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ae i fii apse “W.W. TRAC be era 

THOMP i ral Aisha 





| MUSsCATIN: a fiotag 

? ALL EASTERN STOOKS —Wherever possible we offer se@ 5 Reps py lla ‘stotks. 

| Aap While we exercise the greatest care to have all seeds pure and Fane ellyraseeds with. 
| waranty, expressed or implied in any respect, and are not in any way responstb! for the crow: 

| AGy-Prices quoted here are for seeds over our counter, excepting in OUNCE quantities, and pack- 
ETS, which we deliver by mail. All Packets, 5 cents. When other quantities are desired by 
mail, postage must be added ‘at the rate.of 8 cents pér pound, and on Peas, Beans and Corn, 

10 cents per quart. 


|| Compare this List. 


cable preress * ; ¥% Ib. Ib: . = German, Kopf Kohl: Gruener Kohl, 

Conover's Colossal.........-:..0.46++ vr 05y Sako * DHS Oz. % Ib. 

Ralinetto scr teasers So ae Rah eee gO alee LPO. alm proved Dwarf. css .pccd.--haceed ORE aes Sr 1l0u sees 
Columbian Mammoth White EPA AO 205.4 tev 40 : 
g: 3 ‘CABBAGE. 
BEANS--BUSH On Dv WARF. American Grown 
German, Bush ora te is) ae ek Oz. % Ib. lh. 

Wardwell's Kidney Wax...  BBF"Crop failed. Extra Early Jersey Wakefield......$ .15 $ .40 $1.50 
Improved Goldew Wax....... 15 $ .30. $2.00 $7.50 Henderson’s Karly ‘Sunimer......... Mails AO 1.50 
Improved Dwarf Biack ee 15 74 2 Oe ordi) 7.50. Long Island Second Early............ ailiey .40~ 1.50 
White Wax........5. Ee ete rs 80. 2.U0 7,50 | Newark Early Flat Dutch............ 15 .40 1.50, 
\Imp. Early Red Valentine.. Oy 20 : 1,50 5.50 | Early Winningstadt............--2...-.. 15 40 = 1.50 
Early Yellow Six Weeks..... iO; } 220 1.95 4.00 | IAT yA MORO mg ctuy 042-3 sh soeabes ty > palit 40° «1.50. 
Burpee’s Bush iy barre egy eee bs ie? Se Lae (lr ania Be | Improved Vandergaw.............--.+. 15 (40 250 
Henderson’s Bush Lima... .15 © .250 1.750... MieTenae Bar liy.c.ssev<.bs0scesrta iiesearip 15 401.50 
Pure White Navy ges.) 10> Weil) tic.) © 2,75.) Burpee’s: Surehdad:....-0..5-.......-.. ak AO leo O 
#) oh DE eh sea | Nonesuch..........604.- LL Saateeeene te Ash, AGA 1,50 

Atri feeiitnl a aa t “s<° Succession:--.:.-...,.-:-+> tigth tieeeue ee peal 40 1.50 

Early ‘Golden Cluster Wax. lea aaa : ee SS a EG - be ah 

\ A desirable Nor 7 days later than the Dwarf Golden | mcleaiole tas oa et upeata ve neice ee  ! aa ae 
- Wax. The pods are tender, 6 to 8 inches long, borne profusely | Large Late Flat Dutch............/... 15; 40 1.50 

in clusters of 8to 6, and are of a-beautiful golden-yellow color, oe . = 

which they retain a long time after being picked) They snap Red Dutch, for pickling............... fs fe 

easily, are stringless and delicious. 
Pt; Ott fypsppien, haw. 

Early Golden Cluster Wax. 3 20. $ .30 $2. 10 $7.50] CARROTS. 

TAB SUUTIGBT 8. ..2.<sdeh ace, Mgr age ene Gos etme Michi: 

Dutch Case ota ie ttrhettenss gD 25.65 © G.25'| Early Scarlet Horn. Daciano) Rais Ones 

Crease back .g foiyere: 2h, 62hesp er TD. Re 1.65 6.25 | Long Orange Improved. ese | 

Oval Seed Field Gorn Bean, Mi ees 95 1:65. 6.50 S9- Above varieties, 10 cts. oz; 20 cts. Y% 1b.; 50 cts. Ib. 

Jersey Lima............ Pores To, 2 4 1,65 6/50 ; 

King of the Garden Lima... 15.25 1.65 6.50 _ CARROTS FOR STOCK. 
sete nese ; Oz. lb. Ib. 4 
is BEETS. | Mastodon, White.......2cs.0..sccse0ees, $..10 $-:15 $ .40 
_, Rothe Reuben. , 

Eclipse—Extra Early. \ Crosby’s Egyptian. Victoria, Yellow LCase uae eadoct 10 ae 40 

D, Early Blood Turnip. — Loug Smooth Dark Red. | 
#F- All above, 10 cts, 0z.; 15 cts. Y Ib.; 35 cts. Ib. CAULIFLOWER. ? 

SUGAR BEETS. German, Blumen Kohl. 

ae Y% oz. Oz. > 
Lane’s Imperial Sugar. Vilmorin’s White Sugar. yeadtebeant s Early Snowball...... mayaiadeee $1.50 $2.00 ; 
Klein Wanzleben. Posetraldesay oe POR ts9so4d-8 cx <i <0- -ad'ss sSi end gomtes 1.00 1.50 
Se All kinds, 10 cts. %: Tb.; 20 cts. Ib. : 
MANGEL-WURZEL. vegan ea 
German, Runkel Reuben. ’ German, Sellerie s 
‘Mammoth Loug Red. Golden Tankard. | Oz. % lb. Ib. 
8F-All Kinds, 10 cts. % 1b.; 20 cts. 1b. s Winter Piitwle sete: (ne-8 ae fets2 40s ce $.15 $ .40 $1.50 
: Paris Golden, Self-Blanching Cah ah .25 “75 ~~ 2.00 
BROCCOLI. . Boston, Markets.ccscsscssssspescsese seen 15° 35° 1.00 
German,’ Spargel Kohl. We ie a Ge ‘ 5 HS 
Early Purple Cape.’ Early White GTN Gen VVC: SOI Cie ee ora vacances vee eevee we 0D .90 

~ 4@-Both varieties, 25 cts. ounce. Celeriac, or Turnip Rooted........... 15 .35 = 1.00 


German, Kaffe Wurzel. ; 
Oz. Y% Ib. 
IG aire eH MEAOLOTO led BAG are MALE Balan 2S-hodcricnts sE0: $ 10 $ 20 
German, Suesskorn. 
dias All Kastern grown. 
EE et: Pic ieamsu 
Extra Early White Cory— 
the Harliest.:......-...: $ .10 $ .20 ‘$1.25. $3.75 
PernySibby brid. cs.s--ct--=5e 4 10 Bed i ASS 355705) 
Stowell’s Evergreen.......... 10 15 ee Tow a2 50 
Early Minnesota............... 10 20° 1.25) 3075 
Country Gentleman........... 10 AAU nie epay sh 33.1755 
fSeVO Ys vd Pl SeanaaseaHADcanonceDaaetiseas 10 20 1S one 
German, Kerbel. 
. OZ, Y% Vb, 
Fetticus, or Large Seeded......-...:-.eceecee S205) ofeels 
German, Garten Grasse. 
Oz. y |b. 
FinerDoubletCorlediat-ctechssdeoctieeeree scare Spit alee .20 
Fine Single Curled......0i.. ee ce cence ee scone 10 .20 

German, Gurke. 
Boston Pickle. 
Gherkin, or Bur— 

' for Pickling only. 

Early Cluster. 
Early Frame. 
Improved Early White Spine 
Long Green Turkey. 
#@=All above 10 cts, 0z.; 25 cts. Y% 1b.; 85 cts. Ib. 


German, Eierfrucht. 
New York Improved. New jersey Improved 
Landreth’s Thornless. Purple Perfection. — 
#@-All above, 15 cts. oz.; 40 cts. % lb. 


German, Endivie. 

French Green Curled...5 .10 _ 

White, Curled...5 .10 


German, Bletter Kohl. 
Green Curled Scotch. Dwarf Curled Ger. Greens. 
8ay-Both varieties, 10 cts. oz.; 25 cts. Y% Ib.; 75 cts. Ib. 

German, Kohlrabe. > 
Oz. Y% Vb. 
Barly White) Vienna. ----2.02--.. 0... eenenr-n- SP. Loi gieeD 
Long Green Viena. -..1..-...00.seeee tees eneeeee 15 -30 

German, Salat. 

Speckled D’h Butterhead. 
Denver Market. 

Grand Rapids Forcing. 
Barly Curled Simpson. 
Black Seeded Simpson. Oak Leaf. 

Boston Market. Tomhannock, Bronzed. 
Hay 411 above, 10 cts, oz.; 20 cts. Y% 1b.; 60 cts, Ib. 

German, Lauch. . 

: Oz. 
London Flag........ Sesleri seas ealee nga See Be doa et scope $ .10 

German, Zucker Melone. 

ROE Seo Tot elt 
ROCK ya HOrdtesusecetoip sera alee So LOtedue 2OrarhesoD 
Netted Gem (Golden).................. 10 20 65 
Extra Early Hackensack.....,........ 10 .25 19 
Osage, or Miller’s Cream..........-... lO Senos .85 
Paul Rose, or Petoskey...... honctee, 10 .25 Rif) 
Jeuny Lind, extra’ early...-.....0.... 10 25 15 
Champion Market.........0..-........-4. 10.20 45 
Bananavcusccan reser Bee Bescirere a “10 125 ‘75 

German, Senf. 
: Ib. 
White sisond on te.ccese tees aeeeed apa Boagocbepna arte ys htt) 
German, Wasser Melone. 
; Oz. 4b. Ib. 
Kolb’s Gem—Northern Grown......6 .10 $ .15 4 .25 
Peerless—Hatliys.-sacs-s5ae- ee ecanene er LO! S05 235 
Danley Greemllotnmiamersstaeer ewer seen wari e earl 5 225 
Dixie sis BURG c cebu bese ete eee palo ements bye 
Wileameiterboes ean. oe. Seana ACh eee 10 20 45 
Georgia Rattlesnake. ..........::.10018 SLO MLS ees 
Sweet Heart, Landreth’s............6. 10 nls 45 
Blacks Damon deems seelase neseecen 10 15 .20 
Girordeau’s Triumph......-.-..-..s.e0 10 miley Sh 
| Landreth’s Long Light Icing........ .10 25 65 
Montel Cristoy eeare acm -acceecinannetene 10 .20 .65 
Phiney!s, Barly s.-...228-..s--6: oes Sage) 15 .35 
Seminoles esaeeecees BA Ac iota Meee ‘10) ges 0 
Kleckley’s Sweets......-.0ccsecssteenens 10 “120 .65 
Sweet eleartensscsentceenceas e's ene 10 Bilis} 735 
German, Okra. : 
\ Ib. 
Improved Dwar, Greeiilaseer-wveres+-< scsi. terenesemenae }dpee 
Yellow, Red, White—at lowest market price. : 
German, Zwiebel. in, 
#Q>All Eastern grown. Oz. Y% lb. 1b. - 4 
BxtrasbarlypRed... oc. semaine estas as $ .15 $ .35 $1.00. - 
Southport Red Globe...........:.eeeeee 20 40) 1.25) 
Yellow Danvers, flat.........-....;.600 15 85° 11500" ae 
Vellow Globe Damvers.....--......008 15 .35 1.00 x 
Wellow, Stravsbur gic... -cveseser sae hs) 351.00 La 
Large Red Weathersfield.............. 15 135i yn. 00) Sm 
Spanish King—or Prize Taker...... 15!) 1580.25 See 
Gilvereleum wien. .stctteaetvadepae sBiatt .20 . :.5O* Si bOsaenae 
White Barletta—for Pickling........ 20 50 ‘arty 


German, Bastimakd Wurzell. 

<f Pe eee or Hollow Crown, 10 cts. 07. ; 15 cts, ye 


German, Petersillie. 

Fine Double Curledi.......cscceeese- D akO Saeko, bp .50 
Plain or‘Single,.........-.-.. Seenevesenees 10 15 50 

Pk. Bu. 
Island Prolific..........+ seeeu8 10 $ .20 $1.25 $4.50 
Philadelphia Extra Early... .10  .20 1.00 3.50 
PAR AEN 3.05) ts 004: -2055 33, 10 X20. 100°" 3.50 
First and Best... eG 20 90700) 03.50 
Meth i AAGICa. agcass=yas-b~ Os 0; 100 S550 
aS American Wonder. Paes Seats Biol s eaae lato Osh) 
- Premium Gem.......... aie <e8) pape OO ne TSG a 50 
Canada Field... 10. . 955.4, -60" 2125 
jane Sugar. Wade dtce teyiy ds asda TS ORD rr aceetel\ Viidag 
foe Pt. Qt. Bio ay: 
7. svetate, of bie Maciek f... $ .10 $ .20 $1.25 $4.50 
“ye Abundance. ted, Fo eatey fen AOS 20M ake 4:50 
ea) ‘Lar, ze Telephone, -......e..004+- 10, | 26. 1.50 «5.50 
ie | White Marrawlater..4-:<-..52./ 010), 215.) 275 «2,50 
is | 
pee re PEPPER. 
2 German, Pfeffer. ie 
t , Oz. Y% Ib, 
Large Sweet SAIS nodes csnersApek Seclnavenerne ry kes Bed 
Ie SL? af el RE fet oi heeee e atD 
tusthotes: 1540) 

German, Erbsen. ; 
Pt. (oO) es 

315. 440 


German, Speisse Kuerbis, lc 
Oz. Yb, Ih. 

SAMS LAr: nos lith, nana -asvteben hase One RE IeD? By 20 
Marge? Fieldinanwees-so<, ; Moo. <0" 
Mainmoth Sugar reise (32: 
German, Rhabarber. 
- ¢” Oz. 
Linnaeus Barly Tender... ...ccccccsccssesssesssseseeessseeee®” 10 

German, Hafer Wurzel. 
Oz. yb. | Ib. 

) $25 3.90 

Mammoth Sandwich Island........... 10 .25 .90- 


German, Spinat. 
Oz. Y Ib. Ib. 

Round eatis jtcoateteeancs Wartobess $ .05 $..10 $ .20 
SHO aves fi Sveogteve de aimmereeedaihinckenert623 05 10 20 

Husk Tomato or Ground Cherry... .20 



German, Radies und Rettig, 
, Oz. Y% Ib. Ib. 

WT Dee LONGI cs aetna taste tose: sexs ute stestaae ad $ 10° $ .15 $00 
Early Long Scarlet Short Top........ 10 15 30 
Chartier Wihité tics ssdeesepses 10 15 35 
Early Deep Red—Turnip Rooted— 

GROUND Onin. 9. cox ct ttesspes lav bences 10 15 AO 
Early Deep Red— Turnip Rooted— .10 15 eSD 
Early Island Bright Scarlet—long, .10 15 85 
Half-Long Deep Scarlet................. 10 15 .B5 
PrenchiBreak fast 1)... <i vecscecey-cesacess 10 15 .B5 
Pauy WMiILe Na Rn tp i... 052-1 veeh evens 10 all3} 30 
Long White Lady Finger.............. 10 15 “30 
PAV ites Straus busy. ovsisctec racer’ i 0210 LD oe 
Giant White Stuttgart.............0..... 10 v15 85 
Golden’ Globe sie. setesesuereteactenoass se 10 15 B80 
Chinese Rose—for Winter.............. 10 15 40 
Long Black Spauish—Winter....... 10 15 35 

| White Russian—Winter..............066. 10 15 40 
German, Speisse Kuerbis. 
el lOzs ¥%1b. Ib. 
Barly White eset LO) -§ 15 $:.50 
Early Summer Crookneck... «......... 10 25 75 
PELecitGoml Wis aaaritets coraertneceoN eee 10 15 50 
Hubbard—Pure Seed..,........0..:..... 10 25 i 
Matti OGMNOHU ccc d-2-dats,svceseeosev sens 15 35 1.00 

German, Liebescapfel. 

Livingston's Perfection,.........0000 $ 15 $ .50 $1.75 
Sparks anlianas sis..tevsesseressdecos cess 40 1.50 4.50 
Beatty—Purple....5...2..icasecesovessgeroes 15 ILD) de lotr 5) 
BGralderl TLRODHy 63.4 iusteresas sseneciciece 5 50 1.50 
Yellow and’ Red Pear....../.....012.1-.. 15 PEN) eb be 

eereee | wee bee 


German, Weisse Ruebe. 

Oz! 7 1b. ~~ 1b. 
White Milan—Earliest of all.........5 10 $ .20 $ .65 
, Early White Flat Dutch..:......:..... 05 15 35 
vary Pity ple “LO waves canteycmn cebe «devs OBI ite Lope 
INVITE CES On ccatag pede see Ra hitageealera say .05 15 Bd 
Large Late Flat Purple Top......... 05 150) <5 
“Yellow Aberdeen.........-..:::c:000 05 15135 
Pomeranian White Globe............. 05 15 85 


7 Oz. % lb. “Ib, 

Improved Purple Top.-........:........ $ .10 $ .15 $ .35 

Oz. Oz. 
Sweet Marjoram...$ .10 Carraway it. dene $..10 
Summer Savory... .10 Sage Seed........:...¥.-. 15 
Basil—Sweet ........ 15 Caster Beans............ 15 



THOMPSONS’ ap ae a oe 

~ Ban 

ies 5,000: PACKETS | a 

_ 8@>4,5 and 10 ets, per packet, 2 “« “ 

Look to our eean our Corn this Year. 

Spring Bulbs pat in stock, 

=p Seale 
We have good stocks—ALL TESTED. ; Bauer? 
It will pay you to CHANGE your Séed Corn. Be 
‘8-All Bield Corn on the Cob. 
Early Yellow Rese. if fs 
Iowa Gold Mine. — ar a 
Copley’s. nis ; 
Improved World’s ae 
Legal Tender. 
Iowa Silver Mine—White. ; : Cre Pe 
' Pride of the North. 66 Nore Ea) 
Reed’s Yellow Dent. A liood Garden Feeds Bugs 
Medium Red. Mammoth. Alfalfa. SLUG SHOT Kills Bugs, ; 2) 
Alsyke. . White Dutch. Mi | Either Dusted or Sprayed. es. ee, 
‘Timothy. Blue Grass. Red Top. e) SLUG SHOT Kills Cabbage Wioieanet 
Tawn Grass. German Millet. Hungarian. 
; : : sae Aes “bug” isa seve atom, and needs but a little Se ‘ 
Medium Clover and Timothy Seed are strictly | 
h f E the right stuff to destroy it. The right stuff is Slug ; 
ome-grown, re-cleaned seed. : 
Shot. A heavy dose is like sending an elephant to * 
RAPE SEED. will a house eS, Se) wo f= ¥ 
Dwarf ESreear nes imported stock. SLUG SHOT Kills the Potato Bugs. — 
SEED IRISH POTATOES. It is a cheap powder, destructive to insects that 
Early Ohio—Northern. Early Ohio—Home. | PSY POP Hear iee: It destroys vermin, and leaves 
Early Rose. : Burbank. Searels ee 
MISCELLANEOUS. Kills Black Fleas on Turnips and Radishes. 
Kills Canker Worms, Cut Worms around Cucumbers, : 
Buckwheat—Japanese. Flax Seed. Melons and Beans. 
Spring Rye. Spring pymeat. E ae 
Barley. Ground Flax Seed. Suniowen Kills Green Flies on Roses aud other Flow ers; slugs AS Lae 
on Quinces aud Pears. ; 
ges- We are in the market to buy Clover, Timothy, 
Millet, Hungarian, Buckwheat, &e, 
——— Museatines lows. Ex 
Crushed Oyster Shells. _ Crushed Raw Bone. : 
Meat Meal. / Ideal Poultry Food. \ ie 
Dry Blood. Beef Scraps. . 
BIRD SEED. x eee - - 
Rape, Hemp and Canary. } (CONAWAY-PORTER PTG, CO. MUSCATINE 

it<e=Don’t you think it will pay YOU to buy your Seeds where you can see 
them put in packets before your eyes? We have no old carried-over Seeds. fiewy 4 


~ ie 

foist on the -public as fresh stock. ree . p ' 2: ms