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Full text of "Theo. Koss' seed catalogue : 1898"

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Historic, Archive Document 

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, 
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IH", G 
‘ (u AS 

\ > . \\ 
3 N 

4 WIS. 
261 Reed ot. 

Ask for it, if you 

want it. 

With every order amounting 
to thirty sents or over, I will give — 
FREE, ‘hensorequested, a packet of 
beautiful Sweet Peas This packet 
contains all the leading varieties as . 
showm in the engraving, The Sweet Pea is 
the most popular flower of the day, every- 
body wants it and now can/have it free of 

If you want it, ask for It. 


1838, mi 
An meine Deutjchen Freunde und Kunden: _ 

Wie alliahrlich jende ıch Khnen auch hiermit wieder zu Beginn des neuen Jahres meinen neuen Rata- 
log und gleichzeitig wünsche ich Khnen allen ein gejegnetes, gliicliches neues Jahr. E a. 

Ein arbeitsreiches Fahr haben wir Alle hinter uns und jind die Wusfichten auf gute Zeiten jebt jehr 
günftig. Wie Sie jich bewußt find, hing eine jchwarze Wolfe von Gejchäfts-Bedrüdung, während der lege 
ten vier Jahre, iiber nicht nur alle Gejchäftszweige, aber bejonders über ven Landwirth. Doc die dunkle 
Wolfe ijt am verjchwinden und die großen Handels-Wbdern beben wieder mit neuer Lebenskraft. „Dollar 
Beizen” und vielfach vermehrte Bank-Clarirungen, über die jelbe Zeit von lebtem Jahre zeigen deutlich 
auf einen gewaltigen Gejchäftsauffehwung für das fommende Jahr. Deshalb liebe Freunde uud Gönner - 
frijch an’s Werf; jäet reichlich und Shr’werdet reichlich ernten. aa 

Wenn Sie Hhre Beitellung augsidhreiben bitte benugen Pre, wenn irgend möglich, den in jedem Rae ° 
talog befindlichen. Beitellzettel und follte er nicht ausreichen, bitte verlängern Sie denjelben mittelg an 
deren Papiers oder jchreiben Sie um mehr Beitellzettel die ich gerne fchide.: Auch jehieke ich mit jedem 
Katalog ein mit meiner Adpdrejje bedructtes Coudert, welches Sie ebenfalls benugen fönnen. Auf den 
ln und auch in anderen Briefen möchte ich bitten, den Namen. und. die volle Adrejje recht deutlich 
zu Ichreiben. a as PO a 

‚sn jedem Jahre erhalte ich zahlreiche Briefe und auch Cee mit einliegendem Geld, bei mel- 
chen entweder der Name und die Ydreffe gänzlich fehlen, oder doch Theil derjelben, zum Beifpiel der 
Staat in welchen der Betreffende wohnt nicht angegeben ijt. Da ijt es mir unmöglich, jo gerne ich auch 
möchte, die Bejtellung zu erledigen oder die Briefe zu beantworten. ~ ie 

Wie Geld zu fhiden. Das Geld joll der Beitellung immer beigefügt fein, und fann auf mein * 
Rififo wie folgt verjandt werden; Bojt-Anmweijung, Wechjel auf New Yorf, «Chicago oder Milwaukee, 
Erprep-Anweijung oder auch im regijtrirten Brief. 

Boit-Anweijungen fojten für irgend eine Summe bis. zu $2.50, 3Ct8. ; iiber $2.50 und nicht 
mehr als $5.00, 56t3. ; über $5.00 bis 10.00, 8 Gts.; über $10.00 bis 20.00, 10.618. ; iiber $20.00, bis 30. 
12 6t3. ; über $30.00 bis 40.00, 15 Cts. ; über $40.00 bis 50.00, 18 Cts. ; iiber 850.00 bis 60.00,°20 Sts. 

KErpreg- Anweifungen werden von den Agenturen der Erpreß Gejellichaften gefauft und foften für 
Summen nicht über $5.00, 5 Cts. ; 10.00, 8 Cts. ; 20.00, 10 Cts. ; 30.00, 12 Ets.; 40.00, 15 Ets. ° : 

Geldicheine (Bills) und Münzen können mit Sicherheit im regiftrirten Brief gejchictt werden. 
Seder Voitmeiiter tit genöthigt irgend einen Brief auf Bezahlung von 8 Gt3. ertra Porto zu regijtriren, — 
Die Einjhidungsfoten fonnen von allen Beitellungen über $1.00 von der Rehnung abgezogen werden. — 

Samen per Pojt.— In ,, Pactets’’ verpadte Gamereien und Padete, welche nicht mehr alse 
Prund wiegen, werden von mir Frei nach irgend einer Pojtitatton in den Vereinigten Staaten verjandt 
Dei größeren Quantitaten muß 8 Cts. per Pfund zum Katalogpreis zugefügt werden, bei Bohnen und 
Erbjen 8 Cts. per Bint und 15 Cts. per Quart, und bei Korn 6 Gt3. per Pint uud 10 Gts. per Quart, um | 
das Porto zu deden. 

[cs Bitte jorgfälfig'zu lejen. 

2 von Gemüje- und Blumen - Samen, nur in Padeten. Die lesien 

Speciale Ofjerte paar Yahre offerirte ich mehrere Collectionen a Gemüje und Blumen 

- Samen. Da aber viele Kunden Venderungen in denjelben verlangten, 

jo habe ich auf die folgende Art einen Ausweg gefunden um Alle in diejer Hinjicht zu befriedigen. ch 
überlafje die Auswahl von Sorten den Kunden unter folgenden günjtigen Bedingungen: 


x eR 

: wo ? 

= = ME 


Bere ir 
Fur 25c fann der Raufer.Samen_in Padete zum Werthe von 30c wählen. 4 J 
» “506 “ u u TE = u u u “706 u 4 4 

u $1.00 u u u u u u u u 4 $1.60 ¥ 
, 4 $2.00 u u u u u u 4 2 cf $3.25 A 4 

N u $3.00 a“ “l u 7] 7 “i 4 u u $5.00 “ 
 Samen bei Gewicht oder Maas fann hiermit wicht eingeihlogen werden, da 
ich an Diejen feinen Jtabatt erlaube. Fch wünfche nicht misverjtanden zu jein. Dieje Offerte gilt nur 
Samen in Padete, und nicht jolchen beim Maas oder Gewicht. ch bitte dies zu bemerten. iu) bin 
bereit, jolchen die es mir überlafjen wollen, eine geeignete Auswahl zutreffen und gwar unter denjelben 
Marftgärtiner und jolche welche Gemiije Samereien in große Quantitäten faufen jende ich auf‘ 
Verlangen meine Engros-Breistite. ; 
Sch bin immer bereit die Preije von zunverläßigen Koncurrenten zu vergleidhen. 
Och möchte meine Kunden auf das nebenjtehende Wappen der Familie RoR ° 
aujmertjam machen, welches ıd) als Gejhäftsmarte angenommen habe. Es jtammi 7 
aus Den Kreuzzügen des zwölften Sahrhunderts und wurde einem meiner Vorfahren © 

> BR = 2 Er ae ‘ : 

A als anerfemmung jeiner Zapferfeit zuertheilt. jm diejemt Katalog habe id) diefe t 

m Gejchäftsmarfe allen Sorten von Samen, u. j. w., welche von mir eingeführt und ~ 

phe)" Rataloge jtehen zu jeder Zeit gern zur verfügung und irgend eine Ausfunft in 
es “ — meiner Branche wird mit dem größten Vergnügen prompt ertheilt. e 
Mab ads) Kann ich nicht darauf rechnen, Fhre Beitellung in diefem Frühjahr zu erhalten? 
Sie werden jicher mit der- Ausführung und den von mir erhaltenen Sämereien befjer zufrieden jein wie jez 

uvor. : &3 zeichnet, | Achtungsvoll, Be 
Milmaufee, Wis., den liren Yanuar, 1898. THEO. KOSS. 

nt tee ~ 

In Ordering please use this Sheet. Be rel to fill out Name and Address in full. 

Reliable 2%, Order Sheet for Seeds, &c. 
= Be. 3 - MILWAU 

Seeds. De 3 Theo.Koss, A Male 

a TS eS ET) 
State on this line whether } f Please don’t write in 

wanted by Mail, Express ; this space. 
Forward by { or Freight, \ ee eeersersecaneenerers oes 
TO i 

Names... 1000 201000 pe FOF thee eee RO BR HB a Ye oo 6 © 90 0 © 

Post Office sh BO 2.01. 002 ee 00 pe 88 0 91 0 0 De 8 a eer yore Amount Enclosed 

Om <2 es..., ees 2.8 Sige ee - Be sk ee ae Bern 

Please state whether in 

5 = : 
DIAS ER wie Ceres sits bn teers. + Meters a e020 © eo eeecea OL ee meee ae 

Express or | 
Busch Omeere ne en Date... - leg 
ee ee ee ee ET ; | 

SEEDS BY MAIL,—Al seeds in packets, ounces and quarter pounds will be sent post-paid by 
mail at prices quoted, on parcels containing more than a quarter pound, postage must be added 
at the rate of 8 cts. per pound, on Beans and Peas 8cts. per pint and 15 cts. per quart, and on 
Corn 6 cts, per pint and 10 cts. per quart. 


Pane Le: OS Cone at ale ee, ee ana, -— 8 re 218 88 Pr E 8-0 ee Pere HET RO ET ee eee oe oo. ‘e ov.....€.0..e... eee ..... 
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eee ++ Extra order sheets and return : 
envelopes on application. Amount carried over. 

nn seen m een ee neuen. gg 

Amount brought forward. Shes 4 ; : | 

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eve an 0 00 1 8 1 la 1 8 8 8 EL LE 8 8 LE ses EL TE 1 8 = 

Have your neighbor send his order 
iwith yours for Seeds, he will thank you 
{for it when he sees the result. TOTAL. : 

The space below is for remarks about yourorder Also please write here the addresses of market 
gardeners and others who buy seeds and to whom my catalogue would be acceptable. % 

000 8 Be 8 e 9889809 52 oa 0 0 © 88 8 0 1 01 0 0 2 8 05 en 20 rr a0 98 E12). 98 8 0 TE Re + La Eu SI ar 3 nm nn 880, m Oe 

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»eo oe. ©ere@eeeeeceeeese oe 30 0 8 8 8 8 0 Er EL TR ET BE IT ers eeeeeeSBev tee sos eo? ..—..— 1 2 eB ee 202 1 8082 0 0 2.6 

Grass Is King I! jagt der Umerifaner um da- 
mit anjubdeuten dak der Grasbau die mwidhtigite 
hund bervorragenfte Role in der Landwirth{ daft 
einnimmt. (Mer Gras hat der hat Brod.”’ 
jagt Schmerz ein “hervorragender deutiher Land- 
witht, und Mehr Gras bedeutet mehr 

Sutter und mehr Futterbedeutetmehr 
| Biehbundmehr Mild. Mehr Vieh be- 
beutetwieder mehr Dünger und mehr 
Dünger mehr Pflanzennahrung und 
binehr Getreide. Mehr Getreide und 
mehr Mild aber bedeutet mehr Geld. 

Somit fann man mit Recht den Grasbau als die 
| Grundlage u. das Jundament des wohlitandes der 
| Farmer bezeichnen. Wo Grasbau getrieben wird 
da blüht auch die Viehzucht, und wo die Viehzucht 
I blüht da blüht auch der Aderbau. Das ijt der 
| rechte AckerSmann der ftarf den Boden diingen fann, 
der Wechfel halt auf feinem Feld und jeinen Ader 
tief bejtellt, fein Vieh in gutem Stand erhält. Am 
"Vieh aber erfennt man gemwöhnlid) den Wirth. 

' Wie jteht es nun aber mit dem Grasbau im All: 
(gemeinen und im Großen und Ganzen? Kein 
Zweig der Landwirthichaft ift hierzulande jo ver- 
Innachlafjigt wie gerade der Grasbau. Sn einzelnen 

Gegenden unjeres neuen großen Vaterlandes fret- 
| lich wird dem Anbau der zahmen und befferen 
| Grasarten {don mehr aber nod) lange nicht die 
'gebührende Aufmerkfjamfeit gefhenft. Sm den ofi- 
liden Staaten und in der Nähe groper Städte 
iji dies bejonders der Fall, wahrend in den weniger 
‘| bicht befiedelten wejtliden und nordmejtliden 
| Staaten dem Anbau von zahmen Grafern nod 
‚wenig Aufmerfjamfeit gejchenft wurde. Aber die 
nod vorhandenen wilden oder Pratriemiejen gehen 

alljährlich ftarfim Ertrage zurück und die Farmer 
‚find gendthigt die bejjeren natürlichen Grafer anzu- 

Wher aud) ba wo das Land durd) anhaltenden 
Getreidebau ausgejogen wurde und leichte Ernten 
‘die Kegel find wird durd den mehr verbreiteten 
"Anbau von Kleegras dem Lande die alte Trag- 
J} jabigfeit wiedergegeben. Wenn das niedergejäete 
| Stic Land außerdem noch als Weide benußt wird, 
| jo trägt der Weidedünger den das Land nod als 
| Grtra Zugabe erhält, in 2 oder 3 Sahren außerdem 
| nod viel zur Berbeljerung und Bereicherung des 
|'Boden3 bei. 

Auf diefer und den folgenden Seiten habe ich die 
| widhtigften Wiejen und Weidegräjer und die ver- 
| {chiedenen Sleearten ausführlid bejchrieben. 
| Seder fann die jeinen Berhaltniffen oder den Boden 
jam beiten entiprechenden Sorten darnad) aus- 
}iwablen. Ich Habe auch dieje Gras- und Kleearten 
| mit Rüdjicht auf das Wadhsthum und die Reifegeit 
derjelben jowie auch auf die Bodenarten welche 
innen am beiten zujagen, in geeigneten Stleegras- 
Imifchungen zujammengeftellt, Aus diefen Klee- 
grasmijdungen wird Seder mit Lcichtigfeit die 
jeinem Boden oder Zwec am beiten entjprechende 
| Mijdhung auszumählen im Stande fein. Die 
| große Sorafalt welde ich der Auswahl und Au- 
jammenftellung meiner Kleegrasmifdungen zumen- 
De find die Urjaden des Erfolges welche meine 
Kunden überall mit meinen Kleegrasmijchungen 
gehabt haben wie die vielen Zujchriften derjelben 



Gras: und Kleefümereien. 

Preife ber Veränderung bes Marktes unters 

Rafenftrauggras. [Red Top] Befannt. Pfo. 
luc, Bufchel $1 25 

Englijdes Naigras, [Perenial Rye Grass] 
Gut in Gemengen mit anderen Grafern für Ra: 
fer, Wieje oder Weide. Pjund 10c, Bufchel 
$1 20 NE, 

Stalienifhes Raigras. Italian Rye 
Grass] Gebdeiht auf fait allen Bodenarten und 
giebt einen frühen, earl und wiederholten - 
Wuchs. Pfund 10c, Bufchel $1 35 

Wiefenfuhsihwanz. [Meadow Foxtail] 
Auf reihem, feudjtem Boden zu faen. Bon 
jedem Vieh gern gefrefjen. Pid. 256, Bujcel $3. 

Kuawlgras, [Orchard Grass]. Eine jehr 
rajd) wadjende Sorte, vorgiiglicd) für Weide 
oder Wieje, Wb. 15c, Bujchel $1 95 

Schafihwingel. [Sheep Fescue.] 2Ausges 

eh für Schafmweide auf armen trodenen Bo- 

en, verträgt lang anhaltende Dürren. Pid. 15c, 
Buf chel $1.75. 

Drahtichmele. (Wood Hair Grass.) Un: 

empfindlic) gegen Kälte und Hike und gebeiht 
gut im Schatten. Pfd. 250, Bujchel $3 00. 

Eine der werthvolliten Weidegräfer., 
Bujchel $1 75. 

(Meadow Fescue). 
Pjund 15e, 


Wiejenrifpengras. (Kentucky Blue Grass) 
Auch unter den Namen Sune Gras befannt. 
Gedeiht am beiten auf trodenem, reihem Boden. 
Doppelt gereinigter Samen per Pd. dc, 
Buichel $1 65. 

Fivringras. (Cree ee Wiinfdens- 
werth in Mijdungen für Rajen oder Wieje und 
gedeiht am bejien auf jfeudjtem Land. Pfund 18e 

"Bujchel $2 25. 

Franzöfiimes Riaigras. (Tall Meadow 
Oat Grass). Unentbehrlich für Weiden wegen 
des frühen und üppigen Wadhsthums. Pd. 18e, 
Bujchel $2 25. 

Kanımgras, (Crested Dogstail.) Wideriteht 
der größten Dürre. Cin vorzügliches Rafen= und 
Weide-Gras. Pfund 30c, Bufdel $3 65. 

Miejentrefpe., (Bromus Inermis.) Für jehr 
trocene Gegenden jehr zu empfehlen. VBerjuche 
wutden mit diejer Srasart-auf der Kanjas Ber: 
judhsitation gemacht, und dasjelbe bemährte fich 
ausgezeichnet gegen Dürre. Zur Anlage von 
Weiden in trodenen Gegenden unentbehrlich. 

En gute Futter Pflanze. Pjund 25c, Bufchel 

Goldhafer. (Yellow Oat Grass). G&ebeiht 
auf hohen, trodenen Bodenarten; zum Anbau 
für jich allein nicht geeignet, aber jehr werthvoll 
in Mijdhungen. Hat guten Nahwudhs. Bid. 
50c, Bujchel $6 25. 

Spates Rifpengras. [Fowl Meadow]. Da 
diejes Gras ein hochhwadfendes Gras ift, fo ver- 
wendet man e3 weniger zu Weidenanlagen als 
zum jchneiden, diejes Rifpengras fann jede Kälte 
ertragen und hält fic) bis zum Winter grün und 
frijd, darf aber nicht an Orte zu jtehen fommen 
Die lange unter Wafjer find. Pfund 20c, Bujdel 
$2 60. 

Rawhesrifpengras, (Rough Stalked 
Meadow.) Sreibt ungemein viele Ausläufer, 
entwickelt jih Fräftig und wird vom Vieh gerne 
gejrejien. fd. 25c, Bujchel $3 25. 

Duellihivaden, (Water Spear Grass.) 
Wachit jehr jtark, wird 4—5 Fup hod und liefert 
zwar grobes aber nahrhaftes Heu in ‚großen 
Mafjen. Für Wiejen und Weiden die der Ueber- 
Ihmwemmung ausgejegt find jehr geeignet. 

Pfund 80c, Bufdel $3 25. 

Rohridwingel. (Tall Fescue). Sehr nahr- 
haft und ergiebig, thut gut auf feuchtem und 
Ihattigem Boden; halt auch) guten Stand in 
Märichen und Siümpfien. Pfund 18, Buichel 
$2 25. 

Timothy. Befannt. Marktpreis etwa $1 30 
bis $1 70 per Bujchel, Pd, 5c. 


Rother Klee, Gemöhnlider. Preis fteigt 
nd fallt, etwa 84 00 bi3 $5.00 per Bujdel, Pfd. 
10e. ; 

Richer Klee, Diefer Klee wacdhft fünf bis feds 
sup hoc, findet hauptfadli durch Unter- 
pflügen zum Gründüngen Verwendung. Preis 
mechjelt, etwa $4 50 bis $5 25 per Bujdel, Bid. 

Theo. Kok, 261 Reed Straße, Milwautee, Wis. 

Pf a oe ean a DIE 

Weifer Klee. 

Vorlieb nimmt. 

Unentbehrlich für Dauermeide 
und Rafenplage. Be gel 

Piund 25c, Pe $3 00, Busdhel 

$10 00 refp. Marktpreis. 

Powplighi auf leichtem, trodenem 
i €, 10 Bid, $1 00. 


Boden. Pfund 

Snearnat Klee. 

"Sncearnate oder deutiher NRiefen-Hlee. 

Der eingigfte Klee welcher im erjten Jahre volle 
Ernte giebt. Sm April gejdet, fann er bereits 
Ende Suni gefdnitten werden. Blüht fdharlad- 
roth, wiederfteht der Diirre porta ee 
fommt auf irgend einem Soden fort. ach ft 
fehr üppig und wird auc) zum Unterpflügen zur 
Verbejjerung des AderS verwandt. Ausjaat 
10 bi 15 Pfund per Ader. Pjund 10c, Peck 
$1.20, Bujdel $4 40. 

Schwedifcher: oder Saftard-Klee, [Alsike] 
Widerfteht dem Winter gut und gedeiht auf fait 
allen Bodenarten. Blüthen rund, fleijdjarbig 
und mohltriehend.. Pfund de, Bed $1.50, 
Bujdhel $5 75 reip. Marktpreis. 

Efparjette. (Sainfajin.) Auf falfartigen fo- 
wie auch leichteren Bodenarten, gedeiht Ejpar- 
fette hauptjadlic), giebt große Heuernten und 
halt 8 bis 10 Kahren aus. Pd. 12c, 10 Pf. 
$1 00. 


: Geehrter Herr Kop: Danbury, Conn. 
Die Sämereien die ich beftellt hatte find im 
guten Zuftand und gute Verpacung bier 
angefommen. Bejten Dank für die vielen 
Gejchente. St, W. Trimpert. 


TS Ein fleiner, friedhender, peren= 
nirender Klec, welder mit jajt allen Bodenarten 


Raugzerne. Sm: 
portitte deut 
{de Luzerne 
ift ein peren- 
fhnel wadj- 
ender Klee, 
welcher air 
gu n {tig 

viermal in 
einem Sabre 
werden fann. 
Luzerne ver- 
langt einen 
ten Boden 
mit durdylaß- 
baren Unter- 
grund da die 
Wurzeln jehr 
tief eindring- 
en fann me- 
noch Froft ihn 
beeinflu pen. 
Er treibt un: 
ter dem 
Schne und 
fann bereits 
im Mai ge- 
mabht werden. 

5 bis 15 Pf. 

ee per Acer. 
= a ie fae 

2.00, Bujde 
Luzerne. $7.75, 


— fiir— 

Danerwiefen und Danerweiden. 

Miihungen zur 
Anlage von Dauerwieien, 

Den verjchiedenen Bodenarten wie aud) den Giz : 

genihaften der Grajer 
und zufammengejtellt. 
Ro. 1. Für trocene, hochgelegene Flächen, 
leichtem Boden: a . : 
Englijdes Raigras, zu 10c per Pfund 
Ttanzöjiiches Raigras, $1.80 ; 100 
Riefenflee und Rothflee, | Pd. für $3.75 
Mo. 2. Für trocene, hochgelegene Kladen auf 
ee oe 
ranzöfiiches Raigras, 
Gol er ; 
Raubes Rijpengras, 
Stalieniiches Raigras, 
Luzerne und Rothflee, 

entijprechend ausgemablt 


18 Bd. per Acker 

16 ® fund per 
Ader zu 12c per 
Bid. $1.92; 100 
fd. für $10.75 

Garten:, Feld: und Blumen-Sämereien. 

No. 3. Für feuchten flächen mit Ben 

Wiejenichmingel, 16 Pfund per Ader 
Nioringras, zu 12%e per Pfd. 
Rauhes Rijpengras, $2.00; 100 Ph. 
Schmwedilcher Klee, $11 00 6 

No. 4. Für zeitmeife überfchwenmten Boden: 
Rohrihwirngel, 18 Prd. per Acker zu 
Tioringras, 12%c per Pfund 
Rauhes Rifpengras, $2.25; 100 Pfund 
Schwedijcher Klee, He $11.25 

No. i Für Sumpfices Marjcehland gum Ueber 
Sureth chwadengras, 10 Pfund per Acker zu 
Rohridwingel, 18c per Pfund $1.80; 
Rafenjtraußgras, 100 Pfund $16.00 

Miihungen zur 
' Anlage von Dauerweiden. 
Für die verfhiedenen Vodenarten find die folgen 
den Mijchungen befonders gezignet: 
No. 6. Für trocene, hochgelegene Tlachen, 
leichtem Boden: 


| 18 Bid. per Acer 


ae zu 10c per Pfund . 
nie Raigras, [ $1.80; 100 Bfd.r 
dhafer, für $8.75 

air und Weipflee, J 

Ro. 7. Für trocdene, hochgelegene Flächen, auf 
Ihwerem Boden: 
Wiefenfuhsihmwanz, | 
Rauhes Mijpengras, | 
Rramzöfiiches Raigras, 
Cnalijhes Maigras, 
Fuzerne und EL ae 

18 Bid. per Ader 
zu 10c per Pfd. 
$1.80 ; 100 
Pid. für $8.75 

en 8. Für feuchte F lagen mit frudtbarem Bo: 

Rauhes Kijpengras, 
Kajenjtrausgras, 18 Pfund per Ader 
Sioringras, zu 12c per Pfun:: 
Knaulgras, $2.16; 100 juno 
Rohrjdhwingel, für $10.75 

Mo. 9. Kür Marichweiden zur Ueberfaat: 
Duelljchbwaneı, 10 Pfund per Acer 

Rafenitrausgras, zu 15c per Pfund 
Rohrjdhwingel, $1. Be 100 Pfund fir 
Fioringras, „Zi 

No. 10. Für Dauerweiden auf befcbattetem Lande 
oder Waldboden ift die folgende De zu 

Knaulgras, 18 Pfund per Acker 
Franzöfifhes Raigras, zu 12c per Pfund 
Wiejenrijpengras, 22.163.100 Pfund 
Weiperflee, für $10. 75 

Ro. 11. Für Schmeinemweiden: 

Sncarnatflee, 16 Pfund per Aare 
Xtalienifches Raigras, zu 12de per Pfuud 
wioringras, $2.00; 100 Bfrid 
Schmwedilcherflee, $11.25 

err Freie Berpadung. — 

Keine Berechnung für Saez, 


No. 12. Für Schafweiden [hochgelegenes Land] 
Kammagra3, 16 Pfund per Ader 
Wiefenrifpengras, zu 12¢ per Pfund 
Drahtidmele, $1.92; 100 fund 

. Weißer Klee, für $10.75 

No. 1 Für Abhän 

ge um Abijhwenmungen zu 
verhüten tit folgen 

e Miihung zu empfehlen: 

Riefentrefpe, 15 Pfund per Acker zu 18c 
Goldhajer, per Pfund $2.70; 100 
Steinflee, Pfund für $16.00 

Ro. 14. Für guten Humusreiden Boden in ge 

mwöhnlicher Lage, wie er hier in Wisconfin, und 
überhaupt in den weftliden unb nordweitliden 
Staaten fic) findet und in die Jruchtfolge aufge- 
nommen werden fann. Seder follte einen 
Berinh damit madhenz; zur Wieje wie 
auch zur Weide geeignet: 

Theo. Mok, 261" Reed Straße, Milwaukee, Wis. 

White Shonen, Sehr er- 
giebig, wird jehr viel in 
Wiseonfin gebaut, Körner 
plump und jdwer, Rijpen 
jehr groß, Stroh jtark. Peck 
20c, Bujchel 60c, 23 Buj del 
$1.35. - 

Probjteier. Cin hiibjder 

weiger Hafer, welche viele 

ausgezeichnete Eigenjchaften 

Franzöfiiches Raigras, 15 Bid. per » Acer bejtst, jeht reichtragend. 
Wiefenrijpengras, zu 12c per Pfund Pek 250, Bujdel 800, 23 
Knaulgras, $1.80; 100 Pfb. Bujchel $1.85. 

Engliiches Raigras, 
Stalientjdes Kaigras, 

für $11.00; 500 
Pfund für $50.00 


Sioringras, 1000 Pfund für 
Incarnatflee, $95.00 

Auserlejene Farwt-Samercien. 


Waihington Hafer. Novität. Siehe Ab- 

bildung und Beichreibung auf der legten Um- 

Der Lincoln Hafer. Ward 
erit tm Sahre 1893 eingeführt 
und hat wundervolle Rejultate 
ergeben. Er ijt ungweifelhajt 
der meijt ergiebige und Jat jich 
foweit als völlig Roftfret bemie- 
fen. Das Stroh ift ftarf und 
fteif, aufrecht jtehend. Die Kör- 
ner jind jehr {dou und merth- 
voll für Kütterungen wegen 
ihrer dünnen Süljen, jchweres 
wleij und weiche Spike. 
Sieben Bujchel ergaben 817 
Bujdel und 21 Piund, im 
durhichnitt 116 Bu. von jedem Bujchel welder 
gejäet wurde. Bek 306, Bujchel $1.00, 24 

Buj hel $2.25. SE 
Schwarzer Norwegijdher. 
ige Sorte, von fraftigem Wadsthum. 
zogen von Originaljaat. Pek 30c, Bujdel 
90c, 24 Bujchel $2 00. 
American Beauty. Dieje ausgezeichnete und 
beliebte Sorte ift durch ihre Krühzeitigfeit, fraft- 
igen Wuchs und erjtaunliche Ergiebigkeit charaf- 
terifirt. Die Körner find groß und jchwer, das 
Stroh aufreht und jtarf. Peck 2c, Bujchel 90c, 
24 Bufdel $2.00, 
Werther Herr: Hartsburg, Logan Go. U. : 
Sh fann Shnen mittheilen daß ih mit & 

Ahrem Samen immer gut zufrieden war. 
(3 grüßt, Claus Sandleben. 

Eine jehr ergieb- 
Hier ge- 



Manjhury Gerfte. 

Dies ijt die bejte jechszeilige 
Dielelbe wurde zuerjt in Wisconjin 

von Profefjor Henry auf der Staats-Univerjität 
vor etwa 10 Jahren eingeführt und ijt feitdem | 
die beltebtejte und beite aller Gerjtenjorten ge- | 
worden. Manjhury Gerite zeichnet jich befonders | 
durd) große Ernten aus, von 55 bis 65 Bujcel 

per Ucer. Die Körner find jehr groß und 
plump, die Wehren lang mit jehs Reihen Kör- 
ner. Das Stroh ijt ftarf und fteif. Bed 25e, |. 

Bujchel $1.00, 23 Bujchel $2.25. 

Silver Hull. Cine jehr verbejjerte Sorte. Gr 
ift länger in Blüthe, reift jchneller und giebt 
zweimal joviel aus als der gewöhnliche; der 
Kern ift runder und von einer jchönen hell- 
grauen Farbe, das Mehl ijt weik und viel nahr- 
hafter. Beck 256, Bujchel 80c, Sad 24 Buj del 

Sapanifcher. Die Körner find mehr wie dop- 
pelt jo groß als die irgend einer anderen Sorte, 
und von tiefer Dunfelbrauner Farbe. Meift eine 
Woche früher wie Silver Hull, und liefert ein 
Mehl dak nicht übertroffen werden fann. Pec 
30c, Bujdel $1.00, Gack 24 Bujchel $2.25 

Gewshunlider. Bed 20c, Bu. 70e. 


NRuififher. Der meijte Flachs welder gebaut 
wird ijt nidt nur voll von Unkraut, jondern 
aud) ausgeartet. Sch habe daher den Rufjijchen 
Rlach3 hier auf reinem Vande weiter gebaut, und 
ift mein Samen rein und frei von allem Un- 
fraut. Allen, welche fich friihen und reinen 
Samen anjchaffen wollen, fann id) dieje Sorte 

Ted 35c, Bufdel $1.35. 

Wilder Pieis. 

Werthvoll als Futterpflanze auf jumpfigen Bo- 
Pfund 30c. 




| he atu 


| | Lupinen. 

(Gelbe, Uniibertrefflid) für Schajweide. Cine 
| ausgezeichnete Futterpflanze, bejonder3 für Bo- 
Denverbefjerung benugt. Pfund 10e, 10 Pfund 
75c, 100 Bfund $6.50 

I Widen. 
' Ein herrliches Mtafi- und Pferdefutter, welches ge- 
|  möhnlih im Gemenge mit Erbjen, Hafer und 
| Roggen angebaut wird. Pfund Sc, Peck 80c, 
| Bujdhel $3.00. 

Sand: Wilden. 

| Eine hodgefdabte Jutterpflanze von deutfchland. 
| Die Sandwicke gedeiht in den armiten Boden. 
Sechs Tonnen per Acer find auf magerem Land 
geerntet worden und lieferten cinen weiteren 
Schnitt für Samen oder zum Grün unter zu 
pflügen. Wiederfieht Dürren, Hite und Kälte, 
Sm Frühjahr gefaet gtebt eS einen frühzeitigen 
und üppigen Ertrag. ignet fid) vorzüglich 
zum Herbfteinfaat. Pfund 12c, 10.Pfund 90c, 
50 Pfund $4.25. 

Sugar Cane. » 

| Carly Amber. Für Zuder und Syrup ge- 
baut. Pfund 5c, 10 Pfund 45c, 100 Pfund $3.75. 

| Sonnenblume. 
| Große Ruffifhe. Geeignetes Futter jür Ge- 
flügel, jehr groß. Pfund 10c, 10 Pfund 75c. 

Hirfe. (Millet). 
Preijeder Veränderung des Marktes unterworfen, 

Gewshnlide. Sehr früh, breite Blatter. 
Bufdel 80r. 

Ungarifches Gras. Gedeiht febr gut auf 
leichtem Boden. Bujchel 90e. A 

Deutide oder Goldene, Drei bis fünf Fuß 
hod. Buichel $1.00. 


Liefert vortrefflidjes Grünfutter wie aud) ein ausge- 
zeichnretes, nahrhaftes Heu, welches für Mildfiihe 
bejonders geihäst wird. Sehr geeignet um 
grün unterzupflügen zur ende von 
leihtem jandigem Boden. Der:Kiefenjpörgel 
zeichnet fic) bejonderS durd) ungemein rafjches 
Wahsthum aus. Bei etwas jeuchtem Wetter 
fann das Feld {chon in 6 bis 8 Woden nad der 
Saat als BViehjutter benugt werden. Ausfaat 
12 bis 16 Pjund per Ader. Pfund 5c, 10 Pfd. 
$1.00, 100 Pfund $8.50 

Cow Peas. 
WMhippoorwil, Auserlejene Saat diejer herr- 

fihen Rutterpflanze. Sc per Pfund, 10 Pfund 
60c, 100 Pfund $4.75. 

Koördlicd) gezogenes SamenForn. 

&s ift eine allbefannte Thatjache, dak Ror, 
weldes im Norden gepflangt wird und zur Reife 
gelangt, viel jrither reift mte Ddtefelben Sorten, 
welche weiter {iidlich gepflanzt werden. Samen: 
forn welches hier in Wisconfin gut außreift, wird 
überall, wo immer eS auch gepflanzt wird, nicht 
‘bios früher reifen, jondern nn durch ftärferes 
Wahsthum und in anderer Hinfiht auszeichnen ; 

Garten:, Feld: nnd Blumen-SGamereien. 

acy rc EN 

aus bdiejem Grunde allein ift mein Samenforn 
billig, jelbft wenn id) ben doppelten Preis dafür 
verlangen würde. 

Beauty. Dies ift 
eine neue Sorte gel: 

ben Jahn: 


ron, forns welde 
FE frühzeitig 
a ve tft, von 

— Ba & sthum 
ijt und eine Höhe von 8 
bis 10 Fup erreidt. 

> enthaltend welche 
zum Ende de3 Kolbens 
ausfüllen. Hat einen 
va Fleinen Kolben, ijt leicht 
ia entförnt, und übertrift 
alle anderen in Größe, 
Gridheinung und Er: 

ing. Cin frühes 

gelbes Zahnforn. 

Schöne große Aehren. 

2 Deck 35c, Bu. $1 30. 
Angel of Midnight 

Ein extra frühes gel- 

bes Flintforn, 8 reih- 

ige Art. Die Aehre 

ijt von vollfommener 

worm, 10 bis 13 Zoll 

lang. Reihen gerade 

und eben. Die 
Stengel find von mittlerer Größe, Peck 45c, 
Bujchel $1.50. 

Wiconfin White Dent. Das Bejte weiße 

_ Zahnforn für diefe nördlidde Breite, 16 bis 20 
Reihen, Heine Kolben große Körner. Peck 45e, 
Buf del $1.50. 

Mercer, (Gelbes Flint.) Sehr früh, een 
Aehren 9 bis 10 Zoll lang und 12 bis 14 Reihen 
gut ausgefüllt bis zur Spike. Pec 35c, Bufdel 

Ried Cob Enfilage Corn. Dicje hodge- 
Ihabte Art fann empfohlen werden alS das am 
reihlichiten ergiebige Enfilage-Korn in Kultur, 
50 bis 75 Tons per Acker ergebend. 3 ift 
gründlich geprüft worden in allen Ntilderei- Ge- 
genden des Landes mit den beiten Erfolgen. &8 
ift ein rein weißes Zahn-Korn von bedeutender 
Größe und hHübjiches Ausjehen, an einen rothen 
Kolben wadhjend, das Futter ijt iif, zart, jaftig 
und enthält mehr Nährwerth als irgend eine an- 
dere Art. Es wählt 13 bis 14 Fuß hod, nimmt 
feften Halt im Boden, fteht gut aufredt und 
leiftet Stürmen aller Art Widerftand in bez 
merfenSwerthem Grade. eck 25c, Bujchel 80c 


Kok’ Golden Beauty Korn 

Mein Ziel-Einmal ein Kunde, immer 
ein Kunde, 

6 See Thea. Rok, 261 Reed Strafe, Peilmauter, Wis. 

EG raps z mn NY x LEHRT vt < os u. 
Gi ey LUD REDE a A iG GAG eee, 2 
WUT M RS iy LTE man aufmer 


bi8 65 Pfund an Körnern liefern. 
Pec 25c, Bufchel $1.30. 

Evergreen Fodder. Bortheilhaft 
füßer und nahrhafter ift, und lieber ge- 

frefjen wird, als Futter von Feldforn. 
Bride of the North. Pek 30e, Buf cel $1.10. 

Dwarf Gifer Raps. 

Für Schajziichter giebt es wohl feine werthvollere Bflanze wie diejen „Dwarf Ejier” Raps, u. wenn Derjelbe | 
erft mehr befannt ift wird er auch mehr und allgemeiner angebaut werden. Won den großen Shapüd- 

3 e8 Dad beite und | 
wie aud) die Lümmer werden in furger Zeit fett ,,und fo jchwer 

tern hierzulande wird der Raps jchon im Pape Maßitabe angebaut, und alle jagen, ba 
biligite Schaffutter ift, und Schafe jowoh 
wre Blei’ im Rapsfelde. 
Die Kultur ift leit und ‘ 
gedeiht der Raps auf allem a Wo oe 
Boden wo Korn wählt. Wn- 
fangs Juli wird das Land 
zur Saat zuredht gemacht 
und der Samen mittelft 
einer Gartendrill wie die 
Planet jr. in Reihen, die 3 
up apart find, etngedrillt, 
und find 24 Pfund Samen 
per Acer nothig. Der Samen 
Feimt jchnell und die jungen 
Pflanzen follten anfangs gehackt 
oder vom Unkraut reingehalten 
werden. Schon Ende September 
find Die Pflanzen fo hod daS der 
Boden ganz davon bedect ift und 
hiefern nun ein böchit werthvoles 
Sutter für Schafe und Lammer. 
Der Same fann aud breitwürfig 
auf reinem Lande gejäet werden 
und braudt man dann 5 bis 6 
Pfund Samen per Acker und faet 
Ihon im Mai, und wenn die 
Pflanzen gemügend ent 
‚widelt find, wird da3 
Kapsfeld abgemeidet oder 
auch abgemüht; der Nace 
wuds wird dann im Herbft 
nochmal3 in derfelben Weife benust. 

willen und daß er noch {pat im Sommer gejaet werden fann. Wenn daher 
aus irgend einem Umftande auf einem Stüd Land die Frühjahırs-Einfaat 
fehl geihlagen bat, fann mann nod Raps als fogenannten „catch crop‘ 
auf das Land faen und fo nod eine außgezeichnete Futterernte gewinnen. 
Pfund 15c, 10 Pfund $1.30, 50 Pfund 84.25. fi & 
Rothes Kaffir-Rormn, Wählt höher als bad weiße Kaffir-Koın und reift 
früher, die Stängel find [hlanfer, febr jaftig und blätterreih. Die langen, 
Ihmalen Rifpen wachen aufreht und find fompadt, Wieberfteht lange 
Dürren u, gedeiht gut auf magerem Land. Pfd.8c, 10 Pfd. 50c, 100 Bfb. 
4.00 eka 
wei hes Kafir-Korn,. Die langen Rijpen find gut gefüllt mit weißen 
Körnern welde ein Dr Mehl liefern. Die Rijpen machen von 10 bis 
12 Zoll lang und der Product an Körnern wird im Durdhiänitt 60 Bufdel 
Kaffir-Korn, zumgAeder fein. Rid. 6c, 10 Pfd. 40c, 100 Pfd. $3.00 

Pride of the North. Cine berühmte 
frühe Sorte von gelbem Zabnforn. 
Die Borzüge diefes Welfchforns Fön- 
nen nicht DR werden, bevor! 

jam den großen Ertrag 
und den Fleinen PBrocentfat der Kolben! 
beim entlörnten Mais bemerft. Der 

Bujhel von 70 Pfund Aehren wird 60) 

al§ Griin- Kutter für Milh-Kühe da es 

Einen anderen großen Mugen hat der Maps um feines fchellen Wacdhsthums | 

Garten-, Feld: nnd Blumen-Sämereiett. q 

Weiser. pea e der ee Die Körner 
ur nd Fleiner dod) voit gleichem Werth, f 35e, 
Sastaihewan Fnfes Der Hartefte und befte | nie al Ha gleich b. Pek 35e 

dhe Boe Buide 8156, Sac 255 Bute ae, be Binter-Moggett, Wird von Mitte Ku bis 
rend Amperial, Bejonders in Gegenden vida te Ausfaat 14 Bufdel 
| wo Sommer-Weizen ee ot gebeiht, Be fich per Heer. Peck 36e, Bufdel $1.25. 
| diefe Sorte vorzüglid) bewährt. giebt er: i 

| anti e Ernten, Körner ey AeHren bobnene welo-Crbfen. 

artig, Stroh ftarf. Peck 45c, Bujdhel $1.65, | owe, gor gor 7 Heigl 
Sad 214 Bufchel $4.00 ’ | Preipe der Veränderung des Marktes unterworjen. 

ison, sue Sasa anf ver: | Weiße Ganadifde. Ted 30c, Bufdel $1.00, 
en a oh, Maal Cie Schottifhe, Grün. Peck 35c, Bujdhel $1.25. 
| Vioggen. | | 
SommerRoggen. Bt hauptfählich von Nu- ‚ Seld-Bohnen. Bo 
en al8 Nahfjaat wo Winter-Getreide ea Bofton Pea oder Navy. Handgefammelt. 
felagen hat. Das Stoh ift Fürzer und fteijer | Pee 750, Bujdel $2.75. 

Noivolid) gezogene SantFartoffeln. | 
ch verwende ganz befondere Aufmerffamfeit auf da8 anbauen von Saatkartoffefn und meine bier in 
Wisfonfin gebauten Kartoffeln zeichnen fich vor allen anderen an ee Wahsthum und Entwidel:- 
‚ung fowie aud) durch gefunden, Fräftigen Wucß aus. Alle Kartoffeln werden, jobald das Wetter es er- 
Taubt, abgefdict. 

Signal, Die befte frühe Kartofjel, 
welche je eingeführt ward. Negel- 
mäßig von Form, Haut von fchö- 
ner heller euderbe, glatt im 
Aeujeren, jehr hübich und klar mas 

i ihr ein fchones, zartes Wusfehen 

_perfeibt, jehr früh von munberbar fraftigem 

Wadhsthum und von vorzüglicher Qualität. 

a aufjallenfter Character ift ihr frajtiges 
ahsthum. Bezüglich des Ertrags, glaube ih 

nicht Daf fie vom einer anderen fo frühen Sorte 

ee en wird. Bed 35e, Bu. $1.25, Bol. 

Sehs Woden Markt. Cine neue Sorte, 
pon in Qualität ae ergiebig. 
Hat Aenlichfeit mit der frühen Ohio, ift aber 
De Beck 306, Bufdhel $1.10, Boy. 

2.13% ay 


Die , Freentan’ 
wurde in Min- 
 nejota gezüchtet 
und vor ein paar 
ahren einge- 
führt und zwar 
zu dem unglaub- 
lich hohen Preife 
von $3.00 per 
Pfund; das dar 
auf folgende 
Sahr zu $15.00 
per Faß. rob 

i i | ! 

diefer hohen by Allah ||! ’ ¥ A 
Preife jet Dieje N we CR! ji 

Kartoff eine 
weite Derbreit- 
ung gefunden 
und hat ben Gre 
wartungen auch 
in jeder Hinficht 
entiproden, da 
e8 eine Pradt: 
Fartofjel ijt. Die 
Knollen find ; 

8 Theo. Koß, 261 Reed Straße, Milwaukee, Wis. 

eval, die Haut weilich gelb, dad Fleijd rein weiß wenn roh und aud gefodt, auferjt zart und vom) 
feinften Gefdmad. Bon der Zeit an, wenn jie jo groß find wre Hühnereier, fonnen fie fon gebraudt) 
werben, plagen beim kochen und find jehr mehlreih. Auch halten fie fic) vortrefilich bis ‚eö wieder neue), 
Kartoffel im nadjten Jahre giebt, und jind jehr ergiebig und reichtragend, reifen mittelfrüh. Allen Lteb- 6 
Habern einer guten feinen Kartoffel fann ich Die Freeman auj's Befte empfehlen und ic) bin itberzeugt,| 
daß jeder damit zufrieden jein wird. Den Preis habe ich in diefem Jahre jo niedrig gejest, dag Alle jth), 

enug davon anjdafjen fonnen, um wenigitens in den Samen zu fommen. Peck 50c, Bujdel $1.50, 1 
os 33.75, 3 Jap $10.00. 

Kofhtonong. Dieje neue Kartoffel ijt mit dem größten Erfolge in dem verjchiedenen Bodenarten ge- 
prüft worden und hat be Borziiglidfeit burch enorme Produckte bemwiejen. Knollen von guter Größe, 
beinahe weiß und mittel jpät. Peck 35c, Bujchel $1.25, Bbl. $3 25. 3 an 

World's Fair. Cine vorzügliche neue Sorte für den allgemeinen Gebraud. Haut gelblich weip,) 

Fleifch jchneeweiß, fein geadert und mehlig. Peck 35e, Bujdhel $1.25, Bbl. $3.25 

m Rural New Yorfer No, 2.|| 

\e Dieje die bejte mittlere Sorte und) 

Kartoffel für die Haupternte 
jtammt aus den Verjuchsfeldern]| 
des Rural Rew Morfer, wo mehr] 
als 500 Arten praftiich geprüft! 
wurden mährend der lesen 12 
Sabre. Sie ijt von hökhit bejon-: 
deren Ausjeher und fann leicht uft- 
terichieden werden unter hundert 
anderen Arten. - Sehr groß und} 
ungewöhnlich glatt mit wenigen 
fladen Augen: von Form länglich] 
dem rundliden zuneigend, und] 
weißem Fleijd) von jehr jchöner 
Bejdhafienheit. Das Kraut ijt jehr]. 
ftarf und der Ertrae an hübjchen! 
Knollen von großer Sleihförmigfeit 
der Größe ijt ungewöhnlich reid. | 
Pe 35c, Vujdel $1.25, Bbl. $3.25. 

Carman No, 3. Bon dem Herrn 

E. ©. Carman, Hauptredacteur des | 

Rural New Yorker No. 2. Rural Yew Yorker, dejjen Namen | 

fie trägt, eingeführt. ine jpate) 
weiße Kartoffel, mit wenigen jlahen Augen. Liefert Knollen von guter Größe welche jich nahe der] 

Pflange jchmiegen, jo daß ein einziger Spatenjtich jede Kartoffel hervor bringt. Hält fic) vorzüglich, Haut 

und Seid find Bag Herr Carman nachdem er eine ausführliche Bejdjreibung jeiner Kartoffel‘ 

giebt, jhließt mit den folgenden Worten: ,, Erftews, ift es die Schönste, grofe, weife Kartoffel 
welde jemals eingeführt wurde, Zweitens, giebt fie einen grögeren Ertrag als| 
die irgend einer andere Sorte. Drittens, ijt jede Kartoffel von der erforderlichen | 

Martt:Größe, Biertens ihre Tifheigenihaften find die beiten, fie ift niemals hohl, | 

und hat Feine dunfelen Fleder. “/ Pec 60c, Bujchel $2.00, Bbl. $5.00. 

N Er Neue Kaffee: Bohnen. Be 

Eine Keufeit der nahgerühmt wird, daß jie den theueren Bohnenfaffee 4 
h nahezu volljtändig erjegen fann. Wadjt überall, auf jedem Boden und in 
jedem Klima und ijt ungemein reichtragend, und bringt 20 bis 30 Bujdel < 
Bohnen per Ader. Man pilanze in 3 Fuß von einander entfernten Reihen 4 
und 10 Soll apart in den Reihen, und cultivirt wie gewöhnliche Bohnen, 
In vier Monaten find die Bohnen gewöhnlich reif. Viele benugen die aus- 
gereiften Bohnen als Erjaß für Kaffee, zu welchem wed diejelben geröjtet 
und wie gewöhnlicher Kaffee behandelt und zubereitet werden. Während 
aun einige den von diejen Bohnen zubereiteten Kaffee loben, finden andere 
wieder durchaus feinen Gejhmad an denjelben. „Die Gejhmäder jind 
eben verjchieden.“ Abgejehen hiervon jind diefe Bohnen von jehr hohem 
Werth für Jutterzwede, wenn gejchroten, und übertreffen jelbjt moc) Erb- 
jenjchrot; auch das Stroh oder Kraut hat einen jehr hohen Futterwerth, be- 4 
Jonders wenn eS als Griinfutter verwendet wird. 

Dieje Bohnen werden als „Deutjcher Kaffee‘ und anderen Namen zu jehr 
hohen Breijen verfauft. Sch habe diejelben Bohnen zu dem folgenden jehr 
mägigen Breve: Preis portofrei per Pojt: Padet 5c, 14 Pfund 150, Pfund, 40c. 
Bei Fradht oder Erpref, Pek $1.00, Bufdel $3.50. 4 

Da a aa 2a = st Att ta ss ss a 2 2 aa an 

yey yao SS 


Columbian Weihe Micfew, Eine neue jehr 

. große, kräftig wachsende Sorte. Packet 5c, Unze 

10c, 14 Pfund 25c, Pfund 75c. 

1Balmetto. Sehr früh, groß, ae eee 

| Wuchs und don borgiiglicher Qualität. ‘Pacet 
5c, Unze 10c, 44 Pfund 15c, Pfund 50c. 

Conover’s Colofal, a beliebt. ‘Packet 
5c, Unze 10c, 14 Pfund 15c, Pfund 40c, 


RR, wet Sahre alt. 

(Columbian Weite Niejen. 

| per Erpreß. 

"Balmetto. $1.00 pro 100, per Erpreß. 

ci aaa Colofial, dc pro 100, per Er- 

Bohnen. (Zwerg oder Bujch.) 

‚Davis? Wahs-Nierenbohnen, Die befte 
Bohne für den Marktgärtner, fie ift früher als ir- 
| oe eine andere Wachs-Bohne, Schoten größer, 
| jleifchiger und rojtfrei. Sehr ergiebig. Badet 
de, Pint 206, Quart 350, Bed $1.75. 
een Rojtfreie Goldene Wads. 
| Sehr früh reifend und außerordentlich ergiebig, 
ausgezeichnete Qualität, werden nicht roffiledig, 
~’ find mürbe und zart, halten fid) nachdem jte ge- 
| pjlüdt find, länger als irgend eine andere Gorte. 
| Packet 5c, Pint 156, Duart ce, Peck $1.15 
>» Bufdhel $4.25. 
| Goldene Wahs, Eine frühe und fehr ergiebige 
Sorte. Wadet 5c, Pint 10c, Quart 20c, Peck 

$1.25 pro 100 

> $1.00, Bujchel $3.75. 


— == 
Goldene Wacdhs-Bohnen. 

Schwarze Wahs. Wei) und delifat. Packet 

 5e, Pint 10c, Duart 20c, Peck $1.00, Bujchel $3.75 

Weite Wads. Cine jehr vortrefflicje Sorte. 
Badet 5c, Bint 15c, Quart 250, Pek $1.15, 
Bufchel $4.25. 

Frühe China Red Eye. Packet 5c, Pint 10c, 
Duart 15c, Peck 70c, Bujdel $2.60. 

Refugee, oder 1000 3u 1, Glasbohne zum 
Cinmaden. Badet 5c, Pint 10c, Quart 15c, 
Bed 70c, Bujchel $2.55. 

Frühe gelbe Schswodenbohne,  Pacet 
5c, Pint 10c, Quart 15c, Peck 706, Bujchel $2.50. 

Frühe rothe Valentine. Packet 5c, Pint 10c, 
Duart 15c, Pec 70c, Bujchel $2.60. 


SHeuderfon’s Ywerg-Lima. Wadjt_obne 
Hilfe von Stangen ın fompadter bujdiger Form, 
von 15 bi 18 Boll hoch. Diejelbe ijt um zwei 
Wochen früher reif als die ranfende Lima und ift 
jehr ergiebig. Badet 5c, Pint 156, Quart 25c, 
Ted $1.30. 

Burpee’s Swerg-Lima. Die Biijde werdet 
18 bi8 20 Zoll hoch, find Fräftig und fompaft. 
Die Pflanze verzweigt fich jo Fräftig, daß fie fi) 
zu einer prachtvollen Gtaude mit einem Dtrvdje 
mefjer von zwei bis drei Fuß entwidelt. Dede 
Staude trägt von 50 bis 200 jdone Be 
Schoten, gefüllt mit jehr ge en Bohnen welde 
in Größe und foftlidem Gefchmad mit der mete 
betannten großen Lima Gtangenbohne identij}d) 
find. Packet dc, Pint 15c, Quart 30c, Pek $1.60. 


König der Garten-Lima. Wadet 5c, Pint 
15c, Quart 25c, Bed $1.30. 

Grofe weife Lima. Cine gute befannte 
Sorte. Packet 5c, Piut 15c, Quart 5c, Ped 
$1.20. : il 

Weihe Hollawudijde Gafetnife. Pacet de, 
Pint 10c, Duart 20c, Peck $1.00. 

Deutihe Ihwarze Wachs.  Padet 5c, Pint 
15c, Quart 25c, Pec 81.30. 

Horticultural. Eine alte beliebte Gorte. 
Packet 5e, Pint 10c, Duart 20c, Ped $1.00 

Sharladh Laufer. Bum Schmud gebraudt. 
“Packet Sc, Pint 15c, Quart 5c. 

Bohnen. Crglijde. 

Breite Windfor. Die wobhlbefannte Sau- 
bohne. Packet 5c, Pint 15c, Quart 2de. 

Rothe Nüben oder Beeten. 

Edmand’s, Packet 5c, Unze 10c, 14 Pfunod 15e, 
Pfund 35e. 

Crosby's Egypt: 
ijdje. Cine verbej- 
jerte Sorte, früh, did, 
glatt und gute Dualk 
tit, Badet 5c, Unze 
10°, 4 Pfund 20e, 
Prund 608. 

Frühe Blutrübe, 
Packet 5c, Unze 10c, 2 
‚fund 15c, Po. 30e. 

Eclipie. Padet de, 
Unze 106, 4 Pfund 

x 15e, Bund 35c. 

' : "auge glatte bYuts 

mie on. tothe, PBadet Se, 


Srübe “Tine 106, % Pfund 

Joe, Pfund 30c. 

Die Kartoffeln meldhe ich von Ihnen gefauft 
habe find fehr gut gerathen. 
Henry Bornhoft, 
Trosfy, Pipe Stone Go. Minn. 
Herr Koß! White Chur), Mo. 
Sc habe jchon jeiteine Reihe von Jahren Samen 
von Ihnen bezogen. Shr Samen ijt jehr gut, be- 
fonders Shr furaftammiger Trommelfopf Kraut: 
nod nie hatte ich foldjes Kraut. Mit Gruß, 
Mrs. Kate Rode, 

10 Theo, Koß, 261 Reed Straße, Milwaukee, Wis. 


Mangel - Wurzel. Stopffohl oder Kraut. 

enderfon’S früher Sommer. adet 
Preis lange agree = Y sine we Pfund $1.40. u. 4 
21 ‘ » . im Früher Ferfey Wakefield. Packet 5c, Unze 
Pfund 20c, 10 Srüher Winningftädter.  Padet be, U 
G i er, ade nze 
ua ; Enılie Eu a Fund 110.7 ae 
ammo ottler’3 verbefferter Braunfdiveiger. 
lange rothe Badet 5c, Unze #4 % Pfund 40c, Weep 140 
24 Pjund 10c, | Succeffion. Sit ungefähr eine Woche fpäter 
Pfund 25c, 10 als Henderjon’s früher Sommer aber fräftiger 
Pfund $2.00. und bedeutend größer, hat wenige loje Wufenblat- 
Golden ter und fann in Solge Deffen eng gepflanzt mer- 
Zanfard. } an Padet 5c, Unze 206, % Dun 50c, Pfund 
und 10c, AD: Bu ana 
Rene 25c, 10 | Begetarier’S Wonne,. Eine neue Spätjorte. 
fund $2.00. Bildet jehr harte, große und jchmere Köpfe, die 
Champion fich ausgezeichnet uber Winter halten. a 
gelbe Kugel | „sm Frühjahr wird er dann die hid _ 
% Bund 108 In Preije, wegen jeiner jchönen,s 
Biund 25e 10 tijden Farbe, bringen. Was Quali-® 
Pfund 82.00. tät anbetrifft, fann „Begetarier’s 
: Wonne“ nicht übertroffen werden. 
PN! gelbe Padet 10c, Unze 25e, 4 Pfund 75e, Pfund $2.50. 
naeh 4) Großer fpater Trommeltopf. Padet 5c, 
shu AN x Unze 15c, 4 Pfund 40e, Pfund $1.40. 
r Steinmauer. Spät, fiip und zart. Padet dc, 
Pfund $2.00. Unze 15c, 4 Pfund 45c, Bfund $1.50. 
Weihe Zuder- | Premium Flat Dutdh. Beliebtejter Spät- 
age En ge Packet 5c, Unze l5c, 4 Pfund 50c, Pfund 
c, Byun c .65. 
10 BF7d $2.00. = 

Koi Kurzftammiger Trommel: 
fopf. Spat. Köpfe groß, feit, hart, 

rund, oben flac. Gleihmäßige Form 
Rojenkohl. und Größe, erreichen oft 20 bis 30 
Berbefjerter Pfund im Gewicht und find immer 

wera. von der beiten Qualität. Er hat einen 
> Aeet 5e, Un- fehr kurzen Stamm und mwädhjt jeht ompadt, 
C4 ze 15c, % Pf. Einer der beiten Sorten für Gauerfraut. Padet 

Mammoth lange rothe 3öc. öc, Unze 20c, 4 Pfund 60c, Pfund $2.00. 7 

Peangelwurzel AU Seajons. Badet 5c, Unze, 15e, 4 Pfund 

35c, Pfund $1.15, 

Holländer, Dies: ift die beliebte 
Sorte für den Markt. Das jchwer- 
{te Rraut von Allem. 8 ijt fait jo 

“hart wie ein Stein und ein Fleiner 
Kopf wird mehr wiegen als ein 
großer Kopf von anderen Sorten. — 
Packet 100, Unze 250, MY Pfd. T5e, — 
Pfund $2.50. 

Wirfing, grüner runder. Früh, 
jüß und zart, Packet 5c, Unze 156, 
Jg Pfund 50c, Pfund $1.60. 

Wiring, en ©. Packet 
5c, Unze 15c, + Pfd. 50c, Prd. $1.60: 

Früher dunfelrother Erfurter. 
Packet 5c, Unze 20c, + Pfbd. 60c, 
Pfund $1.90. 

Red Dutch. Blutrothe feite Köpfe. 
facet 5c, Unze 20c, 34 Pfund 60e, 
Pfund $1.90. 

Sure Head, Madt große runde 
Köpfe von -der Flat Dut orm 
und ift durch unfehlbare Kopfbild- 

Ue ji ung joy beer = pie: 

~ jtet3 einen durchaus joliden Kopf, 

Sure Head Kraut. aud) dann, wenn andere Arten mie 

tathen. Padet 5c, Unze 20c, Y Pfund 50c, Pfund $1.75. : 

I Garten, Feld: und Blumen-Sämereien. 

" Gelbe-Rüben oder Möhren. 

‚ Brühe Franzöfiihe Treibrübe, Pactet 5c, 
Unze 10c, + Pfund 25c, Pfund 65c. 

| Carentan. Frühe jcharlachrothe jtumpfmwurzel- 
ige, ohne Kern oder Herz. Borzüglich zum trei- 
ben. Padet 5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 1de, Pfund 

| EHanitcnay, Unübertrefflich für Tifchgerbraud), 
‚ mag Oualitat und Ausjehen betrifft, da fie von 
‚gleihmäßiger Größe find. Etwas länger wie die 
„Scharlah Horn” und da fie am oberen Theil 
dider find, ergiebiger; ha zart, feine Tertur und 

pon pradtvoller tief goldorangener Barbe. 
Padet 5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund loc, Pfund 50c. 
wy, | wrihe fharlad 
Horn. Packet 5c, 

Unze 10c, 14 Pfund 

15c, Pfund 50c. ., 
Ohfewtherz oder 
Guerande. Padet 
5c, Unze 10c, + Pfb. 
15e, Pfund 50c. 
Nantes.  SHalblange 
iharlad), jtumpfmur- 
nn Tai er Oe, 
nze 10e, + Pfund 
15c, Pfund 50c. 
Danvers, Halblang. 
Packet 5e, Unze 10c, 4 
Pfund 15e, Bro. 508, 
Berbefierte lange 
Orange, Badet 5c, 
Unze 10€, + Pfund 
15e, Pfund 40c. 
Große weiße Bel: 
ehr er- 

oriihe tee Horn 
Ohren. ifde. 
giebig. Unze 5c, 4 Bund 10€, fo. 


| Früher Schneebal. Diefe Sorte ift allge- 
mein befriedigend. Packet 20c, Unze $2.50, 4 
Pfund $8.00. 

river Schneeball Blumenkohl. 
Extra früher Zwerg Erfurter, 

Beiter im- 
portirter Samen. Packet 15c, Unze $2.25, 4 

Pfund 87.50. 


Extra früher Parifer. Padet be, Unze 75c, 
14 Pfund $2.00 

Zenormands3 NKursftiämmiger. Spat. 
Packet 5e, Unze 75c, 4 Pfund $2.00 © 


Eine neue Sorte. Felt, zart und 

? bon gutem Gejchmad. Halt fic 

“4 ut. Packet 5c, Unge 15e, !4 
Ze fund 50e, Bfund $1.55. 

Cm Goldener Selbjthleidender 

“ive (Cine Aequijition von hohem 

Werthe, die nicht genug empfoh- 

len werden fann. Die Rippen 

EEG find durchaus Dicht, zart und 
von feiner anderen Art übertroffenem Aroma; 
dabei zeichnet fich die Pflanze durch die Fähigkeit 
aus fich felbjt in Hohem Grade zu bleihen. Das 
Herz ijt groß, dict und bon jchöner goldgelber 
qarbe, Packet 5e, Unze 20€, 4% Pfund 65e, 
Pfund $2.15. 

Niefen Pascal, Dies ijt ohne Zweifel die be- 
achtenswerthtejte Novität in Sellerie, welche feit 
Der Einführung des „Goldener ©elbitbleichender” 
bon dem e3 eine künstlich gezüchtete Abart ift, 
offerirt wird. Er hat emen reichen, pridelnden 
Geichmad, und ift abjolut frei von jedem bitter- 
en Beigejhmad. Bon allen Sorten Sellerie halt 
er fic) am beiten und ijt zweifelsohne der beite 
für den Wintergebraud). PBadet 5c, Unze 15c, 4 
Pfund Abe, Pfund $1.40. 

Hartwel’s Perfection, 
Sorten für den Markt, da er 
halt. Sehr feft und niemals hohl. 
Unze 15c, + Pfund 45c, Pfund $1.40. 

Weiner Plame, Bon in, Qualität. 
Packet 5c, Unze 20c, % Bfund 55c, Pfund $1.80. 

Goldenes Herz. Packet 5c, Unze 20c, + Pfund 
55c, Pfund $1.65. 

Crawford’s Halb: Zwerg. Packet 5c, Unze 
15c, 4 Pfund 45c, Pfund $1.40. 


Eine der allerbeiten 
fi) ungemein gut 

Bofton Markt. aa weiß und feit. 
dc, Unge 156, 14 Pfund 50c, Pfund $1.50. 

Unvergleidlider rother Ziverg. 
5c, Unze 20c, + Pfund 60c, Pfund $2.00. 

ODS eee 

Serufalem Wrtijmofer. 
Das vorzliglidjte Schweine Futter ihrer Maft 

Eigenjchaft wegen, große Ergiebigfeit, (iiber 1000 

Bujchel find von einen Acker gezogen worden,) und 
Leichtigkeit mit welcher fie gezogen werden fonnen. 
Sie find aud) gut als Mittel, Cholera und andere 
Schmeinefranfheiten, fernzuhalten; und werden 
diejelben für Mild-Kühe fejr empfohlen, da fie den 
Milchertrag vermehren und zur jelben Zeit die 
Kühe in befjeren Zuftand erhalten. Artifchofen 
fönnen auf irgend einen Boden wo Korn oder Kar- 
toffel gedeihen, gezogen werden. Drei Bufchel 
bepflanzen 1 Wer und fie fonnen wie Kartoffel ver- 
Iehnitten werden. Sie werden im April oder Mai 
in Reihen 3 Fuß auseinander und zwei Ruß in 
Reihen gepflanzt und ungefähr zwei Boll tief be- 
dedt Pfund 306 3 Pfund 75c, fret per Poft. 


Packet 5c, | 

Bei ErpreR aber Fracht, Pec 65c, Bufchel $2.00, 

weak 3 Bujchel (genug für einen Acker) $4.50. 
nn MEET 

hi Bee Te a de nn ne 
12 Theo. Kok, 261 Reed Straße, Milmaufee, Wis. | 
Senollen: Sellerie. Stowel’s Zmmergrün. Bade 5e, Pinil! 

Nübenmwurzeliger Sinollen-Sellerie. 
Erfurter verbeijerter rübenmwurzeliger. 
Packet 5c, Unze 150, X Pfund 40c, Pfund $1.25. 
Apfelförmiger. Wurzel groß, glatt und rund. 
Packet 5c, Unze 15c, + Pfund 45c, Pfund $1.35. 
Grofer glatter Prager. Der jeinfte 
aller Knollen-Sellerien; Knollen groß, feit 
zart und von gutem Gejdmacd. Packet 
dc, Unze 15c, 4 Pfund 50c, fund $1.50. 

Sif-Korn. = 

Cory. Das Trüheite, jehr ergiebig. SF 
führe beide. Sorten, roth= und weiß-Ffol 
igeS. Packet 5e, Pint 10c, Quart 15 
PecE 65c, Bujchel $1.90. 

Crosby's Frithes. Cine jehr frühe be- 
fannte Sorte. Sehr jiiz, und Kolben 
groß für eine frühe Sorte. Packet 5c, 
m 10e, Quart 15c, Beck 60c, Bufchel 


Frühes Minnejota, Friih, jehr er: 
giebig und von vorzüglider Qualität. 
Racket 5c, Pint 10c, Quart 15c, Peck 60c, 
Bujchel $1.75. 

Moovre’s Frühes Concord, Cine 
gute mittlere Sorte. Wird bon vielen 
unjer Milwaufeer-Gariner bis zum erjten 
Suli gepflanzt, da eS jtch fait ebenjo gut 
wie Stowell’s Smmergriin verfauft. Padet 5c, 
Pint 10c, Quart 15c, Peck 60c, Bufdel $1.79. 

Gold Münze. Der Ertrag ijt einfach riejig. 
(8 ergiebt immer zwei und oft Drei große Aehren 
zum Stamm. Der Kolben ijt jchneeweiß, und 
ift Dicht bejegt mit großen und jehr langen golo- 
gelben Körnern. Packet 5c, Pint 10c, Quart 15c, 
Ped 75€, Bujchel $2.00. 

Schwarzes Merifaniihes. Die Körner jind 
jchwarz, wenn fie reif und getrodnet jind. Kocht 
jich merfwürdig weiß wenn im Zujtande für den 
Tiichgebraud, und ijt an Süßigfeit und Zartheit 
von feiner anderen Sorte übertroffen. Packet 5c, 
Pint 106, Quart 15c, Bed 75c, Bujchel $2.00. 

Mammoth Ander,  Padet 5c, Pint 10c, 
Quart 15c, Peck 65€, Bujchel $1.90. 


Country Gentleman. 

10c, Quart 15c, Bed 60c, Bujchel $1.75. 
Das fiifte aller Süß] 

Korn. Die Kolben find etwas fleiner als did! 
gröberen Sorten, aber mo Qualität einen Bor] 
ug über Größe hält, hat es nicht deren gleichen] 
eift etwas jpäter als das Stuwell’s Snmer 
En Packet 5c, Pint 10c, Quart 15c, Peck 65c/Ä 

ichel $1.90. | 

Weifes Pop-RKorn, Zum Röften.. Pint 15e, 
‚Quart 25c. 

Rapunzel oder LMiterfalat. 

Groffamiger. Padet 5c, Unze 106, 2 Pfund 

15c, Pfund 50c. 

Ertra fraus. Cie im Mai ‘in reihem Boden 
acket 5c, Unze 10c, % Pfund 15c, Pjund 40. 
Brunnenfrefje (edt). Gedeiht nur im Waj- 
fer. Packet 5c, Unze 25c, 4 Pfund 90r. 


Nitol’s halblange grüne, Aupergewohn- 
lid) ergiebig, von mittlerer Größe und immer 

I und gerade. Padet 5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 

15c, Pfund 4öe. 

Kieol’3 halblange griine Eurfen. 

Koh ,,Cream City‘ Einmad. 
Zruh und jehr ergiebig, Fleiich zart, 
grudt von Dunkel grüner Farbe, 
welche jie beim Cinmaden behält. 
Verfehlt nicht einen Verjuch mit diejer 
neuen Einmach-Gurfe zu machen, Shr 
werdet angenehm überrajcht von DdDerjelben jein, 
Padet 5c, Unze 10c, 14 Pfund 15c, Pfund 50c. 
apane e Kletier-Gurfe. Beichnet fi 

Sr außerordentlichen mBaigsichmad. 

rofe Widerjtandsfrajt gegen Witterunggein- 
Hin und ihre Eigenjchaft zu Klettern; jie nimmt 
Pate trop ihrer großen Fruchtbarkeit nur einen 
verhältnigmäffig geringen Raum ein und ijt fo- 
mit in jeder Beziehung zu empfehlen. Packet dc, 
Unze 15c, 34, Pfund 30c, Pfund 90c. 

Garten-, Feld: und Blumen-Sämereien. 


Berbeijerte lange gritte. Cine alte beliebte 
Sorte, ein Fuß lang. Packet 5c, Unze 106, 
Pfund 15e, Pfund 35c. 

Berbeiferte White Spine. Frucht fedhs bis 
acht Zoll lang, hält fich länger grün al3 andere 
| ren. Packet 5c, Unze 10c, + Pfund 15c, Pfo. 
| € 

Brühe Frame. Cine Sorte von mittlere 
Größe, gerade und von fchöner Form. Packet 5c 
| Unze 10c, 4% Pfund 15°, Pfund 45c. 

Bofton Cinmad. Sehr ergiebig und von 
borzüglicher Qualitat. Packet 5c, Unze 10c, Y 
Pfund 15c, Pfund 40c. 


New YDorfer Verbefferte, Die beite Martt- 

__ jorte. Packet 5c, Unze 30c, Y Pfund $1.00. 
‚Schwarze Pelin. Runde Form, felt und früh. 
| Packet 5c, Unze 20c, X Phd. We. 


Moostraute. Padet 5c, Unze 156, 4 Pfund 
 . 35c, Pfund $1.25. ; 4 Pi 
‚Grüne Krause, 

Blatter dunkelgrün, fehr 

en Packet 5c, Unze 15c, X Pfund 35e, Pfund 
LO. h 



‚Die Kleinen Knollen oder Zehen werden im Früh- 

‚ ‚jahr in leichtem Boden in ein Fuß aparten 

‚ Reihen 3 bis 5 Boll entfernt gejegt uud wie 

| u behandelt. 14 Pfund 15c, Pfund 2e, 
orto 8c pro Pfund ertra. 

Griin- oder Blatter: Rohl. 

Gover fraufer Sdhottijmer. Racket 5c, 
_ Unge loc, Y Pfund 25c, Pfund We. 
ae ns Och. ; Feine ot 
| ätter. adel cc, Unze 10c, und 265c, 

Pfund 75c. : A Bi i 


Früher weißer Wien: 
er. Badet 5c, Unze 15c, 
34 Bd. 50c, Pfund $1.75. 

drüber purpur 
. a öc, 

ge 15c, fund 50c, 
Pfund 81.75. 

Grofer gritner, 
Packet 5c, Unze 150, Y 
Pfund 40c, Pfund $1.25. 

Sand) oder_Borre, 
Große London Fah: 
ee BRadet 5c, ie 
4 Pfund 30c, Pfund $1. 

Muffelburg. Bevorzugte Sorte für den Markt. 
Packet 5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 30c, Pfund $1.00. 

Me Fy gs 

Ho, AK HN) 

Clinton Senter, Wayne Co., Koma. 
Herr Theo. Kop: 

Heute das Fak Kartoffeln zur größten Zufrieden- 
heit erhalten. Diejelben find jehr fhön und gute 
auserlejene Kartoffeln. ES grüßt Sie, 

Ahtungsool, 9. U. Glademeyer, 



Das ganze Jahr hindurd. 
Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 20c, Pfund 70c 
Gelbfamiger Butter, Padet 5c, Unze 10c, 
% Pfund 200, Pfund 75c. 
Hanfon. Grün mit weißem Herz. 
Unze 106, % Pfund 20c, Pjund 7öc. & 
Grand Rapis. Packet 5c, Unze 10c, + Pjund 
25c, Pfund 85c. : 
Schwarzjamiger Simpjon. Packet 5c, Unze 
10c, 4 Pfund 206, Pfund 706. 
Preisfopf. Gut für den allgemeinen Gebrad). 
- Packet 5c, Unze 10c, K Pfund 20c, PBiund 75c, 
Früher Tennisball. Packet 5c, Unze 10c. 
4 Pfund 20c, Pfund 75c. 
Brauner Holandijdher Winter, Packet 
5c, Unze 10c, % Pfund 20c, Pfund 75c. 


Grand Rapids, Eine neue ertra frühe, gelb- 
fleifchige Sorte von fhöner Form. Cine jehr 
profitable Sorte für Gärtner wegen ihrer Größe 
und ungemeinen Frühzeitigfeit.. Sm Geihmad 
ift fie wohl nicht fo gut wie andere hervorrag- 
ende Melonen, aber jie ijt bereit für den Marft 
ehe irgend eine andere Sorte gepflüdt werden 
fann und diefe Thatface jihert einen jchnellen 
Abjab. Packet 5e, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 258, 
‘Pfund 80e. \ | 

Surprife, Unter den Marftgärtnern jehr be- 
liebt. Gleifd) ladsfarbig, Dualität jehr gut. 
Paket 5c, Unze 10c, K Pyund 15c, Pfund 45c. 

en Padet 5c, Unze 10c, % Pfund 1öc, 

fund 45c. a 
Dfage. Packet 5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 15c, 

Pfund 45c. 
Miller’s Cream. *Eleifd) pradtvolle Lads- 

Packet 5c, 

Packet 5c, 

farbe. Packet 5c, Unze 10c, 14 Pfund 1öc, 
Pfund 45e. Be 
Hadenfad. Cine große, ergiebige Netmelone. 

Packet 5e, Unze 10c. 14 Pfund 15c, Pfund 35c. 
Mette. Gem. Packet dc, Unze 10c, + Pfund 
15c, Bfund 40c. ARS aie ; 

Bay Biew; Cine frühe Träftig wachfende 
Sorte. Packet 5c, Unze 10c, + Pfund 15c, Pfd. 

Grüne Zitron, Sehr delifat. Packet. 5c, 
- Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 150, Pfund 4öc. 

Wnfjer- Melonen. 
Sweet Heart. Sit von kräftigem Wahsthum, 

jehr ergiebig und reift ihre Frucht früh, Groß, 
oval und eh fdwer. Minde dünn aber feit, 
Tleifch hell roth, folid und jehr zart, jchmelzend 
und {up. Padet Sc, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 20c, 
PBiund 65c. 

Kolb’8 Gem: Groß, gute Qualitat, leicht der- 
jendbar. Badet 5c, Unze 10c, + Bfund 15c, 
Pfund 35e. 

Ehrifimas. Hat jid) im vorziigliden Zuftand 
bis Weihnachten gehalten. Das Fleijch ijt von 
einer prachtvollen {darlac) Farbe, jehr fet und 
hat einen delifaten zuderigen Gejdmad. Packet 
5c, Unze 10c, X Pfund 15c, Pfund 50c. 

Citron, (Zum Einmaden). Kleine runde 
Frucht, macht ein wundervoll flares, fajt durd- 
fihtiges Gericht von jhönem Gejdmac. Packet 
de, Unze 10c. $ Pfund 15c, Pfund 35c. 


Henderfon’s Grün und Gold. 

Henderfon’s Gran: und Gold: Fleijd, 
eine goldene orangen Farbe, jehr jaftig und füß. 
Packet 5c, Unze 10c, lg Pfund 15c, Pfund 45c. 

Dixie: Diefe neue Waffermelone hat vorvüg- 

Bue Eigenjaften, und fann ich diefelbe meinen 

= Kunden als bie bejte Melone zum Transport em- 

Mypjeblen. Sie tit größer, früher und ergiebiger 

mals die Kolb’3 Gem welde bis jebt als die- befte 
anerkannt wurde. Packet 5c, Uuze 10c, + Pfund 

*15c, Pfund 35 ~ 

Cubanifhe Königin,  Fleijd, leuchtendroth, 
Scale geitreift. Packet 5c, Uuze 10c, + Pfund 
15c, Bfund 30c. 

Mountain Sweet. Frudt groß, dunfel grün, 
Schale dünn, Fleijdh roth, feit und jehr füR. 
Pacet 5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 15c¢, Pfund 30c, 


Weiger London, Befter für Salat. 
5, 4 Pfund 10c, Pfund 30c. 

Brauner, Schärfer als der weiße. 
14 Pfund 10c, Pfund 35e. 


Guglifder. Per Pfund 15c, 10 Pfund $1.35, 
per Bojt per Pjund 25. 


Weiher Swerg. Friih und ergiebig. Padet 
5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 20c, Pfund 60c. 

Weiher Sammet; Sdoten grog, glatt und 
rund. Packet 5e, Unze 10c, % Pfund 25c, Pd. 

75c. d 

Mein Swiebel-Gamen ift mit befonderer Pflege 
gezogen, nur die allerbeften und früheften Zwiebeln 
finden für Gamenzudt vermendung. Da jolde 
Sorgfalt geübt wird behaupte ich Dap derjelbe von 
einer befjeren Qualität ift als gemöhnlid im 


Unze öc, 

nn m 

mittlere Größe und 


Marfte geführt wird. 

Samen ift plump, 

und außergewöhnlich 


Preis Erringer oder 
Spaniiher Konig. 
Eine fugeljormige Corte, 
welde fürzlich 
wurde; von enormer Größe, 
viele erreichen ein Gewidt 
von drei und einhalb Pfund 

Strohfarbe, Fleijd weiß, 
fehr did und von milden 


ten. acet de, Unze 1löc, 

% Pfund 40c, Pfund $1.36, 
Extra frühe flae rothe 
Reift ungegöhnlih früb, 

von dunfelrother Farbe. 
Packet 5c, Unze 10c, X Pfund 2e, Pfund 90c. 

Große rothe Wethersfield. Flach, duntel- 
rothe Narbe und vorziiglid zum Aufbewahren. 
Pacet 5c, Unze 10c, Jy Bund 25c, Bund 80c. 

Weite Portugal oder Silberhaut. (Ein- 
mad.) Packet Sc, Unze 10c, Y Pfund 45c, Pj. 

Southport weife Kugel. Die haupt weike 
Zwiebel, aroß und von milden Gejdmad. 
Packet 5c, Unze 15c, Y Pfund 45c, Pfund $1.60. 

Southport rothe Kugel. Unterjdeibet fid 
nur in Narbe von Der Vorhergehenden. Pacet 
5c, Unze 10c, Y Pfund 25c, Pfund 9c, 

Extra frühe weife Perl. Die merfwiir- 
Digite je eingefiihrte Zwiebel. Die frübzeitigite 
von allen. SPerlenweif durdhfidtig, fait mit 
der Schnelligkeit eines Rettig wadjend. Flache 
Form, milder Gejdmad, Dualität gut. Packet 
Be. Unze 15c, X Pfund 506, Pfund $1.70. 

{wer - 
feimz | 

a's, = 

eingeführt | 

das Stic. Die Haut ift | 
von einer [euch tender - 


Frühzeitigkeit | 
und ihre lange Haltbarkeit — 
haben diefe Sorte zu einer — 
werthvollen Acquifition ges | 
Sie ift gegen — 
wärtig eine der größe 

ihönften und | 
meift profitablen Sore — 

Gartenz, Feld- und Blumen-Sämereten. 15 

i Gini Weike Königin, Cin raid) 
oom wacfende Sorte, weiße Haut, 
früh und vorzüglich zum ein- 
maden. Packet 5c, Unze 15e, 
14 Pjund 40c, Pfund $1.35, 

Southport gelbe Kugel, 

EISEN oe aioe Sup a 
eine @hniai intraglid). acket 5c, Unze 

ati as 10c, X Pjund 25c, Pfund 90c. 

Danvers gelbe Kugel; Die populärjte aller 
Zwiebel. Borzügliye Qualität, milder Ge- 
Ihmad, fehr ergiebig, reift frühzeitig und hält 
fih gut. PBacet 5c, Unze 106, Y Pfund 25c, 
Pfund 75c. 

Danvers gelbe Kugel Zwiebeln. - 
@elbe Danvers. Unterjcheidet fich von der 

Kugel Danvers nur in Form, fie tft flacher. 
Packet dc, Unze 10c, 44 Pfund 20c, Pfund 65c. 


“ Porto 6c per Pint, und 10c per Quart. 
Welbe Setzjwiebeln. Pint 10c, Quart 20c. 
IWeife Sekzwiebelu. ‘Bint 15c, Quart 25c. 
Dberträger; Pint 10c, Quart 15c. 

Wegen größerer Quantitaten jchreibe mam für 
‘Spe ialpreije. 


Die mit einen * bezeichnet, find gerunzelte Sorten. 

Extra frühe Sorten. 

Mlasta,. Packet de, Pint 10e, Quart 15c, Peek 
85c, Bufchel $3.10. 

‘*Rott’s Erxcelfior,  Bedeutend ergiebiger als 

Little Gem und faft ebenjo früh als die allererf- 

ten frühen glatten Gibjen. Die Schoten find 
groß und fehr füß. Padet bc, Pint 15c, Quart 
250, Peck $1.35, Bufdhel $4.75. 

me ifanifdhe Wunder. Packet 5c, Pint 
10e, Quart 20c, Pecf $1.25, Bufchel $4.00. 

‘FMeLeaws Little Gem. PBadet 5c, Pint 10c, 
Quart 20c, Beck $1.00, Bufchel ¥3.50. 

‘Tom Thumb. Pacet 5c, Pint 10c, Quart ve, 

Peck $1.00, Bujchel $3.75. 



Berbefterte Daniel O’'Mourte, Packet be, 
Pint 10, Ouart Ic, Peck 75c, Bufchel $2.50. 

Koh’ Extra frühe Marti.  Un- 
vergleidjlich wegen ihrer Vortrefilich- 
Feit, Ertrag, Größe ber Schoten uud 

Yeihmäßigen Wuchs. Ungmeifel- 

batt bie beite Erbje fiir Marftgartner, 
da fie ungewöhnlich viel trägt, Scho- 
ten von guter Größe liefert “Tre 
welde fo gleihmäßig reifen /AR 
daß e8 nur zwei Pflüdungen FANE 

bedarf um die Ernte meg zu N 

räumen. Dr bc, Pint 10c, 

Duart 20c, Beck $1.00, Bujchel 



Eine vorzügliche 
friihe Sorte. Packet 5c, Pint 
10c, Suart 16c, Bec 80e, 
Buf del $3.00. 

Mittel frühe Sorten. 

*HSorsford’s Market Garden. Geht er- 
giebig. Schoten von mittlere Größe, zahlreich 
und gut ausgefüllt mit Erbjen von Delifatem 
Geihmad. Bader 5c, Pint 106, Duart 20e, 

ner ne re 
werg Zuder, Gpbare Schoten, jehr frü 
a ip. Packet 5c, Pint 15c, Quart se Pee 

Sorten für die Haupternte, 

*Felephort, bain 5e, Pint 10c, Duart 2e 
Peck $1.30, Bufchel $4.60. 

*Stratagem., Schoten fehr groß und iif. 
Badet Se. Pint 15c, Quart 5c, Peck $1.35, 
‘Bujchel 84.75. 

Champion of England. Madet 5c, Pint 
10c, Quart 15c, Peck 80c, Buchel $2.75. 

Shwarzäugige Marrowfat. Gute Spät- 
forte. Padet 5c, Quart 10c, Bed 50e, Bufchel 


Calhoun. Giebt die größte Zufriedenheit. 
Meugkere Barbe hell braun; lei dunkel gelb, 
jehr did und fein geadert. Samen Höhlung jehr 
klein. Badet 5e, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 20c, Pfund 


Große Kafe. Form flach, Fleifch gelb, fein 
geabert und jüß. Packet 5e, Unze 10c, 44 Pfund 
15c, Pfund 40c. 

Mammoth Tours. Bon enormer Größe, 
ole Ladfarbig. Sehr ergiebig und von vor- 
aliglicher Qualität. Packet 5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfd. 
20c, Pfund 60c. 

Zonathan, Dies ijt eine der beiten Gorteu 
welche je eingeführt ward; groß, fig, halt fich 
gut und der bejte von allen für Bafteten. Packet 
5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 15c, Bfund 45c. 

Connecticut Feld, Sehr frudtbar, die bej- 
ten für Geldcultur, Unze Se, 4 Pfund 10c, 
Pfund 20c, 3 Pfund 50c. 

Pee eee errr rrr rrr itr rr ttre ee eee 

War fehr zufrieden mit lebtjahrigen Samen. 
Sul. Schwing, 

Greene County. Springfield, Mo. 



Moosfrauie. Eine jchöne frauje Gorte. 
Packet 5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 206, Pfund 60c. 

Einfache. Blätter einfach. Packet 5e, Unze 10c, 
14 Pfund 20c, Pfund 4öc. 

Farnblattrige. Schäßbar für Tijchdeforation. 
Packet 5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 20c, Pfund 65c. 

Hamburg oder Rübenwurzelig. Cpbare 
Wurzeln. Packet 5c, Unze 10c, Y Pfund 20c, 

Pfund 60c. 

Grofe Glode, Früh und mild, 
Unze 15c; Y Bund 50c. 

Rubin König. Schöniter und größter, jehr 
mild. ‘Sacket 5c, Unze 206, 4 Bfund 60c. 

ar ng rother Cayenne, Sehr jcarf. 
Packet 5e, Unze 15c, 4 Pfund 50c. 

| Baftinaden. 

Guernjcy. Eine neue halblange Sorte mit jehr 
breitem oberen Theil. Packet dc. Unze 10c, 4 
Pfund fSe, Pfund 45c. 

Zange glatte oder Hohlfronige,. Die 
bejte für Den allgemeinen Gebraud. Bacet 5c, 
Unze 10c, 14 Pfund 15c Pfund 40e. 

Jiadies. - 

Weif-fpikige fharladh Ritbe, Cine frühe 
Sorte, mittlere Größe, vorzgiiglichem Gejchmad 
und jehr jhönem Wupjehen. Farbe tief jchar- 
lach, weiß gejpibt. ‘Padet 5c, Unze 10c, % fd. 
15c, Pfund 40e. 

Chartier. Eine hübjche lange rothe Sorte mit 
weißer Spige. Packet 5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 
15e, fund 40c. 

Frühe fharladh Kugel. Cin neues Treib- 
radieshen. ‘acket 5c, Unze 10c, 14 Pfund 20c, 
Pfund 55e. ; 

Frühe fharlad Ritbe.  Cutwidelt fich febr 
ichnell. Packet 5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 15c, Pfd. 
3dc. i ae a4 

Weife runde Sommer, Groß, gut für den 
Sommergebraud. ' Packet 5c, Unze 10c, 14 Pid. 
15c, Pfund 40c. 

Graue runde Sommer, 

Packet 5c, Unze 10c, 14 Pfund 15e, Pfund 40r. 

2 Gelbe runde 
Glatte und. belle 

‘ Haut. Packet 5c, 
Unze 10c, 4 Bid. 
15c, Bfund 40c. 


Eine beliebte, 
halblange, weiße 
Sorte. Packet 5e, 

Unze 10e, + Pfund 
15e, Pfund 40c. 
Lange iharladı: 
tothe. ange 
Wurzeln mit jehr 
furrem Kraut. 
Packet be, Unze 
10c, 14 Pd. 15c, 
Pfund 3öc. 

ariibe jcharlach Kugel 

Allgemein befannt. 

Theo, Rog, 261 Reed Straße, Milwaukee, Wis. al 

Badet 5e, 

Rofe Chita Winter, Sdarlad roth und | 
Vleifchfarbig, werk punttirt. Wadet 5c, Unze | 
10c, X Pfund 15c, Pfund 40c. 4 

Lange weige Spanijfde, Werthvoll für den © 
Wintergebraud. Padet dc, Unze 10c, 4% Pfund I 
20c, fund 50c. = 

Lange fdwarje Spanijfme. Cine der beiten | 
Sorten für den Wintergebraucd. Packet 5c, | 
Unze 10c, X Pfund 15c, Pfund 3dc. dt 

Runde Ihwarze Spaniihe, Yübenförmig. | 

Packet 5c, Unze 10c, Y Pfund 15c, Pfund 35c. | 


Long Standing. Eine verbejjerte Sorte, | 
Unze 5c, 4 Pfund 10c, Pfund 20c. | 
Round Leaf. Kann im Frühjahr oder Herbit | 
gejäet werden. Unzede, X Pfund 10c, Pfund | 
er 14 

Bloomsdale Savoy Leaved. Wirjing- 
blätterig. Unze 5c, 4 Pfund 10c, Pfund 2c. 1% 

Stadhelfamiger. Erirägt den Winter gut. 
Unze 5c, 4 Pfund 10c, Pfund 20c. i 

Küchenfürbis. | 

Sibley. Eine bevorzugte jpäte Sorte. Padetd 
5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 15c, Pfund 40c. I 

Sommer Croof Ned. Fri und ergiebig, | 
Packet 5c, Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 15e, Pfund 400.4 

Hubbard, Am meijten verlangt, Pacet 5c, 
Unze 10c, U Bid. 15c, Pfund 45e. 

Marblehead. Hat Nehnlichfeit mit der Hub- 
bard. Padet 5c, Unze 106, X Pfund 15c Pfr. 
50€. BENDER I, 

Bay State. (Meu.) Fleijd) Did und von guter # 
Qualität. Padet dc, Unze 106, 4 Pyund 15c, 
Pfund 40e. 

White Buih Sealloped, uch Tortentür- | 
biS genannt. Packet 5c, Unze 10e, 3] Pfund 
15c, Pfund 40c. TH 

Boiton Marrow. Cine jpate Corte, gute 
Qualität. Packet 5c, Unze 106, U Pfund 15c, fi 
Pfund 40c. Ye I 


Victoria. Allgemein beliebt, jehr groß. ‘Packet } 
5c, Unze 15c, + Pfund 40c, Pfund $1.25. | 
Wurzeln. 10c per Stüd, $1.00 per Dubend FR 
bei Erpreß. { 


Connecticut Seed Leaf. Pacet dr, Unze! 
156, 4 Bund 50. | 
Padet 5c, Unze 206, 


| B 

Amportirter Havana 
34 Pfund 65c. © 

Garten:, Feld: und Blumen-SGamereien. 17 

oder Anfternpilanze. 

Lange weiße. Große, lange, 
weiße Wurzeln. Packet 5c, 
Unze 10c, 14 Pfund 25e, ‘Pfund 

Mammoth Sandwid 
sland, Eine neue jehr 
groß wachjende Sorte, Padet 
5c. Unze 150, Y Pfund 30€, 
Pfund $1.00. 

Scorzonera oder Schwarz: 
wurzel, Packet 5c, Unze 15c, 
4 Pfund 30€, Pfund $1.00. 


| Neue Stein Tomato. Dieje 
neue Sorte ijt jehr beliebt, hat 
fraftigen gu ae 

Wuchs un 
rother Farbe und er- “@ 

jehr Inn! 
ift ne \ 
rund, Apfel — 
groß, duntel 3% 

WW, * 

ihmwer. fa 
adet 5e, Unze 20c, “Y 

+ Pfund 50c. 

‚Gelbe Pflaumenförmige. Gut zum Ein- 
acet 5c, Unze 25c, % 

Unze 20e, 14 Pfund 50e. 

Livingfton’s Beauty. Cine jehr beliebte 
Marktjorte. Packet 5e,-Unze 2c, 4 Pfund 50c. 

Livingfton’s Perfection, Mund und feit. 
Packet dc, Unze 15c, 14 Pfund 45c. bik 

Livingfton’s Favorite, Friih und ergiebig. 
Badet 5c, Unze 20c, 4 Pjund 50c. 

Zwerg Champion. Wie jchon der Name an- 
giebt, ijt fie ein Bwerg von robujter, gut ge- 
rungener Form; a einen jteifen, aufrechten 
diden Stamm, eine Eigenschaft die dieje Pflanze 
durch allen Stadien ihres Wachsthums beibehält. 
Die Frucht hat eine eigenartige purpur röthliche 

‚Farbe, immer glatt, das Fleijch feit und von gu- 

tem Gejhmad. Gie ijt auch jehr früh. Packet | 
de, Unze 20c, 4 Pfund 50c. i 
Mifado (Turner’s Hpbrid). Zeit und 

von vorziiglidem Gejchmacd. Packet 5c, Unze 

l5e, X Pfund 45c. 

Imperial Sardy Swede: 
Ti nn wie aud) für Biehfutter. ‘Bacfet 
5e, Unze 10c, 14 Pfund 15c, Pfund 40c. 
Sfirving’s verbefjerte Purpurfopf. Un- 
 iibertrefflic). Packet 5c, Unze 10e, + Pfund 1öc, 
_ Pfund 35c. 
Sühe weite Deutfche. Groß. Ciförmig und 
- febr feft, Fleijch jchneeweiß und jüß. Halt fich 
 beijer alg irgend eine andere Sorte. Packet 5c, 
- Unze 10c, 4 Pfund 15c, Pfund 40c. 
> cae Zu Ze Ze Ze u u u u eas lam ee a 
Wenn durd Poft bezogen, hat der Käufer 8 Cts. 
per Bid. extra zu zahlen für Porto. 

Bortrefflih für 

Weiße. Nüben. (Turnips) 

Frühes Mündener Purpurtopf. Die 

x KR früheite Gor- 
Ä et te. ‘Packet 5e, 
Unze 106, 14 

"fo, 15c, ’Pfd. 

Weifes Ei. 

eletjd und 

Haut tft 

eee > 

adet 5c, 

Unze 10c, + 

Pfund 15e, Bound 40c, 

Gelbe Aberdeen. Hart, halt fich gut. Packet 
Be, Unze 10c, 44 Pfund 15c, Pfund 35c. 

Lange weiße oder Kuh Horn. Möhren- 

artiger Gorm, wachit halb aug der Erde und ift 
gewöhnlich etwas gefriimmt. Wadet 5e, Unze 
10c, 4 Bfund 15, und 40c. | 
srühe weite flahe Hollandifde, Sehr 
in Packet 5c, Unge 10c, 14 Pfund 15c, Pfund 

sul, Packet 5c, Unze 10c, % Pfund 15c, 
Fo. 50c. 
Wohl in feinen Garten 
2 fehlt eine Auswahl von 
yw Richentrautern und jede 


Hausfrau weiß die Ede, 
wo Diejelben jtehen, zu 
Ihäßen. Sm Sommer 
fann man die meijten Sor- 
ten je nad) Bedarf ver- 
brauchen, während andere 
getrocknet und für den 
Winter aufbewahrt werden, 
und jehr gejchäßt find, mie 
AAS NIRS 3.0. Thymian u. Majoran. 
ZT Er. Mehrere Sorten find auch 
a Te für medieinijhe Swede 

jehr gejchägt. 


en or 
N Ka 
Sl x ry 


Amis, EN N 2... Packet 5c, Unze 10c 
Bafilicum, fit ...- »..-- Packet 5c, Unze 20c 
anmmiel,: ke ea as Packet 5c, Unze 10c 
Coriander, .............-- Packet 5c, Uuze 10c 

Bere: Le Be Lee aoe patetipc, Unze, 10c 
Ld a) Tape ea Backet 5c, Unze 10c 
PRP OUI Vet kl al Racket Se, Unze 25¢ 
Lavendel,......... LTD Packet dc, Unze 20c 
Majoran, fü .... . .. Pacet 5c, Unze 20c 
Rosmarim,...... ..... Racket 5c, Unze 30c 
Sprlpei, ... 2: a. ... Pacet 5c, Unge 15c 
Safran, ..... N eo Sie capt ate Packet 5c, Unze 10c 
Bohnenfraut, ............ Packet 5c, Unze 10c 
Thymian,  ...... ....- Packet 5c, Unze 25e 
FVM ILS 5. in Racket 5c, Unge 25c 

a ea a re ee ee a, i a 
Grasjamen für Nafen, beite Qualität. 
Pint 106, Quart 206, Peck $1.00, Bujchel $3.75 


The year 1898 dawns upon us with a more cheering aspect than any within the last five 
years. Many of the products of the farm have advanced in price and others are sure to follow. The 
laborin g class, who have been so long idle, are being employed at satisfactory wages. This will 
put the long hoarded money in circulation, which will all go to raise prices in farm products. 
These periods of depression and prosperity have always occured and are about as sure to follow 
as the sun is to rise and set. Philosophers and politicians will give their reasons, but neither 
have stopped the occurances for any great lergth of time. The last four yearshave been terrib- 
ly hard on the farmers, and consequently on the seedsmen as well. As the latter depends on the 

tiller of the soil to buy his goods, one cannot prosper without the other. Quite a number of fail- } 

ures in the seed trade resulted, none have madeany money and but few Lave kept their own. — 
I ask you all who are interested in gardening and farming to give my catalogue a careful 
perusal. I have endeavored to describe and illustrate the different varieties as correctly as 
‘possible. I have avoided exaggeration in every respect. I do not seek to obtain yonr order by 
misrepresentation. I prefer to state the facts just asthey are, eventhough 1 may lose some 
business in consequence, realizing that in the end I shall be the gainer by so doing. Iknow 
that a customer deceived or treated unjustly can do a great deal of harm by telling his friends 
about it. If I cannot get your trade and retain your respect, I prefer to lose the trade. 7 

FRESH SEEDS.—I do no Commission Business as many Seed Houses do, taking back at | 

the end of the season all unsold seeds, thus having old seeds from year to year. I sell outright 
only, in any quantity my customers may wish to buy. ae 

Market Gardeners and Truckers should send for my Whoiesale List, 
3 lcan save you money, 7 

raha’ My trade mark is the ancient coat of arms of the Koss family, adopt- | 
WH: at ed in the 12th century, Throughout this catalogue I have affixed this © 
trade mark to all varieties of Seeds, etc., named and introduced by me, you" 

can rely upon it being a variety of great worth wherever it is attached. ~ 
SEEDS BY. MAIL—Allseedsin packets, ounces and quarter pounds 
will be sent postpaid by mail at prices quoted, on parcels containing’ 
more than a quarter pound postage must be added at the rate of 8cts. per 
pound, on Beans and Peas 8 cents per pint and 15 cents per quart, and on 
corn 6 cents per pint and 10 cents per quart. 
SHIPPING DIRECTIONS.—Shipping directions should accompany 
TRADE MARK all orders. Where no particular mode of transportation is designated, I 
shall exercise my best jndgement, and forward by express, freight or mail, as may seem most 


BTA — 

+; DET UM bes 


Milwaukee, Jan. 1st 1898. ¢ 


REMITTANCES.—Cash should always accompany the order. I will be responsible for } 3 

money.sent to me by Money Order, Bank Drafts, Express or Registered Letter. Every post- 

master is required to register any letter on payment of eight cents extra postage. ‘The cost of 

remitting may in all cases be deducted from the amount sent. ; 
PURCHASING BY EXPRESS.—Express companies have now purchasing departments in 
all their offices. If you wish to order goods from me to be sent by express, ask for a purchasing 
order blank at any express office, and it will be supplied and forwarded without extra charge 
other than the usual rates for returning goods. R ? 
SIGN YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS.—Many orders reach me every season in which the 
Name and Post-Office Address is lacking. It is of course impossible fur me to fill these orders 

until they are identified. . 

MY SPECIAL OFFER of Vegetable and Flower Seeds, in PACKETS ONLY. The collection ~ 

may be made up of either Vegetable or Flower Seeds, or partly of each at the option of the pur- 

chaser. SEEDS BY WEIGHT OR MEASURE CANNOT BE INCLUDED, as on these I cannot make | 

any discount, 

a er oe em Io a aaa a la al tas “alta la laa. aia aan ae ae . 
N For 25c. the purchaser can select seeds in Packets to the value of 30¢. For 50c. the 4 

b> purchaser can select seeds inPackets to the value of 70c. For $1.00 the purchaser can select 4 
seeds in Packets to the value of $1.60. For $2.00 the purchaser can select seeds in 
» packets to the value of $3.50. For $3.00 the purchaser can sele2t seeds in packets 4 
> Packets:to the value of $5.00. ver a 
Make Notice.—I wish it distinctly understood that if seeds by Weight or Measure are‘in- 
cluded in an order under this offer, Ishall fill it with packets enough to come to the amount 



sent; as I cannot Inthe hurrying season take time to correspond with those who persist in try-- 

ing to make this offer cover seeds by the pound, quart, ete. 
Awaiting your commands, early and often, I remain = 

Yours for Good Seeds, THEO. KOSS. 

J v7 

on 19 | Ra) fa i P tk 
U rf Gene Y 

m». yr 2 ! ME 
Iran SY > Fr | / un. pe N 
I f ) / i 
i ee 2 RS ; i 

Comprising all the’standard varieties as well as all novelties of real merit. Grown 
in climates and under {conditions best suitedjto their perfect development. 

‘Columbian Mammoth White. A new and distinct 
' variety with pure white shoots, of very 
. large and vigorous growth and superior 
quality, remaining a long time in edible 
condition. It is becoming very popular 
‚and much sought after in the markets. 
I highly recommend it to my patrons. 
Pkt. 5c, 0z. 10c, 14 1b. 25c, 1b. 75c. 
| Palmetto. Very early and desirable on ac- 
- count of its large size, regular growth, 
' great productiveness and excellent/qual- 
ity. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, # 1b. 15c, lb. 50c. 
‘Conover’s Colossal A well tried standard va- 
riety; large size, quick growth, good 
quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, U lb. 15c, lb. 40e. 

Two year old roots. 
) Columbian Mammoth White. $1.25 per 100 by 
' Palmetto. $1.00 per 100, by express. 
)Conover’s Colossal. 75c per 100, by express. 

BEANS.—Dwarf or Bush. 

‘Davis’ Kidney Wax. The best for market 
gardeners orcanners. The plant isa vig- 
orous grower, carrying the pods well to 
the centre and up from the ground. In 
productiveness it is astonishing, as it 
will produce at least one-third more 
| bushels of pods to the acre than any 
' „other Wax Bean. The Pods are long, 
straight, oval of clear waxy white color 
and handsome, often. growing from 
seven to eight inches in length, and 
when fit for use are quite stringless and 
of fine flavor. Oneof its main points of 

treme hardiness and good shipping quali- 

_ ties. The plant produces a very small 

'- portion of waste or second quality poas. 
Pkt. 5c, pint 20c, quart 35c, peck $1.75. 

Early China Red Eye. An excellent early 
green podded variety. Pkt. 5c, pint 10e. 
quart löc; peck 70c, bushel $2.60. 

superiority over other sorts is its ex- 

Improved Rust Proof Golden Wax. While grown 
side by side for several years with other 
Wax Beans, all of them more or less af- 
fected, many of them completely ruined 
by rust, this bean has remained entirely 
free from it. Exceedingly crisp and ten- 
der, and of a most delicious flavor. Pkt. 

5c, pint 15c, quart 25c, peck $1.15, bushel 


Golden Wax. Anearly stringless bean; pod 
of golden wax color and excellent quali- 
ty. Pkt. 5c, pint 10c, quart 20c, peck | 
$1.00, bushel $3.75. 

Black Wax. Bright rich yellow in color, very 
tender, rich and buttery when cooked, 
Pkt.5c, pint 10c, quart 20c, peck $1.00. 
bushel $3.75. 

White Wax. Similar in color of pod and 
quality to the black wax, pods flatter. 
Pkt. 5c, pint 15c, quart 25c, peck $1.15, 
bushel $4.25. : 

Early Red Valentine. Desirable for either 
market or family use, being early, pro-: 
ductive, tender and of excellent quality, 
pods round. Pkt. 5 cts., pint 10 cts., quart 
15 cts., peck 70 cts., bushel $2.60. 

Refugee or Thousand to One. Hardy, yields, 
abundantly, and of fine quality. Pkt. 
5cts., pint 10 cts., quart 15 cts., peck 70 
cts., bushel $2.55. 

Early Yellow Siz Weeks. An excellent pro- 
ductive variety, popular for first crop. 
Pkt; 5 cts., pint 10 cts., quart 15 cts., 
peck 70 cts., bushel $2.50. 


My cabbage seed will please you. Don’t 
fail to try it. By the way, while prices 
named in this list are very reasonable, and 
in fact low, quality considered, still I issue 
a wholesale price list for market gardeners 
and others who purchase garden seed in 
bulk to the amount of $5.00 or over. Send 

| for it if this means you. 

Theo, Koss, 261 

A true dwarf 

Dwarf Lima. 
lima bean requiring no support, grows in 
compact bush form, from fifteen to eigh- 
teen inches high. It is at least two weeks 
earlier than any of the climbing Limas, 
and is enormously productive. Pkt. 5 cts. 
pint 15 cts., quart 25 cts., peck $1.30. 


Burpee’s Dwarf Lima. A dwarf or bush form 
of the true large Lima, which is of great 
value. They are of perfect form, grow- 
ing 18 to 20 inches high, of stout and erect 
growth, yet branching and vigorous. An 
immense yielder, each bush bearing from 
50 to 200 handsome large pods, well filled 
with very large beans of luscious flavor. 
she 5 cts., pint 15 cts., quart 30 cts. peck 


BEANS-—Pole or Running, 

King of the Garden Lima. Unusually large 

rich and buttery when cooked. Heaviest 
cropper. Pkt. 5 cts., pint 15 ets., quart 
25 cts., peck $1.30. 

Large White Lima. Universally grown both 
for market and private use. Pkt. 5 cts., 
pint 15 cts., quart 25 cts., peck $1.20. 

White Dutch Caseknife. Early and productive. 
Used shelled, green ordry. Pkt. 5 cts., 
pint 10 cts., quart 20 cts., peck $1.00. 

German Black Wax Pole. A superb variety, 
growing rapidly, very productive, rich 
golden yellow color, round, full and fleshy. 
Pkt. 5 cts. pint 15 cts., quart 25 ‘cts., 
peck $1.30. 

Horticultural Pole. Beans round,oval, speckled; 

popular for private use. Pkt. 5-cts,, 
pint 10 cts., quart 20 cts., peck $1.00. 

Scarlet Runner. 
purposes. Pkt. 5 cts., pt. 15 cts., qt. 25cts. 


Broad Windsor. Largest and best. Pkt 5 cts. 
pint 15 cts., quart. 25 cts. 


Edmand’s Turnip. A new and very superior 
variety. Nearly as early as the Eclipse. 
The skin and flesh are deep. blood-red in 
color, exceedingly sweet and tender, of 
good market size, round and smooth, with 
a single tap root, top very small. Can- 
not fail to give the higest satisfaction 
for winter or summer use., Pkt. 5 cts., oz. 
10c, # 1b. 15c, lb. 35 cts. 

Cultivated for ornamental 

Reed St, Milwa 


tra We n 
Be: Lee, 
"1 ae t 
" ER 


ukee, Wis, 

Orosby's Egyptian. An improved strain of |; 
the Egyptian. While being as early, it js 

is much thicker, smoother, of better color 
and quality than its parent. 

20 cts., Ib. 60 cts. 
Early Blood Turnip. Tender anda good late 
_ keeper. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, + 1b. 15c, lb. 30c. 
Eclipse. An early variety, globe shaped, 
smooth with firm, small top; very sweet; 
fiesh fine and dark red color. Pkt. 5c, oz. 
_10c, Y 1b. 15c, Ib. 35c. 
Long smooth blood-red. Tender and sweet, 
excellent for winter use. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 
14 1b. 15c, lb. 30c. 


Prize Long Red. A 
popular and 
very produc- 
tive variety. 
314 1b. 10c, Ib. 
20 cts., 10 Ibs. 

An exceptional 
large variety 
and heavy 
cropper. lb. 
10c, lb. 25c, 10 
lbs. $2.00. - 

Golden Tankard. 

- Color bright 
yellow, very 
lb. 10c, lb, 25c, 
10 lbs. $2.00. 

4 \b. 10c, 1b. 
25c, 10 Ibs. $2.00 
Champion Yellow 
Globe. Afavorite 
round variety. 
14 1b. 10 cts., lb. 
25c, 10 lb. $2.00. 
White Sugar Beet. 
Grown exten- 
sively for feed- 
ing stock, also 

for the extrac- 

tion of sugar, 

14 1b. 10 cts, lb. 

- 2} 25c, 10 lbs. $2.00 

Dwarf Improved. A finestrain. Pkt. 5c, oz. 

15c, ¥ lb. 35c. 

There is nothing the gardener raises 
that requires a more careful selection of 
seed for a profitable crop, than the cab- 
bage. The seed must not only beof good 
germinating quality, but must be true to 
name of uniform type, grown from perfect 
solid heads, and in a climate especially 

an ger Globe 

A most de- |x 
sirable Beet. Pkt. 5 cts., oz. 10 cts., X Ib. | 

Mammoth Long Red. | 

en ne en 
a -- 

ro Se 

a Sc Rare ae ehe 
Sao = = 

F i | 

adapted to its perfect maturity. Such 

seed.I offer ‘my patrons with the utmost 

confidence that it will give the highest 

_ satisfaction in every respect. 

‚ Henderson’s Early Summer. A most excellent 
variety; twenty days later than the 
Wakefield, but it grows to fully double 
the size of the latter. Plt. 5c, oz. 15c, % 
Ib. 40c, Ib. $1.40. | 

Henderson’s Early Summer Cabbage. 

Early Jersey Wakefield. Extensively grown, 
requiring no recommendation. Pkt. ic, 
oz. 20c, ¥ 1b. 50c, 1b. $1.75. 

Early Winningstadt. An old german variety, 
heads large, conical shaped, very tender 
andsof good quality. Pkt. 5c, oz, lic, 4 
lb. 30c, Ib. $1.10. 

| Fottler’s Improved Bruns- 
head of large size, vith \) Wt 
ready for market NA 
soon after first early “a 
sorts. Pkt. dc, 02: 
lic, X 1b. 40c, Ib. 

Succession. (True Stock.) 
A medium early vari- 
ety and such a grand 
Aas that it is val- 
uable for both early 
and late use. The 
largest growers say 
itis one of the best 
marketing cabbages 
ever introduced, and 
I want to add that it 
is also fine .for the 
home garden. Pkt. 
5c, oz. 20c, 4 1b. 50c, 
Ib. $1.75. 

|All Seasons. Nearly, or quite as early as 
Henderson’s Early Summer, heads harder 
and larger, and is as good for late mar- 
ket or winter use as for early. Pkt. 5c, 

_ 02. 15c, 4 1b. 35c, Ib. $1.15. 

Surehead. (Genuine Strain.) All head and 
always sure to head; this very popular 
variety is rightly named Surehead be- 
cause it never fails to form a good, solid 
head even on poor soil, but the richer 
the soil the larger and,finer the head. It 

Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, 

An early drum- AM | 

I m 


is the finest late cabbage in this country. 
‚andthe best market variety, and heads 
the list for winter use. Pkt.5c, 02.20c, 
14 1b. 50c, lb. $1.75. 
Koss’ Short Stem Drumhead. 
very large, hard, solid, round, 
flattened on the top, uniform 
in size and shape, often at- : 
‘tain 20 to 30 lbs. in weight 
and are always of the finest 4 
quality and a sure header. It 
‘has a very short stem and grows very 
compactly, the leaves all turning in to 
form the head, with very few loose 
leaves, thus allowing it to be set close to- 
gether. One of the best for making 
“Sour-kraut.” Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, % lb. 60c, 
lb. $2.00. . : 
Stone Mason. A large, solid, late Drumhead. 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, % 1b. 45c, lb. $1.50.. 
ze Late Drumhead. Large, round and solid. 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 4 1b. 40c, lb. $1.40. 

Vegetarian’s Delight. I take pleasure in offer- 
ing this new late cabbage to my patrons, 
for I am positive all will be delighted 
with it. It makes a very hard head of good 

size and extraordinary weight 

“ andis remarkable for its keep- 

‘a Zing qualities when buried over 

> §winter. It is a grand sort for 

m spring sales after all other kinds. 

are gone, when it will command 

a high price, owing to its dark green 

(Late) Heads 



color, size and quality, The Vegetari- 
an’s Delight Cabbage will certainly 
prove one of the most profitable vari- 
eties to grow, especially for the market 
gardener. By all meanstry it. Pkt. 10c, 
oz. 25c, U 1b. 75c, lb. $2.50. 

Premium Flat Dutch. The standard winter 
variety, low growth, heads large, round 
solid and flat on top; an excellent keeper 
Pkt. öc, 02, 1öc, 4 1b, 50c, lb. $1.65.; 

‚St, Milwaukee, A 

99 Theo, Koss, 261 Reed 

The Holland. This is a favorite winter sort | Red Dut icdinm (eee i 
i 2d, ed Dutch. Medium size. solid and of in- |, 
with market gardeners. The heaviest Cab- | tense blood Pkt. 5 i 
a cele as as eee asarock and a ib. 6c, 1b. $1.00: PR Er BD. 0” Sea 
small-sized head, will weigh more than a | Green Globe Savoy. Early verv 
En sized ee of other sorts. Try it. sweet. Pkt. ae OZ. BI boc. 1b, $1.60: | 
= t. 10c. oz. 25c, %4 lb. 75c, Ib. $2.50. Drumhead Savoy. Heads large, round, com-I 
arly Dark Red Erfurt. Early and valuable pact, excellent for winter use. Pkt. Sea 

for pickling. Pkt. 5e, oz. 20e, lb. 60 1 
= 0. g ; 06, 4 60c, | oz. lic, Y Ib. er Ib. 51.60. 



Early French Forcing. Valuable for forcing, roots small and, of 

_. fine flavor. Pkt. 5c. oz. 10c, Y lb. 25c, lb.65c. ° 

Early Scarlet Horn. An old favorite sort. Pkf.öc, oz. 10c Y Ib, 
15e, lb. 50c. 

Oxheart or Guerande. Intermediate between the half long and 
stump varieties. Roots thick, the diameter often exceeding 
the length. Pkt.5c, oz 10c, 4 Ib. 15c, lb. 506. Ser 

Chantenay. As atable variety it is first-class; in shape it is 
larger than the Scarlet Horn and also broader at the shoul- 
der. The fleshis of a’ beautiful rich, orange color, and of S - 
the finest quality: itis medium carly with small tops, and a. = 

' will give great satisfaction to both the market and private A 
garden. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, + Ib. löc. 1b. 50c. 

Nantes. Half long, stump rooted, color deep scarlet. Pkt. dc, 
oz. 10c, !4 1b. 15c, 1b. 50c. : 

Carentan. Half long, stump rooted, fiesh red, coreless and fine 
grained. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10e, U lb. 15c, Ib. 50c. 

Danvers. Half long orange, one of the most productive, Pkt. 
5c, oz. 10c, 4 lb. 15c, !b. 50c. <3 . x 

Improved Long Orange. May be grown in the garden or as arfield 
crop. Pkt.5c, oz. 10c, 4 .b. 15c, Ib. 40c. 

Bares White Belgian. Excellent for stock. Oz. 5c, Y lb. 10c, lb. 




Early Snowball. Highly esteemed by market gardeners, a sure 
header. Pkt. 20e, oz. $2.50, !4 lb. $8.00 
Extra Early Dwarf Erfurt. Best imported strain. Pkt. 15c, oz. 
$2.25, 4 1b. $7.50. | 
Bi Paris. Valuable for succession. Pkt, 5c, oz. 75c, 4 
9 : 

Lenormand’s Short Stemmed. A very fine, large late variety. Pkt. 5c, oz. 75c, # lb. $2.00. 


Golden Self-Blanching. Most important acquisitior, and cannot be too highly recommended. 
Without banking up, or any covering whatever, even the outer ribs, become of a hand- 
some flesh, yellowish white. The heart is large, solid, and a beautiful, rich, golden 
yellow color, Jt is an excellent keeper. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, & lb. 6c, lb. $2.15. 

us Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, 

-Giant Pascal. A new variety, being a select- 

- ion from the Golden Self-Blanching, and 

_ the general good qualities of its 

- parent,superior keeping qualities. The 
stalks are very large, thick, solid, crisp 
and of a rich nutty flavor, free from any 
trace of bitterness, it blanches very easi- 
ly and quickly and retains its freshness 
a long time after being marketed. Pkt. 
5c, oz. 15c, YY lb. 45c, Ib. $1. 40. 

_Hartwell’s Perfection. One of the very. best 
sorts for market, owing to its great 
keeping qualities. Very solid and never 

hollow. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, # Ib. 45c, lb. $1.40. 

inated with a prominent celery grower 
of Kalamazoo, Mich., and is pronounced 
by those who know it best, ‘‘The most 
perfect type of Dwarf White Celery 
known.” It is of a beautiful creamy 
white throughout, of quick growth, very 
large size, close habit, remarkably solid, 
crisp and fine flavored, ribs are very 
broad and stiff and compact. It is sec- 
ond to none asa keeper and shipper, and 
its neat and showy appearance make it 
specially valuable for market. 
oz. 15c, 4 lb. 50c, lb. $1.55. 

‘White Plume. Requires very little cating 
_ up to the blanch it, crisp, solid and of a 
‘Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, 14 Ike BSc, » 

nutty flavor. 
lb. $1.80. 
nee Be very fine, when blanch- 
ed the hearts are ‘of a rich golden yellow, 
Pkt. 5c, 02. 20c, YY 1b. 55c, lb. $1,65. 
la Half Dwarf, Color a yellowish 
white, very attractive. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 
4 1b. Adc, Ib. $1.40. 
| Boston Market. A bushy, white, solid, fine, 
- market variety. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c,.4 Ib 45c, 
lb, $1.50. 

Kalamazoo. This new distinct variety orig- 

ee 5c, 


Incomparable Dwarf Crimson. Dwarf habit, ex- 
ceelingly solid, fine dark crimson color. 
Pkt, 5c, oz. 20c, 4 1b, 60c, lb $2.00, 


at Improved ae eee 
15c, X 1b. 40c, lb. $1.2 

Large Smooth Prague. Round smooth roots 
with very few side roots. This is the best 
and largest variety. Pkt.5c, oz, lic, 4 
lb. 50c, lb. $1.50. 

Apple Shaped. Roots large, smooth, and al- 
most round in shape. Pkt. 5c, oz. 156, 4 
lb. 45c, Ib. $1.35. 

Pkt. 5c, oz. 


Crosby’ s Early. For a number of 
years this sort has been a 
standard one. The quality is 

“choice, size large for an 
early. Pkt. 5c, pint’ 10e, 
quart 15c, peck 60c, bushel 

Mammoth Sugar. A large late 
variety, cob white, well filled 
and rich flavored, Pkt. de, 
pint 10e, quart 15c, peck 665e, 

. bushel $1.90, 

Stowell’s Evergreen. An excel- 
lent late variety, remaining 
a long time in a condition 
suitable for boiling. Pkt. 5c, 
pint 10c, quart 15c, peck 60c, 
bushel $1. 75. 

Cory." Phe ear- 
lrest, productive 
and in great 8 
demand IJ hie 
have both the $ 
red and white %& 
cob variety. %& 5 

Pkt. 5c. pint 10c, quart 15c, a 
peck 85c, bushel $1.90 ES 

Early Minnesota. Early, very &# 

_ productive and of excellent AS 
& quality. Pkt. 5c, pint 10c, gyro 

( guart 15c, peck 60c, bushei 
5 : 

Moore’s Early Concord. A ood is 

second early variety. Many & 
of our Milwaukee garden- 
.ers plant it as late as July 
ist, as the ears will sell as 
well as Stowell’s Evergreen 
Pkt. 5c. pint 10c, quart l5c, 
peck 60c, bushel $1.75 

Gold Coin. Pronounced “the 
sweetest and best flavored 
corn in existence.” Its 
yield is simply immense. It 
almost always yields 2 and 
sometimes 3 mammoth earsCory sweet Corn 
to the stalk. The cob is snowy white; 
compactly covered with large and very 
long golden yellow grains. Pkt 5c, pt. 10c, 
quart 15c, peck 75c, bushel $2.00, 



Theo. Koss, 261 Re 

Country Gentleman. The most delicious of 
all sweet corns, the ears are somewhat 


smaller than the coarser varieties, but | 

for private family use, where qualit 
is preferred to size lit has no ae: 
Time of ripening a little later than Sto- 
well’s evergreen. Pkt. 5c, pint 10c, quart 
15e, peck fidc, bushel $1.90. 

Black Mexican. Sweet and desirable for fam- 
ily use. When dry the kernels are black. 
The corn when in condition for the table 
cooks remarkably white and is not ex- 
celled in tenderness by any other sort. 
Pkt. 6c. pint 10c. quart 5c, peck 76c. 
bushel $2.00. 

CORN .—Pop. 

Silver Lace. This is an exceedingly hand- 
some variety of pop corn. ({(tisa fine 
popper and produces very heavily, Pint 
15e, quart 25e. 


Large Seeded. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % lb. 15c, Ib. 


Extra Curled or Peppergrass. The seed should 
be sown in drills about 15 inches apart, 
on rich ground and the plants well culti- 
vated. Pkt. 5e, oz. 10c, % 1b. 15c, 1b. 40c, 

True Water Cress. Trives only when its roots 
and stems are submerged in water. The 
seed should be sown and lightly covered, 
in gravely, mucky lands along the border 
of small streams. Pkt. dc, oz. 25c, + 1b 90c. 

Improved Early White Spine 

Fruit six to eight inch- 
es long, remaining 
green longer than any 
other variety. Pkt. 5c. 
oz. 10c, 4 lb. 15c. 1b. 40e 

for table and pickling, 
of medium size, 
straight and handsome. 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, lb. 
15c, lb, 35c. 

Boston Pickling. Very pro- 
ductive and ofsuperior 
quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 
10c, X lb. 15c, 1b, 40c. 

Japanese Climbing. Vines 
are extra strong and 
foliage much more 

Improved Early 
White Spine 

vigorous than other sorts, and from its 
climbing habit can be grown on ‘trellises, 

etc., Saving valuable space. It is very 
profitable, 40 to 50 cucumbers having 
been counted on single plants. Flesh 
thick and of fine flavor. Good for pick- 
Sg or slicing, Pkt. 5c, oz.15c, % lb. 25c, 
Ib. Töc. 



ed St, Milwauk 

Early Frame. Early sort ! 

pen Bama’ ay 
at mies ‘ 
Bee Ty sh 

fe A hah De 
ra Eo AN 

ee, Wis, 

Koss’ Cream City Pickle. Early and © 
very productive, flesh crisp and 
‘tender, fruit of dark green 
color, which they retain as pic- 
kles, This variety has been 

grown from my own special 
stock, Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % lb. 15c, lb. 50c 

Nichol’s Medium Green. Exceedingly produc- 
tive, of medium size and always straight 
and smooth. Pkt. 5c, 02.10c,+1b 15c. 1b, 45c. 

Improved Long Green. An old standard sort, 
one foot long. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 44 1b. 15c, 
lb. 35c. 


New York Improved. The leading variety, 
purple in color, large size and good quali- 
ty.. Pkt. 5c, oz. 30c, % Ib. $1.00. 

Black Pekin. Round in form, solid and quite 
early. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, % lb. Tbe. 


Moss Curled. Very curly and of excellent — 
quality, Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 4 lb. 35c, lb. $1.25 
Green Curled. The best variety, very hardy, 
leaves dark green, curly and tender. Pkt. 
5c, oz. 15c, !4 1b. 35c, Ib. $1.25. 


Used to flavor soups and stews. The sets 

vated the same as onions. Sets per # lb. 

15c, lb. 25c, If by mail add 8c, per Ib, for 

postage, \. 

Early White Vienna. The best market vari- 

ety, tender. Pkt. 5e, oz. 15c, % 1b. 50e, Ib. 


Early Purple Vienna. Differs from the above 

only in color. Pkt. 5e, oz, 15e, 4 lb. 50e, 

lb. $1.75. 

Large Green. Used for feeding stock, bulbs 

large. Pkt. 5e, oz. 15c, % lb. 40e, 1b. $1.25. 


Tall Green Curled Scotch. Finely curled, one 

of the best sorts. Pkt.öc, oz. 10c, Y Ib, 

25c, Ib. 75c. 

Dwarf German. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10e, 4 Ib. 25c, 1b. _ 
Töc. Fr 


Large London Flag. Hardy, strong growing 
plant with broad leaves. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 

4 Ib. 30c, lb. $1.00. 

Musselburg. The favorite market variety. 3 | 

Pkt. 5c, oz. 15e, !4 Ib. 40c. Ib. $1.25. 


Grand Rapids. There is nothing superior, if 
it has an equal, for growing under glass; | 
it requires less care, will grow more 
weight in the same space, is not as liable ° 
to rot and will keep longer without wilt- 
ing than any other variety; it is of fine 
appearance, crisp and tender, Also val- 
uable for outdoor growing. Pkt. 5c, oz. 
10c, 4 Ib. 25c, 1b. 85e. 

are planted in early spring and culti- | 

All the Year Round. 
crisp, with small close heads. 
oz. 10c, ¥ 1b. 20c, lb. 70c. 
Yellow Seeded Butter. Very crisp and tender. 
| Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, !4 lb. 20c, Ib. 75e, 
Hanson. Heads green with white hearts, 
Large and solid, crisp and tender, Pkt. 
| Bc, oz. 10c, % Ib. 20c, lb. 75c. 

Pkt. 5c, 

Prize Head Lettuce. 


ı Prize Head. One of the very best varieties, 

grows to a large size,even the outer 

leaves are crisp; is slow to go to seed and 

of fine flavor. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, Y lb, 20c, 

lb. 75e. 

| Black Seeded ee A curled variety of 

unusual merit. Excellent for forcing. 

| Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, X 1b. 20c, lb. 70c. 

Early Tennis Ball. Forms a close, hard head, 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 34 1b. 20c,:16,,75C.:..: Gar, 

' Ourled Silesian. Not quite as rapid in- growth 

| 10c, & lb. 20c, lb. 70c. 

Brown Dutch Winter. A very hardy sort, me- 
dium size, fine flavor. Pkt. 5c, oz. 100, % 
20c, lb. T5c. | 


Grand Rapids. The earliest large Musk Mel- 
on. A new extra early, yellow-fleshed 
sort of handsome shape. It is a most 
profitable variety to the gardener on ac- 
count of its size, attractive appearance 
and its extreme earliness. Its flavor is not 
as good as that of the Osage, or other 
standard melons, but it is ready for mar- 
ket before any other large variety can 
be picked and that fact insures ready 
sales. It is undoubtedly a “money mak- 
er” and every melon grower should plant 
it. Vkt. 5c, oz. 10c, !4 lb. 25c, 1b. 80c. 

Surprise. A great favorite with market 
gardeners. Skin light colored, flesha 
light salmon, quality choice. Pkt. 3e, 
oz. 10c, ¥% lb. lic, lb. 45c. 

Osage. Medium size, very productive and 
unsurpassed in flavor. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, X 
lb. 15c, lb. 45c. | 

Hackensack. prop netted, very Maree and 
oz kt. 5c, oz. 10c, % lb. 15c, 

. 35c. 

Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, 

| as the Simpson, but heavier, Pkt. 5c, oz. 


Hardy compact and | Netted Gem. Globe shape, small, skin firmly 

netted, sweet and melting. 
10c, % 1b. 15c, Ib. 40c. 

Mhe Princess. The most delicious Melon. 

Pkt. 5c, oz, 

The flesh is of a rich salmon color, very 
thick and sweet. 
15c, lb. 45c. 

Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % 1b. 

Miller’s Cream, The flesh is of rich salmon 
color, very sweet and melting in quality. 

_ Pkt. 5c, 02.10c, X Ib. 15c, lb. 45c. 

Bay View. Very-prolific, flesh light green, 

thick and sweet. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % lb. 
l5c, Ib. 40c. 

Green Citron. Handsome, medium size, net- 
ted, flesh thick, green, highly flavored. 
Pkt. 3c, oz. 10c, % lb. 15c, lb. 46c. 


Sweet Heart. Early, large, handsome, a 
good shipper and long keeper. The 
Sweet Heart Water Melon is of vigorous 

rowth, very productive and ripens its 
ruit early. elons oval, heavy and uni- 
formly mottled very light green. Rind 
thin but firm, solid and very tender, melt- 
ing and sweet. . My supply comes direct 
from the originator. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, } 
20c, 1b. 65c. 

Henderson’s Green and Gold. 
orange color, very juicy and sweet. 
5c, oz. 10c, % 1b. 15c, 1b. 45c. 

Kolb’s Gem. Large, delicious and an excel- 
lent keeper. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, # 1b. 15c, lb. 

Christmas. Have been kept until Christmas 

' in perfect cendition. Their valuable 
keeping and shipping qualities are due 
to a peculiar hard tenacious coating or 
outside enameling of the skin, which also 
gives them an exceedingly handsome 
and freshappearance. The flesh is of a 
beautiful rich scarlet, very solid and of a 
sugary flavor. Pkt. 5c, oz, 10c, + 1b. 1&c, 
Ib. 50c. 

Oitron. (for preserves.) Small round fruit, 
makes a beautiful clear, nearly trans- 
parent preserve of fine flavor. Pkt. 5c, 
oz. 10c, ¢ lb. 15c, lb. 86c. 

Flesh a golden 


Di ‘ie. 

tive than the Kolb’s Gem, which has 
heretofore been considered the best mel- 
on for shipping. 
. ance, much darker than Kolb’s Gem and 
more beautifully striped; it is longer 
and extr:mely hardy, while its eating 
_qual ty is unexcelled; being sweet, juicy 
and tender. Another very important 
_point is its productiveness, having six to 
eight large melons on a vine. kt. 5e, 
oz. 10c, % 1b. 15e, 1b. 35c. 
Cuban Queen. Flesh bright red, skin striped. 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 10¢, % Ib. 15c, lb. 30c. 

Mcuntain Sweet. Fruit large, dark green, 

rind thin, fiesh red, solid and very sweet. — 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, Y 1b. 15c, 1b. 30c. 


My stock of Onion Seed is raised with 
particular care, none but the VERY BEST 

FOR SEED STOCK. Such care being exer- 
cised, I claim for it a quality superior to 
most of that in the market. THE SEED IS 

Prize Taker or Spanish King. A globe-shaped 
variety of recent introduction, remark- 
able for its enormous size, many specimens 
reaching the weight of three and one- 
half pounds each. The skin is of a bright 
straw color, flesh white, very thick and 
of mild flavor. Earliness, uniform shape. 
productiveness and its long keeping qual- 
ities have made the Prize Taker a valu- 
able acquisition. It is to-cay one of the 
largest, handsomest and most geen te vari- grown. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c,¢1b.40c, lb. $1.36 


Itis of a fine appear- 

Theo. Koss, 261 Reed 

This melon has excellent merits and 
Ican recommend iit to my customers as 
the best shipping melon grown, being 
even larger, earlier and far more produc- 

St, Milwaukee, 

White London. 
10c, lb. 30c. 

Brown. More pungent than the white. 
5c, ¥ |b. 10c, lb. 35c. 


English, Per lb. 15c, 10 lbs. $1.35, by mail 

_per lb. 25e. 

Dwarf White. Early and very productive. 

Pkt. 5c, oz. 10e, Y 1b 2c, lb. 60c. 

White Velvet. The pods of this variety are 
round and perfectly smooth and not 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 106, 

ridged like other okras. 
34 1b. 25c, 1b. 75c. 

, Extra Early Flat Red. A variety of unusual 

early maturity, medium size and of a 
are color. Pkt.5c, oz. 10c, % lb. 25c, 
. 90c. 

Yellow Globe Danvers. The most popular on- 
ion all over the country. Excellent 
quality, mild flavored, very productive, 
ripens early, good keeper. Pkt. 5c, oz. 
10c, 34 1b. 25c, lb. 75e. 

Yellow Danvers. Differing from the’ Globe 
strain only in shape, being more fiat. 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, X 1b. 20e, Ib. 65c. 

Large Red Wethersfield, The leading red on- 
ion, deep red in color, and an excellent 
keeper. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, X 1b. 25c, Ik. 80c. 

White Portugal or Silver Skin. Extensively 
grown for pickling. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, X lb. 
45c, lb. $1.60. 

Southport White Globe. The leading white 
onion, of mild flavor and a good keeper. 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, % Ib. 46c,. lb. $1.60. 

Best for salads. Oz. 5c, + lb. 

eee Bo ER Spree ete Seca Sere ewe ni sm ee ees 

| i 

| Yellow Bottom Sets. 
| White Bottom Sets. 
| Red Top Sets. Pint 10c, quart lic. 

_ Hamburg or Turnip Rooted. 

_ Long Smooth or Hollow Crown, 

| *American > Wonder, 

Southport Red Globe. Differs from the pre- 
ceding only in color. Pkt. 5c, 02.10c, % 
lb. 25c, 1b. 90c. 

| White Queen. A rapid grower, white skin, 

early and excellent for pickling. Pkt. 5c, 
oz. lic, X 1b. 40c, 1b. $1.35. 

| Southport Yellow Globe. A handsome variety 

of large size. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, lb. 25c, 
lb. 90c. | 

Extra Early White Pearl. A very fine, new 
ftalian variety that grows quickly to a 
good marketable size. The bulbs are 
round, flattened, wlth a delicate, pure 
white skin. Flesh very mild and pleas- 
ant in flavor. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15c, 4 1b. 50c, 
Ib. $1.70. | 

Write for special Prices on larger quantities 


Pint 10c, quart 20c. 
Pint 15c, quart 25c. 

If by mail add 6c per pint and 10c per 

| quart to above prices.- - 

Write for special prices on larger quantities. 


Champion Moss Curled. The leaves are very 
- finely curled and moss like. Pkt. 5c, oz. 
10c, 44 Ib. 20c, Ib. 606. ° 

' Plain Leaved. Hardier than the curled vari- 

eties. Pkt.5c, oz. 10c, Y Ib. 20c, lb. 45c. 

Fern Leaved. Valuable for table decoration. 

Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, + lb. 20c, Ib. 66c. 

The roots are 
used for flavoring. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, #1b. 
20c, lb. 60c. 


Guernsey. ‘(Improved Half Long). The 
roots do not grow so long as those of the 
Hollow Crown, but are of greater diame- 
ter and more easily gathered. The roots 
are very smooth and of excellent quality. 
Pkt. 5c; oz. 1Uc; % 1b. 15€, Ib. 45c. 

Smooth and 

large, very tender and sugary; best for 

general use. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, !4 lb. 15c, Ib. 

Wrinkled varieties marked thus * 


One of the very best, extra early 
market varieties. Pods of perfect shape 
and good-quality. Pkt. 5¢, pint» 10c, 
quart lic, peck 85c, bushel $3.10. 

First of All. A first-class extra early pea, 
maturing evenly. Pkt. 5c, pint 10c, 
quart 15c, peck 80c, bushel $3.00. 

The finest dwarf 

wrinkled pea yet introduced. Early, 

very productive and of the very best 
quality. Pkt. 5c, pint 10c, quart 20c, 
peck $1.25, bushel $4.00 


Garden, Field and Flower Seeds. 


American WonderiPeas. 

*McLean’s Little Gem. A odwarf,{ prolific, 
green. wrinkled variety, early. Pkt. 5c, 
pint 10c, quart 20c, peck $1.00, bushel 

Tom Thumb. Very dwarf and early, of ex- 
cellent quality, yields abundantly. Pkt. 
5c, pint 10c, quart 20c, peck $1.00, bushel 


Improved Daniel O’Rourke. A favorite, extra 
early variety. Pkt.5c, pint 10c, quart 
15c, peck 75c, bushel $2.50. 

Koss’ Extra Early Market. Unequalled for ex- 

o cellence, yield, size of pod and 
give, regularity of growth. Emphati- 
26% cally the pea for market gardeners 
ans and truckers. It is a wonderful 
tee’ «bearer, produces pods of good 

; size, which ripen so evenly as not 
to require more than two pickings to 
clear off the crop. Pkt.5c, pint 10c, 
quart 20c, peck $1.00, bushel 3.70. 

*Nott’s Excelsior. I am pleased to offer this 
superb new variety and am sure my custo- 
mers will be delighted with it as an ideal 
family, and market pea. It is fully as 
sweet jand delicious as the American 
Wonder and the pods are larger. It is 
far more productive than the Little Gem 
and is within a few days as early as 
the first early smooth peas, having ma- 
tured in forty-three days. Pkt. 5c, pint 
15c, quart 25c, peck $1.35, bushel $4.75. 

Second Early Varieties. 
*Horsford’s Market Garden. A most prolific 
bearer, pods medium size, numerous and 
well-filled with peas of delicious flavor. 
Somewhat later than the Little Gem. 
Pkt. 5c, pint 10c, quart, 20c. peck 90c, 
bushel 83.45. 

Dwarf Sugar, Edible Pods. 

snap beans or shelled. 
quart 26c, peck $1.50. 

General Crop Varieties. 

bearing immense semi-double pods, full 
of large peas of exquisite fiavor. Pkt. 
IC, En: 10c, quart 20c, peck $1,30, bushel 

*Stratagem. The best variety for general 
crep. Pods of immense size, many meas- 
uring five and one-half inches in length 
and containing as many as ten large, fine 
flavored Peas. Pkt. 5c, pint 15c, quart 
25c, peck $1.35, bushel $4.75. 

; *Champion of England. An old favorite. Pkt. 
52, pint 10c, quart 15c, peck 80c, bushel 

Black Eyed Mafrowfat. Excellent for either 
garden or fieli culture. Pkt. 5c, quart 

10c, peck 50c, bushel $1.75. 

Early; used like 
Pkt. 5c, pint löc, 


Large Bell or Bull Nose. Early, mild and 
pleasant to the taste. Pkt. 5c, oz. lic, Y 
lb. 50c. 

Ruby King. Large and handsome, remark- 
able mild. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, ¥ lb. 60c. 

Long Cayenne. Long, red, hot and pungent, | 

dwarf growth. Pkt. 6c, oz. 1öc, % 1b. 50c. 


Calhoun. Gives the highest satisfaction. 
Outside color creamy brown; inside flesh 
deep salmon yellow, wonderfully thick 
and fine-grained, seed cavity very small. 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, X lb. 20c, 1b 60c. 

Large Cheese. Flat shaped, flesh yellow, fine 
grained and sweet. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % lb. 
15c, lb. 40c. 

Mammoth Tours. Of enormous size, flesh 
salmon colored. Very productive and of 
excellent quality, Pkt.5c, 0z.10c, % 1b. 
20c, lb. 68@c. 

Jonathan. This is one of the finest varieties 
ever introduced; 
size, very sweet and finest of all for pies. 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 4 lb. 15e, lb. 45c. 

icut Field. Standard sort for field cul- 
ture. Pkt.5c, 14 lb. 10c, lb. 20c, 3 Ibs. 56c. 


Chartier. Coior at the top bright crimson, 
shading to pink at the middle and run- 

ning to pure white at the tip. Pkt. 5c, 
oz. 10c, + lb. 15c, lb. 40c. 
Early Scarlet Globe. Unquestionably the best 

and earliest forcing radish extant. Col- 
or brilliant red, small leaved flesh white, 
tender and crisp. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % Ib. 
20c, lb. 55c. 

White Tipped Scarlet Turnip. This is an early 
variety of medium size, of excellent fla- 
vor and of very handsome appearance. 
Color deep scarlet tipped with white. 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, X lb. 1öc, Ib. 40c. 

An extraordinary cropper’ 

a good keeper, large. 

Theo, Koss, 261 Reed St, Milwaukee, Wit 

early, round, red 


10c, + lb. 15c, 1b. 

nip. A well known 
standard sort, 
Pkt: Sc, 02.106 
% |b. 15c, 

Early Scarlet Globe | 

use, mild. 

Yellow Summer Turnip. Withstands the heat 
and drought of summer well. 
10c, + lb. 15c, Ib. 40c. 

Strasburg. A popular half long, white vari- 
ety, of fine quality. Pkt.5c, oz.10c, 4 
Ib..15c, [Age 

ae Scarlet Short Top. A favorite sort. 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % tb. l5c, Ib. 35c. 

Rose China Winter. 
ket gardeners. 
smooth and of a bright rose color. 
5c, oz. 10c, X Ib. 15c, lb. 40c. 

Long White Spanish. An excellent winter 
radish. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, U 1b. 20c, 1b. 50c. 

Long Black Spanish. One of the hardiest and 
best for winter use. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 4 
lb. 15c, lb. 35c. 

Very popular with mar- 
Form conical, very 

Round Black Spanish. Pkt. 5c, oz.10c, % lb. 
15c, lb. 35c. 

Victoria. Large and tender. Pkt. 5c, oz. 

10c, % Ib. 40c, Ib. $1.25. 
Roots. 108c each, $1.00 per dozer, by Ex- 


Large White. Pkt. Bes 02. 10c, % !b. 25C; lb, 

» Mammoth Sandwich Island, 
Twice as large as the pre- 
ceding, pure white, very 
tender and delicious. 
valuable for market gar- 
deners. Pkt. 5c, oz. lic, Y 
lb. 30c, Ib. $1.00. 

SCORZONERA or Black Oyster 
Plant. Treatment same as 
Salsify, which it closely 

. resembles, except that the 
skin is black. Pkt. dc, oz. 
15c, % 1b. 30c, lb. $1.00. 

. Latein going 
Oz, 5c, % 1b. 10c, 

te seed. 
Ib, 20c. 

Early Scarlet Turnip. : 

An excellent] 

-Yadish. Pkt. 5¢,@ 
oz. 10c, % 1b. 15% 
- Ib. 36c. 1 

French Breakfast. An }) 
shaped | 
white tipped va- # 
riety. Pkt. 5c, 02.1 

White Summer Tur- | 

lb. 40c. | 

Gray Summer Turnip. Excellent for summer | 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % lb. 15c, Ib. | 

Pkt. 5c, 025] 



ie Fi rag u aa 

_ good for EEE or fall sowing, leaves 
Be a thick and fleshy. Oz. 5e, % 1b. 10c, 
fh ib. 20c. 

"Bloomsdale Savoy Leaved. The leaves are 
_ wrinkled like Savoy Cabbage. Oz. 5c, 4 
u Ib. 10c, 1b. 20c, ray Sta 
Prickly Seeded. © Triangular, arrow shaped 
_ leaves, one of the hardiest and generally 
ae for fall planting. Oz. 5c, KU lb. 10e, 
. Z0c. 


Hubbard. The leading squash for fall and 
winter use, hard skinned, flesh dark yel- 
low, fine grained, dry, sweet and rich. 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, % 1b. 20c, 1b. 50c. 

R Hubbard Squash. 

‘Sibley. An excellent variety, flesh solid, 
thick and rich colored. 
the same time asthe Hubbard. 
oz. 10c, 4 lb. 15c, lb. 40c. 

‚Summer Crook Neck. Early, productive and 
of good quality. Pkt.öc, oz. 10c, U Ib. 
15c, lb. 40c. 

‘Marblehead. A very good winter Squash, 
similar to the Hubbard. Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 
+ lb. 15c, lb. 50c. 

‚Bay State. Very prolific, large size, flesh 
thick and of very fine quality. Pkt. 5c, 
oz. 10c, !4 lb. 15ec, 1b. 40c. 

‘White Bush Scalloped. Light cream color, 

. large, flat, scalloped shaped, early. Pkt. 

lf 5c, 02. 10c, % lb. 15c, Ib. 40c. 

Boston Marrow. A winter variety of excel- 

® lent quality. “Pkt. 5c, oz. 106,. X lb. Ige, 

Pkt. 5c, 

lb. 40c. 
eet Seed Leaf. Pkt. 5c, oz. 15e, Y lb. 
Imported Havana. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, £Y 1b. 65e. 


"New Stone Tomato. This new sort isa great 
favorite, and is one of the best intro- 
duced for years. Vine vigorous and pro- 
ductive. Fruit round, apple shaped, 

_ large, very deep red in color and aston- 

_ ishingly heavy. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, X lb. 50c. 

-Dwarf Champion. Its habit of growth is pe- 

 ewiar, for not only is it dwarf and com- 

pact, but the stem being thick, stiff and 
short jointed, it is actually self-support- 
ing when laden with fruit. In produc- 
tiveness it is unsurpassed. It is also very 
early. The fruit is of a :purplish, pink 
color, always smooth and the flesh ‚solid 

Ripens about 

Garden, Field and Flower 

‘Round Leaf. Excellent market sort, equally . 

m te ee a See nr 2 85 

RL a ! 

Seeds. 29 

and of fine quality. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, + lb. 

Mikado. (Turner’s Hy- 
brid). Of immense 
size, solid and un- 
surpassed quality. 

N Pkt. dc, oz. löc, % lb. 

By 8 4öc. 
my Trophy. Fruit large, 

. smooth, solid and of 

fine quality. Pkt. 

5c, oz. 20c, 14 1b. 50c, 

Yellow Plum. Good for preserving and 
pickling, plum shape, solid and smooth. 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 25c, 4 1b. 70e. 

Acme: Early, medium size, very solid and 

„ productive; dark red slightly tinged with 

purple. Pkt.5c, oz. 200,4 Ib. 50c.. a 

Livingston’s Beauty. A very fine variety of 
large size, grows in clusters of four or 
five. Pkt. 5c, 02. 20c, 4 lb. 50c. 

Livingston's Perfection. Quite early, round, 
perfecly smooth and solid. Pkt. 5c, oz. 
15c, + 1b. 45c. 

Livingston’s Favorite. This ripens evenly and 
holds its size to the end of the season, 
very prolific, good flavor, few seeds, flesh 
solid. Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c, + 1b, 50c. 


Early Purple Top Munich. A german variety, 
remarkably handsome, very early with 
purplish red top, flesh snow white and of 
fine tlavor. Pkt. 5c, oz. 106, 4 lb, loc, 1b: 

White Eos, A rapid growing variety, egg 
red Pkt. el oz. 10c, % 1b. 15c, 1b. 40e. 

Yellow Aberdeen. Hardy and productive, 
good keeper, color pale yellow. Pkt. 5c, 
oz. 10c, ¥ 1b. 15c, lb. 35c. | 

Early Flat White Dutch, Standard variety 
good marketable size, pure white, small 
top, with, but few strap shaped leaves. 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, !4 lb. 15e, Ib, 40c. 

Purple Top 

Strap Leaf 
either for 
table or 
Si le? On Er IE 
Prete be: 
% Ib. 10c, 
lb. 38c. 

Long White or Cow Horn. This variety is car- 
rot-like in form, growing nearly half out 
of the ground, and generally slightly 
crooked. Pkt. fc, oz. 10c,14 1b. 15c, lb. 40c. 

Teltow or Small Berlin. Very small spindle 
shaped, the rind has a peculiar flavor 
and should not be taken off when used, 
esteemed for flavoring soups. Pkt. 5c, 

oz. 10c, + lb. 15c, 1b. 50c. 

It makes no difference with whom you 
have dealt with before, I will makeit to 
your interest to buy of me this year and in 
the future. 

ee ae 
Theo, Koss, 261 Reed St. Milwaukee, Wis, 


RUTABAGA.- Swedish Turnip. 

Imperial Hardy Swede. Flesh orange yellow, 
of firm texture, very sweet, mild and well 
“dupe Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, YX Ib. Bc, 1b. 


White Sweet German. Large size, oval form, 
and very solid, flesh pure white and 
sweet. Thisisthe best keeping variety. 
Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c, 14 Ib. 15c, lb. 40c. 

Skirving’s Improved Purple Top. A very popu- 
lar variety, flesh firm, yellow, sweet and 
en: Pkt. 5c, 02. 10c, X Ib. 15c, 

. BIC. 


Indispensable to 
the cook, useful in 
the sick room, and 
many kinds fine fer 
etc. Herbs in gen- 
eral love a mellow 
and free soil, and 


lied = 



ken in properly har- 
vesting them in a 
dry state. The chief 
points are to cut 
them on a dry day, 
| when not quite in 

MAJORAM full bloom, and to 
dry them quickly in the shade, and when 
dry pack close in dry boxes, keeping them 
entirely excluded from the air. 



URES A ENTE Pkt. 5c, oz. 10€ 
Basil, Sweet.. ... .... .Pkt. öc, oz. 20c 
Garaway. 0. 2... hae MF ae Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c 
Goriander Ir 2.20 ae oe ee Pkt. 5c, oz. 10€ 
BA ee ates RR EN STE Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c 
Losi hls) Ge ea eee MUERTE Da Pkt. 5c, oz. 10¢ 
Horehnund? oo a ea ees en Pkt. 5c, oz. 25e 
Lavender ER PRESS. on 206 
Majoram, Sweet...... ..-.... Pkt. 5c, oz. 20c 
Rosemary .-..- Pkt. 5G. omy: ae 
Bare: HE, Sr acne ee ae Pkt. Sc, oz. 15c 
Safran: 6. es: Pkt. 5c, oz. 10c 
Savory, Summer............. Pkt: Sc, 88; 106 
Thyme ; . „Pkt. 5c; oz. Sc 
Wormwood ... ....... „Pkt. 5c, 02, 25c 


This variety is not produced from seed. 
They are sometimes used asa table vege- 
table when pickled or asa salad, but their 
greatest value is for feeding stock. They 
are the best hog food Known and are at- 
tracting much attention on account of 
their great fattening properties, great 
productiveness (over 1000 bushels -having 
been grown on one acre), and ease with 
which they can be grown. They need not 
be dug in the fall: the hogs should be turn- 
ed in on them, and will help themselves by 
rooting for them. One acre will keep from 
twenty to thirty head in fine condition 
from October until April, except when the 

care should be ta-- 

‘Bowker’s Plant Food. An ex- 

ry "i hy p | 

ground is frozen too hard for them to root. 
They are also said to be a preventative of 
cholera and other hog diseases; and they 
are also highly recommended for milch 
cows, increasing the yield of milk and at@ 
the same time improving their condition. 

They are well adapted to any soil where @ 
corn or potatoes can be grown. Three® 
bushels will seed an acre, and they should 9) 
be cut the same as potatoes, one eye to a 
cut being sufficient, planted in April or 
May, in rows three feet apart and two feet ® 
in the rows, and covered about two inches $ 
deep. Per lb. 30c. 3 1b. 75c, post paid. By 
freight or express, peck 65¢, bushel $2,00, 9 
bbl. of 3 bushels (enough for one acre] $4.50 _ 


An insecticide of 

well known vir- 
tue, in the form 
of a very fine 
Mad powder; forthe 
LE cut worm, ca- 
terpillar, cur- 
rant and goose- 
berry worm, it 
is invaluable. 
It will also de- 
stroy many other insects infesting trees, — 
plants, vines, etc., Lb. 6c, 5 Ibs. 25c. 4 

Persian Insect Powder, Lb. 65e. 
Whale Oil Soap. Lb. 15e. 



Pure Bone Meal. For general fertilizing pur- 
poses. Lb. 5c, 5 Ibs. 20e, 10 lbs. 35e, 25 Ibs. — 
75c, 50 lbs. $1.35, 100 lbs. $2.50 

Peruvian Guano. One-of the best and most 
effective fertilizers for lawns, plants and 
growing crops. Lb. 10c, 10 lbs. 85c, 25 Ibs. 


Koss’ Lawn Fertilizer. A special preparation 
which never fails toinduce a rapid and — 
healthy growth to the lawn, it 
can be applied either in the 
spring, summer or atop © 
dressing, at the rate of ten — 
pounds to 400 square feet. Price #® 
5 lbs. 30c, 10 lbs. 50c, 25 lbs. $1.00, | 

50 lbs. $1.75, 100 lbs. $3.00, \ 

cellent fertilizer for 
house plants. Clean to 
handle, without odor, 

produces rich green fd ne 
growth and profusion |} 3 Ppranıs ron one ven 
of dow.ıs, if used ac- < 7 
cording to the direc- |f 
tions which accompany 

it. Small package t5c, 
by mail 20c. Large 
package, enough for 

twenty plants one year, 
30c, by mail, 40c. 


ZeR Co | 

7 in f 

| The Washington Oats. New. See illustration 
| and description on last page of cover. 
' The Lincoln Oats. Were first introduced in 
| 189, and largely sold in all parts of the 
country, giving wonderful results. It is 
unquestionably the most productive. It 
is also very early and has so far proven 
entirely rust-proof. Straw is stiff and 
strong, standing up. The grain is very 
handsome and valuable for feeding on 
account of its thin hull, heavy meat and 
soft nib. Seven bushels produced 817 
bushels, 21 lbs. or an average of 116 bush- 
ı els to each bushel sown. Peck 30€, bu. 
| $1.00, 23 bushel $2.25. 
| White Schonen. A very large yielder, exten- 
Grain plump 

Sively grown in Wisconsin. 

The American Beauty. This excellent ani 
© popular variety is characterized by 
great vigor of growth, earliness and re- 
markable cropping qualities. The grain 
 islarge,long and tapering; straw erect 

= and stout. Peck 25c. bushel 90c, 23 
__ bushel $2.00. 
_ Probsteier. A handsome white oat, possess- 

A wonder- 
Peck 25c, bushel 80c, 24 

_ ‘ing many excellent features. 
k ful stooler. 
bushel $1,85, 
Black Norwegian. Grown here from original 
stock. A very prolific sort of vigorous 
k growth. Peck 30c, bus. 90c, 24 bus. $2.00. 


SS: Selected Farm Seeds. = 


Manshury. Early, plump and heavy yielder, 
Peck 35c, bush. $1.00, 24 bush. bag $2.25, 


Silver Hull. A greatly improved variety. 
It is in bloom longer, matures its crop 
sooner, and yieldstwice as much as any 
ordinary sort, the grain is rounder, of a 
beautiful light gray color, the flour is 
white and more nutrious. Peck 25c, bus. 
80c, bag 24 bushel] $1.75. 


Japanese. Ripens a week earlier than the 
silver hull, stands up well, and makes bet- 
ter flour than any other kind of Buck- 

wheat. Peck 30c, bushel $1.00, bag 24 
bushel $2.25. 
Common. Peck 20c, bushel 70e. 
Russian. Peck 35c, bushel $1.35. 
Yellow. A excellent forage plant much re- 

lished by cattle, also valuable for enrich- 
ing poor sandy soil. Lb. 10c, 10 lbs. 75e, 
100 lbs. $6.50. 

An excellent forage plant. Sow broad- 

east the same as wheat. Lb. 8c, peck 80c, 
bushel $3 00. 


A highly esteemed forage plant from 
Europe. The sandvetch prospers in the 
most barren soils, be it wet, dry or sandy, 
Lb. 12c, 10 lbs. 90c, 50 lbs. $4.25. 

Valuable as a forage plant on low 
swampy lands. Lb.30c, © 

lear os Te ee 
32 Theo. Koss, 261 Reed St, Milwaukee, Wis. — 

Koss’ Golden Beauty. 3 || 
his is a new va- 
riety „of yellow} 


Early Amber. The earliest and most popu- 
lar variety, and makes the finest quality 
of amber syrup and excellent sugar. Lb. 
5c, 10 lbs. 45c, 100 lbs. $3.75. 

Prices subject to market changes. 
Common Millet. Very early, grows two to 
three feet high, foliage broad. Bushel 

Hungarian (Grass) Millet. A valuable forage 
plant, similar to common millet. Bushel 

German or Golden Millet. Medium early; 
grows three to five feet »high. Bushel 


Mammoth Russian. Very large and excellent 
food for poultry. Lb. 10c, 10 lbs. 75c. 


Br, Vig OTOus || 
tomy i ©YrOwth, | 
~ attaining |} 
a height of 8 to 10 || 
feet, nearly every || 
stalk producing | 
two fine ears, 
which are large, 
of perfect shape, 
containing 16 
rows and filling | 
out well to the 
end of the cob.9 
Has a small cob, # 
is easily shelled, 
and surpasses all# 
others in size, ap- 4) 
pearance and pro- 4 
ductiveness. Peck 
45c, bushel $1.50. 
Angel of Midnight. An 
extra Early yel- 
low flint, 8 rowed 
variety. The ear 
is perfec t ing 
shape; length, 10 
to 13 inches.” 
Rows straight and — 
even, and filled 
from tip to tip. 
Stalks are of me- 
dium size. Peck- 
45c, bushel $1.50. 


Profitable as greer feed for milch cows, 
being sweeter and more nutrious and eaten 
more readily than fodder from 
field corn. Peck 30c, bushel $1.10, 


li, Lay +8 1 T 4X) 

Grows well on dry, poor, sandy soil. Ex- 
cellent for sheep and cattle. Sow from 12 
to 16 lbs.on an acre. Lb 15e, 10 lbs. $1.00, 
100 lbs. $8.50. 


Whippoorwill. Selected seed of this excel- 
lent forage plant, 8c per lb., 10 lbs. 60c, 
100 lbs. $4.75. 






Improved Leaming. An early dent, ears 
large, grain deep orange color. Peck 35c, 
bushel $1.30. 

Wisconsin White Dent. The best white dent 
for this northern latitude, 16 to 20 rows, 
small cob, large kernels, Peck 45e, 
bushel $1.50. 

Koss’ Golden Beauty 



N OP sdgadenanescres Cr This variety grows taller and 
\ ‘) ripens earlier than the White Kaf= 

Ay) Z ue Corn, re stalks are more,slen- ~ 

7 NG er an ‘ 

very juicy 

il ( / f a leafy. 
GERELERGE leegegcaga Dee ae 
Ye agauaga MIRO Ibs. 50c, 100 
RR ae SEES lbs. $4.00. 
Pride of the North. WHITE 

Pride of the North. A famous early variety |KAFFIR CORN 
of yellow dent. The merits of this corn Stocky and per- 
cannot be appreciated until you note fectly erect, foliage 
carefully the large yield and small per- | broad. The seed 
centage ‘of cob to shelled corn. It will | heads grow from 10 
shell 60 to 65 lbs. per bushel of 70 lbs. of |to 12 inches in 
ears. Peck 35c, bushel $1.30. length and the pro- 

Mercer. [Yellow Flint]. Very early, prolitic, |duct of grain will 
ears 9 to 10 inches in length and 12 to 14 |average 60 bushels 
rows, well filled out to the tip. Peck 35c, | tothe acre. Lb. 6c, 3 Pies 
bushel $1.30. 10 Ibs. 40c, 100 lbs. $3. Kaffir Corn. 

| RYE. 

‘Spring Rye. Valuable as a 
‘Caton’; “crop, tor sow 
where winter grain has 
failed. Peck 35c, bushel 

' Winter Rye. Sow at the 
rate of 13 bushels per 
acre. Peck 35c, bu. $1.25. 

French Imperial. A semi-hard, red, spring whe,t. Peck 45c, bushel $1.65, 24 bushels $4.00. 


Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, 38 


Summer and 
Autumn Crop. 


There are millions of acres of good land that lie idle 
part or all of the year to run to weeds, that can ke 
sown to this rape and produce the finest feed imagin- 
able and at the same time improve its fertility. It can 
be sown from May to September in this latitude. It 
can follow any other crop and furnishes most nutrious 

asture, when oftentime cattle are roaming the fields 
in search of ascanty living. Should be sown at inter- 

_ vals of two or three weeks, so as to have fresh crops 
constantly coming on. From one-half acre there was 
“cut 9% tons of green rape fodder. It is particu.arly valu- 

able for sheep and hogs, being twice as nutrious as red 
clover. In fact, sheep soon ‘‘weigh like lead” when 
pastured on it. It is hardy in winter, resists severe 
droughts; in fact, of untold value, and its cultivation 
is just beginning. Sow 5 lbs. per acre broadcast; 3 lbs. 
per acre if drilled. Price; per lb. 15c, 10 lbs. $1.30, 50 lbs 


This superior ensiJage corn I can recommend as be- 
ing the HEAVIEST CROPPING variety in cuitivation, 
producing from fifty to seventy-five tons per acre. It 
has been thoroughly tested in all dairy sections of the 
country with best results. It is a pure white dent 
corn of ne size and handsome appearance, growing 
on aredcob. The fodder is sweet, tender, juicy and 
contains more nourishment than any other variety. 
It grows thirteen to fourteen feet in height, taking 
strong hold in the ground, standing up well and resist- 
ing storms of allkinds to a remarkable degree. Peck 
25c, bushel 80c. 


Saskatchewan Fyfe. The hardest and best millin go wheat 
known. Early vigorous and productive. Peck 50c, 
bushel $1.75, bag 24 bushels $4.25. 

Scotch. Green. Peck 35c, bushel $1.25. 

Subject to market changes. FIELD BEANS, 
Canada White. Peck 30c, bushel $1.00. Boston Pea or Navy. Peck 75c, bushei $2.75. 

Er ee 2: eee” 

34 Theo. Koss, 261 Reed St, Milwaukee, Wis. 


_ With no other seed is the importance of change more essential than with the potato. 
By using my northern grown seed you are assured of early maturity, increased yield, 
and a vigorous growth. My stock as usual, has been grown from selected seed, and ex- 
pressly for seed purposes. Order as early as possible, stating whether you desire them 
shipped by express or freight and I will ship as soon as the weather permits. Prices are 
subject to market changes. No charge made for bags, barrels or cartage. 

The Signal. Thejbest early potato ‘ever 
> . introduced. Regular in shape, 
s smooth in outline; skin a beau- 
ae tiful light flesh;fcolor, very 
bright and clear, givingjit a 
| fine delicate look; very early, 
a wonderful strong grower 
and of excellent quality. ts most 
striking characteristic is its great vi- 
tality and vigor of growth. As to yield 
I do not believe there is another vari- 
ety as early as The Signal that will 
outyield it. Peck 35c, bushel $1.25, 
bbl. $3.25. 
Six Weeks Market.” This isa new variety . 
and claimed by the originator to be 
“the earliest potato grown.” It is simi- 
lar to the Early Ohio in appearance, 
of excellent quality and very produc- — 
tive. Peck 30c, bushel $1.10, bbl. 82.75. | nenne: 7 

World’s Fair. A new potato of great value for general use. Itis a first quality, strong 
x Wr. - grower, very prolific, main crop va- 


| ) riety. Tubers are smooth, eyes 
UF Y R .. very shallow, perfectly symmet- 
G GG ricalin form and outline; skin yel- 
lowish white, covered with netting; 
flesh pure white, fine gra‘ned and 
mealy. Peck 35c, bushel $1.25, bbl. 
$3.25. ; 
Koshkonong, The Koshkonong is a 
new seedling potato. It has been 
thoroughly tested in different kinds 
of soil with great success, through 
drought and blight with several 
other varieties and has proven to 
be the peer of all, producing the 
LSS heaviest crop. Tubers are of good 
wis. = size. nearly white and medium late. 
koshkonong- x Peck 35c, bushel $1.25, bbl. $3.25. 

Freeman The 
Freeman potato 
has been adver- 
tised very exten- 
sively during the 
past two years 
and has given ex- 
cellent satisfac- 
tion to every 
purchaser. My 
trials of it show 
it to be medium 
early, a good 
cropper, very 
handsome in ap- 
pearance, skin 
white and rus- 
sety. My stock 
is grown from 
seed bought 
direct from 
Peck 50c, bu. $1,50 
bbl. $3.75 3 bbls. 


ae Ve ee een nt He er u 


sti ta siti 

it bears. 

Garden, Field and Flower Seeds. 


Rural New Yorker No. 2. This, the best intermediate and main crop potato, originated on the 
experimental yrounds of the Rural New Yorker, where more than 500 varieties have 

been tested practically during the past twelve years. 
ance and could r adily be distinguished among a hundred other varieties. 

It is most distinct in appear- 
Very large 

and unusually smooth with few and shallow eyes, in form oblong, inclined to round and 
flesh white; of superior quality. The vines are very strong and the yield of handsome 
tubers of great uniformity of size is unusually large. Peck 35c, bushel $1,25, bbl. $3.25. 

Originated with E. S. Carman, Editor-in-Chief of the Rural New Yorker, whose name 

It may be freely claimed that it does not yield any small tubers in ordinary 

season. It bears its tubers very close to the plant,—a single turn of the fork turning 

out every tuber. A late white potato. with shallow eyes and few in number. 
ducer, after giving a detai ed description of i , sums up by saying: 

est white potato ever introduced. 
tical pees potato is of marketable size. Fourth, 
dard. It ha 

Koss’ High Grade, Extra Clean 

Iam most particular with my grass seeds 
to procure them from a source where there 
is no danger of foreign seeds having become 
mixed with them, as I fuliy appreciate the 
great damage which some of these will 
create if once introduced into the soil. I 
guarantee that all my grass seeds are of 

the finest quality, and extra clean. Prices 

subject to market changes. 
quoted on large lots. 

Red Top. A valuable grass for either lawn 

Special prices 

or pasture. Succeeds well in almost any. 

soil, Lb. 10c, bushel $1.25. 

Perennial Rye Grass. Excellent in mixtures 
with other grasses, for either lawns, 
pasture or meadows. Lb 10c, bushel $1.20. 

Italian Rye. Thrives on almost any soil, and 

gives an early, quick and successive 
growth. Lb. 10c, bushel $1.35. 

Meadow Foxtail. A valuable pasture grass, 
early, thrives best on rich, moist lands. 
Lb. 25c, bushel $3.00. 

Kentucky Blue Grass. 

Known also as 
June Grass. Thri- 
ves best on dry, 
Tich sorke.- Extra 
clean seed. Lb, 
» 156, bushel $1.65. 

with either lawn 
or pasture grasses, 
and thrives’ best 
inmoist land. Lb. 
18c, bushel $2.25. 
Tall Meadow Oat Grass. 
Valuable for pas- 
ture on account of 
its early and lux- 

uriant growth. 
Lb. 18c, bushel 


Crested Dogstail. Val- 
uabie for either 
pasture or lawn. 
Lb. 30c, bushel 

Tall Meadow Oat Grass. $3,65. 

Second, it will outyield any other potato whatever. 1 
its table qualities are fully up to the highest stan- 
sno hollow hearts and no dark spots.” -Peck 60c, bushel $2.00, bbl, $5.00. 


The intro- 
“First, it is the handsom- 
Third, prac- 

| Orchard Grass. A very rapid growing variety, 
excellent both for haying and grazing. 
Lb. 15c, bushel $1.95. 

Sheep Fescue. Thrives best on poor, dry soil, 
excellent for sheep pasture. Lb. lic, 
bushel $1.75. 

Wood Hair Grass. Thrives well in shady 
places. Lb. 25c, bushel $3.00. 

Meadow Fescue. One of the most valuable 

- pasture grasses. Lb. löc, bushel $1.75. 

' Bromus Inermis. A great drought resister. 

— Lb. 25c, bushel, $3.25. 

Yellow Oat Grass. Thrives on high, dry soils; 
very valuable in mixtures with other 
grasses. Lb. 50c, bushel $6.25. 

Fowl Meadow. An excellent grass for mea- 

dows’ Lb. 20c, bushel $2.60. 

Rough Stalked Meadow. Relished by cattle. 
Lib. 25c, bushel $3.25. 

Water Spear Grass. Excellent for swampy 
soils. Lb. 30c, bushel $3.35. _ 

Tall Fescue. Very nutritive and productive, 
growing in shady and moist lands. Lb. 
18c, bushel $2.25. 

Timothy. Extensively grown. Markt price, 
about $1.30 to $1.70 per bushel ib. 5c. 


Medium Red. The seed I offer is clean and 
free from weeds. Price varies according 
10 el about $4.00 to $5.00 per bushel, 


Mammoth or Sapling Clover. This variety 
grows five to six feet high, and is used 
almost exclusively for plowing under for 
manure. Price varies, about $4.50 to $5.25 
per bushel, Ib. 10c, 

White Dutch, A small creeping, perennial 
variety, valuable for lawns and pastur- 
age, Lb. 25c, peck, $3.00, bushel $10.00. 
subject to market changes. 

Alsike or Swedish, Perennial and very hardy. 

- The heads are round, flesh-colored, frag- 
rant and much liked by bees, which obtain 
a large amount of honey from them. 
Thrives best on moist, rich soils. Lb. 15c, 
peck $1.50, bushel $5.75, subject to market 

Alfalfa or Lucerne. Furnishes an enormous 
quantity of fodder, and can be cut three 
to four times in a season. When once. 
started, its roots strike so deep that 

36 Theo. Koss, 261 Reed St, Milwaukee, W 

neither frosts nor droughts affect it. 
Sow at the rate of 10 to 15 lbs. per acre 
on light, dry soil. Lb. 15c, peck $2.00, 
bushel $7,75. 

Crimson Clover 

CRIMSON CLOVER.—Also called Scarlet or Italian. 
This is an annual variety in common use 
in Italy and the south of France, for feed- 
ing green. The yield in fodder is im- 
mense, and after cutting, it at once com- 
mences growing again, and continues until 
severe cold freezing weather. Makes good 
hay. Sow in April or May, 10 to 15 lbs. of 
seed per acre. Where the weather is not 
too severe, it will live and continue to 
grow all winter, furnishing winter pas- 
ture or acrop of hay before corn-planting 
time in the spring. It can be turned 
under, and willadd greatly to the fertility 
of the soil. Thus a hay crop and a corn 
crop may be grown on the same ground 
in one year, and still the soil will be im- 
proved. It may be sown every year in 
corn, wheat, oats or potatoes, and two 
crops obtained. Lb. 10c, peck $1.20, 
bnshel $4.40. Ree 

Sainfoin or Esparsette. An excellent perennial 
fodder plant, growing to the height of 
about three feet and flowering in June 
and July, its stand improving by age. It 
is naturally adapted for light, chalky 
soils, being an enriching, heat resisting 
clover. Lb. 12c, 10 lbs. $1.00, 

Seradella. Excellent on very dry soils. Lb. 
12c, 10 lbs. $1.00, 

mail Orders 
receive prompt and careful attention. My 
business is located within a stone’s throw from 
the Post- Office, where the mails come and go 



All authorities agree that for Pasture or 
Hay, best results are obtained from the use 
of grass seeds in mixtures. The reasons are 

First.—A number of varieties will insure a 
much denser growth than the same amount 

_ of seed of one or two varieties, and prove 

less exhausting to the soil, since they live 
to a large extent on different constitu- 

SECOND.— Seasons that effect some grosses 
.adversely are favorable to other sorts, so 

that with mixtures.a failure is practically 
impossible, provided of course, the seed is 
good. I take great pains in selecting 
grass seeds in order to secure the highest 
germination, and mixtures are based on a 
full appreciation of the requirements of 
different soils for which they are intended. 

I’ do up mixtures for any kind of soil. 
Ask for full particulars, stating what kind 
of soil you wish to seed, whether wet or dry 
and if for hay or pasture. I have had long 
experience in doing up mixtures of grasses 
for permanent pastures and hay and will be 
certain to satisfy you. Prices range from 
10 to 18c per lb. according to the variety of 
grasses used, 




Egyptian Lentils. 

Largely used in Ori- 
ental countries and is 
one of their principal 
‚articles of diet. It was 
frora these, that the dish 
of pottage was made 
and for which Esau sold 
his birthright to Jacob 
in Bible times, and 
many will be interested 
in them for that reason. 
They are in growth 
similar to peas andmay 
u be’ used in any way 
y that!yeu would use shelled beans, and 
} they also make an excellent soup. Sow 

and cultivate same as garden peas and 
h thresh out in the fall. All should try 4 
b them. Pkt. 5c,oz. 10c, 4 lb. 30c, Ib. 75c, 4 
5 lbs. or more at 50c per pound. 

A> a an OOOO a 

Write your orders plainly.= State what you 
want distinctly. State how much you enclose. 
Add postage/if goods are tosgo by mail. Sign 

: your full name and address. 


ad Ni, A i OR 
ea Ae ea RN 


„ ph} 



Success makes Flower Culture delightful, and I desire all my customers to succeed. I 
‚ am confident that my Flower Seeds are the best, and will grow if properly taken care of 
|| and sown at the proper season, I went to considerable expense this year to have all my 
/ flower seed envelopes lithographed and cultural directions and descriptions affixed to 
| same. I hope my customers will appreciate this. Every variety described in this list is 
| done up in beautifully lithographed packets, showing the flowers in their natural colors. 
‚ The same liberal discount which applies to Vegetable Seeds, also applies to Flower Seeds, 
| this wlll give you $5.00 worth for $3.00; $3.25 worth fhr $2.00; $1.60 worth for 81.00; 70c 

| worth for 50c; 30c worth for 25c, 

| postage. 

| ACROCLINIUM. Everlasting Flower. Stroh: 
blame. This isone of the most beauti- 
ful of the Everlasting Flowers. It is of 
strong growth, about eighteen inches in 
height and bears a great number of pink 
i and white daisy like flowers, with a yellow 
| center. Mixed colors, per packet 5c. 
ADONIS. Pheasant's Eye, Wdonisrosmhen. 
Very brilliant scarlet flowers. The foliage 

'is pretty, delicate, and many parted. It 
will grow readily ina shaded place, under 
a tree, or by the fence, and requires no 
extra care in planting and cultivating. 
Hardy annual, one foot high, per packet 





ALYSSUM. Sweet, 
Steinfraut. Ade- 
sirable hardy an- 
nual, flowering 
from early spring 
until killed by frost. 
Flowers pure white, 
per packet 5c. 


This splendid class 

of plants is not on- 

ly one of the most 
popular, but also 
one of the most 
effective of our 

ASN 2 eee garden = favorites, 

Sweet Alyssum. __ producing in pro- 

_ fusion, flowers in which richness and va- 

_ riety of color are combined with the most 

perfect and beautiful form. For flower 

beds and mixed borders it stands unri- 

valled, hardy annual, 

Large White. Very pretty. Packet 10c. 

Victoria Needle, - The earliest of the large 
flowering sorts, Mixed {colors. Packet 

Tall Mixed. Large size, handsome shaped 
flowers in assorted colors, Packet 5c. 
Comet Mixed. A splendid mixture. Packet 

| Ce 
_ Blooms the first season. Old fashioned, 
__ but very popular. Per packet öe. 

_ BALLOON VINE. Remarkable for its inflated 
_ membraneous capsules, and sometimes 
_ @alled Love-in-a-Puff. A rapid and grace- 
’ ful climber. Tender annual, 6 feet high. 
1 Per packet 5¢. 



CARNATION Marguerite. 

This is truly an. exceedingly low offer, 
All my Flower Seeds are fresh, true to name and of strong vitality. 

No charge for 

BALSAMS. Lady Slip- 
a pers. Balfaminen. 
~~, \\. Highly colored and 
free bloomers. By 
transplanting them 
once or twice the 
flowers are apt to 

be more double. 

Hardy annuals; 

growing two feet 


Camellia Flowered. 
Extra fine mixed. © 
Packet 10c, 

Double Mixed. A good 
assortment. Pa- 
cket 5e. 

Double White. As 

double asa Camellia. Per packet 10c. 

Camellia Flowered 
' Balsams. 

CACALIA. Flora’s Paint Brush or Tassel Flower. 

Flora’3 Binjel oder Peftwurg. A 
showy plant of easy culture, producing 
beautiful scarlet and golden yellow tassel 
shaped nNowers from July to October. 
Packet 5c. 

gefiht. Showy, 
free blooming 
bedding plants, 
producing num- 
erous rich color- 
ed flowers. Some- 

times called 
Beautiful Eye. 
Annual, mixed 

colors of every 
shade; per packet 

Venus’ Looking 
Glass). Benus 
Spiegel, Very 

Calliopsis ‘ 
handsome little Italian plants, giving an 
abundance of pure white and bluish purple 

flowers about 2 inches across. Hardy 
annual, about 9 inches high, Packet 10c. 
NMelfe, These superb 
new dwarf Carnations have created a great 
sensation, not only by reason of their fine 
double, fragrant flowers, but also because 
they can be treated as annuals. Like the 
Dianthus, they flower freely the first season 
from seed. Packet 10c, 



Cu Be 
ing in 


. White. 
Large pure whive .trusses, per packet 5c. 

“, Tom Thumb. Mixed colors, only 4 to 6 inches 
high, per packet 5c. 

CANNA. Indian Shot. Distinguished by the 
luxuriance and diversity of color of their 
foliage, but above all by the size and brillian- 
zy of hue in their fHowers finest mixed. Pa- 
cket 5c. 

A magnifi- 
cent rapid 

tiful foli- 
age and 
large bell- 
| Se shaped, 
a Null) SV purple 
MT ISBN  fiowers; 
trained on 
arbors etc. 
the effect 
is grand; 
half hardy 
ials, often 
a heigh: 
of 20 feet 
the first 
Packet 10c. 

Cobaea Scandens. 


Every Post-Office in the 
country is a branch 


«ss What could be more convenient ? 
Why risk your crops on store seeds of 
uncertain age and quality? 
KOSS’ SEEDS planted mean success. 
Store seeds planted mean what ? ? ? ? 

Theo, Soak 261 Reed i St, Milwallkes wis. 

with beau- 

Be 5 ‘ \ 

Annual plants of 
tropical origin and 

- one of the most 
showy for garden 
a hig Packet 

cosMos. Annuals grow- 
ing to the height 
of seven feet, with 
masses of elegant 
foliage and star-like 
flowers of all colors. 
Per packet 5c. 



Cyprefje. One of 
the most elegant 
vines, With deli- 
cate fern-like 
foliage and beau- 
tiful star-shaped 
flowers, tender 
Mixed. Scariet & 
white. Pkt. 5c. 

DATURA. An at- 
tractive p ant, 
with large foli- 
age, and of vigor- 
ous growth, pro- 
ducing a success- 
ion of large, 
white, purple- Cosmos. 

_ tinted, trumpet-shaped flowers, larger than a 
Calla Lily and having a faint odor. Height 
fest. Per packet 5c. ae 

DIANTHUS CHINENSIS. Chinese Pinks. Gar- 
tcnnelfe. Wellknown favorites, their 
neatness and beautiful colors can hardly 
. be surpassed, they are easily raised from 
seed and delight in a mellow sandy soil. 
Fine double mixed, per packet 5c. 

DAISY. Taufendidhon. One of the most 
charming spring flowers and indispensi- 
ble for cool, shady places. With protec- 
tion they will withstand the winter. 
Double mixed, fine colors. Per packet 

x EN 

fornia Po Eid: 

iholtsian Very 
attractive plants 
for beds, edgings 
or masses; profuse 
flowering, in bloom 
from June until 

high, leaves finely 
cut. Very showy 
colors. Packet 5c. 

ers openin the af- 
ternoon, hence 
the name. +The 
flowers are?funnel 

: Eschscholtzia. 
shaped; white, red and striped, very frag- 
rant. Will growin any common garden 

soil. Hardy annual, 2 feet high. Packet 



frost; 10 to 12 in. 

FOUR O'CLOCK. "low- 

u +e. wee tray > 

Be Re AN 3 eR 


| FORGET-ME-NOT. Vergigmeinnicht. Popu- 

lar and beautiful little plants, with neat 
star-like flowers, blooming the first year 
from seed. An old favorite. Packet 10c. 
ı FOR GLOVE. Fingerhut. Fine mixed, long 
racemes of beautifully spotted flowers. 
Per packet 5c. 

GOURDS. Bierfür: 
biffe. A great 
variety of curi- 
ously formed and 
marked fruit; 
the vines are of 
rapid growth, 
and with luxuri- 
ant foliage, 
adapted for cov- 
ering screens, 
arbors, etc. Pkt. 


lasting Flower. 

handsome and ornamental plants - for 
mixed borders and peculiarly desirable 
as dried speci- 
mens, hardy an- 
nual, mixed col- 
ors. Packet 5c. 

Ornamental Gourds 

Hollyhock. Helichrysum. 

HOLLYHOCK. Malve, Very double and fine, 
from the best named collection in Europe. 
Mixed colors, per packet 10c. 

‚ICE PLANT. Hand- 
some and curious 
plans for hanging 

askets,rock work, 
vases and edgings. 
The leaves and 
stems are succu- 
lent and fleshy, 
andappear as AY 
though covered 9 N! 
with ice crystals. S% 
The. &w 61 1:8 
white. Packet 5c. = 
LARKSPUR. Perennial. © 
RMitterfporn, — 
Very ornamental, 
combining the 
greatest variety 

Ice Ppıant. 

of brilliant colors with duration and pro- 

fusion of bloom. Packet 5c. 

Field and Plower 


Seeds. 39 

LABELIA. Gracilis. Fine for pots, hanging 
baskets and vases. The flowers are nu- 
merous, bright blue with white center. 
Pkt. 5c. Te 

MORIGOLD. Sammetblume. Well-known 
free flowering plants, with double flowers of 
rich and beautiful colors; half hardy an- 
nuals. 1 foot high. Packet 5c. 


A well-known favorite 
that continues to 
bloom and send forth 
its sweetness all the 
season. Hardy an- 
nual. Per packet 5c. 

fg MOON FLOWER. Mond: 
a WIZ 

v Al 
Pres rt 

blame. Bears im- 
mense white flowers, 
five to six inches in 
diameter, with a five- 
pointed star in center; 
the flowers open at 
dusk or earlier on 

cloudy days, at which time they are delicious- 

ly fragrant, Per packet, 10c. 

MORNING GLORY. Winden. A popular climber 
of free growth and beautiful flowers; too 
well known to need any description. Mixed 
colors, packet 5c. 

NASTURTIUM. Sapnzinerfrciie. These will 
always bc valuable summer flowers. They 
stand any amountof heat and drought. They 
will flower better however, in a poor, rocky 
soil,as a rick one has a tendency to make 
them run ‘‘to leaf.” Hardy annual. 

Major. Tall, all colors, mixed, packet 5c. 
Minor. Dwarf, : 66 66 66 5e, 

NIGELLA. Love in a Mist. Jungfrau im 

Grünen. Very interesting and free-flower- 

ing plants, with curious looking flowers and 
Packet 5c. : 

seed pods. Hardy annual. 

Flowering. Tender 
annual. Five feet 
high. Magnificent 
sub-tropical orna- 
mental foliage and 
flowering plants, 
for the lawn or bor- 
ders. Packet 10c. 

PANSY. Stiefmiüt: 
teren. Too well 
known to need any 


mg DR & 
AN tj" = 
N . a SS 

description. They er E Wie 

require rich, fresh ada 

soil. Hardy per- \WA 

ennials, flowering L S| Za 

the first year. Nicotiana. 

Black. A group of these present a fine 
appearance. Packet 10c. 

White. A delicate, pure white. Packet 5c. 

New Superb. Very pretty, Packet 10c. 

Fancy Colors. Mixed. Packet 5c. 
Giant Trimardeau. Extra choice: Packet 


40 Theo, Koss, 261 Reed St, Milwaukee, Wis, 

POPPY. Mohn. 
A genus of showy 
free -flowering 
plants, produc- 
ing a rich and 
effective display. 
Choice mixed, 
packet 5c. 

Rose. ortilac: 
RIsShen. A 
popular strong- 
growing annual, 
delights in sandy 
soil, neither 
heat nor drought 
is too great for 
it. ; 

Double Rose Flowered. Mixed. Pkt. l5c. 

Single Mixed. Brilliant colors. Pkt. 5c. 

ingle ni 


beautiful climb- 
ing vine, produc- 
ing peculiar 
shaped flowers. 
Hardy perennial, 
Per packet 5c. 

PETUNIA. Charm- 

ing free flower- 

LW Let Sob hy € 
plants of easy cul- 
ture, tender per- 
ennial, choice 
mixed, per pack- 
et dc. 



ee ae > > 



PYRETHRUM. Feverfew. Hardy free-flower- ° 
ing perennials, growing wellin any good 
garden soil and producing a constant 
bloom. Packet öc. 

RICINUS, Castor Oil 
Bean, Wunder: 
baum. A tall, 
majestic, orna- 
mental foliage 
plant with leaves 
of a metalic hue; 
tender annual. 
Per packet ic. 

ilies Ta, athe 

Petunia. Phlox. 

. Xlammenblume. Choice mixed | SALPIGLOSSIS, 
ee ya Remarkable for the bril- Tro apy e ime 
liancy and abundance of their large ter- poe en ge hein 

minal flowers, completely hiding the foli- 
age. The blossoms are of endless shades 
of color, from pure white to deepest 

srTracf Turin 
growth, as well 
as one of the 

uk ia ee 

— 5 

5 -eyed and striped. = Mien p ot .z 
hee a ae BUEDISEIE ee oe most beautiful in _ Ricinus. 
NET DS ed NEST ER flower of the many easily are 
I am anxious for your trade and don't at- annuals. The flowers are singularly mar- | 
tempt to disguise er factiat saul: Wil Ket and delicately penciled. Choice | 

you favor me with a trial order? mixed colors. Packet ic. 


Garden, Field and Flower Seeds. 

- An interesting 
and Ginn lous 
plant, wilh glob- 
ular ‘heads of 
pink flowers, well 
known for the 
extreme irrita- 
bility otitsleaves 
and foot stalks, 
which close and 
droop at the 
slightest touch. 
Tender annnal, 2 
teen hiohe ber 

packet 5c. 
‘STOCKS. Gillyfower. Levfoyen. Exceed- 
ingly valuable plants, producing an 

abundance of flowers of various shades 
and colors, and of the most delicate fra- 
Dwarf German Ten Weeks. 
Packet 5e. 

se ei Ten Weeks. Extra choice. Pack- 
et. Ex 

Bartuelfe, These 
plants when in full 
bloom present a 
beautiful sight, 
and for a fine dis- 
play are unsurpass- Ay) 
ed; hardy peren- fh = 
nial,blooming Zi 
freely 'the first 
year from seed. 

. Single Mixed, Pkt Ac. 
Double Mixed. Pack- 

et 10c. 

Good mixture. 


richende Wide, 
Exceedingly use- 

Sweet wiliiam 

ful, well-known, free-flowering, highly or- 
namental, sweet-scented climbers, four- 
ishing in any open situation; if not al- 
lowed to ripen seed they will continue to 

bloom uutil destroyed by frost. Hardy 


Fairy Queen. Rosy White. Packet 6c. 

Scarlet. A beautiful deep scarlet; profuse 
bloomer. Packet 5c. 

Indigo. Dark maroon purple, indigo blue 
rings. Packet 5c. 

Emily Henderson. The best pure white varie- 
ty. Packet 5c. 

Lottie Eckford. Large creamy white flow- 
ers; rapid grower. Packet 5c. 

Mixed. A great variety of colors. Pack- 

et 5c; oz. 10 c.; Y lb. 25c. 

„um 2 2 

F ByMaie 


did for edgings. 


aod CU 


VERBENA. Gifenfraut. 
A very effective bed- 
ding plant. Flowers 
fine for bouquets; half 
mardy' pre rT en meu 
blooming the first sea- 
son from seed. 

from the choicest 
and most perfect 
flowers and best col- 
ors. Packet 5c. 

VIOLETS. Beildew. Well 

~ adapted to border and 
rock work, and com- 
mence putting forth 

Verbena. their beautiful blos- 

soms in April. 
Succeed best in 
a shady, shel- 
vere dd) phacje. 
Hardy peren- 
nial, 4 inches 
high. Per pack- 
et 10c. 

Free flowering . 
annuals of easy 
culture, with 
flowers of red, 
white, rose and 
thenew marbled 
varieties; splen- 


Packet 5c. 
introduction of these has prov- 
ed amost marked success, and 
are becoming more popularevery 
year. The *‘ Wild Garden,” for 
its unusual and varied effects, 
cheapness, and the small amount 
of labor necessary for its construction, 
has no rival. The“Wild Garden Seeds” are 
a mixture of the different hardy flowers, 
thus insuring, on account of the different 

seasons of bloom, 
something new al- 
most every day. 
Per packet; 5c.; oz. 
20c.: 14 lb. 60c. 
ZINNIA. SZinnia, A 
grand genus of au- 
tumn flowering 
plants, combining 
the greatest rich- 
ness and diversity 
of color, with une- 
qualled profusion & 
duration of bloom. 
Half hardy annual. 
Double Mixed. Grows 
14 ft high. Pkt. 5c, 


Excelsior Weeders.— 

Useful among small and 
tender plants, each 15c 
by mail 20c. 

Sheep Shears. — Best 

imported with bent 
handle for trimming, 
each Tic. 


422 Theo. Koss, 261 Reed St, Milwaukee, Wis, | 

BULBS. ER.) Extremely handsome summer flow- 7 
‘Soon make a gorgeous display, flower the ering bulbs, growing about 2 feet high; ¥ 
first summer and bloom and multiply sea- producing large gorgeous flowers, dark, } 
son after season. yellow, red spotted. They flower very 
DAHLIAS. Best improved varieties, named freely throughout the summer, particu- 
colors; white, red, yellow and purple, larly if the bulbs are planted in a warm, 
each 2oc.; doz. $2.00. sunny position, 5c. each; 50c. per doz. 

beautiful, pure 
white, wax-like, 
sweet scented, dou- 
ble flowers, grow- 
ing on tall stems, 7 
each stem bearing © 
a dozen or more 

Pearl. Medium 
height, very fine. 
5c. each; 50c, per 

CALADIUM. Esculentum. 
A grand tropical 
looking plant, grow- 
4 to 6 feet high, 4 
producing leaves — 
of immense size. | 

A favorite for 

Giadioli. | | specimens on the 
GLADIOLI. This charming flower is coming Pearl Tuberose. mpage ries AS, 
more and more into use as its great im- moisture. Fine large bulbs 25c. each. a 

provement gets more universally known. : 
Extra Fine Mixed. Mostly light colors, fine | CHINESE SACRED LILY. These beautiful and 

‚grade, each öc.; doz. 50c. quick-blooming bulbs I can furnish un- 
Fine Mixed. Second quality, 3 for '10c.; til the first of April at 10c. each; by mail 
doz. 35c. 15c., 3 for 25c; by mail 35c. 

KOSS’ FANCY LAWNGRASS SEED, Fresh, Pure and Clean. 

bw ee eh 1 = 

The necessary Requisite for a beau- 
- .tiful and Enduring Lawn. 
This Grass-Seed is a 

carefully prepared com- ga 
bination of the various FT 
grasses designed to prc- eae 
duce a fine, dwarf, com- 
pact and permanent turf. 

Many Lawns dry out and turn 
brown during the hot, dry summer 
months and do not revive until the 
cooler weatherof autumn. By a ju- 
dicious use of some of the European 
Grasses with the Standard Lawn 
Grasses of America, I am enabled to 
offer a mixture to the public, which, 
from the habits of the various gras- 
ses of which it iscomposed, to ripen 
su2cessively, will grow and flourish 
during the diflerent months of the 
season, so that a rich, deep green 1s | 
constantly maintained. 

Seeds of the highest grade care- 
fully re-cleaned, and of the best 
quality in every respect are used in | 
this mixture. ; 

PRICE; Pint 10 cts., Quart 20 ets.” Peck $1.00, Bushel $3.75. 
‘Fine Mixed. A cheaper mixture than the preceding. Quart 15c., Peck 75 e., Bushel $2.75. 

i Lawns sow 4 Bushels to an acre—100x100 feet, 10,000 square feet, 1 Bushel. 50x50 feet, 2,200 
ee i Peck. 25x25 ft, 625 square ft, 2 Qts. Instructions how to prepare and make a lawn in each Pkges. 


ment of my business. 
Poultry pays if properly attended to. 


Incubation by artificial methods is no 
longer an experiment, but a practical and 
paying vocation, an assertion that is 
|) proved by thousands who are successfully 
ıengaged in the industry to-day. 

As every condition of natural incubation 
has been carefully studied and applied in 

tee es Ei; | 
Poultry Supplies. 

I carry a complete stock of Poultry Supplies and call your attention to this depart- 
If you keep but a dozen hens you will need something in this line. 

the construction of the Incubators and 
Brooders, the fowls thus hatched are per- 
fectly healthy, and in fact are stronger 
and grow faster than those incubated “by 
natural means, because they start life’s 
journey free from vermin, the presence of 
which is always a great drawback where 
hens are used. 


These machines 
are made of well- 

seasoned materi- 

Av = sw Se 

al, permanently 
and neatly put 
together and 
tastefully fin- 
ished in stain and 
ma dolle the 
wall» being 
_doubie are filled 
'in with a non- 
' conducting sub- 
stance, which 
holds the heat 

i i 

| I) 

ale | { 

' and prevents sud- 

denchanges in 

the egg chamber. 
_ The packing also 
' extends over and 
around the tank, thus utilizing without 
' much waste the heat venerated. "The ma- 
chines are secured at the corners with 

iron, adding much to their strength. The 

legs which are just high enough to permit 
the lamp to go in its place, at the boiler, 
are attached to under side of machine with 
screws, being detached in shipping and 
packed inside. 

The top is fastened on with screws and 
can be easily removed, should the tank get 

out of order. 

The egg-trays are made with wire-cloth 
bottoms and hence can be cleansed after 

- each hatch, and being all the same dis- 
tance from the tank, the eggs are uni- 
formly heated. 

The eggs are turned by means of an ex- 
tra tray, which is placed on the full one, 
both firmly grasped and turned over. This 
does not shake or crack them and is the 
very best method yet devised for the pur- 
pose, as every egg, small and large, is com- 

h pletely turned. 

The lamp is glass and the chimney of 

metal, with a small aperture covered with 

- mica, "for viewing the flame. 

A reliable tested thermometer goes with 

each machine. 

As in natural incubation, the eggs are 
heated from above, so in the Farmer’s 
Friend Incubator, the heat is generated 
from a tank above the eggs, and ae 
down upon the top surface of the egg 
where floats the embryo chick. 


(No. 0—50 Egg Capacity.) 

To the tank is attached a boiler, contain - 
ing a cup-shaped device, into which the 
‘lampchimney extends, and the water flow- 
ing over and around this cup, is heated and 
forced into the tank by the pressure of the 
cold water flowing toward the heated sur- 
face, thus keeping up a constant circula- 
tion, and imparting a uniform temperature 
to the tank surface. 

On top of the boiler is a cap for filling 
and one on the end for drawing off the 
water when machine is not inuse. One fil- 
ling of the tank will last a whole season by 
the addition of about one pint at the end 
of each hatch to supply evaporation. 

The machines are properly ventilated 
and in such a way as to prevent the exces- 
sive evaporation of moisture from the egg- 

Necessary moisture isimparted by means 
of shallow pans containing water, placed 
under the egg-trays. 

They are so constructed as to prevent 
warping, shrinking and cracking. 

They are so simple in every part that 
they can be thoroughly understood at first 
sight, hence avoiding the possibility of the 
too numerons and expensive “first mis- 

All kinds of eggs, such as Chicken, Duck, 
Turkey, &e., can be hatched successfully 
with these machines. 

Although in the Farmer’s Friend Incuba- 
tors, the temperature in the egg-chamber 
is not automatically controlled by a Ther_ 



mostat, yet it it so constructed with a deep 
tank and thorough packing that the 
changes are very gradual, and by looking 
after the machine about every twelve 
hours, no difficulty is experienced in keep- 
ing a uniform temperature. 

No day or night watching is necessary, 
and the machine may be left, while in oper- 
ation, without fear of cooking the eggs. 


No. 0.—50 zai Capacity. Dimensions 17} 
inches high, by 27 inches long, by 15 
inches wide. Consumes about one gallon 
of oil during a hatch. Will incubate 800 
eggs per year, doing the work of 50 hens. 

Theo, Koss, 261 Reed St, Milwaukee, Wis. 



Weight, crated, 50 lbs. Price $8.00. 
Dimensions 174 © 

No. 1—100 Egg Capacity. 
inches high, by 27 inches long, by 24 inches — 

wide. Consumes about two gallons of 
oil during a hatch. Will incubate 1,600 

eggs per year, doing the work of 100 hens. Ei 

Weight, crated, 100 lbs. Price $12.00. 

No. 2.—200 Egg Capacity. Has two egg 
chambers, which can be operated together 
or at different times. Dimensions 174 
inches high, by 424 inches long, by 27 
inches wide. Consumes about four gal- 
lons of oilduring a hatch. Will incubate 
3,200 eggs per year, doing the work, of 200 
hens. Weight, crated, 125 lbs. Price 
$16.00. — 

Superior to the hen. | 

» -4 | 2b) = 
oveorg +o 
EZ ss 
O04, 0b 
ys lo 
£: SE 
om —_ 
= LE 

after a fair trial you a 

hines are returned in good condition 

freight prepaid, T will 

amount paid. 

I t 
MY GUARANTEE! ech ma- 
out by me to give entire satisf 
satisfied with your purchase, i 

and if, 



(Cut of the 100 Chick Capacity.) 

THE FARMER’S FRIEND is a hot air brood- 
er, with both top and bottom heat, and 
makes a first-class foster-mother for the 
little orphans placed under its care. The 
lamp is placed in lower part of brooder un- 
der the heater box, which is made of heayy 
sheet iron. As the air becomes heated it 
passes up through the heat pipes and strik- 
ing the bottom of hoverer placed over 
them, is diffused over the backs of the 

chicks. Strips of flannel are tacked around — 
the sides of hoverer, thus holding the heat. . 

The door on which the chicks gather is ar- 
ranged above the heater box in such a man- 
ner as to become sufficiently warm. 

The chicks themselves are the unfailing 
regulators in this brooder. 

If the heat is not sufficient, they gather 
to the center of hoverer near the heat 

pipes, and if temperature is too high they 
go to the edge of hoverer, hence there is 
no danger of being overheated. - 
Experience has taught me to shun brood- 
ers where the chicks are confined to the 
heated portion, as they are almost certain 
to become overheated or smothered, and 
are nothing less than death traps. Chicks 
become overheated at night, take cold 
when let out in the morning, and this pro- 
duces that most fatal and dreaded disease, 
As the heat is only under the hoverer 
there are no corners into which the chicks 
can crowd and smother each other. 
No. 1.—100 Chick Capacity. Weight, crated. 
75 lbs. Price, complete, $7.50. ö = 
No. 2.—200 Chick Capacity. Weight, crated, 
100 lbs. Price, complete, $10,00. DR 

~ ae: 
< 3 ibe 5 . wena OY 

Poultry Supplies. 



Complicated and delicate machinery in 
the hands of others than experts, is an ex- 
pensive and inefficient luxury. The less 
complicated an incubator is in construc- 
tion, the more efficient it becomes. The 
most prominent feature of merit in the 
Baltimore Model Incubator is its extreme 
simplicity, therefore it can be thoroughly 
understood in all its workings, almost at a 
glance, even by one unfamiliar with artifle- 
ial incubation. 

u, $ 

GAL). Sub aR Te aN SCO eC 

One of the simplest and best regulators ever 
invented, is used on the Baltimore Model to 
control the temperature of the egg-chamber. 
It is operated by means of a thermostat, con- 

nected by a wire and a lever with the valve on 
top of the lamp flue. When the temperature 
rises above the normal in the egg-chamber, by 
the action of the bar, the valve on the lamp 
flue is raised, and the heat from the Jamp al- 
lowed to escape without passing through the 
tank. Where a regulator is used, hot air is far 
more efficient for hatching than water, as itis 
much more easily and quickly controled. The 
thermostat is so protected as to prevent the 
chicks from roosting on it and thereby inter- 
fering with its action. Its simplicity is a 
No. 1—100 Egg Capacity. Di- 
mensions, 334 inches high, by 
344 inches long, by 263 inches 

wide. Consumes about three 

ıl N It BATOR Inn 

gallons of oil during a hatch. 
Weight, crated, 125 Ibs. 
Price, cowplete, $15.00. 



No. 2.—200 Ess Capacity. Di- 

mensions, 334 inches high, by 

48 inches long, by 343 inches 


| il 

= m) 


a N 

a wide. Consumes about six 
ill gallons of oil during a hatch. 
It consists of two separate 
egg-chambers, of 100 egg 
capacity each, which can be 
operated at different times if 
so desired, and hence is just 
as convenient as two No. 1 


| machines. Weight, crated, 
| 150 Ibs. Price, complete, 


Choice Ground Beef Scraps. My 

(No, 1 -100 Egg Capacity ) 
An‘ Honest Self-Regulating Hatcher at an Honest 

Price. Everybody delighted with it. 

The Baltimore Model Incubator ‚is made 
in the *most: substantial and permanent 
way and of the very best material. Ithas 
double casing, with the space filled in with 
non-conducting material; and with anin- 
ner door of glass and an outside door of 
wood, the temperature of the egg-chamber 
is not in the least affected {by surrounding 
atmospheric changes. The legs are carved 
and very neat and pretty. #The lamp rests 
on a swing at the rear end of machine, ina 
convenient position for filling, &c. The 
tank, which is galvanized iron, will lasta 
life-time. The egg-chamber is heated by 
meaus of hot currents of air which con- 
stantly pass through the tank from the 
Jamp-flue. A radiator beneath the tank 
produces an even temperature in all parts 
of the egg-chamber, Shallow pans be- 
neath the egg-trays, filled with water, 
cause an even distribution of moisture. 
The very best method for turning the eggs 
has been adopted. Neat and substantial 
fastenings are used on the doors. 


—— m 

ground beef scraps are spec- 
ially prepared. Feed three 
times a week at the rate of 
about a handful to every 
three birds in the morning 
meal of hot food. During warm weather the 
scraps need not be fed more than oncea 
week. 10 lbs. 50e.; 50 lbs. $2.00; 100 lbs. $3.50. 

The Ku Se a Poultry Marker. 
==, Do you keep a record of 
chickens? The different 
breeds, hatches, etc., should 
be kept. There is no better ° 
or quicker way than by this 
marker, as over two hundred 
‘different marks can be made 
by punching web betw’n toes; 
for instance—between first 
and second toe of right foot 
can mean Wyandotte or 
Plymouth Rook; between 
second and third toe, White 
Leghorn or Langshan, so 
that hundreds of private 
marks can be made, not only 
to keep records, but by your 
zprivate marks you can se- 
cure yourself from the chicken thief. They 
are well made with steel spring and cutter, 
nicely nickel-plated. Made in two sizes, 
Sent postpaid on receipt of price, 25c. each. 




Theo. Koss, 261 Reed St, Milwaukee, Wis, 

Royal Egg Food. Is good for young chicks, because 
it makes them grow, good for hens because it 
makes them lay continually and regularly, good for 
sick chickens because it makes them well, and 
makes them the source of constant profit. It is 
the best medicine for hens, that have not been 
properly fed, and are troubled w'th Gapes, Roup, 
Colera and all other diseases of fowls. The con- 
stant use of Royal Egg *ood will certainly restore 
them to health. It is the best egg: producer that has 
ever been known. Hens fed on it are a gold mine | 
to their owners, and pay a larger profit than any- 
thing onthe farm. It is put up in 25¢ packages; a 
small price to pay for the health, strength and lay- 
ing qualities of your fowls. Try it. 

Lambert’s “Death to Lice.” You may think your 
hens are not lousy in coid weather unless you take pains 
to examine them closely, when, if nothing is done to 
prevent, you will find them swarming with vermin, es- 
pecially among the fluffy feathers beneath the vent. A 
sure remedy is Lambert’s *‘ Death to Lice.” This pow- 
der is unrivalled as an insecticide ; handy to use, cheap 
to buy, and works like chain lightning. 15-0z. Box 25e. 


The Result of Using — SS 

Royal Egg Food een F.P. C. Chick Manna—A Health Food for Little 
f Fe Chicks. Chick Manna is a health tood for little chicks, 
and with it you can raise every chick hatched. It pro-. 

r motes Health, Quick Growth and 
. > strong development. Especially 
valuuble for raising chicks in 
winter and early spring. 

Chick Manna should be the first 
food, and exclusively fed for 
A tendays or more, after which 
time other food may be given, 
but should contain a portion of 
{| Mannafor at least a few days 
—= longer. In feeding Chick Manna 

to chicks that have been fed on 


part only of the feed forthe first day. Price: 

hens lay. A hen has more difficulty in getting 
the needed ‘‘ Carbonate of Lime” to form the 
egg shell than any other part of the egg, and 
frequently does not lay for this reason. In 
dressing ‘‘non-laying hens” you constantly 
find large numbers of embryo eggs for which 
no egg shell material, viz: carbonate of Lime, 
has been furnished—therefore no eggs, 
Crushei oyster shells contain 96 par cent carbon- 
ate of lime, and are the best source of supply 
in the world. All fowls must have grits upon 
which to grind their food, and crushed oyster 
shells act in a double capacity, as while grind- 
ing the food, the hen is making the egg shell, 
hence a much larger pruduction ot eggs where 
these sheilsare used. Price: 10 lbs. 20e., 25 
lbs. 45c.; 50 lbs. 80c.; 100 lbs. $1.50. 

French Poultry Killing Knife. Every poultry 
raiser should have one of my Killing Knives. 
They are made of finely tempered instrum nt 
steel, with nickeled handle; will last a life 
time. It will be one of the best investments 
you ever made. Sent postpaid on receipt of 
50 cts. Don’t wait! Send for one now! Sent 
securely packed, by mail, on receipt of price. 

Singing Chick Manna’s Praises. 
1 lb. package 10e.; 51b. package 40c. 

other feed, let Chick Manna bea 

Sheridan’s Condition Powder. “Is absolutely 
pure and a highly concentrated medicine. One 
ounce is worth a pound of any other kind. 
Strictly a medicine, to be given in the food,. 
once daily, in small doses. - Prevents and cures 
all diseases of hens. Worth its weight in gold 
when hens are moulting, and to keep them 
healthy. Price per package, 25c.; 5ifor $1.00, 

“Ohio” Drinking Fountains are /% — 
the best make of earthenware; ff 
keep the water clean and cool.fF 4 
4 quart size 45c., 8 quart, 60c. 

Moisture Gauge. This is.a “= 7 
valuable instrument, not Ohio Fountain. 
only for incubator use, but also for as- 
certaining the humidity of the air in the 
living room. Price $1.00. 

China Nest Eggs. Cleanest and best nest 
egg. 5c each; doz. 25c. 

Medicated Nest Eggs. Composed of plaster, 
sulphur and oil of sassafras, which pre- 
vents lice in the nest. Each 5c, doz. 40c. 

Incubator Thermometers. Mine are tested 
and can be relied upon to be accurate. By 
mail, 50c each, $5.00 per doz. 5 

Prepared Oyster Shells No. 2. Thisis ground ~ 
finer than the crushed shells for hens, aad is 
excellent for young chicks and pigeons. Price: 
10 lbs. 20e., 25 lbs. 45c., 50 lbs. 80c., 100 Ibs,$1.50. 


Poultry Supplies, 



Poultrymen can double their pro- 
fits by caponizing their chicks. The 

nn, Sa RE MAWURACTORER BN © 104... 2". 
ay, i) “a PHILA. PA. i! 

il Operation is very simple—the in- 
ii structions so full and explicit that 
i any man, after a careful reading, 
} will be able to perform the opera- 
ga) tion. The demand for capons far ex- 
mi ceeds the supply, the price per 
=) pound being twice as much as for or- 

NM dinary chicks. The object of capon- 

| izing is to largely increase the 

1 weight of fowl, causing them, in 

i many cases, to grow as large as tur- 
ij keys and weighing from 10 to 15 
= pounds, to make the meat a finer and 
Meisweeter flavor and very juicy and 

Sam) tender. Again Capons are worth $1.00 to 

$1.50 more than cocks not caponized. 
They are much quieter in disposi- 
tion. A flock in chasing around the 

Philadelphia Gape Worm Extractor. Post paid 25c each. yard will run off flesh as fast as put 
on. Inthe more quiet Capon the same amount of food goes to make flesh, bone and pro- 

fit. Complete with instructions, $2.50. 

Pigeon Food—Canada Field Peas. A very small 
round. pea, which pigeons are fond of and can 
swallow readily. Per qt. 10c., peck 50c., bu. 
$1.50, 10 bu. lots $1.25 per bu. 

Zz Yellow CanadaCorn. Small 
yellow grain, Per qt. 15c., 
peck 50c., bush. $1.75. 

Buckwheat. For pigeons 
and young poultry. Perqt. 
5c., peck 20c., bush. 70e. 

Vetches. Excellent for 
pigeons. 1 Ib. 8c., peek 80c. 
bush. $3.00. - 

Kaffir Corn. 

An excellent 
food for all kinds’ of 
poultry. Contains large 
quantity ofmeal food. Peck 
60c., bush. $2.00. 

Crown pboue Cutter. 

4—GGeeane... For Green Bones. 

Nothing Cheap but the Price. 

Cuts easy Fine and Fast, has 
Steel Knives; can be taken out 
and sharpened and replaced in a 
few minutes. Diameter of hand- 
wheel, 22 inches. 

This machine is especially 
zn. Er for cutting a bone 

; r with meat on, right from the 
Dead abe... butcher, or offals of bone and 
Price $6 50meat from the table; also cuts 

vegetables, scrap cake, etc. A glance at the il- 

lustration shows at once the principle on which 

the Cutter works. The knives can be taken 
out, when dull, sharpened and replaced in a few 
minutes. A large or small bone can be cut up 
atonce. Very little pressure on the lever is re- 
quired. The Cutter is always ready for work. 
Turns easy, cuts fine and fast. It is simple in 
construction, nothing to get out of order. 
Adjustable Distinguishing Bands. For mark- 
ing poultry, numbered from 1 to 100. Price 

20c, per doz.; $1.25 per 100, 

fit in 
= = Mn 

“Complete Guide for Caponizing” with every set 

Fine Bone Meal. For poultry and cattle. 

For mixing once a day with soft feed this 
is unsurpassed. Laying hens and young 
chickens whose digestive powers are not 
strong,.are much benefited by this, especi- 
ally during the winter months, or where 
closely confined in yards. 5 lbs. 20c, 10 lbs. 
35c, 25 lbs. 75c, 100 lbs. $2.50. 

Sunflower Seeds. This is one of the best egg 
producing foods known for poultry, keeping 
them in fine condition. It can be sown any 
time up to the middle of July, alongside of 
fences, and in almost any kind of soil. Per 
lb. 10c., 10 lbs., 75c. 

Food fer Canary Birds, ete. I supply the Mil- 
waukee Canary Bird Breeders Society with 
each and every pound of Bird Seed which 
they require. What does this mean? Simp- 
ly, that I furnish the very best seed at the 
lowest prices. 

Rape. The best for singing birds, keeps 
them in good condition, per 1b. 5c, 10 lbs. 40c 

Canary. Per lb. 6c, 10 lbs. 50c. 

Russiau Hemp. Feed sparingly to canaries, 
excellent for;pigeons. Per lb. 6c, 10 lbs. 50e. 

Bird Millet. The cheapest food for birds of 
all kinds. Per lb. 4c, 10 lbs. 30c, 25 lbs. 60c. 

Mixed Bird Seed. This is my own mixture 

and contains the proper proportion of the 
Pero; se, 

different kinds of bird seeds. 
10 lbs. 40c, 25 lbs. 80c. . 

a Bass (a 
nr qats B 
© Bi) © 
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Q 25 2 a 
[ON SON eid Me 
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a ‘ae i RM Se 
li a ee oe 
61 Reed St, Milwaukee, Wis, 

Theo, Koss, 3 
‘se : : ; . 
Space willnot permit illustrating and describing all of the “Planet Jr.” tools, but I will gladly send a 
fully illustrated catalogue to any who desire it; and [ can supply promptly anything ordered ‘‘Planet Jr.” 


goods are standard machines, the best on the market. In sending your orders to me, you can rely on getting 
bottom prices. , 

The ‘PLANET JR.” No. 4 Combined 
Hill Dropping Seeder and Single Wheel Hoe, 

Cultivator, Rake and Plow. 
A new tool and one I can highly recommend as I regard it as the 

leading ‘‘PLANET JR.” implement. 

Ts drillis quickly detached and the tool 

frame substitu’ed. It then becomes the 
most admirable Single Wheel Hoe of the 
“Planet Jr,” family. Has a fine garden plow, 
two elegantly shaped new-style hoes, three 
delightfnl cultivating rakes made new form 
\ and specially to fit 5, 9, 12, and, using two at 
GX once, 14and 16inch rows; and a practical leaf 
guard. Price, complete, $10.00. Asa drill 
only, $7.00. 

Sine: — wZZ 
“Plantet Jr.” No, 5 Market Gardener’s Hill Dropping Seed Drill.........cccce cccecee cecccccccenccecesceccce $12 00 
3 No. 3 Hill Dropping Seed Drill ..... + | (bese ISD Sil ee ole lonely hark ay SIRE eae oe aiid ro a ie RE en 2 aa 9 00 
3 No. 2 Seed Prill LSE AD i Nobama trees RL AB SE eRe mitre ar eke NER ae A EN Pe el: 6 50 
as No. I Combined Drill, Cultivator, Rake and Plow... ....-.. 2... E Kae ee ee 9 00 
e Fertilizer and. Pea Drill 2.2... 3)... Rae eoey eine Sets Oh ck. helene dare <p TL BER aCe 12 00 
= Fertilizer and Seed Drill combined SE PREISER SE se NN er ete En Se 16 00 
4 Donbie Wheel: Hoe, complete: "NL... BP teak a A A os ie cen EN re 6 00 
ite ee te “ plain DR ie ER TER a Ran aha. nalen AR A Yu: 3 50 
aes No. 15 Single, Wheel Hoe, ecmplete |...) 8s) N En. ek oe ee 6 00 
fs No. 15 EURE * less Rakes and Teal-Gunärd....1.....2.2 Seemann een -- 500 
:. No 15“ SR play. REEL SS a Eee ed ile se 4 00 
«oe Single Wheel Hoe, complete, 1896 style ..... .... TEM RAS canon WM, SUR A cs Re sR Ran 4 50 
a Fe N Plea IS9G BEylo. 0... ti a tas ole SB ee a ae Linc Soe 2 75 
W/LSON’S Havard Open Wiper Lawn Mower. Constructed 
BONE MILLS. on scientific principles and finished in the 
For ‘grinding | best possible manner. Embodies special 

bones, shells, grain 
and any other sub- 
stance for poultry. 
Can be adjusted for 
grinding either 
coarse or fine. 
No 1, Without: Iron 
Legs, weight,’ 35 
Ibs .... $4 50 
No. 1, With Iron Legs, weight 64 Ibs..... ..... SGaOrDU 
No. 0, Family Grist Mill. For grinding corn meal, 
graham fiour, ete., for table use, weight 30 lbs. 
Price $4.50 

Knapsack Sprayer Guaranteed to give satisfac- 
tion. Price, complete $12.00 

Force Pump. Spray your fruit trees and vines with 
this pump and prevent leaf blight and wormy fruit. 
Throws a continuous spray and is not affected by 
the movements of the plunger Price complete 

Brass Syringes at 2 00, 3.00 and $4.00 each. 

Rubber Hose for sprinkling Lawns, ett. Prices on 
application ' 

Billige Farmen_ x wirenme. 

te eee 

Hartholz-Landereien in Taylor und 
Ntuchtbares Land, gutes Wajjer, 
Kandftrafen, Schulen und Kirchen. Guter Markt 
für Timber und Farm-Produckte. Schreibt für 
Brofdiire, Landlarten und Daten der Ereurjion. 
Auch einige billige verbejjerte Farmen. 

BSogt & Rowland, Univerjity Building, 
Milmaufee, Wis. 

Priee County. 

features contained inno other make, and 
improvements that are the result of years 
of experience by one of the oldest and best 
known manufacturers of Lawn Mowers in 
this country. 
Warranted first-class in every respect. 
Net Prices: |12inch $4.25, 14 inch $5.00 
LAG. 52.8.5850, 18 5.2557 Sele 
Bellows for applying Slug Shot and other 
insect powders, 2 sizes 75c and $1.00 each. 
Haseltine Weeders. Should be used by every - 
gardener, each 20e: by mail 25c. * 

Water’s Tree Pruners. 4 ft. Pole, $1.00 

6c be ce 6 GE; [73 1.25 

[73 [73 [73 8 £4> (<4 1.50 

[73 be be 10 ft: [73 1.75 

[73 “ “ 12 ht of 2.00 

Garden Forks. Handweeding. Each 10e, by 
mail 5c, 

Garden Trowels. American, each 10c, by 
mail 15c. English Steel, each 30c, by mail. 
35C. . 

Cahoon’s Broadcast Hand Seed Sower. This 
broadcast Sower is the best one of its kind 
in our market. The grain is held in a 
light sheet iron hopper surmounted by a 
bag which will hold half a bushel of seed. 
The seed is thrown from 8 to 20 ft. on each 
side of the operator the heaviest seed being 
of course thrown to the greatest distance. 

Circulars sent with each machine.. 
Price $3.25 

Gegründer 1869. Y | 
Beitgschrifi Te 2% Me 

Tmdröirtkihen, Viehzucht, Oohban, Blumen- und Bieicwudt und den Fnmilienkreis. As 

Bir beste deutsche tandwirthschattliche Zeitung America’s. EN 

- | Bs ‘ fr 

Ds. abr $1.00. Exhigeint wögentlith Pro Jahr $1.00. vw 
: : 2 ) “BP 
Probenummern werden bereitwilligft verjandt. — Jeder Sefer erhält cine werthoolle Prämie: wis 


aces a 

pee O UKE es 

4 Acker & Gartenbau Zeitung 

It’s Your Treatment of the Supposedly “Minor: Details” of Cultivation on the 
Farm and Market Garden which Makes or Mars Your Success in Life. | 

No Paper Published in all this Country gives so many Pointers on the ‘‘ Minor Details” 
of all Market and Garden Crops as does AMERICAN GARDENING. 

piary | reenhouses 
Aquatic Plants Grape Culture: 

Bulbs in Garden S U C G FE S S Indoors and Outdoors 
and Greenhouse : 

: Home Grounds 
Waits on all who subscribe to Hardy Shrubs 

“Intensive Cultivation is the Keynote to Success!” 
urrent Work 

and Plants 
Amat ; 
Se ea ee i Herbaceous Border 
Vegetables llustrations 
Devices. All new and good 
1 things are fully 


Diseases $1.00 a Year. Every Saturday. De a 
xhibitions A Complete Practical Guide to Every Phase of Plant Insectieides 
Entomology Culturein the Open and Under Glass and the De- ottings of 
ruits, All velopment of Land and Home Surroundings. Everest 
Flowers, All ; Home and Abroad 
Fungicides Ki chen Garden 

Everything in 

And How to UseThem | Worth $100. a year and more. The only true guide to a Sandan 

successful life in the country. Subscribe and get rich. ene 
L . M e N = O VALUABLE PREMIUM TO EVERY NEW arctica cage cate R S “ T pins Ws 



ONE for Photograph of Well-Grown Plant with Description as to How the Result Shown was 
Obtained, and ONE for Best Answers to Question Box. 

On an Announced Subject of General Interest. Special for Advanced Readers. 

Colored Art Supplement Given Free Every Month 


The New Washington Oats. 

.. zg The oats farmers should grow for seed, for market, for feed, North, South, East and West. 
They will bring a good price for several years to come. — 

The original stock of this splendid new oat came direct from Russia, and has been carefully 
grown here. It has done wonderfully well here, in fact better than any oat that was ever grown 
here. Although the original stock came trom Russia, I have never-the-less decided to introduce 
it under the name of Washington Oats, because this new oat and the Lincoln Oats (which is de- 
scribed in another part of this catalogue) are the two best oats in America and they certainly are 
appropriate to be named after the two greatest men in the history of our country. 2 
‘7 The Washington Oat is very early, its straw large, strong and stiff, rust-proof and of a beau- 
tiful light yellow color. A wonderful stooler, stronger than any other variety, always stands 
upright, even on very rich soil and above all it is immensely productive. The grain is light 
yellow in color and has a thin hull. The price [have decided to make as low as possible so as 
to give every one an opportunity to procure some. Others would ask two and three times a8 — 
much for such.a splendid variety. You will want it at these prices; peck 40c, bushel $1.25, per ~— 
bag of three bushels (enough for 2 aeres,) $3.00. By mail per pound 25e, postpaid, 3 pounds 60e. — 

No difference what the price is, after you raise a certain number of bushels to pay cost. of 4 
production, then you get your profit. Strive for the top bushel. Each one added is clear gaia. © 
Each one you fall below cost of production, is clear loss, This refers to all crops. , - 

There are many instances where 75 to 100 bushels of oats can be grown per acre as well as ~ 
25 to 40 bushels, if only the proper variety had been used for seed. . 2s 

Balder Ira = a 

Dh Lea pp but 
° EZ = u r br; 2 
- 9° 5 Se rn .. - 4 
Nite Ue St ew ot 


7 ap Tune tet os ** 


Der Wajhington Hafer. ———_ = 

Diefen neuen Hafer fann ich als den beiten aller Haferjorten empfehlen. Nach den bis jebt eingelauf- 
enen Berichten hat jich derfelbe itberall bewährt und den Erwartungen volljtandig entjprochen. Der Orie 
inal Samen diejer Sorte fommt direft aus Rufland und habe ich denjelben hier jorgfaltig weiter ge 
aut. - Er hat fich hier bei uns jchon jehr ausgezeichnet und meine Erwartungen in jeder Hinjicht ent 
prodjen, jo daß ich ihn zum allgemeinen Anbau und für die Haupternte zu jaen beitens empfehlen f a 
eae diejer Hafer aus Rußland ftammt habe ich ihn dod) unter den Namen Wafhington Safer | 
eingeführt, Denn diejer Hafer und mein in einer anderen Stelle bejdriebene Lincoln Safer jind Die 7 
beiden beiten jest in Amerika gebauten Haferjorten, und eS geziehmt fic) wohl, diejelben nad) den bedeu- . 
tendjten Männern Unterifas zu nennen. oe 9 ae a 
. Me Borzüge und Eigenihaften meines Wajhington Hafers find turg folgende: Cr ijt jehr früh, 
bas Stroh ijt groß, ftart und jteif, dabei von jchöner hellgelber yarbe und ganz fret von oft. Er verjtave — 
det fich ungemein, ftärfer den irgend eine andere Sorte,jteht aud) auf jettem und veihem Boden aufrecht umd 
lagert jich nicht, und hat fic) duch ungemein große Ergiebigfeit ee Die Körner find hellgelb, 
haben nur dünne und furze Hülfen und find gut geeignet um Hafergruge daraus zu machen oder auch unt 
Schroten, da fie did und mehlveich find. Weil fich der Hafer ungemein verjtaudet, braudjt man nur dumm 
zu jäen und wird der Ertrag immer nod) höher jein als wie von anderen Sorten wo doppelt jo viel er ot 
wird. Sn gewdhnliden sepa ae ae en bejonders vorbereitetes Land gefaet, wird Diejer Hafe 
urchjchnittlich 100 Bufchel per Ader überall bringen. | est | a 
a gale bait hen ets Gee ehrit geitellt, um ihn gleich allgemein und weiter 4u verbreiten. Mndeve 
wirrden den doppelten und dreifachen Preis fiir eine jo ausgezeichnete Sorte fordern. 2 
Pet 40c, Bujchel $1.25, pe aa =. (genug er Are Bei Pojt, per Pfund 
öc, i 3 3 Bu Oc. Man richte alle Bejtellungen und - ; i 
pg ec Cone Ruane A Heeger THEO. KOSS, MILWAUKEE, wıs 


ee i TALE I Rm