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if ——_——__ Bail = e d G e 
‘o—-_- To Our Friends, Greeting. 

i ; —— As we hand you our TWENTIETH ANNUAL SEED BOOK, it is like shaking hands with old 
friends, for many of you have been with us from the beginning. We heartily thank you one 
and all for your liberal patronage in the past and ask for your continuance so long as we 
give you the BEST SEEDS at the right prices. ALNEER’S SEEDS are always the RELIABLE 

Some seed crops this year are very short, particularly Cucumbers, Muskmelons, Watermel- 
ons, Peas, Beans, Squashes, Pumpkins, Tomatoes and Sweet Corn. The cucumber crop is the 
worst in thirty years. Prices this year on nearly all these will be a little higher but we haye 
made them as low as we possibly could. Our advice is, order early, as some of these will be so 
short, that late in the season we may not be able to furnish them. 

We want your trade and it will be to your advantage to buy from us, for we can SAVE YOU 
MONEY. Sendin your orders as early as possible. 

Thanking our friends and patrons for their kindness and liberal orders in the past, and so- 
liciting a continuance of the same, Send in your orders as early as possible, and induce all your 
neighbors and friends to join their orders with yours, and all send for ALNEER’S RELIABLE 


We are always glad to 
receive these orders, and 
all persons who will send 
e us such orders we will 

give the following cash discounts from catalogue prices for seeds in 
packets only. 

On a Club order amounting to $3.00 in packets, 15 per cent cash discount. 
On a Club Order amounting to $5.00 in packets, 20 per cent cash discount. 
On a Club Order amounting to $10 OO in packets, 30 percent cash discount. 

Positively, these offers arefor seeds in packets only. Seeds by weight 
or measure, plants, bulbs and implements cannot be included in 
these club rates. With our low prices, this makes the greatest offer 
in seeds ever made. Any one canina few hours among neighbors 
make upa club. 

= Every year we distribute 
Seeds Given Away, or Extras, free toourcustomers large 
quantities of seed packets of choice and rare sorts. The larger the 
order the greater will be the number of extras thrown in as a rule, 
exceptions being made only when heavy bulk seeds are ordered 
such as farm seeds. 
OUR PACKETS We guarantee that our packets are large 
. size and well filled with choice, fresh 
seeds. Ourcustomers say that our packets are larger and better 
filled than most seedsmen’s le se Wee PO helt size packets. 
e believe that the seeds we offer are 
What we Warrant. excelled by none in the world. yet our 
practical experience of many years fully assures us of the fact that 
crops may fail no matter how fresh and pure the seeds sown to pro- 
duce them may be. Therefore, while we exercisethe greatest care 
to have all seeds pure and reliable, it is hereby mutually agreed be- 
tween ourselves and the purchaser that we are not in any respect 
liable or responsible for the seeds sold by us, or for any loss or dam- 
age arising from any failure thereof in any respect, further than 
that should they not prove as represented, we will refill the ‘order 
without Goer ee . i 4 ; efor nk 
. 1ave been placed as low as possible for first quality and honest seeds besides 
Our PriceS the many Extras we shall continue to freely thon 
. All seeds, bulbs and plants are sent free by 
Seeds, Bulbs and Plants Free by Mail. mail or express at paced quoted to any art 
of the United States unless otherwise specified except seeds by the 4% bushel, 4 bushel, % bushel, 
and bushel, which are sent by express or freight at buyer’s expense. In such instances we re- 
serve the privilege of enclosing in the bags or packages such small packets as may be Ordered, 
as it does not increase the transportation charges, and, in consideration of this we will add 
enough extras to fully repay our customers for this kindness, 
HOW TO SEND MONEY The money must accompany the order, and can be sent safely by 
, « Postoffice Money Order, by Draft on New York or Chicago, by 
Registered Letter and Express Company’s Money Order. Please do not send individual checks, 
as it costs 25 cents extra to have them returned to your bank to be cashed. We disclaim all re- 
sponsibility when remittances are not made as above directed. Very small amounts may be 
sent in postage stamps. = bald b 
ease remember to write your Name, Postoffice, County and State, as 
Name and Address. distinctly as possible, especially the name, also the ReaTens Express 
Office. Wecanshipby American, Adams and United States Express, as desired. 

Address all Letters and make Money Orders and Drafts Payable to 


ys * . 2 : NEW COFFEE BERRY. 
SAA EY i Dost coffee substitute ever dis- 
3 Choice Flower — &| iismeniestinntlntowstnes tet 
Seed Packets 


*. s4>1t is amost 
SPELTZ—What 1S it? wonderful 
new grain which we are sure will prove 
of great value. A few years ago an 
emigrant from Russia brought some 
to this country, and it has proved to be 
of most wonderful valne. Botanically 
itis known as Triticum Spelta,andis 
supposed to be the grain grown in 
Egypt in the time of loses. Speltz is 
good for pusture. Speltz fattens in the 
green state,isa green grass hay food. 
Speltz is alsoa hay. [t will yield from 
40 to 60 bushels grain, equalto corn or 
barley or oats, rye or wheat, of high 
feeding value and tons of straw hay 
almost equal to timothy for feeding 
cattle. Sow it at the rate of 1% bushels 
tothe acre. Price, lb 25c, 3 1b 60c, post- 
paid. By express or treight,%4 bu Tic, 
bu $2.00. 

Ua mt, 

apart, one berry every teninches,and 
cultivate like corn and beans. Are 
easily raised. A single plant will pro- 
duce from 150 to 250 pods. Mix about 
half and half with coffeeand you will 
have a perfect drink, It is also very 
valuable for feeding stock, as it adds 
greatly me a oe Ce 
pkt 5c pt 12c, pt 20c, qt 35c, postpaid. 
Aster, Poppy, Pansy, By express % bu 60c, 4, -ennna 
Pink, Balsam, Mignonette. 
Cypress Vine, Phlox. Candytuft, E 

Sweet.Peas, Petunia, Zinnia. 

The Peanut is easily grown inevery state. It re- 
quires but little care beyond that of thorough culti- 
vation. A light soilis preferable. Plantabout same 
time ascorn. Rootlets shoot into the ground from 
the vine and peanuts are formed at the end under 
the surface. By mail,% lb 1l0c, % lb 15c, Ib 25c, 2 lbs 
45c. 5 lbs $1 00. 

If you get more than one copy of this 
Catalogue kindly hand the extra one to a 
neighbor who buys seeds. Market Gard- 
eners and Truckers send for Wholesale 
Catalogue. We cansave you money. 




Sow seeds early in the spring in well prepared, best by all growers. Pkt 4c, oz 6c, 44 1b 18c, % 1b 
Tich ground, in rows a foot apart. Setthe plants 30c, 1b 50c. 
out fora permanent bed the succeecing spring, * Palmetto. New, early and very large. The best 
in rows two by three feet, in very highly enricued and largest in cultivation and an enormous 


|. ground. ! yielled. Price pkt 4c, oz 6c lb 15c, 4% 1b 25c, 

//Columbian Mammoth White. A fine new / ib 45c is { Wee : 
Variety, wonderfully productive and robust,” Conover’s Colossal, The old standard sort, 
The white color is of great advantage. Has very tine. Pkt 3c. oz 5c, 4 1b 12c, % Ib 20c. 
been thoroughly tried and is considered the 

1b 35c. 

One half of a pod showing size and fle:hy thickness. 

Beans—Dwarf or Bush. 

The beans are very sensitive to frost and cold, and should 
not be planted before ground has become warm and light, 
Plant three to fiveseed in hillstwo and one-half by one-foot 
inthe row. Ourpackets are full-size and large as usual. 

y xosemite Mammoth Wax Bush. Thepods aremammoth 
in size, of ahandsome waxen color, and are very nearly all 
pulp, and are absolutely stringless. The monster pods aver- 
age eight to ten inches in length and are the thickness of a 

Yosemite Mammoth Wax Beans. 





Alneer’s Rust-Proof Goiden Wax: Dwarf Beans. 

man’s finger. 
Almeer’s Rust-ProofGolden Wax Dwarf. 
Thismost excellent bean is without doubt 
the best bush bean in existence. Has large 
waxy, yellow pods, seven to eight inches 
long, and entirely stringless.' As a snap 
bean it excels all others in tenderness and 
richness of flavor. Pkt5c, % pt 12c, pt 20c, 
gt 35c. % bu 65c, 4 bu $1.25, 4% bu $2.50 bu $6.00 

/ Golden Wax Dwarf. Strong growing bush 

variety of remarkable vigor and freedom 
from rust. Pods are thick, meaty; of a rich 
yellow color; fine quality. Pkt5ic,% pt 10c, 
pt l7c, qt 82c, 4g bu 65c, %4 bu $1.25. % bu $2 50, 
bu $5.00, 

New Pavis Wax Dwarf. Pods waxy white, 
long, straight and thick. Beans clear white, 
kidney shaped, very productive. Compact 
upright growth. Pktic, % pt 10c, pt 17c qt 32c, 
¥% bu 55c, 4% bu $1.00 % hu $1.90, bu $3.75. 

Jones’ Stringless Wax Bean. A new 
variety with round stringless pods of un- 
surpassed beauty and quality. Itis very 
hardy and productive. Pkt 5c, % pti2c, pt20c, 
gt 38c. 4% bu 80c, % bu $1 50. . 

Burpee’s Bush Lima. Itisa perfect bush 
form ofthe trueluscious Lima Bean; an im- 
mense yielder; each bush bears 50 to 200 
of the large handsome pods, well filled with 

large beans, which are identical in size and 

‘in luscieus flavor withthe well known pole 
Lima. Price pkt ic, % pt 12c, pt 20c, qt 38c, 
% bu 75c, 14 bu $1.50. . 
reer’s Bush Lima. [t is of vigorous bushy 
habit. from 1% to2 feet high; pods in great 
abundance; thick, sweet and succulent, 
Pkt 5c, % pt12c,pt 20c, qt 38c, % bu 75c,44 bu$l.50, 

Henderson’s New Bush Lima. The Hen- 
derson’s New Bush Lima grows without the 
aid of stakes or polesin the compact bush 
form from 15 to 18 inches high, and produces 
enormous crops of delicious Lima Beans. 
Pkt 5c, % pt ic, pt 20c, gt 8c, % bu 7c, %4 

bu $1 50. 

We prepay postage on Beans 


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Pkt 5c, % pt 12c, pt 20c, qt 38c. % bu 85c. 

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ardwells MWidney 



Wax Dwarf. Hardy and 

productive. Pods long, broad, flat, and of a delicate 

waxy yellow, brittle and entirely stringless. 

and heavy yielder. 
Y% bu 65c, % bu $1,25. 


Pkt ic, % pt 10c, pt 20c, qt d5c, 

by the pkt, half pint, pint and quart. 

( ao 85, % bu $1.80, bu 
‘ly proved Extra Karly Red Valentine. Very early, 
and one of the best green podded sorts; continues in 
the green state longer than most varieties. Pkt 5c. 
46 pt 10c, pt lic, qt 28c, 4g bu 50c,344 bu 90c,%bu $1.75, 
bu $3.25. 

Best of All. A new valuable medium early variety, 
bears abundantly. eeeeods are long and very fleshy 
succulent green pods of fine flavor. Oneof the best ’ 
green pod sorts. Pkt5ic,4% pt 1l0c, pt lic, qt 82c,% bu 

yt _ 0c, % bu 9ic, 42 bu $L.80, bu $3.50. 

Long Yellow Six Weeks. Hardy and prolific. Pkt 
pe 2 pt 10c, pt lic, qt 28c, 44 bu 50c. 4 bu 95c, % bu $1.80, 
u $3.50. 

Extra Early Refagee. A prolific bushsort, very early. 
Per pkt 5c. % pt 8c, pt lic, qt 8c, 4% bu 50c, & bu 9c, % 
bu $1.75, bu $3.25. 

V Old Homestead Pole. (Kentucky Wonder.) It is 
enormously productive, the pods hanging in great 
clusters from top to bottom of pole. It is entirely 
stringless, and the pods are a silvery green color.The 
pods though large, cook tender and melting. Pkt ic, 

y % pt lc. pt 20c. qt 88c, % bu 75c, 14 bu $1.40. 

Golden Andalusia Wax Pole. Wonderfully produc- 
tive. [t being nothing unusual to pick over half a 

bushel from a single vine at one picking. The pods 

are from five to seven inches long, exceedingly rich, 
buttery and tinely flavored. They commence bearing 
their magnificent pods in great abundance when the 
vines are quite young, and continue to bear profusely fi] 
the entire season. /u great productiveness. fine fi 
quality and ever-bearing character they stand 
unequalled, Price, pkt 5c, % pt 12c, pt 22c, qt 40c, % bu 


aa Lazy Wife’s. A bean that is unsurpassed for use in 
auy season. Pods long, broad and thick, easy to } 
gather. Stringless, rich and buttery when cooked. 
Pkt 5c. &% pt 12c, pt 20c, gt 40c, 4 bu $1.00. 

Dreer’s Golden Siuster Wax Pote. _ The pods area 
beautiful goldenyellow from six to eight inches long, 
borse profusely in clusters of fourtosix. Price, pkt 

Pagans Dee pees t ae sf Oe ee $1.50. na dade = 

#ord’s Mammoth ‘Podde ima Bean, e podso , 
this grand Lima bean grow seven to Ford’s Pole Lima Beans. 
eight inches long, produced in clusters 
ot three and four. and contain from five 
to seven large beans per pod, of the 
most excellent quality. Per pkt 5c, % pt 3 On’ 

4 Be pte qt 38c, % bu Tc, % bu $1.40. Ns 
King of the Garden Lima Pole. New lf 

and much more propuctive than the Vi PR 


N LD E ¥ Prolific or Improved German Black Wax Dwarf, 
E Oo ' Waxy, transparent, yellow pod; fine. Pkt 5c, 42 pt Ic 
BEAN: pt lic, gt sc. 4 bu fac 4 bu $125, 9 bu $2.60, bu $5.00, 

N ysl : Early Mohawk Beans. A good early green podded 

variety. Pkt5dc,% pt 8c, pt lic, qt 28c,*% bu H0c, % bu 
; $3.59, 


Qi = 
wh & 

common large Lima. Very prolific, pro- # F 
ducing continually to the end of the #& s HEAVY YIELDER 
season; unsurpassed in quality. Pkt ic, f HA BEST BEAN FOR 
4 pt 12c, pt 20c, qt 38c, 4g bu 7, %4 bu $1.40, f Es tA NY RO 
. te bu $2.75. Ip fi \ 
Dreer’s Improved Lima Pole. Matures es 3 Ay 
early, extra fine quality, large yielder, 
an excellent bean- Per pkt 5c,% pt 12c. 
pt 20c, qt 88c,% bu 7ac, 4 bu $1.40, % bu $2.75 
Mexican or Prolific Tree Bean. Very 
prolific; its habit of growthis tree like 
and vigorous. Yields from thirty to fifty 
bushels to the acre; beans pearly white, 
fine for baking. Pkt 5c, % pt 10c, pt lic, qt 
/30c, % bu 50c, % bu 95c, % bu $1.80, bu $3.50. 
urpee’s New Stringiess Green Pod. 
Very early; has long round meaty pods 
slightly curved and is perfectly string- 
less, crisp and tender. Good cropper. 

Pkt dc.46 pt 10c, pt 17c, qt 
32c, tk bu 50c, 44 bu 95c, 4% 
Alneer’s Dark 

bu $1.80, bu $3.50. 


= * 
Minn ica New Dark Crimson Globe Beet. Are of — 
a neat turnip.shape, with smooth dark red skin. The ~ 
flesh is of a very dark crimson blood red,finegrained, — 
of finest quality. When cooked itis a dark-blood-r 
color. Is very early with small tops. Pkt 4c,0z 7c, 4% 
lb 20c, 4% 1b 35c, lb 60c. 

Burpee’s Stringless Green Pod Beans. 


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_ The soil best adapted for the beet is a rich deep loam. Sowin drills } 
i inches apart, one inch deep, and thin to sixinches. For early, sow as 4 
soon as the ground cau be worked in 
the spring; for main and autumn use 
about the 5th of May. Sow the Man- 
gels in drills two feet apart and thin 
to 15 inches in the row. 

arly Eclipse. Newand very early. 

Roots smooth of perfect round 
shape. beautiful red skin and flesh 
very fine grained; the best early 
market beet, Pkt 3c, oz 5c, % Ib 12c. 
% lb 2c, lb 35c. } 

arly Blood Turnip. The oldstand- 
ard sort,vood for either early or late, 
Very fine Pkt 3c, oz 5c, % lb We, 
4% 1b 20c, 1b 35c. 

Mitchells Perfected Dark Red. 

hy This new sort, is the earliest beet 

” everintroduced,whileits table qual- 
ities are much superior to any other 
wariety. Sweetaad juicy evenafter 
it has lost its leaves fromage. Itis , 
the earliest Dark Red Short Top Tur- 
nip Beetin cultivation. Pkt 4c, oz 

fic % lb 18c, % 1b 30c, 1b 50c. 

etroit Dark Red. One of the very 
best red shaped turnip varieties. 
Has small upright growing tops, 
splendid shape and the color of the 
skin is dark blood red, the flesh deep 
bright red. Very crisp, tender and 
sweet; maturesearly, holds a long 
time in condition for use, and pro- 
duces a very uniform crop in shape. 
Pkt 4c, oz 7c, %4 1b 18, % 1b 3c, 1b50c. 

Wentz Early Blood Turnip. This 
new strain of Blood Turnip Beet is 
fully as early as the Egyptian mak- 
ing a fine market cropin6to7 weeks 
from sowing; of turnip form, with 
smooth roots, dark blood red flesh, 
tender and’sweet. Hasasmalltop, 
is productive and a perfect keeper. 


Detroit Dark Red Beet. 

coms Extra Early Dark Rei Egyptian. One 



Van more generally grown for stock. Pkt 2c, oz 5c,1441b10c, ¥%1b 

of the earliest beets incultivation,a lead- 
ding market sort, color deep red, fine. Pkt 
off 4c,0z 7c, % 1b lic, % Lb Zc, lb 40c. 

Dewing’s Improved Blood Red Turnip- Alneer’s Mammoth 
Very early, of fine form and flavor; ex- Long Red Mangel 
cellent for market. Pkt 3c, oz 5c, %4 1b Ic, Beet. 

fe 1b 20c, 1b 35c. ‘ 

Y Bastian’s Karly Gir) urnip. In earliness next to e 

VBastian’s Early Bleod Turnip. In earli t to th 
«Egyptian, color blood red. Pkt 3c,0z 5c, % lb 12c, % 1b 20¢e, Ib 35c. 

Early Bassano. Excellent and very early sort. Pkt 3c, 0z 5c, 

“%4 1b 12c, 44 1b 2c, 1b 35c. 

Long Smooth Dark Blood. An excellent long late variety. 
Pkt 3c, 0z 5c, %4 1b 12c, 46'1b 20c, 1b 35c. 

/Swiss Chard or Silver Beet. Sometimes called Sea Kale 

Beets. Excellent for greens. Pkt 3c, oz 6c, %4 1b 15c, % 1b 25c, 1b 40. 

The following varieties are grown for feeding stock. 
neer’s Mammoth Long Red Mangel Wurtzel. This variety 

_18c, 1b 30c,51bs $1.25. 
YGolden Tankard. Very valuable ard sweet variety; bright yel- 
vy low color. Pkt 2c, oz 4c, 4 1b 10c, % Ib 15c, 1b 28c,51bs $1.30. 
Mlein Wanzieben Sugar. Is fast becoming the leading sugar 
beet as it contains a larger per cent of sugar than other sorts, 
~ Pkt 3c, 02 5c, % Ib 10c. % Ib lic, 1b 28c,5 lbs $1.25. 
Y White Sugar. Attainsa large size; is very sweet. Pkt 2c, oz, 
4c, %4 1b 10c, 4 1b lic, Ib 28c, 5 Ibs_$1.25. A 
“Red Globe Wangel Wurtzel. Roots of large size and globular 
An form; fine. Pkt 2c, oz 4c, % lb 10c, % ib lic, 1b 28c,51bs $1.25, 
Hellow Globe M angel Wurtzel. Identical with the Red Globe 

except in color. Pkt 2c, 0z 4c, %4 1b 10c, % lb lic, lb 28c, 5 lbs $1.25, 

Pkt 3c, oz 5c, % 1b 12c, % 1b 20c, 1b 

POC. u 

Market Gardeners’. This variety 
is an ideal “Market Gardner’s” 
Beet, with smat!l tap-root and but 
few fibrous roots, color deep blood- 
red. When cooked they are dark 
red, fine grain and unsurpassed 
in quality. One sowing only is 
necessary to produce beets for 
main crop and for winter use. Pkt 
4c,0z 6c, 1%4 lb lic, % \b 25c, 1b 4c. 

? arly Electric. In shape it is ai- 
mostround. Phe color is crimson. 
Is extremely early and of finest 
/ quality. Pkt3, oz 6c, 44 lb 12c, % lb 
yf 20c, 1b 35c. 
' Almeer’s Ex. Early Columbia. The 
roots are a neat turnip Shape, with 
smooth skin and deep blood red 
flesh, of rich, tender quality. Is 
ready to use very early, growing 
as quickly as does the Egyptian, 
Compared with such famoussorts 
as Edmands and Kclipse, the 
Columbia has proved earlier Pkt 
4c, oz 7c, % 1b 18c, 4% 1b 30c, 1b 50c. 


Alneer’s Extra Early Columbia Beet. 

* fieid. The earliest and’ best cabbage 

American Grown Seeds. 

For early use, sow seeds in hot beds 
about the first of March; transplant as 
early as possible in the xround about 18 
inches to 2 feet apart in very highly en- 
riched soil. For late and winter use, 
sow seeds in open ground about May 
Ist to 10th. Plants are usually set in 
June and July, at a distance of 3 feet 
between rows and 24% feet between the 


xtra Selected Early Jersey Wake- 

in cultivation. Our seed is direct from 
originators of the well known Jersey 
Wakefield Cabbage. This strain has 
been highly prized forits purity and 
sure heading qualities, heads being 
very targe with small outside foliage. 
There is none better. Pkt 5c, oz 20c, 
Y% 1b b5ce, % 1b $1.15, 1b $2.10. 

True Enrly Jersey Wakefield. Very 
early and excellent; good Amerian 
seed such as is generally sold, Pkt 4c, 
oz lic, %4 lb 4ic. % 80c, 1b $1.50, 

All Seasons Cabbage. This excellent 
cabbage, as its nameindicates,is good 
forallseasons and makes both a splen- 
did early and late variety. Itis re- 
markably sure for heading and makes 
a large hard head ofsuperior quality. 
Pkt 4c, 0z 12c, % Ib 40c, 42 1b 70c, 1b $1.30. 

The Lapton Cabbage. Fine, large late 
cabbageof vigorous growth. Heads 
in perfect form, thick and flat, stem 
short, fine grained and sweet. Pkt dc, 
0z 12c, % lb 40c, % 1b 70c, 1b $1.30. 



yw ae = 


ter cabbage. Pkt 4c, oz 12c, % 1b 40c, % 1b 70c, 1b $1.30, aS 
yDanish Bali-Head, or Hotland, Cabbage, Genuine an 
stock grownin Denmark. Vhevariety known as Ball Head has 
been selected and perfected for more than 50 years by the Danish 
gardeners, who prize itso highly that they grow it almost exciu- 
sively for winter cabbage, and annually export large quantities to 
London and other ports. It willstand long journeys and keep far 
into spring, and is of most rich, mild flavor. Heads iy 

ball, good size, solid and very tine grained of extremely delic 
= “ cooking quality. Pkt 5c, oz 20c. % lb Bic, % Ib $1.25, lb $2.00, 
=y Fottler’s Improved Brunswick. An excellent second é 

late variety. Large and solid; very fine sort. Pkt Xe. oz 12¢, 
% lb 6dc. 1b $1.20. 

Gentlemen: [raised the finest cabbage, of the Danish Ball 
Head. from seed that I got from you last spring that Iha pnd 
grown. Nice solid heads and a good keeper. Uhavea nice lotin § 
barrels and is today as good as the day [I put it away, IT think 9 
your seed is the best and cheapest. ADAM H,. Belg, Lee 
bate ae 

Ali Season’s Cabbage. 
Our Cabbage Seed is raised fiom selected heads. Is sure crop. 




Early Winningstadt Cabbage. 

Y Early Winningstadt. One of the best earl 
Sorts. Heads ot large size. Pkt 4c,0z 12c,%41 
40c, % lb 70c, 1b $1.30. 

New short Stem Drumhead. This improved 
variety far surpasses the old strains, ripening 
earlier, with very short stalk or stem, forming 
larger and thicker heads of very fine quality, 
and the best of keepers. Wery valuable for 
market gardeners. It isa sure header, 98 large 
solid heads from every 100 plants. Pkt 5c, oz * 
Jic, %4 1b 50c, % 1b 90c, 1b $1 70. 

Alneer’s Excelsior Large, Late, Flat Dutch Cabbage. 

| Almeer’s Excelsior Large Late Flat Dutch. 
An improved and superior strain of the Late 
Flat Dutch variety. Has large solid heads, is 
white tender and very fine grained. A sure 
, Aneader and an excellent keeper. Pkt 5c, oz lic, 
1% 1b 50c, & Ld 90c, 1b $1.70. 
| Burpee’s Sure Head. A fine winter sort, has 
large fine solid Heads, with few outer leaves 
and a sure header. An excellent late winter 
ye sort. Pkt 4c,0z 12c, %4 1b 40c, % 1b 7c, 1b $1.30. 
/Large Late American Drumhead. A very 
._ Jarge late sort; round heads. Pkt 3c, oz 12c, %4 
Nb 5c, % Vb. 65c. 1b $1 20. 
' Mammoth Rock Red. Used for pickling. Pkt 
4c, oz 12c, 14 lb 40c, % lb 70c, 1b $1.30. 
enderson’s Early Spring. Of the early sum- 
7 mer type, but smaller and claimed to be as 
Faery as the Jersey Wakefield. Has few outside ¢ 

{ leaves, round in shape,slightly flattened at top 
of head, stem short. The flavor is excellent § 
= Asan early flat cabbage, it will ve a most val- 
. Wable sort to plant. Pkt 4c, oz lic, % Ib 50c, % 1b 

80c, 1b $1.50. 

'_fAlmeer’s Winter King Cabbage. This variety 

’ is the most magnificent strain of Late Flat 

Dutch Cabbage known to-day. By persistent 

selection year after year it has been brought to 

a state of perfection rarely if ever attained else 

where. The large solid heads, low short stems, 

absence of useless foliage, uniformity of size 
and shape, reliability for heading are com- 
bined in this cabbage. Pkt 5c, oz 20c, 4 lb 70c, 

44 1b $1.25, lb $2.00. 

,Menderson’s Early Summer. A fineearlysort. Large firm 
/ /heads, coming in afew days later than the Wakefield, but 
¥ much larger heads. Much prized by market gardeners. PEt 
4c, 0z 12c, % lb 40c, % 1b 70c, 1b $1.30 





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Henderson’s Early Summer Cabbage. 

Se Se eS 
Alneer’s Earliest Sure-Head Snowball Cauliflower. 


Cauliflower to do well requires a deep, rich, moist soil. Cultivate and treat same as 
abbage. Sow seeds as for cabbage. 
Almeer’s Earliest Sure-Head Snowball. A grand new fine early Cauliflower,grown 
and perfected hy the most careful growers of cauliflowers in Denmark. Itis early, 
every plant sure to makea perfect nice white head. Fine grained and of very best 
quality. Itis the peerof allcauliflowers. Pkt lic, 4% oz $1.30, oz $2.50. 
enderson’s Early Snowball. (True). A very early dwarf variety, producing fine 
white headsof best quality, every plant forming a perfect head a week earlier than 
any other sort. Owing to the short outer leaves it can be planted as closeas I8inches 
Yapart. Our seeds are genuine headquarters stock Pkt l0c, % oz $1.15, oz $2.00. 
xtra Selected Early Dwarf Erfurt. First quality seed grown in Europe. One of 
the very bestin cultivation; sure to head. Pkt l0c. % oz $1.15, oz $2 00. 4 
= Extra Early Paris. A well known early good variety. Pkt 5c, oz 4%c, 4 1b $1.25. 
tauren LeNormand’s Short Stemmed. A large late variety with well formed heads Pkt 5e, 

t Dutch Cabbage oz 40c, %4 1b $1.25. 

Alneer’s Earliest of All Cabbage. A grand new early cabbage, being 
a few days earlier thanthe Wakefield but smaller; a miost desirable 
sort for the earliest market crop. All market gardeners should plant 

i some for very earliest use. Pkt 5c, oz lic, % Ib 55c, % lb $1.00. 1b $1.75. 

Alneer’s Selected Premium Flat Dutch Cabbage. The standard 
late variety, well known and largely grown for winter use. Pkt 4c, 

_ 02 12c, %4 lb 35c, % lb 65c, 1b $1.20. 

/ Almeer’s Safe Crop. Isa large late strain of market gardeners cab- 
bage; isa sureheader. The heads are of large size, and firm, with 
but few outside leaves; stems short, foliage compact and of a beauti- 

».ful green color. Pkt 5c, oz 15c, 34 1b 40c, % 1b 75c, Ib $1.40. 

| Marblehead Mammoth. A late variety and the largest of all cab- 

bages; heads have been grown weighing fifty pounds, Pkt 3c, oz 1c, 

/ ¥%4 1b 35c, 4 1b 65c, 1b $1.20. cf 

American Drumhead Savoy Cabbage. The largest heading of the Henderson’s Eariy Snowball Cauliflower. 
Savoy sorts./Pkt ic, oz 12c, % lb d5c, 42 1b B5c, lb $1.20. 


Resembles cabbage, excellent fine flavor. Sow seedsin Intermediate between cabbage and 
April. The small heads or sprouts are much improved by | turnip, Sow in open ground in Mayor 
frost, Pkt 3c, 0z 8c, % lb 25c, %1b 45c, lb 80c, June in rows 18 inches apart; thin to 

KALE. ne foot, 

ak Wh i ee 
fi , . sh 
Sow in beds from middle of Aprilto May; transplant vie me 
daind treat the same as cabbage. der. Best market 
Green Curled Scotch. Hardy, very finely fringed. Pkt sort.Pkt4c,0z lic 
3c, 02 8c, %4 20c, % Ib 35c, 1b Buc. 7 % th 50c, 1b $1.50, 
Dwarf Curled or erman treens. Dwarf very finely 
t“ fringed. Pkt 3c, oz 8c, % lb 20c, % lb 35c, 1b 60c 

a Py 

BY YY)» Large Purple 
Wize | ANienna: Pk1 de, 
Sz: ‘ oz 15c, b4 1b 50c. 
Our seeds are 
genuine andtrue 
No better seeds 
can te had at 
any price. 

Vine Peach or Mango Melon, 

} h ripe Beer see oney become mellow use = 
any shape. ‘ine for pickles, pies, preserves &c. 00 
Vienna Kohl Rabi |’ ¢riaq in butter when greep. D-sirable where fruit is 

searce. Pkt 4c, oz 12. [ 

PRIRER ES PN ahs) hee anaemia a RES Holy alite 10c / ‘ k 
Sage. Choice American %4 lh : 10e Ove of the best salads for fall and winter use, 

DUC OL 00s ie eee ees tea BS 15c | Horehound --_- Sc 4256 Meean Curled. Very hardy, leaves dark green. Pkt de, 
Thyme, broad leaved English.3c 25c | Hyssop t 25e oz 6c, 44 lb lic. q 
Summer Savory--_.--------.---.3c 20c | Rue c 20c | French Moss Curled. Most beautifully curled. Pkt 3c, 
Sweet Basil JUise 25c | Rosemary t 24c oz 6c. %4 1b le. yp : 
Sweet Warjoram ..3c 20c|Lavender ......-...-...-..- =< 25c | Broad Leaved Batavian. The broad, thick, slightly fl 
Caraway ...- A 8c 10c | Wormwood.-..--- --.---- : 25c wrinkled leaves form a large head which is preferred T 
Coriander .... ......-----.-.----.-8c 10c pe for stews and soups. Pkt ic, oz, 6c, % Ib, 15c, t 


\\\ ROS 


Carrots thrive best in warm, light 
soil enriched with well rotted man- 
ure. Sow as early in the spring as 
the ground can beprepared,indrills 
15 inches apart; cover the s+eds 
about one-half inch deep, and thin 
wg, tofrom 3 to5inches in the row. In 
We field culture, when grown for horses 
or Cattle. the ruws should be two 
feet apart, so that the cropcan be 
// worked with horse and cultivator. 
¥ Early French Foreing. This va- 

riety which is grown largely for 
forcing purposes, is the earliest in 
cultivation, It makes a small al- 
most globe shaped root, of an or- 
angered color. Pkt 3c, oz5c,%4lb 
15c, % Ib 25c, lb 45c, 

Early Scarlet Horn. An old and 

early favorite sort. Best for early 

.Summer use. Pkt 3c, oz 6c, % lb 
-_ lic, % 1b 2xc, Lb 50c. 

.¢ Mew Guerande or Oxheart. This 

: new aud handsome carrot equals 
if not surpasses any other variety 
in shape; is very early, of most ex- 
cellent quality and a very heavy 
cropper. Pkt 3c, oz 6c, 4 1b 18c, % 

» 1b 3c, Ib 50c. 

//ialf Long Red Nantes. A variety 

"intermediate between the early 
and long orange varieties; a tine 
sort. Pkt 3c, oz 5c,41b 15c, % Ib 25c, 
lb 45c. 3 
hantenay or Model. These car- 

" rots haveattained sucha uniform. 

ity thatthey arealmost duplicates 
of each other. Very productive, 
alwayssmooth andfine in texture. 
The flesh is of a beautiful deep 
golden orange. Tender. Pkt 3c, 
oz 6c. % 1b 15c. % 1b 28c, Ib 50c. 
Ineer’s Intermediate. A most 
VY excellent variety for either field or 
garden culture. Large symetrical 
roots of a deep orange red; in size 
between the Half Long and Long 
Orange varieties, and so uniform 
in shape that they are exact du- 
plicates of each other. Pkt.4c, oz 6c, 
%4 1b 20c, % 1b 35c, 1b #0c. 
anvers Orange. Valuable sort. 
The standard sort; midway be- 
tween Long Orange and Early 
Horn; color bright orange yellow Lf, 
growing very smooth and Band: FF 
some, yielding from 20to 25 tons to 7 
he acre. Pkt 3c, oz 6c, %41b 8c, % 

4 1b 30c, 1 50c. 

YY Long Orange Improved. Roots of 
large size, equally adapted to 
gardening ors farm culture. 
A standardsortand very 
fine. Pkt 8c. oz 5c,%4 1b 

15c, % 1b 25c, lb 45c.. . 



Used for salads; of pungent taste. 
Extra Curled. Very fine. Pkt 2c, 

A Alneer’s New Beauty Carrot. 
Almeer’s new Beauty. The ideal 

Mastodon. The heaviest cropping car- 

low sorts. Itisah 
Sessing hig 



0z 5c, 14 Ib lic, 4% 1b 25c, lb 40c. 

carrot of handsome shape; rich, gold- 
en color, an immense cropper teuder 
and delicious Fine foreither market 
or family use. The pertect carrot. 
Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % 1b 30c, %4 Ib 50c, lb 80c. 


nae Siow apo aeen fs Merite, crisp, 
Uhe roots are short an eavy at th 
18c, % Ib 28c, lb 50c. z 
Thisis th 

solid and very sweet in flavor. 
e shoulder. Pkt 3c, oz: 6c, 44 Ib 

e largest and heaviest cropping carrot of the yel- 
ae€avy Cropper on all soils, of excellent quality, pos- 
h feeding properties. Pkt3c, oz6c, % Ib 18r, % Ib 28c, lb 50c. 
e Belgian. Large, good for stock, Pkt 2c, 0z 5c, 41b 12c, 


arge Whit 
1b20c,lb 35c. 





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ge lew ly: 











Qa ht 


<S > 

3288 r) 

New Honey Sweet. lHusks and Stalks are 
of a deep red color, while the corn itselfisa 
beautifulcream white, and has the deepest 
grain and smallest cob of any known varie- 
ty; very productive. Pkt ic, % pt 10c, pt 15>, 
qt 25c 4g bu f0c. 144 bu 70c, % bu $1.25. bu $2 25. 

Clark’s None Such, It is a strong, vigorous 
grower and heavy -.yielder; pink colored 
cobs with white grains of good size; sweet 
and tender; has 12 to 14 rows; comes into 
use after the earlier varieties. Pkt 5c, % pt 

, 10c, pt l5c, qt 25c, % bu 40c, 4 bu 70c, % bu $1.25, 

/ bu $2.25. 

Burpee’s Earliest Sheffield. This new 

Extra Early variety is a cross between the 
The Sheffield can be planted as 


Alneer’s Extra Early Columbia Sweet 


Corn does bestin moderate rich soil; do not plant before settled 
warm weather. Theearly more dwarf varieties should be planted |y 

2 by 3 feet apart, the larger and later kinds4by 4 feet apart in hills. 
.4to 6 seeds ina hili. Ourpackets are full sizeand large as “made 



Almeer’s Extra Early Columbia. The above illustration, made 
true from nature, gives some idea of this grand new sugar corn 
The Extra Early Columbia is an acquisition of rare value. This 
new and valuable variety of Sweet or Sugar Corn has eclipsed all 
other sorts. The Extra Early Columbia is as early as the Cory and 
nearly twice as large, being 12 rowed and of great length. the col- 
oris a beautifulcreamy white. In quality, sweetnessand flavor it 
is Superior to any early sort known and is also a heavy yielder. 
Alneer’s Extra Barly Columbia Corn is the best and largest early 
sweet corn ever offered. Do not fail to include the Columbia Corn 
in your order. Price per pkt 5c. % pt 12c, pt 20c, qt 35c, 4g bu 50c,% 

} bu 90c, % bu $1.60, bu $3.00 
Extra Early Cory. One of the earliest varieties of sweet corn 
known. Hasa large ear considering the size of the stalk, small 
cob well filled with broad grains. Pkt 5c, % pt8c, pt lic, qt 25c 4s 

bu 40c, 44 bu 7c, % bu $1.25, bu $2.25. 
The stalks are no largerthan those 

New Mammoth white Cory. 
of the Extra Early Cory, but each stalk furnishes two or more 

large fine 12 rowed ears to the stalk. The grain is large, broad 
and of very good quality. [s very early. Pkt ic, % pt 8c, pt lic, qt 
25c.44bu 40c, % bu 70c, % bu $1.25, bu $2.25. 

Early Minnesota, Very early, most excellent variety; ears good 
size and uniform, Pkt5c, % pt 8c, pt lic, qt 25c, 4g bu 40c,% bu 70c, 
% bu $1.25, bu $2 25. 

: Moore’s Barly Concord. A fine second early variety. Pkt 5c, %2 
pt 8c, pt lic. qt 25c. 4% bu 40c, 4% bu 70c, 4% bu $1.25, bu $2.25. 

Stabler’s Extra Early. An excellent new variety of larger size 
than usual for the early kinds. Ripens nearly as early as Minne- | 

Pit 5c, % pt 10c, pt 15c, qt 25c, + bu 40c, %4 bu 70c, % bu$l 25, bu 






-Kendet’s Early Giant. As early as Minnesota, Crosby’s, the ears 
measure 8 to 10 inches long, with 10 to 12 rows, kernels pure white, 


Stowell’s Evergreen. 

Country Gentleman. [n this we havea vat 

Cory and Extra Early Adams. 

early as the Adams as the young plants will withstand light 
frosts. Thestalks are strong and vigorous, growing about five 
feet in height bearing from one to two ears to the stalk. The ears 
are quite large for so early a variety; of fine sweet flavor. Pkt ic, 



1% pt 10c, pt lic. qt 30c, 4% bu 40, %4 bu 70c, % bu $1.25, bu$ 

A well known good late 
sort of excellent quality. Pkt 5c. %% pt 8c, pt lic, 
qt 25c. 4% bu 40c, 4 bu 70c, 42 bu $1.25, bu $2.25, 

which produces ears of full size, retainin 
delicious sweetness and high quality of the 
original Ne Plus Ultra. Thecropcan be counted 
on to give three to five ears toa stalk. The cob 
very small thereby giving great depth to the 
kernels. Pkt 5c, % pt l0c, pt 15c, qt 30c, 44 bu 40c, 
14 bu 70c. 3 bu $1.25, bu $2.25, 
Alneer’s Improved Evergreen Sugar Corn. 
The bert for general crop, coming immediately 
after the second early sorts; is very productive; 
has large, well filled ears, with deep kernels, 
and for Sweetness cannot be excelled. Pkt 
5c. % pt 10c, pt 15c, qt 30c,%ebu 40c,% bu 70c, 
% bu $1.25, bu $2.25 




Wew Golden Queen. Is exceedingly tender 
when popped, together with its delicious and 
delicate taste. Lt pops perfectly white, and a 
sing!e kernel willexpand to a diameter of one 

finch. Pktic, % pt lic, pt 25c, qtd0c. & 

Mapledale Prolific. very productive Pop & 
Corn, averaging six to twelve good ears to the 
stalk. It grows five and a half to six feet high, (sg 
with ears of uniformly large size and is very 



sweet andtender. Itcomesinto use with the Standard early sorts 
with mucb larger ears. It is an excellent new sort. Pkt 5c, % pt 10c, 
pt lic, qt 380c, 44 bu 40c, 4 bu 70c, % bu $1.25. bu $225. 

rly 12 to 14 rowed 

Early Chicago Market or Ballard. A fine ea 
Sweet Corn; comesin next after the extra early varieties. Very 
productive, with large, fine ears, extremely tender and sweet’ Pkt 
5c)% pt 8c, pt lic, qt 25c, 4 bu 40c, %4 bu 7c. % bu $1.25, bu $2.25. 

f tender. Pkt ic, * pt lic. pt 5c. qt 40c. . 

White Rice or Snowball. A Splendid variety 
for popping purposes; grains sharply pointed. 
Per pkt 5c,'s pt Lic, pt 25c, qt 4c, 

FILELD CORN-—See page 24. 

Burpee’s Earliest 
Sheffield Corn, 

REMEMBER: We prepay Postage on Corn:by the pkt. half pint, pint and quart. 


® Japanese Climbing Cucumber. 

succeed best 
aS in warm rich @& 
Yf ett N\ ’ ground.They should not 4g 
"a yey" ) eaeas be plantedin open ground untilsettled @ 
. : 

== warm weather. Plant in hills four feet each way, 
when all danger from insectsis past, thin out. 
sa leaving three or four of the strongest plants to the hill. (AN 

m’s Everbearing. Claimedto bethe earliest cucumber to produce.It is straight, 
vation id will continue to blossom and bear fruit the crisp and tender. Pkt 5c, 
: a bon early use and pickles. Pkt 5c, 02 9c, % £Oz ee lb 30c, % 1b 55c, 
arly Hussian. The earliest variety. It setsinpairs. Pktic, |New Giant White. 
1b 30c. % Sac, 1b $1.00. é The cucumbers areof 
dia Gherkin. Used for pickles. Pkt 4c,0z 12c,%41b30c-| 4 pure white, color 

e India or Pearl. In habit of growth it is entirely dis-| making them very 2 @W 
t. They grow remarkably uniform. The skin is very] attractive for the ta- i. 
sn sh and entirely free from spines. In color they areabeau-| ble. They grow to a AN 
tiful pearly white, Pkt 4c, oz &c.. 14 Ib 30c. %%4 1b Sic, lb $1,00, large size, perfect- 

roved Long Green. Excellent quality; fruit long, dark) jy “straight and 
; fine and crisp. Pkt5c,0z10c.%y1b30c. uniform. Per Pkt 
apanese Climbing. Entirely distinct, being much more| /¢ 979c,14 1b 30c, 
F edin its constitution and less susceptible to disease than ¥% lb 55c. 1b $1 00, 
the ordinary cucumber, and is immensely more prolific, each New Emerald. A 
ae producing from 25 to 30 cucumbers, even on poor soil. The] jandsome cucum- 
quality is splendid. Pkt5ic,oz12c. . : ber of a rich, dar} 
\ Ne w Paris Pickling. Entirely. distinct from all other sorts, It greencolor.[sstic: § 
ecidedly the best of all in quality for pickling. Socrisp and ly an evergreen F 
tle are they that they snap freely. and when ready for pick- retaining its col- ff 
show absolutely no signs of seeds, The fruit is ofunusual-| oy; until ripe.Has | 
k green color. Pkt 5c, oz 12c. ; long straigh‘ 
nd Crisp. The skin is avery dark green, almost black,| jandsome fruii | 
covered with knobs upon which the spines set, which give| iccrisp and ten ff 
pickles a very attractive appearance. Pktic,oz9c,%41lb30c,| der and of th 
5c. 1b $1.00. : Nat oe 2 best flavor 
arly Cluster. A short. early variety, growing in clusters. Pkt Equally goock 
s, 0Z 9c, 44 Ib 30c, lb 55c. 1b $1.00. i for slicing o:§ 
_f— Early Frame or Short Green.A popular! pickles, Pkt 5c. 
* variety of medium size. Pkt4c, oz 8, LA pz 0c. % Ib 30c, 
/ Tb 30c, % 1b 55c. 1b $1.00. Kv % Vb 5dc, lb $1.00. 


We i | | 

— : 


Green Prolific. One jot the At ery ibest Westerfield's { 
i ing sorts; very u = " i SPic l Rah 
DE oreaee yielding cucumbers too te tore es ea - Cnicago Pickie Cucumber. gaat 
large for pickling; exceedingly produc-| jickie variety, used largely in Chicago pickling houses. Pkt 5e, oz 9c 
g tive. Pkt 5c. OZ 9c. vA lb 30c, 4% 1b dpc 1b $1.00 y%, 1b 30c, wy 1b 5ic, Ib $1.00. 

_ V Boston Pickling. Very productive kind; Improved Early White Spime. Favorite market variety much used 
fine quality. PEt4c,oz&c, % 1b 0c, 1b! for forcing by market gardeners. Pkt 5c, 0z 9c, 14 Ib 30c, % Ib 55c. Vb $1.00. 
£_55c 1b $1.00. eae a 3 Giant Pera. Thistmagnificent variety was broughtfrom Turkey. Ofa 
‘Evergreen White Spime. An improve@) p}eantiful green skin. Pkt 5c, 0z 10c, %4 1b 30c, %4 1b 56c, Ib $1.00. 
strain of the White Spine. Deep green | y¥ehol’s Medium Green. New and fine. Very productive, of medium 

color and remaining green longer than y <i7e. dark green color, : 
others. Pkt5c, 0z9c,%4 lb 30c, % Ib 55¢c,¥ straient and smooth. 

1b $1.00. E Pkt 4c, 0z 8c, %4 30c,% 7 
| /wordhook Pickling. A wonderfully 55¢, 1b $1.00. er ta 
prolitic cucumber. Planted at the same 
time with other cucumbers, it will con- 
tinue to bear pickles plentifully after the 
others have ripened their fruit and ceased 


For ook Pickling Gis ber: New Paris Pickling Cucumber. 

: : 



Hse i) 



round, asit germinates | 
apart.and six to eight 

golden color. 

Sow seeds in hot bed or veryearly in open 
very slow. Setinrowsin ground four fee 

inches apart in the rows, in deep, rich soil. Time of transplanting is | agile prac malta largest ate fineat celecies torcaeenane 

Pkt 3c, oz 10c, 14 1b 35c, % lb 60c, Ib $1,10, 
Henderson's Half Dwarf. 
Pkt 3c. oz 10c, 141b 30c, % 1b 60c Lb $1.10. 

eee middle of June to first of August. heart. 

|, Now ant Pascal. This remarkable new variety is a selection | 

i thoroughly established from our Golden Self-Blanching. It par: 
takes of the best qualities of that variety: an excellent keeper; of | 
fine nutty flavor. Grows about two feet high, stalks very broad, 5) 
thick and crisp. Bleaches with but light “earthingup,’’ The heart | 
is ae ge el very full and attractive in appearance. 
oz i2c % Ib 40c 421b70c 1b $1.25. < | 

, Golden Self-Blanching. Growstoa very large size, andis very 
gtocky and robust. 

f& thickly and closely set. ‘ 
beautiful golden yellow, large, crisp and solid. Unlike other self 
blanching varieties. isan extra good keeper, will age all winter 
Fiavor fine and sweet. Pkt 4c, oz lic. % 1b 50c, % 1b 90c. lb $1.70. 

y Henderson's Pink Plume. A perfect white plume in character, 
excepting color which is of a delicate shade of pink presenting a 
beautiful appearance with the white and yellow varieties. Pkt 4c, 
oz 12c, % 1b 50c, % 1b 80c, Ib $1.50. 

MHienderson’s White Plume. The White Plume is naturally white, 

Ny so that by drawing the earth up against the plant and pressing it 
together with the hands and again drawing up the soil that has 
been squeezed against the celery inits place, the work of bleach- 
ing is completed. The earliest celery in cultivation, Pkt4c, oz 
1 %4 lb 40c. % lb 70c, Ib $1.25. ’ 

Hlenderson’s New Rose. This variety is ornamental on the table. 


» good. 

It is entirely self-blanching; the heart is shaped roots. 
ween Celery, 

Large Prague Celeriac. 


A tender plant. Sow in hot bedorsmall box in the house; 
transplant in as warm a place in the garden as you have after 

settled warm weather, 
Wo New York Improved, The leading market variety. Pkt4c, 
/ ry oz 20c. %4 tb 75c. 

} Black Pekin. Round. handsome fruit, jet black. 
20c \% lb Tic. 
White Pearl. Thefruitis pure creamy white, with slight 
shading of a very light green near the stem; beautiful in 
Shape, and as large or largerthan the purple; flavor super- 
ior. delicate, fine grained; good boiled and fried. Pkt 4c, 


\ Improved Dwarf Green. Early and productive. Pkt 2c, 

0z 4c.%4 1b 10c, % Ib 18c. 1b 30c. 

Long Green. Long ribbed pods. 
18c, lb 3c. 

. . Thestalks are very and nutty in flavor, crisp and ten- 
3. der. 

Pkt 3c, oz 10c, % 1b 30c, % 1b 50c. 

Pkt 2c, oz 4c, 4 lb 10c, % Ib 

rieties, the pods are not ridged, but perfectly round, smooth 
of an attractive white velvety appearance and superior fla- 
vor. Pkt 3c, oz 5c, %4 Ib 12c, % 1b 20¢, Ib 35c. 

We deliver postage Prepaid all seeds quoted by the packet, ounce, 
quarter and half pound and by the pound; also half-pint, pintand quart. 


iimentawed Golden Heart. 
| When blanched the heart, which is large and full 
is of a waxy golden yellow. Fine flavor, excellent keeper. 
oz 10c. 14 1b 30c, % Ib 50c. 1b $1.00. 

The stalks are extremely 
that the plants may be grown very close together. 
Pkt 4c... Pkt 3c, oz 10c, % 1b 35c, 441b 60c, lb $1.10. 

‘'W’ Giant White Solid. A large variety, solid andcrisp. Pkt 3c, oz 10c, 
7 + lb 35c % 1b 65c, 1b $1.25. 
The stalks grow vigorously, with large ribs?) Celeriac eee in sie Marty age te Ib 8c, 1b $Li0 
(Old seed ). 

Pkt 4c, oz 

/ White Veivet. Very distinct in appearance. Unlike other va. . 


One of the best; heart of beautiful 
Pkt 3c 
With magnificent large golden yellow 

A very fine variety; one of the best. 

broad, solid and erect, so 
Quality very 

Rooted Celery. Has Turnip- 
Excellent for flavoring. Per lb 40c. 


The Leeks are very hardy and easily 
cultivated. They succeed best in light 
and well enriched soil. Sow early in drills 
one foot apart 

arge American Flag. A favorite varie- 
ty, is of strong and viggrans growth, 
Pkt 3c, 0z 7c, % 1b 2c. 441 

35c, lb 65c. 

4 Egg Plant. 

New York Improve 

Improved Hanson Lettuce. 


Lettuce requires rich, moist soil. Sow 
in the spring as early asthe ground can = 
be prepared in rows from 12 to 18 inches 
rents For a succession sow at intervals 

about a fortnight. 
alifornia All Heart. Its shape is 
very distinct, headingup like a point- 
ed cabbage and almost as solid; of a 
pretty light green shade, almost 
white, rich and butteryin flavor. It 
grows rapidly and isequally valuable 
for both spring and summer use. 
Pkt 5c, oz lic, %4 1b 40c, % Ib 75c, 1b $1 25. 
yimproved Hanson. Headslarge solid, 
tender crisp andof fine flavor; one 
of the bestin cultivation. Pkt 4c, oz 
Yic, Ye 1b 20c, % 1b 35c 1b 60c, 
Big Boston. Resembles the popular 
Boston Market, but is nearly twice 
as large.a most desirable variety for 
forcing in cold frames and for out 
/door planting. Pkt ic, oz 8c, % lb 2c, 
f % 1b 40c lb 75c 
Henderson’s New York. A cabbage 
lettuce that is very slow to runto 
seed. It forms large solid heads, 
often weighing from 3 to 4 pounds 
ach. It is very crisp and tender. Pkt 
Lf” 3c, oz 8c, %4 1b 20c, % 1b 35c, 1b 60c, 
Tilton’s White Star. A new and 
distinct sort Of the Black Séeded 
Simpson type; grows larger and more 
rapidly; has a broader, thick- 
er leaf; blanches perfectly 
and is of excellent quality. 
Owing to the thick leaf it 
keeps long after cutting with- 
out wilting. Pkt 3c, oz 8c, 4 1b 
J 2c, % lb 40c, lb 70c, 
¢ Early Prize Mead. An excel- 
lent sort; forms a mammoth 
plant in which the outer 
leaves are crisp and tender 
and remain so throughout 
| theseason. PkKt 3c. oz 8c,% 
» # lb 25c % 1b 40c, lb 75c, f 

V4 Denver Market. Forms large, 
solid heads. The leaves are 
beautifully marked and blist- 
ered, very crisp and tender 
and of excellent flavor Pkt3c 
: ® _ £02 Tc. 4 lb 0c, % Ib 35c, Ib 60c. 
| ‘ é E Dae) ok ,Burpee’s Tomhannoeck. The 
| : A : : ” “leaves grow upright, and are 
$ . handsomely wrinkled, very 
crisp and tender. Is of finest 
qualitv. Pkt3c. oz 7c, %4 1b20c, 
1b 35c, Ib 60c. 
xrand Rapids. Of fine quality 
and beautiful appearance. A first class, 
excellent forcing sort; a very desirable 
variety for spring sowing, in the open 
Yip ie. Pkt 8c, 0z 7c, %4 Ib 20c.% 1b 35c 


b 60c. 
ack Seeded Curled Simpson.Is near- 
ly double the size of ordinary Curled 
“Simpson.and excellentfor forcing. Pkt 
y_3c,0z Tc. % 1b 20c. % Ih 35c, Ib 60c. j 
Early Curled Simpson. The earliest 
vand leading market sort. Pkt 3c, 0z 7c, 
#. % Vb 2c, % lb 35e 1n60c. i 
: =/ Market Gardener’s Forcing. Of quick 
SSS = 2 Bt Boe pono ay Pan cl 
tan’ heat. ender, brittle and of very fine 
Tilton’s White Star Lettuce- flavor; of the Grand Rapids character, 
: An excellent forcing sort. Pkt 5c, oz 10c. 41b35c, 
wy * 1% 1b 60c, Ib $1.00. i 
y New Iceberg. The large curly leaves which 
cover the outside ofthesolid heads area bright 
light green; they havesmallindents which hold the 
.dew drops and arethus kept fresh. Pkt 4c.0z8c, % 
a 1b 25c. % 1b 40c, lb 75c. { 
Trianon Cos, or Celery Lettuce. Self-Blanching sort. 
Eeaves when blanched are crisp and tender and stiff 
Nike celery stalks Pkt 3c, oz 7c. %41b20c % 1b 35c, lb 60c. 
alifornia Cream Butter. <A head lettuce of fine 
/flavor; stands summer heat best; is crispand tender. 
if Pkt 3c, oz8c % 1b 20¢. % lb d5c, Ib 60c. 
* ¥ salamander. New. large heads; very fine sort. Pkt3c, 
¥ 0z 7c, %4 Ib 20c. % 1b 35c, 1b 60c. : 
Green Fringed. An ornamental sort, beautifully cut 
and fringed. Pkt 3c, oz 7c, % 1b 20c. 
Asparagus Lettuce. Good to use as lettuce, and when 
leaves are large they can be stripped and stems cook- 
ged like Asparagus. It makes a delicious dish, Pkt 3c, 
* oz 7c..34 1b 2c. % Ib 35c, 1b 60c. 


‘ AK =) ‘Paris White Cos. One of the bestupright sorts, tender j 
aa aes —ahimeeand crisp. Pkt 3c, 0z 7c, %4 lb 20¢, 4 1b d5c, lb 60c. Market Gardencr’a Forcing Lettuce 
New Iceberg Lettuce. e 



Melons thrive best inlight,sandy, warm 
and rich soil. Plant about May 15th to 30th, 
in hills four feet apart cach way. Plant 
ten to twelve seeds in each hill and 
after they are out of danger from 
bugs thin to three or four plants. 
ilver Netted Nutmeg. The illus- 
tration, from a photograph, repre- 
sents exactly the handsome round 
heavily silver netted appearance 
of this fine new melon. The beau- 
tiful green flesh ,is very sweet 
and melting while the melons are 
borne in abundance. Pkt 4c, oz 7c, f 
= ¥ %41% 20c, 44)b 35c, lb 60c. 

Columbus. The skin is a bright 

glossy yellow color when fully 

ripe and is nearly hidden by the § 
very thick whiteish nettings. Its § 
luscious green flesh is very thick, | 
leaving only a small seed cavity. 

It is one of the best shippers known. 

Size medium. Pkt 3c, oz 6c, 4 lb 

20c. % 1b 35c, 1b 60c. 

New Osage. The Osage grows to 

medium size and is egg shaped. 

The skin is dark green in color 

and very thin, slightly netted. 

The flesh is of salmon color, ex- 

tremely sweet, thickand delicious 

tothe rind. Pktdc, oz 8c, %4 lb 25c, 

14 1b 40c. 1b ic. 

Extra Early Hackensack. Large. 
very productive and of deliciou 
flavor; very fine for market or 
family. Pkt 3c, oz 6c,%4 lb 20c, % 

lb 35c, 1b 60c. 
/Barnce’s Champion Market. The 

ra Early 



Hackeasack Muskmelon. 

Silver Netted Muskmelon. 
Cosmopolitan. Fruit slightly oval, nearly round, with- 
out ribs.-Color light green, but becoming covered at 
maturity with dense silver gray netting. Plesh green, 
‘firm, sweet and uniformly high flavored. Pkt 3c, oz 
6c, % 1b 20c, 4 1b 35c, lb 60c. 
Grand Rapids. A new extra early, yellow fleshed 
sort of handsome shape. Itis a most profitable sort 
the gardeners on account of its size, attractive 
appearance and its extremeearliness. Pkt 3c, oz 6c, 
1% 1b 20c, % 1b 35c, Lb 60c. 
Miller’s Cream. The fleshis of a rich salmon color; 
very thick, sweet and melting in quality. Pkt de, 
0z 7c, 14 lb 25c, % Ih 40c, lb 75. 
princess. or Ideal. The Princess,in shape 
are nearly round, with heavy netted dark 
green skin. the fleshis of a rich sal- 
mon color, thick,sweet and luscious. 
Ripens earlyand grows to good size. 
m Pkt4c, oz7c % lb 2c, 4% 1b 40c, lb 75c, 
Burpee’s Welrose. New, color 
arich dark green. shapeoval, 
fine form and densly netted: 
of medium size. Of most ex- 
isite and delicious flavor. 
t 3c. oz bc, 4% 1b 20c, % lb 35c, 

flesh of this most excellent melon 
is thick, light green in color anda 
very rich flavor.The vines are very 
vigorous and healthy; is very pro- 
ductive, frequently bearing from 
five to seven perfect melonson a 
single vine. An excellent shipper. 
Pkt 3c, oz 6c, %4 1b 2c, %1b35c Ib 60c. 

Paul Rose, or Petoskey Miuskiic.o.i. 

. b 60c. 

dmerald Gem. The skin is an 

emerald green color and quite 
smooth; the flesh is light 

’ red or salmon; very thick, 
juicy and of the most lus- 
cious flavor. Pkt 3c, oz 6c, 

1% lb 20c, % Ib 35c, lb 60c. 
/Gelden 'Netted'’ Gem. A 
small early green fleshed 
variety; very sweet and 
fine. Pkt 3c, 0z fc, % Ib 20c, 
46 1b 35c, lb 0c. 

Jenny Lind. An early va- 
riety of small size, deli- 
cious flavor. Pkt 3c, 02 fc, | 
14 Ib 20c, % Ib 35c, lb 60e. 

Large Nutmeg. Nutme 
shape; flesh green, good 

; ‘ flavor skin finely netted. 

aa , Pkt 3c, 0z ic, 44 lb We, % Ib 

‘ 35c, lb 60c. 

MA New Columbus Muskmelon. 
yew Banana. Of a creamy 
white straw color,entirely free 
from netting; flesh thick, 
salmon color; grows from 
18 to 30 inches in length, 
very productive. De- 
licious and sweet in 
flavor. Pkt4e 7c 4 1b 
25c, % Ib 40c, 1b 75c. 

2aul Hose. or Petos- 
key. A fine new va- 
riety, a cross of the 
Osage with the Net-} 
ted Gem, has the 
sweetness of the for-} 
mer the fine netting 
of the Gem. It isa 
great producer; qual- 
ity extra fine. Makes 
an excellent shipper 
as it is very firm and 
solid with smallseed 
cavity and thick 
flesh, Pkt de, oz 7c, 
14 1h 20c, 40 lb BSc, Lb 60c 

S monstrous size, cream-yellow, very early, absolutely 
distinct and pure, with seeds more than twice as large as 
other sorts. A whole field of them will average 18 to 20 ibs 
each, and select specimens 25 to 30 Ibs. Deliciously sweet | 
and luscious, with fine, melting, thick, salmon color fiesh. 
Never stringy, Uhe flavor pleasant: not high, nor rank. 
S| True stock, direct from grower. 

=~ Alneer’s Seeds haye a 
=~ world wide reputation far 

a eae Best that Grow. igri BEY We ATG EE OS 
Price, pkt 5c, 0z10c, % 1b 30c. Burpee’s Champion Market Muskmeton. 


Fe Musk- 4 
meion. This; 
Melon is dis 
tinctin appear- 
ance. Our firs! 
claim for it is 
that it stands at 
the very tip-top 
for "quality. 
Sweet, juicy, fin- 
est flavor; firm 
but not hard 
fleshed; wery 
showy appearance; 
is finely netted. 
Udexcelled in prodiic- 
veness. kt3c, 0z 6c, 
4% 'b 20c_% lb 35c, Ib 60c. 
Rocky -Ford Muskmelon. 
Is a greatly improved ob- 
long form of the Netted 
Gem, retaining allits good featuresand growing largerand even more symmetrical 
in shape. Is used largely in hotels and restaurants, We havethe finest stock of 
this sort on the market. Pkt4dc. oz 7c, % 1b 18c, % W 30c, 1b 50c. : 

Tip-Top Muskmelon. 


Watermielons require a rich, sandy 
soil. Cultivate as for Muskmelons, ex- 
cept that the hills should be six feet apart, 

ch way. 

ew Columbia, or Dixie. This new niel- 
onhas a remarkably thin, tough rind, 
aud as a keeper and shipper has no 
equal. Its productiveness is unequalled. 
The melons are of a dark green color, 
oblong in shape,and beautifully striped. 
Plesh bright scarlet, of fine quality al- 
most down to skin. Most productive, 
finest eating. best shipper ever intro- 
duced. Pkt 4c, oz 6c, % 1b 18c,%1b 80c, 

-— 1b50c. 
fe Melver’s Wonderfui Sugar. This new 
watermelon was introduced by Col. E. 
R. Mciver the seed coming originally 
from the WestIndies. Of large size and 
Superior quality: sweet as sugar; also 
extremely productive and hardy. Pkt 
4c. 0z 6c, %4 Ib18c_ 1% 1b30c, 1b 50c. 
‘Wf Duke Jones, or Jumbo. Color of skin 
is solid green. the flesh is very bright red, particu- 
' larly sweet juicy and melting. It grows toa large 
size, Sometimes attaining the weight of 80 pounds, 
In shape it resembles Kolb’s Gem, and like that 
wariety is one of the best shipping sorts. Pkt 3c, 
oz 6c. % lb 18c, % 1b 30c, lb 50c. 

Delaware. Skin beautifully striped; light and 
darkgreen. Flesh is brilliant red, very solid, lus- 
cious and sugary, entirely free from strings, of 
mostexcellent flavor. Pkt 3c,oz 5c, 4 lb 18c, 14 1b 
30c. Lb 50c. 
ammoth fronelad. They grow uniformly very 
large, flesh red and of fine flavor. The rindis ex- 

remely tough and hard. rendering them valuable 

for shipping. Pkt3c, 0z5c, % 1b 18c, 42 lb 30c, 1b 59c, 
‘MountainSweet. Fruit, oblong, sweet. Pkt 3c, oz 
ff 3c. % lo 18c. % 1b 30c, 1b 50c. i Of ot 

Mammoth Gray Monarch. Attains a weight of 
60 pounds and over. Outside skia of a m ttle 
gtay color; shape large; flesh bright crimson, 
Sweet and delicious flavor. Pkt 3c, oz 6c, %4 1b 18c, 
4% 1h 30c, lb 50c. 

Citron, Used for making preserves and sweet- 
meats, Pkt 2c,0z 5c, % lb lic, % 1b 2ic, lb 45c. 



~5 a 


43 wD 
ordhook Early. Flesh of a delicious. ood 38 
ly sweet flavor, bright red in color. A Orass 
valuable shipper. Guile similar to Ice rm 
eam, buthasa tougher rind. Pkt 3¢ ce vgn 
bz 6c %4 lb 18c, % 1b 30c, 1b 50c. oO S25 
} Route 
True Ice Cream. (White Seeded.) Hose. 
Medium size; oval shaped; flesh Len | 
bright scarlet, solid, sweet and very aNges 8 
delicious Ome ofthe best. Pkt3c, oz B, 62S 
.6c, % Ib 18c, % 1b 30c, 1b 50c. ie os 2 
CVs oie 



t+ Meart. (New.) Vigorous and productive, ripening its fruit early; fruit 
arge oval, very BBN: uniformly mottledlight and dark green; rind thin but 
fi-m flesh bright red, firm, solid, very tender, melting and sweet, Pkt 4c, oz 6¢, 

fi ¥Y, lb 18c, % 1b 3c, 1b 50c. 


Hoosier King. A melon with excellent qualities. Flesh is brilliant red. solid, 
sweet, luscious; skin striped light and dark green; rind thin but extremely hard, 
which rendersit a valauble shipping sort. Pkt 3c, 0z 5c, % lb 18c, % 1b 30c, 1b 50c. 


ion Lmproved Kolb’s Gem. Skin: 
dark green, marbled delicately 
with lighter shades; size large g 
and uniform, weighing from 35 B 
to70lbs, although selected spec- 
imens reach greater weights; 

flesh tender, melting and efun- 
surpassed quality, Pkt 3c, oz. 
6c, 44 lb 18c, 46 1b 39c, 1b 50c. 

ws “Kleckley Sweets” Watermelon. 

leckley Sweets.” Are the sweetest flavored watermelons grown. 
Oblong shape, dark green skin; bright red flesh, always solid and 
of the most luscious flavor imaginable. The only fault we dis- 
cover is that the rind is too tender forthe melons to ship well to 
distant markets, but for the home garden and local markets no 
other melon can equalthe "‘Kleckley Sweets. Pkt 4c. oz 7c, 4% Ib 
20c, 42 1b 35c. lb Hc. | 
_~ “Keolb’s Gem. Skin dark green, marbled delicately with lighter 
shades; size largeand uniform, weighing from 35 to 50 pounds, al- 
though selected specimens reach much greater weight; flesh tender, 
melting. unsurpassed quality. Pkt 3c, o0z5c,%41b I5e, % 1b 25c, lb 45c. 
_“Phinney’s Early. Of medium size, early. Mesh deep red, solid and of 
A fine flavor. Pkt 38c,o0z 6c, %4 lb 1&c, % 1b 80c, 1b 50c. 
uby Gold. Flesh solid. golden yellow variegated with streaks and layers 
of bright pink. Fine quality, melting in the mouth likeice cream. Pkt 
3c, oz bc, 14 lb 18c. % 1b 80c, 1b 50c 
he Wonderfal Japanese Pie Melon Makes delicious preserves and 
savory* pies requiring very little sugar. Will keep all winter. Flesh 
Light green orcreamcolor. Pkt 3c, oz 6c. % lb I8c. % Ib 30c, lb We. 
Fiorida Favorite. A new early melon. Size medium to large; sweet 
and deliciousin Havor, and a most excellent melon. Pkt 3c, oz bc, % lb 
18c, 4 1b 30c, lb 50c : 
g Cuban Queen. Grows toa mammoth size, not unusual for specimens to 
reach 4? pounds, and is an enormous yielder. The skin is beautifully 
striped light and dark green; flesh unsurpassed, bright red, solid and 
* of most delicious flavor. Pkt 3c, oz 6c, % 1b 18c, % Ib 30c, 1b 5@c. 
Black Diamond Most distinctive point is its color,a rich dark green 
almost black. Uniform shape, averaging from 35 to 50 pounds each, very 
Se era bright red and delicious flavor. Pkt 8c,o0z 5c, % lb I5c, 
aa F 
¥ New Triumph. The New Triumphis across between the Duke Jones and 
Kolb Gem, having the handsome dark green color of the former and fine 
= Shipping qualities of the latter, early and prolific; sen sweet and 
== SEED ABIES: weighing from 0 to 75 pounds. Pkt 3c, oz 6c, % Ib i8c, %1b We, 
Gypsy, or Georgia Rattlesmake. Very large, oblong, striped; flesh red, 
ne quality. Pkt 3c, oz 5c, % lb 18c, % 1b ae, ib 50c. 


Agia EU Sey aa ine A A pungent salad. Sow thickly in rows six inches apart, and cut when 
pica = blended hit Site al mers 6c, % 1b 10c, 4% Ib 15c, lb 2c 
Seminole. Fleshis a brilliant carmine, very solid, of a rich e London. Cc, oz 5c, 0c, -, 
i a ive. : , inese New Giant. Also called ‘Southern Curled.” An excellent new 
Sa tae Ere edhe eee) Very, Productive. Pict dc, ox bei ye Pkt dc, of 6c, %4 Ib Ise, 44 Ib Bc. Ih We. 


CLINTON, MO., August 15, 1902. Alneer’s Selected Large Red Wethersfield. Our choicest selection of 
3 Se options ae a Ag ed oe pa eee yl this grand good onion; carefully selected; will oroduce extra et 
eae to aame. Iamso well pleased with the onions Pained large perfect onions. ant 40. 0% 10c, 4 1b 25c, cane . ‘ae 

aon One peo vial vie to grow he on eee tate Large onion y 
esmall patch raise 8 summer produced at the rate o ae i Al Sel dL R d 
450 bushels to the acre. ROBERT BE. LAYCOCK. || Stowers should, an neer’s Selected Large Re 


Wethersfield ONION 

mmm ATUL 

By Express, Buyer’s Expense. 
bu. bu. % A 
Yellow $1.90 aon ry 
Red 1.90 1.00 .55 “ 
White 2.25 1.15 60 35 
By Mail, Post Paid—Quart 20c, 
Pint 12e, 1-2 Pint von quarts 
70c, either variety. 

These are all bottom sets, 


2 ear 



In the spring, as early as the ground can 
be prepared, sow seeds in drills 15 inches 
apart. Whenthe young plants are strong 
enough thin so that they stand about 3 
inches apart. Four pounds of seed or more 
are usually sown tothe acre, As soon as 
up begin hoeing and cultivating. Keep 
cleayruntil ripe. 


We make onions one of our spe 
ties, and our onion seed is grown from 
selected bulbs only. Vitality critical- 
Oe tested before sent out and will pro- 
uce from five to eight hundred bush- 
els of fine, large, handsome onions to 
'the acre. Take no chance on cheap, 
doubtful seed, but buy from us and get 
) the best that grow. 

Imeer’s New Golden Globe. A new 
creation obtained by critical and careful 
selection of the bulbs from which the 
‘geeds are produced every thing being 
rejected that does not come up to the 
_ standard in shape, size and color. Itis 
e finest shape and color and is the 
argest cropper of the yellow sorts. Pkt 
f 5c,0z 10c, i: Ib 25<, % lb 45c, lb 80c. 
ta Early Red. Ripens about ten days 
" earlier than the Wethersfield, but small- 
er. Pkt 4c, 0z 7c, 14 1b 25c, % lb 40c, lb 75c, 
"oreo White Globe. A large, firm, 
— globe-shaped variety, white skin; fine 
lesh, handsome shape and good keeper. 
Pkt 4c, 0z10c, % Ib 35c, 4% 1b 65c, 1b $1.25. 

i HAM HM Ty 

Large Red Wethersfield. Thestaple va- 

riety of the red sorts; large size, deepin 
color; excellent keeper. Pkt4c,oz8c,% 
lb 25c, 14 Ib 40c, Ib 75c. 5 Ibs $3.60. pele 

fEarly Large Red Globe. A handsome 






Globe shaped sort; mild flavor; good 
Hep er: Pkt 4c, oz 7c, %4 lb 25c, % Ib 45e, 

Round Yellow Danvers. A fine straw- 
colored sort of mild flavor, ripens early; 
good keeper. Thestaplesort. Pkt de, 0z 
7c, 44 1b 28c, 4 Ib 40c, Ib 70c, 5) bs $3.40, 

White Portugal or Silverskim. A hand- 
some onion of mild flavor, and a geod 
keeper; largely grown forpickles. Pkt 
4c. 0z 10c, % Ib 3dc, % 1b hdc. 1b $1.25. a= 

Giant Red Rocca. A large variety from 

pie A PE eld Sen red skin 

an ne flavor. c. oz 10c, %4 

¥ Ib 55¢, 1b $1,00. be ate 

Southport Large Red Globe. This va- 
riety 18 very similar to Southport White 
Globein shapeand size. It isa splendid 

keeper. Pkt 4c,0z 8c. % Ib 25c, % Tb 0c, 

Yb 90c. 

Yelluw Danvers Globe. Form globular; 
beautiful golden yellow color, mild fla- 
vor ans stat eal el Bt os sue vent 
staple sorts. Cc, oz 7c b 1 
40c, Ib 75c, 5 1b: $3.50, Scaitisccnide 4 

Alneer’s White Pickling. For pickling, 
early bunching or sets the finest strain 
eftered. Private planters, market gard- 
eners, pickle factories and others who 
once use it will have no other. Early, an 
,éxcellent keeper. Pkt 5c, oz lic, % Yb 50e, 
% Yb 85c. Ib $1. : =a 

\’New White Queen. One of the eartiest 

of allonions. Agood keeper. Pkt 4c, 0z 
12c, % Ib 40c, 3 1b 7c, Ib $1.40. : 


- Parties using large quantities of Onion Seeds, should write for special LOW prices. 


the large beautiful Spanish onion that is 
offered for sale in the fruit stores and in the 
markets of all large cities. They are of 
enormous size, averaging from fourteen to 
sixteen inches incircumference. Although 
of such great size, they are i eae and 
a very good winter keeper. he outside 
skin is of rich, vellow color, while the flesh 
is white, sweet and tender. In market it 
attracts marked attention and sells readil 
at high prices. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % lb 28c, % ib 
0c, lb 90c, 5 Lbs $4.40, 

Mammoth Spanish King. The outside 
kin is of a rich yellow color, while the flesh 
is white, and so sweet, mild and tender, 
that they can be eaten raw, like an apple. 
Include at least a package of the wonderful 
Spanish King in yourorder. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, 
14 lb 28c, % 1b 50c, lb 90c. 

Ineer’s Selected Yellow Danvers Globe 
(Fig. %.) The finest, largest, and best onion 
of the yellow sorts. Form globular, of a 
beautiful golden yellow color, mild flavor, 
large size and an excellent keeper Will 
yield 800 bushels to the acre. Seeds are all 
grown from selected bulbs. Pkt 4c, oz 10c, 
14 1b 25c, % lb 45c, 1b 80c, 5 lbs $3.90 

Barletta Onion. 


Early White 

Wrammoth Prize Taker. (Fig.1.) Thisis|Mammoth Silver Kin 


4 . & 
mammoth size, single Suite often attain 


three or four pounds in weight. The skin 

is a beautiful silvery white; the flesh is 

snowy white and particularly mild and 
pleasant flavor. It cannot be too hight 

commended. Pkt 5c, oz 12c, % lb 40c, 41 
75c, lb $1.40. 

Mammoth Pompeii. Average weight three 
to four pounds each. The skinis very thin 
and delicate in appearance. of a reddish 
brown color; flesh pure white, very fine 

rained and remarkably mild. Pkt4ce, oz 
10c. 44 1b 40c, 4% 1b 75c, lb $1.40. 
Australian Brown. (Fig. 2.) Introduced 

from Australia, Is of medium size, won- 
derfully hard and solid, and mostattractive 
for market. Planted with the Red Weth- 
ersfield, it proved to be nearly fourweeks 
earlier and ripened off more uniformly ; 
will keep in good condition longes than any 
other onion known, almost indefinitely. 
1e color of the skinis a clear amber brown, 
-*kt de, oz 8c, % Ib 5c, % lb 40c, Ib Te. ; 

sarly White Barletta, This is a very early 

flesh is firm and mild 
reat merit over all oth- 
Prt 4c, oz 1c, % 

delicate silver skin ; 
in flavor. But its 
ers is extreme earliness. 
1b 40c, 44 1b 75c, lb $1.40, 

| ; 

pure white variety. The onions havea very — 



Alneer’s Emerald Beauty. Prettiest curled 

_ fringed sort growing. Pkt5c. oz 10c, %4 lb 35c, % 
1b 60c, 1b $1.00. 

Double Moss Curled, A fine dwarf variety; 

excellent for garnishing. Pkt 3c, oz 6c,% Ib 

18c, % lb 30c, Ib 50c. 

eka. Beautiful fern-leaved variety. 
very fine for table decoration. Pkt 4c, oz8c.%4 
1b 25c, % 1b 45c, lb 80c. 

New Celestial Pepper. 


Parsnips succeed best in deep, rich soil. Sow as early in spring 
® as weather will admit, in rows l5inches apart. When the plants 
‘ape two inchés high thin out to five or six inches in the row. BS 
ery valuable for the table or feeding cattle. . 
Long White Sugar or Hollow Crowm. One of the best for 
general use. Pkt 3c, 0z ic. % 1b 12c, % 1b 20c. 1b 35c. 
‘improved Guernsey Or Cup, Shorter and thicker than the 
Hollow Crown; roots smooth, fine grained and excellent fla- 
vor. Pkt3ic, oz 6c, % lb lic, % 1b 25c. 1b 40c 
Maltese Half Long. Shorter than Hollow Crown; k-etter for 
shallow ground. Pkt 3c, oz 5c, %41b 12c, % 1b 20c, Ib 35c. 


Sow seeds early in Aprilin hotbed, and transplant to open pees 

ground when weather becomes warm and favorable. Set plantsin warm, mel- aw, 

low Soil, ia rows two feet apart, and fifteen inches in the row. i 

ammoth Ruby Hing. The Ruby King growsto a very large Size, being 7 to Bull Nose Pepper. 

8 inches long and about 4 inches through; of a bright red color, remarkably 

mild and pleasantin flavor. Is very prolific, single plants ripening from 15 to é 

25 large fruits. Pkt 4c, oz lic, %4 1b 50. i REMEMBER: That we can sell you 

ammoth Golden Queen. New, very large. They are very productive, grow-] onion sets. machines and all kinds of 

ng from 12 to 20 perfect fruits 7 to 8 inches long on a single plant. Incolor they]seeds as cheap and cheaper than any- 

are a bright, waxy golden yellow, and mild inflavor. Pkt 3c, 0z lic. %4 1b 50c. one else. Tell all your neighbor friends 

Bull Nose or Large Bell An early variety of mild flavor, fruit large, the} that we sell best seedscheap. Send us 

} Standard sort. Kkt4c oz 12c,%4lb45c. their address and we will mail them 

A few eet oly eon Similar to Large Bellin shape and color, but larger. Pkt 3c. our catalogue. 

~oz lic, % 1b 50c. 

ong Red Cayenne. Fruit a brilliant red, from three to four inches long 
very productive. Pkt 8c, oz 1l5c,%41b 50c. ‘ 

Golden Upright. The fruits are large and of a beautiful rich golden 

* Yellow, tinged with blush red. Pkt 4c, 0z 20c. 

Wew Celestial. The plant from which the accompanying 
illustration was made contained 300 peppers. Peppers up to 

the time they are full grown are a delicate creamy yellow, 

and when full grown change to vivid scarlet. Ofclear, 

sharp flavor. Pkt 4c,oz 20c. ¢ 


Pumpkins are principally cultivated for agricultur- 
urposes. Plant seeds in Mayin hills8 feet apart. 
onnecticut Field Large Yellow, very productive, } 
en i grown for stock, very good for pies. PKt 2c.0z5c,%4 
Maltese Parsnip, 1b10c,1b30c. By express % bu 50c, 4 bu 90c. é 
y <= Barge Cheese. The best variety 
Y for cooking. Pkt 3c, oz 6c, %4 lb 
20c, % 1b 35c, Ib 60c. 
ushaw or Cream. A rich and 
popular sort. Pkt 3c, oz6c,% 
1b 20c, % 1b 35c, 1b 60c. 
arge Tours or Mammoth. 
Is of immense size, often 
weighing 150 lbs. Pkt 5c, oz 
gic, %4 1b 30c. , 
mali Sugar. Very prolific; 8 
inches in diameter, deep 
orange yellow; fine grained; 
keeps well. Pkt 3c, 0z tic, % 
1b 20c, % 1b 35c, 1b 60c. 
Tennessee Sweet Potato 
Pumpkin.Excellent for pies; 
medium size, flesh and skin 
creamy white, fine grained; 
sweet and delicious, first rate 
keeper. Pkt 3c, 0z6c,%4 1b 20c. 
% 1b 35c, 1b 60. ; 


A Cy } Y Sowin Aprilin drills a foot 
iy : part thinning out to about 
{ t id Same distance in the rows. 
Mammoth Ruby King Pepper/ Linnzeus. Is early large and 
tender. Pkt 3c. o0z8c, %4 lb 
25c, % Ib 45c, Ib 5c. 
ictoria, Is very large. 
Later than the Linnzus, 
Pkt3c,0z8c, % 1b 25c, % 1b = . : 
45c, lb 75c. King of the Mammoth Pumpkin. 

_ Long Red Cayenne Pepper. 




Connecticut Seed Leaf. Pkt 
3c, oz 20c, 14 Ib 60c. 

Virginia Broad Leaf. Pkt 
3c, oz 20c, 14 1b 60c. 

Havana Imported. Pkt 3c, oz 25c, 
%4 lb 75c. 

= SS on > A 
Extra Early Premium Gem Peas. 

For an early spring crop 
plant in light, rich sandy soil 
as soon as the ground can be 
worked. Fora general cropa 
deep loam is preferred. In 
guality the green wrinkled 
varieties are the best as they 
are much the sweetest and 
keep in eatable condition 
longer than the other varie- 

) t= 28. 
|, Extra Early Premium Gem 
Pods long and of a dark 
green color; prolific. One of 
the earliest and best of the 
j wrinkled sorts Pkt. ic, % 
t 10c,pt 20c, qt 35c, 4% bu 70c, 

i Horsford’s Market Garden Peas. ae eae ene 

MeLean’s Advancer. An excellent second early wrinkled sort. ff 
/ Pkt Be, a pt 10c, pt 17c, qt 8c, % bu 65c, % bu $1.20, 44 bu $2.30, bu $4.50. 
, Morsford’s Market Garden. A grand wrinkled variety,comingin f 

between Little Gem and Advancer. Vine two feet high; is very 
stocky and requires no brushing. It is extremely prolific, and al- 
ways bears its pods in pairs. A good market pea. Pkt 5c, % pt 10c, 
et 7c, qt 32c, 4% bu boc, % bu $1.20, % bu $2.30, bu $4.50, 
ott’s Excelsior. This isan early dwarf wrinkled pea,usually ready 
tor the table in # to 50 days from planting, only a few days tater 4 
than the early round sorts. It grows about 14 inches high. It is of 
vigorous constitution and wonderfully productive. The even, reg- 
ular habit of the plant is also of great advantage, particularly to 
market growers. Pkt. 5c, % pt 12c, pt 2c, qt #5c, 44 bu 80c, % bu $1.50. 
bu $2.90, bu $5.70. : 
Alneer’s First and Best. This pea is unsurpassed in extra earli- 
ein itis a heavy yielder. Pods good sized and well filled: of ex- t , = 
cellent flavor; height from 24 inches to two i 
<. feet. It is a splendid pea for market gard- Almeer’s First and Best Peas. 
B a emwers, as well as for family use. Large pkt 
» % pt 10c, pt 17c, qt 32c, % bu S5c, % bu $1.20, 34 bu $2.20, bu $4.25, 
'’Tetephone. Large wrinkled sort; second early, an excellent pea. Pkt. 5c, % pt 
10c. pt 7c qt 3c, % bu 70c, % bu $1.25, 34 bu $2.40. bu $4.70. ; 
(f Tom Thum Very dwarf and early; fine quality. Pkt 5c, % pt 10c, pt 18c, qt 
35c, 4g bu 70c bu $1.35,4¢ bu $2.60, bu $5.00. | ; AN 
j/MicLean’s Little Ge a. A dwarf early wrinkled variety, similar to the Pre- 
mium Gem. One of the best. Pkt5c, 4 pt 10c, pt 20c, qt 35c, % bu 7c, %4 bu $1.30, 
% bu $2.50, bu $5.00. b " 
Maud 8. Extar early and very fine. Well filled with large thick pods. Pkt 
» 5c, % pt 10c, pt 17c, qt 32c, % bu S5c, %4 br. $1.20, % bu $2.20, bu $4.25. 
Admiral Dewey. A grand new medium early, main crop. green wrinkled 
pea. Has handsome large pods, well filled with peas of finest quality, 
Stron g vigorous vines, very productive. Pkt 5c, % pt 12c, pt 20c, qt d5c, % 
bu 70c, 4% bu $1.30, % bu $2.50, bu $5.00. 

Nott’s Excelsior Peas, 18 Admiral Dewey Peas. 

Ff Hp 


‘Bliss’ American Wonder. One of the earliest varieties, the very best of the wrinkled sorts. In 
” produ ctiveness, flavor and quality they are unsurpassed. They are of a dwarf, robust habit, 
aoe from 10 to 14 inches high. kt 5c, % pt 12c, pt 20c. qt dic, % bu 80c. % bu $1,50, % bu $2.90, 
ew Gradus or Prosperity Pea. (irop almost an entire failure this ven A new early and 
hardy wrinkled variety of the highest type of perfection... Grows 2% feetin height; is a vigorous 
grower ; light green color ; pods and grain of very large size closely resembling Telephone. Result 
] of test being a great surprise in finding a green wrinkled variety witha pod as large aa the Gradus 
} to mature only about four days after First and Best Extra Early. Pods large, producing from 7 to 9 
| as of enormous size which when cooked retain the beautiful soft green, and are soft and mellow 
kt 5c. apt 15c, pt 25c, qt 45c. 
1 roved Stratagem. One of the very best of the wrinkled sorts. Pkt 5c, % pt l0c, pt 18c, qt 35c, 
| Mm bu 65c: bu $1:30, 4% bu $2.50, bu $5 00. ; 
jas roine. Ts a medium early. green wrinkled pea, and grows uniformly two to two and a half feet 
| high. It bears o peeeasion of large, long, slightly curved, pointed pods, containing from nine to 
| large peas of finest quality. Animmniensecropper. Pkt 5c, % pt 10c, pt 18c, qt 32c, % bu 7c, 4% bu 
| $1.25, % bu $2 40, bu $4.70. 

de of the Warket. Are robust in habit ; very productive and branching; are such heavy crop- 

hat their equal can hardly be found. The pods are so large in size and handsome in appear- 
oe ree phey tare mek rank in the market. Large pkt 5c. % pt 10c, pt 17c, qt 32c, 4% bu 70c, %4 bu 
; 's wi p<.4U, DU 94. /0. 

ammoth Melting Sugar. This new variety is ahead of all other Sugar Peas in the size of pod 
and prolific bearing, also for its delicious flavor. It grows to the height of five feet, bearsa pro- 
© fusion of very large. broad, handsome, light green (nearly white) pods, which + re generally found 
_ in pairs. and so brittle that they snap without any strings. Sweet and tender. Cook like wax 

beans. Pkt 5c, % pt 12c, pt 22c, qt 40c, % bu 80c. 

Gray Dwarf Sugar. 
Edible pods; early 
and of good quality. 

Ne: at 30c, 4% bu 70c. 
yChampion of Eng- 
land. One of the best 
sorts. Pkt 5c, % pt 10c, 
pt l6c, qt 30c,4¢bu 60c, 
% bu $1.10, % bu $2.00, 
y *bu $3 90. 
y White Warrowfat. A 
favorite sort. Pkt5c, 
46 pt 8c, pt lic, qt 28c, 
bu dc, 144 bu 65c, % 
i vA u $1.25, bu 2.25. 
We lack-Eyed Marrow- 
fat. Similar to the 
preceeding, except 
they have black eyes 
Per pkt ic, % pt 8c, pt 
lic, qt 28c, 4% bu 35c, 4 
bu 65c, % bu $1.25, bu 


Bliss’ American Wonder Peas. 

Pkt fc, % pt l0c, pt lic, | 

New Gradus, or Prosperity Peas. 


Potatoes by Mail. Any of the following varieties sent by mail. postpaid, at 25c. pér Ib, three 
ibs for 60c. carefully labeled and packed. . 
arly Six Weeks Market. Grows medium to large size, resembles a Ohio. Is very 
early. The tops and tubers grow so rapidly that in six weeks from planting the potatoes 
are fine marketable size, and reach maturity in 72 days. A finetable potato. not excelled 
by any other sort, oblong to round in shape, col »red Bhi, white flesh, very smooth, eyes 
Ses ane surface, tubers grow close together in the hill. Heavy yielders. 4 bu ddc, bu 
7 wo, ODI S: J 
Early Ohio. A widely known and popular sort; is very early and has the advantage of be- 
hg fit for use and sale even before fully ripe. All our potatoes are grown in the extreme 
: pgaorth and arefree from scab. 14 bu 40c, bu $1.25 bbl $3.00. 
tarly Bovee. Originated in Michigan 
by Marvin Bovee, Claimed to be 
earlier than Early Ohio, dry and 
mealy,best qualitv. Heavy Cropper. 
14 bu 40c, bu $1.25, bbl $3.00. 


Sow seed as early in the spring as 
possible in a highly enriched, light 
Selected Seed Potatoes. sandy soil. The quicker they are 

grown the more tender and mild in 
Early Scarlet Globe. It 
is the earliest; in color itis § 
the handsomest; in flavor it 
is the mildest; crisp, most 
juicy and tender. It forms 

small top and will stand a 

great amount of heat with- 

out becoming pithy. Is 
equally as good for early out 
door planting. Pkt 4c, oz7c, 

*% 1b 18, % 1b 80c, lb 50c. 
WLong White Vienna or Lady 
Winger. One of the finest of 
the long white radishes, 
Snow white.very brittle and 
crisp, of beautiful shape and 
rapid growth. Pkt 4c, oz 6c, 
14 lb 15c, % 1b 5e, 1b 45c. 

Alneer’s New Fourteen-Day Radish 

|Almeers New Fourteen-Day Radish. This new 
early Forcing Radish is of extremely quick growth,| Early Scarlet Turnip Radish. 
maturing in about two weeks under favorablecon-}| f » 
ditions; the Jeaves are very short, which renders| (Karly Carmine Erfart 
them particularly adapted for forcing under glass;| or "Kire Ball ” also call- 
they are of superior flavor, being crispand tender, ed Ikkapid Forcing. This 
and in color they are of a fresh, deep carmine red; is one of the finest red 
Mery attractive. Pkt5c,oz 1l0c,% 1b 25c, % lb 40c, forcing turnip radishes 
1b 75c. ever introduced; has a 
arly Scarlet Turnip. Early, quick growing, very small short top, 
crisp and tender, excellent for summer use. Pkt color a brilliant carmine 
$c, 0z 6c, 4 1b lic, % 1b 25c, lb 40c. crisp, solid, tender and 
of fine flavor. [tis alike valuable for fore- 
ing under glass or out door planting Soe 
in pei Adare Pkt 4c, oz 7c, % lb 18c,% 1 
ew Rosy Gem. This wonderful new radish 
has won golden opinions in all sections of 
the country. Itis one of the earliest rad- 
ishes in cultivation. Their shape is perfect- 
ly globular, with rich, deep, scarlet top, 
blending into pure white. at the bottom. 
xceedingly crisp and delicious. Pkt 3c, 
oz 6c, % 1b lic. % 1b 25c, lb 40c. 
Wood’s Early Frame. Ten days earlier than 
the Long Scarlet, but not as long;a finesort 
for forcing or open ground culture. Pkt 3c, 
oz bic, %4 1b 15c, % 1b 2c, Ib 4c, 
Long Scarlet Short Top. The Standard long 
variety; excellent for market or private use.. 
PKt 3c. Oz 6c, % Ib lic, 4% 1b 25c, lb 40c. 
ng Brightest Scarlet. White Tipped, 
The brightest and handsomest scarlet color 
we have seen in any radish is ready for use 
in about 25 days when planted out doors, has 
asmalltopand notendency to neckiness; 
it is mild flavored; may be used for forcing 


U a’ AY ‘ 
or planting out doors. Market gardeners BRIGHTES) 5 
should use this for early planting, as its “vA 

color alone will make it sell. Pkt 3c, oz 6c, % 1b 15c, % Ib 25c, 1b 40c, 



WAVERLY, N. Y., Gentlemen: Alneer’s Fourteen Day Radish beats everything. I 
have tried every new radish I have heard of, and yours was five days earlierthan the 
great Salzer Early Bird. They have knocked out everything in Waverly. Send me an- 
other lot in haste. Cc. CHAPMAN, 


Cincinnati Market. <A new extra 

early variety, of the Long Scarlet 

type,of a clear bright red color. Pkt 
8c, oz 6c, %4 Ib lic. % 1b 25c, Ib 40c. ; 

SS Ineer’s Improved Chartier. This 

‘ fine radish, unlike most other varie- 

ties, is of American origin and un- 

doubtedly by far the best variety for 
all pyrposes now in cultivation, pos- 
sessing almost every good quality 
that can be desired. Is perfectly ad- 
apted for very early growth, as well 
as for summer and fall crops, In 
quality itis unexcelled, being sweet 
and tender. Color deep pink or crim- 
son at top, shading to pure white at 
tip. Pkt 4c,0z, 7c,% 1b lic,% \b 25c Ib dic. 

Extvra Early Scariet Globe White. 
Tip. This new early forcing radish 
is of extremely quick growth, matur- 
ing in about three weeks. The leaves 
are very Short, making them particu- 
larly adapted for forcing under glass. 
Of superior flavor, crisp and tender. 
Color, fresh deep carmine red, very 
attractive and pleasing. Pkt 4c, oz 

_-8c, %4 1b 25c, % 1b 40c, 1b 75c. 

New Model White “Hox.” (Also 
called Crystal Forcing.) This variety 
is much superior and distinct. Points 
of superiority remarkably short top, 

: i rapid HOSE cates Rea shape, | == 
; ’ extra fine quality, and especially 
Extr- Early Scarlet Globe White Tip Radish. fageerawin=) ander eldse.y Pkesc, oz | | | 
S p 6c, % lb 15c, 44 1b 25c, Ib 40c, Sea. aE] } \ 
New Market or Shepherd. Ready for market as | | } | i 

early as the Long Scarlet and three times as large. A i 
Crisp and tender. Color deep crimson at the top and : 
almost pure white at tip, making a very handsome New Model White ‘‘Box”’ Radish. 
radish. Pkt 4c, 0z 7c, %4 1b lic, % 1b 25c. 1b 40c. 
French Breakfast. Excellent sort, of quick growth 
and very mild. Pkt 3c,0z 6c, % lb 15c, % 1b 25c, Ib 40c. 
New White Strasburg. This new radish has proved 
to bea most valuable summer variety. Pkt 4c, 0z 
\ 7c, 4 Vb 15c, % 1b 25c, 1b 40c. 
. New Golden Globe. Round globe shaped, amber 
flesh. Pkt3c, 0z 6c. %4 15c, % Ib 25c, 1b 40c. 

Mammoth White Chinese, (New Celestial,) A large 
stump rooted radish, with white skin and flesh. Can 
be sown from May Ist to August 15th,and will keep all 
winter in prime condition. Mild in flavor, brittle and 
never woody like some winter varieties. A fine and 

_ very good sort. Pkt 4c. oz 7c, % Ib 20c, % Ib 5c, 1b 60e. 

‘Chinese Rose Winter. Bright rose color, flesh, firm. 
Por winteruse, Pkt 3c, oz 6c, % Ib 15c, % Ib 28c, 1b 50c. 

pf Long Black Spanish. One of the hardiest and best 

for winter use. Pkt 3c, oz 6c, % Ib lic, &% Ib 25c, 1b 40c. 

Round Black Spanish. One of the best for winter use. 
Pkt 3c, oz 6c, % Ib lic, % 1b 25c, Ib 40c. © 

California Mammoth White. Very large white 
fleshed winter radish of excellent quality. Pkt 3c, oz 
6c, 14 Ib 15c, % lb 28c, 1b 50c. 


. Sow the seed early in the spring in rich, deep soil in ahi SSN 
drills fifteén inches apart, thinning out to six inches. New White Sirasture Radish. 

F ‘he roots will be ready for use in October. 
Improved Chartier Radish. ammoth Sandwich AA 

‘Island. _ Introduced : T r 
AN ere er eA 


the Long White and is superior in j 
quality. Pure white in color and in- fo” 





yyy) iia 

yuluable to market gardeners. Pkt 
wc, oz 8c, % 1b 25c, % Ib 40c, Ib 70c. : 

ong White French. Pkt 3c, oz/‘c, 
4% Vb 20c, % 1b 35c, lb 65c. 


Sow in rich ground in drills from 12 to 15 inches We give MORE and BETTER SEEDS for the Money 
Beet eae unl y SDutine fine (Sow jececsyently in than any firm inthe world. No better seeds at any price 

utumn. For summer use sow from early spring 
ntil August. 

Bloomsdale Savoy Leaved. Leaves are wrink- 
led like on Savoy Cabbage. More productive 
than ordinary sorts, and proved to be the hard- 
iest of all varieties of Spinach. Pkt2c,0z4c,% 
Ib 10c, 4% 1b 18c, Ib 30c, ¢ Ibs $1,00. 
ound Leaved. The well known standard sort. 

1 Penn Pkt He Og ae ¥%4 1b oe ete ee 1L BS 41bs as 

y ong anding. xcellent, and very slow to 

| New Market Radish.y run to seed. Decidedly one of the best sorts. 

Al Pak Pkt 2c, oz 4c, %4 1b 10c, % 18c, lb 30c, 4 1bs $1.00. 



\ A) 

| French Breakfast Radish. 
|_| A Fact—All our Radish Seed is grown from transplanted roots, and should not be compared with cheap drilled in stack. 

Long Standing Spinach. Bloomsdaie Savoy Leaved Spinach. 

. | Ni. * 2h 


Plant seedsafter settled warm weather, in hills; bush varieties two or 
three feet apart; running varieties six to eight feet apart 

Prolific Orange Marrow. The skin is ofa deep orange; the flesh is very 
thick, fine grained. Pkt 3c, oz 6c. % Ib 18c, % 1b 30c, lb SOc. 

White Pineapple. A falland winter variety. The skin and flesh are of 
a pure creamy white color, flesh of a very fine grain and of excellent 
quality. Pkt 3c, oz6c, % 1b 18c, %1b 30c, lb 50c. a | 

‘American Turban. A fine late table sort; flesh orange yellow and well 

flavored. Pkt 3c, oz6c, ¥% lb 18c, % 1b 30c, lb 50c. 

True Hubbard. A general favorite; Is more largely grown for winter use 
than any other variety; dry and excellent flavor. Our stock is true and 
very fine. Per pkt 5c, oz 9%c, % lb 30c, % Ib 50c. lb 90c. 

Perfect Gem. Small, yet desirable for both summer and winter use; pro- 
ductive, often yielding lb to 20 to the vine. Per pkt 3c, oz7c, 4 1b 2c, % 
1b 35c, lb 60c. 

Mammo. Chili. Of mammoth size, often weighing over 150 pounds. 

Per pkt 6c, oz 10c. 14 1b 35c. 

White & sh Scalloped. Anearly summer variety, Per pkt 3c, oz 6c, % 

1b 18c, % 1b 30c, lb 50c. 5 

Yellow Bush Scalloped. Similar to the preceeding except incolor. Pkt 

8c, oz 6c, %4 Ib 18c, % 1b 30c, lb 50c. r 

Giant olden Summer Crook-Neck. Early end good quality; fruit of 

orange yellow. Per pkt 3c, oz 6c, % Ib 18c, % lb 30c, lb 5c. 

Fordhook, The fleshisdry and sweet, of best quality In acool, dry 
room it keepsin perfect con- 
dition until late in June, 
Pkt 3c, oz 7c, % 1b 20c, % lb 
35c, 1b 60c. 

\f” Essex Hybrid. Itis across 
between the Turban and 

Hubbard, having the shape 
and color of the former. 
the flesh is very thick and 
solid; a good keeper. Pkt 
3c, oz 6c, % lb 18c, % Ib 30c, 
lb 50c. 

i Marblehead. Resembling 

the Hubbard, but flesh 

lighter in color; a fine va- ——— — 
riety; good flavor. Pkt 5c, : ; rn 
oz 9c, %4 lb 30c, % 1b 50c, Aineer’s Dwarf Champion Bush Tomato. 
Pb 90c. : 
ooh ‘Marrow. An excellent fall and winter variety. Per pkt 3c, oz 6c, % Ib 18c, % Ib 30c 

Chicago Warted Hubbard. It combines the fine points of the Original strain with increased 
es rougher shell, improved quality, thick flesh, fine color. Pkt5c,oz 9c. 4 1b 30c, % Ib 50c, 
New Golden Hubbard. The shell is warty, hard and strong and very beautiful orange red 
* color. Shape like the old Hubbard. The flesh is deep orange and uniformly so to the rind. 
It cooks very dry, fined grained, good flavor. Pkt 5c, oz 9c. %4 Ib 30c, % Ib 50c, Ib 9c. 


| Tomatoes do best in warm, moderately rich soil. Sow seeds early in March in hot bed or 

|; house, in shallow boxes. About May 15th to 20th in this latitude, the plants should be set out 
i) in the open ground. in rows four feet apart each way. A/l seeds we offer are from Critically 

“lll selected specimens of fruit. and must prove of the greatest value to the planter. 

Alneer’s Dwarf Champion Hush Tomato. I: is of peculiar growth and habit, dwarf and 

compact. with thick, stiff stems self--upporting, upright growth, allowingit to he planted 

much closer together than other varieties. Jt is very early -in fact, it being the earliest 
tomato we haveevergrown. Thefruitis of medium size; smooth: resembles the Acme, 
being of a purplish pink color, handsome and of fine quality, and very productive. Pkt 5c, 

* oz 20c. % 1b Tc, % 1b $1.25, Lh $2.25. 

Livingston’s Beauty. The coloris quite distinct, being a very dark crimson, shading in 
purple, the color alone bringing it intofavor. It grows in clusters of four or five large fruits, 
are not liabl- to crack or rot aftera rain; for shipping or early market cannot be excelled. 

-/ Price per pkt 4c, oz lic, % lb 50c, % 8c, Ib $l 50 - 

= Livingston’s Royal Red. A first class main crop tomato for the shipper, market and pri- 

vate yardener. The beautiful red color. both skin and flesh of the Royal Red is of special 

T Hubbard S h value for canners. Pkt 4c, oz lic. % 1b 50c, % Ib 80c, lb $1.50. 
roe hubbard squash. yeNew Peach Tomato. The fruit resem sles the form and colorof the peach; of a beautiful 

cee pope: blewnes with amber. Fine for eating out of the hand. Very productive. Pkt 4c, 

oz 15c, 5c. 
Iden Trophy. Size and shape like the well known Trophy, but in color a beautiful creamy 
yellow. Pkt 3c, oz lic, 4 lb 50c. 

New Golden Hubbard Squ 


ce S 

Golden Simmer Crook-Neck Squash, 

—* =r a 

Livingston’s Royal Red Tomato Livingston's Beauty Tomato. 


\t Solid; color despcrimson Pkt3c,oz lic, % lb 50c. % 1b 80c, Ib $1.50. 

| Jto the main stem, this peculiarity of its growth enables the sun’s rays to 

, sized, solid, productive, smooth and fine flavor. Pkt3c, oz 15c, %4 1b 50c. 
' Aeme. One of the earliest and handsomest varieties introduced. Fruit me- 
eecoscn. PEt 3e, oz 15c, %4 Ib 50c, % Ib 80c, 1b $1.50. 

\/Pertection. Fruit medium large, almost round, enormously productive, is 

(2 common occurrence Pkt 5c, oz 20c, %4 1b 60c. 

| Livingston’s Favorite. Large uniform, early tomato. deep red, very solid; 


4c, oz 15c, 4 Ib 50c, % 1b 85c, 1b $1 60. 
Livingston’s Honor Bright. 

ic, oz lic, %4 1b 50c. 

Pkt 10c. 

perfect, uniform large and 
wery productive setting 
surpassed in quality, and 

» Pkt 5c, 02 20c. % 1b f0c. 


New Emperial Tomato. Early, large, solid and 
most productive,longest keeping,perfectly smooth 
and in every respect the very best tomato known 
today. In productiveness it is a wonder second to 
_ no e, early or late. Color pinkish purple like 
= Acme. Vines continue to grow and produce 
wonderfully until killed by frost. Pkt 

\ large handsome fruit of finest qual- 
\\ ity. Best shipping qualities. Pkt 

Alneer’s Great Giant Tree To- 

mato <A new tomato of great 
merit. Will climb from 8 to 15 feet 
high, trained on trellis. Fruitis 
medium to large size, of meaty 
and luscious flavor. Immense 
bearers,from 50 to 1001bs on a vine 

ivingston’s New “Magnus.” A 
most promising new variety of 
the color of Acme. The formis 

tractive. Flesh firm, early and 

handsome fruits in clusters. Un- 
production of fine, large, fruits, 

‘Henderson’s New Early “Free- 
dom.” A new extra early sort. 
The fruit is borne in clusters;is 
perfectly round of a bright daz- : 
zling shade of scarlet; of finest quality. Pkt 4c, oz 15c, % 1b 50c. 

ew Stone. The New Stone Tomato ripens for mair crop; itis very large 
nd of a bright scarlet color; very smooth, exceedingly solid and firm 




New Imperial Tomato. fleshed; an excellent shipper; very best quality; fine for canning. Pkt 3c, 

f, 0z 15c, 34 1b 50c, % 1b 80c, Ib $1.50. 
Livingston’s Aristocrat. This fine new variety in habit of growth and 

‘Oliaze resembles the Dwarf Champion, but thecolorisa glossy red, Medium 

dium size; very solid and a great bearer; color distinct, being pink or dark 

Paragon. A fine sort; deep red, one of the best; a valuable market sort. 
©, oz l5c, % 1b 50c, % 1b 80c, 1b $1.50. 

ee atte. skin; very valuable for shipping. Pkt. 3c, oz lic, %4 1b 50c, 

(& j 

tlantic Prize. It isthe most valuableearly market variety everintr duced. 

The fruit is bornein immense clusters each vine producing from 60 to 80 
Be arits, very solid and of the finest quality. Pkt 3c, oz lic, % 1b 50c, % lb 
Ic. 0, 

onderosa No 400. The vines are strong and vigorous, and easily carry 

their enormous weight of fruit. Tomatoes weighing nearly four pounds 

have been grown and specimens weighing two or three pounds each are of 

Mikado. FPoliage differs from any other, the large leaves being entire and 
mot cut. It is enormously productive; fruit extra large size and very 

rly Ruby. Its style of growth is very open, the fruit being produced close 
reach and ripen the fruit hence its great earliness. Pkt 5c, oz lic, % 1b 50c. 
fle shipping sort. Pkt.3c, oz lic, 4 1b 50c, % Ib 80c. Ib $1.50, 

@Glliow Pearshaped. Used for preservingand pickling. Pkt3c, oz 1l5c,% 1b 50c. 
Soy Large; fine flavor. Pkt 3c, oz l5c. 

_©€&he Tgnotum. It is of a handsome, deep 
red color, ripening to the stem and freefrom 
zot. Pkt 3c, oz lic, % Ib 50c, % Ib 80c, Ib $1.50 

around Cherry, Husk or Strawberry 
’ Tomato. This is very much liked by 
many for preserves and for eating from 
the hand, The seed we offer is from the 
Z true yellow Ground Cherry; az7* ** very 
prolific. Pkt 4c. 


Turnips do best in highly enriched,light _ 
sandy soil. For early crop sow the early 
varieties as soon as the ground can be 
worked in the spring in drills 12 to 15 = 
inches apart; thin outto6or8inches, For 
a succession, sow at intervals of a fort. 

_ Purple Top Strap Leaf Turnip. crops ft faa Ib 40c. 
; psow after middle of August. Golden Globe. 

variety in use. Pkt. 3c, oz 6c, 41bl5c, % 1b 
25c. lb 40c. { 
xtra Early White Milam. It grow 

with wonderful rapidity, and is the 

earliest White Turnip in cultivation Of Pkt 3 

splendid quality. Pkt. 4c, oz 7c, 4 Ib 20c,| 205°. ° St 3c, 
Sib sec, Iie Ge » 1| 44 1b 28c, lb 50c. 
arly White Flat Dutch. Of mediumsize, 


‘Extra Carly Wilan. An extra early purple 

arly Ked Top White Globe. A very at-| .@lso excellent 

nowball or White Globe. A desirable |/% Ib 25c, lb 40c. 

Early Purple Top Munich.} 

Mer. ae ao days caries = 
‘ : an Purple Top; fine flavor, ¥ 
night, until the first of August. For fall kt 3c. oz bc, 1 1b lic, % 1b 25c, 

urple Top Strap Leaf. Early, of rapid 
growth and mild flavor; the most popuiar Waser, Ib 25c, aioe eae Ne 
hite Egg. New; a quick 
growing fall turnip; flavor is 
mild and sweet; in shape it is 
7 egg-like and of fine appear- 

ES ihe en prow te Pkt. 3c, oz 6c, Y% Ruta eee Swedish 

top variety; is very sweet and mild. Pkt3c, Ruta Bagasarelargely grown - 
Oz 7c, % Ib 18c, % 1b 3Ne, 1b 50c as a farm BSS for Stocwure ee American Yellow Ruta Baga 

urnip. < 

Excellent for 

oz 6c,% lb 15c, 

for table use. Sow seed from 10th to 20th of 

tractive varietv; very priductive; white | Tune, indrills two feet apart; thin to eightinches in the row. 
esh of fine quality. Pkt 3c,o0z 6c.% lb lic, Improved American Yellow Purple Top. Anexcellentyel- 
% 1b 25c, 1b 40e. Jow variety for either stock or table. Pkt. 3c, oz6c, % Ib 15c, 

globe shaped variety, valuable for family hite Sweet German. This variety is a most excellent 
and market. Pkt 3c, Oz 6c, % Ib lic, % 1b.25c,| kind; grows to a large size; very fine for stock or table, Pkt 
1b 40c. - 3c, oz 6c, % lb 15c % 1b 25c, 1b 40c. 


The sunflower is now grown on the prairie farms for feed. The seeds are nice for fat- 
tening poultry. Pkt 2c, oz 5c, %4 1b 10c, lb 20c. By express 4% bu 40c, % bu 75c. = 


One of the best forage plants.Itis greedily eaten by horses and cattle, and makes splendid 
food for poultry, fed either in the grain or ground and cooked. The foliage and stalk make 
excellent forage. € ultivate the same as common corn, requiring four or five pounds of 
seed per acre. 4% bu #5c, % bu 60c, 4 bu 9c, bu $1.60. By mail post paid, qt 30c, pt lic. % pt 10c, 


Introduced from Palestine. One of the surest of for- 
age plants for all dry countries and seasons. It grows 
about three or four feet high and produces many large 
heads well filled with a valuable grain for stock and 
chicken feed. % bu 50c,% bu $1.00, % bu $1.75, bu $3.00. 
By mail postpaid, qt d0c, pt lic, % pt 10c. 


A forage plant of great value, which can be sown at 
any time in May, Juneor July; requires about 5 Or 6 Ibs 
of seed per acre, Makes a grand pasturage for sheep, as 
well as for other stock. It can be cut up and shocked for 
winter feeding if permitted to grow toits full size.Is not 
injured by frost and will furnish feed until winter. 100 
Ibs $5.50, 50 Ibs $3.00, 25 lbs $1.75, 101bs 90c. By mail,per lb 20c, 


Change Your Seed oats and Double Your Crop. 

Illinois Rust-Proof Oats. A wonderful, produc- 
tive, new oats. Has yielded over 150 bushels to the 
acre. Stiff straw,stands up well. Large, heavy, 
white grain. Price, bu 75c, 2 bu $1.40, 5 bu $3,25, 10 
bu $6.50. 

New Zealand Oats. Rust-proof white oats; heavy 
weight and an immense yielder; stands up well. 
Sack 1 bu 75c, sack2 bu $1.40, 5 bu $3.25. 10 bu $6.50. 

New Lincoln Oats. A very large white variety; 
very prolific sort; always stands up well; heavy 
grain. Has yielded over 100 bushels to the acre. 
Sack 1 bu 70c, sack 2 bu $1.39, 5 bu $3.00, 10 bu $6.00. 



Farmers, Change Your Seed Corn and Raise Big¢ ; 
aA | Crops. 
bet A King Corn. Decidedly the finest New Yellow @e= 
AY y' Corn. Has large, fine ears; deep grain; small cob. = = 
\ 4 , setter kn ge at Fo ey gta rer Price, qt 25c, % ; 
YN} bu 45c, % bu 80c, bu $1.40, 2 bu $2.70. 
4  priae of the North. Yeilow Dent. Gold King Corn. 






ayy Champion White Pearl. Originatedin Dllinois. Enor- €3S 
mously productive,a strong grower, matures in about 
100 days. Ot 25c. %4 bu 4ic, % bu 80c, bu $1.40, two bu $2.70. 
: improved Leaming. Dent variety. Ears of good size, 
: 1” set low down and always two ears to each stalk; very 
small cob with deep grains of a rich golden color, Ma- 
trires early; a good yielder. Ot 25c,% bu 4i5c, % bu 80c, bu: 
1.40, two bu $2.70. Z 
New Brazilian Flour Corn. A rare variety of Indian 
corn with a white floury grain. yielding when ground a 
flour equal in every way to the best wheat flour. Small 
cob, with deep grain yielding at the rate of 75 to 100 bush- 
els to the acre. Pkt5c, % pt 10c, pt l6c, qt 28c, postpaid. 
By express or freight, % bu 40c, 4% bu 70c, bu $2.50. 


Kentucky Blue Grass. Fourteen pounds to the bushel. 
Lb 25c. 4 bu 60c, % bu $1 15,bu $2.00. ; by 

Lawn Grass Central Park. This is our best mixture. Lb *e, 
Y%, bu 60c, % bu $1.15, bu $2.00. 

Golden Millet. This is very profitable for farmers 
to grow for fodder. % bu 40c, % bu 70c, bu $1.30. 

Timothy. <A standard hay and 

\) MG ate 
Sj Pa 

e Corn. 

Mui : 


pasture grass, % bu 90c, % bu a! 
$1.60, bu $5.00. 
Iinois Rust-Proof oats. 
Medium Red Clover. Lb 25c, 4 bu $2.00, bu $7.00. ; 
White Clover. Lb 30c, 4% bu $3.00. a 

Alfalfa Clover. Lb 25c, % bu $2.00, bu $7.50. 

Alsike or Hybrid Clover, Lb 30c,% bu $3.00, bu 

Early Amber Sugar Cane. Lb 20c, % bu 35c,% bu 
60c, % bu 90c, bu $1.60. 

m4 Early Mastodon Corn. 

Sg 8 0 A AR Cee NU Ui 
. ( y NUH 

ol ° 

rial \ l ney Jal 
Us ! Ze hii | 
nl cal . ies ei ai 
With Description and Direction for Cultivation. 

Our collection of Flower Seeds embraces all varieties 
worthy of cultivation, including Annuals, Biennials and Per- 
ennoials. For convenience we have atranged them in alpha- 
betical order. If Annual, Biennial or Perennial it is noted in 
description. Our Flower Seeds are fresh, and can be relied 
upon to give entire satisfaction. They are put up in very neat 
packets and sent prepaid by mail. “i 
Abronia Umbellata. A trailer of Verbena-like habit of 
rowth, with clusters of sweet scented flowers. Sow in house 
in April or open ground in May. Halfhardy annuals. Pkt 3c. 
Acrocliium. One of the best of the everlasting flowers; cul- 
ture same as for Asters. Halfhardy annuals. Pkt3c. | 
Adlumia. (Mountain Fringe Allegheny Vine.) A beautiful 
climbing plant of graceful habit; fine for hanging baskets. 
Sow in housein April. Hardy annuals. Pkto5dc. | 
Adonis. Finely cut foliage. lower blood red. Does well in 
partial shade. Hardy annuals; scarlet; one foot. Pkt 2c. 
f Ageratum. Excellent for bouquets. Color lavender, blue and 
: white. Half hardy annuals; mixed. Pkt2c, | 
Adlumia. Antirrhinum. (Snap Dragon.) The Antirrhinum, better 
known as Snap Dragon is of very easy culture Sow in house 
in April, transplant in ground in. May. Perennials; fine 
mixed. Pkt 4c. 

Anemone (Wind Flower). A very pleasing hardy perennial; 

easily grown from seed, producing large fiowers; few plants com- 

are with them in beauty and brilliancy; fine for bouquets. Mixed. 

Aquilegia. (Columbine.) A highly ornamental plant, fine for early 
bloom of almost every conceivable variation of color; sow seed iu 
yonse in light soil, out of ors in May or June. Hardy perennials. 


Aster. The Asters are one of our best flowers and are universally 
known. For autumn display it has no equal. Sow seedsin deep 
rich soil. Half hardy annuals. 

New White Branching. Pkt 5c. 

New Branching. A large and beautiful sort, three colors—white, 2 
pink and lavender; mixed. Pktic. i 

New Yellow Aster. A new wonder. Pktic. 

New Queen or Snowball. Pure white, very fine. Pkt. 5c. 

Victoria. One of thelargest and finest fiowered. Pkt 5c. 

Truffaut’s Pzeony-fiowered Perfection. Very double, fineform, round 
asaball. Many colors mixed. Pkt5c. 

Comet. A new and beautifulclass. Mixed colors. Pkt 6c. 

Finest Double Mixed Colors. Pkt 5c. 

Alneer’s Perfection Double Mixed. Ourchoicest mixture. Pkt 10c. 

Alyssum Sweet. A pretty little flowering plant for beds. edgings 
of rock work. indispensible for bouquet making, being a beautiful 2 

; erate flower with delicate honey like fragrance. Hardy annuals, 

i 3c. i 

Amaranthus. Ornamental foliage plants, very graceful. Sow seed 
in house, plant out about Mayl15. Half hardy annuals. 

Tri-color. (Joseph’s Coat.) Leaves red, yellow and green. Pkt 3c. 

Caudatus. (Love Lies Bleeding.) Pkt 3c. 

Asperula Azurea setosa. A blue flower growing 15 inches high, 
bearing clusters of fragrant flowers. Sow 1n open ground in May, 
Hardy annuals. Pkt 2c. i 

Balsam. (Lady’s Slipper, Touch-Me-Not.) An old favorite-produc- 
ing gorgeous masses of beautiful brilliant colored flowers in the 
greatest profusion, double as roses and in every shade of color. 
Sow in housein April, transplant in open ground in May 

> Perfection White Queen, Finest double. pure white. Pkt5ic. 

Double Camelia-flowered; finest mixed. Pkt5c. 

Choicest )ouble Mixed colors. Pktic. 

Balloon Vine. (Love ina Puff.) A climbing plant, good 
for either inside or outside decoration. Sow out doors in 
May. Halfhardy annuals. Pkt 8c. 

Bartonia Aurea. Very fine yellow flowers 
thistle-like foliage, Hardy annual.Pkt 2c. 

Browallia. Very handsome, free bloom- 
ing plant, covered with beautiful blue 
flowers. Sow seed in house in April, 
transplant in open ground in May. 

Half hardy annuals; Mixed. Pkt 2c. 

Cacalia. (Tassel Flower.) A fine and 
profuse flowering plant, producing scar- 
let and yellow tassel shaped flowers, 
treat as Aster. Hardy annuals; mixed, 
Pkt 2c. 

Candytuft. A most popular hardy annual 
almost equally so as sweet Alyssum; of 
easy culture; very good for bouquet 
making. Cultivate same as Aster. 

Mixed. Perpkt 3c. 

White. Per pkt 4c. 

Calliopsis. A most brilliant hardy annu- 
al. The flowers on the outer edge are 
vellow, having a dark purple center. 

‘ Treat sameas Aster. Mixed. Pkt 2c. 

» Campanula. (Canterbury Bells.) Very 

fine perennial plant, usually sowninthe | Ganary-Bird Flower. (Tropzolum Peregrinum.) 

i} ml 

Hie {ll 


Aus hy at (lead 

Canterbury Bells. 

fall, but if sown very early in the spring One of the most desirable climbing plants. It is 
will flower the same season. It has large of rapid growth. Sow seed sameas Aster. Pki 4c. 
bell shaped flowers of various colors. Centaure2z. Showy hardy plants, many having 
Mixed. Pkt3c. Mesa beautiful silver foliage good for ribbon bordering. 
Cosmos. Mammoth Hybridus. Plants Sow early in house and transplant out doors in 

four to six feet high, literally covered in May. Half hardy annuals. 
autumn with large single flowers. A | Cyanus. (Bachelor’s Button.) Mixed. Pkt 3c. 
group in blossom is a gorgeous sight. | Candidissima. Silver white, deep cut foliage, fine 

Colors range through shades of rose, for bedding. Pkt 10c. 
“As purple, flesh and white. Gymmnocarpa. Silver foliage variety, fine for bed- 
a ihe Mixed. Pkt 4c. ding. Pkt5c. 

Asters—Finest Double Mixed. 25 

Cockscomb. Dwarf Morning Glory. 

Celosia Cristata. (Cockscomb). Magnificent free flower- 
ing, graceful growing plants, very Showy and fine Sow seed 
in housein April; transplant out doors in Mayin a sunny 

lace. er hardy annuals. 
Sinest Mixed, pkt 4c. : 

German Carnation. Centranthus. [ree flowering, compact growing plants, with 
numerous clusters of pink and white flowers, Hardy an- 
nual. Mixed, pkt 2c. 

Coleus. Easily grown from seed. Choicest varieties. 

Mixed, pkt &c. 

Clarkia. An old favorite plant, with pretty looking flowers; 
grows very freely. Sow seeds early in gpring in open ground. 
Hardy annuals. Mixed, pkt 2c. 

Carnation. Known and praised for its richness and beauty. Se 
of color peas Tess Sow, jseed umithes ee eee Marguerite Carnation. 
house. Haif hardy perennials. Doulk i i 
German, finest Double Mixed, pkt 8c. esa ee ee aie 
Carnation Marguerite. This new race Will endure tirst wintersafely and 
of Carnations, uutikeall others. bloomin flower in early spring Start in 
about three months from the time ofsow- house in April Half Hardy an- 
ing theseed and continue to flower until nuals, Z 
checked by frost. They embracea fine| Choicest Double Mixed pkt 5c. 
x ISG “ range of brilliant cotors, and are very] Dahlia. Seeds saved froma large 
PS SSESE ce free flowering. Best Mixed. pkt 8c. collection of best Dahlias and are 
“AST ay > Chrysanthemum. The colors have the very choiee. Sowseedin Aprilin 
ais appearance of being laid on witha brush shellow boxes in sandy loam; 
‘ and for this reason they are sometimes lant out in garden about May 1b. 
called * Painted Daisies.” Mixed annual Frait hardy perennials. 
Chrysanthemum. varieties, easily grown. Pkt 3c. ¢ Double Fine Mixed, pkt 8c. 
(Colacn Beather) Golden Feather. The beautiful large daisy- New Single Mixed, pkt 5c, 
f like flowers are from 2% to3 inchesacross/ }elphinium,. (Larkspur) Delights 
The dark velvety disk in the center is in cool soil and shade; in many 
surrounded by a circle of bright golden varieties and colors. Sow in open 
yellow, followed by another clearcut cir- ground in April or May. 
cle of rich crimson- Pkt5c. y Choicest Mixed, pkt 3c. 
Chinese Primrose. (Primula). Our prim-| pigitalis. (Fox Glove) Exceeding- 
roses are from the very finest strains.|  }~ showy and ornamental plants 
Sow seed in February, March and April. of stately growth and varied col- 
Then sown, the seeds germinate freely, ors. Hardy perennials. 
aad fine plants can be had for winter] pine Mixed, t 3c. 
. Howering. : Dianthus. The Dianthus are quite 
Spiendid Mixed Single, pkt 10c. similar to carnations and amon 
Extra Large Fringed Mixed pkt 0c. the most beautiful and popular flowers in | 
Canna. ({ndian Shot) Having foliageof} cultivation; will flower both first and sec- ) 
tropical luxuriance, valuable for its or- ond seasons, unsurpassed in brilliancy of 
namental foliage. Sow seed early in color and profusion of bloom. Sow seed 
house; transplant in open groundafter; jn house in April: out of doors in May. 
middle of May. Fine Mixed, pkt ic. Hardy annuals. 

New Dwarf French Hybrid. Large flower) Heddewigii. Double Mixed, pkt 5c. 
ing. Foliage very luxuriant and varied| [aciniatus Flore Pleno. Beautiful double 
in color from the: pris Wiese pea green to| “fringed variety; very fine. Pkt 5c. 
dark rich bronze. ut their greatest! cyoicest Mixed, pkt 4c. 
merit consists inthe form and, great size Erysimum. Very showy free flowering 
and dazzling brilliancy of their flowers. plant with yellow flowers: effective in 

Fhe colors rangethrough all beds and mixed borders. Hardy annuals, 
Y shades of yellow and orange 2% feet high. Pkt 2c. 
nN to richest crimson, scarlet | fgxcehscholtzia. (California Poppy) Ex- 

We andvermillion. ceedingly profuse blooming yellow flow- 

; Best Mixed, pkt 5c. er. Sow inopen ground in May. Hardy 

Cineraria. A favorite free annuals, Pkt 3c. 

flowering greenhouse plant) gehinocystis Lobeta. (Wild Cucumber.) 

of wondrous beauty.Large Quick growing and pretty climber; great 

gg ‘lowering. favorite for covering trellis, stumps, ete, 

Best Mixed. pkt 10c. Hardy annuals. Pkt 4c, 

Calendnila. Showy, 
free flowering, hardy annuals, growingin 

any good garden soil, producing a fine ef- 
fect in beds or mixed borders, and continu- 
ing in bloom until killed by frost. One 
toot high, 
Best Mixed, pkt3c. : 
Coboa Scandens. Fine summer climbing 
plant, quick growing and bearing large 
Beli-shaped flowers. Place the seed 
edgewise in sowing, Pkt 5c. ee 
Convolvuius Maior. (Tall Morning Glory) 
Will grow and bloom freely in almost any 
} situation. Sow seed in open ground about 
Se May Ist. Tall mixed colors, pkt 3c, oz 10c. 
S* €ypress Vine. A very fine ornamental 
ra climber, with delicate fern-like foliage. 
Sow seed in March, transplant to open 
ground in May. Half hardy annuals, 

Scarlet, pkt dc. 

| Mixed, pkt 4c. 

watuara Wrightii. (Trumpet Flower) 
Hardy annuals, with purple and white 
trumpét shaped flowers,attaining a height 
of three feet. Pkt 8c. 

Fresh Flower seeds. Sure to Grow. 



New French Hybrid Large Flowering Canna. j “7 / 
Dianthus—Mixed Pinks. 

Mignonette—Sweet. Double Hollyhock. 
Keverfew. (Pyrethrum Roseum.) The flowers of this kind 

“Persian Insect Powder.” Pkt 4c. 

Double White. (Alba Plenissima.) 
Feverfew. Pkt 4c. 

Gourds. Ornamental, fine and curious. Very valuable 
for covering old trees, fences, etc. Mixed pkt 4c. 

Luffa, or Dish Cloth. The peculiar lining of this fruit - 
sponge-like porous, tough, elastic and durable makes a 
natural dish cloth. Fruit grows about two feet long; the 
vine is very ornamental, with clusters of large yellow 
blossoms. Many ladies prefer this dish cloth to any 
other. Pkt 5c. 

Sugar Trough or Bucket Gourd. Useful and interesting. 

akes desirable buckets. Pkt 4c. 

True Japanese Nest-Egg Gourd. A valuable imitation and 
answers the purpose well; is a rapid grower. Pkt 4c. 

Dipper Gourd. A valuable household article. Train the 
vine on fence or trellis and necks grow straight. Pkt dc. 

Gilia Very pretty dwarf annuals; will bloom in almost 
any situation; good formassing. Fine mixed. Pkt 2c. 

Globe Amaranth. (Gomphrena.) Handsome, everlasting 
with showy flowers... The flowers should be cut in sum- 
mer and preserved for winter bouquets. Half hardy an- 

. nuals. Pkt 3c. 

Geranium These well-known favorites are indispensible 
for outdoor as well as indoor decorations. Sow seed in 
shallow boxes in March; when large enough transplant 
to similar boxes or small pots; plant outin May. Seeds 
we offer are saved from best named sorts. 

Choice mixed, pkt 10c. 

Godetia. Exceedingly handsome and showy annuals of 
dwarf, compact growth bearing freely large flowersthree 
to four inches across, of equisite colors and shades that 

listen in the sun like satin. Fine mixed, pkt 3c. 

Gloxinia. A bulbous rooted plant, producing in great 
profusion; has large well shaped flowers of the richest 
and most heautiful variety of brilliant colors. One foot. 
Hybrida mixed, pkt. 10c. 

Grasses. (Ornamental.) The ornamental grasses are 
very showy and pretty, and when dried and arranged in 
connection with everlasting flowers make very attrac- 
tive winter bouquets. Sow seed in open ground in May. 

Agrostis Nebulosa. Fine and cloud-like. Pkt 2c. 

Aveua Sterilis. (Animated Oats.) Hardy annuals. Pkt3c. 

Bromus. A beautiful grass. Hardy annuals. Pkt 2c. 

Briza Maxima. (Large Quaking Grass.) Very fine. Pkt 2c. 

Lagurus Ovatus. (Hare’s Tail Grass.) Plume-like. Pkt 2c. 

Stipa Pennata. (Feather Grass.) Very beautiful. Pkt 3c. 

All varieties Grasses mixed; large pkt 5c. 

Helianthus (Double Dwarf Sunflower.) A dwarf variety 
growing about 2% feet high; flowers very double, rich, 
golden yellow,5 to7 inches in diameter. Pkt 3c. 

Heliotrope. Well known fragrant plant of profuse flow- 
ering habit; excellent for bedding purposes or pot cul- 
ture. Sow seed in the house. Half hardy perennials. 
Fined mixed. pkt ic. 

s Hollyhock. A most splendid plant of stately appearance; 
flowers large and double as roses, ofevery shade and col- 
or. Sow seed out of doors in spring where they are to 
bloom. Hardy perennials. Finest double mixed, pkt. dc. 

Helipteram. (Sanfordii.) Everlasting flower. Pkt 3c. 

Morning Glory. Imperial Japanese. 
The surpassing charm of these im- 
proved Imperial Japanese Morning 
Glories lies in the entrancing beauty 
and gigantic size of the flowers, they 
measuring from 4 ro6inches across. 
Thecolors of the flowers, Shadings 
and markings are limitless, and real- 
ly a wonder of nature,of such incom- 
parable beauty that descriptions are 
Sow earlyin good rich soil. 

All colors finest Mixed. Pkt 5c. 

Morning Glory. C.mmon. 
Mixed. twenty feet, pkt. 3c, 0z10c. 

Marigold. A well known free flower- 
ing plant, with fine double flowers of 
rich, beautiful colors. Half hardy 

Choice mixed, pkt 3c. 

Eldorado. (New.) 
plants are each a ball of brilliant col- 
ors, single plants having from 75 to 
100 flowers in full bloom at one time. 
Pkt 4c. 

The finest pure white 


Deuble Marigold. 

are gathered, dried and pulverized, and form the true ia 4 ! 
Vfl pe 

Are of easiest culture. 

The large bushy = 

(Everlasting Flow- 
er.) Very good for 
summer bloom and 
for winter bouquets 
makes a fine border 
plant. Tender an- 

Monstrosum Double 
Mixed, pkt 3c. 

Ice Plant,(Mesembryan- 

themum.) A fine little Nar 

trailing plant with star- Gas 
like flowers in great abund-*@3¥ 
ance. Sow seed in house. VE 
Half hardy annuals. 

Mixed colors Pkt 3c. 

Epomopsis. (Tree Cypress.) 
Handsome free-flowering plant with spikes of deep- 
est orange and scarlet flowers; foliage similarto Cy- 
press Vine. Half hardy biennials. Mixed, pkt 3c. 

Lantana Hybrida. Free flowering handsome plant. 
The flowers are in Verbena-like heads,color very bril- 
liant and constantly changing in hue; very fine.Sow 
seed in house. Half hardy perennials. Mixed pkt 4c. 

Linum, (Flowering Flax.) fine half hardy annual 
with bright crimson flowers. Sow seed in the open 
ground. Pkt 2c. 

Lobelia. Very fine growing plant, admirable for front 
linesofribbon borders and vases and hanging bask- 
ets. Flowers deep blue and white. Sow seed under 
glass Halfhardy annuals. Choice mixed, pkt 3c. 

Lupinus. A free flowering plant, bearing long and 
graceful flower spikes of rich and varied colors. 
Hardy annuals. Mixed pkt 2c. 

Lychnis. Very handsome, useful perennials of easy 
culture. Sow seed in March, transplant to open 
ground in May in partial shade. Choice mixedpkt 2c 

Mignonette. A well known most fragrant little 
flower. Wants a sunny situation. Sow seeds in 
May where it is to remain. 

Reseda Sweet. Finest mixed, pkt 4c, oz lic. 

Golden Queen. Extra choice, pkt 4c. 

Bird's New Mammoth. A new variety of immense 
size. Very powerful fragrance. Pkt. 5c. 

Myosotis. (Forget-Me-Not.) Charming little plants 
with blue star-like flowers, very beautiful. They 
Succeed best in a moist situation. Sow seed in April 
or May. Hardy perennials. Mixed, pkt 4c. 


Japanese Morning 



———— _ ae bs 
ae a 

Mimulus Hybridus. (Monkey Flow- 
er.)A genius of very fine flowering 
planta, with brilliant colored flowers. 

hey want a damp, shady situation. 
Does best in pots. Half hardy peren- 
nials. Mixed, pkt dc. 

Mimosa (Sensitive Plant.) Very curi- 
ous and interesting plant, its leaves 
closing if sligbtly touched or shaken. 

Half hardy annuals. 

Madica. Per pkt 3c. 

Moon Flower. (Ipomoea Noctiflora 
or mg oe Glory.) The glory of the 

Cross Bred or Hybrid; New, pkt 5c. 

Marvel of Peru. ‘Four O’clocks.) 
Beautiful both in foliage and flower; 
areexceedingly fragrant, expanding 
in the evening, withering next morn- 
ing; color white, yellow, variegated; 
2feet. Mixed, pktic. 

Musk Plant. A most charming and 
fragrant little flower: a great favor- 
ite for baskets and winter blooming. 
Per pkt 4c. 

Nasturtium. (Tropzolum.) Well 
known profuse flowering plant, ad- 
mirably adapted for rock work, trel- 
lises or rustic work. Sow seed in 
open ground in early May. 

Eclipse. Grandestand richest mixture 

: 4 of Nasturtiums. Pkt 5c, oz llc. 

Empress of India. Dark foliage, with crimson and dark flowers. Pkt 5c. 

Sess Nasturtium, dwarf: mixed colors. Pkt 3c, 0z 8c, % lb 25c, 1b 80c. 

Nasturtium, Tall; Mixed colors. Pkt 3c, 02 8c, %4 29c, lb 80c. 
[sy Nemophila. (Love Grove), A pretty dwarf growing annual of very compact 

’ growth. Blooms freely allsummer. Hardy annuals. Fine mixed. pkt 2c. 
Nierembergia Very fineplants; adapted for baskets andedgings Pkt 5c. 

Nigella. (Love ina Mist.) Curiousfree flowering plants; have most interest 
ing looking flowers. Will grow in any soil. Sowinopen groundin May, Half 
hardy annuals. Mixed, per pxt 2c. £ + 

Enothera. (Evening Primrose.) Large flowers, Opening towards evening; 
large silver-white, golden-yellow and crimson spotted flowers. Sow in open 
groundin May. Half hardy annuals. Mixed,pkt3c. | 

Pentstemon. Highly ornamental; flowers bell-shaped, rich colors. growing on 
largespikes. Sow seed early in March, plant outin May. Mixed. pkt 3c. 

Poppy. Plants with large and brilliant colored flowers, producing a rich and 
fine display of bloom. Sow seed in open ground in May. } 

Fairy Blush, new, The immense globular flowers are perfectly double, and 
measure from 10 to 15 inches in circumference. The petals are elegantly fringed 
and pure white, except at the tip, where they are distinctly covered with rosy 
cream. Pkt. ic. 

The Shirly. Very rich in colors, large single flowers. Pkt 4c. 

All varieties Mixed. Pkt 3c. f 4 

Petunia. A highly ornamental plant, free flowering, highly perfumed. One of 

the best annuals for bedding and colors in mass. Will 
bloom from early spring until late in autumn. The 
double petunias are best for house or pot culture. ¢ 
The double fringed are very elegant and rich. Sow 
seeds under glass in April: transplant out in May. 

New Single Fringed. Beautifully fringed with large 

throats and extra large flowers. Mixed. per pkt 10c. 

Double. very fine. Per pkt lic. 

Double Sree extra fine. Per pkt 50 seeds 20c. 

y : Striped age iene Per Pete: sey 
we Hybrida, finest single mixed, Per pkt 4c. : 

ie Pansy: (Viola Tricolor Maxima.) Favorites with all They are 
too well known to need description. In brilliancy and variety 
of color cannot be excelled. Sow seed in February 
or March in Shallow boxes in house, temperature 50 
to60dexrees. Set out in open ground the latter part 
of April or first of May, in rich cool soil. We furnish 
Pansy plants, choice mixed, ready to bloom for 20c a 
dozen. See Flower Plant List. ue , 

Alneer’s Prize Collection of Pansy Seed. We have —& 
the finest collection of Pansies in the world. Inthe s ' 
collection are Henderson’s Highland. Butterfly and Poppy—Mixed 
Fancy Trimardeau. fEnglish Fancy. Odier or Five ay ae 
blotched, French and German Fancy. Flowers of the largest size, perfect in 
form and of the richest colors. Pkt 10c 

Alneer’s New Fancy Rain Bow. 
Beautiful collection, sure to 

lease. Pkt lic. 

— King of the Blacks. Pkt 5c. 

White Treasure. Pkt5c. 

=> Odier or Five-blotched. Pkt 5&c. 

s Emperor William, dark blue.Pkt 8c 

s Fancy or Belgian. Large flowers, 
beautifully blotched; very fine. 
Pkt &c. 

Giant Trimardeau. Mixed, 8c. 

Finest German Mixed. Grandest 
varieties. Pkt 8c. 

Good Mixed, pkt 5c. 

\ 4 

Lt " 

Double Fringed Petunia. Petonia—Hybride Mixed. ay Eclipse Nasturtium—Finest Mixed. wa | 

1 tery 

Eckford’s Fancy Sweet Peas Mixed. 

'Sweet Peas. Beautiful, fragrant, free flowering, climbing plants, 
Plant seed two inches deep, early in spring, support by stakes. 

| Almeer’s Prize Giant Flowering. Very fine. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % Ib 20c. 

|) Blanche Ferry. An American hybrid. Pink and white and very 
early; large flower and constant bloomer. Pkt3c, oz 6c, 141b15c, 1b45c 

flowers in profusion and im a very large variety of colors, fine 

for bouquets. Mixed pkt 4c. : : : 

Passiflora or Passion Flower. A most interesting climber, beam 
ing singularly beautiful flowers. Sow seed in house and set out 
after danger of frost. Mixed. pkt dc. 2 

Phlox Drummondii. For. beautiful and constant display they 
stand almost unrivalled; their richness of color renders them im 
valuable in every garden. Sow seeds in open ground in May. 

Star of Quedlinburg. Flowers of regular star-like form. Plant of 
compact habit, very prolific. Mixed colors. Per pkt ic. 

Brilliant Scarlet, pkt 5c. 

Flora Alba, pure white, pkt. 5c. 

Choicest Mixed, all colors, pKt 5c. t 

Portulaca. A most brilliant and profuse bloomer; beautiful and 
delicate, rich colors of every shade. A charming genus. The 
double Portulaca is one of the finest annuals in cultivation; flow. 
ers double as roses. Planton sandy, light soil, in a warm, sunny 
place. Sow seeds in house and plant out in May. 

Double Bose Flowers mixed colors 5c. 

Single mixed packet 3c. S) z 

Rhodanthe. PCMEeulatae) Everlasting and valuable ‘for winter 
bouquets. Sow seedinopen ground. PkKt3c.- meow 

Ricinus. (Castor Oil Bean.) A tall growing plant of tropical origin, 

the foliage being most valuable; good for screens,etc; height 

from three to seven feet. Sow seed out of doors when all danger ef 

frost isover. Fine mixed pkt3c. { M ; 
Smilax. (Myrsiphylium Asparagoidies.) A beautiful winter climb. 
ing plant; unsurpassed for wreaths and trimmings in floral decor 
ations. Sowin shallow boxes in the house in light soil at any sea- 
son of the year. Smilax seed pkt 5c. 
Salpigiossis. Has beautiful funnel-shaped flowers: very fine fer 
autumn bloom. Fine mixed, pkt 3c. 

| EBmily Henderson. The best pure white large flower. Pkt 3c, oz 6c. 
Hi\ 4 1b lic, % 1b 30c, Ib 45c. 

| Eckford’s Fancy New Hybrids. A strainof mixed Sweet Peas com- 

| prising many beautiful new varieties of bright colors, making a 
\|_ Sorgeous effect Pkt 4c, oz 6c, %4 1b lic, % Ib 25c, lb 40c. 
| Bine Mixed Colors. Pkt 2c, 0z 5c, 4 1b 12c, % 1b 20c, 1b 35c. 
i New Double Sweet Peas. Choice mixed, pkt 5c, oz 10c. 
}) White Cupid Sweet Peas: The plants form a compact moss-like LZ 
| bunch, about nine inches high and about eighteen inches across, Z 
| producing an abundance of clear white flowers of good form and 
| Substance. Is well suited for growing in pots or as a border plant. 
|| Pkt 4c, ozi7c. 

New Pink Cupid Sweet Peas. The 
flowers are thrown well above foliage 
whichis almost entirely concealed by 
a mass of bright rose pink flowers. The 
plant itself is of the same dwarf habit 
as WhiteCupid. A continuous bloomer. 
Pkt 4c, oz7c. 

Salvia. ‘Flowering Sage.) Fine plants 
with spikes of scarlet and blue flowers; 
good for pot culture or outdoor bloom in 
summer; fine in groups. Sow seed in 

Splendens. Brilliant scarlet. Pkt dc. 

Stoeks. (German Ten Weeks.) The Ten 
Weeks stocks or Gilliflower is one of the 

most popular of our garden favorites: is 

good for massing, bedding or pot cul- 
ture. Sow seed in house, trans- 
plant to pots;in June set out in 
open ground. 

Dwarf. Double Large Flower- 
ing Mixed. pkt ic. 
Seabiosa. (Mourning Bride). 

Handsome, showy plants for 
mixed borders, producing 

tee, }} ike) 

Phiox Drummondii. 

ig Double Rose-Flowered Portulaca. 

if . 29 

Schizanthus. Tall annuals, with beautiful flowers 
in great variety of colors. Pkt 2c. 

Sweet William. (Dianthus Barbatus.) A bed of 
the best varieties. Sproutinto an endless variety 
of colors,and presents a striking and beautiful 
sight. Hardy perennials. Fine mixed. Pkt 4c. 

Thunbergia. Slenderand rapid growing climber, 
with very pretty and much admired flowers; very 
fine for baskets. Start in the house and transplant 

to the open ground in May. Fine mixed, pkt 3c. 

Meranthemum. A fine and showy class of ever- 
lastings; flowers are used for winter bouquets. 
Mixed. Pkt 3c. 

Zinnia. (Youth and Old Age.) Strong growing, 
free flowering plant; flowers large, double, very 
fine colors: especially fine for background. 

Choice Double Mixed, all colors. Pkt 4c. 

New Zebra. Superior strain; flowers very large and 
striped. Pktic. 

Flowering Bulbs and Tubers. Zinnia - Double Mixed. 
Gladiolus. The Gladiolus is one of our most beautiful summer flowering 

bulbs. lt has briliant spikes of flowers, two feet or more in height, often 
several from one bulb, of most desirable colors. 

Imperial Mixture; from choicest varieties; 5c each; 5 for 20c; 12 for 4c. 

Finest Mixed; from the best sorts; 4c each 6 for 2c, 12 for a5c, 4 doz $1.00. 

Maderia Vine. A beautiful climber of rapid growth; has light green 
almost transparent leaves. It will climb to the height of 2u feet and over. 
They are excellent for house climbers, 5c each, 12 for 50c. 

Mahlias. The Dahlia is one of our best autumn flowers. They have large, 
double, rosette like flowers of every shade andcolor. Our stock is very 
choice. Roots with several eyes, 20c each, 3 for 50c, postpaid 

Lily of the Valley. This favorite flower, with its pure white flower-bells 
hanging gracefully onits slender stem, should be in every garden.Large 
Hamburg pips.ic each, 6 for 25c, 12 for 40c. 

Lilium Auratum. (Gold-banded Japan Lily.) Has large handsome gold- 
banded flowers; very fragrant; each 20c. 

Tuberose Double Excelsior Pearl The Tuberose isa beautiful wax- 
like, sweet-scented, double, white flower, growing on stems about three 
feet high, each stem bearing about a dozen ormore flowers. In cold lati- 
tudes plant bulbsin small boxes or five-inch flower pots in rich earth, 

At : and keepin a warm placein the house; water sparingly until it starts; 
4 = Verbena Hybrida Mixed. . when budding water freely; when weatherhas become warm remove te 
Violet. Sweet. (Viola) A great favorite, much it demand open ground, sink pot to rim in the earth. 
on account of its prufusion of bloom, and delightful fra- Large Double Flowered bulbs, 5c each, 5 for 
grance. Hardy perennials. Pkt 4c. 20c,12 for 40c, ; 

Werbena. Well known and universally admired 
lant, unrivalled in its splendor of brilliancy and 
auty. The Verbena is one of our -best bedding 
plants. Startseedsin housein shallow boxes in 
March and April; seeds sprout very unevenly, 
some coming four weeks after the others. Trans- 
plant to open ground about May lith. Wefurnish 
Verbena plants, grown from seed, ready to bloom 
at20ca doz. 

Hybrida, Choice Mixed. Pkt5ic. 

New Mammoth Grandiflora This new Verbena isa 
far superior strain,bothin size of flowers and clus- 
ters, while the clustersof bloom are magnificent. 
The range of colors is very large and rich. Pkt 10c. 

Winea. A greenhouse evergreen shrub; shining 
green foliage,pretty circular flowers. Mixed. Pkt 5c. 

Whitlavia. Charming hardy annuals, with beau- 
tiful bell-shaped flowers; will grow and bloom 
fre 't is anesnit Mixed Pkt 2c. hs WS 

Mammoth Selected Double Flowered bulbs, 
7c each, 4 for 25c, 12 for 60c. 

Fine climber, perfectly hardy, andis pre- 
duced from tubers which will muke fiom l0te 
30 feet of vine, Beautiful heart-shaped leaves, 
bright green foliage, and clusters of delicate 
white flowers, sending forth a delicious cin- 
namon odor. Large tubers 8c each. 6 for 40c, 

Sai ; 

Gladiolus. Excelsior Double Pearl Tuberose. : i 

30 1 FI 


The seepeee 5 
if properly cared for. 
with Rents of roots. 

plants are grown expressly for our shipping trade, and are stocky, vigorous, 1 
Our plants are grown in small pots and thoroughly exposed to light and air. so as 
We will send prepaid by mail at prices quoted. 

We book plant orders and 

well rooted plants, sure to give satisfaction 
: to insure a hardy, stocky plant, 
ship plants in spring as soon as safe from 

fro LANTS BY MAIL.—We prepay charges on all plants sent by mail. If wanted BY EXPRESS they are shipped at purchasers’ expense. 

Our Flower Plants this year are better than ever before. 

Many new and raze sorts have been added. 

Abutilon or Flowering Maple. 8c. each. 

Hardy greenhouse shrubs admirable for 

house culture or 

bedding out as they 

bloom almost the 

entire year. 

Eelipse. scarlet 
and orange flow- 

Shower of Gold. 
yellow, always in 

Souvenirde Bonn 
Foliage variegat- 
ed, bright orange 
red flowers. 

Rosaefiora. Pink. 

Snow Storm White 

Indian Chief. 
Bright crimson 

Alyssum. 8c. 

Double White. 
Pretty plants for 
vases or baskets, 
with fragrant flo- 

Ageratum. 8c each, 
Very useful plants for bedding, as they 
| bloom all summer long. j 
| Princess Pauline. Blue and white flowers. 
| White Cape. Very fine. 


Rex Begonias, 10c each. 
} Of these very desirable pot plants we grow 
) about a dozen of the very choicest varieties. 
| Begonias—Shrubby Flowering Varieties, 
10c each. 
We sell no class of plants that give better 

|| Satisfaction than these. They are of easy 
|| Culture, rapid growers and free bloomers, re- 
| Quirineg very littlesun. They delight inlight 

rous soil. 
hWarguerite, very large salmon flower. 
Vernon, foliage glossy green, flowers deep 

| red, changing to rose. 
| Semperfiorens Gigantea Rosea. very large 
| _@ardinal red flowers. .% 

4 ibra, new. Dark gteen leaves, flowers scar- 
| Stet. immense clusters, continuous bloomer 

| Wiltontenses, bright green foliage, flowers 

: ink. 

(eeeadersonii, small waxy foliage, bright 

| ae flowers. Tuberous rooted summer flow- 

| Serine. 

| Argentea, Guttata, purplish bronze leaves. 

| Berm Leaf, White flowers. 

| Bertha-du-Chateauroecher, free bloomer 
| Having flowers of a bright currant red, 

Canna—Started Plants, 10c each. 

| Madame Crozy, immense flowers of deepest 
yermillion, gold bordered. 

| Alemanmia. green foliage, flowers scarlet 
with golden yellow border. 

|| Paul Marquants, foliage deep green, salmon 

|| _ flowers. 

|| Plorence Vaughan, sreen foliage, large yel- 

| low flowers dotted with red. 

Alphonse-Bouvier, dark crimson spotted 

|| flowers with yellow edge. 

| Egandale. purple foliage, large red flowers. 

| Sophie-Buchmer, larze vermillion flower, 
Shaded carmine red, foliage green. 

Cyclamem Persicum, 10c each. 

A beautiful plant for window, giving more 
blossoms for less trouble thanany other plant. 

Cuphea Platycentra, 8c each, 
| Sometimes called ‘Cigar Plant.” Very fine 
either for vases, basket or bedding out. Give 
plenty of sun and water. Scarlet flower. 

Carnations, 10c each. 
Very fragrant flowering plants, fine for bed- 
ding or pot culture. — 
The Lawson, rich pink. 
Flora Mill, White 
Daybreak, flesh color. 
America, brilliant Scarlet. 
Mrs. Geo. E. Bradt, white and striped 

Impatiens Sultana, 10c each. 

This is one of the most beautiful plants, 
either as a winter flowering plant or for sum- 
mer bedding. It is of compact, neat habit and 
a perpetual bloomer; the flowers are a pecul- 

: - . iar brilliant rosy 
# scarlet.producedso 
j freely that a well 
} ZTOWRSpecimenap- 
pears to be quite a 
ball of flowers. 

Calla Lilies 
10c each. 

Large plantsready 
M to bloom. This pop- 
# ular house plant 
will prosper under 
Lily of the Nile, 
white calla. 
Spotted Calla or 
4 Bichardia, flow- 
: ers same as above 
ARITA only smaller in 
rishpeem size ;foliage green 
Calla Lily. spotted white. 

Coleus 6c each. : 
Very fine bedding or pot plants of rapid 
growth and easy culture; 18 varieties, includ- 
ing all choice shades of colors; 60c per dozen. 

Chrysanthemums, 8c each. 

The Chrysanthemums owing to their easy 
culture, gorgeousness of color and free flow- 
ering qualities. are very popular. 

Col. D. Appleton, yellow very large. 
Timothy Eaton, white very large. 

Xeno, pink, large fine sort. 

Glory of the Pacific, flne pink. ‘ 
Mongolian Prince,golden bronzed incurved. 
Major Bonaffon, incurved yellow. 

Louis Boehmer, pink ostrich plume. 
Diana, white. one of the best. ji 

Virs. Henry Robinson, pure white. 
Philadelphia, incurved creamy white. 
Eagene Dxiliedouze, double clear yellow. 
Pres. Wim. R. Smith, delicate pure pink. 
Geo. W. Childs, deep rich velvety crimson. 

Paris Daisy or Marguerite, 10c each. 
Madam Gailbert, white. 
Etoile de Or, yellow. 

Feverfew 8c each. 
Little Gem, double, pure white. This is one 
of the most popular free flowering plants. 

Single Fuchsias. 8c each. 
Klegant flowering, of hardy rapid growth. 
! The Fuchsia is a 
universal favorite. 
NePlus Ultra,very 
large pink. 

Mars, salmon pink 
profuse bloomer. 
Black Prince, cor- 

olla a reddish rose 
sepals. carmine. 
Earl of Beacons- 
field, sepals light 
rosy Carmine. cor- 
olla bright scarlet 
very large flower 
Monsieur Thibaut 
enormous foliage; 
flowers dark red. 
Marenga, corolla 
dark amaranth 
red, sepals car- 
- Lustre, bright red 
and white. 

Double Fuchsia. Charming, Single 

Double Fuchsias 8c each. 

VTrilby, double white. 

Glerie Des Marches, large double white, 
sepals crimson. 

Avalanche, large, double purple corolla, se- 

als crimson. 

adam Van Der Strauss, very large double 
white corolla, sepals scarlet, 


Phenomenal. this is the largest Fuchsia 
grown. Light red tube and sepals,immense 
bright violet corolla. 

Molesworth, free blooming white. Each 10c. 

Storm King. A new superb Fuchsia of ex- 
traordinary qualities. It is of somewhat 
drooping habit with enormous double white 
flowers. For winter blooming it cannot be 
surpassed. By mail 15c each, 4 for 50c. 

j Geraniums. 

We have improved our list of Geraniums by 
adding several new and valuable varieties so 
q fF that the list 
we now offer 
is as nearly 
complete as 

can be had. 

8c each. 


Salmon scar 

let and very 



Sun, one of 

the best scar- 



bright clear 
Tred? yy 

Madam Thi- 
baut, deep 
rose pink, 

UGH Uclauiuu. very fine. 

B.KM. Bliss, ric! scarlet, very large truss. 

Hoff Beach. rich, amaranth purple. 

Prokop Daubeck, pure soft rose. 

James Wick, salmon, very large. 

S. A. Nut, very dark crimson. 

éen. Bruant. scarlet, very large. 

Queen of the Fairies, salmon center, white. 

Emerson, large truss, salmon Pink. 

MWirs (has. Pease, rose pink. 

La faverite, the best pure white. 

Alphonse Ricard, brilliant orange red, fine 

White Swan, pure white, dwarf grower. 

Grand Chancellor Faidherbe, very dark, 
soft red. 

Hetherante. good bedder, bright red. 

Gilded Gold. deep golden orarge. 


1 PLANTS Geraniums, Double 
and Sirgle, only $1 00. 

Star Spangled Banner, large truss. single 
flower, color red, white and blue, 10c each. 
Single Geraniums, 8c each. 

Miars, deep rose. 

Athlete, brightest scariet 

Madonna, pale pink, large truss 

Souvenir de Wiranda (New) upper petals 
creamy white with salmon rose border; low- 
er petals salmon rose, streaked with pure 

“eviathamcrimson scarlet,shaded vermillon 

Drs. h. G. Will. salmon, very large blooms, 

Marguerite de Layre the finest single pure 

W.A-Chalfant,a grand scarlet bedder[white 

Variegated Geraniums—S8c each. 

Distinction, black narrow zone, bright scar- 
let flower. 

Marshall Mc Wahon. bright scarlet. 

Black Deugliass, salmon color. 

Mouv tain of Snow. : 

Madam Salleroi, bright green, silver edged. 

Scented Geraniums—S8c each. 

Oak Leaf, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Rose, Skele- 
ton, Rose Leaf, Pennroyal. 

Ivy-Leaved Geraniums—tl0c each. 

Compte Horace de Choiseul, color bright 
golden salmon; double variety. 

Mine. Thibaut, very rich deep rose. 

Joan of Arc, double, pure white. 

Chas. Turner, dark red. 

Pelargonivms or Lady Washington Pansy 

Geraniums—10c each. 

Madam Thibaut, richly blotched white and 

Victor, flowers bright cherry red, with white 
at base. 

Capt. Raikes, large brilliantcrimson flowers, 

Kingston Beauty, large pure white, with 
beautiful plum-colored center. 

Dr. Andre, light carmine pink, veined pur- 

lish crimson. 

rs. KR. Sandiford, large double pure white, 
15c each. 

Hydrangea—15c each. 

These are very desirable decorative plants; 
produce large heads of bloom in great pro- 
Hortensis. produce large pink flowers. 
Thomas Hogg, immense pure white flowers 
@taksa. deep rose pink. 
Paniculata Grandiflora, hardy, opening to 
full white and changing to deep red 25c each 

Heliotrope—8c each. 

Lilac Queen. flowers lavender. 
Miss Nightingale, a lovely purple. 
Madam De Blonay, a beautiful large white. 

Passion Vine—S8c each. 

Constance Elliot, a rapid growing vine, 
with white flowers: a fine trellis plant and 
very popular. 

Southern Beauty, blue, white and pink. 

Double Petunias—10c each. 

Little Gem, double dwarf white. 
Defender, fringed white. 

Peerless, mixed and striped. 

Favorite, dark purple fringed. 

Lillian, double light variegated. 
Sunshine, white, splashed with carmine. 

Salvia—8c each. 

Ivy—8c each. 
English, plain. 
German, the fast growing sort, 

fs Tea, and Bedding Roses—10c each. 

aFrance, silver rose pink. 

Perle des Jardins, ventas 

Ras Se Augusta Victoria, pure, snowy, 


Meteor, deep crimson. 

Clothilde Soupert. flowers 
borne in Sprays. color white- 

| rose topink. Very free bloomer, 

Hardy Roses—10c each. 

Paul Neyron. deep shining rose 

Souv. DeCharles Montault, 
rich deep crimson. 

Ball of Snow, pure white. 

Memorial Rose, hardy lasting rose, 
creeps over the ground likeivy. Sin- 
gle white flower borne profusely. 

The Three Ramblers—15c each. 
Crimson Rambler. 
Yellow Rambler. 
White Rambler. 
The three for 40c. 

A strong growing, hardy plant, especially 
fine for bedding out, with long spikes of scar- 
let flowers. 

Bonfire, scarlet, very fine. 
Violets—8c each. 

Marie Louise, finest double, dark blue. 
Swanley White, the finest double white. 

Vinca—8c each. 
Major, White, variegated; a beautiful trail- 
ing plant. 
Marisoni, green variegated. 
Smilax—8c each. 
A beautiful climber. largely used. 

The Beautiful Manettia Vine. 

_ This is the most magnificent flowering vine 
in cultivation. for it is loaded with bloom 
every dayin the year. Flowers intense scar- 
let, tipped with yellow the most brilliant and 
striking combination. Strong plants lic each, 
two for 25c postpaid. 

Hardy Climbing. 
Roses 10 each. 
Tennessee Seil. 
Pink,vigorous grower 
Climbing Meteor, 
Rich red perpetual bloomer, lic each. 
Queen of the Prairie, bright rose red. 
Pride of Washington, brilliant amaranth 

Aster Plants—20c Doz. 

Fine, large strong plants, grown from our 
Perfection Double Mixed Seed. Perdozen 20c, — 
three dozen for 50c, postpaid. 

Pansy Plants—20c Doz. 

Large, strong plants from choicest named 
sorts, among them our new Rainbow, a Strik- 
ing beauty; all choice sorts. mixed colors, 
ready to bloom; per dozen 20c, 6 doz $1.00. 

Verbena Plants—20c Doz. 

Fine large plants, from seed ready to bloom, 
mixed colors; dozen by mail 20c. 


Asparagus Sprengeri, a beautiful plant, 
best suited for hanging baskets, ofa rich 
reen color, 10c, 
mbrella Plant,(Cyperus Alternifolius /l0c. 

Oleander, Pink, 10c. 

Lantana, white, red and pink. 10c. 

Justica, plume plant, i0c. 

Lemon Verbena, l0c: Sword Fern, 10c. 


We make a specialty of raising Early eo eee and Tomato Plants for market gardening. Our plants are started early and grown in 
low temperature, transplanted and thoroughly hardened. Itis always best to send plants by express. 
Time When Vegetable Plants Are Ready for Shipment: Early Cabbageand Cauli ower, about April Ist; 
Plant and Sweet Potatoes, about May Ist; Late Cabbage and Cauliflower, about June Ist and Celery about June Lith, 
Plants quoted by Express or Freight are shipped at buyer’s expense; by Mail are shipped Post or Express paid. 

Tomato, Pepper, Egg | 

By mail—dozen l5c; hundred 65c. By mail—dozen lic; t dred 80 By mail—dozen 10c; hundred 60c. 
y Express 100 1000 y: By Express—100 1000| Almeer’s Excelsior Flat Duteh......-.__-_- Be $2 
Extra Sel.Early Jersey Wake- Bull Nose or Large Bell ____.._. 65c $6 00 
fleld, from our Selected Stock -50c $3 00} Lomg Red Cayenne....-__.-.--.__65c 6 00 ; 
Early Winningstadt---- i-lgee=e-00C 8 00 (All preceeding varieties trans- 
Henderson’s Early Summer..50c 300! planted and hardened.) Wynoose, Il, 
By pial AOzeR 15c; hundred 80c | : came yesterday, they 
Early Snowball --------.-----.--- 65e 6 00) By mail-—dozen 10c; hundred 60c i : 
N By Express—100 1000 5000 are Diteye ae 
EARLY TOMATOES. Yellow Jersey .-.-_ ---.--80¢ $2 50 $10 00 in fine condition. Th 
By mail—dozen lic; hundred 65c. ellow Nansemond .- 30c 250 10 00 r, 
LAvineston’s Beauty ey Ses Ee 3 00 Red Bermuda.._______- B0c 250 1000 garden .seeds are up 
Bee Champion sles Bae 50c 3 00 CE nicely. ; 
tar GRIN Cie ees ones se bon 3 00 4 
Ponderosa —.. Ra eeeatsnens 3 00 | LERY, MRS. CARRIE TOTTON 
Early Perfection---.--...-.- 3 00 | By mail—dozen 10c; hundred 60c 
Livingston’s Favorite -..._..-_.; 3 00 | : z By Be ukena 100 1000 Asparagus Roots 
Golden Self-Blanching.........40c $3 60/ By mail hundred 75c._ By Express or freight—100 i 
y EGG PLANT. White Plume............_...--...-40c 3 00| Columbian Mammoth White._..-. .-..__- - aS. 50e $4 
_ By mail—dozen lic; hundred $0c Giant Paseul ____.........-..-.....40c 3 00) Conover’s Colossal..__._....--..___ cup lease 50c 4 
New Work Improved.__.........75c 6 00 | Perfection Heartwell -_--...._. 40c 8 00|Palmetto....-............... _.... 0 ee 

7 4 — 
: : ike 

The list here quoted are all desirable and standard varieties 
hardiest and best for all climates, Good, strong and healthy plants 
guaranteed. Sdud in your orders as early as possible to be booked 
for spring shipment. Shipping will commence as early as weather 
will permit. Those quoted by Express are sent so at buyer’s expense; 
all others are postpaid. 


Grapes will live and flourish abundantly on almost any good, 
dry soil, especially if made rich with barn yard manure. The vines 
should be trained on buildings or arbors. 

Moore’s Early. The bunches are large and compact, berries black. 
l5c each, 6 for kc, 12 for $1.50. 

Concord. One of the best old sorts; bunches and berries large, 
black. lic each, 4 for 50c, 12 for $1.25. 

Campbells Early. A new large, black grape; large compact 
bunches; berries of finest quality. 30c each, 5 for $1.25. 

Brighton. Color bright reddish bronze. 15c each. 6 for 80c. 

Niagara. White grape of recent introduction; vine remarkably 
hardy and strong grower; bunches very large and uniform. J5c 
each, 6 for 80c. 


Fay’s Prolific. New, large, a vigorous grower; bunches very large. 
15c each, 12 for $1.50. 

Red Dateh A well known old sort; fine. 1l5c each, 12 for $1.25. 

White Grape. A fine white variety. 15c each, 12 for $1.25. 


By Mail. By Express. 

ag Doz. Doz. 100 

Downing. Hardy, the standard sort, two 

MemmoeOlelocleneiwe---------------._-.----.-_... $1.25 $1.00 $6.00 
Houghton’s Seedling. Enormously produc- 

ee OG eere ren ---------------_------___ | 1.25 1.00 6.00 
Industry. Berries very large, darkred color, 

delicious quality, two years old; 15ceach-_-- 1.25 1.00 6.00 

By Mail. By Express. 
Doz. Doz. 100 

Cuthbert. Large, very fine quality, hardy, one 

of the best for family use, berry red----.---------- 60c 40c $1.60 
Loudon. A new red, extra fine sort. Large ber- 

ries. Immense bearers. Hardy-----.-----..------ 75c 60c 2.50 
Gregg. One of the best, late variety, berry black  60c 40c 1.60 
Early Ohio. Large, sweet and juicy, berry black 60c 40c 1.60 
Shafter’s Colossal, Is the largest and strongest 

rower we have’ Seen. -.2 eee see eee pee ene eo eeeee 60c 40c 1,60 


Snyder. The old standard, hardy; 4 for 25c------ 65c 50c $175 
Kittatinny.Large,hardy,sweet, delicious ;4for25c 65c 50c 1,75 
Lucretia Dewberry. Large, early, very prolific; 

perfectly hardy. of delicious flavor 4 for 25c------ 65c 50c 2.00 


Those marked (S) are staminate or perfect blossoms, and will bear 
fruit when set alone. Varieties marked (P) are pistilate, and require 
to be fertilized by setting every fifth or sixth row with a strong 
growing and perfect flowering variety. 

By Mail Postpaid. By Express 
Doz. 100 100 1000 

Bederwood. (S) Anold standard, very 

Ja eee AO cleo e ease cise ate cnt ep seas 20c 80c 50c $4.00 
Brandywine. (S) Oneof ths best------ 20c 80c 50c 4.00 
Sharpless.(S) A standard, fruit of mam- 

moth size, excellent quality------------- 20c 80c 50c 4.00 
Warfield No. 2. (P) Vigorous grower 

and large yielder; fine quality---------- 20c 80c 50c 4.00 
Jessie. (S) A new variety of great merit, 

Jumbo or mammothin size..-----------. 20c 80c 50c 4,00 
Bubaeh No. 5. (P) Large. uniform in 

size and color, earthy: 2 2-22--.n i sen-aaeee- 20C 80c 50c 4.00 
Nic Ohmer. (S) A new wonder..-------- 40c $1.00 70c 6.00 


BEANS—Golden Wax Dwarf. / 

BEET Lentz Early Blood Turnip. 
“ CABBAGE—All Seasons 
}CELERY-—New Giant Pascal 
“CARROT—Alneer’s Intermediate 
CUCUMBER-—Green Prolific 
LETTUCE—Early Prize Head 
‘MUSKMELON—New Columbus 
My WATERMELON -Kolb’s Gem 


, NION—Red Wethersfield 

NION— Yellow Danvers 
‘-PARSNIP—New Maltese Half Long 
PEAS - Nott’s Excelsior 
RADISH—New Fire Ball 
SPINACH Bloomsdale Savoy Leaf 
SQUASH—Summer Crookneck. 
| TOMATO—Royal Red 
© )/TURNIP—Purple Top Munich 

ee X 

Hammond’s Slug 
Shot, The Great 
merit of this insecti- 
cide lies in its non-poi- 
sonous properties, not 
hurtful toman or beast 
Probably the most ef- 
fective and economical 
article in use for the 
destruction of potato 
bugs, rose bugs and all 
other insects that prey 
upon melons, cucum- 
bers, squash, egg 
plants, currants,goose- 
berries.etc.,and is sure 
— ad death to the cabbage 
worm. Price by mail 20c per lb; by express, buyer’s expense, 
5 Ibs 30¢, 10 lbs 50c; barrel holding 250 lbs net 4c per pound. 

Matthew’s New Universal Model Drill 
_ and Cultivator Combined $8,00. 

Excelsior Weeder. 

Hazeltine Weeder. 


Planet Jr., No. 4. Combined Hill Droppin 
Drill, Cultivator and Wheel Hoe, $10.50. 
Asa Drill only $8.50. 

Planet Jr., No. 1 Combined Drill and Cultiva- 
tor, (complete) #9,50. 

\ Planet Jr. No. 2 Seed Drill, %7.50. 

} Planet Jr. No.13 Double Wheel Hoe, #4.75. 
Planet Jr. No. 16 Single Wheel Hoe and Cul- 

J tivator, (complete) $5.75. 

Planet Jr. No. 17, Single 
Wheel Hoe, Cultivator and 
Plow. $5.00. 

Planet Jr. No. 8, Horse Hoe 

andCultivator (complete) 88.00 

Planet Jr. No. 9, Horse Hoe 

and Cultivator,(complete)®6.90 

Planet Jr.Twelve Tooth Har- 
row and Cultivator, (com- 
plete) $8.00. 

By Mail 

By Mail 25c. 

Planet Jr. No, 12. Double Wheel Hoe and Culti- 

tor, complete, $7.00. 

Complete Tool Catalogue 
on Application 

Matthew’s New Universal 
Double Wheel Hoe, %#5.00. 

We are prepared to meet any prices quoted on these tools, 




w7 A new kind, and by far the Largest and best Red sort 
best of the Red sorts. Has G in cultivation. 

large, fine berries of & ES 
exquisite flavor. Immense Price, 15 cents each. Kg 4 
bearer. Hardy and strong //_ \ Dozen, $1.50, 5 

grower. Price, by Mail, | Postpaid. 
dozen 70c., by Express, or i Be 
dozen 60c.; 100, $2.00.) 

GOOSEBERRY. Gaicficer : 
L lor bri i d, of let Fruit of largest size, hand 
arge, color bright red, of / uit of largest size, handscme 
superior quality. EARLY GRAPE. greenish-yellow. 
Wonderful cropper y Largest and best : . Finest quality. 
m=) Price, 20 cents each. ae S Grape. in > Price, 20 cents each. oO 

existence, of 

Dozen, $1.50, postpaid. > finest quality, Coates 515, norte, - } 

F —> ; good keeper and hardy. i es 

Price, 25c. each, 
5 for $1.00, postpaid. 


; ——— A new wonder of the Black sort. Berries largest 
This New Strawberry is of large size, and enormously of any known sort. Solid, sweet and delicious 
productive. Color dark red, very firm, of finest flavor. flavor. Handsome in appearance and very heavy 

Perfect blossom. cropper. It simply beats them ail 
Price, by Mail, dozen 25 cents. 100, $1.00. By Express Price, by Mail, dozen, 70c. By Express, dozen, 60., 

(purchasers expense). 100, 80 cents; 1000, $5.00. 100, $2.00.