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(CONGRIDE C Aacm ee ue UE a FULL Na. vM p ER, nimm, AU rpm. n . RU 
PricvPhzrDa qal nM ERS 4A. . i4. LM. EIE. SL op ud t ea. ERO 

List of Species of SvnPHIDJE and Coworrp described by other Authors since the publication. 
of Prof. Williston's work, concluded in May 182 . . . . . . . . . . . .. 89 

Tudexdo.VolsEMIETLE G4 c 5. E. St nV. vhs 9A. now p TOS 





Tuis Volume includes the enumeration of the Families Syrphidze, Conopidz, Pipuncu- 
lide, and Platypezide, contributed by Prof. S. W. Williston, the date of publication 
of his work extending from December 1891 to May 1892, the closing-up of the subject 
having been deferred till Vol. II. was completed. As with the preceding Volumes, a 
list of the species described from Mexico or Central America by other authors during 
the progress of the work is appended, this list including only such as have been 
recorded since 1891. "These have been mainly contributed by Dr. Giglio-Tos; and 
as the date of publication of his paper is later by one month than that of the 
final instalment of Prof. Williston's, the last-mentioned has priority in every case 
where the same species has been described by both authors. "The two coloured 
Plates of Syrphidz and Conopidze have been prepared by Mr. Wilson, of Cambridge, 
from drawings made by Van der Wulp. 

August. 1905, 


— — — M —À— — M ——M— À——À 


Mixogaster bellula, d 

* o9 9 9*9 » *" * * » 6 » * c» o3 o n 

Miecrodon aurifex, d 

€ 9 9 9 9 9 c. 9 3 5$ c * 5 1 » 9 | 

——— niger, d 

Chilosia chrysochlamys, 9 

Melanostoma crenulatum, 9 

e o9 9 9 ve 9. . 9? 

Syrpnhus diversus, 9 

Didea coquilletti, $ 

Baccha rubida, d 

dolosa, d 

9*9 9 * e» *$ à * * * à v» à 9 a 5 5 9 s » * à 

s?enea, d 

$9 9 * €» 9 c 9 à € à * à » c3 * 9 ? . s 9 8 

Myiolepta auricaudata, d 

€ 9 9 » e * * * 5» v» e y 9 9 

o9 9 c» à * 6 * $6 9 vo » o 9 e» 6 

Volucella quadrata, 9 

fraudulenta, 9 

w € à * o » * * 9 5» o» v» * » 9 9 5 * 

opinator, 9 

9 9 9 9 9 9 à» 0 » 9 » 9 * *» t * v» v ? t 

chsetophora, d 

Plate. | Fig.| Page. 
| | Ophromyia nasica, d^ ..........ssssn. 
I H l 
| Copestylum limbipenne, 9 ............ 
I 9 2 | | 
Eristalisciree, d^ ......... ee eeeeee. 
T, 3 4 | 
USE ll. teh baisses e sued tenant f 
I 4 8 | 2 
|—— smulus, d. ......eeeeeeee e ees 
I. 5| 12 | 
| —— minutalis, 9... esee ess. 
I | 64, 16 . 
| Mallota margarita, 9 ..........ssuu.n. 
I 9| 19 | 
| gnsitlie 9 ursa hse i aIROduY. 
]- 8| 34 | 
| Xylota pauxilla, d^ ............eesesn 
I 71,91 | 
Ceriogaster auricaudata, 9. .........Lu. 
I 10| 37 | 
| Milesia pulehra, d^ ...........lseses. 
I 11 40 | 
Üeriicomeadeén nuce LRL be oaa 
I 12| 46 
I 13] 48 | 
I | 14 5l | Physocephala carbonaria, 9 ............ 
15| 52 | Zodion aurieaudatum, 9 .............. 




14 | 






Fam. SYRPHIDE*.  — dz — ir 

Mivogaster, Macquart, Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 14 (1842). 


1. Mixogaster mexicana. j 
Mivogaster mexicanus, Macq. Dipt. Exot. 1* Suppl. p. 123, t. 10. f. 15 ". 

Hab. Mzxico!, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet, Chilpancingo 4600 feet (H. H. 

Five specimens. Easily distinguished from J/. conopsoides by the shorter antenne, 
which are not much longer than the front, 

2. Mixogaster bellula, sp. n, s. (Tab. lI. figg. 1,2; lc, head in profile ; 

15, head seen from in front.) 

Face reddish-yellow, with a median blaek stripe and light yellow pile. Antenne longer than the face; first 
joint slender, black, yellow atthe base; second and third joints ashy-black ; third joint thickened, spindle- 
shaped. Least width of front equal to about half the distance from the foremost ocellus to the base of the 
antennsz ; front, below the constriction, black, not shining, with yellow pile, above forming a large, bare, 
shining black tubercle. Eyes bare. "Thorax opaque black; the dorsum of the scutellum, and a narrow, 
broadly interrupted band on the mesonotum, extending on the pleure, clothed with golden-yellow, 
appressed pile. Abdomen opaque black ; second segment with two long, narrow, yellowish-white stripes, 
which are separated from each other and from the làteral margins by a slender black space ; third segment 
with a narrow, golden-yellow-pilose posterior band; fourth segment broadly, triangularly, sparsely yellow- 
pilose behind. Legs dark brown, the base of all the tibiz light yellow; hind tarsi elongate and dilated. 
Wings nearly hyaline; base of the marginal cell and a cloud along the third vein brown; no stump on 

* Dy S. W. WirrrsroN. 
BIOL. CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. IIL., December 1891. b 


the fourth vein; a stump on the penultimate section of the third vein; last section of fourth vein not 
angulated or broken. 
Length 10 millim. 

Hab. Mzxico, La Venta in Guerrero 300 feet [4 H. Smith). 

One specimen. 
The present species is in all respects a Microdon with a pedicellate abdomen, though 

a true JMéxogaster. 
Microdon, Meigen, in Illiger's Magazin, ii. p. 275 (1803). 
Aphritis, Latreille, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins. xiv. p. 358 (1805). 
Ceratophya, Wiedemann, Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 79 (1830). 
Dimeraspis, Newman, Ent. Mag. v. p. 372 (1838). 

Mesophila, Walker, List Diptera, iv. p. 1157 (1849). 

Ubristes, Walker, Ins. Saunders., Diptera, p. 217 (1856). 

eno. —ÉWyopsis of the Central- American species. 


1. Seutellum with distinct points o^ spines . . . . . . 
Scutellum rounded or emargirate, without points or spines; 


small species m Rr TELE" 
. Large, resplendent green, siolei and. coppery species; spines of 

seutellum remote ; legs without yellow ; wings withoutclouds. aurifer, Wiedem. 
Not such species; spines of scutellum approximate . . . 3. 
3. Deep opaque black, elongate species; wings black, with dhé 
extremniy.yelóows M [583 . wena V. I . si niger, sp. n. 
Smaller, more or less metalhe species. . TD RETE 
4. Slender species; wings fasciate; antenn:z short : o rem . baltpterus, Loew. 
Moderately elongate species; antennz not unusually short; 
wings notfasciate . . . 0s s. s. 5. . Pgracilis, Bigot. 
9. Legs black ; abdomen broad and flattened . EL, AR. 6G. 
Legs selfoie: hind tibize dilated and ciliated ; abdomen dig ish- 
red; wings hyaline . . . 008 0. s. 5» Bp. (no. 5). 
6. "Third joint of antennz large, loni, falcate M. e . . falcatus, Willst. 

Third joint of antennz; not markedly enlarged at the bas: . . Sp. (no. 6). 

1. Microdon aurifex. (Tab. I. fige. 2, & ; 2 a, head.) 

Microdon aurifev, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. às. i 1. p. 85'; Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, 
p. 9*5. 

Aphritis aurifev, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 11, t. 2. £. 9 *, 

Microdon trochilus, Walker, Ins. Saunders., Dipt. p. 216 *. 

? Microdon, sp., Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 258. 

lab. Mxxico *, Omilteme 8000 feet, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, Cuernavaca (H. H. 
Smith), Ysthmus of Tehuantepec ?.— Bnazir ! ?, Pará 3, 

* Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 31 (1886), 


The specimens captured by Mr. Smith, all of which are males, agree with the one 
described by me from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; I would amend the description of 
that, however, by calling only the tarsi black, and the femora and tibie deep blue. In 
all the examples before me the posterior part of the abdomen is coppery-red: in three 
of them strongly so. In the specimen with the less cupreous abdomen the thorax is 
of a deep purple colour. Wiedemann's description does not apply quite so well as that 
of Macquart. There are either a number of closely allied species or well-marked 
varieties of the same species, and some doubt of the identity must remain till specimens 
quite alike are compared from Brazil and Central America. "Whether the example 
from Brazil with yellow tibie mentioned by me? is of this species, I am, after com- 
parison of the specimens, unable to say. It is quite certain that this is Walker's 
M. trochilus. 

2. Microdon gracilis. 
- Microdon gracile, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 320 '. 

Hab. Mxxico !, Orizaba (H. H. Smith and F. D. Godman). 

Bigot's inadequate description will not permit any certainty in the determination, 
but it seems not impossible that the single specimen before me belongs to this species. 
There is a discrepancy between the diagnosis and description, as regards the anteunsz. 
Our specimen has the antenne elongate, black; the face with light yellow pile above 
and on the sides; the front with black pile, and its least width (male) scarcely less 
than the distance from the foremost ocellus to the antennz. The scutellum has two: 
stout, moderately approximated, spines. "The femora, and terminal joints of the tarsi, 
are black. "The wings have the cross-veins narrowly clouded, but I do not see ** deux 
petites macules diffuses, brunátres, au bord externe." 

3. Microdon baliopterus. 
Microdon baliopterus, Loew, Centur. x. no. 56, in Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 1872, p. 86'; Willist. 
Synopsis N.-AÀm. Syrphidi, p. 5, t. 1. £. 2. 
Hab. UwrrED STATES, Texas ! ?,.—M gxico, Amula in Guerrero 6000 feet, Teapa in 
"Tabasco (JH. H. Smith), Temax in Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). 

The antennze vary in colour from red to black, and the tip of the abdomen is more 
or less reddish. 

4. Microdon faleatus. 
Microdon falcatus, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphid:e, p. 9 '. 
Hab. Mzxico, Tierra Colorada in Guerrero 2000 feet (ZU. H. Smith), Isthmus of 
Tehuantepec !. 

I am not able to compare the type-specimen, and cannot say with certainty that my 
b 2 


determination is correct, inasmuch as the abdomen is nearly black, save upon the 
margins, and not ** red or brownish-red." "The mesonotum, moreover, has the ** coale- 
scent stripes" united. The Guerrero example agrees with the description otherwise, 
and especially does it agree with my recollection of the antenne, which have a peculiar 
basal dilatation of the third joint. The scutellum is nearly triangular. 

5. Microdon —? 
Hab. PANAMA, Taboga Island (Champion). 

A single male specimen, without head. "The mesonotum is reddish-yellow, with a 
black disc, the moderately elongate abdomen red, the legs yellow, with the tip of the 
hind tibi: and the hind tarsi, in part, brownish ; the hind tibi: are dilated and ciliated. 
The wings are small and nearly hyaline. It may belong to the species mentioned by 
me in my Synopsis, p. 8. 

6. Microdon — 
Hab. GuATEMALA, San Gerónimo (Champion). 

A female specimen, which resembles structurally M. faleatus; but it has the third 
antennal joint regular, and the scutellum less triangular in shape, the emargination 
more distinct. "The colour is light translucent yellow, the antennze and legs black ; 
the wings are strongly pubescent, and ihe mesonotum has three coalescent black 

7. Microdon niger, sp.n., s. (Tab.I.figg. 3, 8 ; 3, head.) 

Face rusty-black, with rusty and white pile, not at allshining; front black, not shining, except about the 
antennz, its least width about four-fifths of the distance from the foremost ocellus to the antenns. 
Antenne black, the first joint slightly reddish ; elongate, slender, the third joint cylindrical, and a little 
longer than the first two joints together. Eyes bare. Thorax and abdomen deep, opaque, brownish- 
black, finely roughened, bare. Scutellum with two rather small points. Abdomen narrowed, elongate, 
the second segment the widest, thence gently tapering; fourth segment about as long as the first three 
segments together, PPleurz: and the stout legs deep brown. Wings dark blackish-brown; the distal 
fourth yellowish-white, with light-coloured veins, the extreme tip clouded ; terminal section of the fourth 
vein and the posterior cross-vein without stumps. 

Length 14 millim., of the antenn:e 32 millim. 

Hab. Mxico, Panima in Vera Paz (Champion). 
One specimen. This species, like its congener JM. mirabilis, Willist., is remarkable 

for its black and light yellow wings. It is not impossible that, as in JM. mirabilis, the 
two sexes may differ in the wing-markings. 


Chrysotozywn, Meigen, in Illiger's Magazin, ii. p. 275 (1809). 

1. Ohrysotoxum integre. 
CAhrysotovum integre, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphid:, p. 16 '. 

Hab. UxrrED SrATES, Arizona !.—Mzxr1co, Northern Sonora (Morrison). 

Two specimens from Sonora, male and female, agree with the description ; the black 
of the fifth abdominal segment is perhaps better described as forming an elongate 
V-shaped mark. | 

2. Chrysotoxum —"? 
Hab. Mzxico, Xucumanatlan in Guerrero 7000 feet (IH. H. Smith). 

A single female specimen differs from C. integre in having the first two joints of the 
antenng somewhat more elongate, the pile of the abdomen posteriorly longer and 
denser, the abdomen itself narrower, and with slender and more V-shaped bands; the 
coalescence of the hind band of the fourth segment with the yellow in front at the 
middle; and the black of the fifth segment forming two slender, straight, convergent 

3. Chrysotoxum ——? 
Hab. Mzxico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (H. H. Smith). 

Two specimens, male and female, possibly referable to C. laterale, Loew, described 
from Nebraska. I have never been sure of the identification of Loew's species, and am 
less so here. "The first joint of the antenns is longer than the second, the white 
vittule of the thorax are not conspicuous, and only the first abdominal fascia is 
interrupted ; the black of the fifth abdominal segment forms an inverted V, not a Y. 
From C. ypsilon, Willist., it may be distinguished by the less divergent rami of the 
black of the fifth abdominal segment. 

Paragus, Latreille, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins. xiv. p. 359 (1805). 

1. Paragus dimidiatus. 
Paragus dimidiatus, Loew, Centur. iv. no. 69, in Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 1863, p. 308'; Willist. 

Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 20 (translation). 
Hab. Uxrrgp SvavEs, District of Columbia !.—MExrco, Northern Sonora (Morrison), 
Ciudad in Durango 8100 feet (Forrer), Amula in Guerrero 6000 feet (ZZ. H. Smith). 

"Three specimens, agreeing well with Loew's description of P. dimidiatus ; itis perhaps 

not really distinct from P. tibialis. 



Nausigaster, Williston, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xi. p. 33 (1883) ; Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidze, p. 21 

1. Nausigaster punctulata. 
JNausigaster punctulata, Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc, xi. p. 34, t. 2. f£. 15", & xv. p. 259"; 
Synopsis N.-Àm. Syrphidz, p. 21, t. 1. figg. 10, 10a *. 

Hab. UwrrEeD STATES, California?, New Mexico! ?.— MExico?, Isthmus of Tehuan- 
tepec ?». —BRAzIL, Chapada ?. 

I have seen but a single specimen of this insect from Central America, the one 
mentioned in my Synopsis, p. 22, and this differs very much in the markings of the 
wings from the typical ones from the United States. "The example from Brazil, 
examined by me, is quite like the Central-American one, and I am, more than ever, of 
the opinion that the form is distinct from the more northern one. 

Pipiza, Fallén, Dipt. Svec., Syrph. p. 58 (1816). 
Heringia, Rondani, Dipt. Ital. Prodr. i. p. 53 (1856). 
Pipizella, Rondani, Dipt. Ital. Prodr. ii. p. 185 (1857). 
Cnemodon, Egger, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xv. p. 573 (1865). 
Penium, Philippi, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xv. p. 741 (1805). 

1. Pipiza (Heringia) ? 

Antenns reddish-black, the first joint yellow. Face shining greenish-black, with yellowish pile. Frontal 
triangle on the upper part opaque black, with erect black pil; below like the face. Eyes black-pilose. 
Mesonotum brownish or bronze-black, but little shining, with yellowish pile. Abdomen opaque black, 
shining metallie on the sides; pile very short. Legs black ; first two joints of the four anterior tarsi and 
the tip of the hind metatarsi and the two following joints light yellow ; hind metatarsi thickened ; 
hind femora with long white pile; hind tibisz densely black-ciliate behind. Wings subhyaline, the 
stigma yellow. 

Length 6 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Xucumanatlan in Guerrero 7000 feet (H. H. SmitA). 

One specimen. 

This species is very similar in structure to P. pulchella, Willist., Synopsis N.-Am. 
Syrphide, p. 29, t. 2. fige. 1, 1a, 15. The ultimate section of the four 
not broken, and there is no groove at the tip of the scutellum. 
moreover, terminates distinctly beyond the anterior cross-vein. 

th vein is bent, 
The auxiliary vein, 

2. Pipiza (Pipizella) bellula, sp. n., «. 
Antenns elongate ; wings with a brownish spot, the last section of the fourth vein nearly straight ; 
Eyes light-pilose. Frontal triangle shining metallie black, with erect black ; 
black pile, in profile with a slight convexity above the middle. 

legs black. 
pile; face shining black, with 
Antennie black; third joint fully twice 


as long as wide, shorter than the first two joints together. Mesonotum and scutellum shining bronze- 
black, with light-eoloured pile; seutellum with a slender groove before its tip. Abdomen shining 
bronze, rather thickly yellow-pilose; second segment, except the sides, and a large spot on the third, 
opaque black. Legs black, all the femora more or less shining metallic above; pile white; the artieula- 
tions of the tarsi somewhat reddish. Wings broadly clouded distally ; a large, diffuse, brownish spot in 
the middle; posterior cross-vein and the last section of the fourth vein oblique, nearly straight. 

Length 8 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Xucumanatlan in Guerrero 7000 feet (H. H. Smith). 

Three specimens. 
This species is a Prpizella in its narrowest sense, that is, it has the auxiliary vein 
terminating before the anterior cross-vein. 

Chrysogaster, Meigen, in Illiger's Magazin, ii. p. 274 (1803). 
Orthonevra, Maequart, Hist. Nat. Ins., Dipt. (Suites à Buffon), i. p. 563 (1834). 
Campeneura, Rondani, Dipt. Ital. Prodr. ii. p. 163 (1857). 
Cryptineura, Bigot, Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1859, p. 308. 

1. Chrysogaster nitida. 
Chrysogaster nitidus, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 116 '. 
Orthoneura nitida, Schimer, Reise der Novara, Dipt. p. 368 *. 
Chrysogaster nitida, Wilhst. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphid:e, p. 35, t. 2. figg. 7, 7a, 
Cryptineura hieroglyphica, Bigot, Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1859, p. 308 *. 
Orthoneura hieroglyphica, Loew, Centur. iv. no. 58, nota, in Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 1863, p. 306 *. 
Hab. Nomru AwERICA !, New England ?, Pennsylvania ?, Virginia ?, South Carolina ?, 
Kansas?, New Orleans*. — Mzxico, Amula, Vera Cruz (H. H. Smith). — SovrH 

Two specimens from Mexico, agreeing in all respects with others from the eastern 
United States. 

2. Ohrysogaster bellula. 
Chrysogaster bellulus, Willist. 'Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. xx. p. 304. 
Chrysogaster bellula, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidsze, p. 36, t. 2. figg. 6, 6 a. 
Hab. UwrrED SrATES, Washington ?, California ! 2, Colorado ! 2.—M zxrco, Ciudad in 
Durango 8100 feet (Forrer), Patzcuaro (F. D. Godman). 

This species may be easily confounded with C. nitida. In addition to the differences 
in the length of the second antennal joint, and in the facial profile, there is a distinctive 
character to be found in the markings of the eye. In C. wifida the lines are laby- 
rinthine above as well as below the subhorizontal line; in C. bellula, on the contrary, 
the two lines running to the orbital margin are parallel and only gently curved. 



Cheilosia, Meigen, Syst. Beschr. iii. p. 296 (1822). 
Cartosyrphus, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 230. 

Synopsis of the Central- American species. 

l. Eyes haüry . . . . 1*;47, 99 mem Y E, 
Eyes bare |. c» E Lào Ars. 9 qa do d wa $oA&j R04. 40S 

2. Shining bronze, with abundant golden pile. . . . . . . . chrysochlamys, sp. n. 
Shining green, with sparse, lighter ple . . . . . . . . . sSororia, sp. n. 

3. Mesonotum shining blaok . . . . . . . . . . . . . sororcula, sp. n. 
Mesonotum and abdomen opaque black. . . . . . . . . frontosa, Bigot. 

1. Chilosia chrysochlamys, sp.n. s 9. (Tab.I. figg. 4, €; 4a, head.) 

Male. Eyes with long, light pile, broadly contiguous. Frontal triangle not swollen, thinly pollinose, and 
with yellow pile and a slender median groove. Antenns red, the firsb two joints darker; third joint 
rounded, notlarge; arista black, bare. Face shining black, bare, save on the outer side of the well- 
marked lateral grooves; whitish-pollinose above and on the orbits; in profile, the well-developed tubercle 
not projecting beyond the base of the antenne.  Mesonotum shining bronze, with long, reddish-yellow 
pile. Scutellum similarly coloured and pilose; without bristles. Abdomen shining bronze, like the 
mesonotum; first segment subshining green; second segment, except the sides and narrow hind margin, 
opaque black; third segment with a large opaque triangle; pile long, abundant (especially posteriorly), 
semi-recumbent, golden-yellow ; on the sides in front white. Venter subshining, black, with yellowish 
hind margins to the segments ; pile white and light yellowish.  Tegule white,light yellow-ciliate. Legs 
black, white-pilose ; base and tip of all the tibie, and the articulations of the anterior tarsi more or less 
red. Wings tinged with yellowish and brownish. 

Female. Front subshining, with lateral grooves and yellow pile; third joint of antenns a little larger, sub- 
quadrate; facial.tuberele more prominent. Abdomen more oval, wholly shining bronze, except the first 

segment; and with abundant, recumbent, golden pile, as in the male. 
Length 12 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Omilteme 8000 feet, Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas 9500 feet, both 
in Guerrero (H. H. SmitA). 

Five specimens. 

The only North-American species with which this may be confounded is C. /asi- 
ophthalma, Willist., from which the facial profile, opacity of the male abdomen, and the 
long yellow abdominal pile will at once distinguish it. 

2. Chilosia sororia, sp. n., 9. 

Eyes clothed with a short, sparse pile. Front shining metallic, yellowish-pollinose and with yellowish pile: 
a distinct groove on either side. Antennse red; arista black, bare. Face shining black, bare, save on 
the narrow orbits; whitish-pollinose above ; in profile with a strongly protuberant tubercle projecting 
beyond the base of the antenne. — Mesonotum shining metallic green, with bronze reflections ; pile short, 
sparse, yellowish. Seutellum without bristles. Pleure with white pile. Abdomen shining metallic, 
with yellowish or whitish pile. Legs with white pile; femora, except the tips, black; for the rest the 
legs are yellowish-red, except the tips of the tarsi, which are somewhat blackish. 
slightly yellowish-, hyaline. 

Length 8-9 millim. 

Wings greyish-, or 


Hab. Mxxico, Ciudad in Durango 8100 feet ( Forrer). 

Two specimens. 

This species is distinguishable from C. pefulca, Willist., by the absence of. bristles 
on the scutellum ; from C. baroni, Willist., by the red antenne and metallic coloration ; 
from C. occidentalis, Willist., and C. Aoodiensis, Bigot, by the light-coloured pile of the 
mesonotum ; and from C. /asiophthalma, Willist., by the facial profile. 

3. Chilosia sororcula, sp. n., «. 

Eyes bare. Frontal triangle not swollen, shining black, with an impressed line and black pile. Antenns red; 
third joint rounded, not large; arista pubescent. Face shining black, bare, save on the narrow orbits ; 
whitish-pollinose, very thinly below, more thickly near the antenns; facialtubercle not more protuberant 
than the antennal tubercle. Mesonotum and scutellum deep shining black, with abundant black pile ; 
the margin of the seutellum with longer hairs, scarcely differentiated as bristles ; pleure with white pile. 
Abdomen shining, somewhat metallie, black, with white and dusky pile; second segment, except the 
small front angles and the narrow hind margin, and the third segment, save a large, triangular lateral 
spot and the narrow hind margin, opaque black. Legs black, with white pile; the tibie and the four 
anterior tarsi largely luteous-yellow. — Wings greyish- or yellowish-hyaline; stigma pale yellow. 

Length 6-9 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Omilteme 8000 feet, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, Sierra de las Aguas 
Escondidas 7000 feet, all in Guerrero (H. H. SmitA). 

This species may be easily distinguished from all other known American Chilosic ; 
it is nearest related to C. versipellis, Willist. 

4. Chilosia frontosa. 
Cartosyrphus frontosus, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 553 '. 

Hab. Mxxico !*. 

Melanostoma, Schiner, Wien. ent. Monatschr. iv. p. 213 (1860). 

Synopsis of the recognized Central- American species. 

l. Tibiz of the males on the outer side with long hairs ; pollen of 
the face with the ground-colour showing through in dots 

Origpplémat was nsns 2€1ké £e da de 4 QA Au onm A 
Tibiz of the males without such hairs or bristles; pollen of 
the face not dotted or rippled e Rr eu ov. OR 
3. Face moderately projecting below, in profile distinctly receding 
below thetubercle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . stegnum, Say. 
Face markedly projecting below, not receding below the 
tubercle . . . . . 5... 5... . . . . . . fenestratun, Macq. 
3. Abdomen with yellow or yellowish markings . . . . . . 4 

BIOL. CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. III., December 1891. . C 

10 : DIPTERA. 

Abdomen without yellow markings; face in the middle with 
three or four parallel, transverse, delicate grooves. . - 7. 
4. Large species; abdomen oval, with four yellow spots in the 
male, and two smaller additional ones inthe female . . . bwcephalus, Wiedem. Xew denobug 

Species of smaller or ordinary size and elongate form . . . 9. 
5. Antennz elongated and separated at their base... - -* catabombum, sp. n. 
Antenns short, the first joint not so long as the second ; an- 
tennz more nearly contiguous at their base .. . . . « - 6. " 
6. Face lightly and uniformly pollinose . mellinum, Linn; 

Face, on the sides and the lower part of the front, covered with 

dense yellow pollen . . . . ? pruinosum, Bigot. 

7. Antenna black; abdomen mostly opaque black. . . . . meélanocerum, sp. n. 
Antennzi more or less yellowish ; abdomen largely shining  . 8. 
8. First joint of the antenn:x not longer than the second. . . rugosonasus, Sp. n. 

First joint of the antenne as long as the other two joints 
together; wings with narrow brown clouds on the cross- 

VéllK 5 3 eo. 4 0» 0 depe Aoce o5» e 4 cCOKelalum, Spr n. 

1. Melanostoma stegnum. 

Syrphus stegnus, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. vi. p. 163 '; Complete Writings, ii. p. 358. 

Melanostoma tigrina, Osten Sacken, Western Dipt., in Bull. U.S. Geol. & Geogr. Survey, ii. 
p. 933". 

Melanostoma tigrinum, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 47, t. 3.1.8*. 

Hah. UxrrgD SrATES, Washington ?, California??, Colorado?, Kansas, Arizona ?.— 
Mzxico !, Omilteme 8000 feet, Amula 6000 feet, Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas 7000 
feet, all in Guerrero (Z. ZI. Smith), Ciudad in Durango 8100 feet (.Forrer), Orizaba 
(H. H. Smith and F. D. Godman). 

Numerous examples. The males agree quite with specimens from the United 
States. The female, hitherto unknown, has the front broad above, pollinose, except on 
the upper part, and with black pile; the thorax more shining metallic blue; the 
tibie yellow; and on both the third and fourth abdominal segments there is a 
narrow shining stripe, bisecting the black, as in the fourth segment of the male. The 
male has some long black hairs on the outer side of the front and middle tibiz, which 
are inconspicuous in the female. It is evident, from the light colour of the tibie, that 
Say's specimens were females. 

2. Melanostoma fenestratum. 

Syrphus fenestratus, Macq. Dipt. Exot. i1. 2, p. 103, t. 17.f. 6'; Blanchard, in Gay's Hist. fis, y 
polit. de Chile, vii. p. 413^; Philippi, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xv. p. 746 *. 

Melanostoma fenestrata, Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 351 *. 

Hab. MExico, Omilteme 8000 feet (HJ. H. Smith), Ciudad in Durango 8100 feet 
(Forrer).—SovrH AxERICA *, Chili ! ? ?. 


I have not seen other specimens of this species, yet it seems probable that my deter- 
mination is correct. At all events, the species seems to be the same as, or very closely 
allied to, the one described by Schiner under the name of M. fenestratum, from South 
America, the only discrepancy being in the pollen of the face, which is not * schwarz 
punktirt," but has elongate, ripple-like markings. The black of the third, or third 
and fourth abdominal segments is bisected, as in JM. stegnum. "The species forms, 
with JM. obscurum, Say, M. stegnum, Say, and .M. punctulatum, v. d. Wulp, a natural 
group, that might justly receive a generic name. 

3. Melanostoma bucephalus. 
Syrphus bucephalus, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 126 '. 
Melanostóma bucephalus, Willst. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 264". 
Hab. Mxxico, ÀAmula 6000 feet, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, Venta de Zopilote 2800 
feet, Omilteme 8000 feet, all in Guerrero (H. H. Smith).—BRAziL !, Chapada ?. 

Fourteen specimens. I have compared them with others from Chapada, Brazil, and 
find no differences. JM. euceratum, Bigot, seems to be an allied species. JM. buce- 
qhalus, as Wiedemann remarks !, is allied to M. hyalinatum from Europe. 

4. Melanostoma mellinum. 
Musca mellina, Linn. Faun. Suec. p. 1821 '. 
Melanostoma mellinum, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidze, p. 49, t. 3. f. 9^ *. 
Syrphus melliturgus, Meigen, Syst. Beschr. iii. p. 329* ; Macq. Dipt. Exot. 4* Suppl. p. 152*. 
Melanostoma (?) cruciata, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1884, p. 81 *. 
Hab. EuRoPE (auct.).— UxirgD STATES, New England, Kansas, and Pacific States ?.— 
Mzxico 5 (H. H. Smith, Forrer).—SourH AMERICA? *. 

I have carefully compared the numerous Mexican specimens with others from the 
eastern United States, and find no differences, except minor colorational ones. I have 
little doubt of the synonymy of M. eruciatum, Bigot, notwithstanding the * thorax, 
écusson, presque noirs et luisants " and the small size. 

5. Melanostoma pruinosum. 
? Melanostoma (?) pruinosa, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1884, p. 79". 
Hab. UxirED STATES, California !.—M Ex1co, Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas 7000 

feet (H. H. Smith). 

A single, female, specimen. In such species as this, Bigot's descriptions are usually 
too vague for one to feel any degree of certainty in their determination. The Mexican 
insect may be thus described :— 

* For fuller synonymy, see Willist, loc, cit. 


Female. Closely allied to M. mellinum. Face on the sides densely yellow-pollinose, leaving a median stripe 
and the cheeks shining black, and extending on the front to an opaque black cross-band below the ocelli ; 
the space immediately about the ocelli shining. Antenne yellow, the third joint blackish above. Meso- 
notum brown, but little shining. Seutellum metallie green, shining. Abdomen subopaque, black, the first 
segment somewhat shining; second segment with a slender oblique spot, connected with the lateral 
margin; the third and fourth segments each with a pair of right-angled triangular spots, their apex 
directed baekward, and that of the fourth connected with the lateral margins, and the fifth segment 
with a small triangular spot on each side in front, yellow. Legs yellow, the hind tarsi a little infuscated ; 
hind metatarsi elongate, but scarcely thickened. ^ Wings tinged with yellowish, and narrowly, but 
distinctly, clouded with blackish at the extremity. 

Length 7 millim. 


6. Melanostoma catabombum, sp.n., & 9. 

Male. Sides of the frontal triangle and of the face thickly covered with uniform yellow pollen, leaving a spot 
in the middle above the antenne and a broad median stripe below shining, somewhat metallic black ; 
cheeks more or less shining. Antenne red, the third joint largely blackish above; first joint about as 
long as the oval third joint, distinetly longer than the second. Frontal triangle with black pile.  Meso- 
notum and scutellum shining bronze, with yellowish pile; pleurs of a similar colour in the middle, more 
steel-blue below. Abdomen rather narrow, its greatest width at the distal end of the third segment; 
opaque black; the first segment and the hypopygium shining metallic ; second segment on the lateral 
margin in front metallic ; third and fourth segments each with a pair of moderately large, rounded yellow 
spots on the anterior part, touching the lateral margin ; pile along the sides anteriorly long and light 
yellow. Legs yellow; four front femora towards their base somewhat brownish ; four front tarsi, except 
part or all of the basal joint, blackish ; hind legs brown, the tarsi black, the base of the tibie and the 
metatarsi yellow. — Wings nearly hyaline; the stigma brown, a narrow cloud at the tip in front blackish. 

Length 10-11 millim. 

Female. Front and sides of the face whitish-pollinose ; on the upper part of the former, below the ocelli, an 
opaque black eross-band, with a point projecting downwards in the middle. Thorax and scutellum mode- 
rately shining, greenish-blue; the mesonotum with three darker stripes, of which the median one is 
linear. Abdomen subopaque, black, the first and last segments more shining ; the oval spots of the third 
and fourth segments not touching the lateral margin ; the second segment with a yellow spot on each 
side in front. 

Length 8-9 millim. 

Hab. Mxzxico, Omilteme 8000 feet, Amula 6000 feet, both in Guerrero (H. H. 

Six males and three females. 
I am not quite sure that these females belong to the males here described, by 
reason of their smaller size; they agree structurally, however, throughout. 

7. Melanostoma crenülatum, sp.n., s 9. (Tab.l. figg. 5, 9; 5a, head in 
profile; 5 b, head from in front.) 

Male. Alhed to M. scitulum, Willist., but with the first joint of the antenng as long as the other two joints 
together. Frontal triangle opaque black above, shining below, with black pile. Antennz elongate, slender, 
remote at their base; first joint as long as the following two joints together, yellowish or reddish ; 
second and third joints of about equal length; third joint black, more than twice as long as wide, obtusely 
pointed. Face shining black ; running from the inner side of each antenua, with a gentle outward curve 
to the oral margin, is a slender white line of pollen ; running transversely across the Space contained 
within these lines are three or four narrow, shallow, grooves ; three small spots of white pollen along the 
orbital margin, the lowest one extended diffusely to the oral margin. Mesonotum moderately shining, 


dark bronze, with three ill-defined stripes; pile yellow ; pleurse and seutellum more steel-blue. Abdomen 
shining, subopaque, brownish-black, the firsí segment and the anterior angles of the following ones 
shining metallic. Legs black; tips of the femora, the four anterior tibie, the base of the hind tibis, all 
the metatarsi, and the second joint of the four posterior tarsi, yellow, the remainder of the tarsi brown or 
blackish ; hind metatarsi elongate, but not thickened. Wings nearly hyaline; stigma elongate, yellow ; 
narrow brown clouds on the anterior cross-vein and across from the origin of the third vein to the vein at 
the base of the last posterior cell. 

Female. Front subshining, black or steel-blue, with an opaque black cross-band above composed of two coale- 
scent oval spots. Mesonotum black or bluish-black. Abdomen black or bluish-black, with a large 
opaque or subopaque triangle on the second segment. 

Length 8-9 millim. 

Hab. MExico, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, Omilteme 8000 feet, both in Guerrero 
(H. H. Smist). 

Fifteen examples. This species is very much like AM. scitulum, Willist., in structure, 
differing chiefly in the more elongate first antennal joint. The markings of the face 
and wings are quite similar, as are the facial grooves. In immature specimens the 
second abdominal segment may be largely yellowish at the base. 

8. Melanostoma rugosonasus, sp. n., 9. 

Front, below, moderately shining, submetallie black ; above, with a black opaque cross-band below the ocelli. 
Antenng red, the upper part of the third joint blackish ; first two joints of about equal length, the third 
joint as long as the first two together, about twice as long as broad. Face shining black, partly concealed 
beneath whitish pollen, which, on the sides, is faintly striate; in the middle, with five, well-marked, 
slender transverse grooves. Mesonotum moderately shining, brownish-steel-blue, with three darker, not 
conspieuous, stripes ; scutellum steel-blue. Abdomen shining metallie bluish ; second, third, and fourth 
segments each with a posterior black band, extending more or less forward in the middle. Lees: first 
two pairs reddish- or brownish-yellow, with the base of the femora and the tarsi blackish ; hind femora 
black ; hind tibie and tarsi brown, except the base of the former, which is reddish-yellow ; hind metatarsi 
elongate. Wings tinged with yellowish ; stigma yellow. 

Length 9 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (H. H. Smith). 

À. second specimen, from Xucumanatlan, differs in having fewer transverse wrinkles 
on the face; the face in profile very gently concave below the antennw (instead of 
straight); the abdomen more uniformly black, and not distinctly banded; the legs 
black and brown, with the knees and the base of the tibiz yellow ; and the wings with 
a large brownish spot; I am inclined to think that it belongs to a distinct species. 

9. Melanostoma melanocerum, sp. n9. 

Front opaque black above, black-pilose. Antenns black, the third joint slightly reddish below ; third joint 
oval, about as long as the first two joints together. Face shining black, on the sides with a broad stripe 
of pollen running from the orbit to the oral margin ; in the middle with four parallel grooves. Mesonotum 
black, with a slight bronze reflection, but little shining. Abdomen opaque black, the anterior angles of 
the third and fourth segments somewhat reddish. Legs black, the distal end of the four anterior femora, 


their tibi; and the basal joints of their tarsi, and the extreme base of the hind tibiz, reddish-yellow. 
Wings tinged with yellowish ; stigma yellow. 
Length 9 millim. 

Hab. CosrA Rica, Rio Sucio (Jogers). 

Two specimens. 

The following species described by M. Bigot are unknown to me :— 

Melanostoma (1) anthracoides, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1884, p. 82.— Panama. 
(1) annuliferum, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 84.—Mexico. 

—— (t) quadrinotatum, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 77.—Mexico. 

cyaneocinctum, Bigot, loc. cit. 1885, p. 251.—Mexico. 

As regards M. anthracoides, the yellow scutellum and coloured wings render the 
location in this genus doubtful; it is, more likely, an Ocyptamus. M. annuliferum 
cannot be a Melanostoma. ..M. quadrinotatum is apparently a true Melanostoma, but I 
do not recognize it amongst our specimens; there is a discrepancy of importance 
between the diagnosis and the description. 

Eupeodes, Osten Sacken, Western Dipt., in Bull. U.S. Geol. & Geogr. Survey, iii. p. 328 (1877). 

1. Eupeodes volucris. 
Eupeodes volucris, Osten Sacken, Western Dipt., in Bull. U.S. Geol. & Geogr. Survey, iii. p. 329 *s 
Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 65, t. 3. figg. 14, 14 a *. 
Syrphus perpallidus, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1884, p. 90 *. 
Hab. NomrH AxERICA?, Washington?, California! 2, Nevada!?, Utah !?, Kansas ?, 

Colorado !2, New Mexico?, Arizona ?.— M Exico, Northern Sonora (Morrison), Mexico 
City (H. H. Smith). 

Syrphus, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 762 (1775). 
Sceva, Fabricius, Syst. Antl. p. 248 (1805). 
Ischyrosyrphus, Bigot, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. xviii (1882). 

Syrphus, as now restricted, is, I believe, pre-eminently a European and North- 
American genus. Many species have been described from South America, but I believe 
they will be mostly found of heterogeneous forms when they shall have been studied 
in the light of modern dipterology. lI am acquainted with several species which have 
to be placed in the genus at present, though wanting in the homogeneity that charac- 
terizes most of those now placed there. lI have, however, seen a Syrphus, in the 


strictest sense, from. Brazil. In the present collections there are representatives of 
nine species, some of them identical with those of the United States. It is of interest 
to note that all the Central-Ameriean specimens of typical Syrphus are from a con- 
siderable altitude. ^ Both the species of the nearly allied genus Didea, hereinafter 
mentioned, are likewise from the ** tierra templada." 

Synopsis of the Central- American species. 

1l. Three principal bands of the abdomen entire . . . . . americanus, Wiedem. ( 9 ). 
Three principal bands of the abdomen interrupted; eyes r háre-. 3. 
First cross-band interrupted, the others entire —.. . . . . 4. 
2. Elongate species ; facein profile not prominent below, narrowed 
below; cheeks very narrow ; abdominal spots small, round. Sp. (no. 8). — DV UV" 

Abdomen oval; face prominent below. . . . . « « « 9. 
3. Face without black stripe —. . . . s s s s s s e s Oupeltatus, Bigot. 
Face with a black stripe . . . . Sp. (no. 4). b. " 
4. Eyes pilose; second and third ibdohiinil andi bilaterally 
oblique, and all separated from the lateral margin . . . /ofus, Willist. 
Eyesbare . . . T e 7 C .w470p RALIS S. 

5. Femora yellow at the bààé; abdomen elorigáte; narrow ; second, 
third, and fourth segments each with a slender, triangular, 
lateral, anterior spot and a complete band, the latter with its 
posterior margins bilaterally oblique . . . à . decipiens, sp. n. 
Femora black or blackish at the base; sibitaudes with diré 
simplebands. . . . . yo ie a SEX ot 
6. The second and third ibdostingd bands not quite NE the 
margin. . . . americanus, Wiedem. (d). 
The second and third sbdanius baxids tédeliag m" to the 
margin. . . « 7. 
7. Bands straight, not emprinhte bekind, pur the Jaierad 
margins in their full width ; abdomen with subparallel sides . diversus, sp. n. 
Bands more or less sinuous or emarginate, or attenuated before 
reaching the lateral margins. . . . . . . 4 6 e 8 
8. Third joint of antennze rounded. . . . . . ribesi, Linn. 
"Third antennal joint elongate, straight on the : upper horde, 
and obtusely pointed; hind metatarsi yellow. . . . - bisinuatus, sp. n. 

1. Syrphus americanus. 
Syrphus americanus, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 129; Osten Sacken, Proc. Bost. Soc. 
Nat. Hist. xviii. 145 ^; Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphids, p. 82^. 
Hab. Nogmmg AMERICA, British Possessions ?3, Montana ?, New England? ?, New 
York 2, Delaware ?, Virginia?, Michigan ?, Texas ?. .MExico, Omilteme in Guerrero 

8000 feet (H. H. Smith). 


Two specimens, male and female, agreeing quite with others from the eastern 
United States. 

2. Syrphus lotus. 
Syrphus lotus, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 75 ". 
Hab. UwrrED SrATES, Arizona !.—MExico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (47. H. 

Two female specimens, agreeing well with the description. 

3. Syrphus eupeltatus. 
Syrphus eupeltatus, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1884, p. 91. 

Hab. Mzxico !, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (H. ZI. Smith). 

I feel pretty sure of the identification of this species, notwithstanding that the 
thorax is not * noir," but dark olivaceous-green, and not shining. The face is unusually 
prominent, the upper oral margin projecting even beyond the large rectangular tubercle. 
The author makes no mention of this, the most striking characteristic of the species; 
still the identity is not doubtful. Fight specimens. 

4. Syrphus ? SayStury Gib 7To: 
Hab. GuaTEMALA, San Gerónimo (Champion). 

Quite like S. eupeltatus in structure, but with a large black spot in the frontal 
triangle, a broad black facial stripe, and a darker mesonotum, with less yellow on the 
margins; the pleure are shining blue-black (instead of chiefly yellow), the legs are 
browner, and the size is smaller (about 10 millim.). 

5. Syrphus diversus, sp. n, « 9. (Tab.I. figg. 6, 9; 6 a, head.) 

Male. Face light amber-yellow, golden-pollinose on the sides, clothed, like the front, with black pile. Frontal 
triangle large, not shining ; blackish above, below with a small, rounded, shining black spot. Vertical 
triangle small, black. Antenns small, red; third joint blackish above, orbicular. Eyes bare. Meso- 
notum opaque dark olivaceous-green, with light-coloured pile; a spot at the outer end of the suture and 
the postalar callosities yellow. —Seutellum light yellow, with black pile. Pleurz subshining blue-black, 
yellowish in the middle, and with yellow pile. Abdomen with nearly parallel sides, opaque black ; first 
segment small, shining, yellow at the sides; second segment with two large triangular yellow spots, 
leaving a moderately broad interval between the points; the three following segments each with a mode- 
rately broad, gently areuate yellow band, situated towards the front, not interrupted or emarginate, and 
attaining the margins in their full or increased width; pile black. Legs black, the cox:s, the distal 
portion of the four anterior femora, the hind knees, and the broad base of the four anterior tibise yellow ; 
the four anterior tibi; for the rest, and their tarsi, blackish or brownish. Wings clouded with brownish, 
more deeply so on the anterior border distally. 

Female. Front dark opaque olivaceous-green above, with black pile. Fifth abdominal segment two-thirds as 
long as the fourth ; the sixth segment with a small yellow spot on the anterior angles. "The four anterior 
legs yellow, with the base of the femora black, or with a black spot, and the tarsi blackish. 

Length 11-12 millim. 


Hab. MExico, Omilteme 8000 feet, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, both in Guerrero 
(H. H. Smith). 

One male, three females. 
Nearest allied to S. diversipes, Macq. 

6. Syrphus ribesii. 
Musca ribesii, Linn. Fauna Suecica, p. 1816. (For the remainder of synonymy, see Willist. Synopsis 
N.-AÀm. Syrphidz, p. 77 '.) 
Hab. EuRoPE.—NonrH AMERICA, Atlantic, Middle and Pacific States !. —M xxico, 
Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas in Guerrero 9000 feet ( H. ZH. Smit). 

. A male specimen from Western Mexico presents most of the essential characters of 
this species, but with certain differences. "The pile of the face is black, not yellow, and 
the yellow spots of the second abdominal segment are distinctly separated from the 
margin. Length 9 millim. A female specimen from the same locality is a little larger 
and has the yellow spots of the second segment broadly contiguous with the margin, 
the femora yellow at the base (the middle femora very narrowly black), the hind femora 
with a broad brown ring, and the hind tibie and tarsi brown. Length 11 millim. 

;. Syrphus bisinuatus, sp. n., 9. 

Front much narrowed above, shining metallic black near the ocelli and in the middle below, on the sides 
yellow-pollinose, the black extending to the antenn:w; pile black.  Antenn: red, the first two joints 
brownish above; the third Joint broadly black on the upper part, in shape obtusely pointed, between two 
and three times as long as broad, its upper border straight, the lower border convex. Face and cheeks 
yellow, with yellow pile. Mesonotum opaque olivaceous-green, with yellow pile; seutellum light yellow, 
with black pile. "The yellow spots of the second abdominal segment extend forward to the lateral margin : 
the bands of the second, third, and fourth segments are not very broad, reaching the lateral margins in 
their full, or nearly their full, width—on their anteriorside convex in the middle, and with a considerable 
coneavity on each side, on their posterior side there is a broad shallow emargination or concavity ; fourth 
segment narrowly yellow behind, forming a band with the yellow of the anterior angles of the fifth 
segment. Legs light yellow, the narrow base of all the femora black; the hind legs in large part 
brownish, with the knees broadly, and the base of the metatarsi yellow. — Wings hyaline ; stigma yellow. 

Length 10-12 millim. 

Hab. Mzxico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet ( H. H. Smith) ; CosrA Rica, Volcan 
de Irazu 6000 to 7000 feet, Rio Sucio (Jogers). 

Seven specimens. 

Mm—X » 

zT. o od 1 

[5 d. — NA afe 


8. Syrphus 

Syrphus gastrostactus, Willist. ''rans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 264 (nec Wiedem.) '. 

Face much narrowed below ; light yellow, on the sides opaque white; clothed with white pile. GCheeks very 
narrow, black. Antenns black; third joint nearly orbicular. Frontal triangle yellow, with a large 
triangular black spot, reaching aecutely to the suture; clothed with black pile. Eyes bare. Mesonotum 
anteriorly with a conspicuous light yellow ruff; in colour dark shining bronze, with black pile. Scutellum 

BIOL. CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. IIL., December 1891. d 


blackish-green, with an oval yellow spot on each lateral margin. 4A small spot on the outer end of the 
suture and another on the postalar callus yellow. ^ Pleure blue-black, whitish- pollinose. Abdomen 
narrow, elongate, with nearly parallel sides; the first segment, the margins of the following ones, the 
fifth segment, and the hypopygium shining black; for the rest opaque black, with three pairs of small 
yellow spots. Legs: two anterior pairs yellow and brown, the distal three joints of the tarsi blackish ; 
hind pair black, the knees somewhat yellowish, the first three joints of their tarsi light yellow. Wings 
subhyaline, the costal cell lightly clouded, the subcostal cell brown. 
Length 10-11 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Venta de Zopilote in Guerrero 2800 feet (H..H. Smith).—BRAZIL, 
Chapada !. 

Five specimens. 

I have compared these with the ones mentioned by me! from Brazil, as perhaps 
belonging to S. gastrostactus, Wiedem., and find them identical. These male specimens 
bear a remarkable resemblance to the females of Ocyptamus trigonus, known only from 
that sex; and I suspect that they belong to the same species, notwithstanding the 
marked differences (compare Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 347). 

9. Syrphus decipiens, sp. n., c . 

Frontal triangle opaque yellowish-green, yellow below; pile black. Antennz red; third joint orbicular, 
brownish above. Face and cheeks yellow, the former with yellowish pile and white pollen on the sides. 
Mesonotum glaucous-green, a little shining, with yellow pile. Seutellum yellow, with long black pile. 
Abdomen narrow, elongate, with parallel sides; first segment shining blue-black, with the sides yellow ; 
second segment opaque black, the hind margin shining, and before the middle with two yellow triangles 
meeting at their points in the middle to form a eross-band ; third segment with a pair of slender triangles 
on the front margin, not meeting in the middle, more or less coalescent on the sides with an entire cross- 
band, the black in front of the cross-band forming a slender erescent—the posterior margins of the yellow 
band oblique, angulated in the middle, the black behind it as that before, opaque, except on the hind 
margin; fourth segment similar, the crescent smaller, the angle behind more acute, the shining portion 
extending forward aeutely in the middle; fifth segment with a large yellow spot on each side: hypo- 
pygium shining black. Legs yellow ; hind femora broadly blackish in the middle; hind tibi» black, 
except at the base; distal joints of the hind tarsi blackish. Wings nearly hyaline; costal cell yellow ; 
subeostal cell brown ; the costa with a blackish cloud distally. 

Length 10-11 millim. 

Hab. Mzxico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (H. Z. Smith). 

Fifteen specimens. 


Didea, Macquart, Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. p. 508 (1834). 
Enica, Meigen, System. Beschr. vii. p. 140 (1838). 

1. Didea laxa. 
Didea laza, Osten Sacken, Bull. Buffalo Soc. iii. p. 66' ; Cat. Dipt. 2nd ed. p. 345, note 212; 
Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidsze, p. 90, t. 4. figg. 4, 4a. 

Hab. UwrmkEp SraATES, New. Hampshire! ?, Maine !, Michigan !, Washington ?, 


Oregon ?, California ?, New Mexico.—Mzxico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (H. 
H. Smith). 

A single female specimen from Guerrero, differing from the more typical examples 
only in the femora having less black, and the wings being more yellowish. 

2. Didea coquilletti, sp. n. « 9. (Tab. I. figg. 9, 6 ; 9 a, head.) 

Eyes bare; third longitudinal vein deeply sinuous. The abdominal bands reach quite to the lateral 
margins. Face, front, and cheeks wholly light yellow, shining, except the golden-pollinose orbital 
margins; in the female the upper part of the front blackish, with yellow pollen. JAntenns red; third 
joint black above, obtusely oval, smaller than in D. laxa.  Mesonotum shining bronze-green, the lateral 
margins yellow, clothed with yellow pile.  Pleurze chiefly yellow, with yellow pile; for the rest 
shining blue-black, as is also the pectus. Scutellum translucent yellow, with black pile. Abdomen 
opaque black, with yellow eross-bands; first band interrupted, the oblique spots reaching the margins 
broadly ;: second and third bands narrowed before reaching the margins, emarginate in the middle behind ; 
fifth segment with a yellow band in front. Legs yellow, the tip of the hind metatarsi blackish, the 
remaining joints black ; hind tibie sometimes brownish. Wings nearly hyaline; stigma brownish-yellow ; 
third vein strongly curved into the first posterior cell. 

Length 9-12 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (H. H. Smith). 
Three males and three females. Dedicated to Mr. D. W. Coquillett. 


Allograpta, Osten Sacken, Bull. Buffalo Soc. iii. pp. 49, 63 (1877). 

1. Allograpta obliqua. 

Sceva obliqua, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. iii. p. 89' ; Complete Writings, ii. p. 78 ". 

Syrphus obliquus, Say, Amer. Ent. t. 11. fig. 2 *; Complete Writings, 1. p. 23 *; Wiedem. Aussereur, 
zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 138? ; Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 358 '*. 

Allograpta obliqua, Osten Sacken, Bull. Buffalo Soc. iii. p. 49"; Cat. Dipt. 2nd ed. p. 126^, and 
note 214; v. d. Wulp, Tidjsehr. v. Ent. xxvi. p. 1, t. 1l. £. 1*; Willst. Synopsis N.-Am. 
Syrphid:e, p. 96 '*. 

Syrphus securiferus, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 100, t. 16. fig. 10"; 1* Suppl. p. 139 *. 

Syrphus bacchides, Walker, List. Dipt. id. p. 594". 

Syrphus signatus, v. d. Wulp, Tijdschr. v. Ent. x. p. 144, t. 4. f. 12". 

Hab. NomrH AMERICA!35 79 111214 Washington !?, New Hampshire !?, Con- 

nectieut 19, Colorado !^, Kentucky !?, Florida !?, California !?, —M Ex160, Amula 6000 

feet, Chilpancingo 4600 feet, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, Cuernavaca (H. H. Smith), 

Mexico city (E. H. Smith, Schumann).—SovrH AwERICA 5, Argentine Republic ?. 

Fifteen specimens from Mexico, agreeing with others from New England. 

d 2 


- FH 

9. Allograpta fracta. ^ ^ — 
Allograpta fracta, Osten Sacken, Western Diptera, in Bull. U.S. Geol. & Geogr. Surv. iii. p. 331; 

Willist. Synopsis-N.-Am. Syrphidze, p. 97 *. 
? Allograpta erotica, v. d. Wulp, Tijdschr. v. Ent. xxvi. p. 2, t. 1. f. 2 * (nec Wiedem. ?). 
Hab. UwxrmED SmATES, California ! ?.—M Exico, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, Venta de 
Zopilote 2800 feet, both in Guerrero (/J. H. Smith), Ciudad in Durango (Forrer).— 

ANTILLES, Guadaloupe ?. 

Four specimens from Mexico, differing chiefly from A. obliqua in the presence of a 
deep black facial stripe. The first abdominal segment is as in .4. obliqua, and the 
band of the second segment is not interrupted. 

3. Allograpta ? 
? Syrphus exoticus, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 136 '. 

Hab. Mzxico, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, Omilteme 8000 feet, Amula 6000 feet 
(H. H. Smith).—Bnazn !. 

Differs markedly from the two preceding species in the mesonotum being opaque 
dark green in both sexes. The black stripe of the face is broader than in 4. fracta, 
the hind legs and abdomen darker. The third joint of the antenne is largely black. 

Four specimens. 

Spherophoria, St.-Fargeau & Serville, Encycl. Méthod. x. p. 518 (1825). 
Melithreptus, Loew, in Oken's Isis, 1840, p. 573. 

The genus Spherophoria is, at present, one of much difficulty, inasmuch as it 
requires often numerous specimens, from different localities, to determine the limits of 
variational differences. The black markings of the face and front, and of the legs, and 
the markings of the abdomen are all more or less variable, and one should not place 
too much dependence upon them. All the species which I have so far seen from 
Central America have a small hypopygium and incomplete lateral thoracic stripes. 
Bigot has, however, described species with the normal hypopygium. Even where 
the hypopygium is minute, one can scarcely mistake the generic relationships, as 
presented in the structure of the head and face, and the elongate abdomen. 

Synopsis of the recognized Central- American Species. 
1. Fifth segment of the abdomen with four elongated spots or stripes. 2 
Fifth segment of the abdomen with a transverse band. . . . . 4. 
3. E x quie d segment with an uninterrupted arcuate yellow 

RÜR Bg h.-Wue ua o aba s y P" a 
Fourth abdominal segment with rectangular and oblique markings. Sp. (no. 3) 


3. Legs entirely or in great part yellow . . . . . . . . . . picticauda, Bigot. 
Legs for the most part black . . . . . 20. s. s s. s micrura, O. Sacken. - 
4. Bands of the abdomen broad and nearly sirdight po. oc 42 deo SD, 
Bands of the abdomen narrower, bilaterally oblique on their 
posterior margins 2... 5. 5. Spp. (nos. 5 & 6). 

pag rrt 

1. Sphzrophoria picticauda. - 
Spherophoria picticauda, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1884, p. 102*. 

Hab. Mxxico !, Omilteme 8000 feet, Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas 9500 feet, and 
Acaguizotla 3500 feet, all in Guerrero, Teapa in Tabasco (J7. H. Smith). 

Bigot's vague description would leave one very much in doubt, save for the pecu- 
liarly marked fifth abdominal segment, which he recognizably describes ^ As the 

species seems to be very variable, I give here a full description, based upon about 
twenty-five specimens :— 

Male. Face in profile more prominent than in S. cylindrica, with a greater concavity on theupper part. Face 
yellow, with a median black stripe, which is often almost wholly obsolete, leaving only a brownish streak, 
or a smallspot on the tubercle. Frontal triangle with a shield-shaped black spot, sometimes leaving 
only a narrow orbital yellow margin, at other times small. Antenn:ze black with the third joint yellow 
below, sometimes red with the third joint blaek above.  Mesonotum dark green or greenish-black, some- 
times distinetly bronze-coloured, but little shining ; the yellow lateral stripe truncate at the suture; a 
small yellow spot on the postalar callosities.  Pleurw shining blue-black, with two or three yellow or 
yellowish spots. Seutellum yellow, or reddish-yellow, sometimes with a darker cloud across the disc. 
Abdomen opaque black ; first segment, except the lateral yellow spots, shining, somewhat metallic, black ; 
second, fourth, and fifth segments narrowly in front and behind, and the sixth in great part, shining 
black; second segment with a yellow transverse band, wider at the sides, sometimes dissolved in two 
triangles; third and fourth segments each with a gently arcuate band; fifth segment with two median 
streaks or comma-like spots, and two larger lateral ones.  Hypopygium small, black, Legs often yellow, 
with the hind legs chiefly, and all the tarsi, brownish ; usually the four anterior legs are in great part 
brownish, and the hind pair is darker; cox: chiefly brownish or black. Wings sometimes nearly 
hyaline; usually very distinctly tinged with brownish. 

Female. Front shining black, with the orbits on. the lower two-thirds yellow. Legs usually lighter-coloured, 
light yellow, except the hind tarsi; coxe yellow. 

Length 7-9 millim. Dr: 

. Sphzerophoria micrura. 
Sphaerophoria micrura, Osten Sacken, Western Diptera, in Bull. U.S. Geol. & Geogr. Survey, iii. 
p. 380'; Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrpbidze, p. 107 *. 

Hab. UwrrEgD STATES, California! 2. — M xxico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet 
(H. H. Smith). 

Á. single male specimen from Omilteme, agreeing well with the descriptions. "The 
black facial stripe reaches quite to the antennz, and the second and third abdominal 
bands are gently arcuate. The postalar callosities have no yellow spot; there is no 
yellow on the pleurz; and the legs are darker than in S. pictécauda. Bigot. The two 
species are suspiciously alike. 


3. Sphzrophoria ? 

Female. Front shining black, on the lower two-thirds yellow along the orbits. Antennze reddish-yellow, black 
on the upper border of the third joint. Face yellow; sometimes a brownish spot on the tubercle. 
Mesonotum shining bronze-green ; the yellow of the margins truncate at the suture; postalar callosities 
yellow. Scutellum yellow, somewhat reddish on the disc. Pleure and metanotum shining blue, with 
three or four yellow spots. Abdomen black; the sides of the first scgment, a straight band on the 
second segment, and a gently arcuate band on the third segment yellow ; the yellow of the fourth segment 
consists of two slender rectangular spots, bordering the front margin, and separated by a narrow space 
along the middle— within the rectangular space an oval oblique spot, contiguous with the posterior ramus ; 
fifth segment with four longitudinal spots, more or less blended in front. Legs light yellow, the hind 
tibie at the base and tip, and the hind tarsi light brownish. "Wings nearly hyaline. 

Male. Frontal triangle with a shield-shaped black spot. The oblique spots of the fourth abdominal segment 
larger, and more broadly blended with the posteriorly directed stripe, the whole partly or entirely sepa- 
rated from the basal yellow interrupted band.  Hypopygium small. 

Length 6-8 millim. 

Hab. MExico, Omilteme 8000 feet, Amula 6000 feet, and Acaguizotla 5500 feet, all 
in Guerrero, Cuernavaca (H. H. Smith). 

'Two males and six females. 

4. Sphzrophoria ? 

JMale. Face and frontal triangle yellow, the former with a black stripe, the latter with a small black spot. 
Mesonotum deep green, but little shining; lateral stripe truncate at the suture; a yellow spot on the 
postalar eallosities.  Pleurs shining blue-black, with a yellow spot above. Abdomen opaque black; the 
margins of the incisures, except of the first, shining; first segment with yellow sides; second segment 
with an interrupted band, connected on the lateral margins with the yellow of the first segment; third 
and fourth segments each with a broad, nearly straight, yellow band; fifth segment yellow, save a trans- 
verse shining black spot behind. Hypopygium small. Legs yellow ; coxz black; hind femora with a 

- broad brown ring; hind tibize, except the base, and the hind tarsi brown. — Wings nearly hyaline. 

Female. Faee and front yellow, the latter black on the upper part. First abdominal band not interrupted by 

& slender line. 

Length 8 millim. 
Hab. Mzxico, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet (H. MH. Smith), Ciudad in Durango, 
8100 feet (.Forrer). 

Two specimens. 

I feel confident that the male and female specimens here described are of the same 
species, notwithstanding the absence of the black facial stripe in the latter. How great 
other variations may be, I, of course, cannot say, but I suspect that a large number of 
specimens may show not a few. 

5. Sphzrophoria ? 

Female. Face yellow, with & broad black stripe.  Antennsw brown, the third joint largely yellowish-red. 
Front black, the sides on the lower half yellow ; rather broad above. Mesonotum dark green, but little 
shining ; lateral stripe truneate at the suture; a spot on the postalar callosities. Scutellum yellow. 
the extreme edge brown. Abdomen opaque black, with the incisures shining; sides of the first segment, 
an interrupted band on the second, and a complete band on the third, fourth, and fifth segments 
yellow; the three posterior bands have the hind margin bilaterally oblique, straight, and angulated 


in the middle. Legs black or blackish ; the. four anterior femora, except the base, and their tibiz 

Length 10 millim. 
Hab. Mzxico, Orizaba (H. H. Smith). 

6. Sphzerophoria ——? | 
Hab. Mxxico, Ciudad in Durango (Forrer). 

A single specimen (female) differs from the preceding in the face being without a 
black stripe (there is a minute crescentic spot above the oral margin), in having the 
first two joints of the antennz more broadly red, the front narrower above, the legs 
wholly yellow, and, perhaps, in the narrow interruption of the fourth abdominal band. 

A second female specimen, agreeing otherwise perfectly with this, has a blackish 
stripe in the middle of the face. 

lam unable to identify any of the following species of Spherophoria described by 

Bigot :— | 
Sphaerophoria rostrata, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1884, p. 102.—Mexico. 

nasuta, Bigot, loc. cit. 1884, p. 103.—Mexico. - ^. 
nasuta, Bigot, loc. cit. 1888, p. 253.—Mexico *. - ^ 
— — írilimbata, Bigot, loc. cit. 1888, p. 253.— Mexico. 
pachypyga, Bigot, loc. cit. 1884, p. 104.—Mexico. - - -. 
f'ulvicauda, Bigot, loc. cit. 1884, p. 104.—Mexico. - .:: 

Tt is not impossible that S. rostrata belongs to the species described above under no. 3, 
and that some of these names do not indicate different species. 

* Bigot has several times made this error of using the same specifie name in a genus for different 
species. I have also observed the following :— 

Eristalomyia calomera, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1880, p. 229—8South America ; id. op. cit. 1883, p. 337— 
South America. 

Orthonevra varipes, Bigot, op. cit. 1880, p. 150— Persia ; id. ibid. 1885, p. 249—9Mt. Caucasus. 

Ocyptamus fuscicolor, Bigot, op. cit. 1884, p. 116—New Caledonia; id. ibid. 1885, p. 252—New 

Sargus pallipes, Bigot, op. cit. 1879, p. 222 —Ceylon; id. ibid. 1887, p. 28—North America, Mt. Hood, 
(The name in both cases is preoccupied.) 


Toxomerus, Macquart, Dipt. Exot. 5* Suppl. p. 92 (1855). 
Mesogramma, Loew, Centur. vi. p. 47 (1865); Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 1865, p. 157. 
Mesograpta, Loew, Centur. x. p. 290 (1872) ; Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 1872, p. 114. 

I have restored the name JMMesogramma in place of Mesograpta, as the change was 
arbitrarily made by Loew on the plea that Jesogramma had been used for a genus of 
plants. As zoologists admit no conflict between zoological and botanical terms, the 
change cannot be consistently accepted. 

'The remarks under Spherophoria are yet more applicable here. I do not wish to 
add to the confusion already unnecessarily increased by Bigot, and so refrain from 

adding new names for others to puzzle over. 

Synopsis of the recognized, Central- American Species. . 

. Seutellum yellow . . . . 

Scutellum black, with or without a yellow border. 

. Abdomen with a yellow lateral margin 

Abdomen not margined with yellow . . . . 

. Second, third, and fourth abdominal segments with the anterior 

margin, a median stripe, and a pair of oblong, sometimes 
confluent, spots, yellow. (8-9 millim.) . 
Abdomen not so marked . 

. Abdominal bands straight, uniform 


marginatum, Say. 


politum, Say. 
Sp. (no. 8). 

Abdominalbands irregular . . : . . . . . . . . . ? mutuum, Say. 
5. Lateral margins of the mesonotum with a complete yellow 
stripe A uorum rr um Ay uS E 
Humeri, and sometimes the postalar callosities, only, yellow . 8. 

. Larger species (8-9 millim.); fourth abdominal segment with 

a narrow anterior margin and median stripe, and a slender 
oblique spot, contiguous with the lateral margin, yellow . 
Smaller species. (5-7 millim.) 

. Mesonotum deep shining black, with cinereous line and lateral 

saphiridiceps, Bigot. 


stripe r'acereupC. WYR ox a x c4 x! 6 lee I ue Bp. (6, OX. 
Mesonotum olivaceous or reddish, subopaque- between the  - 
cinereous line and the lateral stripe pallipes, Bigot. 
8. Second abdominal segment shining black (d). Sp. (no. 4). 
Second abdominal segment with an opaque black spot . Sp. (no. 5). 

1. Mesogramma saphiridiceps. 
Mesograpta (?) saphiridiceps, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1884, p. 105 '. 
Hab. Mxxico!, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, Omilteme 8000 feet (H. H. SmitA). 


This striking species is readily recognizable from Bigot's description. "The front and 
middle tarsi are yellow at the base, and the hind pair is black ; the hind femora and 
tibi are in great part brownish. The face may wholly want the dark spot, and the 
front of the female has no purple. The male vertical triangle is elongate and narrow, 
shining purple behind. 

2. Mesogramma politum. 

Sceva polita, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. iii. p. 88! ; Complete Writings, ii. p. 77 ?. 

Syrphus politus, Say, Amer. Ent. i. t. 11. f. 8*; Complete Writings, i. p. 24*; Wiedem. Aussereur, 
zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 132 *. 

Mesograpta polita, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidze, p. 98 5; Riley & Howard, Insect Life, i. 

Syrphus cingulatulus, Macquart, Dipt. Exot. 4* Suppl. p. 155 *. 

Syrphus hecticus, Jznnicke, Neue exot. Dipt., in Abh. Senck. Ges. vi. p. 998*. 

Hab. UNrrgp SrATES 1 ?, Pennsylvania?, Connecticut $, Georgia ?, North Carolina 8, 
Kansas, Illinois?, Florida *. — Mkxico, Acaguizotla 3500 feet, Amula 6000 feet, 
Chilpancingo 4600 feet, Hacienda de la Imagen 4000 feet, Venta de Zopilote 2800 feet, 
Tierra Colorada 9000 feet, and Dos Arroyos 1000 feet, all in Guerrero, Teapa in 
Tabasco (H. H. Smith), Temax in North Yucatan (Gaumer).—Cusa 9. 

Seventy-five examples. "They agree closely with specimens from the United States. 

3. Mesogramma marginatum. 

Sceva marginata, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. iii. p. 99'; Complete Writings, ii. p. 80*. 

Syrphus marginatus, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 146 ?. 

Mesograpta marginata, O. Sacken, Cat. Dipt. 2nd ed. p. 125^; Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, 
p. 100 *. 

Syrphus quintius, Walker, Ins. Saunders., Dipt. p. 239 *. 

Mesograpta (Y) circumdata, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1884, p. 107 ". 

Hab. NogrH AuEnRICA! ? 9, Atlantic, Southern, Middle, and Pacific States?, Atlantic 
States and California *. —M Extco 7, Amula 6000 feet, Omilteme 8000 feet, Chilpancingo 
4600 feet, Mexico city, Cuernavaca in Morelos, Teapa in Tabasco (H. H. Smith), 
Orizaba (H. H. Smith and F. D. Godman). 

Fifteen specimens. Three males have the scutellum black in its middle. The 
vertical triangle is unusually large in this species. 

E , yi £ Aa 
4. Mesogramma —— ? 

Male. Face, frontal triangle, and antenne yellow ; cheeks black. Vertical triangle large, broad, elongate, shining 
purple. Mesonotum somewhat bluish or bronze-black, more shining towards the sides; median line 
whitish ; margins without yellow stripe; a round spot on the humeri, and rarely an indistinct one on 
the postalar callosities, yellow.  Seutellum shining metallescent black, without yellow. Abdomen elon- 
gate; first two segments shining black; the other segments brown and red, sometimes darker, sometimes 

BIOL. CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. III, December 1891. e 


more yellowish with feebly indicated markings. Legs rather stouf, variable in colour, the four anterior 
femora often largely black, the hind femora usually in great part black; tibie and tarsi brown and 

Fmmale. Front narrow above, shining blue-black, the sides below yellow. Face with a broad black stripe. 

Abdomen shining black ; second segment with two small yellow spots ; third, fourth, and fifth segments 
each with a pair of oblique yellow spots on the anteriorhalf. Legs yellow ; four anterior tarsi brownish ; 
hind femora with a preapical brown ring; hind tibie with a sub-basal and a preapical brown ring; hind 

tarsi brown. 
Length 5—6 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Acaguizotla 3500 feet, Chilpancingo 4600 feet, Tepetlapa 3000 feet, 
Medellin near Vera Cruz, Teapa in Tabasco (H. H. Smith), Orizaba (.H. H. Smith and 
F. D. Godman). 

Iam not quite sure that the females here described belong to the same species as 
do the males, but I think so. An additional female has the abdomen wholly, and the 
hind legs in great part, black. Still another has the sides of the second abdominal 
segment yellow, and the hind legs in great part black. The tip of the scutellum is 
rarely somewhat yellowish. 

5. Mesogramma ? 

Male. Very similar to the preceding species, but differing in the more prominent face, the narrower vertical 
triangle, the black of the hind legs confined to a preapical ring, the less elongate abdomen, and the second 
segment with a large oval opaque spot. 

Female. Abdomen shining blue-black ; second segment with an opaque black band, not reaching the lateral 
margins, in front of which there is a narrow, broadly interrupted yellow band ; third, fourth, and fifth 
segments each with three yellow spots or stripes, not reaching the hind margin—the middle one of which 
is more slender, wanting on the fourth, and separated by two linear opaque black stripes,—and on each 
side laterally with a larger, rounded, opaque black spot. Face more brownish in the middle; front 
narrow above, 

Length 5 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Dos Arroyos 1000 feet, Tepetlapa 3000 feet, both in Guerrero, Vera 
Cruz, Atoyac and Medellin in Vera Cruz, Teapa and Frontera in Tabasco (H. H. Smith), 
Orizaba (H. H. Smith and F. D. Godman). 

6. Mesogramma ? 

Male. Vertical triangle very long, narrow, shining purple behind the ocelli, Frontal triangle and face small, 
yellow, the latter prominent; antennz yellow ; cheeks black. Mesonotum deep shining black, with a 
whitish median line and eomplete yellow lateral stripes. Seutellum shining black, with the margin 
broadly yellow.  Pleurze shining blue, with a vertieal stripe on the meso- and sterno-pleure yellow. 
Abdomen shining yellow and black; first segment narrowly black behind; second segment with the 
posterior third black ; third and fourth segments yellow in front and black behind, the demarcation between 
the yellow and the blaek irregular and variable in outline; the black on the fifth segment forming three 
stripes; hypopygium rather large, shining black. Legs yellow ; hind femora with a preapieal, and the 
hind tibie with a median, black ring. Abdomen elongate oval, somewhat narrowed on the second segment. 
Alule rudimentary. 

Female. Front unusually narrow ; shining purple behind the ocelli, with a median black stripe in front. 

Length 6-7 millim. 

Hab. Mzxico, Teapa in Tabasco (JJ. H. SmitA). 


;. Mesogramma mutuum. 
Syrphus mutuus, Say, Journ. Acad, Phil. vi. p. 164' ; Complete Writings, ii. p. 358. 

Male. Frontal triangle and face small, yellow, the latter prominent; antennze yellow ; cheeks black. "Vertical 
triangle of moderate width, rather shining behind. Mesonotum olivaceous-green, opaque ; lateral yellow 
stripe complete. Seutellum yellow, the dise somewhat reddish or brownish. Pleurw deep shining blue, 
with two or three yellow spots. Abdomen narrow, broadest posteriorly : shining blue-blaek, more or less 
opaque in the proximity of the yellow bands; first segment largely yellow in front and on the sides; 
second segment with a slender median stripe, uniting posteriorly with a median yellow band; third and 
fourth seginents each with an anterior band and a slender median stripe, the band sometimes including two 
approximated opaque black spots ; at other times the narrow anterior band shows five posterior prolonga- 
tions—the median stripe, the lateral margins, and two oval marks projected towards or blended with the 
median stripe; fifth segment black, with an irregular interrupted band in front. Legs yellow; hind 
femora and tibi: with brownish rings; hind tarsi brown. — Alule of wings rudimentary. 

Female. Front narrow, shining black, with the sides below yellow; the linear stripes of the abdomen more 
or less obsolete. ! 

Length 5-7 millim. 

Hab. MExico !, Mexico city, Cuernavaca (H. H. Smith), Orizaba (H. H. Smith and 
F. D. Godman), Patzcuaro (F. D. Godman). 

Twenty-eight specimens. 
I believe that this is Say's Syrphus mutwus, but I have thought it worth while to 
give a fuller description. It is possible, however, that the following (8) may be the 

true M. mutwum. 

8. Mesogramma ? 

Very similar to the preceding species, and perhaps not really distinet from it. It differs distinetly, however, 
in the abdomen being shorter and more oval, and with broad straight yellow bands, leaving narrow 
posterior brown or brownish bands, and indefinite brownish spots corresponding to the opaque black spots 
of the preceding species. 

Length 5-7 millim. 

Hab. MExico, Teapa in Tabasco (H. H. Smith). 

Three other specimens, from Acaguizotla, Tepetlapa, and Orizaba, differ still further 
in the abdomen having broad straight yellow bands, leaving only narrow brown or 

blackish bands between them. 

9. Mesogramma pallipes. 
Mesograpta (?) pallipes, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1884, p. 106 '. 

Hab. Mxxico!, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, "Tierra Colorada 2000 feet, both in 
Guerrero, Teapa in Tabasco (JA. /7. SmitA). 

A number of specimens, among which there may or may not be more than one 
species, agree sufficiently well with Bigot's description as regards the abdomen. The 
face, however, has a callosity, as in all the other species of the genus, though it is not so 

prominent as in some of them. — The mesonotum is subopaque, with a median cinereous 
€ 3 



stripe, and a sublateral reddish-olivaceous one, and a complete: lateral yellow stripe. 
In only one specimen is the band of the second abdominal segment **ondulée"; in 
the others it is straight, and not at all interrupted. 

The following species have also been described from Mexico :— 

Mesogramma ectypum, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. vi. p. 165; Complete Writings, ii. 
p. 359 (Syrphus).—Mexico. 

— — lineare, v. d. Wulp, Tidjschr. v. Ent. xxvi. p. 5 (Mesograpta).—Mexico. 

bicinctum, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1884, p. 112 (.Mesograpta).—9M.exico. 

bistrigum, Bigot, loc. cit. 1884, p. 110 (Mesograpta).—M exico. 

heraldicum, Bigot, loc. cit. 1884, p. 109 (Mesograpta).—Mexico. 

lacrymosum, Bigot, loc. cit. 1884, p. 108 (Mesograpta).—Meexico, Brazil. 

maculatum, Bigot, loc. cit. 1884, p. 111 (Mesograpía). — Mexico, Cuba, 

mu, Bigot, loc. cit. 1884, p. 105 (JMesograpta).——Mexico. 

trilobatum, Bigot, loc. cit. 1884, p. 109 (.Mesograpta).—M exico. 

quinquecinctum, Bigot, loc. cit. 1888, p. 254 (Mesograpta).—— Mexico. 

quinquemaculatum, Bigot, loc. cit. 1888, p. 254 (Mesograpta).—M exico. 

Certain specimens here considered as belonging to J. mutuum would agree well 
with the description of JJ. ectypum, save for the * tergum black, edged all round with 
yellow ; second segment with two yellow dots." 

Salpingogaster, Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 344 (1868). 

Synopsis of the Central- American species. 

1. Red and yellow species; legs in great part yellow |. . . . 2. 
Blaek species; legs in great part black . . . . . . . . 89. 
2. Legs wholly yellow (female). . . . . . . . . . *« . gygophora, Schiner. 
arsi and hind legs in part black . 00.5. 5. 5. . Colhurnata, Bigot. 
8. Sides of the metanotum with a yellow spot; a projection of 
the brown anterior border running back over the cross-veins 
ofthe wings. Length ll milim. . . . . . . . . . limbipennis, sp. n. 
Sides of the metanotum without yellow spot; cross-veins not 
clouded. Length 15-16 milim. . . . . . . . . . máigra, Schiner. 


1. Salpingogaster nigra. 
Salpingogaster niger, Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 344'; Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 
Xv. p. 270 *. 
Salpingogaster anchoratus, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 328 *. 
Hab. Mxxico?; GuaTEMALA, San Gerónimo 3000 feet (Champion) ; PANAMA, Volcan 
de Chiriqui 3000 to 4000 feet (Champion).—SovrH AwERICA !, Brazil 2. 

Two specimens, agreeing perfectly with others from Brazil (Chapada) "There can 
be no doubt of the synonymy of Bigot's species. 

2. Salpingogaster pygophora. 
? Salpingogaster pygophora, Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 344'; Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. 
Soc. xv. p. 270 *. 

Hab. PANAMA, Bugaba 800 to 1500 feet (Champion).—SovrR AwznicA !, Brazil ?. 

A single female specimen from Bugaba seems to be of the same species as those 
mentioned by me from Brazil (op. cif.). It agrees quite with the male specimen, 
except that the seutellum is dark brown across its disc. The front has a median black 
stripe; the legs are wholly yellow, the abdomen red, &c. 

3. Salpingogaster limbipennis, sp. n., c. 

Face and frontal triangle sulphur-yellow on the sides ; a deep blue-black stripe, beginning narrowly at the oral 
margin, extends broadly up and around the base of the antenne, so as to nearly fill the frontal triangle. 
(Antennz wanting.) Cheeks in front black ; behind, as also the mentum, light yellow, and white-pollinose. 
Thorax nearly opaque black; a pair of whitish-dusted stripes in the middle of the mesonotum, not 
extending to the hind margin; the humeri, a narrow vertical stripe on. the pleure, extending a short 
distance on the sides of the mesonotum, a spot on the postalar eallosities, and a slender vertical stripe on 
the sides of the metanotum, sulphur-yellow. Scutellum black, with the base and margin narrowly yellow. 
Abdomen black, the second segment and the base of the third somewhat reddish, the hind margins of the 
following segments very narrowly yellowish; first segment, except the broad hind margin, light yellow. 
Legs blackish- and brownish-red, the tip and base of the tibiz, and the tarsi, the two anterior pairs more 
distinetly, black ; hind femora a little thickened, and with numerous short bristly points below. Wings 
pure hyaline; the anterior border to the tip dark brown, this colour filling the base of the second basal cell 
and extending across the cross-veins as a narrow projection to the base of the last posterior cell. 

Length 11 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Amula in Guerrero 6000 feet (H. H. Smith). 
"wo specimens. 

4. Salpingogaster cothurnata. 
Salpingogasler cothurnatus, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1888, p. 329 ', 

Hab. Mxico !. 

Unknown to me. 


Ocyptamus, Macquart, Hist. Nat. Ins. Dipt. i. p. 554 (1834). 

1. Ocyptamus funebris. 

Ocyptamus funebris, Macq. Hist. Nat. Ins. Dipt. i. p. 554'; Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 105, t. 19. f. 2*; 
Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 346*; Bigot, in Ramon de la Sagra's Hist. fis. polit. y 
nat. de Cuba, vii. Ins. p. 838 *; v. d. Wulp, Tijdschr. v. Ent. xxvi. p. 9^; Willist. Trans. 
Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 265 *. 

Hab. Mxxico, Venta de Zopilote, Xucumanatlan, Amula, Acaguizotla, Tepetlapa, 
and Rio Papagaio, all in Guerrero, Cuernavaca in Morelos, Atoyac in Vera Cruz 
(H. H. Smith), Santiago Iscuintla in J alisco (Schumann).—SovTH AMERICA, Brazil ! ? 5 6; 

Numerous specimens. This species differs from O. fuscipennis (Say) in the larger 
size, the more pure bronze of the thorax, and the more uniform blackish tinge of the 
wings, the latter with a less distinct hyaline space ; the abdomen of the male is wholly 
shining, not black, From the description, one cannot feel assured that O. infuscatus, 
Bigot, is really distinct from O. funebris. 

2. Ocyptamus dimidiatus. 

Syrphus dimidiatus, Fabr. Spec. Ins.ii. p. 434^; Ent. Syst. iv. p. 810^; Wiedem. Aussereur. 
zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 140 *. 

Sceva dimidiata, Fabr. Syst. Antl. p. 254*. 

Ocyptamus dimidiatus, v. d. Wulp, Tijdschr. v. Ent. xxvi. p. 10; Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 
xv. p. 265 *. 

Baccha dimidiata, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidze, p. 120, t. 5. f. 10". 

Hab. Mxxico, Tierra Colorada 2000 feet, Rio Papagaio 1200 feet, Venta de 
Zopilote 2800 feet, Acapulco, Rincon 2800 feet, all in Guerrero, Cuernavaca in 
Morelos, Aitoyac in Vera Cruz, 'Teapa and Frontera in Tabasco (H. H. Smith), 
Temax in North Yucatan (Gawmer).—SovurH AMERICA, Brazil?; Wsr IwDiEs ! ??*, 
San Domingo ", Guadaloupe?. 

Numerous specimens. The males differ in having the outer part of the wings much 
less hyaline. 

3. Ocyptamus trigonus. 

Syrphus trigonus, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 126 '. 

Ocyptamus trigonus, Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 346^; Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. 
xv. p. 265 *. 

Baccha torva, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphids, p. 124 *. 

Hab. UxrrED SrATES, Texas *.—M Exico, Dos Arroyos 1000 feet, Xucumanatlan 7000 



feet, Venta de Zopilote 2000 feet, all in Guerrero (H. H. Smith), Temax in North 
Yucatan (Gaumer).—SovrR AwEnICA, Colombia 2, Brazil ! 2, 

Ten specimens, all females. It is not at all improbable that the hitherto unknown 
male will be found to be identical with those described on p. 17 as S'yrphus, no. 8. 

The following species have been described by Bigot :— 
Ocyptamus infuscatus, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 324.—Mexico. 

fraternus, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 324.—Mexico. 
fenestratus, Bigot, loc. cit. 1885, p. 251.— Mexico. 


Baccha, Fabricius, Syst. Antl. p. 199 (1805). 

Synopsis of the recognized Central- American species. 

. Alulz small or rudimentary ; slender species (except /uctuosa) 

Alulz of the usual size . ] "CD 

. Face in profile strongly projecting, fori nearly a straight 
edge with the front to the oral margin . 

Profile of facereceding . . . . . . 4 

. Face in profile nearly straight and sosedii bom the antenne 
to the oral margin; not atalltuberculate  . . 

Face with a well-developed tubercle . 

. Thorax metallie black ; smallspecies . . . . . . . 

"Thorax in great part red . 

. Wings much shorter than the abdomen, hyaliae, with a pem 
stigma ; front of female with fine transverse wrinkles ; 
abdomen very slender : 

Front of female without transverse wrinkles . : 

. Anal angle acuminate, with a concave basal border; M 
and pectus yellow . . . . — , "EE 

Basal border of anal angle convex; pectus, at X east metallic 

. Wings yellowish, with the ehe tiosdor indeinitdy "Mhos 
or brownish . 

Wings uniformly deep yelovish TR ocelli remote s droin 

Wings hyaline, ith the interior borde? definitely Bark 
brown. 4 . « 6 . 9 9 0 € 9 om o on 




nasuta, sp. n. 




gracilis, sp. n. 

rubida, sp. n. 

stenogaster, Willist. 

attenuata, sp. n. 


punctifrons, sp. n. 
luctuosa, Bigot? 

laudabilis, sp. n. 










. Antennze elongate, the first joint longer than the third; front 

tarsi of female flattened .. . . . . « « * « s * 
First antennal joint short . 

. Yellowish species; front with a more or less pronounced 

antenniferous projection, marked with a round black spot ; 

front of female narrow above; mesonotum (except the 
sides) with its ground-colour black, but the black more 
or less concealed beneath ochraceous pollen ; legs yellow, 
the hind femora or tibie more or less brownish or 
blackish c 4 77. € 0 0x o e 0$ 09 e, 9D 9 eso Won 

Species in great part black . - 

Black stripes of mesonotum conspicuous; very large species ; 
wings brownish-yellow . . . - * -* - Lua 
Black stripes of mesonotum inconspicuous, güostly Stsedia 
beneath light pollen; smaller species; wings more or less 

hyalinedistally . . . -- P AD dy 

Face, the four anterior tibi, " the hind PES light 
yellow ; wings brown along the costa ; pue species 

Species not so marked . . . s 

Face projecting, yellow, with a back stipes wings brains: 
with the subeostal (and costal, :) cells brown 

Face not projecting . 

'l'ip of the hind metatarsi and he iollowini joints silgwishs 
white; wings strongly blackish throughout (3), or with 
the distal part behind subhyaline (9) . € 5 

Distal joints of hind tarsi not yellowish-white n 

Third and fourth abdominal segments each with two pairs of 
yellow dots, the anterior ones remote, the posterior pair 
approximate ; legs wholly black ; wings brown at the base, 
hyaline (d) or subhyaline distally ( 9) . 

Species not so marked , : 

Wings somewhat brownish in front ; abdadieit srith ysllou 
bands ; mesonotum metallic bronze-green . 1 

Abdomen opaque and shining metallie, without yellow 

Wings hyaline, with the subcostal cell brown; second and 
third abdominal segments with a single triangular opaque 
spot, the fourth and fifth segments with three spots 

Wings hyaline, with a narrow costal brown border reaching 
to the tip ; second abdominal segment with a single spot, 
the third and fourth segments with two opaque spots 

Wings brownish in front, subhyaline behind; abdominal 
segments opaque, with the margins shining; hind meta- 
tarsi blackish, the following joints yellow . 

conjuncta, Wiedem. 


. pheoptera, Schiner. 

livida, Schiner. 

dolosa, sp. n. 

clavata, Fabr. 

lugubris, sp. n. 

adspersa, Fabr. 

ened, sp. n. 
concinna ( 9 ), sp. n. 

cerulea, sp. n. 

concinna ( d), sp. n. 



1. Baccha conjuncta. 
Syrphus conjunctus, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 116 '. 

Baccha conjuncta, Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 267 *. 
Hab. Sovra AwERICA !, Brazil 2.—Mxrco, Atoyac in Vera Cruz (H. H. Smith). 

À single female specimen, agreeing well with one from Brazil. 

2. Baccha phzoptera. 
Bacha pheoptera, Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 342 '. 
Baccha pheoptera, Willist. 'Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 267 *. 
Hab. Mxxico, Venta de Zopilote 2800 feet, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, and Amula 
6000 feet, all in Guerrero, Atoyac in Vera Cruz, Teapa in Tabasco CH. H. Smith) 
GUATEMALA, San Gerónimo (Champion).—SovrH AxERICA 1, Brazil 2. 


Twenty-five specimens, agreeing closely with others from Brazil A single male 
example from Guatemala differs markedly from the rest in the shape of the abdomen, 
which is shorter and more spatulate, the second segment being only a little longer than 
the width of the third behind. 

3. Baecha livida. 
Bacha livida, Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 343 '. 
Baccha livida, Willst. 'Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 268*. 
Hab. Mxxico, Venta de Zopilote in Guerrero 2800 feet, Atoyac in Vera Cruz (HH. H. 
Smith), Temax in North Yucatan (Gaumer).—SovrHR AMERICA !, Brazil ?. 

Eight specimens, agreeing well with others from Brazil. 

4. Baccha clavata. 

Syrphus clavatus, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iv. p. 298 '. 

Baccha clavata, Fabr. Syst. Antl. p. 200^; Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 94?; Willist. 
Trans. Àm. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 270*. 

Bacha clavata, Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 341 *. 

Baccha babista, Walk. List Diptera, ii. p.549*; Willst. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphide, p. 1ll7, 
t.-4. f. 9". pa 

Baccha facialis, Thomson, Eugen. Itesa, Ins. p. 504". 

Spazigaster bacchoides, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1888, p. 326". 

Hab. NonvH AMzniCA ?, Georgia ? 7, Florida *, Arizona ?, California ".—M Exico (4. H. 

Smith).—SovrR AwERICA ??, Galapagos Is.5, Brazil ^; Wksr IwprES! ?. 

A. widespread species that seems to occur everywhere throughout North and South 
America and theadjoining islands. There are about twenty specimens in the collection, 
from different regions of Mexico (41. H. Smit). 

BIOL. CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. III., December 1391. 3 



5. Baccha adspersa. 

Baccha adspersa, Fabr. Syst. Antl. p. 200'; Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 97 ^; Willist. 
Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 269 *. 

Bacha adspersa, Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 342. 

Hab. PANAMA, David in Chiriqui (Champion).—SovrTH AMERICA ! ? *, Brazil ?. 

A. single specimen, agreeing with specimens from Brazil. 

6. Baccha stenogaster. 
Baccha stenogaster, Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 266 K 
Hab. Mxxico, Rincon in Guerrero 2800 feet (H. 4. Smith).—SovTH |. AMERICA, 
Brazil !. 

A single female specimen from Mexico agrees pretty well with a male from Brazil, 
but it has the face wholly yellow (not chiefly metallic blue), the stigma dark brown 
(not brownish-yellow), and the hind tarsi brown. The front is shining metallic black, 

finely rugose. 

7. Baccha rubida, sp.n, « 9. (Tab. L. figg. 8, &; 8«, head in profile; 8 b, 

head from in front.) 

Alule rudimentary ; last section of the fourth vein and the posterior cross-vein sinuous and oblique. Head 
hemispherieal; front and face small, opaque black, covered with ochraceous pollen and light-coloured 
pile; front very narrow above in the female; face gently convex transversely, nearly straight and gently 
receding from the antenne to the oral margin. Antenn:e yellow, the third joint orbieular. Mesonotum 
shining red, the anterior part more or less black; pleure yellowish-red ; scutellum similar in colour to 
the mesonotum. Abdomen slender and elongate ; second segment cylindrieal, the abdomen gently spatu- 
late beyond ; reddish-brown, the base of the third and fourth segments yellow. Legs yellow; a preapical 
ring on the hind femora, tho hind tibi? broadly in the middle, and the hind metatarsi brown ; hind 
femora elongate, and gently thickened near the distal end. Wings subhyaline; subcostal cell beyond the 
auxiliary vein brown ; narrow, but conspicuous, clouds across the anterior cross-vein and from the first 
vein to and over the vein at the base of the last posterior cell; a blackish cloud distally along the 

Length 12-14 millim. 

Hab. MExico, Omilteme 8000 feet and Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas 9500 feet, 
both in Guerrero (H. H. Smith). 

Six specimens. 

8. Baccha gracilis, sp. n., & 9. 

Face and frontal triangle of the male shining bronze-green, thickly covered (except along the middle of the 
triangle) with nearly white dust; in the female the colour is shining blue, concealed beneath nearly white 
dust, except a streak along the front and at the vertex. Face gently convex transversely, in profile nearly 
straight and gently receding from the antenn:z to the oral margin. Mesonotum shining bronze in the 
male, blue in the female. Scutellum blue. Abdomen: firs& segment coloured like the scutellum ; second 
segment subopaque black, very slender, and of nearly uniform width; third segment brown or black, with 


the base yellow, its width behind in the male scarcely a third of the length (in the female the third 
segment may have a yellow median stripe); fourth segment similar in colour to the third, usually with a 
more or less complete median yellow stripe; fifth segment of tho female yellowish on the anterior angles ; 
hypopygium small, shining black. Legs light yellow; a preapical blackish ring on the hind femora, 
and a brown or brownish ring on the hind tibie ; hind metatarsi elongate, somewhat thickened and 
infuscated, the terminal joints also somewhat brownish. Wings nearly hyaline, the stigma lightly 
Length 6-7 millim. 

Hab. Mzxico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (ZI. H. Smith), Orizaba (JI. H. Smith 
and. F. D. Godman). 

Four specimens. 

Àn additional specimen from Omilteme (male) has the hind legs much more brownish, 
the hind tarsi brown, the wings tinged with brownish-yellow, the third abdominal 
segment narrower and more slender, and the fourth segment oval or spatulate in 

9. Baccha nasuta, sp. n. « 9. 

Front of the female moderately broad above, opaque yellow on the sides, in the middle with a broad opaque- 
black stripe or spot acutely emarginate above and below; the vertex shining metallic, the lunula shining. 
Frontal triangle of the male opaque yellow, with a large opaque black spot. Face in profile forming 
nearly a straight line with the front to the oral margin; the cheeks long and oblique, the head in profile 
forming nearly an equilateral triangle. Face yellow, the carinate portion somewhat brownish.  Meso- 
notum shining bronze; the sides, to the suture, the postalar callosities, scutellum, and pleurse light 
yellow. | Abdomen slender, the third segment cylindrieal; brown, with an oblique lateral spot or 
V-shaped band on each segment. Legs yellow; tips of the hind femora and tibie and the hind tarsi 
brownish. Wings tinged with brownish-yellow, the distal portion of the subeostal cell darker, the tips of 
the marginal and submarginal cells blackish; alule small. Antenn:e reddish-yellow ; third joint oval, 
blackish above. 

Length 9 millim. 

Hab. Mxico. 

'Two specimens. 
This species has something of the facies of a Mesogramma, but the ocelli are not 
placed noticeably forward, and the slender abdomen locates it with Baccha. 

10. Baccha attenuata, sp. n., & 9. 

Face, frontal triangle, front of female, antennz, and cheeks light yellow ; front of female very narrow above ; 
third joint of antenns orbieular ; a minute round black dot may be present in the female, just above the 
antenns. Thorax light yellow; mesonotum, except on the lateral margins, bronze-black, with two 
broad whitish stripes, obsolete posteriorly ; metanotum blackish, the sides of the pectus behind sometimes 
brownish. Abdomen slender, as long as the wings, brown and yellow, obscurely marked. Wings hyaline ; 
eostal cell yellowish, the subcostal cell dark brown ; tip of marginal and the submarginal cells blackish ; 
anal cell narrow, the sixth vein markedly concave; anal angle narrow basally, running to a very acute 

| angle, the lower margin concave on the basal half. Legs yellow. 

Length 8 millim. 



Hab. Mzxico, Amula 6000 feet and Omilteme 8000 feet, both in Guerrero (H. H. 

Three specimens. 
'The single male specimen has the whole anterior margin of the wing clouded, the 
subcostal cell less dark, and the scutellum dark above. 

11. Baccha punctifrons, sp. n.,« 9. 

Head yellow, a triangular brownish spot on the frontal triangle above ; below, above the base of the antennte, 
in both sexes, a round black spot; front of the female very narrow above, black at the vertex, and with 
a slender brown stripe, obsolete below. Third joint of the antenne orbicular, somewhat blackish above. 
Mesonotum shining bronze, obsoletely striped in the middle; the lateral margins, the scutellum, and a 
large part of the pleure yellow ; the pleure; elsewhere shining blue-black. Abdomen dark brown ; third 
segment slender, cylindrical; second, third, and fourth segments each with an oblique yellow spot. Legs 
yellow; the hind femora with a brown or brownish preapical ring, and the hind tibi; at the tip and the 
hind metatarsi more or less brown or brownish. Wings subhyaline, greyish or yellowish, the narrow 
eostal border brown or blackish, more diffuse beyond the subeostal cell, more yellow in the costal cell ; 
alule rudimentary, the anal angle convex on its lower border basally, and hence not remarkably 

Length 8-9 millim. 

Hah. MExico, Amula 6000 feet, Omilteme 8000 feet, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, and 
Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas 9500 teer, all in Guerrero (H. H. Smith). 

Six specimens. 

12. Baecha laudabilis, sp. n., 9. 

Front narrow above, black, yellow on the sides below, and with two small yellow spots above the base of the 
antenns.  Antenns» nearly black; third joint orbicular. Face yellow, somewhat reddish in the middle ; 
cheeks and mentum yellow. |Mesonotum opaque black, with obscure narrow stripes in front ; the narrow 
lateral margin and the margiu of the scutellum yellow ; scutellum elsewhere brown.  Pleurz blue-black, 
lightly whitish-pollinose; mesopleure with a small yellow spot. Abdomen black; second and third 
segments cylindrical; first segment on the sides light yellow ; second, third, and fourth segments at the 
base on each side with an oblique reddish-yellow spot. Wings hyaline; the costal, subcostal, and mar- 
ginal cells (save the base of the marginal) wholly dark brown, the brown extending beyond them and 
filling out the first basal cell to the false vein and the submarginal cell, except a long semioval space 
beyond the cross-vein. Alule rudimentary. 

Length 9—10 millim. 

Hab. Mtxico, Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas in Guerrero 7000 feet ( H. H. Smith). 

One specimen. 

A male example from Amula (alt. 6000 feet, H. H. Smith) has a large shield-shaped 
blackish spot on the front, brownish cheeks, brownish-yelow antenne, the lateral 
yellow stripes of the mesonotum reaching only to the suture, a large yellow spot on the 
pleurge, the terminal abdomiual segments marked somewhat differently, and the brown 
of the wings confined to the costal and subcostal cells and the tip of the marginal 
and submarginal cells. I doubt its identity. 




13. Baccha dolosa, sp.n, d 9. (Tab. IL figg. 7, à; 7 a, head in profile; 7 0, 
head from in front.) 

Face pure light yellow. — Frontal triangle black, the narrow orbital border opaque yellow, the pile black ; front 
narrow above, opaque black, on either side a narrow orbital border ; reaching nearly to the ocelli, opaque 
yellow, the pile black ; ocelli situated well forward, beyond which the front is shining metallie. Sides 
of face whitish-pollinose. First two joints of the antenn: black ; third joint dark brown, not twice as long 
as wide. Orbital cilia white; occiput white-pollinose. "Thorax deep blue-black, but little shining, with 
four feebly apparent black stripes. Seutellum yellowish-brown, its base narrowly light sulphur-yellow :; 
a row of depressed white hairs on the margin. Abdomen brown and blaek, with some bluish reflections : 
a spot on either side of the base of the second segment, and a. basal fascia on the third, yellow ; second 
segment elongate, its width distally a little more than half the width of the distal end of the next 
segment. lliypopygium and tip of female abdomen red. Legs deep brown or black ; the four front tibi: 
and the hind metatarsi and the following jointlight yellow. ^ Wings: in the male the subcostal cell and 
the tip of the marginal and submarginal cells brown ; in the female the costal cell also, and the larger 
part of the marginal cell, extending across the third vein, at the base, brown; the wings elsewhere 
nearly hyaline. 

Length 14—15 millim. 

llab. MEgxico, Omilteme 8000 feet, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, and Amula 6000 feet, 
. all in Guerrero (A. f. Sinith) ; GUATEMALA, Cerro Zunil 4000 to 5000 feet (Champion). 

Five specimens. 

14. Baccha lugubris, sp. n., « 9. 

Male. Frontal triangle blue-black, somewhat shining, with black pile; lunule red, with a black spot in the 
middle. Antennes brownish-blaek ; third joint gently oval. Face in the middle steel-blue, on the sides 
yellow, covered with whitish pollen. Mesonotum shining bronze or brownish-bronze; scutellum coloured 
like the mesonotum or somewhat yellowish.  Pleurw shining blue, in the middle somewhat yellowish and 
covered with whitish pollen. Abdomen slender, the second segment cylindrical; opaque or subopaque 
black, the base or anterior angles of segments 2-4 red, the posterior margins of the second and third 
segments, and the first segment, more shining, often blue. Legs reddish-brown, the front pair and the base 
of the middle tibiz& more reddish or yellowish ; the hind tibi; and the basal two-thirds of the hind meta- 
tarsi black, the remainder of the hind tarsi light yellow. — Wings strongly blackish, less intense on the 
posterior part. 

Female. Front very narrow above, opaque or subopaque black, with the vertex and sides below shining blue: 
pile black. Abdomen less slender. Wings with a large subhyaline triangular space on the outer 
posterior part. 

Length 11-14 millim. 

Hab. MExico, Venta de Zopilote 2800 feet and Chilpancingo 4600 feet, both in 
Guerrero, Atoyac in Vera Cruz, Teapa in Tabasco (H. H. SmitA). 

'Twenty-two specimens. 

15. Baecha znea, sp.n. &. (Tab. I. figg. 10, &; 10, head.) 

Face shining bronze, elothed upon the sides with white pollen ; frontal triangle shining black, on the margins 
covered with yellowish pollen. Antennz red; third joint broadly black above, in shape elliptical, about 
twice as long as broad. Mesonotum and scutellum shining bronze-green; pleurc more bluish-bronze, with 
white pollen in the middle. Abdomen: second and third segments opaque black, with the base and sides 
shining and the base red ; fourth segment shining, the base with a red or yellow cross-band ; Bfth segment 

and hypopygium shining, somewhat metallie, black ; second segment flattened-cylindrical, a little more 


than twice as long as broad. Legs yellow ; the hind femora, except the tip, and the hind tibiz, except. the 
base and tip, brown. Wings subhyaline; the suboostal cell beyond the auxiliary vein brown ; the distal 
part of the wing, especially before the third vein, clouded with blackish. - 

Length 10-12 millim. 

Hab. Mzxico, Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas in Guerrero 9500 feet (H. H. Smith). 

Two specimens. 

16. Baecha ccrulea, sp. n., & 9. 

Female. Deep steel-blue, shining. Front moderately narrowed above, the vertex shining purple, this colour 
extending down as a slender median stripe; front elsewhere lighter metallie blue; pile black. Face 
bluish-black, with whitish dust; a small red spot on the sides below. Antenne brownish-red ; third joint 
alitle longer than wide, broadly black above. Mesonotum bluish-black, feebly striped. Pleure with 
white pile. Abdomen only alittle narrowed towards the base, the second and third segments of about 
equal length and about as broad as long ; second segment with a semilunar eross-band, and the third and 
fourth segments each with a pair of large triangular spots, separated by a line, opaque black ; dorsum with 
sparse, white, short, eurved hairs. Wings hyaline; a narrow dark brown border extending from the base 
to the tip of the costal vein, a little broader in the submarginal cell, and with a slight projection at the 
origin of the third vein; the costal cell lighter-eoloured. Legs: femora black or dark brown, their tips or 
distal parts and the four anterior tibie and the metatarsi brownish-yellow, the tarsi, otherwise, aud the 
hind tibie& brown ; hind metatarsi lighter yellow, elongate and but slightly thickened. 

Male. Eyes with the facets much larger above, a horizontal line near the middle. Frontal triangle somewhat 
bronze-coloured in the middle; pile black. Face without the red spot on the sides below. | Mesonotum 
more brownish or bronze-eoloured. Band of the second abdominal segment larger; the remainder of the 
abdomen opaque, save the narrow margins of the segments. 

Length 7-9 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Amula 6000 feet, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, Omilteme 8000 feet, and 
Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas 9500 feet, all in Guerrero (H. H. Smith). 

Four specimens. 

17. Baccha concinna, sp. n., « 9. 

Front of the female much narrowed above, shining blue-black, whitish-pollinose, shining black below. Face 
narrow, blue-black, the orbital margins narrowly yellow, whitish-pollinose. Antennsz red ; third joint 
short ovate, obtusely pointed, black above. Frontal triangle blue-black, thinly pollinose. Mesonotum of 
the male deep blackish-brown, more shining bluish on the lateral margins; mesonotum of the female 
more shining blue, with two or four narrow brown stripes in front. Scutellum coloured like the meso- 
notum. Pleure more shining blue. Abdomen moderately narrowed at the base, not slender—in the 
male opaque black, with the first segment, the broad anterior angles of the second, third, and fourth 
segments, and the fifth segment and small hypopygium shining blue-black; in the female the opaque 
black forms a subtriangular spot on the second segment, a larger triangular one on the third, three spots 
on the fourth, and two or three streaks on the fifth. Legs blackish ; the tip or distal part of the femora 
and the base of the hind tibize yellow, the four anterior tarsi and the distal part of the four anterior tibim 
somewhat brownish-yellow ; hind tarsi of the male, except the basal two thirds of the metatarsi, yellow. 

Wings hyaline or nearly so; in the male with the costal, subeostal, and the basal part of the marginal 
cells yellowish-brown ; in the female with the subcostal cell only brown. 
, Length 8-9 millim. 

Hab. Mgxico, Chilpancingo 4600 feet and Venta de Zopilote 2800 feet, both in 
, Guerrero, Teapa in Tabasco (H. H. Smith). 


One male and two females. 

I describe the male and female specimens above as belonging to one species, but it is 
possible that they are distinct. In addition to the differences noted in the wings and 
hind tarsi, the female has the abdomen distinctly more slender basally, while the reverse 
should be the case; the abdomen in the female distally is covered with sparse recumbent 
short white hairs, while the covering of the male is black pie. "Themale also has the 
wings more yellowish. 

The male differs from the same sex of B. cerulea chiefly in the eye-facets above not 
being enlarged, in the more spatulate abdomen, without the white hairs, in the absence 
of the clouds at the ends of the marginal and submarginal cells, and in the colour of 
the hind tarsi. The female is best distinguished by the very narrow tront above. 

18. Baecha luctuosa. 
Baccha luctuosa, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 334^. 

Hab. Mkxico !. 

It is possible that a female specimen from Caché, Costa Rica (-Rogers), may be of 
the same species as the male described by Bigot from Mexico. I therefore give à 
description of it :— 

Front much narrowed above; black, on the sides below red ; pile black. Antenns red; third joint orbicular, 
brownish above. Face yellow.  Mesonotum blackish-brown, with marked purple and bronze reflections, 
the lateral margins yellow.  Pleurz shining blue, largely yellow in front. Scutellum subtranslucent 
reddish-yellow. — Abdomen deep blackish-brown, with marked purple reflections, only a little narrowed at 
the base; first segment yellow on the sides ; second segment with a narrow band; third segment with a 
pair of small yellow triangles; fourth segment with a pair of yellow V-shaped spots, the angles of which 
are obtuse and the inner subparallel rami longer than the outer ones; fifth segment with two yellow 
stripes. Legs and cox: light yellow ; hind femora and tibiz, save the knees, brown. Wings uniformly 
deep yellowish-brown; alul: rudimentary. 

Length 9 millim. 

The oceli are remote from the vertex, as in the genus Jesogramma, and the 
species otherwise is a rather aberrant Zaccha. 

The following species have also been recorded from within our limits ;— 

DBaccha lineata, Macq. Dipt. Exot. l" Suppl. p. 139, t. 20. f. 5.— Texas or 

Yucatan. | AM 
marmorata, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 333.— Mexico. 

B. lineata may be synonymous with P. livida, Schiner. 



Myolepta, Newman, Ent. Mag. v. p. 378 (1858). 
Xyloteja, Rondani, Dipt. Ital. Prodr. ii. p. 96 (1857). 

1. Myiolepta auricaudata, sp.n. s 9. (Tab. L. figg. 1l, 4; lla, head; 
11 5, hind leg.) 

Male. Allied to M. strigilata, Loew. — Body clothed with sparse white or yellow tomentum, this being longer, 
dense, and brassy on the terminal abdominal segments. Vertical triangle long, opaque white in front ; 
contiguity of the eyes short. Face and front clothed with dense white pollen and some golden tomentum 
on the frontal triangle; a broad, shining, bare spot above the base of the antenne; a transverse band on 
the face, extending down on the tubercle, and the cheeks also, bare and shining black. 'Tomentum of the 
mesonotum golden-yellow, arranged in indistineb rows. Second abdominal segment and the anterior part 
of the third with the tomentum more sparse, apparently bare in certain lights; on the posterior part of 
the third segment and on the fourth the tomentum is longer, dense, bright brassy-yellow, concealing the 
ground-colour. Legs black; the base of the middle and hind tibise, the middle metatarsi, and the hind 
metatarsi in part, light yellow or white; femora thickened and with spinules below. — Wings subhyaline, 
clouded with brownish distally. 

Female. Front black, with sparse white tomentum and two small, oval, white-pollinose spots on each side ; face 
shining black, with an infra-antennal band and a narrow stripe from the eye to the oral margin white- 
pollinose. "Tomentum of the mesonotum more white. 

Length 6—7 millim. 

Hab. Mzxico, Xucumanatlan in Guerrero 7000 feet, Cuernavaca in Morelos (7. H. 

Two specimens. 

Apart from the striking difference of the tomentum on the abdomen, this species 

differs from M. strigilata (female) in the front being narrower above, and in the darker 
antennz, the absence of facial spot, darker legs, &c. 

Rhingia, Scopoli, Ent. Carniol. p. 358 (1763). 
1. Rhingia nigra. 
Rhingia nigra, Macq. Dipt. Exot. 1* Suppl. p. 133, t. 11. f. 10. 
Hab. Mxxico, Teapa in Tabasco (7. H. Smith).—Sovru AMERICA, Colombia !. 

Phalacromya, Rondani, Studi Ent. p. 67 (1848). 

Synopsis of the recognized Central- American species. 

l. A distinct transverse impression before the tip of the scutellum . 2. 
Seutellum convex throughout . y d ur « 4o" ao 14" CM 

2. Light-coloured species; scutellum with strong bristles on the 
lateral margins . . . . . . «4 «4 «4 s e. s. e. n .— Virescens, sp. n. 


Dark-eoloured small species |... . . 5... . ls bellula, sp. n. 
3. Epistoma much produced ; proboscis longer thau the femora . . 4. 
Epistoma but little produced ; proboseis not longer than the 
femora; greenish species . . . . . . . . . . . .. vaga, Wiedem. 
4. Yellowish-red species; mesonotum without black . . . . . , pulchra, sp. n. 
Yellow species; abdomen banded with black; mesonotum with 
Dlok diripes is coi v e Lo sw £4 ate ak QU uta pica, Schiner. 

1. Phalacromyia pulchra, sp. n., « 9. 

Phalacromyia pulchra, Verrall, in litt. 

Translucent amber-coloured. Front narrow ; pile black. Antenn:z about one third the length of the face, 
red; the third joint broader at its base, and with a long shallow emargination beyond, less dilated at the 
base in the female; arista thinly plumose. Face projeeting strongly forwards into a long slender cone ; 
theline of the cheeks below forms a gentle curve, and is about as long as the hind femora; in colour 
more yellowish ; on either side a brownish stripe running from the eye to the oral margin.  Proboscis 
long, with long labella. Mesonotum shining red, thinly yellwish- and blackish-pilose ; pleurs a little 
lighter-coloured ; pectus black.  Sidesof the mesonotum and margin of the seutellum with well-developed 
bristles. .À narrow band on the posterior margin of the second abdominal segment and a broader one on 
the hind part of the third, due to short black hairs, and more conspicuous in certain lights; the short 
pile elsewhere is reddish-yellow ; the second and third segments have a very narrow brownish hind 
margin, nob due to hair. Legs reddish-yellow ; hind tibie with a brownish ring. Wings strongly tinged 
with brownish-yellow, with darker clouds on the eross-vein ; marginal cell wide open. Eyes pilose. 

Length 11-12 millim. 

Hab. CosrA RicA, Rio Sucio (Jogers). 

This insect is evidently closely allied, both in structure and in coloration, to P. pica 
(picta), Schiner, from Colombia, and I at first felt disposed to identify it with that 
species, The abdomen is short and broad, and has the first and fourth segments very 
short: it is possible that Schiner may have mistaken the hair-bands for fascie of the 
ground-colour. "The length of his four specimens is given at about 8 millim., whereas 
in these Costa-Rican examples it is nearly 12, and, counting the epistoma, over 13 
milim. "The proboscis is much shorter than the length of the body ; there is no black 
on the thorax, save on the pectus; and the mesonotum especially is not clothed with 
* dichte, fuchsróthliche Behaarung." 

3. Phalacromyia pica, «. 
? Phalacromyia pica, Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 355, t. 4. figg. 6, 64 (picta) !. 

Very like P. pulchra, but the colour is light honey-yellow ; the mesonotum has three black stripes, the lateral 
ones interrupted ; the second abdominal segment has a. narrow blaek stripe behind, the third segment a 
broad stripe connected in the middle with the black of the second, and the fourth segment has a deep 
black diamond-shaped spot extending to the front margin. The wings are light yellow, with a large 
blackish cloud at the distal end and brown clouds on the cross-veins. The legs are light yellow, with a 
black ring on the hind tibiw. 

Length 9 millim. 

Hab. Mzxico, Misantla (F. D. Godman).—Sovru AMERICA, Colombia !, 
BIOL. CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. IIL, December 1891. Jg 


3. Phalacromyia bellula, sp. n., «. 

In structure like Volucella vesiculosa, Fabr., or V. pallens, Wiedem., except that the marginal cell is narrowly 
open. Eyes pilose, with enlarged facets above. Face and front obscure yellowish-red ; cheeks with a 
narrow brownish stripe. Antennz luteous or reddish-yellow. Mesonotum deep brown, with metallie 
purple and bluish reflections and a yellowish translucency; pile blaek. Abdomen small, flat, deep 
brownish-black, the base somewhat yellowish-translucent. Legs brown or brownish-black ; hind meta- 
tarsi yellow. Wings tinged with brownish-yellow. 

Length 6—7 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Temax in North Yucatan (Gaumer ). 

Two specimens. 

A female from Teapa (JJ. H. Smith) has narrow clouds in the central cross-veins of 
the wings, the face and antenne rather darker-coloured, and the bristles of the thorax 
and scutellum more strongly developed. 

4. Phalacromyia vaga. 
Volucella vaga, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 205 '. 
Phalacromyia vaga, Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 335. 

Hab. Mxxico, Xucumanatlan in Guerrero 7000 feet (H. H. Smith).—SovTH AMERICA, 

A female specimen from Xucumanatlan I believe to be of this species, though there 
are certain differences from the description. "The front is green rather than yellow ; 
the tip of the scutellum is only a little blackish, and has no impression (as one would 
infer is the case from. Sehiner's remarks) ; the femora are not *grünlich;" and there 
are narrow brown clouds on the cross-veins at the middle of the wing. Another female 
specimen, while agreeing closely with the foregoing in other respects, has the front and 
median facial stripe deep black; it is from Irazu, Costa Rica (Jtogers). 

5. Phalacromyia virescens, sp. n., 9. 

Face and front light yellowish-green; cheeks more yellow, with a narrow brown stripe. Front narrow; 
the crescentic spaces very narrow.  Antenns more than a third of the length of the face, light reddish- 
yellow; third joint not excised; arista well plumose, more than twice the length of the third joint. 
Face projecting downward and forward, resembling that of Volweella pallens, Wiedem.; strongly 
concave below the antenns, with à rounded prominent tubercle. Thorax yellow; the mesonotum tinged 
with grassy-green; pile of mesonotum short, black; scutellum more strongly green, grooved before its 
apex; sides of the seutellum and postalar callosities with black bristles; the bristles of the thorax 
elsewhere light-coloured. Tegule with black cilia. Abdomen short, flat, in colour strongly grass-green, 
the basal segments more translucent yellowish. Legs: femora, except their brownish tip, light greenish- 
yellow ; tibiz and tarsi brown or brownish-yellow, the terminal joints of the tarsi blackish. Wings tinged 
with greenish-yellow, more strongly so in front; a small brown stigmatie spot; cross-vein near the base 
of the discal cell. 

Length 9 millim. 

Hab. GuATEMALA, El Tumbador, 2500 feet (Champion). 

One specimen. 

The following species have been described by Bigot :— 

Phalacromyia vicina, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883 (Phalacromyia).—M exico. 
—— melanorhina, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 86 (Phalacromyia).—Mexico. 
* volucelloides, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 548 (Glaurotricha).—Mexico. 

The generic distinctions between Glaurotricha and Phalacromiyia are, to say the 

least, very doubtful, and for the present I believe the name Gaurotricha should be held 
in abeyance. 


Volucella, Geoffroy, Hist. des Ins. envir. de Paris, p. 540 (1762). 

Cenogaster, Duméril, Zool. Analyt. p. 282 (1806) ; Dict. des Sciences nat. Strasbourg, vii. p. 368 

Temnocera, St.-Fargeau & Serville, Encycl. Méth. x. 786 (1825) ; Macquart, Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 26 

Ornidia, St.-Fargeau & Serville, Encycl. Méth. x. p. 786 (1825). 

Atemnocera, Bigot, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1882, p. exiv. 

Synopsis of the recognized. Central- American species. 

A. Large, inflated species; face, in profile, descending, without 
distinct concavity above or tubercle below; antennz small; 
scutellum without bristles ; second longitudinal vein not sinuous 
at its extremity; abdomen clothed with short, recumbent, 
bristly hairs. 
a. Wings with a large dark brown spot. . . . . . . . 4. quadrata, sp. n. 
aa. Wings with small brown clouds on the cross-veins. 
6. Black and deep red species; abdomen not banded .. . . 1. eastanea, Bigot. 
bb. Largely yellow or reddish-yellow species; abdomen with 
black bands. 
c. Red or reddish-yellow species; head of male very large; 
wings strongly infuscated on the basal portion; very 

largespecies . . . . . « . . s . , « . . . X data, Wiedem. 
cc. Light yellow species; mesonotum and abdomen largely 
black; wings not strongly infuscated at the base. . . 8. isabellina, Willist. 

B. Medium-sized species; second longitudinal vein, near its extre- 
mity, distinctly sinuous, bending into the submarginal cell; no 
prescutellar bristles. 
a. Margin of the scutellum without bristles. 
b. Mesonotum thickly yellow-pilose ; second abdominal segment 
with a pair of slender crescentic spots . . . . . . . 10. ormata, sp. n. 



ób. Mesonotum mot thiekly yellow-pilose; second abdominal 
segment not so marked. 

c. Thorax wholly black; wings hyaline, with narrow dark 
brown clouds on the cross-veins, and similarly coloured 
spots in the marginal and submarginal cells 

cc. Wings not so marked. 
d. Legs black, with the first three tarsal joints light yellow. 
e. Wings distinctly fasciate; pleurz with one or two 
yellow spots . -—— 
ee. Wings indistinctly fascláte; June vith five Or six 
yellow spots 
dd. Legs black, with the báse of the tibi s elfe 
aa. Margin of the scutellum with distinct bristles. 
f. Wholly deep metallie blue species; face short, 
deeply concave below the antennz 
ff. More or less yellow species; face gently concave 
below the antennz. 
g. Face without median black stripe; abdomen 
reddish-yellow . 
gg. Face with a median plu sizipé; 
chiefly black. 
h. Mesonotum thickly yellow-pilose 


hh. Mesonotum thinly pilose; abdomidal seg- 
ments 2—4 banded . EN tg 
C. Second longitudinal vein regular ; scutellum without bikdes] no 
prescutellar row of bristles ; wholly deep metallic species. 
a. Face perpendicular and nearly Dei in profile ; S pure 
hyalme . 
aa. Face concave and iibesdulateda basil éastal half of the wings 
deep brown; large species . Sw BSPTI vou. 
D. Second longitudinal vein regular; sceutelum with bristles; a 
prescutellar row of bristles present; face concave and tuber- 
a. Epistoma strongly projecting, porrect, and acutely conical; 
third antennal joint markedly emarginate above . 
ad. Epistoma produced but moderately or not all forwards ; 
antennal joint feebly or not at all emarginate. 
6. Face with a brown median stripe; abdomen light yellow, 
with black bands 
bb. Face without median stripe. 
c. Wings without distinct spots; abdomen chiefly or wholly 
deep black or violet. 
d. Wings pure hyaline . . 
dd. Wings infuscate ; abdomen deg vidit: vit: the base 
light yellow . 











. Sp. 

. picta, Wiedem. 

. fasciata, Maeq. 
. avida, O. 8S. 

obesa, Fabr. 

mellea, Jaenn. 

cesariata, sp. n. 

. fraudulenta, sp. n. 

comstocki, Willist. 

esuriens, Fabr. 

haagi, Jaeun. 

comastes, sp. n. 

chetophora, Willist. 

amethystina, Bigot. 


cc. Wings spotted. 

e. Wings with a quadrate brown spot; abdomen more 

orless metalli posteriorly —. . . . . . . . 18. macula, Wiedem. 
ee. Wings with narrow brown clouds on the cross-veins 
and neartheend. . . . . . . 5 l7. opinator, sp. n. 

E. Small, thinly pilose species; second vein vupidlar. the aarertagi 
cell closed near the costa or narrowly open; anterior cross-vein 
situated near the base of the discal cell; the first posterior cell 
long; frontal triangle small; the male eyes with enlarged 
facets above ; face concave and tuberculate, conical; scutellum 
with bristles, often impressed before its tip; no prescutellar 
a. Scutellum yellow, with a preapical impression and a blackish 
spot at the tip; baseof the abdomen light translucent yellow. 
ó. Mesonotum, except the sides, deep blue-black. 
c. Face with a median black stripe. . . . . . . . . 97. lugens, Wiedem. 
cc. Face without median black stripe . . . . . . . . 24. Sp. 
6b. Mesonotum wholly reddish-yellow. 
d. Wings with a conspicuous triangular blackish spot near 
the tipinfront . . . . eo. or oc 5 os. 5. . 223. tympanilis, Fabr. 
dd. Wings yellowish-hyaline, vith aminute stigmatic spot. 23. Sp. 
aa. Scutellum without noticeable black spot at the tip. 
e. Scutellum with a rough, flattened, opaque spot on 
each side; an impresssion before the apex. . . . 26. fuscipennis, Macq. ' 
ee. Scutellum convex, without flattened opaque surface ; 
no preapical impression. 
f. Mesonotum deep black, or metallie violet, with 
the lateral margins yellow. . . . . 28. purpurifera, Bigot. 
Á[f. Mesonotum wholly yellow or vedáiske-yellow . pallens, Wiedem. 


1. Volucella castanea. Cowon qeexeen Isa) 
Volucella castanea, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1875, p. non 

Hab. Mkxico, Oaxaca (coll. Bigot), Jalisco (Schumann). 

A. single specimen from Jalisco, the determination of which does not seem doubtful. 

2. Volucella lata. 

? Volucella lata, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. [ns. iii. p. 195 '. 
Volucella (Temnocera) megacephala, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphid:z, p. 146* (nee Loew). 

A very large, thick-set, yellowish speeies. Face gently convex and receding, without tubercle, produced but 
little downward; light brownish-yellow, clothed with short, chiefly white, hairs ; cheeks of the same 
colour. Antenn: very small; the third joint scarcely three times as long as wide, almost imperceptibly 
emarginate in the male, not at all in the female; arista loosely plumose, not twice as long as the joint, 
Frontal triangle very small, of the colour of the face; eyes of the male contiguous for a long distance, 
their upper facets markedly larger than the lower ones. Front of the female long, convex, of the colour 


of the face, very thinly clothed with hair. "Thorax reddish-yellow ; pectus black ; pile of the same colour, 
not abundant, on the posterior part of the mesonotum more or less intermixed with black; just in front 
of the scutellum, in the middle, a short row of small black bristles. Scutellum a little lighter than the 
thorax, subtranslucent; pile chiefly black ; margin without bristles. Abdomen large, broad, yellow and 
red; the posterior part of the second, third, and fourth segments more or less black, the black greatest in 
extent on tbe third segment; anterior angles of the segments with some yellowish pile, but the dorsum 
is almost wholly clothed with very short recumbent black bristly hairs. Venter black posteriorly and in 
the middle in front. Legs almost uniformly yellowish-red, the cox: black. Wings hyaline, brownish- 
yellow along the eosta and at the base; the cross-veins of the middle clouded with black. 
Length 16—19 millim. 

Hab. UxrrED SraATES, Arizona 2.—Mzxi1c0 ! 2, Temax in Northern Yucatan (Gaumer), 
Atoyac in Vera Cruz (Schumann). 

Six specimens, including both sexes. 

"This species is mentioned in my Synopsis (p. 146) as perhaps being the same as 
V. (Temnocera) megacephala, Loew, but I am fully satisfied that this cannot be the 
case. Apart from the size and other striking differences, the species has neither of the 
characters of Temmnocera. In the two northern specimens, which are also somewhat 
larger, the mesonotum shows indications of brown stripes, wholly wanting in the others. 
The species is remarkable for the very large tabanoid head of the male, its very 
small antennze, and large size. 

3. Volucella isabellina. 
Volucella isabellina, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 140 *. 

Iab. UwrrgD SrATES, Arizona !. —Mzxico, Northern Sonora (JMorrison). 

A single specimen from Sonora agrees well with the description, but is somewhat 
smaller than the size there given. 

4. Volucella quadrata, sp.n., 9. (Tab. I. figg. 12, 9 ; 12 a, head ; 12, an- 

Allied to V. decora, V. castanea, V. lata, &c. Headlight yellow, a brown band at the upper part of the front, 
and a similarly eoloured stripe on the cheeks; front broad, Face in profile gently receding, forming a 
long, moderate convexity, not tuberculate or concave, produced downward but little, Pile of the front 
blackish, that of the face light yellow, short.  Proboscis black, short. Antennse very small, red; third 
Joint gently widened at the base, and briefly emarginate before the tip; arista thinly plumose.  Meso- 
notum dark brown, with two faint pollinose stripes in front; the lateral margins, and a large quadrate 
spot behind, light yellow ; pile moderately abundant, yellow.  Pleurs black, a large light yellow spot 
on the mesopleurz, covered with dense yellow pile. Scutellum translucent reddish-yellow, without 
bristles, Abdomen yellow and red, with the posterior part of the segments black; covered with short 
recumbent black hair. Legs brown or blackish-brown, the knees and the base of tibiz:» somewhat lighter. 
Wings nearly as in V. esuriens ; a dark brown subquadrate spot at the middle in front, hyaline beyond, 
and brownish on the basal part. 

Length 14 miilim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Chilpancingo in Guerrero (H7. HJ. Smith). 

One specimen. 


5. Volucella avida. 
Volucella avida, Osten Sacken, Western Diptera, in Bull. U.S. Geol. & Geogr. Surv. iii. p. 333 '; 
Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 139, t. 6. figg. 12, 125 *. 

Hab. Uxtrgp Srarzs, California ! *^.—Mxzxi00, Jaral in Guanajuato ( Sehwumana). 

A single female specimen from Jaral presents a number of minor variations from the 
descriptions. "The cheeks are not wholly black; there are two oval, rather remote, 
spots in front of the scutellum. I see no black hairs on the margin of the scutellum ; 
the median stripe of the second abdominal segment is not expanded anteriorly ; and 
the basal joints of the tarsi are deep red. 

6. Volucella picta. 

Volucella picta, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 201'; Rondani, Studi Ent. p. 65?; Schiner, 
Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 358^; Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 275 *. 

Volucella pulchripes, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1875, p. 480*. 

Hab. Mzxico?, Omilteme 8000 feet, Dos Arroyos 1000 feet, Venta de Zopilote 
2800 feet, and Tierra Colorada 2000 feet, all in Guerrero (H. H. Smith), Orizaba 
(H. .H. Smith and F. D. Godman), Temax in Northern Yucatan (Gauwmer).—Sovmi 
AMERICA, Brazil 1 234, — Wgsr IxpiEs, Cuba. 

Twenty specimens, which I confess myself unable to refer positively to this species, 
though I have compared them with examples from Brazil. As mentioned by me in 
the paper referred to above, there is great variation in the markings. If all these 
Mexican representatives are referable to V. picía, as I believe they are, then it would 
seem very probable that the name V. pusilla, Macq.,is synonymous. — In structure the 
specimens are all quite alike, and there is no noteworthy variation in the markings of 
the wings. I group the principal varieties as follows:— 

(a) Male. Cheeks, median faeial stripe, and frontal triangle deep blaek. Thorax wholly deep blue-black, save 
& small spot below the humeri and another in front of the seutellum ; usually, also, a small vittula above 
the base of the wings. Seutellum reddish-yellow, without black pile. Abdomen black, with obscure 
reddish spots on the sides of tbe second and third segments. Legs deep black, the knees narrowly yellowish, 
the base of all the tarsi reddish-yellow, the base of the hind femora narrowly reddish.  Humeri often 

This is evidently the same as V. pulchripes, Bigot. 

(b) Male. Like a, but the facial stripe brown, the scutellum with black pile, the humeri and a vittula above the 
wings yellow. 

(e) Male. Face and frontal triangle light yellow ; sides of the mesonotum yellow, enclosing a black spot poste- 
riorly ; scutellum light yellow, with dark red pile; a large yellow spot on the mesopleur:e ; two yellow 
spots in front of the scutellum ; base of the abdomen light yellow ; a large yellow spot on the sides of the 
second and the third segments. 

'lThis variety agrees quite with some of the specimens from Brazil, and seems to be 
the true J. picta. 


(d) Female. Face with a brownish stripe; front yellow ; sides of the mesonotum less yellow than in c; 1neso- 
pleure with a small spot; preseutellar spots confluent; scutellum with black pile ; second abdominal 
segment with a light yellow broad band. 

7. Volucella fasciata. ! 

Volucella fasciata, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 22, t. 5. 1. 2 '. Osten Sacken, Western Diptera, in 
Bull. U.S. Geol. & Geogr. Survey, iii. p. 334^; Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidie, p. 145, 
t. 6. £. 4". 

1 3 a8 29 —] 3 
Hab. Uxrgp SravES, Kansas ?, Colorado ? ?, Carolina 1 ?, Texas? *. Mzxico ?. 

I have seen specimens of this species from Northern Mexico. 

$. Volucella — ? 

Hab. Mxxico, Atoyac in Vera Cruz (Schumann). 

A single specimen, apparently of a new species, but injured, is so characteristically 
marked that I believe it will be recognized from the particulars given in the synopsis 
and the following :——The abdomen and legs as in V. picta; the thorax wholly black, 
somewhat metallic, with black and yellow pile; the face dark red; the brown spots 
of the wings forming two incomplete fascie, the one extending from the subcostal to 
the submarginal, the other from the marginal to the first posterior cell. Length 
8 millim. 

9. Volucella fraudulenta, sp. n, « 9. (Tab. L figg. 13, 9; 13, head ; 135, 

Male, Face yellow, with a broad median stripe, and the cheeks broadly, shining black ; in profile straight and 

| perpendicular below the small antenniferous process to the lower third, where it is gently receding. 

| Frontal triangle black in the middle, on the sides yellow ; pile long and black. Antenns nearly black ; 
narrow, elongate, the third joint not dilated at the base; a little less than half the length of the face; 
arista not longer than the third joint, somewhat abundantly plumose. Eyes densely black-pilose along 
the middle, less so behind. Mesonotum shining black; the humeri, a vittula above the wings, and two 
dots or spots in front of the seutellum, yellow ; pile rather abundant and long, but not obseuring the 
ground-colour. Pleurz black, with yellow pile; a vertieal yellow spot on the mesopleurz.  Seutellum 
light translucent-yellow, chiefly, rather abundantly and long, black-pilose; along its margin about twelve 
thin bristles, approximated in the middle. Abdomen black, with abundant, erect pile, obscuring the ground- 
colour but little; the pile on the hind margins of the second and third segments and on the small 
hypopygium black, elsewhere yellowish, longer on the fourth segment; on each side of the second segment 
an elongate, narrow, oblique yellow spot, the posterior margin of the segment more deeply black; third 
segment with an anterior narrow band, widened on the margin and emarginate or interrupted in the 
middle, yellow; fourth segment with the anterior margin laterally yellow. Legs blaek, the first two 
joints of the tarsi red. Wings subhyaline; clouded distally, and with narrow brown clouds on the eross- 
veins; second vein markedly sinuous at the tip. "Tegule white, white-ciliate. 

Female. Third joint of the antenuz broader at the base and longer, distinctly more than half the length of the 
face. Front with a black stripe, and well-marked erescentie grooves. Pile of the thorax and abdomen 
shorter. Crescentie spots of the second abdominal segment larger and less widely interrupted, and the 
lateral margins of the same segment yellow. 

Length 9-10 millim. 


Hab. Mxxico, Venta de Zopilote in Guerrero 2800 feet (H. H. Smith), Temax in 
Northern Yucatan (Gawmer). 

Five specimens. 

10. Volucella ornata, sp. n., c. 

Frontal triangle and face light yellow, the former with a small black spot, the latter with a broad black stripe 
on either side, extending from the eyes to the oral margin, and a narrower median one, obsolete above. 
Cheeks yellow, blackish posteriorly. Face, in profile, projeeting downward and but little forward, with a 
long coneavity above and a small, well-marked tubercle below. —Antenns about one-half of the length of 
the face; brownish-red or blackish; arista thinly plumose, not much longer than the third joint. Eyes 
densely and long, in most reflections whitish, pilose. Mesonotum thickly light reddish-yellow-pilose ; 
metallie black, the sides, and a geminate spot behind, as also the scutellum, honey-yellow. X Pleurw black, 
with abundant light-coloured pile; a yellowish spot on the mesopleurg and another above the middle eox:e. 
Abdomen brownish-black ; pile yellow ; second segment with the lateral margins, more broadly so in front 
and contiguous behind with the outer extremity of an interrupted band, composed of two shallow crescents, 
yellow ; third segment with two similarly-coloured narrow bands—one on the front margin, entire, the other 
near the middle, straight and interrupted; the second and third segments have a fringe of yellow pile 
behind; the fourth segment has a broad transverse groove, or, rather, a large, rounded, shallow V-shaped 
ridge. Lees yellowish-red or red, the basal joints of the middle tarsi and the distal ones of the hind tarsi 
lighter-coloured; pile yellow and black, especially abundant on the hind tibi;e. — Wings with brownish 
clouds; second longitudinal vein strongly sinuous at its extremity ; third vein in front of the first posterior 
cell not straight. 

Length 10-12 millim. 

Hab. Mzxico, Jalapa (F. D. Godman). 

"Three specimens. 

11. Volucella cz;sariata, sp. n., «. 

Face on the sides light yellow, a broad median stripe, and the cheeks broadly, black; frontal triangle black, 
with black pile. Face, in profile, nearly perpendieular, with a shallow eoneavity above and a small 
tubercle below the middle. Antenns black, nearly half the length of the face; third joint gently 
exeised ; arista but little longer than the joint. Mesonotum and seutellum thickly clothed with reddish- 
yellow pile, obseuring the ground-colour ; the former metallie bronze-black, with the sides broadly and a 
large posterior emargination honey-yellow, as is also the scutellum ; lateral margins and the whole 
border of the scutellum with well-developed black bristles. ^Pleurze black, with black and whitish 
pile, somewhat intermixed with fulvous above. Abdomen brownish-black, with abundant, not very 
long, mostly yellow pile; second segment with an oblique lateral spot, and the narrow base of the third 
segment, yellow or yellowish. Legs black, the knees narrowly yellow; the first three joints of all the 
tarsi light reddish-yellow. Wings clouded with blackish distally ; cross-veins of the dise with dark brown 
clouds; second vein markedly sinuous at its tip. 

Length 12 millim. 

Hab. Mzxico, Orizaba (A. H. Smith). 

One specimen. 

12. Volucella mellea. 
Volucella mellea, Jaennicke, Neue exot. Dipt., in Abh. Senck. Ges. vi. p. 396. 

Hab. Mzxico !, Jaral in Guanajuato, Mexico city (Schumann). 

BIOL. CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. IIL., December 1891. À 


'Two specimens, easily recognizable from the description. The pile of the mesonotum 
can hardly be said to be *sehr kurz"; the peculiar dots on the fourth abdominal 
segment are only visible in the female example. 

13. Volucella obesa. 

Syrphus obesus, Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 763' ; Ent. Syst. iv. p. 982?; Syst. Antl. p. 227. 

Volucella obesa, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 199 * ; Maeq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. p. 494^ ; 
Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 21*; Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 356"; Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. 
Syrphidz, p. 148, t. 5. f. 9^; Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 272. 

Ornidia obesa, St.-Fargeau & Serville, Encycl. Méth. x. p. 786 ". 

Hab. Uxrrgp SravEs, New Mexico, Florida 5.—Mx1co * (H. H. Smith); GUATEMALA 
(Champion); CosrA Rica (Van Paften); PANAMA (.-Boucard).—SovvH AMERICA? 7 10, 
Colombia?, Guiana, Surinam $, Brazil^99, Chilió; WizsT IvpnizS?, Cuba$, San 
Domingo 5$, Guadaloupe 9.—BovunBoN?; IstE or FRANCE 610. EasT INDIES €. 

In the Central.American collections before me there are one hundred and twelve 
examples of this brilliantly-coloured, cosmopolitan insect, from numerous collectors 
and localities. The most interesting thing in connection with these specimens is the 
very great variation in size—the smallest measuring only 9 millim. in length, while the 
largest are 16 millim. 

14. Volucella esuriens. 
Syrphus esuriens, Fabr. Syst. Ent. iv. p. 281'; Syst. Antl. p. 226". 
Volucella esuriens, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 197? ; Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, 
p. 356". 
Volucella violacea, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. vi. p. 166; Complete Writings, ii. p. 360. 
Volucella mexicana, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 25, t. 5. f. 8"; Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, 
p. 856*; Osten Sacken, Western Diptera, in Bull. U.S. Geol. & Geogr. Survey, iii. p. 332". 
Volucella dispar, Macq. Dipt. Exot. 1* Suppl. p. 123, t. 11. f. 2 j^ 
Volucella mazimiliani, Jaennicke, Neue exot. Dipt., in Abh. Senck. Ges. vi. p. 395". 
Volucella metallifera, Walker, List Dipt. iii. p. 636 ". 
Volucella esuriens mezicana, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidze, p. 137, t. 6. figg. 5, 5a "m 
Hab. Uxrrgp SramES, California ? 12, Arizona !?, Texas ?, Florida 1?.—M zx1co 986791112 
Omilteme, Xucumanatlan, Amula, Mexico city (Z. H. Smith), Jaral, Atoyac (Schu- 
mann); GUATEMALA (Champion).—SovTM AwEmicA*, Colombia 19, Venezuela !?; WEsT 
IxnpiES ! ? 5. 

'Thirty-four specimens. V. mexicana is probably inseparable from V. esuriens, and I 
have so given the synonymy ; but should there be good ground for distinguishing it, 
the name violacea, Say, ought to be used. 


15. Volucella comstocki. 
Volucella comstocki, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphid:e, p. 138, t. 6. f. 9". 

Hab. UurrED STATES, Arizona !, New Mexico !.—M £xico, Northern Sonora (Morrison). 

À single specimen, agreeing well with the description. 

16. Volucella haagi. 

Volucella haagii, Jaennicke, Neue exot. Dipt., in Abh. Senck. Ges. vi. p. 397; Willist. Synopsis 
N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 147, t. 5. f£. 8*. 

Temnocera setigera, Osten Sacken, Western Diptera, in Bull. U.S. Geol. & Geogr. Survey, iii. 
p. 384^; v. d. Wulp, Tijdsehr. v. Ent. xxv. p. 126, t. 10. f. 10*. 

Hab. UwrrgD STATES, New Mexico??, Arizona?4.— MExico!, Northern Sonora 
(Morrison), Amula in Guerrero (Zi. H. Smith), Jaral in Guanajuato (Schumann). 

Four specimens, agreeing well with the descriptions. 

17. Volucella opinator, sp. n, 9. (Tab. I. figg. 14, 9; 14a, head; 145, 

Face and front shining yellow, the former narrow, with black pile; antennz nearly of the same colour; cheeks 
with a faint stripe. Antennz nof a third of thelength of the face; third joint rather broad, scarcely 
three times as long as wide; arista thinly plumose, much longer than the third joint. Face, in profile, 
projecting well downward and forward, considerably concave below the antenns, and with an elongate, 
obtuse tubercle. Thorax yellow; pectus black ; mesonotum, except the sides and a quadrate spot behind, 
brownish-red, subvittate, with violaceous reflections.  Seutellum somewhat reddish above, flattened before 
its tip. Mesopleurs, sides of mesonotum, and the margin of the seutellum with conspicuous black 
bristles, those on the scutellum moderately remote at the apex; also a transverse row of bristles in front 
of the scutellum. Abdomen yellow, posteriorly more reddish or brownish-yellow ; posterior margin of the 
second and third segments with a narrow blackish band, due, in part, to the ground-colour, in part to the 
short reeumbent black hairs; fourth segment with a transverse streak, and the hind margin, blackish, 
perhaps variable. Legs brownish-red; tips of the tarsi blackish ; distal end of the middle femora poste- 
riorly with short black bristles. Wings nearly hyaline; central cross-veins, anterior eross-vein, stigma, 
tip of marginal cell, and outer cross-veins with dark brown clouds; marginal cell at tip almost imper- 
ceptibly widened. 

Length 12 millim. 

Hab. Mzxico, Atoyac in Vera Cruz (H. H. Smith). 
One specimen. 
18. Volucella macula. 

Volucella macula, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 200' ; Maeq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 24, t. 4. 
f. 17; Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 272*. 

- Hab. Mzxico, Teapa in Tabasco (77. H. Smith).—SovrE AMERICA, Brazil ! ? ?, 

A single male specimen from Teapa, agreeing closely with others from Brazil. 

h 3 


. 19. Volucella chztophora. (Tab. I. figg. 15,2; 15«, head; 15 5, antenna.) 
Volucella chetophora, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidse, p. 149 s 
. Hab. Mxxico, Acapuleo in Guerrero (H. H. Smith), Isthmus of Tehuantepec (co//. 
Riley !)), 'Temax in Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). 

Two specimens. The front is black-pilose, not * black, pilose." "There is some 
shorter whitish pile on the mesonotum, and the legs may be deep. red or reddish-black, 
and the abdomen deep blue. "There are violaceous reflections on the mesonotum. 

20. Volucella comastes, sp. n., 2. 

Front brown, yellow at the vertex and on the sides below ; pile black. Face light yellow, with a broad brown 
stripe; in profile nearly perpendicular, with an obtuse tubercle. - Cheeks with a broad blackish stripe. 
Antennze at least a third of the length of the face, dark brown, the basal joints more reddish ; third joint 
gently widened at the base ; arista not thinly plumose. Mesonotum shining blue-black, the sides yellow 
and reddish, and with a light yellow geminate spot in the middle behind. Pleurse brownish-black ; a light 
yellow spot on the mesopleure. Margin of seutellum, postalar eallosities, and lateral margins of meso- 
notum with black bristles ; a transverse row of bristles in front of the seutellum. Scutellum translucent 
brownish-yellow, yellow at the base and margin. Abdomen: first segment more or less brown ; second 
segment very light translucent-yellow, with a narrow posterior dark brown or black band ; third segment 
black, with an interrupted yellow band in front. Legs brownish-black; the distal end of the femora, 
basal part of the tibiz, and basal joints of the tarsi reddish. Wings nearly hyaline, clouded on the 
anterior part, the clouds forming two darker spots—one near the tip, the other, the larger, at the middle. 

Length 9 millim. 

Ilab. Mzxico, Orizaba (JH. H. Smith and .F. D. Godman). 

Two specimens. One might suspect this to be V. variegata, Bigot, save for the 
abdominal markings and the size. 

21. Volucella amethystina. 
Volucella amethistina (sic), Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1875, p. 479". 

Hab. Mzxico !, Presidio ( Forrer). 

"This striking species is easily recognizable from Bigot's description. The head is 
rather broad, the face produced acutely downward; the third antennal joint of the 
female is not at all coarctate; the scutellum is not impressed before its apex, the 
bristles at the tip are remote, and there is an inconspieuous row of them before the 

22. Volucella tympanitis. 
Syrphus tympanitis, Fabr. Syst. Antl. p. 226 '. 
Volucella tympanitis, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 200^; Willist, 'Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. 
p. 275*. 
Hab. MExico, Atoyac in Vera Cruz, Teapa in Tabasco (H. H. Smith); PANAMA, 
Bugaba (Champion).—SovrR AMERICA! ?, Brazil ?, 

Eight specimens, agreeing closely with others from South America. 


28. Volucella — ? 
Hab. GvATEMALA, Cubilguitz in Vera Paz (Champion). 

A single male specimen from Cubilguitz shows a remarkable resemblance to 
V. tympanitis in almost everything, except as regards the colour of the wings and 
legs. The conspicuous brown spot at the tip of the wings is entirely wanting, and 
the stigmatic spot is smaller; the tibie and tarsi are largely brown; the latter are 
yellowish at the base, blackish at the tips; the scutellum is more impressed at the tip, 
and the brown spot is darker; and the black bands on the abdominal segments are 
narrower, "The species is certainly distinct. 

24. Volucella —— ? 
Hab. PANAMA, Bugaba 800 to 1500 feet. (Champion). 

Two specimens from Bugaba, male and female, bear a remarkable resemblance to 
V. musta, Willist., from Brazil, and were, at first sight, deemed identical. A more 
careful examination, however, discloses important differences. The third joint of the 
antenne is longer and more slender; there are no black spots on the hypo- (not 
* meso-") and sternopleurm, the thorax being entirely yellow, save the mesonotum, 
which (except the lateral margins) is deep violet-black; the second abdominal segment 
has a broader hind margin; and the third and fourth segments are black, save a large 
lateral spot *. Both species, like the preceding one (no. 23), are conspicuous for the 
brown- or blackish-tipped scutellum, which is impressed before its apex and has the 
bristles separated at the tip by a broad interval. "That either this or V. musta is 
conspecifie with V. vage, Wiedem., which must resemble them in markings, is doubtful. 
Apart from the fact that both species have the marginal cell briefly petiolate, the colour 
is yellow and not at all greenish. "That one or the other may be referable to V. parva, 
Rondani, is possible. 

25. Volucella pallens. 
Volucella pallens, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 204^; Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. 
p. 275. | 
Volucella sexpunctata, Loew, Wien. ent. Monatschr. v. p. 38?; Centur. vi. no. 37, in Berl. ent. 
Zeitschr. 1865, p. 151*; Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphide, p. 141, t. 6. f. 2*. 

Hab. UxrrED SrATES, Florida 5.—GvATEMALA, Dueiias (Champion).—SOoUTH AMERICA, 
Brazil!?; Wzsr IwnDpiEgS, Cuba? 4, 

* Since writing the above I have found an additional female example, in which the black of the dorsum is 
much narrower, there is a black spot on the sternopleurz, and the yellow has a somewhat greenish cast. T 
much suspect that the Vera Paz insect ( Volucella, no. 23), notwithstanding the entire absence of the strikingly 
deep metallic colour of the thorax, belongs to the same species. 

54 DIPTERA. . 

A single male specimen from  Dueiias, agreeing well with others from South 
America and the United States. 

26. Volucella fuscipennis. : 
Volucella fuscipennis, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 24, t. 4. f. 2^; Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. 

p. 276". 
Hab. Mxxico, Teapa in Tabasco (f. H. Smith), lemax in Northern Yucatan 
(Gaumer).—SovrE AxEnIcA, Brazil ! ?. 

A dozen specimens from Southern Mexico show only minor differences from an 
example identified as this from Brazil. ''he colour is lighter, more reddish ; the violet 
reflections of the mesonotum are feebler; and the legs are chiefly reddish-brown, with 
the tarsi more or less yellow, especially the hind metatarsi. 'The face seems somewhat 
less acuminate, and the lateral roughened opaque surface on the scutellum somewhat 
larger. In the Brazilian specimen the marginal cell is narrowly open; in all the 
Mexican ones it is closed at the tip. The female has a rounded elevation in the 
middle of the front. 

A single female from Presidio, Mexico (Forrer), has the structure of the others, but 
is yellow, with the pectus, lateral scutellar spots, front, narrow abdominal bands, and 
the base of the femora black; the mesonotum with a trace of violet stripes. 

27. Volucella lugens. 

? Volucella lugens, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 206 '. 
Hab. GuxTEMALA, Lanquin in Vera Paz (Champion).—SovuTH AMERICA, Brazil !. 

A single male example from Lanquin agrees very well with the description. The 
legs and markings of the abdomen are brown, rather than black. A comparison with 
Brazilian specimens is needed to determine with certainty the identity. 

28. Volucella purpurifera. 
Volucella purpurifera, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1875, p. 477 '. 
Volucella tricincta, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 477 *. 
Volucella varians, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 4817, & 1883, p. 63. 

Hab. Mxxico?, Oaxaca ! ?. 

Bigot has expressed the opinion that all three of the above names pertain to one 
species, a view that does not seem improbable from the descriptions. "Two male 
specimens from Amula (H. H. Smith) may belong to the same. As the descriptions 
are insufficient to decide the question with certainty, l give a more complete one from 
these specimens :— 

Faee and frontal triangle greenish-yellow, more yellowish below, the former with a brownish stripe in the 


middle, the latter small; cheeks with a dark brown stripe in front; in profile the face is deeply concave 
above, with a well-marked tuberele,  Antenns reddish-yellow, small, not a third of the length of the 
face, the third joint scarcely three times as long as wide; arista well plumose, more than twice as long 
as the joint, Thorax yellow, the pectus black; the mesonotum, except the lateral margins, deep metallic 
purple, more yellowish posteriorly. Scutellum yellow, somewhat purplish, with black pile, and the 
margin with black bristles, the latter only a little remote at the apex ; no preapieal depression, Abdomen 
light yellow at the base, the posterior margins of the second, third, and fourth segments black, the third 
and fourth segments, otherwise, more obseure yellowish- or brownish-red. Legs brown, blackish, and 
obseurely yellow ; the hind metatarsi lighter yellow. Wings subhyaline, the marginal cell closed in the 
costa or narrowly open. 
Length 7 millim. 

The following species have also been described by Bigot from within our limits :— 

Volucella variegata, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1875, p. 478.— Mexico. 

nigrifacies, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 479.—Mexico. 

viridula, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 481.—Mexico. 

tristis, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 482.—Mexico. 

f'ulvicornis, Bigot, loc. cit. 1883, p. 84.—Panama. 

taw, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 84; Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphide, p. 143.— 
Mexico, California. 

OPHROMYIA, gen. nov.* 

Male. Allied to Volucella, but differing in the structure of the head. Eyes pilose, broadly separated at the 
vertex.  Antennz inserted low down, nearly as low as the lower border of the eyes. Front swollen and 
remarkably broad, of the full width of the face to just below the ocelli, where it becomes suddenly 
narrowed to about half its previous width. Face short, small, conical, projecting downward, compressed 
before its tip so as to form a small, rounded snout. Antenns slender, two-thirds as long as the face; 
second joint with a projection on the inner side, overlapping the base of the third joint. Arista loosely 
plumose, but somewhat peculiar in that the plumosity extends quite to the tip, the individual hairs 
becoming suecessively longer, and curved backward. Thorax with bristles. Wings as in Volucella ; 
anterior cross-vein toward the base of the discal cell. 

The two specimens from which this description is drawn were not suspected to be 
males from the structure of the head. 

1. Ophromyia nasica, sp. n. «. (Tab. II. figg. 1, 2; 1«, head; 15, antenna.) 
Front and face oily-, or subtranslucent-yellowish-, white, the cheeks with a brown line. Nearly opposite the 
base of the antennse, close to the eyes, there is a small silvery spot, with a minute brown dot above and 
below, the lower one at the extremity of a suture running horizontally from the base of the antenns. 
Front, above, clothed with thick, short, whitish pile. Antenn: brownish-red. Mesonotum deep blue, 
with violet reflections, the lateral margins obseurely yellowish ; pile short, not abundant, whitish ; lateral 
margins with stout bristles, and a row of more slender bristles before the scutellum. —Pleurc yellow and 
black. Seutellum deep purplish black, with three stout bristles on each lateral margin. Abdomen light 
yellow, subtranslucent ; obseurely brownish distally; second and third segments with a narrow dark band 
posteriorly, due in part to the ground-colour, in part to short black hairs. Wings lightly tinged with 

* 'Ogpvs, brow ; pvia, fy. 

56 | DIPTERA. 

yellow; distinctly elouded distally. Legs light yellow ; the immediate base of the femora brownish ; 
front and middle tibiz, except their base, and their tarsi, black, the corresponding parts of the hind legs 
more brown. 

Length 9 millim. ; 

Hab. Mxico, Acaguizotla iu Guerrero (H. H. Smith). 

Two specimens. 

Copestylum, Macquart, Dipt. Exot. 1* Suppl. p. 124 (1846). 

1. Copestylum marginatum. 
Volucella marginata, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. vi. p. 167^; Complete Writings, ii. p. 960^; Osten 
Sacken, Western Diptera, in Bull. U.S. Geol. & Geogr. Survey, iii. p. 333 ". 
Copestylum marginatum, Osten Sacken, Cat. N.-Am. Dipt. 2nd ed. p. 130*; Willist, Synopsis N.-Am. 
Syrphidze, p. 151, t. 7. figg. 1, 1a, 15". 
Copestylum flaviventris, Macq. Dipt. Exot. 1* Suppl. p. 125, t. 10. f. 16". 
Hab. UwrrEp STATES, Texas?45, Arizona?, California?, Montana?, Colorado.— 
Mzxico! 24, Northern Sonora (JMorrison) Tepetlapa in Guerrero (H. H. Smith); 
GUATEMALA, San Gerónimo (Champion).—SovrE AwtERICA, Colombia $, Venezuela 9. 

Central.American specimens are of the variety with light antennz, as described by 
me, and show no differences from the description, and only minor differences among 
themselves. : 

2. Copestylum limbipenne. (Tab. II. figg.2, 9 ; 2a, head; 20, antenna.) 
Copestylum limbipennis, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 152 '. 

Hab. Mxxico, Venta de Zopilote, Acapulco (A. H. Smith), Isthmus of Tehuantepec '- 

The females agree with the description; the antenne are somewhat lighter 
coloured, and the lateral margins of the abdomen are yellow. "The males have smaller, 
more slender antennz, longer pile throughout, and are without the yellow spots and 
vittule of the mesonotum, or have only yellowish indications of them. The abdo- 
men is frequently more brown than black. 


Eristalis, Latreille, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins. xiv. p. 363 (1805). 
Eristalomya, Rondani, Dipt. Ital. Prodr. ii. p. 40 (1857). 
Eristalinus, Rondani, loc. cit. 

Synopsis of the recognized. Central- American species. 

1. Mesonotum with one or more ashy or shining transverse 
bands; aristàbare . ... . « . - . « . . 4. 1. 





Mesonotum otherwise marked or uniform in colour; eyes 
pilos . 

. Mesonotum uniform in dolus or vith fecble MN " 

Mesonotum conspieuously opaque-black and ashy . 

. Large, black species; all the tarsi and the four anterior 

tibize light yellow 
Tibiz and tarsi not so marked 

. Arista plumose; thickly fulvous-pilose ; Modoxin of the 

male for the most part red, of the female black 
Arista bare 

. Hind tibize Mtibregesd m danssly 'dilidies arró species ; 

thorax densely falvous-pilose . 
Hind tibiz: not compressed and ciliate 

. Front below and frontal triangle wholly light vello 

pilose; abdomen light yellow-pilose, with opaque black 
and metallie green cross-bands . 

Front, frontal triangle, and abdomen chiefly black-pilose, 
the latter in great part shining black; wings with a 
brown spot 

. Mesonotum shining grenifish-blaek, clothed with ellow 

or yellowish pile; second abdominal segment with a 
posterior, velvety black, EAE] or subinterrupted 
ceross-band. . . . . . . à CIC PEURC 

Mesonotum otherwise coloured; no shining black on the 
second abdominal segment 

. Head and thorax yellow or brownish- yellów. the meso- 

notum not shining . 

Head and thorax black 

. Mesonotum with four opaque black Mon the ida 

pair in the shape of a tuning-fork . 

Mesonotum not striped 

Mesonotum, behind the suture, with ihiests opaque » black 
spots — the median one suboval, the lateral ones 
tnangular . TH "x ' 

Mesonotum opaque black behind hà —— with. two 
median, oval ashy spots, and a similarly coloured 
lateral, oblique one . 

. A shining or opaque grey band in front of the icto 

Mesonotum opaque black behind the suture to the 
scutellum ; eyes pilose 

. Pile of frontal triangle light yellow or dite, of the front 

black above only; hind femora but little thickened 

Pile of the frontal US and the front below more or 

less black . 

. A black band boloro- the shy itutal bonus second 

CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. IIL., February 1892. 



persa, sp. n. 

circe, sp. n. 

obsoletus, Wiedem. 

pachypoda, Bigot. 

latifrons, Loew. 

ochraceus, Willst. 
bellardi, Jaenn. 

furcatus, Wiedem. 

£rigonus, sp. n. 
cosmius, Schiner. 







segment of the abdomen hght yellow, with a narrow 
black stripe not quite reaching the hind margin. . .. albifrons, Wiedem. ( d ). (, (2 
The whole anterior part of the thorax ashy; second 
abdominal segment with a broader interval between 
theside-spots. . . . . . . . .ricolor, Jaenn. 
14. The yellow side-spots of the d sitione edet 
approximate or contiguous anteriorly ; the ashy 
thoracic band interrupted or subinterrupted; hind 

femora only moderately incrassate . . . . . . . Sp. (no.14). es 7 [ro E EL 

The yellow spots of the second segment not approximate 
in front; the ashy sutural band entire; hind femora 
considerably thickened . . . . V . fasciatus, Wiedem. 
15. Mesonotum with a shiuing, steel-blue hund in fion of 
the scutellum ; eyes pilose at the top only . . . . scutellaris, Fabr. 
Mesonotum with an ashy band in front of the scutellum . 16. 

16. Grey clouds in the marginal and submarginal cells . . 17. 
"^ Marginal and submarginal cells pure hyaline; smaller 
species . . . . 18. 
17. Pile of frontal télazigle, and the front below, heh vellip. - 
hind tibie compressed and cilhiate . . . . 0. e. Cvinetorum, Fabr. 
Pile of frontal triangle and front chiefly black . . . . «mulus, sp. n. 

18. Very small species (6-7 millim.); hind femora consider- 
ably thickened ; spots of the second abdominal segment 

broadly separated. . . . . minutalis, sp. n. 
Moderate-sized species; hind fexto: modertely: thick- 
ébede (C0... v eu , . TIME OLET 

19. Frontal triangle and front lieloy sud: pilose TEE 
.. Frontal triangle and front below largely black-pilose . . 21. 
30. Second and third abdominal segments yellow and red, or 
with the middle brownish. . ... . is . rufiventris, Macq. 
Second segment with a median stripe, and the rest of the 
abdomen (except sometimes the narrow anterior angles 

of the third segment), black . . . . . ; albifrons, Wiedem. ( 9 ). 
31. Third and fourth abdominal segments opaque, with a 
complete shining band. . . . . . . . . . Sp. (no. 18). 
Third and fourth abdominal segments more or less yellow 
OFTOd 2c u € x, 0x. 30 E cep 9 304: e X6 DER (HO, Sl). 

1. Eristalis persa, sp. n, 9 . 

Allied to E.ciree. Face shining black, thinly yellowish-dusted on the sides, and with abundant, long, yellowish- 

white pile. Front opaque brownish, with long and abundant black and yellowish pile. Eyes long and 
abundantlylight-pilose. First two joints of the antenn: reddish-yellow (third joint wanting). Mesonotum 
opaque brownish-grey in front, more blackish behind; pile moderately abundant, in front light yellowish, 

behind black. Seutellum shining black, with abundant black pile. Pleure shining black; pile chiefly 

black. Abdomen deep black, with moderately abundant black pile; second segment opaque velvety, with 
an interrupted shining cross-band, the spots wider on the margin ; third segment shining, with a bisinuate 


posterior opaque band; remainder of the abdomen shining. Legs black; the immediate tip of all the 
femora, tip of hind tibi, four anterior tibie, and all the tarsi light yellow ; hind femora slender. Wings 

Length 12-13 millim. 

Hab. MExico, Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas in Guerrero 9000 feet (H. H. Smith). 

One specimen. 

2. Eristalis circe, sp. n, « 9. (Tab. IL. figg. 3, & ; 3a, head.) 

Male. Face and frontal triangle shining black, the former sometimes somewhat reddish upon the sides; clothed 
with long and abundant yellow pile. First two joints of the antennz blackish; third joint reddish-yellow ; 
arista (for an Eristalis) markedly plumose. Eyes densely and long, light reddish-yellow, pilose. Meso- 
notum opaque dark ochraceous, elothed with abundant light reddish-yellow pile. Scutellum yellowish-red, 
with similarly-coloured pile. Pleurs shining black, in the middle thickly clothed with yellow pile. 
Abdomen bright yellowish-red, with long and abundant yellowish-red pile; first segment, a large 
triangular or triradiate spot on the second, and a small one on the third segment, black. Wings tinged 
with yellow. Legs black; four anterior tibiw, for the larger basal part, the base of the hind femora, and 
the four anterior tarsi more or less, yellow ; hind femora moderately thickened. 

Female. Front opaque brownish, with long reddish-yellow pile. Pile of thorax shorter. Abdomen shining 
black, with very short, not abundant, black pile, except in the middle of the second segment, where it is 
longer and reddish-yellow ; second, third, and fourth segments each with a narrow, successively more 
broadly interrupted, opaque, black band ; anterior margin of the second segment also opaque black. Pile 
of the legs less abundant, and wholly black ; hind femora not thickened. 

Length 12-13 millim. 

Hab. Mzxico, Ciudad in Durango (Forrer), Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (H. H. 
Smith), Jalapa (/". D. Godman). 

Twenty specimens. 

3. Eristalis obsoletus. 
Eristalis obsoletus, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins.ii. p. 175 ' ; Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, 

p. 261^; Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 279 *. 
Eristalis testaceicornis, Macq. Dipt. Exot. 4* Suppl. p. 138 *. 
Eristalis thoracica, Jaennicke, Neue exot. Dipt., in Abh. Senck. Ges. vi. p. 399*. 

Hab. MExico ^5, Omilteme 8000 feet, Chilpancingo 4600 feet, Amula 6000 feet, 
Hacienda de la Imagen 4000 feet, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, Acapulco, all in Guerrero, 
Cuernavaca, Vera Cruz, Atoyac (4H. H. Smith), Jalapa (f. DD. Godman), Temax in 
Northern Yucatan (Gawmer).— SovrH AwxnRICA ?, Brazil ! ?, 

Twenty-five specimens. 
There is some variation in the colour of the legs, and the spots of the second 

abdominal segments may be decidedly yellow. I have compared the Mexican examples 
with others from Brazil, so that there can be no question of the identity. Except that 
Bigot seems to know this species, I should be much in doubt from his description of 

E. pachypoda as to whether he meant it for this or the following. 
i 2 


4;'Eristalis pachypoda. - 
Eristalis pachypoda, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1880, p. 224. 
Hab. Mxxico!; Cosma RrcA, Volcan de lrazu 6000 to 1000 feet, i Francisco 
4500 feet, Caché (Rogers). 

It is impossible to say with certainty whether this or the preceding species is the 
one described by Bigot, as his description applies about equally well to both. The 
present one differs from .E. obsoletus, in the male sex, in the frontal and vertical 
triangles being black-, not yellow-, pilose; in the broader, more deeply black abdomen, 
clothed chiefly with black, not yellow pile; in the rather darker legs, larger size, and 
more distinct. brown spot on the wings, The females may be best distinguished by the 
pile of the front being mostly black in E. pachypoda, light yellow in E. obsotetus. 

5. Eristalis latifrons. 
Eristalis latifrons, Loew, Centur. vi. no. 65, in Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 1865, p. 169'; Willist. 
Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 164". 
Eristalis stipator, Osten Sacken, Western Dipt., in Bol U.S. Geol. & Geogr. Survey, iii. p. 336 *; 
Willist. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. xx. pp. 319, 322 
Hab. UwrrEgD SrATES, Kansas ? 4, Colorado 2? 4, New Mexico ??*, Arizona ?, Texas ?, 
California ??4.—Mxico, Matamoros (Osten Sacken!), Northern Sonora (Morrison), 
Amula in Guerrero (H. H. Smith). 

Twenty specimens, agreeing well with northern ones. 

6. Eristalis ochraceus. 
Eristalis ochraceus, Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 279 '. 

Hab. MExico, Teapa in Tabasco (7. 4T. SmitA).—SovrE AMERICA, Brazil !. 

A single female example from Teapa agrees well with a type-specimen from Brazil. 
The pile of the thorax is very short. The abdomen is red, each segment with a slender 
black band preceding the narrow yellow hind margin; the fifth segment is shining 
black, except the anterior margin, which is opaque grey, like the first segment ; the 
second segment has a lateral triangle, the third and fourth a complete band, shining. 

7. Eristalis bellardi. 
? Eristalis bogotensis, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 52". 

Eristalis bellardii, Jaennicke, Neue exot. Dipt., in Abh. Senck. Ges. vi. p. 400 *. 
Eristalis rufoscutata, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1880, p. 221 *. 

Hab. Mxxico??, Ciudad in Durango (Forrer).—CoroMBiA, Bogota !. 

Twelve specimens. 
These vary in length from less than 10 to 13 millim. The third segment of the 


abdomen has an interrupted or subinterrupted, the fourth an entire, shining cross- 
band. In the female the black of the second abdominal segment is somewhat greater 
in extent, the red of the third segment is confined to the anterior angles, and the 
fourth and fifth segments are wholly black, except the yellow hind margin. Macquart's 
description of E. bogotensis!, from Santa Fé de Bogota, applies excellently well to the 
female; v.d. Wulp's remarks (Tijdschr. v. Ent. xxv. p. 129), however, not so well. 

8. Eristalis trigonus, sp. n., & 9. (Tab. II. figg. 4; 4a, head.) 

Male. Face amber-coloured, a median stripe, to above the tubercle, shining, above and on the sides densely 
yellowish-pollinose and yellow-pilose ; cheeks shining blaek. Frontal triangle blackish in the middle, 
the pollen brownish and yellowish, the pile chiefly black.  Antenns yellowish-red; arista bare. Eyes 
densely pilose. Mesonotum, before the suture, opaque brownish-grey ; behind the suture opaque grey, 
with three large opaque velvety-blaek spots—the median one elongate oval or suboval, the lateral ones in 
the shape of a right-angled triangle, with the hypothenuse gently concave. Pile of the mesonotum 
yellowish-brown.  Pleur:z densely grey-pollinose, blackish in the middle above; pile yellow.  Seutellum 
opaque reddish-brown, more blackish at the base. Abdomen: first segment grey; second segment 
yellow, with a large T-shaped opaque black marking, the stem broad, and extending laterally to the 
margin posteriorly as a narrow brownish band; third segment with a median opaque black stripe and a 
narrow brown or blackish posterior band : fourth segment reddish or brown, with a narrow shining cross- 
band ; second, third, and fourth segments each with a narrow light yellow hind margin ; hypopygium 
shining black. Legs:-femora, except the tip, tip of four anterior tarsi, and the hind tarsi, black: 
elsewhere red; hind femora thickened. Wings hyaline, sometimes tinged with yellow on the basal 
anterior part. 

Female, Front narrowed above, with an opaque black band below the ocelli and black pile. Abdomen shining 
black ; second, third, and fourth segments each with a narrow yellow hind margin and a posterior opaque 
black band; second segment with an anterior band, connected broadly in the middle with the posterior 
one, the third segment with an anterior oval spot, and the fourth and fifth segments each with an 
anterior, narrow band, opaque black. 

Length 9—11 millim. 

Hab. Mgxico, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, Omilteme 8000 feet, both in Guerrero 
(H. H. Sith). 

Four specimens. 

9. Eristalis cosmius. 

Evistalis cosinius, Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 362 '. 

Ilab. MExico, Jalapa (M. Trujillo).—SovrH AMERICA . 

A single male specimen from Jalapa seems to belong to this species. 1t differs from 
the description in the tip of the scutellum being shining, not *schiefergrau," in the 
abdomen being distinctly pilose, in the red spots of the fourth segment being very 
small, and in the femora being black, not ** pechsch warz." 

10. Eristalis furcatus. 

Eristalis furcatus, Wiedem. Zool. Mag. Kiel, i. 3, p. 51'; Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 176^; 
Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 362^; v. d. Wulp, Tijdschr. v. Ent. xxv. p. 131; 
Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 279 *. 

Eristalis femoratus, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 40, t. 9. f. 6*. 


. Hab. Mxxico, Acaguizotla 3500 feet, Chilpancingo 4600 feet, Amula 6000 feet, Rio 
Papagaio 1200 feet, Rincon 2800 feet, Tierra Colorada 2000 feet, Tepetlapa 3000 feet, 
Dos Arroyos 1000 feet, all in Guerrero, Atoyac in Vera Cruz, Teapa and Frontera in 
Tabasco (H. H. Smith), Orizaba (H. H. Smith and F. D. Godman), Temax in Northern 
Yucatan (Gawmer).—SovrH AwERICA, Colombia?, Brazil?5, Bahia! ?, Rio Janeiro, 
Monte Video! ?, Argentine Republic 4. 

Ninety-six specimens, agreeing exactly with Brazilian ones. 

11. Eristalis albifrons. 
Eristalis albifrons, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 189' ; Róder, Stett. ent. Zeit. 1885, 
p. 941*; Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 283*. 
Eristalis albiceps, Maeq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 56*; Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphids:e, p. 172 *. 
Eristalis seniculus, Loew, Centur. vi. no. 63, in Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 1865, p. 168 *. 
Hab. UxrreD SmraTES, Carolina4, Florida 5.—Mxx1co, Frontera in Tabasco (AH. H. 
Sinith).—SovrH AwrnicA, Brazil 1?; Wzsr IxpirEs, Cuba 9, Porto Rico ?, San Domingo 5. 

Fourteen male and two female specimens, agreeing well with others from South 
America. The female differs markedly from the male in having a prescutellar ashy 

12. Eristalis tricolor. 
Eristalis tricolor, Jaennicke, Neue exot. Dipt., in Abh. Senck. Ges. vi. p. 400', 

Hab. Mzxico !, Amula 6000 feet, Rincon 2800 feet, Chilpancingo 4600 feet, Acagui- 
zotla 3500 feet, all in Guerrero, Teapa in Tabasco (H. H. Smith), Atoyac in Vera Cruz 
(Schumann), Orizaba (H. H. Smith and F. D. Godman), 'Temax in Northern Yucatan 

Forty specimens. 
A. striking, easily recognized species. 

18. Eristalis fasciatus. 
Eristalis fasciatus, Wiedem. Zool. Mag. Kiel, i. 83, p. 51^; Aussereur. zweifl. Ins, ii. p. 1735; 
Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 57*; Rondani, Studi Ent. p. 68*. 
Eristalis podagra, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 38^; Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 281 *. 
Eristalis bifasciatus, Macq. Dipt. Exot. 5* Suppl. p. 87". 
Hab. Mzxico, Teapa in Tabasco (HJ. H. Smith) ; GUATEMALA, Paraiso (Champion).— 
SOUTH ÁMERICA ?, Brazil 1 24567, 

Fifteen specimens, agreeing exactly with others from Brazil. The grey clouds in the 
marginal and submarginal cells may be wanting, and the third joint of the antennz is 
usually dark reddish-brown. 

-f. ! ] - " Ci, € (- 
14. Eristalis EOD MVC EL METUIT nt sa 
? Eristalis, sp., Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 381 '. 
Hab. Mzxico, Atoyac in Vera Cruz CH. H. Smith, Schumann), Fortin in Vera Cruz, 
Teapa in Tabasco (H. HT. Smit).—Sovrm AMERICA, Brazil 1. 

Ten specimens, quite similar, as well as I can recollect, to those mentioned by me 
from Brazil (op. cif.). I cannot find any description which will apply to them. They 
differ from E. fasciatus, especially, in the lighter coloured antenns, in the broad 
interruption of the sutural ashy band, and in the spots of the second abdominal 
segment being approximated or subcontiguous anteriorly. "The femora seem somewhat 
less incrassate. The species comes yet nearer to E. tcnia, Wiedem., but seems distinct 
from it, apart from the interruption of the sutural band, by the almost entire absence 
of the ashy colour on the anterior part of the dorsum. The dorsum is opaque black, 
with a pointed spot on each lateral suture. "The females have a yellow or red spot on 
each side of the third and fourth segments, usually wanting in Z. fasciatus. 

15. Eristalis scutellaris. 

Milesia scutellaris, Fabr. Syst. Antl. p. 190. 

Eristalis scutellaris, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 159 *; Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 3, p. 41*; 
Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 364^; Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 379*. 

Palpada scutellata, Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt., Suites à Buffon, i. p. 513". 

Eristalis scutellatus, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 387. 

Priomerus scutellatus, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 222 *. 

? Doliosyrphus scutellatus, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 349? (nec Macq.). 

Priomerus bimaculatus (Macq.), Bigot, loc. cit. p. 222 "^, 

? Eristalis fascithoraz, Macq. Dipt. Exot. 4* Suppl. p. 139". 

Doliosyrphus rileyi, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 178, t. 8. £. 8", 

Hab. UwrrEp SrATES, New Mexico !?, — M Exico, Acapulco, Venta de Zopilote, Atoyac, 
Teapa (A. H. Smith) ; PANAMA 9, Bugaba (Champion).—8SovrH AMERICA ! 4, Cayenne ?7, 
Brazil ? 5 6, 

Eight specimens. 

The females agree in all respects with an example of the same sex from Brazil. The 
two males are distinctly smaller (11 millim.) than the Brazilian examples of the same 
sex which I have for comparison; one of them has the tibie and tarsi reddish- 
. yellow. 

16. Eristalis vinetorum. 

Ssrphus vinetorum, Fabr. Ent. Syst., Suppl. p. 562 '. 

Eristalis vinetorum, Fabr. Syst. Antl. p. 2385?; Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 163^; Macq. 
Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 41*; Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 171, t. 7. f. 8a^; Trans. 
Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 280 *. 


Evistalis trifasciatus, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. vi. p. 165"; Complete Writings, ii. p. 359 *. 
Eristalis uvarum, Walk. List Diptera, iii. p. 623 *. 

Hab. NogrvH AMERICA 4, Pennsylvania 5, Indiana 5, Georgia ?, Florida 5 —Mzxico ? 78 
CH. H. Smith, &c). ; GuarEMALA (Champion).—SoUTH AMERICA, Guiana^, Brazil ?5$; 
Wzsr INprES 1! 2, Cuba *?, Jamaica ?. 

Sixty-five specimens, from numerous localities and collectors. 

17. Eristalis emulus, sp. n. « 9. (Tab. IL. fig. 5, 8.) 

Male. Face densely white-pollinose, with white pile; a median stripe and the cheeks shining black. Antenne 
reddish-brown.  Frontel triangle elongate, shining black, with black pile, whitish-pollinose on the sides. 
Mesonotum with three complete, broad, ashy bands, the first two more or less confluent. Scutellum 
wholly light reddish-yellow. Abdomen conical; opaque black; fourth segment with a subinterrupted 
metallic band ; second segment with very large light ycllow spots, leaving the black L-shaped, extending 
narrowly along the lateral margins ; third segment with a quadrate yellow spot in front on each side, 
narrowly separated from the lateral margins; hind margins of the second, third, and fourth segments 
narrowly yellow. Legs black, the four anterior tibis at the base yellowish ; hind femora considerably 
thickened. Wings hyaline; grey clouds in the marginal, submarginal, and first posterior cells. 

Female. Front narrowed above, chiefly opaque brown, shining below; pile black. The yellow spots of the 
seeond abdominal segment smaller, leaving a broader posterior band; third and fourth segments shining 
metallie anteriorly, opaque black before the yellow hind margin; third segment with a rounded opaque 
spot in the middle in front. 

Length 10-19 millim. 

Hab. Mexico, Rio Papagaio 1200 feet, Chilpancingo 4600 feet, Rincon 2800 feet, 
Venta de Zopilote 2800 feet, all in Guerrero (77. IJ. Smith); GvATEMALA, San Geró- 
nimo (Champion) ; PANAMA, Bugaba (Champion). 

Thirteen specimens. 

This species is closely allied to the one mentioned by me from Brazil (Trans. Àm. 
Ent. Soc. xv. p. 280) as possibly being .É. agrorum. It differs, however, in the con- 
tiguity of the male eyes being considerably less in extent, in the spots of the second and 
third segments not reaching quite to the margins, and in the hind femora being 
less thickened. 

18. Eristalis ? 
Hab. Mxxico, Teapa in Tabasco (77. H. Smith). 

A single female specimen of a species allied to E. emulus. It is smaller, the hind 
femora are but little thickened, the tibi: are more red, the outer cells of the wings 
are without grey clouds, the spots of the second abdominal segment are mostly shining 
metallic, and the remainiug segments are opaque, with a narrow, shining metallic, 
complete band. 

19. Eristalis minutalis, sp. n., c 9. (Tab. II. figg. 6, 9 ; 6a, head.) 

Face densely, nearly white-, pollinose and pilose. Checks, a medion facial stripe, and a small spot on the 
frontal triangle shiniug black. Frontal triangle black-pilose. Eyes narrowly contiguous. Antenne 


reddish-yellow ; first two joints blackish. Mesonotum opaque black, with three complete ashy bands. 
Scutellum black, with a rounded yellow spot at the apex (variable?).  Pleurz ashy-pollinose. Abdomen 
opaque black ; a narrow, interrupted or entire, band on the third and fourth segments, shining ; second 
segment with two oval spots, broadly separated ; the anterior angles of the third segment, and the 
narrow hind margins of the second, third, and fourth segments, yellow. Legs black; base of the four 
anterior tibie, and the base of the middle tarsi, yellow ; hind femora much thickened. Wings hyaline. 
Front moderately narrowed above, with an opaque black band below the middle, narrowly extending 
down a short distance in the centre. Fifth abdominal segment like the fourth. 
Length 6-7 millim, 

Hab. MExico, Teapa in Tabasco (ZJ. H. Smith). 

Five specimens. 

In only one of the three females is the scutellum as in the males; in the others it is 
yellow, with the base narrowly black. "This female with the scutellum like that of the 
males has no yellow on the anterior angles of the third abdominal segment, "The 
front tarsi may be yellowish at the base. From E. pusio and. E. pygmaus, the species 
may be easily distinguished by the incrassate hind femora. 

20. Eristalis rufiventris. 
Eristalis rufiventris, Macq. Dipt. Exot. l* Suppl. p. 129'; Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. 
p. 282. 
Hab. Mxxico, Teapa in Tabasco (Z7. /J. Smith)—SovrmH AwERICA, Colombia T. 
Brazil ?. 

A number of examples, both male and female, agree so well in every respect, save 
in the colour of the second abdominal segment, with a male specimen from Brazil 
identified as E. rwfiventris, that I believe they belong to the same species. The 
second segment does not have a distinct black interval in the middle, but is narrowly 


/ LJ ); Ü - 
9 — -— N S c L3 LLa C aa | ce I rund X cy 
v / ' ! 

21. Eristalis BG | 
Hab. MExico, Teapa and Frontera in Tabasco (77. ZH. Smit). 

/ , 
/ f 

One hundred and twenty specimens. 

It is not at all impossible that this species has been described, but, belonging as it 
does to a very difficult group, I cannot identify it. It has three ashy thoracic bands, 
separated by opaque black; the antennw yellowish-red ; the frontal triangle with 
black pile. The abdomen in the male is red or yellowish-red, the second segment 
with an opaque black stripe, expanded posteriorly, the third and fourth segments with 
a narrow shining band, that of the third often obsolete; the hypopygium shining 
black. In the female, the third and fourth abdominal segments are black in the 
middle, and, sometimes, behind. The hind femora are only a little thickened. 
Length 8-10 millim. 

BIOL. CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. IITI., February 1892. k 

l————————————————————————————————————————— AAA ——  ÉEE——M————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 


There are also the following described species from within our limits :— 
Biristalis diminutus, Walk. List Diptera, iii. p. 022.—Mexico. 
expictus, Walk. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. v. p. 290.—Mexico. 
familiaris, Walk. loc. cit.—Mexico. 
— — meaicanus, Macq. Dipt. Exot. 2* Suppl. p. 75.— Mexico. 
fulvipes, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1880, p. 225.— Mexico. 
sackenis, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 224.—Mexico. 

Lycastrirhyncha, Bigot, Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1859, p. 307. 

1. Lycastrirhyncha nitens. 
? Lycastrirhyncha nitens, Bigot, Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1859, p. 307 '. 

Hab. Mzxico, Vera Cruz (H. H. Smith).—SovrH AMERICA, Amazons !. 

This very peculiar Eristalid is, I believe, entitled to generic rank. "The epistoma is 
produced into a conical, elongate snout, quite like that of Ahingia. The male is 
dichoptic and the hind femora are thickened. "The eyes are bare. As the diagnosis 
given by Bigot is inadequate to determine the species with certainty, I here give a 
brief description of our specimens :— 

Male. Face thickly yellowish-dusted, in the middle and on the upper part of the snout metallic black. 
Antenns red. Front opaque black across the middle, shining above and below.  Mesonotum metallic 
bluish-black, with a broad, interrupted, lateral, posteriorly geminate stripe, and four slender median 
stripes, coalescent in vwo pairs posteriorly, opaque black. Scutellum opaque black at the base, the apex 
shining. Abdomen opaque black; a spot on the posterior margin of the third segment, and the 
cylindrieal fourth segment, except three equidistant round opaque black spots, and the hypopygium, 
shining metallic ; second segment on each side with a large, the third with a smaller, spot, yellow. 
Legs black ; knees, base of femora, and middle metatarsi yellow. Wings hyaline. 

Female. Front on each side with an opaque spot. Third, fourth, and fifth abdominal segments shining 
metallie, the two former each with three equidistant opaque black spots and a narrow yellow hind 

. Length, including snout, 8-9 millim. 

This description, it will be seen, differs materially from Bigot's diagnosis; but it 
will be time enough to name our form when its specific distinction shall be shown. 

Plagiocera, Macquart, Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 59 (1842) (nec Klug). 
Pteroptila, Loew, Centur. vi. no. 59, in Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 1865, p. 165. 

1. Pteroptila crucigera. 

Milesia acuta, Fabr. Syst. Antl. p. 189' ; Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 110 (translation 
from Fabricius) *. 


Milesia cruciger, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 105 *. 
Plagiocera cruciger, Maecq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 9, p. 60, t. 10. £. 7 *. 
Pteropiila crucigera, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 180, t. 8. figz. 1, 1a-c *. 
Mallota millesiformis, Macq. Hist. Nat. Dipt. i. p. 500 *. 
Haó. UxrrgD STATES, Georgia ? 45, Carolina! 2, Florida, Texas? .—Mkxico, Northern 

Sonora ( Morrison), Atoyac in Vera Cruz, Teapa in Tabasco (H, H. Smith), Yucatan$ 
(Gaumer).—UCuna * 6, 

A male specimen from Teapa agrees throughout with the detailed description given 
by me, though it is only twelve millim. in length. A female from Atoyac has the facial 
stripe almost wholly red, the black mesonotal stripes mostly wanting, the scutellum 
lighter, and the hind femora almost entirely black. .A male from Yucatan has the 
face and front wholly reddish, the mesonotal stripes wanting, the scutellum red, and 
the second abdominal segment largely red. "Two other examples, both males, from 
Sonora and Teapa, agree with the last-mentioned specimen in the colour of the head 
and thorax; but they have the abdomen almost wholly red and reddish-brown—the 
firs& segment and a narrow stripe at the base of the second opaque black, and the 
hind femora almost entirely black; these specimens measure 14-15 millim. in length. 
I believe that they all belong to one species, though showing a variation not previously 

2. Pteroptila zonata. 
Pteroptila zonata, Loew, Centur. vi. no. 60, in Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 1865, p. 165 ' ; Willist. Synopsis 
N.-Am. Syrphidi, p. 182 (translation). 
Hab. Mxxico !, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, and Omilteme 8000 feet, both in Guerrero 
(HI. H. Smith). 

I may add to Loew's description, which applies well to the three specimens received, 
that, between the white tomentose spots of the anterior part of the thorax, the black 
is velvety, as is also the second abdominal segment before the yellow cross-band. In 
the female the front is black, the femora are black, except their tips, and the four 
front tibize are black at the distal end. 

A. single, female, specimen from Volcan de Chiriqui (Champion) differs in its larger 
size (16 millim.), and in having the pile of the sides of the thorax and of the first 
abdominal segment brassy-yellow ; the legs darker (all the tarsi and the ends of the 
hind tibice being blackish) and with yellow pile; and the costal cell dark brown, not 
nearly hyaline. I believe that it belongs to a distinct species; at all events, the 
variety is a well-marked one, and may be known as P. /oewi. 


Elophilus, Meigen, in llliger's Magazin, ii. p. 274 (1803). 
Asemosyrphus, Bigot, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1882, p. exxviii, and Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 288. 
k 2 


1. Helophilus latifrons. 

Helophilus latifrons, Loew, Centur. iv. no. 73, in Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 1863, p. 313 ' ; Osten Sacken, 
Western Dipt., in Bull. U.S. Geol. & Geogr. Survey, iii. p. 337 ? ; Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. 
Syrphidz, p. 188 *. 

Hab. NogrH AwEmicA, Red River, Washington ?, Wyoming ?, Oregon ?, Montana ?, 

Nebraska !, Massachusetts?, Connecticut ?, Western Kansas?; California ?. —M kExico, 

Amula in Guerrero 6000 feet (H. H. Smit). 

Five specimens, which present no noteworthy differences from those of the United 

2. Helophilus mexicanus. 

Helophilus mezicanus, Macq. Dipt. Exot. ii. 2, p. 64, t. 11. f. 2'; Osten Sacken, Cat. Dipt. 2nd ed. 
pp. 134, 267^; Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidze, p. 186, t. 8. f. 7*. 

Helophilus polygrammus, Loew, Centur. x. no. 55, in Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 1872, p. 85^; Osten 
Sacken, Western Dipt., in Bull. U.S. Geol. & Geogr. Survey, in. p. 338". 

Asemosyrphus bicolor, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 350. 

Asemosyrphus oculiferus, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 350 *. 

Asemosyrphus flavicaudatus, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 351". 

Asemosyrphus nigroscutatus, Bigot, loc. cit. p. 351". 

Hab. UwrrgD. SrarES, Washington?, California?4^57,— Mxx1c0! ?978, Omilteme 
8000 feet, Chilpancingo 4600 feet, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, 'Tepetlapa 3000 feet, 
all in Guerrero (H. H. Smith), Jalisco (Schumann), Mexico city (F. D. Godman), 
Orizaba (.H. H. Smith and F. D. Godman). 

Thirty-seven specimens. "These show colorational variations, and it is hard to say 
whether the differences are of varietal or specific value. 1n length they vary from 
seven to nearly twelve millim. In the shape and colour of the head there are no 
appreciable differences. 

Seven specimens, including both sexes, from Mexico city and Jalisco, have the meso- 
notum of a distinctly olivaceous-greenish appearance, with a metallic lustre, and the 
pile wholly yellow. "The remainder, from Mexico city, Jalisco, and the other places 
mentioned, have the mesonotum opaque cinereous, without apparent metallic or 
greenish lustre; in all, the oblique line on the outer posterior part may be wanting. 
The three males of the first-mentioned variety have the abdomen red, with the first 
segment, and a triangular spot on the second, black, the fourth segment with a lunule; 
these specimens must be very similar to those described by Bigot under the name of 
Asemosyrphus bicolor. 'The remaining males, eleven, with opaque mesonotum, are all 
nearly uniform in length (about seven millim.), and agree in having the second abdo- 
minal segment opaque black, with two grey lunules; the third segment with the 
posterior and lateral margins broadly red, leaving an oval, opaque, black portion, upon 

which partly rest two much curved grey lunules; the fourth segment with two small 


black spots in front. The females of the first variety agree pretty well with the 
description given in my *Synopsis' 3. "Those of the second variety have the abdomen 
wholly black, save the narrow hind margin of segments 2—4, with three pairs of grey 
lunules; the second segment narrowly shining on the sides, the third more broadly on 
the sides and behind, the fourth wholly, except the small spots in front of the lunules. 
The legs in the first variety, in both male and female, have the hind tibize wholly red, 
thus agreeing with JJ. bicolor (Bigot); those of the second have the tip somewhat 

Now, of the four forms which Bigot had, the first (/7. bicolor) is represented by the 
first variety ; the second (H. oculiferus) by that described by me in the * Synopsis'?; the 
third (H. ffavicaudatus) by the second. variety ; and the fourth (Z7. nigroscutatus, the 
locality for which is not given by Bigot?) presents such slight differences that it is 
scarcely worth mentioning. Of all these, Z7. /favicaudatus alone is, I think, entitled 
to a name, whether varietal or specific. Macquart's original Zf. mezicanus seems to be 
the same as Loew's A. polygrammus and. Digot's H. oculiferus. 

The generic characters given by Digot for 4semosyrphus ave very inadequate; at the 
same time, he overlooked the only really important structural variation that the species 
presents, viz. the remoteness of the ocelli from each other. "That Bigot mistook the 
sex of his specimens is surprising : the hypopygium is not at all concealed. 

Mallota, Meigen, Syst. Beschr. iii. p. 377 (1822). 

Synopsis of the Central- American species. 

l. Third joint of the antenn:s elongate oval . . . . . . . . . . championi, sp. n. 
Third joint of the antennz as broad aslong . . . . . . . . . 2. 

2. Abdomen shining red, with similarly coloured pille. . . . . . . smithi, sp. n. 
Abdomen deepblack . . . 4. . . «. . « - « . . . 4. S 

3. Abdomen clothed with black pile throughout. . . . . . . . . sackeni, Willist. 
Terminal abdominal segments with bright orange or yellow pille . . margarita, sp. u. 

1. Mallota (?; championi, sp. n., «. 

Eyes pilose; third joint of the antennc twice as long as wide; abdomen shining bronze, with yellow pile ; 
wings brown in front. Eyes narrowly contiguous. Frontal triangle and face shining black, the former 
with black, the latter with yellow, pile.  Antennz brownish-red; third joint elongate oval, obtusely 
pointed. Mesonotum subopaque blackish-brown, elothed with moderately long, abundant, light yellow 
pile, which, however, does not obscure the ground-ecolour; a tuft of bright, sulphur-yellow pile on the 
outer end of the suture and upper part of the pleurz.  Pleursw black, nearly bare. Scutellum. obscure 
yellowish, with yellow pile. Abdomen shining metallie bronze; second segment, except the sides and 
hind margin, and a very small spot on the front of the third segment, opaque black ; clothed with abun- 
dant, erect, light yellow pile. Legs yellow; femora, except the tip, black; hind femora moderately 
incrassate; hind tibie curved and compressed. Wings nearly hyaline ; brown along the fore part, the 
eostal cell and the base of the marginal ecll more yellow. 

Length 11 millim. 


Hah. Mzxico, Amula in Guerrero 6000 feet (I. H. Smith). 

One specimen. 
This species is not a true J/a//lofa, by reason of the form of the third antennal joint, 
but I know not where else to place it. 

2. Mallota sackeni. 

Mallota posticata, Osten Sacken, Western Dipt., in Bull. U. S. Geol. & Geogr. Survey, iii. p. 338" 
(nec Fabr.). 

Mallota sackeni, Wilist. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. xx. p. 824*; Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 204, 
t. 8. fig. 14. 

Hab. Uxrrgp SraTES, Washington ? 3, California !, Texas ?.—M Exroo, Jaral in Guana- 
juato (Schumann). 

A single, injured, specimen. 

3. Mallota margarita, sp.n. c 9. (Tab. II.figg. 7, 9; 74, head ; 75, hind 

Deep black, with long and abundant, deep black pile, save on the terminal abdominal segments, where it is 
bright orange-red orlight yellow. Eyes bare; in the male narrowly separated below the ocelli. Face 
whitish-pollinose on the sides, shining black elsewhere. Antennz black, the third joint dark reddish- 
brown; aristared. Front of the female opaque black, shining below. —Mesonotum, as seen through the 
pile, shining in the middle behind. Abdomen opaque black, the black concealed by the pile; the last 
one or two segments with yellow- or orange-red pile; hypopygium bare, large,subshining. Legs densely 
black-pilose ; all the tarsi yellowish-red ; hind femora moderately thickened; hind tibie dilated. Wings 
dark brown, subhyaline distally and along the narrow posterior border. 

Length 14—16 millim. 

Hab. MExxico, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, Omilteme 8000 feet, both in Guerrero 
(H. H. Smith). 

Fight specimens. 
À very striking species, respectfully dedicated to Mrs. H. H. Smith, the indefatigable 
companion of her husband in his travels. 

4. Mallota smithi, sp.n. d 9. (Tab. II. figg. 8, 9; 8a, head ; 85, hindleg.) 
' 'horax thickly fulvous-pilose; abdomen shining red; wings subhyaline, with a brown spot. Eyes bare, 
in the male narrowly separated below the ocelli. The triangles and the female front mostly opaque, 
clothed with black pile. Antenn» black; third joint and arista reddish-brown or brownish-red. Face, 
on the sides, thickly clothed with yellowish-white pollen and pile; in the middle, and the cheeks, shining 
black. Thorax clothed thiekly with long and abundant, reddish-yellow pile, obscuring the opaque black 
ground-ecolour; scutellum similarly elothed, itself red. Abdomen shining red throughout, clothed with 
short, yellowish-red and some black pile. Legs black; middle femora at the base, the hind femora 
largely, and a ring on the hind tibim, sometimes red; front and middle femora with long yellow pile 
behind, the hind femora with black and yellow pile; hind femora considerably thickened ; hind tibie curved 
and dilated. "Wings subhyaline, a large diffuse, brownish spot near the middle. 
Length 10-12 millim. 


Hab. Mxzxico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (I7. H. Smith). 

Fourteen specimens. 

A species scarcely less striking in appearance than the preceding.  Respectfully 
dedicated to Mr. Herbert H. Smith. 


Xylota, Meigen, Syst. Beschr. iii. p. 211 (1822). 
Micraptoma, Westwood, Intr. to the Modern Class. of Ins. ii., Syn. Gen. Brit. Ins. p. 136 (1840). 

Synopsis of the Central- American species. 

l. Abdomen andlegs red. . . . . . . . . . . . .« . . ruWfipes, sp. n. 
Abdomen and legs for the most part black. . . . . . . . 2. 

2. Second abdominal segment and the anterior metatarsi light yellow | pauzilla, sp. n. 
Second abdominal segment with or without a small yellow spot . 3. 

3. Hind coxz of male withoutspur . . . , . . Órachygaster, sp. n. 


Hind coxz of male with spur; abdomen contracted basally . .  sfenogaster, sp. n. 

1. Xylota rufipes, sp. n., « 9. 

Male. Abdomen, except the first segment, and the legs, red. — Vertical triangle elongate, shiniug black ; eyes 
narrowly contiguous. Frontal triangle and faece black, thinly whitish-pollinose, variable in differeut 
reflections. First two joints of the antenn: black; third joint large, brownish-red or reddish-brown. 
"Thorax and seutellum black, feebly shining. Abdomen red; first segment shining black. Legs of the 
colour of the abdomen ; cox& black ; four front femora at the base, and the tip of the hind tibi:w, blackish ; 
four front tarsi more yellowish, with their tips blackish ; hind tarsi black; hind femora moderately 
thickened, setulose below ; hind cox: with a spur. Wings tinged with yellow, the stigma brown ; third 
vein gently eoncave before the first posterior cell. 

Female. Front shining black, with a narrow pollinose band; an indication of an opaque stripe on the second 
abdominal segment ; no spur on the hind coxz. 

Length 10-11 millim. 

Hab. MExico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (H. H. Smith). 

Four specimens. "WIL" 
' his species is nearest allied to X. bicolor, Loew, but may be distinguished by the 

red legs and coxal spur of the male. 

2. Xylota pauxilla, sp. n., c 9. (Tab. IL fig. 9, 4; 9a, head ; 95, hind leg.) 
Male. Face black, in profile much receding, covered with a variable whitish dust, the oral margin in front 
reddish ; frontal triangle with a large shining spot. Antennte black ; third joint large, a little elongate, 
about twice as long as wide; arista yellowish. Vertical triangle slender, acute in front, greyish-dusted. 
Mesonotum black, moderately shining, clothed, in large part, with short, dense, erect yellow pile, 
which, in some reflections, gives a yellowish colour to the surface. Beutellum and pleure black. 
Abdomen: first segment subshining metallie black ; second segment yellow, with an anterior triangular 
and posterior crescentie opaque blaek band; third segment opaque black, shining bronze on the sides ; 
fourth segment shining bronze, clothed on the posterior part with dense, recumbent, yellow pile. Legs 
black ; the base of all the tibi: and the first two Joints of the four anterior tarsi light yellow ; the first two 



or three joints of the hind tarsi yellowish-brown ; hind femora much thickened, the hind tibi; correspond- 
ingly curved; hind coxz unarmed. Wings tinged with brownish, more strongly so distaliy. 

Female. Front shining metallescent black, with a pollinose band across the middle. Second abdominal 
segment with a median brown linear stripe. 

Length 10 millim. 

Hab. MxExico, Omilteme 8000 feet, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, both in Guerrero 
CH. H. Smith). 

Four specimens. 
'This species has a markedly coarctate abdomen in the male, less so in the female. 

It is nearest allied to X. angustiventris, Loew (elongata, Willist.). 

3. Xylota stenogaster, sp.n., s 9. 

Male. Face black or brownish-black, whitish-pollinose, variable in different reflections. Antenns blackish- 
brown; third joint large, oval; arista yellow. Frontal triangle with a large shining spot. Mesonotum 
opaque blue-black, with two narrow, purplishstripes.  Pleurm blue-black, with white pile. Scutellum 
somewhat shining. : Abdomen deep shining steel-blue; second and third segments each with a posterior 
opaque black band; second segment moderately.narrowed, with concave sides. Legs brownish-black (or 
black), the tarsi darker. except the middle metatarsi; hind femora considerably thickened ; hind coxsm 
with a slender, sharp spur. Wings on the basal half and behind subhyaline, on the distal half in 
front blackish. 

Female. Front shining black, with an obscure pollinose band. Second abdominal segment but little contracted, 
opaque, broadly shining on the sides, only a littie contracted. Legs black. 

Length 10-11 millim. 

Lab. Mxxico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (Z7. H. Smith); GuaTEMALA, Purula 
in Vera Paz (Champion). 

4. Xylota brachygaster, sp. n., &. 

Frontal triangle and face black, rather densely covered with white pollen, the cheeks and a spot above the 
anteunz bare and shining.  Antennz black ; third joint more brown, scarcely longer than broad ; arista 
yellow.  Mesonotum opaque brownish-black, somewhat metallescent. Seutellum bronze. Abdomen 
rather short and broad, with parallel sides; opaque black; first segment coloured like the scutellum ; 
second and third segments each with a yellow spot on the lateral margin. Legs black, the knees 
yellowish; first joint of the four anterior tarsi and the base of the second yellow; hind femora 
moderately thickened ; hind cox;e unarmed. Wings with the front border brown ; subhyaline behind. 

Length 12 millim. 

Hab. MExico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (H. H. Smith). 
One specimen. 

Crioprora, Osten Sacken, Cat. Dipt. 2nd ed. p. 251, note 241 (1878) ; Williston, Synopsis N.-Am. 
Syrphidi, p. 217. 
Romaleosyrphus, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 356. 

1. Crioprora villosa. 
Romaleosyrphus villosus, Bigot, Aun. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 356 '. 

Hab. MExico !. 


Syritta, St.-Fargeau & Serville, Encycl. Méthod. x. p. 808 (1825). 
Coprina, Zetterstedt, Ins. Lapp. p. 584 (1840). 
Planes, Rondani, Archiv. per la Zool. iii. p. 9 (1864). 

1. Syritta vagans. 
Xylota vagans, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 101 '. 
Planes vagans, Rond. Archiv. per la Zool. iii. p. 9*, 
Syritta americana, Schiner, Reise der Novara, Diptera, p. 367? ; Willist. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. 
p. 2854. 
Syritta mexicana, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 5395. 
Hab. Mxxico?, Atoyacin Vera Cruz (H. H. Smith); CosrA RicA, Caché (Rogers). 
—SovTH AMERICA ?, Brazil! 4. 

Four specimens, agreeing closely with those from Brazil mentioned by me in the 
above-cited paper^.  Bigot's description applies well. 

Ceriogaster, Williston, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xv. p. 285 (1888). 

'The generic description given by me will only require some minor modifications to 
include the Mexican species described below. In C. ewricaudata the face is obtusely 
carinate, nearly straight in profile; the scutellum is small, but not thinned; the hind 
femora are only a little thickened ; and the front tarsi are but feebly dilated. 

1. Ceriogaster auricaudata, sp.n. s 9. (Tab. II. figg. 10, 9; 10a, head.) 
Face and cheeks shining black, the former with a lateral, oblique, yellowish-pollinose stripe. Frontal triangle 
yellowish-grey-pollinose on its margins, shining black in its middle; front of the female opaque black, 
shining below. Antennze brownish-red; third joint trapezoidal in shape. Thorax opaque brownish- 
black; along the suture on each side a narrow opaque velvety-black spot; pile very short, yellowish. 
Abdomen: first segment deep opaque velvety-black, shining on the sides, narrowly fringed with yellow 
pile behind; second segment with a narrow band in front, and a large triangle posteriorly, opaque black, 
the sides, and in front of the triangle, shining metallic, the posterior margin with a narrow fringe of 
yellow pile; third segment opaque brownish-black, with a broader margin behind of yellow pile; fourth 
segment shining, butits surface mostly concealed beneath the reeumbent, light sulphur-yellow pile. Legs 
black; knees yellow. Wings in front brown; behind, including the anal angle and cell, and the discal 
and posterior cells, except the anterior part of the first posterior cell, nearly hyaline. 
Length 12-13 millim. 

Hab. MExico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (H. /T. Smith). 
Two specimens. 

Spilomyia, Meigen, in Illiger's Magazin, ii. p. 273 (1803). 
Mistemyia, Macquart, Hist. Nat., Dipt. 1. p. 491 (1834). 
BIOL. CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. IIT., May 1892. ! 


1. Spilomyia pallipes. 
Spilomyia pallipes, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 352. 
Hab. Mzxioco !. 

2. Spilomyia pleuralis. « 
Spilomyia pleuralis, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidze, p. 247 '. 
Hab. Mxxico !. 

3. Spilomyia (Mixtemyia) ephippium. 
Mivtemyia ephippium, Osten Sacken, Bull. Buffalo Soc. iii. p. 70' ; Cat. Dipt. 2nd ed. p. 254, 
note 255 *. 

Spilomyia (Mixstemyia) ephippium, Willst. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 249 *. 
Hab. Mxxico ! ?3, 


Milesia, Latreille, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins. xiv. p. 361 (1805). 
Sphixea, Rondani, Dipt. Ital. Prodr. ii. p. 68 (1857). 

1. Milesia pulchra, sp.n., &. (Tab.II. fige. 11, 6 ; 11a, head in profile ; 11 2, 
head from in front ; 11 c, hind leg.) 

In structure, like M. ornata, Fabr. Vertical triangle elongate, golden-pollinose before the ocelli. Face and 
frontal triangle light opaque yellow ; a small blackish spot just above the base of the antenns, and a 
-— lack facial stripe, reaching about halfway to the antenns; cheeks shining black.  Antenns black; 
third joint brownish-red or reddish-brown.  Mesonotum brownish-black, nearly opaque, with light yellow 
"opaque markings as folows:—a pair of narrow median stripes, gently divergent posteriorly, and 
terminating acutely either in a transverse band in front of the seutellum, or near it, and united at the 
suture on either side with a narrow transverse spot from the root of the wing; in front, distinct from a 
round spot on each humerus.  Pleurse with two similarly coloured spots, as in M. ornata; iu addition, 
behind them, there is a yellowish triangular spot, terminating aeutely on the middle coxs. Scutellum 
black, with a yellow border, as in M. ornata. Abdomen: a spot on each side of the first segment, and the 
fourth segment, behind the yellow eross-band, shining metallie bluish-black; first segment yellow on the 
sides; second segment opaque black, with a shining yellowish cross-band posteriorly, and an opaque 
yellow one anteriorly : third segment similar to the second, the yellow side-spots with less rounded 
inner ends, the shining band a litile wider; fourth segment with a broader yellow band in front, the 
posterior margin of which is oblique and sinuous, opaque black in the interruption ; pile on the yellow parts 
yellow, elsewhere black, longer than in M. ornata. Legs: femora reddish-yellow and black; middle 
tibie and tarsi wholly light yellow ; front tibi; yellow, black distally; hind tibi black, with the base 

yellow; front and hind tarsi black. Wings brownish-yellow in front, posteriorly nearly hyaline toward 
the base, clouded distally. 

Length 18-20 millim. 
Hab. GUATEMALA, Purula and Senahu in Vera Paz (Champion). 
Three specimens 


Ceria, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. iv. p. 277 (1794) (nec Scopoli, 1763). 
Sphizimorpha, Rondani, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. ii. p. 212 (1850). 



Synopsis of the recognized Central- American species. 

. Antenniferous process slender, as long as the first joint of the 
antennae . , 

Antenniferous process disiinetiy shorter E the first joint of the 
antenne . . . f. . 

. Wings dark brownish- hladk. with. à silyaline space üt the optó 
posterior part . : 

Wings hyaline, with the dutledio - bs or huoohdsb:. 

. Very large red species, with yellow markings . 

Moderately large, black and yellow species, the Selle pre- 
dominating ; "E 

. Antenniferous process Mlinót sholly Santiugs first joint of the 
antennz nearly as long as the following two joints together 

Antenniferous process at least one-fourth of the length of the first 
joint of the antennze ; p'A NT rA ne. 

. Second abdominal segment as ond. as lotis ( d), the fourth seg- 

ment shorter than the third ; black, less slender species 

Second abdominal segment more or less cylindrical . 

6. Thorax wholly black . 
Thorax more or less yellow . Uwoy 

7. Sides of the metanotum with a conspicuous yétion spot 
Metanotum wholly black . . . . . T 

8. A large trapezoidal yellow spot in front of the APT 
Two small, oblique spots in front of the scutellum 

9. Fourth abdominal segment markedly longer than the third 
Fourth abdominal segment a little shorter than the third . 

1. Ceria nigripennis. 

Ceria nigripennis, Willist. Synopsis N.-AÀm. Syrphidze, p. 263?. 

Hab. Mxxico 1. 

2. Ceria superba. 

Ceria superba, Willst. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 264 '. 

Hab. Mzxico !. 

3. Ceria verralli, sp. n., «. 

nigripennis, Willist. 
superba, Willist. 

verralli, sp. n. 

signifera, Loew. 

meadei, sp. n. 


bergrothi, sp. n. 



scutellata, Willst. 
schnablei, sp. n. 
nigra, Bigot. 
pedicellata, Willist. 

Face light sulphur-yellow, a stripe on the cheeks, and a narrow one on the facial tubercle, extended as a 

light greenish or brownish stripe to the antenns, black ; on either side, above, a small brown spot within 
a larger, oblique, light greenish one. Vertical and frontal triangles coloured like the face ; at the base of 
the antenn:, a black spot extending out towards the orbit. Antenniferous process brownish-red ; slender, 
longer than the first joint of the antenns. First joint of the antennsz reddish-brown, slightly longer 
than the second; second and third joints yellowish-red ; third joint a little shorter than the. second. 
Thorax yellow, like the face; mesonotum with three opaque black stripes, the median one dividing 
Y-like behind the suture to blend with the posterior end of the lateral stripes; in front of the scutellum 



an elongate black spot, leaving the yellow in the shape of a V or U ; a small black spot above the roof. of 
the wings, and in the bottom of the suture; between the black stripes the yellow is opaque: pectus, 
sutures, and metanotum shining black, the latter covered with dense yellow pollen. Abdomen slender, 
black; first segment yellow on the sides; second segment with the base and the broad posterior margin 
yellow; third and fourth segments with a broad, biarcuate, narrowly interrupted, median band, and the 
broad hind margin, and the remainder of the abdomen wholly, yellow; fourth segment a little longer 
than the third. Legs light yellow, the femora with black streaks; hind femora considerably thickened. 
Wings brownish in front, nearly hyaline behind. 
Length 14 millim. 

Hab. PANAMA, David (Champion). 

One specimen. One of the handsomest species of the genus. 

4. Oeria signifera. 
Ceria signifera, Loew, Neue Beitrüge, i. p. 18' ; Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 262^. 

Hab. UwrrgD SraATES, Texas ?, Florida ?.— M xx1co !. 

5. Ceria meadei, sp. n, &. (Tab. II. figg. 12, &; 12 «, head in profile; 124, 
head from in front.) 

Frontal triangle and face shining black ; a narrow stripe on either side of the middle, running to the oral 
margin, a small spot near the orbits, and the narrow orbital margins of the frontal triangle, yellow. 
Antenniferous process about one-half the length of the first joint of the antennsz, in colour obscure 
reddish-yellow. Antenne black, the third joint narrowly red at the base; second and third joints of 
about equal length, both shorter than the first; style slender, silvery. Thorax subopaque, black ; 
mesonotum scrobiculate ; humeri with a small or minute yellow spot; the sutures very narrowly golden- 
pollinose. Abdomen short, stout, the second segment only moderately narrowed in front; fourth segment 
distinctly shorter than the third; second segment with a slender yellow hind margin; third and fourth 
segments with a broad yellow hind margin, the third, before the yellow band, with a biarcuate golden- 
pollinose band, the fourth with a broad golden-pollinose band, leaving the black as a slender anterior 
margin, and a slender band behind; hypopygium yellow. Legs black, the knees very narrowly yellow ; 
hind femora but little thickened. "Wings brown in front, hyaline behind. 

Length 10-12 millim. 

Hab. MEx1co, Xucumanatlan in Guerrero 7000 feet (JJ. H. SmitA). 

Three specimens. 

6. Ceria scutellata. 
Ceria scutellata, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am. Syrphidz, p. 265 '. 

Hab. Mgxico, Isthmus of Tehuantepec !. 

7. Ceria schnablei, sp. n., «. 

Face and cheeks ferruginous-red ; an oblique stripe on either side running to the oral margin, the cheeks 
behind, and the orbital margins of the frontal triangle, yellow. — Antenniferous process fully half as long 
as the first antennal joint, red, First joint of the antenn:w reddish-black, but little longer than the 

Thorax deep red; mesonotum finely roughened; a stripe on either side from the suture nearly to the 
scutellum, two small oblique spots in front of the seutellum and one on the humeri, yellow ; on the 
inner side of the vittule, a black space.  Pleurw with two slender vertical stripes and a large spot on the 


sides of the metanotum, yellow. Scutellum yellow, with a black band across the middle. Abdomen 
dark red, the base of the second segment and the narrow hind margin of the second and third segments 
yellow ; second segment cylindrical in front, broad behind ; fourth segment longer than the third. Legs 
brownish-red, the anterior tarsi more yellow, the hind tarsi blackish; hind femora much thickened, the 

thiekening greater on the basal half. Wings brown in front; behind, toward the base, yellowish, 
distally hyaline. 
Length 14 millim. 

Hab. Mxx1co, Atoyac in Vera Cruz (I. H. Smith). 

Two specimens. 

"This species is allied to C. sackeni, Willist., from Brazil, but differs in the structure 
of the antenn: and abdomen, as well as in the markings. 

8. Ceria nigra. 
Sphyximorpha nigra, Bigot, Aun. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 317 '. 

Hab. MExico !, Xucumanatlan in Guerrero 7000 feet (H. H. Smith). 

9. Ceria pedicellata. 
Ceria pedicellata, Willist. Synopsis N.-Am, Syrphid:e, p. 264". 

Hab. Mzxxico, Jaral in Guanajuato (Schumann), Isthmus of Tehuantepec !. 

A single male specimen from Jaral merely differs from the description of C. pedicellata, 
Willist. (the type is not in my possession), in the lighter-coloured antenne, the first 
two joints of which are yellow, and in the colour of the legs, which are yellow 
and red throughout, instead of reddish-brown and black. The second joint of the 
antennz, if anything, islonger than the first. "The third and fourth segments of the 
abdomen are subequal in length and both shorter than the second. The relationship 
with C. sackeni is very marked, but a comparison with the type shows the following 
specific differences :—The antenniferous process is slightly shorter, and the first joint of 
the antennz is proportionately a little longer, as also the third joint. The mesonotum 
in C. sackeni has a golden-pollinose, interrupted band, and yellow supra-alar vittulee, 
wanting in the present species. "The markings of the face are also distinctly different. 

10. Ceria bergrothi, sp. n., «e. 

Antennz brownish-black, the third joint red; first and second joints of nearly equal length ; antenniferous 
process short, about one-fourth the length of the first joint of the antenne. Face and frontal triangle 
shining black, the former with a lateral oblique stripe, the latter with two small spots, yellow. "Thorax 
wholly deep shining black, markedly roughened. Abdomen deep shining black, the second segment 
yellow proximally at the sides; second segment slender, its width posteriorly scarcely more than one-half 
its length ; third and fourth segments of nearly equallength. Legs deep brownish-red, the tersi some- 
what yellowish. "Wings deep brown in front, save at the distal part, where the colour is perceptibly 
lighter; nearly hyaline behind. 

Length 13 millim. 

Hab. Mxxioo, Atoyae in Vera Cruz (H. IT. Smith). 

One specimen. 


There are also the following described species from within our limits :— 

Ceria rufibasis, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 318 (Sphyaimorpha).— Mexico. 
arietis, Loew, Neue Beitráze, i. p. 17.—Mexico. 
cacica, Walk. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. n. ser. v. p. 288.—Mexico. 

Most of the following species of Syrphide, described from, or referred to, Central 
America, are of more or less doubtful generic position ; others have been inadvertently 
omitted from the lists on the preceding pages :— 

Pipiza divisa, Walk. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. iv. p. 156.—Vera Cruz. 

Lepidomayia, cincta, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1883, p. 345.—Mexico. 

Syrphus colludens, Walk. op. cit. v. p. 293.— Mexico. 

delineatus, Macq. Dipt. Exot. 1* Suppl. p. 139, t. 11. f. 19.—Mexico. 

Volucella aperta, Walk. op. cit. v. p. 292.—Mexico. 

gostica, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. vi. p. 166; Complete Writings, ii. p. 360.— 

—— tibialis, Macq. Dipt. Exot. 1* Suppl. p. 123.—Yucatan, Merida. 

Temnocera wnilecta, Walk. op. cit. v. p. 292.—Mexico. 

viridula, Walk. op. cit. v. p. 292.—Mexico. 

Eristalis lateralis, Walk. Trans. Linn. Soc. xvii. p. 347; List of Diptera, iii. 
p. 622.—Mexico, Guiana, Brazil, Chili, Jamaica. 

semicirculus, Walk. Ins. Saund., Dipt. i. p. 249.—Honduras. 

Helophilus formalis, Walk. List of Diptera, iii. p. 603.—Mexico. 

Doliosyrphus hirtipes, Bigot, Bull. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1882, p. exxi; Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 

1888, p. 343.—Panama. 

Xylota arquata, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. vi. p. 162; Complete Writings, ii. p. 357. 
— Mexico. 

subcostalis, Walk. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. new ser. v. p. 291.— Mexico. 


Rhopalosyrphus, Giglio-Tos, Bollett. dei Musei di Zool. ed Anat. comp. della R. Univ. di Torino, 
vi. no. 108, p. 3, figg. (Sept. 1891). 
This genus, of which the type-species, from Mexico, is not yet described, is closely 
allied to 7Méixogaster, as it is accepted in the present work, but differs from it in the 
prominence at the lower part of the face. 



Omegasyrphus, Giglio-Tos, Bollett. dei Musei di Zool. ed Anat. comp. della R. Univ. di Torino, 
vi. no. 108, p. 4, figg. (Sept. 1891). | 
This genus apparently includes such species as J/icrodon coarctatus, Loew, and 
M. baliopterus, Loew. ^ The type-species, from Mexico, is not yet described or 

Megametopon, Giglio-Tos, Bollett. dei Musei di Zool. ed Anat. comp. della R. Univ. di Torino, 
vi. no. 108, p. 5, figg. (d 9) (Sept. 1891). 
Ophromyia, Williston, anteà, p. 55, Tab. IT. figg. 1, 1a, 5 (Dec. 1891). 

Dr. Giglio-Tos's paper, containing the description of this genus, was not received 
until too late to change the name in the preceding pages, but his name has priority. 
The species described by me will be known as JM. nasicum, inasmuch as the type of 
Megametopon has not yet been described. If the species are the same, Giglio-Tos's 
figures of the male front and of the arista are not quite correct. 


Conops, Linnzus, lF'auna Svecica, p. 467 (1761). 

Leopoldius, Rondani, Nuovi Ann. Scienze Nat. Bologna, x. p. 35 (1843). 
Conopejus, Rondani, Mag. Zool. 1845, Gen. Ital. Conop. p. 4. 
Brachiglossum, Rondani, Dipt. Ital. Prodr. 1. p. 56 (1856). 

Sphyaosoma, Rondani, loc. cit. 

Conopilla, Rondani, loc. cit. 

Synopsis of the Central- American species. «| os 
1. Third joint of the antenne distinctly shorter than the second . . . 2. 

'T'hird joint of the antennz atleast as long as the second. . . . 3. 
2. First posterior cell hyaline ;; pleural pollinose stripe indistinet above, .  discalis, sp. n. 

First posterior cell in large part clouded ; pleural pollinose stripe 
distinctly limited above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anthreas, sp. n. 
& Fseeblaek.. 9 L0 ;o o ool 09 £40 xoc 0 6205 e (6,4). 
Face yellow es ; : 4. 
4 GChesks yellow. &. . .. 9 20 e 7 ow o 8 € o o3 Xo 0€ € Dk 
Cheeks brown; largespecies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sequaz, sp. n. 
9. First posterior cell hyaline, except at its base, the submarginal cell 
also partly hyalne . . . . . . . . . . . « « . « . S$ylvosus, Willist. 
First posterior cell brown along the whole anterior part . . . . . Sp. (no.5). 

* By S. W. Wirrrerox. 


1. Conops discalis, sp. n.. & 9. 

Male. Antennz black, or dark reddish-brown ; first joint about one-half, the third joint about two-thirds, the 
length of the second ; style slender at its tip. Face blackish, in the depression yellowish, on the orbits 
yellowish- or white-glistening-pollinose. Front black, somewhat shining.  Proboscis not twiee the length 
of the head. Thorax black; a little shining; a yellowish-pollinose spot on the inner side of each humerus. 
Pleure lightly pollinose, without distinet vertical pollinose stripe. Abdomen black, the third segment 
yellow at its base; third and fourth segments each. with a narrow yellow- or yellowish-pollinose, opaque 
hind margin ; the fifth and sixth segments, for the greater part, light yellow-pollinose. Legs dark brown 
or black, the base of all the tibie yellow. Wings brown in front of the third longitudinal vein, sub- 
hyaline behind; a narrow cloud before the fifth vein. 

Female. Face yellow ; cheeks brown. — Fifth abdominal segment with a large process below. 
Length 9-10 millim. 

Hab. MzExico, Amula and Omilteme in Guerrero, Teapa in Tabasco CH. H. Smith). 

2. Qonops anthreas, sp. n.,« 2. 

Antenne red or dark reddish-brown, the third joint in great part red; first joint about one-half, the third 
joint almost two-thirds, the length of the second joint, the latter slender. Face light yellow, on the sides 
with a silvery or slightly golden sheen, the grooves more or less brownish or blackish at the bottom. 
Front opaque, nearly black ; à more shining space above and below ; the orbital margins, below, narrowly 
silvery; the black extends down a little distance on each side of the antenns.  Proboscis nearly black, 
about twice the length of the head. "Thorax dark reddish-brown, the dorsum nearly black, its posterior 
margin yellowish-pollinose ; a golden-pollinose spot at the inner side of each humerus; pleural stripes 
complete and with well-defined margins above. Abdomen black, the base of the third segment reddish 
or yellowish ; third, fourth, and fifth segments each with a narrow, golden, opaque posterior margin; 
fifth segment golden-pollinose behind. Legs brownish-red or reddish-brown, the tip of the metatarsi and 
the following joints black, the base of all the tibi; yellow, — Wings brown in front of the third longi- 
tudinal vein ; the first posterior cell, save behind the streak corresponding to the spurious vein of the 
Syrphids, and a large semioval space in the outer posterior part, all brown ;: a narrow brown streak in 
íront of the fifth vein; elsewhere the wing is hyaline or subhyaline. 

Length 8-10 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Presidio de Mazatlan (Forrer), Acapuleo and Rincon in Guerrero, 
Atoyac in Vera Cruz (H. H. &mith). 

Five specimens. This species differs from all the known American members of the 
genus, save C. órachyrhynchus and. C. discalis, in having the third joint of the antennz 
distinctly shorter than the second. 

3. Conops sequax, sp. n., 9. 

Face reddish-yellow ; orbits with a golden sheen; cheeks brown. Front black, moderately shining. Antenne 
black; first joint more than halí as long as the second; third joint longer than the second, gradually 
tapering from near the base; style slender, bristle-like on the distal half of the third joint, the second 
joint not at all prominent.  Proboscis about twice the length of the head. Thorax black, but little 
shining; humeri lightly whitish-pollinose above; pleural stripe indistinct above. Abdomen black; 
second and third segments with a narrow golden-pollinose band behind ; sixth segment for the most part 
covered with whitish pollen; ventral process of the fifth segment very large. Legs dark brown or 
brownish-black ; base of all the tibiz yellow ; basal joints of allthe tarsi yellow or yellowish. Wings 
brown in front of the third vein and in the first posterior cell as far as the streak corresponding to the 
spurious vein or :he Syrphide; in front of the last section of the fourth vein a subhyaline space. 

Length 15 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Amula and Omilteme in Guerrero (H. H. Smith). 

Two specimens. In this species the outer section of the fourth vein is nearly 
parallel with the great cross-vein. A male from Temax, Northern Yucatan (Gawmer), 
differs in having the pleural stripe distinctly limited above, the yellow abdominal 
bands absent, the legs more reddish-brown, the tarsi in large part yellow, and the 
third joint of the antenns» proportionately a little shorter. t is probable that these 
differences are specific. 

4. Conops —? 

Hab. Mzxico, Temax in Northern Yucatan (Gauwmer). 

A single female specimen, much resembling the male from Yucatan mentioned 
above under C. seqwaz, but with the face entirely black, instead of light yellow. It 
is not improbable that it may prove to be conspecific with that example; if so, the 
species must be distinct from C. seque. The face of this female has a silvery sheen, 
variable in different aspects. The specimen is in a bad state of preservation. 

5. Conops —? 
Hab. MExico, Chilpancingo in Guerrero (A. H. Smith), Jalisco (Schumann). 

Two indifferently preserved, male and female, specimens represent a species distinct 
from the other Conops here mentioned. It differs from C. sy/vosus, the only other 
species in our collection with yellow cheeks, in lacking the hyaline cross-band before 
the tip of the wing, the brown of the whole submarginal cell being nearly uniform in 

colour. Length 10 millim. 

6. Conops sylvosus. 
Conops sylvosus, Willist. Trans. Conn. Acad. iv. p. 329, and vi. p. 390". 
Hab. UwrrgD SrATES, Massachusetts !, Connecticut !, Kansas !.—Mzxico, Xucuman- 
atlan in Guerrero 7000 feet (H. H. Smith). 

Six examples, agreeing well with the types and the description. The face is often 
blackish, and the proboscis is longer than the last two joints of the antenne taken 
together. The specimens vary in length from 6-9 millim. 


Physocephala, Schiner, Wien. ent. Monatschr. v. p. 137 (1861) ; Fauna Austr., Diptera, i. p. 375; 

Williston, Trans. Conn. Ácad. vi. p. 388. 
BIOL. CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. IIT., 24ay 1892. m 


Synopsis of the Central- American species. «. ' "1 
l Facablaék & . 020 ou Eognir o] oom m o oem 

Face yellow. . . à NELLO IEEE T 
9. Thorax and abdomen ibihing black, not V pollinbés don . carbonaria, Willist. (d). 
Thorax and abdomen opaque, more or less yellowish pxilliües . migrifacies, Bigot. 
3. Deep black, shining species; cheeks brown. . . . . . - - carbonaria, Willist. ( 9 ). 
Red or black, opaque, more or less pollinose species. . . . 4 
4. Cheeks wholly black. . . . 20.2. ss s. s. s. . SOrorcula, sp. n. 
Cheeks brown, with a yellow siot DAI, €039 . 
5. Prevailing colour red ; dorsum of thorax with pee black 
stripes . . ; 2... s rs. 5 . OChreiceps, Bigot. 

Prevailing colour black ; cores black ; 2... 5. 5. 5. . &üanthops, sp. n. 

1. Physocephala carbonaria,cs 9. (Tab. lI. figg. 13, 9 ; 13«, profile.) 
? Conops carbonarius, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1887, p. 42. 

Male. Head wholly black, except the facial depression, which is somewhat yellowish ; the narrow facial orbits 
with a silvery or somewhat golden sheen. Antenn: brownish-black, the first and third joints somewhat 
reddish ; third joint more than half the length of the second; style with a short bristly extremity, its 
second joint prominent. Thorax pitchy-black, moderately sEintüg"; ; humeri lightly pollinose above; no 
distinet pleural pollinose stripe. Abdomen black, shining, slenderly pedicellate. Legs: coxs with a 
silvery or golden sheen; trochanters yellow; femora dark brown, sometimes more or less reddish, 
especially the hind pair; tibie lighter brown, sometimes yellowish, with the base of the hind pair yellow ; 
tarsi yellowish-red, the hind pair more brownish-red; middle tibie on the outer side with a silvery sheen. 
Wings dark brown in front, nearly hyaline behind; the brown extends to the fourth vein, and, over the 
greater portion of the discal cell, to the fifth vein ; costal cell and a spot in front of the last section of 
the fourth vein subhyaline. 

Fenale, Face light yellow ; cheeks brown ; eoxw and base of the femora reddish-yellow ; ventral process of 
the fifth segment small. 

Length 13-19 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico!, Atoyac in Vera Cruz (H. H. SmitA). 

Six specimens. t seems very probable that these belong to the species described by 
Bigot under the name of Conops carbonarius, especially so from the remarkable sexual 
peculiarity of the colouring of the face.  Digot, however, describes the hind femora as 
only slightly thickened at the base; I believe that he is in error in this statement, but, 
until this is shown, the species may be known as P. carbonaria, Willist. The second 
abdominal segment often has a yellowish hind border. 

2. Physocephala nigrifacies, « 
Conops nigrifacies, Bigot, Anu. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1887, p. 40 '. 

Male. Head black, the faee somewhat reddish in the depression; the front, except the vertical callosity, the 
cheeks, and the face covered with a yellowish dust, variable in different reflections.  Antenns black, the 
first joint and the under part of the third somewhat reddish ; third joint of the style very briefly acute. 
Thorax black, lightly yellowish- and whitish-dusted throughout; a more pronounced spot of golden dust 
at theinner side of each humerus; no distinct pleural pollinose stripe. Abdomen opaque black, the 


second, fourth, and fifth segments yellowish-pollinose ; third, fourth, and fifth segments narrowly bordered 
behind with opaque yellow. Wings brown in front, nearly hyaline behind ; the brown fills out the first 
posterior cell (save an oval space in front of the last seetion of the fourth vein), and the basal two-thirds 
of the diseal cell, extending narrowly along the front of the fifth vein to the great cross-vein, Legs 
brown or black ; basal portion of the tibiz, especially of. the hind pair, and the basal joints of the tarsi, 
yellow or yellowish ; cox: and tibi» with the usual silvery sheen. 

Length 11—12 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico !, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (H. H. Smith). 

Three specimens. "This species is peculiar in having the face distinctly golden- 
pollinose throughout. Because of the black face, I believe the species to be the same 
as that described by Bigot under the name Conops nigrifacies; Y deem it worth while. 
however, to give a description of our specimens. 

3. Physocephala sororcula, sp. 1., « 9. 

Front and face yellow ; the former with an opaque, black, shallowly V-shaped band in front of the red vertex, 
connected in the middle by a slender line with an inverted V-shaped mark about the base of the antennz, 
Cheeks deep black, in front with a golden sheen.  Antenns» black; the first joint, and the second and 
third joints near their articulation below, yellowish-red ; third joint of style not elongate, the second 
joint slender. Thorax opaque black,; a golden-pollinose spot at the inner side of each humerus : in front 
of the seutellum diffusely golden-pollinose ; pleural stripe not sharply limited. Abdomen opaque black, 
slender; the third and following segments diffusely yellowish-pollinose above; the third and fourth 
segments in the female, the third, fourth, and fifth in the male, with an opaque golden band posteriorly. 
Legs reddish-brown, the base of all the tibiz yellow ; basal joints of the tarsi yellowish. Wings brown 
in front, nearly hyaline behind ; the outer part of the discal cell hyaline, save for a streak in front of 
the fifth vein; a subhyaline space in the first posterior cell in front of the last section of the fourth vein. 

Length 10—11 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Xucumanatlan in Guerrero 7000 feet (.H. H. Smith). 

Three specimens. 

4. Physocephala xanthojps, sp. n.,« 9. 

Vertex obscurely red; below the callosity a transverse opaque black band, narrowly eonnected in the middle 
with a slender, inverted, V-shaped mark about the base of the antenns. Lower part of the front and the 
face sulphur-yellow ; cheeks brown, with an oval yellow spot in the middle. Prevailing colour of the 
antennse red, the first joint somewhat, the second for its greater part, and the third joint above, black ;. 
third joint of the style short, without bristly extremity, searcely longer than the slender second joint. 
Thorax opaque black, thinly whitish-pollinose ; a silvery- or golden-pollinose spot at the inner side of each 
humerus; the white vertical pollinose pleural stripe not diffuse above. Abdomen opaque black; second 
segment distally, and the posterior segments above, whitish-pollinose ; third, fourth, and fifth segments 
each with a narrow, opaque, light yellow posterior margin. Legs reddish-brown, the tibizje more distinctly 
red, their basal portion, and the basal joints of the tarsi, yellow or yellowish. Wings brown in front 
the distal portion of the discal cell, and a spot in front of the last section of the fourth vein, hyaline. 

Length 10-11 millim. 
Llab. Mzxico, Venta de Zopilote in Guerrero 2800 feet, lTeapa in Tabasco (H. H. 


5. Physocephala ochreiceps. 
Conops ochreiceps, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1887, p. 39 y 


Hab. Uxrrgp SrATES, New Mexico (coll. Willist.).—Mxx1co !, Tepetlapa in Guerrero 
3000 feet (LZ. H. Smith). 

A single specimen from l'epetlapa, agreeing well with Bigot's description !. 
P. ochreiceps is nearest allied to P. tevana, Willist., differing chiefly in the presence of 
the lateral thoracic stripes. It is not at all improbable that the names may prove to 
be synonymous. 

Tropidomyia, Williston, Canad. Entom. xx. p. 11 (1888). 

1. Tropidomyia bimaculata. 
Tropidomyia bimaculata, Willist. Canad. Entom. xx. p. 11 '. 
Hab. Mzxico, Xucumanatlan in Guerrero 7000 feet (A. H. Smith).—SovrTH. AMERICA, 
Brazil !. 

A. single male specimen from Xucumanatlan, agreeing well with the types and with 
the description. 

Zodion, Latreille, Précis des caract. gén. des Ins. (1796). 

1. Zodion pygmeum. 
Zodion pygmeum, Willist. Trans. Conn. Acad. vi. pp. 381, 392. 

Hab. Uwrrgp STATES, California !, Colorado !.—M Exico, Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, 
Omilteme 8000 feet, both in Guerrero, Atoyac in Vera Cruz (HJ. H. Smith), Orizaba 
(H. H. Smith & F. D. Godman). 

Six specimens, agreeing well with the types. 

2. Zodion —? 
Hab. Mxxico, Xueumanatlan in Guerrero 7000 feet, Atoyac in Vera Cruz (H. H. 

A number of specimens from the above-named localities evidently represent a distinct, 
hitherto unnamed, species. lt is closely allied, however, to Z. pygmawn, Willist., 
differing chiefly in the larger size (5-6 millim.). The thorax has, usually, six velvety- 
black stripes. The abdomen varies not a little in the markings, the three or four pairs 
of velvety-black triangles often coalescing to form single triangles, especially on the 
third segment. 

3. Zodion fulvifrons. 
Zodion fulvifrons, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. ii. p. 83 (1823)'; Complete Writings, ii. p. 74?; 
Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 241^; Willist. Trans. Conn. Acad. vi. pp. 380, 392 *. 



Zodion abdominalis, Say, Journ. Acad. Phil. iii. p. 84^; Complete Writings, ii. p. 74 *. 
Zodion abdominale, Wiedem. Aussereur. zweifl. Ins. ii. p. 342 ". 
Zodion flavipenne, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1887, p. 204*. 

Hab. UNwrrgD SrATEs, New England States4, Maryland !, Pennsylvania!?7, Cali- 
fornia*^, Washington, Kansas, Arizona !.—MEXICO ?, Venta de Zopilote 2800 feet, 
Chilpancingo 4600 feet, both in Guerrero (H. H. Smith). 

Seven specimens. In size, and colour of the abdomen, these Guerrero examples 
vary not a little. Some of them agree well, however, with others from Kern Co., 
California, and Connecticut, in my collection. 

4. Zodion auricaudatum, sp. n. & 9. (Tab. II. fige. 14, 9; 14a, profile.) 

Front, on the upper two-fifths, opaque black ; on the lower part, opaque yellow or reddish-yellow. ^ Antennz 
reddish-brown or brownish-red, on the underside yellow ; third joint a little more than half the length 
ofthe second. Face lighter yellow than the front; cheeks dark brown. Thorax opaque black; dorsum 
with two slender whitish lines, separating three deep black, velvety, opaque stripes—the middle one 
slender, the lateral ones oval. Abdomen opaque black, the anterior segments with a whitish pruinosity ; 
third segment with the posterior margin, and two oblique spots, contiguous with the posterior band 
posteriorly, and forming an interrupted band, opaque golden-yellow ; fourth and fifth segments each 
golden-yellow, with or without an interrupted black band ; sixth segment wholly opaque yellow. Legs 
black ; base of all the tibiz, and all the tarsi, save the distal joints, yellowish. Wings almost uniformly 

Length 7-8 millim. 

Hab. Mxxrico, Chilpancingo and Tepetlapa, both in Guerrero (H. ZI. SmitA). 

Three specimens. "The one from Tepetlapa differs from the others in having the 
yellow of the abdomen of a lighter colour, the third segment with a spot only on each 
side, and the fourth and following segments wholly yellow, save two small black spots 
on the fourth segment. "The abdomen evidently varies in the extent of the yellow 
opaque markings. 

5. Zodion splendens. 
Zodion splendens, Jaenn. Neue exot. Dipt., in Abhandl. Senckenb. Ges. vi. p. 405, t. 44. fig. 12. 
Zodion leucostoma, Willist. Trans. Conn. Acad. vi. p. 380 *. 

Hab. ÜwirED STATES, Kansas ?, Montana ?, Arizona 2. —M Ex160 !, 

Although I have not seen a specimen of this species from Central America, I believe 
that the above synonymy will be found to be correct. 

6. Zodion zebrinum. 
Zodion zebrinum, Bigot, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 1887, p. 204. 

Hab. MkExico !. 



Occemyia, Robineau-Desvoidy, Dipt. des environs de Paris, M yodaires, p. 50 (1853). 

Thecophora, Rondani, Dipt. Ital. Prodr. i. p. 58 (1856). 
Oncom3jia, Loew, Centur. vii. no. 78, nota, in Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 1866, p. 41. 

1. Oncomyia abbreviata. 
Oncomyia abbreviata, Loew, Centur. vii. no. 73, in Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 
Trans. Conn. Acad. vi. pp. 97, 393 *. 
Hab. Uwrrgp SrAvES, New England States?, California 2? Washington ! ?. — MExt16o, 
Ciudad in Durango 8100 feet (Forrer). 

1866, p. 41'; Willist. - 

A single specimen from Durango, which I cannot separate from others from Con- 
necticut. I must confess, however, that I am not satisfied with the characters used 

to distinguish the American species of this genus. 

2. Oncomyia loraria. 
Oncomyia loraria, Loew, Centur. vii. no. 74, in Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 1866, p. 41'; Willst. 
rans. Conn. Acad. vi. pp. 98, 393 *. 

Hab. UxrrEp SravES, New Hampshire !, New England States ?, California ?.—M Ex1co, 
Xucumanatlan 7000 feet, Amula 6000 feet, both in Guerrero (H. H. Smith). 

Two examples from Guerrero, agreeing well with the description, and with specimens 

from Connecticut and California. 


Pipunculus, Lotreille, Hist. Nat. Crust. et Ins. iii. p. 463 (1802). 

Synopsis of the Central- American species. 

l. Last section of the fourth longitudinal vein with a stump of a vein; 
third antennal joint obtuse beneath; femora with spinous bristles 
below . X4 & & oe 74 o4 ks £5ow ot 7 s ig NET elegantulus, sp. n. 

Last section of the fourth longitudinal vein sinuous, without stump . 2. 

9. Small cross-vein distinctly beyond the tip of the auxiliary vein; 
penultimate section of the fourth longitudinal vein not twice the 
length of the antepenultimate section; femora in part black, 
without bristly spines below . . . . . . 

pof ww hard s flavitarsis, sp. n. 
Small cross-vein before or opposite the tip of the auxiliary vein; 

* By S. W. WirrisTON, 


penultimate section of the fourth vein at least twice the length of 
the antepenultimate section . . . . . . » C 54 a oe SO 
3. Legs yellow . . . . . £5 "pn Rd as 4. 
Femora, at least, in large part black ; third joint ot ihe antenn:e with 
a bristle-like projection below . . . "P ud . . Subopacus, Loew. 
4. "Third joint of the antennz with a bristle- like — A belüw . . Aaculeatus, sp. n. 
Third joint of the antennz more or less acute below, but mot 

drawn out into a bristle-like projection . . . . . . . . . 5. 
5. Abdomen shining black . . . . . &anthopodus, sp. n. 
Abdomen opaque coffee-brown, vith titereupted, pollos CrOSS- 
bads . . . . . . . . .. .. 5. . 5... . jflavicornis, sp. n. 

1. Pipunculus elegantulus, sp. n. 4. 

Frontal triangle and face black, silvery-pubescent. Antenns black; third joint silvery-pubescent, obtusely 
pointed below ; arista black, thickened at its base. Dorsum of thorax and scutellum deep brown, mode- 
rately shining, distinctly pilose; pleurs?v and metanotum black, grey-pollinose. Abdomen deep black, 
shining, whitish-pilose ; first segment and the posterior angles of the following segments opaque grey- 
pollinose ; hypopygium large, black, moderately shining, reddish below, thinly pollinose. Legs yellow; 
all the femora more or less broadly blackish in the middle; distal joints of all the tarsi blackish ; femora 
stout, on their under distal side with two rows of short black spines. Wings nearly hyaline; stigma 
yellowish; anterior cross-vein nearly opposite the tip of the auxiliary vein; last section of the fourth 
vein angulated, and with a stump ; penultimate section of the fourth vein more than twice the length of 
the antepenultimate section. 

Length 44 millim. 

Hab. Mzxico, Chilpancingo in Guerrero 4600 feet (ZH. H. Smith). 

One specimen. This species is nearest allied to P. cingulatus, Loew, but it lacks the 
cineraceous bands of the abdominal segments and has the legs of a lighter colour. 

2. Pipunculus flavitarsis, sp. n., « 

Face and frontal triangle black, silvery-pubescent. Antenne black; third joint in large part yellow, acute, 
but not produced below; arista black. Thorax black; dorsum and sceutellum brownish-pollinose ; 
pleurz grey-pollinose, Abdomen blackish-brown, subopaque ; the first segment and the hind angles of 
the following segments opaque grey. Legs black ; extreme tip of the femora, tibie for the greater part, 
and the tarsi, save their tip, yellow ; femora not markedly thickened nor with spines below. Wings 
nearly hyaline; stigma yellow ; anterior cross-vein situated beyond the tip of the auxiliary vein; last 
section of the fourth vein sinuous, without stump ; penultimate section of the fourth vein scarcely twice 
the length of the antepenultimate section. 

Length 4 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Chilpancingo in Guerrero 4600 feet (7. H. Smith). 

One specimen. 

3. Pipunculus xanthopodus, sp. n., «. 
The small frontal triangle and the face black, densely silvery-pubescent.  Antennz: basal joints black, or 
blackish ; third joint light yellow, in shape acutely pointed below; arista black, thiekened at its base. 
Dorsum of thorax brown; pleure and moetanotum silvery-grey-pollinose. Abdomen shining black, the 


lateral margins in part yellowish ; the first and second segments entirely, and the successively narrower 
sides of the third, fourth, and fifth segments, grey-pollinose, opaque. Legs, including the cox:z in part, 
light yellow; femora stout, distally with a double row of short spines below. Wings nearly hyaline; 
anterior eross-vein nearly opposite the tip of the auxiliary vein; ultimate section of the fourth vein 
sinuous, without stump; penultimate section about three times the length of the antepenultimate 

Length 5 millim.; of the wings, 7 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas in Guerrero (A. H. Smith). 

Two specimens. 

4. Pipunculus subopacus. 
Pipunculus subopacus, Loew, Dipt. Centur. vi. no. 74, in Berl. ent. Zeitschr. 1865, p. 176 '. 

Hab. UmxrrEep SrATES, Washington !.—Mxico, Chilpancingo in Guerrero, 4600 feet 
(H. H. Smith). 

A single female example from Mexico agrees so closely with the description of 
P. subopacus, Loew, that I believe it belongs to that species. Almost the only discre- 
pancy that the specimen shows is in the colour of the abdomen, which is deep coffee- 
brown, with whitish-pollinose markings. The femora have no spinous bristles on the 
underside, and the tibiz are not ** fusco-annulated." 

5. Pipunculus aculeatus, sp. n., 9. 

Face black, densely silvery-pubescent. Front black, lightly pollinose. First two joints of antenne black ; 
the third joint light yellow, produced below into a slender point. "Thorax black, brownish-pollinose on 
the dorsum, grey-pollinose on the pleure. Abdomen shiniug black; first segment and the lateral margins 
of the following segments opaque grey-pollinose; ovipositor reddish. Legs wholly light yellow, the 
femora without bristly spines below. Wings nearly hyaline; penultimate section of the fourth vein 
more than twice the length of the antepenultimate section. 

Length 3 millim. ; of the wings, 4 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Teapa in Tabasco (47. H. SmitA). 

One specimen. 

6. Pipunculus flavicornis, sp. n., 9. 

"Front very narrow, the sides unusually convergentabove; the ground-colour black, but covered, like the face, 

with silvery pubescence, less distinctly so above. Antennsw light yellow; third joint obtusely pointed 
below, ovate; arista black. Thorax black, the dorsum dark brown-pollinose ; pleurz sillvery. Abdomen 
opaque coffee-brown ; segments 2-6 broadly opaque silvery-grey on the sides, an interrupted posterior 
band, more brownish in colour, extending across them; first segment grey, narrowly brown in front; 
ovipositor yellowish-red. Legs light yellow, including the coxsm, excepting only the terminal joint of the 
tarsi which is blackish; the minute black spines, arranged in longitudinal rows, are conspieuous, Wings 
nearly hyaline; penultimate section of the fourth vein more than twiee as long as the antepenultimate 
section ; small eross-vein opposite the tip of the auxiliary vein. 
Length 5 milhm.; of the wings, 6 millim. 

Hab. MExico, Amula in Guerrero 6000 feet (HJ. H. Smith). 

One specimen. 



Callomyia, Meigen, Klassif. und Beschr. der Europ. zweifl. Ins. i. 2, p. 311 (1804). 

1. Callomyia bella, sp. n. f, 9. 

Front shining black, very broad above. Antenns black, the basal joints somewhat reddish; third joint 
elongate-conical, acute, shorter than the arista; base of the arista thickened. ^ Dorsum of thorax 
resplendent blue, the pleure black or brown; scutellum blue, its margin with four strong bristles. 
Abdomen shining luteous-yellow and dark brown, towards the base with blue reflections. Legs lutes- 
cent-yellow, the distal extremity of the femora, the proximal portion of the tibi», and the distal joints 
of all the tarsi more or less blackish ; hind femora and tibie only moderately thiekened ; all the tarsi 
slender, the penultimate joint of the hind pair with its external angle pointed. Wings pure hyaline ; 
third and fourth longitudinal veins parallel. 

Length 3 millim. 

Hab. Mxxico, Omilteme in Guerrero 8000 feet (H. H. Smith). 

One specimen. 

The following species of Syrphidz and Conopid: from Mexico have been described 
since the publication of the preceding pages :— 


Asemosyrphus olivaceus, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Torino, vii. no. 123, p. 6 (1892).— 

griseus, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 125, p. 6.—Mexico. 
impurus, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 6.—Mexico. 
Baccha spatulata, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 152, p. 4.—Mexico. 
Chilosia aurotecta, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 132, p. 4.—Mexico. 
Copestylum parvum, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 2.—Mexico. 
simile, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 2.—Mexico. 
Crioprora arctophiloides, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 7.—Mexico. 
Eristalis bombusoides, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 4.—Mexico. 
trilimbatus, Giglio-los, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 5.— Mexico. 
praeclarus, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 5.—Mexico. 
clarissimus, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 5.—Mexico. 

* By S. W. WiLLISTON. | 
t The description of this species was originally published in May 1892, the incomplete page 89 being now 

reprinted, with the Index, &c. 
BIOL. CENTR.-AMER,, Dipt., Vol. IIT., August 1903. n 



KEristalis sallei, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 128, p. 5.—Mexico. 
triangularis, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 6.—Mexico. 
sumischrasti (sic), Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 132, p. 1.—Mexico. 
atropos, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 132, p. 1.—Mexico. 
ornatus, 'Towns. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xix. p. 21 (1897).—Mexico. 
Melanostoma elegans, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 132, p. 2.—Mexioo. 
bellum, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 132, p. 3.—Mexico. 
Mesogramma rombicum, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 132, p. 3.—Mexico. 
diversum, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 132, p. 3.—Mexico. 
ciliatum, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 132, p. 3.—Mexico. 
comma, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 132, p. 4.—Mexico. 
AMicrodon aquilinus, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 2.—Mexico. 
Mixogaster dimidiata, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 1.—Mexico. 
Platynochetus niger, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 6.—Mexico. 
Salpingogaster nova, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 7.—Mexico. 
Spherophoria syrphica, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 132, p. 2.—Mexico. 
Syrphus lautus, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 182, p. 2.—Mexico. 



saussurii, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 132, p. 2.—Mexicc. 
Ubristes chrysopyga, Giglio- Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 1.—Mexico. 
Volucella omochroma, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 2.—Mexico. 
furens, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 2.—Mexico. 
craverii, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 2.—Mexico. 


Jlavissima, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 3.—Mexico. 
— — minima, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 5.—Mexico. 


dichroica, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 3.—Mexico. 

——— ftrigona, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 128, p. 3.—Mexico. 

— — Iyaloptera, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 3.— Mexico. 

hirsuta, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 3.— Mexico. 

hispida, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 128, p. 4.— Mexico. 

volucris, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 4.—Mexico. 

hystriv, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 128, p. 4.—Mexico. 

brevis, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 4.—Mexico. 

obesoides, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 123, p. 4.—Mexico. 

cordic, Towns. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xx. p. 27 (1897).—Mexico. 
——— rafaelana, 'Towns. loc. cit. p. 28.—Mexico, 

——— auutiana, ''owns. loc. cit. p. 28.—Mexico. 

— — opalina, Towns. loc. cit. p. 29.—Mexico. 

, V. 8plendens, "Towns. loc. cit. p. 29.—Mexico. 

— — viridana, Towns. loc. cit. p. 50.—Mexico. 

——— toltec, Towns. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. xxii. p, 45 (1805).— Mexico. 


JNausigaster meridionalis, Towns. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (0) xix. p. 20 (1897); 
xx. p. 25.— Mexico, Brazil. 


Conops ocellatus, Giglio-Tos, Boll. Mus. Torino, vii. no. 132, p. 5 (1892). — Mexico. 
Physocephala maxima, Giglio-Tos, loc. cit. no. 132, p. 5.—Mexico. 

Stylogaster stylosa, 'l'owns. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xix. p. 24 (1897).— Mexico. 
ethiopa, ''owns. loc. cit. p. 26.— Mexico. 

— minuta, Towns. loc. cit. p. 27.—Mexico. 


[Names in small capitals refer to Families, &c.; those in roman type to the chief reference to each species included in the work; 


those in italies to species ineidentally mentioned, synonyms, &e.] 

A BLAUTATUS, i. 108. 

——— trifarius, i. 168. 
Ablautus, 1. 168. 

A CANTHINA, 1. 41, 249. 
argentea, i. 41, 249. 
——— (?) bellardii, i. 377. 
—— bellardüi, i. 251. 

——— inornata, i. 249. 
nana, i, 43. 

——— ornata, i. 43. 
ACANTHOMERA, i. 07, 267. 
Acanthomera, i. 63, 64, 65, 606. 
2, i. 68, 267. 
bellardii, i. 68. 

—— higoti, i. 66. 

—— championi, i. 67. 
—— championi, 1. 66, 68. 
crassipalpis, 1. 66. 
frauenfeldi, i. 65. 
—— fulvida, i. 68. 
magnifica, i. 66. 

——- picta, 1. 64, 65, 67, 68. 
—— rubriventris, 1. 64. 
seticornis, 1. 68. 

——- vittata, 1. 64. 
ACANTHOMERID.E, i. 63, 207. 
ACAULONA, ii. 4, 439. 
Acaulona, ii. 440, 452. 
costata, ii. 4, 459. 
Acinia fimbriata, ii. 429. 
novceboracensis, i1. 419. 
—— gicciola, ii, A17. 
ACIUAA, ii. 410. 

Aciura, ii. 401. 

insecta, ii. 410. 

—— phwoenicrura, ii. 410. 
Acreotrichus, i. 288. 
ACROCEJETA, i. 282. 
fasciata, i. 232. 
Acroglossa, ii. 45. 

———- tessellata, ii. 486, 

Acronacantha, ii. 212. 
nubilipennis, ii. 243. 
Acrosticta scrobiculata, ii. 400. 
A CROTAENIA, ii. 414. 
Acrotenia, i. A01. 
apiata, 1i. 415. 
agiata, i. 414. 
——— incisa, ii. 415. 

——— incisa, ii, 414. 
otopappi, ii. 423. 
——— tarsata, ii. 414. 
tarsata, ii, 415. 
Acrotoxa, ii. 405, 409. 
fraterculus, ii. 404. 
mucida, ii. 409, 410. 
suspensa, ii. 428. 
Adelidea flava, i. 154. 
ADMONTIA, ii. 484. 
Admontia, ii. 485. 
americana, ii. 484. 
occidentalis, ii. 485. 
podomyia, ii. 484. 
Albinia, ii. 128. 
Allocotus, i. 155. 
ALLOGRAPTA, iii. 19. 

?, iii. 20. 

——— exotica, iii. 20. 
——— fracta, iii. 20. 

—— obliqua, iii. 19. 
——- obliqua, iii, 20. 
Aminta ludibunda, à. 347. 
Amodea, ii. 128. 
Amphicnephes, ii. 978. 
obtusus, ii. 990. 
stellatus, ii. 990. 


—— cincturus, i. 296. 

Ampyx, i. 182, 183. 

varipennis, 1. 182. 
ANACAMPTA, ii. 392. 

Anacampía, ii. 978. 

Anacanipta latiuscula, ii. 392. 
Analcocerus, 1. 239, 240. 
hortulanus, i. 238. 
ANARMOSTUS, i. 211. 
lopterus, i. 211. 
Anastechus, i, 17, 152. 
ANASTREPHA, 1j. 404, 
Anastrepha, . A01, 405, 409. 
fraterculus, ii. 404. 
Jraterculus, ii. A05. 
ludens, 11. 428. 

——— qmaunda, i. 405. 
suspensa, ii. 428, 
tripunctata, ii. 405. 
Ancylogaster, i. 450, 497, 458. 
armata, ii. 456. 
Andrenosoma, 1. 318. 

?, i. 189, 

——— cincta, i. 188. 
cinerea, i. 188. 
formidolosa, i. 188. 
pyrrhacra, 1, 188. 
ANISIA, ii. 186. 

Anisia, i1. 44, 204. 
aberrans, ii. 198. 
——- apberrans, ii. 188. 
accedens, ii. 196. 
accedens, ii. 187. 
segrota, 1i. 192. 
—— egrota, ii. 187, 193. 
-——— approximata, ii. 202. 
approxíimata, i. 188. 
candicans, ii. 194. 
candicans, i1. 187. 
ciliata, ii. 203. 
eiliata, i1. 188. 
cineraria, ii. 189. 
cineraria, ii. 186. 
congerens, ii. 194. 


Anisia congerens, i. 187. 
conspersa, ii. 199. 
conspersa, ii. 188. 
fatua, ii. 197. 
fatua, ii. 187. 

— — fulvipennis, ii. 190. 

Fulvipennis, ii. 187. 

——— gagatina, ii, 201. 

gagatina, i, 188. 

inepta, 1i. 195. 

inepta, i. 187. 

-——— infima, i1. 204. 

— — 4nfima, ii. 188. 

inflexa, ii. 188, 

——— inflexa, ii. 186. 

intrusa, ii. 193. 

intrusa, i. 187. 

macroptera, ii. 199. 

macroptera, ii, 188. 

misella, ii. 204. 

onisella, ii. 188. 

d morionella, ii. 195. 
— — qnorionella, ii. 137. 
— — mucorea, ii. 199. 

— — qnucorea, Y. 185, 
neglecta, ii. 191. 
neglecta, ii. 187. 
nigella, ii. 193. 
— — nigella, ii. 187. 

——— nigrithorax, 1i. 197. 

nigrithorax, 3. 187. 

——— nigrocincta, ii. 201. 

nigrocincta, ii. 187, 188. 

niveomarginata, ii. 200. 

niveomarginata, ii. 188. 

obscurifrons, ii. 197. 

obscurifrons, ii. 186, 188, 

——— opaea, ii. 200. 
opaca, ii. 188. 
ophthalmica, ii. 208. 

ophthalmica, i. 186, 188. 
pallidipalpis, ii. 190. 
pallidipalpis, ii. 187. 
palposa, ii. 202. 
palposa, ii. 188. 
peregrina, ii. 196, 
peregrina, i. 187. 
pulicaria, ii. 191. 
pulicaria, ii. 187. 
——— pullata, ii. 195. 
pullata, 31. 186, 187. 
— — remissa, ii, 201, 
remissa, ii. 185. 
rubripes, ii. 189. 
rubripes, ii. 186, 
ruficoxa, ii. 190. 
ruficoxa, i, 187. 


Anisia signata, ii. 195. 

signata, ii. 187. 

——— similis, ii. 203. 

similis, 3. 188. 

— — stolida, ii. 192. 

——— stolida, ii. 187. 

trifilata, i1. 192. 

értfilata, ii. 187. 

—— — umbriua, ii, 200. 

umbrina, i. 138. 

Anisopogon, i. 806. 

A NISOTAMIA, 1. 284. 

Amisotamia, 1. 141. 

centralis, i. 141. 

evimia, i. 141, 142. 

——— fasciata, 1. 284. 

——— valida, i. 284. 

ANTHOMYIA, ii. 335. 

Anthomyia, ii. 313, 396, 539. 

canieularis, à. 931. 

dentipes, ii. 823. 

——— dorsimaculata, 1i. 336. 

dorsimaculata, i. 335. 

——- elongata, ii. 335. 

elongata, i1. 336. 

gemina, ii. 307, 308, 

——— lepida, ii. 947. 

——— protritra, i1, 247. 

seva, ii. 329. 

——— segmentata, ii. 936. 

segmentata, i. 935. 

trifilis, ii. 947. 

ANTHOMYIN.E, li. 912. 

Anthracomyita, i. 264, 

pallidicornis, i. 264. 

ANTHRAX, 1, 111, 276. 

Anthrax, i. 76, 77, 79, 80, 96, 98, 99, 
100, 106, 107, 108, 112, 113, 114, 
117, 119, 121, 123, 128, 129, 134, 
140, 141, 144, 275, 271, 278, ?8l. 

—— —— 8, i, 188. 

P, 1, 194. 

—— abbreviata, 140. 

acroleuca, i. 101. 

——— equa, i. 102. 

agrippina, i. 139. 

agrippina, 1. 135. 

alcyon, i. 112, 116, 117, 118, 
119, 140, 

alcyone, i. 117. 

——— alpha, i. 119. 

alternata, i. 197. 

analis, 1, 101. 

— — angustipennis, 1. 275. 

arethusa, i. 116, 277. 

arethusa, i. 114, 117, 118, 119, 

Anthrax (Chrysanthrax)  astarte, 
i. 140, 279. 

——- astarte, 1. 192, 280. 

—— bigradata, i. 132, 134. 

——— (Isopenthes) blanchardiana, 
i. 276. 

—— blanchardiana, i. 277. 

—— caliptera, i. 81. 

—-— castanea, i. 127. 

——— castanea, i. 119, 114. 

celer, 1. 140. 

ceria, 1. 283. 

—— ceyx', 1. 117, 119. 

—— chimsera, i, 151. 

chimera, i. 114, 129, 150. 

elotho, i. 95. 

——— conifacies, i. 280. 

—— econsunguinea, i. 197. 

consul, 1. 125, 280. 

consul, i. 113, 115, 127. 

cuniculus, i. 125. 

——— euniculus, 1. 113, 115, 126, 127. 

curta, 1, 28]. 

——— curta, i. 282. 

—— cyanoptera, i. 115, 276. 

eyanoptera, 1. 115, 114, 116. 

—— diagonalis, i. 122. 

——— diana, i. 280. 

diana, i. 279. 

——— disjuncta, i. 108. 

edititia, i. 119, 278. 

edititia, i. 114, 120, 121. 

elegans, i. 123. 

ephebus, i. 124. 

ephebus, 1. 118, 115, 123, 140. 

eumenes, i. 131. 

eumenes, i. 115, 130, 132, 134. 

eurhinatus, i. 378. 

fascipennis, i, 82, 

— — faustina, i. 136. 

Jaustina, i. 135, 197, 138. 

fenestrata, i. 112, 128. 

flaviceps, i. 140. 

-—— Jflaviceps, 1. 119. 

——— fuliginosa, i. 119. 

F'uliginosa, i. 114, 119. 

——— fulvohirta, i. 280. 

— — fulvohirta, i. 112, 122, 126, 140. 

galathea, i. 123. 

galathea, i. 115, 140. 

georgica, i. 101, 102. 

——— gideon, i. 101. 

gorgon, i. 119, 190. 

——— halcyon, i. 117. 

hela, i. 80, 90. 

———- hirsuta, i. 279. 

——— ignifer, i. 82. 


AntArax impiger, i. 278. 
toptera, i. 115. 

——— irrorata, i. 109, 

klugii, i. 99. 

lacera, i. 80, 96, 274. 
——— lateralis, i. 233. 

——— lateralis, i. 135, 137, 138. 
——— latreillei, i. 93. 

——— lepidota, i. 130, 981. 
lepidota, i. 115, 129, 131. 
leucothoa, i. 140, 279. 
— — leucothoa, 1. 125. 

——— limatulus, i. 102. 

——— livia, i. 139. 

Livia, i. 135. 

——— [ucifer, i. 116, 977. 
—-— lucifer, 1. 114. 

—— — maria, i. 283, 

— — maura, 1. 129, 131. 
——— 3nelasoma, 1. 140. 

——— qnoneta, 1, 138, 

——— qnoneta, i. 135. 

morio, i. 112, 129, 152. 
morioides, i. 112, 132. 
snucored, i, 139. 

— nigrofimbriata, i. 282. 
——— nudiuscula, i. 140. 
ocyale, i. 80. 
edigus, i. 102. 
orbitalis, i. 281. 
orbitalis, 1. 282. 

——— orcus, i. 80. 

palliata, i, 126, 281. 
palliata, i. 119, 115, 127. 
——— paradoxa, i. 120, 278. 
garadoxa, i. 114, 121. 
parvicornis, i, 113, 128. 
perspicillaris, i. 123. 
pertusa, i. 123. 

pleuralis, i, 282. 

——- pluricella, i. 277. 

—— gluto, i. 102, 103. 

—— peecilogaster, i. 118. 
pecilogaster, i. 114, 117, 119. 
——— giroboscidea, i. 109, 276. 
—— proserpina, 1. 92, 

—— punctum, i. 102. 

—— quinque-punctata, i. 140. 
— — rex, i, 127. 

rex, i, 113, 114, 122, 128, 131. 
rufescens, i. 92, 93. 

——— sabina, i. 197. 

— — sabina, 1. 195, 136. 
(Isopenthes) sackeniana, i. 276. 
sagata, 1. 140. 

sagata, i. 121. 

——- seripta, i. 100. 


Anthrax scylla, i. 132. 
scylla, i. 114, 129, 150. 
——— selene, i. 122. 
— — selene, 1. 112, 114. 
——— seminigra, 1. 112, 129. 
— — sünson, i. 100. 

sinuosa, i. 133, 
sinuosa, i. 98, 114, 129, 130, 
sp. ?, i. 114. 
sp. ?, 1. 115. 
?, i. 115. 
sp. ?, i. 121. 
sp. ?, i. 1921. 
sp. ?, i. 121. 
——— sp. ?, i. 123. 
sp. ?, i. 150. 
——— sp. ?, i. 190. 
sp. ?, i. 155. 
—— sp. ?, i. 137. 
——— stenozona 2, i. 138. 
— — stenozona, i. 155, 139. 
terminalis, i. 142. 
valida, i. 141, 142, 284, 
velutina, 1. 99, 129. 
Anypenus, i. 212. 
AOCHLETUS, 1. 98, 
——— cinctus, i. 93. 
Apelleia, i. 168. 
vittata, 1. 163. 
vittata, i. 164. 
Aphamartania fur, i. 314, 315. 
Aphantotimus, 1. 349. 
Jraterculus, 1, 949. 
A PHESTIA, 1. 317. 
brasiliensis, 1. 911. 
ealcarata, i. 917. 
——— mexicana, i. 917. 
nigra, i. 185. 
A.PH«GBANTUS, i. 143, 285. 
Aphebantus, i. 76, 141, 144, 148. 
?, i. 147. 
——— bisulcus, i. 148. 
bisulcus, i. 145, 149. 
carbonarius, i. 149. 
carbonarius, i. 146. 
cervinus, i, 148. 
cervinus, 1. 144, 145, 285. 
—— — conurus, i. 148, 285. 
conurus, i. 145. 
——— cyolops, i. 146. 
cyclops, i. 144, 145, 147, 150. 
——— mus, i. 147. 
qus, i. 145, 149. 
—— peodes, i. 149, 
peodes, i. 146, 150. 
——- yattus, i, 147. 


: Aphobantus rattus, 1. 144, 145. 

sp. ?, 1. 145. 

Aphritis, ii. 2. 

eurifez, ii. 2. 

APIOCERA, 1. 212. 

-Apiocera, i. 219. 

augur, i. 212. 

augur, i. 215. 

haruspex, i. 213. 

A poria elegans, ii. 486. 

A rchilestes, i. 169. 


magnificus, i. 169, 

ARGYRAMGBA, i. 98, 275. 

Argyramoba, i. 15, 79, 99, 100, 107, 
111, 129, 144. 

—— — — ?, i. 101. 

——— acroleuca, i. 101, 275. 

acroleuca, i. 98, 100. 

——— analis ?, i. 101. 

analis, 1. 100, 102. 

angustipennis, 1. 275. 

cephus, 1. 99, 106. 

daphne, i. 104. 

——— dayhne, 1. 100. 

——— fur, i. 105. 

fur, i. 100, 106. 

—— georygica, i, 98, 102. 

gideon, i. 101. 

—— hetrusca, i. 99, 100. 

—— limatulus, i. 102, 

luctuosa, i. 101. 

——— cdipus, i. 102, 275. 

— — adipus, 1. 100. 

——— pluto, i. 102. 

— — pluto, i. 100, 103, 104. 

—— propinqua, i, 101. 

——— seriepunctata, i. 103. 

seriepunctata, i. 100, 104. 

simson, 1. 100, 275. 

——— simson, 1. 101. 

sp. ?, 1. 100. 


albincisa, ii. 485. 

Argyrospila, i. 11, 18. 

Aricia, ii. 914. 

canicularis, ii, 831. 

circulatriz, ii. 346. 

——— dentipes, ii. 323. 

incisurata, i. 847 - 

——— lardarius, ii. 314, 

——— procedens, ii. 915 

rescita, ii. 946. 

Arthrostylum, i. 264. 

J'ascipennis, i. 264, 378. 

Asemosyrphus, ii. 67, 69. 

bicolor, iii. 68. 


Asemosyrphus flavicaudatus, ii. 68. 

griseus, iii. 89. 

impurus, iii. 89. 

nigroscutatus, iii. 68. 

oculiferus, iii. 68. . 

——- olivaceus, iii. 89. 

ASILIDJE, i, 167, 298. 

ASILINA, 1. 189. 

ASILUS, i. 208, 327. 

Asilus, 1. 210. 

abdominalis, 1. 168. 

——— a]bo-spinosus, 1. 210. 

——— (Tolmerus) alterus, i. 390. 

——— alterus, i. 327. 

amarynceus, 1. 206. 

amphinome, 1. 207. 

——— (Machimus ?) anonymus, 1. 590. 

——— anonymus, 1. 328. 

——— apiealis, i. 210. 

——— (Neiotamus) capillatus, i. 530. 

—— capillatus, i. 328. 

——— chrysauges, i. 208. 

—— crabroniformis, 1. 208. 

(Heligmoneura) dolichomerus, 

i. 829. 

dolichomerus, i. 527. 

—— fuliginosus, i. 210. 

humilis, i. 210. 

inamatus, i. 210. 

infernalis, i, 189, 319. 

——— infuscatus, i. 210. 

——— interruptus, i. 200. 

——— iopterus, 1. 211. 

(subgen. ?) lestes, i. 331. 

lestes, 1. 827. 

—— megacephalus, i. 210. 

——— (Heligmoneura) melanocerus, 
1. 329. 

melanocerus, i, 397. 

mexicanus, i. 210. 

——— midas, i. 209. 

iidas, 1. 208. 

madas, i. 209. 


i. 329. 

nigrocaudatus, 1. 328, 830. 

niveibarbus, i, 210. 

—— perrumpens, i. 210. 

—— pluto, i. 190. 

sericeus, 1. 208. 

— — eeniatus, i. 210. 

—— ieniatus, i, 328. 

——- tenebrosus, i. 828. 

tenebrosus, 1. 327. 

-—— (Heligmoneura) truquii, i. 210 

truguit, 1, 397. 




Asilus tuxpanganus, i. 210. 
(Heligmoneura) xanthocerus, 
i. 329. 

vanthocerus, i. 827. 
monacha, i. 1. 
Astrophanes, i. 76. 

adonis, i. 107. 
adonis, 1. 106. 
Atemnocera, iii. 43. 

A THERIX, 1. 62, 206. 
——— concinna, i, 266. 
—— latipennis, i. 62, 266. 
longipes P, i. 63. 

A TOMOSIA, i. 183, 315. 
Atomosia, 1. 817. 

?, 1. 184. 
anonyma, i. 9106. 
beckeri, i. 184. 

——— (P) bigoti, i. 184. 
——— macquarti, i. 184, 316. 
mucida, i. 184, 315. 
——— sericans, i. 184. 
soror, i. 184. 

tibialis, i. 185. 

——. tibialis, i. 316. 

—— xanthopus, i. 185. 

A TONIA, 1. 916. 
brevistylata, i. 316. 
aniki, 1. 916. 

A TRACTIA, i. 212. 
marginata, 1. 212, 
Atylotus, i. 258. 
erythreus, 1. 377. 
——— erythrocephalus, i. 377. 
——— fuscicrura, 1. 977, 
——— obesus, i. 377. 
AUTOMOLA, ii. 390, 
-Automola, ii. 378. 
atomaria, ii. 390. 
—— trifasciuta, M. 390. 

Daccna, iii, 31. 
Daccha, ii. 95, 39. 
adspersa, iii, 94, 
adspersa, iii. 32, 
——— ienea, iii. 37. 
ened, ii. 92. 
——— attenuata, iii. 35. 
—— attenuata, ii, 31. 
babista, ii. 33. 
——— cavata, iii. 33. 
clavata, ii. 32. 
——— carulea, iii. 58. 
coer'ulea, il, 92, 39. 

Baecha concinna, iii. 98. 
—— concinna, iii. 32. 
conjuncta, iii. 93. 
conjuncta, iii. 92. 
—— dimidiata, iii. 90. 
dolosa, iii. 97. 
dolosa, iii. 92. 
—— facialis, iii. 53. 
—— gracilis, iii. 94. 
gracilis, ii. 91. 
——- laudabilis, iii. 96. 
—— laudabilis, ii. 3l. 
——- lineata, iii. 39. 
—— livida, iii. 33. 
livida, ii. 32, 
luetuosa, iii. 99. 
luctuosa, ii. 51. 
——- lugubris, iii. 97. 
lugubris, iii, 52. 
marmorata, iii. 39. 
——— naauta, iii. 35. 
— — nasuta, iil. 91. 
——— phieoptera, iii. 53. 
—— pheeoptera, iii, 92, 
punctifrons, iii. 36. 
—— punctifrons, ii. 91. 
——— rubida, iii. 54. 
——— rubida, iii. 31. 
——— spatulata, iii. 89. 
——— stenogaster, iii. 34. 
——— stenogaster, 3. 31. 
torva, iii. 30. 
JBacha adspersa, iii. 54. 
clavata, iii. 33. 

——— livida, ii, 25, 29, 

pheoptera, ii. 32. 
DBanvpPLEGMa, ll. 416. 
JDlaryplegma, ii. 402, 
gilva, i1. 4106. 
DATHYDEXI1A, ii. 222, 

-—— ualbolineata, ii. 223. 
appendieulata, ii. 222, 
DBaAuMHAUERIA, li, 115. 
Daunhaueria, i. 7, 43, 44, 45. 
analis, i, 115. 

——— discrepans, ii, 115. 

qgonieformis, i, 115. 
parvipalpis, ii, 86. 
vertiginosa, i. 115. 
Dlelvoisia bifasciata, ii. 30. 
DErvostra, ii, 29, 469. 
Jelvosia, ii. 5, 7, 31. 

bella, ii. 486. 

bicincta, i1. 90, 469. 
bicolor, ii. 470. 

——— hifasceiata, ii. 30, 469. 

Jelvosia bifasciata, ii. 99. 
leucophrys, ii. 30, 469, 
leucophrys, ii. 99, 31. 
——- leucopyga, ii. 470. 
——— rufipalpis, ii. 30. 
trichopus, ii. 31. 

——— weyenberghiana, ii. 470. 
Bengalia, ii. 296. 

Beris, i. 230. 

—— — mexicana, i. 41. 
BznisMYv1A, i. 230. 

— — fusca, i. 230. 
nigrofemorata, i. 230. 
BEsk1A, ii. 451. 

——— cornuta, ii. 451. 
Braro, i. 3, 229, 

—— —— 9,1. 3. 

—— — — $, i. 222. 
——— albipennis, i. 4. 
canadensis, i. 4. 
—— criorrhinus, i. 4. 
dubius, i. 5, 222. 
dubius, i. 3. 

——— fuligineus, i. 4. 
—— Airtus, i. 4. 
orbatus, 1, 223. 
piceus, i. 5. 
superfluus, i. 3. 
thoracicus, 1. 3. 
——— xanthopus, i. 4. 
BrnroxID a, i. 2, 221. 
Blacodes, i. 181, 314. 
bellus, 1. 314. 
cristatus, 1. 314. 
JBlax, i. 181, 314. 
BrEPHAREPIUM, i, 310. 
Dlepharepium, i. 172. 
coarctatum, i, 310. 
Blepharipeza, ii. 29, 81. 
——. bicolor, ii. 470. 
—— leucophrys, ài. 80, 
rufipalpis, i1. 30. 
£richopus, ii. 31. 

Blepharipoda mexicana, ii. 486. 

Dlepharoneura, i1. 401, 404. 
biseriata, ii. 413. 
—— liseriata, ii. 411. 
diva, ii. 428. 

——— femoralis, ii. 412. 
femoralis, ii. 411, 413. 
———- fulvieollis, ii. 411. 
—— fulvicollis, i1, 412. 
—— io, ii. 428. 


Blepharoneura quadristriata, ii. 413. 
quadristriata, ii. 411. 
regina, ii. 428, 
——— saga, ii. 428. 
saga, ài. 412. 
splendida, ii. 404. 
DoGzEnR1A, ii. 433, 
princeps, ii. 433. 
Bolomyia violacea, ii. 488. 
Box5vrrrpa, i. 75, 269, 378. 
Bombylina, i. 75. 
Bounvrrus, i. 150, 285. 
Dombylius, i, 76, 77, 99, 149, 151, 

———?, i. 150. 
—— — —£, i. 150. 
— — albopenicillatus, i. 286. 
——— albopenicillatus, 1. 287, 978. 
——— atriceps, 1. 150. 
basilaris, 1. 151. 
clio, i. 285, 
coquilletti, i. 286. 
——— dolorosus, i. 286. 
ferrugineus, 1. 151. 
——— fulvus, 1. 287. 

helvus, i. 151. 

io, 1. 285. 

——— io, i. 286. 

mexicanus, 1. 151. 
ravus, i. 151. 
varius, i. 150. 
Drachiglossum, iii. 79. 
Brachtophyra, i. 324. 
effrons, i. 824. 
Bnacuvcona, ii. 90. 
Brachycoma, ii. 6, 42, 51, 58, 167. 
atra, 1i, 92. 
afra, ii. 90. 
barbatula, ii. 98. " 
—— barbatula, X. 91. 
— — biseriata, ii. 95. 
——— liseriata, i. 91. 
chihuahuensis, ii. 487. 
cineracea, ii, 100, 
cineracea, ài. 92. 
fimbriata, ii. 97. 
—— Jfünbriata, i1. 91, 488. 
foveata, 11. 93, 
foveata, i1. 91. 
incompta, i. 99. 
incompta, ii. 91. 
———- irregularis, ii. 97. 
—— irregularis, i. 91. 
——— laticeps, ii. 92, 
laticeps, ii. 90. 
longicornis, ii. 99. 
longicornis, ii. 92. 

BIOL. CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. III., 4ugust 1903. 

DBrachiycoma metopiella, i1. 90. 
nigripalpis, ii. 98. 
nigripalpis, à. 91. 
——— pallidula, ii. 95. 
pallidula, i. 91. 
——— pygmaea, ii. 95. 
—— pygmea, ii. 91. 
robusta, ii. 93. 
robusta, ii. 91. 
ruficauda, ii. 94, 
ruficauda, ii. 91. 
spuria, ii, 101. 
spuria, ii. 92. 
striatella, ii. 100. 
sirtatella, ii, 92. 
sublucens, ii. 96. 
sublucens, i. 91. 
subtilipalpis, ii. 96. 
subtilipalpis, ii. 91. 
trifida, ii. 04. 

—— trifída, ii. 91. 
BnaAcHyoPnHyna, ii, 394. 
DBrachyophyra, i1. 313. 
effrons, ii. 324, 
effrons, ii. 347. 
dispellens, i. 229. 
similis, i. 229. 
Brachytarsina, i1. 394. 
Bricinnia flexivitta, ii, 400. 
DBricinniella cyanea, ii. 400. 

CaArLIPHOnA, ii. 294. 
Calliphora, 11. 291, 295, 296, 311. 
erythrocephala, ii. 294. 
femorata, ii. 310. 
fulvipes, i1. 297. 

——— melanaria, ii. 295. 
melanaria, ii, 294. 
——— preepes, ii. 310. 

—— pre pes, ii. 295. 
preescia, ii. 294, 
prescia, i. 295. 
——— secors, ii. 310. 

secors, ii. 811. 
semiatra, ii. 295. 
semiatra, i. 294, 296. 
tristriata, i. 997. 
vomitoria, i. 294. 
xanthorhina, ii. 310. 
CALLOMYIA, iii. 89. 

bella, iii. 89. 
Callostoma, i. 152. 
fascipennis, i. 153. 
CALOBATA, ii. 367. 
Calobata, ii. 363. 

annulata, ii. 873. 




Calobata annulata, ii. 968. 
arthritica, ii. 976. 
bracteata, i1. 871. 
——- bracteata, 3i, 968. 
——— callichroma, ii. 875. 
callichroma, ii, 368. 
calocephala, ài. 369. 
caloptera, ii. 973. 
——— ealosoma, ii. 376. 
conveniens, ii. 373. 
conveniens, i1. 868. 
——— diversa, ii. 569. 

——— diversa, ii. 867, 970, 
-——— divisa, ii. 376. 
erythrocephala, ii. 369, 
erythrocephala, à. 367, 370. 
——— grata, ii. 971. 

grata, ii. 968, 374. 
-——— ichneumonea, ii, 973. 
ichneumonea, ii. 968, 374. 
lasciva, ii. 872. 

——— latifascia, ii. 372. 
——— latsfascia, ii. 968. 
longipes, ii. 975. 
lunulata, ii. 372. 
——— lunulata, ii. 368, 378. 
— — manifesta, ii. 370. 
——— manifesta, i. 367. 
— — munda, ii. 374. 

——- munda, ii. 968. 
pectoralis, ii. 365, 576. 
platyenema, 3. 314. 
——— plectilis, ii. 570. 
plectilis, à. 368, 
rubella, ii. 963. 
rubella, i. 367. 

——— russula, ii. 370, 

— — russula, ii. 368. 

——— stellata, ii. 375. 
stellata, i1. 968. 
CALOBATINJE, li. 363. 
CALODEXIA, ii, 257. 
Calodexia, ii. 213, 264. 
calceata, ii. 258. 
caiceata, ii, 257 , 204. 
——— majuscula, ii. 257. 
——— majuscula, ii. 958. 
obscuripes, ii. 258, 
——— obscuripes, ii, 957. 
CAMARONA, ii. 24]. 
Cumarona, ii. 212. 
cieruleonigra, ii, 249, 
xanthogastra, ii. 241. 
Campeneura, ii. T. 
Campeprosopa, i. 240. 
longicornis, i. 239. 


Camptoneura picta, ii. 992. 
Cardiacephala, ii, 903, 367, 876. 
myrmex, ii. 376. 
——- nigra, ii. 376. 
CaAnPHOTRICHA, ii. 422. 
Carphotricha, i. 402. 
culta, ii. 422. 

culta, i3. 428. 
Cartosyrphus, iii. 8. 
frontosus, iii. 9. 
Cenogaster, iii. 49. 
CxxosoMa, ii. 166. 
Cenosoma, ii. 44. 
signifera, ii. 167. 
Cephenemyia, ii. 312. 
CeratopAya, ii. 2. 
CxrRATOPOGON, 1. 224. 
pachymerus, i. 224, 
CxERATURGUS, i. 167. 
Ceraturgus, i. 913. 
dimidiatus, i. 167. 
geniculatus, i. 167. 
rufipennis, i. 167. 
vitripennis, i. 167. 
——— würipennis, i. 318. 
CERIA, iii. 74. 

Ceria, i. 242. 

arietis, iii. 78. 

——— bergrothi, iii, 77. 
bergroth?, ii. 75. 
cacica, iii. 78. 
meadei, iii. 76. 
meadei, ii. 75. 
——— nigra, iii. 77. 

— — nigra, ii. 75. 

—— nigripennis, iii, 75. 
pedicellata, iii. 77. 
— — pedicellata, iii. 75. 
rufibasis, iii. 78. 
sackent, ii. 7T. 
———- schnablei, iii. 76. 
schnablet, ii. 75. 
scutellata, iii. 76. 
scutellata, ii. 15. 
signifera, iii. 76. 
signifera, iii. 75. 
——— superba, iii. 75, 
verralli, iii. 75. 
CERIOGASTER, iii, 73, 
auricaudata, ili. 73, 
Ceromasia, ii. 104, 114. 
——— abbreviata, ii. 114. 
— — euastanifrons, i. 114. 
——— ehrysocephala, ii. 114. 
pictigaster, ii. 114. 

Ceromasia quadrivittata, ii. 114. 
spinipes, ii. 114. 
——- sonata, ii. 114. 
CEROPLATUS, i. 219. 
bellulus, i. 219. 
CEROTAINIA, i. 3817. 
Cerotainia, i. 184. 
8, i. 817. 
argyropus, i. 917. 
—— dubia, i. 185. 
nigra, i. 185. 
Cestonia, i. 210. 
nigra, ii. 210. 
Chaetoccelia palans, ii. 488. 
——— vergens, ii. 488. 
Cheetogsedia (Gaediopsis) mexicana, 
ii. 487. 
Chietogena carbonaria, ii. 486, 
——- cincta, ii. 4806. 
gracilis, ii. 486. 
CREJETONA, ii. 253. 
Chetona, ii. 211, 215. 
congrua, ii. 253. 
cruenta, ii. 486. 
longiseta, ii. 255. 
longiseta, ii. 254. 
Chalcidimorpha, i, 509. 
CitARADRELLA, ii, 941. 
Charadrella, i. 313. 
macrosoma, ii. 341. 
Cheilosia, ii. 8. 
Chetolyga, i. 48, 51. 
enea, ii. 5l. 
—— allbopicta, ii. 51. 
—— dubia, ài. 51. 
——— erythropyga, i. 51. 
Jlavolimbata, ii. 51. 
—— nigripalyis, ii, 51. 
nigriventris, i. 51. 
nitidiventris, ii. 51. 
occidentalis, i. 51. 
CHILOSIA, lii. 8. 
Chülosia, ii. 9. 
aurotecta, iii. 89. 
baroni, ii. 9. 
——— chrysochlamys, iii. 8. 
——— frontosa, iii. 9. 
Jrontosa, ii. 8. 
hoodiensis, ii, 9. 
lasiophthalma, ii. 8, 9. 
occidentalis, iii. 9. 
petulca, iii. 9. 
sororcula, iii. 9. 
sororcula, iii, 8. 
sororia, iii, 8. 
versipellis, ii. 9. , 
Cnuinonu za, i. 60. 

Chiromyza füscana, i. 60. 
CHIRONOMIDA, i. 6, 224, 
Chloroprocta, ii. 991, 

?, ii. 296. 
semiviridis, ii. 296. 
semiviridis, ii, 297. 
Chlorops unicornis, ii. 488. 
CRHOLOMYIZA, ii. 246. 
CAulomyia, ii, 219, 957. 
insquipes, ii. 247. 
Chordonota carbonaria, i. 43. 
fuscipennis, i. 43. 
CHORTOPHILA, ii. 339. 
Chortophila, i1, 313. 

—— — ?, 11. 939. 

——- stlemba, ii. 347. 
stlemba, ii. 339. 

Chrysanthraz, 1. 113, 121, 279. 

——— amethystina, i. 242, 
——— pulchra, i. 243. 
purpurea, i. 42. 
vespertilio, 1. 242. 
Chrysochroma, i. 235. 
——— flavopilosum, i. 233. 
——— latifrons, i. 254. 
pulehrum, i. 253. 
CunYSOGASTER, lii. 7. 
bellula, iii. 7. 
nitida, iii. 7. 
Chrysomyia fulvipes, i. 297. 
anacellaria, à. 291. 
CArysonotus, i. 233. 
seneiventris, i. 377. 
——— «eneiventris, 1. 233. 
—— flavopilosus, i. 42. 
Jlavopilosus, 1. 233. 
CunyvsoPILA, i. 60, 264. 

—— —  £, i. 60. 
—— —8, i. 61. 
—— —— 8, i. 6l. 

—— P,i. 6l. 
apicalis, i. 61. 
aterrima, 1. 264, 
aterrima, i. 265. 
——— basalis, i. 62. 
basalis, 1. 60. 
——— basilaris, i. 265. 
—— humilis, 1. 265. 
——- invalida, i. 265. 
——- latifrons, i. 266. 
mexicana, i. 62. 
——— nana, i. 265. 
——- nigra, i. 62. 


Chrysopila plebeia, i. 264. 
— — plebeia, i. 265, 206, 
——— puella, i. 265. 
quadrata, 1. 265. 
trifasciata, i. 62. 
Cirgysops, i, 45, 255. 
CArysops, i. 47. 

?, i. 256. 
——— allinis, i. 58. 

——— altivagus, i. 45. 
apicalis, i. 59. 
costatus, i. 46, 255. 
——— crassicornis, i. 59. 
crassicornis, 1. 255. 
flavidus, 1. 58. 
geminatus, i, 59, 255, 
latefasciatus, 1. 40. 
—— ]ateralis, i. 59. 
latifasciatus, i. 46, 256. 
— — megnaceras, i. 59. 
megaceras, i. A7. 
— — nezlectus, i, 2506. 
pallidus, 1. 58. 
rufipes, i. 45. 
scalaratus, i. 59. 
subezecutiens, i. 59. 
——— tanycerus, i. 46. 
tanycerus, i. AT. 
virgulatus, i. 59, 255. 
—— vulneratus, 1. 46. 
CunRYsoTOXUM, iil. 5. 

?, iii. 5. 

?, iii. 5. 

——— integre, iii. 5. 
laterale, ii. 5. 
ypsilon, ii. 5. 

Cu RXSOTUS, 1. 347. 
—— — — 9, 1. 848. 

9, i. 948. 
discolor, i. 347. 
excisus, 1. 348. 
hirsutus, i. 948, 
niger, i. 947. 

——— picticornis, i. 548. 
teapanus, i. 547. 
—— vividus, i. 348, 
CHRYLIZA, ii. 361. 
apicalis, ii. 362. 
euthea, ii. 362. 
varipes, ii. 361. 
CISTOGASTER, il. 445. 
Cistogaster, ii. 4. 
ferruginosa, ii. 448. 


—— ferruginosa, à. 445, 449. 

griseonigra, ii. 447. 
griseonigra, ii. 445. 
—— hirticollis, ii. 448. 

Cistogaster hirticollis, i. 445, 449. 

immaculata, ii. 447, 448. 
melanosoma, ii, 446. 
melanosoma, i1. A45. 
occidua, ii. 447, 448, 449. 
pallasi, ii. 446, 447, 448. 
propinqua, ii. 447. 
propinqua, ii. 445. 
ruficornis, ii, 446. 
ruficornis, 1. 445. 

——— subpetiolata, ii. 446. 
——— subpetiolata, i. 445, 447. 
variegata, ii. 449. 
variegata, ii. 445. 
Cleigastra, à, 948. 
CLINOGASTER, li. 457. 
Clinogaster, i1. 455, 458. 
notabilis, ii. 457. 
CrrNOPERA, il. 905. 
Clinopera, ii. 292. 
anthomyidea, 1i. 311. 
digramma, ii. 308. 
digramma, à. 306, 307. 
dorsilinea, ii, 308. 
dorstlinea, ii. 3006. 
frontina, ii. 306. 

——— gluto, ii. 311. 
hieroglyphiea, ii. 307. 
hieroglyphica, i. 306. 
inuber, ii. 508. 

inuber, 3. 906, 309. 
monstrata, ii, 309. 

——— monstrata, ii. 306, 
pellex, ii. 811. 
polystigma, ii. 309. 
polystigma, ii. 906. 
——— pterostigma, ii. 309. 
pterostigma, i, 300. 
uber, ii. 307. 

uber, ii. 300, 308. 
CLISTA, ii. 207. 

Clista, i. 7, 44, 208. 

feda, ii. 207. 
muscaformis, 1i. 207. 
Clistomorpha ochracea, ii. 486. 
Clitellaria fenestrata, i. 49, 
halala, i. 43, 

——— obesa, i. 43. 

;o——— pygmea, i. 43. 

stigma, 1, 377. 

Clytia, i. 205. 

Cnemodon, iii. 6. 
CNEPHALIA, ii. 45, 480. 
Cnephalia, i1. 42, 44, 46, 480. 
bucephala, ii. 46. 

——— hebes, ii, 45. 

hebes, ii, 40. 


Cnephalia obesula, ii. 46. 
obesula, ii. 45, 47, 481. 
——— ochriceps, ii. 481. 
ochriventris, ii. 47. 
ochriventris, ii, 45. 
onusta, ii. 46. 
onusta, ii. 45, AT. 
Colometopia, i1. 987, 388. 
CaNOSIA, li, 943. 
Conosia, i1. 3193, 546. 
bicolor, ii. 347. 
bistriata, ii. 345. 
bistriata, 1i. 943. 
femoralis, ii. 345. 
Jemoralis, 3. 843, 
——— macrocera, 11. 844. 
— — qacrocera, ii. 943. 
— — oscillans, ii. 344. 
oscillans, 1. 843. 
pacifera, ii. 347. 
——— punetulata, ii. 345. 
sevens (uvens), ii. 247, 
——— tenuicornis, ii. 343, 
vitilis, ii. 947. 
Coxasrzs, i. 151. 
Comastes, i. 76. 
robustus, i. 151. 
CoMPSOMYIA, ii. 207. 
Compsomyta, 3i. 29]. 
f'ulvtpes, i1, 297. 

— — mncellaria, ii, 297. 
COMYOPS, ii. 262, 
Comyops, ii. 213. 
nigripennis, ii. 262, 
—— nigripennis, i1. 263. 
steiaticollis, ii. 262. 
Conopejus, ii. 79. 
COoNOPIDZE, iii. 79, 91. 
Conopilla, ii, 79. 
COoNOPS, iii. 79. 

Conops, i. 242; i. 456; iu. 8]. 

?, iii. 81. 

P, id. 8l. 
anthreas, iii. 80. 
anthreas, ii. 79. 
brachyrhynchus, ii, 80. 
——— calcitrans, i1, 292. 
carbonarius, ii. 82. 
——— discalis, iii. 80. 

——- discalis, 1i. 79. 

——— nigrifacies, iii, 82, 83. 
——— ocellatus, iii. 91. 
ochreiceps, iii. 83. 
sequax, iii. 80. 
sequaz, ii. 79, 8]. 
sylvosus, iii. 8]. 

——— sylvosus, lii. 79. 


CoPESTYLUM, iii. 56. 
——— flawiventre, iii. 56. 
—— limbipenne, iii. 56. 
——— marginatum, iii. 56. 
——— parvum, iii, 89. 
simile, iii. 89. 
Cornua, i. 181, 314. 
bella, 1. 814. 

clausa, 1. 914. 
eristuta, i, 314. 
Jur, i. 814, 315. 
humilis, i. 315. 
humilis, i. 314. 
—— pulchella, i. 314. 
scitula, i. 914, 815. 
sodalis, i. 181, 314. 
iéruncus, 1. 914. 
Coprina, iii. 73. 
ConDYLIGASTER, ii. 252, 
Cordyligaster, ii. 213. 
minuscula, ii. 259. 
——— petiolata, ii. 252. 
COoRDYLURZA, ii. 948. 
Cordylura, ii. 950. 
brevicornis, ii. 849. 
lutea, ii. 349, 
podagrica, i. 385. 
——— rufina, ii. 849, 
rufina, ii. 850, 851. 
vicina, ii. 350. 
vicina, i. 949. 
Cormansis eupoda, i. 185. 
CnioPnROna, iii. 72. 
arctophiloides, iii. 89. 
villosa, iii. 72. 
Cryptineura, i. 7. 

—— Hhieroglyphica, iii. 7. 
CULEx, i. 5. 

annulatus, i, 5. 
bieoti, i, 6. 

—— henmorrhoidalis, 1. 224. 

mexicanus, i, 6. 
———- posticatus, i. 6. 
CuriciDAs, i. 5, 294. 
Curtocera, Y. 802. 
Curtoneura, ii. 309. 
Curtonotum gibbum, i1. 353. 
simpler, ii, 954. 
CuvTEREBAA, ii. 1, 433. 
——— americana, ii, 1. 
——— analis, ii. 2. 

——— approximata, ii. 2. 
——— atrox, ii. 2. 
cauterium, i. 1. 
——— emasculator, ii, ]. 
——— scutellaris, ii, 1. 

Cuterebra terrisona, ii. 1. 
Cutirebra, ii. 1. 
Cutiterebra, i1. 433 . 
Cyelorhynchus, i, 288. 
——— hilimeki, i. 43. 

—— bilimeki, 1. 252. 
minuta, i. 252. 
Cynomyia, ii. 288. 
Cyphocera, ii. 91, 95, 86. 
ruficornis, ii. 95. 
CyPHOMYIA, i. 34, 243. 
Cyphomyia, i. 35, 96. 

2, i. 35. 

——— albitarsis, i, 35, 243. 
androgyna, i. 94. 
androgyna, 1. 95. 
—— aguriflamma, i. 43. 
bicarinata, 1. 244. 
chrysodota, i, 43. 
cyanea, 1. 49. 

dispar, i. 36. 

——— fenestrata, i, 35, 243. 
lagiophthalma, i. 244. 
lasiophthalma, 1. 245. 
marginata, 1. 36. 
oehracea, 1. 977. 
—— pilosissima, i. 43, 244, 
—— pilosissima, i. 36. 
scalaris, i. 43. 
scalaris, i, 95, 
similis, i. 43. 

——— similis, i. 96. 
simplex, i. 43. 
tomentosa, i. 43. 
tomentosa, 1. 36. 
——— varipes, 1. 34, 243. 
varipes, i. 35. 
verticalis, 1. 84, 35. 

- OxnTID E, i. 163, 997. 

OvnTOMETOPA, ii. 988. 
Cyrtometopa, ii. 378, 287. 
cinctella, ii. 389, 
cinctella, ii, 888. 

——- ferruginea, ii, 389. 
erruginea, ii. 388. 
Cyrtoneura, 3, 309, 303, 304. 
anthomiyidea, ii. 311. 
callimera, i. 309. 
——— fulvipes, i1. 811. 

— — maculipennata, ii. 311. 
mexicana, ii. 311. 
— — nigriceps, ii. 911. 
pallidicornis, à. 311. 
violacea, ii. 311. 
viltigera, ii. 303, 304. 

Cyrtoneurina anthomyidea, ii. 311. 

Cyrtoneurina callimera, ii. 309. 

gluto, ii, 311. 

inuber, ii. 308. 

—— mexicana, ii. 311. 

—— parilis, ii. 311. 

pellez, ii. 311. 

——— uber, ii. 307. 

vecta, ii. 311. 

——— wittigera, ii. 304. 

C yrtophleba horrida, ii. 486. 

Dacus fraterculus, ii. 404, 405. 

podagricus, ii, 385. 
Dawarrs, i, 308. 

(9) divisa, i. 309. 
occidentalis, i. 309, 
Dasyllis, i. 186. 
Dasyphora, ii. 302. 
Dasypogon, i. 173. 
abdominalis, 1. 168. 
— — «acus, 1, 168, 
affinis, i. 178. 
bigoti, i. 178. 
brunneus, i. 178. 
candidus, i. 171. 
——— craverit, i. 178. 
—— — ewuantlensis, 1. 175. 
—— dimidiatus, 1. 107. 
dubius, 1. 178. 
duillius, 1, 178. 
—— fullaz, i. 180. 
fasciventris, i. 171. 
gelascens, i. 171. 
goniostigma, i. 178. 
—— hwmilis, i. 315. 
Jalapensts, i. 177.. 
—— lindigüi, 1. 174. 
——— lucas, i. 170. 

—— lugubris, i. 180. 
—— magnificus, i. 169. 
——— nigripennis, 1. 179. 
nigripes, i. 178. 
mitidus, i, 171, 508. 
pseudojalapensis, i, 178. 
——— rubescens, i. 176. 
rufipennis, i. 167. 
sallei, i. 174, 178. 
secabilis, 1. 171. 
spathulatus, 1. 168. 
—— spinipes, i, 187. 
——— í£ricolor, i. 179. 
trifasciatus, i. 170. 
truquii, i. 169. 
—— ftruquiti, i. 903. 
—— wirescens, i. 179. 


DrGxER1A, ii. 150, 485. 
Degeeria, ii. 7, 43, 156, 1806, 208. 
albomarginata, ii. 155. 
——— albomarginata, ii. 151. 
——— anthracina, ii. 156, 
——— basalis, ii. 152. 
——— basalis, ii. 150. 
blanda, ii. 484, 
compressa, ii, 153. 
compressa, ii, 151, 
cora, ii. 156, 
cruralis, ii. 487. 
dicax, ii. 486. 
——— hyalinipennis, ii. 152. 
— — hyalinipennis, ii, 150. 
insecta, ii. 486. 
leucocycla, ii. 154. 
leucocycla, ii. 151. 
—— longipes, ii. 155. 
longipes, ii. 151, 195, 204, 
——— magnicornis, ii. 153. 
magnicornis, à. 151, 155. 
——— mexicana, ii, 486. 
— — monochroma, ii. 154. 
monochroma, i. 151. 
nervosa, ii. 155. 
nervosa, i. 151. 
——— nigricans, ii, 153. 
nigricans, i, 150. 
nigrifacies, ii, 485. 
nigrocostalis, ii. 151. 
——— nigrocostalis, 3. 150. 
nitidiuscula, ii. 151. 
nitidiuscula, i. 150. 
DxjEANIA, ll. 7, 459. 
Dejeania, ii. 5, 11, 18, 23, 27, 460. 
analis, ii. 11. 
analis, 3i. 460. 
armata, ii. 460. 
atrata, ii. 8. 
——— aurea, 1i. 487. 
brasiliensis, i1. 460, 
corpulenta, ii. 9, 459. 
corpulenta, ài. 8, 10, 17, 23. 
—— Aystricosa, ii. 7. 
montana, ii. 459. 
pallipes, ii. 8. 
pallipes, ii. 9, 18, 20. 
plumitarsis, ii. 10, 459. 
plumitarsis, ii. 8, 23. 
—— rufipalpis, ii. 9, 10. 
rutilioides, ii. 9, 459. 
—— rutilioides, i1, 8, 25. 
—— vexatriz, i. 9, 10. 
Demoticus, ii. 39. 
DEROMYIA, i. 310. 


Deromyia, i, 173, 511. 
—— — 9,1. 311. 
?, i, 311. 
— — fulvipes, i. 173. 
gracilis, 1. 173. 
jalapensis, i. 911. 
——— rubescens, i, 911. 2 
sallzi, 1. 311. 
salle, i. 312. 
DzxrA, ii, 242, 
Dexia, ii. 128, 140, 212, 222, 257, 
——— eneiventris, i1. 301. 
aucta, ii. 248. 
diadema, ii. 197. 
——— dives, ii. 248, 249. 
eques, ii, 248, 
Jlavipennis, ii. 138. 
genuina, ii, 243. 
gracilis, i. 250. 
longiseta, ii. 253. 
melaleuca, ii. 223, 224. 
pertecta, ii. 263. 
—— petiolata, ii. 252. 
Dzexixg, ii, 211. 
Dexiophana semulans, ii, 488. 
Dzxr0soua, ii. 244. 
Dexiosoma, ii. 212, 280, 245, 2063. 
fumipenne, ii, 245. 
——— fumipenne, ii, 230. 
—— partitum, ii. 245. 
vibrissatum, ii. 244. 
vibrissatum, à. 245. 
Diabasis, 1. 57. 
DrAcHLORUS, i. 57, 263, 
ferrugatus, 1. 57, 268. 
Diacrita costalis, ii. 400. 
Dialineura nigra, 1. 163, 
Dialyta bicolor, ii. 847. 
DraPHORUS, 1. 345. 
—— ——— B, i. 947. 
—— —— 98,1. 847. 
approaximatus, i. 345. 
deceptivus, 1. 346. 
nigrescens, i, 346, 
opacus, i. 946. 
satrapa, i. 347. 
——— simplex, i. 345. 
simplex, i. 947. 
——— spectabilis, i. 345. 
subsejunctus, 1. 340. 
Diaugia, ii. 250. 
angusta, i. 250. 
DrICHELACERA, i. 58, 263. 
cervicornis, i. 58, 263. 
fasciata, 1, 58. 
januarii, i. 263, 



Dichelacera pachypalpus, i. 377. 
pulehra, i. 268. 

' —— scapularis, i. 59. 

scapularis, 1. 204. 
Drcriz8A, i. 47. 

Diclisa, i. 48. 
maculipennis, i. 47. 
— — misera, i. 47. 

misera, i. 48. 
DICRANUS, i. 302. 

—— jaliscoensis, i. 802. 
longiungulatus, i. 302. 
rutilus, 1. 902. 

tucma, 1. 302. 

DDictya ocellata, ii. 995. 
pennipes, ii. 8. 

Drpz4A, iii. 18. 

JDidea, ii. 15. 

coquilletti, iii. 19. 
——- laxa, iii. 18. 

laxa, ii. 19. 

DripxuA, ii. 156, 

JDidyma, ii. 43, 186. 
albomieans, ii. 162, 
albomicans, ii. 157, 163, 164. 
ambulatrix, ii, 158. 
—— ambulatrix, ii. 157, 159. 
basilaris, ii. 159. 
basilaris, à. 157. 

——— commixta, ii. 163. 
commüzcta, ii. 157, 488. 
connexa, ii. 488. 
exigua, ii. 160. 
exigua, ii. 157. 
fuliginipennis, ii. 164. 
——— fuliginipennis, i1. 157. 
inconspicua, ii. 163, 
inconspicua, i. 157. 
modesta, ii. 160. 
modesín, i. 157. 

— — mcoesta, ii. 158. 
mosta, 3. 157. 

—— nigricolor, ii. 158. 
migricolor, ii. 157, 163. 
——— otiosa, ii. 159, 

otiosa, ii. 157. 

pavida, ii. 165. 
pavida, i. 157. 
prompta, ii. 161. 
—— prompta, X. 157. 
pullula, ii. 162. 
pullula, à. 157. 

——— timida, ii. 161. 

—— timida, i. 157. 
vagabunda, ii. 161. 
ragabunda, i. 157. 
validinervis, ii. 164. 


Didyma validinervis, ii. 157, 489. 
volucris, ii. 165. 

volucris, ii. 157. 

Diroenus, i. 4, 223. 

— RE Ó 

——— maculatus, i. 5. 
melanarius, i. 4, 223. 
minutus, i. 5, 223. 
——— orbatus, i. 5, 229. 
——— stigmaterus, i. 223. 
stygius, 1. 5. 
Dimeraspis, ii. 2. 

Dimorphomyia calliphorides, ii. 445. 

Dinera, ii. 240. 
Droawrrzs, i. 173. 

Diogmites, i. 172, 174, 177, 178, 310, 

—— 8, 1. 178. 
——— affinis, i, 178. 
affinis, i. 173. 
—— angustipennis, i. 178. 
bigoti, i. 178. 
brunneus, i. 178. 
craverii, i. 178. 
——— cuantlensis, 1. 175. 
euantlensis, 1. 113, 174. 
——— dubius, i. 178. 
dubius, 1. 173. 
duillius, i. 178. 
eoniostigma, i. 178. 
goniostigma, i. 176. 
——- jalapensis, i. 177. 

lindigi, i. 174. 

—— lindigii, i. 172. 

——— memnon, 1. 174. 
misellus, i. 173, 177. 
——— nigripes, i. 178. 

——— nigripes, i. 175. 
pseudojalapensis, i. 178. 
——— pseudojalapensis, i. 173. 
——— rubescens, i. 176. 

sallzei, i. 174. 

sallei, 1. 178, 311. 
——— sp., i. 174. 

——— tau, i. 176. 

——— tu, 1. 174. 

ternatus, i. 178, 178. 
winthemi, i. 177. 
JDiostracus, 1. 842, 
DrPALTA, i. 98, 275. 
Jipalta, i. 75. 

serpentina, i. 08, 275. 
serpentina, 1. 121. 
Iuphysa rufipalpis, i. Al. 
Diplocampta, i. 98, 121, 275. 

jalapensis, 1. 173, 174, 178, 311. 

rubescens, 1. 178, 174, 177, 311. 

Diplocampta singularis, i. 121. 
Diplocentra, i. 854. 
gibba, ii. 353. 
simplex, ii. 554. 
JDiscocephala, 1. 171. 
affinis, i. 171. 
deltoidea, i. 171. 
divisa, i. 171. 
interlineata, 1. 171. 
longipennis, i, 171. 
—— sninuta, i. 171, 508. 
—— nitida, i. 908. 
DrsriCHONA, li. 44, 480. 
Distichona, ii. 42, 45. 
varia, ii. 44, 480. 
Ditomyia mexicana, i. 971. 
zonata, 1. 9T. 
DrzoNtias, 1. 169, 304. 
JDizonias, i, 905. 

?, i. 169. 

—— ——— P, i. 170. 

?, i. 904. 

—— bicinctus, 1. 169. 
——— ]ueasi, 1. 904. 
lueasi, 1. 170, 805. 

——— pheenieurus, i. 904. 

—— gphonicurus, i. 170, 305. 
quadrimaculatus, 1, 169. 
sp., i. 905. 

tristis, i. 905. 
JDolichopeza, 1. 19. 
Doricnoropnrpa, i. 213, 335. 
Doricuorus, i. 215, 533. 

?, 1. 214, 

——— hifractus, i. 833. 

——— lifractus, 1. 214. 

——— myosota, i. 215, 333. 
ramifer, 1. 214. 
Doliosyrphus hirtipes, iii. 75. 
rileyi, ii. 63. 
scutellatus, ii. 63. 
DonxcLus, i. 182. 

Doryelus, i, 183. 

——— varipennis, i, 182, 
DnAPETIS, i. 376. 

femoralis, i. 376. 
flavida, i. 376. 
Drosophila excita, ii. 488. 
Dryonyza maculiceps, ii. 360. 

Eccnrrosia, i. 207, 327. 
Eccritosia, 1. 208. 
amphinome, i. 207, 327, 
Echinomya, ii. 31, 
EcniNoM 1A, ii, 31, 470. 

FEchinomyia, ii, 5, 7, 9, 18, 29, 35, 

41, 210, 472. 

INDEX. 105 

Echinomyia analis, ii. 38, 473. Empis atrifemur, i. 307. EPrPHRAGMA, i. 9. 

analis, i. 11, 31, 32, 50, 471, azteca, i. 369, Eypiphragma, i. 19. 
472. azteca, 1. 367. ——— circinata, i. 9. 

——— compasceua, ii, 473. 
compascua, ii. 471. 
cinerascens, ii. 910, 471. 
cora, ii. 34, 210. bicolor, i. 967, 369. 
corpulenta, ii. 10. ——— chichimeca, i. 368, 
——— diaphana, ii. 473. ——— chichimeca, i. 367. 

— — benigna, i. 215. 
——— benigna, i. 367, 308, 
bicolor, i. 916, 370. 

picta, i, 9. 

solatrix, i. 19, 

sola£rix, i. 9. 

Eyitriptus albo-spinosus, i. 210. 
— — niveibarbus, i. 210. 

Enax, i. 197, 322, 

diaphana, ii. 471. cyanea, 1. 216, 367. rev, i, 198, 208, 204, 205, 900, 
——— dispar, ii. 34. ——— cyanea, i. 215, 368, 323, 394. 

——— dispar, ii. 5, 31, A471, 

—— Jfilipalpis, ii. 32, 
flaviventris, ii. 32. 
Jlaviventris, ii. 31, 470. 
——— fuliginipennis, ii. 468, 

——— generosa, ii. 472, 

——— generosa, i. 471, 473. 

—— lwuemorrhoa, ii. 32. 

*—— macrocera, ii. 34, 210. 
nigro-calyptrata, ii. 33, 473. 
—— mnigro-calyptrata, ii, 31, 471. 

——— diaphorina, i. 215. 
——— diaphorina, i. 916, 307. 
dolichopodina, 1. 915. 
dolorosa, i. 370, 
dolorosa, i. 307. 
montezuma, i. 969. 
montezuma, i. 907, 
—— pegaasus, i. 216. 
pegasus, i, 307. 
picta, i. 216. 

rubida, i. 368, 

——— 8, i. 199. 

?, 1. 202. 

— — P, i. 204. 

8, i. 205. 

?, i. 205, 

affinis, i. 206. 

affinis, 1. 209. 

—— albibarbis, 1. 209. 
ambiguus, i. 200, 201. 
anomajlus, i. 199, 323. 
anomalus, i. 198, 200, 201, 322. 


-—— notata, i1. 34, 210. 
picea, ii. 474. 
picea, ii. 471. 

——— piliventris, ii. 34, 474, 
—— piliventris, ii. 81, 471. 
——- robusta, ii, 32, 471. 
robusta, i. 31, 474. 
rubrifrons, ii. 210. 
—— ihomsoni, ii, 32. 
——- viltata, i. 473. 
Ecrr1MTS, i. 161, 295. 
Eclimus, 1. 77, 296. 

(P) auripilus, i. 161. 
aur ipilus, 1. 162. 
——- fascipennis, i; 295. 
Airtus, i. 162. 
quadratus, i. 295. 
Efferia, i. 322, 823. 
anomalis, i. 823. 
KEichoichemus, 1. 823. 
KElachipalpus, i. 210. 
nigrifrons, ii. 210, 
Elgiva, ii. 358. 
Elophilus, iii. 7. 
Emphysomera, i. 211. 
———- bicolor, i. 211. 
bicolor, i. 932. 
pilosula, i. 211. 
——— pilosula, i, 832. 
ExPrp2, i. 214, 366. 
EMPINGE, i. 966. 

Eu?is, i. 214, 366. 

——- annulipes, i. 269. 
annulipes, i. 307, 870. 
—— atrifemur, i. 970. 

——— rubida, i. 867. 

— — spiloptera, i. 216. 
spiloptera, i. 367. — 
suavis, i. 216, 368. 
suavis, 1. 215, 367. 
——— totipennis, 1. 216. 
totipennis, i. 907. 
violacea, 1. 216. 
violacea, i. 307. 
—— xochitl, i. 370. 
aochitl, 1. 307. 
Enica, ii. 18. 

ENSINA, ii. 416. 
Ensina, ii. 402. 
conspersa, ii. 417. 

——— despecta, ii. 418. 
despecta, ii. 416. 
guttularis, ii. 418. 
——— guttularis, 11. 410. 
—— humilis, ii. 417. 
humilis, ii. A16. 
—— luculenta, ii. 417. 
luculenta, i1. 416. 
—— — mediana, ii. 418. 
mediana, ii. 416. 
——— peregrina, ii, 417. 
peregrina, ii. 416. 
EPacurvs, i. 142, 284. 

Epacmus, i. 70, 148, 144, 147, 148, 

——— modestus, i. 142, 284. 

Epibates, i. 77, 161. 

conspersa, ii, 416, 418. 

modestus, i. 143, 149, 285. 
Ephippium fenestratum, i. 43. 

aper, i. 206. 
argyrogaster, 1. 206. 
argyrogaster, i. 201. 
——— bellardii, i. 206. 
bicolor, i. 206. 
bimaculatus, i. 206, 325. 
bimaculatus, i. 197, 322, 
carinatus, i, 2006, 323. 

——— cinerascens, i, 202, 323. 
cinerascens, i. 198, 322. 
cingulatus, i. 206. 
— — comatus, i. 206. 
comatus, 1, 203. 
completus, i. 199. 
——— concinnatus, i. 323. 
concinnatus, i. 322. 
disjunetus, i, 326. 
——— disjunctus, i. 322. 
dolichogaster, i. 326. 
dolichogaster, i. 322. 
—— — eximius, i. 2006. 
flavofasciatus, i. 200. 
——— furax, 1. 209. 
——— interruptus, i. 200. 
Jubatus, i. 201, 203. 
lascivus, i. 206. 
lateralis, i. 200. 
—— loewi, i. 206. 
——— maculatus, i. 200, 323. 

— — marginatus, i. 206. 
nigrünystaceus, i. 203. 
—— nigripes, 1. 206, 

carinatus, i. 203, 204, 905, 322, 

maculatus, i. 198, 201, 322, 


Erax parvulus, i. 206. 
parvulus, i. 203, 204. 
pavidus, i. 826. 
pavidus, i. 322. 
prolificus, i. 202, 323. 
grolificus, i. 197, 198, 203, 204, 
205, 322, 324. 
—— pumilus, i. 206. 
quadrimaculatus, i. 206, 525. 
—— quadrimaculatus, i. 197, 922. 
rapax, i. 201. 
rapax, i. 198, 908. 
sagax, 1. 324. 
sagax, 1. 322. 
sp.?, i, 198. 
——— splendens, i. 825. 
splendens, 1. 922. 
stamineus, 1. 201. 
striola, i. 200. 
tagaz, 1. 924. 
tricolor, i. 206. 
——— tricolor, i. 202. 
triton, 1. 200. 
—— trilon, 1. 198, 201. 
——— unicolor, i. 206. 
wnicolor, i. 205, 205. 
villosus, i. 200. 
Erebia, i. 128. 
EnzrocEna, i. 10, 226. 
-Eriocera, i. 12. 
brunneipes, i. 227. 
——— erythrea, i. 11. 
erythrea, i. 10. 
fasciata, i. 226. 
——— flavida, i. 227. 
gracilis, 1. 12. 
—— gracilis, 1. 10. 
hzmorrhoa, i. 11. 
—— hemorrhoa, i. 10, 12, 15. 
lessepsi, i. 13. 
——— lessepsi, 1. 10. 
mesoxantha, i. 10. 
nigra, i. 18: 
obsoleta, 1. 227. 
pretiosa, 1. 12. 
—— pretiosa, i. 10. 
tenebrosa, 1. 19. 
zonata, i. 10. 
Aristalinus, iii. 56. 
EnrsrTALIS, iii, 56, 
LEvistalis, ii. 59. 
?, iii, 63. 
?, iii. 64, 
?, iii. 65. 
— — gmulus, iii. 64, 
cenulus, ii. 58. 
agrorum, ii. 64. 


Eristalis albiceps, iii. 62. 
albifrons, iii. 69. 
—— albifrons, ii. 58. 
——— atropos, iii. 90. 
bellardii, iii. 60. 

—— bifasciatus, iii. 62, 
bogotensis, iii, 60, 61. 
bombusoides, iii. 89. 
circe, iii. 59. 

eirce, 1i. 57, 58. 
—— clarissimus, iii. 89. 
cosmius, iii. 6l. 
cosm1us, lii. 57. 

—— diminutus, iii. 66. 
——— expictus, iii. 66. 
familiaris, iii. 60. 
fasciatus, iii. 62. 
J'asciatus, iii. 58, 65. 
——— faseithorax, ii. 63. 
femoratus, ii. 61. 
——— fulvipes, iii. 66, 
furcatus, iii. 61. 
J'urcatus, ii. 57. 
——— ]ateralis, iii. 78. 
—— latifrons, iii. 60. 
latifrons, iii. 57. 
mexicanus, iii. 66. 
minutalis, iii. 64. 
manutalis, 3i, 58. 
obsoletus, iii. 59. 
obsoletus, ii. 57, 60. 
—— ochraceus, iii. 60. 
ochraceus, ii. 5T. 
——— ornatus, iii. 90. 
pachypoda, iii. 60. 


—— pachypoda, 3i. 57, 59. 

——— persa, iii. 58. 

persa, ii. T. 
podagra, ii. 62, 
——— preeclarus, iii. 89. 
pusio, ii. 65. 

——— pygm«eus, ii. 65. 
rufiventris, ili. 65. 
rufiventris, ii. 58. 
rufoscutata, iii. 60. 
sackenis, iii. 66. 
sallei, iii. 90. 
scutellaris, iii. 63. 
scutellaris, ii, 58. 
seutellatus, ii, 63. 
semieirculus, iii. 78. 
seniculus, iii, 62. 
stzpator, ii. 60. 
sumichrasti, iii. 90. 
—— íenia, ii. 63. 
testaceicornis, il. 59, 


Eristalis thoracica, ii. 59. 
——— triangularis, iii, 90. 
tricolor, iii. 62. 
tricolor, iii. 58. 

—— trifasciatus, iii. 64. 
—— trigonus, iii. 61. 

—— trigonus, iii. 9T. 

—— trilimbatus, iii. 89. 
—— warum, ii. 64. 

——— vinetorum, iii. 63. 
—C-— vinetorum, iii. 58. 
Eristalomya, iii. 56. 
Evristalomytia calomera, iii. 23. 
KEristicus nigripes, i. 200. 
villosus, 1. 200. 
EvANTHA, ii. 248. 
Euantha, 1. 213. 

dives, ii. 249. 
pulchra, ii. 249. 
pulchra, 33. 248. 
EUARESTA, ii. 423. 
Euaresta, 31. 402, 420. 
angustipennis, ii. 425. 
angustzpennis, ii. 423. 
audax, ii. 428. 
crenulata, ii. 423. 
——— crenulata, à. 424. 
—— latipennis, ii. 488. 
——— mexicana, ii. 428. 
—— rufula, ii. 424, 

——— rufula, i. 423, 425. 
——— scitula, i1. 425. 
scitula, i1. 423. 
scutellata, i1. 428. 
——— sobrinata, ii. 425. 
sobrinata, i. 429, 426. 
——— timida, ii. 424. 

—— timida, ii. 423. 
Euhybus, i, 372, 374. 
KEuolena, i. 987. 
EuPARHYPHUS, i. 59, 219. 
Euparhiyphus, 1. 88, 40. 
bellus, i. 89. 

——— brevicornis, i, 99. 
carbonarius, i. 277. 
——— (?) decem-maculatus, i. 40. 
decem-maculatus, 1. 39. 
elegans, 1. 40. 
elongatulus, i. 249. 
ornatus, i. 99. 

——— stigmaticalis, 1. 39. 
tetraspilus, i. 39. 
tricolor, i. 40, 
EvPEODES, iii. 14. 
volucris, iii. 14. 
Eurigaster, ii. 54, 75. 
commetans, ii, 54, 76. 

-Eurigaster desita, ii. 75. 
Fertoria, ii, 75. 
—— habilis, ii. 75. 

——— postica, ii. 75. 
saginata, i. 75. 
EURYNEUnA, i. 250. 
Euryneura, i. 38. 

?, i. 250. 
——— elegans, i. 950. 
Jascipennis, 1. 250. 
—— propinqua, i. 250. 
—— pygmeea, i. 43. 
EUTARSUS, i. 949. 
loewi, i. 349. 
EvTRETA, ii. 413. 
JEutreta, à. 401, 414. 
patagiata, ii. 414, 
sparsa, ii. 413. 
sparsa, 1. 414. 
EvxESsrTA, ii. 596. 
Ewzesta, ii. 578, 597, 400. 
alternans, ii. 399. 
alternans, ii. 396. 
——— conserta, ii. 999. 
conserta, ii. 396. 
fascipennis, ii. 398. 
Jascipennis, ii. 396. 
laticeps, ii. 397. 
laticeps, ii. 996. 
——— latifasciata, ii. 307. 
latifasciata, ii. 396, 398. 
——— major, ii. 398. 
major, ii. 396, 399. 
nigricans, ii. 397. 
— —— nigricans, ii. 996. 
spoliata, ii. 897. 
——— stigmatias, ii. 399. 
stigmatias, 1. 396. 
ExoPROSsoPA, i, 77, 81, 269. 


Evoprosopa clelia, i, 80. 
cleomene, i. 78. 

clotho, 1. 80. 

——— divisa, 1. 269. 
dorcadion, i. 89. 

doris, 1. 270. 

doryea, 1. 78. 

eremita, i. 82. 
erythrocephala, i. 273. 
J'ascipennis, i. 82. 
——— filia, i. 86, 272. 

—— filia, i. 80, 81, 87, 270. 
germari, i. 90. 

—— ignifer, i. 89. 

iota, i. 82, 270. 

vota, 1. 80, 269, 971. 
jacchus, 1. 18. 
Jaennickeana, i. 80. 
——— kaupi, i. 94, 
limbipennis, i. 84, 971. 

—— limbipennis, i. 78, 80, 85, 806, 

270, 272. 

lugubris, i. 78. 
marginicullis, i. 81. 
occulta, i. 18. 

—— oculata, i. 78. 

——— anomaws, i. 18. 
—— olivieri, i, 78, 

—— pandora, i. 78. 

——— pardus, i. 88, 
pardus, i, 80. 

—— pavida, i. 273. 
avida, i. 270. 
pilatei, 1. 90. 

proene, i. 85. 
procne, i. 80, 271. 
—— proserpina, i. 92. 
pueblensis, i. 82, 270. 
—— gueblensis, 1. 80, 269. 

Exorista angustata, ii. 70. 
angustata, i. 61, 62. 
—— brevis, ii. 64. 

—C— brevis, i1. 61. 
c:eruleiventris, ii. 64. 
eceruleiventris, ii. 60. 
cessatrix, li. 75. 
commetans, ii. 75. 
consobrina, ii. 68. 
eonsobrina, i1. 61. 
desita, ii, 75. 
elongata, ii. 65. 
elongata, ii. 61, 130. 
exilis, ii, 71. 

exilis, ii. 62. 
fertoria, ii. 79. 
flavicans, ii. 74. 
——— flavicans, ii. 62. 
flavirostris, ii. 69. 
Jlavirostris, 3. 61, 482. 
geminata, ii. 482, 
glabrieula, ii. 73. 
—— glabricula, ii. 62. 
griseomicans, ii. 74. 
griseomicans, ii. 61, 62. 
habilis, ii. 75. 
hispida, ii. 65. 
hispida, ii. 61. 
humilis, ii. 72. 

—— humilis, ii. 02. 
ignobilis, ii. 71. 
ignobilis, ii. 62. 

—— indita, ii. 75. 
interstincta, ii. 69. 
interstincta, i. 61, 73. 
lagos, ii. 487, 
latevittata, ii. 66. 
——. latevittata, i. 61. 
——- latimana, ii. 67. 


latimana, ii. 61, 68, 211, 432. 
leuconota, ii, 482. 

——— maura, ii. 72. 

maura, Y. 62, 73. 

Kwoprosopa, i, 70, 78, 19, 80, 86, ——— rhea, 1. 83. 
87, 88, 890, 90, 94, 95, 98, 99, 111, rhea, i. 80. 
112, 113, 116, 119, 121, 124, 273, rostrifera, i. 86, 271. 
276. rostrifera, i. 80, 81, 87, 270, 272. 

—— adelaidica, 1. 81. 

—— albiventris, i. 89, 90. 
algira, i. 81. 

—— anthracoidea, i. 85. 
antAracoidea, 1. 80, 271. 
argentifasciata, i. 85, 86. 
blanchardiana, i. 80, 96. 
brevirostris, i. 272. 
brevirostris, 1. 270. 
brevistylata, i. 272. 
brevistylata, i. 270. 

——- caliptera, i. 81. 
caliptera, i. 80, 82. 
cerberus, i.. 278. 

sackeni, i. 271. 
sacken?, i. 270. 
sima, 1. 81. 

—— singularis, i. 269. 
——— socia, i, 87, 272. 
socia, i. 80, 81, 270. 
sordida, 1. 80. 
stupida, i. 81. 
trabalis, i. 85. 
Axoptata, i. 269. 
divisa, i. 269, 276. 
ExonisTA, ii. 60, 482. 

KEvorista, ài, 6, 41, 42, 51, 65, 75, 

104, 197. 

BIOL. CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. IIL, 4ugust 1903. 

nigricauda, ii. 70. 
nigricauda, ii, 62, 13. 
obscurata, ii. 62. 
——— obscurata, ii. 60. 
—— ochracea, ii. 68. 
—— ochracea, ii. 60. 
—— ordinaria, ii. 64, 
—— ordinaria, 3. 61. 
——— postica, 1i. 75. 
rubricornis, ii. 66. 
——— rubricornis, ii. 01. 
—— rufata, ii. 75. 
—— rufipalpis, ii. 75. 
saginata, ii, 75. 



Exorista sororcula, ii. 68. 
sororcula, ii. 61. 
—— tenuipalpis, ii. 73. 
tenuipalpis, ii. 61, 62. 
——. tricolor, ii. 67. 

——— tricolor, ii. 61, 68; 
—— irivittata, ii, 70. 
trivittata, ii. 61, 73. 
——— uniocolor, ii. 68. 

—— wnicolor, ii. 60. 

Fabricia, ii. 210. 

infumata, ii. 210. 
Frivaldskyia, ii. 208. 
Frontina, ii. 210. 
chrysopygata, ii. 210. 
——- rufostylata, ii, 210. 

Gzediophana atra, ii. 487. 
Geranomyia mexicana, i, 18. 
GzRON, i. 156, 292. 
Geron, i. 7T. 

rufipes, i. 157, 292. 
——- trochilides, i. 292. 
Glaphyroptera, 1. 219. 
Glaurotricha, iii. 43. 
volucelloides, 111. 43. 
Gnamptopsilopus, 1. 351. 
castus, 1. 965. 
ciliipennis, i. 966. 
cilüpennis, 1. 964. 
costalis, 1. 364. 
—— dimidiatus, i. 365. 
—— dimüdiatus, i, 364, 
dorsalis, 1. 364. 
filipes, i, 864. 
Jlavicornis, 1. 365. 
Jlavidus, 1. 364. 
—— infumatus, i. 365. 
infumatus, 1. 964. 
——— mexicanus, i. 365. 
inexicanus, 1. 365. 
——— pallens, i. 964. 
——— psittacinus, i. 304. 
rotundiceps, 1. 365. 
scintillans, i. 364. 
——— tener, i. 965. 

——— unifasciatus, i, 365. 
variegatus, i. 865. 
GNoPHOMYIA, i. 2206. 
Gnophomyíia, i. 19. 
ferruginea, 1. 226. 
£ristissima, 1. 290. 

Gon1A, ii, 39, 479, 


Gonia, ii. 6, 41, 480. 
angusta, ii. 99. 

—— chilensis, ii. 89. 
cinerascens, ii, 480. 
—— divisa, ii. 40. 

—— hebes, ii. 45. 

—— lineata, à. 99. 

——— mexicana, ii. 40, 479. 
——— mexicana, ii. A78, 
pallens, ii. 99, 
Grallomyia caloptera, 3i. 319, 974. 
GRAPHOMYIA, ii. 300. 
Graphomyia, i1. 292, 801, 302. 
maculata, ii. 300. 
mexicana, ii. 800, 
GYMNOCHAA, il. 40, 479. 
Gymnocheta, ii. 6, 41, 42. 
alcedo, ii. 480, 

——— rein wardti, ii. 40, 479. 
reinwardti, ii. 480, 
subviridis, ii. 480. 
GYMNOMMA, ii. 98, 477. 
Gymnomma, ii. 6, A1. 

———- discors, ii. 477. 

——— nitidiventris, ii. 38. 
nitidiventris, i, 477, 478. 
——— novum, ii. 487. 
Gymnosoma, i, 4, 445, 
—— jfiliola, i1. 446. 
GYMNOSOMIN, ii. 4, 445, 
Gymnostylia, i, 264. 

-Hadrus, i. 262. 
—— lepidotus, i. 57, 202. 
parvus, i. 262. 
-H«ematopota crassipes, i. 262, 
HELOMYZA, ii, 351. 
——— distigma, ii. 859, 
——— distigma, ii. 951, 353. 
—— gübba, ii. 358. 
——— jniens, ii. 352. 

— iniens, ii. 351. 
——— polystigma, ii, 353. 
polystigma, ii. 351. 
——— punetulata, ii. 352, 
—— punctulata, ii. 351. 
HELOMYZIN A, ii, 351. 
IH ELOPHILUS, iii. 67. 
bicolor, ii. 69. 
Jlavicaudatus, iii. 69, 
——— formalis, iii, 78. 
latifrons, iii. 68. 
——— mexicanus, iii. 68, 
mezicanus, iii. 69. 
——— nigroscutatus, iii. 69. 
oculiferus, iii. 69. 

Helophilus polygrammwus, ii. 68, 


HEMICHLORA, ii. 303. 

Hemichlora, i. 292, 304. 

——— vittigera, ii. 904. 

—— vittigera, ii, 291. 

Hemipenthes, i. 80, 96, 129, 132. 

seminigra, i. 192. 

Hemixantha, ii. 987. 

HkRCOSTOMUS, i. 936. 

—— flavipes, i. 336. 

Herina metallica, ii. 881. 

—— mexicana, ii, 980, 981. 

Heringia, iii. 6. 

HxnMzETIA, i. 27, 240. 

Hermetia, 1. 30, 32, 38. 

—— seneipennis, i. 241, 

—— albitarsis, 1, 240, 

—— agiicalis, 1. 241. 

——— aurata, i, 28, 240. 

aurata, i. 27. 

—— bimaculata, 1. 240, 241. 

ceria, i. 242, 

cerioides, i. 97. 

chrysopila, 1. 28, 240, 

coarctata, i. 32. 

coarctata, i. 27, 28. 

comstocki, i, 28. 

comstocki, i. 27. 

concinna, i. 241. 

crabro, 1. 29. 

——— erabro, i. 27. 

—— Jflavipes, i. 241. 

, Vàr. eeneipennis, i. 241. 

flavoscutata, i. 42. 

formica, i. 32. 

—— formica, i. 27, 28, 33. 

illucens, i. 32, 240, 

—— illucens, i. 27, 98, 30, 31, 33. 

—— lativentris, i. 42, 941. 

——— lutiventris, i, 81, 242. 

mezaicana, i. 9. 

—— nigrifacies, i. 42, 

nigrifacies, i. 940, 

——— planifrons, i. 42. 

planifrons, 1. 940, 241, 

pterocausta, i. 33. 

pterocausta, i. 27, 98, 

——— relicta, i. 30. 

relicta, 1, 27, 98, 941. 

rufiventris, i. 3]. 

sexmaculata, 1. 240, 941. 

Heteracanthia mexicana, i, 377. 

Heteralonia, i. 78. 

HxrEROMY1A, i. 225. 

——— clavata, i, 295, 


HrEROPOGON, i. 300. 
——— lautus, i. 307. 
——— rejectus, i. 307. 
Heterostylum, i. 151. 
HEXACHAETA, ii. 409. 
-Hezacheta, ii. 401, 404, 409. 
amabilis, ii. 403. 
amabilis, ii. 402. 
——— eximia, ii. 402. 
——— pulchella, ii. 403. 
pulchella, ii. 402. 
rupta, ii. 404. 
rupta, ii. 402. 
——— socialis, ii. 408. 
socialis, ii. 409. 
splendida, ii. 404. 
splendida, 1i. 402, 

Hippobosca avicularia, i, 431. 

HzripPPonBoscip, ii. 429. 
HrinMoNEUna, i. 74. 
brevirostris, 1. 74. 
obscura, i. 74. 
psilotes, i, 74. 
Hirtea collaris, 1, 222. 
Histiodroma flaveola, i. 41. 
HorcocEPHALA, 1. 171, 308. 
-Holcocephala, 1. 181. 
affinis, i. 171. 

——— deltoidea, i. 171. 
interlineata, i. 171. 
longipennis, i. 171. 
—— minuta, i. 171. 

———- nitida, i. 171, 308. 
——— nitida, i. 309. 
HoroPosow, i. 306. 

——- dejectus, i. 306. 
—— pulcher, i, 806. 

——- violaceus, i. 306. 
HoxaArowyiA, ii. 331. 
-Homalomyia, ii. 313. 
canicularis, ii, 331. 
eanicularis, ii. 932. 
lepida, ii. 947. 
mexicana, ii, 332. 
prostrata, ii. 347. 
-Homodezia, ii. 203, 264. 
flavipes, ii. 263. 
—— flavipes, ii. 264. 
longicornis, ii, 268. 
—— longicornis, ii, 264. 
—— mrufina, ii. 264, 
spinosa, ii. 263. 
—— spinosa, ii. 264. 

—— triangulifera, ii. 2693. 
——— triangulifera, ii. 264. 
—— vittigera, ii, 254, 256. 
-Homogenes, ii. 438. 


HowoGzNra, ii. 497. 

Homogenia, ii. 433, 428. 

latipennis, ii. 438. 

—— latiüpennis, ii. 439. 

——— nigroscutellata, ii. 439. 

— — nigroscutellata, ii. 438. 

rufipes, ii. 438. 

-Hoplistes hortulanus, i. 239. 

Hyadesimyia, ii. 311. 

grisea, ii. 311. 

grisea, ii, 812. 

Hyalanthraz, i. 112, 119, 134, 1365, 
137, 139. 

Hyarouv1a, ii. 440. 

Hyalomyia, ii. 443. 

cneiventris, ii. 449. 

——— argenticeps, ii. 442, 

——— argenticeps, ii. 440, 442, 

——— ecitonis, ii. 488, 

——— hebes, ii. 441. 

hebes, ii. 440. 

——— mcerens, ii. 443, 

— — marens, à. 440. 

—— munda, ii. 441. 

— — munda, ii. 440, 442, 

nigrens, ii, 443. 

nigrens, ii. 440. 

——— ochriceps, ii. 442, 

ochriceps, ii. 440. 

——- piceipes, ii. 445. 

piceipes, i1. 440. 

—— punctigera, 31. 443, 445, 

——— purpurascens, ii, 444. 

——— umbrifera, ii. 444, 

umbrifera, X. 440. 

— — umbrosa, ii. 444. 

—— wmbrosa, i1. 440, 

——- villosa, ii. 441. 

———- villosa, ii. 440. 

——— violascens, ii. 488. 

Hx5058, 1. 972. 

dimidiatus, i. 216. 

dimidiatus, i. 912. 

—— duplex, i. 878, 374. 

—— mellipes, i. 573. 

mellipes, i. 972. 

—— purpureus, 1. 973, 974. 

spinicosta, 1, 374. 

spinicosta, i. 972. 

——— subjectus, i. 919, 874. 

triplex, i. 973. 

——- iriplex, 1. 972, 874. 

—— , var. bakeri, i. 872, 874. 

—— ———, var. duplez, 1. 912. 

———, var. loewi, i, 972. 
———, var. purpureus, i. 972. 
———, var, &mitAi, 1, 972, 874. 


Hybos triplev, var. subjectus, i. 372. 
, var. labascensis, 1. 912, 

—— — —, var. triplez, i. 972. 
— — ———, vat. yucatanus, i. 312, 
——— typicus, i. 373, 
—— — typicus, 1. 972, 974. 
HysorINz, i. 372. 
HypnoPnHonia, ii. 332. 
Hydrophoria, ii. 819, 837, 839. 
(?) calopus, ii. 347. 
——- collaris, ii. 333.' 
collaris, ii, 832, 534, 339. 
——— flavipalpis, ii. 334. 
Jlavipalpis, i1. 932. 
——— (?) pictipes, ii. 347. 
——— plumosa, ii. 332. 
transversalis, ii. 334. 
£ransversalis, ii. 332. 
Hydrophorus punctipennis, i. 214. 
HypnoTzA, ii. 322. 
-Hydrotea, ii. 919, 323. 
——— dentipes, ii. 323. 
HYyETODZESIA, ii. 314. 
Hyetodesia, ii. 313. 
abacta, ii. 316. 
——— abacta, ii. 914. 
——- abdicta, ii. 340. 
——— circulatrix, ii. 346. 
insons, ii. 346. 
——- longiseta, ii, 315. 
longiseta, ii. 314. 
—— muleata, ii. 315. 
——— qmulcata, ii. 814. 
parsura, ii. 346. 
——— procedens, ii. 315. 
—— procedens, ii, 314. 
rescita, 1i, 346. 
rubella, ii. 314, 
HyrEWYi1A, ii. 337. 
Hylemyia, ii. 913. 
abrepta, ii, 347. 
levipes, ii. 347. 
monticola, ii. 338. 
monticola, i1. 397. 
probata, 1i. 947. 
——— rhodina, ii. 347. 
——— tenuirostris, ii. 337, 
tenuirostris, ii. 938. 
urbiea, ii. 338. 
urbica, ii. 397. 
HPERALONIA, i. 89, 273. 
Hyperalonia, i. 75, 78, 79, 80, 81, 90. 
albiventris, i. 89. , 
—— albiventris, i. 90. 

——- dido, i. 91, 



-Hyperalonia dido, i. 89, 92. 
kaupi, i. 94, 273. 
—— kaupi, i. 89. 
——— latreillei, i. 98. 
latreillei, 1. 89. 
——— pilatei, i. 90. 
—— pyilatei, 1. 89, 92. 
——— proserpina, i. 92, 279. 
—— proserpina, i. 89, 93. 
HyvrPosTENA, ii. 140. 
JHuypostena, X. 7, 43, 186, 484. 
albocingulata, ii. 148. 
—— albocingulata, ii. 141. 
——— blandita, ii. 142, 
blandita, ii. 140, 264, 
concinna, ii. 142, 
concinna, ii. 140. 
——— cylindriventris, ii. 145. 
cylindriventris, ii. 141. 
——— deplanata, ii. 147. 
deplanata, 3. 141. 
elegans, ii, 143, 
elegans, ii. 140. 
—— — flavocalyptrata, ii. 147. 
Jlavocalyptrata, i1. 141. 
immunda, ii. 148. 
immunda, ii. 141. 
—— leucophza, ii. 141. 
leucophea, i. 140, 142. 
——— melaleuca, ii. 145. 
—— melaleuca, ii. 141. 
— — minima, ii, 148. 
minima, ii. 141. 
nubilosa, ii. 149. 
mubilosa, 1. 141. 
— — obumbrata, ii. 143. 
obumbrata, i1, 140, 198, 489, 
——— pilosa, ii. 144. 
——— pilosa, i1. 141, 148, 
— — procera, ii. 140. 
——— quadristriata, 11. 146, 
——— quadristriata, i1. 14]. 
strigosa, i1, 146. 
— — atrigosa, ii. 141. 
subtilis, ii. 149. 
—— subtilis, ii. 141. 
——— turbinata, ii. 146. 
——— turbinata, ii. 141. 
——— umbripennis, ii. 144. 
——— wnbripennis, ii. 141. 
HysTRICHODEXIA, ii. 218. 
Hystrichodexia, ii, 211, 219, 990, 922, 

armata, 3. 918, 
aurea, ii, 487. 
——— contristans, ii. 29], 
coniristans, ii. 219, 


Hystrichodexia coracina, ii. 221. 
-———— coracina, ii, 219. 

——— echinata, ii, 220. 

echinata, ii, 919. 
formidabilis, ii. 290. 
Jormidabilis, i1. 219. 

——— mellea, ii. 487. 

——— pseudohystricia, ii. 219. 
HysrTRI1C1A, ii. 11, 460. 

Hystricia, ii. 5,7, 14, 18,99, 94, 97. 

?, ii. 18. 

abrupta, ii. 17, 461. 
—— abrupta, i, 11, 18, 462. 
——— albiceps, ii. 12. 
albiceps, i1, 11, 25, 460. 
albosignata, 1i. 461. 
——— anibigua, ii. 13, 461. 
—— amnbigua, ii. 11. 

—— — amoena, ii. 16, 461. 
amena, ii, 11. 

—— — cyaneiventris, ii. 13. 
cyaneiventris, ii. 11, 14. 
——— dorsalis, ii. 17, 461. 
— — dorsalis, i1. 12, 18, 469. 
J'ulvida, ii. 461. 

——- infuscata, ii. 12, 460. 
— — infuscata, ii. 11. 

——— micans, ii. 16, 461. 
——— micans, Yi. ll. 
plagiata, ii, 22. 
pollinosa, ii, 14, 461. 
qollinosa, ii. 11. 

——— pyrrhaspis, ii. 18, 461. 
—— pyrrhasjyis, i1. 12, 462. 
——— rufíipes, i. 97. 

——— soror, ii. 15, 461. 

soror, ii, 1l. 

testacea, i. 17. 

— — kiestaceiventris, i1. 460. 
velutina, ii. 15. 
velutina, ii. 11. 
HysrRISIPHONA, ii. 213, 
Hystrisiphona, ii. 211, 914, 219. 
——— bicolor, ii. 487. 

nigra, ii. 218. 

——— nigra, ii. 216, 219. 
—— pseudohystricia, ii. 219. 
Hystrisyphona, ii. 213. 
nigra, i. 218. 

Icaria, ii. 414. 

distincta, X, 414. 
Ieteriea liehtensteinii, ii, 498, 
Idiotypa, ii. 987. 
Ischyrosyrphus, iii. 14. 
IsOPENTHES, i. 96, 

Isopenthes, i. 75, 80, 129, 276, 277. 
blanchardiana, i. 96. 

—— blanchardiana, i. 80, 97, 276. 
—— jaennickeana, i. 97. 
Jaennickeana, i, 80, 129, 183. 
sackeniana, i1. 216. 

JunrNIA, 1i. 27, 4606. 
Jurinia, ii, 5, 7, 22, 210. 
——— adusta, ii. 28, 467. 
——— adusta, ii. 27, 466, 468, 469. 
——— analis, ii, 29. 

—— apicalis, ii. 29. 

——— apicalis, ii. A07. 

——— assimilis, ii, 469, 
assimilis, 3. 460. 
—— badiiventris, ii. 28. 
—— badüventris, ii, 27, 460. 
—— barbata, ii. 29, 210. 
ceruleo-nigra, ii. 14. 
——— congruens, ii. 469. 
congruens, i. 466. 
contraria, ii. 29. 
debitrix, i1. 29. 
dichroma, ii. 27, 467. 
dichroma, i1. 28, 460, 460. 
flavifrons, ii. 29, 
——— gonioides, ii. 99, 
gonoides, ii. 210. 
innovata, ii. 29, 

——— lateralis, ii. 29, 
neptieula, ii. 468, 
——— nepticula, i. 466, 
——— nitidula, ii. 467. 
——— nitidula, i. 466, 408. 
—— — punctata, ii. 468, 
——— punctata, ii. 406. 
spinigera, ii. 467, 
——— spinigera, Y. 466. 

Labidigaster, ii. 43, 180, 
forcipata, ii. 131, 132. 
———- furcata, ii. 131. 
Lamprempis, i. 386. 
LAMPR1A, i. 186, 318. 
Lampria, i. 188, 

aurifex, i. 187, 318. 
cinerea, i, 188, 319, 
——— circumdata, i. 188, 
—— clavipes, i, 186. 
clavipes, i. 187. 
dives, i. 187. 
melanoptera, i. 187. 
—— — mexicana, i. 188, 
spinipes, i. 187. 
Larmnna, i, 185, 317. 

Laphria, i, 186. 
cincta, i, 188. 
clavipes, i. 186. 
coarctata, i. 310. 
— — ccerulea, i. 317. 
componens, i. 186. 
——— fascipennis, i. 186. 
formidolosa, i. 188, 819. 
homopoda, i. 186. 
ichneumon, i. 185. 
——— marginalis, i. 318. 
nunitor, i. 185. 
——— olbus, i. 186. 
preepotens, i, 186. 
——— triligata, i. 186, 
LAPHRINA, i. 182, 
Lastra, 1. 166. 
Lasia, i. 167. 
auricoma, i. 167. 
kletti, i. 167. 
Scribs, i. 166. 
scribe, i. 107. 
LASIONA, ii. 127. 
Lasiona, i. 7, 43, 186. 
multisetosa, ii. 128. 
Lasrors, ii. 337. 
Lasiops, 11. 313, 
mexicana, ii, 337. 
mexicana, ii. 831, 947, 
LASTAURUS, i. 179. 
anthracinus, i. 179. 
anthracinus, i. 180. 
mutabilis, 1. 180. 
Latreillia bifasciata, i1. 30. 
Leja punctata, i. 2, 
Leopoldius, iii. 79. 
LzxPrpANTHAaAX, i. 107, 276. 
Lepidanthraz, i, 76, 108, 112, 113, 
128, 134, 140. 
——— angulus, i. 111. 
——— angulus, i. 108. 
disjuncta, i. 108, 276, 
——— disjuncta, i. 109, 110. 
proboscidea, i. 109, 276. 
qroboscidea, 1. 110, 140. 
Lepidomyia cincta, iii. 78. 
LrPrpoPHona, i. 160, 294. 
Lepidophora, 1. 76. 
——- egeriüiformis, i. 160. 
appendiculata, 1. 160. 
—— culiciformis, i. 160. 
—— lepidocera, i, 160. 
secutor, i. 160. 
vetusta, i. 160, 294. 
LzPrposELAGA, i. 57, 262. 
——— albitarsis, 1. 262. 
—— lepidota, i. 262, 


Lepidoselaga lepidota, i. 57. 
recta, i. 57. 

recta, 1. 202, 
Lepiselaga, i. 5T. 
lepidota, i. 262, 
LxPTID4, i. 60, 904, 378. 
Leptis basilaris, 1. 965, 
——— bitszniata, i. 09, 

——— (?) cinerea, i, 62, 
politeeniata, i. 62, 
Leptochilus, 1. 142, 143, 144. 
modestus, i. 142. 
LEPTODA, ii. 250. 
Leptoda, ii. 213. 

gracilis, ii. 250. 

— — semirufa, ii. 950. 
LEzPrToGasTER, i. 167, 298. 
?, 1. 167. 
audouini, 1. 209. 
—— badia, i. 301. 

——— brevicornis, i. 800. 
——— concinnata, 1, 300. 
concinnata, i. 298. 
——— crocea, i, 300, 
erocea, i, 298, 
dorsalis, i. 301. 
dorsalis, i. 299. 

——— favillacea, i, 300, 
fervens, i. 167. 

——— intima, 1, 300. 

— — intima, 1. 299, 

——— macropyzgialis, 1. 301. 
— — macropygialis, 1. 299. 
micropygialis, i. 301. 
micropygialis, i. 299. 
pictipes, 1. 167, 301. 
—— rubida, i. 299. 
rubida, i. 298. 
testacea, 1. 299. 
triungulata, i. 299. 
—— triungulata, i. 298. 
—— iruquii, i. 167. 
vartpes, 1. 301. 
LrrProu1Das, i. 68, 267. 
Leptomidas, i. 69, 70. 

pantherinus, 1. 70. 
sponsor, i, 68. 
sponsor, i. 70. 
tenuipes, 1. 267. 
Leptomydas, i. 68. 
Leptoxys, ii. 405. 
LEUCOMELINA, ii. 5206, 
Leucomelina, ii. 312, 313, 327. 
corvina, ii. 328. 
corvina, i1, 327, 929. 
——— deleta, 1i. 329. 

braehyrhynchus, i. 69, 267. 


Leucomelina deleta, ii. 927. 

——— garrula, ii. 390. 

——— garrula, i. 927. 

—— — minuscula, ii. 330. 

—— aninuscula, ii. 327. 

——— pica, ii. 328. 

pica, ii, 826, 827, 329, 330. 

——— steva, ii. 329, 

——— sca, ii. 927. 

—— — sirigata, ii. 347. 

Lzvucosrowa, ii. 206, 

Leucostoma, ii. 44. 

analis, 1i. 206. 

gravipes, ii. 207. 

Lüinnobia morionella, i. T. 

stupens, i. 19. 


Limnophila, i. 19. 

luteipennis, i. 8. 

ocellaris, i. 9. 

tenuipes, i. 8, 

-—— undulata, i. 19. 

LrwNoPnHona, ii, 324. 

Limnophora, ii, 319, 8927. 

anthrax, ii. 347. 

delecta, ii, 395. 

——— delecta, ii. 394, 390. 

elegans, ii. 927, 329. 

——— fumipennis, ii. 324. 

limbata, ii. 347. 

— — meraca, ii. 825. 

meraca, ii. 324, 

normata, ii, 347. 

——— rufipes, ii. 347. 

——— socia, ii. 826. 

——— socia, ii, 824. 

——— umbrosa, ii. 326. 

umbrosa, ii. 324. 

Linnenmyia, estivalis, ii. 34. 

analis, ii. 34. 

borealis, ii. 34. 

——— distincta, ii. 84, 35. 

heraclei, ii. 84. 

Lipoptena depressa, var. mexicana, 
ii. 432. 

LisPg, ii. 842. 

Lispe, ii. 313. 

serotina, ii. 342. 

uliginosa, ii. 342. 

Lissa, ii. 362, 

Litorhynchus, i. TT, 79, 80, 94, 95. 

Lobogaster, i, 20, 21. 

Loewiella, 1. 314. 

Lomatia, i. 99, 106, 107, 141, 142, 

pictipennis, i. 141. 

LLophonotus humilis, i. 210. 


LornHoTELzs, i. 250. 
—— pallidipennis, i. 250. 
—— plumata, i, 250. 
Lonporvs, i. 154, 288. 
Lordotus, i. 77, 152, 158. 
gibbus, i. 154, 288. 
—— pulcherrimus, i. 288, 
zona, i. 288. 
Loxocera, ii. 860. 
Lucii, ii. 297. 

Lucilia, ii. 288, 991, 994, 309, 

argentifera, ii. 298. 
—— brunnicornis, ii. 310. 
——— ecsesar, ii. 207. 
cesar, ii. 298. 

——— callipes, ii. 310. 
carolinensis, ii. 298, 
——— consobrina, ii, 297. 
——— cornicina, ii. 298. 
—— flavigena, ii. 310. 
fraterna, i. 297. 
———- fulvinota, ii. 311. 
—— lepida, ii. 297. 
——— macellaria, ii. 297. 
meridensis, ii. 310. 
—— — mexicana, ii. 310. 
—— — mutabilis, ii. 810. 
nigriceps, ii. 310. 
pallidibasis, ii. 310. 
——— prescia, i. 294. 
proxima, ii. 310. 
——— pueblensis, ii. 310. 
——— quieta, ii, 311. 
——— sp., ii. 298. 

——— sp., ii. 299. 

——— sp., ii. 299. 

——— sp., ii. 299. 

——— surrepens, ii. 310. 
violacea, ii. 910. 
nitens, iii. 66. 
Lydella, ii. 75. 

cessatriv, ii. 75. 

(8) Zndita, i1. 75. 
ALyroneurus, i. 945, 847. 
——— cierulescens, i. 214. 
——— simplex, 1. 945. 

MacqvAnTIA, ii. 198, 

AMacquartia, i, 49, 51, 65, 90, 1806, 


acuminata, ii. 130. 
acuminata, à. 199. 
——— a&rifrons, ii. 210, 
——— setiventris, ii. 199. 
——— setiventris, ii. 190. 


Macquartia venusta, ii. 130. 
venusta, ii. 129. 

——— versicolor, ii. 130. 
——— versicolor, i. 129. 
Macnoczna, i. 217. 

——— concinna, i. 217. 
inconcinna, i. 218. 
Maeroceronus, i. 22, 23. 
—— fulviventris, 1. 41. 
MACROMETOPA, ii. 245. 
Macrometopa, ii. 212. 
calogaster, ii. 245. 
mecvicana, ii, 245, 246, 
Maerony«, i. 802. 

Macrosargus smaragdiferus, i. 41. 

tenutventris, i. 28. 
Maára, i. 318. 
MALLOPHOAA, i. 189, 319. 
Mallophora, i. 320. 

?, 1. 190. 

——— —— ?, i. 190. 

——— seaca, i. 319. 

—— beelzebul, 1. 821. 
breviventris, i. 32]. 
——— craverii, 1. 191, 520. 
cravera, i. 919. 
——— fautrix, i, 191, 520. 
freycineti, 1. 819, 
freyeineti, i, 190. 
——- fulvi-analis, i. 191. 
fulviventris, i. 191. 
———- infernalis, i. 189. 
——- ünfernalis, i. 319. 
orcina, i. 191. 

pica, i. 191. 

——— pluto, i. 190. 

pluto, 1. 191, 819. 
robusta, i. 191. 
scopifera, 1. 320. 
——— trapezoidalis, i. 820, 
trichostica, 1. 920, 
MALLOTA, iii. 69. 
Mallota, iii. 70. 

(P) championi, iii. 69. 
——— margarita, iii. 70. 
margarita, ii. 69. 
müllesiformuis, ii. 67. 
posticata, ii. 70. 
sackeni, iii. 70. 
sackeni, ii. 69. 
gmithi, ii, 70. 
smit, i. 69. 
MasrczEna, ii. 103. 

Masicera, ii, 6, 29, 45, 104, 111, 114. 

abbreviata, ii. 114. 
——— abdominalis, ii. 106. 
—— abdominalis, à. 104, 185, 

Masicera bilineata, ii. 112. 
—— Vbilineata, ii. 105. 
—— bistrigata, ii. 109. 
—— bistrigata, ii. 104. 
——— calcarata, ii. 114. 
calcarata, ii, 105, 118. 
——- eastanifrons, ii. 114. 
—— chrysocephala, ii. 114. 
——- curta, ii. 112. 

curta, i. 105. 

—— dejecta, ii. 113. 
dejecta, ii. 105. 

—— disputans, ii. 114. 
——- expergita, ii, 114. 
——— flavescens, ii. 112. 
—— Jfflavescens, ii. 105. 
flavifacies, ii. 114. 
——— fraudulenta, ii. 110. 
fraudulenta, 1. 104. 
——— gentica, ii. 114. 
——— glauca, ii. 487. 
impedita, ii. 107. 
impedita, i. 104. 
—— inquinata, ii. 107. 
—— iénquinata, ii, 104, 108. 
luctuosa, ii. 105. 
——— luctuosa, ii. 104. 
——— necopina, ii. 114. 
—— normula, ii. 109. 
——— normula, ii, 104. 
——— picta, ii. 108. 

picta, ii. 104. 
pictigaster, ii. 114. 
—— piliseta, ii. 110, 
piliseta, ii. 104, 
—— pumila, ii. 108, 
pumila, ii. 104. 
——— quadrivittata, 1i. 114. 
sesquiplex, ii. 487. 
——— sodalis, ii. 106. 
sodalis, ii. 104. 
——— sordida, ii. 113. 
sordida, ii. 105, 114. 
——— spinipes, ii. 114, 
——— strigata, ii. 105. 
——— strigata, ii. 104, 106. 
subpilosa, ii. 110. 
subpilosa, ii. 104. 
tantilla, ii. 106. 
——— íantilla, 3i. 104, 
trichoneura, ii. 111, 
—— trichoneura, ii. 105. 
usta, ii. 487. 

zonata, ii. 114. 

Masipoda geminata, ii. 910, 211, 

Massyoita cerioides, i. 97. 

Medeterus punctipennis, 1. 214, 339. 

Megalemyia, i. 64. 
seticornis, 1. 64. 
Megamerina, ii. 362. 
——— fulvida, ii. 362. 
—— fulvida, ii, 876. 
MEGAMETOPON, iii. 79, 
nasicum, iii. 79. 
MEGAPARiIA, ii. 240. 
Megaparia, ii. 212, 
venosa, ii. 240. 
M'egapoda, i. 182, 183. 
eyaneiventris, i. 182, 183. 
Megaprosogus, ii, 203. 
rufiventris, ii. 263. 
Megarhinus, 1. 6. 
MEGARRHINA, 1. 6, 224. 
—— —— 9,1. 6. 

——— grandiosa, i. 224, 

—— hsemorrhoidalis, i. 224. 
rutila, i. 224. 
MEIGENIA, ii. 58, 481. 
Meigenia, ii. 41, 42, 51, 90, 98. 
albidula, ii. 59, 

——- albifacies, ii. 481. 
bisignata, ii. 59. 

—— bombivora, ii. 90, 

——— flaviventris, ii, 59, 481. 
Jloralis, ii. 59. 

——— gratiosa, ii. 60. 
gratiosa, i. 59. 

—— qmajuscula, ii. 51. 
MELALEUCA, li. 247, 
Melaleuca, ii. 213. 
spectabilis, ii. 248. 

AM elanostoma, iii. 14. 

(?) annuliferum, iii. 14. 
——- (?) anthracoides, iii. 14, 
bellum, iii. 90. 

—— bhucephalus, iii. 11. 
—— bucephalus, iii. 10. 
—— catabombum, iii. 12. 
eatabombum, ii. 10. 
—— crenulatum, iii. 12. 
——- erenulatum, ii. 10. 
—-— (?) eruciatum, iii. 11. 
——- cyaneocinctum, iii. 14. 
——— elegans, iii. 90. 

——- euceratum, iii. 11, 
fenestratum, iii, 10. 
——— fenestratum, ii, 9, 11. 
—— hyalinatum, ii. 11. 
——— melanocerum, iii, 18, 
melanocerum, iii, 10. 
—— mellinum, iii. 11. 
mellinun, iii. 10, 12. 


Melanostoma obscurum, iii. 11. 
——- pruinosum, iii, 11, 

—— pruinosum, iii. 10. 

—— punctulatum, ii. 11. 

——- (?) quadrinotatum, iii. 14. 

rugosonasus, iii. 13. 
——— rugosonasus, ii. 10. 
scitulum, iii. 12, 18. 
stegnum, iii. 10. 
stegnum, iii. 9, 11. 
tigrinum, iii. 10, 
Melithreptus, ii. 20. 
MxnRosARGUS, i. 254. 
AMerosargus, i. 233, 235. 
bulbifrons, i. 235. 
——— calceolatus, i. 42. 
cercaceus, 1. 235. 
——— eingulatus, i. 234. 
concinnatus, i. 235. 
——— coriaceus, i. 377. 
—— dissimilis, i. 377. 
fraternus, i. 42, 
frontatus, i1. 235. 
——— hyalopterus, i. 377. 
orizab:e, i. 977. 
orizabe, i. 235. 
——- spatulatus, i. 235. 
stamineus, i. 234. 
Mesemórina, ii, 300, 301, 302, 
anomala, ii, 342. 

Mesembrinella, i1. 292, 301, 811. 

seneiventris, ii. 901. 
bicolor, ii. 301. 

Mesochseta commixta (connexa), 

ii, 488. 
MESOGRAMMA, iii. 24. 
Mesogramama, iii, 95, 39. 
?, iii. 25. 
—— — — $, iii. 26. 
—— — — P, iii. 26. 
—— ?, iii. 27. 
—— licinetum, iii. 28. 
—— bistrigum, iii. 28. 
—— ceiliatum, iii. 90. 
comma, iii, 90. 
diversum, iii. 90. 
——— ectypum, iii. 28, 
heraldicum, iii. 28. 
laerymosum, iii, 28, 
lineare, iii. 28. 
——— maculatum, iii. 28, 
—— marginatum, iii. 25. 
marginatum, ii. 24. 
— — mu, iii. 28. 
——— mutuum, iii. 27. 
—— mutuwn, ii, 24, 28. 

Mesogramma pallipes, iii. 27. 
——- pallipes, iii. 24, 
——- politum, iii. 25. 
politum, iii. 24. 
—— quinquecinetum, iii, 28, 

——— rombicum, iii. 90. 
——— saphiridiceps, iii. 24. 
—— trilobatum, iii. 28. 
Meesograpta, iii. 24. 

bicincta, iii. 28. 
bistriga, iii. 28. 

—— (?) eireumdata, ii. 25. 
heraldica, iii. 28. 
lacrymosa, iii. 28. 

——— linearis, iii, 28. 

—— maculata, iii. 28. 
marginata, ii. 25. 

mu, iii. 28, 

——- (?) pallzpes, iii. 27. 
——- polita, iii. 25, 

—— quinquecincta, iii. 28, 
—— quinquemaculata, iii. 28. 
——— (P) saphiridiceps, ii. 94. 
£rilobata, ii. 28. 
AMesophla, ii. 2. 

Metadoria mexicana, ii. 487. 
Mxrorra, ii. 114, 

Metopia, ii. 7, 43. 
perpendicularis, ii, 115. 
Micraptoma, ii. 71. 
Microchetina, ii, 212, 241. 
cinerea, ii. 241. 
Microchrysa, i. 294, 

nova, i. 977. 

—— nova, 1. 234, 
Mzicnopox, iii. 2. 

—— ———£, iii. 4, 

?, iii, 4. 

——— aquilinus, iii. 90. 
aurifex, iii. 2. 

——— baliopterus, iii. 3. 
baliopterus, iii. 2, 79. 
coarctatus, ii. 79. 

——— falcatus, iii. 9. 

—— falcatus, iii. 2, 4. 
gracilis, iii. 3. 

gracilis, ii. 2. 

—— anirabilis, iii. 4, 

——- niger, iii, 4, 

—— niger, ii. 2. 

—— &trochilus, iii, 2, 3. 
MiQcROPALPUS, ii. 34, 474. 
AMicropalpus, ii. 6, 18, 24, 38, 41. 
albomaculatus, ii. 21. 
—— analis, ii, 94, 

quinquemaculatum, iii. 28. 


Micropalpus angustifrons, ii. 474. 
borealis, ii. 84. 

comptus, ii. 94. 
flavitarsis, ài. 27. 

fulgens, ii. 84, 474. 
heraclei, ii, 94. 

—— macula, ii. 21. 

—— nigrifrons, ii. 210. 

— —— ornatus, i. 2T. 

—— rufipes, ii. 27. 
M1CROPEZA, ii. 964. 
AMicropeza, ii. 369, 365, 976. 
appendiculata, ii. 916. 
—— bilineata, ii. 366. 

—— hbilineata, ii. 864. 

—— divisa, ii. 976. 

——— incisa, ii. 976. 

nigricornis, ii. 366. 

—— nigricornis, i1. 964. 

——— obscura, ii. 965. 

obscura, ii. 964, 966, 
occipitalis, ii. 365. 
occipitalis, i1. 364. 

——— pectoralis, ii. 976. 
ruficeps, ii. 365. 

ruficeps, ii. 964. 

——— stigmatica, ii. 3606. 
stigmatica, ii. 564. 
Mierophthalma calogaster, 1. 245,246. 
sordida, ii. 487. 
Mierosoma, ii. 208. 
MzicnRosTYLUy, i. 168, . 
fulvigaster, 1. 168. 
magnificum, i. 169. 
Mierotrichomma foxrreri, ii. 489. 
intermedia, ii. 489. 
smithi, ii. 489. 

MipArpa, 1. 68, 267. 

Mrpas (Mxpas), i. 70, 267. 
Midas, i. 209, 267. 

—— (Mydas) annularis, i. 79, 268. 
——— basalis, i. 73. 

——— biteeniatus, i. 73. 
biteeniatus, i. 11. 
carbonifer, i. 11. 

——— chrysites, i. 72. 

clavatus, i. 72, 19. 

——- cleptes, i. 72, 

— — (Mydas) crassipes, i. 268, 
crassipes, 1, 71. 

(Mydas) decor, i. 71, 268. 
dives, i. 70. 

——— dives, i. 11. 

——— incisus, i. 73. 

——— interruptus, i. 73. 

lavatus, i. 73. 

—— — (Mydas) militaris, i, 73, 268, 


Midas.(Mydas) quadrilineatus, i. 268. 
(——) rubidapex, i. 70, 267. 
rubidapex, i. 71, 209. 
—— (Mydas) rufiventris, i. 268. 
——- senilis, i, 73. 

—— gubinterruptus, i. 73. 
——— tibialis, i. 73. 

—— üricinctus, 1. 79. 

——— (Mydas) ventralis, 1. 268. 
—— ovirgatus, i. 11. 

(Mydas) vittatus, i. 73, 268. 
vanthopterus, i. 79. 
Mikimyia furcifera, i. 919. 
Mirzsia, iii. 74. 

acuta, iii. 06. 

——— eruciger, ii. 67. 

ornata, iii. 74. 

—— pulchra, iii. 74. 
scutellaris, ii. 69. 
MrrTOGRAMMA, ii. 885, 4893. 
Müiltogramma, ii. 6, 42. 
erythrura, ii. 89. 

—— erythrura, i1. 88, 90, 
—— fulvicornis, ii. 89. 
J'ulvicornis, ii. 88. 

——— nana, ii. 483. 
sarcophagina, ii. 90. 
sarcophagina, 3. 88. 
——— trilineata, ii. 89. 
trilineata, i. 88. 
MiscHOGASTER, li. 585. 
Mischogaster, i1. 977. 

niger, i. 885. 

——— nitidipennis, ii. 385, 
Mixocasrzm, iii. l. 
AMixogaster, ii. 2, 78. 

bellula, iii. 1. 

——— conopsoides, ii. 1. 

—— dimidiata, iii. 90. 
mexicana, iii. l. 
Mixtemyia, ii. 79. 

ephippium, iii. 74. 
Mochlosoma, ii. 215. 

anale, 11. 487. 

——— sericeum, ii. 487. 
validum, 1i. 215, 216. 
Mochtherus, i. 209. 
fuliginosus, 1. 210. 

——- truquüi, i. 210, 828. 
Molynoceelia lutea, ii. 428. 
MonELrL, ii. 301. 

Morellia, ii. 292, 309, 
eallimera, ii. 302. 

—— fulvipes, ii. 511. 

——— nigriceps, ii, 311. 
sarcophagina, ii. 502, 
Morimna mallophoroides, i, 180, 

MoniN1A, ii. 260. 
Morinia, ii, 218, 262, 264. 
—— fumata, ii. 261. 

—— fumata, ii, 260. 
longitarsis, ii. 261. 
—— longitarsis, ii. 260. 
—— trichopoda, ii. 261. 
—— trichopoda, ii. 260. 
Multo, i. 152. 

leucoprocta, i. 141, 142. 
——— obscurus, i. 153. 
MrscA, ii. 299. 

Musca, ài. 291. 
americana, ii. 1. 
analis, ii. 294. 

—— annulata, ii. 913. 
atrifrons, 3i, 510. 
bifasciata, ii. 30. 
ecsar, ii. 297. 
ccsarion, à. 298. 
canicularis, ii. 931. 
consanguinea, i. 294. 
cornicina, ii. 298. 
dentipes, i1. 323. 
——— domestica, ii. 293. 
erythrocephala, ii. 294, 
flavinervis, ii. 310. 
—— gibba, ii. 308. 
longipes, i1, 247. 
macellaria, ii. 297, 
—— meditabunda, i. 302, 303. 
mellina, ii. 11. 
pennipes, 1i. 8. 
prostrata, à. 347. 
qroxima, ài. 310. 


——— sensifera, ii. 310, 

vicina, à. 294. 

violacea, ii. 311. 
Mvscip, ii. 2, 453, 
ACALYPTERJ, ll. 345, 448, 
— — CALXPTER, ii. 9, 456. 
MvsciNa, ii. 804, 

JMuscina, ii. 292, 302, 303. 

—— linea, ii. 304, 

linea, 1. 905. 

— — mexicana, ii. 311. 
pallidicornis, ii. 311. 

—— parilis, ii. 311, 

—— &ripunetata, ii. 305. 

——— vecta, ii. 311. 

MUSCIN, ii. 291. 

Muscopteryx chetosula, ii. 487, 
MyoczroPnirna, i. 220. 

—— — £i. 990. 

—— — — £, i. 230. 

— —— $, i. 991, 

Mycetophila dolosa, i. 920. 

MycxEroPuiripa, i. 1, 217, 377. 

Mna, ii. 316, 

Mydea, ii. 313, 319. 

——— abdita, ii. 346. 

——— concinna, ii. 817. 
concinna, ii. 316. 

——— confinis, ii. 319. 

——— confinis, ii, 316. 

etesia, ii. 346. 
fasciventris, ii. 318. 
fasciventris, ii. 316. 
leucocephala, ii. 318. 
—— leucocephala, ii. 316, 319. 
——— meracula, ii. 346. 
obscura, ii. 317. 

——— obscura, ii. 316. 

— — pansa, ii. 516. 

Mydas, i. 70, 267. 

AMyennis, ii. 393. 

——— scutellaris, ii. 400. 
MYIOLEPTA, iii. 40. 

—— auricaudata, iii. 40, 
strigilata, ii. 40. 
Myiomima, ii. 264. 
sarcophaeina, ii. 263, 
Myiopharus metopia, ii. 210, 
Myioscotiptera cincta, ii. 487. 
MvriosPrLa, ii. 308. 
AMyriospila, i. 292, 302, 304. 
meditabunda, ii. 303. 
MxoBrA, ii. 132. 

Myobia, ii. 7, 49, 139, 140, 147, 186. 

angulata, ii. 136. 
——— angulata, ii. 133. 
——— argenticeps, ii. 135. 
——— argenticeps, ii. 133. 
——— diadema, ii. 137. 
—— diadema, ii. 135, 138. 
flavicornis, ii. 133. 
—— Jflavicornis, ii, 132. 
——— flavipennis, ii. 138. 
Jlavipennis, i. 199. 
grata, ii. 134. 

—— grata, ài. 132, 135. 
——— lepida, ii. 135. 
——— lepida, ii, 132, 198. 
—— longipalpis, ii. 138. 
longipalpis, ii. 133. 
opima, ii. 136. 
—— opima, ii. 133. 
——— securra, ii. 134. 
—— scurra, ii. 132. 
——— succincta, ii. 133. 
——— succincta, ii. 132, 171. 
Myoczna, ii. 236. 
Myocera, ii. 212, 237. 


Myocera rava, ii. 937. 
simplex, ii. 237. 

AM yolepta, iii. 40, 
Myophora, ii. 966. 

AM yospila, i1. 808. 
meditabunda, ii. 308. 
Myoruvnia, ii. 208. 
Myothyria, ii. 44. 
degeerioides, ii, 209. 
— — degeerioides, ii. 208. 
——— majorina, ii. 209. 
—— — majorina, i. 208. 
——— trichosoma, ii. 208. 
MYysTACELLA, ii. 51. 

AMystacella, i1. 41, 42, 58, 90, 167. 

adjuncta, ii. 55. 

adjuncta, i. 51, 52. 

——— flavifrons, ii, 57. 

——— flavifrons, ii. 52. 

——— fuscicostalis, ii. 57. 
fuscicostalis, ii, 52, 69, 488. 
——— ]ineata, ii. 54. 

lineata, ii. 52, 57. 

——— lugubris, ii. 53. 

lugubris, ii. 52. 

postera, ii. 56. 

postera, ii. 52, 

— — yubriventris, ii. 52. 

— —— rubriventris, i1. 51, 56, 480. 
setulosa, ii. 58. 

— — setulosa, ii, 52. 

——— solita, ii, 55. 

——— solita, à. 52. 

——— subeyanea, ii, 58, 

——— subcyanea, ii. 52. 
tessellata, 11. 56. 

tessellata, 11. 52, 

violacea, ii. 53. 

violacea, ii. 52, 54, 57, 488. 

Mystacomyia rubriventris, ii. 489. 

MyxosARGTUS, i. 251. 
—— braueri, i. 251. 
fasciatus, 1. 42, 251. 
scutellatus, i. 201. 


——— meridionalis, iii. 91. 
—— punctulata, iii. 6. 
NEMESTRINIDA, i. 73, 269. 
NEMOCHZTA, ii. 38, 478. 
ANemocheta, 1. 6, Al. 
aberrans, ii. 487. 
crucia, ii. 487. 

——— dissimilis, ii. 39, 478. 
——- dubia, ii. 487, 
frontalis, ii. 478, 

BIOL. CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. IIL, August 1903. 

Nemochseta incerta, ii, 487. 

——— infuscata, ii. 479. 

——— nitida, ii. 479. 
——— nitida, ii. 478. 
pernox, ii. 487. 
NEMORAA, ii. 47. 

infuscata, i, 478. 
jurinioides, ii. 487. 


JNemorca, ii. 6, 29, A1, 42, 46, 48, 


senea, ii. 51. 

——— albopieta, ii. 51. 

bifasciata, ii. 30. 

— — ealoptera, ii. 51. 
clasides, à. A7. 
——— dubia, ii. 51. 

—— erythropyga, ii. 51. 
—— erythropyga, i. AT. 
—— — flavolimbata, ii. 51. 

——— forreri, ii. 49. 

——— intermedia, ii. 48, 489, 

brasiliensis, à. AT. 

forreri, ii, 48, 50, 489. 

——— fulvidapex, ii. 51. 
——— intermedia, ii. 50. 

intrita, ii. 50. 
——— masurius, i. A7. 

—— nigripalpis, ii. 51. 

——— obscurella, ii. 48. 

obscurella, ii. 53. 

smithi, i1. 50. 

——— frivoides, ii. A7. 

variegata, ii. 48. 

NEMOTELUS, i. 251. 


tigrinus, i. 100. 
unicolor, i. 251. 

Neoexaireta rufipalpis, i. 41. 

amabilis, i. 219. 
opima, i. 220. 

ANeomochtherus, 1. 210. 
——— castanipes, 1. 210. 

pallipes, 1. 210. 
——— plebeius, i. 209. 

striatipes, i. 210. 
NEOPTERA, ii. 165. 

ANeoptera, ii, 44, 166, 4806. 

rufa, ii. 166. 

nigriventris, ii. 51. 
nitidiventris, ii. 51. 

occidentalis, ii. 51. 
pictipennis, i. AT. 

smithi, ii. 48, 49, 489, 

polyposus, i, 43, 251, 

glebeius, 1. 210, 328. 
striaticeps, i. 210. 



Neoptera rufa, ii. 211, 264, 486. 
Neorondania obscura, i. 49. 
NERIUS, ii. 964. 

Nerius, i. 369. 

flavifrons, ii. 964. 
pilifer, ii. 364. 

—— plurivittatus, ii. 970. 
xanthopus, 1i, 376. 
Nricocrzs, i, 180. 

ANicocles, i. 181. 

analis, 1. 180. 
scitulus, 1, 314, 315. 
Nusa, i. 318. 

formidolosa, i. 819. 
rubida, i. 318. 
sexpunotata, i. 819. 

Occemyia, iii. 86. 
Ochromuyia, 11. 296. 
OcNzaA, i. 168. 

Ocnea, i. 164. 

grossa, i. 163. 
grossa, 1. 164. 

——— micans, i, 163. 
trichocera, 1, 164. 
——— tumens, 1. 164. 
vittata, 1. 164. 
OcvYPTAMUS, iil. 90. 
Ocyptamus, i. 14. 
dimidiatus, iii. 90. 
fenestratus, iii. 91. 
fraternus, iii, 31. 
——— funebris, iii. 30. 
f'uscicolor, iii, 23. 
——— fuscipennis, ii. 90, 
——— infuscatus, iii. 31. 
——— infuscatus, ii. 30. 
trigonus, iii. 90, 
trigonus, iii, 18. 
OCYPTERA, ii. 5, 449. 
Ocyptera, i. 451, 452. 
atra, ii, 450, 

——— bifasciata, ii. 90. 
ciliata, ii. 434. 
——— dosiades, ii. 450. 
euchenor, i1. 450. 
—— minor, ii, 451. 
—— minor, ii, 450. 
signatipennis, ii. 450, 
—— simplex, ii. 5. 
soror, i1. 5. 

soror, ii. 450. 
OCYPTERINA, ii. 5, 449. 
Odonthomyia lefebruei, i. 245. 
quadrimaculata, 1, 246, 
—— iriteniata, 1. 245. 


Odonthomyia truquü, i, 246. 
viridis, 1. 246. 
Odontomera, ii. 388. 
ferruginea, ii, 388, 889. 
mnaculipennis, i. 988. 
Odontomerus, ii. 388. 
OnpoNTOMYIA, 1. 36, 245. 
——— affinis, 1. 42. 

bicolor, i. 246. 

——— hinotata, i. 2406. 

—— (?) comma, i. 247. 
concinnata, 1. 247. 
dissimilis, 1. 42. 
dissimilis, 1. 247. 
emarginata, i. 42, 
femorata, i. 42. 

—— flavifasciata, i. 42. 
fratella, i, 246. 

——— lefebvrei, i. 42, 245. 
maculifrons, 1. 42. 
megacephala, i. 246 
——— mexicana, i. 377. 
———- prasina, i. 42. 
prasina, i. 245. 

—— quadrimaeulata, i. 42, 246, 
quadrimaculata, i. 247. 
rubricornis, 1, 42, 247. 
rubricornis, 1. 246. 
triteeniata, 1. 36. 

—— üriteniata, i. 245. 
trivittata, i, 2945. 
truquii, 1. 42, 246, 
——— vertebrata, i. 42. 

——- viridis, i. 42, 246. 
OEpasPrs, ii. 408. 

Q:daspis, ii. 401. 

atra, i1. 408. 
Gdicarena, ii. 406, 428. 
persuasa, ii, 406. 

—— fetanops, i1. 406, 407, 428. 
CEdopa elegans, ii. 400. 
COEsTRIDGE, ii. 1, 433. 
Ogcodes, 1. 164. 

Ogcodocera, i. 141. 
dimaidiata, i. 142. 
OrnB1IOGASTER, i, 20, 229, 
Olbiogaster, 1. 21. 

?, i. 229. 

——— cognatus, i. 21. 
cognatus, i. 22, 229. 
———- teniatus, i. 230. 
OLFERSIA, ii. 429, 
Olfersia, i1. 430. 

——— angustifrons, ii. 430. 
angustifrons, ii. 429. 
coriacea, ii. 450. 
coriacea, ii. 429, 

Olfersia mexicana, ii. 430. 
——— villadz, ii. 430. 
—— vulturis, ii. 429. 
OMMATIUS, i. 210, 331. 
Ommanatius, 1. 211. 
P, i. 931. 
fuscipennis, i. 211. 
—— parvus, i. 211, 332. 
—— peregrinus, i. 210, 231. 
peregrinus, 1. 932. 
—— pilosulus, i. 332. 
pumilus, i. 211. 
pumilus, i. 332. 
ONCODES, i. 164. 
—— humeralis, i. 164. 
incultus, i. 165. 
Oxcopoczna, i, 141, 289. 
Oncodocera, i. 76, 100, 142, 144, 
——— analis, i, 288. 
dimidiata, i. 141. 
leucoprocta, i. 142. 
leucoprocta, 1. 141, 284. 
——- valida, i. 142. 
valida, i. 141, 284. 
ONCOXYI1A, iii. 86. 
abbreviata, iii. 86, 
loraria, iii. 86. 
ONESIA, ii. 288. 
Onesia, ii. 265. 
lucilioides, 11. 288, 
lucilioides, i1. 295, 
OnodontAa, i. 323. 
Onychogonia, i1. 480. 
OPHROMYIA, lii. 55. 
Ophromyia, iii. 79. 
——— na&ica, iii. 55. 
Oruvna, ii. 322, 
OpAyra, ài. 319, 524, 
?, 11, 923. 
—— argentina, ii. 323. 
Oplacantha limbata, i. 41. 
mezicana, 1. A1. 
Oplisa, ii. 486. 
albifacies, i1. 263. 
albif acies, ii. 264. 
——— nigrifacies, ii. 263, 
——— nigrifacies, i. 264, 485. 
Ornidia, iii. 43. 
obesa, iii. 50. 
OnxuiTHOMYI1A, lii, 431. 
Ornithomyia, ii. 430. 
avicularia, ii. 431. 
avicularia, ii. 432. 
columbe, ii. 431. 
—— fringillina, ii, 431. 

Ornithomyia pilosula, ii. 432. 
—— gilosula, ii, 431. 
robusta, ii. 43]. 

——— villade, ii. 429, 430. 
viridis, ii, 431. 
Orphnephila, i, 157. 
ORTALINGE, ii, 377. 

Ortalis atomaria, ii. 390. 
——- ligata, ii. 400, 

ochraspis, 1, 400. 
platystoma, ii. 400. 
platystoma, ii. 397. 
Orthoneura hieroglyphica, ii, 7. 
nitida, ii. T. 
Orthoneuromyia, 1. 908. 
Orthonevra, ii. T. 

varipes, iii. 29. 
OsPRIOCERUS, i. 168, 503. 

?, i. 168, 303. 
seacus, i. 168. 

diversus, i. 303. 
OSTRACOC(ELIA, 1l. 292, 
Ostracocalia, ii. 918. 
mirabilis, ii. 992. 
Ouycera, i. 398. 

Oxvydexia, ii. 251. 
Ozodiceronyma mexicana, i. 378. 

Pachyrhina, i. 15. 
PacHYRRHINA, 1. 15, 228. 
Pachyrrhina, i. 18. 

?, 1. 228. 
affinis, 1. 19. 

affinis, i. 15, 228. 

consularis, i. 15, 17. 
cornicina, i. 17. 
crocata, i. 17. 
elegans, i. 17. 
ferruginea, i. 18, 228. 
ferruginea, i. 15. 
——— mexicana, i. 19. 
— — mexicana, i, 15, 17. 
—— nigrolutea, i. 16. 
—— nigrolutea, i, 15, 18. 
——— ordinaria, i. 16. 
ordinaria, i. 19. 
—— proa'ima, i. 18. 
quadrilineata, i. 18, 228. 
suturalis, i. 18. 

usta, i. 17. 

usta, i. 15. 

Palpada scutellata, ii. 63. 

——— superbiens, i. 9. 
PANERYMA, ii. 987. 


Paneryma, ii. 378. 
elongata, ii. 388. 
PawxaowtaA, i. 43, 252. 
analis, 1. 44. 

——— airifera, i. 58. 
aurulans, i. 58, 

— — aurulans, i. 254, 
basilaris, i. 58, 254, 
bicolor, i. 58, 253. 
——— caustica, 1. 44. 
caustica, 1. 254. 

——— flavohirta, i. 58, 254. 
—— flavohirta, i. 253. 
fulvithorax, i. 58. 
illota, i. 254. 

—— illota, i. 253. 

——— incerta, i. 58. 

——— incerta, i. 254, 255. 
———- nigronotata, i. 58, 254. 

——— nigronotata, i. 258, 255. 

——— pavida, i. 253. 

—— pavida, 1. 252. 

—— planiventris, i. 58. 
——— yprasiniventris, i. 45. 
——— pyrausta, i. 493, 253. 
—— pyrausta, 1. 44, 252. 
—— rhinophora, i. 58. 
vÀinophora, i, 44, 253, 
——— rostrifera, 1. 58, 253. 
——— rostrifera, i. 252. 
——— sallei, i. 58. 

——— saussurei, i, 58, 254. 
——- saussurit, i. 253. 
——- semiflava, i. 58, 2593. 
semiflava, 1. 252. 
tenuirostris, i. 58. 

— —— wiedemanni, i. 58, 254. 

——— wiedemanni, 1. 252. 
PANTARBES, i. 151, 
Pantarbes, 1. 77, 152. 
capito, 1. 152, 158. 
pusio, i, 159. 

—-— pusio, i. 152. 

—— willistoni, 1. 153. 
willistont, i. 152. 
Pantophihalmus, i. 65. 
tabannus, i. 66. 
Paracletus, 1. 340. 
PARACLIUS, i. 340. 
Paraclius, i. 336, 337, 941. 
albonotatus, 1. 940. 
albonotatus, 1. 931. 
femoratus, i. 840. 
—— femoratus, i. 3T. 
—— humeralis, i. 340. 
——— humeralis, i. 387. 
——— venustus, i. 340. 

Paraclius venustus, 1. 397. 
PARACOSMUS, 1. 155. 
Paracosmus, 1. 71. 
morrisoni, i. 155. 
Paradidyma validinervis, ii. 489. 
Parag:edia hedemanni, ii. 487. 
Paragorgopis maculata, ii. 400. 
PAnRAGUS, iii. 5. 
dimidiatus, iii. 5. 
tibialis, ii. 5. 
Paramesochseta fuscicostalis, ii. 488, 
PARAMINTHO, ii. 265. 
——— modulata, 1i. 266. 
——— wheeleri, i. 843. 

— preeusta, i. 8. 
Peckia, i1, 287. 
imperialis, ii. 987, 
lamanensis, 11, 288. 
——— gplumipes, ii. 288. 
Pelastoneurus, 1. 337, 941, 842, 
argentiferus, i, 938. 
argentiferus, i. 337. 
bigeminatus, i. 838. 
bigeminatus, i. 391. 
——— cognatus, i. 339. 
cognatus, 1. 997. 
hamatus, i. 3958. 
——— hamatus, 1, 997. 
lineatus, i. 841. 
lugubris, i. 337. 
—— punctipennis, i. 339. 
punctipennis, i. 997. 
unguieulatus, i. 337. 
——— vagans, i. 938. 
vagans, i. 997. 
variegatus, 1. 939. 
Pentium, ii. 6. 
Penthetria heros, i, 5. 
PENTHOSIA, ii. 457. 
Penthosia, ii. 455, 458. 
satanica, ii. 458, 
Petagnia, ii. 208. 
Phalacromya, ii. 40. 
Phalacromyia, iii. 45. 
bellula, iii. 42. 
bellula, ii. 41. 
melanorhina, iii. 43. 
——— pica, iii, 41. 
picta, ii. 41. 
—— pulchra, iii. 41. 
vaga, iii. 42, 
vaga, ii. 41. 
——— vicina, iil. 43. 



Phalacromyia virescens, iii, 42. 

——— virescens, iii. 40. 

——- (?) volucelloides, iii. 43. 

PraNwiN, ii. 5, 450. 

Phasia jugatoria, i. 9. 

PnHASIN, il. 9, 433. 


—— hilimeki, 3i. 910, 211, 264, 486. 

ochraceus, ii. 486. 

PuENEUS, i. 264. 

tibialis, i. 264. 

Philonicus teniatus, 1. 210, 328. 

—— fuvpanganus, 1. 210. 

PnuirorPorA, i. 297. 

conica, i. 298. 

dolorosa, i. 298. 

lugubris, i. 297. 

lugubris, 1. 298. 

——— truquii, i. 163. 

iruquü, i. 298. 


——— simplicior, i. 378. 

PHORBIA, ii. 530. 

Phorbia, ii. 813, 340. 

fuscisquama, ii. 840. 

fuscisquama, ii. 339. 

——— morosa, ii. 339. 

——— prisea, ii. 340. 

prisca, ii. 929. 

Phoricheta satanica, 3. 455. 

PRHOROCERA, il. 75, 483. 

Phorocera, 3i, 6, 41, 42, 44, 86, 87, 
116, 156. 

— — ———, ii. 86. 

appendiculata, ii. 85. 

appendiculata, ii. 77. 

—- — airiceps, ii. 79, 485. 

——— aíriceps, X. 76. 

—— — hbarbata, ii. 87. 

——— carbonaria, ii. 78, 

carbonaria, i. 76. 

cinerea, ii. 8l. 

cinerea, i. 16. 

—— cylindrata, ii. 82. 

cylindrata, ii. 16. 

——— flavicauda, ii. 85. 

——— flavicauda, ii. 76. 

fulviceps, ii. 80. 

Julviceps, à. 76. 

immaculata, ii. 82, 

immaculata, 3. 76. 

—— ]inearis, ii. 86. 

linearis, i. 7T. 

—— — macra, ii, 84, 

macra, i. 77. 

——— melanoceps, ii. 87. 

—— nelanoceps, ii, 489. 



Phorocera muscaria, ii, 83. 
—— qmuscaria, i. 76. 

——- nigrifrons, ii. 81. 
nigrifrons, i. 76. 
——— nigrita, ii. 77. 

——— nigrita, ii. 70, 78. 
——- parva, ii, 87. 

—— parvula, ii. 78. 
parvula, ii. 76, 79. 
rufilabris, ii. 79. 
rufilabris, à. 76. 
scutellaris, ii. 85. 
scutellaris, ii. 7T. 
setigera, i1. 84, 
setigera, ii. 76, 489. 
sobrina, ii. 84. 
sobrina, ii. 76, 483. 
——— tenebricosa, ii. 77. 
tenebricosa, ii. 16, 78. 
tenuiseta, ii, 483. 
——— tenwiseta, ii. 84. 
xanthura, ii. 80, 483. 
vanthura, ii. 16, 83. 
Phorostoma, i1. 222, 
appendiculata, ii. 222. 
PunissoPoDA, ii. 287. 
Phrissopoda, i1. 265, 288. 
immanis, ii. 288. 
imperialis, à. 287. 
lamanensis, ii. 288. 
——— ylumipes, ii. 288, 
praeceps, i. 287. 
Purnimia, i. 155, 288. 
Phthiria, 1. T7, 156, 

albida, i. 290, 

——— albida, i. 289. 

——— alterans, i. 291. 

——— allerans, i. 289. 

— — cingulata, i. 290. 
cingulata, i. 155, 156, 289. 
——— consors, i. 155, 289. 
consors, 1. 156, 288, 290. 
diversa, i. 290. 

——— dolorosa, i. 290. 
dolorosa, 1. 288, 289, 291. 
fuscipes, 1. 290. 
pulchella, i. 289. 
—— punctipennis, 1, 292, 
scolopax, i. 292. 
similis, i. 289. 

——— similis, 1. 288, 290. 
——— sororia, i. 29]. 
sororia, 1. 289. 

—— thlipsomyzoides, i. 156, 291. 
——— ihipsomyzoides, i. 289. 
PHYLARCHUS, 1. 342. 

——— iripartitus, i. 342, 

——— carbonaria, iii. 82. 
——— maxima, iii. 91. 
——- nigrifacies, iii. 82. 
——- ochreiceps, iii. 83. 
ochreiceps, iii. 82, 84. 
sororeula, iii. 83. 
——— sororcula, iii, 82. 
£exana, ii. 84. 

——— xanthops, iii. 83. 
canthops, ii. 82. 
PrALEOIDEA, i. 165. 

—— metallica, i. 165. 
PrP1zA, iii. 6. 

—— (Heringia) ?, iii. 6. 
——- (Pipizella) bellula, iii. 6. 
——— diviaa, iii. 78. 
pulchella, ii. 6. 
Pipizella, ii. 6, 7. 
PrPUNCULIDJE, iii. 86. 
PrPUNCULUS, iii. 86. 
——— aculeatus, iii. 88. 
aculeatus, ii. 8T. 
—— cingulatus, iii. 87. 
elegantulus, iii. 87. 
elegantulus, iii. 86. 
——— flavicornis, iii, 88. 
—— Jflavicornis, iii, 87. 
flavitarsis, iii. 87. 
Jlavitarsis, iii. 86, 
——— subopacus, iii, 88. 
——— subopacus, iii. 8T. 
——— xanthopodus, iii. 87. 

—. PraG1A, ii. 101. 

Plagia, ii. 6, 42, 111, 125. 
ambigua, ii. 102. 
——— americana, ii, 102, 
americana, ii, 101. 
dicta, ii. 487. 
incognita, ii. 103. 
incognita, ii, 101. 
mexicana, li. 487. 
rigidirostris, ii. 102. 
rigidirostris, ii. 101, 103. 
setifrons, ii. 101. 
Plagiocera, iii. 66. 
eruciger, ii. 67. 
Plagiomima disparata, ii. 487. 
PraAG1oTOMA, ii. 405. 
Plagiotoma, ii, 401. 
obliqua, ii. 405. 
Planes, ii. 78. 

vagans, ii. 73. 
Planetolestes, i. 172, 310. 
secabilis, i. 171. 
——— secabilis, i. 810. 

Platynochrtus niger, iii. 90. 
trivialis, i. 375. 
PraATYPEZIDA, iii. 89. 
Platystoma latipenne, ii. 413. 
—— — mexicanum, ii. 400. 
——— ocellatum, ii. 395. 
PraTYvUna, i. 218. 
elegans, i. 218. 
elegantula, i. 218. 
—-—— pictipennis, i, 218, 
PrzctiA, i. 2, 291. 

——— bicolor, i. 3. 

bicolor, i. 5, 229. 
——— eollaris, i. 222, 
heros, i. 5. 
heteroptera, i. 9. 
nigerrima, i. 5, 221. 
——— plagiata, i. 2, 22]. 
——— quadrivittata, i. 222, 
rostellata, i. 2, 
rostellata, i. 3. 
rostrata, i. 2, 3. 
ruficollis, i. 3, 221. 
—— ruficollis, i. 5. 

—— similis, 1, 2, 

——- viliata, i. 2, 
———- bifasciata, i. 217. 
——— mexicana, i, 377. 
zonata, i. 377. 
Ploas, i. 77, 153. 
Paocilanthraz, i. 113, 119. 
Paocilobothrus, 1. 337, 342. 
Jlavicoxa, i, 841, 
ungwuiculatus, 1. 937. 
PocilognatAÀus, i. 156, 988, 
tAlipsomyzoides, i. 201. 
PocoNowvra, ii. 334. 
Pogonomyia, ii, 313, 335. 
aterrima, ii. 335. 

Pogonosoma arachnoides, i. 186. 

Polietes, ii, 314. 
PortoNoTa, ii. 409. 
Polionota, ii, 401. 

mucida, ii. 410. 

——— radians, ii. 410, 
PorvcasrER, ii. 139. 
Polygaster, ii. 43, 140, 186, 484. 
egregia, ii, 139. 
PoLYMEDON, i. 333. 
argentatus, i. 394. 
argentatus, 1. 3393. 
castus, i. 933. 

——— fiabellifer, i. 334. 
Jlabellifer, i. 838, 395. 
—— nimius, i. 934. 


Polymedon nimius, i. 333, 885. 
superbus, i, 335. 
superbus, i, 333, 334. 
——— triangularis, i. 835. 

— — triangularis, i. 333, 334. 
PorvwonPnHoMviA, ii. 410. 
Polymorphomyia, ii. 401. 
basilica, ii. 410, 411. 
pilosula, ii. 411. 
Pomacera, i. 219. 

Priomerus bimaculatus, iii. 68. 
scutellatus, iii. 69. 
PnocTACANTHUS, i. 200, 397. 
Proctacanthus, i. 907. 
brevipennis, i. 900, 

——— craverii, i. 207, 327. 
eraveri, i. 206. 

——— exquiaitus, 1. 2006. 
mülbertüi, i. 200. 
rufiventris, i. 207. 
zamon, i, 327. 
PnoMacHvs, i. 192, 321, 
Promachus, i. 196, 320. 

?, i. 193. 

?, 1. 195. 

albifacies, i. 195. 
albifacies, i. 192. 

anceps, i, 194, 321. 
anceps, i. 192, 195. 

——— bastardi, 1. 192, 193. 
cinctus, 1. 193, 321. 
cinctus, i. 192. 

—— fitchüi, i. 192. 

forfex, 1. 194, 32]. 
forfev, i. 192. 
fuscipennis, i. 192, 194, 195, 
——— magnus, i. 196. 

—— magnus, 1. 192. 

—— nobilis, i. 196. 

——— nobilis, i. 192. 
piladelphicus, i. 193. 
—— princeps, i. 192. 

—— pulchellus, i. 197. 
pulchellus, i. 192. 
quadratus, 1. 197. 
quadratus, i. 192, 198, 194, 

rufipes, i. 192. 

——— sp. ?, i. 192. 

sp. ?, i. 192. 

—— trapezoidalis, i. 197. 
—— trapezoidalis, i. 192, 193, 320. 
—— truquii, i. 197, 322. 
—— truquii, i. 192. 
vertebratus, 1. 192, 193. 
Prorhynchops bilimeki, ii. 487. 
PROSENA, ii. 214. 


Prosena, ii, 911, 215, 218, 225, 238. 
curvirostris, ii. 217. 
curvirostris, ii. 214. 

lacertosa, ii. 215. 

lacertosa, i. 214. 

longitarsis, ii. 215. 

— — maculifera, ii. 218, 239. 
——— mel:na, ii. 217. 

— — melena, ii. 214, 215. 
— — mexicana, ii. 218. 

mexicana, ii. 217. 
obscura, ii. 218. 
obscura, ii. 234. 
siberita, ii, 214. 
tessellans, ii. 210. 
tessellans, i1. 214, 215. 
——— valida, ii. 215. 

valida, ii. 214, 910. 
Prosopea americana, ii, 484. 
Prosopea, ii. 210. 

americana, i. 210. 
PnosPHERYSA, ii. 116, 484, 
Prospherysa, ii. 43, 111, 125, 210. 
semulans, ii, 117. 

—— emulans, ii. 116, 488. 
——— albifacies, ii. 121. 
albifacies, ii. 117. 

——— americana, ii. 484, 
apicalis, ii. 122. 
apicalis, à. 117. 

——— bhalteata, ii. 194. 

——— balteata, ài, 117. 

——— comosa, ii. 119. 
comosa, ii. 116. 
contigua, ii. 120. 

——— contigua, ii. 116, 210, 484. 
——— crebra, ii, 120. 

crebra, ii. 117, 121. 
—— ingloria, ii. 119. 

——— ingloria, ii. 116. 

—-—— macilenta, ii. 122. 
—— qmacilenta, i. 117. 
—— — minuta, ii. 123, 

minuta, i. 117, 124. 
ochricauda, ii. 118. 
ochricauda, ii. 116. 
parvipalpis, ii. 124. 
parvipalpis, ii. 117. 
——— plagioides, ii. 125. 
—— plagioides, ii. 117. 
——— rectinervis, ii, 123. 
rectinervis, i. 117. 
rufifrons, ii. 121. 
rufifrons, i. 117. 
serotina, ii. 124. 
serotina, i. 117. 
—— t1rifasciata, ii, 118. 


Prospherysa trifasciata, ii. 116. 
vilis, ii. 121. 

vilis, 1. 117. 
Pseudatrichia longurio, i. 163. 
Pseudogonia, ii. 480. 
Pseudomorinia, ii. 218. 
pictipennis, ii. 260, 
PsEvDoRus, i. 183, 815. 
bicolor, i. 183, 315. 
piceus, i. 188, 315. 
PsrLA, ii. 361, 

——— exigua, ii. 361. 
PsrurN, ii. 9060. 
Ps1ILOCEPHALA, 1. 297. 
Psilocephala, 1. 162. 
festina, 1. 297. 

nigra, i. 163. 

notata, i. 297. 
platancala, i. 162. 
stigmaticalis, 1. 162. 
sumichrasti, i. 163. 
univittata, i. 165, 297. 
PsrrocurnRus, i. 308. 
caudatus, i. 908, 
modestus, 1. 908. 
nudiusculus, 1. 308. 
Psilopodinus astequinus, 1. 351. 
PsrLoPus, i. 214, 550. 
Psilopus, i. 851, 965. 
argentatus, 1. 961. 
argentatus, i. 353. 
atricauda, 1. 557. 
atricauda, i, 952. 
atrolamellatus, i. 850. 
atrolamellatus, 1. 852. 
——— barbatus, i. 559. 
barbatus, 1. 952. 

——- basilaris, 1. 362. 
basilaris, 1. 950, 552. 
—— bellulus, i. 355. 
bellulus, 1. 351. 
bifimbriatus, i. 553. 
bifimbriatus, 1. 951. 
calcaratus, 1. 852. 
caudatulus, i. 360. 
——— caudatus, i. 960. 
caudatus, 1, 852, 950, 304. 
chrysoprasius, i. 359. 
ciliatus, i. 3593. 
ciliipes, i. 955. 
cilüpes, i. 351, 558. 
——— clavipes, i. 963. 
clavipes, i. 853. 
comatus, 1, 961]. 
comatus, 1. 952, 362. 
——— coxalis, 1. 957. 


Psilopus coxalis, i. 952. 
erinitus, i. 952. 
——— depressus, i. 959. 
——— depressus, 1. 852. 
———- diffusus, 1. 355. 
—— diffusus, 1. 951. 
——— dimidiatus, i. 214. 
dimidiatus, 1. 951, 365. 
——- flavicoxa, i. 362. 
flavicoxa, i. 958. 
—— Jflavipes, 1. 853, 
forcipatus, i. 362. 
forceipatus, i. 959. 
——— genualis, i. 358. 
genualis, i. 352, 
gracilis, i. 952. 
—— guíttula, i. 851. 
——— hereticus, i. 214. 
hirtipes, i. 961. 
hirtipes, 1. 958. 
imperator, i. 859. 
incisuralis, i. 214. 
inermis, i. 552. 
inornatus, i. 356. 
——— inornatus, i. 552. 
—— insularis, i. 553. 
——— interceptus, i. 563, 
interceptus, 1. 953. 
jucundus, i. 852. 
lepidus, i. 214. 
——— melampus, i. 214, 354. 
melampus, i. 351. 
——- nobilissimus, i. 360. 
mobilissimus, 1. 352. 
patibulatus, 1. 351, 354. 
pennifer, i, 363, 
pennifer, i. 953. 
——— peractus, i. 214. 
permodieus, i. 214. 
pilicornis, 1, 951. 
——— pilosus, i. 850, 352. 
preestans, 1. 954. 
——— prestans, i. 901. 
——- purpuratus, i, 358, 
—— purpuratus, i. 352. 
——— purpureus, 1. 862, 
purpureus, i. 953. 
scaber, 1. 352. 
scobinator, i, 322. 
similis, i. 359. 
similis, i. 352. 
sipho, i. 353. 
solidus, i. 214. 
——— tonsus, i. 364. 
tonsus, 1. 302. 


——— triseriatus, i. 356. 
——— iriseriatus, 1, 952. 

Psilopus viridicoxa, i. $59. 
Psychoda punctatella, i. 377. 
PsvcHODIDJ, 1. 6, 977. 
PrzcriCUS, i. 24, 256. 
Ptecticus, 1. 239. 
concinnus, i. 258. 
——— cyanifrons, i. 297. 
—— figlinus, i. 24, 256. 
—— Afiglinus, i. 25, 238. 
flaviceps, i. 42. 
leoninus, i. 25. 

—— maculatus, i. 258. 
—— nitidipennis, i. 237. 
remeans, i. 25. 

——— repensans, i, 25. 
sackeni, i. 297. 
testaceus, i. 42, 256. 
testaceus, 1, 25, 297. 


trivittatus, 1. 2977. 
PTEROCALLA, ii. 993. 
Pterocalla, ii. 378. 

bella, ii. 400. 
costalis, 1i, 396, 
eostalis, ii. 994. 
fenestrata, ii. 304. 
fenestrata, ii. 895, 
——— obscura, ii. 400. 
ocellata, ii. 595. 
ocellata, i. 893, 3006. 
quadrata, ii. 504. 
quadrata, à. 393, 390. 
— — tarsata, ii. 905. 
tarsata, ii. 304. 
PrEnRoPTILA, iii. 66. 
crucigera, iii, 66, 
crucigera, ii. 67. 
loewi, iii. 67. 
zonata, iii. 67. 

Ptilodegeeria obumbrata, ii. 189, 

PurrPAnA, ii. 429. 
Puygophora, ii. 841, 
Pygostolus, i. 180. 
PynELLI1A, ii. 209, 
Pyrellia, ii. 291, 302. 

?, i1. 300. 
——— iris, ii. 299. 

——— maculipennata, ii. 311. 
——— obscuripes, ii. 311. 
—— oehrifacies, ii. 311. 
——— seapulata, ii. 300, 
——— scordalus, ii. 311. 
specialis, ii. 311. 
——— suspicax, ii. 299. 
——— violacea, ii. 311. 
Pvnaora, ii. 378, 
Pyrgota, ii. 917. 

, Var. eyantfrons, i. 297. 

Pyrgota lugens, ii. 378. 

undata, ii, 378, 319. 
Pyropa furcata, ii, 851. 
Pyrrhosia ochracea, ii. 211, 486. 
Pyrrosia ochracea, ii. 263, 
ochracea, ii, 264. 

RacHICERUS, i, 62, 

Japhiocera, i. 25. 

RuacnHicEnvs, i. 62, 

Jhachicerus, i, 65. 

—— bellus, i. 62. 

—— nigripalpus, i. 63. 

RzuacorzriS, ii. 408. 

Jhagoletis, 31. 401, 409. 

striatella, 11. 408. 

——— striatella, 1. 409. 

Rhamphidia | chaliybeiventris, 1. 

Rhamphinina, ii. 225. 

antÀracina, i. 218, 225, 234. 

—— dubia, ii. 225, 236, 

—— formidabilis, i1. 220, 225. 

major, ii. 229, 230. 

RuHAMPHOMYIA, 1. 271. 

cyanogaster, 1. 971. 

——- furcifer, i, 371. 

tolteca, i. 371. 

HuaAPHIOCERA, i. 25. 

Ahaphiocera, i. 239, 240. 

armata, i. 239. 

——- caloptera, i. 26. 

—— hortulanus, i. 239. 

——— pampinus, i. 25. 

—— pampinus, 1. 239. 

RuaPuionnyNCHUS, i. 606. 

Ahaphiorhynchus, 1. 683, 65, 67. 

erassipalpis, i. 66, 67. 

——— planiventris, i. 66. 

planiventris, i. 65, 67. 

RurxGt1A, iii. 40. 

JRhingtia, iii. 66. 

nigra, iii. 40. 

RurNoPHona, ii. 205. 

JRhinophora, ii. 44. 

—— atramentaria, i. 205. 

—— |evigata, ii. 205. 

— — melania, ii. 205. 

RurNoTOnA, ii. 980. 

Rhinotora, ii, 977. 

——— diversa, ii. 400. 

—— diversa, ii. 980. 

—— pluricellata, ii. 380. 

——— sp., ii. 880. 

RurPrD1A, i. 226. 

——— subpectinata, i. 226. 



RuowxBoTHYniA, ii. 259. 
Jhombothyria, i. 213. 
flavicosta, ii. 259, 
lHOPALOMERA, ii. 379. 
JAopalomera, ii. 377, 380. 
pleuropunctata, ii, 400. 
——— sp., ii. 379. 
xanthops, ii. 488, 
Ahynchiodevia, i. 225. 
Lincticornis, i1. 228. 
RHYyNCHOCEPHALUS, i. 73, 269. 
9, 1, 73. 
——— volaticus, i. 269. 
volaticus, 1. 13. 
HuvNcnopExia, ii. 225. 
Jhynchoderia, ii. 212, 218, 236, 
——— angulata, ii. 233. 
—— angulata, ii. 226, 236. 
——— anthracina, ii. 234. 
——— anthracina, ii. 226. 
——- conjuncta, ii. 228. 
conjuncta, ii. 226, 229. 
discolor, ii. 227. 
discolor, i1. 226. 
——— fraterna, ii. 229. 

ht ob5 

——— fraterna, ii. 226, 245, 

imitatrix, ii. 236. 
—— ümnitatriz, i. 227. 
macroptera, ii. 292, 
macroptera, i. 2206. 
——- omissa, ii. 235. 
———- omissa, ii, 227, 236. 
—— planifrons, ii. 234. 
planifrons, ii. 226. 
prousta, ii. 295. 
—— preusta, i. 227. 
—— punctipennis, ii. 233. 
—— punctipennis, ii. 226. 
rubricornis, ii, 250. 
rubricornis, ii. 226, 
——— rufianalis, ii. 291. 
rufianalis, ài. 220. 
rutilans, ii. 227. 

— —— rutilans, i1. 226. 
scutellata, ii. 280. 
— —— scutellata, ii. 226. 
——— simulans, ii. 229. 
simulans, ii. 226. 
——— striata, ii. 294. 

, —— striata, ii. 226, 285. 

strigilata, ii. 232. 
strigilata, ii. 220. 

——— tinetieornis, ii, 228. 
Ltincticornis, ii. 225, 226. 
—— varipes, ii. 231. 

Rhynchodeaia varipes, ii, 226. 
Ruvpuripa, i. 20, 229, 
Aihyphus, i. 20, 21. 
icniatus, i. 21. 
RicHARDIA, ii, 885. 
Jiichardia, i1. 878, 387, 388. 
concinna, ii. 387. 
concinna, ii. 385, 

—— elegans, ii. 386, 
elegans, ii. 385. 
podagrica, ii. 385, 
podagrica, ii. 386, 
saltatoria, i. 385. 
viridiventris, ii, 386, 
virtdiventris, ii. 385. 
RavELLIA, ii. 381. 
Jüvellia, i, 577, 400. 
conjuncta, ii. 383. 
conjuncta, i. 382. 
——— connecta, ii. 983. 
connecta, i1. 382. 
flexuosa, ii. 585. 
Jlexwuosa, i, 982. 
longicornis, ii. 384, 
longicornis, i. 981, 382. 
micans, ii. 382, 
micans, ii, 881, 983. 
——— occulta, ii. 332. 
occulta, ii. 381. 

——— pilosula, ii. 834, 
qilosula, i. 381, 382. 
——— submetallica, 1i. 382. 
submetallica, i1. 981. 
KRogenhofera, ii, 312. 
-Romaleosyrphus, ii. 72. 
villosus, iii. 72. 
Rutilia, 1. 223. 

anchorata, ii. 29. 
cothurnata, iii. 29. 
cothurnata, ii. 28. 
limbipennis, iii. 29. 
limbipennis, ii. 26. 
nigra, iii. 29. 

——— nigra, iii. 28. 

nova, iii. 90. 

—— pygophora, iii. 29. 
pygophora, iii. 28. 
Sapromyza innuba, ii. 488. 
plagosa, ii. 488. 
sonax, ii. 488, 

——— stata, ii, 488. 

urina, ii. 488. 
vinnula, ii. 488. 
SARCIONUS, i. 941, 



Sarcionus, i. 336. 
flavicoxa, i. 341. 
flavicoxa, 1. 887. 
—— lineatus, i. 341. 
lineatus, 1. 931. 
SancoPHAGA, ii. 266. 
Sarcophaga, i. 90, 250, 265, 287, 
acanthoptera, ii, 271. 
acanthoptera, ii. 267. 
—— sgequata, ii. 286. 
——— equata, ii. 269, 287. 
——— afficta, ii. 2806. 
afficta, 11. 269. 
——— claripalpis, ii. 280. 
claripalpis, à. 268. 
conclausa, ii. 287. 
——— conjungens, ii. 272. 
conjungens, ii. 207. 
——— debilis, ii. 279. 
debilis, i1. 268. 
——- deleta, ii. 282, 
——— deleta, ii. 268. 
——— despensa, ii. 287. 
diversinervis, ii. 274. 
diversinervis, à. 268. 
——— effrenata, 11, 287. 
— — errabunda, ii. 278. 
——— errabunda, ii. 268, 279. 
fortipes, i1, 288. 
fuscianalis, ii. 275. 
Juscianalis, i. 268, 274. 
immanis, ii, 288. 
innota, ii. 287. 
intermutans, ii. 288. 
micropyga, ii. 279. 
micropyga, i1. 268. 
oberrans, ii. 283. 
oberrans, à. 268. 
obsoleta, ii. 290. 
ochripyga, ii. 285. 
ochripyga, ii. 969, 287. 
——— perneta, ii. 287. 
pexata, ii. 284. 
pexata, 11. 269, 285. 
plinthopyga, ii. 287. 
plumigera, ii. 273. 
—— plumigera, i1, 268. 
——- preceps, i1. 287. 
——— pra&volans, ii. 275. 
——— pre volans, ii. 268, 287. 
——— pusiola, ii. 278. 
——— pusiola, ii, 268, 
rufipalpis, à. 280. 
— — rufitibia, ii. 270. 
——— rufitibia, 3. 267, 911. 
setulosa, ii, 276. 



Sarcophaga setulosa, ii. 268. 

spinigena, ii. 287. 

——— stellata, ii. 272. 

stellata, ii. 207, 9739. 

sueta, 1i. 28]. 

sueta, ii. 208. 

——— sgurrubea, ii. 273. 

——— surrubea, ii. 207. 

tenuiventris, i1. 282, 

Lenwiventris, 3. 208. 

tridens, ii. 281. 

——— tridens, ii. 268. 

trigonomaculata, ii. 287. 

——— tripartita, ii. 284. 

—— íripartita, i. 209. 

triplasia, ii. 283. 

—— iriplasia, ii. 269. 

trivialis, i1. 277. 

—— trivialis, 11. 208, 287. 

trivittata, ii. 287. 

turbata, ii. 276. 

—— turbata, i. 268, 27T. 

—— — uncata, ii. 277. 

— — uncata, ii, 268, 278, 279. 

vagabunda, ii. 270. 

——— vagabunda, ii. 207. 

— — ventricosa, ii. 274. 

ventricosa, 1. 268. 

villipes, ii. 269. 

villipes, ii. 267. 

volucris, ii. 285. 

volucris, i. 269. 

xanthopyga, ii. 271. 

vanthopyga, i. 267. 



Sarcophagula, ii. 265, 279. 

——— canuta, ii. 289. 

imbecilla, ii. 289. 

——— tenuis, ii. 290, 

tenuis, ii. 289. 

SARGUS, i. 23, 231. 

Sargus, i. 24, 932, 253, 242. 

5, i. 23, 231. 

alchidas, 1. 25. 

aureus, i. 41. 

c:esius, 1. 41, 252. 

clavatus, i. 41, 

clavatus, i. 23. 

coarctatus, i. 9 

eoarctatus, i. € 

——— concinnus, i. 2: 
contractus, i. 23. 

——— cuprarius, 1. 24. 

——— cyanifrons, i. 237, 

—— filiformis, i, 232. 

inf'uscatus, 1. 24, 



Sargus latus, i. 41. 

——- linearis, i. 41. 
lucens, i. 23, 231. 
—  nigrifemoratus, i. 41. 
notatus, i. 231, 232. 
pallipes, ii. 23. 
——— sallei, i. 41. 

sp., i. 377. 

——— speciosus, i. 41. 
speciosus, i, 231. 
——— splendens, i. 41. 
——— stamineus, i. 41. 
stamineus, 1. 234. 
——— subinterruptus, i. 41. 
tenuiventris, 1. 231. 
testaceus, i. 286, 237. 
——— versicolor, i. 41. 
SAnoroGon, i. 179, 912. 
Saropogon, i. 178. 

affinis, 1. 178. 

—— bicolor, i. 179. 
bigoti, 1. 178. 
brunneus, 1. 178. 
eraverii, i. 178. 
——— euantlensis, i. 175. 
dubius, i. 178. 
goniostigma, i. 178. 
—— jalapensis, i. 177. 
nigripennis, 1. 179. 
— — nigripes, 1. 178. 
—— pulcherrima, i. 312. 

— — rubescens, i. 176. 

——— sallei, i. 174. 

——— secabilis, i. 171. 

——— senex, i. 179. 

——— tricolor, i. 179. 

virescens, i. 179. 

SAUNDERSIA, ii, 18, 462, 

Saundersia, ii. 5, 7, 22, 23, 94, 27. 

albomaculata, ii. 21, 464. 

albomaculata, ii. 19, 463. 

——— aurea, ii, 457. 

bicolor, ii. 26. 

——— bipartita, ii, 25, 465. 

—— bipartita, ii. 19, 26, 98, 463, 

——— cana, ii. 25. 

cana, ii. 19, 463, 

consanguinea, ii. 465, 

consangwuinea, à. 463. 

——— femorata, ii, 464, 

—— femorata, ii. 463, 

——— flavitarsis, ii. 27. 

——— lieta, ii. 465. 

——— leta, ii. 463, 

——— ]aticornis, ii. 90. 

—— laticornis, 3, 19, 463. 

Saundersia macula, ii. ?1. 
macula, ii. 19, 22, 463. 
——— maculata, à. 22. 
montivaga, ii. 463, 
montivaga, i. 464. 
—— — nigriventris, ii. 24. 
——— nigropilosa, ii. 23, 464. 

—— nigropilosa, ii. 19, 463, 477. 

——— ochripes, ii. 19. 
ochripes, ii. 463, 
ornata, ii. 27. 

——— picea, ii. 487. 

rufipes, ii. 27. 

—— rufitibia, ii. 24, 464. 
—— rufitibia, ii. 19, 463. 
——— rufopilosa, ii. 22, 464. 
—— rufopilosa, ii. 19, 23, 463. 
——— testacea, ii. 24, 465. 
testacea, ii. 19, 25, 463. 
——— Xruncaticornis, ii. 26. 

——— truncaticornis, ii, 19, 463, 4606. 

—— — unicolor, ii. 23, 464. 

Sceva, iii. 14. 
disnidiata, ii. 80. 
marginata, iii. 25, 
obliqua, iii. 19. 
—— pgolita, ii. 25. 
staminea, i. 234, 
Scatina, ii. 348. 
SCATOPHAGA, ii. 550. 
Scatophaga, à. 948, 951. 
ccenosa, ii. 351. 
reses, ii. 351. 
reses, ii. 849, 350. 
squalida, ii. 351. 
vittata, 11. 850. 
Schineria, ii. 89. 

—— ruficauda, ii. 36. 
SCHGNOMYZA, ii. 346. 
Schanomysza, i. 913. 
pulicaria, ii. 246, 
ScrAnA, i. 1, 221. 
———- americana, i, 1, 221. 
—— umericana, i. 2. 
——— aíra, i, 1, 2. 
cognata, i. 1l. 
gigantea, i. 2. 
precipua, i. 1. 
——- rotundipennis, i. 2. 
striata, i. 377. 
unicolor, i. 2. 
Scinaz, i. 296. 
Scropnounia, i. 976. 
—— mexicana, i. 376. 
ScroMvza, ii. 354. 
——- infuscata, ii. 355. 

unicolor, ii. 19, 24, 463, 465. 


Seiomyza infuscata, ii. 354. 
nana, ii. 355. 

nana, i. 356. 

serena, ii. 356. 
serenrt, 3. 355. 
squalens, 1i, 3506. 
——— squalens, ii. 364, 355. 
strigata, 1i. 555. 
SCIOMYZINJE, ii, 354. 
SCIOPHILA, i. 219. 

—— ——— 2, i. 219. 

—— popoeatepetli, 1. 2. 
Scleropogon, i. 168, 169. 
lugubris, i. 304. 
truquii, i. 303. 
£ruquát, i. 304. 
Scopolia, 31. 458. 

satanica, i1. 455, 458. 
ScoTIPTERA, ii. 293. 
Scotiptera, i1. 211, 224, 225. 
——— cyanea, ii, 487. 

——— melaleuea, ii. 224. 
varipennis, ii. 224, 
Seilopogon, 1. 173. 
Senobasis auricinctus, i, 172. 
Senopterina, 3i. 380. 
SEPEDON, ii. 359. 
Sepedon, ii. 854. 
nigriventris, i1. 359. 
nubilipennis, ii. 360. 
—— nubilipennis, i. 359, 

——— yprzenilosus, ii. 560. 
relictus, ii. 359. 

Sepsis gerinii, i1, 389. 
Serdcocera pictipennis, i1. 249. 
Sigmatomera flavipennis, i. 19. 
SIMULIIDAE, i. 5, 223. 
SIMULIUM, i. 5, 223. 

argus, i. 223. 

cinereum, i. 5. 

——— mexicanum, i. 5. 

——- ochraceum, i. 5. 
SiPHONA, li. 125. 

Siphona, ii. 7, 49, 126. 

?, 1i. 126. 

——— diluta, ii. 126. 

futilis, ii. 195. 
Siphoniomyta, i. 925, 475, 476. 
melas, i, 225, A75. 
Somomyia argentifera, à. 298. 
aztequina, à. 207. 

—— callipes, ii. 310. 
flavigena, ii. 310. 

—— fulbinota, i1, 911. 
mutabilis, i. 510. 
gallidibasis, 3i. 9310. 

BIOL. CENTR.-AMER., Dipt., Vol. IIL,, 4ugust 1905. 

Somomaie pueblensis, ii. 310. 
Sophia, à. 223. 

——— füllipes, i1, 224. 
punctata, ii. 223, 224. 
Spallanzania, ii. 480. 
SPARNOPOLIUS, i. 154, 237. 
Sparnopoltus, i. 1T. 
brevicornis, i. 154. 
diversus, i. 287. 

—— fulvus, i. 287. 
Spazigaster bacchoides, ii. 33. 
SPILERINA, li. 205. 
Spherina, ii. 44. 
nitidula, ii. 206. 
Spherophoria, ii. 23, 24. 
?, iii, 23 


?, nii, 22. 

—— — — f, iii. 22. 

?, iii, 25. 

—— eoylindrica, ii. 21. 
——— fulvicauda, iii. 23. 
——— müicrura, iii. 21. 

——— naasuta, iii. 23. 

——— pachypyzgna, iii. 23. 
——— picticauda, iii. 21. 
rostrata, iii. 23. 
syrphica, iii. 90. 
trilimbata, iii. 23. 
varipennis, i. 296. 
Sphivcapata, ii. 88. 

Sphivea, iii. 74. 
SpAivimorpha, ii. 74. 
SpAyzimorphka nigra, ii. 77. 
vufibasis, ii. 78. 
Sphyxosoma, iii. 79. 
SPILOGASTER, ii. 319. 
SSpilogaster, i. 307, 318, 316. 
abdita, ii. 346. 
copiosa, ii. 321. 
——— copiosa, i. 320. 

——— discreta, ii. 322. 
—— discreta, i. 320. 
etesia, ii. 346. 
meracula, ii. 346. 
pansa, ii. 916. 

—— parvula, ii. 921. 
parvula, ii. 320. 
——— refusa, ii. 346, 

—— rubripalpis, ii. 320. 
scva, ii. 329, 

——— scabra, ii. 346. 

——— sera, ii. 346. 
signatipennis, ii. 322. 
——— signatipennis, ii. 320. 
trigonata, ii. 320. 



Spilogaster trigonata, ii, 319. 

SPILOGRAPHA, ii. 406. 
Spilographa, ii. 401, 428. 
concolor, ii. 408. 
concolor, ii. 406. 
electa, ii. 406. 
——— jlavonotata, i. 406. 
latifrons, ii. 407. 
latifrons, ii. 406. 
——— obfuscata, ii. 406. 
obfuscata, ii. 407. 
——— gersuasa, ii. A06. 
——- rufata, ii. 407. 
——— rufata, ii. 406. 
——— striata, 1i. 406. 
— — tetanops, ii, 428, 
tetanops, ii. 406, 407. 
SPILOMYIA, iii. 73. 

—— pallipes, iii. 74. 
——— pleuralis, iii. 74. 
Spilosia, ii. 58. 
Spogostylum, i. 275. 
Steneretma, ii, 387. 
STENODEXIA, ii. 246. 
SStenodexia, ii. 212. 
albicincta, ii. 246. 
STENOMACRA, ii. 989, 
Stenomacra, ii. 378, 387. 
guerini, ii. 389. 
STENOPOGON, i. 168, 
Stenopogon, i. 303, 304. 
fuscolimbatus, i. 169, 
iruquai, i. 169, 804. 
iStenopterina, ii. 871. 
alligata, ii. 381. 
—— alligata, ii. 880. 

——— mexicana, ii. 380. 
mexicana, i. 981. 
IStevenia, i1. 455. 

——— pallidiventris, ii. 456. 
STIBASOMA, i, 56. 
——— fulvohirtum, 1. 57. 


?, i. 170. 
— — candidus, i. 171. 
catulus, i. 170. 
trifasciatus, i. 170. 
STICTOMYIA, li, 380. 
Stictomyla, 3. 917. 
longicornis, ii. 380. 

(Mixtemyia) ephippium, iii. 

cerulescens, ii, 380, 381. 

flavocalyptrata, ii. 455, 

pachycephalum, i, 378. 


Stomatodexia, i1. 219. 
cothurnata, ii. 239. 
cothurnata, ii. 218. 
——— similigena, ii. 239. 
SrToMoxs, ii. 202. 
Stomoxvys, ii. 291. 

——— aculeata, ii. 292. 
——— calcitrans, ii. 292. 
cothurnata, ii. 239. 
pungens, i. 292. 
—— sugillatrix, à. 299. 
——— tessellata, ài. 292. 
STONYX, i. 04, 274. 
Stonyx, i. 75, 80, 95, 273. 
clelia, i. 95. 

clelia, 1. 80, 96. 
——- clotho, i. 95, 274. 
clotho, i. 80. 

——- lacera, i. 274. 

——- lelia, i. 274. 

—— — melia, i. 274. 
STRATIOMYIA, i. 96, 248. 

——— bimaculata, i. 42, 248. 

——— constricta, i. 42. 
——— euchlora, i. 42. 
——— euchlora, i. 245. 
——— fenestrata, 1. 42. 
gerstaeckeri, i. 42. 
——- goniphora, i. 42. 
—— — mutabilis, i. 37, 248, 
—— mutabilis, i. 248. 
—— pinguis, i. 42. 
——— gubalba, i. 97, 248. 
——— trivittata, i. 49. 

STRATIOMYIDJE, i. 22, 230, 377. 

Stratiomys, i. 96. 
albitarsis, 1, 243. 
bimaculata, i. 248. 
goniphora, i. 42. 
lefebvrei, 1. 245. 
—— pinguis, 1. 42. 
subalba, i. 97. 
trivittata, 1. 42, 245. 
Stylogaster ethiopa, iii, 91. 
——— minuta, iii. 91. 
—— stylosa, iii. 91. 
SUBULA, i. 22. 

Subula, i. 23, 230. 
americana, i. 22, 23. 
elongata, i. 22. 
elongata, i. 23. 
—— fulviventris, i. 23. 
marginata, i. 23. 
—— pallipes, i. 230. 
SYMPYCNUS, 1. 844, 
Sympyenus, i. 345. 

——— angustipennis, i, 344, 

Sympyenus coxalis, i. 344. 
——- coxalis, i. 945. 

— falco, i. 845. 
—— similis, i. 845. 
——- varipes, i. 344, 
SvNECHES, i. 374. 
quadrangularis, i. 374. 
Syntares, ii. 887. 
Syntomocera, ii. 241. 
SvNTORMON, i. 342. 
——— quadratus, i. 342. 
SYRITTA, iii. 73. 
——— americana, ii. 79. 
—— mexicana, iii. 73. 
——— vagans, iii. 73. 
SYRPHID4E, iii. 1, 89. 
SYRPHUS, iii. 14. 
Syrphus, iii. 15, 31. 
?, iii. 16. 
—— ———£, iii. 17. 
——— americanus, iii. 15. 
—— bacchides, iii. 19. 
bisinuatus, iii. 17. 
——— lisinuatus, ii. 16. 
—— bucephalus, ii. 11. 
cingulatulus, iii, 25. 
—— clavatus, ii. 33. 
——- colludens, iii. 78. 
conjunctus, iii. 33. 
decipiens, iii. 18. 
decipiens, iii. 15. 
delineatus, iii. 78. 
—— dimidiatus, iii. 30. 
diversipes, iii. 17. 
——— diversus, iii. 16. 
—— diversus, iii. 15. 
ectypus, ii. 28. 
esuriens, ii. 50. 
——— eupeltatus, iii. 16. 
eupeltatus, iii. 15. 
exoticus, iii. 20. 
——— fenestratus, iii. 10. 

— — gastrostactus, ii. 17, 18. 

hecticus, iii. 25. 
——— lautus, iii. 90. 
—— lotus, iii. 16. 

lotus, iii. 15. 

——— marginatus, ii. 25. 
—— melliturgus, ii. 11. 
——— mutuus, ii. 27. 
——— obesus, iii, 50. 
——— obliquus, iii, 19, 
perpallidus, iii, 14. 
——— politus, iii, 25. 
——— quintius, iii, 95. 
——— ribesii, iii. 17. 

securiferus, iii. 19. 
— — signatus, iii. 19. 

——— stegnus, iii. 10. 
£rigonus, ii. 30. 

—— tympanitis, iii, 52. 
vinetorum, iii. 63. 
Systechus, i. 76, 159. 
SYSTROPUS, i. 157, 299. 
Systropus, i. 77. 

angulatus, 1. 157, 293. 
brasiliensis, i. 157. 
cerdo, i. 158, 

cerdo, i. 157. 

—— (?) chilensis, i. 157. 
columbianus, i. 157. 
——— dolorosus, i. 293. 
——— dolorosus, 1. 292. 
——— f'enoides, i. 157, 160. 
Jfemoratus, i. 157. 
——— foenoides, i. 160. 
Jumipennis, 1, 157. 
——— funereus, i. 160. 
imbecillus, i. 157, 293. 
infuscatus, 1. 157, 298. 
lugubris, i. 159. 
lugubris, i. 157. 
macer, 1. 157, 158. 
nitidus, i. 157. 

—— pulcher, i. 294. 

—— pulcher, 1. 293. 

——— quadripunctatus, i. 293. 
rogersi, i. 158, 293. 
rogersi, i. 107. 

——— rufiventris, 1. 159, 
rufiventris, i. 157, 294. 
sallai, 1. 159, 

sallei, i. 157, 159. 
similis, 1. 294. 

—— similis, i. 293. 

TABANIDZ,, i. 43, 252, 377. 
TABANTUS, i. 48, 257. 
Tabanus, i. 51, 141. 

—— albiscutellatus, i. 59. 
——- albonotatus, i. 55, 260, 
albonotatus, i. 50, 257. 
alteripennis, i. 59. 
——— alteripennis, i. 50. 
——- apicalis, i. 48. 

atratus, 1. 259. 
atratus, i. 51, 52, 257. 
——— aurantiacus, i. 59, 259. 
aurantiacus, i. 258. 
——— bifenestratus, i. 52. 

(Therioplectes) —— ?, i. 49. 


Tabanus bifenestratus, i. 968. 
bigoti, i. 48. 

——— ligoti, i. 258. 

——— bipartitus, i. 55, 56. 
caliginosus, i. 59, 259. 
caliginosus, i. 258. 
——— campecheanus, i. 378. 
——— carneus, i. 59. 

——— chionostigma, i. 54, 259. 
chionostigma, i. 257. 
——— cinctus, i. 59. 
eircumfusus, i. 59, 
— — commixtus, i, 59. 
commixtus, i, 56. 
compactus, i. 5T. 
completus, i. 583. 

——— corone, i. 51. 

corone, 1. 257. 

——— craverii, i. 60. 

——— cribellum, i. 52. 
cribellum, i. 53, 258, 260. 
defilippüi, i. 56. 

——- dorsifer, i. 59. 

ebrius, i. 49. 

ebrius, 1. 50, 59, 258, 259. 
——— erebus, i, 50. 

erebus, 1. 51, 257. 

——— filiolus, i. 261. 

——— filiolus, i. 258. 
flavocinctus, 1. 59. 

—— Jfulvohirtus, i. 57. 

fur, 1. 261. 

—— fur, 1. 258, 

furunculus, i. 260. 
furunculus, i, 258. 
—— hseemagogus, i. 261. 
—— hemagogus, i. 258. 
——- lepidotus, i. 262. 

——— lineola, i. 56, 260. 
lineola, 1. 59, 268. 

lugubris, i. 52, 257. 
——- luteo-flavus, i. 59. 
macquarti, i. 48. 
mexicanus, i. 56. 
meaicanus, 1. 257. 


— —— nigro-punctatus, i. 48. 
oculus, i. 55, 50. 
gotator, i. 50. 
—— propinquus, i. 59. 
—— propinquus, i. 260. 
pruinosus, i. 378. 
—— pumiloides, i. 260. 

- pumiloides, i. 208. 
—— gpumilus, i, 53, 260. 
—— purus, i. 59, 

longiappendieulatus, i. 59. 

var. limonus, i. 378. 


Tabanus (Therioplectes) quadripunc- 
tatus, i. 48, 259. 

—— quadripunctatus, i. 251. 

——— quinquevittatus, 1. 59. 

rhombicus, i. 49. 

rondanüi, i. 57. 

ruber, i. 60, 260. 

rubescens, i. 59. 

rufiventris, 1. 201, 262. 

sallei, i. 59. 

Sexvittatus, i. 978. 

sparus, i. 260. 

stigma, 1. 59. 

stigma, i. 53. 

subruber, i. 60, 260. 

——— subruber, i. 258. 

subsimilis, i. 59. 

——— subtilis, i. 59. 

—— sumichrasti, i. 60. 


—— irilineatus, 1. 56. 

truquii, i. 60. 
variegatus, i. 46. 
——— venenatus, i. 54. 
venenatus, i. 258. 
— — wiedemanni, i. 52. 
yucatanus, i. 378. 
Tachina abrupta, ii. 1T. 
albincisa, i, 485. 
analis, ii, 33, 206. 
amisias, i. 18. 
——— anazxias, à. 32. 
anthemon, ii. 18. 
bicolor, i1. 468. 
——— liifasciata, i. 30. 
—— — breviventris, ii. 31. 
bucephala, ii. 46. 
confinis, ii. 103. 
—-— corpulenta, 1i. 9. 
cylindracea, ii. 140. 
diaphana, ii. 473. 
devia, ii. 90. 

——— finitüna, ii, 17. 
fulgens, i1. 34. 
hebes, i1. 45. 
leucophrys, ii. 30. 
—— pyrrhaspis, ii. 18. 
reinwardta, i. 40. 
robusta, ii. 32. 
seminigra, i1, 472. 
sericea, i1. 2506. 
signifera, ii. 22. 
singularis, ii. 125. 
tetraptera, i. 206. 
vertiginosa, ii. 103. 
vivida, ii. 17. . 
TACHININ4E, ii. 5, 41, 459. 
'l'ACHYDROMIA, i, 375. 

T 2 


Tachydromia schwarzi, i. 375. 
Tachytrechus, i. 338. 
Teeniaptera, i. 863. 
calosoma, ii. 976. 
—— ornatipes, ii. 916. 
pallidipennis, ii. 976. 
TANYPEZA, li. 962. 
Tanypeza, i1. 963, 976. 
claripennis, ii. 362, 
claripennis, ii. 963. 
——— mexicana, 1i. 362. 
ornatipes, ii. 563. 
pallidipennis, ii. 363. 
rutila, ii. 362. 
TANYPEZIN, ii. 362. 
opilio, i. 19. 
Tapinocera, i. 212. 
TARACTICUS, i. 312. 

——— brevicornis, i. 314. 
nigrimystaceus, i. 313. 
nigripes, i. 313. 
octopunctatus, 1. 912, 
similis, i. 512, 
similis, 1. 813. 
vitripennis, i. 318. 
Tauromyia, ii. 954. 
pachyneura, ii, 554, 
TELoTHYRI1A, ii. 167. 
T'elothyria, 11. 44, 184, 186, 264. 
adscripta, ii. 170. 
——— adscripta, i. 168. 
argentifrons, ii. 183, 
argentifrons, i. 169. 
assimulata, ii. 180. 
assimulata, ii. 169. 
——— carinata, ii. 184. 
carinata, ii. 170. 
comata, ii. 177. 
— — comaíta, ii. 168. 
——— connexa, ii. 173. 
connexa, ii. 168, 
——— costalis, ii. 173. 
costalis, Xi. 169. 
cupreiventris, ii. 182, 
——— cupreiventris, ii. 169. 
— — curva, ii. 177. 

curva, ii. 168, 

——— disgrega, ii, 171. 
——— disgrega, à. 168. 
——— dissepta, ii. 176. 
— — dissepía, ii. 168, 
fasciata, ii. 179. 
Jasciata, 11. 169. 
— — fimbricrura, ii. 172. 
—— Jfünbricrura, i. 168, 173. 


Telothyria forticula, ii. 174. 
Jorticula, i1. 168. 
— — hamata, ii. 173. 
hamata, i. 168. 
— — humeralis, ii. 173. 
humeralis, i. 168. 
-—— illucens, ii. 183. 
illucens, ii. 169. 
lugens, ii. 177. 
——— lugens, ii. 169. 
——— murina, ii. 180. 
urina, i. 169. 
nubecula, ii. 170. 
nubecula, ii, 167. 
occulta, ii. 184. 
occulta, i. 169. 
ochrifrons, ii. 180. 
ochrzfrons, ii. 169. 
ovata, 1i. 182. 
ovata, ii. 169. 
pacata, ii, 185. 
pacata, à. 170. 
——— placida, ii. 182, 
placida, ii. 169, 183. 
pollens, ii, 174. 
pollens, ii. 168, 175. 
rasilis, ii. 175. 
rasilis, i1. 168. 
rava, ii. 178. 
rava, ii, 169, 
recondita, ii. 176. 
recondita, ii. 168. 
refupa, ii. 185. 
refuga, ii, 170. 
——- relieta, ii. 171. 
relicta, ii. 168, 172. 
remota, ii. 181. 
remota, i. 169. 
rufostriata, i1. 172. 
rufostriata, i. 168. 
striolata, ii. 179. 
——— síriolata, ii. 169. 
sublineata, ii. 181. 
süblineata, i. 169. 
— —— ivifurca, ii. 175. 
—— trifurea, ii. 168. 
——— vaciva, ii. 176. 
vactva, ii. 168. 
——— vicina, ii. 184. 
vicina, ii. 170. 
Temnocera, iii. 43, 46. 
megacephala, ii. 45, 406. 
—— setigera, ii, 51. 
——— unilecta, iii. 78. 
—— viridula, iii. 78. 
TxPHUnrris, ii. 419. 
'ephritis, à. 402, 420. 


Tephritis cancellata, ii. 420. 
——- cancellata, ii. 419. 
fasciventris, ii. 402. 
—— fibulata, ii. 421. 
—— Jfbulata, ii. 419. 
——- finalis, ii. 419. 
—— Jfinalis, ii. 420. 
intricata, ii. 422. 
intricata, ii. 419. 
major, ii. 403. 

— — obsoleta, ii. 421. 
obsoleta, ii. 419. 
———- semifusca, ii. 422. 
—— semifusca, ii. 419. 
——— staminea, ii. 419. 
——— subradiata, ii. 420, 
—— subradiata, i1. 419, 
TETANOCERA, li. 357. 
Tetanocera, ii. 854. 
acuticornis, ii. 358, 
——— acuticornis, i. 857, 
——— pectoralis, ii. 360. 
——— pictipes, ii. 357. 
pictipes, ii. 358. 
——— plumifera, ii. 859. 
—— plumifera, ii. 357. 
spreta, ii. 358. 
spreta, ii. 397, 959. 
——— straminata, ii, 357. 
—— wnmbrarum, ii. 958. 
TxTANOPS, ii. 391. 
Tetanops, ii. 978. 
luridipennis, ii. 391. 
—— rufifrons, ii. 391. 
vittifrons, ii. 391. 
Tetradiscus, i. 363. 
notatus, ii. 363. 
TEvcHorABis, i. 6, 225. 
Teucholabis, i. 7. 
annulata, i. 225. 
chalybeiventris, i. 296, 
chalybeientris, i. 7. 
complexa, i. 7, 996. 
gracilis, 1. 7. 
molesta, i. 6. 
molesta, i. 7, 295, 
Thecophora, ii. 86. 
T'helaira, ii. 254. 
TugLAIRODES, ii. 254, 
Thelairodes, ii. 213. 
——— basalis, ii, 487. 
cinereicollis, ii, 255. 
cinereicollis, ii. 254. 
—— pallida, ii. 255. 
pallida, ii. 254. 
——— vittigera, ii. 254. 
——— vitligera, ii. 205. 


TnuzREvA, i. 162. 
Thereva, i. 163, 213. 
argentata, i. 163. 
bolbocera, i. 162. 
——— crassicornis, 1. 163. 
—— lanipes, ii. 434. 
nigra, i. 103. 

—— pilipes, i. 497. 
plagiata, i. 170. 

TuEREVIDA, i. 162, 297, 378. 

Therioplectes, i. 48. 
cinctus, i. 59. 
zonalis, 1. 59. 
Thevenemyia, i. 161. 
TAlipsogaster, i. 286. 
ater, 1. 286. 
Tlipsomyza, i. 296. 
TunRvPTICUS, i. 349. 
Trypticus, i. 350. 

—— (?) ?, i. 350. 
—— cupuliferus, i. 349. 
fraterculus, i. 349. 
—— pusillus, i, 349. 
TunYPTOCERA, ii. 127, 
Thryptocera, ii. 43. 

?, ii. 127. 

P, i1. 127. 
Thyridanthraz, i. 118, 123. 

Thysanomyia fimbriata, ii. 488. 

TrPvrLA, i. 13, 227. 
Tipuia, i. 19. 

9, i. 14. 

?, i. 14. 

?, i. 14. 
associans, i. 19. 
bella, 1. 14. 

craverii, i. 15, 227. 
——— dispellens, i. 19, 229. 
——— ed wardesii, i, 19. 
elegans, i. 17. 

——— ferruginea, i. 18. 
—— lunata, i. 14. 

— —— monilifera, i. 13, 227. 
——- nebulosa, i. 19. 
oleracea, i. 14. 

—— quadrimaeulata, i. 19. 
——— spilota, i. 13. 
strepens, i. 14. 

virgo, i. 14. 

——— virgo, i. 228. 
virgulata, i. 228. 
TrPULIDZ, i. 6, 225. 
'oWwNSENDIA, 1. 307. 
minuta, i. 307. 
Toxomerus, iii. 24. 
'ToxoPHoRA, i. 161, 294. 
Toxophora, i. 76. 


Toxophora amphitea, i. 161, 294. 
varipennis, i. 294. 
ToxoTRYPANA, ii. 379. 
Toxotrypana, ii. 377. 
curvicauda, ii. 379. 
Trichobius dugesii, ii. 432. 
Tricholyga, ii. 51. 
caloptera, ii. 51. 

—— fulvidapez, ii. 51. 
——— gracilens, ii. 487. 
insita, ii. 487. 
TnicHoPHORA, ii. 35, 475. 
Trichophora, ii. 6, 36, 41, 226. 
analis, ii. 35. 
convexinervis, ii. 476. 
convexinervis, ii. 475. 
——— fucata, ii. 476. 

—— fucata, ii, 475. 

——— melas, ii. 475. 

—— nigra, ii. 35. 
nitidifrons, ii. 37, 477. 

—— rnufina, ii. 36, 475. 
rufina, ii. 35, 37, 476. 
trisetosa, ii. 96, 476. 
£risetosa, ii. 35, 4795. 
Trichophthicus, ii. 318, 997. 
crenatus, ii, 931. 
erenatus, ii. 337, 947. 
Tn1cHOPODA, li. 3, 433. 
Trichopoda, ii. 437, 438. 
alipes, ii. 435. 

——— alipes, ii, 434, 496. 
ciliata, X. 484. 

——— histrio, var. indivisa, ii. 488. 
lanipes, ii. 434. 

, var. tropicalis, ii. 488. 
—— — mexicana, ii. 3. 
nigricauda, ii. 3. 
nigripes, ii. 456. 
nigripes, ii. 494. 

——— nitidiventris, ii. 435. 
—— mitidiventris, i. 494. 
pennipes, ii. 3, 434. 
—— (Pennapoda) phasiana, ii. 488. 
—— pilipes, ii. 437. 

—— pilipes, ii. 434. 

——— pyrrhogaster, ii, 2, 494. 
——— squamipes, ii. 496. 
squamipes, ii. 434. 
tegulata, ii. 488. 
Trichopododes, 3i. 498. 
Trichoprosopus, ii, 241. 
Tni1cLtS, i. 310. 
argentifacies, 1. 310, 
Trimiera anomala, i. 18. 

nitidifrons, ii. 35, 36, 475, 476. 


Trinaria, i. 77. 
Triodites, i. 141, 144. 
mus, i. 144, 145, 147, 149. 
TR1xA, ii. 87. 

Trixa, ii. 42. 

differens, ii. 88. 
—— differens, ii. 87. 
——— obsoleta, ii. 87. 
——— obsoleta, ii. 88. 
——— uncana, ii. 87. 
TROMODESIA, ii. 237. 
Tromodesia, 3i. 212, 238. 
hremorrhoidalis, ii. 238. 
vibripennis, ii. 238. 
TRoPrpou1a, iii. 84, 
——— bimaculata, iii. 84. 
Trypeta, 1. 119 ; ii. 400. 
abstersa, i1. 426. 
—— amabilis, ii. 403. 
calyptera, ii. 413. 
cingulata, ii. 409. 
——— culta, ii. 422. 
eximia, i. 402. 
—— finalis, ii. A19. 
raterculus, i1. 404. 
humilis, ii. A17. 
insecta, ii. 410. 
latipennis, ii. 414. 
lichtensteinii, i1. A28. 
——- ludens, ii, 428. 
mexicana, ii. 428. 
obliqua, ii. 405. 
obscura, à. 400, 
ocellata, à. 395. 
peregrina, ii. 417. 
polyclona, ii, 426. 
pomonelia, à. 409. 
pulía, 3. 390. 
seutellaris, ii. 400. 
scutellata, ii. 428. 
socialis, ii, 408. 
solaris, ii. 427. 
sparsa, ii. 419. 
suspensa, ii. 428. 
———. (abellaria, i1. A00. 
timida, ii. 424. 
——— unicolor, i1. 404. 
TRYyPETINJS, ii, 401. 
Trypoderma, ii. 1. 
americana, ii. 1. 

Trypoxylon, i. 106. 
Ty&REOMMAMA, ii. 293. 
Tyreomma, ii. 291. 
muscinum, ii. 293. 

Ubristes, iii. 2. 
chrysopyga, iii. 90. 


UnaAuv1A, ii. 251. 
Uramyia, ii. 213. 
producta, ii. 251. 
UnELrL1A, ii. 4206. 
Urellia, i1. 402. 

———- abstersa, ii. 426. 
actinobola, ii. 428. 
eugenia, ii. 427. 
eugenia, ii. 426. 
—— polyelona, ii. 426. 
polyclona, ii. 427. 
solaris, ii. 427. 
solaris, ii. 426. 
vicina, ii. 427. 
vicina, 1i. 426, 428, 

Viviana, ài. 139. 
citrina, ii. 139. 

——— (?) rufopygata, ii. 139. 

VOLUCELLA, iii. 43. 
Volucella, iii. 58, 55. 

?, iii. 48, 
—— —— ?, iii. 58. 
—— — — P, iii. 53. 

——— amethystina, iii. 52, 
amethystina, ii. 44. 
——— aperta, iii. 78, 

——— avida, iii. 47. 
avida, iii, 44. 
brevis, iii. 90. 

——— csesariata, iii, 49. 
cesariata, ii. 44. 
castanea, iii. 45. 
castanea, ii. 45, 46. 
——— chietophora, iii. 52. 
chetophora, ii. 44. 
——— comastes, iii. 52, 
comastes, ii. 44. 
——— comstocki, iii. 51. 
comstocki, iii. 44. 
——— cordise, iii. 90. 

——— decora, iii. 46. 
——— dichroica, iii. 90. 
dispar, ii. 50. 
esuriens, iii. 50. 
esuriens, iii. 44, 46. 


fasciata, iii. 48. 
f'asciata, iii. 44. 
flavissima, iii, 90. 
fraudulenta, iii. 48. 
fraudulenta, iii. 44, 
——— fulvicornis, iii. 55. 
furens, iii. 90. 

mexicana, ii. 50. 


Volucella fuscipennis, iii. 54, 

——— fuscipennis, iii. 45. 
——— haagi, iii, 51, 

—— Ahaapgi, iii. 44. 
hirsuta, iii. 90. 
hispida, iii. 90. 
——— hyaloptera, iii. 90. 
—— hystrix, iii. 90. 
——— isabellina, iii. 46. 
isabellina, ii. 48. 
lata, iii. 45. 

lata, iii. 49, 46. 
——- lugens, iii. 54. 
—— lugens, iii. 45. 
—— macula, iii. 51. 
macula, iii. 45. 
—— marginata, ii. 56. 
maximalianz, ii. 50. 
——— megacephala, ii, 45, 46, 
——— qellea, iii. 49. 
7nellea, iii. 44. 
—— aetallifera, ii. 50. 
mexicana, iii. 50. 
——— minima, iii. 90. 
anusta, ii. 59. 
nautlana, iii. 90. 
——— nigrifacies, iii. 55. 
——— obesa, iii, 50. 

——— obesa, iii. 44. 
obesoides, iii. 90. 
omochroma, iii. 90. 
——— opalina, iii. 90. 

——- opinator, iii, 5]. 
opinator, iii. 45. 
ornata, iii. 49. 
ornata, iii. 43. 
——— pallens, iii. 53. 
pallens, ii, 42, 45. 
parva, iii. 58. 
pieta, iii. 47. 
picta, 1i. 44, 48, 
postica, iii. 78. 
—— pulchripes, ii. 4T. 
—— purpurifera, iii. 54, 
—— purpurifera, ii. 45. 
—— pusilla, ii. A7. 
——— quadrata, iii. 46, 
——— quadrata, ii. 48. 
rafaelana, iii. 90. 
sexpunctata, li. 53. 
——— tau, iii. 55, 
tibialis, iii. 78. 

— —- toltec, iii, 90. 

—— éricincta, iii. 64. 
——— trigona, iii. 90, 

, var. splendens, iii. 90. 

"Volucella tristis, iii. 55. 

tympanitis, iii. 52. 
—— tympanitis, iii. 45, 583. 
—— vaga, iii. 42, 63. 
varians, iii. 54. 
——— variegata, iii. 55. 
—— variegata, iii. 52. 
vesiculosa, iii. 42. 
——— violacea, iii. 50. 
——— viridana, iii. 90. 
—— viridula, iii. 55. 
—— volucris, iii. 90. 

Wulpia aperta, ii. 487. 

XANTHACRONA, ii. 392. 
Xanthacrona, ii. 978. 
bipustulata, ii. 393. 
XANTHODEXIA, ii. 2506. 
Xanthodexia, ii, 218. 
sericea, ii. 256. 
anthomelana, ii. 452, 455. 
anceps, ii. 455. 

——— anceps, ii. 452. 

——— articulata, ii. 452. 
——— articulata, ii. 454. 
——— dorsalis, ii. 453. 
dorsalis, i. 452, 455. 
——— gracilenta, ii. 454. 
gracilenta, ii. 452, 455. 
rubicunda, ii. 453, 
— — rubicunda, ii, 452. 
trigonalis, ii. 454. 
trigonalis, i. 452. 
Xanthomelanodes, ii. 459. 
arcuata, ii. 455. 
Xanthomelon, ii. 459. 
Xanthotricha, i. 849. 
cupulifera, i. 849. 
XYLOMYIA, i. 230. 
Xylomyia, i. 22, 23. 
pallipes, i. 230. 
-Xylophagus, 1. 68. 
XYXLOT74A, iii. 71. 

—— — angustiventris, ii. 79. 
arquata, iii. 78, 
bicolor, iii. 71. 

—— brachygaster, iii, 72. 
brachygaster, iii, 71. 
elongata, iii. 79. 
pauxilla, iii. 71. 

Xylota rufipes, iii. 71. 

——— stenogaster, iii. 72. 

stenogaster, ii. 71. 
——— subcostalis, iii, 78. 
vagans, iii. 73. 
Xyloteja, ii. 40, 
ysta, ii. 4. 

Yetodesia, ii. 914. 
Zeuxia, ii. 241. 

ZODION, iii. 84. 
—— ——— $, iii. 84. 

—— abdominale, iii. 8. 

Zodion auricaudatum, iii. 85. 

—-— flavipenne, ii. 85. 
——— fulvifrons, iii. 84. 
——— lewcostoma, iii. 85. 
— — pygm:eeum, iii. 84. 
——— splendens, iii. 85. 
—— zebrinum, iii. 85. 






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