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Full text of "Dependable seeds for 1934 / Campbell Seed Store."

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B  H  A  M  ' 


1834  * 


Hunnemannia,  Sunlite 

See  Novelties,  page  4. 

1 335  East  Colorado  St.  1 37  West  Colorado  St. 




All  seeds  and  books  sent  postpaid;  prices  of  roots  and 
plants  do  not  include  postage.  All  prices  subject  to 
change  without  notice. 

Directions  and  advice  are  part  of  our  service.  Call  on 
us  when  you  want  to  hire  a  gardener. 

Ask  for  our  special  Sweet  Pea  Circular  and  our  Bulb 
List,  both  ready  in  July. 

Flower  Seed  Planting  Suggestions 
For  Southern  California 

Sow  in  Spring  Sow  in  Fall 

These  in  left  columns  These  in  right  columns 














Alyssum  Pansy 

Beilis  Pyrethrum 

Candytuft  Shasta  Daisy 
Dusty  Miller  Cupid  Peas 
Myosotis  Viola 

Nemophila  Dimorphotheca 


Physalis  Lunaria 
Gomphrena  Statice 
Gypsophila  paniculata 

Acroclinium  Grasses 
Helichrysum  Rhodanthe 






Castor  Bean 


Dusty  Miller 

Grass  Pinks 


Carnation  Nicotiana 



Dianthus  Sweet  Sultan 


Sweet  Pea 

Heliotrope  Sweet  William 











Virginian  Stock 



Wild  Flowers 


























Sow  in  Spring:  Abronia,  Anagallis,  Arabis,  Armeria, 

Aubrietia,  Calandrinia  Cerastium  Helianthemum, 
Iberis,  Leptosiphon,  Lobelia,  Nolana,  Portulaca, 
Rockery  perennials  mixed,  Sanvitalia,  Tagetes  sig- 
nata,  Verbena. 

Sow  in  Fall:  Alyssum,  Beilis,  Campanula  pusilla,  Dian¬ 
thus,  Myosotis,  Nemesia,  Nemophila,  Phacelia, 
Sedum,  Virginian  Stock. 


Sow  in  Spring:  Antigonon,  Asparagus  plumosus,  Aus-  . 
tralian  Pea  Vine,  Balloon  Vine,  Balsam  Apple  and 
Pear,  Canary  Bird  Vine,  Cardinal  Climber,  Coboea, 
Cypress  Vine,  Gourds,  Hyacinth  Bean,  Japanese 
Hop,  Kudzu  Vine,  Lathyrus  latifolius,  Mina  lobata, 
Moon  Vines,  Morning  Glories,  Phaseolus  or  Snail 
Vine,  Scarlet  Runner,  Wild  Cucumber. 

Sow  in  Fall:  Early  Spencer  Sweet  Peas. 

Should  you  not  find  the  certain  variety  of  seed  you 
want  in  this  catalog,  ask  us  for  it.  We  are  in  touch 
with  the  leading  growers  in  this  country  and  abroad, 
and  can  get  for  you  kinds  not  in  stock  in  from  3  to  30 




ASTER,  Super  Giant  Los  Angeles,  is  a  greatly  improved 
California  Giant  type,  with’ enormous,  fully-double,  l'ong- 
and  curly-petalled  flowers  ^on  ?  strong,  tall  stems;  grows 
three  feet  high.  Shell  Pinkv  'Pkt.,  25c. 

Calendula  Chrysantha,  or  Sunshine 

CALENDULA,  Chrysantha  or  Sunshine,  a  strikingly  dif¬ 
ferent,  long-stemmed  cutting  and  garden  flower,  the  petals 
of  the  large  buttercup  yellow  blooms  being  wide  and  loose¬ 
ly-placed  so  that  they  greatly  resemble  chrysanthemums. 
Pkts.,  15c. 

Nasturtium,  Double  Golden  Gleam 

NASTURTIUM,  Double  Golden  Gleam.  Large,  deep 
golden  yellow,  fragrant  flowers,  on  long  stems.  The  first 
noteworthy  advance  in  this  popular  flower  for  years,  it 
makes  of  the  nasturtium  a  splendid  cut  flower.  Pkts.,  15c. 



Annual  Canterbury  Bells 

CANTERBURY  BELL,  New  Annual,  blooms  in  six 
months  (seed  sown  in  January  blooms  by  June),  plants 
two  feet  tall,  with  six  to  eight  spikes  of  large,  single  bell¬ 
flowers,  in  light  and  dark  blue,  pink,  rose  and  white. 
Mixed.  Pkts.,  25c. 

T  - 

i  Scabiosa-flowered  Zinnias 

See  page  31. 

H  U  N  N  EM  A  N  N  I  A,  Sunlite,  is  semi-double,  the  outer 
petals  turning  back  from  the  more  cupped  center  ones  to 
make  an  attractive  cut-flower  of  this  hardy  perennial 
“Mexican  Tulip  Poppy.’’  The  color  is  clear  yellow. 
Pkts.,  15c.  See  illustration  on  front  cover. 

PETUNIA,  Pink  Gem,  is  the  first  of  a  new  race  of  minia¬ 
ture  petunias  growing  5  or  6  inches  high,  and  covering 
themselves  with  large  blooms.  Pink  Gem  is  deep  pink; 
ideal'  for  edgings,  rockery,  or  window  box.  Pkts.,  25c. 



Guinea  Gold  Marigold 

MARIGOLD,  Guinea  Gold.  Large,  loose-petalled  orange 
flowers,  resembling  carnations,  beautiful  and  lasting  when 
cut;  plants  grow  two  feet  high.  Pkts.,  15c. 

Numerous  other  novelties  are  described  in  the  body  of 
this  catalog.  You  will  be  well  repaid  by  growing  some  or 
all  of  the  following: 

ANTIRRHINUM,  Majestic  varieties,  large -flowered. 
CHRYSANTHEMUM  Mawii,  new  pink  perennial. 
COREOPSIS  Auricula,  yellow,  with  red  eye. 

GODETIA,  Dwarf  Double  Azalea-flowered  varieties. 
HELIOPHILA  linearifoiia,  blue  cutflower. 
HOLLYHOCK,  Vert  Dwarf  Double;  Mixed. 

LARKSPUR,  Imperial  Mixed,  erect,  long-stemmed. 
LILIUM  Philippinense,  best  cutting  lily. 

LINARIA  Canon  Want,  neat  pink  hardy  perennial. 
MARIGOLD,  Monarch  Strain  Mixed,  large-flowered. 
VENIDIUM  fastuosum,  orange-and-black  daisy. 
VERBENA,  Beauty  of  Oxford,  large  salmon  pink. 
VERBENA,  Royal  Bouquet,  erect,  compact  bushes. 
ZINNIA,  Scabiosa-flowered. 


The  germinating  period  of  all  the  most  popular  flower 
seeds  has  been  compiled,  and  is  included  in  the  descrip¬ 
tion  of  the  varieties  in  this  catalog  usually  abbreviated 
thus:  Germ.  per.  10  days. 

ABRONIA  umbellate  (Sand  Verbena). 

Rosy  lilac,  verbena-like  flowers;  trailer  for  sunny 
rockery  or  window  box;  sow  November  to  March. 
Pkt.,  10c. 

ABUTILON  maximum  (Flowering  Maple.)  Per. 

Pink,  yellow,  and  red,  bell-shaped  flowers  in  six 
months  from  seed;  3  feet;  sow  February  and  March; 
Mixed.  Pkt.,  10c. 

ACANTHUS  latifolius  mollis.  Per. 

.  Green-foliaged  decorative  plant;  lavender  floweys; 

3  feet;  sow  October  to  May.  Pkt.,  10c. 

ACHILLEA  ptarmica  (The  Pearl).  Per. 

Small  double  white  flowers  in  clusters,  for  beds  and 
bouquets;  2  feet;  sow  March  to  July.  Germination 
period,  10  to  15  days.  Pkt.,  10c. 

ACONITUM  Napellus  (Monk's  Hood).  Per. 

Dark  blue  flowers  in  delphinium-like  spikes;  3  to  5 
feet  tall;  sow  March  to  July.  Germination  period 
6  months.  Pkt.,  10c. 




Pink  and  white,  double,  everlasting  flowers;  bloom 
in  8  weeks;  1  y2  feet  high;  sow  November  to  March. 
Germination  period  12  days.  Mixed.  Pkt.,  10c. 

ADONIS  Aestivalis  (Pheasants  Eye). 

Deep  crimson,  darker-centered  flowers;  feathery 
foliage;  1  foot;  sow  October  to  January  where  they 
will  remain.  Pkt.,  10c. 

AGATHEA  coelestis  (Blue  Daisy).  Per. 

Clear  blue  with  yellow  disk;  1  to  2  feet  high;  good 
border  or  low  hedge;  sow  March  to  Aug.  Pkt.,  10c. 

AGERATUM  Mexicanum  (Floss  Flower). 

Blue,  feathery  flowers  in  clusters;  very  long-bloom¬ 
ing,  all  summer  and  fall;  sow  February  to  August. 
Germination  period  5  to  10  days.  Tall  Mexican,  2  feet, 
for  cutting;  Blue  Ball,  8  in.,  for  borders.  Pkts.,  10c. 

AGROSTEMMA  coronaria  (Rose  Campion).  Per. 

Blood  red  flowers,  with  silvery  foliage;  for  beds  or 
cutting;  2  feet;  sow  March  to  September.  Germina¬ 
tion  period  8  to  10  days.  Pkt.,  10c. 

ALONSOA  Warscewiczii. 

Bright  scarlet  flowers  in  racemes;  dark  green  foli¬ 
age;  1  y2  feet  high;  sow  Feb.  to  April.  Pkt.,  10c. 

ALSTROEMERIA  (Peruvian  Lily).  Per. 

Orange,  streaked  red;  forms  bulbous  root;  2  to  3 
feet  high;  sow  September  to  June.  Pkt.,  20c. 

ALYSSUM,  Sweet 

"White,  lilac,  cream,  fragrant  heads  of  tiny  flowers; 
fine  for  edgings,  beds,  or  ground  cover;  sow  any 
time.  Germination  period  5  to  8  days.  Carpet  of 
Snow,  3  in.;  Lilac  Queen,  Little  Gem,  Cream  Yellow, 
6  in.;  Maritimum,  1  foot.  Pkts.  10c. 

ALYSSUM  saxatile  compactum.  Per. 

Golden  yellow,  and  Sulphureum,  pale  yellow;  fine 
border;  1  foot;  sow  March  to  July  for  late  spring 
blooming.  Pkts.,  10c. 


Colored,  showy  foliage:  Molten  Fire,  fiery  crimson; 
Tricolor,  green,  scarlet  and  gold.  Drooping  red  tas¬ 
sels:  Caudatus  (Love-Lies-Bleeding);  3  feet:  sow 
March  to  June.  Germ.  per.  5  to  10  days.  Pkts.,  10c. 

ANAGALLIS  grandiflora. 

Vivid  blue,  brick-red,  lavender;  for  sunny  rockeries, 
low  beds,  and  borders;  8  inches;  sow  February  to 
May.  Blue,  and  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

ANCHUSA  capensis. 

Bright  blue,  large,  Forget-me-not-like  flowers,  in 
sun;  2  feet;  sow  January  to  April.  Pkts.,  10c. 

ANCHUSA  Italica  grandiflora.  Per. 

Gentian-blue,  large,  Forget-me-not-like  flowers; 
Dropmore  variety;  3  to  5  feet  tall;  sow  March  to 
July.  Germination  period  30  days.  Pkt.,  10c. 

ANEMONE  coronaria  (Wind  Flower).  Per. 

Red,  blue,  lavender,  pink,  white,  poppy-like  flowers; 
1  foot;  sow  July  to  November  for  bloom  following 
spring.  Germination  period  20  to  60  days.  French 
de  Caen  large,  improved  single  strain  Mixed;  St. 
Brigid,  double  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

ANTIGONON  leptopus  (Mexican  Mountain  Rose).  Per. 

Rose-pink  flowers  in  clusters  on  tender  vine,  in  late 
summer;  makes  quick  growth  each  summer  after 
■second  or  third  year;  sow  Nov.  to  June.  Pkts.,  15c. 

ANTIRRHINUM  (Snapdragon) 

Rich  colors  in  a  wide  range,  with  a  long  blooming 
season,  make  this  one  of  the  best  bedding  and  cut¬ 
ting  annuals;  sow  July  to  February.  Germination 
period  8  to  12  days. 

Maximum  (largest-flowered;  2x/2  to  5  feet): 
Appleblossom,  light  pink,  white  throat 
Canary  Bird,  light  yellow 
Cattleya,  light  lavender 
Copper  King,  reddish  copper 
Fire  King,  copper  rose  and  yellow 
Garnet  King,  deep  velvety  red 
Golden  Queen,  yellow  with  lilac  throat 
Gotelind,  salmon  and  old  rose 
Old  Gold,  orange  and  old  rose 
Purple  King 



Rose,  pure  rose  pink 
Ruby,  bright  carmine  red 
Snowflake,  pure  white 
Wallflower,  deep  bronze 
All  Colors  Mixed.  Pkts.,  15c. 

Nanum  grandiflorum  (Medium;  ll/2  to  2  feet): 
Amber  Queen,  yellow  and  pink 
Black  Prince,  red  foliage  and  flowers 
Carmine  Queen,  rich  carmine  rose 
Climax,  rich  orange,  shaded  gold 
Empress,  deep  velvety  red 
Golden  Monarch,  large  pure  yellow 
Mauve  Queen,  mauve  lavender 
Nelrose,  rich  coral  pink 
Silver  Pink,  light  pink 
All  Colors  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

Majestic  (Maximum  flowers;  Medium  height): 
Avalanche,  giant  white 
Eldorado,  deep  golden  yellow 
Golden  Dawn,  buff  and  salmon 
Orange  King,  orange  and  old  rose 
Red  Chief,  rich  deep  scarlet 
Rose  Beauty,  pure  rose  pink 
Rose  Marie,  deep  rose  with  yellow  center 
Sunset,  salmon  and  terra  cotta 
Twilight,  apricot  shaded  salmon.  Pkts.,  15c. 

Tom  Thumb  (for  borders;  6  inches): 

All  Colors  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

AQUILEGIA  (Columbine).  Per. 

Yellow,  pink,  blue,  orange,  and  red,  large,  airy 
flowers  on  graceful  plants  in  spring  and  early  sum¬ 
mer;  stand  sun  or  partial  shade;  2  to  3  feet;  sown 
April  to  August  will  bloom  next  spring.  Germina¬ 
tion  period  12  to  60  days. 

Chrysantha,  yellow.  Pkt.,  10c. 

Long-spurred  varieties: 

Blue  shades 

Orange  and  scarlet  shades 

Rose  Queen,  rose  shades 

Mrs.  Scott  Elliotts  Imp.  Mixed. 

W.  F.  Hybrids  Mixed.  Pkts.,  15c. 

Brachycome  or  Swan  River  Daisy 

See  page  9. 

ARABIS  Alpina  (Rock  Cress).  Per. 

White,  fine  flowers,  forming  blanket  of  bloom  in 
spring  in  sun,  on  poor  soil;  8  inches;  sow  January 
to  May.  Pkt.,  10c. 

ARCTOTIS  (African  Daisies). 

Large  daisies  on  long  stems,  for  cutting  and  beds; 
Grandis,  pale  lilac;  New  Scapigera  Hybrids,  many 
shades  of  yellow,  orange,  bronze,  red,  and  lavender 
fine  in  extra-dry  sunny  place;  2  feet;  sow  October 
to  May.  Pkts.,  10c. 

ARISTOLOCHIA  (Dutchman's  Pipe  Vine).  Per. 

Purplish,  curious  flowers  on  rampant  vine,  with 
glossy,  heart-shaped  leaves;  seed  germinates  slow¬ 
ly;  sow  December  to  March.  Pkt.,  10c. 

ARMERIA  maritima  (Sea  Pink;  Yhrift).  Per. 

Rose-pink  flower-clusters  above  grassy  foliage;  for 
rockeries  and  borders;  6  to  10  inches;  sow  January 
to  May.  Pkts.,  10c. 




Sprengeri,  for  pots  and  hanging  baskets;  Plumosus 
nanus,  feathery,  fern-like  foliage  for  bouquets.  Sow 
March  to  September.  Germination  period  15  to  30 
days.  Pkts.,  10c. 


One  of  the  best  summer  bedding  and  cutting  an¬ 
nuals;  sow  all  varieties  February  to  May;  Single 
Rainbow  as  late  as  August.  Germ.  per.  5  to  10  days. 
Super  Giant  Los  Angeles,  new,  greatly  improved 
California  Giant.  (See  novelties,  page  3.) 

Comet  or  Crego  (large,  curly-petalled  ;  medium- 
length  stems;  2l/z  feet;  the  only  double  aster  yet 
available  in  a  full  range  of  colors  in  the  new  Wilt- 
Resistant  strains):  Rose,  Shell  Pink,  Light  Blue, 
Purple,  Crimson,  White,  and  Mixed.  Wilt- Resist¬ 
ant  Strain.  Pkts.,  10c  and  15c. 

California  Giants  (long-stemmed,  double,  curly- 
petalled:  2V2  feet):  Rose,  Peachblossom,  Light  Blue, 
Purple,  White,  and  Mixed.  Pkts.,  15c. 

Late  Beauty  (long-stemmed,  double,  incurve-pet- 
alled;  2 y2  feet):  Rose,  Peachblossom  (flesh),  Sep¬ 
tember  Beauty  (shell  pink),  Light  Blue,  Purple, 
Crimson,  White,  and  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

Early  Beauty  (same  as  Late  Beauty  except  bloom¬ 
ing  a  few  weeks  sooner):  Mixed.  Pkt.,  10c. 

Heart  of  France,  brilliant  rich  red,  double;  2  feet. 
Wilt- Resistant  strain.  Pkt.,  10c. 

Giant  California  Sunshine,  new  large,  single,  anepi- 
one-centered;  2 y2  feet:  Mixed.  Pkt.,  15c. 

Rainbow  Asters 

Single  Rainbow  (very  floriferous  for  bedding  and 
cutting;  2  feet):  Pink,  Rose,  Light  Blue,  Purple, 
Red,  and  Mixed.  Wilt- Resistant  strain.  Pkts.,  10c. 
Pompon  Mixed  (bushy  plants  with  many  small, 
double,  quilled  flowers;  15  inches):  Pkt.,  10c. 

ASTER  (Michaelmas  Daisy).  Per. 

Blue,  lavender,  and  pink  single  asters  in  clusters, 
for  late  Fall  beds;  3  feet;  sown  Februai'y  to  April, 
bloom  same  year.  Mixed.  Pkt.,  10c. 


Lavender,  pink,  and  purple  flowers,  like  perennial 
Virginian  Stock,  for  sunny  rockery  or  border;  6 
inches;  sow  January  to  May;  Deltoidea  graeca, 
lavender-blue;  large-flowering  Hybrids  Mixed. 
Pkts.,  10c. 



AUSTRALIAN  PEA  VINE  (Dolichos  lignosus).  Per. 

Rose-pink,  small,  pea-shaped  flowers  on  rapid  ever¬ 
green  vine;  sow  November  to  March.  Pkt.,  10c. 

BACHELOR'S  BUTTON.  (See  Cornflower.) 

BALLOON  VINE  (Cardiospermum) . 

White,  small  flowers;  inflated  seed-pods  resemble 
balloons;  rapid  climber;  sow  March  to  May.  Ger¬ 
mination  period  15  days.  Pkt.,  10c. 

BALSAM  (Lady's  Slipper). 

Pink,  salmon,  red,  white,  double,  camellija-llke 
flowers  on  bushy  plants  in  sun  or  partial  shade;  18 
inches;  sow  March  to  May.  Germination  period  8 
to  10  days.  Mixed.  Pkt.  10c. 

BALSAM  VINES  (Momordica). 

Yellow  flowers  on  good  foliage  vines,  with  showy 
fruits;  sow  March  to  May.  Germ.  per.  30  days. 
Apple,  scarlet  fruit;  Pear,  orange  fruit.  Pkts.,  10c. 

BARTONIA  (Mentzelia)  (Blazing  Star). 

Golden  yellow,  large,  with  many  stamens;  Calif, 
native,  for  sun  and  dry  soil;  2  feet;  sow  December 
to  April.  Pkts.,  10c. 

Fibrous- rooted  Begonia,  Prima  Donna 


Useful  bedding  and  pot  plants,  for  full  or  partial 
shade;  sow  January  to  May;  fibrous-rooted:  Lumi- 
nosa,  scarlet,  brown  foliage;  Prima  Donna,  rose- 
pink,  green  foliage;  Xmas  Cheer,  vivid  red,  green 
foliage;  Bedding  Queen,  large  bright  pink;  Semper- 
florens  Mixed.  Pkts.,  15c.  Tuberous-rooted:  Single 
Mixed;  Double  Mixed.  Pkts.,  50c. 

BELLIS  perennis  (English  Daisy).  Per. 

Pink,  red,  and  white,  double  flowers  for  edgings 
and  low  beds  in  sun  or  shade;  6  inches;  sow  No¬ 
vember  to  April.  Germ.  per.  5  to  10  days.  Mon- 
strosa  (large-flowered)  sorts:  Pink,  Rose-Red,  Etna, 
quilled  red;  White;  Mixed.  Single  mixed,  for  nat¬ 
uralizing.  Pkts.,  10c. 

BIDENS  (Miniature  Cosmos). 

Golden  yellow,  star-like  flowers,  on  compact  bushes 
with  finely-cut  foliage;  ll/2  feet;  sow  February  to 
May.  Pkts.,  15c. 

BOLTONIA  latisquama.  Per. 

Lilac-pink,  aster-like  flowers  in  clusters,  through 
summer;  4  to  6  feet;  sow  January  to  June.  Germ, 
per.  30  days.  Pkt.,  10c. 

BRACHYCOME  I berid if olia  (Swan  River  Daisy). 

Blue,  pink,  and  white  flowers  like  small  Cinerarias, 
for  low  winter  and  spring  beds,  ground-cover,  and 



cutting;  10  inches;  sow  November  to  April.  Ger¬ 
mination  period  10  days.  Blue,  Pink,  Mixed.  Pkt., 
10c.  See  illustration,  page  7. 

BROWALLIA  elata. 

Rich  blue,  star-shaped  flowers  in  all  seasons,  and 
in  sun  or  shade;  1  foot;  sow  any  time.  Germination 
period  5  to  10  days.  Pkt.,  10c. 

CACALIA  (Tassel  Flower). 

Red  tassels  on  wiry  stems  for  bouquets;  18  inches; 
sow  February  to  June.  Pkts.,  10c. 

CACTUS.  Per. 

Drought-resisting,  more  or  less  spiny,  sow  in  small 
seed-pans  any  time.  Mixture  includes  following 
sorts:  Cereus  (Column  Cactus);  Echinocactus 

(Hedgehog);  Echinopsis  (Tube-flowering);  Mam- 
miliaria  (Wart  Cactus);  Opuntia  (Fig).  All  Kinds 
Mixed.  Pkt.,  15c. 

CALANDRINIA  umbellate. 

Crimson-violet,  small  flowers  on  trailing  plant  for 
sunny  summer  rockery  or  ground-cover;  6  inches 
high;  sow  March  to  May.  Pkt.,  5c. 

Calceolaria  Hybrida  Grandiflora 


Yellow,  orange,  and  red  shades,  purse-shaped,  in 
clusters,  for  greenhouse  or  beds;  Tender:  Hybrida 
grandiflora,  large-flowered.  Pkt.,  50c.  Hardy:  Race- 
mosa  hybrida,  medium-sized  flowers;  Rugosa  Mixed 
small,  many-flowered.  Pkts.,  35c. 

CALENDULA  (Pot  Marigold). 

Orange,  yellow,  and  cream,  rather  flat,  double  flow¬ 
ers,  ideal  for  winter  and  spring  beds;  iy2  feet;  sow 
July  to  March.  Germ.  per.  5  to  10  days.  Ball’s  Gold, 
new  golden  yellow;  Campfire,  new,  largest  and 
deepest  orange;  Chrysantha  or  Sunshine,  new, 
loose-petalled  semi-double  yellow  (see  illustration, 
page  3);  Golden  Beam,  new  quilled  yellow  Radio; 
Radio,  quilled  orange;  The  Ball,  large  orange;  Or¬ 
ange  King;  Lemon  Queen;  Favorita,  cream  striped 
apricot;  Nankeen,  cream;  Meteor,  yellow  striped 
orange;  Pastel  Shades  Mixed;  All  Kinds  Mixed. 
Pkts.,  10c. 



CALIFORNIA  POPPY.  (See  Eschscholtzia.) 


Yellow,  yellow-and-red,  and  red  daisy  flowers  for 
beds  and  cutting;  sow  March  to  July.  Germ.  per. 
8  to  10  days.  1  foot:  Radiata  (Tiger  Star),  red; 
Dwarf  Mixed.  3  feet;  Golden  Wave,  yellow,  red 
zone;  Coronata  maxima,  yellow;  Tall  Mixed.  Pkts., 

CAMPANULA  Medium  (Canterbury  Bells).  Biennial. 

Light  and  dark  blue,  pink,  white,  bell-shaped  flow¬ 
ers  the  second  year  from  seed  (New  Annual  variety 
blooms  first  year;  see  Novelties,  page  );  3  feet; 
sow  September  to  March.  Germ.  per.  10  to  15  days. 
Calycanthema  (double,  cup-and-saucer) :  Rose-pink, 
Light  Blue,  Dark  Blue,  White,  Mixed;  Single  (cup 
only)  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

CAMPANULA.  Per.  Varieties. 

Blue,  white,  bell-shaped  flowers;  pusilla  6  in.;  car- 
patica,  18  in.;  persicifolia,  30  in.;  pyramidalis,  3  to 
5  feet;  sow  October  to  March.  Pkts.,  15c. 

CANARY  BIRD  VINE  (Tropaeolum  Canariense). 

Light  yellow,  bird-like,  fringed  flowers,  on  rapid 
vine;  sow  January  to  May.  Germination  period  10 
days.  Pkt.,  10c. 


White,  pink,  lavender,  and  red  flower-heads  on 
bushy  plants  for  borders,  beds,  and  cutting;  1  foot; 
sow  November  to  June.  Germ.  per.  5  to  10  days. 
Umbellata  varieties:  Flesh  Pink,  Lavender,  Rose 
Cardinal,  Crimson,  Purple,  White,  and  Mixed;  Giant 
Hyacinth-flowered  fewer  but  larger  flower-spikes, 
snowy-white.  Pkts.,  10c. 

CANDYTUFT.  Per.  (See  Iberis.) 

CANNA.  Per. 

Vivid  pinks,  yellows,  oranges  and  reds,  useful  for 
foliage  and  flower  mass  effect;  flower  first  year 
from  seed,  which  soak;  3  feet;  sow  January  to  May. 
Germination  period  5  to  10  days.  Crozy’s  Hybrids 
Mixed.  Pkt.,  15c. 

CANTERBURY  BELL.  (See  Campanula.) 

CARDINAL  CLIMBER  (Ipomoea  quamoclit). 

Fiery  red,  tubular  flowers,  on  rapid  vine;  sow  Feb¬ 
ruary  to  May.  Germination  period  10  to  20  days. 
Pkt.,  10c. 

CARNATION  (Dianthus  Caryophyllus).  Per. 

Pink,  rose,  red,  white,  yellow;  \Vz  feet;  sow  Novem¬ 
ber  to  April;  Marguerite  Mixed,  blooms  in  5  months 
from  seed;  Chabaud’s  Giant  Pink,  Scarlet,  Yellow, 
White,  and  Mixed,  bloom  in  6  months  from  seed. 
Germination  period  10  to  15  days.  Pkts.,  10c. 

CASTOR  OIL  BEAN  (Ricinus).  Per. 

Very  rapid-growing  foliage  plant;  sow  January  to 
April;  Sanguineus  (6  feet),  green,  red-veined  leaves, 
red  stalks  and  fruit;  Zanzibariensis  (12  feet),  green 
and  bronze  leaves.  Pkts.,  10c. 

CATANANCHE  coerulea.  Per. 

Lavender-blue,  cornflower-like,  on  long,  slender 
stems  for  borders  and  cutting;  sow  March  to  Au¬ 
gust.  Pkt.,  10c. 

CELOSIA  (Cockscomb). 

Crimson,  rose,  and  yellow  dense  heads  and  plumes; 
sow  February  to  May.  Germ.  per.  8  to  10  days. 
Cristata  Dwarf  (1  foot),  Empress,  crimson;  Cristata 
Tall  (3  feet)  Crimson;  Plumosa  (Feathered  Type, 
2i/2  feet)  Crimson;  Pride  of  Castle  Gould  Mixed; 
Childsii  (Chinese  Woolflower,  2  feet)  Mixed.  Pkts., 

CENTAUREA  Imperialis  (Sweet  Sultan). 

Pink,  lavender,  purple,  white,  and  yellow  fragrant 
flowers  like  large,  soft  thistles;  2l/2  feet;  sow  Janu¬ 
ary  to  June;  Amaranth  Red,  Purple,  Lavender,  Pink, 
and  Mixed;  Suaveolens,  Yellow.  Pkts.,  10c. 

CERASTIUM  Biebersteinii  (Snow  in  Summer).  Per. 

W'hite  flowers  and  silvery  foliage  for  sunny  edgings 
and  rockery;  8  inches;  sow  January  to  June.  Pkt., 



CHRYSANTHEMUM,  Annual  (Painted  Daisies). 

Yellow,  white,  pink,  and  red,  large  daisy  cut-flow¬ 
ers;  2  feet;  sow  October  to  April.  Germ.  per.  8  to 
10  days.  Sultan,  red  with  yellow  zone;  Gladstone, 
pink  with  red  zone;  Northern  Star,  white,  yellow 
zone;  Tricolor  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

CHRYSANTHEMUM.  Per.  (See  also  Shasta  Daisy). 

Mawii,  new,  with  large  rich  pink  flowers  on  low, 
silver- foliaged  bushes,  for  borders  and  rockery;  1 
foot;  sow  any  time.  Pkt.,  15c. 

CINERARIA  hybrida. 

Unusually  rich  colors,  in  the  showiest  early  spring 
bedding  plant  for  shade,  and  pots;  sow  April  to 
August.  Germ.  per.  8  to  10  days.  Grandiflora  semi¬ 
dwarf  (16  inches):  Light  Azure  Blue;  Royal  Blue; 
Flesh  Pink;  Old  Rose;  Scarlet;  French  strain, 
Mixed;  Howard  &  Smith’s  Prize  strain,  Mixed.  Pkts., 
50c.  (Sep.  Colors,  25c  pkt.) 

Multiflora  nana,  new  dwarf  (1  foot)  type,  with  quan¬ 
tities  of  tiny  flowers  in  all  shades.  Pkt.,  25c. 
Polyantha  stellata,  many-star-flowered  (2  to  3  feet), 
Mixed.  Pkt.,  25c. 

CLARKIA  elegans. 

Pink,  rose,  red,  purple,  and  white  double  carnation¬ 
like  flowers  along  spikes;  2  feet;  sow  November  to 
April.  Germ.  per.  10  days.  Firebrand  new  orange- 
scarlet;  Salmon  Queen;  All  Colors  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

CLEOME  pungens  (Giant  Spider  Plant). 

Rose-purple,  curious  flowers,  with  6  long  stamens, 
on  spreading  plant;  4  feet;  sow  January  to  April. 
Pkt.,  10c. 

Double  Coreopsis 



CLIANTHUS  Dampieri  (Glory  Pea).  Per. 

Red  flowers  with  black  spots,  on  grey-leaved  plant; 
2  feet;  sow  January  to  April.  Pkt.,  15c. 

COBOEA  scandens  (Cathedral  Bells  Vine).  Per. 

Violet-blue,  or  white,  large,  bell-shaped  flowers  on 
very  rapid,  deep-green-leaved  vine;  sow  seeds  on 
edge,  December  to  April.  Germ.  per.  15  to  20  days. 
Purple,  white.  Pkt.,  10c. 

COLEUS.  Per. 

Ornamental  foliage  plant  for  pots  or  outdoors,  with 
large,  vari-colored,  velvety  leaves  in  partial  or  full 
shade;  1  to  2  feet;  sow  February  to  May.  Germ, 
per.  10  to  15  days.  Large-leaved  Mixed;  Rainbow 
Mixed;  Fringed  Mixed.  Pkts.,  25c. 

COLLINSIA  bicolor  (Innocence). 

Blue-and-white  flowers  in  spikes;  Calif,  native,  for 
sun  or  shade;  15  inches;  sow  November  to  April. 
Pkt.,  10c. 

COLUMBINE.  (See  Aquilegia.) 

CONVOLVULUS  Mauritanicus.  Per. 

Lavender-blue,  large  flowers  on  trailing  rockery 
perennial  all  spring  and  summer;  6  inches;  sow 
July  to  November.  Pkt.,  15c. 

COREOPSIS  lanceolata  grandiflora.  Per. 

Chrome  yellow,  large,  glossy  daisy  flowers  on  long, 
graceful  stems;  2  to  3  feet;  seeds  sown  November 
to  March  bloom  first  season.  Germ.  per.  5  to  10 
days.  Single;  Double;  Auricula,  with  small  red 
zone  about  center.  Pkts.,  10c. 

CORNFLOWER  (Centaurea  cyanus)  (Bachelor's  Button). 

Blue,  rose,  plum,  and  white  flowers  for  beds  and 
bouquets;  sow  January  to  June.  Germ.  per.  8  to  10 
days.  Double  Blue,  Double  Mixed  (3  feet) ;  Depressa, 
dwarf  blue,  red  center  (1  foot).  Pkts.,  10c. 


Crimson,  pink,  and  white  daisy  flowers,  for  show 
and  cut  with  light  green,  feathery  foliage;  sow 
March  to  July.  Germ.  per.  8  to  10  days. 

Early  sorts  (3  feet;  bloom  June-August) : 

Extra  Early  Single  Mixed. 

Extra  Early  Double  Crested  Mixed. 

Late  sorts  (5  feet;  bloom  Sept,  and  October): 
Single  Pink,  White,  Crimson,  and  Mixed. 
Double  Crested  Mixed. 

Klondyke,  orange. 

Pkts.,  10c,  except  double  sorts,  15c. 

CREPIS  barbata  (Hawkweed). 

Bright  rose,  semi-double,  star-like  daisies  to  cut 
or  bed;  18  inches;  sow  January  to  May.  Pkt.,  10c. 

CYCLAMEN  persicum  giganteum.  Per. 

Salmon,  pink,  rose,  red,  lavender,  white  “shooting- 
star”  flowers  with  beautiful  foliage,  for  pots  or 
outdoors  in  shade;  1  foot;  sow  October  to  May, 
allowing  18  months  to  flower.  Choice  Mixed,  lc 
per  seed.  German,  giant-flowered  strain.  3c  per 

CYNOGLOSSUM  amabile  (Chinese  Forget-Me-Not). 

Pure  blue,  or  pink,  large  forget-me-not-like  flowers 
in  sprays,  good  for  cutting,  and  bedding  in  sun;  2 
feet;  sow  January  to  April.  Blue;  Pink,  new.  Pkts., 

CYNOGLOSSUM  linifolium  (Omphaloides), 

White  forget-me-not-like  flowers,  with  silvery  foli¬ 
age,  for  ground-cover  or  border  in  winter  and 
spring;  9  inches;  sow  October  to  March.  Pkt.,  10c. 

CYPRESS  VINE  (Ipomoeo  quamoclit). 

Red  and  white  star-shaped  flowers  on  quick,  twin¬ 
ing  vine  With  feathery  foliage;  sow  February  to 
May.  Germ.  per.  10  to  20  days.  Mixed.  Pkt.,  10c. 

DAHLIA.  Per. 

Great  variety  of  colors  and  types,  blooming  profusely 
and  forming  tubers  the- first  season;  sow  February 
to  May.  Germ,  period  10'  to  20  days.  - 

Campbell’s  Prize  Mixed  (from  Cactus  and  Decora¬ 
tive',  improved  named  sorts-  only) ,  Pkt.,  25c. 

Unwin’s  Dwarf  Hybrids  (iy2  feet,  early-flowering, 
semi-double).  Miked.  Pkt.,  25c. 



Collarette  Mixed.  Pkt.,  10c. 

Pompon  Mixed.  Pkt.,  15c. 

Coltness  Bedding  Hybrids  ( iy2  feet;  single).  Pkt., 

DATURA  (Angel's  Trumpet); 

White,  pink,  yellow,  and  purple,  large,  showy  flow¬ 
ers  on  handsome  specimen  plants,  in  bloom  all 
summer;  3  feet;  sow  February  to  May.  Germ.  per. 
15  to  20  days.  Mixed.  Pkt.  10c. 

Campbell’s  Delphinium 

XXX  Hybrid  and  Wrexham  Types 


Splendid,  stately,  border  and  bedding  plant,  and 
cutting  flower,  seed  sown  August  to  November  will 
bloom  in  spring,  or  sown  December  to  March  will 
bloom  that  summer.  Germ,  period  20  days. 

Cliveden  Beauty  (Imp.  Belladonna),  light  blue. 
Bellamosum,  dark  blue  cutting  variety. 

Campbell’s  XXX  Hybrids,  with  immense  flowers  in 
all  shades  of  blue  and  lavender-blue. 

Wrexham  Hollyhock  Strain  Mixed,  all  shades. 
Wrexham  Art  Shades,  lavender-blues  and  mauves. 
Cardinale,  native  scarlet  larkspur. 

Pkts.,  15c,  except  Wrexhams,  25c. 

DELPHINIUM  Chinensis. 

Dwarf  annual,  with  flowers  very  similar  to  peren¬ 
nial  sorts,  for  low  beds  and  edging;  1  foot;  sow 
December  to  April;  Blue  Butterfly  Improved,  ultra- 
marine  blue.  Pkt.,  10c. 

DIANTHUS  (Annual  Pinks). 

All  shades  of  red  and  pink,  from  crimson  to  white; 
1  foot;  sow  October  to  March.  Germ.  per.  5  to  10 
days.  Heddewigi  laciniatus,  Double  Mixed,  with 
carnation-like  flowers,  variously  mottled  and  with 
fringed  edges;  Heddewigi,  Single  Salmon  Queen, 
Crimson  Belle,  and  Mixed;  Chinensis  Double  Mixed, 
with  flowers  in  clusters,  similar  to  Sweet  William. 
See  “Sweet  Wivelsfield”  also.  Pkts.,  10c. 

DIANTHUS  (Perennial  Pinks). 

Pink,  rose,  red,  white;  fragrant;  sow  October  to 

Plumarius  (Clove  Pink)  varieties;  IV2  feet; 
Cyclops  Large-eyed  Single  Mixed. 
Semperflorens  Single  and  Double  Mixed.  Pkts., 



Rock-Garden  species: 

Caesius  (Cheddar  Pink),  pink  with  tufty  3-inch 
foliage  and  6-inch  stems.  Pkt.,  10c. 

Deltoides  (Maiden  Pink),  rose,  8  inches.  Pkt., 

Allwoodii  Alpinus,  new,  4  to  6  inches,  mixed 
colors.  Pkt.,  50c. 

DIASCIA  Barbarae. 

Salmon-rose  flowers,  each  with  two  spurs,  for  rock¬ 
ery  or  pots;  1  foot;  sow  March  to  May.  Pkt.,  15c. 

DIDISCUS  Coeruleus  (Blue  Lace  Flower). 

Soft  blue,  tiny  tubular  flowers  forming  lacy  heads 
on  long  stems  for  bouquets;  2x/2  feet;  sow  March 
to  May.  Pkt.,  10c. 

DIGITALIS  (Foxglove).  Per. 

Pink,  purple,  white,  large  open-tubed  flowers  in 
tall,  erect  spikes;  sow  October  to  March  for  certain 
flowers  the  following  spring.  Germ.  per.  10  to  15 

Biennial  variety;  6  feet: 

Giant  Shirley  Hybrids  (spotted)  Mixed.  Pkt.,  10c. 
Perennial  varieties;  4  feet: 

Hybrida  Lutzii,  salmon  shades. 

Isabellina,  buff  and  yellow.  Pkts.,  15c. 

DIMORPHOTHECA  (African  Daisy). 

Orange,  yellow,  salmon,  and  white,  large,  daisy 
flowers,  unusually  brilliant  for  bedding  in  all  sea¬ 
sons;  1  foot;  sow  any  time.  Germ.  per.  20  days. 
Aurantiaca,  orange;  Salmon  Beauty;  Golden  West, 
yellow;  Pluvialis  ringens,  white,  with  blue  center- 
zone;  Hybrids  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

DIMORPHOTHECA  Ecklonis.  Per. 

White,  blue  center,  with  mauve  reverse,  flowers  3 
inches  across;  blooms  all  summer;  2  feet;  sow  Octo¬ 
ber  to  April.  Pkt.,  15c. 

DOLICHOS  Soudanensis  (Hyacinth  Bean). 

Rosy-purple  pea  flowers  on  quick  vine,  with  showy 
purple  pods;  sow  March  to  May.  Germinating  pe¬ 
riod  10  to  15  days.  Pkt.,  10c. 

DUSTY  MILLER  (Centourea  sp.).  Per. 

Candidissima,  thick,  silvery  white  foliage,  10  inches; 
Gymnocarpa,  grey  foliage,  20  inches;  sow  January 
to  May.  Pkts.,  10c. 

ENGLISH  DAISY.  (See  Beilis.) 

ESCHSCHOLTZIA  (California  Poppy). 

Orange,  crimson,  rose,  yellow,  and  white,  showy, 
glossy-petalled  flowers  for  bedding,  ground  cover 
on  vacant  lots,  and  bouquets  (cut  the  flowers  early, 
as  they  open);  1  foot;  sow  November  to  June.  Germ, 
per.  5  to  10  days. 

Aurantiaca,  orange  (True  native  poppy).  Pkt.,  5c. 
Chrome  Queen,  pure  light  yellow. 

Golden  West,  yellow  with  orange  center. 

Crimson,  carmine  crimson. 

Ballet  Girl,  carmine  outside,  cream  inside. 
Lovely,  salmon  rose. 

Mandarin,  outside  scarlet,  gold  inside. 

Vesuvius,  fiery  red. 


Enchantress,  double  salmon  pink. 

Crocea,  double  orange. 

Common  Mixed  (orange,  yellow,  and  white). 
Brilliant  Mixed  (orange,  reds,  and  pinks). 
Hybrida  Mixed  (all  new  and  unusual  shades). 
Pkts.,  10c.  Ask  for  bulk  prices. 

EUPHORBIA  variegata  (Snow  on  the  Mountain). 

Ornamental  foliage  annual,  with  distinct  white  and 
green  leaves,  for  beds  or  specimen;  sow  March  to 
May.  Germinating  period  10  to  12  days.  Pkt.,  10c. 

FORGET-ME-NOT.  (See  Myosotis.) 

FOUR  O'CLOCK  (Mirabilis)  (Marvel  of  Peru).  Per. 

Red,  pink,  white,  yellow  flowers  opening  in  after¬ 
noon,  on  bushy  plants;  may  be  grown  as  annual; 
sow  October  to  April.  Germ.  per.  8  to  20  days.  Dwarf 
Mixed,  1  foot;  Tall  Mixed,  2  feet.  Pkts.,  10c. 

FOXGLOVE.  (See  Digitalis.) 




White,  lavender,  pink,  red,  orange,  and  yellow 
shades;  fragrant;  1  foot;  sow  July  to  October  for 
bloom  the  first  spring;  Refracta  alba,  white;  Rain¬ 
bow  Hybrids  Mixed.  Pkts.,  15c. 

GAILLARDIA  (Annual  Blanket  Flower). 

Red,  and  red  with  yellow,  large,  profuse-blooming 
daisies;  2  feet;  sow  January  to  April.  Germ.  per. 
10  to  15  days.  Indian  Chief,  bronzy-red;  Picta,  sin¬ 
gle  mixed;  Lorenziana,  double  mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

Gaillardia  Grandiflora 

GAILLARDIA  grandiflora.  Per. 

Red  and  yellow,  very  large  daisies,  blooming  all 
summer  and  fall;  3  feet;  sow  September  to  April. 
Germ.  per.  20  days.  Burgundy,  new  bronzy  red; 
Dazzler,  yellow-and-red;  Portola  Hybrids;  semi¬ 
double  orange-and-red.  Pkts.,  15c. 

GAURA  Lindheimeri. 

White  flowers,  tinged  pink,  in  spikes  on  strong, 
graceful  plant  from  July  to  October;  likes  sun  and 
drought;  3  feet;  sow  February  to  May.  Pkt.,  10c. 

GAZANIA  longiscapa.  Per. 

Golden  yellow  daisy,  brown-centered,  for  borders 
and  parkings;  9  inches;  sow  February  to  May.  Yel¬ 
low;  New  Hybrids,  reds  and  bronzy  shades.  Pkts., 

GERBERA  Jamesonii  (Transvaal  Daisy).  Per. 

Almost  every  conceivable  shade  except  blue  and 
purple  is  found  in  these  long-stemmed,  large-flow¬ 
ered  African  Daisies  for  beds  and  bouquets;  2  feet; 
sow  September  to  May;  Scarlet;  Hybrids  Mixed. 
Pkts.,  25c. 

GEUM.  Per. 

Scarlet  and  yellow,  double  rose-like  flowers,  on  long 
stems  in  spring  and  summer,  for  beds  and  bouquets; 
2  feet;  sow  October  to  March.  Germination  period 
15  to  GO  days.  Mrs.  Bradshaw,  scarlet;  Lady  Strath - 
eden,  yellow.  Pkts.,  10c. 


Natives,  easily  and  quickly  grown;  sow  November 
to  May;  Capitata  (Thimble  Flower,  2  feet)  with  lav¬ 
ender-blue  flowers  in  globular  heads  on  long  stems 
for  cutting  and  drying;  Coronopifolia  Mixed  (Stand¬ 
ing  Cypress,  3  feet),  with  scarlet  tubular  flowers; 
Tricolor  (Bird’s  Eyes,  1  foot),  with  lilac  flowers 
spotted  yellow  and  purple  in  center.  Pkts.,  10c. 

GLOBE  AMARANTH  (Gomphrena). 

Purplish-red,  pink,  white,  and  orange  clover-like 
everlasting  flowers;  make  showy  beds;  1  foot;  sow 
February  to  May.  Germination  period  10  to  15  days. 
Red;  Orange;  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

GLOXINIA  hybrida  grandiflora.  Per. 

Rich  reds,  pinks,  blues,  and  whites;  must  be  grown 
indoors;  1  foot;  sow  January  to  April.  Pkt.,  50c. 




Pink,  rose,  red,  and  white,  large  satiny  flowers,  for 
showy  beds  in  sun  or  partial  shade  and  .bouquets; 
sow  November  to  June.  Germ.  per.  6  to  10  days. 
Dwarf  (1  foot):  Dw'arf  Single  Mixed. 

Medium  (1 1/2  feet;  flowers  in  clusters): 

Brilliant,  single  deep  crimson. 

Double  Brilliant,  deep  crimson. 

Duke  of  York,  large  bright  red. 

Pendleton,  double  pink  with  crimson  blotch. 

Godetia  Medium,  Scarlet 

Scarlet,  edged  white. 

Sweetheart,  new  bright  double  cream  pink. 

Double  Azalea-flowered  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

Tall  (2 1/2  feet;  double  flowers  in  spikes): 

Carminea  Improved,  pink,  deeper  centered. 

Rosy  Morn,  bright  pink. 

All  Colors  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 


Quick  vines  or  trailers,  with  unique  or  ornamental 
fruits;  sow  January  to  May.  Germ.  per.  12  to  15 
days.  Calabash  (Pipe);  Dishcloth  (Luffa) ;  Edible 
(New  Guinea  Butter  Bean);  Large  Bottle;  Large 
Dipper;  Small  Pear,  striped;  Turk’s  Cap,  small  red 
and  white;  Turk’s  Turban,  large  red  top,  parted 
white  bottom;  Large  Sorts  Mixed;  Small  Mixed. 
Pkts.,  10c. 

GRASSES,  Ornamental. 

Decorative  sorts,  for  mixed  bouquets  or  with  ever¬ 
lastings;  1  to  2  feet;  sow  February  to  May;  Dwarf 
and  Semi-Dwarf  Mixed.  Pkt..  10c. 

GYPSOPHILA  elegans  (Baby's  Breath). 

White,  pink,  or  red,  star-shaped  flowers  in  airy 
clusters  for  mixing  in  bouquets;  2  feet;  sow  October 
to  May.  Germ,  period  5  days.  Grandiflora  alba, 
white;  Pink;  Crimson.  Pkts.,  5c. 

GYPSOPHILA  paniculata.  Per. 

White,  tinier  flowers  than  the  annual,  all  summer 
and  fall  on  large,  bushy  plants;  3  feet;  sow  October 
to  May.  Germ,  period  15  days.  Double  Snow'  White; 
Pacifica,  pale  pink,  blooms  earlier.  Pkts.,  25c. 

HELENIUM  Autumnale  (Sneezewort) .  Per. 

Golden  yellow,  single  daisy  flowers  with  crimson 
globular  centers  in  Fall;  4  feet;  sow  November  to 
March.  Germ,  period  10  to  20  days.  Riverton  Gem. 
Pkt.,  15c. 

HELIANTHEMUM  mutabile  (Rock  Rose).  Per. 

Rose,  turning  lilac,  then  white,  single-rose-like- 
flowers  on  evergreen  rockery  plant;  8  to  12  inches; 
sow  February  to  May.  Pkt.,  10c. 



HELIANTHUS  (Sunflower). 

Yellow,  orange,  bronze-red  shades,  in  large  daisy 
flowers,  showy  for  backgrounds;  sow  December  to 
April.  Germ.  per.  5  to  10  days.  Russian  (10  feet), 
gigantic  single,  with  edible  seeds;  Sanguineus  (6 
feet),  orange,  brown,  and  purple  shades  of  red; 
Chrysanthemum-flowered,  very  double,  golden  yel¬ 
low.  Pkts.,  10c  except  Russian,  5c. 

HELIANTHUS  angustifolius  (Autumn  Glory).  Per. 

Golden  yellow  masses  of  bloom  in  Fall,  from  clusters 
of  large  daisy  flowers;  5  to  7  feet;  sow  December  to 
March.  Pkt.,  15c. 

HELICHRYSUM  (Strawflower). 

Yellows,  pink,  reds,  and  white,  large,  very  double 
everlastings,  showy  in  beds  and  backgrounds;  3 
feet;  sow  October  to  May.  Germination  period  5  to 
10  days.  Canary  Yellow;  Fire  Ball,  scarlet;  All 
Colors  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

HELIOPHILA  linearifolia  (Cape  Cress). 

Bright  deep  blue,  white-centered  flowers  in  spikes 
with  wiry  stems,  foliage  grass-like,  for  pots  and 
borders;  1  foot;  sow  October  to  May.  Pkt.,  25c. 


Blue  and  purple  shades,  in  fragrant  clusters,  easily 
grown;  2  to  6  feet;  sow  February  to  May.  Germina¬ 
tion  period  30  days.  King  of  the  Blacks,  deep  pur¬ 
ple;  Mammoth  Mixed.  Pkts.,  15c. 

HESPERIS  matronalis  (Sweet  Rocket).  Per. 

Purple  and  white  single-stock  flowers,  fragrant  in 
evening;  3  feet;  sow  February  to  June.  Germination 
period  15  days.  Pkt.,  10c. 

HEUCHERA  sanguinea  (Coral  Bells).  Per. 

Pink,  rose,  and  red,  tiny  bell-like  flowers  in  clusters, 
with  low  foliage  good  for  rockeries  and  borders  in 
sun  or  partial  shade;  IV2  to  2  feet;  sow  February 
to  May.  Coral  Red;  Brizoides,  pink;  Hybrids  Mixed. 
Pkts.,  15c. 

HIBISCUS  (Mallow  Marvels).  Per. 

Pink,  red,  white,  large  flowers,  6  inches  across;  4 
feet;  sow  February  to  June.  Germination  period  5 
to  7  days.  Mixed.  Pkt.,  10c. 


Pink,  salmon,  red,  and  yellow  shades,  in  stately 
spikes  ideal  for  backgrounds;  5  to  8  feet;  sow  Au¬ 
gust  to  March.  Germination  period  10  to  30  days. 
Triumph,  new  loose-petalled  double  mixed  in  a 
wide  color-range;  Chater’s  Double  Newport  Pink, 
Rose,  Salmon,  Crimson,  Yellow,  Mixed;  Vert  Dwarf 
Double  Mixed;  Single  Early  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

HONESTY.  (See  Lunaria.) 

HUMULUS  Japonicus  (Japanese  Hop). 

Rapid  climber,  with  dense  green,  varigated  white, 
foliage,  untroubled  by  heat,  drought  or  insects; 
sow  January  to  May.  Germination  period  8  to  10 
days.  Pkt.,  10c. 

HUNNEMANNIA  fumariaefolia  (Mexican  Tulip  Poppy). 

Bright  yellow,  cup-shaped  flowers,  3  inches  across 
on  long  stems,  keeping  well  when  cut;  2  feet;  sow 

Impatiens  Holstii 



November  to  April.  (Sunlite,  new  semi-double;  see 
Novelties,  page  4.) 

IBERIS  Gibroltarica  (Per.  Candytuft). 

Lilac,  turning  white,  small  flowers  in  clusters  on 
spreading,  sunny  rockery  perennial  ip  spring;  8  in¬ 
ches;  sow  Jan.  to  June.  Pkt.,  10c. 

IMPATIENS  Holstii  (Zanzibar  Balsam). 

Rich  pinks,  reds,  and  purples,  very  long-blooming, 
for  pots  and  half-shady  outdoor  beds;  1 V2  feet;  sow 
March  to  June.  Hybrids  Mixed.  Pkt.,  15c. 

KENILWORTH  IVY  (Linaria  Cymbalaria) .  Per. 

Dainty  trailer,  standing  shade,  with  tiny  lilac, 
orange-lipped  flowers;  sow  Jan.  to  May.  Pkt.,  10c 

KOCHIA  Childsii  (Summer  Cypress). 

Bright  green,  feathery  foliage,  forming  compact 
bushes  quickly,  that  turn  fiery  red  in  Fall;  2  to 
4  feet;  sow  January  to  June.  Germination  period 
10  days.  Pkt.,  10c. 

KUDZU  VINE  (Pueraria  Thunbergiana) .  Per. 

Very  rapid,  vigorous  shade  vine,  with  rosy,  pea¬ 
shaped  flowers;  soak  seed  overnight;  sow  Novem¬ 
ber  to  April.  Germination  period  30  days.  Pkt., 


Red,  pink,  lavender,  orange,  and  yellow  flowers  in 
verbena-like  clusters;  bloom  the  first  year  from 
seed  and  form  shrubs;  sow  January  to  May;  Dwarf 
Hybrids  Mixed  to  2  feet;  Tall,  3  to  5  feet.  Pkts., 

LARKSPUR  (Annual  Delphinium). 

Pinks,  reds,  blues,  and  white;  ideal  bedding  and  cut 
flower  best  sown  in  winter  or  early  spring  where 
to  remain,  allowing  3  weeks  for  germination;  3  to 
4  feet;  sow  October  to  April;  Tall  Double  Stock-flow¬ 
ered  Ageratum  Blue,  Dark  Blue,  Sky  Blue,  Lilac, 
Rosy  Scarlet,  Lustrous  Carmine  Pink,  Exquisite 
Light  Pink,  La  France,  salmon-pink,  Los  Angeles, 
salmon-rose;  Mixed;  Imperial  Mixed,  new,  long¬ 
stemmed  type.  Pkts.,  10c. 

LATHYRUS  la tifolius  (Perennial  Sweet  Pea).  Per. 

Red,  pink,  and  white  sweet-pea  flowers,  in  clusters, 
not  fragrant,  on  vine  best  as  trailer  and  ground- 
cover;  sow  November  to  March.  Germination  period 
60  days.  Pink  Beauty;  Mixed.  Pkts.  10c. 

LAVATERA  splendens  (Annual  Mallow). 

Pink,  rose,  white  large  flowers  on  bushy  plant  for 
show  and  cut;  2 l/2  feet;  sow  November  to  March. 
Rosea,  best  rose.  Pkt.,  10c. 

LAVENDER  (Lavandula  vera).  Per. 

Small  lavender  flowers,  delightfully  fragrant;  2 
feet;  sow  December  to  March.  Germination  period 
30  days.  Pkt.,  10c.  • 

LEMON  VERBENA  (Aloysia  citriodora).  Per. 

Fragrant-leaved,  hardy  shrub;  4  feet;  sow  February 
to  May.,  Pkt.,  10c. 


Salmon,  pink,  copper,  orange  yellow  etc.  small 
flowers  for  rockeries,  low  beds,  and  ground-cover; 
sow  February  to  June.  French  Hybrids  Mixed,  6  in¬ 
ches;  Densiflorus,  lavender,  1  foot.  Pkts.,  10c. 

LEPTOSYNE  Maritime  (See  Dahlia).  Per. 

Yellow,  dahlia-like  flowers,  fine  for  cutting;  native 
perennial  blooming  in  90  days;  2  feet;  sow  Novem¬ 
ber  to  June.  Pkt.,  10c. 

LEPTOSYNE  Stillmani. 

Yellow,  cosmos-like  flowers  for  cutting,  six  weeks 
after  sowing;  native;  IVi  feet;  sow  November  to 
July.  Pkt.,  10c. 

LILIUM  Philippinense.  (Per.) 

White,  outside  lavender,  large  trumpet  lily-fl'owers 
in  clusters;  popular  florist  cut-flower;  3  feet;  sow 
November  to  April  for  bloom  first  Fall.  Pkt.,  15c. 

LIMNANTHES  Douglosi  (Meadow  Foam). 

White-and-yellow,  fragrant  flowers,  effective  in  beds 
or  edgings,  in  moist  partial  shade;  native;  6  inches; 
sow  November  to  April.  Pkt.,  10c. 



Lilium  Philippinense 


Lavender,  purple,  pink,  chamois,  yellow,  red,  etc., 
miniature  snapdragon  flowers,  spurred,  unusually 
fine  for  beds,  ground  covers,  or  mixed  bouquets,  all 
winter  and  spring;  1  foot;  sow  any  month;  Chamois 
Shades;  Golden  Gem,  yellow;  Mauve  Shades;  Pur¬ 
ple  Shades;  Red,  with  yellow  lip;  Maroccana  Hybrids 
Mixed,  all  shades  except  yellow.  Pkts.,  10c. 

LINARIA  Dalmatica  Macedonica.  Per. 

Pale  yellow,  with  orange  lip,  snapdragon-like  flow¬ 
ers,  blooming  first  year  if  sown  early;  3  feet;  sow 
July  to  November;  Canon  Want,  new  pink  edging, 
with  beautiful  smooth  grey  foliage;  1  foot.  Pkts., 

LINUM  grandiflorum  rubrum  (Scarlet  Flax) 

Bright  scarlet  flowers,  on  slender  graceful  plant,  in 
all  seasons;  particularly  useful  in  winter;  IV2  to 
2 1/2  feet;  sow  any  month.  Germination  period  10 
days.  Pkt.,  5c. 

LINUM  perenne  (Blue  Flax).  Per. 

Sky-blue  flowers,  profusely  produced  all  spring  and 
summer;  blooms  in  4  months;  2y2  feet;  sow  Janu¬ 
ary  to  May.  Germination  period  15  days.  Perenne, 
light  blue,  10c  pkt.;  Narbonense,  deep  azure  blue, 
more  compact,  15c  pkt. 

LOBELIA  erinus  compacta. 

Blue  bedding  and  edging  plants;  4  inches;  sow  Jan¬ 
uary  to  May.  Germination  period  5  to  20  days.  Crys¬ 
tal  Palace,  dark  blue,  bronzy  foliage;  Emperor  Wil¬ 
liam,  sky-blue,  green  foliage.  Pkts.,  10c. 

LOBELIA  cardinalis  (Cardinal  Flower).  Per. 

Fiery  scarlet  flowers  in  erect  spikes  with  bronzy- 
green  foliage;  2  feet;  sow  January  to  March.  Pkt., 

LUNARIA  Annua  (Honesty). 

Silvery,  transparent  seed-pods,  to  dry  for  winter 
decoration;  2  feet;  sow  January  to  May.  Pkt.,  10c. 

LUPINUS  (Lupine). 

Blue,  pink,  yellow  and  white  pea-flowers  in  clus¬ 
ters,  for  beds  and  bouquets;  native;  sow  December 
,  to  April.  Germination  period  5  to  10  days.  Nanus, 
*  "'blue,'  (Calif,  native),  and  Subcarposus  (Texas  Blue 



Bonnet),  both  1  foot;  Hartwegii,  Dark  Blue,  Sky- 
Blue,  and  Hybrids,  all  2  feet.  Pkts.,  10c. 

Hartwegii  Giants,  new,  larger  spiked  and  taller, 
(3i/2  feet).  Pkts.,  15c. 

LUPINUS  polyphyllus.  Per. 

Blues,  pinks,  salmon,  cream,  etc.,  with  stately  spikes 
and  luxuriant  foliage  in  partial  shade;  3  feet;  sow 
December  to  April.  Germination  period  10  to  30 
days.  Harkness’  Regal  Mixture.  Pkt.,  15c. 

LYCHNIS  Chalcedonica.  Per. 

Vivid  scarlet  flower- cluster,  above  low  foliage;  2 
feet;  sow  January  to  May.  Germination  period  10  to 
15  days.  Pkt.,  10c. 

MARIGOLD  (Tagetes).  (See  also  Tagetes.) 

Orange,  yellow,  brown,  striped,  spotted;  splendid 
for  summer  and  fall  bedding  and  cutting;  sow  Jan¬ 
uary  to  July.  Germination  period  5  to  10  days. 
African  (tall  double  fistulosa;  2y2  feet): 

Orange  Prince,  or  Orange  Ball. 

Lemon  Queen,  yellow. 

Mixed  (above  2  varieties). 

Guinea  Gold  (see  Novelties,  page  ?  ?) 

French  (tall  sorts,  3  feet); 

Josephine,  single  red-brown,  gold-edged. 
Double  Mixed,  all  colors. 

French  (dwarf  sorts,  10  inches); 

Golden  Ball,  large,  golden  yellow,  very  compact. 
Legion  of  Honor,  single  yellow,  marked  brown. 
Robert  Beist  new  double  deep  maroon. 

Double  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

Monarch  Strain,  larger,  richer-colored.  Pkts., 

MATRICARIA  (Feverfew).  Per. 

White  or  yellow,  double  flowers  in  clusters,  for 
beds,  borders,  or  cut,  all  summer  and  fall;  sow 
December  to  April.  Germination  period  10  to  12 
days.  Capensis  white,  2  feet;  Eximia  (1  foot): 
Snowball,  pure  white;  Golden  Ball,  rich  yellow. 
Pkts.,  10c. 

MATTHIOLA  bicornis  (Evening-scented  Stock). 

Mauve,  small,  single  flowers,  valued  for  their  eve¬ 
ning  fragrance;  2  feet;  sow  January  to  July.  Pkt., 

MESEMBRYANTHEMUM  tricolor  (Ice  Plant).  Per. 

Yellow  flowers,  red  inside,  with  brown  anthers,  for 
sunny  rockeries  and  banks;  1  foot;  sow  February 
to  April.  Germination  period  5  to  10  days.  Pkt., 

MIGNONETTE  (Reseda  odorata  grandiflora). 

Deliciously  fragrant,  small  flowers  in  spikes;  1 
foot;  sow  any  month.  Germination  period  8  to  10 
days.  Goliath  Red;  Machet  Mixture.  Pkts.,  10c. 
Small  Sweet.  Pkts.,  5c. 

MIMOSA  pudica  (Sensitive  Plant). 

Pinkish  white  flowers;  named  for  its  leaf-habit  of 
closing  and  drooping  for  a  time  when  touched;  1 
foot;  sow  January  to  May.  Germination  period  10 
to  15  days.  Pkt.,  10c. 


Moschatus  (Musk  Plant),  small  yellow  flowers  on 
scented,  bushy  plant  in  shade  or  pots. 

Tigrinus  (Monkey  Flower),  white,  yellow,  orange, 
copper  and  red,  spotted  gloxinia-like  flowers  for 
partial  shade;  10  inches;  sow  March  to  June.  Ger¬ 
mination  period  5  to  10  days.  Queen’s  Prize  Mixed. 
Pkts.  15c. 


Red,  changing  to  yellow,  tubular  flowers  in  clusters 
on  rapid,  beautifully-leaved  vine;  sow  January  to 
May,  soaking  soil  24  hours.  Pkt.,  10c. 

MONARDA  Didyma  (Bergamot).  Per. 

Brilliant  scarlet  bracts;  good  for  bees  and  mass¬ 
ing;  2 1/2  feet;  sow  January  to  May.  Pkt.,  10c. 

MOON  VINES  (Ipomoea).  Per. 

Blues,  and  white,  on  rapid  climbers;  sow  February 
to  April,  notching  the  seeds  and  soaking  24  hours. 
Germination  period  10  to  12  days.  Leari,  deep  blue, 



open  during  the  day;  White  Moonflower  (grandiflora 
alba),  open  at  night  and  early  morning.  Pkts., 
Leari,  20c;  White,  10c. 


Rapid,  very  showy  annual  vines;  sow  February  to 
June,  soaking  24  hours.  Germination  period  5  to  10 
days.  Convolvulus  species:  Major  Blue,  and  Major 
Mixed:  Minor  (1  foot,  for  rockeries)  Mixed;  Ipomoea 
species;  Heavenly  Blue,  sky-blue,  4-inch  flowers, 
with  white  throat';  Giant  Mexican  Pink;  Imperialis, 
Japanese  Hybrids  Mixed,  very  large,  unusual  color¬ 
ings.  Pkts.,  10c,  except  Heavenly  Blue,  15c. 

MYOSOTIS  (Forget-me-not).  Per. 

Blue  dainty  flowers,  for  moist,  shady  beds  and  bor¬ 
ders;  sow  January  to  June.  Germination  period  15 
days.  Biennials: 

Alpestris,  blue,  1  foot,  trailing;  Victoria,  bright 
blue,  yellow- centered,  for  edging,  8  inches. 

Dissitiflora  bright  blue,  6  inches;  Oblongata  per- 
feeta,  deep  blue,  winter-flowering,  1  foot;  Palustris 
semperflorens,  blooms  from  early  spring  until  fall, 
6  inches.  Pkts.,  15c. 

NASTURTIUM  (Tropaeolum). 

Bright  flowers,  very  easily  grown,  the  dwarf  sorts 
(10  inches)  for  beds  in  sun  or  partial  shade,  the 
tails  covering  low  fences,  or  trailing  as  a  ground- 
cover,  and  both  furnishing  bouquets;  sow  March  to 
August.  Germinating  period  8  to  10  days. 

Golden  Gleam,  new  double  yellow.  Pkt.,  15c. 

Lilliput  (6  inches,  very  compact.): 

Lady  Cherry,  wine  red,  dark-leaved;  Ruby,  rosy 
red;  Lilliput  Hybrids  Mixed. 

Dwarf  (10  inches): 

Cloth  of  Gold,  fiery  red,  leaves  gold;  Empress 
of  India,  dark  red,  dark  leaves;  Golden  King, 
deep  Indian  yellow;  Pearl  or  Moonlight,  cream; 
Vesuvius,  salmon  rose;  Dwarf  Fine  Mixed. 

Tall,  or  Trailing: 

Dunnett’s  Orange,  orange  yellow;  King  Theo¬ 
dore,  deepest  red;  Pearl  or  Moonlight,  cream; 
Vesuvius,  salmon  rose;  Calif.  Giants  Mixed. 
Pkts.,  5c  and  15c. 


Orange,  yellow,  rose,  scarlet  flowers  in  clusters, 
for  showy  beds  and  borders  in  winter  and  spring; 
sow  October  to  April.  Germinating  period  20  days. 
Strumosa  grandiflora  Suttoni,  Orange,  Rose,  Scarlet, 
and  Mixed,  1  foot;  Compacta  Blue  Gem  splendid 
forget-me-not-like  bedder,  7  inches.  Pkts.,  10c. 

NEMOPHILA  insignis  (Baby  Blue  Eyes). 

Sky-blue  native,  for  beds  and  bulb-cover  in  sun  or 
partial  shade;  sow  where  to  remain;  6  inches;  sow 
October  to  May.  Pkt.,  5c. 

NEPETA  Mussini.  Per. 

Small  blue  flowers,  grey  foliage,  ideal  for  rockeries 
and  edgings;  1  foot;  sow  January  to  April.  Pkt., 

NICOTIANA  Affinis  (Sweet-scented  Tobacco  Plant). 

White,  pink,  lavender,  and  crimson,  large,  open 
flowers  with  long  tubes,  very  fragrajnt  at  night; 
easily-grown,  quick,  and  continuous-flowering;  2 
to  4  feet;  sow  January  to  June.  Germinating  period 
5  to  10  days.  Waxy  White;  Crimson  King;  Hybrida 
Mixed,  all  colors.  Pkts.,  10c. 

NIEREMBERGIA  gracilis. 

White,  veined  lavender;  graceful  plant  for  hanging 
baskets  and  rockeries;  1  foot;  sow  January  to  May. 
Pkt.,  15c. 

NIGELLA  Damascena  (Love-in-a-Mist) . 

Large,  semi-double,  soft  blue  flowers,  nestling  in 
fine,  feathery  foliage;  iy2  feet;  sow  February  to 
May.  Germinating  period  10  to  15  days.  Miss  Jekyll. 
Pkt.,  10c. 

NOLANA  (Chilian  Bell  Flower). 

Blue-lavender  bell-shaped  flowers,  on  a  sunny 
ground-cover  plant;  6  inches;  sow  February  to  May. 
Pkt.,  10c. 



New  Yellow  Calendula,  Golden  Beam 

See  page  10. 

OENOTHERA  Lamarckiana  (Evening  Primrose). 

Yellow,  large  flowers,  expanding  and  fragrant  in 
the  evening;  easily-grown  background  plant  in  sun 
or  partial'  shade;  4  feet;  sow  December  to  March. 
Pkt.,  10c. 

PAINTED  DAISY.  (See  Chrysanthemum.) 


Reds,  purples,  blues,  yellow,  and  white;  unsur¬ 
passed  for  low  beds  in  winter  and  spring;  8  inches; 
sow  July  to  September  for  winter,  and  until  Decem¬ 
ber  for  spring.  Germinating  period  8  to  10  days. 

Roggli’s  Swiss  Giants  (original  seed),  the  very 
largest  flowers  and  longest  stems;  Alpenglow, 
rich  deep  red;  Lake  of  Thun,  pure  deep  blue; 
Rheingold,  immense  dark-centered  yellow;  All 
Colors  Mixed.  Pkts.,  25c. 

Engelmann’s  Giant  Strain,  a  splendid,  re-selected, 
English-grown  Swiss-type  Mixture.  Pkt.,  25c. 

Engelmann’s  Special  Strain,  with  huge  English- 
type,  sometimes  called  Scottish  Show  type, 
pansies.  Pkt.,  25c. 

Steele’s  Mastodon  “400,”  American-grown  Swiss 
Giant  Mixture.  Pkt.,  25c. 

Steele’s  Mastodon  Miracle,  very  large,  with  splen¬ 
did  range  of  colors;  Mixed.  Pkt.,  20c. 

Steele’s  Mastodon  Special  Strain,  large  flowers  and 
fine  colors;  Bronze  Shades;  Mad.  Steele,  deepest 
purple;  Panama  Pacific,  dark-centered  yellow; 
White,  dark-centered;  All  Colors  Mixed.  Pkts., 

Campbell’s  Argyle  Giants,  splendid  bedding  mix¬ 
ture,  with  fine  colors  and  good-sized  flowers. 
Oz.  $4.50.  Pkt.,  10c. 

Bedding  sorts;  Adonis,  light  blue;  Beaconsfield, 
upper  lavender,  lower  purple;  Emperor  William, 
deep  blue;  Golden  Queen,  pure  yellow;  Mad. 
Perret,  pink  shades;  Prince  Henry,  darkest  blue; 
St.  Knud,  apricot-orange.  Oz.,  $3.75.  Pkts.,  10c. 

PASITHEA  coerulea.  Per. 

Deep,  luminous  blue  star-like  flowers  in  loose  clus¬ 
ters  on  wiry  stalks  well  above  grass-like  foliage; 
3  feet;  rare,  fine  for  cutting;  sow  March  to  August. 
Pkt.  25c. 




Pink,  scarlet,  crimson,  purple  and  white,  gloxinia- 
like  flowers  in  spikes,  unusually  showy  in  beds  and 
borders;  2!/2  feet;  sow  September  to  April  for 
blooms  same  season.  Germinating  period  8  to  15 
days.  Glaber,  blue;  “Sensation”  Pink  Shades,  Violet 
and  Purple  shades,  Red  shades,  All  Colors  Mixed. 
Pkts.,  15c. 

PETUNIA  hybrido. 

Pink,  rose,  red.  lavender,  blue,  purple,  and  white; 
unusually  floriferous  bedding  plants,  continuing  in 
bloom  from  spring  to  winter;  sow  January  to  July. 
Germinating  period  8  to  10  days. 

Dwarf  Sorts  (nana  erecta,  15  inches): 

Blue  Bird,  dark  blue-purple. 

Gloria,  deenest  rose-pink. 

Heavenly  Blue,  light  silvery  blue. 

Rose  of  Heaven,  pure  rose-pink. 

Rosy  Morn,  pink,  with  white  throat. 

Snowball,  pure  white. 

Mixed  dwarf  bedding  sorts. 

Large-flowering  Sorts  (2  to  2(4  feet): 

General  Dodds,  blood-red. 

Lord  Cou"tney  (Golden  Rose),  bright  rose. 
Violacea,  Elk’s  purple.  Pkts.,  10c. 

Balcony  Blue,  large  blue-purple. 

Balcony  Rose,  rose-pink. 

Balcony  Mixed,  trailing  vine-habit.  Pkts.,  15c. 

Giant,  Ruffled-flowering  sorts  (2  feet): 

Copper  R^d. 

Diener’s  Blue,  blue-purple. 

Pink  Glory,  splendid  pure  rose-pink. 

Pink  Triumph,  clear  pink,  frilled  edge. 
California  Giants  Mixed.  Pkts.,  25c. 

Extra  Select  Double  Mixed.  Pkts.,  50c. 


Blue  shades:  native:  sow  November  to  April. 
Campanularia  (California  Blue  Bell;  6  inches),  gen¬ 
tian-blue  bell-flowers  for  edgings,  flowering  quickl'y. 
Tanacetifolia  (Wild  Heliotrope;  2  feet),  mauve-blue 
cluster,  good  for  bees. 

Whitlavia  (Wild  Canterbury  Bell’:  1  foot),  blue  bells 
in  sun,  or  partly-shaded  beds.  Pkts.,  10c. 

PHLOX  Drummondi  grandiflora. 

Pinks,  reds,  lavenders,  purple,  yellow,  and  white; 
bright,  easily-grown,  spring,  summer  and  fall  bed- 
der:  1  foot;  sow  January  to  July.  Germinating 
period  8  to  10  davs.  Chamois  Rose  (Salmon);  Dark 
Red;  Fiery  Scarlet;  Flesh  Pink:  Isabelina,  creamy 
yellow;  Pure  Blue:  Purple;  Red,  white  eye;  Rose, 
dark  eye:  Rose,  pink  eye:  Violet,  white  eye;  All 
Colors  Mixed;  Starred  and  Fringed  Mixed;  Dwarf 
Mixed,  6  inches.  Pkts.,  10c. 

PHLOX  decussate  grandiflora.  Per. 

Pinks,  reds,  lavenders,  purple  and  white;  showy 
late  summer  border  plant:  seeds  slow  to  germinate, 
taking  6  weeks  to  6  months;  3  feet;  sow  October  to 
March;  Mixed.  Pkts.,  15c. 

PHYSALIS  Franchetii  (Chinese  Lanterns).  Bien. 

Orange-scarl'pt  pods  the  second  year,  beautiful  dried 
for  winter  decoration;  1(4  feet;  sow  January  to 
June.  Pkts.,  10c. 

PHYSOSTEGIA  Virginica  (Obedient  Plant).  Per. 

Lavender-pink,  tube-shaped  flowers  like  tiny  snap¬ 
dragons  on  bushy  border  plant  in  July  and  August; 
4  feet;  sow  September  to  May.  Pkts.,  10c. 

PLATYCODON  grandiflora  (Bell  Flower).  Per. 

Blue,  balloon-like  buds,  opening  into  large,  bell¬ 
shaped  flowers  for  partly-shaded  borders;  IV?  feet: 
sow  August  to  March.  Germinating  period  12  to  15 
days.  Pkts.,  15c. 

POLEMONIUM  coeruleum  (Jacob's  Ladder).  Per. 

Sky-blue,  bell-shaped  flowers,  with  golden  anthers 
and  fern-like  foliage;  2  feet;  sow  October  to  March. 
Pkts.,  10c. 


Pink,  rose,  orange,  and  red  shades:  quick,  showy, 
large-flowered  bedders,  which  may  be  cut,  if  the 
stems  are  singed;  sow  November  to  May. 

Shirley  (crinkled  petals,  hairy  foliage;  1(4  feet): 
American  Legion,  large  orange-scarlet. 



Rose  Pink. 

Salmon  Art  Shades. 

Single  Mixed,  unusual  shades. 

Double  Begonia-flowered  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

Tall  Sorts  (smooth  foliage;  3  feet): 

Single  Mixed. 

Double  Carnation-flowered  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

POPPY,  Per. 

Sow  August  to  March;  Glaucium  (3  feet),  deep, 
glossy  orange,  smooth  foliage.  Pkts.,  10c. 
Nudicaule  (Iceland;  iy2  feet),  with  crinkl'y-petaled 
flowers  on  long  stems  above  low  leaf-clumps,  fine 
for  edgings  and  cut,  blooming  first  year:  “Califor¬ 
nia,”  vivid  orange;  Sunbeam  Hybrids,  pink,  orange, 
yellow,  and  white;  Fakenham  Hybrids  new,  strong¬ 
er-stemmed  and  larger-blooming.  Pkts.,  15c. 
Oriental  Hybrids  (2 J/2  feet),  strong  foliage,  stems, 
and  huge  flowers,  in  salmon,  rose,  lavender,  orange, 
and  red  shades.  Pkts.,  10c. 

PORTULACA  grandifloro  (Moss  Rose). 

Pink,  rose,  lavender,  yellow,  orange,  and  red  shades; 
showy  ground-cover  and  bedder  standing  hot,  dry 
situations;  6  inches;  sow  February  to  May.  Germi¬ 
nating  period  8  to  10  days.  Single  Rose,  Red,  Yellow, 
All  Colors  Mixed;  Double  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

PRIMULA  (Primrose).  Per. 

Showy  flowers  for  pots  and  beds  in  shade;  (6  inches; 
sow  November  to  May). 

Polyanthus  (Elatior),  yellow,  orange,  brown,  red, 
purple  flowers  in  large  clusters;  Polyanthus,  Giant 
Munstead  Strain,  mostly  yellow  shades;  Vulgaris 
(Acaulis;  Common  Primrose),  yellow,  orange  center, 
fragrant.  Germinating  period  60  days.  Pkts.,  25c, 
except  Vulgaris,  15c. 

Chinese  type:  Salmon,  rose,  lavender,  crimson, 
white;  for  pots;  10  inches;  sow  February  to  August. 
Germinating  period  15  days.  Chinensis  Stellata 
(Star)  Mixed;  Beesiana,  velvety  blue-purple,  yel¬ 
low-eyed;  Chinensis  fimbriata  Mixed.  Pkts.,  50c. 

Malacoides  (Baby  Primrose;  feathery  clusters  of 
small  flowers  for  winter  and  spring  beds  and  edg¬ 
ings;  1  foot;  sow  May  to  October):  Deep  Lilac;  Light 

Primula  Malacoides,  True  Rose 



Lilac;  New  True  Rose;  White;  Mauve,  yellow  eye 
(Forbesi);  Mixed.  Pkts.,  15c. 

Obconica  (large  flowers,  from  December  to  July; 
10  inches;  sow  November  to  April):  Appleblossom, 
rose-pink;  Berlin  Red;  Coerulea,  blue;  Red  Chief, 
crimson;  Salmon  Queen;  Grandiflora  Mixed.  Pkts., 

PYRETHRUM  roseum  hybridum.  Per. 

Pink,  rose,  and  red,  large  daisy  flowers,  above 
feathery  foliage,  for  beds  and  bouquets;  1  to  2  feet. 
Sow  September  to  May.  Atro-sanguineum,  red 
shades;  Grandifl'orum  Single  Mixed,  pink  and  rose 
shades;  Double  and  Semi-Double  Mixed.  Pkts.,  25c, 
except  Grandiflorum  Mixed,  15c. 


Pink,  red,  salmon,  orange,  and  yellow  shades  in 
wonderful  variety;  1  foot;  sow  August  to  November 
for  flowers  first  spring.  Giant  French  Mixed. 
Pkts.,  15c. 

REHMANNIA  ongulata.  Per. 

Rose  and  purple,  large,  spotted-throated  flowers, 
with  beautiful  foliage,  the  first  season,  in  sun  or 
partial'  shade;  2  feet;  sow  October  to  April.  Pkts., 

RHODANTHE  moculata  (Immortelle). 

Rose  and  white,  pendulous,  everlasting  flowers;  1 
foot;  sow  December  to  May.  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 


A  splendid  special  mixture  of  25  hardy,  low-grow¬ 
ing  perennials,  unusually  interesting  to  grow,  and 
ideal  for  rock-gardens;  6  to  12  inches;  sow  October 
to  May.  Pkts.,  10c. 

ROMNEYA  Coulteri  (Matilijo  Tree  Poppy).  Per. 

White  flowers,  6  inches  across,  with  many  yellow 
stamens;  shrubby,  handsome  plant,  with  silvery 
leaves;  5  feet;  sow  August  to  March,  allowing  3  to 
9  months  for  germination.  Pkts.,  15c. 

RUDBECKIA  speciosa  (Cone  Flower).  Per. 

Golden  yellow,  single  daisies,  with  black  cone-shaped 
centers;  for  borders  or  cutting,  in  sun  or  partial 
shade;  3  feet;  sow  August  to  May.  Germinating 
period  8  to  10  days.  Pkts.,  15c. 

SAINTPAULIA  lonantha  (African  Violet). 

Deep  blue,  golden  anthers;  free  and  long-flowering 
pot  plant;  6  inches;  sow  inside  November  to  March. 
Pkts.,  25c. 

SALPIGLOSSIS  gloxiniafloro  (Painted  Glories). 

Rose,  red,  yellow,  purple,  and  white  large,  rich, 
velvety  flowers,  mostly  veined  with  gold,  for  a  strik¬ 
ing  bed  or  bouquet;  2x/2  feet;  sow  February  to  June. 
Germinating  period  5  to  10  days.  Emperor:  Blue 
and  Gold,  Brown  and  Gold,  Crimson,  Rose  and  Gold, 
Violet  and  Gold,  All  Colors  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

Iceland  Poppy 

See  perennial  poppies,  page  25. 



SALVIA  (Sage).  Per. 

Scarlet  or  blue  flowers  in  spikes,  for  showy  sum¬ 
mer  beds;  bloom  first  year;  sow  February  to  May. 
Germinating  period  5  to  10  days.  Splendens  Bon¬ 
fire,  scarlet  (2  feet);  Patens,  pure  indigo  blue  ( IV2 
feet) ;  Farinacea,  light  blue,  small,  wooly  fl'owers 
(3  feet).  Pkts.  15c;  except  Bonfire,  10c. 

SANVITALIA  procumbens. 

Orange-yellow,  zinnia-like  flowers  on  trailing  plant 
for  hot,  dry  situations;  6  inches;  sow  January  to 
May.  Pkts.,  10c. 

SAPONARIA  vaccaria  rosea. 

Rose  flowers  in  graceful'  sprays,  like  “glorified” 
Gypsophila;  2  feet;  sow  February  to  April.  Germi¬ 
nating  period  10  days.  Pkts.,  10c. 

SCABIOSA  (Pincushion  Flower). 

Blue,  pink,  white,  yellow,  scarlet,  and  crimson,  large 
double  flowers  on  long  stems,  for  beds  and  bou¬ 
quets;  2 y2  feet;  sow  December  to  May.  Germinat¬ 
ing  period  10  to  15  days.  Ageratum  Blue;  Crimson; 
Loveliness  new  salmon;  Peachblossom,  pink;  Rose; 
Shasta,  large  white;  All  Colors  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c, 
except  Loveliness,  15c. 

SCABIOSA  (Scabious).  Per. 

Large,  splendid,  long-stemmed  cut-flowers;  sow 
September  to  March. 

Caucasica  (2  feet):  Goldingensis,  deep  lavender  blue; 
Isaac  House  Hybrids,  shades  of  blue,  lavender,  and 

Columbaria  (18  inches):  Mauve-lavender,  Mauve- 
pink.  Pkts.,  15c,  except  Isaac  House  Hybrids,  25c. 


Bright  red  pea-flowers  on  rapid  vine  with  large, 
edible  pods;  sow  February  to  May.  Ptks.,  10c. 

SCHIZANTHUS  (Poor  Man's  Orchid) 

Chamois,  rose,  lavender,  and  purple  shades,  in  great 
variety;  small,  daintily-cut  flowers  and  fern-like 
foliage  for  pots,  or  partly-shaded  beds;  IV2  feet; 
sow  January  to  May.  Germinating  period  5  to  10 
days.  Wisetonensis  Brilliant  Mixture,  large-flow¬ 
ered,  for  pots;  Grandiflorus  Hybrids,  all  colors; 
Grandiflorus  Hybrids,  Special  Pot  Strain.  Pkts., 
10c;  pot  strains,  15c. 

SEDUM  (Stonecrop).  Per. 

Succulent  plants  for  pots,  rockeries,  and  edgings; 
very  easily  grown;  sow  any  month;  Many  Species 
Mixed.  Pkts.,  15c. 

SHASTA  DAISY  (Chrysanthemum  maximum.)  Per. 

Large  white  border  and  cutting  flower;  sow  March 
to  September.  Germinating  period  20  days.  Alaska 
(largest-flowered;  2  V2  feet).  Elder  Daisy  (more 
flowers  somewhat  smaller;  2  feet).  Pkts.,  10c. 


Rose,  mauve,  and  purple,  hollyhock-like  flowers  on 
slender  spikes  for  sunny  borders  and  cutting;  3  to 
4  feet;  sow  September  to  May.  Hybrids  Mixed. 
Pkts.,  15c. 

SMI  LAX.  Per. 

Shade-loving  vine,  useful  for  decorating;  sow  Janu¬ 
ary  to  May.  Pkts.,  15c. 

SNAIL-VINE  (Phaseolus  caracalla).  Per. 

Lavender,  waxy,  fragrant,  curiously-twisted  Pea- 
flowers  in  clusters;  sow  January  to  April.  Pkts., 

SNAPDRAGON.  (See  Antirrhinum.) 

SOLANUM  Capsicastrum  (Jerusalem  Cherry). 

Bright  red,  large,  round  berries,  on  winter  pot  plant; 
1  foot;  sow  February  to  August;  Clevelandi.  Pkts., 


Pink,  blue,  and  yellow,  small  everlasting  flowers 
in  clusters;  3  feet;  sow  January  to  May;  Bondu- 
elli,  yellow;  Sinuata  Rose,  Blue,  Mixed;  Suwor- 
owii  (Russian  Rat  Tail;  1  foot),  rose.  Pkts.,  10c. 

STATICE  (Sea-Lavender).  Per. 

Straw-like  flowers;  basal  leaves;  2l/2  feet;  sow  Oc¬ 
tober  to  April;  Caspia,  sprays  of  tiny  lilac  flowers, 
to  mix  in  bouquets;  Perezi.  rich  deep  blue  flower- 
clusters,  effective  in  borders.  Pkts.,  15c. 



STEVIA  serrata.  Per. 

White,  fragrant,  small  flowers  in  large  heads  for 
beds  and  mixed  bouquets;  may  be  grown  as  annual’; 

2  feet;  sow  January  to  May.  Pkts.,  10c. 


Splendid  late  winter  and  spring  bedding  and  cut¬ 
ting  plant;  sow  July  to  March.  Germinating  period 

3  to  10  days.  The  smaller  seedlings  are  more  apt  to 
be  double;  if  transplanting,  do  not  discard  them. 

Giant  Bismarck  or  Imperial  (2V2  feet); 

Antique  Copper,  bronzy-red. 

Canary  Yellow,  cream. 

Chamois  Rose,  creamy  rose. 

Cream  Pink,  ivory  tinted  old  rose. 

Dark  Blue,  purple. 

Elk’s  Pride,  royal  purple. 

Fiery  Blood  Red,  rich  crimson. 

Flesh  Pink. 

Golden  Rose,  yellow-centered. 


Lilac,  deep  lavender. 

Old  Rose,  new  shade. 

Rose,  deep  rose  pink. 


All  above  colors  Mixed.  All,  pkts.,  15c. 
Buttercup,  new,  large  deep  cream.  Pkts.,  25c. 

Mammoth  Beauty  of  Nice  (2  feet): 

Abundance,  carmine  rose. 

Belle  of  Naples,  old  rose. 

Beauty  of  Nice,  flesh  pink. 

Cote  d’ Azure,  lilac. 

Rose  Pink,  new,  truest  deep  pink.  Pkts.,  25c. 
All  Colors  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

Perpetual  Branching  or  Perfection  (2  feet): 
Empress  Augusta  Victoria,  silvery  lilac. 
Heatham  Beauty,  golden  rose.  Pkts.,  10c. 

Brompton  (Emperor  or  Winter): 

Egyptian,  large  rose  pink;  tall  (3  feet). 
Empress  Elizabeth,  bright  deep  pink  ( 2l/2  feet). 
Violetta,  deep  violet-purple. 

White  Lady,  pure  white.  Pkts.,  25c. 

STOKESIA  cyanea  (Cornflower  Aster).  Per. 

Rich  lavender-blue,  large,  cornflower-like  aster 
flowers,  on  stiff  stems,  for  border  and  bouquets;  1  Vz 
feet;  sow  December  to  April.  Germinating  period 
10  to  15  days.  Pkts.,  10c. 

STRELITZIA  reginae  (Bird  of  Paradise).  Per. 

Orange-and-blue,  large,  striking,  bird-like  flowers; 
blooms  in  3  years  from  seed,  and  then  much  of  the 
year;  3  to  4  feet;  best  sown  November  to  April. 
Seeds,  20c  each. 

SWEET  PEAS  (Lathyrus  odoratus). 

Early  Flowering  Spencer  is  the  best  strain  for  Cali¬ 
fornia,  blooming  from  December  to  June,  if  planted 
in  August  or  September;  flowers  are  very  large, 
wavy,  3  to  4  on  long  stems;  sow  August  to  February. 
Ask  for  special  Sweet  Pea  Circular,  printed  each 
July,  listing  new  varieties  and  giving  cultural  sug¬ 

Newest  varieties  (Pkts.,  25c.); 

American  Beauty,  rich  rose-crimson. 
Attraction,  clear  salmon  pink. 

Exposition  Pink,  geranium  pink. 

Lavanda,  clear  lavender. 

Susanna,  carmine  red. 

Best  “tried"  varieties  (Pkts.,  15c): 

Amethyst,  royal'  purple. 

Apollo,  soft  salmon. 

Duplex  Pioneer,  double  light  pink. 

Fancy,  old  rose. 

Giant  Rose. 

Greeting,  clear  lavender. 

Majestic  Rose,  bright  rose. 

Marine,  clear  deep  blue. 

Oriental,  deepest  cream. 

Othello,  maroon. 

Pal,  rose  crimson. 

Queen  Crimson,  blood  red. 

Sunray,  apricot  pink. 

Springsong,  cream  pink. 

Valencia,  sunproof  orange. 

Vulcan,  scarlet. 

White  Harmony. 



Campbell’s  Special  Mixture  of  Early  Spencers: 
Contains  all  the  above  tested  varieties,  and 
many  other  good  shades.  1  oz.,  50c;  Vz  oz.,  30c; 
%  oz.,  20c. 

Late  Spencer  Mixed  (bloom  by  May).  Pkts.,  10c; 
1  oz.,  35c;  Vz  oz.,  20c. 

Cupid  Spencer  (dwarf  variety  for  bedding;  1  foot; 
in  bloom  from  May).  Pkts.,  15c. 

SWEET  SULTAN.  (See  Centaurea  imperialis.) 

SWEET  WILLIAM  (Dianthus  barbatus).  Bien. 

Pink,  red,  and  white  flowers,  like  small  pinks,  in 
large  clusters  for  beds  and  bouquets;  IV2  to  2  feet; 
sow  October  to  March.  Germinating  period  8  to  10 
days.  Pink  Beauty,  Scarlet  Beauty;  Johnson’s 
Giant  Eyed  Mixed;  Single  Mixed;  Double  Mixed. 
Pkts.,  15c. 


New,  very  free-flowering  pinks,  with  large,  frag¬ 
rant,  sweet-will'iam-like  flower-clusters  for  bed¬ 
ding  and  bouquets;  IV2  feet;  sow  October  to  March 
for  bloom  the  first  year.  Pkts.,  15c. 

TAGETES  signata  pumila.  (See  also  Marigold.) 

Bright  yellow,  single  Marigold  flowers  on  compact 
little  bushes  for  edgings;  9  inches;  sow  January  to 
July.  Pkts.,  10c. 

THALICTRUM  dipterocarpum  (Meadow  Rue).  Per. 

Rosy-purple,  yellow-anthered  flowers  in  plumes, 
with  maiden-hair-fern  foliage,  in  August  and  Sep¬ 
tember;  4  feet;  sow  October  to  May.  Pkts.,  15c. 

THUNBERGIA  alata  (Black-eyed  Susan). 

Orange,  yellow,  white,  large  flowers,  with  black 
centers  on  vigorous  trailer;  sow  February  to  June. 
Germinating  period  10  to  15  days.  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c 

TITHONIA  speciosa  (Mexican  Sunflower). 

Orange-scarlet,  glistening  flowers,  l’ike  large  single 
Zinnias,  on  rapid-growing,  shrub-like  annual  for 
backgrounds,  and  cutting;  6  to  8  feet;  sow  March 
to  June.  Pkts.,  15c. 

TORENIA  Fournieri. 

Rich  blue,  snapdragon-like  flowers,  with  golden 
lips,  for  pots  or  beds;  9  inches;  sow  April  to  July. 
Pkts.,  15c. 

TRACHELIUM  coeruleum  (Blue  Baby's  Breath). 

Tiny  flowers  in  large,  cloud-like  heads;  good  for 
pots;  IV2  feet;  sow  February  to  May.  Pkts.,  15c. 

TRITOMA  (Red  Hot  Poker;  Kniphofia).  Per. 

Red,  orange,  and  yellow  flowers,  in  large,  spear- 
shaped  heads;  foliage  grass-like;  3  feet;  sow  March 
to  June.  Hybrida  Mirabilis,  blooms  first  year; 
Perennial  Hybrids  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

VALERIANA  (Garden  Heliotrope;  Centranthus) .  Per. 

Rose,  red.  white,  fragrant  small  flowers  in  heads, 
very  freely  produced;  2 y2  feet;  sow  December  to 
April.  Rose,  Red,  White.  Pkts.,  10c. 

VENIDIUM  fastuosum. 

Glossy  orange  daisies  with  purple-black  zone,  4  to  5 
inches  across,  striking  in  the  garden  or  cut;  2  to  3 
feet.  V.  calendulaceum,  large  yellow  daisies,  IV2 
feet  high;  sow  March  to  May.  Pkts.,  15c. 

VERBASCUM  Phoeniceum  (Mullein).  Per. 

Rose,  red,  purple,  white  flowers,  in  erect  spikes  in 
summer;  2  feet;  sow  January  to  May.  Mixed. 
Pkts.,  15c. 

VERBENA  hybrida.  Per. 

Pink,  rose,  red,  lavender,  blue,  purple,  white  flowers 
in  clusters,  brilliant  for  bedding,  and  trailing 
ground-cover;  1  oot;  sow  December  to  August. 
Germinating  period  10  to  15  days. 

Gigantea  (each  floret  in  cluster  usually  as  large 
as  a  quarter) : 

Alba,  white;  Blue,  with  white  eye;  Lucifer, 
scarlet;  Rose  Cardinal,  vivid  carmine  rose;  Sal¬ 
mon  Rose  Pink;  Mixed.  Pkts.,  15c.  Beauty  of 
Oxford,  new  vivid  clear  pink;  Lavender  Glory, 
new  lavender.  Pkts.,  25c. 

Ordinary  (very  free-flowering): 

Dark  Blue;  Defiance,  deep  scarlet;  Pink  and 
Rose  Shades;  All  Colors  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 



Trailing  Varieties: 

Erinoides,  small,  lavender-blue  heads,  fern-like 
foliage.  Venosa,  thrifty  grower,  purple  heads. 
Pkts.,  10c. 

VINCA  rosea  (Periwinkle).  Per. 

Pink  and  white,  phlox-like,  large  flowers;  foliage 
dark,  glossy  green;  1  foot;  sown  February  to  April, 
will  bloom  same  year.  Germinating  period  10  to  12 
days.  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

VIOLA  cornuta  (Tufted  Pansy). 

Flowers,  although  smaller  than  pansies,  are  pro¬ 
duced  even  more  freely,  and  make  these  ideal  bed¬ 
ding  and  border  plants  for  winter  and  spring;  6 
inches;  sow  July  to  March.  Germinating  period  8 
to  10  days.  Admiration,  large  blue;  Apricot;  Ard- 
well  Gem,  large  new  yellow;  Blue  Perfection,  light 
blue;  Firmament,  sky  blue;  Jersey  Gem,  deep  blue; 
Lutea  splendens,  yellow;  Mauve  Queen;  Papilio, 
lavender-blue,  upper  petals  flushed  white;  Spring 
Messenger,  purple;  Violet  Papilio,  pure  violet; 
White  Perfection.  Pkts.,  10c,  except  Jersey  Gem, 

VIOLET  (Viola  odorata).  Per. 

Deep  blue,  fragrant  flowers  on  long  stems  by  the 
second  year;  6  inches;  sow  July  to  March.  Pkts. ,15c. 

VIRGINIAN  STOCK  (Malcolmia). 

Rose,  red,  yel'low,  white,  small,  single  flowers,  cover 
this  low  splendid  winter  and  spring  edging,  bulb-bed 
and  ground-cover  plant;  6  inches;  sow  October  to 
May;  Rose  (turns  lavender);  Crimson  Gem;  Yellow; 
White;  Special  All-Colors  Mixture.  1  oz.,  50c; 
pkts.,  10c. 

VISCARIA  oculata. 

Blue,  pink,  and  white,  large,  flax-like  flowers,  very 
effective  in  beds  and  bouquets;  1  foot;  sow  October 
to  April;  Delphinium  Blue;  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 


Rich  reds,  browns,  yellows;  fragrant,  stock-like 
flowers,  for  bedding  and  cutting;  1  to  2  feet;  sow 
September  to  March.  Germinating  period  5  to  10 
days.  Single  Annual  Blood  Red,  Paris  Brown, 
Yellow,  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c.  Double  Mixed  (Early 
Wonder).  Pkts.,  15c. 


Contain  a  great  variety  of  California  native  flowers, 
will  grow  almost  anywhere,  cover  vacant  lots  and 
bare  corners,  and  furnish  cut-flowers.  Best  sown 
in  Fall  and  Early  Winter,  although  they  may  be 
planted  until'  May.  Campbell’s  Mixture  for  Sun; 
Pound,  $5.00;  oz.,  50c;  pkts.,  10c. 


Pink,  lilac,  white,  silky  everlasting  flowers,  stiff¬ 
stemmed;  2  feet;  sow  February  to  May.  Germinat¬ 
ing  period  7  to  10  days.  Double  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 


Our  summer  specialty.  Pinks,  reds,  yellows,  and 
purples,  in  vivid  shades,  unexcelled  for  summer 
bedding  and  cut-flowers.  We  carry  the  originator’s 
strain,  Bodger’s  Gold  Medal  Dahlia-flowered  and 
California  Giant  Zinnias,  which  cannot  be  exceeded 
for  size;  lack  of  water  or  sunshine  stunts  the  flow¬ 
ers,  so  give  them  plenty  of  both.  Sow  March  to 
July.  Germinating  period  5  to  10  days. 

Dahlia-flowered  (huge,  l’oose-petalled,  cup-center¬ 
ed  flowers;  3  feet): 

Canary  Bird,  yellow;  Golden  State,  light  orange; 
Oriole,  deep  bronzy  orange;  Exquisite  Pink,  light 
rose  with  deeper  center;  Luminosa,  bright  sal¬ 
mon  pink;  Old  Rose;  Scarlet  Flame;  Crimson 
Monarch;  Dream,  lavender;  Purple  Prince;  Gold 
Medal  Mixed.  Pkts.,  15c. 

California  Giants  (Giant  Mammoth;  huge,  close- 
petalled,  flat-topped  blooms;  3  feet): 

Daffodil,  new  canary  yellow;  Golden  Queen, 
yellow;  Orange  King,  deep  orange;  Miss  Wil- 
mott,  soft  pink;  Enchantress,  deep  rose  pink; 
Rose  Queen,  bright  carmine  pink;  Scarlet  Gem; 
Grenadier,  deep  red;  Purity,  best  white  Zinnia; 
All  Colors  Mixed.  Pkts.,  15c. 



“Cut  and  Come”  (medium-sized  flowers,  freely 
produced,  the  best  of  all  types  for  cutting,  with 
the  truest  zinnia  colors;  2  feet): 

Canary  Yellow;  Carmine  Red;  Salmon  Rose; 
Scarlet;  All  Colors  Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

Pompon  (Lilliput;  small,  very  double  flowers,  fine 
for  edgings  and  bouquets;  1  to  IV2  feet): 
Canary  Yellow,  Golden  Gem;  Salmon  Rose; 
Crimson  Gem;  Red  Riding  Hood,  scarlet;  White; 
Mixed.  Pkts.,  10c. 

Crown  o’  Gold,  a  new  and  pleasing  Zinnia,  with 
golden  yellow  overlaid  on  the  base  of  the  petals, 
in  a  full  range  of  Dahlia-flowered  colors.  Mixed. 
Pkts.,  15c. 

Scabiosa-flowered,  new,  with  tufty,  pincushion- 
centered  single  flowers.  Mixed.  Pkts.,  15c. 

»|»  "  — — 1'"^— <'|<— mi— 1111^— 1111— — »n— — nil— nn^— mi— mi^— IIU-^— m<^— Iin^— im— ml 

i  = 

j  Your  Garden's  Headquarters  ! 

Let  it  be  the  Campbell  Seed  Stores,  for  a  com-  I 
plete  assortment  of  garden  tools,  from  trowels  to  T 
|  mowers;  of  insecticides,  from  Volck  to  Vaporite;  | 

I  of  fertilizers,  from  manures  to  formula  commer-  ] 
;  cials;  of  lawn,  cover-crop,  and  bird  seeds  are  al-  I 
I  Ways  carried,  and  delivered  free  in  Pasadena,  T 

T  South  Pasadena,  San  Marino,  Altadena,  and  Flint-  ! 

]  ridge-La  Canada. 

1  ! 

im  1111— nil— mi  mi  mi^— im«^— mi— mi  mi— iiu-^im  —  im^— nu-.-  nn-.—  mi  i  *§• 


Vegetable  seeds  of  all  types  are  carried  in  stock  in  bulk, 
and  put  up  in  our  own  packets. 

In  all  cases,  these  vegetables  are  the  best  varieties  for 
Southern  California  conditions,  and  are  grown  from  pure¬ 
bred  stocks  by  specialist  growers  who  are  constantly  bet¬ 
tering  their  strains  through  selection. 

Ask  us  for  our  special  vegetable  list,  and  planting  direc¬ 
tions  for  Southern  California. 

Garden  Books 

For  increased  joy  in  gardening,  or  for  specialized  reading 
on  your  favorite  garden  subject,  include  one  of  these 
authoritative  books  with  your  seed  order.  Our  complete 
list  includes  over  50  Garden  Books. 

American  Alpines  in  the  Garden, 

McCully  _ 

Annuals  in  the  Garden,  Ortloff _ 

The  Cactus  Book,  Houghton. 
California  Fruits,  Wickson  __ 

Dahl  ias,  Rockwell  _ 

From  a  Sunset  Garden,  Mitchell _ 

Gardener’s  Dictionary,  Johnson’s, 

edited  _ 

Gardening  in  California,  Mitchell— 

Hortus:  A  Concise  Dictionary  of 

Gardening,  Bailey _ 

How  to  Grow  Roses,  Pyle _ 

Irises,  Rockwell  _ 

Lawns,  Rockwell  _ 

Ma  nual  of  Gardening,  Bailey _ 

Planting  Lists  for  Southern 

California,  Hoyt  _ 

Pronouncing  Dictionary  of 

Plant  Names  _ 

Shrubs,  Rockwell  _ 

Southern  California  Gardening, 

Trask  _ , _ 

Standard  Cyclopaedia  of  Horti- 

.  Ask  for  it. 

.  19 




$  2.50 






.  14 





.  187 










.  22 





n  15 





.  65 










.  51 













.  28 

























.  54 





.  39 
















.  74 





.  49 





.  7 












Venidium  Fastuosum 

See  page  29. 


Among  the  newer  flowers  which  are  particularly 
happy  in  Southern  California  are  the  various  daisies 
from  South  Africa.  Try  the  showy  annual  Venidi- 
ums  (above),  the  perennial  Arctotis  Hybrids  (be¬ 
low),  the  Dimorphothecas  (page  15),  as  well  as  the 
splendid  cutting  Transvaal  Daisy,  or  Gerbera  (page 
16.)  Heliophila  is  a  new  blue  South  African  annual. 
(See  page  18). 

New  Arctotis  Hybrids 

See  page  I.