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Full text of "Perennials and rock garden plants grown in the Ozarks / Sunset Gardens."

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Sunset  Gardens 




Prices  are  quoted  on  three  of  a  kind,  postpaid, 
for  the  reason  that  more  than  one  plant  is  nearly 
always  needed  and  the  price  is  so  little  that  we 
can’t  afford  to  pack  and  ship  one  alone.  All  plants 
are  heavy,  field  or  pot  grown  and  will  give  quick, 
satisfactory  results. 

AQUILEGIA,  Columbine.  Grandiflora,  all  colors. 
3  for  50c.  Long  spurred  hybrids,  all  colors,  3,  65c. 

ACHILLEA,  Milfoil.  Boule  de  Niege,  white, 
double.  Millefolium  Roseum,  rosy  pink  flowers, 
July  to  October,  Either  variety,  3  for  50c. 

drouth  resistant,  completely  covered  for  a  long  time 
in  Spring  and  Early  Summer  with  bright  yellow 
flowers.  3  for  50c.  Doz.  $1.50. 

ANTHEM1S  KELWAYI,  Tinctoria,  2  ft.  hand¬ 
some,  finely  cut  foilage  and  large,  golden  yellow 
flowers  produced  all  summer.  3  for  50c. 

AUBRIETIA,  Purple  Rock  Cress.  One  of  the 

most  beautiful  of  all  dwarf,  creeping  rock  plants 
for  carpeting  beds  or  massing  with  Alyssum  or  Se- 
dums.  3  for  65c. 

ARTIMESIA  SILVER  KING,  Silver  gray  foliage 
and  stems,  growing  to  a  height  of  about  three  feet. 
For  landscape  effect  from  early  summer  till  late 
fall  and  even  into  the  winter.  Artimesia  is  a  most 
outstanding  plant.  Unexcelled  as  a  misty  filler  with 
cut  flowers  and  in  florists  design  work..  Thrives  in 
any  garden  soil,  is  practically  drought  proof  and 
when  ripened  in  late  summer,  may  be  cut  and  dried 
for  winter  use.  Strong  pot  grown  plants  from  cut¬ 
tings  in  Springs.  Each  25c. 

BUDDLEI  Magnifica.  Sometimes  classed  as  a 
shrub,  but  a  true  herbaceous  perennial.  4  to  6  feet 
and  covered  all  summer  with  fragrant  lilac  like 
spikes  of  bloom.  Each  50c.  3  for  $1.00. 


Slender,  drooping  branches,  three  to  five  feet  long, 
covered  their  entire  length  with  purple  flowers 
from  midsummer  on.  Each  40c|  3  for  80c. 

CAMPANULA  Carpatica,  Carpathian  Harebell. 
Unsurpassed  as  a  border  or  rock  plant.  8  inches 
high,  in  bloom  all  summer  with  clear  blue,  bell  like 
flowers,  drouth  resistent.  3  for  75c. 

DAISY,  Early  Elder.  In  bloom  for  Mothers’ 
Day  and  continuing  on  through  Memorial  day,  May 
30,  3  for  40c.  Dozen  for  $1.00. 


tum.  Splendid  for  border,  edging  or  rock  garden. 
Foliage  almost  entirely  hidden  by  the  mass  of  mist 
blue  flowers  from  midsummer  on.  Very  hardy  and 
drouth  resistent.  3  for  40c.  Dozen,  $1.00. 


Blue  thistle.  Rigid,  spiny  leaves  and  thistle  like 
flowers  surrounded  by  spiny  bracts  of  steel  blue. 
Beautiful  novelty.  3  for  85c. 

FESTUCA  GLAUCA.  Dwarf  ornamental  grass 
of  a  deep  glaucus  blue.  Something  entirely  differ¬ 
ent  for  the  rockery  or  as  an  edging  plant.  3  for 
50c.  Dozen,  $1.00. 


White  Plaintain  Lily.  Large,  pure  white,  lily  shaped 
flowers  in  midsummer..  Thrives  in  shade.  Each, 
50c.  Three  for  $1.00. 

GOLDEN  GLOW.  Large  double  yellow  flowers 
on  tall  stems  in  Summer.  Good  background  and 
good  cut  flowers.  3  for  40c. 

HEMEROCALLIS,  Day  Lily.  Beautiful  hardy 
perennials  belonging  to  the  Lily  order.  Flava  (Lem¬ 
on  Lily)  Sweet  scented,  clear  Yellow.  3  for  65c.  Dr. 
Regal,  Rich  orange  yellow  flowers,  very  fragrant. 
3  for  65c.  Quanso,  Double  orange  flowers,  3,  50c. 

HOLLYHOCK,  Althea  Rosea.  Double,  mixed 
colors.  3  for  65c.  Dozen  $1.50. 

HESPERIS  MATRONALIS,  Sweet  Rocket.  Fra¬ 
grant  purple  flowers  freely  produced  in  showy 
spikes  two  to  three  feet  tall  in  early  Summer.  3 
for  40c.  Dozen,  $1.00. 


Dense  spikes  of  rosy  purple,  three  feet  tall,  all  Sum¬ 
mer.  Grows  into  large  clumps.  Excellent.  3  for  50c. 


12  inches  tall,  flowering  most  profusely  for  a  long 
period  in  midsummer.  Rosy  pink  in  color  and  a 
good  cut  flower.  3  for  50c. 

LINUM  PERRENNE,  Blue  Flax.  Very  attrac¬ 
tive  both  in  foliage  and  flower.  Flowers  are  pale 
blue  on  slender  stems  and  completely  cover  the 
plant.  3  for  50c. 

MYOSOTIS  P ALUSTRIS,  For-get-me-not.  Rich 

blue  flowers  with  yellow  eye.  Suited  to  moist 
shady  positions.  Ideal  for  the  edge  of  the  Lily  pool. 
3  for  50c. 

NEPETA,  Mussini.  An  excellent  plant  for  any 
position,  but  especially  useful  in  the  Rock  Gardens, 
Dwarf,  ’compact,  producing  masses  of  bloom  of  a 
beautiful  lavendar  all  Spring  and  through  most  of 
the  Summer.  3  for  65c. 

PHYSOSTEGIA,  Virginica.  Form  large  clumps 
three  to  four  feet  tall,  bearing  long  spikes  of  deli¬ 
cate  pink  flowers  in  midsummer.  3  for  50c. 

PHYSOSTEGIA,  Vivid.  A  new  dwarf  variety 
20  inches  tall  and  blooming  three  weeks  later  than 
Virginica.  Flowers  a  much  deeper  pink.  Both  good 
cut  flowers.  3  for  65  c. 

Flower.  Large,  showy,  deep  blue  flowers  are  pro¬ 
duced  on  twenty  inch  spikes  all  Summer.  Splendid 
for  the  Hardy  border.  3  for  50c.  Dozen,  $1.00. 

PENTSEMON  Barbatus  Torreyi.  Spikes  two  feet 
long  of  bright  scarlet  flowers,  June  till  August.  3 
for  50c. 

POLEMQNIUM,  Jacobs  Ladder  or  Greek  Valer¬ 
ian.  Reptans.  Dwarf,  bushy  plant  with  graceful 
pinnate  foliage  and  showy  blue  flowers  six  inches 
high  in  early  Summer.  Excellent  for  shady  spots 
in  the  border  or  rockery.  3  for  50c. 

PHYSALIS  FRENCHETI,  Chinese  Lantern  plant. 
An  ornamental  variety  of  the  Winter  Cherry  form¬ 
ing  dense  bushes  and  producing  freely  its  bright 
orange  scarlet,  lantern  like  fruits,  which,  when  cut 
will  last  all  winter.  3  for  50c.  Dozen,  $1.00. 

SANTOLINA,  Lavender  Cotton,  Ground  Cypress. 
A  sweet  smelling,  dwarf  evergreen  perennial,  with 
delicate,  silvery  white  foliage.  Useful  as  a  rockery 
or  border  plant  and  also  as  an  edging  to  walks  and 
flower  beds.  Large  clumps  50c  each.  Smaller  one 
year  old  plants,  three  for  65c.  Dozen  $1.50. 

STOKE  SI  A,  Stokes  hardy  aster.  Cornflower  aster 
Cyanea  Coerulea,  Beautiful  corn  flower  like  flowers 
profusely  produced  on  18  inch  stems  from  mid¬ 
summer  till  Autumn.  Lovely  for  cutting,  for  the 
Rock  Garden  or  border.  One  of  the  best  late  Sum¬ 
mer  flowering  hardy  plants.  3  for  65c. 

SWEET  WIVELSFIELD,  An  improved,  ever- 
blooming  Sweet  William.  All  the  good  qualities  of 
the  old  Sweet  William,  but  larger  flowers,  a  greater 
variety  of  color  and  a  profuse  bloomer  from  Spring 
until  hard  freezing  in  the  Fall.  One  of  the  most 
valuable  additions  to  our  gardens  in  many  years. 
3  for  50c. 

SCABIOSA,  Pincushion  flower,  Perennial  type. 
Caucasica.  Flowers  are  charming  shade  of  lavender, 
on  stems'  IS  to  24  inches  and  continuing  from  June 
to  September.  An  excellent  cut  flower  and  border 
plant.  3  for  75  c. 

SEDUMS.  See  special  Sedum  list. 

VERONICA,  Longifolia  Subsellis.  2  feet.  Blooms 
July  to  September.  One  of  the  best  blue  flowering 
plants.  Perfectly  hardy.  Spikes  completely  studded 
with  blue  flowers.  Fine  for  cutting.  3  for  75c. 

VERONICA  RUPESTRIS.  Fine  Rock  plant 

growing*  3  to  4  inches  high  with  deep  green,  thickly 
matted  foliage,  that  is  almost  completely  hidden  in 
early  summer  under  a  cloud  of  bright  blue  flowers. 
Thrives  in  shade  or  Sun  and  useful  in  border, 
rockery  or  as  a  ground  cover.  3  for  50c. 

VERBENA  Canadense.  Native,  hardy,  ever- 
biooming  variety  that  responds  wonderfully  to  cul¬ 
tivation.  Bright  rosy  purple  flowers  from  early 
Spring  till  Fall.  Drouth  resistant  and  hardy  against 
cold.  Most  desirable  in  the  Rock  garden.  3  for  50c. 
Dozen,  SI. 00. 

VERBENA  Venosa.  A  creeping  variety,  perfectly 
hardy  and  in  bloom  all  Summer.  Flowers  purplish 
blue.  Gooci  for  permanent  beds  in  warm,  sunny 
corners,  3  for  50c. 

DWARF  IRIS  (Pumila) 

A  race  of  dwarf,  very  early  flowering  iris  that 
have  a  place  in  the  Rock  garden  and  in  front  of  the 
hardy  border,  or  as  an  edging  to  beds  of  the  taller 
varities.  Dainty  little  plants,  four  to  ten  inches  tall 
and  blooming  with  the  daffodils. 

ATROVIOLACEA,  Rich  purple,  free  flowering 
and  early. 

NEGUS.  Dark  Purple. 

AUREA  MACULATA,  Yellow,  slightly  marked 

MAROCAIN.  Rich  Purple. 

PRAIRIE  GEM,  Yellow. 

BRIDESMAID,  White,  marked  blue  and  yellow. 

All  the  above  uniformlv  priced,  3  for  50c.  Dozen 
for  $1.25. 

CRISTATA,  A  native  creeping  species,  3  or  4 
inches  high  with  flowers  of  rich  amethyst  blue  in 
early  Spring.  A  gem  for  a  shady  spot  in  the  rock 
garden.  Will  form  a  solid  mat  of  flowers  that  are 
very  beautiful.  3  for  65c. 

Hardy  perennials  may  be  planted  any  time  dur¬ 
ing  Fall,  Winter  and  Spring  when  the  soil  is  not 
frozen  or  too  wet.  Very  early  flowering  sorts  are 
better  planted  in  Fall  or  early  Winter,  but  pot 
grown  plants  may  go  in  the  ground  at  any  time 
during  the  year.  Most  of  them  require  an  ordinary 
garden  soil  but  insist  upon  perfect  drainage.  With 
few  exceptions  they  suffer  from  wet  feet  and  are 
a  failure  in  heavy,  wet  clayey  soils.  A  gritty, 
gravelly  soil  with  an  abundance  of  humus  or  leaf 
mold  is  pleasing  to  most  all  of  them. 

“Ozark  grown”  plants  and  perennials  are  healthy 
vigorous  and  full  of  pep.  All  they  ask  of  you  is  a 
fair  chance  to  do  their  stuff.  If  you  don’t  see  what 
you  want  listed,  ask  us.  We  can  probably  get  it 
for  you. 

Address  all  orders  and  inquiries  to 

SUNSET  GARDENS,  Siloam  Springs,  Ark.