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Full text of "With best greetings to those in the trade ..."

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With Best Greetings to Those in the Trade: 

We wish to call your attention to our nurseries as a base of supplies 
for anything you may need in our line for the coming season. 

PEARS. All our pears are worked on French Pear Seedlings 
7-12 mm. branched whole roots, except some Magnolia and Japan Golden 
Russet, which are budded on No. 1 Japan Pear Seedlings. Our pears at 
one year are tall and straight of sufficient height to be cut back tothe 
proper height to form heads for two year old trees. We are strong on 
Bartletts one year old and other varieties both one and two year old. 
The price of Magnolia and Japan Golden Russet is the same this year as 
other yOnOnOs 

- PLUMS. “We have a fue is of Americana Plums ie years old and 
Japan Plums one year old, as handsome as we have ever grown. 

CHERRIES. Two year cherries run largely to the lighter sizes this 

year, but promise to make handsome grades. 

PEACHES--One Year. Never had a finer prospect for a _hand-. 

some lot. They are now two to three feet high and are straight as 
arrows. : 

PEACHES--June Buds. A fine stand of strong, healthy seedlings. 
Over two millions to be budded to Dormants and June Buds. We will bud 
either of these on contract and give you the choice of any of the varieties 
in our list. Should varieties be desired not found in our list they may 

be shipped to us if free from disease and pernicious insects. Contracts _ 

for June Buds should be made promptly, as we shall have finished bud- 
ding for June Buds by the middle of June. 


D istr ibutin he Points. : ee = ee 

We are making St. Louis, Mo., Ronlewe N. Y., Philadelphia, Pas = — 

Dallas, Texas, Fresno, Cal., Portland, Ore., and Grand Junction, Colo., 

distributing points for orders in less than car lots, to be shipped from — So 

Huntsville on the dates named Eo No charge for pee or transfer 


at these points. Ze Be Se See 

For St. Louis—Early shipments from September 20th to October 10th; 
late shipments from October 25th to December 10th, and in Spring. a 
FOR PHILADELPHIA AND ROCHESTER—November 1st and i in ‘Spring. 

For DALLAS, TEXAs—October 10th to December 15th. 

FOR FRESNO, CAL.-~—November 15th to December 15th. 

FoR PORTLAND, ORE,-—November ist to December 15th. 

For GRAND JUNCTION, CoL-—-October 15th to December Ist and i in 

This offer to ship to distributing points will not oy if, shipment 3 is: 
required at other than the above named dates; but at other times we can 
ship direct from Huntsville to destination. | oe 

Those who order in less than car lots may take advantage of our plan 
to deliver to distributing points. This plan insures low freight rates and 

quick time. Such orders will be packed in boxes at Huntsville and com- 
bined to make up car lots and shipment promptly made to distributing 
points and forwarded from there over the various railroads to destination. 

Car lot orders will go direct from Huntsville to destination, and can be | 

shipped at any time after September 20th to March 15th, , except a Sharh 
time in mid-winter. : 

PECANS. One and two years grafted on two and three year old 
roots. An assortment of the best improved sorts. 
PECAN SEEDLINGS. Three years old, grown from selected thin 
shell Gulf Coast nuts. 

JAPANESE PERSIMMONS. The best varieties, worked on native 

_ FIGS. One year. A large stock of the Celestial, the best sort for 

canning and preserving. : 
_ _MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA. Field grown, transplanted. Straight, 
smooth plants with good fibrous roots. 3 

ROSES. Field grown. Budded. Leading varieties of Hybrid 
Perpetuals and -Mosses. Baby Rambler, Marechal Niel and Crimson 
Rambler. Roots very fine. 

The grafted Pecans, Japanese Persimmons, Figs, Magnolias and 
_ Roses listed above are grown at our branch nurseries at Biloxi, Miss., the 
other things listed are grown in our nurseries at Huntsville, Ala. We 
offer for sale only what we grow. | 

~The trees in our nurseries are free from disease and pernicious 

insects. As far as we know there is no San Jose Scale, Yellows or 
Rosette in this county. = 
. We trust to have the privilege of figuring upon your wants, as we 
believe we can make it to your advantage to buy from us. 

Hoping to hear from you promptly and to have the pleasure of meet- 
ing you at the Nurserymen’s Convention in Detroit, 

Very truly, © 

| . Manager. 
May 30, 1907.