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Full text of "Roses new and scarce varieties : price list for the trade only, Autumn 1929 - spring 1930 / Somerset Rose Nursery."

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Do  not  assume  content  reflects  current 
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Price  List  for  The  Y 



New  and  Scarce  Varieties 

SEP  5  1929  r| 

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I  19  2  9 



Dame  Edith  Helen 

Somerset  Rose  Nursery,  Inc. 

Box  345,  NEW  BRUNSWICK,  N.  J. 

“ Growers  for  the  Trade  Exclusively ” 

A  Select  List  of 


All  Field  grown,  2'jear  budded  on  Multiflora 

We  try  out  most  of  the  newest  novelties  and  only 
offer  such  as  we  think  worthy  of  further  trial.  We 
have  tried  to  give  our  opinion  of  each  rose  as  it 
appealed  to  us. 


Angele  Pernet,  vivid  coppery  orange,  too  single, 
and  growth  leaves  much  to  be  desired . .  .50 

Aspirant  Marcel  Rouyer,  deep  apricot  yellow, 
vigorous  and  free  flowering,  rather  good . 50 

Bedford  Crimson,  very  full,  free  flowering 
crimson,  growth  is  moderate  and  spreading. 
Desirable . 75 

Cuba,  very  brilliant  orange  scarlet,  w'onderful 
color  but  too  single  and  too  fleeting . . 50 

Dame  Edith  Helen,  large,  very  double,  perfectly 
formed,  soft  pink  and  very  fragrant.  Growth 
vigorous  and  we  think  it  will  make  a  good 
addition  to  the  list  of  standard  sorts.  $6  per 
10;  $50  per  100 . 75 

Doris  Dickson,  orange-carmine,  fairly  vigorous 
and  an  attractive  flower .  .75 

Etoile  de  Hollande,  brilliant  crimson  red,  fine  in 
every  respect.  $6.50  per  10 ;  $60  per  100  .75 

Etoile  de  Feu,  full  double  salmon  flame,  vigor¬ 
ous  and  free  flowering ;  beautiful  glossy 
foliage  which  seems  quite  resistant  to  dis¬ 
ease  . 50 

Henry  Ford,  a  lemon  yellow  Independence  Day. 

Good . .50 

Irish  Hope,  rich  crimson,  maroon  shadings, 

attractive  .  .50 

John  Russell,  an  improved  H.  V.  Machin.  Not 
very  free-blooming  but  bears  striking  full 
double  flowers  of  a  rich  deep  crimson  .60 


Lady  Margaret  Stewart,  deep  yellow,  veined 
and  splashed  with  orange  and  scarlet.  Highly 
recommended  but  so  far  we  are  not  especially 
impressed  . 75 

Mrs.  A.  R.  Barraclough,  soft  carmine  pink,  very 
large  beautifully  formed  flowers.  The  bushes 
are  vigorous  and  free  flowering.  Worthwhile.  .60 

Julien  Potin,  the  golden  Pernet;  better  formed 
flowers,  more  freely  produced.  Good . 65 

Marion  Cran,  The  exquisite  shadings  and  tints 
of  this  rose  are  impossible  to  describe. 
Flowers  are  medium  in  size,  a  rich  yellow 
shaded  and  tinted  with  red  and  cerise.  A 
worthy  novelty . 65 

Margaret  McGredy,  very  vigorous  and  free- 
flowering;  deep  coral  red.  Seems  good . 60 

Mrs.  Erskine  Pembrcke-Thcm,  a  fine  free- 
flowering,  rich  yellow.  Vigorous  in  growth 
and  beautiful  healthy  foliage.  $5  per  10 . 60 

Mrs.  Henry  Bowles,  deep  salmon-pink,  well- 
formed  flowers.  Highly  recommended  but  we 
are  not  very  much  impressed . 50 

Mrs.  John  C.  Mensing,  a  lovely  shade  of  soft 
pink,  otherwise  in  habit  and  growth  like 
Ophelia.  $4.50  per  10 . 50 

Mrs.  Lowell  Swisher,  a  vigorous,  free-blooming 
salmon  pink.  Flowers  are  full  double  and 
quite  attractive.  $4  per  10 . 45 

Mrs.  R.  B.  Maloney,  large  loose  flowers  of  a 
rich  pinkish  carmine . 50 

Mrs.  W.  E.  Nickerson,  very  vigorous  and  free- 
flowering.  Well  formed  flowers  of  an  orange- 
yellow,  shading  to  a  rosy  salmon.  Would 
really  be  classed  with  the  pinks  but  it  is  good.  .50 

Norman  Lambert,  well  formed  buds  of  a  deep 
yellow  with  pencilings  and  shadings  of  a 
deeper  color.  Very  attractive.  $5  per  10 . 60 

Patience,  a  long  high-pointed  bud  of  deep  car¬ 
mine,  opening  to  an  immense  semi-double 
flower  of  a  rich  rosy  carmine .  1.00 


Pink  Pearl,  a  splendid,  vigorous,  free-flowering 
and  very  fragrant  rose  somewhat  similar  to 
Columbia,  only  it  produces  more  perfect 
flowers  than  that  variety.  $4  per  10 ;  $35  per 

100 . . . . . .  .50 

Rev.  Page-Roberts,  a  very  popular  deep  golden 
yellow  with  rich  shadings.  Could  be  a  little 
more  hardy.  $6.50  per  10;  $60  per  100 . 75 

Sir  David  Davis,  a  vigorous  very  free-flowering 
crimson.  The  flowers  are  well  formed, 
medium  in  size  and  are  very  freely  produced. 

We  recommend  it.  $4.50  per  10,  $40  per  100...  .55 

Orange  Perfection,  brilliant  orange  scarlet,  a 
striking  color.  It  does  well  in  the  garden 
giving  a  wealth  of  bloom  and  we  understand 
it  is  also  satisfactory  for  forcing.  It  has  a 
tendency  to  revert.  $4.50  per  10 ;  $40  per  100  .55 

Golden  Salmon,  pure  orange  scarlet,  very  sim¬ 
ilar  to  Orange  Perfection  and  almost  indis¬ 
tinguishable  outdoors  but  we  believe  it  does 
not  revert  quite  so  readily  and  has  slightly 
the  better  color.  $5  per  10;  $45  per  100 . 60 

5  go  at  10  rate,  for  less  than  5  of  a  variety  add  10  cents  to 
the  10  price  of  each  bush.  25  of  a  variety  go  at  the  100  rate , 
less  than  25  @  10  rate.  Assortments  of  10  of  an  item 
should  be  figured  at  the  10  rate. 

Terms  of  Sale 

Cash  or  references  from  unknown  parties. 

Packing  free  when  cash  accompanies  the  order,  other¬ 
wise,  at  cost. 

All  shipments  made  at  purchaser’s  risk.  All  orders 
taken  subject  to  crop  failure  or  conditions  beyond  our  con¬ 

Complaints,  if  any,  must  be  made  promptly  on  receipt 
of  shioment. 

QUALITY  means  your  satisfaction  and  that  of  your 
customers.- — We  give  you  that  quality. 

Somerset  Rose  Nursery 

Box  345  NEW  BRUNSWICK,  N.  J. 

u  Growers  for  the  Trade  Exclusively "