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Full text of "Catalogue of choice and rare plants, trees and shrubs : bulbs and seeds for 1902"

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Plants, Trees and Shrubs 

Bulbs and Seeds 


itera by 

F.A. Miller Plant*Seed Co. 

Office and Nursery, 215 Hayes Street 
Branch Store, 1550 Market St. 

elephone Folsom 13477" 

San Francisco, Cal. 
20 ee RR Oe EN ew ost net er og ye 

Press of THE MYGELL-ROLLINS Go., 22 ay, S&S. F. 

In presenting our Catalogue . 1902, we take great pleasure in 

thanking our customers for their liberal patronage, and we hope most 
sincerely that we will enjoy their confidence in the future. 

New customers will please to bert in mind, that we will do every- 
thing within our power to give satisfaction. 

The Seeds we offer are of the highest grade obtainable, and as 

low in price as reliable seeds can be purchased anywhere. 

Ordinary Retail Packages of Seeds and Small Plants, we forward 

free by mail or express. | 

Bulky Seeds sold by weight, and large Plants and Bulbs we 
forward by express or freight, at purchaser’s expense. 

We can forward plants with safety at almost any season of the 
year, and as we do not use artificial heat in growing them, we can 
faithfully promise their safe arrival and success in growing them on, 
if our patrons will be a little judicious in the treatment. We are 
always ready to answer questions) and give any desired information, 
and any mistake on our part will be rectified cheerfully. 

We will be very thankful to bis old as well as new customers, 

if they will give us the names of their friends, who may be in need of | 
| = 

anything in our line. 

Address all communications t 

F. A. Miller Plant & Seed Co. 

is Hayes Street 

rs y 
a / 





Catalogue for 1902 

Novelties in Plants 

For 1902 


This is, no doubt, the most valuable introduction for many years past. There 
is no end to its flowering, particularly during the entire winter season. It is 
simply one great mass of very bright pink flowers, and at this time (January) we 
have plants with over 500 well-developed flowers. Price of good plants, 75 cents 
each; after July Ist, 50 cents. 


A new variety of the popular Asparagus family, of a trailing habit. The very 
graceful foliage is of a light bluish green. Strong plants, 35 cents each. 


A most wonderful grower. Not only evergreen, but growing during mild 
weather in winter. Stems long-branching, rich, bronze color, closely matted. 
Flowers produced singly on stems, yellow, buffin bud, opening to almost white, 
two or three inches in diameter, perfectly double, and of a delightful, sweet- 
briar fragrance. This will be found most valuable for landscape work, as well as 
for cut-flower purposes. Strong young plants, 25 cents. 


The best substitute for lawn grass, thrives in any soil, no matter how poor. 
Rapidly covers the ground with a very dense matting. Will smother all weeds. 
The more trodden upon the better it grows. Adopted in Southern Europe for 
lawn-tennis grounds. Takes ten times less water than any lawn. Needs no 
mowing. Willstand intense heat and several degrees of cold. Can easily be 

established on sloping ground. 
For immediate effect plant at one foot apart. Sod 2 inches square, 25 cents. 

Well-rooted plants, $3 00 per 100; 25 at 100 rates. 

Or four-leaved clover ; directimportation. Very fine for rockwork. Strong 
plants, 25 centseach. 

2 F. A. Miller Plant and Seed Company 



A hardy perennial, grows well in any kind of soil; flowers 4 inches in 
diameter, pure white with yellow center; stems 2 feet long, produced in great 
abundance. Strong plants, 25 cents each. 

RED FLOWERING GUM (Eucalyptus Ficifolia) 

Producing a mass of red flowers when quite young. 25 cents each. 

A beautiful basket-plant, producing its bright red fruits all along its runners. 
I5 cents each. 
(New Umbrella Plant.) 

An easily-grown showy pot-plant. The greatest novelty ever introduced. 
The plauts are very fast growers, robust, but exceedingly graceful, growing well 
under almost any condition. We do not know of amore satisfactory house plant 
and everybody admires it. We offer small plants at 25 cents; large plants, 50. 


A hardy garden primrose, of the richest velvety blue color, a most striking 
novelty, offered for the first time. It is a genuine surprise in color and the 
flowers are large and freely produced. 15 cents each. 


A new dwarf Geranium, excellent as a pot-plant and exquisite for bedding. It 
produces more flowers than any other Geranium we know of, colora light pleasing 
shade of salmon, single, very dwarf and compact in growth. 15 cents each. 


This Canna originated in California; its growth is dwarf, blooms constantly, 
the flowers are very large, of a rich salmon red. It is by far the finest variety we 
have ever known. Stock limited. 25 cents. 


These free-flowering, hardy Garden or Border Pinks have not appeared in 
our Gardens for some years. We have raised a fine stock of them in many 
shades of colors, which will bloom this spring. We offer them in strong plants 
at Io cents each; 50 cents per dozen, mixed colors. 


California Tree-poppy. Native of Southern California, the flowers are 
poppy shape, cream-color, 4 inches in diameter. Very scarce and stock limited. 
$1.00 each, 


Of a dwarf, bushy habit, flowers very bright scarlet, beautiful for the house, 

as well as for bedding in summer. 15 cents. 

The grandest of all winter flowering Begonias, foliage large and beautiful, 
truss of rose-colored flowers immense and lasting for months. 50 cents. 

Seeds, Plants and Bulbs. 


Large, showy leaves, immense trusses of cream-colored flowers, splendid fot 
winter flowering. 15 and 25 cents. 


An exceedingly pretty, grass-like plant, of easy culture, graceful habit, and 
finely variegated ; good plants. 15 ceuts. 


A most interesting Alpine plant, from the Swiss Mountains, familiar to all 
who have visited the Alps. It thrives well here and has bloomed with us for 
months. Very hardy. 25 cents. 

Of all the new Geraniums this is the most striking combination of colors— 
rich crimson lake at the edge, shading to rosy carmine towards the center, with 
large white blodges in the center. Small plants, 15 cents each. 

The very finest of all double Geraniums; compact dwarf growth; a fine pot- 
plant. Ground color white; large center of bright red. Very beautiful. 15 cents. 


An immense double flower of the richest violet-blue, heavily striped bright 
rose; a most robust grower and free bloomer; a very decided new combination 
of colors. 15 cents each. 


_ The best single pure white ever offered. Fine habit; constant bloomer. 15 
cents each, young plants, by mail. 


New on this Coast, producing double white flowers, very deliciously fragrant, 
in great profusion. 25 cents each. 


Large double white flowers, blooming profusely all summer in a warm 
position. 25 cents. 


Azalea Indica—The finest winter flowering plant, in many colors, single and 
double; will also thrive in the open air, but will only stand light frost. 
Imported plants, full of buds. $1.00 to $1.50 each. 

Abutilon—Flowering Maple, in red, pink, yellow and white; flowering all the 
year round. Small plants, 15 cents; large plants, 25 cents. 

Achyranthus—Bright red foliage, and showy for pots or baskets. 1o cents each. 

Anthericum—Variegated, broad, grass-like foliage, green and white; one of the 
best hardy house plants. 15, 25 and 50 cents, according to size. 

Aspidistra—The most hardy and prolific of all the house plants; dark green 
with white stripes or entirely green. Small plants, 25 cents; large plants, 
$1.00 to $3.00 each. 

4 F, A. Miller Plant and Seed Company 


These are most popular house plants, are easily cultivated, and give general 
satisfaction. We offer the following varieties : 

Asparagus Tenuissimus—Developing foliage constantly. Small plants, 
15 cents; large ones, 25 to 50 cents. 

Asparagus Plumosus—Lace-like foliage; very graceful. Small plants, 
25 cents; large plants, 50 cents. 

Asparagus Plumosus Nanus—Ofa more bushy habit ; very scarce. 25 
cents each; fine large plants, 50 cents. 

Asparagus Sprengeri—New; constant grower; withstands cold as well as 
hot weather. Very fine for baskets or brackets. Nice small plants, 
25 cents; large plants, 50 cents. 


These are divided into three sections: Winter flowering, Summer flower- 
ing and Foliage or Rex Begonias. Of the winter or ever-blooming kinds we 
offer the following: Rubra, Vernon, Marguerite, Metallica, Scandens, Argentia, 
Guttata, Sanguinea, Picta-rosea, 15 to 25 cents each. 

The Summer flowering or Tuberous-rooted Begonias bloom during the 
entire summer season. They produce flowers in profusion, 2 to 3 inches in 
diameter; in colors we have white, scarlet, pink and yellow, both single and 
double; they are the admiration of everybody. Flowering bulbs in a dormant 
condition can be supplied from January until April. Single floweing bulbs, 10 
cents each; double flowering bulbs, 25 cents each—free by mail. 

Foliage or Rex Begonias we can supply in 6 best varieties at 25 cents 

Cactus—These we havein many varieties. Night-blooming Cereus, Phyllocactus 
in various shades, Epiphyllums, Mamillarias; also, Aloes, Hauworthias, ete. 
Small plants, 15 cents: large plants, 25 to 50 cents. 

Cineraria—All colors. Small plants can be supplied from October to March, at 
10 cents each; $1.00 per dozen; large plants, 25 cents. 

Cyclamen—Nice plants for winter flowering: 25 cents to 50 cents. 

Coleus—Brilliant foliage plants; ready, in nice well-colored plants, in April 
and throughout summer. 10 cents each; $1.00 per dozen. 

Camellia—The queen of flowers. Large blooming plants, double white, double 
pink and double red, 75 cents to $1.00 each. Extra large plants, $2.00 to 
$3 00 each; small plants, 25 cents. Single red, 15 cents, 

Ferns—We offer some 25 varieties of the most popular varieties,such as Maiden- 
hair, Sword Fern, and others. 25 to 50 cents, according to size. 

Ficus or Rubber Plant—Large, fine plants,Australian rubber, 50 cents and up. 
South American Rubber, the true Ficus elastica, $1.00 to $2.50 each. 2 to 6° 
feet high. 

Gardenia or Cape Jasmine—Most fragrant and beautiful double white flowers 
during summer. 25 cents each. 

Hoya Carnosa Wax Plant—Fragrant flowers. 15 to 25 cents each. 

Hibiscus—Elegant flowering plants of brilliant colors. 15 to 25 cents each. 

Heliotrope—White, lavender, dark blue. Small plants, 15 cents; large plants, 
25 cents each. 

Imantophyllum—Amaryllis-like plants with beautiful orange-colored flowers, 
blooming in spring and fall. Small plants, 25 cents; large plants, 50 cents. 

Jasminum Grandifiorum—White, star-shaped flowers, deliciously fragrant, 25 
cents each. 

Seeds, Plants and Bulbs. 5 

Primula Chinensis—Chinese Primrose, For winter flowering, itstands at the 
head.—They will flower, with ordinary treatment, for nine months in the 
year. Various shades from white to pink and red. Small plants, 15 cents; 

large plants, 25 cents. 

Primula Obconica—Japanese Primrose. Has given more satisfaction to our 
customers than any other house plant. It will bloom 365 days in the year, 
and is of very easy growth. Color, white to lavender. 15 to 25 cents each. 

Resurrection Plant—Semper viva. These areimported as dry balls, and when 
set in water will expand and transform into lovely rosette of beautiful velvet 
green, fern-like moss, and will live and grow for years. Both odd and mar- 
velous. 15 cents each by mail. 

Smilax—Small plants or roots, to cents by mail; large plants, 25 cents. 

Selaginella Emiliana—Beautiful fern-like moss; easily grown in shady 
position, either warm or cool. 15 to 25 cents. 

Umbrella Plants—(Cyperus) 15, 25 and 50 cents, according to size. 


Of these we have a full collection, all grownin a cold house without artificial 
heat. The most popular kinds are: 

Kentia Belmoreana—Finest house Palm. 50cents to $3.00. 
Chamaerops Excelsa.—Hardy. 50 cents to $2.00. 

Latania Borbonica—Fan Palm. 50 cents to $3.00. 

Pandanus Utilis—Screw Palm; forthe house. 50 cents to $1.00. 
Pheenix Canariensis—Hardy and graceful. 50 cents to $3.00. 
Phenix Reclinata—Date Palm. 5ocents to $3.00. 

Corypha Australis—5o cents to $2.00. 

Cocos Plumosa—Royal Palm; talland graceful. {$1.00 to $2.00. 
Cocos Wedelliana—Very graceful. 50 cents to $1.00. 

Cycas Revoluta—Sago Palm. {1.00 to $5.00. 

Dracena Australis (Cordyline)—Broad leaf. 50 cents to $1.00. 

Dracena Indivisa—Hardy; very ornamenta] for the house or garden. 
Large plants, 50 cents to $1.00. Small plants 15 cents. 


While most of these are hardy for the garden, some of them are also success- 
fully grown in the house. 

Carnations—Monthly Pinks 

The wonderful improvements during the last few years in Carnations have 
made them the most popular flower of the present day, and they will be soin the 
future. The very large double flowers, their exquisite fragrance, and their 
constant blooming quality make them the most prominent and most desirable 
plants. The following varieties can be depended upon as first-class in every 

The Latest Novelties in Carnations 

Governor Roosevelt—deep scarlet crimson shaded maroon, large, full and 
very fragrant. 

California Gold—The very best golden yellow, slightly marked soft red 
very large and full. 

6 F. A. Miller Plant and Seed Company 

Prosperity—The largest carnation up to date, flower white penciled and 
mottled pink. 

Jonathan Bourne—A remarkable carnation of a glossy lavender color, 
striped carmine (also called blue carnation) double young plants ready 
March Ist, 20 cents each. 

General List of Carnations 

e These comprise all the best carnations up to the present year and are first- 
class in every respect. 
America—Fiery red. 
Ed. Schwerin—Deep pink. 
Flora Hill—Best White. 
Grace Runyon—White striped red. ° 
Harriet Bradford—White edged, scarlet. 
Dr. Tevis——-Finest scarlet. 
Leslie Paul—Very deep rose. 
John Carbone—Golden yellow, flaked carmine. 
Iris Miller—Salmon, shaded yellow, striped rose. 
Maceo—Dark crimson. 
Sophie Sievers—Golden yellow. 
Ethel Crocker—Best and most perfect pink. 
Mrs. Bradford—Bright rosy crimson. 
Mr. M. Brad—Finest variegated white and scarlet. 
Mr. E. H. Childs—Best dark pink. 
Mrs. Lawson—Dark rose. 

Small plants, 10 cents each, free by mail. Large flowering plants, 25 cents 
each; $2.50 per dozen, our selection by freight or express at purchasers expense. 

All colors Io cents each, $1.00 per dozen. 

Ericas—Neat and graceful evergreen shrubs, growing to the height of 2 
feet, more or less, and flowering during our winter season. Strong, 
flowering plants, 35 to 50 cents each. 

Daphne—Most fragrant of all flowering shrubs. Large imported plants, 75 
cents each. 

Coreopsis Lanceolata—Hardy. Beautiful golden yellow flowers on 
long stems. °25 cents each. 

Gaillardia Grandiflora—Very hardy. Large yellow and crimson 
flowers. Constant bloomer. 25 cents each. 


: Universal favorites. Their graceful flowers, produced almost constantly, 
please everybody. 
Esmeralda—Double, lavender shaded pink. 
E. G. Hill—Finest double pure white. 

Black Prince—Single; large, spreading corolla; carmine; very free 
bloomer and compact, bushy habit. 

Jupiter—Double; violet blue; very free bloomer. 

Wave of Life—Golden foliage ; fine, purple corolla. 
Phenomenal—Largest double; dark blue. 

Storm King—Very large double rose and white corolla; dwarf, bushy habit. 
Arabella, improved—Beautiful large single ; rose and white. 

Seeds, Plants and Bulbs. 7 

Monsieur Thiebaut—Very bold flower; red and vermillion; single; 
free bloomer. 

Rainbow—Elegant variegated foliage; bronze, yellow and red; flowers 
bright red. 
Perle von Brunn—Fine double white, penciled pink ; very free. 
Lord Beaconsfield—Briiliant single scarlet. 
Small plants, by mail, 10 cents; large plants, 25 cents. 


These have been improved very much in new colors, large flowers and more 
compact growth, and as they grow and blooiu readily under almost any con- 
ditions, they certainly deserve to be cultivated more extensively. We offer the 

Geranium—Large flowering ; double and single; in all shades. 
* Rose—Ever popular ; sweet-scented. 
le _ Scarlet Rose—A very bright free bloomer. 
= Nutmeg—Sweet-scented. 
ve Rose—Variegated ; beautiful foliage. 

% Ivy—tTrailing or climbing; bearing an abundance of full 
double flowers ; light pink, scarlet, crimson, purple, white, 
and dark rose. 

a Variegated Ivy—A beautiful, graceful basket-plant. 
he Silver, Bronze and Tricolor—All handsome foliage. 

Any of the above Geraniums, small plants, 10 cents; large plants, 25 cents. 

Lavender—Sweet-scented. Iocents and 25 cents. 

Hydrangea (Hortensia)—Pink snowball. A very popular flowering 
plant; very hardy and showy. Small plants, 15 cents; large plants, 25 
to 50 cents. 

Marguerites—Large yellow ; large white and small blue; constant bloom- 
ers. Small plants, 10 cents; large, 25 cents. 

Primula Auricula—An old favorite with the Germansand English. They 
flower well in spring and fall. Their large, fragrant flowers, in exquisite 
velvety colors of many shades, make them very desirabie. They are 
perfectly hardy. Small plants, 1o cents, by mail; large, blooming 
plants, 25 cents. 

Primula Polyanthus (Garden Primrose or Cowsli~)—We have the latest 
English varieties in all colors. 5 cents each. 

Pimelia Decussata—One of the finest and rarest flowering shrubs in cultiva 
tion. Excellent habit. of compact growth, covered with clusters of 
bright pink flowers, make the plant a beautiful sight. Medium size. 
Plants in pots, by express or freight only, 25 cents each ; large plants, 
50 cents. 

Pansy—Best German and ‘French large flowering. Young plants 25 cents 
per dozen ; 35 cents per dozen by mail; large blooming plants 50 cents 
per dozen. 

So many new varieties in this line of Fancy Lady Washington Geraniums 
has increased the demand for them wonderfully. The exquisite coloring, the 

large, undulate and fringed petals, their free flowering and easy culture certainly 
makes them most desirable. The following varieties are the best in the market: 

Anita—Charming fiowers; bright pink, feathered velvety crimson, white 

Mrs. O. W. Childs—Flowers extra large ; exquisite shade of rosy pink. 
Inocente—Pure white, beautifully fimbriated. 

8 F. A. Miller Plant and Seed Company 

Alexander Craw—A bold, almost double flower, marbled rose on white 
ground, crimson maroon blotches, 

Prince of Wales—Velvety scarlet, marbled white, blotched maroon. 

Edward Perkins—Bright orange scarlet, maroon blotch on upper petals, 
beautifully fringed and undulated. 

Empress of India—A magnificent variety, producing splendid trusses of 
very large flowers of a brilliant shade of salmon-scarlet, the two upper 
petals blotched with dark crimson; light center. 

Gloire de Tours—Flowers of the largest size and of great substance; color 
bright dark scarlet, upper petals blotched velvety black; center a distinct 
shade of velvet. A magnificent variety. 

Mabel—Upper petals brilliant dark maroon; under petals soft rosy pink ; 
large white center. 

Madame Thiebaut—The queen of Pelargoniums. Biotched and marbled 
rose on white ground ; upper petals marked with crimson maroon; large 
white center and edges of petals also white. 

Blue Mabel—lIdentical with the well-known Mabel, except in color, which 
is of a rich plum shade. 

Beauty of Oxton—The upper petals very rich maroon, darkly blotched ; 
under petals very dark crimson, light centers; all the petals margined 
with white. 

Duke of Albany—Deep, rich, crimson maroon, margined with rosy lake; 
light center, surrounded with violet-rose shading. A grand dark variety, 
having a very full appearance. 

Duchess of Teck—Very large trusses of extra large, semi-double, white 
flowers ; petals undulated and frilled. A grand white variety. 

Mrs. Worthington—Large, elegantly-fringed flowers, of a beautiful orange 

Black Prince—One of the darkest colors, and profuse bloomer. 

Countess—Very large flower; cerise salmon, white throat, upper petals 
splashed with maroon. 

Prince George—large truss of fringed white flowers, suffused with blush, 
very distinct. 

Young plants, 15 cents; flowering plants, 25 cents. 

Double Petunia 

The new doubled fringed Petunias have become very popular; the fine 
coloring, exquisite fragrance and continual blooming qualities make them most 
desirable as pot-plants or for the garden. We havea very fine collection of them 
and offer young plants at 15 cents each, large plants at 25 cents. 


We have a fine, clean stock of two-year old roses, ready to bloom in spring, 
and truetoname. In making out our list we only enumerate those which will - 
give general satisfaction, and omit all varieties which are inferior. Catalogues” 
are full of new roses with glowing descriptions, but our experience plainly 
demonstrates that only one out of tenis worth growing. Strong two-year old 
plants can only be sent by express or freight at purchaser’s expense. The price 
for these roses is 25 cents each, $2.50 per dozen and $18.00 per hundred. 


Belle Siebrecht—Crimson pink, silvery reflection. New. 
Bon Silene—Deep rose, carmine shading. 
Bougere—Bronzy rose, good substance. 

Bride—White, extra. 

Bridesmaid—Delicate pink ; fine buds. 

Seeds, Plants and Bulbs. 

Catherine Mermet-—Lovely pale pink; very good. 

Cecile Bruner—Fairy rose; constant bloomer. 

Coquette de Lyon— Beautiful light yellow. 

Duchesse de Brabant—Deep rose color ; constant bloomer. 
Duchess of Albany—Bright rosy pink ; very double. 
Etoile de Lyon—Deep yellow. 

Homer—Clear rose, tinted darker. 

Isabella Sprunt—Sulphur yellow; fine buds. 

Kaiserin Augusta Victoria—Full, double white. New. 
Francis Dubreuil—Brilliant crimson. 

La France—Fine, silvery pink ; full; one of the best. 
Louis Leveque—Yellow, tinged red, shaded vermilion. 
Mad. Creux—Copper yellow. 

Mad. Caroline Testout—Clear, delicate pink. 

Mad. de Watteville—Rosy blush, yellow shade, crimson border. 
Mad. Lambard—Bright, rosy crimson. ‘ 
Maman Cochet-—-Flesh pink ; very large and fine. New. 
Marie van Houtte—Yellow, bordered and shaded rose. 
Niphetos—Pure white, long, pointed buds. ~_ 

Papa Gontier—Bright rose to red; constant bloomer. 

Pearl of the Garden—Golden yellow; very double. 
President—Carmine pink ; free bloomer. 

Rainbow—Pink, striped crimson. 

Safrano—Buff, shaded apricot red; constant bloomer. 
Shirley Hibberd—Nankeen yellow; very fine. 

Souvenir de Malmaison—Flesh-color; very large and full. 
Souvenir de President Carnot—Shell-pink. 
Sunset—Rich orange, shaded salmon. 

Viscountess Folkestone—Flesh-color; very large and full. 
Valle de Chamounix—Deep golden yellow. 


Hybrid Perpetual Roses 

American Beauty—Glowing crimson. 

Anna de Diesbach—Deep rose to light crimson. 
Avocat Duvivier—Violet crimson. 

Baroness Rothschild—Pale pink ; very large and full. 
Baron de Bonstetten—Dark velvety maroon. 
Captain Christy—Satiny rose; one of the finest. 
Emperor of Morocco—Velvety maroon, almost black. 
General Jaqueminot—Best velvet crimson. 

Gloire Lyonaise—Very large and full white. 

Gloire de Bourg-la-Reine—Vivid red; fine. 

Jean Bart—One of the finest dark crimson. 

Jean Liaband—Very dark, shaded scarlet. 

La France of ’8g—A most imposing bright red rose. 
Magna Charta—Similar to American Beauty ; very large and full. 
Mrs. John Laing—Beautiful clear pink. 

Paul Neyron—Soft rose, violet shading ; very large. 
Ulrich Bruner—Cherry red; one of the finest. 

10 F. A. Miller Plant and Seed Company 

Climbing Roses 


an Yellow. 
Capt. Christy, climbing—Beautiful silvery rose. 
Crimson Rambler—Dark red. New. 
La Marque—Pure white; large and full. 
Marechal Niel—Golden yellow. 
Perle des Jardins, climbing—Golden yellow. 
Pink Rover—Best pink climber. New. 
Reine Olga de Wurtemberg—Bright red ; constant bloomer. 
Reve d’or (climbing Safrano)—Buff yellow. 
Gloire de Margottin—Best dark red climber. 
Wm. A. Richardson—Deep yellow. 
Bardou Job—Elegant rich crimson. New. 
Yellow Rambler—New. 
Victor Verdier—Light red. 
Reine Marie Henriette—Large full red. 
Hermosa, climbing—Soft pink. 

Sundry Roses 
Hermosa—Pink ; constant bloomer. 
Agrippina—Blood red; constant bloomer. 
Moss Roses—White, pink and red. 

Salvia Splendens—A bright scarlet sage; compact grower, and flowering the 
entire summer and fall. Very effective. 10 cents for small plants by mail; 
$1.00 per dozen. 

Swainsonia—Most prolific shrub; growing 4 to 5 feet high. and constantly in 
bloom. We have two varieties—pink and white. Small plants, 15 cents; 
large plants, 25 cents. 

Verbenas—We have in all colors, white, blue, scarlet, purple, pink, rose. 
Nice young plants, 5 cents each ; 50 cents per dozen. Ready March Ist. 

Wallfiowers—Single, 15 cents. Double, 25 cents. Strong plants. 

Hardy Flowering and Evergreen Shrubs and Trees 

Araucaria Excelsa (WVorfolk [sland Pine)—The most beautiful ornamental tree. 
Small plants, 50 cents; larger ones, $1.00. 

Araucaria Bidwillii—Hardier than the last. $1.00. 
Araucaria Imbricata (Chili Pine; Monkey Puzzle)—Very hardy. $1.00. 
Acacia Magnifica—Beautiful foliage. 25 cents. 

x Linearis—Very graceful. 25 cents. 
Latifolia—Heavy foliage. 25 to 50 cents. 

5 Molissima—Beautiful foliage; fine clusters of yellow flowers. 35 cts. 
Aralia Sieboldtii—Hardy ; ornamental. $r.00. 
Aucuba Japonica (Japanese Gold dust)—Very ornamental. 25 to 50 cents. 

Berberis Darwini—A most beautiful shrub, bearing a profusion of golden 
yellow flowers. 25 to 50 cents. 

Broom—Yellow. Sweet-scented. 25 to 50 cents. 
2 White. se 25 to 50 cents. 
Crape Myrtle—Pink. 25 to 50 cents. 
Diosma Alba (Breath of Heaven)—25 to 50 cents. 
Deutzia Gracilis—Profusion of white flowers; large plants. 25 to 50 cents. 


: Seeds, Plants and Bulbs. 11 

Erica—Heather. Handsome evergreen; compact growth. 25 to 50 cents. 

Escallonia Rubra—Elegant evergreen. Dark, glossy foliage; red flowers. 
25 to 50 cents. 

Escallonia Alba—White flowers. 25 to 50 cents. 
Euonymus—Variegated foliage ; very ornamental. 25 cents to $1.00. 
English Holly—Strong plants. 50 to $1.00, and up. 
’ Grevillea Robusta—Elegant fern-like foliage. 25 cents. 
Irish Yew—Rich dark green. Rare. Small, 25 cents; large, $1.00. 
Laurus Nobilis (English Laurel)—25 to 50 cents. 
Laurustinus—White flowers. 25 cents. 
Loquat (Japanese Plum:)—25 to 50 cents. 
Lemon Verbena—Sweet-scented. 15 to 25 cents. 
Lilacs—Purple and white. 25 to5ocents. Mailing size, 15 cents. 
Lantana—Dwarf for bedding. Variouscolors. 15 to 25 cents 
Magnolia Grandifiora—so cents to $1.00. 
Myrtle—Large-leafed. German. 25 cents. 
Mock.Orange (Syrimga)—Large plants. 50 cents. 
Monterey Cypress—Potted plants for safe transplanting, 15, 25 and 50 cents. 

om ‘* . Seedling in boxes, $2.00 per hundred. 
Norway Spruce—Very hardy. Large plants. $1.00. 
Oleander—Double red and double white. 25 to 50 cents. 
Pittosporum Tenuifolium—Handsome shrubs. 25 to 50 cents. 

- Eugenioides— H 5 25 to 50 cents. 
de Undulatum— fy ar 25 to 50 cents. 

Polygala—Constant bloomer ; very desirable, 50 cents; smail plants, 25 cents. 
Veronica Imperialis—Showy, crimson flowers. 25 cents. - 

ot Variegata—A handsome shrub for foliage as well as flowers. 25 cts. 

ds “ Pure white, dwarfand compact. 25 cents. 
Pomegranate—Double scarlet and double white. 25 to 50 cents. 

Rhododendron—Very hardy; most magnificent flowering shrub; imported 
stock. $1.50. 

Snowball—Large plants. 50 cents to §r.oo. 
Spiraea (Bridal Wreath)—25 cents. 

Thorns (Crataegus)—A beautiful large flowering shrub or tree; very hardy ; 
double white and double red. Large plants, 50 cents to $1.00 each 

Sollya Heterophylla— —Elegant evergreen, with blue, bell- staped flowers. 
25 cents. 

Pepper-tree—Handsomie foliage. 25 to 50 cents. 
Italian Cypress—725 to 50 cents. 

Oranges and Lemons | 
Of these we offer: 

Otaheite Orange—A dwarf compact growing variety for homeculture. Blooms 
and bears small oranges when only a foot high. As a pot-plant it is the 
most beautiful that can be grown. We offer nice plants, ready to bloom and 
bear fruit at 50 cents each. 

THE NEW LEMON “Ponderosa” 

A wonderful plant for the house or the garden, it will bloom and bear fruit 
in the second year. The flowers are deliciously fragrant and the fruit which is 
of excellent flavor is very large, weighing from 2 to 3 pounds. We offer fine 
young plants 18 inches high in pots at 50 cents each. 

Washington Navel Orange 

Mediterranean Sweet Orange—4 to5 feet, balled $1.50 each. 

12 F. A. Miller Plant and Seed Company ° 

Tree Paeonies 

Imported from Japan, strong plants, will flower this season and live from 
year to yedr. We have dark red, light red, white and pink all double. They 
are perfectly hardy and most gorgeous shrubs for the garden, 75 cents each, 

Climbing Plants 

Ampelopsis Veitchii (Boston Jvy). Fastens itself to walls, trees or fences 
completely covering them; beautiful leaves. 15 to 25 cents. 

Australian Pea Vine—Fast grower. 15 cents. 
Bignonia Venusta—Yellow clusters; tender. 25 cents. 
Bougainvillea—Beautiful and odd flowers, of a bright pink; 25 cents. 
Clianthus—(Parrot?'s di/l)-- Scarlet flowers. 25 to 50 cents. 
English Ivy—tio to 25 ceuts. 
Honeysuckle, Japanese—Best of all; very fragrant. 15 to 25 cents. 

a English (Woodbine). Warge flowers ; very fragrant. 25 cents. 
Clematis—Most elegant and showy hardy climbers ; flowers very large. 

af Jackmanni—Rich dark blue ; free bloomer; the best ; 2 years old. 
75 cents. 

Hy The Gem—Deep lavender. 75 cents. 

FE Henryi—Best large white. 75 cents. 

Kf Fairy Queen—Pale flesh-color. 75 cents. 
ck Gipsy Queen—Rich purple. 75 cents. 

Paniculata—Large clusters of small white, fragrant flowers ; very 
hardy. 35 cents. 

Mandevillea Suaveolens—A very fast growing climber, bearing a profusion of 
most fragrant white flowers 25 cents each. 

Jasmine, white—Continuous bloomer; deliciously fragrant. 25 cents. 

oy yellow—Very hardy, profuse bloomer; yellow clusters. 25 cents. 
Madera=vine—Roots. 5 cents. 
Plumbago Capensis—Light blue; constant bloomer. 25 to 50 cents. 

Stephanotis Floribunda—The finest greenhouse climber ; thick, glossy foliage, 
and most fragrant white flowers. 50 cents. 

Passion Vines—fast-growing climbers of various colors, 
eS Blue; hardy. 25 cents. 
4] White; hardy. 25 cents. 
pe Pink (Tacsonia). 25 cents. 
Scarlet (Tacsonia). 25 cents. 
i Fiery Red (Tacsonia) 25 cents. 
Smilax—Roots, Io cents; plants, 25 cents. 
Solanum (Pozato Vine).—White. 15 to 25 cents. 

Tacoma Jasminoides—Beautiful large flowers, white with pink throat. 50 
cents. . 

Waxplant (Hoya)—Fragrant. 25 cents. 
Wistaria—Blue. 25 to 50 cents. 
as White. 50 cents. 


Dozen rates by mail, 1o cents extra. 100 rates by mail 25 cents extra. 

Achyranthus—Dark red. Each, Io cents; per dozen, 60 cents; per hundred, 

Ageratum—Dwarf blue. Bloom allsummer. Each, 10 cents; per dozen, 60 

Seeds, Plants and Bulbs. 13 

Alternanthera—Bright red andcrimson. Each, 5 cents; dozen, 50 cents; per 

100, $3.00. 
Box—Last forever. Per dozen, 50 cents; per 100, $3.00. 
Cowslips—New English. Each 5 cents; per dozen, 50 cents. 
Daisies—Double white, pink and red. Per dozen,25 cents; per 100, $1.50. 
Echeveria (Hex and Chicks)—Per dozen, 25 cents; per 100, $1.50. 
Feverfew—Golden. Per dozen, 25 cents; per 100, $I 50. 
Forget=-me=not—Each, to cents ; per dozen, $1.00. 
Gazania—Brilliant, large, golden flowers. Each, 5 cents; per dozen, 50 cents. 
Geranium—Silver and bronze. Each, 1o cents; per dozen $1.00, 

= Tricolor. (Mrs. Pollock) Each, 15 cents; per dozen, $1.50. 

Irish Moss—Per clump, Io cents. 
Lobelia—Each, 5 cents; per dozen, 30 cents; per 100, $2.00. 
Mesembryanthemum-—In three colors. Each, ro cents; dozen $1.00. 
Lantana—New dwarf varieties. Each, 10 cents; per dozen, $1.00. 
Pansies—Best German and French. Each, 5 cents; per dozen, 25 cents. 
Pansies—Large blooming plants 50 cents per dozen. 
Verbenas—aAll colors. Each, 5 cents; per dozen, 50 cents. 

Violets—California ; single blue; double white; double light blue ; princess of 
Wales. Per dozen, 25 cents. 

Sea Pink (Armeria) Per clump, 10 cents. 

Rock and Basket-Plants 

(Assorted. 5o0cents to $1.00 per dozen.) 


This interesting class of plants is deservedly becoming very popular, and 
with a little care, everyone should be able to make them a success. Some ofthe 
winter flowering bulbs cannot be supplied after a certain date, and in all cases 
early planting is advantageous. In most cases we will mention the time of 

Amaryllis, Bella Donna—Each, 25 cents. 
a Johnsoni—Red, striped white. Each, 50 cents. 
ae Valilota—Scarlet. Each, 25 cents. 
Vittata Hybrida—New. 35 cents. 

Begonia—Tuberous-rooted. Can be supplied until March 1st. Large single, 10 
cents. Double, 25 cents. . 

Bleeding Heart Dzelytra—To March Ist. Each, 25 cents. 
Calochortus (Ca/zfornia).—To February Ist. Per dozen, 35 cents. 
Cyclamen—Each,.25 cents, very large plants 50 cents. 

Chinese Sacred Lily—To March ist. Each, 10 cents. 

Calla Lily—Each, 5 cents. : 

Spotted Calla or Angel Lily—Beautiful variegated foliage; graceful; pure white 
flowers. To May ist. Each, to cents 

Canna (/zdian Shot)—Various sorts. Only the finest large flowering. Each, 15 


Dahlias have increased wonderfully in popularity during the last few years 
and justly so, because there are no flowering plants which will give such an 
abundance of gorgeous flowers during the entire summer season, such a variety 
of colors,and so easily grown in most any kind of soil. The various Dahlia Shows 

14 F. A. Miller Plant and Seed Company 

during last season added immensely to their popularity. The greatimprovement 
in Cactus Dahiias during the last few years have made them the center of 
attraction. We offer a list of varieties which cannot be excelled anywhere. We 
offer good dry roots of all these varieties up to April r5th. 

Cactus Dahlias 
(Latest Novelties) 

Brittania—Beautiful shrimp-pink, long stems. 

Countesse of Lonsdale—Salmon-tinted apricot towards the base pink 

Miss Webster—Pure white, elegant flower. 

Matchless—Dark maroon, perfect form. 

Monarch--Bright glowing crimson, petals elegantly twisted. 

Night—Blackish maroon, richest and darkest Cactus Dahlia. 

Starfish—Beautiful bright scarlet, long stems. 

Sonnenstrahlen—Canary yellow, lipped white, a new color, elegant flower. 
The above 35 cents each, the set of eight, $2.50. 

Every One a Gem 

Austin Cannell—Soft magenta, tipped pink. 
E. B. Frewer—Light brilliant scarlet. 
Grand Duke Alexis—White, tinged blush. 
Hohenzollern— Bright orange buff. 
Gloriosa—Deep scarlet ; well formed. 
Island Queen—Soft lavender. 
Keynes—A beautiful pure white. 
Lorely—Bright pink, ivory center. 
Mr. Alvord—Copper and yellow, tinged violet. 
Mrs. Foster—Old gold; very attractive. 
Robert Cannell—Bright cerise ; lovely flower. 
Zephyr—Bright rose. 

The above, 25 cents each ; the set of twelve, $2.50 


These are the old style of Double Dahlias, very much improved, and include 
all the best varieties and most perfect flowers. 

A. D. Livoni—Rich pink ; fine form. 

American Beauty—Yellow, tipped crimson. 

Countesse of Pembroke—Soft lavender. é " 

Copper King—Coppery red. 

Crimson King--Rich, deep crimson. 

Frank Smith—Deep maroon, tipped pink. 

Fern-Leaved Beauty—Scarlet and white. 

Glare of the Garden—Fiery scarlet. 

Duchesse of Cambridge— White, tipped pink. 

Henry Patrick—Best white. 

Kaiser Wilhelm—Deep yellow, tipped cherry red. 

Miss Dodd—Clear golden yellow. 

Lady Mildmay—White ground, shaded lilac. 

Miss Thatcher—Sulphur yellow. 

Seeds, Plants and Bulbs. 
Mrs. Hartong-—Light fawn, shaded pink. 
Maid of Kent—Intense scarlet, variegated white. 
Miss Browning—Yellow, tipped white. 
Miss Leonidas—Exquisite shell-pink 
Lottie Eckford—Straw, tipped red. 
Orine Emerson—Dazzling red. 
Penny baker—White, tipped red. 
Pioneer—Very dark ; nearest approach to black. 
Florence Shearer—Rose, tipped soft pink. 
Dandy—Crimson, tipped pink. 
The above, 15 cents each. 

Mixed Double Dahlias, all fine varieties, Io cents each. 
Single Dahlias, mixed colors, 10 cents each ; $1.00 per dozen. 


Daffodils—Trumpet-shaped, golden yellow. To February tst.....$0 05 

Freesia—Very fragrant white flowers. To February Ist.......... 5 
Gloxinia—Most beautiful flowering plant for the house or conserva- 

Ey Sew eee cgt as ce FEN Gates 5. MERE ENS LS tN ate ee aed, Ie, 15 
Gladiolus—Hardy, for the garden ; in shades of white, pink, varie- 

gated, red, yellow and rose; fully equal to named varieties.... 5 
Hyacinths—Single and double, white, rose, red, yellow, lavender 

Spee s. |) t ONCE ISt. ce)... . SM eee tcl ten cs AGF, Io 

FetG) CWCRMEAM © ts he, oe ee. ee to ee aye rm 5 
‘© Spanish—Very popular; beautiful flowers. To March Ist... 

<< Japanese—Very large and fine colors......... .........00.- 15 

Jonquils—Golden yellow ; fragrant................0...0. 0000 cee 5 
Imantophyllum—Amaryllis-like flowers, of orange color; ever- 
RETESET ede, 4 Mga Sete eae eget REE. EER Soa oem $o 25 to $o 50 

ceakstee Ager AC tie gos et SE eS, tee RE 15 

fe ape mn aE SS Ol en es aR arene 10 

coe Mee OLGEM (2 2e2r Bgty) -. .. ame seye eke rs ar eS 10 

pqs Lanetolium:. Rubrami..0:.... Seve. cas 2s oS, 15 

+ os ADE eS eee ee ae eee oe 15 

Sone te Ee MANOR USER (F2 2 S729; E2/))) » . . Sate oe Ses ow ee ones Io 

Sea ee OUR SEOMMIANNENNIN? 202. . ER woe gale, Sse ie ege Su Io 

ms Pardalinum—Scarlet Tiger....................2.4.- Sey At EO 

ay OF tue Valley Pips ¢. 0.0...) .. See emery a 5 

a = ae Clam pss! 3... . . eee a aie aes ete oi, a 50 

Giadiolas (The Briice)—Pure white... 22.2215. 2 e220 t eww en sss s-> 5 
Narcissus—Ten varieties, single and double.....................- 

Pzonias—Double red, white and pink .................... 0000 eee 25 

SSR LIEILIS Ree ee, 8 5 

Spirza Japonica—Very fine clumps... ...............00-.00005- 25 

Tulips—Single and double 
Pree isbiamerearce pees 2.2... . Re ES Le fhe 5, tio Sh aos 
ait OSC Man ie meatier: 2.5... .. ecco Paetehe ens ss 
Snowdrops—To February Ist 

Sie se © S00 0 = © ¢ Ei eieele 6 «als = es) (8 ain eo 6 8) 8 © G2 vise « 

cn Ul On 

Om sae 0 « 0 «© 0 Simgelele Sm Blas & she, elaie 'e 0s) 8p & o 4 


$0 50 





16 F. A. Miller Plant and Seed Company 


Centaurea Imperialis—New large flowering hybrids of the sweet-scented 
Centaureas. Form large, many-branched bushes of 3 to 4 feet in height, and 
produce an abundance of bloom from July until the frost killsthem. The beau- 
tiful large flowers vary in all shades of white, lilac, rosy and purple. Undoubtedly 

one of the finest iutroductions of this season. 

Centaurea Imperialis—Pure white............. Ee i et hte SR $o 15 
‘ x Delicate pink. Bi... .. 2.) Seo ee eee 15 
cs As Brilfi#nt rose... «os 2... ec oe ee eee 15 
ay S Darkdsiae ...;.Qiteri.”.<.. eee ee eee I5 
ss is Dark-purple. . i... 005s. cee) Gee eee 15 
3 3 White, shaded Burple :.:. 3... .-332aee eee I5 
3 sf the above mixea@s..9...............0.0:en I5 

Browallia Speciosa Major—Another beautiful flowering plant of bright 
blue color. Asa pot-plant it is most charming, blooming nearly all the 
year around most profasely.—......Hie.. ...... 2 1h aw ee 25, 

Hunnemannia Fumarizfolia (Golden Poppy)—Considered in very cold 
climate an annual, but no doubt it will prove a perennial in Caliornia. 
The flowers are of rich, golden yellow, produced in great abundance 
throughout summer; long stems, fine for cutting; a most desirable 
ACG Uisition bys TS A eee gee so. BER le os Shop ke ole Io 


In this line we offer only what is good for general cultivation. Some seeds 
we grow ourselves, others we import from the most reliable houses of Europe. 
We keep no trash, and the seeds can be relied on. All seeds in retail packages 
we send by mail at our expense. 


Armeria—Sea pink ; fie for borders... 2a... se. . bas oe oe ee $o 10 
Abutilon—Flowering maple’; fale mixedsy: =»... 0.3 2d 10 
Ageratum—Dwarf, blue; constant bloomer... .. ....05..4. didn. ee Pee be) 
Acroclinium Roseum—Bright everiasting.................0.00e eee ope 5 
Alyssum—Sweet, hardy; always in bloom.........3.......:0.0 ene» Sanne 5 
Amaranthus—tTricolor, Joseph’s Coat ; fine.:.. 2... .. Sei. t eee ee 10 
Aster, Paeony—Flowered, perfection, mixed..................00---008- se) 
‘¢ =: Semple’s—Very fine; mixed.. ; Sac.-<. ....0 0. ee ee aD 

i: Victoria—Dwarf, all colors, mixed... .... 0.0: / <2. 0s 0) ee eee Io 

fe Washington—Beautiful, fine mixed.............. 0.0.0 cece ee eee Io 

na German—Best mixed ..,/)...... Boos rence bos ae Oa Io 
Auricula (Primula)—German, extra mixed................ccc00--ssuuves 10 
Asparagus, Sprengeri—Elegant for baskets............... 0... eee ceeceee 25 
¢ Plamosus—Lace fern... ios. ie ies «eM = er 25 
Australian Pea Vine—Rapid climber... 2. cig. 20 0: cane os oe ele Io 
Bignonia Grandiflora—Trumpet Vine...................... alle «ic ee 10 
Bachelor’s Button—Cornflower, blue........ 0.0.0... 00. c ccc eee eee 5 
gi as Mixed: so). conc... Bie osetia. bcc tiw sane on 5 
Balsam—Lady’s Slipper, extra double....................000ceee. sopeuses 5 

Seeds, Plants and Bulbs. 

Blue Marguerite (Agathea)—Constant bloomer.............. eee eee eee ees 
Browallia Coerulea—Ever-blooming ............... cece cece eee ete 
Beronia—Tuberous-rooted, very fine mixed..,............ 2c cece eee eens 
e ‘e double: mixedee ere wae See AEN 
eg pent pertiorens, constant bloom@mger tects eae aes nee lake o> 

Carnation [Marguerite—Double, very fragrant; flowers in four months 
PMO SECO 2 i. ss Lidia siete Sk g's'Spis s+: + « Saami sais palette Wejeita) = nate Ta ata svahe 

Carnarien—Very fine mixed; all colors. . pn. 6.6.. Ces oe ad wae, pe DEE 

a4 Very extra, from finest named varieties ...........:...20ee00- 
Centaurea Candidissima—Silver-white foliage, for borders............... 
Chrysanthemum Coronarium—Double, constant bloomers .............. 

a Tricolor or Summer Chrysanthemum, all colors; profuse 
DES GOMEEEY oy. he atale see Gla alo ji ny ahd vs. - « SS aaah che aS: ei Ps 2 

Calendula— Cape Marigold, bardy, flowering all the year around, mixed... 
Calliopsis—Hardy aunual, free bloomingii.. 22. 0. yee estes ee 
Canterbury Bells—Showy perennial, free-blooming, single mixed....... 
a ve Kree-blooming, double mmiixed. kisi. de hss wire otk 
Calceolaria— Most beautiful for pots, very fine mixed....................- 
Candytuit—Ever-blooming, large white...... 2... 0.0.20 cece ee tee eee eee 
it i PUEDE so. | RU ecg nd, Si aeecas Se idee ee ea 
Coxcomb—Ostrich feather, plumosus, very fine.............-.....0002005- 
a =-V.ery Showy, ‘annial in... . eens: be sas its cmeieiaeg aro 
Centaurea Candidissima—Silver-white foliage, for bedding.............. 
ceo TMargueritae—Sweet Sultan, one of the most popular flowers of 
BOS CLAY oi tis |e soayes hs ucimeh iene ee eNS IRS oa > . SUPER ea PP RENTS) 0 Lol aia ences taoutane (rhea ag sk aie) a.ake 
Centaurea Imperialis (New)—Improved Sweet Sultan, most valuable for 
CHE OWEFS’. TENE tcpe er Meee nett... eR Reta at feng Ge tev ee a ohoENS 
Cineraria Hybrida—As a free-flowering home plant has no equal, and for 
bedding purposes in shady places they are very satisfactory; fine mixed, 

first qualttys 2 (oP Se ae). Ae ie k's 5 REM rome ead Danke. seasaptee hee ORE 
Coboea Scandens—Most rapid climber, purple flowers................... 
Pe = Wiite flowersi.....:. : SPST AGES Pen ole Tui eae 
Coleus—Most charming and popular foliage plants for the house; finest 
RISO ie Rates) Tite cdo <j lyeln tone,» « MEME Ns eit alle he a erecta nips 
ye (A guilegia)—WHardy perennials, all colors, mixed, double and 
SCPE Ae cle aaah clea. +. ME RRS od Cones digte Sia gete seen renee 

Cosmos—Large flowering ; as ax annual flowering plant is most satisfac- 
tory and is indispensable for cut flowers; in separate colors, white, 
(itt kar AHGMETIMISO Ny GACH 6.0 ho ss RANE en Ce) OATES Sai 

Cosmos—lLarge flowering, mixed.....................000005- FREAD ESS 
Cornilewer—Latceibiue!. S245 ls... RR OR eR e 
China Pink—Large single or double, mixed................. cee eee eee eee 
Cyclamen Persicum (A/fzme Viole¢)—A magnificent bulbous-rooted plant 

forthe house or open air; large flowering, mixed... )i.05. 06000 004. 
Daisy—Large flowering, in fine double mixture................ 0.0.0... 0008 
Dahlia—Finest single mixed, will flower in a few months from seed........ 

_ DeseOOmDLe tiixed 2 4. . 2s.) Se Se rans a clti Nok 2. 

Digitalis—Fox Glove; splendid perennial for the garden, in brilliant 
CO IN ce Se hare caer cee «+ - AEE INTL cocoatis aoateate thse 

Feverfew—Golden Feather ; very popular asa border plant.............. 

Delphinium Hybridum—Perennial Larkspur; beautiful large flowers, 
GGT Sy. oo. aM ore 9 ae ie le: BR RA OR Aa 

Eucalyptus Ficifolius—A beautiful variety; with crimson flowers......... 
Forget-me-not, always welcome.......).00..... 0.02. cece cee ccc ete eeee 

18 F. A. Miller Plant and Seed Company 

Gaillardia Grandiflora—vYellow and crimson perennial; fine............. 
Geranium-—Splendid mixture.......................0000- Te os bok ER eRe 
Gloxinia—Very beautiful greenhouse plant................... cece ee ceeees 
Gypsophila Elegans—Very graceful, and desirable for cutting ... ... es 
Helichrysum (Zver/asting)—Large flowering doubles mixed.............. 
Heliotrope—Finest tnixture.... 2... .. aes... ss nc nee pc oe eee ee 

Lantana—Beautiful floweri ne platits in Warious colors. 225s) ee eee 
Larkspur—Finest mixed’. 00 52... Bey... eee 
Lavender—Sweet-scented i (0 20).).... MSs s,s. lice ee ee ae en 
Lobelia Cardinalis—Bright scarlet perennial..................... ceeeeeee 
ee Erinus—Blue; for pots and baskets and rockeries................ 

FS Dark bine ; ‘for borders -.:.... 2, . 1.8, Pree er et 

* Pure white dwatt for borders. Ge... ..... 2. = 5 seks ee 
Lapins—D watt nixed. (25.50)... .... Bites. « v.0 Uhl one ee ee ee 
Marizold, African—Sjaree.double..... His.) sss. seuss cans coe eee ean 
5 French—Dagble 2... .. . . . Beye ost ns oes os eee eee ee 

‘s HI Dorddo--Very large, full dguble. i. Pile eee pele ace oie as 
Maurandia—An exceedingly handsome climber; white, blue and pink mixed 
Micnonette “Machet?—The best. .... ead...) 5155 - 2-2 “eee ee 
+ Tatge flowering. ....<.... abe. eee aoc ge YS Hh A 
Musk=Praprante G0 ee. ks... RE > dna eo eee ee 
Mina Lobata—Fine clintber )). 2s... ... Wipes .s.. 5 se pene ee ee eee ee 
Morning Glory—in allcolors, mixed. .3o.......: «0. seen eke Ree eee 
Mourning Bride (Scabiosa)—Free flowering; all shades mixed............ 
Nasturtium—Tall climbing: snixed . . . . Wap ccnckss» --0s's oe pee eee 
Dwarf; very fine mixed...... CP 5 
Pyrethrum—Rosea, red Marguerite... 2.2.22... 55. segs 0 sekiee ee eons 
Pansy—Giant Trimardeau; largest; mixed. Extra..................005: 
x Finest Fren¢h and German colors. Extra... ........ sees. eee 

ie Best Hnclish wrixtnre,: 2... ... Bs ee ce ee eee 
Pentstemon—Beautiful hardy flowering plants, in many colors........... 
Petunia—Vety po0d mixture..,........3.. -...52<-5h eve yh ee ee 
ms Latce Reweriop maxed. ... ..Beici sss «5 25/0 + - 0m ipanie 
Portulacca—All colotsimixed.......... Queen... ss wh sa eee ee le 
* Fine dopble mixed... ..... Bp. s. s,s» sacle Se se 
Phlox Drummondi—Very fine mixed............. 0... ccc cece eee ee ee eee 
Pinks—Hardy double mixed. ..0...... Wise cee os Dees on 
os Pheasant eye; fine for bedding... 370)... 005... Sele ee 

a Scotch: for borders; very fraprame ss... 4.0 sei ae iin a ee 
Poppy, Danebrog—Scariet, white spots). y. .... 24.0.) va nie ee 
French Ranunculus—Flowered.............. 1. a MeN eee ted 

ae Oriental or Japan Poppy—Very fine .. 00.00. S20 ee eee 

cM Paeony, flowered; very large double ............:.0seeeecsueevess 

Ag Shirley—All colors mixed; dwatf ........ 26.0 0teseees nueeee osmers 

" White Swan—Large double white ............00.5-. ces Oh. eae 

S Umbrosum—Scarlet, black spofaiy.c..--. i ofe).. see. eee i 

Potentilla, Hardy herbacesus:Perennials—Floweriug during the entire 
Cibscks |; eo ae ene oC Te eter OF 

Perennial or Everlasting Sweet Pea—Blooming freely from year to year 

onan aannN OM 

NO N He 
on un 


Seeds, Plants and Bulbs. 19 

Primula Chinensis, Chinese Primrose—Our favorite pot-plant; blooms 

mueete yeaniound: all’COlLOTS ...... aeMeevaeaettt lp laiaias inet nie vista = rie eect 15 
Primula Obconica, Japanese Primrose—In bloom at all times ........... 15 
Sensitive Plant (Mimosa sudica), or Touch-me-not...............22-- 2005 5 
Salpiglossis—Most beautiful colored flowers in various shades; very fine.. 10 
Strawberry Vine—From India. Fine for hanging-baskets............... Io 
MERE ANCE NT RIS fe alsa) s cio ovals \ din + « » GARMMR Neen pee heen abedernis) x= Se ss) Ee a eats TO 
Snapdragon—New dwarf; brilliant flowers .................2. 02 eee ee eee 5 
PAP MONVet ON Wi COUDIG! oc... os... Eee ae each eres. De eaten sonkaaliehe 5 
Seca Vai hine Single mixed... . Lcewaes a2 2 cific eee se eee see 5 

< BE Hine doublevmixed .. Sygeencss 4. soar ee ae se cakes Ae 10 
Stock, German—-Large flowering; very fine; mixed... .................... IO 
eae Nn IILS SOCATEC. 3,15. . . mec te tints o Secs eek ee er ‘stall Io 
ibrumpee Vine (Rignonia grandifiora),. . Faas... cae oes es te 10 

Sweet Peas 

We offer a fine strain of these at 5 cents per packet, ro cents per ounce and 25 

cents per 4% pound, in best mixture, or in separate packages, of the following 

Violets—Blue; sweet-scented 

Aurora—White ground, flaked with bright orange. 
Countess of Radnor—Pale lavender; lovely flower. 
Duke of Clarence—Brilliant rosy scarlet. 

Duke of Sutherland—Deep scarlet, wings indigo blue. 
Golden Gieam—Deep primrose yellow; best yellow. 
Lady Mary Currie—Deep orange pink, shaded lilac. 
Lady Balfour—Delicate lavender, shaded gray. 
Lottie Eckford—White, blended blue and lavender. 
Mars—Bright fiery crimson; gorgeous flower. 

Navy Blue—Navy blue, veined deep violet; new. 
Prima Donna—Lovely shade of soft pink. 
Salopian—Deep crimson, with orange scarlet. 

The Bride—The best; pure white. 
America—Crimson scarlet, irregularly striped. 
Captivation—Beautiful light claret. 
Coquette—Deep primrose yellow, shaded fawn. 
Gorgeous—Rich orange salmon, 

Her Majesty—Beautiful, large, rose-colored. 
Modesty—Delicate pink, large flowers, long stems. 
Prince of Wales—Bright rose, long stems. 

Pink Friar—Soft carmine rose. 

Ramona—Creamy white, splashed pink. 
Senator—Large, gold, striped chocolate. 

Blanche Ferry—Extra early, carmine pink, wings pure white. 

Thunbergia (Blackeyed Susan)—A very good pot and basket-plant........ fo 05 
Sweet Sultan (Centaurea moschata)—Mixed.............0...0.0..0... 000 ie) 
Salvi wees rach blue: flowers....../ 485. Sica cc esd. cece cece bedee tees IO 
Tropzolum—See Nasturtium. 

Valenti mlinem@ orsmixed os... 5. . ae ee tla eee 5 
Verbena—Very fine, mammoth mixed..... 6 dias cee; tty Poe aoe arnt ge I ee Io 


i060 eee sie 0 6 Seem ee) w sie mee a we ate sles 6 = a «60 (py. om die wi 6) 9.6 

20 F. A. Miller Plant and Seed Company 

Wallflower—Single dark brown ..............0.... 00002000. Py a 5 
“ Oo.) avieted (dec... .. A Oo ae: Se 5 
. Donbie mised)... es «oo ak ie be ee oe Io 

Xeranthemum (Everlasting)—Red, white and purple, mixed 
Zinnia—Very elegant showy annuals; extra double mixed 

Native California Flower Seeds 

These are all well worth cultivating and are also most desirable to send to 

friends abroad. 10cents per package, six packages for 50 cents. 

Clarkia Pulchella. Free flowering annual, of a bright pink. 

Eschscholtzia Californica. Yellow poppy. | 

Nemophvla Insignis. Baby blue-eyes. 

Romneya Coulteri. The great California bush poppy. Flower cream-color; 
4 to 5inchesin diameter; fragrant. 

Delphinium Nudicaule (Scarlet Larkspur.) Grand perennial, growing 6 feet 
Azalea Occidentalis (Honeysuckle). White, yellow shading; very cena 

Ceanothus. California lilac. White and blue. 

Fremontia Californica. Beautiful mountain shrub. 
Lathyrus Splendens. Crimson perennial pea, great novelty. 
Lupinus. Fine mixed. 

Cornus Nuttallii. Large flowering dog-wood. 

Photinia Arbutifolia. Christmas berry. 

Clover, Grass and Other Seeds 

Alfalfa Clover. Per pound, 15 cents. 

Crimson Clover. Per pound, 20 cents. 

Red Clover. Per pound, 15 cents. Large 
White Dutch Clover. Per pound, 35 cents. quantities at 
Kentucky Blue-grass. Per pound, 25 cents; 10 pounds, $2 
Perennial Rye-grass. Per pound, 15 cents. 

Italian Rye. Per pound, 15 cents. Rates. 
Timothy. Per pound, ro cents. 

Orchard Grass. Per pound, 20 cents. 

Tobacco, Sumatra. Per package, 25 cents. 

e Havana. Per package, 10 cents. 

Sunflower. Large Russian. Per package, 5 cts.; ounce, rocts.; ; pound, 25 cto 


Abies Douglassiti (Douglass Spruce) 



Acacia Pycnantha 

Cassia Floribunda. Constant bloomer 

Seeds, Plants and Bulbs. 

Tree and Shrub Seeds 

Small packets, 10 cents each. 

Per oz. 

Menziesii (Northern Fir) 
Concolor (Mountain Fir) 

ee se 6. oS Wwe Safe Ss Se 8 8 Se 6 8 Pe 

2 2 es. 6. Wie eS. 0 a eee 6 0 « o (a) Qe b ena 6 fale ee wel She ee, mee ee 6 

5 SU ST Le a ener) Sr ek ee 
ae PeerIRONeN eg fs 0) oc... eee ete coe: 
om Pane Aes ee eh SD... ROO gers ere 
“ MESES SMAEA Set aie. 3. SE Cee oe Poe 
- PrCeMeO MNO OF 2 a... ee 2 ee see cee 
“s BRA SMIER Jai ee ies Con ees 
Sy POC BCEEIOCeS () 6 See). . cern als IN, 

Cupressus Goveniana (Dwarf Cypress) 

oi Lawsoniana (Lawson Cypress).................--- 
. Macrocarpa (Monterey Cypress) ............ 
= Guadalupensis (Blue Cypress)...............-.... 

Draccena Indivisa 

ae Australis 

Semele ese © es 6 fae = pinta) © thin ash ale ee. @ jee) 8.e ye 

ea 6 8 & Om 6 Se = © er mw eis (aw eee Ob lt cm) ele «18 

Picea Amabilis (Silver Fir) 
ee rameter CREM. HIT) oo oc... Meg ys Lo eka eee 
‘© Pungens (Blue Spruce) 
Pinus Coulteri 
7) secemontiana (Nut Pitte)..!%.% .. .ceteoss ese se oe ss 
‘¢  Insignis (Monterey Pine) .... 
‘¢ ss Jeffreyii 
«c Lambertiana (Sugar Pine) 
is Muricata 

Ge ee 0 o Caren Eales 5 a ess «8 a 6, a 

Lemmnaeresa (Yellow Pine). .......esise. es. cas 
‘«  Sabiniana (Digger Pine)...... 
MEMIRESMIRCT ee... ss... - SAE eee Seeks 
SequpiaMeeatitea (Bio Tree).......... geen ck ee. 
as Sempervirens (Redwood) 
Arbutus [lenziesii (Madrona) 
Aratostaphylos (Manzanita) 
Calycanthus Occidentalis (Spice Bush)................. - 

- =) Ghee fe  igve,® >, jes ee © 5 = 

pia6e a.00. 5 6.0 = Mimieheie o Bieta oe ue ows! & » a s\e 

«ew Wiel) by 2 © « Melee sie le seam See ey win ws 

Sicke a Cee S Ve meme MI Sia + ee ee Re eS See ee © «eS © ie 

oe Mises «0 = »i en ae 0) 4, 2 os ahs 

Niue este | -a.8 Cee —) wal a.e am oe, 0 ¢ oS deme na c= ipo) «9 (mies oine (oie) m) iene 

Bieta wie seine @ @ 6 Be © @)\s see « 6 «0 Cieetaim ele wie we ew) «ee © ae 

a» « © Bip ee hee eo) Clee miele es 6 wee 

ces ee 

oe © afm ale! 0s a « o jens He) W on a) = 8 6 6's 

Sie ales Sle les sie 2 eo aS ee 6 o(@ Simi sotn 4s eae «env. 2h a ele me ee 

“ta Ty tv 

* ape’) © 

© 2) a 




25 cts. $2 50 





© bb» WW DH ND EH 

b® ®W wp HK BW WY KH OI HS HL A 

BS kl eikS: NDC, Gd eel 



22 F. A. Miller Plant and Seed Company 

Cercis Occidentalis (medbudy” ¢. ;: >: . ees’. ee 25 2 50 
Yucca Baccata (Sosnien Bayonet) ..... Boo. 2. 22 cece ee uberee 50 
oy Whippieyary te ie elses... 7. RR ees bee 50 
* Crevaloliag se eh ok. d. RR a 50 

Palm Seeds 

ea RRC eS ec eee a Io seeds, Io cents; Ioo seeds, 75 cents 

PORN ey) een aie. iolh(UlhCOUis)6 SS eee 

i Filamentoza (Washingtonia) ....10 ‘‘ Io “ 100 '*f~ , 25 cents 

“ _ Robusta (Washingtonia)......... MEG CMU 

Vegetable Seeds 

We send all 5 cent and io cent packages free by mail. Bulky seeds by the 

ounce or pound at the purchaser’s expense. 
PEE: Oz, “Eas 

Artichoke. ereen alobe cs ye v2). .:) Bee ees 5 cts, “a5 cre 
Asparagus. Palmetto: “Phe best....... ees...) ok 5 ime) 
Beans, Early Mohawk. Very early................. 15 cts. 
‘ German Black Wax or Butter. ..Givuo. 0... 15 
* Pxtta Hartly melusecs....,.-:... . Bapeewe seeks 15 
ae Gelder Wats (iets... Pee One 15 
se APA ae eee epee Vie ions + eee ee 20 
rf Pole, Old Homestead........ ae. Aa 20 
Beets, iiiproved Blood’ Turnip... ... Bowes. 5 10 70 
ey Dark Red Hoeypeian.. 2.6... ... Mees ss on 5 10 60 
de Galden Tankard Mangel::,.... ggmeess «5s hao Io 30 
s Rae AE CURR ee one Sok ns GRO ME EI aey Io 30 
Brevcoli.. Harly White Cape.:........Geecis- cs es: 5 25 
reesers SOrouwle 032 es asics i... A ws”. loe ene 5 25 
Cabbage —Cox’s Harly Spring... ....... Betas se ne vcee 5 35 
x Americatimproved Savoy..,............ 5 25 
« SAE Ope epee so» , Be cars ae 5 35 
“s ROG Dali ew acs se ee a 5 30 
Carrot—Early Hearieh) Pron... .. Mae ee 5 15 
‘e))  EyORS Oraneegens. shcdh ars.» . «. MRE iets ete 5 15 
Balt Voue Orange (Darsvers) . 2 eek es 5 15 
oh), NG RELY enone CE en. . | NEES. ¢ Smcne 5 15 
Canniiower—Early PAs nha... ko. En a eae 10 75 
ig Autaenn inne... .. . Wee caw ees we 5 50 
Celery—White Plume. The Best................... 5 25 
Celeriac—(Turnip-Rooted Celery).2................. 10 30 
Sweet Corn—Early Minnesota...............0...00. 15 
Se ie Crosby’s Harly Sacer... . okie iica wee 15 
ee se Stowell’s Hyerpreen:..... 95.20 aioe 15 
POT TS PSs ie ks Saw ees». . Ee ee 5 Io 15 
Cure oatae yeh Lee 5 15 

a ee SUERTE a hie so oso oo RARE w wad «ine $f) 
Ceeasl 92 er eee! RMR Maca... . . seem Sache 
intcery—Laree rooted. o.oo. $a... .. Tee esas 
Cucumber—FHarly Cluster)... ici... .. Sees Sess 
4 One Groom meer sc... HES nc sien 5 = 
Eee Piant—Parly Lous Purple. ....... 28802. soc. 
Kale—Tall Green, Curled Scotch.................... 
MRC EMIA Dl Wath Green ova css... . .apee a snc ees 
eamtlewe—_ Gree Crricd ce. 8... 2... ea os Sek - 
Rolst tabi—-Harly Witte... 5... 2... ee ee 
Peeks —laree Ameriean Blac... 5 25... geese oe es 
Lettuce—Improved Hanson.... .......... See I 
ny Harhy @usled Stimpson’... . Saeco eas 
a Comms Witte, Cos: best head ..320..20...- 
. Barlyseeteewtead. 2c... .. . Lae es, cote 
Watermelon —Seleeted Lodi. ....:.... sugpe sos es. 
ok: Southern Rattlesnake or Gipsy ...... 
= Muaan Oucen . 2 2.3... ees eS - 
Musk Melon—Large Nutmeg...................0055 
i 4g atiy Hacketisack . |... . Seaeee sesce 
Onien— Excite Barly Red .............. gabe ss 26: - 
‘i PRE DRNVEES Noes. oS ks... one oe 
- WhittesPortueal (silver skin)... .023.< 2:2. 
PERSE ir CR EPSENIN OS 0 20 nts ic a i ss ees 
Pumpkins—Conneticut Field........... iene Ee = 
Parsley—Fine Double Curled....................... 
Paes Tone Witte. 22... 24g... . eee ae = ne 
Peas—Ameriean Wonder....5...:...... gegen ctsn ee 
‘< Meciean’s Little Gem..... ee | . e 
as weGeksittte Hero. late)... Sk... Gee eck wee 
Seed Peeeh oy tieee 2) och. ate aus ieee. . Me tia on 
Pepper—Large Bell or Bull Nose..........-......... 
>= Fone Red Pomted 2... 3... . Gene es 2 
Pee cameck Wretirat 22.0500 >... . Gees ee 
Radish—Early Scarlet Turnip................. ..-.. 
= Barly eMoue soearicts (30)... . . Saeed. - 
ay Barly Krenel Breakfast... .... . Sc. 3. = 
a Reid. piack Qpanish:: ..... . Cage ee... ac 
PanIbATH—waclLOrial. - 2 225 2.05... . ae bead 
Sreesty Or Oyster. Pianb\.)o.. uc so +... te ks Sd I 
Squash—Harly Bush Scallop....................005 
" BOSeOi WEALEOWG> = oc = fs s< s . «5c es Ge ial 
“ RDA. ne eck ae ls. a + » Se eee 
SPINIeU—— SHVehy-ICAVER foo. ce ses. » ee ce ss 
3s Boemiew or Witter...) .......aqeena eee. oe 
howate—orone. | hhe best.......0.:... [$e ees 

z NPIceLeuehtGpiy icc .t. s+... Lee ee ke See 
Turnip—Purple Top, straped-leaved................. 

oe Hacky White Blat Dutch:.,..'... 032... 
2 Ruta Baga, improved yellow............... 

(oo, UO) OO, Sod NO, On ee od OO, OO, Co, Oo, OMS o> me, mo, a ao, ao, es es ea | 

Ln I en Ln con GO | 
(2) fo} fo) (&) 


nw wntwn own 


non unn on wn YW wn UI wn 










20 cts. 


24 F. A. Miller Plant and Seed Company 

Aromatic and Sweet Herbs 

YN | a a ny rn nr ie iM | MMos Ge $o 05 
Sweet Basil. 15... i i eee es RR oo Pear ee 5 
P|) in a a er Om Meee TE 5 
spvect Fennel o.oo... ee alee ec etn be © +: IMs val, ops BRE er 5 
ssweet Majoram . oo. ho. ei cesn tute 4 + + dpe roce os es ld ee 10 
Sl eee SMM RI yi ee fe) 
Summer Savory ic... es Oa oa ids » AE ok 4s a © Oe 5 
hc er em, ONEROUS 15 

Flower Pots 
We can furnish as follows: 

Size Per Dozen Per 100 Size Per Dozen Per 100 

ob) ae ieee fo 25 $I 50 ATC as I ea ae $o 75 $5 00 
PANG. LS 35 2 00 Bee cet. 5s a. go 6 00 
Asien ice oS, 45 2 50 pet SGT So isle: oc 73 8 I 35 I0 00 
rts 7 s Cie ae ee 60 3 50 a 

Best Fertilizer 

Genuine Pulverized Sheep Manure 

The richest and best for all purposes. Can be mixed up dry with the soil at 
the rate of four pounds to one wheelbarrow of soil, or can be dissolved in water at 
the rate of one teacupful to one gallon of water, to be applied to growing plants 
once a week. We know of nothing better. For grass-plots ur lawns use about 
three pounds to ten feet square, and water immediately after. For roses and 
other plants, remove a little of the top soil around each plant, apply a tablespoon- 
ful of the manure, cover up and water. Price: 5 cents per pound; 6 pounds for 
25 cetits ; per 100 pounds, $3.00, 

Canary Island Guano 

A Wonderful Stimulant for Plants, Lawns and Trees 

One teaspoonful to a gallon of water applied once a week to growing plants 
is most beneficial. In potting or re-potting plants, mix about one teaspoonful 
with the soil, for a 6-inch pot. Kor lawn dressing, use at the rate of two pounds 
to 50 square feet (5x10). Price of 3-pound bags, 25 cents. Special rates for large 
quantities. ; 

Imported Garden Trowels 

PEAY STEEL EOWVEIS* Ol cgigy.c oe ahs: . omeenaei ais 44 koa ewe ie 50 ceuts each 

Remedy Against Insects 

The Green Fiy, Scale, and other insect pests are very detrimental to plants. 
In our experience we find the ‘‘Sulphur Tobacco Soap’’ very effective. { A 
solution of this soap at the rate of two ounces to one gallon of water will kill 
Green Fly and Mealy Bug outright, and will kill mildew, and other fungus 
growth, without doing the least harm to the most tender growth. The proper 
method to apply the solution is by a syringe, or, when only a few plants need the 
application, the rubber sprinkler answers the purpose. The proper time to apply 
the solution is morning and evening. 

Price of Sulphur Tobacco Soap, 60 cents per pound. By mail, 10 cents per 
pounds extra. 

Price of Heavy Garden Syringes, $1.50 to $2.00 each, by freight or express, 

Patent Rubber Sprinkler $ By mail 15 cents additional. 

We can supply these at SHORT NOTICE and forward or deliver 
them in good condition to any reasonable distance. 

Fine Roses and Carnations 
can be supplied at any season of the year at market rates, carefully 
packed, and sure to give satisfaction. 

Chrysanthemums, Violets and Lilies 

Funeral. Designs 

Fern Dishes 
Fancy Pots and 
Fancy Pot Covers 


(550 Market Street, San Francisco 

Phone Mint 2131 

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