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Full text of "1936 Planting list of hardy perennials and rock plants / from Hereford's Gardens."

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Historic,  archived  document 

Do  not  assume  content  reflects  current 
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Greetings  to  Old  anti  New 
Garden  Friends: 

May  the  season  find  your  flower  garden  the  moot 
beautiful  and  successful  you  have  ever  enjoyed. 

We  want  to  offer  our  assistance  in  making  it 
more  enjoyable  by  offering  a  catalog  listing  tile 
newest  and  best  in  hardy  perennials.  We  are  con-  j 
tinually  trying  out  varieties  and  discarding  those 
that  are  mediocre  in  any  respect.  You  will  see 
that  our  catalog  is  simplified.  We  have  endeavored 
to  make  every  description  complete  and  accurate. 
However,  variations  in  soil  or  growing  conditions 
do  influence!  height  or  intensity  of  color  in  some 

All  plants  are  grown  in  soils  of  proper  texture 
for  the  development  of"  large,  thrifty  root  systems. 

All  plants  are  field  grown,  insuring  har  liness.  We 
dig  plants  fresh  for  each  order  as  we  do  not  ship 
out  of  storage. 

We  use  utmost  care  in  packing  and  guarantee  the 
plants  to  be  in  good  condition  upon  arrival. 


We  are  glad  to  extend  to  our  customers  a  con¬ 
venience  and  saving  by  prepaying  all  shipping  char¬ 
ges  on  cash  orders.  We  know  you  will  appreciate 
this  new  service. 


All  perennial  plants  do  well  in  any  good  garden 
soil  that  is  well  drained.  If  your  soil  needs  added 
humus  or  fertility,  well  rooted  manure,  whenever 
obtainable,  should  be'  worked  into  it.  Some  plants 
have  a  preference  as  to  growing  conditions.  Any 
special  instruction  will  be  given  in  the  description 
of  each  variety  listed. 

If  you  have  any  gardening  problems  we  will  be 
glad  to  be  of  assistance  to  you. 


We  take  this  method  of  acknowledging  the  many 
kind  and  complimentary  letters  we'  have  received 
from  our  customers  and  friends. 

We  will  spare  no  effort  to  continue  to  make  every 
new  and  old  customer  a  satisfied  customer.  Any 
comments  that  help  us  to  give  more  satisfactory 
service  in  any  respect  are  always  appreciated. 

Hereford’s  Gardens 

Oakford,  Illinois 

A.  J.  Hereford  R.  m.  Lounsberry 


*  Plants  suitable  for  rook  garden. 


4CHILLEA— Milfoil  or  Yarrow 

Ageratum— Does  well  in  any  ordinary  garden  soil; 
suitable  for  rock  garden  or  border;  blooms  m 
June  and  July,  bearing  heads  of  yellow  flowers 
on  erect  stems  1  ft.  high.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c; 

10  for  $1.50.  .  ■  .... 

Filipendula — Erect  plant  growing  4  to  5  ft.  m  height 
and  having  yellow  blooms  from  June  to  Sept.  Is 
suitable  for  cutting  and  border.  Each  20c;  3  for 
50c;  10  for  $1.50.  . 

Millefolium  Roseum  (Rosy  Milfoil) — Has  rosy  pink 
flowers  in  dense  heads  on  stems  18  inches  high, 
blooming  from  July  to  Oct.  Very  effective'  in  bor¬ 
der  and  used  for  cutting..  Each  25c;  3  for  60c; 
10  for  $1.75. 

Ptarmica  “The  Pearl’’— An  erect  plant  growing 
about  30  in.  in  height  and  having  pure  white, 
double  flowers  all  summer.  Prized  for  cutting. 
Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*Tomentosa  (Wooly  Yarrow) — A  compact  plant 
with  wooly-grey  foliage  which  is  excellent  for 
rock  garden.  Has  blooms  of  bright  gold  in  June 
on  6  to  8  in.  stems.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for 

4GROSTEMMA— Rose  Campion 

Coronaria — 'Stout,  erect-growing  plant  with  bright 
rosy  crimson  flowers  and  silvery  foliage  which 
contrasts  well  with  showy  flowers.  Thrives  well 
in  any  ordinary  garden  soil.  Grows  2%  to  3  ft. 
in  height  and  is  suitable  for  sunny  border.  Blooms 
during  June  and  July.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10 
for  $1.50. 

AJUGA — Bugle  Wort 

*Reptans — Dwarf,  creeping  perennial  suitable  for 
rock  garden,  edging  or  carpeting  bare  spots.  Will 
thrive  in  good,  ordinary  soil  in  sun  or  shade.  This 
plant  grows  3  to  4  inches  high  and  has  deep  pur¬ 
plish  blue  flowers  blooming  in  May  and  June.  Each 
20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50.. 

ALYSSUM— Madwort;  Basket  of  Gold 

*Rostratum — Free-flowering  and  attractive  peren¬ 
nial,  a  prostrate  almost  shrubby  variety,  hoary 
grey  all  over  and  having  dense  heads  of  yellow 
flowers.  Does  well  in  good,  ordinary  soil  which 
is  well  drained.  Can  be  used  as  edging  in  sunny 
border  or  in  sunny  spots  in  rock  wall  or  garden. 
Blooms  from  May  to  Jtfly.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c; 
10  for  $1.50. 

*Sax^tile — Masses  of  bright  yellow  flowers  bloom¬ 
ing  early  in  April. '  An  excellent  plant  for  the 
rockery  or  front  of  border,  growing  1  ft.  high. 
Grows  well  in  ordinary  soil.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c; 
10  for  $1.50. 

ANCHUSA— Alkanet 

*Myosotidiflora — Handsome  dwarf  perennial  with 
clusters  of  bright  blue  flowers  resembling  forget- 
me-nots,  blooming  in  May  and  June.  Does  well 
in  deep,  well  drained  soil  in  sun  or  shade.  Plant 
grows  12  inches  high  and  is  very  effective  in  rock 
garden.  Each  30c ;  3  for  75c;  10  for  $2.00. 

ANENOME— Windflower 

•Pulsatilla — A  plant  for  the  rockery  or  well  drain¬ 
ed  border  which  grows  from  9  to  12  inches  high 
and  produces  large  purple  flowers  during  early 
spring.  Plant  in  sun  or  partial  shade.  Each  25c; 

3  for  60c;  10  for  $1-75. 

ANTHEMIS— Chamomile 

Tinctora  (Kelwayii — Free-flowering  perennial  with 
finely  cut  foliage  and  large  yellow  flowers  pro¬ 
duced  all  summer.  Suitable  for  border  and  flow¬ 
ers  especially  fine  for  cutting.  Plant  grows  2  ft. 
high  and  is  successful  in  any  soil  in  a  sunny  po¬ 
sition.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

AQUILEGIA — Columbine 

Canadensis  (Common  American  Columbine! — Very 
graceful  perennial  with  beautiful  flowers,  espec¬ 
ially  desirable  for  cutting.  Can  be  grown  m  well 
drained  soil,  preferably  in  partial  shade.  Is  ex¬ 
cellent  for  the  border,  growing  3  ft.  high  and 
having  blooms  of  sc  ft  yellow  and  red  in  May  and 
June.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

•Coerulea  (Rocky  Mountain  Blue  Columbine)  — 
Rockery  plant  which  has  lovely  blue  flowers  with 
long  spurs.  Thrives  well  in  ordinary  soil  con¬ 
taining  plenty  of  humus.  This  plant  prefers  par¬ 
tial  shade.  Blooms  from  May  to  July.  Each  30c; 
3  for  75c;  10  for  $2.00. 

“Dreer’s  Long  Spurred”  Hybrids — Remarkably 
graceful  perennial  which  has  lovely,  long  spur¬ 
red  flowers  in  many  shades  of  blue,  purple, 
pink,  red  and  yellow.  Is  ideal  for  the  border, 
and  flowers  are  highly  prized  for  cutting.  One 
of  our  finest  strains.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c ;  10  for 

ARABIS — Rock  Cress 

•Alpina — A  low  growing  rock  plant  which  has  sil¬ 
very-green  foliage  and  white  blooms.  It  grows 
about  6  in.  in  height  and  blooms  in  ear’y  spring. 
Thrives  in  any  good,  ordinary  soil  that  is  not 
too  wet.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c:  10  for  $1.50. 

•Billardeiri  Rosea — A  striking  new  plant  fo*  the 
rockery.  Plants  are  more  compact  than  the  Al¬ 
pina,  with  flowers  of  a  beautiful  rose  color. 
Blooms  In  spring  and  is  very  valuable  in  the  rock 
garden  or  for  edging.  Does  well  in  sun  in  any 
good  garden  soil.  Each  30c;  3  for  75c;  10  for 

ARMERIA— Thrift  or  Sea-Pink 

Armeria  Formosa  Grandiflora  Hybrida — A  new  in¬ 
troduction  and  prized  for  its  hardiness  as  foliage 
remains  green  all  year.  Numerous  ball-shaped 
flowers  are  borne  on  upright  stems  16  inches 
high,  in  colors  of  pale  and  bright  pink,  coral  red, 
violet  and  purple.  Good  for  cutting.  Requires 
sun  and  does  well  in  ordinary,  good  soil.  Each 
30c;  3  for  75c;  10  for  $2.00. 

•Laucheanu — Dwarf-growing  perennial  with  grassy 
leaves  and  bright  rosy  red  flowers  which  bloom 
in  May  and  June.  They  prefer  a  dry,  sandy  soil 
and  a  sunny  position.  They  grow  from  3  to  6 
inches  high  and  are  suitable  for  Alpine  Gardens. 
Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

ARTEMESIA — Sage  Family 

Silver  King — A  striking,  shrubby  white-leaved  con¬ 
trast  plant.  Its  beautiful  silvery  sprays  are  used 
for  setting  off  bouquets  and  to  mix  with  winter 
in  front  of  shrubbery.  Thrives  in  ordinary  soil 
bouquets.  Can  also  be  used  at  back  of  border  or 
and  prefers  sun;  height,  30  inches.  Each  20c;  3 
for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

ASCLEPIAS— Butterfly  Weed 

Tuberosa — A  bushy  border  plant  with  brilliant 
orange  flowers  which  bloom  during  July  and  Aug¬ 
ust.  It  grows  about  ly2  ft.  high.  Flowers  are 
lovely  for  cutting  and  last  a  long  time.  Thrives 
best  in  sandy  soil.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for 

ASTER — Starwort 

*Alpinus  rubra — A  very  showy  rock  plant,  produc¬ 
ing  rose-purple  flowers  in  May  and  June.  Does 
well  in  good  ordinary  soil  but  requires  lime  and 
sunny  position.  Flowers  are  attractive  for  cut¬ 
ting.  Height,  6  to  10  inches.  Each  25c;  3  for 
60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

>Tovae-angleae  (New  England  Aster)— A  tall  bord¬ 
er  plant  growing  from  4  to  6  ft.  high  and  having 
purple  blooms  during  Sept,  and  Oct.  Grows  in 
any  ordinary  soil;  sun  or  light  shade.  Each  20c; 
3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 


Luteus — A  strong  growing  perennial  with  tall 
spikes  of  bright  yellow  flowers;  swordlike  foliage. 
Is  very  fragrant.  Does  well  in  front  of  shrub¬ 
bery,  in  the  border  or  wild  garden.  Requires  a 
deep,  rich  soil.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

AUBRIETIA — Purple  Rock-Cress 

*Large  Flowered  Hybrid — Free-flowering  rock  plant 
having  all  shades  of  violet  and  lavender  flowers 
on  4  in.  spikes.  Blooms  from  early  spring  till 
summer.  Thrives  in  any  good,  well  drained  soil. 
Each  25c ;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

BA  PTISI  A— False-Indigo 

Australia — Has  very  attractive  foliage  and  dark 
blue  flowers  on  spikes  3  ft.  high,  blooming  in 
June.  Suitable  for  border  or  wild  garden.  Re¬ 
quires  deep,  rich  soil  ana  sun.  Each  25c;  3  for 
60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

BLEEDING  HEART  (See  Dicentra) 

*Alpina — Useful  plant  for  rock  garden.  Has  rich 
purple  flowers  in  summer.  Does  well  in  any 
good,  ordinary  soil,  in  sun  or  light  shade.  Grows 
6  inches  high.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

CAMPANULA— Bellflower 

One  of  the  most  popular  and  desirable  hardy  per¬ 
ennials  for  the  border  and  rock  garden.  Dwarf 
varieties  prefer  partial  shade  while  the  others 
litt.e  oUn.  All  varieties  do  well  in  ordinary  rich 

Alliarefolia — A  grand  border  plant  having  tall 
spikes  with  creamy  white  blooms  in  August. 
Height,  2y2  ft.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c:  10  for  $1.75. 

Amabilis — Very  handsome  novelty  bell  flower  hav¬ 
ing  dark  blue1  blossoms,  borne  on  2  ft.  spikes,  in 
June  and  July.  Verv  thrifty  grower.  Each  25c ; 
3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75, 

*Carpatica  (Carpathian  Hare-ball — A  compact 
bushy  plant,  about  8  in.  high.  Blooms  from  May 
to  September.  Has  blue  or  white  flowers.  Un¬ 
excelled  as  a  rock  plant.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c, 
10  for  $1.75. 

*Garganica — A  beauty  for  the  rockery.  _  Grows  in 
a  low  spreading  tuft  which  in  June  is  covered 
with  light  blue  flowers  having  a  white  eye.  Each 
30c;  3  for  75c;  10  for  $2.00. 

*Glomerata  Superba — Something  new  that  should 
be  in  every  garden.  Grows  about  20  in.  high  and 
has  dark  violet  blooms  from  bottom  of  spike  to 
top.  Blooms  in  June  and  July.  Excellent  for 
rock  or  border.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.^5. 

Latifol|a — An  excellent  border  plant  growing  2  ft. 
high  and  having  an  abundance  of  large  heads  of 
blue  flowers.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

Persicifolia  (Peach-leaved  bellflower) — A  very  at¬ 
tractive  plant  for  the  border.  During  June  the 
branches  of  the  3  ft.  plant  are  covered  with  open 
bells  of  blue.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

Persicifolia  Grandiflora  Large  Bell — Border  plant 
having  large  blue  cup-shaped  flowers  on  spikes 
about  2i/2  ft.  high.  A  prize.  Each  30c;  3  for  75c; 
10  for  $2.00. 

Pyramidalis  (Chimney  Bell  flower) — Has  spikes 
"from  3  to  4  feet  tall  covered  with  blue  star-shap¬ 
ed  flowers,  blooming  in  late  summer.  A  most 
conspicuous '  and  excellent  border  plant.  Each 
25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

*Rotundifolia  (Scotch  Harebell) — One  of  the  finest 
plants  for  rock  garden.  Grows  about  8  in.  tall 
and  has  small  rosettes  of  leaves  at  base  of  plant 
with  slender,  wiry  grass-like  bloom  stems.  Blue 
flowers  bloom  from  June  to  October  (or  frost). 
Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

*Turbinata — The  plant  is  compact  in  habit  and  very 
showy  in  the  rockery.  Grows  6  in.  high  and  has 
lovely  cup-shaped  violet  flowers.  Each  25c;  3 
for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

CAMPANULA  MEDIUM— Canterbury  Bells 

Medium  (Single  Canterbury  Bells) — Tall,  erect 
plants  having  large  cup-shaped  flowers  of  blue, 
pink  or  white  colors.  An  excellent  border  plant 
and  unsurpassed  as  a  biennial.  Blooms  in  June 
and  July.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.50. 

Calyeanthema  (Cup  and  Saucer)— Tall  plant  grow¬ 
ing  3  ft.  high  and  having  large  cud  and  saucer¬ 
shaped  flowers  during  June'  and  July.  Each  25c; 
3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.50. 

CARNATION — Hardy  Border 

Crimson  King — A  very  hardy  plant  prized  for  its 
brilliant  red  flowers  borne  in  clusters  on  12 
to  16  inch  stems.  Foliage  is  of  bright  green  on 
bronze  colored  branches.  Grows  upright.  Does 
well  in  ordinary  soil.  Each  30c;  3  for  75c;  10  for 

“Grenaden”  Mixed — One  of  the  most  useful  and 
popular  of  perennials.  A  most  brilliant  bedding 
or  cutting  flower;  blooms  early  in  summer,  hav¬ 
ing  mixeO  shades  of  deep  red,  scarlet,  pink  and 
white.  Will  grow  in  ordinary  good,  light,  well 
drained  soil.  Flowers  are  produced  on  12  in. 
stems.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

CATANACHE— Blue  Cupidine 

*Coerulea — Border  plant  producing  light  blue 
blooms  on  16  to  18  inch  stems.  Blooms  all  sum¬ 
mer.  Useful  for  cutting.  Does  well  in  good,  or¬ 
dinary  soil,  in  a  dry,  well  drained,  sunny  position. 
Each  20c;  3  for  5Lc;  10  for  $1.50. 

CENTAUREA— Knapweed 

DealbaOa — A  handsome  border  plant  with  striking 
rosy  purple  flowers  blooming  in  June  and  July. 
Will  grow  in  good,  ordinary  soil  in  sunny  posi¬ 
tion;  divide  and  replant  every  third  year.  Height, 

2  ft.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

Macrocephela — A  tall,  upright  plant,  growing  3  ft. 
high  and  having  large  yellow  blooms  in  July  and 
Aug.  Does  well  in  good,  ordinaiy  soil  in  sunny 
position.  Fine  border  plant  and  useful  for  cut¬ 
ting.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

Montana — Perennial,  growing  2  ft.  high  and  bear¬ 
ing  large,  violet-blue  flowers  in  early  summer. 
Does  well  in  good,  ordinary  soil  in  sunny  posi¬ 
tion.  Excellent  border  plant.  Each  20c;  3  for 
50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

CHEIRANTHUS— Siberian  Wallflower 

*Allioni — Lovely  rock  plant,  having  dense  heads  of 
fragrant,  fiery  orange  blooms  in  May  and  June. 
Stems  are  about  1  ft.  high.  Plant  in  ordinary, 
well  drained  light  soil  in  sun.  Treat  as  biennial. 
Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 



“Alaska” — Easily  grown  perennial  with  large,  glis¬ 
tening  white  blossoms  with  yellow  centers.  Is 
of  pyramidal  bush  growth  attaining  a  height  of 

2  ft.  Requires  sun  and  well  drained  rich  loam. 
Excellent  for  border  and  cutting.  “Alaska”  is 
one  of  best  varieties.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10 
for  $1.50. 

Uliginosum  (Giant  Daisy) — Border  plant  growing 
from  3  to  4  ft.  high  and  having  large  white  blos¬ 
soms  with  yellow  centers,  blooming  from  June 
to  Sept.  Requires  a  deep,  rich  soil  and  a  sunny 
position.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

CO  N,V  ALL  ARIA — Lily-of-the- Valley 

Majalis — Plant  having  very  fragrant  white  flowers 
bloomiug  in  May  and  June.  Very  good  for  us¬ 
ing  near  shrubs  and  along  shaded  borders.  For 
best  results  it  should  be  planted  in  good,  rich  soil 
in  shade.  It  is  everybody’s  favorite  and  indis- 
pensible  to  the  flower  garden.  Each  20c;  3  for 
50c;  10  for  $1.75. 

COREOPSIS— Tickseed 

Grandiflora  FI.  Pleno — A  very  attractive  perennial 
for  use  in  the  border  and  for  cutting,  having  dou¬ 
ble  golden  yellow  flowers  in  profusion  throughout 
the  summer.  Height,  3  ft.  Will  grow  in  ordi¬ 
nary  well  drained  soil  and  in  full  sun.  Each  20c; 

3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 


*Stylosa — A  plant  of  creeping  nature  that  can  be 
used  for  front  of  border  and  is  excellent  for  rock 
garden.  Has  bright  pink  flowers  on  stiff  6  in. 
stems.  Blooms  early  in  summer.  Prefer  a  light, 
well  drained  soil.  Does  well  in  sun  or  shade. 
Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 


This  is  probably  the  most  popular  flower  grown. 
A  stately  plant  which  is  unexcelled  for  the  bord¬ 
er.  They  are  also  very  desirable  for  cutting.  Del¬ 
phinium  like  the  sun  and  require  good  rich  deep 
cultivated  loam  that  contains  lime.  Must  be 
planted  with  crowns  level  with  soil  surface. 

Belladonna  Improved  “Cliveden  Beauty” — The  finest 
belladonna,  growing  4  ft.  high  and  having  lovely 
light  blue  flowers  blooming  early  and  throughout 
the  summer.  Very  graceful  and  especially  gooa 
for  cutting.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

Bellamosum — Like  the  Belladona  except  for  having 
flowers  of  dark  blue.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for 

Bellamosuni  Elation  Ilybridum — An  improved  scrain 
of  Beilamosum,  which  produces  taller  spikes  of 
bloom  and  flowers  are  much  larger  with  longer 
spurs.  Very  valuable  for  cutting.  Require  tne 
same  soil  as  other  strains.  Each  30c;  3  for  75c; 
10  for  $2.00. 

“Breams  of  Beauty”  Hybrid — This  is  the  finesc  we 
have  ever  seen.  Has  wonderful  irridescent  blooms 
ranging  from  lightest  sky  blue  to  deepest^gentian 
blue,  some  orchid  shades,  both  single  and  double, 
some  with  pink  fillings.  Will  bloom  all  summer 
if  not  allowed  to  seed.  Height  5-6  ft.  Is  unex- 
celed  for  beauty.  Each  30c;  3  for  75c;  10  for  $2.00. 


Alpinus  Allvvoodi — This  variety  of  pinks  is  about 
the  finest  ever  seen.  Have  all  the  shades  of  deep 
red  to  light  pink,  some  double,  and  very  fragrant. 
Is  a  compact  plant  with  grey  green  foliage,  at¬ 
taining  a  height  of  6  to  8  inches.  Flowers  are 
borne  on  stiff  stems  of  the  various  colors  all  sujm- 
mer.  Plant  in  ordinary  good  soil,  in  sun.  Each 
25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

Barbatus,  mixed — One  of  the  most  popular  flowers 
because  of  its  mass  of  bright  red  and  salmon  col¬ 
ors,  in  early  summer.  Very  desirable  to  every 
border.  Blooms  in  upright  dense  heads  on  18  inch 
stems.  Biennial.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*Caesius  (Cheddar  Pink) — A  compact  plant  with 
dense  tufts  of  glaucous  foliage  bearing  sweet 
smelling  rose  colored  flowers  on  6  inch  stems  in 
midsummer.  Easy  grown  and  especially  desirable 
for  rock  garden.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for 

*Deltoides  ‘Brilliant’  (Maiden  Pink) — A  beautiful 
rock  plant.  Grows  in  prostrate  tufts  and  bears  a 
profusion  of  brilliant  crimson  flowers  on  6  to  8 
inch  stems  during  June  and  July.  Does  well  in 
ordinary  good  soil.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for 

*Dentosus  Hybrids — A  low  growing  plant  suitable 
for  border  or  rock  garden,  attaining  a  height 
of  12  in.  Has  mixed  shades  of  lilac,  red,  and 
white  flowers,  blooming  all  summer.  Is  espec¬ 
ially  hardy  and  able  to  withstand  heat.  A  favor¬ 
ite.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

Knappi — A  dainty  plant  growing  upright  about  12 
in.  Bears  clusters  of  bright  yellow  flowers  all 
summer.  Does  well  in  a  dry,  sunny  place.  This 
is  the  only  species  of  Dianthus  having  yellow  flow¬ 
ers.  Each  30c;  3  for  75c;  10  for  $2.00. 

Latifolius  Atrococcineas — (Double  Sweet  William) 
Has  clusters  of  double  scarlet  flowers  in  summer. 
Excellent  for  border,  growing  upright  to  a  hieght 
of  16  in.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*Neglectus — Rock  plant  growing  about  4  inches 
high.  Is  completely  covered  with  deep  rose  flow¬ 
ers  on  upright  stems.  Grows  in  a  compact  tuft 
and  is  a  gem  for  the  Alpine  garden.  Each  30c; 

3  for  75c;  10  for  $2.00. 

DICENTRA — Bleeding  Heart 

Eximea  (Plumy  Bleeding  Heart) — A  most  attract¬ 
ive  border  plant.  Has  beautiful  foliage  of  fern¬ 
like  leaves  and  is  covered  all  summer  with  droop¬ 
ing  heart-shaped  red  flowers.  Is  equally  at  home 
in  full  shade'  or  sun  and  perfectly  hardy  any¬ 
where.  Very  desirable.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10 
for  $1.75. 

Spectabilis — (Bleeding  Heart) — An  old  favorite  that 
is  very  attractive  in  any  border.  Has  crimson 
blooms  on  arching  racemes  with  graceful  finely 
cut  foliage.  Blooms  in  spring.  Hardy  anywhere. 
Each  40c;  3  for  $1.00;  10  for  $3.00. 

DIGITALIS— Foxglove 

“Giant  Shirley”  Hybrids — (A  biennial) — A  very 

showy  and  attractive  border  plant  having  long 
bell  shaped  blossoms  on  tall  spikes  of  3  ft.  Flow¬ 
ers  range  from  white  to  deep  rose  with  chocolate 
markings.  Blooms  from  June  to  August.  Will 
thrive  in  any  ordinary  soil  in  sun  or  shade.  Each 
20c;  3  for  60c ;  10  for  $1.50. 

DICTAMNUS— Gas  Plant 

Fraxinella — A  most  attractive  border  plant  hawing 
glossy  green  leaves,  forming  a  very  symmetrical 
plant  which  improves  with  age.  During  June  the 
plant  is  covered  with  large  well  opened  flowers 
of  rose,  white  or  mixed  shades.  Height,  2  ft.  Re¬ 
quires  a  deep,  rich,  loamy,  well  drained  soil  in  a 
sunny  position.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.50. 

BODECATHEON— Shooting  Star 

*Meadia — Border  or  rock  garden  plant  having  lilac 
and  pink  blossoms  in  April  to  June.  Prefers  cool 
shady  position  in  light  loamy  soil  of  acid  con¬ 
tent.  Height,  1  ft.  Very  pretty.  Each  20c;  3 
for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 


*Ruyschianum — Plant  very  suitable  for  rock  garden 
or  border.  Is  a  tufted  plant  growing  10  in.  high, 
having  bloom  spikes  with  dark  blue  blossoms  in 
July  and  Aug.  Thrives  in  ordinary  soil  and  par¬ 
tial  shade.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

ECHINOPS— Globe  Thistle 

Humilis  Cyanea — Semi-dwarf  plant  with  spiny  fol¬ 
iage,  woolly  beneath  and  having  globular,  this¬ 
tle-like  flowers  of  bright  blue  in  August.  Grows 
2 y2  ft.  high.  A  very  pleasing  flower  for  the 
border  or  wild  garden.  Does  well  in  ordinary 
soil  in  sun  or  light  shade.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c; 
10  for  $1.50. 

ERIGERON — Fleabane 

Grandiflora  Elatior — Is  indispensible  to  the  border 
and  very  fine  for  cutting.  Is  a  daisy-like  plant 
growing  2  ft.  tall.  During  July  the  plant  is  a 
mass  of  airy,  purple  flowers.  Ordinary,  fairly 
moist  soil  and  a  sunny  position.  Each  25c;  3 
for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

Speciosus — Perennial  having  large,  handsome  pur¬ 
ple  flowers  blooming  in  June  and  July.  Border 
plant  and  excellent  for  cutting.  Rather  com¬ 
pact  plant  with  blooms  on  20  inch  stems.  Thrives 
in  ordinary,  fairly  moist  soil.  Each  20c;  3  for 
50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

EUPATORIUM— Hardy  Ageratum 

Coelestinum — A  colorful  border  plant  having  fluf¬ 
fy  heads  of  purple  blue  blooms  from  August  to 
frost.  Has  upright  stems  growing  from  12  to  18 
in.  Does  well  in  ordinary  soil,  partial  shade. 
Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 


Corollata  (Flowering  Spurge) — Perennial  resemb¬ 
ling  Gypsophila  and  may  be  used  in  same  man¬ 
ner  at  a  time  Gypsophila  is  out  of  bloom.  Grows 
with  upright  stems  having  white  blossoms  in 
August  and  September.  Does  well  in  ordinary 
soil  in  sunny  position.  Height,  2  ft.  Excellent. 
Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*Cyparissias  (Cypress  Spurge)- — A  compact  bord¬ 
er  or  rock  plant  growing  1  ft.  high  and  having 
yellow  blooms.  Thrives  in  ordinary  or  poor  soil. 
Looks  like  small  cypress  tree.  Each  20c;  3  for 
50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

GAILLARDIA — Blanket  Flower 

Grandiflora  “English  Hybrids” — An  excellent  cut¬ 
ting  and  border  plant  having  flowers  with  crim¬ 
son  petals  tipped  with  yellow.  Blooms  all  sum¬ 
mer.  A  bushy  plant  growing  2  ft  high.  Thrives 
in  ordinary  loam  in  sunny  position.  Each  20c ; 
3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

Burgundy — A  popular  novelty  border  plant  with 
deep  wine  flowers.  Grows  2  to  3  ft  high  and  blooms 
all  summer.  Very  fine  for  cutting.  You  will 
like  it.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

GENTIANA— Gentian 

Andrewsii — Exquisite  Alpine  perennial  -  suitable! 
for  the  border  or  rockery.  Has  clusters  of 
tightly  closed,  deep  blue  flowers  blooming  from 
July  to  Oct.  Should  be  planted  in  rich,  moist 
loam  in  partial  shade.  Height  8  inches.  Each 

25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

Cruciata — The  most  easily  grown  variety  of  the 
Gentian  family.  Has  clusters  of  small  bright 
blue  flowers  blooming  in  August  and  Sept.  Likes 
deep  loam  with  leaf  mold.  Does  best  in  a  par¬ 
tially  shaded  location.  Grows  about  9  in.  high 
and  is  suitable  for  border  or  rock  garden.  Each 
25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

GEUM — Avens 

Coccineum,  Mrs.  Bradshaw — Very  showy,  free- 
flowering  perennial,  excellent  for  border  and  for 
cutting.  Has  large,  double  flowers  of  a  fiery 
orange-red  which  bloom  all  summer.  Does  v/ell 
in  any  ordinary  soil  in  sunny  position.  Requires 
plenty  of  moisture.  A  very  useful  and  attract¬ 
ive  plant.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c ;  10  for  $1.75. 

Lady  Stratheden — A  new  variety  of  great  merit.  A 
lovely  border  plant  with  attractive  golden  yellow 
blooms  all  summer.  Thrives  in  ordinary  garden 
soil  and  likes  moisture.  Excellent  for  cutting. 
Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

GLOBULARIA— Globe  Daisy 

*Cordifolia — A  dwarf -growing  plant  suitable  for 
border  margins  or  the  rockery.  Has  globe- 
shaped  blue  flowers  which  rise  above  the  rosettes 
of  dark  evergreen  foliage.  Blooms  in  June. 
Any  ordinary  rich  garden  soil  and  a  sunny  posi¬ 
tion  are  required.  Height,  6  in.  Each  25c ;  3 
for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

*Tricosantha — Tufted  plant  growing  about  8  in. 
tall  and  very  showy  in  the'  rock  garden.  It  ha3 
evergreen  foliage  and  blue  flowers  borne  in  glob¬ 
ular  heads.  Likes  the  sun  and  any  good,  well- 
drained  soil.  Blooms  in  early  summer.  Each 
25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

GYPSOPHILA— Baby’s  Breath 

Paniculata — A  favorite  for  the  border  and  highly 
prized  for  cutting.  Has  a  profusion  of  small, 
feathery  white  flowers  on  slender  branching 
stems,  growing  from  2  to  3  ft.  high.  Excellent 
for  fillers.  Thrives  in  any  well  drained  and  not 
too  heavy  soil.  Blooms  in  June.  Should  not  be 
disturbed  when  planted.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c; 
10  for  $1.50. 

*  Repens — A  prostrate  and  spreading  rock  plant 
having  clouds  of  white  flowers  from  June1  to 
October.  Does  well  in  loam  with  good  drainage. 
Height,  6  in.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

KELENIUM — Sneezewort 

Autumnale  Hybrids — A  spectacular  border  plant 
growing  2  ft.  high.  Bronze  and  yellow  flowers  on 
spikes  from  July  to  September.  Does  well  in  or¬ 
dinary  sandy  loam  and  sunny  position.  Each  20c ; 
3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

Hoopesi — A  branching  border  plant  having 

deep  yellow  flowers  very  desirable  for  cutting. 
Blooms  in  June  to  July.  Grows  in  ordinary  soil 
in  sunny  position.  Height,  2  ft.  Each  20c;  3 
for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 


*MutabiIe  Hybrids — An  excellent  rock  plant  with 
evergreen  foliage,  growing  in  large  prostrate 
clumps.  Flowers  range  from  all  shades  of  pink 
to  orange.  Likes  sandy  well  drained  soil  and 
sunny  position.  Height,  8  to  10  in.  Blooms  in 
June  and  July.  Plant  in  permanent  position. 
Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 


Flava — A  favorite  perennial  belonging  to  the  lily 
order.  Grows  2  ft.  tall  and  has  coarse  grassy 
leaves  from  crown  with  bloom  spike.  Has  frag¬ 
rant,  clear  yellow  flowers  blooming  in  June  and 
July.  Likes  rich,  moist  loam  and  partially  shad¬ 
ed  position.  Excellent  for  border,  waterside 
or  naturalizing.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for 

Fulva — (Tawny  day  lily) — Has  beautiful  bronzy 
orange  flowers  from  June  to  August.  Likes  rich 
moist  loam  in  sun  or  partially  shaded  position. 
Height,  4  ft.  Very  good  for  border,  waterside 
or  naturalizing.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for 

HEPATIC  A — Liverwort 

*Triloba — The  first  flower  to  bloom  in  the  spring. 
Ideal  for  shady  part  of  the  rock  garden.  Is  a 
compact  plant  growing  about  5  in.  high,  having 
pink  flowers.  Thrives  in  loam  and  leaf  mold.  Each 

20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

HESPERIS— Sweet  Rocket 

Matronalis,  purple — An  old  and  favorite  garden 
flower,  very  fragrant.  Will  grow  anywhere  and 
attains  a  height  of  2  to  3  ft.  Suitable  for  wild 
garden,  shrubbery  or  mixed  border.  Has  purple 
flowers  on  showy  spikes  in  June  and  July.  Each 
20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

Matronalis,  Alba — Same  as  above  but  having  white 
flowers.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

HEUCHERA— Coralbells 

*Biizoides — A  graceful  and  free-flowering  peren¬ 
nial  suitable  for  borders,  edging  to  walks,  flow¬ 
er  beds,  and  excellent  for  the  rock  garden. 
Flowers  are  pale  pink  and  bloom  on  12  inch 
stems.  Requires  a  well  drained,  fairly  rich  soil 
and  a  sunny  position.  Each  30c;  3  for  75c;  10 
for  $2.00.  . 

*Sanguinea — Excellent  rock  or  border  plant  grow¬ 
ing  about  12  to  18  in.  high.  Blooms  profusely, 
having  flowers  of  bright  crimson  in  June  to 
Sept.  Ideal  for  cutting.  Likes  a  well  drained, 
fairly  rich  soil  which  is  not  too  heavy  and  a 
sunny  position.  Each  30c;  3  for  75c;  10  for 

HOLLYHOCKS— Althea  Rosea 

Orange  Prince — A  beautiful  and  popular  garden 
flower,  having  double  orange  blooms  of  great 
charm.  Attains  a  height  of  6  to  8  ft.  A  rich, 
well  drained  soil  is  best  suited  to  this  variety. 
You  will  like  it.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for 


Pyrenaicum — A  rock  plant  growing  about  1  ft. 
high  and  having  spikes  of  violet  blue  flowers. 
Leaves  form  rosettes.  A  distinct  novelty.  Does 
well  in  partial  shade  or  sun  in  a  good  moist  soil. 
Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

HYPERICUM— St.  John’s  Wort 

*Reptans — A  lovely  rock  plant  of  prostrate,  trail¬ 
ing  nature,  having  very  large,  soft  yellow  flow¬ 
ers,  tinged  with  red  in  July  and  August.  Thrives 
in  ordinaary  sandy  soil.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c ;  10 
for  $1.75. 

IBERIS— Candytuft 

*Ji<2imda — A  fine,  new  plant  for  the  rockery  or 
edging.  Grows  4  to  6  inches  high,  with  very 
stiff  spreading  branches  covered  with  beautiful 
steel  blue  foliage.  In  late  spring  and  summer 
it  is  covered  with  a  mass  of  delicate  pink  blooms. 
Very  hardy  and  withstands  heat  well.  Each  30c; 
3  for  75c;  10  for  $2.00. 

*  Semper virens — A  particularly  fine  roek  plant,  al¬ 
though  suitable  for  margins  of  borders  or  edg¬ 
ings.  Grows  in  a  low  evergreen  clumo  about  6 
inches  high  and  in  spring  is  covered  with  a  sheet 
of  white  flowers.  Likes  a  sunny  position  in  any 
ordinary  soil.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

INULA — Fleabane 

Ensifo’ia — A  perennial  for  edge  of  borders  and  for 
cutting.  Has  bright  golden  blossoms  in  Julv 
and  August.  The  plant  grows  about  1 2  in.  high 
and  is  of  a  bushy  nature.  Does  web  in  vany* 
ordinary  soil  and  in  sunny  position.  Each  25c; 
3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

LATHYRUS — Perennial  or  Everlasting  Pea 

Latifolius,  Mixed — (Hardy  Sweet  Pea) — A  trailing 
plant  suitable  for  growing  on  trellises,  fences, 
etc.  Thrives  in  ordinary  rich  soil  in  sunny  po¬ 
sition.  Flowers  are  pink  or  white.  Fine  for 
cutting.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

LAVANDULA — Lavender 

Vera — A  delightful,  old-fashioned  perennial  hav¬ 
ing  fragrant  blue  flowers  in  July  and  August. 
Likes  a  rather  dry,  medium  soil  and  a  sunny 
position.  A  compact  bushy  plant  with  lovely 
grey- green  fragrant  leaves.  Height,  13  in.  Suit¬ 
able  for  border  or  rock.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10 
for  $1.50. 

LIATRIS — Blazing  Star 

Pychnostachya — (Kansas  Gay  Feather) — Very  at- 
'  tractive  and  beautiful  perennial  having  long- 
spikes  of  rich  purple  flowers,  4  ft.  high.  Blooms 
in  midsummer.  Does  well  in  ordinary  garden  soil 
in  sun.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

LINARIA— Toad  Flax 

Dalmatica — A  border  plant  producing  snapdragon¬ 
like  yellow  flowers.  A  bushy  plant  about  3  ft.  high 
Blooms  from  June  to  Oct.  Thrives  in  ordinary 
loam  and  a  sunny  position.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c; 
10  for  $1.50. 

LINUM— Flax 

Flavum — An  attractive  tend  profusely  blooming 
perennial  suitable  for  border  or  rock  garden. 
Grows  1  ft.  high  and  has  lemon  yellow  flowers 
from  June  to  August.  Grows  in  sandy  or  ordi¬ 
nary  light,  well  drained  soil  and  prefers  sun. 

*Flavum  Compactum  Nanum — A  rock  plant  hav¬ 
ing  golden  yellow  flowers  and  dark  green  foliage. 
Same  culture  as  for  variety  above.  Height  6  in. 
Each  25c ;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

*Narbonense — A  fine  plant  for  the  rock  garden. 

"  Forms  a  spreading  clump  of  attractive  foliage 
with  a  profusion  of  azure1  blue  flowers  with 
white  eye.  Blooms  from  June,  to  Sept.  Blooms 
stay  on  all  day.  Height,  2  ft.  Each  25c;  3  for 
60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

Perenne — A  beautiful  border  plant  producing  a 
profusion  of  pale  blue'  flowers  on  upright  stems 
2  ft  high.  A  new  crop  of  blooms  every  day.  A 
very  graceful  and  desirable  plant.  Each  20c; 
for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

LOBELIA — Indian  Paintbrush 

Cardinalis  (Cardinal  Flower)— One  of  the  most 
attractive  of  border  plants.  Also  ideal  for  wat¬ 
erside.  It  requires  a  moist  position  in  sun  or 
part  shade  to  do  well.  Has  rich,  fiery  cardinal 
flowers,  often  producing  4  to  6  spikes,  24  to  30 
inches  high.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

Syphilitica  (Great  Blue  Lobelia) — Similar  to  above 
except  flowers  are  blue,  streaked  with  white. 
Requires  same  culture.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c; 
10  for  $1.50. 

LUPINUS— Lupine 

Polyphyllus  Hybrid — A  stately  and  beautiful  per¬ 
ennial  with  elegant  leaves  and  having  2  to  3 
ft.  spikes  of  blue,  white  or  pink  flowers.  Re¬ 
quires  a  well  drained,  light  or  medium  soil,  pre¬ 
ferably  slightly  acid.  Blooms  during  June  and 
July.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

LYCHNIS— Catchfly 

Viscaria — A  very  attractive  plant,  easily  grown 
and  is  excellent  for  the  border.  Has  dense 
heads  of  bright  carmine  flowers,  blooming  in 
June  and  July  on  10  to  12  inch  stems.  Does  well 
in  any  ordinary  soil  in  sunny  position.  Each  20c ; 

3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

MERTENSIA — Bluebells 

Virginica — A  plant  that  is  lovely  for  the  shady  or- 
partially  shaded  border.  Blooms  early  in  the 
spring,  having  blue  bell-shaped  flowers.  Height 
18  in.  Very  popular.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10 
for  $1.50. 

MYOSOTIS— Forget-me-not 

*Alpestris — A  charming  plant  for  the  rock  gard¬ 
en  or  edging.  A  spreading  plant  about  5  in.  high 
having  azure  blue  flowers  during  May  and  June. 
Likes  any  ordinary  garden  soil  that  is  well 
drained  and  a  sunny  position.  Each  20c;  3  for 
50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*PaIir|,tris — A  prostrate,  creeping  rockery  plant 
which  likes  a  moist  shady  position  in  ordinary 
soil.  Has  sky  blue  flowers  with  yellow  eyes 
blooming  from  June  to  Oct.  Height,  6  in.  A 
most  satisfactory  variety.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c; 
10  for  $1.50. 

NEFETA— Catmint 

*Mussini' — A  plane  especially  good  for  the  rock 
garden.  Of  dwarf,  compact  nature,  producing 
masses  of  blooms  of  lavender  color  ail  spring 
and  intermittently  during  the  summer.  One  of 
the  most  popular  of  rock  plants  or  edging  plants. 
D’oes  well  in  ordinary  soil  that  is  well  drained. 
Prefers  sunny  position.  Height,  1  ft.  Each 

20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

OENOTHERA — Evening  Primrose 

*Mis9t>uriensis — A  low  growing  plant  used  chiefly 
for  the  rock  garden  and  border.  Blooms  abund¬ 
antly  from  June  until  August.  Require  a  well 
drained,  medium  sandy  soil  and  a  sunny  posi¬ 
tion.  Has  beautiful  large  yellow  flowers.  Height 
6  in.  Each  25c ;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

Youngi — A  fine  plant  for  the  hardy  border;  strong, 
erect  stems  with  firm,  shiny  foliage,  bearing 
numerous  lemon-yellow  flowers,  24  inches  in 
height,  June  to  August.  Does  well  in  any  or 
dinary  garden  soil.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for 


PAP  AYER  ORIENTALE— Oriental  Poppy 

Orientalis — -The  plant  that  gives  that  gorgeous  dis¬ 
play  of  large  cup-shaped,  bright  orange  scar  et 
flowers  in  May  and  June.  They  do  we'l  in  any 
well  drained  soil  in  sunny  position.  Each  20c; 
3  for  -50c:  10  for  $1.50. 

PENTSTEMON— Beard  Tongue 

Barbata  Praecox — Very  hardy  plant,  growing  a 
compact  rosette  of  glossy  leaves  at  crown  with 
many  b’oom  spikes  2  to  3  ft  in  height.  Colors 
range  from  fusclra  purple  through  red  to 
light  pink,  all  summer.  Good  for  border  and 
cutting.  Very  easily  grown.  Each  20c;  3  for 
50c:  10  for  $1.50. 

Digitalis — A  heavy  type  of  plant  with  dark  shiny 
leaves  tinted  with  brown,  producing  flowers  of 
white,  tinted  violet  on  2  ft.  spikes  during  sum¬ 
mer.  Does  well  in  any  good  soil.  Each  2Cc;  3 
for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

Grandiflorus — This  new  plant  is  rapidly  gaining 
popularity  for  its  beautiful  foliage  and  lavender 
flowers.  Foliage  is  heavy,  of  a  blue-green  col¬ 
or,  remaining  in  good  condition  all  through 
the  year.  During  June,  large  trumpet-shaped 
lavender  flowers  are  borne  on  2  to  3  ft.  spikes, 
that  are  very  erect,  and  need  no  staking.  Any 
one  can  grow  this  beautiful  plant  as  it  is  very 
hardy  and  withstands  heat  well.  They  like  a 
sunny  position  in  any  well  drained  soil.  Each 
25c;  3  for  60c^  10  for  $1.75: 

*Humilis — A  low  growing  plant,  with  very  com¬ 
pact,  dark  green  foliage,  very  beautiful  in  the 
rock  garden.  Bloom  spikes  6  to  8  inches  high, 
are  covered  with  bright  blue  flowers  in  June. 
Very  desirable  for  the  rockery,  the  tufted  fol¬ 
iage  remaining  green  all  season.  Each  25c;  3 
for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

Hetefldphyllis  “Blue  Gem1” — Lovely  metallic  blue 
flowers  on  branching  snikes  2  feet  in  height, 
from  June  to  Sept.  Excellent,  for  the  sunny 
border  and  cutting.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for 


These  hardy  plants  are  the  most  effective  and 
useful  plants  in  the  garden  during  the  late  sum¬ 
mer  months.  Every  one  loves  tue  brilliant  col¬ 
ors  in  these  Phlox.  We  offer  those  most  liked 
and  that  grow  easily  in  ordinary  good  soil. 

Bridesmaid — White  with  crimson  eye. 

Fuerbrand — Brilliant  orange  scarlet. 

Miss  Lingard — (Phlox  Suffraticosa) — This  variety 
has  beautiful  long,  shiny  green  foliage  and  is 
absolutely  free  from  disease.  It  blooms  all  sum¬ 
mer  with  large  heads  of  white  flowers  with 
faint  pink  shading  in  center. 

Rhinelander — Large  flower  heads  of  beautiful  sal¬ 
mon  pink  on  stout  stems. 

R.  P.  Strothers — Bright  rosy  carmine  with  claret- 
red  eye. 

Thor — A  beautiful  shade  of  deep  salmon,  overlaid 
with  a  scarlet  glow,  small  red  eye. 

Von  Hochberg — The  best  blood-red  variety. 

Any  one  variety  of  the  above.  Each  25c;  3  for 
60c;  10  for  $1.75 

ONE  EACH  OF  ABOVE  (7  in  all)  $1.50. 

PHLOX  DIVARICATA— Sweet  William 

Canadensis — One  of  our  native  species.  Blooms  in 
April  and  May  with  large  fragrant,  lavender- 
blue  flowers  in  dense  heads  on  10  inch  stems. 
Very  desirable  in  wild  garden  or  rockery,  in  a 
shady  moist  position.  Each  15c ;  3  for  40c;  10 
for  $1.00. 


An  early  spring  flowering  type  with  pretty, 
mosslike  evergreen  foliage.  During  April  and 
May  the  plant  is  hidden  under  the  mass  of 
bloom.  Very  good  for  the  I’ockery,  edging  the 
border  or  carpeting. 

*A!ba — Pure  white  flowers  in  April  and  May  cov 
er  the  compact  plants.  Does  well  in  any  good 
garden  soil  in 'a  sunny  position.  Each  20c;  3  for 
50c:  10  for  $1.50. 

*Atropurpurea — Plants  have  the  same  good  com¬ 
pact,  moss  like  foliage,  covered  with  carmine- 
red  flowers  in  early  spring.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c: 
10  for  $1.50. 

*  Autumn  Rose — This  is  the  newest  in  moss-pinks. 
In  addition  to  spring  blooms  this  new  type  pro¬ 
duces  an  abundance  of  blooms  again  in  the  fall. 
Truly  a  prize  for  those  looking  for  the  best  in 
new  introductions.  Foliage  is  evergreen  and  al¬ 
ways  neat.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

*Lilaoina — A  creeping  variety  completely  covered 
with  pale  blue  flowers  in  spring.  Foliage  re¬ 
mains  green  all  year.  A  strong  grower.  Each 

20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*Rosea — A  very  compact  grower  with  neat  foliage 
remaining  beautiful  all  year.  Plants  are  cover¬ 
ed  in  early  spring  with  brilliant  rose-pink  flow¬ 
ers.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

PHYSOTEGIA — False  Dragon  Head 

Virginica — Handsome  plants  of  easy  culture  for 
the1  sunny  border.  Flowers  are  delicate  pink 
borne  on  spikes  3  to  4  ft.  high.  Each  20c;  3 
for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

PLATYCODON — Balloon  Flower 

*Mariesl — A  dwarf  species  with  broad  thick  fol¬ 
iage  and  large  deep  blue  flowers  on  12  inch 
stems,  throughout  the  summer.  Suitable  in  the 
rock  garden  or  front  of  border.  Grows  best  in 
a  deep  well  drained  soil  in  sun.  Each  20c;  3 
for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

PLUMBAGO — Leadwort 

*Larpenfcae — A  most  desirable  plant  for  the  low 
border  or  rock  garden.  Has  compact,  bushy 
habit,  growing  8  to  10  inches  high  and  covered 
with  deep  blue  flowers  in  late  summer  and  fall. 
Some  protection  is  required  in  winter.  Likes 

any  good  soil.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

POLEMOMIUM' — Jacobs  Ladder 

Coeruleum. — A  fine  border  plant  that  is  full  of  col¬ 
or  during  May  and  June.  Flowers  are  blue 

with  a  golden  center,  prettily  spaced  on  full 
spikes  18  inches  tall.  Plant  in  sunny  position 
in  a  well  drained  soil.  Has  very  pretty  lacey 
foliage.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

PRIMULA — Primrose 

*Veriy,  Hybrids — One  of  the  finest  plants  for  the 
rock  garden.  The  many  colors  are  very  brilliant, 
ranging  in  colors  of  lilac,  purple,  violet,  buff, 
orange,  Salmon  yellow  and  rich  reds.  They 

bloom  heavily  during  May  and  June.  This  va¬ 
riety  is  very  hardy  and  easily  grown.  Requires 
a  shady  position  in  a  moist  well  drained  soil. 
Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

PRUNELLA— Self-heal 

*Grandlflora — A  dwarf  growing  plant  with  pur¬ 
ple  salvia -like  flowers  on  6  inch  stems.  The 
foliage  is  evergreen  and  neat,  very  pretty  for 
rock  garden  or  edging.  Likes  a  moist,  sandy 
soil.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

PYRETHRUM — Painted  Daisy 

One  of  the  finest  plants  for  the  border  and  cut¬ 
ting.  They  grow  in  neat  compact  tufts  of  fine¬ 
ly  cut  foliage,  which  is  very  attractive.  In  May 
and  June  they  produce  beautiful  shades  of  pink, 
red  and  white  daisy  like  flowers  on  2  ft.  stems. 
Extremely  hardy  and  do  well  in  any  ordinary 
well  drained  soil. 

Atrosanguineum — This  variety  bears  large  single 
flowers  on  20  inch  stems  of  the  dark  red  shades. 
Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

James  Kelwayi — This  strain  has  flowers  of  the 
dark  blood-red  color.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c ;  10 
for  $1.75. 

Roseum,  single  mixed — Flowers  ranging  in  colors 
of  deep  to  light  pink  and  white.  Each  20c;  3  for 
50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

Roseum,  double  mixed — These  flowers  are  bred  to 
produce  a  large  percent  of  double  flowers  of  white 
and  various  pink  shades.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c; 
10  for  $1.75. 

RUDBECKIA — Coneflower 

Golden  Glow — A  popular  hardy  plant,  producing 
masses  of  large  double  yellow  flowers  on  6  ft. 
stems  in  late  summer.  Grow  in  sun  and  suitable 
for  background  in  border  and  cutting.  Each  20c; 
3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

Purpurea — (Purple  cone-flower)  An  excellent  plant 
for  grouping  in  masses  of  shrubbery.  Flowers 
are  large  reddish  purple  with  large  cone-shaped 
center  of  brown;  borne  on  2  ft.  stems.  Each 
20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

SALVIA — Meadow  Sage 

Azurea  Pitcheri — Very  hardy  plants  of  grey-green 
foliage.  Pretty  sky-blue  flowers  are  borne  on 
tall  spikes  3  to  4  ft.  high  during  Sept,  and  Oct. 
The  best  plant  being  offered  for  late  blooming 
when  most  bloom  is  scarce.  They  like'  a  sunny 
position  in  any  well  drained  soil.  Each  25c;  3 
for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

Pratensis  Atro-Violacea — Plants  have  very  large 
broad  leaves  which  grow  flat  on  ground.  Hark 
violet-blue  flowers  are  borne  on  16  to  18  inch 
spikes  in  June.  Very  thrifty  plant  that  does  well 
in  sunny  border.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for 

SANGUINARIA — Bloodroot 

*Canadcnsis — A  native  plant,  prized  for  its  early 
flowers,  followed  by  handsome  leaves  which  re¬ 
main  throughout  the  summer.  Very  early  in  the 
spring  the  flowers  appear  on  4  to  6  inch  stems, 
of  a  very  waxy  white.  Nice  for  the  wild  garden 
and  rockery  and  require  a  moist  spot  in  partial 
shade.  Each  15c;  3  for  40c;  10  for  $1.00. 

SAPONARIA — Soapwort 

*Ocymoides  splendens — An  easily  grown  plant, 
suitable  for  the  rock  garden  and  margins  of 
sunny  borders.  Plants  are  compact,  yet  trail¬ 
ing,  forming  the  shape  of  a  mound.  Flowers 
are  rosy  pink,  produced  in  great  quantities  just 
above  the  foliage  in  late  May  and  June.  Does 
well  in  most  any  good  soil.  Each  20c;  3  for 
50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

SAXIFRAGA— Rock-foil 

*Cordifolia — A  dignified  beauty  for  the  rock  or  al¬ 
pine  garden.  Broad,  leathery  leaves  of  a  dull 
shade  of  copper  green,  form  rosettes  close  to 
the  ground.  Ball-shaped  rose  colored  flowers 
stand  out  on  thick  short  stems  in  early  April. 
Requires  a  moist  soil  in  partial  shade.  Each 

30c;  3  for  75c;  10  for  $2.00. 

SCABIOSA — Pin  Cushion  Flower 

Caucausia — Charming  perennial  for  the  border  and 
cutting.  Flowers  are  a  very  charming  shade  of 
lavender  on  18  to  20  inch  stems  and  bloom  in 
June  continuing  until  September.  Plant  in  the 
sunny  border  in  a  well  drained  soil.  One  of  the 
finest  for  cutting.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for 

Japonica — A  semi -bushy  plant,  bearing  small  lav¬ 
ender  blossoms  from  July  to  September  on  2  ft. 
stems.  A  biennial,  but  very  valuable  for  its  mass 
of  color  in  the  border.  Plant  in  a  sunny  posi¬ 
tion  in  any  good  soil.  Good  for  editing.  Each 
20c:  3  for  50c:  10  for  $1.50. 

Isaac  House  Hybrid — A  striking  new  strain  for  the 
border.  Rugged  in  habit  and  a  free  bloomer.  Flow¬ 
ers  are  extra  large  of  perfect  form  and  richly 
shaded  with  amethyst  blue  and  tones  of  clear 
lavender.  Very  pretty  in  the  border  throughout 
the  summer.  Each  30c;  3  for  75c;  10  for  $2.00. 

SEDUM — Stonecrop 

Effective  little  dwarf  plants  for  color  contrasts 
in  the  rockery.  They  will  thrive  in  the  sunny 
spot  of  the  rock  garden,  and  by  trailing  around 
and  among  the  rocks,  they  give  an  established 
appearance.  All  are  easy  to  grow  and  demand 
little  attention.  Will  grow  where  other  plants 
will  not  do  well. 

*Album  Murale — A  red  leaved  form  of  Album,  hav¬ 
ing  linear  oblong  leaves  on  brown  stems.  The 
white  flowers  have  a  pink  center.  Each  20c;  3 
for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*  Album  Purpureum — Leaves  are  a  rich  mahogany 
red,  holding  this  color  throughout  the  year,  other¬ 
wise  similar  in  shape  and  flowers.  Each  20c;  3 
for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*Altissimum — Thick,  slender  gray  leaves  on  6  inch 
stems  that  start  out  recumbent  and  then  grow 
upright.  Flowers  are  greenish-yellow,  borne  in 
midsummer.  Very  attractive'  plant.  Each  20c; 

3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*Coloniensis — One  of  the  Hispanicum  group.  Forms 
dense  mats  of  glaucous  blue  foliage  a  little  more 
than  an  inch  high.  Very  hardy  and  its  blue  fol¬ 
iage  is  unusual.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*Divergens — Green,  tinted  beads  on  red  stems  6  to 
8  inches  long,  that  creep.  Flowers  are  yellow. 
Very  unusual.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*Spurium — A  creeping  variety  with  leaves  in  ter¬ 
minal  rosette's  Turns  a  blood  red  color  in  winter. 
Pink  flowers  in  summer  on  2  to  3  inch  stems. 
Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

Spectabile — An  erect  growing  variety.  Robust  and 
glaucous;  stems  12  to  16  inches  high,  tipped  with 
pink  flowers  in  broad,  flat  topped  cymes.  Suit¬ 
able  for  a  taller  plant  in  the1  rockery  or  low  bor¬ 
der.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

SEMPERVI FUM — House4eek 

*Globiferum — Hairy,  globe-shaped  rosettes  of  gray 
green  that  darken  in  the  autumn  to  a  dull  bronze. 
Make  a  compact  cluster  that  fits  in  nicely  among 
rocks.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*Tectorum — (Hen  and  chickens) — The  popular  old 
favorite  with  a  broad  rosette  of  bright  green  in 
the  spring  changing  to  a  dull  copper  green.  The 
little  ‘chicks’  cluster,  collar-like  around  the  large 
rosette.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

THYMUS— Thyme 

♦Ooceineus — Very  dwarf  plant  that  is  prized  for 
its  neat  creeping  habit.  Can  be  used  in  rock 
garden  or  margins  of  sunny  bank.  Foliage  is 
a  dark  reddish  green  color  and  very  fragrant 
Flowers  are  crimson  which  completely  cover 
the  plant  in  June  and  July.  Will  grow  in  par¬ 
tial  shade  or  sun  in  a  good  loose  moist  soil. 
Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

*Serpyllum — (Wild  Thyme)  This  tidy  little  plant 
is  prized  for  its  fragrant  foliage  and  neat  grow¬ 
ing  habit.  Flowers  are  pink,  closely  set  on  the 
creeping  foliage,  in  June  and  July.  Requires 
sun  or  partial  shade  in  any  good  loose,  moist 
soil.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

TRILLIUM— Wake  Robin 

Erectum — A  native  plant  flowering  early  in  spring 
Leaves  are  borne  in  a  whorl  on  14  inch  stems 
and  flowers  are1  three  petal-like  segaments  of 
a  dark  purple  color  produced  at  top  of  plant. 
They  like  a  shady  position  in  the  wild  garden, 
or  border.  Each  15c;  3  for  40c;  10  for  $1.00. 

Grandiflorum — The  flowers  of  this  plant  are  of  a 
waxy  white  and  very  broad.  A  fine  plant  for 
the  wild  garden  or  low  border,  requiring  light 
shade  in  good  loose  soil.  Each  15c;  3  for  40c; 
10  for  $1.00. 

TRITOMA — R?d  Hot  Poker 

A  very  popular  plant  i£or  garden  decoration. 
They  have  long,  narrow,  grassy  leaves  and  bear 
their  drooping,  tubular  flowers  in  dense  spikes 
on  long  stems  24  to  30  inches  in  height.  They 
are  ideal  in  the  border  and  can  be  used  for  cut¬ 
ting  throughout  the  summer.  Require  good  loose 
fertile  soil  in  sunny  location.  Must  have  pro¬ 
tection  in  winter. 

Hybrida  “Express” — An  early  flowering  sort,  rang¬ 
ing  from  yellow  to  crimson-orange  in  June  to 
August.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

Perpetual  Flowering  Hybrid — Very  vigorous  hy¬ 
brids  that  bloom  freely.  Flowers  are  produced 
on  tall  stems  in  colors  ranging  from  orange  to 
red.  Excellent  for  cutting.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c; 
10  for  $1.75. 

Pfitzeri — A  fine'  plant  for  the  border  and  cutting. 
Flowers  are  of  a  rich  scarlet  color,  borne  on  tall 
spikes,  blooming  in  late  summer  to  October. 
Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

TROLLIUS — Globe  Flower 

Ledebouri — This  plant  is  unexcelled  for  its  beauty. 
A  magnificent  variety  of  a  very  deep  orange  col¬ 
or.  Flowers  are  globe-shaped  and  borne  on  18 
to  20  inch  stems  in  late  summer.  Require  a  rich 
soil  in  partial  shade.  Very  pretty  in  the  border 
Each  30c;  3  for  75c;  10  for  $2.00. 

TUNICA — Coat  Flower 

*Saxifraga — A  pretty  dwarf  with  grass  like  fol¬ 
iage.  Throughout  the  early  sulnmer  it  is  cover¬ 
ed  with  misty  pink  flowers.  Useful  in  rock  gar¬ 
den  or  edging  the  border.  Will  do  well  in  any 
ordinary  soil.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c ;  10  for  $1.50. 

SILENE— Catchfly  ,  ^  v 

Orientalis — Very  showy  perennial  in  the  hardy  bor¬ 
der.  Plants '  have  a  glaucous  foliage  at  base, 
somewhat  tufted,  from  which  20  inch  brandies 
arise  carrying  a  large  globular  head  of  bright 
rose  colored  flowers.  Does  well  in  a  well  drain¬ 
ed  soil  in  sun.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*Schafta — Charming  border  or  rock  plant,  growing 
from  4  to  6  inch  "high  with  masses  of  bright  pink 
flowers  from  July  to  Sept.  Suitable  for  edging 
the  sunny  border  or  rock  garden.  Prefers  ordi¬ 
nary  good  soil.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

SHASTA  DAISY— (See  Chrysanthemum 


SPIKE  A— Meadow-sweet 

Filipendula — Very  handsome  perennial  with  the  gen¬ 
eral  appearance  of  the  Astilbe.  The  plant  has 
beautiful  fern-like  foliage  at  base.  Flowers  are 
borne  in  graceful,  feathery  plumes  on  20  inch 
stems,  during  June  and  July.  Flowers  are 
creamy  white.  Does  well  in  any  good  soil  in  the 
sunny  border.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

STAYCHS— Woundwort 

*Lanat;a — A  fine  perennial  for  edging  and  rock 
garden.  Is  valued  for  its  soft  silvery  foliage. 
Flowers  appear  in  June  of  a  lavender-pink  col¬ 
or,  but  are  considered  useless.  Thrives  in  any 

ordinary  soil.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c ;  10  for  $1.50. 

STATICE — Sea  Lavender 

Hatifolia — A  valuable  plant  for  the  border.  Nar¬ 
row  leathery  leaves  grow  in  clumps  close  to 
the  ground.  Immense  heads  of  purplish-blue 
minute  flowers  are  borne  on  erect  stems  18  tc 
20  inches  in  midsummer.  Are  especially  good 
for  cutting  and  drying.  Require  a  sandy  soil 
well  drained.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75 

STOKESIA — Cornflower  Aster 

Cyanea — Fine  plant  fo'r  the  border  and  very  de¬ 
sirable  for  cutting.  Beautiful  light  blue  flowers 
are  produced  profusely  in  late  summer  and  early 
fall  on  18  inch  stems.  Valuable,  as  it  blooms  late 
in  summer  when  most  bloom  is  scarce.  Grows 
well  in  ordinary  good  soil.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c; 
10  for  $1.50. 

THALICTRUM — Meadow  Rue 

Oipterocarpum — A  most  charming  perennial,  prized 
for  its  unusual  flowers  as  well  as  the  beautiful 
foliage  which  is  highly  decorative.  Three  foot 
slender  stems  bear  panicles  of  bright  lavender 
flowers,  brightened  with  the  lemon  yellow  stam¬ 
ens  and  anthers,  produced  in  graceful  sprays 
during  July  and  August.  Does  well  in  sun  or 
shade  in  a  good  moist,  well  drained  soil.  Each 
30c;  3  for  75c;  10  for  $2.00. 


Caroliniana — Suitable  for  the  sunny  border.  A 
lovely  lupine-like  plant  with  rich  green  foliage, 
growing  about  2  ft.  Flowers  are  produced  on 
spikes  6  to  12  inches  long,  which  appear  like 
a  yellow  lupine.  They  grow  well  in  any  well 
drained  soil.  Each  25c;  3  for  60c:  10  for  $1.75. 

Montana — This  plant  is  more  dwarf,  producing 
lemon  yellow  pea-shaped  flowers  on  branching 
racemes.  Blooms  in  midsummer  and  does  well 
in  the  sunny  border  in  any  good  soil.  Each  25c; 
3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

VALERIANA — Garden  Heliotrope 

♦Coccinea — A  splendid  plant  for  bold  effects  in  the 
rock  garden  or  low  border.  Showy  heads  of  old 
rose  flowers  in  umbels  are  produced  on  12  inch 
stems  just  above  the  ncn  green  foliage.  They 
are  very  beautiful  grouped  in  the  border.  Re¬ 
quire  a  sunny  position  in  any  good  garden  soil, 
not  too  acid,  as  they  prefer  lime.  Each  25c;  3 
for  60c;  10  for  $1-75. 


Phoenioeum  Hybrids — Hardy  perennial  plants  of 
stately  growth,  suitable  for  the  border.  Leaves 
are  wooly  and  grow  very  close  to  ground.  Flow¬ 
ers  are  produced  on  branched  spikes  18  inches 
high,  in  colors  of  white,  pink,  rose,  pui’ple,  and 
mauve.  They  require  a  light  garden  soil  in  sun. 
Very  good  for  cutting.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10 
for  >1.50. 


♦Venosa — Trailing  plant  much  used  for  its  carpet¬ 
ing  habit  on  banks  or  slopes;  also  used  in  the 
rockery.  Flowers  of  a  lavender-pink  color  are 
produced  all  su'mmer.  D'oes  well  in  sun  or  light 
shade,  in  most  any  soil.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c; 
10  for  $1.50. 

VERONICA— Speedwell 

Beautiful  hardy  perennials  that  vary  in  height 
from  a  few  inches  to  three  feet  and  bear  blue 
flowers  in  terminal  spikes  or  racemes.  Very 
showy  in  the  border  and  rock  gardens,  and  all 
are  very  easily  grown  in  ordinary  good  soil  in 
sunny  position. 

Amethystina — Rich  amethys^-blue  spikes  rising 
from  tufts  of  dark  green  foliage.  It  makes  a  viv¬ 
id  spot  of  color  on  1  ft.  stems  luring  Ju(ne  and 
July.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*Corymbosa  Stricta — A  low  growing  plant  of 
prostrate  tufted  foliage.  Flowers  of  azure  blue 
on  dense  plumes  are  produced  on  6  to  8  inch 
spikes  in  midsummer.  A  new  variety.  Each 
25c;  3  for  60c;  10  for  $1.75. 

♦Incana — A  gem  for  the  rockery  or  low  border, 
with  its  unusual  contrast  between  foliage  and 
flowers  Narrow  silver  leaves  in  neat  tufts, 
from  which  arise  dainty  spikes  of  violet-blue 
flowers.  Very  good  for  edging  garden  paths. 
Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

Longifolia  f5ubsessilis — One  of  Ithe  handsomest 
blue-flowering  plants.  Very  (hardy  and  in¬ 
creases  in  strength  and  beauty  each  year. 
Spikes  2  ft.  in  height  are  completely  covered 
with  beautiful  blue  flowers  in  Jit,ly  and  Aug¬ 
ust.  Fine  for  cutting  and  one  of  the  best  plants 
for  the  hardy  border.  Does  well  in  any  good 
soil.  Each  30c;  3  for  75c;  10  for  $2.00. 

•Ppostrata — An  early  blooming  creeper  covered 
with  light  blue  flowers  on  prostrate  green  fol¬ 
iage  in  May.  Does  well  in  full  sun  among  the 
rocks.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

♦Repens — A  pretty  little  alpine  which  forms 
small  clumps  of  very  dwarf  foliage.  In  spring 
it  is  studded  with  pale  blue  dots  of  flowers. 
Should  be  planted  in  well  drained  soil  among 
the  rocks.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*Rupestris — A  fine  rock  plant  growing  2  to  3 
inches  high;  thickly  matted,  dark  green  foliage, 
hidden  in  May  and  June  under  a  cloud  of  bright 
blue  flowers.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 
Spicata  “Dwarf  Blup” — Very  fine  variety  for  the 
low  border.  Plants  grow  compact  and  have  very 
dark  green  foliage.  Each  plant  grows  many 
spikes  of  intense  blue  flowers  8  to  12  inches  high 
in  summer.  Any  ordinary  good  soil  in  sun  is  sat¬ 
isfactory.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 
Spicata  Rosea — A  much  branched  variety  that  bears 
pink  flowers.  Treat  same  as  ‘Dwarf  Blue’.  Each 
20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

VIOLA — Tufted  Pansy 

Cornuta,  mixed — One  of  the  finest  for  bedding  and 
rock  gardens.  Flowers  are  produced  all  summer 
on  4  to  6  inch  stems  in  many  colors  and  mark¬ 
ings.  Does  well  in  sun  or  part  shade  in  any  good 
soil  with  moisture.  Each  20c;  3  for  50c;  10  for 

Odorata,  sweet-violet — (Frey’s  Fragrant)  Hardy  lit¬ 
tle  plants  having  very  dark  green  leaves.  Flow¬ 
ers  of  velvety  purple,  and  sweet  scented,  are 
produced  on  4  inch  stems  in  spring  and  again 
in  autumn.  A  pretty  thing  for  the  rock  gard¬ 
en,  or  waterside  in  a  shady  location.  .  Each  20c; 
3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 

*Pedata — (Bird  foot  Violet) — A  very  desirable 
plant  for  the  wild  or  rock  garden.  This  plant 
grows  a  mass  of  fine  cut  leaves  on  short  stems 
at  base,  resembling  a  bird’s  foot.  Pansy-like 
flowers  are'  produced  in  quantities  on  4  to  6~  inch 
stems  in  colors  of  light  blue  to  dark  purple, 
sometimes  1  inch  across.  Requires  a  loose, 
moist  soil  in  sun  or  partial  shade.  Each  20c; 
3  for  50c;  10  for  $1.50. 




Plants  Ideal  For  Border  And  Cutting 

Agro3temna  Cor~naria  . Rose  Champion 

Achillea  Millefolium  Roseum  . . . Rose  Milfoil 

Aquilegia  Long  spurred  Hyb. . . . Columbine 

Campanula  Medium  . Canterbury  Bells 

Carnation  Grenaden  . . Hardy  Border 

CentaUrea  Macrocephala  . Yellow  Cornflower 

Chrysanthemum  Maximum  . Shasta  Daisy 

Delphinium  Belladona  Imp. . Hardy  Larkspur 

Digitalis  ‘Shirley  Hybrid’  . Foxglove 

Gaillardia  ‘Burgundy’  . Blanket  Flower 

Liatris  Pychnostachya  . . . Blazing  Star 

Pentstemon  Grandiflorus . Shell-leaf  Pentstemon 

Pyrethrum  Roseum  . Painted  Daisy 

Tritoma  ‘Hybrida’  . Red  Hot  Poker 

Verbascum  Phoeniceum  . Mullein 

1  each  of  above  » 

2  each  of  above  - 

3  each  of  above  - 

Catalog  Price  $3.30 

Bargain  Price  3.00 
Bargain  Price  5.25 
Bargain  Price  7.00 


Achillea  Tomentosum . 

Alyssum  Saxatile  . 

Arabis  Alpina  . 

Campanula  Carpatica  . 

Dianthus  Deltoides  . : . 

Dicentra  Eximea  . 

Globularia  Cordifolia  . 

Gypsophila  Repens  . 

Helianthemum  Mutabile  . 

Iberis  Sempervirens  . 

Myosotis  Palustris  . 

Phlox  Subulta,  red  or  pink 

Primula  Veris,  mixed  . 

Thymus  Serpyllum  . . 

Veronica  Rupestris  . . . 

. Wooly  Yarrow 

. Basket  of  Gold 

. Rock  Cress 

. Hare-bell 

. Maiden  Pink 

...Plumy  Bleeding  Heart 

. Globe  Daisy 

.Creeping  Babys  Breath 

. Sun  Rose 

. White  Candytuft 

. Forget-me’-not 

. Moss-pinks 

. Primrose 

. Wild  Thyme 

. Creeping  Speedwell 

1  each  of  above 

2  each  of  above 

3  each  of  above 

.  Catalog  Price  $3.25 
Bargain  Price  3.00 
.  Bargain  Price  5.25 
.  Bargain  Price  7.00 

1936  Planting  List 
Of  Hardy  Perennials 
And  Rock  Plants 





Oakford,  Illinois