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Full text of "1919 seeds [catalog] / Deposit Seed Co."

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Historic,  Archive  Document 

Do  not  assume  content  reflects  current 
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GREETING  Season  of  1919 

Hn  All  Wise  Creator  has  favored  us  with  hountiful  harvests  o 
seeds.  We  are  grateful  that  conditions  generally  are  favor- f 
ahle  for  supplying  our  customers  and  ' we  extend  Greetings  to 
our  Quarter  of  a Million  Friends  who  purchase  seed  of  us. 
We  were  never  in  hetter  position  to  fill  your  orders  promptly 
and  satisfactorily. 

Last  season  we  returned  thousands  of  dollars  to  our  customers  for  seed  we  were  unable  to  supply 
In  some  cctses  we  delayed  orders  hoping  to  obtain  seeds:  one  car  of  beans  shipped  in  Dec.  arrived  in 
May.  We  grew  more  this  season  than  ever  before  and  believe  we  can  meet  any  demand  for  any  seed. 
Select  seeds  for  anything  not  satisfactory  last  season. 

QUALITY  has  always  been  Our  First  and  Greatest  Consideration. 


We  guarantee  seeds  to  reach  you  safely;  to  be 
the  varieties  we  sell  them  for;  to  grow  under  prop- 
er conditions  and  with  proper  care.  We  will  re- 
place, free,  any  failing  in  these  respects  if  cus- 
tomers have  reason  to  think  the  fault  was  in  the 
seed.  We  can  not  guarantee  you  a good  crop,  as 
other  conditions  might  prevent  that. 

We  do  not  guarantee  plants  to  live.  If  they  reach 
you  in  good  condition,  our  responsibility  ceases. 

Remittances  must  accompany  all  orders.  Send 
money  order,  express  order,  draft  or  registered  let- 
ter when  possible.  Postage  stamps  taken  for  small 
amounts.  The  cost  of  money  orders  of  50  cents  or 
over  may  be  ded-ucted  from  amount  sent. 

Special  Prices  will  be  quoted  on  large  orders  by 
express  or  freight.  Sometimes  we  can  shade  prices 
a little. 

Plants  are  not  sent  with  seeds.  They. follow 
later  from  greenhouse.  Grape  vines  are  mailed  by 
themselves  from  nursery. 

Mistakes.  Should  there  any  occur,  kindly  notify 
us  and  we  will  gladly  correct  same.  We  aim  to 

Postpaid.  We  send  everything  in  this  catalogue 
by  mail  postpaid.  Parcel  post  is  cheaper  and  more 
satisfactory  than  express  in  most  cases. 

We  use  a large  per  cent  of  our  profits  for  goo 
purposes,  such  as  charities,  education,  church  work 
missions,  etc. 

Good  seeds,  square,  honest  dealing,  honor  an 
good  will  to  all  is  the  foundation  principles  of  ou 
business.  On  these  principles  we  have  rapidly  built 
up  one  of  the  largest  mail  order  seed  trades  in  the 
world,  while  “Calamity  Howlers”  and  “Fault  Find 
ers”  have  as  rapidly  lost  what  trade  they  had. 

Notice  our  Mail  Order  Seed  House  on  the  froni 
cover  of  this  catalc^gue,  one  of  the  best  in  th^ 
country  for  handling  a mail  order  trade.  Also] 
notice  Load  of  Mail  (one  day’s  mail  starting  fori 
the  post-office,  about  3,000  seed  orders).  Durini 
the  busy  season  we  receive  about  three-fourths  o] 
the  letters  coming  to  Deposit  and  sent 
out  over  three-fourths  of  the  bulk  mail.  Whatl 
made  it?  Good  Seeds,  Square,  Honest  Dealing,  Low] 


Southport  Red  Globe  Onion 


The  Southport  Onions  are  fast  becoming  popular.  They  are- 
enormously  productive,  large,  beautiful,  globe  shaped  and  the' 
quality  is  mild  and  delicious.  As  a shipper  they  have  no  su- 
perior and  many  large  growers  raise  no  other  varieties.  Their, 
handsome,  large  appearance  in  market,  coupled  with  fine  qual- 
ity, makes  their  sale  certain.  Color  a beautiful  deep  red.  PkL 
5 cts.;  Vz  o*.  IS  cts.;  oz.  30  cts.;  lb.  95  cts.;  lb.  $3.75.  fl 

Southport  Yellow  Globe  is  similar  to  above  except  color  is  a' 
rich;  orange  yellow.  Price  is  same  as  red. 




This  grand,  large  onion  is  rapidly  coming  into  popular 
Ijivor.  It  succeeds  everywhere,  yielding  rpammoth  bulbs, 
and  producing  1,000  to  1,500  bushels  per  acre.  Color  a pale 
yellow.  Flesh  white,  solid  and  delicate  flavor.  Bulbs  often] 
weigh  from  2 to  3 lbs.  each,  and  will  be  extra  large  where 
started  in  the  house  and  transplanted.  Is  large  size,  mild 
flavor.  Great  producer  and  good  keeping  qualities  recom-l 
mend  it  to  all.  Our  seed  is  American  grown  from  the  flnestj 
selected  bulbs.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  15  cts.;  oz.  25,  cts,;  % lb 
90  cts.;  lb.  $3.50. 



New  and  Desirable  Vegetable  Seed 

The  following  Colored  Pages  contain  a list  of  the  Very  Best  New  and  Desirable 
Vegetables  which  have  been  ^^Tried  Out**  to  establish  their  worth, 

Evcriji:U\«g  sent  Parcel  Post  (Postage  Paid)  at  ]p rices  cjuoted. 

deep  red  beet — 
Crosby’s  Egyp- 
le,  sweet  flavor, 
ade,  pickling  or 

2.  10  cts.;  % lb. 


For  two  years  we  have 
been  unable  to  fill  all  of  our 
Bean  orders.  This  season  we 
have  an  extra  large  quanti 
and  expect  to  fill  all  ord 
in  full. 

Prolific  Wonder  Wax 

An  improved  Rust  Proof 
Strain  of  the  popular  old 
Golden  Wax.  More  produc- 
tive and  better  in  every  way. 
Produces  large,  handsome, 
rich  yellow  pods  of  the  finest 
Quality  in  great  abundance. 
Hardy  and  almost  entirely 

rust  - proof,  and  entirely 

stringless.  Fine  for  home  use 
or  market.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  V4,  lb. 
12  cts.;  lb.  45  cts. 

Bountiful  Bush  Beans 

A hardy,  almost  rust-proof 
green  podded  variety  of  ex- 
ceptionally good  quality. 

Large,  solid,  meaty  pods. 

Pkt.  5 cts.;  lb.  12  cts.;  lb. 

43  cts. 


Early  Giant  Bush  Lima 

Greatest  Perfection  Ever  Attained  in 
Bush  Lima  Beans 

This  wonderful  New  Bush  Lima  is  not 
only  of  immense  size  and  of  vigorous  hab- 
its, but  it  is  exceptionally  large  and  of 
the  most  luscious  flavor.  Pods  long  and 
well  filled  with  large  beans.  Very  desir- 
able new  sorts.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  % lb.  12  cts.; 

lb.  43  cts.  Pods  Often  Two  to  Three  Feet  Long. 

This  is  not  altogether  a novelty  for 
pods  are  of  a fine  asparagus  flavor 
greatly  admired  by  many  as  a table  sort. 
Pods  in  long,  warm  season  average  13  to  24 
inches  long  and  sometimes  longer;  are 
der  and  good  flavor.  Pkt.  10  cts.;  % It 

Asparagus  Yard  Long 

Pole  Beans 

Perfection  Lima 

Kentucky  Wonder  Wax. 


This  popular  Pole  Bean  has  been  exten- 
sively grown  for  several  years  and  seems  to 
give  universal  satisfaction.  It  is  one  of  the 
best  and  most  productive  Pole  Beans  known. 
A vigorous,  hardy  grower,  compact,  resem- 
bling in  vine  and  habit  the  popular  green 
pod  Kentucky  Wonder;  very  productive, 
stout,  flat  pods  5 to  6 inches  long  of  a clear 
waxy  yellow,  strictly  stringless  and  almost 
free  from  fibres;  very  fleshy,  brittle,  fine, 
grained  and  of  excellent  quality.  Pkt.  5 cts.; 
V4,  lb.  15  cts.;  lb.  55  cts. 

Mammoth  Horticultural  Pole  f 


This  grand  pole  Bean  belongs  in 
the  same  class  of  green  shell  or 
succotash  Beans  with  the  old  Hor- 
ticultural or  Cranberry  and  the 
Harlequin.  Immensely  productive, 
beans  very  large  and  of  the  finest 
possible  quality.  A few  hills  will 
supply  a family.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  14  lb. 

15  cts.;  lb.  45  cts. 

Perfection  Polef' 

This  wonderfully  good  pole  Bean 
is  ca.led  Perfection  Lima  because  it 
has  many  good  points.  As,  fearly 
as  nny  pole  Bean — as  large  as  any 
— as  productive  as  the  best — qual- 
ity unsurpassed.  Do  well  where  . 

Bean  will  succeed.  Pkt. 
lb.  12  cts.;  Vz  lb.  23  ’ 


A remarkable  extra  early,  perfectly  shaped,  round, 
earlier  and  if  possible,  handsomer  than  the  popular 
tian.  Regular  form,  deep  crimson  colored  flesh  of  fii 
For  a quick  growing  beet  for  market  gardeners’  tr; 
early  table  use  it  is  without  a rival.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  ol  _ 
35  cts.;  Ib  $1.25. 


TRY  these  Bush  Beans 
Round  Pod  Kidney  Wax 
for  early 

*> -V  Cam  I d A, 


Al:»  SreeiAI.  SlE&S>«OOIITiRlieB. 

Danish  Perfection  CAULIFLO)VER  I 


This  grand  new  sort  originated  with  our  growers  in  Denmark  who  K 
consider  it  the  most  perfect  sort  grown.  Heads  large,  perfect,  pure  1 
white,  compact  and  solid.  Sure  hc'ader  and  quick  grower  of  the  J 
finest  flavor.  Alike  desirable  for  home  use  or  market.  75  sced.s  S S 
cts.;  % 021.  50  cts.;  */i  ox.  05  ct.s. 

D.S.C.  Earliest  of  All  CAULIFLOWER  j 


Admirably  adapted  for  forcing  or  wintering  over  for  extra  early.  1 
This  is  not  only  absolutely  the  earliest  Cauliflower  grown,  but  it  is  1 
a sure  header  quite  self  protecting,  producing  a beautiful  snow  J 
white  head  of  the  finest  quality.  Its  close,  compact  habits  make  ^ 
close  planting  possible.  100  seeds  10  cts.;  % ox.  65  *ts.;  ox.  $1.1!0.  J 


One  of  the  Finest  Early  Beets 

The  leaves  are  small,  of  rich  color.  The  roots 
are  uniformly  medium  sized.  The  surface  is  re- 
markably smooth.  It  has  a very  small  tap 
The  color  of  the  skin  and  flesh  is  a brilliant, 
red.  This  color  is  retained  when  cooked,  is 
ly  valuable  for  early  forcing  and  for  the  open 
ground.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  lb.  35  cts.,  lb. 

4M  OSC 



The  Most  Popular  Hard 
Heading  Winter  Sort  Ever 

This  grand  Cabbage  has 
on  account  of  its  hard 
heading,  sure  heading, 
long  keeping  quality  and 
great  solidity  become  the 
most  popular  winter  sort. 

H^ds,  almost  round,  fine 
grained,  excellent  flavor, 
good  size  and  so  heavy 
that  it  outweighs  any  oth- 
er. Very  reliable,  sure 
header  and  will  keep  long- 
er or  ship  farther  than  any 
other.  Our  seed  is  unsur- 
passed. Pkt.  10  ets.;  % oz. 

30  cts.;  oz.  60  cts.;  % lb. 

^2.00;  lb.  $7.75. 

We  have  built  up  a large 
trade  on  Danish  Ball  Head. 
Growers  like  our  quality 
which  has  always  been  the 
best  Danish  seed.  There  is 
no  Cabbage  seed  imported 
from  Denmark  this  season. 

Ours  is  American  grown, 
the  best  quality  obtain- 
£>bie.  All  1918  crop. 


New  Danish  Perfection  Cauliflower — pkt.  g cts. 

Danish  Ball  Head  Cabbage. 


Copejihasen  Market. 

Earliest  and  Best  Large  Round  or  Fiat  Head| 
Cabbage.  I 

The  illustration  is  a go  d representation  of  j 
this  splendid  new  - early  cabbage.  Consider-."! 
ing  its  early  season,  the  heads  are  remark-J 
ably  large,  averaging  ten  pounds  in  weight;! 
One  of  its  chief  features  is  compactness;  it'sl 
leaves  are  round,  dish-shape  and  fold  tightlyi 
together  in  remarkably  compact  and  solidf 
form;  it  is  so  solid  that  many  more  plants! 
can  be  grown  on  an  acre  than  is  possible! 
with  most  sorts.  The  quality  is  exception-! 
ally  good.  Earliness,  ripening  at  one  time.1 
compact  growth,  large  heads  and  high  quali-J 
ties  are  features  which  have  made  this  cab-j 
bage  popular.  Pkt.  10  cts.;  % oz.  40  ets.$| 
oz.  75  cts.;  % lb.  $2.40;  lb.  .$8.75.  J 

Early  Jersey  Wakefield  Cabbage 

®®  and  gpiecial  Vegetable  geeds>^*.  Continued  ®(#) 

Danish  Summeir 
Roundhead  Cabbage 

It  is  esteemed  for  the 
extreme  solidity  and 
great  weight  of  the 
heads  as  well  as  for  its 
superior  keeping  quali- 
ties. The  heads  aver- 
age large  as  Bullhead 
and  a week  or  two  ear- 
lier. The  heads  are  un- 
usually solid,  and  beau- 
tifully white  when 
trimmed.  They  are 
splendid  keepers  when 
stored  away  for  the  late 
winter  and  spring,  at 
which  time  the  ,fine 
heads  bring  the  high- 
est market  price.  PJst. 
10  cts.;  % oz.  45  cts. ; 
oz.  So  cts.;  lb.  $3.00. 


This  grand  sort  produces  heads  large  as  cabbage 
Which  inside  are  a beautiful  creamy  white,  crisp, 


tender,  delicious,  never  bitter.  A robust  grower, 
resisting  heat,  slow  to  run  to  seed  and  seems,  to  do 
well  in  all  localities.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  ox.  8 cts.;  oz. 
15  cts.;  % lb.  .50  cts.;  lb.  $1.75. 

Wayahead  is  one  of  the  earliest,  one  of  the 
largest,  one  of  the  sweetest  and  one  of  the  best 
keeping  sorts  ever  grown.  Makes  a fine,  large, 
handsome  head  either  for  extra  early  or  late. 
Thousands  think  it  has  no  equal.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  % oz. 
8 cts.;  oz.  15  cts.;  % lb.  40  cts.;  lb.  $1.00. 

Danish  Summer  Roundhead. 

I think  your  seeds  are  the  best  ever  grown. 

Miss  Maggie  Justis,  Girdle  Tree,  Md. 



Our  stock  of  this  wonderfully  sweet  early 
corn  is  selected  with  great  care.  This  is  not 
only  an  early  sort  but  hardier  than  most  other 
sorts  and  can  be  planted  early.  The  stalks  av- 
erage four  feet  in  height.  The  ears  are  from 
5 to  7 inches  in  length;  but  what  it  lacks  in  size 
is  fully  made  up  in  its  productiveness  and  qual- 
ity The  small  stalks  can  be  grown  2 and  3 fine 
ears  to  a stalk.  Color  a rich  golden  yellow. 
Kernels  sweet  beyond  comparison.  We  are  sell- 
ing about  as  much  of  this  as  of  all  other  early 
sweet  corn.  Many  customers  will  now  plant  no 
other  Pkt.  5 cts.;  pt.  10  cts.;  % pt.  18  cts.; 
qt.  55  cts. 



Strong,  vigorous  grower  producing  an  abundant  crop 
of  handsome,  long  cucumbers  of  the  White  Spine  type. 
Very  uniform,  10  to  12  inches  long  and  does  not  get 
yellow  quickly.  Flesh  thick  with  few  seeds  and  of  the 
finest  flavor.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  % lb.  30  cts.;  lb.  $1. 



While  little  known,  this  cucumber  has  already  gained 
many  admirers.  It_may  well  be  called  a perfect  pickling 
and  packing  sort  with  all  the  good  qualities  that  should 
go  with  it — perfect  shape — fine  color — fine  quality — pro- 
ductiveness— eafliness.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  ^4  lb.  25 
cts.;  lb.  85  cts. 



An  extremely  early  sort  oT  fine  quality  which  always 
produces  a good  crop  where  any  cucumber  succeeds.  Its 
extreme  earliness  makes  it  desirable  for  early  home  use 
or  market.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  ^ lb.  25  cts.;  lb.  95  cts. 

New  Century  White  Spine 
Cucumber  (See  Picture  Above) 


Very  productive  8 to  10  inches  long,  straight, 
thick  and  fine  deep  rich  color.  The  quality  is 
extra  good,  which  makes  it  very  desirable  for 
slicing.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  lb.  25  cts.; 
lb.  90  cts. 


Is  the  earliest  and  best,  rich  dark  green 
White  Spine  Cucumber,  a model  in  shape,  being 
the  handsomest  and  most  attractive  Cucumber 
ever  grown.  The  quality  is  superb,  flavor  deli- 
cate, refreshing  and  delightful,  fine  grained, 
crisp  and  brittle.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  ll^ 
25  cts.;  lb.  95  cts.  ^ ^ 

New  and  Special  Vegetable  SccJs-Continucd 

HONEY  DEW  Musk  Melon 

A Wonderful  Melon  of  Exquisite  Flavor. 

America  is  in  a furore  over  it.  In  one  shor 
season  it  has  leaped  to  fame.  In  the  leadin 
city  hotels  they  could  not  supply  their  cus 
tomers.  Prices  ranged  from  40c  to  75c  withl 
consignments  sold  before  arrival.  Looks  like] 
a grape  fruit,  tastes  like  the  sweetest  nectar 
has  the  mingling  of  many  flavors,  pineapple 
banana  and  vanila  predominating.  Flesh  i£ 
deep,  unusually  juicy  and  exquisitely  sweet,  of 
a rich  whitish  green  color  when  ripe.  Matures 
In  about  90  days.  Rind  resembles  a grape 
fruit  and  is  very  tough,  so  finly  grained  that  it 
remains  in  good  condition  many  weeks.  Splen- 
did shipper.  About  6 inches  in  diameter  and 
nearly  round.  Flavor  improves  by  keeping] 
■when  even  overripe.  Pkt.  8 cts.;  JA  oz.  15  cts.  oz. 
25  cts.;  1/4  lb.  75  cts.;  lb.  $2.50. 

iiNettedRock  King  Musk  Melon. 

One  of  the  greatest  melon  growers  of  Rocky 
Ford,  Colo.,  has  been  working  for  years  to 
breed  up  a perfect  melon — sweet,  flne  shape, 
and  above  all  Vust  restisting.  He  claims  to 
have  reached  the  acme  of  success  in  the  Net- 
ted Rock  King.  This  was  produced  by  crossing] 
a very  sweet  Japanese  variety  with  a good 
shipping  American  variety.  Our  grower  after 
trying  every  known  sort  pronounces  these  the 
best  shippers—the  best  netted— the  thickest 
meat — the  sweetest — earliest  and  most  produc- 
tive sort  known.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  lA  oz.  8 cts.:  oz. 
15  cts.;  1/4  Tb.  40  cts.;  Tb.  $1.25. 

Have  used  your  seeds  six  years  and  always 

found  them  right.— E.  C.  I.,  Ohio. 

tioneu  Dey  lAelon 





Rust  Resisting  R€>cky  Ford  Musk  Melon. 

A Highly  Developed  Form  of  Rocky  Ford. 

The  old  standard  Rocky' Ford  has  been  for  years 
years  the  most  popular  melon  grown.  It  was  not 
without  its  faults,  however.  The  new  rust- resist- 
ing strain  has  overcome  many  of  these  and  bids 
fair  to  become  one  of  the  standard  shippers. 
Sweet  lucious  flavor,  good  cropper  and  fine  for 
table  or  market,  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  tb.  Si 
cts.;  tb.  90  cts. 


Earliest  of  AM  Musk  Melons. 

A variety  of  great  merit  and  popular  wherever 
grown.  It  is  the  earliest  of  all.  Very  sweet,  de- 
sirable flavor:  good  producer  and  a good  melon  to 
grow  for  early  use.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  Tb., 
25  cts.;  tb.  85  cts. 

PERFECTION  GEM  Musk  Melon, 

It  is  considered  one  of  the  best  of  the  Rocky 
Ford  gems.  One  of  the  best  sellers;  most  reliable 
and  best  cropper,  thriving  on  most  every  soil. 

It  is  more  disease  resistant  than  any  other 
strain.  The  fruits  are  of  great  uniformity  in  size 
and  shape;  the  gray  netting  is  well  developed, 
closely  laced  and  covers  the  entire  surface.  The 
flesh  is  very  deep,  solid,  ripens  clear  to  the  rind^ 
has  a very  small  seed  cavity  and  is  of  a very  de- 
lucious  flavor.  Pkt.  5 cts.:  o& 
tb.  75  cts. 

Sugar  Boy  Is 
the  Sweetest 
earth.  Flesh 
rose  pink, 
crisp,  brittle  and 
melting  to  the 
tongue.  Many 
have  declared  the 
honey  bee  has 

Sugar  Boy  Watermelon  Is  the  sweetest,  most,  delicious 
and  most  prolific  watermelon  on  earth.  There  is  no  melon 
than  can  begin  to  equal  it  in  quality,  richness  of  flavor, 
hisclousness,  deep,  juicy,  rich  core,  fine  outward  appear- 
ance, large,  giant  size  and  extreme  earliness.  We  say 
there  is  no  melon  on  earth  that  can  approach  it  in  the 
quality  that  goes  to  make  a superb  melon.  Sugar  Boy 
melon  will  grow  to  weigh  from  twenty  to  sixty  pounds. 

and  every  one  of  them,  large  or  small,  is  sweet,  tende^ 
juicy,  brittle,  stringless  and  melting  on  the  tongue.  Th^ 
melon — being  a cross  of  the  Halbert’s  Honey,  Monte 
Cristo  and  Kleckly  Sweet — resembles  very  rnuch  the 
Kleckly  in  outward  appearance.  All  we  ask  is  a trial 
order,  for  once  you  grow  them  you  are  our  customer 
from  that  time  on.  Pkt.  8 cts.;  oz.  15  cts;  y^  tb,  40  cts.J 
1 Tb.  $1.25.. 

(§)(§)  New  and  Special  Vegetable  Seeds— Continued  (sx§) 

New  Easy  Blanching 

This  is  a sport  from  the  Self 
Blanching-,  retaining  most  of  the 
good  qualities  of  that  excellent  sort, 
■while  it  blanches  much  quicker  and 
easier  than  any  sort  heretofore! 
known.  Ribs  large,  crisp,  creamy 
white  and  of  a rich  nutty  flavor, 
For  a family  sort  it  simplifies  the 
trouble  of  celery  growing.  Pkt.  5] 
cts.;  Yz  oz.  25  cts.;  oz.  45  cts.; 


All  vegetable  and  flower  seeds 
from  you  have  given  the  best  of 
satisfaction.  James  Robinson, 
Meriden,  Conn. 

Pimento  Pepper 

Royal  King  Pepper  (Shown  Above) 


Royal  King  is  similar  to  Ruby  King,  but  is  superior 
in  every  respect,  plants  more  sturdy,  fruit  larger  and 
more  uniform  in  color  and  shape,  and  of  finer  texture. 
They  are  exceptionally  thick  meated,  practically  twice 
as  thick  as  the  old  Ruby  King,  and  more  than  double 
the  thickness  of  the  other  bell  peppers  on  the  market. 
It  is  very  mild,  perfectly  sweet  and  free  from  pun- 
gency. The  plants  are  unusually  prolific  and  the  yield 
per  acre  is  exceptional.  The  peppers  are  unusually 
firm  and  unexcelled  for  shipping.  In  fact  they  will 
bring  a premium  when  the  market  is  glutted  with 
peppers  of  other  varieties.  It  is  an  excellent  packer 
and  makes  a fine  appearance  on  arrival  in  the  market 
and  always  brings  a top  price.  Pkt.  10  cts.;  ^ oz.  20 
cts.;  Yz  ox.  35  cts.;  oz.  65  cts.;  % lb.  $2.25. 

Perfection  Pi- 
mento represents 
the  "survival  of  the 
fittest”  in  the  many 
Pimento  Peppers. 

The  meat  is  three 
times  as  thick  as 
the  old  Bell  Pep- 
per types  and 
yields  50  per  cent 
more.  It  is  the 
mildest  of  all  Pep- 
pers, very  sweet 
and  free  from  pun- 
gency; unusually 
smooth  and  uni- 
form in  shape  so 
that  the  skins  can 
be  easily  peeled  off. 

When  ripe  it  is  a 
beautiful  scarlet 
red.  For  stuffing 
and  canning  it  is 
fast  taking  the 
places  of  the  older 
sorts.  Very  pro- 
ductive and  con- 
tinues to  bear  till 

^’^il^oz.  ^2%ts.f%  oz.  Pimento  Pepper— Pkt.  5 cts. 

20  cts.;  oz.  35  cts,; 
lb.  $1.25. 

Dwarf  Bountiful  Pea. 

The  ’^ALDERMAN”  Pea 

The  Finest  of  the  Telephone  Type  and  the 
Most  Productive  Pea  in  Existence. 

Pods  are  dark  green  and  will  shfp  and 
keep  well.  Vines  are  strong,  luxurious 
growth,  attaining  a height  of  4 to  5 feet. 
Pods  are  large,  often  measuring  6 inches  in 
length,  and  are  densely  filled  with  large  peas 
of  unsurpassable  flavor.  Of  all  tall  main 
crop  Peas  Alderman  is  the  finest  and  most 
desirable  for  the  home  garden  and  for  the 
market.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  14  lb.  10  cts.;  lb.  40  cts. 



This  is  the  largest  podded  of  all  the  eafly 
dwarf  varieties  and  is  a new  sort  of  decided 
merit.  The  vines  are  vigorous,  growing 
about  16  inches  high,  and  produce  a large 
crop  of  good  sized  pods,  averaging  from  9 to 
10  peas  to  the  pod.  The  peas  are  of  exqui- 
site flavor  and  mature  early.  Many  people 
who  have  tried  Laxtonian  consider  it  su- 
perior to  either  Gradus  or  Thomas  Laxton 
and  claim  it  to  be  the  best  of  all  the  early 
dwarf  sorts.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  Y4=  lb.  12  cts.;  lb.  42 
cts.  < ' 

Dwarf  Bountiful  Pea 


This  Pea  is.  of  the  Dwarf  Telephone  type 
and  very  similar.  An  immense  yielder  and 
differing  from  the  old  Telphone  by  being 
dwarf  enough  to  need  no  brush  to  support. 
Pods  large  and  filled  with  large,  lucious  peas 
of  the  finest  quality.  Pkt.  ^ 
cts.;  lb..  40  cts. 

Onions  grown  from  your  seeds  took 
First  and  Second  Premiums  at  our  fair. 

John  Baer  Tomatotook  First  Premium  at  County  Fair  and  Second  atState  Fair. 
John  Sweeman,  Ashland,  Va. 

LaxtOBiaii  Pea,  pkt,  8 

(§)  Best  New  and  Desirable  Varieties  of  Tomatoes  (•) 

New  Golden  Collossal 


As  'the  name  implies  this  is  a mam- 
moth yellow  Tomato.  Fine  form,  solid, 
meaty  and  of  excellent  flavor.  These 
big  yellow  fellows  receive  admiration 
from  all.  Their  great  size,  flne  golden, 
glossy  appearance  and  great  weight, 
coupled  with  excellent  quality  makes 
them  favorites  for  home  or  market, 
Pkt.  10  cts.;  J/i  ox.  20  ct.s.;  ^ oz.  3S 
cts.;  oz.  60  cts.;  ^/4  B>.  $2.00. 

The  Wonderful 

John  Baer  Tomato 


This  wonderful  Tomato  is  extra  early 
and  a great  yielder.  Recommended  by 
growers  all  over  the  country  as  thei 
best  of  extra  earlies.  (See  under  To- 
matoes on  white  pages.)  Pkt.  8 cts.|7 
Vz  oz.  18  cts. 

Xew  *0016011  Collossal  Tomato,  pkt.  10  cts. 

Deposit  Big  Dwarf  Tomato 


This  Big  Fruited  but  erect-growing  variety  is  one  of  the  most  im- 
portant advances  made  in  recent  years  in  the  line  of  Tomatoes  es- 
pecially adapted  to  home  gardens.  The  original  plant  was  discov- 
ered in  a large  field  of  Ponderosa.  Its  vine  would  indicate  a cross 
with  the  Dwarf  Champion  while  the  fruit  is  surprisingly  similar  to 
Ponderosa,  although  smoother.  Those  who  have  attempted  in  the 
past  to  grow  Ponderosa  with  its  sprawling  habit  of  vine  may  now 
have  the  same  quality  of  fruit  on  strong,  erect  vines,  requiring  only 
one-fourth  the  space.  The  main  stem  or  stalk  grows  about  20  to  24 
inches  high  and  is  very  stiffly  erect.  The  fruits  are  immense,  making 
Big  Dwarf  by  far.  the  largest  fruited  erect-growing  sort  in  cultiva- 
tion. The  color  is  a rich  crimson  tinged  with  purple,  making  it  sur- 
prisingly attractive  when  exposed  for  sale.  Pkt.  8 cts.;  ^ oz.  25  cts.j 
oz.  45  cts.;  % lb.  $1.50,  prepaid. 

Read  about  the  wonderful  John  Baer  Tomato  on  white  pages. 


Ontyields  all  other 
Tomatoes  by  actual 

This  is  now  one  of  the 
greatest  canning  To- 
matoes grown.  Fruit 
very  large,  smooth, 
well-formed  and  deep. 

Extra  firm,  solid  and 
heavy,  ripening  up  crop 
evenly  to  stem;  free 
from  ridges,  cracks  and 
blight.  It  will  yield 
more  than  any  other 
Tomato  and  is  one  of 
the  best  shipper 
brilliant  red.  Plants 
vigorous  and  cornpact, 
producing  e n o r ni  o u 
clusters  of  fruit.  To- 
matoes often  weigh  2 
pounds  each.  400  to  600 
bushels  of  fruit  has 
been  produced  on  one 
acre.  Pkt.  8 cts.;  Yz  oz, 

IS  cts.;  oz.  30  cts.;  ^ lb. 

$1.00;  lb.  $3.75. 

Some  Fine  Tomatoes 

W are  offering  some 
especially  fine  Toma- 
toes this  season.  John 
Baer,  Alpha  Pink,  Ear- 
libel,  Bonnie  Best  for 
early.  Yellow  and  Red 
Ponderosa,  Greater 
Baltimore,  Big  Dwarf, 

D.  S.  C.,  Enormous  for 
large,  etc. 


GREATER  BALTIMORE  TOMATO.  A Splendid,  Large  Variety. 

^ Selected  Vegetable  Seeds  M 

The  F ollowing  Vegetables  have  been  selected  after  years  of  tests  as  the  Best  for  general  home 
and  market  use,  7 hey  represent  the  most  prolific  varieties  of  superior  quality, 

(S)  Seeds  sent  by  Parcel  Post  at  (>rices  c|uoted 

ASPARAGUS  Long  Island  Giant  Argenteuil 

A g-iant  variety  of  Asparagus  possessing-  all  the  good  qualities  of  the  -well- 
^own  Conovers,  Colossal,  Palnietto,  etc.,  and  is  larger  and  more  desirable 
man  either.  The  mammoth,  un_,ui passing  tender  staiks  are  of  nearly  -white 
color,  hroin  a deep,  richly  made  bed,  bearing  plants  are  produced  from  seed 
m two  years.  This  is  the  most  satisfactory  sort  of  all  to  grow.  1-3  oz.  plst. 
4 cts.;  Yz  oz.  6 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  J/i  lb.  35  ctsu;  lb.  85  cts. 


An  excellent  variety.*  Large  and  productive.  Grown  with  Conover’s  Colos- 
sal, it  grows  twice  as  iarge  and  more  productive.  Very  popular  and  sells  for 
fancy  prices.  Pkt.  4 ct».;  oz.  0 cts.j  i/i  lb.  20  cts.;  lb  65  cts. 

We  have  harvest- 
ed unusually  large 
crops  of  Beans  this 
season  and  expect  to 
fill  all  orders  in  full. 

If  you  use  large 
quantities  of  Beans, 
send  us  a list  and  let 
us  quote  you  prices 
by  express  or  by 

Remember  we  send 
Beans  by  parcel  post 
at  these  prices.  . ..... 

L.  I.  Giant  Asparagus—Pkt.  4 cts. 

rSEringless  Green  Pod  Bush  Bean 

Early,  vigorous,  hardy  grower  which  produces  an  im- 
mense  crop  of  handsome  pods  ahead  of  most  other  va- 
W rieties.  Pods  rich  green,  5 inches  long,  round,  solid  and 
^ meaty,  entirely  stringless,  straight,  handsome  and  has 
^ no  superior  for  home  or  market,  Pkt.  5 cts.;  14  Ib.  10 
^ cts,;  lb.  38  cts. 


Pods  Large  as  Pole  Bean.  Fine  Quality. 

A grand  stringless  variety  sometimes  called  Giant 
Str'ngless  Valentine.  Wide,  fleshy,  thick  pods  5 to  9 
' inenes  long.  A little  later  than  Stringless'  Green  Pod 
and  of  excellent  quality.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  Y4.  Ib.  lO  cts«$  B&. 
38  cts. 


An  improved  “Longer  Six  Weeks,”  producing  more, 
better  and  larger  green  pods,  which  are  tender  and  fine 
qualit5^  The  plant  is  remarkably  handsome  of  thrifty 
- g .owth,  and  practically  rust  proof.  It  is  very  hardy,  ex- 
tremely early,  very  prolific  and  bears  continuously  for 
several  weeks.  The  green  pods  are  of  large  size,  flat, 
extra  long,  very  uniform  in  shape,  solid;  meaty;  abso- 
‘ Lately  stringless  and  of  delicious  flavor.  Pkt.  5 ctis«$  ^/4 
I Hb.  12  cts.;  Ib.  43  cts. 

New  Wonder  Bush  Lima 

This  gives  the  largest  and  best  leiurns — a big  crop 
from  a small  space — and  is  a decided  improvement  on 
the  original  type  of  Burpee’s  Bush  Lima.  The  beans 

STRIXGLESS  GREEX  POD.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  14  Ib.  10  cts. 

Fordhook  Bush  Lima  Bean 


, . . which  does  not 

others.  Pods  and 

others  and  very 

: One  of  the  earliest  and 

Very  prolific.  Pkt.  5 cts.; 

Lrect,  compact,  bush5^  grower 
lie  on  the  ground  like  many 
beans  twice  as  large  as  many 
tender,  juicy  and  sweet  "" 
best  in  every  respect.  * 

Yt  lb.  12  cts.;  Ib.  45  cts. 

Kidney  Wax 

A superior  sort  for  family  or  market,  pods  6 
inches  long,  flat  and  a fine  rich  yellow  color,  brittle 
and  entirely  stringless,  remaining  in  good  condi- 
tion to  use  for  a long  time.  Beans  large,  white 
with  red  spots  and  kidney  shaped.  One  customer 
says,  “This  is  as  fine  a Butter  Bean  as  I ever 
grew.  ” Pkt.  5 cts.;  Ib.  11  ct.s.;  lb.  43  cts. 


A grand,  bushy  variety  growing  about  15  inches 
high  and  producing  an  abundant  crop  of  handsome, 
straight  pods  6 to  7 inches  long,  of  light  golden 
yellow  color  and  meaty,  brittle,  solid  and  entirelv 
stringless;  fine  mild  flavor  and  very  desirable.  Pkt. 
5 cts.;  14  lb.  11  ct.s.;  lb  42  cts. 


Immensely  productive,  bearing 
large,  handsome,  straight  pods 
six  inches  ii-.  length.  Good  sell- 
er on  account  of  its  handsome 
appearance.  Dry  beans  are  \vhite 
making  it  s good  shell  bean  for 
Winter  use.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  Yk  lb. 
12  cts.;  lb.  40  cts. 


We  have  onlj^  a limited  quan- 
tity of  t,-"ese  two  white  shell 
Beans.  Ecth  are  desirable  as  a 
Winter  Eoan.  Will  filll  orders 
with  either  sort  we  have.  Pkt. 
5 cts.;  ^ na.  10  cts.;  Ib.  40  cts. 

Fordhook  Bush  Lima — Pkt.  4 cts, 

(m®  BUSH  AND  POLE  BEANS  ®®(S) 


caaADn>  productitb  late  variety 
This  grand  variety  follows  right  after 
Oie  early  sorts  and  doubles  the  season 
for  Butter  Snap  Beans.  It  produces  an 
imniense  crop  of  long,  handsome  pods  of 
saiperb  quality  and  rich  yellow  color, 
this  is  one  of  the  best  and  most  produc- 
liye  of  all  second  earlies.  Pkt.  6 ct».;  */4 
m.  19  cts.;  lb.  35  cts. 

Round  Pod  Kidney  Wax  (Shown  Above) 


This  variety  combines  earliness,  fine  quality  and  other  goo# 
qualities.  Hardy,  productive  sort,  pods  long,  round,  fleshy  and 
excellent.  One  of  the  best  for  home  or  market.  Pkt.  5 
^ 12  cts.;  Ib.  45  cts. 

Prolific  Wonder  Wax 

ONE  OP  THE  BEST  (See  colored  pages) 

This  splendid  variety  is  an  Improved  Golden  Wax  or  Detroit 
Wax  bred  up  to  a prolific  rustproof  stage.  Pkt.  6 et».;  % 

12  cts.;  lb.  45  cts. 



Height,  10  feet  with  dazzling  scarlet 
flowers  from  July  to  October;  both  orna- 
mental and  useful.  It  is  used  either  as  a 
string  or  shelled  bean.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  lb. 
12  cts.;  lb  49  cts. 


It  is  enormously  productive,  pods  hanging  in  great  cluste 
from  top  to  bottom  of  the  poles.  The  best  green-podd' 
string  bean  in  cultivation.  Beans  pure  white.  Prices,  by  ma 
postpaid.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  lb.  10  cts.;  lb.  38  cts. 


Does  equally  as  well  planted  in  corn  as 
on  poles.  Bean  large,  round,  pink  striped  . 

with  red,  of  excellent  flavor,  used  in  pods 
or  shelled,  pods  light  green  striped  with  ^ 
red.  An  excellent  succotash  or  greeu 
shell  bean.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  lb.  10  cts,;  1I>. 

38  cts.  V. 


Grow  quickly,  mature  early  and  continue  to  bear  through- 
out  season  thus  producing  immense  crops.  Very  popular  "j  Ik 

in  South.  . 

One  of  the  best  for  snaps  of  the  later 
green  podded  Pole  Beans.  Pods,  borne  in 
large  clusters,  are  long,  broad,  thick  and 
fleshy.  Dry  beans  are  excellent  for  Win- 
ter use.  Seed  white.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  lb. 
12  cts.;  Ib.  45  cts. 

Pkt.  5 cts.;  1/4  lb.  10  cts.;  lb.  40  cts. 

Old  Homestead 


This  sort  also  known  as  improved  Kentucky  Wonder,  is 
the  earliest  and  best  of  green  pod  beans  for  general  use. 
Pods  cover  poles  from  top  to  bottom  and  are  of  fine  string-  * 
less  quality.  An  extra  good  sort.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  % lb.  10  cts.;  ^ 
lb.  38  cts.  ' * 


One  of  the  earliest  and.  a great  producer;  pods  hang  in 
clusters  of  3 all  over  the  vine.  This  popular  sort  is  grown 
and  admired  everywhere.  Beans  white  and  of  the  finest 
possible  quality,  either  as  a snap  or  shell  bean.  Pkt.  5 cts.; 

Ib.  11  cts.;  lb.  43  cts. 


The  old  standard  market  and  family  sort.  The  vine  be- 
gins to  produce  pods  at  the  foot  of  the  pole,  and  the  bear- 
ing season  continues  until  frost.  Pods  large  and  well  filled 
with  beans  of  mammoth  size.  One  of  the  earliest  and  best 
Pole  Limas.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  % lb.  10  cts.;  lb.  38  cts. 

SCOTIA  (Pole  Bean) 

Also  Known  as  Striped  Creasback 

A hardy  and  very  productive  green  podded  bean.  Vines 
sturdy,  of  good  climbing  habit,  with  small  deep  green 
leaves.  The  pods  are  about  six  inches  long  sylindrical 
distinctly  crease-backed,  very  fleshy  and  of  excellent  quali- 
ty. The  color  when  in  condition  for  use  as  snaps  is  light 
silvery  green,  l?ecoming  tinged  with  purple  as  the  pods 
mature.  Seed  kidney  shaped,  mottled  putty  color  with  dark 
striping.  We  consider  the  variety  especially  suitable  for 
growing*  on  corn  for  snaps.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  y^  lb.  10  cts.;  lb. 
38  cts.  * 

Please  read  about  Kentucky  Wonder  Wax,  Asparagus  Yard 
Long,  etc.  on  colored  pages. 

I like  your  seeds  fine.  I had  them  last  year  and  I do  be- 
lieve that  every  seed  grew  and  everything  was-  as  you  said. 

Mrs.  John  H.  Johnson,  Thble  Rock,  Neb. 


Our  Farmers’  Ready  Reference  Book  is  a book  you  can 
refer  to  for  facts  every  day.  Free  with  an  order  of  seeds 

Golden  Cluster  Wax 

standard  Varieties  of  Beets 

Crosby's  Egyptian. 
Best  Extra  Early  Beet 

selected  Crdsfey 
much  better  than 
a rounded  and 
form  and  does 
woody  or  tough 
old  sort.  :g:xtra 
eep  rich  crimson 
sweet,  smooth  ten- 
nd  of  excellent  qual- 
le  for  bunching. 
cts„;  Vz  ® jets.? 

oz.  10  cts.;  V-i  lb.  36  ct«.? 
lb.  $1.00. 


Smooth,  roilnd  shaped,^- 
exceed! ngs  sweet  and  ten- 
der, and  never  coarse, 
tough  oV  stringy.  Very 
early.  Pkf.  4 cts.;  oz.  10 
cts.j  V4.  lb*  25  cts.;  Ih.  90 

Improved  Early  Blood  Turnip 

A good  sized  strain  of  round,  red,  turnip  shaped  Beet  which  is 

,,..1  Good  keeper.  Pme 

grown  more  than  any  other  for  general  use. 
flavor.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  9 cts.;  lb.  25  cts.;  lb. 

Crimson  Globe 

90  cts. 

Detroit  Dark  Red 

Root  very  handsome,  globe  shaped  and  has  remarkably  smooth 
surface.  Both  the  skin  and  flesh  are  deep,  rich  red,  fine  grained, 
sweet  and  tender  in  all  stages  of  growth.  Fkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  % 
lb.  30  cts.;  lb.  $1.10. 


Medium  early,  round,  smooth,  blood-red  Beets.  Popular  for  both 
home  use  and  market.  Good  seller;  fin%  form.  Excellent  mam  crop 
sort.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  Vi  lb.  30  cts.;  lb.  $1.00. 


A splendid  e^rly  Beet  of  a deep  red  color,  for  home  or  market.  By 
far  the  best  for  canning,  on  account  of  its  beauty.  . Small,  iipright 
tops  and  perfectly  smooth  roots.  Flesh 

darker  bands,  tender  and  sweet.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  A lb.  30  ct«.{ 
cts.  ^*Sce*^arly  Wonder  and  Early  Model  Beet  on  colored  pages. 

D.  S,  C.  SUGAR  BEET 

Best  of  all  Sugar  Beets.  One  of  the  best  for  table  use. 

For  stock  feeding  it  cannot  be  surpassed,  yielding  near- 
ly as  heavy  as  Mangle  Wurtzles  and  better  qualit3^  Pkt. 

4 ets.;  oz.  8 cts,;  Vi  Ib.  25  cts.;  lb.  85  cts.;  5 lbs.  by  mail 



Yields  ^0  to  60  tons  per  acre,  large,  often  weighs  15  to 
25  lbs.  Good  quality  and  one  of  th(^  best  stock  sorts. 

Oz.  8 ets.;  V*  lb.  22  cts.;  lb.  85  cts.;  5 Tbs.  by  mail  $4.00. 


Superior  to  Golden  Tankard;  richer,  darker  yellow 
skin.  Rich  golden  lined  flesh  and  uniform  in  size.  Very 
solid,  of  highly  saccarine  quality  and  an  enormous  yield- 
er  with  small  foliage.  Unrivalled  for  stock  feeding. 

Oz.  O cts.;  Vi  lb.  25  cts.;  lb.  95  cts. 


A large,  yellow,  sure  cropper.  One  of  the  best  on  thin 

soils.  Oz.  8 cts.;  Vi  lb.  24  cts.;  lb.  90  cts. 

SWISS  CHARD  or  Sea  Kale. 

Swiss  Chard,  Sea  Kale,  Silver 
Beet  or  Asparagus  Beet  as 
shown  above  is  a variety  or  or- 
namental Beet  which  produces 
bottoms  but  makes  large, 
foliage  which  is  un- 
for  greens.  Has  be- 
and  seemingly 
those  who  have 
small  plants  and 
same  as  spinach  and  the 
ribs  may  be  cooked  same 
or  used  for  pickles, 
cts.;  oz.  14  cts.;  ^A  lb.  45 
lb.  $1.50. 

Your  seeds  gave  splendid  sat- 
isfaction last  season.  I have 
new  customers  for  you. 

E.  V.  Cowden, 


Grass  Lake,  Mich. 
Have  used  your  seed  5 years 

Rabit,  Okla. 

Have  iffeed  your  seeds  5 years. 

Swiss  Chard  or  Sea  Kale 

&Ud  they  are  the  best  I ever  had.  Find  they  are  true  to  name  and 
F.  Lapcgyuski,  extra  fine.  Our  Tomatoes  last 
Lockport,  111.  year  were  finest  in  country. 


Deposit  Surehead  Cauliflower 

A popular  Earl/ 

Henderson’s  Early 


Henderso.iS  Eaily  Sncvi<:atl 

Standard  Early  Market  Sbrir. 

Universally  Grown. 

This  popular  Cauliflower  is: 
more  extensively  giowu  tluin  any 
otiier.  It  has  been  ior  years  con- 
sidered one  of  the  very  best.  We 
have  grown  good  tieo.ds  by  July 
and  August  when  sown  eany; 
if  sown  later,  it  is  a good  keeper. 
Grows  quickly,  licads  good  size, 
pure  white  and  of  iinest  quality. 
Our  Danish  grown  seed  is  far 
superior  to  American  grown  seed 
and  costs  more  to  produce.  100 
seeds  8 cts.;  % oz.  40  ets.; 

1/4  oz.  75  cts.$  oz.  $2.75. 

Giant  "Dry  Weather” 

Heads  When  Others  Fail,  Resists 

This  grand,  variety  is  10  to  15 
days  later  than  the  Snowball  and 
larger.  Dwarf  growth*  hard  pure 
white  heads  fully  protected  by 
the  foliage.  Especially  adapted 
to  hot  and  dry  weather  and  heads 
when  others  fail.  , This  is  a good, 
sure  cropper  for  late  or  main 
crop  and  should  be  largely  plant- 
ed. 75  seeds,  10  cts.; A4  oz. 
50  cts.;  1/4  oz.  00  ets.;  oz. 

Deposit  Surehead 

Large  Pure  White  Heads. 
Sure  to  Head. 

We  consider  this  the  very  best 
all  around  cauliflower  for  gen- 
eral crop.  A little  later  than 
Snowball,  producing  large  white 
heads  of  unsurpassed  quality. 
It  will  stand  dry  weather  as 
well  or  better  than  any  other 
sort  and  rarely  ever  fails  to 
produce  a good  crop.  Produces 
few  seeds,  hence  they  are  ex- 
pensive. 75  seeds  8 cts.r 
% bz.  45  cts. ; i/4  oz.,.  85  cts.  ; 
oz.  $3.00. 

I had  the  best  garden  in  the  whole  neighborhood  from  the  seed  I bought  of 
you  last  year,  Mrs.  John  Waidelich,  Ionia,  Mioh. 

Mammoth  Wakefield  Cabbage 

A large  strain  of  the  Jersey  Wake- 
field, 10  days  later.  Pbt.  10  cts.;  oz.  65 
ets.;  V4  “ih.  $2.25.  • 

Market  Favorite  Brussels  Sprouts 

Best  ot  all  the  Brussels  Sprouts 

Small  Cabbage-like  heads  are  pro- 
duced at  the  axils  of  the  leaves  which 
are  of  extremely  fine  flavor.  Heads 
solid  and  improved  by  light  frost. 

5 cts.;  ^ oz.  10  cts.;  oz.  18  cts.;  % B>. 

70  cts. 




One  of  the  solidest,  surest  headers  for  ordinary  garden  cul- 
ture heads  where  others  fail  and  is  bothered  less  with  worms 
than  any  other  sort.  Heads  heavy,  solid,  pointed,  of  finest 
quality  and  keeps  well,  especially  when  sown  late.  Our  stock 
of  this  is  fine.  Pkt.  10  cts.;  oz.  70  cts.;  V4  n».  $2.50;  Ih.  $8.50. 


An  improved  stxain,  much  larger  and  better  than  Jersey 
Wakefield  and  only  a few  days  later.  For  home  or  market  it  is 
unsurpassed  for  an  early  sort.  Heads  large,  firm,  conical;  well 
formed  and  of  excellent  quality.  Pkt.  lO^ct.s.;  % oz.  35  cts.;  oz. 
65  cts.;  1/4  lb.  $2.25;  lb.  $7.75. 


Esteemed  by  many  old  gardeners  as  the  best  medbim  or 
summer  heading  Cabbage.  Large,  flat,  good  quality.  Pkt.  10 

cts.;  oz.  55  cts. 


The  crop  of  Cabbage  seed  was  nearly  a failure  last  season.  Prices  were  never  so  high  before.  We 
have  a fair  supply  of  choice  American  grown  seed  and  will  probably  be  able  to  fill  all  orders  sent  us  in  full* 


This  variety  has  long-  been  considered  as  the  b o.  early  conical- 
type  Cabbage.  The  heads  are  hard  and  solid  wiLn  just  a few  out- 
side leaves,  which  are  unusually  thick,  enabling  them  to  stand  cold 
weather  when  wintered  in  cold-frame,  Pkt.  10  cts.;  ^ oz.  35  cts.; 
«z.  65  cts.;  14  lb.  $2.50. 


Will  do  to  plant  at  any  season  of  the  year,  with  assurance  that 
the  crop  will  be  fine,  large  heads,  and  in  every  respect  give  satis- 
faction. It  grows  large.  Pkt.  10  cts.;  oz.  50  cts.;  V4,  Ib.  $1.S5;  lb.  $6.75. 


This  is  the  largest,  best  and  surest  header  of  all  the  many  sorts 
of  early  summer  Cabbage.  Almost  every  plant  produces  a large, 
perfect  head  which  sells  well  in  fall  before  the  winter  sorts  mature. 
Pkt.  8 cts.;  oz.  25  cts.;  lb.  $1.70;  lb.  $5.05. 


This  is  a distinct  strain  of  quick  growth  and  early  maturity,  so 
that  it  can  be  grown  in  a shorter  season,  or  a good  crop  can  be  se- 
cured by  a later  planting.  Well-grown  heads  measure  13  inches 
across  and  weigh  from  10  to  12  pounds.  Pkt.  10  cts.;  oz.  35  cts.; 
oz.  65  cts.;  lb.  $2.25;  lb.  $7.75. 



A thorough-bred  second 
early  Cabbage,  pronounced 
by  experts  the  most  per- 
fect type  grown.  Especial- 
ly recommended  on  ac- 
count of  its  uniform  size 
and  shape;  about  a week 
later  than  Early  Summer, 
but  much  larger  heads,  av- 
eraging 12  to  15  pounds  in 
weight,  36  inches  in  cir- 
cumference, every  plant 
producing  a fine,  solid 
head.  One  of  the  surest 
varieties  to  make  a crop 
under  all  conditions,  and 
does  well  in  all  seasons, 
no  matter  when  planted. 

Pkt.  10  cts.;  oz.  65  cts.;  ^ 
lb.  .$2.10;  lb.  $3.00. 

Improved  Premium 
Flat  Dutch 

Old  standard  sort  large- 
lygrown.  Large,  fiat  heads.- 
Pkt.  8 cts.;  Yz  oz.  28  cts.; 
oz.  50  cts.;  lb.  $1.75;  lb. 


Chinese  or  ‘‘Celery”  Cabbage 

Pe  Tsai— A fine  strain  of  Chinese  Cabbage  that 
has  become  very  popular  in  the  last  few  years, 
^e  leaves  are  large,  light  green  and  curved  at 
the  edge;  the  rib  is  broad  and  white.  The  plant 
becomes  more  upright  and  forms 
heads  like  Cos  Le,.tuce.  It  is  of  distinctive  flavor, 
and  can  be  served  as  a salad  like  Lettuce  or  cook- 
ed  like  Asparagus.  Sow  about  same  time  as  tur- 
use  during  the  winter.  Early  plantings 
shoot  t9  seed.  Pe  Tsai  Cabbage  is  recommended 
as  a winter  vegetable  in  mild  climates.  Pkt.  10 
cts.;  oz.  30  cts.;  % lb.  $1.00;  lb.  $3.75. 

10  cts. 

Autumn  King  Cabbage— Pkt 

Autumn  King  or  World 

The  plant  is  of  extra 
strong  growth,  with  dark 
bluish-green  leaves  grow- 
ing closely  about  the  large 
flattened  heads.  In  good 
soil  it  will  produce  heads 
of  enormous  size,  but,  of 
course,  requires  a longer 
season  for  growth  than  do 
the  smaller  varieties.  Seed 
sown  the  first  of  June  will 
produce  fine  heads  in  time 
to  put  away  for  the  win- 
ter. See  illustration  of  a 
head.  Pkt.  10  cts.;  oz.  50 
cts.;  14  Ib.  $1.80;  !b.  $6.75, 

Our  Genuine  Surehead 

A Large,  Sure  Header  for 
Home  or  Market 
We  have  the  best  strain 
of  Surehead  which  is  su- 
perior to  the  old  Drum- 
head. Produces  large, 
round,  slightly  flattended 
heads  of  the  finest  quality. 
Whole  fields  with  scarcely 
an  imperfect  head.  Cus- 
tomers say  this  has  head- 
ed well  where  others  have 
failed.  Pkt.  10  cts.;  oz. 
25  cts.;  oz.  $45  cts.;  14  lb. 
$1.75;  lb.  $6.00. 

Danish  Ball  Head 

This  is  now  more  largely  grown  than  all  other 
late  Cabbages.  Heads  better;  keeps  better;  sells 

^ cts.;  oz.  60  cts.;  14 

ID.  ID.  $7.75. 

Copenhagen  Market 

great  second  early.  Heads  large  as  a late 
Cabbage.  The  best  mid-season  Cabbage  ever 



»T  ^ s colored  pages  for  two  above  Cabbages, 

New  Cook  Book 

Contains  thousands 
of  the  best  cooking  rec- 
ipes as  used  by  the 
greatest  chefs  in  Eu- 
rope and  America.  This 
book  originally  sold  for 
$1.00  a copy.  Every 
housewife  should  have 
a copy. 

Given  free  with  a $5 
order  for  seeds.  Ask  for 
it  when  ^ you  order. 

Gladiolus  Seed 

We  have  an  extra 
choice  lot  of  this  seed 
grown  by  us  from  our 
selected  Gold  Medal 
Hybrids.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

Large  Flag  LEEK 

Strong  growing  sort, 
producing  fine  flavored, 
thick  stems  when 

blanched  Pkt.  5 cts.; 

oz.  20  cts.  ALL  HEAD  CABBAGE 


Early  Scarlet  Horn 

The  most  popular  of  all 
early  sorts.  The  roots 
measure  IV2  inches  in  di- 
ameter and  3 inches  in 
length,  holding  their  thick- 
ness well  and  being 
abruptly  stump  - rooted. 
They  are  a rich,  deep  or- 
ange in  color,  fine  grained, 
of  sweet  flavor,  and  suc- 
ceed well  in  shallow  soil; 
of  attractive  appearance 
for  bunching.  Pkt.  5 cts.; 
oz.  15  cts.;  V4  lb.  45  cts.; 
lb.  $1.40,  postpaM. 

Oxheart  Orange  Car- 

One  of  the  best  for  a thin 
soil  where  long  roots  do 
not  get  down.  An  extra 
good  sort  for  all  soils  and 
purposes.  Roots  short, 
thick  and  of  the  finest 
quality:  beautiful  in  ap- 

pearance and  easy  to  har- 
vest. Grows  quickly  for 
earlv  use.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz. 
12  cts.;  14  lb.  35  cts.;  Ib. 


Perfected  Half 

An  excellent, 
shouldered,  half 
stump  rooted  sort 


Fine  Curled  Cress 

Curled  same  as  parsley:  makes 

Long  Orange 

a popular  fragrant  and  refresh 
ing  salad.  Also  called  Pepper- 
grass.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  8 cts.;  % 
lb.  20  cts.;  lb.  60  cts. 

Water  Cress 

One  of  the  best  hardy  spring 
salads.  Will  grow  along  living 
streams  of  water.  Pkt.  4 cts.5 
1/4  oz*  15  cts. 

Corn  Salad 

Grown  and  used  same  as  let- 
tuce or  may  be  cooked  same  as 

spinach.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  12  cts. 

True  Georgia  Collards 

Used  for  greens  in  the  South. 
Flavor  improved  by  frost.  Cul- 
tivate same  as  Cabbages.  Pkt.  4 
cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  ^ lb.  25  cts.; 
lb.  75  cts. 


, growing 
very  smooth  and  cylin- 
drical with  no  waste.  Ex- 
cellent rich  yellow  color, 
finest  po.ssible  flavor  and 
very  productive.  Easily 
harvested  and  a good  table 
or  stock  sort.  Pkt.  4 cts.; 
«z.  10  cts.;  lb.  30  cts.;  lb. 

Improved  Long  Or- 
ange Carrot 

The  standard  long  yel- 
low either  for  table  or 
stock:  theie  is  none  better. 
Long,  smooth  form,  taper- 
ing to  a point,  is  well 
shown  in  the  engraving. 
Color  a rich,  deep  orange 
and  quality  the  best. 
Makes  a richly  colored 
milk.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  12 
ct.s.;  1/4  lb.  25  cts.;  lb.  90 

Long  White  Belgian 

A large,  long,  white 
sort,  grown  very  exten- 
sively for  stock  feeding. 
Produces  immense  crops. 
Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  8 cts.;  14  lb. 
22  cts.;  lb.  85  cts. 

Oxheart  Orange  Carrot 

Giant  Pascal  Celery — Pkt.  4c. 



One  of  the  Best  and  Most  Poular  Sorts.  Does  Not  Need 
Any  Blanching 

This  grand  variety  grows  18  to  20  inches  high,  is  wonder- 
fully stocky,  very  heavy,  perfectly  solid,  of  desirable  flavor 
and  good  keeper.  The  color  is  a rich  golden  yellow.  It 
can  be  easily  blanched  by  drawing  the  leaves  together  and 
bringing  the  earth  up  around  the  plant.  For  fall  or  early 
winter  use  this  has  no  superior.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  % oz.  15  cts.; 
oz.  30  cts.;  34  lb.  .$1.15. 



An  early,  rapid  grower,  blanches  up  early  in  the  season 
by  simply  drawing  up  earth  around  plants  or  by  using 
boards  for  banking.  Excellent  quality  and  grown  more  for 
early  than  all  others  combined.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  ^ oz.  8 cts.;  oz. 
25  cts.;  14  Ib.  75  cts.;  lb.  $2.25. 



The  best  standard  late  sort,  very  large,  thick,  heavy  ribs 
of  a sweet  nutty  flavor.  Stalks  solid  and  stringless  and  al- 
most as  brittle  as  glass.  Great  keeper.  Blanches  ivory  white. 

Pkt.  4 cts.;  Ys  oz.  10  cts.;  oz.  18  cts.;  14  lb.  60  cts.;  lb.  $2.00. 


Grows  thick,  solid  with  heavy  stalk  and  large  heart.  A 
close,  compact  grower  and  when  blanched  is  creamy  white. 
Pkt.  4 cts.;  Ya  oz.  12  cts.;  oz,  20  cts.;  14  lb.  60  cts. 

See  New  Easy  Blanching  on  colored  pages. 


Produces  a large  root  which  is  used  for  flavoring  stews 
or  cooking  same  as  beets  or  turnips.  Grows  same  as  celery, 
but  requires  no  hilling.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  15  cts.;  14  lb.  65  cts. 

Dwarf  Curled  Borecole  or  Kale 

One  of  the  best  sorts  of  Borecole  or  Kale.  Leaves  curly, 
bright  green,  tender  and  delicious  flavor,  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz. 
15  cts.;  1/4  lb.  45  cts. 

* Golden  Self  Blanching  Celery — Pkt.  5 cts. 




An  extra  early  variety  and  much  larger  and  bet- 
ter than  most  extra  earlies.  Ears  long,  well-filled 
and  of  a pearly  whiteness,  very  sweet.  Produces 
an  immense  crop  which  is  ready  for  use  in  about 
60  days  from  planting.  Pkt,  4 cts.;  % pt.  8 cts.; 
pt.  15  cts.;  qt.  45  ct>s. 


This  is  an  early  sweet  Corn  with  golden  yellow 
grain,  very  tender  and  of  excellent  quality.  The 
ears  are  eight  rowed,  6 to  7 inches  long  and  of  the 
medium  size  found  most  suitable  for  the  table. 
The  flavor  is  exceptionally  rich  and  delicious.  The 
stalks  are  4 to'  5 feet  high.  Our  stock  of  this 
splendid  home  garden  and  market  variety  has  been 
very  carefully  selected  and  is  decidedly  superior 
to  much  that  is  offered.  We  grew  an  extra  large 
crop  of  this  variety  this  season  and  would  recom- 
mend it  as  the  sweetest  of  all  early  Corns.  Pkt. 
5 cts.;  1/4  pt.  10  cts.;  ^ pt.  IS  cts.;  qt.  55  cts 


The  old  standard  late  sort  for 
home  or  market.  Very  large, 
deep  grains,  immense  sized  ears. 

Pkt.  4 cts.;  % pt.  15  cts.;  qt.  45 



If  you  want  the  best,  hand- 
somest and  sweetest  Sweet  Corn 
you  ever  grew,  large  stalks, 
large  ears  and  two  or  three 
weeks  earlier  than  other  Ever- 
green Corn.  Try  Bantam  Ever- 
green. Pkt.  5 cts.;  ^ pt.  10  cts.; 
% pt.  IS  cts.;  qt.  65  cts. 


The  ears  are  from  8 to  9 
inches  long  and  all  set  low. 
They  are  10  to  12-rowed,  well 
filled  to  the  tip  with  large,  deep 
grains,  which  are  very  tender. 
It  is  not  merely  sweet,  but  pos- 
seesses  that  exquisite  richness 
so  well  known  in  the  larger  and 
later  sorts.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  ^ pt.  15 
cts.;  qt.  50  cts. 


This  excellent  sort  is  the  best 
evergreen  strain  that  is  distinct- 
ly earlier  than  Stowell’s.  The 
ears  are  about  71^  inches  long, 
with  14  to  20  more  or  less  irreg- 
ular rows  with  very  deep,  white 
grain  of  the  very  best  quality. 
Stalks  about  614  to  7 feet  high. 
A very  desirable  main  crop  va- 
riety for  home  garden  and  mar- 
ket and  well  adapted  for  can- 
ning. Pkt.  4 cts.;  Yz  pt.  IS  cts.; 

50  cts. 


Notice  the  good  even  form  of  Peep  O’Day  in 



This  fine  extra  early  corn  ma- 
tures a trifle  ahead  of  our  early 
Premo  and  is  fair  sized  and  very 
sweet.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  14  pint  8 cts.; 

Yz  pint  15  cts.;  qt.  48  cts. 


Large,  medium  late  variety 
with  irregular  ears  of-  long 
pointed  kernels  — often  called 
shoe  pegs.  Very  sweet  and  high- 
ly prized  by  many  of  our  cus- 
tomers. Pkt.  4 cts.;  14  pt.  15  cts.; 
qt.  50  cts. 


About  as  large  as  Stowell’s 
and  nearly  a week  earlier.  A 
vigorous  grower  with  long,  large 
ear.  Long,  deep  kernels  are  pure 
white;  16  rowed  with  2 ears  on 
stalk.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  14  pt.  9 cts.; 

14  pt.  17  cts.;  qt.  48  cts. 


Our  Golden  Cream  is  consider- 
ed by  many  the  best  Sweet  Corn 
ever  put  on  the  market.  This 
new  corn  is  bred  from  the  Coun- 
try Gentleman  and  Golden  Ban- 
tam; the  grains  are  long  and 
pointed,  cob  slender,  about  the 
size  of  the  Golden  Bantam:  it 
combines  the  sweet  juicy  flavor 
of  both,  the  ears  are  ready  for 
use  at  a very  early  season,  the 
quality  is  exceptiona-ily  fine,  be- 
ing remarkably  sweet  and  ten- 
der, a distinct  sort  and  possesses 
genuine  merit.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  14 
pt.  20  cts.;  qt.  55  cts. 

Black  Mexican 

Very  sweet  old 
variety,  corn  white  till 
it  commences  to  hard- 
en. Eagerly  bought  by 

m.any  on  account  of  its  a. 

fine  flavor.  Pkt.4  cts.;  StOWell  S 
14  pt.  15  cts.;  qt.  45  cts. 



The  popular  white  Corn  for  popping — kernels 
pointed.  ..Pkt.  4 cts.;  14  lb.  10  cts.;  lb.  35  cts. 

Have  used  your  seed  several  years  and 
seems  as  if  two  plants  come  from  every  seed. 
Never  had  seed  come  up  as  well. 

Miss  M.  Bunker,  Lodi,  Wis. 

HOWLING  MOB,  Large,  Fine  second  early 

D.S.C.  Early  Giant  (Shown  Above ) 

This  grand  Corn  comes  soon  as  Extra  Earlies  are 
gone  and  continues  in  good  condition  till  late. 
Ears  large,  white  and  of  unsurpassed  sugary  fla- 
vor. Pkt.  5 cts.;  14  pt.  8 cts.;  14  pt.  15  cts.;  qt.  48 


^ Strong,  vigorous  grower,  producing  2 ears  7 to 
inches  long  on  each  stalk.  It  is  only  a few 
latei-  than  the  extra  earlies  and  as  large  and  sweet 
as  the  best  medium  early  sorts.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  14  pt. 
8 cts.;  14  pt.  15  cts.;  qt.  50  cts. 

POP  CORN  Golden  Queen 

Strong  grower  and  great  yielder.  When  dry  ker- 
nels  pop  out  large  and  rich  and  creamy  color. 
Superb  flavor.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  14  lb.  12  cts.;  Ib.  35  cts 


In  the  above  picture  Fig*.  1 represents  the  Packers’ 
Perfection;  Pig".  2,  Davis  Perfected  and  the  smaller 
prickley  ones;  Fig.  3,  Early  Cluster. 


This  famous  pickier  shown  above  is  immensely 
productive  and  fine  color  for  pickling.  When  gath- 
ered very  small  they  resemble  Gherkins  and  retain 
their  desirable  slim  form  if  grown  larger.  This  is  a 
standard  pickier  with  Eastern  growers,  who  produce 
them  in  great  numbers.  Pkt.  4 cts.j  oz.  10  cts.;  lb. 
25  cts.;  lb.  05  cts. 


Early  Cluster  Cucumber. 


Probably  the  most  popular  extra  early  ever  originated; 
Extra  prolific,  setting  fruit  in  clustej-s;  finest  quality,  good 
for  slicing  or  pickles.  May  be  used  for  main  crop.  Pkt.  4 
cts.;  oz.  0 cts.;  Vt  lb.  2.5  cts.;  lb.  00  cts. 



This  may  well  be  called  a peiT(;et  pickling  and  packing 
sort  with  all  the  good  cjualities  that  should  go  with  it — • 
perfect  shape — fine  color — fine  quality — productiveness — 

earliness.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  Vi.  lb.  2.5.  cts.;  lb.  00  cts. 


Exceedingly  productive,  fruits  set  early  and  are  very 
handsome;  dark  grgen,  long  and  straight,  entirely  free  from 
spines.  Quality  fine,  being  solid  and  crisp.  l*kt.  5 cts.;  oz. 
10  cts.;  J/4  11>.  25  cts.;  lb.  85  cts. 


One  of  the  best  and  most  prolific  for  producing  pickles 
of  medium  size,  both  for  home  use  and  marKet,  yielding  a 
large  number  of  fruits.  Skin  thin,  tender  and  free  from 
toughness  when  pickled.  Excellent  table  quality.  Pkt.  4 

cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  14  ib.  25  cts.;  ib.  05  cts. 


This  beautiful,  dark  green  pickling  Cucumber  is 
very  popular  where  known.  Very  early,  uniform 
and  can  not  be  surpassed  for  an  early  deeply  colored 
pickling  sort.  Productive  and  excellent  quality.  Pkt. 
5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  % lb*  30  cts.;  lb.  95  cts. 


Very  popular  pickier  for  market  in  West.  Prolific. 
Pine  quality.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  i/4  lb.  25  cts.;  Ib. 
90  cts. 

Klondike  (Shown  Above) 

This  is  a hybrid  sort  of  the  White  Spine  type 
which  holds  its  dark  green  color  longer  than 
most  other  sorts.  Averages  6 to  7 inches  in 
size,  ends  are  quite  square  and  it  is  about  2 
inches  thick.  Its  extreme  earliness,  combined 
with  its  prolific  and  hard  qualities,  makes  it  a 
very  desirable  variety  for  either  market  or  pri- 
vate use.  An  excellent  sort  for  slicing.  _ When 
small,  this  variety  is  also  an  excellent  pickling 
sort.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  Ib.  25  cts.;  Ib. 
95  cts. 

Deposit  Wtiite  Spine  (Shown  Above) 

Good  Size,  Early,  Fine  Quality,  Productive 

One  of  the  finest  strains  of  extra  early  White 
Spine.  Medium  size,  straight,  smooth  and  of  finest 
quality.  For  slicing,  pickling  or  home  use  it  has 
no  superior.  Notice  productiveness  in  bed.  Pkt* 
4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  % lb.  25  cts.;  lb.  95  cts. 

Improved  Long  Green 


Produces  handsome,  dark  green  fruit  10  to  12 
inches  long.  Flesh  solid,  crisp  and  of  excellent 
quality.  One  of  the  best  for  home  or  market;  good 
slicer  and  pickier.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  ^A  lb.  30 
cts.;  lb.  $1,00. 

Davis  Perfected  Cuemnber 


The  best  seller  and  the  best  all  around  sort  for  north- 
ern markets  or  home  use.  Very  long,  slim  and  of  a dark 
green  color,  with  the  true  White  Spine  markings.  A vig- 
orous grower,  productive  and  resists  blight  well.  Pkt. 
4 cts.;  Yz  oz.  8 cts.;  oz.  15  cts.;  14  lb.  30  cts.;  lb.  $1.15. 


A very  small,  oval-shaped  prickly  variety,  grown  ex-  ; 
clusively  for  pickling.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  15  cts.;  141b.  45  cts* 


This  variety  grows  rapidly  on  poles  or  trellises  and 
bears  abundantly  throughout  the  season.  Fruit  is 
excellent  quality,  dark  green  with  pure  white  flesh. 
Good  size  and  a recommendable  sort.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  Va 
oz.  8 cts.;  oz.  15  cts.;  ^A  lb.  35  cts.;  lb.  $1.25. 


Improved  Hanson 

One  of  the  finest  table  sorts 
wholly  free  from  bitter  taste. 
Crisp  fine  flavor  even  to  outer 
leaves,  withstands  heat  and 
drought  well  and  is  one  of  the 
best  for  early  or  late.  Forms 
a large  handsome  head.  Pkt. 
5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  ^ lb.  25 
cts.;  lb.  95  cts. 

California  CREAM  BUTTER 

One  of  the  best  all  around 
summer  Lettuce;  the  head.'^ 
are  of  a good  size,  compact' 
and  well  formed:  they  have  a 
rich,  buttery  flavor.  Pkt.  5 
cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  lb*  25  cts.; 
ib.  80  cts. 


Unrivalled  Big  Boston 

An  especially  fine,  light  green 
strain  of  the  popular  old  Big  Bos- 
ton Lettuce.  Plants  large,  vigorous 
and  tender.  Quick  growing  early 
sort.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  ^ Ib. 
30  cts.;  lb.  .$1.00. 

D.  S.  C.  Immensity 

Largest  variety  grown.  Heads 
solid,  crisp  and  tender  even  to  the 
outer  leaves.  Slow  to  run  to  seed, 
remaining  fit  to  use  for  a long 
time.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  <»*•  7 cts.;  oz. 
13  cts.;  1/4  lb.  35  cts.;  Ib.  $1.15. 

Iceburg  Lettuce 

An  Excellent  Table  Sort 

Heads  large,  hard  and 
handsome  and  of  finest  flavor. 
Very  early  and  of  a beautiful 
light  green.  Inside  leaves 
are  strong  arched  and  blanch 
up  crisp  and  white  without 
1,  any  bitterness.  For  all 

W \ around  home  sort  this  has 
^ no  superior.  Pkt.  5 ets.;  oz. 

i 12  cts.;  1/4  lb.  35  cts.;  lb.  $1.15. 



Popular  Everywhere  „_ 

This  popular  sort  foims  a loose 
head  of  reddish-brown  tinged 
leave^  which  are  crinkled  and  of 
unsurpassed  flavor.  One  of  the 
best.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  i/4  lb. 
30  cts.;  lb.  $1.00. 


Very  popular  for  forcing  extra 
early.  Beautifully  curled  and 
crimpled;  tender  and  delicious; 
grows  freely.  Great  sort  for  mar- 
ket. Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  % Ib* 
28  cts.;  lb.  9.5  cts. 

May  King  Lettuce 

I This  great  keeper  and  ship-  ^ 
'•  per  forms  large,  solid,  round 
\ heads  6 to  8 inches  in  diame-  C 
, ter.  Leaves  light  green, 

! slightly  tinged  brown  on  out-  % E 
side  and  yellow  inside.  Rich 
flavor,  tender  and  brittle. 

.Pkt  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  lb. 

28  cts.;  lb.  95  cts. 

Early  Prize  Head  Lettuce. 


White — Used  in  salads  and 
for  culinary  purposes.  Pkt.  4 

cts.;  oz.  8 cts.;  ^ lb.  20  cts.; 
lb.  55  cts. 

Chinese  — Leaves  larger 
than  White  Mustard.  Flavor 
sweet  and  pungent:  one  of 

the  very  best  for  salads,  etc. 
Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  i/4  lb. 
22  cts.;  Ib.  75  cts. 

Ostrich  Plume — Finely  curl- 
id  and  twisted  leaves.  Makes 
excellent  salads  and  gar- 
lishes.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  9 cts.; 
4 lb.  22  cts.;  Ib.  80  cts. 


Holds  the  fruit  well  off  the  ground,  resists  drought  and  wet  vreather. 
Pine  purple  color,  very  productive.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  y%  oz.  25  cts.;  oz,  40  cts.s 
% lb.  $1.50. 


A superior  sort,  combining  the  good  qualities  of  all  other  standard  va- 
rieties and  is  the  best  of  any  for  general  use.  Large,  smooth,  purple,  free 
[from  spines.  Finest  quality  and  a prolific,  continuous  bearer'.  Pkt.  6 ets.; 

1 1/4  oz.  12  cts.;  y^  oz.  20  cts.;  oz.  35  cts.;  ^ lb.  $1.35. 


Very  early,  large  and  good  quality.  Fruits  set  thickly  on  plant.s  and  are 
I of  thick,  attractive  form  and  rich,  ^ a • 

I lustrous  violet  black.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  % 
oz.  1.5  cts.;  y^  oz.  25  cts.;  oz.  40  cts.;  ^ 

1 White  Curled  Endive 

1 Endive  make  a fine  salad  for  fall 
: or  winter.  Sow  in  spring  and  set 
: plants  one  foot  apart,  tie  in  out  leaves 
will  improve  the  blanching. 

White  Curled  needs  little  or  no  W 
blanching.  Leaves  white,  midrib  yel- 
low.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  15  cts.;  i/4  lb.  40 

Large  Rooted  Chicory 

Tender  sprouts  used  for  salads  and 
dried  roots  used  as  a substitute  for 
coffee.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  15  cts. 

If  your  seed  order  amounts 
n o $5.00  or  over  and  you  want 
,<  ur  new  Cook  Book  or  Farm- 
'( rs’  Ready  Reference  Book, 
Is  ay  so,  and  we  will  add  it 
1 ree. 

See  the  Front  Page  of  this  Cata- 
logue. Here  is  one  of  the  Best  Equip- 
l>ecl  Mail  Order  Seed  Houses  in  the 
Country.  IVotice  One  Day’s  3Iail  load- 
ed to  go  to  the  Post-Office,  3,000  Or- 

lorida  High  Bush  Egg  Plant 




The  Standard  Sort,  Grown 
More  than  Any  Other. 

Medium  size,  round  oval 
form,  an  excellent  keeper 
and  shipper.  This  is  an  im- 
proved strain  of  the  Netted 
Gem  Melon,  so  largely  used 
for  shipping.  Our  stock  is 
improved  in  shape,  size,  so- 
lidity, depth  of  flesli  and 
quaiity.  Flesh  firm  and  so 
sweet  that  it  can  be  eaten 
close  to  the  rind.  Fruit, 
■while  not  very  large,  is  pro- 
duced in  abundance  and  is 
very  sound  and  firm.  Pkt. 
4 cts. ; oz.  9 cts. ; '/^  fb.  20 
cts. ; Tb.  65  cts.  * 


Early  June  Musk  Melon.  Pkt.  5 Cts. 

A fine  extra  early  melon 
of  supurb  quality  and  a 
good  producer.  One  of  the 
earliest  melons  grown.  Pkt. 
4 cts.;  oz.  9 cts.;  Tb.  22 
cts.;  Tb.  80  cts. 


Paul  Rose  Musk  Melon 

A Cross  of  Rocky  Ford  -and 

A grand,  high  class  table 
melon  with  the  flesh  and  quality 
of  Osage  and  the  form  and  skin 
of  Rocky  Ford,  making  it  ideal 
for  market,  ten  daj^s  earlier 
than  Osage.  Fine  rich  flavor. 
One  of  the  best  to  eat  or  ship. 
Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  I/4  To.  25 
cts.;  Tb.  85  cts. 

Extra  Earfu  Hackensack 

Good  sized,  heavily  ribbed 
and  netted.  Thick  green  flesh 
of  fine  flavor.  Productive  and 
very  early.  One’  of  the  most 
popular  extra  early  sorts  for 
home  or  market.  Pkt.  4 cts.; 
oz.  9 cts.;  Tb.  23  cts.;  Tb  75 


One  of  Lhe  best  and  most  p^ 
ular  little  melons  for  ho^ 
restaurant  or  hotel  trade.  Fl|s: 
thick,  rich  and  luscious,  oF  , 
deep  orange  salmon  color.  Pkt 
4 cts.;  oz.  7 cts. ; /4  Tb.  22  cts. 
Tb.  75  cts. 


One  of  the  Best  All  Around  Ne\ 
Early  Melons. 

This  superb  early  variety., is 

Emerald  Ucm  jviwsk  tvieion.  *-kU  cts. 


The  fruit  is  of  good  size,  handsome  appearance  and 
fine  flavor.  The  skin  is  a rich,  dark  green,  contrasting 
finely  with  the  deep  orange-salmoned  colored  flesh,  sweet, 

tender.  Pkt.  4 cts.  oz.  10  cts.;  '/j.  Tb.  28  cts.;  Tb.  90  cts. 


One  of  the  Most  Popular  Melons  With  Large  Growers. 

This  is  considered  one  of  the  best  late  or  main  crop 
varieties  and  can  be  depended  upon  for  a good  crop 
when  others  rust  and  fail.  They  bloom,  set  fruit  and 
ripen  continuously.  Melons  covered  with  a gray  netting. 
Sweet,  fine  grained,  tender  and  melting.  Pkt.  4 cts.; 
oz.  10  cts.;  25  cts. ; Tb.  SO  cts. 

we  think,  destined  to  becom 
one  of  the  most  popular.  It  i 
equally  as  early  as  the  popula 
Extra  Early  Hackensack  ani 
better.  In  form  it  is  slightl; 
flattened,  heavily  ribbed,  witl 
green  flesh  of  unsurpassed  qual 
ity.  You  will  surely  make 
mistake  in  planting  this  sort  fo 
early  or  regular  home  croi 
Pkt.  4 cts.;  J/2  oz-  7 cts.;  oz.  1 
cts.;  1/4  Tb.  25  cts.;  Tb.  75  cts. 

Rust  Resisting  Rocky  Ford 


The  old  standard  Rock  Ford  has  been  for  years  th 
most  popular  melon  grown.  It  was  not  -vyithout  its  fault; 
however.  The  new  rust-resisting  strain  has  overcom 
many  of  these  and  bids  fair  to  become  one  of  the  stand 
ard  shippers.  Sweet,  lucious  flavor,  good  cropper  an 
fine  for  table  or  market.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  lA  Tl 
25  cts.;  Tb.  95  cts. 

S^See  Netted  Rock  King  on  colored 

Vine  Peach 

A novel  vegetable  of  the  musk  melon 
class.  About  the  size  of  a large 
orange  and  are  produced  in  immense 
numbers.  Can  be  used  for  preserves 
and  pickles  same  as  peaches.  Drops 
Off  the  vine  when  ripe.  Pkt.  5 cts.; 
Yiz  oz.  10  cts.;  oz.  18  cts.;  >4  Tb.  50  cts. 

Garden  Lemon. 

Somewhat  smaller  than  Vine  Peach 
but  resembles  it  in  growth.  Thin, 
slightly  acid  flesh;  does  not  need  any 
lemon  when  preserved.  Pkt.  4 cts.; 
Yz  oz.  10  cts.;  oz.  18  cts. 

Cfieppies  Pears  and  Plums 

Cherries,  Pears  and  Plums  have 
been  given  these  as  an  oppropriate 
name  because  they  embrace  a spe- 
cies of  small  fruiting  tomatoes  which 
resembles  these  fruits.  Vines  are 
loaded  with  these  fruits  which  are  of 
the  best  possible  quality.  Fine  for 
preserving.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  j/2  oz.  15  cts. 

One  packet  each  of  above 
novel  vegetables  for  10  cts. 


This  shows  the  prolific  nature  of  Vine  Peach, 


M elvers 

This  famous  watermelon  is, 
the  sweetest  ever  put  before 
the  people.  It  is  of  medium 
size,  with  striped  or  variegated 
exterior,  beautiful  red  flesh,  and 
light  colored  or  white 
The  flesh  is  entirely  stringless, 
and  of  perfect  quality.  The 
vines  are  strong,  thrifty  and 
prolifle,  and  well  adapted  to 
withstand  either  wet  weather 
drought.  It  is  well  adapted  to 
nearby  markets,  but  is  rather 
delicate  for  long  freight  ship- 
ment. An  excellent  home  gar- 
den melon  of  superior  quality. 
Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  14  Tb. 
25  cts.;  Tb.  85  cts.;  postpaid. 

Watermelon  Seed,  Etc. 

D*8-G*  G^cti^a  Garl^  Watermelon 

A good  sized  melon,  rather  oblong,  mottled,  with  bright  red  flesh; 
sweet,  tender  and  delicious.  One  of  the  most  productive,  producing 
good  melons  from  July  till  frosts,  which  weigh  20  to  30  lbs.  each.  An 
extremely  good  shipper  for  so  early  a melon,  and  with  its  handsome 
appearance  and  fine  quality  always  meets  ready  sale.  Pkt.  5 cts,;  oz. 
10  cts.;  14  tb.  25  cts.;  Tb  75  cts. 

A very  popular  and  well  known  extra  early  melon  of  fine  quality. 
Pkt,  4 cts.;  oz.  8 cts.;  14  Tb.  20  cts. 

KecMe^  Sweets  Watermelon 

One  of  the  finest  of  all  melons  for  home  use  on  account  of  its  ex- 
cellent table  qualities.  Strong,  vigorous  grower.  Melons  large  size, 
flesh  a bright  scarlet  ripening  close  to  the  rind  and  of  the  richest,  crisp, 
sugary,  melting  flavor.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  14  Tb.  25  cts.;  Tb  80  cts. 

albert  Hone^ 

One  of  the  best,  handsomest  and  sweetest  for  home  or  market,  almost 
the  famous  Keckley  iSweets.  Prolific  yielder,  handsome  red  flesh. 
Tb.  25  cts.;  Tb.  85  cts. 

Triple  Curled  Parsley — Pkt.  4 cts. 

Mcivors  Wonderful  Sugar  Watermelon. 

T om  W atson  W atermelon 


A deliciously  flavored,  sweet  red  fleshed  crisp,  tender  and  melting 
melon  used  more  extensively  than  any  other  for  shipping;  24  inches 
long  and  12  inches  through.  Dark  mottled  green,  thin,  strong  rind. 
Plant  this  for  home  o:  market.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  9 cts.;  >4  tb.  25  cts.;  Tb® 
90  cts.  r 

Sweetbeart  Watermelon 

This  not  only  is  a fine  melon  but  also  a good  shipper.  Skin  pale  green 
with  gray  netting.  Flesh  solid  and  a deep  rich  red,  crisp  and  melting. 
Its  fine  qualities  have  made  it  a general  favorite,  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  9 cts.S 
14  Tb.  24  cts.;  Tb.  85  cts. 

Triple  Curled  PARSLEY 

The  best  and 
Parsley  for  garnishing, 
etc.  Color  rich,  deep 
beautifully  curled.  Pkt. 
oz.  9 cts.;  14  Tb.  25  cts.; 

WUUe  Velvet  OKRA 

Pods  long,  smooth  and  velvety  white, 
pods  while  young  and  tender  and  use 
soupes  and  stews.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  8 cts.; 
tb.  25  cts.;  Tb.  65  cts. 

Perkins  Mammoth  Long  Pod  Okra 
Pods  shoot  out  from  the  stalk  within  three 
of  the  ground  and  the  whole  plant 
covered  with  them  to  its  extreme  height. 

Pods  are  an  intense  green  color,  9 to  10 
inches  long  and  do  not  get  hard.  It  is  much 
sought  by  canners.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.; 

54  Tb.  25  cts.;  Tb.  55  cts. 

White  Vienna  KOHL  RABI 

This  is  a very  delicious  vegetable,  and  is 
increasing  in  popularity  rapidly;  combines 
the  good  qualities  of  the  turnip  and  cab- 
bage, but  excels  both  in  nutritive  and  pro- 
ductive qualities.  Cooked  the  same  as  tur- 
nips, they  are  very  tender  and  palatable. 

Sow  in  spring  in  rows  18  inches  apart,  and 
thin  away  the  plants  to  8 inches.  Early 
White  Vienna.  The  earliest  and  best  for 
either  market  or  family  use.  Pkt.  4 cts.; 

Yz  oz.  8 cts.;  oz.  15  cts.;  Tb.  55  cts. 



istraliao  Bro^ 


For  ycar-s  we  luive  made  a .specialty  of  liiF:h 
Srrade  American  Onion  seed.  !so  ^iieat  been  the 
demand  the  past  two  .se;isons  that  we  l.ave  not 
bad  enon^li  «to  meet  it.  We  have  an  extra  lar^'C 
supp!>  of  tine  seed  tliis  season  and  while  prices 
are  nece.ssarily  hi;;her  we  believe  no  one  ollering 
equally  j^ood  see«l  can  sell  it  cheaper. 


Very  popular  mild  variety  grown  for  pickling 
and  for  sets.  i’kt.  5 cts.;  oz.  25  cts.;  lt>.  J)5  ct.s.; 

m.  ij«.7d. 


_An  extra,  sure  bottoming,  long  keeping  variety, 
yielding  large  crops,  a favorite  in  warn  climates 
where  ordinary  large  onions  do  not  keep  well.  Me- 
dium size  bulbs,  amber  brown  skin,  varying 
shades,  solid  white  flesh,  crisp,  sweet,  fine,  mild 
flavor;  will  keep  perfect  for  a year  or  more.  A 
popular  and  desirable  sort.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  12 
cts.;  oz.  20  cts.;  14  Ih.  75  cts.;  Ih.  $2.40.  • 


A Grand  Variety,  Choice  American  Grown  Seed 

This  grand,  large  onion  is  rapidly  coming  into 
popular  favor.  It  succeeds  everywhere,  yielding 
mammoth  bulbs,  and  producing  1,000  to  1,500  bush- 
els per  acre.  Color  a pale  yellow.  Flesh  white, 
solid  and  delicate  flavor.  Bulbs  often  weigh  from 
2 to  3 lbs.  each,  and  will  be  extra  large  where 
started  in  the  house  and  tiansplanted.  Is  large 
size,  mild  flavor.  Great  producer  and  good  keep- 
ing qualities  recommend  it  to  all.  Our  seed  is 
American  grown  from  the  finest  selected  bulbs. 

Pkt.  5 cts.;  Ys  oz.  15  cts.;  oz.  25  cts.;  % lb.  90  cts.; 

Jb.  $3,50, 

Southport  Yellow  Globe 

This  is  probably  the  finest  all-round  sort  grown. 

The  enormous  quantities  annually  shipped  to  mar- 
ket prove  its  popularity,  and  it  is  more  largely 
grown  than  any  other  variety.  The  bulbs  are 
large  and  uniformly  spherical  with  very  small 
necks,  the  largest  diameter  is  below  the  center  of 
the  bulb.  The  color  is  a rich  orange-yellow;  enor- 
mous yielders  and  splendid  keepers.  Pure  white 
flesh,  of  a mild,  delicious  flavor;  ripens  evenly. 

Pkt.  5 ets.;  % oz.  IS  cts.;  oz.  30  cts.;  14  Ib.  95  cts.; 
lb.  $3.75. 

Southport  Red  Globe 

Similar  to  the  Southport  Yellow  Globe  except 
color  which  is  a beautiful  deep  red.  Very  exten- 
sively grown  for  market  and  shipping.  A fine  sort 
which  commands  a high  price.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  ^ oz.  18 

cts.;  oz.  30  cts.;  14  lb.  95  cts.;  lb.  $3.75. 

Yellow  Fiat  Danvers 

Yellow  Flat  Danvers  is  a standard  onion  wi»a 
many  splendid  qualities  and  is  a valuable  gei.  ^r  .il 
crop  sort.  It  is  a medium  size  bulb,  quite  thick 
through,  but  flattened,  has  coppery  yellow  skin, 
thick  neck  and  creamy  white  flesh  which  is  mild 
and  of  pleasant  flavor.  It  combines  a large  yield 
with  very  even  ripening  quality,  and  in  every  re- 
spect is  first  class  where  a strictly  globe  shaped 
onion  is  not  demanded.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  20  cts.;  14 
BE».  75  cts.;  lb.  $2.65. 

Selected  Yellow  Globe  Danvers 


This  grand  old  variety  is  more  extensively  grown  than  any 
otlier,  producing  fine,  large  yellow  bulbs  of  globular  shape, 
which  keep  and  sell  well.  Our  strain  is  the  very  best,  fine 
shape,  smooth,  large,  best  color,  and  produces  larger  crops 
than  the  common  Globe  Danvers  sold  by  many.  Flesh  pure 
white,  mild  and  fine  flavor.  Our  stock  of  seeds  is  guaranteed 
last  season’s  crop  and  equal  to  the  very  best.  We  are  selling 
this  and  other  fine  Onion  seed  at  or  below  the  wholesale  mar- 
ket at  the  present  time.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  % oz.  12  cts.;  oz.  20  cts.; 
34  75  cts.;  lb.  $2.75. 

Large  Red  Wethersfield 


For  a red  Onion  none  is  so  largely  grown  or  so  popular  the 
country  over  as  this.  It  grows  quickly,  attaining  full  size 
from  seeds  sown  early  in  the  spring.  It  is  a sure  cropper,  al- 
ways doing  well  where  any  Onion  will,  and  sells  well  in  mar- 
ket- Fairly  strong  flavor  and  keeps.  Bulbs  slightly  flattened, 
and  of  rich  red  color.  Our  stock  of  this,  like  the  Danvers,  is 
especially  fine.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  % oz.  10  cts.;  oz.  18  cts.;  14  lb.  70 
cts.;  lb.  $2.65. 


An  extra  early  strain  of  the  Red  Wethersfield,  similar  in 
every  respect,  slightly  smaller,  owing  to  its  earliness.  Pkt.  5 

ets.;  oz.  20  cts.;  ^4  lb.  75  cts.;  lb.  $2.75. 


This  handsome  Onion  is  a fine  strain  of  the  Yellow  Globe 
Danvers,  selected  by  Ohio  gardeners.  Small  neck,  rich  yellow 
color,  excellent  keeper  and  yielder.  One  of  the  earliest  of  the 
Yellow  Globe  sorts.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  25  cts.;  % lb.  80  cts.;  lb. 


Last  year’s  seeds  and  plants  proved 
yery  satisfactory.  Mrs.  H.  Hupfield, 

Elizabeth,  N.  J. 


Don’t  forget.  W e send  Peas  by  mail  postage  paid.  Yon  have  to  add  extra  for  postage  in  most  cataiognes* 

Thos,  Laxton  Pea 

Chinese  Giant  PEPPER 

Plants  strong, stocky,  erect,  bushy; 
desirable  for  stuffing,  growth  about  2 
feet  high.  Fruit  of  enormous  size,  al- 
most square  and  fill  plants  from  the 
bottom  up.  Flesh  thick,  mild  and  of 
excellent  quality.  Has  no  superior. 

Pkt.  7 ets.;  1^4  oz.  15  ets.;  % o*. 
^ 28  ets.;  oz.  45  ets. 

m Mammoth  Ruby  King  Pepper 

of  the  most  popular  and 
best  known  large  red  sweet  pep- 
pers.  Plants  loaded  with  bright 
Sjg^^xruby  red  fruits  of  immense  sizei 
»^and  mild  delicate  flavor.  Flesh 
thick,  crisp  and  tender  and  for 
salads,  stuffing,  etc.,  it  has  no 
superior.  Pkt.  5 ets.;  oz.  15 
ets.;  oz.  28  ets.;  lb.  95  ets. 


Fruit  large,  4 inches  long  by 
inches  through.  It  is  the/ 
earliest  of  all  large  peppers,  of-‘ 
ten  fit  for  use  by  July  from  seed'' 
K ” • sown  very  early.  Continuous> 
and  abundant  bearer;  plants  al- 
ways  loaded  with  large,  hand- 
some  fruit  of  a bright  red  color. 

'■  Flesh  thick,  mild  and  best  qual- 
ity.  Good  keeper.  Pkt.  5 ets.;  i/4 
cz.  15  ets.;  Vz  oz.  25  ets.;  oz.  45 

H,  Chinese  Giano  Pepper — Pkt.  4 ets. 

Seeds  purchased  of  you  last  spring  were  fine.  Alderman  Peas  were  loaded  with  pods  and  were  the  moat 
delicious  I ever  ate. Mrs.  M.  Jocelyn,  Kden.  Md. 



Best  of  all  the  half-long 
varieties.  Grows  to  a me- 
dium kuigtli,  very  thick, 
smooth  and  easy  to  gather. 
Heavy  cropper  with  tine- 
grained flesh  of  the  best 
quality.  Pkt.  5 ets.;  ox.  10 
ct».;  1/4  Ih.  35  cts.;  lb.  $1.35. 

Hollow  Crown 

A large,  long,  smooth  va- 
riety. The  most  extensive- 
ly grown  of  any,  keeps  well 
in  the  grouna  all  winter. 
Pkt.  5 cts.;  ox.  Hi  cts.; 
lb.  35  cts.;  lb.  .$1.35. 


Small  long  hot  sort  used 
for  pick!<^s,  pepper  sauce, 

etc.  /Pkt.  5 cts.;  Ys  ox. 
12  cts.;  ox,  22  cts. 


Long  Hollow  Crown 




Bloomsdale  Savoy  Spitl8Ch 


This  rariety,  also  called  Norfolk  Savoy  Leaved,  is  popular  in 
the  East,  Thick,  dark  green,  wrinkled  leaves.  Hardy  for  fall 
sowing.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  ox.  10  cts.;  Y4.  R>.  30  cts.;  lb.  $1.00. 

New  Triumph  SPINACH 

This  new  Spinach  surpasses  all  other  sorts.  Plants  are  of 
very  compact,  but  prostrate  growth.  They  are  composed  of 
many  short-stemmed  leaves,  which  are  much  thicker  and 
heavier  texture  than  any  other  Spinach  in  cultivation.  They 
are  heavily  crumpled  and  blistered,  of  dark  green  color,  and 
do  not  wilt  or  run  to  seed  as  quickly  as  other  sorts,  but  will 
remain  in  good  marketable  condition  a month  longer  than  any 
other  sort.  On  account  of  its  thick,  firm  leaves  it  retains  its 
freshness  during  the  hot  summer  months,  and  is  the  best  vari- 
ety to  be  sown  in  the  spring  and  also  continuously  at  inter- 
vals all  summer,  so  that  this  delicious,  healthful  vegetable 
as  well,  can  be  enjoyed  Pkt.  6 cts.;  oz.  12  cts.; 


Miss  M.  G.  Bardon, 

Xanuet,  N.  T. 

were  simply  grand.  All  your  seeds  were  fine. 




One  of  the  finest  of  all  extra  early 
Radishes.  Grows  very  quickly,  crisp 
and  tender.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  12  cts.; 
i/i  lb.  35  cts.;  lb.  $1.25. 



This  is  not  only  one  of  the  very 
earliest  Radishes,  being  ready  for 
'use  in  about  three  weeks’  from  sow- 
in,  but  it  is  also  one  of  the  most 
attractive.  The  color  is  a bright 
scai4:et,  with  the  bottom  of  pure 
white.  Fine  quality,  crisp  and 
juicy.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz,  10  cts.;  Ib. 
.30  cts.;  lb.  $1.10. 


A quick  growing,  fine  strain  of  the  popular  scarlet  turnip.  Extra 
early.  Crisp  and  desirable  for  family  or  forcing.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10 
cts.;  1/4  lb.  35  cts.;  lb.  $1.15. 


One  of  the  very  best  and  most  popular  early  sort  for  forcing;  mild 
crisp,  juic3^  and  tender.  Pkt.  5 ct.s.;  oz.  10  cts.;  i/4  lb.  35  cts.;  lb.  $1.20. 


An  attractive,  olive  shaped,  pink  and  white  Radish  with  delicate- 
ly’ flavored  flesh,  free  from  bitterness  and  coarseness.  Fine  table 
sort.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  12  ct.s.;  i/i  R>.  35  cts.;  lb.  $1.25. 



Xo  Radish  came  in  popular  use  so  quickly  as  this.  It  is  by  all  ac- 
knov.’ledged  to  be  the  best,  earliest,  smoothest  and  handsomest  of  all 
White  Radishes.  Grows  to  useable  size  in  25  to  30  da\''s.  Very  long, 
slim,  smooth,  crisp,  brittle  and  tender.  Unexcelled  flavor.  Remains 
in  fit  condition  for  use  a long  time.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  12  cts.;  % lb.  35 
cts.;  lb.  $1.25. 


An  extra  large,  long  vaiiety  of  suye.b  quality^  Rose  shading  to 
white.  Pkt,  4 cts.;  cz.  0 cts.;  '4  lt>.  25  cts.;  ib.  95  cts. 



A splendid  new  Radish  of  the  turnip  foim,  which  grows  several 
times  larger  than  the  Scarlet  Turnip  and  yet  retains  the  good  quali- 
ties of  the  Till  nip  Radish.  Unlike  the  old  varieties,  it  does  not  get 
tough  and  pithy"  quickly,  but  grows  until  6 to  8 inches  in  circumfer- 
ence, retaining  its  crisp,  juicy’  flavor.  You  certainly  should  sow  a 
few  of  these  to  use  after  the  Turnip  varieties  become  worthless. 
Pkt,  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  Vi  Iti.  35  cts.;  $1.25. 


One  of  the  handsomest  and  best  long  Radishes.  Beautiful,  fine  fla- 
vor, crisp,  quick  grower.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  9 cts.;  14  lb.  30  cts.;  lb.  90 


Popular  large,  long  white,  winter  sort.  Fine  quality,  keeps  well. 
Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  % lb.  30  cts.;  lb.  $1.00. 


One  of  the  most  popular,  best  flavored  and  best  keepers,  scarlet 
shadinc-  to  red  Flesh  white,  mild  and  crisp.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.; 
lb.  30  cts.;  lb.  $1.00. 

Mixed  Radish  Seed — All  above  sorts.  Oz.  S cts.;  % lb.  25  cts.;  lb. 
80  cr>.  

All  Season  Thick  Leaved  SPINACH 

This  plant  is  small,  with  lustrous  green  leaves,  which  are 
short,  broad,  very  thick,  and  of  so  great  substance  that  they 
lose  less  bulk  cooking  than  any  other.  The  leaf  stems  are  verv 
short,  which  so  greatly  reduces  the  size  of  the  plant  that  it 
forms  a compact,  dense  rosette,  perfect  in  color  and  substance, 
and  unequalled  in  flavor.  Remains  in  fit  condition  to  use 
longer  than  anv  other.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  i4  lb.  35  cts.; 
lb.  $1.10 

NO.  1 

We  will  mail  one  package  each  of  the  fol- 
lowing 30  sorts  for  only-  One  Dollar.  A good 
a.ssortment  for  a fair  sized  garden. 

One  package  each  of 

Asparagus,  Mammoth 

Bush  Beans,  Wax  or  Butter 

Pole  Beans,  White  Kentucky  Wonder 

Sweet  Corn,  Early’  Premo 

Swe<^t  Corn.  Bantam  Evergreen 

P<^as.  Early"  Dwarf 

Peas.  Champion  Tall 

Bopt.  Round  Dark  Red  Sort 

Cabbage,  Mixed  Early  and  Late 

Carrot,  Long  Orange 

Celery’,  White  Plume 

Cucumber,  Early 

Cucumber.  Long  White  Spine 
Lettuc'-'.  California  All  Heart 
Musk  Melon.  Perfe'^tion  Gem 
Vratermelon.  Tom  Watson 
Onion.  Red  Wethersfield 
Mustard,  White  for  Greens 
Parsley’,  Triple  Curled 
Parsnip,  7rr'orov''d  Guernsey 
Pepper,  Early"  Neapolitan 
Spinach,  Bloomsdale  Savoy  Leaved 
Squash,  Hubbard 
Radish.  New  Sparkler 
Tomato,  Earliana 
Turnin,  Early"  and  Late  Mixed 
Pum.pkin.  for  Pies 
Herbs,  All  Sorts  Mixed 
Sweet  Peas,  oz.  Mixed 
Flower  Sped.  200  Sort.*?  Mixed 
« The  above  30  packages  by  mail  for  $1.00 

£ o o 

(R  S * r-  ^ C. 

? s.  b 

< oS  “ 

^ C 
m ® 

o g ® Cf*. 

Golden  Summer  Grookneck 

Ons  of  the  best  of 
the  Summer  squashes. 

It  is  of  dwarf,  busliy 
habit  and  very  pro- 
ductive.  The  skin  is 
yellow.  The  shape  is 
shown  in  the  illustra- 
tion.  The  flesh  has  a 
deep  golden  yellow 
color,  and  is  dry  and 
of  most  agreeable  fla- 
vor.  This  is,  in  fact, 
most  highly  esteemed 
of  all  the  summer  va- 
ricties.  Pkt.  S ots.; 

02.  10  cts.;  14  lb.  30 
cts.;  lb.  l|>1.10.  ^ 


Prolific,  often  pro- 
duclng  eight  to  twelve 
squashes  on  a vine. 

Thick,  sweet,  dry,  sol- 
id  meat  of  the  finest 

flavor.  Pkt.  7 cts.;  oz.  -«a^.=r-=-=^=S 

lt>  cts.;  ^ lb.  40  ats.  Shape  of  Impro'S 


Similar  to  llurpee’s  Fordhook,  Tines  More  Compaet 

Wonderfully  productive  variety  with  fruits  8 to 
10  inches  long,  oblong  in  shape,  smooth,  yellow 
skin.  Flesh  light  yellow  and  of  finer  flavor  than 
any  other  Squash.  Can  be  used  while  j^oung  same 


Golden  Summer  Crookneck 

Earliana  Tomato 


This  extra  early  sort  has  largely  superseded  the  rough,  un- 
even, extra  early  varieties.  Good  size,  very  productive  and  fine 
quality,  hardy  and  bears  transplanting  well.  Color  bright  red. 
Pkt.  5 cts.;  Vz  oz.  15  cts.;  oz.  25  cts.;  14  lb.  80  cts.;  lb.  83.00. 


JOHN  BAER  Tomato 

:best  early  tomato  OlV  earth 

This  wonderful,  large,  beautiful 
early  Tomato  has  produced  a crop 
in  30  days  from  well  matured 
plants.  It  is  of  most  perfect  shape 
of  glistening  brilliant  red  color. 
Extra  solid,  heavy  fruit  and  ripens 
up  evenly.  Plants  produce  50  to 
100  perfect  tomatoes  each.  (None 
cracked,  uneven  or  rough.)  The 
flavor  is  extra  fine,  mild  and  de- 
licious. They  are  very  even  in  size 
weighing  6 to  7 ounces  each,  ex- 
tremely solid  with  very  few  seeds 
and  will  stand  shipping  a long  dis- 
tance. Pkt.  8 ets.;  Vs  oz.  20  ets.j 
oz.  36  Cts.}  ^4  U-10;  11>,  $4.00. 

Earlibel  Tomato 



This  improved  variety  is  as  early 
as  Earliana  and  larger.  It  is  a 
wonder  compared  to  most  sorts. 
Fruit  large  3 to  4 inches  in  diame- 
ter, smooth  and  solid  with  few 
seeds.  Never  cracks.  It  is  very 
hardy  and  productive,  and  vines 
are  loaded  with  bright,  glossy  red, 
fruit.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  % oz.  10  cts.;  Yz 
©z.  18  cts.;  oz.  30  cts.;  % R».  $1.00; 
Ib.  $3.75. 

Alpha  Pink  Tomato 


In  addition  to  its  extreme  earliness,  it  is  much' 
superior  to  Earliana  in  table  quality,  in  handsome, 
shape  and  attractiveness.  The  plants  are  of  such 
vigorous  growth  that  the  finest  fruits  are  pro- 
duced, both  extra  early  and  until  frost.  The  flavor 
is  free  from  acidity,  peculiarly  sweet  and  pleasant 
to  eat  raw.  The  fruits  are  set  in  generous  clusters 
of  large,  fine  specimens,  and  like  Earlibell,  it  is 
characteristic  of  the  Alpha  Pink  to  ripen  nearly 
every  one  on  a cluster  at  the  same  time.  Pkt.  8 
cts.;  oz.  12  cts.;  ^ oz.  20  cts.;  oz.  35  cts.; 


Gball^s  Jews>el 

A fine  Tomato,  following  closely  the  Earliana. 
Fruit  uniformly  large,  solid  and  almost  rounds 
For  a fine,  medium  early  or  main  crop  this  is  de- 
sirable. Immensely  productive,  handsome  appear- 
ance and  fine  quality.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  Ya  *»**  14  cts,;  oz, 
25  Cts.;  Vt  Ih.  85  cts. 

Livingston’s  Globe  Tomato 

Its  shape  is  a perfect  globe,  thus  rendering  it 
possible  to  secure  more  slices  from  each  fruit. 
Fruit  large  size,  always  smooth.  Very  firm  fleshed, 
with  few  seeds,  ripens  evenly.  Color  a very  fine, 
glossy  rose  tinged  with  purple.  Flavor  is  extreme- 
ly delicate  and  agreeable,  and  the  plants  are  ex- 
tremely productive,  being  loaded  throughout , the 
season.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  Vz  oz,  15  cts.;  oz.  25  cts.;  V4, 

90  cts. 

|iiD.S.C.  Enormous  Tomato 

I The  Giant  of  all  Desirable  Qualities 

A giant  variety  of  fruit  often  6 inches  in 
lameter  and  yet  of  the  very  finest  quality 
' ines  vigorous  and  productive,  often  giving 
i good  crop  when  others  fail.  Color  a rich 
L andsome  red.  Very  firm  fruit  of.  the  best 
t aality.  Large,  handsome  fruit  of  this  size 
f Dmmand  a much  better  price  than  others  in 
; le  market.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  07,.  1.%  cts.;  Yi  oz. , 
> cts.;  oz.  35  cts.;  Yt  lb.  $1.25;  lb.  $4.50. 


A purplish  pink,  main  crop  Tomato  of  the 
tfi.rgest  size.  The  vines  are  vigorous  and  very 
t Foductive.  The  fruits  are  very  solid,  with 
'V I cceptionally  few  seeds,  fairly  smooth  and 
[ insidered  of  very  good  quality,  especially 
)/■  those  who  prefer  a Tomato  quite  free 
1 1 om  acid.  It  is  very  desirable  for  slicing, 
fifkt.  8 cts.;  Y2  oz.  20  cts.;  oz.  35  cts.;  ^ lb«: 
^ * .35. 



Earlier  than  Chalk’s  Early  Jewel.  A vig- 
ous  grower,  enormously  prolific.  Color  is 
tense  scarlet.  Shape  is  perfect  and  re- 
arkably  uniform  in  size.  Ripens  evenly  to 
I e stem  without  crack  or  black  spot.  Very 
oductive  and  a fine  shipper,  being  even  in 
se.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  Yz  oz.  15  cts.;  oz.  25  cts,; 
lb.  85  cts.;  lb.  $2.95. 

Yellow  Ponflerosa.  Best  large  yellow—Pk^ 


Similar  to  Ponderosa  except  in  color  whichis  a clear  yellow. 
This  giant  Tomato  is  unquestionably  the  best  large 

variety.  Pkt.  8 cts.;  Ya  oz.  25  cts.;  oz.  40  cts.;  Y4,  lb,  $1.45. 


Herbs,  cic. 

Petrowski  Turnip 

This  is  a distinct  variety  of 
early  maturity.  The  roots  are 
flat,  medium  size.  Skin  is  a 
rich  orang-e  yellow,  very 
smooth  and  entirely  free  of 
rootlets.  The  firm  flesh  is 
fine  grained,  crisp  and  of  fine 
flavor.  We  strongly  recom- 
mend this  Turnip  for  market 
on  account  of  its  handsome 
appearance  and  quality.  For 
table  use  it  is  unapproached. 
Very  popular  when  known  to 
use  before  the  Ruta  Bagas 
are  matured.  Pkt.  S cts.;  oz. 
20  cts.;  ^4  n>.  70  cts.;  lt».  $2.25. 

World  Democracy 

The  Hardy,  Heavy  Cropping 
Purple  Top  Swede  or 
Ruta  Baga 

This  variety  is  an  enor- 
mous cropper,  one  of  the  most 
hardy  and  disease-resisting 
sorts  in  cultivation,  keeping 
well  even  in  the  poorest  soils, 
seldom  getting  mildewed,  and 
being  certainly  the  highest 
quality  Swede  in  cultivation. 
It  possesses  very  dense,  sound 
flesh.  It  grows  freely  in  all 
kinds  or  soils.  It  is  as  near 
as  possible  globe  shaped,  with 
a very  neat,  short  neck, 
dwarf  foliage,  and  a clean, 
single  tap  root.  The  portion' 
of  the  root  growing  out  of 
the  ground  is  of  a deep  pur- 
ple-red or  plum  color.  Award- 
ed medals  all  over  the  world 
for  size  and  good  qualities. 
Pkt.  6 cts.;  2 pkts.  10  cts.;  oz. 
15  cts.;  1/4  lb.  50  cts.;  lb.  $1.75. 

Strap  Leaf  Purple  Top 

This  good  early  sort  forms  a 
nice,  flat  bulb  with  crisp,  tender 
flesh  of  the  finest  possible  quality. 
Sown  broadcast  in  July  among 
Corn,  Potatoes,  etc.,  gives  a good 
crop.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  i/4 
lb.  55  cts.;  lb.  $1.20. 

Long,  White  Cowhorn  Tur- 

A large,  long  Turnip  exten- 
sively grown  for  stock  feeding, 
etc.  Good  quality  and  yielder. 

Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  12  cts.;  i/4  lb.  45 
cts.;  n».  $i.r*o. 



World  Democracy  Turnip,  pkt.  6 cts. 

D.S.C.  Purple  Top 


A large,  handsome,  globe  shaped  sort, 
with  rich,  yellow  flesh.  The  top  skin  is 
purple,  the  bottom  white.  It  is  one  of  the 
best  and  smoothest  growers,  making  a 
large  bulb,  which  sells  well  and  keeps  in 
good  condition  all  winter.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz. 
12  cts.;  V4.  lb.  45  cts.;  lb.  $1.45. 

WSsiie  Sweet  Swede 

An  excellent  keeper  and  very  desirable 
either  for  the  table  or  for  stock.  The 
tops  are  small,  with  leaves  cut  at  the 
edges.  The  roots  are  very  large,  nearly 
globe  shaped  or  somewhat  top  shaped 
with  small  neck;  color  white  with  a 
shade  of  green  or  bronze  at  the  top.  The 
flesh  is  white,  very  firm  and  sweet.  Pkt. 
5 cts.;  oz.  12  cts.;  2 ozs.  20  cts.;  i/4  R>.  58 
cts.;  lb.  $1.35. 


One  of  the  eraliest  maturing,  sweetest 
and  best  table  Turnips  grown.  Cooks 
very  quickly  and  always  of  excellent  fla- 
vor. Good  wfni'-r  keeper.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz. 
15  cts.;  V4-  H».  6.*. cts.;  Ib.  $2.25. 

Seven  Tops 

This  sort  is  cultivated  ex- 
tensively in  the  south  for  th*^ 
tops  which  are  used  for, 
greens.  In  many  sections  it 
is  a favorite  green  feed  for 
stock  and  its  use  like  Rapei 
for  a pasture  crop  is  quite 
general.  This  sort  is  very! 
hardy  and  the  growth  usual- 
ly continues  throughout  th«! 
Winter.  The  variety  is  not  | 
generally  depended  on  forthei 
root  since  the  tops  are  pro- 
duced so  abundantly.  Pkt.  51 
ct.s.;  oz.  10  cts.;  2 ozs.  18  cts.;  I 
V4.  lb.  .30  cts.;  lb.  05  ct.s.  j 

Purple  Top  White  Globe 

This  beautiful  and  desir- 
able Turnip  forms  large  globe 
shaped  roots  nearly  as  large 
as  Ruta  Baga.  Purple  top,  i 
pure  white  flesh  of  fine  qual-1 
ity.  Sown  broadcast  in  July! 
it  will  produce  a big  crop.  | 
Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  12  cts.;  34  lb. 
40  cts.;  lb.  $1.45.  ; 

White  Globe  Turnip 

The  most  desirable  of  . alii 
for  field  sowing,  etc.  Samei 
as  Purple  Top  White  Globe 
except  that  the  bulb  is  pure 
white.  Fine  large,  quich 
grower  and  sells  well.  Good 
for  stock  and  family  use, 
Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  10  cts.;  Ib, 
35  cts.;  lb.  $1.25. 

"White  Sweet  Swede 

4 cts.  a pkt. — 3 pkts.  10  cts. 

Anise — For  cordials,  garnishing. 

Caraway — Used  to  flavor  cookies,  pastry. 

Dill — Used  for  condiment  and  pickles.  Oz.  15  cts. 
Horcbonnd — Medicinal,  coughs  and  colds. 
Lavender — Perfume,  seasoning,  medicinal. 

Sweet  Basil — For  seasoning  soups,  stews,  etc. 
Sweet  Marjoram — Leaves  used  for  seasoning. 
Sweet  Fennell — Leaves  used  in  sauces. 

Sage — Seasoning,  dressing,  sage  tea,  etc. 
Wormwood — For  medicinal  purposes. 

Thyme — For  seasoning  meats,  headache. 

Mixed  Herb  Seed — All  above,  Yz  10  cts. 


16  Full  Packages  for  50  ctf> 

One  each  of  the  following  by  mail; 
Beans,  Wax  or  Butter 
Beet,  Early  Blood  Turnip 
Cabbage,  Early  and  Late  Mixed 
Carrot,  Perfect  Half  Long 
Celery,  Golden  Self  Blanching 
Cucumber,  White  Spine 
Sweet  Corn,  D.  S.  C.  Early  Giant 
Lettuce,  California  Cream  Butter 
Mustard,  Chinese 
Musk  Melon,  Perfection  Gem 
Onions,  Red  Wethersfield 
Peas,  Early  Dwarf 
Spinach,  Bloomsdale 
Radish,  Mixed 
Tomato,  Earliana 
Turnip,  White  Globe 

Field  Corn,  Farm  Seeds,  Etc. 

After  extensive  trials  we  find  that  the  northwest 
fas  far  as  posible)  will  produce  the  best  Dent  Corn 
for  seed  purposes.  We  have  had  a large  quantity 
grown  there  by  Corn  specialists,  who  guarantee  the 
Corn  to  be  pure  and  to  germinate  from  90  to  100  per 

One-fourth  lbs.  and  lbs.  of  Corn  are  sent  by  parcel 
post.  Pecks  and  bushels  by  express  or  freight,  not 
prepaid.  (Customers  pay  express  or  freight  charges 
when  they  receive  Corn.) 

Dags  furnished  free  to  ship  in. 

Our  Flint  Corn  is  mostly  grown  in  this  locality. 


The  best  for  main  crop  in  North.  Ears  very  long,  8 
rowed.  Clear,  handsome  yellow.  A good,  sure  crop- 
per. V4  Tb.  10  cts.;  lb.  30  cts.;  peck  by  express  $1.50; 
bushel  $5.00. 


Very  large  ears,  12  to  15  inches  long,  of  symmet- 
rical shape  and  flinty  white  color.  The  stalks  are 
tall,  leafy  and  generally  with  2 or  3 ears.  Largely 
grown  by  farmers.  V4=  lb.  10  cts.;  lb.  35  cts.  by  mail. 
By  express  peek  $1.50;  bushel  $5.00. 


Evervbody  m the  North  who  is  fan»iiar  with  Early 
First  Corn  knows  of  the  handsome,  red  eared  King 
Phillip.  Extra  eaxfly  and  a fine  Corn  in  every  respect. 

Vi  lb.  10  cts.;  lb.  30  cts.,  by  mail;  4 lbs.  by  mail  for 



We  believe  this  Corn  will  prove  a wonderful  seller 
this  season.  In  the  county  agricultural  tests  through- 
out New  York  state  if  has  shown  itself  equal  to,  if 
not  superior  to  all  other  ensilage  Corn.  _ Rank,  strong- 
grower,  rich  in  the  required  food  qualities  and  g'ood 
every  way.  Sold  under  various  names  at  high  prices. 
3A  lb.  10  cts.;  Jb.  28  cts.;  4 lbs.  by  mail  $1.00;  peck  by 
express  $1.4,5;  bushel  $4.40. 


Beyond  doubt  one  of  the  best  fodder  Corns,  either 
to  feed  green  right  from  the  field,  to  put  up  for  the 
silo,  or  ito  cure  and  stack  away.  It  is  sweet,  tender 
and  juicy;  has  short  joints  and  therefore  an  abund- 
ance of  leaves,  and  grows  to^  a fair  height,^  but  not 
over-large  and  coarse-stalked  as  some  varieties._  The 
seed  is  w'hite  and  grows  on  a red  cob,  thus  giving  it 
the  name.  Price,  postpaid,  Vi  lb.  10  cts.;  lb.  30  cts.; 
3 lbs.  75  cts.;  by  express,  peck  $1.50. 


A very  popular  and  productive  variety.  On  good 
land  th(*  stalks  grow  tall,  producing  two  good  ears 
to  each  stalk.  The  ears  are  long,  with  small  red  cob 
well  filled  with  grains  of  medium  size,  of  rich  golden 
color.  It  ripens  in  from  100  to  110  days,  and  general- 
ly makes  a good  crop,  even  in  dry  season,  by  reason 
of  its  strong,  vigorous  growth.  Stalky  are  leafy, 
making  excellent  fodder.  14  lb.  10  cts.;  lb.  30  cts.,  by 
mail;  by  express  peck  $1.45;  bushel  $4.50. 


This  is  one  of  the  most  exten^vely  planted  Yellow 
Dent  Corn.  It  is  a standard  early.  The  type  varies, 
but  usually  has  16  rows  of  kernels  on  a cob,  with 
tapering  tip.  . Our  seed  is  from  selected  ears.  14  lb. 

10  cts.;  Ht».  30  cts.;  by  express  peck  $1.40;  bu.shel  $4.40. 


This  Corn  is  early,  ears  are  of  good  size  and  sym- 
metrical: color  a bright  golden  yellow:  grain  very 
deep;  cob  small.  We  have  seen  many  selected  ears  of 
this  variety  which  produced  64  pounds  of  shelled  Corn 
and  only  6 pounds  of  cobs  to  the  bushel.  W'e  most 
highly  recommend  it  to  our  customers  in  the  same 
.latitude  as  Iowa.  14  lb.  10  cts.;  lb.  30  cts.,  by  mail; 
by  express  peck  $1.45;  bushel  $4.40. 


The  stalks  grow  from  8 to  12  feet  high,  dependent 
on  the  land — hill  or  bottom  ground — strong  and  ro- 
bust, very  leafy,  broad  blades  and  plenty  of  them, 
making  an  excellent  fodder  or  ensilage  Corn.  Roots 
almost  equal  that  of  sorghum.  Ears  uniform  in  size 
and  shape,  cylindrical  from  butt  to  tip,  running  from 
8 to-12  inches  long  and  7 to  8 inches  in  circumference, 
containing  from  16  to  20  rows  solidly  set  on  a medium 
small  red  cob,  shelling  86  to  88  per  cent  grains  and 
often  more.  Weighs  out  more  than  ordinary  varieties 
thus  proving  its  solidity.  It  is  a golden  yellow  and 
is  the  earliest  maturing,  large-eared  yellow  Corn 
known,  always  making  itself  safely  and  beyond  dan- 
ger, of  frost  in  from  90  to  100  days.  Our  word  for  it, 
it  will  please  you  in  every  respect.  14  Tb.  10  cts.;  lb. 
30  cts.;  4 lbs.  by  mail  $1.00;  7 Ib.s.  (enough  for  1 acre) 
by  mail  $1.6.5;  by  express  peck  $1.45;  bushel  $4.6o. 

Price  of  Kohl  Rabi  seed  should  be  Pkt.  5 cfs.;  V2  ox. 
18  cts.;  02.  30  cts.;  14  tb.  $1.10,  instead  of  price  given. 


A grand  sort  prized  by  ail  who 
have  tried  it.  Fruit  large,  pro- 
duced in  large  numbers  on  strong 
bushy  plants.  They  grow  in  an 
upright  position  on  end  of 
branches.  Pkt.  6 cts.;  Yz  oz.  15 
cts.;  02.  28  cts. 



An  extra  fine  mixture  of  Grasses  best  suited  to 
make  a rich  green  velvety  lawn.  Yz  pt.  10  cts.;  qt. 
35  cts.;  3 qts.  75  cts.  by  mail 


A nice  thick,  fine  gro-wing  hardy  Grass  well 
adapted  for  lawns,  etc.  Yz  Pt.  12  cts.;  qt.  40  cts. 

RED  TOP  (Clean  Seed) 

One  of  the  best  known  and  hardiest  Grasses  for 
pastures,  etc.  Makes  fine  lawns.  Y4.  lb.  15  cts.;  Ib. 
30  cts.;  seed  in  cliaif  30  cts.  a qt. 


Tall,  large  growing  with  mammoth  seed  heads; 
used  to  cut  up  in  ensilage;  also  for  poultry  feed, 
etc.  % lb.  10  cts.;  qt.  .35  cts. 


The  dwarf  spreading  Clover  so  valuable  for  pas- 
tures. Makes  a pretty  lawn.  Yk  lb.  25  cts.;  Ib.  75 


Grown  more  largely  than  any  other  Grass  for 
hay,  etc.  Yk  lb.  15  ct.s.;  lb.  45  cts. 

Dwarf  Essex  Rape 

This  is  by  far  the  best  variety  of  Rape  for  for- 
age, It  is  very  valuable,  not  only  for  green  pur- 
poses, but  is  of  importance  to  the  fruit  grower  as 
a cover-crop  and  if  affords  excellent  pasturage  for 
’xogs  and  sheep  late  in  the  season.  The  plant  of 
Dwarf  Essex  resembles  at  first  the  Ruta  Baga  but 
the  tops  become  very  large  and  leafy.  Oz.  7 cts.; 
V4  lb.  15  cts.;  lb.  45  cts. 

Pencillaria — The  Great  Forage  Plant 

This  wonderful  forage  plant,  which  is  an  im- 
proved Pearl  or  Cat-tail  millet,  has  created  quite  a 
sensation  as  the  most  prolific  forage  plant  grown. 
In  the  north  is  usually  will  give  three  cuttings  in 
a season,  and  in  the  south  almost  double  that 
amount.  It  has  produced  as  high  as  25  tons  per 
acre  of  good  fodder.  Each  plant  stoof  produces  a 
lax’ge  number  of  stalks  from  each  seed.  You  should 
try  soxiie  of  this  seed  this  season.  Oz.  5 cts.;  14 
Ib.  15  cts.;  lb.  50  cts.;  4 tbs.  by  mail  $1.50. 


It  is  a tall,  annual  grass  reaching  a height  of  7 
fe’et  when  planted  ixx  rows  and  allowed  to  mature  for 
seeds  crop;  broadcasted  and  cut  in  the  bloom  for  hay 
about  4 feet.  The  results  have  been  so  satisfactory 
that  it  is  now  established  one  of  our  permanent  for- 
age crops.  It  is  easily  cured  and  handled  as  a hay 
crop.  Stock  of  all  kinds,  eat  it  readily  and  will  leave 
any  other  hay  for  it.  The  food  value  is  second  only 
to  alfalfa.  Should  not  be  planted  until  the  soil  be- 
comes warm  in  the  spring.  Two  to  four  cuttings  per 
year  can  be  obtained  when  sown  broadcast  for  hay, 
the  number  of  cuttings  secured  depends  upon  the 
length  of  the  season  and  the  moisture.  The  first  crop 
will  mature  in  from  50  to  60  days,  and  the  second 
crop  is  ready  for  harvesting  in  from  20  to  30  days. 
Three  tons  of  cured  hay  per  cutting  per  acre  has  been 
secured  and  three  cuttings  made.  It  is  a great 
drought  register  and  is  particularly  adapted  to  semi- 
arid  regions.  It  is  an  annual  and-  must  be  seeded  each 
spring.  When  seeded  in  rows  18  to  20  inches  apart, 
drill  4 to  6 lbs.  When  sown  broadcast  16  to  24  lbs. 
per  acre.  14  Tb.  15  ets.;  lb.  50  cts.;  5 lbs.  by  mall  $2.25; 
10  lbs.  or  over  by  express  35  cts.  per  lb. 

Frost  Proof  Cabbage  Plants 

We  have  arranged  with  growers  on  the  Atlantic 
coast  farther  south  to  grow  Cabbage  plants  in  the 
winter.  These  can  be  mailed  very  early  in  spring  and 
head  up  rapidly.  We  supply  Early  Jersey,  Wakefield, 
Large  Wakefield,  Early  Flat  Dutch  and  Succession. 
Price  by  mail  100  plants  50  cts.;  225  plants  $1.00;  by 
express  500  plants  .$1.25;  1,000  plants  $2.00. 


The  following  books  are  the  best  up-to-date  pub- 
lications and  are  mailed  postpaid  on  receipt  of  the 
price  given: 

Paper  Cloth 

Garden  Guide $ .75  ?1.00 

Home  Fruit  Grower 1.00  1.50 

Milady’s  House  Plants 60  1.00 

Plant  Propagation 

Landscape  Gardening 1.75 

I have  the  finest  garden  in  Rome  grown  fx’om  your 
seeds.  People  call  it  the  prize  garden. 

R.  Sigler,  Rome,  N,  Y. 

I have  been  using  your  seeds  5 or  6 years  and  never 
had  a failure.  G.  Deishl,  Moab,  Wash, 

Large  Bell  or  Bull  Nose 

A good  standard  variety. 
Large  and  mild  and  good  for 
stuffing,  etc.  Fine  sort  for  gen- 
eral planting.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  Yz  ©*• 
12  cts.;  oz.  22  cts. 



Productive  old  late  sort;  used  to  sow 
with  oats.  Ya:  lb.  10  cts.;  lb.  35  cts. 

Choicest  Varieties  of  Flower  Seeds* 

VJe  grow  and  have  grown  ^*in  United  States^*  especially  for  our  trade  nearly  all  the  Flower  Seeds 
U3e  sell,  A few  not  developed  successfully  in  this  country  we  secure  in  France,  England,  Denmark, 
etc.  Our  long  experience  growing  Flower  Seeds  enables  us  to  know  what  will  succeed  satisfactorily 

Flowers  usually  do  best  in  a rich  light  garden  soil.  De- 
composed manure  is  beneficial  to  nearly  all  plants.  Asters 
Pansies  and  most  plants  and  bulbs,  etc.,  like  plenty  of 
moisture  (a  rich  soil  well  watered),  while  Portulaccas  will 
not  start  till  weather  is  warm.  Plants  wanted  early  can 
be  started  in  fine  soil  in  a sunny  window  in  the  house, 
great  care  should  be  taken  to  keep  most  and  warm  while 
sprouting.  Some  hardy  seeds  will  start  well  out-doors 
if  sown  early,  but  others  will  rot  if  earth  is  cold  and 
wet.  Nice  mellow  beds  can  be  prepared  outside  for  the 
hardier  seeds  when  weather  is  warm  and  they  can  be 
transplanted  from  these  when  large  enough. 

Annuals  are  plants  which  bloom  first  season  from  seed 
and  then  perish.  Those  like  Balsams,  Nasturtiums  and 
Zinnias,  whch  are  easily  killed  by  frost,  are  called  half- 
hardy  annuals.  Seeds  of  these  should  be  own,  if  wanted 
for  early,  in  the  house,  but  most  sorts  will  do  better  if 
sowm  outside  in  a nicely  prepared  bed  and  transplanted. 

plants  should  be  kept  free  from  weeds,n  ot  crowded, 
tod  be  well  cultivated. 

Perennials  are  hardy  plants  which  live  year  after  year=. 
Tender  Perennials  must  be  kept  in  house  during  winter. 
Hardy  Perennials  are  such  pl.mts  as  Hollyhacks,  Sweet 
William,  Rocket,  etc.  Most  of  thse  will  not  bloom  till 
second  season.  These  and  biennials  are  often  benefited 
by  a coverng  of  hemlock  boughs,  straw  or  something 
which  will  protect  from  the  sun  and  not  smother  plants. 

Biennials  produce  plants  first  season  which  blossom, 
mature,  seeds  die  the  second  season,  such  as  Canterbury 
Bell,  Digitalis,  etc.  They  require  about  th  same  treat- 
ment as  perennials. 

Greenhouse  Seeds  require  the  greatst  care  and  should 
be  carefully  sown  in  a box  or  flower  pot  in  light  fine 
earth  in  house  kept  at  a temperature  of  about  70  degrees. 
Always  remember  they  need  to  be  moist  (not  wet)  and 
warm.  A pane  of  glass  over  a flower  pot  or  a wet  cloth 
or  paper  will  retain  moisture  and  assist  them  to  germ- 
inate. If  thick  transplant  soon  as  possible. 

Order  Flower  Seeds  by  the  Number  placed  before  each  variety. 

We  can  fill  the  order  by  number  just  as  correctly  as  though  you  wrote  the  entire  name. 

Abntilon  (See  Gut  Above ) 

1 — New  Hybrids.  New  and  giant  flowering  sorts  of 
^ese  desirable  louse  bloomers  known  as  “Chinese  Bell 
Flower’’  and  “Flo  vering  Maple.”  Seeds  sown  early  pro- 

fduce  flowering  plan';s  first  season.  A handsome  perennial 
hrub  loaded  with  rich,  variously  colored  bell  shaped 
owers,  often  2 to  3 inches  across.  Pkt.  7 cts. 


5 — Double  Mixed.  One  of  the  most  showy  and  desirable 
of  annual  everlasting  flowers,  having  pink  and  white 
tilosoms.  These  pretty  “Immortelles”  retain  their  beauty 
for  years  when  dried.  Pkt.  of  seeds  3 cts. 


One  of  the  most  desirable  plants  for  bedding  or  bor- 
ders. With  no  other  plant  can  you  produce  as  good  a 
solid  ribbon  of  blue.  Blossoms  quickly  from  seed  and 
continues  in  bloom  till  frosts.  Will  bloom  in  house  in 

9 — Princess  Victoria  Louise.  Pine,  compact  sort,  pro- 
ducing a mass  of  light  blue  blossoms,  with  white  centers. 
Very  pretty.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

1(> — Blue  Border.  A pretty,  compact  bushy  sort  which 
makes  a nice  neat  mound  of  deep  blue.  Plants  com- 

fletely  covered  with  blossoms  which  last  long.  Desirable 
or  border.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  3 pkts.  10  cts. 

12 — Show  Mixed.  Very  finest  sorts  in  mixture,  blue, 
pink,  white  and  rose.  Pkt.  3 cts.;  >4  oz.  10  cts. 


03^*^  O 






<!  M 

(t)  o 
• (D 


ALYSSUM.  ( Planl  in  Basket  Shown  Above) 

A popular  little  annual  for  bedding  or  borders.  Comes 
into  bloom  in  six  weeks  from  sowing  and  blooms  con- 
tinuous till  after  frosts.  Will  bloom  well  in  a hanging 
pot  or  house  in  winter.  No  white  plant  is  so  desirable 
for  borders. 

15 —  Sweet.  Pine  bloomer,  popular  with  everybody,  fra- 
grant white  flowers.  Pkt.  3 cts.;  '4  oz.  10  cts. 

16 —  Little  Gem.  Dwarf,  compact  sort,  six  inches  high 
and  one  mass  of  white,  fragrant  flowers.  Will  make  a 
pretty  even  border  or  row.  Does  not  spread  like  others. 
Pkt.  4 cts. 

17 —  Procumbens  or  Floral  Spray.  A spreading  or  trail- 
ling  sort,  producing  an  unusual  lot  of  bloom.  Hundreds 
of  spikes  on  one  plant,  makes  a showy  bed  or  mound. 
Pkt.  4 cts. 

18 —  Saxatil.  A hardy  perennial,  resembling  other  sorts 
but  yellow,  called  “Basket  of  Gold”  and  “Gold  Dust.” 
Yellow  flowers  are  produced  in  profusion.  Pine  for  rock 
work,  etc.  Pkt.  3 cts. 

3 — The  Pearl.  One  of  the  most  desirable  and  best  white 
flowering,  hardy  perennials  for  garden,  lawn  or  cemetery. 
Plants  are  loaded  for  a long  time  with  many  hundreds  of 
pretty  double  white  blossoms.  Packet  of  seeds  5 cts. 

I have  used  seed  from  many  different  Arms  but  yourf 
is  the  best  MRS.  V.  H.  MARSHALL,  Gap,  Pa. 

Order  Flower  Seeds  by  the  Number  placed  before  the  Variety 

DIMOPHOTHECA-Afrian  Golden  Daisy. 

7 — An  extremely  showy  annut.l. 
plants  are  neat  branching  hahif 
about  12  inches  high,  and 
ceeding  profusion.  The  single 
blossoms,  from  2yz  to  2%  inches 
ameter,  are  glossy  orange,  which 
hant  coloring  is  rendered  the  more  con- 
smcious  by  the  dark  colored  disc  sur- 
by  the  black  zone.  Start  the 
very  early  in  sunny 
continue  to  flower  during 
months.  A bed  in  full  bloom 
a magnificent  sight  on  bright  days. 

Pkt.  5 cts. 


class  of  ornamental  foliage 
plants  including  showy  plants,  admired 
Dy  many  as  Lawn  Specimens, 

Fountain  Plant,  Joseph’s  Coat, 

Lies  Bleeding,  Princess  Feathers,  etc., 
are  well  known  varieties.  Mixed.  Pkt. 
o Cts. 

Anfirrliinuin  or  Snapdragon. 

26—  Silver  Pink.  Most  admired  of  all  the 
Snapdragons.  Florists  are  now  growing  it 
same  as  Carnations  for  winter  flowers  Con- 
tinues bloomer.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

27—  Brilliant.  One  of  the  finest  and  richest 
scarlet  combinations  and  one  of  the  most  &d- 
mired  of  these  popular  bloomers.  Pkt.  5 cts 

28—  Firefly.  Rich  and  gorgeous  combination 

preoS^l!  P«.  ““f 

29—  Yellow  (Slant.  Belongs  to  the  same  giant 
flowering  class  as  the  three  preceding  sorts  and 
and,  like  the  others,  will  bloom  freely  the  first 
season  from  seed  if  sown  early  and  with  little 
nrotection  will  live  through  the  winter  and 
bloom  gorgeously  the  second  season.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

30—  Queen  Victoria.  Large  pure  white.  A 
grand  sort  and  ■"aluable  for  bouquets.  Pkt.  6 cts. 

a^One  packet  each  nf  the  5 above  new 
Snapdragons  for  15  cts. 

31—  Large  Flowering  Mixed.  A verv  firtP 
strain  of  extra  large  flowering  Snapdragons,  in 
the  most  brilliant  colors.  These  are  among  our 
showiest  prennial  plants  and  bloom  pr?fuse^J 

when  sown  early.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  3 

PKTS.  jU  CIS.  ' 

32—  New  Dwarf.  Extremely  fine  for  bedding. 





23 — Alatum.  A very  pretty  and 
useful  everlasting,  the  blossoms 
of  which  when  picked  and  dried 
retain  their  color  and  freshness  for 
years.  Pure  white.  Pkt.  3 cts. 



34 —  Sprengerl.  Called  “Emerald  Feather  Aspargus  or  Pern.” 
One  of  the  most  popular  and  easiest  grown  of  all  house  plants. 
Always  does  well  and  looks  neat.  Fine  for  pots  or  hanging  bask- 
ets. Grows  readily  from  seeds  soaked  in  warm  water.  Pkt.  30' 
seeds,  10  cts. 

35 —  Plumosa  Nana  or  Asparagus  Lace  Fern.  Very  beautiful  and 
useful  for  cutting  or  Florists’  work.  Long  fronds  and  can  be 
trained  to  windows.  Fine,  delicate  fronds  of  lace-like  foliage. 
10  seeds  10  cts. 

Strong  plants  1 year  old  of  above  Asparagus  10  cts.  each;  2 for 
20  cts. 


Asters  are  the  Most  Popular-^Most  Useful— Most  DesU 
rable  of  all  flowers.  They  blossom  from  July  till  hard 
freezing  weather.  Nothing  surpasses  them  for  bouquets. 

AURICULA— Pkt.  5 cts. 

irdy  Primrose  or  Cowslip 
135 — Finest  Mixed.  This 
xture  embraces  all  the 
est  Auricles,  Polyanthus 
imroses,  French  Cowslips, 
;.  They  produce  an  abund- 
ce  of  richly  colored  frag- 
it  flowers  in  spring, 
irdy  perennials.  Pkt.  5 


5 Rouaf  Asters  for  25  cents- 

50—  Royal  White.  Large,  full,  double  twisted  and  curled  flowers 
faultless  form  and  pure  white  color.  Grand  for  bouquets. 

51 —  Royal  Rose.  Large  full  and  double  delicate  rose  colored 
blossoms  borne  on  long  stems.  Fine  for  cut  flowers. 

52 —  Royal  Lavender.  Beautiful  flowers,  fine  form,  lavender 

53 —  Royal  Crimson.  Large,  full  and  perfect.  Bright  dazzling 

54 —  Royal  Violet.  Double  deep  violet  purple  flowers.  Rich  an<3 

Above  5 Royal  Asters  8 cts.  a pkt>;  The  5 pkts.  for  25  cts. 

Royal  White  Aster — Pkt.  8 cts. 


6 Giant  Branching  Comet  Asters  I 
for  30  cts.  I 

_ A superb  new  class  of  Asters  g-row-  i 
mg'  18  inches  high,  with  enormous  flow-  I 
ers  borne  on  long  graceful  stems.  Th^  ' 
plant  branches  freely,  carrying  from  2S  ll 
to  40  of  its  magnificent  flowers.  Each  i 
flower  is  as  double  and  perfect  as  a ] 
peony,  5 to  6 inches  in  diameter,  with> 
center  filled  with  a charming  whorle  of  ' 
petals  after  the  true  Comet  style. 

r>.T — White.  Finest  pure  white. 

56 —  Shrimii  Pink.  Delightful  color;  i 
yery  full. 

57 —  liavendcr.  Fine  light  lavender 

58 —  Royal  Purple.  Darkest  double  ' 
violet  purple. 

59 —  Crimson.  Deepest  dark  crimson.  ! 

60 —  Giant  Branching  Comet  Mixed,  i 

Flowers  all  colors;  large,  double  and 
full  of  petals.  I 

Above  Giant  Rranching  Comet  Asteres  ; 
■8  ets.  a pkt.;  the  6 pkts.  for  30  cts. 

20  Superb  Everbearing  Strawberry 
plants  by  mail  $1.00. 


67 —  Vick's  Violet  King.  Immense  blossoms  4 to  5 inches  across, 
equal  to  Chrysanthemums.  .Flowers  distinct,  petals  long  and  narrow 
with  a fantastically  curled  center  which  is  curved  and  incurved.  Very 
show5^  Pkt.  8 cts. 

68 —  Vick's  Mikado  Pink  "Rochester."  This  is  the  official  flower  of 
the  city  of  Rochester.  Petals  graceful,  long  and  narrow,  the  inner 
ones  being  beautifully  curled  and  twisted.  Each  plant  produces  a 
dozen  or  so  long,  graceful  stems  surmounted  with  exquisite  lavender- 
pink  blossoms  4 to  6 inches  in  diameter.  This  is  deserving  of  univer- 
sal growing,  Pkt.  10  cts. 

69 —  Vick's  Cardinal.  One  of  the  grandest  and  most  brilliant  asters 
for  bedding,  hedges,  etc.  Colors  a bright,  rich  cardinal;  as  desirable 
as  Scarlet  Salvia.  Plants  are  strong  and  vigorous  bloomers,  contin- 
uing in  flower  for  a long  time.  Blossom  round  and  full.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

70 —  Vick's  Lavender' Gem.  A true  Ostrich  Feather  type,  with  large, 
loosely  arranged  flowers  of  a most  charming  lavender,  on  long,  wiry 
stem.  Flowers  always  full  and  double;  greatly  admired.  Looks  like 
a ragged  Chrysanthemum.  The  coloring  is  an  exquisited  silvery  white 
when  first  opening,  changing  to  the  most  delicate  shades  of  lavender 
when  fully  expanded.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

71 —  Vick's  Branching  Daybreak  Pink..  Very  choice  shade  of  pink. 
Flowers  very  prettily  formed  and  borne  on  long  stems.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

.<\bove  collection  of  Vick's  Special  Asters  Mailed  for  25  Cents. 

250  to  400  Seeds  in  our  Aster  Pkts.  Who  else  puts  in  as  many  for 
the  price  we  charge? 


73—  -Carlson's  Invincible  Asters,  Flowers  large  perfectly  double, 

borne  on  long  stems  often  two  feet  in  length.  Plants  branching.  Ad- 
mired by  florists  as  they  bloom  early — right  after  July  Queens.  Pkt. 

8 cts. 

74—  Carmine  King.  An  immense  Astor  of  faultless  form  and  deep, 
rich  carmine  color.  One  of  the  most  admired. 

75 —  Daybreak.  Immense  paeony-like  double  blossoms  of  the  lovliest 
sea-shell  pink  in  color.  No  other  Aster  produces  such  large  and  beai> 
tiful  blossoms  in  such  reckless  profusion  and  lasting  qualities. 

76 —  Glory  of  Deposit  . A grand  white  Aster  said  by  some  Europeaa 
florists  to  be  the  best  white  known.  Large,  elegant  form  and  free 

77 —  White  Eiectric  Aster.  One  of  the  most  beautiful  of  all  Astersk 
Grows  20  inches  high  and  produces  10  to  15  immense  chrysanthemum- 
like  flowers  4 to  6 inches  in  diameter  with  long  diverging  petals  which 
remind  you  of  the  rays  of  eiectric  light.  A fine  white  for  bouquets. 

78 —  Sunset  Aster  This  beautiful  new  Aster  has  been  greatly  admired 
by  all  who  have  seeif  it.  Color  a rich  sunset  pink;  blossoms  large  and 
densely  double  Showy,  either  for  beds  or  bouquets. 

Above  6 New  Asters  8 cts.  a packet  or  the  6 for  32  cts. 

3 Fine[]Asters  for  14  c<s. 

■lohenzollern  or  Japanese  Tassel.  ,One  of  the  best  of  all  Asters 
and  blooms  early.  We  depend  largly  for  first  premuims  at  earlj^  fairs. 
Blossoms  large,  shaggy  and  are  often  mistaken  for  Japanese  Chrysan- 
themums. This  being  one  of  tne  most  beautiful  and  desirable  Asters 
should  be  in  every  collection.  Pkt.  6 cts. ; 2 pkts.  10  cts. 

86—  D.  S.  C.  Ostrich.  A gorgeous  variety  producing  long,  curved  and 

curled  petals  which  are  not  only  unique  but  handsome.  Immense 
size  5- to  6 inches  in  diameiei  ana  might  be  mistaken  for  a chrysan- 
themum. Robust,  healthy  grower  and  a graceful,  desirable  sort  to 
plant.  Many  colors  mixed.  Pkt.  8 cts.  , 

87—  Mary  Semple  Pink  Aster.  An  unusual  and  lovely  shade  of  deep 
shell  pink.  Indispensable  for  florists.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

Aster,  Glory  of  Deposit — Pkt.  8 cts. 







See  Our  Fine  Collections  of  Asters  on  Colored  Pages, 


4 Good  Asters  for  18  cts. 

79 — July  Q,ueens.  A collection  of  fine  double  Asters 
which,  if  started  early,  bloom  in  July  and  Aug-ust. 

80“Giant  Comet  Mixed.  These  resemble  the  large 
twisted  and  curled  Japanese  Chrysanthemums.  Blos- 
soms 3 to  4 inches  across  with  centers  finely  twisted 
and  outer  petals  broad  and  flat.  One  of  the  most  de- 
sirable and  popular.  All  colors  and  combinations. 

SI — Perfection  Peony  Flowered  Mixed.  Large  in- 
curved blossoms  resembling  peonies.  Very  double, 
full  and  many  brilliant  colors  in  mixture. 

82 — Victoria  Mixed.  One  of  the  finest  types  of  pyr- 
midal  growth.  Flowers  large  and  ranging  through 
• about  twenty  choice  colors.  A plant  usually  produces 
10  to  20  flowers  which  form  an  elegant  pyramid  with 
individual  blossoms  reflexed. 

S3— Clirysanthemmn  Flowered  Mixed.  8 to  10  inches 
high,  even  and  symmetrical,  produces  an  abundance 
of  large  flowers  in  all  colors.  Fine  for  bedding;  each 
plant  forms  a bouquet. 

84 — D.  8.  C.  Late  Branching.  One  of  the  most  desir- 
able classes  y>f  Asters  and  one  from  which  many  new 
varieties  are  taken.  Blooms  late  and  prolongs  season 
to  Chrysanthemums.  Strong,  vigorous  grower,  produc- 
ing large,  extremely  handsome  flowers  in  all  colors. 
Do  not  fail  to  plant  this  sort. 

Above  6 mixtures  give  you  a handsome  display  of 
Asters, from  early  to  late.  Price  of  above;  5 cts.  a 
pkt.;  the  6 pkts.  for  25  cts. 

88 — Giant  Lavender  Pink.  Large  exquisite  variety 
producing  mammoth  blossoms  with  a beautifully  curl- 
ed center.  Flowers  borne  gracefully  on  long  stems. 
Pkt.  8 cts. 

90 — Giant  Washington  Jubilee  Mixed.  Extremely 

large,  resembling  Victoria,  but  larger.  A fine  class  in 
all  colors,  red,  white,  lavender,  violet,  etc.,  mixed.  Pkt. 
5 ets. 

, — Roseland.  Large  perfect  Aster  ;^ith  a handsome- 

ly incurved,  curled  center.  Grand  for  bouquets.  Col- 
or a rich  rose.  Pkt.  7 cts. 

— Queen  of  Dwarf.  Finest  of  dwarf  Asters.  A plant 
looks  like  a little  pyramidal  bouquet  stuck  in  the 
ground.  A bed  of  thse  set  fairly  thick  is  a sheet  of 
solid  flowers.  Unequalled  for  beds  or  borders.  Pkt.  & 

129 —  D.  S.  C.  Royal  Show.  An  extra  fine  mixture  of 
all  the  choicest  Asters  which  grow  to  a height  of 
about  2 feet.  This  mixture  contains  hundreds  of  va- 
rities.  Pkt.  6 ets.;  2 for  10  cts. 

130 —  Deposit  Show  Asters.  This  is  our  Great  Mix- 
ture of  Asters.  It  includes  everything  in  Asters  worth 
growing.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  3 pkts.  10  cts.;  oz.  20  cts. 


133— -New  Varieties  Mixed.  These  are  the  best  large 
flowering  sorts  of  this  popular  perennial  known  as 
“Michelmas  Daisy.”  They  form  clumps  which  are  cov- 
ered the  latter  part  of  the  season  with  large  single 
flowers.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

( Lady  Slipper) 

Our  magnificent  Dou- 
ble Balsams  are  great- 
ly improved  forms  and 
colors  of  the  old  “Lady 
Slipper.”  Plants  grow 
and  bloom  in  two 
months  and  are  always 
greatly  admired.  (See 
plant  in  picture.) 

See  Royal  Ba 
colored  pages. 

143 — Royal 
Flowered.  A grand 
collection  of  double 
flow-  ei  s mostly  in 
solid  colors,  very 
double  and  showy. 

Pkt.  5 cts. 


144 —  Royal  Camelia  Mixed.  The  blossoms  are  blotched  and 
marbled  in  the  showiest  manner.  All  colors.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

145 —  Prize  Show  Mixed.  An  assortment  of  all  double  sorts  in 
the  best  mixtures.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  3 pkts.  10  cts.;  ^ oz.  15  cts. 


One  of  our  best  known  house  plants.  Bears  large  quantities 
of  lovely  flowers  of  wax-like  texture  and  in  many  soft  and  ex- 
quisite shades.  Seeds  very  fine,  but  with  proper  care  will  grow 
and  bloom  in  6 or  8 months. 


147—  Graceful  Begonias.  Are  loaded  in  winter  with  flowers 
and  make  a charming  sight.  Foliage  is  handsome  and  rich. 
Pkt.  10  ets.  (Seeds  very  fine.) 

148 —  Begonia  Vernon.  Blossoms  a bright  rich  orange  car- 
mine; produced  in  greatest  profusion.  Foliage  a rich  red.  Pkt_ 
200  seeds  8 ets. 

149 —  Tuberous  Rooted  Begonia.  Finest  mixture  of  these  grand 
summer  bloomers.^  Pkt.  of  40  seeds  10  cts., 

150 —  Perpetual  'Flowering  Begonia.  A large  class  which 
blooms  freely  and  continuously.  500  seeds  5 cts. 

Tuberous  Begonia  Bulbs.  Double  20  ets.  each.;  single  15  ets. 


One  of  the  prettiest  and  daintiest  of  border  plants.  They  are 
perennials,  blooming  the  first  season  from  seed  and  second  sea- 
son blooms  from  spring  till  fall.  Habits  similar  to  the  Pansy. 
1.52'^ — Fine  Mixed.  All  varieties  of  Daisies.  Pkt.  4 ets. 

154 —  Snow  White.  Double  pure  white.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

155 —  New  Double  Quilled.  Fancy  quilled  sorts.  Pkt.  5 ct.s. 

• - Daisy  of  Beilis — Pkt.  4 cts. 

" Plant  Of  Royal  Balsam. 

CALENDULA — Pot  Marigold. 

1G7 — Finest  Mixed.  Free,  quick 
blooming  old  annual  known  as 
“Pot  Marigold.”  Blossoms  large, 
showy  and  double.  Pkt.  3 cts. 


179 — A splendid  new  climber 
that  has  created  a sensation 
wherever  grown.  Climbs  to  a 
height  of  20  to  30  feet  and  is  cov- 
ered with  beautiful  red  blossoms 

shaped  like  the  Morning  Glory. 
Leaves  are  deeply  lacinated  and 
are  in  themselves  very  decora- 
tive. We  believe  that  everyone 
will  be  more  than  pleased  with 
the  Cardinal  Climber.  Pkt.  10  cts. 


Our  Flower  Seeds  were  with  few  exceptions  Grown  in  America  in  1918 


ITS — Cup  ami  Salicer.  Pretty  Can- 
terbury Bell  with  blossoms  in  many 
shades  of  blue  and  white,  resembles 
a cup  and  saucer.  Pkto  5 ct.s. 

Candytuft  Snow  Mound — Pkt.  4 cts. 


1 known,  beautiful  and  useful  haidy  annual  which  blooms  in  six 
from  sowing-  seed  and  is  very  desirable  for  bods,  in  spi  ing  or  fall. 
1S2 — CittJc  Prince.  Finest  dwarf  white  for  border.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

1SI{ — Siio-vv  Mound.  Excellent  dwarf  sort  which  grows  so  even  as  -to 
produce  a sheet  of  pure  white.  We  have  an  extra  selected  strain.  l*kt. 
4 ct.s.  (See  cut). 

184 —  Gi.nnt  Empress.  Best  pyramidal  white,  large  flowering.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

185 —  Fine  Mixed.  Rose,  cardinal, white,  etc.,  in  finest  mixture. 

Pkt.  a ots.,  oz.  10  cts.  CALCEOLARIA. 

165 — Giant  Flowering  3Iixed. 

Showy  highly  prized  winter 
> bloomers.  Plants  loaded  toward 
spring-  with  novel,  richly  colored, 
pouch-like  flowers  in  many  rich 
and  varied  colors.  Our  giant 
flowering  sorts  are  handsomely 
^ pencilled  and  spotted. Pkt.  10  cts. 


One  of  the  showiest  best  flow- 
i ering  annuals.  Always  loaded 
^ with  maroon  and  gold  fldwers. 

? 170 — CoFonata.  Excellent  cut 

flower,  long,  wiry  stems;  yellow 
i' shading  to  old  gold.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

S|  171  — Coreopsis.  Lanceolate. 
f Showy  perennial,  loaded  in  sum- 
b mer  with  yellow  blossoms  over 
/ one  inch  across.  Stems  long  and 
ft  wiry,  desirable  for  cut  flowers. 
^Pkt.  3 cts. 

172 — Fine  Mixed.  Pine  for  beds 
, or  massing.  Mixed  colors.  Pkt.  3 
\ cts.,  1/4  oz.  10  cts. 


. 197 — Thompson’s  Magnifica.  Su- 

perb new  varieties  of  these  grand 
Celosias,  rich  and  dazzling  in  col- 
or effect.  Large  feathery  heads 
produce  a grand  show  either  in 
beds,  in  the  lawn  or  in  bouquets. 
Always  attracts  Pkt.  5 cts. 


162 — Maxima.  A pretty  grass  with 
hanging,  bead- like  ears  known  as 
“Quaker  Grass.”  Useful  when  dried 
for  winter  bouquets.  Pkt.  2 cts. 


Universal  favorite,  both  with  the  ama- 
teur and  florists.  The  best  double  sorts  of 
to-day  are  unexcelled  in  their  various  col- 
orings and  remarkable  beauty,  to  which 
is  added  delightful  fragrance. 

190 —  Margueritae  Mixed.  The  most  pop- 
ular class.  Blooms  in  four  months  from 
seed.  Fine  for  outdoor  or  house.  Many 
colors.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

191 —  -New  Chaubaud.  A choice  selection 
of  this  rare  and  showy  race,  which  blooms 
as  early  as  the  Margueritaes  and  continues 
to  grow  and  bloom  for  years,  being  entire- 
ly hardy.  Blossoms  large  and  showy.  Pkt. 
10  cts. 

192 —  D.  S.»  C.  Early  Giant.  A grand  race 
of  the  Margueritae  type,  with  extra  large 
flowers  2 or  3 inches  in  diameter,  which 
bloom  in  a few  months  from  seed  and 
usually  survive  the  winter  outdoor,  bloom- 
ing profusely  the  next  season.  If  potted 
will  bloom  well  in  house  in  winter.  Com- 
pact, robust  growers  and  produce  a great 
variety  of  handsome  flowers.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

193 —  Double  Mixed.  Hardy  double  gar- 
den Carnation,  in  fine  mixture.  Hardy 
perennial,  blooms  second  season  from  seed. 
Pkt.  5 cts. 

D.  S.  C.  Early  Giant  Carnation- 


198 — President  Tbeirs.  These 
grand  Coxcombs  produce  one  im- 
mense head  of  rich  glowing  col- 
ors, densely  corrugated.  Every- 
one expresses  much  interest  in 
these  beautiful,  curious  plants. 

The  glowing  purplish  red,  etc.,  is 
extremely  gorgeous.  Easily  and 
quickly  grown  from  seed.  Pkt. 

5 cts. 


Of  all  biennial  plants  nothing 
equals  improved  Canterbury 
^ Bells.  People  admiring  our  plants 
a always  want  to  procure  seed. 

• Plants  grow  in  little  tree  shapes 
a 2 to  3 feet  high  and  are  one  mass 
W of  lovely  bell-shaped  blossorris 
about  one  inch  long.  They  blos- 
som throughout  June  and  early 
July,  when  good  flowers  are 
S scarce. 

“ 177 — -Show  Mixed.  Many  choice 

colors  in  both  double  and  single. 

^ Pkt.  4 cts.;  3 pkts.  10  cts. 

Canary  Bird  Flower 

180 — An  interesting,  beautiful 
and  desirable  annual  climber 
which  grov/s  very  rapidly  reach- 
ing a height  of  10  to  20  feet  early 
in  the  season,  and  is  loaded  with 
canary  colored  blossoms  which 
resemble  the  expanded  wings  of 
the  canary  bird.  One  of  our  most 
desirable  climbers.  Pkt.  4 cts.  Canary  Bird  Flower— Pkt.  4 

Canterbury  Bell — Pkt.  4 cts. 

We.  offer  varieties  which  can  he  Easily  Grow  anywhere. 

Coleus  IViagnificent- — Pkt. 


204 — Centrosema  Grandiflora.  One  of  the  handsomest  and 
most  desirable  of  all  climbers  and  yet  very  rarely  seen. 
Large,  drooping  clusters  of  Sweet  Pea-like  blossoms.  Pkt.  5 


Japanese  Chrysanthemums — Pkt.  10  ctS. 


207 — Bridal  Robe.  A grand  sort 
for  cutting  and  bouquets.  Flow- 
ers rather  small,  pure  white  and 
produced  in  greatest  profusion. 
Seed  sown  in  spring  produce  fine 
blooming  plants  by  August  and 
j.  , September.  Pkt.  5 cts. 
ft  208 — Morning  Star.  A large 

primrose  colored  Marguerite. 
Very  desirable.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

209 —  Evening  Star.  A rich 
bright  golden  yellow.  Fine  cut 

^^^^flower.  Pkt.  5'  cts. 

(One  packet  each  above  3 Chry- 
santhemums  for  10  cts.) 

210 —  Annual  Sorts  Mixe<l.  Very 
fine  assortment  of  the  annual  or 

, summer  blooming  Chrysanthe- 
mums,  which  produces  a good 
show  through  summer  and  au- 
tumn.  Many  colors,  double  and 
single.  Pkt.  3 cts.;  4 pkts.  10  cts.. 

211—  Double  White.  Very  fine 
white  dwarf  sort,  producing  small 

^ double  white  blossoms  in  profu- 

sion. It  is  one  of  the  best  white 
cut  flowers.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

212 —  Japanese  Mixed.  These 
are  the  handsome,  large,  twisted 
and  curled  Chrysanthemums, 
which  florists  sell  in  autumn. 
They  are  the  most  desirable  of 
all  plants  for  November  and  De- 
cember, flowering  in  the  house. 
Seed  sown  early  will  bloom  first 
year.  Pkt.  10 


215 —  Improved  Dwarf.  A Cineraria  ill  bloom  is  a grand 
sight.  From  seed  sown  in  the  spring  plants  will  bloom 
freely  the  following  winter.  As  shown  in  the  illustration, 
plants  are  loaded  with  richly  colored,  ringed,  zoned  and  sol- 
id colored  flov/ers.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

216-  — New  Star  Cineraria.  A charming  variety  with  largo 
spreading  panicles  of  starry  flowers  in  great  variety  of  col- 
ors. Showy.  Pkt.  15  cts. 

217DoubIe  Mixed.  All  colors  of  double  Cineraria.  Pkt.  25  cts. 


220 —  Scandens.  One  of  the  best  and  most  rapid  growing" 
climbers,  attaining  a height  of  20  feet  in  a season.  Flowers 
large,  bell  shaped,  and  deep  violet  blue.  Plant  seed  edge 
down  very  early  in  house  or  hot-bed.  Do  not  water  too  muchj 

Pkt.  4 cts. 

221 —  White  Cobaea.  A wonderful  new  White  Climber 
greatly  admired.  Pkt.  5 cts. 


247 — -Pine  Mixed.  Pretty,  delicate,  climbing  annual  vine 
growing  about  15  feet  in  a season.  Foliage  dark  green  and 
feathery  and  interspersed  with  bright  star  shaped  flowers,, 
scarlet,  rose  and  white,  which  forms  an  elegant  contrast  to* 
the  graceful  foliage.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  3 pkts.  10  cts. 

i Try  our  War  Garden 


' Pretty,  blooming  annu- 
; ,1s  known  as  “Swan  River 
. laisy.”  Foliage  pretty. 
Daisy-like  flowers. 

157 — Mixed.  Pkt.  3 cts. 


202— Cyanus  Mixed  Dou- 

I le.  The  new  double 
Drains  of  the  old-fash- 
i Dned  “Bachelor’s  Button” 
iiuch  improved  in  color- 
iig  and  form.  Pkt.  3 cts. 

200 — Imperials  (The  Im- 
jjerial  Centureas).  Flow- 
; rs  finely  lacinated  about 
le  size  of  a Carnation 
jind  almost  as  desirable  to 
: it.  Produced  on  long 
|!  ;ems,  with  a somewhat 
] rttened  disc  and  fringed 
-I  argin.  Many  colors  Pkt. 

I cts. 

12  Fancy  Mixed  Gladi- 
us  Bulbs  for  25  cts. 

Carnations  Grown  from  Seed 

We  have  letters  enough  to  fill  this  book-all  telling  how  Good  our  seed  has  proved. 


o.  s.  a 

226 — GrandaHora  Allia.  A hand- 
some new  white  Columbine  with 
very  lon^'  spurs.  For  forcing’.  Beau- 
tiful in  the  ^^arden  or  in  bouquets. 

Pkt.  7 ots. 

227' — •Jaet.'uehaiil.  A fittinf?-  com- 
panion for  the  above,  to-;ether  the 
contrast  is  ;;oipreous.  A uni<iue  yel- 
low with  red  points.  l»kt.  8 cts. 

228 — New  Jlybrid.s.  A very  showy 
mixture  of  new  and  rare  Columbines 
(honeysuckles)  of  bright  and  pleas- 
ing combinations  of  color.  Very 
hardy  and  blossom  profusely  year 
after  year.  Giving  you  a supply  of 
handsome  flowers  before  the  annuals 
bloom.  Pkt.  5 ct.s.;  one  pkt.  each  of 
tke  2 Colnmbine.s  above  for  12  cts. 

22J) — Fancy  Mixed.  All  choice  va- 
rieties in  double  and  single.  This 
splendid,  showy,  hardy  perennial 
known  as  Honeysuckle  makes  a 
grand  display  in  . summer.  The 
many  colors  is  a gorgeous  sight. 
Giant  Cyclamen.  pkt.  4 cts.;  3 pkts.  10  cts. 


A universally  admired  house  plant  which  produces 
extremely  handsome  flowers  throughout  winter  and 
spring.  Seed  sown  in  spring  bloom  following  winter 
and  grow  better  each  season. 

243 —  Amsterdam  Giants.  A large  strain  producing 
immense  blossoms  3 to  4 inches  across.  Vigorous.  15 
seeds  1#  ets. 

244—  Orchid  Flewering  or  Bntterfly.  Grand,  new. 

Pkt.  Id  seeds  10  cts. 

245 —  D.  S.  C.  Giants.  Fine  mixture  of  giant  sorts. 

Pkt.  Id  eta. 


231 —  IDarly  Flowering.  Large,  early,  blooming.  All 
oolors.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

232 —  Giant  Perfectian.  Blooms  in  fall  and  early  win- 
ter. Foliage  handsome.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

233 —  Klandyke  Cosmos.  A rich  large  orange  yellow. 

Pkt.  5 cts. 

234 —  Lady  Lenox.  Giant  “Orchid  Flowering  Cosmos.” 

Produces  giant  blossoms  6 to  7 inches  across  with  over- 
lapping petals.  Color  exquisite  shell  pink.  Stems  long, 
fine  for  cutting.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

235 —  White  Lady  Lenox.  A grand  new  white  similar 
to  pink  except  color.  Beautiful  wavy  blossoms.  Pkt. 

5 cts. 

2,36 — D.  S.  C.  Striped.  Handsome  new  striped.  Novel 
and  pretty.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

One  packet  each  above  6 Cosmos  20  cts, 

■^^ew  sorts  on  colored  pages. 

Columbine  New  Hybrids.  Pkt,  5 cts. 

DELPHINUM—Perennial  Larkspur 

Delnhinums  of  Perennial  Larkspurs  are  coming  into 
deserved  popularity.  The  colors  and  combinations  of 
blue  is  now  even  sought  by  florists.  Blossoms  in  long 
beautiful  spikes. 

255 — Belladona.  See  colored  pages. 

250— Blue  Butterfly.  See  colored  pages. 

257—  English  Hybrid^  See  colored  Pages.  , 

258 —  Fine  Mixture.  Rare  assortment  of  all  standard 
sorts.  Grows  about  3 feet  high  and  produces  long  del- 
icately shaded  spikes  of  flowers.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

DIGITALIS— Fox  Glove 

One  of  the  most  widely  known  and  popular  hardy 
Its  ease  of  cultivation,  the  mammoth  spikes 

of^ splendidly  *^coloVed"fl  make  them  very  ^e^r- 

able  for  use  in  borders  or  as  backgrounds  for  lowej 
niants.  Soikes  grow  to  a height  of  3 to  • 

growing  plants.  Spikes  grow 
feet.  Hardy  biennials. 

279 — Finest  Mixed.  Pkt.  4 cts. 


277— Aprantiaea  Hyhrida.  They  vary  in  color  from 
the  purest  white  to  red  and  blush,  white  tints,  sul- 
phurriemon  and  bright  golden  yellow,  light  orange, 
reddish-yellow  changing  to  pale  salmon.  Pkt.  8 cts^ 


people  realize  that  if  Dahlia  seed  is 

sown  early  and  grown  in  very  rich  soil  it 
will  bloom  freely  the  first  season.  Roots 
of  desirable  sorts  should  be  dug  after  tops 
freeze,  dried  and  kept  in  the  cellar  till 

We  grow  Dahlia  Bulbs  extensively  and 
have  the  very  choicest  double  sorts  at  IS 
and  20  cts.  each.  See  our  list  of  these. 

No  autumn  plant  can  equal  the  Dahlia  for 

Seed  from  double  flowers  will  produce  some 
single  and  semi-double  blossoms. 

250 — Giant  Perfection  Mixed.  A giant  strain 
of  single.  Pkt,  4 cts. 

2.51 — Collerette.  Very  bright  class  ^ with 
large  fluffy  center  surrounded  by  a tier  of 
bright  petals.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

252 —  Double  Mixed.  A good  mixture  of  dou- 
ble sorts.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

253- d.  S.  C.  Double.  An  extra  choice  se- 
lection of  finest  double  sorts.  Pkt.  8 ets. 

A showy,  free  flowerii^g  annual,  which  is  admired  by  every- 
body. Desirable  for  beddings,  masses  or  border.  Profuse 
bloomers,  mostly  in  rich,  shining  yellow  shades.  Silvery 
divided  foliage. 

-New  Carmine.  New  and  rich  coloring,  very  desirable. 


Pkt.  5 cts.  ..  . 14. 

286 —  Burbanks  Crimson.  This  choice  novelty  is  the  result 

of  nine  years  of  careful  selection.  This  flower  is  of  a bright 
handsome  crimson.  Is  one  of  the  most  easily  grown  plants, 
producing  a profusion  of  flowers.  Pkt.  5 ets.  , . , . 

287 —  Golden  West.  Flowers  3%  to  6 inches  across,  bright 
yellow  and  orange.  Some  are  flat  and  wide  open,  some  sau- 
cer shaped,  others  very  deep  with  flaring  edges.  In  some 
the  orange  blotch  almost  suffuses  the  whole  flower,  in  others 
it  runs  into  the  yellow  in  fine  penciled  lines.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

288 —  Finest  Mixed.  All  choice  sorts.  Pkt.  3 ets.;  Vz  oz.  10  cts. 

One  pkt.  each  of  the  4 above  Eschscholtaias  for  15  ets. 

kB  9 

cin>  c ( 

CO  ( 


S.  B 


Dahlias  Grown  from  Seed. 

For  rich  coloring-,  va- 
riety and  profusion  of 
bloom  Pinks  are  unri- 
valled. An  old  floral 
friend  said,  “If  I could 
have  but  one  flower  give 
me  all  varieties  of  Pinks 
and  I would  have  flow- 
ers all  summer  and  fall.” 
Pinks  bloom  first  season 
from  seed,  but  are  at 
their  best  the  second 

260—  -Double  Imperial  Piuks.  A grand  assortment  of  large  double  and 
finely  colored  sorts.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

261 —  Double  Heddewigii.  Very  large  flowering,  blossoms  as  large  as  the 
largest  Carnations:  many  rich  and  varied  colors.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

262 —  Double  Diadem.  Rich,  large  blossoms,  every  color  from  crimson  to 
almost  black.  Edges  beautifully  frilled  and  colored.  Pkt.  4 ets. 

263 —  Double  Laciuiatus.  Many  choice  colors,  blossoms  large  and  bautw 
fully  fringed  and  cut.  Magnificent.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

264 —  Double  Purity.  Very  large,  double  white,  almost  equal  to  a carna- 
tion. Pkt.  5 ets. 

263 — Double  Chinese  Pinks.  Large  variety  of  showy  colors.  Pkt.  3 cts. 

266 —  Nobilis  or  Royal  Pinks.  A good,  unique  and  showy  class,  with  mas- 
sive blossoms  which  interlace  and  cover  each  other.  These  handsomely 
fringed  flowers  are  an  elegant  sight.  Pkt.  7 cts. 

267 —  Princess  Pinks.  These  are  single  and  marvels  in  rich  coioring.  If 
double,  the  wonderful  beauty  of  the  richest  combination  of  colors  ever  seen 
in  any  flower  would  not  show  to  advantage.  They  bloom  early  from  seed 
and  will  certainly  surprise  you  with  their  rich  and  marvelous  combination 
of  colors.  Pkt.  S cts. 

273 —  Fireball.  A handsome,  compact  dwarf  double  Pink  of  rich  deep  col- 
or, which  gives  it  the  appropriate  name  of  Fireball.  For  a border  Pink 
where  symmetrical  form  is  required  these  “Baby”  Pinks  have  no  equal.  Pkt. 
5 cts. 

274—  Baby  Snowball.  Similar  to  above,  except  double  white.  Blossoms 
large  as  other  Pinks,  but  the  pretty,  compact  form  makes  plants  more  val- 
uable for  many  purposes.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

[‘[i  270— Plnmarius.  The  old-fashioned  hardy  “Grass  Pink,”  “Clove 
: nk,”  is  also  called  “Pleasant  Eye  Pink.”  Fine  delicate  col- 
I 3,  finely  fringed  and  fragrant.  Blooms  first  season  from  seed, 
i ct.  4 cts. 

I 272 — Double  Plumarius  of  Glove  Pink.  These  grand  old  flow- 
1 3 are  the  pride  of  many  gardens  and  are  often  called  carna- 
ms.  Shy  seeders.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

275 —  Double  California  Pinks.  A grand  class  of  showy  double 
aks  in  every  rare  color  imaginable.  Pkt.  5 et.s. 

276 —  D.  S.  C.  Mixture.  All  colors  and  sorts  v^^hich  are  espec- 
ly  desirable,  in  double  and  single.  We  are  large  growers  of 

varieties  and  this  mixture  is  unexcelled  by  any  offered.  Pkt. 
!ts.;  3 pkts.  10  ets.;  % oz.  20  ets. 

3ne  pkt.  eack  of  above  14  Pinks  for  30  cts»  Catalog  price 


Well  Known  Kouse  Plants,  Easily  Grown  from  Seed, 
;00— Fine  Mixed,  Mostly  in  the  Zonale  and  Scarlet  Geram- 
is..  Free  bloomers.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

!Oi—~Veiitura  Mixture.  Made  up  of  extra  choice  and  new  sorts 
;h  single  and  double.  Pkt.  10  ets. 

■ . QMLL^UmA 

97__Picta  liorenziana.  Very  showy  free  blooming  annual, 
uable  for  bouquets.  Gay  blossoms  produced  from  July  till 
I sts  from  seed  sown  in  spring'.  Colors,  sulphur,  orange,  claret 
I amaranth,  mixed.  Pkt.  4 ets.  , x .3 

;98— Grandiflora.  Grand,  large  brilliant  perennial;  scaiTei.  ana 
.nge  flowers.  Pkt.  4 ets. 


15_Elegans.  A useful  annual  blooming  in  6 weeks  and 
>ducing  an  abundance  of  small  white  flowers  which  are  in- 
i Upensable  in  lending  airy  grace  to  bouquets.  Galled  Angels 
f ueath.”  Pkt.  3 cts.;  oz  15  ets. 

Geraniums  grown  from  seed. 

Order  Flower  Seeds  by  the  Number  placed  before  each  variety 


Greenhouse  per- 
ennials, which 
produce  the 
handsomest  and 
richest  tube  or 
trumpet  - shaped 
blossoms  imaiiin- 
able.  Seeds  sown 
in  spring'  blos- 
som the  follow- 
ing winter.  End- 
less variety  of 
rich  colors  and 
combinations  of 
all  colors. 

3 07  — Large 
Flowering  Mixed. 
Grand  mixture  of 
the  very  largest 
and  choicest 
flowering  sorts. 
Pkt.  10  cts. 


(See  Fruit  In  Cul  Above) 

Gloxinias  easily  grown  from 

Pkt.  10 

310 —  Dish  Cloth  Gourd.  Very  curious  sort;  inside  has  a toug 
elastic  lining,  which  is  often  used  as  a dish  cloth,  Pkt.  4 cts. 

311 —  Clahash  or  Dipper.  Large  dipper-shaped.  Pkt.  3 ets.  \ 

312 —  Nest  Egg.  Resembles  eggs.  Pkt.  3 ets. 

313 —  Fancy  Mixed.  Curious  ornamental  fruits  of  various  shape 
and  colors.  Grow  on  vines  similar  to  squashes,  but  are  used  f< 
ornamental  purposes  only.  Pkt.  3 cts.;  oz.  lO  cts. 


Attractive  hardy  annual  and  deserving  more  extensive  cultivi 
tion.  The  plants  bloom  profusely  and  bear  showy  flowers  of  sa  ‘ 
iny  texture  in  many  rich  and  varied  colors.  They  do  best  in 
rather  poor  soil. 

306 — Pine  Mixed.  All  sorts  and  colors.  Pkt.  3 cts.;  % oz.  10  ct 


The  most  popular  of  the  Everlasting  Eternal  or  Straw  Flower 
Blossoms  retain  their  brilliancy  for  years  when  dried.  Flowei 

317 — Double  Mixed.  All  double  sorts;  colors.  Pkt.  4 cts. 


A quick  growing  plant  from  seed,  which  produces  its  richl 
colored  blossoms  nearly  the  whole  year.  House  perennial,  doe 
best  in  very  rich  soil  and  may  be  placed  out  in  summer. 

320 D.  S.  C.  Giant  Hybrids.  Immense  trusses  loaded  with  mas 

sive  single  flowers  which  present  a magnificent  appearance.  Fc 
liage  rich,  glossy  and  attractive.  Wide  and  beautiful  range  c 
colors.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

Helichrysum  Double  Mixed.  Pkt.  4 cts. 


One  of  the  showiest  of  hardy  perennials,  producing  long  spikes  of  rich, 
double  blossoms,  large  as  roses.  For  a border  or  background  they  have  no 
superior.  The  fine,  double  strains  of  to-day  are  much  improved  over  old 
sorts  in  every  way. 

327 —  D.  S.  C.  Double  Mixed.  A selection  of  showy  double  rose  flowering 
Hollyhocks  in  all  colors.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  3 pkts.  10  cts. 

328 —  Mammoth  Allegany.  Flowers  produced  in  abundance,  3 to  5 inches 
in  diameter.  Some  double,  some  semi-double,  all  beautifully  fringed  or 
curled.  Colors  varied  and  resemble  crushed  silk.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

329 —  Annual  EverbSooming.  Sown  early  in  spring  they  bloom  by  August 
and  continue  till  hard  frost.  Many  choice  sorts,  single  and  double,  with 
very  large  flowers.  Color  range  is  wonderful,  embracing  everything'  from 
pure  white  to  maroon.  Pkt.  5 cts. 


323 — Helianthus  of  Sun  Flower— 

Orion.  A new  highly  ornamental 
sort  of  bright  yellow  with  tv/isted 
petals;  resembles  a single  cactus 
dahlia.  Pkt.  3 cts. 

324 —  Sunflower — - Chrysanthemum 
Flowered.  Very  double,  beautiful 
Sunflower.  Pkt.  3 cts. 

325 —  Sunflower  — Mammoth  Rus- 
sian. Large  heads.  Oz.  5 tits.;  14  lb. 
12  cts.;  qt.  35  cts. 

HUMULUS--Japanese  Hop 

331 — Hunmius  or  Japanese  Hop^ — 
Variegated.  A rapid  growing  annu- 
al climber,  which  will  cover  a win- 
dow or  veranda  quickly.  Leaves 
beautifully  variegated  or  marbled, 
splashed  Vv^ith  pure  white  or  green. 
Pkt.  4 cts. 



337 — An  interesting  novelty,  often 
called  “Jack  and  the  Bean  Stalk.” 
A beautiful  climber,  remarkable  for 
its  vigorous  growth  and  handsome 
flowers.  Blossoms  are  large  and 
grow  in  panicles  similar  to  Wistari- 
as but  larger.  Color  a pleasing  shade 
of  purple.  It  is  a quick  grower,  pro- 
ducing dense  shade  and  does  better 
each  succeeding  year.  Pkt.  8 cts. 


Address  Your  Order 


VEPUSilf  r 


Beautiful  annual  out- 
door climber  of  luxuriant 
growth  for  covering  ver- 
andas and  arbors,  or  for 
screening  unsightly  ob- 
jects. Soak  seed  in  luke- 
warm water  before  plant- 
ing. Tender  annual;  10  to 
15  feet  high. 

333 — Fine  Mixed.  Many 
sorts  and  colors.  Pkt.  4 
Cts.  ■ 




340  — Tricophylla. 

handsome  hedge  or  bor- 
der annual  which  grows 
quickly  from  seed,  mak- 
ing a handsome  round 
bush  about  IS  inches  high 
with  beautiful  featheiy* 
foliage.  In  autumn  they 
are  so  covered  with  scar- 
let flowers  as  to  make  it 
appear  like  a flaming  Are. 
For  a neat,  quick  grown 
hedge  it  has  no  equal. 
Pkt.  5 cts. 


Z42 — Sho’w  3Iixed.  The  finest  colors  in  this  richly  colored 
touse  plant.  Grows  from  seed  and  should  be  more  univers- 
Uly  cultivated.  Pkt.  4 cts. 


345 — Fancy  mixed.  A quick  growing  and  profuse  blooming 
nnual  producing  dense  branches  of  beautiful  blossoms, 
’’hich  are  not  only  showy  in  beds  or  masses,  but  desirable 
i cut  flowers.  This  mixture  contains  all  the  fancy  new 
)rts  in  Emperor  Larkspur,  etc. 

“kt.  3 cts. 


A showy,  old-fashioned  flower, 
uch  admired  by  many.  Yellow 
id  orange  shades  prevail. 

355 —  Lemon  Ball.  Densely  dou- 
e,  large  lemon  colored  flowers. 

£t.  4 cts. 

356—  Orange  Ball.  Similar  to 
?mon  Ball,  but  bright  orange 
lor.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

357 —  Eldorado.  One  of  the 
rgest,  showiest  and  most  desir- 
le  Marigolds.  Blossoms  large, 

11  double  and  quilled  or  fluted, 
ilden  yellow.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

35S — Legion  of  Honor.  A rich 
Iden  yellow,  with  a lemon  edge. 

;ry  compact,  only  about  9 inches 
gh.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

159 —  Baby  Marigold.  'Very  com- 
; ct  little  plants,  making  a good 

ow  either  in  a solid  bed  or  as 
border  for  other  flower  beds, 
e flowers  are  in  all  rich  colors, 

: ry  double  and  grow  and  bloom 
. ickly  from  seed.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

160 —  Fine  3Iixed  The  best  of 
. rican  and  French  sorts.  Pkt.  4 


Imperial  Japanese  Morning  Glory 


375 — Imperial  Japanese.  Very 
large  blossoms,  rich  colors,  most- 
ly zoned  or  striped  in  handsomb 
forms.  This  mixture  also  con- 
tains new  variegated  and  double 
sorts.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

376 — Giant  Japanese.  New  mam- 
moth size,  rare  colors.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

377 — Double  Japanese.  Finb 
double  flowering  strain  of  thb 
popular  and  showy  Japanese 
Morning.  Glory.  Pkt.  7 cts. 

37S — Brazilian  Morning  Gloi^. 
A great  climber,  having-  a growth 
of  .30  to  50  feet.  Grape-like  leaves 
large  and  wide.  Rose  colored 
flowers  3 inches  across.  Blooms 
from  July  until  frost.  Pkt.  S cts. 

350 —  Fine  Mixed.  All  the  best 
sorts  of  the  old,  popular  climb- 
ing Morning  Glor>-  in  mixture. 
Pkt.  3 cts. I oz.  10  cts.;  % ib.  35  cts. 

351 —  ^Dwarf  Jlixed.  The  dwarf, 
or  bush  Morning-  Glory  or  Noon- 
day Glory,  blossoms  brilliantly  at 
midday.  Pkt.  3 cts. 

I $. 

Dne  packet  each  of  the 
■ ari  golds  for  15  cts. 

1 arkspnr— Pkt.  3 cts. 


The  Mignonette  is  highly  prized  for  its  rich 
and  agreeable  fragrance.  The  flowers  are  small, 
but  produced  in  great  abundance  on  short  spikes. 
Vill  blossom  in  house  in  winter. 

362 —  True  JIacbet.  One  of  the  best  and  most 
popular  sorts,  dwarf,  compact  and  vigorous. 
Flowers  red.  Pkt.  3 cts. 

363 —  Fine  Jlixed.  All  the  new  large  flowered 
Hybrids  in  best  mixture.  Pkt.  3 cts.;  oz.  20  cts. 


370 —  ^Xew  Early  Blooming.  A beautiful  vine 
which  grows  rapidly,  making  a fine  shade  and 
producing  large,  white,  sweet-scented  blossoms 
3 to  6 inches  in  diameter.  Blossoms  evenings 
and  cloudy  days.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

371 —  Giant  Pink  3Ioonflower.  A handsome  and 
popular  vine.  Rapid  grower.  Blossoms  a beau- 
tiful pink.  Pkt.  S cts. 


440—  Miss  Jekyll.  A large,  exceedingly  show^* 
flower.  In  a fern-like  foliage  nestle  hundreds 
of  lovely  double  bright  blue  flowers.  One  of  the 
showiest  new  flowers.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

441 —  Fine  Jlixed.  Pretty  showy,  hardy  annuals 

with  finely  cut,  feathery  foliage  and  bright, 
sh owy  blossoms.  Pkt.  3 cts.;  oz.  15  cts. 

349 — Linum — Fine  Jlixed.  Very  showy  and  del- 
icate. Pretty  blossoms  of  sky  blue  and  white, 
borne  on  wiry  stems  and  seem  to  float  in  air. 
Pkt.  3 cts. 

For  Nasturtiums  see  colored 

NIGELLA  Miss  Jekyli— pkt,  5 cts. 

Phlox  Drummondii— One  of  the  showiest  Annuals.  Pkt.  4 cts.  # 

Dnininiondii  Phlox 

One  of  the  showiest  and  most 
popular  annuals.  From  seeds 
sown  in  spring  plants  commence 
blossoms  in  June  and  continue 
to  grow  in  a little  bush  or  tree 
form  till  fall,  and  are  always 
aglow  with  brilliant  blossoms  of 
all  colors. 

485 — Pure  White.  Clear,  pure 
white  in  both  single  and  semi- 
double. Pkt.  5 cts. 

4Se-— Brilliant  Scarlet.  Rich 
dazzling  scarlet,  too  brilliant  to 
gaze  at.  Pkt.  5 ets. 

487 — Yellow.  Novel  color,  cream 
or  pale  yellow,  large.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

489 — Cospidata  and  Frimbriata 
Mixed.  This  includes  all  varieties 
in  star  and  ragged,  saw  or  fringed 
edges.  Known  as  “Star  of  Qued- 
linburg,”  “Fringed,”  etc.  A grand 
mixture  of  possibly  50  sorts  in 
rare  and  brilliant  colors.  Pkt.  5 

492 — Royal  Show  or  Liarge  Flow- 
ering Mixed.  A rare  mixture  of  75 
varieties  or  more,  all  with  large, 
brilliant  blossoms.  Includes  all 
the  best  in  Grandiflora  Phloxes 
which  are  noted  for  large  blos- 
soms and  brilliant  colors.  Pkt.  4 
cts.;  3 pkts.  10  cts. 

Masterpiece  Pansy.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

494 — Perennial  Phlox.  Choice  selected  seeds  of  best  , ^ ^ ^ 

sorts  of  this  showy  perennial,  which  blooms  from  sum-  Read^  about  Giant 
mer  till  fall.  One  of  the  most  desirable  of  all  hardy  American  Mastodon 
plants;  grows  readily  from  seed.  Pkt.  10  cts.  Pansies  on  colored 




Our  Pansies  are  Massive  in  Siz 
and  Beautiful  in  Form. 

4.54 — Giant  White.  Clear  pur 
white.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

455 — Giant  Black.  Deep  coa 
black.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

457 — Ford  Beaeonsfield.  Dee 
violet  purple,  shading  petals  t 
, White,  slightly  tinted  with  pur 
pie.  Pkt.  5 ets. 

462— Butterfly  Mixed.  Darg 
size,  rich.  Pkt.  .5  cts. 

464 — Madame  Perret.  Deliciou 
shades  of  wine.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

466 —  Giant  Trimardeaux  3Ii3 
ture.  Enormous  flowers.  Grea 
variety  Of  solid  and  mixed  color 
Pkt.  6 cts.;  2 pkts.  10  cts. 

467 —  Masterpiece.  -Darge  wav 
or  fluted  petals,  looks  almos 
double.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

468 —  D.  S.  C.  Jumbos.  Darg 
size,  magnificent  class  of  color 
in  solid  and  richly  marked  coir 
binations.  Pkt.  10  ets. 

469—  Peerless  Mixture.  A gran 
mixture  of  everything.  All  larg 
flowering  sorts  mixed.  Pkt. 
cts.;  1/4  oz.  25  cts. 

470 —  D.  8.  C.  Triumph  of  Giant; 
Robust,  compact,  round,  bush 
plants.  Flower  enormous  sizi 
perfect  round  form.  Border  c 
petals  often  undulated  and  curl 
ed.  The  beauty,  brilliancy  an 
richness  of  coloring,  includin 
new  zones  of  red  and  brown,  sui 
passes  all  others.  Double  the  sia 
of  ordiaaary  giants.  Pkt.  15  cts. 

For  a solid  bed  of  showy  col- 
ors, massing  or  a background  dis- 
play, this  is  one  of  our  best  an- 
nuals. Blooms  from  June  till 
hard  frosts. 

479 —  D.  S.  C.  Inimitable.  A rare 
assortment  of  the  large  or  Grand- 
iflora Petunias,  with  very  beau- 
tiful ruffled  and  fringed  edges, 
etc.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

480 —  Double  Mixed.  All  the  best 
double  sorts.  (All  double  Petunia 
seed  produce  a few  single  flower- 
ing plants.)  Pkt.  of  40  seeds,  15 

481 —  D.  S.  C.  Bush.  Very  com- 
pact sort,  forming  neat,  round, 
symmetrical,  bushy  plant.  Load- 
ed all  seasons  with  bright  blos- 
soms of  many  colors.  Fine  bed- 
ding sort.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

483— Show  Mixed.  All  the  finest 
of  the  Petunias.  Includes  all  the 
finest  striped  and  blotched.  Pkt. 
4 cts.;  3 pkts.  10  cts. 

Petunia  Blossoms.  Showiest  bedding  annual.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

Have  ordered  Sweet  Peas  from  you  2 years.  They  have  been  the  admiration  of  all.  Cora  Singleton,  DeSoto,  111. 


One  of-  the  showiest,  most  daz- 
zling and  desiiable  plants  for  a 
ow  growing  mass,  borders  or  solid 
beds.  From  June  tlii  frosts  our 
Portulaccas  are  the  admiration 
of  all;  they'  were  one  mass  of 
bright  blossoms. 

509 —  .'^'inest  Mixed.  Our  cholC' 
est  single  sorts,  from  the  purest 
white  to  the  brightest  yellows 
and  deep  crimsons.  Pkt.  3 cts. ; 
4 ykts.  10  cts. 

510 —  Double  Mixed.  All  choic- 
est colors.  Double  as  small  Rosea 
(see  cut).  Pkt.  6 cts. 

Double  Portulacea — Dazzling  plant  for  bed  op  border — Pkt.  5 cts. 

Myoslis— Foiiet-lte-llol 

A sweet,  little,  hardy  perennial  which  blossoms  for  a 
leofiT  season. 

I^evailing  colors,  lavender,  blue,  white,  pink.  It  Is  fine 
ter  borders,  cutting,  etc.,  and  should  be  found  in  every 

S83 — Finest  Mixed.  All  the  varieties,  including  new  largo 
lowering.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

883 — Victoria  Flowers — Large,  bright  azure  blue;  very 
iweet.  Pkt.  4 cts. 


488  -Fin©  Mixed.  Splendid  free-flowering,  hardy  an- 
luals.  of  very  neat,  compact  habit.  Flowers  are  cup- 
ihaped,  appearing  in  many  brilliant  colors,  the  blue  shades 
»elng  particularly  striking.  Blossom  continuously  through- 
>ut  the  summer,  thriving  best  in  a cool  or  moist,  shady 
rface  Where  the  soil  is  not  too  rich.  All  C(Aors  mixed, 
^t.  3 cts. 


448—Afflnl9  Hybrids.  Large,  tube-shaped  blossoms, 
iweetly  scented.  Thero  are  many  desirable  colors  in 
hes©  new  hybrids.  They  bloom  summer  and  winter. 
Pkt.  4 cts. 

444^ — Saunderll  Hybrids.  Popular  as  a novelty  a few 
''ears  ago.  Colors  bright  and  showy.  Fine  for  bouquets, 
►kt.  4 cts. 

PRIMULA-  -Gkinest  Primrose. 

These  are  among  the  very  best  and  most  satisfactory 
irinter  bloomers.  Seed  sown  in  spring  or  early  summer 
»ommence  blooming  by  early  winter  and  flower  profusely 
ill  spring. 

514— Fancy  Fringed  Mixed.  Choicest  varieties  of  the 
!5hinese  fringed,  etc,,  in  best  mixture.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

61 3 Obconica  Mixed  New  large  flowering  sorts  which 
jontinue  blooming  the  year  round.  Flowers  home  on 
ire  one  mass  of  lovely  blossoms  throughout  winter  and 
org,  neat  stems.  Pkt.  (100  seeds),  10  cts. 

518 — Fern  Leaved  Primrose.  Very  choice  selection  of  the 
jest  colors,  similar  to  Fancy  Fringed,  except  that  the 
eaves  have  a handsome  fern-like  appearance.  Pkt.  (about 
,0  seeds),  10  cts. 

517  Double  Mixed  Double  sorts.  26  seeds  15  cts- 
521 — D.  S.  C.  Giant  Primrose.  New  race  with  much 
arger  blossoms  and  likely  to  supercede  the  older  sorts, 
lany  fine  colors.  40  seeds,  15  cts. 

Salvia  Drooping  Spikes — Pkt.  10  cts. 


Se^Fln©  Mixed.  Showy  annual  blooming  in  tiw) 
months  from  seed.  Covered  with  pretty  flowers  whl^ 
•pen  at  4 P.  M-  Pkt.  3 cts.;  oz.  10  cts. 

RICINUS-  -Castor  OH  Bean. 

Immense  palm-llke  leaves,  two  to 
thr^  feet  across.  Plant  forms  a compact  tropical  looking 
hign,  in  two  to  three  months  frbS 
seed.  Fine  for  lawn  or  background.  PkL  4 ets. 

Ten  Week  STOCK. 

OMn*  a pot  plant  and  tor 

**i^*“.a  *^i°fming.  Produces  handsome  spfees  ot 
richly  colored,  deliciously  fragrant  flowers  which  are  flnife 
lor  beds  or  cut  flowers.  Remain  in  bloom  a long  time 

544  -^Qiant  Ten  Week  Stocks  Mixed.  Fully  25  choiee 
varieties,  large  flowering  sorts,  Pkt.  5 cts. 

545  —Giant  of  Nice.  New,  large,  early,  free  flowering 
sort.  Blossoms  large  and  produced  on  enormous  spikes. 
Colors  from  white  to  carmine  and  crimson.  PkL  10  cts. 


Showy,  old-fashioned  flowers.  Many  of  the  new  sorts 
are  extremely  showy  and  admired  by  everyone. 

497  — Shiriey  Mixed.  The  most  delicate  and  beautiful 
class,  vivid  colors  of  silk-like  blossoms,  which  give  them 
the  name  of  "Silk  Poppies."  Colors  run  through  all 
shades,  from  purest  white  to  deepest  crimson,  many  being 
delicately  and  handsomely  striped,  tipnied  and  zoned. 
Pkt.  4 cts. ; 3 pkts.  10  cts. 

498  —Dwarf  Giant  Flowering.  New  Hybrids  having  the 
paeony  form  blossoms,  very  large  and  in  brilliant  colors, 
from  pure  white  to  deep  scarlet;  very  double;  plants 
dwarf.  Pkt.  4 cts 

499 —  Carnation  Flowered.  Very  showy  class  with  double 

blossoms  of  all  colors,  stripings,  etc.  Blossoms  larger 
than  Carnations  and  somewhat  resemble  them.  Pkt. 
3 cts.;  4 pkts,  10  cts.  e 

500 —  Riverdale  Mixture.  Grown  and  sold  by  us  for  years. 
Contains  everything  choice  in  hundreds  of  varieties,  from 
the  massive  double  paeony  sorts  to  the  delicate  Shirley 
Strains.  It  affords  an  endless  variety  of  all  and  cannot 
be  surpassed.  Pkt.  3 cts.;  two  pkts.  5 cts.;  Yz  oz.  10  cts. 

505 — Iceland  Poppies.  Hardy  perennials  which  produce 
all  colors  of  lovely  flowers  early.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

5o6 — New  Orienta*  Hybrids.  Many  new  colors  in  these 
grand  hardy  perennials.  Blossoms  are  large  as  paeonies 
and  richer  in  color.  Very  showy.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

SALVIA— Scarlet  Sage. 

533 -Drooping  Spikes.  One  of  the  showiest  and  most  popu- 
lar of  all  bedding  plants  for  lawns,  beds  or  pot  culture. 
Produce  long,  strong  spikes  of  glowmg  scarlet  flowers,  which 
make  the  plant  look  liKe  fire.  P^t.  8 cts. 

536— -Salvia  Mixed.  This  mixture  contains  only  the  finest 
new  sorts  of  Salvia  Spiendens,  such  as  Silver  Spot,  Lord 
Fauntleroy,  etc.  Pkt.  10  cts. 


543  — Smllax.  Tender  house  vine,  indispensable  In  bouqets, 
funeral  worK,  etc.  PKt.  5 cts. 

SCABIOS — Mournfnq  Bride 

539 — Large  Flowered.  eVery  showy  annual,  blossoms  about 
1 inch  across,  very  double  and  on  long  stems,  fine  for  bou- 
quets. Pkt.  3 cts. 


542  — New  Large  Flowered.  An  easily  grown  and  free-bloom- 
ing annual  often  called  "Poor  Man's  Orchid.”  Plant  one  mass 
of  bloom  for  a long  time.  Our  large  flowering  are  extra 
showy  blossoms  and  cover  the,  plant  with  a sheet  of  bloom 
for  a long  time.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

Sweet  Peas,  Verbenas,  Zinnias,  Etc. 


601 —  Aurora.  Flaked,  brigrht  orange-salmon  on  white. 

602 —  Coccinea.  Pure  cerise  or  cherry  red.  Handsome. 

602 —  of  Radnor.  A fine  lavender. 

60-1 — Dora  Itreadmore.  Showiest  and  best  primrose. 

60.") — Helen  Pierce.  A beautiful  new  rippled  and  vein- 
ed blue  on  white. 

60G — Katherine  Tracy.  Larg-e,  soft  rose-pink. 

607 — King:  Edward  VII.  Large,  bright  crimson  scar- 
let. Three  blossoms  on  long  stems.  Very  larilliant. 

60S — Lottie  Eckford.  White,  daintily  shaded  and 
edged  with  soft  lavender. 

609 —  Miss  Willmott.  Large,  beautiful  blossoms  of 
rich  orange  pink. 

610 —  Na\^  uiiie.  Large  flowers  of  dark  navy  blue  on 

611 —  Scarlet  Gem.  Bright,  attractive  scarlet. 

612 —  Shasta.  Large  waxy  white,  3 to  4 on  long  stems. 

612 — Stella  Morse.  Best  primrose  or  apricot  yellow. 

614 — White  Wonder.  Double  white. 

Half-ounce  papers  above  Grandiflora  Sweet  Peas  5 
cts.;  2 for  12  cts.;  the  15  for  40  cts.;  ^ lb.  any  sort 
above  25  cts. 


Pkt.lO  cts.;  the  4 pkts.  for  25  cts. 

690 —  Annual  Flowers  Mixed.  Hundreds  of  varieties 
of  annual  flowers  in  mixture. 

691 —  Perennial  Flowers  Mixed.  All  perennial  flow- 
ers mixed. 

692—  Climbers  Mixed.  All  climbing  vines. 

692 — Everlastings  and  Grasses.  Everlasting  flowers 
and  ornamental  grasses  for  winter  bouquets. 

694 — Greenhouse  Seeds  3Iixed.  A liberal  sized  pkt. 

of  all  varieties  for  house  culture,  etc 


The  new,  improved,  showy  varie- 
ties of  this  hardy  perennial  are  the 
very  best  plants  for  display  beds  or 
solid  masses  of  showy  bloom.  Blooms 
before  most  ann-uals. 

640- ^ — Finest  Mixed.  Very  choice 
selection,  mostly  our  own  growing. 
Notice  the  picture.  Pkt.  3 cts.;  4 
pkts.  10  cts. 

641—  Double  Mixed.  Best,  showiest 
double  sorts.  Pkt.  5 cts. 


662—  Double  Mixed.  One  of  the 
most  popular  of  all  flowers  in  Eng- 
land and  other  warm  countries.  Lives 
through  winter  and  blooms  early  in 
spring.  Needs  protection  in  cold  lat- 
itudes. Very  fragrant.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

663 —  Wallflower.  Early  Parisian. 
Sown  early  will  bloom  by  September 
and  may  be  taken  in  the  house  and 
treated  same  as  Chrysanthemums. 
Pkt.  3 cts. 


529 — Sweet  Mixed.  Showy  and  free 
blooming  hardy  perennials,  produc- 
ing spikes  of  bloom  in  June,  when 
flowers  are  scarce.  Pkt.  3 cts.; 
oz.  10  cts. 

Pkt.  25  cts. 


The  Verbena  is  one  of  the 
most  popular,  showy  and  useful 
of  annuals.  It  blooms  profusely 
from  July  till  frosts  from  seed 
sown  in  spring,  increasing  in 
size  till  it  covers  a space  of  3 to 

4 feet.  Desirable  for  bouquets, 

647 — Verbena.  Auricula.  Pret- 
ty flowering  class  with  beauti- 
ful eyes  of  various  qolors.  Pkt. 

5 cts. 

649 — Nana  Compacta.  Neat, 
compact,  bushy  plants,  many 
colors.  Pkt.  7 cts. 

655 — -Mammoth  Mixed.  Extra 
large  showy  blossoms.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

657 —  Italian  Striped.  Extreme- 
ly pretty  striping  and  markings 
mixed.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

658—  D.  S.  C.  Prize  Mixed.  A 
grand  mixture  of  all  the  fancy, 
large  flowering,  striped,  etc.,  in 
splendid  mixture.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  3 
pkts.  10  cts. 

646 — Mayflower.  Flowers 

are  large  and  of  the  most 
beuatiful  colors.  Has  strong  Trailing  Arbutus-like 
fragrance,  colors  embrace  pleasing  shades  of  pink. 

i»kt.  5 cts. 

Above  6 pkts.  of  Verbenas  for  24  cts. 


622 — Nora  Unwin.  Large  white,  y^  oz.  8 cts.;  < 
15  cts.;  14  lb.  55  cts. 

624 —  Unwdn  Hybrids  Mixed.  A class  with  large  cui 
ed  and  twisted  blossoms  in  all  colors.  %oz.  8 cts.;  < 
15  ct.s. 


A distinct  class  for  greenhouse  forcing.  They  w 
begin  to  flower  in  8 to  12  weeks  from  sowing  and  co. 
tinue  blooming  for  weeks.  Flowers  large. 

618 —  Earliest  Sunbeams.  Bf-autiful  primrose. 

619 —  Earliest  of  All.  Early  flowering  pink  and  whit 

620 —  Christmas  Pink.  Fit  companion  for  white. 

621 —  Christmas  White.  Pure  white. 

All  Christmas  Flowering  Sweet  Peas,  y^  oz.  7 etc 

oz.  12  cts.;  14  lb.  35  cts. 

625 —  Eokford’s  Hybrids  Mixed.  Large  number 
large  flowering  sorts  mixed.  Oz.  7 cts.;  14  lb.  22  cts 
lb.  75  cts. 

627 —  Double  Mixed.  Oz.  15  cts.;  % Ib.  40  cts. 

628 —  California  Giants  Mixed.  A mixture  made  up 
over  100  large  flowering  sorts.  Oz.  8 cts.;  14  lb.  25  cts 
lb.  80  cts. 

626 —  D.  S.  C.  Imperial  Mixed.  This  we  believe  to  I 
one  of  the  best  mixtures  ever  sold  for  general  use. 
contains  hundreds  of  the  best  large  flowering  sorts  i 
all  classes.  Compare  it  with  any  high-priced  mixtui 
from  others  and  you  will  find  it  equals  the  best.  O 
8 cts.;  2 oz.  15  cts.;  % lb.  25  cts.;  Ib.  85  cts. 

■ 559 — Spencer  Hybrids  Mixed.  A fine  mixture  of  thi 
grand  class  of  waved  and  frilled  Sweet  Peas;  man 
distinct  and  handsome  colors,  y^  oz.  8 cts.;  oz.  15  cts 
14  lb.  40  cts.;  lb.  $1.50 

For  list  of  New  Sweet  Peas  see  colored  pages. 


660 — Fine  Mixed.  A large  range  o 
colors  and  varieties  of  Violets  aii' 
Tufted  Pansies.  Hardy  blooms  i: 
spring.  Pkt.  5.  cts. 

Double  Blue  English  Violet  plant 
in  spring.  3 for  25  cts. 


Rich,  showy,  marbled,  striped  an 
penciled  blossoms.  Grows  about 
feet  high. 

537 — New  Emperor.  A new  sor 
that  is  much  better  than  ordinar 
sorts.  Flowers  are  larger,  richer  i 
tint  and  more  freely  produced.  Pki 
5 cts. 


632 —  Burbanks  Best.  This  mam 
moth  daisy  shown  above  is  often 
to  6 inches  across  and  very  usefu 
for  cut  flowers.  Easily  grown  fron 
seed.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

633—  Westralia.  One  of  the  larges 
and  finest  of  the  new  Shasta  Daisies 

The  writer  has  seen  these  plant; 
growing  4 to  6 feet  high  in  Cali- 
fornia and  loaded  with  large  daisies 
Used  for  cut  flowers.  P?it.  10  cts. 

634—  Alaska.  One  of  the  most  mar- 
velous productions  in  the  flower  line 
flowers  are  extremely  large  anc 
graceful,  averaging  about  4 inches 
in  diameter,  with*  three  or  more  rows 
of  petals  of  the  purest  glistening 
whiteness,  and  borne  on  single,  stiff, 
wiry  stems  nearly  2 feet  long.  Pkt, 
5 cts. 


D.S.C.  Prize  Verbena. 

Showy,  free  blooming  annuals 
growing  about  2 feet  high  and  some- 
what resemble  Dahlias.  Bloom  pro- 
fusely from  summer  till  fall. 

671  — “ Crested  Comet.  Curled, 
fringed  and  crested  flowers.  Many 
colors.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

674 —  New  Striped.  Very  double, 
fine  form,  handsomely  striped;  many 
colors.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

670 — D.  S.  C.  Giants  3Iixed.  Extra 
latge  flowering,  many  brilliant,  show 
colors.  Pkt.  6 cts.;  2 pkts.  10  cts. 

675 —  Fine  Mixed.  All  the  double 
varieties.  Pkt.  3 cts.;  4 pkts.  10  cts. 

The  above  4 pkts.  of  Zinnias,  15  cts. 

Globe  Amaranth  or  Gomphrena 

303— Fine  Mixed.  An  annual  everlasting  producing 
clover-  like  blossoms  of  various  colors  which,  when 
dried,  retain  their  brilliancy  for  years.  Pkt.  3 cts. 

Our  Novel  and  Special  Flower  Seeds 


A magnificent  class  of  Asters,  distinct  from  all 
others  in  the  character  of  the  flower.  The  long, 
narrow  petals  are  folded  lengthwise,  appearing  al- 
most as  though  quilled.  The  flowers  are  of  great 
size  and  substance  and  last  long'er  when  cut  than 
those  of  almost  any  other  class.  The  plants  are 
stems  exceptionally  long  and  strong. 

There  are  few  Aster  growers  who  do  not  know 
the  Violet  King.  The  others  are  equally  desirable, 
their  greatest  difference  being  color.  A.11  are  strik- 
ingly handsome  and  fold  petals  like  a Cactus  Dahlia. 

— "Violet  King.  First  of  this  type,  rich  violet, 
alwa3's  admired. 

95 —  Slieli  Pink  King.  Soft  pleasing  blush  pink, 
gloriously-  beautiful. 

96 —  White  King,  Grand  companion  for  the  other 
sorts.  A magnificent  snow  white  Aster. 

97 —  Lavender  King.  Massive  fluffy  flowers  of 
pleasing  deep  lavender. 

9S — Crimson  King.  Rich  striking  Aster  of  large, 
size  and  brilliant  crimson.  • 

99 —  King  Asters  3Iixed.  All  colors. 

Above  6 new  King  Asters  S cts  a pkt.,  or  one  nkt. 
each  for  33  c. 


The  Golden  Gate  Set  have  very  broad  petals 
which  are  distinctly^  incurved  or  shell  shaped.  They 
have  a peculiarity  and  grace  for  which  Chrvsan- 
themums  are  often  noted.  Bloom  freely-  early  in 

100 —  Purity  Golden  Gate.  Finest  full  double 

101—  Sea  Shell  Golden  Gate.  Delicate  flesh  pink. 

102 —  Lavender  Jewell.  Pretty  pale  pink  laven- 

103 —  Golden  Gate  Mixed.  Aboy-e  and  some  other 
new  colors. 

One  pkt.  each  of  the  4 Golden  Gate  Set  for  20  cts.; 
any  sort  7 cts  a pkt. 

Aster  Floating  (^rls.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

1 Everyone  thinks  my-  Asters  are  the  finest  they-  ever  saw.  The 
U eighbors  all  want  to  get  seed  of  you  next  spring. 

Mrs.  J.  A:  Brant,  Elvaston,  111. 

: ’’Bakers  Dozen’*  Aster  Set 

- The  ‘fBakers’  Dozen”  Set  of  new  Asters  contains  the  best  Asters 
I ver  listed.  Any  single  pkt.  8 cts.;  4 pkts.  25  cts.;  the  13  60  cts. 

104 —  American  Beauty-  Aster.  Derives  its  name  from  the  Ameri- 
: an  Beauty  Rose  which  it  resembles  in  color.  Plants  2 to  3 feet 
I igh  loaded  with  massive  flowers  4 to  5 inches  in  diameter.  Color 

lovely-  bright  carmine  rose.  You  should  try  this  Aster.  Pkt.  8 

105 —  Crimson  Giant.  A massive,  gorgeous  Aster  of  splendid 
Drm,  incurved  petals  and  alwa;y-s  wins  admiration.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

106 —  Lady  Roosevelt.  One  of  the  finest  of  recent  introduction, 
perfect  in  shape.  Color  a magnificent  rose  pink;  long,  strong  stems 
; nd  for  cutting  has  no  superior. 

■ 107 — Peach  Blossom.  Unique  and  showy  color.  Fine  form  and 
; ensely-  double. 

108 —  Pink  Enchantress.  Immense  flowers  of  a soft  delicate 

i;  ink  borne  on  strong,  upright  plants.  Broad  petals,  loosely-  ar-  ^ 

pinged,  makes  an  indescribable  soft,  pleasing  effect.  ..Pkt.  8 cts.  AMERICAN  BEAUTY  ASTER. 

109 —  Sensation.  A grand  deep  blood  red  borne  on  long  stems,  Beau- 
; ful  for  cutting. 

110 —  M hite_  Perfection.  Finest  mid-season  white  Aster.  They-  are  of 
le  most  exquisite  form  and  about  4 inches  across.  Flowers  strongly 

i horled  producing  a charming  effect. 

111 —  Astermums.  Cross  between  Asters  and  Chry-santhemhms,  grows 
i to  24  inches  high.  Each  plant  forms  a bouquet  of  large  gracefully 
irled  flowers  in  many  colors.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

112 —  Sunset  Aster.  This  beautiful  new  Aster  has  been  greatly  ad- 
ired  by-  all  who  have  seen  it.  Color  a rich  sunset  pink;  blossoms  large 
id  densely-  double.  Showy-,  either  for  beds  or  bouquets. 

113 —  Pale  Lavender.  This  lavendr  color  in  a flower  of  this  style  is 
irticularly  beautiful.  In  combination  with  VTiite  Perfection,  either  in 
le  garden  or  when  cut,  it  makes  a very  handsome  showing.  Many  of 
ar  friends  pronounce  this  the  best  Light  Lavender  they  have  ever  seen, 
kt.  8 cts. 

114 —  Giant  Purity.  Larger  in  plant  and  flower  than  the  famous  orig- 
:al  Purity-.  Crowned  with  great  snow  white  globes  of  bloom. 

115 —  Floating  Curls.  So-called  from  the  large  curled  and  twisted  flow- 
's which  are  all  conceivable  colors  known  to  Asters. 

11514 — Invincible.  Florists  consider  this  one  of  the  best  strains  of  all 
>r  early  growing.  Blossoms  full,  double  and  perfect.  All  shades  of 

The  13  pkts  above  composing  the  ‘‘Bakers’  Dozen”  Set  for  only  65  cts.$ 
ay  4 for  25  cts.;  any  1 for  8 cts.  

MIXED  GLADOILUS  BULBS...  These  are  the  most  de- 
sdrable  of  the  summer  blooming  bulbs  for  outdoor  culture. 

Each  bulb  sends  up  one  or  more  spikes  of  the  loveliest 
bloom  in  al  conceivable  colors  and  combinations.  This  mix- 
ture embraces  hundreds  of  choice  sorts.  Price  of  Fine  Mixed 
Blooming  Bulbs  by  Mail.  3 for  10  eta;  12  for  25  cts.;  60  for 

PKT.  8 CTS. 

Astermum — Pkt.  8 cts. 

Our  Asters  are  Unexcelled  for  Beauty^  Size  and  Perfect  Forms 

6 Autumn  Beauty  Asters  for  25  cts. 


Our  Autumn  Beauty  Asters  come  into  bloom 
just  ahead  of  Chrysanthemums.  Blossoms  larg-e, 
full  and  double,  slightly  incurved  petals  and 
usually  with  a beautiful  twist  in  center.  They 
are  borne  on  long  stems  and  have  no  superiors 
for  cutting  or  bouquets. 

39 —  Crim.son.  Deep,  rich  crimson.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

40 —  Pure  White.  Very  fine.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

41 —  Scarlet.  Brilliant  and  showy.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

42 —  Shell  Pink.  Choice  color.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

43 —  Bavender.  Desirable  shade.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

44 —  Violet.  Deep  and  rich.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

One  pkt.  each  of  above  Autumn  Beauties  25 

Mikado  Triplets  15  cts. 

The  Mikado  Aster  is  a much  improved  form  of 
t^e  Giant  Comet,  illossoms  large,  curled  and 

45 —  White  Mikado.  Large  white.  Pkt.  7 cts. 

46 —  Pink  Alikado.  A handsome  pink.  Pkt.  7 

46^/2 — 3Iikado  Purple.  Latest  and  showiest  of 
these  large  handsomely  curled  Asters.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

One  pkt.  each  of  3 Mikado  Asters  15  cts. 

Autumn  Beauty  Asters. 


Our  Royal  Balsams  (Lady  Slip- 
pers) are  large,  full  and  double,  al- 
ways making  a fine  showing. 

138 —  Royal  White.  Grand  double 

139 —  Royal  Crimson.  Deep,  rich 

140 —  Royal  Pink.  Delicate  light 

141 —  Royal  Lavender.  Exquisite 

142 —  Royal  Scarlet.  Very  brilliant. 

Above  5 Royal  Balsams  5 cts  a 

pkt.;  the  5 for  20  cts. 

6 CREGO  ASTERS  for  30  cents. 

The  Crego  surpasses  in  size  and  beauty  any  other  Astei 
The  plant  is  well  branched,  grows  about  2 feet  high,  am 
produces  many  long  flower  stems,  which  makes  this  sor 
a very  profitable  one  for  the  gardener  or  florist.  The  flow 
ers  are  as  fine  as  Chrysanthemums,  seldom  measuring  les 
than  6 inches  across,  of  beautiful  form,  double,  with  long 
fluffy,  gracefully  curled  petals.  | 

61 —  Crego  White.  Clear,  glistening  white.  One  of  th  i 

finest  for  cut  flowers.  | 

62 —  Crego  Pink.  True  rose  pink,,  enormous  flowers. 

{ — Crego  Crimson.  Very  showy.  None  attracts  greate 

infinn  9 


64 —  Crego  Lavender.  Beautiful,  showy,  lavender. 

65 —  Crego  Dark  Purple.  Clear,  dark  purple. 

66 —  Crego  Mixed,  All  varieties  of  these  grand  Asters  i; 
splendid  mixtures. 

Above  6 pkts.  of  Crego  Asters  8 cts.  each,  or  the  6 for  3 

6 JAPANESE  TASSEL  ASTERS  for  28  cents 


Our  'improved  Japanese  Tassel  Asters  are  greatly  admire 
by  all  on  account  of  the  graceful  beauty  of  the  twisted  pet 
als  which  is  shown  in  the  illustration.  They  bloom  earl 
and  freely. 

116 — Snow  White.  Clear  and  p\ire.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

1^7 — Pink.  Lovely  shade.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

118 —  Dark  Blue.  Finest  deep  violet  blue.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

119 —  Lavender.  Pretty  light  lavender  blue.  Pkt.  8 cts. 

120 —  Dark  Crimson.  Deep  and  rich.  Pkt^  8 cts. 

121 —  Mixed.  Many  colors.  Pkt.  6 cts. 

One  pkt.  each  of  above  6 Japanese  Tassel  for  28  cts, 

NEW  LAVENDER  PINK  (Bushy  Type) 

123 — Petals  long,  narrow  and  gracefully  reflexed,  bendin 
across  each  other  in  magnificent  disorder,  making  one  c 
the  fluffiest  Asters  ever  known.  Color  an  exquisite  shade  c 
lavender  pink.  Plant  produces  a dozen  or  more  long  stem 
with  flowers  4 to  6 inches  in  diameter.  Pkt.  10  cts. 


122 This  is  positively  a new  color  in  Asters.  Nothin 

like  it  in  any  other  class.  Darker  than  rose,  lighter  tha 
crimson,  no  trace  of  yellow  or  magenta;  just  a beautift 
rosy  red.  The  wonderful  coloring  of  this  flower  please 
everybody.  The  plants  are  more  vigorous  and  the  flower 
are  larger  than  those  of  any  other  shade  of  red.  Therefon 
this  variety  will,  without  doubt,  be  a great  favorite  in  cut 
flower  markets.  Form  is  about  midway  between  the  branch 
ing  and  Mikado  types.  PkL  10  cts;. 

We  expect  this  Aster  will  be  sold  under  the  name  “Hear 
of  France.” 

142% — ^New  Goliath.  A new  giant 
strain  of  “Lady  Slippers”  with  mas- 
sive blossoms  in  all  colors.  Pkt.  10 


153 — Giant  Daisies  Mixed.  Our 

Giant  Daisies  or  Beilis  Perennis  pro- 
duces beautiful  double  blossoms  2% 
to  3 inches  in  diameter  from  early 
spring  till  late  in  the  falR  Blooms 
as  long  and  freely  as  Pansies  and 
is  unexcelled  for  a border  or  for 
small  bouquet.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

16% — Lilac  Queen.  A new  and 
distinct  Alyssum  similar  to  Little 
Gem  in  habit,  with  flowers  of  a del- 
icate lilac  shade.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

One  Packet  each  of  the  46  varieties  of  Asters  on  this  and 
preceeding  Colored  Page  for  $1.75. 

One  packet  each  of  the  32  Asters  on  White  Pages  for  $1.00 


Extra  Pine  Gold  Medal  Gladiolus  Bulbs  45  cts.  a dozen 

Japanese  Tassel  Aster 

• • 

Novelties  and  Specialties  In  Flower  Seeds 


205 — Plants  grow  2 to  3 feet 
high,  the  bloom  starting  early 
with  a central  head,  round 
and  globular,  which  often 
reaches  the  immense  size  of  2 
feet  incircumference.  Scores 
of  branches  are  thrown  out, 
bearing  a ball  of  scarlet 
All  these  branches  sup- 
numerous  laterals  with 
heads  of  bloom  mixed 
fresh  green  foliage,  so 
that  a plant  looks  like  an  im- 
mense bouquet  splendidly  ar- 
ranged and  set  in  the  ground. 

None  of  the  blooms  fade  in 
any  way  until  hit  by  frost; 

[ hires  Wool  Flower  but  all  continue  to  expand  and 

: glow  with  a deepening  rich- 

I )ss  of  color,  a dark  crimson- scarlet.  Pkt.  10  cts. 


182 — kittle  Prince.  One  of  the  most  charming  varieties  we  ever 
; ,w.  Grows  only  about  8 inches  high  and  is  unexcelled  for  a 
order  or  row.  Pure  white.  Pkt.  5 cts. 


212% — California  Fantasies.  A fine  race  of  perennial  or  winxer 
1 )wering  Chrysanthemums  which  blossom  outside  in  California. 

: lis  is  a very  desirable  mixture  of  the  best  colors  arid  most  showy 

I rts.  Pkt.  15  cts. 


253% — Imperial  Mixed.  “The  Lily  Dahlia,”  a magnificent  and 
stinct  species  of  the  most  beautiful  of  all  Dahlias.^  It  grows  10 
( 12  feet  high  and  bears  panicles  of  lovely,  lily-like  flowers 

: easuring  8 inches  from  tip  to  tip  of  petals.  Color  a delicate 
- auve,  almost  white,  veined  with  old  pink.  It  blooms  first  year 
; November  from  seed  sown  in  spring  and  will  bloom  in  house 
i 1 Christmas.  Pkt.  15  cts. 


280 —  Daylight.  Vines  grow  quickly  to  height  of  8 to  10  feet  and 
ossom  profusely  from  base  to  summit,  the  large  spikes  of  pure 

/ bite  flowers  standing  out  boldly  from  the  rich  green  foliage. 
3 the  flowers  drop  from  the  long  spikes  they  are  succeeded  by 
oad,  velvety,  showy  white  pods  which  retain  their  purfty  and 
eshness  of  color  a long  time.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  15  cts.  ' 

281 —  Darkness.  A fit  companion  for  above.  Blossoms  a dark 
( se  violet.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  15  cts. 


255 — New  Belladonna.,  Everblooming  Hardy  Larkspur.  A new 
ant  flowering  variety,  and  blooms  more  freely  and  continuously 
'1  an  any  other  Larkspur  grown,  never  being  out  of  flower  from 
t e middle  of  June  until  frost.  The  turquoise-blue  color  of  the 
oom  is  not  equalled  for  delicacy  and  beauty  by  any  other  flow- 
: . Contains  all  shades  from  the  palest  to  the  darkest  blue,  and 
1 e various  intervening  shades  of  sapphire,  turquoise,  indigo,  etc., 

are  rich  and  beautiful  beyond 
description.  Pkt.  10  cts. 




256 — Blue  Butterfly.  A charming  Larkspur  or  Delphinum  producing 
rich  blue  flowers  in  abundance.  One  of  the  showiest  and  most  easily 
grown  plants  succeeding  everywhere.’  Pkt.  5 cts. 

357 — Fnglish  Hybrids.  A grand  collection  of  new  and  rare  Delphi- 
nums, mostly  the  life  work  of  a 
Treat  English  flower  specialist. 

These  rare  hybrid  hardy  Larkspurs 
are  popular  everywher.  ' Florists 
•e  now  using  them  in  funeral 
work.  Combinations  of  blue  and 
lavender  are  especially  attractive. 

Pkt.  5 cts. 

Everlasting  or  Perennial  Pea 

The  Everlasting  or  Hardy  Sweet 
Peas  are  early  and  free  bloomers, 
does  well  in  any  soil,  stands  any 
winter  weather  and  produces  an 
abundance  of  bloom. 

558 — Fine  Mixed.  All  choice  sorts. 

Pkt.  5 cts. 


243^ — ^Amsterdam  Giants.  A grand 
strain  producing  immense  blossorns 
3 to  4 inches  across.  Seed  sown'  in 
spring  produce  blooming  plants  the 
next  winter.  One  of  the  grandest 
of  all  plants  for  winter  blooming. 

Vigorous.  15  seeds  10  cits. 

244 — Orchid  Flowering.  This  1 
ly  cyclamen  with  large  frilled  flow- 
ers in  all  colors  is  also  called  “But- 
terfly Flowered.”  The  blossoms  are 
unique  and  handsome,  always  at- 
tracting great  attention.  10  seeds 
Delphinum— Belladona  Hybrids  10  cts.  Cyclame«  Amsterdam  Giant— Pkt.  10 

®(g)  Best  Varieties  of  Climbing  and  Dwarf  Nasturtiums  ($)® 

Tall  or  Climbing  Nasturtiums 

The  blossoms  on  Tall  and  DwarfjNast 
tiums  are  similar.  Tall  or  climbing'  sc 
usually  bloom  most  fre«ly.  \ 

400 —  Variolated  liOaved,  Tall.  LeaveS' 
golden,  white  and  green,  making  agr; 
show.  Flowers  all  colors.  Pk.t.  4 ct«.; 

401 —  Tv-y  Leaved  3Iix;ed.  Leaves  starl 
or  pointed  Ivy  shape  as  shown  in  Dw 
Ivy  Leaved.  Llossoms  all  colors  in  flc 
ers.  Pkt.  4 ct.s.;  oz.  12  ct.s. ; oz.  20  eti 

41<S — Madame  Liintlier’.s  Hybrids.  1 
richness  and  variety  of  color  these  1 
brids  have  no  equal  among  Nasturtiu; 
It  is  impossible  to  describe  all  the  diff 
ent  colors.  J*kt.  4 ct.s.;  oz.  20  cts. 

410 — Imperial  Hybrids  Mixed,  Tall, 
grand  mixture  of  all  the  best  new  ? 
old  Climbing  Nasturtiums.  Nothing  co 
be  better.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  15  ct.s.; 

50  cts. 

420 — Pine  Mixed,  Tall  or  Climbing, 
standard  sorts  in  fine  mixture.  Pkt.  3 c 
oz.  10  cts.;  lb.  30  cts.;  lb.  .$1.00. 


Tall  California  Giant  Nasturtiums 

The  following  California  Giant  Nasturtiums  4 cts.  a 
pkt.;  1 pkt.  each  of  the  10  sorts  for  30  cts. 

The  California  Giant  Nasturtiums  embrace  a class  of 
large  or  giant  flowering  varieties  in  many  colors. 

390 —  California  Giant  Uutterfly.  Light  lemon  yellow, 
marked  with  terra  cotta.  _ , 

391 —  California  Giant  Coquette.  A wonderfully  beau- 
tiful sort.  Flowers  of  all  colors  on  one  vine. 

392 —  California  Giant  Chamelon.  Resembles  Coquette 
in  that  you  And  self-colored  flov/ers,  also  spotted  and 
and  mottled  on  same  vine. 

393 —  California  Giant  Fashion.  Very  beautiful,  veined 
and  overlaid  with  various  shades  of  roses. 

394 — California  Giant  Moonlight, 

Clear  moonlight  yel- 
Darkest  of  all.  Rich 

395 —  California  Giant  Midnight, 
deep  crimson  maroon. 

396 —  ^California  Giant  Sunlight. 

golden  yellow. 

397 —  California  Giant-  Twilight. 

low  resembling  evening  sky. 

398 —  California  Giant  Croesus. 


399 —  California  Giant  Mixed.  All  colors  above  and 
many  others.  Pkt.  4 cts.;  oz.  20  cts'.;  lb.  66  cts. 

Any  sort  above  4 cts.  a pkt.;  3 pkts.  for  10  cts. 

Very  large,  Jjrilliant 
Twilight  salmon  yel- 
Very  rich,  deep  and 




425 — The  Dwarf  Ivy  Leaved  Nasturtiums  repre- 
sent a beautiful  class  with  leaves  of  the  English 
Ivy  form  while  flowers  are  of  the  most  delicate 
fringed  formation.  Fine  for  bedding  or  pots,  many 
colors.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  26  cts.;  1^4  lb.  95  cts. 

We  have  small  - quantities  of  many  choice  Na- 
sturtiums not  on  this  list.  We  will  mail  10  pkts., 
all  different,  our  selection  from  these  for  25  cts. 

Dwarf  Nasturtiums 

424 — Dwarf  Gen.  Jacqueminot.  Color  of  the  famof 
Old  Jack  Rose.  Rich  glowing  scarlet.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

423 — Dwarf  French  Chameleon.  A class  which  prc 
duces  different  colored  blossoms  on  the  same  plant.  Pfc 
4 cts.;  oz.  15  cts. 

429 — Othello.  Blossoms  purple  and . deeply  fringe( 

Leaves  dark.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

431 —  Moonlight.  Pretty,  clear  cream  yellow.  Pkt.  4 ct) 

432 —  Bronze.  Odd  deep  bronze,  leaves  dark.  Pkt.- 4 ct! 

433 —  Cloth  of  Gold.  Yellow  leaves  and  scarlet  flowers 

Pkt.  4 cts. 

4.34 — King  of  Tom  Thumb.  Intense  deep  scarlet  bios 
soms  and  dark  leaves.  Pkt.  4 cts.  _ 

715 —  Crystal  Palace  Gem.  Sulphur  with  maroon  spots 
Pkt.  4 cts. 

716 —  Vesuvius.  Fine  dark  leaved  sorts.  Flowers  sal 
mon.  Pkt.  4 cts. 

435 —  Imperial  Dwarf  Nasturtiums.  A grand  mixtur 
of  all  desirable  sorts — new  and  old.  Extra  fine.  Pkt.  - 
cts.;  Yz  oz.  10  cts.;  oz.  18  cts.;  Yt  lb.  60  cts. 

436 —  Fine  Mixed.  All  best  sorts — new  and  old.Oz.  F 
cts.;  % lb.  30  cts.;  lb.  $1.00. 


426 — The  Golden  or'  Yellow  foliage  species  are  nov 
very  numerous  and  contain  a large  range  of  choice  col 
ors  in  mixture  all  with  golden  leaves.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  2< 


420 — The  dwarf  compact  plants  are  of  rounded  form 
all  the  leaves  showily  marbled  or  variegated  in  yellow 
dark,  white  and  green.  The  flowers  are  varied  in  coloi 
from  deep  scarlet,  bright  crimson  and  light  primrose  tc 
deep  orange  shades,  "while  some  are  spotted  and  veinet 
with  coppery  tints.  Pkt.  5 cts.;  oz.  35  cts. 

Any  three  4 cts.  pkts.  of  Nasturtiums  for  10  cts. 

A regrular  pkt.,  sjze  as  offered  by 
most  seedsmen,  of  each  of  aboA’^e  15 
new  Spencer  SAveet  Peas  for  75  cts. 

The  Best  New  Spencer  Sweet  Peas 


— The  color  is  quite  distinct, 

I )eing'  a rich  shade  of  rosy  lilac  or 
:\  loft  mauve,  with  a slight  suffusion 
'!  )f  rose.  An  exquisite  variety.  % oz. 

1 LO  cts.;  oz.  IS  cts.;  lb.  65  cts. 


i 564 — One  of  the  grandest  and  most 
! jrilliant  of  orange  Pinks.  The  pleas- 
L ng  shade  always  attracts  great  at- 
" mention.  Flowers  large  3 to  4 on 

-1  item.  Vzox.  10  ots.;  oz.  IS  cts.;  % lb. 
K)  cts.;  Ib.  $2.25. 


567 —  The  ground  color  is  a soft 

ii  srimrose,  overlaid  with  dainty  flakes 
(I  ind  splashes  of  blush  crimson.  The 
1 jrimson  is  not  at  all  pronounced 

ind  simply  gives  some  warmth  and 
richer  tinting  to  the  yello^yish 
groundwork.  Vz  10  cts.;  oz.  20 
cts.;  1/4  lb.  65  cts, 


568 —  A superb  pink  of  delicate  and 
beautiful  tint.  Large  curled  blos- 
3oms  of  fine  substance.  ^ oz.  10 

cts.;  oz.  IS  cts.;  14  lb.  60  cts.;  lb. 


571 — Much  superior  to  all  other 
existing  whites  to-day.  It  is  re- 
markable for  the  “glistening  im- 
maculate purity  of  the  whiteness’* 
and  the  perfect  finish  of  the  flower. 
Of  truly  gigantic  size  and  marvelous 
substance.  The  grand  flowers  are 
borne  almost  invariably  in  “fours’* 
upon  stout  stems  of  great  length. 
The  bold,  widely  expanded  standard 
* is  thoroughly  waved,  while  the 
wings,  also  well  waved,  are  beauti- 
fully placed.  Wonderfully  profuse 
bloomer.  % oz.  20  cts.;  oz.  35  cts.; 
1/4  lb.  $1.25. 


573 — This  ■ is  “the  most  brilliant, 
scarlet  Spencer  yet  produced.”  The 
vines  are  strong,  and  very  florifer- 
ous,  bearing  on  stout,  long  stems 
three  and  four  artistically  placed 
flowers  of  perfect  form.  The  bold, 
erect  standard  is  well  waved  and 
fluted,  of  large  size,  beautifully 
rounded.  The  wings  are  of  the  same 
intense  pure  scarlet,  making  a uni- 
form self-color  throughout  and  en- 
tirely'' sunproof.  % oz.  15  cts.;  oz. 
28  cts. 


587 — The  standard  is  unusually 
bold,  pronouncedly  waved,  yet  stand- 
ing erect,  measuring  2 inches  across. 
The  color  is  of  a charmingly  soft 
clear,  rich  lavender,  which  is  en- 
livened by  a very  faint  sheen  of 
rose  pink.  % oz.  15  cts.;  oz.  30  cts.; 
% lb.  $1.00,postpaid. 

Spencer  SAveet  Peas,  also  knoAvn 
as  “Orchid  FloAvered  SAveet  Peas,” 
produce  extra  large  Avaved  and  curl- 
ed blossoms.  They  are  more  desir- 
able than  other  sorts  and  are  noAV 
largely  groAvn. 


561 — It  is  distinct  in  every  way 
and  has  created  a sensation  where- 
ever  exhibited.  The  color  is  a rich, 
warm,  rosy  purple,  the  younger  flow- 
ers having  a slightly  softer  color 
tone.  The  flowers  are  of  immense 
size  and  usually  produced  in  fours 
while  the  stems  are  of  great  length. 
The  plant  is  extremely  vigorous, 
and  most  profuse  in  bloom.  Pkt.  5 
$1*25^  oz*  20  cts.;  oz.  35  cts.;  % lb, 


572^As  the  name  might  imjply 
this  would  be  a fitting  companion 
for  King  White.  The  dazzling  rich 
crimson  should  be  seen  to  be  ap- 
preciated. Fine  large  flowers. 
oz.  12  cts.;  oz.  20  cts.;  i/4  lb.  75  cts. 


575 —  ^A  light,  pink-edged  Countess 
Spencer.  The  flowers  are  extreme- 
ly large  and  are  borne  almost  al- 
ways four  flowers  to  each  stem.  % 

oz.  12  cts.;  oz.  20  cts.;  14  lb.  65  cts.; 
lb.  $2.40. 


576 —  An  exceedingly  chaste  varie- 
ty of  cLelicate  beauty.  The  flowers 
are  a clear  azure-blue  self,  a color 
that  is  so  effective  in  bouquets, 

oz.  15  cts.;  oz.  28  cts.;  % lb.  $1.10. 


577 —  Ground  color  is  pure  white, 
the  edges  of  the' standard  and  wings 
being  heavily  picoteed  with  deep 
rose;  as  the  flower  ages,  the  backs 
of  the  standard  and  wings  become 
flushed  with  rose.  1/2  oz.  10  cts.;  oz. 
18  cts.;  14  lb.  55  cts.;  lb.  $2.25. 


578 —  A lovely  “picotee”  of  true 
Spencer  type.  The  large  flowers  are 
borne  profusely  three  to  four  to  a 
stem;  they  are  distinctly,  pink-edged 
upon  a cream  ground,  y^  oz.  15  cts.; 
oz.  28  cts.;  14  lb.  85  cts. 


584 — ^A  vigorous  grower  and  pro- 
fuse bloomer  with  three  or  four  large 
,waved  blossoms  on  a stem.  Color  a 
rich  rose,  overlaid  with  terra  cotta, 
with  deep  bright  orange  at  base. 
% oz.  10  cts.;  oz.  18  cts.;  i/4  lb.  60 


581 — One  of  the  richest  and  bright- 
est colored  Sweet  Pea  in  cultivation. 
Robust,  vigorous  and  free-flowering. 
The  color  is  a rich,  glowing,  deep 
salmon  self,  suffused  with  orange 
and  practically  sunproof  even  under 
the  hottest  'suns.  Of  large  size,  the 
flowers  are  produced  three  and  oft- 
en four  on  long  stems.  oz.  20 

cts.;  oz.  35  ct§.;  ^ lb.  $1.25.  ' 

ip  (§)  Other  New  and  Standard  Spencer  Sweet  Peas  (?) 

J’  Any  Variety  Below,  5 cts.  a pkt.  Half  ounce  10  cts.  oz.  18  cts. 

Any  of  the  folloAving  IVcav  and  Standard  Spencer 
SAveet  Peas  oz.  10  cts.;  oz.  18  cts.;  y,  lb.  55  cts. 

563 — Clara  Curtis.  A grand  selected  Primrose. 

565 —  Dobl>ies  Cream.  Grand  cream,  popular  every- 
where. One  of  the  best. 

566 —  ^Fdrom  Beauty.  One  of  the  showiest,  beautiful 
orange  pink. 

574 — Margaret  Atlee.  A grand  new  cream  pink,  suf- 
fused with  salmon,  sought  everywhere.  Immense 
waVed  standards.  % oz.  15  cts.;  oz.  25  cts.;  i/4  lb.  75  cts. 

579 — RainboAT.  Ivory  white  ground  with  beautiful 
hair  lines  of  delicate  rose.  Very  fine. 

582 —  Queen  Mary.  A beautiful  cream  pink  of  ex- 
quisite shade.  Three  to  four  flowers  on  stem. 

583 —  ^Winifred  Deal.  White  picotee  pink;  very  deli- 
cate and  desirable. 

585 —  Apple  Blossom  Spencer.  Very  pretty  silvery 
pink-edged  with  soft  rose.  Largd  waved  flowers. 

586 —  Asta  Ohn  Spencer.  Delicate  and  exquisite  lav- 
ender with  a soft  pinkish  sheen.  Large  waved  or 

588 — Mrs.  Routzahn.  Cream  pink  or  straw  color. 

Most  seedsmen  charge  10  cts  for  40  to  60  Sweet  Peas, 
as  much  as  we  charge  for  Yz  oz.  which  contains  over 
200  seeds. 

589 —  Helen  LiCAvis.  Immense  and  beautiful  fiowersr 
standards,  rich  crimson-orange,  shaded  to  pink.  Very 

590 —  King  Edward  Spencer.  Brilliant  crimson,  sun- 

591 —  Masterpiece  Spencer.  A grand  flower  of  finest 
lavender.  Worthy  of  name.  Masterpiece. 

592 —  Paradise  Red  Flake.  An  improved  red-flaked 
Countess.  Warm,  bright  rosy  tint;  four  flowers  on  a 

593 —  Rosabella  Spencer.  A giant  rose  with  3 or  4 
large  beautiful  flowers  on  long  stems. 

594 —  Mrs.  J.  W.  TJnAvin  Speneer.  A glowing  scarlet 
on  white  ground.  Large,  grand  and  brilliant. 

595 —  Maude  Holmes.  Finest  crimson  scarlet. 

596 —  Dainty  Speneer.  White  with  rosy  pink  edge, 

597 —  Queen  Alexandra.  Magnificent  flowers  of 
largest  size,  rich  bright  scarlet. 

yz  oz.  pkts.  any  above  Speneer  Sweet  Peas  10  cts.; 
1 oz.  18  cts.;  1/4  lb.  55  cts.;  lb.  $2.00. 

599 — Spencer  Hybrids  Mixed.  A fine  mixture  of  this 
grand  class  of  waved  and  frilled  Sweet  Peas;  many 
distinct  and  handsome  colors.  % oz.  8 cts.;  oz.  15  cts.;. 
14  lb,  45  cts.;  lb.  $1.60. 

Hundreds  of  Customers  have  written  us  that  our  Sweet  Peas  have  proved  Superior 
to  those  purchased  from  other  seedsmen. 


A Grand  STOCK  tor  Bouquets 

701— Cut  and  Come  Again  or  Princess  Alice  Mixed. 

This  embraces  new  sorts  of  recent  introduction  which 
•commence  to  bloom  in  July  and  are  covered  with 
flowejK  till  late  fall.  Fine  for  bedding  or  cutting  and 
bouquets.  Many  colors.  Pkt.  10  cts.  / 

A Brilliant  SALVIA  tor  Bedding 

532 — Bonfire.  This  variety  without  question  is  the 
finest  Salvia  for  bedding  yet  introduced.  The  plants 
grow  into  very  compact  oval  bushes  about  2%  feet 
high  and  produce  long  spikes  of  brilliant  scarlet  flow- 
ers. Over  200  spikes  to  a plant  is  not  unusual,  and 
the  spikes  bear  from  twenty  to  thirty  flowers  each. 
Gorgeous  effects  can  be  produced  with  the  Bonfire 
salvia  massed  on  lawn  or  in  the  garden,  or  planted  in 
TOWS  along  a sunny  drive,  where  the  brilliant  scarlet 
is  simply  dazzling.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

New  Climbing  HELIOTROPE 

700 — Royal  Highness.  A magnificent  new  Heliotrope 
of  wonderful  rapid  growth,  forming  immense  plants 
that  spread  and  climb  to  a height  of  10  to  12  feet.  It 
has  splendid  large  trusses  of  rich  purple  flowers  and 
is  a most  profuse  bloomer.  Fine  for  covering  walls, 
bay  windows,  etc.  Pkt.  10  cts. 



473 —  New  Double  Petunias  “Marvelous”.  These  ha 
never  been  surpassed  in  color,  form  or  size.  Eve 
flower  has  been  cross  fertilized  with  the  greatest  c£ 
so  nearly  all  will  come  perfectly  double.  It  would 
impossible  to  mention  the  many  new  and  beauti] 
colors  in  these.  Many  of  the  flowers  measure  5 incl 
across,  none  less  than  3 inches^and  are  fluted,  frill 
ruffled  and  pinked  in  strange  and  beautiful  wa; 
Pkt.  50  seeds  25  cts. 

474 —  Columbia  Giant  Petunias.  A selection  of  t 
rarest  and  most  beautiful  giant  sorts  from  the  Ca 
fornia  Giants  and  elsewhere.  Monstrous  size  and  rs 
combinations  of  color  (see  picture).  50  seeds  20  ets 

475 —  Crumpled  Giants.  A giant  flowering  class 
Petunias  with  very  large  crumpled  and  curled  bh 
soms.  The  colors  are  magnificent,  many  being  har 
somely  marked,  zoned  and  starred  with  various  c 
ors.  Very  desirable  for  bedding  or  blooming  in  hou 
Pkt.  15  cts. 

Three  Grand  Bedding  Petunias  for  10  cts. 

476 — Howard’s  Star.  Very  pretty,  bedding  sc 
Star-shaped  markings  in  petals.  One  pf  the  showi' 
bedding  plants  known.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

477 — Snowball.  Very  pretty  dwarf  compact 
plants.  Pkt.  5 cts. 

478 — Roseball.  Similar  to  Snowball  except 
color.  Pkt.  5 cts.  • 

American  Giant  Mastodon 


American  Giant  Mastodon  Pansies  are  the  resi 
of  over  40  years’  selection  and  improvement  fr< 
the  largest,  showiest,  most  perfect  Pansies  that  t 
world  has  ever  produced. 

448 —  Grand-  Duke  3Iichel.  A massive  pure  wh 
Pansy  which  for  size,  fine  rounded  form  and  gre 
substance  has  never  been  equalled.  Pkt.  20  cts. 

449 —  Panama  Pacific.  A giant  pure  yellow,  fi 
vigorous  grower  and  one  of  the  most  popular  e^ 
introduced.  Pkt.  20  cts. 

450 —  Giant  Bronze  Mastodons.  New  shades.  Vc 
large.  All  the  different  shades  from  burnish 
brass  to  gold.  Wonderfully  tinged  with  rare  C' 
ors.  These  are  truly  wonderful.  Pkt.  20  cts. 

451 —  Giant  Wine  Mastodons.  Beautiful  and  d 
tinct  types  with  edges  of  petals  frilled  and  bord« 
ed  white.  Colors  are  shades  of  dark  wine  pink  a 
red  beautifully  vined.  Pkt.  20  cts. 

452 —  Giant  Greenhouse  Mastodon.  New,  a wc 
derful  collection  of  rich  velvety  shades  in  great  "v 
riety  and  high  in  size,  with  fine  long  stems.  Pi 
20  cts. 

453 —  Giant  Mastodon  Mixed.  Includes  all  choi 
rare  colors  and  forms,  purest  Avhite,  lavender,  rc 
and  yellow  to  darkest  maroon  and  black.  Blooi 
usually  3 to  4 inches  across.  Pkt.  15  cts. 

The  6 above  pkts.  Giant  Mastodon  Pansies  90  cl 

new  and  l)e5iraDle  riowep  Seeds  ■ (gxgxg 



One  of  the  best  flower  novelties — an 
entirely  new  race  of  Cosmos.  The 
plants  are  similar  in  habit  to  our  fa- 
mous strain  of  early  flowering  Cosmos, 
and  a fair  percentage  have  double 
crowns,  which  give  the  flower  a very 
dainty  and  exquisite  appearance. 

238 —  Wliite  Queen.  Exquisite  white. 
Pkt.  9 ets. 

239 —  Pink  Beauty.  Beautiful  shell- 
pink.  Pkt.  9 ets. 

239K- -Ciimson  King  pkt.  9 ets. 


These  Cosmos  are  perfectly  double 
and  far  superior  to  any  hitherto  grown. 

240 —  Double  White.  Pure  white.  Pkt. 
10  ets. 

241 —  Double  Pink.  Delicate  shade. 
Pkt.  10  ets. 

240K- Double  Crimson.  pkt.  10  ets, 
The  3 Crested  or  3 Double  for  25  ets, 

Giant  Cosmos 

237 — Early  Blooming  Giant  Fancy. 

A mixture  of  large  flowered  forms, 
embracing  all  colors,  such  as  white, 
pink,  crimson,  white  tinted,  rose,  etc. 
The  great  flowers,  borne  in  abundance 
on  long  and  graceful  stems,  are  some- 
times 6 Of  more  inches  across.  Some 
blooms  are  nearly  flat  and  cone 
with  petals  variously  cut  and 
May  be  started  very  early,  under 
or  in  the  window  box,  thus  giving  it  a 
long  season.  Seeds  sown  out  of  doors 
in  early  spring  produce  plants  that 
will  bloom  in  early  autumn,  and  con- 
tinue long  after  the  advent  of  frosts. 
Pkt.  8 ets.;  3 pkts.  20  ets. 


541 — A charming  annual  with  grace- 
ful fern-like  foliage  and  a profusion 
of  flo'wers  varying  from  almost  white 
, with  yellow  eye  to  a brilliant  rose 
with  bronzy  brown  center.  A really 
beautiful  subject  for  the  flower  border 
and  fine  for  bouquets.  ..Pkt,  5 ets. 



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705 —  ^Dwarf  Giant  Ciner- 
aria. This  unquestionably 
is  one  of  the  handsomest 
of  all  floral  novelties.  The 
individual  flowers  are  very 
large  and  of  all  bright  con- 
ceivable colors,  ringed, 
zoned,  spotted  and  solid 
colors.  They  are  formed 
into  massive  umbels  or 
heads  till  the  flower  is  a 

of  itself.  Plants 
and  compact.  Pkt. 



706 — Flowers  vary  in 
some  a rich  chest- 
color,  others  with 

yellow  tips,  others  a wash 
red.  Blossoms  vaiy  from 
a few  inches’  to  nearly  a 
foot  across.  Good  form 
with  usually  two  rows  of 
slightly  curled  rays.  Pkt, 
5 ets. 


Kossom  of  Mammotb  Verbena 

305 — Carmin  and  . Satin. 

One  of  the  showiest  and 
handsomest  of  annuals. 
Each  plant  is  a solid  mass 
of  gorgeou-s  flowers  which 
load  the  plants  from  July 
till  hard  frosts.  Pkt.  5 ets. 


Everybody  loves  Verbenas,  They  ought  t©.  Few 
plants  equal  them  for  bedding  or  cut  flowers.  Our 
Mammoth  Verbenas  are  extra*  large  and  perfect. 

6-16-— 3Iayflower.  Flowers  are  large  and  of  the  most 
beautiful  colors.  Has  strong  Trailing  Arbutus-like 
fragrance,  colors  embrace  pleasing  shades  of  pink 
Pkt.  5 ets. 

650 —  3Iammoth  'White.  Large,  clear  white. 

651 —  3Iammoth  Scarlet.  Dazzling  scarlet. 

653 —  3Iammoth  Purple.  Very  showj’. 

654 —  3Iammoth  Pink.  Pretty  pink.  ' 

655 —  JIammoth  Mixed.  All  colors  in  mammoth  flow- 
ering mixed  together.  Pkt.  5 ets. 

Above  3Iammoth  'Terbena  Set  5 ets  a pkt.  or  the  6 
for  25  ets. 


665 —  Giant  Crimson  or  Gen.  Jack.  Deep,  blood  red 
double  Zinnia  that  gets  its  name  from  ‘Jack  Rose  ” 
Showy  in  beds  or  bouquets.  Pkt.  5 ets. 

666 —  Giant  White.  Large,  clear  pure  white,  fine  form 

Pkt.  5 ets. 

667 —  -Giant  Scarlet.  Brilliant,  dazzling-  scarlet  Pkt 
5 ets. 

668 —  Giant  Pure  Gold.  Choice  mammoth  flowering 
golden  yellow.  ery  large  and  distinct.  Pkt.  5 ets 

669 —  Giant  Royal  Purple.  Strange  and  fine  color’in 
Zinnias.  Blossoms  mammoth  size  and  double  Pkt  5 


670 —  D.  S.  C.  Giants.  Strong,  vigorous  plants,  bear 
enormous  flowers,  verj^  full  and  double.  Colors  run 
from  pure  white  to  the  deepest  crimson.  Pkt.  6 ets  • 

2 pkts.  10  ets.  ’ 

One  pkt.  each  of  the  above  6 Zinnias  for  25  ets. 

709 — Red  Riding  Hood  Zinnia.  Verv  bright  nrettv 
small  flowers  produced  in  abundance.  Pkt.  S ets. 

O.  S.  C.  GIANT  ZINNIAS.  PKT.  6 CTS. 



Princess  Alice  Stock. 


Mixed  Gladiolus  Bulbs.. 

These  are  the  most  desirable 
of  the  summer  bulbs  for  out 
door  culture.  Each  bulb  sends 
up  one  or  more  spikes  of  the 
loveliest  bloom  in  all  Con- 
ceivable colors  and  combina- 
tion^ This  mixture  embraces 
hundreds  of  choice  sorts. 
Price  of  fine  mixed  blooming' 
bulbs  by  mail.  3 for  10  cts.; 
12  for  25  cts.;  60  for  $1.00. 


Obconla.  One  of  the,  showiest  and  freest- bloom- 
ing  of  all  house  plants.  Elossoms  the  year  around  and  is  always  loaded 
throughout  winter,  when  flowers  are  most  needed.  Seed  sown  in  sprinS 
will  produce  plants  which  commence  to  bloom  in  fall  and  continu?°o 
grow  and  produce  blossoms  in  the  lovely  shades  of  lavender  pink  et^ 
throughout  the  winter.  l*kt.  15  cts.  etc., 

515— Baby  I>rimrose.  A small  flowering  sort  which  is  a free  and  con- 
tinuous bloomer.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

511) — Kcwcnsls.  (Verbe*na  Scented  Yellow  Primrose.)  Of  strong  vig- 
orous growth,  long  spikes  of  large,  soft,  .yellow  flowers.  Pkt  10  ct»  ^ 
520 — Verticillata.  (Abyssinian  Primrose*),  Large'  white  powdered' 
leaves,  golden  yellow  flowers  in  large  bunches,  sweet  scented.  Pkt.  lo 


70D — Princess  Alice 
White.  A fine  stock 
for  cutting,  branches 
freely  and  as  one  is 
cut  another  fills  its 
place.  Very  showy  in 
beds.  Pkt.  10  cts. 


710 —  IVew  Mammoth 
Fringed.  One  of  the 
finest  Cosmos  ever  in- 
troduced. Blossoms 
large,  fringed  and  cut 
in  the  most  artistic 
style.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

711 —  Crimson  Crest- 

ed. A mammoth.  Crest- 
ed Cosmos  similar  to 
Nos.  238  and  239.  Col- 
or deen  crirnson.  Pkt. 
10  cts.  ^ 

712 —  Double  Crim- 
son. Double  as  a rose 
and  rich  crimson  in 
color.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

One  pkt.  each  of 
above  3 Cosmos  for  25 

Gold  3Iedal  3Iixed.  Extra  large  and  choice  sorts;  magnificent 
colors.  We  grew  a large  quantity  of  these  this  season  and  ex- 
perts pronoiinced  them  the  finest  they  had  ever  seen.  6 for  25  cts.; 

12  for  45  cts. 

blight  Colors  3Iixed.  Choicest  white  and  light  colored  varieties. 
5 fer  15  ctss.;  12  for  ^5  cts. 

America.  The  new  Lavender  Pink  so  much  admired.  “The  King 
of  Gladiolus.”  3 for  15  cts.;  6 for  25  cts.;  45  cts.  a doz. 


353 — ^liobelia — Dwarf  Blue  3Iixed. 

Fine  for  bor  ders,  edging  pots  or 
house  culture.  Very  rich  blue. 
Pkt.  4 cts. 


Dahlias  are  the  most  sturdy  and  magnificent  of  all  summer 
bloomin'g  bulbs.  Nothing  can  equal  a bouquet  of  the  grand  sorts. 
The  following  embrace  some  of  the  best  standard  free  bloomers. 

STANDARD  SORTS.  15  cts.  Fach;  6 for  75  cts. 

Earl  of  Pembroke.  (Cactus.)  Very  large,  bright  plum  color. 

Ebony.  (Cactus.)  Very  dark  maroon,  almost  black. 

General  Duller.  (Cactus.)  Attractive,  deep  rich  crimson, 
tipped  white. 

Harbor  Light.  (Cactus.)  Vivid  orange,  red  overlaid  with  flame 

J.  H.  Jackson.  (Cactus.)  Almost  black,  darkest  sort  known. 

J.  W.  Wilkinson.  (Gactus.)  Deep  rose,  crimson,  fine  form,  free 

Purple  Gem.  Rich  deep  purple. 

Sylvia  or  Dollie.  (Decorative.)  White,  edged  pink,  very  sweet. 

A.  D.  Livoni.  (Show.)  Soft  pink,  pretty  free  bloomer. 

Fascination.  (Show.)  Large  rose  pink,  one  of  the  best. 

Q,ueen  Victoria.  (Show.)  Canary  yellow.  A great  bloomer. 

Robert  Bromfield.  (Show.)  Large,  pure  white,  free  bloomer. 

Sunburst.  (Show.)  Exquisite  shade  of  clear  salmon,  fine. 

Amber  Queen.  (Pompone.)  Rich,  clear  amber,  shaded  apricot. 

Darkness.  -(Pompone.)  Very  dark  maroon,  fine,  free  bloomer. 

Little  Bessie.  (Pompone.)  Creamy  white,  fine  form,  free  flow- 

The  following  extra  choice  Dahlias  20  cts.  each;  5 for  75  cts. 

Clara  G.  Stedwick.  (Cactus.)  Clear,  bright  salmon,  large  free 

3Irs.  Cozens.  (Cactus.)  Maroon  tipped  white,  pretty. 

La  Raiute.  (Peony  Flowered.)  Beautiful  lavender  pink,  free 

Safatara.  (Peony  Flowered.)  Carmine  red,  yellow  frond,  at 

Jack  Rose.  (Decorative.)  Deep  crimson,  grand,  free  flower. 

Souv.  De  Gustave  Douzon.  (Decorative.)  Beautiful  orange 
scarlet,  large,  free  bloomer. 

Reggie.  (Decorative.)  Gigantic  cherry  red,  veined  orange,  free 

Storm  King.  (Show.)  Most  reliable  pure  snow  white.  / 

3l>nos.  (Decorative.)  Rich  velvet  maroon  almost  black.  Fine. 

Queen  Wilhelmina.  (Peony.)  Best  large,  fluffy  pure  white, 

3Iixed  Dahlia  Bulbs.  We  grow  these  in  large  quantities.  They 
embrace  many  choice  sorts  and  are  mostly  double.  3 lor  25  cts.;