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JUL 19 1923 5 
se! atic ae of ...SPECIA U8. Deparment of Agricul ve 
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Sp rer ee Ws TO THE 

Deeaur. Van Buren Co.. Mich. . TRADE, FALL OF 1898. 

Largest Grower of Seed Potatoes in Ameriea, 450 Acres in 1898. 



3S eeel Potatoes. Gacac rn Seams Sane eas, 

GENTLEMEN:—Again I hand you my annual price list of Seed Novelties and Specialties not many of 
them, but good ones. No cheap John seed in this list. Everything offered guaranteed crop of 1898. The dark 
cloud of business depression and financi | wreck that has been hanging over the seed trade the past four years 
has rolled away. I prophesy stupenduous business activity during the coming year. The 1899 catalogue season 
ix nearly upon us. Every seedsman will find it necessary to increase his purchases. Prices will certainly advance 
Sharply later in the season. My prices here quoted are low for the reason of my Removal Sale. I will remove 
to Bay City, Mich., Nov. Ist, next. I offer my surplus stocks of Seed Potatoes, Peas and Beans at very low 
prices to close out, and to save extra handling and freight to Bay City. No where in America can you purchase 
better stock than I offer this year at these low prices. 

Snes te See! Lotato INWow celtics 1] My Speciality. 
I claim to be the largest grower of Seed Potatoes in America and guarantee my Michigan grown stock equal to 
any on earth. On our new lands here and in Northern Michigan ex/ra ear/y potatoes are big yielders, strong 
growers, free from disease and make the most perfect Seed Potatoes for storing through the winter, being 
plan‘ed late they mature in perfect condition in the fall and are far superior to stocks grown south of us. i 
make special contracts with my growers to produce choice stocks. > l-accept nothing but potatoes of desirable 
shape, absolutely free from scab, sunburn or othe: disease; no potatoes smaller than hen’s eggs accepted. No 
other stock accepted, hence I ship my customers nothing but the choicest stocks. This means a good deal as 
fully 50 per cent. of the Early Seed Potatoes usually purchased and sold by leading seed houses are:smaller than 
hen’s eggs. To be permanently successful it is necessary to sell good seeds. I sell nothing but ¢e best and you 
should purchase the best obtainable. 

SAMPLES of Seed Potatoes and other Seeds free on application. 

SHIPt#ENT.~ On receipt of order, or as soon as possible thereafter, or at such time as specified by pur- 
chaser. Freight rates will be given on application. 

DELIVERY. All varieties of Seed Potatoes (except Early Michigan, Vi igorosa, . Bovee, Peachblow, New 
Queen) F. O. B. Petoskey, Mich. All the above varieties F. O. B. Decatur, Mich. All Garden and Field Beans 
F. O. B. Decatur, Mich. All Garden Peas F. O. B. Petoskey, Mich. All other Field, Garden and Flower 
Seeds will be ped you direct from my growers. Potatoes can be shipped from Petoskey to Buttalo by boat 
at a low rate of freight. 

TERMS. Strictly net cash upon receipt of seeds. Goods shipped draft with bill of lading, subject to 
inspection. New customers should send cash with order, or satisfactory references and time to investigate be- 
fore shipment. 2 per cent. discount on orders accompanied by cash. I cannot sell my seeds at these prices on 

MY REFERENCES. First State Bank, Decatur, Mich., Dunn or Bradstreet’s. fees 
Soliciting your patronage, I remain, yours to command, 


llammond’s Michigan Northern Grown Seed Potatoes:--Best in America. 


RICES below quoted are for 10 bushels to a carload of a variety. Less than 10 bushels of a variety 5 

cents per vusbel additional. Three to five varieties can be shipped in one car in bulk separated by par- 

titions and properly labeled. No extra charge for this service. I will gladly make up several varieties 
in a car to induce new customers requiring small quantities of each to give my choice Seed _ Potatoes a trial. 
Special low freight rates to all points. Jestimate my Seed Potato crop at 55,000 bushels. Whether you want 
10 bushels or 10 carloads I can supply you the best stock that grows and will meet the prices of any reliable 
dealer, quality considered. The following prices were those ruling at the time this list was _ printed. 
Prices may be higher later, possibly lower. Anyway send me a list of your wants before you purchase else- 
where. Iam sure my prices will suit you. All my stock at Decatur must be closed out before October 15th. 
Barrels and sacks charged at cost. ; | 

Quantity Price ' Quantity Price 
bushels. per bushel bushels. per bushel 
Early Michigan. 'Yhe earliest and most New Queen. Originated in Maine. Too 
productive extra early potato now grown. well and favorably known to the trade to 
Introduced by me in 1896 White inside and require description. A variety of the Hebron 
out. A greatnovelty. Decatur stock_.____ ED type. Very early. Decatur stock. 22> 7 40 
Improved Early Six Weeks. A well Beauty of Hebron Early, productive and ‘s 
known extra earlv potato of the Ohio a popular market sort. Decatur stock ______ IS 
class. A great yielder and an extra early Honeoye Rose. An enormous yielder of 
market sortis hard to beat. All seedsmen Thatice perfect nine.  Saaicin ceG inne 3h 
that catalogue it report it a great seller Tx) z 3 : PMLA er agen, oe geen Ny tec 
z zi ae FS : VS Suniunrzt. A novelty ef the Rose class, two 
Hate ee eee Oh i ee nae weeks later than the Earlv Rose_____ ___ sss BH 
1e purest strain of this standard extra early UT eae ; Pe 
potato now offered. By caresul selection I TEATIES Ifppi ISECOIEY ably SUENE [OME _ a9 
have greatly improved it in vield. earliness, Thornburn New White Peachblow. A 
and other qualities. My strain is unequalled 40 choice novelty.. Stock limited. Prices on 
Ohio Jr. Similar to Early Ohio of which it . application. 
is claimed to be a seedling ______ E Poalies 40 Country Gentlenran. From Jerrard of 
Viuchan’s .denve. A seedling of Early Maine. Of Hebron class about two weeks 
= , . 5 as : 5 © ze a Ti zz = < = Dy 
Ohio.” A wonderful yielding extra early sort : later than New Queen, which it resembles__ 39 
and deserves more attention. Reeommended Livingston's Banner. A late white 
wherever grown, Sells well throngh the qt at variety resembling Rural New Yorker No. 2. 
Cacaloover trade: tigus | \MKeNe Coe us (eee eg LO but a few weeks earlier in ripening and just 
oe Bee ses) ph geey oie: et ee md ma es ee we “f 3 = Ei p > 
Kine of the Earliest Nether extra as productive. Very desirable and a hand- 
= Pe. ee, ee ; Sc sort 9) 
early potato of the Ohio class. An excellent : ase i Ee te ee ae 
SOLE EM Nak ey oltre oop aes Danone eee) Carmon No. 1, A very popular white 
Puen. iemnieeen es AG Eeueailineng arene potato. Season medium. Has had an enor- 
early potato introduced by Peter Henderson's mous sale. \ ery prolific SN De NIE la ae 
° Sons. It originated here in Michigan by my Sir Walter Raleigh. This is probably 
friend Marvin Bovee. The demand for this | the most popular late potato now offered. De- 
potato novelty has always exceeded the sup- | cide lly the best of Mr. Carman’s productions. 
DL yenrsDe cat "S LO Giga vc jaune on eee et etl 40 - Anexcellent large late white potato. Where 
FAME, Sian ie will be barells of money made by seedsmep 
ee LeU pee a Bana EE that list this great uovelty. It cannot fail to 
Rocke oe ae a ae tee Stee ine become more popular and have a larger sale - 
pease ; a Bas 3 i : i than the Carman No. 3. which has made 
Se( bv sev Py 7 yr SeE ~ . as z 
Sse eae oe oo eae ee ee mueh money for those that have adve~tised 
e ° S Sales. Ss ‘ atiekrs Hea Mes c : s : 5 
become a very p are eae ae EO: ral cae it judiciously. My field of this variety made 
BO AGEOS OF PHI CIC Ey Meo eee the most beautiful sight I have seen in any oe 
= : se) = Beat mime a eho ed variety re 
Yhey are a wonderful sight to behold Be Ae) : Meee) sa et Gt Ste Ut ee he Ee a ae 
Early Fortune. Yatroduced by F. B. Mills Macdie Murphy. Valuable late variety. 35 
and claimed to be earlier and far more pro- one Uncle Sanv. This is another valuable late 
ductive than the Barly Rose. _____ - Vo potato novelty recently introduced. It is ob- 
Early Norther. Introduced by Jerrard of long in shape, has a perfect netted skin. some- 
Maine. it is now a well known. reliable. whatrusset. I have had a great demand 
early potato of the Rose elass. It isa hand- for this variety every spring from my retail 
some potato. produces enormously and should ; ZU SUOMLETS” Vide wen i ih agli easy = cae ge yo Sica oD, 
fellas fee advertised by seedsmen. fe Chemis: UN tlie eee eee 
Av stoek 1s exceliemt___ 7 ie. i: ee DO popular late potato has had a remarkable ran 
Improved Early Rose. By careful selec- and is as popular today. as ever since its in- 
tion year after vear I have improved this onee troduction a few years ago. Although I had 
and still popular sort. until I think today my an enormous stock of this variety last spring 
stock of this early potato isas good and will I sold out early and returned several hundred 
produce as enormously as they did 25 years | | dollars to disappointed customers. Should 
ASO: EMER uh a ak eatned | RO SSR AL eB igate tGIGe. I bedistedin every catalogue =... .a0l ame 35 
Olds’s Vigorosa Introdueed by L. L. Olds Rural New Yorker No. 2. Too well 
of Wisconsin. + This is an Extra Early White | known to require description. I grow a 
Potato. vigorous and productive. A decided | large acreage of this sort every year. My 
MOVelibye  WWecalvuin Stock teen eee, een eG) stock is always fine___ BO 

Special Prices on Seed Potatoes will be Quoted on Application. 

sees 22 dammit Michien Grom Garden ont Fit teed Dun, eeeeee 

ARDEN BEANS are another of my seed specialties. All varieties offered below are crop of 1898. All 

were carefully grown and theroughly rogued and grown from my own special stock seed. 

grows the finest beans in the world. The crop of Seed Beans is short this year. I have only a few 
hundred bushels over my reserved requirements for spring catalogue trade to offer. The following prices | 
have made very low with the object of selling out before October 15th and thus save freight to my new location, 

> ied u U i. . = 

Bay City, for this reason I offer my stock very low. Prices below are for well screened beans, as clean as my 
modern machinery will make them. If stock is wanted handpicked an additional charge of 15 cents bushel will 
be added to following prices. New seamless bags 14 cents each extra. Samples free on application. Following 
varieties are too well known to require description. All beans F. O. B. Decatur. 


Quantity. Varieties. Price per Bushel. Quantity. Varieties. Price per Bushel. 
VARIETIES GREEN PODS. ok Keeney’s Rustless Golden Wax ____ 1 35 
Daisy Wilh nite oWiaixs) 2a Sie Sat enn et ee Ib 5x0) 
Extra Early Refugee. Selected strain. ____ $1 30 Wardwells Kidin ey Wax cm ln) lil ll. oie 50 
Extra Karly Round Pod Red Valentine Ua) | ~ Yosemite Mammoth IBilackeWiape ai yee We as 
This is becoming the most popular green NVInHiS IPHEIGL IReAyIe cw Meh noel ero e Gen 
pod sort. My stock is excellent Davis lmproved) Weatless | ll sll’= peta! 
Early Round Yellow Six Weeks, crop short 1 40 MMediumiskield mean aie near em ee 1 00 
pong r wn ne ane aD This is without exception the finest, heaviest 
yielding Field Bean now grown.. You should 
IMPROVED WAX VARIETIES. not fail to catalogue this variety. My stock is 
DwantiGermant Black Wise ae) sean ee te & $1 30 fine and prices low. Remember above prices are 
New Prolific ge VCR Miacacass 0) tek im 1 35 for well screened stock. They are so well clean- 
Improved Golden a UP ORE 1 35 ed handpicking will be a small item. 

Fiammond’s: Rfichigan Northern Grown Seed Peas. 

Il’ THERE IS ANY department in my business in which I excel it is the Pea department. My Peas are all grown in 
the vicinity of Petoskey. Michigan. in the far north and under the supervision of my expert Pea man and myself. Grown as 
they are on the Northern Lake Borders from se/ected. hh and picked stock. they beiug carefully rogued in proper season, my 
stock cannot fail to please the most critical seedsman. Another valuable feature is that they are grown so far north the bugs 
(pea weavel) never have infested the crop and were never known to injure peas in this vicinity. All varieties offered are guar- 
anteed 1898 crop. The prices quoted below are F. O. B. Petoskey, the growing station. Bags 14 cents each extra. Early varieties 
of peas are a fair crop this year, but medium and late varieties will be short owing to injury by drought and frost in July. 
Samples free on application. All my surplus stock of peas will be sold by November 10th. so let me know your requirements 
early. Prices will probably advance later. and remember we can get ro peas from Canada fres of duty this year. The result of 
tariff decreased the acreage in Canada. There is also a small acreage in this country also owing to low prices last year. I look 
for very much higher prices on peas. 
grader, As the crops were harvested without rain, they are a fine sample when graded. If stock is wanted handpicked an 
additional eharge of 15 cents a bushel will be added to following low prices. I quote this way as some seedsmen prefer to 
handpick their own stocks. Specia, prices on peas in quantity will be furnished on application. Following varieties are two 
well known to require description. 

Quantity. Varieties. Price per Bushel. Quantity. Varieties. Price per Bushel 
Round. Smooth, Extra Early Sorts_______ WiimldedmManrhy seeasiicn set tes thon ee 
AlasianStocais vernyotime . inet 02 lees $1 30 Americans Wiond Gre eee oe ee a 2 00 
Hirstramdakests.) sea eseae:, . ear one 1 40 INObi GEE SCelsiOr seo tte ee Re Crea 2 25 
Piiladelphia Bixtra, Marly ao, oie soe 1 40 Wm. Hurst. short crop ___________ 2 50) 
Maud S. Be: rea ia a ah a a 1 40 Mr. Lean’s Little Gem, crep failed__._ 

First of All. Short Crop en CORE a ane ye eek 1 40 PreMmmingin Coen: tes aan nee Goer Rha avey JOR one 1 50 
Earliest and Best. Hammond’s_._________ 1 50 
Quantity. Varieties. Ege ma Bnshel. | Quantity. Varieties. Price per Bushel. 

Prices below are for well screened and graded stock run through the best English pea ~ 

Medium and Late Wrinkled Varieties Shropshere Hero, short crop_________.__- 1 50 
y Yorkshire Hero. a COREE op SN td Roe Tk Ree i ire aay) 

Horstordis: Market: Garden. Wesel eas St 25 Champion of England, short crop. small 

I have a large and excellent stock of this SST Typo INNS ieee, Mee ah anette al oe nara 1 50 

most desirable variety. SHHNG IPAS IWIN oe Sn ee eae ae ae NU 
ET: OMIM ashe ai et ea Gi! a eae ee 1 30 This variety is destined to take a prominent 
Niewmibearn tumors tee okat: Riise n ee tnep eee 1 40 ‘place among our late wrinkled sorts, It yields 
Improved Stratagem:. =. atecpee tie a geeg els 40) enormously and should be listed by every seeds- 
MicklicamsiAdvancer, ou 4a Meenas anew 1 30 man. I consider it as valuable as Champion of 
Telephone. Crop a failure. killed by frost. England. j[tisavery large pea. I have a good 
ADU GamCeyuliscprescnt eh £aanrie in ieee 7E 3x0) stock and at my low prices you should not fail to 
BiVERbeAinioe oaylick ae Si Slee Sa 1 30 give it a trial this year. Special prices on iarge 
LBA AO nue Deer See ee ERO hie eon YUE 1 *3X0) lots will be quoted. 

SED iS Woe ae Oo RN 

Iam growing this season 90 acres of Sweet Corn for seed on my Saginaw Valley Seed Farm near Bay City. 
‘he following prices are for November or December shipment. 
Bags I4 cents each extra- 
Following prices for shelled corn and cleaned by fanning mill. 

ent indications the crop will be fair. 
conditions and stoch being unsold on receipt of order. 
on application after crop is harvested. 

F. O. B. Bay City. 

Quantity. Varieties. Price per Bushel Quantity. 
Red Cob Cory $ .75 
First of All iB) 
Karly Minnesota ) 

Karly Fordhook 
Country Gentleman 
Stowell.s Improved Evergreen 


TH Or or ve 


From pres- 
Subject to usual crop 
Will name special prices 
Samples will be free. 

Varieties. Price per Bushel. 
Hammond's Evergreen, selected SES) 

Mammoth Sugar 

Field Corn, Flint and Dent 
I ean furnish nearly all leading varieties of Flint 

and Dent Seed Corn, Prices on application. 


EARLY ALL kinds of Vegetable Seeds will be a short crop this year, especially Onion, Lettuce, Radish, 
Celery, Beet and other California grown seeds. The droaght in California this year has been the most 
disastrous for vears, if not the worst the state has ever known. My growers there report all varieties of 
seeds will only be one half or one third crop. Sweet peas will be very short and prices much higher. At the 

_ Price 5 Price 
Quantity per pound. Quantity : per puond. 
ANG paTaeC US SCC way. cee nee [eek Melon, Musk, probably 12 to 16c 
Beets for table, probably 8 to 1l4c ......| ..---- Melon, Water, ID tomlioe 
Beets for stock, ae ~etpoulOGreacwore Sat iarenteite Onions, American Grown Seed, 50 to 90c 
Borecole or Kale Pema con) Ue men an meme reCr one yriii0). Wey osc os ok ee WO tm We 
Cal base,ceanly, orilated.. 05 lO iol en racra i ee Parsleyst (2s: 22. eee 2 tonoac 
Carrot. ates 220 40025e-2 ak ee Beppe. Se eee atoniac 
Cauliflowery various prices: 00 sind i aes oes ee Kid), le ae ee OR LONA Ie 
Celeny’“probablye --52 5 2 C0Mo occ Eanes acdisShagh jase. ess Onto Bile 
C@rctinber 2. Pee! Ryne ph emus yearn NOS ge. Jel hens Got oun oS Tor Ve 
Woon lamb pete get co Sab On Die derrere pee Cue oS PUA CHE: Ger geet alo Monslbae 
Hidives 220008 150 LOM SEs oes ee SO OMAS AE. Ae cea en Eton C 
eo Kohl Rabie nk. oe DOutO, (SCs se a ee SA Gi Vat Sere ee ee DOU © 
ou avesigettuce.) 2 atageay i BO to 50cie cease 2 eglOmatoes jie yey nr ON ront) learn eee 
leek eee. HS} BS AHO TOC te ree cee Eelam (een eee eee TA tolSer 

The above prices are only estimated, the lower figures for Standard Varieties and the top figures for 
novelties will probably be the rule. in any event do not place your order until you get my quotations on your 
list. Samples cheerfully furnished on application. 

FLOWER SBBBS [earry in season a full line of leading varieties of Flower Seeds, Sweet Peas, 

Nasturtions, Pansy and Asters are my Flower Seed specialties. Will be 
plea ed to quote you special prices on your list of wants when ready to purchase. 
Iam always in the market for vegetable, Field, Flower and Grass Seeds. If you have any to offer please 
mail samples and correspond with me. : 

Report 0m F°etato Crop, Sept. 1S; tS9s.- 

Since the first page of this list was written there has been a big decline in the conditions of the potato 
crop throughout the prinzipal potato states, Michigan, Wisconsin, New York, Maine and Ohio. The past week 
of extremely hot weather has reduced the Michigan conditions 15 points below the low average of 83 for August 
Ist. The estimated crop for Michigan is now 17,000,000 bushels, which is 3,000,000 less than the small crop 
harvested last year. Wisconsin will harvest only an average crop and Ohio reports early varieties almost a 
total failure and late varieties blighting so badly will only make one half of acrop. ‘Taking the country over 
the total crop will not be as large as last year. From my correspondents reports I am satisfied prices will 
rule higher than last vear. All working classes being employed they will be in position to lay in a supply this 
fall and not be compelled to buy from hand to mouth, as they have done the past three years. The consumption 
this year will be larger. : 

Tor Rurat New Yorker, which is probably our best authority on the potato crop, in their last week’s 
issue said, ‘‘From present indications the potato crop will be only an average one, not larger than last year 
and prices will probably be as high, if not higher, than last year.” The above is an extract from their report. 
Since then extremely hot weather has prevailed and a big decline has resulted as above noted. 

ONIONS IN CAR LOTS, . Decatur produces hundreds of cars of onions annually. It in the 

market for a cirload or more will name you very low prices. 
Thanking the trade for their liberal patronage the past season and soliciting a share of your trade this 
fall and coming year, I remain, 
Yours to Command,