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W. R. GUILFOYLE, F.L.S., C.M.B.B.S., London, 





! 1 9 MAY 1987 

— — - ■ — 









In submitting my third annual report on the Melbourne Botanic and 
Domain Gardens, I have to state that the portion of the Botanical 
Gardens which I selected as the most fitting spot for commencing the 
re-modelling of the whole grounds, has been completed. 

As mentioned in my previous reports the portion chosen was the area 
surrounding the Director’s house. My principal reason for this selection 
was that in consequence of its situation, it could be more effectively 
watched than remote parts of the grounds thus enabling me to plant 
out many very valuable and rare shrubs, which it would have been 
found difficult to replace, in the event of injury or spoliation. The 
piece of land selected was also adapted for giving when completed, some 
indication of the nature of the effects to be produced, and this became 
the more necessary because the work of transformation going on in the 
Gardens will occupy a considerable time; a fact which will be readily 
perceived when I mention that the Melbourne Botanic Gardens extend 
over an area almost equal to those of the Botanic Gardens of Sydney, 
Adelaide and Brisbane combined. 

One of the principal features in my original design was the creation 
throughout the Gardens of spacious lawns, in some cases occupying 
places where formal and narrow walks existed; thus giving to suitable 
places a Park-like appearance, and affording a bright and elastic turf, over 
which the visitors could roam at pleasure. In accordance with this plan, 
about 3,500 yards of walks have been obliterated; while 2,600 yards of 
curvelinear walks have been made in the Botanic Gardens, While the 
introduction of broad lawns give infinite beauty to the landscape, it also 
renders easy the task of keeping the area so treated in good order. The 



new lawns which have been formed in the Botanic Gardens are kept in 
thorough order by a one-horse machine, attended by one man; and the 
work is efficiently done in this manner, whereas a garden cut up with 
innumerable straight paths, with narrow borders and mean edgings 
requires continual attention, and a far greater amount of labor. To 
obviate this as far as possible, I have adopted the system of broad grass 
edgings, which maintain a regular, smooth appearance, at a minimum 
cost of labor. The high opinions I expressed in my two previous annual 
reports respecting the Buffalo grass as being a splendid grass for lawns, 
has been practically demonstrated in these Gardens. It is also a very 
valuable grass for resisting the encroachment of sand on the coast, 
besides possessing other admirable qualities. The u Cynodon dactylon” 
or Couch grass, may be advantageously mixed with it. 

Trees numbering 682 and averaging in height from 7 to 35 feet 
were removed to the new lawns from the thickets bordering the old paths, 
and only five of the number died — an acacia, two Pittosporums, a Pinus 
insignis, and a Grevillea robusta — all of which are plentifully represented 
in the Gardens. The trees thus removed are doing well, and success- 
fully -withstood the two months’ excessively hot weather at the close of 
the summer. 

A lawn of several acres in extent, planted with Buffalo grass, has 
been formed on a space sloping down to the Botanic Gardens lake. It 
includes portions formerly occupied by the emu pens and monkey cages, 
and a part divided into segments by eight walks, three of which were 
parallel a few yards from each other. The rubbish yard and sheds 
formerly existing in this spot have been destroyed and the hedge of 
Pittosporum undulatum together with the thickets of Buddleia removed. 
The lawn has been grouped with plants of sub-tropical character, and 
the space affords pleasant glimpses of the lake. The temporary iron 
fence mentioned in my last report was removed as soon as the grass had 
properly covered the lawn, which now presents a beautifully even and 
verdant appearance. Many of the trees removed to this part of the 
Gardens are fully 25 feet high. In the months of May and June last a 
number of Palms were lifted consisting of u Chamserops excelsa,” and 
u humilis,” “ Corypha Australis,” “ Phoenix sylvestris,” “ Phcenix dacty- 
lifera,” “ Phoenix spin os a,” “ Areca sapida,” “ Latania Borbonica,” and 
others, together with some Zamias, Cycas, and Encephalartos. They 
were placed in suitable positions in the groups which now adorn this 
lawn, and without exception they have thriven remarkably well. 
Seventy fine Cycas of the species “media” and “ NormaribyancC' of 



Queensland, were purchased from Mr. Fitzallan (Botanical Collector at 
Bowen) and all have done well. Many of them which were planted 
upon the Buffalo grass lawn, are great acquisitions to the scenery, some 
being dispersed singly while others are grouped with Zamia spiralis or 
plants of similar character. The Palms, Cycads, Bamboos, Pampas 
grass, Arundo, Yuccas, Agaves, Cordylines, Draccenas, &c., which have 
also been planted singly and in groups on this lawn, give a general 
tropical effect, creating a variety of striking views from different points 
of observation. Two large specimens of Jubsea spectabilis (a hardy 
palm of great beauty) were brought from the grounds of the late Hon. 
M. O’Grady and planted on this lawn. Top-dressing was found neces- 
sary during the summer on account of the hard, clayey nature of the 
soil, especially in those places where the former pathways led down to 
the lake, and across the spot where the fern gully now exists. A rustic 
summer house with thatched roof has been erected near the rockery. 
The wood of which this house is built was obtained from the wattle 
scrub on the Yarra bank. It presents a neat and appropriate appear- 
ance, and will be supplied with water for drinking purposes — a matter 
which requires attention throughout the Gardens, before the summer sets 
in. At the bridge crossing the lagoon a tap and ladle have been 
temporarily placed, supplied with drinking water, by a syphon from one 
of the tanks of rain water at the Director’s house. A collection of Abies 
has been planted upon the new and extensive lawn near the Palm house. 
There were already in this spot near to the avenues of Poplar, Cypress, 
and Pines (which have been removed) well grown specimens of Abies 
Nordmaniana , Menziesi , excelsa , and Jezoensis ; and the following were 
added during’ the past year: — Abies, pindron , Cilicica , Smithiana (two 
fine specimens of the latter, over 8 feet in height, brought from the 
grounds of the late Hon. M. O’Grady), Abies orient alis,- Abies rubra and 
Frazeri. I hope to be able to add to the Gardens collection during the 
ensuing year by purchasing from the nurseries ot Messrs. Brunning, Lang, 
Harris, Taylor and Sangster, Cole, and other Victorian nurserymen and seed 
merchants, plants which are not at present represented in the Gardens. 
During the past three years (as will be seen from my previous reports) 
many hundreds of valuable plants have been added from their collec- 
tions, which were not to be found in the grounds when I took office, 
though many of them had long been known in some of the private 
gardens of Melbourne. That a full collection of native plants, should 
exist in the Botanic Gardens there is no doubt; and there should also 
be as complete a collection of exotics as it is possible to procure. The 



Palm House Lawn has been top-dressed with good soil, and a fine even 
sward has been made. Some bedding out has also been done near the 
Palm House; but it is merely of a temporary character. The display 
of flowers, though gratifying to visitors is not exactly in a suitable 
position, and will be made elsewhere as the laying out of the Gardens 
progresses, and proper ground is prepared for the purpose. 

Of course in lawn making it is always advisable to first of all thoroughly 
drain the place If the lawn is an extensive one, and trenching is con- 
sidered too expensive, the ground should be sub-soil ploughed, harrowed, 
levelled, raked, and thickly sown with the mixed lawn grasses usually 
sold by the nurserymen here, a little clover being added ; and in the 
spring, the spade should be stuck in at regular distances, and rooted 
pieces of the Buffalo and Doub grasses (Stenotaphrum glabrum and 
Cynodon dactylon) planted. These after a short time will meet, giving, 
with the English grasses, both a summer and a winter lawn. In summer 
the Buffalo and Doub grasses are sure to be green. If the soil is natu- 
rally poor, top-dressing after the first year with street sweeping's, mixed 
with a sandy soil or friable loam, will be found of value in increasing* 
the strength of the sward. The correctness of this theory I have prac- 
tically demonstrated, as may be seen in the Gardens at the present time. 
One lawn only was. formed entirely of Buffalo grass; but to neutralise 
its rather brown tint during severe frosts, I had it top-dressed and 
scattered over it a slight sowing of the English mixture of lawn grass 

I may here point out that a place laid out in the form which I am 
giving to the Botanic Gardens will be easily kept in order after a year 
or two. Grass lawns can be mown by a machine. The three large 
lawns lately made in the Gardens, as I have previously stated can be 
attended to and kept in order by the labor of one man and a horse; and 
they could go over a much greater space in a week ; whereas numerous 
borders of flowers, with walks occupying the same space, would necessi- 
tate a vast amount of labor and expense. Nor can anything in the way 
of extensive gardening be more beautiful than a succession of verdant 
law'ns, broken by graceful groups of diversified foliage and effectively 
arranged floral bloom. Even the highest and most important feature in 

a Botanic Garden — the collection and scientific arrangement of plants 

can be advantageously carried out in this manner, thus combining the 
useful with the ornamental, and gratifying the taste of lovers of the 
picturesque and beautiful, while facilitating the researches of the botani- 
cal student. 



Drainage with stones (known as French drainage) is far more effective 
in some places than pipes \ and I have adopted the former in portions 
of the piece newly added to the Gardens. Drainage of ground in 
general is very necessary for the proper cultivation of plants. Since 
the Botanic Garden was drained, nearly two years ago, there has been a 
vast improvement in the growth of trees. Though some of the trees 
had been struggling for existence for upwards of seventeen years they 
have since made rapid progress. In the French drainage stones are put 
on end, and built up two feet in the trench, and this is by far the best 
system to adopt in swampy ground, as the moisture percolates through 
and keeps the ground free from stagnant water. This has been exem- 
plified in the Garden around the Director’s house. 

The white gravel formerly in use for paths in the Botanical Gardens 
was objectionable, not only from its glare, but from the fact of its 
remaining disintegrated and absorbing much water during wet weather, 
thus becoming sloppy and heavy. With the view of remedying this 
defect, I endeavoured to discover a gravel bed in the Gardens which 
might be utilised in forming the new paths ; and after three attempts in 
sinking holes for this purpose, fortunately discovered a bed of fine orange 
colored gravel, which has been freely used in constructing the new 
walks in the Gardens. This gravel, after a time becomes hard as 
cement, and makes a firm dry footway, while its color harmonises most 
agreeably with the surrounding vegetation. 

The Lake in the Botanical Gardens has been kept thoroughly clear of 
weeds by the T-shaped machine, armed with scythe-blades, which I 
designed, and which was described in my last annual report. The clear 
sheet of water now takes its proper place as one of the salient points in 
the landscape ; and when the remodelling of the Gardens is complete, 
will prove a most important and attractive feature in the views to be 
obtained from various points. During the intensely hot weather, when 
the lake was nearly dry, advantage was taken of the opportunity to 
obtain a large quantity of manure from it, for general use in the Gardens. 
The bottom of this lake contains a deposit of rich manure, decayed 
vegetation having been continually conveyed into it, down the slopes, 
which are drained by it ; and it would be very advisable on a fitting 
occasion, to deepen the lake, when enough soil of a rich description 
would be obtained to heighten the low ground at its head. Rhododen- 
drons, Magnolias, Azaleas, &c., would look well on the islands which 
stud this lake ; and it is my intention to plant a few there this season. 
Several specimens of the gorgeous scarlet flowering Eucalyptus Ficifolia , 


kindly furnished me by Mr. George B running (of the St. Kilda nurseries), 
have been planted thereon ; and their wealth of fiery bloom will after a 
few years afford a grand display. This magnificent plant from Broken 
Inlet, Western Australia, produces its flowers at a much earlier stage of 
growth than any other species of the genus with which I am acquainted; 
and its bloom resembles a ball of fire more than anything else to which 
I could compare it. I have seen the Flame Tree of Illawarra, Northern 
New South Wales and Queensland; and the brilliant scarlet masses of 
the Erythrina laurifolia growing upon the banks of the Rewa river in 
Fiji ; but they do not surpass the effect produced by the floral display 
of this Eucalyptus when in bloom. Another tree not to be excelled for 
the grandeur and wealth of its bloom is the “ Jacaranda mimoscef olia,” 
or Rose-wood of Brazil, which I also propose to plant on the lake 
islands. This tree, judging from the progress made by small specimens 
now in the Botanic Gardens will succeed here quite as well as in the 
Sydney Botanic Gardens, where a specimen over 20 feet in height is the 
great attraction in the flowering season. Its foliage of a fern-like ap- 
pearance, is exquisitely graceful ; and even when divested of flowers the 
feathery umbrageous branches render it a strikingly beautiful specimen 
of arboriculture ; while in the blooming season, the blossoms of a deli- 
cate blue, are so abundant as to completely cover the tree, making it, 
from a distance, appear one mass of cerulean flowers. These two trees, 
with Rhododendrons and other plants introduced to vary the monotony 
of the Pampas grass, will render the latter, conspicuous spots in the 
landscape, introducing that warmth of coloring so necessary to the finish 
of a perfect picture. 

The swans and wild fowl are doing well. Of the cygnets hatched 
last year, two only remain, one having been shot by some evil disposed 
person. The swans caused much trouble during the summer season, by 
going over the bank into the Yarra, travelling miles up the river; now, 
however, that the iron boundary fence of the Gardens has been erected 
along the bank of the Yarra, the swans are shut in, while the Gardens 
are protected from the rough characters who usually infested them, 
especially on Sundays, coming’ up the river in boats and idling about on 
the bank. The remainder of the iron fence now supplies the place of a 
wooden one which divided from Anderson street the 30 acres recently 
added to the Gardens. The promontories which jut into the small lake, 
dividing it from the large one, and joined by a bridge, have been 
lengthened, heightened, and made broader, for the purpose of giving 
variety to the scenery from various parts of the grounds, especially from 


the Buffalo grass lawn. This year I propose to remove the present 
bridge, which is not in keeping with the surroundings, and construct a 
rustic one in its stead, with one simple arch. An Agonis jlexuosa, 
Acmena pendula, and some Melaleucas of large size, have been planted 
on either side of the bridge, so as to divide this embankment; which 
even now, appears monotonous by reason of its length. When the 
bridge alluded to is built, however, there will be a better opportunity to 
complete this portion of the lake scenery. In this, as in other projected 
improvements, I am compelled to regulate progress according to the 
money at my disposal. 

The sloping bank to the lake where the experimental Garden now 
exists, and at present clothed from end to end with Willows , Fraxinus , 
Ulmus , Aloes , Ricinus , Cypress , Finns , &c., &c., has straight paths 
running down to the lake. This part of the grounds could be trans- 
formed into a most picturesque spot, and various orders arranged in 
groups. The Amaryllidce have been grouped near the band-stand, 
on the Palm house lawn; near this the Liliacece will be arranged a 
little lower down, and nearer again to the lake the Iridacece . The 
Liliacece , Cordylines , Draccenas and Yuccas , will be beautiful objects 
with Ripogonums, and other climbing plants of the tribe, planted at 
their stems. They would tower far above the Aloes , Pkormium (or 
New Zealand flax), Ruscus, Arthr op odium, Astelia, Dianella, Ornitho - 
galum and Hyacinth , &c., &c., and altogether form an interesting 
collection for the student of botany. The tea-tree scrub at the head of 
the lake should not be altogether destroyed, but it*.might be much 
improved as I have pointed out in my last annual report. At present it 
is a swamp, quite impassable for visitors in winter time. It might be 
raised with good soil to be obtained from the bottom of the lake. The 
scrub could be so thinned out as to form glades and vistas, opening on 
lawns of grass, upon which groups could be formed, of the order 
Ericacece . In this of course would be included the Ericas themselves, 
an abundant supply of which, can be obtained from Victorian nursery- 
men. The varieties of Rhododendron, Arbutus, Kalmia, Azalea , 
Andromeda and a variety of others belonging to the same order would 
be placed here. The Magnoliacece too, of which we have already so 
many representatives, and the Hydrangeas with their gorgeous blue 
and pink flowers, would also grow well in such a situation. A variety 
of foliage could be created here, such as could not under any circum- 
stances be grown in any other part of the grounds with the same 
success. Palms would also succeed; the masses of tea-tree affording 



them shelter. The slope above the lake is naturally fitted for producing 
one of the grandest scenes in the grounds. At present it is one of the 
most painful to an artistic eye, as it is planted with stiff formal rows 
of trees seven or eight in number, a line of Araucaria excelsa being- 
followed by an avenue of Finns halepensis, succeeded by another row 
of Araucaria excelsa; then a line of Araucaria Cunninghamii, backed 
by yet another of Araucaria Bidwilli ; the whole presenting a 
monotonous appearance. This extensive space with which I propose to 
deal, when time and means will allow, can be converted into a 
picturesque and scientifically valuable pinetum, thus fulfilling one of 
the botanical classifications which I invariably keep steadily in view. 
The lines of trees alluded to, though the specimens are of considerable 
size, can be successfully removed to other portions of the grounds ; and 
I may here point out, that the lifting and removal of large trees, which 
have been freely carried out by me, fulfil a twofold purpose, by clearing 
the ground where the trees occupied an incongruous position, for future 
operations, and by at once producing the intended effect in the spots to 
which they are conveyed. As stated in a former report, the band-stand 
should be near the water. I would suggest that it be placed when 
opportunity offers, at the upper portion of the lake, near the Melaleuca 
scrub. The Italian Consul has been kind enough to send home for plans 
of a suitable stand. In this portion of the Gardens, as before stated, 
the orders Magnoliacece and JEricacece would thrive well and form 
appropriate planting for this spot. 

The proper drainage, and reticulation of the water supply from the 
Yarra, is a most important matter, not only with respect to Government 
House grounds, but the Botanic Gardens also. The poor character of 
the soil in many places necessitates it. The banks of the new Reservoir 
in the Botanic Gardens (which has been estimated to be capable of 
supplying 250,000 gallons twice a day) have been planted with Buffalo 
grass. This reservoir will be of very great service; it will be kept 
filled by an engine of great power substituted for the 6 h.p. one at 
present in use. In seasons of drought its value will be immense. The 
engine will draw the supply a from the Yarra, the water of which is, 
however, only fit for gardening purposes, there being no supply of Yan 
Yean in the place, the latter having been cut off before I took office. 
The residents in the Gardens occasionally contrive to secure a little rain 
water from their houses; but when that fails, they are forced to use the 
polluted water from the Yarra. In such extensive Gardens, the resort 
of thousands, especially during the summer season, there should be an 



abundant supply of drinking* water for visitors; and I trust that some 
provision will be made before the summer sets in to supply this great 
want, as also to provide drinking fountains throughout the grounds. A 
few rustic seats round large trees on the lawns and elsewhere, have been 
provided during the past year under my directions, and these should be 
materially added to. The overflow from the new Reservoir can be 
utilised in supplying small lakes below it. This portion of the Gardens 
when completed will prove a very striking spot. The contract for a 
portion of the new Conservatory has been commenced. The old one is in 
such a dilapidated condition, that it would not be a surprising* matter 
to find it blown down some windy night. The woodwork is thoroughly 
rotten, and the finger can be pushed through portions of it. Two large 
Norfolk Island pines 20 feet in height have been planted at one of the 
entrance gates facing' the South Yarra drive, and are thriving. 

Three broad walks have been formed through the newly added portion 
of the Botanic Gardens (30 acres) for the convenience of visitors from the 
Domain Road, Millswyn street, and Park street. Persons wishing to reach 
Richmond from Melbourne at night, can now do so without entering' the 
Gardens, by following the roadway vid Brander’s Ferry along the Yarra 
as far as the Botanical Bridge and Anderson street. Another entrance 
has been made from Anderson street, near the new Reservoir. Four vases 
have been placed at the corners of walks in the Gardens which have been 
filled with Cacti and other appropriate plants. Near this spot I intend 
to arrange the following orders, in groups, giving each plant sufficient 
room to grow naturally and freely:— The orders Scrophularinece, 
Bignonicicea , and Verlenacece , will occupy the corners; a circular bed 
in the middle of the triangle will contain Acanthacece ; while at the 
marginal piece near the reservoir will be planted Myoporinece , Labiatece, 
Jasmines, Solanece , and Convolvulacea — all interesting. As I find 
there are many genera of these orders hidden away in some of the 
thickets in the upper part of the Gardens, near to Anderson street, where 
they cannot be seen by visitors, they will be removed to some of the 
beds in question, where they can be seen to advantage. At the entrance 
to the South Yarra drive, opposite Park street, three other most inter- 
esting orders will be grouped. In the centre I propose to place that 
truly beautiful class the Malvacece , and close to it the Liliaceee and 
Sterculiacece. The Zamias purchased from Mr. Fitzalen (a botanical 
collector of Bowen, Queensland) have thriven ; and it will be desirable 
to introduce many of such tropical plants. The JEncephalartos Alten - 
stenii and E. lanuginosa from Africa have also done well; there was 
an absence of such ornamental plants in the Gardens. 



In the triangular piece formed by the entrance from Anderson street, 
a natural system of plants will he commenced at once. With respect to 
the entrances to the Gardens generally it would be a great improvement 
to remove the present unsightly gardeners’ residences scattered through- 
out the grounds, and substitute lodges at the various entrances. 

The Fern Gully in the Botanic Gardens is now one of the great 
attractions in the grounds and it has quite fulfilled the expectations 
I expressed concerning it in my first report. The large ferns have 
flourished, and now spread their cool green fronds over the small species 
growing beneath their shade. The aspect of the place is quite a natural 
one, as it should he; and while the shelter trees transplanted there, 
afford the requisite shade, it has been freely planted with stag-horn 
and elk-horn ferns, which give increased beauty and appropriateness to 
the spot. A number of tall tree ferns from Mount Macedon have been 
planted here, and are growing vigorously. I am indebted to Walter 
Hill, Esq., Director of the Brisbane Botanic Gardens, and Lewis A. 
Bernays, Esq., F.L.S. of the Brisbane Acclimatisation Society, for some 
valuable ferns which were very scarcely represented in the Melbourne 
Gardens. From these gentlemen I received specimens of the Platy - 
cerums and Birdsnest Asplenium , &c., with which the stems of the tree 
ferns — Alsophilas , Cyatheas and Bicksonias — and many of the shade 
trees, were clothed, forming capitals to the columns of the trunks and 
relieving the dull hue of the stems with their pale green. Scores of 
large trees redundant and useless in other portions of the grounds, were 
transplanted to this Fern Gully (over 200 specimens) for the protection 
of the ferns. Climbers have also been extensively planted — Banksian 
and Cloth of Gold Roses , Loniceras , Ipomceas, Bignonias , Solarium 
Jasminoides , Mandevillea , climbing Pelargonium. , &c., &c. — were placed 
at the stems of trees; and these will ere long, supplemented by the 
umbrageous trees, afford a canopy of shade. Amongst the trees are fine 
specimens of Almus , Grevillea robusta , Bammara robusta , > Robinia , 
Buddleia , Bracliychiton popuhieum, Brachychiton acerifolium, all of 
which are thriving. A tall tree fern 40 feet high and quite a novelty 
has been planted here. It is I believe an undescribed species, but is 
probably a Cyathea . This fine specimen was obtained in the Cape 
Otway forest, a month or two ago, and transported to the Gardens. 
If it lives, it will be a great acquisition to the Fern Gully. The 
bridge which formerly crossed the gully, and which was not only un- 
sightly, but in a state of decay, and dangerous to visitors, has been 
removed. In my last annual report, I mentioned the removal of the 
aviaries from this spot, and the filling up of a waterhole, near them. The 



whole of this part is now included in the Fern Gully. Many of the 
trees formerly growing in the spaces now occupied by the new lawns 
were removed to this gully. The walk replacing the bridge now dips 
into the hollow, affording a good view of the Fern Gully, with a back 
ground at the lower end of the islands in the lake. The overflow from 
the new reservoir may be here used most effectively in the creation of a 
trickling stream winding over the rocky boulder strewn bed of the 
gully. The sight and sound of such a stream would be in harmony 
with the surroundings, and add to the natural appearance of the spot. 
A rockery has been made on the Buffalo grass lawn near the gully. 
The ferns, both large and small, have developed luxuriant fronds, and in 
summer time, the cool, sequestered shade of the spot is generally appre- 
ciated. It was suggested, when the gully was in process of formation, 
that the ferns would fail before the trees planted could afford the 
top shade, but I am happy to say these prognostications have proved 
worthless, the matter being successfully accomplished during the second 
season for transplanting- since my appointment. The fern gullies of 
Victoria should be imitated in these Gardens, as opportunity allows. In 
these, more than anything else, the highest order of beauty is in the 
natural aspect given. Many cartloads of stones have been brought 
from the grounds of the Kew Asylum, for making rockeries, <fcc., in the 
Botanical Gardens. 

The number of visitors to the Gardens during the past year has been 
exceedingly great. The “Southern District” brass band performs every 
alternate Saturday in the grounds, in fine weather. It is gratifying to 
find that the Gardens are so extensively visited by the public, and that 
the lawns and other improvements made, are generally appreciated. 

During the past season, a good display of flowers was kept up through- 
out the Botanic Gardens until the drought set in. In my opinion flower 
gardening in such an extensive place should be concentrated in certain 
spots ; for nothing is gained in effect by scattering flowering annuals 
and herbaceous plants indiscriminately throughout a large garden. A 
corner of flowers here, or a bedding out there, can be watched; but 
flowers everywhere amongst trees aud shrubs become monotonous, and 
are out of place in those portions set apart for showing the various 
species of different orders of plants, an arrangement which must receive 
strict attention in any Botanic Gardens. I am most anxious to form a 
good Rosery in these Gardens. Though there are some magnificent 
collections of the “Queen of Flowers” around Melbourne, I have not 
seen a Rosery on a thoroughly grand scale in the colonies; and the 
Melbourne Gardens should certainly not be deficient of this beautiful 



feature. I have already secured a superb collection of Camellias, which 
are doing exceedingly well. I have also a fine collection of Azaleas, but 
Rhododendrons and Roses are very deficient. The former will be 
required amongst other things, for planting on the islands in the lake, 
while the necessity for a Rosery is at once apparent. Properly formed, 
such a feature in the Gardens would be one of surpassing interest, and 
would alone afford immense gratification to the public during the season 
when these beautiful flowers are in bloom, while the contrast of color by 
effective grouping, would create magnificently harmonious and pleasing 
nature-pictures. The Rosery would naturally require much time and 
outlay, but a beginning should be made, immediately when funds are 
available for the purpose. Flower stealing I regret to say, has this 
year been more prevalent than ever. Persons of both sexes are equal 
culprits ; indeed it would be difficult to say which are the worse 
offenders. Men and boys generally convey the stolen goods to their 
pockets ; women use their parasols, if they have them, or coolly carry 
them about in their hands. It is of course a very unpleasant duty to 
check this pilfering, but unless some check is adopted, the Gardens 
would be almost denuded of flowers and plants. The rule of preventing 
people from bringing flowers into the Gardens which is adopted in other 
public gardens is a good one, though I have heard that it has been 
sometimes carried to excess by the watchmen employed on Sunday duty. 
Persons who bring loose dogs into the Gardens, against the rules, 
invariably disown them. Trivial excuses are made, if the watchmen 
remonstrate, or threaten to destroy the animals, such as that “they are 
quiet,” “belong to a friend,” “and must have followed,” and so on. 
Dogs, whether quiet or not, occasion much mischief in a garden. When 
in Queensland and New South Wales last December, I obtained numerous 
plants for the Gardens; some I purchased, but many were given to me 
as donations, and they were well worth the cost of the freight paid to 
convey them to Melbourne. It is true that some of them were already 
represented in the Gardens, but I saw no reason for rejecting fine 
specimens on that account. In the Botanic Gardens of Sydney and 
Brisbane I had the pleasure of inspecting superb collections of Palms 
and Cycads; and felt great regret that the Melbourne Botanic Gardens 
were so deficient of them. No tribe of plants equals these in adding 
grace and beauty to the landscape, when scenery of a tropical character 
is desirable, and what can be more beautiful ? I am anxious to form 
some views of this kind in various parts of the grounds. 

A guide to the Botanic Gardens will be needed when they are 
remodelled; and this is a work at which, in connection with a Catalogue 



of its contents, I have for a considerable time with one of my assistants 
worked hard. The evening is the only time that I can devote to it. 
The Catalogue will contain a common English name for every plant, 
the compilation of such a book is necessarily an arduous task. When 
finished, however, it will be, I believe, the first work of the kind issued 
in the colonies. It will comprise scientific names with synonyms; the 
order to which each plant belongs, its uses, height, time of flowering, 
suitability for certain soils and situations, native country, &c. ; a plan of 
the Gardens, a Calendar of the seasons, and a complete list of the orders 
of plants represented and unrepresented in the Gardens. Now that 30 
acres (which should be drained) have been added to the Gardens, there 
will be ample space to carry out my idea of forming around the margin of 
the Gardens, Arboretums of the trees of Europe, Asia, Africa, America, 
and Australasia. I suggested this in my last report, and forwarded a 
plan; and hope soon to be in a position to carry it out. The distribu- 
tion of the various orders in classified groups throughout the grounds 
is another work which I have commenced by forming a bed of the 
Amaryllidece • 

Kemodelling a Garden is by no means an easy task, when — as in this 
case — it is of more than 20 years’ standing. It can easily be understood 
that the formation of an entirely new one, would be far less difficult. 
The removal of large trees; and the appropriate blending in groups with 
smaller ones, of others which cannot possibly be removed on account of 
their size (though I have succeeded in lifting some of 40 feet in height) 
are matters requiring much forethought and deliberation. Yet I have 
no hesitation in asserting, that if the necessary means are placed at my 
disposal, the Melbourne Botanic Gardens can be made one of the most 
attractive and beautiful Public Gardens in the colonies. As I have 
previously mentioned the area is nearly as large as the Gardens of 
Sydney, Adelaide, and Brisbane put together; and though much 
remains to be done before the Melbourne Gardens can claim to be half 
as beautiful as these, the grounds have great natural advantages — 
undulating surface, hills and dales, lakes in their centre, and fine views 
of Hobson’s Bay and the ocean. A liberal expenditure for a few years 
would make them unsurpassed by any gardens in the Southern Hemi- 
sphere. And while picturesque effect is created, the primary object of a 
Botanical Garden — namely; the proper botanical classification and dis- 
tribution of plants — can be thoroughly carried out. Indeed, it is far 
better to group the various orders of plants, large and small, throughout 
the Gardens in such a manner, as to aid in producing a pleasant land- 
scape (even in a botanical sense) than to huddle all the orders together. 



Then of course it is to be considered that the scenery must harmonise as 
a whole. The old System ground on the eastern slope of the Gardens is 
a great eyesore, it is not by any means complete as far as the number 
of orders of plants to be found in the grounds is concerned. In some 
beds as many as nine orders are mixed up [together, generally tending 
only to confuse the botanical student. The whole garden should be a 
system so to speak, and the various orders of plants so arranged as to 
prove not only picturesque, but instructive. Of course great care is 
necessary in pursuing this course, especially in representing the vegetation 
of the different zones. At every step the visitor should see something 
to remind him that he was in not only a Landscape, but also a Botanic 
Garden. Long borders of mixed flowers upon either side of footways I 
therefore wish to avoid, as much as possible; and now that well curved 
walks to the various gateways are nearly completed, rich swards of grass 
will form an agreeable substitute for needless pathways, crossing each 
other at right angles, or radiating from various centres. 

The matter of supplying labels of trees, and shrubs, of an appropriate 
color, to replace the white ones now in use, is occupying my attention. 
They will bear a common English name for each plant, besides its 
botanical name, properties, &c., where of sufficient importance to render 
the latter necessary. There is a collection of plants of medicinal proper- 
ties, which is continually being increased, and which will eventually be 
arranged in a suitable situation, for the convenience of those interested 
in such plants. A proper experimental Garden is much needed, and 
this also will receive attention as speedily as possible. The present one 
upon the bank of the lake is utterly unfit for the purpose. In this 
experimental Garden will be placed collections of fibre plants, gums and 
dyes, and those suitable for paper making, &c., &c. Many kinds of such 
preparations were forwarded (as stated in my last year’s report) to the 
Philadelphia Exhibition. This year a still larger collection was sent to 
the Geelong Exhibition; and another to an Exhibition to be held at 
Amsterdam. The latter includes a collection of Polished Victorian 
Woods. Through the kindness of F. R. Kendall, Esq., Agent of the 
Peninsular and Oriental Mail Company, the collection for Amsterdam, 
was forwarded free of all charges for freight. With the Geelong and 
Amsterdam exhibits I forwarded descriptive catalogues, and with those 
for Amsterdam I also sent the appended essay on the fibres, &c . I also 
appended a descriptive Catalogue of Grasses in the Botanic Gardens, 
which affords valuable information on this important subject, and a copy 
of a letter to the Commissioners of the Melbourne Exhibition, also con- 
taining information respecting fibres, &c., shown at the exhibition. 



Government House Grounds and Domain. 

The contract of Messrs. Walker and Halliday for the removal of the 
crest of the hill facing’ Government House, preparatory to the formation 
of the grand lawn, was an extensive piece of work, and the time 
necessarily taken in its execution, retarded planting operations in this 
quarter. Fortunately a bed of gravel was discovered during the 
necessary excavations, and the material has been utilised in the forma- 
tion of paths, gravel for which would otherwise have cost a considerable 
sum. The contract has been completed in a most satisfactory manner 
and the lawn has been coated over again with the top-soil which 
however in some parts is of an inferior kind. It has been carefully 
ploughed, harrowed, levelled, and sown with English grass, and will be 
planted with the Buffalo and Doub grasses, which, in such a dry 
situation will materially assist in the formation of a good sward. 
When the contract for removing the hill was finished, I lost no time in 
preparing for the planting ; some thousands of trees have been put in 
this season. The footpaths on either side of the drive to Government 
House are in my opinion a mistake. Considering that the curvature of 
the drive itself was not bold enough (as I reported last year) I ventured 
to alter it thirty yards south near the house. This was undoubtedly an 
improvement , but owing to the shortness of the drive, the said foot- 
paths if allowed to remain will prevent my planting near enough to 
the margin to shut out a portion of the building from the Entrance Gate, 
The alteration of the width of the walk around the lawn known as the 
cf pony drive” will as you suggested be carried out as speedily as 
possible. The curtailment of the gravel in front of the private and 
public entrances to Government House has according to your direc^ 
tions been altered. 

In planting the approach to Government House, I think it will be 
more in keeping with the surroundings, and certainly far more pictu- 
resque, to form large groups of trees and shrubs between which 
glimpses are afforded of green expanses of grass and masses of trees 
rather than to make a formal avenue of any particular kind of tree. 
There is nothing natural in avenues. They may in some instances 
be useful, as for example in the Fitzroy Gardens, where they form 
thoroughfares for the convenience of the public , but along such a short 
drive as that which has been made through Government House grounds, 
such an avenue would in my opinion be quite out of place. I do not 
think that the alternate planting of Moreton Bay Figs with Cedrus 
deodara, or Elms with Pinus insignis, or Wellingtonia gigantea with 



any of the kinds mentioned, would be suitable for the approach. An 
avenue may in some degree be useful in keeping off the sun’s rays, but 
it is sometimes at the sacrifice of beautiful views given by openings 
through which the eye can freely glance over the landscape. A full 
grown hedge of Pittosporum crassifolium has been planted along the 
boundary of the croquet lawn. This will have the effect of secluding 
that part of the grounds, and the lawn being some feet higher than the 
orchard, a pretty view of the new lawn near the Botanic Gardens Palm 
house will be presented. The fountain court has been prepared with 
good soil, thoroughly levelled, and sown with lawn grass seeds. Many 
large trees have been transplanted to the grounds from the Botanic 
Gardens, all of which are doing well. The ferns in the gully are 
vigorously flourishing, and when I am enabled to give the natural 
appearance to the rockery here, the spot will be a very attractive one. 
The specimens of Agonis , &c are also thriving, and fine specimens of 
Grevillea , Bmcliy chiton, Ailantlius , &c. f of large size, have been placed 
here from the Botanic Gardens, as a protection to the ferns. 

I have stated in previous reports that in some places the soil of 
the Government House grounds is exceedingly poor. The effects to be 
gained by properly grouping' such trees as can be selected from the very 
excellent collections of hardy kinds to be found in the Victorian 
nurseries would materially add to the appearance of the grounds in a 
short space of time, but it will be decidedly necessary to prepare the 
spots for their reception with some rich soil which must be carted for 
the purpose. In many parts of the grounds there are a greater number 
of stiff clay patches, than of good soil. The same remark applies to 
the Botanic Gardens ; hence the necessity for increasing the ploughing 
and cartage vote next year. It will be desirable to agriculturally drain 
the Government House grounds ; for though trees may exist, and even 
grow in poor soils, there must be natural or artificial drainage before 
they will thrive properly. I propose to use gutter tiles for the walks in 
the grounds, for surface drainage, similar to those which I have 
employed in the principal new walks in the Botanic Gardens. This 
plan prevents the walks from being cut up by heavy rains. The style of 
French drainage, previously described, I have found by far the best for 
the land, and the general growth of trees, in those parts of the Botanic 
Gardens which I have so treated, and the same principle should be 
applied to these grounds. A copious supply of water through pipes will 
be needed for the groups, and single specimens planted on the grand 
lawn ; and as the situation is an exposed and dry one, the work of 



keeping transplanted trees and shrubs in good order during seasons of 
drought, will be an important one. If a larger staff of labor is provided, 
according to my estimates furnished, the grounds can be at once laid 
out, and the only expense afterwards would be the wages of the 
gardeners in keeping them in order. 

The Domain requires much preparation of the soil, and judicious 
planting, since in some places the earth is exceedingly poor. With 
careful attention, however, it can be made a most beautiful public 
ground. The road along the Yarra bank, as far as Prince’s Bridge, 
should be prepared, and in this case an avenue would be appropriate 
instead of the wild wattles ( Acacia mollissima) which though they now 
act as a temporary shade during the summer, are not particularly 
picturesque. In this instance it would be desirable to form the avenue 
in such a manner, that while the perspective lines, which are the chief 
beauty of an avenue are preserved, occasional openings will occur, 
through which visitors on the bank and the river, may obtain views 
of the landscape beyond. The site on which Government House stands 
is undoubtedly a most commanding and beautiful one, unsurpassed any- 
where in the colonies ; and the surroundings can be made worthy of the 
situation. Some good views can be created from the elevated ground 
by judicious planting, in which the distant city, with its tall spires, 
■would form a background, while many objectionable masses of bricks 
and mortar could be hidden. A study of the upper lines and undula- 
tions, and the preservation of the natural contour of the grounds, where 
harmonious, will materially aid in producing the proper effect. 

The footpaths of the South Yarra drive, and some of the walks in 
the Domain have cost much trouble to keep in order ; and with such a 
small staff of laborers in comparison with the immense size of the 
grounds, and the vast quantity of work which has had to be done, I 
have been compelled to limit the progress in proportion to the money 
available. The Government House orchard has been dug over many 
times during the past year; the old pear and apple trees have been 
pruned; and some choice orange trees from Messrs. Shepherd and Co.’s, 
establishment in Sydney have been planted around the croquet lawn. 

I have the honor to be, 


Your obedient Servant, 






Gentlemen, November 1st, 1875. 

I have the honor, as you request, to furnish a descriptive Essay of the 
fibres, papers, gums, resins, dyes, woods, carpological specimens, <fcc., 
prepared and sent by me to the Melbourne Exhibition, and which you 
have been pleased to forward to Philadelphia. 

As regards the fibres, papers, and woods, it must be admitted they far 
exceed in number those which have been sent from this establishment to 
former Exhibitions. The whole of the exhibits described were prepared 
by myself and two assistants with but crude appliances at our command, 
and within eight weeks prior to the opening of the Exhibition. The 
greater portion of the necessaries forming the Laboratory which once 
belonged to this department, were transferred to another branch; thus I 
have had to make the best of the few opportunities afforded me for 
preparing in so short a time, the present collection. The fibres, some 
forty in number, were produced in a very primitive way; the branches 
or leaves of the plants being merely steeped in water, and afterwards 
combed by hand. The quality and quantity, however, of each kind thus 
prepared will, I trust, serve the purpose of testing their commercial 
value at Philadelphia. 

Many new discoveries in the way of fibre-yielding material are 
shown, not only of Victorian native products, but those of the other 
colonies acclimatised here, and of exotics also hitherto esteemed only for 
ornamental purposes in gardening. 

Had time permitted, my collection of exhibits would have been far 
greater. I would have been able to collect and test the value of many 
plants which I know exist on the borders of Gippsland, and even 
nearer to Melbourne — I mean the Macedon and Dandenong Ranges. It 
is almost needless for me to say that the colony of Victoria affords great 
facilities, both as regards soil and climate, for the cultivation of the 
valuable commodities which constitute fibre, and paper material. For 
instance, the Chinese grasscloth plant “Bcehmeria nivea,” the New 
Zealand flax, “Phormium tenax,” the “Fourcroya gigantea,” the 
“ Agaves,” the “Lagunaria Pattersoni” — Co witch tree of Norfolk Island, 
the Yuccas — aloifolia, filamentosa, and gloriosa; the Abutilons, and 
Hibiscus of China, India and America; the Sparmannia Africana, and 
a host of other foreign plants all thrive as well, and in some instances 
better, in this colony than in their native homes. 



The samples of Sparmannia sent to the Melbourne Exhibition have 
been prepared from both the living- and dried barks of the shrub. I 
have never read of it ever having 1 been discovered that this plant con- 
tained a fibre of any value. Hitherto I had only known it to be 
interesting as an ornamental shrub, or the plant in whose blossoms the 
great Linnaeus first discovered the sexual system in botany. My intro- 
spection of its fibrous nature, as with others now exhibited, was only 
gained by mere accident in a hurried attempt to collect and prepare a 
variety of fibres for your Exhibition, but if even one of them proves to 
be of commercial value, and I believe many of them will, because of 
their textures, and the quickness of their growth, the object I have in 
view will be gained, as they will be a boon to the colonists. The Spar- 
mannia, like the grass-cloth plant of China as soon as cut, shoot3 up 
(even in a poor soil) with wonderful vigour. The canes, if I may call 
them such, are often as thick as one’s thumb, and they average in height 
from six to eight feet. In good soil, two crops may be safely reckoned 
upon in the year. 

The plants of Queensland, from which fibres have been prepared, 
have all been grown here, and were introduced by the late Mr. Dallachy, 
and Baron von Mueller, my predecessors in the directorship of these 
Gardens. Judging from the growth of the Hibiscus heterophyllus, 
Sida retusa (Queensland hemp), Pipturus propinquus or Queensland 
grass-cloth plant, Brachychiton acerifolium, “The Flame tree,” Ster- 
culia rupestris — “The Bottle tree,” and the samples of fibre now produced 
from them; the great harvest to be gained by their cultivation in 
Victoria would be as great as in the sister colony. It may appear 
strange to many, that plants like these, and others described indigenous 
to a warmer clime should thrive as well, and even better, in a cooler one, 
yet there are ample proofs that such is fact. The growth of the 
flame-tree for instance (Sterculia or Brachychiton acerifolium of Queens- 
land and New South Wales) is more rapid in Victoria than in either of 
the colonies mentioned, and the bast furnished by this tree is, I con- 
sider, superior to “ Cuba bast.” This of course remains to be proved by 
those in Philadelphia, who are better able to judge of its merits, and of 
others which I have described in my list. But it is more singular still, 
to observe, that plants which grow side by side with these in warmer 
latitudes, will not grow here at all, but merely exist. Laportia gigas, 
the great stinging tree of which I have sent samples of fibre from plants 
which never attain in this garden more than four feet in height — being- 
cut down by frost every winter. Yet I have seen it beside the flame-tree 



in the brush lands of Queensland and New South Wales, attaining a height 
of seventy-five feet, and with a trunk more than five feet in diameter. 

The Pipturus propinquus, Sterculia rupestris, Sida retusa, and many 
others grow as quickly here as in Queensland. Quite as good results, 
therefore, might be expected by cultivating these plants; but need we go 
further than our own colony of Victoria for quality or quantity of fibre 
or paper material, when our forests teem with valuable plants suitable 
for their manufacture. If we only instance the Pimelias, Dianellas, 
Plagianthus, Cladiums, Lepidosperma or “Mat-grass,” Commersonia, 
Brachychiton populneum, Urtica incisa, Cyperus, Typha, Scirpus, 
Carex, Isolepis, and the rushes Juncus — vaginatus, maritima, and pauci- 
flora (and there are scores of other indigenous plants equally valuable), 
rags need no longer be collected for paper making, or introductions from 
other countries for cordage. With sixty millions of acres of good land 
included between the parallels 30° and 39° south latitude, we can, with- 
out cultivation, reap abundant harvests of paper material, even from 
various species of Eucalypti, Xerotes, Melaleuca, Cyperus, and others, 
and indeed from some of the grasses which are plentiful in the midst. 
Our native vegetable resources are great, and should therefore be 
thoroughly searched up. My thirty crude samples of paper, which 
are sent in frames, were prepared under great difficulties, and were only 
made to prove what can be done with some of our native plants. Many 
of them are new, but the indefatigable Mr. Ramsden of the Victorian 
Paper Mills, has devoted his attention particularly to the manufacture of 
paper from Victorian plants, and he will, no doubt, be able to add to his 
collection long before the colony has been thoroughly explored. 

The Dyes forwarded in bottles, are not so numerous as they would 
have been had time permitted me to send out collectors; but the samples 
of silk, calico, and woollen material stained with them show a variety 
of beautiful colors, the value of which will, no doubt, be proved at 

I regret to say that my collection of woods could not be properly 
seasoned. Some of them were polished within a week after they were 
cut from the tree, consequently many of the specimens have split from 
end to end, 

I have the honor to be, 


Yours, &c., 


Director, Melbourne Botanic Gardens. 




April 15th, 1876. 

The attention of all civilized nations has been of late years so largely 
and anxiously taken up with the important subject of fibre plants, 
suitable for the manufacture of textile fabrics, paper, &c., and as I am 
directing my attention, as far as the very limited time and means at my 
disposal will admit, to the development of our resources in this respect, 
it may not be out of place to offer a few brief remarks upon the collec- 
tion of fibres which have been forwarded to your exhibition, and which 
have been prepared at the Melbourne Botanic Gardens from indigenous 
Australian and New Zealand plants ; the latter being naturalized in the 
gardens. In preparing these fibres no elaborate machinery has been 
employed, the appliances at hand for this purpose being of the most 
crude description, and the mode of preparation adopted the most simple, 
having been accomplished by maceration in water, or retting as it is 
technically termed, or by a simple boiling process. The former opera- 
tion has been employed with regard to the different barks from which 
fibre has been prepared ; whilst the latter process has been employed 
exclusively to plants whose leaves and stems afford fibre; such as the 
Dianellas, Xerotes, Juncus, Lepidospermas, Phormium, Pandanus, 
Cordylines, &c. I find that by this mode a great saving of time and 
labor is effected (whilst the fibre is in some instances improved) from 
6 to 50 hours being sufficient to digest the outer fleshy coating 
(epidermis) of the leaves sufficiently well to admit of its easy removal 
by scraping, which has at the same time, the effect of removing the 
resin and other deleterious substances to such an extent from the fibre, 
as to admit of the latter being passed through the heckling machine, so 
as to arrange the filaments in parallel order and remove all extraneous 

No special claims as to excellence, with regard to the manner in 
which the samples of fibre shown on this and other occasions have been 
prepared is put forth ; the sole object of the writer being, to bring 
prominently before the world, the fact, that in the production of indi- 
genous fibre plants, and plants suitable for paper making, Australia and 
New Zealand, must at no distant date play a very prominent part 
indeed ; and at the same time to inspire, in the minds not only of the 
colonists themselves, but also in those of influential mercantile men and 



capitalists, in Europe and elsewhere, a desire to have our resources in 
this respect thoroughly tested and thus give an impetus here, to those 
most important branches of industry, viz. : the manufacture of textile 
fabrics and paper. The latter bids fair to become one of the most 
important of our local industries, and our enterprising fellow colonist 
Samuel Ramsden, Esq., deserves the greatest praise for the able manner 
in which he has, in the face of many difficulties, established his exten- 
sive paper factory on the banks of the river Yarra at Melbourne. This 
gentleman has of late devoted his attention to the production of paper 
from native plants, and with the most happy results, as the very excel- 
lent samples of paper forwarded to the Philadelphia Exhibition will 
amply testify. And, it has been further proved, in England, that as 
material for paper-making many of our Juncacese, and Cyperacse, are 

There was forwarded to the same exhibition a collection of paper, 
comprising fifty-four kinds, prepared at the Melbourne Botanic Gardens 
(under my direction), in a rough state, no less than thirty-nine of 
which were the produce of Australian plants alone, mostly natives of 
the colony of Victoria. The remainder were prepared from plants 
which have been acclimatised in these gardens, New Zealand, and South 
America, furnishing the major portion. And when we come to consider 
the immensity of the Australian continent, and its as yet undeveloped 
vegetable resources, we may reasonably suppose that the present collec- 
tion represents a mere fraction only, of the native fibre yielding plants, 
and that at no very remote period Australia will not yield the palm 
even to the Indies in this respect. 

The present collection comprises many fibres prepared from plants 
which have been hitherto considered as valueless, at least for this 
purpose, although a few were approved paper plants. Those specially 
worthy of note as being new, are, Cordyline cannsefolia and C. nutans, 
Juncus maritimus and J. vaginatus, Pandanus Fosterii, and P. pedun- 
culatus, Poa australis (variety ten), Typha angustifolia, Xerotes longi- 
folia, Lepidosperma gladiatum, Cassytha melantha, Carex appressa, 
Musa Banksii, and Dianellas elegans, ccerulea, longifolia, revoluta, and 
tasmanica from Australia ; Cordyline pumilio and Astelia Banksii from 
New Zealand. From the samples of fibre shown on this occasion prac- 
tical men will see that with proper machinery and other appliances, we 
can supply fibres not only suitable for coir-matting, ropes, and brush 
making, but also for fishing-nets and lines, and even for the most 
delicate textile fabrics. Our extensive geographical range too, and 



varied temperature of climate coupled with choice of soils and situation, 
afford immense scope for the successful growth of foreign fibre plants ; 
thus while many parts of Victoria, are eminently adapted for the growth 
of the common Flax ( Linum usitatissimum), other districts will pro- 
duce the Hemp ( Canabis sativa ), the Jute ( Corchorus olitorius), the 
Rheea of India, better known as “ the Chinese Grasscloth plant” 
( Bcehmeria nivea ), which grows here with great luxuriance, the Toddy 
Lily {Agave americana , commonly known as the American aloe), the 
Fibre or Giant Lily of S. America ( Fourcroya gigantca ), the African 
Hemp ( Sparmannia Africana ), which produces a superior fibre, the 
Adam’s needle, and Dagger plant ( Yuccas gloriosa and aloefolicC), th© 
Dragon Tree ( Draccena Draco), and a host of others too numerous to 
mention, from all of which fibres have been prepared under my super- 
vision at the Melbourne Botanic Gardens. 

Next to India, New Zealand (as far as at present known) is perhaps 
the richest of all countries in fibre yielding plants. Commercially 
speaking, in her Liliacece alone a mine of wealth might be opened up ; 
and it is a matter for surprise (considering the quantity and quality of 
the fibre of the many species of Cordyline with which her different 
islands abound, not to speak of the various trees from which bast of 
the most beautiful lace-like texture can be obtained) that a brisk trade 
has not sprung up in this direction ere now. Although the palm must 
be awarded to the New Zealand Flax ( Phormium tenax) in point of 
fineness and adaptability in the manufacture of textile fabrics, &c.; yet- 
when we come to consider the amount of labor necessary in preparing 
the fibre for market, in comparison with that required in the preparation 
of the Cordylines, the advantages would be almost counterbalanced. It 
would appear, however, that the great difficulty experienced in removing 
the resin and silica from the phormium has of late years been overcome 
by the invention of elaborate machinery, and the following extracts 
taken from a work published by the patentee, J. H. Dickson, on the 
u Fibre plants of India, Africa, and our Colonies,” will serve to illus- 
trate the great commercial value of this almost inexhaustible plant.. 
At pages 23 and 24 ( Appendix ) he says: — “ This very extraordinary' 
plant, so difficult to do anything with, after giving many like myself 
great trouble to discover the way to make it marketable as an article for 
spinning purposes, I turned my attention to, after having dropped or 
left off all idea of touching it, after many trials in 1855 and 1856, but 
finding my improved machinery could make the article marketable 
without steeping I continued my course until I have done all that I 



could desire because of the following facts. The article is gathered by 
the natives, and sold by them in Auckland at £10 per ton, and as the 
New Zealand Government has taken the wise and business-like course 
to cause the fibre plants of the country to be brought into a state for 
exportation to England, by an offer of a reward of £2,000 to the first 
person who will, by his own invention produce forty tons of Phormium 
tenax, so prepared as not to exceed £25 per cwt. (?) in cost, making 
ready for market, and £1,000 reward to the next five persons who may 
join and work up twenty tons by anyone’s invention so as to produce 
the same advantage. Such rewards induced me to * try again/ and the 
result of my labours on a bale sent me by Messrs. Gibbs, Bright & Co., 
of Liverpool, has caused me to receive from one of the best judges of 
Flax in England the following letter : — 

“ ‘ Alma Terrace, Kensington, 

October 17th, 1863. 

(< 1 Dear Sir, — The sample of New Zealand Flax ( Phormium tenax ) you have 
sent me may be worth from £40 to £50 per ton for coarse spinning purposes, hut 
much depends upon liow it turns out in heckling; the finer quality is in my 
opinion worth about £60 per ton. 

“ ‘ Yours truly, 

(Signed), “ ‘ J. K. Atkinson. 

“ ‘ Mr. J. H. Dickson.’ 

Mr. Atkinson is the retired partner of the firm of Messrs. Hives and 
Atkinson, Flax Spinners, Leeds.” Mr. Dickson further on says: — “As 
a practical man, I am confident that the New Zealand Flax ( Pliormium 
tenax) must come in for the trade of Dundee over the head of Flax, as 
Jute by itself can never, so long as it is ruined in India by the retting 
or steeping system, be worked as a warp yarn unless mixed with Flax.” 
The following extract on the “New Fibre plants of Commerce,” taken 
from the Hour , and which appeared in the Melbourne Argus of March 
28th, 1876, will further show the value of the phormium : — “Just at 
the present when the supply of flax is very short, and is thereby 
subjecting many manufacturers in different parts of the country to 
considerable inconvenience, we are desirous of calling the attention of 
those who may be interested in the subject to the Phormium tenax of 
botanists or Native Flax of New Zealand — ( A slight mistahe is here 
made by the writer of the article , the name Native Flax, is applied in 
New Zealand to Linum monogynum , which is a true fax. The 
phormium is hnown as the Flax Lily or New Zealand Flax) — which is 
found on the hills and in the valleys of every province in its islands, but 
which has excited comparatively little notice in Great Britain. For 



many years past the Maori race have used this flax for clothing purposes 
and have even exported it to other countries, and it has been woven into 
damask by Messrs. D. Lowrie and Sons of Kirkaldy, a specimen of 
which was forwarded to the Otago Museum some considerable time 
back. The Agent-General, in referring to it, quotes from a correspon- 
dent that the sample of real damask tablecloth was made entirely from 
phormium fibre, which consisted of some rather coarse native dressed 
flax, the bleaching of which having been hurried, the cloth was conse- 
quently somewhat yellow-stained, and although not fine was very good 
and substantial. 

Some time ago the Government of New Zealand so fully realized 
the advantages that might accrue by putting the various fibres which are 
so plentiful there to profitable use, that they offered a bonus of £2,500 
for the first 100 tons of printing paper made in the colony, either from 
this fibre, or a grass called “ Sno?v grass/’ which was found all over the 
Maturari plains and on the tops of the hills of Otago, growing about 
four feet in height, being indeed very similar to esparto grass , which has 
been sent of late years from Spain to England in large quantities, and is 
used in the manufacture of paper. Some time ago it will be remembered 
considerable apprehensions were excited in this country owing to the 
great demand for paper, which formerly was made chiefly from rags, upon 
the latter becoming so scarce, that there was a prospect of an insufficient 
supply for the future. These apprehensions are now allayed, as it has 
been found that paper can be made from anything that possesses fibre, 
while from New Zealand it appears that the phormium has been most 
successfully used, and has figured in the composition of various articles 
in the most satisfactory manner. 

Not only has linen cloth been made from native flax {phormium 
tenax ) but rope, matting, excellent wrapping paper and cardboard, 
and also a kind of roofing felt which is likely to be extensively used. 
Messrs. Eraser and Tinne have erected a very complete and extensive 
plant at the Kaihu mills, in the district of Northern Wairoa, the 
Kaihu Company (Limited) having expended something like £27,000 in 
the enterprise. The Southern Cross in referring to these operations 
says: — “There are now lying at this office samples of wrapping paper, 
cardboard, and roofing felt, which for quality and cheapness should take 
the command of the market. The paper is of a fine close texture, and 
as strong almost as parchment. It will tear, but not break, and the 
prepared cardboard, for roofing purposes, is certainly better in quality 
than the imported felt roofing, and can be sold here for 2d. per foot. 



The matting’ manufactured by the Kaihu Company is cheaper than the 
coir matting’ and will stand three times the wear and tear. Altogether, 
we may consider the result of these operations as most successful. For 
coarse paper, such as that manufactured at Kaihu Mills, there is a large 
demand in the colony, and, when once the article gets into use and 
becomes known and appreciated, the imported material is bound to yield 
the palm to it.” So much for the New Zealand Flax, and it will be hardly 
credited, when it is stated upon good authority, that we have, at our very 
doors, an article equal if not superior to the phormium , for the purpose 
of paper making, viz.: — the Coast Sword ltush ( Lepidosperma gla - 
diatum) (sample of fibre exhibited), which is found in the greatest 
abundance along’ our coast line, and which Mr. Cosmo Newbery, the 
Director of the Technological Museum of Melbourne, called attention to 
many years ago, as did also Baron von Mueller, my predecessor; and 
great credit is due to these gentlemen, especially the latter, in his 
endeavours to bring the vegetable products of the colony before the public, 
by having fibres, paper, &c., prepared from native plants, at the 
laboratory which formerly existed under his direction at the Melbourne 
Botanic Gardens. But, unfortunately, his specimens partook of micro- 
scopical form only, and, though valuable as objects of scientific interest, 
they were too meagre to attract the attention of the commercial public. 
This small mistake I have tried to obviate wherever practicable, in 
having prepared, samples of his discoveries (independent of my own), 
of such size as cannot fail to attract general attention. The want of a 
laboratory for technical purposes, however, has been a great drawback, 
in the preparation of these and other vegetable products. 

I would take this opportunity too, of testifying to the ardor of a 
fellow laborer in this field of scientific and useful research, Mr. Walter 
Hill, the Director of the Brisbane Botanic Gardens, who has been 
indefatigable in his endeavours to develop the resources of Queensland, in 
this respect; and the fibres, &c., shown at former exhibitions held at 
Melbourne, Sydney, and elsewhere, prove that he has not been 

I will not enlarge on this subject at the present time, further than to 
give the names of the plants from which these fibres have been prepared, 
both scientific and common, in full ; also the orders to which they belong 
and a short description as to their geographical distribution, and habits ; 
and their adaptability to various economic purposes as far as the limited 
means at my disposal for judging the same will allow. Before con- 
cluding I may state that in view of furthering the commercial interests 



of the Australian colonies in general, and the colony of Victoria in 
particular, it is my intention at an early date to compile a small work on 
the “Fibre Plants of Australia,” both indigenous and exotic. 

I have the ' honor to be, 


Yours obediently, 

Director Melbourne Botanic Gardens. 

The Commissioners of the 
Amsterdam International Horticultural Exhibition. 


Alocasia Marshalli 
Alpinia vittata 

Ayerhoa Carambola, va- 
riety: — 

“Chow Ka” 

“ Quat Ink” 

“ Chin Ink” 

Achillea Gerberii 
Acer Negundo, variety 

Alsomitra sarcophylla 
Ascyrum crux andrae 
Aucnba japonica, variety 
*Aralia digitata 

Sieboldti, variety 

Azalea hybrida, variety: 
Triomphe de May- 

Souvenir de Perony 

Azalea hybrida, variety : 

viscosa, variety vit- 
tata punctata 
Aphelandra nitens 
Arenga Wightii 
Asparagus lucidus 
Arundina chinensis 
Amorphophallus variabilis 
Agave Americana, va- 
riety longifolia va- 
Butea superba 
Borago laxiflora 
*Billardiera scandens 
Begonia — 11 varieties 
Brucea Sumatrana 
Bouvardia flava 
Yan Houttei 
Bauhinia arborea 
Croton (Codiseum) New- 

^Croton maximum 

Caladium hybridum, 

Prince Albert Ed- 

Ceanothus divaricatus 
Clethra arborea 
* Calamus Australis 
Camellia hybrida, va- 
riety: — 

Triomphe de Loddi 
Souvenir Emile Du- 

Souvenir nova 

Reine des Fleurs 
Reine des Beiges 
Walders alba 
Leopold I. 
Mathotiana, v, alba 
centifolia, v. carnea 

Note.— The plants marked thus * have been re-introduced. 

t By referring to last year’s report it will be seen that 1,122 new species and 1,272 varieties of 
plants were added to the collection. 



Camellia hybrida, variety : 
centifolia, v. rosea 

Duchess of Buccleugh 
Mrs. Cope 
Due de Litta 
De la Heine 
Compacta alba 
Jenny Lind 
Temple of Venus 
Cornus paniculata 
Calycantlius horridus 
Cyrtanthus spiralis 
Clausena Whampee, va- 
riety : — 

“ Hung ” 

44 Ink Wat ” 

“ Pak Tong ” 

Clematis gentianoides 
Coburghia triebroma 
Crinum ornatum 
Campanula gracilis 
♦Canella alba 
Cinnamomum dulce 
Chondodendron tomento- 

Canna Fernandii 

Crassula mammillaris 
Celmesia longifolia 
Chilo glottis Gunnii 
Caesia vittata 
Cordyline Praserii 

Calyptrocalyx spicatus 
Diospyros Ivaki, variety: 
large fruited 
small red fruited 
Daphne laureola 
Dorstenia Reidiana 

♦Dammara Moore i 
Daunonorops Lewisiana 
♦Encephalartos (Macro- 
zamia) villosus 
♦Erythrina vespertilio 

♦Euonymus radicans, 
variety variegatus 
Prenela Endlicherii 
Ficus Parcellii 
Fuchsia corallina 

Forsythia sp. variegata 
Gymnostachya anceps 
♦Gillandina Bonduc 
Gloxina hybrida, variety :- 
Madame le Jeune 
Sir Chas. Mac Mahon 
Mrs. A. Chirnside 
Mrs. A. R. Wallis 
Emily Merritt 
Lady McCulloch 
Grace Archer 
Maggie Nind 
Gymnogramme Morti- 

* Galium Aparine 
Goodyera discolor 
Greviliea intricat a 
Gladiolus — 46 varieties 
Hake a rosea (?) 

Higginsia macrophylla 
Hyophorbe Verschaffeltii 
Harpullia pendula 
Hibiscus liliflorus 
Hymenanthera latifolia 
Hydrangea japonica, va- 
riety speciosa 
Jacaranda Clauseniana 
Kerria japonica, variety 
fl. pi. variegata 
Laurus Carolinianus 

Lotus paniculatus 
♦Lathyrus latifolius, va- 
viety albus 

Melianthus Schimpferii 
Myrsine coriacea 

Machaerium firmum 
Menimia (?) turgida 
Maranta arundinacea, va- 
riety alba 
Myrica rubra 
♦Myosotidium nobile 
Musa superba 
Microtis atrata 
Nephelium Litchii, va- 
riety : — 

“ Hung Si” 

“ Hass Tip” 

“ Kai Wat” 

“ Jak Ho Pou” 

“ Lan” 

“Kwa Took” 

“ Wai Chee” 

“ No Mai Chu” 
Nerine coruscans 
Oncoba spinosa 
Onobrychis paucidentatus 
Olearia viscosa 
Orthoceras strictum 
♦Pinus silaea 

Pentstemon hybridum, 
variety: — 


Surpasse Madame le 

♦Phoenix spinosa 
Poterium muricatum, va- 
riety lilacinum 
Ptychosperma rupicola 
Pogostemon Patchouly 
♦Pittosporum ferrugi- 

Pliajus hyacinthiflorus 

Kote,— T he plants marked thus * have been re-introduced. 



Pandanus pygma3us 
Pinanga ternatensis 
*Panax Colensoi 
Ptero'carya Caucasica 
Philadelphus coronarius, 
variety fl. aureus 
Passiflora macrocarpa 
Poinsettia pulcherrima, 
variety alba 
Pithecolobium Hender- 
*Picea grandis 
*Psoralea aculeata 

*Pleroma sarmentosa 
*Patersonia glauca 

Pisonia Sinclari 
Quercus salicina 

Retinospora pissifera, 
variety aurea 
Rhododendron corryanum 
Rliodomyrtus trineura 
Ranunculus oxyspermus 

*Rondeletia speciosa 
Randia Fitzalanii 
Rochea coccinea, variety 
*Sterculia Bidwilli 
Sabal Blackburniana 
Sapindus murata 
Salvia fulgens 

Stachys Balbissii 
Saponaria ocymoides 
Toxicophlasa spectabile 
Trachylobium Ilormanni- 

Tecoma hybrida 
Trapa bicornis 
Terminalia Muelleri 
Tlieophrasta imperialis 
Thysanotus tuberosus 
Vitex Loureri (?) 

Yitis cantonensis 
Veronica chamzedrys, 
variety aurea 
Wigandia Yigieri 
*Xanthochymus pictorius 

Note.— T he plants marked thus * have been re-introduced. 

I.— Medicinal Plants and Herbs. 

Botanical Name. Vernacular Name. 

Amni majus 
Anchusa officinalis 
Asparagus alba ... 
Aspidium filix-mas 
Asplenium filix-foemina 
Achillea millefolium 

Androssemum officinale 
Anthemis nobilis ... 
Atropa Belladonna 
Artemisia Absinthium 
Abrotanum ... 
Bupleurum fruticosum 
Ballata nigra 
Borago officinalis 

“ The Bishop’s-Weed.” 

“ The Alkanet,” or “ Spanish Bugloss.” 
“ The white Asparagus.” 

“ The male Fern.” 

“ The female Fern.” 

“ The common Milfoil,” or (i Yarrow.” 
“ The Noble Milfoil.” 

“ The Tutsan.” 

“ The Chamomile.” 

“ The deadly Nightshade.” 

“ The Wormwood.’’ 

“ The Roman Wormwood.” 

“ The Southern-wood,” or “ Oldman.” 

“ The schrubby Ilare’s-ear.” 
t( The foetid Ilorehound.” 

“ The common Borage.” 



Botanical Name. 

Vernacular Name. 

Borago orientale ... 



“ The Turkish Comfrey.” 

Berberis vulgaris ... 



“ Common Berberry.’’ 

Beta vulgaris 



“ The common Beet.” 

Carma indica 

. . . 


“ The Indian Shot.” 

Calendula officinalis 



“ The common Marigold.” 

Crassula Tetragona 



Cercis siliquastrum 



“ The Judas-tree.” 

Cistus ladantferus ... 



“ The gum Ladanum.” 

Cneorum tricoccnm 



“ The Widow-wail.” 

Conium maculatum 



“ The common Hemlock.” 

Crocus sativus 



“ The true Saffron.” 

Colchicum autumnale 



“ The meadow Saffron.” 

Cotyledon orbiculata 



“ The African Pennywort. ’ 

Chelidonium majus 



“ The common Celandine.” 

Digitalis purpurea 



“ The Foxglove.” 

Delphinium staphisagria 



“ The Stavesacre.” 

Datura Stramonium 

“ The Thorn-Apple,” 

Dorema assafoetida 

“ Assafoetida.” 

Dracocephalum Moldavicum 


“ The Dragon’s-Head.” 

Echium vulgare '... 


“ The Viper’s Bugloss.” 

Ecbalium agreste ... 

“ The squirting Cucumber.” 

Glycyrrhiza ecliinata 


“ The prickly Liquorice- root.” 

Geum urbanum ... 

“ The Clove-root.” 

Galega officinalis. . . 


“ The goat’s Rue.” 

Ilyoscyamus alb us 


“ The white Henbane.” 


“ The black Henbane.” 

Hyssopus officinalis 

“ Hyssop.” 

Hypericum perforatum 


“ St. John’s Wort.” 

Humulus Lupulus 



“ The common Hop.” 

Ilex cassine 


“ The Dahoon.” 

Juniperus communis 

“ The common Juniper.” 

Virginiana ... 

“ The red Pencil Cedar” or “ Savin” of 
North America. 



“ The Phoenician Savin.” 



“ The common Savin.” 

Jasminum officinarum 



“ The common Jasmine.” 




“ The naked-flowered Jasmine.” 

Lappa major 



“ The Burdock.” 

Lectuca virosa 



" The poison Lettuce.” 

Leonotis Leonurus 



“ The Lion’s-ear.” 

Lavandula Staechas 



“ French Lavender.” 

Linum usitatissimum 



“ The common Flax.” 

Mellissa officinalis 



“ The common Balm.” 

Mirabilis Jalapa 



“ The Marvel of Peru.” 

Menyanthes trifoliata 



“ The Buck” or “ Bog Bean.” 

Marrubium vulgare 



“ The common Horehound.” 



Botanical Name. 

Mentha viridis 
Malva crispa 
Nepeta cat aria 
Nymphsea alba ... 

Origanum vulgare 
Phytolacca octandra 

Polypodium vulgare 

Prunella vulgaris 

Prunus Lauro-Cerasus 
Py r ethrum Parthenium 
Poterium sanguisorba 
Physalis somnifera 
Papaver somniferum 
Ruta graveolens ... 

Ricinus communis 

Rhus Toxicodendron, variety radicans 
Ruscus aculeatus ... 

Rheum Emodi 
Sambucus nigra ... 

Satureja Thymbra 

Solanum Dulcamara 

Sedum Telephium 

Saponaria officinalis 
Spartium scoparium 
Salvia pratensis ... 

Scolopendrium vulgare 
Scilla maritima ... 

Taxodium distychum 
Tanace turn vulgare 
Tamarix gallica ... 

Teucreum marum 
betonicum ... 

Verbena officinalis 
Verbascum Thapsus 
V aleriana officinalis 

Vernacular Name. 

“ The Spearmint.” 

“ The Peppermint.” 

“ The Stagmint.” 

“ The curled Mallow.” 

“ The Catmint.” 

“ The white Water-Lily.” 

“ Common Marjoram.” 

“ Mexican Verbachina.” 

“ Virginian Poke-weed.” 

“ The common Polypody.” 

“ The Selfheal.” 

“ The common” or “ Cherry Laurel.” 

“ The Fever-few.” 

“ The lesser Burnet.” 

“ The Mexican winter Cherry.” 

“ The opium Poppy.” 

“ The common Rue.” 

“ Palma- chris ti,” or “ Castor Oil.” 

“ The poison Oak.” 

“ The Knee Holly” or “Butcher’s Broom,” 
“ The Indian Rhubarb” 

“ The common Elder.” 

“ The common Savory.” 

“ The winter Savory.” 

“ The woody Nightshade ” or “ Bitter- 

“ The Orpine,” or “ Livelong.” 

“ The reflexed Stone crop.” 

“ The Soap-wort.” 

“ The yellow Broom.” 

“ The Meadow Sage.” 

“ The Italian Sarsaparilla.” 

“ The Hart’s-tongue Fern.” 

“ The Squill.” 

“ The deciduous Cypress.” 

“ The common Tansy.” 

“ The French Tamarisk.” 

“ The cat Thyme.” 

“ The Betony.” 

“ The Holy-herb” or “Vervain,” 

“ The Shepherd’s Club.” 

“ The Valerian.” 




II. — Plants used for Dyeing, Tanning, Food, etc. 

Botanical Name. Vernacular Name. 

Alpinia nutans ... 
Anthurium ramosus 
Ailanthus glandulosus 

Anthemis tinctoria 
Agave Americana 

Boehmeria nivea ... 

Crithmum maritimum 
Capparis spinosa ... 
Carthamus tinctorius 
Cordylines of sorts 
Dioscorea Batatas 
Dipsacus Fullonum 
“ Folle Blanche ” 
Fourcroya gigantea 
Guizotia oleifera ... 
Isatis tinctoria 
Laurus nobilis 

Linum usitatissimum 
Madia sativa 
Myrtus Ugni 
Melilotus officinalis 
Olives of sorts 
Opuntia Tuna 
Pentzia virgata ... 
Psidium Cattleyanum 
Quillaya saponaria 
Quercus suber 

Rubia tinctoria ... 
Rhus coriaria 



Salix (Osiers) of sorts 
Sanseviera zeylanica , 
Thea bohea, var. Chinensis 

... “ The Nodding Alpinia.” 

... “ The branched Asphodel ” (fodder). 

... “ Chinese tree of Heaven” (food for 
Chinese Silkworm). 

... Dye plant. 

... “ The Toddy Lily” or “American Aloe” 
(fibre, brandy). 

... “The Rheea” or “Chinese Grass-cloth 
plant” (fibre). 

... “ The Samphire ” (pickle). 

... “ The Caper ” (pickle). 

... “ The Safflower” (Dye plant), 

... (Fibre.) 

... “ The Chinese Yam.” 

... “ The Fuller’s Teazel.” 

... “ Cognac Grape.” 

... “ The Giant Lily” (fibre). 

... “ The Ran-til Oil plant.” 

... “ The Dyer’s Woad.” 

... “ The Victor’s Laurel” or “Sweet Bay” 

... “ The common Hemp ” (fibre, &c.). 

... “ The Californian Oil plant.” 

... “ The Chilian Guava” (fruit). 

... “ The common Melilot” (fodder). 

... “ The blue Melilot ” (fodder). 

... (Oil, pickles, & c.) 

... “ The Cochineal Cactus.” 

... (Fodder plant.) 

... “ The purple Guava ” (fruit). 

... “ The Chilian Soap-bark ” (detergent). 

... “ The Cork Oak.” 

... “ The Silkworm Oak.” 

... “ The common Madder ” (dye). 

... “The tanning Sumach” (tanning and 

... “ The Venetian Sumach” (tanning). 

... “ The Virginian Sumach ” (tanning). 

... (Basket work.) 

... (Fibre.) 

... “ The Chinese Tea plant.” 

... “ The Assam Tea plant.” 




Acclimatisation Society, Melbourne (A. C. Le Souef, Esq.). Golden Pheasants 
for aviary. 

Adelaide Botanic Gardens (Dr. Schomburgk, Director). Quantity of seeds and 

Agriculture, Department of, Melbourne (A. R. Wallis, Esq.). Valuable seeds. 
Anderson, Colonel, South Yarra. Roller (wooden) ; also seeds and cuttings. 
Archer, W. H-, Hawthorn. Valuable plants and cuttings. 

Ardlie, W., Warrnambool. Seeds and plants. 

Baines, F., East Melbourne. Cuttings. 

Baker, F., Brighton. Bulbs. 

Balfour, Hon. J., Melbourne. Egyptian seeds. 

Banks, T., South Yarra. Miscellaneous bulbs, &c., in quantities. 

Barry, Sir Redmond, Philadelphia. Large collection valuable seeds. 

Berry, G. R., South Yarra. Seeds and plants. 

Biers, H., Melbourne. Indian seeds. 

Bleasdale, Dr., D.D., Melbourne. Seeds. 

Bowen, His Excellency Sir George, Melbourne. Valuable American and other 

Boyd and Currie, Melbourne. Ferns ; also large specimen plant. 

Boyle, D., Nunawading. Botanical specimens (dried). 

Bright, C., South Yarra. Miscellaneous plants. 

Brisbane Acclimatisation Society (L. A. Bernays, Esq.). Valuable ferns, palms, 
&c., in quantities. 

Brisbane Botanic Gardens (W. Hill, Esq., Director). Valuable ferns, palms, & c., 
in quantities. 

Brown, Lindsay, Goorawadda, Murray River. Plants. 

Bruce, A., South Yarra. Seeds. 

Brunning, G., Nurseryman, St. Kilda. Valuable plants, &c., in quantities. 

Bull, W., Plant Merchant, Chelsea, London. Choice seeds. 

Cairns, His Excellency W. W., Queensland. Quantity of ferns, 

Campbell, Miss C., Melbourne. Quantity cuttings. 

Carter, W., Emerald Hill. Valuable plants. 

Casey, Hon. J. J., St. Kilda. Valuable plants and seeds. 

Castlemaine Botanic Gardens (P. Doran, Esq.). Choice plants of medicinal value. 
Chicago Botanic Gardens (H. P. Babcock, Esq., Director). American seeds in 

Chirnside, A., Werribee. Specimen plant; also seeds. 

Christchurch Government Gardens (J. Armstrong, Esq.). New Zealand plants. 
Colonial Secretary, West Australia. Valuable seeds in quantities. 

Cooper, R., South Yarra. Seeds from Portugal. 

Corbett, E., Cape Town, South Africa. Valuable seeds. 

Cowan, Miss, Melbourne. Indian seeds. 

Cox, Dr., Sydney. Seeds and plants. 

Craft, C., Gippsland. Seeds. 



Crofts, Miss L., Sandhurst. Seeds. 

Curcier and Adet, Melbourne. Miscellaneous plants ; also free freight on con- 

Curl, S. M., M.D., Wellington, New Zealand. Seeds. 

Dali, W., South Yarra. Seeds and plants. 

Daly, W. J., Melbourne. Plants. 

Douglass, A., Geelong. Quantity select bulbs. 

Douglass, G., South Yarra. Specimen plant. 

Duncan, W., Malvern. Valuable seeds. 

Dunne, J., Mackay, Buller River, Queensland. Choice seeds. 

Eaves, S. H., Brisbane, Queensland. Ferns and other plants. 

Edwards, J., Melbourne. West Australian seeds. 

Elkington, Professor J., M.A., University, Melbourne. Valuable seeds, bulbs, &c. 
Exhibition Commissioners, Melbourne (G. C. Levey, Esq.). Ferns and other choice 

Fairfax, W., Warrnambool. Valuable seeds. 

Farnsworth, J., Portsea. West Australian seeds and Victorian fern trees. 
Ferguson, W., Macedon. Tree ferns and other plants in quantities. 

Fitzroy Gardens (N. M. Bickford, Esq). Plants and cuttings. 

Fletcher, D., Sydney. Large and valuable palms. 

Fletcher, A., Emerald Hill. Plants and seeds. 

Ford, R. D., Melbourne. Seeds. 

French, C., South Yarra. Native ferns, seeds, &c. 

Geelong Botanic Gardens (J. Raddenberry, Esq., Curator). Valuable plants. 

Gill, Edwin, South Yarra. Seeds and plants. 

Glass, C. C., Melbourne. Canadian seeds. 

Glenn, C., Entally, Tasmania. Seeds in quantities. 

Godber, C., Wellington, New Zealand. Seeds. 

Goldie, A., Queensland. Cycas stems from New Guinea. 

Goldstein, T. R. Y., Warrnambool. Ferns, cuttings, and valuable seeds. 

Gordon, T. D., Customs, Melbourne. Valuable seeds and plants. 

Graham, J., Nurseryman, Sydney. Select plants. 

Greig, J., Toorak. Seeds and cuttings of choice plants. 

Grieve, J., South Melbourne. Plants. 

Groom, Mrs. F., Tasmania. Plants and seeds. 

Grover, Mrs. J., Melbourne. Seeds. 

Guilfoyle, J., Tweed River, New South Wales. Valuable seeds and plants in 

Guilfoyle, M., Brisbane. Valuable plants. 

Gull, Mrs. A. E., Guildford, West Australia. Valuable palms and seeds. 

Hackett, J. W., M.A., Trinity College, Melbourne. Fern spores. 

Halberstaedter, A., Mount Brewer, Queensland. Seeds, plants, &c., in quantities. 
Hannecke, C. F., Rangetiki, New Zealand. Plants and seeds. 

Harding, J., Mount Vernon, New Zealand. Seeds in quantities. 

Harris, J., Nurseryman, South Yarra. Plants and cuttings. 

Hartmann, C. H., Toowoomba, Queensland. Valuable seeds. 

Henderson, Mrs. E., Emerald hill. Seeds and cuttings. 



Henderson, J. A,, Ballina, N.S.W. Seeds. 

Henderson, W., Sydney. Kangaroo ; also valuable plants. 

Henty, E., St. Kilda. Plants and cuttings. 

Heyne, E. B., Seedsman, Adelaide. Valuable seeds and bulbs in quantities. 

Hider, E., Warrnambool. Specimen plant. 

Hobart Town Botanic Garden (F. Abbott, Esq.,' Director). Quantity of valuable 
plants, Sphagnum Moss, &c. 

Ilodgkinson, Mrs. C., East Melbourne. Seeds. 

Hong Kong Botanic Garden (C. Ford., Esq, Director). Select plants and seeds, 
Horrell, C., Prahran. Plants from Java. 

Hossack, A. G., Fernshawe. Native grasses. 

Huber and Co., Hyeres, (Var) France. Valuable seeds. 

Innes, Hon. F., Tasmania. Valuable plants. 

Inwood, W., Oriental Bank, Melbourne. Seeds. 

Jarrett, W. PI., South Yarra. Select plants. 

Jeffreys, J., Geelong. Select ferns, cuttings, &c. 

Johnson, B. and S., Nurserymen, Richmond. Miscellaneous plants in quantities. 
Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, London (Dr. J. D. Hooker, Director). Valuable 
and select plants (per favor T. D. Gordon, H.M.C., Melbourne) ; also choice 
seeds, &c., on many occasions. 

Kilner, F., Rockhampton, Queensland. Valuable seeds in quantities. 

Lahore, Agri-IPorticultural Society of. Indian seeds. 

Lang, T., and Co., Seed Merchants, Melbourne. Select bulbs, &c., in quantities. 
Law', Somner, and Co. Quantity bulbs. 

Le Jeune, P., Fiji. Valuable collection plants and seeds from Fiji. 

Long, Sergeant A., South Yarra. Seeds. 

Lowe, R., South Yarra. Zamia seeds. 

Lucas, R., Colac. Large tree fern and other miscellaneous ferns, dried 
specimens, &c. 

Mansfield, J., Porepunkah, Victoria. Native plants. 

McCulloch, Lady, St. Kilda. Valuable plants. 

McDermott, F. S., Newcastle, N.S.W. Valuable palms. 

McDonald, M., Melbourne. Miscellaneous plants. 

McDonald, A. C., South Yarra. Quantity ferns. 

Merrett, S. H., Malvern. Quantity seedlings. 

Miller, F. B., Kew, Melbourne. Valuable seeds. 

Miller, G. G., Moyston. Seedlings and seeds of native plants in quantities. 

Miller, Hon. H. (per his gardener, H. Boyce), Kew, Melbourne. Several large 
and valuable specimen plants. 

Miller and Sievers, Seed Merchants, San Francisco. Miscellaneous and select 
seeds in quantities. 

Mitchell, R. S., Ballarat. Seeds of medicinal plants, &c. 

Marris, E., Milan, Italy. Valuable seeds. 

Mueller, Baron von., Government Botanist, Melbourne. Valuable seeds. 

Murray, W., Melbourne. Plants. 

Natal Botanic Garden (W. Keit, Esq., Director). South African seeds and plants. 
Nernst, J,, Port Mackay, Queensland. Quantity of seeds. 

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