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Full text of "9th annual catalogue issued by Zimmerman Seed Co"

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Vegetable Garden Seeds. 

All our Garden Seeds are grown for us, under special contracts, by the most experienced growers in 
the world. We handle only the Best Quality. Our seed is planted yearly by the foremost Gardeners. 

Flower Garden Seeds. 

You will find them fresh, of strong germination. Our mixtures contain the finest varieties. For 
beautiful flowers, plant our seed — none better. 

Field and Farm Seeds. 

We are in the heart of the great farming section; have unexcelled facilities for handling field seeds: 
have the most modern seed-cleaning machinery and hold the trade of the most progressive and substantial 

Roses, Plants and Shrubs. 

Our assortment under this head will be found most complete. Strong stock and reasonable prices. 

Poultry and Bee Supplies. 

All the best quality and standard goods. Not the cheapest, perhaps, but The Best. 

Read the Following Carefully 

HOW TO ORDER Be sure to sign your name, Post-office, County and State and, if possible, use 

one of our order sheets and envelopes. Cash must accompany all orders, and money should be sent by Post- 
office order, Bank draft, Express order or Registered letter; small amounts will be accepted in postage 
stamps, providing you cannot send anything else. Do not send money loose in a letter without registering, 
it is not safe and, if lost, we are not responsible for it. Silver coin should be sewed or pasted in cloth or 
pasteboard to prevent its breaking through the envelope. 

FREE BY MAIL We pay the postage on all orders sent by mail, at the prices named in the catalog. 
This brings them to the door of our customers, without trouble or expense. 

EXPRESS AND FREIGHT On articles ordered sent by Express or Freight, the transportation 

charges must be paid by the customer, on receipt of the goods; when ordering always say whether goods 
shall be sent by Express or Freight and give plain shipping directions. Seeds are carried by express com- 
panies at 20% less than merchandise. When seeds catalogued at postpaid prices are sent with an express or 
ireight shipment, we deduct the postage, which will reduce the cost of; packets 1c; oz lc; % 1° 4c; lb 8c; 
pts 8c; qts 15c. 

TESTED SEEDS All our seed is thoroughly tested and nothing sent out which we do not believe 

to be of good quality. 

OUR GUARANTEE We guarantee that all seeds and other goods sent out by us will be fresh 

and of good quality, and if, upon arrival, they are not satisfactory, they are to be returned to us at once. 
We cannot guarantee crops and will not be held responsible for them or for any liability except as stated 
in this paragraph. 

OUR CULTURAL BOOK Gives plain directions for the cultivation of garden, field and flow- 

ers and is sent FREE with an order amounting to 50c or more, provided you asK for it. 


Please Read Tins First 

j j/o Seed-Buyers 3 
Everywhere , 
U. S. A. 

I cannot meet all of you personally and talk to yow. 
face to face, as I should like to do- 
Hence we have to let this letter take the place of a 
personal visit, and I want right here at the start to ask 
you to take every word in it with all the confidence that 
you would take if you cpuld look into my eyes and know that 
I am telling you the truth: 

You want good seeds--a large part of your success de- 
pends upon that. 

I want good customers- -all of my success depends upon 

that . 

And the only way in which I can get you for a good e-us- 
tomer, is to give you such seeds and plants and bulbs as 
will thoroughly satisfy you. 

I am .doing that now for thousands and thousands ©f 
customers--and doing it so well that the volume of my busi- 
ness has doubled in the past- year-. This has enabled me 
more than double my facilities, and I am now in position t*e 
give you even better service than ever before. 

My business has been built up to its present propor- 
tions on the Square Deal principle. I ask your orders for 
1911 on the promise of the highest quality at the lowest 
possible prices. I will see to it that you are perfectly 
satisfied. Sincerely yours, 





See illustration on front cover of this catalogue. This mixture contains only the very 
finest varieties, selected with great care. The flower stems are unusually long, while the 
blossoms are extra large, making a combination at once beautiful and attractive. This mix-, 
ture contains some 50 varieties, comprising all the new strains, including the finest of 
Spencers. All the colors are well represented, and you will find it the most pleasing mix 
ture you have ever planted. Packet, 10 cents ; ounce, 15 cents ; % pound, 40 cents, postpaid. 


See illustration on front cover of this catalogue. This contains all the handsomest, 
largest and richest pansies known. I*have prepared this mixture with especial care, select- 
ing only the giant pansies, securing all the seed from Germany and putting in nothing but 
what is known to me to be the very finest. Pansy seed is so expensive that it is almost im- 
possible for the average lover of this grand flower to secure all the best varieties in separate 
colors, and the average mixtures are unsatisfactory, but 1 wish to assure you that all the 
best types are included in this Giant Mixture. It will give satisfaction wherever planted. 
Paoket, 15 cents ; 2 packets, 25 cents ; % ounce. 90 cents, postpaid. 


A correct illustration of this fine mixture on front cover. These are California grown 
and frequently measure 6 inches across. They are giants of the Poppy family and the colors 
are the most beautiful to be had. I will not attempt to describe them, but the illustration 
on front cover will give you a faint idea of their great beauty and the matchless blend of 
colors Packet, 10 cents ; 2 packets, 15 cents, postpaid. 


The name fully describes them, as they are truly THE FINEST MIXED, embracing all 
the finest varieties and colors blended to suit the most critical Aster lover. All the choicest 
Semples, Victoria, Branching, Chrysanthemum and Paeony Flowered. See illustration on 
front cover of this catalogue. Packet, 15 cents; 2 packets, 25 cents, postpaid. 


I consider this the finest collection of flowers I have ever offered, as only the finest 
varieties are in these mixtures. I want every lover of flowers to try them all, and make 
this offer; I will send you one packet each of the above for only 35 cents, postpaid. The 
negate price is 50 cents. Take my word for it, you will be pleased with the investment. 





Tested Garden Seed 

In the following list will be found the leading Standard and Reliable varieties. We have some 
NEW varieties, which we oifpr at reasonable prices. We don't deal in Fancy Pages filled with so-called 
"novelties." ALL OUR seed is tested. "None better at a higher price; none as #good at a lower 



GHEEN GLOBE — The favorite from seed. Scales pale green, shading to violet at the base; 
Esi.omed for its large flower buds. Pkt 5c,, oz 30c, & lb $1.00, postpaid. 

thick and fleshy. 


PALMETTO — The earliest, finest and best variety. Strong and vigorous in growth; very rich and tender when cooked. 
Pkt 5c, oz 8c, Y4c lb 20c, y z lb 30c, lb 50c, postpaid. 

CONOVEB'S COLX.OSSAL — An extra large, quick growing variety; stalks frequently measure over one inch in diameter. 
Pkt 5c, oz 8c, Y4, lb 15c, % lb 25c, lb 40c, postpaid. 

ASi'AKAU 1 8 KOOTS — Strong roots of the above varieties: 25c per doz., $1.25 per 100 by mail postpaid. 
1 yr old: 250 for $1.40, 500* for $2.50, 1,000 for $4.75. 2 yr old: 250 for $1.50, 500 for $3.00, 1,000 for $5.00. 
We do not advise shipping Asparagus roots by freight as they are liable to be delayed. 

By express, 


BEAN S-D war f Green Pod 

STRINGLESS GREEN POD — Combines rare qualities possessed by no other. It 
Is entirely stringless, unusually hardy, very early and productive. Pods are ready 
for market some two weeks earlier than other beans. Pods are a rich green, 
round, meaty, straight, tender and of fine flavor. It is the only absolutely string- 
less green pod grown and is of the highest value, not only to the market gardner, 
but the home garden as well. Pkt 5c, % pt 12c, pt 20c, qt 35c, postpaid. By 
express or freight, qt 20c, 4 qts 70c, peck $1.30. 

TINE — A great favorite. Is tender, 
extra early and very productive. 
We have an extra choice stock of 
this fine bean at a low price. Per 
pkt 5c, y 2 pt 10c, pt 20c, qt 30c, 
postpaid. By express or freight, 
qt 15c, 4 qts 55c, peck $1.00. 


earliest of beans, meaty and of 
excellent flavor. Pkt 5c, % pt 
12c, pt 20c, qt 35c, postpaid. 
By express or freight, qt 20c, 4 
qts 70c, peck $1.30. 

WHITE MARROWFAT— A very large oval bean. Shells green or dry. 
Pkt 5c, Vz pt 12c, pt 20c, qt 35c, postpaid. By express or freight, 
qt 20c, 4 qts 70c, peck $1.30. 

WHITE KIDNEY — The old favorite "succotash" bean. With new 

sweet corn, this bean makes a delicious dish. Pkt 5c, % pt 12c, pt 20c, 
qt 35c, postpaid. By express or freight, qt 20c, 4 qts 70c, peck $1.30. 

REFUGEE or 1,000 to 1 — Of vigorous growth and the heaviest yield- 
ing green-podded bean; thick and fleshy. Pkt 5c, y 2 pt 12c, pt 20c, 
qt 35c, postpaid. By express or freight, qt 20c, 4 qts 70c, peck $1.3o! 

BEAN A— Bush Limas 


HENDERSON'S — The earliest Lima Bean. Is not so large as the 
Burpee, but much earlier. They are very productive and grow in 
compact form, without poles or stakes, and product large crops of 
delicious beans which are easily gathered. What they lack in size 
they make up in earliness, hardiness and continuous productiveness. 
They are 10 days ahead of any other lima bean. Pkt 5c, y 2 pt 12c, 
pt 20c, qt 35c, postpaid. By express or freight, qt 20c, 4 qts 75c, 
peck $1.40 

BURPEE'S- The leading Lima Bean Grows 18 to 20 inches high, 
forming a circular bush over two feet in diameter. Requires no 
poles or stakes and is a tremendous yielder. The pods are of large 
size and produc 3 to 4 mammoth beans. Pkt 5c, ^ pt 12c, pt 20c, 
qt 35c, postpaid. By express or freight, qt 20c, 4 qts 75c, peck 

Our Beans are put up in Dry Measure pints and quarts, about % pint per quart more than the 
measures generally used. Bear this in mind when making up your order. Mso remember we pay 
postage on pints and quarts. 


BEANS-^Dwarf Wax Podded. 

Zimmerman's Stringless Wax, 

This new Bean promises to be a great accession to gardners, and 
to take a place among Wax Beans like the Burpee's Stringless 
Green Pod has among the Green Pods. The pods are round, abso- 
lutely stringless, very tender and meaty and of the finest flavor. 
Our growers have been working on this Bean for ten years, and 
we believe have it as n.ear perfection as is possible in a bean. 
The plants are large, without runners, and are filled with fruit-laden 
branches, producing the crop very early in the season. Owing to 
its being of such fine flavor, so tender and brittle and at the, same 
time so prolific, it is bound to be in great demand with gardners. 
Our growers say they have never yet found anything to compare 
with it. As before stated, the pods are absolutely round and 
rich yellow color, while the bean itself is a purplish color, being 
entirely different from anything yet offered in the bean line. We 
want you to try it and the price is right. Pkt 5c, fa pt 15c, pt 
25c, qt 40c, postpaid. By express or freight, qt 25c, 4 qts 80c, 
peck $1.50. 


Zimmerman's German Wax, 

We have here a very select strain of German Wax 
Bean and haye received many letters from Gardners 
oyer the country complimenting the superior quality of 
our strain of German Wax Beans. They all pronounce 
it the earliest wax bean in cultivation and one of the 
very best. The pods are a beautiful golden waxy 
color; of good size, round, slightly surved, meaty, 
tender, and of the highest quality and stringless. It 
is very productive and cannot be excelled as a home 
or market bean. Pkt 5c, V 2 pt 12c, pt 20c, qt 35c, 
postpaid. By express or freight, qt 20c, 4 qts 75c, 
peck $1.40. 

DWARF BLACK WAX — An old favorite and popu- 
lar in many sections. Same price as German Wax. 



Wardwell's Kidney Wax. 

This is one of the best known wax beans and is 
favorite everywhere, especially with Market Gardners. 
It is one of the earliest and most productive of bean r . 
The pods are long, showy, very tender, stringless and 
of most excellent quality. Pkt 5c, V2 pt 12c, pt 20c, 
qt 35c, postpaid. By express or freight, qt 20c, 4 
qts 75c, peck $1.40. 

IMPROVED GOLDEN WAX — In spite of all the new 

sorts of beans being introduced every year, our trade 
calls for more Golden Wax. This great popularity is 
due largely to the fact that the variety we have is a 
great improvement on the old Golden Wax, having 
larger pods and being more prolific. This improved 
stock is one of the handsomest beans we have ever 
seen, the pods a dark rich golden yellow color and of 
perfect shaps. Pkt 5c, % pt 12c, pt 20c, qt 35c, 
postpaid. By express or freight, qt 20c, 4 qts 75c, 
peck $1.40. 

DAVIS WHITE WAX— Very productive, bearing 
large, straight, handsome pods in great abundance. 
Pods are 5 to 6 inches long and almost without flesh. 
-It is a ,good shipper, fine for canning, as it does not 
discolor: the dry beans are large, pure white and fine 
for winter use as shell beans. Pkt 5c, Vz pt 12c. pt 
20c, qt 35c. postpaid. By express or freight, qt 20c, 
4 qts 75c, peck $1.40. 



C\xrrie*s FCtxst Proof 

Golden Wax Beam 

A decided improvement over the old Golden Wax. 
It produces an enormous quantity of beautiful, long, 
bright pods ; clear, transparent color and of delicious 
flavor. Our tests have shown it to be entirely rust 
proof. It is especially valuable on account of its 
heavy bearing qualities. The stock we offer will be 
found to be the highest possible quality . This is one 
oi the earliest, finest and most prolific of Wax Beant . 
High rich flavor 
ana fine for both 
home and mar- 
ket. Pkt5c., Yz 
pt 12c„ pt 20c, 
qt 86c. postpaid. 
By express or 
freight, qt 20c, 
4 qts 75c, peck 



Prices : Pkt 5c , % pt 12c , pt 20c . , qt 35c. , postpaid. 
By express or freight, qt 20c, 4 qts 75c , peck $1.40. 

KENTUCKY WONPER — I consider this one of the best and most profitable beans 
grown. The pods usually measure over 7 inches in length and are so filled with large 
meaty beans that they are greater in width than breadth. They are of the finest quality 
entirely stringless and willbear heavily the entire season. There is no better bean on the 
market than the Kentucky Wonder and my stock is selected with great care. Be sure to 
try this grand bean. 

HAZY WIFE — Pods six inches in length, produced in great abundance ; broad, fleshy 
and entirely stringless ; possess a rich buttery flavor when cooked. As a shell bean for 
Winter they have iew equals and no superior. 

CUTSHORT or Cornhill — This is an old and very popular variety for planting 
among the corn. In some sections it is used almost exclusively, many persons desiring 
Bo other. The pods are short, round and very tender ; beans nearly oblong. 

KING OF TEE GARDEN, LIMA- The largest, finest and best pole lima bean grown 
The pods are of enormous size and produce 5 to 7 large beans to the pod. Market garden- 
ers can secure a more ready sale and better price for this variety than any other, on ac- 
count of its large size coupled with superior quality. 

EARLY GOLDEN CLUSTER WAX~BegIns to bear early in July and continues until 

frost. Pods are ft to 8 inches long, borne in clusters of S to ft and are of a beautiful golden 
yellow color, and the flavor is deliciou j. Can be used either as a string bean or shelled 

WURZLE, and 

Price any of the following, oz 5c ; l A 
lb 15c. ; Vz lb 20c. ; lb 30c, postpaid. By 
express or freight, 5 lbs and over at 20c 
per lb. 

GOLDEN TANKAisD— Best yellow Mangel in 
cultivation. Contains more sugar and less water 
than any other variety and it is claimed stock will 
pick this variety from others. Very hardy and 
will yield 25 tons per acre. 

LONG RED- Roots grow to an enormous size 
and are fine for stock. 

MAMMOTH PRXZE—Sometimes called Norbi- 
tant Giant, Jumbo, etc. ' Is a mammoth variety 
and grows about two-thirds out of the ground. 
Single roots have weighed 25 pounds, 

IvARGE RED GLOBE — Very productive and a 
good keeper. Is large, round and better adapted 
to shallow soils than the long varieties, 


best beet for the manufacture of sugar. Root is 
conical, straight and even; large at the head and 
tapering. Exceedingly hardy and easily pulled. 

and productive sugar beet. Contains a large per 
GOLDEN TANKARD . cent of sugar and is one of the best for stock. 




We offer a select lot of Garden or Ta- 
ble Beets, having cut out all doubtful 

'" ' JL-<- ' -\._ 


ZIMMERMAN'S ELECTRIC — The earliest of 
all and one of the very best. We have brought 
up our Electric Beet to where it easily leads 
all other early beets, being always in the mar- 
ket several days ahead of any other. If you 
have been planting some variety claimed to be 
the earliest, just sow some of our Electric along 
beside the other and have your beets earlier 
than ever before. It is remarkably tender, 
sweet and free from tough fibre. A very rich 
dark crimson color making it a perfect early 
beet. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % lb 20c, % lb 35c. 
1 lb 60c, postpaid. 

EARLY ECLIPSE — Small tops of dark, 
purplish green. Beets are perfectly smooth, 
round, and intense blood red flesh and skin; 
sweet and tender. Pkt 5c, oz 8c, % lb 15c, 
1 lb 50c, postpaid. 

EXTRA EARLY LENTZ— Early as the Egyp- 
tion, large and of fine quality. A good keeper, 
sweet at all times and is light red. Pkt 5c, 
oz 8c, & lb 15c, 1 lb 50c, postpaid. 


turnip beet and grows to a large size. The 
flesh is deep blood red and of good quality. 
Pkt 5c, oz 8c, % lb 15c, 1 lb 50c, postpaid. 

CROSBY'S EGYPTIAN— Is an improvement 
over the Old Egyptian and is of excellent qual- 
ity. X>eep red. almost black in color. Pkt 5c, 
oz 8c, % lb 15c, 1 lb 50c, postpaid. 

- EXTRA EARLY EGYPTIAN — The old pop- 
ular variety and still claimed by many to be 
the earlest. Pkt 6c, oz 8c, % lb 15c, 1 lb 
50c, postpaid. 

HALF LONG BLOOD — A standard summer 
and autumn beet and superior to the old Long 
Blood. Always sweet and tender. Pkt 5c, oz 
8c, % lb 15c, 1 lb 50c, postpaid. 


EDMAND'S BLOOD TURNIP BEET — Has short top; is round and 
smooth; flesh a deep blood red, very sweet and tender. It grows to a 
good size and very regular. One of the best for market and table 
use. Pkt 5c, oz 8c, % lb 15c, 1 lb 50c, postpaid. 



This is undoubtedly one of the best ever introduced. As it wiL be noted by engraving, it is very symmetrical with 
small tap root and but few fibrous roots. Unusually small tops. Although on some soils the Egyptian can be marketed 
a few days before the Market Gardners, still within a week it will be found larger than the Egyptian; while it con- 
tinues to grow until late in the fall, attaining a large size, and making a good eating and selling beet for the winter. 
One sowing only is necessary to produce early beets for market and main crop for winter use, which is not the case with 
any other variety. Color, deep blood red; fine grained and unsurpassed in quality. Summing it all up, we find in it the 
best beet for early market, the best beet for winter use. Owing to the small tops permitting them to be grown close 
together, and the peculiar shape of the bulb, it is most profitable for the marget gardner and for family gardens. Pkt 5c, 
oz 10c, % lb 20c, % lb 35c, 1 lb 60c, postpaid. , 

SWISS CHARD or SILVER BEET — Most delicious for greens and comes early. Later they form wax-like stems which 
are very delicious, if cooked like beets or asparagus. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % lb 20c, % lb 35c, 1 lb 60c, postpaid. 



My Cabbage seed is the best quality and strictly Long Island grown, 
which is acknowledged to be the best. 


This is not only The Earliest, but is reliable 
in every way and can be depended upon to yield 
good size marketable heads of fine quality. Al- 
most every plant forms a fine solid head in a very 
remarkably short space of time. It makes a close 
compact plant ; can be set close together and yield 
large crops. Dont fail to include a packet of the 
EARLIEST in your order—you will be pleased. 
Market gardeners will find this very profitable for 
^ extra early market. Pkt 5c. ; oz 20c. ; 34 lt> 55c. ; 
* $1.00; lb $1.90, postpaid. 

EARLY WINNIGSTADT — Good extra early 
variety and very popular. Forms large cone- 
shaped heads of fine quality in seasons when 
other varieties fail to head at all. It suffers less 
from worms than most any variety. Pkt 5c. ; oz 
15c. ; 34 lb 45c. ; ^ lb 80c. ; lb $1.50, postpaid. 

of this old favorite is the best, being true Long 
Island grown. This is one of the best early cab- 
bages in cultivation and is very popular and too 
well known to need any description. Pkt 5c. ; oz 
20c. ; % lb 60c. ; % lb $1.00 ; lb $1.90, postpaid. 


All Head Early Cabbage. 

This is an extra early, solid, round-headed cabbage. For size, earliness, 
reliability in heading, it has no equal. It is the finest large summer cabbage 
on the market, being at least one-third larger than any other early summer 
variety. The heads are solid and so compact that nearly one thousand more 
can be grown per acre than any other cabbage. On account of its rapid 
growth, it is very tender and the flavor is unsurpassed. Pkt 5c. ; oz 20c. ; % 
lb 60c. ; y 2 lb $1.10 ; lb $2.00, postpaid. 

EXTRA EARLY EXPRESS— With the exception of my Eabliest, this 

is probably the earliest cabbage on the market. Is of close compact habit; 
has few loose leaves and is of fine quality. Pkt 5c. ; oz 18c. ; % lb 55c. ; % Id 
$1.00; lb $1.90, postpaid. 




All head and always sure to head. This is a 
large main crop variety of the Flat Butch type, 
It is sure to form large round heads, extra hard, 
firm, of superior quality and fine texture. It is 
an excellent variety for Southern and South- 
western growers, on account of its sure-head- 
ing qualities, as many varieties fail to head in 
those sections. You will not be disappointed 
in this sureheading cabbage. It is also one of 
the largest cabbages grown, averaging about 25 
pounds, but specimens have been grown to 
weigh over 50 pounds. It is a good keeper, ex- 
cellent shipper ; in fact it is hard to surpass this 
grand cabbage. Pkt 5e. ; oz 20c. ; % lb 60c. ; % lb 
$1.00; lb $1.90, postpaid. 



The stem forms a turnip-shaped bulb which 
should be cut when it is small. 

Either WHITE or PURPLE : Pkt 5c. ; oz 15c.; 
34 lb 50e., postpaid. 




CABBAGE— Continued. 


An extra large, late winter 
variety, which has no supe- 
rior and is one of the old 
standard varieties. Market 
gardeners plant largely of 
this variety and realize a 
good profit. On account of 
its extra large size, it never 
fails to bring high prices in 
the market. Pkt 5c. ; oz 15c. ; 
H lb 50c. ; ft lb 90c. ; lb $1.70, 


-The same type as the Giant 
but much earlier ; coming on 
just after the pointed head 
varieties. Is a great heat re- 
sister and stands well under 
the severest sun. Pkt 5c; oz 
20c. ; M lb 60c. ; % lb $1.00; lb 
$1.90, postpaid. 

HEAD — This is one of the 
very best varieties of winter 
cabbage. Heads are of im- 
mense size, hard and solid. 
They grow uniform in shape 
with short stem and are very 
handsome in appearance. 
On account of their large 
size and fine quality, they 
are highly prized and I offer 
them as something superior. 
Pkt 5c. ; oz 15c. ; y 4 lb 50c. ; % 
lb 80c. ; lb $1.50, postpaid. 

HEAD—A standard variety 
of the Mat Dutch type. Late 
and very large. Pkt. 5c. ; oz 
15c; % lb 50c ; % lb 80c; lb 
$1.50, postpaid. 


ALL SEASONS — Can be planted profitably for either early or main crop and is of drumhead type, 
the Early Summer and much larger. Pkt 5c, oz 18c, ^ lb 50c, ^ lb 90c, lb $1.75, postpaid. 

In every way equal to 

MAMMOTH RED ROCK— The largest and surest heading red cabbage grown. Heads are of deep red color inside and out 
and very solid. A favorite for salads, pickling, etc Pkt 5c, oz 20c, l£ lb 60c, y z lb $1.00, lb $1.90, postpaid. 

Zimmerman's True 
St. Louis Mar Ret Cabbag'e. 

This truly great cabbage has become the stand- 
ard main crop variety of the West and Southwest. 
Like all other articles of merit, there are many 
imitations, and there is much "cheap" so-called 
St. Louis Market seed offered. The. seed I offer is 
secured by me direct from the original introducers 
of St. Louis and is the TRUE ST. LOUIS MARKET 
SEED. It is a meTlium late cabbage and a vigorous 
grower. Heads are white, solid and firm. An ex- 
cellent keeper and fine shipper. As a kraut maker 
it cannot be excelled. Price of the Genuine seed : 
, Pkt 5c, oz 25c, lb 75c, % lb $1.25, lb $2.25, post-, 

EARLY SUMMER— This is one of the best 
large early varieties. Forms solid, compact heads. 
Pkt 5c, oz 20c, lb 60c, y 2 lb $1.00, lb $1.90, post- 

EARLY ETA M PES— This is one of the earliest 
cabbages, producing conical shaped heads of large 
size, considering its extreme earliness. Pkt 5c, oz 
20c, 54 lb 60c, lb $1.00, lb $1.90, postpaid. 

DRUMHEAD SAVOY— The leaves are crimped 
and wrinkled in a peculiar manner. The heads are 
large, solid, fine flavor, attractive and good winter 
keepers. Pkt 5c, oz 20c, & lb 55c, Yt lb $1.00, lb 
$1.90, postpaid. 


IMPROVED DANISH BAIX-HEAD— The famous variety from Denmark. Not so large as the Late Flat Dutch, but even 
more solid and are the finest and best keepers to be had. For winter, home and market use, they stand without a peer. Their 
keeping qualities are such that when taken out in the spring they are as solid as when put away m the fall. Pkt 5c, oz 20c, & lb 
«0c» y» lb $1.00, lb $1.90, postpaid. 

*Use SLUG SHOT for Cabbage Worms, 





and we handle only the best varieties. 

Our Cauliflower seed is guaranteed to be LONG ISLAND 
GROWN, which is the best in the world. We all know that old 
seed never produces good crops ; our seed is New Crop 

Karly Snowball. 

It is acknowledged everywhere that 
the Snowball Cauliflower is far superi- 
or to any other variety. I am pleased 
to offer my customers a superior strain 
of this superior variety. In fact, i; is 
•impossible to obtain a better Cauli- 
flower than my Early Snowball. While 
this remarkable variety is First of the 
Earlies, it is also the best for main or 
late crop; in fact, it has no equal in 
any line. It :*s the largest variety 
grown, heads measuring eight to ten 
inches across, of pure snow white, with 
close, compact curd of the finest qual- 
ity. The heads are so solid that they 
outweigh any other variety of the same 
size. Whether you grow Cauliflower 
simply for family use or largely for 
market, my Early Snowball is the va- 
riety you want. Plant no other if you 
want the VERY BEST. Once planted, 
you wilt use no other. Pkt., 15c; 2 
pkts., 25c; }i oz., 70c; % oz., $1.30; oz., 
$2.50, postpaid. 

EARLY JWARF ERFURT — Another remarkable variety for heading. Is dwarf; pure white 
quality. Planted in April, will be ready for market in July. Pkt., 15c; 2 pkts , 25c; % oz., 75c; 
$2.75, postpaid. 

EARI/E PARIS FORCING ^-A favorite French variety and a very popular early sort. Good for either 
or out-dnor culture. Pkt., U, oz.. 25c; % oz.. 45c: oz.. 80c, postpaid. 


heads oi 
y 2 oz., & 

. 40; oz. # 




RAN 1 > E —A very fine Car- 
rot; grows some five inch- 
es lo.igf and blunt at the 
point, as shown by the 
illustration. It is of very 
rapid growth and usually 
weighs over one pound. Is 
of d(-ep red coloi , very 
sweet and tender and 
easy to pull. A good va- 
riety for home ard mar- 
ket. Pkt., 5c; oz., 10c; 2 
oz., 15c; V± lb.. 25c: V 2 lb., 
45c; lb., 85c, postpaid. 



best bunching variety and 
one of the best for early 
market. Grows about six 
inches long, stump rooted, 
very smooth, sw»et and 
sugary. Excellent for ta- 
ble use and are heavy 
croppers. Pkt., 5c; oz.. 

10c: V 4 lb., 25c; V* lb., 45c; lb., 85c, postpaid. ^ 

DANVERS HALF LONG — A famous variety of fine flavor; broad- 
shouldered, stump rooted, cylindrical in shape and very productive. It 
is one of the best for stock and matures in about 65 days. This is 
not onlv a good variety for stock feeding, but is unexcelled for the 
table. Pkt.. 5c; oz., 10c; % lb., 25c; % lb., 40c ,1b 75c. postpaid. 

IiM"PROVED IONO ORANGE —The best of the orange varieties and 
an old favorite. A good table carrot and is unsurpassed for stock. 
Used largely by dairymen, as it increases the flow of milk and Rives 
a richer flavor: imparts a beautiful golden color to butter. Pkt., 5c- 
oz., 10c; % lb., 25c; V 2 lb., 40c; lb 75c, postpaid. 

LARGE WHITE . BELGIAN ^ The greatest stock Carrot, highly rec- 
ommended by the leading Agricultural Experiment Stations of the 
country. Grows one-third out the ground and easily fculled. Roots 
are pure white, except portion above ground, which is green. Used: 
exclusively for stock feeding. Pkt., 5c; oz. f 8c; ^ lb., 15c; % lb., 25c; 

b.. 45c, postpaid. 

LARCrjj YELLOW BELGIAN —Same as the. White Belgian, , except 
in color, which is yellow. Same price as the Whte. 




Celery seed is very slow to germinate and care should be taken thai 
the seed is of good quality. You will find our stock to be the very besi 
quality and prices as low as good seed can be sold. 

New Golden 



(French Strain.) 

This is without doubt the best celery in cultivation, 
ft is much broader and heavier than the W"m,.v 
Plume and of superior quality. Is of dwarf, compact 
habit and blanches easily. The stalks are crisp and 
solid and of delicious flavor; is very productive and 
the stalks are as thick as the largest of the tall late 
sorts and entirely free from stringiness. It is the 
standard of excellence and should be planted by ev« 
ery person wno raises celery. We offer the celebrated 
French seed of this variety as far superior to the Ordinary 
strain, generallv sold. You will find it superior in mans 
ways. Per pkt., 5c; % oz., 15c; oz , 25c; % lb. 85c.; % lb., 
$1.00 lb $3.00 postpaid. 

Ordinary Strain— This is not cheap seed, but simply the 
ordinary American strain of Golden Self -Blanching, which 
is offered by the general run of seedsmen. Stock fresh, new 
seed and the equal of any American-grown seed. Pkt 5e. ; % 
oz 12c. ; oz 20c. ; % lb 70c. ; % lb $1.30 ; lb $2.40 postpaid. 

All our Seeds are 
fresK, new crop and 
Thoroughly Tested. 

It always pays to 

NJ5W PINK PLUME— This is a splendid new variety, recently introduced; is 
similar to the White Plume, except in color, which is slightly tinged red, fading 
to a faint delicate pink. The plants bleach naturally and have the long keep- 
ing qualities of the red celeries. Has no tendency to rust and blanches as early 
as the White Plume. Is of sweet, nutty flavor and wonderfully attractive. Pkt., 
5c; y 2 oz., 12c; oz.. 20c; % lb., 55c; % lb., $1.00; lb., $1.90, postpaid. 

WHITE PLUME —The old standard variety and still holds its popularity. 
It is the earliest celery in cultivation blanches without banking. Pkt., 6c; oz 16c; 
lb., 50c; % lb., 85c; lb., $1.50 postpaid. 

GIANT PASCAL —The stalks are extremely large, stringless, crisp and brittle 
Blanches quickly, after earthing up, to a beautiful yellowish-white. It is the 
best for Fall and Winter use and is highly recommended for the South £nd West 
where it gives better satisfaction than most varieties. Try it. Pkt., 5c; oz.« 
15c; % lb., 50c; % lb., 80c; lb. $1.50 postpaid. 

LARGE RIBBED RED —This is a sport of the Giant Pascal, but the ribs 
are even thicker and stiffer; very vlerorous and healthy and of fine quality. 
Pkt, 5c; oz., 12c; % lb., 40c; % lb., 75c: lb., $1.40 postnaid. 

CELERIAC or Turnip-Rooted Celery-G^ 'or the roots. 

The roots are cooktd. sliced and made into salad, with vinegar. Also fine for flavoring 
soups, meats, etc. Pkt 5c. , oz 15c, % lb 50c. , postpaid. 

*Our seed is grown especially for us by experienced growers, carefully tested and is of the Best 
>QtfAi,iTY. We positively do NOT handle cheap "commission seed." 




»$weet Corn. 

Our Sweet Corn is of superior quality, being carefully sorted 
tested and graded and is planted each year by the foremost 
Market Gardeners. 

Zimmerman's Early Mammoth. 

The Largest Eared Early Sweet Corn Ever Produced. Pro- 
duces fine ears from 8 to 10 inches long and is ready for the mar- 
ket as early as the Earliest offered by the majority of seedsmen. 
This is a grand corn and we hope you will plant it this year. Send in 
your order early, for you are sure to be pleased with this grand 
new corn. The pure white cob contains twelve rows of large 
grains of the finest quality. It will stand a dry season better than 
any early variety yet produced. It is the proper size for the mar- 
ket and of the sweetest flavor. You will find our EARLY MAM- 
MOTH to be the finest and best Early variety you ever planted. 
Don't fail to include some of this Sweet Corn when you order. 
Pkt 5c; K pt 12c; pt 20c; qt 36c, postpaid. By express or freight 
t qts 65c ; pk $1.15. 

Peep O'Day* The Earliest of AIL 

We are pleased to offer our customers the Earliest variety of 
Sweet Corn in the world. This must not be compared to the 
"Earlies" offered by some seedsmen, which are so small and infer- 
ior that they are absolutely worthless, but here is a variety that 
will be of greatest value to all who desire the VERY EARLIEST 
variety and one that can be depended upon to yield a profitable 
crop. It is superior to the Early Cory in quality, tenderness and 
yield, while it is easily ten days earlier than any variety yet intro- 
duced. If you want the First Sweet Corn in the market plant this 
new variety. Pkt 5c; % pt 12c; pt 20c; qt 35c, postpaid. By express 
or freight 4 qts 75c; pk $1.25. 

EARLY CORY— A popular extra early va- 
riety and the favorite with many planters. Per 

pkt 5c, y± pt 10c, pt 15c, qt 80c, postpaid. By 
express or freight, 4 qts 60c, peck $1,10. 

EARLY ADAMS— One of the earliest varie- 
ties. Is not sweet as some, but its extreme 
earliness makes it a very desirable corn, Pkt 
5c. % pt 10c, pt 15c, qt30c, postpaid. By ex- 
press or freight, 4 qts 55c„ pe«k $1.00. 

PERRY'S HYBRID— A fine extra early va- 
riety of good size ana is a great favorite with 
gardeners. Grains are very large and pure 
white. Pkt 5c, pt 10c„ pt 15c, qt 80c, post- 
paid. By express or freight, 4 qts 55c, pk $1.00 . 

EARLY MINNESOTA— Of excellent quali- 
ty and one of the earliest varieties. Ears long 
and pointed. Pkt 5c. % pt 10c, ptl5c, qt 
80c, postpaid. By express or freight, 4 qts 55c 
peck $1.00. 

CROSBY'S EARLY— An excellent variety, 
being sweet and very early. Pkt 5c, y 3 pt 10c, 
pt 15c, qt 80c, postpaid. By express or freight 
4 qts 55c, peck $1.00. 

LATE MAMMOTH-The largest sweet corn 
grown and of good quality, but late, Stalks 
produce 2 to 8 ears. Pkt 5c, HptlOc, ptl5c, 
qt 30c, postpaid. By express or freight, 4 qts 
55c, peck $1.00. 

ITNOTICE: We pay the 

Postage on Pints and Qts* 

We handle the Highest Quality of 
seed and carry a good assortment, em- 
bracing ALL the Standard Varieties. 
Deal with us : we'll treat you RIGHT* 



GOLDEN BANTAM— This grand new variety of Sweei Corn is one of the iweetest and most de- 
licious varieties ever introduced. It is an attractive yellow color; very early: of hardy, vigorous growth 
and produces 2 to 4 ears to the stalk ; ears running 5 to 7 inches long ; grains are very tender and no corn 
can surpass its delicious sweetness. Pkt 5c. ; % pt 12c. ; pfe 20c. ; qt 35c., postpaid. By express or freight, 
^ cjxs /DC. j pecic *i.4\/. j |-. 



Zimmerman's SUGAR DRIP. 

We offer this season for the first time what is undoubtedly the sweetest and most delicious sweet 
corn it is possible to' secure. It is very early, a heavy yielder and unsurpassed for market trade. See 
illustration on back cover (of this catalogue). We really have only a limited amount of the seed. 
We recommend it as the very finest variety of ~.weet corn ever grown and want our customers 
to include a small lot in their order — we guarantee you will be pleased. As before stated it is very 
,early, ears large and filled with the sweetest and most delicious corn you have ever tasted. Order 
early and don't fail to include some of this corn in your order. Pkt 6c; % pint 15c; pint 25c; 
quart 45c, postpaid. By express or freight, 4 qts 80c; peck $1.50. 



The Standard Main Crop Variety* 

This is the most popular sweet corn grown and we exercise great 
care to have our stock pure and true to name. It is grown for us by 
experienced growers, under special contract, only the choicest ears 
being saved for seed, and you will find it vastly superior to that gen- 
erally sold. If you want a main crop Sweet Corn that will out-yield 
any other variety; that will give you perfect satisfaction, plant OUR 
Improved ^towell's Evergreen. Pkt. 5c; y 2 pt. 12c; pt. 20c; qt. 35c; 
postpaid. By express or freight, qt. 20c; 4 qts. 65c; peck $1.00 

BLACK MEXICAN — Medium early variety. Kernals are a blueish-purple when 
young, becoming black when dry. It is one of the sweetest of corns. Pkt 5c, 
y 2 pt 12c, pt 20c, qt 30c, postpaid. By express or freight, qt 15c, 4 qts 5*c 

EGYPTIAN SCGAK — Exceedingly sweet and tender, and ears grow to a go«d 
size, running 12 and 14 rows to the ear. Is fine for canning because of its 
delicious sweetness. Pkt 5c, y 2 pt 12c, pt 20c, qt 35c,' postpaid. express 
or freight, qt 20c, 4 qts 65c, peck $100. 


COUNTRY GENTLEMAN — H as been called Quaker Sweet, Shoe Peg, etc, and 
is acknowledged everywhere as one of the sweetest and best. The kernals are 
long and peg-shaped. Pkt 5c, V 2 pt 12c, pt 20c, qt 35c, postpaid By express 
or freight, qt 20c, 4 qts 70c, peck $1.25. 

SPECIAL OFFER: Our Early Mammoth is the largest and fiinest 
Extra Early sweet corn. Stowell's Evergreen is the standard Main 
Crop variety, and ourSugar Drip is the Sweetest. We will send 
yon, by mail postpaid, 1 pkt of each for 10c; y 2 pint each for 30c; 
1 pint of each for 50c; 1 quart each for 90c 


By express or freight, 

Prices: Pkt 5c, % lb 10c, lb 20c, 3 lbs 50c, postpaid. 
30 to 20 lbs at 5c per lb., 25 to 50 lbs at 4c per lb. 

WHITE RICE — The old favorite and standard variety. None better. 

WHITE PEAKL— A beautiful pearly white and very popular. 

GOLDEN VALE — Resembles Queen's Golden, but a richer color. Ears grow 
8 to 10 inches in length. It is a fine popper and good flavor. 

QUEEN'S GOLDEN— Pops a very large, tender; pure white kernal. 


Our Sweet Corn is put up in Dry Measure pints and quarts, about V 2 pint per quart more than 
the .measures generally used.. Bear this in mind when making up your order. Also remember we 
pay postage on pints and quarts. 




Our stock of Cucumber seed is of the 
finest quality, being grown for us by the 
most experienced growers in America. 
Our ounce will plant 50 hills; 2 to 3 lbs 
per acre. 



The best early variety in the world. It stands without a rival in the early 
field and in fact cannot be excelled as a cucumber for general use. It is a 
very heavy yielder, producing cucumbers from five to eight inches long 
and from one and one-half to three inches in diameter in great abundance. 
The fruit is handsome, uniform in size and of a dark green color. The flesh 
is crisp, tender and of superior flavor. Not only fine for table use, it is ex- 
cellent for pickling. If you want an all around cucumber, plant our Earli- 
est. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; % lb 35c; % lb 60c; lb $1.20, postpaid 


WHITE SPINE — Fruit is of good size, straight 
and of perfect form; of uniform shape, making 
them excellent for pickling. Very productive 
and keep firm and crisp a long time. Is one 
of the earliest vareties. Pkt 5c, 02 10c, % lb 
30c, % lb 50c, lb $1.00, postpaid. 

NICOLS MEDILM GREEN — A tirst-class 
pickling sort and highly prized as an early 
variety. Skin is light green and quite smooth. 
Pkt 5c, 02 10c, % lb 30c, postpaid. 


EARLY WHITE SPINE — Vines vigorous, bearing early and abund- 
antly. Fruit uniformly straight and handsome, dark green with a 
few white spines. Flesh tender and of excellent flavor. Used ex- 
tensively for forcing under glass. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % lb 30c, y 2 lb 
50c, lb $1.00, postpaid. 

CHICAGO PICKLING — One of the best and most prolific pickling 
cucumbers on the market Vines are vigorous and produce fine fruit 
in great abundance. By keeping the vines clear they will bear 
longer than most any variety in existence. Cucumber seed is short 
this year and fresh seed is high. Beware of old cheap seed. Pkt 
5c, oz 10c, }4 lb 30c, % lb 50c, ib $1.00, postpaid. 

BOSTON PICKLING — Another fine pickling variety and is claimed 
to be superior to the Chicago Pickling by many. It is certainly a 
fine cucumber. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, }i lb 30c, % lb 50c, lb $1.00, 

WHITE WONDER — A handsome pure white cucumber, about 8 
inches long, very crisp and brittle and remarkably hardy It ma- 
tures early, but continues to bear the entire season. Skin is pure 
white. Per pkt 5c, oz 10c, % lb 30c, y 2 lb 55c, lb $1.10, postpaid. 

EARLY RISSIAN — One of the very earliest varieties Cucumbers 
are 3 to 5 inches long; crisp and fine flavor. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % lb 
30c. V 2 lb 50c, lb $1.00, postpaid. 

EARLY CLUSTER — A very popular early cucumber, producing its 
fruit in small clusters, length 4 to 5 inches. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, 
% lb 30c, V 2 lb 50c, lb $1.00, postpaid. 

• NEW EVERBEARING — Of small size; very early and productive. 
Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % lb 30c, ^ lb 50c, lb $1.00, postpaid. f : 



IMPROVED LONG GREEN— A well-known variety and very popular. Cucumbers grow 
from twelve to twenty inches in length. They are very productive and of excellent 
quality. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % lb 30c, % lb 50c, lb $1.00, postpaid. 

COOL AND CRISP — A very early and prolific Cucumber. The skin is a very dark green 
and is covered with knobs upon which the spines are placed, which gives them a very 
attractive appearance. As a slicing Cucumber they are excellent.* Pkt 5c, oz 10c. Vi 
lb 30c, Vz lb 50c, lb $1.00, postpaid. 

JAPANESE CLIMBING — Quickly climbs on poles, trellises, etc, throwing out strong 
grasping tendrils. Vines are healthy and vigorous, with rich, dark green foliage. Cucum- 
bers are good size and shape, skin dark green, turning to a netted brown when ripe; flesh 
pure white. Excellent for both slicing and pickling Pkt 5c, oz 15c. f %lb 40c, % lb 
70c, lb $1.25 postpaid. 

WEST INDIA GHERKIN or BURR — Grow very small and used exclusively for pickling 
purposes. A very distinct variety. Try it. Pkt 5c, oz 20c, & lb 60c. % lb $1.10, lb 
$2.00, postpaid. 

I>AVIS PERFECT — A new variety of unusual merit and is fast becoming 
a favorite. Grow about 12 inches long, of symmetrical shape; has dark, 
glossy skin which changes to white, when fruit ripens. Its great point is 
its thick flesh and very few seeds, making it most valuable for slicing pur- 
poses. Per pkt 5c; oz 12c; % lb 35c; % lb 55c; lb $1.10, postpaid. 



BLACK BEAUTY — The Earliest Egg Plant and one of the best The 
skin is a rich purplish-black. The fruit sets and develops so quickly 
the entire crop can be easily gathered before frost. Pkt 10c, % oz 30c, 
oz 55c, ^4 lb $1.50, postpaid. 

NEW YORK IMPROVED PURPLE — The leading sort for home and 
market and has about superseded all others. Fruit large, fine, free 
from thorns and are produced until frost. Skin is a rich purple; flesh 
a pure white. My seed is very select. Pkt 5c, % oz 25c, oz 40c, % 
lb $1.25, postpaid. 

My Packets are well-filled and 
tKe seed tHorougRly tested* 
A Dollar's worth for a Dollar. 




Our seed is fresh and can be depended upon to produce crops 
of the highest quality. 



Nothing we have ever offered has given more gene* 
ral satisfaction than this Early Lettuce. Tested side 
"by side with almost every known variety, it has al- 
ways COME FIRST, with a crisp tenderness which 
cannot be surpassed. It is not only The Eabmest, 
but can be planted with profit the entire season. The 
leaves are thin, slightly curled and free from any 
bitterness.. Another important thing to be considered 
is that this variety is very slow to go to seed, remain- 
ing tender a remarkably long time . It is as valuable 
for forcing as for planting in open ground. Pkt 5c, 
oz 12c, H lb 35c, V 2 lb 60c, lb $1.00 postpaid. 

BliACK SEEDED SIMPSON— The most popular 
market gardener's lettuce. Very early and forms a 
compact mass of loose leaves, which are large, thin 
and very tender : superior to the Early Curled. Is one 
of the best for forcing under glass as well as out-door 
planting. Remains in condition a long time before 
running to seed. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % lb 25c, J£ lb 45c, 
lb 80c, postpaid. 

EARL.Y CURLED SIMPSON-One of the very ear- 
liest varieties, A large, loose-leaved lettuce. Leaves 
are beautifully crimped, tender and sweet ; dark green 
in color. Is an old standard variety. Pkt 5c, oz 10c 9 
H lb 25c, % lb 40c, 1 b 75c, postpaid. 



This jrand new lettuce will, I believe, prove a great favorite and I am very anxious to have 
all my customers give it a trial. It is very crisp and tender, with cur]y leaves of beautiful green. 
It stands heat, drouth and also wet weather most remarkably and can be planted any time during 
the season, as it is a great all-season's lettuce. Price only ; Pkt 5c. ; oz 15c. ; Vi lb 50c. ; lb 80c. ; 
3» $1.50, postpaid. 


A Fine Bronze-Tinged 


This lettuce wasfirst offered to my customers- 
last year and proved very popular. The leaves are 
very tender, brittle, glossy, slightly curled and 
has an attractive green color, with slight tinge of 
bronze. It produces solid heads of large size and 
attractiveness, while, as the name suggests, it is 
very crisp and tender. Please dont confuse this 
with my "New Early Crisp" lettuce, as they are 
entirely different, and both of extra fine quality. 
Try this fine variety and you will be well pleased. 
Price of Crisp as-Ice : Pkt 5c, oz 10c„ % lb 30c, 
lb 50c, lb 90c, postpaid. 


A great favorite with truckers and gardeners ; is 
certainly a fine large head lettuce . It has large, 
compact, white heads, which are always crisp and 
tender. It i3 equally good for early spring, sum- 
mer and for fall and win tsr forcing. Pkt 5c, oz, 
10c, M lb 30c, % lb 50c, lb 90c, postpaid. 


LETTUCE Continued on Next Page 




Extra Early Head Lettuce. 

This is an extra early, quick growing va- 
riety of the butterhead type Outer leaves 
have slightly brownish tinge, while the heart 
is a beautiful yellow, very crisp and tender. 
Its extreme earliness, large fine heads, at- 
tractiveness and superior quality, makes it a 
most valuable variety for market, as well as 
for the home garden, it being equally good 
for forcing and out-door planting. A leader 
in eailiness, attractive in appearance and is 
unexcelled in flavor. Pkt 5c. ; oz 12c, ; % % 
35c; Vz K> 60c, ft $1.10, postpaid. 

Plant Our Tested Seed 
It Pays. 


IMPROVED HANSON — A very large, sweet, tender and crisp 
variety; forms large solid heads averaging some three pounds in 
weight. Heads are green outside and white within. Is absolutely 
free from any bitterness. Unexcelled for family, garden and out- 
door growth. Pkt., 5c; oz., 10c; lb. f 25c, y 2 lb 40c, lb 75c, postpaid. 

CALIFORNIA CREAM BUTTER-One of the best of the Butter Head 
varieties. The outer leaves are marked with small brown spots; center is a 
beautiful creamy yellow. They are crisp, tender, have a rich, buttery flavor 
and are very ornamental. The heads are of good size and so very solid they 
often have to be cut before the seed stalk can appear. Pkt 5c., oz 10c., & lb 
25c, Y% lb 45c, lb 80c, postpaid. 

GRAND RAPIDS— This is a loose-leaved variety of strong 
growth. Requires less attention than the Black Seeded Simpson 
and will stand longer after maturity, thus making a good seller. 
Is of upright habit and handsome appearance; leaves thin, light 
yellowish green, beautifully crimped and blistered. Pkt, 5c; oz., 
10c; & lb., 25c, y 2 lb 40c, lb 75c, postpaid. 

ICEBERG —This new variety cannot be surpassed. It forms a 
-solid head of great beauty ; the outside leaves are bright green and 
beautifully curled. The leaves are always crisp and tender either 
in early spring or hottest summer. The solidity of the head is in- 
jured by the white main ribs curving strongly to the center, which 
is always thoroughly blanched. There is no more superior lettuce to 
be had. My stock is the very best, being carefully selected crop of 
1907. Pkt., 5c; oz., 10c; % lb., 30c, % lb 50c, postpaid. 

MRLY PRIZE HEAD— Produces large loose heads* of beauti- 
fully crimped and fringed leaves, exceedingly sweet, crisp and ten- 
der. A fine home warden lettuce of the loose variety. Pkt., 5c; oz., 
10c; % lb., 25c; % lb. 4oe,;lb75c, postpaid. 

DENVER MARKET — An early head lettuce either for forcing or 
open ground. The leaves resemble Savoy Cabbage, being beauti- 
fully marked and blistered. It is very slow to go to seed. Pkt., 
f5c; oz., luc; ^4 lb., 25c. ; % lb 40c . ; lb 75c, postpaid. 

HARD HEAD — A ready grower; heads hard and firm. 
Oz. a 10c; ft lb., 25c; l A lb 40c; lb 75c, postpa d. 

Pkt., 5c; ' =; =S 



PAGES 37 and 38. 



%M ¥ | %t IkJtTT ¥ f\ M u ^ e offer a ver ? select lin * of Musk Melon seed, 
V>C7£V r^ML*M~*\Jr £V m bei ? g grown especially for us by experienced 
™oi™o v -n « ^ 7~T . . melon seed growers, and is selected from choice 

melons only. You will fimd our seed of the highest quality and Frbsh, 

Zimmerman's Earliest Large. 

NEW EARLIEST LARGE- We have here the very 
Earliest Musk Melon grown. It is not only the ear- 
liest of all, but is a melon of superior quality and 
good size and is therefore different from the majority 
of early varieties, surpassing them all in Earliness, 
Size, Productiveness, Flavor, Keeping and Shipping 
qualities. The melons are of uniform large size, deli- 
cious and are fast sellers. The flesh is a rich orange 
color with small seed cavity and the flavor is excel- 
lent. Nothing is more delicious than a good early 
musk melon and our Earliest Large pleases all who 
plant it. while its extreme earliness and large size 
makes it a desirable melon bcth for home and market 
use. Pkt 5c oz 10c„ % lb SOc, %, lb 50c, lb 90c., post- 

ular market melon. It is at least ten days earner 
than the ordinary strain of Hackensack, at the same 
time retaining all the good qualities of the old strain 
It is very productive and of fine flavor. Pkt 6c., oz 10c* t 
ZIMMERMAN'S EARLTK8T LARGE. & lb 25c, % lb 45c. lb 80c ., postpaid. 


This is an extra early melon of the Jenny Lind 
type ; embracing all the good qualities of the old Jenny 
Lind, and is much earlier, making it one of the VERY 
earliest varieties, and at the same time, one of the 
best. It has green flesh, sweet and spicy. Is has be- 
come a favorite with market gardeners in the East, 
and we want our customers everywhere to plant it . 
Try it f *v» yourself, you will like it. Pkt 5c oz 10c , & 
lb SOc, y z lb 50c, lb 90c, postpaid. 


Sometimes called Petoskey. A yellow flesh melon 
and a cross of the Osage and Netted Gem. Of small 
3ize ; very thick flesh and one of the best flavored 
melons. It has a very thin rind, but is a good ship- 
per. Is fast becoming a favorite in the West. Pkt 5c, 
dz 10c, & lb 25c, y 2 lb 45c, lb 80c, postpaid. 






Seed Grown under Special Contract 
RocRy Ford, Colo. 

The standard of excellence and the most popular melon on the market 
Leading market gardeners send to us every season for seed of this variety 
rather than save their own seed, because they know that our seed, savec 
from carefully selected melons of uniform size, will produce the very fines] 
melons Our Rocky Ford seed is planted in every state and territory when 
melons can be grown, and we have never received a single complaint 
Rocky Fords are of medium size, even, nearly round, finely netted and the 
best of shippers. As to quality ; they can hardly be surpassed— flesh is tender, 
firm and of the most delicious flavor. The seed we offer is selected from 
Choice melons only and we guarantee it to have been grown at Rocky Ford 
Colo., under special contract and shipped direct to us . If you want seed thai 
will produce the true Rockyford melon, correct shape, size, etc, plant our se- 
lect seed, which we offer at a low price, quality considered. You cannot ge* 
a better or purer quality, no matter what you pay. Pkt 5c. ; oz 10c ; J£ lb 25c, 
lb 40c ; lb 70c, postpaid. 

EXTRA EAKLY GRAND RAPIDS— This is an extra early, yellow fleshed melon of average quality. It is claimed h* 
many to be the very earliest musk melon in existence and is largely planted by gardeners and others who desire early melons 
The meions are of handsome appearance, nearly round and finely netted and immediately attract attention in the eavW mi«*ir A + 
Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % lb 25c, Ys K>40c, )b 70c, postpaid. * J marse* 



Zimmerman's SUCCESS. A Perfect Melon. 

The above illustration shows the correct shape of this grand melon. The size makes it a good melon 
for both home and market; melons will average about 6 lbs. No word can fully describe its excel- 
lent flavor — it is simply delicious and will discount any Rockyford ever put on your table, flesh is a 
light orange and of melting rich flavor; is firm but not hard. They are medium early and vines pro- 
duce their r,ich fruit in great abundance. Try this grand melon, you will be pleased with it. Pkt 5c.; 
oz. 12c: Va. lb. 40c; y 2 lb. 70c; lb. $1.40, postpaid. 

We have here a melon, which is certainly the grandest Musk Melon 
grown. No words can describe its delicious flavor The skin is 

darg green, finely netted; the flesh a rich orange and edible to the 
very rind, in fact it is nearly all flesh, as the seed cavity is very 
small. The flavor cannot be excelled, is simply delicious. It is medium 
early and so attractive and flavor so sweet that it will be a leader on 
the market. Pkt 5c. 02 10c, % lb 30c, V2 lb 50c, lb $1.00, pn^oaid. 

lii.,,io><U AtOJNTKEAX, MAKKHiX, Largest of all MuriK ftictouo. 

Average weight from 25 to 50 lbs. Skin is green and strongly netted; 
flesh thick, of light green color and delicate flavor. The melons are of 
large, round size and immediately attract attention in any market. 
If you wish the largest Musk Melons of fine quality, plant our select 
strain of Montreal Market. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % lb* 25c, % lb 40c, lb 
80c, postpaid. 

OSAGE— One of the best melons grown The tiesh is of salmon 
color and very juicy and sweet. Pkt 5c., pz 10c, V± lb 25c, % lb 40c, 
lb 80c. postpaid. 

MIEL.EK'iS CKEAM*A sweet, tender variety and very popular Pkt 
5c, oz 10c, % lb 25c, % lb 40c, lb 80c, postpaid. 

EMEKAJLD GEM — A very fine variety and an old standard. Flesh 
thick, of a delicate salmon color and very sweet. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, 
% lb 30c, % lb 45c,. Ib 90c, postpaid. 

BANANA — Is an entirely distinct variety, bearing long, slender, 
banana-like fruit. Skin is creamy-white and entirely free from netting. 
Flesh deep salmon color, thick and good quality. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, 

% lb 30., % lb 50c, lb 90c, postpaid. 

GIANT CHICAGO MARKET— This fine melon has been a favorite in 
Chicago markets for many years It is of the finest quality; flesh Is 
rich and sugary and they grow to an immense size. It is ribbed, well 
netted and for shipping it has no superior. Pkt 5c„ oz 10c, % lb 25c, 
V z lb 40c, lb 80c, postpaid. 


A grand new variety, from Rockyford, 
and is superior to the famous Rockyfords. 
This is a strong statement to make, but a 
trial will prove the claim. We had a num- 
ber of gardeners try this melon last year 
and the reports were most gratifying, Bur- 
rell Gem bringing more money in the open 
market than any other variety. They aver- 
age 6x4 V2 inches and weigh about 2 lbs, 
making a nice attractive size. The rind 
is heavily netted, slightly ribbed and very 
thin; salmon flesh n<* simply delicious flavor. 
Pkt 5c. oz 10c, V 4 lb 30c, lb $1.00, postpaid. 




My melon 8c«d it grown under special contracts 
and aeed taken from select melons only. 


It is so superior to other early 
sorts that I no longer catalogue 
other iiixtra Early varieties. This 
melon will bring greater profits 
to the Market Gardener, because 
its extreme earliness and size en- 
ables you to be first in the. market 
and get the top prices. The pri- 
vate gardener will have the first 
melons on his table from his own 
garden. Mr. Harris of Tennessee, 
originator of the melon, best de- 
scribes it. He says: "The melons 
are oval to oblong, color dark 
green with beautiful mottled gray- 
ish stripes; flesh scarlet, sweet 
and melting; weight 20 to 30. lbs., 
good shipper, keeps well, bears all 
summer and Sure to ripen ahead 
of any other variety. It has been 
tested by Experiments at Knox- 
ville, Tenn., and also the U. S. 
Government Farms and the offi- 
cers at both places pronounce it 
'the Earliest of All and of Good 
Quality,' " Some inferior seed of 
this variety is being offered at a 
''cheap" price. The seed I offer 
is true to name, is grown espec- 
ially for me by Mr. Harris, the 
originator, and will produce mel- 
ons earlier, larger and of superior 
quality than the ordinary. It 
pays to plant the best. Pkt. 5c; 
oz. 10c; *4 lb. 30c; % lb. 55c; lb. 
$1.00, postpaid. 


This is easiW one of the grandest melons grown. 
The equal of tilecKley Sweet in both flavor and color, 
and claims to be even more regular in size. The 
melons are blunt at stem and blossom end and gener- 
ally free from the appearance of any neck. Rind is 
smooth dark green. Flesh rich crimson, extending 
less than half an inch of the rind. These melons are 
so brittle and tender they cannot be shipped far by 
freight. Thrust a knife into one of these luscious 
melons it soiits open. It is a home melon, for the 
home garden and local market. My seed of this va- 
riety was grown under special contract and cannot be 
excelled. Pkt, 5c; oz. loc; % lb. 25c; y 2 lb. 40c; lb. 
75c ? postpaid. 




• A new melon that has come into grat favor as a main 
crop and shipping sort. It is similar in form and size to 
the old Kolb's Gem, well and favorably known as a shipping 
variety. The melons grow uniformly large, and are of thick, 
oval shape, as shown in the illustration. The skin is a rich, 
dark green, almost black, faintly striped with narrow bands 
of lighter green. The under portion where the melon lies 
upon the ground, is of a light yellow color, quite distinct. 
The rind is very strong and tough so that the melons can 
safely be shipped long distances without the least damage 
in transit. The meat is fine, red color; the heart is big 
and solid. It is an unusually prductive variety. Pkt. 5c; 
oz. 8c; lb. 20c; y 2 lb. 30c; lb. 50c, postpaid. 


The flesh is bright red and of a delicious sweetness, and 
While the rind is very thin it is also tough, which makes it 
desirable as a shipper, which can not be said of most extra 
sweet melons. The vine is a v^ry strong grower and bears 
its large silvery gray melons in great abundance. Melons 
average 25 inches in length and weigh on an average 30 to 
40 lbs. each and ripen almost to the rind. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 
& ib. 30c; y 2 lb. 50c; lb. 90c, postpaid. 


A large shaped, dark skinned melon, flesh red. One of 
the first to come into the market, being early, and of 
strong growth and will bear longer than other melon. It 
is a light seeded melon and first class for shipping. Good 
size, though not ungainly. Largely raised in Texas, where 
it brings extra prices. Pkt. 5c; oz. 8c; % lb. 20c; y 2 lb. 
35c; lb. 60c postpaid. 



BlacK Diamond. 

As sweet as the old Sweetheart and as fine a 
shipper as Kolbs Gem. It is extremely prolific, 
surpassing almost any other melon. An acre 
will produce several thousand of these grand 
melons ranging in weight from 60 to 90 lbs each 
We offer true genuine Black Diamond seed. 
Pkt 5c, oz 8c, M lb 20c, y 2 lb35c, lb 60c, post- 


largest melons grown and is an old favorite 
Long, smooth and striped with light wavy 
striped. Flesh bright scarlet and of fine flavor 
Pkt . 5c ., oz 8c, lb 20c, % lb 35c, lb 60c, post- 

PEERLESS or ICE CREAM— One of the 

best of water melon ; solid and of good flavor 
Pkt 5c, oz 8c„ % lb 20c, % lb 30c, lb 50c, post- 

MAMMOTH IRONCIiAB— Is one of the 

very largest melons grown. It resembles the 
Rattlesnake, but grows to a much larger size, 
The flesh is fine and solid and is of delicious 
sugary flavor. Pkt 5c, oz 8c, % ib 20c, % 11 
80c, lb 50c, postpaid. 

Our Melon Seed it Grown Especially 
for Us under Contracts and is l^resh, Pure 
and True to Name. 


awi?T?T'nPAPT~ -FV-Piipnt aualitv heavy, uniformly mottled light and dark green. The flesh is bright red, 
nSMSff^uMita good condition longer than any.uher melon. Pkt., 5o; oz., 8c; % lb., 20c; M 
lb., 35c; lb., 60c, postpaid. 

KENTUCKY WONDER — This is a superior melon 
In every way. As shown by the engraving, it is ob- 
long in shape, skin very dark green, marbled with a 
lighter green; the flesh is a beautiful deep scarlet, 
crisp, tender, rich and very sweet and sugary. It is 
an excellent keeper and fine for market as well as 
for home use. " The average weight is 50 pounds. We 
recommend this as a good old-fashioned Kentucky 
melon. Pkt., 5c; oz., 8c; % lb.. 20c; % lb., 30c; lb 50c; 

McIVER'S SWEET — One of the very best of melons ; is ob- 
long in shape, with light and dark green stripes. Pkt 5c, oz 
10c, % lb 25c, l A lb 40c, lb 70c, postpaid. 

JONES' JUMBO— Very large melon, perfectly round ; rind 
green, with lighter stripes; deep Ted meat of lucious flavor. 
One of the very best varieties. Pkt 5c, oz 8c, y± lb 20c, Vz ID 
85c, lb 60c, postpaid. 


An exceedingly large melon, very early, a 
heavy yielder, deliciously sweet . This mel- 
on has been advertised under different names 
but we prefer to advertise it just as it is. The 
flesh is bright scarlet; rind a dark brownish 
green. It is a grand table melon and an un 
usually fine shipper. For richness of flavor 
coupled with enormons size and heavy yield 
Ing properties, the Triumph is the fines' 
melon in the world. Our seed is fresh, new 
crop of 1904 and the best quality. i You wil 
make no mistake if you plant this melon 
Pkt 5c, oz8c, U, lb 20c, % lb 80c, lb 50c. 

CITRON — Used for preserving. Grows 
round and smooth and are striped and mar- 
bled with light green. Flesh is white and 
solid. Pkt 5c: oz 10c; K lb 25c; }4lb40c.; 
lb 75c, postpaid. 

Some Grand Water- 
melons on Page 21. 





KINO OF MAMMOTHS— These are the largest Water Melons in the world. The Illustration given above la a 
correct one. It is a late variety of fine sweet, sugary flavor; this, with its enormous size, makes it the best of 
sellers. If you want a tremendous Melon of good quality, try our King of Mammoths and you will get the best 
and largest. Pkt 6c; oz 10c; % lb 25c; % lb 40c; lb 75c, postpaid. 

KLECKLEY'S SWEET— The sweetest Water Melon in the World. Large oblong shape. The akin is dark 
green; rind is very thin and brittle; a fully ripe Melon will always split ahead of the knife when cutting. The 
flesh Is bright scarlet, sugary and melting in the highest degree. The heart is broad and solid. This melon Is not 
a good shipper, because of its brittle rind, but is the finest table variety in the world and for hame market. We have 
the true genuine stock, which is very hard to obtain. Remember you get the pure genuine stock from us at tBe 
following prices: Pkt 5c; oz 10c; ^4 lb 25c; % lb 40c,; lb 75c, postpaid. 

IMPROVED KOI/B'S GEM— This is fully a week earlier than the ordinary Kolb's Gem, besides being much 
larger and a heavier yielder. The fruit Is of large size, round, heavily mottled, with stripes of light green which 
gives it an attractive appearance; flesh is bright red extending to within % inch of the rind; it is a good keeper 
and a most excellent shipper, being firm, and a pood keeper. Our improved strain is not as coarse as the ordinary. 
Pkt 5c; oz 8c; % lb 18c; & lb 30c; lb 50c f postpaid. 

MOUNTAIN SWEET— An old standard. Is of large size and fine flavor ; rind thin and dark color, 
fashioned melon. Pkt 5c. , oz 10c, H lb 20c, % lb 35c, lb 60c, postpaid. 

It is a grand old 

pIXIE— A cross between Kolbs Gem and Mountain Sweet, combining: the superior shipping qualities of the former, with the 
productiveness and tine flavor of the later. Skin is dark green striped lighter : flesh is scarlet, fine and firm. A heavy producer, 
bearing melons weighing 40 to 50 lbs in large numbers, Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % lb 20c, % lb 35c„ lb 60c„ postpaid. 

JLIGHT ICING or ICE RIND— Nearly round, solid, with thin rind and a most excellent melon. A good shinner, desnite 
its thin rind. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % lb 25c, % lb 40c, lb 70c, postpaid. p 

IKONCL A T>— Resemble the Rattlksnase. one grow much iarerer, making: them a very large melon. It is one of the verv best 
S ^aid PerS 18 claimed ' melons Polled m October will Keep until Cnnstmas. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, 54 lb 20c„ % lb 35c. lb 60c, post- 

MUSHROOM iSPA^WN Coynes in bricks and is easily cultivated. May be in-own i, r. 0 .u, 

teds u JlZL c \Zi^r l ^ heS , SOil ana protect from heay y ralns " Mushroom* wlZp^ffi to «^etsTi D ? lle8 8part; 
10 teicks $2 iT 7 ' th6n USe lukewarm wa ^r. Price brick 40c, 2 bricks 70c , postpaid. By express otfl^ht, TbriTks^VIo 




Onion seed of doubtful quality. 



Plant my Tested Seed. 

My Onion seed is 
and thoroughly 

' ft ' 

Dont plant 


An extra early, perfect globe-shaped onion. Its color is real dark red. 
It is extremely early and at the same time produces onions as large as 
the late globe varieties. Its earliness, together with large size, rich 
color and perfect globe shape, make it a most desirable onion for both, 
home and market, My stock of this variety is limited and I would ad- 
vise early orders. Pkt 5c. ; oz 20c. ; M lb 60c. ; ^ lb 1.00: lb $1,90, postpaid. 


This extra early red onion has been carefully selected and is, I believe, 
the earliest of onions, being a trifle earlier than my Early Red Globe, 
but is fiat. The seed I offer has been improved until it has reached the 
highest degree of perfection as a reliable, extra early onion. Is of me- 
dium size, fine grained, deep red and shaped as shown in the illustra- 
tion. They succeed in cold, mucky ground where others will fail. It is 
reliable and beats them all to the early market. Pkt 5c. ; oz 15c. ; ^ lb 
45c. ; % lb 80c. ; lb $1,60, postpaid. 



I offer the earliest strain of Yellow 
Globe Danvers. They of uniform large 
size and command the highest mar- 
ket price. The skin is a rich golden 
color; flesh is white, mild pleasant 
flavor, fine grained. They are excel- 
lent keepers and the hardiest and most 
productive onions in cultivation. My 
seed is the best quality, plump and of 
strong vitality. It is very necessary 
that onion seed should be fresh and of 
strong germination. Get the best. Pkt 
5c. ; oz 15c. ; & lb 45c. ; % lb 75c. ; lb $1.40, 

'Try my 1 Early Bird Col- 
lection." 7 Grand, Extra Early 
Vegetables. See Page 30. 


EXTRA EARLY BARL ETTA — The earliest white va- 
riety grown. Are pure white, mild and of delicate flavor. 
Eine for table use and pickling, Pkt 5c. ; oz 15c. ; J4 lb 50c. ; 
% lb 90c.; lb $1.75, postpaid. 

standard white onion. They grow to a good size and ripen 
early and evenly. The flesh is mild, and the skin is a beau- 
tiful clear silvery white. A favorite when young as a salad 
or b v > aching onion, but is also a good keeper and fine for fall 
use Pkt 5c. , oz 20c. ; H tt> 60c. ; H H> I 1 - 10 ? 11b 18-00, postpaid . 


SOUTHPORT RED •GLOBE — The same size and shape of the 
White Globe, but is a rich deep red in color. A splendid keeper and 
of fine quality. Pkt 5c. ; oz 15c. ; & lb 50c. ; y z lb 80c. ; lb $1.50, postpaid. 

SOUTHPORT WHITE GLOBE — Perfectly ball-shaped ; silvery 
White and commands the highest market price. Flesh is firm and 
fine grained. Pkt 5c. ; oz 20c. ; U lb 65c ; % lb $1.15 ; lb $2.25, postpaid 



AMERICAN PRIZE-TAKER— This is a handsome 
variety of celebrated fancy Spanish Onions,' which are im- 
ported in the United States and sold for from twenty-five 
to gfty cents each. They grow to an enormous size, as 
specimens from my seed have "been grown to .weigh ,5.}^ 
pounds each. The flesh is pure white, fine grained,, mild 
and delicate in flavor and present the handsomest, ap- 
pearance possible. Pkt 5c. ; oz 15c. ; lb 45c. ; % lb 75c. ; lb 
$1.40, postpaid. 

my stock of this famous Red Onion to be the very best. I 
have an unusual heavy market gardener trade on this 
seed, which more than doubled last year— proof of the 
superior quality of my Onion Seed. There is cheap seed 
of this onion on the market that is of inferior quality. 
The skin of this onion is a deep purplish red; flesh white 
and moderately fine grained. Of pleasant flavor and pro- 
duces enormous crops. Pkt5c; oz 15c; £4 lb 45c.; % lb 
80c; lb $1.50, postpaid, 

See my list of Poultry Supplies 


MAMMOTH SILVER KING— This is truly a mam- 
moth onion. No other white onion attains such large 
nor such uniform size. The average size of fully grown 
Mammoth Silver King is 5 to 8 inches in diameter. The 
skin is a beautifully silvery white, while the flavor is so 
mild and sweet that it may be eaten like an apple. I have 
the true Italian seed, fresh and pure. Pkt 5c ; oz 15c. ; \£ 
lb 45c. ; % lb 80c ; lb $1.50, postpaid. 

AUSTRALIAN BROWN — Of medium size, very hard 
and solid and ripen evenly and early, being over four 
weeks earlier than the Wethersfield. The color of skin is 
a pale reddish brown, distinct from any other variety and 
causes them to attract attention in the market. No other 
onion has such keeping qualities. Pkt 5c. ; oz 15c. ; M lb 
45c ; lb 80c. : lb $1.50, postpaid. 

WHITE BERMUDA — (Genuine Imported Seed). Especially adapted to the Southern and South-western states and is one of 
the most profitable varieties grown. They are of large size, mild and easily cultivated. My seed of this variety is as pure as can 
be obtained and is direct from Tenerifle, one of the Canary Islands and the home of the Bermuda Onions. Pkt 5c: oz 20c; M lb 
70c ; % lb $1.30 ; lb $2.50, postpaid. 

RED BERMUD A—The same form, size and description as the White Bermuda. The difference being in color; this being a 
pinkish color, with white flesh, slightly suffused with pink, and preferred by many to the white. Pkt 5c. ; oz 20c. ; M lh 70c ; J£ lb 
$1.30, lb $2.50, postpaid. 

Zimmerman's vSelect 

I can't be beaten on the "Onion Question," I watch it very close ; I have to. I have a very critical 
market gardener trade all over this country— customers who look to me for their seed and sets, and they 
want THE BEST. I have a fine lot of sets this year, just as fine as you ever saw — no "culls" in them ; 
graded to the proper size. 

miOW BOTTOM SETS — Pint 15c ; qt 25c, postpaid. By express or freight, peck 80c ; K bu $1.50 ; bu $3.00. 

RI£D BOTTOM SETS— Pint 15c ; qt 25c, postpaid, By express or freight, peck 85c ; V% $1.65 ; bu $3.25. 

WHITE BOTTOM SETS — Pint 15c ; qt 25c. postpaid. By express or freight, peck 95c ; % bu $1.75 ; bu $3.50. 

Cheap Seed, 

In comparing my prices with others, please remember the stock I handle isjj'osi- 
tively the very best grade to be had. It is grown especially for n^e under special 
•contracts and by experienced growers, then thoroughly tested "before being sent out. 
I have a heavy Market Gardener trade, and my books show this trade to be nearly doubling everyyear, at the same time I hold 
practically ALL my old customers. This speaks for the quality of my seed and is very gratifying to me. Send me your order 
his year and we will BOTH be pleased. 1 ' 




Peas are scarcer this year than ever before. Many varieties were almost an en- 
tire failure. As soon as I saw the shortage, I began at once tm search for choice 
stock, paying double and, in several cases, almost thrice the usual price, But I 
Got The Peas, and NEW CROP at that. Look out for Old Peas this year. Beware of the ''cheap." I have 
made my prices as low as New Tested Stock can be sold. I could have bought some "low price" peas, but 
I didn't — I Dont Handle That Kind. Varieties marked * are wrinkled. 




This is not only the Earliest Pea in cultivation, but 
is unequalled for yield and regularity of growth. They 
hear a heavy crop of well-filled pods from 8 to 8J6 
inches in length, nearly all of which can be gathered 
at one or two pickings. The vines grow 18 inches high 
and are loaded with these early delicious peas. Their 
flavor is the best and they are by far the earliest and 
finest early pea on the market. This pea has more 
than fulfilled all the claims I have made for it. It 
will make a crop where others fail and will be the first 
in the market. Wherever planted, they have never 
failed to bear abundantly and are THE FIRST. They 
are not an everbearing pea, but produce a large crop, 
mature uniformly and the space can then be used for 
some other vegetable, before other peas are near ma- 
turity. Pkt 5c.; J^pt20c.; pt 80c.; qt50e., postpaid. 
By express or freight, qt 85c. ; 4 qts $1.80 ; peck $2.50. 

♦LITTLE GEM — (Improved Strain) A great im- 
provement over the old Little Gem and is a second 
early of fine flavor. It is of very dwarf growth. Pkt 
5c. ; % pt 20c. ; pt 80c. ; qt 50c., postpaid. By express or 
freight, qt 85c. ; 4 qts $1.30 : peck $2.50. 

♦GRADUS or PROSPERITY — An early wrinkled 
pea, of large size and fine quality. It grows about 30 
inches high, produces long pods 
which are 8 to 5 inches in length 
and contain 8 to 10 peas. This 
pea is a great favorite with gar- 
deners everywhere. Pkt 5c. ; H 
pt 20c. ; pt 30c. ; qt 55c., postpaid. 
By express or freight, qt 40c. ; 4 
qts $1.50; peck $2.75. 

AI.A.SK A — Is an extra early 
pea. The vines grow about two 
feet high. The pods about three 
inches in length and are well 
filled with smooth, round peas 
of good quality. Pkt 5c. ; % pt 
15c. : pt 25c. : qt 45c., postpaid. By 
express or freight, qt 30c. ; 4 Qts 
$1.15; peck $2.25. 

tra early smooth pea. It is hard- 
ly as early as the Alaska, but is 
a good yielder and a great favor- 
ite. Pkt 5c.; % pt 15c.; pt25c; 

?[t 45c, postpaid. By express or 
reight, qtSOc.; 4 qts $1.15; peck 


very popular early, very tender 
and sweet. Vines grow 8 to 10 
inches tall. Pkt 5c. ; % pt 18c. ; 
pt 30c.; qt 50c., postpaid. By ex- 
press or freight, qt 85c.; 4 qts 
$1.30; peck $2.50. 



This is one of the very best dwarf wrinkled peas in cultivation. Is hardy 
and vigorous and can be planted nearly as early as the smooth sorts and will 
mature almost as early. Ordinary cultivation quite frequently matures them 
in 45 days. They grow to a uniform height of about one foot and produce pods 
three Inches in length, containing 7 to 9 large wrinkled peas of superior flavor 
and tenderness. Pkt 6c. : pt 15c. ; pt 25c. ; qt 45c., postpaid. By express or 
freight, qt 80c. ; 4 qts $1.15 ; peck $2.25. 






I first offered the Reliance Pea in 1906 and it im- 
mediately became a favorite with my customers 
everywhere. It is an early wrinkled pea, coming 
just after the smooth varieties. Can be planted as 
soon as the ground can be worked. Vines grow 
about 20 inches high and are simply loaded with 
pods, averaging nine fine, large, wrinkled peas to 
the pod. They are the finest of table peas, the 
flavor being simply delicious, while their large, 
fine appearance make them a profitable market 
pea. I want you to try this grand pea, as I know 
it will prove sat^factory and profitable. Pkt 6c. ; 
H pt 15c. : pt 25c. ; qv ^c, postpaid. By express or 
freight, qt 30c. ; 4 qts fl.lo , peck $2.25. 

•IMP. STRATAGEM — An excellent wrinkled 
pea, with a sturdy vine, growing about 24 inches 
high. It is vigorous, productive, very satisfactory 
and is a great favorite with market gardeners. 
Each seed, as a rule, produces two stalks. The 
pods are extra large size and well filled with deli- 
cious peas. Pkt 5c. ; % pt 15c. ; pt 25c. ; qt 45c., post- 
paid. By express or freight, qt 80c.; 4 qts $1.15: 
peck $2.25. 

•YORKSHIRE HERO— As a main crop, this 
has few equals. Its long, round pods are closely 
filled with large peas of fine flavor. Pkt 5c. ; % pt 
15c. ; pt 25c. ; qt 45c, postpaid. By express or freight 
qt 30c. ; 4 qts $1.15 ; peck $2.25. 

DWARF SUGAR— The best of the edible pod 
peas. It grows to a medium height and is very 

groliflc. Pkt 5c. ; % pt 15c. ; pt 25c. ; qt 40c., postpaid. 
y express or freight, qt 25c. ; 4 qts 90c. ; pk $1.75. 


•BLISS* EVERBEARING — They grow from 18 inches to two 
feet high. The pods are 3 to 4 inches long and well filled with 
large peas of fine quality. They bear continually throughout the 
season. It has a peculiar branching habit, forming as high as ten 
stalks from a single root stalk. I heartily recommend this varie- 
ty as one that will give satisfaction. Pkt 5c, % pt 15c., pt 25c, 
qt 45c., postpaid. By express or freight, qt 30c., 4 qts $1.10 ; peck 
$2.10* . 

•ZIMMERMAN'S MAMMOTH— They grow four feet high 
and the yield is simply enormous. Its tall, healthy vines are 
loaded with giant pods, filled with large peas of excellent flavor. 
Pkt 5c;, y 2 pt 20c., pt 30c., qt 50c., postpaid. By express or freight, 
qt 35c, 4 qts $1.30, peck $2.50. 

•TEIiEPHONE — This is one of the largest peas grown. Vine/ 
grow from 3^ to 4 feet high and are filled with large pods con 
taining 8 to 10 peas of good size and flavor. This is a most excel- 
lent pole or stick pea. Pkt 5c, % pt 15c, pt 25c, qt 45c, postpaid. 
By express or freight, qt 30c, 4 qts $1.15, peck $2.25. 

•CHAMPION OF ENGLAND- A well-known late variety, 
and very popular, being one of the best tall peas. It is superior 
to the common Marrowfat, which it resembles. Pkt 5e., # pt 1 5c, 
pt 25c, qt 45c, postpaid. By express or freight, qt 30c, 4 qts $L 10. 
peck $2.00. ' . 

WHITE MARROWFAT— An old standard smooth pea, grow* 
ing 3 to 5 feet high. It is good for mid-summer or late crop. Pkt 
5c- j Pt 12c, pt 20c. qt 35c, postpaid. By express or freight* qfc. 
20c* 4 qts 75c, peck $1.25. 


NOTICE! Never before has there been suck 
h shortage in Seed Peas. 

Our Peas are put up in dry measure pints and 
measures generally used. Please bear this in mind 
quarts, about % pint per quart more than the 
when making out your order. 




This is one of the oldest and best varieties in cultiva- 
tion. White, sweet, tender and of excellent flavor. 
Pkt 6c; 02 8c; & lb 15c; % lb 26c; lb 40c, postpaid. 

GUKRNSEY— The Roots are short, ending abruptly, 
with a small tap root. Grows below the surface and 
has smooth^ clear skin. Pkt 5c; oz 8c; Vt lb 15c; Vz lb 
2Sc; lb 40c. postpaid. 


CHAMPION MOSS curled — An excellent variety; 
the leaves are finely curled and of a .2ark green color; 
extra fine for garnishing and culinary purposes. Pkt 6c; 
oz 8c; % lb 20c; % lb 35c; lb 60c, postpaid. 

NEW EMERALD —The plants are dwarf and compact 
Leaves a handsome bright green, finely curled. Pkt 5c; 
oz 8c: Y* lb 20c; % lb 35c; lb 60c, postpaid. 

Pumpkins, thanksgiving pie pumpkin. 

MrtTWER'H ttta-vkSGITING PlE— This most excellent variety has 

MOTHER'S THANKSGIVING FIE— This most excellent variety has 
been produced through the careful blending of the best of the sugar 
varieties and as a result, we have the most perfect pie pumpkin ever 
offered. They are not large, but just the proper size for easily handling 
and their Quality Is unsurpassed. If you like Pumpkin Pies, just plant 
some of this Thanksgiving Pie P r . mpkin and see what dellcrous pies you 
will have. Is of orange yellow and the flesh is fine grained and exceed- 
ingly sweet. They are splendid Pkt 5c., oz 10c, % lb20c„lb 60c, postpaid. 

WINTER LUXURY — A beautiful golden russet color, very productlve 4 
fine grained, an excellent keeper and one of the best for pies. Pkt 5c; oa 
8c; & lb 20c; % lb 35c; lb 55c, postpaid. 

KING OF THE MAMMOTH— Th is is also called Jumbo, True Pot Iron 
Mammoth Yellow. It is the largest pumpkin grown, averaging from 100 as 
high as 225 pounds each. Skin is a bright orange yellow; flesh is fine 
grained and of good quality. Pkt 5c; oz 15c; % lb 85c; % lb 56c; lb 95c. 

COMMON FXELD— The well-known old Conn, field variety. Grows well 
among corn. Stock feeding. Pkt *c; «z 8c; % lb 15e; % lb 25c; lb 40c, 

JAPANESE PIE— The flesh is very thick, fine grained and sweet, having a sweet potato flavor- The seed cavity is small 
and in one end, while large neck is solid meat. They ripen early and are very desirable as a pie or cooking pumpkin. Pkt Sc., 
>z 10c, \i lb 25c, l A lb 40c., lb 75c, postpaid. 

CASH AW— Popular variety. Sometimes called Crooknecked. Has yellow flesh, solid and sweet. Pkt 5c., oz 8c, M lb 20c. 
% lb 35c, lb 60c, postpaid 

TENNESSEE SWEET POTATO— Medium size, creamy white color ; fine for cooking and makes excellent pies. Pkt 5c, oz 
10c ., H lb 25c, y z lb 40c, lb 75c, postpaid. ~ 

Choice Peppers.^ 

THE NEW MAMMOTH— The largest and finest red pepper. As large as Pro- 
coop's Giant and as mild as Ruby King. This is a new variety and one that 
will become very popular. The long fine fruits are of a brilliant scarlet, but 
mud enough to eat like tomatoes and have a pleasant flavor. They grow 6 to 
f inches in length and 4 to 6 inches in thickness. They are very shy seeders, 
which makes T the seed scarce and of high price. You should certainly piano this 
grand new variety. Include a packet with your order. Pkt 5c, y 2 oz 15c, oz 
25c, 34 lb 75c, postpaid. 

RUBY KING— A large red variety of handsome appearance. Grows four to 
Six inchfs S length aSfthrte to four Inches through They are so mild and 
sweet that they can be sliced in vinegar and eaten. Pkt 5c; % 02 10c, az 15c, 
%, lb 50c, postpaid. 

CEDESTIAfc — Plants grow to a height of two feet and bear heavily. Up to 
the time they are fully grown they are a rich creamy y^^J*™™?. * 
bright scarlet when ripe. This is a very useful pepper. Pkt 5c; Yz oz 12c; oz 
20c; ^4 lb 60c, postpaid. 

PROCOPP'S GIANT — This has long been the giant of the pepper family,. 
Covered with peppers from 7 to 9 inches long and Just mild enough to be pleas- 
ant to the taste. Pkt 5c; Vz oz 12c; oz 20c; % lb 60c. postpaid. 

- IiONG REB, CAYENNE— The old true red variety; fruit conical shaped, red 
In color and the flesh is strong and hot. 'Pkt 5c; % oz 10c; oz 15c; % lb 50c, post- NEW MAMMOTH. 

Pai< RED.CHIIiI-Thetrue Red Chili pepper. Small, bright red and very hot. Pkt 5c, % oz 12c. , oz 20c . , 34 lb 6C«, postpaid, 
T ARGE BEIX or SWEET SPANISH— Suitable for filling with cabbaere, etc and for mixed pickle ; an early variety an* 
ess pungent than most sorts . Scarlet, Color. Pk;t 5c z?k pz 12c, oz 20c . , 34 lb 50c . postpaid. 

©OLDEN DAWN MANGO-Resembles Lar«e Bell in shape, but tbe color is a beautiful golden yellow, making them verj 
\ttractive. Pkt 5c, % oz 12c, 0/ 20c, 34 lb 60c, postpaid. 

liii-M^ Ul AST— Double the size of Kuby King and is early, notwithstanding its large size. The flesh is ^mild 
and unusually thick and of glossy color. Makes an excellent salad sliced and served like tomatoes. Pkt. 10c; % 02. 
ttc; oz. 40c; % lb. $1.25, postpaid. 




My Radish seed is largely French grown. 

of strong germination. 

You will find it fresh and 


An extra early Radish of large size and fine crisp flavor. As early 
as the earliest and twice the size, but never gets pithy. Round turnip- 
shaped; skin rich crimson, flesh pure white. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 25c; 
% lb. 40c; lb. 75c, postpaid 

MflW LIGHTNING RADISH — The growth and maturity is very rapid 
and it is the earliest variety we have been able to find. We feel we can 
assure our customers that when they plant this Lightning Radish, they 
will have early radishes many days before others. It is a beautiful va- 
riety; dark red in color and round in shape. As tenderness is the result 
of rapid growth, this variety is unsurpassed in both tenderness and flavor, 
Pks. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 25c; % lb. 40c; lb. 75c, postpaid. 


Very early, medium 
size, round and a 
clear pure write. Of 
mild, sweet flavor 
and will bear the 
heat without becom- 
ing spongy. Is also 
good - for forcing. 
Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % 
lb. 20c; Y 2 lb. 35c: 
lb. 60c, postpaid 

GLOBE — Very early, 
mild, crisp and ten- 
der. Pkt. 5c; oz. 
10c; % lb. 20c; % 
lb. 35c; lb. 60c, post- 



CRIMSON GIANT — New type of radish attaining a size more than double any other forcing radish, without get- 
ting hollow or pithy. They are round turnip-shaped and often reach 6 to 8 inches in circumference. Their pure white 
flesh remains firm. crist> and mild, despite their large size. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; *4 lb. 20c; % lb. 35c: lb. 60c, postpaid. 

Jf-RENCH BREAK-FAST — As shown by the 
illustration, this is a beautiful radish; very, 
early, bright scarlet, with white tip. It is one 
of the very best for family use. Pkt. 5c; oz. 
10c; % lb. 20c; V 2 lb. 30c; lb. 50c. 


ROSY GEM — Perfect globe shape, deep red 
on top and white at bottom. One of the earli- 
est varieties in cultivation. Crisp, tender and 
do not become hollow or pithy. Desirable for 
forcing under glass. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; X A lb. 
20c; % lb. 35c; lb. 60c, postpaid. 


NEW LEAFLESS.— This is a very fine Radish and attracts attention 
both on the market and in the garden, because of the beautiful color 
and shape of the radish and the small amount of leaves it produces. 
The color of skin is a very bright scarlet, while the flesh is white, 
crisp and tender. It is a decided acquisition to the garden and table. 
Matures quickly; is a shy seeder, which causes the seed to be scarce 
and high. You will find it one of the very best. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % 
lb. 25c; % lb. 40c; lb. 75c, postpaid. 


Early White, Olive Shaped — A very 
?arly and handsome variety, pure white 
n color. So early is this variety that 
nany claim it as the earliest radish in 
cultivation, and it is certainly one of the 
very best. It is crisp, tender and of 
good flavor. Has small top. The cor- 
rect shape is shown dn the illustration. 
Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 20c; % lb. 30c; 
lb. 50c, postpaid. 

White Strasburg— The roots are oblong, 
both skin and flesh pure white, flesh firm 
crisp and tender and retains these qual- 
ities even when old. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; 
% lb. 18c; % lb.- 30c; lb. 50c, postpaid, 

Watch My Seeds Tahc Root and Grow, 


EARLY SCARLET TURNIP, WHITE TIPPED. — For outdoor culture, this' variety has no superior , and has been 
a leading market radish for several years. It is in great demand by the most critical growers, and we have the finest 
stock. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % lb. 15c; y 2 lb. 30c; lb. 50c, postpaid. 



Choice Long Radishes. 

NEW WHITE ICICLE— Pure white, long And Blender. The ear 
liest of the long white radishes ; as early as the Long Scarlet Short Tot 
and more desirable for forcing in open ground. They are crisp and 
tender and remain so a long time. We recommend this as an extra 
good radish. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, & lb 20c, % lb 35c, lb 60c„ postpaid. 

CHARTIERS — Long scarlet white tipped, Scarlet at the top and 
shading to r J ^k in the center, with a clear white tip. Tender, crisi 
and mild and a favorite with market gardeners. Pkt 5c, oz 10c; 34 It 
20c, H ib 35c, lb 60c, postpaid. 

LONG SCARLET SHORT TOP — This is the standard long varie 
ty for home and market. They are long, straight, smooth, a rich scarlet 
color, crisp and of superior flavor. As early as the round varieties and 
grow 5 to 7 inches long and half out of the ground. Pkt 5c. , oz 10cc, % 
lb 20c , }£ lb 30c. lb 60c . , postpaid. 

GER — One of the very best long 
white radishes and is a very pop- 
ular variety . Is a great favorite 
with market gardeners, being ol 
attractive shape, sweet and mild 
with brittle flesh. While an old 
standard radish, the demand is 
greater each year. Our seed of 
this variety is very select. Per 
pkt 5c, oz 10c, M lb 200., %\b 
80c, lb 60c, postpaid. 

This variety is sometimes called 
Celestial. They grows 12 to 15 
inches long and 3 inches in di- 
ameter and is one of the finest of 
the large varieties. Pkt 5c, oz 
10c, % lb 20c, % l"b 35c, lb 60c, 
postpaid . 

WINTER— An extra large, fine 
fall radish. Pure white flesh and 
is tender and solid. They grow 
from 8 to 12 inches long and of 
perfect shape. While these rad- 
ishes grow to an enormous size, 
they do not become woody, as do 
some large varieties, but are of 
goodqualiiy. Pkt 5c, oz 10c„ }£ 
lb 20c, M lb 35c, lb 60c, postpaid. 

ROSE CHINA WINTER — Also called Scarlet Winter, A large 
fine shaped radish of half-long shape and rose colored skin ; flesh white 
and mild. A good winter keeper and very showy . Pkt 5c. , oz 10c, V A - 
lb 20c, % Ib85c,lb60c„ postpaid. 

White Icicle. 

Long Scarlet Shoet Top. 

LONG BLACK SPANISH— A favorite winter radish and is an ex- 
cellent keeper. A large black-skinned radish, with firm white flesh ol 
pungent; vor. They keep easily until spring, making them most 
valuabl <or those who wish good keepers. Pkt 5c , oz 10c ., \i lb 25c„ ^ 
lb 85c, lb 70c, postpaid. 

ImnnHani iTa^i^ PLANT TESTED SEED. The seed I offer has been 
■* MM.M.J^K^R lulll E> CAV*ldS thoroughly tested ; was all grown under special contracts 
and at ideal growing places. It is pedigreed seed and true to name. My seeds are planted yearly all over 
the world ; in Every State, Territory and Possession of the United States. I have more than doubled my 
facilities since last year and I promise your order will receive Prompt and Careful attention. 

Very truly yours, J. S ZIMMERMAN. 




We offer the best and most popular varieties, Our seed is fresh, 
Thoroughly Tksted and unsurpassed by any on the market, and the 
prices as low as good seed can be sold. 

WARTY HUBBARD— This is the ideal Hubbard for home and 
market use. It is more largely advertised than any other va- 
riety. It is very sweet and considered superior to the other 
varieties by many. The longest keeper and best shipper. Pkt 
5c; oz 10c; & lb 25c; % lb 45c; lb 80 3., postpaid. 

IMPROVED MAMMOTH HUBBARD— A select strain of the 
celebrated Hubbard Squash and noted for its immense s 
It is more attractive than the other varieties of Hubbard 
Squashes on account of its large size and is the equal of the 
other varieties in quality. Plant some of our Improved Mam- 
moth Hubbard seed this year. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; % lb 25c, postpaid. 

GOLDEN HUBBARD— Deep orange-yellow; very attractive; 
fine grained, cooks well and is of superior flavor. In quality 
and productiveness it exceeds the old varieties. Try it. Pkt 5c; 
oz 10c; % lb 25c; % lb 45c; lb 80c, postpaid. 

Known through the South as "CymUng." A 
beautiful clear waxy white. Of fine quality Pkt 
5c; oz 10c; *i lb 20c; y 2 lb 35c; lb 75c, postpaid. 

PIKE'S PEAK or SIBLEY— Owing to the 
hardness of the shell, this is one jof the best 
shippers. Skin is smooth of greenish gray color; 
flesh is golden orange color and very solid. Pkt 
5c; oz 8c; hi lb 25c; % lb 40c; lb 75c, postpaid. 

SUMMER CROOKNECK— This is the best 
summer variety; is very early, large size and 
warty, which adds to its value: color is bright 
yeiiow. Pkt 5c; oz 10c; *4 lb 20c; Ms lb 35c; lb 
65c, postpaid. 

MARBLEHEAD — About the size of the 
Hubbard and shell of bluish-green. Pkt 5c; oz 
10c; ^4 lb 25c; % lb 45c; lb 80c, postpaid. 

BOSTON MARROW — Oval in form; skin 
bright orange and flesh yellow. Pkt 5c; oz 10c * 
^4 lb 20c; % lb 35c; lb 75c, postpaid. 

MAMMOTH CHILI— While not a new variety, it is a magnificent squash. The largest variety ever 
introduced, weight ranging from 100 to 200 lbs. Is very prolific and hardy; flesh is solid, of a beautiful 
orange color. Beware of cheap seed of this variety. Pkt. 5c. ; oz 10c. ; % Id 30c . ; K lb 55c. ; lb $1.00 postpaid 

SALSIFY or Vegetable Oyster. 

—The very best variety grown. I* 
fully twice the size of any other 
variety and of better quality. The 
leading variety among both market 
and private gardeners. Pkt 5c; o» 
loe; % lb 85c; % lt> 60c; lb $1.00 post- 


NEW LONG STANDING— The best and most popu- 
lar variety grown; leaves are large, thick and crumpled. 
It stands longer before going to seed than any other 
variety. Pkt 5c; oz 6c; ^4 lb 12c; y z lb 20c; lb 35c, postpaid. 

BOUND THICK LEAVED .-Grows large, thick dark 
green leaves, slightly crumpled. Pkt 5c; oz 6c; lb 12c; 
% lb 20c; lb 35c; postage prepaid. 

BLOOMSDALE or SAVOY LEAF— A great favorite with 
market gardeners. Has dark, thick, leaves and is perfectly 
hardy ; fine for fall sowing. Pkt 5c, oz 8c, & lb 12c., & lb 20c., 
lb 36c., postpaid. 

PRICKLY WINTJER-Will stand the severest weather with 
light straw protection. Leaves are oblong or arrow shaped. 
Pkt 5c., 02 6c. , »4 lb 12c, y% lb 20c, lb 35c, postpaid. 


We Have them. All Fresh and 
True to Name. The finest MarKtt 
Gardeners and most critical Pri- 
vate Planters txse Zimmerman's 
Seed exclusively. YOU TRY THEM 




Our Tomato seed is grown for us by the most skillful 
growers in the World. You will find our descriptions 
accurate and reliable, and our seed the VERY BEST. 
Let us prove it to you this year. 


EaTHest Tomato In the World. 

This variety is truly an Early Wonder and stands without a rival in the early field. Produces Us ,bean- 
tiful lucious fruit long before tomatoes are even thought of. This is not to be compared with the so- 
called earlies offered by many seedsmen, but is a superior tomato and THE BEST OF THF, EARLIES. It 
Is of good size, perfectly smooth, round and of a beautiful rich red color. Its earliness, smoothness, super- 
ior quality and handsome appearance makes it the grandest Tomato ever introduced. Market gardners 
can reap a rich harvest by getting the early fancy prices for the first tomatoes. The demand for this 
Variety has been so great the past two seasons that our supply of seed was exhausted before the seasons 
*yere one-half over. We hope those who were disappointed in not being able to try this grand tomato 
•last season will order early this year. From all reports, indications are, the demand will be still greater 
this year, and, while we have a very large stock on hand, we advise early orders. Send in your orders 
At once. Pkt. 5c; Vz oz. 20c; oz. 35c; % lb. $1.25, postpaid, 

JUNE PINK— A pink-fruited earlv variety. As early as the Earliana and absolutely blight proof. They stand ship- 
ping well and always brin'g the' very 'highest prices. They are solid, have very few seed cavities and are of excellent 
flavor. They are already a great favorite with market gardeners. Pkt. 5c; V* oz. 10c; oz. 20c; lb. 60c; % lb. $1.10; 
lb. $2.20, postpaid. 

EABIIANA- This variety originated in New Jersey, where competition to be first in the market is very great. It 
Is a shy seeder. Planted by market gardeners because of earliness and fine appearance. Pkt. 5c; % oz. 12c; oz. 20c; % 
lb. 70 c, postpaid. 

CHALK'S EARLY JEWEL — A grand tomato and a favorite with gardeners. Is not as early as either the Earliana 
or my Early Wonder, but larger and very meaty. It is a fine early tomato. Pkt. 5c; % oz. 10c; oz. 20c; % lb. 60c; 
% lb. $1.10, postpaid 




ZIMMERMAN'S TREE— The very finest of the tree 
tomatoes and earlier than the varieties generally offered. 
Has a stout, stocky stem and stands np well, producing 
its bright glossy red fruit in grea't abundance. Fruit is 
round, few seeds, solid and excellent flavor. The fruit is 
produced in clusters and each cluster ripens evenly. It 
Isa fine shipper and good keeper. Pkt 5c, J4 oz 15c, oz 
25c, M lb 80c, postpaid. 

GOI/D DtTST-(Red)Takes its name from the pec Jiar 
leaves, which glisten in the sun. It is the largest per- 
fectly smooth tomato, being as smooth as an appT- 
Purplish-red. Ekt 5<>., y 2 oz ^5c, oz 25c-, J£ lb 75c, postpai4 

MAGNUS— One of the? handsomest large sorts and i& 
unsurpassed in quality. Form is perfect, uniform and at- 
tractive; flesh firm. Ripens evenly to the stem and 
yields heavy. Pkt 5c, % oz 15c, oz 25c, M lb 65c, postpaid. 

PARAGON —Large, solid, smooth as an apple 
and deep red. Pkt 5c; y 2 oz 12c; oz 20c; ^4 lb 50c, 

GOLDEN QUJEEN--A grand yellow variety of superior 
flavor: unsurpassed as a table variety. As smooth as any 
of the red varieties and of distinct rich flavor. Pkt 5c, 
% oz 10c, oz 20c, M lb 50c, postpaid. 

RED PJEAR — Fruit is small and pear-shaped: fine for 
preserving and pickling. Pkt 5c, %ozl5c, oz25c, % lb 
75c , postpaid. „ i 

YELLOW PEAK— Same as the Red Pear except color, 
which is bright yellow. Pic; 5c, % oz 15c, oz 25c„ M lb 
75c, postpaid. 


KANSAS STANDARD — Is a potato-leaved tomato and produces its beautiful fruit in clusters. 
Is of vigorous growth, strong heavy stalks which stand up well unless pulled down by the abundant fruit. 
Vines grow three feet high, but begin setting its fruit when only about six inches high ; fruit is a bright 
glossy red, round, good size, very few seeds, ripens evenly to the stem and is produced in clusters. Is an 
extra good keeper, and, because of its thick skin, is a fine shipper and resists the attacks of insects, which 
are so destructive to some varieties, Pkt 5c, Yz oz 15c, oz 25c „ J£ lb 70c, postpaid. 

main crop tomato and has been 
the standard market gardener 
variety for years. In spite of 
the many new varieties, th ; s old 
favorite maintains its place as 
one of the finest large fruited, 
red tomatoes and is reliable in 
every way. The fruit a very rich 
cardinal red, firm and not liable 
to crack. They are very large 
3ize and grow uniform through 
the entire season. Good keepers,' 
as ripe specimens have kept 
several weeks, thereby making 
them a most valuable variety, 
Our seed of this tomato is grown 
for us by one of the foremost 
tomato seed growers in America 
and is fresh and true to name. 
Pkt 5c , % oz 12c, oz 20c, % lb 
30c, % lb $1.10, lb $2.00, post- 

Our Seed is Tested 
Plant the Best. 
Our Seed is Fresh, 


TOMATOES Continued on Next Page. 



We have no hesitancy in saying this is absolutely the LARGEST TOMATO IN THE WORLD. 
They are simply tremendous and the quality is excellent. It is a handsome red, very solid, few seeds 
and free from rot; ripens from July until killed by frost. The vines are robust and produc their enor- 
mous fruit in great abundance. This is indeed something entirely new in the Tomato world. Try our 
Giant this year and see what grand Tomatoes you get. Despite the efforts of the "windy" sensational 
seedsmen to equal this grand tomato, WE STILL LEAD. Try it — the price is right. Pkt 5c. ; X oz 15c. ? 
oz 25c. ; % lb 75c, postpaid 

NEW STONE — The great main x crop tuuialo 
and has been called king of the Livingston 
kinds, 'which excel as large smooth solid to- 
matoes. Color is a fine scarlet and they ripen 
evenly to the stem without a crack. If in 
doubt as to which kind to plant, take this, 
as they are fine. Pkt. 5c; % oz. 10c; oz. 20c; 
% lb. 60c; % lb. $1.10; lb. $2.20, postpaid. 

PONDEROSA — A very large purple variety; 
very solid, with but few seed cells. Planted 
in good soil and pruned to one stem, produce 
fruit from one lb. up. Pkt. 5c; V2 oz. 15c; oz. 
25c; 1,41b. 90c; V2 lb. $1.75; lb. $3.50, postpaid. 

BEAUTY — Smoothest and best of the large 
purple sorts. Vigorous grower, producing large 
fruit in great abundance. Fruit is large, very 
smooth and purplish-pink. Pkt. 5c; % oz. 10c; 
oz. 20c; % lb. 60e, postpaid. 

ACME — Superior purplish red tomato; is very 
solid and fine quality. Pkt. 5c; Vz oz. 12c; oz. 
20c; V4, lb. 60c, postpaid. 

TROPHY — A standard late variety. Large, 
red smooth and solid. Pkt. 5c; V 2 oz. 12c; oz. 
20c; *4 lb. 60c, postpaid. 

ENORMOUS— An exceedingly large red to- 
mato of good quality. Pkt. 5c; Vz oz. 15c; oz. 
25c; % lb. 80c. postpaid. 

ROYAL RED— An extra large solid Tomato 
of fine quality. Bright red, smooth and does 
not crack. Has few seeds and is a splendid 
keeper. Pkt. 5c; % oz. 10c; oz. 20c; %, lb. 60c; 
% lb. $1.10; lb. $2.20, postpaid. 




Garden Turnips. 

KABLY WHITJE MILAN — The earliest of all. On account of its 
beautiful shape and extreme earliness, this takes the front place among 
Turnips. It is so smooth and neat in appearance as to give the impres- 
sion it was polished by hand. The foliage is scant and short. Both the 
skin and flesh is snowy white. I have select seed of this fine turnip. 
Pkt 5c. ; oz 10c. ; # lb 25e. ; % lb 40c. ; lb 75c, postpaid. 

PURPJLE TOP MILAN— This is a popular variety and is a good 
early turnip. It is quite smooth with a purple top. Pkt 5c, ; oz 10c. ; \i 
lb 25c. ; y 2 lb 40c. ; lb 75c, postpaid. 

EARLY FLAT BUTCH— An excellent early turnip and largely used 
in the South. Roots are of medium size, flat, color white. A good table 
variety, but gets inferior when over-grown. Pkt 5c : oz 10c. ; & lb 20c. ; 
% lb 80c ; lb 50c, postpaid. 

PURPLE TOP STRAP LEAVED— A standard variety and more generally planted than any other garden turnip. Round, 
flat, good flavor, fine grained and fine keepers. A great market turnip and good for both early and late planting, Pkt 5c. ; oz 8c; 
& lb 15c ; % lb 25c ; lb 50c, postpaid. 

GOLDEN BALL— Sometimes called Orange Jelly. This is undoubtedly one of the finest grained and sweetest yellow fieshed 
turnips. Medium size, ball shape, firm and a good keeper. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, H lb 18c, % lb 25c, lb 50c, postpaid. 

WHITE EGG — A rapid grower; egg shaped arid pure white. It grows half out of the ground. The flesh is sweet, mild and 
firm and is never rank or strong. Pkt 5c ; oz 8c ; % lb 18c ; lb 25c ; lb 50c, postpaid. 

LARGE WHITE GLOBE— A free growing turnip, suitable for table and stock. Succeeds the flat varieties in autumn and is 
a solid turnip of good size and fine flavor. Pkt 5c, oz 8c, y± lb 18c, y 2 lb 25c, Ih 50c, postpaid. 

COW HORN— Grows long, is an excellent cooking turnip, with a fine flavor. Pkt 5c, oz 8c, \ lb 18c„ ^ lb 25c, lb 50c, postpaid 

SEVEN TOP— Cultivated for the tops which are used for greens. Is very hardy an$ will grow all winter, but does not produce 
a good root. Pkt 5c, oz'8c, % lb 18c„ ^ lb 25c, lb 50c, postpaid. 

Rutabaga or 
5wede Turnips. 

ZIMMERMAN'S HEAVY CROPPER— I consider this the King of 
Swede turnips. I believe it to be the heaviest, hardiest, best shaped and 
most productive. The flesh is a rich yellow, of fine flavor; it is an ex- 
excellent keeper ; a fine feeder and a most profitable variety in every 
way. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, % lb 18c, ^ lb 25c, lb 50c, postpaid. 

MAMMOTH RED TOP GLOBE— (Strap Leaved). A free growing 
variety and useful for both table and stock. Not as rapid as the flat 
varieties, but a fine autumn turnip and a good table variety in early 
winter. Pkt 5c, oz 8c, % lb 15c, lb 25c, lb 45c, postpaid. 

the. best varieties for table and stock feeding. Keeps hard and brittle 
until summer and is an exceedingly heavy cropper. I consider this one 
of the best. Pkt 5c„ oz 8c, ^4 lb 15c, ^ lb 25c, lb 45c, postpaid. 

I carry a complete line of 

Poultry Supplies. 




BRU&SELrtS SPROUTlS. , ^MCTION-ResemWeB miniature cabbage. Very tender, of excel- 
. ^ u \. J V , lent flavor and hardy. Grows a stem some two feet in height, producing 

sprouts about 2 inches in diameter. Pkt 6c, oz 15c, M lb 50c, % 1 b 90c, lb $1.65, postpaid. . 

BROCCOLI, ^?^w A ^n^ H ^ Sow early in spring, transplant and cultivate 

" .rf like Cabbage. Will head in Oct or Nov. Should any plants be backward and uot ready for use 

before severe frost, they may be removed to a light cellar, and will h ead during the winter Pkt 5c, oz 25c H lb 90c postpaid. 

CHICO R Y- 5^°,? BOOTED— Used as a substitute for coffee . Of easy cultivation and should be in every gar- 
. „ , \ j* en - CttltiyatesameasCarrots:rootssliouldbetakeuupinthefall,cut into smalt pieces and dried 

like apples. Vhen wanted for use, should be roasted and ground. We would like our customers to try this as we believe you 
will be pleased. Pkt 6c. , oz 10c, & lb 25c, Vfc lb 40c , lb 75c postpaid. 

CO LLARDS. £? ORC tf£- or SOUTHERN — The most satisfactory variety. Largely grown in the South for 
y v *^ < *^ vJ * "Greens" bearing new leaves as the old ones are pul led off. Pkt 5c,T oz 10c , % lb 30c, postpaid. 

FND IVE. GREEN CURLED—The best variety. Preferred to lettuce by those who have tried it. When leaves are 
r*; -fr* 7. ~* 6 fc ? 8 inehes long, tie together at top wil~ a string, to blanch . Makes a fine salad. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, V, it 
85c, % lb 60c , lb $1.10 postpaid * '* 

GARLI C E? e £ f ?£ fla J or j n ? soups, stews, etc. Plant in spring about 6 inches apart, the tops will die iu August and 
,f W W# tne bulbs should then be gathered. Choice sets 35c per lb., 3 lbs 90c postpaid. By express or freight at 
25c per ID. 

"The most critical Market Gardeners and Private Planters purchase their seed of us. Everything we 
©fifer was grown especially for us, and is Fresh, Pure and of the Highest Quality. 


DWARF GREEN CURLED— -This is select stock, hardier than cabbage; leaves are 
curled like parsley. Tender and of excellent flavor. Has no superior for greens. Eee 
pkt 5c. ; oz 10c, postpaid. 

Siberian— Low, Spreading habit; not so curly as Dwarf Green. Per pfet ec ; ox 1Q&, 


^^^^ IV^V Ol* Gr\JMBO WHITE VEIjVET~The finest variety. ^ The pods can be split and stored foi 

Our Book, "SUCCESS WITH SEEDS," is FREE with a One Dollar Order. 

WHITE VELVET— The finest variety. The pods can be split i 
winter soups. Pkt 5c, oz 10c„ H lb 25c. % lb 40c. lb 75c. postpaid, 


LARGE PURPLE— Y<iry smooth and of dark color. The VICTORIA GIANT — The standard variety. It is 

Surt preferred by market gardeners of all sections. Pkt 5c, very large, quick growth and fine flavor. Pkt 6c; oz 
5£oz25c,oz 40c, J4 Id $1.25, postpaid. 12c; % lb 40c; Ms lb 75c; lb $1,35, postpaid. 

F W ¥C I^ARGE LONDON— Is claimed to be more delicate than the onion, for soup. Sow in seed bed middle of spring 
L#JC* and transplant in rows 8 inches apart. Pkt 5c, oz 10c, H lb 30c, % lb 50c, postpaid, 

Ml T^T Altn GIANT SOUTHERN CURLED— Flavor sweet and pungent. Large leaves, often measuring 12 to 
~* V/ M. r^tvi/* i4 inches. Rea*^ for use 6 weeks after sowing, Pkt 5c , oz 8c , U lb 20c. lb 60c, postpaid. 

WHITE MUSTARD— Leaves are light gwen, mild and tender. Pkt 5c, oz 8c. U lb 15c, % lb 25c, lb 40c postpaid. 

BROWN MUSTARD— Stronger and more pungent than the White. Pkt 5c, oz 8o., % lb 15c, % lb 25c, lb40e, postpaid. 

D IT A TtfT TTMJ WHITE— Combines earliness, size and proliflcness, Pkt 5c, & pt 12c, pt 20c M at S5c, postpaid* Br 
rK^VW^* 1 ^ express or freight, pk 70c, ^bu $3.80, bu (22 lbs) $2.50. u»™u*w *>r 

CRFiSS nr PEPPER CRAiStV EARLY CURLED-A well-known salad. Sowatinter- 
WXV£#t90 CP*" ri^rri!/IV WrVf*.fc3fc3<i vals all sea8on . Pkt5c.,ozl0c, %lb 25c, postpaid. 

TRUE WATER—Is quite distinct from the Garden Cress and only thrives when its roots and stems are in water. Sow the 
seed along the border of running water. Pkt 5c, oz 30c, % lb $1 .00 postpaid. 

flO¥ Til T) Very ornamental and useful. We have the following sorts: Nest Egg— White and makes a fine nest 

^*W*vm^*y» egg Dipper -Useful as dippers. Hercules Club— Longest gourd grown Sugar Trough— Has 
thick, tough shell. Very durable. Mixed— All kinds, shapes and description . Price of any, pkt 5c, postpaid. 

DISH CLOTH GOURD Or SDOnOC Vll\e. Thisoldwell-kn own gourd has 
j rT^T T * o , T recently been called Sponge Vine 

and many wonderful things claimed for it. It really make^» ». grand vine and is a wonderful climber. Pkt 5c, postpaid. 

THE SEEDS TO PLANT. We htve them. All ou* seeds are fresh, pure and 
thoroughly tested. They please the most exacting market gardeners. We want to please YOU ' 

H FR R^i ANTRKf-Used for seasoning; seeds have an agreeable taste, i^kt. 5 cts. 
***-* > *^s-*^« BORAGE— Leaves are used for flavoring, flowers good food for bees. Pkt.5 cts. 
CARAWAY — Grown for the seeds, which are used for flavoring bread and pastry* Pkt. 5 cts. 
CATNIP— Used for bee pasture, flavoring and teas. Pkt. 5 cts. 

CORIANDER— Seeds are used in manufacture of confectionery and beverages. Pkt. 5 cts. 

DTLT,— The seeds have an aromatic odor and are used largely for pickling with cucumbers. Pkt. 5 eta, 

HO REWOUND— Used for medicinal qualities, mostly for cough remedies. Pkt. S cts. 

HOP S"FVF7D — Pkt. 15 cts.; 2 for 25 cts. / 

LA VFJND'RR — Used for sweet odor in making of perfume. Pkt. 5 cts. 

SAFFRON— Used for coloring and flavoring certain dishes. Pkt. 5 cts. 

SAOT3— More usen" than any other herb for seasoning. Pkt 5 cts. 

BTTMMT3 R SAVORY— Used for flavoring soups and dressings. Pkt. 5 cts. 

W1JNT KR SAVORY— Used for flavoring soups. Pkt. 5 cts. 

THYME— Used for seasoning and medicinal qualities. Pkt 6 cts. 


Complete Garden Collections. 

We have prepared the following collections very carefully and believe they cover the requirement of 
the average private garden. They are from oar regular High Grade stock, fresh and pur*, and you will 
find them great money savers, as we have fixed the pr ice v ery low. READ T HEM OAEEf 'ULLY. 


We fend you 39 full size packets, postage paid for only $LOO« 

Asparagus— Palmetto. Beans— Rust Preaf Wax. Red Valentine. Bush Lima. Beet— Egyptian . Lentz. Cabbage* 
Excra Early. I,ate Variety. Carrot— Dan ver's Half Loner. Celery— White Plume Sweet Corn— Evergreen. Cu- 
cumber— Zimmerman's Earliest. Lettuce— Zimmerman's Earliest . Improved Hanson. Musk Melon— Montreal 

Market. Watermelon-Kolb's Gem. Kentucky Wonder. Onion-Large Red Wether sfield. Yellow Globe Danvers. Peas 
— Nott's Excelsior. Yorkshire Hero. Parsnip- Hollow Crown Sugar. Pepper -Ruby King. Cayenne. Pumpkin- 
Thanksgiving Pie. Radish-New Lightning. Long Searlet Short Top. Spinach-New Long Standing Salsify-Mam- 
moth Sandwich Island. Squash-Hubfeard. Tomato- Paragon. Gold Dust (Red) Turnip-Early Flat Dutch. Yellow 
Purple Top, In addition, you may select 25c worth, in packets. FREE. AH postpaid for $1.00. 

$1.00 Box. HOME GARDEN. $1.00 Box. 

Regular value $2.20. For cmly $LOO we send this collection postpaid to any address. 
^ Beans -y 2 pint Early Red Valentine., V 2 pint Rust Proof Wax. Pkt Bush Lima. Beet-Pkt Blood Turnip. Cabbage 
— Pkt Extra Early. Pkt Late. , Carrot-Fkt Ox-Heart. Sweet Com- y 2 pt Evergreen. Cucumber -Pkt Long Green. 
Egg Plant- Pkt Large Purple. Lettuce-Pkt Zimmerman's Earliest. Pkt Improved Hanson. Musk Melon- Pkt Early 
Hackensack. Watermelon- -Pkt Peerless. Onion-Pkt Yellow Globe Danvers. Parsmp-Pkt Hollow Crown Sugar. 
Peas- % pt Yorkshire Hero. Pkt Nott's Excelsior. Radish- Pkt French Breakfast. Pkt I<ong Scarlet Short Tep. Squash 
Pkt Summer Variety, Tomato-Pkt Gold Dust (Red) Turnip- Pkt White Flat Dutch. 

In addition, you may select 25c« worth in packets FREE, making the value of this collection $2.20, 
which' we are offering for ONLY $1.00, postpaid. 

$2;00 Box. THE FAMILY GARDEN. $2.00 Box. 

This collection has proven very popular and will supply the average family with choice vegetables the 
entire season. Is sent by express, not prepaid, for ONLY $2.00. Our seeds have a rate of 20 per cent less 
than regular merchandise, making the cost light. r 

Beans- Pint Rust P roof Wax . Pint Red Valentine. l A pin t Bush IAma. Beet- Oz Blood Turnip. Cabbage-Pkt 

Early. Pkt I<ate. Carrot-Pkt Half Long Danvers. Sweet Corn-££ pint Early, pint StqwelPe Evergreen. Cucum- 
t>er~Pkt Zimmerman's Earliest. Pkt I/>ng Green . JEgg Plant-Pkt Larse Purple. Leek— Pkt. Lettnce-SSiinmer- 
man's Earliest. Pkt Improved Hanson. Musk Melon- Early I<a*ge . ' Pkt Montreal Market. < Watermelon-Oz Moun- 
tain Sweet, Oz Kolb's Gem. Onion-Pkt Yellow Danvers. Pkt Brown Australian. Parsley-Pkt. Parsnip-Pkt Hollow 
Crown Sugar, Peas-Pint Nott's Excelsior. Pint Everbearing. y 2 pint I4ttle Gem. Pepper-Pkt Ruby King. Pkt Cay 
enne. Pnmpkin-Pkt Sugar. Radish-Oz New Lightning . Pkt White Icicle. Pkt I<ong Scarlet Short Top. 
—Pkt. Spinach-Pkt, Squa»h-Pkt Summer. Pkt Hubbard, Tomato-Pkt Early Wonder. Pkt Western Giant 
-Pkt White Milan. 

In addition, you may select 50c. worth in paokets FBBE, making this a grand collection. 


Zimmerman's "Early Bird" collection. 

7 Packets for 25c Postpaid. 

The EARLY BIRD COLLECTION, offered last year for the first time, proved so popular, I have 
decided to make it a regular feature, changing the varieties as new ones of merit suggest an im- 
provement. Each and every one of the varieties have been selected with the greatest possible care, 
both as to extra earliness and quality. 

I am especially desirous that you try this collection and in order to get you to do this make 
this special offer: I will send one packet each of the 7 varieties to your address, postpaid, for 
only 25c. 

This is undoubtedly the greatest of all Wax Beans. The pods, are round, absolutely stringless, 
very tender and of fine flavor. In fact I believe it to be as near perfection as is possible. I want 
you to give this bean a fair trial this year and I know you will be pleased. While the seed costs 
me much more than any other bean, I have made the price low and as a special inducement have 
placed it in my "Early Bird Collection.' , Pkt. 5c; % pt. 15c; pt. 25c; qt 40c, postpaid. By express or 
freight, qt. 25c; 4 qts. 80c; pk. $1.50. 


My diligent search for something extra early and at the same time of superior quality in the Beet 
line was rewarded by finding this one, which is truly an EARLY JEWEL. The trouble with most 
early beets seems to be their small size, pale color and not very good quality. This is entirely over- 
come in my "Early Jewel". While it comes with the very earliest, it is also of fine size, ncn darK 
blood color, and the flavor all that could be desired, being crisp, tender and very sweet. If you are 
at all fond of beets, you will certainly be pleased with this Early Jewel. Pkt. 5c; oz. 10c; % ID. 
30c; % lb. 50c; lb. 90c, postpaid. 


The sweetest and most delicious Sweet Corn ever grown. It is very early, % heavy ylelder and 
unsurpassed for market trade. See illustration on back cover of this catalogue Pkt. fie; ft pint 15C, 
pint 25c; quart 45c, postpaid. By express or freight, 4 quarts 80c; peck ?1.5U. 


The extreme earliness and great productiveness of this fine Cucumber make it one of the best va- 
rieties ever offered. The vines are of vigorous growth and produce their fine fruit in great abund- 
ance? ?n size the cucumbers run from 3 to 6 inches in length and are equally ^od f or Pickling or 
slicing On account of its earliness and fine quality it is equally good for home and market. Pkt. 5c, 
oz. 12c; % lb. 40c; % lb. 70c; lb. $1.25, postpaid. 


My "Early Bird Collection" would hardly be complete without this grand early crisp variety of 

OF DEL CIOUS and one of the best all season varieties ever ottered. Has thin curly leaves of light 
Jreen and £ee from any bitterness. Stands heat and drouth to a remarkable degree . and can be 
planted any time with -equal success. Pkt. 5c; oz. 15c; % lb. 50c; % lb. 80c, lb. ?1.50. postpaid. 


A new extra early Radish of large size and fine crisp flavor. As early as the earliest and twice 
Vi.P ^nt notwithstanding its large size it never gets strong or pithy, fn fact I believe it to be 
^^^^ ^km^Q^ ^^B^m. They are round turnip-shaped and often reach a size of 
^tZl^^^^rt^^ crimson; flesh pure white and NEVER HOLLOW OR 
PITHY. Pkt. 5c; oz.lOc; % lb. 25c; % lb. 40c; lb. 75c, postpaid. 


rr„^«,t„ whi/.h is destined to prove a great favorite. It is very early, ripening a 

ss-*s?wrvss: r&rty ts #Hi™ to ,n e,ery *■* see '""* lr " ,on on 

eover. Pkt. 10c; % oz. 20c; oz. 35c; }41b. $1.00, postpaid. 



Melon Peach* 

The fruit is the. shape, size and color 
of an orange, while the flesh is pure 
white. They may be sliced and fried 
and also make delicious preserves, and 
are superior to peppers for use as man- 
goes. The vines are very productive. 
Pkt 5c, postpaid. 

Garden Lemon* 

Smaller than the Melon Peach, hut decid- 
edly more acid, thus dispensing with the 
sliced lemon, so essential in putting up the 
melon peach. The cultivation is the same 
as musk melon. The fruit is striped dark 
green. Pkt 5c., postpaid. 

Ground Cherry,, 

Produces handsome fruit of yellow 
color ; fine for canning, preserving, pies, 
etc. They are about % inch in diameter 
and have a strawberry, flavor. Excel* 
lent when dried in sugar like raisins. 
Pkt. 6c., postpaid. 

f*¥T!\jTir ^ The leaves are slender and appear very early in the spring, and may be cut several times during the 
V/li* ▼ MUsJm season, and equal the onion for flavoring soups and salads. Roots 20c, per bunch postpaid. 


Very useful and ornamental. I have the following sorts: 
Nest Egg— White and makes a fine Nest Egg. Dipper— Very useful as dippers. Her- 
cules Club— This is the longest gourd grown. Sugar Trough— Has a thick tough shell and is very durable. Mixed— A U 
kinds, shapes and descriptions. Price of any gourds ; Pkt 5c, postpaid. 

Di$h ClotK Gourd Or Sponge Vine. This is a grand vine and wonderful climber. Pkt 5c M postpaid. 

Veg'etable Plants. 

Vegetable plant orders are booked and shipped as early as the weather permits, unless otherwise instructed. 

^ M ~J A rCz* Dliinic I can furnish almost any of the varieties named in the 

1 OmaiO aimO WaOOage Mr A<&U19« seed list. 30c. per dozen postpaid. By express, 160 50c. ; 
500 for $2.00 ; 1,000 for $3.50. 

PffcppgrS *^ ny °* the stan< * ar( * varieties at 40c per dozen postpaid. By express, $1.00 per 100; 250 for $2.25. 
j^^^ Plttlfct Good strong plants at 60c per dozen postpaid. By express, $2.00 per 100. 

n , 1_ ~ mmV^ ZIMMERMAN'S WINE— This is the grandest of Rhubarbs and is certainly the sweetest and most 1 

KnUDorDi delicious. I have a limited number of roots to oftcr this season at the following prices: Single root* 
20c. • % dozen 90c ; $1.50 per dozen, charges prepaid. By freight or express not prepaid, doz 80 ; 100 $6.00. 
MAMMOTH— Single large root, 15c. : 2 for 25c. ; 6 for 60c. ; dozen $1.00, charges prepaid. By freight or express, not prepaid, doz- 

50c., $3.00 per 100. 

t$W6Ct PotfttO PliMfctS See Page 45 alS ° my " Special Price " list " for description and prices. 

MARTYNIA — The young and tender seed pods make a very fancy pickle. These pods are of curious 
shapes and bear abundantly. They should be gathered when less than half grown Packet, 5 cents. 

Special 50c. Vegetable Collection. . 

One large packet of each of the following varieties sent postpaid for ONLY 50 cents. 

BEANS — Rust Proof Wax, Early Red Valentine, Bush Lima. BEETS— Egyptian. CABBAGE— Zimmer- 
man's Surehead. SWEET CORN — Early Mammoth, Evergreen. CUCUMBERS — Zimmerman's Earliest. LET- 
TUCE— Zimmerman's Earliest, Improved Hanson. MUSK MELON — Earliest Large. WATERMELON — Har- 
ris* Earliest, Triumph. ONIONS — Australian Brown. PEAS — Two weeks Early. RADISH — New Light- 
ning, French Breakfast. TOMATO — Early* Beauty. In addition, you may select 15 cents' worth free. 

From the Atlantic to the Pacific, Zimmerman's Seeds are being sown. Those who have tried them 
are telling some one else about them. They are truly "Seeds of Quality being Well Scattered." 
Watch Them Take Root and Grow. 



*• \ It •:• V f " ' H 



ql^JJ^a^-^ m "fat 

623-625 QUINCY ST., 






fasJ^ old CixAtirvwu cmrf 
\AX. rvaJ^ Jet cu AJbuM^ 


| ;v .^ v;v . : ^ Jv:::: . . topeka , Kansas; 






The Largest Extra Early Corn 
Ever Offered. 

As early as Pride of the North, but has much larger ears and 
will yield with Reid's Yellow Dent, and other later varieties. I 
nrst offered it last year as "the earliest and most satisfactory- 
extra early corn ever introduced/' and I have no cause to change or 
modify that statement. I sold this corn last year in the South, 
the extreme Northern states and hundreds of bushels right here 
at home, and I haven't received a single complaint, nor report of a 
failure — NOT ONE. I planted this corn myself and harvested 
fully matured corn in less than 85 days. The stalks are medium 
height, stout and stocky. The extreme earliness, size of ears, fine 
golden color and yield easily place my 8o-Day corn far ahead of 
any other early corn. If you want early feed, you will find this 
corn most valuable. In sections where the season is short, it is 
very profitable. Planted as late as July 12, it made matured corn 
before early October frost. Ears run* 8 to 10 inches in length; 
kernels are medium size, a rich yellow color and fill the cob to 
the very tip. It is not a 'big corn, but is perfectly reliable, and 
if you want something to come quick and at the same time produce 
a good crop, my 8o-Day is the corn. Packet, 5 cents; pint, 15 cents; 
quart, 25 cents, postpaid. By express or freight, selected, tipped 
and graded, y 2 peck, 40 cents; peck, 70 cents; y 2 bushel, $1.15; 
bushel, $2.25; 2 bushels, $4.25; 4 or more bushels at $2.00 per bushel. 

Zimmerman's Perfected GOLDEN BEAUTY. 

My strain of Perfected Golden Beauty is unsurpassed by 
any yellow corn. It produces larger and heavier ears and is 
but a* few days later than the old Early strain. If you want to 
grow BIG corn; ears that run from 10 to 14 inches in length 
and filled to the very tip with big, solid grains, my Perfected 
Golden Beauty is just what you want. The ears are perfect 
fonn and the grains are a rich yellow. It is a fine feeder, and 
its rich color makes it very desirable for meal. A load of this 
corn is always attractive and brings top price on the market. 
The seed I offer is pure bred, grown especially for seed and 
carefully selected. Packet, 5 cents*; pint, 15 cents; quart, 25 
cents, postpaid. By express or freight, selected, tipped and 
graded, peck, 60 cents; % bushel, $1.05; bushel, $2.00; 2 bushels, 
$3.75; 4 or more bushels at $1.80 per bushel. 

Reid's Yellow Dent. 

A very popular early corn. Ears 8 to 11 inches and filled to 
the tip with deep, compact grains of clear golden yellow. Not 
a large grain, but deep and is a fine producer. I have an ex- 
cellent stock of this corn and at the right price. Packet, 5 
cents; pint, 15 cents; quart, 25 cents, postpaid. By express 
or freight, selected, tipped and graded, y 2 peck, 35 cents; peck, 
60 cents; % bushel, $1.05; bushel, $2.00; 2 bushels, $3.75; 4 or 
more bushels at $1.80 per bushel. 

Improved Learning;. 

This is one of the, earliest yellow dent corns in cultivation, 
ripening in 90 to 100 days from planting, surpassing the yellow 
Canada and flint varieties in earliness, productiveness and qual- 
ity. The ears are large and handsome, with deep, large grains; 
orange yellow color and red cob. Stalks medium size, tapering 
gradually, producing two good ears each which husk and shell 

very easily. Packet, 5 cents; pint, 15 cents; quart, 25 cents, PERFECTED GOLDEN BEAUTY, 

postpaid. By express or freight, selected, tipped and graded, % 
peck, 35 cents; peck, 60 cents; y 2 bushel, $1.05; bushel, $2.00; 
2 bushels, $3.75; 4 or more bushels at $1.80 per bushel. 




Zimmerman's Pure WHite* 

A Grand Snow White Corn. 

Here is a corn which combines a pure white color 
with.a large deep grain. It is medium early and a heavy 
yielder ; ears running 10 to 12 inches in length ; aob small 
and contains 14 to 20 rows of deep, pure white kernels. 
No ! I dont claim it will produce 300 bushels per acre and 
I have never seen one that would* I dont deal in Fairy 
Stories. But I do claim it will out-yield varieties claim- 
ed to give such fabulous yields. You will be pleased with 
this corn and will find it the handsomest, hardiest, whit- 
est and most uniform corn you ever raised. I want you 
to plant this corn because I am sure you will be pleased. 
The seed I offer was grown especially forme, is pure and 
of strong germination. Pkt 5c; pt 15c. ; qt 25c, post- 
paid. By express or freight, hand sorted, tipped and 
graded, pk 60c ; }£bu $1.05; bu$2.00; 2bu$3.75; 4 or 
more bu at $1,80 per bu. 

Boone County White. 

Zimmerman's Premium Strain. 


My strain of this favorite corn is furnished me by one 
of the very best seed corn growers in Kansas — a man who 
has a long list of premiums taken on this corn. First 
at State Corn Show, Topeka; one at Manhattan, and 
many others. The seed I offer is pure and sack after sack 
will show the same uniformity of kernels,. the same color 
of grain — because its pure. Boone County is a stan- 
dard variety and more generally planted than any other 
white corn . Ears run 8 to 12 inches in length and aver- 
age lb rows of deep, compact pure white grains, Pkt 5c ; 
pt 15c; qt 25c, postpaid. By express or freight, selected, tipped and graded, % pk 40c ; pk 60c ; X A bu 
$1.05 ; bu $2.00 ; 2 bu $3.75 ; 4 or more bu at $1.80 per bu. 

Silver Mine. 

One of the very earliest, if not the earliest, white corns. It is a heavy yielder, producing ears of fine 
size, containing 16 to 20 rows of deep, white grains. 70 lbs of ears generally shell 62 lbs of corn. The seed 
I offer is pure, was properly cultivated and cared for. Shows a strong germination and will be found first- 
class in every particular, Pkt 5c ; pt 15c ; qt 25c, postpaid. By express or freight, selected, tipped and 
graded, ^ pk 40c ; pk 60c ; Yz bu $1.05 ; bu $2.00 ; 2 bu $3,75 ; 4 or more bu at $1.80 per bu. 


The corn I offer was grown especially for Seed, selected with great 
care, hand sorted and tipped. Then graded to uniform size by the 
latest improved machinery. If, upon arrival, you don't find it exactly as described, send it right back and get 
your money. That's fair, isn't it? J. S. ZIMMERMAN. 



Northern Potatoes. 

Potato prices will be found in my "Special Price List" which is sent you with this catalogue, and gives 
the very" latest prices. If you have misplaced it, write for a new one. This "Special Price List" is issued 
every few days and gives the very latest prices. 


Another year adds to 
the popularity of our 
Early Delight potato. It 
is not only very early, 
but out-yields most of 
the later sorts. It has 
been planted In almost 
every state and our cus- 
tomers report heavy 
yields and perfect satis- 
faction. A cross between 
the Early Ohio and Six 
Weeks; combining the 
heavy yielding qualities 
of the Ohio with earli- 
ness of the Six Weeks, 
thereby making it an 
ideal potato. It is of 
h a n d s o m e form ancK 
light color; comes true 
and not easy to "scab." 
A firm potato and fine 
keeper, while its cook- 
ing qualities cannot be 
excelled. Try this one — 
the price is right. 

See our "Special Price 
List" for the latest *n4 
lowest prices. 


Early OKiOc 

The Early Ohio is the leading potato i* 
the West and is more generally planted 
than any other variety It seems to b« 
especially adapted for this section. Witji 
the exception of our Early Delight, the 
Red River Early Ohios have given more 
general satisfaction to our customers than 
any other potato. They are ready for 
market very early, are heavy yieiders, 
good keepers and one of the finest table 
varieties. We Guarantee Our Stock to be 
genuine Northern Red River: Don't buy 
"cheap'* seed potatoes from doubtful 
places. We have yure stock, firm and 
sound. See "Special Price 'List." 

Early Triumph. 

Combines productiveness, earliness and 
heavy yielding qualities. A grand potato 
and great favorite. Color is' a beautiful 
light red and they grow to J. large size. 
Hardy Red River stock. 
See "Special Price List." 

Early Rose. 

An old standard early potato of Itucg* 
size and a good producer. Our stock is 
first class, being Red River grown. 
See "Special Price List." 
llf^.b. Is undoubtedly the earliest potato in existence today and one of the leader* f«r 

iJIX Tf MMi gardeners. While not a heavy yielder, its extreme earliness makes it most 
ble. See "Special Price List" for latest prices. 

A late, large, heavy yielding potato and Is the favorite main crop potato im tk« 
Wut Of fine quality. See "Special Price List." 




We exercise the greatest care in packing Sweet Potatoes, but, owing to their extreme tende**«ss, 
cannot guarantee safe arrival, especially on long distances. The plants are shipped only by express. 

We have good stocks of Yellow Jersey, Yellow Nansemond, Red Jersey, Red Nansemond, Re# Ber« 
muda, Southern Queen and Yams. For latest prices, see "Special Price List." 

SWEET POTATO PLANTS — 50 for 30 cents; 100 for 50 cents, by mail, postpaid. By express, see fe- 
cial Price List." 




Most Popular and Productive off 
Forage Plants. 

Grows on all kinds of soil ; requires no cultivation after sowing. 
While the greatest claims for Rape are made as a forage for sheep 
and hogs, it is equally as good as a pasture for all kinds of stock. A 
good crop will yield 15 to 20 tons of green fodder per acre and will 
pasture 30 head of sheep for over two months, getting them in fine 
■hape for market. All animals seem to prefer it to any other pasture 
during the entire summer and until late fall. Can be sown early to 
provide early pasture for sheep and hogs, but is usually sown in May 
or June for summer and fall pasture. When sown broadcast, use 7 lbs 
per acre. If in drills, 4 lbs per acre. Price of select well cleaned 
seed : per lb 20c. ; 3 lbs 50c., postpaid. 

Jk You will find our Seed Oats to be of superior quality, and not to be compared with the 

^J+M> JL cheap, feeding oats, sometimes sold for teed, We do not run a Feed store end, Con- 

sequently buy Oats only for seed, and then carefully screen and grade them. 

RED TEXAS— More generally planted In Kansas anrf the South-west than any other oat. A heavy yielder and sure cren* 

KHERSON— a heavy yielding variety, and the earliest of all. Largely advertised in the west. Selected and graded seed* 

WHITE RUST PROOF— Stands up well : has thin hull and heavy meat. A grand White Oat that can he depeuded upon* 
Selected and graded. 

IC A TTTriH mOM WHITE— The White Kaffir is the most popular variety. Grows 4 tc 5 feet high, with 
Aw^* « **V X^KJMXjnm large leaves. The stalks remain green and brittle and make excellent fodder gresn o? 
dried. The seed is the very best feed for fowls, For fodder, sow 30 to 50 1 bs ner acre For *he grai» *ow in rows 3 feet apart, 
8 to 6 lbs per acre. Per lb 15c. , 3 lb« 85c ., postpaid. 

RED— Per lb 15c., postpaid. 

A U* €?1T IT ¥^ ORANGE— The heaviest, largest and most popular variety. Makes excellent hay and fodder, 
\^r%HJ^ IJC/C/I/* especially for eows. 15c per lb postpaid. 

AMBER— The earliest variety and makes fine syrup and sugar; also goodfoddor. 



Australian Salt BtisH. 

A wonder' 1 '- * ? oliage plant ; grows fredy in arid and alkali lands that wild 
produce no Ou vegetation, I£ is of heavy growth and readily eaten by stock. 
It is claimed tnat four crops grown on the poorest soil will so enrich it that any 
vegetation may be grown. Sow seed in beds and transplant when two inches 
high, 7 feet apart. One pound will plant an acre. Fkt 10c„ oz 20c., i£ lb 40c: Tb 
$1,35 postpaid. 


and the seed makes fine food for fowls . 

immense size 
Oz 5c % lb 12c ., lb 20c, postpaid 


to 6 stems branch out from the g^"^ -n^o^;™ , 
hogs, etc, thrive npon them If 
lbu. Pkt5c, lb 20c, postpaid 

Early Yellow—The ea** 

— — r — • liest and best variety l 

to 6 stems branch out from the ground, reaching a height of 2 to 4 feet Cows 
npon them If drilled, use hi to % bu per ac*e; if mattered, 

CASTOR BEANS, glffSSSfi* 1 *- lbl0c * 

^% Aiir T*T> A & Fine fertilizer and fodder. Either the BlacK^ > 
K*\J W MT MLr/\.%9* Whipnoorwill or Black-Eyed p« follows : Pt 
20c., qt 85c., postpaid. 

TfWL A ^/^/"X Either Connecticut Seed I^af or Big Havana. 
1 w D/\WWVi pkt 5c, X oz 10c., o? 20c., U lb 76c„ lb 12.80, postpaid 

failed to receive it or have lost it, write for a new one at once, for I will save you mbmy b& 
giving you the very Latest and Lowest Mabket Peices on my strictly High-grade Seed. J. ». ZIMMEKMANi 




Tested ALFALFA Seed. 

Alfalfa is particularly adapted to our Western soil and climate, but is also winning popularity in other sections. In dry hot 
sultry weather, when other grasses are parched and withered, Alfalfa is fresh and green. The soil is improved by it. Sow not 
later than Sept. in Kansas and like climates, but the best time is as early in the spring as the weather will permit, using 18 to 25 
lbs per acre. There are many grades of Alfalfa seed ; some are cheap and worthless. We are located in the Alfalfa country and 
are in a position to offer the best seed the market affords and at a low price. We ofier the following grades : 

PURB GOLD- We believe this to be the very best quality of Alfalfa possible to secure. Selected with the greatest care, 
cleaned and graded with the finest machinery, the fine, plump grains are indeed golden. Pkt 5c, lb 25c, postpaid . 

CHOICE— Strong, plump seed and equal to the highest grade generally sold, 
bu (60 lbs) $9.50. 

PRIME— Generally sold as second grade. 



Unsurpassed as a hay crop, 

The seed we offer is fancy cleaned, fresh and bright. Sow 10 lbs per 


(Awnless Brome Grass.) It grows 
from 3 to 6 feet and doeB especially well 
in dry, arid soils. It is a hardy grower and great drouth register. It has been very clearly 
demonstrated that it will succeed in a wider range of temperature than any other grass. 
Land too poor to raise the common agricultural grasses and crops, will give splendid 
yields of Bromus Inermis. In making permanent pasture, it should be sown with other 
grasses. It may be sown with winter wheat in the Southern states in Feb or March. *n 
the North, it should be sown later. Sow 20 to 30 lbs per acre Lb 30c, 8 lbs 70c, postpaid. 

j^j£JJ TOP A hardy perennial . Succeeds best on moist land. Lb30c., post- 

Wf f f\ Vf A I Yellow. It grows 9 to 12 feet high and branches from 
PTI * ivw X^ZTk* O Iwi the ground to the top. Lb 16c, postpaid. 




(Meadow Fescue)— A very productive and nutritious grass ana 
suitable for oermanent pasture. Sow 15 to 20 lbs per acr^ Lb 15c , 


Does well in the shade Sow twenty lbs per acre 

GERMAN M I L»L#ET 0ne °* tlie heaviest yielding forage plants. Produces 4 to 5 tons of hay per acrt. 

A ***^ * * * **** * • is closely allied with Hungarian Millet, but a heavier yielder and much superior 
IS ready for use in oo to 65 days after planting. Sow 30 to 40 lbs per acre. £b 2Qe.» 3 lbs 50c postpaid. 

JAPANESE, MILLET or "Billion Dollar Grass.** 

Juis Tariety has been sold at high prices under the title of "Billion Dollar Grass. It has a claim of over twenty tons of greet* 
forage per acre. The forage is tender and relished by stock, superior to corn fodder, for cows. Sow about 12 ats ner acre aboue 
May, but can be sown as late as Aug, with good results. Pkt 5c, lb 80c, postpaid. 

VIR1TRIAN M I ¥ .IT f This variety from Russia has given great satisfaction in the United States. II 
wllllwix grows to a height of 2 to 4 feet and stools or branches at the roots, thus produc- 

ing e large crop> Sow in May or June at the rate or 1 peck per acre. Pkt 6c, lb 20c., 3 lbs 50c, postpaid. 

^%w%-w>w TP TP mm Wfl^flTQ. Will grow anywhere and makes a good pasture when in the green stage. 
t3 rl^iv X M+ Or JI*iT* JTi t/IV» When matured, is threshed out like wheat, only not so close ; hull and kernal 
<»an then be fed or ground. Cows, horses, sheep and especially hogs, thrive upon «*. "r«oare the ground and sow like oats, 
using about 40 lbs per acre. Our Soeltz is well cleaned. Lb 15c postpaid. 

See "SPECIAL PRICE-LIST" for Field Seed Prices. 




Shipped Direct to the Zimmerman Seed Co. from 

Fayette Co., Ky. 

, Pure, genuine Kentucky Blue Grass stands without a rival for beauty and usefulness. As a lawn grass, nothing can equal it. 
As a permanent pasture, after once started it is easily the peer of any other grass. Our experience has been that stock of all kinds 
will keep in perfect condition when pastured on this famous grass. The most beautiful sight our eyes beheld, while traveling in 
Kentucky, was the Blue Grass Region, with its large fields of waving Blue Grass For some years, we have been receiving letters 
from throughout the Great Southwest, asking for pure Ky. Blue Grass. It is claimed that the Blue Grass seed generally sold is 
not pure and some has lost at least a portion of its vitality. How true this may be we leave for you to say WE decided to secure, 
if possible, a shipment of GENUINE BLUE GRASS Fayette County is situated in ihe center and heart of the Blue Grass Region 
of Ky. We guarantee the stock we offer to have been raised especially for seed and shipped direct to us. % 

^fl^NOTICE! Topeha is famous for its beautiful parRs; and Every Park is 
so v 'n witK Zimmerman's Grass Seed. 


Our Special Lawn Mixture will insure a beautiful, compact, even sod. It includes the finest door or yard grasses, with a se- 
lect proportion of Ky. Blue Grass, etc . Full provision is made for successive growth, as to insure a rich green from early spring 
until late autumn. State if you wish the mixture to contain White Clover seed or not. Use one pound to 400 sq. feet of ground 
or 90 lbs per acre. Our I<awn Grass is not "dished out of any old seed," but is carefully selected. It is not THE CHEAPEST, but IT 
IS THE BEST. Pkt 6c.» lb 25c., 3 lbs 60c, postpaid. 

\A7W f T 1> ^ W f\\T IT ¥1 Should be sown in all meadow mixtures, Useful to bee keepers affording honey of 
" A1 ***V V* ▼ IVIVt the finest quality . Sow 8 to 10 lbs per acre. Lb 30c., 3 lbs80c postpaid. 

A ¥ Cf|{ *1J* f W £\*%7"I? "D is perennial and does not winter kill. One of the hardiest varieties known : it 
/\IvOIl&£v Ksm^KJ ▼ *^*V« stands wet or dry weather. Agreat favorite with bee keepers, as its flowers havC 
a sweet odor and makes excellent forage for bees. Sow 5 to 8 lbs per acre. Beware of "cheap" Alsike seed ; feed is small and 

hard to clean, much inferior seed containing a great assortment of weeds is generally offered at a low price . Dont plant weeds- 
get our choice, well-cleaned seed. It pays . Lb 30c, 3 lbs 80c, postpaid. 

D -X\ W Our Red Clover seed is fresh and carefully re-cleaned. Sow about 12 lbs per a^fi. Per 

AXJG**/ v/L'VJ V l!*rV* lb 25c., 3 lbs 70c, postpaid. 

RaICamK ^*ur*fc*»4 a«» ' Produces abundance of small white flowers of great fragrance ; 

OUnaron \JMT *JWCUi VAUVCr* fine for bees only. Sow lO lbs per acre. Lb 25c, 3 lbs 65c f postpaid 

Dr APT fefTY ¥ Known for years as Pearl or Cat Tail Millet; has recently been called JPencillaria 

* JC^XTLXV irA A A • and sold at high prices. Grows to a height of 8 or 10 feet in a short time. Cut stalks 

for fodder when 3 feet high and get * second growth for ensilage. Sow in drills. 8 to 4 lbs per acre. Broadcast 8 lbs per acre. 
Lb 20c postpLid. " wm 

f O^tT Ttf TPIT Relished by sheep, hogs and cattle. In the South as maiy as 5 cuttings may be had. Plant in drills 
A JC^wwIll A MLf 3« feet apart, 2 to 8 seed every foot, 4 lbs per acre. Oz8c.,,M lb 25c, lb 80c, 3 lbs $2.25, postpaid. 

*oout 40 * bs per acre - Rlcfc 6c - » * D 20c - » 3 1 08 55c postpaid. 

H A||f IT V CHAMPION BEARDLESS — A fine beardless^barley and the earliest known. Six-rowed, entirely 
*J^TL*VA-*AS* A • beardless, heavy yielder. 

MANSURY — A six.rowed barley, with long heavy, well. filled heaas. 

T AH A m IT & IT RT T^IC \j|7T-Y IT JL TP Has become a popular product. It is the hardiest and most 

J A* V V-/ AA A A a~<aA A • productive Buckwheat grown. The kernals double the size of 

others. Lb 16c postpaid. 

A CfTrtW RFANC Have been lar S ely planted im the Southwest for several years and prove a profitable 
K+r%>& A WAV ilC#nii%J crop. Highly recommended for preventing gophers, moles, etc. Sow 4 to 5 lbs per 

acre. Lb 15c, 3 lbs 40c postpaid. 



iSARLY JAPAN— Matures in 70 to 80 days. Can be planted after wheat with good results. Lb 15c postpaid, 

" , EVICROBEEN— Fiber long and straight, " - . - - 




ZIMMERMAN'* Qi MiM i n .1. t$ 


The High Standard of quality, which characterizes our garden and field seeds, is main- 
tained in our flowers. Our seed is fresh, much of it imported and all of high germinating pro- i 
perties.^ Our mixtures will be found to contain the finest varieties and, from the tone of letters 
we received the past season, we know our customers are satisfied. Now just a word about 
planting : The best soil for most flowers is light, rich loam with just enough sand in it to make 
it porous. Have the surface as fine as possible and cover each kind of seed according to its size 
and press the soil down firmly. Small, fine seed should be just covered or "patted" into the 
Soil. "Pont plant when ground is wet. Ask for our Cultural Book, it is Free to our customers. 





TURE — These beautiful 
flowers are admirably 
adapted to both house 
and out door culture. 
They form bushes bearing 
a profusion of gorgeous 
bell shaped blossoms. 
They are rapid growers 
and very easy raised from 
seed If given an early 
start Indoors and trans- 
planted In the garden 
when the weather is set- 
tled. TRY THEM. Extra 
Choice mixed. Pkt. 5c. 

ABUTILON-Good mix- 
ed. Pkt. 5c. 


dainty dwarf, fragrant 
white flowers need no in- 
troduction, as they are so 
well and popularly known. 
It is of easy culture and 
the finest variety of Alys- 
sura. No flower garden is 
complete without it. Large 
pkt. 5c; oz. 35c. 

TUM — Commonly called 
Tom Thumb on account 
of its dwarf, robust 
growth. Excellent foi 
bouquets. Pkt. 5c; oz. 




One of the old fashion 
favorites so desirable for 
its variety of colors and 
free blooming. Blooms 
from early in July until 
heavy frost and, if cover- 
ed over with leaves, will 
survive and continue their 
blooming the second year. 

Pkt. 6c 

A w*+Vi««o CAUD ATUS (love lies bleeding) — 

rliuarallinua* These showy plants are remarkable for 
their long red panicles. They are one of the most ornamental and 
beautiful plants of the Amaran thus family. Pkt 5c. 

SPLENDENS (rainbow plant)— These are noted for their hand some 
foliage, inner foliage dark bmnze tipped with green; the outer to 
liage, whe : exposed to light becomes gorgeous crimson and gold 
Pkt 5c 

MLXTUKl Contains the above varieties and many more. Pkt. 5c. 



I beautiful hardy annual. The flowers are bush-like, resembling an inverted tassel and are excel* 
lent for garden and winter blooming in the house. FINE Mixed, pkt 5c. 





QTJEKN HEI,EN— This grand Aster belongs to the tall or 
^ranching type, and is very beautiful, being of a very delicate 
*ose tint. The petals are long and inclined to curve, giving it a 
resemblance of a fine Chrysanthemum, It is the cream of giant 
Asters. Don* fail to include a packet. Pkt 10c. 

Zimmerman's Early Beauty* 

In my Early Beauty, I believe I have the most beau- 
tiful extra early Aster ever offered. As shown by the 
blossom head, it resembles a perfect Chrysanthemum, 
with all the beauty of that flower. Its beautiful blossoms 
are borne on long stems, making it desirable for cutting, 
while its extreme earliness and matchless beauty make it 
valuable indeed. If you are a lover of beautiful flowers, 
try this. WniTE-Pkt 10c. PiNK-Pkt 10c. Mixed- Pkt 10c. 

DWARF QUEEN — Most excellent for pot culture as well 
as for bedding. Flowers are large size and double. Mixed 
colors. Pkt 5c. 

QUEEN OF THE MARKET— Very early and usually in 
bloon fully two weeks before most sorts. Mixed. Pkt 10c 

BRANCHING — Easily grown from seed and produce 
flowers 2^ to 4 inches in diameter. They have long stemg 
and are admirable for cutting. I have a very choice strain. 
Puee White— Pkt 10c. Maky Semple, Pink— Pkt 10c. Fine 
Mixed— Pkt 10c. 


P^EONY FLOWERED — Plants grow about 20 inches high 
and have long stems bearing large flowers 3 or 4 inches in diame- 
ter. Flowers are very double and shaped like a pseony. Mixed 
colors. Pkt 6c. 

LAVENDER OEM— This is of the Ostrich-feathered type, the 
flowers being irreguarly slashed and fringed. The color is deli- 
cate lavender and they are very double. This is one of the very 
finest Asters. Pkt 15c. ; 2 for 26c. 

ZIMMERMAN'S SPECIAL MIXTURE. This contains the finest varieties and choicest colors, 
is my own mixture and 1 feel sure, if you wish an assortment of colors, that it will please you. Pkt 5c. 


VI CTOK I A— Unquestionably one of the handsomest 
rieties of Asters. Flowers are large size, globular shape f 
very double. All colors mixed. Pkt 5c. 

COMET— Grows 12 to 15 inches high of branching nabit 
and each stem produces a flower. The o\ ter petals are broad 
and flat, while the inner ones are col pact and pointed. 
Carmine— Pkt 10c. Light Blue— Pkt 10c. Fine Mixed— 5c. 







MARGUERITE — Though universally admired, few 
know how easily these lovely flowers can he raised 
from seed. They flower in four months from time 
of sowing 1 . They are of vigorous, dwarf, erect growth, 
requiring no supports. Very hardy. You will be 
greatly pleased with our fine mixture, which includes 
all colors. Packet (75 seeds), 5 cents. 

GIANTS OF CALIFORNIA — These are of dwarf, 
bushy habit. 'This grand new strain will be sure to 
please, on account of its hardiness and abundance of 
brilliant fragrant bloom. Seeds are very scarce. We 
can supply finest mixed. Packet (50 seeds), 10 cents, 
or 2 for 15 cents. 


DWARF FEATHERED — This is especially desira- 
ble for both bedding and pot culture. It resembles 
an ostrich plume, because of its graceful nodding 
plumes above the foliage. They greatly please lovers 
of tne beautiful. ' Feathered varieties in finest mix- 
ture. Packet, 5 cents. 

bronze 'foliage and brilliant scarlet bloom of this 
handsome plant is similar to that of Scarlet Sage, 
but it is more desirable because of its early flow- 
ering qualities and its continuing to bloom until 
heavy frost. Packet, 5 cents. 

This is truly a novelty, being one of the most 
interesting plants in cultivation. The flower is yel- 
low and is produced in trusses. Large pistils of a 
rich crimson color spread out in fan shape and add 
greatly to the decorative qualities of the flowers, as 
does its beautiful foliage. No description can do it 
justice — it must be grown to be appreciated. Packet, 
5 cents. , 


CAM ELI A flowered MIXED — These are «ne of 
our specialties and we know we have as fine seed as 
it is possible to procure. Flowers are extremely 
double, very large and bear a striking resemblance to 
a miniature Camelia. Comprises all the different col- 
ors. Packet, 5 cents. White, packet, 5 cents. Scarlet, 
packet, 5 cents. 


HYBRIDA FINEST MIXED — One of the choicest 
of plants for house culture, seeds germinate quick- 
ly and plants rre soon covered with flowers of 
exquisite satiny hue. We know of few plants more 
desirable, ^.n this mixture is every lovely color 
to be had. Packet (100 seeds), 10 cents. 




DOUBLE MIXED— I offer Dahlia seed that if sown in early spring and then 
transplanted out-doors as soon as weather permits, will produce an abundance 
of bloom by fall. This mixture contains all the various kinds, such as Show, 
Pompone, Cactus and Lilliput varieties. Pkt 5c. 

TOM THUMB — These grow from 12 to 15 inches high and are covered with 
showy flowers. Of easy cultivation. Mixed colors. Pkt 5c. 

For Dahlia Bulbs, 
See Page 67. 


The grandest foliage plant grown from seed. 
Plants are from 2 to 3 feet high ; leaves are 
broad and long, comprising all the shades of 
yellow, red, green, from the darkest to lightest. 
Is of easy culture. Fine Mixed. Pkt 5c. 


These dainty little flowers are too well known 
to need any description. Grow 6 or 7 inches 
high and covered with delicate blue flowers. 

Alpestris — Blue and white, dwarf and is of 
free flowering habit. Pkt 5c. 

Eliza Fonrobert — Flowers are of a sky blue 
color, with yellow eye. Pkt 5c. 

Seraperflorens — Blue and flowers early. Per 
pkt 5c. 


GOLDEN— Very hardy, free flowering pe- 
rennial plant. The • plants throw up stems 
ending in clusters , of flowers. The foliage has 
a ferny appearance, making it good for bou- 
quets. Pkt 5c. 

(Bachelor's Button.) 

DOUBLE MIXED-The regular old-fashion 
Bachelor Button, which has always been a fa- 
vorite. All colors. Pkt 5c. 

CYANUS— Free blooming. Sometimes called 
"Blue Bottle," "Korn Blume" etc. Choice 
Mixed Color. Pkt 5c. 


These beautiful graceful flowers are becoming more and 
more popular as^ the years go by. The foliage is feathery 
and ferny, while the broad, deep petals, with their yellow 
heart, rise on long stems. I have the early flowering kind 
which produces bloom from July to November. 

WHITE or PINK— Pkt 5c. 

MIXED— Comprising every color. Pkt 5c. 



These handsome flowers gain praise and admiration 
wherever cultivated. The flowers are of various forms : 
some flat, some cup-shaped, others deep with flaring edges 
MY SPECIAL MIXTURE contains many rare shapes, 
double and single, such as "Glory of the West," "Rosy 
Morn." "Dougiasi," and many others. Pkt 5c. 


These succeed best as pot plants, though in southern 
states they are hardy enough for outdoor planting. Dur- 
ing hot seasons, keep in a shady place. 

Double and Single Mixed— Pkt 20c. 

Send me your order for Garden 8eed. 




DIANTHUS (Chinese Pink) 

You will find these to be 
dwarf, compact in growth 
petals fringed, deep red 
and very double. Sure to 
please the most fastidi- 
ous. Pkt. 5c. 

some single flowers, pure 
white with deep purplish- 
red center. Pkt 6c. 

Chinese Pinks)— Contain 
many distinct and beauti- 
fully marked varieties of 
rich and numerous colors; 
may be described as re- 
sembling Giant Sweet 
William, except they are 
much larger. Pkt 5c. 

Our seed is all new 
and of the best quality. 
Our seed will please vou 


This hardy annual grows with very little ca:5t 
in most any kind of soil. Produces plants seven 
to eight Inches tall: makes a fine border. Noth- 
ing quite so satisfactory for the little care it re- 
quires. We have very choice varieties for boquets. 


Very attractive on 
account of its peculiar 
green waxy foliage, 
which is covered with 
a coating resembling 
crystals of ice. It glis- 
tens like diamonds in 
the sunlight. It is es- 
pecially pretty for tubs 
and vases in the yard. 
Try it. Pkt 5c. 

DWARF OR TOM THUMB— Which may be 
sown at intervals of two or three weeks and you 
will have continuous bloom throughout the season. 
Pkt 5c. 

MIXED COLORS— All sorts mixed. Pkt 5c. 


YELLOW (Coronarium)— A new color, very sofi 
si ade of lemon, quite desirable, they are double, 
make lovely flowers for boquets. Pkt 6c; oz 25< 

WHITE — Tliese furnish double snow white 
flowers through the summer and fall. Grow two 
ft. high. Pkt 5c; V 2 oz 25c. 

DOUBLE ANNUAL- Our seeds are sure, if care 
fully sown in February or March, to produce a 
profusion of bloom ea-riy in the fall. This sort 
includes many colors not listed and are a mixture 
of the finest sorts. We Want our customers to 
try a packet of these on our recommendation. Pkt 
(100 seeds) 10c; 3 for 25c. 



EMPEROR— A vari- 
ety well liked for its 
richness of color. This 
must not be mistaken 
for the common sort; 
a trial will prove its 
superiority. Each 
plant often bears fifty 
or more erect spikes 
of flowers. Pkt 5c. 



This kind is prized for its fra- 
frangrance and earliness. It 
grows rapidly and produces an 
abundance of spikes of flower? 
while it is yet cold weather, con- 
tinuing to bloom, through the 
summer. It is a delicate shade 
of lemon; foliage dark green. 
Pkt 5c. 

ET— Pkt 5c. 

is the best mixture. In order- 
ing do not overlook this. Pkt 5c. 

QUEErV OF DWARFS— This is not the common 
sort usually offered, but something new. Bears 
large crimson combs; is very dwarf in habit, mak- 
ing it fine for borders, and handsome for potting. 
Pkt (250 seeds) 6c. 
FINEST MIXED — All the finest and best. Pkt 5c. 




fine and beautiful as the most doub- 
le rose. The plants grow 4 to 6 feet 
in height and produce spikes of ro- flowers of every shade and 
color. Pkt 5c. 

GAILLARDIA — Of magnificent size and color, 
:e*y double, borne on long stems, making it excel- 
ent for cutting, will keep over a week when eiJft 

1 Pkt 5c. 




These beautiful flowers can he easily grown from seed and will bloom 
jhe first summer, if sown by April, and if carefully potted in the Fall, 
ind kept in the house will bloom all Winter. Our Giant Mixed has 
teen saved from the choicest Cannas of our own growing and will pro- 
luce a grand assortment of the finest varieties. Pkt 5c. 

DATURA. (Trumpet Flower) 

DOUBLE MIXED — Bloom freely the first year and are very showy, 
blowers measure about 8 inches long and 4 to 5 inches across the mouth 
md are very fragrant. Roots may be taken up in the Fall. Pkt 5c. 


A half hardy perennial, which is easily grown from seed. 

FINE MIXED — This contains the choicest varieties and will fclOOm 

he entire season, Pkt 5c. 


The dwarf and free flowering qualities of these make them especially 
uitable for rockeries, pots, edging flower beds, etc. Dark blue, white 
ich bright blue, mixed. Pkt 5c. 


Very easily grown, yet one of the most pleasing of the old fashioned 
owers The open ing of the fragrant and brilliant blossoms make it a 
rand sight each afternoon, EJvery conceivable color in this mixture 
kt 5c. 


LEMON QUEEN— The flowers are very double to 
the center, an inch in diameter and cover the 
plants profusely. Of a lovely shade of ric^h 
cream and tint of lemon. Pkt 5c. 

AFRICAN DOUBLE MIXED —African varieties 
are stronger in habit and produce larger flowers. All 
varieties mixed. Pkt 5c. 



The only way to obtain new and original varieties is through nrona- 
ation of seed . * * 

SINGLE MIXED — Best single varieties. Pkt 5c. 

DOUBLE MIXED— Fine double flowers of choicest colors. Pkt 25c 

TIGRINUS— If you want something lovely for bask- 
ets and vases, select this excellent variety. It is half 
hardy, thrives well in open cultivation, if given plenty 
of shade. It is famous for its rich and beautifully 
blotched and singularly shaped flowers and tender fo- 
liage. Pkt 5c 


We offer the following 15 packets for only 25c postpaid. A regular 75c collection 
rown from seed and you will find this will make a most gorgeous flower bed • 

rtaft^n^Mi^P^ Cos^o S /TnovM^ em ' P**"*™ white. Carnations, New Marguerite, grand mixture. 
ESwT MlitnrP PnrtS ttS^F ^^P*** finest Mixed. Mignonette, All the Best Mixed . — 

Unla ¥ Pnlo/?^f^^ 01 i?& A11 f C A oiors : ^ansy, Grand Mixture of Giant Varieties. 
lspiay. rniox, finest Mixed, Elegant Assortment. Potmv All Sm*q nnH rsnlnrs 
le Finest aJd Best. Verbenas, Fine Collection of Mixed Cok^I 

All are easily 

Petunia, Fancy Colors, Grand 
Sweet Peas, Our Select Mixture of 



Zimmerman's Nasturtiums. 

TALL NASTURTIUMS — These are most suitable to rock- 
eries, stumps, shrubbery, trellis, low fences, etc. For rich- 
ness of color and .refreshing foliage, they are difficult to 

HYBRIDS OF MADAM GUNTHER — These are difficult to excel in richness of color. They are climbe* 
and continuous bloomers. It is impossible to describe the many colors; as near as we could come to i 
would be to say, there is scarcely a tint or shade in a brilliant sunset not represented among- thes* 
Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; ^4 pound, 35 cents. 

CHAMELEON — A beautiful new variety and entirely distinct. On the same plant will be found selt 
colored flowers, others stained and blotched, while still others are broadly edged and banded with ligl; 
or dark shades. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; *4 pound, 40 cents, postpaid. 

KING THEODORE — -A most striking variety. A rich deep crimson with dark leaves. Packet, 5 centn 
ounce, 10 cents; y± pound, 35 cents, postpaid. 

FIRE FLY — Something new and very attractive. Has rosy salmon flowers, underlaid with light gold© 
yellow. The petals are beautifully marbled and striped. Dark foliage. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 centr 
X A pound, 35 cents, postpaid, 

DARK CRIMSON — Deep velvety red, or brownish red. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; % pouni 
35 cents. 

SCARLET — Flaming red. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; % pound, 35 cents. 

Tt*AUtnd > *Ns%tt+«i«*+i«v<m& LOBB'S TRAILING — In these will be found all the choio 

A i oiiiu^ naaiui uuiusi colors; desirable- for freedom of bloom. Winter blooming 
rapid growers. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; % pound, 35 cents. 

Dwarf Nasturtiums* 

SELECT DWARF MIXED — This is our specially prepare 
imixture of all the dwarfs. They are compact and bush? 
foliage of both dark and light type, colors very bright ar; 
pleasing, making them very effective. We heartily recont 
mend them. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; X A pound, 

BEAUTY — Gorgeous red and orange. , Packet, 5 centr 
ounce, 12 cents; H pound, 45 cents. 

PEARL — Clear tint of lemon, fading to a primrose 
Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 12 cents; % pound, 45 cents. 

PRINCE HENRY — Is one of the most distinct and charm 
ing varieties, delicate tints of rose and straw color. Packe! 
5 cents; ounce, 12 cents; *4 pound, 45 cents. 

CLOTH OF GOLD — This is of compact growth, wit 
bright golden yellow leaves and brilliant scarlet flower 
Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 15 cents; % pound, 50 cents. 



This mixture will be found to contain all the choicest and finest varieties, embracing all colors in TV 
Nasturtiums. Tt contains the rich, velvety Lobb, Madam Gunther, the new Chameleon, Fire Fly, in fact, even 
thing of especial merit. They are especially adapted to covering verandas, trellises and tree trunks and a 
useful and handsome as cut flowers. Packet, 5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; % pound, 35 cents, postpaid. 

^Special Offers in Flowers. 

No seedman I know of makes such liberal offers, or supplies the same high grade seed at 
as low prices. By simply publishing a plain, neat catalogue, which tells the plain truth, I make a 
large saving in expense. I also deal directly with the growers, thus eliminating the middle- 
man's profits. It will pay, you to send me your order. Try it this year. 


I offer the following 15 packets for only 25c, postpaid. A regular 75c collection. All are easily 
grown from seed and you will find this will make a gorgeous flower bed: 

Aster, Fine Mixed. Ayssum, Little Gem, beautiful pure white. Carnations, New Marguerite, grand 
mixture. Candytuft, Fine Mixed. Cosmos, Fancy Mixed. Larkspur, Finest Mixed.. Mignonette, All 
the Best Mixed. Nasturtium, Grand Mixture. Portulaca, Choice, All Colors. Pansy, Grand Mixture 
of Giant Varieties. Petunia, Fancy Colors, Grand Display. Phlox, Finest Mixed, Elegant Assortment. 
Poppy* All Sorts and Colors. Sweet Peas, Our Select Mixture of the Finest and Best. Verbenas, Fine 
Collection of Mixed Colors. 


When we get down to the facts, there is nothing more beautiful than the old-fashioned flowers, 
such as our grandmothers raised. With this thought in mind I have prepared a special collection com- 
posed entirely of old-fashioned flowers, which for beauty and attractiveness cannot be excelled. One 
packet each of the following varieties sent postpaid for only 25c: 

Bachelor's Button— Always a favorite. Coxcomb— The choicest old-fashioned feathered varieties. 
Cypress— The finest of any garden vines. Pour O'Clocks — Too well known to need any description. 
Forget-Me-Nots — Largest flowering varieties. Larkspur — Well liked for its rich colors. Marigold — All 
varieties mixed. Hollyhock — Singles and doubles mixed. Morning Glory — The genuine Japanese va- 
rieties. Petunias— Finest mixed. Poppy— Finest mixed. Rose Moss— Finest varieties and free bloom- 
ers. Sunflowers— Double and many flowering. Snapdragon — Always will be a great favorite. Touch- 
Me-Not — Just the old-fashioned varieties. Zinnias — Best varieties mixed. 


This mixture is made up of over 75 varieties of easy culture. Some very rare flowers will be 
found in this collection. A great deal of pleasure may be derived from this collection. Get it for the 
children, that they may learn the different flowers. Large pkt. of over 75 varieties for only 5c. 



A new and unique type of Pinks. Flowers are feathery- 
fringed, extra large and colors range from a pure white 
to a rich crimson Pkt. 10c, 


Dahlia — Peony 
I' lowered. 

Flowers are large, 
borne on iong stems and 
are generally double. Of 
strong growth and free 
flowering.. Colors range 
from pure write, pink, 
yellow, scarlet, etc. Pkt, 

Candytuft — Hyacinth 

The flowers are of im- 
mense size and resemblr 
a Hyacinth. Are purr 
white, have long stems 
and are excellent for 
cutting. Pkt. 10c. 


A bea»tift*a and attractive strain of Phlox, blc^nms are 
curiously si-ashed and pointed. Embrace a wide range of -colors. 
Pkt, 5c. 


An tmamental plant growing rapidly from seed. In the fall the plants are covered with scarlet flowers, while the 
plant rtself resembles a ball of fire. Pkt. 10c. 


PANSIES— A Page ©f Giants. 

Zimmerman's Giant 
German Mixture. 

We scarcely know how to describe this grand* mixture, 
because we cannot do it justice. It contains the richest reds, 
•oppers and bronzes, also the delicate rose, pink shadings; 
all the distinct colors of Trimardeaus, the great Masterpiece, 
with its delicate veinings and ruffled petals. It it the 
grandest mixture obtainable and we have spared no expense 
to make it so. They are giants, every one of them and 
true German seed. Pkt. 10c; 3 for 25c; y 2 oz. $1.00; oz. $1.90, 

PANSY MIXTURE — This is a special mixture of the best 
known varieties, each strain is exceptionally fine for bedding 
and will give perfect satisfaction. Pkt. 5c; 3 for 12c; % oz. 
00c;. oz. $1.00 postpaid. 


Zimmerman GermanMdced 

SNOW QUEEN — Very fine, A pure satiny white. Pkt. 5a 

YELLOW— Distinct variety. Pkt. 5c. 

PURPLE MANTLE— A deep rich purple. Pkt. 5c. 

RED RIDING HOOD— Several shades of flaming red. Pkt. 5c. 

VICTORIA RED— Pretty shade of crimson. Pkt. 5a 

PURPLE — Deepest shade of purple known. Pkt. 5c. 

by the N »<^ P eHUc*l BL pkt KS ^ FI ° WerS a ' m ° St ° 0tU Wa * V6ry ve,vet ^ The bJack »t is considered one of tne fine* 
SILTER EDGE— Dark purple, silver border. Pkt. 5c. 

PRINCE BISMARCK-Beautiful shades of brown 'and golden-bronze, marbled. Pkt 5c 

l™£tZZl SSTSr P pkt al 5 S c ky - bIUe Vl0,6t »" — ated. m 5 c. 

^raf^^r^^^ jvk 1 vio,et very fragrant ' large and 




For easy 
nia. I on 

sy culture, freedom of bloom, fragrance and variety of colors, it hard to surpass the Petu 
fler the choicest large-flowering varieties, 

The flowers are beautifully blotched anc 
CHOICE MIXED — A select mixture containing a great assortment of colors. Pkt 5c. 

HYBRID A STRIPED— Each plant forms a complete bush 5 to 10 inches in height 
striped. Pkt 5c. & 

ZIMMERMAN'S GIANT DOUDLE MIXED— This mixture is composed entirely of the very finest of Double Petunias, 
you would have the very finest and largest flowering Double Petunias, you have it here. Pkt 20c. : 2 pkts 35c. 

STAR OP QUEDIINBURG- This is a very beautiful and 
attractive strain of Phlox. The blossoms are curiously point- 
ed and slashed. They embrace a wide range of colors, shades 
and markings. Pkt 5c. 

SPLEND KNS— Pretty red flowers with white eyes ; early to 
bloom and are free flowering. Pkt 5c. 

ALBA GRANBIFLORA — These are magnificent pure 
white flowers. Pkt 5c. 

FINE MIXKD — If you would like a continuous pleasure 
throughout the entire summer, try this fine mixture of all the 
prettiest colors and finest sorts. Pkt 5c. 

RICINUS. (Castor Oil Bean) 

Plants grow 14 to 20 feet high. The large scalloped leaves, 
thickly set from top to bottom of bamboo-like stems, make 
them useful for shading purposes, at the same time they are 
very ornamental. Pkt 5c. 


Touch the foliage with your finger tips and it immediately 
wilts, but soon revives. Bears pretty pink flowers. Pkt 5c. 

SALVIA (Scarlet Sage.) 

SPLEND ENS— This is a most gorgeous plant. For months 
the great spikes of flaming scarlet almost cover the foliage 
Single plants sometimes carry 200 spikes, each spike being 10 t< 
12 inches in length. Pkt 5c. 


This is one of the most beautiful basket or vase plants, tt is as 
easily grown from seed as Morning Glories. Plants come int( 
bloom in a few weeks ; has long drooping sprays of exquisite fo 
liage, set with beautiful little flowers. It is a hardy perennia 
and likes shade and moisture. Pkt 5c. 

PRIMULA. (Chinese Primrose.) 

FINE MIXED— A grand mixture of all varieties and colors 
Will give a succession of flowers throughout the season^ and art 
noted for their beauty and fragrance. They are winter bloomers 
Pkt 5c. 


One of the most desirable window vines ever grown. 'Itsele 
gant and graceful foliage of rich glossy green has a most charm 
ing effect. Pkt 5c. 


DOUBLE ROSE FLOWERED— You can see by the illustra 
tion how double these flowers are ; resemble a miniature rose 
Nothing prettier than these bright blossoms and waxy foliag< 
for a flower garden. Pkt 5c. 

SINGLE MIXED— Preferred by many to the double. Pkt 5c 





SHIRLEY— My strain of 
Shirley Poppies contain new 
and beautiful forms, colors, 
and shades in single, semi- 
double and double flowers. 
Pkt 5c. 

SNOWDRIFT-This great 
novelty stands without a 
rival. Its pure white, very 
double flowers is worthy of 
great admiration. Nothing 
more exquisite in the Poppy 
family. Pkt5c. 

have fine blooms in a com- 
bination of colors, all mot- 
tled, striped and blotched, 
making them very showy 
and desirable. Pkt 5c. 


name tells the story. They 
are very beautiful. Pkt 5c. 

MIXED— A great assort- 
ment and combination of 
all the popular varieties and 
species of Poppies, forming 
a mixture which is at once 

f:orgeous, beautiful and at- 
ractive. A fine addition for 
your flower-garden. Try it. 
Pkt 5c. 


MANY FLOWERING DOUBLE— These grow very tall; 
flowers are very double and one at every leai joint, the top 
flower being the largest. They produce great quantities of 
seed, which is very good for chickens, ana at the same time 
they are quite attractive. Pkt 5c. 

MINIATURE — Very dwarf and bushy, with small leaves : 
flowers are very minute and pretty. The plants resemble the 
dahlia. Pkt 5c. 


GLOBE PYRAMIDAL — Has immense spikes of double flow- 
ers measuring from 2 to 8 inches in diameter and prized for their 
fragrance and beautiful colors. A select of mixed colors. Pkt 5c. 

TEN WEEKS — The earliest variety. Mixed colors. JJkfcSc. 

CHOICE MIXED— Hardy perennial, growing about 18 inches 
high. Double and single, all colors mixed. Pkt 5c. 


SELECT MIXED-This contains the very 
finest varieties, and mixed according to my 
directions. Pkt 5c ; oz 10c ; & lb 20c ; lb 50c. 


As shown by the above illustration, this 
is a most beautiful Sweet Pea. It is 
early, of extra large size, while its pure, 
snowy whiteness make it one of the most 
beautiful of Sweet Peas, and a great fa- 
vorite. It is a strong grower and bears 
a profusion of its snowy blossoms on long 
stems, each stem having 3 or 4 expand- 
ed blossoms at the same time. Packet, 
5 cents; ounce, 10 cents; 
cents; pound, 70 cents, postpaid. 

DOUBLE SWEET PEAS. — These do not 
all come double, but about 50^ per cent 
are generally double. Sometimes all 
double on one stem. Packet, 5 cents; 
ounce, 10 cents; % pound, 20 cents, post- 


Price of any the following varieties ; Pkt 5c. ; oz 10c. ; % lb 20c., post- 

MONT BLANC— Very early and paper-white color. 
BLANCHE BURPEE — Very large and pure white. A favorite variety 
QUEEN VICTORIA— Light primrose, shaded with faint purple 
SUNBEAMS— Light primrose and red. 

DAINTY— Beautiful large white, with pink edge, making a charming 

SENSATION— A beautiful buff and pink. 

KATHERINE TRACY— A soft, rosy pink, with light edge. Very large. 

VENUS— Salmon-buff , with rosy pink shading. 

PRIMA DONNA— Flowers of large size and a bright pure pink. 

APPLE BLOSSOM— Heavy shade of pink and rose on silvery-white.; 

ROYAL ROSE— Deep crimson at center, with soft pink wings. This 
variety has an attractive semi-hooded form. 

KING EDWARD VII— Extra large flowers; main color deep crimson, 
gradually shading lighter towards # the wings. The stems are long. 

SCARLET GEM— The flowers are an almost dazzling scarlet, clear and 
beautiful. . 

PRINCE EDWARD OF YORK— Scarlet on salmon, wings deep rose. 

MISS "WILMOTT— The standard is orange-pink, shading to rose ; wing? 
are rich orange-pink. 

BLANCH FERRY— An early variety. Standard a rose-pink, with whit 
wings, shaded pink. 

EARLIEST OF ALL— Grow about 24 inches high and are fully 10 days 
earlier than any other Sweet Pea. A rose color, with creamy wings, suf- 
fusid with pale flesh tint. 

ADMIRATIOT — Pure lavender, very light. 

C APTI V ATI ON— A rich, deep magenta. 

EMILY ECKFORD— Rose-purple, shading to lilac and blue. Exceed- 
ingly beautiful and attractive. 
COUNTESS OF RADNOR— Delicate mauve and lavender. 
CAPTAIN OF THE BLUES— A bluish-purple. 
ROMOLO PI AZZANI— New. Almost a pure violet-blue. 
BLACK KNIGHT— Standard dark claret, wings brownish-purple. 
OTHELLO— A deep maroon. 

AMERICA— Silvery- white, with stripes of bright red. 
GRAY FRIAR — White, with purple marking*, 



I am pleased to offer my customers an assortment 
of the very cream of the Grand, New "Spencer" type. 

Zimmerman's Superb 


See Illustration. My mixture of the "Spencer" type of Sweet 
Peas Is composed entirely of the very finest namep varieties 
and mixed in my own seed-room and I KNOW it is the very finest 
assortment possible to secure. This mixture contains some of 
every variety named below. This type and assortment, with 
its large, crumpled and wavy flowers comprising all colors and 
hues, will be found most beautiful. Pkt 8c. ; oz 12c. ; 2 oz 20c. ; \i 
lb 35c, ; lb 90e., postpaid. 

.« N< ^"£ 1 F JS « WIN '~" A S iant white, finely waved and fluted. The 
finest White Spencer. Pkt 10c. ; oz 15c. ; & lb 40c., postpaid. 

BURPEE'S * WHITE SPENCER — A grand, beautiful, pure 
white variety. Pkt 8c. ; pz 12c. ; M lb 30c, 

PRIMROSE SPENCER— A pure yellow or primrose. Pkt 10c* 
oz 15c. ; % lb 40c., postpaid. 

FLORENCE SPENCER — The flowers are extremely large 
open wavy form and a delicate pink. Pkt 5c; oz 12c; % lb nn 

and coloring, this is most beautiful. A soft rose- 
pink, deepening towards the edges. Flowers on 
long stems. Pkt 5c. ; oz 12c. ; & lb 30c. 

JOHN INGMAN — A beautiful shade of rose. 
Pkt 5c. ; oz 10c. : y± lb 25c. 

E. J. CASTILE— Of wavy type. ' Rich carmine 
with salmon shading. Pkt 8c. ; oz 12c. ; *4 lb 30c. 

QUEEN ALEX ANDRA—Giant scarlet flowers, 
shaded lighter. Pkt 5c. ; oz 10c. ; lb 25c. 

HELEN LEWIS-Artistically ruffled ;very large 
flowers of intense crimson and orange. Exceed- 
ingly beautiful. Pkt 5c. ; oz 10c. ; & lb 25c. 

FRANK DOLBY — A beautiful light lavender, 
ruffled and fluted. Pkt 8c. ; oz 15c. ; & lb 40c.- 



showy striped flowers of many col- 
ors. Pkt 5c. 

imposed of the very finest large 
T Verbenas, comprising the brightest 
and most pleasing colors. It also contains the Auricula-eyed type. All 
fresh seed of the very best quality Pkt 5c. 



i MAMMOTH MIXED— This is a mixture of the 
largest Zinnias. Very double and show r^re shade! 
not found in most collections. Flowers are striped 
and marked m scarlet, gold and white. Pkt 6c. 



Canary Biro Flower. 


JAPANESE MIXED— This is entirely different 
from the common Morning Glory. They are of gi- 
gantic size, measuring from 4 to 6 inches across. 
They contain every color, and blending of colors, in 
I the rainbow. They are striped, blotched, mottled, 
often having from 10 to 12 colors in a single flower. 
Leaves are very large, d ark green and variegated. 
These are certainly very fine climbers. Pkt 5c. 

CYPR88 VINE— Has the finest dark green foliage of 
any the garden vines. Itis lovely for ornamenting un- 
sightly trunks of old trees and fences. It makes a lovely 
trellis. Pkt 5c., postpaid. 

CANARY BIRD— Beautiful delicate vine, with hand- 
some foliage and bears an abundance of canary-colored 
flowers. Pkt 6c, postpaid, 

WTSTARI A—Called Hyacinth Bean. etc. One of the 
1 prettiest climbers and the vines are covered with beauti- 
ful flowers. Pkt 5c, postpaid. 

COB M VINE— Very rapid annual climber, running up 
20 to 30 feet in » season. Has bell-shaped flowers of pur- 
plishiilac color. Pkt 5c, postpaid. 




The following uumpnses a list of best Cannas. We " give height 
each. Price, dormant roots, 16c each; 3 for 40c; 12 for fl.SQ, postpaid 

all.emaxninj.EA — Orange red witn gold ooiaer dotted with red*; 4 to 
6 feet. 

BETSY ROSS — Rose pink; 3 feet. 

DAVID HARUM — bright scarlet blossom, dark foliage; $ft *e*t. 
DR. NANSBN — Deep yellow. 

Florence vauuhan— Yellow, crimson spots; 3 to 4 feet. 
GLADIATOR — Tall variety, yellow with crimson dots. 
LOUISIANA— Brilliant scarlet; 6 to 7 feet. 
PHILADELPHIA — One of the best crimson; 3 feet. 
QUEEN OF HOLLAND — Deep rich orange; 3 to 4 feet. 
THE EXPRESS — Immense cluster — fine bedder; 3 feet. 




TUBEROUS ROOTED — These are choice for pot culture or bedding, 
ey are of low, compact growth; waxy green leaves from a beautiful 
ckground for the flowers which range from ivory white and scarlet 
ough tints of rose, crimson, orange and bronze yellow. For profusion 
bloom and vigorous growth they cannot be excelled. 

SINGLE MIXED — Good, strong tubers, each 10c; 3 for 25c; 12 for 80c. 

DOUBLE MIXED — Each 12c: 12 for S1.00. 


MIXE© — All colors. Each, by mail, postpaid, 10c; per dozen 50c, 
rtpald; $&00 per 100 by express at purchaser's expense. 

The prices are for the strongest and best bulbs; smaller bulbs can be 
>»Hed at lower prices, but they will produce bleoms of inferior size and 
ility, « at all, the first year. 





. Dahlias are great favorites for 
.utumn flowering. Because of 
heir large and varied range of col- 
irs, they are always popular. Our 
nixed contains all the best. 15c. 
ach. 6 for 80c, 12 for $1,50 postpaid 


Once planted will last a life- 
time. Produce most magnifcent 
Bowers in >reat profusion. Pink 
»r Crimson, 25e each, 6 for $1.25. 
Pure white, 80c each, 6 for $1.50 all 

Wo pay Postage 





f„y ery h an<3some dark green clover-like 
fSL ia ^o Dai ? ty . little lowers, something 
*wf ha * pe L of f or get-me-nots, add their 
share of beauty to this charming plant. 
Pretty to use in barskets. 

WHITE, PINK, REI>-Price of each 
separate color or mixture of three colors 
same prlce a 4 for 5 cts; 12 for 10 cts; 25 
for 15 cts.; 50 for 40 cts. postpaid. 


Elephant Ears— is most efe?tive for single 
plant on the lawn or massed in large beds. It 
has light green leaves, often 3 feet by 20 inches 
Bulbs can be stored in a dry place and kept 
through the winter. Fine large bulbs 12c each ; 
3 for 30c postpaid. 


EXCELSIOR PEARL— We handle nothing but the highest type oJ 
tuberose, hence we list this well known variety. It's of dwarl habit, 
very double. Succeeds best in a warm, sunny place. Flowers are a pure 
waxy white and very sweet scented. Grow about 18 inches high and 
stems bear a dozen or more flowers. Price 5 cts. each; 3 for 10 cts, 12 for 
40 cts. 

These are beautiful beyond description. The rich and many colored cup-shaped flowers, mounted on stiff 
stems, make a grand show against a background of velvety leaves. They flower quickly after planting. Why not 
start some for Easter decoration? We offer the choicest mixed. In them you'll find all the handsome kinds. 12c 
each; 3 for 30c. ; 12 for 1.00 postpaid, 

Choice GERANIUM*. 

Price. 12c each; 3 for auc. 

"A. H. TREGO"— Flowers semi-double and of extraordinary size for a Geranium; a rich dazzling scarlet; rich 
foliage and strong growth; without question the finest scarlet Geranium on the market. 
BEATJTE POITEVINE— Salmon color, good for bedding. 
COUNTESS OP HARCOURT— -Pure white, a free bloomer. 

JEAN VIAUD— Flowers semi-double, rose pink with white eye; good In every respect. 

S. A. NUTT The best dark crimson bedder; also fine pot plant. 12c each; 3 for 30c, postpal*. 

1 plant each of the 4 double and 4 single for 76c, postpaid. 

CLYDE— Pure soft even scarlet; grand for both bedding and pot. 

GRANVILLE— Nice long stemmed pink, good for both beds and pots. 

L'AUBE — One of the finest single white Geraniums grown. 

MRS. E. G. HILL— A most distinct and pleasing shade of salmon. Fine bloomer. 
ROSE SCENTED GERANIUM — Grown for the fragrance of its foliage; rich deep pink. 
IVT LEAVED GERANIUM — Pink, fine for baskets, pot plant and winter bloomer. 



Roses and Plants. 

Orders for Roses and Plants will be filled separately from seed or other orders and will be shipped 
,s soon as the weather will permit. « , , . . 

We make a specialty of «fine Roses, sending out only good, strong plants, m all instances as large 
,s can be advantageously sent by mail. 

When an entire collection is not desired, selection of any of the varieties offered may be made at 
5 cents each, postpaid. 


The flowers are a deep orange-yellow in the bud, the opening flowers a soft yellow, passing 
to lemon-white as they fade. Unlike most Ramblers, the flowers are sweet scented. The foliage 
is glossy and very attractive, and it is a profuse , bloomer, bearing its beautiful, fragrant flowers 
in clusters. Given award of merit from the Royal Horticultural Society of London. Price, 15 
cents each; 2 for 28 cents, postpaid. 

Sunflower Collection^. 

Six Hardy Everblooming Roses for 50 
cents, postpaid. 

ETOILE DE LYON. — A beautiful pure 
yellow tea rose, bearing flowers early and 
late. Stands both heat and cold. One 
of the best for general use. 

ETOILE DE FRANCE. — A grand, new 
velvety crimson rose, hardy and ever- 
blooming. It is fine for cut flowers. 
Taken all in all, it's one of the best of 
its class 

GRUSS AU TEPLITZ. — Splendid new 
everblooming. This is the reddest of .all 
red roses and one of the best for the 
amateur, who has no green house and de- 
pends on the garden for flowers; it suc- 
ceeds under most ordinary cultivation and 
conditions. The foliage is beautiful. 

of the finest white roses, combines all the 
good qualities. 

KILLARNEY. — Flowers are a rich rosy 
pink of large size; the buds are long and 

WELLESLEY. — A Hybrid Tea and free 

Big Four Collection. 

Four of the best Hardy Red Roses for 
40 cents, postpaid. 

ALFRED COLCOMB. — Extra large dou- 
ble cherry red flowers. 

GEN. JACQUEMINOT. — Rich crimson, 
very handsome in the bud. Introduced 
nearly 50 years ago, but still retains its 

GEN. WASHINGTON.— Soft, glossy scar- 
let; very double; very desirable on ac- 
count of its abundance of fall blossom 
when others blossom shyly. 

ULRICH BRUNNER. — The thornless 
brilliant cherry red rose, a very good 

The La France Set, 

The LA FRANCE SET. — Price, 33 cents, postpaid. 

LA FRANCE. — The old garden favorite, the quee n of all Roses. No variety surpasses its silvery rose 

DUCHESS OF ALBANY.. — This Rose is muoh like La France, except its color is more brilliant, it being 
i very gorgeous red. 

CHAMPION OF THE WORLD.— A lovely clear deep pink. Flowers large size. 

PRINCESS BONNIE. — A richer crimson was never seen in a Rose, while its fragrance is even more 
lelicate than the La France. 

Happy Home Collection. 

Sixteen Hybrid Perpetual Roses for $1.50, postpaid. The assortment comprises none but the most de- 
sirable varieties and will give pleasure to all purchasers 

^•A LF ^9, r p^^ M ?;^ £rimson. ANNE DE DEISBACH. — Shell pink. CAPRICE. — Striped pink and 
^XSE; - 9, herr 7 SS?' GEN * JA CQUEMINOT.— Scarlet. JOHN HOPPER.— Rose Pink.. MAD. GABRIEL 
^i?m T -7T Cora1 -. , 5' PLANTIER. — White. MAGNA CHARTA. — Pink. MRS. JNO. LAING.— Pink. OAK- 
^£2T-^~ D ?? P pmk ' PAUL NEYRON.— Pink. ULRICH BRUNNER.— Cherry red. PRINCE CAMILLE DE 
rlOHAN. — Maroon. 

Memorial Collection. 

™?m£rn^ i^a L A E T°Jo 10 ^ (for cemetery planting-.)— Three hardy white roses for 30 cents, postpaid/ 
inuous bloomer ALPS.— Pure white, tinged with pink in the center; flowers are good size; a con- 

m^?i? E t?t T a E xt^ S r BI ^ C HES.— Similar to the one above except the center is cream instead of pink, 
iouble LANTIER.— This fine variety is as ornamental as a Hydrangea. Flowers are pure white and 



G$Ti*iet-i>lue seedling from Crimson Rambler.) 

Miter years of effort rosarians have been rewarded by the production of a blue rose, whiek will be 
welcomed with the greatest interest by all lovers of the garden. This new climbing rose surpasses all 
Others of recent introduction in having a pure blue color. 

The flowers appear in large clusters, after the manner of the Crimson Rambler, are semi-double 
^jid Of medium size. Upon first opening, the color is partly bright red and party bright rose, turn- 
ing sooa te a steel blue. The color is best described by saying that it resembles the color of early 
Volets. This variety is a strong grower, has shining green foliage and few thorns. Be the first in your 
jtffeightoorfcood to show this grand new novelty. Price, 16 cents each; 2 for 30 cents, postpaid. 

^©r many years past it has been the endeavor of every rose grower to produce a climbing variety 
tfca£ iflrould be of perpetual flowering habit. The many beautiful varieties of Rambler Roses were valu- 
able acquisitions, but none of them could be caljed perpetual or everblooming, they producing only one 

crop of flowers during the reason. The Flower of 
Fairfield, however, is correctly termed a perpetual 
blooming variety. It commences flowering in the 
spring or early summer, and produces repeated crops 
of bloom until late in the autumn. It is a sport from 
the famous Crimson Rambler; it is of the same color, 
if not a shade more brilliant, and has better resist- 
ing power to the sun. Flower of Fairfield blooms 
very profusely on young wood the first year after 
planting. It is very effective for covering walls, 
trellises or arches, and is equally attractive for table 
decoration or other use as cut flowers. It has been 
taken up very enthusiastically by the florists in 
both Europe and this country, and we anticipate a 
demand that will far exceed the available supply this 
season. Each, 16 cents; 2 for 30 cents, postpaid. 

BABY RAMBLER — The everblooming Dwarf Crim- 
son Rambler, in bloom continuously. 

This rose begins to bloom when very small, form- 
ing clusters of flowers as large as the Crimson 
Rambler. It is a brilliant red, of bushy habit, com- 
pact growth, forming plants 1% feet high im a fi-inch 
pot. This rose bids fair to be the most popular for 
bedding, for it will bloom all summer. Baeh, 29 
oents;- 2 for 35 cents. 

The following varieties are valued ior trai»iBff over 
arbors, trellises and verandas, etc. Price, 12 eents 
each; 3 for 30 cents, postpaid. 

CRIMSON RAMBLER.— This is a splendid rose, and 
another year's trial proves that it is perfectly hardy, 
making shoots 10 to 12 feet in a season. Produces 
25 to 30 flowers in cluster, entirely covering the 
plant from the ground to the top with a mass of 
bright, glowing crimson. It has heen very largely 
advertised and is very popular. 

THE WHITE RAMBLER. — Pure white, small, 
double flowers. It is a fitting companion for the 
Pink Rambler, closely resembling it in foliage as 
well as in the great cluster of pure white flowers. 

DOROTHY PERKINS. — A grand new sort remark- 
ably like Crimson Rambler, but the flowers are more 
Crimson Rajksuek Rose h^d^ ° f * beautiful she11 pink e * 1 * r - Ter > r 


SHRUB ORDERS MUST REACH US NOT LATER THAN APRIL, 15. Plants fcegln growliiic after ttial 

ALTHEA (Rose of Sharon.) — Covered with rose-like flowers during August and September, when 
other flowers are scarce. We have three colors. — red, purple and white, all double. Each, 12 eents; 1 of 
each for 30 cents, postpaid. 

SNOWBALL (Ordinary.) — 'Price, 12 cents each, 3 for 30 cents, postpaid. 

SNOWBALL (Japanese.) — Very choice, both in foliage and white blossoms. Difficult to propagate, 
toence its higher price. Price, 15 cents; 3 for 40 cents, postpaid. 

HYDRANGEA PANTICULATA GRANDIFLORA (The Hardy Hydrangea.)— Every branch is erowned 
with an immense panicle of fleecy white flowers, changing to a pink hue from August to October. Price, 
10 cents each, postpaid. 

HYDRANGEA OTASKA. — Japanese variety; produces immense heads of pink flowers. A little shade 
and plenty of water meets all their demands. Set away in the cellar to rest in the winter. Price, 
16 cents each, postpaid. 

HYDRANGEA THOS. HOGG. — Large white. May be grown for lawn or pot plant on the veranda. 
Price, 15 cents each, postpaid. One each of Thos. Hogg and Ostaka for 30 cents, postpaid. 

SPIREA (Meadow Sweet.) — This class of shrub will amply repay one with an abundance of flowers; 
easy cultivation, rapid growth, etc. 

SPIREA PRUNIFOLIA (Bridal Wreath.) — Double white, blossoming profusely the length of the 
branches. , 

SPIREA VAN MOUTTEL — A plant that sends up many tall shoots, which curve gracefully toward 
. the ground loaded with white bloom in May or June. 

SPIREA BUMALDA. — A dwarf variety, rose colored flowers, bears all summer. 

Price, 12 cents each; 5 or more at 10 cents each, postpaid. 


Among hardy plants none are more easily grown than these. They succeed well in ordinary soil, 
sending up an abundance of blossoms year after year with little care. 

AUG. RIVIERE. — Bright red. COCINEA. — Scarlet. COQUETTE. — White, with crimson eye. CROSS 
OF HONOR.' — White with band of rose in center of each petal, forming a Maltese cross. ECLAIR. — 
Reddish carmine with dark eye. EDGAR QUINET. — Rosy amarinth. ISABEY. — Orange salmon with crim- 
son center. LOTHAIR. — Soft, reddish pink, rose eye. MADAM BENZANSOM. — Deep crimson. PANTHEON. — 
Salmon rose, free flowering. THE QUEEN. — Pure white. 

Price of dormant roots, each 15 cents; 6 for 80 cents; 12 for $1.50, postpaid. 

' .HUBECKIA (Golden Glow.) — Double. These are one of the handsomest ornamental plants for the 
garden, lawn or park. Easy to grow; sure to bloom; great yellow flowers as fine as cultivated Chrys- 
anthemums. Include this in your order and you will be pleased. Price, 10 cents each; 3 for 25 cents, 





CLEMATIS. — These ornamental, hardy vines for house fronts, or may be used with fine effect on 
fances, etc. .We list the best varieties. DUCHESS OF EDINBURGH— Double white. HENRYI — Pure white. 
JACKMANNI — Flowers large, rich, velvety, produced in masses. MADAM BARON VEILLARD— Quite 
like its parent, Jackmanni; but color bright lavender. MADAM EDOUARD ANDRE — Nearest to red in 
the Clematis family. PANICULATA — Small flomers borne on long stems, in clusters, in August. RA- 
MONA — Large lavender-blue flowers, often 9 inches across. 

Price, 14 cents each; 3 for 30 cents; 1 each of the seven varieties for 60 cents, postpaid. 
CINNAMON VINE — Very rapid climber, and will grow for years. Strong tubers, 10 cents each; 3 
for 20 cents; 12 for 50 cents, postpaid. 

BOSTON IVY. — One of the most popular, vines. Hardy and clings to any smooth surface. Twelve dents 
each; 3 for 30 cents, postpaid. 


BUSH. — Red and white Tartarian, 12 cents each or 2 for 20 cents, postpaid. CHINESE — Reddish 
sreen foliage, red flower, buds when expanded show cream petals. HALL'S JAPAN — Pure white flow- 
ers changing to yellow. Bloom from July to November. MONTHLY FRAGRANT — All the name implies; 
red and yellow blossoms. SCARLET TRIUMPH — Red trumpet-shaped flowers. Price, 12 cents each; 
tne of each variety for 40 cents, postpaid. 

ENGLISH IVY. — Hardy; foliage dark green and glossy. Good for covering walls and ground where 
grass will not grow. Price, 12 cents each; 3 for 30 cents, postpaid. 

WISTERIA. — Valuable where tall growing vines are desired. Flowers are long and in clusters. 
CHINESE PURPLE. — 12 cents each; 3 for 30 cents, postpaid. 

PASSION FLOWER. — A fine climber; flowers from 2 to 3 inches across; white with purple etrona. 
Price, 12 cents each; 3 for 30 cents, postpaid. 


Price, 16 cents each; 6 for 50 cents, postpaid. 
FLORA HILL. — The largest white variety to date. 
G. H. CRANE. — The best large scarlet grown. 

MRS, FRANCES JOOST. — Pale pink salmon; large flowers, some measuring 3^ inches in diameter. 
MRS. THOMAS LAWSON. — No plant has ever received so much description and free advertising from 
Mewspapera of the whole country as this Carnation, which is said to have sold for $30,000. It is very large 
and beautiful shade of pink. 

LADY BOUNTIFUL. — Pure white, valuable for garden planting as well as under glass. 
ENCHANTRESS. — One of the recent introductions; an exquisitely delicate shade of shell pink; lileoms 
early and •ontinuously. 


Price, 12 cents each; 3 for 30 cents. 

GEORGE W. CHILDS. — Deep rich crimson, long stiff stems. Leaves grow close to the flower. 
GLORT OF THE PACIFIC. — An early pink sort. Flowers are of immense size; plant has a #warfish 

GOLDEN WEDDING. — The grandest golden yellow Chrvsanthemum ever offered. 
IVORY. — Pure white; fine for pot culture. 

BLACK HAWK. — Dark crimson; largest and best of its color. 

COL. D. APPLETON. — Deep golden yellow; perfect in shape and color as well as in foliage an* habit 
•f growth. 

TIMOTHY EATON. — Pure white blooms #f immense size and of globular shape. 



BOSTON SWORD FERN. — One of the most popular 
sorts. Splendid for pots, vases or hanging baskets, 
especially desirable grown in the wire hanging baskets 
in which they thrive well and make very ornamental 
plants. Price, 25 cents, postpaid. 

ASPARAGUS SPRENGERII. — It is a fine plant for 
hanging baskets, with graceful drooping fronds. 
Sometimes 4 feet in length. The color of the foliage 
is a rich shade of green and will retain its fresh- 
ness for weeks after being cut. Price, 15 cents each; 
3 for 40 cents, postpaid. 

often called the Shaking Fern. Its fine, bright green, 
feathery foliage surpasses the Maiden Hair Fern in 
delicacy of texture. The sprays, after being cut off, 
Will last for a long time and are indispensable as a 
green, in floral decorations. Price, 15 cents each, 
postpaid; 3 for 40 cents. 

Price 12 cents each; 3 for 30 cents, postpaid. 


COLEUS OR FOLIAGE PLANT.— We offer a variety 
•f Coleus, some of the most desirable for bedding. 
GOLDEN BEDDER. — Deep yellow variety. 
FIRE GRAND, — Dark crimson, shaded garnet. 
JOHN GOOD. — Light green, spotted yellow. 


The new giant Daisy is one of the best of Mr. Luther 
Burbank's productions, bearing only a slight re- 
semblance to the common daisy.. The new * Shasta 
Daisies often measure 4 and 5 inches across and are 
borne on stems 2 to 3 feet long. They succeed any- 
where and in hot or cold locations, blooming through- 
out the season in great profusion. Price, 12 cents 
each; 3 for 30 cents, postpaid. 


To this class of plants belong those that are hardy. Once planted they live forever. 
JAPANESE IRIS. — The truly lovely Iris is among the most desirable summer flowering plants; many 
flowers measure from 10 to 12 inches in diameter. Price, 12 cents each; 6 for 60 cents, postpaid. 

LILY OF THE VALLEY. — These dainty flowers should be 1 in a moist, shady location. Once planted, 
the crowns increase each year, soon making a large bed, which blooms every year. Strong crowns, 6 
cents each; 12 for 50 cents, postpaid. 

BLEEDING HEART. — One of the fine old favorites of Grandmother's garden. Produces rose colored, 
heart-shaped flowers in abundance in April and May. Strong roots. Each, 15 cents; 3 for 40 cents, post- 

UMBRELLA PLANT. — This plant is as handsome as a fern or palm for decoration. It will grow in 
water and is useful for acquariums and fountains. Each, 12 cents; 3 for 30 cents, postpaid. 

DOUBLE PETUNIAS. — Crimson, Pink, Maroon, White, Variegated, 12 cents each; 3 for 30 cents; 1 each 
Df the five colors for 50 cents. 







Z^L. nEMAlD AND 30LD BV . ^ 


E: ttl • 625 QUIUCY SHEET =a 


=E A FULL LINE Of , ^~ 



Special Catalogue of Incubators and 
Brooders Sent Free. 

Purity Baby Chick Feed. 

Our Baby Chick Food is composed of pure grain and seed, cut or ground on a mill built expressly for 
that purpose. It is then run through two sets of screens, taking out all dust and dirt, leaving only the 
pure, nutritious muscle material cut the proper size for baby chicks. This food complies with the Pure 
Food Laws, and is Registered and Analyzed by the State of Kansas. More chicks die when 3 to 12 days 
old than at any other time— clean grain and muscle material is what they want, and this food supplies the 
want, and the price is low. Twenty-five pounds, 65 cents; 50 pounds, $1.20; 100 pounds, $2.25. 

Oyster Shell (the true, genuine oyster shell; not clam, as is sometimes sold), 90 cents per 100 pounds; 
Coarse Bone, Medium Bone or Bone Meal, 25 pounds, 65 cents; 50 pounds, $1.25; 100 pounds, $2.25. Mica 
Grit, 90 cents per 100 pounds. Blood Meal, 20 pounds, 90' cents; 50 pounds, $2.25; 100 pounds, $4.00. 
Meat Meal, 10 pounds, 25 cents; 50 pounds, $1.20; 100 pounds, $2.25. Beef Scraps, 10 pounds, 35 cents; 
25 pounds,' 85 cents; 50 pounds, $1.50; 100 pounds, $2.75. Aluminum Leg Bands, all numbered, 25 for 25 
c-nts; 50 for 45 cents; 100 for 75 cents. Give breed of fowls. « (If wanted by mail, add 4 cents per 100.) 
Medicated Nest Eggs, 4 for 15 cents. (Postage, 4 cents extra.) 

LEE'S LICE KILLER. — It never fails. Just spray the roosts and nests and all lice and mites will 
disaooear No handling of fowls, no dusting, dipping or greasing. Is all over in the average poultry 
house in 10 minutes. Quart can, 35 cents; % gallon, 60 cents; gallon, $1.00. One gallon by express, 
prepaid, $1.25. 

INSECT POWDER. — Especially valuable on sitting hens and on little chicks. Kills lice, mites and 
all insects. Price, 25 cents per box. 

LEE'S EGG MAKER. — Furnishes the material the egg-producing organs require. Don't blame the 
hen- she is a natural egg machine, whose every desire is to lay. Furnished the proper food and sur- 
roundings and she will lay as readily in January as in April or May. Every hen won't lay the same 
number of eggs, but each hen will lay more eggs than she does now, if Lee's Egg Maker is made a part 
of the daily food. Fifty feeds for 1 cent. Price, 2 Vz -pound package, 25 cents; 5 % -pound package, 50 
cents; 25-pound pail, $2.00. 

LEE'S GERMOZONE.— Germozone is just what its name implies— a . germicide, a bowel regulator. Will 
cure the worst cases of Roup, Swelled Head, Chi-cken Cholera, Canker, Colds, etc. A few drops m the 
water keeps them in condition all winter. Germozone in the water makes strong, healthy chicks. Use 
it once — you will find it pays and you will not be without it. Price, 50 cents, postpaid. 

LEE'S HOG REMEDY. — Is the best and cheapest remedy for hogs in the world. Is a conditioner, a 
sure worm destroyer, an appetizer, a laxative, and cure for, constipation. It is a preventative and the 
best cure for cholera. It is all medicine and not diluted with meal. Price, 7%-pound package, 75 cents; 
25-pound' pail, $2.00; 100-pound box, $6.00. 

LEE'S DTP.— A coal-tar product and leads all others in purity, strength solubility and uniformity. 
For cattle, sheep and hogs. Is also a splendid lice killer. Unexcelled as a disinfectant. One-halt gallon, 
60 cents; gallon, $1.00; 5 gallons, $4.00; barrel lots at 65 cents per gallon. 

LEE'S STOCK POOD (A tonic.) — Keeps horses in perfect condition; cows will give greater quantity 
and better quality of milk; cattle make larger gain; hogs will grow more pounds out of each busnei 
of corn. It is a money-maker on the farm. Cost is very low — five feeds for 1 cent, bix-pound pack- 
age, 50 Cents; 12-pound sack, 75 cents; 25-pound sack, $1.40; 25-pound pail, $1.60. 

LEE'S DIP. — A coal-tar product and leads all others in purity, strength, solubility and uniformity. 
For cattle, sheep and hogs. Is also a splendid lice killer. Unexcelled as a disinfectant. Half gallon, bO 
cents; gallon, $1.00; 5 gallons, $4.00; barrel lots at 65 cents per gallon. 

LEE'S WORM POWDER. — For hogs, sheep, cattle and horses. A sure remedy. Price, pound package, 
25 cents ' 

LEE'S FLYO-CURO. — Protects stock from flies, mosquitos and all insects. Quart, 35 cents; % gallon, 
60 cents; gallon, $1.00. 

Special Bee Supply Catalogue Sent Free. 

We Carry the A. I. Root Goods— the Acknowledged Standard of the World. 

Address, Zimmerman Seed Co., Topeka, Kansas. 


The Cyclone Seed Sower CvemL 

It differs materially and very advantageously from all other Sowers in 
having a slope feed-board with an oblong hopper which terminates in a 
metal edge on which oscillates a steel feed-plate which does not allow the 
seed to b.ecome clogged, but makes a positive force feed and insures a uniform 
flow and even distribution of seed. 

The Machine is supplied with a recently patented interlock, double flange, 
non-solder tin distributing wheel and an automatic feed adjustment so that 
the seed can be let on or shut off instantly. 

The right side of the Sower is concave in shape and rests nicely against 
the side of body just above the hip. 

The crank-shaft being ABOVE THE DISTRIBUTING WHEEL brings both 
hands to nearly a level and gives the operator the easiest position possible 
with the left hand resting naturally in place to open or close feed instantly. 
The frame parts are made from well seasoned yellow poplar and the curved 
parts from tough sycamore. The machine is neatly finished, nicely painted, 
has a large, heavy duck hopper, and is specially recommended when *a sower 
is wanted for sowing grain and any other variety of seeds. (Pull operating 
directions with each machine.) Price, $1.50. 

Compressed Air Sprayer 


made extra strong and 
can be laid down with- 
out spilling the con- i 
tents. Will spray in any I 
direction. The only one 
of its kind that will 
spray straight up. Price 
50 cents; postpaid, 60 


slight pressure of the 
thumb starts the spray, 
remove it and the spray 
stops instantly. The 
body of this spray is 
made of galvanized steel 
tested' under high pres-^ 
sure. The air-pump is 
of heavy brass. A safety- 
valve is provided to al-* 
low air to escape after 
correct pressure is ob- 
tained. Extra nozzles 
throwing different spray 
sent' with each one. 
Sprayer holds 4 to 5 gal- 
lons. It is a powerful 
I spray and, we believe, 
one of the best. Price, 


Used for applying Slug 
Shot and insect powders 
of all kinds. Is well 
made and gives perfect 
satisfaction. Price, 60 
cents; postpaid, 80 cents. 


Throws a continuous fine mist or coarse spray, 
as desired. Adapted for any and all kinds of 
spraying purposes and cannot be excelled for kill- 
ing potato bugs, spraying vegetable plants, shrub- 
bery, etc. It will spray up or down, or in any 
direction, and takes the place of every kind of 
sprayer and does the work twice as fast. Is easy 
to operate and there are no complicated parts 
to get out of order. Price, $1,00. 

Plant Our Tested Seed. 

SLUG SHOT- U is tnorou ^ nly reliable in killing Po- 
tato Bugs, Cabbage Worms, Sow Bugs, 
Currant Worms, Chicken Lice, Mites, etc. It is a light, composit 
powder, easily distributed by dusting or spraying in water. It is 
harmless to anything but insects. Is certain death to Cucumber 
Beetles and Squash Bugs. Price, 20 cents per pound; 3 pounds, 
50 cents, postpaid. By express or freight, 5 pounds, 40 cents; 10 
pounds, 60 cents; 50 pounds, $2.50; 100 pounds, $4.50. 

Utility Sprayen 

Constructed entire- 
ly of brass and con- 
sequently not af- 
fected by arsenics 
used in the different 
formulas. Furnished 
with 3 feet of de- 
tachable hose, hose 
fitted with a brass 
nipple for fastening 
on the pump, thus 
doing away with the 
old fashioned wire, 
which is never a suc- 
cess. Each pump is 
furnished with three 
interchang eable 
brass nozzles, throw- 
ing a spray or solid 
stream 50 feet high. 
The pump is of value 
for spraying trees, 
shrubbery, etc., as 
well as washing 
windows, buggies, 
sprinkling laws. 
They are neat in ap- 
pearance and very 
durable. Price, $3.50. 



Hill and Drill Seeder 

With all Attachments 

Qyngle wheel Hoe, Plow, Cultivator, Hill 
and Drill Seeder, A strictly first-class 
combination in every respect, very simple, 
few parts, easily understood, light to handle. 
Will plant any kind of garden seed in hills 4, 
6, 8, 12 and 24 inches apart or drill in con- 
tinuous row. Seeder is changed from hill 
dropping to drilling by slightly moving one 
part only. A special inner shoe is furnished 
for planting in a very narrow row. 
Front wheel is wire 16 inches high with a wide tire which makes the seeder run easUy. 
The feed is regulated with a brass thumb screw which allows the operator to get any 
amount of seed required. By taking out one bolt the seeder attachment can be remove* 
to use as a cultivator. Shipping weight 45 lbs. Price complete as shown $10.Bt 

Single wheel Cultivator 

Hill and Drill Seeder 

Weight boxed 30 lbs. Price $5.40 

Weight crated 40 lbs. Price $•. 

No. 4 

Double and Single Wheel Hoe, Cultivator, 
Plow and Rake. 

All castings are malleable iron which will 
not break. All attachments are the proper 
material to do the work well and scour **«iiy', 
this tool we can recommend to anyone. 
Price complete as shown $6.50 


24 Inch wheel. Mouldboard has landslide 


24 inch wheel 

Price with four attachments 

An up-to-date cultivator that 
one. Price $3.25 








No order for less than $5.00 will be accepted at 
these prices. Shipments made by express or freight 
not prepaid. 

One-half pound at pound rate; one-half peck at 
peck rate; one-half bushel at bushel rate. Cash 
in full must accompany all orders. I hope to re- 
ceive your order and will give it prompt and care- 
ful attention. 


Pkt. Oz. ^4 Lb. Lb. 

Palmetta $ .05 $.07 $ .15 $ .40 

Conover's Colossal * 05 .07 .12 .35 


V 2 Pt. Pint. Qt. Feck. Bu. 

Stringless Green Pod...$ .10 $ .15 $ .20 $1.30 $5.20 

Early Red Valentine... .08 .12 .20 1.00 4.00 

Yellow Six Weeks .08 .12 .20 1.25 4.50 

White Kidney 10 .12 .20 1.25 4.50 

Large White Marrowfat .10 .12 .20 1.25 4.50 
Zimmerman's Stringless 

Wax 10 .15 .20 1.30 5.20 

Imp. Golden Wax 10 .15 .20 1.30 5.20 

Golden Cluster Wax 10 .15 .25 1 .40 5.40 

Currie's Rust Proof Wax .10 .15 .20 1.30 5.00 
Zimmerman's German 

Wax 10 .15 .20 1.30 5.00 

Wardwell's Kidney Wax .10 .15 ..20 1.30 5.00 

Dwarf Black Wax 10 .15 .20 1.30 5.00 

Davis' Kidney Wax 10 .15 .20 1.30 5.00 

Refugee or 1,000 to 1 08 .10 .20 1.20 4.50 

Burpee's Bush Lima 10 .15 .20 1.40 5.40 

Henderson's Bush Lima. .10 .15 .20 1.40 5.40 

Kentucky Wonder, Pole. .10 .15 .20 1.40 5.40 

Lazy Wife, Pole 10 .15 .20 1.40 5.40 

Cutshort or Cornhill, 

Pole. 10 .15 .20 1.40 5.40 

King of the Garden Lima, 

Pole 10 .15 .20 1.40 .... 

Scarlet Runner 10 .15 .25 1.50 


Pkt. Oz. 34 Lb. Lb. 

Early Jewel $ .05 $ .10 $ .18 $ .60 

Crosby's Egyptian 05 .06 .12 .40 

Extra Early Egyptian 05 .06 .12 .40 

Edmand's Blood Turnip... .05 .06 .12 .40 

Market Gardener's 05 .08 .15 .45 

Early Eclipse 05 .06 .12 .40 

Extra Early Lantz 05 .06 .12 .40 

Zimmerman's Electric 05 .06 .15 .45 

Dewing's Improved Blood. .05 .06 .12 .40 

Half Long Blood... 05 .06 .12 .40 

Swiss Chard 05 .08 .15 .50 


Golden Tankard Mangel $ .05 $ .08 $ .25 

Improved Mammoth Prize Mangel .05 .08 .25 

Long Red Mangel 05 .08 .25 

Red Globe Mangel 05 .08 .25 

Lane's Imperial Sugar 05 .08 .25 

Improved, Wanzleben Sugar 05 .08 .25 


Large Wkite $ .05 $ .20 $ .75 $2.50 

Dwarf German Green 

Curie*..* $ .05 $ .08 $ .15 $ .50 


Perfection $ .05 $ .12 $ .35 $1.25 


All Head Early $ .05 $ .15 $ .40 $1.40 

Early Jersey Wakefield... .05 .15 .35 1.25 

Early Winningstadt 05 .15 .35 1.15 

Zimmerman's Earliest 05 .15 .40 1.45 

Extra Early Etampes 05 .15 .35 1.10 

Early Summer 05 .15 .35 1.25 

Early Flat Dutch 05 .15 .35 1.10 

Early .Express 05 .15 .30 1.10 

St. Louis Market from St. L .05 .20 .55 2.00 

St Louis Market, Ordinary .05 .18 .45 1.60 

Zimmerman's Surehead .05 .12 .40 1.20 

Giant Flat Dutch 05 .12 .35 1.10 

Short Stem Drumhead 05 .12 .35 1.10 

Large Late Drumhead 05 .15 .35 1.10 

Danish Ball Head or Hol'dr .05 .15 .40 1.30 

All Seasons T 05 .15 .35 1.25 

Mammoth Red Rock 05 .18 .45 1.50 

Savoy Drumhead 05 .15 .45 1.50 

„ , ~ ^ Pkt. % Oz. Oz. % Lb. 

Early Snowball ....$ .12 $ .55 $2.00 $7.50 

Dwarf Erfurt .15 .60 2.25 8.50 

Early Parts Forcing. ...... .05 *20 .60 2.00 


Pkt. Oz. 34 Lb. Lb. 

Qx-Hart or Guerrande. . . .$ .03 $ .08 $ .18 $ .60 

Chantenay 03 .08 .18 .60 

Danvers Half Long 03 .08 .18 .55 

Improved Long Orange 03 .08 .18 .55 

JLarge White Belgian 06 .12 .35 

Large Yellow Belgian 06 .12 .35 


Golden Self Blanc hing 

(French) $ .05 $ .25 $ 85 $.... 

White Plume..., 05 .15 .40 1.40 

Pink Plume ; 05 .15 .40 1.50 

Giant Pascal 05 .10 .30 1.10 

Large Ribbed Red 05 :10 .30 1.10 

Celeriac or Turnip-Rooted. .05 ,12 .35 1.25 


Large Rooted $ .05 $ .08 $ .20 $ .55 


Georgia or Southern $ .05 $ .08 $ .20 $ .70 


1/2 Pt. Pint. Qt. Peck. Bu. 

Extra Early Adams $ .08 $ .10 $ .15 $ .75 $2.50 

Peep O' Day..: .10 .15 .20 1.00 3.75 

Zimmerman's Earlv 

Mammoth 10 .15 .20 1.00 3.75 

Golden Bantam 10 .15 .20 .90 3.50 

Early Minnesota 08 .10 .15 .90 3.40 

Perry's Hybrid 08 .10 .15 .90 3.40 

Early Mammoth Cory... .08 .10 .15 .90 3.40 

Crosby's Early 08 .10 .15 .90 3.40 

Country Gentleman 10 .15 .20 1.10 4.00 

Stowell's Evergreen 08 .10 .15 .80 3.20 

Late Mammoth 08 .10 .15 .90 3/40 

Egyptian Sugar 08 .10 .15 .90 3.4C 

Black Mexican 10 .15 .20 1.00 3.50 

Sugar Drip 10 .15 .25 1.25 4.50 


Lb. 25 Lbs 

White Pearl .05 $1.0( 

White Rice 05 1.00 

Queen's Golden 05 1.00 


Pkt. Oz. 14 Lli. Lb. 

Zimmerman's Earliest $ .05 $ .10 $ .25 $ .85 

Early Perfection 05 .10 .30 1.00 

Arlington White Spine 05 .10 .25 .85 

Early Cluster 05 .10 .25 .85 

Chicago Pickling 05 .10 .25 .85 

Boston Pickling 05 .10 .25 .85 

White Wonder 05 .10 .25 .85 

Early Russian 05 .10 .25 .85 

New Everbearing 05 .10 .26 .85 

Improved Long Green 05 .10 .26 .85 

Davis' Perfect 05 .15 .20 1.00 

Cool and Crisp 05 .10 .25 .85 

Japanese Climbing 05 .12 .85 1 15 

West India Gherkin 05 » .16 .4i 1^25 


Black Beauty $ .05 $ .40 $1.25 $ 

N. Y. Improved Purple 05 .30 l.Of 


Green Curled..* $ .05 $ .08 $ .3# $1.00 


Bulb $ .. . $ . $ .l# $ .20 


White $ .05 $ .15 $ .4* $1.4# 

Purple 05 .15 .4# 1.40 


Large London $ .05 $ .10 $ .3# $1.0$ 


Zimmerman's Earliest $ .05 $ .08 $ .2* $ .70 

New Early Crisp 05 .10 .90 

Early Curled Simpson 05 .08 .20 .60 

Black Seeded Simpson 05 .08 .20 .60 

Grand Rapids .05 .08 .2# .60 

Crisps-as-Ice 05 .10 .30 .90 

May King... 05 .10 .30 .90 

Improved Hanson .05 .08 ,2# .60 

California Cream Butter. . . .05 .80 .2A .60 

Iceberg 05 .08 .20 .60 

Early Prize Head 05 .08 .20 .60 

Denver Market 05 .08 .20 .60 

Hard Head.. 05 .08 .20 .60 

Big Boston.; 05 .08 .20 .60 


White $ .05 $ .05 $ .10 $ .25 

Brown .05 .05 .10 M 

Southern Giant Curled 05 .07 .18 .45 





In bricks .20 


Pkt. Oz. % Lb. 

Z i m m e r m a n's Earliest 

Large $ .05 $ .10 $ .25 

Paul Rose 05 .10 .25 

Norfolk Button 05 .10 .25 

Extra Early Hackensack.. .05 .10 .25 

Rocky Fo-d 05 .10 .25 

Banana 05 .10 .25 

Grand Rapids 05 .10 .25 

Zimmerman's Excelsior 05 .10 .35 

Emerald Gem; 05 .10 .25 

Osage 05 .10 .25 

Miller's Cream 05 .10 .25 

Improved Montreal Market. .05 .10 .25 

Burrell's Gem 05 .10 .25 

Tip Top 05 .10 .30 

Success 05 .10 .30 


Iceberg $ .05 $ .08 $ .15 

Harris' Earliest 05 .08 .25 

Dixie 05 .08 .15 

Black Diamond 05 .06 .12 

Halbert's Honey 05 .08 .18, 

Rattlesnake 05 .06 .15' 

Southern Pride 05 .10 .25 

Light Icing or Ice Rind 05 .08 .15 

Peerless or Ice Cream 05 .06 .15 

Mammoth Ironclad 05 .06 .15 

Mountain Sweet 05 .06 .15 

Sweetheart 05 .06 .15 

Kentucky Wonder.. 05 .08 .15 

Mclver's Sweet 05 .08 .18 

Triumph 05 .08 .15 

King of Mammoths 05 .08 .18 

Kleckley's Sweet 05 .07 .18 

Kolb's Gem .05 .06 .15 

Citron 05 .10 .20 

Alabama Sweet 05 .08 .18 


White Velvet $ .05 $ .08 $ .15 


New 1910 crop and thoroughly tested. 

Yellow Globe Danvers $ .05 $ .15 $ .30 

Zimmerman's Earliest Red. .05 .15 .35 

Early Globe 05 .15 .35 

Australian Brown 05 .12 .30 

White Portugal or Silver 

Skin 05 .20 .45 

Southport Red Globe 05 .15 .35 

Southport White Globe 05 .20 .50 

Large Red Wethersfield . . . .05 .15 .30 

American Prize-Taker 05 .15 .35 

Barletta 05 .18 .40 

Mammoth Silver King 05 .15 .40 

White Bermuda 05 .20 .60 

Red Bermuda 05 .20 .60 


Thanksgiving Pie $ .03 $ .08 $ .18 

Small Sugar 03 .07 .15 

Winter Luxury 03 .07 .15 

Japanese Pie 03 .08 18 

Cashaw 03 .08 .18 

King of the Mammoth 03 .12 .18 

Common Field... 02 .07 15 

Kentuckv Field 02 .07 !l5 


Hollow Crown Sugar $ .05 $ .07 S 12 

Guernsey 05 .07 .12 


_ „ _ A Pint. Qt. Peck. 

Yellow Bottom $ .10 $ .15 $ .75 

Red Bottom../ 10 .15 so 

White Bottom 10 .15 .85 

m ™ PEAS. 

Two Weeks Early $ .15 $ .30 « 2 .10 

First and Best 15 .30 2.00 

American Wonder 15 30 2 25 

Champion of England 15 .30 1*60 

Little Gem 15 .30 2.25 

Alaska 15 . 30 2.00 

Gradus or Prosperity 15 .30 2.25 

Improved Stratagem 15 .30 1 80 

Nott's Excelsior 15 30 2 10 

Zimmerman's Reliance 15 !$0 210 

Yorkshire Hero 15 30 2*10 

Telephone 15 ! 3 0 2*.00 

Bliss Everbearing 15 .30 2.00 

Dwarf Sugar 15 30 1 75 

White Marrowfat .15 25 1*25 

5 Lbs. 
$ .75 


$ .80 







$ .50 

. .60 ' 

$ .30 



7.50 . 



Pkt. Oz. % Lb. Lb. 

Champion Moss Curled.... $ .05 $ .08 $ .1$ $ .45 

New Emerald 05 .08 .15 .45 


New Mammoth $ .05 $ .20 $ .60 $2.20 

Ruby King 05 .15 .50 1.90 

Celestial 05 .15 .50 1.90 

Procopp's Giant 05 .15 .50 1.80 

Red Chili 05 .15 .45 1.50 

Golden Dawn Mango 05 .15 .50 1.80 

Sweet Spanish or Large" 

Bell 05 .15 .50 1.75 

Long Red Cayenne 05 .15 .50 1.80 

Chinese Giant 10 .35 1.15 4.40 


Early Scarlet Globe $ .05 $ .08 $ .12 $ .40 

New Ligtning 05 .09 .20 .50 

Rosy Gem 05 .08 .12 .40 

New Early Giant 05 .10 .20 .60 

Early Turnip Red 05 .08 .15 .40 

Early Turnip, white tipped .05 .08 .12 .40 

Early Turnip White 05 .08 .12 .40 

Non-Plus Ultra 05 .08 .12 .40 

Chartiers 05 .08 .12 .40 

French Breakfast 05 .08 .12 .40 

New Leafless 05 .08 .18 .50 

Olive-Shaped Rose 05 .08 .15 .40 

White Olive-Shaped 05 .08 .15 .40 

White Strasburg 05 .08 .15 .50 

New White Chinese 05 .08 .18 .50 

Rose China Winter 05 .08 .12 ,40 

Crimson Giant 05 .08 .15 .50 

White Icicle 05 .08 .15 , .50 

Long Scarlet Short Top 05 .08 .12 .40 

Long White Lady Finger.. .05 .08 .15 .40 

California Mammoth Winter .05 .08 .15 .45 

Victoria Giant $ .05 $ .10 $ .30 $1.00 


New Long Standing $ ... $ .05 $ .08 $ .20 

Round Thick Leaved. 05 .08 .20 

Prickly Winter 05 .08 .20 

Bloomdale or Savoy Leaved ... .05 .08 .20 

Mammoth Sandwich Island. $ .05 $ .08 $ .25 $ .90 

Warty Hubbard $ .05 $.08 $ .20 $ .60 

Mammoth Hubbard 05 .08 .20 .60 

Golden Hubbard 05 .08 .25 .70 

White Bush Scallop 05 .08 .15 .50 

Summer Crookneck 05 .08 .15 50 

Sibley 05 .08 .20 .60 

Blue Marblehead 05 .08 .20 .60 

Mammoth Chili 05 .08 .25 .80 


Early Beauty $ .05 $ .15 $ .50 $1.50 

Early Wonder 05 .25 .75 2.50 

Earliana 05 .20 .50 1.75 

Zimmerman's Improved 

Tree 05 .20 .50 1.75 

Royal Red 05 .20 .50 1.75 

Gold Dust (Red) 05 .20 .40 1.50 

Kansas Standard , 05 .20 .60 2.00 

Western Giant 05 .20 .60 2.00 

Magnus 05 .15 .50 1.50 

New Stone 05 .15 .50 1.50 

Matchless 05 .15 .50 1.50 

Trophy 05 .15 .50 1.50 

Acme 05 .15 .50 1.50 

Paragon 05 .15 .50 1.50 

Enormous 05 .15 .50 1.50 

Golden Queen 0.5 .15 .50 1.50 

Dwarf Champion.... 05 .15 .50 1.50 

Yellow Pear 05 .20 .60 2.00 

Red Pear 05 .20 .60 2.00 

June Pink 05 .25 .75 2.50 


Oz. % Lb. Lb. 

Purple Top Strap Leaved $ .05 $ .15 $ .40 

Early White Milan 08 .20 .60 

Purple Top Milan .05 .15 .50 

Early White Flat Dutch 05 .15 .40 

White Egg 05 .15 .40 

Cow Horn 05 .15 .40 

Seven Top 05 .15 .35 

Yellow Purple Top Rutabaga 05 .15 .35 

Red Top Globe Rutabaga 05 .15 .35 

Heavy Cropper .05 .15 .40 

Galden Ball. .05 .15 .40 

My Seed Is Fresh and Thoroughly Tested. 






(Write your name plain and distinct. 

Post Office 


R. F. D. 

Send THis Order by 

State whether by Mail, Express or 'Freight" 

Express Office. 


Post Office Order $ 

Express Order $ 

Cash - - $ ,. 

Draft * - $ 

Stamps - - jjL. 

Freight Office 

When ordered by express or freight, give express or freight 'office/ 


Postpaid by Mail. We pay the postage on packets, ounces, X lbs, % lbs, lbs 
pints and quarts, All you have to do is to make out a list of the seeds wanted, attach the price to 
each and send the amount by money order, draft or registered letter. 














MOTE— Before making out your order, please read directions as given on the inside of 
Front Cover of this Catalogue. 


For every ONE DOLLAR'S worth of seeds ordered in Packets and Ounces, you may select 
TWENTY-FIVE CENTS worth in Packets and Ounces FREE. Write your Free se- 
lections in the soace below. Collections cannot be given Free. 



Artichoke 5 

Anise 36 

Asparagus 5 

Beans 5, 6, 7 

Beets 7, 8 

Borecole or Kale 36 

Broccoli 36 

J Brussels Sprouts 3« 

Borage 36 

Cabbage 9, 10 

Carrot 11 

Cauliflower 11 

Caraway 3 5 

Catnip 36 

Celeriac 12 

Celery 12 

Chicory 36 

Collards '..36 

Coriander 36 

Corn, Pop 14 

Corn, Sweet 13, 14 

Cress 36 

Cucumber 15, 16 

Dill " 36 

Egg Plant 16 

Endive 36 

Garlic 36 

Horehound . . .- 36 

Hop Seed 36 

Kohl-Rabi 9 

Lavender 36 

Leek 36 

Lettuce 17, 18 

Melons, Musk 19, 20 

Melons, Water, 21, 22, 23 
Martynia 39 

Mushroom Spawn 23 

Mustard 36 

Okra or Gumbo 36 

Onion 24, 25 

Parsley 28 

Parsnip 28 

Peanuts 36 

Peas 26, 27 

Pepper 28 

Pepper Grass 36 

Pumpkin 28 

Potatoes 40 

Radish 29, 30 

Rhurbarb 36, 39 

Rutabaga 35 

Salsify 31 

Saffron 36 

Sage 36 

Savory 36 

Spinach 31 

Squash 31 

Thyme .36 

Tomato 32, 33, 34 

Turnip 35 


Abutilon 50 

Ageratum 50 

Alyssum 50 

Amaranthus 50 

Antirrhinum 50 

Aster 51 

Balsam 52 

Begonia 63 

Bird of Paradise 52 

Cannas 55, 63 

Carnation 52, 67 

Castor Oil Beans 60 

Candytuft 54 

Celosia 52 

Centaurea 53 

Chrysanthemums. . 54, 67 

Cineraria 52 

Coxcomb 54 

Coleus 53, 67 

Cosmos 53 

Cypress Vine 63 

Caladium 64 

Cinnamon Vine 67 

Canary Bird Flower. ..63 

Cobae Vine 63 

Dahlias 53, 64 

Datura 55 

Dianthus 54 

Escholtzia (Cali. 

Poppy) 53 

Feverfew 53 

Fuchsia 53 

For-Get-Me-Not 53 

Gaillardia 54 

Geraniums 55, 64 

Gladiolus 63 

Gloxiania 63 

Gourds 36 

Heliotrope ,55 

Hollyhock 54 

Hyacinth Bean . .63 

Ice Plant 54 

Kenilworth Ivy 60 

Larkspur 54 

Lobelia 55 

Madeira Vine 64 

Marigold 55 

Marvel of Peru Si 

Mignonette 54 

Mimulus 55 

Morning Glory 63 

Nasturtiums 56 

Oxalis 64 

Pansy 59 

Paeonies 64 

Petunia 60 

Phlox 60 

Poppy 61 

Portulaca 61 

Primula 60 

Ricinus 61 

Salvia or Scarlet Sage. 61 

Sensitive Plant 60 

Smilax 60 

Stocks 61 

Sunflower 45, 60 

Sweet Pea 61, 62 

Sweet William 61 

Tuberose 64 

Verbena 62 

Wistaria 63, 67 

Zinnia 62 


Pages 36, 39 


Pages 40, 49 


Pages 65, 66, 67 


Page 39" 


Pages 68, 39 

Seeds and Roots Required 

Artichoke, oz of seed to 500 plants. 
Asparagus, oz of seed for 500 plants. 

Beans, dwarf, iy 2 pt to 100 feet of drill; 1^4 bu per acre. 
Beans, pole, one qt to 100 hills. 

Beet, one oz to 100 feet of drill; 5 to 6 lbs per acre. 
Brussels Sprouts, one oz to 5,000 plants, 
abbage, one oz to 3,000 plants. 

arrot, y 2 oz to 100 feet of drill; 2 to 3 lbs per acre. 

auliflower, one oz to 3,000 plants. 

elery, one oz to 10,000 plants, 
^orn, one qt to 200 hills; S to 10 lbs per acre. 
Cucumbers, one oz to 100 hills. 

gg Plants, one oz to 2,000 plants. 

ndive, % oz to 100 feet of drill. 
Kale, one oz to 5,000 plants. 
Lettuce, 14 oz to 100 feet of drill. 
Melon, Musk, one oz to 100 hills; 2 to 3 lbs per acre. 
Melon, Water, one oz to 50 hills; 3 to 5 lbs per acre. 
Okra, one oz to 75 feet of drill. 

Onion seed, one oz to 200 feet of drill; 5 lbs per acre. 
Onion seed, for sets, 40 to 50 lbs per acre. 
Onion sets, one qt to 38 feet of drill; 6 bu per acre. 
Parsnip, % oz to 100 feet of drill; 3 to 5 lbs per acre. 
Parsley, y 2 oz to 100 feet of drill. 

Peas, garden, one qt to 100 feet of drill; 1% bu per acre 

Peas, cow, iy 2 bu per acre. 

Pepper, one oz to 1,500 plants. 

Pumpkin, one oz to 75 hills; 5 lbs per acre. 

Radish, one oz to 100 feet of drill; 6 to 8 lbs per acre. 

Salsify, one oz to 75 feet of drill; 6 to 8 lbs per acre. 

Spinach, one oz t© 100 feet of drill; 10 lbs per acre. 

Squash, one oz to 75 hills; 5 lbs per acre. 

Tomato, one oz to 2,500 plants. 

Turnip, one oz to 200 feet of drill; m lbs per acre. 

Table of Field Seeds 

Lbs. per Bu. Lbs. per Acre 

Alfalfa Seed 60 18 to 2o 

Alsike Clover 60 8 to 10 

Kentucky Blue Grass, for lawns 14 40 to 50 

Kentucky Blue Grass, pasture 14 10 to 15 

Red Clover 60 10 to 12 

White Clover 60 3 to 5 

Timothy Seed 45 10 to 12 

English Blue Grass 22 20 to 30 

Orchard Grass 14 12 to 15 

Red Top 14 10 to 12 

Red Top Chaff 30 to 40 

Bromus Inermis 14 20 to 30 

Millet 50 30 to 40 

Cane Seed, Broadcast 50 50 to 100 

Cane Seed, in Drills 50 8 to 12 

Broom Corn 48. 

Corn, Field 56. 

Corn. Sweet 50. 

Corn, Pop 60. 

Kaffir Corn, in drills 56. 

Kaffir Corn, broadcast 56. 

Speltz 40 . 

Essex Rape 50. 

Flax Seed 56. 

Buckwheat 50. 

Rye 56. 

Hemp 44 . 

Wheat 60. 

Oats 32. 


Soja or Soy Beans, drills 

Soja or Soy Beans, broadcast. . . . 
Cow Peas 


.2 to 4 qts. 
.4 to 5 qts. 
. 4 to 5 qts„ 
.2 to 4 qts. 
. 8 to 12 
.30 to 

. 4 to 

,30 to 
.25 to 
.60 to 
. S5 to 
.60 to 
.32 to 



.48 60 to 

.60 20 to 

.60 60 

• 60 90 to 120 


Good for 


Good for 

For Immediate Use and Not Transferable 

I know I have the very best quality of seed that can be produced and am very desir- 
ous of getting them thoroughly introduced in your neighborhood. In order to do this I 
make you this CONFIDENTIAL OFFER: 

If you will take my catalogue, and get up an order in your neighborhood amounting 
to Five Dollars or more in Garden or Flower Seed, send the order to me with the Five 
Dollars and this Coupon and I agree to send you, absolutely Free, all charges paid, 
Vegetable or Flower Seed of your own selection to the amount of One Dollar. 


If you do not think you can get up a neighborhood order, take advantage of the 
offer on the other side of this Coupon and get three packets Free. 


l{( )) ooo£>oo oo<3ooo ooo<£>oo oo<3ooo ooo€>oo oo<3ooo ooo£>oo oo<3ooo[(( 

o ' 

ra EH 

La eLJ 

la eJ 

Special Coupon 

Good for Three Packets of 
Seed When Properly 
Filled Out 

Write the names and addresses of five or more of your friends in the spaces be- 
low and return it to me with an order, and 1 will send you, postage paid, three packets 
of seed of your own selection absolutely FREE. If you would speak a good word to 
them about my seed, I will appreciate it very much. J. S. ZIMMERMAN. 


Special Price-List of 

Field and Farm Seeds, 



623-625 Qoi ncr St., TOPEKA . KANSAS. 

The ^ on v — «^': r L p r:*" y ir— 

«t the time my catalogue goes to pre,s. order to g 

prices, I have decided to not prepaid and are subject to 

These prices are for shipment by expre * „ , immediately send 

market changes. Cash in fall mus acc^ny ^ and ^ ^ 

receipt for the amount and ^ ^ size. If for any reason I could 

hand, being in position o ^?J^J; ^ of the orde , 
not fill your order, 1 will notitj >oa imnie r Fi ld geeds are C are- 

, h „ e ». «T '^t";^"™' Jth^oporio, i„ o™ ry w. y . 
fully selected, re-cleaned and graded, xou ZIMMERMAN. 

Very truly yours, <>■ k - = . 

7 ~^"\^ ~r Or send in your order at these prices and if there is 

New list issued January , ^ • n] ^ you right and w ill always give 

any change in price, 1 will notny ... a. 

you the benefit of the lowest market prices. 
SEED CORN, Prices given in Catalogue. 

o^™ t, r. raM T'e very fi'st and best quality, 10 lbs. $2.25; % bu. 
ALFALFA SEED, Pure GoH a. e veij i - i 
$6.75; bu. $12.50; 2 bu. $24.50, 4 or more bu . . e $li 0 per ba more bu . at 

Fancy Grade-10 lbs. $2.00; % bu. $5.<o; ba. $11.2o, 
* U ZZ Gade-10 lbs. $1.90; 7,'bu. $5.50; bu. $10.50; 2 bu. $20.50; 4 or more bu. at 
$10.00 per bu. 

TIMOTHY — y 2 bu. $2.70; bu, $1.25. 

i __. „Wo r ^ ;<vi»t oVtiHip, clean seed -pk. $2.75; % bu. 
RED CLOVER — ^ oa uiH find my clovei o. .gut,, 

$5.40; bu. $10.75, 

MAMMOTH CLOTEP^pk. <2M; 'A b-i. U«i ^ 
ALSIKE CLOVEE — pk. $2.90; % bu. $5.3- bu. $11.00. 

WHITE CICVSE 5 to 10 lbs. at ,0c per lb, 25 lbs. $7X0; 100 lbs. $27.00. 
BOKARAH OR SWEET CL07ER-5 lbs. G* ; pk. $2.80; M> bu. $5.50; bu. $10.75. 
KEB TCP — pk- % bu. $1.45; b.J. ^- 

ENGLISH BLUE G?ASS-% b,. $2.60; b, $5.10; 1 c.r more bu. ,.t $5.00 per bu. 
ORCHARD GEACS-pk. $1.00; % bu. $1.-0; In. 83.20. 

KY. BLUE GRASS-5 lbs. $1.50; % bu. $2.10; bu. $4.00; 4 or mor, bu. at $090 per bu. 
F.y mail, lb. 40c; 3 lbs. $1.10 pos'piid. 

LAWN GSASS-5 lbs. $1.30; 20 lbs. $5.00. _ 
Dwarf Essex Rape-5 lbs. 50c; 10 lbs. 80c; 25 lbs. tU»; 50 lbs. and over at per lb. 

(See Other Side 


BRO'MUS INERMIS— 10 to 20 lbs. at 14c per lb.; 25 to 50 lbs. at 12c per lb.; 100 lbs, 


KAFFIR CORN, White— 25 lbs. 40c; 50 lbs. 70c; 100 lbs. $1.30. 
Red—25 lbs. 50c; 50 lbs. 90c; 100 lbs. $1.60. 

Hemember my Kafir and Cane Seed is carefully selected, re-cleaned and of strong germi- 

CANE SEED, Orange— 50 lbs. $1.15; 100 lbs. $2.20. 
Amber— 50 lbs. $1.15; 100 lbs. $2.20. 

SOJA OR SOY BEANS, Early Yellow— pk. $1.00; % bu. $1.90; bu. $3.75. 

JERUSALEM CORN — 10 to 25 lbs. at 6c per lb.; 100 lbs. $5.00. 

CASTOR BEANS— pk. 75c; % bu. $1.40; bu. $2.50. . . 

COW PEAS— pk. 90c; y 2 bu. $1.70; bu. $3.20. 

MILO MAISE— 25 lb-:. 60c; 50 lb». $1.15; 100 lbs. $2.25. 

GERMAN 3V1ILLET— y, bu. 70c; bu. $1.30. 

JAPANESE MILLET (Billicn Dollar G- ass)— 10 lbs. 40c; 25 lbs. 60c; 50 lbs. $1.15 
100 lbs. $3.25. 

SIBERIAN MILLET — % bu. 75-; bu. $1.40; 4 or more bu. at $1.30 per bu. 

PEARL MILLET (Fcnrillana)- 5 to 10 lbs. at 10c per lb.; 20 lbs. and over at 9c per lb 

FLAX— pk. 85c; % bu. $1.50; b:i. $3.00. 

BARLEY, Champion Beardl ss— pk. 50c; V, bu. 90c; bu. $1.75. 
Mansury, Six Rowed — pk. 35-; \U bu. 60c ; bu. $1.15. 

JAPANESE BUCKWHEAT- -pk. 40c; % bu. 75c; bu. $1.40. 

BROOMCORN, Oklahoma Bwa.f— 5 to 10 lbs. at 5c per lb.; 25 lbs. $1.00; 50 lbs. $1.80 
100 lbs. $3.50. 

Evergreen— 5 to 10 lbs. at oo prr lb.; 25 lbs. $1.00; 50 lbs. $1.80; 100 lbs. $3.50. 

OATS, Red Texas, KLerscn, V» T I ite Rust Proof — Selected and graded, 70c per bu.; 5 o! 
more bu., at 65c per bu. 

SPELTZ— y 3 bu. 40c; bu. 8(K 

POTATOES, Early Delight— pk. 35c; % b'. 65c; bu. $1.20; bbl. of 2% bu. $3.10. , 
Early Six Weeks -pk. 35c; y 2 b-. 00c; b . $1.10; bbl. of 2% bu. $3.00. 
Early OMcs— pk. 30r<; % bu. 60- ; bu. $1 13; bbl. of 2% bu. $3.00. 

Tre Burbank— pk. 30c; y 2 bu. 60c: bu. ft.10; bbl. of 2% bu. $2.90. j 
Early Rose— pk. S0c; M> bu. 60c; bu. £1.1 >; bbl. of 2% bu. $3.00. 
Triumph— pk. 45c : % bu. 80c; bu. $1.50; bbl. of 2% bu. $4.00. 

Please remember we are exclusively a SEED HOUSE, and ou* seed potatoes aro gel 
nine Red River stock and selected for seed purposes. You Avill find them much <o-p«fl 
to the "cheap" stock fo*netimes offered by * om mission and produce houses'. Get the besl 

SWEET POTATOTS, Yellow Jersey and Yello-v Kansemonds — Pk. 35c ; y ? bu. 65* 
bu. $1.25; bbl. of 2% h-\ $3.15. 

Red Jersey, Red T" "semonds, Red Bermudas, Southern Oueen and Yams — pk. 40c; 1 
bu. 70c; bu. $1.30; bbl. of 2% bu, $3.25. 

Address all orders to 


(See Other Side.)