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Wat Co a 

New Everblooming Rose 
Plants 15e¢ each ; 2 for 25e postpaid 
(See Page 54) 

TopeKa, Kansas. 

Office 625 Quircy S&t. 

Topeka, Han., January 1907. 

Lo Our Patrons and Fricnds ; 

In presenting our 1907 Catalogue, 
we wish to express our thanks for the valued patronage of the 
past, and also our appreciation of the nany kind fetrersane 
haves Leceuvied:. 

Our square way of doing business; our DOLLAR'S WORTH 
FOR A DOLLAR plan, and the fact we have ONLY THE BEST SEED, 
thoroughly tested, is winning for us the approval and trade 
of the honest, substantial gardeners,= farmers and” plantcromes 
this country. You will find no over-drawn descriptions in 
this book=--no loud and fancy-colored pictures of impossible 
vegetables, flowers, etc--no ‘‘windy'' stories. Just PLAIN, 
you like this way of doing business? If so, send US your 
order this year. You will like our methods and you will be 
pleased with our seed. 

We again desire to thank those who have patronized us 
in the past and trust to be favored with their order agaun 
this season, and that many new friends may be added to our 
steady growing list. We promise careful and prompt attention 
to your Orders. Very truly yours, 

Je Se ZIMMERMAN, Managere 


HOW TO ORDER bBesure to sian your NAME, Post-oFrrice, County and Stare and, if possible, use 
one of our order sheets and envelopes. Cash must accompany all orders, and money should he sent by 
Post-office «rder, Bank draft, Express order or Registered letter; small amcunts will be accepted it postape 
stamps, providing you vannot send anything else. Do not send money loose in a letter without registering, 
it is not safe and, if lost, we are not responsible for it. Silver coin should be sewed or pasted in cloth or 
pasteboard to prevent its breaking through the envelope. 

FREE BY MAIL We pay the postage on all orders sent by mail, at the prices named in the catalog. 
this brings them to the door of our customers, without trouble or expense. 

EXPRESS AND FREIGHT On articles ordered sent by Express or Freight, the transportation 
charges must be paid by the customer, on receipt of the goods; when ordering always say whether goods 
shall be sent by Express or Freight and give plain shipping directions. Seeds are carried by express com- 
panies at 20% less than merchandise. When seeds catalogued at postpaid prices are sent with an express 
or erent sen, we deduct the postage, whien will reduce the cost of ; packets le; oz1c; % lb 4c; lb 8c; 
pts 8c; qts loc. 

OUR GUARANTEE We guarantee that all seeds and other goods sent out by us shall reach the 
purchaser safe and in good condition; be fresh and of good quality and to grow, if properly planted and, if 
such should not prove the case, will refill the order free of charge, providing sufficient proof is given within 
a reasonable time. We cannot guarantee crops and will not be held responsible for them or for any liabil- 
ity other than above stated. 

CULTURAL BOOK. This book, giving plain directions for the proper cultivation of garden, field 
and flower seeds, is sent FRED with an order amounting to one dollar or more, providing you ask for it. 
This book shoutd be in every home. 

“™ Read what our customers say in the letters below. 

- as a bait. 

Roosevelt, Okla., Feb. 5, 1906. 

Fe ey re 

Zimmerman Seed Co. : 
We planted your seed last year and were well pleased 
with them. . Yours truly, Mrs. Clark Williams. 




= Woodlawn, Ala., Feb. 15, 1906. 
_ Zimmerman Seed Co. : 

__I liked your seed so well last year, you will get my 
full order this year. The Combination Corn was simply 
= fine. Very respectfully, Mrs. J. C. McPherson. 


ss Bonneauville, Pa., March 19, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. : 
- Your seeds are the finest I ever planted. I never saw 
such nice lettuce as I got last spring and the peas could 

not be excelled. L. Groff. 


Yours truly, 

ea Miami, Texas, Jan., 1906. 

Zimmerman Seed Co. ; : 

_ If I have made the wrong selections in this order, 

x please substitute, as I can trust you to do what is right, 

and I know your judgment is good. 
Yours very truly, 


W. M. Durham. 

Owl, Ind. Ter., April 16, 1906. 

Tee aay 

Zimmerman Seed Co. 
I have bought your seeds for the past four years 
find them O. K. ING= ads 


Yours truly, Cox. 

Mullhall, Okla., Nov. 2, 1905. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. 

Please send me your catalogue. 




I tried. your seeds last | 

Herman Schulze. 

Roosevelt, Okla., June 7, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. 

The seeds I got of you in the spring grew well. 

Respectfully, Mrs. J. Thompson. 

Zimmerman Seed Co. : 
All the seeds I purchased from you this. last spring 
did well, and I am more than pleased with them. With 
best wishes for your success, I am, 

ke > Yours respectfully, W. H. Remy. 



Concordia, Kan., June 26, 1906. 


Rankin, Okla., July 21, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. 
I got two bushels alfalfa seed from you in the spring 
and it did fine. I want to sow more in September. 
& . Yours truly, J. C. Crawford. 

: Elizabeth, Ky., March 30, 1906. | 
immerman Seed Co. 

Having had wonderful success with your seed last year, 
I herewith-send an order for this season. 
; Yours truly, William Jones. 

P Mayfield, Kan., Jan. 7, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. 

_ I was well pleased with the seeds I bought of you last 
year. Yours truly, Chas. W. Banks. 

3 Winfield, Texas, Jan. 24, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. 

' TI used your seed last year with the best of results. 
Yours very truly, Mrs. H. S. Floyd. 

4 Bendena, Kan., Oct. 9, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. 
Please send the name of a commission man who handles 
The seed I received from you did fine. 

blige, Mrs. Chas. Molt. 


We don’t print a lot of so-called ‘‘novelties” on pink or 

_ yellow paper and sell them at high prices. We don’t sell 50 certs worth of seed for $1.00 and give a 25 cent presen 
But we DO sell one dollars worth of seed for one dollar, and it’s all the very best—the kind it pays to 

Norfield, Miss., Nov. 23, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. 

I have found your seed is the best I ever tried; have 
been using no other for two or three years. Send new 
1907 Catalogue. Yours customer, Minnie Smith. 

Kinzers, Pa., March 8, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. 

Received my seeds and am very much pleased with 
them. I thank you for your kindness. 
Very truly yours, 

Henry K. Dosch. 

E Wheatly, Ark., March 2, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. 

I have nice flowers and a nice garden every year from 
your seeds. [I like them and will continue to use them 
in the future. Wishing you success, Respectfully, 

Mrs. Lethy Lawson. 

Midland, Ark., Feb. 27, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. 

Just received the seed from you and am well pleased. 
The fullest packets I ever saw. Yours respectfully, 
J. Cowdrey. 

Copan, Ind. Ter., March 20, 1906 
Zimmerman Seed Co. 

I received my seed all right and am well pleased. 
Mrs. A. Hooker 

Caddo Mills, Texas, Feb. 13, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. 

I am glad to hand you my order again. I have been 
using your seeds ever since you were first established, 
and you have the best I ever tried. I have induced some 
of my neighbors to order from you this year and I know 
they will order from you in the future. Yours, 

J. A. Ross. 

Berwyn, Ind. Ter., Feb. 27, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. 

My order placed several days ago, came in alright, and 
I am well pleased. Henceforth you may put me down as 
a regular customer. Very truly, 

: (Rev.) W. R. Brock. 

Flagler Station, Colo., Feb. 5, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. 

The seeds I bought of you last year gave such good 
Satisfaction I will be pleased to order from you and speak 
a good -word for your house whenever opoprtunity offers. 

Respectfully, Henry HE. May. 

; Osawatomie, Kan., April 12, 1906. 

Zimmerman Seed Co. 

I had some lettuce seed from you last year and it was 

fine; the best I ever saw. Will order from you this year. 
Yours. A. D. Dickerson. 

Clear Spring, Md., March 20, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. eee) 

I had a few packets from you last year and they were 
fine, especially the radishes and beets. Enclosed find my 
order. Yours respectfully, Mrs. Joseph Hastings. 

Cumby, Texas, Jan. 19, 1906. 
Zimmerman Seed Co. Z 

Don’t fail to send me your new catalogue as I planted 
your seed last year and had the best garden I ever had 
and want to again this year. Very respectfully, 

Mrs. W. M. Pickens. 


__..., ZIMMERMAN’S. 
Complete Garden Collections. 

We have prepared the following collections very carefully and believe they cover the requirements of 

the average private garden. They are from our regulcr High Grade stock, FRESH AND PURE, and you will © 
find them great money savers, for we have fixed the price very low. READ THEM CAREFULLY. 


We send you S9 full size packets, postage paid for only $l.oo. 

p Ps ~ a Ss) ae le . 7 - es 3 A, way L 
w ec pt NL Lay, <2 PSE VE 




Asparagus—Palmetto. Beans—Rust Proof Was. Red Valentine. BushLima. Beet—Fgyptian. Lentz. Cabbage-- 
Extra Early. Late Variety. Carrot—Danver’s Half Long, Celery~—White Plume. Sweet Corn—Early Mammoth- 
Cucumber—Zimmerman’s Earliest. Lettuce---Zimmerman’s Earliest. Improved Hanson. Musk Melon—Montreal 
Market. Watermelonu—Black Diamond. Kentucky Wonder. Onion--Auectraiian Brown. Yellow Globe Danvers. Peas 
--Nott’s Excelsior. Bliss’ Everbearing. Parsnip—Hollow Crown Sugar. Pepper--Ruby King. Cayenne. Pumpkin— 

Thanksgiving Ple. Radish—New Lightning. Long Scarlet Short Top. Spinach—New Long Standing. Salsify—Mam- 
moth Sandwich Island. Squash—Hubbard. Tomato—Paragon, Gold Dust. Turnip—Early White Milan. Yellow 
Purple Top. In addition. you may Select 25e worth, in packets, FREE. All postpaid for $1.00. 

$1.00 Box. HOME GARDEN. $1.00 Box. 

Regular value 82.20. For only $1.00 wesend this collection postpaid to any address. 
Beans---¥% pint Early Red Valentlne. % pint Rust Proof Wax. Pkt Bush Lima. Beet---Pkt Blood Turnip. Cabbage--- 

Pkt Extra Early. Pkt Late. Carrot---Pkt Ox-Heart. Sweet Corn---¥4 pint Evergreen. Cucumber---Pkt Long Green, 
Egg Plant---Pkt Large Purple. Lettuce---Pkt Zimmerman’s Earliest. Pkt Improved Hanson. Musk Melon---Pkt Early 
Hackensack. Watermelon---Pkt Peerless. Onion---Pkt Brown Australian. Parsnip---Pkt Hollow Crown Sugar. 

Peas---l4 pint Everbearing. Pkt Two Weeks Early. Radish--Pkt French Breakfast. Pkt White Lady Finger. Squash---Pkt 
Summer Variety. Tomato---Pkt Gold Dusit (Red.) Turnip-——Pkt White Flat Dutch. 

In addition, you may select 25c worth in packets FREE, making the value of this collection $2.20, 
which we are offering, postpaid, for ONLY $1.00. 

$2.00 Box. THE FAMILY GARDEN. $2.00 Box. 

This Collection continues to be very popular and will supply an average family with choice vegetables 
the entire season, Issent by express, uot prepaid, for ONLY $2.00. Our seeds have a rate of 20 per cent 
less than merchandise, making the cost light. 

Beans---Pint Rust Proof Wax. Pint Red Valentine. % pint Bush Lima. Beet---Oz Blood Turnip. Cabbage---Pkt 
Early. Pkt Late. Carrot---Pkt Half Long Danvers. Sweet Corn---¥4 pint Early Mammoth. Pint Stowell’s Evergreen. 
Cucumber--Pkt Zimmerman’s Earliest. Pkt Long Green. Egg Plant---Pkt Large Purple. Leek--Pkt. Lettuce---Zim- 
merman’s Earliest. Pkt Improved Hanson, Musk Melon---Early Large. Pkt Montreal Market. Watermelon---Oz Black 
Diamond. OzKolbsGem. Onion---Pkt Yellow Danvers. Pkt Brown Australian. Parsley---Pkt. | Parsnip---Pkt Hollow 
Crown Sugar. Peas---Pint Nott’s Excelsior. Pint Everbearing. 14 pint Mammoth. Pepper-—-Pkt Ruby King, Pkt 
Cayenne. Pumpkin—PktSugar. Radish---Oz New Lightning, Pkt WhiteIcicle. Pkt Long Scarlet ShortTop. Salsify— 
Pkt. Spinach---Pkt. Squash---Pkt Summer. Pkt Hubbard. Tomato—-Pkt Paragon. Pkt Western Giant. Turnip 
—Pkt White Milan, 

In addition, you may select 50¢€ worth in packets FREE, making this a grand collection. 



Tested Garden Seed 

oe FOR 1907. 

N the following list will be found the leading Sranparp and ReELiABLy varieties. We have some New 
I varieties, which we offer at reasonable prices. We dont deal in Fancy Pages filled with so-called 
‘‘Novelties.”” All OUR seed is tested. ‘‘None better ata higher price; none as good at a lower price”’ 

HOKE GREEN GLOBE—The favorite from seed. Seales pale green shading to violet at the base; 
ARTI C e thick and fleshy. Esteemed for its large flower buds, Pkt 5c.; oz 35c.; 44 1b $1.00, postpaid. 

JERUSALEM—Raised from tubers like potatoes. Fine for stock and will resist the coldest weather, Plantin early spring. 
One of the best hog feeds raised. Perlb lic., postpaid. By express or freight, pk 40c.; 1% bu 65c.; bu $1.25. 


PALMETTO—The earliest, finest and best variety.. Strong and vigorous in growth: very rich and 
tender when cooked. Pkt 5c.: oz 8c.; 14 1b 20e.; % Ib 80e.: 1b 50c, postpaid. 
_CGNOVER’S COLLOSSAL—An extra large, quick growing variety ; stalks frequently measure over 
one inch in diameter. Pkt 5c.: oz 8e.; 44 1b 15e., % 1b 25e.; 1b 40¢, postpaid: 


Strong roots of the sbove varieties: 25¢ per dozen. $1.25 per 100 by mail postpaid . By-express lfyr 
old roots, 250 for $1.40; 500 for $2.50; 1,000 for $4.75. — 2-yr-old roots, 250 for $1.60; 500 for $3.00; 1,000 $5.00. 
wanes Ve do not advise shipping Asparagus Roots by freight, as they are then liable to be delayed. 

¢ £E&- Our Cultural Booklet tells just how to raise Fine Asparagus. Its FREE with a $1.00 Ve- 
¥ getable Seed Order. e z d : Z 

BELANS-Dwarf Green Pod 
STRINGLESS GREEN POD—Combines rare qualities possessed by no other. It 
is entirely stringless, unusually hardy, very early and productive. Pods are ready for 
market some two weeks earlier than other beans. Pods area rich green, round, meaty 
Straight, tender and of fine flavor It is the only absolutely stringless green pod grown 
and is of the highest value. not only to the market gardener, but the home garden as 

well. Pkt5dc., 4% pt l5ec., pt 25c., qt 40e., postpaid. By express or freight, qt 25e., 4 qt, 
80e.. peck $1.50. 

TINE--Resembles the old Valentine 
but pods age largea. They are very 
early. of fine quality and generally 
Stringless. Pkt 5c., % pt 15c., pt 25e, 
qt 40c., postpaid. By express or fr’t, 
qt 25c¢., 4 qts 80c., peck $1.50. 

TINE—A great favorite. Is tender, 
extra early and very productive. We 
have an extra choice stock of this 
fine bean at alow price. Pkt5c.,% 
pt 10¢., pt 20c , qt 30c. postpaid. By 
express or freight, qt 15e., 4 qts 55c¢. 


ROUND YELLOW SIX WEEKS—The earliest of beans and is superior 
to the old Long Yeliow Six Weeks, being round, more meaty and of excellent 
flavor, Pktic.. % pt 12c., pt 20c., qt 35¢., postpaid. By express or freight, q, 
20e., 4 qts 70c., pk $1.30. 

WHITE KIDNEY—The old favorite ‘ succotash” bean. With new sweet 
corn, this bean makesa delicious dish. Pkt 5c.; % pt 12c. pt 20c. qt 85c. post- 

WHITE MARROWFAT—A very large oval bean. Shells green or dry. 
Pkt oe. pt 20c, qt 35c., postpaid. By express or fr’t, qt 20c. 4 qts 70c. pk $1.30. 

AO Remember we pay the postage on pints and quarts. You : 
will fine our prices low, considering the High Quality of our seed ———— ————— 

BEANS Continued on Next Page. EARLY RED VALENTINE. 


BEANS.cDwarf Wax Podded. ,* Cree = 

shortthis season. We havea nice stock, however, all fresh and bright and expect to be able to fill all or- 
ders, but we hope you will order early. 

 Currie’s Rust Proof 
& - Golden Wax. 

A decided improvement over the old Golden Wax. 
It produces an enormous quantity of beautiful, long, 
bright pods; clear, transparent color and of delicious 
flavor. Ouriests have shown it to be entirely rust 
proof. Itis especially valuable on account of its 
heavy bearing qualities. The stock we offer will be 
found to be the highest possible quality. This is one 
of the earliest, finest and most prolific of Wax Beans; 
is of high, rich fiavor and fine for market and home 
garden. Pkt5c,:% pt 12c¢.; pt 20c. : qt 35¢., postpaid. 
By express or freight, qt 20c.; 4 qts 75c.: peck $1.40. 

IMPROVED GOLDEN WAX---Not the equal of 
Currie’s Rust Proof, but still a favorite with many. 
Same price 1s the Rust Proof. 

Please remember we pay the postage 
on pints and quarts. 


Zimmerman’s German Wax. 
We have here a very select strain of German Wax Bean 
and have received many letters from Gardeners over the 
country complimenting the superior quality of our Strain 
of German Wax Beans, They all pronounceit THE EAR- 
LIEST WAX BEAN IN CULTIVATION and one of the very best. 
. The pods are a beautiful golden waxy color; of good size 
es ‘\: round, slightly curved, meaty tender, and of the highest 
ene Pi sss quality and stringless. It is very productive and cannot 
be exoelled as @ home or market bean. Pkt 5c.; % pt 12c.; 
pt 20c.; qt 35¢e., postpaid. By express or freight, qt 20c.; - 
4 qts 75e.: peck $1.40. 

DWARF BLACK WAX---An old favorile and poOpu- | 
lar in many sections. Same price as German Wax. 

If your order will amount to Five Dollars, 
see our Wholesale Price-List to Market Gar- 
deners on Pages 61 ane 62, 


Wardwell’s Hidney Wax. 

This is one of the best known wax beans and is a favorite ‘ 

every where, especially with Market Gardeners. Is one of the 

earliest, hardiest and most productive of beans. The pods are 

long. showy, very tender, stringless and of most excellent 

quality. Pkt 5c.; % pt 15c.; pt 25¢e.; qt 4Ave., postpaid. By ex- 
press or freight, tt 25c.; 4 ats 95e.; peck $1.80. 

DAVIS WHITE WAX---Very productive; bearing large, 
straight, handsome pods in great abundance, The podsare5 
to 6inches long and almost without flesh. Itis a good shipper, 
fine for canning, as it does not discolor and the dry beans are 
large, pure white and fine for winter use as shell beans. Pkt 
5c., 1% pint 15c., pint 25c., qt 40c., postpaid. By express or 
freight. qt 25c.,4qts 90c., peck $1.80. WARDWELL’S KIDNEY WAX. 




ee ees 


Bush Limas — 

We offer the two greatest varieties of Bush Limas. Our 
seed is all bright, new and fresh crop of 1906. It’s all 

“top notch’’ quality—none better than ours, and the price 
is right. f 

BURPEE’S BUSH LIMA—The leading lima bean; grows 
to a height of 18 to 20 inches, forming a circular bush 
over two feet in diameter. Requires no poles or stakes 
and is a tremendous yielder. The pods are of large size 
and each pod produces 3 to 4 mammoth beans of fine 
flavor and tenderness. The largest bush lima bean grown. 
Pkt. 5c, % pt. lic, pt. 25c, qt. 40c, postpaid. By express 
or freight, qt. 25c, 4 qts. 80c, pk. $1.50. 

HENDERSON’S BUSH LIMA —This is the earliest lima 
bean; not so large as the Burpee, but is earlier. They 
are very productive and grow in compact form, without 
poles or stakes, and produce large crops of delicious 
beans which can he easily gathered. What they lack 
in size they make up in earliness, hardiness, and continu- 
ous productiveness. They are 10 days ahead of any other : 
lima bean. Pkt. 5c, % pt. 15c, pt. 25c, qt. 40c, postpaid. » & 
By express or freight, qt. 25c, 4 qts. 90c, pk. $1.50. e 

Beans, Pole or Running 

Pkt., 5c; % pint, 12c; pint, 20c; quait, 35c postpaid. 
By express or freight, quart, 20c; 4 quarts, 75c; peck, $1.40. 

KENTUCKY WONDEK —I consider this one of the best aid most profitable beans 
grown. The pods usually measure over 7 inches in length and are so filled with large 
meaty beans that they are greater in width than breadth. They are of the finest quality 
entirely stringless and will bear heavily the entire season. There is no better bean on the 
market than the Kentucky Wonder and my stock is selected with great care. Be sure to 
try this grand bean. 

LAZY WIFE—Pods six inches in length, produced in great abundance; broad, fleshy 
and entirely stringless; possess a rich buttery flavor when cooked. Asa shell bean for 
winter they have few equals and no superior. 

CUTSHORT or Cornhill -— This is an old and very popular variety for planting 
among the corn. In some sections it is used almost exclusively, many persons desiring 
no other. The pods are short, round and very tender; beans nearly oblong. 

KING OF THE GARDEN, LIMA—The largest, finest and best pole lima bean grown 
The pods ure of enormous size and produce 5 to 7large beans to the pod. Market garden- 
3rs Can secure a more ready sale and better price for this variety than any other, on ac 

tount of its large size coupled with superior quality. 

EARLY GOLDEN CLUSTER WAX--Begins to bear eaaly in July and continues until 
frost. Poés dre 6 to 8 inches long, borne in clusters of 8to6and are ofa beautiful golden 
yellow color, and the flavor is delicious. Can be used either as a string bean or shelled 



eX SS 




The Very Best Bug and 

Insect Hiller on the Market. 

It is thoroughly reliable in killing Potato Bugs, Cabbage Worms, Currant 
Worms, Sow Bugs. Chicken Lice, Mites, Ete. It is a light composit powder, 
easily distributed by duster. bellows or spraying in water or dusting by hand. 
It is harmless to anything butinsects. IT NEVER FAILS. 

Sure death to Cucumber Vine Beetles and Squash Vine Bugs 

Price 20e per lb.; 3 lbs 50c., postpaid. By express or freight, 5 lbs 35c.; 10 
Ibs 60c. ; 50 Ibs $2.50, 100 lbs $4.50. 

DUSTERS For applying Slug Shot or any and all powders. Qt size 30c., % gal size 35¢e., gal 
size 50c. By express or freight. 







BUSS rhe 
 ; aaa 


5 ADE mane 


Kes Tomato Plants, Currant Worms, © 

RRO Flea Besties and Striped Bugs on Melons, Squash. 

RRs. Ete. Canker Worms and Caterpillars on Fru) 
Ski Trees. A Preventative of the Rose Gug and Cul 



Qe eS 

SPRAYER THE LEE---“Only sprayer of this kind that will spray entire contents of the can in any direction” 

Will spray straight up. Especially adapted for spraying liquid lice killers into cracks and crevices. 
house or for spraying bushes, plants, shrubbery, etc. Price 50c. Postpaid for 60c. 



Price of any the following, oz 5¢.; % & 12c; 14 tb 20c; kb 30c, postpaid. 
By express or freight, 5 ib and over at 20c per lb. 

OED ee heen eee yellow Pee gel cultivation Contains more sugar and 
2, f } variety andit is claimed stock wi ick this variety fro 
Very hardy and will yield 25 tons per.acre y 7 ae 

aoe Heine ERIE oe ealted Norbitant Giant, Jumbo, etc. 
varie rows about two-third. i i 
Y terad ib cannes. g sout of the ground. Single roots have 

LONG RED---Poots grow to an enormous size and are fiue for stock. 

LANE’S IMPERIAL SUGAR.--Very popular and productive sugar beet. Contains a 
large per cent of sugar and is one of the best for stock feeding. 

Sea ant tami Ves Suez ea Be best beet for the manufacture of sugar. 
; al, straight and even: large at the head i i 
Men beet pulses g : and lepenine: Exceedingly hardy 

AW Garden Beets. 

ae en een 

and one of the very best, We have brought up our 
Electric Beet to where it easily leads all other early 
beets, being always ir the market several days ahead 
ctany other. If you have been planting some variety 
claimed to be the earliest. just sow some of our Elec- 
tric along beside the other and have your beets earlier 
than ever before. It is remarkably tender, sweet and 
—A tree from toug® fibre. A very. rich darkecrimson color 

4 making it a most perfect early beet. PKt5c.,0z 10e., 44 
Tb 20c., % 1b 35c.. 1b 60e , postpaid. eye 

S = S 


mrovement over the Old Egyptian and 
33 of excellent quality. Deed red, al- 
most black, in color. Pkt 5e., 0z&., 4% 
ib 15¢., :b 50e., postpaid. 

old popu!ar variety and stillelaimed by 
muny tc be che earliest. Pkt 5c., 02 8¢., 
# tp 15c., lb 50e, postpaid. 



deep blood red. very sweet and tender. It | 
gtows to a good size and very regular. One 

of the best for market and table use. Pkt 5e, | 
02 8e.. 14 1b 15e., lb 50c., postpaid. 

EARLY ECLIPSE—Small tops of dark, | 
purplish green, Beets are perfectly smooth, 
roand, and intense blood red flesh and skin; 
sweet and tender. Pkt 5dc., 02 8c., Y% |b 18c., 
lb 50c., postpaid. 

Egyptian, large and of fine quality. A good 
keeper, sweet at all times and is light red, 
Pkt5dc.: 0z 8e.. % 1b lic., 1b 50c, postpaid, 

fine turnip beet and grows to & large size 
Geet. Most celicious for greens an The flesh is deep blood red and of good qual 
eomes cate ae they ae wyvx-li se ity. Pkt 5¢., 02 8¢., 44 Ib 15c., lb 50c., post | 
gtems, which are ve y delicious, i “ty 7 RB i 
fyaker.tike beets. PEt Et. 02 lc, 3d EAEUY UCLIPS e: 

Eb We. D 60c. postparis- 


gece ere ED 

A standard summer and autumn Beet - 

end superior to the old Len 

A'ways sweet and tender. FkKt 56.502 

Be., +4 lo 15c., 1b 50c, postpaid. 2 

=sWIsS CHARD--Also calzed Silver # 


ee | ee — i — ol — on = ee — 

Has short top; is round and smooth; flesh a | 


is of greater vitality and will come truer than seed grown at any other 

Se Sg en a 

| large main Crop variety of the Flat Dutch type. 
| It is sure to form large round heads, extra 
hard, firm and of superior quality and fine tex- 

al Py ce All expert gardeners »..ow that Cabbage seed grown upon Long Island 
bb 6 

part of the world. Our Cabbage seed was grown and shipped direct tc 
*3from Long Island, N. Y., We handle nothing but THF BEST. 



Earliest Cabbage in the World. 

Well knowing the demand for a reliable extra early variety, 
spared neither time nor expense to secure the earliest variety possi- 
ble and feel safe in saying I have here the EARLIEST VARIETY EVER 
OFFERED. Many seedsmen are claiming to have the earliest, buta 
trial will show MY Earliest to be many days ahead of anything on 
the market. Itis not only the EARLIEST, but reliable in every way 
and can be depended upon to yield good size marketable heads of 
fine quality. Almostevery plant forms a fine, solid head in are- 
markably short space of time. Itmakes a close, compact plant, can 
be set close together and yield large crops. Don’t fail to includea 
packet of THE EARLIEST in yourorder. You will be well pleased. 
Market gardeners will find this grand variety very profiteble for 
extra early market. PEt 5c, oz 25e, 4 lb 65c, 14 1b $1.15 postpaid. 
EARLY WINNIGSTADT—A good extrv early variety and very 
popular. Forms large cone-shaped heads of fine quality in seasons 
when other early varieties fail to head a#all. It suffers less from 

worms than most any variety. Pkt 5c, 0z lic, 14 1b 45ec, % 1b 80e. 1 
$1.50 postpain. ’ 174 , 2 1b 80¢e, lb 

_ EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD—My stock of this 91d reliable 
variety is the best, being true Long Island crop-~ '_ —* Thisisone 

of the best early cabbages in cultivation and is very popularandt ’ 
well known to need any description; is always sure fo form ond ZIMMERMAN’S EARLIEST. 

marketable heads in 100 days orless. _Remember I handle no old stock and guarantee seed ag true stock, crop cf19?, Do not 
buy old andinferior seed. Pkt. 5c, oz 20c, 14 1b 60c, 14 1b $1.00, 1b $1.90, postpaid’. : 

All Head Early Cabbage2@ 

As can be seer from the engraving, this is #arge, early, round-headed 
cabbage. For size, earliness, reliability of heading and quality it has no equal. 
It is the finest large summer cabbage on the market, béing at least one-third 
larger than any other early summer cabbage. The heads are solid and so com- 
pact that nearly one thousand more can be grown per acre than any other 
& cabbage. On account ofits rapid growth, it is very tender and the flavor is un- 

. Surpassed. Pkt. 5c, oz 20c, 14 1b 55c, 4 1b $1.00, 1b $1°90 postpaid. 

EXTRA EAREY EXPRESS—With the exception of my EaRttsst, thisis 
Tobably the earliest cabbage on the market. Is of close compact habit; has 

mae) iew loose leaves and is of fine quality. Pkt5c, 02 18c.14 1b50c, 44 1b 90¢e, 1b 81.75 



All head and always sure to head. This isa 

ture. Itia an excellent variety for Southern 
and Southwestern growers. on account of its 
gureheading qualities, as many varieties fail 
toheadin thissection. You will not be disap- 
pointed in this sureheading cabbage. It is also 
one of the largest cabbages grown, averaging 
about 25 pounds, but specimens have been grown 
to weigh over 50lbs- itisagood keeper, excel- 
lent shipper; in fact itis hard to surpass this 
grand cabbage. Pkt 5c., oz 18¢e.; 44 1b50c., 4% 1b 
90c., 1b $1.70, postpaid. 

Gombining Re of pour. ene stem ore a 
iurmip-chaped bulb, which should be cut when it is ZIM 
“mall. White Giant—Pkt 5c., oz 20c., 14 lb 80c. | MERMAN’S SUREHEAD 


—An extra large late win- 
ter variety, which has no 
superior and is one of the 
old standard varieties. 
Market gardeners plant 
largely of this variety 
and realize a good profit. 
On account of its extra. 
large size, it never faiis 
to bring high prices in the 
market. It is of sure- 
heading stock, has short 
stem and is a compact 
grower. Pkt., 5¢; 0Z., 15¢., 
% 1:5 45¢. ; % Ib., 80e. ; Ibs 
81.50, postpaid. 

HEAD -This is one of the 
very best varieties of win- 
ter cabbage. Heads are 
of immense size, hard and. 
solid. They grow uniform 
in shape with short stem 
and are very handsome in 
appearance. On account 
of their large size and fine 
quality, they are highly 
prized and I offer them 
as something superior in 
cabbages. Give them a 
trial =PKt., bes oz:- -1se% 
4 Ib., 50c; 1, Ib., 90c; Ib., 
$1.65, postpaid. 

DRUMHEAD -A stand- 
ard variety of the Flat 
Dutch type. Late and 
very large. Pkt., 5c; oz., 
liec.; % Ib., 45c.; % Ib., 80e. ; 


ALL SEASONS—Can be planted profitably for either early or main crop; is of drumhead type. - In every way equal toth — 
Early Summer and much larger. Pkt 5c.; oz 18¢e.; % 1b 50¢e.; %41b90c. ; 1b $1.70 postpaid. ns EE : 

MAMMOTH RED ROCK—The largest and surest heading red cabbage grown. Heads are of deep red color inside andc i 
@ud very solid. A favorite forsalads, pickling, ete. Pkt 5c.; 0z 18c.; 4 1b 50c. ; % 1b 90e ; 1b$1.70 postpaid. = ; 

Zimmerman’s Genuine Danish Ball Head Cabbage. : = 

IMPROVED DANISH BALL-HEAD —The famous variety from Denmark. Not so large as the Late Flat Dutch 
or Short Stem Drum-Head, but are even harder and more solid and are the finest and best keepers to be had. 
For winter, home and market use, they stand without a peer. Their keeping qualities are such that when taken 
out in the spring they are as solid as when put away in the fall. Pkt., 5c., 3 pkts12c., oz 20c,, 41b 60c., % Ib. $1.10; 
1b 2.00 postpaid. 

ST. LOUIS MARKET—Is a very vigorous and hardy grower. ‘ Head is solid, white and large. Is a medium late cabbage, 
and is an excellent keeper, being a good shipper. Is fast becoming a favorite with market gardeners; Asa kraut maker it can 
not be excelled. Pkt 5c., oz 20c., % lb 60c., 44 1b $1.10, 1b $2.00. 

Po aa SUMMER~—Is one of the best large early cabbages, forming solid, compact heads. Pkt 5dc., oz 20c., 4 1b 60¢c., % 1b 

QF Use SLUG SHOT for Cabbage Worms; see Page 5 for descrigtion and prices 

CoD Oe Se eri th Fee galt 




Our Cauliflower seed is guaranteed to be LONG ISLAND 
GROWN, which is the bestin the world. We all know that old 
seed never produces good crops; our seed is NEw Crop 

Early Snowball. 

It is acknowledged everywhere that 
the Snowball Cauliflower is far superi- 
_or to any other variety. I am pleased 
‘to offer my customers a superior strain 
of this superior variety. In fact, it is 
impossible to obtain a better Cauli- 
flower than my Early Snowball. While 
this remarkable variety is First of the 
Earlies, it is also the best for main or 
late crop; in fact, it has no equal in 
any line. It is the largest variety 
grown, heads measuring eight to ten 
inches across, of pure snow white, with 
close, compact curd of the finest qual- 
ity. The heads are so solid that they 
outweigh any other variety of the same 
size. Whether you grow Cauliflower 
simply for family use or largely for 
market, my Early Snowball is the va- 
riety you want. Plant no other if you 
want the VERY BEST. Once planted, 
you will use no other. Pkt., lic; 3 
pkts., 25c; % oz., 70c; % oz., $1.30; oz., 
- $2.50, postpaid. 


EARLY DWARF ERFURT —Anoiher remarkable variety for heading. Is dwarf; pure white heads of superi:- 


or out-door culture. Pkt., 6e; % oz., 2c; % oz., 45c; oz., 80c, postpaid. : 
ALGIERS —A strong growing, extra large late variety. Produces larrge solid heads late in the fall. Pkt., 5c; 


Y% oz., 25c; % oZ., 40C; oz., 80c, postpaid. 

Br, ? ‘Se 


bendinn or GUER- 

RANDE—A very fine Car- 
rot; grows some five inch- 
es long and blunt at the 
point, as shown by the 
illustration. It is of very 
rapid growth and usually 
weighs over one pound. Is 
of deep~ red color, very 
sweet and tender and 
easy to pull. A good va- 
riety for home and mar- 
ket. —Pkt., 5c; oz., 10c; 2 
0z., 15c; % Ib., 2c; % Ib., 
45¢e; Ib., 85c, postpaid. 

best bunching variety and 
one of the best for early 
market. Grows about six 
inches long, stump rooted, 
very smooth, sweet and 
sugary. Excellent for ta- 
ble use and aré heavy 

IPE 25Cs.- 025, 

Planted in April, will be ready for market in July. Pkt., 15c; 2 pkts., 25c; % oz., 5c; % oz., $1.40; 02., 
) $2.75, postpaid. 

EARLY PARIS FORCING ~-A favorite French variety and a very popular early sort. 

Good for either forcing 


ir % Ib., 25c; % lb., 45c; lb., 85c, postpaid. 

DANVERS HALF LONG —A famous variety of fine flavor; broad- 
shouldered, stump rooted, cylindrical in shape and very productive. It 

is one of the best for stock and matures in about 65 days. 
noy only a good variety for stock feeding, 

This is 
but is unexcelled for the 

table. Pkt., 5c; oz., 10c; %4 Ib., 25c; % lb., 40c , 1b 75c. postpaid. 

IMPROVED LONG ORANGE —The best of the orange varieties and 
an old favorite. A good table carrot and is unsurpassed for stock. 
Used largely by dairymen, as it increases the flow of milk and gives 

a richer flavor; imparts a beautiful golden color to butter. 

PKt., 6c; 

0zy, 10c; % Ib., 2c; % Ib., 40c.; lb 75e, postpaid. 
LARGE WHITE BELGIAN ~The greatest stock Carrot, highly rec- 

country. Grows one-third out the ground and easily pulled. Root 

ommended by the leading Agricultural Experiment Stations of ota 

are pure whit%, except portion above ground, which is green. 
g. Pkt., 5c; oz., 8c; % Ib., 15c; % Ib., 26c3 

in color. which is yellow. Same 

exclusively for stock feedin 

, 45c. postpaid. 


—Same as the White Belgian, excep 
price as the White. 




: Celery seed is very slow to germinate ang care should be taken that 
q - 5 R i a the seed 1s of good quality. You will find our stock tobe the very best 

quality and prices as low as good seed can be sold. 


New Golden 3 

(French Strain.) 

This is without doubt the best celery in cultivation. 
Itis much broader and heavier than the White 
Plume and of superior quality. Is of dwarf, compact 
habit and blanches easily. The stalks are crisp and 
Solid ard of delicious flavor; is very productive and 
the stalks are as thick as the largest of the tall late 
sorts and entirely free from stringiness. It is the 

ery person who raises celery. We offer the celebrated 
French seed of this variety as far superior to the Ordinary 
strain, generaily sold. You will find it superior in many 
ways. Perpkt., 5c; 14 oz., 15c; oz., 25c; % Ib, 75c.; 1% Ib., 
$1.40 ib $2.50 postpaid, 

Ordinary Strain—This is not cheap seed. but simply the 

ordinary American strain of Golden Self-Blanching, which 

- is offered by the general run of seedsmen. Stock is fresh 1905 

seed and the equal of any American-grown seed. Pkt 5c.; % 
oz 12¢. ; 02 20¢e. ; 44 1b 60c.; % 1b $1.10; 1b $2.00 postpaid. 


NEW PINK PLUME —This is a splendid new variety, recently introduced; is 
similar to the White Plume, except in color, which is slightly tinged red, fading 
to a faint delicate pink. The piants bleach naturally and have the long keep- 
ing qualities of the red celeries. Has no tendency to rust and blanches as early 
as the White Plume. Is of sweet, nutty flavor and wonderfully attractive, Pkt., 
Be: % oz., 12c: oz., 20c; % Ib., 55c; % Ib., $1.00; lb., $1.90, postpaid. 

ez NY A WHITE PLUME—The old standard variety and still holds its popularity. 
RWS It is the earliest celery in cultivation blanches without banking.Pkt., 6c; % oz., 
Z ANN ‘| 0c; oz., 15¢c; % Ib., 40c; % Ib., 75c;: lb., $1.40 postpa.d. 
SS . ‘! Ae q 
ns Te i 
ying AS 

se a 


Q b 




GIANT PASCAL —The stalks are extremely large, stringless, crisp and brittle 
Blanches ouickly, after earthing up, to a beautiful yellowish-white. It is the 
est for Fall and Winter use and is highly recommended for the South and West 
where it gives better satisfaction than most varieties. Try it. Pkt., dC; 0%, 
12c; %4 ib., 40c; % Ib., 75c; lb, $1.40 postpaid. ! 

: LARGE RIBBED canes —This is a sport of the Grue Easel yas the tie 
are even thicker and stiffer; very vigorous an ealthy and o ne qua é 
NEW PINK PLUME. Pkt., 5c; oz.,12c; % lb., 40c; % lb., 75c.; Ib., $1.40 postpaid. 

CELERIAC or TURNIP-ROUTED CELERY—Grown for the roots. The roots are cooked, sliced and made into salad, with 
vinegar. Also fine for flavoring soups, meats, ete. Pkt 5c., oz 15c., 4 1b 50c., postpaid. . 

-_— ant —— -— ~ - + 
-- io 

, = € 

— —_ —sS =: i’ . , > -———V _—_ ~~: 4 

standard of excellence and should be planted by ev--~ 

(0@F- Expert Market Gardeners buy their seed from us. Why? ‘Because our seeds are Fresh, Pure and 
of the Highest quality. We KNOW this, because they are grown especially for us. We positively do N yr | 


Lepree~ PP A 7 aad 

(ps _ Las | ee ee ee 


handle cheap ‘‘commission seed.” 2. yuu 

d, Se a 

ne ‘Address ZIMMERMAN SEED CO. Topeka, Kansas. ! 2 

TT EEE ee 


We wish to call your attention to our Earry Mammora for 

Sweet Corn. early plantiug’ and Stowell’s Evergreen for Jate or main crop. 

: eur Sweet Corn is of superior quality, being oarefully sorted 
and graded and is planteb each year by som of the foremost Market Gardeuers in America. 

Earliest of All. | 

. We are pleased to offer our customers the Earliest variety of 4 
Sweet Corn in the world. This must. not be compared to the pe 
“Marlies” offered by some seedSmen, which are so small and infer- 
ior that they are absolutely worthless, but here is a variety that 
will be of greatest value to all who desire the VERY EARLIEST 
variety and one that can be depended upon to yield a profitable 
erop. It is superior to the Early Cory in quality, tenderness and 
yield, while it is easily ten days earlier than any variety yet intro- 
duced. If you want the First Sweet Corn in the market plant this 
new variety. Pkt 6c; % pt 12c; pt 20c; qt 35c, postpaid. By express Be Nex 
or freight not prepaid, qt 25c; 4 qts 75c; pk $1.25. - 

New Early Mammoth. rag 

The Largest Eared Early Sweet Corn Ever Produced. Pro- 
duces fine ears from 8 to 10 inches long and is ready for the mar- 
Ket as early as the Farliest offered by the majority of seedsmen. 
Th:s is a corn we want you to try this season. Our stock is lim- 
ited, as this is the 3rd season this grand variety has ever been 
Placed on the market, but we hope to supply all orders. Send in 
your order early, for you are sur2 to be pleased with this grand 
new corn. The pure white cob contains twelve rows of large 
grains of the finest quality. It will stand a dry season better than 
any early variety yet produced. It is the proper size for the mar- 
Ket and of the sweetest flavor. You will find our HARLY MAM- 
MOTH to be the finest and best Early variety you ever planted. 
Don’t fail to include some of this Sweet Corn when you order. 
Pkt 5c; % pt lc; pt 2vc.; at c, postpaid. By express or freight 
not prepaid, qt 20c; 4 qts €0c.; pk 1.00. 

: EARLY CORY-—A_ popular extra early variety and the favorite 
EARLIEST OF ALL with many planters. Pkt 5c; % pt 12c; pt 20c; qt 35c, postpaid. By. 
express or freight not prepaid, at 20c; 4 qts 60c; pk $1.00. 

NTRY GENTLEMAN—One of the Sweetest of SweetCorns and very pro 
auitieee The kernels are large and pearly white.Pkt 5c; % pt 12c; pt 20c; qt 3c, posi 
paid. By express or freightnot prepaid, at 20c; 4 qts 6Uc.; PK $1.00. 


TRAD ABC LY—One of the very ear- 
liest varieties, Is not as 
sweet as some, but its ex- 
treme earliness makes it 
a very desirable curn. Pkt 
5e., %pt 12¢. pt 20e,.-qts 
35¢. postpaid By express 
or freight, qt 20c., 4 qts 
50e., peck 80e. 


CRUE a bD 


ie a 
© wa, a 
‘ | | 
" f qi 
Mi 1 i 




Pit tN 

i a 

He A tt, ta, ie are 

Mel ie: 






CROSBY’S EARLY---This is a most excellent variety 
- being sweet and delicious and alsovery early. Theears 

-are of largesize and medium length, Pkt 5e.,%pt1lze 
pt 20e.. qt 35c., postpaid. By express or freight, yt 20c. 
4 pts 60c., peck 1.00. 

We handle ONLY THE BEST. Try US. this 
COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. year: We’ll treat you RIGHT. Es 

LATE MAMMOTH-The largest sweet corn grown and 
is of good qualisy, butis late. Stalks produce 2 to 3 ears. 
PEt 5e-. % pt 12c., pt 20c., qt 35c., postpaid. By express or 
freight, qt 20c., 4 qts 60¢c., pk 1.00. i 


SWEET CORN Continued on 
Next Page. a BE pay oe" 



Stowell’s Evergreen. 
The Standard Main Crop Variety. 

This is the most popular variety of Sweet Corn on the market and. 
igs more largely planted than any other. It is undoubtedly the best 
sweetcorn formain crop. Our stock of Stowell’s Evergreen is vastly 
superior to that generally offered. If you want asweet corn which will 
out-yield any other variety ; of better quality than any other; that will a ES (Ie 
give better satisfaction than any other, plant our Improved Stowell’s ZO ey 
Evergreen. Pkt 5ce., 4 pt 10e., pt 15¢., qt 25¢c, postpaid. By express or WE (CF ~ 
freight, gt 12c., 4 qts 45¢c., pk 85e. FA jw 

BLACK MEXICAN—There is no sweeter corn on the market. Is a medium early 
yariety and when dry the kernals are black; when young they are a blueish-purple 
Pkt 5c., 4% pt 12c., pt 20c., qt 85e. postpaid. By express or freight, qt 15c , 4 qts-50ce. 


WHITE RICE—The old standard and favorite variety. None better, Pkt5dce.,% 
lb 10c., lb 15c., 3 lbs 40c., postpaid, By express or freight, 10 to 20lbsat4eperlb. 25 
to 50 lbs at at 8c perlb. 

GOLDEN VALE—Resembles the Queen’s Golden. but arichercolor, Ears grow 
8toi0inzhesinlength Itisa fine popper and of excellent flavor. Same price as the 
White Rice. 

WHITE PEARL—A white pearly pop corn. Very popular. Same price as the 
White RiG@. 
pu EnS GOLDEN—Rops 2 large, tender, pure kernal. Same price as White 


yr > - = 

UR = 

I} “te yy) 


ZIMMERMAN’S SEEDS are planted in every 


ZZ ; 
he Civilized Country. 

Tp every State Territory and Possession of SS) EA 
the United St: tes, | ea PED ere? nT) | 
in EVERY COUNTY in Kansas, Mo., Nebr fewhn(’ SapSem Sony 

Okla and nearly ali of Ind. Ter. and Texas. Sremie on ee 

This is the resuit of years of Fair, Square pret Me 
‘Business methods. WE dont work cateh-penny ay 
jor ‘‘fake’? schemes of any description. No Pink 
jor Yellow pages fiiled .7ith so-called ‘‘novelties” 
@t high prices. Neither do we handle the cheap 
Stuff, sometimes offered at r‘diculously low 
rices. Our Morro 1s; The Best Seed that can 
e grown ; tested by ourselves, graded, cleaned 
and sorted by the Finest Machin¢ry in the World 
and sold at the Riaut Price—\ Dollars worth 

= / i) : — = . 

\ | =e 
“ == Tee 

ior A Dollar Do You like this way of doine bus‘ucss? If so, give SYR ON II ZZS 
- oe = 3 * 2 a wh ait! rid re Ss =~ 
us your ores this year, We’ll treat You Righ eee ae, Se 


Special 5Oc. Vegetable Offer 

One large packet of each of the following varieties sent postpaid for ONLY 50c ss | 
BEANS—Rust Proof Wax. Early Fed Valentine, Bush Lima. BEETS—Egyptian. CABBAGE---Zimmerman’s | 
Surehead. SWEET CORN-—Early Mammoth. Evergreen. CUCUMBERS—Zimmerman’s Earliest LETTUCE--Zim- | 

merman’s Earliest, Improved Hanson. MUSK MELON---Earliest Large. WATERMELON-—Harris#’ Earliest. Triumph | 

ONIONS—Australian Brown; PEAS—Two WeeksEarly. RADISH—New Lightning. French Breakfast. . TOMATO--- | 
Early Beauty. In addition, you may select 15c worth Free. 





Our stock of Cucumber seed is of the finest 

- quality, being grown for us by the most ex- 
UCU Crs perienced growers in America. One ounce 
© will plant 50 hills; 2 to 3 lbs per acre. 



The best early variety in the world. It stands without a rival in the early 
field and in fact cannot be excelled asa cucumber for general use. It is a 
very heavy yielder, producing cucumbers from five to eight inches long 
and from one and one-half to three inches in diameter in great abundance. 
The fruit is handsome, uniform in size and of a dark green color. The flesh 
is crisp, tender and of superior flavor. Not only fine for table use, it is ex- 
cellent for pickling. If you want anall around cucumber, plant our Earli- 
est. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; % lb 35¢; % 1b 60c.; lb $1.10, postpaid, 


pickling sort and highly prized as an early . 
variety. Skin is light green and quite smooth 
s Kt. 5c. oz 10c., 44 1b30e. postpaid 

WHITE SPINE—Fruit is of good size, straight 
end of perfeet form: of uniform shape, making 
them excellent for pickling. Very productive and 
keep firm and crisp along time Is one of the IMPROVED WHITE SPINE 
earliest varieties Pkt 5c.: 0z 10c.; %4 1b 30e - % 1b 50¢.; 1b 90c , postpaid. 

COICAGO PICKLING—One of the best and most prolific pick- 

ling cucumbers on the warket. The vines are vigorous and 
produce fine fruits in great abundance. By keeping the vines 
clear they will bear longer than most any variety in exist- 
ence. Do not buycheap Cucumber seed this year Good fresh 
stock cannot be Sold for less than our prices. Pkt 5c; oz 10c, 1% 
lb 80c.; % 1b 50¢e,; 1b 90c., postpaid 

BOSTON PICKLING —Another fine pick ling variety and is 
claimed to be superior to the Chicago Pickling by many. It is 
certainly a good Cucumber. Pkt. 5c; oz 10c; % Ib 30c., postpaid. 

XY ‘y), Sen 
A\\' Wye 

WHITE PEARL—It is certainly a choice cucumber. This is en- 
4tirely distinct in habit of growth, setting the Cucumbers close 
around the stem. Matures early, but continues to bear 
throughout the season. The young fruits are of a light 
color and when matured are a pearly white. Of good quality. 
Pkt 5c; oz 1@c., 4 1b 35c , % 1b 60c , postpaid. 

EARLY RUSSIAN—Is one of the very earliest varities in ecul- 
tivation. Cucumbers are four to five inches long. Crisp and of 
good flavor. Pkt 5c; oz8c. 4 1b30c., % 1b 50c., 1b 90¢., postpaid. 

NEW EVERBEARING —Of small size; very early and pr 
ductive. Pkt 5c; oz 8c., 4% 1b 30c., postpaid. = aes 

| oyps* Sh CUCUMBERS Continued on Next Page. 


ces Eien hate in ee ene es eee ST eo a a SSS 

CUCUMBERS Continued. 

IMPROVED LONG GREEN—This is a well-known variety and very popular. Cucumbers ow from tabiv 
3 : . e 
ee es in length. They are very productive and of excellent quality. Pkt 5c; 0Z OM ie soe ae ee 

COOL AND CRISP_—A very early and prolific Cucumber. The skin is very dark green and is covered with knobs 
upon which the spines are placed, which gives them a ve -y attractive appearance. As a slicin : 
excellent. Pkt 5c; oz 10c., 4 1b 380c., 14 1b BOC, 1b 90c., SoS Cuads : 5 Cue ve 

BRUSSELS SPROUT KY PERFECTION—Resembles miniature cabbage. Very tender, of excel- 

‘ cea ° lent fi = 4 
sprouts about 2inchesin diameter. Pkt 5e.,0z15c., 4 1b Boe ay Ip dda 1p LOS, posendee pete ae es products 

BROCCO I WHITE MAMMOTH—Similarto Cauliflower. So i i [ 
J - w early in spring, transplant a i 
L e like Cabbage. Willheadin Octor Noy. Should any pisnts be beckwerd pa uot  endy. preee: 

before severe frost, they may be removed to a light cellar, and will head during the witter Pkt 5c., oz 25e. 4 lb 90e¢ postpaid. 

H I CoO R LARGE ROOTED —Used as a substitute for coffee. Of Itivatio 
¢ : ¥ : é easy ¢ultivation and should be in every ~ 
® den. Cultivate same as Carrots: roots should be taken up in the fall, eut into small pieces pad avied 

like apples. When wanted foruse, should be roast i ESTO i i 
will be pleased. Pkt5c., 0z 10c., 4 1b 25c..14 1b IRE oe ORES? ee eee mers oe / 

C -_O | I AR DS GEORGIA or SOUTHERN—The most satisfactor iety. I i oul 
¢ z y variety. Largely growm in th : 
e “Greens” bearing new leaves as the old ones are pulled off.. Pkt ee on Loe. 4 IB ie eae 

EN D IVE GREEN CURLED-—The best variety. Preferred to lettuce by those whe have tried it. When leaves are 

® 6to 8inehes long, ti i i Sete TW: a 
850., %4 1b 60c, 1b $1.10 postpaid ong, tie together at top with astring, to blanch. Makes a fine salad. Pkt 5e.,0z Me., 4 ib 

GARLI Used for flavoring soups, stews, ete. Plant in spri i 1e toms will dieiu A 
) - . 1 pring about 6 inches apart. the tops will dieiu August and 
5e per ID. ® the bulbs should then be gathered. Choice sets 35¢ per Ib., 31bs 90c pestpaid. By express or freight at 

£2@F- The most critical Market Gardeners and Private Planters purchase their seed of us. Everything we 
offer was grown especially for us, and is Fresh, Pure and of the Highest Quality. 

by Fee | BORECOLE or HALE. . 
a a eee A DWARF GREEN CURLED-—This is select stock, hardier than cabbage; leaves ate 

curled like parsley. Tender and of excellent flavor. Has no superior for greens. Per 
pkt 5e.; 0z 10c, postpaid. 

Sass ge a Spreading habit; not so curly as Dwart Green. Per pkt de. ; ag 10¢., 

CC, kein AD 

Our Book, “SUCCESS WITH SEEDS.” is FREE with a One Dollar Order. 

EGG PLANT IMPROVED LARGE PURPLE—Very smooth and sf dark eolor. The sort most preferred by 
e marker gardeners cf all sections. Pkt5e. % oz 25e. 02 400. 4 Ib $1.25 postpaid. 

KK, LARGE LONDON-—Is claimed to be more delicate than the onion, for soup. Sow in seed bed middle of spring 
LEE e and transplant in rows 8 inches apatt. Pkt 5c., oz 10c., 14 1b30c., ¥% 1b 5@e, postpaid, a 

RD GIANT SOUTHERN CURLED—Flavor sweet and pungent. Large leaves, often measuring 12 to 
MUSTA e l4inches. Read@g for use 6 weeks after sowing, Pkt6c., oz 8c., % 1b 20c.. 1b 60c, postpaid. 
WHITE MUSTARD—Leaves are light woe, mild and tender. Pkt 5c., oz 8c.. 4 1} 15¢.,% 1b 25c., lb 40c. postpaid. 

BROWN MUSTARD—Stronger and more pungent than the White. Pkt 5c.,0z 8e., { Ib 1éc., 4 1b 25¢c.. Ib 40e, postpaid. 

NUT Ss WHITE—Combines earliness, size and prolificness, Pkt 5¢.,% pt 12c., pt 20¢., qt 35c, postpaid. By. 
ERA @ express or freight, pk 70c., 44 bu $3.30, bu (22 lbs) $2.50. 

° j l]- ine h 
SPONGE VINE or Dish Cloth Gourd. reise called a Sponge Vine and 

many wonderful things is claimed forit. While some are asking high prices, we offer choice seed at ONLY 5c per,pkt. . 

GOURDS Very ornamental at diuseful. We have the following kinds: Nest Egg---White, and makes a fine nes* Pa 
e egg. Dipper --Useful as dippers. Hercules{Club---Longest?gourd grown. Mixed Gourds--- Al} Ns 

kinds.’shapes and descriptions. Pricefof any dorired, pkt 5c postpaid, 


LETTUCE Our seed is fresh and can be depended upon to produce crops 
© of the highest quality 

Zimmerman’s EKariliest. 


Another year brings still greater words of praise for this. the EARLIEST LET- 
TUCE IN THE WORLD. Nothing we have ever offered has given more general 
sotisfaetion than this grand variety, Tested side by sice with almost every 
known variety, it has always COME FIRST, with a crisp tenderness which 
eannot be surpassed, Itisnot only THE EARLIEST, but can be planted with 
profit the entire season. Leaves are thin, slightly curled and free from any 
bitterness. Anotherimportant thing to be considered is that this variety is 
very slow to go to seed, remaining tender a remarkably long time, Market 
Gardeners will find this to be a very profitable lettuce. Itisas valuable fer 
forcing as for planting in 
open ground. Pkt5dc, oz 
12e., 14 lb 35c., 1441D 60c., 
1b $1.00, postpaid. 


BLACK SEEDED SIMPSON —The most popular market gar-§ 
dener’s lettuce. Very early and forms a compact mass of looseG 
leaves which are large, thin and very tender; far superior to theg 
Early Curled. Is one of the best for forcing under glass as well as 
out-door planting. Remains in condition a long time before run-# 
ning to seed. Pkt., 5c; oz. 10¢; 14 Ib., 25c.;441b45c, postpaid. . 

EARLY CURLED SIMPSON—One of the very earliest varieties A 
large, loose-leaved v2rety. Leaves are beautifully crimped, tender 
and Sweets dark green in color. Pkt, 5c; oz.,10c; %4 Ib., 20c; 41b35e 

THERE NEW MORSE—Claimed to be even a better variety than 
the Black Seeded Simpson. Is of the Simpson family and resem- 
bles the Grand Rapids. Pkt., 5c; oz., 10c; % lb., 5c, postpaid. 


IMPROVED HANSON—A very large, sweet, tender and crisp 
variety; forms iarge solid heads averaging some three pounds in 
weight. Heads are green outside and white within. Is absolutely 
free from any bitterness. Unexcelled for family, garden and out- 
door growth: Pkt., 5c; oz.,10c; %4 Ib., 25c., % 1b 40c postpaid. 

CALIFORNIA CREAM BUTTER —One of the best of the Butter Head 
varieties. The outer leaves are marked with small brown spots; centeris @ 
beautiful cream yellow. They are crisp, tender, have arich, buttery flavor 
and are very ornamental. The heads are of good size and so very solid they 
often have to be cut before the seed stalk can appear. Pkt5c.. oz 10c.,441b 
25¢e, postpaid. 

GRAND RAPIDS—This is. a loose-leaved variety of _ strong 
growth. Requires less attention than the Black Seeded Simpson 
and will stand longer after maturity, thus making a good Seller. 
Is of upright habit and handsome appearance; leaves thin, light 
yellowish green, beautifully crimped and blistered. Pkt, 5c; 0z., 
10c; % Ib., 25c, postpaid, 


ICEBERG —This new variety cannot be surpassed. It forms a 
Solid head of great beauty; the outside leaves are bright green and 
beautifully curled. The leaves are always crisp and tender either 
in early spring or hottest summer. The solidity of the head is in- 
sured by the white main ribs curving strongly to the center, which 
is always thoroughly blanched. There is no more superior lettuce to 
be had. My stock is the very best. being carefully selected crop of 
1902. Pkt., 5c; 0z., 8c; % Ib., 20c, % 1b 35c, postpaid, 


EARLY PRIZE HEAD— Produces large loose heads of beauti- 
fully crimped and fringed leaves, exceedingly sweet, crisp and ten- 
der. A fine home garden lettuce of the loose variety. Pkt., 5c; oz., 
6c; %4 Ib., 20c, postpaid. 

DENVER MARKET—Ap early head lettuce either for forcing or 
open ground. The leaves resemble Savoy Cabbage, being beauti- 
fully marked and blistered. It is very slow to go to seed. Pkt., 
5c; oz., 8c; % Ib., 20c, postpaid. 

HARD HEAD-—A ready grower; heads hard and firm. Pkt., 5c; 
Oz. 8c; % Ib., 20c, postpaid. 



: : We offer a very select line of Musk Melon seed, 
mM Fl - N being grown especially for us by the most ex- 
© perienced melon seed growers, and is selected 

from’ choice melons only. You will find our seed of the highest quality and FreEsu. 

+ Zimmerman’s HKarliest Large. 

NEW EARLIEST LARGEHE—We have here the Earliest Musk Melon grown. 
It is not only the very ¢arliest, but isa melon of superior quality and good size and 
is therefore different trom the majority of early varieties, surpassing them allin 
Earliness, Size, Productiveness, Flavor, Keeping and Shipping qualities. The 
melons are of uniform large size. very delicious and are fast sellers.; The flesh 
is a Pich orange color with small seed cavity and the flavor is excellent. Nothing 
is more delicious than a good early musk melon and our Earliest Large pleases all 
who plant it, while its extreme earliness and large size makes it a desirable melon 
poth for home and market use, Pkt 5c.; 0z 10e.; 14 1b 30¢e,; 44 1b50e. ; 1b 90c, postpaid, 

EXTRA EARLY HACKENSACK —Is a very popular market melon. It is 
at jexst ten days earlier than the ordinary strain of Hackensack, at the same time 
retaining all the good qualities of the old strain. Itis very productive, and of ex- ; ’ eee ot: §S 
celicnt favor. Pkt 5ce., oz 10c., %4 1b 2c., % 1b 45c., 1b 80c, postpaid. EARLIEST LARGE. (i 



= | 

Zimmerman’s \\ 

Seed Grown under Special Contract at) 
Rocky Ford, Colo. 

Thestandard of excellence and the most popular melon on the market. 
Leading market gardeners send to us every season for seed of this variety, 
rather than save their own seed, because they know that ouR seed, saved 
from carefully selected melons of uniform size, will produce the very finest 
melons Our Rocky Ford seed is planted in every state and territory where 
melons can be grown, and we have NEVER RECEIVED A SINGLE COMPLAINT. 
Rocky Fords are of medium size, even, nearly round, finely netted and the 
best of shippers. As to quality; they can hardly be surpassed—flesh istender, | 
firm and of the most delicious flavor. The seed we offer is selected from \ 
choice melons only and we guarantee it to have been grown at Rocky Ford: 
Colo.. under special contract and shipped direct tous. If you want seed that 
will produce the true Rockyford melon, correct shape, size, etc, plant our se- 
lect seed, which we offer at a low price, quality considered. You cannot get 
a better or purer quality. no matter what you pay. Pkt5dc.; oz 10¢.; 14 1b 25e.; | 
14 1b 40e - 1b 70c, postpaid. ; \ 


EXTRA EARLY GRAND RAPIDS—This isan extra early, yellow fleshed melon of average quality. Itisclaimedby | 
many to be the very earliest musk melon in existence and is largely planted by gardeners and others who desire early melons. | 
The meions are of handsome appearance, nearly round and finely retted and immediately attract attention intheearly market. _ 

Pr+=- az 10¢., 4 ib 25e., % 1b40e,, 1b 70c , postpaid. 

OKlahoma Melon. 

This fine melon is proving a winner, es- 
pecially in the South-west, ltis one of the 
finest shippers; in flavor. it is simply lus- 
cious andcan hardly be excelled, and it is 
claimed to be almost blight-proof, surpass- 
ing all other melons in this feature, Simi- 
lar to the Rockyford. but of much larger 
size. Pkt 5c.;0z loc.; 4% lb 25c.; % lb 45c.; 
Ib 85c, postpaid. 






BANANA~—Is an entirely distinct variety, bear- | I" | 
ing long, slender, banana-like fruit. Skin is creamy it | 
white and entirely free from netting. Flesh a deep S uJ Whe a = 
salmon color, thick and of fine quality. Pkt 5e.; oz ———S——SS ez 
15e.: 4% lb 30c.: % lb 50c.; 1b 90e., postpaid. | 

All Our Melon Seed 
is Fresh and Pure. a | i 
Plant Ours This Year. ~~ =m 




eT ere 


The Best Musk Melon Grown. Plant The EXCELSIOR. 

We have kere a ncelon, wiich is certainly the 
grandest Musk Melon srown. co words ean de- 
seribe its delicious flavor---i6 is stmply grand. 
in shape they are nearly round, 2s sh 
illustration, of good family size, x 
& to 8ibs. We raised a large fieid 
melons and they were the most uniform lot of 
meions we ever saw, almost every melon being 
¢2¢ same shape and size. The skin is dark grecn 
and finely netted, the flesh is a rich orange and 
edible to the very rind, in fact it is nearly all 
flesh, as the seed cavity is very small. The fiavor 
cannot be excelled, it is simply delicious, it 
beats them all. it is medium early and so at- 
tractive and its fiavor so sweet that it will bea 
leader on the market. We claim it to be the fin- 
est Musk Melon you ever tasted gnd we want 
you to try them---you cant afford to miss this 
treat. Order a packet---you will be well repaid. 
Weare always so anxious to have our customers 

ht. This isa grand melon--a better was never offered. 
We want you to try it this year, and the price is simply: Pkt 5e.; oz 15c, : 14 1b 380c, postpaid, - 

EMERALD GEM-—A very fine varidty. Flesh is thick, of a delicate sal- 
Hoe color and very sweet. Pkt 5dc., oz 10e,. 4% 1b380c., % 1b 50c., 1b 90e. post- 

OSAGE-One of the best melons grown. Very luscious and sweet 
a good keeper and most excellent shipper. The fiesh is of salmon 
color and very juicy and sweet. Pkt., 5c; oz., 8c.;% 1b85e.3; % 1b 40c.; 
ib 75¢, postpaid. : 

MILLERS CREAM — A strong grower and very productive: rind 
hin and slightly netted. A sweet, tender variety and wery popular. 
Pkt 5c., oz 8c., 4 lb Y5c., % Ib 40c., lb 75e, pos dd. 

ig: Toe 





GIANT CHICAGO MARKET ~—This fine melon has been 
& favorite in Chicago markets for many years. It is of the 
finest quality; flesh is rich and sugary andthey grow to 
an immense size. It is ribbed, well netted and for ship- 
ping it hasno superior. Pkt., 5c; oz., 10c: 14 Ib.. 30e; % lb., 
d0c; 1b., 90c, postpaid. 


Improved Montreal Market Musk Melon.c 

The Largest of all Musk Melons. 
Average weight from 25 to 501bs. Skin is green and strongly netted; flesh is thick, of light green color and delicate flavor. 
The melons are of large, round size and immediately attract attention in any market. A wonderfully strong producer and gives 

Satistaction wherever grown. If you wish the largest Musk Melons of fine quality, plant our select sirain of M 
5 ontreal Markets 
Batt 5e., 0z 10c., yy lb 25e., A lb 40c ea lb y (3 postpaid. : 4 a : es . A 
oy oa pS Se Sige Sapa 


Leann Saett eo 


Nothing but the Best. Our customers 
sf are so well pleased that we very seldcm 
have a@ complaint. Our Melon seed ig 
grown for us under special contracts, by experienced growers, and taken from carefully selected melors. 

Harris’ Earliest Watermelon. 
The Earliest, Best and Largest Early Melon Grown, 

Tested in our own fields it 
proved two to three weeks 
earlier than any other variety. 
Every experimental station or 
trial grounds that have tested 
the Genuine Harris melon, 
have, so far as we know, made 
the same report. Our tests 
have proven it so superior to 
all others that we no longer 
catalogue other Extra Early 
varieties. This melon will 
bring greater profits to the 
Market Gardener, because its 
extreme earliness and_ size 
enables you to be FIRST in 
the market and get the top 
prices. The private gardener 
will have the first melons of 
the season on his table. 

When we are convinced @ 
variety has more than ordina- 
ry merits, WE WANT THE BEST 
with this melon, we wanted 
the best and highest quality of 
seed. {(@F The seed we offer 
was grown for us under special 
contract, by Mr. Harris of , 

Tenn, originator of the melon. In his letter to us, Mr. Harris says: ‘The melon is oval to oblong; color is 
dark green with beautiful mottled grayish stripes; flesh scarlet, sweet and melting; weight 20 to 30 lbs; is 
good shipper, keeps well, bears all summer and sure to ripen ahead of any other variety. It has been 
tested by Experiments at Knoxville, Tenn. and also the Government Farms at Washington, and the officers 
at both places pronounce it ‘THE EARLIEST OF ALL AND OF GOOD. QUALITY.’” Some ‘cheap’ 
seed of this variety is being offered for sale and claimed to be “‘just as good”’ as that grown by Mr. Harris. 
Dont you believe it---NO IMITATION IS AS GOOD AS THE ORIGINAL, and the genuine seed grown and improved 
by Mr. Harris produces melons earlier, larger and of superior quality. It pays to plant The Best. We have 
it. Pkt 5c.; 0z 10c.; 4 lb 30c.; % lb 50c.; lb 90c postpaid. 


Home Favorite. 

HOME FAVORITE—This is a new melon of 
highest quality. Our attention was called to 
this fine new melon while on a visit to an 
old melon grower. He claimed to be the orig- 
inator of the melon and that it had no name. 
In some respects it resembles the Sweet- 
heart, though even of finer flavor than that. 
choice melon. We purchased the stock at 
once and decided to call it the Home Favor- 
ite. However, it has no superior as a market 
ag well as home variety. The fruit is very 
large, oval; rind is dark green and thin but 
firm; flesh is a beautiful scarlet, tender, melt- 
ing and exceedingly sweet. Give this new 
melon a trial this year and you will be 
pleased. They are of good size, early, flesh a rich 
bright scarlet of exceedingly fine flavor Pkt., 5c; 
oz., 8c; % 1b., 20c; % Ib., 35c; 1lb., 60c, poste 



BlacK Diamond. 

As sweet as the old Sweetheart and as finea 
shipper as KolbsGem. It isextremely prolific, 
surpassing almost any other melon. An acre 
will produce several thousand of these grand 
melons ranging in weight from 60 to 90 lbs each 
We offer true genuine Black Diamond seed. 

Pkt 5¢c., 02 8¢., 4 1b 20c., % 1b 85e., Ib 50c, post- 

largest melons grown and is an old favorite. 
Long, smooth and striped with light wavy 
striped. Flesh bright scarlet and of fine flavor. 
Pkt . 5¢., 02 8c., 14 1b 20c., % 1b 35e., 1b 60c, post- 

best of water melon; solid and of good flavor. 

EEL be. oz 8¢e,, 14 1b 20c., % 1b 80c., lb We., post- 

MAMMOTH IRONCLAD=fsg one of the 
very largest melons grown. It resembles the 
Rattlesnake, but grows to a much larger size. 
The flesh is fine and solid and is of delicious 
sugary flavor. Pkt 5c., oz 8c., % lb 20c., % 1b 
30c., 1b 50c., postpaid. 

Our Melon Seed is Grown Especially 
for Us under Contracts and is Fresh, Pure 
and True to Name. 

SWEETHEART—Excellent quality; heavy, uniformly mottied light and dark green. The flesh is bright red, 
very tender and sweet. It fonctae in gocd condition longer than’ any ther melon. Pkt., 5¢3 oz., 8c; % lb., @e; % 

Ib., 35¢; 1b., 60c, vostpaid. 

KENTUCKY WONDER-—This is a superior melon 
inevery way. As shown by the engraving, it is ob- 
long inshape, skin very dark green, marbled with a 
lighter green; the flesh is a beautiful deep scarlet, 
crisp, tender, *ich and very sweet and sugary. It is 
an excellent keeper and fine for market as well as 
for home use. The average weight is 50 pounds. We 
recommend this as a good old-fashioned Kentucky 
melon. Pkt., 5c; oz., 8c; % Ib.. 20c; % lb., 30c; Ib 50c.;: 
postpaid. f 

McIVER’S SWEET—One of the very best of melons; is »b- 
long in shape, with light and dark green stripes. Pkt 5c., oz 
10c., 14 Th 25c., % 1b 40c., th 70c., postpaid. 

JONES’ JUMBO—Very large melon, perfectly round; rind 

Teen, with lighter stripes; deep red meat of lucious flavor. 
Sie of the very best varieties. Pkt 5c.,0z 8c..44 1b 20c,, 4% 1b 
35c., 1b 60c., postpaid. 



An exceedingly large melon, very early, 2 
heavy yielder, deliciously sweet. This mel- 
on has been advertised under different names 
but we prefer to advertise it justas itis. The 
flesh is bright scarlet; rind a dark brownish 
green. Itisa grand table melon and an un- 
usually fine shipper. For richness of flavor. 
coupled with enormons size and heavy yield- 
ing properties. the Triumph is the finest 
melon inthe world. Ourseed is fresh, new 
erop of 1904 and the best quality. You will 
make no mistake if you plant this melon. 
Pkt 5e., oz 8e., 1% 1b 20¢., % 1b 30e., 1b 50c.. 

d ee 

CITRON—These are used for preserving. 
Grow round and smooth ahd are striped and 
marbled with light green. Flesh is white 
and solid. Pkt 5c..0z 10c,, 4 1b 25e.. % 40¢e., 

‘See our Wholesale Price-List to 
Gardeners on Pages 61 and 62, and 
remember we supply the best Market 
Gardeners every year. 




KING OF MAMMOTHS—These are the largest Water Melons in the world. The illustration given above is a 
correct one. It is a late variety of fine sweet, sugary flavor; this, with its enormous size, makes it the best of 
sellers. If you want a tremendous Melon of good quality, try our King af Mammoths and you will get the best 
and largest. Pkt 5c; oz 8c; %4 lb 20c; % 1b 35c; lb 60c, postpaid. 

KLECKLEY’S SWEET—The sweetest Water the World. Large oblong shape. The skin is dark 
green; rind is very thin and brittle; a fully ripe Melon will always split ahead of the knife when cutting. The 
flesh is bright scarlet, sugary and melting in the highest degree. The heart is broad and solid. This melon is not 
a good shipper, because of its brittle rind, but is the finest table variety in the world and for hame market. We have 
the true genuine stock, which is very hard to obtain. Remember you get the pure genuine stock from us at tMe 
following prices: Pkt 5c; oz 8c; %4 1b 20c.; % lb 85c; lb 60c... postpaid. 

IMPROVED KOLB’S GEM—This is fully a week earlier than the ordinary Kolb’s Gem, besides being much 
larger and a heavier yielder. The fruit is of large size, round, heavily mottled, with stripes of light green, which 
gives it an attractive appearance; flesh is bright red, extending to within % inch of the rind; it is a good keeper 
and a most excellent shipper, being firm, sweet and sugary. Our improved strain is not as coarse as the ordinary. 
Pkt 5c; oz 8c; % lb 18c; % 1b 30c; lb 50c, postpaid. 

MOUNTAIN SWEET—An old standard. Is of very large size and of fine flavor; rind thin, and dark color. Itisa grand 
old-fashioned melon. Pkt 5c.; oz 8c.; 14 |b 20e.: % 1b 35e.; 1b 60c., postpaid. 

Salsify or Vegetable Oyster. 

—The very best variety grown. Is 
fully twice the size of any other 

CT ET ae eo eee oom 

LUE iit hi palit i\\t 




mT Tre | == dl 

(i | hha : = === leading variety among both market 
==- — and private gardeners. Pkt 5c; oz 

ve; % lb 35c; % Ib 60c; Ib $1.00 post- 


MUSHROOM SPAWN Comes in bricks and is easily cultivated. May be grown in cellar or shed 

~ ¢ orin hot bedsout doors, Shake fresh horse manure well apart and lay ina 
heap to ferment. Turn it and mix thoroughly every 3 or 4 days that it may become equally fermented. When the dung is ready, 
mark out the bed, mix dung and beat it down with fork to a thickness of 18 or 20 inches. Then allow bed to remain until it be- 
comes warFm—a temperature of about 75 degrees. Devide spawn into smalllumps and plant 2inches deep, 6 inches apart; then 
cover all with 2 inches light soil and protect from heavy rains. Mushrooms will appear in 4to6 weeks. Donot water beds un- 
less quite dry, then use lukewarm water. Price per lb brick 25c.: 3 lbs 65c, postpaid.¥2 uw = BRB: “a 

price; skin is a rich golden yel- 


re) NIO N RY EED , ee Onion Seed is very scarce this year. itemember our seed is fresh, of strong vitality ky; 
: » e@ 

ont buy “cheap” Onion Seed this year. Good seed is scarce. WE HAVE IT. 

Yellow Globe 



Danvers. . ii =— 

_offer the earliest strain of Hh SS LSS SSN } = 
Yellow Globe Danvers. They 1. 0.0.°™ RHES—S SSW 
erow of uniform large size and LAG ANN QQ. CSS ee & lgX 
command the highest market wy ///yyf i AN IQA S 

low color; flesh white, mild 
pleasant flavor, fine grained. fyi 
They are excellent keepers and = fim 
the hardiest and most product- 
ive Onions in cultivation. Our 
seed is of excellent quality, 
plump and of strong vitality and 
you will be pleased with the 
crop raised and find them very 
profitable. Get the best. Price 
of our extra selected strain of 
Yellow Globe Danvers: Pkt., 5c; 
oz 10c.; % 1b 35¢e.; % lb 65c.; Ib 

AUSTRALIAN BROWN—In the short’ space of years 
these have become the most popular onion in many \seatitien:. ts 
of medium size, very hard and solid; ripen evenly and early, being 
over four; weeks earlier than the Red Wethersfield. The color 
of skin is a pale reddish brown, distinct from any other variety 
which causes them to attract attention in the market and when 
once puey. es used, SUG Saou aaa take no other. No other onion 

; ; e eepin ualities. Coa5 7 OZ 103: 2S 4 55¢.; 
Sah eerie £aQ 4% 1b30c.; % 1b 55c.; Ib 

xTR: YB —The earliest variety grown. 
white, mild and delicate flavos. Fine for table use ane eee “Pit see 
02 20c., 14 1b50e., 14 Ib 90e., 1b $1.75, postpaid. ‘ 

OHIO YELLOW GLOBE—These are the finest shape and largest 
eroppers of any yellow Onion. Have small necks; are perfect globe 
shape and uniform in size and color. They are the best keepers we 
know of and will yield more marketable onions to the acre than 
any other variety. Pkt 5c; oz 10c., % lb 40c., % lb Z5c., lb $1.40 
postpaid . = 


beautiful standard white onion. They stow the White Globe, but is a rich deep red in color. Pkt 5c; oz 20c.. 
to a good size and ripen early and evenly. 1 Ib 50c: % Ib 90c; Ib $1.50 postpaid. | We have a fine lot of choice 
The flesh is mild, while the skin is a beau.i- Red Globe seoa. 
ful clear silvery white, glistening like silver. 


A favorite when young as a bunching of SOUTHPORT WHITE GLOBE —Perfectly ball-shaped: silvery 
salad onion, but is also a good keeper and ite and commands the highest price inthe market. The flesh is firm, 
fine for fall use. An excellent variety when fine grained, of mild flavor anda good keeper. Pkt 5c.; oz 20c.; 141b 
one or two varieties are to be planted. Pkt. 60c.; 4% 1b $1.00; 1b $1.90, postpaid. 

* 0Z., 15¢.; lb., 50c; ib., 99e., 1b $1.50 post- f 2 
a a 4 A ® $ P {0@~ See our Wholesale Price-List to Gardeners Pages 61, 62. 


La ae , e O n i re AMERICAN PRIZE-TAKER-This is a hand 
Ss ns. some variety of celebrated fancy Spanish Onions 
-.--:.=-— Which are imported inthe United States and sold 
for from twenty-five to fifty cents each. They 
grow to an enormous size, specimens from our 
select seed have been grown to weigh 5% pounds 
each. The flesh is pure white, fine grained, mild 
and delicate in flavor and present the handsomest 
appearance possible. Pkt 5e; oz 15c;% lb 40c: y% 
lb 75c; lb $1.40, postpaid. 

our stock of this famous Red Onion to be the best 
—~ you have ever planted. There are some cheap seed 
of this variety on the market that is very inferior, 
but you secure ONLY THE BEST from us. The 
skin is a deep purplish red, flesh white and is 
moderately fine grained, of pleasant flavor and 
produces enormous crops. Pkt 5c.. oz 10c.; % 1b 85c.; 
24 1b 65e,, 1b $1,15 postpaid. 

The Best Line of Incubators and Poultry 




' / MAMMOTH SILVER KING—This isa truly mam- 
‘moth variety. No other white Onion attains such larve 
Size, nor such uniform size. The average size of ful'y 
grown Mammoth Silver King is 5 to 8inches in diameter. 
The skin is a beautiful silvery white, while the flavoris 
so mild and sweet thatit may be eaten raw like an apple, 
We have the true Italian seed, Pkt 5c., oz 20c,, 4 1b50c., 
14 1b 90c., 1b $1.50 postpaid. 

Cheap Onion Seed. 

In comparing our prices with others. please remember 
that WE handle nothing but the VERY BEST. None bet- 
terat ahivther price: None as ind ata.) = 

Ver WHITE (BERMUDA ONION—(Genuinejimported Seed). Especially adapted to the Southern and South-western states 
and is one of the most profitable varietiesgrown. They are large size, mild and easily cultivated. Our seed of this variety is as 
pure as can be obtained, and is direct from Teneriffe, one of the Canary Islands and the home of the Bermuda Onions. Pkt 5e, 

oz 25¢e., % 1b 90e., % 1b $1.60, 1b $3.00, postpaid. 

Zimmerman’s Select Onion Sets. 

We cant be beaten on the ‘‘Onion Question’? We watch it very close We have to. Wehave customers 
all over this country that look to us for their seed and they want THE BEST Ever try our seed? Do it 
this year and you’ll come again next year just like the rest of our customers. Onion Sets are short this 
year, but we have a choice lot of them—barrels of them and they are just the kind to plant. 

Yellow Bottom Sets—Pinti5c., Quart 25c, postpaid. By express or freight, qt 15c., 44 pk 50c., peck 75¢ , % bu $1.40, bu $2.75. 

Red Bottom Sets—Same price as the Yellow. 
White Bottom Sets—Pint 15c,. qt 30c., postpaid. By express or freight, qt 20c., 1% pk 60c., peck 90e., 14 bu $1.60, bu $3.00. _ 


WHITE VELVET—The finest variety. The pods ©an be NEW LONG STANDING—The best and most popu- 
split and stored for winter soups. Pkt 5c; oz 10c, postpaid. lar variety grown; leaves are large, thick and crumpled. 
It stands longer before going to seed than any other 

RHUBARB. variéty. Pkt 5c; 0z 6c; %4 lb 12c; % lb 20c; 1b 35c, postpaid. 
: ROUND THICK LEAVED—Grows large, thick dark 

VICTORIA GIANT—The standard variety. Itis | green leaves, slightly crumpled. Pkt 5c; oa 6c; % lb 12c; 
very large, quick growth and fine flavor. Pkt 5c; oz 1% 1b 20c; lb 35¢c; postage prepaid. 
12c; % Ib 40c: % Ib T5c3 1b $1.35, postpaid. 

"7 BLOOMSDALE (Savoy Leaved)--A great favorite with market 
THE KI ND TO PLANT gardeners. Has dark, thick leaves and is perfectly hardy; fine 
e for-fall sowing. Pkt 5e., oz 6c.. 4*lb 12¢., %.1b 20e, 1b 35ce, postpaid. 

We have them. All our seeds are fresh, pure PRICKLY WINTER—Will stand the severest weather with 
Wht straw protection. Leaves are oblong or arrow-Shaped. Pkt 

and thoroughly tested. They’ll please you. 5e.. oz 6c,. 44 1b 12¢., 4 1b 20¢e., 1b 35c., postpaid. 



BEST PEAS. 2.000 none be hardy, of the highest quality and wil! 
; e give you perfect satisfaction, Varieties marked * are wrinkled. 
Two Weeks Early. 

The Earliest Pea. 
A Sure Cropper. 

This is not only the BHarliest Pea in 
cultivation, but is unequaled for yield and 
regularity of growth. They bear a heavy 
crop of well filled pods from three to 
three and one-half inches in length, near- 
ly all of which can be gathered at one 
picking. Vines grow 18 inches in height 
and are loaded with these early delicious 
peas. Their flavor is the best and they 
are by far the earliest and finest early 
pea on the market. This pea has more 
than fulfilled all the claims we have made 
for it the past two seasons, It will make 
a crop where others fail and will be the 
first in the market. We have no report 
ofa failure--wherever planted they have 
NEVER failed to bear abundantly and are 
THE FIRST. They are not an everbearin 
pea, but produce a large crop, maturin 
uniformly and the space can then be used 
for some other vegetable, before other 
peas are near maturing. Pkt5e.; % pt 
20c.; pt 30c.; qt 50c,, postpaid. Bx ex- 
es or freight, qt 30c.; 4 qts 90c.; peck 

_ SLITTLE GEM—(Improved Sirain.) A great 
improvement over the old Little Gem. A 
second early of fine flavor. Large pkt., 8c; 
4% pt., lic; pt., 2c; qt., 40c; postpaid. By 
express or freight not prepaid, qt., 25c; 4 qts., 
90c; pk., $1.76. 



Per “\ 

| aS \ 

ALASKA—Is an extra 
early pea; vines grow to a 
height of about 2 feet. The 

TWO WEEKS EARLY PEA. pods grow 8 inches long 

; and are well filled with 

smooth, round peas of good flavor. Alaska is one of the earliest peas and quite profitable as a market and 
home pea. Pkt dc., % pt 1ic,. pt 25c,. qt40c, postpaid. By express of freight, qt 25c., 4 qts 80c,, pk $1.50. 

*GRADUS or PROSPERITY PEA—A large, pea of the finest quality and is also very early, Grows 
about 30 inches high, produces long pods, which are 8 to 5 inches in length and contain 8 to 10 peas. Pkt 
Be., 14 pt 20c., pt 352., qt 50c., postpaid. By express or freight, qt 35c., 4 qts $1,25, pk $2.25. 

aay n= ct)~=—COexeellent wrinkled pea with 
sturdy vine, growing about 2 
feet high. It is vigorous. pro- 
Seeo|| Gucvive and very Satisfactory. 
PAN) “Hach seed, asa rule, produces 
' twostalks. The pods areextra 
large size and well filled with 
delicious peas. Pkt 5c., % pt 
15¢., pt 25¢e., qt 40c., postpaid. 
By express or freight, qt 25c., 
4 qts 80c., pk $1.50. 

eo < eS ad 

5 Ait 

ENGLAND-—Is a well-known 
late variety, very popular and 
is one of the best tall peas. It 
is far superior to the common 
Marrowfat, which it resembles 
Pkt 5e., % pt 15c.. pt 25c., qt 
40c, postpaid. By express or 
freight, qt 25e , 4 qts 80c., peck 

sNott’s Excelsior Pea. 

This isone of the very best dwarf, wrinkled varieties in cultivation. Is 
hardy and vigorous and can be planted nearly as early as the smooth varie- 
ties and will mature almostasearly. Ordinary cultivation quite frequently 
matures themin 45days. They grow to auniform height of about one foot, 
\. produce pods 3 inches in length, containing 7 to 9 large wrinkled peas of su- 
WAY Petior flavor and tenderness. Pkt 5c., % pt 16c., pt 80c., qt 50c, postpaid. By 

Way express or freight. qt 35c.,4qts $1.20, peek $2 .00. 



| AD 
WHE | 2 






We offered our Reliance Pea forthe 
first timelast year. Reports show it to 
be an exceedingly early Wrinkled Pea, 
maturing just after smooth peas. It may 
be planted as soon as the ground can be 
worked. Vines grow from i4 to 20inches 
in height and are simply loaded with 
pods about three incues in length, each 
pod averaging 9 fine large wrinkled peas 
of excellent quality. They are the finest 
of table peas, as their flavor is simply de- 
licious.S We want you to try this grand 
Pea, and following our set rule of fair 
prices, we offer it to you at the following 
low prices: Large pkt 6c; % pt 15¢; pt 
380c; qt 50c, postpaid. By express or 
freight, qt 30c., 4 qts $1.10, pk $2.00. 

feet high and produces large pods well 
filled with large peas of excellent flavor. it 
is very hardy, enormously productive. It is 
a new pea and is giving satisfaction to all 
who have planted it. Large pkt., 8c; % pt., 
tic; pt., 2c; qt., 40c, postpaid. By express 
or freight not prepaid, qt., 25c; 4 ats., 80c; 
pk., $1.50. 

*TELEPHONE—This is one of the largest 
peas grown; vines grow from three and one- 
half to four feet high and are filled with 
large pods containing seven to eight peas of 
good size and excellent quality. With the 
exception of our New Mammoth, this is 
probably the largest variety grown. Large §& 
pkt., 8c; % pt., lic; pt., 25c; qt., 40c, post- 
paid. By express or freight not prepaid, qt., 
Zc; 4 qts, 80c; pk., $1.50. 


‘Zimmerman’s Mammoth. 

This is a mammoth variety, the King of the 
Mammoths, the largest variety ever introduced 
ft is not only the largest, but the heaviest yieldet 
and the peas are of the finest quality. They will 
produce more pods to the vine and more peas 
to the pod than any variety we ever heard of. 
They eTOW four feet high and the yield -is simply 
enormous. Try this grand new pea this year. Its 
tali, healthy vines are simply loaded with their giant 
pods, filled with giant peas of excellent flavor. Pkt 
5e.; % pt., 20c; pt., 35c; at., 50c, postpaid. By ex- 
press or freight at., 35c; 4 qts., $1.10; pk., $2.00. 

*BLISS EVERBEARING—They grow from e’gh’ern 
inches to two feet in height; pods are three o four’ 
finches long and well filled with Jarge peas of finest 
quality. They bear continually throughout the season 
It has a peculiar branching habit, forming as «s 
ten stalks from a single root stalk. We heartiy te. om- 
mend this variety as one that will give perfect sSatis- 
faction. Large pkt., 5c; % pt.. 12c; pt., 20c; qt., 3s5c, 
postpaid. By express or freight not prepaid, qt., 
20c; 4 aqts., 75c3; pk., $1.25. 

DWARE SUGAR—The best of the edible pod varie- 
ties. Large pkt., 8c; % pt . lic; pt., 25c; qt., 40c, post- 
paid. By express or freight not prepaid, qt., 25c; 4 ats 
S6e; pk.,. $1.7. 

*YORKSHIRE HERO—Asamain crop pea, this has few 
equals. Its long, round pods closely filled with large peas of 
fine flavor. Itis very productive and sometimes called Dwarf 
Champion of England. Pkt 5e., % pt 12c., pt 20c.. qt 35c., post- 
paid. By express or freight, qt 20c., 4 qts 75c., peck $1.40. 

WHITE MARROW FAT—An old standard smooth pea and 
very productive. Grows from3to5feet high. Pkt5c., 4¢ pt 
10c.. pt 15c.. qt 30c., postpaid. By express or freight, qt. 165ce. 
BLISS’ F VERBEARING —. : 13 4 qts 55c., peck $1.00: i 

fg ON 



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This is one of the oldest and best varieties in cultiva- CHAMPION MOSS CURLED—An excellent vari ety; 

tion. White, sweet, tender and of excellent flavor. | the leaves are finely curled and of a dark green color; 

Pkt 6c; 0Z 8c; % lb lic; % Ib 2c; 1b 40c, postpaid. extra fine for garnishing and culinary purposes. Pkt 6c} 
GUERNSEY-The Roots are short, ending abruptly, | ©2 8¢; % lb 20c; % Ib 3c; 1b 60c, postpaid. 

with a small tap root. Grows below the surface and NEW EMERALD —The plants are dwarf and compact 

has smooth, clear skin. Pkt 5c; oz 8c: % 1b lic; % Ib | Leaves a handsome bright green, finely curled. Pkt 6c; 

2c; lb 40c, postpaid. - oz 8c: %4 Ib 20c; % lb 35c; 1b 60c, postpaid. 


MOTHER’S THANKSGIVING PIE—This most excellent variety has 
been produced through the careful blending of the best of the sugar 
varieties and as a result, we have the most perfect vie pumpkin ever 
offered. They are not large, but just the proper size for easily handling 
and their quality is unsurpassed. If you like Pumpkin Pies, just plant 
some of this Thanksgiving Pie Pumpkin and see what delicious pies you 
will have. Is of orange yellow and the flesh is fine: grained and exceed- 
ingly sweet. They are splendid Pkt 5dc., oz 10c., 4 1b 20c.,ib 60c, post paid. 

WINTER LUXURY—A beautiful golden russet color, very productive, 
fine grained, an excellent keeper and one of the best for pies. Pkt 5c; oz 
8c; % 1b 20c; % Ib 35c; Ib 5dc, postpaid. 

KING OF THE MAMMOTH—This is also called Jumbo, True Pot Iron 
Mammoth Yellow. It is the largest pumpkin grown, averaging from 100 as 
high as 225 pounds each. Skin is a bright orange yellow; flesh is fine 
Sra edand of good quality. Pkt 5°; 0z 15c; % Ib 35¢€; % Ib 55c; Ib 9%c., 

COMMON FIELD—The well-known old Conn. field variety. Grows well 
among corn. Stock feeding. Pkt %c; oz 8c; % lb 15c; % Ib 25c; lb 40c, 


pro rs eer rare ow 

JAPANESE Plit—The flesh 1s very thick, tine grained and sweet, having a sweet potato flavor. The seed cavity is small 
and in one end, while the large neck issolid meat. They ripen early, and are very desirable as a pie or cooking pumpkin. Pkt 
5e.: 0Z 10c.; 44 1b 25c.; % 1b 40¢c.; 1b 75ec., postpaid. 

Choice Peppers.2a 

THE NEW MAMMOTH —The largest and finest red pepper. As large as Pro- 
copp’s Giant and as mild as Ruby King. This is a new variety and one that 
will become very popular. The long fine fruits are of a brilliant scarlet, but 
mild enough to eat like tomatoes and have a pleasant flavor. They grow 6 to 
8 inches in length and 4 to 6 inches in thickness. They are very shy seeders, 
which makes the seed scarce and of high price. You should certainly plant this 
grand new variety. Include a packet with your order. Ft 5c.,% oz l5ec., oz 
e., 4 lb WSe., postpaid. 

RUBY KING—A large red variety of handsome appearance. Grows four to 
six inchés in length and three to four ‘ncnes through. They are so mild and 
sweet that they can be sliced in vinegar and eaten. Pkt 5c; % oz 10c; oz 15c; 
¥% 1b 50c, postpaid. 

CELESTIAL —Plants grow to a height of two feet and bear heavily. ,Up to 
the time they are fully grown they are a rich creamy yellow, turning to a 
bright scarlet when ripe. This is a very uSeful pepper. Pkt 5c; % oz 126; oz 
20c; % lb 60c, postpaid. 

PROCOPP’S GIANT---This has long been the giant of the pepper family. 
€overed with peppers from 7 to 9 inches long and just mild enough to be pleas- 
ant to the taste. Pkt 5c; % 0z12c; oz 20c; % Ib 60c, postpaid. 

F EONG RED CAE ene a8 fine i eee pee Soe conical shaped, red 
n color and the flesh is strong an at. Shoes OVA WIGS Gy Ala Gre Ib : t- 
paid. 4 % tate NEW MAMMOTH. 

a6 acne wee is the true Red Chili pepper. They are small, brightred and very hot. Pkt5dc.: %0z712c.; oz 20c.; 4%1b 
)., postpaid. 

NOTICE! Why not make up a nice order for Five Dollars or more? We’ll make you our regular 
Wholesale prices to gardeners. See these prices on pages 61 and 62. Why not get your neighbor to join with 
you? We’ll give you big value for your money and treat you RIGHT. 


Ny illustration, this isa beautiful radish; very 



RADISHES. Benita, 

New Lightning Radish. 

This is indeed a Lightning Radish, for its growth 
and maturity is very rapid and it is the earliest vari- 
ety we have been able to find. We feel that we can 
assure our customers that when they plant this 
Lightning radish, they will have early Radishes many 
days before others. It is a beautiful variety; dark 
red in color and round in shape. As tenderness is the 
result of rapid growth, this variety is unsurpassed in 
both flavor and tenderness. It is the best variety 
for the market gardener who wants the early trade. 
If you want the earliest radishes in your neighbor- 
hood, plant our New Lightning. It is the leader. 
We have letters from all parts of the country, telling 

the great success with this grand Lightning Radish. 
Pkt., 5c; oz., 10c; % Ib., 25c; % Ib., 40c; Ib. 75e, 

§ aye a one of the very cantiey varieties in eubiye: 
tion. perfect globe shape, with deep red on top and white at 
bottom. Very crisp, tender and do not become hollow or pithy, TRY OUR NEW 
Very desirable for aoe under glass Pkt 5de.,0z 10c., 41b20e., LIGHTNING 

¥% 1b 85ce., lb 50c,, postpaid. & Ci RADISH Ef 

CRIMSON GIANT—New type of radish, attaining a size more than double that of any other forcing radish, without getting 
hollow or pithy. Often reach 6 to 8 inches in circumference: their pure white flesh remains firm, crisp and mild despite their 
large size, Pkt 5c., oz 10c., 4 1b 25e., % 1b 40c., 1b 752, postpaid. 

EARLY SCARLET GLOBE—A very early variety and good for either forcing or out-door culture, As early 

as Non-Plus-Ultra but One-third larger; mild, crisp, juicy and_tender; is one of the best selling radishes on 
the market. Pkt 5c; 02 10c; % Ib 20c; % lb 30c; Ib 50c, postpaid. Bis; 

/ FRENCH BREAKFAST—As shown by the 
early, bright scarlet, with white tip. It is 

one of. the very best for family use. Pkt 
Be; oz 10c; % Ib 20c; 4 ib 30c; Ib 50c, 


“~~ NEW LEATLESS—tThis is a very fine radish and attracts attention both 
on the market and in the garden, because of the beautiful color and shape 
of the radish and the small amount of leaves it produces. The colorof 
skin isa very bright scarlet, while the flesh is white, crisp and tender. It 


—A very early and. handsome varie- 
ty, pure white incolor. So early is this 
variety that many claim it as the ear- 
liest radish in cultivation, andit is cer- 
tainly one of the very best. Itiserisp, = 
tender and of good flavor. Hassmalltop, = 
The correct shape is shown in the illus. © 
tration. Pkt 5c; oz 10c.; &% lb 20c., 4% 
FRENCH BREAKFAST RADISHES Ib 30c; lb 50c, postpaid. 

handsomest and one of the earliestlong Rad ‘are oblong; both skin and flesh 
ishes. It is the brighest scarlet we have ever pure white; flesh firm, crisp and 
seen and_it is a fine seller and a good home tender and retains these qualities 
radish. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; % lb 18c; % Ib 30c; Ib even when old. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; % 
50c, postpaid. lb 18c; % Ib 30c; 1b 50c, postpaid. 



VL EARLY SCARLET TUR NIP, WHITE TIPPED—For out-door culture, this variety has no superior and has 
been a leading market Radish for several*years. It is ingreat demand by the mostcritical growers, and we have 
the finest stock. Pkt. 5c; oz 10c: % Ib 18c: % Ib 30c; 1b 50c, postpaid. 

ROSE CHINA WINTER —Also called Scarlet Winter. A large, fine shaped radish of half-long shape and rose colored skin; 
esh is white and mild. A good winter keeper and very showy. Pkt 5c.: oz 10c.; 4 1b 20c.; % 1b 35e.: 1b 60c., postpaid. 


Five Choice 
Long Radishes. 

bea WHITE ICICLE—Pure white, long 
and slender. The earliest long white radish in 
cultivation and as early as the Long Scarlet 
Short Top and is more desirable for forcing. 
{n the open ground, the roots remain brittle, 
erisp and tender a long time We hope you 
will give this excellent radisha trial. Pkt5c, 
0z 10c., 4 1b380e., % 1b 50c., 1b 90c, postpaid. 

The standard long variety for home and 
market. Roots are long, straight, smooth, 
‘rich scarlet crisp and of superior flavor. 
They grow seven inches long, half out of 
the ground. Pkt 5c; oz 10c.; 14 Ib 20c., % Ib 
30c; lb 50c, postpaid. 

of the best long white radishes and is a very 
opular variety. Issweet, mild and tender. 
kt 5e., oz 10c., 14 Ib 20¢., %4 1b 35c., 1b 60e, pcst- 
A giant, white fieshed fall Radish 
used largely in the market of San Francis 
co; grows from 8 toi12 inches long: itis 
solid, tenderPkt 5c; oz 10c; % lb 20c; % 
Ib 35c; lb 60c, postpaid. 

ealled Celestial and is the finest and largest of 
the white radishes, growing 12 to 15 inches long E 
and diameter aud is tender. Pkt 5c, j 
oz 10¢e., 4 lb 20e., % 1b 35c., 1b 60c., postpaid. 

We offer the pest and most popular varieties. Our seed is 

rag 0A 2 ie TB Ab Oe, Dastpeid, 6 ae ee 
S UASHES unsurpassed by any on the market and prices are as low as 
® GOOD, thoroug ly tested seed can be sold. ; 



ew TTT 




— —_—— 
the South as “Cymling. A 

Known through i 
beautiful pede waxy white. Of fine quality Pkt 

5e: oz 10c; % lb 20c; % |b 35c; lb 7c, postpaid. 

E’S PEAK or SIBLEY—Owing to 
Eee this is one of the hest 

WARTY HUBBARD—This is the ideal Hubbard for home and hardness of the shell, ” : 
market use. It is more largely advertised than any other va-_ shippers. Skin is smooth of greenish gray color; 
riety. It is very sweet and considered superior to the other fiesh is golden orange color and very solid. Pkt 
varieties by many. The longest keeper and best shipper. Pkt 5c: oz 8c; % lb 25c; % lb 0c; lb 7éc, postpaid. 
5c; oz 10c; % Ib 30c; % lb 55c; lb $1.00, postpaid. SUMMER CROOKNECK—This is the best 
IMPROVED MAMMOTH HUBBARD —A select strain of the summer variety; is very early, large size and 
celebrated Hubbard Squash and noted for its immense gs warty, which adds to its value; color is bree 
It is more attractive than the other varieties of Hubbard yellow. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; % Ib 20c; % Ib 35c; 
Squashes on account of its large size and is the equal of the 5c, postpaid. 
other varieties in quality. Plant some of our Improved Mam- MARBLEHEAD — About the size of the 
moth Hubbard seed this year. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; % lb 30c, postpaid. Hubbard and shell of bluish-green. Pkt 5c; 0Z 
GOLDEN HUBBARD—Deep orange-yellow; very attractive; 0c; %4 Ib 25c; % lb 45c; Ib 80c, postpaid. 
fine grained, cooks well and is of superior flavor, In quality BOSTON MARROW — Oval in form; skin 
and productiveness it exceeds the old varieties. Try it. Pkt 5c; bright orange and flesh yellow. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; 
oz itc; % lb 30c; % Ib 55c; Ib $1.00, postpaid. ¥% lb 20c; % lb 35c; lb “5c, postpaid. 
MAMMOTH WHALE—A new variety from France and a magnificent squash. The largest variety ever 
introduced, weight ranging from 100 to 200 Ibs. Is very prolific and hardy; flesh is solid, of a beautiful 
The seed of this grand new variety is very scarce and it is hard to obtain the true seed. 

orange color. 
Our stoek comes direct from France and is of the finest. quality. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; %4 lb., 40c, postpaid. 
Beware of cheap seed of this variety. 


Our Tomate seed is grown for us by the most skillfal 

. -  growersinthe World. You will find our descriptions 
ma ODO es e accurate and reliable, and our seed the VERY BEST, 

Let us prove it to you this year. 




Earliest Tomate in the World. 

This variety is truly an Harly Wonder and stands without a rival in the early field. Produces its beau- 
tiful lucious fruit long before tomatoes are even thought of. This is not to be compared with the so- 
called earlies offered by many seedsmen, but is a superior tomato and THE BEST OF THE EARLIES. It 
is of good size, perfectly smooth, round and of a beautiful rich red color. Its earliness, smoothness, super- 
ior quality and handsome appearance makes it the grandest Toraato ever introduced. Market gardners 
can reap a rich harvest by getting the early fancy prices for the first tomatoes. The demand for this 
variety has been so great the past two seasons that our supply of seed was exhausted before the seasons 
were one-half over. We hope those who were disappointed in not being able to try this grand tomato 
last season will order early this year. _From all reports, indications are, the demand will be still greater 
this year, and, while we have a very large stock on hand, we advise early orders. Send in your orders 
at once. PkKt. 5c.; % oz.- 20c.; oz. 35¢.; % Ib. $1.25, postpaid. 

EARLIANA—This variety originated in New Jersey, where competition to be first in the market is very great. Itis ashy 
seeder and the seed is always high. Itislargely planted by market gardeners, because of its extreme earliness and fine appear- 
ance, Pkt 5c., % oz 15¢c., oz 30c., 4 1b 90e., postpost. 

EARLY BEAUTY-—Another extra early variety of good size, smooth and yields equal to the late varieties. Good quality 
and scarlet color and produces its fruit in clusters of tour and five to each cluster, ripening evenly. Pkt5c., % oz 12c., oz 20c.., 
14%]b 50c., postpaid. : 

LOH" Beautify your home with Roses and Plants—See our low prices on Pages 54, 55, 56 andff57. 




In our Improved Tree Tomato we undoubtedly 
have the very finest of the tree tomatoes and one 
that is sure to become very popular. It is earlier 
than the varieties generally offered ; has a stout, 
stocky stem and stands upexceedingly well. It 
is a very thrifty grower and heavy yielder, pro- 
ducing its bright, glossy red, lucious, fruit in 
great abundance. The fruit is round, has very 
few seeds and ripens clear to the stem. Flesh is 
firm, thick and of most excellent flavor and sel- 
dom rots or cracks, making it a decided improve- 
ment over the general run of tree tomatoes. The 
fruitis produced in clusters and each cluster ,@& 
ripers evenly. Itis a fine shipper and especially “4 
valuable for market gardeners. While they at- \ 
tain a height of two to three feet, they begin to 
bear when about sixinches high. They do bet- 
ter trained to a stake, as the fruit sometimes 
weightsthem down. Pinch off low side shoots 
until four clusters form. We suppose the sen- 
sational seedsmen would have this really grand 
tomato printed on pink, red or yellow paper in 
the front part of his catalogue. It would proba- 
bly be given some high sounding name. He 
would make a lot of blow and bluster about it 
and then ask 15e to 25¢ a packet. We are not 
sensational and we want you to try this tomato 
because it is a good one, and we have made the 
price Rieut. Pkt 5dc., 4% oz 15¢,, oz 25c,, 14 1b 
90c., postpaid. 33 

GOLD DUST TOMATO. ® >. 7#£ Lancey renrncrry swoorn tomato 



TOMATOES Continued! on Next Page. 

_ This is a great novelty anda 
tomato hard to excel. They are 
‘a purplish-red color, medium 
early, large size,and as SMOOTH 
AS AN APPLE. The vines are 
very robust, in fact they closely 
resemble potato vines, when first 
started. The vines are very beau- 
tiful ; go into your garden morn- 
ings and you will find them all 
sparkling and glistening in the 
sun like gold, hence the name of 
GOLD Dust. But their beauty 
and robust nature is not their 
strongest point—they are finest 
of market varieties and their 
beautiful, round,smooth appear- 
ence and large size make them 
very attractive. They have but 
few seeds and the meat is firm 
and solid. - We do not believe 
they have a superior. ~A_ trial 
will prove our claim that they 



“WORLD. Pkt 5c.; % o2 ldc.; 02 
25¢.3 34 Ib-75c.; 4 Ib $1.35. 3, Ib. 

€2.50. postpaid. 


Largest Tomato in the World. Solid, with Few Seeds. 

Do you want something that will astonish everyone who sees it? If so, then plant our Western 
Giant. We have no hesitancy in saying this 1s absolutely the LARGEST TOMATO IN THE WORLD. 
They are simply tremendous and the quality is excellent. It is a handsome red, very solid, few seeds 
and free from rot; ripens from July until killed by frost. The vines are robust and produce their enor- 
mous fruit in great abundance. This is indeed something entirely new in the Tomato world. Try our 
Giant this year and see what grand Tomatoes you get. Despite the efforts of the ‘‘windy” sensational 
seedsmen to equal this grand tomato, WE STILL LEAD, and the only way they can reach us is on paper 
and not in the garden. We dont rob you by charging 15c or 25¢ a packet and then offer you a prize hoping 
some person might raise a big one (on paper).. WE dont have to buy yields or testimonials. WE dont work 
‘fake’? schemes. WE have the goods. Send for this seed ; plant it and YOU will raise the largest tomatoes 
you ever saw in your life. Try it---the price is right. Pkt 5c.; % oz lic. ; oz 25c.; 14 lb 75c., postpaid. 

MAGNUS---One of the handsomest large sorts and is unsurpasaed in quality. Form is perfect, uniform and attractive; flesh 
firm. Ripens evenly to the stem and is a heavy yielder. Pkt 5c., 14 0z lic., 0z 25c., 14 1b 65c., postpaid, 

NEW STONE—Select Improved Strain. The grand main crop variety and the King of the Livingston Tomatoes 
which are the finest and best of the smooth Tomatoes. As its name implies, it is a solid, firm Tomato and 
an excellent keeper. Ripens evenly to the stem without a crack. A beautiful scarlet color, stem set high and 
has very small core. Pkt5ic; % oz 12c; oz 20c; % Ib 50, post paid. 

NEW MATCHLESS —Certainly a matchless Tomato. Skin is unusually tough and will keep for many days 
arte pele picker. A strong grower and very productive and of large size. Pkt 5c; % oz 12c; oz We; % Ib 
, postpaid. 

PERFECTION —This is an old favorite, equally desirable for home, market and canning; solid flesh, smooth 
blood red color. It has held its own with all the new varieties and will continue the grand old favorite with 
many.” Pkt 5c; % oz 12c; oz 20c; % lb 50c, postpaid. 

FAVORITE—JIs a large perfect shaped early Tomato. It is of rich glossy red color. A continuous bearer 
producing its beautiful rich fruit from early in the season until frost. Pkt. 5c; % oz 12c; oz 20c; %lb 50c, postpaid 

PARAGON —Large, solid, smooth as an apple and deep red. Pkt 5c; % oz 12c; oz 2c; % Ib 50c, postpaid. 
GOLDEN QUEEN —A grand yellow variety of superior flavor; unsurpassed as a table variety. A beautiful 

smooth Tomato, as smooth as any of the red varieties and of distinct rich fiavor. Try it for a yellow Tomato 
Pkt 6c; % oz 12c;0z 20c; %& Ib 50c. postpaid. 


e T i) 4 ry 
ine Lurnip. ~im |i! 

l BARLY WHITE MILAN—The earliest of all. On account of Niall 
s beautiful shape and earliness, this takes the front place 

among Turnips. It is so smooth and neat in appearance as to 
give the impression it was polished by hand. The foliage is 
scant and short. Both skin and flesh is snowy white. We have 
ed of this fine turnip. Pkt 5c: oz 10c; % Ib 2c; % lb 
80c, postpaid. 

PURPLE TOP MILAN—While not as fine a variety aS our WHITE 
MILAN, thisisa good‘eary turnip. Is quite smooth with purple top 
Pkf5e: oz 10c; 4 1b 25c; &% 1b 40c; 1b 75c, postpaid. 

EARLY FLAT DUTCH—An excellent early variety and 
largeiy used in the South. Roots are of medium size, flat, color 
white, sweet and tender. A good table variety, but gets in- 
ferior men overgrown. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; % lb Wc; % 1b 30c; 1b 55c, 
post - 

WHITE EGG—A rapid grower; egg shaped: pure white; : 
grows half out of the ground. The flesh is very sweet, mild EARLY WHITE MILAN 

PURPLE. is never rank or strong. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; % Ib 20c;% Ib 30c; lb 55c, postpaid. 

LE TOP STRAP LEAVED—A'™° standard  variety;round, flat and of good size. Pkt 5c; oz 10c: %& Ib 
: % lb 30c; lb 55c, postpaid. : 

ycow HORN—Grows long Pkt 5e, 0z 10c, &% 1b 20e, 1b 50c, postpaid. 
Be oen TOP—Used for greens. Pkt 5c, 0z10c, % 1b 20c, 1b 50c, postpaid. 


POMERANIAN WHITE GLOBE—(Strap Leaved). A free growing variety and useful for both tabl tock. 
KI as rapid as the flat varieties. but a fine autumn Turnip and good table variety in early winter. Pkt So: eo Gee 

Ib l5ce; % lb 2c: lb 40c, postp 
MPROVED AMERICAN PURPLE TOP—One of the best _varities for table and stock feeding: keeps hard and 

ttle until summer and is an exceedingly heavy cropper. We consider this one of the best. Pkt 5c: ° 
15c: % Ib 25c; Ib 40c, postpaid. Se; oz 8e; % Ib 

EPHANT OR MONARCH—Produces from three to seven tons per acre more than any other swede, while the 
ge amount of saccharine matter contained in them makes them THE VERY BEST FOR STOCK. Pkt 5c: oz 
ec: % lb 15c; % lb 2c: Ib 40c, postpaid. f 

HERBS ANISE—Used for seasoning; seeds have an agreeable taste. t#kt. 5 cts. 

e BORAGE—Leaves are used for flavoring, flowers good food for bees. Pkt.5 cts. 
CARAWAY-Grown for the seeds, which are used for flavoring bread and pastry. Pkt. 5 cts. 
CATNIP—Used for bee pasture, flavoring and teas. Pkt. 5 cts. 

CORIANDER-—Seeds are used in manufacture of confectionery and beverages. Pkt. 5 cts. 

DILi—tThe seeds have an aromatic odor and are used largely for pickling with cucumbers. Pkt. 5 cts. 
HOREHOUND—Used for medicinal qualities, mostly for cough remedies. Pkt. 5 cts. 

HOP SEED—PKt. 15 cts.: 2 for 25 cts. "a 
LAVENDER—Used for sweet odor in making of perfume. Pkt. 5 cts. 
SAFFRON—Used for coloring and flavoring certain dishes. Pkt. 5 cts. 
SAGE—More used than any other herb for seasoning. Pkt 5 cts. 
SUMMER SAVORY—Used for flavoring soups and dressings. Pkt. 5 cts. 
WINTER SAVORY—Used for flavoring soups. Pkt. 5 cts. 
THYME—Used for seasoning and medicinal qualities. Pkt. 5 cts. 



An Open Letter About 

Our Seed Corn. | 

The Seed Corn we offer was not only grown and acclimated 

to the Southwest, but was actually grown under our supervi- 
sion, gathered into our warerooms, and carefully hand-sorted, 
EVERY. EAR carefully inspected, making it the most perfect . | 
grade of Seed Corn possible to produceée Good seed is of as ; 
much importance as good soil and cultivatione ae 

Carefully sorted: all nubbins, inferior ears, ete thrown 
out; tipped, butted, shelled and graded to a perfect uniform 
size and shape, it will pass through your planter without 
clogginge Hardly an imperfect grain. Does that appeal to you 
Mre Farmer? Every grain that goes into your field perfect. = 
Dont. you. think.-it. you to plant this Kind: of sSecea~ | 
Dont you ‘think it will produce 10 to 25 bushels more te,tee=. { 
acre? Dont you think IT 1S WORTH MORE than that generally ' 
offered? And its just as we say it is, and if you dont find 
it so;.:send it right back-“and get your money. 

Yours for abundant crops, 


This is the way Our Seed Corn runs. The kind you sometimes get from others. 
All perfect size, and shape. sag? All sizes, shapes and forms. 



The Largest Grained, Heaviest Yielding=Corn‘ Ever 
Introduced. Out-yielded All Other.Varieties ~~ 
in the Equal Trial at 

Kansas Agricultural College, Manhattan, Hans. 

Yes, its the best grown. The 
Very Best. Combines more good 
qualities than any other corn we 
ever heard about. We first in- 
troduced this corn to our custo- 
mers four years agoand we have 
been making strong claims for it 
ever since, and it has always 
surpassed OUR claims. Now 
comes the State Agricultural Col- 
lege of Kansas with a statement 
that in the equal growing test, 
a yield of 58.75 bu, while McAu- 
ley’s White made 57.3; Golden 
Row 53.75; Hildreth 51.75; Kan- 
sas Sunflower 49.1; Boone County 
White 46.3; Silver Mine 45.9; 
Reid’s Yellow Dent 45.1, ete. 
Foot by foot, rod by rod, acre 
by acre, year after year it will 
be your winning corn. We wapt 
YOU to plant it. The main color 
is ox-blood, surmounted with yel- 
low in such a manner asto give it 
the appearance of a yellow corn 
on a red background, blending 
into a beautiful and attractive 
combination. No picture, no il- 
lustration can do it justice, The 
stalks arelarge and strong. and 
withstand heavy storms, while 
the large, deep grains are yery 
nutritious, making it a most val- 
uable corn for feeding purposes. 
(OF Now listen! Every grain of 
this corn was grown according to 
“our directions; carefully  sort- 
‘COMBINATION” FROM A PHOTOGRAPH. Piped acne be a nereneed 
men and we KNOW it is pure; we KNOW just what it is and what it willdo. If you dont find it just as we 
describe it, SEND IT RIGHT BACK and get your money. That is the way WE do business. We offer it 3 
ways, but recommend that you order the graded. Carefully shelled and graded to uniform size, the highest 
grade of perfection; pkt 5c., pt 15c.. qt 25¢.. postpaid. By express or freight, {peck 50c., 2 bu 80c., bu $1.50 
2 bus $2.80, 5 bus $6.50, 10 bu $12.00. 2nd: Carefully selected, but not graded, peck 40c’, % bu 70c., bu 
$1.25,'2 bus:$2.25! 5 bus $5,00, 10 pus $9.00. In thegear, crated, $1.60 per,bu, 2 or more bu at $1.50 per bu- 




The Best Milling Corn in the World. 

roaaa. es 

iinet qqgeee 

ana isaggns0ne TERT a 

VEEN ae md : SSS 

AR ah a eS wa XS N ee me ASS bth S K AS LN 


We have here a corn which easily stands at the head of all white varieties. Is earlier than White Pearl 
and has out-yielded Silver Mine side by side. 75 pounds of ears shelled 70 lbs of corn. Matures in 90 days, 
the ears running 10 to 12 inches in length; cobs are small and contain from 16 to 20 rows of deep, pure white 
kernels. No! we dont claim it will yield 300 bushels per acre, but we DO claim it will out-yield varieties 
elaimed to give such fabulous yields. Weclaim it to be the HANDSOMEST, HARDIEST, WHITEST 
DENSEST most UNIFORMED kerneled, SUREST MATURING and BEST white corn we have ever seen. 
We want you to see this variety. We want you to plant this variety Itwill out-yield anything you ever 
saw in a corn field. And the color! it is the prettiest pure snowy white vou ever saw. 

The seed we offer was cultivated with the greatest possible care. It was Hanp Sorrep, Trepep, BurrEep 
and SHELLED in our warerooms. All leading authorities on seed corn declare that Pure Seed Corn raised in 
and acclimated to the Southwest, will give more general satisfaction than seed corn grown in another sec- 
tion and climate. We exercise the greatest possible care in the cultivation and selection of our seed corn 
and that is the reason WE Haver oniy THE Best. Selected, tipped, butted, shelled and graded to uniform 
size. Pkt5c.; 4% pt 10c.; pt 15¢e.; qt 25c., postpaid. By express or freight, pk 40c.; % bu 75c.; bu $1.40; 2 
bu $2.65; 4 to10 bu at $1.25 per bu. 2nd: Selected but not graded, pk 35c.; \ bu 65c. ; Ne $1.10; 2 bu 
$2.00 4 to 10 bu at 90c. per bu. In the ear crated $1.60 per bu. 


A $0-day white variety and one of the heaviest yielders ever planted.The stalks grow 7 to 8 feet in height; the 
ears run from 10 to 12 inches long; cob is small and contain from 16 to 20 rows of pure white kernels of large size 
and very deep. Pkt. 5c; % ptl10c; pt 15c; qt25c, postpaid. By express orfreight ; Graded to uniform size, qt 10c; pk 
40c, % bu 75c., bu $1.40, 2 bu at $1.30 per bu. 5 to 10 bu at $1.25 per bu. 2nd, Selected but not graded to uniform size, pk 85c, % bn 
65c., bu $1.10 2 bu at $1.00 per bu. 5 to 10 bu at 90c. per ba. In the ear at $1.60 per bu 


Matures in 110 days. Ears average from 8 to 12 inches in length and contain 16 rows of pure white, deca com- 
pact and very heavy kernels. The kernals are larger than any other white corn. Itisa BIGcorn. Meal from this corn 
makes A No. 1 on the market. Pkt 5c; % pt 10c; pt l5c; qt 25c, postpaid. By express or freight Graded with our 
Grading machines. Every kernal of uniform perfect size and shape, peck 50c., %4 bu 80c.. bu $1.50, 2 bu at $1.30 per bu, 5 bu at $1,20 
per bu. 10 bu at $1.10 per bu. 2nd Selected, but not graded to uniform size, All pure, sound seed and superior to seed corn 

generally sold, peck 402., 14 bu 65c., bu $1.10, 2 bu at $1.00 per bu. 5 bu at 90c, per bu, 10 bu at 80c. per bu. In the ear crated, 
extra choice ears at $2.00 per bu. 



Early Golden Eclipse. 

An Extra Early Yellow Corn. 

The finest and heaviest yielding early yellow corn. Most 
beautiful formed ears and finest rich golden color. Whatever 
can be said of any other early yellow corn ean be said of this 
one, AND MORE. Itis early, a heavy cropper, deep kerneled 
and very hardy. Cobs small and filled to the tip with bright 
golden grains. Its rich color makes it fine for grinding into 
meal as well as feeding purposes. An early corn that cannot 
be eclipsed. Selected, tipped, butted and graded, pkt 5c., pt 
15¢c., qt 25c, postpaid. By express or freight, pk 40c., % bu 75c, 
bu $1.40, 2 bu $2.60, 4 to 10 bu at $1.25 each. 2nd, selected, 
but not graded, pk 35c., % bu 60c., bu $1.10, 2 bu $2.00, 4 to 10 
bu at 90c each. In the ear, crated, $1.60 per bu. 



The Perfected Golden Beauty cannot be surpassed by any 
yellow corn. The largest and heaviest grains of any yellow 
corn. If you want to grow big corn; ears that run from 10 to 
15 inches in length and filled to the very tip with big, solid 
grains, our big Perfected Golden Beauty is just what you want. Ears are of perfect form and contain 12 to 
16 rows of bright yellow grains, of extra large size, to the very tip. Itisa fine feeder, while its rich color 
makes it fine for meal. Sorted, tipped, butted, shelled and graded to uniform size, pkt 5c., pt 15c., qt 25c., 

‘ postpaid. By express or freight, pk 40c., 44 bu 75c., bu $1.40, 2 bu $2.60, 4 to 10 bu at $1.25 per bu. 2nd, 
Selected, but not graded, pk 35c., 4% bu 60c., bu $1.10, 2 bu $2.00, 4 to 10 bu at 90c per bu. In the ear 

crated, $1.60 per bu. 

In Making Out Your Order and Com- 
paring Our Prices with Others, Just 
Remember That When You Order From 
Us, You Get The Best the Market Affords. 
Don’t Plant Poor, Inferior Seed. It Dont 
Pay. GET THE BEST. Not How Cheap, 
But How Good. 


Northern Potatoes. 

Our stock of Seed Potatoes cannot be excelled. They are pure Northern stock of the finest and hardiest 

quality and have given our customers perfect satisfastion year after year. Prices are subject to market 
' changes. Write for special and latest prices on large quantities. In buying from us, remember you are 
dealing with a house that has a well-earned reputation for fair, square dealings. WE'LL TREAT YOU 

Another year adds to the 
popularity of our Early De- 
light potato. Itisnotonly 
very early, but out-yields 
most ofthe later sorts. It 
has been planted in almost 
every state and our custo- 

\\ mers report heavy yields 
WSY)\\. @nd perfect satisfaction. A 
Wk\ Gross between the Early 
3 Ohio and Six Weeks; com- 
bining the heavy yielding 
#4 Qualities of the Ohio with 
Wy @arliness of the Six Weeks, 
\\y) thereby making it an ideal 
HUA potato. It is of handsome 
lj form and light color; comes 
ai? =true and not easy to ‘‘scab.” 
) A firm potato and fine keep- 
er, While its cooking quali- 
ties cannot be excelled. Try 
this one—the price is right, 
Lb 15¢e.; 3 lbs 35e, postpaid- 
By express or freight, pk 40c, 
¥4 bu 75e., bu $1.40, barrel. of 
234 bu $3.25, 

uy | 
H } 
Nt HU i 
i i ui 

Hl eh \ 
mi MeN | i | lial 
| Wn 


Ze Z SEE = 

= a = 4 

gtr Se 




The Early Ohio is the leading potato in the 


West and is more generally plantedthan any other nN ie = 
variety. Itseems to be especially adapted for this a AYN \ i . 
section. With the exception of our Early Delight, ; Wee ad cs 

the Red River Early Ohios have given more general NSN 

. oe Oe (id Wwe 
hia TAAL” HER 
i Ne Ky ahs 


satisfaction to our customersthan any other potato. , 
They are ready for market very early, are heavy 
yielders, good keepers and one of the finest table V@e fa 
rietles. We Guarantee Our Stock to be genuine Aik 
. Northern Red River. Dont buy ‘‘cheap” seed potas 4H 

toes from doubtful places. We have pure stock, 
firm andsound. By express or freight, peck 35c., % 
bu 65¢.. bu $1.20. bbl of 234 bu $3.20. 





ANH :) | ih | \ Sih 

i te ; a 

en : ae i i i ie 
AANA i me ie ne 

iit | ( 
Ye = l Nh 


Early Triumph. 
Combines productiveness, earliness and heavy 
yielding qualities. A grand potato and great favor- 
ite. The color isa beautiful light red and they grow 
to alarge size. Hardy Red River Stock: by express 
or freight, peck 40c,, 14 bu 70c¢., bu $1.25, Dbl $3.30. 

Karly Six Weeks. d Is undoubtedly the earliest potato in existence to-day and one of the leaders for gar- 

; eners. While not a heayy yielder, its extreme earliness makes it most valuable. By 
express or freight, peck 35c,, %4 bu 60c., bu $1.00, bbl of 234 bu $2.70. ‘ 

A late large, heavy yielding potato and is the favorite main drop potato in the West. Of fine 
The Burban K. quality, By express orfreight, peck 40c., 4% bu 70e., bu $1.25, bbl of 234 bu $3.20. 


1 My t = j tat 


SWEET POTATO ES Yellow Jersey—Peck 40¢., 4 bu 70c.. bu $1.25, bbl $3.30. Yellow Nansemond 
© —Peck 40¢e., % bu 70e., bu $1.25, bbl $3.30. Red Jersey—Peck 45e:,' % bu 75e., 

bu $1.40, bbl $3.50. Red Nansemond and Bermuda Red same price as Red Jersey. 

SWEET POTATO PLANTS. 50 for 30c., 100 for 50c, by mail postpaid. By express 100 for 30c., 500 for $1.15, 1,000 for $2.60. 



Most Popular and Productive of & 
Forage Plants. 4 

Grows on all kinds of soil; requires no cultivation after sowing. 
While the greatest claims for Rape are made as a forage for sheep 
and hogs, it is equally as good as a pasture for all kinds of stock. A 
good crop will yield 15 to 20 tons of green fodder per acre and will 
_ pasture 30 head of sheep for over two months, getting them in fine 

shape for market. All animals seem to prefer it to any other pasture 
during the entire summer and until late fal. Can be sown early to 
provide early pasture for sheep and hogs, but is usually sown in May 
or June for summer and fall pasture. When sown broadeast, use 7 lbs 
peracre. Ifindrills, 4lbs per acre. Price of select well cleaned 
seed: per lb 20c.; 31bs 50c., postpaid. By express or freight, 5 Ibs 
50¢, ; 10 to 20 Ibs at 7e per 1b; 25 lbs and over at 5%c per lb. 

RAFIR COR. WN WHITE—The most popular variety. Grows 4 to 5 feet high, with large esa does not 
e harden. For fodder. sow 40 to 50 lbs peracre. For grain, sowin rows3 feet apart, 3 to 5 1bs 

per acre, Lb 20c., postpaid. By express or freight, 10 to 25 lbs at 144c per 1b., 501bs 70e., 100 lbs $1.30, 200 lbs and over at $1.25 per 100 
RED---Lb 20c.. postpaid. By express or freight, 10 to 25 lbs at 2c per 1b, 50 Ibs 90c., 100 lbs §1.60. 

J ERU Ss ALEM CO RN Is pronounced even better than Kafir Corn, for dry countries and seasons. It 
e grows about three feet high making one large head on main stalk and seve- 
.vTal small heads on side shoots. The prune are pure white and nearly flat.- 31bs will plant one acre. Lb20e postpaid. By ex- 

press or freight, 10 to 25 lbs at 42 per 1b. ; 50 lbs $1.90, 100 1bs $3.75. ; 
E ¢ 

B ROOM CORN OKLAHOMA DWAREF--Is early, of dwarf habit, resists drouth and is very productive. 
e@ lt does fine on newly broken sod land. making a paying crop for new settlers. if cut im- 

mediately after brush is pulled. the stalks make excellent fodder. Drill31lbof seed peracre. Lbi5e postpaid. By express or 
freight, 5 to 30 lbs at 4c per 1b, 50 Ibs $1.50. akin a =P 

EARLY JAPAN-Matures in 70 to 80 days. Can be planted after wheat with good results. Lbi5¢ postpaid, By exzpressor 
freight, 10 ]bs 50c.. 20 to 50 !bs at 4e per pound. EVERGREEN —Fiber long and straight. Same price as the Japan. 

CANE i) EED AM BER—The earliest and a favorite; makes fine syrup and good sugar. Makes excellent hay 
¢ for cows, etc. Lb 15c., 3 lbs 35¢e., postpaid. By express or freight, 10 lbs 25ce. ; 25 lbs 50c. : 50 1 bs 90e. 

100 lbs $1.70. &0GP As the prices of Cane and Kaffir seed vary greatly, and are not sown until late Spring, write us for latest 

prices before ordering any quantity. ORANGE CANE—Larger, heavier and laterthan Amber, Same price as Ambep, 
= 2 e 
Australian Salt Bush. 
re A AUSTRALIAN me mouder ad foliage plant ae freely in enlavand eet lands that wil: 
es oduce no other vegetation, is of heavy growth and readily eaten by stock 
Psi ‘} iN S ALT It is claimed that four crops grown on the poorest soil will so enrich it that any 
as VARS NS ei aa vegetation may be grown. Sow seed in beds and transplant when two inches 

/ De Mp eee BS 
Biehl BERR N 

AWARE DA high, 7 feet apart. One pound will plant an acre. Pkt 10c., oz 20e., 1 0c; 
ile eta keNN DUSH sr3s postpaid. : B eon eter dt S065 ie 
JSG Aya Ray ¥. ue We ath. ‘ 
ae vet SSS | 
vy MB Hayes as ANS : and the seed makes fine food for fowls. Oz 5c., % tb 12c., 1b 20c, postpaid 
LE ft’ $% gyh Sibalty : Se 2 Se r 
‘e safe We ed if PN ¢ Nav KCN 
: G;, “te : SA i, Pek) \ “Acca sso 
ye , De “il PENT NS EN N UNEN SO J A or SOY BEAN SS. Hany wenaw Sea 
% HEN / WA VAN Ne NIE to 6 stems branch out from the ground, reaching a height of 2to4#eet Cows 
“aD ae Ay ohne ay | sh Says hogs, ete, thrive npon them If drilled, use 14 to % bu per acre; if seattered, 
aut NS Via} NEN Ww unt i SRC - 1bu. Pkt5e., lb 20c, postpaid By express or freight, ih1l0e; pk 90c; ¥% bu 
ai Gara\foiss) RO RT LS $1.40; bu $2.69 

fee i HA a A NA RUN 

Wy oN NG’ NY CASTOR BEANS, $79p0 pants 8 yap cet ae 

. 4 
Bi Sd AKA, ate OS freight, pk 80c; 34 bu $1.50; bu $2.80 
a gig LAN vi ANG ght, P p 
! AN “yf AY AWA Us| 

(SPA al AAGS ") 
be CON Od Na NUE ALGON, UNS EUS A fine fodder and :ertili i : 
‘ UNUM. COW PEAS. A ycisrend erties Either ine Biack 
UMP MESA © osteaid By express or freight, pk 7c, 1 bu $1.30, bu §2.50 | 
eUy (ig 4 4 ic) 7‘ % >} T 8 E 
ia RADON ean raw oes i5/ 
ey Ax A’ Wiel FoR ae xa N GS . . 5 
l es Va hie) ate a2 Either Connecticut Seed Leafor Big Havana: 
i Se 3 ew en RRS TOBACCO. Pkt 8e, oz 25e, 4 1b 90c, postpaid. See ey 
é Ve ON ri air te or 

Our Field Seeds are Fresh and Well Cleaned: 
Only THE BEST Quality. 


ALF ALF A Alfalfa is particularly adapted to our Western soil and climate; is also winning popularity in othe, 

* sections and praise comes wherever it 1s planted. In dry, hot, sultry weather, when other forage and 
grass is parched end withered, Alfalfa is fresh and green, the roots going down 15 to 20 feet The soil is rather improved by it, 
although a heavy yielder. Sow not later than Sept, in Kansas and like climates. The best time, however, is to sow as early fu 
the spring as the weather will permit, using not less than 25 1bs per acre, for feeding, or 12 lbs if for seed. There are many grades 
of Alfalfa seed: Some are cheap and worthless. We are located in the Alfalfa section and arein a position to offer the best the 
market affords and at alow price, Weoffer the following grades: 

PURE GOLD—We believe this to be as fine quality of Alfalfa as is possible to secure. Selected with the greatest care, and 
cleaned and graded with the finest machinery, the grains are indeed golden. Pkt 5c.,1b 25e postpaid, By express or freight, 10 
lbs $1.50, 30 lbs $4.40, bu (60 Ibs) $8.50. 

: 1) eR ae fine plump seed and equal to the highest grade generally sold. By express or freight, 10 1bs $1.40, 30 lbs 
4.10, bu $8.00. 

PRIME---Generally sold for second grade. By express or freight, 10 lbs $1.25, 30 1bs $3.70, bu $7.25. 

B RO Pi Us i W ERM I S (Awntess Brome Grass.) It grows 

° from 8 to 5 feet and does especially wel. 
in dry, aridsoils. Itisa hardy growerand great drouth resister. Ithas been very clearly 
demonstrated that it will succeed in a wider range of temperature than any other grass. 
Land too poor to raige the common agricultural grasses and crops, will give splendid 
yields of Bromus Inermis. In making permanent pasture, it should be sown with other 
grasses. [t may besown with winter wheat in the Southern statesin Febor March. 
the North, it should be sown later. Sow 20to301lbs peracre. Lb380c., 3]bs 70c, postpaid. 

By express or freght, 10 to 20 lbs at 14c per 1b, 25 to 50 lbs at 12c per 1b, 100 lbs $10.00 

RED TOP A hardy perennial. Succeeds best on moist land. Lb 80c, post 
e paid. By express or freight, % bu 75c., bu $1.40 

: M I LO M AI S E. Yellow It grows 9 to 12 feet high and branches from the 

: Tonnd to the top 15e, postpaid By express or freight, 
Yi S 50 Ybs $1.75, 100 Ibe $3 .00. S 


EN GLI SH BLUE GRA Ss Ss (Meadow Fescue)—Oue vf the most productive and nutritious of 

é grasses. Suitable for permanent pasture, Sow 15 to 20 lbs per acre: 
Pkt 5¢c., 1b 15e postpaid. By express or freight, % bu $1.00. bu (22 1bs) $1.80. (4@F-You will notice we figure 22 lbs to the 
bushel, while some only ffgure 14 lbs. Write for latest prices on larger quantities. 

TI MOTHY Unsurpassed asa hay crop. Sow 10lbs pera:re. By express or freight, 10 lbs 60c., bu (45 1bs) $2.26. 
i B st 
ORCH ARD GRAS ee eer ea the shade Sow twenty lbs per acre y express or freight at 
GERM AN lg | I LLE One of the heaviest yielding forage plants. Produces 4 to 5 tons of hay ner ere, 

* Is closely allied with Hungarian Millet, but a heavier yielder and much superior 
Is ready for use in 60 to65.daye after planting. Sow 30to40lbsperacre. Lb 20c.,31bs60c postpata. By express or freight, % pr 
20c., pk 30¢c. bu 90¢. ; 

JAPANESE MILLET ocr “Billion Dollar Grass.” 

This variety has been sold at high prices under the title of “Billion Dollar Grass. It has a claim of over twenty tons of green 
forage per acre. The forage is tender and relished by stock, superior to corn fodder, for cows. Sow about 12 qts per acre about 
May, but can be sown as late ag Aug, with good results. Pkt 65c.,1b30c.,postpaid. By express or freight, at 4c, per 1b. 

SI B ER I AN M I LLET This variety from Russia has given great satisfaction in the United States. It 

grows to a height of 2 to 4 feet and stools or branches at the roots, thus produc- 
ing¢ largecrop. Sow in May or June at the rate ori peck peracre. Pkt5c., 1b 20c., 3lbs50c, postpaid. By express or freight 


Speltz is endorsed by all who have tried it. It will grow anywhere and makes a good pasture when in the green stage; when 
matured, is threshed out like wheat, only not so close: hull and kernal can then be fed or ground. Cows, horses, sheep and es- 
pecially hogs, thrive upon it. Prepare ground and sow like oats, using about 40 lbs per acre.. PLANT THE BEST: Our 
Speltz seed is selected with great care andis well cleaned. Lb 15c., postpaid. By express or freight, pk 25c., % bu 40c., bu 76c., 
3 to 5 bu at 70c per bu., 10 or more bu 65c. per bu. 



Shipped Direct to the Zimmerman Seed Co. from 
| Fayette Co., Hy. 

Pure, genuine Kentucky Blue Grass stands without a rival for beauty and usefulness. Asa lawn grass, nothing can equal it, 
As a permanent pasture. after once started it is easily the peer of any other grass. Our experience has been that stock of all kinds 

will keep in perfect condition when pastured on this famous grass. The most beautiful sight our eyes beheld, while traveling in 

Kentucky, was the Blue Grass Region, with its large fields of waving Blue Grass. For some years, we have been receiving letters 
from throughout the Great Southwest, asking for pure Ky. Blue Grass. It is claimed that the Blue Grass seed generally soldis 
not pure and some has lost at least a portion of its vitality. How true this may be we leave for you to say. WE decided to secure, 
if possible, a shipment of GENUINE BLUE GRASS Fayette County is situated in ihe center and heart of the Blue Grass Region 
of Ky. We guarantee the stock we offer to have been raised especially for seed and shipped direct tous. Sow 14lbsto the acre 
for pasture, or about 60 lbs per acre forlawn. Per pkt 5c., lb 25c,, 3 lbs 60c, postpaid. By express or freight pk 60c., % bu $1.15, bu 
(14 1bs) $2.20, 3 or more bu at $2.10 per bu. 

&@- NOTICE! Topeka is famous for its beautiful parks; and Every Park is Sown with Zimmerman’s Grass Seed. 


Our Special Lawn Mixture will insure a beautiful, compact, evensod. It includes the finest door or yard grasses, with a se- 
lect proportion of Ky. Blue Grass, etc. Full provision is made for successive growth, as to insure a rich green from early spring 
until late autumn. Stateif you wish the mixture to contain White Clover seed or not. Use one pound to 400 sq. feet of ground 
or 90 lbs peracre. Our Lawn Grass is not ‘dished out of any old seed,” but is carefully selected. Itis not THE CHEAPEST, but IT 
IS THE BEST. Pkt5c., 1b 25c., 3 lbs 60c, postpaid. By express or freight, 5 lbs 75c., 10 lbs $1.40, 25 Ibs $3.25. 

RED CLOVER Well and favorably known overywhere. Sow about 12 lbs peracre. Lb 25c., 3 lbs 80c¢ post- 
e paid. By express or treight, pk $2,20; % bu $4.25; bu (601bs) $8.00. 

WH ITE CLOVER Should be sown in all meadow mixtures, Useful to bee keepers affording honey of 
e the finest quality. Sow 8to1l10lbs per acre. Lb 380c.,31bs80c postpaid. By express 
or freignt, 5 to 10 lbs at 18c per lb. Special prices on larger quantities. 

ALSI HE CLOVER {s perennial and does not winter kill. One ofthe hardiest varieties known: if 
e stands wet or dry weather. A great favorite with bee keepers, as its flowers hav’ 
2 Sweet odor and makes excellent forage for bees. Sow 5 to 8lbs peracre. #(GF" Beware of ‘‘cheap’”’ Alsike seed: seed is small ana 

hard to clean, much inferior seed containing a great assortment of weedsis generally offered ata low price. Dont plant weeds— 
get our choice, well-cleaned seed. It pays. Lb30c.,8 lbs 80c, postpaid. By expressor freight, pk $2.25, % bu $4.40. bu (60 lbs) $8.75. 

BOKARAH or SWEET CLOVER. [(foman White bloscome of grent fragrance Fine 

for bees. Sown in spring at rate of 10!bs peracre. Lb 25c..31bs 65c., postpaid. By express orfreight, pk $2.00, bu (60 ]1bs) $7.50 

PEARL MI LLET This variety known for years as Pearl Millet or Cat Tail Millet has recently been called 
; e PENCILLARIA and sold at high prices. Grows toa height of 8to 10 feetina short 
time and has slender stalks and long blades. Cutstalks for green fodder when 8 feet high and get a second growth for ensilage. 

Sow in drills 3 to 4feet apart, 3to41lbs peracre, Broadcast 8lbsperacre. Pkt 5dc.; 1b 20c., postpaid. By express or freight 6 te 
10.1bs at 10¢ per 1b.: over 10 1bs at 9c. per 1b. y 

TEOSI NTE Relished by sheep, horses and cattle. In the South as many as 5 cuttings may be had. Plant in 
: e drills 3 feet apart, 2 to 3 seed_every.foot. 4,1bs per acre. Pkt 5c., oz 8c., %4 1b 25c., 1D 90c. postpaid By 
express or freight, at 75c per 1b ; 

FLAX?SEED Sow 25 to 30 lbsperacre. Pkt 5c., 1b 20c., 31bs 55¢e., postpaic. By express or freight, pk 6@e., 
x e ¥% bu $1.10, bu (56 lbs) $2.00. 

BARLEY CHAMPION BEARDLESS---A new beardless barley and the earliest known, Six-rowed, is entirely 
® pbeardless, heavy yielder. Peck 40c., % bu 70c., bu $1.25. 
MANSURY--A six-rowed barley, with long, heavy, well-filled heads. Peck 35c., % bu 60c., bu $1.10. 

; RED TEXAS---A heavy yielder and sure cropper, and is rust-proof. More gen- 
SELECTED OATS. erally planted in Kansas and the South-west than any other variety. Per bu 68¢ 
8 or more bu at 60c per bu. 
WHITE RUST PROOF---Stands up well, has thin hull and heavy meat. Cannot be snrpassed in the oat field. A grand 
White Oat that can be depended upon atall times. Per bu 75c;8 or more bu at 60c per bu. 
KHERSON--A good variety and largely advertised in the West. Per bn 75c., 3 or more bu at 60c per bu 

APAN ESE BUC KWH EAT This has become one of the most popular productions in this 

J e country. It isthe hardiest and most productive Buckwheat 
Town. Kernals easily double the size of others. Pkt5c.,1b15c., postpaid. By express or freight, pk 50c, 14 bu 80c., bu $1.58, 
or more bu at $1.40 per bu. ' 

CASTOR BEANS Have been largely grown in the Southwest for several years and proven a profitable 
e crop. 4to5lbsperacre. lLbil15c postpaid. By express or freight, 10 lbs 60c., 20 lbs 
$1.10, bu (46 Ibs) $2.50. 


maroon) ZIMMERMAN’S Qpnnmewnnety 

_ The Hiew Stranparp of quality, which characterizes our garden and field seeds, is main- 
tained in our flowers. Ourseed is fresh, much of it imported and aut of high germinating pro- 
perties. Our mixtures will be found to contain the finest varieties and, from the tone of letters 
we received the past season, we know our customers are satisfied. Now just a word about 
planting: The best soil for most flowers is light, rich loam with just enough sand in it tomake 
it porous. Have the surface as fine as possible and cover each kind of seed according to its size 
and press the soil down firmly. Small, fine seed should be sust covERED or ‘‘patted’’ into the 
soil. Dont plant when ground is wet. Ask for our Cultural Book, it is FREE to our customers. 

Our PLant Foop, described in back part of this Catalogue, will cause your flowers to 
be strong and vigorous. It costs but littleand goesalong ways. Try it. 

A i 
TURE — These beautiful 
flowers are admirably 
adapted to both house 
and out door culture. 
They form bushes bearing 
a profusion of gorgeous 
beil shaped blossoms. 
They are rapid growers 
and very easy raised from 
seed if given an early 
Start indoors and trans- 
planted in the garden 
when the weather is set- 
tled. TRY THEM. Extra 

Pp RIZE” ae 4 A choice mixed. Pkt. -de. 
y g fy i eae ie 
ABUTILONS. Sen. Thee Be 


LITTLE GEM — These = 
Gainty dwarf, fragrant 
white flowers need no in- 
troduction, as they are so 
well and popularly known, 
It is of easy culture and 
the Seals nenieey of ee 
sum. o flower garden is 7QQTII 
complete without it. Large LITTLE GEM ALYS.U 
pKt. 5c¢.; oz. 35¢e. 

TUM — Commonly. called 7 ————— 

Tom Thumb on accoun 
of its dwarf, robust} 
growth. Excellent forg 

pouauers: PE oC) OZn 

@ e * 

Antirhinum k 
One of the old fashior @ 
favorites so desirable for ix 
i.s variety of colors and @ 
free blooming. Blooms gm 
from early in July until} 
heavy frost and, if cover-'& 
ed over with leaves, will Nim 
survive and continue their WG 
blooming the second year. 

Pkt, 5e. 


CAUDATUS (love lies bleeding) — 
Amaranthus. These showy plants are remarkable for 
their long red panicles. They are one of the most ornamental and 
beautiful plants of the Amaranthus family. Pkt 5c. 
SPLENDENS (rainbow plant)—These are noted for their handsome 
foliage, inne~ foliage dark branze tipped with green; the outer fo 

Age. wh. exposed to light becomes gorgeous crimson and gold ANTIRRHINUM. 
MIXTU..: Contains the above varieties and many more. Pkt. 5c. 

A beautiful hardy annual. The flowers are bush-like, resembling an inverted tassel aud age excels 
Ageratum. lent for garden and winter bloomingin the house. FIN E Mixed, pkt 5c. 




WHITE BRANCHING—This Aster is easily grown trom 
seed, bearing magnificent white flowers from two and 
one-half to four inches in diameter, has long stems, mak- 
ing it admirable for cutting. It will be necessary to see 
them growing to appreciate their real beauty. We have 
the choicest strain. Extra large Pkt 10c. 


from 18 to 2% inches high; have long wiry stems, bear- 
ing large fiowers 3 or 4 inches in diameter, very dou- 
bleaad shaped like a paeony. Mixed colors. Pkt (100 
geeds) i. 


QUEEN HELEN—This grand Aster is something entire- 
ly new, never having been offered before and has unusual 
merit. It is tall, of branching habit, very delicate, rosy 
tinted. The petals are long and inclined to curve, giving 
it @ resemblance to a fine species of Chrysanthemum. 
This is the cream of the Aster family. Don’t fail to is- 
ee pkt in your order. We control the supply. Pkt lbs; 
2 for 25c. 

VICTORIA—This is unqueSstjonabl : DWARF QUEEN MIX ED—Most excellent for pot 
variety of Aster. We have Be car apviowuile ate cadia ot culture, as well as for bedding. Flowers are extra 
{. Flowers are immense, growing one and three-fourths large size, very double, excellent for cutting. Pkt 5c. 

feet high, globular shape ang ver 9 
: ? y double: The most te ultivation these plants should 
ae ves ee will pronounce this exquisite, to COs uP See ee in Helent. 1a is of branching hab- 
Age - «Mixture @0Ntaining all colors. Pkt 50 fe each stem producing a fine flower. The outer pet- 

MARY SEMPLE—A soft shade of rosy flesh color, ais are broad, flat and curving, while nee TCae thie 

torne upon long stems, pl 3 compact and pointed at the end. 
Min ery double. xtra Jarce cue dt > choicest Pmixture comprising all colors. Pkt (160 seeda) 

Be pee fis 



OF CALIFORNIA are well-known as th 
very finest Carnations. Our seed is the 
very best to be obtained and is all new 
stock. Please do not compare our supe- 
rior seed with the cheap inferior grade 
gold by some, We have ONLY THE BEST 

For Carnation Plants, Coleus and Fuchsia Plants 
See Plant Dept, Page 56. 


HYBRIDA FINEST MIXHD—One of the choicest of 
plants for house culture, seeds germinate quickly and 
plants are soon covered with flowers of exquisite sat- 
iny hue. We know of few plants more desirable. In 
this mixture is every lovely color to be had. Pkt (100 

seeds) 10c. 

DWARF FEATHERED—tThis is papecray desira- 
ble for both bedding and pot culture. It resembles an 
ostrich plume, because of its graceful nodding plumes 
above the foliage. They greatly please lovers of the 
Fea Feathered varieties in finest mixture. Pkt 
cts. : 


bronze foliage and brilliont scarlet bloom of this 
handsome plant is similar to that of Scarlet Sage, but 
ft is more desirable because of its early flowering 
ualities. and its continuing to bloom until heavy 
rost. Pkt 5c, 

MARGUERITE—Though universally a@d- 
mired, few know how easily these lovely 
flowers can be raised from seed. They 
flower in four months from time of sow- 
ing. ‘They are of vigorous, dwarf, erect 
growth, requiring no supports. Very 
hardy. You.will be greatly pleased with 
our fine mixture, which includes all colors. 
Pkt (75 seeds) 5c. 

Pe ee ae th ee | 

of dwarf, bushy habit. This grand new 
strain will be sure to please, on account 
of its hardiness and abundance of brilliant 
fragrant bloom. Seeds are very scarce. 
We can supply finest mixed. Pkt (50 
seeds) 10c.; or 2 for 165c. 


This is truly a novelty, being one of the most interest- 
ing plants in cultivation. The flower is yellow and is 
produced in trusses. Large pistils of a rich crimson color 
spread out in fan shape and add greatly to the decor- 
ative qualities of the flowers, as does its beautiful foli- 
age. No description can do it justice—it must be grown 
to be appreciated. Pkt 5c. 

CAMELIA FLOWERED MIXED—tThese are one of our 
specialties and we know we have as fine seed as it is 
possible to procure. Flowers are extremely double, very 
large and bear a striking resemblance to a _miniature 
Camelia. Comprises all the different colors. Pkt 5c. 

White—Pkt 8c. 
Scarlet—Pkt 8c, 



ig DOUBLE FLOWERING DAHLIAS—It is generally supposed that 
‘t | Dahlies will not grow from seed and bloom the first year. We offer seeds 
ry that if sown in March or April and_when the weather is settled trans- 
, | plant out doors, will produce an abundance of bloom by fall. Our seed is 
ih rom the best collections in Hurope and embrace all the various kinds, 
Ss, such as Show, Pompon, Cactus and Lilliput varieties. Lf you want much 
delight at little expense try our Dahlias. Pkt 5c. 

TOM THUMB—tThese grow from 12 to 15 inches high and are covered 
» | with showy single flowers. Of easy cultivation. We offer the mixed 
y | Colors. Pkt (50 seeds) 5c. 

1 ——S 

as ~ 




ZZ y) 

These beautiful, dainty, graceful flowers are be- 
coming more and more the years go by. 
The foliage is very feathery and ferny like, while 
the broad, deep petals, with its yellow heart, rise on 
long stems from it. We have the early flowering 
strain, which produces an abundance of bloom from 
July to November. 

WHITE—Pkt. 5 cts. 
PINK—PRt. 6 cts. 
MIXEHED—Comprising every color. Pkt. 5 cts. 


(California Poppy.) 

‘These handsome flowers gain praise and admira-~ 
tion wherever cultivated. Flowers are of various 
forms, some flat, some cup-shaped, others deep 
with flaring edges. OUR SPECIAL MIXTURES 
contains many rare shapes, double and _ single, 
such as ‘Glory of the West,” “Rosy Morn,” 
“Dougiasi,’? etc. Pkt. 6c. 


These succeed best as pot plants, though in southern 
Statee are hardy enough for outdoor planting. During 
hot seasons, keep in shady place. 




The grandest foliage plant to be had 
from seed; plants are from 2 to 3 feet 
high, leaves are broad and long, compris- 
ing all the shades of yellow, red, green, 
from the darkest to lightest. Of easy cul- 
ture; in rich soil given plenty of water. 
In our mixture will be found all colors. 
Pkt. (100 seed) 10c. 


| These dainty little flowers are too well 

known to need any description. Grow 6 or 
7 inches high, are covered with delicate 
blue flowers. 

ALPESTRIS—Blue and white dwarf, 
free flowering. Pkt 5c. 

ELIZA FONROBERT—Flowers are of a 
sky blue color, with yellow eye. Pkt. 5c. 

SEMPERFLORENS—Blue, very early 
to flower. Pkt. 5c. 


GOLDEN—Very hardy, free ‘lowering 
perennial plant; if sown early will pro- 
duce flowers by fall. Plants throw up 
stems, ending in clusters of flowers; fo- 
liage has a ferny appearance, making it 
good for bouquets. Pkt. 5c. 


NEW DOUBLE—The old-fashioned double 
bachelorr buttons, which have always been 
favorites. Are attractive hardy annuals; flow- 
ers are very double and many colors. Pkt 5c. 

CYANUS—Free plooming. Sométimes called 
“Blue Bottle,” ‘‘Korn Blume,” etc. Choice 
mixed colors, pKt 5e. 




Se niet race ec | ton unbet aly Wine oe tell ea tees 

: : ants seve 
You will find these to be to eight inches tall: makes a fine bomaee Noth: 
dwarf, compact in growth ing quite so satisfactory for the little care it re- 

petals fringed, deep red| duires. We have very choice varieties for boquets. 
and very double. Sure to 
please the most fastidi- |. 
ous. Pkt. 5c. 

THE BRIDE — Hand¢- 
Some single flowers, pure 
White with deep purplish- 
red center. Pkt bc. 

Chinese Pinks)—Contain 
many distinct and beauti- 
fully marked varieties of 
rich and numerous colors; 
may be described as re- 
sembling Giant Sweet | 
William, except they are 
ae taba as : much larger. Pkt 5c. 

. | DWARF OR TOM THUMB— Which may be 
Our seed is all NeW sown at intervals of two or three weeks and you 
and of the best quality. Pa aide continuous bloom throughout the season. 
3 & 
Our seed will please you | 

MIXED COLORS—AII sorts mixed. Pkt be. 


YELLOW (Coronarium)—A new color, very soft 
shade of lemon, quite desirable, they are double, 
maize lovely flowers for boquets. Pkt 5e; 44 oz 25c 

WHITE — These furnish double snow whiie 
flowers through the summer and fall. Grow two 
ft. high. Pkt5e; 1% oz 2c. 

DOUBLE ANNUAT- Our seeds are Sure, if care- 
fully sown in February or March, to produce a 
profusion of bloom early in the fall. This. sort 
includesmany colors not listed and are a mixture 
of the finest sorts. We want our customers to 
try a packet of these on our recommendation. Pkt 
(100 seeds) 10c: 2 for 25c. 



QUEEN OF DWARFS—This is not the common 
‘sort usually offered, but something new. Bears 
large crimson combs;is very dwarf in habit, mak. 
ing it fine for borders. and handsome for potting. 
Pkt (250 seeds) 6c. 

FINEST MIXED—AII the finest and best. Pkt 5e. 



Very attractive on 
account of its peculiar 
green waxy foliage, 
which is covered with 
a coating resembling 
crystals of ice. It glis- 
tens like diamonds in’ 
the sunlight. It is es- 
pecially pretty for tubs 
and vases in the yard. 
Try it. ~Pkt 5c, 

\\ iss 

EMPHROR—A vari- 
ety well liked for its 
richness of color. This 
must not be mistaken 
for the common sort; 
a trial will prove its 
superiority. Each 
Plant often pears ntl 
or more erect spikes 
EON TSE of flowers. Pkt 5c. 


RE This kind js prized for its fra- 
frangrance and _ earliness. It 
grows rapidly and produces an 
abundance of spikes of flowers 
while it is yet cold weather, con- 
tinuing to bloom, through the 
summer. It is a delicate shade 
of lemon; foliage dark green. 
Pkt 5c. 

HT—Pkt 5c. 

is the best mixture. In order- 
ing do not overlook this. Pkt 5c. 


fine and beautiful as the most doub- 
le rose. The plants grow 4 to 6 feet 
a | in height and produce spikes of ro- 
Ny flowers of every shade and 

color. Pkt 5c. 

aa ANG IC 
4 ik 

rhe Go WINNRA 
VE Las ay AM 

GAILLARDIA—Of magnificent size and _ color, 
very double, borne on long stems, making it excel< 
lent for cutting, will keep over a week when ew, 
Pkt 5c. 



fFhese beautiful flowers can be easily grown from seed and will bloom 
the first summer, if sown by April, and if carefully potted in the Fall, 
and kept in the house will bloom all Winter. Our Giant Mixed has 
been saved from the choicest Cannas of our own growing and will pro= 
duce a grand assortment of the finest varieties. Pkt 5e. 

(GF For Canna Bulbs see page 54. 

DATURA. (Trumpet Flower) 



LEMON QUEEN—The flowers are very double toe 
the center, an inch in diameter and cover the 
plants profusely. Of a lovely shade of rich 
cream and tint of lemon. Pkt ie. 

AFRICAN DOUBLE MIXED —~African varieties 
are stronger in habit and produce larger flowers. Ali 
varieties mixed. Pkt 5c. 

MIMULUS. (mownr 

DOUBLE MIXED—Bloom freely the first year and are very showy. 
Flowers measure about 8inches long and 4 to 5inches across the mouth 
and are very fragrant. Roots may be taken upin the Fall. Pkt 5e. 


A half hardy perennial, which is easily grown from seed, 

FINE MIX ED-—This contains the choicest varieties and will bloom 
the entire season, Pkt 5c. 


The dwarf and free flowering qualities of these make them especially 
Suitable for rockeries, pots, edging flower beds, ete. Dark blue, white, 
rich bright blue, mixed. Pkt 5c. 



Very easily grown, yet one of the most pleasing of the old fashioned 
flowers The Open ing of the fragrant and brilliant blossoms make it a 
Baie sight each afternoon, Every conceivable color in this mixture. 

kt 5e. 
GERAN IUMS. TIGRINUS—If you want something lovely for bask- 

__ The only way to obtain new and original varieties is through propa- | ets and vases, select this excellent variety, It is half 
gation of seed. hardy, thrives well in open cultivation, if given plenty 

SINGLE MIXED—Best single varieties. Pkt5c. of shade. It is famous for 1ts rich and beautifully 

5 1 és 
DOUBLE MIXED—Fine double fiowers of choicest colors. Pkt 25¢ tiaest Bee egal ae Brees LONE and leneeete 


We offer the following 15 packets for only 25e postpaid. A regular 75e collection. All are easily 
grown from seed and you will find this will make a most gorgeous flower bed: 

Aster, Fine Mixed. Alyssum, Little Gem, beautiful i i i i 

? : s , pure white. Carnations, New Marguerite, grand mixture. Can- 

Cec Hime es Sebi Fancy Mixed. Larkspur, Finest Mixed. Mignonette, All the Best Mixed. Nasturtium, 

eR ree ea oer ece ee a ules Of Giant Varietice. | Hepnmla, ancy Coloss, Grand 
ys > +: Ttment. oO S wee eas Tr ect Mixture o 

the Finest and Best. Verbenas, Fire Collection of Mixed Galore cp Sictaaas Seek a eran 


Zimmerman’s Nasturtiums. 


Tall Nas i 4 ee 
turtiums Ri | 

TALL NASTURT1IUMS—These are most suitable to rocker- ee 
fes, stumps, shrubbery. trellis. low fences. etc. For richness of : 
color and refreshing foliage, they are difficult to surpass. 

HYBRIDS OF MADAM GUNTHER—These are difficult to excel in richness of color. They are climbers and 
continuous bloomers. It is impossible to describe the many colors; aS near as we could come to it would be to 
say, there is scarcely atint or shade in a brilliant sunset not represented among these. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; %4 lb 3ac. 

DARK CRIMSON—Deep velvety red, or brownish red. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; % Ib 35c. 
SCARLET — Flaming red. Pkt 5e; oz 10c; % Ib 35c. 

TALL MIXTURE—Comprising every known color. This is one of the best. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; % 1b 35c. 

i © LOBB’S TRAILING—In these will be found all the choice 
Trailing Nasturtiums. colors: desirable for freedom of bloom. "Winter blooming, rapid 
growers. Pkt 5c; oz 10c;: % lb 35c. 

Dwarf Nasturtiums. 

SELECT DWARF MIXED-—tThis is our specially prepared 
mixture of all the dwarfs. They are compact and bushy, foli- 
age of both dark and light type, colors very bright and pleasing, 
making them very effective. We heartily recommend them. 
Pkt 5c; oz 10c; % |b 35c. 

; BEAUTY — Gorgeous red and orange. Pkt 5c: oz 12c; % lb 
5 ets. 

PEARL—Clear tint of lemon, fading to a primrose. Pkt 5c; 
oz 12c; % ib 45c. 

PRINCE HENRY —Is one of the most distinct and charming 
te ae delicate tints of rose and straw color. Pkt 5c; oz 12c; 
14, ce 

CLOTH OF GOLD-—This is of compact growth, with bright golden 
yellow leaves and brilliant scarlet flowers, Pkt 5e.;0z 15e.; 4 1b50e. 



A Home Made Beautiful for $l.oo. 
We will send our 25¢ Flower Seed Collection, (described on page 45) and will add 1 pkt Wistaria, 1 pkt 
Cypress Vine and the following choice bulbs: 3 Madeira Vine Tubers; 3 Tuberose Bulbs ; 3 Assorted Can- 

nas; 6 Gladiolus bulbs; 12 Oxalis bulbs This Grand Collection of 17 regular size flower seed packets and 
27 choice bulbs sent postpaid foronly $l.oo. 

ww ww ve vu wwe ve wow wu 



PANSIES-A Page of Giants. 


= ‘ 


Zimmerman’s Imperial German. 

These varieties wereimported by us direct from Germany and are the 
Finest in the World. 

SNOW QUBEN—Very fine A puresatiny Whit Pkt 5e 
YELLOW-—Distinct Aariety Pkt dc 

PURPLE MaNTLE—A deep rich purple. Pkt 5c. 

RED RIDING HOOD-—Several shades of flaming red. Pkt 5c. 

VICTORIA RED—Pretty shade of erimson. Pkt dc. 

PURPLE—Deepest shade of purple Known. Pkt 5c. 

FINEST MIXTURE--We scarcely know how to give a perfect 
description of these extra fine strains, because we know it will be 
hard to do them justice, suffice it to say, all the above and fifty 

others are contained in it. Finest in existence. PkKt 5c; 3 for 12,. 
44 0z T5c., oz $140, postpaid 

Other Select Varieties. 

We supply | our customers with as good Pansy seed as can be 
found in America or Europe. A trial will convince you. 

KING OF THE BLACKS—F lower almost coal black, very vel- 
vety. The black sort is considered one of the finest by the most 
critical. Pkt 5c. 

SILVER EHDGH—Dark purple, silver border. Pkt 5c. 

PRINCE BISMARCK—BPeautiful shades of brown and golden- 
bronze, marbled. Pkt 5c. 

PHEASANT’S EYEH—Upper petal sky-blue with violet edge, 
lower ones mottled and variegated. Pkt 5c. 

FAUST—Deep jetty black. Pkt 6c. 

_ PANSY MIXTURE —This is our special mixture of all the best 
known. varieties, each strain is exceptionally fine for bedding, and 

will give complete satisfaction. Pkt ic; 3 forl0c; \% oz 30c % oz 50c; 
0z 90c, postpaid. 


SWEET SCENTED—This is the result 
of crossing the Pansy with the Sweet Vio- 
let. Very fragrant, large and have great 
diversity of color; possess the hardiness of 
Violets. Pkt 10c; 8 for 2c. 


AW iil Ny ) : - 

I @ 
se P ce 
i iy me)! 7 Yj 
¢ vas WY g 

a0: A a a 

For easy culture, freedom of bloom, fragrance and 
variety of colors, no commonly known flower surpasses the 
Petunia. We offer choice seed, including the large fluwer- 
ing varieties. 

HYBRIDA STRIPED—Each plant forms a complete bush 
§ to 10 inches high; flowers are beautifully blotched and 
striped. Pkt. 5 cts. 

MIXED SORTS—AIl the best large flowering, fringed, ae se 
ce i ; a J 

double Petunias.Pkt. 5 cts. 

SALVIA (Scarlet Sage.) | (2 

SPLENDENS—This is a most gorgeous plant, For months}. | ~é 
the great spikes of flaming scarlet almost cover the foliage. 
Single plants sometimes carry 200 spikes; each spike being 10 

to 12inchesin length. Pkt 5c, 


This is one of the most beautiful basket or vase plants; itis 
as easily grown from seed as Morning Glories. Plantscome| 
into bloom in a few weeks; has long drooping sprays ot ex- 
quisite foliage, set with Deautiful little flowers. Itis a hardy 
perennial and likes shadeand moisture. Pkt 5e. 


(Chinese Primrose.) 

FINE MIXED—A grand mixvure of all yarieties and colors. 
Will give a succession of flowers throughout the season, and 
are noted for their beauty and fragrance. They are winter 
bloomers. Pkt 5c. 


One of the most desirable window vines ever grown. ine) 
elegant and graceful foliage of rich glossy green has a mosi 
eharming effect. Pkt 5e. 

Read Our Flower Seed 
Offer om Page 45 Fifteen . | 
Regular Full Size Packets) juan aie ee 

NY \ 

SO 2s 
ie Cli 

that we have perfect beauties. Pkt 5c. 
For Only 25c. ALBA GRANDIFLORA—These are magnificent, to say 
; the least; flowers of unusual size and pure white. Pkt Se. 
ee MIXED—If you would like something that will cons 
inue to delight you all through the summer try this fin@ 
Imixture. contains the prettiest colors and finest sorts. Pkt 50. 



grand novelty stands 
without a rival. Its 
pure white, very dou- 
f = ble appearance is wor- 
; 4% thy of admiration. 
Nothing more exqui- 
site in the Poppy fam- 
ily. Pkt. 6c. 


These have blooms in 
a combination of colors 
all mottled, striped 
and blotched, making 
them very showy and 
desirable. Pkt 5c. 

The name tells the 
story. Pkt 5c. 

MIXED—A combina- 
tion of every good kind 
of Poppy; just the 
thing you will need for 
‘ your. flower’ garden. 

Pkt 5c. 

Castor Oil Bean. 
’ 3 It thrives under 


how double these 

quets. This is the 
luc; 2 for 15c. 

TEN WEEKS—Mixed colors. 

ZANZIBARENSIS—These semi-tropical Pkt 5c. 

Plants are noted for their size and hand- 

rose more than any other flower. 
bright blossoms and waxy foliage for a flower garden. 


spikes of double flowers measuring from 2 to 3 inches in diameter: 
prized for their fragrance and beautiful colors. 


h Bot wi ‘{ f AW. 
Yine ‘ Vy Woy 
: ae v vy 


PORTULACA—This old flower has lost none of its popularity. 
: most any circumstances. 
gtves profusion of bloom early and late in 

Easily transplanted and 
the season. 

ays al See 

wee Di \etoe. 

y IN —*s5 

DOUBLE ROSE FLOWERED-—You will see by our illustration 

flowers are; we believe they resemble a miniature 
Nothing prettier than these 
Pkt 6c. 



Excellent for bo- 
finest Strain and all known colors mixed. Pkt 

The earliest Variety. All colors. 

some foliage. Plants grow to a height of 
14 feet. The large scalloped leaves, thick- 
. ly set from top to bottom of bamboo-like 
stems, make them useful for shading pur- 
_ poses. Where there is a Scarcity of shade 

Plant these and you will be amply repaid. 
Pkt 5c, 




_| est. 


MANY FLOWERING DOUBLE —These grow very tall; flowers 
are double and one at every leaf joint, the top flower being larg- 
They produce great quantities of seed, which is very good for 
chickens. Pkt 5c. 

INIATURE—Ve dwarf and bushy, with small leaves; flow- 
oe Tee nate: Dlante greatly resemble dahlias. Good bloom- 
ers. Pkt 5c. : 


ICE MIXED—A hardy perennial, growing about18ineches high All 
aleve fo8 double and single mixed will be found here. Pkt 5c. 


Zimmerman’ s 


ps eS « 
= [Mixture.= 
— Theselarejthe} Largest, Finest 
and Best Sweet Peas ever offered 
and our customers are, enthusi- 
astic over them, and hundreds 
of letters testify to their grand 
uer. This is most certainly A 
say this with out hesitancy 
because it was prepared un- 
der our own supervision. We 
S are offering you all the 

= i= choicest kinds at a very low 
: price. Pkt 5c., oz 10c., 4 1b 2c. 

¥% lb 85c, postpaid 

—Delicate mauve and laven- 
der. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; % Ib lic. 

DELIGH T—White and 
crimson. Pkt 5e; oz 10c: &% 
lb 15c. 

BURGH—Light red, wings 
several shades deeper. Same 
price as those quoted above. 

Grow from 18 to 2 inches in 
height and are fully ten days 
earlier than any other sort. 
They are rose color, with 
creamy wings, suffused with 
pale flesh tint, well filled. 
Pkt 5c: oz 10c; % Ib lic. 

delicate rose, wings blush. 
Same price as quoted above. 

pretty blue. Price same as 
quoted above. 

straw color and rose. t 
5c: oz 10c; % 1b 15e. 

MONARCH—Deep purplish 
maroon. Same price as quot- 
ed above. 

Something new, deep cream 
vate: Pkt 5c; oz 10c; % 


YORK—Exauisite tints of 
scarlet and rose. Same price 
as above quoted. 

RAMONA—Whlite and pink. 
Pkt 5e: oz 10c; % lz lie. 

large, snow white. Same 
price as above varieties. 

variety of special merit. 

Cupid Sweet Peas. 

CUPID SWEET PEAS—These flourish in 
very dry seasons; because of their dense 
growth, they are not exposed to the dry- 
ing influence of the air, as are the tall 
varieties. The flowers are equal in size 
to tall growers. 

WHITE CUPID—These snowy white 
flowers are borne in threes on a stiff stem 
6 inches high. Pkt. 5c.; oz. 10c. 

MIXED—This is Eckford’s 
best, comprising all his most 
recent developments. He Is 
known to have named and 

PINK CUPID—Delicate_ rose tints; has 
ae introduced more varieties 

same growth as white. Pkt ic.; oz. 

MIXED CUPID—Contains 12 or more | than any other seedsman in 
yavigl es of superior qualities. Pkt. 5c.; CUPID SWEETPEAS. the world. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; 
OZ. . 

% Ib 1bc. 

Same price as above quoted. | 

Verbenas are one of our best 
grown from seed than cuttings, as the plants are 
stronger and produce more bloom. Of low Spreading 
Srow e Fe 

NEW MAMMOTH —A strain conceded by all to be 
the finest; of vigorous growth and free flowering 
habit, embracing the most brilliant velvety colors. 
Pkt 8c; 2 for 15c. 

ITALIAN STRIPED—Showy striped fl - 
colors. Pkt 5c. wy p owers of many 

HYBRIDA GOOD MIXED—This seed came f 
@ollection of many bright and pleasing mlans) Bisocihe 
YAuricula-eyed type. All imported fresh seed. Pkt 5c. 





DOUBLE MIXTURE—These do not all 
come double, but usually 50 per cent will 
be. Sometimes they will all come double 
on one stem, while on others all single. 
This is a superfine mixture. Pkt. 5c; oz. 

annuals and easier 


Those not familiar with the perfection the Zinnia has attained 
may pass them by. Don’t make a mistake. 

GIANT MOMMOTH MIXED—This is a mixture of the largest 
Zinnias. Something entirely new; very double and show rare 
shades not: found in former collections. Flowers striped and marked 
in scarlet, gold and white. Pkt. 5c. 

POMPONE MIXED—Cone shaped flowers, ranging from pink to 
scarlet and from pure white to cream and buff. Pkt. 5c. 

DOUBLE LILLIPUT MIXED—These form bushes 15 inches high 
and are covered with tiny double flowers about the size of a daisy. 
Bloom all summer and fall. Choice colors: Pkt. 8¢.s 2 for 16c. 


Price, 12c each; 3 for 30c. 

“A. H. TREGO.”’—Flowers semi-double and of extra-ordinary size for a Geranium; a rich dazzling scarlet; 
rich foliage and strong growth; without question the finest scarlet Geranium on the market. Yes 

BEAUTE POITEVINE.—Salmon color, good for bedding. 

COUNTESS OF HARCOURT.—Pure white, a free bloomer. 

JEAN VIAUD.—Flowers semi-double, rose pink with white eye; good in every respect. ; 

S. A. NUTT.—The best dark crimson bedder, also fineGpot plant. 2c each; 3 for 30c postpaid. 

1 plant each of the 4 double and 4 single for 75e post-paid. 

CLYDE.—Pure soft even scarlet; grand for both bed ding and_pot. 

GRANVILLE.—Nice long stemmed pink, good for both beds and pots. 

L’ AUBE.—One of the finest single white Geraniums grown. 

MRS. HE. G. HILL.—A most distince and pleasing shade of salmon. Free bloomer. | 

ROSE SCENTED GERANIUM.—Grown for the fragrance of its foliage; rich deep pink. 

IVY LEAVED GERANIUM.—Pink, fine for baskets,pot plant and winter bloomer. 



read following comprise a list of best cannas. We give height of 

ADMIRAL AVELLAN—Scarlet, overlaid with salmon, 5 ft. 
ALLEMANTA—Salmon and yellow, 6 to 7 ft. 
AUSTRIA—Pure canary yellow, 6 to 7 ft 
BEAUTE POITEVINE—Crimson, 3 ft. 
BURBANK—Canary, lower petals spotted crimson, 6 to 7 ft. 
CAPT. DRUJON—Red, dotted with yellow, 5 to 6 ft. 
CHAS. HENDERSON—Rich crimson, yellow throat, 3 ft. 
DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH—Dark Maroon, 3% ft. 
FLORENCE VAUGHAN—Yellow, dotted with scarlet, 4 ft. 
MADAM CROZY—Crimson, bordered with yellow, 3% ft. 3 at S| 
MADAM CRAZY—Crimson, bordered with yellow, 3% ft. “i 
PHILADELPHIA—Large flowered, scarlet, 3 ft. el 
QUEEN CHARLOTTE—Orange red, edged with light yellow, 


Price, dormant roots, 15e each; 3 for 40c; 12 for $1.50, postpaid. 

TUBEROUS ROOTED—tThese are choice for pot culture or bed- | 
ding. They are of low, compact growth; waxy green leaves form a 
beautiful background for the flowers, which range from ivory-white 
and scarlet through tints of rose, crimson, orange and bronze yel- 
lowe ct profusion of bloom and vigorous growth they cannot be 
excelled. ‘ 

SINGLE MIXED —Good, strong tubers, each 10cts.: 3 for 25 cts.: 

12 for 80 cts. 
DOUBLE MIXED—Each, 12 cts.:; 12 for $1.00. 



AUGUSTA.—Fine white with small violet stripes in throat; blue 

INNOCENCE.—Pure white; flowers not large but very compact on 
the stem. ec: ; : 
ROMULUS.—Brilliant dark red, with large white blotch. : 

1900.—Fine rich red with white spots on lower petals; long spikes, 
often three to four feet, with bloom extending fully a foot along 
the stem; covers a long blooming-season. _ 

SHAKESPEARE.—Pure white splashed with pink and purple. 

ISAAC BUCHANAN.—Clear bright yellow flowers borne on long 
spikes. A striking and attractive variety. 

WM. FALCONER.—Light pink and blush; flowers of largest size; 

n rower. 
SPARIE LEMOINE.—Pale creamy color flushed salmon-lilac. 

Each, by mail, postpaid, 10¢c; 7c per dozen. 

MIXED.—All colors, per dozen 50c, postpaid; $3.00 per 100 by ex- 

urchaser’s expense. 
Pirhe Pinas are for the strongest and best bulbs; smaller bulbs can 
be supplied at lower prices, but they will produce blooms of inferior .GLADIOLUS 
size and quality, if at all, the first year. 

314 ft. ; Te 
ROSE UNIQUE—Rosy pink, 5 ft me 18 

—_— oo 








Dahlias are great favorites for 

autumn fiowering. Because of. 

their large and varied range of col- 
ors. they are always popular. Our 
mixed contains all the best. 15c. 
each. 6 for 80c, 12 for $1,50 postpaid 


Once planted will last a life- 
time. Produce most magnificent 
flowers in great profusion. Pink 
or crimson, 25: each, 6 for $1.25 
Pure white, 30¢ each, 6 for $1.5, all 

We pay Postage on 


Very handsome dark green clover-like 
foliage. Dainty little flowers, something 
the shape of forget-me-nots, add _ their 
share of beauty to this charming plant. 
Pretty to use in baskets. 

WHITH, PINK, RED—Price of each 
separate color or mixture of three colors 
same price, 4 for 5 cts; 12 for 10 cis: 2% 
for 15 cts.; 50 for 40 cts. postpaid. 


Elephant_Ears—Is most-<efe2tive for single 
plant on the lawn or massed in large beds. ~It 
has light green leaves, often 3 feet by 20 inches 
Bulbs ean be stored in a dry place and kept 
through the winter. Fine large bulbs 12c each: 
SOPs 0CspOSbpalGs==ee== sa 


HXCELSIOR PEARKL—We handle nothing but the highest type of 
tuberose, hence we list this well known variety. It’s of dwari habit, 
very double. Succeeds best in a warm, sunny place. Flowers are a pure 
waxy white and very sweet scented. Grow about 18 inches high and 
stems bear a dozen or more flowers. Price 5 cts. each; 3 for 10 cts, 12 for 

GLOXIANIA. 40 cts. ieee 
These are beautiful beyond description. The rich and many colored cup-shaped flowers, mounted on stiff 

stems, make a grand show against a background of velvety leaves. They flower quickly after planting. Why not 
Start some for Easter decoration? We offer the choicest mixed. In them you'll find all the handsome kinds. 12c¢ 
each; 3 for 80c.; 12 for 1.00 postpaid, 

Canary Bind FLOWER. 

- from the common Morning Glory. They are of gi- 

— Leaves are very large, dark green and variegated. 

Si ful flowers. Pkt 5c., postpaid. 

JAPANESE MIXED—This is entirely different 

gantic size, measuring from 4 to 6 inches across. 
They contain every color, and blending of colors, in 
the rainbow. They are striped, blotched, mottled, 
often having from 10 to 12 colors in a single flower. 

These are certainly very fine climbers. Pkt 5c. 

CYPRESS VINE---Has the finest dark green foliage of 
any the garden vines. [tislovely for ornamenting un- 
sightly trunks of old trees and fences. It makesa lovely 
trellis. Pkt 5c., postpaid. - 

CANARY BIRD---Beautiful delicate vine, with hand- 
some foliage and bears an abundance of canary-colored 
flowers. Pkt 5c, postpaid. 

WISTARIA-—Called Hyacinth Bean. ete. One of the 
prettiest climbers and the vines are covered with beauti- 

COB VINE---Very rapid annual climber, running up 3 
20 to 80 feet in aseason. Has bell-shaped flowers of pur- 
plishlilac color. Pkt.5c, postpaid. 


Fels o 

Roses and Plants. 

Orders for Roses and Plants will be filled separately from seed or other orders and will be shipped as — 
soon as the weather will permit. 

We make a specialty of fine Roses, sending out only good strong plants, in all instances as large as can be 
advantageously sent by mail. ia Re sfobel Bsbiti Thad 
€rE€r~- JE O~ DE OD EC O~ IE O~ JIE O~ FE O~ FE O~ FE Ox DE O~ IE O39 EC O~ TIE O~ DE OD 

: Teas and Hybrid Teas. 

GRUSS AU TEPLITZ.—This is a Rose for everybody, especially for those who have no greenhouse and depend 
on the garden for flowers. It does well under_the most ordinary condition. The color is a rich scarlet, foliage 
beautiful. See price on front page of cover. Be sure to include it in your order. 

Any of the following: 10c each; 6 for 50c; 12 for $1,00, postpaid. 
AGGRIPINA.—Deep crimson, an old garden favorite. 

AUGUSTINE GUINNOISEAU (White La France).—Do you know La France? If so, you know this beautiful 
new Rose. The color is a pearly white, sometimes tinted with fawn. 

BURBANK.—This Rose was originated by Mr. Luther Burbank, and out of 75,000 crossbred seedlings this was 
the one he selected to bear his name. It is a cherry crimson, peculiarly adapted for both bedding and house cul- 
ture in winter. 

THE BRIDE.—This old favorite needs little comment. It is a pure white Tea Rose, strong healthy grower, 
does equally as well for house culture as in open ground. 

BRIDESMAID.—A Tea Rose; clear dark pink, very fine. 

BON SILENE.—Of all the Tea Roses there is none better. It is a deep pink, noted for the immense size 
and beauty of its buds. 

CATHERINE MERMET.—A handsome pink Tea Rose for summer and winter bloom. 

CAROLINE MARINESSE.—Very hardy, always in flower even in very dry weather. It is pure white, pink 
tinted, of low growing habit, making it nice for borders. 

CHAMPION OF THE WORLD.—A lovely clear deep pink. Flowers large size. 

CLOTHILDE SOUPERT.—In this Rose we find all the good qualities combined. It is white, shading to deep 
pink toward the center. 

DUCHESS OF ALBANY.—This Rose is much like La France, except its color is more brilliant, it being a very 
gorgeous red. 

ETOILE DE LYON.—A beautiful pure yellow free blooming Rose. If something satisfactory is desired, order 
this one. Z 

HERMOSA.—An excellent clear rose color, blooms in clusters. Too well known and tried to disappoint you. 

ANNE DE DIESBACH.—Color prilliant 
carmine; long pointed buds, large flowers, 
full and double and fragrant. One of the. 
really good Roses. : 

ALFRED COLOMB.—Extra large, double | 
fragrant cherry red flowers. 

BARON DE BONSTETTIN.—A large, full, 
double velvety maroon Rose, sometimes al- 
most purple. 



this pure white Rose is combined all the 
good qualities, rich perfume, vigorous growth 
and everything essential to the production of 
a perfect Rose. : 

LA FRANCE.—The old garden favorite, 
the queen of all Roses. No variety surpasses 
its silvery rose coloring. 3 

is a striped La France, the markings are 
plain, ake variegation a rose on a stain back- — 

_ MRS. DE GRAW.—In color, rich glossy 
pink; very fragrant, vigorous grower, every 
shoot loaded with flowers. 

MOSELLA (Yellow Soupert).—Flowers very 
double, white on beautiful light yellow back- —| 
ground, which becomes a chrome yellow in — 
the center. : 

( Tr oP 

lent, a deep crimson borne on long stems, 
mele a graceful bush with its large deep 
green leaves. 

MARIE GUILLOT.—We recommend this 
as one of the most satisfactory white Tea — 
Roses in cultivation. The flowers are large, 
full and double. ; ey, 

MADAM HOSTE.—A Rose of large size, 
fine form. In cool weather it is:ivory white, — 
in summer a bright canary with-a deep am- | 
ber . center; mes : +e 

METEOR.—The color-of this Rose is_a rich _ 

ayelvety crimson, very. striking, modérately | 
ardy. eas cava SS ast ieee set Se 

MARION DINGEE.—This Rose is excel-. 

- Santa ESE 

Pe : TEAS and HYBRID TEAS—Conitnued. 
NIPHETOS.—A very fine white rose; buds are 3 inches long. 
k PERLE DES JARDINS.—A clear golden yellow Rose; very desirable from every standpoint. 

\ PRINCESS BONNIE.—A richer crimson was never seen in a Rose i i i 
y than the La France. » While its fragrance is even more delicate 

PINK SOUPERT.—Identical with Clothilde Soupert, except in colo 
Pine’ color 10 adark ahinine “pink pe p r of flower. It blossoms early and profuse 

SUNSET.—This Rose is lovely. A rich golden amber, shaded with dar i 
sunset; flowers large, finely perfumed; free bloomer. k red, a very good likeness of a summer 

~ ‘ ; eve DE LA MALMAISON.—This fine flesh-colored Rose is a fine bloomer and stands dry weather 
e nicely. - ve 

ee One bright apricot yellow, changing to orange and fawn, sometimes tinted with pink; fine in every 
respect. 7 

SOUVENIR DE PRESIDENT CARNOT.—The color is a new delicate rosy blush, shaded a trifle deeper near 

Hardy Climbing Roses. 

BABY RAMBLER.—The ever-blooming Dwarf Crim- 
son Rambler, in bloom continuously. 

This rose begins to bloom when very small, forming 
clusters of flowers as large as the Crimson Rambler. It 
is a brilliant red, of bushy habit, compact growth, form- 
ing plants 1% ft. high in a 6 in, pot. This rose bids fair 
to be the most popular for bedding, for it will bloom all 
summer. 20c each; 2 for 35e. 

The following varieties are valued for training over 
arbors,trellises and verandas, etc. Price, 12c each; 3 for 
30c, postpaid. 

They will bloom the second year and are hardy. 

BALTIMORE BELLE.—Pale blush, becoming nearly 
white, very double. 

EMPRESS OF CHINA.—Color, shell pink; hardy, a 
strong grower. 

clusters, varies in color from white to crimson. - 

MARY WASHINGTON.—The flowers are pure white 
and very .double. Very prolific and good grower. 

QUEEN OF THE PRAIRIES.—A clear, bright pink, 
one of the best. 

RUSSELL’S COTTAGE.—A dark velvety crimson, 
double and profuse bloomer. 

TENNESSEE BELLE.—A rosy blush, vigorous climb- 
er, free bloomer. 

HELENE.—A seedling of the Crimson Rambler, color 
soft rose, almost blush, base of petal yellowish white, 
buds borne in clusters of 20 to 50. 

_ PHILADELPHIA.—A pure deep rich crimson, hold- 
iets color as long as the flowers last, needs no pro- 

CRIMSON RAMBLER.—This is a splendid Rose, and another year’s trial proves that it is perfectly hardy, 
making shoots 10 to 12 feet in a season. Produces 25 to 30 flowers in cluster, entirely covering the plant from the 
ground to the top with a mass of bright, glowing crimson. It has been very largely advertised and is very 

THE WHITE RAMBLER.—Pure white, small, double flowers. It is a fitting companion for the Pink Rambler, 
closely resembling it in foliage as well as in the great cluster of pure white flowers. 

_ THE YELLOW RAMBLER.—This is the only hardy Yellow Climbing Rose, and has been found to successfully 
withstand, without protection, a continued temperature of from zero to 2 degrees below, which proves it to be far 
hardier than any other Yellow Climbing Rose yet introduced easily grown where other Roses fail. 
As many as 150 blossoms grow in a cluster; buds a bright yellow, changing to a beautiful creamy tinge. 

CrRimsON RamBter Rose. 

Hybrid Perpetual Roses. 

Roses of this class produce the largest flowers and are the hardiest of any class; they are especially adapted 
to outdoor cultivation. Some do not bloom until the second season, but when established they bloom freely in 
June and July, and at intervals throughout the summer and fall. They should be pruned each spring. 

12c each; 3 for 35¢; 6 for 60c postpaid. 

CAPRICE.—A striped Rose. The ground color is a satiny pink, distinctly striped and dashed with white and 
carmine. : 

CAROLINE DE SANSEL.—Clear, brilliant rose color shading to rosy lilac. 

“CHARLES LEFEBVRE.—Very velvety redish crimson, sometimes with a tint of purple. 

CLIO.—This is one of the finest of Roses. A vigorous grower, hardy free flowering. Color a delicate flesh. 
DUC DE ROHAN.—Vermillion. An old and valuable variety. 

FISHER HOLMBES.—Rich crimson, very double. 

ees JACQUEMINOT.—An old favorite everyone knows at least by name and reputation. A rich crimson 

GEN. WASHINGTON.—Soft glossy scarlet, double and blooms in the fall when roses are scarce. 
HELEN KELLER.—The color is a brilliant cerise, flowers large; full, fragrant, blooms early and late. 



SSS te 

JULES MARGOTTIN.—Bright carmine; splendid Rose. 

JOHN KEYNES.—v ine deep reddish-maroon, hardy and free from disease. 

LA REINE.—Clear bright Rose; large and double. 
MME. CHAS. WOOD.—Bright firey scarlet, passing to rosy crimson shaded with maroon; one of the best. 

MARSHALL P. WILDER.—Bright crimson, full, large fiowers; very good. 

MAURICE BERNARDIN.—F ull, large vermilion flowers; excellent. ; 

MRS. CLEVELAND.—Waxy; fiesh pink, large, good shape, free bloomer. 

MME. GEORGES BRUANT.—This Rose blooms in clusters of five; fragrant, a pure white. 
MARCHIONESS OF LORN.—Handsome rose color shaded with carmine. Truly an ever bloomer. 

MARGARET DICKSON.—This is a beauty; white, having the luster of a pearl. 
MRS. R. G. SHARMAN CHAWFORD.—Color deep rosy pink, the outer petals tinted with pale flesh in a new 

and unique shade, white at the base of petals. ; ie | 
MME. GABRIEL LUIZET.—An exquisite shade of rose, suffused with lavender and pearl. Often mistaken for 
a La France. a fe ohh ee 

MAGNACHARTA.—Clear rosy red; one of the best. 
MRS. JOHN LAING.—An exquisitely shaded pink, borne on long stiff stems. f 
PRIDE OF WALTHAM.—Flesh color, shaded with bright rose; very fine. : 
PRINCE CAMILLE DE ROHAN.—Flowers are very large, color deep rich crimson passing to intense maroon, 

shaded black. At a distance they really appear black. 

ULRICH BRUNNER.—The thornless Rose. Flowers of fine form, color a cherry red. 
VICTOR VERDIER.—Rose color with carmine center; make a strong bush with few thorns. 

15c each; 3 (one of each) for 40c. ; father eraee gad Da bapa be 

BLANCHE MOREAU.—This Rose is produced in clusters and are large, full ana pure white with an abun- 
dance of deep green moss. ised) hae Lge] {a Ladod etal tok: Pfau ial eee. co; etd occ] Veal 
CRIMSON GLOBE.—A fine deep crimson, buds well mossed., = 

PRINCESS ADELAIDE.—One of the best. A bright rosy pink. 

Door Yard Collection. 

For $1.50 we will send postpaid our Everblooming Door Yard Collection, consisting of 
and best varieties of Roses, no two alike. You cannot make an investment of so Small © sim and fetes ae 
returns in pleasure as this. A bed or hedge of Roses is something every customer of ours should have at this 

low price. 
The following are the names of varieties; description can be found in the descriptive list of Roses: 

- <Aggripina, Burbank, Clothilde Soupert, Champion of the World, Caroline Marniesse, Duchess of Albany, Etoile 
De Lyon, Hermosa, La France, Mrs. Degraw, Madame Hoste, Marion Dingee, Mosella (Yellow Soupert), Pink 

Soupert, Princess Bonnie Safrano, Souvenir De La Malmaison. 

Memorial Collection. 

Price 28¢ postpaid. 
Three hardy White Roses for cemetery planting. 2 
ih seh leh age DES ALPS.—Pure white, tinged with pink in the center; flowers are Boge size; a conti. 
COQUETTE DES BLANCHES.—Similar to the one above except the center is cream instead of pink eee. 
MME. PLANTIER.—This fine variety is as ornamental as a Hydrangea. Flowers a , i 
It is especially good for cemetery planting for three reasons,-namely, hardiness, needs litt prune nee prolific. 

Happy Home Collection. 

Six red, six pink, three white, one striped; postpaid for onl 1.50 Sixteen h i 
Roses as named below. For description see preceding Spcee : n handsome hardy Hybrid Perpetual 

Alfred_Colcomb, John Hopper 
Anne De Diesbach, Madame ‘Gabriel Luizet 
Baron Bonstettin, Madame Plantier : 
Caprice, Magna Charta, ~ 
Coquette Des Alps, Mrs. John Laing 
Coquette Des Blanches, Paul Neyron ; 

en. Jacqueminot, Prince Camil] 
Gen. Washington, Ulrich Brannekee Honan: 


_ALTHEA (Rose of Sharon).—They are covered with rose-like flowers during August and Septemb h 
other flowers are scarce. We have three colors, red, purple, and white, all d : i De aan nea 
color for 30c postpaid. ouble. Price 12c each; 1 of each 

DENTZIAS.—We have three varieties, namely: > 
Crenata; height 4 to 6 ft., white flowers tinged on the outside with pink; blooms in June 
Gracilis; dwarf, 2 to 3 ft. high; flowers white; hardy; for the garden or splendid for pot eulture and winter 

blooming. = 
Pride of Rochester; double white. 

Price 12c each; 3 for 30c postpaid. 
FORSYTHIA FORTUNEII.—The first shrub to bloom in the spring. Brigh : 3 
12e each; 3 for 30c postpaid. Bar Tes HPT ala cea 
BUSH HONEYSUCKLE.—Red and White Tartarian. Price 12c each or 2 for 20c postpaid 
HYDRANGEA PANICULATA GRANDIFLORA (The Hardy Hydrangea).—Every branch is crowned with an 

immense panicle of fieecy white flowers changing to a pink hue from A oe 
the handsomest shrubs in cultivation. Price 10¢c each postpaid. neust to last of October. This is one of 

HYDRANGEA OTASKA.—A Japanese variety, produces immense heads of pink flowers Ali 
i : : z; little shade and 

oe, of water meet ee their demands. Set them away in the cellar to rest in the winter. Buy one for your 
HYDRANGEA THOS. HOGG.—Large white; may be grown for la 

each: 3 for 50e postpaid. - er wn or pot plant on the veranda. Price 18¢ 
SNOWBALL (Ordinary).—Price each 12c; 3 for %e postpaid. 

- SNOWBALL (Japanese).—Exceedingly choice, both in foliage and whi 
ats higher price. Each 15c; 3 for 40c postpaid. ss white blossom. Difficult to propagate, hence — 

| li af : 


SPIREA (Meadow Sweet).—This class of shrub will amply repay one with an abundance of flowers; easy cul- 

tivation, rapid growth, etc. : : b h 
IA (Bridal Wreath).—Double white, blossoming profusely the length of the branches. 

Serna eee plant erg sends up many tall slender shoots, which curve gracefully toward the 
ground, loaded with white bloom in May or June. BBBe Hl sic is. = |e 

SPIREA BUMALDA.—A dwarf variety, rose colored flowers, bears all summer. 

SPIREA CALLOSA ALBA.—Dwarf white; bears in July and August. 

“Price 12c each; 5 or more at 10c each postpaid. : 

SYRINGA (Mock Grange) sas ce 12¢ ren, 2 Forece: postaaid: 

= ite, very fragrant, heav ° : 
GOLDEN = The beauty of hig asics is its Pelloxy leaves, makes a fine contrast in with other shrubs. 

Among hardy plants none are more easily arown than Le ane succeed well in ordinary soil, sending up 
f blossoms year after_year with little care: Hiee BAP ise | 4 . : 
=. aoa IVIERE. Bright red. COCINEA.—Scar'et. GUETTE.—white, with crimson eye. CROSS OF 
HONOR.—White with band of rose in center of each petal, forming a maltese cross. ECLAIR.—Reddish cee 
with darker eye. EDGAR QUINET.—Rosy amarinth. ISABEY.—Orange salmon with crimson center. Lore : 
_—Soft, reddish pink, rose eye. MADAME BEZANSOM.—Deep crimson. PANTHEON.—Salmon rose, free flower- 
ing. THE QUEEN.—Pure white. ; 
Series of dormant roots, each 15c; 6 for 80c; 12 for $1.50, postpaid. 

RUBECKIA (Golden Glow).—Double. These are one of the handsomest ornamental plants for the garden, 
lawn or park. ey to ow. sure to bloom great yellow flowers as fine as cultivated Chrysanthemums. In- 
clude this in your order and you will be pleased. Price 10c each; 3 for 25c postpaid. 

YUCCA FILAMENTOSA (Adam’s Needle).—It is a hardy evergreen. The stems rising 4 or 4 feet from the 
tuft of narrow leaves. Bears cream bell-shaped flowers. l5c each; 3 for 40c postpaid. 


CLEMATIS.—These ornamental hardy vines are especially for house fronts or may be used with fine effect 
on fences, etc. We list the best varieties: 


HENRYI.—Pure white. : 

JACKMANNI.—Flowers large, rich velvety purple, produced in masses. : 

MADAM BARON VEILLARD.—Quite like its parent, Jackmanni, but color light lavender. 

MADAME EDOUARD ANDRE.—Nearest to red in the Clematis family. 

PANICULATA.—Small flowers borne on long stems in clusters, in August. 

RAMONA.—Large lavender-blue flowers, often nine inches across. | 

Price 14c each; 3 for 30c; 1 each of the seven varieties for 80c postpaid. 

CINNAMON VINE—Very rapid climber, and will grow for years. Strong tubers, 10c each, 3 for 20c., 12 for 50c., postpaid. 
BOSTON IVY—One ofthe most popular vines. Hardy and clings to any smooth surface. 12¢ each. 8 for 30c, postpaid. ia 
BIGNONIA (Trumpet Creeper)—Grows fast and is very showy; flowers red with yellow throat. 12c each, 3 for 30c postpa 


_CHINESE.—Reddish green foliage, red flower, buds when expanded show cream_ petals. 
HALL’S JAPAN.—Pure white flowers changing to yellow. Bloom from July to November. 
MONTHLY FRAGRANT.—AIl the name implies; red and yellow blossoms. 

-SCARLET TRIUMPH.—Red trumpet-shaped flowers. 

Price 12c each; one of each variety for 40c postpaid. 

_ENGLISH IVY.—Hardy; foliage dark green and glossy. Good for covering walls and ground where grass 
will not grow. Price 12c each; 3 for 30c postpaid. 

PASSION FLOWER.—A fine climber; flowers from 2 to 3 inches across; white with purple corona. Price 12¢ 
each; 3 for 30c postpaid. 

WISTERIA.—Valuable where tall growing vines are desired. Flowers are long and in clusters. 
CHINESE PURPLE.—12c each; 3 for 30c postpaid. 
' CHINESE WHITE.—lé€c each; 3 for 45c postpaid; or one of each for 25c posipaid. 

LITTLE BEAUTY (Single).—Bright red tube and sepals; corolla rich purple. Flowers 1% in. long. 
ROSALIND (Single).—Tube and sepals white; corolla Magenta pink. 
GIGANTEA (Double).—The tube and sepals carmine; corolla light Magenta. 
MRS. HE. G. HILL.—Most perfect double white ever introauced. Tube and sepals red. 
PHENOMENAL.—Sepals red, corolla. violet. 
STORM KING.—Sepals scarlet; corolla red and white. 
12c each; 3 for 30c postpaid. 

DR. LIVINGSTON.—Fine dark blue clusters. 
WHITE LADY.—Large pure white. 
12c each; the two for 20c postpaid. 


Price 10c each; 6 for 50c postpaid. 

DAYBREAK.—Delicate salmen pink. 

ELDORADO.—Light clear yellow, petals edged with a narrow band of pink.  —__ = pets reas 

FLORA HILL.—The largest white variety to date. jake | 4: eal Ei eat ir ger cel PSS ( 2 Hee TSih ies ITS 

G. H. CRANE.—The best large scarlet grown. (ss py tf eh. Hl Sizes | a esse eet cate | fet ae Ri 

MRS. FRANCIS JOOST.—Pale pink salmon; large flowers, some measuring 3% inches in diameter. 

MRS. THOS. LAWSON.—No plant has ever received so much description and free advertising from newspapers 
of the whole country as this Carnation, which is said to have sold for $30,000. It is very large and beautiful shade 

of pink. 
ENCHANTRESS.—One of the recent introductions; an exquisitely delicate shade of shell pink; blooms early 
and continuously. : 

DOROTHY WHITNEY.—Deep golden yellow. 

LADY BOUNTIFUL.—Pure white, valuable for garden planting as well as under glass. 

Price 10c each; 6 for 50c. 

5 5 DS.—Deep rich crimson, long stiff_stems. Leaves grow close to the flower. 
GLORY OF THE PACIFIC.—An early pink sort. Flowers are of immense size; plant has a dwarfish growth. 
GOLDEN _WEDDING.—The grandest golden yellow Chrysanthemum ever offered. 
IVORY.—Pure white; fine for pot culture. 
MAUDE DEAN.—Fne pink shell shaped variety. 
MME. F. BERGMANN.—Large, full white, cream center. 
BLACK HAWkK.—Dark crimson; largest and best of its color. 
COL. D. APPLETON.—Deep golden yellow; perfect in shape and color as wel as in foliage and habit of growth. 
TIMOTHY EATON.—Pure white blooms of immense size and of globular shape. 





BOSTON SWORD FERN.—One of the most popular 
sorts. Splendid for pots, vases or hanging baskets, 
especially desirable grown in the wire hanging baskets 
in which they thrive well and make very ornamental 
plants. 25c, postpaid 

MIKADO FERN BALL.—Quite a novelty from Japan 
and a beautiful thing when well grown, but it is rather 
difficule to grow them satisfactorily in the dry atmosphere 
of an ordinary house. Largely advertised in the east. 
In dormant state. Each 50c postpaid. 

This is a popular plant. It makes one of the finest deco- 
rating plants every introduced. Will grow rapidly under 
all conditions and the price is within the reach of every- 
one. It is often called ‘‘Fountain Fern” on account of its 
graceful drooping habit. The fronds when fully matured, 
often reach a length of four feet. 25c postpaid. 

ASPARAGUS SPRENGERII.—It is a fine plant for 
hanging baskets, with graceful drooping fronds. Some- 
times 4 feet in length. The color of the foliage is a rich 
shade of green and will retain its freshness for weeks 
after being cut. 15c each; 3 for 40c postpaid. 

often called the Shaking Fern. Its fine, bright green, 
feathery foliage surpasses the Maiden Hair Ferm in del- 
icacy of texture. The sprays, after being cut off, will 
last a long time and are indispensable aS a green, in 
floral decorations. 15c each, postpaid; 3 for 40c. 

-UMBRELLA PLANT.—This plant is as handsome as 
: : a fern or palm for decoration. It will grow in water 
SWORD FERN. and is useful for aquariums and fountains. Each 12¢c; 5 
for 30c postpaid. 

Hardy Herbaceous Plants. 

To this class of plants belong those that are hardy and. die a> : 
down to the roots in the fall, and spring up again in the spring- | aes — 1X 
time. Once planted they live forever. Xi as: oes Ee, 
EN g 4 —\ " 
COREOPSIS LANCOLATA (Giant Golden).—This begins to \ |S VES 
bloom in June and continues until frost. It is a rich yellow; i ~=——SN\ We iy 

fine for cut flowers; very hardy and easy to grow. 12c each; On BER, Ge 4 
3 for 30c postpaid. \ RZ /| 
early and late, grows 4 or 5 ft. high; flower a deep yellow, of ASW PSS 
fine texture, 2 inches in diameter. Good for cutting. Price 12c ? V/A oN 

each; 3 for 30c postpaid. 

GERMAN IRIS (The True Fleur de Lis).—These produce 
large, fragrant, orchid-like flowers, embracing many shades of 
eolor. Price each 10c; 6 for 50c postpaid. 

JAPANESE IRIS.—This truly lovely Iris is among the most 
desirable summer fiowering plants; many -flowers measure from 
10 to 12 inches in diameter. 12c each; 6 for 60c postpaid. 

LILY OF THE VALLEY.—These dainty flowers should be in 
a moist, shady location. Once planted, the crowns increase each 
year, soon making a large bed, which blooms every year. 
Strong flowering crowns; 6c each; 12 for 50c postpaid. 

BLEEDING HEART.—One of the fine old favorites of 
Grandmother’s garden. Produces rose colored heart-shaped 
flowers in abundance in April and May. Strong roots. Hach 15c; 
3 for 40c postpaid. 


Coleus Plants. 

12c each; 8 for 30c postpaid. 

COLEUS OR FOLIAGE PLANT.—We offer a variety 
of Coleus, some of the most desirable for bedding. 

GOLDEN BEDDER.—Deep yellow variety. 
FIRE GRAND.—Dark crimson, shaded garnet. 
JOHN GOOD.—Light green, spotted yellow. 



Oyster Shell, 50 lbs 45e.: 100 lbs 75e ; 200 lbs $1.30, Granulated Bone, 10]1bs 30c.; 50 lb. 
$1.25; 100 Ibs $2.20. ) Bone Meal, Same price as Granulated Bone. Mica Grits, 25 
25c. ; 50 Ibs 50c. ; 100 lbs 90c. Blood Meal or Dried Blood, 20 lbs 90c. ; 50 lbs $2.00; 100 lbs $3.50. 
Beef Meal, 10 lbs 30c. ; 50 lbs $1.25 ; 100 $2.20. Beef Scraps, Same price as Beef Meal. 
Aluminum Leg Bands, All numbered. 25 for 30c.; 50 for 45c.; 100 for 75e Give breed of fowls for which the 
bands are wanted, (If wanted by mail add 4¢ per 100) Nest Eggs, 2 for5c., Egg 
Boxes,, Always ready for use. No packing or tying; seals itself and cannot be opened without detection. 

1 setting size. 15c.; 2 setting size, 25c Drinking Fountains, self-feeders, chick size 25e each ; 
hen size, 50c each, 


LEE’S Poultry Goods, 

LEE’S LICE KILLER—It never fails; just spray or paint roosts and nestsand all lice and mites will 
disappear. No handling of fowls. Qt can 35c., % gal 60c.; gal $1.00. 

LEE’S EGG MAKER—Furnishes the material the egg-producing organs require. Has noequal, 26c. 
and 50c. 

LEE’S GERMOZONE-Will cure the worst cases of Roup, Swelled Head, Colds, ete. “A few drops in the 
water keeps them in condition all winter. 60c postpaid. 

LEE’S INSECT POWDER—Kills lice, mites and all insects. 25c per box, 


Produce such satisfactory results, re- rr eee ane 
_  gardless of whether natural condi- Sees 
>) tions are favorable or not, becanse 
Incubator in which heat, moisture Bim 
. and ventilation---the three essentials 
~ Fy of a successful hatch--are under per- 
fect and SEPARATE control of the op- 
erator. You can always MAKE fa- 
vorable hatching conditions with the 
i ‘Mandy Lee”? The Mandy Lee 140- 
A egg machine weighs nearly twice as 
ee much as most other machines of like 
— size, beeause it has double walls of 
34 inch lumber, with cotton batting between. The top is composed of as- 
bestos, wood and cotton. The heating and ventilating system is perfect, 
and different from any other. Price, 100 egg size, $1200, 140 egg $17,o00. 
The “‘Mandy Lee” Brooder is the only direct contact heat brooder made---the only brooder that hovers 
exactly like the hen. No crowdingin the Mandy Lee. Strong chicks, because they are comfortable and 
breathe fresh, pure air. Price $12.00. We pay freight on Incubators and brooders. Write US for cat- 
alogue of these machines. They are built right. Address ZrmMERMAN SEED Co., Topeka, Kans. 



_Is composed of Sound, Wholesome Grain. No floor-sweepings, dirt and trash in it. Looks better, tastes 

better and IS BETTER, richer, purer and will go farther than that generally sold, IT COSTS NO MORE, 
TRY IT. You will be pleased with the QUALITY. 100 lbs $1.25; 200 lbs $2.30 

ae : Purina Baby Chick Feed. 
Awarded Grand Prize at World’s Fair, St Louis. More chicks die when 4 to 12 days old than at any 
other time. Clean grain, seed and muscle material is what they need. This chick food contains the above 

in proper proportions and is fed regularly by the most experienced poultry raisers. With proper care and 
attention, this food will raise every chice. 25 1bs 7oc.; 50 lbs $1.80; loo lbs $2.40. 



This hive takes the 4%x4%4x1\% plain or no-beeway section. 
This hive is furnished in eight-frame size. It consists of a bottom- 
board, A; a cover, E; a body or brooding-chamber, with Hoffman 
frames and a division-board, 5; or with inch foundation starters, 6; 
4%-inch super with plain section-holders, P; fences, springs, and end 
wedges, 2P; or with 4%4x44x4%4-inch sections and inch foundation 
starters, 4P. When two supers are included with each hive it is then 
a 2-story hive for comb honey. 
In flat. Five. Ten. 

AE52P-8—No sections, starters, with one super...... $1.85 $8.50 $15.50 « 
AE64P-8—With sections, starters, with one super...... 2.15 9.75 18.00 
AE522P-8—No sections, starters, two supers............ 2.35 10.75 19.50 
AE644P-8—With sections, starters, two supefrs......... 2.85 : 


This hive takes the 44%4x4%x1%, two-beeway section. 3 

This hive is exactly like the one above, except in the inside furnish- 
ings of the super. The super of this hive is 4% inches deep, with 
slotted section-holders, sawed separators, follower, and springs, 2S, 
or with 44%4x44%4.x1% two-beeway sections and foundation starters, 4S. 

In ordering this hive, use the prices above, changing the letter P to 
letter S. Both hives take the same price for the same size and furnish- 
ings, therefore we do not repeat the prices here. 


This hive takes 4x5x1%-inch plain or no_bee-way sections. It is = 
made only in ten-frame size (16% inches wide). 

x a ‘! ‘g 
= ral te 
“i ict ih i. 

| i Sv 


AED5—No super or fdn. starters...........00. ae ee $1.40 $6.50 $1200 SWQeige Ss SS 
AED6—No super, with fdn. starters.........cccsssessees 1.50 6.75 12.50 cap Ne EA AEN 
AED52M—With super, no sections or starters......... 2.10 9.75 18.00 

AED64M—Complete with springs, sections, starters... 2.40 11.00 20.50 
Nailed and painted, 75c each extra. 
Furnished with all our hives. 
The standard bottom-board, which is furnished with all our hives, 

Price, 20c each; $2.25 per dozen, prepaid. 
Price with board, 35c; $3.20 for 10, not postpaid. 

Style 2.—Beeway, open top and bottom. 
Style 5.—Plain, no beeways. Used with fences. 
Style 5M.—4x5x1%, plain, no-beeway. Used in Danzenbaker hives. 
rice best grade, any Style, 100 for 75¢ , 250 for $1.50, 500 for $2.55, 1,000 for $5.00 
Medium Brood, 1 1b 55c., 5 lbs $2.65, 10 1bs $5.10, 25 lbs $12.25 
Thin Super, 1 1b 62c, 5 lbs $8.00. 10 lbs $5.75, 25 1bs $14.00. 
Extra Thin Super, 1 lb 65c., 5 lbs $3.15, 10 1bs $6.00, 25 Ibs $14.75. 

Price, Standard Root, 3%4-in., 8c each; 3 $2.25; postage, 25c. 
Price, for 1-lb. sections, 25c; by mail, 15c extra. 

Used to confine the queen to the brood-chamber, : 
Price, for 8-frame hive, 15c each; 10 for $1.20. For 10 frame hive, 18c 
each; 10 for $1.40. 


Price 50c; 10 for $4.00; by mail, 15c each extra. 

Bottom tulle, with silk face. Price 50c. 

Beginners and even careless bee-keepers of some experience can not 
fail to get them spaced just right. There is no guessing or hap- 
hazard fingering; and the consequence is, the combs are even in sur- 
face, and of uniform thickness. In these days, when out-aplaries are 
so much in vogue, and hives are moved from one point to another, 
it is highly *mportant that the frames be of a kind that will stand 
hauling from place to place, even over rough roads; and in this re- 
spect the Hoffman fills the bill perfectly. 

Hoffman frames, end-spaced, 10 for 30c; 100 for $2.75; 500 for $12.50. 

This super takes 414x4%4x1% plain or no bee-way sections. 

We specially recommend this super when you prefer the Square sec- 
tion 444x44%. A fence is used between each two-section holder and at 
each outside. Contents securely clamped in place with the two-end 
wedges and three springs on one side. : 

In flat. Five. Ten 

2P-8—Without sections & foundation starters, 8-frame..$0.50 $2.25 $4.00 
4P-8—With sections and foundation starters, 8-frame.. .70 3.25 6.00 


This super takes 4144x44%4x1% beeway section. 
This is the old style of super and section most commonly used, and 
the one to order if you prefer to use square beeway section 44x44x1%. 
; In flat. Five. Ten. 
29S-8—Without sections & foundation starters, 8-frame.$0.50 $2.25 $4.00 = 
48-8—With sections and foundation starters, 8-frame.. .70 Aye, 6.00 ee Ta eS 3 
i 4x5x1 lain or no-beeway sections. 
eaercnuer, tance a Z In flat. Five. Ten. 
2M-10—Without sections and fdn. starters, 10-frame...$0.70 $3.25 $6.00 
4M-10—With sections and fdn. starters, 10-frame....... 90 4.25 8.00 

Price in cloth, $1.20; in half leather, $1.75; in full leather, $2.00. If 
sent by freight or express, deduct 20 cents from any of the above 








_ No order for less than $5.00 will be accepted at these prices. 
Our prices on Onion seed is so low and stock limited, that not 
Shipments made by 

over % of any order can be Onion Seed. 
express or freight not prepaid. 

¥% lb at lb rate: % peck at pee rate; % bu at bu rate. 

in full must accompany all orders. 

We h 

order and will give it our prompt and careful attention. 

ope to receive your 


. Pkt. OZ. 
Pailng@tiamren cok cee octane 03 07 
Conover’s Colossal. . ......... 03 07 

ty pt pint 
Stringless Green Pod........ 10 15 
Early Red Valentine. .. .... 08 10 

Stringless Red Valentine.... 10 15 
Round Yellow Six Weeks.... 08 12 

WAnite “Keg ne ys sss seve. cece o's 10 12 
Large White Marrofat....... 10 12 
Currie’s Rust Proof Wax.... 10 12 
Zimmerman’s German Wax. 10 12 
Wardwell’s Kidney Wax.... 10 15 
Dwarf Black Wax............ 10 15 
Davis’ Kidney Wax.......... 10 mG) 
Burpee’s Bush Lima......... 10 15 
Henderson’s Bush Lima..... 10 15 
Kentucky Wonder, Pole..... 10 15 
saazy. Wate, Pole: ste .s..ce os 10 15 

Cutshort or Cornhill, Pole.. 10 15 
King of the Garden Lima, — 

POle Sse ia cee os 10 15 
Golden Cluster Wax......... 10 15 


Pkt. OZ. 

-Crosby’s Egyptian............ 03 06 
Extra Early Egyptian....... 03 06 
Edmand’s Blood Turnip..... 03 06 
Early Helipse. .. ............. 03 06 
Extra Harly Lentz............ 03 06 
Zimmerman’s Electric. . . .. 03 08 
Dewing’s Improved Blood... 03 06 
Half Long Blood.............. 03 06 
Sues Chard sos. bscssacsteen 03 08 

Yq Ib. 


Golden Tankard Mangel.. 
Improved Mammoth Prize 

IVE ATI OL Year as tee os wees e eee 04 
Long Red Mangel............. 04 
- Red Globe Mangel............ 04 
Lane’s Imperial Sugar...... 04 
Impvd, Wanzleben Sugar... 04 

IES SHWE 60 sss ses ec wx 05 20 


Dwarf German Green Curl’d 03 08 


PerreeriGM:: eye c ee ke oe 03 12 

Al Srliead Marly. os..essc 00s 03 15 
Early Jersey Wakefield..... 03 15 
Early Winnigstadt............ 63 15 
Zimmerman’s Earliest....... 03 ld 
Extra Early Etampes........ 03 15 
Hariy- Summer. 22 2..-55.. 03 15 
Bavly— -BrxpresS:2<... <2... 2. 03 15 
Zimmerman’s Surehead...... 03 12 
Giant Plat Duteth.....0s:.:.; 03 12 
Short Stem Drumhead....... 03 12 
Large Late Drumhead....... 03 15 
St. Louis Market.............. 03 18 
Danish Ball Head or Hol’dr 03 15 
POUR SCASOHS Ss wo 5. -2oicx oe oe sce 03 15 
Mormmath Red Rock......... 63 18 

Pkt. \% oz. 

Marlsnowball.. 5°. e555 36k: 12 50 
Pryor Wetur tees skivcc une 15 60 
Early Paris Forcing.......... 05 20 



5 50 


Pkt. OZ. 
Ox-Heart or Guerrande..... 03 08 
CHANLEM Aye secs ee kinoceiccw ws 03 08 
Danvers Half Long.......... 03 . 08 
Improved Long Orange...... 03 08 
Large White Bergian........ 02 06 
Large Yellow Belgian........ 02 06 
Golden Self Blanching 
(Hrenchi).4.ikcee ses ence 04 23 
Golden Self Blanching 
(Ordinary) <c-cSwaeee cone 03 20 
Wehites-PlumGésc.e acces 03 12 
Pink. Plim Orvis. tc ele bem 03 15 
Giant cass ecaeee 03 10 
Large Ribbed Red............ 03 10 
Celeriac or Turnip-Rooted : 
Celery. steerer ainine oe 03 12 
large Rooted: 2 5 iiceers s+ c0 03 08 
Georgia or Southern......... 03 08 
1% pt. pint 
HWarliest-of -Allsscsees womecaesee 10 15 
Extra Early Adams.......... 08 10 
Harly Cory 2 sseaeoupeens-- 08 10 
Zimmerman’s Harly Mam-th 10 15 
Crosby Ss) Warlyss.c eck ooaee 08 10 
Country Gentleman........... 10 15 
Stowell’s Evergreen.......... 08 10 © 
Late Mammoth............... 08 10 
Black. Mexicana s tevsse0<<: 10 15 
Pkt. OZ. 
White: Rice ses none eee ee 03 
White: Pearlccco.n cote nee 03 
Queen’s Golden................ 03 
Golden Vale................... 03 
Zimmerman’s FEiarliest....... 03 08 
Arlington White Spine....... 03 08 
Harly= Cluster? ccc... eee 03° == 08 
Chicago Pickling.............. 03 08 
Boston Pickling... 6.22. ce 6e. 03 08 
White: Pearlxcccs.cctetoscoweess 03 10 
Barly RUSSIAN Ge oe ernie > 03 08 
New E'verbearing............. 03 08 
Improved Long Green....... 03 08 
Coolsand® 03 08 
Improved Large Purple..... 04 30 
Green= acres ee 03 08 
IBUIDSHs ees ceed eee 
White -Gian tanc-ac. nee cooee 03 15 
Giant Purplesscscec ese eee 03 15 
arces Hondone <n 03 08 
Zimmerman’s Harliest....... 03 08 
Early Curled Simpson....... 03 08 
Black Seeded Simpson....... 03 08 
ING WHIMOrse ieqesccdsnse ss saeetek 03 08 
Improved Hanson............. 03 08 
California Cream Butter..... 03 08 
ECEDOL S20 canis aes Oise 03 08 
Early Prize Head......:...... 03 08 
Denver Market........+..:.... 03 08 
Hard® FCA Gs..c snc seiek cchinwotseae 03 08 
Ene Bricks) .ce.scssesaectak ue cts 
WWE Cae Saw dene see niee elas 03 05 
IBTOWN ck orto eee aes 03 05 
Southern Giant Curled....... 03 07 




Y |b. 



be ror tnt 

5 lbs. 


Picton veteloeey lbs Pkt. oz. %lb. Ib. 
Zimmerman’s Earliest L’rge 03 10 20 70 Hollow Crown Sugar......... 03 07 12 30 
Extra Early Hackensack.... 03 08 18 60 GllEENSC Yi eo occ owen ee wie 03 07 12 30 
Rocka. Mord=4:cne see ee 03 07 15 50 PARSLEY. 
Oklahomas oases eee: 03 10 20 70 Champion Moss Curled...... 03 08 15 40 
Bananage . caer ss ee eae eee 03 07 15 50 New. “Himeraldescs..cekcvenes 03 08 3153 40 
Grand) Rapidseracwneeieees 03 07 15 55 RADISH. 
Zimmerman’s Excelsior...... 04 12 Dxeren SO Newe Diphtning: 22.21 accsseses 04 09 20 50 
EmeralduGemus. feces 04 10 18 65 Early Scarlet Globe.......... 03 08 12 40 
OSapel tn dcerick «weno ek sass 03 07 18 60 Rosy Gem.........seeeeeeeeeees 03 08 12, 40 
Miller's! Crean. a itias.ace eee 03 07 18 60 Early Turnip Red............ 03 08 15 40 
Improved Montreal Market. 03 07 18 60 French Breakfast............. 03 08 12 40 
WATER MELON. INNS LDSENIESS eed de opnnanoes cs 04 08 18 30 
Harris? (Warliest.. 2.25 das «008 04 08 20 15 Olive-Shaped, Rose............ 03 08 15 40 
Home Favorite. ..5....0..¢000+ 03 07 15 46 White Olive-Shaped.......... 03 08 15 40 
Black Diamond...........---:. 03 06 12 40 NVihitem SLFASDULS reece es 03 | 08 15 50 
Rattlesnakes.%.2:konseuecae 03 06 15 40 New White Chinese.......... 03 08 18 50 
Peerless or Ice Uream........ 03 06 15 40 Rose China Winter........... 03 08 12 40 
Mammoth Ironclad........... 03 06 15 40 C@rimsonmGianiterecss ce soonest 03 08 =: 15 50 
Mountain Sweet............: 03 06 15 40 IWiN1Ce AL GICLe raise Ses o etevoerteeererats 03 0s ... 18 50 
Sweethearts = cs. teetces ae: 03 08 15 45 Long Scarlet Short Top...... O3ern n08 12 40 
Kentucky Wonder............ 03 08 15 45 Long White Lady Finger.... 03 08 15 40 
MclIver’s Sweet............00- 03 08 18. 50 California Mammoth Winter 03 08 15 45 
UBER D enh opal gee pane ee No, eae 03 08 18 50 RHUBARB. 
King of Mammoths.......... 03 08 18 50 Wile torianGiad ite cass scl cece. mae 03 10 30 | $1 00 
Kleckley’s Sweet............. 03 07 15 40 SPINACH. 
TOL 1S Mert ts... ath ees ee ies 03 06 12 40 New Long Standard.......... 03... 05 10 25 
WTO SO A a, Cle emacs S04 10 20 60 Round Thick Leaved......... 03. 05 10 20 
ONION SEED. EATAUC Uys INV AIL ON, stateretotsbetnia stele si 03 05 10 25 
Yellow Globe Danvers....... 04 OQ Shin aSIEeD. Savoy Leaved................. 03 05 10 25 
Australian Brown......::..-.. 04 09 25 90 Bloomsdale. Warck latutuiisis etpieteisreveVelsteka 03 : 05 10 25 
White Portugal or Silver ; SALSIFY.. 1 aha 
cima eaten ae ee eee 04 12 40 135 Mammoth Sandwich Island. 03 08 25 80 
Southport Red Globe......... 04 15 40 140 SQUASH. 
Southport White wlobe..... 204 18 55 6=—o 1 80 Warty Hubbard.............+. 04 08 20 60 
Large Red Wethersfield..... 04 09 35 Late Mammotn Hubbard.......... 04 08 20 60 
Nenu Prive Taken — 04 10 40. 140 Golden Hubbard........ Bea: 04 08 Plea se) 
Barletiiee wr eee ees 04 18 40) 1 35 White Bush Scallop.......... 03 08 15: 26. 50 
Mammoth Silver King....... 04 18 40 1 35 Summer Crookneck........... 03 08 eos 50 
White Bermuda. .. .......... 04 20 75 9 50 Sibley. oS tee cee censcerscececcos 04 08 y 20 60 
OKRA. Blue Marblehead.............- 03 08 20 60 
WWahitek Welw.cle ee case nk 03 08 15 40 TOMATO. , 
ONION SETS. IDeMeIA. Monier ae gnoucuodsuos 04 320 90). 92 40 
VY pt. pint qt. pk. pu. | Warlina. . - .1..2...c sees sees 04 20 70 2 30 
Viellow i Bottomes a: aca 3 10 15 65 $2 39 | Zimmerman’s Impvd. Tree.. 04 20 70 225 
Red Bottom... eee to Taso 15 65 239 | Gold Dust (Red).............. 04 20 60 200 
LO otton a ee 10 15 70 Ding u@viestennoGicimteca..qase ae 04 20 60 200 
PEAS. Marly RCA CY caesar eine ter 03 15 45 . 160 
Two Weeks Early............ 10 15 20 125 4 50 | Magnus. . . scseeeeeeeees eee 03 18 50 170 
TeietlouGemn, oe 10 15 20 125 450| New Stone..............-...04+ 08 15 45 160 
PARAS lean ae eine, eo. 10 12 18 100 375|Matchless... ................. - 03 15 45 1 60 
Gradus or Prosperity......... 12 18 95 175 6 50 Paral Ones os ina reanat ed sale aes 03 15 45 1 60 
Improved Stratagem oh nies 10 12 90 1 30 4 50 IRONMETOSa:7 ease koe ones 03 20 65 2 20 
Nott’s Excelsior.............. 10 12 20 1230 4 75 | HMOPMOus. . . -.eeeeeeeeeee eee 03 20 65 2 20 
Zimmerman’s Reliance...... 12 18 2 160 g 09 | Golden Queen. .. ......-.- +e. 03 15 45 1 60 
Yorkshire Hero..........0.00 10 15 20 125 459 | Pwarf Champion.............. 03 15 45 1 60 
Molephone. 2. se eek ct 10 12 20 1230 450 TURNIP. 
Zimmerman’s Mammoth..... 10 15 25 1 40 5 J0 Early White Milan........... 03 08 20 60 
Bliss’ Everbearing............ 10 12 2 110 3 9)| Purple Top Milan............. 03 08 20 55 
Dwarf Sugar.......ceceeeeeeeee 10 15 ge Gs g 99 | Barly White Flat Dutch..... 03 08 15 40 
White Marrowfat............. 0 12 18 110 380| White Beg... ...-...... OB OB sib iereeee 
PUMPKINS. Purple Top Strap Leaved... 03 08 15 40 
Pkt. OZ. 4, lb. lb Cow Horn eccecescececeeceeeeseee 03 08 15 40 
Thanksgiving Pico. Lae 03 08 18 50 Seven Top AOdUOU SHOUD DO ONODROOS : 03 08 15 40 
Small Suearaws vsseocidss oe 03 07 15 40 POTATOES. 
Wapanese  Picwein, =. siete ies 03 08 18 50 pk. bu. bbl. (2% bu.) 
Gash sy tens copie one 03 08 18 50 Den IDES) NTs acdowedoeacosn6 35 $110 $3 00 
Smal Sara les oe oniontes 08 03 07 15 40 IDnI hy” (Oboes SAEs see io o54 35-120. 2570 
King of the Mammoth....... 03 12 5 20 Early Six Weeks............ 56) 1 00 2 70 
Common WWield,.5.. 455/05... 02 07 15 30 HIBBAUEH Halal = PGdiennosogodoge. ener 3 110 3800 
: PEPPER. Burbanikee s+ geen dace cctoeen eee 95, le alle 00 
New. Mammoth... 50-6 acecs 04 20 Kip ab V5) SWEET POTATOES. 
Ruby King............eeseeeee 03 ae el paral WelloweDerseyacn secu veces 40° 4, 207),.83. 001 
WEleES tial cole cigasdstecrstoets cicreiere 03 12 40 1 40 Yellow Nansemond.......ece. 40 1 20 3 00 
Procopp’s Giant............. -- 08 12 2) fo abe) Red Jersey.siscgevdswen- test: 40 140 330 
Long Red Cayenne........... 03 12 40 140 Red Nansemond.............-- 40 140 830 
3 30 

1sqers Ly Clanllne ger ae caadocoe ieee 03 12 40 140 Ise onbrsene ees l Ges sesso usone 40 140 

Tear out this Order Sheet here, then make up your order and mail to us. 


TD ee CO i ockik sews a See eee eee 1907. 

{nase cS Ran oe eee Gh a ee me aden eat ealee ae 

(Write your name plain and distinct.) 
Coantye et a eee ee ee Post Office Order $.................... 
Sit sn  ee  etOS Order Piro. 
Send This Order by. eect ces Cash = = | Bessette: 
State whether by Mail, Express or Freight. 

Draftr 8-5 seen $: ese 

Express OMce eee 
. Stamps See a(S. 5.5 rater eee 

Breight OMce 3). eee 

When ordered by express or freight, give express or freight office. 

Postpaid by Mail. We pay the postage on packets, ounces, }4 lbs, 32 Ibs, lbs, 
pints and quarts, All you have to do is to make out a list of the seeds wanted, attach the price to 
each and send the amount by money order, draft or registered letter. We assume all risks,—that 
ig, we guarantee the seed will arrive promptly and in good condition. 

0 a TE 

ee ee esc ces ces e oe _ reece sees eessee. cesses ce sees sees se cesses ees Sevres eseseresesse reer ever eseeeeeorBegeseeos ceee/esee sae 

we ee eres ce er es see ee seo eee tees eect ee wo eet eee eee terse weer ee te eee eosseeaserMBeecseecescvcse| sao s wee 

eecee eee cess coos 

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eres etem oe sreee recess et esee eee. ceesesseees eof ee2e weeseereesece 

eect ecesesesecer 
OOM emcee meee ee cee sece cece esses esse ees e SB e cess sess es esses esee see oe 228 eee 8 FFF Seeeevesseee se eeeeM Ceres seesesfoses cue - 

Pewee ew ee ese es es eee reser acer sees secs ees tees ease ress ses teeter me Bees sees eoesesrer sess esses sess ee eee gee g see en nefesees--- 

Cece eee se ese efee ee wee - 

@eeect esse erbees 

emer cecee ceeef sess cee 

@eoesees secret osse cee 

seelecaeee eee 



Te cece Cece tee tc te ese epee Cans ee ee OSS Ce ck os BOBO ET SH F CEO DESO ee PATO Oe Oe 

seeks ee ee eee eee ee ee re reese eee eee eee eee tees Fee He eseeeseee ep eeeeeeeseZnseoreseere seesrees veer ecsse 

i ee ae ar ee a oe ee 

weeece-+ meses - eee eel ge wees cc ee ne Che ew et eo ee sw tee Heol Ce ee Fe ee ee ee eke e Oe ee BE OB Ces e Bee Coot eH BEeE Bese esses eooeces 

a ec eC i 

eC ee ee ee cy 

sees ccc ces steer 
i i ee i i ca 

see e- «eee -secee 
se eee eee ewe eee ee ee ee ee eee HESS HEHE Hees Be ee Eee He Eee H BEE BEE Oe eee EHH EE Hoe HEHE EEE BEE EROS om 

weet e tse ecortes 

eoveeesccces|seoes eves 

ee a ay 

ee a 
Ce a ed 

ee ee a ay 

see e cee ew eee el eee tweens 

ee ee ad 
es eC a re 

Oe ee ee a mee 

NOTE—Before making out your order, please read directions as given on the inside of 
Front Cover of Catalogue. 


For every ONE DOLLAR order for seeds in packets and ouNcEs, you are entitled to select 
TWENTY-FIVE CENTS worth in PACKETS and ounces FREE. Write your Freer selections in 
the pen ees ee es In eran Be always send several choice varieties Free, as pres :nts. 

ur book, ‘‘Success with Seeds,” giving the proper cultivation of almost everythi i 
FREE with a One Dollar order, if asked for. ihe Bilas ae ie: 

"sn 07 [IVUul puBw Jopi1o inod dn oyvu usyy ‘a10y JOYS AepAGg sity yno I¥BIT, 

geo Ci re ee ee 

hee ae 

PANG GHOKOG igen sei siecle eWiessna esc ee 3 
JADA (Gs AG Aries BOGE CE oe 31 
J AEFI DE SUE ne haan ona UeeerOer 3 
EST Sere aitclonrs si sacs we Sean 8, 4,5 
BG@Gts fearon ck wu teres 26 
Borecole or Kale.............. 14 
BU OYA0 1 wa So coiogn Gerace eae 14 
Brussels Sprouts............. 14 
BOTA Oca ceiestee ces ccas kere el 

COLDH aT OHOEY, al oi Bee ee nanny (ER -] 

TOA tee ce yn Grasse bees 9 
LUMO WE Ren et aie se ccis aa cls 9 
RT OW UE aria d cole ecis Verses ..81 
MG SMURTUS eesveRcintee: ctecieke eyercincis:=y, siele’s 31 
Celery..... Bch ee sates ako 
ICON Yeeros to cia sone cin Sia eres 14 
Collards .. d 14 
COTTA GEi es ces. coe on mone Od 
CERISE OD eevee sarees ree ceiasnine ke 
Gorn Sweeksonc casinos oe TALS. 
CUCUNNDET seca Cnc ta aces 18, 14 
So ee ee pulley AEE Nea eae 31 
| ETL) EAE Wall as Se eens Senet eRe 14 
LOL OT ae Seen Mee ee 
E(t Ni NO eee [2 
HGrenoun Ghee soso eee) 
HODUSGeGeasse sc ecscess Sena) | 
LAE oy ea, hn oe en eae 7 

VEN Geer ie eas ee et 

WTC G Keene ty Big ee eS 14 
TUM COR ya res nee Mertsns seein 15 
WioloneeMiske eee cae 16, 17 
Melons, Water.......... 18, 19, 20 
Mushroom Spawn........ .... 20 
ING Shama ers en nica eect 14 


OkraroniGumibonseic.. sees 22 
OI ON eae eee ee ce 21, 22 
Parsley sesame sox SOD 
RATS TUN ccetscee Pee ee teeters ick 25 
PE ADNGS eercc cic ern srenes mares 
BORG emctacear ew ae stn 23. 24 
BE PDE Tees cence c eee 25 
Iwo aho eS Ay, eneeiner ac odsooc 25 
POtBUOES starts eee aes 36 
WUAGIS Der ace aceite 26. 27 
FVM D SE bss se sto asec 

UGA DAS Wes, aneecre cee eco 
SalSifyee secs. cate etereeeeteceO 

SAirOM i cee ee ee ea OL 
DALE isdeinerc etoile man SEO ARO: 
SOiviOlyacion cute we cciaerecrorie) eievelerale 31 

Spimachiecnys acetone sicileereserice 
SQUaShiye setters eendvecieaiece ee 
Mhyane es we cose e ee tonal 
PUPMUP cesses cscs rene aoe 31 
Flowers and 

7. oxtail oyole mise Baca coda aoe a abo 40 
ASOT ADUM eo a2 cacien nesien se 4O 
ANY SSW oc rc eioes atte oe clever 40 

/NMOEV TY TANS S 556 65 54d ado00 coon GW 
/NM MIA MEANT Good cgssn oacacn oA) 
PA'STOD ate verses ces oe Cree eae a: 
ESS SAM ees tases oan eae 
BePONI ee ese seceesis tence, ss sesOe 
Birdiofiebaradisena..- erento 
Canniasic casera cic ckesc ene aOs 

CarnadixronS 2. eceoe soe erento cae 
CamGy:Guaes .ccleice ts ttesevarecteterens Aa 


Celosia ... 

C@MTAMMER onciss- tse cscs «us 
Chrysanthemum......... .... 

Cineraria..... sdolavcisventahenneeee 
CoxmsOm Deseo ces Geen 
Coleus ..... 43, 56 
Cosmos.... 48 

Cy MTess Vine. 9. sere lenin sees 
Calladivimssees sen eee 
Cinniamonnvanesereanerc . 4s: 
Canary Bird Flower........ 

Cobsze Vine.... 
Datura. see 


so CQ aOSOU OL. 


Escholtzia (Cali. Poppy).. ..43 

Hevierlewec. cose c seseetne a) 283 
Buehslatacacccdcoo eee 43, 56 
For-Get-Me-Not......... .43 
Gaillandiaeecmecsecese Fevers 44 
Geranium say see-e eee ODO 
Gliadiolwisessesoa cian ete eer 53 
Gloxiamilal sete ie ccro: ..08 
EVeliotroapenccssaecsee nee see 45 
EIOW INYO co 055060080000 a0 one! 
EVyAcinitheBpean neces seeeeeasOo 

Ece Plentisge ccestri csc eke eee 
Kenilworth Ivy........ 

MarkSpulecccceniceceee ce 
OMe ae ack Saree Coe ace 
Madeira Vine........ 

Marigold.. ..... 

Mantveliot Rerucerencseeasne 
Miononettex.iccs osc teers 

Wisk o56 Ge oo 


INAS OUETIIMRS, en es ee de 
Oxalign ceases aces ee TOR 
ROBY io eret nk ceviee ee ee oe SUT 
POGONIER ieee ere eer oe eee 
REDUNIR is chico etenctne ae eae 
Lal Cop. <p Rate Sehr Lie Mer eee cee 
RODD. scr 5. cat eee 1D 
FOTIMIRCH sacs Sees oc 
EPA sta vs eo cee ee ee ae 
BBICINUB 25 asc. set ee dO 
Salvia or Scarlet Sage 
Sensitive Plant..............49 
SMA wp hoc sele. GAO 
SUOCKSK  ician saree seers enna ao 
SUN Owens ater cneae een eeaD 
Sweet Resse oessa-.e esse DONO! 
Sweet William..............49 
WMWDCLOSE 2. Fae es ee eee DS 
Werben ac ittncatarcs sou eee 
Zinnia 51 

Field Seeds. 

Pages 32 to 29. 

Roses and 

Pages 5, 55, 56 and 57. 
Poultry and 
Bee Supplies 


Pages 58, 59 and 60. 

Quantity of Seeds and Roots Required. 

Artichoke, oz of seed to 500 plants. 
Asparagus, oz of seed for 500 plants 

Barley, 2 bu per acre 

Beans, dwarf. 1% pt to 100 feet of drill; 114 bu per acre. 

Beans, pole, one qt to 100 hill 


Beet, one oz to 100 feet of drill: 5 to 6 lbs per acre 
Brussels Sprouts, one oz to 5,000 plants 

Buckwheat, % bu per acre 

Blue Grass, 12 to 251bs per acre 

Cabbage, one oz to 3,000 plan 


Carrot, % oz to 100 feet of drill; 2 to3 lbs per acre 
Caulifiower, one oz to 3,000 plants 

Celery, one oz to 10,000 plants 
Corn, one qt to 200 hills; 8 to 10 lbs per acre 
Cucumbers, one oz to 100 hills 
Egg Plant, one oz to 2,000 plants 
Endive, 4 oz to 100 feet of drill 
Grass, Orchard, 20lbs per acre 
Grass, Lawn, one |b to 400 sq ft; 1001 bs pe” are 
Grass Timothy, 1§ to 20 1bs per acre 

Grass, Red Clover, 12 to 15 lbs peracte 

Grass, Bromus Inermis, 20 to 30 lbs per acre 

Kale, one oz to 5,000 

Lettuce, %4 oz to 100 feet of drill 
Melon, Musk, one oz to 100 hills; 2 to3 lbs per acre 
Melon, Water, one oz to £0 hills; 8to 5 lbs per acre 
Okra, one oz to 75 feet of drill 
Onion seed one oz to 200 feet of drill; 5 lbs per acre 
Onion seed for sets, 40 to 50 lbs per acre 

Onion sets, one qt to 38 feet of drill; 6 bu per acre 
Parsnip, % oz to 100 feet of drill; 3to 5 lbs per acre 
Parsley, %o0z to 100 feet of drill 
Peas, garden. one qt to 100 feet of drill: 14% bu per acre 

Peas, cow, 1% bu per acre 

Pepper, one 07 to 1.500 plants 
Pumpkin, one oz to 75 hills: 51bs peracre 

Radish, one oz to 100 feet of ;rill; 6 to 8lbs per acre 
Salsify, one oz to 75 feet of drill; 6 to 81bs per acre 
Spinach, one oz to 100 feet of drill; 10 ths per acre 
Squash, one oz to 75 hills; 5 lbs per acre 

Tomato, one 92 to 2.500 plants 
Tobaced, one v2 to 3,500 plants; two lbs per acre 
Turnip, one oz to 200 feet of drill,1% ths per acre 

Legal Weight 
Per Bushel. 

PULP nL Po, Kuen inet 60 lbs 
LTE Ue See ae 48 
BGAN See wears ly re eee 40 
EEE GV ASS ee ees ds 14 
SEU Se ei a ho ke ea 
RCE WNEAL Sale eke a 50 
RAGMEEINCEd vente ic sult 60 
CISTI ek cp ee ae 7 
Carn phelladsac st 28 6) 2s 56 
Ree esto, fn or BO) 
WERLOGH ooo ve 4 ee 8 
BPISh POLSEOES ls oe beoes bck 60 
Sweet Potatoes...............50 
Werle BEGG oy tos cote ckcs oud 
WEES ee mes Pe earl ee 32 
Beye ie Cec eee ke a IE 
Sorghum seed.......... ......56 
ABEARO NYS oes ee ee et ce +5 

given in this Catalog — 


write us. 

If you wish any information t.. 


are always glad to hear from you. 

Awarded Prize at the 
Kansas State Fair, 
Topeka, 1904. 





(Where the 

amount planted was equal) 


, 190 

Out-yielded 80 Varieties 
in the State Gro 
Kansas Agricultural] 
