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Full text of "1912 mid-summer catalogue [of] strawberry plants pot-grown and ready about July 1st : Perennial flower seeds for summer and autumn sowing : Early forcing bulbs, etc."

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Mid-Summer Catalogue 
Se ee Plants 

Pot-Grown, tidy about July Ist 

Perennial Flower Seeds 





Importers and Growers 

Telephone 2223 Cortlandt 

Strawberry Plants 

Those marked (P.) have pistillate or imperfect 
flowers, and must be planted near perfect-flower- 
ing kinds, in order that the flowers may fertilize. 
The varieties not so marked are bi-sexual, or 
perfect-flowering, and can be planted alone. 
When properly pollenized the pistillate varieties 
are the most prolific. ; 

_ Most dealers recommend planting Strawberries 

in August. However, we hope you will see the 

advisability of setting pot-grown plants as early 

in July as possible, when they will produce a 

large crop the next summer and we believe if 

you follow our advice the results will be much 
more satisfactory. 

Our list includes all the newest and best 
standard varieties, extra strong, healthy plants. 
We exercise the utmost care in packing for ship- 
ment, which is of great importance to the pur- 
chaser. Place your orders early. 

Abington. A midseason or main crop variety; 
fruit large, of fine flavor, with firm surface of 
bright crimson. Good for canning and pre- 
serving. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00 

August Luther, This variety is very popular not 
only with berry growers, but also in the 
family garden; it has a host of friends and 
succeeds everywhere. The berries are good size, 
firm and lots of them. Extra early. Per 100 
$4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Auto. An immensely productive variety, bearing 
large handsome berries of high quality. Per 
100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Beder Wood. Always on hand with a big crop of 
beautiful crimson berries of extra high quality 
lying in windrows all around the plants. Me- 
dium. Per 100 $3.50, per 1000 $30.00. 

Bismarck. This variety is a strong one both in 
growth and fruiting and an exceptionally strong 
pollenizer. Late. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Brandywine. Large, conical, glossy crimson, firm 
and solid; of fine, aromatic flavor. Plant vigor- 
ous and productive, succeeds on any soil. Mid- 
season to late. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Bubach. (P.) <A very large berry of dark color. 
Productive; of fair flavor. Largely grown for 
market. Midseason. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Chesapeake. (New.) One of the best Strawberries 
grown, all things considered. In competition 
with more than one hundred other varieties, 
Chesapeake easily took first prize It is very 
large, of fine form, as late as Gandy and in 
flavor ranks with. ‘“‘Marshall’’ and ‘‘Wm. Belt.” 
Per 100 $5.00, 1000 $45.00. 


Strawberry Plants (Continued) 

Cardinal. (P.) Berries medium to large, near- 
ly round, very uniform in shape and size; color 
brilliant bright red, ripening uniformly with 
no green tips. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Climax. An early variety, very large and enor- 
mously productive; nearly round and very uni- 
form. Being very firm, it is especially valuable 
for long shipments. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Clyde. Very regular, bright scarlet berries; large, 
and of excellent flavor; firm, and a good ship- 
per. Plants healthy; vigorous and productive. 
Season early. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Commonwealth. In “Commonwealth” we have a 
berry as large as the largest—as productive as 
any of the large fruiting varieties; fine flav- 
ored, juicy and as dark as any Strawberry 
grown. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Downing’s Bride. (P.) It is certainly one of 
the most beautiful berries we have ever seen, 
so pretty and glossy, that even a sight of it 
makes the mouth water. Medium to late. Per 
100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Excelsior. Perfectly reliable as its tall thick fo- 
liage protects the bloom from danger of frosts 
and this is one good point for such an extra 
early variety. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Fendall. (P.) A seedling from Wm. Belt but far 
superior. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Gandy. One of the best late varieties. It is a 
strong, compact grower, with large, bright 
glossy crimson fruit, uniform in shape; flesh 
ae of finest flavor. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 

Giant Ruby. (P.) Very productive, immense 
size, handsome, uniform shape, and of deep 
crimson color. Giant Ruby ripens soon after 
the early varieties, and bears until nearly 
all others are gone. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Gladstone. Large as Sharpless; better quality; 
a vigorous grower. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Glen Mary. Large, bright, glossy crimson, of 
fine flavor. Strong, healthy, very prolific, and 
on good soil the berries are large to the end of 
the season. Early. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Heritage. A midseason to late variety,. of a 
beautiful dark crimson color; round, conical 
shape; flavor delicious. A grand berry for the 
home garden. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Hunn. (P.) <A _ late variety, very productive, 
large size, uniform shape, dark crimson, firm 
flesh of the finest flavor. A strong grower and 
latest sort grown.- Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Jessie. Very productive, fruit large,-light crim- 
son in color, firm and flavor of the best. Early. 
Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Johnson’s Early. Berries highly colored, of me- 
dium size and good quality. Extra early. Per 
100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 


Strawberry Plants (Contizued) ‘ 

Kansas. (P.) Productive berries, dark red clear 
through. Medium to large, and of high quality. 
Midseason. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Lester Lovett. Berries very large, conical in 
shape and very uniform. The best extra late 
berry offered, fruiting two weeks after all 
other late varieties. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Marshall. Large, dark crimson, good. Plant lux- 
uriant, but needs rich soil and careful culture. 
Midseason. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

McKinley. A grand. midseason. variety; size un- 
usually large; shape roundish, inclining to 
conical; color crimson; flesh firm and quality 
extra good. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Mead. This variety bears beautiful, large, firm, 
globular berries slightly pointed at the tip. 
The color is rich glossy red; quality and flavor 
delicious and mild. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Michel’s Early. One of the earliest perfect flow- 
ering varieties that will produce a full crop. 
A robust grower; will not rust or mildew. It 
yields large, handsome berries; color light 
scarlet; flavor exquisite. A fine sort to pollen- 
ize early pistillates. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

New Home. As late and large as Gandy, fruit 
a bright red color, uniformly large size; a 
good shipper. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

New York. The berries are very large, ripening 
midseason. Color dark ‘scarlet, changing to 
crimson when fully ripe. Quality first class. 
Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Nick Ohmer. For exhibition, this is probably the 
greatest berry ever offered. It is. a healthy, 
vigorous grower. The fruit is of mammoth 
size, beautiful in form and color and of excel- 
lent quality. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Nimrod. This variety produces the most beauti- 
ful Strawberriés we have ever seen, of de- 
licious quality and never affected by rust or 
disease. Per 100 $5.00, 1000 $45.00. 

Oom Paul. One of the largest so far intro- 
duced, and very firm for such a large berry. 
The plant is thrifty with glossy dark green 
foliage and will stand shipping with any of the 
very large varieties. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Pan-American. New Everbearing Strawberry. 
This berry is worth testing. As an Autumn 
bearer it is the only one we have seen that is 
successful. Per 100 $10.00. 

Parsons’ Beauty. A remarkable producer of 
bright red berries. It is difficult to describe a 
variety having as many good points as this 
one. Midseason. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

President. (P.) Almost round, very uniform in 
shape, borne in large clusters; flesh solid; color 
rich crimson; strong grower; exceedingly pro- 
ductive and continues bearing till end of sea- 
son. Per.100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 


: Strawberry Plants (Conetsnued) 

Saint Antoine de Padoue. The true French vari- 
ety. Fruit large, of a rich dark red color, 
handsome and uniform in shape, firm, of de- 
licious flavor, and keeps exceedingly well. It 
is a true, perpetual Strawberry, producing 
splendid berries during the whole Summer up 
to October, and is also adapted for forcing for ~ 
Winter fruiting. Per 100 $5.00, 1000 $45.00. 

Sample. (P.) Large, reund, dark crimson of good 
quality. Late. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Scofield. Loved by everybody on account of its 
enormous size, bright red color, and rich aro- 
matic flavor peculiar to itself. The plant is 
very large with an extra broad thick leaf. 
Early to late. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Senator Dunlap. Fruit large, rich, dark red. Me- 
dium to late. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

- Sharpless. Demand rich, strong soil. Plant large 
and vigorous; berries very large, irregular in 
shape; crimson, moderately firm and of good 
quality. Midseason. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Silver Coin. Berries large and delicious; plants 
vigorous, healthy and prolific, of luscious flavor 
and great productiveness. Uniform in size and 
shape. Per 100 $5.00, 1000 $45.00. 

Stevens’ Late Champion. A new variety, yielding 
large crops of beautiful berries very late in 
the season. Per 100 -$4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Success. One of the most beautiful as well as 
the earliest large berry we know of. The ber- 
ries are of large globular form, slightly coni- 
eal, and of a light bright scarlet; flavor mild, 
sweet and rich. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Twentieth Century. (P.) This Strawberry pro- 
duces mammoth berries of broad, almost kid- 
ney shape. The crowning merits of ‘20th Cen- 
tury” are uniform size and shape, smooth sur- 

. face, never ridged, dark crimson color and of 
delicious flavor. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

Uncle Jim. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Uptodate. Very prolific, light red berries of high 
quality. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00, 

Virginia. (P.) <A new early berry having a 
record of 12,000 quarts per acre. Is. very 
productive and of good size for an early berry, 
being only two or three days behind Excelsior. 
Per 100 $5.00, 1000 $45.00. 

Wm. Belt. The berries are as large as Bubach, 
more uniform in shape, productive and color 
perfect. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

Strawberries not in the foregoing list we can 
supply at advertised prices. 


Hardy Perennial Flower 

Hardy perennials are easily.raised from seeds 
and give better results when sown in.the open 
ground during the summer and fall. The soil 
should be kept evenly moist but not saturated. 
Transplant the seedlings once or twice if neces- 
sary to prevent crowding. 

Time of 

Acanthus Flowering Pkt. 

latifohus, “Purple 2th eee eee Aug. $0.05 

mollis: FROSes 4) hts 2/26 ate eereers Aug. .05 
Achillea (Yarrow) 

ptarmica, fl.) pleeiwWiites Zit... tee June .15 
Aconitum (Monkshood) 

Napellus. Dark bilties Saet beeen Aug. .10 

Napellus flore alba. White, 3 ft.....Aug. .10 

pyrenaicum:, Wellow, 0° tte ore oe :-Aug. 10 
Actaea (Baneberry) 

spicata. “Wihiteve3. -ft. ese une 0 
Adenophora (Bellflower) 

Potaninity “mieht splate so etite.. seen July Sel0 

Potaninii ,alba: > SWitlee sel et bg eee July .10 
Adonis (Ox-eye) 

autumnalis Red, 10) tte ene Mail. 205 

vernalis; .Wellow; 4 fitvss2o. 22s June  .05 
Agrostemma Coronaria, 2% ft. June. 

(Mulleiny Pink), Pink). eee .05 

atropurpuLrea. Lurplew oo eee eee .05 

bicolor. Bink and: Wwitlte:. eee .05 

alba.  Wiite ee. oo Seah te ae eee .05 

Mixed... IVa TIOUS) sic ce eee oes seins te -05 

Chilensis; Rose) white; -2) £ti.. eee JULY a sD 

argenteum: “Yellow, 1 ft2.. 2622s Wes. 10 

Saxatile, Bi syellow.elehts... oe eee June  .10 

Barrelieri” Dank blue) oy tte ener July: = 25 

[talica. Pale blue, 4. toi6) ft ae uy 0 

Italica, Dropmore var. Deep blue, 4 Bil) 

tO <GR SH on ec. 3 Sete oe eraebare seen eee June .25 

Anemone (Windflower) 

coronaria, single: Cacny (hit sb. sasnene .05 

“St. Brigid.’”’ Poppy-flowered.......-: .15 

JAPONICA TOSCA © 4 Ss 4 230. oc eoekemant ee a5 

BIDE = 6 dice bie ere Sa oR ee ee eae a he) 

. Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds (Continued) 

Time of 
Anthericum Flowering Pkt. 
Liliago (St. Bernard’s Lily). White, F 
~ PRa Be y o eeee May $0.10 
Antirrhinum (Snapdragon). 1% ft. 
Tall Rose. Scarlet, white, yellow... .10 
rs MER CO. FOZ HOCLS.o:erw os) ala nindehav blero .05 
Dwarf, Queen of the North. White.. .10 
Golden Queen. Finest yellow...... .10 
Pero. LGC) AB CR i coe pieueten shale! «) 0) CN sp aie) atra Ce wake .05 
Colectionr of 7h “VATICtics...c5 62.8 6 as .30 
Collection of 12 varieties .......... .50 

Antirrhinum Nanum Grandiflorum. Six 
new colors. 
Maize Queen. Beautiful salmon maize, 
with yellow lip, dark green foliage 
Pink Queen. A lovely pink, with yel- 
low lip, large flower, very beautiful 
Dainty Queen. Beautiful salmon buff, 
with bright yellow lip; pleasing 
SINGS, AECELACTIVEDR. caste celels.c ws onus, sisvonine 
Rose Queen. Bright rosy pink, with 
citron lip, deepening at top....... 
Buff Queen. A lovely shade of rose, 
with deep canary lip shaded orange 
Golden Fairy. Beautiful shell pink, 
ete delicate lemon-yellow blotched 
Tee eC eke & Sao Ce Oi eRe are 
Above collection of 6 varieties for $2.00. 

Aquilegia (Columbine) 

California hybrida. Mixed, 2 ft.....May 
Ganagensis. Yellow, 2) \fti.c. ci ..iae Sum. 
ehivsantha. (Canary, 3° £tis 25 }. secs Sum. 
echrysantha grandiflora alba. 3 ft...Sum. 
Ceruleay seale: biwetyS GEC ke oes Shee Sum. 
COoTUlCa ti. Dit s  BLUC SEC orotic: Pa oso aa 
glandulosa. Deep biwe, 2 ft........ Sum. 
Rese” Qucent~ BROSGis. hess es ose eu: Sum. 
Double and Single. Mixed. Each, oz. 50c. 
Aipmadw sure wilite, 34° fs. .49o...... Spring 
Armeria (Thrift) 
formosa. Rosy pink; 1 ft....... Sp. to fall 
formosa alba. White, 1 ft...... Sp. to fall 

arrented.- silver. £Olem lotto. to. os fos 6 
Asperula (Sweet Woodruff) 

GGorata. Gav nite. 611) 2 Et, Bo eee ee May 
Aster (Michaelmas Daisy) 

Nove-Angliz. Mixed, 4 ft........... Fall 

NoviaBeleli- sober 4 £t5 2 ee sate sce Fall 

Novi-Belgii, J. Wood. Dk. blue, 4 ft..Fall 
Novi-Belgii, Purity. White, 4 ft.....Fall 
Pyramidalis hybridus. Blue, 4 ft.....Fall 

Hownshenai. ~ilae. <2 fess soos ee July 
PATO MI ANVC. 4 LESS oF vail wantin as Sum. 

Hardy Pcrennial Flower Seeds (Gontinued) : 

Time of 
' Aubrietia Flowering Pkt. 
deltoidea grandiflora (trailing). Pur- 
pDle,~ oc VEER MS ee ee Hy. sum, $0.25 
Greeca (trailing). “Purple, 14 ft. Ey. sum. .15 
Leichtlinii. “Rosy ear: 34. ft:.=. “Hy sum. 9.60 
Auricula | 
Alpine... “Mixed, VaRlous; isi. bie ater Spring .25 
Baptisia australis. Blue, 2 ft.......... June  .05. 

Bellis perennis (Double Daisy). Popu- 
lar Spring blooming shardy plants 
for edgings and bedding; very dou- 
ble button-like flowers, % ft. 

Salon idoeila om Siavonyy yy liMis « 5 56 Pia, 
onestellowe, (ROSCuy pike scenes cies .10 
Red:. “Red and sroses es. fo oe eee uO 
Mixed: (colors? 2age wet eee, pee maki) 

Bignonia grandifiora (Trumpet Creeper). 
Luxuriant hardy climber with clus- 
ters of large orange-red flowers, 

40 tor 50) “Lia, «.. Ae eee eee 10 
Bocconia (Plume -Poppy) 
JAPONICA. VV tee et tne eines sie eae Sime es 

Boltonia (Chamomile) 

asteroides. Flesh-eolor, 7 ft.....:..... Malls ag 

lennsOnenoee Iealmc oleic (i) tits so a4 aa aie D 
Callirhoe (Poppy Mallow) 

Involucrataw trim), “who, oe ieee Sum. .10 
Campanula (Bell Flower) .- 

carpatica compacta, ~Blue, 4 -fti.2e.j5uUnieeeees 

cCarpatica, alibas Witenes 6 ati cess oe Sum.  .05 

Media (Canterbury Bells) 
Double White, Lavender, Blue, 
ROS6E, Shut 2 = aa Each .10 
Double Msixed. All colors, 3 ft...Sum. .05 
Sel Rose, Blue, White, Striped, 

fig Olea Geen Pi cc aS PL ae Each .05 

Single mixed. -All colors; 3 ft.) 2 )Stime 1.03 

Rosy Carmine, Rose, 3 ft Pe Bete iie Stam). 25 
Calycanthema (Cup and _ Saucer), 

Blue, White, Bright Rose, Mixed. 

Ot. es is SS Gees Each .10 
GHibyCehawlaGmael Nill Ano osc b ec bon see S05 
persicifolia grandiflora. Blue, 3 ft...June_ .15 

grandiflora alba. White, 4 ft..... roy aie ms as 
pyramidalis alba. ‘White, 5 ft...Latesum.  .05 

compacta) ISIE lg el t.2 ere Late sum. 25 

compacta alba. ‘White, 5 ft...Late sum:- -.25 

Catananche ‘ 
Gceruleasembale: Violet leas tiine etna Sum. .05 

Centaurea (Cornflower) 

montana. Blue, Q: cht ie teks eee Sum.  .10 
Montanamalba..  IWanTEeh Wy cba iene Sum, o 2h0 
orientalis. Pale yel., 2% ft........ Sime 70) 

tomentosum,. - White; Saget tye cee Smimiy 725 

e barbata coccinea. Red, 2 ft... 0.2.% Sum. 510 
barbata Torreyi. Coral-red, 3 ft.....Sum.. .10 
Lyonii. Deep red, 2 £t....5...< Latesum. .10 

Hardy Pesennial Flower Seeds (Continued) 

Time of 
Chrysanthemum Flowering Pkt. 
maximum, Shasta... White, 1% ft...Sum. $0.10 
maximum, Princess Henry. White, 
Pe ee ee ce CREE IETRT «ous «ce Nish eek ae Sum. .10 
Clematis (Virgin’s Bower) 
flammula (Virgin’s Bower). Fragrant, 

feathery white flowers; 25 ft..... .05 
paniculata. Fragrant white flowers in 

STOALCSE LAILOLI SLO. puchee =~ 5 pt othe sate 10 
Jackmann’s Large Flowering, mixed 

colors “ea RUN EA cast SIPC Re i otis eae 10 


Pramdinorg. ten yet... 2. tty... See: Sum. 10 

Pinceotatds BVeLlOW 2 Hts. eee oe Sum. 10 

PLDI OVO LLONU ey TE Cs ee are sk so aticbe o'enc May 10 
Cowslip (Primula officinalis) 

VEIN Gy LOSE SH po Ae Pg Ee Spring .10 
Delphinium (Larkspur) 

elatum hybridum (Bee Larkspur). 

ESTE cr ME atta Yon al a al eaten te, ade" «otis Kogeba aly Sum. ai) 
FOPIMGsumM,, Wark, Dlgpe a) LEt. oee 3 eee Stas RAG) 
formosum ccelestinum. Sky-blue, 2 

Lit SE NES Sac ar eR AIMEE Bie goo "Ai Sum... .25D 
nudicaule. Orange-scar., 1% ft.....Sum.- .25 
Qhinense. Light blue,63 shy. 2k. : Midsum. 10 
Chinense album. White, 3 ft.....Midsum. .10 
@hinense., -Misedy O77. SOC. csc le 05 

Dictamnus (Gas Plant or Burning Bush) 
PrromincvaaewOsSy Lilac, 9°22) Tt... 2. oie June  .10 
fraxinella alba. White, 2% ft....... June 310 

Digitalis (Foxglove) 
gloxinieflora alba. White, 3 ft.....Sum. .10 

IGN Vera ts Pied UWE NOMSIIR tie ai Regge oe A ieee eo Sum. 10 

DUPUULeA ee Url er woah. wes es ss oe Sum..- .10 

TOSGa. oEMOSCy Avie BE Cahora ts eiais «ss ale Sum. 10 

Wea CLOW exc EU. 2's ohare t Te fe aie Sum. 10 

WIPTOO RTs ark ete WOZ yO Ge erento ss: efene. ae Sum. 10 

Cangceasicum:. Yellows “ftj22 2 ..:. Spring  .25 

New. ed Sunflowers (4 £ti.0.. 92.65. “Y Aug.- ..25 

Echinops 4S 
133g ef O oem SURG CoM |S 51 Bt Fis 5 eee ea go ee a Fall 10 

Edelweiss (Leontopodium Alpinum) 

Pie eee sGekONeS (Aeeneitersc 37s! <enaeh «6 wisce acts AES) 

Erigeron (Orange Daisy) 
aurantiacus hybridus. Orange, 1ft. Ey.sum. .10 
speciosus grandiflorus. Mixed. 2 ft. Ey.sum. .25 

aipinuss, eeurereder is ~ ft: ve-on) seo Spring 25 

Eryngium (Sea Holly) 
alpinum.» Pale blue, 274. ft... oy. Aware 21:0 
Milanese iets VV ELE, 2. Yo PES Me ars wed Aug. .10 

a2erasoides. White, 3 to 4 ft... Auge 310 
imeawerion vince: bit. eos ces oats Late sum. 10 

Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds ‘Continued) 

Time of 
Gaillardia Flowering 
grandiflora maxima. Golden, 1% ft..Sum. 
kermesina splendens. Crimson etd tae Sum. 
sulphurea oculata. Yellow, 1% ft...Sum. 
Finest Mixed. All colors, Lt LE. S..< jon. 
Kelway’s New Hy’ds, Mixed. “All 
colors; *1%4: Etre bee picts Sills eee Sum. 

Lindheimeri. Rosy white, 31% ft....July 

acauliss Blue, AS5yshtak =- 20 eee Ey. sum. 
Geranium (Lady Pelargonium) 

Sanguineum. Deep. pink,> 20 £t.2.. by. sii: 
Geum, (Avens) 

coccineum, “Scarlet, 136 Site ae Ey. sum. 

coccineum atrosanguineum, fl. pl. Ey. sum. 

Scabra.  Ormatoliase.  llOmethieeucs saelenene Sum. 

Scabra major. Or. foliage, 10 ft.....Sum. 
Gypsophila (Baby’s Breath) ; 

acubikolia. 2 Wihiter 2 iii aie eee July 

paniculata. White, 2 £t. OZ. -50¢ >. Erya.sim: 

repens: . White, tte pee eee Ky. sum. 

autumnale. Yellow, 6 ft.......... L. sum. 

autumnale superbum. Yellow, 6 ft.L. sum. 

Helianthus (Sunflower) 

Maximilianiin Yelllow. 0) “ft... 2. L. sum, 
Perennial, Miixed. Various, 3 to 6 
| Per ernest mh odio oats 4 oie June 

Hesperis (Sweet Rocket) 

matronalis. White, 3 to 4 ft....Midsum. 

matronalis. Lilac, 3 to 4 ft.....Midsum. 
matronalis nana candidissima. White, 
Vib tl PE RPIA A AtC ara een A etary: Pict EyenOcD io! Oc Midsum. 
sanguinea. Coral-red, 2 ft....... Midsum, 
splendens. Deep red, 2 ft........ Midsum, 

Hibiscus (Marsh Mallow) 
Africanus, White, Crimson Hye, 4 ft. 
~ Golden Bowl. Yellow, 5 ft...... Midsum, 
moscheutos roseus. Rose, 3 ft...Midsum. 
Hypericum (St. John’s Wort) ‘ 
crenulatum majus. Yellow, 2 ft..Midsum. 
Hollyhocks (Chater’s Strain) 

Double Bright Pink, Blood-red, Ca- 
nary-yellow, Crimson, Golden Yel- 
low, - Lilac, Peach Blossom, Rose, 
Salmon, Scarlet, Snow-white, Mixed, 

OEE coe" Bits eroreiGie coool, cro. Scbyaien's Se ere Each. 
Allegheny Mixed, GSS Beevers oe Midsum. 
Single Finest Mixed, BEC aden Midsum. 

Incarvillea (Hardy Gloxinia) - : 
Delavayals | Pink. 20 turret eae Midsum. 


i Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds (Continued) 

Time of 

Lavandula (Lavender) Flowering Pkt. 

vera, Lavender, 1% ft. ........Midsum. $0.05 
Lathyrus (Everlasting Sweet Pea) 

latifolius,, Pink Beauty. 10 ft...Midsum.  .10 

latifolius roseus. Rose, 10 ft...Midsum.  .10 

latifolius albus... Wehite, 10 ft:....Midsum. .10 
Leontopodium (Alpine Sunflower’ or 


alpinum, White, 146 Sessa. Midsum. .15 
Linum (Flax) 

perenne: “Bluey 1s: LC. Be. rec bhee July 10 
Lobelia (Cardinal Flower) 

Garoinalis, sRMiery red; 2. ft... 0252.5 te Aug. 25 

fulgens, Queen Victoria. Scarlet....Aug. 25 
Lupinus (Lupine) 

APHOPrelisar CLOW. 4: GEbaccrc 6s coc artis ot June #0 

arporeus,, Snow. Qucens —4° ft... 0... <4 June  .15 

POM Po yvituse Ble) 4 TE Sirs cos 0 se June 4.15 

polyphyllus roseus. Rose-pink, 4 ft..June .15 

polyphyllus, Mixed. Various, 4 ft..June  .10 
Lychnis (Campion) 

alpina. Rose. 46. Bt) dci.s.tis nears ete so el Vheayat =e eEO 

Chalcedonieca. Scarlet, 2% ft........ May .10 

AUTEM Sy MEO, aye. LES ices states later ek May .10¢ 
Lysimachia (Creeping Jenny) : 

PapOnicaay VEllOW: i. cide ew eee. Sum. . 24) 
Malva (Mallow) 

mMmOSeHata: LOTIMSOM se oiditeens sso ce + Sle Abii 2h 

moschata flora alba. White. 5 Et... .\. eiUliygaen el (0 

Cidvmaeeeenimsons. 3. Lt... sic. ee Ajiy, = AKO) 
Myosotis (Forget-Me-Not) 

MIBeSUrIs: “Blue, 636 alibi. terse ie econ es Spring  .10 

alpestris, Victoria. Sky-blue...... Spring .15 

GissitMmora,.-cSluee te. TEeelene. s sre evel ye Spring ,10 

Halwistriss) VEE hss SE. Riierkew sae ots 3 Spring .15 

palustris grandiflora. Deep blue..Spring  .15 

semperflorens. Deep blue, 1 ft....Spring .15 


Burnett’s Gorgeous. This select strain 

contains a most beautiful collection 

of colors and markings not found in 

any other mixture, and we are confi- 

dent for perfection of form, firmness 

of texture, freedom of bloom an 

beauty of shades it excels all 

GUINCTIS pa rand exe cle eee sloleverstoleoe 4 0% $3.00 |.50 
American Show, Extra Choice, Mixed. .25 
Masterpiece (Frilled Pansy). Petals 

beautifully waved. Mixed colors... .25 
Five-Blotched. Choice strain ......... 25 
Cassier’s Giant Finest -Mixed...... Oz. $5.00 .25 
Bugnot’s Strain. Flowers large, ale 

Gf list “Colors. 3). .\..< 3c<ho o's sue Z. $5.00 .25 
Mme. Perret. Profuse plooma Be 

fine colors, rich red shades......Oz. “35. 00 | .25 


Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds (€ontinued) 

Orchideflora, or Orchid-Flowered, Pkt. 
Mixed: ° iuheeees -ceaeemee,. . . Ge eae Oz. $5.00 $0.25 
Odier Blotched. Rich colors........ OZ..$5:200 25 
Florist Strains Mixed=......8.... OZ tae) obs 
Enelish.. Winey miscreants.) eas Oz. $2.00 10 
French. Hinest “mixempe. 4/4. ee OZ F200 10 
German. ‘Mixed. 3... (Ai. 2 eee Oz. $2.00. 10 
Fine: Mixed: Aull colors, 2... 2. oe Oz: $1.00 24> 305 
Collection of 6 Varieties .......... mt!) 
Collection of 12 Varieties ........ Bf 5) 
Bidek.- Dark andes velvety. oe eee OZ S200. ois 
BLONnZEs 2 Meee ee eee ee cee ee eee MO) ZT ent 
Emperor William. Blue, purple eye.Oz, $2.00 mas; 
Fire King. Mahogany and gold....Oz. $3.00 .15 
Golden Queen. Pure yellow....... Oz. $8.00. .15 
Golden Yellow. Yellow, brown eye..Oz. $2.00 .15 
King of the Blacks (Faust)....... OZ. 53:00 2eE15 
Lord Beaconsfield. Deep purple violet, 
top petals heh oliiezeeens ee O72, 92200) Sas 
BROsyllac. 9... oo See ee OzZz3200- 2425 
Snow Queen. Pure wits Foe ae aN raed ge OZ7-52200~ 15 
StLipe dlc Peer aes Soe Ce OZ.92-00-°7 785 
White: Vigleiesspot. ks 25s. 5. ee eee OZs 52200-9215 
Finest Choice Mixed.............. OZ 325007 
Time of 
Passiflora (Passion Flower). 10 ft. 
cerutea. Sky blve) flowers. oo see ene .10 
gracilis. | Pure’ white” flowers...) - ere .10 
Pentstemon : 
Digitalis. aire=waltesews. yelidle steam June ~.2£0 
pubescens: “Rosy puis oes eee June: ieee 
Phlox (Flame-F lower) . 
decussata. Newest hybrids. 3 ft.:.-June  .25 
Physostegia : 
SPeClOSa. een Kins S/o i Uae nee eens Midsum.  .10 
speciosa alba. ‘White, 3% ft.....Midsum. .10 
Platycodon (Chinese Bell-flower) 
Mariesiicy Yee, liste cece eee cae June  .10 
Mariéesil valium: aVVibites ol) bts, apes June  .10 
Polemonium (Jacob’s Ladder) ; 
coeruleum “albu nie waht. le tae June’ =£0 
ceeruleum grandiflorum. Deep blue..June_ .10 
Richardsonil.  Sky-biue; vey eigen ee June + 10 
Polyanthus (Primula elatior) : : 
Blue... 10. ives eee cis nae ee Spring = 250 
NOpat-@ bp aMRME 8 Gy SasiAlche ome ue Soe ko .10 
Gold-laced. Extra choice 9.1... .% Spring .25 
Giant “White: Wet ore ener Spring .25 
Giant’ - Yelllow: “Whe ihusie ep e  eeee Spring 25 
Giant “CRrimMISOM. gee ees eee Spring -25 
Giant. Mixed s Jeter; oot eer see Spring  .23 

‘ Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds (Continued) 

Time of 
POPPIES ; Flowering Pkt. 
Paant ‘Oriental. 2@to. 8 ffte.c.:... Spring 
Beauty of Livermore. Crimson with 
PUM ISEOCCH A eo Se nie iat Olu $0.25 
Blush Queen. Blush pink ::....... “20 
Princess Victoria Louise. Salmon 
ROME oi) cee. es .-. «terres ad Wa 2D 
Salmon Queen. Salmon yellow.... 125 
Rembrandt. Orange scarlet ...... Bs 
DIRE SSCA EN crete <M hore, wae YAS 
EE DEIGS. Cav ERCM PEOLOLS 0/2. setters Gs 2D 
Colosseum. Rich dark scarlet with 
black spot at base of each petal. 
Flowers measure 8 in. across... 25 
Iceland. Yellow, white, orange, 
Scarlet and) mixed) 0.3.5: Each 10 
bracteatum. Large orange scarlet... .05 
orientale. Scarlet with purple spots 10 

Large-flowered. Various, 1 ft.....Spring:'. .25 

English (Primula vulgaris) Yellow.Spring  .10 

Japonica. Mixed. Various, 10 in..Spring  .10 

BOSS. FeGSEy Sar Bibs coe oe tadhro terse Spring .10 

TOSCHING -tOSeC. 2 Lteeeiea. es... Sprinss 710 

Kelway’s Hybrids. Single. Mixed..Spring  .10 

Kelway’s Hybrids. Double. Mixed..Spring  .25 

VligimosHin., wweaIte "Ss fll. eek. Midsum. .10 
Romneya (California Tree Poppy) 

moueteniee Wihite, 5 ft. ct. lee Midsum. 25 
Rudbeckia (Cone-Flower) 

bicolor superba. Or.-yellow, 2 ft.....July 10 

LAL CLINT et eee Oven ety SL Ge a etege 5. Noe eta ee shirplyaeeer LS 

Neumannii. Orange-yellow 3 ft.....July  .15 

DUPpuTreTenypLida. Lurple, ot... auily 1b 
Rocket, Sweet 

PRIA Gee Lmetiire ne tet a, Sheu svete nxt,2 arenas, acs 1 os Spring 05 

ELE LEC Oo dbs aly. s< eiet sy alleb eae, we June 10 
Saponaria (Soapwort) , 

o@ymoides:. (Rose;) 3% ft..:...... Midsum. 10 
Saxifraga (cordifolia) 

Megasia, large-flowering. Pink, 1 ft. Spring .25 

SAucasica.. Lavender 22: ft.) oy.ceeen Sum oss 

GanCasiea “al Da, Weeteks \.facaswc-< neers ¢ 2D 

Waponrecden  ilac, 2. tte eee... Sabb satya ike 
Senecio : 

elivorum: .Orance. 3s ft... -2:40heee, s ev ye. 25> 
Silphium (Rosin Weed) 

DeImoueatunm oVellow;.. 6° ft... tomo oa. Fall 10 
Statice. (Sea Lavender) 

incana hybrida nana. Violet, 4 in...June ..10 

latifolia. INTC Biber os... «5 Gara ane mae June .10 

SUTAYEV AISI (Se M35] 0 17 SOR i, eg June  .10 


Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds (Continued) 

: Time of 
Stokesia Flowering Pkt. 
cyanea (hardy blue Aster), 2 ft. July 50750 
Sweet William. Single. 
Dark, Crimsou..1 terete... .\sateaeea ers June. 10 
Maroon, 1333 ity seme... nue e ee June .10 
Pink |. Beguine sie eee tants oe me 
Scarlet. UUs Chile sme. os 1c ol ae ae June .05 
Finest Mixed Single, 216 ft..... sees June .10 
Giant Double Finest Mixed ....... June .15 
Doubleshoses 1 leet tae. ire tele tartan June .25 
Burnett's New Dwarf Gem.....7.5.. .25 
Tritoma (Red-Hot Poker) 
New sort, mixed. Mixed, 4 ft. seer ae ae Sum. .25 
Trollius (Globe Flower) 
Caucasicus::) Mellow. 2 ftes. ee SUmi.. - .20 
Japonicus fl. pl. Dbl. yell) +2 ft... = Sum. 25 
New: Biyibrids. 2 Viixed, "2 ett. eee Sum. “225 
Valerian (Spurred Flower) 
CoCccineas 1S Ganletie., tite ie eee June .10 
montana. Pink, "2 ohiteas ws. see ee June .10 
rubra. «IRE; * 2 he ee ee ee ee June .10 
rubra flora alba. White, 2 “ft. . June 25.10 
Spicata. Violet-blule, 114) £t sess. eee Jliyes 80 
Viola (Tufted Pansies) 
cornuta, papilio: Hilac 26 te. eee Spring  .10 
cornuta, Perfection. Blue, % ft.....Spring .10 
cornuta, White Perfection, 1% ft..Spring .10 
cornuta lutea. Yellow, % ft...... Spring .10 
cornuta, Purple Queen, % ft....... Springs. 6 
cornuta;,, Mixed” 22h tes serene .Spring  .10 
odorata (Sweet Violet). Blue....Spring .10 
Wallflower, Half-hardy 
Single Kine Mixed. Mixed, 1% ft....Sum. .05 
Double Finest Mixed. Mixed, 1% ft..Sum. .15 
Kewensis—Winter Flowering. The de- 
mand for this new Hybrid winter- 
fiowering Wallflower is rapidly in- 
creasing since its forcing qualities 
have proved a success. The flowers 
are borne on long slender stalks, and 
extremely fragrant. The colors vary 
from s‘iphur yellow to brownish 
viuiet Os One plant. From seed sown 
in July plants will commence flow- 
ering in the greenhouse early in ~* 
WIMMER: alec Spree ePeveme Iolani = + «ne eetmaates 25 
Notice.—Try the following Novelties for foneine. 
Cucumber, Burnett’s North Pole...... $0.25 
Cauliflower, Burnett’s Snowball ...... .25 
Lettuce, Burnett’s Balmoral .......... 10 
Melon, Heyksbury King oS ae. see .25 
Tomato, Burnett’s Red Ensign........ ert 
Cineraria, Burnett’s Exhibition ....... 1.00 
Mignonette, New York Market ........ 50 



Burnett’s Special Mixture 
To obtain good results Lawn Grass Seed should 
be sown early in the fall. Sow 4 to 5 bushels to 
the acre. Price: bu. (20 lbs.) $6.00. 

Burnett's Grass Seed Mixtures 

For Hay, Meadows and Permanent Pasture 
Permanent Pasture Mixture. For high and 

Ors SGt | SOG) DMS LOL OLS LOSibes.c eee ees $4.00 
Permanent Pasture Mixture. For wet soil. 

Devas OSS ae Ra oN) Se a a ee 4.00 
Permanent Pasture Mixture. For medium 

Seapets re Use Of! 1b) LO Soar rote sc: ola ele a as Snaae 3.00 
Meadow Mixture. Made up specially for any 

Sai er Location: Per bus: Of 18° Ibsie. os. ook 4.00 
Burnett’s Special Mixture. For rough ground, 

woodlands, etc. Per bus. of 14 lbs......... 2.50 

Timothy or Herd Grass (Phleum pra- 
tensis). Generally grown for hay. % bus. 
mon AerTe. SErice ~pus...(25 oS): oe fist, ss ote 10.50 


Alfalfa, or Lucerne. Lb. 30c., 100 lbs. $25.00. 

Crimson Clover. Lb. 20c., 100 lbs. $18.00. 

Mammoth Red, or Pea Vine. Much taller than 
Medium Red. Lb. 35c., 100 lbs. $30.00. 

Medium Red. Largely grown for general pur- 
poses. Lb. 30c., 100 lbs. $28.00. 

Mixed Clover. Lb. 30c., 100 lbs. $28.00. 

White Clover (Trifolium repens). The best va- 
riety for lawns. Lb. 50c., 100 lbs. $45.00. 


The following plants will be ready from June 
15th to September lst. 

SnD Se: PLANTS. All varieties. Per 100 50c., 

1000 $3.50. 

CAULIFLOWER PLANTS. Snowball, “Burnett’s 
Selected Strain.” Per 100 $1.00, 1000 $7.50. 

Dwarf Green, Tall Green. Per 100, 50c., 1000 

We draw special attention to our transplanted 
Celery plants which do better than plants from 
the seed bed. 

Boston Market. Golden Self-Blanching. 
Fin de Siecle. Improved White Plume. 
Giant Pascal. Pink Plume. 

Golden Dwarf. Winter Queen. 

Plants from Seed Beds: Per 100 50c., 1000 $3.50. 
Transplanted Plants: Per 100 75c., 1000 $6.00. 

Dwarf, L. I. Imp. Per 100 50c., 1000 $4.00. 


Bulbs for Early Forcing 


Doz. 100 1000 
Pure White Roman, 13 to 15 ; 

etm... |. ek ee. -. $0.60 $5.00 $45.00 
Mammoth Bulbs. 15 ctm. up.... .75 6.00 55.00 
Monster Bulbs: .... 9... ..c) 1.00 6.50 60.00 


The largest and most popular variety for 


Doz. 100 1000 
Extra Large Bulbs.............. $0.30 $2.00 $15.00 
Monster, Bulbs: 55-2. 50 -3.00.-25.00 


This magnificent, pure white Freesia is the 
finest variety grown and becoming more popular 
every year. The flowers are extra large and very 


Doz. 100 1000 
Large Selected Bulbs. .......... $0.60 $4.00 $35.00 
Monster Bulbs.2 oe cies eee ee 0.75 4.50 40.00 

(Direct from the grower in original bags.) 

Doz. 100 1000 

Large Selected Bulbs.:........ $0.30 $1.75 $15.00 
Monster Bultss i220 em... oo eS .40 2.50 20.00 
Leichtlini Major. Beautiful golden 

yellow  flowe"“s¢..). cient .30 -2.00 

(The True Bermuda Easter Lily) 
: Ea: Doz. 100 
Extra Size Bulbs. 7 to 9 inches 

in circumference»... 0.2% .« os « pO. 20 se Oba eet 
Mammoth Size Bulbs. 9 to il : 

inches in circumference. .... .50 4.00 30.00 
Monster Bulbs (Selected)....... -60 6.50 50.00 

Lilium Formosum.,. An early flow- 

ering variety of the MHarrisii 

type. Free from disease; extra ; 
large bulbs, 9 to 10 ins....... .25, 2.50” 20.00 

(Annunciation, or St. Joseph Lily) 
Ea. Doz. 100 
Extra Large Bulbs ............ $0.35 $1.50 $9.00 
Monster “Bulbs... «. 2. cscs. ee 20 2200.05.00 

LILY OF THE VALLEY (Cold Storage) 
PIPS becoming greater every year, we are now 
prepared at all times to supply our customers 
promptly with our Selected Dresden Brand at 
the following prices: Per case of 250, $6.50; 500, 
$12.00; 1000, $22.50.