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Full text of "Effects of defoliation on growth of certain conifers : a summary of research literature"

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Defoliation  by  spruce  b unworn  .... 

Defoliation  by  other  insects  ....  3 

Defoliation  by  fire  .........  6 

Defoliation  by  fungi  and  hail  ....  7 

Artificial  defoliation  experiment  . . 8 

Conclusions  .............  10 

Literature  cited 





Thomas  W.  Church,  Jr.2 

Northeast  cm  Forest  Experiment . Station 

Defoliation  by  insect  pests  has  often  resulted  in  heavy  mortality 
in  the  forests  of  North  America.  Among  the  more  notable  offenders  and 
their  coniferous  hosts  are  the  spruce  budworm  on  spruce  and  balsam  fir, 
the  pine  butterfly  on  ponderosa  pine,  the  gypsy  moth  on  white  pine,  the 
hemlock  looper  on  hemlock,  the  tussock  moth  on  douglas-fir,  and  the 
larch  sawfly  on  tamarack.  Under  favorable  conditions  these  insects  can 
build  up  to  epidemic  proportions  and  sweep  disastrously  through  millions 
of  acres  of  valuable  timber.  Defoliation  by  forest  fires  and  needle- 
cast  fungi  also  cause  mortality  in  conifers. 

Trees  that  undergo  partial  defoliation  insufficient  to  cause 
death  suffer  a consequent  reduction  in  growth,  because  of  the  smaller 
quantities  of  food  materials  produced.  This  phenomenon,  although  less 
spectacular  than  mortality,  is  nevertheless  important. 

Defoliation  By  Spruce  Budworm 


Swaine  and  Craighead  (18_)^  point  out  that  during  the  spruce  bud- 
worm  outbreak  of  1909-13  in  Canada  the  trees  that  survived  suffered  a 
loss  of  3 to  5 years'  increment.  From  observations  made  during  a.  bud- 
worm  infestation,  Craighead  (6)  observed  that  the  growth  of  annual  rings 

Stationed  at  the  Northeastern  Forest  Experiment  Station's 
Adirondack  Branch,  Paul  Smiths,  N.  Y. , which  is  maintained  in  coopera- 
tion with  Paul  Smith's  College. 

? . • 
'Numbers  in  parentheses  refer  to  Literature  Cited,  page .11, 


Showed  different  degrees  of  retardation  in  different  portions  of  the 
crown.  The  first  year  of  a budworm  attack  on  both  spruce  and  balsam 
fir  is  characterized  by  a severe  reduction  of  growth  in  the  top  of  the 
tree,  no  noticeable  change  in  the  middle,  and  a rather  decided  increase 
near  the  base.  In  red  spruce  this  effect  is  not  so  pronounced  as  in 
balsam  fir,  and  in  large  blocks  of  nearly  pure  black  spruce  the  first 
affected  ring  is  1 year  later  than  in  balsam. 

There  may  be  a second  depression  or  reduction  in  growth  because 
of  the  prolific  production  of  cones  immediately  after  the  budworms  stop 
feeding.  Continued  defoliation  by  the  budworms  for  several  years  is 
marked  by  a rapid  decline  in  the  growth  of  all  parts  of  the  tree.  "In 
both  spruce  and  balsam  the  greatest  reduction  in  the  terminal  and  basal 
sections  takes  place  the  same  year,  in  spruce  4 years  after  the  first 
feeding,  in  balsam  5*n 

Following  a spruce  budworm  attack  with  its  resultant  defoliation, 
an  almost  total  suppression  of  rings  wag  commonly  observed  in  balsam, 
and  occasionally  as  much  as  3 years'  growth  was  lacking  on  certain 
portions  of  the  trunk.  The  spruce  that  recovered  showed  no  indication 
of  missing  growth  rings,  but  recovery  of  both  spruce  and  balsam  to  their 
normal  growth  rates  preceding  the  attack  took  12  to  15  years. 

Another  interesting  aspect  of  the  last  budworm  outbreak  in  Canada 
was  that  many  of  the  trees  that  survived  and  lived  through  the  worst 
years  of  defoliation  died  6 to  10  years  later.  These  trees  had  all 
regained  their  normal  amounts  of  foliage,  but  never  attained  their 
normal  growth  rate,  as  shown  by  the  narrow  annual  rings 0 Craighead  (6) 
reports  that  an  extensive  study  of  these  trees  was  made  by  W.  E.  Hi ley 
(School  ox  Forestry,  Oxford,  England),  who  concluded  that  they  were 
dying  from  a lack  of  rings  large  enough  to  transport  required  amounts  of 
wrater  to  the  crown. 


Craighead  (6)  also  noted  that  shortly  after  the  defoliation  of 
balsam  fir  by  the  budworm,  the  absorbing  rootlets  began  to  die;  the 
number  of  dead  rootlets  bore  a marked  correlation  to  the  severity  of  the 
defoliation.  On  red  spruce,  however,  the  death  of  these  rootlets  was  a 
much  more  gradual  process. 

Closely  integrated  with  the  death  of  these  small  roots  is  the 
correlation  that  exists  between  the  recovery  of  trees  following  defol-= 
iation  and  the  amount  of  water  available.  Surveys  show  a higher 
percentage  of  living  spruce  and  balsam  along  streams,  in  depressions, 
and  on  soils  having  a high  water-retaining  capacity;  whereas  on  thin, 
shallow,  sandy  soils  the  death  rate  following  defoliation  is  always 

Winter-killing  is  common  among  severely  defoliated  trees.  The 
ability  to  withstand  freezing  temperatures  is  associated  largely  with 
the  concentration  of  the  cell  sap,  and  trees  that  have  been  severely 


defoliated  cannot  manufacture  sufficient  food  to  maintain  high  concen- 
trations of  cell  sap. 

<&  All  these  observations  on  defoliation  by  the  spruce  budworm  tend 

to  point  out  that  the  vigor  or  vitality  of  a stand  at  the  time  of 
severe  budworm  attack  determines  to  a large  extent  ho?j  that  stand  vd.ll 
survive.  Young,  vigorous  growing  stock  stands  a much  better  chance  of 
survival  than  old,  overmature  timber;  and  it  is  on  the  basis  of  this 
that  much  of  our  present  experimental  budworm  control  work  is  being 
carried  on. 

Defoliation  By  Other  In sect s 

Following  the  1922  outbreak  of  the  pine  butterfly  on  portderosa 
pine  in  Idaho,  Evenden  (10;  reported  that  defoliation  by  this  insect 
resulted  in  a marked  reduction  in  the  basal  growth  of  all  100  sample 
trees,  with  91  percent  failing  to  add  any  basal  increment.  This  per- 
iod of  no  basal  growth  occurred  in  96  percent  of  the  trees  that 
succumbed  and  89  percent  of  the  trees  that  recovered,  and  it  varied  in 
length  from  1 to  11  years  with  an  average  of  2.6  years.. 

Evenden  (10)  and  Craighead  (6)  agree  that  vigor,  as  expressed  by 
basal  increment,  has  a definite  influence  on  the  recovery  of  injured 

Table  1 . —Relation  of  defoliation  by  gypsy  moth  to 
diameter  increment  of e pine,  1912-21 

Degree  of 
defoliation  ’ 
(mean  percent) 




Decline  (from 
average)  in 
radial  increment"5 



0-20  • 













38  • 

^ Me an  d.b.h.  of  white  pine  in  1912,  10.7  in. 

, Dominant  trees  only. 

■^Includes  decline  from  all  causes.  Decline 
from  causes  other  than  defoliation  is  practically 
constant  since  the  same  trees  were  used  in  all 
defoliation  classes. 

trees,  the  degree  of  defoliation,  however,  being  the  most  important 
factor  governing  their  subsequent  death  or  recovery. 

The  gypsy  moth  is  primarily  a defoliator  of  hardwoods,  but  has 
been  known  to  cause  as  much  as  30  percent  mortality  in  stands  of  heavily 
damaged  young  white  pine.  From  his  observations  on  the  effects  of 
gypsy  moth  defoliation  on  the  growth  of  white  pine.  Baker  (l)  reported 
the  existence  of  a direct  correlation  between  the  degree  of  defoliation 
and  the  decline  in  radial  growth.  As  shown  in  table  1,  the  decline  in 
radial  increment  was  52  percent  greater  on  white -pine  that  wore  -1  -100 
percent  defoliated  than  in  those  that  were  defoliated  20  percent  or  less. 

Since  the  greatest  decline  in  radial  increment  took  place  in  the 
61--80  percent  defoliated  group,  it  is  probable  that  the  more  lightly 
defoliated  trees  represented  average  conditions.  The  surviving  trees 
in  the  most  heavily  defoliated  class  represented  the  most  vigorous  and 
resistant  individuals,  because  the  majority  of  white  pines  of  this  size 
are  killed  by  a single  complete  defoliation. 

The  hemlock  looper  infestation  in  Oregon,  which  became  epidemic 
in  1915,  ran  as  high  as  4'  million  loopers  to  the  acre  and  resulted  in 
the  death  of  40  million  feet  of  timber  before  effective  control  measures 
were  employed  (14 ) . Since  the  big  consideration  was  to  stop  the  rav- 
ages of  this  pest  and  prevent  further  mortality, 'partial  defoliation  and 
loss  of  increment  were  small  factors. 

In  1923,  however,  an  outbreak  of  the  hemlock  looper  occurred  in 
the  spruce-fir  forests  of  Quebec,  north  of  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence. 
Watson  (19)  reported  that  a number  of  heavily  defoliated  balsam  firs 
exhibited  no  suppression  of  ring  growth  at  the  end  of  the  first  year  of 
feeding.  The  full  effect  of  the  1923  feeding  was  not  apparent  until 
the  following  year,  when  the  1929  ring  showed  a marked  reduction,  even 
in  those  trees  that  did  not  undergo  any  further  defoliation  that  year. 

During  the  looper  infestation,  the  growth  of  spruce  remained 
normal,  since  only  the  small  trees  suffered  any  defoliation,  . Further 
studies  on  the  reduced  increment  of  balsam  fir  were  made  in  1930,  the 
results  of  which  are  illustrated  in  figure  1. 

The  relatively  slow  growth  of  balsam  fir  in  the  Trinity  River 
section  is  due  to  the  fact  that  the  trees  from, which  the  measurements 
were  taken  were  growing  in  a muskeg,  associated  with  black  spruce. 

These  trees  were  killed  in  1923  without  any  apoarent  reduction  in 
increment . 

The  Douglas -fir  tussock  moth  is  another  defoliator  that  builds 
up  to  epidemic  proportions  and  causes  widespread  damage.  The  Canadian 
Forest  Insect  Survey  (5)  reports  that  from  observations  made  during 
former  outbreaks,  it  appears  that  trees  completely  defoliated  will  die, 
and  in  many  cases  parts  of  trees  that  have  been  stripped  fail  to 


Figure  1. — Hemlock  looper  damage  to  balsam  fir, 
as  reported  by  Watson  (19) . 

The  first  indication  of  reduced  growth  due  to  defoliation  by  the 
larch  sawfly  is  reported  by  Harper  (12)  to  be  the  absence  of  thickened 
tracheids  in  the  autumn  wood.  Later  there  is  a reduction  in  the  width 
of  annual  rings  and,  in  some  instances,  increment  in.  the  basal  portion 
of  the  tree  may  be  nonexistent.  Although  the  growth  may  be  insignifi- 
cant at  the  base  of  the  tree,  there  is  an  annual  ring  formed  in  the  crown 
every  year  until  death. 

The  fact  that  defoliation  of  the  crown  by  insect  attack  immed- 
iately diminishes  the  increment  has  also  been  established  by  Btisgen  and 
Mlinch  (4).  They  point  out  that  the  scanty  amount  of  assimilated  mat- 
erial in  partially  defoliated  trees  is  extracted  from  the  descending  sap 
stream  in  the  upper  part  of  the  stem,  and  in  the  lower  portion  growth  is 
practically  at  a standstill. 

These  investigators  report  that,  in  conifers,  the  needles  of  for- 
mer years  must  assist  in  producing  the  spring  shoots.  Spruces  complete- 
ly defoliated  by  caterpillars  in  the  summer  invariably  die  because  their 
reserve  materials  can  produce  only  weak  shoots  inadequate  to  nourish  the 
tree.  Pines,  if  defoliated  late  in  the  season,  can  retain  their 
vitality  better  by  the  production  of  substitute  shoots,  but  only  at  the 
expense  of  reserve  materials.  Gradual  recovery  of  these  trees  may 
manifest  itself  in  the  production  of  short  "brush  shoots"  the  summer 


following  defoliation,  and  by  long  shoots  with  few  needles  during  the 
sec ond  sunnier » 

Defoliation  By  Fire 

Most  fires  in  coniferous  stands  result  in  a reduced  leaf  area 
either  from  heat  defoliation,  which  causes  a gradual  shedding  of  the 
needles,  or  from  direct  scorching  and  destruction  by  flames. 

Certain  types  of  forest  fires  were  noted  by  Craighead  (jO  to 
produce  characteristic  growth- ring  patterns  that  are,  in  many  ways, 
similar  to  those  produced  by  several  leaf-feeding  insects.  Cross 
sections  from  a number  of  ponderosa  pines  that  withstood  a midsummer 
f i re  indicated  that  reduction  in  basal  increment  was  proportional  to  the 
amount  of  defoliation  suffered  by  the  tree.  Certain  trees  failed  to 
add  any  wood  in  the  lower  stem  for  two  seasons,  while  in  the  crown  these 
effects  were  less  pronounced.  These  growth  characteristics  are  similar 
to  those  observed  by  Craighead  (6)  in  his  observations  on  the  spx’uce 
budworm. • 

Observations  of  fire  damage  in  the  California  pine  forests  by 
Show  and  Kotok  (15)  also  substantiate  the  fact  that  reduction  in  dj_am~ 
eter  growth  is  proportional  to  the  percentage  of  the  crown  killed  by 
fire.  Table  2 illustrates  this  point,  data  being  taken  from  increment 
borings  of  several  species  5 years  after  the  burn. 

Table  2 . — Effect  of  crown  in, jury  on  rate  of  growth 

Amount  of 
crown  killed 

Reduction  of 
diameter  growth 








F eet 










32  c 0 








56.  5 



In  a study  of  the  effect  of  fire  on  the  taper  of  yourfg  longleaf 
pine,  Stone  (16)  shews  that  after  a moderate  to  severe  fire  with 
resultant  defoliation  of  50  percent  or  more,  there  is  a marked  reduction 

7 TCTVT’' rv, 7 -j 


in  the  next  season's  growth.  As  shown  in  table  3>  the  maximum  reduction 
in  growth  takes  place  at  breast  height  and  below,  while  the  ring  widths 
at  higher  levels  are  affected  only  slightly.  The  net  result  is  a de- 
crease in  stem  taper. 

Table  3 • — Comparative  ring  widths  at  various  heights 
before  and  after  fire^ 

Height  of  section 
above  ground 
(feet ) 

Tree  Mo.  1 


No.  2 





! After 









































^"Radial  growth  in  1936-37  in  stand  of  young  long- 
leaf  pine  near  Saucier,  Miss.,  burned  January  8,  1937* 

The  fact  that  reduction  in  growth  due  to  defoliation  by  fire  does 
not  take  place  uniformly  over  the  stem  is  in  agreement  with  the  observ- 
ations on  defoliation  by  insects,  in  which  the  greatest  reduction  in 
increment  takes  place  in  the  lower  portion  of  the  tree.  Similar 
results  were  noticed  by  Cummings  (9)  following  pruning  in  a young  short- 
leaf  pine  plantation.  For  two  growing  seasons  following  pruning,  there 
was  a marked,  reduction  in  diameter  growth  at  the  1.5“  and  4-5-foot 
levels,  but  no  significant  difference  at  7*5  feet.  This  decrease  in 
diameter  growth  in  the  basal  portion  of  the  stem  was  due  to  the  reduct- 
ion of  the  living  crown,  as  was  similarly  the  case  in  defoliation  by 
insects  and  fire. 

Defoliation  By  Fungi  And  Hail 

In  addition  to  insects  and  fire,  there  are  several  other  agencies 
of  defoliation  that  are  resppnsible  for  less  extensive  damage.  One  of 
these  is  hail,  which,  according  to  Stone  and  Smith  (17.)  has  been  known 

to  defoliate  trees  partially  or  wholly  and  to  break  through  the  bark  oi 
small  branches.  Their  observations  of  hail  damages  in  a you ng  stand  oi 
longleaf  pine  indicate  that  severe  defoliation  retards  diameter  growth. 
One  particular  storm,  on  April  30,  1937,  occurred  after  most  of  the 
springwood  had  formed,  but  the  effects  of  defoliation  took  effect 
immediately  and  only  a narrow  band  of  summerwood  was  laid  down  during 
the  remainder  of  that  year.  In  1933  the  springwood  zone  was  much  less 
than  normal,  the'  summerwood  exceeding  it  in  width.  The  follov/ing  year 

ring  widths  indicated,  the  diameter  growth  was  still  considerably  below 
normal,  and  the  recovery  from  the  harmful  effects  of  defoliation  would 
apparently  be  a slow  process. 

Another  agency  of  defoliation  is  that  group  of  needle- cast  fungi 
that  occur  on  pine,  spruce,  fir,  larch,  and  cedar.  Boyce  (2)  reports 
that  the  chief  damage  caused  by  these  needle  cast  fungi  is  a reduction 
in  increment,  since  defoliation  is  rarely  severe  enough  to  kill  any 
trees  except  seedlings. 

Artificial  Defoliation  Experiment 

From  the  foregoing  observations  it  is  clear  that  defoliation 
always  results  in  decreased  diameter  growth.  Such  a reduction,  if 
spread  over  a large  area  like  that  covered  by  the  spruce  budworm,  can 
result  in  a great  loss  in  volume . Since  defoliation  is  so  important 
in  respect  to  both  mortality  and  growth,  several  experiments  have  been 
made  to  measure  its  harmful  effects  more  accurately. 

In  experiments  on  defoliation  of  longleaf  and  slash  pine  by  fire 
Harper  (13-)  found  that  if  more  than  2f  percent  of  the  needles  are  dec 
troyed  by  the  heat  of  the  fire,  gum  yields  will  bo  slightly  decreased, 
and  tree  growth  will  be  retarded.  Complete  defoliation  by  burning  of 
the  needles  (as  in  a mild  crown  fire)  caused  three  times  the  reduction 
in  gum  yields  that  100  percent  defoliation  by  heat  Killing  (as  in  a hot 
surface  fire  ) caused.  In  all  cases  of  complete  defoliation  by  both 
the  heat  and  flame  treatments,  there  was  subsequent  deveioomenu  of  the 
foliage  and  growth  during  the  first  season  after  the  fire. 

From  his  artificial-defoliation  experiment  on  tamarack,  Graham 
(ll)  made  the  following  observations: 

-1.  Increment  is  reduced  in  direct  proportion  to  the  amount  of 

2.  Partial  defoliation  results  in  a relatively  gradual  reduction  in 

3-  Complete  defoliation  results  in  increased  growth  the  first  year. 

followed  by  a rapid  falling-off  in  increment.  Very  severe  defol- 
iation apparently  stimulates  the  use  of  stored  food  in  an  attempt 


to  grow  a new  set  of  needles.  Wood  is  also  produced  Dy  this  stimul- 
ation , most  ol  the  increased  increment  being  added  in  the  lower  section 
of  the  stem , the  upper  section  showing  little  increase  or  decrease. 

An  experiment  by  Craighead  (8)  to  determine  the  effects  of 
defoliation  on  jack  pine,  Scotch  pine,  and  larch  produced  the  following 
results : 

1.  Early  spring  defoliation  of  the  new  growth  on  the  pines  produced  a 
gradual  reduction  in  the  formation  of  wood.  Successive  defol- 
iation caused  a more  severe  reduction  in  increment,  especially  in 
the  upper  section  of  the  tree. 

2.  Late  spring  defoliation  of  the  new  growth  killed  the  jack  pine 
within  two  seasons,  while  the  Scotch  pine  resisted  better.  This 
treatment  drastically  affected  the  production  of  wood;  the  jack 
pines  formed  only  a trace  of  wood  the  following  spring  and  then 
died,  while  one  of  the  Scotch  pines  failed  to  produce  any  wood. 

In  this  study  Craighead  found  that  the  reduction  In  wood  of  recov- 
ering trees  was  relatively  more  pronounced  in  the  top  than  at  the 
base.  However,  other  investigators  have  observed  that  the  great- 
est reduction  in  growth  occurred  in  the  basal  part  of  the  tree. 

3.  Removal  of  the  old  foliage  on  both  Scotch  pine  and  jack  pine  very 
early  In  the  season  was  insufficient  to  cause  mortality,  but 
resulted  in  a marked  reduction  in  ring  width  at  the  base  of  the 
tree  in  the  years  of  defoliation.  Trees  recovered  more  quickly 
from  this  treatment  than  from  that  in  which  the  new  growth  was 

4.  Removal  of  the  old  foliage  from  both  species  of  pine  after  the 
buds  had  opened  resulted  in  even  less  wood  being  produced  than 
treatment  Number  3*  The  widths  of  the  annual  rings  were  about 
one- fourth  that  of  the  previous  year  and  remained  at  that  low 
level  during  subsequent  years  of  defoliation.  The  results  of 
treatments  3 and  4 Indicate  that  the  old  needles  play  an  import- 
ant paid,  in  building  up  the  current  year's  growth. 

5.  Complete  removal  of  all  the  foliage  from  both  Scotch  pine  and  jack 
pine  resulted  in  death  the  following  year.  Bdsgen  and  Mdnch  (4) 
substantiate  this  observation  by  pointing  out  that  artificial 
defoliation  of  several  young  pines  at  different  times  of  the  year 
caused  death  in  all  cases.  However,  when  defoliation  took  place 
after  breaking  of  the  buds,  the  trees  produced  some  woody  growth 
until  their  reserves  of  starch  were  used  up,  then  they  died. 

According  to  Burke  (3)  a similar  condition  exists  following  the 
coincidental  attacks  of  the  lodgepole  needle  tier,  which  feeds  on  the 
new  foliage,  and  the  lodgepole  saw-fly,  which  eats  the  old  foliage, 
the  result  invariably  being  death  to  lodgepole  pine. 



In  conclusion  it  may  be  said  that  the  purpose  of  this  survey  ox 
literature  was  to  determine  whether  additional  research  should  be  made 
on  the  effects  of  defoliation  on  the  growth  of  conifers . As  observed 
from  the  literature  reviewed,  those  effects  that  occurred  most  fre- 
quently can  be  summed  up  as  follows: 

1.  Defoliation  of  the  crown  by  insects,  fire,  diseases,  or  other 
causes  immediately  diminishes  the  increment,  the  reduction  in 
growth  being  directly  proportional  to  the  degree  of  defoliation. 

2.  Reduction  in  diameter  growth  due  to  defoliation  does  not  take  plac 
at  a uniform  rate  throughout  the  stem,  In  the  majority  of  cases, 
the  greatest  reduction  in  diameter  growth  took  place  in  the  basal 

portion  of  the  tree. 

3.  Tree  vigor  prior  to  defoliation  has  a definite  influence  on  the 
recovery  of  injured  trees. 

The  literature  cited  in  this  report  Is  evidence  of  the  fact  that 
a great  many  field  observations  and  experiments  have  been  made  cn 
defoliation,  and  suggests  that  results  of  future  study  to  determine 
its  harmful  effects  on  growth  would  be  largely  repetitious. 

Ho?jever,  there  are  several  aspects  of  defoliation  that  might  be 
worth  further  study.  Among  them  are  these: 

1.  Do  other  species  have  increased  growth  in  the  basal  portion  of  the 
tree  in  the  year  following  fire,  as  was  reported  for  spruce,  fir, 
and  larch? 

2.  The  greatest  reduction  in  growth  following  defoliation  nas  gener- 
ally been  found  to  occur  in  the  basal  portion  of  the  tree.  What 
treatments  and  species  are  exceptions  to  this,  in  addition  to  the 
exception  reported  by  Craighead  for  pine? 

3-  What  other  species  are  capable  of  withstanding  complete  defol- 
iation by  fire,  as  reported  for  longleaf  and  slash  pines  by 

Results  of  future  study  on  such  questions  will  be  helpful  in 
rounding  out  the  present  knowledge  of  how  defoliation  affects  the 
growth  of  conifers. 


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