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Full text of "Kellogg's new $50,000.00 everbearer : Kellogg's "Rockhill", America's greatest everbearer / R.M. Kellogg."

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f rade 

.‘J  ■. 



What  Experts  Say  About 
the  Rockhill. 



HIS  morning  I came  blustering  into  the  office,  jerked  off  my  coat,  and  began  preparing  my 
desk  for  action.  I guess  I must  have  made  more  noise  than  usual  because  my  son,  whose 
office  is  next  to  mine,  came  in  and  said,  “Good  morning,  dad,  why  all  the  excitement?”  “I  am 
going  to  tell  the  world  about  the  Rockhill,  America’s  Greatest  Everbearer,”  I replied. 

“That’s  fine,”  he  said,  “I  realize  that  you’re  pretty  good  at  pushing  the  pen,  but  you’ve  got  to  go  some  to  make  the  people 
understand  just  how  good  Rockhill  actually  is  until  they  have  seen  the  Rockhill  plants  fairly  ablaze  with  big,  red 
berries  as  you  and  I have  seen  them.  But  go  ahead  and  tell  the  people  what  you  have  to  say  and  say  it  right  out  loud. 
You  may  make  your  statements  just  as  strong  as  you  like  without  fear  of  stretching  the  truth.”  And  so  here  I am  folks 
all  set  to  tell  you  what  I know  about  the  greatest  strawberry  under  the  sun. 

Honestly,  this  new  Rockhill  Everbearer  beats  anything  in  the  strawberry  line  I ever  have  seen  in  all  my  thirty  years  of  experience.  The 
huge  size  of  the  berries  and  the  mammoth  yield  from  each  plant  are  truly  marvelous.  Just  look  over  this  special  folder  and  see  for  yourself 
how  wonderful  the  Rockhill  really  is.  If  you  want  the  greatest  variety  that  ever  has  been  brought  out  since  strawberries  were  Erst 
discovered,  do  not  fail  to  order  at  least  a fev/  of  these  plants  for  your  garden. 

Rockhill  is  the  greatest  strawberry  that  ever  came  into  existence  because  all  points  considered  it  is  absolutely  the  King  of  Everbearers  and 
at  the  same  time  there  is  no  standard  variety  that  can  equal  it  as  an  early  June  producer.  If  I were  a novelist  1 would  probably  make  this 
a sensational  story  because  our  new  “Rockhill  Berry”  really  is  a sensational  strawberry. 

The  first  1 ever  heard  of  this  wonderful  everbearer  was  through  a letter  written  by  Mr.  Harlow  Rockhill,  one  of  America’s  greatest  plant 
breeders  and  I quote  from  this  letter  as  follows:  “We  have  a new  Everbearing  strawberry  and  we  have  concluded  that  it  is  the  most 
valuable  everbearing  variety  in  America  today.  It  will  also  probably  prove  to  be  the  most  valuable  variety  for  a spring  crop,  as  it  comes 
in  right  after  Progressive  and  just  before  Kellogg’s  Premier,  or  any  other  of  the  good  extra  early  spring  varieties.  As  a fall  fruiter,  it 
produces  abundantly.  Berries  are  of  a ^•ery  large  size,  with  quality  better  than  the  best  of  spring  varieties.  For  size,  health,  and 
vigor  of  plant  there  is  not  a plant  in  the  w hole  list  equal  to  this  one.  1 prefer  to  have  the  R.  M. 

Kellogg  Company  introduce  it  and  1 will  sell  you  the  exclusive  control  of  this  new  everbearer 
for  $50,000.00.  Come  and  see  it.”  1 replied  in  a manner  that  convinced  Mr.  Rockhill 
that  I was  interested  and  in  answer  1 received  the  following  telegram,  “Will  pay  railroad 
fare  to  Conrad,  Iowa,  and  return.  Come  at  once.  Rockhill  strawberry  is  the  wonder 
of  America.”  (Signed)  Harlow  Rockhill.  I wired  back  as  follows.  “Will  see  you 
Monday  or  Tuesday.  Not  possible  before  then.”  The  following  week  I arrived  at 
Mr.  RockhiU’s  home  and  saw  their  beauty  and  felt  their  firmness  and  tasted  their  de- 
liciousness  until  I was  compelled  to  say  what  every  other  visitor 

“it  is  the  greatest  Everbearing  strawberry  1 ever  saw. 

re  fairly  ablaze  with  big  red  berries, — the  largest,  most  beau- 
1 and  the  most  delicious  berries  1 ever  saw  or  tas;ed.  Mr.  Rockhill 
said  “Don’t  let  me  forget  t< 

me  forget  to  give  you  a check  to  pay  your  expenses 
do  in  my  telegram.”  I replied  w^rh  emphasis  on 
the  “don’t.”  “Mr.  Rockhill  you  don't  owe  me  a cent.  The  sight  I have 
seen  here  is  worth  all  and  more  than  the  entire  trip  has  cost  me  and 
besides  I am  going  right  back  to  Three  Rivers  and  tel'  the  rest  of  the 
members  of  my  company  that  I have  seen  the  strawb:;rry  that  is  the 
elephant  of  them  all.” 

$50,000  is  a lot  of  money  to  pay  for  the  control  of  a single  variety.  But 
this  is  not  all.  In  addition  to  the  $50,000  we  are  buying  2‘  ' ' ‘ 

cost  the  few  plants  Mr.  Rockhill  has  de- 
veloped up  to  this  time. 

So  the  R.  M.  Kellogg  Company  is  now  pre- 
pared to  offer  you  plants  of  this  incompar- 
able, trade-marked,  Rockhill  Everbearer  at  a 
price  less  than  has  often  been  paid  for  the 

more  common  varieties  when  first  introduced.  President. 

\ additional 

>3  ’r 





LJARLOW  ROCKHILL.  the  originator  of  this  new 
^ $50,000  Everhearer  is  without  question  America’s 
wizard  when  it  comes  to  breeding  and  originating  new 
everbearing  varieties.  He  is  the  man  who  brought  into 
existence  the  majority  of  all  the  profitable  everbearers 
such  as  Progressive,  Americus,  Francis,  Iowa,  and 
Standpat, — all  of  which  have  made  good  and  up 
to  the  present  time  the  Progressive  has  been  the 
most  profitable  everbearer  throughout  the  United 
States  and  Canada. 

spent  fourteen  years  of  untiring  effort  to  bring  this  wonderful  new 
Rockhill  Everbearer  into  existence.  It  took  all  this  time  in  cross-breeding  the  ever- 
bearing  and  standard  varieties,  before  he  finally  developed  what  he  started  out  to  get — 
America’s  Greatest  Everbearer. 

Mr.  Rockhill’s  Experimental  and  Breeding  farm  is  located  in  Grundy  County,  Iowa. 
To  visit  his  farm  and  see  what  delicate  and  painstaking  work  it  is  to  breed, 
develnn  many  thousands  of  seedlings  in  order  to  produce  just 
arc  offering  here, — and  when  that  variety  turns  out  to  be  the 
seen, — is  it  any  wonder  that  he  puts  his  price  at  $50,000  for  the  result  of  his  labor. 

Pedigree  of 

Will  It  Pay 

To  invest  in  Kellogg’s  Rockhill  everbearing  plants  this  year?  Let  us  do 
a little  figuring  and  see.  Supposing  you  buy  100  Rockhill  plants  which 
would  cost  you  $25.  During  this  coming  fall  these  plants  should 
produce  not  less  than  75  quarts  of  Rockhill  quality  berries  which 
should  sell  for  at  least  40c  per  quart  or  a total  of  $30. 

These  100  plants  should  also  produce  not  less  than  1500  young  plants 
for  next  year’s  planting.  These,  together  with  the  original  100  plants, 
should  yield  at  least  1500  quarts  of  berries  worth  40c  per  quart,  which 
means  $600  or  a total  of  $630  income  from  a $25  investment  in  less 
than  two  years.  To  be  exact,  about  19  months.  Cut  the  yield  one- 
half  and  still  you  would  have  bigger  returns  than  you  could  get  from 
any  other  investment  you  could  possibly  make  with  $25.  The  more 
dollars  you  invest  in  Rockhill  everbearers,  the  greater  your  profits  will  be. 
Mr.  C.  N.  Flansburgh,  a large  strawberry  grower  of  Jackson,  Michigan, 
is  taking  5,000  Rockhill  plants,  just  an  even  $1,000  worth.  Mr.  Flans- 
burgh h'as  seen  the  Rockhill  plants  fruiting,  both  summer  and  fall,  and 
he  knows  these  plants  are  worth  the  price. 

Another  lan’e  grower,  away  up  in  Massachussetts,  heard  of  the 
Rockhill  and  just  as  soon  as  he  learned  that  the  price  was  only  $200 
per  thousand,  delivered,  he  came  right  back  with  an  order  for  2,000 
plants,  $400  worth.  When  orders  like  these  come  to  us  before  our 
catalog  is  mailed  out  it  means  that  the  limited  crop  of  Rockhill  plants 
will  be  gobbled  up  early  in  the  season. 

"Rockhill”  Has  a Worth  Heretofore  Undeveloped 

No  doubt  you  read  some  of  these  news  reports  and  are  now  wondering 

Strawberry  growers  every\vhere  have  been  longing  and  waiting  for  a commercial  ever- 
bearing  strawberry  that  would  stand  shipping  and  handling  on  the  market  the  same  as 
the  early  summer  varieties.  And  1 always  have  said  that  if  such  an  everbearing  variety 
ever  was  developed  the  R.  M.  Kellogg  Company  would  pay  the  price  to  get  it. 

In  this  new  Rockhill  Everbearer,  Mr.  Rockhill  has  at  last  produced  the  commerdal  ever- 
bcarer  for  which  we  have  been  waiting  all  these  years,  and  my  promise  to  pay  the  price 
was  made  good  when  I bought  for  the  R.  M.  Kellogg  Company  exclusive  control  to 
grow  and  sell  the  plants  of  this  most  profitable  commercial  ei’erbcarer. 

“Rockhill”  $50,000.00  Everbearer 

The  Strawberry  You’ve  Read  About 

GREAT  NEWS!  Said  the  papers.  They  said  it  big— they  said  it  on  the  front  page 
— they  clamored  for  more — they  wired  for  photos— it  was  the  greatest  piece  of  news 
ever  published  in  the  history  of  the  horticultural  industry.  Every  worth-while  paper  in 
the  United  States  and  Canada  carried  the  story.  The  New  York 
World,  The  Times,  Philadelphia  Public  Ledger,  Chicago  Tribune,  The 
San  Francisco  Chronicle,  the  Denver  Post,  Detroit  and  Grand  Rapids 
leading  dailies,  all  these  and  thousands  of  others  carried  it  on  their 
front  pages,  and  they  continued  to  talk  about  it  in  their  editorials. 


THree  Rivers,  MicK. 

Not  only  this  year,  but  in  all  years  to  come,  the  genuine  Rockhill  can 
be  secured  only  from  the  R.  M.  Kellogg  Company.  We  have  bought, 
and  control,  the  exclusive  right  to  grow  and  sell  these  plants.  In 
order  to  protect  your  interests,  as  well  as  ours,  we  are  having  this  variety 
trade-marked  through  the  firm  of  Chappel  Sc  Earl,  leading  patent  attorneys. 
You  may  propagate  all  the  plants  you  wish  for  your  own  use,  but  it  must 
be  understood  that  you  are  not  to  sell  or  dispose  of  in  any  way  any  of 
the  plants  which  you  propagate  from  the  Rockhill  variety. 

None  Qenuine  Without  Our  Signature  Trade-Mark, 


12  Plants  . . .$4.00  50  Plants  . $14.00  500  Plants  $100.00 

25  Plants  . . . 7.50  100  Plants  . 25.00  1000  Plants  200.00 

Three  Rivers,  Michigan,  U.  S.  A. 

S/bur  Rockhill 
Pl^nis  Early 

WE  HAVE  just  bought  a new  lOO-acre  farm  with  the  ex- 
press purpose  of  being  able  to  supply  the  demand  for  Rock- 
hill plants  in  future  years,  BUT — that  <will  not  help  you  this  year. 

This  year  there  is  only  a limited  number  of  Rockhill  plants, 
and  you  must  protect  yourself  by  ordering  early.  Remember, 
Rockhill  is  not  only  an  everbearer,  but  a COMMERCIAL 
EVERBEARER  and  also  a wonderful  early  summer  variety, 
something  that  has  been  universally  sought  after  but  never 
before  achieved,  and  we  know  that  the  demand  for  Rockhill 
will  be  enormous  just  as  surely  as  we  know  that  the  demand 
for  our  other  introductions  such  as  Kellogg’s  Premier,  Dr. 
Burrill,  Kellogg’s  Prize,  and  Kellogg’s  Big  Late  will  be  enormous. 
We  will  receive  many  more  orders  than  we  can  fill,  and  it’s 
“first  come,  first  served.”  Be  one  of  the  first. 

R.M.KeUogg  Co. 

Breeders  of 

TKoroiijglibreci  Pedigree 
Strawberry  Plants 

Our  Plants  make  it  easy  to  grow 

big  crops  of  big  red  berries,  get  ■■ 

big  prices  and  make  quick  sales  Ixipee  KlVGrS^  MlCll. 

Dear  Friend: 

I have  so  many  good  things  to  tell  you  about  Kellogg’s  Thorobred 
Strawberry  Plants  this  year  that  I hardly  know  where  to  begin.  You  will 
find  my  new,  beautiful  strawberry  book,  also  ’’Rockhill”  folder,  enclosed  and 
I am  sure  you  will  enjoy  reading  them. 

Our  New  $50,000.00  Rockhill  Everbearer  is  probably  the  most  important, 
so  I’ll  start  with  that.  Honestly,  this  new  Rockhill  Everbearer  beats  any- 
thing in  the  strawberry  line  I ever  have  seen  in  all  my  30  years  of  experi- 
ence. The  huge  size  of  the  berries  and  the  mammoth  yield  from  each  plant 
is  truly  marvelous.  Just  look  over  the  special  folder  which  I am  enclosing 
and  see  for  yourself  bow  wonderful  it  really  is.  If  you  want  the  greatest 
variety  that  ever  has  been  brought  out  since  strawberries  were  first  discov- 
ered do  not  fail  to  order  at  least  a few  of  these  plants  for  your  garden. 

Next,  I want  to  call  your  special  attention  to  the  Six  Fine  Strawberry  Gar- 
dens illustrated  in  the  center  of  the  book  and  which  we  are  offering  this 
season  at  Big  Reductions  from  regular  prices. 

If  it  is  Everbearing  Strawberries  you  are  looking  for,  turn  to  pages  4, 

5 and  6 of  this  book  and  you  will  find  all  varieties  of  Kellogg’s  Thoro- 
bred  Everbearers  pictured  in  colors  and  completely  described. 

Our  friends  in  the  west  and  southwest  states  who  always  have  shown  a pref- 
erence for  Aroma,  will  be  especially  interested  in  Kellogg’s  Improved  strain 
of  Aromas  shown  on  page  24. 

Last,  but  not  least,  I want  to  emphasize  this  point  in  your  mind.  Every 
strawberry  plant  grown  on  the  Kellogg  Farms  is  a "Thorobred,”  - and  there 
is  as  much  difference  between  Kellogg’s  Thorobreds  and  ordinary  plants  as 
between  night  and  day.  So  if  you  want  big  crops  of  big  red  berries,  or- 
der none  but  the  genuine  Kellogg  Thorobred  Plants,  - grow  them  the 
"Kellogg  Way"  and  you  will  not  be  disappointed. 

Remember  too,  with  our  two  big  farms,  we  can  ship  your  plants  this  year 
as  early  as  February  if  you  wish,  and  all  prices  quoted  in  this  book 
include  "Free  Delivery"  right  to  your  town. 

You  will  find  an  order  blank  enclosed  with  this  letter  for  your  convenience. 
Fill  it  out,  address  your  letter  to  me  and  I will  see  that  your  order  r^=‘- 
ceives  prompt  and  careful  attention. 

Sincerely  yours^ 






