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Full text of "Heikes Huntsville trees. for the trade only"

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Historic, Archive Document 

Do not assume content reflects current 
scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 

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Special Mention. 

ROSES. We are making a specialty of growing Hardy Hybrid Perpetuals and 
Mosses by budding for outdoor planting. Budded roses transplant with better 
success than roses on their own roots and produce finer blossoms. The stocks 
upon which we bud are all disbudded before planting, so that little trouble is 
experienced from suckers. It will be noticed that our assortment given on page 
six covers all shades of color from white to the darkest crimson. We have 
discontinued growing roses at Biloxi, Miss., as we find we can produce a much~ 
healthier, handsomer plant at Huntsville. Our present crop is grown at Hunts- 
ville, and we guarantee as fine plants, both roots and tops, as can be produced 
anywhere in the United States. Samples will be sent upon application. 

FRAU KARL. DRUSCHKI (Snow Queen). We are growing this variety in 
large numbers. “It is the best white Hybrid Perpetual ever introduced. We have 
had it at Huntsville blooming in the open ground for the past three years. It is 
marvelous in its beauty in half open bud and in the pure white of the full opened 
bloom. It is more prolific and more constant in bloom than the Paul Neyron. 
In a bed of a dozen plants there is seldom a day during the Summer when blooms 
eannot be cut, and during the Spring and Fall it blooms in profusion. It is the 
ideal rose for cemetery planting both North and South. It holds its foliage well 
and is healthy and vigorous and in hardiness it equals any of the Hybrid 
Perpetuals. Nurserymen should put this rose in the hands of their agents and 
draw upon us for filling their orders. 


The Huntsville Wholesale Nurseries. 


References: W. R. Rison Banking Company, Huntsville. Ala., and the 
Mercantile Agencies. 


HEIKES suntsvitte TREES. 


Except where prices are agreed upon these quotations are subject to change 
without notice. A 
The usual Terms and Conditions govern these quotations. 

Combination Car Lots. 

Prices will be based on delivery to station at Huntsville, the price of boxes to 
‘be added. In car lots in bulk no charge will be made for packing. 

To those who order in less than car lots and wish to take advantage of our plan 
to deliver to Distributing Points we must add to the prices quoted in this list 
the cost of freight from Huntsville to these points on a car lot basis, and we 
will then prepay the freight to the point of distribution. This plan insures 
low freight rates and quick time. Such orders packed in boxes at Hunts- 
ville and combined to make up car lots and shipment promptly made to distrib- 
uting points and forwarded from there over the various railroads to destination. 
Car lot orders will go direct from Huntsville to destination, and can be shipped 
at any time after September 20th to March 15th, except a short time in mid-winter. 

o | 8 ® @ 
| Distributing Points. | 
; We are making St. Louis, Mo., Rochester,,N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Tyler, 
Texas, Toppenish, Wash., N. Yakima, Wash., Portland, Ore., Grand Junction, 
Colo., and Salt Lake City, Utah, distributing points for orders in less than car 
lots, to be shipped from Huntsville on the dates named below. No charge for 
drayage or transfer at these points. 
For St. Louts--Early shipments from September 20th to October 10th; late 
shipments from October 25th to Deceinber 10th, and in Spring. 
FOR PHILADELPHIA AND ROCHESTER—November 1st and in Spring. 
FoR TYLER, TExXAs--—October 10th to December 15th. 
_ FoR PORTLAND, ORE, -—November 1st to December 15th. 
For TOPPENISH, WASH.—November 1st to December 15th. 
For NoRTH YAKIMA, WASH.— November 1st to December 15th. 
FOR GRAND JUNCTION, CoL-—October 15th to December 1st and in Spring. 
FOR SALT LAKE CiTry, UTAH--November ist to December 15th. 
This offer to ship to distributing points will not apply if shipment is required 
- at other than the above named dates. Itsometimes happens that we cannot 
arrange to make up combination car lots to suit all strictly within the dates 
named. It will be necessary to arrange the dates for shipments as orders are 
received. : 


For 100 rates add 1 cent each; for 10 rates add 214 cents each 
to the 100 rates. 

PEARS: The pears we offer are all worked on French Pear Seedlings 7-12 mm, branched roots 
In grafting pears we use the first cut only. Kieffer, from grafts, as well as other varieties from 

buds, grow up tall and straight in one year of sufficient height to eut back to the proper height 
to form heads for two year old trees. 2 : oe ; 

KIEFFER PEARS--Two Years, Grafted on Branched French 
Pear Seedlings. 

CIPHER. Per 1000 
Two years, 34 to Linch, 5 to 6 feet, well branched... ............. POO CC ee #125 00 
Two years, % to 34, 5 to 6 feet, well branched _.....-.............. Folder a 90 60 
Two years, 9-16 to %, 4to5 feet, branched........._...... {LOL OMG ee ee ee 65 00 
Two years, 4 to 9-16, 4to5feet, branched... HO WO Looe ee 55 00 
Two years, 7-16 to 14, 314 to 4% feet, branched. ..... ..............FPoolish....... 50 00 
Two years, 8 to 4feet, more or less branched ___..... ............. TPE OT OE GC Po a ee ae 40 00: 
Two years, 2 to 3 feet, more or less branched................-.-. FROG soe een a a 30 00: 

KIEFFER PEARS—One Year. Grafted on Branched French 
Pear Seedlings. 

CYPHER Per 1006 
One year, 5 to 6 feet, not branched. _.........-...... 2.2 cee FOOTER ee ee ee SRO 
One year, £ to 5 feet, not branched ......-.._......- 2.2 sn ee ECD LCR Nee ee ee TE) 
One year, 3 to 4 feet, not branched... a Parmer. 2 ee 60 00 
One year, 2 to 8 feet, not branchee .......-.........=...-- 2 ...... Farther....22.......................... 59 00 
One year, | to 2 feet. not branched. ._._.....-2-.-. 2. PF OCRON eee ee 30 00: 

STANDARD PEARS—Two Years, Budded on Branched French 
| Pear Seedlings. 

° CIPHER Per 1006 
Fwo years, 34 to Linch, 5 to 6 feet, well branched. _....... ........ COUN CP a ee ey 
Two years, % to 3%. 5 to 6 feet, well branched _............. _.. HCCblee a Ses | 
Two years, 9-16 to %%, 4 to 5 feet, well branched.......... ..-..... CW OW 6 ee een 
Two years, 4 to 9-16, 4 to 5 feet. well branched. Felon Steen. (SOLD 
Two years, 7-16 to 44, 344 to 44% feet, well branched. __.._... EPCS CONGR se gsi k 
Two years, 3 to 4 feet, more or less branched.._....... ...— ese ECU CR eee on era 


STANDARD PEARS--One Year, Budded on Branched French 
Pear Seedlings. 

CIPHER Per 1000 
One year, 5 to 6 feet, more or less branched ........... ........ -..... ROSS ee eer 
One year, 4 to 5 feet, more or less not branched ._...... ....._..... TEO SECT ee Cane ee 
One year, 3 to 4 feet, more or less branched ........ ...........-.-. LOUNGE es on + SOLD - 
One year, 2 to 3 feet, more or less branched ..... ........ 2... POL eRe eG ee 
One year. 1 to 2 feet, more or less branched ... ...... _....._-..... PRO NVC Ses eee ee 

VARIETIES—Bartlett, Beurre d’Anjou, Doyenne du Comice. 

PLUM TREES—One Year. On Peach. 

CIPHER Per 1C00 

One year, 34 to 1 inch, 5 to 6 feet, well branched........_.......... e880 ee ee 
One yeur, 11-16 to 14, 5 to 6 feet, well branched............. ........ Letter....... ..2.. 2.222. 22s ; 
One yeur, % to 11-16, 4 to 5 feet, well branched ~............. -.-.. LEU ee ee 
One year, 9-16 to %, 4to 5 feet, well branched _...... ...... A ESUINOC Nee ee oe +SOLD 2 
One year, #4 to 9-16, 4 to 5 feet, well branched. .. _.-........ ..... SD AW ONE Pee ee IIS ess SOE 
One year, 7-16 to 14, 314 to 4% feet, more or less branched..... Linger........--...----.....- see 
One year, 3 to 4 feet, more or less branched. ...........--..--...2.... GUL Olas nae oho ees Set eee 

Abundance (Botamr) Burbank Red June (Red Nagate) 

COMPASS--CHERRY --PLUM—One Year. On Peach Stocks. svar : 

: CIPHER Per 1000 a 
One year, 4 to 5 feet, 14 to 9-16, more or Iess branched ......... SUddeTES  es e ete osud + 
One year, 34% to 41% feet, 7-16 to %, more or less branched ..... SQfelyes Sea SS a 100 0 2 
One year, 3 to 4 feet, 34 to 7-16, more or less branched... ___..... SQQ62 SSeS a ee ees 85 00 
One year, 2 to 3 feet, more or less branched ........... -.- Dente eee SQ0 Re Sets Cars eee 50 00 

Fal 8 

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i TARP Te i One I a a ’ iy _o. 

RATT ee eae ee eh 



CHERRY TREES. Two Years. On Mahaleb 

CIPHER, Per 1000 

) linch & up, 5 to 7 feet, well bran’d ..Omen ........ ae, Sse: ..1.- $125 00 
34 to 1 inch, 5 to 6 feet, well bran’d..... Object... -......2....-2..2.2--+- Bg dte s 125 00 
Karly Richmond, % to 74s 4Y6. to 5% feet, well bran’d.....Ob10NG. -.... 222. ceecee cence eee eeee es 100 00 
Dyehouse, 9-16 to 84, 4 feet and up, well bran’d.. Octave... 70 00 
Ys to 9-16, 34% feet and up,well bran’d..Office Eee a Fe te eat fa gk re eg 50 00 
3 to4 feet, PrAHeHe she Ra, OU WOr dave: .. ieee ek 40 00 
2 to 8 feet, more or less branched “der 
; | linch & up, 5 ft. & up, well bran’d....Orgie.. 
Wortimerency. 34 ee it 416 ft. and up, well bran’ d. 1. Obvige . 
rage, 9-16 A ean mat eared 
Royal Duke, | Y% to 9- 48 3 ‘4 and up, well bran’ Fl athe COGN ee oe 50 00 
3 to 4 feet, branched. ........ af Fee OCR LAS onto hee 40 00 
J 2to8 feet, more or less branched ..... ORD ee eee a ges en = 30 60 
CIPHER Per 1000 
UNWOO FER OCU esis tows 2 SONS Swit Wet Gch eer 5 SP PSR, Be Ee 3 8 L200 
er Os Vest Bohne st. een es dE Pe op MORE? tar ae: Coe ee "PSOGUITIR CE. eo a ee 100 00 
Three to four feet .....2..020..... .. Bo ce PERN CAREY et lack ifm Pe ee ee ea 80 00 

SoD TOSLR Eg LESS GNSS ARR Se pee ee ms eet nein es Rene ee PPUER RecA cree Case 60 00 

Black Tartarian, Lambert, N aoeen Binz, Royal Duke. 


rg Z CIPHER. Per 1000 
Six to twelve inches......... .e--ceeee2 ce SE aCe eer ati ome aoe AIOE te Aa oe eat 3 pee ea $15 00 
Twelve to eighteen inches, _..............c2.c.c2.ceceee eee see couse boven eeees Jersey .. nee en hears, Va Opn OK 
BHighteen inches to two feet .... ...22.2...202cccccece cece cee eee eee FEGOUS ROR ee 80-00 
mrs emhneral Gh. te ten oe eee ..--- Jasper... Rimage te Tews apy 00 
Three to four feet, 3g to 7-16, more or less branched. ........ _ Jargon . Be pel IE ee ae oe 45 00 
Three to four feet, 7-16 ta 44, more or less branched ........ .... SOCKCU ER oa ogee “OOEOO 
- Four to five feet, \ to 9-16, more or less branched................. SP OUMCT er Oh Raa eee eee. 2 OD 00) 
Four to five feet, 9-16 to °g, more or less branched.................Jangle ..........-...... tS fee 8000 
Arp Beauty Elberta Filey (Ea. Belle) Orange eine 
Belle of Ga. F. St. John Lovell Phillips Cling 
_ Carman Greensboro Muir - Triumph 
” Crawford’s Early Goldfinch (Early Mamie Ross Tisizene. (Tusean) 
Crawford’s Late — Elberta) Mayflower Waddell 5 
Champion : 

PEACH TREES---One Year. On Peach. Leading Varieties. 

Our peach trees are budded on seedlings grown from Manweasee and Alabama natural pits. 
They are free from Aphis, Root-knot and Crown-Gall. We can supply beautiful large. medium 
and small-sized trees. The land upon which our peach trees are grown produces a well-matured 
tree, with fine fibrous roots. The San Jose Scale, Yellows and Rosette are unknown in this 
section and we have been careful not to bring in any buds from affected localities. 

. CIPHER Per 1000 

- One to two feet, little if any branched...............-.....5.-.-. Se inate Render . saat ieee ete ODE OO 

Two to three feet, little if any branched... Resource... DART a oe ete eee See SOD, 

Three to four feet, 36 to 7-16, little if any branched...c +. =. Réserve... Ss 45 00 

34% to 44% feet, 7-16 to 144, more or less branched ................... HE COTA C Peete ease ee nee natin FO) <0) 

Four to five feet, 4 to 9-16, branched... ..... ESE PMC sse Beer, a B50 

Four to six feet, 9-16 to Bf. pranched,~Noxl 6.35: eee WROTE Gee eg eee te Rb OD 

Five to six feet, °4 to 34, branched Sutil ee Ransom..........- pede Or AS age tat oe 85 00 

Five to seven feet, extra, 34 to 1 inch, branched... .-...... ........ RECHT 0 pier Ste po ipRent es Si Ne are A 85 00 

Apex Emma Krummel’s Late Orange Cling. 

aevandey Elberta Lovell Phillips Cling 

Arp Beauty Fox Seedling Lemon Cling Rex (Late Elberta) 

Beer’s Smock F. St. John Mamie Ross Salway 

Belle of Ga. Globe Mayflower Stephens’ Rareripe 

Bequet’s Free Greensboro Mountain Rose Stump the World 

Carman Goldfinch (Early Muir Sneed 

Capt. Ede Elberta) Munson’s Free Tiebout 

Crawford’s Karly Heath Ching Munson’s Cling Triumph 

Crawford’s Late Hiley (Ha. Belle) Old Mixon Free Tuskena (Tuscan) 

_Champion Henrietta (Levy’s Old Mixon Cling Victor 

Dulee _ Late) Octobel Waddell 

Dr. Burtow 


PECAN SEEDLINGS. Gulf Coast Thin Shell. 

We have a Very fine tot of two and three-year old seedlings grown at Huntsville. These 
trees are grown from selected nuts collected along the Gulf Coast in Southern Mississippi ang 
‘Louisiana, where the choicest thin shell nutsare produced. We can supply any size from 
ene foot upward to five feet. 

: CIPHER Per 1000 
Fwo and three years; 12 to t8 inches... 2t-.  POR eee $35 00 
Two and three years, 18 to 24inches _................ os ego OBE OLA CS ee I 45 00 
Two and three:years,.2.60 3:.feeta ee eS SAEs Off pee eu ene 2 Breas Bint 50 (0 
Two and three years, 8 to 4 feet’. __....-2...--..- ede Pellet. Se 5 TEE tenet po 65 00 
Two and three years, 4 to 5 feet —...... 0... POUCG os ee eee tee 70 00 


: CIPHER Per 1C® 
Field Grown, 18 to 24 inches, two year transplanted............ IM OPTRA a eS ge eee $20 00 
Field Grown, 2 to 3 feet,,two years transplanted _............... WEG G CR ee 22 50 
Field Grown, 3 to 4 feet, two years transplanted........... _.... MONE ee ee ee 25 00 

These Magnolias are fine, straight, smooth plants with good fibrous roots. 

ROSES-=Field Grown. Budded. 

We have ceased to grow Roses at Biloxi, as we find we can produce a much stronger, 
healthier plant at Huntsville. Those grown here, both root and top, are as fine as can be grown 

anywhere. We have a large stock this year and are making prices low to help introduce ee 

Huntsville grown. a 

CIPHER. Per 100 - Per 1000 
'P WO LY CATS, (NO. Aig ke a a re al a OS OLDE tate eta ee ..580 00 
Two years, No, eee SE ees fase gee oe seo RROOUSES & une ae ee OD. ee 
"EWwOry ears, NO: 2:24! es ee > ROCKS ee ee 35 00 

Anna de Deisbach ~ Gruss an Teplitz .MagnaCharta ~ -Paul Neyron 

Coquette des Alps Jubilee ~ Mad. Gab. Luizet- Frau Karl Druschki (Snow Queen) 
Gen. Jacquemimot © M. P. Wilder ‘P.C.deRohan Ulrich Brunner 


’ Crested Moss \) Henry Martin \ Salet + White Bath 

The No. 1 plants will have three or more branches and will be cut back to 18 to 24 inches 
The roots are very fine. We make a grade of Roses called No. 144. This grade is made up 
of plants just under No.1, such as do not have the required number of branches or slightly 
under weight and height, and make a very nice grade for mailing. 

The plants under No. 14 we class as No. 2. We recommend them for transplanting. 


AMOOR RIVER PRIVET. The Best Strain. More Nearly Evergreen 
Than Any Other Strain. 

CIPHER Per 1000 
Two years, 4 to 5 feet, well branched,..............- eb ers Se PUGS eee $50 00 
Two years, 3 to 4 feet, "well branched.....-:-2-c-0s000 secevee neces eee Purge. j 
One year, 2 to 8 feet, well branchedf ss 2. a ee Purify 
One year, 18 to 24 inches, well branched... 

One year, 12 to 18 inches, slightly branched ......22...0...:002------- 


1 ae a ees ae Se ey 

eS ee Oo eays 

| ee Sl 





We have some very promising lots of apple grafts one year for sale. One large 
fine block of our own growing at Huntsville. Other lots promise ‘to be equally 
fine, grown on contract in Washington, Kansas and Oklahoma. Descriptions of 
the different lots, showing sizes, prices and varieties, are given below: 

APPLE GRAFTS—One Year. No. 1 Seedlings. Huntsville Grown. 

CIPHER Per 1000 
IV ATO SI COU soles hassel eee see: ozo le aes, Ratna sree ues aeons EOLA ase Ce OS, wae $100 00 
TOUT DIO TLV Ce COE Lk cee ey 8 Ee Nae Rg IS RN ace Sree ET ede POROUS Cet sek eee boone 80 00 
ADiKFeStO TOUT TEeb Loko ee Pee PROD ete ene RIN BOTH. 65 00 
Two to three feet. -.2..2..22.2....... Vite Gea AR MU pieCe ee chue SL Te oy POULT Le oo ER ag! 50 00 
CPE GOV DW-ORL EO eh ieee rth aid A oh SSMS SOIR ee Per (PROCES Se es sey hi 35 00 

Grimes Golden, Gano, Jonathan, Kinnard’s Choice, Rome Béauty, Winesap. 

APPLE GRAFTS--One Year. No. 1 Seedlings. Oklahoma Grown. 

CIPHER Per 1000 
RIPOTUOE SE ETCOU eis Url Lue pe ee OT oe ae aay eal we UE OFP St dao Pe ceed a2, $100 00 
POG UPUROVMAVE TEED. Mune ayy foo fn Oe ke eee ee PAU Ctkcs eee eer ge oes 86 00 
Ores LO LOO Tee hee eR Ea ee Pe ae eee PROG YE ee ES SS > se 65 00 
Two to three feet. ....22..2... 0. cece. PMc, oo Lamang bape Gale PPP OSCE Oe NY oy ca ne 50 00 
RM ORO FCOU oh ect yo ie ade oO Ne ..Prospect.... Fibs 2 uhoa nt het OO GO 
Jonathan Whitney No. 20 Ne Pippin Vork Tapers 
Rome Beauty Maiden’s Blush itzenburg Yellow Transparent 
Red June Winesap Spit Twig Mo. Pippin 
Wealthy Gano Btavihen Winesap Duchess 
N. W. Greening Ben Davis Grimes Golden 

PEAR GRAFTS---One Year. Grafted on French Pear Seedlings 7-12 mm. 
Branched Roots. Oklahoma Grown. 

CIPHER : Per 1000 
Five to six feet................. Say Eee St ite ce UE ie (arte Oa OnE Prose..... Be so eee CS Oae $85 00 
TUOMET: TO AIMS i GOES sao cesiae he ol ome he he eee ae ne ory SR Prophet ........ eee ie bales 75 00 
hree to: toumiteets eis os vie ee Saeed a etoaae V noe wes Fiala PPV OPCTLY: sek eee, we snide ame 6s 60 00 
Two to three feet.......... SAGE SRR Heute aya uea ein cu Recto tee) Benes IPT OD CREE Ne ok Io ane sees 50 00 
One CO PMO MECH rg Serra nity cy Sele se aut Rie A SEI Saat tea ane el TaD EPLO PL st ages Se ies Globee ea 30 00 
APPLE GRAFTS—One Year. No.1 Seedlings. Washington Grown. 

CIPHER Per 1000 
Ping cr oak pate be @lG Tey ey cpbteeen it abe eS st ractlcanna eg IMIe ORR Re A aR RENAL eis Ae PRS aos EP NOOL ME RENN Dita walgreens $125 00 
OOO TIVE) FEST) ci ae iI aie an be ak Wacectt orev Blake lots scl eies PONG Rea aL eae ae 100 00 
HEP CE-EO LOE TOC E aie, Maree ci ee oie alle Mahone Ss mieten aeuate Won PONE 8 ES oe igo 75 00 
TRWGOAO THTEC-Teets veer ares oc vale sw dela lshicom abl bis oid! ajejahoele adele PLORUD UA site. sete One 60. 00 
OETA) EW OMERU Aerie he eta eee se Eee No dlc eMbioleiile wallace PRONUOLEs as Besa I ee 50 00 
Winesap Rome Beauty W. Banana King of Tompkins Co. 
Stayman Winesap EK. Spitzenburg Arkansas Black Yellow Newtown Pippin 
Jonathan Grimes Golden 3 

APPLE GRAFTS—One Year. No.1 Seedlings. Kansas Grown. 

CIPHER Per 1000 
AUISFERUCY SER LOGE eae ctr Mul aG tatues al xs via idee cia eeuawt teal wid & che) etka Me clae oi PY OWMIUSE SA Ms amas Oe $100 00 
SOMO LEVEL GAS cee coe eile stele o Ghee ee bee Ue a aoa a POUCH OPN een aed ee 80 00 
CBE ree GO: FORT PORU ie) ci aslra bake, e asst cGy eae lm Pare ve ctl ER A PPO PL Os ix! cptie he ao Bie sore 65 00 
Two to three feet .... .. Se RE ey Pe Sr AES Bless eels Stents SIP OPC EG rind WBE GE akan yc ENE te 50 00 
CIS a es hie VE ce gi ce SENS se ste hy ee ABMS os Gee eiae ces SRO OC COPS ane karte Bip a 35 00 
Jonathan Spitzenburg York Imperial Grimes Golden 
Gano Ben Davis Duchess Yellow Newtown Pippin 

Winesap Wealthy Rome Beauty 



Terms and Conditions Governing Quotations im the Price 

List of the Huntsville 

RaATES.—As we send this list to the trade only, 
we make the difference in prices between the 10, 
100 and 1000 rates very slight—simply sufficient, 
@S arule, to cover the difference in the expense 
of handling in the smaller numbers. We uni- 
formly tie in bunches of 10, when consistent 
with the order, and we suggest to our customers 
to make their orders for varieties in multiples 
of 10 as far as practicable. Orders for 50 and 
not over 300 trees, if for not less than 10 of a 
variety, will be charged at the rate per hundred. 
orders requiring 300 trees or more, and not less 
than 10 of a variety.will be fitled at the lowest 
quoted prices. Orders for less than 10 trees of 
one variety, will be charged at the rate per ten. 

Smason.—Our packing and shipping season 
begins by the 20th of September, and continues 
until about the first of March.. 

We have great advantages to offer here in 
parly shipments for the North in Spring. We 
do not accept orders for trees we do not grow, as 
we never buy trees to sell again. You can de- 

end upon us for fresh dug trees. Each order 
is taken up separately, and not until it is 
wanted for shipment. 

SHIPPING DIRECTIONS.—We respectfully beg 
our patrons to furnish us with explicit direc- 
tions as to shipping, and the mode of conveyance 
by which they desire trees forwarded. Whenno 
particular directions are given, we forward 
according to the best of our judgment. Butin 
no case do we assume any responsibility as to 
safe delivery and condition of Trees and Plants 
after a proper shipment by us. 

RELEASE.— When prepayment of freight is not 
required, we will Release and Guarantee, and 
take forwarder’s receipt and mail to consignee. 
It is left to the option of the shipper of trees 
ever some railroads, whether he will release 
them or not under the clause ‘‘Value less than 
SAE per 100 lbs.’’ If released under this clause, 
the freight is less on roads governed by this 
classification,and we will assume it to be proper 
to make this release, without reference to the 
value of the trees, unless instructed to the con- 
trary. This clause does not apply upon roads 
under some of the district elassifications, and 
because of this confusion we will not be held 
responsible for any oversight to release, unless 
instructed by our customers. Claims for delay 
or loss must be made to the forwarders. : 

PAOKAGES.—The cost of package must be 
added to the prices quoted in this list,as follows: 

Boxes 30 inches square, from 7% to 9 feet long, 
as the trees may require, each $2.50; boxes 24 
inches, $2.00; boxes 18 inches, $1.50; bales from 
25c. to 75c. each. 

PacKkInG.—Goods will be packed in moss or 
“Shingle Tow,’ and especial care taken to 
insure their arrival in the best condition. 

ASSOETMENTS.—We do not require customers 
to take an assortment they do not wish, but will 
sell one variety alone if desired. If any substi- 
tution can be allowed, either in grade or variety, 
it should be so stated when making the order. 
As a rule we do not substitute without per- 

CAUTION.—We accept all orders upon the con- 
dition that they shall be void, should any injury 
befall the trees from frost, hail, storm, fire, or 
other causes over which we have no control 

TEEMSs.—Cash. When desired, we will allow 30 
fo 60 days from date of shipment to responaibla. 

Wholesale Nurseries. 

prompt-paying customers. Parties with whom 
we have had no business transactions. will save 
time by sénding reference, with order. We 
wish it expressly understood that payment is 
expected from the first collections made. and 
the time named is only intended as so inany 
days of grace in which to make returns. To 
northern customers, who wish to lay in stock 
for Spring trade, we will ship late in Fall 
or early in Spring, and allow time fcr payment 
till May 15th. If shipment is required in the 
Fall for Spring use, a note is to be given upon 
receipt of the trees. We do not allow any 
discount for cash, but we make our prices low to 
command cash, or prompt returns. In orders 
when the time is not mentioned, 30 days is to be 
understood. Interest at the rate of 8 per cent 
per annum must be paid on over due accounts. 
Should prices be changed, either higher or 
lower, during the season, the prices ruling at 
the fim the order is made, are expected to 

ForMS OF PAYMENT.—AIll bills are payable at 
the office of the seller, and remittances should 
be made by drafts on New York, Chicago or St. 
Louis, or by.-money orders on some Express 
Company, or by postal orders. We will, how- 
ever, accept checks from those of our customers 
who may be located at places having no bank- 
ing, express or postal facilities, provided they 
make them in every case payable ‘‘with ez- 
change’’, or add &% of onecent. to the amount of 
the bill for the cost of collection. 

GRADES.—We grade very carefully, in some 
cases by caliper, in others by height. When 
graded by both caliper and height. the caliper 
must govern, as the height then named is only 
to be considered approximately. When graded 
by height or caliper, we include the lower num- 
ber and exclude the higher. Instance: in a 
grade of 4 to 5 feet trees, the 4 feet trees are in- 
cluded, but not the 5 feet trees. If 5 feet trees 
are wanted, the5 to 6 feet grade must be ordered. 

ercise the greatest diligence and care to have all 
our Trees, etc., true to label, and hold ourselves 
in readiness, on proper proof, to replace all trees, 
ete., that may prove untrue to label, free of 
charge, or refund the amount paid, it is mutu- 
ally understood and agreed to, between the pur- 
chaser and ourselves, that our guarantee of gen- 
uineness shall in no case make us liable for any 
sum greater than that originally received for 
said trees, etc., that shall prove untrue. 

ACCEPTANCE.—Notice should be sent us by tel- 
egraph, at our expense, if there is any cause of 
complaint,or should the trees be refused, stating 
reasons. Claims for deduction, from whatever 
cause,will rr :eive consideration only when made 
premptly upon the receipt of the trees. If trees 
show any signs of shrivelling upon arrival, they 
can usually be restored by being thoroughly 
watered and buried entirely under the ground 
for two or three days. Should there be any frost 
in the trees upon arrival, they should not be 
removed from the box until the frost is all out. 
The box should be placed in the cellar or pro- 
tected in some other way. The presence of 
frost in the boxes is not to be considered an 
evidence of bad condition. 28 we pack to 
secure the trees against damage, if the frest 
is allowed to come out in the natural way. 
Goods will be considered accepted if removed 
from the boxes in which they are packed, w.5b- 
out notice of complaint tous and without om 
ardere for their disposition. |