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Full text of "Wholesale list of Kunderd gladioli for 1922 / A.E. Kunderd."

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For  1922 

“They  good  when  they  come  from  Kunderd” 





GosKerv,  Irvd.,  U.  S.  A. 

(The  Originator  of  The  Ruffled  Gladiolus) 


UNDERD  GLADIOLI  are  now  so  well  known 
and  are  in  such  great  demand  that  you  as  a 
dealer  cannot  afford  not  to  catalog  at  least  a short 
list  of  them  for  the  coming  year.  Heretofore  there 
has  not  been  a sufficient  supply  to  afford  seedsmen 
a share  in  their  great  sale.  I offer  you  a chance  this 
year  for  the  first  time  to  catalog  a select  collection 
of  very  choice  varieties  listed  on  the  following  pages. 
All  authorities  are  agreed  that  my  new  strains  repre- 
sent by  far  the  greatest  improvement  in  Gladioli  today 
and  you  will  miss  many  of  your  best  customers  if 
you  let  them  go  elsewhere  for  their  bulbs. 

If  you  wish  a copy  of  our  retail  catalog  (which  will  be 
mailed  about  December  1st),  send  your  full  address,  unless 
your  name  is  already  on  our  mailing  list. 

For  terms,  etc.,  see  last  inside  cover  page. 



All  Varieties  marked  (R — ) are  Ruffled. 

The  following  is  a choice  seelection  from  our  unequaled  collection  of  this  very 
distinct  new  strain.  Primulinus  Hybrids  are  growing  into  great  popular  favor  very 
rapidly.  Their  dainty  colorings,  elegantly  poised  flowers  and  graceful  spikes  afford 
a charm  hardly  equaled  by  any  other  strain. 

ALICE  TIPLADY  (1915) — Primulinus  species  X yellow  Kunderdi.  A grand,  large 

Primulinus  of  most  beautiful  saffron  color.  Very  choice 

100,  $15.00.  1,000,  $125.00 

ALTAI  R (1916) — Extra  tall,  of  finest  salmon  saffron,  grand  color 

100,  $15.00.  1,000,  $125.00 

ANGOLA  (1916) — A fine  salmon  pink 100,  $9.00.  1^000,  $75.00 

ANITA  (1916)— An  extra  tall,  richest  canary  yellow.  Deeper  throat.  Many  open. 

Very  good 100,  $12.00.  1,000,  $100.00 

ARDEN  (R-1921) — Tall,  large-flowered,  finely  open,  gracefully  placed,  many  open, 

deep  watermelon  red 100,  $21.00.  1,000,  $175.00 

ARGO  (1915) — Grand,  tall,  large.  The  Primulinus  Myrtle.  Extra 

100,  $15.00.  1,000,  $125.00 

ARLON  (1918) — Very  large  wide  petaled  flower  of  light  salmon.  Grand  red  throat 
with  deeper  central  lines.  Showy  and  conspicuous. . .100,  $21.00.  1,000,  $175.00 
BUTTERFLY  (R-1915) — Kunderdi  Glory  X species  Primulinus.  Very  strong  and 
vigorous.  Large,  pale  salmon  yellow,  ruffled  flowers. . .100,  $9.00.  1,000,  $75.00 
CANOPUS  (1915) — Large,  rich  solid  yellow,  fine  shade  of  deeper  yellow  throat. 

Extra 100,  $15.00.  1,000,  $125.00 

CAPELLA  (1915) — Tall,  very  bright  fiery  orange  red.  Very  large  and  choice.... 

100,  $15.00.  1,000,  $125.00 

DEXTER  (1916) — Tall.  Purest  blush  rose-pink;  throat  richest  creamy  yellow. 

Purest  of  self-colors.  4X 100,  $15.00.  1,000,  $125.00 

ELBERTON  (1916) — Tall,  finest  creamy  yellow.  Lower  petals  much  deeper.  Large. 

Very  pure  rich  color 100,  $9.00.  1,000,  $75.00 

FAUN  (1918) — Bronzy  pink  on  soft  yellow  ground.  Distinct  and  beautiful 

100,  $15.00.  1,000,  $125.00 

FIRE  FLY  (1916) — Extra  bright  richest  deep  scarlet.  Pure  rich  self-color.  4X.. 

100,  $15.00.  1,000,  $125.00 

GOLD  DROP  (R-1915) — An  extra  large,  pure  deep  yellow,  with  beautiful  red  line 

on  petals.  Beautifully  ruffled.  4X.  Grand 100,  $60.00.  1,000,  $500.00 

GOLDEN  GATE  (R-1915) — Tall,  vigorous.  Large,  showy  yellow,  finely  ruffled.. 

100,  $15.00.  1,000,  $125.00 

lOLA  (1916) — Tall,  graceful.  Many  medium-sized  blooms  open  at  a time.  Deep 

yellow.  Very  fine  100,  $15.00.  1,000,  $125.00 

MYRA  (1918) — A new  and  giant  flowered  Prim.  Hybrid.  Deep  salmon  over  yellow 
ground.  Tall,  slender  stem.  Yellow  throat  with  pink  lines.  Exquisitely  showy, 

grand  100,  $30.00.  1,000,  $250.00 

PRIMUNELLA  (R-1915) — A grand  ruffled  butterfly,  orchid-like  flower.  Beautiful. 

100,  $45.00.  1,000,  $375.00 

ROANOKE  (1916) — A vigorous  and  large,  rich  yellow  Prim.  XK.  Glory.  Very  fine. 

100,  $12.00.  1,000,  $100.00 

RODANO  (1918) — Soft  sulphur.  Often  all  petals  penciled  pink.  Pretty 

100,  $12.00.  1,000,  $100.00 

SALMON  BEAUTY  (1915) — Very  large  flowered  Primulinus.  Deep  salmon,  rich 

salmon  yellow  throat 100,  $15.00.  1,000,  $125.00 

SENECA  ((1916) — Almost  transparent,  faintest  wine-pink,  on  a delicate  yellow 

ground.  Distinct  100,,  $15.00.  1,000,  $125.00 

TOPAZ  (1918)— Finest  salmon  pink  and  buff.  Very  refined  and  elegant 

100,  $18.00.  1,000,  $150.00 

YOEMAN  (R-1918) — Large,  pure  salmon  pink.  A finely  ruffled  variety 

100,  $15.00.  1,000,  $125.00 



“Kunderdii”  know  them  by  their  ruffled  petals. 

DREAM  (1918) — Large,  massive  bloom.  Deep  salmon  red.  Large,  very  showy 
blotches.  Extra  grand 100,  $30.00.  1_,000,  $250.00 

E.  J.  SHAYLOR  (1918) — Tall,  very  strong  plant  and  large  blooms.  A beautiful, 
pure,  deep  rose-pink.  Was  awarded  Certificate  of  Merit  by  Royal  Hort.  Society 
of  England,  Aug.  10,  1920.  Very  choice 100,  $30.00.  1,000,  $250.00 

FAIRLAND — Large  well  expanded  flower  on  tall  spike.  Vermillion  scarlet,  lighter 
toward  center.  Lower  petals  very  beautifully  blotched,  finest  shade  of  deep 
red.  Extra  fine  100,  $30.00.  1,000,  $250.00 

GOLDEN  GLORY  (1916) — A large,  richly  colored  yellow,  with  beautiful  throat.  A 

fine  ruffled  yellow 100,  $45.00 

JOE  COLEMAN  (1915)— 'Very  large  and  vigorous.  Rich  red.  Fine 100,  $15.00 

JUNE  DELIGHT  (1918) — Rich,  deep  geranium  red.  Deeper  throat.  Beautiful... 

100,  $21.00 

MONA  LISA  (1917)— Strong  plant.  Many  flowers  open  at  a time.  Of  palest  soft 
rose  pink,  or  blushed  white.  A magnificent  almost  pure  self-color.  Gorgeous. 

100,  $30.00.  1,000,  $250.00 

ORANGE  GLORY  (1915) — Kunderdii  Glory  type.  Grand  orange  colored,  with 
beautiful  lighter  throat.  Very  rich  and  striking  color.  Beautiful  and  distinct. 

100,  $21.00.  1,000,  $175.00 

PINK  LILY  (1916) — A magnificently  ruffled  rose-pink.  4X.  Grand 100,  $30.00 

PRIDE  OF  LANCASTER  (1915) — A brilliant  orange  salmon.  Rich,  fiery,  deeper 
orange  throat.  Tall.  Large,  massive  bloom.  Plenty  open.  A beautiful  ruffled 
variety.  Named  in  honor  of  the  birthplace  of  Luther  Burbank 

100,  $30.00.  1,000,  $250.00 

PURPLE  GLORY  (1916) — The  Giant  of  the  Kunderdii  Glory  race,  and  of  remark- 
able color.  Deepest  velvety  maroon  red,  with  almost  black  blotches,  like 
burned  into  the  petals.  Beautifully  ruffled.  Extraordinary 100,  $90.00 

RED,  WHITE  AND  GOLD  (1915) — A giant  in  plant  and  foliage,  with  a massive 
spike  and  good  sized  flowers.  Upper  portion  of  bloom  pure  white.  Lower 
petals  entirely  of  a rich  lemon  yellow  clear  to  the  edge,  with  a beautiful  pelar- 
gonium-like blotch  of  richest  red  on  each 100,  $30.00 

ROSE  GLORY  (1916) — A very  large  and  beautifully  ruffled  variety.  Purest  rose- 
pink.  Deeper  in  throat.  Magnificent 100,  $30.00.  1000,  $250.00 

TWILIGHT — Beautifully  blushed  creamy  buff  with  throat  of  grandest  yellow  and 
pink  color.  Magnificent 100,  $45.00.  1,000,  $375.00 

WHITE  DELIGHT  (1918) — Softest  flesh  white,  beautifully  blotched  and  creamy 
throat 100,  $15.00.  1000,  $125.00 

WHITE  GLORY  (1915) — A gorgeous  pure  white  of  exact  size  and  type  as  “Kun- 
derdii Glory”,  with  beautiful  iris-blue  throat.  Fine  as  a delicate  iris.  Grand. 

too,  $21.00.  1000,  $175.00 

YOU  ELL'S  FAVORITE  (1915)— One  of  Henry  Youell’s  (Sec’y  Am.  Gladiolus  Soc’y) 
favorites  among  our  ruffled  varieties.  Large  flower  and  plant.  Striking  rosy 
lavender  pink.  Conspicuous  and  fine 100,  $12.00.  1000,  $100.00 



ABERDEEN  (1917) — A very  beautiful  lavender  tinted  pink.  Distinct  and  fine 

100,  $9.00 

ADRIATIC  (1918) — Deep  wine  blue.  Blue  and  red  throat.  Extra-ordinary,  beau- 
tiful   100,  $30.00 

AL  SHIRA  (1921) — Large,  very  dark  wine  red,  with  large,  almost  black  throat. 
Tall  and  showy 100,  $30.00 

ASH  BURN  (1917) — A very  massive  salmon  red,  flaked  deeper.  Showy 

100,  $12.00.  1000,  $100.00 

ATHERTON  (1918) — Deep  salmon  rose.  Petals  clearly  blue  bordered.  A beautiful 
variety 100,  $15.00 

CANARY  QUEEN  (1917) — Very  refined  sulphur  yellow.  Many  fine  good  size 
flowers  open  at  a time.  Very  attractive 100,  $15.00.  1000,  $125.00 

CHALLENGER  (1915) — Very  large  and  vigorous  plant.  Giant,  dark  rich  velvety 
red,  solid  color.  An  extra-ordinary  fine  new  variety.  .100,  $15.00.  1000,  $125.00 

COLORS  (1921) — Of  deepest  dark  wine  maroon.  Exquisite  lov/er  petals  entirely 
covered  by  richest  velvety  dark  red,  most  beautifully  mottled  and  flaked 
cream  100,  $21.00 

CORUNNA  (1916) — Large  flower  with  wide-spreading  petals.  Has  a remarkably 
large,  almost  coal-black  throat,  bordered  white.  An  extra-ordinary  flower. 
(Named  in  honor  of  the  little  Indiana  village  near  which  the  originator  of  these 
flowers  was  born)  100,  $21.00 

CYMBALINE  (1915) — A large,  beautiful,  bright,  deep  velvety  aniline  color.  Very 

showy  red  of  unusual  color.  Very  beautiful 100,  $9.00.  1000,  $75.00 

DEFIANCE  (1916) — Very  large  and  massive.  Tall,  many  open.  Delicate  blush- 

white,  fine  throat.  Extra  grand 100,  $21.00 

DIXIE  (1917) — One  of  the  very  deepest  and  richest,  almost  black,  red. . . .100,  $9.00 
EARLY  PENDLETON  (1916) — Almost  like  “Mrs.  Prank  Pendleton”.  Much  earlier 
and  more  blossoms  open  at  a time.  Gracefully  placed  flowers  on  a gracful 

spike.  A fine  seedling  of  “Pendleton” 100,  $18.00 

FIRE  RIBBON  (1915) — 'Tall,  with  many  blooms  open  at  a time.  The  spike  is  a 
long,  fiery  band  of  glowing  red.  Exceedingly  rich  and  strikingly  showy.  Mag- 
nificent   100,  $15.00 

FLORAL  TREASURE  (1916) — Tall  “America”  seedling.  Deeper  pink.  Very  rich 

color 100,  $15.00 

GIANT  WHITE  (1915) — An  extra  large  white  of  great  size  and  substance.  Pure 

white  with  elegant  slight  marking  on  lower  petals 100,  $9.00 

GRANDEUR  (1916) — Very  massive,  deep  vermillion  pink.  Large,  graceful  and 

exceptionally  distinct  and  beautiful 100,  $18.00 

HELGA  (1921) — ^Fine  salmon  rose.  Deeper  rose  and  cream  on  white  ground.  Un- 
usually graceful  spike,  tall  and  handsome  plant 100,  $15.00.  1000,  $125.00 

HILO  (1917) — Fiery  orange  vermillion,  flaked  deeper.  Showy  white  throat.  Fine. 

100,  $12.00 

IDA  VAN  (1915) — A most  beautiful  deep  salmon  red,  or  flaming  orange-pink.  Very 
rich  and  brilliant  color.  Highest  award  at  Cleveland,  and  certificate  of  merit 

at  London,  England 100,  $6.00.  1000,  $50.00 

KILIM  A (1918) — Tall,  slender  plant.  Beautiful  creamy  salmon  blush.  Very  ele- 
gant   100,  $15.00 

LILY  WHITE  (1915) — The  fine  new  pure  snowwhite  gladioli  that  florists  have  long 
been  looking  for.  A reliable  first-class  early  forcing  variety.  Good  height, 

nice  size  blossoms,  six  to  seven  open  at  a time.  Very  prolific 

100,  $15.00.  1000,  $125.00 

LUSTRE  (1918) — Tall,  large-flowered,  dark  orange  vermillion.  Grand  and  beauti- 
ful . 100,  $15.00 


MAGENTA  (1918) — A beautiful  large  flower  near  “American  Beauty”  rose  color. 
Grand 100,  $21.00.  1000,  $175.00 

MARY  PICKFORD  (1915) — An  extraordinary  flower  and  spike  of  most  delicate 
creamy-white.  Throat  finest  soft  sulphur-yellow.  Stem  and  calix  also  white. 

Worthy  of  a great  name 100,  $21.00.  1000,  $175.00 

“Mary  Bickford”  was  awarded  Certificate  of  Merit  by  Royal  Hort.  Society, 
London,  Aug.  10,  1920;  also  First-class  Certificate  of  Merit  by  North  Shore 
Hort.  Society,  Manchester,  Mass.,  Summer  of  1919. 

MOON  BEAM  (1916) — Very  strong,  tall  plant.  All  white,  plenty  open.  A fine 

florists’  variety 100,  $12.00.  1000,  $100.00 

MRS.  DR.  NORTON  (1915) — Finest  cream  and  pink.  The  sensation  among  the 
newer  gladioli  shown  at  the  American  Gladiolus  Society’s  show  the  last  six 

seasons.  Everywhere  awarded  the  highest  honors 100,  $30.00 

MYSTIC  (1917) — Very  similar  to  “Gaiety”,  but  deeper,  more  rose-pink 

100,  $9.00.  1000,  $75.00 

NEUTRALITY  (1916) — An  “America”  seedling.  Larger  plant  and  flower.  Purer 

pink  and  showier,  better  form.  Extra 100,  $21.00.  1000,  $175.00 

NEOGA  (1917) — Dark  garnet  red,  deeper  throat.  Half  ruffled.  A rich  dark  red. 
100,  $9.00 

ORPHEUM  (1921) — Deep  rose,  deeper  throat.  Self  color.  Tall,  graceful  spikes.. 

100,  $21.00 

PAREXCEL  (1915) — Of  purest  deep  salmon  pink,  with  finest  large  Pelargonium- 

like throat  blotches.  Grand 100,  $12.00 

PELLA  (1918) — ^Very  early,  beautiful  rose  pink.  Extra  fine 100,  $9.00 

PRIMROSE  BEAUTY  (1918) — Tall,  strong.  Very  large,  primrose  yellow.  Extra 

100,  $12.00 

PURPLE  SPOT  (1918) — Large,  violet  red  with  very  conspicuous  dark  blotches. 

Early,  grand,  showy 100,  $21.00 

RACINE  (1917) — Very  dark  red,  flaked  deeper.  White  in  throat 100,  $15.00 

REMEMBRANCE  (1921)  Tall  spike,  many  large  flowers  open  at  a time.  Deep 

salmon  rose  pink.  Large  and  beautiful  throat  blotches 

100,  $21.00.  1000,  $175.00 

RED  AMARILLAS  (1915) — Brilliant  blood-red  flower  of  giant  size  on  medium 
height  plant.  Blooms  formed  like  an  Amaryllis.  Most  gorgeous  and  showy 
red.  Was  awarded  first  for  best  red  at  the  Soc’y  of  Am.  Florists’  Convention, 

Am.  Gladiolus  Society  Show,  Boston 100,  $9.00 

ROMANCE  (1918) — Large,  orange,  salmon  rose,  red  and  yellow  throat.  Wine  blue 
bordered  petals.  Unusually  distinct  and  very  showy.  .100,  $45.00.  1000,  $375.00 
1910  ROSE  (1915) — Very  large  flower,  pure  rose  pink  of  extra  fine  shade.  Narrow 

white  central  line  on  lower  petals 100,  $12.00.  1000,  $100.00 

SALMON  PLUME  (1921) — Clear  salmon  flesh,  deeper  at  edges  of  petals.  A 

pretty  red  throat.  Choice lOO*  $21.00 

SCARLET  PRINCEPS  (1917) — Six  or  more  massive  “Princeps”  like  blooms  open 
at  a time.  Throat  a little  deeper.  Blooms  set  close.  An  extraordinary  distinct 

and  massive  spike 100,  $21.00.  1000,  $175.00 

SENTINEL  (1915) — Tall,  strong  plant.  Large,  pure  rose-pink,  with  elegantly  white- 

penciled,  iris-like  throat.  Extra  showy,  choice  rose-pink 

100,  $9.00.  1000,  $75.00 

SUMMER  BEAUTY  (1915)— No  finer  pink.  Very  choice,  deep  salmon,  distinct 

shade.  Tall  and  showy.  Grand 100»  $9.00 

UNIQUE  (1918) — Tall,  large,  finest  salmon  pink.  Extra  good  and  showy 

100,  $18.00 

VILLA  (1916)— Very  dark,  flaked  almost  black.  Lower  petals  nearly  black  to  edge, 

with  slight  white  median  lines.  Splendid 100,  $12.00 

WILLIS  E.  FRYER  (1918) — Very  large,  massive,  deep  violet.  Beautiful  throat. 

Extra  fine 1 00?  $45.00 

YELLOW  GEM  (1918)— Tall,  yellow  of  beautiful  tint.  Distinct  in  every  way. 
Showy 100,  $15.00.  1000,  $125.00 


All  prices  quoted  in  this  list  are  40%  off  the  single 
retail  price  by  the  100  and  50%  off  by  the  1,000. 

All  prices  quoted  are  F.  0.  B.  Goshen  and  subject  to 
stocks  being  unsold  on  receipt  of  orders.  Shipments 
sent  by  express  at  buyer’s  expense.  If  ordered  by 
Parcel  Post,  Ic  per  bulb  must  be  added  to  all  ship- 
ments and  any  difference  in  cost  of  postage  in  favor 
of  the  buyer  will  be  promptly  refunded.  No  extra 
charges  are  made  for  boxes,  packing  or  cartage.  Cash 
must  accompany  all  orders  unless  satisfactory  finan- 
cial references  are  given.  A discount  of  8%  will  be 
allowed  for  cash  with  orders.  Accounts  become  due 
60  days  from  date  of  shipment.  C.  0.  D.  shipments 
can  only  be  sent  if  25%  of  cost  is  sent  with  order. 

No  shipments  can  be  sent  out  prior  to  February  15th. 

25  bulbs  at  the  100  rate;  250  at  the  1,000  rate. 

No  orders  accepted  for  less  than  25  bulbs  of  a variety. 

Prices  on  larger  quantities  can  only  be  allowed  if  the 
full  number  is  ordered  at  one  time. 

First-class  photos  for  half-tones  of  the  following 
varieties:  Youell’s  Favorite,  Purple  Glory,  Mrs.  Dr. 
Norton,  Scarlet  Princeps,  Willis  E.  Fryer,  Argo,  But- 
terfly, Elberton  and  Arlon,  can  be  supplied  at  50c 
prepaid  if  at  least  100  bulbs  of  same  variety  is  or- 
dered. No  photos  furnished  excepting  of  a variety 

