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Full text of "Olds' offers to catalogue trade for 1910"

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Historic, Archive Document 

Do not assume content reflects current 
scientific Knowledge, policies, or practices. 

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For 1910 

OLDS’ IDEAL EARLY SWEET CORN. The best early sweet 

corn we know of. 
Mr. C.S. Clark the well known seed corn grower, of Wakeman, Ohio, says: “You have a 
valuable sweet corn in this new variety of yours and I consider it one of the grandest 
varieties grown. It is something wonderful insize for so early a variety, and it is the 
most showy, large grain, extra early variety of sweet corn I have ever seen.’’ 

It withstands drought remarkably well and adapts itself to any kind of soil. 

The fodder will average 6 feet in height, producing two and three good ears to a 

The ears are almost as large as Stowell’s Evergreen, of excellent flavor, which com- 
bined with its earliness makes it a very desirable corn. 

It is an early real sweet corn and sells on sight in any market. It is just the corn all 
market gardeners are looking for. 

Price:- Bu. $3.00; 10 bus. or more, at $2.50 per bu.(retail price $4.00 per bu.) 
3 per cent 10 days, net 90 days.  _Electrotype furnished free with every order of 

1o bushels or more. 


perfect melon. 
It averages about two pounds in weight, is perfect in shape, very productive and possesses 
all the good qualities of the Rocky Ford. The flesh is green, seed cavity smail with few 
seeds. It bears transporation well and on account of its size and shape, will bring fancy 
prices in any market. The flesh is firm and flavor unexcelled. The vines grow fast and 
during dry weather donot lose their strength, but upon the coming of rain respond 
quickly. As a table melon and for the home garden The Model cannot be surpassed. 
Price:- Lb. 75 c. inlots of 10 Ibs. or more (retail price $1.25 per lb.) 3 per cent 
10 days, net 90 days. Electrotype furnished free with an order for 1o lbs. or more. 

