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Small  Fruit  and  Vege- 
table Plants 

Greenwood  Delaware 



Cabbage  Plants  are  a specialty  with  me.  I endeavor  to 
Pave  them  for  sale  from  about  April  1st  to  Aug.  15. 

My  earliest  Cabbage  Plants  are  grown  in  greenhouses  and 
transplanted  into  cold  frames  to  harden.  This  makes  a good 
hardy  plant  with  plenty  of  root  ready  for  open  field  about  Ap- 
ril 1st.  1 

About  May  10  I will  have  early  cabbage  plants  grown  in 
onen  field  and  not  transplanted.  These  are  good  stsocky,  hardy 
plants,  ready  at  a time  suited  for  setting  in  the  Northern  States 
and  at  a much  smaller  price. 

Price  of  Early  Cabbage  Plants. 

Those  grown  in  greenhouses  and  transplated:  50  cts.  per 
100;  $5.00  per  1000. 

Those  grown  in  field,  not  transplanted:  20  cts.  per  100; 
$1.75  per  1000. 

Varieties:  Winningstadt,  Jersey  Wakefield  and  Charleston 


T shall  as  usual  try  to  have  a supply  of  late  Cabbage  on 
hand,  proper  size  to  set,  from  June  1 to  Aug.  15,  of  the  follow- 
ins*  varieties:  Danish  Ball  Head,  Late  Flat  Dutch,  Surehead, 
rind  All  Season. 

Price  of  Late  Cabbage  Plants:  20  cts.  per  100;  $1.50  per  1000. 


Mv  Earlv  Tomato  Plants  are  grown  in  greenhouse.  I sow 
the  seeds  early  in  March  and  when  plants  are  large  enough  I 
transplant  into  cold  frames.  I usually  have  them  ready  to  set 
in  ooen  field  about  May  5th  to  10th. 



Greenwood,  Delaware. 

Send  to B.  F.  D. 

Post  Office Box __ 

Ship  by Shipping  Station 

County  or  Street State 

Date  of  this  order Ship  about 

Amt.  enclosed — 

Check  $ Money  Order  $ Stamps  $ Cash  $. 




Variety  of  Stock  Wanted  | PRICE 














Variety  of  Stock  Wanted 


Shall  I Substitute?  Answer 

S.  C.  Atherton,  Greenwood,  Del. 



I have  tested  many  varieties  and  have  found  none  better 
than  the  following  three: 

Sparks  Earliana.  This  is  one  of  the  very  earliest  varieties, 
known.  Medium  in  size,  and  fairly  smooth  for  so  early  a va- 
riety. While  this  is  not  to  be  compared  to  some  later  ones,  I 
can  recommend  it  for  the  very  earliest.  Every  one  should  set 
a few  of  these  for  fruiting  early. 

Chalks  Jewell.  This  is  a good  second  early  variety,  very 
smooth  and  perfect  in  form  Ripens  about  a week  later  than 
Sparks.  Plant  quite  strong  and  continues  to  bear  for  a long 
tinm.  Fruit  not  very  large  in  size,  color  "bright  red.  Every- 
thing considered,  this  is  a pretty  good  early  variety  for  family 
or  market. 

John  Baer.  This  is  by  far  the  best  early  tomato  I ever 
saw.  The  fruit  is  perfectly  smooth,  round,  and  solid,  does  not 
crack  open,  bright  red  in  color,  ripens  all  over  at  once.  A good 
sa inner.  Is  about  ten  days  later  than  Sparks  Earliana.  Vine 
a vigorous  grower  and  remains  in  bearing  a long  time.  Any- 
one cannot  make  a mistake  in  setting  this  variety  either  for 
marke  or  family  use. 

Price  of  Tomato  Plants:  75c  per  100;  $6.00  per  1000. 


This  season  I will  grow  two  varieties,  same  as  last  season,. 
Slone  and  Success.  The  plants  are  grown  in  open  field  and  are 
not  transplanted,  but  are  good  strong  stocky  plants.  Plants 
will  be  ready  about  June  5th. 

Price:  25c  per  100;  $2.00  per  1000. 


I do  not  grow  early  Celery  Plants,  but  do  grow  many  thous- 
ands of  late  ones,  and  ship  them  hundreds  of  miles  by  express- 
and  mail  to  my  large  list  of  customers. 


This  season  I will  offer  the  following  varieties,  ready  to 
shin  about  July  10:  Giant  Pascal,  Winter  Queen,  Golden  Heart 
and  White  Plume. 

Price  of  Celery  Plants:  30  cts.  per  100;  $2.50  per  1000. 


S.  C.  Atherton,  Greenwood,  Del. 


This  season  I will  offer  only  two  varieties  of  Beet  Plants: 
Crosbys  Jumbo  and  Early  Blood  Turnip.  Plants  ready  about 
May  15. 

Price:  30c  per  100;  $2.00  per  1000. 


Gold  Skin. — This  is  the  most  popular  variety  grown  in  this 
section.  A tremendous  yielder,  a bright  yellow  skin  and  yellow 
clear  through,  very  rich  and  good  flavor,  not  quite  so  good  a 
keeper  as  some  others  but  can  be  kept  all  winter  when  tempera- 
ture is  right.  I can  recommend  this  as  one  of  the  very  best  for 
market  or  home  use. 

Up  River — This  is  a yellow  variety,  does  not  yield  quite 
so  well  as  Gold  Skin,  but  is  perhaps  a little  better  keeper  and 
for  this  reason  is  preferred  by  some.  It  is  also  claimed  bv  some 
that  this  variety  does  not  grow  so  large  and  sells  better  m 

Red  Nansemond. — This  is  the  best  red  variety  that  I know 
anything  about,  very  smooth,  good  shape,  medium  size,  and  a 
good  keeper.  For  those  who  like  a dry  potato  this  is  the  very 
best  in  eating  qualities.  It  does  not  usually  sell  quite  so  well  in 
the  citv  markets,  as  the  yellow  variety,  but  for  home  use  it  has 
no  superior. 

Prices  of  Sweet  Potato  Plants. 

25  cts.  per  100;  $2.00  per  1000.  If  ordered  to  be  sent  by  mail 
add  12  cts.  per  100  for  postage.  Plants  ready  about  May  10. 


This  season  I will  have  the  same  two  varieties  of  Egg  Plants 
as  usual,  as  these  are  the  best  varieties  I can  find,  namely:  N.  Y. 
Purple  and  Black  Beauty.  Both  are  purple  in  color,  egg  hape 
in  form  and  heavy  yielders.  Black  Beauty  is  just  a little  the 
earliest.  The  Egg  Plant  is  a hot  weather  plant  and  should  not 
be  set  in  open  ground  until  settled  warm  weather  comes;  even 
then  it  requires  some  skill  to  transplant  and  start  them  grow- 
ing*, but  after  they  start  they  grow  very  fast  and  bear  until 

Price  of  Egg  Plants:  20  cts.  per  Doz.;  75  cts.  per  100;  $6.00 
per  1000.  Plants  ready  about  May  5th. 

S.  O.  Atherton,  Greenwood,  Del. 



Ruby  King. — The  most  desirable  and  popular  of  the  large 
mild  peppers  and  in  great  demand  in  the  city  market.  It  is  a 
brilliant  red  color  and  grows  to  a good  size. 

Chinese  Giant. — One  of  the  largest  peppers  grown.  Fruit 
very  handsome  in  appearance,  mild  and  sweet.  It  is  pronounced 
bv  all  who  know  it  to  be  one  of  the  best. 

Price  of  Pepper  Plants:  15  cts.  per  dozen;  60  cts.  per  100; 
$5.00  per  1000.  Plants  ready  about  May  5th. 

How  to  Treat  Plants  on  Arrival. 

When  plants  arrive  in  a wilted  condition,  unpack  them  at 
once  and  put  the  roots  into  a bucket  of  cool  water  for  an  hour. 
They  will  generally  revive  and  be  in  condition  to  set  in  ground. 


Cash  is  required  with  all  orders,  and  remittances  should  be 
made  by  Post  Office  Money  Orders,  Express  Orders  or  Register- 
ed Letter.  Stamps  received  for  small  amounts. 

Orders  may  be  booked  in  advance,  held  a reasonable  time 
and  sent  on  remittance. 

How  We  Ship:  Unless  otherwise  ordered,  we  usually  ship  all 
orders  by  Express,  but  large  orders  can  be  safely  sent,  early  in 
the  season  by  freight.  If  for  only  short  distances  can  send  small 
orders  of  small  plants  by  mail  in  perfect  safety.  Purchasers  to 
pay  transportation  charges  in  alb  cases. 

Mistakes.  I very  seldom  have  any  complaint  on  this  line,, 
as  all  possible  precautions  are  taken  to  avoid  mistakes.  Notify 
me  at  once  if  your  order  is  not  properly  filled  and  I will  rectify 
all  mistakes. 

Packing.  I make  no  charge  for  boxing  and  packing.  Ail 
plants  are  delivered  on  cars  at  Greenwood  at  prices  given. 

Time  to  Order:  It  is  best  for  purchasers  to  send  their  orders 
early  and  have  them  booked,  ahead  as  I am  sometimes  sold  out 
of  some  varieties  before  the  season  is  over. 


S.  C.  Atherton,  Greenwood,  Del. 


The  growing  of  Strawberries  has  had  its  ups  and  downs  m 
the  past,  like  most  other  crops,  butat  present  those  who  are 
growing  strawberries  for  market  are  very  fortunate  as  the  mar- 
ket has  been  remarkably  good  for  two  years  past,  and  the  pros- 
pect is  good  for  several  years  to  come.  Reports  of  $1000  per 
acre  income  are  not  uncommon  now,  and  $500  per  acre  is  not 
more  than  average  last  season  for  this  section.  While  these 
extravagant  prices  may  not  last,  it  is  sure  to  be  very  profitable 
for  tlie  careful  and  skillful  grower. 

The  price  of  good  plants  must  necessarily  be  pretty  high 
while  berries  are  so  gihg. 

Parsons  Beauty.  This  is  an  old  standard  variety,  has  stood 
the  test  for  more  than  20  years-,  and  is  too  well  known  to  need 
much  description.  It  is  a heavy  producer  of  large,  dark  red 
berries,  quite  solid,  and  very  rich  in  flavor.  Its  quality  is  so 
good  that  it  is  in  great  demand  for  canning  and  preserving. 
£ome  of  the  canneries  will  pay  a premium  above  all  other  va- 
rieties for  canning  purposes.  Its  only  fault  is  that  the  foliage 
sometimes  rusts,  especially  on  high  dry  land.  It  does  best  on 
rather  moist  low  ground. 

Joe  Johnson  or  Big  Joe  as  it  is  sometimes  called,  is  an 
aristocrat  among  strawberries.  It  is  of  the  Gandy  type  and 
greatlv  resembles  that  variety  both  in  fruit  and  foliage.  It 
rinens  about  a week  ahead  of  Gandy.  Fruit  very  large  and 
firm,  and  every  berry  perfectly  round  and  colored  all  over  at 
once.  While  it  does  not  bear  such  heavy  crops  as  some  of  the 
imperfect  varieties,  it  bears  a good  crop,  and  what  it  lacks  in 
quantity  is  made  up  in  quality.  The  foliage  is  very  healthy  and 
upright  in  growth;  does  not  make  so  many  plants  as  most  va- 
rieties, therefore  the  plants  will  not  be  plentiful  or  cheap. 

Chester,  This  is  a new  variety  that  I introduced  into  this 
section  three  years  ago.  It  is  a large  fancy  berry,  somewhat 
irregular  in  form,  quite  solid,  a good  heavy  cropper  and  No.  1 
quality;  ripens  a week  before  Gandy.  Plant  is  not  an  extra 
strong  grower  and  requires  rich  ground  to  make  heavy  beds. 
Foliage  is  perfectly  healthy  and  very  handsome  in  appearance. 
I recommend  this  variety  either  for  marker  or  family  use. 

Progressive.  After  trying  most  of  the  Fall  bearing  varie- 
ties I have  discarded  all  but  Progressive.  It  is  by  far  the  best 
of  them  all  It  commences  to  bear  in  July  the  same  season  that 

S.  O.  Atherton,  Greenwood,  Del. 


the  plants  are  set  and  continues  to  bear  until  frost.  For  best 
results  the  blossoms  should  be  kept  cut  off  until  the  plants  get 
a good  start,  about  July  1st.  It  requires  very  rich  soil  to  do 
its  best.  The  fruit  is  only  medium  in  size  but  its  quality  is 
'very  fine.  This  is  no  longer  a novelty  but  a standard  known 

Superior.  This  is  an  old  well  tried  variety.  It  has  been 
the  standard  for  this  section  for  more  than  20  years,  and  there 
are  still  more  Superior  grown  here  than  all  other  varieties  to- 
gether. It  produces  an  immense  crop  of  very  handsome  medium 
size,  solid  fruit  which  ships  well  and  sells  well  and  brings  lots 
of  money  per  acre.  Plant  is  very  strong  and  healthy,  in  fact 
it  is  one  of  the  easiest  varieties  to  grow.  Don’t  fail  to  set 
Superior  for  home  use  or  market. 

Glen  Mary.  This  is  one  of  the  best  known  varieties  m 
existence  and  a favorite  in  all  the  northern  States.  It  don’t 
need  any  description  as  it  has  been  in  cultivation  over  a wide 
extent  of  territory  for  more  than  20  years.  I have  a nice  stock 
of  plants  of  this  variety. 

Lupton.  This  is  a new  variety  of  great  value.  It  is  very 
much  like  Gandy  in  size  and  appearance  of  fruit,  also  foliage 
resembles  that  of  Gandy.  It  ripens  a week  earlier  than  Gandy 
and  will  sell  for  as  much  as  Gandv.  Last  season  Lupton  ber- 
ries sold  right  along  in  our  market  here  for  $10.00  per  32-qt. 
crate.  One  can  easily  see  what  an  acre  of  Lupton  berries  would 
bring  even  at  one-half  of  these  prices.  It  makes  a very  large 
planf  and  while  it  is  a good  strong  grower,  the  plants  are  so 
large  that  it  will  not  make  half  as  many  per  acre  as  most  va- 

Sample.  This  is  another  of  the  old  well-known  varieties. 
Das  imperfect  bloom,  and  like  most  imperfect  varieties  bears 
an  immense  crop.  The  fruit  is  very  round,  smooth,  and  perfect 
iri  form;  quite  large,  quality  good.  Only  medium  solid.  The 
strongest  point  is  the  immense  crop  that  it  produces  and  the 
ease  with  which  a crop  can  be  grown. 

Kellogg  Prize.  This  is  another  imperfect  variety,  that 
bears  very  heavy  crops  of  large,  somewhat  irregular  berries, 
quite  solid,  but  quality  is  only  ordinary.  Ripens  a few  days 
earlier  than  Gandy,  and  continues  to  bear  as  long  as  Gandy. 
The  plant  is  very  large  and  a strong  healthy  grower.  The 
strongest  point  in  favor  of  this  variety  is  its  heavy  bearing 
quality  and  good  size.  While  not  a fancy  berry,  its  large  size 
and  bright  color  cause  it  to  sell  fairly  well. 

S.  C.  Atherton,  Greenwood,  Del. 


Chester,  Per 

Glen  Mary,  Per 

Lupton,  Per 

Parsons  Beauty,  Per 

Progressive,  Per 

Joe  Johnson,  Per 

Kellogg’s  Prize,  Imp 

Superior,  Per.  

Sample,  Imp 

50  at  Hundred  Rates;  5 00  at  Thousand  Rates. 



Charges  Collect 

Per  100 

Per  1000 

$ .75 


. 7 5 




. 75 


1 . 20 


. 7 5 

6 . 00 

. 7 5 


. 60 


. 7 5 

6 . 00 

Ctrtificate  of  Nursery  Inspection 

Dover,  Delaware,  October  28,  1919. 

To  Whom  it  May  Concern: 

This  certifies  that  I have  this  day  examined  the  nursery  stock  and 
premises  of  the  Nurseries  of  Samuel  C.  Atherton  at  Greenwood,  Sussex  coun- 
ty, Delaware,  and  that  said  nursery  stock  is  apparently  free  from  crown  gall, 
peach  yellows,  peach  rosette,  the  San  Jose  scale,  and  all  other  plant  diseases 
and  insects  of  a seriously  dangerous  nature,  that  may  be  transferred  on 
nursery  stock. 

This  certificate  may  be  revoked  by  the  State  Board  of  Agriculture  for 
cause,  and  it  is  invalid  after  August  31,  19  20,  and  does  not  include  nursery 
stock  not  grown  on  the  above  named  premises  unless  such  stock  is  covered 
by  certificate  of  a State  of  Government  officer  and  accepted  by  the  State 
Board  of  Agriculture. 

WESLEY  WEBB,  Inspector. 


My  60  acre  truck  farm,  50  acres  in  cultivation  and  10  acres 
in  woodland  and  timber.  Land  is  a clay  loam.  Will  grow 
large  crops  of  corn,  wheat,  hay,  potatoes,  strawberries  and  any- 
thing that  grows  in  the  temperate  zone. 

Has  a valuable  young  apple  orchard  of  nearly  100  trees, 
which  is  paying  handsomely. 

Buildings  consist  of  modern  9-room  dwelling,  nearly  new, 
with  bath,  Lot  and  cold  water.  Good  barn,  nearly  new.  5-room 
tenant  house.  Greenhouse,  10x75,  with  hot  water  heat. 

This  farm  is  1%  miles  from  hustling  town  with  two  rail- 
roads and  all  conveniences. 

Price  $3500.  Worth  much  more. 


Greenwood,  Del.