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With the opening of the new year we wish all our customers, ald and 
O() A. new, a pleasant and prosperous season. We are better than ever pre- 
pared to furnish high grade seeds and plants, and we trust our busi- 
ness relations may prove as pleasant in the future as in the past. To our old cus- 
tomers we need no introduction, but those who may see our catalogue for the first 
time we ask to carefully examine it and to notice especially the many unsolicited 
testimonials (a few of many received) scattered through the pages. These we think 
show better than any mere words of our own that our goods are giving good satis- 
faction. We believe a satisfied customer is our best advertisement, and it is our con- 
stant endeavor to give perfect satisfaction. Trusting our relations for the coming 
year may prove mutually beneficial we remain 

Very truly, : 
january 15, 1904- L. P. BUTLER & CO. 


Amaryllis «1+ 2 0+ «© « - 1-2 Forget-me-not .... «+. .30 Passion Vine... . «= « «35 
Abutilons . . . «+ 6 eo «6 © «14 Foxglove). © .\b vl. os +. 40 Pelargonium ©.) 3.<)'s 6 snel ae 
Ageratum «ee eee oe o 8 Fringe (Smoke Tree)... .42 Petunia . s+ «+ 0 0 es 033 
Asters «+e «eeeee 2 #30 Fritillaria . o's 6 ise wo 0 8 Pepper Plants ..... + «44 
Asparagus . ++ e+e © «32 Fuchsias . 2... 2 «+ 0» «22 Perennials, Hardy .... +38 
Alyssum . «see + 034 VTA 5) ce, «| cue tini| op Wels) 40 Phlox, Hardy. . . « « « « «4! 
Wzalea ts sits. ode ielhaaietat 0.6030 Geranium) . ./\s «<<: 5 « 24-27 Pilea aa ©» ote) 6 » » 6 aneae 

Agapanthus . «+e «36 Genista . «+ ee + «0 » 037 Platycodon ....+e. + 638 
Achillea . ccc -cecee 239 Gladiolii cies \tiathee ta, «Lor id Potato «10s 0 2 0 0 2 0 44 
Astilbe . .« «ce «© « se « © © 40 Glechoma - eee ee oe © 0 35 Primrose oe ee ee © 0 29-39 

Ampelopsis . - + +++ «4! Gloxinia . 2.6.26 + 02-3 Quince, Japan. »« « « « 6 « «43 
Begonia, Tuberous ..-- «2 Grapes . ee ee e+ 2 e © 043 Raspberries... «++ « +43 
Begonias «e+ e+ee8 8 e9-II Gysophila ..'. 2... «+40 Resurrection Plant... ..14 
Basket Plants. « « « « 6 « «34 ielsanthusii\.; sifsie-s tes jee 4h Rhubarb ....+«.s«» « 044 
Balbsi cs! ee. of wy ehed ace eA Hemerocallis ...... © «40 Roses . eee cec ere e «50 
Cannas. » «+ «+ ee © 17-18 Hibiscus . 2. «e+e +e. 23 Rudbeckia ... +++ ++ «40 
Cabbage Plants . . « « « + «44 Hollyhock .. «e+ ++ +40 Ruellia)cjeie Jered 0s) sie ae 
Cactys 0 3 °s te\'e's His. 40; ove, BO Honeysuckle ... «+ « © 42 Sage «eevee es veo 0 44 
Calla: ih sis wifere ie ee BO Hoya Carnosa .. «+» « «35 Salvias 2.6 eee © ee © 0 Bl 
Caladium .++eee+e -I-2 Hydrangea. « » « « « « «31-42 Sanseveria . 4. «++ + 037 
Carnations . . « « « « « «15-16 Impatiens . . » » © 6 » «© » «38 Saxifraga . «+ «© «+. « 035 
Cauliflower Plants ... « - 44 TPIS) as ieierielel ciple ewe Gate sO Seeds, Flower ...+e. « «45 
Campanula ..- «+ «+ 039 TSENeE be) feo: eliietenol elev ern@ Seeds, Vegetable ..... .67 
Celery Plants. ... ++ +44 Tviy fps) ohn ew wileiinte | ie! 035-45 Shrubs, Hardy . . «s+ « «42 
Chlidanthus ...eeeeceel Jasmine ..e see ee « 0 35 Snowball .. 2+ eee + «43 
Chrysanthemum . « « « «12-14 Justicia . 2 2 6 ew we we 0 38 Smilax «ee eee te 0 0 0 34 
Clematis . . «ee e « © «41-42 Lantana . oe ee © 2 © 6 0 35 Stevia: 9.50) Shei 2 eile ka ceaae 
Coleus .2«ececeecee & 0 39 Teemon os) 5. ce aiiiilations = she 30 Stokesia .. «es... «se «40 
Coreopsis .2.++-+ +e «39 Lilac . «2 oe © © © © © 6 42-43 Strobilanthes .. . « » ss «37 
Cobea. eee eee eee 035 Lilies . 2. ee ee ee eo 0 IHD Strawberries . 2. + «+ © «43 
Crown of Thorns. ... » «14 Lobelia . . «se eee oo 0 38 Syringa. . «s+ eee 02 « 43 
Crinvii) 5) S ekica Velo. eth a ee Lotus ee ee ee ee oo 0 35 Tigridia . «6 « we eee 6 0 
Cuphea . 2.2 + oe es © 635 ot iin eben Tomato Plants’... « «+ -44 
Currants 43:24. + beeutinis ag Lyysimachia . « « « « « « «39 Tritoma 4. + «+--+ « «40 
Cyclamen . . «++ +++ 030 Manettia Vine ....-- +35 Tuberose . +e est eceed 
Dahlias . 6 «6 + «+ « 0 19-20 Maranta | 5 cs Yorwtie 0! wae) « 37 Urceolina Pedula ..... el 
Daisy . oes «37-30 Mesembryanthemum .. . -35 Vegetable Plants... «+ «44 
Cutzias sais he sie tee atone ae Miscellaneous ....« « «30 Vegetable Seeds .....s +67 
Dialetra .. « ».: 0 ee s » A40 Nasturtium .. 2 «+ 2 « © #34 Verbenas . . + « + ee © + 0 30 
Dutchman’s Pipe... .. .42 Orange .. + eeecvvee - 37 Velvet Plant .. «+e +37 
Evergreens .....++ +49 Ornamental Plants .... .29 Vinca «eee ee eo 2 © 0 35 
Farfugium .. . + «++ + «36 Oxalis . ee eee ee nee 0 Vines, Tender ..... + +34 
FeGrniGi) cose iehielt a aldose ahaa Ponies .. + «eee +39 Vines, Hardy. . « « « « « «41 
Feverfew . . o « + «+ 0 « 630 PANSIES \¢)js ww. 0" 's) axis, Jotel 66, e180 Violets . . 2 eee eee © 033 

Flower Seeds... . = « » «45 Palms eee ee oe © © © @ e 2 Wisteria eee ee eo ee 0 0 FB 

Deseriptive List of Plants. 


Chlidanthus Fragrans. A variety very rarely seen. Rich, pure yellow in color, 
powerfully fragrant and a most abundant bloomer. Very easily grown. This fine 
variety should be more generally grown. Price 10 ts.:each ; 3 for 25 &s. 

Urceolina Pedula, Droofing Urn Flower. A very rare South American bulb 
having long, broad, glossy leaves and very curious drooping flowers. Culture is 
easy, being the sameasfor the Amaryllis. A rare, curious flower and one seldom seen. 
Our stock of this rare plant is limited. Price 50 &s. 

Amaryllis Vitata Hybrida. These new varieties are very beautiful, being vari- 
ously striped, flaked and feathered. Our strain is very fine, being grown in Califor- 
nia where they have been highly developed. Price 20 &s. each; 3 for 50 dts. 

Scarlet Mexican Lily, SArekel- an 
za Formostssima. The superb bril- 
liancy of the flowers of this Lily 
can scarcely -be described in words. 
They are of a dark velvety scarlet, 
shading to maroon and having a 
satiny white stripe in the center of 
each petal. The form is exceedingly 
graceful, and they must be seen to 
appreciate their gargeous beauty. 
The flowers are borne on long stems, 
and if two or three bulbs are plant- 
ed together will make a fine dis- 
play. They may be planted in 
sand and pebbles covered with 
water, like the ‘‘ Sacred Lily,” or 
may be grown in good rich soil. 

Price 10 Cts.; 3 for 25 cts: fi 

Crinum Kirki, ‘‘ Tze Wilk and SCARLET MEXICAN LILY. 
Wine Lily.” Grand! This is the only word that can fully describe this magnificent 
variety. The flowers are of surpassing beauty, and usually two flower stalks are sent 
up at the same time, each bearing a large cluster of twelve or more mammoth lily-like 
flowers of the richest fragrance. The color is white with a deep reddish purple stripe 
running through the center. Blooms quite freely. Price, large bulbs, 35 &s. each. 
Caladium, Fancy Leaf. These have become very popular of 
, late years, not only as splendid pot plants, but they may be plant- 
i ed out after the ground is well warmed, provided they are sheltered 
(Q from strong winds and given plenty of water. We have them ina 
¥ great variety of fancy colors, some being marbled and spotted, 
others being veined and striped with bright colors in many fanci- 
ful ways. For exhibition plants for the conservatory or window 
. garden they are fine. Price 20 ts. each; 3 for 50 ts. 

g Tuberose, Hxcelstor Pearl. This is the best double Tuberose 
SS = in cultivation, grows about eighteen inches high, blooms early, 

FANCY CaLapium. and bears immense spikes of large pure white, perfectly double 


flowers. They are among the sweetest and most beautiful flowers grown. Do 
not plant before ground is warm, as they cannot bear muchcold. Plant three inches 
deep and six inches apart. Price, 3 ts. each; 30 cts. per doz.; largest selected bulbs, 
5 &ts. each; 50 ts. per doz., postpaid. 
Gloxinia, Crasszfolia Erecta. Easily grown, 
and blooms constantly until autumn, when they 
sheuld be allowed to die down, and the pots kept 
dry in some swarm place until spring, when the 
bulbs can be started into growth again. Any good 
soil will grow them, but will do best in compost of 
one-half good loam, balance equal parts old manure 
and leaf mould. In potting, allow top of bulb to 
stand just above the soil—water but little until 
growth commences. Our bulbs this season a 
fine and large, and in a mixture of the grandest 
colors; all in the ‘‘ Crassifolia”’ varieties, which is 
the strongest growing strain known, being char- 
acterized by short, shapely foliage, over which the 
flowers hold themselves very erectly. Price, in 
colors, red, white, blue and spotted, large bulbs, 20 
GLOXINIA CRASSIFOLIA. &ts., the four for 75 &ts ; fine mixed, strong bulbs, 
15 &s., four for 50 &s. Our Monadnock strain of Gloxinias is magnificent. 
Caladium, Gzant Flowered New Century. A magnificent new plant introduced 
from Central America. It produces enormous leaves, these being of a thick leathery 
texture, the veins being sunken, thus giving the whole surface of the leaf a rich 
quilted appearance. These leaves are held on stout stiff stems well above the ground, 
and have a bright metallic lustre, glistening in the sun as if burnished. Added to the 
foliage effect are the mammoth lily-like blossoms, twelve to fifteen inches long, snow- 
white changing to cream and with arich, powerful, exquisitefragrance. Price 15 &s. 
Caladium Esculentum Zilephant’s Ear. ‘This is the variety used so much for 
tropical effect. Foliage immense in size. Price 20 cts. each. 
Nerine Japonica, Red Spider Lily. A most beautiful species of Amaryllidaea. 
The flowers appear before the foliage growing in rich umbels, the color being a bril- 
liant red or carmine which sparkles in the sun or light like jewels. The long anthers 
are pearly white to red and the whole effect of this beautiful blossom is charming. 
Price 10 &ts. each; 3 for 25 &s. 
Fritillaria Japonica. Gracefully drooping flowers. Color green with a network 

of gold. Very interesting and easily grown. Price 10 &s.; 3 for 25 ts. 
Fritillaria Kamtschatcense, Black Lily. Growth similar to above. Most inter- 
esting on account of the deep purple color of the flower. Price 15 ¢ts. 
Japan Amaryllis, Lycorzs Sanguinea. Beautiful lily shaped flower with upright 
calyx. Color brilliant red with lilac shadings. Price 15 &ts.; 2 for 25 ts. 
Japan Amaryllis, Lycorzs Sguamiguera. Shape similar to above, but color a 
beautiful rosy pink with silvery. stamens. Price 30 &ts.; 2 for 50 &s. 

Ismene Calathena Grandiflora. The flowers of this grand plant are of a beautiful 
and novel form and exceedingly fragrant. Color is a snowy white and altogether is 
one of the most lovely of all the great Amaryllis tribe having a most peculiar 
grandeur which can only be appreciated at sight. Bulbs are strong and begin to flower 
soon after planting sending up tall stems bearing several magnificent blossoms. Can 
_ be treated as a pot plant or grown out of doors. This is much used by the florist for 
forcing in winter. Price 20 &s.; 3 for 50 &s. 


Begonia, Zuberous-Rooted. These Begonias 
are very beautiful, and unsurpassed for bedding or 
pot culture. The plants present a striking appear- 
ance, being covered: with magnificent showy flow- 
ers. The bulbs or tubers can be easily’ grown, re- 
quiring like Gloxinias, light, loamy soil and a some- 
what shaded situation. After blooming all sum- 
mer, the bulbs, if in beds, should be taken up in 
November, dried off like Gladiolus, and packed in 
a box of coarse sand placed in a dry place, secure 
from cold. If in pots, they can be gradually dried 
off in November by withholding water; when well 
dried out, put the pots containing bulbs in a dry 
warm place, until spring, when the roots should 
be shaken out and repotted. Double Tuberous 

Begonias in four colors. Red, White, Pink and SSS 
Yellow. Price 20 &ts. each; 3 for 50 cts. 

Single -Tuberous Begonias. Colors fed, DO eae ES oe 
White, Pink and Yellow. Price 15 &ts. each; 3 for 40 ts. 

$@™ Our strain of the above is magnificent, the flowers being simply enormous 
and greatly admired by all our visitors. 

Oxalis, Summer Flowering. Valuable for edging borders of walks or flower beds. 
Planted 3 inches apart they produce an unbroken row of elegant foliage and pretty 
flowers, furnishing a neatand attractive border the entire season. They bloom ina very 
few weeks after being planted and will succeed in all soils or situations. They are 
fine also for pot culture. We can furnish them in pure white, pink or in mixture 
containing several colors. Price 10 &s. per doz.; 40 &ts. per 100. 

: Tigridias, Vew Giant 
California. This fine new 
strain makes a remark- 
ably strong and vigorous 
growth, blooming early 
and with remarkable pro- 
fusion. The colors are 
magnificent and in great 
variety. Do not confuse 
these with the ordinary 
kinds for they are much 

Brice. 6) crs. each’; 3 f0r 
20 &s. 

Gloxinia Tubifolia. 
This is tar different from 
ordinary Gloxinias, being 
a plant of erect branching 
habit produced from a 
strong bulb or tuber. The 
flower stems rise to a 
height of two feet each 
bearing several large pure 
white blossoms 4 inches 
long and of a peculiar 



fascinating fragrance. It is hardy and easily grown either as a pot plant or in the 
garden, blooming freely and always attracting great attention by its oddity, novelty, 
remarkable beauty and peculiar fragrance. In every way a novel and grand plant 
either for outdoor or indoor culture. Price 20 &s.; 3 for 50 &s. 
Lilium Auratum. This handsome Lily now 
so well known is undoubtedly one of the finest of 
the entire Lily family. Perfectly hardy, exquisitely 
colored and of fine fragrance, the flowers increasing 
in number and size as the bulb grows older, all 
these qualities combined makes it deservedly the 
Lily for everyone. The large handsome flowers 
are of a delicate ivory-white thickly dotted and 
studded with crimson and banded a golden yellow 
through the center of each of the six petals. Every-. 
one should plant it. Price 15 «ts. each. 
Lilium Speciosum Album. Pure white with 
gracefully reflexed petals, heavily fringed, very 
fragrant, perfectly hardy. : 
Price 20 &s75 3)for 5oictss 
Lilium Speciosum Rubrum. Same as above: 
but color is white shaded and spotted with rosy 
carmine. Price 20 &s. 
Lilium Speciosum Melpomeme. Form is 
similar to above two varieties. Color, rich blood- 
crimson, heavily spotted. Price 20 @ts. 
Lilium Tenuifolium, Szberzaxn Coral Lily. 
Very beautiful, being the brightest of all Lilies. 
LILIUM AURATUM. Grows about two feet high with finely cut foliage, 
slender stems, and beautifully shaped flowers of a brilliant coral red, with reflexed 
petals. Perfectly hardy, fine for cutting, and makes a brilliant showin masses for the 
lawn. An exquisite variety. Price 15 &ts.; 3 for 40 &s. 


Groff’s Gold Medal. These are the choicest new creations of Mr. Groff, com- 
prising magnificent white, light and yellow shades of the purest colors obtainable, 
dazzling shades of Red, Scarlet, Crimson, Pink and Cerise, and including rare tints 
of Blue, Lilac, Heliotrope and Clematis. Price 15 és. each.; $1.25 per doz. 

Groff’s Selected Blue Hybrids. These are rare blue shades, no such ever having 
been offered before elsewhere in the world, comprising beautiful clear shades of Clem- 
atis, Lilac and Heliotrope. Very fine. Price 15 &ts. each; $1.25 per doz. 

Groff’s Mixed Hybrids. These are the first introductions of Mr. Groff and while 
not equal to the ‘‘ Gold Medal Collection” still comprise a wide range of coloring, 
different from anything seen before in coloring, including lilac and blue tints, mar- 
velously brilliant, stained and blotched varieties. Price 5 &s. each; 40 &s. per doz. 

Burbank’s California Select. This isa selection of some of the fine new Gladioli 
seedlings of Luther Burbank, the ‘‘ Wizard of Horticulture.” Comprises mostly 
light and variegated types. Price 4 ts. each; 40 ts. per doz. 

Childsii. We have an extra fine strain of these giant flowered varieties, our 
mixture being made up of over seventy-five varieties. This strain is characterized by 

extra large flowers and showy colorings. Price 5 éts. each; 40 &s. per doz. 
Lemoineii. The best and most popular mixture of this highly colored strain ever 
offered. An extra fine range of varieties. Price 4 cts. each; 35 cts. per doz. 

Fine Mixed. Contains a large number of varieties. Price 25 ts. per doz. 




(These are not hardy except where mentioned. ) 

New Rose, /deal. A sport from the favorite La France which it resembles in 
every way except color which is a bright deep pink that does not become ‘‘ washed 
out.” Plant is a strong vigorous grower, very free flowering, flowers of good size 
and deliciously scented and will probably become even more populay than its parent, 
either for indoor or outdoor planting. Price 15 ts. 

New Rose, Razzbow. ‘This new Rose from California was awarded a silver cup 
by the State Floral Society. The color is a lovely shade of deep coral pink, striped 
and mottled in the most unique manner with intense crimson and elegantly colored 
with rich golden amber at center and base of petals. Buds are beautiful and flowers 
extra large and sweet. One of the leading cut flower Roses in San Francisco. 

' Price 15 &s. 

New Rose, Helen Gould, 
(alsocalled Balduin). Claimed 
by the introducers to be the 
grandest Rose ever introduced, 
being the strongest growing, 
largest flowering, freest bloom- 
ing and hardiest Rose in exist- 
ence. It is a strong, dwarf, 
compact grower, free from dis- 
ease of all kinds. The flowers are 
as large as,‘‘ American Beauty,” 
which grand variety it some- 
what resembles in fragrance 
and color, being full and per- 
fectly double; the buds are 
beautifully made, long and 
pointed, produced on long, stiff, 
erect stems. Color is a rich 
crimson, elegantly shaded and 
exceedingly beautiful. 

Price 1.5,Cc5- 

Gruss an Teplitz, Crimson 
Hermosa (new). This grand 
new Rose is a Rose for every- 
one, succeeding under the most 
ordinary conditions, and is des- 
tined to take rank with such old 
time favorites as ‘‘ Hermosa,” 
“*Soupert,” etc. Incolor it is 
of the richest scarlet imaginable, 
shading to a velvety crimson as 
the flowers mature. Size is 
larger than ‘‘ Hermosa,” very fragrant, a free, strong grower, and a phenomenally 
profuse bloomer, being a mass or color at alltimes. The foliage is quite pretty, the 
new growth being of a handsome bronze color. Price 15 cts. 

Winter Gem. This is a new Tea Rose of vigorous growth and a particularly free 
bloomer, especially during the winter, hence its name. Blossoms are of large size 
and a pretty crimson-purple color, the buds being finely shaped, and the open flowers 



full and double. One plant of this variety, it is claimed, will produce more good Roses throughout the 
yearthan any other Tea Rose grown. A fine Rose for amateurs, and especially adapted for window 
culture. Price 15 és. 
Snowflake. One of the freest blooming white Tea Roses which we have. Makes a superb pot 
Rose. One hundred and forty-three buds and flowers have been counted in a single day on a young plant. 
Flowers finely formed and pure white in color, Price 15 cts. 
Inconstant Beauty, ‘‘ The Rose of Many Colors.”” A most remarkable Rose. A single plant of 
this variety may have at the same time, deep rose, coppery yellow, blush pink, mottled yellow or apricot 
colored. Sometimes all these colors will be mixed and mottied in a single flower. Buds and flowers are 
large, fragrant and beautiful. It is a constant bloomer, and a most novel Rose which should be in every 
collection. Price 15 cts. 
Burbank (new). This lovely Rose was raised by Luther Burbank of California, known the world 
over as the ‘‘ Wizard of Horticulture,’’ and is the only variety out of seventy-five thousand seedlings which 
he was willing should bear his name. The color is described as a cherry-crimson or in other words, the 
very deepest and brightest pink Rose in cultivation. Itis astrong, bushy, vigorous grower, and is per- 
fectly hardy, standing the most severe winters. Itis an extraordinarily free bloomer, bearing the large 
double, delightfully fragrant flowers throughout the season, until stopped by frost, even small plants just 
started from cuttings beginning to bloom. A most valuable new variety. Price 15 cts. 
Clothilde Soupert. This grand 
Lan "4 fn Rose still holds its reputation of being 
> bok hy (7: \ wD aig) “C4 one of the best all round Roses in exist- 
cS \3 a a l// ‘a ence. Color is a pearly white deepen- 
a “ hi Nye Wiis % Z ing to a rosy blushin the center. Ithas 
: WN VN eh VA ip tcemy ( % avery compact, vigorous habit, and is 
. \£N\": 2 XW ff | 5 ; a wonderfully profuse bloomer, even the 
smallest plants being covered with a 
profusion of flowers. The hottest 
weather does not affect the flowers, so 
that even in midsummer a bouquet of 
splendid buds and open flowers can be 
obtained from this fine variety. Too 
much cannot be said in praise of this 
fine Rose for bedding purposes, and 
valuable as it is for this purpose, it is 
Ly Ne MK just as much so for blooming in the 
Mh i *) house, being entirely exempt from the 
A ig diseases usually aftecting Roses in the 
{ SUL 

house. Price 15 cts. 
TAR La France. One of the most 
=), beautiful of all Roses, and is unequalled by any in its delicious fra- 

grance. Very large, very double, and superbly formed. Color is light 
silvery rose, shaded with silver-peach and often with pink. This 
variety is hardy for out-door culture, if slightly protected with ever- 
green boughs in winter. Everyoneshould have this. Price 10 cs. 
Marechal Neil. No yellow Rose yet produced equals it. The 
flowers are of the largest size, highly fragrant, and of the richest and 
deepest golden yellow; the flowers remain in perfection several days. 
It is a vigorous grower. Price 15 cts. 
Hermosa. A grand Rose, and one which no onecan afford to be 
without. The flower is cupped, finely formed, always in bloom. Soft 
shade of pink, fragrant, but not a Tea. Price 10 cts. 
Princess Bonnie (new). ‘ Princess Bonnie »? is one of the loveli- 
est of the new Everblooming Roses. It has no superior and very few 
equals. Its color is indescribable. <A richer, deeper crimson was 
never seen in a Rose, while its-fragrance is even more subtle and deli- 
cate than that of ‘La France.” It is a profuse bloomer, and as easy of cultivation as the most ordinary 
Rose. Price 15 cts. 
Perle des Jardins. Flowers very large, full and well formed; color, beautiful straw or rich 
canary; vigorous growth, extra fine. Pricez0 cts. 
Marie Guillot. White, tinged with delicate shade of lemon; large, full and beautifully imbricated 
in form; a fine white Tea; the perfection of form in Tea Roses; highly fragrant. Price 10 ey 
Mad. Angelique Veysset, Striped La France. This Rose combines all the good qualities of 
‘“‘ La France”? in growth, fragrance, and shape of bud and flower, in fact differs from it only in two points. 
First, it is a little freer in bloom than the parent; second, it is nicely striped, the markings being plain 
and distinct, the variegation, a beautiful bright rose on a satin pink ground. Price 10 cts, 


Mosella, Yellow Soupert. This is everybody’s Rose. A strong, bushy, dwarf grower, equally as 
free blooming, and with the beautiful shaped immense clusters of flowers as ‘‘ Clotilde Soupert.” Buds 
are exceedingly dainty and attractive. Color is white on beautiful light yellow ground, which becomes a 
chrome yellow in the center of the flower. Price 10 és. 

Pink Soupert. Identical with ‘‘C. Soupert ’’ except color of flower. Has the same stocky, sturdy 
habit of growth, blooms as free, with large handsome flowers, same form as ‘‘C. Soupert.”” Color, rich 
dark shining pink, sometimes nearly red, Price 10 ¢ts. 

Miniature, Baby Rose. This is the smallest of all Roses but perfect inform. The cunning fairy- 
like flowers are fully double and very fragrant, being borne In wreathes and clusters almost covering the 
entire plant. Color is a cream rose, flushed with a peachy red. Price 10 ¢ts. 

Henri Martin, Moss. A magnificent Moss Rose, Extra large and perfectly double. Color a deep 
rosy carmine, shaded a bright crimson, beautifully mossed and very fragrant. Very fine. Price 15 cts. 

aaa aaa a a ee ee ee SS es ee es 
“2 *° 
*,° “. 
< * s \ 
“ Three charming Soupert Roses for 25 cts., postpaid. a 
* s . . \Z 

% One each of Clothilde Soupert, blush white; Pzxk Soupert, deep pink; % 
SS Yellow Soupert, Mosella, pale yellow. ‘S 
+2 + 
sy Three of the finest Roses for outdoor or indoor culture. Will produce hundreds of flowers & 
cS the first season. “ 



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(These are hardy in open ground, with little or no protection). 

Soleil d’ Or, Golden Sun (new). A hardy everblooming yellow Rose is something which thou- 
sands have been striving to produce, and at last in this magnificent variety we haveit. This grand new 
Rose is the first of a new race totally different from anything before had. Itis a very robust and vigorous 
grower, with beautiful bright green foliage, which is peculiarly fragrant. It has conical shaped buds of a 
lovely hue, the flower when expanded being very full, large and globular, superb in color, varying from 
gold and orange yellow to reddish gold shaded with nasturtium red. It is very fragrant and may be said 
to be a perpetual bloomer, Price 25 ¢ts.; 2-year, 60 cts. 

Clio (new). The finest flesh-colored Hybrid Perpetual, and we predict for it the greatest popularity 
as soon as known. It has the most delicate texture and coloring imaginable, being of a delicate satiny 
blush, with a light shading of rosy pink at the center. Has a beautiful globular form, and in size is truly 
striking, A hardy, vigorous grower; flowers produced freely throughout the season. Price 15 cts. 

*Mrs, John Laing. Perfectly hardy wit) immense flowers, full and double, borne in great profu- 
sion on long stiff stems, and exceedingly sweet. Color, a bright shining pink, exquisitely shaded. Buds 
long and pointed. Price 15 cts. 

* Magna Charta. A splendid Rose, extra large full flowers, very double and of fine form, very 
sweet. Color is clear rosy red, beautifully flushed with violet crimson. A very sure and profuse bloomer. 

Price 15 cts. 

*Mme. Plantier. This grand variety when once planted is as permanent as a Hydrangea. It is 
hardy as an Oak, and for outdoor planting it is one of the best whites. Flowers pure white, very large and 
double, and a profuse and continuous bloomer. It is especially recommendable for cemetery planting, be- 
cause of its permanency. It should never be pruned except the old dead wood cut away. Price 15 ts. 

* Coquette des Blanches. Pure white with a creamy tinge in center, truly a continuous bloomer 
as it is scarcely ever without flowers from early summer until cut off by frostin the fall. Price 15 és. 

*Gen. Jacqueminot. The grand old Rose known by everyone, at least by name and reputation. 
Rich crimson scarlet in color, and especially handsome in bud. Although introduced nearly fifty years 

ago, it is still unrivalled in popularity. Should be grown by everyone. Price 15 cts. 
* Paul Neyron. The flowers of this grand Rose are immense, color, bright shining pink, clear and 
beautiful, very double and full, finely scented. No collection complete without this. Price 15 ¢ts. 

Prince Camille de Rohan. A magnificent Rose with large, handsome, fragrant flowers pro- 
duced with great freedom. Color isa rich, deep velvety crimson, passing to intense maroon, shaded black. 
One of the handsomest Roses ever seen. Price 15 &s. 

&&- NOTICE. All above Roses marked with an (*) we can supply in strong, two- 
year old field Srown bushes, at 35 cts. each by express, or 50 cts. each postpaid. 


*New Pink Rambler, Emphrosyne. The “‘ Pink Rambler” completes the entire range of cardinal 
colors that can be embraced in these beautiful Climbing Roses. This Rose is as charming as the other 
Ramblers, bearing its flowers in profuse clusters, the manner of growth being the same. Price 15 4s. 


* New White Rambler, Thalia. This charming new Rose produces immense pyramidal clusters 
of pure white, deliciously fragrant, double Roses. The flowers remain on the plant a long time and keep 
along time when cut. A fitting companion to “‘Crimson Rambler.” Price 15 cts. 

* Vellow Rambler, Aglaia. Thisnew Rambler bears its immense pyramidal trusses after the same 
manner of the ‘‘Crimson Rambler.”’ In color, it is a decided yellow with moderate sized, cup shaped, 
nearly tull flowers, which are sweetly scented. Its habit of growth is very strong, frequently making 
shoots of cight or ten feet in one season. Should be in every coliection, Price 15 cts. 

Dorothy Perkins. In foliage, 
growth and habit of blooming, this valuable 
new Rose is remarkably like ‘‘Crimson 
Rambler,’”’ but the flowers are more double 
and of a beautiful shell pink color. It is of 
remarkable vigor, often making ten to fifteen 
feet growth in one season. The flowers are 
very double, and of large size for this class 
of Rose, and are borne in loose clusters of 
from thirty to forty, even fifty and sixty be- 
ing often counted. The petals are very 
prettily rolled back and crinkled. Thebuds 
are remarkably handsome, being pointed in 
shape. Coloris a most beautiful shell pink, 
and holds a long time without fading. 
The flowers are very sweet scented, achar- 
acteristic not possessed by most other 
Roses of the Rambler family. A decidedly 
valuable new introduction. Price 15 «ts. 

Carmine Pillar, Butterfy Rose, 
Flowers single, about four inches in diam- 
eter and of the brightest rosy carmine in 
color. Flowers produced in large clusters 
and opening in succession so that the plants 
remain in bloom along time. Very beauti- 
ful and showy. Price 15 cts. 

* Crimson Rambler. Undoubtedly 
the greatest acquisition in a Climbing 
Rose introduced in many years. Of vigor- 
ous !growth, making shoots from four to 
ten feet in height in a season, and conse- 
quently a most desirable climbing variety. 
The flowers with which the plant is covered 
in the spring, are produced in large trusses 
of a pyramidal form, and of the brightest 
crimson color, remaining on the plant for a 

DOROTHY PERKINS. great length of time without losing their 
brightness. Price 15 ¢ts. 

* Baltimore Belle. Blush, tinged rose and white; the flowers are very double, and are produced 
in great clusters, Whole plant is one complete mass of bloom when at its best. Price 15 cts. 

* Prairie Queen. Dark rosy red, changing to pink. Price 15 &s. 

k@=> Those varieties marked with an (*) we can furnish in first size, strong two- 
year field grown plants, at 50 cts. each by express, or 65 cts. each by mail, postpaid. 

% BOE EK KKK KKK RSCG GI Sa as Si ae ee is eS 
o.@ eo 
°° ee 
. for 60 cts., postpaid. % 

° . OG 
’, One each Crimson Rambler, Pink Rambler, (Euphrosyne;) White Rambler, &, 
5g (Thalia;) Yellow Rambler, (Aglaia;) and Dorothy Perkins. $ 

ae Allhardy and all different colors. Everyone should have this magnificent collection. a 
ry °° O59, M042, Oe 0 0% 2% 6®, 3, 



>, © .¢ .%, .% .@ otee% 2% Fs Fn o®, o, .%, Pnsrtestestestesrestestestesreee 
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- 9% 



Mary Hill. A fine new Rex 
variety, with large leaves and 
shapely habit. Color is bright 
silver with a central star of 
greenish maroon, with a very 
narrow border of the same col- 
or ; leaf pointed but quite broad. 
A strong grower, and makes a 
fine specimen in a very short 
time. Price 20 4s. 

Marjorie Daw. A beautiful 
new variety from California. 
A strong, vigorous grower, with 
bright green leaves. It is of 
semi-climbing or trailing habit, 
the bright, shining, pink flow- 
ers being produced in broad 
panicles, drooping down from 
under the foliage. A merito- 
rious new variety. 

Price 15 ts. 

Mme.Gache. A highly col- 
ored variety, and a fit compan- 
ion to ‘Louise Closson.” 
Color is a rosy bronze, over- 
laid with a metallic sheen, with 
a small, star shaped, chocolate colored center, the entire leaf being bordered with a 
narrow margin of green, shading into chocolate, dotted and punctured with silver 
dots. Price 20 &s. 

Viandii. Leaves large and 
beautiful, dark green on upper side 
and wine color on under side, the 
entire plant being covered with 
white hairs. Flowers area delicate 
rose, set off with reddish hairs, 
forming a large flower cluster, held. 
up by shaggy stems. A continu- 
ous bloomer and makes a striking 
looking specimen. Price15 Gs. 

Md. Lionnet. This exceeding- 
ly fine variety while not new is yet 
rare and known by but few. The 
ground color of the leaf is a rosy 
bronze, distinctly overlaid and 
dotted with a silvery metallic 
Sheen, the entire surface being 
covered with a crimson pile. Ex- 
ceedingly brilliant in color. 
Flowers are bright pink. 

LOUISE CLOSSON. (See page 10.) Price 20 &s. 


oo ee ee 

Louise Closson. One of the richest and most beautiful of the Rex family, with large and very 
bright foliage. The coloring is magnificent, the center of leaf being deep bronze with a broad band of 
silvery rose. One of the handsomest and most unique varieties. Pricee 20 &s. 

Coral. This is an extremely free flowering new variety. Has a glossy, green foliage, and is at all 
imes covered with a profusion of the magnificent coral red blossoms. One of the freest bloomers on our 
whole list. Price 10 cts. 

Otto Hacker, A magnificent variety. Plant a strong, vigorous grower, of stiff, upright habit, 
with large, shining, deep green leaves, eight to ten inches long. The flowers are borne in immense 
pendant clusters eight to ten inches across, twelve to twenty-five large flowers in a cluster. Color a beau- 
tiful coral red. A variety sure to please. Price 15 cts. 

Mme, Leboucy. This Rex sort is 
very rich and lustrous in its coloring, to 
which it is almost impossible to do justice 
by mere description. The young leaves are 
reddish metallic hued, studded with irregu- 
lar silvery spots, the older leaves becoming 
a darker silver shade, shaded steel and dark 
green, the entire leaf shaded red and bur- 
nished like tinsel. A variety which always 
attracts attention. Price 20 ¢ts. 

Glory of Lorraine. One of the 
greatest novelties in Begonias. The plant 
presents a mass of floral loveliness for 
nearly the whole year— blooming autumn, 
winter and spring —a perfect bouquet of 
clear pink flowers. This easily leads us as 
the finest flowering sort known— plants 
have sold at Christmas time in the large 
cities, at from $2.00 to $8.00 each. Nothing 
as a winter blooming plant equals it in pro- 
fusion of flowers often completely hiding 
INCARNATA. the leaves. Price 25 cts. 


ae s\s 



k@- NOTE — Owing to the impossibility of propagating this variety until late in the season, we cannot 
ship vigorous plants until after June 1. Orders may be sent with other plants, and ‘‘ Glory of Lorraine” 
will be forwarded soon after June 1, : 

Argentea Guttata. This variety has purple-bronze leaves, oblong in shape, with silvery mark- 
ings, and is in every way a most beautiful Begonia. It produces white flowers in bunches on ends of 

growth stems. A very popular variety. Price 10 &s. 
Queen Victoria (Rex). Solid silver leaf of crepe-like texture, red veins, and fluted edge; a strong 
grower. Price 20 cts. 

Inecarnata. A splendid winter flowering plant. About the Christmas holidays this is covered with 
one mass, from top to bottom, with bright pink flowers, looking like a huge bouquet. The Christmas 
flowering plant for everyone, Price 10 ats. 

Marquis de Peralta. Leaves rather small and short stemmed, but exquisitely beautiful. Color of 
leaves a dark velvety olive green, with a wide, broken band of silver around the center, and a margin of 

dark green brightened with silver spots, which look as though embossed. Price 25 cts. 
Maple Leaf, The name indicates shape of leaf, which is quite large and of a pure, light, solid green, 
thick in texture, and surface very glossy. Price 20 cts. 

Indianapolis (Rex). A fine new sort of the whorl Rex type, with magnificent foliage of clear 
silver, with touches of green and red at center and edge of leaf, a splendid grower; much stronger than j 
any other sort of this class. Price 20 ¢ts. 

Erfordia, Grows in symmetrical, compactform, with shining green, crinkled foliage. Willstand 
the strong sun as well as ‘* Vernon,” and is one mass of bloom from June till frost, and is equally as good 
for pot culture, being at all times covered with the deep, rosy-pink flowers. Price 10 és. 

Zebrina,. A lovely dark green foliage, beautifully striped with silver, Price 15 cts. 

Riciniflora, A magnificent decorative plant; leaves of immense size and similar in form to 
‘* Ricinus.’? Flowers in very large panicles on flower stalks two to three and one-half feet high; light 

pink. Makes an immense specimen. Price 15 &s. 
Rubra. A fine acquisition to our window flowering plants. The leaves are of the darkest green; 

color of flowers, scarlet-rose, glossy and wax-like. Price 10 ts. 
Queen of Hanover. Leaf of a soft velvety texture, covered with red pile, center and edge of soft 

green velvet, the zone formed by small silver dots. Price 25 ¢ts, 

Sanguinea. Leaves dark, glossy olive-green, under side deep red, flowers white. A handsome 
upright growing variety. Price 15 cts. 


Inimitable (Rex). This hand- 
some new variety is a very strong, 
vigorous grower, one of the most vig- 
Orous on our list. Add to this its 
great beauty and it should become ex- 
ceedingly popular. Leaves are silvery 
green, finely covered with short pink 
hairs and a silvery pink sheen which 
gives them a most charming appearance. 
At a little distance the color varies when 
seen in different positions like change- 
able silk. Should be in all collections. 

Price 20 cts. 
Countess Louise Erdody. 
The leaf, which has a metallic lustre, 
appears dark silvery in the center, shad- 
ing into coppery rose toward the mar- 
gin, which is broadly and evenly edged 
with the same hue, but darker and more 
brilliant. The veins are yellowish green 
on both sides. The striking peculiarity, 
however, which distinguishes it from 
all other Begonias, is that the two INIMITABLE. 
lobes at the base of the leaf do not 
grow side by side, but one of them winds in a spiral-like way until in a full grown leaf there are four of 
these twists lying on the top of the leaf nearly two inches high. Price 15 ¢ts. 
Richmond Beauty. A beautiful Hybrid Rex. Leaf has a dark green center, surrounded by a 
band of bright silver, the edge of leaf being green, dotted with silver, Price 15 ¢ts. 
Pond Lily. Named on account of resemblance of leaf to that of the Pond Lily; fine foliage; one 
of the best winter blooming varieties; flowers pink. The strongest grower we have. Price 15 és. 
Speculata. Quite anovelty in Rex type. 
Leaves are in the form of a grape leaf. Color, 
a bright green, with background of chocolate; 
veins of light pea green, the whole leaf spotted 
with silver. Price 15 cts. 
Manicata Aurea. Very beautiful and 
distinct, with clear, glessy green foliage, marked 
and blotched with cream color deepening to 
bright canary, the matured leaves having a clear 
carmine etching. Flowers pink, in feathery 
panicles. One of the most handsome variegated 
plants. Price 20 és. 
Clementina. A cross between Rex and 
‘*Diadema.’’ The color of thestem and upper 
surface of the leaf is a beautiful bronze green: 
ornamented with large silver spots, arranged 
parallel with the ribs of the leaf; the under side 
is a bronzy-red, producing a beautiful effect. 
Price 20 cts. 
Silver Queen. One of the finest of Rex 
Begonias. The entire leaf is a light silvery 
color, veined green; flowers white, shaded pink. 


Makes a fine specimen. Price 15 cts. 
Metallica. A variety with a peculiar metallic-like lustre, and charming rose-colored flowers; very 
worthy variety, combining both beauty of leaf and flower in same plant. Price 10 &ts,. 

Thurstonii. Bright red foliage and veinings underneath the leaves, and bright metallic green, 
shading to red in the younger growth ontop, with the deep veinings; the fowers are a beautiful deep pink 

in bud, but when expanded become a beautiful shell-pink. Price to ¢ts, 
Boule de Neige, Double Semperfioren. Strong habit, light green, vigorous foliage; blooms large 
and full, pure white, occasionally lightly tinted with pink. Price 10 &ts. 

.s, Gloire de Montet, Double Semperfioren. Very free blooms, bright green foliage, compact habit; 

flowers very double, opening bright carmine, changing to a clear pink at the center. Price 10 cts. 
* Tuberous Rooted. See under head “ Bulbs and Bulbous Plants.” 




Marie Liger (new). This grand new variety is one of the finest introductions of 
late years. It is an immense, globular, incurved bloom, of great depth and fine form. 
Color is a pearly pink of fine lustre and beauty. Growth is dwarf and compact, and 
thus makes a fine pot plant. It is very early to bloom, and altogether combines so 
many good qualities that it will rank as one of the finest of the new introductions and 
extra fine every way. Price 20 ts. 

Nellie Pockett (new). This is a beautiful, large, creamy-white variety, with long, 
drooping florets, curling at the tips. A handsome “ fluffy” variety which should be 
in every collection. Price 15 &ts. 

Polar Queen (new). An exceedingly graceful flower, outer petals reflexing, 
center ones irregularly incurving, thus making a flower of great depth. Pure white 
in color, and has an elegant foliage. Price 15 &ts. 

Oresco (new). Very unique in color, first opening a beautiful apricot, shaded 
rose, but when fully developed being a pleasing shade of crushed strawberry color. 

A fine addition to our list. Price 152cuse 
Kate Bromhead (new). A grand exhibition variety, producing a massive flower 
of golden amber or orange. Strong, vigorous grower. Price 15 ts. 

Curly Locks. A decided novelty. Blooms are very artistic, the outer petals 
being tubular and reflexed, open at the tips. Color, a beautiful pink changing to 
white at center. Size enormous. Price 20 &s. 

Belle Poitevine. This is a pretty little variety, with pure white flowers growing 
in clusters. Flowers are perfectly double to center, the sprays being very pretty and 
graceful for bouquets. Price 10 és. 

Baby Pompone. The smallest Chrysanthemum in cultivation, and attracts much 
attention not only on account of its diminutive size, but for the perfect manner in 
which the flowers are formed. They are of a clear lemon-yellow, with closely quilled 
petals, rarely measuring over one-half inch in diameter, and the plant being com- 
pletely covered with the profusion of bloom. Price 10 és. 



Timothy W. Eaton. This is the sensational variety which swept everything before it, for a 
white, at the Chrysanthemum exhibitions. lt is an enormous, globular, Japanese, incurved variety, of per- 
fect form, perfectly full to center, a creamy white in color, and borne on strong, stiff stems with elegant 
foliage, A magnificent variety. Price io ¢ts. 

Col. D. Appleton. Another grand newsort. Flower is of magnificent size and form, and a beau- 
tiful bright yellow in color, borne on strong stems, and with fine foliage. Price 10 cts. 

Bentley, An enormous, double, globular, reflexed, Japanese variety, of perfect form and growth. 
Blooms are splendid clear pink, eight to ten inches in diameter. A fine new variety. Price 20 cts. 

Superba. This is the very latest and very finest late pink variety, being in fine shape in December. 
It is a Japanese incurved of a very bright shade of pink. Will prove very valuable for blooms after other 

varieties are gone. Price 10 cts. 
Malcolm Lamond. This is the finest red to date. Artistic shaped blooms of a very pure red in 
color. Dwarf habit, making a fine pot plant. Price 10 cts. 
Pluma. A new variety of the ostrich plume type. Flower avery delicate pink in color, closely 
incurved. The finest ostrich plume variety introduced. A grand new acquisition. Price to ¢ts. 
White Swau. Very similar to ‘‘ Pluma”’ except pure white in color. Price 10 cts. 
Marie Calvat. A splendid new variety, easy to grow, Blooms white, flushed pearly pink, 
reflexed, very deep and of immense size. Price 10 cts. 

Lavender Queen. A large Japanese type with outer petals reflexed and center erect. A new 
color, decidedly distinct from anything heretofore seen, being asoft shade of lavender-pink. Price 10 cts. 

Mrs. Henry Robiuson. Inthe entire Chrysanthemum family there is no grander white variety, 
no matter when it blooms; it is of the most popular style—immense, incurving, broad channelled petals of 

great substance and of the purest white. Price 10 &s. 
Glory of Pacific. A fine new pink sort, It is of magnificent size, with broad petals, which finally 
reflex; color changing to white, with rosy tints. Price 10 cts. 
Miss Gladys Vanderbilt. Pearl white, with lemon-shaped center; an exceedingly fine thing, 
and a decided novelty both in form and general build. 7 Price 10 cts. 
Marion Henderson. A superb, large flowering, early sort. Pure gold in color. It is full of 
petals to the center, and lasts a long time. Price 10 cts. 

Ivory. This is one of the very best varieties for pot culture or cut flowers. The plant is a vigorous, 
compact grower, and makes handsome specimen with very little training. Flowers, pure white and of 

exquisite form and finish; petals stiff and lasting. Price to cts. 
W. H. Lincoln. A magnificent golden yellow. An extra large flower, very double and of great 
substance. Largely used for growing into specimen plants. Price to ¢ts. 

Maj. Bonnafon. Soft clear yellow, very full in center. One of the most perfectly formed and 
highly finished in our list. Price 10 ts. 


Polly Rose. The earliest pure white. A splendid variety for growing in pots, having a strong, 
sturdy bush form and requiring no staking or tying. Price 10 cts. 
Pink Ivory, Identical with ‘‘ Ivory” except color, which is a fine pure pink. Price 10 cts. 

Pe Ee i ee ee ee Yeegorzessosseeroereers a eo a Sg ga 
3 “ 
xX % 
62 2 
3, 2, 
Rx : - ° - 

°° We will send 8 different sorts Chrysanthemums, our selection, for 50c, postpaid. % 
x ae 
\7 . . . : . . . 

** Try a collection this spring, set them in a good, rich place in the garden, keep them nipped % 
+0 . : . 

@ back so as to make bushy plants, and just before frost next fall take them up with dirt on the roots, x 
$2 - . . . . . 

*% putin good sized pots, then give them asinny window and you will be surprised at the mass of & 

** flowers. “ 
“eo & 
Boomoekesfecsectoateeteckocterte Lo ehocgeetoetoete aloeteaeezorsoe leases eee seece aoe cease sees oese Osea oeceas ee cees ease ecoacee ceases ceasoecesceecesteetesteete 


Eclipse, Leopard Abutilon(new). 
This splendid new variety is trailing in 
habit, and is especially fine for baskets, 
vases, window boxes, etc. The foliage 
is very attractive, being handsomely 
marked dark green and beautiful golden 
yellow. Flowers are bright yellow with 
a crimson throat, Price to cts. 

Aureole (new). A very pretty 
| new variety. Color, tender rose-with a 
/; pure white throat. The plant is at all 
times covered with the large, handsome 
flowers. Price 15 cts. 

Mrs. G. Laing. Immense flow- 
ers of bright, rosy pink, of beautiful 
expanded form; habit good, and free in 
growth and bloom. Flowers nice for 
cutting, as the stems are long. 

Price 10 cts. 

Savitzii. This unique, maple- 
leaved variety is from Japan. It is a 
decided improvement upon ‘ Souvenir 
de Bonn,” inasmuch as the variegation 
is entirely different, the contrast be- 
=i tween the green and white is sharper, 

and the habit of the plant is dwarfer. 
It is of exceptional value for edged sub- 
tropical beds, also among the best as a pot plant, making a compact growth, Price Io és. 

Boule de Neige, This is one of the best Abutilons yet introduced, with dark green leaves and pure 
white flowers; it blooms freely, either as a bedding-out plant or pot plant for winter. Price 10 cts. 

Golden Fleece, or Golden Bells. A fine Abutilon of strong, vigorous habit and avery free bloomer, 
Color, rich golden yellow; flowers of large size. A good winter bloomer. Price 10 ¢ts. 



Crown of Thorns, Euphorbia Splendens. Acurious plant with thick, fleshy, twining stems which 
are covered with stout, sharp spines nearly an inch long. There is atradition that this plant furnished the 
material for the ‘‘Crown of Thorns”? used in the divine tragedy. The foliage is a bright green and the 
flowers are a beautiful coral pink. Price 20 cts. 

‘ Rose of Jericho, or Resurrection Plant. This curious plant will live for years without being 
planted or watered, Having the appearance of a shrunken, rounded ball of tightly coiled up leaflets, and 
dry and apparently dead, yet when immersed in tepid water one frond-like tip slowly unfolds outward, 
then another and another, until finally the whole plant has been transformed into a lovely rosette of beau- 
tiful velvet green, fern-like moss, both odd and marvelous, After having been unfolded it can betaken 
from the water and allowed to curl and dry up again, and may be resurrected time and time again. It 
should, however, never be placed in the sun when in water, ‘This interesting plant is mentioned by 
Isaiah in the Bible. Price 15 cts. 



Flamingo (new). This 
grand flower is the finest and 
largest of its color yet intro- y 4; | 
duced. Color is fine, being a : weet) \ AN 
brilliant scarlet of great lustre. . ‘ ey iM 
Flowers are extra large, borne y hn Lid ap 
on long, strong stems, and it is 
an early, continuous bloomer. 
A great advance over all others 
of its color. Price 25 cs. 

Daheim (new). Another 
fine variety, which is a distinct 
advance over all others of its 
color. Flowers fully as largeas 
the well known ‘‘ Lawson,” 
with a grand stem, brilliant 
crimson color and an ideal hab- 
it. It is an early bloomer, and 
will surely surpersede all other 
crimsons. Price 25 cts. 

White Lawson (new). This 
is a true sport from the ‘‘Law- 
son,” and when we say it is like 
it in every respect except color 
we are giving it all the praise 
possible. Stem, habit and shape 
of flower are identical, while color is a pure white; an acquisition. Price 25 cs. 

Boston Market. This new variety is probably the freest blooming white variety 
to date. Flower is of fine size, of splendid substance, witha long, strong stem. It is 
an unusually early bloomer, and flowers continuously until late in the season. This 
is a variety we can strongly recommend. Price 10 Gs. 

Enchantress. This is truly a queen amongst Carnations on account of its 
immense size, magnificent color, fine, strong stem, and early, free and continuous 
blooming habit. The color is magnificent, a beautiful shade of light silvery pink, 
deepening toward thecenter, a ‘‘ Daybreak” color, but far superior to ‘‘ Daybreak” at 
its best. The flower is enormous, three and one-half to four inches in diameter, when 
fully developed measuring four inches. The enormous blooms are borne on stiff 
stems two or three feet in length, which hold the flowers perfectly erect. It needs no 
special culture to develop its magnificent blooms, producing quite as freely as any 
Carnation grown. Don’t fail to try this superb variety. Price 20 &s. 

Lillian Pond. The flower of this fine variety is perfectly round, petals nicely 
fringed, with a well built up center, very fragrant, with a strong calyx, and a strong 
and wiry stem, and an extra large flower. A strong, healthy, rapid grower, blooming 
early, continuously, andin great profusion. A very promising variety. Price 15 As. 

Harry Fenn. Color of this new Carnation is a magnificent crimson, just the 
Harvard shade. Grand, large, symmetrical blooms, borne on extra long, stiff, wiry 
stems. Grows very erect, with a vigorous, healthy foliage. Price-15\Cts=. 

Viola Allen. Clear porcelain white in color, delicately edged and splashed with 
pure, clear rose pink. Blooms very full, rich and fragrant, borne on superb stems. 
A very free bloomer. Price 15 cs. 

UP Zaiif 





Novelty. Ground color, iemon-yellow, distinctly edged with deep pink; body of petal being richly 
marked with ray stripes of the same color, making one of the most striking color combinations among all 
fancy Carnations. Price 15 cts. 

Dorothy. This is one of the most prolific bloomers of its color introduced for some time. Color is 
bright pink, petals nicely fringed, and blooms large size. As a keeper it has no equal, keeping in good 
condition for a long time. Price 10 cts, 

Prosperity. The color is entirely distinct from that of any other variety, Ground color is white, 
overlaid with pink in mottles, deepening to the center, reminding one of the beautiful tints seen in Azaleas 
and Rhododendrons. The beautiful flowers are borneon long, stiff, wiry stems. Price 10 és. 

Gov. Roosevelt. Color a deep, rich, brilliant scarlet, heavily shaded with maroon. A vigorous, 
healthy grower, with a long, stiff stem, holding the flower very erect. The form of the flower is as near 

perfect as any Carnation yet produced, being very full to the center. Price 1o cts. 
Queen Louise. The flowers are of large size, good form and substance and of the purest white. It 

is a very profuse bloomer, beginning early in the fall and producing continually. Price 10 ¢ts. 
Morning Glory. A variety slightly darker than the old ‘* Daybreak,” yet brighter in color than 

that variety, A free, continuous bloomer. Flowers fragrant and of fine form. Price 10 ts. 

Mrs. Lawson. The most talked about Carnation ever introduced, It is a strong, vigorous and 
healthy grower, with grand flowers of enormous size, perfect form, and in color, a beautiful deep pink. 
This grand variety is now indispensable. Price 10 &s. 

Ethel Crocker. Flowers with ordinary culture will average three to three and one-half inches in 
diameter; are well formed, with extra heavy petals. Color, the ideal bright pink shade, has the genuine 
clove fragrance. This variety on account of its healthy foliage, vigor of growth and general good qualities 
has proved to be one of the best all-around pink commercial Carnations. Price 10 ¢ts. 

Flora Hill. A splendid white variety, because of its easy management. The flower is of large 
size, and rounded build; wonderfully free in bloom, stems strong enough to support blooms nicely; good 
calyx; not subject to rust. f Price 10 és. 

Mrs. Bradt. Color, clear white, heavily edged and striped with bright scarlet, giving it a very 
bright and cheerful appearance. Flowers large and full, with center petals standing erect, giving the 

bloom a well-rounded form, Habit strong and vigorous. Price 15 cts. 
Gen. Gomez. A magnificent, briliiant, cardinal-maroon in color, with fine, long stems; a strong, 
vigorous grower. Flowers full, well fringed, of pleasing form and of good fragrance. Price 10 cts. 
Gold Nugget. The nearest to a pure, deep yellow of any sort yet introduced, Strong growth, free 
blooming from early to late; long, strong stems, and large flowers of pleasing form. Price 1o cts. 
Glacier. A charming variety, fine for pot culture on account of its dwarf growth. Flowers are of 
good size, of the purest, snowiest white in color, and a marvellously free bloomer, Price to cts. 
eS ee se SS SS Se 
XA ee 
Se eo 
de One each of Flamingo, Daheim, Enchantress and Lawson, SS 
<3 5 So 
& For 60 cts., postpaid. xx 
XA “ 
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Lueur d’Opale (new). This new variety grows very compact but robust, the plant being low and 
branching, bearing enormous trusses, composed of large, very broad florets of an azure lilac color, passing 
to pearl white with yellow eye, which is both bright and pleasing. The fragrance is very powerful. 

Price 15 cts. 

Prince Charmant (new). A fine new variety with a pleasing foliage, extremely free in bloom; 
color, a lovely tint of bluish mauve. It is dwarf and compact in growth with immense panicles of bloom, 
A fine acquisition. Price 10 cts. 

Le Poitevine (new). Enormous florets compose the very large truss of bloom, Color, mauve 
violet and azure with shadings of rose; a robust semi-dwarf grower and very free and continuous in 

bloom. Price 1o cts. 
White Lady. The nearest approach to pure white yet in the Heliotrope; truss very large, growth 
compact; a decided acquisition. An improvement on ‘‘Snow Wreath.” Price 10 cts.; larger, 20 cts. 

Mrs. Burgess. Color, fine dark violet; one of the best dark sorts, in fact one of the best of all 
Heliotropes. Good for pots; fine for bedding in open ground, and extra good for cutting; odor exquis- 
ite, and it produces flowers in abundance, We have had on trial many varieties of Heliotrope, but we 
pronounce this one of the best, either for pots, bedding or cut flowers. Price 10 éts.; larger, 20 cts. 

Albert Deleaux. Foliage greenand light golden yellow. The contrast with lavender flowers being 
greatly admired. Price 10 cts. 



Evolution?(new). This fine newjvariety has a deep bronze foliage of great beauty. 
Flowers‘are a beautiful golden yellow at the tips, shading through canary to pink at 
the center. Grows about four feet high, and is a fine grower and free bloomer. A 
fine new variety, well worthy of trial. 4 SP rice 25, Cts- 

Duchess of York (new). This distinct new variety has flowers of a bright, shin- 
ing yellow, mottled in odd figures of orange, crimson, scarletand pink. Trusses are 
enormous, and produced freely and continuously, Price 25 és. 

Wilhelm Bofinger (new). This variety has a large, broad, massive foliage of 
bright green, the flowers being a rich scarlet overlaid with glowing orange-scarlet, a 
color that can be seen as far as the eye will carry, one of the brightest and most at- 
tractive colors we have seen. The plant is of strong habit. Price 20 &s. 

Pennsylvania (new). A grand new giant flowering variety which is remarkably 
free blooming. Flowers are very large, borne in splendid branching panicles. Foli- 
age is a deep green and of massive size, the whole plant attaining a height of six to 
seven feet. The pure deep scarlet color, grand proportions and free blooming qual- 
ities should make this fine new variety very popular. Price 20 ts. 

David Harum (new). A splendid new dark foliage Canna. It is a strong, 
robust grower, and very free flowering. Flowers are of large size, with well rounded 
petals of good substance. Color is a bright vermillion scarlet, dotted with crimson 
spots. Height four feet. Price 20 &s. 

Sec. Chabanne. A rich, pleasing, deep salmon colored flower, the older flowers 
being!suffused with a silvery lustre. An exceptionally large flower, and a beautiful 
bright color. An exceedingly;early and free bloomer. ~ Price 15 &s. 

Black Beauty. The handsomest Indian Canna yet introduced, with large, massive 


foliage of the richest bronzy purple color shaded with black, the edges of the leaves having a peculiar 
wavy margin. Where foliage effect alone is desired, nothing richer or more handsome can be found. 
Price 25 cts. 
Italia. Ofa bright orange-scarlet with a very broad golden yellow border; the flowers, which are 
produced on massive stems about sixteen inches long, are set well above the foliage, being of immense 
size, frequently measuring six inches across. Price 15 cts. 
Austria. A counterpart of ‘Italia’? in every way, except in the color of its flowers, which are of a 
pure canary color, with but a few traces of small, reddish brown spots in the center of the two inside 
petals. Price 15 cts. 
McKinley. Brilliant crimson with scarlet shading. Trusses large and compact, of good shape, 
held well above the foliage, and the flower spikes are produced freely and evenly. Dwarf, compact habit, 
growing abouttwo and one-half to three feet high. Price 15 cts. 
Florence Vaughn. The flower petals differ from most, even of the newest kinds, in their re- 
markable width and roundness, characteristics of the highest type to be sought for in these new kinds. In 
habit the plant has very broad, light green leaves, making a splendid effect. The flower spike is large; 
each flower opens broadly, and the color is a golden yellow, dotted with brilliant carmine. Price 15 és. 
Mile. Berat, A clear, distinct, rosy pink, the best of the pink varieties, large trusses borne well 

above the foliage; an early, profuse bloomer. Very desirable. Price 15 cts. 
Burbank. Flowers very large, spreading, and of a rich canary yellow, showing a few spots of red. 

A very strong grower with rich foliage of great luxuriance. Price 15 ¢ts. 
Chas. Henderson. Probably one of the most popular crimson Cannas in cultivation, Of uniform, 

compact habit and very free flowering. Price 15 cts. 
Shenandoah. Dark tropical foliage, fine for contrast. Price 15 cts. 

Queen Charlotte. A wonderful and decided variety from Germany. Its main advance being its 
color, which is bright red; each petal bordered with a very wide band of bright yellow. Extra showy for 
summer use, and also a splendid winter bloomer. Price 15 cts. 

Alphonse Bouvier. Height five to six feet. Color, brilliant deep crimson. Silvery green foliage 
with chocolate brown margin. Large branching trusses produced in the greatest profusion. Undoubtedly 
oue of the freest blooming Cannas that we have. Pricer és. 

Philadelphia. Two to three feet high, bright scarlet flowers shading to crimson, five and one- 
half to six inches across, petals one and three-fourths to one and seven-eighths wide, not reflexed; a beauti- 
ful glowing color, Price 15 cts. 

Duke of Marlborough. Dark, velvety maroon. The darkest of all Cannas, extremely rich 
crimson-maroon, shading toward purple and black. Fine, erect, compact truss, extremely floriferous. 

Foliage bluish, metallic green; height, three to four feet. Price 15 cts. 
Sa a at a te a ie te ae es a ee a a a aa aR ORE SI 
bo +e 
+.¢ oe 
t3 . : 

oe In May and June we will have many of above sorts, nice plants, ten to ‘ 
So bY , se 
“¢ twenty inches high, well grown in pots. These when planted out will bloom ¢% 
RM y P RX 
# much sooner than dormant roots, and for immediate effect are very desirable. ~ 
\/ ° . ° 

* They cannot be sent by mail, but must go by express. Price, our selection, ‘3 
“° ? e 
¢¢ in finest assortment, 25 cts.each, $2.00 per dozen. Buyer’s selection, price on + 
x c 3 Se 
« application. i 
Re Re 
3 CO 3 

Mo s%eectoctectestectoctectestestatestestectectestectestectectestestestestatestetetetetestesten™ 2, 0 o%e Meet 


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Princess Pauline. A most distinct and novel variety of dwarf, compact habit, rarely exceeding 
five inches in height, its peculiarity being that both colors, blue and white, are combined in the same 
flower, the body of the flower being white while the stamens are of a light sky-blue, giving the flower a 
pretty variegated appearance. Extra as specimens; fine for bedding, vases, or as a window plant. 

White Cap. A fine compact bedding sort, with flowers of the purest white; a very profuse bloomer; 
the best of all whites. 

Stella Gurney, A fine new acquisition. Planted outside, it attains a height of six to eight inches. 
It is an early and continuous bloomer. Flowers are of the deepest blue so freely produced that it is always 
one mass of color; admired by everyone who sees it. 

Price, any of above varieties, 10 cts, each; 3 for 25 cts.; 75 cts. per doz. 

No. Sutton, N. H., May 6, 1903.—L. P. Butler, d Co. Dear Sirs: Plants and seeds received Mon- 
day evening. Many thanks for extras. I was delighted with the number and size of plants. 
Yours truly, MRS. MARIA GREELEY, 



John H. Roach, A splen- 

did new, light yellow, cactus 
Dahlia. Has a beautiful flower 
of perfect form, with long, in- 
curved, pointed petals. A beau- 
tiful variety, the loose, artistic 
form of the blooms making it 
especially fine for cut flowers. 
Price 15 ts. 

Red Hussar. A grand 
variety of large, regular form, 
with a full, high center, The 
color is purest cardinal red, 
without trace of purple or crim- 
son, which is found in so many 
varieties. The plant is strong 
and vigorous, producing the 
flowers on long stems; elegant 
for cut flowers. Price 15 cts 

Lorely, This handsome 
variety is of a true cactus form, 
the outer petals being of a soft 
‘*La France” pink, gradually 
shading lighter toward the cen- 
ter, which is a creamy white. 

One of the finest pink varieties 

yet introduced. Price 20 cts, ie 
Henry F. Mitchell. JOHN H. ROACH. 

This noble Dahlia is of immense 

size. Flowers of irregular form with long petals, broad and twisted, colors ranging from soft yellow to 

deep orange red, the shades and tints blending with perfect harmony. Price 15 cts. 

Storm King or Blizzard, This superb snow-white Dahlia is an extremely early, profuse and con- 
stant bloomer, of strong, dwarf, branching habit, and produces its flowers on long stems. Flowers are 
snow white, of perfect form and full to the center. For cut flowers it is the florist’s ideal. Price 20 ¢ts. 

Crimson King. This fine new Dahlia is the strongest and earliest blooming variety which we 
have in our entire collection. Roots which are put out ten days to two weeks later than other varieties will 
flower as early as our earliest varieties. This makes it an especially valuable variety for the North, 
lengthening out the blooming season considerably, Flowers are a dark crimson-maroon, shading lighter 
at the tips, full to the center, and borne on long stems. Price 15 ¢ts. 

2oth Century. This grand, new single 
Dahlia is the most exquisite colored ever intro- 
duced. No orchid could be more delicate in 
color, or yet richer in shading. It is purest 
white at the base and tips of the petals, gradually 
shading toward the center of the petal to deli- 
cate blush-rose, becoming deeper at the center 
of the petal. Not variegated but a wonderful 
blending of colors. The flowers are of largest 
size, six to seven inches across and of splendid 
form, while the plant is a very strong grower 
and profuse bloomer. A magnificent new 
acquisition. Price 20 cts. 

Nymphaea. By far the most delicately 
beautiful Dahlia ever introduced; more exten- 
sively grown for cut flowers than all others com- 
bined. The flowers are of medium to large size; 
always full to the center, resembling the ideal 
pink water lily. The color is a clear, distinct, 
light shrimp-pink, tinted lighter toward the 

center. Price 15 cts. 
20TH CENTURY. Admiral Dewey (new). Brilliant im- 
perial purple. Of fine form, a strong grower, 
and by far the best of its class. A distinctly fine new color. Price 15 cts, 


Clifford W. Bruton, Thebest yellow; of immense size, perfect form and of the finest canary yellow. 
A tall, vigorous grower and an extremely free bloomer. Should be in every collection. Price 15 cts. 

Grand Duke Alexis. A magnificent flower of largest size and distinctly unique form, as the 
petals are rolled up so that edges overlap cach other. The color is pure white, distinctly tinged delicate 
pink, thus giving a daintiness and grace to what would otherwise be a large stiff flower. Price 15 &s. 

Fern-Leaved Beauty. <A beautiful fern-leaved variety; white, striped deep crimson. A most 
unique variety, which should be in every collection. Price 15 cts. 


Little Beauty, This handsome pompon variety is rightly named. It is a delicate shrimp-pink in 
color, of beautiful rounded form, and handsomely quilled. It has long, graceful stems especially adapted 

for bouquets. Altogether a most exquisite variety. Price 15 cts. 
Tridescent (Red and Blue). Most beautiful of all when well grown. Orange-red, overlaid and 
edged pure blue; very profuse bloomer. Price 15 cts. 
William Agnew. Finest red ever introduced. Of intense, glistening scarlet-crimson; immense 
size, perfect form, and a mass of color, Price 15 cts. 
Miss Lou Kramer. Base of petals yellow, heavily tipped clear, bright crimson and shaded 
maroon; of perfect shape; an early and profuse bloomer; plant strong and vigorous. Price 15 cts. _ 
Penelope. White, flaked lavender. This is most beautiful and chaste; of perfect form, always full 
to the center; a profuse bloomer on long stems. Price 15 cts. 
Zulu, Rightly named ‘the Black Dahlia.’”’ Jet black, changing to black-maroon as, the flowers 
fully expand. Of fine form and full to the center, Price 15 cts. 
A.D. Livoni. Beautiful soft pink, with quilled petals and full to the center, an early and profuse 
bloomer; should be in every collection. Price 15 cts. 

1@5"We will send a collection of five varieties, our selection, for 50 cts., postpaid. 

QUECHEE, VT., May 27, 1903.—L. P. Butler & Co. Dear Sirs: I thank you for the great varie of 
y 27, 19 ue 

plants you sent me. They are all nice. Very truly, RS. W.S. CARTER. 
WORCESTER Co., Mass., May 10, 1903.,—L. P. Butler & Co. - Dear Sirs: Those Geraniums I had of 
you last year were fine and doing nicely, Very truly, MRS, GEO, A. ALLEN. 
SULLIVAN Co., N, H.—LZ. P. Butler & Co. Dear Sirs: I like your plants best of all. 
Very truly, MRS, JOHN PAUL, 



Lace Fern, Polystichum Proliferum. 
One of the finest of Ferns for house cul- 
ture. A very strong grower, with long, 
graceful fronds of a delicate appearance, 
keeping for a long time when cut and 
used with cut flowers. If grown in par- 
tially shaded place will be found a most 
pleasing house plant. Everyone is very 
enthusiastic over this Fern. 

Price 15 and 30 ts. 

Cyrtomium Falcatum. Quite anew 
Fern from Japan, of low, ornamental 
growth, fronds of great substance, thick 
and leathery, keeping well on plant or 
when cut. This variety is now very pop- 
ular and in great demand at Christmas in 
sections of country where known. it being 
called the Holly Fern, from resemblance 
of foliage on mature fronds to that of 
Holly. Price 15 Cts- 

Aspidium Tsussimense. A low grow- 
ing Fern, with dark green, graceful foli- 
age. One of the most valuable Ferns of 
recent introduction, its glossy green folli- 
age making a fine contrast for use in 

Fern Pans. A most hardy, useful variety, and easy to grow. 




especially good for Fern dishes. A strong, healthy grower. 


Price 15 ds. 
Pteris Argyrea. A strong 
growing variety and very useful 
for all purposes. Quite large 
foliage, with broad, white band 
through thecenter of each frond. 
Highly ornamental and easily 
grown. Price 20 &s. 
Adiantum Cuneatum. The 
most popular of all the ‘‘Maiden 
Hair” varieties. Fronds deli- 
cate and graceful; a distinct, 
lovely variety. 
Price 15 és. and 25 &s. 
Adiantum Pubescens. A 
pretty, graceful Fern, the stems 
of the fronds being covered 
with a brown pubescense, which 
gives it a soft, downy appear- 
ance. Price 15 &ts. 
Pteris Adiantoides. Fine 
Fern with glossy green leaves, 
Price 15 Gs. 

Pteris Cretica Albo Lineata. A very pretty, low growing variety, with green 

and white variegated fronds. 

Price 15 és. 


Nephrolepis Piersoni. This superb variety is the most notable decorative Fern introduced 
in many years. The fronds grow broad and heavy, increasing in beauty as they develop, the pinnz of the 
frond subdividing, making perfect minature fronds the whole length of the main frond. The minature 
fronds keep growing constantly, showing two distinct shades of green, the tips being a light green, while 
the center and main part of the fronds show a dark rich shade, the contrast producing a very beautiful 
effect. On account of the weight of the foliage, the plant assumes a very graceful appearance, making 
much more symmetrical and beautiful plants than the popular ‘‘ Boston Fern.”’ It is as free growing and 
hardy as the ‘‘ Boston Fern,”’ and for beauty and gracefulness the ‘‘ Boston Fern” cannot begin to com- 
pare with it. It is positively the most graceful and beautiful decorative Fern introduced for years. Itwas 
awarded a gold medal by both the Massachusetts Horticultural Society and the New York Horticultural 
Society. Price 35 cts., $1.00 and $1.50 each. 

8 Boston Sword Fern, WNephrolepis Exaltata Bostont- 
ensts. In the vicinity of Boston no other plant is used so ex- 

Price 20, 35, 50, 75 cts. and $1.00. 
Selaginella Emiliana. A most beautiful and distinct 
species of bold but very graceful habit, growing from five to 
eight inches high, and of the most delicate formation. Excel- 
lent as a pot plant, also. very nice for Fern cases. We placethis 

in our list of Ferns as its treatment is similar. Price 15 ts, 
Polypodium Aureum. A grand, large growing sort, 
making a fine specimen in short time. Very noticeable on 
account of foliage, which is very large and of a distinct bluish 

color. Price 20 cts. 
Pteris Serrulata Cristata. A very fine growing 
house Fern. The long fingered fronds soon making a beautiful 

Se § tensively as the graceful Nephrolepis, which differs from the 

: ie YW Ve LT ordinary Fern in having much longer fronds, which frequently 

SNe AVA. S _attain a length of four feet. These arch and droop over very 

= \ AW = gracefully, on account of which it is frequently called the 

: a Ory) <7 oe fe Fountain Fern. This drooping habit makes it an excellent 
iS GE iF KK Cre Fern to grow as a Single specimen on a table or pedestal. 


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BOSTON SWORD FERN. } ruffled, crested growth, one of the most graceful varieties on 

our list. Strong, healthy grower, and always a favorite. Price 15 ¢ts, 
Adiantum Gracillimum. One of the finestfoliaged and most graceful of all the Maiden Hairs. 

A very delicate, airy Fern. Price 15 ¢ts. 

Adiantum Bellum. A pretty dwarf, densely crested ‘‘ Maiden Hair” Fern. Price 15 ¢ts. 
Pteris Serrulata Voluta. One of the most distinct varieties, the volute or curled appearance of 
the pinne being very noticeable. The tips of pinnz are beautifully crested. Price 15 cts. 
Lastrea Aristata Variegata. A beautiful yellow and green variegated variety. Price 15 ts. 
Microlepia Hirta Cristata. One of the finest Ferns in cultivation to grow into specimen plants, 
and while it has such a delicate, graceful appearance as would lead one to think it useless as a house 
Fern, yet it is one of the best for this purpose. Price 15 cts. 
Pteris Tremula, or Shaking Fern. One of the finest Ferns for house decoration, growing very 
rapidly and throwing up large handsome fronds. It makes magnificent specimens, filling a large potin a 
short time. Easily grown and very popular, Priee 15 cts. 
Pteris Victoria. A most beautiful variegated variety. The foliage is neatly divided, the sterile 
fronds being much wider than fertile ones, thus giving the whole plant a most distinctive appearance, 
Fronds are of a rich green color, with beautiful silvery white variegation. Price 15 cts. 
Polystichum Coreaceum. A low growing sort, forming a dense mass of light green foliage; 
extra good for Fern pans and Fern cases. When cut, the fronds of this sort have wonderful keeping 
qualities. Easily grown and fine for cutting. One of our most useful Ferns. Price 15 cts. 


White Beauty. This is an elegant pot plant, being at all times covered with the single white and 

carmine blossoms. Price 10 cts. 
Monarch. Enormous blooms; crimson sepals, violet-purple corolla; very double; strong growth, 
free flowering. Foliage is a pretty golden yellow color, Price 10 cts. 

Autumn Leaves. Plant has a graceful, drooping habit, and the foliage is remarkably handsome, 
being of a mingied green, red, gold and bronze color, terminating in beautiful clusters of flowers. Color, 
tube and sepal rosy scarlet, corolla deep violet crimson. Price 10 cts. 

Ct. de Huges. This grand new Fuchsia has an enormous double corolla of bright rosy flesh color, 
veined with rose, with long sepals of clear bright carmine. It is an unusually good grower, and the build 
of the flower is fine and unusual. Price 10 cts. 


Ballet Girl (new). One 
of the finest varieties ever intro- 
duced. Double, pure white 
corolla of the largest size, 
standing very wide open, tube 
and sepals bright scarlet. A 
very gracefully formed flower, 
while the plant is of fine habit. 
Will become very popular when 
better known. Price 25 cts. 

Little Beauty. We 
have been trying to secure 
stock of this elegant variety, 
for some time. The name is 
no misnomer for it is the most 
prolific blooming Fuchsia, the © 


entire plant being enveloped f N 

° {(j ve tAlnce Nj 
from top to bottom} with the |//M\a/7ge “EFAS, SAW BG AW qi} 4 
handsome flowers. While | sf , “Ay, = A A) 
blooms are not extra large, yet “MED. [AQ Pu) A\ a4 Be ie 

the profusion is wonderful. 
Corolla is rich purple, while 
sepals are bright red. 
Price 15 cts. 
Gustave Nadeau (new.) 
A fine new variety. Flowers 

are double, royal purple in color LITTLE BEAUTY. 
and comes into profuse bloom 
on very small plants. This variety is noted for the great length of the corolla. Price 10 ¢ts, 

Phenomenal. This grand variety still remains at the head of the listfor size of bloom. Plant is of 
dwarf habit and free blooming. Light red tube and sepals, with rich violet corolla of immense size. 
This grand variety is one of our best and should be in every collection. Price 10 cts. 

Sapley Freres. A splendid erect grower with quite a distinctive foliage. Flowers very large and 
produced in great profusion. The very double corolla is of a rosy violet color, the long recurving sepals 
being of a bright coral red. Price to cts. 

Trailing Queen, This Fuchsia is an entirely new departure, differing from all other large flower- 
ing varieties in its habit of growth, as it is atrailing vine. The flowers are borne in large, drooping 
clusters; buds, tubes and sepals being bright rosy scarlet; corolla, a deep, rich violet-purple, changing to 
a fine shade of crimson. Price 10 cts. 

Mrs. E. G. Hill. This is one of the grandest Fuchsias we have ever grown. Unlike most of the 
double white Fuchsias, it is a robust, upright grower, not coarse, but compact and very symmetrical. The 
tube and sepals are a bright, reddish crimson; corolla pure white, extra large and double. Priceio &s. 

Black Prince. Tube and sepals bright waxy carmine color; sepals with pale green tips and large 

open pale pink corolla, margined with deep rose. Price to cts, 
Suuray. Color of foliage as rich and clear as any tricolor Geranium. The leaves are of a bright 
crimson, white and bronzy green; corolla purple, sepals coral red. Price 15 cts. 
Speciosa. A well known variety, producing large flowers two inches in length, tubes and sepals of 
which are blush, the corolla crimson, Very free flowering. Price 10 és. 
Carl Halt, One of the most beautiful of all Fuchsias; sepals white; corolla crimson, striped with 
white. Fine for winter flowering. Price 10 cts. 


Peachblow (uew). One of the finest plant novelties offered in recent years. The flowers are double, 
and from four to five inches in diameter, of a charming, rich, clear pink color, with a small deep crimson 
center, an entirely new and most beautiful shade. It is a continuous and abundant bloomer, and will give 
entire satisfaction either as a pot plant or bedding out, and when bedded out can be wintered in the house 

as a pot plant. Price 15 cts. 

geo eee OO NON 
“ We are very successful in sending plants by mail, yet where distance is “ 
~ not EG great, we would recommend them sent by Express. Our plants are &% 
@, Carried by the Express companies at 20 per cent reduction from regular mer- % 
* chandise rates, and we usually add enough extra plants to cover express charges. - ¥ 
who segesseasenronsoeesessectuntanrantoneteesecgeeseetersessestesetecfecteosecteseesorsesfesfeeatecteeteeteeseasesseasenfecfecfeteeteetoasesfentenz et 

24 ; LOUIS P. BUTLER € CoO. 


Cyclope (new). ‘This fine new variety is the forerunner of a newrace. The 
flowers are of a very large size, with a large center of a pure white, which shades by 
a network of crimson lines into the darker color of the flower, which is a beautiful 
deep carmine violet, the floret being of a beautifully perfect form. Price 25 &s. 

Capt. Blomet (new). Color of this unique new variety is a brilliant orange 
scarlet, center dotted pure white. Strong, vigorous growth and free flowering. A 
most striking new variety. Price 25 ts. 

Countess de Pillet Will (new). A beautiful combination of coloring seldom met 
with, florets having a broad, pure white border with a center of salmon pink. Elegant 
trusses composed of wide open, semi-double florets. Altogether a most distinct, new 
variety. Price 25 és. 

Trego (new). This new variety has proved to be a most magnificent bedder, 
while for pots it is unsurpassed. Enormous trusses of dazzling crimson-scarlet, borne 
on strong stems high above the foliage, make it a most striking variety. A strong, 
vigorous grower. Price 20 &s. _ 

Comtesse de Chantemerle (new). A magnificent novelty of the Bruant race. 
Color is of an exquisite freshness, aurora-salmon, very clear at the center, shading 
out paler at the edges of the petals. It is a very free bloomer with truss and floret of 
the grandest size, its wonderful quality of continuous bloom, as large as a Hydrangea 
truss, being especially remarkable. Price 15 és. 

Precurseur (new). This is the first white of the strong, sturdy Bruant race. It 
is a strong grower, a very free bloomer, having fine trusses of single, white flowers 
of very large size and spreading form. Promises to lead all other white varieties for 
bedding. Has all the fine characteristics of the Bruant race. Price ,15..€ts- 

M. Paul Blondeau (new). A very robust, compact, free growing variety. Very 
large trusses and florets (probably the largest among double Geraniums), borne on 
long, stiff stems. The flowers are semi-double, and open very beautifully, the color 
being a magnificent, pure, fresh, rose color. A splendid acquisition. Price 15 cs. 

Richmond Beauty (new). A very brilliant scarlet-crimson, with large, white 
feathering on the two upper petals. Colors are very clear and striking, florets being 
of fine rounded form. Extraordinarily free blooming, being a mass of. bloom at all. 
times, and extremely showy. Price 15 és. 


Jean Rameau (new). A grandly built floret of fine size, semi-double, ground color pure white, 
suffused with rose and with an edge of deep carmine. This is one of the healthiest and strongest growers 
amongst the Aureoles. Price to ¢ts. 

Louis Francais (new). This is asplendid new variety. The flowers are enormous, borne on long, 
stiff stems well above the foliage, the plant having all the grand points of a perfect ‘‘ Bruant’”? Geranium. 
Color is quite irresistible, the semi-double flower being of an exquisite pure rose color, tinted salmon. It 
is a splendid bedder, withstanding the hot sun remarkably well. Price 10 cts. 

Double New Life. This remarkable novelty is still 
scarce. An entirely newdeparture in every way. The florets 
are of a brilliant red, and in the center of these appears a pure 
white floret, effecting a vivid and startling contrast which it is 
difficult to realize. Plants dwarf and floriferous. Price 15 As. 

Marquis de Castellane. This isagrandnewGera- ¢ 
nium of the vigorous Bruant type of growth. It isashapely, ‘@ 
dwarf grower with immense double flowers, about two and one- 
half inches in diameter. Color is two beautiful shades of red, 
petals undulating on the edges. Very beautiful and distinct. 
We recommend this variety highly. Price 10 &s. 

Kleber (double). A very free grower and very free in 
bloom, with flowers held well above the foliage. Color, a dark 
violet, of a velvety texture, rich and striking, Form of floret is 
very fine. Price 15 ¢ts. 

Manteau de Feu (double). One of the grandest of the 
new introductions; ofthe richest color imaginable, dazzling 
velvety scarlet flowers of beautiful rippling form.” It is very 
floriferous, so much so that fowers have to be kept pinched 
from young plants till they are fully established. Price 10 ts. 

Mme. Goyeux. One of the prettiest of the double aure- 
oles, because the colors are so very fresh, bright and clear. Color, light rosy pink with large, white blotch 
in center of flower; a delicate and beautiful color. A very free and vigorous bloomer. Price 10 dts. 

La Fraicheur (double). White, with a narrow band of rosy pink around each petal, exactly like a 
Picotee. Absolutely novel and distinct, and one of the prettiest flowers we have seen for years; colors 
delightfully fresh and clear. * Price to cts. 

Dr. Despres. ULarge trusses, of very large, round, well-opened flowers of a variable color, some- 
times bright violet with vermillion spots on the upper petals, and again bright blood red, brightened with 
violet spots, making a beautiful contrast. Semi-double. Price 15 cts. 

* Marvel, A semi-dwarf compact grower, with clean, vigorous, healthy foliage; truss large and 
full, held well above the foliage; floret a model of size and form; color a dark red. Price 10 és. 

Benj. Schroeder. One of the best fancy, single, pink Geraniums. A beautiful, clear rose-pink 
with distinct white eye. Dwarf, compact habit, a most profuse bloomer. Price 10 ¢ts. 

* Jean Viand. Soft, pure pink; semi-double, with two white blotches, Dwarf, stocky grower, rigid 
stems, large trusses, perfect florets, a continuous bloomer, the plant being covered with flowers throughout 
the season; will rank with the best bedders of any color, it has an iron constitution, and withstands the 
rain and sun remarkably. ; Price to ¢ts. 

* Clyde. A single scarlet Geranium of the Bruanttype. Asportfrom‘‘Mrs E. G. Hill;’’ in every 
respect like its parent, except color, which is pure scarlet of softeven shade. Floret is very large, borne in 
immense trusses fourteen to sixteeninchesincircumference. Good bedder and potplant. Price to ¢ts. 

Emanuel Arene. Double; one of the best novelties of the day. The floret is large and round, 
very fine, and of a pure rose color, with immense white eye. Both colors are very clear and pure, and are 
combined in the most showy way. Every flower lover ought to have this unique novelty. Price 15 ¢ts. 

Mme, Rozain. Purest white. Size of floret and truss and freedom all seem perfect. A fine 
variety. Price 10 cts. 

* Francis Perkins. This we consider the finest, bright pink bedding Geranium to date for our 
climate. The plant is a strong, vigorous grower and a prolific bloomer; flowers are perfect in form and 
are borne well above the foliage on long footstalks; color a clear bright pink. It stands the sun admirably 
and for massing there is nothing that equals it in its color. Semi-double. Price 10 cts. 

* Alphonse Ricard. Color, bright vermillion-scarlet, habit dwarf, very vigorous, truss very large, 
measuring from three to six inches in diameter. Large, semi-double floret, sometimes exceeding two 
inches in diameter. The trusses are on strong footstalks, and so freely produced as to nearly conceal the 
foliage. It is a constant bloomer from early in the season to late in the fall, almost every joint producing 




a flower stem. Extra for bedding. Price 10 ¢ts. 
* Mme. Buchner. An exceptionally vigorous grower. Trusses of very large size, borne in great 
profusion, high above the foliage. Color of the purest white. Price to cts. 

Daybreak. An entirely new color in single Geraniums, being a beautiful light flesh, like ‘“‘ Day- 
break ’ Carnations; large trusses and grand foliage. Price 10 ts. 


Md. Bruant. A single 
variety wholly distinct from any 
other in cultivation. White, 
veined with carmine-lake, florets 
regularly bordered with bright 
solferino, the arrangement of 
color is exquisite, often inter- 
mingling and producing a 
striped effect. Price 10 ts. 

* John Doyle (double). 
A vigorous grower, throwing 
its truss well up above the foli- 
age, of enormous size, and of the 
richest bright scarlet. It is a 
phenomenal bloomer. 

Price 10 cts. 

* Gen. Grant, One of 
the best single scarlet varieties 
for bedding, vases, etc. 

Price 10 cts. 

* Beaute Poitevine., 
, Very large semi-double florets 
Rian NS wk \ 7 of beautiful and distinct form, 

Oy, ee and borne in immense trusses; 
very free bloomer, and as a 
bedding variety it has no equal 
in its color, brilliant salmon, 


brighter at the edges. Has the strong habit and constitution of the Bruant race. Price ro cts, 

* S. A. Nutt. A standard double dark red variety. Still one of the best. Price 10 cts. 

* Heteranthe (Double Gen. Grant). A splendid bedder. The plant redounds in vigor; foliage is 
strong and striking. Color of the flower is a bright vermillion red. Price 10 cts. 

Jacquerie, Single flowers of a magnificent shade of very dark crimson-scarlet, with unusually 
large florets of great depth. Very striking. Price 10 cts. 

* Sam Sloan (single). Deep crimson-scarlet; trusses of immense size, Fine for house or pot 
culture, but its great merit lies in its wonderful blooming qualities when planted out. Price 10 cts. 
XA +2 
SZ . . . S< 
eS We have marked with an (*) the best bedding Geraniums. We can fur- BS 
“* nish these varieties in quantities at $1.00 per dozen from 3-inch pots. Prices “3 
+2 Z 2 
“ of larger sizes on application. & 
& x 

Mo cMe ete crtectesterostesetete eee Seteeeesestes & 
aaa aaa aaa aa aaa a aaa aE) 

S, F, ©, %, 0, O. OG, Ge Ge Ge Gn on oe Ma ta steseeseeseseSeSeseo Gro ftosos™ 

Little Pink. Nice dwarf habit about six inches high; color bright pink, with a distinct white eye. 
One of the nicest, prettiest little Geraniums imaginable, Astonishingly floriferous. Price 10 cts. 
America. An ideal pot and bedding variety. Plants not one foot high, often having a dozen 
trusses of bloom at one time. Flowers quite unique, being white with salmon center when first opening, 

changing to various shades of salmon and rose. Price 10 és, 
Mars. A very dwarf free bloomer with handsome dark zoned leaf, flowers brilliant salmon pink at 
center, shading to a white at margin. Flowers produced in great profusion. Price 10 ts, 

Merle Blane, This is a valuable new introduction to this class. It is a fine bedder as well as 
pot plant being at all times covered with a profusion of the pure white double flowers. A very dwarf 
grower. Price 15 cts. 

nas One each of the four Lilliputian Geraniums for 35 cts., postpaid. 


Fernaefoleum Odorata. A valuable and scarce sort, with very finely cut leaves, having much 
the appearance of afern. Has a very fragrant odor, similar to Sweet Fern. Price 10 és, 

Mrs. Taylor. Rose fragrance, deep scarlet flowers. DTemon. Large leaf scented. Rose. 
Large leaf scented. Nutmeg. Smallsilky greenleaves, Birch Leaf. Small leaf with birch fra- 
grance. Attar of Roses. leaf apple green, large and velvety. Shrubland Pet. Small light green 
leaves, very fragrant. Skeleton. Finely cut foliage. Price, any of above varieties, 10 &ts. each. 

Variegated Rose Scented. Pretty variegated white and green foliage, rose fragrance. 

Price 15 cts. 




Mrs. Parker. Inthis fine variety recently introduced, 
we have a combined beauty in flowers and foliage not found in 
any other Geranium. Its leaves are deep green, with a broad 
margin of white; flowers perfectly double, bright pink. Splen- 
did for house culture, Price 15 cts, 

Silver Leaf Nutt (new). Unquestionably one of the 
most striking silver leafed Geraniums thus far originated. Foli- 
age is very handsome, being a light green irregularly edged 
and notched with white. Add to this that in habit, flower and 
freedom of bloom, it is an exact counterpart of ‘* S. A. Nutt,” 
and we have a remarkable combination of good qualities. The 
handsome crimson flowers are of good size, and freely pro- 
duced. We strongly recommend this variety. Price 15 cts. 

Freak of Nature, Avery unique variety with irregular 
center of white bordered by a broad band of pale green. The 
combination of white and green varies in different leaves, giv- 
ing the plant a very pretty appearance. Price 15 cts. 

Mrs. Pollock (golden tricolor). The ground color isa 
deep green, with a zone of bronze, crimson and scarlet, with 
margin of clear yellow. One of the best fancies. Price 15 cts, 

Chieftain. One of the best of the bronze type; foliage 
light golden, with a rich chocolate zone. Happy Thought. An entirely new style of leaf, having a 
large yellow blotch in the center of leaf, with an outer band of green. Mountain of Snow. Leaf 
green, white margin; flowers scarlet. Golden Band. Gold margined; cherry colored flowers. 
Cloth of Gold... Fine golden foliage. <A fine window plant. Suow Storm. Bright green leaf with 
a very narrow margin of silver. Md. Salleroi. A distinct variety, with leaves from one to two inches 
in diameter; the center of olive green, with broad margins of white. Crystal Palace Gem. Golden 
foliage; center of leaf bright green. One of the very best of the golden varieties; scarlet flowers, Fine 
for window. Distinction. Leaves are circular, and very dark green, having a narrow band of jet 
black near the margin. Price, any of above varieties, 10 cts each, 


Achievement (new). A grand English novelty, being a cross between the Ivy and Zonal class. It 
has the habit and texture of the Zonal with the form of the Ivy foliage. Color is a pure rose with white 
eye, immense in size, freely produced on long stems. Should be in every collection. Price 15 ts. 

Col. Baden-Powell (new), The grandest variety since ‘‘Souv. de Chas. Turner,” and destined 
to be as universally popular. The flower is most striking, being of enormous size, the largest amongst 
Ivies. It is semi-double and of elegant showy form, the color varying at times from pearl white to soft 
blush, exquisitely beautiful. A fine grower and free bloomer. Price 20 cts. 

Mrs. J. G. Day (new). Ofanintense glowing shade of rosy crimson, this elegant new variety is 
very free blooming. It has a robust, thick glossy foliage and this with the size of blossom, length of stem 
and free growth, together with its high color, all make it a remarkable variety. The form and doubleness 
is as perfect as in the best Zonals. Price 15 cts. 

Etincelant (new). This fine new variety is a strong grower and free bloomer. Color is a pure 
warm scarlet. Should be in every collection. Price io ts. 

The Bride (new). Quite a distinct novelty. The flower is very double and produced in large sized 
trusses. Color is a pure white shading blush at the center. A free bloomer. Price 10 cts. 

Mrs. H. T. Wooderson. Identical with ‘‘ Chas. Turner” except color, which is much deeper and 
more showy shade, an improvement on ‘‘ Chas Turner” and sure to become a favorite. Price 15 cts. 

I/ Elegante (new). An extremely pretty variety, of bright green foliage, with broad band of creamy 
white, often margined with pink; blossoms pure white. Price 10 és, 

Souv. Chas. Turuer. One of the handsomest double Ivy Geraniums ever introduced. Florets 
two and one-half inches, in trusses six inches across. The color is a bright pink, approaching scarlet; 
the upper petals feathered maroon. Price 10 cts. 

Joan of Are. This is one of the most charming plants, the flowers being perfectly double and 
white assnow. The foliage is extremely handsome, the dense, glossy green leaves making a most effect- 


ive background for clusters of ivory-white flowers. Price 10 cts. 
La Rosaire. Flowers very large and perfectly double, making a lovely rosette in shape; color of 

the most delicate pink shade and exceedingly attractive, Price 15 cts. 
Eaton Co., Micu., May 17, 1903.—L. P. Butler & Co. Gentlemen: Last yearI sent to you for plants 

and received some nice ones and they did well. Yours truly, MARY ETTA OTIS. 

Auecusta, Me., April 2, 1903.—L. P. Butler & Co. Dear Sirs: We received the plants, bulbs and 
seeds in fine condition and am much pleased with them, and thank you very much for the extras sent. 
Yours respectfully, MRS. GEO, WINTER. 


PELARGONIUMS (Lady Washington Geraniums. ) 

H. M. Stanley. Lower petals soft 
carmine, upper petals deeper with a maroon 
blotch. Flowers produced freely. A mag- 
nificent variety. Price 25 cts. 

Mrs. Robt. Sandiford. A grand 
white variety, flowers of large size, beauti- 
fully rufled, called double white from the 
crimpy and fluffy appearance of the flower, 
which has alsoan extra petal, readily allow- 
ing it to pass fora double white bloom. A 
strong, vigorous grower. Price 25 ¢ts. 

Apple Blossom. One of the finest 
blooming house plants in our entire list. 
People never tire of this, the freest flower- 
ing of all the Pelargoniums. Flowers, 
shades of pink and. white, and slightly 
frilled. It flowers from eight to ten months 
of the year, and when at its best, the flowers 
are so profuse they nearly hide the foliage, 
being one mass of pink and white. 

Price 20 cts. 

Favorite. An exceedingly strong, 
bushy grower, and a very free bloomer. 
Color a beautiful clear rose blotched maroon 



on the upper petals. Price 15 cts. 
Crimson King (new). A strong, healthy grower, and very free bloomer. Color is a magnificent 
intense crimson. A remarkably ‘‘taking’”’ new variety. Price 25 cts. 

Alfred Henderson (new). A beautiful variety, bearing large trusses of rich, lavender pink 
flowers, the lower petals marked rich maroon. The coloring is almost identical with a handsome species 

of orchid. Plant is a free and vigorous grower, and a very prolific bloomer. Price 25 cts. 
Victor. Color of upper petals almosta black, and very velvety; lower ones a bright lively crimson; 
center pure white; florets extremely large and very showy. The finest of its class. Price 20 cts. 
Md. Pape Carpenter. This rare new sort is the only really double one we have ever seen. The 
flowers are simply magnificent, being very large and ‘‘ fluffy’ aud pure white in color. Price 25 cts. 
Sandiford’s Best, A beautiful shade of pink surrounded with a broad band of white; large white 
throat. Very free flowering with large round trusses. A beauty. Price 35 cts. 
Mrs, Layal (Pansy). A very dwarf, shapely, compact grower, with vigorous, healthy foliage. It 
is a veryfree bloomer, bearing the pretty pansy-like flowers in great profusion. Price 15 cts. 


Obconica, Japanese Primrose. A lovely perpet- 
ual blooming Primrose, needing about same culture as 
the Chinese varieties. The flowers are borne profusely, 
in trusses, on long stems, color white, delicately 4 
tinted rosy lilac. Of easy culture, thriving with little 
care and attention. The blooming qualities are won- | 
derful, in full flower from October to August, fully nine } 
months in the year, producing twice the quantity of | 
flowers of any plant with which we are acquainted. | 
Can be planted in open ground in summer and potted : 
again in fall. Price 15 cts.; larger, 20 tts. 

Chinese Primrose, Single. One of the most | 
desirable winter blooming plants, flowering during the 
winter and spring months. Choice fringed varieties } 
in many colors. Primroses prefer rather cool treat- Ix 
ment and need but little sun, even doing finely in ai 
north window. 
Price 15 cts.; 2 for 25 éts.; larger size, 20 ts. each. 

GARLAND MkE.,, May 23, 1903.—L. P. Butler & Co. 
Dear Sirs: The plants came in splendid condition, not 
wilted in the least. Many thanks for the extra. 




Kentia. These are one of the most easily grown and sat- 
isfactory of the Palm family. They are very hardy and are not 
easily affected by changes in temperature, and its stiff, glossy 
leaves enable it to stand the dry hot air of the living room with- 
outinjury. Itis very graceful, and justly a very popular variety. 
Price 35 ¢ts., 75 cts., $1.25 and upwards, according to size. 

Ficus Elastica, /ndia Rubber Tree. One of the best 
plants for table or parlor decoration; its thick, leathery leaves 
enable it to stand excessive heat and dryness, while its deep 
glossy green color always presents a cheerful aspect. Will 
stand lots of abuse and still retain freshness. The plants we 
offer are in fine condition. Price $1.00 and $1.50 each. 

Phrynium Variegatum, Leaves bright pale green, 
beautifully variegated with white and gold. No two leaves are 
variegated exactly alike, the markings being extremely diver- 
sified. It is very free growing and one of the most ornamental 
plants imaginable. As a bedding plant, it is simply elegant, 
making a specimen which for ornamental foliage has no equal. 
Also fine as a pot plant. Price 15 cts. 

Livistona Rotundifolia. One of the prettiest of 
Palms, especially suited for table decoration. Price 35 cts. 

Draczena Indi- 
visa, Dragon Tree. 
One of the most desir- 
able of our ornamental 
foliage plants for deco- 
ration, either in or out 
doors. Its fine foliage. 
renders it very useful 
for the window garden, 
planted as a center piece 
in a rustic stand, jar-. 
diniere, or window box, 
or for summer decora- 
tion in vases and orna- 
mental beds; also well 
adapted for centers of 
vases and baskets. 

Price 20 cts. and 40 ¢ts. 


Cocos Weddeliana. 

Latania Barbonica. 

Gq Si an 


Draczena God- 
sefiana. Gold Dust 
Dracena. Bears but 
little resemblance to or- 
dinary Dracenas. Foli- 
age is bright green, 
deeply polished, heavily 
spotted and splashed 
with creamy white or 
light yellow. Grows in 
a compact bushy form, 
throwing out wiry 
stems covered with the 
thick glossy leaves. A 
very distinct and re- 
markable decorative 
plant. Price 35 cts. 

This is a dainty, graceful 
small growing Palm, making a perfect miniature Palm of 
exquisite form. Splendidly adapted for the center cf jardi- 
nieres and fern dishes as well as specimens. 

Price 35 cts. and 75 ¢ts. 

A splendid hardy, strong 
growing Palm, whose quick growth and ability to stand 
the sun adapts it for out door decorative purposes, for veran- 

SS —s das, vases, etc., as well as for house decoration, A Palm 

f indoor decoration. 

Phoenix Reclinata. 

which will prove most satisfactory in every respect. This 
N is also called the ‘‘ Fan Palm.” 
Price 30 4ts., 75 cts. and $1.25. 
Of robust growth and grace- 
ful habit. A Palm which will thrive under more adverse 
circumstances than any other; especially desirable for 
vases, as it will stand hot sun, and is also very desirable for 
Price 30 cts. and 75 cts. 

Araucaria Excelsa, Norfolk Island Pine, Asa 


decorative plant this is one of the handsomest and most 
serviceable. Its deep green, feathery foliage arranged in 
whorls, rising one above the other at regular distances, 
forms a plant of rare grace and beauty. This is also called 

sae the ‘*Monkey Puzzle Tree”? These cannot be sent by 

Price $1.00 each, 


Aspidistra Lurida Variegata. This is the most durable plant grown for indoordecoration, It 
will grow and do well under conditions that would be sure death to many other plants. Leaves are thick 
and leathery in texture, of a dark green color, beautifully striped with creamy white, of irregular widths 
running the whole length of the leaves. Price, specimen plants, $1.25; small plants, 35 4s. 

Anthericum Vitatum, Folia Variegata. A beautiful plant with recurved graceful foliage, 
which attains a growth of about three feet. The leaves are dark green, beautifully marked with broad 
stripes and bands/of creamy white color. Fine for edgings, borders, or for ornamental foliage plants. 

Price 15 éts. and 30 ts. 


Verbenas being a leading specialty, we have selected froma large collection the following varieties, 
which combine the best bedding qualities, and embrace the greatest variety of color, which cannot fail to 
give satisfaction to all. We also have in stock many kinds not on thelist. 

Beauty of Oxford. Dark pink, mammoth flower, extra fine. Fire Ball. Dazzling scarlet, 
white eye. Banner. Pink and white striped. Loadstar. Lavender, very fine. Mrs. McKinley. 
The finest mammoth pure white. Negro. Nearly black, very fine. Pink Beauty. Delicate pink, 
white eye. Turquois. Beautiful blue, large eye. Climaxer, Extra large scarlet. Perfection. 
Pure solid pink. 

Price, customer’s selection, 8 ts. each, 75 “ts. per doz.; our selection of best sorts, only 6 ¢ts. each, 60 
cts, per doz,; fine seedlings, mixed, 50 éts. per doz. Verbenas cannot be sent by mail after May 15. While 
we shall fill all orders for Verbenas in full as far as possible, we reserve the right to substitute good kinds 
in place of any of which we may be out. 

Lemon Verbena, Aloysia Citriodora. Indispensable for fragrance of its leaves. Price 10 cts. 

ASTER PLANTS (Pot Grown). 

Every year we sell large quantities of this popular flower to those who do not care to bother with seed. 
Our plants are all grown in pots and from the choicest seed, and are large, thrifty plants, not to be com- 
pared to the small plants with small roots sold so cheaply by some parties. Ready for shipment after 
April isth. For full description of each sort see Seed Department. 

Purity. Pure, glistening white. Daybreak. Shell pink, fine. Giant Comet. White, pink, 
blue, mixed, Mary Semple. Pale pink; Lavender Queen, pale lavender; Semple’s White, Purple or 
Mixed. Truffant’s Perfection. Bright Pink. Purple, Pure White, Glowing Crimson or Mixed. 
Fancy. Inmany colorsand kinds. Mignon. Pure white and mixed. Ostrich Plume. Beauti- 
ful, new, ‘‘fluffy’’ Aster, White or Pink. 

Price, any of above varieties, strong pot plants, 40 cts. per doz, 



Silverspot. This handsome variety vi 
is neat and compact in growth, with rich ; wee 
dark green leaves elegantly spotted with 
light sulphur or cream color. The intense 
bright scarlet flowers are large and borne 
in great profusion, standing well above the 
foliage. The unique and elegant foliage 
gives the whole plant a most charming 

Little Lord Fauntleroy. This 
new variety grows only eighteen inches 
high from the ground to the tips of the 
flower spikes, while the foliage rises no 
more than 10 inches from the ground, the 
eight-inch flower spikes standing erect and 
clear above the handsome dark green leaves. 
The plant is very compact and bushy, 
Nothing could be more striking than this 
fine new Salvia either in beds or in masses. 

Chretien. This is the earliest vari- 
ety yet produced, beginning to bloom early 
in July. Has grand panicles of bloom, and 
its size, bright scarlet color, and earliness 
will probably cause it to supplant the older 
standard later varieties. Grown in masses 
it is magnificent. 

Cloth of Gold. Has a beautiful 
golden color with bright scarlet flowers, 
Fine for contrast in bedding. 

Price, any of above varieties 10 Gs. 
each; 3 for 25 cts.; 75 cts, per doz. 

Audubon (new). This handsome SALVIA SPLENDENS SILVERSPOT. 
golden variegated form is entirely distinct 
trom ali others and should prove a gem not only for bedding, but for window boxes and ornamental 
plants for window garden and conservatory. The deep green foliage is freely and irregularly mottled 
and blotched with creamy yellow, deepening to rich bright yellow. Price 15 cts. 

Mo o%oc%ecMectectectectectectectectecteste Masta s%nc%es%.% 
oe %, .%, .%, ©. © oo ©. & .% & © & .% © oS © © © © © © © o © © % % © @ © o 

If you want a most brilliant display for your garden or lawn, try a few 
plants of Salvias. Wesell moreand more of these for bedding every year. 






& Fo oMne®, 
oe 09,098 

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Monstrosa. One of the most valuable 
new plants that has been introduced in years. 
The trusses of flowers are of enormous size, 
even on very small plants. Color, intense deep 
rose. Planta strong free grower and remark- 
ably free in bloom. With its clear, solid pink 
color and immense blooms, this variety easily 
stands as the grandest of all Hydrangeas. Price, 
small plants, 20 &ts.; larger, 50 cts. and 75 ¢ts. 

Thomas Hogs. Another Japan produc- 
tion. A pure white variety of the old garden 
‘‘ Hydrangea,” being identical with it except in 
color, which is of purest white. Hardy at 
North if pretected with boughs; very fine for 
pot culture. Price 15 ¢ts.; larger, 25 and 40 «ts. 

Red Branched. This is oueof the finest 
varieties in cultivation, with dark red branches 
that brighten as they near the flower trusses, 
The plant produces freely immense heads of 
HYDRANGEA OTAKSA. deep rose colored flowers. Price 15 cts, 

We ees 


Hortensia Mariesii (new). One of the most distinct and effective varieties yet introduced. 
This new Japanese variety is remarkable for the large size and distinct color of its sterile flowers which 

are fully three inches across and of a light pink color tinted mauve. Price 15 cts. 
Souv. de Claire (new). Another new Japanese variety, dwarf in habit and growth and very free in 
bloom. Color, pink, Plant grows very shapely and bushy. Price 15 cts. 

Otaksa. A magnificent flowering shrub, with immense trusses of flowers, frequently twelve inches 
across; color, bright rosy pink, contrasting finely with other sorts. The plant is of low, bushy growth, 
and should have a covering of straw, leaves or evergreen branches during the winter in northern climates. 
The low, sturdy growth, together with its immense blooms and beautiful foliage, makes it the most desir- 
able of all to grow in pots, tubs ér vases for summer decoration; can be wintered in cellar. 

Price 15 ¢ts.; large 40 ¢ts. and 60 ts. 

Paniculata Grandiflora (Hardy Hydrangea). See Shrub Department. 

I LILLIA ACS ee Se ee Se ee ee ee ee eG 
+¢ +¢ 
oe : 3 a ate : 

3h We can furnish large size of any of above varieties, suitable for lawn or % 

** veranda ornament at 35, 50, cts. or $1.00 each, according to size. & 
8 : 
x ee 
eo Soefoetentongocoezeateaseegoeteeteateegooteereareetoeteore sroareeeetearerte ofeerestosceeteeteavoeveeseeteareareareeestearessoereereateareeseoteteateavente 


Sprengeri, Emerald Feather. A most 
desirable new species, especially useful to grow 
asa pot plant for decorative purposes or for 
planting in suspended baskets; the fronds are 
long trailing, and of a rich shade of green, most 
useful for cutting, retaining their freshness 
after being cut for weeks. It will make an ex- 
cellent house plant, as it withstands dry atmos- 
phere, and will succeed in almost any position. 
No introduction of recent years has made such 
a favorable impression upon us as this Aspara- 
duns ZUS. Price 10 &ts.; strong plants, go cts. 

Plumosus Nanus, Also erroneously 
called ‘** Lace Fern,.’”’ One of the handsomest 
of our foliage plants. The leaves are a-bright 
green, gracefully arched, and as finely woven 
as the finestsilken mesh. Their lasting quality, 
when cut, is remarkable, retaining their fresh- 
ness for weeks, hence it ranks as the most 
valuable plant we have for this purpose, sur- 
passing ‘* Maiden Hair” Fern in grace,‘fineness 
of texture and richness of color. It is one of 
the finest decorative vines recently introduced; 
by many florists it is used instead of Smilax, 
as easily grown and very much more beautiful 
on account of its light feathery growth. 

Tenuissimus. A beautiful species of climbing habit. Remarkable for the extreme delicacy of its 
foliage. A fine decorative plant. Price 15 cts. 

Decumbens, Silver Asparagus (new). This handsome new species is a fit companion to * Spren- 
geri.” Has very light, feathery fronds ofa beautiful silvery gray in color. These drooping over the sides 
of the pot in graceful festoons, make a hanging plant of great beauty. A strong, healthy grower. A 
plant which is bound to become very popular. Price 20 cts., larger, 35 cts, 

f@- One each of Asparagus Sprengeri, Tenuissimus and Decumbens for |. 
40 cts., postpaid. 

trrsloafoafoodocgeceeteetoatonzongeofoeteeteetonzoatonteectectestenroazeateatenestecteeteeseasoarentetesteeseeseeseesenreneasessesseesensenseaeseeae s: 
% Our plants and seeds need no introduction to old customers, but to those SS 
Py who have never tried them we would call their attention to the many entirely un- * 
“ solicited testimonials scattered through the catalogue. We think that these S 
% show that our goods are giving pretty general satisfaction. We ask those & 
.% who are not receiving satisfaction from cheap plants and seeds to try ours. 2 


0. 8 0 0, 0 6 8 Ou oF He Oe Oe Fn Mn cn etnctesrectectecrectesreesieeeere eee 
Dee eee eK Ke eK KKK KK SEK SK aa a a la Ot ta a se Oe te ie Oe Se Se ee ee Be 



Lady Hume Campbell. FAR) 
This is a distinct and lovely new * had y 
Violet that has become one of the : \ 
most popular double varieties among 
florists, thousands of them now be- 
ing grown for cut flowers. Among 
the doubles it is beyond question the 
best for amateur culture, forthe rea- 
son that it excels all others in strong, 
healthy growth, and it will produce 
under ordinary conditions, a won- 
derful abundance of flowers. The 
flowers are perfectly double, with 
most delightful violet fragrance, 

Princess of Wales. 
Claimed to be the finest Violet yet 
introduced. The flowers are single, 
and so large they will sometimes 
cover aSilver dollar ; they are borne 
in great profusion on stems ten to 
twelve inches high all through the 
season. The color is true violet blue. 6” 

Swauley White. A great 
favorite. Grown in pots or boxes, 
it is a beautiful sight ; vigorous and 
healthy, bearing in profusion pure 
white, perfectly double flowers, ex- 
quisitely fragrant. 

Giant California. The 
plant is a robust grower, with a 
dense, heavy foliage, free from dis- 
ease. Flowers aie very large, 
single and intensely fragrant, the 
color being a clear violet biue that 
does not fade, and borne on extra 
long stems, which gives them an 
added value for cutting. LADY HUME CAMPBELL. 

The above comprise the four best varieties forthe amateur. Price”10 ts. each; 3 for 25 ¢ts.; 12 for 75 cts. 


Mrs. Morton. Asplendid stocky, bushy 
grower. Flowers snow white, finely fringed, 
and very airy and graceful in appearance. 

Price 15 és. 

Gen. Otis. A very vigorous, healthy 
grower, and very profuse bloomer. The large 
flowers are finely fringed, color being pure 
white blotched deeply at center, with dark rose 
shading out to light pink and white. 

Price 10 és. 

Pink Beauty. This lovely variety has 
been very popular with our customers. Very 
profuse bloomer; color, sometimes a fine clear 
pink, and again will have a ruffled white edge. 

Price 10 cts. 

Single Seedlings grown from our 
choicest seed ; rich mixture of colors. 
Price 50 cts. per doz. 

BG= We have other varieties not listed 
above for lack of space, but will send a collec- 
tion of three for 25 cts, for seven, all different 
colors, for 50 ts. postpaid. 



The following vines are for house culture or summer planting—not hardy. 

Asparagus. See page 32. 

Alyssum, Mammoth. The finest of all large 
growing Alyssums. Small plants planted in open 
ground will make immense clumps for summer cut 
flowers. Also grand as a pot or vase plant ; flow- 
ers white, semi-double, of twice the size in truss and 
floret of any sort we have ever seen. Its long, 
strong stem makes it very fine for cut flowers. 
First-class for summer or winter use. 

Price 10 &ts.; 4 for 25 ¢ts. 

Alyssum, Double Tom Thumb. This vari- 
ety has the same dwarf habit as the single, but its 
trusses are much longer and the florets double. 
The double flowers hold on so long that the plantis 
always in bloom, never having that ragged and un- 
attractive appearance of old varieties when out of 
flower. Price 10 cts.; 4 for25 éts. Either of above 
sorts, 60 cts. per doz. 

Smilax, Myrsiphyllum Asparagoides. <A 
climbing plant unsurpassed in the graceful beauty 
; of its foliage ; valuable for bouquets and decora- 

; tions. Price 10 cts. 
English Ivy. Too well known to need de- 
scription. Price 10 cts. 

Honeysuckle, Golden Leaved. Marvelously 
: effective. It bears immense sprays of the most per- 
fect little leaves that are covered with a net work of 
gold and green, often marked with pink also. The 
gold deepens at the tip of the sprays, and there is nothing finer to combine with bouquets; also quite hardy 
in open ground. Price 15 cts. 

Nasturtium, New Double AN Ml 
Yellow. Avery striking, double < NX brea \\\ oe 
"| [WA 


flowering trailing plant espe- 

cially adapted for vases, window SS f Y/ | 
boxes, hanging baskets, rustic \ | UY 
boxes and rock work, any place 
where trailing plants can be 
used it is indispensable. A 
free and vigorous grower and 
continues to bloom the entire 
summer ; thc flowers are three 
inches or more tn diameter and 
are perfectly double of a bright 
yellow with a rich crimson 
feathered blotch at the base of 
each petal. This has proved 
very popular with everyone who 
has tried it. 

Nasturtium, Double 
Crimson, Same as above only 
rich crimson in color. 

Phoebe. <A most attrac- 
tive scented variety, producing 
flowers throughout the winter 
and summer season, of a deep 
golden yellow, with a rich, crimson-feathered blotch in each segment, outer edges notched or scalloped, 
the whole formed into an exquisitely shaped blossom, A free vigorous grower. When in the height of 
its perfection, strings of growth eight to ten feet long, resplendent with its parti-colored flowers, can be 
cut for decoration, Price either of above varieties of Nasturtiums, 10 éts. each.; 3 for 25 &ts., 12 for 60 cts. 
No seed to offer. 



Weeping Lantana Mrs. Mc- 
Kinley. A splendid new introduc- 
tion. With its long leafy vines hang- 
ing over the sides of a pot or basket 
and covered with innumerable rosy lilac 
flowers, it is a handsome sight. The 
flowers are borne in clusters, and being 
of a particularly charming color attract 
universal attention. It blooms quickly 
in small pots, and being of such easy 
culture is bound to become very pop- 
ular. We particularly recommend this 
plant as being most satisfactory for & 
vases, baskets or pots. Price 10 cts. 

Mesembryanthemum, Grand- 
iflora Alba. New, large flowering, 
pure white wax plant, of a trailing ep 
habit, and especially fine for hanging - 
pots or baskets. The blossoms are@® 
very large. Price 10 ¢ts. 

Mesembryanthemum, Wax 
Plant, or Rock Pink. Curious succu- 
lent plant, similar foliage and flower to 
above. Flowers pink. Price 10 «ts. 

Saxifraga Sarmentosa. The 
well known basket plant, better known 
as ‘* Strawberry Geranium.” Orna- 
mental foliage. Price to és. 

Vinea, Variegata. Rapid grower, 
leaves glossy green, margined with 
white. Price 10 cts. 


Lotus Pelyorensis, Coral Gem. Theslender branch- 
ing habit is most striking, and the silvery foliage even more so. 
Without its flowers it might almost be described as a ‘‘ Silvery 

RY Es 4 WP = WA Asparagus.” The bright coral-red flowers, measuring two 
NYY, HWANG SA ey WZ Ws inches in length, are really beautiful, its drooping habit also 
Ae) “ / ); ZEY| ne NaS makes it useful for hanging baskets. Price 10 cts. 
we SS Ny mS ww Hoya Carnosa, Wax Plant. Has thick, fleshy leaves 
VWs AK TK (De SVK growing moderately fast and bearing umbels of beautiful flesh- 
WN SANs) OAS [SAA colored waxy flowers. Price 15 cts. 
\ \, Ny Dieter \s F Manettia Vine. In the house it can be trained all 
By | Re j US) =F around a window, and will bloom both summer and winter. 
= ORGS he W In the garden its charming bear:ty surpasses everything. 
WZ Wd 5; Flowers intense scarlet tipped with yellow, each flower keeping 
AS Kl f perfect over a month before fading. Price 10 &s. 

Passion Vine, Constance Eliot. This beautiful variety 
is hardy with slight protection. A climbing plant rivalling 
INS some of the Clematis in size, color and profusion of bloom, and 
/) AS A surpasses them in vigor of growth and delicate fragrance. 

eee Zi IN —, Pure ivory white in color. Price 10 cts. 
ilps Ais vies Cobea Scandens. A well known climbing plant of very 
rapid growth and having large blue bell-shaped flowers. Used 
for covering trellises and unsightly places, for which its rapid growth makes it valuable. Price 15 cts. 

Cuphea Platycentra, Cigar Plant. The tube of the flower is scarlet, with the end part white 
and crimson, having somewhat the appearance of a miniature lighted cigar. Price 10 ts. 

Glechoma Hederacea var., Nepeta. A variegated form of the common ground Ivy, which is 
prettily marked with pure white on a bright green ground. It is hardy and of vigorous growth ; the leaves 
of this form have a refreshing fragrance similar to Mint. Price 10 cts. each ; 3 for 25 cts. 

Ivy German or Parlor. A well known rapid climber ; for pot culture or vases. Price 10 és. 

Jasmine Grandifiorum, Catalonian Jasmine. A winter flowering plant, blooming continuously 
from October to May. The flowers are pure white, deliciously fragrant. Price 15 cs. 


_ NEw one june 17, 1903.—L. P. Butler & Co, Gentlemen: I acknowledge the receipt of the plants 
this morning in first-class condition, and I thank you for extra sent. 
Very truly yours, M. J. WHALEY, 



Azalea. Elegant pot plants, much used for Easter decorations. The flowers are large and very 
beautiful, always much admired, and range from white to deep crimson in color, with all intermediate shades 
and markings. Easily grown in any window. Our plants are fine ones ; all 5, 6 and 7-inch pots, well 
branched and full of buds. Price $1.00 ; extra sizes, $1.25 to $1.50. 

Agapanthus Umbellatus, Lily of the Nile. This is a splendid ornamental plant, bearing large 
clnsters of blue flowers on long flower stalks, and lastingalongtimeinbloom. Thereis nofiner plant than 
this for outdoor decoration, planted in large pots or tubs on the lawn, terrace or piazza, Itdoes well in the 
house or greenhouse in winter, requiring but slight protection. Price 25 and 40 &s. 

Cactus, Queen of the Night. The most mag- 
al J nificent of all the Cacti, flowers very large and ex- 
—WNE///\\—7 f ceedingly fragrant, opening after sunset, Colora 
L\ \ 1) Hf Va gs handsome showy white and yellow. <A variety 
Md iN which willsurely please everyone. Price 15 «ts. 
3 Cactus, Lobster. A beautiful variety of 
\ VF, cactus with bright scarlet flowers of large size and 
unusually bright and showy. Takes its name from 
resemblance of plant to the claws of a lobster. 
Price 15 cts. 
Calla, Godfrey. One of the most refined and 
beautiful types of the whole Arum family. Flow- 
ers as white as snow, very smooth and velvety in 
texture and of perfect form. This splendid Calla is 
extremely free in blooming. In our houses last 
winter, this new variety gave us double the num- 
ber of blooms as did the old standard ‘‘ Ethiopica.” 
Added to this they bloom very early, and are dwarf, 
bushy growers. 
Price 20 cts. each; large plants 50 cts. 
Cyclamen, Persicum Gigantum. Flowers of 
very large size; an improvement onolder sort. An 
extra fine strain; two colors, red and white; fine 
plants. Price 20 and 30 ¢ts. 

Coleus, We have a fine assortment of the 
most showy and distinct varieties, Canfurnish the 
best varieties either for bedding or for fancy color- 
ing. Price 10 éts.; 3 for 25, 6 for 40; 12 for 75 &ts. 


Farfugium Grande. A low growing 
foliage plant, remarkable for its shiny, dark 
green, leathery foliage, which is irregularly 
blotched and spotted with bright yellow, and 
sometimes with white and rose. Easily grown, 
and a native of China; not a new plant, but not 
as well known as it should be, as it is asplendid 
window plant. Give plenty of water when in 
growing condition. Price 25 cts. 

Forget-me-not, Perfection. This is the 
great winter sort, being grown extensively for 
cut flowers in all parts of the country. If 
treated the same as Violets will produce a pro- 
fusion of lovely sky blue flowers all winter. 

Price 10 ¢ts.; 3 for 25 ¢ts. 

Feverfew, Little Gem. The great value 
of the old ‘‘ Dwarf Feverfew”’ for cut flowers 
during the summer and fall is well known to 
florists and others. This variety which we now 
offer surpasses it in every way. lt is very : 
dwarf, attaining a height of only twelve inches. FARFUGIUM GRANDE. 

The flowers are larger, of more perfect form and of the purest white. 
Price 10 Cts.; 3:for 25{cts.; 12 for 75 cts. 

Stevia, Nana. An improvement on ‘‘ Stevia Compacta ;”’ similar in every respect except in height, 
which is considerably less than the old variety, which makes it more desirable. This variety is much used 
by florists, furnishing an abundance of fine white flowers at Christmas time. Price 10 &s, 


Seen enna 

Daisy, Giant White or Mammoth Paris Daisy. A new, large flowering, semi-double variety of the 
true “Marguerite” of the Paris markets; large, pure white flowers; three inches in diameter, with a 
double row of petals surrounding the golden yellow disc. It is a vast improvement, in size of flower, on 
the old ‘‘ Marguerite,” being twice as large and more numerous petals; lasting longer. Price Io ¢ts. 

Daisy, Snow Crest. Double white English Daisy. A more distinct variety and an improvement on 
all existing sorts. Its habit of growth and size of flowers, in comparison with older varieties, is gigantic. 
The flowers which are borne on stout, stiff stems from six to ten inches long, are of the purest white and 
full to the center. When fully developed they rise to a conical or sugar-loaf form, and well grown speci- 
mens will cover a silver dollar. It makes an admirable hardy garden plant or may be forced for cut flowers 
under the same treatment as Violets. Price 10 cts. 

Maranta Zebrina. A very beautiful foliage plant, fine 
glossy leaves of a bright green. Elegantly blotched with a 
dark bronze green. <A plant of remarkable beauty. Does best 
in partially shaded location. Price 15 and 25 cts, 

Orange. Otaheite. It is not an‘uncommon thing to see 
little cutting plants five or six inches in height, full of bloom, 
and even bearing one or two medium-sized oranges. The fruit 
at their best are not more than half the size of an ordinary 
orange, but are very bright and beautiful in color and delicious 
in quality ; but it is for its flowers more than its fruit which 
commends it to general cultivation. When it blooms it is so 
full that it seems to be all flowers. The pure waxy white blos- 
soms emit a delicate, yet powerful fragrance ; surpassed by no 
other flower. Price, 1-year plants, 20 ¢ts.; 2-year plants in 
fruit or blossom, 50 and 75 cts. each. 

Pilea, Artillery Plant. Unique plants with graceful 
fern-like leaves. Very pretty for vases or baskets, or for edg- 
ing to flower beds. Price 10 cts. 

Ruellia, Makoyana. This new plant forms a graceful, 
branching subject, one of the principal attractions of which is 
a beautiful velvety foliage, with the upper surface of a rich MARANTA ZEBRINA. 
olive green, shading to purple, relieved with prominent silvery-white midrib and veins. The under side, 
however, is a bright purplish wine color. It is one of the most brilliant flowering plants. Price 10 ¢ts. 

Velvet Plant. This seems a very appropriate name for 
this beautiful plant. The leaves and stems are entirely covered 
with purple down, which gives the whole plant a very rich vel- 
vety appearance. Any change of position seems to alter the 
color of the foliage, which is always taken to be artificial by 
most people, until closely examined, so rich is its color. Grow_ 
ing in a compact bushy form, it makes a splendid pot plant. 
Very easily grown. Price 15 cts. 

Strobilanthes, Dyerianus. The undulation on the sur- 
face of the foliage is furnished with a bluish metallic hue, shad- 
ing into light rose with a light green margin. It surpasses the 
finest Coleus or Begonia in the exquisite coloring of the leaves, 
besides which the racemes of violet blossoms with which the 
plant is covered in mid-winter greatly enhances its beauty. 

Price 10 cts. 

Sanseveria, Zealanica. A beautiful plant, splendidly 
adapted for the decoration of drawing-rooms and halls, as it 
stands drought aud dust with impunity. The leaves grow toa 
length of three to four feet, and are beautifully striped crosswise 
with broad, white variegations on a dark green ground. Itisa 
rare and beautiful plant which should be abundantly grown for 
positions out of the reach of sunlight where other plants will not thrive. Price 10 ¢ts.; larger, 25 cts. 

Swainsonia, Galegifolia Alba, Pure white. Desirable ever-blooming plant with flowers produced 
in sprays from twelve to twenty flowers each, the individual blooms resembling a Sweet Pea. A fine dec- 
orative plant for the window or conservatory. Its easy culture, growing in almost any light position, its 
freedom of bloom, rarely ever being out of bloom, and the grace and beauty of the flower and plant will 
make this one of the most popular plants in cultivation. Price 10 cts. 

Swainsonia, Elegans. Same as above in every respect, except color of flowers which is a rich wine 


Price 10 cts. 
Genista Racemosa, Golden Shower. A beautiful yellow flowering, shrubby plant, flowering so 

freely as to literally cover the plant withits rich, golden flowers, hence the name ‘‘ Golden Shower.” 
Grown in large quantities by florists for Easter decoration, Price 10 ¢ts.; larger, 25 and 50 cts, 


Justicia, Velutina, This new dwarf Justicia begins to bloom when the plant has only three or four 
leaves, and is never out of flower afterward. If pinched back occasionally it makes a very dwarf, stocky 
plant, frequently covered with twenty to fifty large pink flower-heads, lasting a long time. The foliage is 

also most persistent and highly ornamental, being heavy in texture and very velvety. Price 15 cts. 
Lobelia. A bushy, free flowering plant, very nice as a basket or for edges of vases and window 
boxes; flowers blue. Does best in partially shaded location. Price 10 és. 

Lemon, Ponderosa or American Wonder. ‘This is truly a wonder. The handsome plants grow 
quite rapidly, making pretty shapely plants which produce exceedingly handsome lemons, which can be 
used the same as ordinary lemons. Thedark green foliage is very large and handsome, and the pure, 
waxy flowers with yellow stamens are nearly as fragrant as orange blossoms, The fruit which succeeds 
the blossoms is truly immense in size. Price 20 ¢ts.; larger plants in fruit or blossom, 50 ¢ts, each. 


Platypetala Alba (new). Our sales of the Impatiens plant has always been very large but we, 
this year, have the pleasure of offering a fine new distinct variety. The flowers are larger than the old 
kinds, the color being a pure snow white, with a crimson spot like a drop of blood in the center. Always 
in bloom and a fine grower. Be sure and try this fine novelty. Price 15 cts. 

Sultani (sometimes called ‘‘ Patience Plant”’). Of compact, neat habit of growth, with good con- 
stitution, and a perpetual bloomer. The flowers are of a brilliant rosy scarlet, peculiarly distinct, about 
one and one-half inches in diameter, and are produced from the axil of the leaves, especially toward the 
summit of the stems, so freely that a well grown specimen appears to be quite a ball of fire. Price 1o ¢ts. 

Queen Carola. Fora blooming plant that will flower the full 365 days in the year, and thrive well 
as a window plant, none equal the well known ‘‘ Impatiens Sultani.”” This new sort is identical in growth 
and free blooming quality, but having flowers in color a beautiful salmon, suffused with rose, base of lower 

petals blotched white, stamens and pistils garnet and purple. Price 10 ts. 
Ruby. Same as above, except color, which is very much darker shade than ‘‘ Sultani”’ and fully as 
free flowering. Price 10 és. 


This class of plants is receiving more and more attention each year, and deservedly 
so, for their ease of culture, permanency and wealth of bloom appeals to a large class 
who desire masses of flowers for the minimum of care and attention. Each year they 
continue to bloom with added beauty, and by a judicious selection you can have the 
most varied of nature’s floral productions during the entire season. All the varieties 
which we list are of the easiest culture and after once planted require no further at- 
tention than annual liberal enrichment, but however most varieties are benefited by 
being divided about once in every three or four years and the divisions reset. 

Daisy, New Shasta. This 
valuable new introduction is extremely 
hardy, biooming better and more 
abundantly each season as it grows 
older. The flowers areextremely large 
and graceful, averaging about four 
inches in diameter, with petals of 
glistening snowy whiteness, borne on 
long, stiff, wiry stems. The blooms, 
when cut, remain fresh and in good 
condition for two weeks or more. This 
grand variety should not be confounded 
with the common field Daisy, as there 
is no comparison. Our cut shows the 
comparative size of this magnificent 
new ‘‘Shasta Daisy’’ and the common 
Daisy. This grand flower is destined 
to wide-spread popularity, being as it is 
of such easy culture, marvelously free 
blooming and giving such _ beautiful 
decorative effects. Price 15 cts. 

Platycodon Grandifilorum. 
One of the very best perennial plants; 
in constant flower from early spring to 
late fall, It forms dense clumps which 
are covered with a mass of bell-shaped 
flowers. Fine for cemetery, for garden 
or for cutting. Roots are hardy as a 
a Peony. Price 15 és, 



Primrose, Giant Hardy. This isone of the good new things that occasionally turn up by chance. 
In size of flower, it is fully three times as large as any other hardy Primrose, the average size of the flower 
being over one inch across with individual trusses of bloom six inches in diameter. It is hardy, growing 
from ten to twelve inches high, and begins to flower earlier and continues to bloom longer than any other 
plant of the same family, Should become very popular. Price 15 cts. 
Pzeonies. These beautiful hardy flowers 
have been wonderfully improved during the past 
few years and are beginning to receive the atten- 
tion they so richly deserve. No plant will yield so 
rich a return for so little care as the beautiful garden 
favorites. Planted in masses or singly they makea 
rich effect. After once planted they need no turther 
care than occasional cultivation and a good mulch 
of manure inthe fall. Perfectly hardy everywhere. 
Three colors, pink, white and crimson. 
Price 25 cts. each. 
Lysimachia Clethroides, Loose Strife. 
A fine hardy plant growing about 2 feet high with 
long dense recurved spikes of pure white flowers 
from July to September, Price 15 ¢ts. 
Physostegia Wirginica, False Dragon 
Head. One of the most beautiful of our midsum- 
mer flowering perennials. Forms a dense bush, 3 BOUQUET OF PONIES. 
to 4 feet high bearing spikes of delicate flowers of a bright but soft pink. Price 15 cts. 
Iris Kzempferii, japanese Iris. These are among the most beautiful of hardy plants and cannot 
fail to please the most fastidious. Their peculiar and quaint markings can be better imagined than de- 
scribed. They are exceedingly showy and last a long time in bloom. Some are self-colored, while others 
are marbled and tinted with different shades. The race is perfectly hardy and very easily grown. They 
require a good rich soil, White, white tinted lavender, blue, etc. Price each, 15 cts. 
Lychnis Visearia, Ragged Robin, Forms a dense 
tuft of evergreen foliage, and in June sends up spikes of hand- 
some deep red, double, fragrant flowers, remaining in perfec- 
tion for six weeks. Price 15 cts. 
Achillea, The Gem or Pearl, One of the most popular 

v yi 

N ; 

Nyy hardy plants. The blooming quality of this splendid novelty is 
ae something remarkable, flowering in great profusion the first 
Is . V KY summer, while the second season it will. bloom three to five 
mK \ \ \ Hy : times as much. The flowers, which are borne upon erect foot- 
. } stalks, are of the finest white, and closely resemble a ‘‘ Pompon 
‘A\ | Chrysanthemum.’ Succeeds anywhere. Fine for borders, 

. a | cut flowers, or for cemetery planting. Price 10 ts. 

Coreopsis Lanceolata, Grandifiora. One of the finest 
of our hardy perennials. The flowers produced on stems two 
to three feet high, area rich golden yellow, of graceful form, 

_ and invaluable for cutting. Succeeds anywhete. Price 15 cts. 

Campanula Persicifolia, Grandifiora Alba (Angel’s 
Bells). A fine perennial with bell shaped white flowers borne 
on long stems in June and July. Price 15 As. 

Pansy, Trimardeau. A distinct. and beautiful new race, 

IRIS K2MPFERII. the flowers of which are of very large size, and the plants may 
be expected to produce many of the beautiful shades of color that are found in other classes of this popular 
plant. Price, in fine mixed colors, large transplanted plants, 50 &ts. per dozen, express only; smaller for 
mailing, 5o¢ts. per doz., postpaid; seed, 10 &s. 

Pansy, Bugnot’s Superb. This is the most famous of all the fancy strains, being blotched, stained 
and veined in unsurpassable beauty and variety of coloring. Our strain is a revelation of. beauty. 
Price, 3 for 20 cts.; 12 for 60 cts.; seed, 25 cts. per pkt. of about fifty seeds. 
Pansy, German Strain. In many of ,the finest colors; no other strain equals it for great variety of 
shades and blending of colors. This Pansy blooms very freely. For variety, see collection Pansy seed. 
Price, large plants, 12 for 50 ¢ts.; smaller for mailing, 12 for 25 &ts.; 25 for 50 ts. 

&a@- Our Pansies comprise an endless variety of coloring and combinations, and 
we can recommend them as being the equal of any on the market. Wecan also fur- 
nish separate colors where so desired for bedding at same prices as for the 
“‘German’’, strain. 


Hemerocallis Kwanso flore plena, Double Crown Day Lily. A perfectly double flowering 
sort ; a profuse bloomer. The flowers are produced in clusters ; they are of a bright orange-yellow, and 
each petal is marked with a large crimson blotch, forming a circle around the flower. Has an elegant 
grassy foliage, and handsome, deliciously fragrant flowers. They are perfectly hardy, and thrive in almost 
any kind of soil, preferring one that is rich, moist, and in an open situation, Price 20 ¢ts, 

Rudbeckia, Golden Glow. A glorious 
plant, of fine habit, vigorous growth, with early 
continuous and immense blooming qualities; it 
will be found excellent also for cut flower pur- 
poses, inasmuch as the stems are long, and often 
carry a dozen flowers furnished with beautiful 
foliage. One ofthe most distinct and beautiful 
large growing hardy perennials that have been 
introduced for years, and we recommend it to 
our customers as a plant of great value. Hardy, 
Mm of strong growth, long time in bloom, with 
Hj] flowers like large golden balls. 

Price 10 cts.; extra strong, 25 ts. 

Tritoma Pfitzeri, Flame Flower. A 
grand improvement on the old ‘*Tritoma,”’ 
The flower spikes which are produced with 
considerable more freedom than in the old 
variety, are of gigantic size, frequently four and 
one-half feet high, with heads of bloom over 
twelve inches long. They are of a richcrimson- 
scarlet shading to salmon-rose on the edge. 
A splendid new acquisition, making a striking 
display. Price 20 &s. 

Foxglove, lvery’s New Spotted. Indis- 
pensable in any‘collection of hardy herbaceous 
shrubbery, the bright foliage, and stately, 
showy spikes of bloom producing a fine effect. 
These new hybrids are the most improved 
varieties to date, comprising an endless variety 
of colors. Price 15 cts. 

Astilbe, Chinensis. Very hardy and the 
finest Astilbe yet produced. The immense, yet 
graceful and airy sprays of a new delicate flesh- 
color are produced in immense profusion, 


literally covering the plant with flowers, [Fine for cut flowers. Price 15 cts. 
Stokesia Cyanea. One of the handsomest of all perennials. The plant grows from 18 to 24 inches 
high bearing freely from early in July until late in October the handsome fringed lavender blue flowers 
which measure from 4 to 5 inches across. It is of the easiest culture succeeding in any open sunny posi- 
tion, and taken altogether is one of the most desirable plants offered in our entire list, An extra fine thing 
for cut flowers. Price 15 cts. 
Dialetra, Spectabilis (Bleeding Heart). One of the best known perennials, with graceful, drooping 
racemes of heart-shaped flowers of rosy crimson and silvery white. Blooming in spring and early sum- 
nfer. Price, extra strong roots, 30 ¢ts.; small, 10 Gs, 
Gysophila, Baby Breath. <A beautiful old-fashioned perennial, possessing a grace not found in any 
other perennial, and attracting the eye of everyone. Whenin bloom it forms a symmetrical mass of minute 
pure white flowers, forming a beautiful gauze-like appearance. For cutting purposes it is exquisite, espe- 
cially in combination with high-colored flowers. Price 15 cts. 
Hollyhock, Alleghany. This grand new race has mammoth flowers most of them measuring five 
inches or over across, No one can imagine the beauty and brilliancy of the blossoms without seeing them. 
The fringed flowers are of such delicate transparent texture that they have the appearance of being made 

of crushed silk. Price fine roots, 15 éts. each; 4 for 50 cts, 
Hollyhock, Superb Double. These are the superb Chater’s strain. Magnificent flowers, perfectly 
double. Ours are the finest strain to be had, Price 15 cts. each; 4 for 50 cts, 

Monarda, Didyma, (also known as Bee Palm, Oswego Tea, Horse Mint, etc). A sweet scented 
herb with crimson flower heads. Excellent for border and cutting, In flower three months. Extremely 
hardy and very showy. Price 10 cts. 

Funkia, Day Lily, A handsome, showy plant, with beautiful, large broad leaves. Flowers large, 
pure waxy white, borne in large trusses. Very fragrant. Price 20 cts. 


Helianthus Multifiorus, Double Dwarf Sunflower. Itis a great addition to our hardy plants. 
Its dark, golden-yellow color is both fashionable and beautiful for cut flowers ; grows from three to five 
feet in height ; never fails to flower the first year of planting. Do not be prejudiced against this plant be- 
cause it is only a ‘*Sunflower.” Give it a trial, you will be delighted to find how beautiful itis, Itisa 
hardy perennial, coming up every year, but in extreme North it will need protection or can be taken up 
like Canna and Dahlias, and kept in cellar. Price 15 «ts. 

We rank these as amongst the most important perennials, succeeding as they do, in almost any posi- 
tion, and flowering from early summer until late inthe fall. The wealth, size of bloom and range of colors 
of the newer improved varieties will surprise those who have been acquainted only with the old-fashioned 
sorts. The beauty and showiness of these new Phloxes can hardly be exceeded by any other flowers. 

Marie Stuart. White with very pale pink eye, the earliest blooming Phlox which we have, bloom- 
ing as early as the first of June and continuing during the entire month, Aurora Boreale. This 
superb variety has an extra large flower and truss and is very free blooming. Color is a rosy salmon with 
dark crimson eye. A fine variety in every way. White Queen. Pure snowy white and a very profuse 
bloomer. Beginsto bloom last of July and remains in bloom along time, Very fine. 

Price, any of above varieties, 15 cts. each; large clumps, 25 cts. 

Coquelicot. An exceedingly brilliant new variety, being the brightest Phlox yet introduced. It is 
a bright orange scarlet, almost the exact shade of an oriental poppy, a bed of this variety making a most 
dazzling show. Price 20 cts. 

S, SMa reasrereteseseeseseeeiePerrve Seer Ce Serer esis Coco oc Sree Pa Seoa Pose ore erPrPror Hiroe Se Soo eese 2, 

oe ° ee ¢ ee OO Oe Oe '¢ Kx 
xy We have a large collection of the newer kinds of Phlox, but so few of a 108 
* kind that wecannot listthem. Amongst them will be found many new colors. “ 
% We will send a fine collection, no two alike, 4for 50 cts. or 10 varieties for $1.00. 2 



Ampelopsis Veitchi, Boston Ivy. Grows rapidly as the old ‘‘ Virginia Creeper,” and attains a 
height of fifty feet. It clings firmly to any wall, tree, etc. The leaves are small on young plants, which at 
first are of anolive green-brown color, changing to bright scarlet inthe autumn. As the plant acquires 
age the leaves increase in size. It is without question one of the very best climbing plants for covering 
brick or stone walls. Price, small, 15 éts.; 2-year, 25 «ts.; 3-year, 4o cts. 

Ampelopsis Quinquefolia, Virginia Creeper. A very rapid grower, with large, dark green 
foliage, which changes in the fall to scarlet. A very desirable vine for covering arbors, verandas, etc, 
Extremely hardy. Price small, to ¢ts.; large, 25 to so cts, 

Clematis Panicu- ~ 
lata, japanese Virgins’ 
Bower. One of the most 
beautiful of our hardy flow- 
ering vines. The flowers 
are pure white, and are 
borne in great panicles or 
clusters of bloom, fairly 
covering the plant, so that it 
is a mass or sheet of fleecy 
white. These clusters are 
borne on long, slender 
stems, which stand out 
boldly from between the 
glossy green leaves. The 
fragrance is delicious, re- 
sembling the ‘English 
Hawthorn” blossoms, and 
is so subtle and penetrating 
that a large plant in bloom 
will fill the air with fra- ys 5 yO EE: 
grance. It begins to bloom ex Rs MARIE eh NS 
late in August or early in 
September, at 2 time when _ CLEMATIS PANICULATA. 
most other hardy climbers are out of bloom. It is perfectly hardy in all sections of the country, and we 
can unhesitatingly say that it is, in our opinion, the most valuable among hardy climbing vines. 

Price, 2-year, 25 <ts.; extra, 3-year, 40 cts. 



Clematis. Large Flowered. We offer three varieties viz: Jackmanii, Rich royal purple in 
color. Heuryi. Purewhite. Mad Baron Veillard. Pretty shade of lavender pink. 
Price strong field roots, 50 cts. each; or the three for $1.25. 
Wisteria, Sinensis. A magnificent climber, with a rich foliage, and long racemes of very fragrant, 

lilac flowers. Price, extra large plants, 50 &ls.; small, by mail, 20 ¢ts, 
Honeysuckle, Halliana. One of the sweetest and most beautiful Honeysuckles; flowers buff- 
yellow, passing to white, deliciously sweet, Price 15 éts. each; strong roots, 30 ¢ts. 

Dutchman’s Pipe, Aristolochia Sipho. A magnificent hardy vine of rapid growth, with very 
large, heart-shaped leaves, and brownish flowers resembling a miniature pipe. Splendid for verandas, etc. 

Price 50 cts. 




ry i J 

f dis | 
WA iM ANgh 


Hydrangea, Paniculata Grandifiora. One of the finest hardy shrubs in cultivation; the flowers 
are formed in large white panicles or trusses nine inchesin length. The shrub grows toa height and 
breadth of three or four feet, and as the flowers slightly droop, few plants have the grace and beauty pre- 
sented by this magnificent shrub. Perfectly hardy in all parts of the country; needs no protection of any 
kind. It should have all weak wood cut away each fall, and be well manured each season, Price extra 
strong, 1-year field grown plants, 20 ¢ts.; extra strong, 2-year field grown plants, 50 ¢ts,; extra strong, 
3-year field grown plants, 75 ¢ts.; 4-year, bush shape, $1.25. Fine standard tree shaped, $1.00, All of 
above will bloom first year. The 3-vear plants are extra fine well branched, two to three feet high; all 
have extra good roots. The two, three and four-year plants should go by express. 

Deutzia, Pride of Rochester. The finest pure double white. Price 35 cts. 
Deutzia, Lemoinei. A splendid new hardy shrub, having immense large flowers borne in broad 
based, cone-shaped heads. Price, small pot plants, by mail, 15 ¢ts.; larger, by express, 35 cts. 

Purple Fringe, Purple Smoke Tree. A pretty low shrubby tree covered in mid summer with large 
clusters of filmy, feathery flowers, giving it very much the appearance of being enveloped in a cloud of 
smoke. Price 35 ds. 

White Fringe, White Smoke Tree. Same as above only flowers white instead of purple. 

Price 35 cts. 

Lilac, Md. Lemoine. Double white florets like miniature tuberoses, truss very large and compact, 
A most beautiful novelty. Price 50 cts. 


Lilac, Single White. Has pretty single white blossom. Price 35 ¢ts. 
Pyrus Japonica, japan Quince. A very showy shrub, hardy as rock and blooming profusely in 
early spring, flowers being a dazzling scarlet. Also makes an excellent hedge. Price 25 cts, 

Snowball, japan. A great improvement over the common variety, with remarkably healthy dark 
foliage. Grows erectly and compactly four to six feet high, being covered from top to bottom with the balls 

of flowers as white as snow, clustered one against the other in dense masses, Price 50 cts. 
Syringa, Grandifiora. Much larger flowers than the common sweet scented, Price 35 cts. 
Syringa, Golden Leaved. Golden yellow foliage, color being deepest and most glowing in August. 

Flowers same as above variety. Price 35 ¢ts. 
Syringa, Double Flowered. Beautiful large double flowers of pure white. Price 35 cts. 

We have on hand a fine lot of Norway Spruce and Arbor Vite two orthree times transplanted with fine 
root system. Price, 1 1-2 to 2 ft., 25 &ts.; 2 ft. to 3 ft., 35 cts.; 3 ft. to 4 ft., 4o cts. 
Prices in quantity for hedging on application. 


“ Loudon. A strong grower with beautiful foliage, exceedingly prolific and perfectly nardy. The 
berries are very large and beautiful and fine quality. Price 60 cts. per doz. 
_-Cuthbert. The leading late market variety. The canes are hardy and strong, rampant growth, and 
exceedingly productive. Berries large, crimson, and of good flavor. Price 60 ¢ts. per doz. 
Cumberland, New Black. Among the hardiest, wonderfully productive, the fruit possessing un- 
usual firmness, making it a good shipper; a strong, vigorous grower. Price 75 cts. per doz. 
All Raspberries ten cents less per dozen, if by express. 

“ Moore’s Early. The best black Grape for northern New England. Matures fruit fully twenty 
days before Concord, and quality is better. We have found that this grape will mature in many places 

where the Concord will not. Price 25 cts. 

-- Green Mountain. A magnificent new white grape, splendidly adapted to our severe winters. A 

splendid profuse bearer and quality very fine. Price 35 cts. 

i Fay’s Prolific. The leading red variety, and is one of the best Currants we have. It has been 
widely planted, and has given general satisfaction. The bush is a strong grower, wonderfuily prolific. 
Price, 1-year, 10 cts.; 75 cts. per doz.; 2-year, 15 ¢ts.; $1.25 perdoz. Strong, healthy bushes. 

“White Grape. Its bunches are extremely long, berries large, of a beautiful translucent white, and 
excellent flavor; the best white variety. Price, 1-year, 75 ¢ts.; 2-year, $1.25 per doz. 


Senator Dunlap. This new variety is a strong grower witha healthy foliage. Has a perfect blos- 
som, is hardy, productive, of good quality, a splendid keeper and a wonderfully fine all purpose variety. 

_- Excelsior. . An extra early berry, productive, berry of large size, dark red and a fine shipper. Per- 
fect blossom, Quality fine. Foliage healthy and makes plants freely. 

Sample. A grand Strawberry of great vigor and productiveness. Foliage is very vigorous, the 
large, open pistillate blossoms being borne on very strong fruit stalks. Berries very regular in form, of 
fine flavor, rich. bright red in color, and of fine quality. 

Clyde. Fruit very large, light red, conical, firm and best quality. Plant very vigorous, plenty of 
runners, hardy, free from rust and very productive. It may be called a perfect variety. It resists drouth 
on account of its habit of deep rooting; grows equally well on any soil. Season, medium to quite late. 

Price all above varieties 25 cts. per doz., postpaid; $1.00 per 100, by express, not prepaid. 

Me MatetetetectetetesteMestetetetetestestestetestectectectesMestetestestetereresrestestesteteteteteretetetestetetetestetectes% 


o, &, 


ee - x) 
é We have a good stock of fine, large, vigorous specimens, and our patrons & 
* will be sure to be pleased with the fine stock we send out. We respectfully call SS 
SS attention to our Shrub Department. & 
DOG > 
nH PUTNAMVILLE, VT., Apr. 29, 1903.—L. P Butler & Co. Gentlemen: Have received the 3 
oe Clematis and Hydrangeas ordered trom you, and gladly express my appreciation of the excellence 
eof the goods. Very respectfully, MRS. C. C. PUTNAM. & 
~ PITTSFIELD, N. H , May 18,1903.—L. P. Butler & Co. Gentlemen: The order for shrubs ° 
* which you promptly filled, came in good condition, and I was very much pleased with them and °% 
% your liberality. Respectfully, FLORA M. PAGE, 3. 
oe reateateogeeoasoateoteotecseegoateateateotecseeseedeateateateotecteeteeteateafeareereetecreeteetoateateareoteeteeteeteeteareareetecteeceesoareareereerecreess 



Holt’s Mammoth Sage. Plants of strong growth on rich ground, often attaining a diameter of 
three feet the first season; leaves, which are of immense size, are borne on strong stems; in quality it is of 
unusual substance and of strong flavor. Give it rich, good culture, and you will be astonished at the large 
quantity of superior sage which can be cut from a single plant. lt rarely flowers, and has never seeded in 
our climate. No seed to offer. _ Price plants, 10 &ts.; three for 25 cts. 

Tomato Plants, Earli:ana, Ponderosa, Champion, Perfection, Aristocrat, Matchless, Quarter 
Century, Yellow Plum. Price, pot plants, 6 cts.; 60 &ts. per doz. MHot-bed plants, 35 ts. per doz.; $2.00 
per 100, 

Pepper Plants. Price 3 ¢ts.; 30 cts. per doz. 

Caulifiower Plants, Early Snowball. Price, doz.; 20 &s.; 100, $1.50. 

Celery, Winter Queen, White Plume, Golden Self-Bleaching, Boston Market, Giant Pascal. Trans- 
planted plants. Price, doz., 15 éts.; 100, 75 cts. 

P Asparagus Roots, Columbian Mammoth White, Con- 
\: P over’s Colossal and Barr’s Mammoth. Fine 2-year roots. 
H A f Price 100, $1.00; 1,000, $6.00, By express only. 
Cabbage Plants. Early plants before June to. 

Price, doz., 15 cts.; 100, $1.00. 
Cabbage Plants, Danish Ball Head, Succession, Stone 

f= ZZ i WW} Uj He | Z Ss Mason, Winningstadt, Premium Flat Dutch, All-Head, Savoy. 
ZB Zp yen i) ZS Field grown after June 1 
LZ Zip Y = [== Ss — & 5° 

Price, doz., 10 éts.; 100, 30 cts.; 1,000, $2.00. 
Rhubarb, Monarch. Those who have been accustomed 
to the ordinary Rhubarb will be surprised at the extraordinary 
SS size, tenderness and juiciness of this new variety. Give it 
good, rich treatment and you will have Rhubarb the envy and 
admiration of your neighbors, Price 25 cts. 
Rhubarb, Seedlings from Monarch. Most of these come true to the type. 
Price 20 &ts.; 2 for 35 ts. 





Vermont Gold Coin. A fine new main crop potato. This has proved to be one of the most pro- 
ductive as well as an extra fine quality potato. The growth is exceptionally strong and luxuriant. The 
tubers lie closely together in the hill and grow a most uniform size, just right for a marketable potato, 
growing rather oblong and thick through and very handsome in shape. In comparative tests this fine va- 
riety has yielded a third more than other varieties. Its vigorous growth and great productiveness make it 
very profitable for the planter and its great solidity, smooth, regular form and unequalled table quality will 
make it a popular and quick seller for the market. Our seed stock is direct from the introducer. 

Price, lb., 35 éts. postpaid; per peck, 85 é&ts.; per bushel, $3.00. 

i a a as a a a a es es ee Se 
3 ‘ : : Kx 
9) It is our intention and constant endeavor to make the name ‘‘ Monadnock” 

5 stand for honesty and sterling quality in plants and seeds. We intend that % 



every customer shall have ‘‘ value received’”’ for every dollar spent with us rf 
** and will cheerfully rectify any mistakes or just cause for complaint when 
« brought to our notice. * 

Moetestectectectestectes™ Mote cMectestectectetectestetete este Cee eee reeeSeoQeeeeoeoGro eee HeGrveoeooteoSoSocas® 
0 Soe Sonceecee ce Heeceac ee lee ee eceee eal eeleaceeces eras reseaseereacrereoeesceHcesceerescesroecesroecesreerescesrescesreecesrencesrosreseesreeresreeceseesrenee i! 


Seed Department. 


QS) .< 
NS 4! 


We take special pride in our magnifi- 
cent strain of this noble flower. No better 
seed can be procured in the country than 
that which we offer. If we had space we 
might quote many testimonials as to the 
magnificence of our strains, but we are sure 
great pleasure and value will be found in 
that which we offer. 

Collection Packet Asters. Con- 
tains equal quantities each of the below 
named yarieties of Truffaut’s Perfection 
Large Flowered: Snow White, Rose, Dark 
Blood Red, Light Blue, Black-Blue, 
Glowing Dark Crimson, White and Black- 
Blue, Rose and White, Carmine, Carmine 
and White, Crimson Ball, Dark Crimson 
and White, Dark Red and White, Victoria 
Red, Lilac Red and White, Violet, Dark 
Y Scarlet and White, Violet and White, 
_Black-Blue and White, Light Blue and 
White. The finest collection of Asters ever 
offered. We shall this season include in 
our collection, seed of Giant Comet, (three 
colors,) Semple’s Branching, (three colors,) 
Daybreak and Ostrich Plume, making the 
finest packet of Asters for this price ever 
sent out. Price 15 &s. 




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- @ 
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Asters, Prize Fancy. We are enabled, this season, to place within reach of any 
of our customers, at a moderate expense, the finest assortment of Fancy Asters ever 
offered in one package. These are selected by us, the fancy shades from the various 
classes of large flowering Asters, and then combined in one package, over thirty dif- 
ferent shades and colors. We think Aster seed has never been offered by any seeds- 
men, combining so many shades in one package. It will please customers to be able 
to procure so large a variety at so small a cost. _ Price 15 &s. 

Hohenzollern. A tall stately variety bearing enormous flowers on long stems. _ Price 10 ¢ts, 

New Victoria (Large Flowered). It is impossible to speak too highly of this magnificently imbri- 
cated Aster, The blossoms are large and distinguished by an elegant and regular overlapping of the 
petals, thus giving to the flowers a distinctive character. The growth is an elegant pyramid, and each 
plant grows from twenty to forty flowers. .The colors include many extremely delicate and most gorgeous 
shades. Also variegated. Price, finest mixed, 10 éts.; pure white, 10 cts. 

Rose Flowered. The flowers are large and double, the outer petals finely recurved and the inner 

ones incurved like a rose; two feet in height; extra choice mixed. A splendid Aster, fine for cutting. 
Price 10 cts, 

New Sunlight Aster, A Zrue Yellow Aster. 
We have had many approaches to a yellow Aster 
but never before have we had one of a truly yel- 
low color. ‘The flowers are of fine form, similar 

nA. ate Oy 

ie / to the Peony Flowered and produced in great 

x, Mam profusion. Flowers 3 to 4 inches in diameter 
Med ai Mey) and produced on long stems. A ‘fine new and 
distinct introduction. Price 10 &s. 
Daybreak (new). A splendid new Aster of merit, 
Flowers are as round as a ball, large and full, produced on 
long stems. Color is an exquisite shade of shell pink, like 
a Daybreak Carnation, magnificent for cut flowers. Itis an 
early and free bloomer, and is worthy of a place in every 

garden. Price 10 ¢ts. 
' Purity (new). An exact counterpart of above, only 
glistening snow-white in color. ‘Price 10 ets, 

Truffaut’s Perfection. This improved Perfection 
Aster is now acknowledged as among the finest for orna- 
‘mental beds, for cutting purposes or for exhibition, being of 
strong growth, large bloom, which is extra double, and of 
fine form, (See also Collection Packet). The above in fol- 


We Y/) 


Pink or Blue, Price, either color, 10 cts. 
Truffaut’s Perfection. Many colors, extra fine, 
mixed, Price 1o cts. 

/ Price 5 cts. . 
Princess. One of the finest Asters. Rssembling a’ 

composed of quite short and very thickly set imbricated 

NE eae ee oe petals. They remain longer in good |condition than any 
other. Two varieties, Snowball (white), Rosalind (pink) or mixed. Price each, 10 ¢ts, — 
sis sLeoteateatecteconteateatocdoatoateatooteotoateeteetoetoatvateetecteateateete sreereesessenonteeseeseegengeaseeseesesgeaseeseeseageagenseeceeseagedgeeseeseige 
7 . : : 2 és .e 
a If you want the finest Asters you will make no mistake in buying our % 
¢ ¥ . . 
+ Monadnock Superb. Read the testimonials below. We can show many *% 

. . wh ce { : 4 “eo 

*f others like them, and they were entirely unsolicited. ; ae 3 
5 WENDELL, N. H., April-13, 1903.—L. P. Butler & Co, Dear Sirs: Your seed were the best ee 
# we had last year, and the Asters were the finest we ever had, and were the finest anywhere around y 
ey here. Yours truly, MRS. ALMON ANGELL, “ 
** Lakeport, N. H., May 11, 1903.—L. P. Butler & Co. Gentlemen: The Asters you sent me Kae 
*° last spring were beautiful. Everybody admired them. . 
* ‘ Very truly, MRS. JOHN B. CROPO. 2 
a, LowELL, April 20, 1903. L, P. Butler & Co. Dear Sirs: While visiting last summer, Isaw ¥, 
2, some of your Semple’s Asters and thought them fine. Please send me a package, and oblige, Kx 
oe - Yours respectfully, H. B, G. WHEELER. oe 
Le cqteqeagentecentetestentestncteatetnogetectnctnageteoenttuateateteatectnatetetentetesteteseetecteaetestnteteatectesdeteteatetene 

lowing colors separate, viz: Snow White, Blood Red, 

Truffaut’s Perfection. Good quality, mixed. 

white Lilliput Dahlia. In form they are semi-spherical and 

EN ee a Oe eae Sea ONT RIT SNe ke Ce ee eee eRe SON eS oa 


oe sn a . anit , at ioe 4 ’ 
Ve nae OA Oe ee, ee ieee De Sey 


Semple’s Branching Asters. 
For size of bloom, freedom of flow- 
ering and other good qualities, 
these Asters are unexcelled. Form- 
ing strong branching bushes, which 
bear profusely on long, strong 
stems, handsome Chrysanthemum 
shaped flowers, many of which are 
enormous in size. Their artistic 
form makes them especially desir- 
able for cut flowers. Five colors, 
Lavender, Purple, Shell Pink, 
Pure White, Crimson or Mixed. 

: Price each, 1o &s. 

Ostrich Plume. A magnificent 
new Aster of the Comet type, with 
flowers of immense size, the petals 
being wavy and twisted, giving the OSTRICH PLUME ASTER. 
flowers a soft ‘‘ fluffy” appearance. An elegant variety which must be seen to be 
appreciated. White, pink or mixed. Price, either color, 10 &s. 

Corcordeau (or Crown), These are a striking unique Aster, having a white center bordered by 
some rich color, making an effective and charming contrast. Flowers very double. Price to cts. 
4 Victoria Needle. One of the finest of the quilled Asters. Price 10 ts. 
. Mignon, Flowers small to medium in size, a profuse bloomer. One of the most desirable kinds; 
fine for cutting. — Price, mixed, 10 cts.; pure white, 10 cts. 
__ Giant Comet. A beautiful and distinct class with long, curled and twisted petals like ‘‘ Japanese 
se Chrysanthemums,” exceedingly graceful for vase and table decorations. Colors, pink, white, blue and 

mixed. _ = Price each sort, 10 ts. 
Lilliput. A miniature Aster growing about eight inches high. Very profuse blooming. Mixed. 


if - .Price 10 cts, 
2 / Novel Fancy Aster, Canary 
a E sys AAG eT Yellow. Imagine an Aster the size 
= NY sai ay site) Wynd Z, of the well known Giant Comet 
a : Vitae’ be Aster with fine curled pure white 
® ¥ ? bs fr. e . 
wf hd ae YA outside petals and the center of this 
SS \ ty I : Bzc large flower, sometimes 4 to 5 inches 
- = in diameter consisting of deep yel- 
. <— low tube petals then one will at 
e SS once perceive the beautiful effect 
o> ~~ : : 
e SS of tinis flower. A unique novelty 
a = which everybody should try. 
e Price 15 cs. 
e German Quilled, Double quilled 
ce flowers, mixed colors. Price 5 &s. 
a Aster. All sorts mixed. This will 
= suit the children. Many kinds, lots of 

colors, large packages, good and cheap. 
: Price 5 cts. 
Vick’s Branching. A largely ad- 
vertised white Aster, quite similar to ‘* Sem- 
ple’s Branching.”’ Price 10 cts. 
Arctotis Grandis (new). A remarkably handsome, branching annual, two to three feet high. 
_ The handsome flowers are large and showy, being borne on long stems. The petals are pure white witha 
. narrow yellow zone at their base, the reverse of the petals being a pale lilac blue. The disc is light blue 
* with slightly projecting white stamens, altogether a most lovely flower. : ».. Price-10 ts: 



Grand New Cyclamen, ‘‘ Rococo.’ 
This beautiful new Cyclamen forms 
very strong shapely plants with finely 
marked leaves and bears an abundance 
of bloom on long straight stalks. The 
principal ditference however is. that the 
five or six petals of each flower, in- 
stead of being turned back and up- 
ward as in the regular type, form a 
flat, round flower, the petals being 
finely fringed and undulated. The 
flowers are very large and coloration 
very pretty, some white or white with 
dark eye, dark red, rose, etc. A dis- 
tinct, handsome new variety. Price 

large pkt. 50 &s.; small pkt. 25 ds. 
Cyclamen, Giganicum, Without excep- 
tion, the strain offered is in all respects the finest 


‘that can be procured. The flowers are of large - 

size, of fine form and of great variety of shades. Extra mixed. Price 25 cts. 
New ‘Gloria’ Dahlias. This elegant new 
strain of Dahlias offers such a variety of shapes 
and colors that every true Dahlia lover is surprised 
and delighted. It is difficult to describe all the 
different forms of this beautiful Dahlia and as to 
size they vary from 1% to 3 inches in diameter. 
The colors are varied, striped and margined being 
found as well as many shades of the pure solid 
colors. Altogether a fine new strain and one which 
everybody should try. Price 15.<ts. 
Dahlia, Single. Many of the varieties of these Single 
Dahlias are exceedingly beautiful, and the seed we offer is’ 
saved from one of the best collections, and may be expected to 
produce many superb sorts. Price 10 ¢ts. 
Dahlia, Double. Seed of this strain was saved from the 
very finest double flowers only, and will produce flowers equal, 
if not superior, to any in the market. An extra mixed strain 
imported from Germany. Price 10 &s. 

So. BERwIcK, ME., July’ 24, 1903.—L. P. Butler & Co. 
Dear Sirs: The goods came in fine condition, and am very 
much pleased with the extras, 

is Tike Wit 

Dianthus Heddewigi. An elegant mixture. - Price 10 cts. 

Dianthus Heddewigi Nobilis, Royal Pinks (new). Splendid, new improved strain of the old 

fashioned Dianthus Heddewigi, the flowers being of a noble shape and considerably larger, three to four — 

inches in diameter. The petals are frilled and fringed, giving the large flower a graceful appearance. 
The colors are varied bright blood red, carmine and pink and even white. The plants grow vigorous and 
are very profuse blooming. Price 10 &s. 

Dwarf Erfurt Dianthus, Vew Dwarf Clove Pinks. ‘These splendid new clove 
pinks grow very dwarf and compact, not over twelve inches high and come into bloom 

two weeks or more in advance of other varieties. The flowers are very double and 

they have a richer variety of coloring than any other sort. They possess the strong 
spicy fragrance of the old fashioned clove pink, are beautifully and very easily grown. 
A very meritorious new variety. a Price 25 cs. 

: # 


- Collection Packt Dianthus. Con- 
tains equal quantities of seed of the 
following varieties: Diadem, mot- 
 tled, extra; Heddewigt Hybrids, great j 
. variety;  Atropurpurea, fine dark 7 
shades ; Laciniatus, fringed ; Striatus,7 
striped varieties; Aldus, new, white ;Z 
Mourning Pink, a new sort, very 
beautiful; JZmferzalzs, fine double: Lj 

_ also add this year two new varieties, 7 
Heddewigi Nobilis, beautiful newZ 

large flowered varieties; Stellaris, 
very pretty star shaped flowers. 

richest mixtures ever sent out in one ““~ 
package. . Price 15 &ts. 


Any one of the above varieties in separate packets, price 10 ts. 

Godetia Whitneyi Ful- 
gida. The Godetias are a 
class of hardy annuals but 
little known by most people 
_yet deserving of a more ex- 
tensive cultivation. This 
new variety has flowers of a 
magnificent brilliant, crimson 
scarlet with a white center a 
color of surprising beauty and 
brightness. The plant is of 
dwarf compact habit, grow- 
ing about one foot high and 
blooming profusely and con- 
tinuously. Everyone should 
try this fine new introduction. 

Price 20 Gs. 
Gladiolus, Blue Hybrids. 
Most people have been in the 
habit of buying their Gladiolii 
in the shape of matured bulbs 
yet they are very easily raised 
from seed, the process of 

' 2 es: growth being very interest- 
ing as there is always a great variety of cclors; in many instances, new varieties alto- 
ther being developed. These new »lue hybrid seedlings are all the more interest- 
g from the fact that the blue colors in the Gladiolii have but just been developed and 
many rare and unknown colors will be found among them. The shades are wonder- 
fl ranging from light blue, slate and lavender to the darkest violet, some having 
| dark or yellow spotted throats which adds to the effect. Price 20 &s. 





Glaucium Flavum Tricolor, Horned Poppy. 
A remarkable Horn Poppy from Asia-Minor, 
growing to a height of about two feet and bear- 
ing large fine shaped flowers three to four inches 
in diameter, of a most brilliant orange red, with 
black or orange spots on deep yellow ground at a 
the base of each petal. Seed sown in spring 
produce flowering plants by July which remains 

a mass of brilliant bloom until autumn. 

in full bloom makes a magnificent appearance. 
Price 10 &s. 

Linaria, White Pearl. This new variety is 
well worthy of a trial either as a pot plant or in 
the open border. It is a free growing annual 
growing about one foot high, yielding its long 
stalked snap-dragon shaped flowers plentifully 
during the whole of the summer, the cut flowers 
when placed in water lasting fora long time, the 
buds developing into flowers. It is so free flow- 
ering that the leaves are almost hidden from 
sight. In the fall they may be transplanted 

New Climber, Eccremocarpus Scaber 
Aureus. This fine new climber should be- 
come very popular. Although an annual 
yet its rapid growth fits it for excellent ser- 

vice in covering walls, palings, trellises, etc. 

The vine, which is very graceful, often runs 

up to a height of 16 feet and when it is 

covered with its wealth of bright golden 

yellow blossoms it is indeed a striking 

object. This will add one more to our small 
list of truly serviceable climbers. ; 
Price 20 ts. 

Gloxinea Crassifolia Erecta. Our strain 

of these charming plants is magnificent. 

‘This strain produces extra large flowers of 

the most exquisite and} gorgeous colors, 
many of which are magnificently spotted, 
mottled and blended. The ‘“ Crassifolia 
Erecta” type is extra strong growing, the 
flowers being borne on stiff stems, well 

-above the shapely foliage. Price 25 &s. 

A bed 

from the open ground to pots without arresting GLAUCIUM FL AVUN TREO 
the development of the plant. A fine new introduction. Price 10 és. 

Heliotrope, Lemoine’s Giant Hybrids. A great advance over the old kinds. They bear immense 
heads of bloom, the individual florets being also very large, the odor being very fragrant. The plants — 
grow about one and one-half feet high, are healthy, bushy and compact, the leaves being large and luxuri- — 

ant. Very free flowering. 

Price 10 «ts. 

Humulus Japonicus. <A rapid summer climber, attaining a height pat iret or thirty feet. The 

foliage is luxuriant, making a dense covering. 

Price 5 ts, 

Humulus Japonicus WVariegata. A variegated form of the above, Price 5 cts. — 

r. 9! 
va eee 


UA Wa es a Sc te a en dome 



New Hollyhock, Ajsrid Everblooming. This 
grand new introduction flowers the jirst season from 
_seed, thus enabling many persons to enjoy the glories 
of Hollyhocks who have never had them before, on 
account of the trouble required in carrying over the 
plants or roots until the second year. Sown in March 
or April, this new type will bloom in July. They 

- often attain a height of ten feet with numerous side 
branches being full of bloom until hard frosts. The 
wealth of bloom is phenomenal, and the shapes and 
colors of blooms are very varied. Some are double, 
some semi-double, some single, again others will be 
single with small double or anemone shaped centers, 
some will be frilled or flounced, some with smooth 
edged petals. Colors range in all shades from white 
through flesh color, apricot, yellow, carmine to dark 
red, purple, black, etc. Another important point, the 
foliage seems to be immune from fungi which so often 
destroys the ordinary varieties. Everybody should 

try these splendid new creations. Price 15 ts. 
° Hollyhock, Mammotn Fringed Allegheny. The mammoth 
_ flowers are wonderfully formed of loosely arranged fringed petals, 
q which look as if made from the finest China silk, and when cut are ise 
__ hardly recognizable as a Hollyhock, having none of the formality FF 
of the ordinary type. The color varies from palest shrimp-pink to Zz 

deep red. Plants are of majestic growth, with spikes six or seven 
feet high. ‘ Price ro és. 
Hollyhock. The Hollyhock in its present state of perfec- 
_ tion, is very unlike its parent of olden time. It now ranks with the 
i Dahlia, ‘Aster, Camelia, etc. The flowers are as double as a rose, 
_ of many shades of color from deep yellow, red, purple, to white. 
_ Hardy perennial, three to five feet. Our seed is from the magnifi- 
_ cent Chaters strain. No better can be found. Finest mixed. 
a er Price ro cts. 

= GARLAND, Mz., May 16, 1903.—L. P. Butler & Co. Gentle- 
- men; I could not feel satisfied without a bed of your A-iers, 
q ; Respectfully, MRS. C. A. FAWSETTE. 


Morning Glory, Convolvulus. Old-fashioned sorts mixed, still one of the best quick growing 
_ climbers. Splendid mixed. ; aoe Price 5 éts.; oz., 10 cts. 

Morning Glory, imperial Japanese. These grand new Morning Glories from Japan are remarkable 
for large ‘size and exquisite new colors of flowers. Magnificent foliage, often beautifully blotched and of 
_ strong, robust growth. They are of all shades of red, from the most delicate pink to the most brilliant 
_ crimson, maroon, blue and pale lavender, and many odd shades. Many have a distinct marginal band of 
_ a different color from the rest of the flower, and some are as elegantly spotted; others are striped, blotched, 
. ‘mottled and shaded, often having seven or eight colors and tints in one flower. Price 10 &s. 

_ Morning Glory, Double Japanese (new). These grand new varieties have the same colors and 
ndings as the single, but most of the flowers come double. A fine new introduction. Price 10 ts. 


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*. .@ 
ro? %' 

One reason you should plant our Monadnock seeds is because you know 
% when you start that the choicest flowers will reward you. You don’t spend 
lots of fuss and bother only to be rewarded by inferior flowers. It pays to buy 
the best seed. | 

7s s%as%as%ea%es%estes%ectestaMestastetetestestested, Mesrtestestesteste On Me Masten tastesta tora svasrasocrsratasrostestes® 
aa Xa a Ka Xe a) Moe oe, 8 MPU, Oe O08 OY OY OF OY OY OY OU OU OY 9000 00 04, go DOO O0 OOH OU ON OV OL EY OY LY LY SY OU OY OY OY OY OY OH, 

Mo Pectect, 
50 00 etoos 





A magnificent new Matchet Mignon- 
ette. Growth is similar to the popu- 
lar Matchet, being compact, with 
numerous flower spikes and a wealth 
of bloom. The stalks are strong bear- 
ing long bushy, well rounded blooms 
well above the dark green foliage. 
The color is exceptionally pure white 
for a Mignonette but occasionally 
there comes a bloom of red. Forms 
a beautiful contrast in combination 
with some variety of red mignonette. 
Will soon gain first-rank as a white 

mignonette. Price 20 4s. 
Mignonette, Red Goliath (new). This 
new giant sort comes nearer a double Mignon- 
ette than any other kind. It is without doubt 
one of the most magnificent of all Mignonettes, 
there being no other kind which approaches it 
in size of the single florets or thickness of the 
spike. The habit is upright, the flowers are 
borne on stiff, stout stalks, and the rich green foliage contrasts most strikingly with the fine red of the 
flowers, ae con hag Price 10 és, 
‘Misnonette, Matchet. Of French origin, and a most desirable variety. The plants are dwarf and 
vigorous, of pyramidal growth, with very thick, dark green leaves. They throw up stout flower stalks, 
terminated by long and broad spikes of deliciously scented flowers, of red tint. Price 5 &ts. 


Mignuonette, Defiance. When we}l grown, the spikes will grow from ten to fifteen inches long. — 

The flowers are of a most delicious fragrance. The individual florets are of a large size and stand out 
boldy, forming a graceful as well as a compact spike. Has fine keeping qualities. Prices ts.; 0z.,35 ts. 
Mignonette, Miles Spiral. Entirely distinct from the old varieties. Itis a strong grower and 
abundant bloomer, producing spikes from eight to eleven inches in length; fragrant. Price 10 cts. 
Mignonette, Parsons’ White. Flowers nearly white; a desirable variety ; good fragrance. 
Price 5 cts.; 0z., 30 cts. 

Mignonette., Red flowering, or shaded with red tint; fragrant. Price 5 cts. 
Mignonette. Large flowering, fragrant varieties. Price 5 cts.; 07., 15 &ts. | 

Monadnock Giant a 
Flowered Mixture. In 
the past few years great 
improvement has_ been 
made in the size of this 
popular flower. Our mix- 
ture is made up only of 
the extra large flowered 
improved tall giant Nas- 
turtiums containing such 
varieties as Caprice, But- 
terfly, Twilight, Sunlight, 
Jupiter, Moonlight, etc., 
-in a variety of the most “PW 
gorgeous colors. To @,. g 
those who want the high- Ap 
est type of Nasturtium RY 
we strongly recommend 
this mixture. It is un- TYPE OF GIANT NASTURTIUM. et 
equaled for size and quality. Price 10 &s.; oz. 20 &s. 


be OE a Pee ere 

Fans i 

ai aA ‘7 ain # 7 +5 ie : : ¢ } ee 5 cae i er + 

New Mignonette, White Pearl. : 

= 5 

et pi dal 

=) a 



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Lh Se. 

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2 oo hi 



Nasturtium, Juditer. The flowers which are very numerous measure 314 inches 
in diameter. They are exquisitely formed with overlapping, crinkled petals, the 
color being a bright golden yellow overlaid with a glow of orange. They are pro- 
duced in great numbers and have a striking effect. Their fine color, long stems, 
great size and beautiful form make them very valuable for cutting. Price ro @s. 

Nasturtium, Chameleon (tall). This highly interesting new climblng variety 
presents a most unusual feature, which is, that the flowers are of different colors on 
the same plant, and that they are variously blotched, splashed, striped and bordered 
with these different colors. Price 5 éts.; oz., 20 ts. 

Nasturtium, Madame Gunter. These new Hybrids make a strong growth, 
climbing from five to six feet high, and are covered from spring to fall with large, 
substantial flowers of the most brilliant shades. They are remarkable for their wide 
range of colors, being also striped and blotched in the most fanciful manner. This 

new strain deserves a place in every garden. Price, packet, 5 éts.; oz., 15 cts. 
Nasturtium, Lobi’s. The leaves and flowers are somewhat smaller than the ordinary tall Nastur- 
tium, but their greater profusion renders them superior for trellises, arbors, for hanging-over vases, rock- 
work, etc.; the flowers are of unusual brilliancy and richness; splendid’ for winter decoration, either for 
hanging baskets or training about windows. Price. mixed, 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 15 ¢ts. 
Nasturtium, Lilliput. The plants and flowers are both smaller than those of the Dwarf Nastur- 
tium and present a most charming appearance. The dainty little flowers are produced in abundant pro- 
fusion over the prettily veined leaves. This new mixture contains all the rich, velvety and soft color 
variations of the Nasturtium family, with other new shades. Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 15 ¢ts. 

Collection Tom Thumb Nasturtium. Contains equal quantities each of the fol- 
lowing varieties: Crystal Palace Gem, sulphur colored flowers with dark red spots 
near base of petals; Azzz of Tom Thumbs, bluish green foliage, intense scarlet flower, 

very showy; Pearl, creamy white; Golden King, deep golden yellow flowers, dark 
foliage; Sfotted, flowers beautifully spotted; Ruby King, pink, shaded carmine, con- 
trasting beautifully with its dark foliage; Kimg Theodore, bluish green foliage, 
flowers almost black; Atropurpureum, dark crimson; Empress of India, splendid new 
dark-leaved variety, flowers crimson; Beauty, fine yellow, flushed and shaded vermil- 
lion; Ladybird, (new), the ground color of the flower is rich golden yellow, each 
petal barred with a broad vein of bright ruby crimson; Aurora, (new), a shade of 

Be Pugh 

pink, beautiful. 3 . Price 15 ts. 
Note. We can furnish, when desired, any of above varieties in separate packets at 5 ts. per packet, 
Nasturtium, Dwarf Mixed. A splendid mixture. Extra fine. Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 15 ts. 

Nasturtium. Tall or running sorts, in following sorts: Dark Crimson, Pearl, nearly white, 
Scarlet, Yellow, Orange, Straw Color Spotted, Scarlet Striped. Allfine colors. Price, each, 5 ¢ts. 

Nasturtium. Tall, superb, mixed. Made up of all the foregoing separate colors and many others 
besides. An elegant mixture much superior to that usually sold. Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 15 &s. 


4 Petunia Collection Packet. This collection packet is made up of a large number 
: of varieties from the Large Flowered Section and a large number from the Fringed 
_ Section. It includes mammoth blotched and striped varieties, extremely beautiful 
4g steel-blue veined varieties, rich yellow throated varieties, green veined and bordered 
3 varieties, varieties with large tigered prone and altogether it is the richest collec- 



tion ever sent out at this price. DPrice; 25 tts: 
- pet Pas eeLeeceareeleeceaceOreaceseeereec esr eeresc eer reree eer Oreseerd Sooo rel Ooredeearrere eres reresreseeeresreseoerserosresrrsreeredreerPhretroere Oe 
6 oe 
BE + Our Collection Packet Petunias will be found to be one of the finest strains “se 
i Ce. 5 ‘ N 2 ° a 
+ in this line put out by any seedsman. The testimonial below is only one of * 
‘% many we are constantly receiving. = 
ee ConcorD, N. H.—L. P. Butler & Co. Dear Sirs: The Petunias were the most beautiful [ % 
* ever had, and I took yak ae at the State Fair both on Petunias and Phlox Drummondii. “° 
—. Yours, FRANCES D. JEFFERS. ~ 

S, Mestes% MasMostestosten% 0 6% Oe Oe, ° ¢, +0, .@ Mo e%eet oe 
 & eecteatectestente Sosfoeteateatestectectoctectoatea’ eX Nae Ke Kea Ke Ke KKK eK eK aK ND Soefeelesfoogeeleeseoteeteosoereeleece Me 


Splendens, an improved, deep crimson sort, 

54  “-LOUIS P. BUTLER & CO. 

Petunia, New Dwarf Inimitable (single). It 
forms a compact plant from five to eight inches 
high, by as much in diameter, and thickly covered 
with cherry-red flowers, each of whichis marked by 
white star. Fine bedding sort. Price 5 cts. 

Petunia. Single fine mixed, solid colors; 
also, striped and mottled, in a great variety of 
shades. Price 5 cts, 

Petunia, Fancy Double Fringed. The flow- 
ers of this magnificent strain are of immense size 
and exquisite colors, shades and markings; have 
beautifully fringed petals, making them very attrac- 
tive. Itis, perhaps, not generally understood that 
the seeds of double Petunias are only obtained by 
artificially fecundating single blooms with the 
double, making the seed necessarily high priced; 
and the progeny cannot be expected to come a// 
double. ; 

Price 50 &ts. per pkt.; half-size pkt. 25 Gs. 

Petunia, California Giant. A fine strain of 
the large flowering varieties in both the gorgeous 
and delicate shades, and many of them giants in 
size. Price, about 100 seeds, 25 &ts. 

* come striped“aud blotched; about one-fourth of the 

: Sea pees but the singles from these strains are also fine and 
NEW STAR PETUNIA, desirable, Price 25 cts. 

Petunia, Howard’s New Star. These handsome new varieties are the result of twenty years’ work 

at hybridizing. They are characterized by velvety colors of the richest shades imaginable. In the center 

of the flowers appear a star, sometimes of a solid color and then again richly veined and mottled. These 

new Petunias have received the highest praise wherever they have been grown, Hs are the most important 
introduction in Petunias for some time. Price 10 cts. 


Collection Packet Prize Primulas (Large Flowered Single). 

Alba Magnifica, flowers pure white; 
a charming variety; Chrzsata, quite dwarf, 
with odd, crisp mallow-like foliage, flowers 
semi-double, in different colors; Rudy Queen, 
very showy, a grand and beautiful sort; 
Punctata Elegantissima, new variety, flowers 
velvety crimson, edges spotted with white, 
very distinct; S¢rzata, a beautiful striped 
sort; Hern Leaf, in variety, fine; Coccinea, & 
flowers of the largest size, of a beautiful bril- 
liant scarlet, with a clear sulphur eye, ex- 
quisitely fringed; Globosa Alba, a splendid 
new and improved white variety, heavily 
fringed, extra fine; Globosa Kermesina 

deep fringed, very bright and distinct; GJo- 
bosa Carnea, new variety, very fine; Punc- 
tata Atropurpurea, a beautiful and showy variety; Pulcherrima, white, with rose or 


lilac center, very fine. We also include this year a few seeds each of Coerulea, hand-_ 

some new shades of blue, Gigantea, new varieties producing immense flowers. 

Equal quantities of seeds each of above—twelve fringed sorts—making the most _ 

desirable packet of Primrose offered in the world, and at one-half the price asked by 
most seedmen for much inferior stock and a less quantity. - : Price 25 as. 
Primula, Odcontca. See description, page 28 of this Calais Price 10 &ts. 

Primula, Chizese. Not quite as large flowers as in our collection packet, butin — 

fine variety; very free flowering. Price 15 cts. | 

Petunia. Double varieties mixed. Many 

plants may be expected to produce double flowers; 



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Ni lf 

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Collection Packet Pansies. Con- 
tains equal quantities of the following 
varieties, as well as many others not 
\\\" listed. Pres. Carnot,white, each petal 

AGG PQ) blotched violet ; Purplish Violet, large 

= = flowers, fine; Rosy Lzlac, new color, 
distinct; Szlver Edge, purple, with 
white edge; Vzctorfa, new red, fine; 
King of Blacks, darkest variety; 
Brown-Red, various shades; Can- 
didissima, satiny white; Coquette de 

/ Mi \\\ [ | Poissy, new French sort, distinct 

“TA! Wi ul : mauve color; Hmperor Frederick, 
dark red edge, shaded lighter red; Emperor William, ultramarine blue; Fawn Color, 
beautiful shade; Fzre Kinz, yellow, upper petals purple; Gold Margined, a splendid 
sort; Havana Brown, new shades; Lord Beacousfield, deep violet purple, shading at 
top nearly white; Mahogany Color, an odd color; Meteor, bright brown; Peacock, 
blue with white edge; Wallflower Brown, various shades; Striped and Mottled, very 


odd; Striped Paristan, light mottled, new; Trimardeaux, giant varieties, mixed; 
Quadricolor, a fine combination of colors; Yellow Giant, large yellow; black eye; 
Golden Queen, giant pure yellow without eye; Atropurpfurea, dark purple; Odzer, 
the five blotched or stained Pansies; Whzte with Black Eye, a good bedder; Casszer’s 
a fine strain in beautiful tints. Equal quantities seeds of each of above thirty sorts. 
Price 25 ¢ts.; half size packets, 15 ¢ts. 
These collections are made up by taking equal quantities of each above thirty sorts; 
all are then put up into one packet aad sealed. We include, also, this year, the fol- 
lowing four new varieties: Masterpiece, a magnificent new class, with superb, rich 
colored blooms, and undulating, wavy petals; Bridesmaid, new, white, shining rose, 
beautifully blotched; Dzana, new, cream-colored; Orchid Flowered, see ear 

NoteE—We can furnish any of above thirty sorts separate at 10 ts. per packet. 

“ PEEK MEX EEX XIN IKE KOK XK ERE KE EEK Ke KEKE Ke KEE CKD oeSoeseseaneaseasense econo gs 
$2 In variety, quality and price, we, in ednnidedce: place our Collection Packet < 
c2 « . * . . x 
as well as our other strains, intest with any stock sold in this country. Cus- 5g 
+. . 5 ‘ . . . 
*% tomers will find it better than ever this year. It is the finest collectiomever % 
& sent out at this price. 4 
, RUTLAND, VT.—L. P. Butler é& Co. es: Sirs; My Pansies that I got of you were the finest x 
oe I saw here in the city. Very truly, MRS, EMMA J. BROOKS. Ke 
ne PeTeRBORO, N. H —L. P. Butler & Co. 1 had great success with your seeds last year, ,, 
* especially the Asters and Pansies. { had the most beautiful Pansy bed I ever saw except at a os 
a greenhouse. Yours, LUCY A. HARRINGTON. RX 
ao efoto eSoote Soclestoerecveetoe cee loeeereeceeceeceees Soeteetes’ 0 650 0f0 ae oo esoetee’s XEXE EX EEK EE KEKE KEK EEK Sorte 

Pansy, Bugnot’s Superb Blotched. The most fancy strain in existence, magnificently blotched, 
stained and veined in many fancy combinations; extra. Price 25 cts. 

Pansy, Orchid Flowered (new). This handsome new type bears giant flowers of a peculiar form, 
suggesting certain orchids. The upper petals are long, upright, and prettily grooved and wrinkled. The 
coloring is rich and varied, including many orange and terra cotta shades, and most flowers are adorned 

with large brown or golden yellow blotches and stripes. A handsome new type. Price 25 ts. 
Pansy, Giant. New, largest flowering mammoth Pansies in fine assortment. This mixture contains 

nearly all the largest flowering sorts to date. Very fine in variety of culonns Price15 &s. 
Pansy, Trimardeaux. Mammoth varieties, mixed; fine strain. Price 10 cts. 
Pansy, Giant Striped. New mammoth fancy Pansy in odd stripes and combinations, Price 15 cts, — 
Pansy, Giant White. Very large with purple eye, a grand sort. Price 15 cts. 
Pansy. Extra good, mixed; fine for bedding. — : Price 10 ts. 
Pansy. Good mixed; cheap, but good. Price 5 cts. 


Collection Packet. Contains equal quantities each of following twenty. varieties | 
of large flowering and fancy Phloxes: .Aléa, magnificent large white flower; Alda 

Oculata, white with colored eye; Atropfurpurea, deep blood purple; Atropurpurea 

Alba Oculata, blood purple with large eye; Atropurpurea Striata, blood purple, | 
striped; Chamozs Rose, shades of light pink; Coccénea Striata, scarlet striped; — 
Tsabellina, straw color, flowers of extra size and fine form; Kermesina Splendens, 

vivid red, very showy; Kermesina Striata, vived red, striped; Leopoldz, deep pink, 

white eye; Quadricolor Rosea, rose color, shaded; Quadricolor Véioleacea, violet 
color, shaded; Rosea Striata, rose color, striped, very fine; ARosea Alba Oculata, rose : 
color, white eye; Szed/ata, beautiful sorts with large star in center; Véolacea Alba 
Oculata, violet, with large white eye, very fine; Brzllzant, named for its bright color; — 

Cuspidata, New Star Phlox, long points to petals, very odd; Fimbriata, new, extra 
fine, with toothed or fringed petals. Price te Sts. 
Separate colors of above per packet, price 10 &s. 

kar NOTE.— With the exception of two last fancy sorts, the above named Phioxes: 
are all of the ‘‘ Grandiflora’’ or large flowered sort, and it is with pride that we can 

send this fine collection to our customers. 

a eS eS Oe ae 

a = ee 


3. Phlox, Cuspidata. Flowers with five dentated petals, the center tooth of each being elongated, the 
whole forming regularstars with white margin, very odd and pretty. Finest mixed colors. Price 10 cts. 
Phlox, Drummondii Grandifiora, or large flowering kinds, mixed; of very best quality. 
Price 10 cts. 
Phlox, Drummondii. Double. Highly esteemed for cut flowers, lasting a long time. Finest 
mixed. Price 10 cts. 
Phlox, Drummondii. Fine mixed. Price 5 cts. 


_ - - Collection Packet, Mammoth 
Fed, finest large sorts in shades 
of red; Defiance, medium size 
florets, fiery scarlet; Sea Foam, 
pure white in fine large trusses ; 
_ Mammoth Pink, beautiful shades 
of pink, extra large trusses; 
Coerula, medium size florets in 
_ shades of blue; Jtalian Striped 
_ and Large Eyed sorts, mixed, 
- agrand mixture. Equal quan- 
_ tities each of above six varieties, 
as well as many others. We 
also include this year a few seeds 
of Mayflower. Our Verbenas 
are the choicest strains, includ- 
ing not only a large percentage 
_ of mammoth varieties, but also 
_ many distinct colors from other 
3 strains which are not found in 
the mammoth. A packet of un- 

4 surpassed richness. 

Price 15 cts. 

Verbena, Sea Foam (Candi- 
dissima). All that need be said of this 
fine Verbena is that the flowers are 
sweet scented; trusses large and beauti- 

ful, and borne freely at all times, and 
snow white, always coming true from 
seads a Bricenasiee VERBENA, SEA FOAM. 

Verbena, New Manmoth. The characteristics of this new strain of Verbenas are its mammoth 
_ sized flowers, many of the single florets being as large as a twenty-five-cent piece; the plant also has the 
peculiarity of being more vigorous in growth than the ordinary Verbenas. The colors present the same 
- range as the ordinary type. — Price 10 &s. 

Verbena, Defiance. Splendid scarlet; quite true from seed. Price 10 ¢ts. 
Verbena, Italian thy ia Striped and splashed varieties in many colors and variations. 
Price 10 és. 

- Verbena, Moss. This lovely variety produces a mass of moss-like foliage, spreading over the 
: "ground like a carpet, above which are borne heads of blossoms in lavish profusion. Comes into flower in 
; - June and continues incessantly until the ground freezes. Mixed, white and blue. Price 10 ¢ts. 
a Verbena, Mixed. Finest mixed, from alarge collection. This mixture includes ‘*Sea Foam” and 
ig a splendid assortment of colors; shades of purple, pink, scarlet striped and many others. Price 10 cts. 
- Verbena, Mayflower (new). This was originated by Luther Burbank, who pronounces it as one of 
4 his greatest achievements. It has all the characteristics of the Mayflower or Trailing Arbutus, possessing 
the same lovely and delicate pink and white coloring making its flowers closely like the Arbutus, and 
lastly it has the same exquisite fragrance. A splendid acquisition. ‘Price 10 és, 
_ Verbena, Large Eyed. In fine mixed colors, - Price 10 &s. 
_ Werbena, Cerulea. In shades of blue. Price 10 ts. 
Verbena. A good grade of seed; mixed colors. ; Price 5 cts. 



Collection Packet. New, Large Flowing Giant Stocks, in following twelve 
beautiful colors: Sulphur Yellow, Fiery Crimson, Brick Red, Light Blue, Brown, 
Violet, Ash Gray, Dark Brown, Old Rose, Mauve, Purple, White, Blush. A very 
large per cent of these will come in extra large double flowers. We also include a 
few seeds of the splendid new variety, Empress Elizabeth. Color pink, very fragrant. 

Price 15 &s, 

Stock, Giant Perfection or White Giant. Plants of this variety attain a height of two and one-half 
feet and produce long spikes of double flowers, much larger than the ordinary Ten Weeks’ Stock. Pure 
white; very fine. Price 10 &s. 

Stock, Giant Perfection. Same habits as above; fine mixed colors. Price 10 &s. 

Stock, Princess Alice, (Cut and Come Again.’’) A fine perpetual blooming Stock, growing about two 
feet high. If sown early, it commences blooming in June and continues until destroyed by frost. Its 
most valuable feature is that it produces perfect flowers during September and October, when other 
varieties sown at the same time have faded. It throws out numerous side branches bearing clusters of 

very double pure white fragrant blossoms, and is excellent for cutting. Price 10 cts. 
Stock, Large Flowered, Dwarf Pyramidal. Ten -weeks. Pure white; a fine low growing sort; 
extra large truss and floret; very fragrant. Price 10 és. 
Stock, Large Flowered or Dwarf Pyramidal. Ten weeks. Same as above in many colors; mixed. 
Price 10 &s, 
Stock, Large Flowered Dwarf. Ten weeks. A fine variety for general purposes, for cutting or 
for show; free flowering; mixed. _ Price 10 cts. 
All of above Stock seed is German grown, from pot plants only, and wiil produce a large per cent of 
finest double flowers. 373 Price 5 cts, 
Stock. Tenweeks. A fine mixture, in many colors. Price 5 ts. 


‘‘The Poor Man’s Orchid.” Only few annuals can compare with the floriferous- 
ness and beautiful fantastic colors of this beautiful novelty. It grows to a height 

of about 12 inches, growing in a pyramidal and compact bush which is com- “a 

pletely covered with flowers. These blooms are very varied in magnificent com- 
binations and pretty shades of the orchid-like flowers. They may be sown early and 
transplanted into the open ground or sown directly in the garden. Growing so 
bushy and compact they may be transplanted in the fall to pots and will bloom pro- 
fusely through the winter. 3! --%, t6 Price 2o-Ghe: 


The below varieties are so well known that but brief descriptions are necessary. 
None of them should be overlooked, however, on account of the brevity of the descrip- 
tion, for many of our finest annuals will be found here and they are all indispensable 
for the flower garden. : 

PER PKT. | - ‘ PER PKT. 

Alyssum, Nem Dwarf Sweet (Little Gem). Aquelegia or Columbine. Superfine, mixed. 
Plants are of very dwarf, compact, spread- These charming plants are perfectly hardy, — 
ing habit and only three to five inches in and form large clumps bearing innumerable 
height, each plant covering a circle from fif- double and single flowers through May and 
teen to thirty inches in diameter. Free June, Ourmixture is afine one, rangingin — 
blooming. 05 colors from’pure white, pale blue, deep blue, - 
Alyssum, Sweet. Too well known to need purple, yellow, variegated, scarlet tipped 
description. Oz. 15 cts. .05 with green and innumerable variations. .10 
Antirrhinum, Qucen of the North (new). Aquelegia, Chrysantha Nana Alba. Early 
One of the most beautiful of Snapdragons, blooming, dwarf growing, white OF SRELCES, 
Large, white flowers of a delicious perfume. tion Day{Flower.”’ rs Co 
Elegant for cut flowers and bouquets, .5 | Aquelegia, Ckrysantha. Golden Spurred — 
Antirrhinum. Mammothwhite aud shades | | Columbine. A beautiful variety; flowers 
of cream mixed; very fine for cutting. 10 bright yellow, produced freely all summer; 

Antirrhinum, Snap Dragou. Mixed. .05 very hardy. 10 9 




Abrus Precatorious, or Weather Plant. 
* This wonderful ‘*Weather Plant.’’ of the 
West India Islands, is now successfully cul- 
tivated in gardens. It has a very beautiful 
foliage and blossoms, and it is claimed that 
the state’of the weather may betold for some 
‘time in advance by the positions the leaves 
assume. Seeds bright scarlet, very beauti- 
fuland hard. Soak well in warm water be- 
fore sowing. 
Abnutilon. Finest mixed. 
Acacia, finest mixed. 
Acrolineum, everlasting, mixed. 
Ageratum, Dwarf White. 
Ageratum, Dwarf Purple. 
Amaranthus, Tricolor (Joseph’s Coat). 
Bachelors’ Button, tine mixed. 
Balloon Vine, Cardiosperum. 
Balsam, extra fine mixed. 
Balsam, good mixed, 
Calliopsis, mixed. 
Canna, Indian Shot. Mixed, very fine. 
- Canna, New French Varieties, mixed, extra. 
Candytuft, Giant Hyacinth Flowered. This 
grand new kind is far superior to that well 
known kind, ‘‘Empress,” heretofore the 
best of its class. The flower heads are of 
_ immense size sometimes six inches long 
and three inches across. : 
Candytuft, Fragrant White. White, fra- 
grant; fine for bouquets. . 
Candytuft, Empress. Produces large trusses 
of pure white flowers; assumes, when in 
full bloom, a beautiful tree form; very fine. 
Candytuft, Rocket. Uarge umbels of pure 
white flowers. : 
Candytuft, Dark Red, Fine for cutting, a 

woe ym 

ge te) 

strong grower. 
Candytuft, New, dwarf hybrids, mixed; 
new and very effective. 
-Candytuft. Allsorts mixed.  (0z. 20 ts.) 
Campanula. A wonderful fine class of 

hardy perennials well suited to any kind of 
soil. Seed from the most select varieties 
~ - only. Finest mixed. 
_ Campanula, Persicefolia, (Angel Bells). 
Pure white; extra. 
_ Carnation, Marguerite (Improved), A new 
class of Carnations that are without excep- 
tion the most abundant bloomer of all the 
Pinks. The flowers are of brilliant colors, 
ranging through many beautiful shades of 
_ reds, pinks, white, variegations, etc.; and 
_ are of perfect form and large size. They 
_ bloom in about four months after sowing the 
seeds. They can be potted and taken in the 
house and will flower through the winter. 
_ They come from fifty to eighty per cent 
_ double. Price, finest mixed, 10 &ts.; pure 
8 white, ee 
Carnation, Mad. Guillaud. In this, we 
have the best yellow Carnation that will 

bloom from seed in from four to six- 





-10 | 




| Caleeolaria, 


months. The flowers are very large and 

double, borne on long, stiff stems, and clear 
golden yellow, very handsome in color and 
form. 2 


Carnation, Grenadin. A new hardy, dwarf 
sort; very fine for garden culture; a pro- 
fuse bloomer. Either white, red or mixed. 

Carnation, Hardy Garden, From flowers 
of excellent quality. The finest mixed, hardy 
garden Pinks; will live in open ground with- 
out protection. 

Carnation, Chubaud’s Double Perpetual. 
This new Carnation grows from sixteen to 
twenty inches high. Flower-stems are cov- 
ered with large, handsome, very double 
flowers in every variety of color. It blooms 
in about seven months after being sown, 

‘and continues to flower in the greatest pro- 

Carnation, Perpetual or Tree. Seed saved 
from the collection of the most celebrated 
growers iu the world, Nothardy, For pot 
culture only. A splendid variety of colors. 

flybiida Tigrida; Spotted. 
Seed saved from the best collection in Eu- 
rope; extra choice. 

Cineraria, Hybrida Grandifiora. Saved 
only from extra fine, large flowering, prize 
varieties. This strain is unsurpassed, hav- 
ing a large variety of colors of fine form, 

Centaurea, Marguerite. This is entirely 
distinct from all other ‘‘ Centaureas ”’ and 

- the most beautiful variety known. The 
large flowers are of purest white, also in 
tints of lavender, pink and lemon, deliciously 
scented, exquisitely laciniated, and freely 
produced on long stems. BReciy SS 








> 10 




Centaurea Imperialis, Royal Sweet 
Sultans (new). A new type obtained by 
crossing ‘* Centaurea Marguerite”? with an- 
other variety. The plant is very vigorous 
and produces the large flowers in great pro- 
fusion. The flowers are borne on long 
stems the petals being finely fringed, giv- 
ing a soft, feathery effect. Colors range 
from white through rosy pink and lilac to a 
dark purple. 

Centaurea, Dusty Miller, White leaved foli- 
age plant. 

Centranthus, showy annuals thriving in 
poor sandy soils, mixed colors, 

Chrysanthemum, Showy and effective 
garden favorites. Also now extensively 
grown for cut flowers. No placé is com- 
plete without them. 
bloom the first season, The perennial vari- 
ties are very fine for out-door bloom, or for 
pot culture, blooming in October and Nov- 
ember. The seed will produce single, semi- 
double and double flowers in great variety 
of colors. Price, finest mixel annual sorts, 
5 cts.; fine perennial sorts, 10 &s,; finest 
perennial sorts, extra fine, 20 ts, 

Chrysanthemum, Anthemis Coronaris, fl. 
pl. (Double Marguerites), White, Yellow 
or mixed, Price each, + 

Chrysanthemum Frutescens, white or 
Paris Daisy. . 

Canterbury Bells, mixed, elegant prize 

Canary Bird Flower, climber. 

Chinese Pink, finest mixed. 

Clarkia, finest mixed, 

Cobea Scandens, well known climber of 

rapid growth, Purple or White, either 
Cockscomb, mixed, very fine. 
Cockscomb, Glasgow Prize. New, very 
dwarf, with immense crimson combs, 

Convolvulus Minor, 
Glory. Finest mixed. 

Coreopsis Lanceolata, Perennial Golden 
Coreopsis. Flowers are each two to three 
inches or more in diameter, of an intensely 
clear, golden yellow. Commences to bloom 
in June, continuing until hard frosts. 

Cypress Vine. Popular vine with fern like 
foliage and beautiful star shaped flowers. 
Scarlet, White or Mixed. Price each, 

Daisy, Delicata (new). This handsome new 
variety has very double flowers of a rosy 
white shade with a light purple center; a 
rare and lovely color. Fine either for bed- 
ding or for cut flowers, 

Daisy, Mixed (Bellis Perennis). A favorite 
plant for beds or for pot culture, in bloom 
from April to June; seed from the finest 
double varieties, mixed colors; half-hardy 

Dwarf Morning 

The annual sorts 

e1OR |g 






05 | 



| Linum, 



_ Daisy, Double White. Extra double, pure 

_ white Daisy. 

Datura Wrightii, showy white and lilac 

Delphinium. Finest hybrids of the double 
flowering perennial, hardy lLarkspurs. 
Seed saved from named varieties only. 

Dictamnus Fraxinella, showy perennial 
with fragrant foliage. 

Digitalis, Foxglove. Gloxinia shaped flow- 
ers, beautifully spotted. i 

Dolichos, Hyacinth Bean. Quick growing 
climber, White or Purple or mixed, each. 

Eschscholtzia, California Poppy. Beauti- 

ful and popular garden annuals of easy cul- 
ture forming bushy plants about one foot 
high. The large saucer-shaped flowers are 
produced abundantly from spring until fall. 
Our strain comprises a large variety of col- 

ors both in the single and doubled flowered. . 

Forget-me-not, White. 
Forget-me-not, Blue. 
Forget-me-not, Mixed. 
Feverfew, Double White, Grandiflora. 
Gilia. Showy dwarf annuals, mixed. 
Globe Amaranth, Mixed. 
Geraniums, Finest mixed. 

Helichrysum, Everlasting Flowers. Finest 

Ice Plant, Singular icy foliage. 
Lantana. New dwarf hybrids, fine. 
Larkspur, Dwarf Rocket. ; 

long spikes, : 
Graudiforum Rubrum. 

showy, brilliant, scarlet crimson flowers. 
Lobelia, Spectosa. Dark blue. t 
Lupinus. Mixed varieties. 

Golden Feather, Pretty yellow. 

Tall Stock Flowered. Elegant — 




. 05 





Lathyrus, Perennial Pea. Equally as beau- 
2 tiful as Sweet Peas, perfectly hardy, bloom- 
ing early in spring, Purple, Dark Red and 
Pure White or mixed. Price either sort. 
Lobelia. Fine for edgings and vases, finest 
mixed. Sees 3 
Marigold, Oriole (Calendula). This is sur- 
passingly grand and brilliant. The large 

esr _ golden yellow. 
-. Marigold, £E/ Dorado (or Dahlia flowered). 
The large, bushy plants, of good habit, are 
each a ball of brilliant colors. The flowers 
are globular, as perfectly double as a Dahlia, 
and measuring three inches across. .Every- 
one should plant these. Price, mixed. 
Marigold. Finest dwarf varieties; flowers 
in profusion, in shades from sulphur color 
to dark orange; mixed. 
_. Marigold, Prince of Orange. Florets striped 
4 with an intense shadeof orange. Foreffec- 
tive and persistent blooming in beds and 
groups it has no superior, its beautiful flow- 
ers being produced from spring until late in 
4 the autumn, producing a brilliant effect. 
Marigold. Best French, tall. 
_ Marvelof Peru, Four O'Clock. Mixed. 
_ Maurandia. Beautiful, rapid climber, finest 
F mixed colors. ; 
_ Mimulus Tigrinus. Beautifully blotched 
< and spotted, mixed. 
_ Moonflower, New Pink Hybrid. This new 


double flowers are rich and glowing, bright, | 

variety is of marvelous growth. Seed?ger-. 



.05 | 






minate very quickly and begin to bloom 

t almost as soon as Morning Glories. The 

vine makes a rapid growth and covers more 
space than any other annuai vine, and pro- 
ducing the blooms by the thousands all 
Summer and fall. Its foliage is dense, 
luxuriant and of large size, often measur- 
ing seven inches across, Blcoms are of a 
most exquisite soft lilac pink in color. It 
succeeds wherever a Morning Glory will 
do well. 

Morning Glory. (See Convolvulus.) 

Musk Plant. Fragrant foliage. 

Nicotiana Affinis. White, sweet-scented. 

Poppy, Shirley. The colors are blended in 
the most beautiful and showy fashion, and 
include almost every shade from pale rose 
to the most dazzling crimson scarlet, 
blotched and variegated in many Styles. 
Very much pains have been bestowed upon 
them by the raiser, who has been carefully 
selecting them for years. In choicest mix- 

Poppy, Jceland (Papaver Nudicaule). The 
fragrant, elegant, crushed-satin-like flowers 
are produced in never ceasing succession 
from the beginning of June to October. Not 
only are they attractive in the garden, but 
for elegance in a cut state they are simply 
unsurpassed, and they last quite a week if 
cut aS soon as open. They flower the first 
season from seed, though they are hardy 
herbaceous plants, and will with slight pro- 
tection live over winter in any of the north- 
ern States. 








Poppy, Maid of the Mist. A magnificent 
new, Single, white Poppy. The flowers are 
very large, petals overlapping, daintily in- 
curved and deeply and irregularly fringed. 
The ovary, which is a beautiful silvery pea 
green, encircled with its fringe of stamens 
and white fluffy petals, suggest a pretty 
face looking out from the mist. Very chaste 
and pretty. ” 

Poppy, New Japanese Pompon. Very dwarf 
compact bushy growth. The flowers are ex- 
tremely double, being composed of a large 
number of soft, silky petals. A rich variety 
of colors. 




Poppy, Fairy Blush. Few Poppies can equal 
this in beauty. Theimmense globular flow- 
ers are perfectly double, and very large; the 
petals are elegantly fringed and pure white, 
except at the tips, where they are colored 
rosy cream. 

Poppy, Miss Sherwood (new). This pretty 
new Poppy has a handsome foliage and bears 
in great profusion large single flowers of a 
shining satiny white, the upper half of the 
corolla being a silky rose color, This is a 
combination of color quite virginal in its 
delicacv, and must be seento be appreciated. 

Poppy, Danish Flag. Flowers brilliant scar- 
let, with a large silvery white blotch at the 
base of each petal, forming a white cross on 
scarlet ground. a 

Poppy, Tulip. Fourteen inches high and 
produces large flowers of the most vivid 
scarlet imaginable; the color being seen 
even from afar, of such glowing richness as 
to at once remind one of scarlet tulips. 



. 0S 






Poppy, Fancy Mixed. This brand contains in 
large packets all the kinds we advertise 
and many other sorts, including many odd 
and beautiful shades which we have pro- 
cured especially for this mixture. Our cus- 
tomers will find it the largest variety of Pop- 
pies they have ever seen from one package. 
If yeu are a lover of Poppies try this mix- 
ture, : 

Poppy, The Mikado. From Japan, it is in 
form and character essentially a Japanese 
flower in its quaint, yet artistic beauty. The 
petals at the base are whole, while the edges 
are cut and fringed in most complete man- 
ner. The color is most attractive, being 
white at the back, while edges are a crimson- 

Poppy, Dwarf Shirley (new). Charming 
dwarf varieties of the above, making preity 
bushy little plants, about eight inches high, 
and.completely ablaze withthe vari-colored 
flowers which have thesame range of colors 
as taller kinds. 

Poppy, Oriental. Single dark scarlet with 
black spots; a hardy perennial; showy; 
flowers of immense size. 

Poppy. Carnation flowered; finest mixed; 
very showy. . : 

Poppy. Peony flowered; blooms of immense 
size; best mixed. = 

Poppy, Snowdrifi. Peony flowered; pure 

Platycodon Grandifiorum. A _ hardy 
perennial, producing very showy flowers 

during the whole season. They form large 

clumps and are fine for planting among 
shubbery; mixed colors. 

Platycodon Mareisi, Hardy Perennial. A 
very handsome new variety for garden dec- 
oration in the summer and fall. Its many 
branches bear numbers of beautiful, large, 
bell-shaped, open flowers, of a rich violet- 

Portulaceca. Hardy annual, fine for edgings, 
rich colors, mixed, single. 

Portulacea. Finest double, mixed. 

Ricinus Zanzibarensis. New and dis- 
tinct. Their gigantic leaves, two to two and 

one-half feet-across, and the great size of — 

the plants surpass any other known Ricinus. 
We offer it in mixture. 

another brownish-purple; another with 
bronze leaves, all producing a rich tropical 

Ricinus, Castor Oil Bean. Mixed, oz, 20 ets, 
Ricinus, Bourbenensis. Twelve feet, extra, 

oz. 20 cts. 

Ricinus, Gzibsoniz. Dark red foliage, oz, — 

20 cts. “fs, 
Rodanthe. A charming annual, with ever- 
lasting flowers. 

Rose, Little Midget or Baby Roses. Charm- 

One will produce | 
light green leaves; another coppery-brown; ~ 







ee ee a ee 






_ masses or beds. Makes a fine contrast com- 



ing little Roses that bloom from seed ina 

very short time, double and single in shades 

of pink, red, cream white and white. Very 
_ fragrant, and a pretty little novelty. . 


Salvia Splendens, Scarlet Sage. Fine for 
autumn decorations; growing from two to 
three feet high, and completely covered with 
brilliant scarlet flowers. Seeds should be 
sown early in spring, in house or hot-bed, 

Salvia Splendens, Compacta. An im- 
proved form of ‘‘ Salvia.” 

Salipslossis. Large flowered varieties; 

_ splendid, all colors mixed. 

Scabiosa, Snowball. Beautiful new white 
variety; extra. 

Scabiosa. Finest sorts in many colors, 

Sensitive Plant. 

Sweet William. Fine mixed. 5 

Sweet William, Holborn Glory. New, 
extra large flowered varieties, elegant 
shades. : 

Smilax, Finest climber, 

Fine for vases. 

Thunbersgia. Mixed, fine vase plant. 

Vinea. Mixed. 

Violet (English), best varieties, mixed; seed 
germinates very slowly. 

Deliciously fragrant garden 

flowers, blooming early in the spring, with 

long, conspicuous spikes of beautiful flow- - 

ers. They should be protected in a cold 

frame or cellar in the winter, and planted 

out in May. Half-hardy perennial, finest 
_ double mixed, all colors. 

Zinnia, Jacqueminot. Dark crimson, coming 

quite true from seed; very showy; fine for 

bined with white. 










Zinnia, Lilliput or Pigmy. Charming min- 
ature Zinnias growing about twelve inches 
high, and with flowers like double Daisies. 
Very showy for edgings, beds and pot cul- 
ture, and very fine for cut flowers. White 
or scarlet. Each. 

Zinnia, Large Flowering Dwarf. A new 
dwarf section, quite distinct. The flowers 
are as large or larger than the old class, and 
of much better shape, resembling Dahlias in 
form, and the habit of growth is compact 
and dwarf, rarely growing over two feet 
high; mixed. 

Zinnia, Giant Mammoth (mixed). A class 
of Zinnias, ditfering from the older ones in 
its robust habit of growth, and the immense 
size of the perfectly formed, very double 
flowers of various striking colors, The 
plants rise to a height of three feet, and 
bloom freely during a long period. The 
luxurious growth and the large bright flow- 
ers make it valuable for large groups. 

Zinnia, Curled and Crested. Magnificent 
variety of colors. From this, by preserving 
selection and careful culture, we have anew 
strain of double flowering, curled and 
crested Zinnias, which eclipse in beauty, 
beyond all question, any other types of this 
popular garden annual in existence. The 
flowers are of perfect form—large, round, 
full and double, the petals being twisted, 
curled and crested into the most fantastic 
contortions and graceful forms, rendering 
them entirely free from the stiffness which 
was heretofore characteristic of the family. 

Zinnia, Large Flowering Dwarf. Pure 

Wild Flower Garden Mixture. All 
kinds, mixed, contains nearly all the vari- 
eties we advertise, and many besides. These 
if sown in one bed, will make what is called 
the crazy bed. Put up in large packets, and 
very popular where a quantity of flowers are 
wanted, and in the largest variety for a little 

Candytuft, Queen of Italy. This new Candy- 
tuft is one of the most beautiful of all. The 
plants form dwarf, compact bushes, which 
are covered with very large pink blooms. 
It is one of the best of plants for borders 
and carpet beds on account of its habit, 
beautiful color and freedom of bloom. A 
row of this is a beautiful sight when in 


Agrostis Nebulosa. Hardy arnual, one 

Briza Maxima, Large Quaking Grass. 

Briza Gracilis, Slender Quaking Grass. 

Bromus Brizzformis. A fine grass. 

Chloris Barbata. Pretty and curious. 

Coix Lachrym2, job’s Tears. 

Stipa Pennata, Feather Grass. Wardy. 

Gynerum Argenteum, Pampas Grass. 









seid od, tied. ie 

Burpee’s White Wonder (see cut next page). ‘ 
One of the most unique novelties in large flowering, tall Sweet 5 
Peas yet produced. Some idea of its character may be obtained . 
from the illustration which was engraved from a photograph, 
The flowers are pure white, of the largest size, and are borne 
six to eight and frequently as many as ten to twelve large 
flowers on one long, stout stem. The flowers are well placed 
near top of stem, and generally all facing one way: The vines ~ 
are most profuse in bloom, being of unusual vigor, the stems 
frequently coming double, that is, two-stems seem to be united 
in growth throughout their entire length, which indicates 
strong vigor, Price 10 Gs. — 
Mrs. Willmott (new). This new, giant flowered Sweet 
Pea is of the richest orange pink delicately shaded rose. The — 
flowers are enormous, being borne on long stems. A fine new 
variety, well worthy of trial. - “~ OPrice s:ctss2:0zi, Teas. 
Coccinea (new). A distinct new color and a beautiful shade. 
The flowers are self-colored in a bright, rich cherry, intensely brilliant 
and decidedly new. Price 5 éts.; oz., 10 &ts. 
Mont Blane. The earliest blooming’ white Sweet Pea, fullytwo — 
weeks earlier than ‘‘ Emily Henderson,” Plant this variety if you 
want the earliest blooms. Price 5 cts.; oz., 10 &ts. 
Salopian, Improved Sunproof. This is decidedly the finest 
scarlet Sweet Pea to date. Flowers of largest size and finest shape. 
In size, brilliancy and lasting substance this new variety surpasses all 
others. : Price 5 cts.; oz., 10 cts. 
Mrs. Fitzgerald, Flowers are of a soft cream color, flushed 
and edged delicate rose, and for decoration has a captivating effect. A 
pretty variety which should be included in your list. Price 5 cts. ms 
Fascination, This has been greatly admired by everyone who 
has seen it growing. Color, heliotrope, flushed mauve. Price 5 cts. — a 
Snapdragon. These are unique and interesting, the standard 
never expanding but closely overlapping the wings. Color, creamy — 
white, tipped with bright rose. They are very fragrant. Prices cts. _ : 
New Bush Sweet Pea. The Bush Sweet Pea grows in per- — 
fect bush-form, requiring no trellis like the tall Sweet Peas. An ~ 
average bush grows sixteen to eighteen inches high, by from twelve to fourteen inches wide. All the 
flowers are borne on top of the plant, and the proper way to treat this new type, will be to plant the seed in Be 
a row to make a neat, even hedge, when no supports whatever will be required. Flowers are of goodsize — 
and perfect hooded form. Our mixture comprises many colors. Price 5 éts.;.0z., 10 ts. 

\ ( \vi \\ 
S a 



Dwarf Cupid. These grow 
only about six to eight inches high, and 
are uSually covered with a sheet of 

_ bloom; and sown as a border they form 

- aline of green overa foot wide. The 

. flowers are fully as large as the taller 

sorts, but placed closer together. Our 

mixture contains over fifty distinct 

colors and varieties. Everyone should 
plant these. Prices ¢ts.; oz., 10 cts. 

. Admiration. Amost charming 
and distinct new variety of a most deli- 
cately beautiful pinkish lavender 
throughout. Price § cts.; oz., 10 cts, 

Sadie Burpee. The finest white 
to date. This new Sweet Pea is of the 
purest snow white and of the very larg- 
est size. The flowers come in threes at 
the summit of a stift stem, and last well 
when cut, Price 5 cts.; oz., 10 cts. 

Navy Blue. A most distinct and 
‘striking color in Sweet Peas. The gen- 
eral effect is of a rich deep true blue, 
suffused throughout with a faint tint of 
claret or wine-red, while the wings are 
a rich violet purple. 2 
Price 5 ts,; 0z., 10 cts. 

Stella Morse. The blossom 
opens with quite a suggestion of yellow 
—a most fascinating shade of deep 

cream, About the third day it is a deli- 
cate primrose with a faint rose-pink on 
theedge. Price 5 éts.; 0z., 10 cts. 

Earliest of All. Identical with 
the‘ Extra Early Blanche Ferry,” ex- 
cept that it is more dwarf in growth and 
comes ten days earlier. Plant a few for 
early. Price 5 cts.; oz., 10 cts. 

New Countess. Flowers are of 
the largest size and a pure light laven- 

_ der throughout, both on standard and 
wings. _ Price 5 éts.; oz., 10 cts. 
Daybreak. In color it has a 
white ground, and on the reverse of the 
standard is a crimson-scarlet cloud, © 
_which shows through in the fine veins 
and network, the outer margins being 
white. The wings should be white, 
but are sometimes slightly flaked with — 
crimson. Price 5 cts.; 0z., Io cts. 
Catherine Tracy. Its form is 
perfect, The color isa soft but brilliant _ BURPEE’S WHITE WONDER, 
pink of precisely the same shade in wings and standard, retaining its brilliancy to the last, burning and 
_ fading less than any other pink variety. Price 5 ¢ts.; oz., 10 cts. 
Double Sweet Peas. From thirty to fifty per cent of these will come true, i. e. with extra petals. 
We offer as good a strain as there is. Price 5 cts.; oz., 10 cts. 
Gray Friar. A most distinct pretty variety heavily shaded with watered purple markings on 
creamy white ground. gk : Price 5 éts.; 0z., 10 cts. 
Lovely. Exquisite pink; wings delicate rose; a charmingly colored, large, grand flower. 
: 2 Price 5 cts.; oz., 10 cts. 
- Ramona, Flowers of fine form. Its coloring is delicately beautiful; creamy white, daintily splashed 
and striped with pale pink. é Price 5 éts.; 0z., 10 cts. 
{ Dorothy Tennant. Flowers warm violet, very large and finely formed. Standard broad, incurved 
__ or hooded ; wings very large, rounded, Price 5 ¢ts.; oz., 10 cts. 

PR ee 

66 2 LOUIS P. BUTLER & CoO. 

Aurora. Immense flowers borne three and four ona stem; the stems are extra long and strong. 
The color effect is gorgeous; both standard and wings are flaked and striped on a white ground, with 

bright orange-salmon. Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 10 cts. 
Lottie Eckford. Both standard and wings are clear white, delicately shaded porcelain blue, dis- 
tinctly margined lavender. — Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 10 cts. 

Captain of the Blues. One of the largest blue flowered sorts. Standard very broad and bright 
purple blue; wings broad, and a lighter and brighter blue than the standard, Price 5 ¢ts.; oz., 10 cts, 
Princess of Wales. A lovely variety, shaded and stained with mauve on a white ground in a most 
pleasing manner. . Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 10 cts. 
Mrs. Gladstone. One of the most delicately shaded varieties; when opening, the blooms are buff 
and light pink, changing to a beautiful soft blush, darker at base of petals. Price 5 éts.; 0z., 10 cts. 
Miss Blanche Ferry, or Improved Painted Lady. It bears large pink and white flowers like 
‘* Painted Lady,” but is much more free flowering, and ten days earlier in blooming. The flowers have a 
deeper, richer coloring and greater fragrance. Earlier, more and finer flowers, and longerin bloom. We 

still sell more of this variety than any other one variety. ; Price 5 cts.; oz., 10 ts. 
Emily Henderson. Absolutely pure white. The flowers are large, and good form. Flowers 
early and borne on long stems. Price 5 cts.; oz., 10 és, 
The Senator. Standards splendidly expanded, color chocolate, shaded and striped creamy white. 
One of the finest of the dark varieties. Price 5 ¢ts.; -oz., 10 cts. 
Stanley. A magnificent, large flower, standards. rich mahogany-brown, wings garnet-maroon. 
This is an improved ‘ Boreatton.”’ Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 10 és. 
Monarch. Splendid large flowers; standards bronzy crimson, wings a rich, deep blue; three flowers 

on a stem. Price 5 cts.; oz., 1o cts. 

sessesesenensesetenentete tennessee stesso ee ence ete Ne ee 
3 Monadnock Gilt Edge Mixture. Our customers desiring a large variety of “ 
* the newest kinds and in the finest shades, should give this brand atrial. We % 
SS have received many words of eulogy and praise in regard to this magnificent + 
Bs mixture. It is made up of the foregoing sorts with the following choice named % 
*% varieties, and many others: ‘ " 
~ Apple Blossom, Black Knight, Blanche Burpee, Blushing Beauty, Brilliant, 
Bs Celestial, Coquette, Countess of Aberdeen, Duke of Clarence, Emily Eckford, . 
*¢ Her Majesty, Meteor, Mrs. Jos. Chamberlain, Oriental, Peach Blossom, Red + 
% Riding Hood, Sensation, Juanita, Countess of Powis, Crown Jewel, Duke of & 
%, Southerland, Gorgeous, Lady Grisel Hamilton, Mikado, Lady Nina Balfour, = 
+ Maid of Honor, etc., etc. Packet, 5 cts.3.0Z., 10 ts. All combining and mak- & 
SS ing one of the finest assortments ever offered, and at a price no higher than BS 
3, many of the cheaper mixtures. Price of this mixture wzthout discount, andin % 
% larger quantity is as follows: 1-4 lb. 25 &s.; 1-2 1b. 45 &ts.; 1 lb. 75 &ts.; postpaid. es 
x ‘We are receiving many testimonials in regard to the sterling quality of ae 
« our Sweet Peas. Many have written us who have had poor luck with their ¥, 
3, Sweet Peas heretofore, that they have splendid luck with our Monadnock ¥ 
*¢ Gilt Edge strain, and that they will plant no other. If you want strong, vigor- de 
% ous Sweet Peas you should plant no other. Our sales are increasing very 
* largely every year. ) : 


° ° oe e ee ¢ ¢ '¢ oo oe eo '¢ e 

OO, ©, @, ©, ©, GO, @, OG. Me Ge Ge GeO Ge Oe ®, S, ©, .%, .%, @, .%, ©, .%, .@, ©, .%, ©, ., ©, .%. .O, .%, 0, .%, ©, OO, OO, .@, ., 0, OD, 
BECK 2 Cae Ka Xa a? Sara a Xa Xa? OOOO OU OU OVO OU SOOO OV OU OU OO OF, CX) 00,0 80%, Cora Xa aD FOO OO PH OU OU OU OU 00 0 OU OU 98, 

ASHBURNHAM, MAss., May 26, 1903.—L. P. Butler & Co. DearSirs: I find your seeds the best of 
any I have. Very truly, ... MRS. A. E. MERRITT. 

RocuestEr, N. H., May 14, 1903.—L. P. Butler & Co. Dear Sirs: The plants and seeds arrived in 
fine condition this week and am very much pleased with them, also your liberality in filling my order. 
Very truly, ANNIE D. GERRISH. 

WarrEN, N. H., April 9, 1903.—L. P. Butler & Co. Dear Sirs: My last order for plants received a 

few days ago and was much pleased with them. All came in nice shape. 

Yours respectfully, MRS. W.C.GORDON. 
BETHEL, VT., June 5, 1903.—L. P. Butler & Co. Dear Sirs: The plants were very satisfactory and —— 

we thank you very much for your generosity. Very truly, ANN SARGENT, | 


Pe, ee MES oh 

* , 

+. Oe 

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aad if 







aN ah \ 
irs \ 


z > Our vegetable 
seeds comprise the 
best standard and new sorts. We 
might offer a much larger list of 
varieties,.but it seems useless, as 
the kinds offered are of the greatest merit, and, in our 
estimation, all that can be desired. We have taken the 
greatest pains to produce seeds of the choicest quality, 
and can assure our customers thatthe stock here offered, 
is, infreshness and purity, second to none in the country, All 
repaid at prices given, except as noted. ‘ 
Y Asparagus, Conover’s Colossal. Best of all. 
Price 5 éts.; 0z., 10 és. 
iY Beet, Crimson Globe (new). This grand variety is a new 
Beet from England. Extremely handsome either as a second 
early or main crop Beet. Théy are very smooth, being free from fibrous roots and having ouly a very 
slender tap root. Quality of the very best, being of superb quality and remarkably sweet and tender, 
Flesh is a very handsome deep red, slightly zoned. Has very small tops, and altogether is a fine new 

acquisition. : Price 10 &ts.; oz. 15 cts. 

x Beet, £clipse. Intense, deep blood-red, small top. Sow late for winter use, one of the best, either 
or winter use or for an extra early. Price 5 cts.{ oz., 10 cts.; 1 Ib., 60 cts. 
S28 Dewing’s Improved Blood Turnip. Fine turnip form, very symmetrical in shape, and free 

from any fibrous roots. Flesh deep blood-red, very tender and sweet; grows uniformly to a good size. 
Early, and when{sown late, is desirable for winter. Price 5 cts.; oz., 10 &tsv; 1-4 lb. 15 &ts.; 1 1b. 70 &ts, 
Tre : YY Beet, Crimson Early. This 

: Sy wt Beet is the earliest variety in culti- 
att : NS y i dint __ vation, and is ready to market in six 
. . Teal weeks from time of sowing. The 
tops are short and green, and the 
bulbs of beautiful shape. The skin 
is deep blood-red in color; the flesh 
very dark, of finest quality. As an 
early Beet it has no equal. 
Prige 5 cts.; 0z., 10 cts.; Ib., 70 cts. 
V Beet, Edmund's Early Tur- 
nip. This is the most uniformly 
“thoroughbred ”’ of all Beets; with 
very small tops, the neat short foli- 
age being of a bronzy red. The 
Beets are of a handsome round 
shape, very smooth. It does not 
grow very large and coarse as do 
most varieties of the Turnip Beet. 
Price. § s.; 0Z., 10 ¢ts.3 Ib., 
60 .éts. 

y Beet, Crosby's Early Egyp- 
tian. Fine for summer use} turnip 
shape, one of the best for first early. 
A fine market gardeners’ Beet, as it 
is very early, fine color and smal] 


ml = 
eh Pee sy Within a aa! di tops. Price 5 cts.; oz., 10 &s.; 1 lb. 


v Beet, Swiss Chard (Silver or Sea-Kale). .This variety is grown for its leaves only; the middle of 
the leaf is cooked and served like Asparagus; the other portions of the leaf are used like Spinach. Each 
year this becomes more popular as it becomes better known. Price, pkt., 5 cts.; oz., 10 cts. 

r Beet, Stinson. True dark red variety. Excellent for the garden, this is particularly valuable for 
forcing, because it produces less foliage than any other variety. The roots are smooth and regular in 
form; the skin a dark blood-red. The flesh is fine grained and free from woodiness, remaining in a fine 
condition a long time. Of a rich color, the Beets cook dark blood-red. Price 5 cts,; 0z., 10 cts. 

Beet, Mangel Wurzels. Forstock. The three following sorts are among the best. Norbitan 

Giant, improved long red, an immense wiciiont Golden Tankard, an improved yellow globe, a great 

yielder;’ Gate Post, handsome variety with orange skin and white flesh; has no sprangling roots, very 

small top and is a heavy cropper. Price, either sort, 0z., 5 &ts.; 1-4 lb., 15 cts.; lb., 35 cts., prepaid; by 
express, not prepaid, 25 cts. per Ib. : ) ~ 

“=~ Bean, Extra Early Golden Cluster Pole. 

Long, golden-yellow pods, borne in clusters; 

extra early, stringless, snaps very easily, vigor- 

ous, prolific, popular; quality tender, delicious. 

It is unequalled for earliness, productiveness 

and fine quality. The pods are almost round, 

entire stringless, remarkably rich, tender and 
buttery when cooked; of the best possible flavor. 

The pods are fit to use when only two or three 

inches long; keep their fine, tender, rich and 

buttery qualities until fully ripe. The most pro- 
ductive Bean in cultivation. 
Price, 10 &ts.; pint 30 cts. postpaid. 

} Bean » Worcester Horticultural Pole.. 
‘This is a big improvement over the old standard 

“Horticultural.” The pods are extra large, 

and of a most brilliant carmine color, thus mak- 

ing them very attractive for market. Both pods 
and Beans are much larger than the ordinary 
sort, and produced in great profusion. . ‘ 

Price, pkt. 10 &s.; pint, 30 cts. postpaid, na 
yy ‘Bean, Horticultural Pole or Pole Cran- ] 
berry. Standard sort. Price, pkt., 10 ¢ts.; 

pint,25 cts. 7 

iv “Bean, White Caes-Knife. Early pole 

Bean, with pods very long, flat, irregular, green, 
| changing to cream white, useful both as a shell 
MUTT MM} 4and string Bean. 

Price, pkt., 10 cts.; pint, 25 cts. 
aes King of Garden, Large, pole Limas; a grand Bean, but rather late for northern gardens. — 

Price 10 &s.; 3 pint, 30 cts, 

v Bush Bean, Stringless Green Pod. This splendid new Bean combines in itself these excep- 
tional merits, viz: Unusual hardiness, extreme earliness, wonderful productiveness, handsome appearance | 
and fine quality. Pods are rich green, very round and straight, solidly meaty and broad, very tender, 
brittle, and of the finest flavor, always stringless. Price, pkt. 10 &ts.; pint, 25 ts. postpaid. 

, Bush Bean, Saddle-Back Wax. Unequalled by any other Wax Bean in cultivation. The growth 
of/the bush is vigorous. It is a profuse bearer, the plants in ordinary field culture bearing usually from 
secntige to forty pods each. The pods are long, round, very full of meat. When broken between the 
beans there is no open space—the pods being filled with meat. Unequalled in quality, with handsome, 
fleshy pods, as thick as they are wide, and absolutely stringless. | Price, pkt., 10 &ts.; pint, 25 cts. 
Bush Bean, Golden Wax. A strong growing, distinct variety, at least a week earlier than the 

‘Black Wax,” The pods are long, brittle, and entirely stringless. A standard variety and very popular. — 4 

We sell large quantities every year, Price, pkt., 10 cts.; pint, 25 cts. postpaid. _ 

'. Bush Bean, Rust Proof Golden Wax. This variety peeie all others in its comparative freedom — 
from rust. The straight handsome pods are very thick meated, and fine quality. Very popular with every 
one who has tried it. ' Price, pkt., 10 &s.; pint, 25 éts, postpaid. 

Bush Bean, Carmine Podded Dwarf Horticultural. This is an earlier Bean than the old standard — 
variety. The pods are a bright rich red in color, making it very desirable for market. Quality is of the 

bes¥ Indispensable in every garden. Price, pkt., 10 ¢ts.; pint, 25 cts. postpaid. . 
|/ Bush Bean, Long Yellow Six Weeks. Early, very productive and of excellent quality. Pods are % 
hs eight inches long.’ Very popular for market, Price, pkt,, 10 &s.; pint, 25 éts, postpaid. ~ 

Henderson’s Bush Lima. Fit to use from two to three weeks earlier than any other Maia 4 of 


flaca: very sure heading, uniformly savoyed, and heads globular. 


on climbing or Bush Limas. It grows about eighteen inches high, and produces immense crops of deli- 
s Lima Beans, continuing to bear until cut down by frost, Price, pkt., 10&s,; pint, 25 cts. postpaid. 
_ Burpee’s Bush Lima, The only bush form of the true, delicious, large Lima. Of splendidly 
‘vigorous, upright, bushy habit of growth, great uniformity and trueness to type, and always bearing the 
delicious large Lima Beans in great abundance. This requires the same season for growth as the pole 

¥ Lima, and can be grown only where that variety succeeds. Price, pkt., 10 cts.; pint, 25 cts.»postpaid. 

53> Quarts of above varieties of Beans double the price of pints. If to be sent 
by Express deduct 20 cts. per quart trom above prices. Write us for quotations for 
larger quantities. _ : 

» Brussels Sprouts, Perfection. The plant grows about two feet high, and produces from the stem 

numerous little sprouts, one to two inches in diameter, resembling cabbage in miniature, Price 5 Cts. 

| Cabbage, Danish Balihead or Hollander, This is a new type highly esteemed for winter use by. 

reason of the great solidity and excellent keeping qualities of the heads. The heads are nearly round in 

form, very hard and solid, This variety has been bringing much higher prices in open market because of 

‘this markable solidity of the heads. Price 10 ¢ts.; 0z., 30 cts. 
(Cabbage, Savoy. The best of all for home use. The plants are ; 

Extra fine quality. Price 5 éts.; oz., 20 4s. 
abbage, Succession. Its earliness, uniform large size, solidity and { 
sure heading qualities, make it a most valuable Cabbage either for private ¥ 
use or market. Largerthan ‘t Early Summer,” and fine for a succession to : 
the,early varieties. Price 5 cts.; 0z., 25 cts, 
Cabbage,-.£arly Winningstadt. A well known and very popular 
second-early variety; heads large, decidedly conical; leaves a bright, 
glossy green; heads very solid and hard,eveninsummer. This isa very 
sure heading variety, valuable not only for early use, but for winter Cab- 
bage; - its vigorous growth enables it to withstand unfavorable conditions 
ence very popular for general use. Price 5 &ts.; 0z., 20 cts. 
Cabbage, All Head. In this variety selection has been made to secure the ined early heads, with 
“the fewest loose leaves. Fhe deep, flat heads are solid and uniform in color, as well as in shape and size. 
By reason of the compact habit of growth, and absence of loose leaves, fully one thousand more heads can 


be obtained to the acre, than of most other varieties of the same size. Price 5 éts.; 0z., 30 As. 
~~ Cabbage, £ariy Summer. This variety is deservedly popular with market gardeners. It forms 
large,-solid, round, flattened, compact heads, of excellent quality. Price 5 cts.; 0z., 20 ts. 
Lely tients Early ig Wakefield. The great favorite with market gardeners; the earliest, and 
to head. Our seed is true and the best. Price 5 cts.; 0z., 25 cts. 
V Cabbage, Stone Mason. Very popular market variety, for fall and winter use; a sure heads and 
long Keeper. ai 4 Price 5 éts.; 0z., 20 ts. 
¥ Cabbage, Premium Flat Dutch. One of the best winter sorts in cultivation; of fine ae and large 
size. © Price 5 cts.; 0z., 20 &s. 
| Cabbage, Large Red Drumhead. Banset heads than the old ** Red Dutch.”’ Heads Fouhit in shape, 
of deep color, and remarkably hard and solid. Listes Price 5 &ts.; 0z., 20 cts. 

v ‘Cabbage, Autumn King. “Solid as a rock.” ‘The large, broad heads are very thick through, 
slightly rounded at the top; fine grained and tender — more sothan any other large Cabbage. If you want 

. first premium at fair, for largest Cabbage, try this. Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 25 ets. 

mmm Carrot, New Improved Short White. This 
new distinct field Carrot will take first rank 
owing to its enormous productiveness and the 
ease with which it can be harvested. It is half- 
long, very heavy at the shoulder, color light 
green above ground, white below, flesh rich 
white, solid, crisp, and of excellent flavor. As 
a heavy cropping, easily harvested white Carrot 
it is probably the best of its class, Everyone 
who raises roots for stock should try this fine 
variety. Price, oz., 10 cts.; ney Ib., 20 cts.; Ib., 
60 cts., postpaid, 

Carrot, Imp. Long Orange. Too well 
known to need description; an immense yield- 

if » Price 5 cts.; 0z., 10 ¢ts.; Ib., 45 cts. 

"y Carrot, Chantenay (or Model Carrot). For table use it is probably the best in shape and finest in 
quality of all. They are a little longer than the ‘‘Short Horn,” being thicker at the shoulder, and hence 

_ more ibaa i always very smooth and fine in texture. Price 5 cts.; 0z., 10 &ts.; Ib., 90 &ts. 

70 nee. LOUIS P. BUTLER & CO. 

v Carrot, Danvers. Grown largely everywhere, on account of its great productiveness and adaptability 
to all classes of soil, Tops medium size; roots deep orange, large, but medium length, tapering uniformly 
to a blunt point, smooth and handsome; flesh, sweet, crisp, tender, and of a deep orange color. This va- 
riety, although the roots are shorter, produces as large a bulk as the older field sorts, and is easier har- 
vested. Price 5 éts.; oz., 10 cts.; lb., 90 cts. 

& Cauliflower, Early Snowball. Probably grown more than all other varieties together. It is ex- 
ceedingly early and hardy, and is one of the surest to make a solid, compact head; also more and more 
in favor for planting for the late summer and fall crop. We have best seed procurable, and confidently 
recommend it as equal to that offered by anyone. Price, 1-2 pkt. 1) 15 Cts.; 1 pkt., 25 cts.; 1-4 0Z., 75 cts. 

Catnip. « Price § &ts.; 0z., 25 ts. Fs 

“ Celery, Winter ‘ices. The finest dwarf, winter Celery yet introduced. Of a rich, green coloring, it a” 
Vis ape easier blanched than any other green winter Celery. It grows stout, thick, heavy stalks with double 
the amount of heart of other varieties, It has a delicious nutty flavor, and above all is an extra good win- 
ter keeper. Everybody should try this. Price 10 ¢ts.; 0z., 30 ¢ts. 

} Celery, Golden Self-Bleaching and White Plume. These two fine varieties have their inner stalks 

‘ bleached at all stages of growth, so that slight banking for a few days gives a perfect bleach. The **White 
Plume”’ is earliest. but the ‘‘ Golden” is one of the-finest of all. Price, either sort, 5 ts,; 02z., 25 cts. A 

Celery, Pink Plume. Identical with ‘* White Plume,” but with the added merit of the stalks being | 
exquisitely suffused with pink. Price 5 éts.; 0z., 25 cts. 

) Celery, Giant Pascal. Fine for winter use. The stalks are remarkably large, thick, solid and 
stringless, It is the largest Celery grown as regards width and thickness of stalks. When fully grown, 
the. outer stalks are very thick, averaging two inches wide. Price 5 cts.; 0z., 20 cts, 

ie & Celery, Bees Market, Excellent quality. One of the best for late falland winter use. Prices cts. 
Corn, First-Crop. Superior to all other very early sorts, larger, earlier and 
very much sweeter; of dwarf habits, kernels white; ears eight-rowed and of good — 
size. ‘The sweetest sort for first crop. ‘ First:Crop ? is the best very early Corn 
we have ever grown. Pint, 30 cts.; qt., 55 cts. postpaid. 
Corn, Country Gentlemen. The finest of all sweet Corns, retaining its deli- 

“cate tenderness and flavor even when alittle old. For private family use, where 

quality is of the first consideration, it has no equal. The ears of good size, and are 

produced in great abundance, the average is three ears to a stalk, great depth to the 
kernels, which are of pearly whiteness. Butthe great merit is its delicious quality. 

Pa ; Pint, 30 cts,; qt., 55 cts. postpaid. 

* Corn, Gui: (White Cob.) A standard extra early sort; good for home use 

= \ 




ate oe 




a on 
a extra for market, 

pe Rep A _ «te Corn,' Early Shaker. De to follow ‘‘ Cory;’? very sweet; good for home or 
E@ Le market. : 
cach ana © Corn, Black Mexican, Medium early; ‘good to follow ‘* Shaker;”’ one of the 
Sc Sweetest. * 

Zeya Corn, ope. The best late sort; large, sweet and fine. iy 




it Corn, Squantum. One of the sweetest varieties, and is largely used for mar- 
ket and canning. It is a general favorite, and is wunderfully productive. The 
variety used alniost exclusively at the famous Rhode Island clambakes, which is 
sufficient evidence of its quality. Medium to late. : 
i Corn, Crosby's Early. Early and a great favorite, Rather small ears, but 
productive and of excellent quality. A favorite for family use. 
Corn, Metropolitan. This new variety is only about two days later than Cory. 
A very strong grower, growing about five and one-half feet high, the ears being set ; 
CROSRBY’S EARLY CORN. low and producing from two to three toa plant. They are uniformly | nine inches 
long, ten-to twelve rowed, well filled to the tips, with large deep grains which are of ele ahplity. a 
Practically free from smut, and with a strong thick husk. baa, nat y ég 


Price, above varieties Corn, except where noted, large pkts. 10 oie. iat, go oa 
ets.; qt. 50 cts. prepaid. If by CSREES deduct 5 cts. per pt.; 10 cts. per qt, vipa Me 

above prices. ae 
eee Corn, Ensilage, Improved Leaming. Very tall and leafy, fully maturing its very large e ears. Ex. : 
gélient sort for the silo. Price 75 cts. per peck; $1.75 per bushel, by express or freight. ag 

Corn, Ensilage, pelo. ‘Stalks extra large and numerous, Extensively planted for the silo. eo 
Prices same as for ‘‘ Leaming,” Se 
cone ie - Corn, Field, Longfellow. A carefully selected strain of yellow field corn, with Retoaies ¢! long x 

ears, with very small cob and large kernels. A heavy yielder. 
* Price 35 «ts. per qt., postpaid; 70 és. per peck; $2. 25 per bushel, by express or freight: 

NOTICE. Deduct 8 cts. per lb. from prices enere seeds are to be sent by express. a 


Cress, Water. One of the most appetizing, delicious flavored of small salads; it does well in very 
moist situations, but thrives best in shallow water on the edges of streams, where it grows most luxuri- 
antly.’ It is a hardy perennial. Price 10 &s. 

\ Cucumber, Long Green. Long fruit of excellent quality; dark green, firm and crisp. ‘This is the 
improved sort, fine for all purposes. Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 20 cts. 

“Cucumber, Japanese Climbing. A very popular climbing paspie good for trellises or back yard 
fences, fruit handsonie ie and fine quality. Price to ¢ts. 


Cucumber, Cumberland Pickle (new). This handsome new variety is the result of eight years 
careful breeding by one of the leading growers in the U+S. Vine is a rapid, strong, vigorous. grower, and 
very prolific, The fruit grows very firm, solid and crip, and Bane geet set vest fine sae the 
entire surface, it has a very handsome appearance. 

| ‘Cucumber, Nicholjs Medium Green. We 
consider this most* valuable as a pickle sort, and 
for early forcing purposes or for slicing there is no 
better variety. It is exceedingly productive, of 
medium size, and always straight and smooth. 
~ Color dark green, the flesh tender and crisp. 
: ae Price 5 cts.; 0z., 20 cts. 
Cucumber, Imp. White Spine. One of the 
most popular either for slicing or for pickles ; abun- 
_ dant bearer of fine quality. We have an extra nice 



strain. Price 5 &s.; OZ., 20 cts. 

es Emerald, This beautiful new Cacuabeds isa seedling of the “ White Spine, 8. aad re- 
tains all the good points of its parent, with the addition of a rich, dark-green skin, entirely free from spines. 
It is strictly an evergreen, retaining its color until fully ripe. The long, straight, handsome fruits are pro- 
eon early and abundantly. Price 5 4ts.; oz., 20: cs. 

Cucumber, Cool and Crisp, The earliest and most productive of all pickling Cucumbers. At the 
pickling stage they are straight, long, even and slim, and until fully grown are of a dark- -green color. One 

of the best pickling varieties, also excellent for slicing. Price 5 cts.; oz., 20 cts. = 
| “Dandelion. Large leaf, new French sort, double the size of common variety. Suiti in spring or 
F ugeiner, fit to cut following spring. Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 50 cts. 
Z wv ‘Ess Plant, New York Spineless. Fruit of largest size, and quite free from spines; of splendid 
quality, Price 10 ¢ts. 
‘Fennel. ae ot Oe boiled, enter into many fish sauces, - ; ee Pre Ets. 
Sete Sat ie we ' Gourds, (ornamental), Contains the following sorts: Gooseberry, 
ee Club, Nest Egg, Lemon, Bottle, Onion, Orange, Pear, Serpent, Sugar 
fase Dipper and Dishcloth. Price, separate or mixed, 10 cts. 
Kale, German Dwarf Curied. Sownin spring for summer use, and 
in 1 fall for spring. A very hardy variety. _ Price 5 éts.; 0z., 10 cts, 
_ lavender, Lanes Vera. An aromatic, medical fierts: 
Price 5 as. 

- Lettuce, Iceberg. The large, = ae leaves which cover the outside of 
the solid heads are of a ae light. green, with reddish tinge on the 
ae Bos pit: Price § ¢ts.; 02., 15 ¢ts,: 

Es ie Lettuce, Dincoke or San Francisco Market. The heads are very. ‘solid 
and of excellent flavor, and remain in condition for use as long as any 
: variety i in cultivation. Plant medium size, with very few outer leaves; one 
of the’best varieties for summer use. Price § ¢ts.; 0Z., 15 ma 

Ad ‘Lettuce, Mignonetie. A small, sturdy, russet-colored Lettuce, dis- 
P a tinct and unique. The entire plant measures only seven inches in diameter, 
So eee at >. ands more solid and compact than any existing variety. The outer leaves 
_ GOURDS, _ arefew. The leaves are richly colored with russet-red and bronze- -green of 
2 uarong shades. Price 5 ‘ts., 0z., 15 &ts. 

02 LOUIS P. BUTLER & CO. , es : 

Vv; Lettuce, Perpetual. Our customers will be especially pleased with this variety for a summer Let- — 
tuce, as it is of the finest quality and remains for a long season tender and crisp; unexcelled as a long 
standing sort, combining tenderness, beauty and delicate flavor. Price 5 cts.; 0z., 15 cts, 

» Lettuce, Prize Head. An early sort, deep green, so washed with red as often to appear more red 
than green; forming a head of a dense mass of leaves rather than one like a cabbage, and very slow to run 
to seed; leaves large, nearly round, frilled at the edge, and densely blistered, and are exceedingly crisp, 

tender and good flavored, and not bitter as early as other varieties. Price 5 &ts.; 0z., 15 cts. 
E Lettuce, Black Seeded Tennis Ball. Early hard head; few outside leaves; grown largely under < 
glass and early for gardens. Price 5 cts.; 0z., 15 cts. > 

Lettuce, Hanson. Improved Hard Heading Stock. Heads green outside and white within; grows 
*to a remarkable size, very solid, and is refreshingly sweet, crisp and tender. It withstands the hot sun. 
Most of the heads are so solid that they do not send up any seed stalks unless cut open with a knife. A 

very popular variety. Price 5 éts.; 0z., 15 éts. Y 
Lettuce, Boston Curled. Ornamental; fair quality. Price 5 Sa 0Z., 15 cts. ; 
Lettuce, Above eight varieties mixed. A fine variety for a small amount of money. Youcan get 7 

early, medium and late in one package. Price 5 éts.; 0z., 15 ets. 

“——<“mess New Mustard, Fordhook Fancy. : 

This fine new variety is distinct from any- 
thing in cultivation, the edges of the beau- 
tiful dark green leaves being curled and lac- 
inated almost as thoroughly as double 
curled: parsley, making the leaves equally 
as desirable for garnishing. So attractive - 
is the habit of growth and the feathery effect 
of the finely fringed leaves that it is quite 
worthy of a place as an ornamental plant 
aside from its utility as a salad or boiling 
green. It is more productive than any other 
variety from early spring sowings and more 
stubborn in running to seed. It stands well 
even during the hot summer months. By 
making several sowings a few weeks apart, 
a continuous growth of fresh tender leaves 
may be had throughout the season. Even 
those who do not care for mustard as a 
piquant salad will be delighted with the 
leaves of ‘‘Fordhook Fancy” cooked like 
spinach any time during the summer. It ts 
even superior to the best spinach in flavor. 
NEW MUSTARD, FORDHOOK FANCY, Don’t fail to try it, 
Price 10 ts.; 20 éts. per oz. 
’ Mustard, Chinese. Leaves twice the size of the ordinary white Mustard; stems more succulent; 
flavor pleasantly sweet and pungent. Price 5 &s.; 0z., 10 &s. 
Marjoram, Sweet. For seasoning. Price 5 cts. 
). Musk Melon, Netted Gem (Rocky Ford), The 
‘best, early, small, green-fléshed Melon known today. 
Shape is almost a perfect globe, weighing from one and 
a quarter to one and a half pounds each. They are 
thick meated, the flesh is light green in color, and uni- 
formly of fine, luscious flavor; skin green, regularly 
ribbed and thickly netted. Very prolific and extra 
early in ripening. Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 10 cts. 
: Musk Melon, Emerald Gem. All who have 
grown it unite in pronouncing it unequalled in rich, 
delicious flavor. The skin, while ribbed, is smooth and 
of a very deep emerald green color. The flesh, which 
is thicker than in any other Melon of its size, is of a 
- suffused salmon color, and ripens thoroughly to the ex- 
tremely thin green rind; luscious beyond description; 
unapproached in delicious flavor, The Melons. mature 
extremely early; of superb quality. Should be grown ee ; 
by everyone. Price 5 cts.; oz.,, 10 cts. MUSK MELON, NETTED GEM. 
Musk Melon, Paul Rose (or Petosky). Across of the ‘‘Osage” with the ‘‘Netted Gem.” ‘Tt 
possesses the fine netting of the ‘‘ Gem,” and averages. about the same size, but owing to the great thick 
ness of its beautiful salmon-colored flesh will weigh at least one-third more than a ‘‘Netted Gem” of t 
. same size, One of the best of the salmon fleshed varieties, __ . Price 5 as, Sea 



Water Melon, Cole’s Larly. 
This is one of the finest early Water 
Melons; of medium size, and it is so 
early that it matures in every state; very 
hardy; the flesh is deep red in color, 
clear to the rind, and is most sweet and 
delicate in flavor. It is exceedingly 
brittle, and hence cannot be shipped to 
distant markets, but is most desirable 
for the home garden. Price 5 ¢ts.; oz., 
10 &s.5 1-4 lb., 25 cts. 

~~ Water Melon, Mountain Sweet. 
Fruit oblong, dark green; rind thin; 
flesh red, solid and sweet. One of the 
‘earliest large Melons. 
/, Price 5 &ts.; oz., 10 cts. 

Okra, Dwarf Prolific. A very 

fine new variety, much dwarfer than the 
‘ordinary dwarf Okra, and much more 
_ productive; short thick pods. Very 
palatable when stewed and served as is 
a dish of Asparagus. So delicious is the flavor that once used, always used. Price § cts.; 0z., 10 cts. 
* Onion, Australian Brown (new). Is of medium size, wonderfully hard and solid, extremely early 
in ripening, aud never makes any stiff-necks or scallions, Every seed seems to produce a good sized 
Onion, and the bulb forms very quickly, Theskin is aclear amber-brown. Price 10 ¢ts.; 0z., 20 cts. 
we Onion, Wethersfield Large Red. One of the best; all our stock is extra selected, and of the very best 
quality. Price 5 cts.; oz., 15 cts.; lb., prepaid, $1.20, 
ae Onion, Early Red Globe. Earliest of ait Price 5 cts.; 0z., 15 cts. 

~ Onion, Prize-Taker, This variety grows to an immense size, measuring from twelte to eighteen 

deer in circumference under good culture. It is of handsome globe shape, and flesh is mild and delicate 


in yaa Price 5 cts.; 0z., 15 ts.; 1-4 lb., 40 cts. 
- Onion, Early White Queen. The bulbs are a pure white, growing about an inch in thickness and 
very mild and delicate i in flavor. Used very largely for pickling. Price 5 cts.; 0z., 20 cts 

“Onion, YX ellow Globe Danvers (extra Celected strain). 
This variety is now the standard medium yellow Onion of our 
market the world over. Our strain of this sort is unsurpassed 
. being growg in Connecticut from selected stock and will pro- 
duce heavy crops of handsome uniform bulbs. 

Price 5 cts.; 0z., 10 &s.; 1-4 Ib., 35 &ts.; 1 lb., $1.25, prepaid. 

NotE,—We might offer cheaper strains of Onion seed much 
less than above but cheap seed is dear at any price and the above 
is offered very low considering quality. ; 

Onion Sets. Write us for prices. | 

v. Parsley, Double Curled. Verynice. Prices &s. 
# Parsley, Moss Curled. The leaves are beautifully curled 
or crimpled, and of a peculiar, extradark green color. Itis very 
productive, and from the densely-curled character of its leaves, 
_ green seasoning or garnishing can be prepared in much less time 

than open-leaved varieties. Price 5 cts.; oz., 10 cts. 
Ve Parsnip, Guernsey, A half long variety; fine quality. 
f Price § cts.; 0z., 10 cts. 
oT ee rsnip, Hollow Crowned. Best variety; long, smooth 
white. The great market sort. Price 5 cts.; 0z., 10 as, 

© Pea, Gradus (or Prosperity). The earliest large podded 
in cultivation, while the Peas are of most superior quality, both 
in size and delicious flavor. The vine has heavy stems, with 
large, dark green leaves, and grows about three feet in height. 
It produces uniformly large pods, measuring four inches long, nearly round, and well filled with large, 
handsome peas. The peas remain edible—tender and sweet—for some time. One of the best introduc- 
tony of lafeyears. Price, pkt., 10 &ts.; pint, 35 ¢ts.; quart, 65 cts. postpaid. 
2 ¢ Peas, American Wonder. The earliest of all wrinkled Peas. Of dwarf habit, growing from nine to 
ieee inches high, and producing a profusion of good sized and well filled pods of the finest flavor. One 
of the most popular sorts, _ Price, pkt., 10 Gts.; pint, 25 &ts.; quart, 45 cts. postpaid. 
_ Peas, Premium Gem (Improved McLean’s Little Gem). A valuable variety, growing about fifteen 
inches high, and among the earliest dwarf, green, wrinkled sorts. The quality is unsurpassed; a remark- 
able characteristic i is its wonderful prolificness, Price 10 ¢ts.; pint, 25 cts.; quart, 45 cts. postpaid, 

Sat: te > ! ' 


4 Peas, Noti's Excelsior. One of the best of recent introduction; an improvement on ‘‘ American 
Wonder,” being more vigorous and prolific, with larger pods and more peas. Sure to become popular 
when generally known; height, one foot. Price, pkt., 10 cts.; pint, 25 éts.; quart, 45 cts. postpaid. 
yw Peas, Yorkshire Hero. Long, round pods, closely filled with large, lucious, wrinkled Peas 3 very 
productive. Well worthy of general cultivation; of similar type to the well known ‘‘Champion of Eng- 
land; in many sections it is more productive. Price 10 &ts.; pint, 25 &ts.; quart, 45 cts. postpaid, 

}Peas, Champion of England. Undoubtedly one of the best Peas grown and very popular, It is 
very productive, Peas of a delicious flavor; height, four to flve feet. The standard Peas for main crop or 

summer use. Price 10 cts.; pint, 25 éts.; quart, 40 cts. postpaid. 
Peas, Dwarf Champion. Avery popularsort. Similar in every respect to “Champion of England,” 

xcept it grows only half as high, Price, pkt., 10 &s.; pint, 25 &ts.; quart, 40 cts. postpaid. 
»/ Peas, Large Black Eye Marrowfat. An excellent variety, growing about five feet high; pods 

large; a prolific bearer. Price, pkt., 10 éts.; pint, 20 &ts.; quart, 35 cts. postpaid. 

._ “Peas, Sunol. An extremely early variety, producing good sized pods inthe greatest profusion. Peas 
are splendid flavor for so early a sort, and is decidedly the most profitable of all the early sorts, Grows 
medium height. : Price 10 cts.; pint, 25 cts.; quart, 40 cts. postpaid. 

“Peas, First of All. A very early market sort; height about two and one-half feet. Very productive 
and excellent quality for so early a variety. Price 10 &ts.; pint, 25 éts.; quart, 40 cts. postpaid. ~ 

Peas, Telephone. An immensely productive Pea of the finest quality. Pods are very large in size, 

containing six to seven Peas closely packed, which are of a delicious flavor. Height about four feet, a very © 

popular variety. Price 10 &s.; per pint, 25 &ts.; quart, 45 éts. postpaid. 
Ki@s- Where Peas\are to be sent by express deduct 15 ts. per quart from above prices. 
Pepper, Bell of Bull Nose. A standard variety with good sized, thick, fleshy fruits. Zarly 

‘ Squash. Thick fleshed, early variety ot mild flavor. Price 5 cts.; 0z., 25 cts. 
} Pepper Grass, Extra Curled. Fine flavor and the best for dry soils. Price 5 cts.; oz., 10 ts. 
Pumpkin, Com, Field. Fine for stock, a heavy cropper. Price 1-4 Ib., 15 cts.; lb. 50 ets. 

Pumpkin, Quaker Pie. A very prolific sort having fruits of medium size, but quality sweet, 
sugary and fine grained. e: = Price 5 cts.; 0z., 15 cts. 
uw Radish, Triumph. This is very 
early, being a “Twenty Day” Radish. 

Shape almost round, with very short tops, 
making it valuable for? cultivation under 
glass. Flesh is crisp, solid and of mild 
flavor. The color is very -attractive being” 
pure white, striped and splashed with bright 
scarlet. Makes a very attractive contrast 
when bunched with other colors for mar- 
ket.” Price 5 éts.; oz., 10 cts, 

/ Radish, French Breakfast. A great 

ovalin shape. Price 5 cts.; oz, 10 cts. 

‘* Radish, Early Long Scarlet, Ten- 
der variety; fine flavor and crisp. .One of 
the best for market or home use. : 

/ Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 10s, _ 
if Radish, Early Round Dark Red. Of 
ery deep, dark red skin; beautiful shape, 

and extra early. This is the best strain of 

= Extra Early Scarlet Turnip Radish in cul- 
tivation; extra fine-quality; always crisp. 

Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 10 cts. 

: TRIUMPH RADISH, : A small, round turnip-shaped Radish, of 
bright scarlet, tipped with pure white. Ready to pull twenty days aftersowing. Prices ¢ts.; 0z., 10 cts. 

Y Radish, Non Plus Ultra, The earliest of all, being fit for use in about twenty days. Brilliant red aa 

in color, much used by market gardeners. . Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 10 &ts.; % lb. 25 cts, 

F ‘Radish, Long White Vienna. This new Radish is the finest Long White Radish in cultivation, It E . 
is the most beautiful in shape, white in color; both skin and flesh are pure snow white; crisp, brittle and 

of rapid growth. Price 5 &ts.; 0z., 10 ts. 

forcing. Price 5 cts. ; 0Z., 10 &s. , 

V Salsify, New Mammoth. Extra large, averaging fully double the size and weight of roots of the g 
old variety. The roots are of superior quality. Price 5 &.; 02, 15 Cs, ig 


avorite, bright scarlet with pure white tip, _ 

é Radish, Scarlet Turnip White Tipped. 


/ Radish, Wood’s Early Frame. Not quite so long as the ‘‘ Long Scarlet,” and with smaller top; it 
id quite ten days earlier in the open ground, while from its exceedingly small top it is most excellent for 

oO ae ) 4 
We Ae ee eee CY 



—s ach, Long Standing. For greens, Price § cts.; 0z., 10 cts.; \&% lb., 15 ts. 
Sage and Summer Savory. Herbs. Price, aie 5 cts. 
uash, Summer Crookneck. Popular standard summer sort. Price 5 ¢ts.; oz., 10 ¢ts. 

= Squash, Hubbard. Well known winter sort. More of this variety grown than of a ‘othe winter 
squashes combined. Ours is a very fine strain. Price 5 &s.; 0z., 15 cts.; % Ib., 35 cts.; Ib., $1.20. 
oni Essex Hybrid. Early, yet a long keeper; 
esh dry, thick and sweet, better than “‘Turban;” a 

standard variety. Prices cts.; 0z., 15 cts., ; lb., $1.00. 
i Squash, Faxon (or the Squash of many colors), 
The fixed characteristics are earliness, long keeping, 
uniformity of shape, variety of colors, and the excelling 
in richness, sweetness and flavor. Even when not fully 
ripe it is of excellent quality as a summer Squash. It 
is a good keeper, and has the exceptional recommenda- 
tion of being a table delicacy through three seasons— 
summer, falland winter. Unexcelled for sweetness and 
dryness, —_—~PPrrice § éts.; 0z., 10 ts.; lb., $1.00. 

\f Squash, Dunlap’s Early Prolific Mareen. The 
standard early of the running varieties. No variety can 
compete with it for earliness, it being about twelve days 
ahead of the ‘‘ Boston Marrow,” and for this reason 
can be planted a week later than any other kind. Its 
color is most attractive, a brilliant orange-red. Quality 
excellent when mature. A good keeper. 

Price 5 éts.; 0z., 10 &ts.; % Ib., 30 &s.; Ib., go cts. 

Ll’ Squash, Golden Bronze (new). In form the . 
same as *‘ Boston Marrow,’ with stem and blossom end precisely like that variety, also having the same 
peculiar wrinkled appearance of the skin. Size, averaging from eight to ten pounds; color, a dark, gray- 
ish-green with bronze on upper surface when ripe; flesh, an exceedingly bright golden yellow; fine 

0" Je very sweet, and of delicious flavor; a good keeper and yielder. Price 5 cts.; oz., 15 cts. 
| Squash, Golden Hubbard. Identical in size, form and fruitfulness, as the ‘* Warted Hubbard.” The 
"heavily warted skin is a rich orange yellow turning toadeep salmon red. Of attractive appearance and 

aS 5 eoeeiase and prolific as the original Hubbard. Price 5 cts.; 0z., 15 ts.; 1-4 lb., 40 &ts.; lb., $1.25. 
* Squash, New Giant Summer Crookneck. This new strain is equally as early as the common variety, 
while the Squashes grow to an extra large size, measuring from-eighteen inches to two feet long, and of 


finest quality. Price 5 &ts.; oz., 10 cts. 
\*Sa uash, Bush Scallop. Best early of the scalloped sorts. Quality not considered quite equal to the 

s ‘ Summer Gpeakacek. lg Price 5 ¢ts.; oz., 10 cts. 
Squash, Warted Hubbard. Same as ‘‘ Hubbard,” except Page knobs all over it. Quality the best. 

Many prefer it to ‘“‘ Hubbard ” for market. Price 5 cts.; » 15 cts.; 1-4 lb., 40 cts 5 lb., $1.25. 

| furnip, Purple Top White Globe. An early variety, abe aie heavy cropper, in other respects 
Caged the “ “Red Top Strap Leaf?” A handsome looking bulb, and is rapidly taking the lead of all 
othe: “varieties of early Turnips for market garden purposes. Price 5 cts.; 0z., 10 &s.; lb., 50 cts. 
Turnip, White Egg. Its shape is nearly oval or egg; flesh very firm ae fine reed thin and per- 
fectly smooth skin; both flesh and skin are of snowy whiteness. Its flavor is of the best. One of our most 
Fa ieties for market ortable use. ‘Price 5 éts.; 0z.; 10 ¢ts.; 1-4 Ib., 20 cts.; Ib., 60 cts. 
Turnip, Budlong (new). An improved variety of the American White Ruta- sae iawn been bred 
up to poi pa by years of selection by an experienced market gardner. It is earlier, rounder and 
or than any other Ruta-baga and of good size. Price 5 cts.; 0z., 10 éts.; Ib., 60 cts. 
om Tarnip, ‘White Milan. . It grows with wonderful rapidity, and is the earliest White Turnip i in culti- 
vation. ‘Splendid quality, and most attractive with white skin and flesh, Price 5 cts.; oz., 10 cts. 
‘Turnip, Golden Ball (or Orange Jelly). The flesh of fine texture, making it one of the best table 
es. Beautiful color. _ The ‘bulb is of medium size, with small root, early. Price 5 cts.; oz., 10 cts. 
5 irnip, Yellow Stone. One of the best and most popular yellow-fleshed varieties for table use; 
equally. good for feeding stock . Price 5 &ts.; 0z., 10 ¢ts.; lb., 50 ets. 
i Turnip, ‘Strap Leaf. Ate Red Top” or “ White Top,” well known early poets ieeeety grown. — 
For other varieties Turnips see page 76, _ NE Price, either sort, 5 cts.; 0z., 10 cts.; Ib., 50 cts. 
Thyme, Thymus Vulgaris. The leaves and young shoots are uaed for seasoning; a tea is also made 
for nervous headache. As Price per pkt., 10 4s. 
| Wormwood, Artemisia Absinthium. Used medicinally, and is beneficial for poultry. 
- Price per pkt., 5 cts, 

se All seeds ordered by says ee deduct 8 cts. per if 



4 ka . 
Ya Turnip, Rhode Island Rock (new). In this new 
Turnip we have a great improvement made on the 
White French Turnip, after years of selection by a 
R. I. market gardener. It is fully three weeks earlier 
than any other Turnip of its class. It is very hard and 
solid, flesh pure white, fine grained, brittle and sweet. 
Its crowning point however is its wonderful keeping 
eee excelling all other Turnips in this respect. 
‘ Price 5 éts.; 0z., 10 ts. 
r Nariip, Scarlet Kashmyr. As early as the earli- 
est known sort; most distinct in appearance, small, 
rarely exceeding three inches in diameter. The outer 
- color of the root is unique, being a rich scarlet, verging 
on crimson; the interior color is pure sparkling white. 
5 Price 5 ¢ts.; oz., 10 cts. 
© Murnip, Burpee’s Bread-stone. This new Tur- 
nip is of medium size, very quick growing, and the 
roots are very smooth and white with a faint green top. 
The flesh is perfectly white, fine grained, remarkably 
tender, very sweet; extra fine Turnip for winter and 
spring use. Price 5 ¢ts.; oz., 10 éts.; 1-4 lb, 30 &s.; 
LJb., yo cts. 
Turnip, Sweet German. The well known winter 
variety. Very sweet; extra fortable use. The leading 
sort for winter. Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 10 ¢ts.; Ib., 50 cts. 

; ; le table or for stock; yellowish flesh. 
R, I, ROCK TURNIP. : Price 5 cts.; 0z., 10 c&ts,; lb., 35 cts. 
_ Tomato, Ponderosa. This is the largest 
fruited Tomato in cultivation, and for the 
private planter is unexcelled. Fruits are 
solid fleshy, few seeds and of fine quality. 
Specimens grow to immense size under 
highe culture. = — Price 10 cts. 
VW Tomato, Earliana, This is the earli- 
est large Tomato ever introduced. In our 
trials with this last year, we found it an 
enormous yielder of large, smooth, solid, 
bright red fruits of most excellent flavor. 
This sort will be one of the most profitable 
sorts for the market gardener as well as the 
private planter, being the earliest, smooth, 
bright red Tomato, of good size now in cul- 
tivation. Price 10 ¢ts.; I-4 0z., 25 cts. 
“Tomato, Quarter Century. Similar 
‘to “Dwarf Champion” in dwarf, erect 
growth, but greatly surpasses that variety 
in prolificness as well as size, solidity and 
quality of fruit. Color isa bright red. Its 
very compact, sturdy growth, extreme pro- 
lificness and earliness will make it a favor- 
ite with everybody. 
Price 10 ¢ts.}3 1-4 0Z., 20 cts. 
© Tomato, The Aristocrat. An excel. 
lent new sort, resembling in habit of growth 
and foliage the ‘‘ Dwarf Champion,” but the 
color of the fruit is a fine, rich, glossy red. 
Price 5 ¢ts.; 0z., 25 cts. 
\ Wf, Tomato, Dwarf Champion. One of 
the most valuable sorts, entirely distinct in 
habit of growth and foliage. Always 

smooth and attractive in appearance. Dwarf and compact in habit. Price 5 cts.; 0z., 25 ts. 
Tomato, Matchless (Improved Trophy). The fruits are of the largest size and the size of the fruit 

‘is maintained throughout the season, the healthy growth of foliage continuing until killed by frost. No 

other Tomato will produce extra large fruits, so smooth, handsome and marketable. The skin is remark- 


ably tough and solid. A great favorite for market and family use. Price 5 éts.; 0z., 35 cts. 
} Tomato, Perfection. Fine smooth variety, very prolific and productive. Price § ¢ts.; 0Z., 25 as. 
/Tomato, Yellow Plum. Small yellow plum-shaped variety; very early. Price 5 cts. | 


Turnip, Laing’s Swede. Quick growing; good ~ 



We make a specialty of bedding plants and can furnish them in quantities at prices below, strong vig- 
orous plants, They must be sent by express at these prices. If in want of extra large plants we will be 
pleased to quote prices. ; 

Doz. Doz. 
Alyssum, Tom Thumb or Mammoth. $o.50 | Feverfew, double white. $0.75 
Ageratum, blue or white. 60 | Heliotrope. 75 
Asters, assorted. 40 | Pansies, assorted. 50 
Cannas, pot plants. 2.00 | Petunias, single, mixed. 50 
Cannas, dormant roots, 1,00 | Salvias, Scarlet Sage. 15 
Coleus, best sorts, -75 | Stock, Ten Weeks. .60 
Geranium, double or single. 1.00 | YVerbenas. ,60 


In these days of modern scientific methcds and 
close competition in agricultural and horticultural 
pursuits, no one can afford to be without some 

8S 5 === a quick and easy facility for applying insecticides 
i Wil a and fungicides. Our cut illustrates one out of the 
‘| ‘ four styles of sprayers sold by us. 
Al ih} This is the climax of all sprayers; combines 
7 a i every conceivable point of excellence, including 
economy, durability, low price and ease in carrying 
| and operating. It is the only automatic compressed 
| air machine built on mechanical and scientific lines 
by skilled labor. A few strokes of the plunger in 
the air chamber will compress enough atr to dis- 
charge the entire contents and make a continuous 
spray for nine minutes. This means that the Auto- 
Spray can be charged in fifteen seconds, when it 
will work uninterruptedly long enough to spray a 
quarter acre of potatoes. By means of extension 
pipes it can be used for spraying fruit trees, also 
washing windows, carriages, fire extinguisher, 
whitewashing poultry houses, etc. Furnished with 
different sized spray nozzles, carrying strap, etc, 
Price with galvanized steel tank, $4.00; with brass 
tank, $5.50. 

The “‘ Auto Pop” is a new feature which 
should be investigated by everyone who wants to 
be thoroughly up-to-date with spraying appliances. 



Rae Send for our descriptive circular. Don’t fail to investigate the merits of our pumps. Absolutely 
the best and most scientifically constructed sprayers on themarket for the money. 


Kills insects on flowers and plants in the window, flower and vegetable gardens, shrubs, small fruit trees, 
etc. For domestic purposes, it is valuable as an exterminator of moths, cockroaches, carpet bugs, and is a 
Superior wash for dogs and all animals. Relieves horses and cows from the torment of flies. Prevents 
poultry lice. Every insect will succumb to this insecticide. 

The Cost is Trifling. 
Ten cents.—3-0z. cake makes 114 gallons prepared solution. Mailed, postpaid for 13 cents. Twenty 

_.cents.— 8-0z. cake makes 4 gallons prepared solution. Mailed, postpaid for 28 cents. 


The best fertilizer for house plants. It is ascientific preparation, containing in a highly concentrated 
and easily soluble form, the food elements required by plants. It is odorless, clean to handle, quick in its 
action and unequalled in its effects, Itis put upin handsome, handy tin cans, inside of each tin being a 
Small spoon holding the exact quantity required for dissolving in a quart of water. The handiest as well 
as the very best fertilizer for house plants ever sent out. Accompanied by full directions. Price 15 cts. 
per can, or 23 cents by mail postpaid. 


bet 8s a $ 

sts ’ 

Cut Flowers €@ Floral 

We are prepared to furnish seasonable cut 
flowers for all occasions, We also make a 
specialty of funeral designs, which our 
experience and facilities fully enable us to 
execute in the very best manner, and at 
most reasonable prices. We respectfully 
solicit your orders. Orders by mail, tele- 
graph or telephone promptly filled WF yi 

Flowering Plants 

For Christmas, Easter & other Holidays. 
We have on hand at these times large speci- 
men flowering plants and palms of all kinds 
for decorative and gift purposes. When in 
need of same, we invite correspondence 


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