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Full text of "Spring 1911 : some new fruits originated by N.E. Hansen in the fruit-breeding laboratory of the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station and some new alfalfas"

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il 1911 

lew Fruits 

‘Originated by N. E. Hancea in the Fruit-Breeding laboratory of the South 
Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station 





Some New Alfalfas 


proterecn of "Horticulture in the South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts; and Agricultural Explorer for the United States 

as : Department of Agriculture, 1897-8, 1906-7, 1908-9. 


The object of these experiments is to originate better and hardier 
fruits for the prairie Northwest than any now known. ‘10 pve compelled 
to protect fruit trees and plans is Horticulture on Crutches and hence to be 
avoided if possible. 

This department does mot conduct a commercial nursery. The plants 

sent out are either originated here as the results of fruit-breeding experi- 
ments, or imported from — ‘Russia, Siberia or other northern regions of 
* Europe and Asia. My policy is to offer each kind only until well intro- 
duced, leaving | ‘the main work of propagation to the commercial nurseries. 
The Bee ‘sent ont: pti ign, areal. here; There Value eiscwhere cal 


Ai ? 
in “due Season whan ‘reduested. 

5 Se Those interested in- experimental ORoricalitns for® ‘the prairie North- 
eo * wesit t should order early, as the stock is limited. On late orders please 
hd sae? if selection of varieties is left to me. 

: - The past season has not advanced our knowledge of new fruits, owing 
to the untimely late freeze which caused such widespread loss of the fruit 
crop in the Mississippi valley. The ‘experiments in breeding hardy fruits 
at this station are now second to none in extent. The new Fruit-breeding 
Laboratory granted by the last Legislature includes an ‘area of 40x115 
feet under glass, which greatly facilitates the work. ‘Some 500 lots of 
hybridized seed were planted this fall, the result of the past season’s work. 
Special attention is now being- paid to the apples, as the most important 

problem of all is a hardy winter apple. After fruiting a multitude of apple 
seedlings and after wide travel in many lands, I believe the future is full 
of hope in this line and that the ene -for apple is on the way and almost 
The varieties offered in hans list are some of the successes with stone ~ 
fruits, the failures are represented by the ashes of many huge bonfires. 

In the following cuts, the fruit is shown natural size, with oné or two 
pits or with fruit cut to show pit. 

Special Note—To give these Sioux Indian names their native melody, 
pronounce the vowel A with the long Italian A, as in “arm.” 

Positively no credit given except to Government Experiment Stations. 
Add 25 cents to orders for less than $3.00 to pay for moss and packing: 
_ Stock is shipped by express carefully packed in moss. 

No Orders Booked Until Paid For. 
No Plants Sold In Less Than the Quantities Specified. 


The money received from the sale of plants makes it poteihle to carry 

on the fruit-breeding work on a larger scale than would otherwise be pos- — 

‘sible. A work of tremendous magnitude and importance is being done with 

-yery limited means; this charge helps to cover cost of propagation and aison AS : i 
serves to keep the stock out of oie hands of the careless planter who is . eighths inches in diameter. 

= really interested in the work. | , eh 

“ Do not send ‘Weal checks. 
NES! omen Address 

-Bxperiment Station, art South Seas 

| of vigorous growth and forms fruit buds freely on one-year-old shoots in 
| nursery; 

as one-year-old trees from bud; 
‘many places. 


“pougquet”’). First sent out in spring of 1908 
these bore freely the following year in 
The excellent quality of the Opata makes it worthy of wide 
Female parent, the Dakota sand 

Opata (Sioux Indian for 

popularity for table and culinary use. 

cherry (Prunus Besseyi); male parent, the Gold plum, a very large hybrid 
- Japanese variety originated by Luther Burbank and for which Three Thou- 

sand Dollars was paid when first introduced. Opata is 1a plum tree in habit 

foliage large and glossy. Fruit, one and three-sixteenths inches 

\in diameter, dark purplish-red with blue bloom; weight one-half ounce; 



- flesh green, firm; flavor very pleasant, combining the sprightly acid of the 

sand cherry with the rich sweetness of the Gold plum. Hxcellent for 
‘eating out of hand. The thin skin can be chewed and eaten, as it is 
entirely free from.acerbity. Pit very small, as is seen by the above cut; 
geason extremely early. Our best Opata fruits in 1909 were one and five- 
A very strong grower in nursery and orchard 

and an early and heavy bearer. At this station in 1909 Opata was fully 

Ss CR j iil i ; Banner 
Remit by Bank Drait, , Postotfice on Heeae a Manitoba No. 1 plum, although dull red, was not ripe enough 
| : 

Trees, one year old, Puce on native plum root, each $1.00; six trees 
for $4.50. 


Sapa is the Sioux Indian for “black” and alludes to the color of the 
skin, flesh and juice of this remarkable hybrid, which was offered in the 
spring of 1908 for the first time. (See Bulletin 102.) This represents a 
new departure in stone fruits for the prairie Northwest. The fruit has 
the rich dark purple-red skin, flesh and juice of its sire, which is a very 
large Japanese plum of the Satsuma type, originated by Luther Burbank 
of California and by him named the Sultan. The female parent is one of | 
our selected seedlings of the northwestern sand cherry (Prunus Besseyi), 
a favorite fruit of the Dakota Sioux Indians. The tree is plum-like in 
habit, forming fruit buds freely on ome year trees in nursery. One year 
irees sent out in the spring of 1908 bore freely in 1909 in many places. 

Specimens of the Sapa grown in Minnesota took first prize as a seedling 
plum at the Minnesota State Fair in 1909. In 1909 our best Sapas at 
Brookings were one and three-eighths inches in diameter, weight five-, 
eighths ounces, on one-year-old trees set the preceding year and | 
a heavy -ercp. The rich purple’ color of the skin is dulled at first iby b 
overspread with a thin gray, which disappears as the fruit attains full | 
ripeness. Season extremely early. Stock available for spring, sixty-two 
trees, transplanted, 4 to 5 feet, each $1.00. One-year-old budded trees, each 
$1.00; six trees for $4.50. 


I have a number of seedlings of the same pedigree as the Sapa, much 

the same in character of fruit, but differing somewhat in tree. Perhaps 
several are needed for better pollination in mixed orchards. It seems 
worth while to offer for the first time a few trees of the Hzaptan (Sioux 
Indian for “fifth’’), remarkable for its early and heavy bearing. Color of 
fruit in 1909 of a dark purple and with less grayish overcast than that of 
Sapa; perhaps averages smaller than Sapa but this will be better de- 
termined with further experience. Quality delicious, color black purple-red 
from skin to pit the same as Sapa. Trees one year old, each $1.00. 


Wil! Plum x Chinese Apricot—Hanska, Inkpa, Kaya, Toka. 


= HANSKA. 2 

First introduced in the Spring of 1908. As exhibited at the South 
Dakota State Fair three years in succession, the fruit of this variety has 
been much admired for its beautiful color, which is bright red with heavy 
blue bloom, firm yellow flesh, good quality and rich fragrance; 
1909 was one and one-half to one and nine-sixteenths inches in diameter. 
When cooked the strong apricot flavor is brought out to perfection, entirely 
unlike any native plum. The flat shape also distinguishes it from all the 
cther hardy plums grown in the Northwest. 
of our wild Northwestern plum (Prunus Americana) ; 
popular in the orchards of California. Hanska is Sioux Indian for 

alluding to the extremely rapid, growth in nursery and orchard. 

Inkpa and Kaga, of the same pedigree as the Hanska, were offered 

for the first time in the spring of 1909. The three varieties are much alike 
in fruit and rapidity of growth, but further trial is needed to determine 
which is the best one. 
four varieties of this pedigree for better pollination of the blossoms, the 
same as many other plums. 
“apex” or “acme;” and Kaga signifies “pitch a tent.’ 
TOKA. 3 

Offered for the first time. I have some.15 varieties of the same gadieres: 

The female parent is a seedling 
the male parent is” 
the large, firm-fleshed, fragrant, apricot-plum of China (Prunus -—Simoni), 

It may be that it will be best to plant some of all 

fruit in - 

Inkpa in the Sioux Indian language aS 

as Hanska, Inkpa and Kaga, all of which bore a heavy crop in 1909, when | 

native plums were almost a total failure. 
in character of fruit but differ somewhat in tree. 
seedlings closely in the nursery and orchard, I cannot help noticing that 
some are spreading, while others are very upright in habit, much like the 
Prunus Simoni itself. One is of such erect strong, stocky ‘growth, really 

a model nursery. tree, that I deem it worthy of trial. My field notes state: 

“Simoni habit in nursery. The nicest looking tree in nursery and orchard.” 
Toka is the Sioux Indian for “adversary.” An early and heavy bearer. 

Trees of the Hanska Type Available for Spring, 1911. 

Hanska, 65 trees; Inkpa, 115 trees; Kaga, 58 trees; Toka, 136 trees. 
All the above stocky, extra heavy, 2 to 3 years transplanted, 5 to 7 feet, 
each $1.00. Aes 

The Hanska Quartette. 

Special Offer: 

special offer, as the stock permits. The foregoing list shows that the stock 
on hand will only permit fifty-eight complete sets of this kind. Those who 
already have one or more of these varieties will thus have a Se es. to 
test the others. 

The present indications are that Hanska, lee Kaga and aoe will i 

become standard market varieties because they present a remarkable com- 

bination of vigor of tree and early bearing with large, choice, handsome » 


ETOPA. Stee ae res 
First sent out spring. 1908 as” “one. 
aes same Ee 

Etopa is Sioux Indian for “fourth.” 

vue ae thers, These bore Aneely in ae in tes Seo 

One each of Hanska, Inkpa, Kaga and Toka foe $3. 00. eat 
On late orders only one, two or three varieties can be included in this an 

They are all very much alike 
In observing these 


aveeltent in quality. and remarkable io: the intense black, purple red color 
of skin, flesh and juice. Skin thin, free from acerbity. Mr. A. P. Steven- 
son of Dunston, Manitoba, writes: ‘“Htopa ripened some very fine fruit 
on September 12, 1909, I think a lot of this variety, it is the best yet 
fruited here.” Only 22 trees available, transplanted trees 41% fit., each $1.00. 


Skuya is Sioux Indian ‘for “sweet.” First sent out, spring, 1908. FEe- 
male parent Red June, a large early Japanese plum; male parent, De Soto, 

Wisconsin. Fruit red and yellow, quality excellent and delicious; pit very 
small. Total stock available, 15 transplanted trees, stocky, 6 feet, 
each $1.00. 



At this station I have fruited over five hundred seedlings of the Com- 
pass plum in the endeavor to secure an improvement on that well-known 
variety. These seedlings run back either to the native plum (Prunus 
Americana) or to the native sand cherry (Prunus Besseyi) which definitely 

_ proves that there is no trace either of the Miner plum or Morello cherry in 

tts: ancestry. Although the seedlings as a class bore heavily, none were 


a _ enough of an- Senn poversuet hon. aie Compass to make them worthy ot 
( OI 

¢ A sou iiyesiomn Wiswoneine 7 have raided many better seedlings. 

(Prunus. Petecerney Feet 
In the fall 
‘of 1907 thirteen of these were under propagation in the station nursery 
_ which fruited heavily in 1909 as budded trees. All these are of strong. 
growth in “nursery and formed abundant fruit buds the first year. Some 
were destroyed since they combined the bad qualities of both parents in 
quality of fruit and large size of pit. 
market plums. 

a total failure. Two of these were names Sansoto and Cheresoto, (made 

‘up from the words sand cherry and De Soto), and were introduced in the 

spring of 1910. These two are much alike in fruit, but differ somewhat in 
shape, Sansoto being round, while Cheresoto is longish with a minute bristle 
or prickle at the apex, which it no doubt inherits from the sand cherry. 
The size was about one and three-eighths inches in diameter, color shining 
black when fully ripe, with heavy blue bloom; flesh cling, yellowish-green, 
sprightly, pleasant; skin thin and free from acerbity; pit small. 
is a perfect mingling of the sand cherry and De Soto in looks and flavor, 
having the size of De Soto and color of the sand cherry. Both are very 

strong growers in nursery. The sand cherry hybrids as a class bloom later 


the color is as bright and the growth equal if not BUDS MEY. 

than the plum, which is characteristic of the sand cherfy. - 

— 3 Sansoto and Cheresoto could not compete with Opata and Sapa in - 

quality were they of the same season, poe they come in after the Opata 

oe and Sapa are ripe and gone. 

Available stock: 
heavy trees, each $1.00. 

Sansoto q iL, Cee ses oe transplanted, 6 ocr extra 



‘An event for landscape gardeners. 
with pollen of the Purple Leaved plum of Persia, (Prunus Pissardi), we have 

a number of beautiful shrubs following the sand cherry in stature and glossi- 

ness of leaf, but with the rich purple-red color of foliage which gives the. 
Persian sire such wide popularity. Im the spring of 1909, three of these 

seedlings were first introduced as Purple A, Purple B, and Purple C. Last 

year Purple A was named Cistena (Sioux Indian name for “baby”). 
Further experience shows that Purple B is also worthy of a name since 
The name now 

given to Purple B is 

which is made up ‘tren two Sioux Indian words meaning “purple leaf’. 

their brilliant coloring. = 

Y For the spring of 1911. oe have 86 igopear transplanted plants of. Stanapa 
ages on native via Wee Puce each $1, 00. 

my opinion these purple-leaved sand cherries will win great favor for single 
specimens or groups on the lawn or for dwarf ornamental hedges, owing to 

a well known native plum (Prunus Americana) originated in southwestern | 

Others show promise of value as late | 
They fruited heavily in 1909, when native plums were almost _ 

The fruit | 

By crossing the Dakota saint cherry — 



{ Scions of all the hybrid plums listed in this circular are now in cellar 

{ready for top-grafting or for crown-grafting out doors in early spring on 
native plum roots. Scions are intended mainly for expert nurserymen, as 

{in the hands of amateurs they usually give disappointment only. 

| Price of scions, 10 feet for $1.00, 100 feet for $5.00. No scion order for 

| less than $5.00 will be accepted. 

South Dakota Sand Cherries 


In the work of improving the native sand cherry, hybridization with 

| Japanese plums gave the quickest results as is shown by such varieties as 

native plum roots, 

Opata and Sapa. However, the work of improving the sand cherry by 
selection from many thousands of seedlings is still under way, the fourth 
and fifth generations are now under cultivation. The fruit of some of these 
selected varieties compares favorably with California cherries in size. The 
pressure of other work has prevented the propagation of any of these 
for distribution for several years past, with the exception of one very 
large-fruited variety which I hope to offer in due season. I am now en- 
deavoring to work out a cheaper method of propagation than budding on 
a necessity for future work. In response to many 
inquiries we can spare a few mixed sand cherry seedlings of the third 
generation, small one year plants, at $3.00 per hundred, ‘They vary greatly 
in size and quality. Most of them will be no improvement upon the wild 
ones, but for high dry land in their native home west of Pierre they will 
serve a useful purpose for new settlers. The fruit of all these seedlings 
is good enough for sauce, and an occasional one will have choice fruit, 

On low rich soil in a moist region they mildew and are unproductive. We 
use sand cherry seedlings also as dwarf stock for plums and peaches 1 
our fruit-breeding experiments, and have had good results from indoor, 
erafting of native plums on sand cherry seedlings, using a long scion and 
whole root, so that the plum may soon be on its own roots. ies 


Out of fourteen thousand raspberry seedlings fruited at this station 
the Sunbeam is the only one that has been named and introduced. It | 
now stands out as the hardiest red raspberry in cultivation. The Sun-" 
beam was first sent out in spring of 1906 and is now so extensively grown 
by nurserymen that I will not need to continue its propagation. The fema 
parent of Sunbeam is a wild red raspberry from Cavalier county, North 
New York. The male parent, Shaffer's Colossal from New York. 

The Sunbeam is now on the recommended Fruit List of the Minne 
sota and South Dakota State Horticultural Societies. 


. aoe " 
An immense number of strawberry seedlings have been raised at this |) 

station in the endeayor to originate a “busy farmer’s ‘berry,’ 
hardy without winter mulching. These are mostly hybrids of the wil 
and cultivated varieties. Two of them have been sent out so iar, Sout 
Dakota. Nos. 1 and 2. The pressure of other work has prevented the 
propagating of the larger-fruited seedlings. Several hundred different ao 
lings are still retained. Both Nos. 1 and 2 have the habit from their wild 

one that a 

parent of setting too many plants, but they are extremely hardy. Fruit one- 
ineh in diameter when plants are not allowed to get too thick. 


It is prob- 

ably best to fruit the beds only one year. 

Some New 

N. E. Hansen and party coming into Semipalatinsk, August, 1908, from a 
oe of 400 miles through the steppes of South- ' 
western Siberia. 

In 1906 in the course.of my third trip to Russia and second trip through — 
Siberia as Agricultural Explorer for the United States Department of Agri-_ 
culture, I learned that’ three species of alfalfa grew wild in Siberia, and 
brought seed of one of them to the United States for the first time. The | 
other two species were obtained on my third trip to Siberia in 1908-9. All ” 
three bear yellow flowers. My own estimate of these new alfalfas is that 
they will extend the alfalfa belt on this continent as far north as we wish 
to farm. Also that they will be weeded mainly in regions where our com- 
mon alfalfa, native of the mild region between India and the eee 
Sea, is subject to winter-killing. oa 

My preliminary report “The Wild Alfalfas and Clovers of Siberia, with 
a Perspective View of the Alfalfas of the World,’ was published May 28, 
1909, as Bulletin 150, Bureau of Plant Industry, United States Department — 
of Agricult. re. A copy may be obtained by sending Money Order or Cash, | 
ten cents, tu the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, 
Washington, Dic, 

So far seed from the 1906 trip has not been available in sufficient quan- 
tity for the Experiment Stations, let alone the multitude of private planters 
eager to test them. My correspondence indicates the intense and wide- ~ 
spread interest in the alfalfa question, but farmers must be patient until | 
the relative value can be determined and seed of the best ones raised for 

Seeds will not be available in quantity until the legislature grants suf- 
ficient funds for the work at the central station and sub-stations, preliminary 
to the work of farmers and seedsmen. 


Words are usually retained in memory easier than figures, hence I have 
given the new alfalfas names instead of numbers. The present plan of 
giving each state its own agronomy pee numbers makes it very dif- 
ficult to follow up new introductions. In time, however, the agronomists | 
will, no doubt, adopt rules of priority in nomenclature as stringent 
those of the American Pomological Society. The present lack of r € 
in agronomy nomenclature causes confusion, as it inflicts local bookkeepin 
on Dational problems. é 

Pe ci one kind ve 
200° of one kind for 

i need eae from_ pele 

cago falcata from a region 

or fea. ‘alfalfa (Medica 
Af land of the Don Cossack 

' vigor. act ites fae! 

me Ro ine 


One-year-old plants of four varieties are “offered for spring, 1910, two 
of the Sand Lucern (Medicago media) group; two of the yelsow-iowered 
Medicago falcata of eastern Russia and Siberia. Further experiments will 
determine which is the better of these two itypes of alfalfa. Medicago falcata 
ranges much further north in Asia while Medicago. media is a natural hybrid 
wich occurs where the ranges of the yellow and biue fiowered altaifas 
overlap. The crossing occurs freely where the two are grown together. 
‘hese hybrid or mute alfalfas are distinguished by wonderful vigor of 
growth, and their quick recovery after cutting; also the seed does not - 
shatter prematurely. Medicago falcata ranges much further north in Asia 
and is no doubt hardier, but the seed is imclined to shatter too early; 
this, however, will no doubt soon be bred out by selection. The plants 
vary greatly in habit, some being as tall and erect in habit as any plants 
of the common biue-flowered altalfa Medicago sativa; while others are of 
low semi-trailing habit. Yhe latter may prove valuable for steep slopes - 
and mountain pastures, while those of erect habit will, of course, be best — 
for mowing. Russian experience shows that Medicago falcata as found 
native in eastern Russia and Siberia stands grazing much better than the ~ 
common altalta; in my opinion, this Siberian type of Medicago faleata ee 
BS a nag RIE pod to our Bae ranges. go tats can ae Pets ee ae 

with a Salen drill and eSleatine ibe: a Gnesi hoe, ee ‘the: sal 
for carrots and beets. The plants made a strong growth and were 

up late in the fall and are now heeled in outdoors with manure over Ne 
earth. They will be desirable for ‘transplanting three to four feet apar 
each way in good garden soil and shouid be given thorough — cultivation. — 
This will encourage the production of seed. Transplanting alfalfa plants — 
is nothing new as it has gone been DERE in i paris, of India and South 
America, : : : de Ss Bier ee 

In South Dakota they will be sent | 

co-operation with the station in this alf 
Department of this station. Planters livin; 
the same agreement with me so that I maj 
United States Be ns of be = 

30 ‘of ane ‘kind ior = 
100- of one ‘kind for. 

‘Lhe above 20 per cent discount 
hand in equal ‘numbers. 2 


_ Hangen’s Omsk Sense 

as my No. 199° ‘of my 1906 trip 
in the same place. The plants — 
plants in the compact prairi 
degrees. A plant of vigorou: 
varies somewhat in erect: 
ment by selection. 3 

Plants grown en ( 
ot ie Senupalatinsic Z 

ered in 1908 on the Trt 

were five feet heat ince; 

found wild on the steppe: 

really a very dark purple 
plant of strong, very upr: 
years. In my opinion this hybri condit 
ued and the ‘Relors: not isolated yy sele 

Cherno refers to the dark-colored flowers, 

ince of the Don river oe on 
natural hybrid of M. falc 
on one branch, ye 5 
braneh; a ee