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Full text of "Strawberries : the berry that pleases millions / [Arkansas Nursery Company]."

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Do  not  assume  content  reflects  current 
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The  Berry  that  Pleases  Millions 


The  most  profitable  and  depen- 
dable strawberries  grown.  The 
flavor  is  deliciously  aramatic  and 
the  flesh  is  firm  and  velvety,  of  a 
smooth,  solid  texture. 


For  Early  Orders. 

100  plants  for  SI. 50 
1000  plants  for  $10.00 

Note ----Our  plants 
have  vigorous  roots 
as  shown  above. 

How  would  you  like  to  grow  big  berries  like  this?  A small  plat  of  ground  set  in  Aroma 
Strawberry  Plants  will  bring  you  big  returns  on  your  investment.  A berry  crop  means  an  in- 
creased bank  account  and  weeks  of  real  pleasure  in  caring  for  and  enjoying  lucious  fruit.  We 
want  every  Customer,  old  and  new,  to  have  a Strawberry  field,  Arkansas  Grown,  FROM 
THE  HEART  OF  THE  OZ ARKS,  and  to  help  you  we  are  offering  a wonderful  bargain.  Straw- 
berries well  cared  for  and  properly  marketed  will  yield  from  $300  to  $1000  per  acre.  Think  of 
it!  Isn’t  that  wonderful? 

Arkansas  Nursery  Company  plants  have  strong,  vigerous,  healthy  roots  snd  with  our  careful 
method  of  packing  they  will  reach  you  in  excellent  condition.  They  are  fresh  dug  plants. 



Golden  iSeal 

This  valuable  medicinal  heib  can  be  successfully  grown  under  cultivation  in 
all  parts  of  the  United  States.  It  once  grew  wild  in  most  of  the  rich  forests  of 
our  country,  but  only  in  Ohio,  Pennsylvania,  Kentucky,  Indiana  and  West  \ ir- 
ginia  did  it  grow  in  large  quantities.  Fifty  years  ago  it  was  practically  unknown  as 
a medicine,  and  it  sold  at  5 cents  a pound-  As  its  medicinal  virtues  became  bet- 
ter understood,  the  use  of  i:  became  more  general,  causing  the  price  to  advance- 
“Sang”  diggers  dug  it  in  season  and  out,  early  and  late,  far  and  near,  with  the  re- 
sult that  where  it  formerly  grew  as  plentiful  as  May  Apple,  it  is  now  almost  extinct- 
Then  too,  by  the  clearing  up  of  rich  woodlands,  its  home  has  been  taken  from  it. 

While  the  supply  was  decreasing  the  demand  was  increasing,  causing  the  price  to 
advance,  until  during  the  winter  of  1911  it  was  worth  $5-00  a pound-  Since  then 
the  piice  has  fluctuated  up  and  down,  never  getting  below  $3-25.  This  past  sum- 
mer it  reached  the  enormous  price  of  $11,50  per  pound,  and  it  is  freely  predicted 
by  manufacturing  chemists  that  in  a few  years  it  will  be  worth  $15  00  a pound. 

IS  IT  PROFITABLE!?  For  the  amount  of  capital  invested  6and 
labor  required,  there  is  no  other  line  of  agricultural  work  that  pays  so  SURE, 

QUICK  and  LARGE  profits  as  the  cultivation  of  Golden  Seal  does.  Fifteen  or 
twenty  dollars  is  plenty  money  to  build  an  arbor  one  rod  square  and  buy  enough 
(1000)  roots  to  plant  it-  The  only  cultivation  It  requires  consists  in  keeping  the 
weeds  that  come  through  the  mulch  pulled  out.  At  the  end  of  three  years  it  will 

be  ready  to  dig,  and  the  roots  would  average  at  least  one  ounce  each,  green,  1000 

ounces  would,  when  dried,  make  about  18  and  1-2  pounds;  which  at  $4-50  a pound  ( the  present  price ) would  bring  $83.25 
for  the  square  rod.  An  acre  at  these  rates  would  be  worth  $13,320.  This  is  not  all,  for  enough  small  plants  will  be  found 

to  set  out  twice  as  large  a patch,  besides  the  fiber  roots  that  are  left  in  the  ground  will  form  buds  and  reset  the  patch,  d he 

plants  will  bear  several  dollars  worth  of  seed  the  second  and  third  years- 

1 he  figures  we  have  given  you  are  very  conservative,  and  are  not  overdrawn  in  any  way.  We  have  grown  Seal  roots 
at  only  two  years  from  planting,  that  weighed  oyer  four  ounces  each.  Mr.  C-  M.  Goodspeed,  editor  of  Special  Crops, 
says  that  he  bought  a crop  of  cultivated  Seal  last  winter  that  averaged  nearly  eight  ounces  each,  dried.  These  roots  were 
seven  years  old.  They  were  worth  about  $2.20  each-  Think  what  an  acre  of  such  Seal  would  bring — $352,000.  The 
editor  or  Hunter,  Trapper,  Trader  says  that  one  of  his  subscribers  sent  him  a Seal  root  that  weighed  full  eight  ounces,  green. 

An  acre  of  such  would  bring  over  $96,000. 

Soil,  Shade  and  MarKet.  Any  good  well  drained  soil  is  suitable  for  the  growing  of  Golden  Seal.  The  richer 
the  soil  the  better  the  Seal  grows.  Our  choice  is  a sandy  loam  with  a clay  subsoil.  Seal  must  have  protection  from  the  hot 
sun  in  summer  time.  Many  are  successfully  growing  it  in  forests  by  cutting  out  the  laige  timber  and  grubbing  out  the 
smaller  brush,  leaving  the  small  sized  trees  to  furnish  the  shade  necessary.  The  fertility  of  the  soil  should  be  kept  up  by 

fertilizing,  and  irrigation  would  insure  moisture-  Our  experience,  however,  is  that  Seal  will  make  five  times  the  growth  in  same  length  of  time  under  artiffeia 

arbor  as  it  will  in  the  woods,  with  all  the  manure  and  water  you  want  to  give  it.  Golden  Seal  can  be  propagated  best  by'dividing  the  rhizoma  into  two  or  more 

pieces.  It  requires  an  expert  to  grow  it  from  the  seed.  Price  12  for  $1.50,  100  for  5.00,’ll000  for*40-00. 


This  herb  grows  well  under  culti- 
vation, and  repuires  but  little  shade. 
The  price  of  the  dried  root  is  not  high 
like  Golden  Seal  — but  it  is  higher  than 
Golden  Seal  rvas  fifteen  years  ago— 
and  the  price  is  advancing.  It  yields 
so  well  and  is  so  easily  grown  that  it 
pays  well  to  grow  it. 

We  plant  it  six  inches  each  way 
requiring  1000  per  rod.  Our  price  is 
$1.00  per  dozen,  $5.00  for  100. 

Plant  Small  Fruits  For  Quick  Returns. 

Small  fruits  this  season  have  paid  the  growers  a net  income 
ranging  from  $300  to  $1000  per  acre.  For  the  reason  that  there  is  a 
short  supply  of  all  kinds  of  tree  fruits  that  cannot  be  supplied  for  many 
years  to  come,  small  fruits  of  all  kinds  will  continue  to  bring  handsome 
prices.  You  get  quick  returns  when  you  plant  Strawberries,  Raspber- 
ries, Blackberries  and  Dewberries..  When  you  set  out  Berry  Plants 
you  want  the  best.  Thousands  of  successful  fruit  growers  in  all  parts  of 
the  country  plant  only  Arkansas  Nursery  stock.  Why?  Because  every 
variety  that  leaves  our  Nursery  is  a sure  bearer. 

Plant  small  fruits,  such  as  Dewberries,  Gooseberries,  Loganber- 
ries, Juneberries,  the  Giant  Himalaya  Berry,  Huckleberries,  Japanese 
Wineberries,  Grapes  and  Strawberries.  They  are  easy  to  grow  and  will 
bring  you  big  returns,  and  will  also  afford  you  the  opportunity  of  putting 
up  your  own  fruit  and  add  to  the  pleasure  of  living. 


Satisfaction  or  Your  Money  Back 

We  guarantee  to  refund  your  money 
or  replace  free  any  Nursery  Stock  or 
Seeds  you  buy  from  us  at  any  time  you 
decide  you  did  not  get  value  received 


Fayetteville,  Ark. 

0rdisr  not 0 to  insure  shipment  in  time 
for  ’planting.  Guaranteed  to  reach  you 
in  perfect  condition  ready  to  set  out. 
fQapid  growers,  prolific  hearers.  G)ar33 
plump  and  sugary  pennies. 

Ripe,  DeilClOllS  I > e I 1 leSfrom  June  until  November 

Think  of  it!  If  you  plant  the  Progressive  Everbearing  Strawberry 
they  will  begin  to  fruit  during  the  summer  and  fall  of  same  year  the 
plants  are  set  and  produce  a big  crop  of  fine  dark  red,  deliciously  flavor- 
ed berries  all  though  the  season  until  stopped  by  severe  freezing  weather 
in  late  fall.  The  St.  Regis  Raspberry  will  give  you  finely  flavored,  large 
firm  berries  throughout  the  season. 


The  McDonald 


Pays  $400  per  acre.  This  is 
a money  maker  throughout 
the  Southwest.  Our  Cata- 
logue lists  many  good  varie- 
ties With  descriptions.  We 
will  tell  you  how  to  grow 



.50  McDonald  and 
50  Dewberries  for  $3.00 
Also  100  Strawberries  free. 


A variety  of  Blackbery  that  trails  on 
the  ground.  In  size  and  quality  the 
fruit  excells  the  Blackberry;  very  pro- 
fuse bearer  and  reasonably  hardy.  The 
fruit  of  the  Dewberry  is  highly  .prized 
as  a market  fruit,  owing  to  its  large 
size  and  quality. 

BIS  Special  Oiler  To  Early  Purchasers. 

A Fine  Collection  of  Plants  for  $5.00 

As  an  inducement  for  Early  Spring-  Orders  we  offer  the  following 
list  of  choice  Berry  Plants  for  $5,00: 

25  Everbearing’  Stawberries 
100  Aroma 

25  Cutlibert  Red  Raspberries 
5 St.  Regis  Everbearing*  Raspberry 
25  Snyder  Blackberries 
5 Himalaya  Blackberries 
5 Strawberry- Raspberry 



There  should  be 
more  of  these  trees 
planted.  It  makes  a 
very  good  shade,  hold- 
ing its  leaves  late  into 
the  fall.  Trees  com- 
mence to  hear  at  two 

years  old.  Fruit  resembles  the  Blackberry  and  will 
ripen  from  July  1st  to  September  1st.  No  raisers  of 
chickens  or  poultry  should  be  without  them. 

Special  Qffer- 

10  one  year  old  trees  by  Parcel  Post  for  $1 .00 

If  you  haven  t a Catalogue  write  for  one. 

Three  Fine  Delicious  Apple  Trees  for  $1.00 

This  is  a remarkable  offer  when  you  consider 
the  scarcity  of  fruit  tree  stocks. 

The  Delicious  Apple  is  successful  wherever  apple 

trees  are  grown.  Vigorous,  hardy  trees.  Luscious 

fruit  and  good  keeper. 

Large  Flowering'  Cannas 

The  Canna  is  the  South’s  most  desirable  flower.  They  thrive  well  in  all  sections  of  the 
country,  succeediug  in  any  sunny  position  in  all  kinds  of  soil,  but  best  results  are  received  by 
giving  them  liberal  treatment.  The  bed  should  be  spaded  two  feet  deep  with  a six  inch 
layer  of  well  decayed  manure  of  any  kind  thoroughly  mixed  in  supplying  water  freely  at  all 
itmes.  They  are  especially  desirable  when  planted  in  large  masses,  planting  the  bulbs  two 
feet  apart.  * 

Special  $loOO  Offer. 

We  will' make  a selection  of  varieties  for  you  for  a complete  Canna  bed  and  will  choose 
varieties  that  will  please  you.  Will  send  you  20  bulbs  for  $1.00 — enough  for  a large  bed- 

Border  your  bed  with  Dashens  and  you  will,  have  something  fancy-  ])ashens  listed  in 


ornamental  Vines 

For  $1.00 

Everyone  likes  vines  on  a house.  They 
are  practical,  beautiful  and  home-like. 
They  give  shade  to  a window,  protec- 
tion to  a porch  and  beauty  to  a pillar. 
Some  of  the  varieties  will  climb  and 
stick  tight  to  a brick  wall. 

We  will  make  a selection  of  three 
nice  ornamental  vines  and  send  them 
to  you  prepaid  for  $1.00. 

Place  Tour  Order  Now 

6 Nice  Dahlia  Bulbs  $1.00 

THE  DAHLIA  is  one  of  the  finest  flowers  grown.  No 


garden  is  complete  without  some  of  these  stately  flowers. 

No  tubers  give  such  a show  of  beautiful  flowers  with  so 
little  expense.  The  Dahlia  is  rapidly*  coming  to  the  front 
as  one  of  the  most  desirable  late  summer  and  fall  flower- 
ing plants, 

Musas  Nursery  company 


With  all  orders  amounting  to  $5.00  or  moore,  full 
amount  of  cash  with  order,  received  not  later  than 
March  15,  1920,  we  will  give  free  a premium  of  Fifty 
Strawberry  Plants. 

The  above  in  addition  to  premiums  already  offered. 

Seedling  Peaches 

Plant  a few  seedling  peaches  for  home  use.  There  is  a flavor  and  quality  abo-ut 
seedling  peaches  that  appeals  to  many  people.  The  trees  are  thrifty  and  hardy,  and 
they  will  sometimes  bear  when  budded  trees  fail.  Our  trees  come  from  stock  that 
produces  large  crops  of  fruit.  T hey  are  grown  in  our  Mountain  Nursery,  and  are 
strong,  well-rooted  trees  that  will  please  you. 

Phis  season  we  have  some  very  fine  stock  of  seedling  peach  trees. 

Common  Seedling  Peaches — Extra  one  yeartrees.  Plant  some  of  these  trees. 
Price  each  25c,  10  for  $>1.50,  100  for  $10.00. 

Plant  an  Acre  of  Strawberries  This  Spring. 

VERY  SPECIAL  OFFER.  If  you  will  send  us  $25.00  before  March  1st,  we  will  send  you  enough  plants  (4000  plants)  of  fresh-dug 
Klondyke  Strawberry  Plants  to  plaut  one  acre.  We  believe  that  we  are  safe  in  saying  that  the  average  yield  of  Strawberries  paid  the 
growers  last  season  more  than  $300.00  per  acre.  Some  received  as  high  as  $1000.00  per  acre.  A few  acres  of  Strawberry  plants  brought 
some  farmers  more  money  than  they  were  asking  for  their  entire  farm. 

Strawberries  are  one  of  the  most  common  and  extensively  used  of  all  small  fruits,  and  as  a commercial  proposition  there  is  nothimr 
that  equals  them  for  a satisfactory  profit.  s 

Our  plants  are  the  best  that  are  grown.  They  are  young  and  vigorous  and  are  not  to  be  compared  with  plants  dug  from  old  fields 
They  will  bear  big  luscious  berries  which  will  bring  the  very  highest  market  prices  on  all  markets. 


Ordering  Trees,  Plants  and  seed  from  our  Mailorder  Nursery  is  an  easy 
matter.  All  you  have  to  do  is  to  look  over  our  1920  catalogue  carefully 
and  make  your  selection  of  trees,  small  plants,  garden  seed,  etc.,  fill 
out  the  order  blank  which  we  have  sent  for  your  convenience,  send  it  to 
us  and  we  will  do  the  rest. 

We  pay  a] 1 transportation  charges  on  orders  amount ing  to  $5 . 00  or  more  . 
You  don’t  have  to  worry  about  paying  freight  or  express  bills.  If  your 
order  is  less  than  $5.00  and  you  wish  it  sent  by  Parcel  Post  or  prepaid  express  add  15c 
to  each  dollar  to  prepay  charges. 

Our  Nursery  is  a Mailorder  Nursery  and  we  are  constantly  installing  new  equipment, 
adopting  and  fol] owing  new  and  improved  methods  in  planting  and  growing  our  stock  and  in- 
creasing our  force  so  that  we  may  give  QUALITY  and  SERVICE  to  our  thousands  of  customers 
at  the  least  possible  cost  to  them.  If  you  are  not  already  one  of  our  customers  you  should 
be  because  it  will  be  to  your  advantage  and  it  will  be  a pleasure  to  us  to  serve  you.  We 
have  thousands  of  satisfied  customers  and  we  want  YOU  to  be  one  too. 

ORDERING  BY  MAIL  SAVES  YOUR  TIME  AND  YOUR  MONEY-and  they  are  both  worth  saving. 

Place  Your  Order  NOW  and  We  Will  Ship  When  Yon  Want  It. 


Satisfaction  Guaranteed  or  Your  Money  Refunded  on  ic.  Paid 



lc.  Paid 

Fayetteville,  Ark. 
Permit  No.  1 

Arkansas  Nursery  Co., 

Fayetteville,  Arkansas. 


A " 

A Complete  Garden  For  $1.00 

There  Is  Nothing  So  Important  as  a Garden. 

ft  K UU  P 0 

nlways  liew  Ur  op 


In  planting  or  sowing  field  or  garden  keep  in  mind  the  all  important  fact  that  you  should  plant  only  the 
best  seed  that  can  be  obtained.  Arkansas  Nursery  Company  seeds  are  good  seed  and  give  satisfaction. 

Our  seeds  are  tested  for  vitality  and  thoroughly  cleaned.  Full  of  life  and  sure  to  produce  bountiful 
harvests.  Sold  direct  at  a saving  of  middle  profits. 

Regular  Size  Packets, 

Your  Selection,  From  Our  Catalogue  for 
