposed upon, 
and among the college legends, still passed from class to class 
at Amherst, are several which relate the signal discomfiture of 
would-be shirkers of their duties, which made him the terror 
of the lazy men in his classes. 

Professor Adams’ work was distinguished by care and accu- 
racy, by a philosophical grasp unusual at that day, and which, 
had he been unhampered by the current theories of the creation 
and immutability of species, would have given him an even 
higher rank among naturalists. He monographed the mollusk- 
fauna of Panama, and did more than any other single naturalist 
toward making known the riches of the West Indian region. He 
emphasized the study of the geographical distribution of animals, 
and as a collector was unparalleled both in enthusiasm and suc- 

His remarkable collection (probably even now standing third 
or fourth in the United States in point of interest and value, and 
its number of contained types) he left under liberal conditions to 
Amherst College, where it still remains. His publications are 
among the classics of American conchology, and well bear com- 
parison with many more pretentious works. Like most Amer- 

ican naturalists Prof. Adams was never in affluent circumstances, 


and the success of his labors was largely due to unremitting self- 



Philip Pearsall Carpenter, who, by his valuable labors on 
American mollusks and his residence in America, is fairly to be 
enrolled on. thé list of American conchologists, was born in 
Bristol, England, Nov. 4, 1819, and died at Montreal, Canada, 
May 24,1877. He belonged to a family whose members have 
been renowned for their devotion to science, education, liberalism 
in all good things, and works of benevolence and charity. He 
described himself as a born teacher, but a naturalist by chance. 
But his interest in his favorite study developed early. When only 
twelve years old he had accumulated a large cabinet and mas- 
tered the classification of the day. He studied at the University 
of Edinburgh and at Manchester College, York, which became 
affiliated with London University, from which he received his de- 
gree in 1841. In 1846-58 he labored in the ministry at Warring- 
ton, and during this period prepared his classic Memoir on the 
Mazatlan Shells, and his report to the British Association on the 
state of our knowledge of the mollusk-fauna of the western coast 
of America. In December, 1858, he visited the United States 
and traveled extensively. In the winter of 1859-60 he came to 
the Smithsonian Institution, where he spent some five months at 
work upon the shell collections and delivered the lectures on Mol- 
lusca which were afterward printed in the Smithsonian Report. 
In 1860 he returned to England, where he married Miss Minna 
Meyer, of Hamburg. This union, though entered into somewhat 
late in life, was most happy. In 1863 he prepared a supplement 
to his British Association Report of 1856, which has been most 

useful to students of our west coast shells. 

* His portrait and an appreciative biogiaphical sketch by Thomas Biand, © 
of which I have made unsparing use, may be found in the American Four- 
nal Li Conchology, vol. 1, pp. 191-204, 1865. 


In October, 1865, he left England for Montreal, which ‘was 
thenceforth his home, and where his valuable collection, pre- 
sented by him to McGill University, is suitably housed in the 
Peter Redpath Museum of that institution. During the period of 
his activity in Montreal he devoted himself largely to a mono- 
graphic study of the Chztonzde, with results of the utmost im- 
portance to their proper classification, but of which only a concise 
abstract has yet been published, though a large mass of MSS. 
had been prepared at the time of his death. 

Dr. Carpenter received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy 
from the New York State University in 1860. He wasa man of 
slight frame, below the middle height, and of striking personal 
appearance. He was ‘brimful of enthusiasm not only in his 
studies, but in all that related to good health, morals, and practi- 
cal religion. His audacity in confronting and attacking abuses 
was unparalleled, and, like most reformers, he met with much op- 
position and made many active opponents. But the rich charity 
of his nature, his single-minded devotion to what he believed to 
be right, and his disregard of his personal interests in all that 
concerned the promotion of reforms, made even the bitterest op- 
ponents concede him elements of character of which any man or 

community might be justly proud.* 


Thomas Bland, one of our best known naturalists, was born 
October 4, 1809, in Newark, Nottinghamshire, England. His 
father was a physician and his mother related to Shepard, the 
naturalist. Hewas educated at the famous Charter-House school, 
London, and was a classmate of Thackeray. Subsequently he 

studied and practiced law. He went to Barbados, West Indies, 

* An excellent memoir of Dr. P. P. Carpenter, accompanied by a good 
portrait, was prepared by his brother, the Rev. Russell Lant Carpenter, 
_ and published by C. Kegan Paul & Co., London, in 1880. 


in 1842, and later to Jamaica; visited England in 1850, and in 
the same year accepted the superintendency of a gold mine at 
Marmato, New Granada. While a resident of Jamaica, it was 
visited in 1849 by Prof. C. B. Adams, with whom Mr. Bland 
cultivated a warm friendship. Stimulated by the enthusiasm of 
Adams, Bland began those investigations of the land shells for 
which he afterward became so distinguished. In 1852 he came 
to New York, which for most of his subsequent life became his 
home. Here his business lay chiefly in the direction of the affairs 
of mining companies, with several of which he was connected. 
He was a man of rather dark complexion, with brilliant dark 
eyes; somewhat bowed by ill health, induced by his long resi- 
dence in the tropics, he seemed rather below the middle height. 
He was of a studious and rather grave demeanor, but notably 
courteous, and always ready to assist young students or others 
interested in his favorite pursuit. He avoided controversy, and 
in spite of his extreme modesty was several times called to posts 
of honor and responsibility. By those privileged to know him 
he was held in high esteem, which was not lessened by his bear- 
ing under the adversity which unfortunately clouded his later 
years. Mr. Bland was the author of more than seventy papers 
treating of the Mollusks, especially of the United States and of 
the Antilles. His work was not confined to the description of 
species, but comprised valuable contributions to their anatomy, 
classification, geographical distribution, and the philosophy of 
their development. No American conchologist has shown a 
more philosophic grasp of the subject, and his discussion of the 
distribution of the land shells of the West Indies, published in 
1861, gave him a wide reputation. He several times returned to 
this subject in later years, and always with marked success. 
Since 1869 Mr. Bland was associated with Mr. W. G. Binney 
in several important works on the terrestrial mollusks of North 

America. Mr. Bland was a fellow of the Geological Society, 


and for many years an active member of the New York Lyceum 
of Natural History. He died after an illness of several years’ 
duration in Brooklyn, N. Y., August 20, 1885. A convenient 
bibliography of his papers was prepared by Mr. Arthur F. Gray 
in 1884, and his portrait is to be found in the American Journal 

of Conchology, vol. ii, pt. 4, 1866. 

~ Wiiram Stimpson. 

In the case of William Stimpson we have a good instance of | 
how not merely disadvantageous circumstances may be defied 
but positive opposition conquered by what may be called an in- 
nate devotion to the study of nature. He was born in Roxbury, 
now within the charter limits of Boston, Feb. 14, 1832. His 
parents were Herbert H. Stimpson, who, I am informed, was of 
Virginian origin, and Mary Ann Brewster, of a good New Eng- 
land family. Mr. Stimpson dealt in stoves and ranges, in part- 
nership with his brother Frederick, at Congress and Water 
streets, Boston, for many years. He was a successful business 
man, though not liberally educated, and introduced certain im- 
provements into cooking ranges, of which one kind was long 
familiar to Boston housewives under the name of the ‘‘ Stimp- 
- son range.” The early education of the son was in the com- 
mon schools, and in his sixteenth year he seems to have 
shown unusual mental powers, as we find him entering the 
upper class of the Boston High School in September, 1847, 
from which he graduated the following July. Even before this 
time he had become deeply interested in natural history. A 
copy of Gould’s Invertebrata of Massachusetts having fallen into 
his hands his attention was directed towards these animals. He 
presented himself to the author of, the work to find out if it were 
possible for a copy to be had for his very own. Dr. Gould, with 
his never-varying kindness, gave him an order on the State libra- 
rian for one of the books, and the exulting joy with which the 


boy marched out of the State House with the coveted volume 
under his arm was never forgotten by him and often related in 
after years. But Dr. Gould’s kindness did not stop here; he 
brought young Stimpson to the notice of Agassiz, then in the 
first flush of successful teaching at Cambridge, and introduced 
him to the Boston Society of Natural History. His relatives 
were anxious that the boy should go into business ; his excursions 
to the sea-shore and the dredging work which, unaided, he had 
already begun, were looked on with no favorable eye, and only 
the urgent representations of some of those who had become in- 
terested in the boy and saw in him a capacity for better things, 
saved him from a fate he detested. As a compromise he was sent 
out with a civilengineer to learn that profession, but his em- 
ployer declared he was too fond of hunting for land shells to 
make a good surveyor, and advised that he be allowed to follow 
the career which his inclinations so strongly declared for. He was 
allowed to. enter the Latin School in 1848. The following sum- 
mer he managed by some means to get off on a fishing smack 
bound for Grand Manan, and devoted his whole energies to the 
collection and study of the marine animals of that vicinity. Still, 
in the face of strong opposition, he succeeded in joining the work- 
ers at Agassiz’ laboratory in October, 1850. Wherever he went 
his enthusiasm and lovable qualities raised up friends, and through 
their aid an appointment was secured to him as naturalist to 
the North Pacific exploring expedition under Ringgold (later com- 
manded by Captain John Rodgers, U. S. N.), which was sent 
out by the United States in 1852. With a paid appointment in 
Government service, those who had persistently opposed his 
ambition began to give way and confess that there might be some- 
thing in it after all, though doubtless laying greater stress on that 
‘¢ something” for which Stimpson cared least. 

He joined the expedition Nov. 23, 1852, and was absent four 
years, during which he yisited Japan, Bering Strait, and many 


other localities of the greatest interest to the naturalist. No gen- 
eral report on the voyage has yet appeared, and Stimpson’s report 
on the crustacea with its beautiful illustrations still remains in 

He began to work up his materials at Washington, and for pur- 
poses of study visited Europe, dredged on the British coast, and 
made hosts of friends across the Atlantic. 

His preliminary studies of the radiates and crustacea of the ex- 
pedition ensured his place among the most promising of the 
young naturalists of the day, and were expressed in elegant Latin. 
He prepared and published the investigations into marine life 
made at Grand Manan, and was the leader of an enthusiastic 
band of students who gathered in the museum of the Smithsenian 
Institution for work under the influence of Henry and Baird, kept 
bachelor’s hall together under the sobriquet of the Megatherium | 
Club, and instituted the first biological society in Washington 
under the name of the Potomac-side Naturalists’ Club. Most of 
them subsequently reached distinction in the pursuit of science. 

About 1860, Stimpson received the honorary degree of M. D. 
from the Columbian University. He was afterwards a member 
of the National Academy of Sciences, instituted while the country 
was in the midst of its fiercest military struggle. On the twenty- 
eighth of July, 1864, he married Miss Annie Gordon, of Ilchester, 

Robert Kennicott, of Illinois, whose name rouses affectionate 
remembrance in the minds of all who knew him, was Director of 
the Chicago Academy of Sciences, whose establishment and pro- 
gress were for the most part due to his enthusiasm, ability, and 
persistence. He had been a member of the Megatherium Club, 
and was a devoted friend of Stimpson. He was about to under- 
take those explorations in Alaska from which he never returned. 
He knew that his undertaking was arduous, and its outcome un- 

certain. His child, the Academy, must be provided for, and its 


fate not left to accident. Stimpson was the man for the post and 
was selected. The institution was thriving, with a large mem- 
bership, an excellent collection, and the nucleus of a library. In 
June, 1866, the building and nearly all its contents became a prey 
to fire. But the trustees had suitably insured the collection and, 
with the growing prosperity of the Society, due largely to Stimp- 
son’s social tact and attractive personality, the Academy purchased 
ground, put up a fire-proof building, and rose like a Phoenix with 
new vigor from the ashes. 

Here Stimpson assembled as in a sure harbor the manuscripts, 
collections, engravings, and drawings of a lifetime. 

He had the finest and most complete collection of East Amer- 
ican invertebrates which had ever been brought together, with a 
vast amount of illustrative material from Europe, the Arctic re- 
gions, and other parts of the world. Books and specimens which 
he did not own were freely lent to him by the Smithsonian and 
by Eastern naturalists, for was he not a scientific missionary, a 
biological bishop, zz partzbus infidelium, in the land where the 
almighty dollar reigned supreme? And more important still, the 
Academy was fire-proof. : 

A manual of marine invertebrates of the coast from Maine to 
Georgia was in preparation for the Smithsonian Institution ; there 
was already much manuscript and many beautiful engravings. 

All the Smithsonian shell-fish in alcohol were there ; Pourtalés 
sent his unspeakable treasures newly ravished from the depths of 
ocean. On every hand a wealth of material, a host of indulgent 
friends and correspondents, a prospect of good work for science, 
education, patriotism. 

On the 8th of October, 1871, a small fire broke out in South 
Chicago, which was not extinguished. In forty-eight hours the 
Queen City of the Northwest was practically in ashes. 

The temple of religion, the refuge of the sick and destitute, 
the palace of the millionaire, the shanty of the day-laborer, the , 


sanctuary of trade, the gambler’s hell, the hospital, the home, and 
the grog-shop—withered, crumbled, or evaporated into thin air, 
before a power stronger than them all. 3 

After this universal destruction, when granite became flour, 
bricks ran to glass, iron shrunk like wax before the roaring and 
devouring element, all that was left of Stimpson’s lifework, of the 
building and its treasures of art and nature, was a heap of ashes, 
the calcined foundations, and the clay pipkin of a mound builder, 
once rescued from a western tumulus to illustrate the arts of bar- 
barism, and now, in this hour of universal wreck, surviving 
every product of civilization. 

The blow was too heavy. The spirit indeed was valiant, but 
the body was frail. He had long suffered from weakness of the 
lungs, with periods of low. spirits characteristic of the ailment. 
After an attempt to work on the Gulf Stream with the Coast 
Survey in the winter of 1871-2, he returned broken down, and 
died at Ilchester on the 26th of May, 1872.* 

Dr. Stimpson was of middle height, slender, with brown, curly 
hair, and merry eyes, whose expression was rather heightened 
than impaired by the glasses he habitually wore. His bearing 
was that of a scholar, rather retiring, except with friends, when 
the boyish exuberance of his spirits had full sway. Those who 
had the privilege of his companionship will carry an abiding 
memory of his abilities as a naturalist, and his noble and lovable 

characteristics as a man. 

The number of persons brought under review in the preceding ._ 
pages (omitting Poulsen and Warren) is eighteen, a number too 
small to afford many statistical generalizations. 

Eight of the men were college bred, ten of them acquired their 

education in the common schools, or had even fewer early advan- 

* See memorial notice by J. W. Foster in Chicago Tribune of June 12, 
1872. Reported from the proceedings of the Academy. 


tages. Two were wealthy by inheritance, two became so by 
business enterprises, fourteen had a modest or insufficient in- 
come, and were obliged to work their way through life; of these 
five were college bred. Seven were devoted to science among 
other interests; with eleven science was the mainspring of their 
lives. The average age attained was sixty years; of those de- 
pendent on their own industry about 58 years. Divided accord- 
ing to their absorption in scientific pursuits we find those who 
devoted all their energies to science averaged 62.27 years, the 
others 55.7 years of life. 

The only lesson which may be said to be absolutely clear is, 
that naturalists are born, and not made; that the sacred fire can- 
not be extinguished by poverty nor lighted from a college taper. 
That the men whose work is now classical, and whose devotion 
it is our privilege to honor, owed less to education in any sense 
than they did to self-denial, steadfastness, energy, a passion for 
seeking out the truth, and an innate love of nature. These are 
the qualities which enabled them to gather fruit of the tree of 
knowledge. Let us see to it that their successors, while profit- 

ing by that harvest, fail not in the virtues which made it possible. 


Vulpes macrot?s sp. nov. 
By Dr. C. Hart MErRRIAM. 

‘(Read Feb. 11, 1888.) 

The fox which is the subject of the present communication 
was killed at Riverside, San Bernardino county, California, 
November 1, 1885. It differs so strikingly from the other North 
American foxes that detailed comparison is unnecessary. It is a 
small animal, the single specimen before me being a little less 
in size than the Kit Fox ( Vulpes velox), agreeing in this respec: 
with the California Island Fox ( Urocyon littoralis), from which 
latter animal, however, it differs generically. Its most notice- 
able external peculiarity consists in its large ears, which character 
alone suffices to distinguish it from its North American congeners. 

It is not a little surprising that so large a mammal as a fox, 
inhabiting so well explored a region as California, should have 
escaped notice till the present time; and the fact is still more 
remarkable from the circumstance that the animal here described 
differs so notably from its nearest relatives. For these reasons, 
and others derived from a study of the specimen with a view to 
the known laws of geographical variation, I am led to the belief 
that it is a Mexican species, finding its northern limit in southern 
California. The place where the present specimen was killed 
(Riverside, San Bernardino county) is only a hundred miles 

from the Mexican boundary. 


The following diagnosis is sufficient for purposes of identifi- 
cation : 

Type No. 179? male, young adult, Merriam Collection. 


EXTERNAL CHARACTERS.—Size, small, equalling or a little 
less than that of Vulpes velox; ears long and broad, relatively 
much larger than in any other North American fox, and well 
haired on both sides; muzzle, legs, and tail long and slender, 
the latter a little longer than the body, and about as slender as 
in Urocyon virginianus. Soles well haired, the plantar tuber- 
cles being entirely concealed. 

Cotor.—Upper parts grizzled-gray, palest on the head and 
darkest on the back; terminal fourth of tail nearly black; sides, 
upper surface of legs, and pectoral band pale fulvous; under 
parts white mixed with pale ochraceous-buff. In the only speci- 
men at hand the general color is almost as pale as that of V. velox. 
This is due to the fact that the pure white sub-apical zone of each 
hair is much enlarged, while the black terminal portion tapers 
rapidly into a much attenuated, awn-shaped point, the result 
being that the white predominates over the black. The dorsal 
hairs are short for a fox, and the pale buff of the under fur shows 
through, thus completing the combination which gives to the 
back its grizzled-gray appearance. There is no indication of a 
dorsal stripe on either back or tail. The convex surface of the 
ear is well covered with short fur which is pale fulvous in color, 
and mixed with iron gray, except at the base posteriorly where 
the gray is nearly absent. .The margin of the ear is white, as 
are the long hairs bordering it inside. Between the white border 
and the grizzled fulvous of the upper surface of the ear there is’ 
an indistinct dark line. The base of the ear in front is covered 

by a dense growth of fur and hair which completely hides the 

“cay ic ee aah at cal ce a 
Alans Sta ay ah 


meatus. The lower lip is bordered by a narrow margin of 
blackish hair, which curves upward around the commissure, and 
extends forward about one-fourth the length of the upper lip. 
The chin and throat are entirely white. The whiskers are 
black, and the hair about their bases is darker than on other 

parts of the face. 

Mecidecaoaas from the dry Skin. 

(All measurements in millimeters). 

Total length, . : ; ; ; : : ; 850. 
Head and body, : . ‘ : i ; ‘ 510. 
Tail to end of vertebre, ‘ ‘ : : ° 290. 
Tail to end of hairs, ; ; ; ; ; . 340. 
Hind foot, ; ; - ; 110. 
Height of ear from crown, : . ‘ : ; 68. 

CRANIAL CHARACTERS.—The skull is that of a young adult, 
and probably is not quite full grown; the zygomatic breadth, 
therefore, is less than it would be in a more aged specimen. 
Unfortunately, a considerable portion of the occipital region, 
including both condyles, is broken away; hence the basilar 
length and several important ratios cannot be taken. The facial 
part of the skull is much produced and attenuated, the muzzle 
being relatively longer and more slender than in any other. North 
American fox, and the palata. region correspondingly narrowed. 
The anterior palatal foramen extends posteriorly to a point op- 
posite the interspace between the canine and first molar. The 
palatine bones are truncated anteriorly at the post-palatal for- 
amina. The zygome arch upward more strongly than usual in 
the genus, and the audital bull are conspicuously larger, deeper, 
and more rounded, which condition, doubtless, is correlated with 

the great development of the external ears. 


Cranial Measurements. 

Basilar length, 
Occipito-nasal length, 
Greatest zygomatic breadth, 
ihe breadth across parietals, 
BY ef between mastoids, 
Least breadth at interorbital constriction, 
ne “ ‘¢ postorbital notch, 
Distance between postorbital processes, 
Palatal length, 
Greatest length of nasals, 
Breadth of muzzle at canines, ‘ 
rf i ‘* midway between canines cane Teo of zygome, 
‘Length of lateral series of teeth (on alveolz), 
Breadth of palate between canines, 

6c a3 “c 66 1st premolars, 
[a4 6c 73 6e 4th premolars, 
G6 ce 66 ee 2d molars, 

Length of mandible, 

Height of coronoid process “URES adigie: 
Length of lateral series of teeth (on alveolz), 
Length of molariform series, 

* Cannot be ascertained because the condyles are broken off. 


Address, seventh presidential ....... iseeedasores xiii, 9-94 
Address, eighth presidential................. xxii, 95-134 
Alaska, travels int. ....... 00: ....0.c0000 645 f atecoedauvena diate: xi 
Alcine cemetery... ie Res BORE: xx 
Almiqui (Solenodon cubanus)........... ..cceccceeeeeeeee x 
Amblystoma, description of larval form............... x 
Amendment to constitution, 20... 0.0... ccc cece cee eesees xi 
Amphiuma, Vertebre@® Of, .........-scecssccccccssececsesce see ix 
Ant-decapitating parasite. ................ccecsessse sess xviii 
Ant nests and their inhabitants, .................08 000 ix 
Anti-pyretics, remarks OD ................ccceeeeveeceeees viii 
Aplodontia, a new species of, ........ ipcceeowh en sennese vii 
PPRDOMB av ecsesctngnecstscte wovlonpicurn eadeocotadatoneratciiies xxi 
Araujia albans as a butterfly catcher........... ..... xiv 
Arvicola (Chilotus) pallidus. xxi 
Autumnal hues of the Columbian flora............... xi 

Bacteria, parasitic, and their relation to Sapro- 
jo RPE pet Eee pres seat AD Sa BUR xii 
Bacteria, peptonizing ferments among............... x 
Baird, announcement of death of.................. xviii 
Baird memorial meeting. .............::00 cesses seeeeeees xxiii 

Baker, Dr. Frank, the foramen of Magendie......xu 
Some unusual muscular variations in 

the Human ‘body: 5.06057 12h ei sse earetcaetends xv 
Baker, Dr. Frank, and J. L. Wortman, recent 
investigations into the mechanism of the 

LE a gi 01: | ie pea erry ay pee 1 a aeeind Ht Unen Saie viii 
Barnard, Dr. W. 8., effects of kerosene on ani- 
mal and vegetable life..................0 Viii 

Barrows, Walter B., does the flying fish fly ?...xviii 
Freshet notes on the Rio Uruguay............xix 
Shape of bill in snail-eating birds.............xxi 

Bat, new species from western states. ......... xii, 1-4 

Bean, Dr. Tarleton H., the trout of North 

Bis a” i ey ay ie aan ix 
American and ‘tacdiien work in deep- 

sea ichthyology compared........... 0.2.2... xv 
The young forms of some of our food 

ODOM orc5 sac estecders xix 
A new species of Thyrsitops from the 

New England fishing banks.................. xix 

Beginnings of American CEPR the third cen- 

WOE a ceasstch i 5 Macy awkasde sm ee mc eb ahaa hedevkast ooksas 9-94 
Beyer, Dr. H. G., remarks on atenics vets a viii 
An atldged method of instructing the 
tts Lit ak SHORE RE ey aiawine- cor BST Ap CGS ONS i eee xi 
The preservation of bottled museum 
BYOCHAGIR ic cs.. see Faverkhontand ses eueces xv 
Action of caffeine upon the kidneys......... xvi 

Bill, shape of, in snail-eating birds xxi 
Biological notes on southern California,..........xvii 
Bind, New to Tapes. v5 ici.cicwvicek ss coisstvavesocdne dwanec xvii 
Birds, new species from Sandwich Islands........ xiv 
Bird rocks of the gulf of St. Lawrence............ xviii — 
Blackfish of our southern waters, ...........0s00s0000 xvi 
Bobolink, ravages of, in rice fields ................. xvii 
Botanical section, .........:ccsscese scccosccsssseccceeseve-eXXV 
Botanical terms, SOMG......5.005 sce vecicesbecsecooccsucasce xix 
PRUTIAIO, GHG Indl Of 555.5524) cocsctcscccocsgscuveghccachedee » xiii 
Caffeine, action of, on the kidneys xvi 
Carrier Shell, protective devices in....... Sad pe tae xviii 
Cervide, rapid disappearance of the shedan- 
tlers of.. ke des suum \useeass san csseht teawepys Rk 
Cetacea, the ‘aherhoaeias of Lei ddalvn eS asidlgcus deve PEE « 
Cetaceans, works published on, since 1886.......... xx 

Chickering, Prof. J. W., Jr., travels in Alaska.......xi 
Civilization as an exterminator of savage races..xvii 

Collins, Capt. J. W., novel facts in the nat- 
ural history of the codfish................00: -sseseees XVI 
Contagious Sea new method of producing 
immunity from............ denecbidnescssad enseel@ tk 
Cope, Prof. E. D., a new fi of iain 
from the District of Columbia.............. xiv 
Hyoid apparatus in urodele batrachians. ..xiv 
Corea, the country and the people... .........-.....00 xv 
Crozier, A. A., on some botanical terms............Xix 
Crustacean tracks on strata of upper Cambrian 
(Potsdam) age... dsivesdianesss swopec eee 
Curtice, Dr. Cooper, # ‘ths timber: ne of Pike's 

Peak...... SOOT ew ee SOOee wee eeeeee ose seccee Perry ® 4 


Dall, William H., exhibition of Lingula pyra- 
PAO GH 255 cdo oj ain dadseoIocd twndbbde vaca tohes ER 2 
Superficial anatomy of species of pecten.....ix 
Amendment to constitution... ............. fe 

Historical notes on the department of 
molluscs of the National Museum......... xi 

Recent-geological explorations in south- 
western FIOriGa. a. 5.055552 ccdcss escecess'ns etessen xvi 

A genus of bivalve molluscs (Cyrenella) 
new to North America.............01ssesesess xvii 

Deltoids, peculiar sexual characters viii 


‘ Page. 
Diospyros kaki, Japanese persimmon ...... xix 
Does the flying fish Ty: 2 o.isecissssiviscet 5.03.5 cccees xviii 
Dynastes tityus, abnormal abundance of... seer 


Eggleston, Dr. Edward, queries concerning 
certain plants and animals known to the first 

colonists of North America..................ceeeeeees xvi 
Elbow joint, recent Cun mecha-~ 

nism of.. Hee Se ce éyasvou Wad 
Endoceras, fossil over eight feet i in Sasa: cadiaiete xxi 
Eskimo art, representations of animal life in.....xvi 
EVOtOMYS Carolinensis........ secre scene sve ccvene escacepes XV 


Fasciation in Ranunculus and Rudbeckia............ “3 
Fauna and flora of the Great Smoky Mountains..xix 
Fenesica tarquineus ............ces.sceeccesees seoves soeeecses vii 

Fish fauna of the south temperate or notalian 

DOB ia. sass pessseee nosaeiccorsscee eve xix 
Fish, explanation of past failures in the culture 
of the Salmonide.. Bs PDS s&s 
Fish, new species of Thyrsitops trond the ibe 
England fishing banks, .,.............c00-scees seceerees xix 
Fishes, Japanese chromolithographs of........... xviii 
Fishes, young forms of some of our food......... xix 
Flora columbiana, additions and changes for 1885 
Florida, recent geological explorations in......... xvi 
Flying Fish, does it fly? .....00. .-csccseeseceeenesseees xviii 
Foramen of Magendic.........cccecees nce cc cecees seoeeees xii 
Fox, description of a new species from Califor- 

BEB woh kiks hades sy ascbene 30h boauoeaswapes tphecbwoes 135-138 
Freshet notes on the Uruguay ...... -...csceeeeeeenes xix 

Geological horizon of unplaced faunas........... xviii 
Gill, Prof. Theodore, characteristics and fam- 
ilies of Iniomous fishes...............0.e000 viii 
TeeNiOSMOUS fiSNES,......cceeee.scceesercee ceececeeeres x 
The fish fauna of the south temperate 
or nobalian-TEAQUM, 665.5555 Osi Bea dive see sieves xix 
The phylogeny of the Cetacea.................. xx 
Goode, G. Brown, exhibition of Japanese 
chromolithographs of fishes.............. Xviii 
The beginnings of natural history in 
America; the third century................. 9-94 
Grasses, NEW SPeCICS Of. ......ceceeceeesercee soneeeer recess vii 
Grasses, recent collection of Mexican......... .... xiv | 
Grasses, notes On Western..........ceceersseeeeeeeeees XVili 

Gray Squirrel, new subspecies from Minnesota, viii 
Great Auk.. 
Great Smoky Mountains, PSA and flora of .....xix 



Hallock, Charles, hyper-instinct in animals....... vii 
The transcontinental range of the moose...xv 
The great Roseau swamp in north-western 
WEPNCBOUS 6555! Labs ces cuaess: sadansr shes sescr tee 
Hesperomys anther (a new pices sieebae’ xvi, 5-8 
Hill, R. T., the true geological horizon of 
some hitherto unplaced faunas, with special 
reference to the Cretaceous of Texas............ xviii 
Hopkins, ©. L., notes relative to the sense of 
smell in the turkey buzzard.. Wye > 4 

+ ne weoees 

Hornaday, William T., the last of the buffalo .. xiii 

Civilization as an exterminator of savage 

POOR Sic csicnavonensnaapesdsiagavaaisssuiicsbacssesaiyeh xvii 
How the great northern sea cow (Rhytina) be- 
came exterminated ............. bidasushteuds dul woods xxi 
Howard, L. Q., a Rock Creek philanthropist......xv 
An ant-decapitating parasite... xviii 
PIV OL OPRY CRE, fais its sa cunsins pokecpapankeassasnkiohanis xv 
Hyoid apparatus in Urodele Batrachians........... xiv 
Hyper-instinct in animals................06 csses eoceenees vii 
Ichthyology, American and European work in 
GeGp SHA, COMPBLOES oo. os aoiscs 5s cerpencanpenssateuness xv 
Iniomous fishes, characteristics and families of, viii 
Insects, some geographical variations in.......... xix 

JAPANESE PETSIMMON. .........cceverecces eae cased soeseeee: xix 
dOtnt Comminsionin.. \.62.i6; Lon cokeeeteeses hore onadbaek vi 
Jouy, P. L., Corea; the country and the peo- 
WUD ici ven ranssus tabseoncaststue ‘ed Pasa Dee eeebabe xv 
A bird new to Japan (Pitta oreas)........... xvii 

Kerosene, effects of on animal and vegetable 
Kidder, Dr. J. H., exhibition of concretions 
and grass Dalls.......00...seesesseees 
Knowlton, F. H., additions to, and changes in, 
the flora columbiana for 1885................ viii 
Fasciation in Ranunculus and Rud- 


The recent shower of pollen in Washing- 
ton, the so-called ‘* sulphur shower ”’....xvii 


Lagenorhynchus, revision Of ZENUS.......0..+++++0+ ep 
Lepidoptera, occurrence of nocturnal, at sea...... xv 

Lingula, a fossil preserving the cast of the ped- 

eeeeesee . secccccee me ‘ 

a Abt ne el oe 


Lingula pyramidata, ...... 2.0... sccsesescceeceeeee tee ceeves ix 
Lucas, Frederick A., notes on the vertebre of 
Amphiuma, Siren, and Menopoma......... ix 
Osteology of the spotted Tinamou, No- 
CHUTE WAC ULOR, oie ioe oss ote asec ces ecvnies xii 
Occurrence of nocturnal Lapdopters at 
GOW. ccacadsts <ccies cavcscsavsus sayccvuaes er tareas aoe Seeib XV 
The os-prominens in Dirds.........001 .seeees: xvii 
The Bird Rocks of the gulf 4 St. Law- 
POMC 1 UBST coos ses ccs Hi RaPivanas cccavere xviii 
An alcine cemetery, the fenihie place of 
the Great Auk on Funk Island.............. x 
Lynx, some distinctive cranial characters........... ix 
Marsilia quadrifolia ........... Jdvokedonclnness senedaverebaeen xi 
Mason, Prof. Otis T., representations of animal 
life in Eskimo art.. re 4 2 
McDonald, Col. Marshall, ‘Railnaiions of iad 
failures in the culture of Salmonide............... xix 
McGee, W. J., the overlapping habitats of 
Sturnella magna and 8, neglecta in Iowa....... xxi 
Menopoma, vertebree Of. 2.0... ...cceee. conscesseaes sescsenes ix 
Merriam, Dr. C. Hart, a new bat (Vespertilio 
ciliolabrum) from the West............ xii, 1-4 
Description of anew: pocket gopher from 
Californie sie Ra Geant a ed has otha xii 

A new species of wood rat (Neotoma bry- 
anti) from Cerros Island, Lower Cali- 

A new species of wood mouse (Evoto- 

mys carolinensis) from the mountains 

Of Northi-Carotine sii nae aeindapeiines xv 
A new species of mouse from New Mex- 

ico (Hesperomys anthonyi)........... xvi, 5-8 
Ravages of the bobolink in the rice fields 

of the south........ isu Sips hedada tones ve oceac xvii 
Fauna and flora of the Great Smoky 

Mountains, in North Carolina and Ten- 

NNCEBBOE, ... cveccdsevece xix 
Description of a new field mouse (Arvicola 

pallidus) from the Bad Lands of north- 

western’ Dakota... ..6.... 0. .ccicece! seeces MD rces xxi 
A new species of Aplodontia from Cali- 

A new sub-species of gray squirrel from 
central Minnesota 
A new species of fox from California, 135-138 

4 “Molluscs, historical notes on department of, in 

National Museum.............., xi 
Molluscs, a genus of bivalve new to North 
; POG Kies kes battens cpp easeutavee hep Vekodbuas shia xvii 
Moose, transcontinental range Of...........-..seeeeeees xv 


dus), from Dakota......... 
_ Mouse, new species from New Mexico (Hesper- 

; omys anthony))........ + see XVi, 5-8 

= description of a new sepia semen palli- 


Mouse, new species from North Carolina (Evo- 
tomys carolinensis) ........ Wanens Senin Seesee Beskatcchich xv 
Mouse, period of gestation in caged white........ xix 
Musical Sounds, effects on animals,................... ix 
Muybridge, E., photographs of animals in 
MEEBO viies rece scares tbtinesdenvees.xsigacesenene Mpateonn scott x1V 
Neotoma bryanti, a new wood rat.......... tas, xiv 
Norris, Dr. Basil, U. S. A., description of 
larval form of an Amblystoma, ...............ceceeeee x 
Nothura maculosa, osteology Of...........csssseerseee- xii 
Occurrence of nocturnal lepidoptera at sea........ XV 
CERORRS TOR BBB. ioc cak ven! ‘cacase’ tdcdiicccccuteiveusoccs iv, xii 
OMicers for LE6B i tT ciswetks sav esecs sack yadaes V, xxi, xxii 
Ceepromunors tt Was, i sles cebs oecduwatassearcosvss xvii 
Palo La Cruz (wood of the Cross)............sesceseesees x 
Pecten, superficial anatomy of species of....... Pros b 
Photographs of animals in motion. .................. xiv 
Pitta oreas, a bird new to Japan ...........6......00. xvii 
Placenta, evolution of, in mammalia................, xix 
Plane tree and its ancestors, .........sscccscesseeves ceoee vii 
Pollen, recent shower of, in Washington.......... xvii 
Pocket gopher, new sub-species.............. piscduscuss xii 

Potomac drinking water, biological analyses of. viii 
Potomac water, quantitative variations in the 

Pornd Wie Oi: i BEGG. sas, ecdsesepvencdcenneagvdc teeta xvi 
Preservation of bottled museum specimens........ xii 
Protective devices in carrier shell, .................. xviii 

Raptores, feeding habits of young.............0006 xxi 
Rathbun, Richard, temperature charts of At- 

lantic coast surface Water............scccsesseseservoes xiii 
Rau, Dr, Charles, announcement of death of...xviii 
Rhytina, how exterminated ..................0085 ev estan MAL 
Riley, Prof. C. V., a carnivorous butterfly 

larva, Fenesica tarquineus..........2... +0... vii 
Biological notes from southern Califor- 

Ps Scns’ eadvc G Yodvoasesineceppdreinntracaniuuebiags xvii 

Rock Creek philanthropist............sccsecosccsssesceees XV 
Roddy, H. Justin, feeding habits of some young 

raptores v's xxi 
Roseau Swamp, the great, ...............2.. cesses coesses Rs 3 
Rostrhamus sociabilis, ..... 22... ...ceesese seeees peeraee xxi 
Ryder, John A., the evolution of the mamma- 

lian placenta............ atretese pedsvceess areiveete isd as aoe 


S . 

Salmon, Dr. D. E., and Dr. Theobald Smith. 
A new method of producing immunity 

from ContagiOUS CiSCASES.......-recesee veeees vii 

Notes on some biological analyses of 
Potomac drinking-water...........eecsereeees viii 
Saturday lectures, 1886, ............cceseee ceeeeeeeneneres xxii 
Saturday lectures, 1887...........eseceeeeceeeeeeeeeeenes xxiii 

Scudder, N. P., the period of gestation in the 
common caged White MOUSE...........eeceee sseereere xix 

Seaman, Prof. W. H., notes on Marsilia quad- 
TAL OU 5 soos snc: nn taped bp solec scnamocueg edn Renn encs snes sen:isebes xi 
Sexual characters in the Deltoids............-.-.0+++ viii 
Siren, vertebrae Of........:ccececeesseeeeecereee eee eeenee sarees ix 

Shufeldt, Dr. R. W., some early, and as yet 
unpublished, drawings of Audubon............-.. viii 
Smith, John B., some peculiar secondary sex- 
al characters in the Deltoids and 
their supposed functions...........66..eeeeee viii 
Ant’s nests and their inhabitants............... ix 
Abnormal abundance of Dynastes tityus.....x 
Some geographical variations of insects ....xix 
Smith, Dr. Theobald, parasitic bacteria and 

their relation to Saprophytes..............+- xii 
Quantitive variations in the germ life of 

Potomac water during 1886................44 xvi 
Peptonizing ferments among bacteria....... Xx 

Smith, Dr. Theobald, and Dr. D. E. Salmon, 
a new method of producing immunity 

from contagious Gisease............ cee. sees vii 
Notes on some biological analyses of Po- 
tomac drinking-water............... «Vili 

Snake, new species from District of Coleieinies. xiv 

Solenodon cubanus, exhibition of a living 
BPCCIMEN Of ...... se0sssseceessssccensesenees snseseceseoens evnees : 

Stearns, Prof. R. E. C., instances of the ef- 

fects of musical sounds on animals.. ...... ix 
The asclepiad plant (Araujia albans) as a 
butterfly catcher .......5...-ccdcereccces veceessar xiv 
The protective devices of the carrier shell, 
Xenophora, ..........068 aiaked cabsoaubstecainauees xviii 
Stejneger, Leonhard, new birds from the 
Sandwich Talanday sf <)ssi oc iieceer liens aawece xiv 
How the great northern sea cow (Rhytina) 
became exterminated.........5 cece sone sedees xxi 
Sturnella magna and §. neglecta, overlapping 
habitats in Towaiis...o5 asiiinciceiecsGias: <feeb cooest xxi 
Sul ph wy: BHO WEE? | s56 sas} ssic0 oc nckavesavedenaveressadss xvii 
Sweden, recent progress of zodlogy im............+. xi 
WONIGKOMIOUS DSNGB.L, ice. ssevar nc suecswnpaesstasdoaninesess x 
Temperature charts of Atlantic coast puttecd 
PRON cashes coach spe etesewnsies: cha caansia ne asta aecekeniss. xiii 



Thyrsitops, new species from the New England 
DROID MBI KS ibs ceouviipciiesdtne sek keguacess deans tukensets xix 
Timber line of: Pike's Peak... ccsssicsespooencesnve spcs'es xx 
Tropidonotus bisectus...,....... ...00 Beg hana one kl 
TTOUt Of -NOrth \AMAGIIGE vos isssascsspssadsux sespecsioerionss ix 

True, F. W., some distinctive cranial char- 
acters of the Canadian lynx .............c000 ix 

A revision of the genus Lagenorhynchus...,..x 
Exhibition of a dies Solenodon cu- 

banus.. eaaas piekecuaaae 

The blackfish ore our pees payee Saas xvi 
Review of some of the more important 

works on cetaceans published since 1886. xx 
Trybom, Dr. Filip, on recent progress of zoOl- 

ORS IB WOOT sai csscctsnnia sadeascas ahuswaees sacaberecsausel xi 
Turkey buzzard, sense of smell in..,...............04. xx 

Van Diemen, H. E., the Japanese persimmon 
(Diospyros Kak) «ics cstecccsieessssessve crassa xix 
Exhibition of cluster of fruit of the date 
palm (Phoenix dactylifera) ............0...00005 xx 
Vasey, Dr. George, new and recent species of 
North American grasses. . ....ccsseccseeeseeses vii 
A recent. collection of Mexican grasses 
made by Dr. EB. Palmer .o.isci is csies ss. xiv 
Notes on western QTasses.......seseecess eevee ‘xviii 
Vespertilio Ciliolabrum..........ccseesesseseseeeeees xii, 1-4 

Walcott, C. D., crustacean tracks found on 
strata of upper Cambrian (Potsdam) age. xii 

A fossil lingula preserving the cast of 

the peduncle, from the Hudson Ter- 

rane, near Rome, N. Y........ sesseseeeeeeeees xx 
Exhibition of section of fossil endoceros 
over eight feet in length.......... vide conmetets xxi 
Ward, Prof. Lester F., the plane tree and its 
BUICEBLOLB. viises ovia'sa sess sad seas inwsdonnasepuns cases vii 
Exhibition of specimen of the Palo la 
Cruz, or Wood Of the CrOSS. .........00+seeeeeee: x 

Autumnal hues of the Columbian flora.......xi 
White, Dr. C. A., the rapid disappearance of 

the shed antlers of the Cervide xx 
Wortman, J. L., and Dr. Frank Baker on recent 
investigations into the mechanism of the el- 

bow joint........ 


Xenophora, protective devices in 

bi a. 





FEBRUARY II, 1888, TO JANUARY I0, 18go0. 


_ 1890 


R. E. C. STEARNS, Chairman. 



Officers and Committees for 1389 2° 0 oo cae a as iv 
Officers: and ‘Cominittees: for: 1S9e 50 ee ae ee eee 
Joint @Garmitaion: for 2890 3 eo ee eR eae vi 
’ Proceedings, February 11, 1888, to January 24,1890 . . . ~ vii-xxiv 
Addresses and Communications : 
Deep Sea Mollusks and the Conditions under which they 
Lave; by Wi i. Dall (May 2, 1800") 5 i So ae ee 
The Course of Biologic Evolution, by Lester F. Ward (May 
Ry LOMO 8G Po ae Se Ee Pe Sache NA Se 

*Author’s separates of the papers especially enumerated were published on the dates 
given in the parentheses following the author’s name. 









LESTER F. WARD, President. 



Commuttee on Communications. 


Committee on Publications. 
. C. HART MERRIAM, Chairman. 

Committee on Trees and Shrubs of Washington. 
LESTER F. WARD, Chairman. 
Members of Joint Commission. 


* Mr. Smith resigned his office in February and Mr. L,. O. Howard was elected by the 
Council to fill the vacancy. 
+ Ex-Presidents of the Society. 














LESTER F. WARD, President. : 


Committee on Communications. 

. FREDERIC A. LUCAS, Chairman. 

Commuttee on Publications. 
R. EB. C. STEARNS, Chatrman. 
Committee on Trees and Shrubs of Washington. 

LESTER F. WARD, Chatrman. 


* Ex-Presidents of the Society. 


The following gentlemen represent for the year, 1890, their 
respective Societies upon the Joint Commission formed in: 

February, 1888. 

Anthropological Society...DR. ROBERT FLETCHER, 
Biological Society... LESTER F. WARD, 
, C. Hart MERRIAM, 

Chemical Soctety..........-.... Dr. C. A. CRAMPTON. 
Geographic Soctety............... G. G. HUBBARD, 

Philosophical Society............ Capr. C. EF. Dutron, 
; W. C. WINLtOcK, 
Marcus BAKER. 



Ser ay ee ER ee ee 


February 11, 1888. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-two members present. 

The President announced the death of Dr. ‘Asa Gray, of 
Cambridge, and of Mr. G. W. Tryon, of Philadelphia. 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam presented a communication entitled A / 
NEw Fox FROM CALIFORNIA.* Discussed by Mr. Ward and 
Mr. Fernow. : | 

Mr. Robert T. Hill read a paper on THE VARIATIONS OF 
EXOGYRA COSTATA, and a second paper entitled GRYPHEA 

' PITCHERI. Discussed by Dr. Dall. 

Prof. C. V. Riley read a communication on THE INSECTI- 
Mr. Fernow and Mr. Hallock. 

A paper by Dr. Theodore Gill—THE CHARACTERS OF THE 
FAMILY ELACATIDA {—was read by Dr. T. H. Bean. 

February 25, 1888. 

Vice-President Ward in the chair, and thirty-four members 
present. : 

* 1888. Merriam, C. Hart. Description of a new Fox from Southern 
California [ Vulpes macrotis] <Proc.. Biol. Soc. Washn., Vol. iv, pp. 

t 1889. Riley, C. V. The Insectivorous Habits of the English Spar- 
row <Bulletin No. 1. Division of Ornithology, U.S. Dept. Agric., pp. 

-T11-133. Issued June 24, 1889. 

¢ 1888. Gill, Theodore. The Characteristics of the Elacatids <Proc. 
U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. x, 612-614, 1887, pl. xxxix. Issued Sept. Ig. 1888. 


Mr. F. W. True read a paper on the CHANGES IN THE CAT- 

On motion of Mr. Goode, Mr. True was requested to com- 
plete the review for presentation at a future meeting, 

Dr. TI. H. Bean presented a paper entitled DistrrBuTIon 
Dr. Vasey, Dr. Merriam, and Messrs. Goode, Cope, and. True. 

Dr. Cooper Curtice read a paper on SOME EARLY STAGES IN 
number of members, among them Messrs. True, Cope, Riley, 
Mason, Goode, Howard, Merriam, and VanDeman. 

March 10, 1888. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-five members present. 

‘Mr. F. W. True completed his review of the CHANGES IN 
1877. Discussed by Messrs. Goode, Dall, and Merriam. 

Dr. Theodore Gill presented a review of THE CLASSIFICA- 

Dr. George Vasey read a paper on the FOREIGN TREES AND 
cussed by Messrs. True, Vasey, Riley, Stejneger, and VanDe- 


March 24, 1888. 

Vice-President Riley in the chair, and thirty ss ae members 

* 7888. American Naturalist, April. 

+ 1888. The Life History of 7znia pectinata < <Science, Vol. xi, p. 1 137, 
March 23, 1888. 

t+ 1889. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 

MR ano ee ee en 


Dr. Cooper Curtice read a paper on TAa‘NIA FIMBRIATA, A 

Mr. Charles Hallock presented a paper entitled THE REVER- 
cussed by Dr. Merriam, Prof. Cope, Dr. Curtice, and Mr. 

April 7, 1888. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-nine members present. 

The President announced that the Council recommend that. 
the Society participate in the joint commission of the scientific 
societies of Washington, and, upon motion, it was resolved 
that the Society adopt the recommendation of the Council. 

The President appointed Messrs. Richard Rathbun and C. 
Hart Merriam to act with himself as commissioners from the 
Biological Society. 

Captain J. W. Collins read a paper entitled THE Work OF 

Mr. Chas. D. Walcott presented a communication on CAm- 

Dr. Theobald Smith presented a paper on THE DESTRUC- 
Discussed by Dr. Salmon. 

* 1888. Tenia fimbriata; The Tape-worm in Sheep. < Science, 
Vol. xi, p. 261, June 1, 1888. 

Also, Rept. Bureau Animal Industry, Dept. Agric., 1887-1888, pp. 167— 
187, plate. . : 

t 1888. Forest and Stream, May Io. 

¢ 1888. Am. Journ. Sci., Vol. 36, pp. 161-166. 


April 21, 1888. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-five members present. 

Mr. F. W. True read a communication on THE AFFINITIES 
OF THE WHITE WHALE. Discussed by Dr. Merriam and Dr. 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam presented notes on A BAT NEw TO 
NortuH AMERICAN MAMMALS. Discussed by Mr.’ True. 

Prof. C. V. Riley read a paper entitled NorEs on PLATY- 
PSYLLUS.* Discussed by Mr. Dall. 

Dr. Geo. Vasey read Part II of his paper on FoREIGN TREES 
Discussed by Messrs. VanDeman, Ward, and Riley. 

May 5, 1888. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-two members present. 

Dr. R. E. C. Stearns read a paper on INSTANCES OF MuTa- 
by Mr. Lucas. 

Mr. C. L. Hopkins preacsited NOTES UPON POLLENATION OF 
THE NAVEL ORANGES. Discussed by Messrs. Ward, VanDe- 
man, Alwood and Dall. , 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam read A DESCRIPTION OF A NEW 
Prpomys.t Discussed by Mr. True. 

Prof. L. F. Ward presented a communication entitled ON 


* 1889. ‘Insect Life, Vol. I, p. 300. 

+ 1888. Merriam, C. Hart. Description of a new Prairie Meadow 
Mouse (Arvicola austerus minor) from Dakota and Minnesota < Am. 
Nat., July, 1888, 598-601, figs. of skull and teeth. 


May I9, 1888. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-two members present. 

Mr. F. W. True read some NOTES ON THE HAWAIIAN BAT. 
Discussed by Mr. Stejneger. 

Mr. W. TT. Hornaday read a paper on MAN-EATING CROCO- 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam presented notes on THE NoRTH AMER- 
Discussed by Mr. True, Prof. Cope, and Prof. Riley. 

Mr. F. A. Lucas read a paper on THE AFFINITIES OF 
CHAMaAiA. Discussed by Mr. Stejneger: 

June 2, 1888. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-four members present. 

Mr. F. H. Knowlton read a paper on THE FossiL Woop OF 
Ward, Gill, Merriam, and Rathbun. 

Mr. W. B. Alwood presented a paper on THE ARTIFICIAL 

Mr. F. A. Lucas noted SomME Aukouceures IN THE RIBS 
oF Brirps.* Discussed by Dr. Gill. 

October 20, 1888. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-nine members present. 

Mr. L. O. Howard exhibited. and explained AN APPARATUS 
Roots. Discussed by Dr. Merriam and Mr. Ward. 

* 1888. The Auk, July. 


Mr. Lester F. Ward read a paper on THE KiNG DEvIL.* 
Discussed by Dr. Merriam and Messrs, Seaman and Ulke. 

Mr. Jno. B. Smith read a paper entitled SOME REMARKS ON 
Messrs. Ward, Ulke, and Mann. 

Dr. Theodore Gill gave a review of THE FAMILIES OF 
FisHEs. Discussed by Messrs. Ward, Mann, Stejneger, Dall, 
and Fernow. 

November 3, 1888. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-one members present. 

Mr. F. H. Knowlton presented a paper on Fossi1, Woop 
\ Mr. W. H. Dall read a paper entitled T= MODIFICATIONS 

Dr. Theodore Gill described THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam described A NEw SprEcres oF ARVI- 

November 17, 1888. 

The President in the chair, and forty persons present. 
Mr. Lester F. Ward read a paper on A COMPREHENSIVE 

* 1889. Botanical Gazette, Vol. XIV, pp. 10-17, January, 

7 1888. Insect Life, Vol. I, p. 180, December. 

{ 1888. The American Geologist, Vol. III, No. 2. pp. 99-106. 

21889. Results incorporated in Report on Blake Gasteropods, Bull. 
Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. XVIII. 

|| 1888. Merriam, C. Hart. Description of a New Species of Meadow 
Mouse [Arvicola longicauda] from the Black Hills of Dakota <Am. 
Nat., Oct. 1888, 934-935, figs. of teeth. 



Dr. Cooper Curtice described the SEXUAL DIFFERENCES IN 

December 1, 1888. 

Vice-President Ward in the Chair, and twenty-eight persons 


Dr. C. Hart Merriam gave a description of A NEw GRoUND 
SQUIRREL FROM CALIFORNIA.{ Discussed by Prof. Riley and 
Mr. True. . 

Mr. F. W. True made some REMARKS ON THE DEER OF 
CENTRAL AMERICA.§ Discussed by Dr. Merriam. 

Prof. C. V.. Riley read a paper entitled NOTES ON THE 

Mr. B. E. Fernow discussed THE CAUSES OF CONFIGURA- 
TION OF TREES. Discussed by Prof. Riley and Mr. Ward. 

December 15, 1888. 

Vice-President Ward in the chair, and twenty-nine persons 

* 7888. Abstract in Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sci. Vol. XX XVII, pp. 199-201. 

7 1888. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 

'{ 1888. Merriam C. Hart. Description of a new Spermophile ve 
California. (Spermophilus beldingi). <Amnnals N. Y. Acad. Sci. 
317-321, fig. skull. Separates issued December. 

2 1888. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., pp.. 417-424. 

'1888. Insect Life, Vol. I, p. 168. 



Mr. L. F. Ward read a paper on FortTUuITOUS VARIATION 
TION OF SPECIMENS.* Discussed by Dr. Merriam, Mr. Goode, 
Prof. Riley; and by Messrs. Stejneger, Vasey, Mann, and 
Seaman. : : : 

Prof. Riley read a NOTE ON A HUMAN PARASITE. 

‘Mr. E. S. Burgess presented a paper on the discovery of 

December 29, 1888. 

Vice-President Merriam in the chair, and forty-nine members 

Dr. Theobald Smith read a paper on CONTAGION AND IN- 
Prentiss and Dr. Schaeffer. 

Mr. F. A. Lucas presented some NOTES ON THE DISEASES 
OF MENAGERIE ANIMALS. Discussed by Dr. Merriam, Dr. 
Salmon, Prof. Atwater, and Messrs. Goode, Hornaday, and 
True. : 

‘Mr. Th. Holm read NoTes ON HYDROCOTYLE AMERI- 
CANA.T . | ; 

January 12, 1889. 

(Ninth Annual Meeting.) 

The President in the chair, and forty members present. 

The following amendment to the Constitution was proposed 
by the President : ; 

* 1889. Abstract in Nature (London), July 25, p. 310. 
ft 1889. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xi, pp. 455-462, Plates xlvi, xlvii. 



In Article X, first line, substitute for ‘‘two,’’ the word 
‘‘three,’’ so that the phrase shall read ‘‘ the annual fee [shall 
be] three dollars.”’ 

The annual reports of the Secretary and Treasurer were read 
and accepted. 

The following beard of cfficers was elected for the ensuing 
year : 

President—Lester F. Ward. 

Vice-Presidents—Prof. C. V. Riley, Richard Rathbun, Dr. C. 
Hart Merriam, and Dr. Frank Baker. 

Secretaries—F. A. Lucas, Jno. B. Smith. 

Treasurer—F. H. Knowlton. 

Additional Members of the Council—Dr. 'T. H. Bean, Dr. R. 
E. C. Stearns, F. W. True, Dr. Geo. Vasey, C. D. Walcott. 

Jantiary 26, 1880. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-seven persons 
present. | 

Dr. Cooper Curtice read a paper ON THE SHEEP TICK— 
MELOPHAGUS OVINUS LINN.* Discussed by Prof. Riley, Mr. 
Howard, and Dr. Merriam. 

Dr. George Vasey gave some notes on NEW SPECIES OF 
Discussed by Mr. Ward. 

Mr. Th. Holm presented a communication ‘entitled Con’TrI- 
cussed by Dr. Vasey, and Messrs. Ward, Coville, and Mann. 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam called attention to A NEw SPECIES oF 
Pika (LAGomys).+ Discussed by Mr. Knowlton. 

* 1890 (?). In process of publication in Bull.—, Bureau Animal In- 
dustry, U. S. Dept. Agric. 

+ 1889. Merriam, C. Hart. Description of a New Species of Pika 
(Lagomys schisticeps) from the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. 
<North American Fauna, No. 2, Oct. 1889, 11-13, pl. viii, figs. 1-6 


- February 9, 1889. 3 

The President in the chair, and thirty-seven persons 

The amendment to the constitution proposed at the canes 
meeting was brought up for discussion and adopted. 

Mr. B. T. Galloway described A DISEASE OF THE SyCa- 
MORE.* Discussed by Mr. Crozier and Dr. Vasey. 

Dr. Thomas Taylor exhibited and Described A NEw FREEz- 
ING MICROTOME.t Discussed by Dr. Th. Smith. 

Mr. A. A. Crozier discussed THE INFLUENCE OF FOREIGN 
POLLEN ON FRuItT. Discussed by Prof. Riley, and Messrs. 
Seaman and Hopkins. 

Mr. J. N. Rose read a paper on THE GEOGRAPHICAL Dis- 

TRIBUTICN OF THE 5 UMEETEE ERAS S .[ Discussed by Dr. Mer- 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam gave a description of A NEw AND RE- 
Mr. True. 

| February 23, 1889. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-six persons present. 
The President announced that the council had elected Mr. 
L. O. Howard recording ahaa in place of Jno. B. Smith 


* 1888. Repreduced in a paper by Miss E. A. Southworth in Ann. 
Rept. Dept. Agr. — | 

tT 1888. Science, Dec. 21. 

$1888. Coulter and Rose. Revision of the N. A. Umbelliferzee. <Her- 
barium of Wabash College, December. 

% 1889. Merriam, C. Hart. [Included in] Description of a new Genus 
(Phenacomys), and four new Species of Arvicoline. <N. Am. Fauna, 
No. 2, Oct., 18809, 27-35 pls. ii, iii, iv, vi, and vii. 

CP ARRON ty PO ME Re eh, SO A ee 


Mr. EK. M. Hasbrouck gave a communication entitled A 
by Dr. Merriam. : 

Mr. M. B. Waite read two short fapers under the titles — 
Discussed by Mr. Ward. 

Mr. C. D. Walcott gave a note ON THE GENUS OLENOIDES 
oF MEEK.* Discussed by Mr. Ward. 

Mr. LL. Stejneger presented some NOTES ON PaLLAs’ Cor- 
MORANT.+ Discussed by Mr. Lucas. 

Mr. F. V. Coville read a paper entitled THE Fruit oF 
STIPA SPARTEA. Discussed by Dr. Curtice and Mr. Waite. _ 

Dr. Merriam exhibited specimens of a new species of Ground 
Hog or Marmot of the genus Arctomys.}t | 

March g, 1889. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-four persons present. 

Prof. W. B. Barrows read a paper on DANGEROUS SEED- 
PLANTING BY THE CROW. Discussed by Drs. Merriam 
and Vasey, and Messrs. Seaman, True, Ward, and Howard. 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam described A NEw SPECIES OF GROUND 

Mr. C. D. Walcott presented a communication entitled THE 

* 1888. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 442. 

fT 1889. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 

$1889. Merriam, C. Hart. Description of a New Marmot [Arctomys 
dacota] from the Black Hills of Dakota. SN. Am. Fauna, No. 2, Oct. 
1889, 7-9, pl. viii, figs 7 and 8. 

% 1889. Merriam, C. Hart. Description , a new Species of Ground 
Squirrel [Zamias leucurus| from the arid lands of the Southwest. 
<N. Am. Fauna, No. 2, Oct., 1889, 19-21. 

|| To be published in roth Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv. 


March 23, 1889. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-four persons present. 
Mr. W. H. Seaman read a paperon OUR PRESENT KNOWL- 
EDGE OF THE ROTIFERA. Discussed by Mr. Knowlton. 
Mr. C. L. Hopkins presented A Pornt oF DEFINITION rela- 
tive to the use of the terms hybrid and cross. 

April 6, 1889. 

The President in the chair, and fifteen members present. 

On account of the small attendance and the absence of paper- 
readers (due to very inclement weather), the program was 
rostponed until the following meeting. 

: Set 20, 1889. | 

The President in the chair, and twenty-one members present. 

The death of Dr. J. H. Kidder, an active member of: the . 
Society was announced by the President. 

Mr. J. F. James presented a paper entitled THe Erfrecr oF 
-RAIN UPON EARTH-WORMS.} Discussed by Drs. Merriam and 
W. H. Fox, and Messrs. True and Ward. 

Mr. F. W. True read a paper on the OccURRENCE OF 
cussed by Drs. Merriam and Curtice. 

*1889. Incorporated in Report on Blake seman tees Bull. Mus. 
Comp. Zool., Cambridge, Mass., Vol. XVIII. 
T 1889. en: Nat. , August. Baca Dec. 15, 1889. 

TES ee TMC Ore, ae ee 


_ Dr. C. Hart Merriam described A Nkrw GENUS AND TWO 
AMERICA.*  (Phenacomys celatus and P. latimanus). Dis- 
cussed by Mr. True. 

cussed by Mr. Ward. 

May 4, 1889. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-eight members 
present. é 

Mr. W. T. Hornaday exhibited and discussed a living speci- | 
men of THE BLACK-FOOTED FERRET (Puforius nigripes. 
Discussed by Dr. Merriam. 

Mr. B. E. Fernow read a paper on ANNUAL RING- 
GROWTH IN TREES. Discussed by Dr. Vasey, and Messrs. 
Vandeman, Ward, and True. 

Dr. Theobald Smith presented a communication on PARA- 
THE Mousk.t Discussed by Drs. Baker and Curtice. 

Mr. H. E. VanDeman described THE Tropica, FRuits 


May 18, 1889. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-one members present. 
Dr. C. Hart Merriam described Two NEw SPECIES OF 

* 1889. Merriam, C. Hart. Description of /henacomys celatus. <N. 
Am. Fauna, No. 2, Oct. 1889, 33-34. 
7 1889. Journal. Comp. Med. and Surg. July. 


philus mohavensis and S. neglectus).* Discussed by Mr. True. 

Dr. Cooper Curtice presented a paper entitled How EnTozoA 
CAUSE DISEASE. Discussed by Mr. Seaman, and Dr.. ‘Th. 

Mr. F. W. True exhibited and discussed A SKULL OF A 
Discussed by Drs. Curtice> Merriam, Gill, and Messrs. Ward, 
True, and Murdoch. 

Mr. I,.. O. Howard presented NOTES ON SPIDER BITEs.t 
Discussed by Drs. Merriam, Fletcher, Smith, Marx, and Fox. 

June 1, 1889. 

The President in the chair, and thirty members present. 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam presented A REVISION OF THE 
TIONS OF NEW SPECIES.{ Discussed by Mr. True. 

Mr. C. D. Walcott read a paper entitled DESCRIPTIONS OF 

* 1889. Merriam, C. Hart. Description of a new Spermophile from 

Southern California [Sper mophilus mohavensis|. <N. Am. Fauna, No. 
2, Oct. 1889, 15-16. ¢ 
1889. Merriam, C. Hart. Desceipeiot of a new Spermophile from 
Northwestern Arizona [,Spermophilus Res J, <N, Am. Fauna, No. 

2, Oct. 1889, 17. 

+ 1888. Insect Life, Vol. I, p. 347. 

t 1889. Merriam C. Hart. Descriptions of two new species and one 
new subspecies of Grasshopper Mouse, with a diagnosis of the genus 
Onychomys, and a synopsis of the species and subspecies. <N. Am. 
Fauna, No. 2, Oct. 1889, 1-5, pl. I and figs. in text. 

1889. Merriam C. Hart. Preliminary Revision of the N. A. Pocket 
Mice (Genera FPerognathus et Cricetodipus Auct.) with descriptions of 
new species and subspecies aud a key to the known forms. <N. Am. 
Fauna, No. 1, Oct. 1889, 1-29, pl. I-Iv. | 

Z 1889. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. Vol. 12, pp. 34-46. 



Mr. J. F. James read a paper on THE FLORAS OF SOUTH- 
Dall, Gill, Fernow, Merriam, and Ward, 

Mr. V. A. Moore presented some NOTES ON THE Mor- 

“October 19, 18809. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-four members present. 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam described A NEW SPERMOPHILE FROM 

Mr. Th. Holm presented a paper on the ANCESTORS | OF 
LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFER4. Discussed by Dr. Vasey, and — 
Messrs. C. D. White, and Ward. 

Dr. Theodore Gill spoke ON THE DACTYLOPTEROIDEA. 

November 2, 188g. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-seven members 

Prof. C. V. Riley read a paper on THE REMARKABLE IN- 


Dr. George Marx read a paper entitled A NEw SPIDER AND 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam presented a communication entitled 
True and Dr. Gill. 


November 16, 1889. 
(Postponed Ninth Anniversary Meeting.) 

The ninth anniversary meeting (postponed from its regular 
date on account of Mr. Dall’s illness) was held in the law 
lecture hall of Columbian University, Nov. 16, 1889. A large 
audience of members and guests was present. 

The former President, Mr. W. H. Dall, delivered an address 

November 30, 18809. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-eight members 

Dr. D. E. Salmon read a paper entitled GENERAL REMARKS 

Dr. Theobald Smith followed with a paper on THE MIcRo- 
ORGANISMS OF TEXAS FEVER.{ The discussion upon both 
papers was participated in “s Prof. Riley, and Drs. Curtice, 
Salmon, and Smith. 

Mr. C. D. Walcott described A NEw GENUS AND SPECIES . 

December 14, 1889. 

The President in the chair, and one hundred and four per- 
sons present. 

' * Published in this volume. See pp. I-22. 
+ 1890. Report Proceedings Public Health Assoc. for 1889 (In press). 
¢ 1889.. Medical News, Nov. 4. 
% 1889. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 12. 


Dr. C. Hart Merriam delivered an address on the GENERAL 
ciscO MOUNTAIN REGIONS. Discussed by Messrs. Walcott, 
Diller, VanDeman, and Ward. 

: December 28, 1889. 

Vice-President Merriam in the chair, and nineteen members 

Dr. A. F. A. King read a paper on THE FLIGHT OF YOUNG 
Birps. Discussed by Messrs. VanDeman, Merriam, Simpson, 
and Wood. | 

Mr. M. B. Waite spoke ON A METHOD BY WHICH THE. 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam described A NEW REpD-BACKED 

Mr. Th. Holm presented a paper on the GENERIC CHARAC- 
Messrs. Waite, Merriam, Howard, and Seaman. 

January 10, 18go0. 

(Tenth Annual Meeting). 

The President occupied the chair, and nineteen members 
were present. : 

The annual reports of the Secretary and Treasurer were 
read and accepted. : 

The following board of officers was elected for the ensuing 
year : 

President.—Lester F. Ward. 

Vice-Presidents.—Prof. C. V. Riley, Dr. C. Hart Merriam, 
Richard Rathbun, and Dr. Frank Baker. 


Secretaries.—F. A. Ijicas, and L. O. Howard. 
Treasurer.—F. H. Knowlton. 

Additional Members of the Council_—C. D. Walcott, F. W. 
True, Dr. T. H. Bean, Dr. Geo. Vasey, and Dr. R. E: C. 

January 24, 18g0. 

(Tenth Anniversary Meeting.) 

The tenth anniversary meeting was held in the law lecture 
room of Columbian University, January 24, 1890; one hun- 
dred and three members and guests present. 
The President, Lester F. Ward, delivered his annual address 
on the subject THE CouRSE oF BIoLOGIC EVOLUTION.” 

* Published in this volume. See p. 23. 



I propose on the present occasion to lay before you a state- 
ment of the conditions which characterize the life of Mollusks 
in the Deep Sea, so far as they are known to us, and to discuss 
briefly the effect of these conditions upon the animals subjected . 
to them; the contrast which their life presents to that of shallow- 
water mollusks ; the peculiarities preserved or the modifications 
induced by the special environment ; together with some notes 
on interesting or remarkable forms discovered in deep water. 

Once for all, it must be understood that exploration of the 
deep sea fauna has only begun; that the area swept by the 
trawl and dredge compared with that which remains unknown, 
is almost infinitesimal; and, of the material secured by 
dredging, a large portion is fragmentary and imperfect. In, 
short what we know about the deep-sea mollusks can only be 
regarded as a foretaste of that knowledge which future years 
may be expected to supply. 

In an address of this sort bibliographical references would be 
out of place. I will only say that the literature of the subject is 
almost wholly confined to the publications of the last twenty 
years, and consists in large part of the reports by various spec- 

* Annual] Presidential Address delivered at the Ninth Anniversary 
Meeting of the Biological Society, November 16, 1889, in the law lecture 
room of the Columbian University. 


ialists on such voyages as those of the British vessels, Lightning, 
Porcupine, Valorous and Challenger; the French 7alisman, and 
Travilleur; the Norwegian, North Atlantic Expedition ; and 
the explorations of our own Coast Survey, Fish Commission, 
and Navy on the Blake, the Fish Hawk, the Albatross, and 
other well known vessels. ‘The most distinguished naturalists 
of this country and of Europe have added to their reputation 
by the investigation of the wonderful fauna revealed by these 
explorations. The most extensive and important single series 
of Scientific Reports ever published as the result of a single 
expedition are those which bear the name of the Challenger 
upon their capacious covers. Next to these come the Reports 
of the United States Fish Commission, under the leadership of 
Prof. Baird, and then follows a host of minor documents which 
it is impossible to enumerate at the present time. 

What I have to present to you this evening is rather a dis- 
cussion of conditions and principles than an exhibit of particu- 
lar facts or observations. 

In order that their existence may be maintained the abyssal 
mollusks require oxygen to zerate their circulation, food to eat, 
and a foothold upon which they may establish themselves. It 
_is necessary that the conditions should be such as will not pre- 
vent the development of the eggs by which successive genera- 
tions are propagated, and that they do permit it may be 
assumed from the very fact that mollusks in large numbers 
have been shown beyond all question to exist on the oceanic 
floor wherever this has been explored. 

Formerly when dredging with the usual appliances in small 
boats, one hundred fathoms (six hundred feet) was considered 
extremely deep. If one stands at the foot of the great Wash- 
ington obelisk and looks up, the idea of collecting a satisfac- 
tory representation of the insects and plants on the ground at. 

- eee 


its base by dragging a six foot trawl or dredge by a line let 
down from the apex of the monument, strikes one as prepos- 
terous. Yet the monument is less than one hundred fathoms 
high. Multiply this height ten or fifteen times and the idea 
seems, if possible, still more unreasonable, yet it is a fact that 
successful dredging has been done from a height above the sea- 
bottom of not less than twenty-five times the height of the 
Washington monument. Living animals have been secured 
from a depth equalling the distance from the Capitol to Rock 
Creek, or from the Washington monument to the mansion at 
Arlington, that is to say about two and a half miles. 

It is therefore evident that in speaking of dredging, we must 
revise our terms and define them so as to conform more nearly 
to the new conditions under which such work is done. _ 

The waters immediately adjacent to the shores were long 
ago divided by Forbes and other pioneers in marine exploration 
into zones or areas according to the conditions characterizing . 
them ; as, for instance, the Laminarian zone or region of brown 
kelp, the Coralline zone or region of stony alge, &c. But for 
general purposes and to contrast the areas of the whole sea, 
one with another according to their chief characteristics, we 
may now divide the entire sea bottom into three regions. 

The first is that to which light can penetrate and therefore 
where marine vegetation can exist. This is the Litoral region 
and in a general way, modified by especial conditions at par- 
ticular places, it may be regarded as extending from the actual 
shore out to the limit of one hundred fathoms. Beyond this it 
is practically certain that no light reaches the bottom of the ~ 
sea and no sea weeds grow. Outside of this the borders of the 
continents slope gradually to the bottom of the ocean, which 
is found usually at a depth of about 2,500 fathoms. 

On the upper parts of these continental slopes the conditions 


are often very favorable for marine life. Currents of compara- 
tively warm water, like the Gulf Stream, sweep along bring- 
ing fresh pure water and supplies of food to the animals along 
their track. The division between the abysses and the slopes 
‘is rather a matter of temperature than of mere depth. But 
the temperature itself is somewhat dependent on the depth, 
the influence of the great warm currents rarely extending 
below seven or eight hundred fathoms and this depth corre- 
sponds roughly to a temperature of about forty degrees Fah- 
renheit. Below this it diminishes as the depth increases, at 
the rate of about one-tenth of a degree to one hundred fathoms 
until the freezing point is reached, though there is no reason 
to suppose that the abyssal water ever actually becomes con- 
gealed. : 

To this cold dark area of the Ocean bottom has been applied 
the name of the Benthal or Abyssal region. 

To the region, chiefly on the continental slopes, between the 
Litoral and Abyssal regions, I gave some years ago the name 
of the Archibenthal Region. 

These divisions have been recognized by various writers and 
have had several terms applied to them. Those I have men- 
tioned seem to me as characteristic as any, and in some respects 
more convenient than any I have heard used. 

Let us now consider the conditions under which life exists 
in the Abyssal and Archibenthal regions. It may be premised 
that the differences between them are largely of degree and 
not of kind and do not require that the two BeRIOnS should be 
considered separately. | 

The chief characteristics reside in the composition of the sea 
water, including its contained gases; in the dynamic status of 
the deeps, especially in relation to’ temperature and pressure ; 


in the mechanical qualities of the materials of which the 
oceanic floor is composed ; and, lastly, in the food supply. | 

As determined by physicists and chemists the water of the 
deep sea varies in the proportions of mineral salts, carbonic 
acid and air contained in it very much as does the surface 
water. In general at the surface the warmer water of the 
tropics has the more salt and the less nitrogen. When carried 
by currents to the Polar regions, and cooled, this tropical wat:r 
sinks to the bottom carrying its excess of salt along with it. 
The Polar waters are less saline and contain more nitrogen. 
The proportion of atmospheric air in the water is found strictly 
related to the temperature, the pressure at great depths being 
regarded as having no bearing on the question. The amount of 
oxygen in the sea water diminishes gradually as we descend 
from the surface until about 350 fathoms is reached, when it 
ceases to change or at most increases slightly until the bottom 
is attained. | 

Carbonic acid, according to Tornce, does not exist in a free 
state in sea water, but only in the form of carbonates or to a less 
degree of bicarbonates. Unless the decomposition: of animal 
matter in some manner sets free the carbonic acid, this con- 
clusion is one which cannot be adopted without question, espe- 
cially when we consider the great difficulties which are en- 
countered in any attempt to obtain, or when obtained to ana- 
lyze, abyssal water. ‘The effect of erosion on the shells dredged, 
from the deeps, even when they contain the living animal, is 
so strongly marked, the devices for protection against erosion 
are so recognizable in various species, that the biologist may 
well call the physicist to a halt, while the latter re-examines his 
data. It is certain that erosive agencies, of which the effects 
are indistinguishable from those known to be due to carbonic 
acid in other instances, are extremiely active in the deeps. 



In general it seems as if we might safely assume that the com- 
position of abyssal sea water shows no very important differ- 
ences from that of other sea water and that the animals exist- 
ing in it are not exposed to any peculiar influences arising from 
- this source alone. , | 

- This cannot be said of the physical conditions. Everyone 
knows how oppressive to the bather is the weight of the sea 
water at only a few feet below the surface, and how difficult it 
is to dive, still more to remain on the bottom, if only for a few 
seconds. : 

But it is difficult to convey any adequate idea of the pressure 
at such a depth as 2,000 fathoms, or about two miles below the 

Rope made impervious by tarring is said to have become 
reduced one-third in its diameter by a descent into these depths. 
Any hollow object not pervious or elastic, is at once crushed. 
There is no doubt that at some points on the ocean floor the 
pressure may amount to several tons to the square inch. 

If we recall that the average pressure in steam boilers is pro- 
bably much less than one hundred pounds to the square inch 
it may help toward an appreciation of the abyssal conditions. 

The inevitable conclusion is, therefore, that all the animals 
living under these conditions must have their tissues so consti- 
tuted as to permit the free permeation of the water through 
every part in order that the pressure may be equalized. How 
this is possible without putting an end to all organic functions 
is perhaps the greatest mystery of abyssal life. How can a 
large egg, like those of various deep-sea animals, pass through 
the stages of segmentation and development, with every mole- 
cule of its structure in actual contact with ordinary sea water — 
and every solid particle subjected to a pressure of say a thou- 
sand pounds to the square inch ? 


Such questions are much easier to ask than to answer, in fact 
no attempt at an answer has, so far as I am aware, ever been 
offered to biologists. 

The looseness of tissue necessary to such a permeation is 
conspicuous in abyssal animals, whose flabby and gelatinous 
appearance when they reach the surface is notorious. It is 
perhaps most noticeable in the fishes, which nevertheless are 
often armed with formidable teeth. But under the great : pres- 
sures of the deeps it is quite conceivable that each of these 
loose and half dissolving muscles may be compressed and re- 
duced to a condition resembling steel wire ; and that the organ- © 
ization thus sustained may be as lithe and sinewy in its native 
haunts as its shallow water relatives are in theirs. 

It is well known how great an influence on the distribution 
of shallow water species is exerted by the temperature of the 
water in which they live. No doubt the differences of temper- 
ature affect the nervous system, the rate of muscular contrac- 
tion, and the motions of the cilia by which in mollusks many 
of the functions of life are aided or wholly carried on. 

But itis probable that the influence of temperature is far 
more effectively exerted upon the development of the ova, and 
hence upon the propagation of the species, than directly upon 
the parents. It is probable that most adult mollusks could 
endure a very wide range of temperature if the individuals 
were subjected to the changes by extremely slow degrees. But 
it has been shown that a difference of one or two degrees below 
a certain point on the thermometric scale, will destroy the em- 
bryos of Ostrea or prevent their development so that they 
perish. In this way the spread of the species may be effectu- 
ally checked, though the adult shellfish may flourish without 
difficulty in the same region. 

In the shallower parts of the Archibenthal Region, a few great 


currents, like the Gulf Stream, may reach, for a small part of 
their course, the ocean floor and sweep it clean of sediment and 
detritus, if not entirely of living beings. Such mechanical 
effect as is produced must be of a rather steady and uniform 
nature for considerable periods and in no respect resemble the 
crushing and grinding which take place on every exposed beach 
on which the sea rolls up. In fact, regarded as individuals, 
the mollusks in the path of the Gulf Stream and other great 
currents, have little or nothing to fear from the mechanical at- 
trition which plays so large a part in the shallows. On the 
other hand wherever the force of the stream is not sufficient to 
sweep the bottom clean, the supplies of oxygen and food 
brought by it to the colonies along its path so far exceed the 
normal for quiet waters, that the animals thus favored flourish 
and multiply in a manner never seen in quiet deeps. 

The influence of darkness upon the inhabitants of the 
Abyssal Region has often been expatiated upon. The absence of 
visual organs or their preternaturally excessive development 
- beyond the normal of the groups to which the individuals 
belong is evidence enough that the deeps are markedly darker 
than the shallows. But this evidence proves too much for the 
Claim that the deeps are mathematically dark. | Whatever 
notions may be entertained or conclusions deduced by the 
physicist from the premises, the presence of large and remark- 
ably developed eyes in many abyssal animals shows that light 
of some sort exists even on the oceanic floor. It is inconceiva- 
ble that these organs should be developed without any light 
and if the experiments and reasoning of the physicist result in 
the apparent demonstration of absolute darkness in the depths, 
the facts of nature show that in his premises or his experiments 
there lurks some vitiating error. It is ridiculous to suppose | 
that the phosphorescence of certain animals in the deep sea 



fauna isa factor of sufficient importance to bring about the 
development of enormous and exquisitely constructed eyes ina 
multitude of deep sea species. A greater or general phospho- 
rescence, such as would amount to a general illumination, has 
never been claimed by any scientific biologist and, as a theory, 
requires a mass of proof which seems unlikely to. he 
forthcoming. : 7 | | | : 

In general then we find the physical conditions simpler than 

_ those of the shallows and yet much more energetic. The effect 

of temperature is marked in the distribution of life over cold 
and warmer areas of sea bottom. ‘he relative importance of 
the effects of pressure, partial darkness and of the quietness of 
abyssal waters, our knowledge is yet too imperfect to allow us | 
to precisely estimate. All’doubtless have their effect ; some of 
the effects are more obvious than others, but it is by no means 
certain that the most obvious are necessarily the most impor- 
tant to the organisms concerned. aes 

The mechanical character of the sea bottom is of greater im- 
portance than is generally realized. In a very small propor- 
tion of its extent the sea bottom is composed of bare or nearly 
bare rock. Away from the shores such a bottom is usually 
situated in the trough of some great current like the Gulf 
Stream, and then seems to be nearly bare of animal life. In 
other cases it may be found on the walls of sub-marine cliffs, 
which for obvious reasons can hardly be explored for marine 
life with our present appliances. , 

The rest of the bottom consists of solid matter in different 
stages of sub-division, from something which may be described 
as calcareous gravel to an impalpable mud which may or may 
not be dotted with concretions of manganese, iron or other 
mineral matter. The gravels are chiefly confined to the archi- 
benthal region, the true deeps are generally carpeted with a 


viscid layer of the finest possible calcareous mud or clay. The 
latter formation is meagre in its fauna as clay is when it occurs 
in shallow water. 

Certain forms of mollusk-life flourish in a soft bottom espe- 
cially the Vuculide and their allies which are notably abundant 
in the depths as well as in the muddy shallows of the Litoral 
Region. Others require some solid substance upon which to 
perch, a stone, a bit of wood, a spine from some dead Kchi- 
noderm, something they must have for themselves and for their 
eggs which shall raise them above the muddy floor. In regions 
where such objects are rare or absent on the sea bottom such 
mollusks are equally rare or wanting. Most ingenious are the 
shifts made in many cases, as when we find Lefetella safely 
housed in the tubes of dead Annelids or Hydroids, and Chor- 
istes taking refuge in the empty ovicapsules of rays or sharks. 
Small hermit crabs take to the tooth-shells (Dentalium) or to 
the tubular Pteropods (Cuvierina); or Amalthea roosts on an 
Echinus spine and builds for itself a platform as it grows, re- 
calling the arboreal houses of some Oriental savages. 

In the Archibenthal Region there is a more or less constant 
drift of debris from the adjacent shallows which gradually 
forms banks of considerable magnitude. , 

The action of erosion and solution for some reason seems less 
potent here than in either the shallower or the deeper parts of 
the sea. In the shallower parts the excess of motion, in the 
deeps the excess of the eroding agent, may account for this. 
The fact is known to me from the study of many specimens 
from both regions and is Beyond question. 

A feature in forming certain of these banks, to which atten- 
tion has hitherto not been directed, is worthy of mention. This 
is the habit of certain fishes, which exist in vast numbers, of 
frequenting certain areas where they eject the broken shells. of 


mollusks, corals, barnacles and other creatures which they have 
cracked, swallowed and cléansed of their soft tissues by diges- 
tion. We have learned from Darwin of the marvelous work of 
the earthworm in Britain. The ejectamenta of a single fish of 
moderate size in ove day would far exceed the accumulations of 
many earthworms for much longer time. Now, in examining 
critically large quantities of material dredged from the bottom 
I have found that from certain areas almost entirely composed 
of these ejectamenta. In the interstices some small creatures 
. hide but the tooth marks of the fish were upon nearly every 
fragment. As for a pint of fragments of a given species, this 
bottom-stuff wotd rarely contain half a dozen specimens 
which had been taken alive by the dredge (most frequently the | 
species did not occur at all living in the material so dredged), 
it was obviously impossible that the shells could have been 
captured and afterward voided on the same spot. It seemed 
more likely from all the facts that these fishes after feeding to 
repletion repair in large schools to certain areas to enjoy the 
pleasures of digestion. There would be nothing improbable in 
the fish of a limited region preferring some special locality for 
this purpose; and the result might be the accumulation of a 
veritable bank, of which nearly the whole had at some time or 
other passed through the intestine of a fish. At all events, 
whatever explanation be offered of them, it is certain that such 
accumulations do occur at certain localities, as shown by the 
dredgings of the Fish Commission off the eastern coast of the 
United States. 

The last condition remaining to be considered is that of the 
food supply. It has long since been pointed out that marine 
vegetation ceases to exist within a limit of six hundred feet 
below the surface. Whatever light exists in the depths, it is 
not of a nature to meet the needs of vegetation. Whether any 


other factor joins with the absence of light to discourage algal 
growth is yet unknown but not intrinsically improbable. The 
mollusks which belong to groups known as phytophagous in 
shallow water, in the deeps appear to live chiefly on foramini- 
fera which they swallow in immense quantities: ‘The results 
of this diet are evident in the greatly increased caliber of the 
intestine relatively to the size of the animal, in the diminution 
of the masticatory organs, teeth and jaws, and in the prolonga- 
tion of the termination of the intestine as a free tube to a 
length which will carry the effete matters out of the nuchal com- 
missure, and thus free from their injurious effects the branchial 
organs, which are usually seated in this space. The quantity 
of nutriment in the protoplasm of foraminifera is so small that 
a much larger mass in proportion of these organisms must be 
swallowed and their remains consequently ejected afterward, 
than if the food consisted of the tissues of alge. 

But the great mass of abyssal mollusks are members of those 
groups which in shallow waters are normally carnivorous, and 
to a great extent prey upon one another. In the deeps how- 
ever this reciprocal destruction is unnecessary. 

Those who have become familiar with surface collection on 
the sea alone can realize the immense quantity of organisms 
which exist in the water on or near the surface. These are 
frequently numerous enough to reduce the water to the consist- 
ency of soup, for miles in extent and to a considerable depth. 
Millions of these creatures are constantly sinking from the 
region where they naturally belong, either from injury or ex- 
haustion, and thus raining slowly but constantly upon the 
bottom. ‘This fact is not mew and is admitted to be unques- 
tionable by all biologists. Hence in many regions of the sea 
bottom the resident fauna have, as it were, only to hie still and 
hold their mouths open. 


One of the facts which attracted my attention when I first 
begun to study deep sea mollusks was the singularly small 
number which showed signs of having been drilled or attacked 
by other mollusks. Apart from those showing the marks of fish 
teeth or the dental machinery of echinoderms, it is extremely 
rare to find drilled bivalves or univalves such as make up the 
great mass of the jetsam on every sandy beach. Such cases 
occur, but the occurrence is always exceptional and the holes 
which are most often found in abyssal shells are those which are 
due either to the friction of some hermit crab or to the ero- 
sive properties of the secretions of certain annelids which . 
fix their irregular tubes upon the outer surface of the shell. 
These injuries cannot easily ‘be confounded with the circular 
drill holes of carnivorous gastropods. 

Having handled more deep sea mollusks than any other 
naturalist now living, and spent, probably, more time over 
material procured by the dredge from shallow water, than any- 
one else of my acquaintance, I do not feel that I am presump- 
tious in affirming the remarkable difference which obtains in 
this respect between the dead material from the Litoral and 
from the extra-Litoral regions, respectively. 3 

This brings me toa conclusion which I have siasehets pub- 
lished with less detail. The animals belonging to the mollusca 
which are found in the Archibenthal and Abyssal regions, 
especially the latter, do not live in a perpetual state of conflict 
with one another. A certain amount of contention and 
destruction doubtless goes on, but on the whole the struggle 
for existence is against the peculiarities of the environment 
and-not between the individual mollusks of the area concerned. 
It is an industrial community, feeding, propagating and dying 
in the persons of its members ‘and not a scene of carnage 
where the strong preys upon his molluscan brother who may 


chance to be weaker. Depredations on this community are 
doubtless committed by deep sea fishes and echini, perhaps 
by other organisms, but the inroads are not so important as to 

seriously modify the course of evolution and influence specific 
- characteristics. 

Hence the course of evolution and modification, though still 
complex, is certainly much less so than in the shallower parts 
of the ocean. For this reason we may hope to penetrate more 
deeply into its mysteries with deep sea animals than with those 
less fortunately situated. In this opportunity, to me, lies the 
. chief importance of research into the biology of deep sea mol- 
lusks. Nowhere else may we hope to find the action and reac- 
tion of the contending forces less obscure, and modification in 
most cases has not extended so far that we cannot compare the 
deep sea forms with their shallow-water analogues and draw 
valuable conclusions. 

While we are not yét ina position to formulate conclusions 
covering all the details of abyssal mollusk-life in certain in- 
stances results suggest themselves. , 

Deep sea mollusks of course did not originate in the depths. 
They are the descendents of those venturesome or unfortunate 
individuals who, by circumstances carried beyond their depth, 
managed to adapt themselves to their new surroundings, sur- 
vive and propagate. Many species must have been eliminated 
to begin with. Others more plastic, or more numerous in in- 
dividuals, survived the shock and have gradually spread oyer 
great areas of the oceanic floor. In accordance with these not 
unreasonable assumptions we should expect to find among the 
newer comers at least some characters which were assumed un- 
der the stress of the struggle for existence in the shallows, and 
which, through specific inertia, Have not become wholly obso- 
lete in the new environment. We should also expect to finda 


certain proportion of Archibenthal species in any given area, 
identical with or closely related to the analogous Litoral region 
forms of the adjacent shores. 

In the Abyssal region alone should we expect to find that 
any considerable proportion of the fauna has lost all its litoral 
characteristics, assumed characters in keeping with its environ- 
ment and become disseminated over the ocean bottom through- 
out a large part of its extent. These expectations in the main 
are fairly satisfied by the facts as far as the latter are positively 
ascertained. ‘ | 

With the lesser need of protection from enemies and competi- 
tors would necessarily be related a less rigorous elimination of 
characters which in struggle and competition might prove 
sources of weakness. The limits of uninjurious variation 
would be relaxed at the same time and to the same extent. 
We find as we should expect that the deep sea ‘mollusks are 
more variable in their ornamentation and other superficial 
characters than those from shallow water. In some species the 
balance of characters is fairly well maintained ; in others vari- 
ation runs riot, and it is impossible to say what amount of it 
should constitute a basis for specific subdivisions among indi- 
viduals. | 

In general deep sea shells present pale or delicately tinted 
color patterns, are white, or owe their color to the tinting of 
the epidermis. This may be due directly to the absence of 
light. Sunlight, when present, seems to have a stimulating 
effect in developing colors as is shown by the greater bright- 
ness of tropical litoral shells whatever their colors. It ope- 
rates indirectly by promoting the development of color in algze 
which are fed upon by phytophagous mollusks, and affect the 
coloration of the latter directly through the assimilation of the 
coloring matter of the food, mechanically. 


‘Indirectly, through the influence of protective mimicry, the 
coloration of shells which frequent beas of seaweed or rocks 
covered with stony algze, is often modited in harmony with 
‘the environment even when the species is not phytophagous. 
- In the deeps these influences are wanting and the develop- 
ment of color is necessarily the result either of uneradicated 
hereditary tendency, or of some physical features of the en- 
vironment which operate mechanically and are not yet under- 

The colors chiefly effected by deep sea mollusks are pink or 
reddish straw color, salmon color, and various shades of brown. 
These are found in the shell and are more or less. permanent. 
The epidermis of deep sea shells is usually pale yellowish, but 
frequently is of a delicate apple green, such as is seen in many 
fresh water species ; and sometimes of a beautiful rich dark 
chestnut brown, a color also not rare among land and fresh 
water species. The most common pattern when any exists is 
that formed by squarish dark spots which occasionally become 
fused into bands. Among the Archibenthal species found in 
depths from roo to 300 fathoms this pattern of brown squarish 
spots arranged in spiral series is notable in such forms as 
Scaphella junonia, Aurinia dubia, Halia priamus, Conus mazet, 
etc. Instances of the green epidermis are afforded by the vari- 
ous species of Muculide, Turcicula and Buccinide. 

The thick and solid layers of aragonite, of which many 
shallow water species are chiefly built up, are represented in 
deep water forms by much thinner layers, while the nacreous 
layers. are, if not more solid in abyssal shells, at least more 
brilliant and conspicuous, perhaps because less masked by 
aragonitic deposits. A very large proportion of the deep water 
shells are pearly and derive their beauty from the brilliance of 
their nacre.. : | 

“Cg ae tle guts ial a 


In the matter of sculpture the mechanical effect of the pres- 
sure operates against the development of weight and thickness 
in benthal shells since the whole must be permeable. It is 
probable too that the soft and sticky character of the abyssal 
ooze would put the possessor of an unusually heavy shell at a 
considerable disadvantage in getting about on the bottom. Any 
impermeable shelly structure on the ocean floor would have to » 
be strong enough to sustain without crushing a weight hardly 
less than that borne by the rail under the driving wheel of an 
ordinary locomotive. It is sufficiently obvious from a mere 
statement of the case, that none of them can be impermeable. 

The heavy knobs or arborescent varices of shallow water 
Murices are represented in their deep water congeners by ex- 
tremely thin and delicate spines and slender processes. ‘These | 
are probably all reminiscences of shallow water ancestors, as it 
is dificult to imagine any cause which in the abysses would 
lead to a development of such defenses de novo. 

The sculpture most usual on deep water shells is of a kind 
which serves to strengthen the structure, much like the ridges 
which give rigidity to corrugated iron work or the curves used 
by architects in wrought iron beams. Spiral or longitudinal 
hollow riblets, a transverse lattice work of elevated laminze 
such as are developed for similar reasons on the frail larval 
shells of many gastropods, a recurvature of the margin of the 
aperture in forms which in the Ljitoral region never develop 
such recurvature ;—thése are instances in point. 

Beside these there are small props and buttresses developed 
which serve the same purpose of strengthening the frail struc- 
ture at its points of least resistance. Such is the garland of 
little knobs so commonly found in front of the suture in 
abyssal shells of many and diverse groups. 


It is not intended to suggest that the methods above indi- 
cated have not been developed also in shallow water forms and 
for similar reasons. ‘The distinction which I would point out 
is that in Litoral species, as a rule, these devices are subsidi- 
ary to the much simpler course of strengthening the shell by 
adding to its thickness. In the abyssal forms, for reasons 
already explained, this mode is not practicable and conse- 
quently we have the one without the other. 

The operculum is generally horny in abyssal mollusks, fre- 
quently disproportionately small, compared with that of con- 
generic litoral species, and in a remarkably large number of 
cases is absent altogether. 

The genus most abundantly represented of all is Mangzlia, 
_ which is entirely without an operculum, and affords a conspicu- 
ous example of the obsolescence of protective devices, origi- 
nally acquired in shallow water, resulting from long residence 
in the deeps. © 

In the Unio and Melania of fresh water streams and the 
pondsnails of our lakes and ponds, the waters of which from 
the decay of vegetable matter are overcharged with carbonic 
acid, we find a dense thin greenish epidermis developed as a 
protection against erosion. In the deep sea where every por- 
tion of the shell must be permeated by the surrounding element 
to equalize the external pressure, and where carbonic acid 
exercises its usual malign influence on the limy parts of all 
organisms, we find a strikingly similar protective epidermis de- 
veloped in most unexpected places. ‘Thus it comes about that 
in the Zrochi, Pleurotomide and other characteristic abyssal 
animals we find those puzzling and remarkable counterparts of 
land and fresh water shells which have astonished every student 
of the mollusca who has seen them. ‘These deep water species 


imitate in almost all superficial characters of the shell the 
biologically wholly different pondsnails and landsnails. 

Similar exigencies of the environment have provoked similar 
mechanical responses in the shelly parts, a result wholly in 
harmony with the modern postulates in biological science. 

As might be expected ot descendents with modification there 
are greater similarities between the larval shells of benthal spe- 
cies and those of their shallow water relations, than between 
the parts of the shell, which are of later growth in the same 
forms. There is one notable difference however. In the deep 
water forms the nucleus is frequently larger than in their shal- 
low water analogues. It would seem as if the conditions of 
the depths were such, that, of a small number of large larvee, 
more are likely to survive than of a larger number of smaller 
ones ; or at least that that form of larval growth is more useful 
to the species. 

These details will serve to show the multiplicity of facts to 
be accounted for and the opportunity for advancing science by 
a study of abyssal conditions and their effects upon the animals 
subjected to them. Without claiming any unique importance 
for the theories advanced in the foregoing remarks it may still 
‘be said that the subject is one of the very greatest interest. 
Perhaps experiments upon shallow water forms, artificially 
subjected to pressure may at some future time enable us to 
penetrate more deeply into the mysteries of life in the abysses. 

The attempt to prepare a summary of bathymetrical data for 
the deep sea fauna of any region yet investigated, is most un- 
satisfactory in its outcome from the paucity of data. Most of 
the species of any collection are represented by the shells alone, 
which may have been—as millions are daily—disgorged by 
fishes, and never have lived at the depth from which they were 


dredged. We are yet ignorant as to whether the abyssal and 
archibenthal faunze shade gradually into one another, as seems 
most probable ; or whether there is any line of depth, coinci- 
dent with a temperature limit, which really fixes a boundary 
for the abyssal fauna. 

Then, again, the difficulty and time involved ina cast of 
over one thousand fathoms are so much greater than if it were 
made in half that depth, that it is impossible to say what pro- 
portion of the disparity in population between the Archibenthal 
and Abyssal areas, which dredgings seem to indicate, is due to 
the fact that the latter have been far less efficiently explored. 
The only thing of which I feel confident is that it is yet too 
early for extensive numerical comparisons or deductions based 

wholly on statistics. I shall therefore content myself here 

with a very modest table, which is intended to illustrate the 
peculiarities of the collection made during the past ten years 
by the U. S. Steamer Blake and recently reported on by me. 

It is probable that it isa fair example of abyssal mollusk 
faunas, but this cannot be claimed with certainty. 

The first table shows the general numerical results for the 
Blake collection, assorted among the great systematic groups 
and the three bathymetric zones or areas. "The second table 
shows the proportion to the whole population of the abyssal 
region borne by those genera which exceed a single species. 
The result here shown is that less than thirty-seven per cent. of 
the genera comprise more than sixty-eight per cent. of the spe- 
cies; and out of these, three families, Pleurvotomide, Ledide, 
Dentaliide farnish nearly twenty-eight per cent. of the species 
of the abyssal fauna collected by the Blake. 

NEN Sn SPE Mee Pee ede Ee ea eee 




General Numerical Results. 

Groups feiho Fadl oth = Species in the | * Sue: ns Abyssal! Fauna 
a I ae | rigs | Ke ae iB 
| Litoral Archib. Abyssal) Two | All | Fami- 

Area Area hive renee Bud lies Genera 
Brachiopods . 7 13 8 12 3 8 2 2 3 
Pelecypods 52 1 “1790 98 | 114 31 | 64 | I0-| -15 19 
Seaphopods.,. 2 35 17 28 | Hn Ge 5 I 2 
Gastropods . | I1ig | 491 | 280] 222 $3 168 282.1529 41 
Totals 180 | 709 | 403 | 376} 129 | 250 | 49| 47 65 


Genera represented by more than one Species in the A byssal Area. 

Genera. skin Genera. Piet 

Mangilia 17 Fluxina 2 
Margarita . 5 Liotia . ; 2 
Pleurotoma 4 Leptothyra . 2 
Drillia . 3 Cocculina 2 
Marginella 3 

Seala 3 Leda 5 
Calliostoma 3 Limopsis . 3 
Triforis 3 Pecteén . 3 
Acteeon > 3 Abra 2 
Utriculus . 2 Myonera . 2 

- Fusus 3 2 

Columbella 2 Dentalium 8 
Benthonella 2 Cadulus 4 

Total, 24 Genera and 87 Species. 

| For the naturalist of to-day the most interesting feature of 
abyssal life is not that it furnishes him with singular and 
archaic forms, useful in his study of extinct genera; nor the 
beauty and rarity of the creatures living under such unusual 
conditions. - The most important characteristic of abyssal life is, 
that it, and it alone, exhibits a fauna in which reciprocal strug- 

gle is nearly eliminated from the factors inducing variation and 


modification. [here is no mimicry or sexual selection, where 
all is dark. Indeed, if it could be shown that the deeps are 
absolutely dark, the acknowledged development there, by 
some animals, of large and supersensitive eyes, might be a 
proof of the Lamarkian doctrine of development consequent 
on effort, as opposed to the views of Darwin, that it is solely 
the result of selection conscious or unconscious and the sur- 
vival of the fittest. 

In the struggle for life of the abyssal animal, he is pitted 
against the physical character of his environment, and not 
against his neighbor or the rest of the fauna. _ Hence we should 
have, and really do have, the process of evolution less ob- 
secured by complications in the abysses than is possible else- 
where. From a study of these animals in the light of their 
environment, much may be hoped toward the elucidation of 
great questions in Biology, and naturalists everywhere should 
strive to promote deep sea dredging as essential to the progress 
of Science. 


pee aia 8s *, Be K 
SE AESS 7 AERIS I Tt Ns BA NEN. 2 EOE Lee ae ne Hane 

Ve ae ee 

By Lester F: Warp. 

That organic forms are the product of evolution is now not 
only generally accepted by educated people, but is also fairly 
well understood as a general proposition. But the special na- 
ture of the evolutionary process, particularly the modus operandi 
of the laws of development, is only vaguely or crudely com-_ 
prehended by any but specialists in some branch of biology, 
and is not clearly understood by:all of these. In proof this I 
recall a lecture by Henry Ward Beecher, delivered in this city 
within a year of his death, in which he attempted to expound 
the modern scientific doctrine of evolution, but in which he 
showed that he had no adequate idea of what is meant by the 
arborescent, much less by the dichotomous character of the 
process of organic development, and seemed to suppose that 
the progress from monad to man had been one continuous 
ascending series. He mentioned, for example, as among the 
ancestors of man, a number of animals belonging to the Ungu- 
lata, Carnivora, etc., which are known to be entirely off the 
anthropogenetic line. . . 

Such crude exposition of so important a law as that of evo- 
lution can only react against the progress of its acceptance as 
a scientific truth, and there seems to be great need that the ex- 

*Annual Presidential Address delivered at the Tenth Anniversary 
Meeting of the Biological Society, January 25, 1890, in the law lecture- 
room of the Columbian University. 


act nature of this law be worked out, and that all attempts to 
popularize it be correct and be accompanied by the necessary 
qualifications and an explanation of important subordinate 
laws. Only thus can the coarse and repugnant conceptions 
which seem to be taking possession of the popular mind be 



It is especially important that the first great qualifying prin- 
ciple, which I propose to call the law of the extinction of trunk 
lines of descent, be made clear, since it lops off at one stroke, 
the most serious of all popular misconceptions. I shall assume 
that the principle of genealogic dichotomy is clear to the minds 
of all, since it is nothing more than the simpie law of toco- 
gonic descent as exemplified in every human genealogy and 
every family register applied to all life, except that it relates to 
species instead of individuals. 

Sympodial Dichotomy.—But while organic phylogeny is, in 
a certain sense, arborescent and dichotomous it cannot be 
directly compared to any ordinary tree nor even to a plant that 
branches in a strictly forking or dichotomous manner, such as 
an Anychia, for example. It resembles more nearly that form 
of indeterminate growth which is termed symfodzal, in which, 
instead of the two forks being equal and divergent, one of 
them has to be regarded as the main trunk and the other as a 
branch, but in which the branch possesses the greater vigor 
and vitality and virtually becomes the main trunk, the true 
stem dwindling, and either dying out entirely or continuing as 
a reduced and degenerate form. There are many plants, such 
as the common grape-vine, the houseleek, the heliotrope, and 
the for-get-me-not, that exhibit this sympodial dichotomy. 

Die dea Soe tate lid 


Types of Structure.—In studying the operation of this law 
in biology a‘number of important facts are to be noted. It is 
first necessary to consider what may be called types of structure. 
These, in our illustration of sympodial dichotomy, represent 
first, the main trunk, and afterward the successive branches 
which become virtually the main trunk. Except in parasitism 
and other anomalous cases, the development along the main 
trunk is in the nature of an ascending series of forms, in the 
sense that the structure grows more and more perfect. There 
is a differentiation of organs and functions and an integration 
of parts into organisms of higher and higher capacity, but all 
are constructed upon the same general plan and represent a. 
single and uniform type. This process of perfectionment in- 
the organisms of original type constituting the main trunk 
proceeds as far as the nature of that type of structure will 
permit. ‘The branch which is to constitute the new and higher 
type is ultimately developed out of this original trunk, but 
there is no fixed time for its appearance. The original type 
may have reached its maximum development and remained 
stationary for any length of time, or it may have already be- 
gun to decline before this takes place. In fact it may never 
take place, but such organisms perish and leave us no history. 
The branch must possess a higher type of structure, otherwise 
it must dwindle and also disappear. To give it fresh vigor and 
power to continue the stock it must have acquired, through the 
known laws of variation and selection, some advantageous char- 
acter not possessed by the original type, to which its superior 
vigor isdue. It then in turn continues to develop and goes on 
improving in the same manner as the main trunk did before it, 
until, like that, it reaches the maximum limit to its capacity 
for progress, 7. ¢., until nothing more can come from that type 
of structure. Like its ancestor, too, it then remains stationary 


for an indefinite period and eventually declines, and either per- 
sists in a degenerate form or dies out altogether. A second 
branch endowed with still higher capacities is developed from 
the first and this repeats the process, and so on indefinitely, 
higher and higher types being successively developed, carrying 
up the system by this process of ascending sympodial 

Persistence of unspecialized Types.—I\t often happens that the 
highest organisms of the more ancient types become extinct 
while the lower or less perfect ones persist and are found min- 
gled with organisms of the higher types that are the dominant 
forms of life at subsequent epochs. This fact has led those 
who did not understand the law of types, as just stated, into 
doubts relative to the fact of development, since the certainty 
that organisms belonging to types that still exist, but of much 
higher rank, formerly inhabited the globe gave rise to the 
belief that there has been degeneracy instead of progress. To 
escape this error it is necessary to understand that progress 
takes place primarily through the development of new and 
higher types of structure, embodying successively higher and 
higher capacity for improvement, and that the archaic forms 
belonging to lower types, and therefore, as it were, upon a 
lower plane of life, unable to compete with those of higher 
type, are repressed and only appear among the latter as hum- 
ble, and, as regards their own ancestors, really degenerate 
forms. _ 

We thus have a series of epochs in the earth’s history dur- 
ing each of which a different type has predominated, each later 
type being higher in its capacity for improvement than its pre- 
decessor. You are all more or less familiar with the successive 
reigns of articulates in the Cambrian, mollusks in the Silurian, ~ 

fishes in the Devonian, reptiles in the Mesozoic, and mammals 



in the Cenozoic; and you have doubtless frequently heard 
astonishment expressed at the great perfection to which the 
articulated type attained in the Trilobite, the molluscan type 
in the Ammonite, the piscine type in the Ganoid, the reptilian 
type in the Dinosaur, and the mammalian type in the masto- 
don, the highest expressions of all of which belong to geologic 
periods, and whose living representatives, with few excep- 
tions, belong to the humbler forms of life. 


As a specialist only in the lower of the two great kingdoms 

it is not my place to enter into details respecting the working 

of these several laws in the animal kingdom, even if I were 
competent to do so. My illustrations must therefore be chiefly 
drawn from plants. 

It is well known that the three principal groups of modern 
cryptogams, the ferns, Lycopodiaceze, and Equisetaceze, repre- 
sent the degenerate descendants of a vegetation which formed 
extensive forests in Carboniferous time, and Hugh Miller, Dr. 
Lindley, and some more recent authors have used this fact’ in 
the manner above referred to, as demonstrating that the life- 
series of the globe is as likely to be a descending as an ascend- 
ing one, and that development as a general principle is not 
proved. Of course it is now well understood that natural se- 

lection does not necessarily produce an ascending series, as for 

example, in parasitic degeneration. But the principle which I 
have formulated to-night of type degeneracy has been almost 
entirely ignored, although it is alone able to explain the most 
important facts that seem opposed to evolution in general. 
The modern degenerate cryptogamic vegetation is one of those 
facts and to it I must devote a few moments of explanation. 



The so-called natural system of classification in botany is 
based primarily upon the reproductive function. As founded 
by Jussieu it was exclusively so based, but De Candolle under- 
took to introduce a new principle, viz., that of the structure of 
the axis or trunk, by which he separated exogenous from 
endogenous plants, and supposed that this line could be drawn 
between monocotyledons and dicotyledons, erroneously includ- 
ing the gymnosperms in the latter of these groups. The 
weight of his authority not only long retarded the discovery of 
the true position of the gymnosperms as the immediate de- 
scendants of the crytogams, but it had the further effect of 
barring out the important truth which vegetable paleontology 
has at last made clear that there once existed a large class of 
exogenous cryptogams. 

Origin of Exogeny.—It has long been known that the Stig- 
marias of the coal measures possessed an exogenous structure, 
and as early as 1839 Brongniart discovered that the stems of 
Sigilaria elegans consisted of a medullary center surrounded 
by a thin exogenous zone within a thick cortex. The woody 
zone was shown to be composed of distinct wedges separated 
by. medullary rays. Itis now known that nearly or quite all 
coal plants having the external characters of Sigillaria have 
this exogenous zone. It was also early discovered that certain 
coal plants with the general appearance of Calamites exhibit 
an exogenous structure, and it was at first supposed that these 
must be something very different, and they were accordingly 
called Calamodendron. Professor Williamson has shown that 
all true calamites have an exogenous structure of a very defi- 
nite character. He has also proved that the distinction drawn 
between Sigillaria and Lepidodendron based on this character 
is not tenable, since some true Lepidodendra also show the 
woody zone and medullary rays. 


When Brongniart had made the discovery referred to he 
changed his mind with regard to the plants of the coal meas- 
ures, and ever afterward maintained that Sigillaria and 
Calamodencron must be phanerogams, referring them to the 
Coniferae. This complete reversal of his former logical and 
correct views was due to the preconceived opinion that 
exogenous growth was necessarily correlated with coniferous 
and dicotyledonous plants, as taught by De Candolle, and there 
is still a French school of vegetable paleontologists, who, as dis- 
ciples of Brongniart, continue to maintain that Sigillaria must 
be placed in an entirely different class from Lepidodendron, and 
Calamodendron from Calamites, and who are disposed to deny 
the cryptogamic character of all forms possessing an exogenous 
structure. — 

Now the truth seems to be that in the process of develop- 
ment in plants the exogenous structure has been attained in 
varying degrees along several ascending lines, and that there is 
a different kind of exogeny in the calamite, the lepidophyte, 
the cycad, the conifer, and the dicotyledon, while some- 
thing resembling exogeny has been shown to. occur 
in certain fossil ferns and in certain living monoco- 
tyledons. Exogenous cryptogams probably no longer exist. 
The reign of the cryptogam has come to an end. It 
occurred in remote Carboniferous times when these plants 
constituted the greater part of the earth’s vegetation. It was 
then that certain types of the Lycopodiaceze and Equisetaceze 
became forest trees and were supported by exogenous trunks. 
These types have long since disappeared according to the law 
of the extinction of trunk lines of descent, and it is only the 
earlier and simpler types that have come down to us according 
to the law of the persistence of unspecialized types. The 
filicine, equisetian, and lycopodian types continued to develop 


until they reached the highest state attainable by plants having 
that structure. They even acquired the exogenous character, 
but only in a rudimentary form. 7 

It would be wholly misleading to place the exogeny of these 
plants on a par with that of the modern exogen. Inthe pine and 
the oak, as every one knows, the bulk of the trunk consists of 

what we call wood, that is, of concentric layers of thick- 

walled vascular cells, giving to the trunk great strength and 
resistance, and although in the great sequoias and in the 
cork-oak the cortical portion, or bark, may attain a thick- 
ness of over a foot, still this is a relatively small portion of 
the entire trunk, and contributes comparatively little to 
its support. Now, if we imagine a tree in which the bark 
constitutes the bulk of the trunk and the wood only 
a comparatively narrow zone close to the central pith, we 
shall have some idea of the exogenous cryptogamic forest tree 
of the Carboniferous age. Something approaching it can be 
seen on a small scale in the first year’s growth of a modern 
exogen, and in most herbaceous plants of that type, and we 
have another approach to it in the trunks of living cycads. 
But when we speak of such thick bark it must not be sup- 
posed that we mean the dry corky and flaky exterior which is 
popularly called bark. ‘This, in the modern exogen, consti- 
tutes the greater part of the bark of old trees, but is really the 
cast-off and, toa greater or less extent, dead matter pushed 
outward by the annual growth of the bast and liber, or the 
true live bark of the tree. For every exogen is also an en- 
dogen outside of the cambium layer. The bark grows by the 
deposition of new matter to its interior. It was even so with 
the exogenous cryptogam, only the endogenous or cortical por- 
tion, z. e., the bark, then constituted the greater part of the 
trunk, whereas it now forms only a thin zone at the periphery-~ 

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This difference of degree is so great that it practically 
amounts to a difference of type, and far back in early Carbon- 
iferous time the new type had begun to appear, seemingly 
along two independent lines, the one typified by the form 
called Noeggerathia and leading to the modern Cycadacez, 
the other by the form called Cordaites leading to the modern 
Coniferze, which two great families rivaled each other for the 
mastery of the vegetable world during Mesozoic times. 

Origin of Phenogamy—Gymnospermy.—It is, however, 
doubtful whether this great advance in the direction of strength 
and stability of trunk would have alone sufficed to give these 
new types the victory in the struggle with the tree-ferns, ca- 
lamites, and lepidophytes of that epoch. Correlated with it 
was a still greater advance in the structure of their reproduc- 
tive organs. The highest types of modern cryptogams only 
occupy the stage called hefevospory, i. e., the possession of two 
kinds of spores, the microspore, or male, and the macrospore, 
or female spore. ‘That stage was reached by all the higher 
types of Carboniferous cryptogams. But bya series of steps, 
which recent researches have enabled us to trace in living 
forms, the passage was made in that early day from heterospo- 
rous cryptogamy to true gymnospermy, and the barrier was 
crossed which separates the cryptogam from the phanerogam. 
The origin of true flowers, albeit they were minute, incon- 
spicuous, and devoid of color, fragrance, or beauty, took place 
at that ancient date. They were some such flowers as our 
sago-palms and our pines and cedars have to-day. Many fruits 
have: been preserved for us in the coal measures and some of 
them closely resemble those of the ginkgo or maiden-hair tree. 
There are other strong proofs that the earliest Coniferze be- 
longed to the yew tribe of the ginkgo type, a type which is 
now nearly extinct, having but this single living representa- 


tive. It was this type, and not the true pines and firs, that 
represented the conifers during the Jurassic period when the 
cycadean vegetation predominated over all other forms. And 
yet this solitary survivor of that long line of ancestors, this 
waning, tottering, dying ginkgo, with its perfect nut and ample 
deciduous foliage, may be properly regarded as the highest 
type of conifers, while the pines, spruces, and junipers must be 
looked upon as somewhat lower types, persisting according to 
the law already explained. 

Angiospermy.—The next great step was from gymnospermy 
to angiospermy, the beginnings of which are buried in obscu- 
rity. In the gymnosperm the tender developing ovuie and 
maturing seed is exposed to every rude element that besets the 
life of a plant. Thus exposed it is impossible for it to attain 
that delicacy of organization necessary to the highest perfec- 
tion of vegetable growth. Protection of the germ thus early 
became the great desideratum. When it was first attained we 
know not, but there are some uncertain indications that angio- 
spermous plants existed in Carboniferous time. Butif so they 
did not belong to the higher or exogenous types. The strug- 
gles for the protection of the trunk on the one hand, and for 
the protection of the germ on the. other, were independent 
struggles. Progress toward exogeny had nothing to do with 
progress toward angiospermy, and if the latter was attained 
during Carboniferous or early Mesozoic time it was attained 
only by endogenous plants, and the earliest angiosperms were 
endogens and not exogens. ‘That is, the lower type from the 
standpoint of internal structure became the higher type from 
the standpoint of floral structure. Progress could therefore 
only be slow. What was gained by the one was lost by the 
other. Not until both these steps should be taken by the same 

type of plants could any new departure take place, and the 

ECT ae Ee ne ee 


history of plants shows that it was not until this combination 
occurred that the great revolution in the vegetable world was 
brought about. 

Exogenous Angtospermy.—The time came at last, we know 
not at what precise period, when exogenous plants acquired a 
closed ovary. This is the highest type of vegetation yet 
reached, and the proofs of its potency confront us every time 
we behold a modern forest of dicotyledonous trees. The great 
variety, beauty, strength, and grandeur of this now dominant 
vegetation amply attest the efficacy of exogeny combined with 
angiospermy in the attainment of vegetal perfection. Yet the 
time that elapsed from the beginning of either of these ad- 
vances, taken alone, to that at which their fortunate combina- 
tion took place was enormous. Not in the great coal period 
nor its closing Permian stage; not in the Trias which suc- 
ceeded did there come forth a single exogenous plant whose 
germ was thus protected. The great and abundant fossil 
floras of the Rhetic and Lias of India, Australia, Bavaria, 
Sweden, and their near equivalents in Virginia and North 
Carolina, the Connecticut valley, and in both Old and New 
Mexico, have none of them yielded a trace of any such plant. 
The same is true of the equally abundant Oolitic floras of York- 
shire, France, Italy, Siberia, and Japan. Not even the highest 
Jurassic strata of any part of the world have with certainty 
produced an exogenous angiosperm. ‘The oldest formation at 
which such plants occur is that on which our own city, the 
nation’s capital, stands, viz., the Potomac formation, whose 
geological position is doubtful as yet, but if Jurassic, centainly 
represents the extreme uppermost part of thatsystem. By the 
author of its flora, Professor Fontaine, it is regarded as the 
equivalent of the Wealden, which is now commonly supposed 
to be the fresh water equivalent of the Neocomian or lowest 


member of the Cretaceous. So late did this now overshadow- 
ing type of plant life appear upon the globe. The rapidity 
with which it advanced, conquering and supplanting all rivals, 
may be better understood when we remember that it forms 
eighty-five per cent. of the flora.of the Dakota group, which 
corresponds to the Middle Cretaceous. 

A new and vigorous type of vegetation had been developed, 
the genealogical vine had put forth a fresh branch, the plant 
world had acquired a new lease of life, and it seems to us, 
looking back over its history, to have actually taken a leap for- 
ward at about this epoch, and ever after to have marched on 
with enormous strides. 

Development of Floral Envelopes.—The resources of improve- 
ment in organization were, however, not yet exhausted. ‘The 
germ was, indeed, now protected, and might acquire within its 
safe chamber all the subtle shades of perfection possible, but 
the delicate floral organs by which the fecundation of this 
germ was accomplished were still exposed, as indeed, it would 
seem, toa greater or less extent, they must always be. Yet 
means of their better protection were possible and were grad- 
ually adopted. 

Apetaly.—The very earliest flowers were probably destitute 
of any protecting envelopes (achlamydeous), and some such 
still exist, but most of the lowest types of dicotyledonous 
plants are provided with one floral envelope, sometimes reduced 
to a few mere scales, sometimes with several distinct sepals in 
a whorl around the essential organs, sometimes with these 
united at the base, and occasionally with a bell-shaped, funnel- 
shaped, or even tubular calyx. Such plants are called apeta- 
lous or monochlamydeous. Paleontology shows that those 
forms which are now apetalous, especially those in which the 
flowers are borne in catkins, or are nearly altogether naked, 


prevailed in early times over those provided with two sets of 
floral envelopes, which is far from being the case at present. 
Our law, too, is here again exemplified in the great perfection 
attained in those early times by such apetalous trees as the 
poplar, the plane-tree, the fig-tree, the laurel and the sassafras. 
Polypetaly.—The next step was the development of a second 
floral envelope, which, however, had its beginnings in small, 
strap-shaped, or even bristle-shaped petals. In our current 
botanies as prepared by Gray, De Candolle, and Bentham and 
Hooker, the plants having separate petals, or polypetalous 
plants, such as the rose, buttercup, mallow, etc., are placed 
before those having the corolla all in one piece, like the morn- 
j ing-glory, honeysuckle, etc. This position is given them to in- 
dicate that the authors of these books regarded them as of 
higher rank. But the geological history of plants teaches that 
such, at least, was not the order of nature in their develop- 
ment. It shows that polypetalous plants were very early 
developed. We find them at the earliest epoch at which 
dicotyledons begin to appear in any great abundance. It is 
true that we rarely find the flowers, and cannot say with cer- 
tainty that they were the same as they are to-day. It is quite 
possible that trees of Cretaceous time whose leaves resemble, 
those of modern polypetalous genera may have then had 
wholly apetalous flowers, but this is as yet mere speculation. 
In this group we have another fine illustration of the law 
_which I have stated, according to which the highest attainable 
development of any given type of structure is early and rapidly 
acquired. Weare in the habit of regarding our magnolias, 
our tulip-trees, and the Australian eucalypts, as among the 
finest specimens of polypetalous plants, and yet the genera 
Magnolia, Liriodendron, and Eucalyptus appear and are rather 
prominent in the Middle Cretaceous floras of Europe, Green- 


land, and America. There was some doubt until recently 
whether the Eucalyptus really was an American type, so re- 
mote is its present home. But during the past summer a mem- 
ber of this Society, Mr. David White, has conclusively demon- 
strated that these trees flourished in abundance on what is now 
Martha’s Vineyard during the Cretaceous age. “They probably 
extended over the entire western world in that vast antiquity 
before the human race had made its appearance on our planet. 

Gamopetaly.—There was one other step to be taken, the 
step from the polypetalous to the gamopetalous flower, from a 
corolla consisting of numerous distinct petals forming a whorl 
around the stamens and pistil within the calyx, to a corolla con- 
sisting of a single piece in the form of a bell, a funnel, or a 
tube, more and more completely protecting the essential orgatis. 
The older botanies call such plants monopetalous, emphasizing 
the fact that the corolla is of one piece, but wholly ignoring 
the process by which it became so. In fact, by placing this 
group after the polypetalous one they suggest that they are 
lower in rank and that monopetalous plants may have become 
polypetalous by division of the corolla into numerous petals. 
The German investigators, however, have shown by embryologi- 
cal study that the movement has been in the other direction, the 
petals of polypetalous plants, having, as it were, united into a 
corolla, and this is confirmed by paleobotany in showing that 
polypetalous plants antedated monopetalous ones in the history 
of plant development. The later botanies, therefore, so far 
recognize this truth as to adopt the term gamopefalous to ex- 
press this union or wedding of the petals. 

The progress from polypetaly to gamopetaly had only begun 
when the geological record closed. Only a few gamopetalous 
fossil plants have been discovered. There is reason to believe 

that there were persimmons, whortleberries, olives, and arrow- 


woods, during Tertiary times, but most of these have small 
flowers, and in some of the | living representatives the lobes of 
the corolla are cleft nearly to the base, suggesting that at an 
earlier period in their history they may have really been poly- 
petalous. The more typical Gamopetale, with tubular ,or 
funnel-form corollas are for the most part unrepresented in the 
fossil state, and we must regard these plants as among the 
latest products of development in the vegetable kingdom. 
Nature of Vegetal Development.—I have now endeavored to 
trace the progress of development in the vegetable kingdom 
from its earliest beginnings in cryptogamic life to its highest 
and latest expression in the gamopetalous dicotyledon, with a 
view especially to showing by what particular steps it has taken 
place, and how the two laws of the extinction of trunk lines 
of descent and the persistence of unspecialized types have com- 
bined to bring about the varied and abundant vegetation with 
which the earth is clothed. I have sought to emphasize the 
fact that this evolution has not been in a single ascending se- 
ries, that the plants that have one after another succeeded to the 
mastery have each in turn attained the highest development 
possible to their respective types of structure and have then 
surrendered their sceptre forever to the new and more perfect 
types evolved from them, and have usually dwindled down to 
comparative insignificance but persisted on in some of their 
lowest forms. I have wished to make clear and patent the im- 
portant but rather recondite and popularly little understood 
truth that biologic progress takes place through this 
sympodial dichotomy, and not by true dichotomy, much 
less by the ordinary monopodial branching represented 
by the common figure of a tree. In other words the 
phylogenetic tree is something considerably different from 
the common genealogical tree. It further and especially 



differs in being exceedingly irregular in the intervals of branch- 
ing. Expressing the process in time we observe that vast 
periods pass in waiting for the working out of the most simple 
principle, which, when once hit upon, produces a complete 
and rapid revolution in an entire departinent of life. I can 
liken it in this respect only to the progress of mankind as 
brought about by great mechanical inventions made at irregu- 
tar intervals and producing undreamed-of revolutions in the 
whole industrial frame-work of society. The length of the 
stationary periods in biologic evolution is determined by no 
fixed law. When a type of structure has advanced as far as it 
is capable of developing it remains stationary as long as noth- 
ing interferes with its continuance. If no change should 
take place in its environment it might continue for an 
indefinite period. As, by hypothesis, it can advance no 
farther it can only vary inthe direction of deterioration or 
extinction. The type of structure once fixed can never 
change. Only the degree of vigor, luxuriance, or abund- 
ance can undergo modification. Deterioration is everywhere 
illustrated by the present cryptogamic vegetation. The 
‘Carboniferous forests of Lepidodendron and Calamites are 
represented by our little club-mosses and scouring rushes, al- 
though they must have descended from trunk lines which had 
not yet acquired the exogenous structure. Extinction is ex- 
emplified by the absence of exogenous cryptogams in the liv- 
ing flora, as also of most of the later cycadean and coniferous 
types. There are several interesting cases of partial and rap- ~ 
idly approaching extinction. Among such may be mentioned 
the maidenhair-tree, the mammoth and redwood trees, and 
also, it would seem, the tulip and plane trees, all of which in 
their turn dominated the vegetable kingdom, but now, though 

undiminished in vigor or structural perfection, have been re- 


stricted in range, reduced in number, and nearly crowded out 
of existence. 

We have seen that the deterioration or extinction can be 
only brought about by a change of environment. The only 
cause for the predominance of a type is its greater adaptation 
to the existing environment. If undisturbed any given type 
of structure will equilibrate in the direction of greater adapta- 
tion until this is no longer possible. But complete adapta- 
tion, as I long ago pointed out,* is impossible. It is always 
possible for a new type to appear which shall respond more 
exactly to the surrounding conditions. The environment, it is 
true, may undergo unfavorable changes. ‘The climate may 
change, or the type in its migrations may encounter unfriendly _ 
influences. Most effective of all is the ever-changing influence 
of the contemporary life with which a type must come into 
competition. It must, as we have seen, eventually encounter as 
a rival in the race for life, the new type which is to succeed it, 
endowed with elements of new life and with fresh powers both 
to overcome hostile influences and to utilize the resources of na- 
ture. Such superior types, as already shown, are ever and 
anon arising, proceeding from quarters least anticipated, ap- 
pearing without regularity either as to place or time, springing 
sympodially frem the original trunk, rising impicusly above 
their parents, and ultimately cvershadowing, repressing, crush- 
ing, and extinguishing the former lords of the vegetable king- 
dom. Such in brief is the generalized history of the rise and 
fall of empires in the world of plants. 

What has thus far been said is perhaps sufficient to render 
clear to most minds the peculiar and complicated character of 

biologic evolution in general, and to show how widely it differs 

* American Naturalist, February 1881, p. 89. 


not only from the current crude popular conception of it, but 
also from the ideas which prevail among well informed and 
even scientific persons. I need not, I am sure, apologize in 
this age of specialists, for having confined myself almost ex- 
clusively to that kingdom of life with which I am most 
familiar. I believe that I can safely assume that the zoologists 
present, in whatever branch, have been able to parallel all the 
illustrations which I have given by similar ones in their own 

departments, leading to the same general conclusion. 


Thus far I have only taken account of what may be called 
the normal or legitimate causes of such advantageous modifica- 
tions of structure as have resulted in the successive upward 
steps which organic life has taken in the course of its history. 
But there is:another class which may be called extra-normal, 
abnormal, or even illegitimate causes. Normal or legitimate 
causes are such as result in the production of -characters which 
are of direct use to the organism. In extra-normal or illegiti- 
mate causes the characters produced are such as have only an 
indirect effect. Thus in the vegetable kingdom normal devel- 
opment tends chiefly in the direction of strengthening the 
stem, increasing the foliar surface, and protecting the germ and 
reproductive organs, z. ¢., in the direction of strength, nutri- 
tion, and reproduction, these being the three prime essentials 
of existence. The various modes of strengthening the trunk, 
and especially the attainment of complete exogeny, as seen in 
the trees of the present day, directly improved the conditions 
of existence and the chances for further development. The 
gradual attainment of broad appendicular expansions called 
leaves increased more and more the power to decompose the 


Se. Aerie 


carbonic dioxide of the air which is the chief nourishment of 
plants. The separation of the sexes, the transition from spore- 
bearing to seed-bearing plants, the development of a closed 
ovary for the protection of the germ, and of floral envelopes 
for the protection of the stamens and pistils, all tended to per- 
fect the reproductive function and render a higher type possible. 
These influences were therefore all normal and legitimate in 
acting directly upon the essential properties of the organism ; 
and had no extra-normal or illegitimate influences come in to 
modify the results these direct ends would have been the only 
ones attained. Vegetation would doubtless have still been 
green as now, there would have been forests of large trees with 
strong solid trunks and umbrageous foliage: there would have 
been green grass and rushes, rank and luxuriant herbage, 
stately palms and graceful ferns, even as now, but this would 
have been all. Twoof the leading features of the actual vege- 
tation would have been wanting, viz., showy and fragrant 
flowers and highly colored, pleasantly flavored, and nutritious 

A large, showy, or fragrant blossom is of no direct use to a 
plant. Indeed its nourishment is an expense to the normal 
growth of the plant. Still greater is the cost of the abundant 
nutritious matter in many fruits. In both these cases the value 
to the plant is indirect, and when we study the subject deeply 
we find that the cause of the development of such organs is 
a sort of teleological or final cause. Beautiful flowers and 
edible fruits are extra-normal or illegitimate products of nature, 
and those who fail to see this have but a crude and imper- 
fect conception of the course of evolution. 

Fortuttous Variation.—In a certain sense every influence 
that affects an organism is legitimate, and we have seen that 
the several great types have been brought into existence by 


the improvement of the special opportunities offered by the en- 
vironment. We have also seen that these opportunities have 
presented themselves at long and irregular intervals, and, as it 
were, by chance. In this sense there is only a difference of 
degree between these normal and legitimate influences and 
those which I have called extra normal or illegitimate. Their 
occurrence was fortuitous. They were the result of accidental 
variations in an advantageous direction seized upon by nature 
for the creation of higher types of life. 

There is a school of evolutionists who maintain that this is 
the only way in which ‘progress takes place. This is held to 
be the strictly Darwinian view, as opposed to the Lamarckian 


view that the ‘‘ appetencies,’’ as Lamarck called them, z. e., 
the individual efforts, strivings, and struggles of the organism 
in advantageous directions, aid in determining what the new 
and improved type shall be. In a paper which I had the 
honor to read before this society over a year ago on ‘‘ Fortui- 
tous Variation as illustrated by the genus Eupatorium’”’ * I 
endeavored to show that this fortuitous variation was often 
successful even when no apparent advantage could result there- 
from. ‘The tendency to vary is in all directions, as from the 
center toward the surface of a sphere, and variation will take 
place in every direction which does not prove so disadvantage- 
ous as to render life impossible. In by far the greater number 
of cases the advantage or disadvantage is slight or imperceptible, 
and changes go on without improvement or deterioration, 
causing a great number of equally vigorous forms to arise, all 
differing more or less from one another. This accounts chiefly 
for the varied and manifold in nature, and but for this law, 
hitherto, so faras I am aware, unobserved, nature would be 

* See abstract (all that was published) in Nature (London) for July 
25, 1889 (Vol. XL, p. 310). 

oe : 
ewan ; 
Pe eee eee ae ee ae eae 


monotonous and uninteresting. From the esthetic point of 
view, therefore, this is the most important law of biology. 
What is its importance from the scientific point of view? As 
you probably all know, there has been going on during several 
years past a very lively discussion of the principle of natural 
selection, and that principle has been vigorously attacked by a 
large and highly respectable class of working naturalists. Its 
vulnerable points have been fearlessly exposed and its de- 
fenders have been put to their wits’ end to save it from serious 
impairment. It has seemed to me that their mode of defense 
was ill-chosen and that its weakness consisted in claiming too 
much for natural selection, more than it can justly be shown to 
accomplish. ‘The weakest link in the chain is the first one, as 
Darwin himself admitted, and it seems strange that he, who 
maintained that the variations which natural selection seizes 
upon to the advantage of the organism are fortuitous, should 
not have conceived that these might go on as they begun for a 
long time and result in important changes that were neither 
beneficial nor injurious. Those who question the principle of 
natural selection insist with apparent justice that the incipient 
changes due to accidental variation during a single generation 
are utterly inadequate to perpetuate and multiply themselves, 
that their utility must be infinitesimal and practically nil; and 
they pertinently ask how the machinery of natural selection 
was ever set in motion. Strange as it may seem, the de- 
fenders of natural selection have thus far found no better 
answer to this argument than to deny its force and to maintain 
that every variation, however slight, if in the direction of 
utility, begins to operate from its inception and goes on increas- 
ing with cumulative strength. This answer is not satisfactory 
and its inadequacy has been sufficiently proved. It should 
be abandoned and some other substituted, and until this is 


done natural selection will continue to lack a solid basis upon 
which to rest. 

But it seems to me that there is an answer to the objection, 
and one which fully meets it. This answer is nothing more 
nor less than the patent fact already stated that fortuitous vari- 
ation actually does go on at all times, in many directions, and 
to great lengths, without any perceptible change in the degree 
of adaptation which the varying forms have to their environ- 
ment. I have shown how this takes place in one important : 
genus of plants, and it would be easy to extend the observa- 

tion to almost any other genus. I doubt not that the animal 
kingdom is also full of examples. 

Here then we have the solution of by far the worst difficulty 
in the way of natural selection. The beneficial effect need not 
be assumed to begin at the initial stage. It need not be felt 
until well-formed varieties have been developed without regard 
to any advantage in the particular differences which they’ pre- 
sent. There seems to be no flaw in this mode of solving this 
- paramount problem, and if it is objected that it amounts to a 

new explanation of the origin of species, I am ready to admit 
it, and I believe that more species are produced by fortuitous 
variation than by natural selection. Natural selection is not 
primarily the cause of the origin of species ; its mission is far 
higher. It is the cause of the origin of types of structure, such 
as those whose history I have endeavored to trace, and through 
which alone biologic evolution takes place. 

Extra-Normal Influences in the Vegetable Kingdom.—Re- 
turning from this important digression to the subject of extra- 
normal influences in the vegetable kingdom, let us inquire 
more closely into their exact nature. As already remarked, 
the most important are those which have resulted in the devel- 

_opment of beauty and fragrance in flowers and of bright colors 


and agreeable flavors in fruits. But these are by no means all, 
and we must thus account for most burs, spines, thorns, and 
other-forbidding features, viscid and glandular hairs, as in the 
sundew, and irregular and peculiar forms of leaves, especially 
such as are seen in the pitcher-plants, and a great variety of | 
other structures not connected with the reproductive function. 

What then are these supra-normal or illegitimate causes 
which result in such peculiar products? In the first place they 
_consist in special changes in the environment which are seized 
upon to the advantage of the plant. Plants in view of their 
stationary character, had especial need of two things, viz., 
cross-ferttlization and dissemination. Growing together without 
power to change their position and mingle with remoter forms, 
there was perpetual danger that close interbreeding might de-_ 
teriorate or destroy the stock. The seeds of such stationary 
organisms perpetually falling in the same spot tended to choke 
one another and to weaken and restrict the species. Every 
normal and legitimate means of averting these two dangers 
had been adopted by the earlier types of vegetation. The 
spores of cryptogams and the pollen of conifers were made so 
light that the winds would take them up and waft them to 
_ great distances. Certain grasses and other herbs were endowed 
with the peculiarity of being uprooted by the wind at the 
proper season and blown for miles over the plains, scattering 
their seeds. And even water had become and still remains a 
medium for the transportation of both pollen and seed from 
place to place and from shore to shore. But still these instru- 
mentalities fell far short of the needs of the vegetable world in 
these directions. At last, and nearly at the same period in the 
earth’s history, two new, and, one may almost say, unexpected 
agencies came forward, adapted respectively to the supply of 
these two prime necessities of the plant—viz., zmsects and dzrds. 


Origin of Showy and Fragrant Flowers.—Away back in the 
dim darkness of the coal period when tree-ferns, calamites, 
and giant club-mosses, combined with arche-typal yews to 
people the steaming swamps of a hot, cloud-laden island world, 
there existed a strange form of insect which can only be com- 
pared to the cockroaches of our day, but which seems to have 
embodied in its structure the beginnings of all the varied types 
of insect life, the promise and prophecy not only of our dragon- 
flies and beetles, but also of our flies, bees, and butterflies. 

And during the long ages that followed, while the plant life’ 

was passing through the history which I have briefly sketched, 
the insect world was experiencing a similar unfolding, and new 
and improved types, very much as in plants, were coming into 
existence, attaining their maximum development, and giving 
way to still higher ones, until some time in the late Jurassic or 

early Cretaceous age forms began to appear which were 

adapted to obtain sustenance from the pollen, and perhaps - 

from the stigmas of flowers. To do this they were obliged to 
pass from flower to flower and would unavoidably carry the 
dust that adhered to their heads, wings and feet from .one 
flower to others more or less remote. Cross-fertilization, that 
‘“secret of Nature’’ discovered by Sprengel, was thus effected, 
and new vigor was instilled into those forms which for any 
reason had been so fortunate as to attract these winged friends. 
We can figure to ourselves a rivalry springing up among plants 
as to which should offer them the greatest inducement, and 
through the action of natural selection, which here found a 
typical field for its normal operation, the entire nature of flow- 
ers underwent a rapid change. To continue the figurative ex- 

pression, all flowers vied to excel in beauty and attractiveness ; 

for these tiny insects possess esthetic tastes which do not ma- 

-terially differ from those of mankind. 


To size, showiness, and beauty of coloration, was often added 
fragrance which was especially successful with moths and other 
nocturnal insects. Many special inducements were held out. 
Sweet and nutritious nectars were secreted from the petals to 
lure on the unsuspecting creatures, and deep, and peculiar 
grooves, sacs, and spurs were developed to hold this nectar in 
large quantities. These nectaries were so adjusted that no. bee 
could enter without passing directly over the stigma and brush- 
ing upon it the precious dust of other flowers. Wonderful 
contrivances thus came into existence to secure this supreme 
end of plant being, and the present world of flowers was ulti- 
mately evolved. 

The profound modification accomplished by this agency was 
not confined to size, color, fragrance, and the secretion of nec-. 
tar. The forms of flowers underwent in many cases a complete 
change, and an infinite number of wonderful irregularities ap- 
peared, varying from the slightest differences in the petals to 
the amazing abnormalities of the orchids, all calculated to 
adapt plants to the useful ministrations of insects, sometimes, 

: as in the yucca, to those of a single species of insect without 
which reproduction is impossible. 

And thus it has come about that the form of every flower 
has its special meaning which can be interpreted by those who 
have penetrated this great secret. We hear of the language of 
flowers—that the rose signifies beauty, the daisy innocence, the 
violet modesty, the myrtle love—but science has discovered a 

new and real language which the flower not only speaks but 
writes in clear characters, and which the botanist deciphers 
and reads by much the same methods that the assyriologist em- 
ploys when he deciphers and reads the arrow-head inscrip- 
tions upon the tablets of Nineveh. 

It is thus that flowers are accounted for by modern science 


in all their beauty and variety. The old idea that they were 
made for man to admire and enjoy is exploded, and yet it re- 
mains true that they were made to be admired and enjoyed by 
creatures capable of admiration and esthetic pleasure. It is 
not true that any flower was ever ‘“‘ born to blush unseen’’ or 
‘“waste its fragrance on the desert air.’’ ‘There is a standard 
of taste so universal that what pleases the bee, the ant, and 
the butterfly, also pleases the senses of man. Biology has 
overthrown the anthropocentric theory as astronomy has the 
geocentric, and every creature lives in and for itself and shares 
with man to some degree the sublime attributes of mind and 

Origin of bright-colored and sweet-flavored fruits.—In seek- 
ing the origin of fruits we have to consider an almost parallel 
history of development to that which we have been studying 
in accounting for flowers. But here we must look to another 
kind of animal life, chiefly to the great family of birds. There 
were probably no bright-colored or sweet-flavored fruits until 
the close of Mesozoic time, because the future birds were as 
yet reptiles crawling over the ground or swimming in the wa- 
ters, albeit some of them already possessed the inchoate attri- 
butes of their avian successors. Moreover, the vegetation of 
that early period was incapable of employing the intervention 
of winged life for its distribution. At first it consisted exclu- 
sively of spore-bearing plants whose dissemination was chiefly 
affected by the wind, and which depended upon the infinite 
multiplication of spores to make up for defective means of dis- 
tribution. Later came on the gymnospermous types of cyca- 
dean and coniferous life, neither of which are now to any great 
extent adapted to the uses of the feathered world. Paleon- 

* Here and later on I use the term sow/ in the sense of conscious desire 
strong enough to induce active effort for its satisfaction. 


tology, both vegetable and animal, thus doubly confirms the 
view that fruits, in the sense here employed, had their origin 
simultaneously with the appearance of birds, as flowers did 
with that of flower-frequenting insects, toward the close of 
Mesozoic time. Attracted by their bright colors correlated 
with pleasant flavors, birds learned to visit the plants that bore 
such fruits. _ Flying thence to distant parts and voiding the 
hard seeds of berries and stones of drupes, they became the 
effective instruments for the dissemination of these forms. 

The great problem of distribution was thus solved by bird 
life as was that of cross-fertilization by insect life, and just as 
plants vied with one another to attract insects to their flowers, 
so did they also vie with one another to attract birds to their. 
fruits. Here again it was the universal esthetic faculty that 
enabled the ancient bird life to prepare the earth for human 
habitation, and yet, no more than in the previous case was 
man the final cause. So uniform is the standard of taste 
throughout the psychic world that what contributes to the 
pleasure of a bird or an insect also supplies some esthetic want 
in the race of men. 


There is one other abnormal or supra-normal influence in the 
organic world which is so important and so well illustrates the 
principle now under consideration, that it seems proper briefly 
to advert to it. I refer to the causes which in many cases, par- 
ticularly in the animal kingdom, make one sex differ so widely 
from the other. | ees 

An array of facts taken from asexual life and from the very 
early stages of sexuality converge to show that primarily and 
normally the female is the main trunk line of development, 


while the male is merely accessory, and need have no impor- 
tance apart from the reproductive function. Such restriction 
actually exists in a great many of the lower organisms and in 
some that are quite highly organized, while throughout the in- 
vertebrate world the physical superiority of the female is the 
rule and that of the male is almost unknown. Female super- 
iority’is also the rule and male superiority the exception among 
all vertebrates except birds and mammals, and sometimes 
occurs even in these. Normal or legitimate development 
would make it universal. But in most birds and mammals, 
the opposite state of things exists, viz., male superiority, and 
we are so much more familiar with these two highest types of 
life that the impression is almost universal that the male sex is 
in some way the primary and dominant one. I shall not waste 
your time in attempting to refute this popular impression. 
Those who defend it simply display their lack of acquaintance 
with the lower forms of life. My own attention was drawn to 
the subject by certain remarkable phenomena presented by 
plants, but a study of the very early stages of animal life is 
sufficient, with the least reflection, to set the whole question 
at rest.* 

The problem is, therefore, to account for this apparently 
abrupt reversal of the normal process of development as it 
went on prior to the advent of birds and mammals. What 
was the extraneous and illegitimate agency which began to 
operate early in the development of avian and mammalian 
life? The one term which most nearly expresses it is sexual 
selection, proposed by Darwin. In my opinion the discovery of 
the principle of sexual selection. has equal if not higher rank 

* For a fuller, though popular, treatment of this subject, see the Horune 
for November, 1888, Vol. VI, p. 266. 


than that of natural selection, since its influence when fully 
understood will be found to be as great, and to Darwin alone 
is due the entire credit of making it known: Strangely enough 
_ Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace, who simultaneously and indepen- 
dently worked out the law of natural selection, is disposed, as 
shown by his recent work on Darwinism, to reject sexual selec- 
tion altogether-as a factor in biology ; yet to my mind, it re- 
mains debatable which of these two great laws has exerted the 
more profound effects in modifying the course of organic devel- 
opment. It certainly cannot be said of natural selection that 
it has produced a complete revolution in that course, or has, so 
to speak, reversed the wheels of biologic progress, as sexual 
selection has done ; not in the sense of producing a retrograde 
movement, but in that of shifting the axis of evolution, if I 
may be allowed the expression, from its normal position to a 
wholly abnormal one, and raising toa prime factor what was 
originally a mere incident in the history of organic life. 

Female Selection.—But by sexual selection Darwin meant 
only female selection, which would be the more accurate ex- 
pression. It was not until the era of birds and mammals that 
the female really began to exercise a choice, or if, as is proved 
in a few cases, the females of lower creatures did exercise a 
choice, the result was the same as in the higher, the superiority 
of the males. 

You all understand this law too well to make any explana- 
tion of its operation necessary, and I only desire to bring it 
forward as one of the most important of all the abnormal or 
illegitimate influences that have brought about the present 
state of things. I also wish to point out its analogy to the 
other two influences which I have considered. For here again, 
size, strength, and beauty, as displayed in the males of so 
many animals and birds, are the products of a dawning and 


growing esthetic sentiment, the expression of a developing 
taste, which is so nearly identical with the most highly devel- 
oped tastes of mankind that there are no higher objects of 
human admiration than the gorgeous plumage of birds or the 
graceful forms of animals—than, for example, the feathers of 
the-ostrich or the antlers of the stag. 

Male Selection.—The reign of female selection has been a 
long one, and throughout the two classes of animals in which 
it is chiefly displayed it still prevails in full force. It is proba- 
bly still the dominant influence in the human race, even among 
its highest types, though here resulting more in mental than 
in physical superiority in men. 

But there are signs that this may not always’remain so. I 
long ago pointed out * that among the higher races of men a 
form of male selection has already begun to exert a strong 
influence. In civilized life the choosing is not left wholly to 
women, and with the progress of culture and refinement this 
mutuality of selection grows more and more marked. That 
male selection will prove equally effective with female selection 
is already proved by the ever increasing beauty of women 
under its influence ; and those who think men perverse because 
they prefer beauty to all other qualities, or women trivial 
because they make their personal appearance a leading aim of 
life, have never learned the great law of nature which over- 
rules all the trite maxims of the purists, that beauty means 
worth—perfection—and that beautiful companions insure per- 
fect offspring, an improved posterity, and a better and nobler 
race, of men as well as women. And this is why the love of 
and preference for the beautiful has a higher and a deeper 
sanction in the everlasting order of things than can be given 
by any church, any court of law, or any code of morals. 

* Dynamic Sociology, 1883, Vol. I, p. 613. 




In all the cases considered of what I have denominated 
extra-normal or illegitimate influences affecting the course of 
biologic evolution, there is revealed to the careful student a 
common principle to which their peculiar character is due; a 
certain element of power and independence which gives to 
them both their anomalous and eratic character among organic 
laws, and also their remarkable efficacy and success in accom- 
plishing the ends of evolution itself. What is this common 
principle, this element of power? It is expressed in the single 
word psychic—I had almost said, in the one word mz7zd. 
Philosophers correctly identify these conceptions, and any- 
thing that transcends the purely vital partakes of the attributes of | 
mind. This new force, manifesting itself in at least three 
prominent ways at almost the same time in the earth’s history, 
and, producing such astonishing revolutions, was the psychic 
force beginning to respond to a long process of cephalization, 
or brain-enlargement, in the animal world. It represents the 
birth of the soulin nature; it was the response to a demand. 
for the satisfaction of wants, of instincts, of tastes; it was the 
first expression of purpose and of will. For these are the at- 
tributes which led the bee to seek the nectar from the flower, 
the bird to visit the brilliant cluster of fruit, or the female of 
the higher creatures to choose the most beautiful male for its 
mate. And these are psychic qualities and represent the sub- 
jective half of the world of mind—the great heart of nature. 

The strictly biologic record properly closes here. ‘To show 
that this same force continues to produce its unlooked-for effects 
at a higher stage of development, operating from the objective 
side, through the intellect, or head of nature, and that the re- 
sults have here been as much more surprising and. far-reaching 
as the organisms through which they were aceomplished were 


higher in the scale of development,* though an easy task, 
would not only carry me too far, but would trench upon the 
domain of anthropology and belong more properly to a sister 

Cosmic Epochs.—Taking a retrospective view of the entire 
field of evolution and bearing in mind its uneven course as I 
have sought to depict it, there may be discerned, standing out 
prominently above all the minor fluctuations, a few great cos- 
mic crises or epochs, in which the change appears so abrupt 
and so enormous as to suggest actual discontinuity. Three 
such cosmic epochs belong to the history of life on the globe. 
The first was the origin of life itself. The second was the 
origin of soul or will in nature. The third was the origin of 
thought or pure intellect. While I do not say that any of the 
factors producing these epochs came suddenly into existence, 
or that any definite lines exist separating life from soul or soul 
from intellect, theoretically speaking, the general fact remains 
that they are practically distinct principles, having diverse 
effects, originating at widely different periods in the earth’s 
history, and succeeding one another in the order named. Of 
these three great principles, life, soul, and intellect, and of the 
cosmic epochs which they have produced, I have in the closing 
part of this address, attempted to consider the second only, 
and I have chosen it chiefly because its bearing upon evolution 
appears to have been wholly ignored or misunderstood. Soul 
or will is simply desire in the act of seeking satisfaction, and I 
once presented the evidence to show that this is a true natural 
force,t obeying all of the three Newtonian laws of motion ; 
but its effects, compared with the other forces of cosmic and 

* This is the ‘‘indirect method of conation.’’? See Dynamic Sociology, 
Vol. II, p. gg.° 
{t Dynamic Sociology, Vol. II, p. 95. 


organic evolution, appear to us erratic or even spasmodic. 
Nevertheless its potency is far greater and the ends attained 
through it are upon the whole the same. It owes this charac- 
ter to the fact that it is a psychic force as distinguished from 
either physical or wital forces. Its study is therefore a part of 
psychology, and from it we should learn that psychology is 
simply a branch of biology and its study should begin with 
animals and not with man. Finally, the peculiar character of 
this psychic influence is due to its being a product of higher 
organization. Mind is to biology what protoplasm is to chem- 
istry. Psychology is transcendental biology.* 

* So called by Auguste Comte, who refused to recognize it as a distinct. 
science. See his Philosophic Positive, Vol. IV, p. 342. 



Address, ninth presidential. ...... 2-22 
Address, tenth presidential. .... oa SOS 
Africa, Central, notes from Emin Pasha’s 
travels in | cS dais crete puto tgs wyies ale AS ix 
Alwood, W. B., the artificial Pollenation 
OF WER Se a a ae ee os xi 
Amendment, Constitutional, proposed. . . xv 
Amendment adopted «62534 6 sos ee xvi 

Ancestors of Liriodendron tulipiferz . . xxi 
Animals, domesticated, Reversion of to a 

WEE Ae a se oe eee es ey ix 
Animals, menagerie, diseases of. . . . . xiv 
Atetomype Mente... ss ee xvii 
Aryicola austerus minor. ......... x 
Arvicola, from Black hills of Dakota, new 

GOCIOE Se es is Ss xii 
Artvicola ‘Jongicauds =). 2 xii 
Aster Shortii, near Washington. .... xiv 

Bacteria, Pathogenic, in the Animal or- 

ganism, destruction of. ......... ix 
Barrows, W. B., dangerous Seed-planting 

yt Sane Cow 6 On ay xvii 
Bat, new tothe U. S., and new localities 

for other N. A.mammals......... x 
Bat, Hawaiian, noteson.......... xi 
Bean, T. H., distribution and some char- 

acters of our Salmonide........ viii 
Biologic Evolution, the course of, Tenth 

Presidential-address (22 So Se, 23-55 
Biological Survey of the San Francisco 

mountain region, results, &c. ... . xxiii 
Bitde, Right of youtieu 28 Ss xxiii 
Birds’ ribs, abnormalities in. ...... xi 
Brachiopod, new genus and species from 

the Trenton limestone... . .. . . xxii 
‘Burgess, E. S., Aster Shortii near Wash- 

PORE Ce erred eh ge ee xiv 

Carex, Morphology of genus; contribu- 

RUNES SE ae aoe ene Sak ses hoe xv 
Catalogues of American mammals, 

Chatizes in since ' 1877509 es yee viii 
Chameea, the affinities of. .... i Oe 

Coccidea, parasiticin the mouse... . . xix 


Collins, J. W., the work of the Schooner 
Grampusin fish culture. ........ ix 

Commission of Scientific Societies of 
Washiagtote 3.3 6.0%, ti a oe tee aa vi 
Committees, Standing. . 20... 0s. Vv 
Configurations of Trees, causes of. . * * xiii 

Contagion and infection from a Biological 
Standpoint: 6st oe is Ree xiv 
Cormorant, Pallas’, noteson....... xvii 
Cottoideus fishes, classification of. . . . viii 
Council and: Officers 3600 le Vv 

Coville, F. V., the fruit of Stipa spartea . xvii 
Cricetodipus and Perognathus, revision 

[3 CR RRO Se TORE aS aE Neh cor erga xx 
Crocodiles, Man-eating. ...:...... <a 
Cross and hybrid, Definition of... . . . xviii 
Crows and seed planting. ........ xvii 
Crozier, A. A., the Influence of foreign 

pollen on fast). sor Se ee xvi 

Cryptogamic life, fossil, comprehensive 
type of, from the Ft. Union groups. . xii 

Curtice, Cooper, Some Early Stages in the 
life history of Teenia pectinata. . vili 

On Teenia fimbriata a new parasite 

Of sh@ep. 5 oo a as ix 
Sexual Differences in ‘Tricho- 
Senhal oe eae Aes xiii 
On the Sheep-tick Melophagus 
ap he 4+ | aan leh agin een ATEN I SS Se ap xv 
How Entozoa cause disease. ... . xx 
Cyperaceze and Graminez, generic charac- 
PETS GP or a ai ee ee xxiii 
Cyperus, etc,, germinationof. ... . .xix 

Dall, W. H., the Modifications of the Gill 

The reproductive organs in certain 
forms of the Gasteropoda. . . . xviii 

Presidential address, Deep-sea Mol- 
lusks and the conditions under 

which they live. ...... xxii, 2-22 

Notes on the genus Gemma Des- 
HAVER eM Re ia ts a apie aoe es xxi 
Dactylopteroidea, remarks on...... xxi 
Death of George W. Tryon. ....... vii 
Death of Asa Gray...... Pas bering tates vii 
Death of Dr. J. H. Kidder. ....... xviii 


Deer of Central America, Remarks on. . xiii 
PIOWAE MAC ENE Ci cae ho is gt he oe xii 
Differences, sexual, in Tricocephali. . . xiii 
Diseases of menagerie Animals..... xiv 
Distribution, geographical, of Umbelli- 
ee PR lint ny ete sg Teeny atbis xvi 
Elacatidee, family characters of. ..... vii 
Blection of Officers. ....... xxiii, xxiv 
Eupatorium, fortuitous variation as illus- 
trated in said genus, ete... 5. 2s: ie SLY 
Evolution, Biologic, the course of, Tenth 
Presidential Address. ..... xxiv, 23-55 
Exogyra costata, variationsof....... vii 

Fernow, B. E., the causes of the configu- 
PAIN “OL AL OCS re ctu coe ste eS xiii 
Annual Ring-growth in trees. . . . xix 
Ferret, blackfooted, (Putorius nigripes) . xix 
Fever, Texas, micro-organisms of. . . . xxii 
Fever, Texas, general remarks on. . . xxii 
Fish culture, work of Schooner Grampus . ix 

Bishes; fais of ee i as xii 
Hight of young birds 8 ag xxili 
Floras of Southern Ohio and Eastern 
VFR PIC sas see ics win nace ts Eman g xxi 
Fossils, Cambrian from Mt. Stephens, N. 
W, sterritery. of; Canada.) un ei a, ix 
Fossil wood of the Yellowstone, National 
PA ke Sot py oi tre sen ae git Fe ed wee ote xi 
Fossil wood and Lignites of Potomac for- 
TALGALOU ia wie utes « Neteg Weer pee Depes aos xii 
Fossil cryptogamic life, a comprehensive 
type of, from the Ft. Union Groups. . . xii 
Fossils, Lower Cambrian; new genera 
and species described 2.0 2. kk xx 
Rox, new Calitoria si. 0 fo he wae vii 
Fruits, tropical, in the Lake Worth Re- 
ra Ral 1 Bee geet Chey Pn RY Na as BR Pau hae yg eS. Bt xix 
RATE Of Stipa epatted yen ee xvii 
Fruit, influence of foreign Pollen... .. xvi 
Galloway, B. F., a disease of the Syca- 
MOTE ea loge stig Aga oon Was pices xvi 
Gasteropoda, reproductive organs in cer- 
SOLU SOTANS OF oie oi de hs cl eee xvili 
Gemma, notes on the genus. ....... xxi 
Germination of Sarracenia, Rheum, Pel- 
tandra, Hemerocallis and Cyperus. . . xix 
Gill, Theodore, the characters of the fam- 
Ty: ACRE Ag a hs sek vii 
The Classification of the Cottoide- 
OUS BSB sens he 2 ey eet viii 


The characteristics of the family 

Scatopnagigee Piemioo. si— se eee xii 

The families of Fishes. ...... xii 

On the relations of Psychrolutide . xiii 

On the Dactylopteroidea. ..... xxi 
Univalve Mollusks, the modifica- 

RIONS OPS hig sa we a aes xii 
Graminez, N. A., new species of the last 

DWEIWOC: VORTE tisk ots te ei eat ee am aia XV 
Graminez and Cyperaceze, generic char- 

ROCCE OF gee tee see eae xxiii 
Grampus, Schooner, work of in Fish cul- 

[ASPs WeRUnt eden Shins eam E a eae oleae aL mR var ti grente ix 

Gray, Asa, “death-of 20.5 sec oe die vii 
Ground hog or Marmot of the genus 

AS CRNYS Yih e eres ee een ae ae Xvi 
Ground squirrel, new species from West- 

ern  AsIzOna ss cota pets Pe Bian ek xvii 

Gryphea: i pitcherit: © a tae se ee vii 


Hallock, Charles, the Reversion of domes- 

ticated Animals to a wild state. .... ix 
Hasbrouck, EK. M.,a new species of Mary- 

land Yellow-throat . 0. 205i ees xvii 

Hemerocallis, etc., germination of. . . . xix 
Hiel, Robert T., the variations of Exo- 

pcdnthte os os As ese vii 

E On Gryphea pitcheri........ vii 
Holm, Th., notes on Hydrocotyle ameri- 

cre LL: RR ed ne OO Ae REO nee Mh eee i xiv 
Contributions to the Morphology of 

The Germination of Sarracenia, 
Rheum, Peltandra, Hemerocallis, 

ana. Cyperna > See xix 
Ancestors of the Liriodendron tulipi- 

FOUR ee Pr ae a a ee ea xxi 
Generic Characters of the Gram- 

ineze and Cyperacee... .-. . xxiii 
Hopkins, C. L., notes upon Pollenation of 

the navel oranges’... ae x 
A point of definition in the use of 

the terms hybrid and cross. . . xviii 

Hornaday, W. T., Man-eating Crocodiles . xi 
The black-footed ferret, Putorius 
PWIA POS. ee ewe et cia xix 
Howard, lL. O., on an apparatus for the 
Study of underground Insects and plant 

POS ei ae ik Cine, cot ake eet bar ee pea ag xi 
Hybrid and cross, Definition of. .... Xvili 
Hydrocotyle americana, notes on... . . xiv 

Infection and contagion from a Biological 
Stand point oi eye saa ie xiv 

PN ee a ae aa ey ST ee 

gs ls ail 

oa See 3 ial a 


Insects underground, Apparatus for Study 
of, and plant-roots 

fia. reg stl Ree Os cas Samat et Ue xi 
James, J. F., the effect of Rain on Earth 
Wort Pig oe xviii 
The Floras of Southern Ohio and 
Eastern’ Maryland. ....... xxi 
Kangaroo ‘rats, Dipodomys........ xi 

Kidder, Dr. J. H., death of announced . xviii 
King, Dr. A. F. A., on the Flight of young 

yo gt Site Mere cee Rese. = ae es aa A ie Sts Xxili 
Knowlton, F. H., the fossil wood of the 
Sac ia National Park... . xi 
Fossil wood and Lignites of the 
Potomac “formation .° 2°. 0 8: xii 
Laechnosterna, sexual characters in... . xii 
Lagomys schisticeps from the Sierra 
Nevada, sOaliforate cf oo ee Se eS XV 
Lignites and fossil wood of Potomac for- 
pee hc 0 ele gat eget aeiire ie ah ar ees acs out taN ee, AER xii 
Liriodendron tulipiferce, Ancestors of. . xxi 

Lueas, F. A., the affinities of Chamae . . xi 
On. abnormalities in the Ribs of 

MER 5 esis 1S Be Uo, xi 

Notes on the Diseases of menagerie 
Amiga 2.5 peak i . xiv 


Mammals, changes in Catalogues of 
WANOVI CO 8S iy MeN AER ites SS viii 

Marmot or ground hog of the genus 
RAAT ora RS er ae xvii 

Marx, George, a new Spider and its influ- 
ence on classification. ......... xxi 
Meeting, Ninth Annual. ......... xiv 
Meeting, postponed Ninth Anniversary . xxii 
Meeting, Tenth Annual,1890...... xxiii 
Meeting, Anniversary, Tenth. . .°. . . xxiv 
Meiampsora, hydrangeze noteson. . . . xvii 
Melophagus ovinus, sheeptick. .... . xv 

Merriam, C. H., on a new Fox from aks 
og | ERRORS Ea. SARC dey ie a * vii 

Description of a new species of 
American’ Skunk. 2 2.000.302. viii 

Description of anew meadow Mouse 

with remarks on the sub-genus 
POTN et ree Pre ah a 

A Bat new to the United States and - 
new localities for other North 

INDEX. 59 

Notes on the North American Kan- 

garoo Rats belonging to the genus 
FMpONOM YE OL he COS, ap | 
A new species of Arvicola from the 
Black hills of Dakota. ...... xii 
New Ground Squirrel froni Cali- 
ro | UM ER i ioc eae cea fo tg gle BATAAN, oes? xiii 

A new species of Pika (Lagomys) . 
A new and remarkable Vole from 
British Columbia 
A new species of Ground Hog or 
Marmot of the genus Arctomys . xvii 
A new species of Ground Squirrel 
from Western Arizona... ... xvii 
A new genus and two new species 
of Lemming Mouse or ich eye 
British Columbia . . xix 
Two new species of Spermophile 
from the deserts bordering the 
Lower Colorado river in California 
and Arizona. (Spermophilus mo-_ 
havensis and §. neglectus) . pack 
Revision of the Grasshopper Mice 
and Pocket Mice with descriptions 
Of thew specter i. 2) Ki i rg xx 
Remarks on the spotted Skunks 
(genus Spilogale,) with descrip- 
tions ofnewspecies. ....... xxi 
A new Spermophile from the 
Painted Desert, Arizona. .... xxi 
A new Red-backed Mouse from Col- 
General results of a Biological Sur-_ 
vey of the San Francisco Moun- 

TAU MEO oo cae: See xxiii 

Mice, Grasshopper and Pocket, new spe- 
cies arid revision: of foie) Sao xx 
Microtome,.new freezing. ......%.: xvi 
Micro-organisms of Texas fever. .... xxii 

Mollusks, deep-sea, and the conditions 
under which they live, ninth Presi- 
detitial address oo 555 oe xxii 

_ valve 

Moore, V. A., notes on the morphology of 

Podophyllum peltatum......... xxi 
Morphology of the genus Carex, contribu- 

SORBET FS ee a Xv 
Morphology of Podophyllum. peltatum, 

TEE GRIM S65 Soe acter Woe hee pemeey sy. © 3 
Mouse, Meadow, new with remarks on the 
sub-genus Pedomys............ x 
Mouse, Meadow, new from Dakota... . 
Mouse, Lemming, new genus and two new 
species of, from British America... . xix 
Mouse, parasitic protozoa (Coccidea) in 
3 2 ole ale ea aS SETTER ES ca ee ae ke xix 

American mammals 

Mouse, new Red-backed from Colorado . xxiii 



Narwhal skull, female, with two tusks. . xx 

Gifacers and. Councils.) 00.8 oe a aes v 
Officers elected, 1889... .--.--+-++:-> XV 
Officers elected, 1890... ...----+:- xxiii 
Olenellus, Hall’sgenus. . .°.-...--. xvii 
Olenoides, the genus, of Meek. .... . xvii 

Oranges Navel, notes on pollenation of. .x 
Organs, reproductive, in certain forms of 

Rasteronoga: eo. ei ek ee es xviii 
Onychomys, synopsis of species, &c. . . xx 

Parasite, sheep, a new, Tenia fimbriata . . ix 
Parasite, human,noteon......... xiv 
Parasitic protozoa in the renal epithelium 

GE THE MORSE sire viney oh ie noe xix 
Pedomys, sub-genus.........-.-.. - 
Peltandra, etc.,germination of. ..... baba 
Perognathus and Cricetodipus, revison of . xx 
OR BIERITIMRGR, iS cs ie IR xvi 
Phenacomys celatus... 2.2.5... xix 
Phenacomys latimanus. .......... xix 
Phryne leptostachea, seed vessels of . . . xvii 
Pika (Lagomys,) a new species. ..... Xv 
Pilea pumila seeds, how ejected. . . ..xxiii 
Plant roots, apparatus for study of... .. xi 
Platypsylius, motes On. 2... 2 ys x 
Podophyllum peltatum, notes on morphol- 

se ee chit cee RR Soh PNR are ae xxi 
Pollen, foreign, influence of on fruit. . . xvi 
Pollenation of wheat, artificial. ..... xi 
Potomac formation, fossil woods and lig- 

Ps Woe aii 61 GesstR Ride eth gt PC ACA Wea ebay le Gattis Ror xii 
Protozoa parasitic in the renal epithe- 

litims of the Mouse...) 30 ee a xix 
Psychrolutide, onthe relationsofthe. . . xiii 

Putorius nigripes, black-footed Ferret. . xix 


Rats, Kangaroo, the N. A. belonging to 
the genus Dipodomys........ fe! 

Red-backed Mouse, new, from Colorado . xxiii 

Reproductive organs in certain forms of 

GastGronodd: fin ca i Ser, a eee xviii 
. Reversion of Domesticated animals to a 
WUCE SEALE 5k gd a OA TRAM ix 
Revision of pocket and grasshopper Mice 
and descriptions of new species. . . . xx 
Rheum, etc., germination of. ...... xix 

Ribs of Birds, abnormalities in 
Riley, C. V., on the Insectivorous habits 
of the English Sparrow. ..... vii 
Some notes from Emin Pasha’s 



travels in Central Africa. ..... ix 

Notes on Platypsyllus......... x 
Notes on the economy of Thalessa 

and. Tremexe 26 Sse eae xiii 

Note on a human Parasite. .... xiv 
The remarkable Increase of Vedalia 

cardinalisin California. ..... xxi 

Ring growth, annual, in trees. ..... xix 
Roots of plants, Apparatus for study of, 

WHS TONNE eee eas xi 
Rose, J. N., the geographical distribution 

of the Umbellifere........... xvi 

Rotifera, present knowledge of. .... xviii 

Salmon, D. E., general remarks on Texas 

Salmonide, distribution and some charac- 
COTS OF he a 
San Francisco Mountain region, Biologi- 
cal survey, resultsof. 23 20. 26.0% _ xxiii 
Sarracenia, etc., germination of. .... xix 
Scatophagide, family characteristics of . . xii 
Seaman, W. H., our present Knowledge 
of the Rotiera is. ere ere Xviii 
Seed-planting, dangerous, by. the Crow . xvii 
Seed vessels of the Lop-seed, Phryne 
Seeds, of Pilea pumila, how ejected. . . xxiii 
Sexual characters in Lachnosterna. . . . xii 
Shells, mutations in distribution of species . x 
Skunk, American, description of a new 
Skunks, Spotted, genus Spilogale, re- 
marks and descriptions of new species . xxi 
Smith, J. B., Remarks on sexual char- 
acters in. Lachnosterna 

Nixie CAN. xii 
Smith, Theobald, the destruction of 
pathogenic Bacteria in the animal 
OLPaltisw! 235 3 sei Pe Pie 
Contagion and infection from a 
Biological standpoint. ...... xiv 

Parasitic protozoa (Coccidea) in the 
renal Epithelium of the Mouse. . xix 
Sparrow, English, insectivorous habits of . vii 

Spermophilus Beldingi. ......... xiii” 
Spermophile, new species of, in the Col- 
orado. Gesert region: eo ek xix 
Spermophilus neglectus. ..-....... xx 
Spermophilus mohavensis ........ xx 
Spermophile, new from Arizona..... xxi 
Spider: bites, “notes on cfs Bs ss XxX 
Spider, new and its influence on classifica- 
ClO Ss 8 a, . Xxi 
Spilogale, apotted Skunks, desstrptta at 
new species andremarks, etc. ..... xxi 

Squirrel, Ground, new California. . . . . xiii 

Squirrel, Ground, new species from West- cultivated in the District of Co- 
CPT SR UIBOM A ch SE ee ae ky xvii TMM oP ES tL a ee viii, x 
Stearns, Robt. E. C., instances of Muta- Notes on new species of North 
tions in distribution of shells. ...... x American Graminez of the last 
Stejneger, L., noteson Pallas’ cormorant . xvii twelve. yeate...: care Se ie xv 
Stipa spartea, fruit of... ....... xvii | Vedalia cardinalis, remarkable increase 
Survey, biological, of the San /Erancisco Of, TH CUO Ses xxi 
Mt. Regions, results,ete. -2..... xxiii | Vole, from British Columbia, a new and 
Sycamore, Disease of... 2.2... xvi TRINOSRADIC OPER ee xvi 
Vole, or Lemming mouse, new genus and 
Tz two new species from British America . xix 
‘ WUIpOR -miecrotis | eae a vii 
Teenia pectinata, some early stages in : 
the life: history of 6 Perera viii Ww. 
Teenia fimbriata, a new parasite in sheep . ix : 
Tanias leugwras 23. ee Fe Eee xvii | Waite, M. B., notes on Melampsora = 
Tape-worm in sheep, Tzenia fimbriata. . . ix hydrangee. . ee xvi 
Taylor, Thomas, a new freezing Micro- Notes on the seed-vessels of the Lop- s 
RT ie ie negate ae che abe ee ei seed, Phryne leptostachya oe ae eves 
Thalessa and Tremex, economy of, notes Ona Method by which the seeds of 
Sik eee ee re ae eer xiii Pilea pumila are ejected. . . Le xxiii 
Tick, sheep, Melophagus ovinus. ... . xv | Ward, Lester F., on some characteristics 
Travels in Central Africa, notes from of the Flora of the Potomac for- 
Finsin’® Pashia iene ise ihe ee et ix mation Mies a Ae Ue ae Mtn a eS = 
Trees and shrubs, foreign, cultivated in the The King Devil rege ean cont ar _: xii 
District of Columbia. ........ viii, x A comprehensive type of ' Fossil 
Trees, configuration of, causesof. .. . . xiii Cryptogamic life from the Fort 3 
Trees, annual ring-growth. ....... xix capa: Sade’ ea Nas guna eA xn 
Tremex and Thalessa, notes on the econ- Fortuttqus’ Variation, as ittustrated 
OME GE ese 2 ene eee toe xiii by the genus Eupatorium, with 

Tricocephali, sexual differences in. . . 
Tropical fruits in the Lake Worth region . xix 
True, F. W., changes in the Catalogues of 

American Mammals since 1877. . viii 
The affinities of the White Whale. . .x 
Notes on the Hawaiian Bat. .... xi 
Remarks on the Deer of Central 

AMiCTICa 8 Seok ee Ae pe ee xiii 

An occurrence of Sowerby’s Whale 
on the coast of New Jersey. . . xviii 
A skull of a female Narwhal with 

two well developed tusks. .... xx 
Tryon, Geo; W., Geath of 8s. en: vii 

Umbelliferze, geographical distribution 
Pee Grae Ore eee ee bed ie xvi 
VanDeman, H. E., the tropical fruits of 
the Lake ‘Worth ‘fegion .°o02......05. S. xix 
Variation, fortuitous, as illustrated in the 
genus. Mupatonuar2 sic: oat i xiv 

Vasey, George, foreign trees and shrubs 

SPecimens . 5h a ee xiv 
Tenth Presidential address, the 
course of Biologic Evolu- 
RACE ee Oe Ags Cope XXiv, 23-55 
Walcott, Charles D., Cambrian fossils from 
Mt. Stephens, N. W. territory of . 
The genus Olenellus of Hall. . . . xvii 
On the genus Olenoides of Meek . . xvii 
Descriptions of new genera and 
species of Lower Cambrian fossils . xx 
A new genus and species of Brachio- 
pod from the Trenton limestone . xxii 

Whale, White, affinitiesof. .......... x 

Whale, Sowerby’s, on the coast of New 
JOTSOY. eee as; PO a XVvili 

Wheat, artificial pollenation of. ..... xi 

Wood, fossil, of the Yellowstone National 

ere Or as eee Re eee, Pa 5 
Wood, fossil and lignites in Potomac for- 

PIT Co C42 7 anes ieretenk gt yal call epee Mens egies 5 soon xii 
Worms, earth, effect of rainupon.. . . xviii 


Yellowthroat, new species of Maryland . xvii 


Pet; he es C 
™ ETE TE tg 
* Sy Seg 


a ies 





FEBRUARY 8, 1890, TO DECEMBER 26, I89gI. 





Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. 


Page VIIL., line 7, for Zheory to Evolution, read Theory of Evolution. 

Page IX., line 11, for refuted, read discussed, in the sentence: < Mr. 
Howard refuted Mr. Mann’s statement.” 

Page XI., line 11, for Pribylov, read Pribilof; idem page XVI., line 
21; page 73, second column, line 3; page 74, first column, line 
21; page 77, first column, lines 35 and 38 ; second column, lines 
10, 26, and 28. 

Page XII., line 2, for Zenth Annual, read Eleventh Annual Meeting. 

Page XVIIL., line 5, for Mojave, read Mohave. 


e ert 


i Be Fa ee 


Shieh Por in gl ole tek cian a at aan a aa 
rey bf . has 



Officers and: Committees for 189i 9.6 gs as Se a ee iv 

Proceedings, February 8th to December 26th, 1891 . . . . . . V-xix 

Addresses and Communications: 

On Dynamic Influences in Evolution, by Wm. H. Dall (read 

Match Sth S00) 6: 8a OATES NG ee eee 
Neo-Darwinism and Neo-Lamarckism, by Lester F. Ward 

(TARDATY AAU, ZOOL ck ew ds hee Che a en ev ee ae ee mes 












C.|HART MERRIAM, President. 
F.. A. LUCAS, C. A. WHITE,* 




Delegates to the Joint Commission of Scientific Societies of Washington. 
Committee on Communications. 


Commtttee on Publications. 

Cc. D. WALCOTT, Chairman. 

Committee on Trees and Shrubs. 

LESTER F. WARD, Chatrman. 


” * Ex-Presidents of the Society. 


* Fi; Pui it 
0 EG TERE TT ORO Maker et Soa Re 


February 8, 1890. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-eight members and 
guests present. 

The following active members were elected on recommenda- 
tion of the Council: T. W. Stanton, U. S. Geological Survey ; ~ 
Dr. E. Roome, Columbian University. 

Dr. Frank Baker presented a communication upon AN 
oF MAN. Discussed by Drs. Merriam and Riley. 

Mr. C. D. Walcott presented a note upon A NEw GENUS 

Dr. Cooper Curtice read a paper on Tax MOULTINGS OF 
THE CATTLE Tick (/xodes bovis).+ Discussed by Drs. . Riley 
and Theobald Smith. 

Prof. Lester F. Ward spoke of FLOWERS THAT BLOOM IN 

February 22, 1890. 

The President in the chair, and thirty members present. 

Mr. F. V. Coville presented a paper on THE NEW ARRANGE- 
OF AGRICULTURE.{ Discussed by Messrs. Riley and Ward. 

* Tenth Annual Report of the Director U. S. Geol. Survey, Pt. I, 1890, 
Pp. 625, 626. 
tJournal Comp. Med. and Vet. Archives 1890, p. 313; oe in 

_ Veterinarian 1891, p. 680. 

' { Bot. Gazette, xv, 1890, p. 68. 


Dr. T. H. Bean presented NOTES ON SOME FISHES FROM 

Dr. Merriam read a paper on the EVIDENCE OF SONORAN 
Discussed by Messrs. Ward, Gilbert, Coville, and Dall. 

March 8, 1890. 

The President in the chair, and forty-one members present. 

Mr. B. T. Galloway read a paper giving the results of some 
observations on an apple disease caused by the fungus Gym- 
nosporangium macropus. Discussed by Messrs. Van Deman 
and Marlatt. 

Mr. C. L. Hopkins presented some NOTES ON THE ANIMAL 
Messrs. Mann, Riley, Howard, Diller and Hasbrouck. 

Dr. W. H. Dall read a paper entitled ON DyNAmic INFLU- 

_ ENCES IN EvoLuTion.{ Discussed by Messrs. Coville, Mann, 
Fernow and Ward. 

March 22, 1890. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-nine members present. 

Dr. C. H. Stowell was elected an active member. 

Dr. D. W. Prentiss read a paper entitled CHANGE IN THE 

_ * Proceedings U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. xii, pp. 641, 642. 
T Insect Life, Vol. 2, p. 355. 

{ Proc. Biological Society, Vol. vi, pp. I-10. 

2 Phila. Med. Times, xi, 1880-81 ; also, Therap Gazette, Detroit, Mich., 
1889, viii. 

|| Journal Amer. Med. Assoc. xiii, 1889. 

Se SP ee eae 

as %y4 eat ial Jas 
, i 


Prof G. B. Goode read a paper on the COLORS OF FISHES.* 

Prof. C. V. Riley spoke on the CoLors oF INSECTS. 

The papers were briefly discussed by Messrs. Mann, Dall, 
Seaman and Ward. 7 i 

April 5, 1890. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-five members 
present. | 

Dr. Theobald Smith read a paper entitled SomE ILtus- 
TERIA.+ Discussed by Professor Atwater. 

Dr. R. R. Gurley presented a paper on the AMERICAN 

April 19, 1890. 

The President in the chair, and forty-five members present. 

Dr. C. W. Richardson was elected an active member of the 

Dr. Merriam presented a paper entitled Historica RE- 



Prof. J. F. James read a paper entitled VARIATION WITH 
Discussed by Professor Ward. 

Dr. Dall exhibited some ORIGINAL DRAWINGS OF THE 
Fur SEAL AND STELLERS’ SEA Cow,{ and gave an account 
of them. 

* Trans. Am. Fisheries Society, 1890. 
t Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie u Parasitenkunde, vii, 1890, p. 502. 
{Report U. S. Coast Survey and Geodetic Survey, 18go. 


May 3, 1890. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-six members present. 

Mr. J. R. Edson was elected an active member. 

Dr. Robert Reyburn read a paper entitled THE LIFE 
THEORY TO EvoLuTion.* Discussed by Dr. Theobald Smith, 
Dr. Salmon, Mr. True, Mr. Erwin Smith, Dr. Shaeffer, Mr. 
Seaman and Dr. Dall. 

Dr. Vasey read a paper entitled A NEw Grass GENUS.T 
Discussed by Messrs. Holm, Coville and Prof. Ward. 

May 17, 1890. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-six members present. 

Mr. T. S. Palmer read a paper entitled SomE EARLY VIEWS 
Dr. Merriam. 

Mr. F. W. True exhibited a specimen of Lophiomys imhausiz. 
Discussed by Dr. Merriam. 

Prof. W. H. Seaman read a paper entitled THE PLACE OF 
BIOLOGY IN THE PuBLIc ScHoors.t Discussed by Profs. 
Chickering and Ward, Dr. Baker and Messrs. Waite and 

May 31, 1890. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-six members present. 
Dr. C. H. Merriam exhibited specimens of sundry new 
species of NORTH AMERICAN MAmMAIS. Discussed by Dr. 

* American Monthly Microscopical Journal, June, 1890. 
t Bot. Gazette, xv, 1890, p. 106. 
{ The American Anthropologist for October, 1891. 




Dr. Theodore Gill presented a paper on the CHARACTER- 
Dr. J. N. Rose read a paper entitled Coulterella, A NEW 

' GENUS OF ComposIT#.+ Discussed by Messrs. Seaman, Vasey 

and T.. S. Palmer. 

Prof. Jos. F. James spoke on ORGANISMS IN ST. PETER’S 

Mr. B. P..-Mann made some remarks upon the AUTHORSHIP 
by Department of. Agriculture. 

Mr. Howard refuted Mr. Mann’s statement. 


October 18, 1890. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-eight members 

Mr. H. E. Van Deman spoke of CULTIVATED FRUITS IN 

Dr. Theo. N. Gill presented a communication on the SUPER 

Prof. Lester F. Ward spoke on the subject of AMERICAN 

November 1, 1890. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-seven members 


Mr. Nathan Banks was elected an active member. 

* American Naturalist, xxiii, 1889, pp. 1015, 1016. (Pub. May, 18go.) 

+ U.S. Cont. Nat. Herb. i, 1890, p. 71. : 

t Ann. Report U. S. Dept. Agriculture, 1890, pp. 410, 411. 

2 Proc. U. S. N. M. xiii, 1890, pp. 361-376; pl. 28-30. 

|| Geological Society of America, iii, 1891, pp. 23-31. Abstracts in 
Science, Vol. xviii, Nov. 20, 1891, pp. 287, 288, and Proc. A. A. A. §., 
Vol. xi. 


Mr. F. V. Coville read a paper entitled FRUITING OF THE 
by Dr. Riley, Mr. Seaman and Mr. Fernow. ; 

Dr. Marx spoke of his recent INVESTIGATIONS OF THE 
Poison GLANDS OF LATHRODECTUS. Discussed by Drs. > 
Riley, Dall.and Theobald Smith. 

Prof. Jos. F. James read a paper called FucoIpS AND 
Dr. Dall, Prof. Ward and Mr. Mann. 

November 15, 1890. 

The President in the chair, and forty-three members present. 

Dr. Merriam presented a communication entitled Lire IN 
OcTOBER.* Discussed by Messrs. Walcott and Howard. 

Mr. Theodore Holm spoke of the VEGETATIVE PROPAGA- | 


Mr. Lucas described a Foot DISEASE OF CAPTIVE BIRDS. 

November 29, 1890. 

The President in the chair, and forty-seven members present. 

The following new active members were elected: Jno M. 
Stedman, Merwin M. Snell and Rev. Alexis Orban. | 

Dr. T. H. Bean presented a paper on THE DEATH OF 
SALMON AFTER SPAWNING.§ ~ Discussed by Dr. Gill, Prof. 
Goode, Mr. Stejneger, Drs. Dall and Merriam. 

*(In part.) North American Fauna No. 5, July, 1891, pp. 6-7. 

} Bull. Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. xviii, 1891, pp. 1-11, pl. exi-cxiii. 
{ Nautilus, Philadelphia, Vol. iv, 1890, No. 8, pp. 87-89, December. 
% Forest and Stream, November 27, 1890. 


RP Tes LF 


Dr. Theobald Smith spoke ON Sprcies AMONG BACTERIA. 
Discussed by Mr. True, Dr. Gill, Drs. Riley, Curtice, Mr. 

Mr. Sudworth presented a communication entitled NorsEs 
ON NOMENCLATURE. Discussed by Dr. Merriam. 

December 13, 1890: 

The President in the chair, and twenty-five members present. 

Mr. A. B. Baker was elected an active member. : 

Mr. Wm. Palmer read a paper on THE OCCURRENCE OF 
cussed by Dr. Dall. 

Dr. Riley presented some NEw NOTES. ON THE ae 

Mr. True spoke on THE TEETH OF THE MUSKRAT. 

Mr. Ijicas read a paper on THE WING OF METOPIDIUS. 
Discussed by Mr. True. 

December 27, 1890. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-six "members 

The following active members were elected: J. M. Holzin- 
ger, Frederick C. Test. 

Dr. Cooper Curtice presented a communication entitled A 
Discussed by Dr. Smith. 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam exhibited A NEw RABBIT FROM THE 

Dr. W. H. Dall read a paper entitled ON THE TOPOGRAPHY 

* (Lepus idahoensis) North American Fauna No. 5, July, 1891, pp. 76-78. 
T Bulletin 84, U. S. Geol. Survey. (In press.) 


(Tenth Annual.) 

The President in the chair, and forty-two members present. 

The annual reports of the Secretary, and Treasurer were 
read and accepted. 

The following board of officers was elected for the ensuing 
year : 

President—C. Hart Merriam. 

Vice-Presidents—C. V. Riley, Frank Baker, Richard Rath- 
bun, and C. D. Walcott. 

Secretartes—l,. O. Howard and F. A. Lucas. 

Treasurer—F. H. Knowlton. 

Members of Council—F. W. True, T. H. Bean, R. E. C. 
Stearns, Theobald Smith, and Geo. Vasey. 

January 26, 1891. 

(Eleventh Anniversary Meeting.) 

The eleventh anniversary meeting was held in the law 
lecture-room of Columbian University, January 26, 1891, 
in the presence of members and invited guests. 

The President, Lester F. Ward, delivered his annual address 
on the subject NEO-DARWINISM and NEo-LAMARCKISM.* 

February 7, 1891. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-five members present. 

The President announced the following committees for the 
ensuing year : 

Joint Commission—C. Hart Merriam, Lester F. Ward, Rich- 
ard Rathbun. 

* Published in this volume. See pp. 11-71. 

he es hl 


Committee on Communications—Richard Rathbun, Walter 
B. Barrows, John Murdoch. 

Committee on Publications—C. D. Walcott, R. E. C. Stearns, 
F. H. Knowlton, T. S. Palmer, F. V. Coville. 

Committee on Trees and Shrubs—Lester F. Ward, Geo. 
Vasey, F. H. Knowlton, Th. Holm, F. V. Coville. 

Mr. C. D. Walcott presented a paper on the DIscovERY 
STRATA.* Discussed by Dr. Gill. 

Prof. Henry F. Osborn gave a REVIEW OF THE DISCOVERY 
OF CRETACEOUS MAMMAIS.}+ Discussed by Dr. Gill. 

February 21, 1891. 

The President in the chair, and twelve members present. 
Dr. Cooper Curtice read a paper entitled Some LirrLeE 
KNown WorMS IN CATIrLE. Discussed by Mr. Holzinger. 

March 7, 189r. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-five members 

Mr. F. A. Lucas exhibited and described some young 
HoOATzINS. Discussed by Dr. Dall. 

Mr. Lucas also drew attention to a SPECIMEN OF BISON 

Dr. Bean spoke of the FISHES OF GREAT SOUTH Bay.{ | 

FORNIA.§ Discussed by Mr. Holzinger and Mr. Waite. 

*Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. Vol. iii, 1891 (in press). See also Proc. Phila. 
+ American Naturalist, xxv, July, sfiox: pp. 295-611. See also Proc. 
Phila. Acad. 

t Nineteenth Report of the betivninsicts of Fisheries of New York, 
1891, pp. 237-281. 

2 Bot. Gazette, Vol. xvi, 1891, p- I13. 


Mr. Sudworth presented a communication on the COLOR 
cussed by Messrs. Howard and Marlatt. 

Mr. Stedman exhibited and described a fine specimen illus- 

VEGETABLE LIFE. Discussed by Dr. Curtice and Messrs. 
Waite, Test and Holzinger. 

March 21, 1891. 

Ex-President Ward in the chair, and twenty-eight members 

Mr. W. A. Taylor was elected an active member. 

‘Dr. Dall presented a paper on the AGE OF THE PEACE 

Dr. Shufeldt read a communication on A COLLECTION OF 

Mr. F. A. Lucas spoke of A’ POINT IN THE ANATOMY OF 

Mr. F. H. Knowlton presented a communication entitled 
WHat ARE CYPRESS KNEES? Discussed by Prof. Ward and 
Mr. R. L. Garner. 

April 4, 1891. 

Vice-President Walcott in the chair, and thirty-two mem- 
bers present. 

Dr. Cornelius B. Boyle was elected an active member of the 

* Bulletin 84, U. S. Geol. Bieta (In press). 

+ To be published in the Acad. of Nat. Sciences of Phila. Abstracts 
<Amer. Nat. Sept. 1891, pp. 818-821. The Auk, Vol. viii, Oct., 1891, 
Pp. 365-365. 



Dr. Bean read a paper on KENNERLY’S SALMON.*  Dis- 
cussed by Dr. Dall, Mr. C. D. Walcott and Mr. Waite. 

Dr. Theobald Smith made some REMARKS ON RECENT 


Dr. V. A. Moore spoke of the PRODUCTION oF IMMUNITY IN 
BACILLUS. “Discussed by Drs. Curtice, Schaeffer and Sal- 
mon, and Mr. Walcott. 

Mr. EK. M. Hasbrouck read a MONOGRAPH OF THE CARO- 

April 18, 1891. 

Vice-President Riley in the chair, and twenty members 

Prof. L. H. Dewey, was elected an active member of the 

Mr. Van Deman presented a communication on THE RECENT 

Dr. Curtice read a paper entitled PRACTICAL VALUE OF IN- 

Prof. Lester F. Ward spoke of SomE FLORIDA PLANTS. 

May 2, 1891. 

Vice-President Riley in the chair, and twenty-eight members 

FISHES.§ Discussed by Mr. Lucas. 

* Forest and Stream, July 9, 1891. 

+ The Auk, Oct., 1891, pp. 369-379. 

tAnn. Report, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1890, p. 415. 
% Proc. U. S. Nat. Museum, Vol. xiii, 1890, pp. 157-242. 


Mr. Galloway read.a paper entitled RECENT PROGRESS IN 
THE STUDY OF PLANT DISEASES. Discussed by Dr. Erwin F. 
Smith. | 7 
Dr. Frank Baker presented some NOTES ON DWARFS. Dis- 
cussed by Messrs. Ward, Gill and Riley. 

Mr. F. A. Lucas read a paper, by Mr. Chas. Hallock, en- 
CouRSsES.* Discussed by Dr. Gill. 

Mr. F. C. Test presented some NOTES ON THE DENTITION 

May 16, 1891. 

Vice-President Riley in the chair, and twenty-two members 
present. : 

Prof. Riley read a paper on THE MEXICAN ARROW WEED 
AND JUMPING BEAN.+ Discussed by Dr. J. N. Rose, Prof. 
Ward, and Dr. Vasey. 

Mr. J. M. Holzinger read a paper entitled INCENTIVES TO 



Mr. Lucas presented some REMARKS ON A NEW TORTOISE 

October 17, 1891. 

The President in the chair, and fifty-three members present. 
Mr. W. T. Swingle was elected an active member of the 

* Amer. Angler. : : 
} Scient. Amer., June 13, 1891; Amer. Nat., July, 1891, pp. 673-675. 
} Nature, June 4, 1891, p. 113. 



Mr. F. V. Coville read a paper entitled Foop PLANTS OF 
by Mr. Van Deman, Dr. Merriam, and Dr. Vasey. 

Dr. R. W. Shufeldt presented some NoTes ON PALEOPA- 
THOLOGY.* Discussed by Mr. Lucas and Mr. Gilbert. 

Mr. Wm. Palmer read a paper on THE FATE OF THE FUR 
SEAL IN AMERICAN WATERS.t Discussed by Dr. Dall, Dr. 
Merriam, Mr. Lucas, Dr. Bean, and Dr. Schaeffer. 

October 31, 1891. 

The President in the chair, and thirty members present. 

The following were elected active members of the Society: 
Mr. A. G. Masius, Prof. B. W. Everman, Dr. W. F. Morsell, 
Dr. C.-W. Stiles. ? 

Dr. Theo. Gill presented a communication on THE CLASSIFI- 

Dr. ‘I’. H. Bean made some remarks on SOME FISHES NEW 
TO NEw ENGLAND WATERS.§ Discussed by Dr. Gill and Mr. 
Barrows. — 

Mr. W. B. Barrows read a paper on CUCKOO STOMACHS AND 

Dr. N. H. Egleston read a paper on THE TEMPERATURE 
OF TREES. | : . 

Dr. C. W. Stiles presented some NOTES ON PARASITES— 
by Mr. Howard and Dr. Merriam. 

* The Popular Science Monthly, 1892. 

t Forest and Stream, Oct. 29, 1891. 

t Proc. U. S. Nat. Museum, xiv, 1891. 

2 Forest and Stream, Dec. 17, 1890. 

|| American Journal for Comp. Med. and Vet. Archives, Dec., 1891. 
French translation in Comp. rend. de la Soc. de Biologie, Paris, 1891, 

pp. 764-766. 


November 14, 1891. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-one members present. 

Mr. TI’. S. Palmer read a paper entitled Tr WINTER ASPECTS 

Dr. V. A. Moore spoke of a case of ECHINOCOCCUS IN 
SwINE.* ' Discussed by Drs. Smith and Stiles. 

Dr. C. W. Stiles presented a paper entitled NoTEs ON PARA- 
sirEs, describing Coccidium bigeminum and Filaria gasterostet.+ 

Prof. Lester F. Ward spoke of HAECKEL’S RADIOLARIA OF 
THE CHALLENGER EXPEDITION, and presented a communica- 
tion entitled THREE DAyS IN THE Tropics. ‘The latter was 
discussed by Dr. Merriam and Mr. Coville. 

November 28, 1891. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-six persons present. 

The following active members were elected on recommenda- 
tion of the Council: 

Mr. W. EH. Clyde Todd and Mr. J. D. Figgins. 

Dr. George Marx, read a paper on THE STRUCTURE AND 
cussed by Dr. Th. Gill. 

Mr. David White presented a paper entitled SomE PECULIAR 
cussed by Prof. Lester F. Ward: 

Prof. F. H. Knowlton presented a paper on FRUITING 
FERNS FROM THE LARAMIE GROUP. Discussed by Professor 
Ward, Mr. C. D. Walcott and Dr. Cooper Curtice. 

* Amer. Journal of Comp. Med. and Vet. Archives and Annual Report 
of the Dept. of Agriculture, 1891.. Report on Animal Parasites for 1891, 
C. W. Stiles. 

+ Proc. U. S. Nat. Museum, 1892. Note preliminarie sur quelques 
Parasites, Bull. d. 1. Soc. Zool. d France, 1891, pp. 163-165. 

{ Bulletin 98, U. S. Geological Survey. (In press.) 



December 12, 1891. 

The President in the chair, and thirty-eight members 
present. | : 

Mr. F. V. Coville read a paper entitled A REVIEW OF 
Mr. J. N. Rose and Dr. C. Hart Merriam. 

Mr. EK. M. Hasbrouck presented some REMARKS ON DI- 
CHROMATISM. Discussed by Dr. W. H. Dall, Dr. Erwin F. 
Smith, Dr. C. Hart Merriam, and Mr. F. W. True. 

_ Prof. Lester F. Ward spoke of RECENT DISCOVERIES OF 

December 26, 1891. 

The President in the chair, and twenty-six members present. 

Mr. F. H. Knowlton presented a paper entitled A Foss. 
Discussed by Prof. Ward. 

Prof. Lester F. Ward presented a communication entitled 

Dr. C. Hart Merriam made extended REMARKS ON THE 
Discussed by Dr. Erwin F. Smith, Dr. Stiles, Dr. Dall, and 
Professor Ward. 


By Wan. H. DALL,* 

It is generally admitted that in the doctrine of Natural 
Selection we have a theory which accounts for the perpetuation 
of favorable variations in organic beings and their progeny, 
and for the elimination in the long run of those which vary in 
unfavorable directions. It is equally admitted that the origin 
of variation is not accounted for by this theory. In order to 
round out our conception of the mode of evolution of the or- 
ganic universe it is necessary that this deficiency should be 
supplied, and that to it should be added some conception of the 
mode by which variation is sustained in any given direction 
until it has reached a point where its usefulness is sufficiently 
marked to enable the selective process to operate. Besides 
this it is hardly doubtful that there are many characters devel- 
oped in organisms, especially those of the lower rank, in which 
selection of any sort is but little concerned. | 

It is not necessary to recapitulate the names of those who 
have turned to the relations between the organism and its 
environment as the only nidus of the influences sought. Such 
an enumeration would comprise nearly all American biologists 
of prominence and many. foreign naturalists. 

On the other side of the Atlantic a small but not unimpor- 

_ tant number of biologists, of whom Weismann and Lankester 

may be taken as spokesmen, have recently endeavored to show 

*Read before the Biological Society of Washington, Mar. 8, 18go. 


that the current of hypothesis most favored in America, though 
not confined to our naturalists, is running in a wrong direc- 
tion, although they do not seem to have any satisfactory alter- 
native to offer. 

For convenience in discussion those who accept the ideas re- 
ferred to, in greater or less degree, may be termed Dynamic 
Evolutionists. Their position has been very fairly and tem- 
perately stated by Osborne in his article on the paleontological 
evidence of the transmission of acquired characters.* With- 
' out attempting to speak for others I have felt that a statement 
of the position to which I have been led by my own studies 
might not be without use in the present status of the question. 

In the first place, in opposition to the notion that characters 
acquired in other than the embryonic or larval condition are 
not transmitted to the progeny ;—I maintain that a direct or 
indirect transmission of acquired characters is absolutely es-_ 
sential to any theory of evolution and that, speaking broadly, 
the whole system of Darwinism must stand or fall with this 
hypothesis. It is as axiomatic as the ‘‘ survival of the fittest ’’ 

It therefore becomes necessary to define what is: meant by 


‘“acquired characters’’ and their ‘‘ transmission.”’ 

The environment stands in a relation to the individual such 
as the hammer and anvil bear to the blacksmith’s hot iron. 
The organism suffers during its entire existence a continuous 
series of mechanical impacts, none the less real because invisi- 
ble, or disguised by the fact that some of them are precipi- 

tated by voluntary effort of the individual itself. So far as re- 

*Nature Jan. 9, 1890, p. 227; Science, 1890, p. 110. The name Neo- 
Lamarckian is objectionable, as it tends to connect with the modern 
hypothesis the different and obsolete theory of the distinguished French 


sults are concerned, for the ground to strike the horse’s hoof 
would be the same as for the horse to strike the ground with 
his hoof; direction and dynamic value of shock being as- 
sumed to be equal in the two cases. Since individual organ- 
isms usually appear free to wander about or ‘remain quiescent, 
the idea that they are under constant stress does not ordinar- 
ily suggest itself. To this habit of superficial observation I 
ascribe the slowness with which the dynamic element in evolu- 
tion has received recognition, though pointed out clearly so 
long ago, by Herbert Spencer. 

That which distinguishes the organic individual from the in- 
organic fragment of matter is the complexity of its reaction 
to these impacts, which reaction we term physiological in con- — 
tra-distinction to the simply mechanical, though both, at bot- 
tom are doubtless similar. 

The characters which develop in an organism in response to 
these impacts are acquired, but that which is transmitted 
is a facility of response in the same line, which may, under 
favorable circumstances, lead to a similar response in the 
progeny, and, in the course of time with a continuation of 
similar impacts through successive generations, promote and 
establish the physiological habit which is the directive influ- 
ence toward the regular development of the characters in 
question. : F 

It is, I believe, generally admitted that such is the case in 
relation to mental stimuli and reactions in man and some of 
the higher animals and that the growth of intellectual life in 
the human race depends upon it. | 

It is a matter of indifference, dynamically, whether the par- 
ticular series of impacts concerned in developing a special 
physiological response is the result of conscious effort by the 
organism or not; but, as it is highly unlikely that any volun- 


tary effort, no matter how seconded by habit, should be as con- 
stant and unceasing as the impacts due to ordinary mechanical 
forces, we should expect the responses due to conscious effort 
to be feeble in intensity and numerically féw in comparison 
with those arising from the dynamic forces undirected by con- 

The dynamics of the environment, so far as we are able to 
understand them, in their principal features must be remark- 
ably constant. ‘The weight and consistency of the water or air 
which forms the surrounding medium, the character of the 
supporting surface, the range of temperature, the supply of 
light, the friction of adjacent bodies, the attraction of gravita- 
tion, vary within comparatively narrow limits, when consistent 
with organic existence. We should therefore expect that 
their influence would on the whole be conservative and tend 
toward the preservation of the main characteristics of organ- 
isms once brought into substantial equilibrium with their 

On the other hand, owing to the very narrowness of the 
limits within which life is possible, the dynamic variations, 
within those limits, to which organic forms are subjected be- 
come relatively more important. It is probable that since the 
initiation of life upon the planet no two organisms have ever 
been subjected to exactly the same dynamic influences during 
their development. Differences of impact necessarily imply dif- 
ferences in response, hence a certain amount of variation is the 
inevitable result. It is absolutely impossible that any two in- 
dividuals can be or ever have been strictly similar and the ap- 
plication of a conception of exact similarity to any two actual 
beings becomes more and more difficult as the complexity of 
their organization is increased. 

The origin of variation therefore presents no difficulties ; 

EY Pe ome, es 


rather the presence of two strictly similar beings, could it be 
shown, would border on the miraculous. 

The question which demands an answer is, how are the 
small necessary and admitted differences stimulated to develop 
into the obvious differences which are recognized by systematic 
biologists ? 

To this I~would answer that the reactions of the organism 
against the physical forces and mechanical properties of its 
environment are abundantly sufficient, if we are granted a sim- 
ple organism, with a tendency to grow, to begin with; time 
for the operation of the forces; and the principle of the sur- 

-vival of the fittest. 

It is often assumed in discussing variation that the possi- 
bility of variation is equal in every direction. A considera- 
tion of the dynamic conditions of life show that this’is not the 
case, or at least, if we grant its theoretic truth, in practice it 
never can be true. Under any conditions which would permit 
it, the resulting organic forms would all be sub-spherical, and 
would have to pass their existence in constant rotation. 

The moment that any one of them came to rest it would be- 
gin to be subjected to unequal stresses relatively to its different 
parts. Light, gravity, friction, opportunities for nutrition, 
would be unequally distributed, with the result of forcing an 
unequal growth, development, and specialization of its regions. 
Inequality of form once established, if it were*a moving or- _ 
ganism, friction and resistence of the circumambient medium . 
would confirm the inequality and put individuals of its kind at 
a disadvantage when they varied toward the original shape. 
Flexure of an elongated body would mechanically institute 
changes analogous to segmentation, as pointed out by Spencer. 
Any organic mass possessed of mechanical continuity must de- 
velop surface tension and initiate a superficial film. 


The fact that these portions of matter are organic, in no re- 
spect releases them from the common servitude of matter to 
the laws of mechanics through the operation of physical 

If then development of structure is constrained to operate 
within a limited field, which can hardly be denied, all those 
calculations based upon the assumption that the field is unlim- 
ited fall to the ground and may be safely disregarded as 
irrelevant. 7 } 

The operations of biologic selection may be divided into two 
categories, 1st. those in which fitness and unfitness are deter- 
mined by the perfection in adjustment of the individual to the 
mechanics of the environment, which will include the great 
mass of the lower organisms ; and 2nd., those in which intelli- 
gence becomes a factor. The latter will include all forms of 
sexual selection, mimicry, protective coloration, and every 
case in which discrimination on the part of pursuer or pursued 
may come into play. It is by no means necessary that the or- 
ganism which becomes modified should possess even conscious- 

ness, but one of the two parties to the modification, at least, 

must possess intelligence of a certain grade. The mental, 

qualities of the insect are necessary to the modification of the 
colors of the orchid, as far as they serve to attract its attention 
or direct its movements, while the modifications of the stigma 
or pollen mass to facilitate cross fertilization, fall into the other 

While the operations of the first. category must always have 
been active, and probably were not supplemented by those of 
the second category for an immense period of time, yet I be- 
lieve the latter also to be very ancient. It is probable, how- 
ever, that influences of the second category operate more 
rapidly and are productive of much greater diversity in devel- 

vie etn cE et 

ae LA aN ee 


opment than could ever have been expected from the unas- 
sisted working of the physical forces. 

Passing from these general considerations to those of a more 
special character, the contention of Weismann that ‘‘not a 
single fact hitherto brought forward can be accepted as proof’’ 
of the transmission of acquired characters demands attention. 
This reminds one of the familiar statement of twenty years 
ago that the Darwinians had not brought forward a single in- 
stance of the conversion of one species into another species. 
If the Dynamic Evolutionist brings forward an hypothesis 
which explains the facts of nature without violence to sound 
reasoning, that hypothesis is entitled to respect and considera- 
tion until some-better one is proposed or some vitiating error 
is detected in it. No one has yet ‘‘ proved ”’ that one species 
is developed out of another species in the sense in which 
Weismann uses the word proof in his criticism. But plenty of 
facts which support the hypothesis that acquired characters are 
transmitted in the sense hereinbefore explained have been ac- 
cumulated, of which Osborne’s paper, above cited, affords evi- 
dence in one direction. Can anyone believe that the perma- 
nent limb-callosities of the horse and deer, for instance, are 
selective developments of fortuitous larval corns? Our knowl- 
edge of the physiology of any animal, except too or three 
which have been domesticated for ages, and excepting’ man, is 
so contemptibly meagre that it cannot be quoted as evidence 
on either side. 

The question has been much obscured by the attempt to 
quote the effect or non-effect of mutilations upon progeny, on 

one side or the other. 
For the Dynamic hypothesis only those characters can be 

considered which arise from permanent physiological reactions 
due to the impact of external forces. Mutilations rarely fall 


into this category and are essentially sporadic. In the case of 
circumcision, so often cited, they affect, at most, half the indi- 
viduals of a race and only half of any one generation. 

There is not a particle of reason to believe that the excision 
of a trifling scrap of cuticle from an infant would lead to any 
physiological reaction worthy of attention. One might with 
greater warrant seek such an effect in the growth of hair and 
of the nails in civilized races accustomed to trim them. 
Neither case has been shown to afford valuable evidence. 

There is no reason to deny that a pathologic incident of suf- 
ficiently fundamental character may effect the progeny of an 
individual, but it is of no consequence to the ‘Dynamic hypo- 
thesis whether it can be proven or not. 

Experience shows that it is not single mutilation or loss of 
substance which results in permanent physiological reactions 
so much as continued impacts which lead to locally increased 
nutrition or local anaemia. 

The objection to reasoning drawn from pathologic cases is 
not that it is not or may not be true, but that the cause affects 
only individuals in trifling numbers. 

The forces invoked by Dynamic hypothesis, on the other 
hand, affect every individual of a race and every generation 
as long as the environment continues unchanged. Sporadic 
modifications. must always be finally swallowed up in the gen- 
eral average of the organic type, unless carefully selected by 
intelligent agencies. The steady pressure of telluric forces 
lets no individual escape. 

On the coast of California the soft tertiary sandstones are 
drilled by several species of boring mollusks, Pholas, Lithophagus 
and Petricola. Inthe course of time the borers die and leave their 
closely fitting cells untenanted. Into these safe retreats the 
young of several non-boring bivalves are in the habit of retiring. 

ey Lh oe ee ee 

ER VE Ae a Ee. a eee 


As they grow they become too large to escape by the 
hole through which they entered. Grow they must but the 
stone walls of their dwelling permit growth only in certain 
directions. The collector breaks the rock and finds Kel/a, 
Tapes or Rupellariec with the outward conformation of the an- 
tecedent borer. Those which refused to conform, if any, have 
died. Here we have a case where characters have been as- 
sumed under an abnormal stress analogous to a pathologic or 
traumatic mutilation. The progeny of these nestlers would 
probably exhibit no traces of their parents’ deformity. But 
the pressure of the physical forces on this progeny would be, 
though invisible, as constant and effective in its results as the 
rock seemed to be with the nestlers. These results in propor- — 
tion to their harmony with the environment produce upon the 
observer the impression which is implied when he speaks of 


the appearance of such species as ‘‘ normél.’’ 

In my paper on the hinge of Pelecypods and its develop- 
ment,* I have pointed out a number of the particular ways in 
which the dynamics of the environment may act on the char- 
acters of the hinge and shell of bivalve mollusks. 

In a paper now in preparation for publication I have shown 
how the initiation and development of the columellar plaits in 
Voluta, Mitra and other Gastropods, is the necessary mechani- 
cal result of certain comparatively simple physical conditions ; 
and that the variations and peculiarities connected with these 
plaits perfectly harmonize with the results which follow with 
inorganic material subjected to analogous stresses. + 

Attention once directed to this class of influences and their 
effects and it is certain facts will accumulate not less numerous 

*Am. Journ. of Science, Dec., 1889, p. 445. 


and convincing in their establishment of the theory than those 
which have been taken as ‘‘proof’’ of the survival of the 

Nore. Since this paper was delivered before the society: the 
discussion of the subject has been continued in the pages of 
Nature. YI have been interested to note that Prof.’ Lankester 
(in the issue for Mar. 6, 1890, page 414) like the skilled tacti- 
cian he is; has begun building bridges in his rear which may 
serve as a means of retreat from his present untenable posi- 
tion. He now explains that by the ‘‘ transmission of acquired 
characters’’ he means the obsolete theory of Lamarck in its 
purity, which, so far as I have followed the discussion, nobody 
has proposed to uphold. Why he has continued to oppose the 
Dynamical theory by arguments intended to demolish a totally 
different hypothesis, he does not explain. 

Mr. Romanes has also pointed out that recent admissions of 
Dr. Weismann are fatal to the ingenious hypothesis and as- 
sumptions with which that gentleman’s name has been chiefly 

connected (Vature, Mar. 13, 1890, p..429.) 

In fact these and other signs indicate that the most able of 

those who have through haste or conservatism been disposed. 

to ignore dynamical influences in evolution, will before long 
join in the procession, and lend their undoubted abilities to the 
perfection and elaboration of the only theory yet propounded 
which fully and efficiently supplements that of Natural Selec- 
tion and closes the too obvious gaps which have hitherto 
existed in the intellectual structure of the modern theory of 

organic evolution. 

RAT Dee Lm ee ee ae eee 




In casting about for a subject on which to address this 
Society I have encountered serious difficulties. A presidential 
address to a Biological Society should, as it seems to me, fol- 
low one of two courses. It should either relate in its general | 
aspects to the subject with which its author is most familiar, 
and so coordinate the facts within his specialty as to correlate 
them with the sum-total of biological science ; or else, it should 
be an exposition of and commentary upon the most prominent 
problem of biology which at the time of its presentation, is en- 
grossing the attention of the scientific world. One year ago I 
realized these two alternatives as clearly as I'do now, and I felt 
then that while the second of them was not more appropriate 
than the first, the overwhelming prominence of one great biolog- 
ical question almost demanded that I should sink my individual 
preferences and, as a matter of sheer duty, undertake to grap- 
ple with that question. But I have always believed and often 
said that the Biological Society should choose as its president 
one who represents the whole science of biology, and that it 
made a mistake in selecting a narrow specialist, and a special- 
ist in a department which has the reputation of not keeping 

* Annual Presidential Address delivered at the Eleventh Anniversary 
Meeting of the Biological Society of Washington, January 24, 1891, in 
the Law Lecture Room of the Columbian University. 


pace with the rest of the science, and I felt that if compelled 
to listen to views growing chiefly out of that narrow specialty, 
it was in some degree its own fault. But in view of the fact 
that the Society saw fit to repeat its mistake, and that I last 
year presented the problems of botany and its geologic history, 
there seems no escape from that duty which still confronts me 
of closing with the great problem of heredity which continues 
to occupy the foreground of all biological discussion. 

There is strictly speaking only one prominent question ‘be- 
fore the biological world and that is the question whether qual- 
ities that are acquired after birth are capable of being trans- 
mitted to descendants. Darwinism in its original entirety, as 
expounded by Darwin himself, admits such transmission. But | 
by the new school of Neo-Darwinists this is denied. On the 
other hand Lamarckism, as expounded by Lamarck, explains 
all change through the transmission of functionally acquired 
characters, the law of natural selection not having been per- 
ceived by Lamarck. But Neo-Lamarckism, as I understand it, 
while recognizing natural selection as the more potent of the 
two agencies, also recognizes that the increments of change im- 
pressed upon individuals during their lifetime or brought about 
by individual efforts or habits are also perpetuated in some 
measure through heredity and form an important factor in 
the general process of organic development. 


From the appearance of the Origin of Species in 1859 until 
within the past four or five years it had been the opinion of 
nearly all naturalists that the existing forms of animals and 
plants were the result mainly of two cooperating causes, one 
of which may be called functional and the other selective. ‘The 


multitudinous infinitesimal effects wrought by both of these 
causes upon the form and character of organisms were 
believed to be cumulatively perpetuated by heredity in the 
modification of species and the production-of new and altered 
forms of vegetable and animal life. Prior to the date named 
the few who conceived that existing forms might be modifica- 
tions of ancestral ones ascribed the changes wholly to the first 
of these causes, the functional. Mr. Darwin showed that this 
could not account for all cases, and in pointing out, simul- 
taneously with Mr. Wallace, the existence and mode of opera- 
tion of the selective agency he made the most important con- 
tribution yet brought forward to the science of biology. 

At the date of Darwin’s death, 1882, the general doctrine of | 
evolution and the theory of development in biology had been 
accepted by so nearly the entire body of scientific men that it 
was scarcely worth the effort to conciliate the small remnant 
who still adhered to the special creation hypothesis. The 
only question was: By what agency or agencies is evolution 
accomplished ? 

It would carry me too far to attempt to pass in review the 
various theories of the pre-Darwinians—Treviranus, De Mail- 
let, Goethe, Buffon, Geoffroy St. Hilaire, Erasmus Darwin, and 
the anonymous author of the Vestiges of Creation. ‘This task 
has been admirably performed by Professor Haeckel in his 
History of Creation, and in the later editions of the Origin of 
Species Mr. Darwin has collected quite a number of sporadic 
adumbrations not only of the law of evolution itself but even 
of that of natural selection. I shall be obliged to confine my- 
self almost exclusively to the one great mind, who far more 
than all others combined, paved the way for the new science of 
biology to be founded by Darwin, namely, Lamarck. His life. 
was chiefly devoted to the systematic and structural investiga- 


tion of animals and plants and his earlier works gave little 
indication of philosophical tendencies, but his Philosophie 
—Zoologique,* which appeared in 1809, showed that he had 
reasoned deeply about the objects he had so long studied, and 
in this work is contained the whole of his celebrated system of 

the transmutation of species. 


Although most of the members of this Society are doubtless 
familiar with the general character of the Lamarckian philos- 
ophy, and many have probably read this work, the nature of 
my subject seems to demand that some of the more general 
principles of Lamarckism be set forth. A few paragraphs 
from the work in question will accomplish this better than any 
_ attempt at exposition. The following quotations will serve to 
show the sweeping character of Lamarck’s generalizations, 
and when we remember the time at which they were written 
it will not appear strange that his views attracted so few ad- 
herents and -had to wait half a century for a respectful 

‘‘Tn order to judge’’ says Lamarck ‘‘ whether the idea that 
has been formed of a sfecies has any real foundation, let us 
‘return to the considerations which I have already set forth ; 
they show: 

ist. That all the organized bodies of our globe are true 
products of Nature, which she has successfully brought forth 
(exécutés) in the course of long periods of time ; 

2d. That in her march Nature has commenced, and is still 

daily commencing to form the most simple organized bodies, 

* Philosophie Zoologique, etc. Par Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de 
Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck. Nouvelle Edition, revue et précédée 
dune introduction biographique par Charles Martins. Paris, 1873, 
2 vols. 8°. : 


and that she only forms these latter directly, that is, only 
these first Sketches of organization that have been designated 
by the expression spontaneous generation, 

3d. That these first outlines of the animal and of the plant 
formed at suitable places and under appropriate circumstances, 
and possessing the attributes of incipient life and organic 
movement, have themselves little by little developed organs 

and in time multiplied these as well as parts ; 

4th. That the power of growth in each part of the organ- 
ized body being inherent in the first effects of life, it has given 
rise to the different modes of multiplication and reproduction 
of individuals, and that in this way the progress acquired in 
organization and in the form and diversity of parts has been 
preserved ; 

5th. That by the aid of sufficient time, of circumstances 
which have been necessarily favorable, of the changes which 
all points on the surface of the globe have successively under- 
gone in their condition, in a word, by the power which new 
situations and new habits possess to modify the organs of bodies — 
and of life, all the organisms that now exist have been insensi- 
bly formed such as we see them; | 

6th. Finally, that under the influence of such an order of 
things, living bodies having undergone each of the changes, 
greater or less, in their structure and in their parts, what is 
called species thus insensibly and successively brought about 
among them has only a relative constancy in its character and 
cannot be as ancient as Nature herself.’’ * 

It will be seen that both the mutability and the transmuta- 
tion of species are distinctly formulated. But in order to make 
this more clear he elsewhere says: 

* Op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 81-83. 


‘«In the same climate very different situations and exposures 
cause individuals thus placed at first simply to vary; but in the 
course of time the continual differences of situation of the indi- 
viduals of which I speak, living and reproducing under the 
same conditions, bring about in them differences which become 
in some sort essential to their existence, so that at the end of 
many generations which succeed each other those individuals 
which belonged originally to another species find themselves 
transformed into a new species, distinct from the other.’’ * 

The two great causes to which he ascribes this transforma- 
tion are: 1, what he calls the ‘‘circumstances,’’ and 2, the 
‘‘habits’’ of- the creatures transformed, and to enforce this 
idea he lays down the following ‘‘ zoological principle’’ the 
fundamental truth of which, he says, appeared to him incon- 
testable : . 

‘‘Progress in the structure (composition) of the organization 
undergoes here and there in the general series of animals 
anomalies brought about by the character of the habitat 
(ctrconstances a habitation), and by that of habits contracted.’’+ 

Between the ‘‘ circumstances’’ and the ‘‘ habits,’’ however, 
Lamarck perceived a casual relation, and this he expressed in 
the following argumentative form : 

‘The true order of things to be considered in all this con- 
sists in recognizing : 

ist. That every permanent change of any consequence in 
the circumstances under which each race of animals finds 
itself effects within it a real change in their needs ; 

2d. That every change in the needs of animals necessitates 
for them other actions to satisfy the new needs, and hence, 
other habits ; 

* Op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 79-80. 
ft Op. cit., Vol. I, P. 145. 


3d. That every new need necessitating new actions to satisfy 
it requires of the animal experiencing it either the more fre- 
quent employment of such of its organs of which it previously 
made less use, which develops and enlarges considerably, or 
else the employment of new parts to which the needs insensi- 
bly give rise within it through efforts of its internal sense.’’* 

In all this Lamarck does not expressly say that these trans- 
formations are perpetuated by heredity, although this is clearly 
implied, otherwise they would not be permanent. But he now 
proceeds to embody the general principle in what he calls a 
law, the first law of organic life, to which he adds-a second law 
in which the principle of heredity is distinctly formulated. Al-. 
though these two great Lamarckian laws have been frequently 
quoted in biological discussions, especially within the past three 
or four years, it seems essential to the completeness of the 
present exposition to introduce them. They are as follows: 

First Law: ‘‘In every animal which has not passed the limit 
of its development the more frequent and sustained exercise 
(emplot) of any organ gradually strengthens that organ, de- 
velops and enlarges it, and gives it a power proportioned to the 
duration of such exercise ; while the continued lack of exercise 
(usage) of an organ gradually enfeebles it, deteriorates it, 
progressively diminishes its power, and finally causes it to dis- 

Second Law: ‘‘All that nature has caused individuals to ac- 
quire or to lose through the influence of the circumstances to 
which their race has found itself for a long time exposed, and 
consequently, through the predominant exercise of certain or- 
gans, or through a failure to exercise certain parts, it preserves 
through heredity (géxération) to the new individuals that are 

*Op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 234-235. 


produced by them, provided the changes acquired are common 
to the two sexes, or to those that have produced these new 
individuals.” * | 

These laws are enforced by considerable iteration and all the 
facts and illustrations that he could command. He condenses 
his first law into the following form : 

‘‘The frequent exercise of an organ which through habit 
has become permanent increases the capacity of such organ, 
develops it, and causes it to acquire dimensions and power of 
action which it does not possess in animals that exercise it 
less.’”’ + 

The second law is re-stated in the following language : 

‘« Every change acquired in an organ by an habitual exercise 
sufficient to have brought it about, is preserved thereafter 
through heredity (génération) if it is common to the indi- 
viduals which, in fecundation, unite in the reproduction of 
their species.’’ { 

Such is Lamarckism pure and simple, which it seems neces- 
sary to set forth at first hand before approaching those modern 
phases of the problem which have grown out of it. It is obvi- 
ous that it deals only with the first of the two agencies in bio- 
logic progress mentioned at the outset, namely the functional ; 
and Lamarck, although he clearly grasped the law of compe- 
tition, or the struggle for existence, the law of adaptation, or 
the correspondence of the organism to the changing environ- 
ment, the transmutation of species, and the genealogical de- 
scent of all organic beings, the more ‘complex from the more 
simple ; he nevertheless failed to conceive the selective princi- 
ple as formulated by Darwin and Wallace, which so admirably 
complemented these great laws. 

* Op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 235-236. ft Op. cit., Vol. I, p. 247. 
t Op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 258-259. 





The cogency of Lamarck’s reasoning, especially when we 
consider the time at which he wrote, is sufficiently apparent 
to all, but it may not be without interest to note the manner 
in which it struck so excellent a judge as Professor Huxley 
as late as 1876. In contrasting it with the views of Cuvier 
who maintained the fixity of species and their special crea- 
tion, Professor Huxley says: ‘‘It is impossible to read the 
‘Discours sur les Revolutions’ of Cuvier, and the ‘ Principes’ 
of Lamarck without being struck with the superiority of the 
former in sobriety of thought, precision of statement, and 
coolness of judgment. But it is no less impossible to consider 
the present state of biological science without being impressed 
by the circumstance that it is the conception of Lamarck | 
which has triumphed and that of Cuvier which has been van- 

quished . . . It is not too much to say that the facts of 

biology known at the present day are all consistent with and 
in favor of the view of species entertained by Lamarck, while 
they are unfavorable to, if not incompatible with, that advo- 
cated by Cuvier.’’* 


Darwin was acquainted with Lamarck’s views when he 
wrote the Origin of Species, and notwithstanding the fact that 
whenever he refers to Lamarck, as he does in several of his 
letterst he does so in a very disparaging way, he must have 
been greatly influenced by them, or at least by views of the 
same import expressed by others as well as by Lamarck, but 
especially those of his grandfather Erasmus Darwin, who 
anticipated, rather from the standpoint of the poet and seer, 
the truths to which Lamarck was led by a life-long study ‘of 
living things. 

* Am. Cycl., Art. Species. 
+ Life and Letters, Vol. I, p. 542, Vol. II, p. 198. 


But Darwin, like most other thorough naturalists, was little 
satisfied with the Lamarckian theory, because it left, as all 
now admit, so much still unexplained, but instead of reject- 
ing it in toto, as most other naturalists did, he sought, and 
happily succeeded in finding the principle on which the 
remainder of the facts could be accounted for; or, at least, 
the greater part of them, for it seems that however deeply 
we may probe the secrets of nature there will ever remain a 
few residual phenomena that refuse to submit to our canons. 

It is certainly unnecessary that I should occupy your time 
with any extended exposition of the law of selection, and I 
will content myself with the following bare definitions : 

Natural selection is the general law that variations are con- 
stantly occurring in organized beings, and that such of these 
variations as prove advantageous to the species are preserved 
through heredity and transmitted to posterity while those 
which are not advantageous or are disadvantageous to the 
species are not preserved nor transmitted ; the cause of such 
selection being the fact that advantageous variations tend to 
increase the chances that the individuals possessing them will 
reach the reproductive age and continue longer to reproduce, 
and will hence leave a larger number of offspring than those 
individuals which had not varied or had varied in an equivo- 
cal or unfavorable manner. 

Artificial selection is the act of man in intelligently select- 
ing the individuals that possess in the highest degree the 
particular qualities that he desires to produce as the parents 
of the animals or plants which he wishes to domesticate or 
cultivate. The eminent success obtained by man in this way 
is the certain proof that the qualities of the parents are trans- 

mitted to their offspring, and explains the efficacy of natural 

selection. | 

ers . a 
EF ee ee) Pe ated 


Sexual selection is the law that one sex, usually the 
female, exercises a choice between the individuals of the 
other, whereby those individuals possessing the selected qual- 
ities stand a much greater chance to have the opportunity of 
transmitting them to their offspring. This law explains the 
greater ornamentation of the males in so many. species, since 
most such characters are peculiar to one sex and only appear 
at maturity. Sexual selection also checks the tendency of » 
natural selection to extreme variation in certain directions, 
since the sexes are well known to prefer their opposites, 
which causes the offspring to occupy a mean between the 
extremes. ‘This effect is very marked in the human race, but 
is doubtless operative among the lower animals. As I pointed © 
out in last year’s address, sexual selection has wrought a 
great revolution in the relative size, strength, and beauty of 
the two sexes, and reversed in birds and mammals the normal 
law of female superiority which prevails in most of the lower 
departments of life. 


It will be readily perceived from what has been said of the 
two great principles of transformism, the functional, as set 
forth by Lamarck, and the selective, as elaborated by Darwin, 
that the fundamental distinction between them is that in the 
former the transforming qualities which are to be cumulatively 
transmitted through heredity to the descendants of a given 
ancestral pair are acquired during the lifetime of these indi- 
viduals, whereas in the latter the transforming increment is a 
merely accidental modification arising from unknown causes 
and hence called spontaneous. The theory is that such spon- 
taneous variations are constantly taking place in all individ- 


uals, some in one direction and some in another, and that all 
except the advantageous ones are immediately lost, while 
such as tend to increase the chances of survival in the strug- 
gle for existence are preserved. Nature has thus provided, 
through this survival of the fittest, for the maintenance of the 
equilibrium between the organism and the environment, and 
also for the increase of structural adaptation and vital power, 
independently both of the effort of the individual to conform 
more exactly to its surroundings and of the reaction of the 
organism upon the impinging environment. 

There has never been any doubt of the perfect transmissi- 
bility of these spontaneous modifications, or, as they have been 
called, fortuitous variations. ‘They belong to the essential na- 
ture of the organism, and have, as we shall see later on, been 
ingeniously explained as originating in the very germ itself. 

But with regard to functional modifications, or as they are 
more commonly called, acquired characters, grave doubts have 
arisen in the minds of many naturalists as to whether they are 
capable of being inherited by the descendants of those in which 
they have been superinduced. They are in a certain sense for- 
eign to the organism, external and superficial, and the great 
question has been how they can succeed in so affecting the - 
reproductive germs of the parents as to reappear in the off- 
spring. That Darwin believed in the transmission of func- 
tionally acquired characters is attested not only by many 
passages in which this belief is expressly stated but by the 
bringing together by him of more facts in support of it than 
have been given by all other writers combined either before 
or since. And although’ the greater part of his work was 
naturally directed to the establishment of the hitherto un- 
known, but as he believed, more important law of selection, 
“nevertheless Darwinism proper must be made broad enough 


to embrace both of the great agencies of organic transforma- 
tion, the functional and the selective. 

It is hardly necessary to add that pure Lamarckism has 
nothing whatever to do with such a question as whether acci- 
dental modifications produced upon an organism, such as mu- 
tilations from whatever cause, are inheritable, since these are 
not due to continuous interaction between organism and envi- 
ronment, are not the objects of the creature’s efforts, and are 
not acquired by any functional or habitual activities. And yet it 
is no exaggeration to say that at least one-half, probably much 
more, of the space devoted by the Neo-Darwinians to the sup- 
posed refutation of Lamarckism has been directed to proving 
that acccidental mutilations are not transmitted to. offspring. 

I do not deny that there is a doctrine of the transmissi- 
bility of mutilations, and Darwin and others have collected a 
large body of facts pointing strongly in that direction, while 
Brown-Séquard is believed by many to have demonstrated 
that hereditary epilepsy may be artificially superinduced. in 
guinea-pigs by lesions of the brain. And it may be that 
Lamarck, coming upon similar facts, gave them a certain cre- 
dence, but, as we have seen from typical passages quoted from 
his work, these cases are not capable of being used in support 
of his general philosophy, which rests entirely upon the 
effects of functional activities exerted in response to secular 
alterations in the surrounding conditions of existence. 

Whatever of truth, therefore, there may be in the doctrine 
of the transmissibility of suddenly or accidentally acquired 
characters, it is clearly outside the present discussion and 
need not be further touched upon. 

After the doctrine of natural selection had been clearly ex- 
plained it was found to be so simple and at the same time so 
far-reaching that it began to be questioned whether much that 


had been formerly attributed to the other agency ought not to 
be credited to it instead ; and it cannot be denied that this in- 
quiry tended to broaden the field of the selective at the ex- 
pense of that of the functional principle. So clear and certain 
are the workings of the former that it is considered safe to 
credit it with every fact that can be explained by it, even 
though it be also explicable by the other law. 

But it was not allowed to rest here. The difficulties in the 
way of accounting for the transmission of qualities originating 
after the birth of the parents appeared to some so great that 
they began to doubt whether in fact such a thing is really 
possible. Of course, there were many popular and superficial 
writers on evolution who fail to distinguish the two principles 
and talked as though all development was due to natural 
selection, so that to the unscientific and popular mind evo- 
lution and natural selection were largely synonymous and 
_ vaguely comprehended, as is, in fact, still to a large extent, 
the case. Other better informed people, including some 
naturalists of note, were so dazzled by the new idea that they 
lost sight of the old one, and habitually ignored the func- 
tional element without criticising it or taking any account of 
it. It appears to have been against this class that Mr. Her- 
bert Spencer’s brilliant exposition of the principle which, in 
characteristic language, he calls ‘‘direct equilibration ’’ was 
directed. To this I shall have occasion to revert. 

For the present I propose to confine myself to those writers 
who clearly comprehend the nature of the two principles, and 
who either gravely doubt for what seem to them sufficient rea- 
sons, or else deny altogether the efficacy of functional modifi- 
cation and the doctrine of the transmission of acquired charac- 
ters. The limits of an address such as this preclude any effort 
to make the discussion historically exhaustive by enumerating 


all the investigators who from the first to last have taken this 3 
view, or some modified form of it, and I shall be content to 
name among Germans Du Boise Reymond, Pfltiger, His, and 
Weismann, and among Englishmen Galton, Wallace, and Ray 
Lankester ; while what I shall have time to say relative to 
the nature of the objections raised by these authors will be 
chiefly confined, for the present, to the views of Galton and 


It must, however, be premised that inasmuch as the objec- 
tions raised against the doctrine of the transmission of ac-. 
quired characters are based upon the difficulties encountered 
in attempting to explain how such characters can impress 
themselves upon the germ, all those who have doubted or de- 
nied such transmission have approached the subject from the 
side of embryology, which makes their arguments difficult to 

_ explain to biologists in general and still more so to the general 

public. The laws and processes of heredity are still in the 
stage of mystery, and their mysterious character has led to 
many erroneous beliefs and popular superstitions. , It is a sig- 
nificant fact that all the mysteries that have been thus far 
cleared up by science—astronomical, physical and chemical 
mysteries—have been shown to be the expressions of previ- 
ously unknown laws of matter and force, and to rest upon a 
purely material and mechanical basis. The chief obstacle to 
their comprehension has been the minuteness of the material 
elements in action—a minuteness far beyond the capacity of 
the most powerful artificial aids to the senses—so that their 
secrets have had to be wrung from them by ingenious and 
multiplied experiments upon their effects. Now, the ultimate 


reproductive elements, though doubtless many times larger 
than any chemical molecule, even the most complex, such as 
those of protein and other organic compounds, are doubtless 
still far too minute to be observed by the highest powers of 
the microscope, and if the entire history of the formation of a 
new organic being is ever to be learned it must be by a suc- 
cessful study of the actions of such minute objects. But this 
is infinitely more difficult than the study of the actions of 
inorganic elements, since they take place within an organism 
whose destruction destroys their vital character. 

In view of the history of the less complex sciences it is 
natural that biologists should insist that the phenomena of 
heredity are due to the activities of the ultimate material 
reproductive elements, and not to any vague and occult force 
or deus ex machina. Consequently we find that the only 
theories of heredity that have been put forth have been based 
on this assumption. 

One of the earliest, and certainly the most celebrated of such 
theories is Darwin’s pangenesis, published in 1867.* Accord- 
ing to this theory, which is doubtless familiar to most of you, 
the ultimate reproductive elements, called gemmules, are given 
off from the cells of all parts of the body and collect in the 
germ-cells and sperm-cells, so that the fertilized ova contain 
literal representatives of every organ and every part of both 
parents, which in the new being return to their respective 
locations and cause the repetition in each of the exact qualities 
possessed by the parental organs or parts, subject, of course, 
to the modifications due to a conflict or cooperation between 
the gemmules of the two parents, equalizing a character where 
they are different, and emphasizing it where-they are alike. 

* Variations of Animals and Plants under Domestication. Vol. II, 


It will be readily seen that this theory adapts itself to the 
broadest conception of heredity and, if true, accounts for the 
transmission of functionally produced modifications as well as 
the selection of such accidental ones as prove advantageous. 
But to the ordinary mind this strictly materialistic explanation 
of heredity seems crude and is to a large extent unintelligible, 
and the doctrine of pangenesis has gained few adherents 
among scientific men. ‘They fail as a rule to comprehend 
Mr. Darwin’s gemmules and to understand how they should 
behave in the manner required by the theory. 

Very much of this difficulty, however, is cleared away by 
the admirable exposition of Mr. Herbert Spencer of the na- 
ture of what he calls physiological units. To the biologist the | 
organic unit is the cell and when he has explained the nature 
and action of cells he thinks he has gone far enough. But the 
facts of heredity cannot be explained by any phenomena man- 
ifested by cells. Between the cell or morphological unit in 
biology and the molecule of a highly complex organic com- 
pound, such as albumen,—the highest class of chemical units— 
no intermediate element had hitherto been recognized. Mr. 
Darwin’s gemmule is clearly such an intermediate element, 
and the question at once arose, is there any such? Mr. Spen- 
cer has, I think, shown beyond the possibility of doubt that 
there is and must necessarily be such an element—a unit which 
is not chemical, since it possesses life, and which is not the 
morphological unit or cell, but is that of which the active part 
of every cell consists, and is appropriately termed the physio- 
logical unit. I have elsewhere* undertaken to show that life 

may have resulted from a process of chemical recompounding, 

* American Naturalist, Vol. XVI, December, 1882, p. 976. Dynamic 
Sociology, New York, 1883, Vol. I, p. 311. 


and may actually constitute the leading property of the high- 
est organic compound protoplasm, and I venture to suggest 
here that the gemmules of Darwin and the physiological 
units of Spencer may be nothing more than the molecules of 
protoplasm, which, as I have explained, are so immensely 
complex that any required degree of difference in their essen- 
tial constitution may easily exist. 

The only other theory of heredity which time will warrant 
my mentioning now is that of Professor Haeckel, published in 
1876 and known as ‘‘the perigenesis of the plastidule.’’ ‘To 
avoid the possibility of misstatement, I will give this theory 
in the words of its author, as epitomized in the latest (8th) 
edition (1889) of his Schopfungsgeschichte (pp. 200-201): 
‘“The perigenesis-theory was founded by me in 1876 in a 
memoir ‘on the wave-reproduction of vital particles or the 
perigenesis of plastidules,’ and as a ‘ provisional attempt at a 
mechanical explanation of the elementary processes of devel- 
opment,’ and especially of heredity. (In the second part of 
my collection of popular lectures, Bonn, 1879, pp. 25-80). The 
perigenesis-hypothesis seeks to explain heredity by a simple 
mechanical principle, namely, by the well-known principle of 
transmitted motion. I assume that in every process of repro- 
duction not only is the special chemical composition of the 
plasson or plasma transmitted from the parent to the offspring, 
but also the special form of molecular motion which belongs 
to its physico-chemical nature. In harmony with the funda- 
mental laws of modern histology and histogeny, I assume that 
this plasma (either the caryo-plasma of the cell-nucleus or the 
cytoplasma of the cell-body) is alone the otiginal bearer of 
all vital activity, and hence also of heredity and reproduction. 
In all plastids (as well the anucleated cytodes as the genuine 
nucleated cells) this plasma or plasson is composed of plasti- 


dules or plasma-molecules, and these are ‘probably sur- 
rounded by aqueous envelops ; the greater or less thickness 
of these aqueous envelops, which at once separate and bind 
the neighboring plastidules, determines the softer or harder 
condition of the flowing plasson’ (p. 48). 

‘ Heredity is the transmission of plastidule motion, whereas 
adaptation is change of plastidule motion’ (p. 55). This 
motion may in its general aspects be conceived as a ramified 
wave-motion. In all protists or unicellular organisms (proto- — 
phytes and protozoans) this periodical movement of the mass 
goes on in a correspondingly simple manner while in all 
tissue-bearing or multicellular creatures (metaphytes and 
_ metazoans) it is combined with a mutual generation of the - 
plastids and a division of labor of the plastidules.’’ 

It will be observed that although this theory of heredity 
lays special stress upon the idea of motion, thereby recogniz- 
ing the element of force, it is nevertheless based like all others 
upon the existence of ultimate material elements different on 
the one hand from the chemical molecules and on the other 
from cells, and intermediate between these. The gemmule of 
Darwin, the physiological unit of Spencer, and the plastidule 
of Haeckel are the same in essence, and the study of the phe- 
nomena of these ultimate elements of biology open up a new 
and most promising field of research into which scarcely any 
investigator has as yet deliberately entered. : 

We are now prepared to consider the objections of Galton 
and Weismann to the doctrine of the transmission of function-_ 

ally acquired characters. 


The earliest expression of Mr. Galton’s views, so far as I 
am aware, is contained in a paper ‘‘On Blood-Relationship ”’ 


presented by him on June 13, 1872, to the Royal Society of 
London and published in its proceedings.* In this paper 
stress is laid upon the distinction in embryonic development 
between what he calls the ‘‘patent’’ and the ‘‘latent’’ ele- 
ments, and he argues from the facts of reversion and atavism 
that the greater part of the parental elements in heredity are 
latent in the germ, but prepared to express themselves in 
more or less remote decendants. Although he addresses 
himself to the anthropologist rather than the biologist, and 
claims only to be making a contribution to the difficult sub- 
ject of kinship, he nevertheless evinces a clear grasp of the 
embryonic conditions of the problem, and as we shall see, 

anticipates, some of the more exact conceptions of Weismann.. 

He does not wholly deny the possibility of the transmission 
of acquired characters,. but says that ‘‘the effects of use and 
disuse of limbs, and those of habit, are transmitted to pos- 
terity in only a very slight degree.’’ 

In this respect Mr. Galton makes only a slight advance 
toward the conclusions of Weismann in the much more elabo- 
rate paper which he read before the Anthropological Institute 
_ of Great Britain on November 9, 1875, and which appeared in 
the December number or the Contemporary Review for that 
year, and also in an expanded form in the Journal of the Insti- 
tute (Vol. V, p. 329).) In this paper which is entitled ‘‘A 
Theory of Heredity,’’ he, however, approaches the main ques- 
tion with much greater directness. ‘‘’The facts’’ he says ‘‘for 
which a complete theory of heredity must account may con- 
veniently be divided into two groups; the one-refers to those 
inborn or congenital peculiarities that were also congenital in 

one or more ancestors, the other to those that were not con- 

genital in the ancestors, but were acquired for the first time by 

*Vol. XX, p. 394. 

3, Se eee 


one or more of them during their lifetime, owing to some change 

in the condition of their life. ‘The first of these two groups is 

of predominant importance, in respect to the number of well- 

ascertained facts that it contains, many of which it is possible 

to explain in a broad and general way, by more than one theory 

based on the hypothesis of organic units. The second group 

includes much of which the evidence is questionable or difficult 

of verification and which, as I shall endeavor to show, does not 

for the most part, justify the conclusion commonly derived from 

it.’ He further says that his theory ‘‘is largely based on the 

arguments and conditions brought forward by Mr. Darwin in 

support of pangenesis; nevertheless the conclusions in this 

paper will be seen to differ essentially from his own. Pan- 

genesis appears more especially framed to account for the cases 
which fall in the second of the above-mentioned groups which 

are of a less striking and assured character than those of the 

first group, and it will be seen that I accept the theory of pan- 

genesis with considerable modification, as a supplementary and 

subordinate part of a complete theory of heredity, but by no» 
means for the primary and more important part.’’ 

He employs the term s#7p ‘‘in a special sense—to express 
the sum-total of the germs, gemmules, or whatever they may 
be called, which are to be found, according to every theory of 
organic units, in the newly fertilized ovum—that is in its 
earliest pre-embryonic stage.’’ In defending the theory of 
organic units he says: ‘‘We must bear in mind that the 
alternative hypothesis of a general plastic force resembles that 
of other mystic conceptions current in the early stages of 
many branches of physical science, all of which yielded to 
molecular views, as knowledge increased.”’ 

The paper is an exceedingly luminous contribution to the 
subject, and the theory advanced may be designated in general 


terms as the doctrine of natural selection or survival of the 
fittest among the organic units constituting the stirp, to de- 
termine which shall become manifest in the offspring and which 
shall lie latent to reappear or not in later generations. As the 
-stirp contains organic units that have lain latent in previous 
generations and may become patent in the generation in ques- 
tion, the theory accounts for reversion, atavism, and the whole 
train of facts in heredity that have so long puzzled the scientific 
investigator. We are at present only concerned with so much 
of it as relates to the transmission of acquired characters. The 
following passage expresses his views on this point: ‘‘ We have 
thus far dealt with three agents—(1) the stirp, which is an or- 
ganized aggregate of a host of germs; (2) the personal struc- 
ture, developed out of a small portion of these germs; and (3) 
the sexual elements, generated by the residuum of the stirp. 
The cases before us are those which are supposed to prove that 
2 reacts on 3—that is, the personal structure upon the sexual 
elements. The first and largest class of these cases refer to | 
adaptivity of race. It is said that the structure of an animal 
changes when he is placed under changed conditions ; that his 
offspring inherit some of his change; and that they vary still 
further on their own account, in the same direction, and so on 
through successive generations, until a notable change in the 
congenital characteristics of the race has been effected. Hence 
it is concluded that a change in the personal structure has re- 
acted on the sexual elements. For my part, I object to so 
general a conclusion.’’ And he proceeds to elaborate his 
reasons for such objection. Passing over these for want of 
time I will conclude this exposition of Galton’s views by quot- 
ing the following passage : 

‘‘’The conclusion to be drawn from the foregoing arguments 
is, that we might almost reserve our belief that the structural 


cells can react on the sexual elements at all, and we may be 
confident that at the most they do so in a very faint degree ; 
in other words that acquired modifications are barely, if at all, 
inherited, in the correct sense of that word. If they were not 
heritable, then the second group of cases would vanish, and we 
should be absolved from all further trouble about them ; but 
if they exist, in however faint a degree, a complete theory of 
heredity must account for them. I propose, as already stated, 
’ to accept the supposition of their being faintly heritable, and 
to account for them by a modification of pangenesis.”’ 

I am not aware that Mr. Galton has modified the views here 
expressed since the date of that paper, but in all his subsequent 
ones, as well as in his work on ‘‘ Hereditary Genius’’ (1879) 
he continues to emphasize the paramount importance of the 
latent elements in heredity,’ and the superiority, as he forcibly 

expresses it, of nature over nurture. 


The vigorous onslaught which has been made upon the doc- 
trine of the transmission of acquired characters, since the date 
of Mr. Galton’s papers, and apparently without a knowledge 
of them, by Prof. August Weismann of the University of Frei- 
burg has probably aroused a greater amount of interest among 
scientific men than any other event that has transpired since 
the appearance of Darwin’s Ovigin of Species. Professor Weis- 
mann is an embryologist and histologist and has conducted a 
series of prolonged and successful investigations upon several | 
groups of lowly organisms. But he has looked beyond the 
special facts which are immediately connected with his re- 
searches and has, thought out for himself all the deeper prob- 
' lems of biology. Besides making himself complete master of 


the whole field of that science as generally accepted he has co- 
ordinated its facts and drawn from them a number of new and 
brilliant conclusions which have set the world to work on 
entirely new lines of investigation. 

Professor Weismann was logically led to the conclusion that 
acquired characters cannot in any conceivable way be trans- 
mitted. ‘The first of the series of essays which have produced 
such a sensation, that on the duration of life, was originally 
read before the Association of German Naturalists and Physi- 
cians at Salzburg in September, 1881, and a short abstract of 
it appeared in /Vaturve for April 5, 1888 (Vol. XX XVII, p. 
541). It was in this paper that he elaborated the theory that 
unicellular organisms are potentially immortal. The second 
of the series, that on heredity, was his inaugural address as 
Pro-rector of the University of Freiburg, delivered June 21, 
1883. It was in this that he first attacked the doctrine of the 
transmission of acquired characters, and in it and the preceding 
essay may be found the germs of all his later theories. The 
remaining six essays appeared at intervals from 1883 to 1888. 
Abstracts and reviews of them occured in Mature and the 
English magazines, and long before the appearance in 1889 of 
the admirable work containing an English translation of the 
whole series with numerous additions and amendments by the 
author and notes by the translators,* the controversy had be- 
gun in which so many of the most eminent biologists of Europe 
and America have taken part. | 

Professor Weismann’s general course of reasoning is some- 
what as follows: It is universally admitted that all the higher 
organisms consist of tissues made up of cells and that these 

* Essays upon Heredity and kindred biological problems. By August 
Weismann. Authorized translation edited by Edward B. Poulton, Selmar 
Schonland, and Arthur E. Shipley. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1889. 

a Ws BON 
i SS Are Te Geen ae aae t 


cells do not differ essentially from those which are found lead- 
ing an independent existence and are termed unicellular or- 
-ganisms. Many of these unicellular organisms reproduce by 
the process known as fission or division ; that is, they split or 
divide into two equal parts each of which becomes a new or- 
ganism exactly like the original. These halves exist for an 
appointed time, increase in size until they are each equal to the 
original cell before division, and then divide again, so that 
what was formerly one now becomes four. Each of these four 
repeats the process, and so on, thus multiplying ina geometri- 
cal ratio. But if we follow any one of these lines of descent we 
observe that the last of the line contains some of the same mat- 
ter that was in the first, and none of the matter has ceased to 
live. Unless destroyed by some external cause all of the sub- 
stance of the original cell will continue to live for any conceiv- 
able length of time. It is ‘‘ potentially immortal.’’ Now, the 
theory of descent as a universal organic principle, which Weis- 
mann fully accepts, explains all the life of the globe as result- 
ing from previous life through some form of reproduction. Fis- 
sion is the simplest form of reproduction, and it is found that 
it is the common form of cell-reproduction within the tissues of 
the higher animals. All growth is brought about by it or some 
modification of it. A study of the phenomena of reproduction 
in the lower organisms shows that it takes place ultimately 
through some similar process, which, however greatly modi- 
fied in its details, consists essentially in the actual transmission 
of the reproductive cell-substance from parent to offspring, and 
Weismann maintains that the reproductive cells, like those of 
unicellular organisms, are immortal or perpetual, and that 
nothing can get into the body of the offspring except through 
that of one or other of its parents. This is his fundamental 
doctrine of the continuity of the germ-plasm. The impregnated 


ovum contains the germ-plasms of the two parents, and out of | 

it the embryo is formed. ‘The embryo develops independently 
of the mother by a circulation of its own, and no-external in- 

fluences can by any conceivable method affect or change the 

characters of the offspring. 

But it is well known that variation takes place, that the off- 
spring does not always resemble either parent, and that changes 
go on so great as to result in the creation of new species, new 
genera, and entirely new types of life. All this Weismann ad- 
mits. How does he explain it? Primarily by natural selec- 
tion, but he does not stop with that. It has always been ad- 
mitted that natural selection did not explain the cause of varia- 
tion. Weismann attempts to do this, and his reasoning is 
exceedingly ingenious. | 

The original reproductive cells are assumed by him to con- 
sist of an indefinite number of units which he calls germ-plasms, 
and their presence is explained on the assumption of their pre- 
servation from ancestral organisms. Asexual reproduction is 
of course incapable of producing variation, and he maintains 
that sexual reproduction has been developed and exists solely 
for the purpose of insuring variation. 

Relative to the constitution of the germ-plasm he says: 
‘‘ Every detail in the whole organism must be represented in the 
germ-plasm by itsown special and peculiar arrangement of the 
groups of molecules (micelle of Nageli) and the germ-plasm 
not only contains the whole of the quantitative and qualitative 
characters of the species, but also all individual variations as 

far as these are hereditary : for example the small depression 

in the center of the chin noticed in some families.. The physi- 
cal causes of all apparently unimportant hereditary habits or 
structures, of hereditary talents, and other mental peculiarities, 
must all be contained in the minute quantity of germ-plasm 


which is possessed by the nucleus of a germ-cell ; not indeed, 
as the preformed germs of structure (the gemmules of pangene- 
sis), but as variations in its molecular constitution ; if this be 
impossible, such characters could not be inherited’’ (pp. 100, | 

The union of two germ-cells from-entirely different indi- 
viduals always multiplies the number of ancestral germ-plasms 
bytwo. The excess is kept down by the removal of the second 
polar body, as he supposed was proved by its not taking place 
in parthenogenesis. But the part removed as well as the part 
retained contains germ-plasms from both parents alike and 

hence the offspring must partake of the nature of both. 

These ancestral germ-plasms exist in the reproductive cells 
in vast numbers, and in the removal of half of them at each 
union of the sexes, there must remain not merely those of the 
immediate parents, but those of previous generations. If we 
were theoretically to conceive that at the outset only a single 
.germ-plasm existed from each parent, then the second genera- 
tion would transmit four, the third eight, and so on in a 
geometrical ratio, until they would become so numerous as’ 
to require the removal of a portion and ultimately always of 
half the ancestral germ-plasms at each act of reproduction. 
Says Professor Weismann: ‘‘ These different qualities are 
what I have called the ancestral germ-plasms, i. e., the germ- 
plasms of the different ancestors, which must be contained in 
vast numbers, but in a very minute quantities, in the nuclear 
thread. The supposition of a vast number is not only required 
by the phenomena of heredity but also results from the com- 
paratively great length of the nuclear thread ; furthermore it 
implies that each of them is present in very small quantity. 
The vast number together with the minute quantity of the 
ancestral germ-plasms permit us to conclude that they are, 


upon the whole, arranged in a linear manner in the thin thread- 
like loops; in fact the longitudinal splitting of these loops 
appears to me to be almost a proof of the existence of such an 
arrangement, for without this supposition the process would 
cease to have any meaning’’ (pp. 359-360). 

His general view of the origin of variation is thus given by 
him: ‘‘It is well known that this process [sexual or amphi- 
gonic reproduction] consists in the coalescence of two distinct 
germ-cells, or perhaps only of their nuclei. These germ-cells 
contain the germ-substance, the germ-plasm, and this again, 
owing to its specific molecular structure, is the bearer of the 
hereditary tendencies of the organism from which the germ- 
cell has been derived. Thus in amphigonic reproduction two 
groups of hereditary tendencies are as it were combined. I 
regard this combination as the cause of hereditary individual 
characters, and I believe that the production of such characters 
is the true significance of amphigonic reproduction. The 
object of this process is to create those individual differences 
which form the material out of which natural selection 
produces new species’’ (p. 272). ‘‘ I do not know what meaning 
can be attributed to sexual reproduction other than the creation 
of hereditary individual characters to form the material upon 
which natural selection may work’’ (p. 281). ‘‘The most 
important duty of sexual reproduction is to preserve and 
continually call forth individual variability, the foundation 
upon which the transformation of species is built’’ (p. 373). 
‘Sexual reproduction is to be explained as an arrangement 
which ensures an ever-varying supply of individual differ- 
ences ’”’ (p. 384). 

Weismann’s classification of cells into somatic and reproduc- 
tive is fundamental to his whole philosophy. On this point he 
says: ‘The first multicellular organism was probably a clus- 


ter of similar cells, but these units soon lost their original 
homogeneity. As the result of mere relative position, some of 
the cells were especially fitted to: provide for the nutrition of 
the colony, while others undertook the work of reproduction. 
Hence: the single group would come to be divided into two 
groups of cells, which may be called somatic and reproductive— 
the cells of the body as opposed to those which aré concerned 
with reproduction (p. 27)... As the complexity of the 
metazoan body increased, the two groups of cells became more 
sharply separated from each other. Very soon the somatic 
cells surpassed the reproductive in number, and during the in- 
crease they became more and more broken up by the principle 
of the division of labor into sharply separated systems of tis-. 
sues. As these changes took place the power of reproducing 
large parts of the organism was lost, while the power of repro- 
ducing the whole individual ‘became concentrated in the repro- 
ductive cells alone’’ (p. 28). His theory further assumes that 
the germ-cells contain two kinds of plasm, which he calls re- 
spectively the ovogenetic and the somatogentc, 1. e., the first 
capable only of producing germ-cells, the latter capable only 
of producing somatic cells. These exist together in the fertil- 
ized ovum, and if allowed to remain there would go on repro- 
ducing themselves in something like equal numbers. But the 
body consisting almost entirely of somatic cells, it is evident 
that such a multiplication of germ-cells would be only a hin- 
drance to development. ‘This, he claims, explains the myste- 
rious phenomena so long observed by embryologists and called 
the removal of polar bodies. ‘The polar body first removed is 
nothing more nor less than the ovogenetic nucleo-plasm, which 
is now in the way, and whose removal is necessary to the 
formation of theembryo. ‘Thisis the work alone of the somatic 
cells, and these, consisting as they do of the germ-plasms of an 


indefinite series of ancestors, and containing representatives of 
every part of the parent organism, proceed to reproduce a new 
creature on the hereditary type of the parents with the modifi- 
cations due to the commingling of many ancestral types. 

Without dwelling longer upon these ultimate processes 
which constitute the premises of Weismann’s argument, I will 
now proceed to state his conclusion. It is simply that he is 
utterly unable to see how the somatic cells of an adult indi- 
vidual can react upon or in any way affect its reproductive 
cells. If it cannot, the transmission through either parent to 
its offspring of any peculiarity acquired since the embryo of the 
parent began to form is impossible. Firmly believing in the 
truth of his theory he stoutly insists that no such thing can 
take place. Of course it needs to be clearly understood what 
he means by acquired characters, and here, it is claimed lies 
the chief point in dispute between the Neo-Darwinians and the 
Neo-Lamarckians. ‘The former contend that the latter class as 
acquired characters those which are simply due to natural 
selection. It will therefore be profitable: to dwell a moment 
upon this point. : 

‘*’T’he tendencies of heredity ’’, says Weismann, ‘‘ of which 
the germ-plasm is the bearer, depend upon this very molecular 
structure, and hence only those characters can be transmitted 
through successive generations which have been previously in- 
herited, viz., those characters which were potentially contained 
in the structure of the germ-plasm. It also follows that those 
other characters which have been acquired by the influence of 
special external conditions, during the lifetime of the parent, 
cannot be transmitted at all’’ (p. 267). ‘‘Itis only by suppos- 
ing that these changes arose from molecular alterations in the 
reproductive cell that we can understand how the reproductive 
cells of the next generation can originate the same changes in 


the cells which are developed from them ; and it is impossi- 
ble to imagine any way in which the transmission of changes 
produced by the direct action of external forces upon the somatic 

cells, can be brought about... To this class of phenomena 
"of course belong chose acts of will which call forth the func- 
tional activity of certain groups of cells’’ (p. 80). Only those 
new characters can be called ‘ acquired’ which owe their origin 
to external influences, and the term ‘acquired’ must be denied 
to those which wholly depend upon the mysterious relationship 
between the different hereditary tendencies which meet in the 
fertilized ovum. These latter are not ‘ acquired ’ but inherited, 
although the ancestors did not possess them as such, but only, 
as it were, the elements of which they are composed ? (p. 252). 
‘‘If acquired characters are brought forward in connexion 
with the question of the transformation of species, the term 
‘acquired ’ must only be applied to those characters which do 
not arise from within the organism, but which arise as the re- 
action of the organism under some external stimulus, most 
commonly as the consequence of the increased or diminished 
use of an organ or part’’ (p. 322). 

That such characters cannot be inherited he asserts with the 
strongest emphasis and frequent iteration. His treatment of 
this point often borders on the dogmatic, as a few extracts will 

‘‘Tt has never been proved’’ he says, ‘‘ that acquired char- 
acters are transmitted, and it has never been demonstrated, 
that, without the aid of such transmission, the evolution of the . 
organic world becomes unintelligible. The inheritance of ac- 
quired characters has never been proved, either by means of 
direct observation or by experiment’’ (p. 81). ‘‘ No single 
fact is known that really proves that acquired characters can 
be transmitted’’ (p. 267). ‘‘If acquired characters cannot be 


transmitted the Lamarckian theory completely collapses, and 
we must entirely abandon the principle on which alone Lamarck 
sought to explain the transformation of species,—a principle 
of which the application has been greatly restricted by Darwin 
in the discovery of natural selection, but which was still toa 
large extent retained by him. Even the apparently powerful 
factors in transformation—the use and disuse of organs, the re- 
sults of practice or neglect—cannot now be regarded as pos- 
sessing any direct transforming influence upon a species, and 
the same is true of all the other direct influences, such as nutri- 
tion, light, moisture, and that combination of different influences 
which we call climate. All these, with use and disuse, may 
perhaps produce great effects upon the body (soma) of the in- 
dividual, but cannot produce any effect in the transformation 
of the species, simply because they can never reach the germ- 
cells from which the succeeding generation arises’’ (pp. 387- 
388). And much more in the same strain. 
Weismann fully admits the influence of the environment 
upon the individual in producing marked changes. He also 
| fully admits the facts of adaptation to environment and the 
transformation of species and development of organic beings. 
But he insists that natural selection is competent to explain all 
this, that it takes place through the selection of such accidental 
variations in the germ as prove advantageous, or, as he puts it, 
the selection from among an infinite number of ancestral germ- 
_ plasms in the fertilized ovum of such as will produce an indi- 
vidual most in harmony with its environment, leaving all others 
in the latent state. This, as we have seen, is pure Galtonism. 
But this incapacity for the inheritance of acquired characters 
is confined to metazoans or multicellular organisms—organisms 
' whose reproductive and somatic cells are differentiated. It 
does not apply to protozoans or unicellular organisms. ‘These 

PP ee re ee eo eT 

ti a Se eta 


are greatly influenced by the environment, and, consisting en- 
tirely as it were of reproductive cells, naturally transmit their 
variations to their descendants directly. Only thus can vari- ° 
ability be perpetuated, and whatever is true of them is true 
of all germ-cells. ‘‘ The origin of hereditary individual vari- 


ability,’’ says Weismann, ‘‘cannot indeed be found in the 
higher orgatiisms—the Metazoa and Metaphyta; but is to be 
sought for in the lowest—the unicellular organisms. In these 
latter the distinction between body-cell and germ-cell does not 
exist. Such organisms are reproduced by division, and if, 
therefore, any one of them becomes changed in the course of 
its life by some external influence, and thus receives an indi- 
vidual character, the method of reproduction ensures that the 
acquired peculiarity will be transmitted to its descendants’’ 
(pp. 277-278). 

It is here that comes in his fundamental doctrine of the con- 
tinuity of the germ-plasm. If not the germ-cells, at least the 
germ-plasm of either parent passes intact to the offspring. It 
is perpetual, or as he calls it, immortal. It gives to the new 
being its special character, but receives nothing from it. It 
remains in the offspring until it in turn becomes a parent, and 
again passes to the third generation without ever having ceaséd 
to live. Every living being on the globe to-day contains in 
its germ-plasm something that has never ceased to live since 
the original life-breath was breathed into organic nature. 
Through all the ancestral types of the phyletic chain it has 
persisted, passing from parent to offspring through the trans-_ 
forming series, so that in the loins of the highest types of man 
there is something which was still living in the lowest primor- 
dial worm and even in the bathybian ooze of those primeval 
waters which in the earliest Cambrian .times succeeded the 

formation of the original crust of the globe. 



Upon this series of brilliant speculations and startling asser- 
tions, including much that it has been impossible for me to 
bring forward, has been founded the school of Neo-Darwinism. 
In Germany they attracted comparatively little attention, in 
France none, but in England they have become almost a shib- 
boleth in the mouths of a large class of leading biologists. 

It unfortunately requires something more than mere truth to 
arouse enthusiasm in many minds, and however much it may 
be disclaimed, it cannot probably be justly denied that the 
peculiar position of prominence and honor which this theory 
gives to the doctrine of natural selection, conceived and elab- 
orated by Englishmen, had much to do with its especial charm 
for English ears. It isnot to be supposed that Weismann de- 
liberately bid for applause from England, but he could clearly 
see the tendency of his doctrines to exalt natural selection. 
He does not allude to this in any of his earlier essays, nor 
until he had begun to observe the effect his writings were pro- 
ducing in England. In the preface to his nfth essay, dated 
Nov. 22, 1885, however, he says: ‘‘ The transmission or non- 
transmission of acquired characters must be of the highest im- 
portance for a theory of heredity, and therefore for the true 
appreciation of the causes which lead to the transformation of 
species. Any one who believes, as I do, that acquired charac- 
ters are not transmitted, will be compelled to assume that the 
process of natural selection has had a far larger share in the 
transformation of species than has been as yet accorded to it ; 
for if such characters are not transmitted the modifying in- 
fluence of external circumstances in many cases remains re- 
stricted to the individual, and cannot have any part in produc- 
ing transformation’’ (pp. 252-253). And in the last essay of 
this series, originally delivered in September, 1888, he further 
remarks: ‘‘ But if the transmission of acquired characters is 

ee ee ee nee 


truly impossible our theory of evolution must undergo material © 
changes. We must completely abandon the Lamarckian prin- 
ciple, while the principle of Darwin and Wallace, viz., natural 
selection, will gain an immensely increased importance’’ (p. 


I have now, as I believe, fairly if not fully stated, chiefly in 
the language of its founder, the Neo-Darwinian theory, and 
before passing to consider what has been said on the other side, 
and the position of the Neo-Lamarckians in general, I would 
like to pause a moment in order to offer a few reflections of my 
own upon Weismann’s teachings. I am emboldened to do this 
the more not only because I have not seen the exact point of 
view from which they especially strike me touched upon by 
others in the voluminous discussion which has grown out of 
them, but also because what I shall say will be based entirely 
upon his own statement of the facts, and therefore the objec- 
tion that, not being an embryologist, I am not competent to 
weigh the considerations from that side (which I would freely 

admit), cannot properly be raised. 

The question is whether, accepting the continuity of the 
germ-plasm, accepting the nature which he ascribes to the fer- 
tilized ovum with its multitudes of ancestral plasms out of 
which selections are made, accepting his explanation of the 
meaning of the first and second polar bodies, accepting his 
differentiation into reproductive and somatic cells, and all the 
other details which he brings forward, many of which are, of 

course, only hypotheses, there do not still remain grounds on 

which to base a theory of the transmission of certain kinds of 
acquired characters, and especially those of a strictly functional 
nature. In fact, the question seems to me rather to be whether 

° . 
his line of argument carried to its extreme logical conclusion 

would not preclude the possibility of any variation whatever 
even inthe germ-plasms themselves. It is not sufficient to say 
that all variation is due to the varied character of multitudin- 
ous germ-plasms in the fertilized ovum, brought there from 
many often remote ancestors possessing very different charac- 
ters. This is a petitio principit, since it assumes these differ- 
ences in those ancestors, and the primary question must be 
answered ; whence these ancestral differences? How does he 
account for any differences at all? 

‘We have already seen that Weismann restricts his denial 
to multicellular organisms and admits as a necessary part of 
his theory, that unicellular organisms are easily affected by 
the nature of their surroundings and activities, and that the 
changes thus produced are directly transmitted. ‘‘If for in- 
stance,’’ he says, ‘‘a protozoan, by constantly struggling 
against the mechanical influence of currents in water, were to 
gain a somewhat denser and more resistent protoplasm, or were 
to acquire the power of adhering more strongly than the other 
individuals of its species, the peculiarity in question would be 
directly continued on into. its two descendants, for the latter 
are at first nothing more than the two halves of the former. 
It therefore follows that every modification which appears in 
_the course of its life, every individual character, however it 
may have arisen, must necessarily be directly transmitted to 
the two offspring of a unicellular organism (p. 278).... ~We 
are thus driven to the conclusion that the ultimate origin of 
hereditary individual differences lies in the direct action of ex- 
ternal influences upon the organism’’ (p. 279). But he even 
goes further and asserts that there is no other way by which 
the germ can be affected. ‘‘I have never doubted”’ he says, 
‘‘about the transmission of changes which depend upon an 

5 alt ee Ss 

SS a eee pl ee 



alteration in the germ-plasm of the reproductive cells, for have 
always asserted that these changes, and these alone must be 
transmitted (p. 410)... In what other way could the trans- 
formation of species be produced, if changes in the germ-plasm 
cannot be transmitted? And how could the germ-plasm be 
changed except by the operation of external influences, using 
the words in their widest sense?’’ (p. 411). 

Now if, as he insists, external influences cannot possibly af- 

_ fect the germs of metazoans, and if, as he here maintains, it is 

external influence alone that can influence any germs, it must 
follow that the only variation that could have taken place in 
the germ-plasms of the highest animals are those which oc- 
curred in the protozoan stage of their development. , 
This is clearly a veductio ad absurdum, derived entirely from 
his own statements, some of them among his latest utterances. 
The difficulty is to see why he should adhere so tenaciously to 
the idea that the germ-cells cannot be influenced by functional 
changes in the organism containing them. ‘The mere fact that 
they are lodged within the body of an animal does not affect 
the question unless it can be shown that they are so-lodged that 
no change is possible in the nature of their immediate surround- 
ings. To assume this is gratuitous and contrary to what would 
be naturally supposed. In reading certain passagesin his own 
book one is strongly tempted to doubt whether he believes it 
himself. Forexample, he saysin one place speaking of hered- 
itary variations: ‘‘I believe however that they can be referred 
to the various external influences to which the germ is exposed 
before the commencement of embryonic development. Hence 
we nay fairly attribute to the adult organism influences which 
determine the phyletic development of its descendants. For 
the germ-cells are contained in the organism, and the external 
influences which affect them are intimately connected with the 


_ state of the organism in which they lie hid... It iseven pos- 
sible that the effects of these influences may be more special- 
ized ; that is to say, that they may act only upon certain parts 
of the germ-cells ’’ (pp. 103-104). But he seems to see a great 
difference between this and the transmission of characters ac- 
quired in certain special organs to the same organs of the off- 
spring. This would probably be clear only to an embryologist. 
One of the most suggestive thoughts in his whole philosophy is 
that of the total dissimilarity between the germ and the devel- 
oped organism which is to result from it. He maintains with. 
every semblance of truth that there can be nothing in common 
between them except the fact that the molecular structure of 
the germ is such that if allowed to develop it will produce a 
being similar to the one from which itsprung. This principle 
seems to be peculiarly applicable to the subtle influences which 
effect heredity, and without appealing to anything occult or 
abandoning the strictly casual and mechanical theory of hered- 
ity, it may be submitted whether we know enough about it as 
yet to assert that influences affecting the parental organism, 
even any of its organs, may not react specifically and in kind 
upon the germ and set up molecular tendencies in the same 
direction. This may be said quite independently of any at- 
tempt to explain precisely how it can do so, as the theory of 
pangenesis claims to do. 

If the germ-plasms vary within the body of either parent be- 
fore they are brought together that variation must be due to 
influences acting upon them in the animal body. All this 
Weismann admits, but he denies that the changes which he 
admits to take place in the individual as the result of changes 
in the environment and subsequent changes in the habits and 
activities of the creature can be regarded as among the causes 
which produce changes in the germ-plasm. Is this logical or 

ae eae ee ee eS ee eee ee 


even reasonable? If not due to such changes to what causes 
are they due? Without pretending to explain how such a thing 
could happen, I claim that the indications are that it does hap- 
pen. ‘To say without proof that it cannot happen adds nothing 
to the argument. We have an antecedent and we have a con- 
sequent. Botharefacts. There isno possibility in the present 
state of our knowledge of either proving or disproving the casual 
connection between these facts. Variation takes place in the 
direction of adaption to changed conditions and activities. So 
far the inference is confirmed by athird fact. If the inference 
had not been challenged in the interest of another principle 
this would be regarded as proof. I do not agree with Weis- 
mann that the burden of proof rests on those who draw this 
natural inference. It rests on him and the Neo-Darwinians to 
show that the assumed cause is not acause. This they have 
thus far failed to do. ; 

You will understand that I am speaking of variations which 
take place in the germ-cells and sperm-cells of parental organ- 
isms before they blend in the fertilized ovum. Most of Weis- 
mann’s argument is directed to show that the fertilized ovum 
itself cannot be affected by any transforming influence acting 
upon the mother during the growth of the embryo. This may 
be true but itis unimportant. The time required to develop 
the embryo is too short for the environment to produce any 
material change however strongly the tendency might be at ~ 
the time in the direction of such change. It is chiefly the un- 
combined sexual elements which are admitted by all to be un- 
dergoing specific transformation. ‘Ihe Neo-Darwinians deny 
that this is due to admittedly parallel transformations going on 
in the individual, the result of external and internal influences 
upon the developed body ; the Neo-Lamarckians consider the 
latter as in great part the cause of the former, while admitting 


that other variations are taking place due to unknown causes 
and that these are seized upon by natural selection to the 
advantage of the species. 

The difficulty, on Weismann’s theory, of accounting for any 
variation at all above the protozoans still confronts us. If ex- 
ternal influences can only act on unicellular organisms in such 
a way as to be transmitted, it must follow that so soon as the | 
multicellular stage is reached a rigid fixity must result. One 
of these lower metazoans may undergo important modifications 
during its lifetime, but its offspring are always set back to pre- 
cisely the same place where the parent was when it set out. 
All these functionally produced changes are, according to him, 
utterly lost because they cannot react upon the germ-plasm. 
Where is the room for the action of natural selection? He has 
not dwelt upon this point, but he would probably say, though 
contrary to statements above quoted, that the germ-plasms are 
constantly undergoing spontaneous variation and that natural 
selection works on these. We would then be brought back to 
where we were a moment ago, with the question still before 
us, how spontaneous variations differ from functional ones (for 
he would not maintain that they were wholly uncaused effects), 
and why it is not logical and rational to assume that functional 
changes are impressed upon the germ-cells in: ways which, 
though unknown to us, are no more unknown than is the cause 
of spontaneous variations. ‘This seems to be far more reason- 
able than the far-fetched, and, as it seems to me, childish view 
recently expressed by Prof. E. Ray Lankester, that the envi- 
ronment does indeed influence the germ-cells but only by 
kaleidoscopically shaking up their contents, thus causing what 
are called ‘‘sports’’ in the progeny, and that natural selection 

seizes upon these, thereby securing advantageous transfor- 



We will next briefly pass in review the extraordinary dis- 

‘cussion which has followed chiefly from the publication of 

Weismann’s essays. As already remarked, they produced very 
little influence upon the German mind, and most German in- 
vestigators who noticed them at all, either saw little in them, 
or else attacked them with greater or less violence. It is 
almost exclusively in England that they have found favor, and 
here a veritable school of biologists has sprung into existence 
prepared to defend even the most extreme of Weismann’s 
theories. It is due to-the German investigator to say that, 
with the exception of the slight tendency above pointed out to 
dogmatize on the subject of the non-transmissibility of acquired 
characters, his essays are dignified and courteous and often 
evince an almost Darwinian modesty with regard to his own 
theories. Far different was the case with most of his English 

disciples. What he states as probable they assert as forever 
settled, and his working hypotheses become for them the funda- 
mental truths of science. His papers were translated and re- 
viewed, usually in an aggressive manner before any one had 
ventured to criticise them. Being usually beyond the reach of 
any but the embryological specialist all except ardent disciples 
reserved their judgment and declined to enter the field. At 
first there was an attempt to make it appear that Weismann’s 

_ views reflected only those of Darwin himself and that all out- 

side of them consisted in deviations and wanderings from his. 
doctrines. It was sought to stamp them with the name of 

* The expression Neo-Darwinian was first used, so far as I am aware, 
by Dr. G. J. Romanes in a letter to Mature for Aug. 30, 1888 (Vol. 
XXVIII, p. 413), and occurs frequently in subsequent discussions. The 
substantive form Meo-Darwinism was a natural outgrowth from it. 


‘pure Darwinism,’’* and the reader was frequently informed 
what Darwin really intended to say in certain passages which 
could not otherwise be made to harmonize with the new doc- 
trine, and even in some still more refractory passages we are 
told what we would have said ‘‘if it had occurred to him.” + 

In default of any real opponent the Duke of Argyll, with his 
strong theological bias, his medieval spirit of logomachy, and 
his total lack of scientifle ideas, was called out and set up as a 
sort of man of straw to be repeatedly demolished. But like 
the shadows in the valley of Walhalla, he emerged each time 
unscathed and renewed the deathless struggle. His presence 
in the arena had the further advantage for the new school of 
affording them an opportunity to point to him as a sample of 
the opponents of Weismann. 

Against all this a few protests were raised from time to time 
and after the appearance of the English edition of the essays 
a few able and critical analyses were made. But the general 
character of the discussion as it has gone on in the columns of 
Nature and in the British magazines is such as I have de- 
scribed. The only other prominent or frequent contributor in 
answer to the disciples of Weismann is Dr. G. J. Romanes, 
and he has been more especially concerned with defending his 
priority to the idea which he has elaborated under the name 
of Physiological Selection, and to the discussion of certain 
phases of the law of panmzxia which he claims to have dis- 
covered. It would, however, be unjust to deny that the dis- 
cussion has been of value to science, since, had it done no 
more than to attract wide attention to so momentous a question 
it could not have been without its uses. 

*Nature, Vol. XXXVIII, Aug. 16, 1888, p. 364; Aug. 23, 1888, p. 388 ; 
Vol. XL, pp. 567, 619. 
} See Nature, Vol. XLI, March 27, 1890, pp. 487, 488. 

eee ae ae se 



Let us inquire what has really been done from first to last 
toward the demonstration, or scientific establishment of the law 
of transmission of functionally acquired characters and the 
preservation through heredity of the modifications produced 
by changes in the environment. It will not be necessary to 
go back to Lamarck as his presentation of the subject has been 
sufficiently dwelt upon. But I cannot agree with some recent 
writers that Lamarck was defending a totally different prin- 
ciple from that which is being defended to-day. It is true that 
Neo-Lamarckians recognize natural selection as an equally, 
and in some respects far more potent law, although, as has 
been justly insisted upon, it does not explain the cause of the 
variations of which it makes use. The Lamarckian principle 
does this, so far as it goes, and affords a true mechanical, that 
is, scientific explanation of the origin of species. 

After Darwin himself, whose methods were always those of 
the true naturalist, unquestionably the most successful defender 
of this view is Mr. Herbert Spencer, whose methods are always 
those of the true philosopher. A man of such originality would 
be incapable of approaching the subject from the same stand- 
point as any of his predecessors, and we find him evolving this 
law from his great general scheme of mechanical cosmology, 
in which it appears as one of the equilibrating forces of the 
organic world. It is his law of ‘‘ direct equilibration,” natural 
selection forming a second law of ‘‘indirect equilibration.” 

* Prof. A. S. Packard is believed to be the first to use the term /Veo- 
Lamarckian. This he did in the introduction to the Standard Natural 
History (Vol. I, Boston, p. iii) in 1885, and on page iv he adopts the sub- 
stantive form Neo-Lamarckianism. As the word Lamarckism had 
already been long in use the shorter form (Veo-Lamarckism should be 


Through the operation of these two principles the phenomena 
of adaptation are explained. Adaptation is placed by him in 
what seems to be a new light, as the tendency of the organism 
to respond through modification of form and structure to an 
ever-changing environment. The introduction of this form of 
words by Mr. Spencer has been of the utmost value to science 
in affording it a clear and precise terminology for the most 
important of all phenomena. Lamarck floundered about in 
straining after such a terminology. As I have shown he gen- 
erally used the word circumstances for Spencer’s environment, 
but in many cases he employed the word medium (wez/zez) 
and he occasionally approached the Spencerian expression so 
nearly as to speak of the environing medium (w2lzeu environ- 
nant).* His idea was undoubtedly the same, but he lacked 
both the literary training and the philosophic power to present 
it in its best light. 

Mr. Spencer showed that the general proposition that the 
organism must be permanently, constantly, and profoundly 
influenced by the environment is one that cannot be logically 
escaped. It is not a mere a priovt deduction, but rests upon 
all the facts and phenomena of the organic world which he 
marshaled in a most masterly manner in its support. But 
the Neo-Darwinians who deny this because it conflicts with 
their new hypothesis, never cease to demand facts. Haeckel’s 
reply to this was eminently just, that this new hypothesis is 
itself wholly unsupported by facts, in the sense in which they 
use the term. It isan inference from the study of embryology, | 
and an opposite inference is as legitimate as the one they 
draw. ‘The truth is that the real phenomena of heredity are 
too recondite for direct observation. We are dealing with the 

* Philosophie Zoologique, Vol. TL, pp. 5, 304. 



ultimate units of organic being and are compelled to judge of 
their actions by the general results. But Mr. Spencer went 
further than any one had done before him and brought together 
an immense array of the most convincing facts upon his side 
of the question. , Although he wrote before the new hypothesis 
had been proposed he seems to have fairly anticipated it, and 
one is surprised to find the objections of the Neo-Darwinians 
clearly stated and squarely met. It would be needless to re- 
peat his arguments here, even if there were time, but I may 
call attention especially to that which relates to the origin 
of those correlated structures which are necessary to render 
effective the modifications which natural selection or sexual 
selection has produced. He shows that unless these are due 
to inherited functional variations a series of violent assump- 
tions must be made which put one’s credulity to the severest 
test—not a pre-established harmony, but a multitude of pre- 
established harmonies, all of which must co-operate with 
unerring exactness. Under the hypothesis of the hereditary 
preservation of the functionally produced modifications neces- 
sary to secure these correlations the explanation is perfectly 
simple and rational. This argument, so far as I know, has 
never been answered, nor has any attempt been made to 
answer it. 

Early in the discussion of Weismann’s theory and three 
years before the appearance of the English edition of his 
essays, Mr. Spencer. seems to have foreseen their probable effect 
in England, and he turned aside from his systematic labors to 
_ reargue this question in the light of fresh facts and evidence. 
This he did in two articles in the Nineteenth Century for April 
and May 1886, which are characterized by an unfailing vigor 
of treatment and all the philosophic power which he is wont to 
display in the discussion of biological questions. I would 


especially commend the second of these articles as an alto- 
gether fresh presentation of the case, replete with facts from 
the lowest forms of organized life. Many of these taken from 
the vegetable kingdom come home to me with great force, and 
it seems difficult to see how another interpretation can be put 
upon them. 

Prof. Karl Semper published in 1881 as one of the Interna- 
tional Scientific series his Natural Conditions of Existence as 
they-effect Animal Life, in which he supports the same class 
of views by many observations from his own profound studies. 
Prof. Sidney H. Vines in his Lectures on the Physiology of 
Plants (1886) offered some direct and telling strictures upon 
Weismann’s teachings (Chap. XXIII), and after the English 
edition of the essays appeared he repeated these and answered 
categorically a large number of points in a communication to | 
Nature.* Professor Weismann replied to this review, defend- 
ing himself satisfactorily at some points, but was compelled to 
recede from several of his most important positions. 

Mr. Patrick Geddes advanced in the Encyclopedia Britan- 
nica (Art. Variation and Selection) a somewhat novel theory 
of variation in plants, substantially in the same line, but prob- 
ably with some vulnerable points, and Professor Henslow’s 
recent work on the Origin of floral structures, seeks to show 
that ‘‘ the responsive actions of the protoplasm in consequence 
of the irritations set up by weights, pressures, thrusts, ten- 
sions, etc., of insect visitors,’ have played the principal role 
in determining the forms of irregular flowers. In much of all 
this there is a tendency to extremism, and harm is often done 
by neglecting to recognize the action of natural selection where 
it is clearly present, but there always remains a residuum of 
facts which cannot be explained by that hypothesis. 

* Vol. XL, Oct. 24, 1889, p. 621. 


Among those Germans who have so ably and systematically 
opposed the views of Weismann should doubtless first be men- 
tioned Dr. G. H. Theodor Eimer. The work * in which he 
has most effectively undertaken this has been translated into 
English by Mr. J. T. Cunningham,t+ who is one of those who 
early took part in the discussion. The title of this work as 
well as the heads of some of the chapters (such as: ‘‘ the in- 
_ fluence of adaptation in the formation of species,’’ ‘‘ mental 
faculties as acquired and inherited characters,’ ‘‘evolution of 
the living world as the result of function,’’ etc.) shows how 
directly Eimer antagonizes Weismann, and one of the leading 
merits of the book is the great number of new illustrations that 
it contains in support of his position. 

Perhaps I should not pass over, in this imperfect survey, the 
able and very temperate paper of Mr. J. Arthur Thompson, tf 
who, of all the writers here noted, comes the nearest to having 
anticipated the point of view of my own criticisms. The bibli- 
ography of the general subject which this writer gives at the 
end of his paper will enable any one who desires to pursue it 
further to supplement this brief enumeration to any extent, 
and also to take a retrospective view into its history and 
progress. 2 

It would be easy to select from these and other works any 
required number of illustrations of the transmission of acquired 
characters, but there would not probably be one that Weis- 
mann would not find means of explaining away. He has 

*Die Entstehung der Arten auf Grund von Vererbung erworbener 
Eigenschaften nach den Gesetzen organischer Wachsens, Jena, 1888. 

+ Organic Evolution as the Result of the Inheritance of Acquired Char- 
acters, London, 18go. . 

{ The History and Theory of Heredity. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 
Vol. XVI, 1888—’89, pp. 91-116. (Read Jan. 21, 1889). 


taken up a number of such in his essays, stated them with 
sufficient fairness, and then proceeded to show that they are — 
also capable of another interpretation. In some cases this is 
doubtless true, but in most cases his explanations seem strained 
and unnatural. In many they amount to an admission that 
the quality transmitted was functionally acquired and that the 
changed environment has actually influenced the germ. But 
he always insists that this does not constitute an acquired 
character. I do not see why it does not. For example, he 
says: ‘‘It is difficult to say whether the changed climate may 
not have first changed the germ, and if this were the case the 
accumulation of effects through the action of heredity would 
present no difficulty’’ (p. 98). I cannot see why this is not 
conceding the whole issue. Of course all modifications must 
first affect the germ, otherwise there could be no hereditary 
transmission. ‘The only question is: Can the climate or the 
environment impress changes upon the germ? If yes, the 
Neo-Iamarckian asks no more. All that he contends for is 

The quotation just made is from one of his earlier essays 
and he has objected to its being urged against him on the 
ground that it does not represent his latest conclusions. But 
what has he to say to the following from his eighth and last 
. essay originally delivered in September, 1888 ? 

‘‘Tt is therefore possible to imagine that the modifying effects 
of external influences upon the germ-plasm may be gradual 
and may increase in the course of generations, so that visible 
changes in the body (soma) are not produced until the effects 
have reached a certain intensity ’’ (p. 433). 

It matters nothing to the Neo-Lamarckian whether the effects 
of external influences become visible in the first or the hun- 
dredth generation. The Whole question is: Are they the 


cause of the modifications that actually take place? Weis- 
mann’s English followers deny this and say that such modifi- 
cations are due to the selection of accidental variations in the 
germ, and so in all cases. If the term ‘‘acquired’’ is to be. 
any further refined away, then discussion is useless, for it is 
not a mere dispute about a word that interests us, but the 
fundamental question whether external conditions do or do not 
permanently and progressively influence the development of 
organic beings. | 


Probably the strongest arguments that have been brought 
forward upon the affirmative side of this question are those 
derived from paleontology, and singularly enough, hitherto, so 
far as I am aware, this view of the question has been presented, 
with the single exception of Kowalevsky, entirely by Ameri- 
cans. This work was not done under the stimulus of Weis- 
mann’s writings, because most of it was already accomplished 
before his essays appeared. | 

As far back as 1866 Prof. Alpheus Hyatt read a paper ‘‘ On ~ 
the Parallelism between the different stages of life in the 
Individual and those of the entire Group of the Molluscan. 
order Tetrabranchiata,’’* in which were foreshadowed the 
views more definitely expressed in 1880 in his papers ‘‘ Upon 
the Effects of Gravity on the forms of shells and animals,”’ + 

and ‘‘The Genesis of the Tertiary Species of Planorbis at . 
Steinheim.’’{ In these papers Professor Hyatt showed the 
moulding influence of what in this case happened to be an 

* Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. I, p. 193. (Read Feb. 21, 1866). 

T Proc. A. A. A. S., 1880, p. 527. 

tMem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., Fiftieth Anniversary, 1880. Second 


environment growing gradually less and less favorable, but not 
the less adapted to display in a very clear light some of the 
most important laws of transformation. 

In 1877 Mr. John A. Ryder read a paper ‘‘On the laws of 
digital reduction,’’* showing the obvious adaptations to the 
changing environment which had taken place in vertebrates. 
in this respect, and a year later he pursued the same line of 
argument for modifications of the teeth.t 

Mr. Ryder has for many years past been engaged in embry- 
ological researches, but there is no evidence that they have 
led him to abandon the views expressed in these earlier papers 
in favor of those of Weismann. On the contrary, several, 
comparatively recent papers of his{ consist in great part of 
_ direct attacks upon Weismann’s teachings and criticisms of his 
embryological theories. 

Professor Cope commenced publishing on this subject at 
about the same time and has continued to study the vertebrate 
fauna of America without interruption to the present time. 
It appeared to him from the first that paleontology affords 
proof of the causes of variation, as revealed in the wonder- 
fully complete transition series that are found in the teeth, 
toes, and various parts of the skeleton of extinct animals, 
adapting them to a changing environment and higher struc- 
tural perfection. The study of living animals cannot, in the 

nature of things afford any such series of forms, and the evi- 

* American Naturalist, Vol. XI, October, 1877, pp. 603-607. 

}On the mechanical genesis of tooth forms, by John A: Ryder. 
Proc. Nat. Sci. Phil., Vol. XXX, 1878, p. 45; Vol. XXXI, 1879, p. 47. 

t The Origin of Sex through Cumulative Integration and the Relation 
of Sexuality to the Genesis of Species. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., Vol. 
XXVIII, May 29, 1890, pp. 109-159. 

A Physiological Hypothesis of Heredity and Variation. Am. Nat., 
Vol. XXIV, January, 1890, pp. 85-92. 


dence from paleontology is particularly striking in this respect. 
A volume of Professor Cope’s memoirs was published in 1887 
under the title of ‘‘ The Origin of the Fittest,’’ by which title 
he aimed to express the idea of the cause or origin of modifi- 
cations that have taken place, as distinguished from Darwin’s 
explanation of the laws of transformation based on the assump- 
tion of such modifications taken as simple facts of observa- 
tion. Both methods are scientific, but the former carries us 
one step nearer to the true origin of things. 

More recently Prof. H. F, Osborn of Princeton College has 
taken up this line of argument and presented it in several 
memoirs in which he has attempted a direct answer to Weis- 
mann’s charge that no facts have been furnished in support of 
the transmission of acquired characters. * | 

In the latest of these papers, that read before the Society of 
Naturalists in Boston December 31, 1890, not yet published, 
but of which an advance copy was kindly sent me by him, he 
has stated the whole problem with a judicial fairness which all 
must admire, and with a keenness of analysis which places 
him in the front rank of modern biological thinkers. | 

Perhaps the most important contribution which he has made 
to the subject is that in which he shows that ‘‘the main trend 
of variation is determined not by the transmission of the full 
adaptive modifications themselves, as Lamarck supposed, but 
of the disposition to adaptive atrophy or hypertrophy at cer- 
tain points.’’ 

This principle goes farther than any other that has been 
brought forward to differentiate Neo-Lamarckism from Iam- 

* Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of 
Science, Vol. XX XVIII, 1889 (Toronto), pp. 273-276. 

British Association Report, 1889 (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), p. 621; 
Nature, Vol. XLI, Jan. 9, 1890, p. 227. ; 
American Naturalist, Vol. XXIII, July, 1889, pp. 561-566. 


arckism proper, while at the same time it is an effective 
answer toa large part of the argument directed against the 
transmission of functionally acquired characters. 

Professor Osborn has probably made the most of the argu- 
ment from paleontology, and it must be left to the candid 
judgment of scientific men to say whether the case is made 
out. It is of course always possible to say that the initial 
variations which inaugurated each new adaptation were 
merely accidental and were seized upon by natural selection, 
and it is to a large extent a question of faith in the universal 
efficacy of that theory ; or rather a question in candid minds 
of the relative reasonableness of that view and of the view 
which ascribes a considerable part of this initial variation to 
functionally produced modifications transmitted by heredity. 

It would be unjust to this Society to omit in an enumera- 
tion, however imperfect, of the American defenders of the 
transmissibility of acquired modifications, your former presi- 
dent Prof. W. H. Dall, whose protracted studies in inverte- 
. brate paleontology, conchology, and especially the molluscan 
life of the deep sea have led him to a full accord with other 
American workers as regards questions of this class. In his 
presidential addresses, not to speak of earlier papers, he has 
emphasized the molding influence of the environment upon 
the plastic organisms with which he is most familiar, and 
during the past year he has contributed to the Society one 
paper* dealing directly with the Neo-Darwinian claims, in 
which the case is as clearly presented as it has been by any 
other writer, and in many respects in an entirely new light. 

For myself, I cannot claim to have made any direct contri- 
bution to this specific subject. I have been deeply interested 

*On Dynamic Influences in Evolution, by W. H. Dall. Proc. Biol. 
Soc. Wash., Vol. VI, pp. I-Io. 


in the development of plant life and have from time to time 
within the past fifteen years presented this theme from every 
point of view that I have been able to see it. I recognize the 
law of natural selection as probably the most potent of all or- 
ganic laws, but I have never doubted that a great. part of the 
variations upon which its action depends are due to reactions 
of the organism upon the environment, and after reading Weis- 
man’s essays and every scrap of discussion that I have been 
able to find arising from them, I am still so dull as to remain 
unconvinced that such modifications are incapable of hered- 
itary transmission. To say that the environment may and 
must influence the germ, but that it can only influence it in 
a hap-hazard way analogous to that in which a jar affects. 
the figures of a kaleidoscope, is to my mind a begging of the 
question, and I prefer to assume that there is a causal con- 
nection between the nature of the influence on the germ and 
the alterations that result, especially as the latter are admit- 
ted to be in harmony with the former. 

If I have succeeded in showing in one of my papers before 
this Society* that considerable variation is constantly taking 
place irrespective of any advantage to the species, this much 
at least has been withdrawn from the domain of natural 
selection, and if these changes are not produced by that law 
there seems no escape from the conclusion that they are caused 
by some unknown external influences. 

In the foregoing review of the work that has been done 
toward the scientific demonstration of the transmissibility of 
functionally acquired characters I do not pretend to have 
given the arguments themselves. I have only pointed out the 
fact that they have been presented, by whom, from what 

*Fortuitous Variation as illustrated by the genus Eupatorium. Ab- 
stract in Nature (London) Vol. XLI, July 25, 1889, p. 310. 


branch of science, and under what circumstances, and I must 
leave it to each of you, if sufficiently interested, to study them 
for yourselves from the original sources. 


The wide-spread agitation of a problem of this nature, 
however technical or recondite it may be, lying as it does on 
the very ocean bed of science, cannot help sooner or later 
making itself felt at the surface and producing its normal 
influence upon the great practical questions of the moral and 
social world. And the nature of this influence, fortunately 
for us, is some indication of the truth or falsity of the views 
defended. Just as the mathematician knows, when his cal- 
culations lead him to just and rational results that his 
assumption was a true one, and when they lead to a series 
of negations and absurdities, that it was a false one, so we 
may expect that if the assumption of the non-transmissibility 
of acquired characters is a sound one the practical conclusions — 
that flow from it bearing upon the affairs of life will harmo- 
nize with the best thought on the development of the human 
. race ; and conversely, if its application to practical life con- 
flicts with such best thought and with the facts of history and 
of social progress we are justified in the inference that it is an 
unwarranted assumption. What do we find ? 

The highly artificial character of ‘what we call civilization 
is a fact which I have for many years sought to enforce by a 
variety of illustrations. That nothing like it could ever result 
from the natural flow of the forces that have combined to pro- 
duce it is too obvious to require explanation, and that human 
advancement in general is exclusively the result of the exer- 
cise of man’s intellectual power in the artificial direction of 
the raw forces of nature into channels of human advantage, 


is a proposition which only needs to be understood to be uni- 
versally admitted. The tendency of the scientific mind to 
apply to social phenomena the canons that prevail in the non- 
intelligent world, is at least as ancient as the French physio- 
crats, Adam Smith, Ricardo, and Malthus, and it has been 
strengthened since Darwin by the writings of some of the 
ablest social philosophers. It rests on the seductive idea that 
what nature does must be well done, and that nature’s methods . 
must be the best methods for man to adopt. I have hitherto 
designated this kind of philosophy as a sort of nature-worship, 
and shown that the entire fabric of reasoning crumbles away 
at the first touch of critical analysis. But it is a fascinating 
habit of thought and difficult to dislodge from a certain type 
of mind. 

Now on examining the practical applications which the Neo- 
Darwinians make of their underlying conception, I find them 
to be strikingly in line with those last described. If nothing 
that the individual gains by the most heroic or the most assid- 
uous effort can by any possibility be handed on to posterity, 
the incentive to effort is in great part removed. If all the 
labor bestowed upon the youth of the race to secure a perfect 
physical and intellectual development dies with the individual 
to whom it is imparted why this labor? If, as Mr. Galton puts 
it, nurture is nothing and nature is everything, why not aban- 
don nurture and leave the race wholly to nature? In fact the 
whole burden of the Neo-Darwinian song is : Cease to educate, 
it is mere temporizing with the deeper and unchangeable 
forces of nature. And we are thrown back upon the theories 
of Rousseau, who would abandon the race entirely to the feral 
influences of nature. 

The great men who talk this way, trained in the methods 
of the university, their minds stored with the fundamental, 


comprehensive, and organized materials for thinking and 
working which modern methods of education could alone 
have given them, use these materials, and take advantage 
of this training to spin out a subtle thread of reasoning 
which results in condemning the only means by which 
they were enabled to comprehend questions of this nature. 
Professor Weismann could never have prosecuted those pro- 
longed investigations which have given him such a grasp of 
the intricate problem of heredity had he not been trained in 
the rigid methods of the German universities. Nay, those 
rigid methods themselves have been the product of a series of 
generations of such training, transmitted in small increments 
and diffused in increasing effectiveness to the whole German 
people. It has not been brought about by natural selection 
which only selects such ancestral germ-plasms as increase the 
certainty of reproduction. Such habits of mind could have 
no such tendency. ‘They secure no advantage in the struggle 
for existence. And the fact that out of the barbaric German 
hordes of the Middle Ages there has been developed the great 
modern race of German specialists is one of the most convinc- 
ing proofs of the transmission of acquired characters, as well 
as of the far-reaching value to the future development of the 
race of such an educational system as that which Germany 
has had for the last two or three centuries. 

It was said of Mr. Darwin that he was himself a good illus- 
tration of the law of atavism which he formulated since his 
habit of mind lay latent in his father and came to him from his 
grandfather Erasmus. Similarly it might be said that Professor 
Weismann is as good an example as need be asked of the trans- 
mission of acquired characters and of the hereditary embodiment 
of that wide-spread German characteristic which has been the 
increasing product of the German educational system and of 
German institutions. 


Mr. Herbert Spencer has followed out this same line of rea- 
soning as applied to the great development of the musical faculty 
in Germany, and shown that the Haydns, Mozarts, Beetho- 
vens, the Liszts, Rubensteins, and Wagners, have formed, as 
it were, the several peaks of a great hereditary musical uplift 
in the German nation. ‘The same is true of Italy, not only in 
music, but-especially in sculpture, and we have there, so to 
speak, a race of sculptors. Those who, without any patriotic 
bias, compared the Italian and American pieces at the Cen- 
tennial Exhibition could not help being impressed with this. 
There could be seen the most exquisite pieces of statuary, in 
which not only features of rare perfection and beauty, but 
every form of drapery were represented in marble with a true- 
ness to life that almost deceived the looker on. And to such 
pieces were attached, not one or two celebrated names, but a 
great number of names of artists unknown to the public out- 
side of those who make sculpture a special study. Contrast- 
ing these perfect productions with the lifeless ones that repre- 
sented the highest reaches of American sculpture, even those 
produced by Americans who had spent many years at Rome 
and worked in an atmosphere of Italian sculpture, I was im- 
pressed with the little that a single generation can accomplish 
in such things, and with the fact that in Italy we have a race 
of born sculptors who inherit their deftness from ancestors as 
remote as Michel Angelo. : , 

Weismann has not ignored the arguments from this side, but 
his attempts to meet them are among the weakest of all his 
reasonings. Here aresome samples of them: ‘‘ The children,” 
he says, ‘‘of accomplished pianists do not inherit the art of — 
playing the piano; they have to learn it in the same laborious 
manner as that by which their parents acquired it; they do 
not inherit anything except that which their parents also pos- 


sessed when children, viz., manual dexterity and a good ear’”’ 
(p. 269). ‘‘The pianist . .. may by practice develop the 
muscles of his fingers so as to ensure the highest dexterity and 
power; but such an effort would be entirely transient, for it 
depends upon a modification of local nutrition which would 
be unable to cause any change in the molecular structure of 
the germ-cells, and could not therefore produce any effect 
upon the offspring’’ (p. 278). If this were true nothing is 
more certain than that the talent for piano execution could be 
no higher in the ten thousandth generation than that attained 
during the first, and that the curve representing the progress 
of music, sculpture, the talent for special scientific research, 
or. any other form of genius, would be an irregular line with 
absolute average horizontality instead of what we know it to 
be in every case, an irregular, but progressively ascending 
curve marking a great forward movement. 

It is universally conceded that the evidence for the trans- 
mission of acquired mental qualities is much stronger than for 
those of any other class, chiefly because they are entirely with- 
drawn from the action of natural selection, not tending in the 
least to the survival of the fittest. It has therefore been -nec-. 
essary for Weismann to deny their transmission at all. This 
is so palpably contrary to the facts of human history that few 
have been willing to follow him to this length. It is well 
known that Mr. Wallace has always excepted the human race 
from the action of natural selection, but in so doing he has 
seen fit to abandon the scientific method entirely, and in his 
last work he makes a complete break in the continuity of 
development with the advent of the higher psychic facul- 
ties, calling in an independent spiritual attribute to account 
for this class of phenomena. Prof. E. Ray Lankester, the 
foremost of Neo-Darwinians, in reviewing this work of Mr. 


Wallace* makes the following remarks on this point: ‘‘ Mr. 
Wallace’s contention that the mathematical and artistic fac- 
ulties of man have not been developed under the law of 
natural selection must in large part be conceded... . their 
sudden and rapid development to a very much higher level in 
civilized communities cannot be traced to the struggle between 
man and man. It does not however follow that, because 
natural selection will not account for these extraordinary 
developments of the human brain, therefore we must have 
recourse to the assumption of supernatural. agencies. Mr. 
Wallace seems so much convinced of the capability of the 
priticiple of natural selection, that when it breaks down as an 
explanation he loses faith in all natural cause, and has recourse 
to a metaphysical assumption.’’ But Prof. Ray Lankester, 
estopped by his consistent defense of Weismann’s views, is 
obliged to ignore the obvious explanation that the intense 
exercise of these faculties, impressing itself profoundly upon 
the plastic brain substance and reacting upon the germs of 
posterity has been transmitted to descendants through centu- 
ries of developing civilization, and he has recourse to his 
doctrine of ‘‘sports’’ and to Gulick’s law of ‘‘ divergent 
evolution’’ which is nearly the same as what I have called 
‘‘fortuitous variation.’’ 

But we need not confine ourselves exclusively to the mental 
qualities. A favorite illustration of the efficacy of selection is 
the progress which has been secured in the fleetness and other 
desired qualities in horses, and Mr. Wallace, in the Fortnightly 
Review for September 1890, has instituted a contrast between 
what would result in this direction from a system of intelligent 
breeding and one of mere feeding and exercise. His illustra- | 
tion is thoroughly unfair, even ridiculous, since he does not 

* Nature, Vol. XL, Oct. 10, 1889, pp. 569-570. 


attempt to transmit the acquired superiority but allows it to be 
diluted and lost by promiscuous breeding with stock that has 
not been subjected to any training. Asa matter of fact train- 
ing enters largely into the development of superior breeds of 
horses, and great care is taken that educated strains be bred 
together. And breeders as a rule would ridicule the idea that 
all their training goes for nothing, and that it is only accidental 
variations that can be bred into the new race of horses. 

But let us take another case in which natural selection is 
wholly excluded. It is well known that a steady and uniform 
progress has been going on for a century or more in all forms 
of gymnastic skill and feats of bodily suppleness by men con- 
stantly in training for the purpose, which is comparable to that 
which has taken place in the trotting power of horses. Every 
year new wonders are brought before the public and the feats 
of the previous year are exceeded by some fresh virtuoso. “This 
is accomplished, I am told, by lifelong training of the children 
of acrobats and of their children, thus producing, as it were, a 
little race of acrobats. What care is taken to prevent the loss 
of much of this through marriage outside of the trained stock, 
I do not know, but certain it is that great progress in physical 
development has taken place and is taking place, and there is 
no doubt whatever that it is largely due to the transmission of 
the qualities directly acquired by training. 

In fact, Mr. Galton’s conclusions, notwithstanding his doubts 
about the transmission of acquired talents, are not only not 
opposed to that view but in great part confirmatory of it. He 
is led by a carefully conducted series of inquiries and investi- 
gations to believe that genius is in the main hereditary ; that 
the exceptionally talented and highly endowed are descended 
from talented and highly endowed parents, etc. But this only 
throws the question back one generation farther, and it remains 


to be shown that such talent and endowment in their ancestors 
was not the result of education, personal effort, or some other 
form of acquirement and not of mere accident. | 

But the great debate on heridity seems destined to secure 
still other and more far-reaching advantages. Not only has it 
assured us that we may hand our good works down to posterity 
through the law of the transmissibility of acquired qualities, 
but it may and should teach us that the all-powerful law of se- 
lection is also an instrument in the hands of intelligence for the 
working out of ‘human destiny. It is the right and the duty 
of an energetic and virile race of men to seize upon every great | 
principle that can be made subservient to its true advancement, 
and undeterred by any false ideas of its sanctity or inviola- 
bility, ‘fearlessly to apply it. Natural selection is the chief 
agent in the transformation of species and the evolution of life. 
Artificial selection has given to man the most that he possesses 
of value in the organic products of the earth. May not men 
and women be selected as well as sheep and horses? From the 
great stirp of humanity with all its multiplied ancestral plasms 
—some very poor, some mediocre, some merely indifferent, a 
goodly number ranging from middling to fair, only a compara- 
tive few very good, with an occasional crystal of the first water 
—from all this, why may we not learn to select on some broad 
and comprehensive plan with a view to a general building up 
and rounding out of the race of human beings? At least we 
should by a rigid selection stamp out of the future all the 
wholly unworthy elements. Public sentiment should be created 

in this direction, and when the day comes that society shall be as 

profoundly shocked at the crime of perpetuating the least taint 
of hereditary disease, irisanity, or other serious defect as it now 
is at the comparatively harmless ‘crime of insect, the way to prac- 
tical and successful stirpiculture will have already been found. 



Acquired characters; 506s i Phe fied 
Acquired characters, Alphonse DeCan- 
dolle on the transmission of ..... .xix 
Address, eleventh presidential ...... xii 
Affinities of the North American squirrels, 
etc., remarks on the 
American school of Neo-Lamarckians. . . 59 
Anatomy of Hesperornis, a point in the . xiv 
Apple disease caused by Gymnosporan- 
Atgyll Duke O80 Bi a Pe 52 
Arrow weed and jumping bean, the Mex- 

RCM ore ee en yal one We, Bie xvi 
Attificial-selection, 520i ee a’ 20 
Aspects, the winter, of the Mohave Desert 

PONE ss eG OTL eR pes xviii 

Aster, a new, from Southern California . xiii 


Bacillus. hog cholera, production of im- 
munity in guinea pigs with sterilized 

GQUITULES: OP sr er kes See tare xv 
Bacteria, some illustrations of ferments 

and fermentation among ........ vii 
Bacteria, on speciesamong ........ xi 

Bacteriological progress in the prevention 
and cure of disease, remarks on recent . xv 
Baker, A. B., election of 0/00 2. he Sess xi 

Baker Frank—An undescribed muscle 
from the infraclavicular region of man .v 

Notes:on dwatte iis aie ste ake cts xvi 
Banks, Nathan, election of.........: ix 
Barrows, W. B.—Cuckoo stomachs and 

their contents* oo 3c-Ar es TA eee Xvii 
BOOT J WENN 99 5 oko mee esse ee xvi 
Bean, T. H.—Notes on some fishes from 

BvitiSte- COM ite ore ers as eke sens vi 

_ The death of salmon after spawning. . . x 
Fishes of Great South Bay ....... xiii 
Kennerly’s salinon 6g eR, XV 

Some fishes new to New England 

Bibliography of Economic Entomology, 
authorship Of: the os. ay ager Sim ix 


Biology in the public schools, the place of viii 

Birds, captive, foot disease of. ....... x 
Birds, distribution of, on the Pribylov 

Tale satie hah. ash S es tao tee Ree xvi 
Birds, fossil, a collection of, from the 

Equus beds of Oregon ...... Reta 

Bison latifrons, specimen of, from Peace 

Greek, Rloriga oo reiaew ede een xiii 
Boring mollusks ....... PAG be Ric 8,9 
Bone beds in Florida, age of the Peace 

Creeks a Se ee pate pend xiv 

Botanical Division of the Department of | 
Agriculture, notes on the recent field 
work-of the 0.456 4s Foe eS eee 

Boyle, C.’B:; election ‘of 638 6-2 oe Kote xiv 

Bread-fruit tree, a fossil, from the Sierras 

OF California: Sesscta ek charac tae xix 
British Columbia, notes on some fishes 
PORE AS ee a ee ee vi 
Browi-Séquardia ies foe Settee 23 
Cambrian, Lower, a new genus and spe- 
cies of ostracod crustacean from .... v 
Carboniferous Flora, upland, peculiar 
fOrMs AN eee a ae ges . . xviii 
Challenger expedition, Haeckel’s Radio- 
lariaofthe ..... PEs eo ee ee xviii 
Charactefs, acquired oo) o00 sae 3,75 21 
Characters, acquired, Alphonse DeCan- 
dolle on the transmission of ...... xix 
Characters, transmission of, defined .-. . .3 
Chick, embryo of, with two protoverte- 
RIOR es ss dae ica, rales an Od pa xiv 
Chipmunks, North American, remarks 
on afinities OF ss Sn ee ee xix 
CincwCISIO tag ea ka, eae ee ea 
Classification of the apodal fishes. .... xv 
Classification of the 7etraodontoidea . . . xvii 
COcctdiunt PiZeminumM UC Ei eee ss xviii 
Color of flowers in attracting insects. . . xiv 
Color of human hair, changein ...... vi 
Color of plumage of birds, changein .. . vi 
Colors of fishes ..... bis tet BANE lee vii 
Colord Of ARMECES oi pose. Bice: este Liebiase eae vii 
Columellar plaits, development of, in 
GeatvOpOds ooo is ee es ea ameter at 9 
CACTI EEO sie ON Beg atecsecet cert a IW Re es Gel kek lii 

Committees for 1891, announcement Dewey, LAL election of oS ee XV 
OF areas Soils wae sy he xii-xiii | Dicentra cucullaria, vegetative propaga- 
Conscious effort, relations of ........ 3 Cnt Obes: Faia Sage eee es i 
DORC er ae ee oe ae ah 60,61 | Dichromatism,remarkson........ xix 
Coulterella, anew genus of Composite ix.) ‘Directequilibration 8.5: oe: 24. 53 
COME CL aes as ee et ee oy iii Discovery of cretaceous mammals, review 
Coville, F. V.—The new arrangement of et ee Rega nec wits 
genera in the Herbarium of the De- | Discovery of vertebrate life in Lower 
partment of Agriculture ........ Vv | Silurian (Ordovician) strata... 2... xiii 
Fruiting of the Ginkgo at the Depart- | Discoveries, recent, of Potomac fossil 
ment of Agriculture: 455 0.4 ok x | plantsnear Washington ........ xix 
Food plants of the Indians of the Death | Disease, foot, of captive birds grea ie She 
Walley TegiOn. oo ie 6 ae Sigs xvii | Disease, recent bacteriological soins 
A review of Kuntze’s Revisio Generum in prevention and cureof ....... xv 
Plantarum (©... Ge hie wee es xix | Diseases, plant, recent progress iu the 
Cretaceous mammals, review of the dis- study 0 oe ae eee xvi 
COMET. OF i Go a ee ale a Rees 5 xiii | Distribution of animal and vegetable life xiv 
Crustacean, ostracod, new genus and Distribution of certain mammals, birds 
species of, from Lower Cambrian ....v and plants on the Pribylov Islands. . . xvi 
Cuckoo, Asiatic, occurrence of the, on the Distribution of fishes by underground 
PribylovIslands ... ..... . xi water coUTheSs 6 0-O te a . xvi 
Cuckoo stomachs and their contents xvii | Distribution of species, geographical, 
Cunningham, J.T... ........... 57 some early views of 65 yh viii 
Curtice, Cooper.—The moultings of the Drawings, original. of the fur seal and 
cattle tick (/vodes bovis)... .. ¥ Steliet“s sed Cow: 6270 5-21Ge et e s vii 
A preliminary study of ticks in the Du Hols, Raymond? 6. se ee 25 
United States ...... + SL} Dewarfe, motes on! oS ee i Ee Se xvi 
Some little known worms in cattle . - xiii | Dynamic evolutionists ........... 2 
Practical value ofinvestigating parasites Dynamic influences in evolution, Dall on vi, 1 
of livestock... 2.1... .---. XV | Dynamic variations limited ....... 4,5 
RAVI os AE ee OR ee ERs 19 ‘ 
CHAO OLE On ha ix 
Cypress knees, what are oo ek xiv E. 
D. Echinococcus in SWINE eee Es xviii 
Echinorhynchus gigas, development of . xvii 
DRI ei a She ee oe 6s.) deon, J. KR. election of 2 Fa viii 
Dall, W. H.—On dynamic influences in Effort, conscious, relationsof. ..... #3 
ap 1) a 18 ey | RO ae arene aes meee Le narra Leg rece vi,1 | Egleston, N. H.—The temperature of 
Original drawings of the fur seal and ATCO oe iin eh ee ae eee ee ee Xvii 
Steller's sea Cow rs OS es a) et BOG ON ys kes oe ee ae cee 57 
Paleontological notes from the north- Hiection of ‘Ofiters 2 oe ae xii 
WESUCOHSE. i Gos x | Embryoofchick withtwo protovertebre . xiv 
On the topography of Biovida with Entomology, economic, authorship of 
reference to its bearing oun fossil Hibliography Of 2 See Ay». 
MAOIs ee eae oe ee wa, Parviromment «300 oh See ee aa ae 54 
Age of the Peace Creek bone beds in | Environment, its relation to the organism . 2 
PIOPMIA ee re ee lee aie xiv Environment, selection limited by dynam- 

Darwin -Chiatés: a eee 
12, 13, 18, 20, 22, 23, 26, 31, 45, 53, 61, 65, 66 

Darwin, Erasmus. . 13, 19, 66 
WDarwitlisit “ser eed See 12, 19 
Date palms, recent introduction of . . . .xv 
DeCandolle, Alphonse, on the transmis- 
sion of acquired characters... .. . xix 
De Mailer oo as Pe shy tae oe 13 
Dentition of Desmognathus,noteson.. . xvi 
Desmognathus, notes on dentition of. . . xvi 

ICSOR pa oe ee eg cen eae, 6,9 
Houibbrmation direct 2 es oe 24, 53 
Hauilibration, indrect 20.28 Skt Seas 

Equus beds of Oregon, collection of fossil 

birds tia ee xiv 
Evermann, B. W., electionof ...... Xvii 
Evolution, on dynamic influences in OVA 
Evolution, relation of life history of 

micro-orgaitisms tO oS ww es viii 
Eyolutionists,; dynamic .3:).5. 2) as 2 


F, ° PAGE 
PAGE Germ-plasm, continuity of the ...... 35 
Fauna and flora of Gulf States, evidences Gill, T. N.— Characteristics of the Halo- 
of Sonora Ovigitl OFs 3 ei ew eS vi. SOuUrON. BeNOR a eer ee ta eee ix 
Faunaland floral divisions proposed for | he super family Cyclopteroidea. . . . . ix 
North America, historical review of . .vii Classification of the Apodal fishes . Xv 
Faunas, fossil, bearing of topography of Classification of the 7etraodontotdea . xvii 
pho) a te SRR eb pear am at Lice hue are ete xi Ginkgo, fruiting of the, at the Depart- 
Ferments and fermentation among Bac- | *  ent.of Agricultare -. 624 Gt x 
ferid illustrations of 52% o rs. a vii Glands, poison, of Lathrodectus ...... x 
Ferns, fruiting, from the Laramie group xviii | Goethe . 2.2 eee erates PDS ont Ce et 13 
Figgins, J. D., election of... ... . . . xviii | Goode, G. Brown—Colors of fishes . . . . vii 
POY 1A. AMEHOSIOE ES Pas is SG aos xviii Graptolites, American’: fo5000.46 oO aA vii 
Fishes, apodal, classification of. .... . xv | Grass: yerus,'a news (fae Oe ee viii 
Fishes from British Columbia, notes on | Guinea pigs, production of immunity in, 
GTN 5s eh ee erg EPC eg lg a Ohne vi | _—-with sterilized cultures of hog cholera 
Hidhes, colots Gf 3.5 os WH te  e  ee ee ee r  aa xv 
Fishes, distribution of, by underground | Gegiek eS Soa ROS ee eee ae 69 
WEtEr COMMER Sh ee ak xvi | Gurley, R. R.—American graptolites . . . vii 
Fishes of Great South Bay ........ xiii | Gymnosporangitum macropus ....... vi 
Fishes, Halosauroid, characteristics of . .ix 
Fishes new to New England waters. . . xvii H. : 
Flora, American Triassic ......... ix} Haeckel, Brust orcs ee ee 13, 28, 54 
Flora of Gulf States, evidences of Sonoran Haeckel’s Radiolaria of the Challenger 
pegs as Sao MEY Pang Cr eh Sara eee gE me vi CROPESION seo G4 Seat aE a ee xviii 
Flora, upland Carboniferous, some pecu- Hair, human, change of colorof. ..... vi 
RiP MrT So Bek a cae ea eat tad xviii | Hallock, Chas.—Distribution of fishes by 
Florida, topography of, with reference to . underground water courses. ...... xvi 
its bearing on fossilfaunas ....... xi | Hasbrouck, E. M.—Monograph of the 
Flowers, color and odor of, in attracting Carolina Patrakeet 3.)5. Se xv 
WMISECTA i ee Dae eat g cuae e xiv Remarks on Dichromatism ...... xix 
Flowers that*bloomin winter ...... ne S| SRO SOS, os 6 See a eae Bes pee ane 56 
Fortuitous variation ...... 22,63 Herbarium of the Department of Agricul- 
Fossil birds, a collection of, from Equus ture, arrangement of generainthe. ...v 
HeEGs-OF CERO eo et ee ciao xiv. | Hetedity, theories of 34-6 8h ae 25 
Fossil bread-fruit tree from the Sierras. . xix | Hesperornis, a point in the anatomy of. . xiv 
Fossil plants, Potomac, recent discoveries BTR GK ao eee ae es gag . 25 
of, near Washington .6./50.60° 5 Sask xix | Hoatzins, exhibition of young ...... xiii 
Fruits, cultivated, in the mountains of Holm, Theodor—Vegetative propagation 
North Carolina PIRES Ors ARTE aR Pa ee ix of Dicentra cucullarta ©... 44:26 0 3s > 
PRROMIS osc, aaa gee Ga uate. gl x | Holzinger, J. M., electionof. ...... .xi 
Fur of mammals, chengel in fone ofthe. .vi | Holzinger, J. M —Incentives to natural 
Ristory-etndy 6 Se Oe ee eee xvi 
G. Hopkins, C. L.—Notes on the animal life 
Galloway, B. T.—Observations on an above the snow line on Mt. Shasta . vi 
apple disease caused by the fungus Huxley 55.8 a 5 Ne ees .19 
Gymnosporangium macropus ..... why. Hyatt, Alpneus:.. 0.0546 ayes ce ea 59 
Recent progress in the study of inc 
SIBPASES. Fehr . xvi ; I. 
Galton, Francis 25, 29, 30, 32, 33, 65, 70 | Immunity in guinea pigs, production of, | 
Gastropods, development of columellar with sterilized cultures of hog cholera 
IR POV 7s che gl as ee eS Oo. Dacia are ae ek ee RO ee XV 
Geddes “Patrien iis a ee age 56 | Incentives to natural history study xvi 
CORTES fs. ae ie at Ge} oe aire 26 | Indians of the Death Valley region, food 
Genera, arrangement of, in the Herba- | 2 planta of COs 523 as hoes a xe xvii 
rium of the Department of Agriculture .v _ Indirect equilibration ..........-. 53 
Geographical distribution of species, some | Insects, colors Of 2 6. oa ee es vii 
CUTTY WIE WS OL ora orn a eras te Denne viii | Intelligence, selection limited by ..... 6 
Geofitog; St: Files os Gs Sia ay 13. Ixodes bovis, moultings GE ee NT v 


James, J. F.—Variation with special refer- 

ence to certain Paleozoic genera .. . vii 
Organisms in St. Peter’s sandstone x ae 
Fucoids and other problematic organ- 

Se ee a ee a yah ganas x 

Joint Commission, delegatesto...... xii 

Knees, cypress, whatare......... xiv 

Knowlton, F. H.—What are cypress 

TET GOS SO a ae Van kn ate oe xiv 
Fruiting ferns from the Laramie 

PUG er oe de panne ante ep ete xviii 
A fossil bread-fruit tree from the Sierras 

OFA TOSIIG etc sy teateas oe eras tk xix 

MOWGICVSEY (oe oo eee te 8 ce 59 
Kuntze’s Revisio Generum Plantarum, 
reviewof........- aR tg EE xix 


Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine 

de Monet: Chevalier deo. 582 SA 
12,13, 4516, 19, 21, 53,61 
Paar Ck iS sos ee 12, 14, 18, 23, 53, 54 
Lankester, E. Ray I, 10, 25, 50, 68, 69 
Laramie group, fruiting ferns from. . . xviii 
Lathrodectus, poison glands of 
Lava beds and cafions of Snake River, 

eae Ta et sate 

Idaho, life in SOOO Serine AC x 
LPEPUS SAGROETSES el ocgss a ee iy ay es xi 
Life, animal, above snow line on Mt. 

Shasta. noes On the... 7) 5 oo. ie a. vi 
Life, animal and vegetable, distribution 

Oia oe eh hae PRA e age ee aoe xiv 
Life, vertibiate: discovery of, in Lower 

SUMO SERIE Ce ee ae es xiii 
Lophiomys FURBOIST Ee a goer ibs se viii 
Lucas, F. A.—A foot disease of captive 

TOTO og ARR ee Aa er eeere roe x 

The wing of Melopidius:. 2 xi 

Exhibition of young Hoatzins .... . xiii 

Specimen of Bison latifrons from Peace 

RACE, PIRI Gs ge ok og eae xiii 

A point in the anatomy of Hesperornis . xiv 
Remarks on a new tortoise from the 
Galapagos Islands 


MS SG eee ees 13 
AC eg er ae as ee ee 65 

Mammals, cretaceous, review of discovery 

hte ee ee ee a be eee Oe xiii 
Mammals, distribution of, on Pribylov 
AMO oS a hie ey AO ee xvi 
Mammals, North American, new species 
We es ee a ae ert este at as viii 
Man, acquired mental qualities of . os 64 
Man, an undescribed muscle from the 
infraclavicular region of . 2... 0... Vv 
Mann, B. P.—Authorship of the bibli- 
ography of economic entomology. . . . ix 
Marmots, North American, remarks on 
Aingited OF eS xix 
Marx, George — Investigations of the 
poison glands of Lathrodectus ..... x 
The structure and construction of the 
gyeometric'spider web. ee, xviii 
Masius, A. G. election: OF 2.2 i xvii 
Meeting, eleventh annual, 1891... . . '. xii 
Meeting, eleventh anniversary... . xii 
Merriam, C. Hart—Evidences of Soncren 
origin of the flora and fauna of the 
Gull States ses oa a vi 
Historical review of the faunal and 
floral divisions that have been pro- 
posed for North America ...... : vii 
Exhibition of new species of North 
American mammals o-oo oe. viii the lava beds and cafions of 

Snake river, Idaho,in October. .... x 

A new rabbit from the Snake Plains of 
Idaho—Lepus tdahoensts..... xi 

Distribution of animal and weeetuble 
MO Se ME ie ee ae ee xiv 

Remarks on the affinities of the North 

American squirrels, chipmunks, 

_ spermophiles, prairie dogs and mar- 
MOS ea ee ee xix 
MMetoprdius, witig of 000 i as xi 

Micro-organisms, life history of, with rela- 
otto evolution” 6°05 soe es viii 

Mohave desert region, winter aspects of xviii 

MOMNSES (DOTS Ne Se a 8,9 
Monet, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de. . 14 
Moore, V. A.—Production of immunity in 
guinea pigs with sterilized cultures of 
hog cholera bacillus...) 2... xv 
Echinococcus inswine ........ xviii 
Morsell, W. F., election of . . -. Swe 
Muscle, an undescribed, from the infra- 
clavicular region of man .......... v 
Muskrat, tech Of he a xi 
Mililatigns: eect of yoo a on 7,8 
Mutilations, transmissibility of . .... . 23 

N. Peace Creek bone beds in Florida, age of xiv 
; Pelecypods, development of hinge in. . . 8,9 
Natural selection yeaah Moe iS gs ee Es + +20 | Perigenesis of the plastidule........ 29 
Neo-Darwinism Fe eet ee eet xii, 11, 51 Piller 8 hehe ee ae as 
Neo-Darwinism and Neo-Lamarckism : xii, 11 Phylloxera, new noteson ......... af 
Neo-Lamarckism. ......... xl, 11,53 | Physiologicalselection....°>...... 52 
Nomenclature, notes on Wed PRE lag 1: | Physiological units <6. Ao 26 
North America, historical review of Plant diseases, recent progress in the 
faunal and floral divisions proposed for . vii study bf ee a ee xvi 
Notes ‘on nomenclature £5 2.06 +) <1 ss xi Plants, distribution of, on the Pribylov 
Notes on the genus Phylloxera, new wat Iilends 6 ee Se ee ee evi 
Notes. om "paramites a ae xvii, xviii Plants, food, of the indians: of the Death 
Notes, paleontological, from the north- Valley région «2 io ee ee cogs 
pricy shew ECE) Stel pes a Re a * | Plants, Potomac fossil, recent discoveries 
Nurture vs. Mature le cs 33 OFS eae oe ee iy 
Plants, some Florida oo 32st ees xv 
O Plastidule, perigenesisofthe ....... 29 
: Possibility of variation not equal in every 
Odor of flowers in attracting insects . xiv Shiga ea ee eT 5 
OMe for egG Sea cies SE sedi | OMOe, Madar Be soe aie is. see 
Orban, Alexis, election of ......... = Prairie dogs, remarks on the affinities of xix 
Ordovician strata, discovery of vertebrate Prentiss, D. W.~Change in the color of 
Silesia ice ane pice te xiii | ‘ Auman hair; change in the color of 
Organisms in St. Peter’s sandstone ix plumage of birds, and in the fur of 4 
Organisms, problematic .......... x gs apo mt eo Lie R de wah a: 
Origin of variation ............ 1,4 Pribylov Islands, the distribution of cer- 
Oshoed Ho OO he See 2; 61. 62 tain mammals, birds and plants on the xvi 
Osborn, H. F.—Review of the discovery Pribylov Islands, the occurrence of the. 
of cretaceous mammals. ....... xiii Asiatic cuckoo on the eee Io, ie ae ae 
Propagation, vegetative, of Dzrcentra 
CMEUTATEE SP ce ee) ae Bs 
Packard, 416.6 16 ss582's Sa arg ely ae 53 | R. 
Paleontological notes from the northwest 
NRG ee Boe etary sete rae Ng ia oe bid A ge x | Rabbit, a new, from Snake Plains, Idaho, 
Paleopathology, noteson ........ SVii. | Lepus sdaROenses Fhe Oe ae ine xi 
Paleozoic genera, variationin....... vii | Radiolario, Haeckel’s, of the Challenger 
Palmer, T. S.—Some early views of the | CXPCUMION: 5.4 )o50 hs Seka ca eas xviii 
geographical distribution of species . viii | Relations of conscious effort ........ 3 
The winter aspects of the Mohave Des- Review, historical, of faunal and floral 
CLE TERION ee eee See N xvili | divisions proposed for North America . vii 
Palmer, Wm.—vThe occurrence of the | Revisio Generum Plantarum, review of 
Asiatic cuckoo on the  Pribylov ba Ne oi 5t Saas as acre ed REIN xix 
TONGS, oo ee re ee te oe xi | Reyburn, Robert.—The life history of 
The distribution of certain mammals, | micro-organisrs with its relation to 
birds and plants on the Pribylov | the theory-of evolution. ........ viii 
Fes Ses a Pag Coa SVE} RACATEG 3 ee os Ol SF lew le eee 65 
The fate of the fur sek in Amexican | Richardson, C. W., electionof ....... vii 
WANED A ae ais ee xvii Riley, C. V. —Colors Of insects... Shek wet 
Palms, date, recent introduction of. ...xv | New notes on the genus Phylloxera . xi 
POUNGEMCHE 3 Fe ete pie Soke yn Sea 26 The Mexican arrow weed and jumping 
PaAnmiRbR: 65085 ei NSS ekg ee | DOGS ka a aia eee ead xvi 
Parasites, noteson......... Rvil, xvili | Romaness Gin 34 sae a ot IO, 51, 52 
Parasites of live stock, practical value of Roome, E., election of ... -i 2... , v 
Ipivestivatinn ss feo ace PPh age xv | Rose, J. N.—Coulterella, a new genus of 
Parrakeet, Carolina, monograph of. ...xv | Composite ......... bes ote ak ix 



Rousseau Ss Sree Sr gts ea ee eh 65 
ReVOCTS JON es ee ee ee ee 60 


Salmon, death of, afterspawning ..... x 
Galena, Mmenneriy’s.. 3-5. 3 eee ek a XV 
Sandstone, St. Peter’s, organismsin. . . .ix 
SchontanG, Seiunat fois. Gao ws ye he es 34 

Schools, public, place of biologyin. . . 
Sea cow, Steller’s, original drawings of. . vii 

Seal, fur, fate of, in American waters . . xvii 

Seal, fur, original drawingsof ...... vii 

Seaman, W. H.—The place of biology in 
the piiblic schools. 5 viii 

Selection limited by dynamics of environ- 

IGWB 0 i OS ea aes 6,9 
Selection limited by intelligence ...... 6 
Semper: Kael ey arg a sere es 56 
Sexual SGlCCHOn | se eae ge 21 
Shasta, Mount, notes on the animal life 

above the snowlineon.......... vi 
Shipley; SArtnut eo ee eh 34 

Shufeldt, R. W.—A collection of fossil 
birds from the Equus beds of Oregon xiv 
Notes on paleopathology 

Silurian strata, discovery of vertebrate 
life in Lower os. ies Pa ieee xiii 
Smith, Adam 
Smith, Theobald.—Some illustrations of 
ferments and fermentations among 
On species among bacteria 
Remarks on recent bacteriological pro- 
gress in the prevention and cure of 

-CISCASE 2 ele Refers ees oes xv 
Snake River, Idaho, life in the lava beds 
PI CATIONS OF oo a ee ees x 
Snell, Merwin M., electionof ....... x 
Species amony bactena =. 250 2) ioe xi 

- Spencer, Herbert .. . . . 24, 26, 53, 54, 55, 67 
Spermophiles, North American, remarks 

om the-afiieitics of.) 32 2 os. bis xix 
Spider web, geometric, structure and con- 

Strueuign we Se ee ee ee Xviii 
Squirrels, North American, remarks on 

The oi niies of. a ee ee xix 

Stanton, I~ W., election Of <6 re Aaa Vv 

Stedman, J. M., election of ot Vi. 8 x 
Stedman, J. M.—Embryo of a chick with 

ny tweed protevertehee 6.05.55 xiv 

Stites CW, election of 1.6. 6 38 ors xvii 
Stiles, C. W.—Notes on Parasites—the de- 

velopment of Echinorhynchus gigas . xvii 
‘Notes on Parasites —Coccidium bigemt- 

num and Filarta gasterostet . . XVvili 


Sty cc ea. Reise Neue ane Se ene 31 
SHICPIOUILUTE 5 ee as ea oe 7k 
Stomachs, cuckoo, and their contents. . xvii 
Stomell C.F electida Of 4 ee vi 

Sudworth, G. B —Notes on nomenclature. xi 
Color and odor of flowers in attracting 

ANSECtS Se ae a ee ue ee xiv 
Swine, Echinococcus in... 672 36 ks. Xvili 
Swingte,W. T 5 election Of 05.0... ss BE 

ao i 
Taylor, Wi: A. lection Of or Aes xiv 
‘Teeth of the muskrat. 2 6 ss ss ee xi 
Temperature of trees oo. 66 8 xvii 
Test, F.C. election Of. Ss ee. xi 

Test, F. C., notes on the dentition of 

Tetraodontotdea, classification of the xvii 
Thompson, JeATMuUL ese ee 57 
Tick. cattle, moultings of 7. 8 ee Vv 
Ticks, a preliminary study of, in the 

Asited Sigtes: 5) es es Pi xi 
Todd, W. E. C., election of . 5.2... xviii. 
Tortoise, a new, from the Galapagos 

Peles se oe pegs ee ye xvi 
Transmission of acquired characters, 

Alphonse de Candolleon........ xix 
Transmission of characters defined ... .3 

Tree, fossil bread-fruit, from the Sierras . xix 
Trees, temperature of 
EPQVITARUS Oe eS Ce ieee ney es 13 
Tropics, three daysinthe. .... ay at 
True, F. W., exhibition of specimen of 

The teeth of the niuskrat : 46. xi 
Van Deman, H. EK., cultivated fruits in 
the mountains of North Carolina .. .ix 
The recent introduction of date palms . xv 
Variation: opis OF 2. 2 eS oe 1,4 
Variation, possibility of, not equal in 
every. direciion: 204 ea oe ea 5 
Variation, with especial reference to 
Paleozoic ‘genera 16 eS, vii 
Variations, dynamic, limited ...... 4,5 
Vasey, George, a new grass genus . viii 
Notes on the recent field work of the 
botanical division of the Department 
oF Apiculivte 2a a a xvi 
Véestiges of creation 50s 34s ee es 13 

Wines, Sidney Ty og See se ae 56 

Ww. Three daysinthetropics....... xviii 

Walcott, C. D.,a new genus and species 
of ostracod crustacean from the Lower 

Commtriane fn a re 8 v 
Discovery of vertebrate life in Lower 
Silurian (Ordovician) strata pop 

Wallace, Alfred Russel . . 13, 18, 25, 45, 68, 69 
Ward, Lester F., presidential address, 
Neo-Darwinism and Neo-Lamarck- 

ism i xii, II 

Flowers that bloom in the winter time. . v 

te a aes Re Se ea i deg Lon eon 

American Tridesic Gore og Se Ss ix 
Somie-Hiotida plants (5.8 es, XV 
Haeckel’s radiolaria of the Challenger 

Pee pedlOn oo ee eee: Xviii 

; Worms in cattle, some little vio Ser as 

Recent discoveries of Potomac fossil 

plants near Washington ......, . xix 
Alphonse de Candolle on the transmis- 
sion of acquired characters. ..... xix 

Web, geometric spider, structure and 
construction of 20.6 ioe xviii 
| Weismann, August 25, 29, 30 
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 43,.44, 45, 46, 48, 49 
50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57. 59, 60, 61, 65, 66, 67, 69 
| Weismann hypothesis ..... Peele eam 
| White, David, some peculiar forms in an 

@ 2/09 2 Aas a age bo eee 

upland Carboniferous flora... . . xviii 
Wing of Melopidius 3). 2k 5 2 Gk tae xi 

99 PI 




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