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Full text of "Illustrated catalog with honest descriptions of the very best, selected, tested, money saving seeds, potatoes, cinnamon vines, premiums and extras / Cook Seed Co., successors to A.T. Cook."

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Historic,  archived  document 

Do  not  assume  content  reflects  current 
scientific  knowledge,  policies,  or  practices. 

Seed  Business  Established  in  1876 

Over  40  Years  of  Square  and  Honest  Dealing 

M ones  living.  It  supplies  a vast  amount  of  healthful,  delicious 

^ Mi  iSOOIl  ISMHwiPlI  food  the -whole  year  thru,  and  everlastingly  cuts  down  your  store  bills. 


Whatsoever  a Man  Soweth  That  ShalT'tfe^tso'Reap. 

Our  Genuine  Cbinese 
Cinnamon  Vines  have 
Beautiful  Leaves,  Most 
Dainty  Flowers  and 
Exquisite  Perfume. 

Chinese  Cinnamon 
Vines  are  the  most 
beautiful,  fragrant  and 
easiest  grown  of  all  the 
climbers.  Will  make 
yonr  porches,  windows 
and  walks  “ Perfect 
Bowers  of  Beauty.” 
Once  planted  they  will 
grow  a lifetime.  Cinna- 
mon Vines  also  make 
very  charming  windov? 
plants— indoors  or  oiit. 
Perfectly  hardy— gro^w 
in  sun  or  shade,  w'et  or 
dry,  indoors  or  out. 
No  insects  or  blight 
ever  troubles.  Winters 
do  no  harm.  Their 
abundance  of  blossoms 
perfume  the  air  for  a 
long  distance.  Words 
cannot  describe  their 
delicious  fragrance. 

For  Windows— Plant 
two  on  each  side.  For 
I'orehes,  walks,  etc., 
plant  8 inches  or  a foot 
apart,  cover  2 inches. 
Furnish  twine  support 
f<'r  the  vines. 

Cinnamon  Vines  are 
from  China,  the  land  of 
wonders.  1 1 always 
pays  to  make  the  home 
beautiful.  Let  their 
beauty  and  fragrance 
bless  your  home 

We  are  headquarters 
— much  the  largest  of 
all  growers  in  America. 

To  introduce  them  this 
year  everywhere,  we 
offer  our  best  *’  gilt 
edge”  stock  at  less 
than  half  usual  prices. 
Now  is  your  time  to 
get  them  and  make 
money  as  never  before. 
Don’t  miss  this  golden 

We  want  50,ooo  new 
Clul)  Agents.  Try  this 
big  money  maker  now. 
The  Tubers  are  nice 
and  clean  to  handle,  as 
they  never  rot  or  dry 
up.  Order  them  now. 

We  send  a beautiful, 
life  like  Colored  Plate 
with  every  order-just 
show  it  and  the  vines 
will  sell  themselves. 

Order  at  once.  The 
Tubers  will  keep  per- 
fectly until  planting 

If  this  does  not  in- 
terest you,  please  be 
good  enough  te  show 
it  to  a Club  Agent. 

From  Prof.  W.  H; 
IVI  o r s e , Agric  u Itural 
Chemist,  Hartford, 
Conn.  “Your  Cinna- 
mon Vines  were  the 
marvel  of  the  city. 
Tlmy  were  more  wmn- 
derful,  more  pleasing 
ami  more  fascinating 
than  ever.  Their  sweet 
pei-t’ume  captivates 
every  heart.” 

No  one  should  miss 
planting  soine  of  these 
most  beautiful  vines. 

Special  Prices:  3 for  25  cts.  l for  50  cts.  1 5 for  $1.  100  for  ^6.  All  sent  postpaid. 
Extra  Large  2 year  old,  will  make  enormous  vines  in  a few  weeks,  double  above  prices. 

50  Beautify!  Watches  Given  Away  Free  ef  Oharge  t@  Ousfeiners 

Who  Grow  the  Most  Pounds  Fi’ora  100  Iiills  of  Cook’s  Early  Six  Weeks  Potatoes.  See  Back  Cover  Page. 

Illustrated  Catalog  With 

Of  the  Very  Best,  Selected, 

Potatoes,  Cinnamon  Vines,  Premiums  and  Extras. 

Selected  Especially  for  the  Most  Critical  Buyers.  Grown,  Selected,  and  for  sale  by 
Practical  Gardeners  of  40  Years  Experience  — by  Farmer’s  Sons 
who  know  what  to  Catalog,  and  what  to  leave  out. 


^ * Successors  to  A.  T.  COOK. 

Chinese  Cinnamon  Vines.  I 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  G-et  up  a Club  Order. 


Free  to  every  Club-Agents-Customer-who  orders  50  cents  worth  or  more  of  anything  from  this 
og.  More  Extras  for  larger  orders — the  larger  3"onr  order  the  more  valuable  Extras  you  will  re- 
These  novelties  are  in  addition  to  all  other  Premiums  or  Discounts. 
jry  cheap  at  50  cents.  Don’t  miss  them.  They  are  choice  “Gems” 

Crimson  Giant  Radish.  Kochia  Tricophylla.  Nf 

The  3 following  would 
for  j'our  Garden. 

5w  King  Cabbage. 

Piease  show  this  rare  offer  to  all  your  friends.  It  is  our  way  of  advertising.  Club- 

Agents  will  find  it  easier  than  ever  to  take  orders.  Be  sure  and  tell  how  many  in  your  club  are  en 
titled  to  them.  We  especially  want  evci'y  Club  Agent  to  know  of  our  matchless  offer. 


Everthing  we  offer  is  sent  prepaid  by  mail.  Everything  is  guaranteed  to  reach  you  safely.  A 
Pren.iumi  orders  are  insured.  You  are  alwaj^s  safe  in  sending  to  us.  Everything  we  offer  coun 
on  your  Premium.  We  supply  special  circulars  of  Potatoes,  Cinnamon  Vines  and  Post  Cards- 
all  you  can  use  or  mail  to  friends.  Send  for  some,  they  will  help  you  much  to  get  orders.  Il< 
member  our  Seeds  are  extra  selected — all  tested — sold  in  sealed  packets  only  and  contain  fr 
directions  for  planting.  Our  Trade  Mark  is  on  every  packet.  V7e  never  sell  on  credit  or  con 
mission  or  C.  O.  D. — If  you  prefer  a cash  discount  instead  of  a premium — deduct  one-third  fro; 
your  order.  If  no  premium  is  ordered,  or  discount  taken  W'e  send  a Premium  Coupon — goc 
toward  Premium.  Canada  Customers  must  remit  by  Money  Order.  We  will  look  for  j'our  ord( 

soon.  Please  do  not  disappoint  us.  (Don’t  forget  to  send  for  some  Circulars.) 


The  most  beautiful,  most  fragrant  and  easiest  grovui  of  all  climbers.  Once  plantec 
grow  a lifetime.  We  want  you  all  to  know'  we  are  Headquarters — by  far  the  largest  gr 
in  the  w^orld,  and  offer  our  choicest  Tubers  to  our  customers  and  club-agents  at  less 
ha,lf  other  dealers  prices.  Remember  this  and  tell  your  friends  also.  It  is  your  great  opport 
Order  at  once.  Tubers  will  keep  for  months  if  not  ready  to  plant.  SPECIAL  PRSCE  5 ! 
Tubers  25  cts.,  10  for  50  cts.,  20  for  $1.00,  100  for  $5.00.  Extra  Large,  two  year  Chinese 

namon  Vine  Tubers — ^wull  make  enormous  vines  in  a few'  w’^eeks — at  just  double  above  price 
postpaid.  Price  includes  Premiums  same  a,s  ever^dhlng  else,  (or  discount  if  preferred), 
agents  wanted  at  every  Postoffice  for  these  amazing  easy  sellers.  They  wdll  be  a veritable 
mine”  to  all  who  will  push  their  sales.  Please  show  tins  to  the  best  Club  Agent  you  know'. 


To  My  250,000  Old  Customers  and  Club  Agents. 

Dear  Friends:  In  order  to  better  care  for  my  rapidly  increasing  business  and  better  serve 
my  good  patrons,  I have  transferred  my  entire  Catalog  and  Selling  Department  to  the  COOK, 
SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  This  will  enable  me  to  devote  much  more  of  my  personal  time  and, 
attention  to  the  growing  and  selection  of  Superior  Vegetable  and  Flower  Seeds,  Potatoes,  Cinnamon, 
Vines  Etc  These  choice  products  can  only  be  obtained  from  the  Cook  Seed  Co.  mentioned, 

above  I can  assure  you  that  all  orders  will  be  filled  with  the  same  care,  liberality  and  promptness- 
with  best  possible  seeds,  valuable  Premiums,  extras,  etc.,  as  I have  done  for  many  years.  No  other  , 

seedsman  in  existence  can  do  as  w'ell  for  you.  With  thanks  and  best  w'ishes  I remain  ^ ^ 

Your  Friend,  A.  T.  COOK. 


DE  A.R  FRIENDS ; — We  want  every  one  of  you  to  know  and  realize  that  the  mighty  cost  of  big 
Catalogs,  expensive  help  and  tremendous  advertising  bills  of . the  City  Seedsman- -every  dollar  of  it 
comes  out  of  their  customers.  Their  business  would  die  in  a year  if  they  did  not  charge  big  prices 
to  cover  these  enormous  expenses.  We  want  every  one  of  you  to  understand  these  facts. 

U^=A11  this  cost  we  save  by  our  little  Catalog  and  economical  methods.  We  give  it  all  to 
YOU  in  Better  Seeds,  Bigger  Packets,  Better  Discounts,  adding  many  choice  Extras  and  Novelities, 
and  give  Premiums  of  such  Value  and  Beauty  they  excite  the  wonder  and  admiration  of  all.  No 
City  Seedsman  can  possibly  be  even  half  as  liberal.  We  know'  you  will  appreciate  this. 

We  believe  in  helping  each  other.  If  you  believe  in  our  “Mutual  Help  Methods”  we  W'ill 
expect  your  order  soon.  May  Peace,  Prosperity,  Health  and  Happiness  ever  be  yours,  is  the  wish  of 
Your  Friends,  the 

COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y. 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  G-et  up  a Club  Order. 


And  Specialties  of  Superior  iVierit. 



The  Greatest  Cucumber  Ever  Introduced.  Should  be  in  Every  Carden. 

This  new  variety 
where  known  is  the 
most  popular  of  all. 
Ideal  shape,  perfect 
size,  and  in  eating 
quality  surpassing 
anything  ever  grown.  { 
It  is  enormously 
productive,  tender 
and  brittle,  and  the 
handsomest  of  all  cu- 
cumbers.  It  often 
brings  double  usual 
price  in  the  markets. 

Vines  are  healthy 
and  vigorous,  and  are 
“everlasting”  bear- 
ers. What  more  need 
be  said? 

Large  Packet,  Se- 
lected Seed— 10  cents. 

3 for  25q.  12  for  $1.00. 


Hardiest  of  All  Extra  Eariies--of  Surpassing  Delicious  Flavor. 

A New  extra  early  golden  Sugar  Corn  that  mnkes  friends  everywhere.  It  is  the  richest  in  flavor  of  all  early 
. varieties.  Grows  about  4 feet  high,  may  be  planted  close,  and  wi  11  produce  2 to  3 flue  ears  on  a stalk.  Ears  5 to 
7 inches  long,  a rich  creamy  yellow.  Unequaled  for  home  use,  and  a money-maker  for  all  markets. 

It  is  much  the  hardiest  of  all,  and  may  be  planted  fully  10  days  before  other  kinds.  Best  also  for  late  fall  use, 
id  can  be  planted  up  to  middle  of  .July.  No  other  sweet  corn  has  ever  before  so  quickly  attained  such  pop  - 
rity.  lou  will  be  delighted  with  it.  Selected  Seed,  lo  cts.  per  Large  Packet.  3 for  25c.  I2for$i.oo. 


A Real  Gem  for  Every  Home  Carden,  and  of  Great  Value  for  Nlarket. 

There  is  a treat  in  store  for  every 
one  who  plants  these  new  and  splendid 
beets.  They  are  the  handsomest  ever 
seen,— and  the  surest  and  quickest 
growers.  To  grow  them  once  is  to  grow 
them  always.  Very  perfect  in  shape, 
good  size,  globular  form,  smooth  skin, 
small  top.  Elesh  very  fine-grained, 
sweet,  tender— brilliant  red  color. 

■ Specially  adapted  to  the  home  garden 
—being  extremely  early  and  retaining 
their  freshness  and  high  table  qualities 
so  long.  Are  excellent  keepers  and  make 
a fine  winter  beet  if  planted  in  .July. 

Beets  are  one  of  the  most  important 
vegetables  all  the  year  round,  and  can 
be  used  in  many  ways.  Every  one  should 
have  an  abundant  supply  of  the  very 
best  I hope  every  customer  will  plant 
the  Early  Red  Beautv.  I’a-’-ket  10  cts  3 
for  25c.  12  for  $1.00.  Extra  Selected  Seed. 


To  My  “25  Year”  Customers,  t 

Many  have  written  that  they  have  used  mv  E 
i seeds  for  25  years.  1 wish  a eoiupiete  list  of  ► 
A such.  If  all  25  year  customers  will  write— £ 
1 nientioninfr  tliis  J will  be  prrateful,  and  still  ‘ 
4 more  so  if  they  will  also  send  their  Photo. 

■TTTTV  VfrffVYTTyy VTTTTf f f f f V V VVVmiR w 

Address,  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y. 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

Cream  of  the  Vegetable  and  Flower  World 

You  can  pick  with  your  eyes  shut  and  get  a good  thing  every  time. 

New  Golden  Eyed  Wax  Bush  Beans. 


Never  in  the  history  of  bean  culture  has  so  valuable 
a variety  been  found  as  this  Golden  Wax.  If  you  have 
not  planted  it  you  do  not  know  what  the  perfection  of 
beans  really  is.  The  pods  are  long,  brittle,  and  EN- 
TIRELY STRINGLESS ; of  the  richest  golden  color, 
and  borne  in  the  most  marvelous  profusion. 

sweet  pickles;  may  be 
fried  like  egg-plant,  a,nd 
are  fine  for  mangoes. 

There  is  nothing  like 
them.  Extremely  early, 
of  the  easiest  culture, 
surprising  yielder,  cov- 
ering the  ground  with  its 
golden  fruit.  Tney  grow 
from  the  seed  in  so  days. 

I am  sure  y op  will  be  ve 
ry  much  pleased  with  it. 

Directions  for  growing 
— use  of  fruit,  etc,,  on 
each  pkt.  Packet  10  cts. 

3 for  25c.  12  for  $1 ,00. 

S.  A.  Gakey,  Hillsboro  Co.  N.  H.  wites;— Tour  Yegetable  Peach- 
es are  a real  wonder.  Your  seeds  are  the  best  I ever  bought. 

W.  J.  Robinson,  Madison  Co.  Tenn,  writes The  Vegetable  Peach 
is  all  you  claim.  Mine  ripened  in  70  days.  I want  to  take  orders. 

W.  W.  Chase,  Wash.  Co.  N.  Y.  writes:— Yonr  Vegetable  Peaches 
were  just  as  you  recommended.  They  are  wonderful  yielders,  and 
make  fine  preserves,  sweet  pickles,  and  pies. 

L.  N.  Willoughby,  Cheshire  Co.  N.  H.  Avrites Yonr  Vegetable 
Peach  “took  the  cake”  and  attracted  m ore  attention  than  anything 
alse  shown  at  our  Farmer's  Festival.  Your  seeds  yield  enormously. 

Easy  Crowing 
Mastodon  Celery. 

A remarkable  new  varie- 
ty,  combining  the  grandest 
qualities.  Easiest  of  grow- 
ers,  immense  size,  solid, 
crisp  and  brittle,  nutty  fla- 
vor,  rich  and  delightful. 

^ pleasure 
to  grow  this  hardy,  delic- 
ious,  golden  heart  celery, 
lilli 'tiiffltiilw  It  succeeds  under  almost 

/III  ■ conditions.  Pkt.  10  cts. 

/if  ^ MONEY  CROP.x 

/ 1 1 Celery  and  celery  plants 

/'ll  I I llll\  sure  money  crops.  Al- 

/ lll  I I 1 IIm  most  incredible  profits  are 
li  ll  i l ll  f llllrl  often  realized  from  a small 

I I I I 1 fill  IF//I I 1 1 n piece  of  land.  Encourage 

II  t l\\w  your  children  to  plant  a 

I ''  lu  mV  II.  good  sized  bed.  It  will  pay. 


Exact  copy  of  photograph  of  3 plants  of  second  crop- 
planted  July  IGth,  and  liarvested  .Sept.  16th,  showing  what 
these  wonderful  beans  can  do  in  two  months. 

Deliciously  tender,  rich  and  buttery:  a prodigious 
yielder.  Unexcelled  both  as  a snap  bean  and  a shell 
bean  for  winter  nse.  Plants  are  extra  robust  and  har- 
dv.  Beans  never  rust  or  blight,  a feature  of  the  great- 
est value.  It  stands  on  the  pinnacle  of  perfection. 

Whatever  other  good  things  you  overlook  in  this  cat- 
alog—do  not  miss  planting  these  beans. 

Extra  Large  Packet,  lo  cts.  3 for  25  cts.  12  for  $1.00. 

Took  14  First  Prizes.  Who  can  beat  It? 

Mr.  A.  T.  Cook:— 1 showed  fourteen  different  kind  of  vegeta- 
bles at  our  County  Fair — grown  from  your  seeds— and  took  four- 
teen first  prizes.  I am  so  well  pleased  that  I want  to  plant  15 
acres  with  them  this  season.  A.  L.  Gilbert,  111. 

Finest  Pansies  Ever  Seen. 

A.  T.  Cook.  Dear  Sir :— I want  some  more  of  your  Pansies.  They 
are  the  finest  strain  that  have  ever  been  grown  in  this  part  of  the 
world.  Yours  truly,  Mark  Williams.  Kutawa,  Canada. 

Is  pleased  with  my  Catalog. 

Mr.  A.  T.  Cook:— Your  Catalog  is  the  cleanest  that  ever  came  in 
our  house.  It  is  a book  good  for  the  children  to  read— so  many 
good  thoughts  in  it  to  assist  in  teaching  them.  I wish  all  would 
print  as  good  ones  as  yours.  Kindly  Yours,  L.  N,  Haworth, 
Blaine  Co..  Okla. 

MAMMOTH  RHUBARB,  or  Pie  Plant. 

Its  stalks  are  much  used  stew- 
ed,  and  for  pies,  tarts,  etc.  Ev- 
ery  garden  should  have  a good 
supply  of  this  excellent  appeti- 
zer  and  truly  healthful  vegeta- 
ble.  This  variety  is  far  superi- 
common  sorts,  and 
produces  immense  stalks  VE- 
^ ” RY  EARLY  in  the  spring.  It 

u \y|  11  /a  has  a rich,  spicy  flavor.  Rhu- 

barb  is  of  the  easiest  culture, 
and  commands  a ready  sale  in 
all  markets  at  good  prices— 
coming  when  fruit  and  vegetables  are  scarce.  Pkt.  5c. 

Planting,  Cultivating, 
and  Storing 
Celery  for  Winter. 

A concise  treatise,  plainly 
telling  the  best  methods  of 
managing  this  healthful  veg- 
etable-sent free  ( if  request- 
ed ) to  all  who  order  two  or 
more  packets  of  Celery  seed. 

I Want  Everyone  to  Know 

and  remember— that  I give  MY  Customers  and  Club- 
Agents  what  others  pay  for  cumbersome,  painted  cat- 
alogs. city  help  and  extravagant  advertising.  I know 
seed-buyers  will  appreciate  my  efforts— for  they  get 
the  benefit.  I am  prepared  for  a greater  “landslide” 
of  orders  than  ever  before.  Let  them  come.  The 
seeds  are  ready  and  Premiums  waiting. 

Cook’s  Seeds  Make  Successful  Gardens. 

Northampton  Co.,  Pa., 

A.  T.  Cook.  Dear  Sir : —Last  years  garden  crops  were  the  rich- 
est and  most  successful  ever  known  in  this  town.  They  all  owe  it 
to  Cook’s  seeds.  They  liave  proved  the  best,  and  are  more  and 
more  popular  every  year.  I sliall  place  all  orders  with  you.  I get 
a very  big  club  order  in  a single  day,  I will  send  you  many  more. 
My  Brother  also  is  working  for  you.  Yours,  Richard  E.  Herd. 


3 Touch  not.  t 

1 Taste  not,  t 

2 Handle  not,  r 

I I f M 

Intoxicating  ► ® 

I Cup.  I ffflHARIliifcgll 

Jlost  every  body  likes  this  wonderful  delicious^ lettuce" 

Love,  Purity,  and  Fidelity 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

Monte  Cristo  Watermelon.  Best  Ever  Produced.  { 

“■  ' ^oth^  year  but  adds  to  the  popularity  of  thi^  ’ 

KING  OF  ALL  WATEEMELON^  The  income 
parable  Monte  Cristo  is  sweet  and  luscious  be= 
yond  power  of  words  to  describe.  It  is  the  ear- 
best  of  ALL  the  giant  melons,  and  is,  without 

Often  weighs  under  ordinary  cultivation  60 
lbs.  or  more.  One  of  the  sweetest,  juciest,  crisp 
and  most  solid  melons  ever  produced.  Very 
easy  to  sell  from  its  handsome  appearance  and 
exquisite  quality.  It  is  the  GEEATEST  MON 

Certainly  no  melon  can  sur- 
pass it  for  market  or  table  use. 
Mr.  Dodge  the  veteran  melon 
expert  says,  “The  Monte  Cristo 
is  the  best  melon  I ever  raised— 
not  half  its  good  qualities  have 
been  told.”  My  Growers  say, 
“All  other  melons  are  poor  and 
tasteless  compared  with  the 
Monte  Cristo.”  Whatever  you 
do,  do  not  miss  growing  the 
wonderful  Monte  Cristo  Water- 

Headquarters  Stock,  Selected 
Seed,  pure  and  true.  Large 
Packet  IOC.  3 for  25c.  12  for  $i, 

“The  Monte  Cristo  Watermelons  were  A No.  1.  I want  no  better.  I have  grown  melons  for  years,  and  never  saw  their  equal  for  both 
quality  and  size.  The  Coffee  Berry  is  a success.  I was  much  pleased  with  all  your  seeds.”  N . H.  W ood.  Los  Alamos,  Calif. 

Japanese  Nest* Egg  Gourd. 

This  new  and  beautiful  variety  varies  in  size  from  a 
pigeon’s  egg  up  to  a goose  egg,  but  mostly  the  size  of 

hens  eggs  and 
so  exactly  the 
shape  and  col- 
or, as  to  al- 
most deceive 
the  eye.  The 
shells  are  hard 
and  durable, 
and  make  the 
very  best  nest- 
eggs,  as  they 
Tneither  freeze 
or  crack.  The  Nest-Egg  Gourd  is  a rapid  and  desira- 
ble climber;  quickly  covering  old  sheds  or  any  unsight- 
ly object  with  a mass  of  green  foliage,  thickly  dotted 
with  beautiful  white  eggs.  Boys  you  can  make  lots  of 
money  growing  this  gourd,  and  selling  them  to  your 
nabors  for  nest-eggs.  Packet  lo  ets. 


These  exquisite  flowers 
should  be  in  every  garden. 
They  are  of  marvelous 
size  and  beauty— measur- 
ing 3, 4,  and  6 inches  across 
borne  in  great  profusion. 
The  effect  is  most  charm- 
ing. Colors  pink,  white, 
mauve,  crimson,  etc,,  del- 
icately tinted  and  clouded. 
Blooms  are  varied,  some 
plaited,  cut  and  fringed. 

They  are  very  pretty  and 
lasting  for  vases,  etc.  Of 
the  easiest  culture,  and 
blooms  from  July  to  Nov. 
Height  4 to  5 feet.  Select- 
ed Seed,  a superb  assort- 
ment. Pkt.  10c,  3 for  250. 

From  Prof.  W.  H.  Morse,  M.  D.,  F.  B.  S.  Sc. 

Westfield.  N.  J. 

My  Dear  A(lways)  T(nie)  Cook.  Tour  Honest  catarog  bas 
come  again.  Every  year  adds  to  my  faith  in  Cook’s  seeds. 

Those  Vegetable  Peaches,  Domestic 
Coffee,  and  Cinnamon  Vines  were 
more  wonderful, more  pleasing,  and 
more  fascinating  than  ever. 

The  Cinnamon  Vine  was  the  mar- 
vel of  the  city ; and  the  peaches  and 
coffee  not  only  gave  large  crops  but 
attracted  the  attention  of  the  whole  ' 
section.  All  other  seeds  did  well. 

The  Perfection  Parsnips,  which 
came  to  my  table  for  dinner  to-day 
deserve  especial  mention.  In  more 
tlian  a quarter-centurys  experience 
with  experintental  gardens,  nothing 
in  the  way  of  seeds  has  ever  pleased 
me  more,  and  if  it  will  do  you  any 
good  you  can  say  that  Cook,  and 
his  seeds  are  guaranteed  by  me. 
Eraternally  and  Sincerely  Yours, 
W.  H,  Morse,  Agri’l  Chemist. 

Early  Jersey  Wakefield  Cabbage. 

This  is  preemi- 
nently the  best  ex- 
tra early  cabbage  in 
the  world.  It  is  of 
large  size  for  so  ear- 
ly a kind,  and  is  well 
deserving  its  popu- 
larity. It  heads  up 
remarkably  hard 
and  solid;  can  be 
planted  close,  and  is 
very  desirable  for 
early  market. 

Pkt.  lOc.3  for  25c. 

All  of  my  cab- 
hageseeu  is  ve- 
ry choice,  being  raised 
from  the  best  hard  heads 
carefully  selected. 

Gardiners!  plant  them  this  year  and  you  will 
diet  that  “they  are  the  best  in  the  world.” 

I with  the  ver- 


My  famous  gilt  edge  mixture  contains  all  of  Eckford's 
finest  hybrids  and  many  others— over  100  in  all.  They 
are  the  very  best  quality,  large  size,  brightest  colors, 
and  delightfully  fragrant.  Plant  quantities  of  these 
lovely  flowers  for  your  own  use,  and  to  give  away.  Cut 
them  with  a lavish  hand.  Their  presence  will  bring 
pleasure  in  the  sick  room,  and  adorn  your  friends  emp- 
ty vases,  and  make  happy  the  flower-hungry  children 
who  have  no  pretty  flowers  of  their  own.  Sow  very 
early,  in  extremely  rkh  ground  and  you  will  have  enor= 
mous  quantities  of  the  largest  blossoms. 

Extra  Large,  full  packets—!  3 times  the  usual 

size, )— only  lo  ets.  3 for  25  cts.  12  for  $1,00, 


Sage  is  most  extensively 
used  of  all  herbs  for  sea- 
soning, The  leaves  and 
tender  tops  are  used  in 
stuffing,  sauces,  etc.  etc. 

Sage  has  many  medical 
properties.  Sow  early, 
and  thin  to  12  inches.  A 
bed  wii!  last  many  years 
Have  you  a bed  of  Sage  ? 

If  not,  now  is  6 good 
time  to  plant  onr. 

Packet  S Cts. 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  K.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 


This  has  become  a standard  variety,  and  isundonbt- 
<^dly  the  best  Cucumber  for  pickles,  and  is  used  almost 
exclusively  by  the  most  progressive  pickle  factories. 
The  fruit  is  of  medium  length,  pointed  at  both  ends ; 

I color  deep  green ; begins  to  set  its  fruit  when  the  vines 
' are  quite  young.  It  is  a continuous  bearer,  and  its 
I productive  qualities  simply  marvelous.  I have  a very 
' choice  strain  of  seed.  Packet  6 cts.  6 for  25  cts, 


' lam  glad  to  offer  this  new  variety  as  one  of  almost 
inestimable  value.  How  many  of  my  Gardener  friends 
believe  that  there 
is  anywhere  in  ex- 
istence, a nice, 

’ smooth,  garden 
beet  of  deep  red 
' color,  which  will 
' produce  roots  of 
' suitable  size  for 
'market  10  HAYS 
' in  advance  of  the 
old  early  sorts? 

Well  friends  this 
variety  does  that 
very  thing;  I was 
incredulous  until 
' I planted  the  seeds 
' and  tested  them 
side  by  side,  and 
watching  their 
I growth  saw  a fine- 
; ly  formed  root  de- 
’ velope  on  every 
plant  of  this  new 
' variety  before  oth- 
' er  early  kinds  be- 
gan  to  bottom.  f 

The  flesh  is  deli-f 
cate,  rich,  and 
sugary;  very  fine 
I grained.  It  is  in 
every  way  an  ideal 
table  Beet,  Young 
plants  make  splen- 
did greens. 

Pkt.  10c.  3 for  25c. 

White  Plume,  Self  Bleaching  Celery. 

the;  earcie:st  variety. 

This  is  the  best  of  the  so  called 
Self  Bleaching  varieties,  as  it 
needs  but  little  banking  up.  Its 
eating  qualities  are  equal  to  the 
best  of  the  older  sorts  being  ten- 
der and  crisp,  solid,  and  of  a 
pleasing  nutty  flavor,  while  its 
white  feather-like  foliage  places 
it  ahead  of  all  others  as  a table 
ornament.  More  largely  grown 
than  any  other.  If  any  have 
failed  to  grow  flne  celery,  they 
should  try  this.  _ Pkt.  lo  cts. 

rlt  Pays  WelTi™*^ 

Get  Hp  a I 


A magnificent  distinct  new  variety  of  greatest  value. 
It  is  a marvel  in  earliness,  ripening  3 weeks  before  red 
Wethersfield.  Its  keeping  qualities  are  marvelous— no 

to  Buib. 






other  can  compare.  A tremendous  yielder— every  seed 
producing  a nice  onion.  Bulbs  very  thick— clear  amber 
brown,  flesh  mild  and  pleasant.  I trust  all  will  try  it. 

Barge  Packet,  Selected  Seed  5 cts.  6 for  25c.  24  for 

$1.00.  24  pkts.  should  produce  $30.  worth  of  onions. 

3 One  Womans  Money-Making  Carden 

4 Thousands  Can  do  as  Well— and  Better.  . 

4 From  a plot  only  30  by  50  feet,  I took  in  $24.00  for[ 

5 early  Lettuce,  $10.00  for  Beets,  $10.00  for  early  Celery  | 
^ and  have  fully  Sio.oo  worth  of  late  Celery  still  grow-  ^ 

3 ing— making  over  $50.00  clear  money  from  this  little  I 
^ piece.  On  another  piece  I grew  early  Peas,  Sweety 

4 Corn,  and  Beans,  all  big  “money-makers.”  Others  t 
◄ can  do  likewise  and  have  “Pin  Money”  in  plent 

Marie  T.  Lundale, 


Parsley  is  a flavoring 
herb  of  highest  culinary 
value.  This  superior  va- 
riety has  beautiful,  mossy, 
curled  and  crimped  leaves, 
light  brilliant  shade  of 
green,  of  extra  fine  quali- 
ty. No  one  planting  it  once 
would  ever  be  without  it. 

The  Leaves  can  be  dried  = 
for  winter  use— or  take  up 
a few  plants  and  store  in 
the  cellar  in  moist  earth. 

Packet  5 cts.  6 for  25  cts. 

The  Wonderfyi  Stereoscope,  f 


My  Improved  Stereoscope  is  one  of  the  wonders  of  t 
the  age.  It  brings  all  objects  and  scenery  out  in  re-  F 
lief,  and  life-size,  in  a way  that  puzzles  scientists,  F 
I and  excites  the  admiration  of  all.  F 

Order  All  of  Your  Garden  Seeds  Early. 

'''FhUFASj'oR  EARTH  AlIvIoSdS.' 

These  very  closely  resemble  in  sweetness  and  richness 
of  flavor  a cocoanut  or  almond.  Children  are  very  fond 

of  them,  and  each 
one  should  have  a 
chufa  patch.  They  ^ 
are  much  grown  in  ' 
the  South  to  fatten  ' 
swine,  poultry,  etc. 
They  succeed  per- 
fectly at  the  North, 
our  plants  yielding 
from  300  to  600  fine, 
large  chufas  each. 
They  are  a rich  ^ 
and  healthy  food  for  ] 
poultry  of  all  kinds. ' 
Directions  for  plant- ' 
ing,  etc.,  on  each 
packet.  Packet  loc. 

Arthur  Hortox, 
of  Ponce,  Neb.,  writes: 
“The  chufas  I got  of  you 
are  all  you  claim.  I rais-  * 
ed  over  a half  bushel  ( 
from  one  packet.  They  - 
are  delicious  eating.” 

Whatever  You  Do,  do  not  plant  old  run-out  va- 
rieties of  Potatoes.  Of  all  the  follies  of  Gardening  this  i 
is  about  the  biggest.  Plant  Early  Six  Weeks.  They  grow, 
so  quickly  you  can  raise  two  full  crops  a year,  even  in  the  ; 
North.  Be  sure  atid  order  a good  supply  early. 

Please  Show  Our  Rare  Bargains  In  Seeds  J 
and  Premiums  to  Your  Friends. 

The  47th  Annual  Catalo?  of  COOK  SEED  CO..  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 


All  should  plant  the  new  Ignotum  Tomato.  A “price- 
less paragon”  in  the  tomato  line.  The  earliest  and 



V m the: 


-I  had 
seed  t 

46  ozs. 
H.  B. 
bia Co. 

most  valuable  extra  LARG-E  tomato.  Bright  red  cc’- 
or,  always  smooth  and  solid,  uniformly  LARGE  size. 
Why  grow  a poor  sort  when  you  can  have  such  a vari- 
ety as  this?  Beware  of  cheap  tomato  seed. 

Selected  Seed,  Packet  lo  cts.  3 for  25  cts. 


Mr.  A.  T.  Cook I am  very  much  pleased  with  my  watches.  I 
gave  one  to  brother.  1 am  only  nine  years  old,  and  got  up  my  $6.00 
club  in  one  day.  Any  boy  or  girl  can  have  a nice  watch  if  they 
only  try.  I will  get  up  a much  larger  club  next  year.  Papa  is 
much  pleased  with  his  seeds.  J.  Lent,  Dutchess  Co.,  N.  Y. 


This  is  decidedly  the  finest 
Mangel  in  cultivation,  and 
best  for  dairy  use.  Of  very 
large  size,  clean  and  hand- 
some, easily  pulled;  will 
bear  close  planting. 

The  flesh  is  rich  golden 
yellow,  exceedingly  nutri- 
tious. Early,  hardy,  and  a 
very  heavy  cropper.  It  con- 
tains a large  percentage  of 
sugar,  and  is  much  relished 
by  milch  cows  and  sheep, 
and  is  a splendid  green  food 
for  poultry  in  winter.  One 
of  the  best  of  keepers. 

The  wonderful  results  of 
feeding  Mangels  is  plainly 
seen  in  the  greatly  increas- 
ed yield  of  milk  and  rich, 
golden  butter  in  cows;  and 
the  large  increase  of  winter 
eggs.  Plant  a good  size 
patch.  It  will  be  dollars  in 
your  pocket. 

Selected  Seed  in  LARGE  PACKETS  5 cts  each.  6 for  * 
25  cts.  24  for  $1.00.  72  Pkts.  with  any  $3.  Prem.  $3.oo. 



Plants  are  low,  stocky, 
branching,  and  free  from 
spines.  Very  early,  one  of 
the  easiest  and  surest  of 
growers ; very  productive — 
plants  producing  5 to  10  im- 
mense fruits  each.  Every 
one— and  espedially  those 
who  have  never  grown  Egg 
Plant  should  try  this  su- 
perior variety. 

There  is  good  money  in 
growing  both  plants  and 
fruits.  Pkt.  10  cts.  3 for  25c. 

SALVIA  SPLENDENS.  (Scarlet  Sage. ) 

This  most  magnificent 
bedding  plant  blazes  with 
dazzling  beauty  all  the 
summer  and  fall.  Its 
great  scarlet  spikes  of 
bloom  are  of  intense  bril- 
liancy. Nothing  can  equal 
the  gorgeous  effect  of  a 
row  or  bed  of  these  im- 
proved Salvias.  They  form 
compact  bushes  three  feet 
high,  blooming  profusely 
from  ground  to  summit. 

They  always  excite  great 
admiration,  and  well  do 
they  deserve  the  honor. 
You  will  be  sorry  if  you  do 
not  plant  these  easy  grow- 
ing flowers.  They  succeed 
everywhere  Choice  Se- 
lected Seed,  Pkt.  10  cts. 


‘I  sold  over  $100.  of  Veg.  from  my  $2.65  order.”  Geo.  B.  Moore. 
‘Send  me  $12.  Elgin.  Everybody  buys  Cook’s  Seeds.”  R.  Carter. 
‘1  got  this  $6.00  order  in  just  2 and  1-2  hours.”  Charlie  Jones. 

‘I  grew  35  bu.  Prizetaker  Onions  from  15  pkts.”  E.  H.  Bowman. 
‘Am  building  a big  trade  in  your  Seeds  and  Vines.”  J.  R.  C. 

‘God  bless  you  for  your  Post  Cards.”  Earl  E.  Curtis. 


This  new  strain  is  even  earlier  I 
than  the  common  variety,  while  the 
squashes  grow  to  an  extra  large  size , 
—from  18  inches  to  two  feet  long, : 

and  of  finest  i 
quality.  ; 

They  com- 
mand an  ex- , 
tra  price  in , 
all  markets,  i 
One  grower  I 
reports  $125.  i 
worth  soldi 
from  X acre,  i 
This  is  the  i 

, best  flavored 

and  finest  of  all  summer  squashes.  Pkt.  6c.  6 for  25c. 



This  Improved  variety  cannot  be 
too  highly  recommended,  and  no 
sort  will  produce  such  handsomely 
formed  roots,  or  greater  yield.  It 
is  of  the  choicest  quality,  and  full  of 
nourishment ; very  solid,  of  a beauti- 
ful orange  ^lor,  with  a handsome 
purple  top.  Will  keep  tillJune.  It  is 
the  result  of  many  years  of  careful  ^ 
selection.  Packet  5 cts.  6 for  25  cts.  24  for  $1.00 



Will  make  yourWindow  Garden  a 
success  and  be  a joy  to  all  behol- 
ders. ^ The  Essence  of  Plant  Life, 
containing  ALL  the  elements  re- 
quired for  House  Plants  and 
Flowers  in  doors  or  out. 

Will  make  extra  strong  healthy 
plants,  make  flowers  more  abun- 
dant, and  brighter  to  a remark- 
able degree.  It  is  odorous. 

Three  times  usual  value.  Full 
directions  on  every  can.  Try  it 
now  and  see  your  plants  florish 
and  bloom  as  never  before. 

Trial  size  1 5 cts.  per  Can. 
Regular  size  30  cts.  per  Can. 
Four  30c.  Cans  for  $ i .00 
WE  GIVE  a Book  on  the  Window  Garden  — telling  all  the 
secrets  of  success.  It  is  a Gem.  FREE  (if  you  request  it)  with 
60c.  orders  or  over.  All  sent  by  mail  prepaid  to  you. 


PLEASE  TAKE  THIS  ADVICE  from  your  true 
friend,  and  do  not  use  tobacco.  Millions  of  good 
boys  have  been  ruined  by  it— their 
bodies  and  minds  dwarfed,  and  their 
bright  intellect  stupefied.  God  never 
gave  you  a human  life  to  pollute  so 
shamefully.  Boys,  DON’T  get  into 
the  awful  clutch  of  the  tobacco  Imbit. 

Don’t  be  a nuisance  to  your  friends, 
and  a “stink  pot”  for  life.  IT  DON’T 
PAY.  ©If  you  have  begun  this  filthy 
business,  STOP  right  now— while 
you  can,  and  God  will  bless  you,  and  every 
friend  you  have  will  rejoice. 

BOYS  ONE  AND  ALL.  Please  write  me  a nice  letter  and 
give  me  your  promise  never  to  use  the  filthy  toiiacco.  I want 
to  hear  from  you.  I will  treasure  all  your  letters,  and  an- 
swer every  one.  Pleq,se  do  it  now.  Write  plainly  with  ink.  ^ 

Your  Friend  and  Well  Wisher,  A.  T.  COOK. 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  ¥,  Get  up  a Ciuh  Order, 


A well  known  and  very  popular  variety ; heads  large, 
decidedly  conical,  remarkably  solid  and  hard,  even  in 
summer.  This  is  a sure  header,  a good  shipper,  and 

Strawberry  Tomato,  or  “Colden  Hwsk.” 

ALSO  KNOVy^N  as  winter  cherry  and  garden  fig. 

Every  garden  in  America  should  have  a liberal  sup- 
ply of  this  remarkable  fruit.  It  is  one  of  my  special- 
ties. Probably  no  fruit  ever  A, 
grown  makes  such  delightful.  Headquarters 

rich  and  handsome  canned  fruit  *•  »’ 

and  preserves.  They  make  de-  ]!■> 

licious  pies,  and  superb  fruit- 
cake  when  dried  in  sugar  like 
raisins.  V(^ry  easy  to  grow,  and 

They  yield  abundantly  in  all  iiiiilliilll  ilBW 
parts  of  the  U.  8.  and  Canada-  f|i  f 
Fruit  is  golden-yellow,  size  of 
big  cherries,  fairly  loading  the  i® 
branches  down.  You  have  no  .mgy 
idea  how  delicious  they  are  un- 

Many  calltheni  equal  to  straw- 
berries  to  eat  out  of  hand.  If 

left  in  their  husks  or  pods  and  stored  in  a cool  place 
they  keep  fresh  and  sweet  all  winter. 

Superior  strain,  selected  seed— with  full  directions 
for  using,  and  instructions  for  growing,  only  loc.  per 
Pkt.  3 for  250.  12  for  $1.00.  36— and 
B 2 Pair  Exquisite  Lace  Curtains  for  $3.oo. 

Get  up  clubs.  It  is  easy  to  sell  this  valuable  seed. 


This  grand,  colossal  variety  is  without  a rival ; it  as- 
tonishes everybody  by  its  mammoth  size  and  heavy 

weight.  Indeed  no  ; y-  / y.  .-t’--  - ' j ^ I'Y'TJI} 


ever  attained  such  ' 1 

enormous  weights  -■  ■! 

or  been  awarded  ffmm  * ~ A \ 

as  many 

suffers  less  from  the  cabbage  worm  than  any  other 
sort ; valuable  for  both  summer  and  winter  use,  Mar- 
ket  Gardeners  and  all  others  desiring  a choice  stram 
of  this  desirable  cabbage  should  try  my  selected  seed. 

Beware  of  cheap  Cabbage  seed,  which  is  often 
grown  from  unsalable  rubbish.  Pkt.lOcts.  3 for  25c. 

as  many  prizes. 
Think  of  it  a single 
pumpkin  weigh- 
ing 298  lbs.  [8ee 
Cut.  J Is  not  this 
the  greatest  of  all 
pumpkins?  The 
flesh  and  skin  are 

Long  Standing 

Spinach  is  a delic- 
ious vegetable  eith- 
er for  spring  or  fall 
sowing,  this  variety 
is  the  gardeners  fav- 
orite; it  is  a most  at- 
tractive color,  with 
thick,  fleshy  leaves 
of  fine  texture . Ex- 
tremely hardy. 
Large  packet  5 cts. 


earliest  in  cultivation ; 
adapted  to  spring  or  fall.  The 

^ bulb  is  flat,  of  medium  size, 

smooth,  with  a bright  purple 
top ; leaves  few. 

The  pure  ivory-white  flesh 
is  of  the  choicest  quality,  sol- 
id,  and  fine  grained.  Very 
i^aild  and  sweet.  Good  keep- 
ers.  Of  great  value  to  all  pri- 
vate  and  market  gardeners. 
Packet.  10  ets.  3 for  25  cts. 

^ 12  for  $1.00.  By  mail  prepaid. 

Can  Be  Made  Growing  Vegetabie  Fiants, 

I know  you  can.  I used  to  myself.  I have  sold  over 
$75.00  worth  of  Celery  Plants  alone  in  one  season.  V/hy 
not  build  up  a profitable  business  that  will  increase 
every  year?  Cabbage,  Tomato,  Celery,  Pepper,  Cauli- 
flower, Lettuce,  Asparagus,  Prizetaker  Onions,  and 
Egg  Plant— all  sell  well  everywhere,  at  good  prices. 
Try  it  now.  Raise  a good  stock,  put  out  your  shingle, 
take  in  the  money  and  be  happy. 

a bright  golden  color,  fine  grained,  and  excellent  qual- 
ity, It  is  one  of  the  best  pie  or  table  pumpkins  ever 
grown,  and  a splendid  keeper.  I hope  all  enterpris- 
ing pumpkin  growers  will  give  it  a trial.  You  will  be 
sure  of  a Prize  at  your  County  Fair.  Full  directions 
on  every  packet.  Selected  Seed,  Pkt.  loc.  3 for  25c. 

Cook’s  New  Golden  Cream  Muskmefon 

This  new  variety  is  so  far  ahead  of  other  muskmelons— that  there  is  no  com- 
parison. Extremely  early,  healthy  rapid  grower  and  great  yie.der  of  uniform 
melons  of  enormous  size  and  rare  beauty.  The  quality  is  too  delicious  to  de- 
scribe. All  are  enraptured  over  it.  For  Horae  use.  Market  and  to  exhibit  at 
Fairs— none  has  ever  been  grown  to  equal  Cook’s  New  Golden  Cream  Mnsk- 
melons.  Gardeners  ! this  melon  is  a money-maker  for  you  beyond  compare. 

The  sample  melon  you  sent  us  was  almost  all  solid  meat  and  made  a meal 
for  three  families,  all  good  melon  eaters.  G.  M.  Lingenfelter,  New  York. 

Price.  Headquarters  Seed— Selected  from  the  finest  melons— very  scarce 
but  we  think  we  have  enough  to  go  around--Larg'e  Packet,  only  15  cts.  2 for 
25  ets.  4 for  50  cts.  10  for  $1.00  Positively  no  more  than  40  packets  sold  to 
any  one  customer.  Order  early  to  make  sure.  Don’t  get  left.  Price  includes 
Premiums  or  discount  as  offered  on  everything  in  this  catalog. 

Cook’s  New  Golden  Cream  and  Paradise  Gem  Muskmelons  should  be  in  every  garden, 



The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y,  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

POWELLS  PROLIFIC  POLE  BEAIMS.  a®r-|viy  Greatest  Introduction^ 

A Veeitable  WoNDEE.  A distinct  creatioii.  The  admiration  of  planters  and  bean  lovers.  Positively  3 times  ^ 
as  productive  as  other  beans.  Only  think  of  it.  This  is  the  plain  truth.  They  are  late  beans,  everlasting  bear- 
ers, continuing  until 
frost.  Their  dense  mas- 
ses of  vines  are  loaded 
down  with  luscious 
beans.  You  can  pick 
them  by  the  handfulls. 

See  Cut,  bushels  and 
bushels  beans  in  sight. 

Their  flavor  is  superb 
I thousands  calling  them 
the  best  of  all  beans. 

, They  are  rich,  tender, 

I and  buttery— almost 
, melting  in  your  mouth. 

Big  Money  Makee. 

Grow  Powells  for  mar- 
ket. They  are  so  delic- 
ious, customers  will  buy 
again  and  again.  You 
can  sell  for  months, 
l^Iany  growers  have  sold 

overSi.oo  worth  from  every  hill.  Packet  15  cts.  2for25c,  5 for  60c.  10  for  $1.00,  30  Packets  and  Solid  Gold 

Fountain  Pen— or  $5.00  quality  Safety  Bazor  with  Blades,  all  for  $3.00.  I send  everything  by  mail  prepaid. 


50  Varieties  of  Potatoes  can  be  Crown  from  One  Packet. 
There  is  Nothing  like  it.  One  NJay  Make  Your  Fortune. 

Mt  Potato  Seed  is  the  wonder  of  the  vegetable  world.  Every  seed 
will  positively  produce  a different  variety  of  potatoes,  each  variety  a 
new  one.  No  product  of  the  garden  so  strange— so  intensely  interest- 
ing. The  result  will  be  amazingly  diversified,  potatoes  of  all  colors, 
shapes  and  sizes— often  60  to  2C0  in  a hill.  Marvelous  freaks  often  ap- 
pear. All  valuable  new  varieties  are  produced  from  such  seeds. 

Geow  Seedling  Potatoes.  It  is  fascinating.  Easy  to  grow  as  to- 
matoes. Let  your  boys  and  girls  try.  They  will  have  bushels  of  fun, 
and  may  produce  a variety  more  valuable  than  a gold  mine.  The  world 
greatly  needs  a better  potato  and  will  pay  any  price  to  get  it. 

Potato  Seed  Balls  are  vanishing.  Millions  never  saw  one.  Get 
this  rare  seed  while  you  can.  It  will  soon  be  gone  forever.  I offer 
“Headquarters  Stock”— best  in  the  world. 

PRBCE.  One  Packet,  enough  to  produce  50  new  varieties  of  pota- 
toes—with  full  Directions,  only  15  cts.  4 for  50  cts.  10  for  $1.00. 

Club  Agents  and  Boys  and  Girls.  It  is  easy  to  sell  this  mar- 
velous seed.  Bead  description  to  customers  and  they  sure 
Potato  Seed  Baiis-One-tiiird  Size.  will  take  1 to  10  Packets.  You  can  easily  earn  flue  Watches,  Pens,  etc. 


^ No  It  Never  Does.  Consider  the  Slocum  fire 
where  over  1,000  innocents  met  their  horrible  death 
—the  Asch  building,  where  142  girls  burned— the 
I countless  thousands  more  burned  in  other  fires- 
I the  millions  of  dollars  in  property  destroyed— all 
caused  by  smokers.  Consider  the  enormous  mon- 
ey cost  of  this  filthy  habit,  health  undermined,  life 
shortened,  even  death  and  the  mad  house  claiming 
1 many  victims.  It  also  leads  to  drink  and  other  evils, 
I Smokers  are  disgusting  to  their  best  friends— 
compelling  even  women  and  children  to  inhale  their 
vile  and  sickening  fumes.  No  satisfaction  that  to- 
bacco gives,  makes  up  for  even  half  what  it  takes 
away.  Then  why  not  stop?  You  can  if  you  try 
I hard  enough.  It  will  pay.  Begin  now.  Firmly  re- 
solve never  to  touch  the  filthy  stuff;  again— and  may 
you  have  the  courage  to  win. 

BOYS  don’t  begin  so  bad  a habit.  Keep  clean 
3 and  pure  and  worthy  of  the  human  life  God  has 
3 given  you.  YWur  Friend,  A.  T.  CGCK. 

Took  14  FBRST  PRIZES.  Who  can  beat  it? 

Mr.  A.  T.  Cook:— T showed  fourteen  different  kind  of  vegeta- 
bles at  our  County  Fair— grown  from  your  seeds— and  took  four- 
teen FIRST  PRIZES.  I am  so  well  pleased  that  I want  to  plant  15 
acres  with  them  this  season.  A.  L.  Gilbert,  III, 

From  the  Nebraska  Experiment  Station. 

Mr.  A.  T.  Cook.  My  Dear  Sir :— Your  Potato  Seeds  gave  very 
intei'esting  results.  1 had  thirteen  different  types— white,  purple, 
pink,  yellow,  etc.,  2 to  50  in  a hill.  Size  from  half  an  inch  to  three 
and  a half  inches  in  diameter.  1 look  forward  with  interest  to  tlie 
growing  of  these  tubers  next  year.  Geo.  W.  Hood,  Prof,  of  llort. 

Over  12  Bushels  Potatoes  From  a Dollar  Order. 

Mr.  A.  T.  Cook:— I planted  your  Early  Six  Weeks  Potatoes  first 
of  jM ay,  and  harvested  7C1  lbs.  of  as  fine  large  potatoes  as  1 have 
ever  seen.  They  certainly  are  a wonder,  and  their  table  qualities 
too  good  to  describe.  C.  E.  Andrews,  Hillsboro  Co.,  N.  H. 

16  Bushels  of  Powell  Beans  From  8 Hills. 

Dear  IMr.  Cook :— I have  grown  every  bean  advertised,  and  find 
your  Powells  best  of  all.  I planted  8 hills  and  have  already  pick- 
ed 16  Bushels,  and  many  beans  still  on  the  vines.  1 had  to  prop 
up  every  pole.  Yiola  Steed,  Dallas  Co.,  Ark. 

Short  and  to  the  Point. 

“I  lay  all  other  catalogs  dowm  and  turn  to  your  honest  list. 
Your  seeds  ALWAYS  PLEASE.”  Mrs,  G.  T.  Williams,  N.  J. 


Earliest,  Hardiest,  Most  Delicious,  Most  Productive  of  All. 

These  New  Everbearing  Strawberries  are  so  wonderful,  so  extraor- 
dinary—the  plain  truth  about  them  almost  surpasses  belief.  They 
stand  alone,  the  greatest  of  plant  marvels.  Planters  everywhere  con- 
cede this.  They  cannot  praise  them  enough. 

Grow  These  and  you  can  have  bushels  of  delicious  berries  for  5 whole 
months— strawberries  for  breakfast,  dinner,  and  supper— Strawberry 
I shortcake  galore,  and  lots  of  fruit  and  plants  to  sell  at  fancy  prices. 

Spring  Set  Plants  will  be  loaded  with  line  berries  within  3 months 
and  bear  enormously  from  July  till  way  in  November.  Indeed  I have 
picked  ripe  berries  late  as  Dee,  8,  and  many  green  ones  and  blossoms 
» still  on.  This  after  many  hard  freezes  proves  tlieir  amazing  hardiness, 
i I Have  a large  Photo  of  one  plant  taken  Oct.  15  that  had  40  big  ripe 
J bei’ries  on  it,  69  green  ones  and  lots  of  bloom.  Hundreds  and  hundreds 

> more  were  just  about  as  good,  and  remember  these  very  plants  had 
I been  bearing  continually  since  July.  Need  I say  more?  I have  tried 

> many  of  the  so  called  “everbearing  strawberries”  but  all  are  worthless 
y in  comparison  with  this  splendid  variety. 

^ PRICE.  Extra  Strong  Plants  pure  and  true  12  for  90  cts.  25  for 
S S1.50.  50  for  ^2.50.  lOO  for  ^4.00.  All  carefully  packed,  boxed, 

< postpaid  and  insured.  Price  includes  Premiums  as  offered.  If  no  Prem.  is 

< wanted,  deduct  one  third.  Order  at  once— will  send  plants  in  early  spring, 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  G-et  up  a Club  Order. 


-atwM  This  is  a magnificent  variety,  and  is  a 

well  known  sort  everywhere,  ^nd  is  one 
of  the  best  for  general  cultivation.  Is 
large  size,  and  has  long,  smooth  roots, 
and  is  a very  strong  grower,  and  is  valu- 
able  for  market,  table  use,  and  feeding 
to  stock  in  winter  and  spring  when  veg- 
etable  food  is  required  for  health  of  peo- 
pie  and  stock. 

Packet  10  cts.,  3 for  25  cts. 


^ There  exists  a keen  ap- 

. precialion  for  the  Improv- 
ed  Hubbard  Squash.  Those 
fa  miliar  with  this  variety 
lRy|M|san9^^l*^  concede  it  to  be  one  of  the 

most  reliable 
winter  keepers  of  the 
squash  family.  For  wiu- 
ter  table  use  it  is  recog- 
nized  to  be  just  as  stan- 
i f dar d in  the  home  as  sugar 
flour.  The  demand  for 
^ Improved  Hubbard  has 
quadrupled  in  two  years. 
Cannot  be  too  highly  ex- 
foiled  as  a Winter  Squash; 
^f  smooth  and  dry, 

is  of  very  rich  quality,  and 
keeps  as  solid  as  a rock. 
It  is  more  popular  with 
private  growers  than  any 
other  variety. 

Pht.  10  cts.  3 for  25  cts. 

Carrot  Candy — Old  Hebrew 

Grate  one  cup  of  raw  carrots.  Dissolve 
cup  of  sugar  in  one  cup  of  water,  and 
add  % cup  of  honey.  Cook  grated  carrots 
in  the  above  mixture  over  a slow  fire  un- 
til clear.  Then  stir  in  a cup  of  chopped 
almonds.  Pour  on  oiled  plates  and  cut  in 
squares.  If  almonds  are  not  obtainable, 
try  chopped  peanuts  or  other  nuts. 

Order  All  of  Your  Garden  Seeds  Early, 


Very  large,  strong  grower, 
and  productive.  Its  flesh  is 
rose,  or  pink,  and  of  lusci- 
ous  sweetness.  Thin  but 
tough  rind,  with  solid  but 
tender  core,  and  fine 
home  or  market. 

Packet  10  cts.,  3 for  25  cts. 


Is  an  intermediate  vege- 
table between  the  turnip 
and  cabbage.  Very  delici- 
ous when  cooked.  Also  de- 
sirable for  feeding  to  stock. 
They  are  considered  in  the 
best  condition  for  eating 
when  about  2 to  4 inches  in 
diameter.  Splendid  for 
slicing  in  vinegar  both  raw 
and  cooked.  Easily  grown 
and  cultivated  as  any  vege- 
able,  and  it  is  almost  equal 
to  cauliflower  some  claim. 

Packet  10  cts.,  3 for  25  cts. 

Don’t  Overlook  our  Hybrid- 
ized Potato  seeds.  You  can 
grow  50  new  varieties  from 
one  packet. 


DON’T  Forget  we  give  yon 
in  wonderful  premiums  the 
saving  we  make  in  issuing 
this  modest  catalog. 

a very  large  head,  but  not  a 

solid  one;  is  well  adapted  for  either  forcing  or  outdoor 
culture.  Packet  5 cts.,  6 for  25  cts. 

We  recommend  this  carrot  as  possessing  qualities  of  ex- 
cellent merit.  It  is  intermediate  between  Half-Dong  and 
Plorn  varieties,  and  is  perfectly  distinct.  The  shape  is 
nearly  oval  and  the  color  and  quality  all  that  can  be  de- 
sired. It  insures  an  immense  yield  on  account  of  broad, 
heavy  shape._  The  table  quality  is  fine,  and  they  sell 
well  in  the  City  mar’xets.  Owing  to  its  short,  or  stump 
root  shape  it  is  easily  pulled.  Very  smooth,  and  most 
elegant  shape.  A fine  variety  for  shallow  soils.  Will 
become  a standard  sort.  Packet  10  cts. , 3 for  23  cts. 


tGrow  more  Horse  Rad- 
is far  below  the  deman<? 

realized  ^*,100.00  o^of  one 

when  pianted_in  rows  may 

and  cover  as  potatoes.  Sets  orVoots  will  then  make  an' 
enormous  growth.  12  for  60c.  100  for  $3.00  ' 


A good  substitute  for  coffee  and 
great  yieider.  Do  not  brown  it 
quite  so  much  as  Coffee.  It  is  a 
wonderful  food  for  chickens,  also 
makes  a rich  food  for  stock  when 
ground  and  mixed  with  bran  and 
is  one  of  the  greatest  m.ilk  pro- 
ducers. It  ripens  thoroughly  in 
the  northern  states. 

Targe  Pkt.  10  cts.,  3 for  23  cts. 

Y FOR  r — .d  > 

DON’T  OVERTOOK  our  Early 
Goldcu  Giant  Sugar 
Corn.  It  is  far  better  than  any 
other  variety  yet  discovered. 

Please  SRow  Our  Hare  Bargains  En  Seeds 
aad  Premiums  to  Your  Friends. 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  OrdeE 




The  Grandest  and  Hardiest  of  All  Danish  Cabbages, 

EVERY  CARDEN  should  contain  this  re- 
markable Cabbage.  It  is  the  result  of  over  50 
years^areful  selection  by  the  expert  Danish 
(jrardeners.  ^ Its  fame  has  become  v/orid-wide, 
and  to-day  it  stands  without  a peer  in  surest 
growing,  hardest  heading  and  longest  keeping 
qualities.  It  is  the  highest  bred  of  all  winter 
cabbages  and  is  rapidly  surpassing  other  sorts 
It  grows  well  on  all  soils.  Quality  the  very 
highest,  fine-grained,  tender  and  crisp.  It  is 
very  distinct— round  as  a ball  and  of  surpriz- 
ing solidity.  Allho  of  very  large  size,  it  is  so 
compact  it  can  be  planted  closely.  Its  keep- 
ing qualities  are  truly  wonderful.  No  other 
can  compare  with  it  at  all. 

I offer  the  highest  strain— extra  selected  seed 
pure  and  true,  for  only  lo  cts.  a Pkt.  3 for  25c. 


3 and  girls  to  grow  fine  Vegetables— and  » t-g.  r 
3 Plants,  and  sell  them  to  their  nabors  and  villagers  ^ 

5 and  earn  good  money.  It  will  pay.  Try  it  this  year.  F 
i By  all  means  give  them  a niee  Pop  Corn  patch,  fc 
. — and  a big  IMelon  patcii.  My  hardy,  early  melons 
3 succeed  everywhere  and  you  can  all  have  an  abun-  r 
^^dance  of  these  great  luxuries  with  very  little  trouble.  | 

My  Seeds  Please  the  Critical  “Grangers.” 

Dear  Mr.COOK.  I enclose  order  for  $43.75  for  more  of 
your  valuable  Seeds.  All  the  Grangers  to  whom  I soldi 
last  year  were  perfectly  satisfied  and  called  them  extra  , 
good.  I hope  to  largely  increase  my  order  this  year. 
Wishing  you  much  success  in  your  Seed  Business— and  ' 
a glorious  future  in  your  grand  Temperance  Work.  I re-  * 
main  Yours  Sincerely,  Alfred  Leith,  Pleasant  Valley,  < 
N.  Y.  Proprietor  of  Stock,  Dairy  and  Poultry  Farm. 


Earliest  and  Besx  of  All  Melons. 

These  New  extra  early— enormously 
productive  small  Muskmelons  have  the 
heaviest,  thickest,  and  sweetest  flesh  of 
all.  Wherever  grown  have  won  over  all 
competitors.  Weeks  earlier  than  other 
melons,  tremendous  yielders— 10  to  20 
melons  on  a plant,  blight  and  rust  resist- 
ing, deliciously  sweet  and  spicy  and  high 
bred  at  every  point. 

No  melons  ever  grown  can  compare 
with  the  Paradise  Gem.  These  melons 
sell  everywhere  at  fanciest  prices.  It  is 
hard  to  supply  the  demand.  Plant  liber- 
ally, and  enjoy  this  great  luxury  for 
months  evei-y  year.  They  grow  and  pro- 
duce bountifully— even  where  other  mel- 
ons cannot  be  grown.  Extra  Selected 
Seed,  loc.  per  Pkt.  3 for  25e.  12  for  $l.oo. 

Views  Lovely,  and  Curtains  Beauties. 

Id r.  A.  T.  Cook.  Tlie  Seeds  and  Premiums  ar- 
rived in  perfect  condition.  Every  one  was  pleas 
ed.  My  Stereoscope  Views  were  just  lovely— 
and  the  Window  Curtains  real  beauties.  I cer- 
tainly was  .surprized  to  receive  sueli  valuable 
Premiums,  and  I thank  you  heartily  for  them. 
Your  Friend,  Mary  Vaughan,  .Johnson  Co.  Ark. 

Be  Sure  to  Order  a Supply  of  Powell^s  Prolific  Pole  Beans* 


Butterfly  Flower. 

(Christmas  Orchid.) 
Showy  flowers,  spotted 
and  blotched  with  crim- 
son, violet  and  yellow. 
Very  pretty  and  very 
odd.  Easily  grown. 

Blooms  in  lavish  pro- 
fusion out-doors.  In  pots 
is  in  bloom  by  Christ- 
mas. Packet  10  cts. 

Bird  of  Paradise. 

Here  is  a rare  novelty. 
Flowers  large  and  gold- 
en, with  crimson  pistils 
in  beautiful  and  fantas- 
tic shapes.  Very  unique 
and  attractive.  Should 
be  grown  by  every  lover 
of  the  beautiful.  Highly 
decorative.  Height,  3 to 
4 feet.  Packet  10  cts. 

Address,  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N,  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

Extra  Long  Green  Giant  Cucumber, 

A veritable  giant  among  Cucumbers,  and  merits  the 
highest  praise.  Enormously  large  and  handsome,  man3' 
specimens  growing  from  20  to  30  inches  in  length.  It  is  a 
very  strong  grower,  fruit  straight,  smooth,  uniform,  and 
produced  in  great  abundance.  It  has  few  seeds  (not  one- 
fourth  as  many  as  other  sorts)  quality  excellent,  crisp 
and  tender.  A fine  pickling  variety,  and  unexcelled  for 
slicing.  Everyone  should  grow  this  remarkable  novelty. 
No  variety  will  equal  it  for  exhibition.  It  will  be  a won- 
der to  yourself  and  all  beholders.  Packet  10  cts,  3 for  25c. 

‘The  Eong  Green  Giant  Cucumbers  were  grand,  and  of 
immense  size.  They  were  the  wonder  of  the  community. 
7 left  for  seed  were  all  over  18  inches  in  length.  Your 
Short  Stem  Drumhead  Cabbage,  Powell’s  Beans  and  Coffee 
Berries  were  worthy  of  especial  praise.” 

Mrs.  Emma  Wilhede,  Eantz,  Md. 



Collards  are  used  as 
a substitute  for  cab- 
bage— more  e.specially 
in  the  south  where  it 
grows  all  winter.  They 
are  a form  of  cabbage 
that  bears  new  leaves 
as  the  old  ones  are 
pulled  off.  They  are 
tender  and  delicate 
when  cooked  for 
greens,  and  are  es- 
teemed highly.  We 
sell  a large  quantity’- 
of  the  seed.  Pkt.  3 cts. 



Mammoth  Salsify,  or  Oyster  Plant. 

A vegetable  that  is  sure  to  be  called 
for  where  it  is  once  introduced.  It  is  a 
good  substitute  for  oysters,  being  very 
wholesome  and  nutritious.  The  roots 
are  either  boiled  or  mashed,  and  made 
into  fritters,  in  which  form  they  are  de- 
licious. For  an  oyster  stew,  cut  the  roots 
into  small  pieces,  cook  until  tender,  then 
add  the  other  ingredients  same  as  for 
oysters.  The  roots  are  perfectly  hardy; 
may  remain  in  the  ground  all  winter. 
No  garden  should  be  without  this  splen- 
did vegetable.  Packet  10  cts.  3 for  25  cts. 

From  Edward  Beard,  Economy,  Ind. 
We  have  used  thy  seeds  for  three  or  four 
years  and  will  say  that  we  have  never 
dealt  with  any  seedsman  that  sent  out 
such  good  seeds,  so  neatly  packed,  and  in 
such  liberal  quantity. 

Our  Big 
Offers  to 
You  Know 
and  thus 
Do  Them 
and  Us 
a Great 



A new  vegetable  introduced  Into  this  country  from 
China.  Its  appearance  is  attractive,  resembling  Cos 
Eettuce  in  shape.  When  bleached  it_  is  almost  a clear 
white,  and  is  very  crisp.  It  has  a mild  cabbage  fiavor 
and  can  be  eaten  raw  or  cooken  like  cabbage  or  spinach. 
Grows  very  quickly  and  is  more  easily  grown  than  ordi- 
nary cabbage.  We  offer  only  imported  Chinese  grown 
seed,  which  is  reliable  for  good  bunching  heads.  May 
be  eaten  as  a salad  or  is  delicious  when  it  is  cooked  in 
various  ways.  Packet  1 0 cents;  3 for  25  cents. 


This  is  an  ideal  string  bean.  Absolutely  unrivalled. 
For  home  use  or  market  no  other  green  podded  bean  can 
equal  it.  It  combines  the  chief  merits  of  all  others;  ex- 
treme 'earliness,  unusual  hardiness  and  wonderful  pro- 
ductiveness. Pods  are  very  handsome  and  finest  quality 
— the  flavor  being  most  delicious.  It  is  so  hardy  it  with- 
stands considerable  frost.  Pods  are  rich  green,  round, 
straight,  six  inches  long,  of  unsurpassed  tenderness  and 
quality.  Always  entirely  stringless  and  without  excep- 
tion the  very  earliest  of  all  beans.  Pkt.  10  cts.,  3 for  25  cts 


Pansies  will 
produce  a per- 
fect cloud  of 
brillient  blos- 
soms from  ear- 
liest spring  un- 
til winter.  Our 
collection  i s 
the  largest  and 

best  varieties  grown.  Speciad  Offer.  For  only  20 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO,,  Waterford,  K.  Y,  Get  uji  a Club  Ord^, 

After  You  Have  l 

decided  to  order  these  famous  Pep- 
pers—please  take  a good  look  at  my 
two  special  Premiums — Stereoscope 
and  Colored  ViewP^and  wonderful 
Talking  Machine.  Both  are  extra 
quality— high  grade  and  unparalleled  ] 
entertainers.  NO  HOME  is  complete 
without  them . Make  your  order  large 
enough  to  get  them  free. 

Don’t  miss  the  Cinnamon  Vines  and  Early 
Potatoes.  Your  friends  will  order  with  you  if 
you  ask  them.  These  Premiums  are  my  best 
advertisements— gigantic  values— absolutely 
guaranteed  to  please.  If  not  MOKE  than  sat- 
isfied, return  Prem.  and  I will  pay  you  back 
tevery  cent  of  money  paid  for  the  same. 

MAMMOTH  MELTING  SUGAR  PEAS  - Most  Delicious  of  A!!. 

Rightly  named.  The  sweet, 
brittle,  succulent  pods  are  cook- 
ed same  as  string  or  snap  beans 
—pods  and  peas  eaten  together. 
A “dish  fit  for  a Zing,”  Excels 
all  other  Sugar  Peas  in  size,  ten- 
derness and  sweetness  of  pods, 
and  delicious  flavor.  These  lus- 
cious peas  are  too  little  known. 
Every  one  should  grow  them, 

DeliciousSy  Rich,  Tender, 
Prodigiously  Prolific. 

They  contain  so  much  sugar, 
starch,  and  gluten,  making  them 
most  nutritious.  Height  of  vines 
4 to  5 feet,  bearing  their  immense 
pods  in  the  greatest  profusion. 
Every  garden  should  have  a lib- 
eral supply  of  this  superior  vege- 
table. Peas  are  very  scarce  this 
year,  but  I have  a splendid  stock, 
as  well  as  of  all  other  seeds.  Re- 
member I send  EVERYTHING 
by  mail  PREPAID  and  guaran- 
tee safe  arrival. 

Per  Packet  10  cts„  3 for  25  cts.o 

*‘I  can  desire  nothing  better  for  this  great  coun- 
try than  that  a barrier,  high  as  Heaven,  should 
be  raised  between  the  unpolluted  lips  of  the  child- 
ren and  the  intoxicating  cup.”  John  B.  Gough, 


Okra  is  a fash- 
ionable South- 
ern vegetable, 
of  the  easiest 
growth,  and 
matures  first 
season  even  in 
the  extreme 
north.  Pods  are 
used  when 
young  and  ten- 
der, are  excel- 
lent for  soups, 
stews,  etc.,  and 
really  delicious 
when  pickled. 

The  White 
Velvet  is  best 
of  all  Okras, 
very  early  and 
distinct.  The 
pods  are  round, 
smoot  h , and 
handsome  ; 
much  larger 
than  any  other 
and  of  superior  fiavor  and  tenderness.  Very  prolific. 
Why  not  try  Okra  this  year?  You  will  surely  like 
this  splendid  new  variety.  It  is  one  of  the  good 
things  no  one  should  do  without.  Packet  5 cts. 


I think  this 
more  nearly  re- 
sembles a tree 
than  any  other. 
It  stands  up 
like  a tree,  with 
a stiff,  vigorous 
upright  stalk— 
with  fruit  well 
up  above  the 
ground.  Bears 
very  abundant- 
ly, fruit  good 
size,  smooth, 
bright  red  col- 
or, and  of  supe- 
rior flavor.  A 
valuable,  curi- 
ous acquisition 
very  ornamen- 
tal and  useful. 
I am  sure  all 
will  be  pleased 
with  it.  Pkt.  IOC 
8 for  25c. 

J8S-YOU  CANNOT  do  me  a greater  favor 
than  to  show  my  Catalog  to  your  friends, 
and  allow  them  to  use  it  for  sending  their 
orders,  and  getting  up  Clubs. 


The  Chinese  Giant  is  by  all  odds  the  largest  and  finest 
of  Peppers.  It  is  the  grandest  sort  for  salads— stuffed  for 
mangoes — or  sliced  and  served  like  tomatoes.  Eor  market 
are  twice  as  profitable  as  any  other,  as  they  bring  such 
fancy  prices.  Plants  are  stocky  habit,  about  2 feet  high, 
and  loaded  with  enormous  fruits.  22  of  these  gigantic 
Peppers  have  been  counted  on  a single  plant.  They  are 
very  mild,  sweet  as  an  apple  and  ripen  early.  Every  one 
will  want  to  plant  it  I am  certain. 




“We  grew  the  Chinese  Giant  Pepper  with  much  pleasure,  and  found 
them  veritable  monsters.  Their  highly  colored  fruit  is  a pleasant  addi- 
tion to  summer  salads.  The  flesh  is  thick,  tender,  and  sweet,  without 
any  burning  taste.  The  plants  grew  finely,  and  the  immense  peppers — 
often  more  tlian  6 inches  in  diameter  and  depth  make  a very  handsome 
show  in  the  garden.  The  Chinese  Giant  is  earlier  than  the  Kuby  Kmg. 

True  Stock,  Packet  10  ets.,  3 for  25  cts. 

Most  Valuable 
Of  All  Peppers. 

JThls  Cut  Only 
jOne-third  Size. 

Address,  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y. 

The  4:7th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

The  Pods  are 
long— fully  8 to  10 : 
entirely  stringlesf 
and  almost  “solid 
meltingly  tender, 

Mammoth  Bush  Limas. 


These  Mammoth  Bush  Limas  represent  the  latest  and 
highest  achievement  in  bean  culture.  They  are  a distinct 
new  creation,  of  enormous  size,  extremely  early,  and  prodi- 
gious yielders.  No  other  Limas  can  compare  with  them. 
Either  green  or  dry  they  are  tender,  rich  and  buttery—  poss- 
essing the  exauisite  “Lima”  quality  in  the  highest  perfection 

Of  true  bush  form,  with  strong,  stiff  stalks,  healthy, 
sturdy  growth— requiring  no  poles  or  stakes— Plants  are 
two  feet  high,  densely  loaded  with  great  clusters  of  well 
fllled  pods.  They  bear  early  and  continuously  from  July 
till  frost. 

Every  family  should  grow  an  abundance  of  these  lus- 
cious beans  to  supply  their  own  table  the  year  round. 

Mammoth  Bush  Limas  are  marvels  of  earliness 
and  productiveness.  Not  to  plant  them  would  be  a dis- 
tinct loss.  We  want  every  customer  to  grow  them— and 
also  get  up  a club  among  their  friends. 

MONEY  can  be  made  growing  these  beans  for 
sale.  Let  your  children  have  a good  sized  patch— and 
all  the  money  they  can  get  from  it.  IT  WILL  PAY— (and 
help  make  them  love  the  farm— and  you.) 

The  Mammoth  Bush  Limas  are  extra  early  and  con- 
tinuous bearers,  immensely  productive  and  of  delicious 
quality.  Order  a good  supply.  Get  up  a club  order. 


Now  is  your  time  to  grow  these  “moneymaking”  beans 
and  make  a lot  of  profit— besides  getting  your  choice  of 
a valuable  premium. 

Large  2 Ounce  Packet  10  cts.— 3 for  25e.— 12  for  $1.00. 

Early  Prolific  Pole  Beans. 

Also  known  as  Kentucky  Won- 
der, Homestead  and  Seek-No- 

Our  greatly  improved  strain  of 
these  truly  wonderful  Beans  will 
make  a sensation  anywhere. 
They  are  marvels  of  productive- 
ness-giving immense  crops  from 
July  until  frost.  Large,  thick, 
stringless  pods,  meaty,  tender 
and  superlatively  delicious. 

These  remarkable  “silver 
green”  podded  Pole  Beans  are 
everlasting  bearers,  and  fully  lo 
days  earlier  than  any  other  pole 
bean  in  existance. 

The  Pods  hang  in  great  clus- 
ters from  the  top  to  the  bottom  of 
poles,  and  can  be  gathered  by 

are  very  large  and 
to  10  inches  in  length 
plump,  round, 
meat,”  cooking 
, and  of  superior 

Eveet  State  in  the  Union— as 
ell  as  Canada  sends  words  of 
praise  for  these  enor- 
mously productive  beans.  Every 
lover  of  Delicious  Beans  should 
have  a bountiful  supply. 

Price  10  cts . per  packet,  3 for  26c. 
12  for  $1.  Get  up  a club  order. 

Famous  Prizetaker  Onioe. 


Y/ihout  exception  the  grandest  variety  of  yellow 
globe  onion  for  our  American  climate.  It  is  the  larg- 
est, handsomest,  finest  flavored,  and  in  every  way  the 
BEST.  It  is  admittedly 
the  largest  of  all;  sam- 
ples have  been  grown  to 
the  enormous  weight  of 


With  good  care  it  pro- 
duces wonderful  crops 
eveiywhere ; one  reports 
“over  1200  bushels  per 
acre;”  another  I grew 
180  bushels  on  exactly 
one-sixth  of  an  acre. 

Excels  in  Yield, 

Excels  in  Size, 

Excels  in  Quality, 

Excels  in  Beauty. 

The  Prizetaker  is  easily  grown,  ripens  up  tiard  and 
firm,  is  a good  keeper,  and  always  brings  an  extra 
price.  It  is  certainly  a wonder,  and  nothing  short  of 
an  actual  trial  will  convey  an  idea  of  its  great  value. 
Don’t  miss  it.  Ilemember  our  seed  is  American  grown, 
carefully  selected,  and  pure.  B^Beware  of  cheap  on- 
ion seed.  Per  packet  10  cts.  3 for  25  c.  12  for  $1. 


Finest  in  the  world.  25  Gorgeous  Varieties.  The  following 
Photo  shows  a small  corner  of  our  Sweet  William  Piower  Gar- 
den. People  come  from  far  and  near  to  see  its  wondrous  beauty. 
Sweet  William  will  grow  anywhere  and  bloom  profusely  for 
many  years.  The  trusses  are  of  immense  size,  with  brilliant 
rainbow  hues  and  innumerable  shades  and  markings— all  delic- 
iously sweet  scented.  Plant  plenty  of  this  favorite  flower.  None 
are  easier  grown.  Height  2 feet.  Plant  any  time  from  April  to 
Sept,  Gilt  Edge  Seed  only  6 cts.  per  large  packet.  6 Pkts.  for  25c. 
2i  for  a $1.  Get  your  friends  to  order  with  you. 

V7hy  not  devote  some  of  your  spare  time  in  getting  up  a Club 
Order  and  secure  several  of  the  wonderful  and  useful  Prem- 
iums we  offer  for  orders  for  anything  in  this  catalog.  Your  many 
friends  and  nabors  will  be  glad  to  help  you.  Get  busy  now. 

Also  be  sure  you  order  a good  supply  of  Aster  and  Zinnia  Seed. 

Address,  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y. 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 


This  prodigious 
I onion  often  -weighs 
I three  to  fi  vepounds 
, each.  The  flesh  is 
I white,  fine  grain- 
I ed,  mild  and  ten- 
, der,  and  of  super- 
I ior  quality.  It  ma- 
tures early,  and 
finds  a quick  sale 
at  big  prices.  Its 
immense  size, 
great  beauty  and 
mildness  of  flavor 
endears  it  to  every 
; onion  lover.  Give 
I them  very  rich 
I ground  and  good 
I care,  and  ample 
I room  to  expand 
and  you  may 
I expect  a crop  of 
“Giants”  that  will 
amaze  all  behold- 
ers. Big  Onions  are  a “money  crop 
rich  ground  is  enormous. 

True  Selected.  Seed — Barge  Packet  10  cts.,  3 for  25  cts. 
12  for  $1.00.  30  Packets  and  any  $3  Premium  all  for  $3.  ) 



Show  Our  Big 
Offers  to  Every  | 
Club  Agent 
You  Know 
and  thus 
Do  Them  and 
Us  a Great 

Thank  You. 

This  grand  Colossal  Variety'  is  much  the  largest  in  the 
world.  It  stands  unique  and  alone — the  KING  OF  ABB 
CABBAGFS.  Single  ones  have  been  grown  to  the  as- 
tonishing weight  of  90  lbs.,  while  30  to  M pounds  are  com- 
mon. It  succeeds  well  wherever  a cabbage  can  be  grown. 
You  can  have  no  idea  how  big  a cabbage  can  be  grown 
until  you  grow  this  great  “Mastodon”  of  the  cabbage 
family.  It  will  be  one  of  the  biggest  wonders  of  your 
garden,  \Vhy  not  grow  cabbage  plants  for  sale  ? — there’s 
monejmn  it.  Packet  10  cts.,  3 for  25  cts.,  12  for  SI. 00,  36 
for  $3.00,  50  for  $4  00.  Select  one  of  Our  Free  Premiums. 


The  Greatest  of  all 
Muskmelon  s — often 
weighing  20  to  30  lbs. 
each.  The  grandest, 
the  earliest, the  sweet- 
est and  the  best  mam- 
moth bluskmelon  ever 
introduced.  Alwaj^s  I 
sure  yielder  of  bfg,  ! 
handsome  melons. 

The  flesh  is  remarka- 
blj’-  thick,  melting  and 
delicious.  Commands 
fancj'  prices  wherever 

"Whatever  you  do, 
do  not  miss  growing 
these  luscious  melons. 

You  will  miss  a big  treat  if  j'ou  do.  They  are  sure  prize- 
winners at  everj’  exhibition. 

Barge  Packet  10  cts.,  3 for  25  cts.,  12  for  $1.00. 

Encourage  j’our  boj  s and  girls  to  have  a nice  big 
melon  patch.  It  will  pay.'  They  are  one  of  the  greatest 
luxuries  for  the  table  and  the  field.  Our  hard5'  varieties 
are  extremely  eas5’  to  grow. 

COOK’S  ASTERS-30  Varieties. 

This  collection  is  absolutely 
unequaled  for  an  assortment  of 
cut  flowers  throughout  the 
blooming  season.  It  is  a mix-  , 
ture  of  only  the  choicest  stan- 
dard and  the  newest  sorts  that  i 
can  be  secured  and  blended  to  i 
suit  the  most  critical  lover  of 
this  grand  flower.  Included  are  i 
the  Invincibles,  the  Ro^mls, 
Semple’s  Giant  Branching'  the 
Cregos,  Mew  ISIicados,  Day-, 
breaks,  Astermums,  Kings  and  ? 
manj'  other  American  giant  ' 
asters.  f 

Packet  10  cts  , 3 for  25  cts.,  12  \ 
for  $1.03.  > 

Everjdhing  Sent  Postpaid.  ^ 


We  offer  our 
customers  and  all 
critical  onion 
growers  seeds  of 
ray  selected 
strain  of  Golden 
Oregon  Onion. 

This  is  a very 
handsome  onion, 
thin  yellow  skin, 
white  flesh,  fine 
grained  and  ex- 
tra flavor.  It  is 
the  result  of 
3'ears  of  labor  in 
the  most  careful 
selection  with  a 
view  to  EARBI- 
KEEPING  QIABITIES.  It  grows  to  a ver3'  large  size, 
solid  and  thick  thru  as  shown  in  the  above'illustration. 
It  is  an  enormous  yielder,  and  is  in  every  way  all  that 
can  be  desired  as  a mar’xet  or  table  onion.  'We  hope  every 
one  qf  our  customers  will  plant  it.  All  growers  who  give 
special  care  may  certainly  expect  extraordinarj-  results. 
We  have  received  hosts  of  testimonials  from  all  sections 
in  favor  of  this  remarkable  onion,  and  no  one  should 
miss  this  great  mone\-- maker— for  it  will  be  mone}’  lost. 

PRICE:  Barge  packet — extra  selected  seed,  pure  and 
true,  10  cts.,  3 for  25  els.,  12  for  $1.00,  24  for  $2.00. 

50  Packets  with  Our  Splendid,  Reliable  Watch 
— or  any  other  $4.00  Premium  5'ou  choose — onl\’^  $4.00.  All 
^ prepaid  by  mail.  50  Packets  with  good  ground  and 

care  should  produce  fully  $50.00  to  $75.00  worth  of  onions. 


This  grand  mixture  of 
Dwarf  or  Tom  Thumb  Nas- 
turtiums will  give  a larger 
variety  of  colors  in  propor- 
tion than  an5*  other  nasliu- 
tiura  mixture.  It  is  made 
up  of  all  the  separate  Dwarf 
named  sorts,  as  many  su- 
perb seedlings  of  exquisite 
colors  and  shades,  including 
the  Biliput,  Golden  Beaved, 
Variegated  Beaved  and  Ivy 
Beaved  varieties.  Best  mix- 
ture ever  produced. 

Packet  5 cts.,  6 for  25  cts. 

Cook’s  Fancy  Mixed 
Climbing  Nasturt’ms. 

This  is  a mixture  cf  su-  S 

perior  large-flowered  Tall  ' y 

or  Climbing  nasturtiums,  included  in  which. is  everjdhing 
essential  to  a full  range  of  color,  marking  and  floral 
.shape,  as  well  as  variegated  and  i\’y-leaved  sorts 
Packet  5 cents,  6 for  25  cents.  " ' 

Cook’s  Wonderful  \ 

40  Varieties.  Extra  large  P 
flowering  mixed.  Cook’s  ) 
Extra  Barge  Flowering  pe-  / 
tunias  are  without  doubt  ) 
the  finest  ever  offered  to  the  ) 
public.  For  years  we  have  ) 
■■  ■ is) 

made  a specialtj'  of  this, 
strain,  constautl3’’  improv- , 
ing  it  by  selection,  which  , 
makes  it  of  extra  fine  qual-  ( 
itv.  Packet  10  c.,  3 for  25  c.  , 

Get  up  a Club  and 
secus^e  a Parlor  Talking 
Macn'ne  FREE. 

The  47tii  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  G-et  up  a Club  Order. 

NEW  BHORT-BTEM  DHUi^lHEAD  CABBAOE.  Always  Bureto  Head 


At.!,  of  my 
: cab  bajre  seed 
is  grown 
: from  Extra 
: Selected, 

: Solid,  Per- 
: feet  Heads, 

: pure  and  true. 
This  seed 
costs  THEEE 
TIMES  as 
: much  to  grow 
: as  that  I 

: could  buy 
: intiieopen 
: market,  but 
: I am  a 

: Practical 
: Gardener 
: myself,  and 
: know  the 
: imnortance 
: of  HIGH 
; grade  seeds. 


Beyond  all  Question  THE  GPiEATEST  cab- 
bage for  the  Earmer,  Gardener,  and  Villag* 
G rower.  Enormous  heads  of  finest  fiavor. 


Heading  where  others  fail.  Eeceives  noth- 
ing but  praise  from  Maine  to  California ; fron 
Canada  to  Florida.  Single  heads  sometimes 


This  Peerles  Cabbage 

eomblnes,  to  a wonderful  degree, 
all  desirable  requisites.  It  has  a 
very  short  stem,  growls  very  com- 
pact.  Heads  are  extra  hard,  • 

SOLID,  ROUND,  flattened  at  the  \ ^ ' 

top.  They  grow  very  uniform  in 
size  and  shape,  as  shown  in  the 
above  illustration.  The  heads  at-  x 

tain  enormous  size,  and  are  always  of  the  finest  quali- 
ty. It  will  produce  a crop  even  where  others  fail. 

Friends,  if  you  order  but  3 things  from  this  catalog  I 
hope  one  will  be  this  great  cabbage.  Seed  from  long 
selection,  pure  and  true.  Packet  10  cts.  3 for  25e.  12 
for  Sl.oii— [36  and  any  $3.00  Premium  ] for  $3.00. 

Get  up  a club  order  for  this  famous  cabbage. 

No  Other  Cabbage  Can  Compare. 

Golden  Hill,  Dorchester  Co..  Md.  May  27th, 

Mr.  A.  T.  Cook.:— Your  Short  Stem  Drumhead  Cabbage  is  the 
best  I ever  raised.  Heads  enormous  size,  solid  and  hard.  I have 
found  no  other  cabbage  to  compare  -vrith  it.  John  A.  Abbott. 


Best  of  All— a Wonderful  Seller. 

F.  B.  Hall,  Lincoln  Co.,  IMaine,  writes:— I raised  10 tons  of  Short 
Stems  from  1,500  plants.  Every  seed  grows.  This  cabbage  is  best 
of  ail,  and  a wonderful  seller. 

Almost  Thunderstruck. 

Dr.  J.  M.  Ashley,  of  Texas  writes :— Oh,  goodness!  what  cabbage 
I did  make  from  your  Short  Stem  Crumhead:  all  that  saw  them 
were  almost  thunderstruck. 

Cabbage  and  Cauliflower  were  Wonders 

Mrs.  A.  M.  Troffry,  Burnside,  Canada— ‘-AVe  never  had  better 
vegetables  than  we  grew  from  your  seeds.  Our  Short  Stem  Cab- 
bage were  immense.  Tlie  Snowball  Cauliflower  heads  were  as 
large  as  a good  sized  milk  pan.  They  were  a wonder  to  all.” 

Cookes  GoMeii  Giaet  Sugar  Corn.  The  Very  Best  for  Smail  Gardens 

COOK’S  GOLDEN  GIANT  SUGAR  CORN  is  a dwarf  growing  early  variety.  The  plant  attains  a height  of 
four  feet,  usually  bearing  two  or  more  ears  to  the  stalk.  These  are  compactly  filled  with  kernels  which  are  so 
deliciously  sweet,  tender  and  milky  that  some  people  claim  that  “it  is  the  sweetest  corn  on  earth.”  It  is  better 
than  Golden  Bantam  and  ears  are  very  much  larger.  A very  desirable  variety  for  home  or  market  gardeners. 
The  most  valuable  garden  acquisition  of  recent  years— the  finest  type  of  Sugar  Corn  ever  produced.  When  once 
grown  or  eaten  no  other  corn  v/iil  satisfy.  It  has  a superlative  merit  and  wherever  grown  is  called  “ a perfect 
corn.  It  is  much  earlier^  than  the  Golden  Bantam— ears  more  than  twice  the  size  and  fully  three  times  as  pro- 
ductive as  that  famous  variety.  Its  quality  is  most  delicious— rich  and  sugary— almost  melting  in  your  mouth, 
what  raore  need  be  said?  This  corn  is  so  far  ahead  of  all  others  there  is  simply  no  comparison.  It  is  the  crowning 
triurnph  oi;  an  expert  from  careful  crossing  and  selection.  Market  gardeners  can  control  any  market  with  this 
matchless  corn,  and  no  other  can  bring  him  so  much  money.  Sold  in  sealed  packets  only— each  packet  sufficient 
for  50  hills  15  ets.  each;  4 for  50  cts.,  10  for  a dollar,  SO  Packets  and  any  $3.00  Premium  for  $3.00  all  postpaid. 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

Cream  of  the  Vegetable  World. 


PLEASE  NOTE.  Our  Seeds  are  extra  selected  and  sold  only  in  large  packets.  Positively 
none  sold  in  bulk.  We  especially  invite  everyone  to  get  up  Clubs. 

ASPARAGcJS,  Packet  „  cts 

BEANS,  (Dwarf) 

Golden  Eyed  Wax,..., „ 

Stringless  Green  Pod,.... .10 

New  Prolific  Tree,..../. ..10 

Mammoth  Bush  Lima,; ....10 

Powell’s  Prolific  Pole....... .........15 

Early  Prolific  Pole 10 

BEET.  Extra  Early, ...10 

P..ed  Beauty, ...10 

Market  Gardener’s 5 

MANGEL  Tankard, '...  5 


CHUFAS,  .Mammoth, .....10 

CABBAGE.  Wakefield,.. .....10 

Early  Winnigstadc, 10 

Danish  Ballhead 10 

Short-Stem  Drumhead, 10 

Prize  Winner,. 10 

Chinese  Celery-Cabbage 10 


Early  Snowball 15 

COLLARDS,  Georgia, 5 

CARROT,  Ox-IIearc 10 

New  Intermediate 10 

CELERY,  Mastodon,  10 

White  Plume, 10 

CITRON,  Preserving 5 

NEW  coffee  seed, 10 


Golden  Giant, 15 

New  Golden  Bantam 10 

Country  Gentleman, 10 

White  Eice  Pop  Corn  lo 

Excelsior  Plant  Food 16  and  3o 

POP  CORN,  Red  Beauty, 10 

CUCUMBER,  Pickle......................  5 

Long  Green  Giant, .....10 

Japanese  Climbing 10 

New  Perfect,. 10 

egg-plant.  Large, 10 

GOURDS,  Nest  Egg, ......10 

KOHL-RABI,  Vienna 10 

lettuce,  Prize  Head, 5 

California  Cream  Butter, 10 

MUSK-MELON,  Rockyfofd,.... 10 

Paradise  Gem 10 

Giant, 10 

Banana,  (2  feet  long,)..,.., 10 

Winter  Pineapple, 10 

Watermelon,  Extra  Early 5 

Monte  Cristo, 10 

True  Sugar, ....10 

OKRA,  White  Velvet, 5 

ONION,  Brown  Beauty 5 

Large  Red  Westerfield, 5 

Golden  Ore^n 10 

Prizetaker, 10 

Giant  Garganus, ......10 

P.IRSNIP,  Sugar, 10 

Cook’s  Perfection 10 

parsley.  Curled, 5 

PEANUTS,  Early, 10 

PEAS,  Premium  Gem, 10 

Ever  Bearing 10 

Mammoth  Melting  Sugar,.... 10 

PEPPER,  New  Giant, 10 

PUMPKIN,  vSweet  Potato  10 

King  of  Mammoths, 10 

Boston  Marrow  Squash. lo 

Cook’s  New  Golden  Cream 

Musicmelon..  - .15 

RADISH,  Early  Icicle, 


New  Rosey  Gem,  

^0  1 

White  Chinese  Winter............ 

New  Chartier... 


r } 

SALSIFY,  Veg.  Oyster........... 


SQUASH,  New  Faxon,. 

Summer  Crookneck,... 

- 5 < 

Improved  Hubbard, 

SUNFLOWER,  Giant,  

TOMATO,  New  Tree,...., 

Golden  Queen, 

Mammoth  Ignotum, 

World  Beater, 

Golden  Husk, 

TURNIP,  Early  Milan, 

RUTA-BAGA,  Yellow, 

5 1 


10  y 

SAGE,  Broad  Leaved, 

5 < 


Giant  Bohemian  Horse  Radish  Sets  ) 
12  for  60  cts.  100  $3.00  J 

Extra  Early  Six  Weeks  Potatoes  ( 

40  Hills,  Extras,  etc., 

100  Hills,  Extras,  etc., 

280  Hills,  Extras,  etc., 

,....$5.00  $ 

Chinese  Cinnamon  Vines  1 

Strong  Tubers 

Strong  Tubers 

New  Post  Cards-Best  of  M 1 

20  Sunshine  Cards, 

- 15 1 

20  Temperance, 

Strawberry  Plants  \ 

“ New  Everbearing  ” ) 

12  Strong  Plants... 90  cts.  c 

25  Strong  Plants $l.5o  1 

50  Strong  Plants $2.5o  c 

loo  Strong  Plants.. $4.oo  ^ 

OCIICimCD  We  are  Specialists  and  sell  choice  selected  seeds  only  in  large  packets.  They  are  strains 
of  the  highest  excellence.  It  is  easy  to  get  up  clubs  for  these  seeds  and  secure  fine  Premiums. 

Craam  of  the  Flower  World.  £11  Silt  Edg@  Flower  Ss@d§ 

SPECIAL  TO  ALL.  Our  Flower  Seed  Packets  are  Double  Usual  Size;  Extra  Selected. 

Tell  Your  Friends.  Don’t  Let  Them  Waste  Money  on  Inferior  Seeds  or  Stingy  Packets. 

ASTERS.  30  Finest  Double  Mxd.  Extra  Large  Pkt.  loc. 

BIRD  OF  paradise.  Unique  and  beautiful ...10 

butterfly  FLOW^ER— oi-  Christmas  Orchid 10 

CARNATIONS.  New  Marguerite,  great  bloomer 10 

CHRYSANTHEMUMS.  10  Annual  Varieties 10 

COSMOS.  Early,  Giant  Fancy;  superb  assortment 10 

DIANTHUS — or  Pinks.  Double  mixed,  25  sorts ...10 

EVERLASTINGS.  Finest  Mixed  Varieties 10 

ICE  plant.  Very  Unique  and  Handsome 10 

MORNING  GLORY.  Giant  Japanese  Mixed ...10 

NASTURTIUM,  Dwarf  Tom  Thumb,  Fancy  Mixed 5 

nasturtium.  Giant  Flowering,  Climbing  Mixed 5 

PANSIES.  Extra  Mixed,  40  colors 10 

PANSY  collection.  50  Giant  Vari.  Treaties,  etc 20 

petunias.  40  Varieties,  colors  and  shades 10 

PHLOX.  3o  Choice,  Bright  Colors,  mixed 10 

PRIZE  POPPIES,  40  Grandest  Sorts 10 

SALVIA  SPLENDENS.  (Scarlet  Sage) 10 

SWEET  ALYSSUM.  Little  Gem.  Finest  of  all 5 

SWEET  PEAS.  100  Gilt  Edge  Varieties 10 

SWEET  WILLIAM  25  Best  Varieties  mixed 5 

VERBENA.  A Superfine  Mixture,  All  Colors..., 10 

ZINNIA.  Large  Double,  20  Varieties  and  Colors 5 

MIXED  FLOWERS.  Over  300  Selected  Varieties 25 

A Home  Garden 

garden  is  in  quality. 

The  greatest  advantage  to  be  obtained  from  the  borne 
Only  those  who  have  raised  their  own  vegetables  can 
realize  the  fresh  crispness  of  vegetables  gathered  and  cooked  at  once.  We  sell  only  the  best  of  seeds. 

Address,  COOK  SEED  CO,,  Seed  Specialists,  WATERFORD,  N.  ¥* 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

Colorado  Preserving  Citron. 

This  is  quite  distinct  and  far  superior  to  the  ordinary 
citron,  the  seeds  being  a light  green  color.  It  is  im- 
mensely productive ; one  vine  produced  25  fine  melons, 
weighing  from  lo  to  30  lbs.  each.  The  flesh  is  very  Arm 
and  solid  with  few  seeds,  and  makes  beautiful,  clear, 
transparent  preserves  of  surpassingly  flne  flavor.  All 
should  plajit  this  citron  for  market  and  home  use.  It 
is  a grand  seller  and  will  make  you  money.  Pkt  5 cts. 

^arly  Snowball  Cauliflower. 

The  earliest,  the 
surest  header,  the 
best  and  most  prof- 
itable of  all  cauli 
flowers.  !No  other 
variety  comparse 
with  it.  Snowball 
cauliflower  is  the 
standard  every- 
where for  superb 
quality  with  all 
market  and  private 
gardeners.  It  is  a 
very  compact  grow- 
er, and  is  absolute- 
ly certain  to  form  a 
good  sized  head 
when  the  condi- 
tions are  right;  is 
good  the  entire  sea- 
son, and  is  rapidly 
driving  out  the  la- 
ter sorts  for  fall  use. 
Cauliflowe  r s are 
easily  raised,  and  every  family  should  grow  a supply. 

My  seed  is  American  grown  and  very  choice. 

Packet  15  cts.  2 for  25  cts.  8 for  $1.00. 


A magnificent,  new  Celestial 
variety,  of  enormous  size  and 
exquisite  flavor.  By  far  the 
best  and  most  tender  for  late 
fall  and  winter  use.  The  flesh 
is  always  crisp,  mild  and  juicy 
—very  refreshing.  These  gi- 
ant Eadishes  grow  from  lo  to  15 
inches  long  and  4 to  5 inches  in 

The  skin  pure  paper-white— 
very  handsome.  Flesh  always 
crisp,  mild  and  juicy.  Easily 
grown  and  an  immense  yielder. 

Winter  Eadishes  deserve  more 
attention.  They  are  a great  lux- 
ury in  winter,  and  always  sell  at 
good  prices. 

Plant  about  July  1st,  and  pull 
late,  and  store  in  a cellar  in  box- 
es of  moist  earth. 

Large  Pkt.  lo  cts.  3 for  25  cts. 

New  Palmetto  Asparagus— True  Stock). 


This  new  variety  is  the  finest  ever  cultivated.  After 
years  of  trial  in  all  sections,  it  is  pronounced  by  all  to 
foe  far  in  advance  of  all 
others,  being  much 
earlier— far  better  fla- 
vor an  d double  the  size. 

Indeed  this  variety  is 
so  superior  that  gar- 
deners are  plowing  out 
their  old  sorts  and 
planting  with  Palmet- 
to. It  is  remarkably 
tender,  rich  and  but- 
tery when  cooked.  No 
other  can  compare. 

Every  family  should 
have  a supply  of  this 
very  healthful  and  de- 
licious vegetable. 

4®=*  My  seed  is  pure 
and  true.  If  well  eared 
for  will  produce  larger 
and  finer  asparagus  in 
TWO  years  than  oth- 
er varieties  at  five.  Be- 
ware of  spurious  seed. 

Don’t  go  to  the  ex- 
pense and  bother  of  buying  plants  when  you  can  get 
such  a quick  and  easy  grower  as  this. 

Large  packet  with  full  cultural  directions,  10  cts.  3 
for  25  cts.  12  for  $l.oo.  12  packets  will  produce  $20,00  to 
$30.00  worth  of  plants,  Both  Asparagus  and  - Asp. 
Plants  are  SUEE  money  makers,  and  sell  quickly  at 
big  prices.  Plant  a lot  of  it  for  few  things  pay  better. 

From  the  Editor  of  American  Garden.  TKULY  A GIANT  AS 
PARAGUS.  A bunch  of  about  50  shoots  of  Palmetto  Asparagus 
exhibited  by  a Phila.  Gardener,  beats  anything  ever  heard  of.  It 
weighed  31  lbs.— the  growth  of  only  3 days. 

A.  Winship,  Hillsboro  Co.,  N.  H.  writes Your  Palmetto  Aspar- 
agus and  Pop  Corn  are  both  truly  wonderful.  I have  planted  your 
seeds  seven  years  and  find  them  the  best  of  all.  Y our  packets  are 
twice  as  large  as  any  other,  and  you  always  send  so  many  extras; 

True  Rocky  Ford  Niuskmelon. 

The  advent  of  this  valuable  variety  has  done  more  to 
popularize  muskmeloms, than  any  other  sort.  Over 
2,000  carloads  of  these  celebrated  melons  have  been 
shipped  from  Eocky  Pord,  Colo.,  realizing  enormous 
profits.  Unquestionably  the  best  early  Muskmelon. 














Enormous  prices  are  paid  for  this  variety  to  the  ex- 
clusion of  all  others.  Every  market  and  home  garden- 
er should  plant  it  largely.  No  other  melon  ^an  bring 
you  so  much  money.  My  seed  is  Pubb  and  Teub,  and 
selected  with  Extba  Cabe.  Beware  of  spurious  seed— 
there  is  much  of  It  offered.  Pkt,  10  cts.  3 for  25  cts. 

You  will  Tl)i9 
Ope  of  t\ost 
Delicious  AVelops 
You  Ev^r  Tasted 

New  Muskmelon-«Winter  Pineapple. 

This  distinct  melon  differs  from  all  others  in  shape,  appearance,  and 
marvelous  keeping  qualities.  They  weigh  from  8 to  12  lbs.  each.  These 
splendid  melons  do  not  ripen  on  the  vines.  Pick  green — just  defore  frost, 
and  store  in  a cool,  dry  cellar.  They  will  keep  sound  and  sweet  for 
several  months.  When  wanted,  bring  in  a warm  room.  They  will  ripen 
in  a few  days  and  will  be  found  most  delicious. 

The  flesh  is  remarkably  thick,  solid  and  has  the  delicious  flovor  of  pine- 
apple, Many  consider  them  the  best  of  all  melons.  Packet  10c.  3 for  25c. 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

NEW  BANANA  MUSK’MELON-Grows  Over  2 Feet  Long. 

This  curious  new  variety  originated  with  one  of  our  best  growers  in  South  Jersey,  and  is  pro- 
nounced by  him  the  most  profitable  variety  he  has  ever  grown.  He  realized  an  average  of  forty 

cents  each  for  his  entire  crop,  as  they  were  eagerly  sought  after  in  the  Philadelphia  markets  on 
account  of  their  great  oddity  of  shape  and  appearance.  They  look  and  smell  like  overgrown  ba- 
nanas. They  grow  from  20  inches  to  2 feet  long,  are  very  productive,  with  deep  yellow  flesh,  by 
many  preferred  to  any  other  variety.  They  have  a remarkable  and  d-elicious  melon 
will  scent  the  house.  A great  curiosity,  and  sure  to  attract  attention.  Packet  10  c.  3 for  25  cts. 

“The  Basana 
Muskmeloa  ie 
one  of  the  best 
i ever  raised. 
Year  Cabbage 
exceeded  all 
the  finest  I ev- 
er grew.  The 
King  of  Mam- 
moth Pump- 
kin ia  certain- 
ly a wonder. 
All  your  seeds 
were  just  fine’’ 
C.  B,  Spangler 
Napoleon,  O, 


This  is  certainly  the  best  main  crop 
carrot.  It  is  a tremendous  yielder.  Of 
deep  orange  color,  large  size — often  3 
or  4 inches  in  diameter  and  10  or  12 
inches  long,  very  regular  and  smooth, 
and  the  most  uniform  of  all.  For 
private  growers  and  truckers  it  is 
ideal,  being  of  the  highest  quality— 
and  for  stock  feeding  it  is  of  the  great- 
est value,  its  yielding  capacity  being 
perfectly  enormous.  Selected  seed. 
Large  packet  loe.,  3 for  25c. 


One  of  the  very  best  tomatoes  ever  introduced.  It  is 
solid,  very  smooth,  free  from  ridges,  large  in  size, 
ripens  up  early,  and  is  by  far  the  most  beautiful  yel- 
low variety  ever  sent  out.  None  better  for  preserving 
or  slicing,  the  handsome,  golden  yellow  slices  make  a 
beautiful  contrast  in  a dish  with  red  tomatoes.  It  has 
very  little  acid.  Packet  lOc.  3 for  25  cts. 


Grown  for  greens,  and  used  the  same  as  spinach,  the 
leaves  being  available  all  summer  as  well  as  during  the 
fall.  Cook  the  leaves  as  you  do  spinach  and  the  stems  in 
cream  as  asparagus.  The  leaves  reach  great  size,  20 
inches  and  more  in  length.  The  plant  is  practically  per- 
petual, if  the  leaves  are  continually  cut  off.  Resists  cold 
down  to  25  degrees  above  zero.  In  addition  to  supplying 
tasty  greens  for  the  table,  it  is  a valuable  feed  for  poultry, 
sheep  and  livestock.  Chard  is  a vigorous  grower  and  has 
few  insect  enemies.  Packet  10  cts,  3 for  25  cts.  * 


A new  and  valuable  variety,  and  by  far  the  most  pro- 
lific dwarf  bean  known ; growing  about  twenty  inches 
in  height,  branching  out 
in  ail  directions,  bear- 
ing its  pods  in  marvelous 
profusion,  and  so  high 
that  they  do  not  touch 
the  ground,  enabling  it 
to  stand  a wet  spell  with- 
out injury.  They  often 
yield  one  hundred  bush- 
els to  the  acre,  and  a 
single  plant  has  produc- 
ed the  enormous  num- 
ber of  399  full  sized  pods. 
Plant  in  rows  3 feet  wide 
and  12  inches  apart  in 
the  row,  one  bean  in  the 
hill.  Do  not  crowd  them. 
They  are  a shell  bean 
for  winter,  pure  white  in  color,  and  a prodigious  bear- 
er. Extremely  profitable.  They  are  of  fine  flavor. 
Packet  10  cts..  3 for  25  cts. 

ROBERT  SMITH,  York  Co.,  Maine,  writes:— Your  New  Pro- 
lific Tree  Bsans  outyield  anything  I ever  saw,  and  I must  have 
*ome  more. 

D.  K,  BEAR,  Middlesex  Co.,  Mass.,  writes:— The  Prolific  Tree 
Beans  produced  the  biggest  yield  I ever  saw  or  heard  of : 87  planm 
produced  8 Quarts  good  measure.  I shall  plant  a large  piece  this 


This  stands  alone — as  the  best  of  all 
pie  Pumpkins.  It  is  good  size,  pear 
shaped,  flesh  thick,  creamy  white, 
fine  grained,  and  in  flavor  excells  all 
others.  It  is  one  of  the  easiest  to 
grow,  and  sure  to  yield  bountifully. 
It  keeps  good  as  the  best.  Grow  it 
for  market  and  put  dollars  in  your 
pocket.  Packet  10c.  3 lor  25c.  12  for  $1. 

“For  modes  of  faith 
Ret  graceless  zealots  fight, 
His  can't  be  wrong 

Whose  life  is  in  the  right,” 


Our  Early 
Six  Weeks 

50  Fine 

to  Growers 

without  exception  the  largess  of  all  tomatoes.  Bright 
crimson,  solid  flesh,  extra  prolifle,  and  extra  fine  quality. 
For  family  gardens  it  is  deserving  of  universal  use  and 
many  market  gardners  plane  World-Beater  Giant  every 
year  for  special  trade  Unsurpassed  in  size  and  of  fine 
quality  for  slicing.  The  vines  are  of  strong  growth  and 
produce  large  clusters  of  beautiful  tomatoes ; they  are  ex- 
tremely prolihic  and  bear  continuously  until  frost. 

Packet  10  cts.,  3 for  25  cts. 

COOK  OO.,  Seed  Specialists,  U 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 


. This  mammoth  new  Extra  Early  Peanutis  the  crown- 
ing triumph  of  a careful  Specialists,  and  in  size,  quality 
and  yield,  will  far  surpass  any  other  sort.  It  is  a sur- 
prising yielder,  having  produced  lOO  bushels  per  acre. 


A Continuous  Long  Season 

A celebrated  wrinkled  pea  of  good 
quality  and  flavor.  Its  season  is  late 
to  very  late,  and  is  especially  adapted 
to  summer  and  autumn  cropping.  It 
has  a remarkable  and  valuable 
branching  habit.  It  will  do  well 
without  sticks  or  brush.  Repeated 
pickings  may  be  made,  for  the  vines 
continue  to  produde  blossoms  and 
successional  crops  of  pods  in  its  effort 
to  ripen  its  seeds.  It  is  a continuous 
bearer  through  a long  season. 

Packet  10  cts.,  3 for  23  cts. 


New  Japanese  Climbing  Cucumber. 

A distinct  new  cucumber  from  Japan.  The  vines 
are  extra  strong  and  vigorous,  and  great  climbers— 
producing  a surpris- 
ing amount  of  superi- 
or fruit  on  poles,  fen- 
ces, etc.  4^  Three 
times  the  usual  crop 
from  a given  area  can 
be  grown  with  this 
variety.  They  are  lar- 
ge size,  nice  green  col- 
or, and  fine  for  pick- 
ling and  slicing.  The 
vines  and  fruit  being 
• elevated  do  not  suffer 
from  wet  weather  and 
insects.  It  sots  its 
fruit  constantly  thru- 
out  the  season.  I am 
sure  all  will  be  pleas- 
ed with  it.  Pkt.  IOC. 

»3f0r  25Cc 

“The  Japanese  Climbing 
Cucumbers  are  the  great- 
est bearers  ever  was.  We 
shall  always  grow  them. 

Your  other  seeds  are  doing 

fine— THEY  ALWAYS  PO.” 

Mrs.  Reed,  Springf’d.MasS. 

VERBENAS,— Superfin®  ElUIxture. 

Very  few  plants  make  such 
a gorgeous  display  during 
the  season  as  the  Verbenas, 
or  furnish  more  flowers  for 
cutting.  Unrivalled  as  a con- 
stant bloomer,  brilliancy  of 
flower,  and  sweet  fm^rance. 
They  grow  from  seed  tne  first 
season,  Eor  profusion  of 
bloom— large  blossoms,  and 
variety  of  colors— my  Select* 
ed  mixture  cannot  be  excel- 
led, I wish  every  one  to  grow 
these  lovely  flowers. 

Large  Packet  10  cts,  S for 
25  cts,  12  for  $1.00. 


After  yets  have  Sent  us  your  Order  Kindly  hand 
this  Catalog  to  some  Interested  Nabor, 

A gem  among  radishes.  It  ha  s won  golden  opinions 
in  all  sections  of  the  country.  The  illustration  is  per- 
fect from  nature,  and  will  give  some  idea  of  their  great 
beauty.  It  is  absolutely  the  earliest  radish  in  cultiva- 
tion ; their  shape  is  perfectly  globular,  with  rich,  deep 
scarlet  top ; equally  desirable  for  the  market  or  home 
garden.  My  sales  of  this  famous  variety  double  every 
year.  No  other  radish  can  compare  with  it  for  earli- 
ness. . It  is  very  tender,  and  of  extra  quality. 

Packet  10  CIS.  3 for  25  cts. 

The  Famous  New  Faxon  Squash. 

This^new  and  distinct  variety  is  very  early,  of  medi- 
um size,  unusually  productive,  and  of  the  best  possi- 
ble quality.  They  cook  dry,  sweet  and  rich  whether 
ripe  or  green— are  an  excellent  keeper,  thus  supplying 
the  table  with  this  delicacy  during  three  seasons— 
summer,  fall  and  winter.  Some  Faxons  are  pale  yel- 
low, while  others  are  green,  mottled,  etc.,  in  fact  it  is 

“The  Best 
in  the 

a curious  admixture  of  many  sizes,  shapes  and  colors. 
This  is  a characteristic  of  the  squash.  The  flesh  is 
deep  orange,  cavity  small.  Nothing  excels  it  for  pies, 
I consider  the  Faxon  decidedly  the  best  of  all  squash- 
es. Many  who  never  could  eat  squashes  before  con- 
sider them  delicious.  Don’t  miss  the  Faxon. , It  can- 
not be  praised  too  highly.  Every  customer  will  thank 
me  for  advising  them  to  try  it.  Pkt.  10  cts.  3 for  25c. 

enport,  Iowa,  says:  “I  selected  lo  stalks  on  my  farm, 
with  121  ears,  or  an  average  of  12  ears  to  the  stalk;  one 
stalk  had  19  ears.”  Was  such  a yield  ever  before  heard 
of?  Its  popping  qualitiesare remarkable,  very  large,  and 
of  delicious  flavor;  3 pints  will  make  i bushel  popped. 
You  can  raise  ico  bushels  of  ears  on  an  acre.  Be  sure  and 
include  this  Pop  Corn  in  your  order.  Pop  Cora  is  a great 
money  crop.  Choice  seed,  genuine,  pkt.  10  cts.,  3 for  23  cts 


This  remarkable  new  variety  is  the  most  astonishing 
yielder  ever  found  among  Pop  Corn.  Its  enormous  yields  ] 
seem  almost  fabulous,  for  it  produces  4 to  12  good  ears  on  ' 
every  stalk.  Pops  well  soon  as  cured.  Ears  are  6 to  8 ' 
inches  long,  filled  with  nice  colored  grains— very  hand- 
some, Stalks  grow  6 feet  high.  Prof.  Witherell  of  Dav- ' 

It  is  so  early  and  $ueh  a robust  grower  that  fair  crops 
have  been  harvested  even  in  Vermont  and  Canada. 
Don’t  fail  to  try  it— and  every  boy  and  girl  should  have 
a bed^  of  Peanuts  in  their  garden.  Full  directions  for 
planting  etc.,  on  every  packet.  Pkt.  10  cts.  3 for  25e. 

The  4:7th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 



Without  CLuestion  the  grandest 
mixture  of  beautiful,  easy  grow- 
ing flowers  ever  put  up.  They 
will  produce  a dazzling  cloud  ofl 
bloom  and  fragrance  from  earli- 
est summer  until  the  snows  of 
winter.  New  beauties  and  won- 
ders will  open  up  every  day.  You 
can  have  bushels  and  bushels  of 
lovely  blossoms  for  bouquets, 
vases  and  gifts.  I have  sold  over 
^00,000  of  these  superb  Collec- 
tions. They  receive  no  end  of 
praise.  Do  not  fail  to  order  them. 


have  grown  flowers  for  25  years  and 
never  saw  anything  to  compare  with 
your  Flower  Collection.  They  bloomed 
in  greatest  profusion  till  snow  come.” 

0 JohnP.  Sundauist,  H.  Da^ 

I^arge  packet  Mixed  Flower  Collection  for  23  cts. 


Rightly  named,  and  with- 
out doubt  the  finest  strain 
of  Parsnip  that  can  be  pro^ 
duced.  It  is  a wonderful 
improvement  on  the  old 
sorts,  and  no  one  desiring 
the  best  should  fail  to  grow 
it.  The  roots  are  very 
smooth  and  handsome; 
tender,  sugary,  fine-grained 
and  of  most  excellent  qual- 
ity, Customers  are  unani- 
mous in  praising  it. 

This  is  truly  a delicious 
vegetable,  very  fine  stewed, 
fried,  boiled,  etc.  All  who 
do  not  like  the  old  poorer 
sorts  are  recommend  to  try 

It  produces  enormous 
crops;  aud  the  short,  thick 
roots  are  easily  gathered. 
It  is  without  question  the 
best  for  home  use,  market, 
or  exhibition  purposes. 

While  this  is  essentially  a 
table  parsnip — it  is  also  su- 
perior to  all  others  for  stock 
feeding  owing  to  its  great 
size  and  extraordinary 

Targe  packet,  selected 
seeds  10  cts.  3 for  25  cts. 

“Your  Perfection  Parsnips  were 
the  best  we  ever  had.”  Lester 
Thompson,  White  Bear,  Minn. 

“We  grew  the  finest  tomatoes, 
cabbage  and  parsnips  from  your 
seed  we  ever  had  in  our  life.  We 
had  Perfection  Parsnips  3 1-2  to  4 
lbs.  each.”  Wm.  H.  Smith,  Pa, 
“That  $3.00  order  proved  the 
very  best  seeds  I ever  planted.  I grew  12  Bushels  of  Parsnips  from  3 
pkts,  Some  were  22  inches  long,  and  weighed  41  ounces.” 

G.  W.  Henry,  Hunt  Co.,  Pa. 

PlefEse  Show  Our  Rare  Bargains  In  Seeds 
and  Premiums  to  Your  Friends. 

extra  early  sugar  WATERMELON. 

This  remarkable  new  variety  is  not  only  the  earliest 
of  all— but  will  continue  to  bear  abundantly  the  entire 

season.  The  quality  is  superb— every  melon  a good 
one.  Will  succeed  and  produce  fine  melons  in  every 
state— even  in  Canada.  Packet  5 cts.  6 for  25e. 

EVERY  BOY  in  the  IT.  S.  should  have  a melon 
patch,  and  raise  hundreds  of  big,  sweet  melons. 

Healthful,  Delicious,  Asparagus. 

Don’t  miss  having  an  Asparagus  bed. 

The  True  Palmetto  is  incomparably  bet- 
ter than  other  sorts.  It  is  earlier,  doub- 
le the  size,  finer  quality,  and  a much 
stronger  and  healthy  grower.  Plant  no 
other  even  as  a gift.  Asparagus  is  AL- 
WAYS a big  money  crop.  It  is  extreme- 
ly healthful,  and  will  do  you  more  good  than  all  the 
quack  medicine  and  drugs  ever  made.  A well  made 
bed  will  give  you  an  abundance  for  a lifetime,  and 
will  be  worth  a hundred  times  the  cost.  Don’t  put 
it  off.  Plant  a lot  of  seed.  You  can  sell  your  sur- 
plus plants  to  your  nabors  at  an  immense  profit. 

Annual  Chrysanthemums. 

These  glorious,  showy,  r' 
flowers  grow  readily  from ' 
d,  and  flower  freely 

the  see.  , ^ 

during  summer  and  fall 
months.  They  are  very 
pretty  and  effective— and 
very  fine  for  cutting.  Fo- 
liage is  rich  dark  green, 
finely  cut  and  ornamental. 

I offer  the  finest  selected 
mixed  varieties— a-full  as- 
sortment of  both  double 
and  single.  In  richest  col- 
ors of  crimson,  golden  yel- 
low, striped,  mottled,  etc., 
etc.  They  will  be  a sur- 
prise to  flower  lovers  eve- 
rywhere. Pkt.ioc.3for25c. 

I want  Club  Agents  ev- 
erywhere for  Flower  Seeds. 
See  Prem.  offers  elsewhere. 

“There’s  not  a tint  that  paints  the  rose. 

Or  decks  the  lily  fair. 

Or  streaks  the  humblest  flower  that  grows,'' 
But  God  has  placed  it  there.” 

Early  Premium 
Gem  Peas.  L 

A superb  extra  early 
wrinkled  variety  of  de- 
licious quality.  Pods 
large,  long,  well  filled, 
and  vines  marvelously 
productive,  being  load- 
ed down  with  luscious 
peas.  The  best,  the 
sweetest,  and  hardiest 
of  all.  Pkt.  loc.  3 for  26c. 

New  Chartier  Radish. 

This  valuable  introduction  is  far  superior  to  most 
long  varieties.  Extra  quality  and  flavor.  Early,  hand- 
some. unusually  crisp,  tender,  and  juicy ; and  remains 
in  good  condition  a long  time.  Pkt.  10c.  3 for  25c. 

G.  E.  Russell,  Leon  Co.  Fla.  writes I raised  one  of  your  Char- 
tier  Radishes  2 ft.  9 in.  long,  and  17  in.  around.  I never  saw  the 
beat.  Your  Short  Stem  Cabbage  cannot  be  excelled.  I can  say 
your  seeds  GROW,  and  you  give  more  and  better  seeds  for  the 
money  than  can  be  had  elsewhere. 

1 WANTevery  Club  Agent  far  and  near—  \ 
every  Agent  for  anything,  anjwhere— eyery  3 
Lady  who  wants  plenty  of  pin  money— every  bright  i 
Boy  and  Girl  who  wants  valuable  Prems.— I want 
each  and  every  one  of  them  to  know  that  my  Seeds,  i 
Cinnamon  Vines  and  Potatoes  sell  twice  as  fast  as  3 
anything  else — that  my  Premium  offers  and  cash 
discounts  BEAT  THE  WORLD— and  that  never 
before  was  there  such  an  easy  way  of  making  a lot 
of  money,  or  securing  valuable  Premiums  free. 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

r PHLOX  DRUMMONDil-Crandiflora. 


I am  glad  to  offer  all  the 
latest  improved  large-flow- 
ering strains  of  this  famous 
garden  annual.  Phlox  are 
well  adapted  to  beds  and 
massing,  making  a daz- 
zling show  thru  the  whole 
season.  They  are  easy  to 
grow.  Their  extreme  beau- 
ty, long  duration  of  blopm, 
and  the  unequalled  rich- 
ness of  their  many  colors 
render  them  favorites  eve- 

Surely  no  one  will  miss 
planting  these  lovely  flow- 
ers. I offer  a superfine 
mixture.  Pkt.lOc.  3 for  25c. 

Please  Cet  up Ctubs.^ 


This  Photo  is 
from  samples  di- 
rect from  my  gar- 
den. ISIo  radish 
on  earth  can  com- 
pare with  it  in 
earliness,  beauty, 
and  superb  qual- 
ity. I sold 

more  packets  of 
Icicle  Radishes 
last  year  than 
anything  else  in 
my  entire  list. 
What  more  need 
be  said  ? 

Ne  Plus  Ultra 
If  Radishes. 

Its  value  is  be- 
yond all  estimate. 
To  plant  it  once— 
means  to  grow  it 
always.  Anyone 
can  make  a pock- 
etof  money  grow- 
ing these  radish- 
es for  sale. 

Packet  10  cts.  3 
for  25c.  12  for  $1. 

of  my  great  bargains. 


one  of  the  best 
novelties  ever 
offered,  and  it 
receives  much 
praise  from  my 
customers.  One 
sowing  only  is 
needed  for  sum- 
mer and  winter 
use.  Deep  red, 
enormous  size— ’ 
6 to  8 inches  in 
diameter  — an  d 
just  splendid 
quality.  Pkt.  5c. 
6 for  25  cts. 

A New 

I Two  Pair 
r Fine  Lace 
E Curtains 
^ Free  for  a 

Edo  Order 


Coffee  Seed  Makes  Hens  Lay. 

“Tour  Coffee  makes  the  finest  chicken  feed  in  the  world.  They 
just  shell  out  the  eggs.”  Wilfred  Brown,  Wayne  Co.,  Mich. 


A time  honored  variety.  Immense  crops  are  annual- 
ly grown.  It  is  everywhere  a large  yielder  of  fine, 
handsome,  large 
onions  of  excel- 
lent quality  for 
family  use.  It  al- 
so finds  a ready 
sale  in  all  mar- 
kets. All  my  seed 
is  unsurpassed, 
and  is  grown, 
from  best  select-  i 
ed  solid  bulbs — 
pure  and  true. 

Beware  of 
cheap  onion  seed 
that  is  often  rais- 
ed from  scallions 
and  unsalable 
rubbish  for  there 
is  much  of  this  kind  afloat.  Remember  in  seeds  “like 
produces  like”— and  nothing  in  the  world  is  so  dear  as 
cheap  seeds.  Packet  5 ets.  6 for  25c.  24  for  $1.00. 

Boston  Marrow  Squash 

A very  old  and  an  extra  good  variety  of 
Squash,  either  for  early  tall  or  winter  use. 
It  is  bright  orange  color,  and  of  extra  good 
quality  for  pies  and  canning  purposes. 
The  flesh  is  tender,  fine  grained  and  of 
excellent  flavor.  Vines  very  productive. 
Boston  Marrow  is  good  for  both  home  use  and  shipping  to 
distant  markets.  For  a variety  you  should  plant  a patch  of 
this  excellent  squash.  Packet  10  cts.  3 lor  25  cts. 

Be  Sure  and  Try  Cook’s  New  Golden  Cream 
Mnskmelon,  Then  You  Will  Always  Plant  It. 

White  Rice  Pop  Corn 

White  Rice  Pop  Corn  is  perhaps  the  most  widely  grown  of 
all  Pop  Corn.  Four  ears  to  a stalk  is  not  a rare  occurance. 
The  white  grains  are  sharply  pointed,  but  when  popped  are 
very  full.  Great  demand  for  this  splendid  corn.  Large 
packet  10  cts.  3 for  25  cts.  Plant  a good  big  patch  for  your 
own  use  and  market. 

COUNTRY  GENTLEMAN  SUGAR  CORN.  The  Most  Delicious  Ever  Crown. 

This  improved  variety  is  the  finest  of 
all  sweet  corn  for  home  use.  None  other 
is  so  delicious.  The  ears  are  good  size,  8 
or  9 inches  long,  and  produced  in  great 
abundance.  Many  stalks  bear  3 to  4,  and 
sometimes  5 or  6 plump  ears.  Its  long, 
milky  kernels  are  full  of  sweetness. 
Richest  Flavor,  Deepest  Crain, 

Smallest  Cob,  Createst  Yielder. 
The  moment  you  taste  this  luscious, 
tender  corn  you  will  be  a convert  to  it, 
for  its  flavor  will  delight  an  epicure.  The 
kernels  fairly  melt  in  your  mouth.  It 
retains  its  delicious  tenderness  for  a long 
time.  A very  strong  grower ; season  me- 
dium. I recommend  it  especially  for  pri- 
vate gardens,  and  to  those  having  the 
choicest  retail  trade.  Selected  strain, 
large  Pkt.  10  cts.  3 for  25c.  12  for  $1.00. 

The  4:7th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  G-et  up  a Club  Order. 

Six  Weeks  Potato 

Valuable  Premiums  for  You; 


Never  Before  did  you  see  such  BARGAINS  in  Seeds,  and  costly  Premiums  thrown  in.  Every 
Premium  useful,  superior  quality,  fully  guaranteed.  Planters  behold  ! Club  Agents  take 
notice ! Boys  and  girls  look  this  list  over.  You  want  line  Watches  and  other  nice  things. 
Wake  up  and  get  tl^m.  It  is  so  easy.  Thousands  have  done  it.  No  trouble  to  take  orders  for 
Seeds,  Etc.,  for  everybody  buys  them.  We  have  75,000  Club  Agents,  Over  half  are  Boys  and 
Girls.  S^^Get  these  fine  Premiums  now— while  you  can— to  use,  and  show  and  be  proud  of  all 
your  life.  Begin  at  once.  We  may  never  again  be  able  to  give  you  such  rare  bargains.  Please 
show  these  Premiums  to  Club  Agents  everywhere.  You  cannot  do  them  a greater  favor 





ta  Men  or  Boys  for  a $3,  Order, 

DEAE  FRIENDS Here  is  a Watch  to  be  proud  of, 
American  make,  built  to  last,  superbly  finished,  a reli- 
able and  accurate  timekeeper.  Absolutely  guaranteed 
for  one  year  by  the  Maker. 

It  is  handsome  as  a $25.00  watch 
—a  perfect  beauty— and  good  as 
it  looks.  What  more  need  we  say 
Don't  pay  out  good  money  for 
poorer  watches  when  you  can  get 
this  beautiful  one  free. 

Marvelous  Offer^for 
this  year.  Altho  Watch- 
es have  doubled  in  price 
we  give  this  handsome 
watch  as  follows. 

Gents  or  Bo5^s  size, 
free  for  a $3.00  order. 

Ladies  size,  free  for  a 
$5.00  order. 

It  is  the  biggest  Pre- 
mium you  ever  heard 
of.  ' Don’t  miss  this 
splendid  timekeeper. 
Make  up  your  order— or 
get  up  your  club  at  once. 
Yon  will  be  proud  of  so 
fine  a watch— one  you 
have  earned  yom’self.  Please  show  this  rare  offer  to 
Boys  and  Girls  and  every  one  who  wants  a nice  watch. 

We  have  given  away  thousands  of  these  fine  watches 
No  premium  has  been  more  popular.  We  could  fill  a 
big  book  with  kind  testimonials  from  our  customers. 

A Premium  for 


Given  FREE  for  a 

$3.  ORDER 

Here  Girls  is  the  dear- 
est. sweetest,  cutest 
and  most  lovely  new 
Doll  you  ever  saw — a 
great  big  Doll  13  inches 
tall,  natural  as  life  with 
real  hair  and  nice  curls, 

All  dressed  in  finest  silk 
with  gold  braid  and  lace 
trimming.  Neither  picture 
or  words  can  tell  half  of  its 
beauty,  or  the  joy  it  will 
bring  to  the  heart  of  every 
little  maiden. 

We  want  every  girl  of  4 to 
14  years  or  over  to  get  up  a 
$3.00  Club  Order  for  this 
lovely  Doll.  Every  girl  can 
get  one  if  they  try.  We  send 
Doll  and  Seeds  by  mail 
postpaid  and  insured.  Do 
not  miss  this  bargain. 


Given  Free  Fora  $2.00  Order.  ReaiSy  Worth  Twice  the  Price.  Don’t  iVliss  Them, 

Our  Latest  improved  Stereoscope  and  brilliant  colored  Views  is  a veritable  wonder.  No  words  can  describe  it 
—it  must  be  seen.  It  brings  out  all  the  enchanting  views  exactly  as  if  looking  at  the  original  scene  itself. 

To  one  who  has  never  seen  sueh  a perfect  instrument,  it  will  be  a revelation.  Few  things  can  give  as  much 
pleasure  as  such  a Stereoscope  and  a good  Collection  of  Views.  They  transform  everything  into  living  scenes 
or  landscapes— making  nvery  person,  flower,  or  place  ap- 
pear in  relief  exactly  as  in  life,  with  such  startling  dis- 
tinctness that  it  is  difficult  to  realize  that  it  is  ai  picture 
and  not  reality.  Nothing  is  more  entertainii^  and  in- 
structive. No  one  ever  tires  of  them.  Their  Education- 
al value  cannot  be  over-estimated. 

The  Scope  is  a marvel,  extra  quality,  elegantly  finished. 

Improved  lenses.  The  Views  are  delightful,  exquisitely 
colored,  each  different.  We  have  thousands.  Landscapes 
scenery,  curiosities  and  wonders  of  America,  Europe. 

Holy  Land,  Japan,  and  every  other  land,  hunting,  fishing 
and  camping  views,  among  the  Indians  and  Esquimos,  Love  Scenes,  most  laughable  Oomics,  etc.,  etc.,  and  far 
too  numerous  to  mention.  This  Grand  Premium  will  Interest  all  your  family  and  friends. 

Stereoscope  and  20  Lovely  Colored  Views— or  120  Views  Alone— Free  for  a $2.00  Order 
” 60  ” ” 180  ” ” ” 3.00 

W ” 120  ” ” 240  ” ” ” 4.00 

” 180  ” ” 300  ” ” ” 6.00  ” 

Given  Away 


We  will  give  away  absolutely  Free  50  Beautiful  Watches,  splendid  timekeep- 
ers one  to  each  of  the  50  customers  growing  most  pounds  of  Cook’s  Early  Six 
Weeks  Potatoes  from  1 00  Hills  purchased  of  us  or  our  Club  Agents  this  season. 

Don’t  miss  these  fine  watches.  You  sure  can  get  one  if  you  try.  Send  in  re- 
ports by  the  1st  of  Nov.  with  name  and  address  of  two  witnesses  6o  gathering 
and  weighing.  All  our  Free  Premiums  are  fully  guaranteed. 

Two  Crops  of  Potatoes  a Year  Easily  Grown  in  the  N'orth.  Cook’s  Early  Six  Weeks  Potatoes  grow 
so  quickly  you  can  grow  two  full  crops  a year  on  the  same  ground,  even  in  the  far  North.  This  is  a feature  of 
tremendous  value.  It  is  worth  BIG  MONEY  to  every  planter.  Only  think  of  it ! You  can  double  your  crops  and 
profits  at  a trifling  cost.  We  send  full  instructions  how  to  do  it.  Please  show  this  to  all  wide-awake  potato 
growers.  give  valuable  seed  Novelties  free  with  every  order.  Why  not  get  one  of  our  Free  Premiums  ? 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y,  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

PnnUn  Unnrlif  Unin  In  flnn  Porrinn  TnnI  Pninn  / > 

COOK’S  5 IN  1 Garden  Tool  is  just  the  Garden  Tool  for  every  family 
in  the  land  to  have  and  use  about  their  garden.  It  takes  the  place  of  all 
the  following’  tools  : Hoe,  Fork,  Trowel,  Weeder  and  Dibber.  We  offer 
you  in  this  catalog  several  Most  Wonderful  and  Useful  Premiums  and 
we  know  with  this  new  and  useful  Garden  Tool  you  will  be  delighted 
and  it  is  so  well  made  will  last  a lifetime.  We  want  you  to  hustle  around 
among  your  friends  and  nabors  and  get  several  of  the  Premiums  we  offer 
and  you  can  do  it  if  you  only  try.  This  season  we  are  going  to  give  these 
two  premiums  for  a S3.00  order,  both  the  6 in  l Garden  Tool  and  the  3 in  l 
Hand  and  Shopping  Bag,  one  of  each  for  a $3.  order.  We  know  this  is 
going  to  be  a popular  premium  with  our  friends  and  we  have  secured  a 
good  supply  so  no  one  will  be  disappointed. 

Three-In- One  Hand  g Shopping  Bag 

This  Three-In-One  Combination  Hand  Bag,  Shopping  Bag  and 
Change  Purse,  together  with  the  Five-In-One  Garden 
Tool  shown  above,  both  given  for  a $3.  order. 

This  is  the  Latest  idea  in  a Shopping  Bag.  Something  that  the  women 
of  America  have  been  wanting  formally  years.  It  has  a greater  utility 
for  the  woman  who  shops  than  any  other  bag  ever  invented.  One  may 
start  on  a shopping  tour  with  a small  hand  bag  only  8>^  inches  from  top 
to  bottom  but  unfolds  to  17K  inches  long  and  large  enough  to  carry  all 
the  purchases  one  may  make.  The  bags  are  made  of  the  best  high-grade 
auto  leather,  soft,  pliable,  water  proof.  It  is  almost  impossible  to  dis- 
tinguish from  the  best  quality  leather  when  carried. 

The  best  grade  of  workmanship  enters  into  the  manufacture  of  our 
3-in-l  bags.  Handles,  which  are  re-inforced,  and  double  sewed  are  made 
of  the  same  high  grade  material.  Let  us  send  you  one  of  each  of  the 
above  very  useful  Premiums  for  a $3.  order. 

Pure  Aluminum  Teakettle. 


We  give  you  this  Pure  Aluminum  Teakettle  for  a S4. 
order  of  Seeds,  Cinnamon  Vines,  Potatoes  or  Post 
Cards.  We  guarantee  this  Teakettle  every  way.  It  is 
made  by  tl^  same  people  who  make  our  Combination 
Cookers.  W ill  last  for  years  to  come  and  be  a comfort 
every  day.  Get  up  a club  order  and  obtain  one  free. 

Be  sure 
you  get 
one  this 


Here,  Ladies  and  Girls, 
is  something  you  all  w-ant,  T R I I 
a lovely  Wrist  Watch,  f fj  r T 
up-to-date,  of  marvelous  I 1 1 L L 
beauty  and  a very  reliable 
time-keeper,  high-grade  FOR  A 
movement,  fitted  with  an 
ornamental  leather  strap; 
a Watch  made  for  service 
and  long  wear.  Fully 
Guaranteed  by  the  man- 

These  W'atches  are  all 
the  rage.  You  surely 
should  have  one.  They 
are  too  handsome  for 
words  to  describe. 

We  Give  this  Klegant 
Wrist  Watch  Free  for  a 
$5.50  order.  Seeds  and 
Watch  safely  boxed,  post- 
paid and  insured.  Two 
Watches  for  a $11.00  order. 

Please  show  this  to  your 

Don't  miss  the  chance 
for  this  most  amazing  bargain.  Y^ou  will  say  Watch 
alone  is  worth  fa'r  more  than  $5.50  and  it  is  so  easy  to  get 
it.  Just  show  this  Catalog  to  your  friends  and  take  their 
order,  for  they  all  want  seeds.  Please  try  at  once. 

The  47t]i  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  K.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

'Best  Solid  Gold  Fountain  Pen  Fre? 

For  a $3.  Order.  A Beautiful  Seif  Filling  Fountain  Pen  That’s  Absolutely  Guaranteed, 

Everyone  young  and  old  needs  one  of  these  handy,  useful  Fountain  Pens.  You  can  carry  it  in  your  vest  pocket, 
and  It  is  always  ready.  Here  is  a chance  to  get  one  without  cost,  and  at  almost  no  trouble  at  all.  The  barrel 
is  hard  rubber,  beautifully  engraved.  Pen  is  SOLID  GOLD  14  Karat  of  extra  weight,  finest  quality,  diamond 
pointed;  has  great  flexibility  and  durability;  has  perfect  ink-feeding  device.  An  elegant,  costly  pen,  fully  guar- 
anteed in  every  respect.  Everything  about  these  pens  is  of  the  finest  quality  — the  very  best  that  money  can 
buy.  You  can  not  get  a better  pen  for  $3.00  in  any  market.  We  personally  recommend  it,  for  it  is  the  very 
best  we  ever  used.  We  give  it  absolutely  FREE  for  a $3.00  order  for  anything  in  this  catalog,  and  send  every- 
thing to  you  by  Parcel  Post  prepaid  and  insured  and  guaranteed  to  please  you. 

This  is  the  new  and  improved  seif-filling  fuinish  this  pen  for  both  Ladies  and 

device.  When  your  pen  is  filled  simply  push  ttiis  1 'V  Gents  Be  sure  you  mention  which  size 
lever  down  out  of  the  way.  It’s  surely  wonderful  9 \ to  send  with  your  order.  Get  one  free. 

Best  14  k Solid  Gold  Pens  Used.  You  Should  Have  One 

This  is  one  of  our  “BIG  BARGAINS” — and  if  you  will  show  the  wonderful  Premium  to  some  of  your 
friends — and  tell  them  how  easily  you  obtained  it  wm  wdll  add  free  some  lovely  novelties.  This  Fountain  Pen  y 
Premium  is  so  valuable  that  we  wdll  look  for  a rush  of  orders,  and  we  are  prepared.  May  you  be  one  of  the  > 
lucky  ones  to  obtain  one  of  these  Solid  Gold  Fountain  Pens  FREE  for  a $3.  order  for  anything  in  this  catalog.  ) 



Never  did  we  expect  to  And  such  value  for  young  or 
old  as  in  tliis  New  Blechanical  Marvel.  It  is  perfection. 
It  sews  j ust  as  good  as  a $60.  machine.  Substantially 

made,  will  last  a life- 
time. Elegantly  fin- 
ished in  Nickel-Sil- 
ver and  Enamel.  It 
is  pretty  as  a picture. 
Uses  regular  Singer 
Needles.  Wifi  quick- 
ly pay  for  itself  five 
times  over. 

We  Give  this  high 
grade  Machine.  Full 
Instructions,  etc.. 
Free  for  a $7.00  or- 
der for  Seeds,  Cinna- 
mon Vines,  Potatoes 
and  Post  Cards. 

All  sent  by  mail  to  you,  charges  prepaid  and  insured 

Peerless  Haircotter  Given  free 

For  a $3.  Order 

Here  is  a new  Premium— a Hair 
Cutting  Machine— that  will  ap- 
peal to  all  as  a time-saver  and  a 
money  saver.  It  will  save  the 
whole  cost  of  Seeds  and  Prem- 
iums several  times  a year  in  ( 
most  families,  No  more  long  } 
waits  at  the  barbers  and  paying  ) 
big  prices.  This  machine  is  } 
easy,  safe  and  a pleasure  to  use.  / 
Don’t  miss  this  cliance  to  get  7 
so  useful  a Premium  free.  No  } 
one  wishing  to  keep  their  hair 
cut  and  yet  save  money  should 
miss  this  opportunity. 

With  this  Premium  we  will  also  send  you  free, 
a good  Jack  Knife  for  the  boys  or  a Bead  Necklace 
for  the  girls.  Please  tell  us  wMieh  to  send  you  and 
all  will  be  sent  by  mail  prepaid  and  insured. 

New  Premo  Camera  And  Outfit  Free 

For  a $4.  Order 

Be  sure 

one  now 

One  of  the  Best  and  most  popular  Premiums 
we  ever  offered— one  that  will  give  you  and  your 
friends  the  most  pleasure. 

Eastman’s  Cameea  is  knowm  and  prized  all  over 
the  wmrld  as  one  of  the  best  ever  produced. 

Takes  Pictures  2M  x 3M  inches.  It  is  complete 
with  automatic  shutter,  two  view  finders,  tested 
lenses,  etc.,  etc. 

Instruction  Book — all  so  clearly  told  that  begin- 
ners— even  young  boys  and  girls  can  make  lovely 
pictures,  right  from  the  very  start, 

“Kodakery,”  a Magazine  of  instruction  and  en- 
tertainment, is  given  one  year  free  wuth  every 
Camera.  Get  this  Camera  and  take  pictures  of  your 
family,  friends,  buildings,  pets,  stock  and  scenery. 
They  will  be  a joy  to  you  forever. 

Wb  Give  this  Camera,  Instruction  Book  and 
Magazine  Free  for  a $4.  order.  All  postpaid. 

Wb  Also  Give  a Full  Developing  Outfit- every- 
thing necessary  to  make  perfect  pictures  for  a $4. 
order.  Boih  Camera  and  Outfit  free  and  postpaid 
for  an  $8.  order,  Please  show  your  friends  this 
amazing  Camera  Bargain. 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N,  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

This  Magnificent  Combination  Pure  Aluminum  Cooking  Set  Consisting  of 

Housekeepers  DeligM 

Ladies,  Here  is  an  ALUMINUM  OUTFIT  needed  in  every 
home— one  you  will  use  every  day  the  year  round. 

Aluminum  is  the  Nicest  and  Cleanest  of  metals,  never 
rusts  or  flakes  like  other  ware.  Each  piece  is  stamped 
out  of  solid  Aluminum,  no  seams  and  is  indestruetibie. 


< SIX  QUART  PRESERVING  KETTLE.  Especially  desirable  in  Aluminum 
JL  ■which  cannot  form  poisonous  compounds  -with  fruit  acids. 

2  TWO  AND  ONE  HALF  QUART  PUDDING  PAN.  In  addition  to  Puddings 
and  Pastry  this  Pan  is  equally  useful  for  Stews,  Bread,  Jellies,  Etc. 

3  SIX  QUART  COVERED  KETTLE.  The  Kettle  is  useful  for  Stews,  Soups,  for 
boiling  Vegetables,  and  for  a thousand  and  one  other  purposes  that  are 
familiar  to  the  good  housewife. 

4  COVERED  BAKING  DISH  OR  CASSEROLE.  The  Casserole  is  becoming 
more  popular  every  da3^  It  will  be  found  useful  for  the  preparation  of 
many  choice  dishes. 

„ DOUBLE  ROASTER.  The  combination  of  the  Pudding  Pan  inverted  and 
^ Kettle  makes  a perfect  Self-Basting  Roaster.  Tough  meat  or  an  old  fowl. 

cook  t-wo  articles  at  the  same  time. 

The  8 Combinations  would  cost  at  least  $6.00  cash,  if  purchased  separately  at  the  stores.  We  have  secured 
a special  price  from  the  manufacturers  on  these  superior  Cookers — to  introduce  them,  and  are  pleased  to  give 
you  the  benefit  as  follows:  ^Ye  give  the  above  Combination  Set  complete  FEEE  for  a 84.50  order  for  anything 
in  our  Catalog.  2 Combination  Cookers  for  a $9.  order.  Cooker  and  Seeds  all  safely  boxed,  insured  and  de- 
livered free  to  you  by  Parcel  Post.  Please  tell  your  frieuds.  Start  your  children  out  taking  orders. 

Read  the  Following.  Go  and  Do  Likewise.  May  Be  Your  Last  Chance  To  Get  Xhem. 

Cook  Seed  Co.,  Gentlemen  : The  several  orders  of  Seeds,  Potatoes,  etc.  came  all  O.  K.  My  customers  say  they 
do  not  see  how  you  could  give  so  much  for  the  money.  I told  them  that  I have  been  getting  seeds  and  lovely 
Premiums  for  nineteen  years  and  this  year  sent  six  orders  and  received  five  Combination  Aluminum  Cooking 
Sets  and  one  Garden  Tool  and  String  of  Beads.  Your  premiums  are  wonderful  I say.  Mrs.  L.  W.  Bieber,  Pa. 

These  Two  Premiums  Given  Free  for  a $3.  Order. 

The  EVEE-SHARP  Pencil  for  Ladies,  Men  and  Boys  also  a Jack  Knife  or  String  of  Bead: 

The  EVER  SHARP  Pencil  is  always  sharp — never  sharpened.  Carries  enough  lead  for  a quarter  million 
words.  18  inches  in  all,  and  a real  point  for  every  word.  It  is  a thing  of  beauty  and  a joy  forever.  Con- 
struted  with  jeweler  precision  and  finish  throughout.  As  much  a mechanical  wonder  as  a writing  marvel. 
The  Pencil  has  a chased  barrel,  and  is  heavily  silver  plated  with  a pocket  clip.  This  perfect-pointed  Pencil 
brings  a new  efficiency  and  pride  to  the  realm  of  •writing  and  a comfort  and  pride  to  the  owner. 


THIS  JACK  KNIFE  is  a Great  and  Bare  Souvenir  of  the  World’s  War.  A Genuine  and  Unique  Jack  Knife  which 
the  German  soldiers  were  equipt.  Worth  many  dollars  as  a curiosity  and  souvenir  and  fully  as  much  for  prac- 
tical every  day  use.  All  best  of  steel.  The  German  soldiers  used  the  same  kind  on  the  battle  field.  You  can 
use  it  for  sticking  hogs  at  killing  time,  pruning  trees,  and  a thousand  other  Jack  Knife  uses.  Just  the  Knife  for 
Farmers,  Hunters,  Trappers,  Boy  Scouts  and  everybody  else  desiring  a strong,  durable  and  dependable  Jack 
Knife.  It  is  given  away  EEEE  along  with  an  Ever-Sharp  Pencil  for  a $3.  order. 

You  should  have  one  of  these  Knives 


Good  Luck  Collection 


Vegetables,  Flowers  and  Fragrant  Ferns — ^Also  20  Pres- 
ents. A Big  Dollar’s  Worth  for  Only  20  Cents  to  Introduce 


New  Seedling  Potatoes,  Gardners’  Delight,  may  make  your  fortune.  Noth- 
ing like  my  Hybridized  Potato  Seed.  Get  them  now.  Don’t  miss  this  golden 


The  wonder  of  Cabbage  Growers, — of  monster  size,  a sure  header — most 
delicious  quality.  Best  for  the  table 
and  a “gold  mine”  for  market.  I 
send  seed  for  200  Mammoth  heads. 

(Well  worth  price  of  all.) 


Grandest  assortment  of  beauti- 
ful, easy-growing  Flowers  ever  put 
up.  Will  produce  a perfect  cloud  of 
bloom  and  fragrance  from  early 
summer,  until  the  snows  of  winter. 

Will  fill  your  home  with  beauty, 
and  make  hundreds  of  loveliest 


Perfect  marvels  of  beauty  and  fragrance.  For  out-door  growing  or  House 
Plants.  Of  easiest  culture,  4 to  6 feet.  Sprays  kept  in  a room  or  trunk,  will 
impart  sweetest  perfume  for  years.  I send  seed  for  20  Ferns. 


To  Introduce  my  Good  Luck  Collection  quickly  in  new  homes,  I will  add 
*^absolutely  Free  with  every  order  20  Beautiful  and  useful  Presents — needed  in 
every  home.  A Bargain  Beyond  Compare. 


Safely  packed  and  fully  prepaid — mailed  to  any  ad- 
dress for  Two  Dimes  or  24c  in  stamps.  6 Collections 
for  $1.00;  12  for  $2.00.  Order  at  once.  Get  up  a club. 

Don’t  miss  this  big  bargain.  Address, 

A.  T.  COOK,  Seed  Specialist,  Hyde  Park,  N.  Y. 



A Distinct  Creation — Greatest  Garden  Wonder 

S^^’Proved  by  Experiment  Stations  and  Thousands  of  Plant- 
ers in  all  Sections  to  be  the  Most  Wonderful  Bean  Ever  Grown, 
of  Superb  Quality  and  More  Than  Three  Times  as  Productive 
as  Other  Beans. 

POWELL’S  PROLIFIC — My  own  introduction — stand  alone.  Nothing  compares  with  them. 
Marvelous  runners — everlasting  bearers — continuing  until  frost.  Their  enormous  vines  are 
loaded  down  with  the  most  delicious  Beans  you  ever  tasted.  You  can  pick  them  by  handfulls. 
Their  amazing  productiveness  almost  surpasses  belief. 

test  of  Cook’s  Powell  Beans  was  17,696  pounds  per  acre — 294  Bushels.  (Three  and  a half  times 
as  many  as  next  best  variety  which  produced  84  bushels.)” 

Powell’s  are  a stringless  green-pod  snap  bean  of  delightful,  distinct 
flavor,  rich,  tender  and  buttery — almost  melting  in  your  mouth.  Equal- 
ly good  as  a dried  bean  for  winter.  Grow  them  to  eat,  and  grow  them 
to  sell.  Many  sell  a full  dollar’s  worth  from  every  pole.  C^nly  think 
of  it.  What  a big  “money-maker”? 


From  Prof.  H.  Flannery,  Bean  Expert  of  Ohio 

“Dear  Mr.  Cook: — I have  grown  every  bean  known,  and  find  your 
Powell’s  beat  all  others  in  luxurious  growth,  delicious  quality — either 
green  or  dried — and  in  amazing  productiveness.  I would  give  $10.00  a 
packet  rather  than  be  without  them” 

Received  $5  From  4 Hills — Used  Many  Too 

There  is  much  money  in  Powell  Beans.  I sold  $5  worth  from  4 
hills  (2  plants  in  a hill)  besides  all  I could  use  in  my  family.  They 
are  wonderful,  and  continue  bearing  until  frost.  J.  P.  Smith,  Va. 

Over  One  Bushel  of  Beans  From  Every  Hill 

For  15  years  I have  grown  beans.  None  can  compare  with  Pow- 
ells. I planted  18  hills — picked  over  a bushel  from  each — and  sold 
$9.98  worth  for  cash.  Samuel  Waddy,  Henry  Co.,  Tenn. 

Cannot  Over-Recommend  This  Money  Maker 

From  16  hills  I sold  $7.65  worth  and  ate  of  them  all  the  season. 
You  cannot  over-recommend  this  money-maker.  I had  to  prop  up 
nearly  every  pole.  A.  J.  Packard,  York  Co.,  Maine. 

PRICE.  Genuine  Powell’s,  every  bean  my  own  growing — and  every  bean  will  grow,— in 
Sealed  Packets  only, — 40  Beans  for  15  cts. ; 4 Packets,  50  cts.;  10  for  $1.00  ;100,  $7.50 — All  post- 
paid. Order  now. " Agents  wanted. 

Plant  early  as  weather  will  admit,  in  rich  soil  4 feet  apart,  4 beans  in  a hill.  Set  stout 
poles,  and  connect  them  with  strong  twine  for  vines  to  spread  out  on.  Address, 

A.  T.  COOK,  Seed  Specialist,  Hyde  Park,  N.  Y. 




From  the  Waterford  Times,  Waterford,  , 
N.  Y.,  Sept.  19,  1917. 

The  following  article,  taken  from  the 
Poughkeepsie  Eagle-News,  is  from  the 
pen  of  A.  T.  Cook,  the  widely  known 
Seedsman  of  Hyde  Park,  Dutchess  county, 
one  of  the  most  reliable  men  in  the  seed 
business,  and  therefore  can  be  accepted 
as  f-uliy  trustworthy : 

Editor  Eagle-News: 

Your  Quaker  Hill  correspondent  speaks 
of  Potato  Seed  Balls  beiniti  found  in  that 
vicinity— and  that  a “Scientist”  has 
offered  “I25.00  for  a single  ball.” 

This  “$25.00  for  a ball”  canard  has 
been  going  the  rounds  of  the  press  for 
several  years  and  of  course  has  no  foim- 
dation  iji  fact, 

East  year  I harvested  the  seed  of  over 
seven  bushels  of  balls.  If  I could  have 
sold  them  for  $25.00  each,’  they  would 
have  brought  me  a tidy  sum.  The  pros- 
pect is  I will  have  many  more  than  seven 
bushels  this  season. 

Forty  or  fifty  years  ago,  seed-balls  were 

plentiiul  in  every  potato  field.  Of  late 
years— few  if  any  are  found  in  most  sec- 
tions. Thousands  of  people  have  never 
seen  one. 

I have  made  a specialty  of  Hybridized 
Potato  Seeds  for  the  past  35  years  and 
supply  many  of  the  leading  seedsmen  in 
the  United  States  and  Canada. 

Potato  seeds  are  curious  and  wonderful. 
The  seed  produces  an  amazing  diversity 
of  potatoes.  It  may  not  be  generally 
known  that  every  seed  will  bring  a differ- 
ent variety— each  one  more  or  less  dis- 
tinct from  each  other.  Such  is  the  case. 
The  product  of  a packet  of  seeds  will  be 
a vast  number  of  colors,  shapes  and  sizes. 
There  will  be  white,  yellow,  pink,  red, 
blue,  purple  and  black  potatoes.  There 
will  be  shades  innumerable.  Extraordi- 
nary freaks  sometimes  develop — such  as 
a potato  having  vines  that  run  on  the 
ground  like  a cucumber  vine,  the  joints 
taking  root  and  producing  potatoes  at 
every  joint,  etc. 

I am  now  growings  promising  seedling 
that  produces  very  long  tubers — similar 
to  a long  sweet  potato.  No  one  would 
recognize  it  as  being  an  “Irish”  variety. 
I believe  it  to  be  of  great  value. 

The  potato  never  “sports.”  It  is  only 

from  the  seed  that  new  varieties  are  pro- 
duced. If  all  potatoes  failed  to  produce 
balls,  potatoes  would  deteriorate  and 
eventually  run  out  and  vanish  from  the 
earth.  It  would  be  hard  to  estimate  the 
damage  the  loss  of  this  esculent  would 
be  to  the  world. 

Potato  seeds  grow  as  readily  as  tomato 
seeds.  Plant  them  early  in  the  spring 
and  when  they  are  3 or  4 inches  high, 
transplant  two  feet  apart. 

The  Seeds  are  exceedingly  prolific.  It 
is  not  an  uncommon  thing  for  one  seed 
to  produce  50  to  150  perfect  potatoes  the 
first  season. 

The  growing  of  potatoes  from  the  seed 
is  most  interesting  and  the  possihility  of 
producing  a variety  superior  to  all  others 
— and  more  valuable  than  a gold  mine — 
is  fascinating  in  the  extreme. 

A.  T.  COOK,  Seedsman, 

Hyde  Park,  N,  Y. 

Aug.  28,  1917. 

We  have  known  Mr.  Cook  for  over 
half  a century.  He  has  been  one  of  the 
most  persistent  experimenters  in  produc- 
ing new  varieties  of  vegetables  and  fliow- 
ers,  and  in  improving  the  old.  And  the 

improvement  of  the  potato  has.  been  one 
of  his  pet  enterprises. 

A good  man}'  years  ago  when  the  late 
John  Palmer  was  in  the  veg<-iable  busi- 
ness Mr.  Cook  setit  us  several  new  v rie- 
ties  of  potatoes  which  were  given  to  Mr. 
Palmer.  Prominem  among  the  best  of 
all  for  flavor  and  cooking  qualities  was 
the  black  potato  mentioned  above  by  Mr. 
Cook.  Every  reader  of  this  paper  who 
may  desire  to  experiment  with  the  potato 
seeds  will  find  Mr.  Cook  the  right  man 
to  deal  with.  Write  him  for  pardculars. 
He  will  gladly  give  you  very  valuable 

ran  supply  true  Hybridized  Potato 
Seeds— the  rarest  and  most  wonderful  of 
seeds  - for  only  15  cents  p-r  Packet ; four 
Packets  f«  r50  cis. ; ten  for  $1  postpaid. 

May  you  be-  successful  and  reap  a 
golden  harvest,  is  the  sincere  wish  of 
Your  Friend, 

A.  T.  COOK',  Seed  Specialist, 
Hyde  Park,  N.  Y. 

- If  not  interested  in  Potato  Seeds,  • 
Jp^^*  Please  hand  this  to  the  most  en- 
terprising gardener  you  know.- 

The  mil  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Oet  up  a Club  Order. 

1 Quart  Sauce  Pan 
Handy  for  many  uses. 

Will  last  you  a lifetime 

Remember  we  offer  you  the  entire  three  pieces  for  a 84.  order  for  Seeds 
Cinnamon  Vines,  Potatoes  and  Post  Cards.  Let  the  children  help  you  get 
orders.  It  will  benefit  them  more  than  words  can  tell.  Start  them  out, 

WE  OFFER  YOU  More  Aluminum  Premiums  for  your  help  in  introducing  our  seeds.  We  give  free 
this  genuine  WSAR-EVER  3-Piece  Pure  Aluminum  Cooking  Set  for  a $4.  order.  The  world  famous 
Wear-Ever’’  Sets  have  proved  amazingly  popular.  Everybody  seems  to  want  them.  We  now  offer 
J more  indispensable  Cooking  Utensils,  namely  1 Quart  Sauce  Pan,  7 Inch  Frying  Pan,  and  a 2 Quart 
Stew  Pan.  These  three  pieces  are  all  genuine  best  quality  “Wear-Ever”  pure  Aluminum.  Guaranteed 
to  please  you  and  will  last  a lifetime.  We  use  them  and  know  their  value. 

WE  Give  Ail  3 Free  for  a 84.  order  for  anything  we  offer,  2 Sets  for  an 
thing  safeiy  boxed,  insured  and  postpaid  to  you. 

^^Our  Aluminum  Premiums  are  among  our  biggest  values,— Everyone  obtaining  one— invariably 
wants  more.  W e give  Premiums  to  our  customers  instead  of  advertising  in  papers,  etc.  If  you  be- 
lieve in  our  mutual  help  policy  we  will  expect  you  to  say  a good  v/ord  for  us  to  your  friends. 


Famous  Kit  and  Full  Outfit,  comprising 

the  noted  Barlow  Jaclc  Knife.”  Instruction  Book,  Designs  Sharneninsr  Stone  Etc  —sells 
eveig-where  for  $1.00  and  is  worth  $2.00.  2nd  Scientific  Magnet,  3rd  MagieSrechanical  Puzzle 
Canary  Bird  Whistle  perfect  imitation.  6th  anotheAlSe  Muzzle 
0 a musical  marvel.  8th  Hunters  Spy-Glass  or  mariners  Compass.  9th 

and  loth  are  two  other  splendid  premmms-no  room  to  describe.  Also  “60  Prize  Puzzles  and 
Problems.  Boys  get  busy  and  ger  up  a club  order  and  secure  this  premium. 

WE  GIVE  ALL  above  10  Premiums  free  for  a $3.  order  for  Seeds.  Cinnamon  Vinp=! 

^ boxed,  postpaid  and  insured.  Two  sets  for  a $6  olSer.^Boys 

getbiisi.  T ®fi  oil  yoiir  friends  for  10  miles  around.  These  splendid  premiums  are  our  best 
advertisements.  Please  show  yours  to  all  your  friends  and  speak  a good  word  for  us. 

order,  etc.  Every- 

Traveling  Bag 

Given  for  $6.  Order 

Friends,  we  believe  you  will  find 
in  this  Latest  Style  Traveling' 

Bag  an  extra  good  and  always 
useful  Premium  to  be  proud  of.  It 
is  for  either  Ladies’  or  Gent’s  use 
and  has  won  instant  popularity 
among  our  patrons  all  over  the 
country  as  one  of  their  most  use- 
ful Premiums  and  is  given  free 
for  orders  for  anything  in  this 
catalog.  This  is  a Special  Offer 
made  for  this  season  and  you 
should  take  advantage  of  it  now. 
Remember  we  send  it  to  you  free 
by  mail  all  charges  prepaid. 

) This  bag  would  make  a lovely  present. 

Genuine  Wear-Ever  Aluminum. 

Complete  Set  of  3 Useful  Kitchen  Utensils  for  a ^4.  Order, 

2 Quart  Stew  Pan 
Always  handy  and  useful. 

7 Inch  Frying  Pan 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

Nottingham  Lace  Curtains  Free 


All  Shipped  Promptly  by  Mail  Prepaid  and  Insured.  Satisfaction  Always  Guaranteed. 



. Dear  Friends:— Here  is  the  biggest  bar- 
gain ill  fine  Window  Curtains  you  ever  did 
see.  A bargain  so  big  we  can  send  you  Two 
Pair  absolutely  free  and  prepaid  for  a $4. 
order  for  anything  in  our  catalog.  The 
splendid  premiums  we  offer  are  our  best 
advertisement  and  we  depend  on  you  to 
show  your  friends  and  speak  a good  word 
for  us.  In  no  odier  way  will  it  pay  us  to 
give  away  such  remarkable  values. 

These  beautiful  Laee  Curtains  are  as 
pretty  as  pictures.  They  are  real  “Notting- 
ham Lace”— famous  the  world  over  for  the 
finest  Lace  ever  made.  They  must  be  seen 
to  be  appreciated.  They  have  dainty  in- 
sertion and  edge  designs,  producing  a most 
charming  effect. 

The  cuts  give  no  conception  of  their  beau- 
ty. These  Lace  Curtains  will  fit  out  your 
room  beautifully — and  give  long  and  exeel- 
lent  service.  They  have  a rich,  distinctive 
appearance  admired  by  everyone. 

They  are  large  size— each  two  and  a half 
yards  long,  and  thirty  inches  wide.  This  is 
anew  Premium  of  extraordinary  value. 

Must  Have  More  of  the  Premium  Curtains. 

Cook  Seed  Co.— The  Seeds  and  the  four  pair  Beauti- 
ful Lace  Curtains  received.  They  are  eo  nice  I must 
have  some  more,  so  here  is  another  order.  Yeur  seeds 
cannot  be  beat,  and  your  Premiums  are  simply  mar- 
vels. Miss  Yiola  Isbell,  Lonoke  Co.,  Ark. 

Curtains  Are  Far  Better  Than  I Expected. 

Cook  Seed  Co —I  received  your  Seeds  and  Premium 
promptly.  I was  surprised.  The  Curtains  are  indeed 
beautiful— much  better  than  I expected,  and  I am  cer- 
tainly very  proud  of  them.  I thank  you  a thousand 
times.  Mrs.  J.  K.  Capito,  Howard  Co.  Mo, 

Cook  Seed  Co.,  Gentlemen.  I received  the  Seeds  and  am  certainly  well  pleased  with  the  Seeds  and  the  man’s 
Fountain  Pen  you  sent  me  is  just  lovely.  The  pen  alone  would  cost  more  than  S3,  in  our  local  stores.  Enclosed 
find  post  oface  money  order  of  $6.  for  two  more  fountain  pens  and  the  seeds  on  list.  H.  A.  Shultz,  Wis. 

Perfect  Garden  Seed  Drill  Premium 

IS  WORTHY  of  special  notice.  They  are  designed 
especially  for  Home  Gardens.  This  is  one  of  our  most 
popular  Premiums.  Thousands  are  in  use.  They  save 
time,  they  save  money,  they  save  seed,  they  plant  even- 
er  and  better  than  by  hand.  They  will  soon  save 
enough  to  pay  entire  cost.  What  more  need  be  said? 
We  give  this  Drill  FREE  and  post  paid  for  a $4.00 
order.  Not  a single  customer  should  miss  this  bargain. 
We  could  fill  a page  with  testimonials. 

Cook  Seed  Co.: — I am  well  pleased  with  the  Seed 
Drill  and  the  Watch  has  given  perfect  satisfaction.  It 
keeps  excellent  time.  My  husband  was  just  delighted. 
I was  certainly  astonished  when  I received  these  valu- 
able premiums,  for  they  were  far  beyond  all  expectation. 
All  the  extras  pleased  me. 

Mrs.  M.  C.  Cano,  Catoosa  Co.,  Ga. 

Would  Hot  Take  $10.00  Cash  For  $4.00  Order. 
Package  received.  I would  not  take  $10.00  cash  for 
the  Drill,  Seeds  and  Extras.  Everything  was  in  perfect 
shape,  i know  your  seeds  are  the  best  and  so  does 
every  one  else  who  uses  them,  and  your  packets  are 
double  size.  As  long  as  I grow  fine  Vegetables  and 
Flowers  I will  use  your  seeds,  and  will  tell  others  also, 
and  hand  out  your  circulars  and  help  you  all  I can. 

W.  R.  Chedester,  Bucks  Co.,  Pa. 



The  47tli  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

Hvonderful  parlor  talking  machine  premium 


Of  all  the  inventions  of  the  Wizard  Edi- 
son, the  Phonograph  is  unquestionably  the 
most  wonderful.  Our  new  improved  ma- 
chine is  the  culmination  of  long  experi- 
ence in  the  development  of  high-grade 
Phonographs.  This  new  automatic  musi- 
cal marvel  is  encased  in  a very  handsome 
cabinet,  superbly  finished,  and  equipped 
with  a superior  motor. 

It  plays  perfectly  records  of  any  make 
and  any  size.  A $150.00  machine  could 
not  play  sweeter  or  better.  Its  tone  is 
‘"pure  silver,”  loud,  clear  and  bewitchingly 
musical.  It  delights  everyone  who  hears  it. 

These  machines  are  truly  wonders — 
seeming  almost  super-natural.  Their  nat- 
ural and  perfect  reproduction  of  every 
sound — of  singing  and  speaking,  of  laugh- 
ing and  crying — of  jokes  and  quartettes — 
of  every  kind  of  entertaining  music  almost  surpasses  belief  As  an  entertainer  for  your  entire  family  noth- 
ing can  compare  with  it.  It  will  give  you  and  your  friends  the  greatest  pleasure  for  many,  many  years.  It 
will  immeasurably  increase  the  joys  of  your  home.  It  is  almost  indistructable  and  is  so  simple  a child  of 
6 years  can  manage  it  perfectly.  We  give  this  superb  Phonograph  complete  FREE  for  a $25.00  order 
for  anything  in  our  catalog.  We  send  your  Phonograph  with  all  Seeds,  etc.,  securely  boxed,  postpaid 
and  insured.  This  is  a Premium  to  be  proud  of.  Don't  miss  it  whatever  you  do.  You  may  never  again  have 
such  a chance.  We  give  it  to  introduce  our  “Gilt  Edge”  Seeds,  etc.  It  is  the  biggest  bargain  we  have  ever 
offered  and  you  can  get  one  so  easy.  Your  children,  too,  can  go  around  and  take  orders. 

Ladies’  Solid  Sliver  Watch. 


This  lovely  Solid  Silver  Chatelaine  Watch  is  as  beau- 
tiful as  an  Artist’s  dream.  In  style  and  finish  unsur- 
passed, Fine  jeweled  movement,  A darling  of  a watch. 
Best  quality  Solid  Silver 

Case,  fancy  engraved  in  Stem  Watch 

highest  style  of _ Art.  You  windy  (f ll  is 

Stem  Solid 

can  never  wear  it  out. 

Any  lady  owning  this 
lovely  watch  will  certainly 
be  envied  by  her  less  for- 
tunate friends  and  nabors. 

We  Give  this  Watch 
FREE  for  a #7.  order  for 
Seeds,  etc.  from  our  cata- 
log, Get  up  a club. 

G entlemen : I received 
the  watch  and  seeds  and  I 
am  more  than  pleased,  it 
is  so  beautiful  I can’t  keep 
my  eyes  off  of  it.  Every 
time  I look  at  it.  It  gets 
prettier.  Club  raising  is 
easy.  Your  friend, 

C.  E.  McCoy,  Pope  Co,  Ark. 



Gillette  Safety  Razor 

With  Outfit,  Free  for  a $3.  Order. 

Gillette  Safety  Razors  are  known  the  world  over  as 
one  of  the  best  ever  made.  Millions  have  been  sold 
for  $5.00  a Set.  They  make 
shaving  a pleasure.  They 
shave  easier  than  the  old 
fashion  kind  and  will  last 
twice  as  long.  Get  a new 
Gillette  and  get  it  now. 

You  never  eaw  such  a 
liberal  offer.  Our  Razors 
are  direct  from  the  Gill- 
ette factory  and  guaran- 
teed to  be  genuine. 


We  give  Gillette  Safety 
Razor  with  Complete  Out- 
fit of  Blades,  etc.,— in  ele- 
gant covered  Metal  Case, 
free  for  a $3.oo  order  for  Seeds,  Cinnamon  Vines  and 
Post  Cards,  2 for  a $6.00  order,  etc.  All  prepaid  and 
insured.  This  is  one  of  our  amazing  bargains.  Will 
you  please  show  it  to  all  interested.  Get  one  and 
give  to  your  best  friend. 

Durham -Duplex  Safety  Razor  Given  for  a $3.  Order. 

Friends,  we  give  away  absolutely  free  of 
cost,  this  genuine  Durham-Duplex  Safety 
Razor  with  white  American  Ivory  handle, 
with  six  cutting  edges.  Put  up  in  a fine 
white  celluloid  case.  This  beautiful  shaving 
set  compares  v/ith  any  set  on  the  market,  and 
our  customers  will  make  no  mistake  in  work- 
ing hard  to  get  one  free  with  a $3.  order  for 
anything  offered  in  our  catalog. 

We  give  away  two  good  Razors,  the  Dur- 
ham-Duplex and  the  Gillette  shown  above, 
so  you  can  take  your  choice  of  either  Razor. 

If  you  will  promise  to  show  this  Premium  to  your  friends  and  tell  them  how  easy  you  got  it, 
we  will  send  you  a Big  Jack  Knife  free  of  charge  along  with  your  Razor. 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

I cook^sT4andy~ord¥r^she^ 

Saves  Time,  Saves  Trouble,  Saves  Ink,  Saves  Mistakes. 

Headquarters  for  the  Best  of  Everything  in  Vegetables  and  Flowers. 

Please  Order  Early.  It  is  Greatly  to  Your  Interest  and  to  Ours. 

COOK  SEED  CO.,  Seed  Specialists,  Watefford,  M , Y, 

Please  write  your  name  and  address  WITH  INK  very  plainly  here 


Post  Office. 

Amount  Enclosed. 

Ex,  or 
P.  O.  Order. 



N.  Y.  Drffit 
or  Check 

Write  number  of  Packets  wanted  before  each  Variety  desired  and,  the  price  after.] 


Number  Variety  Wanted 

ASPARAGUS,  Packet  lo  cts 

BEANS,  (Dwarf) 

Golden  Eyed  Wax, lo 

Stringless  Green  Pod, lo 

New  Prolific  Tree, lo 

Mammoth  Bush  Eima,  lo 

Powell’s  Prolific  Pole  15 

Early  Prolific  Pole 10 

beet.  Extra  Early, 10 

Red  Beauty 10 

Market  Gardener’s, 5 

MANGEE  Tankard, 5 

asparagus-beet, 10 

CHUFAS,  Mammoth, 10 

. ...CABBAGE.  Wakefield, ...10 

Early  Winnigstadt, 10 

Danish  Ballhead 10 

Short-Stem  Drumhead, 10 

Prize  Winner,. 10 

Chinese  Celery-Cabbage...  10 


Piarly  Snowball 15 

. ...COEEARDS,  Georgia, 5 

CARROT,  Ox-Heart 10 

New  Intermediate 10 

CEEERY,  Mastodon, 10 

White  Plume, 10 

CITRON,  Preserving 5 



Golden  Giant, 15......... 

New  Golden  Bantam, 10 

Country  Gentleman, 10 

POP  CORN,  Red  Beauty, 10 

CUCUMBER,  Pickle, 5 

Eong  Green  Giant 10 

Japanese  Climbing 10 

New  Perfect, 10 

EGG-PEANT,  Earge, 10 

GOURDS,  Nest  Pigg .10 

KOHE-RABT  Vienna 10 

. EETTUCE,  Prize  Head,...  5.. 

^ California  Cream  Butter, ..10 

S White  Eiee  Pop  Corn  — lo 

< Excelsior  Plant  Food 

Number  Variety  Wanted  Price 

MUSK-MEEON,  Rkyford,io 

Paradise  Gem 10 

Giant, 10 

Banana,  (2  feet  long,) 10 

Winter  Pineapple, 10 

Watermelon,  Extra  Early  5 

Monte  Cristo, 10 

True  Sugar, 10 

OKRA,  White  Velvet, 5 

ONION,  Brown  Beauty...  5 

Earge  Red  Westerfield, 5 

Golden  Oregon 10 

Prizetaker, 10......... 

Giant  Garganus, 10 

P.\RSNIP,  Sugar 10 

Cook’s  Perfection 10 

PARSEEY,  Curled, 5 

PEANUTS,  Early, 10 

PEAS,  Premium  Gem,  ...10 

Ever  Bearing 10 

Mammoth  Melting  Sugar,  10 

PEPPER,  New  Giant, 10 

PUMPKIN,  .Sweet  Potato  10 

King  of  Mammoths, 10 

RADISH,  Early  Icicle,. ..10 

New  Rosey  Gem,  ....10 

White  Chinese  Winter 10 

New  Chartier 10 




SQUASH,  New  Faxon, ...10 

Summer  Crookneck, 5 

Improved  Hubbard, 10 

SUNEEOWER,  Giant,  ...10 

TOMATO,  New  Tree, 10 

Golden  Queen, 10 

Mammoth  Ignotum 10 

World  Beater, 10 

Golden  Husk, 10 

TURNIP,  Early  Milan, ...10 

RUTA-BAGA,  Yellow, 5 


Boston  Marrow  Squash. lo 

Cook’s  New  Golden  Cream 

Number  Variety  Wanted  Priced 

SAGE,  Broad  Eeaved, 5 



Extra  Earlu  Six  Weeks  Potatoes 

40  Hills,  Extras,  etc. ,...$1.00 

100  Hills,  Extras,  etc.,...|2.oo 

280  Hills,  Extras,  etc., ...$5. 00 

Chinese  Cinnamon  Vines 

strong  Tubers, 25 

Strong  Tubers, $1.00 

Everbearing  Strawberries 

strong  Plants, 

50  Strong  Plants, 

Hew  Post  Cards-Best  of  ftll 

20  Sunshine  Cards, 15 

20  Temperance. 7.. 15 



asters,  30  Varieties,...  10 


butterfly  flower,.  10 



COSMOS, ...10...... 

DIANTHUS,  or  Pinks, 10 




NASTURTIUM,  Dwarf,..  5 

. ...NASTURTIUM.  Tall, 5 

PANSIES,  Extra  Mixed, .10 

PANSIES,  50  Giants 20 

PETUNIAS,  40  Varieties,  10 

PlIEOX.  20  Colors 10 






VERBENA,  All  Colors,..  10 

ZINNIA.  20  Varieties 5 


Early  White  Peachblow  Potato 

40  Hills,  Extras,  etc. --$1.00 

100  Hills,  Extras,  etc. -■  $2.00 

160  Hills,  Extras,  etc.  ••$3.00 - 

280  Hills,  Extras,  etc. --$5.00 ^ 

Musk'meh^ I Hills,  Extras,  etc. -$15.00 ) 

Cut  off  this  Order  Sheet  along  this  line  and  make  out  you  order  on  it  and  mail  to  us.  We  will  mail  you  more  Order  Sheets  and  Catalogs  if  wanted 


The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

“It  Always  Pays  to  Make  Home  Beautiful.’* 

Beautiful,  Fragrant,  Cinnamon  Vines. 

DIOSCOREA  BATATAS.)  The  Most  Desirable  Easily  Grown  Climber  In  the  World, 


THE  CINNAMON  VINE  from  the  Oriental  land,  is 
one  of  the  most  beautiful  of  climbers ; the  most  fra- 
grant the,  easiest  to  grow,  and  easiest  to  sell.  No  home 
is  complete  without  them.  They  will  surround  your 
windows,  porch,  and  trellises  with  a profusion  of  vines, 
covered  with  heart-shaped  leaves,  and  sweet  scented 
flowers,  making  them  ‘ perfect  bowers  of  beauty.” 

for  planting  etc.,  accompany  the  roots.  ^*^■8**^ 
Extras  Free—  5 pkts.  of  fine  NOVELTIES  worth 
60  cts.,  given  with  EVEEY  $i.oo  order  for  Cinnamon 
Vines  same  as  with  seeds,  Club  Kaisers,  be  sure 
and  mention  this  when  taking  orders. 

Lydia  and  M.  J.  Clarkson,  Authors  of  “Art  Studies,”  -writes:  — 
“No  vine  ever  gave  us  so  much  continued  pleasure.  The  growth 
is  truly  phenominal.  Its  handsome  foliage  and  fragrant  blossoms 
commend  it  to  every  lover  of  flowers.  If  its  merits  were  more 
■widely  known  you  would  he  overwdielmed  -with  orders.” 

Mrs.  C.  Hensley,  Putnam  Co.,  Ind.,  -writes  “The  Cinnamon 
Vines  gre-w  30  feet  last  year  and  was  the  talk  and  wonder  of  the 
naborhood.  I can  truly  say  I have  bought  seeds  of  a good  many 
firms  and  none  areas  good  as  yours.” 

W.  Weeks,  Worcester  Co.,  Mass.,  -writes:— “I  enclose  an  order 
for  100  more  roots.  I sold  the  last  lot  in  fifteen  minutes.” 

,^'asg**  MY  BEST  testimonial  is  that  I have  sold  roots  to  near- 
“S*^**"  ■'  ' ly  every  one  of  my  nabors  for  miles  around, 

who  have  seen  my  idnes  and  noted  their  wondrous  perfume  while 
passing  along  the  highway. 

Beautiful,  Hardy,  Entranciugly  Fragrant. 

Grows  in  Shade  or  Sun— Wet  or  Dry. 

No  Insects  Ever  Trouble— No  Winter  Harms, 
Once  Planted  Will  Grow  a Lifetime. 

tSAVES  Ana  blossoms 


OrValuable  Premiums  Free. 

NOTHING  sells  like  Cinnamon 
Vines.  No  pleasanter  business  than  / ||WO  \ 
taking  orders.  Ladies  are  delight-  mm  V' 

ed,  and  even  children  make  BIG  / \ |f  |H  \ » 
WAGES.  Everybody  wants  them.  ' 

You  have  only  to  show  this  picture  — 
and  description  ( or  Colored  Plate  / | P 

sent  with  every  order ) and  tell  the  ' | || 

low  prices,  to  get  an  order  almost  i | |M  2 

every  time  for  5 to  10  roots  or  more.  1 1 Im  M 

i Want  25,000  persons  to  get  up  ' i H ' 

clubs  for  these  charming  vines  ( and  ||i|M 

for  all  my  other  seeds).  If  you  pur-  ffi  Hin 

chase  roots  by  the  hundred  and  li-ii  |i'  V,  ? 

work  for  cash,  you  can  surely  make  §j  ||i  J \ 

53.00  to  $10.00  per  day.  Many  exceed  ||  ii  f j 

this.  You  double  your  money  on  B U ' / 

all  sales.  Only  think  of  it.  |||  ft 

If  You  work  for  Premiums  you  ii  |ffl 

will  do  even  better,  for  every  Premi-  II 1® 

um  is  a marvel  of  value,  Everybody  S / 

wonders  how  I can  give  so  much,  but  -,^|||  ® "y 
we  grow  our  own  Vines  and  buy  Pre-  Am'llSi  { 
miums  iu  enormous  quantities  at  ^ IBP  ^ | 
rock-bottom  prices  and  give  you  the  /'Wf  ( ) 

benefit.  Choose  the  premium  you  Z'  F"  \ ‘ 

want,  then  shorv  this  page  to  your  / ''WM  \ 

friends  and  take  their  order  and  in  a j 1)^  1 

very  few  hours  you  can  secure  the  / ^ \ 

Premiums  wanted.  Please  get  up  / ^ 

your  Club-order  now,  / 

awaggg*-  A IB  my  Premiums  are  ex-  / if '/i  11® 

— — tra  quality— wonder-  ml 

ful  bargains.  I hope  to  send  a num-  4||H 

ber  to  you.  If  however  you  cannot  |l 
get  me  a club,  do  not  fail  to  show  l|,  ,|iii||piWi 
this  to  some  club  agent  or  bright  1!  d 
boy  or  girl  who  is  as  smart  as  my  llll" 

25.000  club  raisers  have  been.  | ■ | 

Every  Parent  should  eneour-  /||i|  p 

age  their  children  to  work  for  my  ( Hf 

Premiums,  for  it  will  aid  them  to  1 m. 

become  successful  citizens.  The  / m.n-.  .JMijy 

benefit  to  them  will  be  beyond  ail  " 

estimate.  Give  them  your  own  or- 

der  to  start  them,  then  bid  them  go 

ahead  and  they  will  do  the  rest.  cin.  vine  tuber, 

£ To  Ladies  Everywhere-  ^ 

This  ^ 

They  will  grow  30  feet  in  a single  season.  Nothing 
like  them  in  the  world.  Their  abundant  blossoms  per- 
fume the  air  for  a long  distance  with  the  most  delic- 
ious fragrance.  No  words  can  describe  their  exquisite 
perfume.  No  one  should  miss  planting  these  charm- 
ing vines.  They  will  be  a constant  delight  to  every 
lover  of  vines  and  flowers.  They  stand  the  hardest 
winter,  and  burst  forth  in  all  their  beauty  very  early 
in  the  spring.  'When  first  introduced  from  China,  the 
tubers  sold  for  $10.00  each, 

CINNAMON  VINES  may  also  be  gro-wn  indoors  in 
winter,  and  make  lovely  window  climbers. 

Prices  of  Cinnamon  Vine  Tubers  or  Roots. 

Extra  Quality  Headquarters  Stock. 

I offer  Extra  Selected  tubers  at  Eeduced  prices. 
4®="  Order  at  once.  Tubers  will  keep  anywhere  in  per- 
fect condition  till  planting  time.  Every  order  includes 
“Extra^”  Colored  Plates,  Circulars,  and  Catalog. 

7 66  66  66  66  66  66  66 

15  « “ “ “ “ « $1.00 

!00  « “ “ “ “ “ “ $6.00 

4®“  EXTRA  LARGE  2 YEAR  OLD  TUBERS— will  make  you 
ENORMOUS  VINES  in  a few  weeks  just  Double  Above 
Prices.  Order  Your  Supply  Early. 

Safe  arrival  and  satisfaction  guaranteed.  Plant  any 
time  from  earliest  spring  to  July  I5th.  Full  directions 

Lady  club-agents  succeed  the  best  of  all, 
year  club  raising  will  be  easier  than  ever.  .. 
packets  are  so  large,  and  I give  so  many  nice  ex- 
tras  that  all  will  be  glad  to  order  of  you.  My  flower 
Packets  are  fully  3 times  usual  size.  Nothing  like 
them  ever  seen  before.  Everybody  wants  them.  W 
All  are  extra  high  grade.  You  have  no  idea  how  W 
easily  clubs  are  raised,  4®="  Bead  Mrs.  Stetsman’s  y 
letter  elsewhere.  I could  fill  my  Catalog  with 
testimonials  from  delighted  patrons. 

SF  YOU  CAN  NOT  get  up  a club,  please  be 
kind  enough  to  show  this  to  some  one  who  would 
like  an  elegant  wa  tch.  Gold  Fountain  Pen,  fine  «> 
Camera,  Sewing  Machine,  Bicycle,  Organ.  ( or  a cb 
pocket  full  of  “pin  money”  )— without  costing  one 
cent.  I send  everything  prepaid  bv  mail.  I will  ib 
look  for  your  order  soon.  A,  T.  COOK. 

The  47th  Annual  Catalog  of  COOK  SEED  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  Get  up  a Club  Order. 

Early  White  Peachblow  Potato. 

We  believe  the  new  Early  White  Peachblow  Potato  to  be  the  Most  Wonderful  Potato  that 
has  been  introduced  in  years.  The  Greatest  Money-Maker  for  everyone.  The  Finest,' 
the  Prettiest,  Smoothest  and  Best  Flavored  Early  Potato  for  Home  or  Market. 

No  potato  that  we  have  ever  grown  is  more  proof  against  Drought  and  Blight  or  Second  Growth.  It  has  never 
failed  to  produce  a large  crop  of  extra  early  potatoes.  The  plant  is  dwarf  and  compact,  maturing  in  advance  of 
the  Early  Ohio,  Early  Bose  or  Early  Freeman.  IJ;  never  has  had  the  blight.  The  tubers  are  round,  slightly 
flattened.  White  skin,  free  from  disease.  Flesh,  white  and  mealy ; no  cores  or  black  specks.  Quality  unsur- 
passed. One  poiot  alone  which  makes  it  valuable  is  that  it  never  has  taken  second  growth,  and  resists  drought 
better  than  any  otlier  potato  that  we  have  ever  grown.  North,  South,  East  and  West,  Extra  Early  Peachblow 
always  came  off  with  flying  colors.  We  again  advise  early  orders,  for  while  our  stock  is  more  than  usual,  the 
demand  for  Early  White  Peachblow  is  simply  astonishing. 

We  have  never  known  of  a new  variety  scoring  such  a phenomenal  success  in  every  way.  Everything  that  we 
said  about  this  grand  new  potato  has  been  fully  corroborated  by  hundreds  of  farmers  and  village  gardeners  I 
that  have  tested  it  and  proven  its  great  worth.  They  praise  it  in  the  most  satisfactory  manner  and  prove  that 
all  the  nice  things  Ave  said  Avere  not  an  exaggeration,  but  honest  facts. 

The  above  19  acre  field  produced  3807  barrels,  equal  to  550  bushels  to  the 
acre  and  was  fertilized  with  American  Agricultural  Chemical  Co.  Fertilizers. 

These  Potatoes  are 
worth  their  Aveight  in 
gold  to  any  person  who 
Avislies  to  grow  an  ex- 
tra nice  eating  and 
very  productive  Potato; 
The  U.  S.  Dept,  of 
Agriculture  says : Don’t 
to  plant  your 
out  seed,  but 
New  Seed 
will  be  re- 
a hundred  per 
And  Ave  would 
say  to  you,  plant  some 
of  our  Northern  groAvn 
Seed  Potatoes  and  you 
will  groAV  a bumper 
crop  of  the  best  Poia- 
toes  you  ever  had. 

Grown  in  the  North, 
hardy,  smooth,  sure 
crop  and  are  heavy 

Big  money  in  rais- 
ing Potatoes.  This 
variety  never  fails  to 
make  a big  crop. 

Special  Seed  Collec- 
tion free  with  every 
order.  Don’t  miss  it. 

One  thing  that  impressed  our  customers  more  than  anytliing  else  Ave  said,  was  the  assertion  we  made,  that  it 
was  far  superior  in  quality  to  the  old-fashioned  PeachblOAAV  the  potato  so  dear  to  the  hearts  of  the  farmers  and 
gardeners  of  tAventy-live  or  thirty  years  ago.  We  know  you  want  to  make  more  money  911  jonr  potato  crop. 
. We  kiiOAV  you  Avant  towaise  a quality  of  potatoes  that  are  good  to  eat,  that  are  much  supermr  to  the  wet,  soggy 
5 sort  that  you  liaA^e  been  growing  for  some  time  from  run-out  seed,  then  you  should  plant  Early  i eaehDlow. 

Try  the  Early  White  Peachblow.  Plant  freely  of  this  great  variety  this_ season,  "We  only  wish  we  had 
more  space  to  tell  you  all  the  good  things  about  ibis  great  potato;  but  Iia"  planting  some  yourself  you  AVill  gam 
first  hand  knowledge  of  this  great  money-making  potato.  It  is  3 to  5 days  earlier  than  nny  other  early  potato. 
It  Avill  out-yield  all  others.  It  is  superior  in  quality  to  any  other  potato  groAvn  to  our  knowledge. 

As  to  quality,  they  are  the  equal  to  its  namesake,  the  old  fashioned  Peachblow.  Do  you  remember  how 
Mother  used  to  cook  them  with  their  jackets  on  ? How  nice  and  mealy  they  Avere  and  how  they  AAmuld  melt  m 
yonrmouili.  My ! hut  they  Avere'clelicions,  but  they  were  a late  potato  and  ran  out  quite  awhile  ago,  but  the 

Early  white  peachblow  is  equal  in  quality  and  Ims  the  adA^antago  of  being  early  and  a great  yieider 
and  an  absolutely  sure  cropper.  We  guarantee  that  you  Avill  make  no  mistake  in  planting  a good  supply. 

We  cut  good  size  pieces  from  large  potatoes  for  the  hills.  EA'ery  one  is  sure  to  grow  and  to  yield  bonntifullA'. 
Send  us  your  order  at  once  and  mention  the  date  when  you  want  the  potatoes  sent  to  you  ad  ciiarges  prepaid. 

In  appearance  it  is  similar  to  the  old  fashioned  Peachblow.  An  oblong  shape,  some  nearly  round,  smooth 
skin  and  free  from  rust  or  scab.  In  color  it  is  Avhite,  shallow  eyes  and  is  equal  to  its  namesake  when  at  its  best, 
but  lias  the  advantage  of  being  earlier,  Avliieh  is  certainly  a great  advantage,  for  111  many  localities  early  pota- 
toes do  so  much  better  than  late  ones.  So  you  see  onr  nev/  potato  is  the  coming  potato  and  you  should  not  fad 
to  order  a good  supply  of  thisnew  seed  because  we  honestly  helieA:e  A"oii  will  be  more  than  pi^eased  and  anotner 
no  other  kind.  We  will  ship  to  you  by  Parcel  Post  all  ciiarges  prepaid  at  the  following  prices  : 

Seed  for  220  Large  Hills  &Seed  Collection  $4. 
“ 280  “ “ “ $'5' 

year  will  plant  no  ' 

Seed  for  40  Large  Hills  & Seed  Collection  $1. 
100  “ “ “ $2. 
“ 160  “ “ “ S3. 

Tlie  above  prices  include  your  choice  of  Premiums  in  Catalog.  If  none  are  wanted,  you  can  deduct  one-third. 



Address,  COOK  SEEO  CO.,  Waterford,  N.  Y.  \