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Full text of "Midsummer list of choice flower seeds, strawberry plants, peony roots, irises, 1930 / Burnett Brothers."

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Historic,  Archive  Document 

Do  not  assume  content  reflects  current 
scientific  knowledge,  policies,  or  practices. 


Midsummer  List 



- - - 








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For  Summer  Sowing 



SCOTTISH  CHIEFTAIN.  This  magnificent  strain  of 
Pansies  is  the  most  remarkable  in  existence  not 
only  in  size,  but  in  the  wonderful  variety  of  rich 

and  brilliant  coloring . %  oz.  $4.00,  %  oz.  $2.50,  $0.75 

Burnett’s  Gorgeous.  This  select  strain  contains  a 
most  beautiful  collection  of  colors  and  markings. 

oz.  $3.00  .50 

Masterpiece  (Frilled  Pansy).  Petals  beautifully 

waved.  Mixed  colors  . %  oz.  $2.00  .25 

Mme.  Ferret.  Profuse  bloomer,  many  fine  colors,  rich 

red  shades . x4  oz.  $2.00  .25 

Triumph  of  the  Giants.  Flowers  extremely  large, 
with  beautiful  markings.  Mixed  colors. 

%  oz.  $2.50  .50 

Orang'e  King.  The  lower  portion  of  the  flower  is  of 
a  vivid  orange  color,  shading  at  the  center  to  a 

lighter  tone . 14  oz.  $2.50  .50 

Ullswater.  (New.)  The  flowers  are  very  large  and 
the  coloring  unusually  attractive,  being  deep 
wedgewood  blue  with  black-blue  center  1.00 

Burnett’s  Special  Greenhouse  Mixture. 

Ys  oz.  $2.75;  1/16  oz.  $1.50;  .75 


%  oz.  Pkt. 

Adonis.  Light  blue .  $1.50  $0.15 

Azure  Blue.  Sky-blue .  1.50  .15 

Bronze  Queen.  Rich  bronze  1.50  .15 

Emperor.  Ultramarine  blue .  1.50  .15 

Fire  King.  Crimson  and  gold  1.50  .15 

Giant  Snow  Queen.  Pure  white  1.50  .15 

Giant  White.  White  with  purple  eye  1.50  .15 

Golden  Queen.  Pure  yellow  1.50  .15 

Giant  Golden.  Yellow,  with  dark  eye  1.50  .15 

Giant  Striped.  Mahogany,  striped  white .  1.50  .15 

King  of  the  Blacks.  Glossy  black  1.50  .15 

Lord  Beaconsfield.  Purple  violet  1.50  .15 

Royal  Purple.  Rich  royal  blue .  1.50  .15 

Victoria.  Wine-red .  1.50  .15 

Burnett’s  Giant  Mixture  Oz.  $3.00,  1.00  .10 

Giant  Winter  Blooming  Pansies 

These  Pansies  begin  flowering  early  in  March  and 
continue  right  on  into  Summer.  The  flowers  have  a  pleas¬ 

ant  delicate  perfume. 

%  oz.  Pkt. 

Celestial  Queen.  Sky-blue  .  $1.50  $0.25 

Ice  King*.  White  with  dark  blotch  1.50  .25 

March  Beauty.  Dark  velvety  purple .  1.50  .25 

Winter  Sun.  Golden  yellow,  dark  blotch  1.50  .25 

Mixed  1.50  .25 

Greenhouse  Forcing  Varieties 

Seeds  saved  from  selected  spikes  grown  under  glass. 


CEYLON  COURT  YELLOW.  (New.)  A  beautiful 
canary  yellow,  40-48  inches  high,  spikes  10-14 
inches,  with  flowers  closely  set.  One  of  the 

earliest  .  $2.00 

GENEVA  PINK.  Color,  a  delightful  glistening  rose- 

pink,  long  spikes .  1.00 

GOLDEN  DELIGHT.  Very  fine  golden  yellow .  1.00 

JENNIE  SCHNEIDER.  Beautiful  pink  Columbia 

rose  color  .  1.00 



ANTIRRHINUM — Continued 

LAURA.  Glossy,  deep  rose-pink.  Medium  height, 

heavy  flower  head,  averaging  eleven  inches . 

ORLANDO.  Lovely  bronze . 

PENN-ORANGE.  A  vivid  orange.  Upright  and  vig¬ 
orous  growth  . 

PHILADELPHIA  PINK.  Popular  pink 

WHITE  ROCK.  Extra  early,  undoubtedly  the  best 

white  . . 

(Any  variety  not  listed  will  be  procured  to  order 
at  advertised  prices.) 







ASPARAGUS,  Flumosus  Nanus  100  seeds  $1.00  .25 

Sprengeri.  A  graceful  drooping  variety. 

100  seeds  50c  .15 

BLUE  LACE  FLOWER  (Didiscus)  . %  oz.  $1.00  .25 

BROWALLIA  Speciosa  Major.  Clear  blue .  .25 

Viscosa.  Bright  violet  blue .  .25 

CALCEOLARIA,  Burnett’s  Superb  Strain,  Choice 

mixed  .  1.00 

Albert  Kent.  Bright  golden  yellow  with  maroon 

blotch  . 50 

Albert  Kent  Hybrids.  Many  vivid  colorings . 50 

Clibrani.  Of  shrubby  habit,  strong  and  vigorous  in 
growth,  abundance  of  beautiful  lemon-yellow 
flowers  . 50 



Cineraria;  Burnett’s  Exhibition 


CALENDULA,  The  Ball.  Bright  glowing  orange, 

excellent  for  forcing . 14  oz.  $1.00  .25 

Monarch.  Of  great  size.  Color  purest  orange. 

14  oz.  $1.00  .25 

Lemon  Queen  . oz.  50c  .15 

Orange  King.  Improved . !4  oz.  75c  .15 

Radio.  (New.)  The  petals  are  beautifully  quilled 
of  a  deep  orange  color,  quite  distinct  variety. 

14  oz.  $1.50  .50 

Sensation  (Campfire).  Of  vigorous  growth.  Flowers 
larger  than  those  of  any  type  previously  intro¬ 

duced  . 14  oz.  $1.25  .25 

CANDYTUFT.  Empress.  Pure  white  Oz.  $1.00  .15 

Giant  Hyacinth  Flowered.  White  Oz.  $1.50  .15 

CEIiSIA.  arcturus.  A  splendid  half  hardy  green¬ 
house  plant  with  long  spikes  of  bright  yellow 

flowers  . .50 

cretica.  A  beautiful  plant  producing  numerous 

large  yellow  flowers  on  long  stems .  .50 

CENTAUEEA.  Cyanus.  (Cornflower).  Double  blue. 

14  oz.  50c  15 

Imperialis.  (Griant  Sweet  Sultan.)  Rose,  white, 

lilac,  each . 14  oz.  50c  .15 

suaveoleus,  Yellow  Sweet  Sultan.  Fine  for  cutting. 

14  oz.  50c  .15 

CHRYSANTHEMUM.  (Single  Annual.) 

Evening  Star.  Golden  yellow . 14  oz.  30c  .15 

Morning  Star.  Primrose . 14  oz.  30c  .15 

Northern  Star.  Pure  white  14  oz.  30c  .15 

Single  Mixed  . 14  oz.  25c  .10 


this  highly  prized  greenhouse  plant  we  can  rec¬ 
ommend  as  being  superior  to  any  other. 

Mixed  colors  .  1.00 

Hybrida  Matador.  Brilliant  coppery-scarlet  .50 

Hybrida  Rosamond.  A  true  delicate  pink  with  white 

center  .  1.00 

Hybrida,  Giant  Dark  Blue .  1.00 

Hybrida  “Purple  Mantle.”  A  real  purple  of  compact 

habit  .  1.00 

Hybrida  Multiflora  Nana.  Produces  masses  of  small 

flowers  on  compact  heads.  Mixed  colors .  .50 

STEEL  AT  A.  Star  flowered.  Pink,  Blue,  White. 

Mixed  . Each,  .50 

Feltham  Beauty.  A  great  improvement  on  the  old 

stellata  class.  Beautiful  mixture  of  many  colors  .75 
stellata  nana.  Cactus  flowered,  mixed .  .50 




CLERODENDRON  Fallax.  Large  spikes  of  fiery 

scarlet  bloom . 75 

CLARKIA  elegans  fl.  pi. 

Salmon  . Vi  oz.  50c  .15 

Scarlet  . >4  oz.  50c  .15 

Rose  Carmine  14  oz.  50c  .15 

White,  Rose,  Pink,  Salmon,  Crimson,  Bright  Red, 

White  with  Claret  base  Each  100  seeds,  $2.50  75 

Choice  Mixed . 100  seeds,  $1.50  .50 

persicum  papilio  (Butterfly).  Flowers  beautifully 

fringed.  Mixed .  .50 

CYNOGLOSSUM  Amabile  (Chinese  Forget-Me-Not). 
Produces  sprays  of  blue  Forget-me-not  like 

flowers.  18  in. . 25 

DIDISCUS  coeruleus.  (The  Blue  Lace  Flower.) 

14  oz.  $1.00  .25 

DIMORPHOTHECA  (African  Daisies). 

aurantiaca.  H.  A.  Gorgeous  orange  flowers,  pro¬ 
duced  in  great  profusion.  12  in. . !4  oz.  50c..  .15 

New  Selected  Hybrids.  Produces  an  endless  vari¬ 
ety  of  colors . !4  oz.  75c  .25 

Eklonis.  Pure  white  star-shaped  flowers  with  blue 

disc  on  long  stalks .  .25 

DRACAENA.  Highly  ornamental  greenhouse  plants, 

Australis.  Ornamental  leaves  Vi  oz.  35c  15 

Indivisa.  Long,  slender  leaves . !4  oz.  35c  .15 

Veitchii.  Variegated  leaves .  .25 

EXACUM  affine.  Beautiful  pot  plant,  producing 
sweetly  scented  bright  mauve  flowers,  within 
six  months  from  sowing.  9  in.  .50 


GERBERA  Jamesoni  Hybrida.  These  new  hybrids 
are  of  great  merit  and  contain  a  grand  diversity 

of  colors . 100  seeds  $1.00  .50 

Jamesoni.  Orange-scarlet . 100  seeds  $1.00  50 


“The  Transvaal  or  Barberton  Daisy” 

This  is  one  of  the  finest  of  all  winter-flower¬ 
ing  plants  for  forcing.  Their  splendid  2-ft. 
stems  and  large  brilliant  flowers  put  O'em  in 
the  first  rank  of  winter  flowers  for  cutting. 
MASTERPIECE.  (New.)  Beautiful  Old-rose. 

Strong  two-year-old  clumps  dozen  $18.00 

SUNRISE.  (New.)  Red  with  yellow  center. 

Strong  two-year-old  clumps  dozen  $18.00 

MIXED  HYBRIDS.  The  colors  included  in 
these  Hybrids  vary  from  delicate  flesh  pink 
to  rich  scarlet  with  intermediate  shades  of 
cream  and  orange. 

Strong  two-year-old  clumps,  dozen  $12.00; 

100,  $90.00. 


GLOXINIA.  Charming  greenhouse  plant.  Erect 

flowering.  Mixed . . 50 

GREVILLEA  Robusta  (Silk  Oak).  A  beautiful  dec¬ 
orative  plant . L  oz.  75c  .15 


Elegans  grandiflora  alba.  Large,  pure  white 

flowers  . Oz.  60c  .10 

Rosea.  Rose  flowers . Oz.  60c  .10 

LARKSPUR.  (Annual  Delphinium.) 

Double  Stock  Flowered: 

Pure  White,  Sky  Blue,  Shell-Pink,  Bright  Rose, 

Dark  Blue,  Scarlet,  Mixed  . Each,  Vi  oz.  50c  .15 

Exquisite  Pink  Improved.  Beautiful  soft  pink 

shaded  salmon . Vi  oz.  $1.00  .25 

Newport  Pink.  Color  rosy-scarlet . Vi  oz.  50c  .15 

Blue  Butterfly.  Bright  blue . !4  oz.  $1.00  .15 

LEPTOSYNE  Stillmannii,  bright  yellow,  free  flower¬ 
ing,  flowers  six  weeks  after  sowing . Vi  oz.  50c  .15 

Maritima.  Large-flowered  yellow  Marguerite,  fine 

for  cutting . Vi  oz.  50c  .15 



LUPINUS  (Annual  Varieties).  Pkl. 

Hartwegii.  Light  Blue  14  oz.  25c  .10 

Bark  Blue,  very  fine . 14  oz.  25c  .10 

Alhus.  White . 14  oz.  25c  .10 

Roseus.  Rose . 14  oz.  25c  .10 

Mixed  . oz.  50c  .10 

Luteus.  Yellow  Annual  Lupine . Vi  oz.  50c  .15 

MIGNONETTE.  Burnett’s  Conqueror.  ..The  finest 
Mignonette  ever  introduced  for  greenhouse  grow¬ 
ing  . 1-16  oz.  $1.00  .50 

MYOSOT1S,  Burnett’s  Winter  Blooming.  Large 

flower,  dark  blue,  recommended  for  Winter 

bloom  .  1.00 

NEMESIA  Strumosa  Suttoni.  Choice  mixed  .25 

compacta,  Blue  Gem.  Beautiful  Forget-me-not  blue  .25 

White  Gem  . 25 

Fire  King.  Carmine  scarlet .  . :. . 25 

Orange  Prince.  Golden  yellow . 25 


Sinensis  Fimbriata  (Chinese  Primula).  Single  large 
flowered,  fringed. 

White,  Pink,  Crimson,  Salmon,  Blue  . Each  1.00 

Single  Mixed.  Choicest  colors . 75 

Double  Mixed  . 75 

Stellata  (Star  Primrose). 


Giant  White  Star . 50  Giant  Blue  Star  .50 

Giant  Pink  Star  .50  Giant  Crimson  Star  .50 

Obconica  Gigantea. 

Giant  White  Giant  Crimson 

Giant  Lilac  Giant  Rose 

Giant  Salmon  Mixed.  All  colors. 

Any  of  the  above,  75c  Pkt. 


Lilac.  Light  lilac . 75 

Rosea.  Light  rose . 75 

Superba.  Deep  rosy  pink . 75 

Fimbriata.  Lovely  pink,  delicately  fringed .  .75 

Pink  Beauty.  Beautiful  rosy  pink . 75 

Courtland’s  Seedling.  Clear  lilac  pink,  very  bril¬ 
liant  . 75 

Snow  Queen.  Is  a  vast  improvement  on  the 

Primula  Malacoides  Alba  hitherto  grown, 

flowers  larger  and  of  the  purest  white .  .75 

Choice  Mixed  50 

Kewensis.  Bright  yellow  fragrant  flowers  produced 

in  whorls.  Fine  for  Winter  bloom . 50 

Forbesii  (Baby  Primrose).  Small  lavender- 

colored  flowers  . 50 

SALPIGLOSSIS,  Large-Flowering  or  Emperor. 

Light  Blue,  Crimson,  White,  Dark  Red,  Rose,  Yel¬ 
low,  Violet.  Each  . %  oz.  $1.00  .15 

Finest  Mixed  . Vi  oz.  75c  .10 


Wisetonensis  “Excelsior.”  An  improved  Wisetonen- 
sis.  The  flowers  have  white,  buff  or  rose 

grounds . 1/16  oz.  $1.50  .50 

Pink  Pearl.  Of  elegant  pyramidal  habit,  producing 

a  luxuriant  wealth  of  bloom . 50 

Snowflake.  Very  compact  habit,  with  a  profusion 

of  glistening  snowy-white  flowers .  .50 

Dr.  Badger’s  Hybrids.  Flowers  of  great  substance, 

produced  in  large  quantities .  .50 

Garraway’s  Hybrids.  Of  fine  form  and  great  range 

of  colors  . 50 

Hurst’s  Monarch  Strain.  One  of  the  finest  strains 
of  large-flowered  hybrids,  embracing  a  wide 

range  of  colors . .50 

Rose  and  Amber  Shades.  Pink  and  rose  tints,  most 

heavily  blotched  gold  and  bronze .  .50 

STATICE  suworowii.  Beautiful  soft  rose  14  oz.  75c  .25 



Stock,  Burnett’s  Perpetual  White 



Vs  oz.  Pkt. 

Burnett’s  Perpetual  White.  For  forcing  pur¬ 

poses  this  Stock  is  unrivaled . $1.50  $0.25 

Beauty  of  Nice.  Delicate  pink  1.25  .25 

Crimson  King.  Rich  crimson  1.25  .25 

Empress  Augusta  Victoria.  Rich  blue  1.25  .25 

Empress  Elizabeth.  Deep  rose  1.25  .25 

Mont  Blanc.  Purest  white  1.25  .25 

Queen  Alexandra.  Fine  lilac .  1.25  .25 

Salmon  King.  Bright  salmon  rose  1.50  .25 

Soleil  de  Nice.  Purest  sulphur  yellow  1.25  .25 

Summer  Night.  Deep  blue .  1.25  .25 

EARLY  GIANT  IMPERIAL  (Improved  Bismarck). 

An  especially  meritorious  class.  Growing  from 
twenty-four  to  thirty  inches  tall;  of  branching 
habit.  Very  early  blooming  and  producing  a  high 
percentage  of  doubles. 

“Antique  Copper.”  Rich  Helebore  red  .50 

“Elk’s  Pride.”  Intense  royal  purple . 50 

“Golden  Rose.”  Light  golden  rose . 50 

STREPTOCARPUS.  Giant  Hybrids.  Mixed . 50 

TECOMA  SMITHII.  Beautiful  autumn  and  early 
winter  flowering  plant,  with  large  heads  of 
orange-colored  tubular-shaped  blossoms.  18 

inches .  .50 

TORENIA.  For  pots  or  hanging  baskets. 

Fournieri.  Blue  and  violet,  throat  bright  yellow. 

1/16  oz.  75c  .25 

Bailloni.  Golden  yellow,  red  throat  .25 

WALLFLOWER.  Kewensis— Winter  Flowering. 

*4  oz.  $1.00  .25 

Double  Annual  Early  Wonder.  Mixed  colors . 35 



Winter  Flowering 

Sweet  Pea,  Winter  Flowering 

A  valuable  race  of  early-flowering  Sweet  Peas,  which 
from  an  August  sowing  in  pots  will  give  an  abundance  of 
bloom  under  glass  from  Christmas  onwards.  On  account 
of  their  delicious  perfume,  Sweet  Peas  are  particularly 
welcome  during  the  dark  days  of  Winter. 

Three  New  Varieties 

Of  great  merit  for  their  vigorous  growth,  length  of 

stem,  and  size  of  flower. 


Blue  Bonnet.  Deep  blue  of  enormous  size  without 

the  slightest  trace  of  mauve .  $  .50 

Majestic  Rose.  Immense  deep  brilliant  rose  pink  of 

the  popular  color  of  Zvolanek’s  rose .  .50 

Valencia.  Bright  orange,  superior  to  any  other 

orange  variety .  .50 

Popular  Standard  Sorts 

Oz.  Pkt. 

Early  Blue  Bird.  A  charming  shade  of  blue  $1.00  $0.25 

Early  King  (Improved).  A  glowing,  rich,  bright 

crimson  .  1.00  .25 

Early  Snowflake.  Pure  white .  1.00  .25 

Burpee’s  Orange.  A  clear,  pure  orange  1.50  .25 

Gilda  Gray.  A  lovely  shade  of  salmon-cerise  1.50  .25 




Oz.  Pkt. 

Glitters.  A  bright  fiery  orange .  1.00  .25 

Imperial  Pink.  A  clear  pink  of  enormous  size, 

of  vigorous  growth,  long  stems .  1.50  .25 

Jeanne  Mamitscli.  A  beautiful  shade  of  rose 

pink  .  1.50  .25 

Lavender  King.  A  rich  true  deep  lavender  1.00  .25 

Mrs.  Kerr.  The  best  early  flowering  salmon  1.50  .25 

Pink  Profusion.  A  sparkling  shade  of  rich  pink  1.50  .25 

Snowstorm  Improved.  Pure  white,  large  and  of 

fine  form  .  1.00  .25 

True  Blue.  A  charming  shade  of  true  blue  1.00  .25 

Yarrawa.  Pleasing  shade  of  bright  rose  pink  1.00  .25 

Mixed,  All  Colors  .75  .15 

(Any  variety  not  listed  will  be  procured  to  order  at 
advertised  prices.) 


For  Mid-Summer  Sowing 

If  more  complete  descriptions  of  the  following  are 
required,  please  refer  to  our  General  Spring  Catalogue. 

Varieties  marked  thus  (*)  are  recommended  for  edg¬ 
ings  and  rock  gardens. 


ACANTHUS  Mollis.  Stately  hardy  plant,  with  large 
decorative  leaves,  handsome,  tall  flower  spikes. 

14  oz.  35c  $0.15 

ACHILLEA  Ptarmica  fl.  pi.  The  Pearl  oz.  $1.00  .25 

ACONITUM  (Monk’s  Hood).  4  ft. 

Napellus.  Blue  and  white . !i  oz.  $1.00  .15 

Pyramidatum.  Blue . !i  oz.  $1.00  .15 

Wilsonii.  Light  blue . ys  oz.  $1.00  .25 

* AETHIONEMA  grandiflorum.  A  very  elegant  plant 
which  succeeds  well  on  the  rockery.  Rosy 
flowers,  produced  in  long  racemes.  12  to  18  in . 50 

AGATHEA  coelestis  (Blue  Daisy).  Flowers  sky-blue 

with  yellow  disk . 1 5 

AGROSTEMMA  coronaria.  (Rose  Campion.)  Dark 

blood-red.  2  ft . !4  oz.  50c  .10 

coronaria  alba.  White . 14  oz.  50c  .10 

coeli-rosa.  H.  A.  Free  flowering  with  bright  rose 

flowers.  18  in. . !4  oz.  50c  .10 

ALLWOODII.  New  race  of  hardy  plants  belonging 

to  the  Diant hus  family  .50 

*Alpinus.  Suitable  as  rock  and  alpine  plants. 

Height  about  6  inches.  Colors  chiefly  pink, 
white  and  purple  shades .  .50 

ALSTROEMERIA  Chilensis.  Spotted  Lily-like 
flowers  of  various  shades  of  pink,  rose,  red  and 
yellow.  Height  2  to  3  feet. 

Mixed  colors  . 50 

-ALYSSUM  Saxatile.  Yellow,  1  ft . M  oz.  75c  .15 

Silver  Queen.  Pale  lemon  color  .25 

ANCHUSA  Italica,  Dropmore  var.  Deep  blue,  4  to 

6  ft . y8  oz.  75c  .25 



- - Continued - — - - — 


ANEMONE.  Beautiful  Spring-  flowers,  valuable  for 

*coronaria,  Single  De  Caen  . 15 

*St.  Brig-icl.  Poppy  flowered . 25 

*Creagh  Castle  Strain.  The  flowers  are  extremely 

larg-e  and  the  rang-  of  colors  exceptional  .75 

*alpina.  A  lovely  species  for  the  rock  garden. 

Flowers  white  tinted  slaty  blue.  1  ft .  .25 

*pulsatilla  (The  Pasque  Flower).  Large  purple 
flowers  with  yellow  anthers,  covered  with  silky 

hairs  on  outside.  9  in . . . 25 

^ANTIIEMIS  montana.  Pretty  small  flower,  like  a 
White  Chrysanthemum.  Height,  6  in.  Excellent 

perennial  border  plant . Vs  oz.  75c  .15 

Tinctoria  Kelwayi.  Improved  strain,  with  bright 
yellow,  Daisy-like  flowers.  June  to  September. 

1  y2  ft . Vs  oz.  50c  .15 

AQUILEGIA  (Columbine) 

LONG  SPURRED  BLUE  SHADES  ...%  oz.  $1.50  .25 


SHADES  . Vs  oz.  $1.50  .25 

LONG  SPURRED  PINK  SHADES  ....%  oz.  $1.50  .25 

LONG  SPURRED  MIXED  . Vs  oz.  $1.50  .25 


STRAIN.  Mixed  Colors  . Vs  oz.  $2.00  .50 

*alpina.  A  charming  Alpine  speces  with  large  and 

beautiful  blue  flowers.  1  ft . 25 

*canadensis.  Scarlet  and  yellow  14  oz.  $1.50  .15 

chrysantha,  Long  spurred.  Bright  yellow,  2  ft. 

!4  oz.  $1.50  .15 

coerulea.  Blue  . 14  oz.  $1.50  .25 

coerulea  “Rose  Queen.”  Rose  with  white  center . 25 

Copper  Queen.  Copper  red  with  long  spurs  of  a 

darker  hue . 50 

Single  Mixed  . 14  oz.  75c  .10 

Double  Mixed  14  oz.  $1.00  .15 

-  ARABIS  alpina  (Rock  Cress).  White.  6  in. 

14  oz.  50c  .15 

Rosea.  Vivid  red . 25 

ARCTOTIS  Scapigera.  A  half-hardy,  dwarf  herbace¬ 
ous  species  from  South  Africa..  Of  vigorous 
growth  and  produces  large  flowers  in  a  great 

variety  of  colors.  Very  showy  and  effective . 50 

* ARMERIA  formosa  (Sea  Pink).  Lavender  Pink . 10 

-formosa  gigantea.  Taller  than  the  preceding . 15 

-Ruby.  Forms  neat  tufts  of  evergreen  foliage, 

flowers,  2  ft.  high,  bright  rose  pink . 25 

*  AREN  ARIA  caespitosa.  Dwarf  rock  plant,  bright 
green  foliage,  with  tiny  white  flowers,  from 

May  to  July . 25 

*grandiflora.  Effective  rock  plant  of  trailing  habit, 

large  pure  white  flowers  in  Spring.  6  in .  .25 

-montana.  Excellent  rock  plant;  it  forms  mounds 
of  foliage  which  are  covered  with  white  flowers. 

8  in . 25 

ASTER  Delavayi.  A  unique  hardy  perennial  Aster. 
Nothing  more  beautiful  can  be  imagined  than 
this  wonderful  species.  Its  main  feature  is 

possibly  the  jet  black  center .  .50 

alpinus  Goliath.  A  charming  little  Alpine,  6 
inches  high,  producing  in  July  dainty  lilac 

flowers  with  golden  centers .  .25 

-alpinus,  Nancy  Perry.  Fine  variety  with  lavender- 

blue  ray  florets,  golden  centre,  6  in . 25 

-subcoeruleus.  A  Himalayan  species  of  compact 

habit,  bearing  deep  blue  flowers .  .25 

Farreri.  A  lovely  soft  tone  of  violet-mauve, 
greatly  enhanced  by  a  large  golden-orange  disc. 

2  to  3  ft.  May-June . 35 

Hardy  Mixed  (Michaelmas  Daisy).  Fall-flowering, 

splendid  for  cutting . Vs  oz.  $1.00  .15 



- - -  Continued - - — 


*AUBRIETIA.  Excellent  for  rock-work  and  edging, 

9  inches. 

graeca.  Purple;  trailing  . 25 

liendersoni.  Large  rich  purple  flowers  .25 

leichtlini.  A  charming  variety,  with  very  bright 

rosy  crimson  flowers .  .25 

large  flowered  hybrids.  Exceptionally  fine  colors ...  .25 

purpurea.  Purple . 25 

violet  queen.  Dark  violet,  large  flowers .  .25 

*  AURICULA  (Primula  auricula).  A  well-known 

favorite;  choice  mixed . 25 

BAFTISIA  australis.  Producing  spikes  of  pea¬ 
shaped  blue  flowers.  2 y2  ft . y±  oz.  $1.50  .15 

>;:BELLIS.  Double  Daisy.  Beautiful  Spring  flowers, 
suitable  for  edging.  y2  ft. 

MONSTROSA,  Giant  White  %  oz.  $1.50  .25 

MONSTROSA,  Giant  Red  . %  oz.  $1.50  .25 

MONSTROSA,  Giant  Rose  . %  oz.  $1.50  .25 

MONSTROSA,  Giant  Mixed  . %  oz.  $1.50  .25 

Longfellow,  Double  Rose  . y8  oz.  $1.00  .15  - 

Snowball,  Double  White  . y8  oz.  $1.00  .15 

Double  Mixed  l/8  oz.  $1.00  .15 

BOCCONIA  japonica.  (Plume  Poppy.)  Flowers, 

creamy  white.  4  ft .  .15 

BOLTONIA  Asteroides.  Showy  perennials,  closely 
resembling  Hardy  Asters,  flowers  pure  white. 

August  and  September.  6  ft. .  .25 

Latiscjuama.  Flowers  pink,  tinged  with  lavender. 

August  and  September.  6  ft. . 26 

CALLIBHOE  involucrata  (Poppy  Mallow).  A 
showy,  trailing  perennial,  bright  crimson 

saucer-shaped  flowers . 15 


MEDIA  Single.  (Canterbury  Bells.) 

Blue,  White,  Rose,  Mauve  . 14  oz.  50c  .10 

Pine  Mixed  . %  oz.  50c  .10 

MEDIA  Double.  (Canterbury  Bells.) 

Blue,  White,  Rose  Each,  14  oz.  $1.00  .15 

Double  Mixed . oz.  75c  .15 

CAIYCANTHEMA  (Cup  and  Saucer). 

Blue,  Rose,  White  Each,  oz.  $1.00  .15 

Mixed.  All  colors . 14  oz.  75c  .15 

pyramidalis  (Chimney  Bell).  Very  conspicuous 
towering  spikes. 

White  and  Blue  Each,  14  oz.  75c  .15 

Mixed  . !4  oz.  75c  .15 

persicifolia,  Telham  Beauty.  Very  large  flower, 

china-blue.  2  ft . 50 

persicifolia  grandiflora.  Large  flowers. 

White  and  Blue  Each,  %  oz.  $1.00  .25 

Mixed  . 14  oz.  $1.00  .25 

Dwarf  Campanulas  for  Rock  Work 

*carpatica.  Blue,  showy.  1  ft. . 14  oz.  50c  .15 

*carpatica  alba.  White.  1  ft. . !4  oz.  50c  .15 

*Garganica.  A  pretty  trailing  species,  pale  blue 

flowers  with  white  centers.  4  inches .  .25 

*Mirabilis.  A  most  beautiful  species  from  the  Cau¬ 
casus,  large  pale  blue  flowers.  3  in .  .25 

*Pusilla.  A  charming  dwarf  Harebell,  forms  tufts 
of  foliage,  covered  with  dainty  flowers  in  vari¬ 
ous  shades  of  blue,  3  in . 25 

*RAINERI.  Forms  creeping  masses  of  dark  green 
foliage,  covered  with  a  profusion  of  saucer¬ 
shaped,  pale  blue  flowers.  4  in . 50 

*Rotundifolia  (Scottish  Blue  Bell).  Slender, 
branching  stems.  Flowers  pale  blue  and  bell¬ 
shaped  . 25 

*Turbinata.  Tufts  of  neat  foliage,  and  erect,  deep 

blue,  cup-shaped  flowers.  6  inches .  .25 

Special  collection,  6  varieties,  for 
Rock  Gardens,  $1.50. 


— - Continued - - - 


-CANDYTUFT  (Iberis). 

Sempervirens.  White  flowers  %  oz.  $1.00  .25 

Gibraltarica.  Beautiful  blush  white . 14  oz.  $1.00  .15 

CATANANCHE  caerulea.  Beautiful  blue  flowers. 

June  to  August.  2  ft . 15 

♦CARNATION.  Early  Dwarf  Vienna.  Same  type  as 

the  Grenadin.  Choice  Mixed  . 14  oz.  $1.00  .25 

♦Grenadin.  Bright  scarlet;  dwarf  !4  oz.  $1.00  .25 

♦Grenadin  White.  Pure  white,  dwarf . 14  oz.  $1.00  .25 

Hardy  Border  Double  Mixed.  A  good  hardy  strain 

for  outdoor  culture . 14  oz.  $1.00  .15 

CENTAUREA  (Cornflower). 

Montana.  Blue,  2  ft . 20 

Montana  Alba.  White,  2  ft. . 20 

♦CERASTIUM  Tomentosum.  White,  %  ft. ...Vs  oz.  $1.00  .25 

CHELONE  Hybrida  Torreyi.  Showy  bedding  plant, 
with  brilliant  scarlet  flowers.  June  to  Aug. 

2  ft . Vs  oz.  75c  .15 

Hybrida  Mixed.  The  colors  vary  from  light  pink 

to  deep  red  and  violet,  2  ft . Vs  oz.  60c  .15 

♦CHEIRANTHUS  Allioni  (Siberian  Wallflower). 

Showy  rock  plants  with  bright  orange  flowers 

blooming  all  Summer.  1  ft. . 14  oz.  75c  .15 

♦linifolius.  Alpine  Wallflower.  A  charming  dwarf 
alpine,  producing  freely  its  pretty  mauve,  fra¬ 
grant  flowers.  May,  June.  1  ft . 25 


King  Edward  VII.  Pure  white . 25 

Mrs.  C.  Lothian  Bell.  Pure  white .  .25 

Shasta  Daisy.  White .  .25 

Mayfield  Giant.  Large,  snow  white . 25 

CIMICIFUGA  racemosa.  Tall,  hardy  and  orna¬ 
mental;  suited  for  the  back  of  borders  or  for 
partially  shaded  places;  white  racemes  of 

flowers.  5  to  6  ft.  June-July .  .25 

COMMELINA  Coelestis.  A  fine  border  plant,  pro¬ 
ducing  an  abundance  of  bright  sky-blue  flowers. 

It  is  tuberous  rooted,  and  should  be  lifted  and 

stored  in  Autumn.  iy2  feet . 25 

COREOPSIS  (Perennial  Calliopsis). 

grandiflora.  Golden  yellow  14  oz.  50c  .15 

♦Auriculata  “Superba.”  An  improved  form,  several 
tones  deeper  than  the  ordinary  Grandiflora, 
with  a  serrated  band  of  brownish-red  .35 

lanceolata.  Bright  yellow . 14  oz.  50c  .15 

♦COWSLIP.  A  favorite  for  the  Spring  garden.  1  ft. 

Finest  mixed  . 15 

♦CRUCIANELL  A.  Stylosa.  A  plant  of  trailing  habit 
and  rapid  growth,  bright  rose-colored  flowers; 

very  suitable  for  the  rock  garden.  6  in . 15 

CUPHEA  (Cigar  Plant).  Half-hardy  perennial,  use¬ 
ful  for  bedding.  1  ft. 

platycentra.  Scarlet  and  purple . 25 

DELPHINIUM  (Larkspur) 

“WREXHAM”  STRAIN.  The  seed  of  these 
beautiful  Delphiniums  we  import  direct  from 
a  celebrated  English  grower.  Considered  the 
finest  type  of  all.  Colors  range  through  the 
entire  range  known  to  delphiniums. 

3  Pkts.  $5.00  $2.00 


mixed . Vs  oz.  $2.50  1.00 

belladonna.  Improved.  Single  flowers  of  a  clear 

turquoise  blue . Vs  oz.  $1.00  .25 

bellamosa.  Deep  blue . Vs  oz.  $1.00  .25 

elatum  (Bee  Larkspur).  Clear  blue  14  oz.  50c  .15 

formosum.  Rich  blue,  with  white  center.  3  ft. 

14  oz.  $1.00  .15 

nudicaule.  Scarlet  iy2  ft .  .25 

Zalil  (Hardy  Yellow  Larkspur) .  .25 

chinensis.  Light  Blue,  Dark  Blue,  White  and 

mixed  Each,  14  oz.  50c  .15 

Blue  Butterfly.  Rich  blue,  if  sown  early  will 

bloom  in  August . 14  oz.  $1.00  .15 

Dark  Blue  Hybrids  . Vs  oz.  $1.00  .25 

Medium  Blue  Hybrids  Vs  oz.  $1.00  .25 

Light  Blue  Hybrids  Vs  oz.  $1.00  .25 

Mixed  Hybrids  14  oz.  $2.00  .25 



- - Continued - — - - 

Dianthus,  Rock  Hybrids 

*DIANTHUS  (or  Pinks) 


Allwoodii.  See  Allwoodii. 

Plumarius  (Pheasant’s  Eye). 

Single  Mixed  14  oz.  50c  .15 

Double  Mixed  14  oz.  75c  .15 

Semperflorens  (Perpetual  Pinks).  Mixed. 

14  oz.  75c  .15 

Scoticus.  Double  Scotch  Pink,  Mixed  .25 


*Dianthus  Alpinus  (Alpine  Pink).  Rosy  Pink. 

4  ins.  .  .25 

*Arenarius  (Sand  Pink).  White,  fringed.  Very 

free.  4  in . 25 

*Caesius  (Cheddar  Pink).  (Bright  pink;  fine  for 

dry  hank,  rockeries  and  old  walls.  6  in .  .25 

*Deltoides  (Maiden  Pink).  Trailing  variety;  flowers 

pink  with  dark  circle.  6  in. .  .25 

*Deltoides  Alba.  White,  8  in .  .25 

*Neglectus.  Tufts  of  dark  green  foliage,  brilliant 

carmine  rose  flowers.  3  in .  .25 

*sylvestris.  A  rock  garden  gem  with  large  soft 

pink  blossoms.  6  in. . ! .  .25 

*New  Rock  Hybrids.  A  beautiful  mixture  of  colors. 

Charming  for  rock  garden  or  walls.  6  in . 25 

Collection,  6  Rock  G-arden  Varieties,  $1.25. 

DIGITALIS  (Foxglove). 

gloxinioides.  Spotted  varieties. 

Pure  White,  Rose,  Rich  Purple  . Each,  14  oz.  50c  .15 

Mixed.  All  colors  '+  oz.  35c  .10 

Isa.bellina.  A  beautiful  sulphur-yellow  .25 

maculata  superba.  An  extra  choice  strain  of 

beautifully  spotted  sorts . 14  oz.  75c  .15 

monstrosa  (Mammoth  Foxglove).  Long  spikes, 

surmounted  by  one  enormous  flower;  very  dis¬ 
tinct,  mixed  . 14  oz.  75c  .15 

The  Shirley.  Colors  ranging  from  white  to  dark 
rose,  handsomely  blotched  and  spotted. 

14  oz.  $1.00  .25 

Lutzii  (New).  Distinct  salmon  .25 

-DODECATHEON  Meadia.  (American  Cowslip.)  For 
sheltered  positions  in  the  rock  garden;  rosy- 
purple  flowers  on  stems  9  inches  high  .50 

-DORONICUM  caucasicum.  (Leopard’s  Bane.)  Clear 

yellow,  daisy-like  flowers .  .50 

ECHINOPS  Ritro.  (Globe  Thistle.)  A  hardy  peren¬ 
nial  with  blue,  thistle-like  flowers.  3  ft . 15 



- - Continued  — - - - 


*E  DEL  WEISS  ( Leontopodium  alpinum).  The  inter¬ 
esting  white-leaved  plant  so  eagerly  sought  by 

tourists  in  the  Swiss  Alps.  6  in .  .25 

EREMURUS.  Gold  Medal  Hybrids.  Stately  plants 
with  long  spikes  of  various  colored  flowers. 

6-8  ft . 50 

*ERIGERON  speciosus.  Pale  mauve  flowers,  gold 

centers.  1  x/2  ft . 15 

-ERINUS  Alpinus.  A  charming  Spring-flowering 
plant  with  pale  purple  flowers.  Valuable  for 

Rock  Garden.  2  ins .  .50 

ERYNGIUM  Amethystinum  (Sea  Holly).  Orna¬ 
mental  hardy  perennial,  blue  flowers.  4  ft . 25 

*ERYSIMTJM  Linifolium.  (The  Mauve  Alpine  Wall¬ 
flower.)  Produces  a  profusion  of  flowers  of  a 

bright,  clear  mauve . 25 

*Rupestre.  (The  Fairy  Wallflower.)  A  lovely 
Alpine  plant  producing  pale  yellow  flowers 

abundantly  in  early  spring.  6  in. .  .25 

EUPATORIUM  Eraseri.  A  pretty,  hardy  plant;  pro¬ 
ducing  clusters  of  white  flowers;  fine  for 

cutting.  2  ft . 15 

GAILLARDIA  Portola  Hybrids.  (New.)  Shades  of 

bronzy  red,  golden  tipped . oz.  $1.50  .25 

kermesina  splendens.  Rich  crimson,  narrow  yel¬ 
low  border . %  oz.  50c  .15 

grandiflora  “Dazzler.”  Bright  golden-yellow  with 

rich  maroon-red  center . !4  oz.  50c  .15 

grandiflora  maxima.  Golden  yellow . Ai  oz.  35c  .10 

Giant  Hybrids,  Mixed  . Ai  oz.  $1.00  .25 

GALEGA.  (Goat’s  Rue.)  Fine  hardy  border  plant, 
covering  itself  with  spikes  of  pea-like  blossoms. 

3  ft. 

Hartlandi.  AVhite  and  lilac,  variegated  foliage . 25 

officinalis.  Blue . 16 

*GENTIANA  acaulis  (Blue  Gentian).  Intense  blue 

bell-shaped  flowers.  6  in. . 15 

*GETJM.  Mrs.  J.  Bradshaw.  Large,  double,  scarlet 

flowers . %  oz.  75c  .25 

Orange  Queen.  Large  and  free-blooming . 35 

Lady  Stratheden.  Rich  golden  yellow . 35 

Coccineum.  Single,  bright  orange  scarlet .  .15 

GYPSOPHII.A  Paniculata.  AVhite  flowers,  fine  for 

bouquets.  2  ft. . oz.  50c  .15 

Paniculata  fl.  pi.  Double  flowering  Baby’s  Breath. 

Vs  oz.  75c  .25 

*Repens.  A  pretty  dwarf  trailing  species  for  the 
rockery.  It  has  pinkish-white  flowers,  6  in. 

Vs  oz.  $1.00  .25 

*Repens  Alba.  Pure  white.  6  in. . Vs  oz.  $1.00  .25 

HELENIHM.  Very  fine  for  cutting. 

Bigelow.  Flowers  bright  yellow,  black  centre  .15 

autumnale.  Pale  yellow .  .15 

Riverton  Gem,  orange,  dark  centre .  .15 

*HELIANTHEMUM.  (Rock  Rose,  Sun  Rose.)  Dwarf 
evergreen  plants  for  rock  gardens,  walls,  or  for 
clothing  dry  banks.  Also  useful  for  edging  in 
the  herbaceous  border. 

Mutabilis,  Mixed . Ai  oz.  50c  .15 

HELIANTHUS  (Sunflower).  Perennial  Varieties, 

Mixed  . Vs  oz.  $1.00  .15 

HELIOPSIS  Pitcheriana.  (Orange  Sunflower.)  Deep 

golden  yellow  single  flowers . 14  oz.  50c  .15 

*HEUCHERA.  Fine  for  borders  or  rock  garden. 

12-18  in. 

*brizoides,  distinct  new  species  dwarf  habit,  pale 

rose  flowers  . .25 

* — gracillima,  fine  new  form  with  slender,  graceful 

pink  sprays  .  .25 

*Sanguinea  splendens.  Bright  scarlet-crimson . 25 

* — Alba.  AVhite . 25 

*Hybrida  Grandiflora.  Many  choice  varieties,  Mixed  .25 



- Continued - 


HIBISCUS  (Marshmallow).  2  to  4  ft. 

moscheutos  (Swamp  Mallow).  Flowers  like  single 
Hollyhocks  but  much  larger. 

Roseus.  Pink . %  oz.  50c  .20 

grandiflorus  Rainbow  Hybrids.  New  giant  flower¬ 

ing  Marshmallows.  Very  large  flowers  in  vari¬ 
ous  colors . xk  oz.  60c  .15 


Cliater’s  Double,  Bright  Pink,  Canary  Yellow, 

Blood  Red,  Crimson,  White,  Rose,  Maroon. 

Each,  14  oz.  $1.00  .15 

Double  Fine  Mixed  . oz.  75c  .10 

Single  Mixed.  Choice  colors . '4  oz.  50c  .10 

Double  “Imperator”  (New).  Strikingly  original 

type,  of  delicate  tints .  .50 

INCARVILLEA  Delavayi  (Hardy  Gloxinia).  Pink. 

2  ft.  ...  ..  ..  . 25 

Variabilis  Hybrids  .50 

*  INULA  G-landulosa  grandiflora.  (Flea  Bane.)  A 
very  fine  hardy  border  plant,  large  golden  yel¬ 
low  flowers.  June  to  August .  .25 

LATHYRUS  latifolius  (Everlasting  Pea.)  Orna¬ 
mental  climber  for  trellises,  etc.  6  ft. 

White  Pearl,  Pink  Beauty  . Each,  x4  oz.  60c  .15 

Finest  Mixed . Oz.  $1.00  .10 

LAVENDER.  (Lavandula.)  Much  prized  for  the 
delicious  fragrance  of  its  violet  flowers.  2  ft. 

Spica.  Common  broad  leaved . }/4  oz.  25c  .10 

Vera.  True  lavender . %  oz.  35c  .15 

LIATRIS  spicata  (Blazing  Star).  Slender  spikes 
densely  crowded  with  rosy  purple  flowers.  4 

to  5  ft . 25 

Pycnostachya  (Kansas  Gay  Feather).  Rich  pur¬ 
ple  flowers;  most  effective  in  the  garden  and 

splendid  for  cutting.  4  to  5  ft .  .25 

*LINARIA  (Toad  Flax).  Alpina.  A  brilliant  little 
rock  plant,  with  glaucous  grey  leaves,  flowers 

violet  with  orange  lip .  ,25 

Macedonica  Speciosa.  The  flowers  resemble  large 
golden  yellow  snapdragons,  borne  on  stems 

averaging  three . 50 

*LINUM.  flavum.  Golden  yellow .  .15 

*perenne.  Blue  Flax . 14  oz.  35c  .15 

*alpinum.  Dwarf,  spreading;  lavender  blue;  fine 

for  rock  gardens . 25 

LOBELIA  cardinalis  (Cardinal  Flower).  A  native 
variety,  with  spikes  of  brilliant  scarlet  flowers; 

3  ft . 25 

hybrida.  Various  shades  of  scarlet . 25 

Queen  Victoria,  scarlet . 25 


polypliyllus,  Blue  14  oz.  35c  .10 

Rose  . 34  oz.  50c  .15 

White  14  oz.  35c  .10 

Choice  Mixed  Oz.  75c  .10 

Lavender  Queen.  Lavender,  tinted  rose . 25 

Moerheimi.  A  beautiful  variety;  long  spikes 

of  pink  and  white  flowers . M  oz.  75c  .25 

New  Sweet-Scented  Hybrids.  A  wonderful  new 

strain,  in  shades  of  blue,  mauve,  pink,  etc. . 25 

G-olden  Spire.  Fine  golden  yellow . 25 

Arboreus  (Tree  Lupine).  Fine  hardy  shrubby 
plant,  covering  itself  with  its  long  flower 

“Snow  Queen.”  Pure  white . V4  oz.  75c  .25 

^LYCHNIS.  (Campion.)  For  massing  in  beds  and 
borders.  2  ft. 

*Alpna.  Dwarf  rose  pink.  Splendid  rock  plant . 25 

*Arkwrightii.  Beautiful,  new  hybrids,  many  dis¬ 
tinct  and  attractive  shades . Vs  oz.  75c  .25 

*chalcedonica.  Scarlet  flowers  Vs  oz.  50c  .15 

*Haageana  hybrida.  Mixed . Vs  oz.  50c  .15 



- - Continued - - — 


*LYTHRUM  roseum  superbum.  (Loosestrife.)  Spikes 

of  rosy  pink  flowers . 25 

MALLOW,  Acer-leaved.  A  handsome  quick-growing 
perennial  from  Oregon,  about  21/&  feet  high, 
bearing  long  spikes  of  pale  rose  blossoms  about 
2  inches  across .  .50 

MECONOPSIS  Baileyii.  A  new  perennial  Poppy, 

discovered  in  Thibet.  Of  a  glorious  sky-blue  .75 

Cambrica  (The  Yellow  Welsh  Poppy).  Showy 
variety  with  pale  yellow  flowers,  fine  for  rock- 
work  . 25 

MYGSOTIDEUM  Nobile  (The  Giant  Forget-Me-Not 
of  the  Chatham  Islands).  Large  heads  of  beau¬ 
tiful  blue  flowers,  edged  white.  Height  iy2  ft.  .50 

-MYOSOTIS  (Forget-me-not).  Height  6  to  12  in. 

-BURNETT’S  WINTER  BLOOMING.  Large  flower, 
dark  blue,  recommended  for  Winter  bloom, 

indoors  . .  1.00 

*alpestris.  Blue . 14  oz.  75c  .10 

ROYAL  BLUE.  Rich  indigo-blue . 14  oz.  $1.00  .20 

^VICTORIA.  Azure  blue.  Fine  for  pots.  6  in. 

14  oz.  $1.00  .25 

*dissitiflora.  Sky-blue.  '  %  ft. . Vs  oz.  $1.00  .25 

*palustris.  Blue  y2  ft . 14  oz.  75c  .10 

*palustris  semperflorens.  Perpetual  flowering. 

Bright  blue.  6  in . 14  oz.  $1.00  .20 

-HYBRID A  RUTH  FISCHER.  Very  large,  pale 

blue  flowers.  6  in . 50 

-Choice  Mixed  . 14  oz.  50c  .10 

:NEPETA  Mussini.  An  invaluable  border  or  rock 

plant.  Lavender  violet  blooms.  1  ft .  .25 

*NERTERA  <  Madder- worts) . 

depressa.  Extremely  pretty  for  pots  or  rockery, 
dense  tufts,  thickly  studded  with  tiny  scarlet 
berries  . . . 25 

OENOTHERA  Eraser!.  Large  yellow . 15 

“Clutei.”  This  handsome  new  biennial  Evening 
Primrose  is  a  native  of  Arizona.  Bearing  in 
great  profusion  large  flowers  of  a  soft  yellow 
hue  . . 35 

PENTSTEMON.  Burnett’s  Giant  Flowered  Hybrids 

Mixed  1/16  oz.  $1.00  .25 

PEREZIA  Multiflora.  Branching  umbels  of  star¬ 
shaped  flowers,  of  a  clear  porcelain  blue .  .25 

PHYSOSTEGIA  Virginica.  (False  Dragon-head.) 

The  delicate  pink  flowers  are  much  esteemed 
for  cutting . %  oz.  75c  .15 

Virginica  grandiflora  alba.  Large  white  flowers. 

14  oz.  $1.00  .15 

PLATYCODON  Mariesi  (Japanese  Bell  Flower). 

Deep  blue . y$  oz.  75c  .15 

Grandiflorum.  Light  blue . y8  oz.  50c  .15 

Album.  White . %  oz.  50c  .15 

PHLOX  Decussata  (Hardy  Perennial  Phlox). 

Mixed . !4  oz.  $1.00  .15 

Large  Flowered  Hybrids,  Mixed  !4  oz.  $1.25  .15 

POLEMONXUM  Coeruleum  grandiflorum.  (Jacob’s 
Ladder  or  Greek  Valerian.)  Clusters  of  hand¬ 
some  blue  flowers . !4  oz.  $1.00  .15 

Grandiflorum  album.  Pure  white . Vi  oz.  $1.00  .15 

-POLYANTHUS  (Primula  elatior). 

-Munstead  Strain.  Producing  wonderful  shades  of 

yellow  as  well  as  pure  white  flowers  .50 

-Gold  Laced.  Brilliant  colored  flowers  with  dis¬ 
tinct  yellow  edges .  .50 

*  Choice  Mixed  . 20 



- - Continued - - - 

POPPY  (Papaver) 


ful  apricot  shade . . 25 

Mrs.  Perry.  Brilliant  orange  scarlet . 25 

Salmon  Queen.  Salmon  pink . 25 

Scarlet.  Scarlet,  spotted  black . y8  oz.  50c  .15 

Mixed  Hybrids.  Very  choice . %  oz.  75c  .15 

Bracteatum.  Brilliant  scarlet . y8  oz.  75c  .15 

♦NUDICAULE  or  Iceland  Poppies. 

♦White,  Scarlet  or  Yellow . Each  Vi  oz.  75c  .15 

♦Mixed  . Vt  oz.  50c  .15 

♦Baker’s  Sunbeam.  An  improved  and  glorified 

strain;  very  large  flowers . 25 

♦Coonara  Pink.  A  delightful  pink  variety  of  re¬ 
cent  introduction  . 25 

♦Thibet.  Flowers  brilliant  orange,  quite  different 
from  anything  else  that  can  be  found  in  Nudi- 

caule  Poppies  . 25 

♦Alpine  Mixed  (Papaver  Alpinum).  A  charming- 

dwarf  variety  for  rock  work,  6  inches  .25 

POTENTILLA.  Blooming  from  June  to  August. 
iy2-2  ft. 

Single  Mixed  15 

Miss  Willmott.  (New.)  Beautiful  dwarf  pink 

variety,  excellent  for  rock  work .  .25 

Double  Mixed  25 

♦PRIMROSE.  (Primula  Vulgaris.)  Amongst  early 
Spring-flowering  plants  the  hybrid  Primrose 
occupy  a  prominent  place. 

♦Dean’s  Choice  Hybrids,  Mixed  50 

♦Hybrid  Blue.  Shades  vary  from  lavender  to  deep 

violet  50 

♦Common  Yellow.  (Primula  Acaulis.)  Well-known 

charming  single  primrose.  6  in.  y8  oz.  $1.50  .25 

^PRIMULAS,  Hardy  Varieties 

♦Bullesiana  Hybrids.  These  Hybrids  are  free 
flowering,  adapted  both  for  out-door  and  green¬ 
house  culture  . 50 

♦Cashmiriana.  A  fine  species  with  large  globular 
heads  of  deep  violet  blue  flowers;  excellent  for 

roekwork.  1  ft .  .50 

♦Cortusoides.  A  distinct  Siberian  species,  with 
soft,  wrinkled,  heart-shaped  leaves.  Flowers 

deep  rose.  10  in. . 50 

♦Denticulata  Hybrids.  Many  new  shades  from 

white  to  lilac,  rose  purple,  and  blue.  1  ft . 50 

♦Pulverulenta,  Bartley  strain.  A  new  strain  of 
hardy  Primula,  embracing  all  shades  of  pink, 

rose,  and  blush .  .50 

Florindae.  This  giant  primrose  stands  3  to  4  feet 
high  with  broad  leaves,  and  bearing  from  June 
to  August  60  to  80  terminal  pendant  flowers, 

bright  yellow  . 50 

♦Japonica,  Finest  Mixed.  Large  flowers,  varying 

in  shade  from  white  to  crimson . 25 

PYRETHRUM  (Persian  or  Painted  Daisy).  Delight¬ 
ful  plants  with  daisy-like  blossoms  on  long 
graceful  stems.  1-2  ft. 

Roseum.  Single  Mixed  Hybrids  14  oz.  $1.00  .15 

Roseum.  Double  Mixed  Hybrids  ...y8  oz.  $2.00  .25 

REHMANNIA  angulata.  Gloxinia-like  flowers  of 

rosy-purple  with  yellow  throat.  3  ft . 25 

ROCKET,  Sweet  (Hesperis).  Excellent  for  natural¬ 
izing  among  shrubbery. 

Purple  V'j  oz.  35c  .10 

White  14  oz.  35c  .10 

Mixed  Colors  VL  oz.  35c  .10 

ROMNEYA  Coulteri  (California  Tree  Poppy).  Large, 

single  white  flowers,  centers  yellow.  3  ft . 25 

RUDBECKIA  (Cone  Flower). 

hirta.  (Black-eyed-Suzan.)  Golden  yellow.  3  ft.  .15 

Purpurea  G-randiflora.  (Purple  Cone  Flower.)  4  ft.  .15 
Newmanii.  Large,  golden  yellow,  with  velvety 

maroon  center.  2  ft . 14  oz.  50c  .15 

♦SAPONARIA.  Ocymoides  splendens.  Elegant  trail¬ 
ing  perennial  with  pretty  rose-colored  flowers 

suitable  for  rockeries . !4  oz.  35c  .15 



- Continued - 

SCABIOSA.  Handsome  border  plants  flowering  the 
entire  season. 

Caucasica.  House’s  Sensational  Strain.  In  this 
hybrid  strain  will  be  found  colors  ranging  from 

white  to  the  darkest  blue . 

Caucasica.  Soft  blue;  3  feet . 44  oz.  $1.00 

Caucasica  Alba.  Pure  white . Vs  oz.  $1.25 

Japonica.  Lavender  blue 

*SEDUM  acre.  Trailing  plant  forming  a  regular 

green  carpet.  Flowers  bright  yellow.  4  in. . 

Mixed  Varieties.  Useful  for  covering  rock  or  old 

walls;  4  in . 

SIDALCEA,  New  Hybrids.  Including  shades  of  rose, 

pink,  red,  salmon,  lilac  and  heliotrope.  2  ft . 

Rosy  G-eni.  Beautiful  deep  rose . 

*SILENE  alpestris.  Delightful  little  white  rock 

plant  of  easy  culture . 

BTATICE  Latifolia.  Hardy  perennial  with  large, 
branching  heads  of  clear  mauve  flowers,  2  ft. 
STOKESIA  cyanea  (Stoke’s  Aster.)  Flowers  large 

and  handsome.  12  to  18  in.  Blue . 44  oz.  $1.00 

cyanea  alba.  A  pure  white  form  44  oz.  $1.25 














Burnett’s  Diadem.  Beautiful  rich  deep  crimson 

with  white  eye . 14  oz.  75c 

Giant  White.  Pure  white  44  oz.  75c 

NEWPORT  PINK.  A  distinct  color  44  oz.  $1.00 
Pink  Beauty.  Fine  deep  pink  44  oz.  75c 

Scarlet  Beauty.  Rich  scarlet  !4  oz.  75c 

Holborn  Glory.  (Auricula-eyed.)  Superb  range  of 

colors  . 44  oz.  50c 

Single  Pine,  Mixed  14  oz.  30c 

Double  Fine,  Mixed  44  oz.  50c 

THALICTRUM  adiantifolium.  A  graceful  plant 
with  finely  cut  foliage  resembling  the  Maiden¬ 
hair  fern  . 

dipterocarpum.  Graceful  species  with  pretty  rosy- 

purple  flowers . 

TRITOMA  (Torch  Flower,  Red  Hot  Poker). 

Stark’s  Hybrids.  The  colors  embrace  yellows  and 

salmons  to  deep  crimson.  2  to  4  ft. . 

TROLLIES  Europaeus.  (Globe  Flower.)  Bright  yel¬ 
low  globular  flowers,  2  ft. . 44  oz.  60c 

VALERIAN  (Garden  Heliotrope).  Admirable  for 
wild  gardens  and  rockwork.  2  ft. 

Rubra.  Bright  red  flowers  in  panicles 

White.  A  white  form  of  the  above . 

VERBASCUM  Harkness  Hybrids.  Immense  spikes, 

pure  yellow  flowers.  5  ft . 

Miss  Willmott.  A  lovely  white  Verbascum  5  to  6 

feet.  Hardy  biennial . 

Phoeniceum.  One  of  the  prettiest  species  of 
Verbascum  for  the  herbaceous  border 
VERONICA.  144-2  ft. 

longifolia.  Long  spikes  of  rich  blue  flowers. 

44  oz.  75c 

spicata.  Bright  blue  flowers . 44  oz.  75c 

-VIOLA.  “Blue  Gem”  (Jersey  Gem).  Pleasing  deep 
violet  blue.  Blooms  profusely  for  a  long  period 
Apricot.  Apricot  yellow,  tinged  orange;  distinct 

variety  . 

-Admiration.  Dark  blue,  blotched  44  oz.  $1.50 

*Lutea.  Yellow . 44  oz.  $1.50 

*Lutea  Splendens.  Orange . 44  oz.  $1.50 

*Papilio.  Lilac . 44  oz.  $1.50 

^Perfection.  Blue . 44  oz.  $1.50 

-Purple  Queen.  Dark  blue  .  44  oz.  $1.50 

*White  Perfection.  White  U  oz.  $1.50 

^Finest  Mixed  . 44  oz.  $1.25 

-G.  Wermig.  (New.)  Long  stems,  violet  blue 

flowers  . 

-WALLFLOWER.  Well  known  deliciously  fragrant 

^Single  Large  Flowering. 

Blood-Red,  Golden  Yellow,  Mixed. 

Each,  44  oz.  50c 

-Double  Large  Flowering,  Mixed  44  oz.  $1.25 






























Suitable  for  Rock  Gardens,  etc. 
Collection  12  Varieties  $3.00 

Collection  25  Varieties  $5.00 

Our  selection. 



For  best  results,  transplant  during-  September  and 
October  covering  the  crowns  with  but  two  inches  of  soil. 
In  manuring  avoid  direct  contact  with  roots.  Mulch  lightly 
for  winter  protection. 

Extra-strong  roots,  3  to  5  eyes. 


ADOLPH  BOSSEAU.  Deep  garnet.  Early  midseason 

large  .  $1.50 

ALBATRE.  Milk-white,  tinged  Lilac.  Large,  fra¬ 
grant  .  1.00 

ALBERT  CROUSSE.  Salmon-pink,  fragrant,  late  1.50 

ALEXANDER  DUMAS.  Midseason.  Violet-rose, 

white  collar,  fragrant,  good  cut-flower  variety  .75 

ALSACE  LORRAINE.  Creamy-white  overlaid  with 

pale  yellow.  Extra  large,  late .  1.50 

ASA  GrBAY.  Pale-pink,  dotted  lilac,  midseason  2.00 

AVALANCHE.  Cream-white,  tinted  lilac,  flecked  car¬ 
mine,  midseason .  1.00 

AVIATOR  REYMOND.  Cherry-red,  midseason  2.00 

BARONESS  SCHROEDER.  Flesh-white,  large,  fra¬ 
grant,  long  bloomer,  best  of  the  “Old  Timers,” 

midseason  .  1.50 

CHERRY  HILL.  Deep-garnet,  strong  stem,  conspic¬ 
uous  marking,  midseason .  4.00 

CHRISTINE  RITCHER.  Violet-rose,  of  unusual  high 

merits  and  rating .  7.50 

CLAIRE  DUBOISE.  Satiny-pink,  large,  late  mid¬ 
season  .  1.00 

COURONNE  D'OR.  Milk-white  with  yellow  tints, 

tipped  carmine,  large,  late .  1.00 

DUCHESSE  DE  NEMOURS.  White  with  lemon- 

yellow  center,  fragrant,  good  cut-flower,  early . 75 

DORCHESTER.  Hydrangea-pink,  unique  color  1.00 

EDULIS  SUPERBA.  Dark-pink,  large,  fragrant, 

good  cut-flower,  early .  .75 

ELIZABETH  B.  BROWNING.  Pure-white,  red  mark¬ 
ings,  fragrant,  of  wonderful  form,  late .  3.50 

ELWOOD  PLEAS.  Light  rose-pink,  late.  One  of  the 

best  .  2.50 

EUGENIE  VERDIER.  Pale  Hydrangea-pink,  lilac- 

white  outer  petals,  fragrant,  late,  erect .  1.25 

FELIX  CROUSSE.  Brilliant-red,  fragrant,  mid¬ 
season  .  1.00 

FESTIVA  MAXIMA.  Pure  white,  crimson  markings, 
popular,  good  cut-flower,  immense  size,  another 

outstanding  “Old  Timer” .  .75 

FRANCES  WILLARD.  Blush-white,  suffused  yellow, 

late  midseason  .  2.50 

GERMAINE  BIGOT.  Pale  lilac-rose,  with  crimson 

splashes,  strong  grower,  midseason  1.00 


PEONIES — Continued 


GEORGIANA  SHAYIOR.  Rose-pink,  flecked  crim¬ 
son,  large,  strong  grower,  very  fine,  midseason...  3.00 
ISOLENE.  Pale  yellow  effect,  magnificent  flower, 

vigorous  grower,  exceedingly  handsome .  3.50 

JAMES  KELWAY.  Rose-white,  with  yellow  base, 

deliciously  fragrant,  early .  2.00 

JUBIXiEE.  Flesh-white,  tinged  green,  very  large, 

midseason  .  2.60 

KABL  ROSE  FIELD  Dark  crimson,  very  large, 

strong  grower,  attractive,  midseason .  1.50 

LADY  ALEXANDER  DUFF.  Pale  pink,  light  center, 
fragrant,  rated  very  high  by  the  Peony  Society, 

midseason  . 3.00 

LA  FRANCE.  Violet-rose,  lavender  base,  fragrant, 
immense  size,  a  very  fine  high  ranking  variety, 

late  .  4.00 

LA  TULIPE.  Large  lilac  white,  carmine  markings, 

fragrant,  late  . 75 

LE  CYGNE.  Milk  white,  the  nearest  to  perfection, 

fragrant,  extra  fine... . 7.00 

LONGFELLOW.  Cherry-red,  golden  stamens,  dazzl¬ 
ing  color.  Another  high  ranking  variety  3.00 

LIVINGSTONE.  Lilac  rose,  large,  flecked  carmine, 

late  .  1.00 

MARGUERITE  GERARD.  Flesh-pink,  fading  to 

white,  very  large,  late .  1.00 

MILTON  HILL.  Large  lilac  rose,  excellent  for 

cutting  late  .  3.50 

MLLE.  LEONIE  CALOT.  Delicate  rose-white,  deeper 
center,  carmine  tips,  distinct,  large,  late  mid¬ 
season  .  1.00 

MME.  DE  VERNEVILLE.  Blush-white,  flecked  car¬ 
mine,  large,  fragrant,  early  .75 

MME.  EMILE  GALLE.  Lilac-white,  milk-white 

center,  early,  rated  high .  1.00 

MME.  EMILE  LEMOINE.  Milk-white,  very  large, 

extra  fine,  slightly  fragrant,  midseason  1.50 

MME.  JULES  DESERT.  Cream-white,  shaded  flesh 
and  faint  yellow,  beautiful  form,  most  perfect 

of  the  lot,  midseason .  3.00 

MONS.  DUPONT.  Milk-white,  crimson  splashes  in 

center,  large,  fragrant,  midseason  1.00 

MONS.  JULES  ELIE.  Lilac-pink,  deep  rose  base, 

large  fragrant,  early,  unusually  beautiful  1.50 

MONS.  KRELAGE.  Dark-pink,  tipped  silver,  large, 

fragrant,  late  .  1.00 

MONS.  MARTIN  CAHUZAC.  The  darkest  peony, 

dark  purple  garnet,  black  reflex,  midseason  3.00 

OCTAVIE  DEMAY.  Delicate-pink,  shaded  white, 

charming,  fragrant,  early .  1.00 

OFFICINALIS  RUBRA  PLENA.  Rich-red,  best  of 
the  old  fashioned  Peonies,  brilliant,  good  cut- 

flower,  early  .  1.00 

FRIMEVERE.  The  best  yellow,  very  fragrant,  mid¬ 
season  .  2.50 

RICHARD  CARVEL.  Brilliant  crimson,  delicate 

fragrance,  early  .  3.00 

ROSINE.  Pale-lilac,  highly  rated  by  the  Peony 

Society,  late .  5.00 

SARAH  BERNHARDT.  Apple-blossom-pink,  silver 

tips,  fragrant,  admired  by  all,  late  2.00 

SOLANGE.  Beautiful  Cream-coffee  color,  rated  very 
high  by  Peony  Society  and  considered  one  of  the 
three  best  Peonies  in  existence,  large,  late  3.00 

SOUV.  DE  LOUIS  BIGOT.  Bengal-rose,  tinged  car¬ 
mine,  fringed,  large,  beautiful,  distinct,  mid¬ 
season  .  4.00 

THERESE.  Soft-pink,  the  World’s  best  pink,  charm¬ 
ing,  lilac-white  center,  very  large,  midseason  3.00 

TOURANGELLE.  Flesh-pink,  intensely  fragrant,  a 

prize  winner  at  Peoria  Flower  Show,  midseason..  3.00 
VENUS.  Delicate  shell-pink,  large,  crown  type,  fra¬ 
grant,  good  cut-flower,  midseason .  1.50 

WALTER  FAXON.  Salmon-rose,  has  captivating 

salmon  center,  fragrant,  distinct,  midseason .  3.50 

Although  we  have  selected  only  the  most  meritorious 
and  popular  ones,  we  can  supply  any  other  varieties  at 
advertised  prices. 


Burnett’s  Choice  Irises 

German  Iris 

GERMAN  IRISES  (Fleur  de  Lis) 

Plant  shallow  in  dry  soils  with  sunny  exposure  during 
June,  July  and  August,  add  Superphosphate  to  supply  the 
lime  needed. 

S. — Standard  or  Upper  Petals;  F. — Falls  or  Lower  Petals. 


AFTERGLOW.  Lavender  grey  shading  to  buff,  yel¬ 
low  haft.  3  for  $1.25 .  ..  $4.25 

ALCAZAR.  S. — violet,  F. —  purple,  giant  in  flower, 

handsome,  height  314  ft.  3  for  $1.25 .  4.25 

ANN  PAGE.  A  deliciously  scented  branching  Iris 
bearing  pale  lavender-blue  flowers  of  splendid 
shape  on  stout  stems;  height  3  ft.  3  for  $2.00  7.25 

AMBASSADEUR.  S.— bronzy-violet,  F.— velvety- 

maroon,  conspicuous  orange  beard,  immense  flower, 
vigorous,  height  4  ft.  3  for  $1.75 .  5.00 

ASIA.  Magnificent  immense  flowers  of  fine  form  and 
substance  borne  on  strong  vigorous  stems,  bold 
and  upstanding  foliage;  S. — broad  and  massive  of 
pale  silvery-lavender  color  with  yellow  base,  F. — 
pale  reddish-purple,  margined  lighter  with  bright 
yellow  beard;  height  414  ft.  Each  $1.75;  3  for  $4.50  15.00 
CAPRICE.  S. — reddish  purple,  F. — deeper,  the  best 

“red,”  height  2  ft.  3  for  75c . .  2.75 

DALILA.  S. — white,  F. — reddish  purple,  most  dis¬ 

tinct  and  striking  in  color,  height  2  ft.  3  for  $1.25  4.25 

HER  MAJESTY.  S. — pale  coppery-pink,  darker  and 
heavily  veined,  most  effective  pink,  height  214  ft. 

3  for  75c .  2.50 

IRIS  KING.  Yellow  mauve,  strong  grower,  striking 

and  handsome,  height  2  ft.  3  for  $1.00 .  3.25 

ISOLENE.  Lilac-purple,  most  beautiful  and  yet  un¬ 
matched,  distinct,  sweet  scented.  Height  214  ft. 

3  for  $1.25 . .  4.25 

JACQUTSIANA.  S. — copper-crimson,  F. — maroon, 

extra  good,  height  214  ft.  3  for  $1.00 .  3.25 

LENT  A.  WILLIAMSON.  Lavender-violet,  very 

large,  luxuriant  grower,  314  ft.  3  for  $1.25  4.25 


GERMAN  IRISES— Continued 


LOHENGBIN.  Cattleya-mauve,  large  flowers,  vigor¬ 
ous.  3  for  75c .  2.50 

LORD  OF  JUNE.  Lavender  blue,  exceedingly  hand¬ 
some,  sweet  scented,  height  3  *4  ft.  3  for  $1.75 .  5.00 

MAGNIFICA.  Enormous  sweetly  scented  blooms, 

S. — violet-blue,  F. — reddish-violet;  yellow  beard. 

Distinct.  Height  3  ft.  3  for  $2.25 .  8.00 

MLLE.  SCHWARTZ.  Pale  mauve,  exceptionally  large 

flowers,  tallest.  3  for  $1.75 .  6.00 

MONSIGNOR.  S. — crimson  dotted  lavender,  inner 

petals  ivory,  F. — crimson  edged  lavender.  3  for  75c  2.50 

MOTHER  OF  PEARL.  Delightful  soft  lavender, 

branching  stem,  height  4  ft.  3  for  $1.75 .  5.00 

MRS.  ALAN  GRAY.  Mauve  and  Scarlet,  blooms 
second  time  in  August,  lovely  mass  effect,  height 

2i/2  ft.  3  for  $1.00 .  3.25 

PALLIDA  DALMATICA.  Large  pale  blue,  broad 

foliage,  sweet  scented,  height  3%  ft.  3  for  90c .  3.00 

PRINCESS  BEATRICE.  (True.)  Silvery  lavender 
blooms,  ideal  shape,  handsomest  of  all,  height  3  ft. 

3  for  $1.25 .  4.25 

PRINCESS  VICTORIA  LOUISE.  S.— pale  yellow, 

F. — rich  violet,  edged  cream.  3  for  75c  2  .50 

PROSPER  LAUGIER.  S. — bronze,  F. — crimson,  much 

admired,  height  2 y2  ft.  3  for  75c .  2.50 

PROSPERO.  S. — pale  lavender,  flushed  yellow  base, 

S. — reddish-purple,  lightly  shaded  margin,  orange 

beard,  handsome.  3  for  $1.75 .  6.00 

QUAKER  LADY.  Smoky  lavender,  falls  deeper. 

Much  admired.  3  for  75c .  2.50 

QUEEN  CATERINA.  Pale  lavender  violet,  white 
haft,  orange  beard,  handsome,  lasting  quality. 

3  for  $1.25 .  4.25 

QUEEN  OF  MAY.  S. — lilac,  F.— rose,  most  charming 

of  the  pinks,  handsome,  height  2%  ft.  3  for  $1.00  3.25 

REIN  NIXE.  S. — white,  F.— blue,  distinct  white 
edge,  vigorous,  good  habit,  free  flowering,  height 

2i/2  ft.  3  for  75c .  2.50 

SHERWIN  WRIGHT.  Golden  yellow,  vigorous 

grower.  3  for  $1.00 .  3.50 

SOUV.  de  MME.  GAUDICHAU.  Finest  rich  purple, 

fragrant,  fine  shape.  3  for  $2.00 .  7.25 

SWEET  LAVENDER.  S. — lavender  violet,  F.— rosy 

lavender,  ruffled,  six  spikes.  3  for  $1.75  6.00 

TROOST.  S. — rosy-purple,  F. — rose.  Remarkable  for 

its  color,  height  2  ft.  3  for  $1.75 .  6.00 

JAPANESE  IRIS  (Kaempferi) 

Plant  two  inches  deep  in  moist  acid  soils  with  sunny 
exposure,  during  June,  July  and  August. 


Alagoz — Dbl.  True  purple.  Inner  petals  white  tipped  pur¬ 
ple.  Large  flower. 

Azure — Dbl.  Immense  flower,  exquisitely  wavy.  Mauve 
blue  with  darker  halo  around  the  yellow  blotch  at  base 
of  petals. 

Bokhara — Sgl.  Phlox  purple,  yellow  blotch  in  center  edged 
blue.  Wavy  petals. 

Chutsai — Sgl.  Hortense  violet  veined  white.  Inner  petals 
phlox  purple. 

Daghastan — Dbl.  Rosy-red  veined  white. 

Gold  Bound — Dbl.  Pure  white,  one  of  the  best. 

Kha  Klian — Sgl.  White  suffused  blue,  purple  stigmas. 
Extra  fine  and  large. 

La  Favorite — Dbl.  Large,  fine  white,  freely  veined  blue, 
and  a  rich  purple  center. 

Mt.  Hood — Dbl.  Light  blue  shaded  darker.  Bright  orange 

Pyramid — Dbl.  Violet  purple,  veined  white  in  center  of 
each  petal. 

Repsime — Dbl.  Blue  veined  white. 

Yaraa  Yama — Sgl.  White  overlaid  blue.  Center  petals  white 
and  purple.  Crinkled  appearance. 

Price,  any  of  the  above,  50c  each,  S5.00  per  dozen. 


Strawberry  Plants 



BARRYMORE.  A  fine  midseason  to  late  variety  for 
growing  where  soil  and  climatic  conditions  are  in¬ 
clined  to  be  cool.  Its  beautiful  large  firm  berries 
are  bluntly  conical;  of  superb  quality  $7.00 

BIG  JOE.  Late,  ripening  at  the  same  time  as  the 
Chesapeake.  Very  large  and  productive.  In  flavor 
it  is  one  of  the  best;  firm  and  a  good  shipper. 
Succeeds  upon  almost  all  soils  and  under  all  con¬ 
ditions  . 8.00 

BRANDYWINE.  Berries  are  large,  firm  and  solid, 
excellent  in  quality,  with  fine  aromatic  flavor.  A 

vigorous  grower.  Midseason  to  late .  7.00 

BUSHEL  BASKET.  Winner  of  the  Barry  Gold 
Medal.  A  giant  in  growth.  Vigorous  and  healthy. 

It  is  enormously  prolific  and  the  fruit  is  of  high 
quality.  Mid-season  8.00 

CHESAPEAKE.  One  of  the  best  strawberries  grown. 

It  is  very  large,  of  fine  form,  as  late  as  Gandy  and 
in  flavor  ranks  with  “Marshall”  8.00 

EARLY  JERSEY  GIANT.  Extra  early.  Berries  very 
large,  scarlet-crimson  color,  has  mild,  wild  straw¬ 
berry  flavor.  Large  and  of  vigorous  growth  8.00 

GANDY.  The  standard  late  variety  by  which  all 
other  late  varieties  are  compared.  A  strong  com¬ 
pact  grower  with  large,  firm  berries  of  finest 

flavor  .  7.00 

GLEN  MARY.  A  superb  variety  of  large  size,  great 

productiveness  and  good  quality .  7.00 

MARSHALL.  One  of  the  richest  flavored  straw¬ 
berries  grown.  Always  the  leader.  Dark  crimson 
when  fully  ripe,  and  of  large  size.  Mid-season  7.00 

PREMIER.  A  grand  early  variety  very  productive. 

The  berries  are  large,  uniform  in  shape,  of  a 
glossy,  rich  red  color,  extending  clear  through  the 

berry  .  7.00 

ROYAL  SOVEREIGN  (True  Stock).  A  splendid 
variety  of  English  origin.  Berries  of  large  size, 
color  rich  crimson.  Royal  Sovereign  is  the  king 
of  all  forcing  strawberries  14.00 

(Continued  on  next  page) 


Strawberry  Plants 



SHABPLESS.  Berries  are  very  large,  irregular  in 
shape  and  of  good  quality.  One  of  the  best  for 

table  use.  Mid-season  .  7.00 

STEVEN’S  LATE  CHAMPION.  A  grand  variety, 
fruiting  very  late  in  the  season,  yielding  large 

crops  of  fine  berries .  7.00 

SUCCESS.  It  is  the  best  of  the  large,  early  varieties 
that  we  have  fruited.  The  plant  is  exceptionally 

vigorous  and  prolific.  Berries  bright  crimson .  7.00 

WM.  BELT.  Berries  of  large  size  and  good  quality; 
flesh  solid,  meaty,  deep  crimson  in  color.  It  be¬ 
gins  to  ripen  quite  early,  continuing  until  almost 
the  close  of  the  season .  7.00 

NOTE:  Varieties  not  mentioned  in  this  list,  we  can 
supply  at  advertised  prices. 


CHAMPION  EVERBEARING.  A  seedling  of  Superb, 
and,  like  it  in  many  respects,  though  it  is  more 
productive  and  the  fruit  is  larger  12.00 

MASTODON.  This  variety  the  past  season  produced 
more  fruit  and  larger  fruit  than  any  other.  It 
bears  continuously  from  June  until  freezing 
weather,  large,  decidedly  attractive  berries,  which 

are  of  simply  superb  flavor .  17.50 

PROGRESSIVE.  One  of  the  best  fall-bearing  sorts; 
strong  grower;  berries  round,  deep  crimson.  It 
begins  to  ripen  with  second  earlies,  bearing  fruit 
until  late  fa  1 1 .  9.00 


For  Protecting  Strawberry  Beds. 

This  we  can  supply  in  20  and  30-foot  widths, 
2-inch  mesh.  (One  lb.  contains  200  square  feet.) 
One  lb.  of  20-foot  width  will  cover  a  bed  of  20x10 
feet.  Three  lbs.  of  30-foot  width  will  cover  a  bed 
of  30x20  feet.  Lb.  $3.00. 


1- Qt.  Size,  Square  Shape,  100  $1.75;  1000  $16.00 

2- Qt.  Size,  Oblong  Shape,  100  2.75;  1000  25.00 

Hartland  Adv.  Service,  IS  4  T^assau  St.,  Hew  T or\