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*  FEB  3  19 

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y  CalifomiaGrown 


Flower  Seeds 

♦  ♦ 

W e  Present 

This  1931  Catalog  of  Specialties  in  Calif ornia~Qrown 
Sun^Ripened  Flower  Seeds 

To  Our  Flower  Loving  Friends 

W  T  IS  a  pleasure  to  present  this  bigger  and  better-illustrated  annual  catalog  for  the  ensuing  year.  It 
contains  several  new  and  greatly  improved  flower  seed  specialties,  which  we  are  offering  for  the  first  time. 
This  catalog  again  brings  to  you  the  opportunity  of  obtaining  seed  specialties  of  rare  flower  strains  which 
originated  many  years  ago  in  the  celebrated  Busch  Gardens,  showplace  of  Pasadena,  California. 

Our  seed  growing  and  distributing  organization  was  founded  by  R.  G.  Fraser,  creator  of  the  famous  Busch 
Gardens,  who  began  improving  flower  seed  strains  over  a  quarter  of  a  century  ago.  It  was  while  engaged 
in  the  planning  and  execution  of  the  Busch  Gardens  that  his  life  dream  was  realized.  A  wealthy  patron,  in 
sympathy  with  his  ideals,  supplied  him  with  unlimited  funds,  a  large  beautiful  tract  of  land,  and  a  capable 
staff  of  assistants.  With  this  opportunity,  R.  G.  Fraser  procured  the  finest  seeds  from  all  parts  of  the  world, 
and  brought  fame  to  the  Busch  Gardens,  which  has  made  it  a  household  term  all  over  the  world. 

It  was  from  this  parent  stock  in  the  Busch  Gardens  that,  by  isolation  and  selection,  he  developed  the  purity 
of  strains  which  we  have  sold  for  a  number  of  years,  known  as  “original  seed  grown  in  the  Busch  Gardens.” 
These  seeds  have  become  a  standard  of  excellence. 

In  order  to  take  care  of  the  ever-increasing  demand  for  Fraser  6?  Son  California  grown,  sun-ripened  seeds, 
we  have  brought  into  existence  “Mission  Gardens,”  within  the  shadow  of  the  aged  walls  of  the  old  San 
Gabriel  Mission.  That  we  have  maintained  a  high  standard  of  seed  production  is  evidenced  by  the  hundreds 
of  unsolicited  testimonials  we  have  received. 

Flowers  from  seed  are  really  more  appealing  than 

those  from  purchased  plants.  The  time  spent  in  waiting 
is  well  worth  while  when  the  array  of  beautiful  flowers 
is  seen  at  the  height  of  the  season. 


We  send  out  only  vigorous,  well-matured  Sun-Ripened  Seeds. 
We  will  guarantee  their  vitality  providing  you  will  carefully 
follow  our  cultural  notes  printed  on  every  seed  packet.  We  will 
refund,  not  to  exceed  the  purchase  price,  on  any  of  our  spe¬ 
cialties  that  do  not  show  a  fair  germination  within  thirty  days 
or  less  of  planting,  provided,  however,  that  we  are  notified  of 
such  failure  within  a  reasonable  time. 

Weather  conditions,  soil,  and  cultivation,  have  a  large  bearing 
on  the  successful  growing  of  plants  and  must  be  taken  into  con¬ 
sideration.  It  is  therefore  agreed  that  Fraser  &  Son,  Ltd.,  shall 
in  no  case  be  liable  for  more  than  the  actual  amount  paid  for 

R.  G.  Fraser,  California  pioneer  and  founder  of  Fraser  &  Son, 
and  creator  of  the  famous  Busch  Gardens,  is  recognized  as  one 
of  California's  foremost  authorities  on  flower  culture. 
Below:  A  section  of  our  seed  growing  establishment  at 
Mission  Gardens. 

Growers^f  Specialties  m  California  Grown FlowerSeeds 



/VjE  HAVE  originated  the  term,  “Sun-Ripened  Seeds.”  It  fittingly  applies  to  our  seeds  because  of  the  favorable 
VC/  ripening  weather  of  Southern  California.  Those  who  have  never  lived  in  Southern  California  would  be  interested 
in  hearing  of  the  long,  clear,  warm,  dry  summer  that  starts  early  in  May  and  lasts  through  October.  We  allow  our  flowers 
to  bloom  under  these  remarkable  conditions,  and  remain  in  the  pod  until  they  are  thoroughly  matured  and  dried  by  the 
health  giving  rays  of  the  sun.  Only  then  are  they  picked  and  carefully  packed  away. 

Actinic  Rays — Better  seeds  can  be  raised  in  Southern  California  for 
the  same  reasons  that  attracted  the  infant  moving  picture  industry  to 
this  locality  some  twenty  years  ago.  Chief  among  these  are:  1.  The  dry 
clear  climate  allows  more  actinic  rays  to  penetrate  the  atmosphere  to 
the  benefit  of  photographic  film,  or  the  health  of  the  plant;  2.  There 
are  more  hours  of  sunshine  here  per  year  than  in  any  other  suitable 
climate  in  America;  3.  In  sunny  Southern  California  there  are  no 
sudden  changes  of  temperature  to  make  the  production  of  hardy  seeds 
difficult.  When  summer  comes,  it  comes  to  stay — dry,  warm,  and 

Seeds  Always  Fresh — We  sell  our  seeds  DIRECT  TO  YOU.  There 
are  no  dealers  or  distributors  of  Fraser’s  flower  seeds.  This  is  quite 
an  advantage  to  you,  for  you  are  always  assured  of  receiving  only  the 
freshest  and  healthiest  of  seeds  at  all  times.  And  we  can  also  deliver 
to  you  our  genuine  flower  seeds  in  attractive  collections  at  very  low 
prices  (you  will  discover  this  for  yourself  on  looking  through  this 

Points  on  Ordering — (By  following  these 
few  simple  directions  you  will  help  us  to 
give  you  the  very  quickest  of  service.) 

O.  D.  Arp,  who  as  park  engi' 
neer  and  landscape  architect,  has 
devoted  many  years  of  his  life  to 
the  culture  and  display  of  fine 
flowers  in  garden  and  landscape, 
gained  his  early  experience  in  the 
Busch  Gardens. 

No  Variation — You  can  buy  Fraser  seeds  and  confidently  expect  cer* 
tain  uniform  results.  For  the  ideal  climatic  conditions  under  which 
they  are  grown  are  conducive  to  bringing  to  maturity  vigorous  and 
prolific  plants.  You  are  absolutely  assured  of  uniform  results  of  the 
highest  grade. 

This  Is  the  Time  to  Order — You  are  probably  planning  your  garden 
right  now  for  the  coming  season.  You  will  avoid  possible  delay  by 
making  your  selections  now  and  ordering  promptly.  Although  we 
have  to  prepare  more  seeds  for  each  year  to  handle  the  rapidly  grow' 
ing  demand,  and  although  we  have  a  large  stock  ready  to  fill  orders 
this  year,  we  have  no  idea  Just  what  varieties  may  prove  most  popular. 
There  is  just  the  possibility  that  you  will  order  seeds  that  will  prove 
more  popular  than  we  expected.  The  best  way  of  avoiding  disappoint' 
ment  is  to  order  early.  Place  your  order  with  us  inside  of  a  week  or 
two  and  you  are  sure  to  get  everything  you  request. 

D.  G.  Fraser,  a  close  student 
under  his  father  during  his  entire 
life,  and  for  years  in  charge  of 
experimental  work  in  the  Busch 

Please  use  the  enclosed  order  form. 

Write  your  name  and  full  address  on 
every  letter  and  order  you  send  us. 

Be  sure  to  order  by  correct  catalog 
number  to  eliminate  mistakes. 

Remit,  at  our  risk,  by  money  order, 
check,  currency,  or  draft.  (Please 
do  not  send  stamps.) 

Note:  The  prices  quoted  in  our  catalog  guar¬ 
antee  free  and  safe  delivery  to  any  part  of 
the  United  States,  Canada,  or  Mexico. 



/^AUR  California  grown  Sun-Ripened  zinnia 
H  /  seeds  produce  larger  gorgeous  flowers,  rich  in 
>-/  their  respective  colors.  Our  improved  strains 
are  known  everywhere  for  their  doubleness  and  size. 
Occasionally  the  first  flowers  appear  single  due  to 
some  local  cultural  condition,  but  as  the  plant  gains 
strength  they  will  produce  the  larger  doubles.  Do 
not  be  afraid  to  water  and  cultivate. 

Zinnias  Are  Easily  Grown 

There  is.  no  flower  of  the  garden  that  will  pay  a 
larger  dividend  for  the  small  amount  of  care  re¬ 
quired.  They  love  an  open  sunny  location  and  will 
do  well  in  any  ordinary  garden  soil.  They  will  bloom 
from  July  to  frost.  You  may  start  them  in  hot  beds 
during  March  or  sow  in  a  cold  frame  in  April,  or 
sow  them  in  the  open  ground  in  May.  When  sowing 
in  hot  bed  or  cold  frame,  prepare  seed  bed  or  box 
with  a  light,  loamy  garden  soil  for  best  results.  Sow 
thin  and  cover  about  inch.  Firm  gently.  Keep 
seed  bed  moist  (not  wet).  Zinnias  transplant  readily. 
Plant  12  to  18  inches  apart,  or  if  sown  in  the  open, 
thin  them  to  the  same  distances.  In  California  and 
southern  states,  excellent  results  may  be  had  by  sow¬ 
ing  in  the  open  as  late  as  June. 


from  Fraser’s 
SumRipened  Seeds 


New  1931  Purple  and  Qold  Combination 

( See  part  of  this  combination  illustrated  in  color  on  Page  4 ) 

/£|UR  new  Purple  and  Gold  Zinnia  blend  is  a  balanced  formula  of  our  Giant  and  Mission  purples, 
lavenders,  oranges,  and  several  beautiful  yellows,  which  have  been  selected  from  our  very  finest 
strains.  This  purple  and  gold  color  combination  will  produce  a  mass  of  flowers  in  most  beautiful  harmony, 
adding  a  brilliant  color  note  to  your  garden. 

It  was  this  same  combination,  blooming  in  our  trial  grounds  a  few  months  ago,  which  was  very  highly  praised 
by  the  many  people  viewing  it.  And  well  they  might!  For  these  are  the  most  gorgeous  zinnias  we  have 
ever  seen  in  our  many  years  of  experience  raising  them.  You  should  not  delay  for  a  day  ordering  these  seeds 
which  will  add  so  much  beauty  to  your  garden. 

New  1931  Purple  and  Gold  Combination,  No.  246 

Per  Pkt.  75c 

I  With  your  first  order  for  $5.00,  selected  from  this 
catalog,  we  will  include  without  charge  one  packet 
of  our  Purple  and  Gold  Combination,  No.  246 

1930  Combinations  in  Giant  Zinnias 

Last  year  this  collection  of  giant  zinnias  proved 
itself  to  be  our  most  popular  group,  judging  by  the 
unprecedented  number  of  testimonial  letters  re' 
ceived  from  all  over  the  United  States  and  Canada. 
Many  of  our  customers  have  written  that  the  tin- 
nias  raised  from  these  seeds  are  the  finest  they  have 
ever  seen.  Such  letters  make  us  proud  to  be  grow' 
ers  of  fine  flower  seeds.  We  feel  richly  rewarded. 
The  seeds  in  this  remarkable  collection  are  selected 
from  the  new  crop  of  seeds  from  twentyTour  of 
the  best  of  our  Giant  Mammoth  and  Balloon  types, 
and  are  grouped  into  separate  shades.  This  collec' 
tion  has  helped  to  make  Fraser’s  California'grown 
zinnias  admired  the  world  over  for  their  size  and 

Stuart,  Florida 
May  10,  1930. 

Fraser  Son, 

Pasadena,  Calif. 

Gentlemen : 

Last  summer  I  ordered  your  Special  Collection  and 
had  such  wonderful  results  with  them  that  I  want  to  tell 
you  about  it.  After  giving  about  half  of  the  small  plants 
away,  my  garden  was  a  riot  of  color,  many  of  the  plants 
growing  to  a  height  of  six  feet  and  the  blooms  to  a  diame¬ 
ter  of  from  six  to  eight  inches.  It  so  happened  that  there 
was  a  beautification  contest  being  held  in  this  county  and 
my  flowers  received  first  prize  for  the  best  zinnias. 


Elnora  M.  Krueger. 

Rose-Pink  Shades,  No.  240 . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Yellow-Gold-Orange  Shades,  No.  241 . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Scarlet-Crimson  Shades,  No.  242 . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Lavender-Purple  Shades,  No.  243 . Per  Pkt.  50c 

New  Salmon  Shades,  No.  244 . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Collection  Offer  No.  245 


All  five  of  the  above  packets  in  our  1930  combina¬ 
tion  for  $1.00 

Growers  of  California  Grown  Flower  Seeds 



Giant  California  Zinnias 

(Mammoth  Flowered  Type) 

lE  OFFER  this  wonderful  strain  of  seed  in  the 
following  selected  varieties.  These  giant  flow¬ 
ers  often  attain  a  size  of  six  inches  or  more  in 
diameter,  and  come  in  a  wide  range  of  brilliant 
colors.  Plants  grow  three  feet  or  more  and  the 
flowers  are  supported  on  strong  stems.  Fraser’s 
Giant  California  Zinnias  are  invaluable  for  the 
garden.  They  supply  a  dazzling  color  note,  and 
make  excellent  cut  flowers.  Very  easy  of  culture. 

Mammoth  Autumn  Glory,  No.  208 — Large  buff 
blooms  tinted  with  bronze,  and  lavender. 
Flowers  have  beautiful  reflex,  overlapping 
petals.  Extra  fine  stems  and  foliage  of  a  won¬ 

derfully  soft  shade . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Mammoth  Orange  King,  No.  210 — A  beautiful 
deep  orange  shade.  Reflexed  type.  Has 
strong  stem  and  fine  foliage ....  Per  Pkt.  25c 

Mammoth  Scarlet  Gem,  No.  211 — A  wonder  in 
size  and  depth  of  color.  Sensational  color, 
bright  scarlet,  with  petals  that  are  somewhat 
loose.  Has  fine  dark  green  foliage.  Pkt.  25c 
Mammoth  Rose  Queen,  No.  215 — An  immense 
deep  rose.  Reflexed  type.  Perfectly  shaped 
and  colored  flower.  Foliage  extends  well  up 
to  the  flower  which  is  carried  on  long  strong 

stems . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Mammoth  Pink  Perfection,  No.  216 — A  very 
beautiful  delicate  flesh  pink.  Extra  fine,  strong 
stems  and  luxuriant  foliage ....  Per  Pkt.  25c 
Mammoth  Purity,  No.  220 — Reflexed  petals  closely 
overlapping  to  make  an  enormous  pure  white, 
having  the  flat  appearance  of  a  mushroom. 

Good  stem  and  foliage . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Mammoth  Lemon  Queen,  No.  222 — Petals  loosely 
arranged  (similar  to  Scarlet  Gem)  to  make  a 
fragrant  magnificent  bloom  of  lemon-yellow. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 

Mammoth  Giant  Wonder  Mixture,  No.  223 — A 

mixture  of  the  seven  shades,  listed  above,  in 
the  one  packet.  Everyone  pronounces  this 
mixture  a  wonder  when  seeing  it  in  bloom 
in  our  Mission  Gardens . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Collection  Offer  No.  233 

All  of  the  above  25c  packets  in  separate  colors 
(7  packets)  for  $1.00 

from  Fraser’s 
SumRipened  Seeds 

California  Mission  Zinnia 

(Balloon  Flowered  Type) 

"T^HIS  zinnia  type  is  an  improved  strain  that  is 
noted  for  its  semi-globular  form  and  double- 
ness.  It  is  similar  in  habit  of  growth  and  size  to 
the  Giant  California  Zinnia.  It  is  an  unusually 
free  bloomer.  Our  seed  this  year  was  gathered 
from  the  finest  parent  plants  we  have  ever  grown. 

Mission  Crimson,  No.  165 — A  beautiful  bright 
rich  crimson.  The  flower  has  a  fully  rounded 
top  of  the  semi-globular  shape  which  char 
acterizes  our  balloon  flowered  group. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 

Mission  Golden  Trophy,  No.  166 — A  magnificent, 
perfectly  shaped  canary -yellow,  splendid  for 
exhibition  purposes,  excellent  for  cutting. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 

Mission  Orange,  No.  170 — A  striking  flower,  richly 
colored  with  a  deep  orange.  This  variety  is 
one  of  the  best  all  purpose  zinnias  in  the 

group . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Mission  Purple  Prince,  No.  172 — A  large,  distinc 
tive  purple  bloom.  Although  an  uncommon 
shade,  we  consider  it  a  winner  in  color,  size 

and  shape . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Mission  Lavender  Princess,  No.  177 — A  large 
flower,  very  full  and  perfect  in  form,  deep 
lavender  in  color.  Borne  on  splendid  stems, 
it  keeps  exceedingly  well  when  cut. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 

Mission  Pale  Moon,  No.  179 — A  large  flower  of 
unusually  fine  form  in  a  brilliant  sulphur  yel 
low  shade.  Slightly  lower  in  growth,  it  is  fine 

for  foreground  planting . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Mission  Scarlet  Beauty,  No.  181 — A  gorgeous  scar 
let,  splendid  for  mass  planting.  A  prolific 
bloomer  and  fine  cut  flower.  A  good  all¬ 
purpose  zinnia . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Mission  Grand  Mixture,  No.  184 — A  glorious  mix 
ture  of  all  seven  colors  of- the  above  groups. 
Very  effective  for  mass  planting  or  planting 
in  the  distance . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Collection  Offer  No.  192 

All  of  the  above  25c  packets  in  separate  colors 
(7  packets)  for  SI. 00 

Fraser  8C  Son,  Ltd.  i  Pasadena  y  Growers  of 


Double  Lilliput  Zinnias 

T^ote  the  contrast  in  size  between  the  Lilliputs  in  basket  and  the  three  Mammoth  Zinnias  at  the  base. 

N  IMPROVED  dwarf  Pom-Pom  Zinnia.  Excellent  for  cut  flower  and  basket  work  as  it  combines 
C/  1/  successfully  with  other  flowers.  Extra  strong  stems  will  be  produced  when  grown  in  rich  or  well 
fertilized  soil.  These  are  replicas  in  miniature  of  the  most  beautiful  double  giant  zinnias  grown,  in  both 
form  and  color.  Grow  them  this  year,  and  you  will  be  so  fascinated  you’ll  grow  them  each  succeeding 
season.  We  are  offering  Lilliput  Zinnias  for  the  first  time  in  a  wide  variety  of  colors.  You  will  get  best 
results  by  setting  them  quite  close  together.  They  are  fine  in  borders. 

Lilliput  Canary  Yellow,  No.  90 — A  brilliant  splash  of  color  for  the  border . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Lilliput  Golden  Orange,  No.  91 — One  of  the  most  colorful  oranges  you  have  ever  seen .  .  Per  Pkt.  25c 
Lilliput  Salmon  Rose,  No.  92 — A  most  unusual  zinnia  shade. 

Per  Pkt.  25c  rK>  All  of  the 

Lilliput  Scarlet,  No.  93 — A  dazzling  keynote  for  the  focal  .  II  separate  colors 

point  of  the  garden . Per  Pkt.  25c  Collection  jl  jn  ^gula,.  fuu 

Lilliput  White,  No.  9 4 — A  wonderful  companion  for  the  Offer  W  size  individual 

above  varieties . Per  Pkt.  25c  * j  qq  (j  packets 

Zinnia  Lilliput  Mixture,  No.  100 — A  well  chosen  blend  of  the  *  I  (5  packets) 

above  colors . 50c  #1.00 

Specialties  in  California  Grown  Flower  Seeds 


California  W ildfloivers 

Sun-Ripened  Seeds— California  Grown 

( C  lUR  California  Wildflower  Seed  Formulas  will  grow  anywhere  in  the  United  States  or  Canada  with 
the  most  ordinary  care.  They  have  been  proportioned  to  produce  a  succession  of  bloom  over  a 
period  of  many  months. 

California  Wildflowers  are  especially  adapted  to  beds  and 
areas  that  receive  little  or  no  care,  or  to  some  unused 
corner.  They  will  do  equally  well  in  shrubbery  borders, 
along  wooded  walks,  or  in  sections  of  the  garden  set  aside 
for  wild  or  natural  plantings.  They  are  also  very  effective 
when  sown  in  the  rock  garden.  Note:  A  plan  has  been 
recently  formulated  in  different  cities  to  plant  these  seeds 
in  vacant  lots,  as  they  thrive  well  under  almost  all  condi¬ 
tions,  and  dress  up  the  appearance  of  the  neighborhood 
considerably.  Plant  our  California  Wildflower  Formulas 
and  have  a  bit  of  California  floral  charm  in  your  own 

garden.  This  year  many  new  varieties  have  been  added  to 
all  our  formulas. 

Fraser’s  California  Wildflower  Formulas  are  superior  mix¬ 
tures  of  the  more  hardy  and  decorative  sorts  of  California 
wildflowers.  They  contain  Wild  Snapdragons,  several 
Lupines,  Baby  Blue  Eyes,  Wild  Coreopsis,  Indian  and 
Pink  Paint  Brush,  Evening  Primrose,  Tidy  Tips,  Wild 
Heliotrope,  California  Poppies,  Gilias,  Godetias,  Blue 
Bells,  Buttercups,  Blazing  Stars,  and  many  others.  Our 
California  friends  will  find  Fraser's  California  Wildflower 
collection  a  wonderful  gift  to  their  friends  in  the  Eastern 
states.  (Cultural  notes  on  each  packet.) 

Wildflower  Formula  No.  11 — California  Poppies  in  six  selected 

colors . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Wildflower  Formula  No.  22 — California  Wildflowers  in  a  general 

mixture  of  many  choice  varieties . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Wildflower  Formula  No.  33 — Six  selected  varieties  for  sowing  in 

partly  shaded  areas . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Wildflower  Formula  No.  44 — A  beautiful  blend  in  orange,  yellow, 

and  cream  shades . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Wildflower  Formula  No.  55 — A  mixture  in  blue,  purple,  and  lav¬ 
ender  colors . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Collection  Offer  No.  60 

IT  A  novel  collection  containing  one  packet  of  each 
li  of  the  above  formulas  (5  packets)  for  $1.00 

i  Pasadena  i  Growers  of 

Fraser  8C  Son, 



California  Wildflowers  «*?  *<&> 


HIS  is  a  distinct  novelty  indeed! 
of  native  color  from  California. 

California  Wildflowers.  Your  friends  will  all  be 
flowers  are.  They  will  afford  you  a 
world  of  pleasure. 

Be  sure  to  save  a  nook  in  your  garden  for  this  wonderful  display 
Many  delightful  colors.  Fragile  shapes.  Unusual  beauty 

wondering  what  these  bright,  dainty,  little 

California  Grown  Flower  Seeds 


Specialties  in 

Dahlias  -  from  Seed 

f-jIANT  pri^e-winning  dahlias  can  be  grown  the  first  year, 
as  easily  as  zinnias,  from  Fraser’s  Sun -Ripened  Dahlia  Seed. 
Experience  this  thrill  in  your  own  garden.  You  can  expect  the 
very  finest  blooms  in  size,  form,  and  color,  but  each  bud  will  be 
a  mystery  to  you  until  it  opens  its  face.  It  may  be  almost  any 
shape  or  color.  You  never  know,  when  planting  from  seed, 
what  kind  of  dahlia  will  result  until  it  opens  and  begins  to 
expand  to  a  gorgeous  full  blown  flower.  One  new  novelty  will 
more  than  repay  you  for  your  effort. 

Decorative  type 
seedling  from  our 
American  Beauty 

Fraser  8C  Son,  Ltd.  i  Pasadena  i  Growers  of 


Dahlias  *  from  Seed 

UR  early  flowering  dahlia  seed  is  grown  and  selected  from 
propagated  cuttings  taken  from  prize-winning  parents. 

These  prize  winners  (see  outside  back  cover)  were  originally  devel¬ 
oped  by  a  special  method  of  hybridizing  as  originally  practiced  in 
the  Busch  Gardens  by  R.  G.  Fraser,  resulting  in  the  phenomenal 
seed  strains  offered  below. 

The  strong  germinating  quality  of  Fraser’s  Dahlia  Seeds  is  due  to 
the  long  favorable  seed  growing  season. 

Cultural  Notes — Use  the  same  direction  for  sowing  seeds  as  given  for  zinnias  (see  page  4). 

When  sown  in  hotbed  or  cold  frame,  transplant  to  open  ground  in  May  or  after  danger  of  frost. 

Plant  from  18  to  30  inches  apart  in  a  sunny  location.  Plant  in  rich,  well  drained  garden  soil  for 
extra  large  flowers.  Use  bone  meal  fertilizer  and  plenty  of  water  when  plants  set  bud.  Good 
cultivation  will  aid  materially.  In  California  and  Southern  states  dahlia  seed  can  be  sown  in 
the  open  as  late  as  June. 

Ashdown,  Ar\. 
Hov.  4,  1930. 


...  I  ordered  a  packet  of  1 00  dahlia 
seed  last  March  from  you  and  I 
never  saw  such  fine  dahlias.  People 
came  every  day  to  see  them. 

Ashdown  Floral  Co. 

American  Beauty  Strain  (decorative  type),  No.  250 — Enormous 
blooms.  Floral  rays  rather  flat  and  loosely  arranged.  .Has  . 
a  wonderful  range  of  gorgeous  colors.  Striking  new  nov¬ 
elties  can  be  expected  from  this  seed . . . 100  seeds  for  $1.00 

California  Beauty  Strain  (show  type).  No.  262 — Large  double 
flowers  of  a  globular  shape.  Many  colors.  Floral  rays  are 

more  or  less  quilled.  Excellent  for  cut  flowers . 100  seeds  for  75c 

Pacific  Beauty  Strain,  No.  270— A  mixture  of  unnamed  novel¬ 
ties.  Many  marvelous  new  shades . . . 100  seeds  for  75c 

Collection  Offer  No.  275  IT  °ne  Packet  (10°  s.eedts)  °£aach  of  the  above 

u  strains  for  $2.00 

Athens,  Ga., 

Fraser  &  Son,  Oct.  29,  1930. 

Pasadena,  Calif. 


Last  spring  I  bought  100  dahlia  seed  from  you  (?Jo.  2 SO,  American  Beauty  strain) 
and  despite  the  drought  I  got  some  lovely  dahlias  from  them.  One  of  them  is  the 
loveliest  clear  rose  pink  I  have  ever  seen.  The  Jersey  Beauty  is  not  in  a  class  with 
it  in  color  or  formation.  ...  I  am  enclosing  newspaper  picture  of  me  holding  the 
beautiful  pin\  dahlia  grown  from  your  seed.  The  picture  was  ta\en  in  my  back 
yard.  Very  truly  yours, 

Mrs.  M.  P.  Broughton. 

Specialties  in  California 

Grown  Flower  Seeds 


A  ste 


from  Fraser’s 
Suri'Ripened  Seeds 

C/  F  YOU  have  ever  grown  asters 
you  will  agree  with  us  that  there 
is  a  mysterious  fascination  in  raising 
them.  Perhaps  it  is  the  individuality 
of  their  blooms  that  demands  this  re' 
spect  from  the  gardener;  or  perhaps  it 
is  their  beautiful,  delicate  shades.  Or 
perhaps  their  value  as  cut  flowers, 
vased  or  presented  as  long  stemmed 
bouquets,  has  a  lot  to  do  with  their 
popularity.  Mass  them  in  an  open  plot 
in  your  grounds.  We  are  sure  you  will 
be  richly  rewarded  for  the  care  you 
will  give  them. 

Grow  them  this  year  in  your  garden. 
We  would  be  interested  in  hearing 
your  story  of  how  you  were  caught  in 
the  spell  of  aster  culture. 

How  to  Grow  Asters 

Sow  the  seed  in  shallow  boxes  or  flats, 
using  a  light  loamy  garden  soil.  Sow 
thin  and  cover  about  V^'inch  thick. 
Firm  gently.  Keep  seed  bed  moist  (not 
wet) .  Keep  seed  boxes  in  the  house  or 
a  hot  bed  in  March  or  a  cold  frame  in 
April.  Transplant  seedlings  into  boxes 
or  pots.  Keep  in  cold  frame  until  after  danger  of  frost.  Then  transplant  to  their  permanent  location  in 
the  garden.  Plant  10  to  18  inches  apart.  Asters  may  be  sown  in  seed  boxes  in  March,  April,  or  May,  and 
can  also  be  sown  in  the  open  ground  in  May.  Asters  enjoy  a  rich,  well  dug  soil. 

California  Qiant  Asters 

fjjORGEOUS  cut  flowers.  These  new  Giants,  recently  introduced,  are  a  nondateral  branching  type. 
Cy  Plants  grow  to  three  or  more  feet.  Enormous  flowers  grow  on  long  strong  stems.  Five  lovely  colors. 

Giant  Blue,  No.  310 — Clear  asure  blue . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Giant  Pink,  No.  311 — Delicate  shaded  pink . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Giant  Purple,  No.  312  -A  rich  purple . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Giant  White,  No.  313— A  snow  white . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Giant  Rose,  No.  314 — A  deep  rich  rose . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Giant  Mixture,  No.  319 . Per  Pkt.  75c 

Fraser  8C  Son,  Ltd.  i  Pasadena  i  Growers  of 




from  Fraser’s 
SumRipened  Seeds 

Fraser’s  Plume  Aster 

O  ERASER’S  Plume  Aster  is  an  early  branching  type  with  unusually  long  flower  stems.  The  flowers 
C/  have  long,  graceful,  feathery  petals,  chrysanthemum- like  in  form,  often  growing  to  five  or  six  inches 
across.  A  very  continuous  bloomer.  This  is  an  improved  strain  of  the  “Ostrich  Feather”  type.  Plants 
grow  to  2-2]/£  feet.  Six  beautiful  colors: 

Fraser’s  Crimson,  No.  141 — Mellow  rose-crimson  tone . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Fraser’s  Rose,  No.  142 — A  bright  rose . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Fraser’s  Pink,  No.  143 — A  dainty  shell  pink . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Fraser’s  White,  No.  144 — Pure  snow  white . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Fraser’s  Lavender,  No.  145 — Gorgeous  lavender  blue . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Fraser’s  Purple,  No.  146 — Deep  violet  purple . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Fraser’s  Plume  Mixture,  No.  149 . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Collection  Offer  No.  150 

All  of  the  above  25c  packets  in  separate  colors 
(6  packets)  $1.00 

Fraser’s  Famous  King 

are  so  different  from  other  asters  as  to  almost  form  a  dis¬ 
tinct  class  of  their  own.  The  flower  is  of  great  sire  and 
substance  and  when  cut  lasts  a  longer  time  than  other 
asters.  The  flowers  are  composed  of  long  narrow  petals, 
beautifully  quilled.  Fraser’s  King  Asters  are  invaluable 
for  cutting.  They  are  needle  type  and  are  luxuriantly 
double,  and  upright  in  habit.  These  mid-season  asters 
grow  IT Zz  feet  high.  Fraser’s  King  Asters  are  far  supe¬ 
rior,  due  to  the  long  dry  season  in  which  all  Sun-Ripened 
Seeds  are  brought  to  maturity. 

Our  new  Pom-Pom  type 
American  Beauty  Asters 

NEW  double  dwarf  aster 
of  a  beautiful  old  rose 
shade.  Decidedly  different. 
Wonderful  for  border  and  mass 
planting.  Plants  grow  1-1  Yl 
feet.  Branching  habit.  A  nov¬ 
elty  of  our  own  introduction. 
Fraser’s  Pom-Pom  Old  Rose, 
No.  332 . Per  Pkt.  50c 



Specialties  in  California  Grown  Flower  Seeds 


O  -JfRASER’S  new  Rainbow  Asters  are  an  improved  strain  of  the  well  known  single  aster.  The  delicate 
O/  beauty  of  these  large  flowers  defies  description.  The  flowers,  much  larger  than  the  ordinary  single 
aster,  come  in  colors  quite  different  from  those  of  most  flowers. 

In  vases,  in  combination  with  other  flowers  or  by  themselves,  they  create  a  picture  not  to  be  forgotten. 
This  aster  is  a  most  charming  and  graceful  plant  that  is  worthy  of  a  place  in  your  garden.  It  will  do  well 
anywhere  that  asters  grow.  Follow  planting  directions  for  asters  as  given  on  a  previous  page. 

Rainbow  Pink,  No.  290 — A  delicate  flesh  pink . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Rainbow  Carmine,  No.  291 — Same  color  as  the  American  Beauty 

Rose . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Rainbow  Lavender,  No.  292  -A  beautiful  clear  lavender  of  a  remark¬ 
able  size . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Rainbow  Crimson,  No.  293 — The  brightest  of  all  these  asters,  an 

excellent  crimson  shaded  to  scarlet . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Rainbow  Rose,  No.  294 — Deep  rose  pink.  A  magnificent  flower,  fine 

for  basket  decoration . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Rainbow  White,  No.  298 — A  very  large  pure  white.  Will  blend 

beautifully  with  any  one  of  the  above  colors . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Rainbow  Blend,  No.  299  A  fine  mixture  of  selected  rainbow  colors .  Lge.  Pkt.  50c 


Collection  Offer  No.  300 


All  of  the  above  25c  packets  in  separate  colors 
(6  packets)  for  $  1.00 

Fraser  8C  Son,  Ltd.  i  Pasadena  i  Growers  of 


Delphinium  >££22+ 

OXRASER'S  Giant  Hollyhock-flowered  Delphinium — tall,  massive,  and  indescribably 
C/  rich  in  their  full  range  of  color  tones — excite  the  eye  of  the  gardener  who  seeks 
something  out  of  the  ordinary.  Our  long  dry  growing  season  permits  gathering  seeds 
from  the  finest  spikes.  You  are  sure  to  be  amazed  with  the  size  and  color  and  form  of 
these  glorious  flowers.  The  individual  flowers  are  well  distributed  along  tall,  graceful 
spikes.  They  are  giants  in  this  family  of  plants.  Fraser’s  Giant 
Hollyhock -flowered  strain  represents  a  great  advance  in  del¬ 
phinium  culture.  All  of  our  shades  have  received  an  ovation 
from  many  professional  growers. 

Complete  Color  Range  Mixture  of  Fraser’s  Giant  Hollyhock- 
flowered  Delphiniums,  No.  829 . Per  Pkt.  #1.00 


Improved  Double  Annuals 

C&HESE  Delph  inium-flowered  Larkspur  are  a  wonderful  all¬ 
round  annual.  No  garden  is  complete  without  them. 
They  make  handsome  beds  or  lines,  and  are  excellent  for  cut¬ 
ting.  This  is  a  vast  improvement  over  the  old-fashioned  types. 
Tall  lateral  branching.  Larger  double  flowers  are  held  on  strong 
long  stems.  Six  beautiful  shades  (cultural  notes  on  each 
packet) . 

Cultural  Note — Plant  in  well  drained,  deep  soil.  Seeds  sown  in  the  open  ground  before 
the  close  of  April  will  produce  flowers  from  July  to  frost. 

Double  Larkspur,  Salmon  Pink,  No.  858 .  Per  Pkt.  25c 

Double  Larkspur,  Rose,  No.  859 . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Double  Larkspur  Dark  Blue,  No.  860 .  .  .  Per  Pkt.  25c 

Double  Larkspur,  Shell  Pink,  No.  861 .  .  .  Per  Pkt.  25c 

Double  Larkspur,  Lilac,  No.  862 . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Double  Larkspur,  Sky  Blue,  No.  863 ....  Per  Pkt.  25c 

Double  Larkspur,  Mixture,  includes  all  above  colors, 
No.  864  . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Giant  Hollyhoc\'flowered  Delphinium 

Delphinium  Cultural  Note — Although  a  perennial,  if  sown  in  February  or  March  in 
shallow  boxes  either  indoors  or  hot  beds,  this  strain  of  delphinium  will  bloom  in  the 
autumn  of  the  first  year.  When  seedlings  are  l'inch  high,  transplant  to  flats,  about  four 
inches  apart.  For  the  finest  plants  be  sure  to  set  out  in  deep,  rich,  well  drained  soil, 
and  apply  plenty  of  water.  (Complete  cultural  notes  on  each  packet.) 

Collection  Offer  No.  865 

fAll  of  the  above  25c  Larkspur  packets  in  separate 
colors  (6  packets)  for  #1.00 

Specialties  in  California  Grown  Flower  Seeds 


Five  Beautiful  Summer  Annuals 
for  Every  Qarden 

SALPIGLOSSIS  (Gloxinia  Flow¬ 
ered),  No.  449 — This  is  a  new,  giant 
improved  type.  The  flowers  are  of 
a  velvety  texture,  and  beautifully 
veined  and  pencilled.  They  are  of 
very  easy  culture  and  are  profuse 
summer  producers.  If  you  do  not 
know  salpiglossis.  you  have  a  won' 
derful  treat  in  store  for  you.  ,  In  a 
rich  mixture  of  selected  varieties. 

Per  Pkt.  25C 

ERE  are  five  annuals  tlAt  you  must  include  in  this  year's 
^  garden.  They  ate  all  oW  easy  culture  and  bloom  through' 
out  the  summer.  You  will  find  each  packet  produces  flowers 
of  surpassing  merit — flowers  that  will  make  your  garden  one 
to  be  proud  of.  Purchase  them  individually  or  as  a  collection 
for  $1.00.  Or  you  may  obtain  this  collection  free  with  every 
$10.00  order  from  the  catalog.  Cultural  notes  are  given  on 
each  packet. 

SWEET  SCABIOSA  (Fairyland 
Mixture),  No.  459 — A  recent  im' 
provement  in  the  old-fashioned  pin- 
cushioned  flower.  Large  double 
flowers  are  produced  on  long  strong 
stems  in  a  beautiful  range  of  colors 
from  light  blue  to  deepest  red. 
Easily  grown.  Cultural  notes  on 

Per  Pkt. 





GAILLARDIA  (Indian  Chief),  No.  480 — 

An  unusual  shade  of  rich  coppery  red.  Blooms 
the  first  year  from  seed.  Very  valuable  in  cut 
flower  combinations  for  the  house.  May  be 

used  successfully  as  a  ground  cover 

Per  Pkt. 


Collection  Offer  No.  908 

All  five  packets  described  -|  QO 
on  this  page  for  !♦ 

Special  Free  Offer  No.[910 

Collection  No.  908  will  be  sent  free  of  charge  with 
every  order  for  #10.00  or  over  from  this  catalog. 

COSMOS  (Early  Pink  Cherokee),  No.  461— 
This  new  prolific  blooming  cosmos  can  be 
counted  on  for  a  wealth  of  flowers  during  the 
summer  months.  Blooms  50  days  from  seed. 
Of  medium  growing  height.  A  beautiful 
shade  of  pink.  Cultural  notes  on  packet. 

Per  Pkt.  25 C 

CALLIOPSIS  (Dwarf,  Mixed),  No. 
479 — The  dwarf  calliopsis  is  excel¬ 
lent  for  edgings  and  low  massed 
planting.  The  richly  marked  flowers 
come  in  shades  of  yellow,  orange 
and  mahogany.  Plants  grow  about 
1  foot,  and  are  of  very  easy  culture. 

Per  Pkt.  25 C 

Fraser  8C  Son,  Ltd.  i  Pasadena  i  Growers  of  Specialties 

California  Grown  Flower  Seeds 



Sweet  Peas  *xF:xd, 

C/y^HE  popularity  of  the  sweet  pea  has  grown  very  rapidly  since  the  introduction  of  the  Spencer  Type. 

Selection  and  breeding  has  developed  marvelous  varieties  of  larger  flowers  in  new  colors  and  beautiful 
forms  borne  three  and  four  and  sometimes  five  to  a  stem.  Our  climatic  conditions  and  a  long  growing 
season  are  most  favorable  for  producing  vigorous  seed  of  unusual  vitality  and  a  high  percentage  of 
germination,  a  fact  recognised  by  a  number  of  eastern  seedsmen,  who  grow  their  sweet  pea  and  other 
seeds  in  California.  We  offer  our  sumripened  sweet  pea  seed  in  very  choice  selections  of  both  the  early 
and  late  flowering  Spencer  varieties. 

New  California  Novelties  in  Frilled  and  Qiant  Types 

C7 r\) E  OFFER,  for  the  first  time,  a  choice  mixture  of  new  sweet  pea  novelties,  including  the  beautiful 
VJc/  frilled  types,  and  several  giants  of  unusual  worth.  Our  mixture  includes  six  individual  colors — in 
blue,  orange,  pink,  and  rose  shades.  These  are  early  flowering  varieties.  Try  this  mixture  this  year;  you 
will  appreciate  this  new  group  in  your  garden. 

Early  Spencer  Novelty  Sweet  Peas  in  Mixture,  No.  579 . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Collection  Offer  No.  525 

One  packet  each  of  our  Nos.  515,  516,  517,  518,  519,  and  520 
(6  packets)  for  #1.00 

Collection  Offer  No.  540 

One  packet  each  of  our  Nos.  530,  531,  532,  533,  534,  and  535 
(6  packets)  for  #1.00 

Early  Flowering  Spencer  Sweet  Peas 

excellent  strain  of  sweet  speas  will  flower  three  to  four  weeks  earlier  than  the 
Orchid  Type  when  planted  at  the  same  time.  In  eastern  states  sow  seed  in  March 
and  early  April  or  as  soon  as  ground  can  be  prepared  after  frost  is  out.  In  Cali' 
fornia  and  states  having  mild  winters,  sow  seed  in  August,  September  and  Octo 
ber  for  winter  and  spring  blooming.  (See  cultural  directions  on  page  19.) 

Early  Spencer  Aviator,  No.  515 — A  glowing  crimson . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Early  Spencer  Amethyst,  No.  5 16 — Large  royal  purple . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Early  Spencer  Eldorado,  No.  517 — A  new  orange . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Early  Spencer  Grenadier,  No.  518 — Brilliant  scarlet . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Early  Spencer  Zvolanek’s  Rose,  No.  519 — Giant  rose  pink.  .Per  Pkt.  25c 
Early  Spencer  New  Blue,  No.  520 — A  beautiful  deep  blue .  .  Per  Pkt.  50c 

Early  Spencer  Sweet  Lavender,  No.  530 — Beautiful  large  frilled  lavender. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 

Early  Spencer  Glitters,  No.  531 — Orange  cerise  shade . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Early  Spencer  Fair  Maid,  No.  532 — A  delicate  blush  pink.  .Per  Pkt.  25c 
Early  Spencer  Imperial  Pink,  No.  533 — A  large  clear  pink .  .  Per  Pkt.  25c 
Early  Spencer  Snowstorm,  No.  534 — Improved  large  pure  white. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 

Early  Spencer  Mrs.  Calvin  Coolidge,  No.  535 — A  lovely  salmon  pink. 

Per  Pkt.  50c 

Early  Spencer  Choice  Mixed,  No.  542 — A  perfect  mixture  containing  all 
of  the  above  12  colors  and  shades . Large  Pkt.  50c 

Fraser  8C  Son,  Ltd.  i  Pasadena  i  Growers  of 


from  Fraser’s 
SumRipened  Seeds 

Sweet  Peas 

Qiant  Orchid  Flowering  Spencer  Sweet  Peas 

C/aThIS  wonderful  new  strain  of  the  Spencer  Sweet  Peas  is  a  later  blooming  type,  maturing  about  three 
V_x  or  four  weeks  after  the  early  flowering.  The  flowers  are  very  large  and  often  attain  a  2 'inch  spread. 
They  are  beautifully  waved  and  frilled  and  usually  borne  in  fours.  We  recommend  them  for  eastern  states 
and  along  the  coast  of  California,  Oregon  and  Washington. 

Giant  Spencer  Tangerine,  No.  545 — An 
improved  glowing  orange. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Spencer  Defiance,  No.  546 — Won¬ 
derful  orange  scarlet.  Burnless. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Spencer  Warrior,  No.  547 — A  clear 

deep  maroon . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Spencer  Royal  Purple,  No.  548 — 
Large  rich  royal  purple.  .Per  Pkt.  25c 
Giant  Spencer  Fortune,  No.  549 — A  beau¬ 
tiful  rich  dark  blue . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Spencer  Pinkie,  No.  550 — A  mag¬ 
nificent  large  bright  rose  pink.  A  lovely 

variety . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Collection  Offer  No.  555 

One  packet  each  of  our  Nos.  545, 
546,  547,  548,  549,  and  550 
(6  packets)  for  $1.00 

Giant  Spencer  Heavenly  Blue,  No.  560 — 
A  beautiful  large  delphinium  blue. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Spencer  Supreme,  No.  561 — Soft 
delicate  pale  pink . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Spencer  Gold  Crest,  No.  562 — A 
light  orange  tinted  with  salmon. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Spencer  Wembley,  No.  563 — Lav¬ 
ender  shaded  with  pale  blue. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Spencer  Avalanche,  No.  564 — A 
great  glistening  white .  . .  Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Spencer  Mary  Pickford,  No.  565 — 
Very  large  dainty  cream  pink  suffused 
with  salmon.  A  lovely  variety. 

Per  Pkt.  50c 

Giant  Spencer  Choice  Mixed,  No.  572 — A 

grand  mixture.  All  of  the  above  12 
colors  and  shades . Large  Pkt.  50c 

Collection  Offer  No.  570 

One  packet  each  of  our  Nos.  560, 
561,  562,  563,  564,  and  565 
(6  packets)  for  $1.00 

Cultural  Directions — Select  a  rich  garden  soil  in  a  sunny  location.  Dig  out  a  trench  6 
inches  deep  by  12  to  18  inches  wide  and  put  to  one  side.  Fill  in  2  to  3  inches  of  well- 
rotted  manure  and  spade  thoroughly  another  12  inches  deep.  Then  replace  top  soil  and 
work  in  liberal  amount  of  bone  meal  6  inches  deep.  Thoroughly  soak  with  water. 
When  dry  enough  to  work,  open  a  small  trench  4  inches  deep.  Sow  seed  in  bottom  and 
cover  about  1  inch.  Fill  in  trench  gradually  as  the  plants  grow  until  ground  is  again 
level.  Seed  should  be  sown  1  to  2  inches  apart  in  the  row  and  thinned  to  6  inches,  as 
the  plants  begin  to  crowd.  Provide  wire  netting  support  as  soon  as  the  plants  show. 
They  like  plenty  of  water  and  cultivation.  After  plants  are  up  12  inches,  work  top 
dressing  of  sheep  manure  and  bone  meal  into  surface  of  soil  and  water  thoroughly. 
Repeat  every  three  weeks. 

in  California  Grown  Flower  Seeds 





from  Fraser’s 
SumRipened  Seeds 

CTWyHEN  Frasers  stocks  bloom  they  will  be  the  pride  of 
Vjt/  your  garden.  Enormous  pyramids  of  rich  gorgeous 
colors.  Multitudes  of  dainty  double  blossoms  overlap  each 
other,  and  press  together  to  load  the  stem  with  a  solid  mass 
of  fragrance,  charm,  and  beauty.  These  flower  heads,  in  turn, 
stand  together  almost  as  closely  as  the  blossoms  on  the  stems. 
Fraser  s  stocks  will  please  you  with  their  fragrance,  and  delight 
you  with  their  abundance  of  individual  flowers.  Stocks  are 
the  one  flower  you  certainly  MUST  have.  They  look  won' 
derful  in  beds,  make  splendid  borders.  You  can  transfer  their 
beauty  in  the  garden  to  the  interior  of  your  home  in  many 
ways,  as  stocks  may  be  used  most  successfully  as  cut  flowers. 
These  free-flowering  hardy  garden  annuals  will  grow  any¬ 
where.  They  will  supply  you  with  an  abundance  of  flowers 
from  early  June  until  late  November.  Be  sure  to  order  some 
of  these  Fraser’s  stocks  seeds.  They  are  sun-ripened.  Our 
strains  will  produce  a  high  percentage  of  doubles. 

California  Giant  Perfection 

C/^HIS  early  free  flowering  strain  is  in  great  demand  by 
florists,  because  of  their  high  percentage  of  doubles  and 
perpetual  branching  habits  of  growth.  They  are  especially 
desirable  for  cutting.  A  very  large  flowering  type.  In  six 
interesting  colors. 

Giant  Perfection  Terra  Cotta,  No.  762 — A  rose 

shaded  terra  cotta . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Perfection  Flesh,  No.  763 — A  beautiful 

light  pink . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Perfection  Red,  No.  7 64 — Brilliant  crimson 

red . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Perfection  Yellow,  No.  765 — This  beautiful 
canary  yellow  received  recognition  from  the 
Royal  Florticultural  Society .  .  .  Per  Pkt.  25c 
Giant  Perfection  Lilac,  No.  766 — A  fascinating 

silvery  lilac  shade . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Perfection  Violet,  No.  767 — An  interesting 

violet  shade . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Perfection  Mixture,  No.  769 — A  well  pro¬ 
portioned  blend  of  the  above  colors. 

Per  Pkt.  50c 

Collection  Offer  No.  770 

All  of  the  above  25c  packets  in  separate  colors 
(6  packets)  for  $1.00 

Cultural  Notes — For  summer  flowers  sow  in  seed  pans  or  flats  in  February,  March 
and  April,  or  in  the  open  ground  after  danger  of  frost.  Use  light  clean  soil.  Sow 
thin  and  cover  about  Vs'mch  thick.  Keep  moist  (not  wet)  and  provide  shading  until 
seed  is  sprouted.  Keep  seed  pans  or  flats  in  hot  bed  or  cold  frame.  Transplant 
seedlings  to  boxes  or  small  pots  when  about  l'inch  high  and  protect  from  frost.  (Do 
not  discard  the  smaller  seedlings  as  these  usually  produce  the  best  double  having  mild  winters,  sow  in  July,  August  and  September  in  boxes  or  the 

flowers.)  When  2/i  to  3  inches  high  plant  out  in  the  open  ground.  open  ground.  For  winter  flowers  in  greenhouse  or  pots  in  cold  climates 

For  winter  and  spring  flowers  in  gardens  of  California  and  other  states  start  in  July  and  August. 

Fraser  8C  Son,  Ltd.  i  Pasadena  i  Growers  of 


Early  Qiant  Imperial  Stocks 

Cz^THIS  wonderful  improved  strain 
is  invaluable  for  both  summer 
and  winter  flowering.  Fraser’s  Early 
Giant  Imperials  are  robust,  heavily 
branched  plants,  growing  to  2-2J/2 
feet.  The  strong  spikes  are  pro- 
fusely  covered  with  very  fragrant, 
large  double  flowers.  See  illustra- 
tion  in  color.  Sow  in  February, 
March,  or  April  for  summer  flower¬ 
ing.  In  California  and  other  states 
having  mild  winters,  sow  in  July 
and  August  for  winter  and  spring 
flowering.  (See  cultural  notes  on 
page  20.) 

Giant  Imperial  Blue,  No.  710 — A 
beautiful  dark  blue .  .  Per  Pkt.  25c 
Giant  Imperial  Red,  No.  711 — A 

fiery  blood  red . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Imperial  Pink,  No.  712 — A 
beautiful  light  pink .  .  Per  Pkt.  25c 
Giant  Imperial  Rose,  No.  713 — Per¬ 
fect  deep  rose  pink .  .  Per  Pkt.  25c 
Giant  Imperial  Lavender,  No.  714 — 
Pure  in  color,  very  fragrant. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 
Giant  Imperial  Golden  Rose,  No. 
715 — A  novelty,  light  golden  rose 

in  color . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Giant  Imperial  Mixture,  No.  716 — 
A  choice  blend  of  all  the  above 
Per  Pkt.  50c 

Collection  Offer  No.  720 

All  of  the  above  six  packets  in 
separate  colors  for  $1.00 

Double  Mammoth 

Beauty  of  Nice 

This  type  is  well-known  for  the  high 
percentage  of  double  flowers  it  pro¬ 
duces  in  the  most  delicate  shades. 

It  is  a  beautiful  early,  tall  growing  variety.  Although  these  stocks  are  classed  as  winter  flowering,  they  are  excellent  for 
summer  bedding  in  most  of  the  eastern  states  and  along  the  Pacific  Coast.  (See  cultural  notes  on  page  20.) 

Beauty  of  Nice  Flesh  Pink,  No.  735 — True  Beauty  of  Nice  color . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Beauty  of  Nice  Light  Blue,  No.  736 — Beautiful  azure  blue . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Beauty  of  Nice  Pale  Violet,  No.  737 — Light  violet  blue . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Beauty  of  Nice  Salmon  Rose,  No.  738 — Beautifully  shaded  in  salmon  rose . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Beauty  of  Nice  Almond  Blossom,  No.  739 — Very  delicate  shaded  variety . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Beauty  of  Nice  Monte  Carlo,  No.  740 — Canary  yellow . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Beauty  of  Nice  Mount  Blanc,  No.  741 — A  pure  white . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Beauty  of  Nice  Mixed,  No.  742 — A  mixture  of  the  above  colors . Per  Pkt.  50c 

„  ,T  __  ff  All  of  the  above  25c  packets  in  separate 

Collection  Offer  No.  750  (7  packets)  for  ^  00 

California  Grown  Flower  Seeds 



1  n 

from  Fraser’s 
Sun 'Ripened  Seeds 

Candytuft  (Umbellata  Type)  Fine  for  Cutting 

V^INCE  the  begin' 
vv  ning  of  gardens 
candytuft  has  held 
its  place  among  an' 
nuals.  For  edgings 
and  in  borders,  they 
are  indispensable. 
Candytufts  are 
amazingly  prolific 
with  their  flowers. 
Fraser’s  Umbellata 
type,  in  particular, 
form  almost  a  solid 
carpet  of  color. 

For  early  flowering 
they  may  be  started 
in  a  hot  bed  in 
March.  Successive 
sowings  outdoors, 
made  in  May  and 
June,  produce  flow' 
ers  for  the  late  gar- 
den.  Choose  a  sunny 
location  and  a  well- 
limed  soil. 


Double  Wallflowers 

is  a  new  double  Wall- 
'^flower  that  blooms  six 
months  from  sowing.  Grows  to 
2/l  feet.  Very  fragrant.  Long- 
stemmed,  well  suited  for  cut¬ 
ting.  In  a  beautiful  range  of 
rich  hues  of  yellow,  brown,  and 

Sow  in  March  and  April  in  flats 
or  hot  bed  and  set  out  in  well 
prepared  ground,  after  danger 
of  frost. 

Wallflower,  annual  mixture, 
No.  879  . 50c 

Candytuft  ( Umbellata  Type ) 

Exceptionally  fine  for  the  foreground  of  borders,  in  rock¬ 
eries,  or  in  small  corners  in  the  garden.  Grow  to  about 
1  ft.  In  six  separate  colors. 

Candytuft,  Flesh  Pink,  No.  422 .  .  Per  Pkt.  25c 

Candytuft,  Lavender,  No.  423 .  .  .  Per  Pkt.  25c 

Candytuft,  Rose,  No.  424 . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Candytuft,  Carmine,  No.  425  ....  Per  Pkt.  25c 

Candytuft,  Crimson,  No.  426 _ Per  Pkt.  25c 

Candytuft,  White,  No.  427 . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Candytuft,  Mixed,  No.  429  . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Collection  Offer  No.  430 

All  of  the  above  25c  packets  in  separate  colors 
(6  packets)  for  #1.00 

Candytuft  (  Qiant  Hyacinth  Flowered  ) 

This  variety  grows  to  about  lJ/2  feet,  carrying  enormous 
trusses  of  white  blooms.  Fraser’s  Giant  Hyacinth  flow¬ 
ered  Candytuft  is  from  a  very  superior  strain  of  seed. 

Giant  Hyacinth  Flowered,  White, 

No.  435  . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Fraser  8C  Son,  Ltd.  i  Pasadena  i  Growers  of 


Mammoth  Flowered 


C6HE,  most  magnificent  types  of  all  petunias.  The  improved  strains  which  we  offer  on  this  page  are  a 
striking  departure  from  the  plain  old-fashioned  sorts.  The  day  of  drab  colored  petunias  has  gone. 
These  are  indescribably  beautiful.  Many  have  bright,  exotic  markings  contrasted  vividly  against  the  soft 
texture  and  the  delicate  tone  of  the  flower.  The  mammoth  deep  throated .  single  flowers  are  charmingly 
fringed,  ruffled,  and  frilled.  These  flowers  sometimes  grow  to  five  inches  across,  and  are  veined  and 
pencilled  in  many  bright  colors. 

Frilled  Giants,  No.  580 — New  Novelties.  Im¬ 
mense  single  flowers  in  crimson,  scarlet,  car¬ 
mine,  white,  and  pink  shades.  Deep  colored 
throats  ranging  from  golden  to  maroon. 

Beautifully  fringed  edges . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Dwarf  Giants,  No.  595 — New.  Enormous  flowers 
of  the  ruffled  and  fringed  type.  Beautifully 
blotched  and  veined;  plants  dwarf  (see  photo¬ 
graph  at  bottom  of  page)  .  Per  Pkt.  $1.00 

Collection  Offer  No.  600 

Petunia  Culture — Prepare  soil  for  seed  bed  by  mixing  two  parts  good, 
light,  clean  soil  or  leaf  mold  with  one  part  sand.  Use  no  fertilizer; 
sift  through  fine  screen.  Put  this  mixture  into  seed  pans  or  flats  and 
press  down  firmly  and  evenly  within  1  inch  of  top.  Water  thoroughly. 
Allow  soaked  soil  to  drain  well.  Then  sprinkle  seed  evenly  on  this 
surface.  Press  seed  lightly  with  a  flat  block  of  wood  and  barely  cover 
with  a  light  sifting  of  sand.  Dust  new  sown  seed  bed  lightly  with 
fine  charcoal  or  sulphur  to  prevent  fungi  and  damping  off.  Keep  seed 
bed  moist  (not  wet)  by  lightly  sprinkling  with  a  very  fine  spray,  and 
only  when  necessary.  Cover  pans  or  flats  with  a  pane  of  glass,  and 

California  Giants,  No.  585 — The  largest  of  all  sin¬ 
gle  petunias.  Marvelous  shades.  Deep  wide 
open  throats.  Petals  waved  and  frilled.  Beau¬ 
tifully  veined . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Ruffled  Giants,  No.  590 — Very  choice.  Flowers 
beautifully  ruffled  and  frilled  of  heavy  tex¬ 
ture.  Ruffles  often  overlap,  giving  appear¬ 
ance  of  a  double  flower.  Most  pleasing  colors. 

Per  Pkt.  50c 

All  of  the  four  packets  listed  above 
for  $2.00 

protect  from  sun  by  shading  with  paper.  Seed  pans  or  flats  should-, 
be  kept  in  a  warm  location  (about  60  degrees)  and- well  ventilated^ 
during  germination  period.  They  will  sprout  in  about  10  days. 

When  the  seedlings  have  developed  four  or  five  leaves,  .transplant  into 
small  pots  or  flats,  and  keep  in  a  hot  bed  or  cold  frame,  or  outside t 
if  danger  of  frost  is  over.  Save  all  the  weakest^  looking  plants  as  they, 
usually  develop  the  finest' flowers.-  When  two  or  three  inches  high, 
transplant,  into  larger  pots  or  into,  the  garden.  In  eastern  states 
petunia  seed  may  be  sown  from  February  to  May;,  in  California  to 
June.  Handle  your  petunia  seed  packets  carefully  as  the  seed  is  very 
fine  and  quite  expensive. 


from  Fraser’s 
SumRipened  Seeds 


yj  ND  snapdragons,  of  course!  What  garden  is 
worthy  of  being  called  a  garden  without  some  of 
these  fierce  faces  with  snarling  lips  curled  back  and 
fuzzy  glistening  tongues.  Diminutive  .  .  .  but  what 
roguish  wags  they  are!  Press  the  sides  of  their  jaws; 
watch  tiny  mouths  flash  open  to  relieve  the  stern  set 
of  their  faces  in  a  big  hearty  laugh.  What  jolly  com¬ 
panions!  Their  laugh  will  brighten  up  even  your 
gloomiest  mood. 

Plant  them  in  borders  along  your  walks,  or  bed  them 
in  some  happy  spot  where  they'll  get  plenty  of  the 
sun  they  love  so  much. 

As  cut  flowers  they'll  give  a  new  air  of  charm  to  the 
living  room  or  bedroom.  You  can  choose  between 
many  glorious  colors.  The  spikes  will  come  in  vari¬ 
ous  lengths.  No  two  snapdragons  are  exactly  alike. 

New  Qiant  Snapdragons 

{ Antirrhinum  Maximum } 

'•'(O  HIS  wonderful  new  strain  is  superior  to  any- 
thing  yet  introduced,  and  will  prove  a  revela¬ 
tion  to  those  who  know  only  the  ordinary  garden 
snapdragon.  They  grow  to  four  feet  high.  The  im¬ 
mense  flowers  of  beautiful  texture  are  closely  set  on 
long  graceful  stems. 

Giant  Apple  Blossom,  No.  810 — Soft  apple  blossom 
pink  with  yellow  lip  and  white  markings.  Solid 

spikes  of  magnificent  flowers . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Giant  Canary  Bird,  No.  811 — Beautiful  bright  canary 
yellow.  Excellent  cut  flowers ....  Per  Pkt.  50c 
Giant  Copper  King,  No.  812 — Rich  bronze  scarlet, 
showing  a  rich,  velvety  sheen ....  Per  Pkt.  50c 
Giant  Old  Gold,  No.  813 — Pure  golden  yellow.  A 

most  effective  color . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Giant  Purple  King,  No.  814 — Deep  reddish  purple 
or  garnet.  A  very  striking  color.  .Per  Pkt.  50c 
Giant  Snowflake,  No.  815 — Wonderful  cream  white 
of  soft  texture.  Massive  spikes.. Per  Pkt.  50c 

Giant  Rose,  No.  816 — Flowers  of  extraordinary  size 

of  clear  rose-pink . Per  Pkt.  50c 

Giant  Snapdragon  Mixed,  No.  821 — All  the  above 
colors  mixed  in  1  packet  for . #1.00 

Collection  Offer  No.  820 

All  of  the  above  50c  full  size  packets 
(7  packets)  for  #2.00 

New  Los  Angeles  Maximum 

HIS  marvelous  new  color,  a  beautiful 
V_7  salmon-rose — identical  in  color  to  the  fa¬ 
mous  Los  Angeles  Rose — has  never  before 
been  obtained  in  the  Maximum  Antirrhinum. 
It  combines  a  beautiful  shade  of  salmon  with 
Begonia  Rose.  It  is  sure  to  create  a  sensation 
in  your  garden.  It  is  a  vigorous  grower. 

No.  825 - Per  Pkt.  #1.00;  6  Pkts.  for  #5.00 


One  of  our  growing  fields  ( Snapdragons ) 

Medium  Snapdragons  ( Large  Flowering ) 

CZlHIS  popular  group  is  most  valuable  for  bedding  purposes.  The  plant  is  more  compact  in  habit  and  will  grow  IJ/2 
to  2  feet  high.  Very  free  flowering.  The  flowers  are  closely  set  on  good  spikes. 

Medium  Pink  Perfection,  No.  640 — Beautiful  Hermosa  Medium  Silver  Pink,  No.  643 — A  magnificent  pearly 

pink  suffused  salmon . Per  Pkt.  25c  pink.  A  clear  delicate  color . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Medium  Empress,  No.  641 — Rich  velvety  crimson.  Bril-  Medium  Defiance,  No.  644 — Rich  orange  scarlet. 

liant  shade  . Per  Pkt.  25c  Per  Pkt.  25c 

Medium  Carmine  Queen,  No.  642 — A  very  bright  rose  Medium  Prima  Donna,  No.  645 — A  beautiful  terra  cotta 

carmine . Per  Pkt.  25c  pink.  White  marking . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Medium  Snapdragon,  Mixed,  No.  649 — Containing  all 
the  above  six  colors . Lge.  Pkt.  50c 

Collection  Offer  No.  650  All  the  above  six  25c  packets  for  $1.00 

Tally  Large  Flowering  Snapdragons 

(HIS  strain  will  grow  2 /i  to  3  feet.  They  are  excellent  for  bedding.  The  individual  flowers  are  very  large  and  some¬ 
what  loosely  set  on  beautiful  long  spikes.  Exceptionally  fine  for  cutting.  We  offer  a  very  choice  selection  of  six 


Tall  Cardinal,  No.  625 — A  dazzling  scarlet,  very  rich  in 

depth  of  color.  Long  spikes . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Tall  Coral  Rose,  No.  626 — Beautiful  shade  coral  rose. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 

Tall  Harmony,  No.  627 — Terra  cotta  orange  shaded  rose. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 
Tall  Snapdragons,  Mixed, 

above  six  colors . 

Tall  Pink  Venus,  No.  628 — A  delicate  flesh  pink  with 

white  marking . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Tall  Rose  King,  No.  629 — Deep  rose  color  clear  through. 

One  of  the  finest  in  this  group . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Tall  Torchlight,  No.  630 — Bright  orange  with  a  yellow 

]>P . Per  Pkt.  25c 

.  634 — Containing  all  the 
. Lge.  Pkt.  50c 

Collection  Offer  No.  635 

All  the  above  six  25c  packets  for  $1.00 

in  California  Grown  Flower  Seeds 




from  Fraser’s 
SumRipened  Seeds 

New  Annual  Hollyhocks 

/£|UR  Hollywood  Star  strain  blooms  the  first  year  from  seed.  The  large  single 
y  J  and  semi- double  flowers  are  beautifully  fringed,  and  come  in  many  soft 
art  shades.  Blooming  over  a  longer  period  than  the  perennial  variety,  this  new 
hollyhock  is  a  valuable  acquisition  for  the  gardener  who  appreciates  an  effective 
landscape  setting.  Sow  indoors  in  March  and  April  and  transplant  where  wanted 
after  danger  of  frost. 

Annual  Hollyhocks,  Hollywood  Star,  Mixed  Colors,  No.  889,  Per  Pkt.  50c 


their  “ever' 
lasting”  cut  flow' 
er  qualities,  these 
pretty  and  color' 
ful  flowers  are 
steadily  increas' 
ing  in  popularity. 
Grow  them  in 
the  sun  in  almost 
any  soil.  Plants 
grow  \/i  ft.  tall, 
and  flower  from 
July  to  frost. 

To  make  a  per- 
manent  bouquet, 
cut  the  flowers  early  in  the  morning  and  hang 
upside  down  until  thoroughly  dry.  They  may 
be  dyed,  if  desired.  Fraser’s  helichrysum  are 
an  improvement  on  the  older  varieties.  The 
flowers  are  quite  double  and  come  in  a  wide 
range  of  colors. 

California  Strawflowers,  light  shades,  No.  917, 
Per  Pkt.  25c 

California  Strawflowers,  deep  shades,  No.  918, 
Per  Pkt.  25c 

California  Strawflow  ers,  general  mixture  of  all 
shades,  No.  919 . Per  Pkt.  50c 

California  Strawflowers 


( California  Straw  Flower ) 

Fraser  8C  Son,  Ltd.  i  Pasadena  /  Growers  of 



from  Fraser’s 
Sun-Ripened  Seeds 

New  Qiant  African  Marigolds 

French  Marigolds 

Ramona,  No.  377 — Tall  French  single  marigold.  Strikingly  beautiful.  In 

rich  mahogany  shades,  edged  with  gold . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Fraser’s  Golden  Wave,  No.  379 — Tall  French  doubles.  Beautifully  striped  in 
gold,  orange,  and  brown  combination.  Grows  2J/2  to  3  feet  high.  Very 

striking  flowers,  often  2  inches  or  more  across . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Fraser’s  Parisian  Wave,  No.  380 — A  compact  plant  bearing  dwarf  French 
doubles.  Excellent  for  borders  or  pot  plants.  Mahogany  brown  with 
velvety  golden  stripes.  Very  profuse  bloomers . Per  Pkt.  25c 

,  XT  HE  finely  cut,  bright  green  foliage,  and 
the  brilliant  displays  of  orange  and  yellow 
make  African  Marigolds  invaluable  for 
mass  and  border  planting.  These  flowers  have 
an  important  place  in  every  garden.  Fraser’s 
seed  is  from  improved  marigold  strains  only. 

Marigolds  are  valuable  for  their  long  blooming 
period,  producing  a  wealth  of  flowers.  And  they 
are  of  very  easy  culture.  For  early  flowers,  sow 
in  hot  bed  during  March,  or  a  cold  frame  in 
April,  and  transplant  to  the  open  ground  in 
May.  In  California  and  states  of  similar  climate, 
marigolds  can  also  be  sown  in  August  for  late 
fall  and  early  winter  flowers. 

Giant  Orange,  No.  397 — Enormous  rich  golden 
orange  flowers  of  the  quilled  type,  4  to  5 
inches  across.  Globular  in  form,  will  grow 

three  feet  high  or  more . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Giant  Yellow,  No.  398 — Same  in  size  and  form 
as  Giant  Orange  listed  above,  but  of  a  pure 

lemon  yellow  color . Per  Pkt.  25c 

New  Giant  Perfection  Orange,  No.  399 — This 
new  orange  marigold  has  come  100%  dou¬ 
ble  for  the  past  two  years ....  Per  Pkt.  50c 


Bonfire,  No.  895 — A  brilliant  flame  colored  foliage  plant. 
The  top  of  the  plant  is  a  veritable  burst  of  flame.  So 
easily  and  quickly  grown  from  seed  and  so  highly  orna¬ 
mental  you  will  miss  much  by  not  having  it  in  your 
garden.  For  large  mass  bedding,  or  scattered  plant¬ 
ings  in  the  background,  or  shrubbery  borders,  it  is 
beautiful  beyond  description . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Special  Collection  Offer  No.  900 

One  each  of  all  the  25c  packets  on  this  page,  $1.00 

Specialties  in  California 


Grown  Flower  Seeds 


from  Fraser’s 
SumRipened  Seeds 

OJVRASER’S  Calendula 
C/  seed  will  produce  for 
you  the  most  faithful  flowers 
in  your  garden.  These  plants 
are  exceedingly  generous  with 
their  blooms  and  will  border 
your  beds  with  a  mass  of  ex- 
otic  flaming  color,  and  will 
keep  your  home  supplied  with 
cut  flowers  from  early  summer 
until  after  frost.  You  can 
count  on  successful  flowers 
every  time  you  plant  these 
sun-ripened  seeds.  Do  not 
confuse  these  flowers  with  the 
calendulas  grandmother  raised, 
for  they  are  much  larger  and 
well  variegated  as  to  size  and 

Calendulas  will  thrive  in  al¬ 
most  any  soil,  on  the  minimum 
of  care.  They  offer  you  as 
much  for  your  time  and  effort 
as  any  other  flower  in  the  gar¬ 
den.  They  are  valuable  for 
bordering  and  desirable  for 
pot  culture. 

T op — Improved  Yellow;  Center — Improved  Orange;  Bottom — Sensation 

Improved  Orange,  No.  410 — A  rich  golden  orange.  Large 

double  flowers . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Improved  Yellow,  No.  411 — Large  pure  lemon  yellow . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Sensation,  No.  414 — Brilliant  orange.  An  exceptionally  fine  and  large 

flower  with  dark  center,  uniformly  double . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Ball’s  Gold,  No.  415 — Wonderful  golden  yellow . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Radio,  No.  416 — Quilled  orange.  A  startling,  comparatively  new 

variety  . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Golden  Splendor  Mixture,  No.  420,  including  the  above  and  several 

striped  varieties . Lge.  Pkt.  50c 

-  ,  .  _  „  IT  All  of  the  above  25c  packets  in  separate  colors 

Collection  Offer  No.  421  |[  (5  pack<T)  for  ?1.00 

i  Pasadena 

Fraser  8C  Son,  Ltd. 


i  Growers  of 


from  Fraser’s 
Sun-Ripened  Seeds 

L>  J<EW  gardeners  know  that  when  cut 
Cy  in  the  early  morning  before  the  buds 
are  open,  these  flowers  are  wonderful  for 
cutting.  Fraser’s  California  Poppies  can 
easily  be  grown  in  your  own  garden,  and 
are  a  vast  improvement  over  the  native 
golden  poppy.  They  are  extra  large  and 
come  in  many  beautiful  colors;  some  are 
gracefully  frilled  and  fluted;  others  are 
single  tulip  shape  or  double.  The  lace-like 
silvery  foliage  is  truly  charming.  This  year 
we  have  added  several  fine  varieties  to  our 
formulas.  You  have  a  new  experience  in 
store  for  you  if  you  have  never  raised  these 
improved  Fraser  poppies. 

Cultural  Notes — Poppies,  being  of  very 
easy  culture,  will  grow  in  any  garden  soil. 
As  they  do  not  transplant  readily,  they 
should  be  planted  where  you  want  them 
to  bloom.  Sow  in  rows  18  inches  apart,  or 
broadcast.  Thin  to  8  inches  apart.  Sow 
in  April  or  May  in  the  eastern  states.  In 
California,  poppies  can  be  sown  from  Octo¬ 
ber  to  March.  Keep  old  flowers  picked  for 
a  color  sheet  of  continuous  bloom. 

Poppy  Scarlet  Blend,  No.  485 — Including  a 
new  deep  scarlet  of  the  tulip-flowered 

type  . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Poppy  Orange  Blend,  No.  486 — Beautiful 
fluted  and  double  types  in  rich  orange. 

Per  Pkt.  25c 

Poppy  Crimson  Blend,  No.  490 — Rich 
crimson  shades,  including  a  fluted 
type  . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Poppy  Yellow  Blend,  No.  493 — New  fringed  yellow  and  yellow 

shades . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Poppy  White  Blend,  No.  497 — Large  single  and  double  varieties  in 

white  . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Poppy  Pink  Blend,  No.  499 — Bright  and  delicate  shades  of  pink ....  Per  Pkt.  25c 

Poppy  Carmine  Blend,  No.  504 — Deep  carmine  shades  including  a 

lovely  frilled  type . Per  Pkt.  25c 

Poppyland  Formula,  No.  506 — A  glorious  blend  of  12  choice  colors .  .  Lge.  Pkt.  50c 

Collection  Offer  No.  509 
Collection  Offer  No.  510 

fYour  choice  of  any  three  of  the  25c  packets  listed 
above  for  50c 

fAll  of  the  25c  packets  in  separate  blends  listed  above 
(7  packets)  for  $1.00 

California  Grown  Flower  Seeds 

Specialties  in 


Our  Customers  Page 

£7yjRING  the  course  of  a  year  it  is  our  extreme  pleasure  to  receive  hundreds  of 
unsolicited  letters  from  our  many  flower-loving  friends  throughout  the  United 
States  and  Canada.  Most  of  these  letters  are  aglow  wih  encouraging  praise  for 
Fraser’s  Sun-Ripened  Seeds,  their  growing  qualities,  and  prize-winning  results.  Some 
of  the  letters  request  gardening  advice  and 
technical  information.  All  such  communica¬ 
tions  are  joyfully  received,  thoroughly  read 
and  gratefully  acknowledged.  You,  too,  write 
us  if  you  have  questions  to  be  answered  or 
desire  help  in  your  gardening  problems.  Our 
business  is  helping  as  well  as  selling.  The  limi¬ 
tations  of  space  permit  printing  below  just  a 
few  excerpts  from  the  many  letters  received. 

Mrs.  A.  D.  Mires  of  Plainview,  Texas,  who 
sent  us  the  photograph  of  the  basket  of  seed¬ 
ling  Dahlias  shown  at  the  top  of  the  page, 
writes :  “I  have  had  the  community  wild  about 
your  seedling  Dahlias,  as  several  have  meas¬ 
ured  9  inches  across.  I  won  first  and  second 
prizes  in  the  Hale  County  Flower  Show,  Sep¬ 
tember  19-20." 

To  each  customer  who 
sends  us  a  photograph  of 
flowers  grown  from  our 
seeds  which  is  suitable 
for  reproduction  in  our 
next  year's  catalog,  we 
will  mail  with  our  com - 
pliments  a  coupon  good 
for  a  $5.00  selection  of 
Fraser's  Sun-Ripened 
Seeds.  Snapshots  may  be 
suitable  if  they  are  bright 
and  clear.  Photographs 
must  be  received  not  later 
than  November  15,  1931 . 

Mrs.  Rosalie  Kelly  writes  from  her  home  in  Dav¬ 
enport,  Iowa:  “I  want  you  to  know  the  wonderful 
success  I  had  with  the  Zinnia,  Snapdragon,  Aster, 
Shasta  Daisy  and  Lilliput  seed  which  I  purchased 
from  you  last  Spring.  The  Zinnias  were  5/i 
inches  and  6  inches  across.  The  Lilliputs  were  real 
aristocrats.  I  am  planning  to  plant  one-half  acre 
of  flowers  next  spring.” 

Mrs.  Jack  Coppock  of  Bradford,  Ohio,  writes  to 
us  of  her  prize-winning  results  with  Fraser's  Sun- 
Ripened  Seeds:  “We  took  first  prize  on  Zinnias, 
first  and  second  on  Asters,  first  on  Snapdragons, 
and  first  on  basket  of  mixed  flowers — and  we  had 
very  strong  competition.  The  Asters  and  Snaps 
were  far  superior  to  any  flowers  we  have  ever 
raised.  The  Dahlias  from  seed  were  the  joy  of 
all — some  gorgeous  specimens  were  9  inches  in 
diameter,  and  such  colors!” 

Mr.  John  Misterly  sent  us  the  photograph  in 
the  center  with  a  letter  which  said:  “Words 
cannot  express  the  pleasure  gained  in  growing 
your  wonderful  Zinnia  seeds.  Many  blossoms 
were  larger  than  the  face  of  the  alarm  clock 
in  the  picture  .  .  .  and  such  flower  colors  as 
we  have  never  seen  in  the  East.” 

From  Parsons,  Kansas,  Mrs.  O.  G.  Yancey 
writes:  “We  wanted  you  to  see  what  we  can 
grow  in  Kansas  from  your  Dahlia  seeds  so  I 
am  sending  a  picture,  which  my  husband  took, 
of  a  couple  of  large  Dahlias  that  I  grew  from 
your  seed.  The  larger 
one  measured  7  inches 
across  and  very  double. 

Our  Dahlias  are  begin¬ 
ning  to  bloom  again  this 
Fall  after  a  long,  dry  hot 
summer.  The  giant  Zin¬ 
nias  we  grew  from  your 
seed  were  giants.  The 
stalks  looked  like  small 
trees.”  (The  picture  at 
the  bottom  of  the  page 
is  the  one  which  Mr. 

Yancey  took.) 

From  far-off  Sackville,  New  Brunswick,  Canada, 
G.  R.  Viets  writes:  “I  have  seen  some  magnifi¬ 
cent  Dahlias  grown  from  seeds  purchased  of  you 
this  year.  It  is  almost  unbelievable  that  such 
exquisite  flowers  could  be  produced  by  seedlings 
of  the  current  season.  For  many  years  I  have  spe¬ 
cialized  in  an  amateurish  way  with  Dahlias  but 
have  never  been  able  to  produce  such  blooms.” 


Amaranthus . 

Antirrhinum  . 

Asters . 

California  Poppies . 

California  Strawflowers.  . 
California  Wildflowers  . 

Calendula . 

Calliopsis  (Dwarf) . 

Candytuft  . 

Cosmos . 

Dahlias  from  Seed . 

Delphinium  . 

Gaillardia . 

Helichrysum . 

Larkspur  . 

Lilliput  Zinnias . 

Marigolds . 

Petunias . 

Pot  Marigolds . 

Rainbow  Asters . 

Salpiglossis . 

Scabiosa . 

Snapdragon  . 

Stocks  . 

Sweet  Peas . 

Wallflowers  . 

Zinnias . 

Zinnias  (Double  Lilliput) 

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