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Full text of "1913 mid-summer catalogue : pot-grown strawberry plants ready for shipment June 15"

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Ox 00 00<'3000 O yi G O= =1® 
Wea isl Sr Sulture 
Mid UNE, Cidogue 


8 8 
® Strawberry Plants | 


° ‘Illustrated Spring, Midsummer and Fall Catalogues will be 9 
& mailed free on receipt of your name and address. my 


hy Importers and Growers | 

Telephone 2223 aida cle 

@== 00 =1@ © rete) 00 =@ 

Pot Grown Strawberry Plants 
OTGROWN strawberry plants are much superior to the ordinary 
ground layers usually sold, as there is no loss of fine roots in taking 
them up. They can be transplanted at any season with scarcely 
any check to their growth. The sooner potgrown plants can be 
set out after June 15th, the larger they will grow, and the more 

they will produce the following spring. 

Those marked (P.) have pistillate or imperfect flowers, and must be 
planted near perfect-flowering kinds, in order that the flowers may fertilize. 
The varities not so marked are bi-sexual, or perfect-flowering, and can be 
planted alone. When properly pollenized the pistillate varieties are the 
most prolific. 

Most dealers recommend planting Strawberries in August. However, 
we hope you will see the advisability of setting pot grown plants as early in 
the spring as possible, when they will produce a large crop the next sum. 
mer, and we believe if you follow our advice the results will be much more 

Our list includes all the newest and best standard varieties, extra 
strong, healthy plants. We exercise the utmost care in packing for ship- 
ment, which is of great importance to the purchaser. 

Place your orders early. 

Directions For Culture. 

Strawberries require rich, well tilled soil. The plants should be set 15 
inches apart, in rows 2 ft. apart. 160 plants will plant 4 rows 30 ft. long, if 
set above distance apart. For horse cultivation, set plants 2 ft. apart in 
rows 3 ft. apart. 7,260 plants at this distance will plant an acre. Firm the 
plants well in the soil, keeping them thoroughly cultivated and cut off all 
runners. About the middie of December, cover the bed with salt meadow 
hay, straw or leaves. In April, as soon as the plants show indications of 
growth, push the covering away from the plants to allow them to come 
through. This mulching protects the plants from cold in the winter and 
heat in the summer, keeps the fruit clean and prevents the growth of weeds. 

American Everbearing or Fall Fruiting Varieties 

of Recent Introduction. 

A new seedling; fall bearing variety of thrifty growth; a good yielder 
and shipper; color of fruit light red, heart shaped, of fine texture and 
medium size; has given satisfaction wherever grown. Per 100 $10.00. 


Strawberry Plants—Continued 


A new everbearing variety, producing a large and continuous crop from 
July until late fall, fruiting on new runners and old plants at the same time. 
Ic has been tested over a wide range and found to be a true everbearing 
sort. Per 100 $10.00. 


Large, dark red fruit of uniform shape; delicious flavor; good keeper; 
especially adapted for forcing for winter fruiting; a true perpetual bearer. 
Per 109 $5.00; 1000 $45.00. 


Laxton’s Productions.—These have not been tested by us, and the 
descriptions are taken from Laxton’s catalogue. We believe they will prove 
a decided success here. 

Perpetual bearer of exceptional merit. Per dozen $1.00. 

We believe this variety is the forerunner of an entirely new race of 
everbearing strawberries. from the fact that the fruit is of the largest size 
of any of the perpetual sorts. Season from June to November. Per doz. $2.50. 

Perpetual bearer, equal to La Perle. Per doz. $1.00. 

Laxton’s English Varieties 

Fruit is bluntly conical, of bright scarlet color; flesh white and solid; a 
very heavy cropper and vigorous grower; of rich and delicious flavor with a 
beauitful aroma. Midseason. Per doz. $1.00. 


This variety is remarkable for the large size of its round, scarlet crim- 
son berries which frequently average two ounces. The flesh is scarlet, 
melting and juicy, with a pleasant musky flavor. A good forcing variety. 
Midseason. Per doz. $1.00. 


A handsome late variety of exceptional merit; scarlet wedge-shaped 
fruit; flesh firm, of richest. flavor; a very free cropper. Latest of all. Per 
doz. $1.00. 


This is one of the finest of the Sache Henaes and is most wonderful 
for the size firmness and quality of its fruit and the hardiness and vigor of 
the plants. Not recommended for forcing. Early. Per doz. $1.00 


Strawberry Plants— Continued 


The fruit is cf the largest size and ‘conical shape; color is a brig ht 
glossy scarlet; flesh white and firm. The plants are strong growers and 
produce large crops of berries. Unequaled for early forcing. Per doz. $1.00 

100 $7.50 

New American Variety of 1913 

The Hub originated in Massachusetts, by Mr. Fuller, who for many 
years made a specialty of growing strawberry seedlings. The Hub is a cross 
between Buback and Belmont. The fruit is large, smooth, firm, dark glossy 
red; berries shine as if varnished. It is the most attractive strawberry 1 
have ever seen. Plants are very productive. This is the first time l have 
put it on the market. I can truthfully say I never grew a better strawberry. 
I have been in the business 58 years.—Mr. S. H. Warren. Per doz. $2.50 
Per 100 $15.00. 



ABINGTON. A mid-season or main crop variety; fruit large, of fine flavor, 
with firm surface of bright crimson. Good for canning and preserving. 
Per 100 $4.00. Per 1000 $35.00. 

AROMA. One of the oldest sorts now in general use, but still a valuable 
berry. It has the same season as Gandy, not quite so large, but is more 
productive; very uniform in size and color.. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

AUGUST LUTHER. This variety is very popular not only with berry 
growers, but also in the family garden; it has a host of friends and suc- 
ceeds everywhere. The berries are good size, firm and lots of them. 
Extra early. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

AUTO. An immensely productive variety, bearing large handsome berries 
of high quality. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

BARRYMORE [New.] This variety resembles Marshall but is a much 
better bearer; a splendid berry. Per 100 $5.00, 1000 $45.00. 

BEDER WOOD. Always on hand with a big crop of beautiful crimson 
berries of extra high quality lying in windrows all around the plants. 
Medium. Per 100 $350, 1000 $30.00. 

BISMARCK. This variety is a strong one both in growth and fruiting and 
an exceptionally strong pollenizer. Late. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 
BRANDYWINE. Large, conical, glossy crimson, firm and solid; of fine aro- 
matic flavor. Plants vigorous and productive, succeeds on any soil. 

Mid-season to late. Per 100 $3.50, 1900 $30.00. 

BUBACK. (P.) A very large berry of dark color. Productive; of fair 

Pn Largely grown for market. Mid-season. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 

Strawberry Plants-—Continued 

CHESAPEAKE. One of the best strawberries grown, all things considered. 
In competition with m: re than one hundred other varieties, Cheasapeake 
easily took first prize. It is very large, of fine 1orm, as late as Gandy 
and in flavor rank wi.h ‘Marshall’ and “Wm. Belr.” Per 100 $5.00, 1000 

CARDINAL. (P.) Berries medium to large nearly round, very uniform 
in shape and size; color brilliant bright red, ripening uniformly with no 
green tips. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00 

CLIMAX. An early variety, very large and enormously productive; nearly 
round and very uniform. Being verv firm, it is especially valuable for 
long shipments. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

CLYDE. Very regular, bright scarlet berries; large, and of excellent flavor; 
firm, and a good shipper. Plants healthy; vigorous and productive. 
Season early. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

COMMONWEALTH. In “Commonwealth” we have a berry as large as 
the largest--as productive as any of the large fruiting varieties; fine 

flavored, jucy and as dark as any stiawberry grown. Per 100 $4.00, 
1000 $35.C0 

DOWNING’S BRIDE. [P.] It is certainly one of the most beautiful ber- 
ries we have ever seen, so preity and glossy, that even a sight of it 
makes the mouth water. Medium to late. Per 1€0 $4.00, 1000 $25.CO 

EXCELSIOR. Perfectly reliable as its tall thick foliage protects the blcom 
from danger of frosts and this is one good point for such an extra early 
variety. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

FENDALL. [P.] A seedling from Wm. Belt but far superior. Per 1C0 
$4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

GANDY. (ne of the best late varieties. It is a strong, compact grower, 
with large, bright glossy crimpson truit, uniform in shape; flesh firm 
and of finest flavor. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

GIANT RUBY. [P.] Very productive, immense size, handsome, uniform 
shape, and of deep crimson color. Giant Ruby ripens soon after the 
early varieties, and bears until nearly all others are gone. Per 100 
$4.00, 1000 $35 00. 

GLADSTONE. Large and sharpless; better quality; a vigorous grower- 
Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

GLEN MARY. Large, bright, glosssy crimson, of fine flavor. Strong, 
hea!thy, very prolific, and.on good soil the berries are large to the end 
of the season. Early. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

HAVERLAND [P.] A standard variety that succeeds on all kinds of soil, 
and seems to be the least affected by frost, afton producing a full crop 
of perfect fruit when other varieties are badly damaged. Medium in 
season, very productive, verv large, and holds up in size to the last 
picking. It is long in shape, gradually tapering and light scarlet in. 
color. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

HERI AGE. A midseason to late variety, of a beautiful dark crimson color; 
round conical shape; flavor delicious. A grand berry for the home gar- 
den. Per 160 $400, 1000 $35.00. 

HUNN. (P.) A late variety, very productive, large size, uniform shape, 
dark crimson, firm flesh of the finest flavor. A strong grower and lat- 
est sort grown. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 


Strawberry Plants— Continued 

JESSIE. Very productive, fruit large, light crimson in color, firm and flavor 
of the best. Early. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00 

JOHNSON'S EARLY. Berries highly colored, of medium size and good 
quality. Extra early. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00 

KANSAS. [P.] Productive berries, dark red clear through. Medians to 
large, and of high quality. Midseason. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

KEVITT’S WONDER. One of the very best strawberries. For productive- 
ness, firmness color, flavor and shape of berries, it is pronounced the 
ideal strawberry. It contains but very little acid, has very few seeds, 
and is mild and sweet. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35. 00. 

LESTER LOVETT. Berries very large, conical in shape and very Gnitenrnt 
The best extra late berry offered, fruiting two weeks after all other late 
varieties. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

MARSHALL. Fruit large dark crimson. Plant luxuriant, but needs rich 
soil and careful culture. Midseason. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

MASCOTT. A new late sort of unusually large size and great productive- 
ness. Season same as Gandy, lasting longer and usually producing a 
much petter crop of equally good berries. Has been found to do wells on 
land too dry for Ganby. 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

MISSIONARY. Resembles klondyke, having the same medium early season 
and equally high color it is to be recommended as the best berry of its 
class and season. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

McKINLEY. A grand midseason variety; size unusually Jarge; shape1ound- 

ish, inclining to conical; color crimson; flesh firm and quality extra good. 
Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30. 00. 

MEAD. This variety bears beautiful large, firm, gobular berries slightly 
pointed at the tip. The color is rich glossy red; quality and flavor deli- 
cious and mild. Per 100 $4.00, i000 $35.00. 

MICHEL’S EARLY. One of the earliest perfect flowering varieties that 
will produce a full crop. A robust grower; will not rust or mildew. It 
yields large, handsome berries; color light scarlet; flavor equisite. A 
fine sort to pollenize early pistillates. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

NEW HOME. As late and as large as Gandy. fruit a bright red color, uni- 
formly large size; a good shipper. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

NEW YORK. The berries are very large, ripening milseason. Color dark 
scarlet, changing to crimson when fully ripe. Quality first class. Per 
100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

NICK OHMER. For exhibition, this is probably the greatest berry ever of- 
fered. It is a healthy, vigoruos grower. The fruit is of mammoth size, | 
Hee in form and color and of excellent quality. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 


NIMROD. This variety produces the most beautiful Strawberries we have 
ever seen, of delicious quality and never affected by rust or disease. _ 
Per 100 $5. 00, 1000 $45,00 

COM PAUL. One of the largest so far introduced, and very firm for such 
a large berry. -The plant is thrifty with glossy dark green foliage and 
will stand shipping with any of the very large varieties. Per 100 $4.00, 
1000 $35.00. 

PAN-AMERICAN. New Everbearing Strawberry. This berry is worth 

testing As an Autumn bearer it is the only one we have seen that is 
successful. Per 190 $10.00 


Strawberry Plants—Continued 

PARSONS’ BEAUTY. A remarkable producer of bright red berries. It is 
dificult to describe a variety having as many good points as this 
one. Midseas n. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

PRESIDENT. (P.) Almost round, very uniform in shape, borne in large 
clusters; flesh solid; color rich-crimson; strong grower; exceedingly pro- 
ductive and continues bearing till end of season. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 

SAINT ANTOINE de PADOUE. The true French variety. Fruit large, of 
a rich dark red color, handsome and uniform in shape, firm, of delicious 
flavor, and keeps exceedingly well. It is a true perpetual Strawberry, 
producing splendid berries during the whole summer up to October, and 
is also adap‘ed for forcing fcr Winter Per 100 $5.00, 1000 

SAMPLE. (‘P.) Large, round, dark crimson of good quality. Late. Per 
100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

SCOFIELD. Loved by everybody on account of its enormous size, bright 
red color, and rich aroma‘ic flavor peculiar to itself. The plant is very 
large with an extra broad thick leaf. Early to late. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 

SENATOR DUNLAP. Fruit large, rich, dark red. Medium to late. Per 
100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

SHARPLESS. Demand rich, strong soil. Plant large and vigorous; berries 
very large, irregular in shape; crimson, moderately firm and of good 
quality. Midseason. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

SILVER COIN. Berries large and delicious; plants vigorous, healthy and 
prolific, of luscious flavor and great productiveness. Uniform in size 
and shape. Per 100 $5.00, 1000 $45.00. 

STEVEN’S LATE CHAMPION. A new variety, yielding large crops of 
beautiful berries very late in the season. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 
SUCCESS. One of the most beautiful as well as the earliest large berry 
we know of. The berries are of large globular form, slightly conical, 
and of a light bright scarlet; flavor mild, sweet and rich. Per 100 $3.50, 

1000 $30.00. 

TWENTIETH CENTURY. (P.) This Strawberry produces Mammoth 
berries of broad, almost kidney shape. The crowning merits of “20th 
Century” are uniform size and shape, smooth surface, never ridged, 
dark crimson color and of delicious flavor. Per 100 $4.00, 1000 $35.00. 

UNCLE JIM. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

UP TO-DATE. Very prolific, light red berries of high quality. Per 100 
$3.50, 1000 $30.00. 

VIRGINIA. (P.) A new early berry having a record of 12,000 quarts per 
acre. Is very productive and of good size for an early berry, being only 
two or three days behind Excelsior. Per 100 $5.00, 1000 $45.00. 

Wm. BELT. The berries are as large as Bubach, more uniform in shape, 
productive and color perect. Per 100 $3.50, 1000 $30.00. 



Hardy perennials are easily raised from seeds and give better re- _ 
sults when sown in the open ground during the summer and fal!. 
The soil should ‘be kept evenly moist but not saturated. Transplant 
the seedlings once or twice if necessary to prevent crowding. 

Time of 
Flowering. Pkt. 


latifohus..: Purple; ‘2: its: “2s eee ee Aug. $0.05 

mollis. Rose, 1 ft...0<sebn fee ee eee Aug. 05 
ACHILLEA (Yarrow) 

ptarmica fl. .pl...White, 2 ft.07 7.6 e-eoe eee June 15 
ACCNITUM (Monkshood) 

Napellus, “Dark ‘ble, 3-40) -2.0 ch asso ee Aug. 10 

INapellus.floré alba. {White 3° ft.ovcs tesa eee Aug. 10 

pyrenaicum:! Yellow, fit... sont eee bia ey eee Aug. .10 
ACTAEA (Baneberry) 

spicata. - White: Soft... cs 2.5. Sen ee eee ee June 10 
ADENOPHORA (Bellflower) 

Potanini. Laght blue, 154. fts.-.< eee eee July 10 

Potanimi alba, "White, 134: ft: . 4c ee eee July 10 
ADONIS (Ox-eye) . 

autumnalis: “Reds 1 “tv. igo). : ee eee eee Fall (5a. 

vernalis,: .- Yellow, 34 ft. tis> ot eee ee eee June 05 
AGROSTEMMA Coronaria, 2% ft. June. 

(Mullein* Pink),- Pink: 279.292.0723 Soe 05 

atropurptirea,: Purple, 2.c¢ners sce eee 05 

bicolor, - Pink and white) o0.2)46 oe eee 05 

albas 2 Wihite o.ys0o., Jock Bold Oye eee 05 

Mixed... | Various’ .2:.5 ica eee eee ere 05 

‘Chilensis: © “Rose, 2white;2 4h 342 oe)... eee eee July 25 

angenteuim, <-Yellow2-1 Gt..422 3a. eel eee June 10 

saxatile; B.: yellowgcl fice eee eee June 10 

Batreliert...Dark=blue, 2 site eee eee July 5 

ftalica, Pale *blae, 4-to 6 ftiz eee ee eee July 10 

Italica.. Dropmore var. Deep: blue, 4 to 6 it) esse. June 125 
ANEMONE (Windflower) 

coronaria, single (Caen. Hee Pia ee eee 05 

“et..- Brigid.” °o-Poppy-flowered?..o0-2 2 eee eee a5 

Japonica rosea ik pale ee eee ALS 

CM be eee I opr Ames men ey A Ea M5 


Enkiago (St. Bernard's Lily). Wiutes 2a eee May $0.10 

Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds—Continued. 

Time of 

Flowering. Pkt. 

ANTIRRHINUM (Snapdragon). 1% ft. 
Tall hese peimet, waite: yellow. 702. ho 0 2 SSE 
al nimi SG ed ee 8 ee ge Le 
Dwar, Oucen of the North ‘White. <2... 2522. S. 
Goitten woscen. ~ fines. Velbw oo. ae So sok oh Os 
Witsetar een OC fas ree Re ee sec aasohe ue 
mine tathoind it NAEICES cae oes ee he ce war uea Goes 
iterate) a wore ese A ie: oot ced cee a ees 
new colors. 
Maize Queen. Beautiful salmon maize, with yellow 

lip, dark green foliage Bae chee aes Mee ries i See ae ae 
Pink Queen. A lovely pink, with yellow lip, large 
OWEN CPOs SE AEE NIN | OS ite oles Gee ans Ap ew om tre Wim 
Dainty Queen. Beautiful salmon buff, with bright 
yellow lip; pleasing and attractive.......:......... 
Rose Queen. see rosy pink, with citron lip, deep- 
CNG IES sO re ors LN Rod enga Siete. f wisn Ok wee a 
Buff Queen. A lovely shade of rose, with deep canary 
iipesUaGedvuGdaee st. tee. wes. Shek aa vent ed ak 
Golden Fairy. Beautiful shell pink, with delicate 
lednen-yellow  Diotched lip. oo .. ceo. ee ee. SS 

Above collection of 6 varieties for $2.00. 
AQUILEGIA (Columbine) 

Saiiierata wvokiGd«< Mae t2 Eh. Ces. ss. ol <i S25. 3 Se: May 
Caaeasise sv ella 4 ht. ct. Ponies eo pee skck-we Sum. 
CULV Samide 5k IAD ore Tee eS oe oi Oa gee okies ase ed Sum. 
cltysanpnacetananiora alba. 3 ft othe ss coo. kit Sum. 
Caer abe as Ge ewe I sae Hite eee see rac ely, ee Sum. 
accion ye ERT taba Bobs) Cobre a Wt ee Dene eas ioe, aan eee aa Sum. 
PIA ls PACER ORG the ose cae a eek es ee Sum. 
RwesowOueeieeROsSe. out eset See oe en na. SOLES Sum. 
Dorble and Single. Mixed. Bach, oz. 50ci.... 22.5.6. 
cal pds RATERS UAV ANE ARETE teen cae Seine oe «wh la a eee Spring 
ARMERIA (Thrift) 
lomulesae, -ietSy. pisil, ht. oo. thee we sa 2 Sp. to fall 
Lomiasa Alas Wee Us Et c.f wasn ec Sp. to fall 
AEN Ch nla A Eos oe a als wi Date ee tee 
ASPERULA (Sweet Woodruff) 
ORGIES re « re Ny We a ASE Bee SrRCR p e May 
ASTER (Michaelmas Daisy) 
None rene Neeser Wied — ASI pre. os ct See ee ages Fall 
US e a Et Boo TSS aera BG cae 2 1 Oe en A Rn ae Aa oe 2 Mie mee eee Fall 
Novi-Beteai) J... Wood: -Dk. Dilue; 4: i. 2.66 5. she. Fall 
Novioseoa> Pury. Waite 4:9bic. 2. 2 eek ee Fall 
Pyramimatis: aybeidus. 5 lite. 4 ib, seen POs ce ee Fall 
A es eR WAG RD Sites ox ae SO ee ooo Sh, < os OSE July 

iav eee eras tects oe tee ee eee se Gane A Sum. 

Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds—Continued. 

Time of 

Flowering. Pkt. 


deltoidea grandiflora (trailing). Purple, % ft...Ey. Sum. $0.25 

Greca (trailing). , Purple-24-1t.. 30 ee ee Ey. Sum. he 

Le:thtini: Rosy car.,°56<it. #e.2 oe eee Ey. Sum. 50 

Alpine. Maxed; various, 2k Pia. o7.n we cee eee Spring 25: 

BAPTISTA. australis:” Ble: 2 isch: 6 eee ee eee June 05 

BELLIS PERENNIS (Double Daisy). Popular Spring 
blooming hardy plants for edgings and bedding; 
very double button-like flowers, % ft. 

Snowball ~. Stow white -.< chciven . on eee 10 
Longfellow, Rose pink J... osniseniss seo eee ee 10 
Red. Red and rose ..6¢32..64.s ee eee 10 
Mixed colors i.) Gis vedelen Jaan Deak ee eee 10 

Luxuriant hardy climber with clusters of large 

ofangze-fed flowers, 40 to SOMtSC nae eee e310 

BOCCONIA (Plume Poppy) 

Japonica: ‘Winite. 4. Tis. oe a ee ee Sum.. 10 
BOLTONIA (‘Chamomile) 

asteroides: -Flesh-color; 4>4tieiiteus. oy eee Fall 10 

latisqrama: + Pink, ‘lav. Ott ico be ee eee Fall 25 
CALLIRHOE (Poppy Mallow) : 

involucrata.. Crim. white."34 if. 0223s ee eee Sum, 10 
CAMPANULA (Bell Flower) 

carpatica. compacta: Bluei <4. ft). ccna Sum. 05 

carpatica alba. | White, 14°96. Gu. ts22 teen eee Sum. 05 

Media (Canterbury Bells) 

Doub'e White, Lavender, Blue, Rose, 3 ft..... Each 19 

Douwble-Mixed> ~All colors) 3. Ti. canen eee Sum. 05 

Single, Rose, Blue, White, Striped, 3 ft...;..: Each 05 

Single. Mixed, “All colors) 3 -tt-csle tee eee Sum. 05 

Rosy.-Carmine. ‘Rose; 4 ft: 222.2) see eee Sum. 25 
Calycanthema. (Cup and Saucer), Blue, White, 

Bright Rose. Mixed,<?Z22iti si eer eee Each 10 
Calycanthema. Mixed 2.4 04. ees eee eee O5e5 
persicifolia srandiflora., Blues Gett.c.¢s: 2 see oe 1... June 15 

grandiflora alba: White;.4 fise2 2 ee ee 15 
pyramidalis alba: White: Suitseon. ote ee Late sum. 05 

compacta, “Bilge” 5 ltiinek Ok ho eee Late sum. ie 

compacta alba. White,“ iia... eee Late sum. 25 

| ceertiliea:' Pale vnoltet: LAA4it aoe eee Sum. 05 
CENTAUREA (Cornflower) | 
montana. «Binet. o.3e ye eee +s: SE ae ee Sum. 10 
inontana: alba’, White, 2 ito eee. case ee ee eee Sum. eal) 
ofientalis::-Pale'yellow, 241th 2 eee eee ee Sum. 10 
tomentosum. White3, it 2.05.5. s eee eee ee > AO iis ee 
ibarbata cocemes.. 7Red) 2) tt.4.4.2... eee eee eee Sum. 10 
barbata Torreyi. SoHE ae Bf. 5 Oe eee Sum. 10 
Lyon > Weep, red): 2 it tae ee Late sum. 10 

Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds—Continued. 

Time of 
itxviminin soltastas > Wialte, 144 ft. =e 2. Sum. 
Mmaximam, Princess Henry, White, 1% ft.......2... Sum. 
CLEMATIS (Virgin’s Bower) 
flammula (Virgin’s Bower). Fragrant, feathery 
Ae POTN STE BLN NEUE Ma), is See heh wen se nd he 
paniculata. Fragrant white flowers in greatest pro- 
ERE eae er ener Ah Prue! tis Gen ok wd gd viele 
Jackmann’s Large Flowering, mixed colors.......... 
epaaaliiseds Atel we WOWw. 2 fies. ne ne ces Sake vee Sum. 
Miticealit tdi We ee! ee ere ss oa ee we wee st Sum. 
LANE USS OSCE} as OS 5 ce ee May 
COWSLIP (Primla officinalis) 
irr Meee See Se EN Lt oe gra ete eke wb wee ne Spring 
DELPHINIUM (Larkspur) 
elatum hybridum (Bee Larkspur). Blue, 5 ft........ Sum. 
RECT e Shs ti Oia Bory ago) Come a ge re Sum. 
formosvtm ccelestinum. Sky-blue, 2 ft................ Sum. 
entnie.- Ao ane e-Sear. 91s Tb oo Peo ee bs ote wise Sum. 
Gira er aonb pies Goth eo cee acca oe cekl. S. Midsum. 
Ciimense aii. © White. 3 Bis) ooo ev See Jes Ss Midsum. 
Chimence. . Wiixed.. ~Oz. 500. 200 2 a ni be pt so a 
DICTAMNUS (Gas Plant or Burning Bush) 
imap ibe reer te AUILC™ 2 PEs. ees sick hy vb o aie kee ke June 
Pearce deat CUVEE, oe! TE Soon OA ene a oe hp = June 
DIGITALIS (Foxglove) 
ioral ele tea ds <2 Wy ASGe> Oks be. Soa te Oooh cs Ss 2s 
initaeet Issa. eles. oh Soae on be oe Se oie oe cee ees Sum. 
DUTP RoAs SA ie so tite fos sso on © cates Yee cee Sum. 
PES INOSE Oo Ee ook Syne od wa ie Vad HE ee Oa. 
Le Pert eae GAN Aah bie siren ond oc scat pa ald an Doo a ee Sum. 
ibe rSed: ate e Ue ett ne ast bts wee hae aa se Sum. 
eae isa tem Y ChhG wt O- Lt tana a onto moe 6x kre ee ee as Spring 
Nae auc eA SMaONGers © Skt oc ei We Sy clad era ers ee eked Aug. 
Ge ee eA es SS See ot eee Jeet TS Fall 
EDELWEISS (Leontopodium Alpinum) 
Heer MOR MiCNM sa ee MM tee A erase cao co sntad Wis ek Le 
ERIGERON (Orange Daisy) 
avGaiiiacts, jy brmans.« “Ooranee: 4d) fio. corse Ey. sum. 
Speciosus crandilomis: » Mixed. 2. ft..2.22. 2. 2k Ey sum. 
iMesh TD e2TeG. Ia -fP ee tos ovo cess ween Spring 
ERYNGIUM (Sea Holly) 
annie lS DING RAYS EL seek oe x eee meer ie Aug. 
maritimum. White, 1% ft....... Pn crated ede eee ed Aug. 
BoeiMeGIdes-cOWWNILe To. £04 bbs c scees 2 os steel eel Aug. 
LOSEE STE Le RSE cil Se eee Os I eee les rer age Late sum. 


Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds—Continued. 

Time of 

Flowering. Pkt. 


erandivora maxima... Golden, die tt ae aoe eee Sum. 

kermesina splendens; "Crumson, 2...) eee co she shea Uitaal 

sulphureaocilata. Yellow cl44cttveas. cette Sum. 

Finest’ Mixed. All*eolors Wits ween eee Sum. 

Kelway’s ‘New Hy’ds, Mixed. All colors, 1% ft. °5 

pletS. Bilis ee os led ole oe ee es Sum, 


Lindheimert. Rosy -wihtte,:S8¢- ftusc wc eee July 

acaulis.. “Blue, [4- Tt. 2: eae ate ces ee Ey. Sum. 
GERANIUM (Lady Pelargonium) 

sanenineum,. Deep ‘pink. 2 1tese aes re eee Ey. sum. 
GEUM (Avens) 

coccineum:  .Scarlet® 134. tt.css et eee ee Ey. sum. 

cocemeum. atrosanguineum Nope seer ane Ey. sum. 

scabra.esOe. foliage; 10 96. aeec eve ce eee Sum. 

seabtasmajor Or, foliage sito ow... eee aes Sum. 
GYPSOPHILA (Baby’s Breath) 

acutaolia Witter 2 Bia ie pnw pve. cote heen ie eee er July 

paniculata» "Witte... 2-Ft. -Oz. seve te sos eee Ey sum. 

LEPEWS; WN LEC eh hbs nc's oa ee tna eae Ae ee Ey. sum. 

Situs ec we Meow: Ghetto ee arent eens Late sum. 

autumeadie superbum. | Yellow,°O0t: 722. yee Late sum. 
HELIANTHUS (Sunflower) 

Mascmnartlragnio. “oY elloyy Ores to ee ee Late sum. 

Perenniat< Mixed. ~ Vanons::3: to Oat... yo eee June 
HESPERIS (Sweet Rocket) 

matronmalis.“W bite: <3: toc4 i acu aie ene ee Midsum. ~ 

matromalis..iilac. 32t0. 4. Ite ee eee ees Midsum. 

matronalis nana candidissima:  Wihite; 2 4. 5... Midsum. 

Sanetiness: (Coral-red. 12 ats.kee cee ee ee eee Midsum. 

splendéns*> Deed: reds Batt a ee a eee Midsum. 
HIBISCUS (Marsh Maliow) 

Africants, (White, Crimson Hye. 4 itcic se eae Midsum. 

‘Golden: Bowls cY ellome oes 4 ee eee Midsum. 

moscheptos: FOSeds: ) Roses aottes uae eee Midsum. 
HYPERICUM (St. John’s Wort) 

crenilativi aaaiiss = Viellowe12ekiee ee eee ae Midsum. 

HOLLYHOCKS (iChater’s Strain) 
Double Bright Pink, Blood-red, 'Canary-Yellow, Crim- 
son, Golden Yellow, Lilac, Peach Blossom, Rose, 

Salmon, Scarlet, Snow-white, Mixed, 6 ft..... Each 
Allegheny. Niixseds 6 its 4 Ane ee ee Midsum. 
SinelesHinest, (Muxed..6. ft. cae ee eee Midsum. 

INCARVILLEA (Hardy Gloxinia) 
Delawavis, “Pink. 2 isc cos ee Oe Oe eee Midsum. 

Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds—Continued. 

Time of 

LAVANDULA (Lavender) Flowering. Pkt. 

Wetasemeleawemmens Lis it. si. veiency voc sae ved Ree oo Midsum. $0.05 
LATHYRUS (Everlasting Sweet Pea) | 

Miatuamiimsn iin Beatiye 10 fei. tee let Saf Midsum. 10 

Ttiewis toseus, kmose, 10 fi. 3.4 20 ect otek. Midsum. 10 

Patino es avoids." WWilkite. VOCTPS 2 Ao2 Oc od ts cee ate es, Midsum. 10 
LECNTCPODIUM (Alpine Sunflower or Edelweiss) 

Mipma Wy Nes ka Tt ss ae ace we a Pate eee we ae Sek Midsum. iS 
LINUM (Flax) 

Dematiticom theo ty ited Sew aoe os Sire dete eee e veces July 10 
LOBELIA (Cardinal Flower) 

Emmi emit Lede lik. oe Ny dak. Soke ae os tees ees Aug. 25 

Muemic Motren V ICLOria..° SCarlefc. 2s s.. oso. Sd. 4. es Aug. 5 
LUPINUS (Lupine) 

MIME S ee were. GLUON WISE EE ac geurhk a Peru eo sien art a aoa Mare oe ake vrs June a 

Moe rewewonow: Queen. 4 fences ads co. oe ceagnee lane June 15 

ennui lies: Fitts 2s.) todad ceed a cuevtw ce cine ed a June {6 

polmpay lids LToseus. Rose-pink, 4 ft...+. 0.20. 552-44: June 15 

Compas. Nirxed.~ Variots.4 ff .. .t.%.. 066. ered le. June 10 
LYCHNIS (Campion) | 

aha (5S), TENG ISS aL An tie, lee AO eo i ae Ma lens code [ENC oR ee May 10 

iitnemiomicd. ocatiet, 254: ffs oy vss dee a eee Oenles oes May 10 

SOOM SAE (ISLS pil NS Gla gra ASE oa gi ge ce) May 10 
LYSIMACHIA (Creeping Jenny) 

panonitGciwermncGilonwye:. < "<5 6.0 Shute. ola ce ehre suk asieaaec Sum. 10 
MALVA (Mallow) 

MoOsGatrae CC PINISOM, Dts sok as. aoe occas Cacee yes Sree ed pit lag 10 

Mosca itor alba. White: Svit. st ts woke ees ks. ¢ July 10 

Un fein. UC air eG) | aemes am ae  geee SRa I July 10 
MYOSOTIS (Forget-Me-Not) 

Dsante MOENIME U4NeLL. Sistine oe e.8. ad aiets Retob eins «wees Spring 10 

APES EIS nae VIC LOD. OKY—-DIUGS st So occ. ee a imac ees Spring is) 

Ghiesipiionie alae: A beeen RS hice Uae es Spring 10 

FucU Nera TCE Se. iC cc aice ho acct ee eet ele 2 oe Sie eon Spring AES 

palistiss orandifiora: -Deep blues... 22. 255.5.0... Spring a5 

Semperherens. Weep blue; 1 ftt...0 oe... feces. es Spring a5 

SCOTTISH CHIEFTAIN. This magnificent monster- 
flowering strain of Pansies is the most remarkable 
in existence, not only in size, but in the wonderful 
variety of rich and brilliant colorings. The flowers 
are splendidly formed and of a beautiful velvety tex- 
ture. The selection is the result of many years’ de- 
voted attention on behalf of this favorite flower by 
one of the most famous Scottish growers and will be 
found by all who grow it to surpass all other giant 
SumaiMcmiOnevery respect. "14 Oz... ic behot. eee ae $4.00 5 
BURNETT’S GORGEOUS. This select strain contains 
a most beautiful collection of colors and markings not 
found in any other mixture, and we are confident for 
perfection of form, firmness of texture, freedom of 
bloom and beauty of shades it excels all others. 14 oz..$3.00 .50 


Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds—Continued. 


MASTERPIECE (Frilled Pansy). Petals beautifully 

wa Ved::”-Mimed “colors. e...cstee i oe Rea ane 
PEIVE-BROTCHED. ‘Choice strain. sion nto Bee 
BUGNOT’S STRAIN. Flowers large, plenty of light 

COLORS." 4e25. Gare ele au cee Uae CORE Reiner iret Oz. $5.00 
MME. PERRET. Profuse bloomer, many fine colors, rich 

PEC SUES picche Smee be trae Rta eas th teae erin. eo eee Oz. $5.00 

A Eb aol 6 MORRO etna t ReMOR/ RG ay Seg WME RR Som TEENS iene g TN rt Oz. $509 
@GDIER BLOTCH MD? Piaichscolonse tata. 2.0 one Oz. $5.00 
BLORIS TS 5 RAIUN... oWiimeds Pink 5. eee Ss ah Oz. $5.00 
BINGE. ine: Gime acer ete isdan. te casts ex eutteie eace Oz. $2.00 
REN CEL: niet ial secs ese aes cee Seals Sh tle salen Oz, $2.00 
GEIR NAN: “Miser , Ae woe eee: seuehor herke ee Oz. $2.00 
FINE MIXED... All colors, 25 ue. Baal hy ware tere ee Oz.. $1.00 
COLLECTICGN2OR, 6 VARIETIBS . 225% 2c onhe eee 
COLLECTION: OF 12 VARERTIES 6.204. rte er oe 

BACK Dark van - velmetya 2. vie sre aces s-+ stele eee Oz. $2.00 
BRC WN Z Be we een at ee ea ok He ete Pe ee Oz. $3.00 
EMPEROR WILLIAM. Blue, purple evye........... Oz. $2.00 
PERE KING: Wiaiotontis: vane! occ s 075.4 2 Sen ae ne Oz. $309 
GOLDEN, OUBE Ne “Pure yellow ieee. oes oe Oz. $3.00 
GOLDEN YELLOW. Yellow, brown eye......:... Oz. $2.00 
KING: OF THE. BEACHES AChatst) ice ese ee ee Oz. $3.00 
LORD BEACONFIELD. Deep purple violet, top petals 

eht.Ditie Seesies alc Meee kts stint oti ee Oz. $2.00 
ROSY: LIL AG eres cee es mar as Pea Oz. $3.00 
SNOW. GUBEING: ureewitite son eo ee eo Oz. $2.00 
hie gl Sl Sc OD ERR TANS Crete ote Nec iGRe Mia es Saas Met Syper ea GAR OA Oz. $2.00 
WHITE. Viglet spots mis, oie eee eee Oz. $2.00 
BINES T CHO EVER ED Wns eet lene eee Oz. $2.00 
Time of 
PASSIFLORA (Passion Flowers). 10 ft. 

coerulea: ‘Ska blue dlomeks eye) eee ists ae eee eae 

eracilis: Fb tire. wlitte) OWES) 7s nae Soe eee 

Disitalis. > Pur Wile so ei teen te enacts Caen cen ee June 

pubescens, MRosyeptr <3 it. ce eierce fee eres June 
PHLOX (Flame-Flower) 

decussata;. Newest thy brigdisi2 oft. of on ne eee cee eee June 

Spec toss. Te pile » Gi petites aso tee beh ees cna ale ey eu oem Midsum 

Ssmeciosia aliases WW lites SiZcurb 4. ola me cay an ties een Midsum. 
PLATYCODON (Chinese Bell-Flower) 

Miarresisaslies 1aiter ce aew 8, ca renueen ura. oes Ste ee Tune 

Nariesirca tpt. aWWihntte, ll itens a8 Sec). ore eee June 


Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds—Continued. 

Time of 
Flowering. Pkt. 

POLEMONIUM (Jacob’s Ladder) 

eenmeuman arom. Vite; 25h soc sc ccc os eae he s June 
ceruleum grandiflorum. Deep blue.................. June 
Pumimroonit. smy-aie. 1 It. 5 oo. 2 oe bats os 6 oe wes one June 
POLYANTHUS (Primula elatior) 
LETTE OTS AEA alee ele RS ee a ae el A ee ee Spring 
ELIE Fi LOL BS Oe itl a ie al pS tea 
pieced. Batts CUOICe ft ifs feu 2) eee ons Se es Spring 
SURE ys S20 |S 3 Ona Gren RN a ees ce inet a Spring 
LESTE SSS [ls RF as eo ee ve Spring 
att niuamemiiata ta ANG ols en eas ost oo wid aon Sons Spring 
ME epapemi tienes. UNE E es ernst oc ey eke ne tae ven whens Os Spring 
Pianmeaemonmial & £0: oft! 2. s26 1 se eted. 2 bce Spring 

Beauty of Livermore, Crimson with black blotch.... 
Peismeneen.- Bilis om... -.< 62.0 cer «lek Yo oe kn 
Princess Victoria Louise. Salmon scarlet 
Salmon Queen. Salmon yellow 
Rembrandt. Orange scarlet 
NE GIOG Paine: ee A eet ks wa ad wil 
RGR RAISE COLOTS as oo coc sto gees Se ence es 
Collosseum. Rich dark scarlet with black spot at 
base of each petal. Flowers measure 8 in. across.. 
Iceland. Yellow, white, orange, scarlet and mixed. 
emenee ee fees e aes eee CoS eee ot ee 
iachentiin,. Large orange scarlet......02........006-- 
orientale. Scarlet with purple spots 

e 6 ©) 5S) Sa 6.0 ase 

aie le aS. ow Cine ee ere) a Bl eee. © 

Ye ee ee ee oe Sees be ee 


anor —aewercd.  Vatious titties os... ios. ae ss ss Spring 

Baeiisa. (Prmmuala vulearis), Yellow..........:-.>. +: Spring 

ieneuma. Mixed Various, 10 ine <2. soc... se ss Spring 

pS EL SO CETS Cet | US heb ne ie a a Spring 

OID ETL co EOS fy PUGH BRE es RR eal Spring 

Kelway sc biyorids.. smele. Mixed........ ..-...-- Spring 

KRelwaycssigpiius.. Donble. “Mixed......4.....---- Spring 

i TES iets ata (NCP) eo Res i 9 eee ane eee Midsum. 
ROMNEYA (California Tree Poppy) 

RUAG CIN eT ME TIE nt boo e sind, fe tae we TES abe Os SS eye Midsum. 
RUDBECKIA (Cone-Flower) 

Hiceiaismperba, Orayellows.2 fb.. 08s o.\sips ses. 5-s ses July 

2) GP Tey ree MNLF G Nee ke 1b ey A len OR ag oe or July 

Nenmannin (Oranece-yellow, oO. it:6..0s.<<6. foe eseh2 56 Tuly 

DULDVEod may phi dainlel oT. 3.266 os. sts seek July 

Rpt AM eee eee ett el Pacer on ey Soe oes Spring 

SERVED BTV U5 SUN Te 0 oy ci Ol Ss ne ee roe Sacre: June 



Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds—Continued. 

Time of 

Flowering. Pkt. 
SAPCNARIA (Soapwort) 

peymMoIdes, HIROSE Ses Abs wee Se ern Midsum., 10 
SAXIFRAGA (cordifolia) 

Mecasi, taree-lowerme > Piuik* 1 ff... 2 yee. Spring 25 

Catiersicas havendternoohtey ne tee eee loa am eee Sum. al 

Catisastcadalba’ 15.20 se eb wages tater nes Cea ee eee ToS 

Japoniea, “ARs Due eae ee ee oo eat eee: Sum. als 

ElSto maihl. MOAN He, aabts casi! sero oe ee oanien es kina tue ee July AD 

SILPHIUM (Rosin Weed) 

pet roltatmme CY elbow) city wcsic «fhe steels SEN Gee Ge ee Fall 10 
STATICE (Sea Lavender) 
iicatra wiynedide, Nata sey tOlet: 4<itier ko... oo. cc eee June a9) 
batitolicee s-baehin 2" dhe een kee Co Een hy ahs Sic eho June 10 
Bincensis.. Wie. Zita Asc tes Cento ste Mie a eee June 10 
cyanea (Chardyepide Aster <2 fe ovo. ako. eee July $0.10 
DariciG-ranisot- Oe Ai os ae oe oth sla tet a ohh, aoe June ee) 
Ma toner, “16 tise ce cee Serta te eae EE eee ., June 10 
Pink. Beaty. cte ts isco cee Mean sti hae Lg a ay cae ES 
Scale. ag tee see Rieke sree 5. et. ae” nanan ear June 4.05 
Finest Mixed Simtel Uo 0h ii hie © cet eee tt ee ee June 10) 
Giant ‘Double “Pinest Witxed | oir 8 See ae June NS 
Diogiste’ ARC sep otis ees sis eae decade ch acetates June 25 
Burnett's iNew “Dewart Geni 5. 32 hicks de AP ee ee 2S 
TRITOMA (Red-Hot Poker) 
Me wiisort- minced; -Mamed:: 4>4tit ances. 2s. Se oe ee eee Sum. 25 
TRCLLIUS (Globe eee . 
Caticasteus..) VeLLO Wee ed Eo wo en erode id he oo ee ee Sum. D5 
. Japonicus fe pk Dbl. aie DS dette ee ee eee ot Sum. 25 
News Ebybaides Massed! 2. its 210. setae oy ee cera Sum. 25 
VALERIAN (Spurred Flower) 
coccinea. ptarlet DRE EL ACS MRO eee Bere ae June 18 
mole tial: Seis SP ites Pees ACES Acca oe oe ake ee June 1 
Bi ras RedeeO art Gay ty: MMe” cee renen ern aee eee Tune 10 
fibra.dotaralbas AN Mite <2it 92 te: ie A ee June 10 
spicata. Violets plmect IA At <a. «sso tine ele ee July 10 
VIOLA (Tufted Pansies) 
cormuta, -papilion shilaes agitlee eee hee ee Spring 10. 
cofuiuta,. Memection «eb lites ite te Eta a Romie A) Spring 10 
cornita.s Witte so) eriecr Onn: ites area eee Spring 10 
corniuta. 1vtea« “Yellow nt -. 2eneee SUT APERS csr ry? toe Spring Rie 
cormuta,- EP nrplesOnecn 14 itis «cers ate toe ee Spring 10 
cotntita, iNiixedi ZA Hist 5. ool eee eee Spring 10 
odomia. (Sweet Violet). VBlicie ies eae oe ete Spring 10 
WALLFLOWER. Half-hardy | 
Single Fine Mixed. Mixed, 1% ft..........- en ane eS Sum. 05 
Double Finest Maxed. Maxed, 187° ft. 4. 52-0 ae Sum. a5 


Hardy Perennial Flower Seeds—Continued 

KEWENSI[S—Winter Flowering. The demand for this 
new Hybrid winter-flowering Wallflower is rapidly in- 
creasing since its forcing qualities have proved a suc- 
cess. The flowers are borne on long slender stalks, 
and extremely fragrant. The colors vary from sulphur 
yellow to brownish violet on one plant. From seed 
sown in July plants will commence flowering in the 
SGecmMmomse eatly~ IM WINLEL ss. 6-3 lees sds e eee nes Pen as Ses 
NOTICE.—Try the following Novelties for forcing: 
CUCUMBER. (Burnett s North Poles isis... e..-icese ine. $0.25 
Cee h Ge Ww pls, DUrilete Ss pHOWDAM. 22 5.8. 208 ina eae oe AS 
eee Buimett s Dalmtordl.. esd. ss. files. ds 00 kalo os 10 
WEE ICON inp al NUE ) 6 sean kere bee wen bo rae D bbe ek 25 
LOMAL® VBurtetts. Red. Emsiemic i225 26.3 ek eweineg lee 25 
CINE RAR PS. Burnett s Exittbition. 22,2... 5.62. lass oes 1.09 
MIGNGNEPO@E, New York Market). 2.05. 0.0.:0s0b504. 50 



We Make a Specialty of Grass Seed mixtnres aud Supply many of 
the Largest Estates in the Country 


The above mixture is made from our formula, and composed of grasses 
specially adapted for the purpose of producing turf which retains its rich 
green color and velvety appearance throughout the entire Summer and 
Fall. In making up this high grade mixture we are careful to use only the 
very finest quality of all the most desirable dwarf evergreen, recleaned, 
grasses, free from chaff and weeds, which thrive well on any soil, thus en- 
suring a beautiful and permanent lawn. 

To obtain good results Lawn Grass Seed should be sown as soon as the 
ground can be prepared in early Spring. It may also be sown in the Fall 
with good results. One quart will sow 15 x 20 feet (300 square feet;) 1 
bushel, 100 x 108 feet (10,800 square feet;) 4 to 5 bushels to the acre. 

Price: Qt. 25c., pk. $1.75, bush. (20 Ibs.) $6.00. 


This well-known mixture contains a large proportion of permanent 
grasses that grow quickly, producing a rich, green sward in about four 
weeks from time of sowing. Central Park is very hardy and has always 
given entire satisfaction in any location wherever sown. One quart will 
sown 15 x 20 feet; 1 bush. 100 x 108 feet; 4 to 5 bushels to the acre. 

Price: Qt. 20c., pk. $1.50, bush. (20 Ibs.) $5.00. 


For Hay, Meadows and Permanent Pastures 

PERMANENT PASTURE MIXTURE. For high and dry soil. 

Per puss O81 Ibs. Se) on 2 de he ee $4.00 

Per bus. @f48:1DSice2 eter a, A ee Pe ee 4.00 

Per bus. @f,15 WbS.o JJ occ. eee ow ee ee 3.00 
MEADOW MIXTURE. Made up specially for any soil or location. 

Per bus. 0f TS Misr Ae Oe a oa 4.00 
BURNETT’S SPECIAL MIXTURE. For nee ground, woodlands etc. 

Per: Wiis. :@f 14 ToS. sree ee eek a eed ae ree 2.50 

TIMOTHY or HERD GRASS. (Phleum pratensis.) Generally 
grown for hay. '/2 bus, per acre. 
Per bus: 145 ls. Jo Boo ee ee a ee a ek 4.50 


ALFALFA, or LUCERNE. Lb. 30c., 100 lbs. $25.00. 
CRIMSON CLOVER. Lb. 15c., 100 Ibs. $12.00. 

MAMMOTH RED or PEA VINE. Much taller than Medium Red. Lb. 
35c., 100 lbs. $32.00. 

MEDIUM RED. Largely grown for general purposes. Lb. 32c., 100 Ibs. 

MIXED CLOVER. Lb. 35c., 100 Ibs. $30.00. 

WHITE CLOVER. [Trifolium repens.] The best variety for lawns. Lb. 
60c., 100 Ibs. $55.00. 


The Following Plants Will be Ready from June 15 to 
September Ist. 

CABBAGE PLANTS. All varieties. Per 100 $1.00, 1000 $6.50. 

CAULIFLOWER PLANTS. Snowball, “Burnett’s Selected Strain.” Per 
100 $2.00, 1C00 $15.00. 

KALE, OR BORECOLE PLANTS, Dwarf Brown, Dwarf Green,Tall Green 
Per 100 $1.00, 1000 $6.50. 



We draw special attention to our transplanted Celery plants which do 
better than plants from the seed bed. 



Plants from seed beds: Per 100 $1.00, 1000 $6.50. Transplanted Plants: 
Per 100 $1.50, 1000 $8.50. 

BRUSSELS SPROUTS PLANTS. Dalkeith, imp. Dwarf, L. I. Imp. Per 100 
$1.00, 1000 $6.50. 



Doz. 100 1000 

PURE WHITE ROMAN, 13 to 15 ctm...2_........-. 2: $0.60 $5 00 $45.00 
Ri ode BBS. 15 Gti. wpe. 2 75 6.00 55.00 
STEERS OIE OSS. ee ey a ARIS 1.00 6.50 60.00 


The largest and most popular variety for forcing. 
Doz. 100 1000 
ed eI BLES | oh i es oe $0.30 $2.00 $13.00 
SPOUT SME ESR ey co ARE Soe 50 3.00 25.00 


French Grown Stock for Early Forcing. 
GOLDEN SPUR. Large Golden trumpet; fine for early forcing. Doz. .50c 
100 $3.50. 

TRUMPET MAJOR Largely used for early forcing. Doz. 35c., 100 $2.25. 


This magnificent, pure white Freesia is the finest variety grown and be 
coming more popular every year. The flowers are extra large and very 
fragrant. | 

Doz. 100 1000 
PARGE SEEGCEED BULBS 63 222 ek: $0.60 $4.00 $35.00 
te Seb By So £10 5 RIE pc sg eg 0.75 4.50 40.00 


LARGE SELECTED BULBS...) 20 eee $0.30 
MONSTER: BULBS 2 ju) doce a eee 40 

LEICHTLINI MAJOR. Beautiful golden yellow flowers__ .30 


(The True Bermuda Easter Lily) 

EXTRA SIZE BULBS. 7 to 9 inches in circumference. __$0.20 
MAMMOTH SIZE BULBS. 9 to 11 inches in 
CIFCHMIMCTENCE: 2 oe a TC ee eee 50 
MONSTER- BLILBS:..... | Selected): |... 24 362 eee ee .60 
LILIUM FORMOSUM. An early flowering variety of the 
Harrisii type. Free from disease EXTRA LARGE 
BULBS, 9. to 10 idmbbese 2 | ee 20 


(Annunciation or St. Joseph Lilly) 
Northern French Grown Stock 

EXTRA LARGE BULBS 30 = eee ee 
MONSTER -B@LBS. (2 e3 eS Ss Ee .20 

LILY OF THE VALLEY (Cold Storage) 

100 1900 
$1.75 $15.00 
2.50 20.00 

Doz. 100 
$2.00 $15.00. 

4.00 30.00 
6.50 50.00 

2.50 20,00 

Doz. 100 
$1.50 $ 9.00 
2.00 15.00 

The demand for COLD STORAGE VALLEY PIPS becoming greater 
every year, we are now prepared at all times to supply our customers 
promptly with our SELECTED DRESDEN BRAND at the past Pee 

Per case of 250, $7.00, 500, $13.00, 1000 25.00,