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Full text of "Quality seeds, spring 1941 : everything for farm, garden and lawn, dog foods, poultry pet & bird supplies / F.H. Ebeling, since 1868."

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Sprin 2 
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Bo bA BE DS Ee Ds 6S 


D F D 
EVERYTHING / @ ear eeRs 
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Beas 219 South Warren Street BIRD 


CheaiceAt Annual Flower Seeds 

Best Novelty and 
All-America Prize-Winning 

Flower Selections SO Eee 
wd 2 % Ce » PETUNIAS 
Gardens will bloom again and flower = ‘ oo | _ 
lovers will enjoy new ventures in growing the i a 
lovely creations of our American hybridizers re. 
— thrilling colors in a rendition words fail is " 
to express. ' 

f : 1 
1. PETUNIA. Fringed and ruf- x4 
fled giant. Per pkt., 20c. : 
2. MORNING GLORY, Heavy- oe 
enly Blue. Climbing variety, cee a s 
i ; ING 5 hee. a 
flowers measure 2 inches ORs a s 

across. An All-America win- 
ner. Per pkt., 15c. 



3. MORNING GLORY, Scarlett 
O’Hara. The 1939 All- 
America winner. Rapid 
climbing, 4-inch flowers. 
Per pkt., 15c. 

dragon). Giant varieties; 
rust-resistant. Mixed colors. 
Per pkt., 10c. d 



#/ Heavenly 

5. MARIGOLD, Guinea Gold. 
Very double. Mixed.. Per 
pkt., 15c. 

6. MARIGOLD, Gigantea Sun- 
set Giants. Immense size. 
Per pkt., 25c. 

Harmony. Lovely for edging, 
very prolific, blooms all sum- 

mer. Per pkt., 15c. SNAP- : : 
DRAGON— 3a 7 ae 
Rust- oS | 

8. ASTERS. Wilt-resistant; Resistant 
giant branching type. Colors: 
Deep purple, deep crimson, 
peach blossom, light laven- ¢ 
der, rose-pink, shell-pink, 
pure white. Per pkt., 10c. 


Latest Creations; 
Items Bloom AIl Season 
on This 

Page Wilt-Resi 


NEW and 


Ageratum, Fairy Pink 

AGERATUM, Fairy Pink. Dwarf growing for borders, edg- 
ing, rockeries and pots. Fine for cutting. Color, salmon, 
rose, pink. 5 inches high, Pkt., 25c. 

ANCHUSA, Myosotidiflora. Summer Forget-me-not. Clustered 
oe flowers. Excellent for rockery. 15 inches high. Pkt., 

ARMERIA, Formosa Hybrid. Rosy pink flowers all summer. 
ee and useful as a rock garden plant. Grows 11% feet. 
t.5) 0c; 

CALENDULA, Orange Fantasy. Crested, long twisted outer 
petals; short curled inner petals. Flowers 3% inches 
across. Deep bronze in center surrounded with coppery 
orange. Pkt., 25c. 

CALLIOPSIS, Golden Crest. Large flowering, color rich 
orange-yellow with brown center. Pkt., 25c. 

CHRYSANTHEMUM, Hardy Garden Korean Hybrids. Dainty 
flowers with novel color tone—very hardy, blooming in Sep- 
tember until frost. Pkt., 35c. 

DIANTHUS, Pinks. Hardy garden strain in a color range 
that are early and long flowering; mixed colors, extra 
dwarf varieties. Pkt., 10c. 

D., The Midget Dwarf Sweet Willam. In a splendid mixture 
of all colors. Pkt., 25c. 

GAILLARDIA, Burgundy. Bright coppery red blooms on long 
stems. Pkt., 25c. 

G., Dwarf Grandiflora, Goblin. Compact, especially for rockery ; 
showy, deep red flowers. Pkt., 25c. 


F, H. Ebeling 

Chrysanthemum, Korean 

Be eetihe —_ Get 
Out-of-Doors and 
Grow More Flowers 

Petuna, Topaz Rose 

IPOMOEA, Morning Glory, Scarlett O’Hara. Four-inch flow- 
ers on quick-growing vines. ‘‘Gold Medal Winner” for 1939. 
Cardinal-red blossom. Pkt., 15c. 

LUPIN, Russell. Magnificent spikes thickly set with large 
florets in a great variety of rich reds, deep yellows, oranges, 
blues, pinks, purples, as well as a beautiful assortment of 
bicolors. Pkt., 12 seeds, 25c. 

MARIGOLD, Yellow Crown. A lovely, refreshing, cheerful 
shade of bright canary-yellow. Collarette type; foliage free 
of Marigold odor. Pkt., 25c. 

NIEREMBERGIA, Hippomanica. Dwarf annual, covered with 
small, cuplike flowers of a lavender-blue shade, with a touch 

of yellow in the center. Excellent for rockery or borders. 
Pkt., 25c. 

PANSY, Coronation Gold. Claimed the largest yellow-gold 
variety with ruffled edges. Pkt., 25c. 

PETUNIA, Burgundy. Burgundy-red enhanced by a rich vel- 
ney sheen; glistening white throat veined purplish red. 
t., 25e. 

P,. Dwarf Elk’s Pride. Lovely deep violet-purple, rich and 
even toned. Pkt., 25c. 

P., Topaz Rose. Velvety cerise-rose slightly suffused gold. 
Will not fade or burn under the hottest sun; a truly worth- 
while Petunia. Pkt., 25c. 

SALVIA, Blaze of Fire. Early and dwarf. Flowers brillant 
scarlet, ideal for bedding. Pkt., 25c. 

SANVITALIA, Creeping Zinnia, Procumbens. Masses of 
small, Zinnia-like, double blooms of deep golden yellow. 
Blooms all summer and fall. Pkt., 10c. 

TAHOKA DAISY. An attractive flower with a single row of 
narrow, pointed, lilac-blue petals surrounding a deep golden 
yellow dise-like center. Desirable for cutting. Pkt., 25c. 

ZINNIA, Cupid Type Mixed. Small, button-like flowers about 
1 inch in diameter; color through the summer and fall; 
very free-flowering. Pkt., 15c. 

Z., Fantasy Star Dust. A rich deep golden yellow. Plants 
21% to 3 feet high. Very graceful. Pkt., 25c. 

Z., Linearis. New type of Zinnia, Single flowers, golden or- 
ange, with a lemon stripe through each petal. Pkt., 15c. 

Fortunate Gardeners 

Many will soon retreat to their happy haven of relaxation—The 
Garden. A few hours a day of this clean, healthy recreation, where 

business bustle is forgotten, the waging 
wars are nought, and when strife is 
dispelled, the garden is the most exhil- 
arating of all spring tonics. 

Kindly peruse this new book care- 
fully. Many revisions in prices will 
please you. Many additions of fine va- 
rieties will thrill you, and, regardless 
of world-wide conditions, we will not 
take advantage of the situation by rad- 
ically increasing our prices. 


Ebeling’s Lawn Grass Seed 

It Produces a Carpet of Unrivalled Emerald Green and in Four Weeks 
From Sowing, it Is Ready for Mowing 

A lawn made with the “Ebeling’s Lawn Grass Seed” 
is practically permanent. Customers tell us that lawns 
made with this mixture twenty or more years ago are 
as beautiful today as when they were first made. 

It should be borne in mind when considering the 
making of a lawn that the cost of the seed represents 
only a small part of the actual investment. The labor 
cost is usually far in excess of the cost of the seed. 
It is therefore false economy to save a few cents by 
buying a mixture of grass seed obtained from a ques- 
tionable source, only to be obliged to endure the 
annoyance and expense of continually repatching a 
weedy, irregular turf and perhaps being forced to do 
the entive work over again in a short time. 

Sunny Lawn Mixture: 

The Green Carpet of Out-o’-Doors 
PRICE: 1 Ib., 40c; 5 Ibs., $1.75; 25 Ibs., $8.00. 

Shady Lawns and Under Trees 

This mixture is a combination of dwarf growing 
grasses which thrive in shaded places. It quickly pro- 
duces an abundance of lovely green grass where other 
aes fail. Price: 1 lb., 45c; 5 Ibs., $2.00; 25 Ibs., 


Golf Links — Tennis Courts — Polo 
Grounds — Cricket Tables 

For grounds that stand rough usage, our formula 
produces an excellent turf rapidly. Per lIb., 40c. 

A Real Putting Green Mixture 

This mixture has been tried and tested over a period 
of years. Fine bladed, low growing, with a rich green 
color. The greens keeper and the golfer prefer it. 
Recommended also for terraces, embankments and 
steep slopes. Price: Per lb., 75c; bu. (25 Ibs.), $17.00. 

Coverage of Grass Seed 

Hor, +150square)iLeet: ccc 2 iets rete ei. 
For-1000' sduaresteet. caocccoselo meer mnie 7 |bs. 
For 2000" square=fectaccsnc. cia cee cee ae DS 
HOTrsOne yACEC Rrra .fewie aie iseie.« spe suiee se OUORIDS. 

For old lawns one-half the above is sufficient. 

ee ee 


Our experience of many years has taught us that a 
well-balanced combination of grasses will give better 
results than a single variety. Where conditions of 
the seed bed are not all that could be desired, the 
chances of survival are much greater than when only 
one kind is sown. We offer Lawn Seed Mixtures com- 
posed of the highest ingredients and in the correct 

Our Lawn Seed Mixtures contain no Timothy or any 
other Grass Seeds that produce only temporary results. 

We welcome the opportunity to make up for our 
customers any Special Formula that they may wish, 
using only the highest grade ingredients. 

White Dutch Clover Seed 

Excellent for use on lawns; forms a close herbage 
and remains green throughout the season. We furnish 
the choicest grade of seed. Lb., 95c; 10 Ibs., $9.00. 

Terrace Grass For Thick Turf 

Ordinary lawn grass will not hold the soil on ter- 
races and embankments, which require a thick turf 
consisting of varieties which make strong roots to 
hold the soil and prevent damage by heavy rains. Our 
selected combination mixture gives you quickly a 
strong matted, velvety coverage. Price, Lb., 50c; bu. 
(20 Ibs.), $9.00. 

Kentucky Blue Grass 
Per lIb., 45c. 

Fancy Red Top 

Per Ib., 35c. 


We give no warranty, express or implied, as to de- 
scription, purity, productiveness, or any other matter 
of any seeds or bulbs we send out, and we will not be 
in any way responsible for the crop. 

We are not bound for any definite time or quantity 
by the prices quoted in this catalog, and they are sub- 
ject to change without notice. We recommend that 
you order as early as possible. 

Ebeling’s Choice Flower Seeds 

Our Flower Seeds are All Produced From the Best Sources in America 

and Europe and Are of the Very Highest Quality 

Achillea, the Pearl 

ABUTILON (Chinese Bellflower or Flowering Maple). Free- 
flowering, perennial shrub; fine for indoors. For outdoors 
sow before April. Will bloom first season. Pkt., 10c. 

ACHILLEA, The Pearl. Perennial. Pure white; fine for cut- 
ting. June to August. 2 ft. Pkt., 10c. 

ACONITUM (Monkshood or Wolfsbane). Hardy perennial, 
long spikes of odd-shaped blue and white flowers, adapted 
to shady corners or among shrubbery. 3 to 5 ft. Pkt., 10c. 

ACROCLINIUM. Pretty, annual everlasting. 15 inches high; 
lovely white or rosy pink flowers, fine for border. Single 
or double. Pkt., 10c. 

ADLUMIA (Mountain Fringe or Allegheny Vine). A hardy, 
biennial climber; will resow itself year after year. Feath- 
ery foliage resembling Maidenhair Fern, flowers tube- 
shaped, flesh-colored, completely covering the plant. Fine 
for trellises, stumps, etc. Pkt., 10c. 

ADONIS (Pheasant’s Eye; Flos Adonis). Showy, hardy 
annual, of easy culture, fine cut foliage, blooms a long 
time; dark crimson flower with light center. Height 
1 ft. Pkt., 10c. 

AGERATUM (Floss Flower). Blooms from early summer 
until frost. Sow in March or in hotbed and transfer 
into open ground in June when weather is suitable; 
valuable for winter flowering for conservatory. Pkt., 10c. 

Blue Cap Miniature. Pkt., 15c. 

Purple Star. Extra dwarf, purple. Pkt., 15c. 

Blue Perfection. Dark blue, largest flowering, fine bedder. 
Pkt., 10c. 

Little Dorrit. Yellow. Pkt., 15c. 

Little Dorrit. Beautiful, compact; sky-blue, white center; 
very exquisite. Pkt., 10c. 

Tom Thumb (Little Blue Star). 4 inches. The finest va- 
riety for neat edgings. Pkt., 10c. 

Mexicanum. Lavender-blue. 1% feet. Pkt., 10c. 

Imperial Dwarf White. Height 8 inches. Pkt., 10c. 

- Fairy Pink. Pkt., 25c. 

AGROSTEMMA (Rose of Heaven). 
perennial, blooming first season. 
Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

ALYSSUM (Madwort). Pretty for beds, vases, baskets, edg- 
ings, etc. Bloom profusely all summer, also useful for 

winter. Very sweet-scented. 

Alyssum Saxatile Compactum 

Free-blooming, hardy 
Height 1 to 2 feet. 

“Flowers Have Been Called 
the Smiles of God” 


should grow flowers 

—This Easy-to-Grow Collection 

1 Pkt. French Marigolds 
1 Pkt. Zinnias, Giant Flowering 

nk 20c 

Anchusa—a Lovely Blue 

Anthemis, Hardy Marguerite 

Lilac Queen, Mixed. Dwarf varieties. Pkt., 10c. 

Benthami Comp. Lutescens. Cream-yellow. 
Pkt., 10c. 

Little Gem (or Carpet of Snow). 4 to 6 inches 
in height, each plant covering a circle of 15 
to 30 inches. Pkt., 10c. 

Procumbens (Snowcloth). Pkt., 10c. 

Saxatile Compactum (Basket of Gold.) Hand- 
some yellow flowers, hardy perennial bloom- 
ing first season, fine for rock work. 1 ft. 
Pkt., 10c. 

aan il 
oe ae 
Anchusa Myosotidiflora 

SWEET ALYSSUM. Trailing flowers, white. 
Pkt., 10c. 

AMARANTHUS,. Brilliant foliaged annuals. 
3 to 5 ft. Useful in borders or centers 
of large beds. Do not plant too closely. 

Caudatus (Love-Lies-Bleeding). Blood 
red, drooping foliage. 3 ft. Pkt., 10c. 

Tricolor (Joseph’s Coat). Leaves red, yel- 
low and green. 8 ft. Pkt., 10c. 

AMPELOPSIS (Boston or Japanese Ivy). 
Hardy, perennial climber, olive green 
leaves turning to scarlet in fall. Popular 
climber, fine for brick or stone walls. 
Pkt., 10c. 

ANCHUSA Myosotidiflora. Pkt., 25c. 

ANCHUSA (Alkanet). Italica Dropmore va- 
riety. 3 to 5 ft high; bears in abundance 
flowers of the richest gentian-blue 
during May and June. Pkt., 10c. 

Capensis (Cape Forget-me-not). A splendid 
blue annual variety, blooming all sum- 
mer; 18 inches. Pkt., 10c. 

F. H. EBELING 23rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 SYRACUSE, N. Y. 

ANEMONE (Windflower). Hardy perennial, large flowers, fine for 
St. Brigid. A beautiful selection. Our seed comes from a famous 
Irish grower and comprises semi-double and double flowers in a 
wonderful array of colors. Pkt., 10c. 

ANTHEMIS, Kelwayi (Hardy Marguerite). A most satisfactory hardy 
perennial, bearing all summer daisy-like golden yellow blossoms. 
Excellent for cutting. 2 ft. Pkt., 10c. 

ANTIRRHINUM (Snapdragon). 
Giant Varieties. Of tall growth, very large individual flowers: 
Searlet, White, Yellow, Garnet, Pink (silver-pink), Rose (rich 
rose). Pkt., 10c. 

Semi-dwarf. A splendid mixture, containing all the colors. Pkt., 10c. 
Tom Thumb. Extra choice variety. Choice mixed, pkt., 10c. 

AQUILEGIA (Columbine). Charming hardy perennial. 1 to 8 ft. 
Profuse bloomer. Fine for borders. 
Long-Spurred Hybrids. A beautiful strain comprising shades and 
combinations of blue, white, yellow, orange, scarlet and bright 
rose-pink, in large flowers with long spurs. Pkt., 10c. 

ARABIS, Alpina (Rock Cress). Very early, pure white, spring flowers, 
appear as soon as snow disappears. Fine for rockeries or edging. 
6 inches high. Pkt., 10c. 
Rosea (Rock Cress Rose). Perennial. Pkts 10c. 

ARCTOTIS, Grandis (African Daisy). A remarkably handsome an- 
nual from Southwest Africa. It forms much-branched bushes 
2 to 3 feet high. Its flowers are large and showy, being pure white 
on the upper surface, the reverse of petals lilac-blue. Pkt., 10c. 

ARGEMONE, Hybrida Grandiflora (Annual). Mexican “Prickly 
Poppy.” These new, large-flowering “Prickly Poppies”, form 
branching plants about 3 feet high and 18 inches across. The 
large, single poppy-like flowers are white, cream, primrose and 
yellow, and are borne freely and continuously all summer long. 
The thistle-like foliage is of a grayish green with silvery ribs. 
Grow quickly and easily from seed. Thrives in any sunny situa- 
tion; particularly effective in the mixed flower border. Pkt., 10c. 

ARMERIA (Sea Pink or Cushion Pink). Very pretty edging plant, 
bearing large tufts with rosy pink flowers; hardy perennial. 
Pkt., 10c. 

Antirrhi —s d 
pee eee Armeria formosa. A hybrid. Pkt., 10c. 
ASPARAGUS, Plumosus Nanus. Graceful climber, finer 
than most delicate ferns. Will last for weeks after 
being cut, easily cultivated. Pkt., 25c. 

to any soil or climate, there being early, medium, Sprengeri. One of the best for hanging baskets or 
and late flowering sorts which extends the bloom- general purposes. Fronds 4 ft. long. Pkt., 10c. 

ASTERS are now one of the most important summer 
and autumn flowers. Their immense popularity 
and world-wide demand shows their adaptability 

ing period from early July until frost. 
For the best results the ground should 
be very rich. Good results can be ob- 
tained from ordinary garden soil. 
ROYAL ASTERS (or Early Branching). 
These are dwarf branching, about 2 ft. 
high, flowers of the branching type; 
coming into bloom in July or early Aug. 
Peerless Yellow. Best yellow. Pkt., 10c. 

Sunshine (Improved Anemone-Flowered.) 
Long quilled petals. Some of the flowers 
have twisted petals and some have quil- 
led petals; all have a cushion center of 
tiny quills of a contrasting color which 
makes a flower look as if it were covered 
with snowflakes. The blue flowers are 
dotted with a paler blue and some in 
pink or white. The flowers last a long 
time after cutting. 

Sunshine Mixed. All colors. Pkt., 25c. 


Blackish Purple. Deep dark blue. Pkt., 10c. 

Deep Crimson. Rich and glowing. Pkt., 10c. 

Peach Blossom. Pkt., 10c. 

Pale Lavender. Exquisite grayish blue. 
Pkt., 10c. 

Deep Purple. A rich royal shade. Pkt., 10c. 

Rose-Pink. A lovely shade. Pkt., 10c. 

Shell-Pink. Soft and dainty. Pkt., 10c. 

Pure White. Perfect in its purity. Pkt., 10c. 

Finest Mixed. All colors mixed. Pkt., 10c. 


A Lovely New Calendula, Orange Fantasy—See page 1 


CREGO’S GIANT COMET ASTERS. (Wilt-Resistant). We consider this the finest 
and largest of all Comet Asters, bearing immense fluffy flowers five inches and 
over in diameter, as fine as any Chrysanthemum, and when cut keep in good 
condition longer than any other of this type. We offer six colors, viz.: 
ep, Shell-Pink, Purple, Deep Rose, Crimson, Lavender, pkt., 10c. Mixed, 
pkt., 10c. 

IMP. GIANTS OF CALIFORNIA. The flowers are large and full, of the well known 
Crego type, with broad graceful petals, borne on long heavy non-lateral stems. 
The plants reach a height of 3 feet, blooming from mid-summer until frost. 
Florists are demanding the Giants of California for their discriminating trade, 
while those who demand the finest for their gardens also choose the Giants. 
Pkt., 15c; Mixed or separated colors. 

Super Giant Los Angeles. Pkt., 25c. 
Super Giant El Monte. Pkt., 25c. 

QUEEN OF THE MARKET ASTERS. A first-class early-flowering Aster, coming 
into flower in July, of branching habit. Flowers of good size and borne on 
long stems, making them exceedingly valuable for cutting. 1ft. Bright Rose, 
Crimson, Lavender, Pink, Purple, White, pkt., 10c. Mixed colors, pkt., 10c. 

BEAUTY ASTERS. A recently developed late flowering strain coming into bloom 
in late September, and being at their best through October. The plants grow 
nearly 3 feet ee and bear their very large, densely double flowers on long 
strong stems. e offer six beautiful colors: Azure Fairy, Dark Lavender, 
pkt., 10c. September Beauty, shell-pink, pkt., 10c. White, pkt., 10c. Mixed. 
colors, pkt., 10c. 

OSTRICH FEATHER. Magnificent, resembling the Comet. Flowers of immense 

: size of loosely formed petals, equaling the best Japanese Chrysanthemums. 
Bellis—English Daisy Mixed, pkt., 10c. 

PERENNIAL MICHAELMAS DAISY. Single, hardy. Does well in HEART OF FRANCE ASTER. This recent 
any garden soil. If sown early will flower in early season. introduction is the largest flowering 
Pkt., 10c. of the very dark red sorts; plants erly 

AUBRIETIA (Rainbow Rock Cress). Perennial. Large flowering Beene nen tee Lace eich 
hybrids mixed. A fine hardy perennial plant suitable for rock deep ruby-red flowers on long, strong 
eagle oe SEES: Flowers mauve, rose, ete. Height 6 stems. A fine, dark variety. Pkt., 10c. 
inches. =) 0c. 

BABY’S BREATH. (See Gypsophila). SING: AST EES The ae ings hater re 

: : isti class or type. ey are o 

ES a SEU alo hace dll Cyanus). Mixed colors. strong, sturdy habit, growing fully 18 

2 s : ” : inches high, and bear from August to 

BALLOON VINE (Love-in-a-Puff). Rapid growing annual October very large double blossoms, 
climber, white flowers, seed vessels look like miniature bal- the petals of which are more or less 
loons. Pkt., 10c. quilled, forming a very attractive 

BALSAMS (Lady Slipper). Double, camellia-flowered type, an old flower. Mixed colors, pkt., 10c. 
favorite. Gorgeous brilliant colored, double flowers in great 
profusion, easily cultivated. 2 ft. high. Double mixed, pkt., San or POMPON MIXED. Pkt., 
10c. 5 

BUSH BALSAM. New double flowering. Pkt., 25c. ASTER ALPINUS. Perennial. Mixed. Dwarf. 

Fine for rock gardens. 15 inches high. 

BAPTISIA (False Indigo). Beautiful, hardy, perennial, pea- May-June. Pkt., 10c. 

shaped flowers on spikes 6 inches long, bright blue. 2% ft. 

Pkt., 10c. ASTER ALPINUS. New large flowering hy- 
BELLIS (or English Daisy.) Perennial. Double Daisy, very brids, finest mixed. Splendid for cut- 
handsome spring flowering plant. Pkt., 10c. ting. Pkt., 25c. 

BLUE LACE FLOWER. (See Didiscus.) 

BRACHYCOME (or Swan River Daisy.) Dwarf annual, 
profuse bloomer, pretty blue or white flowers. Pkt., 10c. 

CALCEOLARIA (Lady’s Slipper.) Ornamental plant with 
mass of beautiful pocket-like flowers. Blooms early and 
very fine for decorating greenhouse or conservatory. 
Pkt., 25c. 

CALENDULA (Pot Marigold). Very showy, free-flowering 
until frost; hardy annual. Grows in any good soil, fine 
for beds or mixed borders. Fine for pot culture. Height 

Lemon Queen. Light yellow. Pkt., 10c. 

Meteor. Large double yellow, striped with orange. Pkt., 10c. 
Orange King. Large double orange-red flowers. Pkt., 10c. 
Orange Shaggy. Pkt., 15c. 

Orange Fantasy. Pkt., 25c. 

Radio. A beautiful departure from the conventional form 
of Calendulas, as the petals are attractively quilled. The 
color is a deep shade of golden yellow. The flowers are 
large and double. Pkt., 10c. 

Art Shades. Pkt., 15c. 

Mixed. Per pkt., 10c. ; be 

Chrysantha (Novelty). A new Calendula, which originated 
in Australia; the flowers bear a striking resemblance to 
a chrysanthemum; long stems and a large, double, clear 
buttercup-yellow flower; ideal as a cut flower for in- : 
terior decorations. Pkt., 15c. Calendula, Orange Fantasy 


F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 SYRACUSE, N. Y. 

CALLIOPSIS. Annual. Showy, free-flowering, bloom all summer, 
fine for cutting, massing, beds and border. All single sorts 
have large flowers 2 to 4 inches in diameter. 1 ft. high. 
Single or double, mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Golden Wave. (Drummondi). Large golden yellow with brown 
center. Pkt., 10c. 

Golden Crest. Pkt., 25c. 

Tom Thumb Dazzler. Large golden yellow blooms, maroon-red ¢ 
centers, 12 in. Pkt., 10c. 

CAMPANULA (Bellflower). Favorite, hardy herbaceous plant 
with great profusion of bell flowers. Thrives in light rich 

Carpatica. Blue and white, bloom the whole season. 6 inches. 

Persicifolia Grandiflora. Fine hardy bellflowers. 2 to 3 ft. 
Blue or white. Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

CAMPANULA (Canterbury Bell). New annual single. A new .. 
variety which blooms from seed in less than six months; @ 
plants grow from 2 to 2% feet high and each plant produces 
ior 6 to 8 spikes of bloom. We offer this in a fine mixture. 
PRta le; 

CANARY-BIRD VINE. (Tropaeolum Canariense). Handsome an- 
nual, rapid climber, charming little canary-colored blossoms 
bearing a fancied resemblance to a bird with wings half 

expanded. Pkt., 10c. 

CANDYTUFT (lIberis). A great favorite, fine for 
cutting, looks best in beds or masses. Sow 
in spring; will bloom until frost. Very 
hardy, easily cultivated. Single plants look 
well and bloom profusely. 1 ft. 

Carmine. Pkt., 10c. 

White. Pkt., 10c. 

Crimson. Pkt., 10c. 

Empress. A complete mass of pure white 
flowers. Pkt., 10c. 

White Rocket. Pkt., 10c. 

White Hyacinth-Flowered. Pkt., 10c. 

Mixed Colors. Pkt., 10c. 

White. Perennial. Pkt., 10c. 

Lilac. Perennial. Pkt. 10c. 

CANNA (Indian Shot). Without exception one 
of the handsomest bedding plants. Soak the 
seeds in warm water until they show evi- 
dence of swelling. When the second leaf is 
out pot singly and keep under glass until 
proper season for planting out. Pkt., 10c. 

CANTERBURY BELL (Campanula Medium; 
Single Canterbury Bells). The old-fash- 
ioned sort with beautiful, large bell-shaped 
blossoms; we offer three distinct colors 
and mixed, as follows: Blue, Rose, White, 
pkt., 10c. Single Mixed, pkt., 10c. All double 
flowering medium varieties, pkt., 10c. 

Cup and Saucer (Campanula Calycanthema). 
Rose-Pink, delicate rosy pink; Blue, a fine 
clear shade; White, pure white; Finest 
Mixed, all colors of the Cup and Saucer 
type, pkt., 10c. 

CARNATION. See Dianthus. Great favorite 
for their delicious fragrance and richness 
of color, indispensible for winter or sum- 
mer culture. 

Grenadin. Perennial. The Grenadin Carnation 
is a splendid early blooming, large flowering 
type; fine for cut flowers. Double border 
dwarf. Fine mixed. Pkt., 25c. 

Marguerite Carnation. Begins flowering a few 
weeks from time of sowing, half dwarf, 
strong, requiring no support, produce long, 
strong stems, abundant, large, double, beau- 
tifully fringed, highly scented flowers. Pink, 
White, Red, Yellow, pkt., 10c. Mixed colors, 
pkt., 10c. 

Chabaud’s, Everblooming, mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

Enfant de Nice Mixed. Of French origin, un- 
questionably the best variety grown from 
seed. Magnificent flowers 2% in. to 3 in. in 
diameter on long, strong stems rising from 
robust plants of upright habit. A special 
virtue of this strain is the fact that the 
calyx does not split. One of the finest for 

Centaurea, Jubilee Gem 

outdoor culture for either florists or private gardeners: 
Very early. Pkt., 25c. 

CASTOR OIL BEAN. See Ricinus. 

CELOSIA CRISTATA or Cockscomb Varieties. Free-bloom- 
ing annuals. Plant in light soil not too rich; grand for 
border and fine for pots. (2% to 3 feet). These stately 
plants are considered among the most ornamental and 
should not be omitted in any garden. Form pyramidal 
bushes branching out in candelabra shape, the numer- 
ous massive plumes resemble ostrich feathers, waving 
gracefully above the foliage. 

Empress. Combs of colossal size known to measure 45 
inches from tip to tip; rich crimson. Pkt., 10c. 
Glasgow Prize. Dark crimson. Pkt., 10c. 

Dwarf. 8 inches high, sometimes measuring 2 ft. across, 
pkt., 10c. Mixed, pkt., 10c. 

CELOSIA PLUMOSA (Feathered Cockscomb). 
White, Yellow, Mixed, pkt., 10c. 

CELOSIA CHILDSI (The Chinese Woolflower). Plants grow 
two to three feet high, the bloom starting early with a 
central head, round and globular, which often reaches 
the immense size of two feet in circumference. Scores 
of branches are thrown out, each bearing a ball of 
scarlet wool, so that a plant looks like an immense bou- 
quet splendidly arranged. Blooms until hit by frost. 

Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

CELOSIA LILLIPUT, Firebrand. Glowing scarlet. Pkt., 25c. 

CENTAUREA or Bachelor Button. Under this name is 
included the popular annuals like Corn Flower, Blue 
Bottle, Ragged Sailor, Sweet Sultans, etc. Great favor- 
ites, fine for cut flowers; white-leaved sorts, or Dusty 
Millers are largely used for bedding, vases, etc. 

Sweet Sultans (Centaurea Imperialis). Beautiful, sweet- 
scented; strong stems; when cut will stand for several 
days in good condition, of easy culture. Mixed Colors, 
Pkt., 10c. 

Cornflower (Centaurea Cyanus). 
White, Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

Jubilee Gem. A definite blue, compact growth. Pkt., 25c. 

Gymnocarpa. Fine cut silvery foliage. Pkt., 10c. 

Candidissima. Broad cut silvery foliage. Pkt., 19c. 

Montana Blue. Giant perennial. Pkt., 10c. 


Double Blue, Pink, 

CERASTIUM, Tomentosum (Snow-in-Summer). Dwarf, 

white-leaved edging plant; flowers white; perennial; 

4 inches. Pkt., 10c. 

CHEIRANTHUS, Allioni (Siberian Wallflower). A biennial 
Pee are treated as an annual. Brilliant orange flowers. 
t., 10c. 


For Late Summer Flowers Plant Chrysanthemums — See Page 1 

CHRYSANTHEMUMS. Annual sorts, showy, effective gar- 
den favorites. Double mixed, pkt., 10c. Single mixed, pkt., 

Nivelli. A delightful new variety with pure yellow, showy, 
attractive, free-blooming single flowers, 2 to 3 inches 
across. Easily grown, blooming throughout summer and 
fall. Best in cool sections. Excellent cut flowers. Pkt., 10c. 

Korean Hybrids. Pkt., 35c. 

CINERARIA. Seed may be sown from May to September in 
succession. Where only one sowing is made July should be 
preferred. Cinerarias grow so freely that the seedling 
may go straight from seed pans to thumb pots. For trans- 
planting, plant in cold frame facing north, if possible. 
When pots become full of roots shift into larger ones until 
the flowering size is reached. 

Dwarf Mixed. Pkt., 35c. 
Tall Mixed. Pkt., 35c. 

Stellata (Star Cineraria). A charming variety with large 
spreading panicles of starry flowers. Same colors as the 
common Cineraria. Very effective for house or conserv- 
atory decoration, church decoration and for cutting. 
Pkt., 35c. 

CLARKIA. This pretty and easily grown annual has been 
much improved in recent years. They do well either in 
sun or shade, growing 2 to 2% feet high, with leafy 
racemes of double flowers, which all open in water when 
cut. Elegans Double Mixed. A fine mixture containing all 
the colors. Pkt., 10c. 

CLEMATIS. Rapid-growing climber, fine for arbors and 
verandas. Seeds are slow to germinate and should be 
soaked in warm water 24 hours. 

Hardy perennial, mixed colors. Pkt., o 
10c. Annual Chrysanthemum 

COBEA (Cup and Saucer Vine). A 
rapid climber; fine for trellises, ar- | COREOPSIS, Lanceolata Grandiflora. On long, graceful stems these 

bors, ete., clings to any rough sur- plants bear large daisy-like flowers with broad fluted petals. 
face. Place seeds in the ground In color they are a rich, glossy chrome yellow. They bloom with- 
edgewise and cover with light soil. out interruption for a long season and are brilliant in the garden 
Purple, pkt., 10c. Pure white, pkt., as well as for cutting. Single, pkt., 10c; double, pkt., 10c. 
ee COSMOS. Beautiful autumn-blooming plant, producing thousands 
COLEUS (Flame Nettle). An attrac- of beautiful flowers in pure white, pink and crimson shades. Fine 
tive foliage plant for house or for autumn decoration when other flowers are scarce. Sow in 
garden. Very interesting to grow spring in open ground when danger of frost is over, or may be 
from seed, easily raised. Sow in started under cover and transplanted. Set about 18 inches apart 
March or April. Pkt., 10c. in rows or in masses in beds. When about a foot high pinch 
CONVOLVULUS (Morning Glory). the tops out to induce a bushy growth, 2% to 4 ft. in height. 
Climbing varieties, very popular, Hybrida, Klondyke Orange Flare. Vivid orange with attractive light 
and one of the most free-flower- green foliage in full bloom less than 5 months from sowing. 
ing, rapid growing plants in culti- Pkt., 15c. 
vation, doing well in almost any Early Crimson. Rich and deep. Pkt., 10c. 
situation with beautiful brilliant Early Light Pink. A popular color. Pkt., 10c. 

flowers. Annuals. 15 ft. Mixed 
colors, pkt., 10c; oz., 15c. 

Early Pure White. Pkt., 10c. 
Extra Early Mammoth Flowering. Mixed colors. ‘Pkt., 10c. 

Extra Early Double Crested Cosmos. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 
Sensation. Largest and earliest variety, pink and white flowers. 
Pkt., 25c. 

CUCURBITA. See Gourd. 

CYCLAMEN. Charming plant with richly colored foliage, fragrant 
flowers. Great favorites in winter or spring. Sow in spring or 

Persicum. Choicest mixed. Pkt., 35c. 

CYNOGLOSSUM, Amabile (Chinese Forget-Me-Not). Sweet-scent- 
ed, ultramarine-blue. 2 feet. Pkt., 10c. 
Amabile Pink. Pkt., 10c. 

CYPRESS VINE (Ipomoea Quamoclit). A favorite summer climb- 
ing annual, with feathery foliage and star-shaped flowers borne 
in clusters. 

Mixed Colors. Pkt., 10c. 

DAHLIA. One of the best late summer and autumn flowering sorts, 
very popular. The double sorts will bloom first season if sown 
early. Single will bloom first season if sown in the open 
ground. Many prefer the single sorts to Cosmos, having the 
larger variety of colors and longer season of bloom. 

Double. Finest mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

Single. Finest mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

Cactus. From named varieties. Pkt., 10c. 

Unwin’s Dwarf Bedding Miniature. Early flowering semi-double 
hybrids, 18 to 24 inches high, in a wide range of colors; 

Korean Hybrid Chrysanthemums splendid for bedding. Mixed. Pkt., 25c. 


F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 SYRACUSE, N. Y. 

DATURA (Trumpet Flower). Ornamental annuals, 
large showy flowers. 2 to 3 ft. Double and 
single. Pkt., 10c. 

DELPHINIUM (Perennial Larkspur). One of the 
most handsome hardy perennials, splendid flow- 
ers and curiously cut leaves; for permanent 
pene and borders they are indispensable. Mixed. 
Pkt., 10c. 

Gold Medal Hybrids. Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 
Formosum, Popular for groups, tall spikes of dark 
blue flowers with white eyes. 2 to 3 ft. Pkt., 10c. 
Belladonna. Clear turquoise blue. Pkt., 10c. Choic- 
est hybrids mixed, pkt., 10c. : 
Iceberg. Giant white. Pkt., 25c. NOT 
Nudicaule. Large scarlet flower. 1% ft. Pkt., 10c. 

Chinese. This is a perennial but if planted early 
will bloom in August. Its foliage is small and 
is from 12 to 18 inches tall. 

Blue Butterfly. Blue. Pkt., 10c. 

Alba. Pure white. 
Pkt., 10c. Dimorphotheca—African Golden Daisy 

DIANTHUS or PINKS. A magnificent sort embracing some of the most popular 
flowers in cultivation, of great variety and brilliancy with profusion of 
bloom. The sorts classed as annuals may be sown out-of-doors when 
danger of frost is past. In a few weeks’ time they are a mass of bloom, 
continuing until frost. See Carnation. Carnations are general favorites 
for the greenhouse in winter and the garden in summer. 

Semperflorens (Everblooming Hardy Garden Pinks). Very beautiful, sweet- 
scented, double, semi-double and single. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Deltoides, Brilliant (Maiden Pink). Dwarf brilliant carmine. Fine for rock 
gardens. Pkt., 10c. 

Nanus Fl. Pl. Extra dwarf mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

Double Annuals. 

Laciniatus fl. pl. Large double showy flower with fringed edges. Great 
variety of colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Laciniatus Splendens. Pkt., 10c. 

Chinensis fl. pl. (China or Indian Pink). Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Heddewigi fl. pl. (Japan Pink). Double mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

Imperial fl. pl. (Double Imperial Pink). Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

Hardy Garden Pinks. The varieties are well adapted for beds and borders. 
Delightful, refreshing, spicy odor; should be in every garden where cut 
flowers are wanted. Pkt., 10c. 

DIDISCUS (Blue Lace Flower). Very pretty annual, blooms profusely from 
July to November. Pale lavender blossoms, excellent for cutting. Pkt., 10c 

DIGITALIS (Foxglove). Handsome, ornamental, hardy perennial plant; easily 
grown. Fine for shrubberies. 3 ft. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

DIMORPHOTHECA Aurantiaca Hybrida (African Golden Daisy). Beautiful 
new hybrids of the African Golden Daisy, and similar in habit to the parent. 

: a Flowers equally as large, but varying in color from the purest white through 
Perennial Delphinium the various shades of yellow and orange to rich salmon. Pkt., 10c. 

DRACAENA (Dragon Plant). Fine Fs i 
ornamental leaved plant. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 3 DODICH OS, CHupernth. Peeps Ba ef 
ECHINOCYSTIS (Wild Cucumber Vine). Quickest growing vine ena elim a wi fee clusters o 
known, fine for covering trellises, fences, etc. Pkt., 10c. at eer owers ae nee later in 
ENGLISH DAISY (Bellis Perennis). A favorite almost hardy Pea ot lowers, a : no oer pur- 
perennial. Blooms early spring until late summer. Raised roe Mine enioeeia a TO e, pkt., 
from seed. 4 inches high. Double mixed, finest quality. Pkt., 10c. c. Mixed colors, pkt., 1Uc. 

ERYNGIUM (Sea Holly). Handsome, ornamental hardy plant, 2 to 
3 ft. high. Fine for drying for winter bouquets. Pkt., 10c. 

ESCHSCHOLTZIA (California Poppy). Fine annual for beds, bor- 
der or masses. Bloom until frost. 1 ft. Single mixed, pkt., 10c. 
Double mixed, pkt., 10c. 

Golden West. Bright buttery yellow with orange center. Pkt., 10c. 

EUPHORBIA (Snow-on-the-Mountain). Strong, tall-growing an- 
nual, attractive foliage. Pkt., 10c. 

Heterophylla (Mexican Fire Plant). Annual Poinsettia. Pkt., 10c. 

FORGET-ME-NOT. See Myosotis. Pkt., 10c. 

FOUR O’CLOCK (Marvel of Peru). (Mirabilis Jalapa). A well- 
known handsome free-flowering garden favorite. Does well 
everywhere. Give each plant 12 to 18 inches of room. Fine 
mixed colors. 2 ft. Pkt., 10c. 

FOXGLOVE. See Digitalis. 

GAILLARDIA (Blanket Flower). Annual varieties. Splendid showy 
annuals, remarkable for the profusion, size and brilliancy of 
their flowers, continuing in bloom from early summer until 
November. Excellent for beds, borders, or for cutting. Should 
be sown where they are to bloom. 1% ft. 

Picta Mixed. Single sorts; fine colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Double Flowering Mixed. A charming, profuse, double-flowering 
strain; beautiful mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Grandiflora, Hardy Perennial Varieties. Pkt., 10c. 

Burgundy. Pkt., 25c. BA 

Grandi. Dwarf Goblin. Pkt., 25c. Gaillardia Grandiflora 


F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 SYRACUSE, N. Y. 

GERBERA (Transvaal Daisy). Splendid greenhouse perennials with large 
fine-leaved Daisy-like flowers; splendid for pot plants or cutting. 
Jamesoni Hybrida. These hybrids include a wonderful range of brilliant 
colors and shades. Pkt., 25c. 

GERANIUM (Pelargonium). Double mixed, fine colors. Pkt., 10c. 

GEUM Coccineum, Mrs. Bradshaw. An attractive perennial, growing 2 ft. 
tall and bearing double orange-scarlet flowers. Pkt., 10c. 
Lady Stratheden. Golden yellow. Pkt., 10c. 

GILIA. Hardy annual. An excellent cut flower. The small round flower heads 
are produced abundantly on plants 20 inches high. Pkt., 10c. 

GLOBE AMARANTH (Gomphrena). Known as Bachelor’s Buttons; fine 
bedding plant, flowers can be dried and be used in winter bouquets. 
2 ft. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

GLOXINIA. A superb greenhouse sort with magnificent richly colored flow- 
ers. Use equal mixture of peat, loam and sand. Mixed. Pkt., 25c. 

GODETIA. An attractive, hardy annual. Profuse, showy flowers of varied 
colors. 1% ft. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Rapid growing, annual climbers, or- 
namental foliage. 15 to 20 ft. Mixed 
colors. Pkt., 10c. 

GYPSOPHILA (Baby’s Breath). Pretty 
free-flowering elegant plants, suc- 
ceeding in any garden soil. Their 
misty white panicles of bloom are 
largely used for mixing with other 
cut flowers. 

Elegans Alba Grandiflora. Pkt., 10c. 
Paniculata. White flower, fine for bou- 
quets. One of the favorite hardy 

perennials. Blooms first year if sown 
early. 2 ft. Pkt., 10c. 

Double. Pkt., 10c. 
Light Pink. Pkt., 10c. 

HELIANTHUS. See Sunflower. Single 
and double mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

HELICHRYSUM (Strawflower). 

Double Hollyhocks 

HEUCHERA (Coralbells). 
Dwarf Crimson. Blooming 
from late May until late 
autumn. 12 inches tall. 
Pkt., 10c. 

HIBISCUS (Marshmallow). 
Showy, perennial plant with 
large beautifully colored 

Monstrosum fl. pl. Mixed, all colors. Moonflowers flowers. 1% ft. Mixed col- 
Pkt., 10c. ors. Pkt., 10c. 
HELIOTROPE (Cherry Pie). Half-hardy HOLLYHOCK. One of the most majestic of hardy plants. For 
perennial, flowering the whole season, planting among shrubbery or forming a background for 
very fragrant. Can also be trained as a other flowers, it is without equal. Seed sown any time be- 
greenhouse climber. Mixed colors. PKt., fore midsummer will produce fine plants for flowering 
10c. next year. Double mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

Single Varieties. Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

HONESTY (Moonwort; Satin Flower). Hardy biennial, with 
silvery seed pouches, very attractive. 2 ft. Pkt., 10c 

HUMULUS (Japanese Hop). Ornamental, fast-growing climber 
resembling the common hop. Pkt., 10c. 

HUNNEMANNIA, Fumariaefolia (Giant Yellow Tulip Poppy 
or Bush Eschscholtzia). This is by far the best Poppy for 
cutting, remaining in good condition for several days. 
Seed sown early in May will, by the middle of July, pro- 
duce plants covered with their large Buttercup-yellow 
blossoms, and flower until hard frost. Pkt., 10c. 

IPOMOEA. Climbers of very rapid growth, beautiful, varied 
flowers; for covering walls, arbors, stumps, etc. 

Quamoclit Hybrida (Cardinal Climber). Pkt., 10c. 
Rubra Coerulea (Heavenly Blue). Bright sky-blue. Pkt., 10c. 
Scarlett O’Hara. Pkt., 15c. 

Noctiflora (Moonfiower). Blooms at night and on dull days, 
pure white, 5 to 6 in. in diameter, rapid climber. Pkt., 10c. 

Rose Marie. Double and semi-double, deep rose-pink flowers, 
free bloomer. Pkt., 10c. 

IMPERIALIS JAPANESE (Japanese Morning Glory). Largest 
and handsomest of all Morning Glories. Pkt., 10c 

Sold by Us. 

Gypsophila Paniculata—Baby’s Breath 


F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 SYRACUSE, N. Y. 


KOCHIA, Trichophylla (Summer Cypress; Belvedere; Burning Bush). An 
easily grown annual, which, sown thinly in spring, soon forms a cypress- 
like hedge of lively green and perfect symmetry; by midsummer it 
attains a height of about 3 feet, turning deep red in autumn. Splendid 
for dividing and flower gardens. Pkt., 10c. 

KUDZU VINE. Pkt., 10c. 

LADY SLIPPER. See Calceolaria. 

LANTANA. One of the most desirable half-hardy perennials, constantly 
in bloom, verbena-like heads of orange, white, rose and other colors. 
2 to 3 ft. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

LARKSPUR. Annual. These handsome Larkspurs are very effective in 
borders and among shrubs. The graceful spikes are much valued for 
vases. They continue long in bloom. Sow seed either in early spring or 
late fall so germination may take place very early in the spring. 

Stock-Flowered. Mixed, all colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Giant Hyacinth-Flowered. Mixed. 3 ft. Named for the striking resem- 
blance to a double Hyacinth. Delicate colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Exquisite. Beautiful soft pink; highly prized for cut flower use. Pkt., 10c. 

LATHYRUS (Everlasting or Hardy Sweet Pea). Free-flowering hardy per- 
ennial climber continually in bloom. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

LAVENDER (Lavandula Vera). Well-known, sweet-scented, hardy peren- 
nial. 3 ft. Pkt. 10c. 

LIATRIS (Blazing Star). 

Pycnostachya. A showy hardy perennial border plant, with long spikes 
of violet-purple flowers. 2 feet. Pkt., 10c. 

LINARIA (Kenilworth Ivy). Charming small, hardy perennial, trailing 
plant. Pkt., 10c. 

’ Maroccana Hybrids Mixed (Toad Flax). A very showy annual. 12 inches. 
Pkt., 10c. 

Macedonica Speciosa, Perennial. This is easily grown from seed. It is 
hardy and can be used where medium height is needed in rock garden 
work. The flowers resemble large golden Snapdragons, borne on stems 
averaging 3 feet. Pkt., 10c. 

LINUM or FLAX (Scarlet Flax). Brilliant crimson flowers, an inch or 
more across, and a continuous bloomer. Annual, grows 1% to 2 ft. 
high, pkt, 10c. Perennial Varieties Mixed, pkt., 10c. 

Perenne. White. Pkt., 10c. 

Flavum. Yellow. Pkt., 10c. " 

LOBELIA. The following choice varieties of this popular and beautiful 
flowering plant will be found most desirable for pot culture, edgings, 
hanging-baskets, etc., blooming profusely from June to November. 

Annual Larkspur Cardinalis is one of the finest native hardy perennials. 

Crystal Palace Compacta. Rich 
deep blue; dark foliage; the 
finest dark blue for bedding. 

LUPINUS (Lupin). Annual. Long, graceful spikes of rich and various 
colored pea-shaped flowers. Valuable for mixed borders, beds and for 
cutting. Prefers a little shade. 2 feet. Mixed. All colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Texanus. The wild Blue Bonnet of Texas, particularly useful in dry PKt., 10c. 
situations. Pkt., 10c. Gracilis. Light blue; light green 
Polyphyllus Sorts. Effective hardy perennials, succeeding in any good foliage; trailing. Pkt., 10c. 
garden soil. May and June. 3 ft. Mixed. All colors. Pkt., 10c. Sep- Cardinalis (Cardinal Flower). A 
arate colors: Rose Queen, Deep Blue, Sunshine Yellow, pkt., 10c. native variety, with spikes of 
Russell Mixed. 5 brilliant scarlet flowers; fine 
LYCHNIS. Handsome hardy perennial, easy culture, fine for beds and hardy border plant. 3 ft. Pkt. 
borders. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 10c. S 

MARIGOLD (Tagetes). From midsummer to fall when many other plants 
are past their prime, Marigolds afford a wealth of color that is in- 
valuable. The tall African varieties produce large self-colored blos- 
soms on long stems; the French flowers are smaller, but the colors 
and markings are interesting, some of the varieties being striped 
and spotted. The Marigold dwarf Signata Pumila is one of the best 
edging plants; also Gamolepis Tagetes. 


Orange Ball. Flowers very large, 10 to 14 inches in circumference, ex- 
tremely double and quilled like a Dahlia. Plants 3 feet high. Pkt., 10c. 

Lemon Ball. Large lemon-colored flowers, fine for cutting. Pkt., 10c. 

Dixie Sunshine. Pkt., 25c. 

Collarette or Crown of Gold. Pkt., 25c. 

MARIGOLD, Yellow Crown. Pkt., 25c. 

Gigantea, Sunset Giants. Pkt., 25c. 

Guinea Gold (African). 2 ft. Carnation-like petals and unusually bril- ¢ 
liant golden color, make this flower outstanding among Marigolds 
It lacks much of the pungent odor of other Marigolds. The plant 
blooms freely, and practically all of the flowers are double. Pkt., 15c. 

Yellow Supreme. Pkt., 10c. Mixed Varieties. Pkt., 10c. 


Gold Margin. Double. Flowers velvety maroon, margined with gold. Plant 
only eight inches high, bushy, compact, and free-flowering. Pkt., 10c. 

Double Harmony. Pkt., 15c. 

aware a Striped. Double rich brown, striped golden yellow. 

- 10c. 

Dwarf Marigold, Little Brownie or Legion of Honor. A charming 
single-flowered plant, about six inches high. Very effective in masses 
or borders. Begins flowering extremely early, commencing in June. 
Color a brilliant gold, blotched with maroon. Pkt., 10c. as 

Mexican Dwarf Orange. Pkt., 15c. Marigold, Guinea Gold 


Everybody Loves Flowers—Start a Flower Garden This Spring 

MARIGOLD, Signata Pumila (Sunshine Marigold). One of the most beau- 
tiful plants for fall color; about eighteen inches high, very bushy habit, 
and each slender branch, pressed close to the main stem, crowned by a 
delicate golden center, forming a dense globular mass. Charming in a 
border or alone. Pkt., 10c. 

MARVEL OF PERU or FOUR O'CLOCK. The flowers of this old-time fav- 
orite open about four o’clock in the afternoon and fade the next morning. 
Two -feet high, with bright foliage and fragrant flowers of desirable 
colors. Set plants two feet apart. Makes a nice hedge if set a foot apart. 
Seed should be planted in the open ground where plants are desired. 
The roots may be taken up in the autumn and preserved through the 
winter for spring planting, in the same manner as Dahlias. Marvel of 
Peru. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

MATRICARIA (Feverfew). Free-flowering, blooms until frost, hardy annual. 
18 inches. Double white. Pkt., 10c. 

MATTHIOLA, Bicornis (Evening Scented. Stock). Lilac. Pkt., 10c. 
MIGNONETTE (Reseda). 6 to 12 inches. No garden is complete without this 
fragrant plant of unassuming mien. One of the principal uses is for cut- 
ting purposes and combining in bouauets with other more pretentious 
blossoms without its delicate odor. 
Golden Queen. Yellow. Pkt., 10c. 
Goliath. Foliage rich green, with bright red flowers. Flower stalks tall and 
strong, spikes often 7 inches long by 2 inches in diameter. Pkt., 10c. 
Machet. It is the best Mignonette for all purposes either outside or inside. 
It is an everbloomer, the flowers lasting until late in the fall. Pkt., 10c. 
Mixed. Many shades and types. Pkt., 10c. 
MIMULUS (Musk Plant). Very showy, profuse-flowering plant, half-hardy peren- 
nial, blooms first year if sown early. 1 ft. Pkt., 15c. 
Tigrinus (Monkey Flower). Spotted variety. Pkt. 15c. 
Moschatus (Musk Plant). Fine for hanging baskets; small yellow flowers, 
fragrant foliage. Pkt., 15c. 
MIRABILIS. See Marvel of Peru. Pkt., 10c. 

MORNING GLORY. See Convolvulus. 
MUSK PLANT. See Mimulus. 

MYOSOTIS or FORGET-ME-NOT. Charming, low-growing plants, the bright flowers 
covering the plants in late spring. Seed sown at any time up to midsummer 
will produce plants that will bloom the following spring. Prefer moist shady 
situation. The Alpestris varieties are very free flowering. They are practically 

Alpestris, Indigo Blue. New, very fine. A oer indigo-blue. Pkt., 10c. 

Palustris (True Forget-Me-Not). Blue, with yellow eye. Perennial. Pkt., 10c. 

Mixed Varieties. Seeds of the above varieties mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

Rose. Pkt., 10c. 

NASTURTIUMS (Tropaeolum). For ease of culture, duration of bloom, brilliancy of color and general all 
around purposes nothing excels this popular variety. Plant in moderately good soil in a well-drained, sun- 
ny position; quick growing and bloom profusely until hard frost comes. 

Dwarf Nasturtiums. Mixed colors. Oz., 10c¢; %4 lb., 30c; % Ib., 60c; Ib., $1.00. 

New Golden Gleam. This is destined to be a very popular novelty 
because it comes true from seed. Double Nasturtiums hitherto 
introduced could not be reproduced from seed, and stocks had to 
be increased by cuttings. Golden Gleam grows freely from seed. 
It is delightfully sweet scented and a bouquet of the flowers will 
soon fill a room with fragrance. It has been awarded numerous 
prizes during the past year; rich, deep yellow. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 20c. 

Dwarf Double Golden Globe. Pkt., 15c. 

Double Gleam Hybrids. A collection of gorgeously colored, large, 
well formed flowers of such dazzling beauty that the mind 
hesitates to credit the evidence of the eye. Pkt., 10c. 

Dwarf Double Gem Mixture. Pkt., 15c. 

Mahogany Gem. Dwarf, double, deep mahogany. Pkt., 15c. 

Double Scarlet Gleam. Pkt., 10c. 

Nah Nasturtiums. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 10c; 14 lb., 30c; 14 Ib., 55c; Ib., 


NEMESIA, Large-Flowering Hybrids. A very pretty annual, which 
does best in a cool position; the plants grow about a foot high, 
and the orchid-like flowers are very varied in color, including 
rose, yellow, blue, orange, etc. Pkt., 10c. 

Nana Compacta Mixed. Pkt., 25c. 

NICOTIANA, Affinis. One of the best Nicotianas we have ever grown. 
The plant attains the height of three feet and is covered with de- 
liciously scented, large, white flowers that open in their full 
glory in the evening and early morning. Easily grown from 
seed, and cuttings rooted in September will bloom freely in the 
winter. Pkt., 10c. 

Rose Remedy— 

Triple Spray Treatment 
Complete protection a- 
gainst plant diseases and 
insects. Stimulates plant 
In highly concentrated 
form, in three convenient 


Small Kit .......... $1.50 
Medium Kit ....... 4.00 
Large Kit ......... 6.00 

Golden Gleam Nasturtium Sanderae. The whole plant, from base to summit, is eden with 
t arden by the flowers, flowers of an intensely glowing rosy carmine color, making it 
Never by the fenvea that fall, incomparably beautiful and charming. Easily grown. Pkt., 10c. 
Count your joys by golden hours, NIEREMBERGIA, Hippomanica. Pkt., 25c. 
Never when life’s worries call. NIGELLA, Damascena. (Love-in-a-Mist, or Devil-in-the-Bush). A com- 
Count your nights by stars, not shad- pact, free-flowering plant, with finely cut foliage, curious looking 
ows, flowers and seed-pods; of easy culture, growing in any garden 
Count your days by smiles, not tears, soil. Hardy annuals. Blue and white mixed. 1 ft. Pkt., 10c. 
And on every New Year’s morning, Miss Jekyll. A lovely variety with cornflower-blue blossoms. Splen- 
Count your age by friends, not years. did for cutting. Pkt., 10c. 


F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 


GIANT PANSIES. Pansies always have been a great specialty 
with us and we are justly proud of the quality and trueness 
to type of our strains. They succeed best in rich, well- 
drained soil in a sunny position and produce finest flowers 
in the cool, early days of spring. Keep flowers picked during 
the summer, plants pinched back, and you will get a nice 
lot of flowers in the fall. 

Coronation Gold. Pkt., 25c. 

Triumph of Giants. A wonderful mixture of giant-flowered 
Pansies. Pkt., 10c. 

Extra Large Flowered Exhibition Mixture. This strain will 
meet the demand for a real giant flowered fancy Pansy. 
Comprises exquisite shades and colors. Pkt., 25c. 

Masterpiece Mixture. A special mixture of the Giant Frilled 
Pansies. The finest of a remarkable type of Giant Flowering 
Pansies, the petals being beautifully waved or frilled. These 
beautiful flowers come in a wide variety of colors, ranging 
from white to the deepest maroon or black, creamy yellow to 
orange, dainty rose to brilliant crimson. Pkt., 15c. 

Mastodon Mixture. The finest thing obtainable in Pansies. 
Wonderful rich colors. Very large. Pkt., 25c. 

Swiss Giants (New Giant Flowered). Sturdy growing class with 
rare, very effective colors. Pkt., 25c. 

Viola or Tufted Pansies. While the Pansy proper is a spring 
flower, Violas bloom throughout the entire season. Seeds 
sown in spring produce flowering plants by June which bloom 
until frost. Splendid mixed colors, fine varieties. Pkt., 10c. 
Jersey Gem. Rich violet. Pkt., 25c. Apricot. Pkt., 25c. 

PENTSTEMON (Beard-Tongue). One of the most beautiful at- 
tractive herbaceous plants, bearing long graceful spikes of 
richly colored flowers. If sown early and transplanted in 
May will bloom from July until frost. Half-hardy perennial. 
2 ft. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

bee Campanularia (California Blue Bells). Gentian-blue. 

t., 15¢. 

PHYSOSTEGIA, Virginica (False Dragonhead). One of the pret- 
tiest hardy perennials, and gaining in popularity as it be- 
comes better known. It forms dense bushes, 3 to 4 ft. high, 
bearing freely during the summer months spikes of delicate 
pink tubular flowers not unlike a gigantic heather. Pkt., 10c. 

PHYSALIS FRANCHETI (Chinese Lantern). Dense 

Giant Double Flowering Petunia 

bushes about 2 ft. high, producing freely bright Single-Flowered Bedding. Howard’s Star Mixed, 
orange-scarlet lantern-like fruits. Perennial. Pkt., 10c. pkt., 10c. Rose Gem (Novelty), dwarf, bright pink, 
PINKS. See Dianthus. pkt., 25c. Rose of Heaven, bright carmine-pink, 

PETUNIA (Single-Flowered Bedding). Bedding va- Pee ee re gre ee ne ma ee 

rieties are unsurpassed for massing. They will 

make a most showy bed, giving a profusion of 

flowers from early summer until severe frost. 
Blotched and Striped. Very symmetrically marked. 

Sutton’s Blue Bedder, mid-blue, pkt., 15c. 
Violacea, deep velvety purple, pkt., 15c. 
Burgundy. Pkt., 25c. 
Topaz Rose. Pkt., 25c. 

Pkt., 10c. Giants of California (Dwarf Giants). Mixed. This 

Balcony Petunias. A splendid type for window 
boxes, hanging baskets and beds. Flowers over 
three inches across making a fine display all the 
season. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

is a dwarf sturdy growing type, especially suited 
to pot culture. Flowers are beautifully ruffled 
and fringed with open well marked throats. The 
mixture contains a good assortment of the most 
desirable colors. Pkt., 25c. 

Rosy Morn. Dainty soft carmine-pink, white throat; Double Mixed. Pkt., 30c. 

fine for border. Pkt., 10c. 
Hybrid Nana Erecta. Heavenly blue, silvery light 

Giant Ruffled. Dainty Lady (Novelty), delicate gold- 
en yellow, compact, pkt, 25c. Flaming Velvet, deep 

blue. Pkt., 25c. : velvety, blood-red, pkt., 25e. Martha Washington, 
Extra Choice Mixed. Superb strain. Pkt., 10c. blush-pink deepening to dark violet throat, dwarf, 
Fringed Giant. Pkt., 20c. compact, pkt, 25c. = mh ; 

Dwarf Elks’ Pride. Pkt., 25c. # 
Fringed. Setting Sun, brilliant deep rose, dark 

TWO ROOMS throats, very free flowering, pkt., 25c. 

A beautiful room with tinted walls, 
A bust where the colored sunlight falls, 
A lace-hung bed with a satin fold, 
A lovely room, all blue and gold— 
And weariness. 

A quaint old room with rafters bare, 
A low white bed, a rocking chair, 
A book, a stalk where a flower had been, 
An open door, and all within— 
Peace and content. 

——Author unknown. 10c. 


PHLOX DRUMMONDI. Of all summer-flowering an- 
nuals this variety is unquestionably one of the 
most brilliant and satisfactory. Seed may be 
sown in open ground after danger of frost is 
past and in a few weeks the beds or borders are 
all aglow with their brilliant coloring until cut 
down by the frost. For early flowering they 
should be started indoors. Snow White, Shell 
Pink, Deep Rose, Bright Scarlet, Rich Crimson, 

Soft Lilac, Choicest Mixed, Large 

Flowering. Pkt., 10c. 
Nana Compacta. Dwarf, extra choice mixed. Pkt., 

Star cs en of ea ee De pretty 
° ° star-shape ower. ixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 
VIGORO Supplies all Plants 11 Vital Gigantea, Art Shades. (New). Very large flowers, 
Elements lovely pastel shades. Pkt., 15c. 
Hardy Perennial Phlox. All colors, mixed. Pkt., 10e. 


Marigold, ‘‘Crown of Gold’’—A New Odorless Foliage, See Page 10 

PLATYCODON (Balloon Flower or Japanese Bellflower). One of 
the best hardy perennials, producing very showy flowers 
during the whole season. They form large clumps and are ex- 
cellent for planting in permanent borders or among shrub- 
bery. Easily raised from seed, which begins blooming in Au- 
gust if sown outdoors in April. Pkt., 10c. 

Blue Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

POLEMONIUM (Jacob’s Ladder). Perennial. Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

POPPIES. An extremely popular brilliant flowering annual. ‘Pop- 
pies should be sown where they are to remain, as they will not 
stand transplanting. 

Single Annual Poppies. Pkt., 10c. 

Double Annual Poppies. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Peony Flowered. Large showy, double mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Flanders Scarlet Single. Pkt., 10c. 

Shirley. Mixed single and semi-double. Many colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Oriental Poppy. Perennial, exceedingly showy; scarlet with 
black center. Pkt., 10c. 

Orientale, Mrs. Perry. Pkt., 25c. 

Iceland Poppy. Perennial. Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

PORTULACA (Sun Plant). Fine hardy annual, of easy culture, 
thrives best in rather rich, light, sandy loam and sunny situa- 
tion. Flowers of richest colors, blooming throughout the sum- 
mer in great profusion. Fine for beds, edging or rockwork. 6 
inches. Single mixed, pkt., 10c. Double Mixed, pkt., 10c. 

PRIMULA. Charming beautiful Chinese Fringed Primrose. Fine 
for winter or spring decorations. One of the most important 
winter-blooming pot plants. Sow from March to May. Mixed 
colors. Pkt., 35c. 

PRIMULA, Obconica Grandiflora. Everblooming mixed. Pkt., 25c. 

PRIMULA, Polyanthus. Perennial. Pkt., 10c. 

PYRETHRUM HYBRIDUM (Painted Daisy). Hardy perennial, 
bearing large Daisy or Cosmos-like flowers, ranging in color 

Annual Scabiosa from white to deep red, with bright yellow centers. Blooms in 
May and June, and again in the 
RESEDA. See Mignonette. > fall, and is one of the most 
RHODANTHE (Swan River Everlasting). A charming annual; does well graceful and long-lasting cut 
in a light rich soil and warm sheltered situation. Fine for pot cul- flowers. Pkt., 10c. 
ture; flower everlasting. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. - Hybridum fl. pl. Seed saved from 
RICINUS (Castor Oil Bean). Ornamental plant and picturesque flowers, the finest double flowers. Only 
brilliant colored fruit. Fine for lawns or center plants for beds. a small percentage can be ex- 
Zanzibariensis. A distinct class, which surpasses in size and beauty pected to come double the first 
all varieties. The epieats attain great dimensions, presenting a Toca Mixed colors. 2 ft. Pkt., 
splendid aspect with their gigantic leaves. The different varieties oo 
included in our mixture have light and dark green leaves and some | RUDBECKIA (Coneflower). Well 
of coppery bronze, changing to dark green, with reddish ribs. The known hardy perennial; fine 
seeds are beautifully marked. Pkt., 10c. for herbaceous border. 
ROCK PLANTS. Finest mixed. A mixture composed of all the differ- Fulgida. Orange-yellow. 5 feet. 
ent varieties appropriate for this purpose. Pkt., 10c. PKt., 15c. : 
SALPIGLOSSIS (Painted Tongue). One of the greatest favorites among Newmanni. Orange with purple 
annuals, partly on account of its easy culture, but. mostly for its cone. 3 feet. Pkt., 15c. 
beautiful, almost orchid-like flowers. Mixed sorts. Pkt., 10c. Purpurea. Reddish purple. 4 
SALVIA (Flowering Sage). A favorite bedding plant, bearing long spikes feet. Pkt., 15c. 

of flowers in great profusion from July until frost, half-hardy per- 
ennial. Blooms the first year from seed sown indoors and trans- 
planted when weather permits. 

Splendens (Scarlet Sage). Beautiful bright scarlet. Pkt., 10c. 

Splendens, Fireball. Bushy plant, branching freely. Pkt., 15c. 

Splendens, Primus. Dwarf extra early flowering, bright vermilion-scar- 
let. Pkt., 15c. 

Splendens Comp., Blaze of Fire. Pkt., 25c. 

“Bonfire.” This is one of the finest of the Scarlet Sages, growing in 
a compact bush 2 feet high by 2 feet in diameter. Its erect spikes 
of brilliant scarlet flowers stand clear above the dark green foliage. 
One of the most effective and gorgeous plants. Pkt., 10c. 

Harbinger. Early. Scarlet. Pkt., 15c. 

Patens (Blue Sage). Annual. Pkt., 10c. 3 

Farinacea. A perennial variety, but best treated as an annual. Color, 
light blue. Pkt., 10c. 

SANVITALIA Procumbens (Creeping Zinnia). Pkt., 10c. 

SCABIOSA (Mourning Bride, Sweet Scabious, Pin-Cushion Flower, ete.). 
They grow about 2% ft. high, and bloom early in July, and con- 
tinue until hard frost. Beautiful flowers in exquisite shades on 
long stems, and when cut keep in perfect condition for the best 
part of a week. No garden is complete without both the annual 
and perennial Scabiosas, especially where flowers are wanted for 
cutting. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Hardy Perennial Scabiosas (Caucasica) (Blue Bonnet). One of the 
handsomest of hardy perennials, blooms lasting a long time in 
water, color soft lavender-blue. 3 ft. Pkt., 10c. 3 

Columbaria. Hardy perennial. A low growing variety with flowers 2 F 
to 2% inches across; color a delightful shade of pink; splendid for Red a 
cutting. Pkt., 25c. . ss as 

SCARLET RUNNER BEANS. Great favorite of England and continent 
of Europe, not only as an ornamental climber, but for the delicious e 
edible beans which succeed the bright scarlet blossoms. Pkt., 5c. Double Annual Poppies 




73rd Annual Catalog 1668-194] 


SCHIZANTHUS (Butterfly or Fringe Flower.) Splen- 
did annual with a profusion of various colored 
flowers. Fine for greenhouse decorations and 
flower garden; of easy culture. 

Dwarf Large-Flowered. A new variety, forming com- 
pact pyramidal plants a foot high, literally cov- 
ered with large, beautiful orchid-like flowers in a 
bewildering range of color. Pkt., 10c. 

Mixed. A splendid mixture of the regular type, 
which forms pretty plants 18 inches high with 
fine foliage and covered with blooms throughout 
the summer. Pkt., 10c. 

SHASTA DAISIES (Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum). 
A splendid hardy perennial variety with flowers 
rarely less than 5 inches across, of the purest 
glistening white with broad overlapping petals, 
and borne on long, strong stems. A beautiful cut 
flower, remaining in good condition a week or 
more. Pkt., 10c. 

Diener’s Giant White. Double white. Pkt., 35c. 

SNAPDRAGON. See Antirrhinum. 

SOLANUM (Jerusalem Cherry). Very useful pot plant 
for winter decoration,. dwarf branching habit, 
leaves small and oval-shaped, bearing in great 
profusion bright scarlet globular berries. Pkt., 

STATICE. An annual which is very desirable for rock 
gardens or border plant. Flowers are borne in ra- 
cemes on long graceful stems, and may be cut and 
dried like everlastings. Sow indoors during March 
or April and transplant to open ground after 
danger of frost is past. Height of plants 2 to 2% 

Sinuata Mixed. A choice mixture in shades of blue, 
pink, yellow, and white. Pkt., 10c. 

STOKESIA, Cyanea (Cornflower Aster.) This is not 
new but is a rare and beautiful hardy perennial. 
The plant grows about 24 inches high, each bear- 
ing from 20 to 80 handsome lavender-blue corn- 
flower-like blossoms; in bloom from July till 

frost. Indispensable for cutting. Pkt., 10c. 


This is a thought by Thos, Edward Brown 

STOCKS, Cut - and - Come - Again 10- Weeks Stocks. 
Splendid perpetual-blooming class; sown in March 
or April they begin flowering in July, continuing 
till frost, and are especially valuable during Sep- 
tember and October, when other flowers are 
scarce. They throw out numerous side branches, 
all bearing very double, fragrant flowers. Finest 
mixed, all colors. Pkt., 10c. 

SUNFLOWER. Plants of majestic growth and immense 
showy flowers, suitable for shrubberies, wood- 
lands, wild gardens and sub-tropical gardening; 
the dwarfer kinds, with smaller flowers, are 
charming grouped in mixed flower borders. Ex- 
cellent for cutting. 

Double Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 
Russian Mammoth. Single,.of gigantic dimensions. 
1 oz., 10c. 

SWEET ROCKET (Hesperis). Old-fashioned garden 
plant, also known as Dame’s Rocket and Dame’s 
Violet. 2 to 3 ft. high with spikes of showy white, 
lilac and purple fragrant flowers. Fine for shrub- 
bery and permanent border. Mixed colors. Pkt., 

SWEET SULTAN. See Centaurea. 

SWEET WILLIAM (Dianthus Barbatus) (London 
Tufts). A well-known, attractive, free-flowering 
hardy perennial, producing a splendid effect in 
beds and borders with their rich and varied flow- 
ers. It is much better to raise new, vigorous, 
young plants from seed every season than to 
divide the old plants. 

Annual, Finest Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 
Pink Beauty. Deep pink. Pkt., 10c. 
Double Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

Single Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

Dwarf Midget Single Mixed. Pkt., 25c. 

SWEET WIVELSFIELD. A new race of hardy annuals, 
being a cross between Dianthus Allwoodi and 
Sweet William. Another new flower you will 
surely want to try this year. Like Sweet Wil- 
liam, but the flowers are larger, and carried in 
more graceful clusters above the foliage. May be 
treated either as an annual or a biennial. 12 in. 
high. June to October. Pkt., 10c. 

TAGETES. See Marigolds and Calendula. 

TAHOKA DAISY. Pkt., 25c. 

THUNBERGIA (Black-Eyed Susan). Beautiful rapid- 
growing climber used especially for hanging bas- 
kets, low fences, etc. Flowers in buff, white, or- 
ange, etc., with dark eyes. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

TORENIA. Fine annual. Splendid plant for vases, 
hanging baskets, borders, etc., blooming the en- 
tire season. Blue, white, and yellow. Pkt., 10c. 

TRITOMA (Red Hot Poker). Perennial. Pkt., 10c. 

TROPAEOLUM. See Nasturtium. 

VALERIANA (Garden Heliotrope). Hardy perennial 
border plants; large fragrant flowers, odor re- 
sembling that of the heliotrope; 2 to 3 feet. 
Mixed Colors. Pkt., 10c. 


A Wonderful South African Annual 

Now Introduced for American Gardens 
Do not fail to grow some of these unique, brilliant 
orange flowers in your garden this year! Individual 
blooms are over 3 inches across. There is a startling 
contrast between the fiery orange outer petals and 
shining black centers with a radiating purple zone. 

The foliage is of a soft, grey, woolly character with 

serrated leaves. 

Can be grown either outdoors or under glass. About 

2 to 3 ft. high, blooms in July. Indoors, seeds sown in 

February will bloom in May. Pkt., 25c. 

VERBENAS. Unrivaled as low growing bedding 
plants. Long season of bloom. Start seed in the 
house or under glass early in the spring, and 
transplant after three or four inches of growth. 
They flower in July, and continue until after 
severe frosts. 

Scarlet. Brightest scarlet. Quite true. Pkt., 10c. 
Pure White. Quite true from seed. Pkt., 10c. 
Blue. Shades of blue and purple. Pkt., 10c. 
Pink. Pkt., 10c. 

Wixed Colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Lemon Scented. Pkt., 10c. 


F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 SYRACUSE, N. Y. 

Ebeling’s Multi-Color Sweet Peas 

In a Wonderful Variety of Harmonious Colors 

How to grow Sweet Peas: The soil for Sweet Peas should be 

rich and deep. A good rich loam, with plenty of well-rotted If I could put my works in song, 
manure in it, is the ideal soil for raising good plants that will And tell what is there enjoyed, 
produce plenty of blooms. Considerable benefit has been noted All men would to my gardens throng 
from the use of inoculating culture. Seed may be sown out-of- And leave the cities void. 

doors as early in the season as the ground can be worked, —Emerson, 

usually the middle of March to the middle of April. 

Mixed. % Ib., 35c; 14 Ib., 60c; Ib., $1.00. 

SPENCER SWEET PEAS. The magnificent new Spen- 
cer Sweet Peas are rapidly displacing the older 
kinds. The plants make a vigorous growth and 
the flowers are extraordinarily large, being, when 
well grown, from 2 to 2% inches in diameter. 
In addition, the petals are beautifully waved or 
fluted, and in some of the newer Spencers the 
fluting is very pronounced. Practically the whole 
range of grandiflora varieties has now been dupli- 
cated in the Spencer type. 

Ambition. A_ perfect, distinct pure lavender, 
shaded darker at the base when young. Pkt., 10c. 

Austin Frederick. Improved large pure lavender. 
Pkt., 10c. 

Campfire. Bright cerise-scarlet. Pkt., 10c. 
Constance Hinton. Giant white. Pkt., 10c. 
Crimson King. Rich oxblood-crimson. Pkt., 10c. 
Daffodil. Large, very deep primrose. Pkt., 10c. 
Hercules. A rich pink flower, waved. Pkt., 10c. 
Huntsman. A new shade of scarlet. Pkt., 10c. 

King White. Produces gigantic flowers absolutely 
pure white. Pkt., 10c. 

Mary Pickford. Cream pink suffused with salmon. 
Pkt., 10c. 

Miss California. Salmon-pink. Pkt., 10c. 
Mrs. Tom Jones. Brilliant blue. Pkt. 10c. 
Renown. Large carmine. Pkt. 10c. 

Royal Purple. Rich royal blue. Pkt., 10c. 
Sunkist. Cream, picotee edged rose. Pkt., 10c. 

Youth. White, edged with a delicate soft rose- 
pink. Pkt., 10c. 

Superb Mixed. Per ounce, 20c; 1% Ib., 60c; 1 Ib., 

A new Scarlet 
Spencer Sweet Pen 

CUPID SPENCER. Dwarf, profuse blooming, excel- 
lent for bedding or border work, stems 4 to 6 
inches long. Finest mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

No. 150 4% 
Superb Assort- 
ment of Our 

Best Mixed 

Early or Winter Flowering Spencer 
While these are especially adapted for forcing under 

Sweet Peas glass for winter and early spring blooming they are 
also valuable for outdoor culture, coming into bloom 
SPENCER five or six weeks earlier than the regular Spencer or 
VARIETIES Orchid-flowering type, and if the flowers are kept cut 
The varieties con- they will continue to bloom for a long time. 
sist of Giant and Or- Blue Bird. Violet-blue. 
chid-Flowered Spen- Glitters. Brilliant cerise. 
cer types and other Harmony. Clear lavender. 
unnamed varieties. A Lady Gay. Soft shrimp-pink. 
worth - while assort- Oriental. Cream. Pkt., 10c. 
ment that is priced Shirley Temple. Colossal blooms of soft rose-pink, 
below its real value. beautiful beyond description, on gigantic plants, 
Oz., 20c; 14 lb., 60c; strong and vigorous. Pkt., 15c. 

Ib., $2.00. White Harmony. White, black seeded. 
Zvolanek’s Rose. Bright rose-pink, 



73rd Annual Catalog 1868-194] 


VERONICA, Spicata. Bright blue flowers. Pkt., 

Repens. A splendid dwarf perennial rock plant 
with masses of bright blue flowers; 4 inches. 
Pkt., 10c. 

VIOLA. See Pansies. 

VINCA (Madagascar Periwinkle or Old Maid). 
Ornamental free-blooming plant, fine for bed- 
ding, flower from seed the first season, con- 
tinuing until frost or they may be potted and 
kept in bloom through the winter. 2 feet. 
Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

VIRGINIAN STOCK, Dwarf Mixed. Dwarf bushes 
covered with bright flowers during the entire 
season. Pkt., 10c. 

WALLFLOWER. Well-known deliciously fragrant 
half-hardy perennials, blooming early in the 
spring, with spikes of beautiful flowers. They 
should be protected in a cold frame in the 
winter and planted out in April. 

Single Mixed. All colors. Pkt., 10c. 
Double Finest Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

WILD CUCUMBER. See Echinocystis. Pkt., 10c. 

heading we offer a mixture of the easiest and 
surest growing kinds that can be sown broad- 
cast, and with little or no care will produce a 
bright effect in places that would otherwise be 
nothing but a collection of unsightly weeds, 
and furnishing an abundance of flowers for 
cutting. Pkt., 10c. 

Zinnia—Dahlia-Flow ered 

Exhibition Zinnias—In 10 Varieties 

ZINNIAS (Youth and Old Age). One of the most 
brilliant and showy of annuals. An old and 
continued favorite. The seed can be sown early 
and transplanted or sown later in open ground. 
They come into bloom early in summer, and con- 
tinue until hard frost. 

Double Giants. Mixed colors. Pkt., 10c. 

Giant Mammoth. Enchantress—light rose with deep 
rose center; Miss Willmott, soft pink; Orange 
King, orange; Lemon Queen, yellow; Scarlet Gem, 
scarlet; Rose Queen, deep rose; Violet Queen, 
deep purple, Purity, each, pkt., 10c. Mixed colors, 
each, pkt., 10c. 

Dahlia Flowered. The latest development in Zin- 
nias, bears flowers of mammoth size resembling 
a decorative Dahlia. Our special strain is grown 
by the originator of this type. Mixed colors. 
Pkt., 10c. ~ 

Cupid Type. Mixed. Pkt., 15c. 

Haageana Double. Mexican Hybrids. 

Linearis. Pkt., 15c. 
Pompon or Button. Mixed. Pkt., 10c. 

Pkt., 10c. 

Chrysanthemum. Fantasy. Mixed. Pkt., 25c. 
Fantasy Star Dust. Pkt., 25c. 


Zinnia—Haageana Double 


e e 
New Early Wonder Zinnias 

The first of a race of dwarf, early flowering varieties. In 
full bloom they only stand 12 to 15 inches high, and the 
flowers are similar to the famous Pumila type. Excellent for 
massing in beds, as they form a solid blanket of color, giving 
an attractive effect. Available now in three colors, 
Sree: Deep orange. Pkt., 25c. ROSE- PINK. Pkt., ee 


Eé7y Wear 
ae Gloves 

for Men and Women 

Here’s a new and _ increasingly 
popular type of garden glove— 
specially designed to give finger 
freedom and complete protection. 

“Small,” “‘Medium,” “‘Large.” For men: 
Price, 75c a pair (two pairs, $1.40). 


Sizes for women: 
“Medium” and “Large.”’ 

Double Giants Mixed 

i Chioice Annuals — 


While the rockery is usually filled 
with Hardy Perennial plants, most of 
which take a year to produce flower- 
ing plants from time of sowing the 
seeds in the spring, there seems to be 
no good reason why the newly made 
trockery should not be filled with 
annuals he first season. These should 
be sown in April or May, and would 
produce a full crop of flowers within 
eight weeks or even less, from time 
of sowing, keeping the rockery gay 
until filled with the Hardy perennials. 

73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 


Choice Perennials 

There has developed within the last 
year or two a wonderful demand for 
Rock Gardens, and even in gardens 
of comparatively small size, space has 
been allotted to the Rock Garden, If 
you can secure the rocks, it is a com- 
paratively easy matter to fill the 
spaces by sowing the seeds contained 
in this collection, most of which 
would give a full crop of flowers next 

Abronia Lobelia Alyssum Saxatile Myosotis 

Adonis Marigold, Aquilegia Poppy, Iceland 
Ageratum Dwarf French Arabis Beno AW it 
Agrostemma Matricaria Armeria os oy ere 
Alyssum Nasturtiums, Bellis Scabiosa Caucas 
Antirrhinum Dwarf Candytuft ica 

Asperula Nemesia Campanula Sedum 
Brachycome Pansies Cheiranthus Violas 

Candytuft Phlox, Dwarf Dr. Dianthus 

Daisy, African Portulaca : : Dusty Miller pa eneneaae 
Dianthus Salpiglossis Perennial Candytuft in the Geum Appropriate for 
Eschscholtzia Verbena Rock Garden. Heuchera Rock Gardens 

Collections of Flower Seeds 

12 Annuals for Cutting 
A dozen sorts that are of special value for cutting. 

Aster Cosmos Phlox 
Bachelor Button Gypsophila Poppy 
Blue Lace Larkspur Scabiosa 

Flower Marigold Zinnia 

A Collection of a Packet 
Each of 12 Sorts for ..... $1.00 

12 Old-Fashioned Hardy Perennials 

A dozen kinds of the good old-fashioned sorts of the 
easiest culture that keep the garden gay over a long period. 

Aquilegia Dianthus Phlox 
Coreopsis Foxglove Poppy 
Canterbury Bells Gaillardia Pyrethrum 
Delphinium Hollyhock Sweet William 

A Collection of a Packet 
Each of 12 Sorts for ..... 


Plants fo Sprring Planting 

Cauliflower Eggplant Aster 
Cabbage Pepper Verbenas 
Celery English Daisy Snapdragons 
Tomato Salvia Pansy 
Bulbs for Spring Planting 
Cannas Amaryllis Dahlia 
Gladiolf Madeira Vine Tuberoses 
Caladium Hardy Lilies See page 18. 

Books on Horticultural and 

Kindred Subjects 

Books Of. Annuals CHOtCtes)) cs cos svelslereie sale cictarecieieie $1.50 
Book or Perennialse(Hottes) ey ee cielo cieisie’ ele Kae 2500 
Birds, of they wild* (Pellet) eos eee vic cieisiclessceinaes ee hot 0 
Book of Water Gardening (Bisset) uclerait eaetore Sefeie 10200 
Bulbs that Bloom in the Spring (Weston) ...... 1.50 
Climbing? Plants CHOttes) ircciusieiciotsctels epeiel pia aoc @ ALT) 
DahliaviGROckK well) iis smisderapieterevestereysie)) olaletereten’ anete cue 1.00 
Dish tGardenine “(Beard)) Hiss ciccteic.c ccleis cise ecg suet 2.50 
Flower Dictionary (Hottes) ...... apatite ekemr eter aia sisters - 50 
Flower Dictionary (De La Mare) ............. siete ea © 
Dwarf, Fruit) Trees, CA bDJOrnson)) sisic oe ies c eieleiwie « 1.50 
Garden Guide (De La Mare)) 2 oic.c siete cis oc civlcvorsrene 2.00 
GladioluswyCROcK well we ewicccso utes eroruies ste nities crerene 1.00 
Landscaping the Small Home (Oliver) ..... Vere ec Ol. 
Lawns  SGROcCK well))j goer: cms srcta cre cls serslete Rereeheievemia ie 00 
Milady’s House Plants (Palmer) .......... aieeeeNee l sa). 
Nursery, Manual (Bailey) 2. circa cictelcciche oa esis elee 2.50 
Practical Landscape Gardening (Cridland) picvsleretee apo 0 
Practical Vegetable Culture (Wilkinson) ........ 2.00 
Rock Gardens (Rockwell) ....... there tcteiet ala etree 1.00 
Rocky Gardens Primer? (Thornton)! =. esoe ss ees cele 2.00 
Rose Garden Primer (Holmes) ....... atonateterseayctete 1.76 
Roses) (Rock welll) Sarg. telsicle tevstauetelotertevers (eatersvomti ee ete - 1.00 
Simple Guide to Rock Gardening (Cotter). 22... 1.00 
Suburban Garden Guide (Barnes) .............. 75 
Shrubs 4CRock well) €e jo arte sees one tek oe eeten 1.00 
Thousand and One Garden Questions pie wered. 

CELOCTES) SE schsctarnametetiare sit) aietelele/a ais eter seine eine 2.00 
Water Garden and Gola Fish (Sawyer and 

Perkins) jo wcities, attr vasatant wate petits orcics crsteners 1.60 
Wayside Marketing (Arnold) ................-.. 1.60 
Women’s Flower Garden (Kift) ................ 1.25 



F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 SYRACUSE, N. Y. 

Summer Flowering Bulbs 

Ebeling’s Giant American Hybrids 

A wonderful strain of new Giant 
flowered Amaryllis, of free-flowering 
habit. The large flowers are composed 
of broad, well rounded, overlapping 
petals and range in colors varying ¢ 
from crimson to orange-scarlet, light 
. rose to white to the richest self-col- 
f orings and combinations of stripes 
and variegations. 

Tuberous-rooted Begonias 

This is an interesting section, valu- 
able as pot plants and for garden 
beds. The flowers vary considerably 
as to form and size, ranging from 2 
to 4 and even 6 inches across. While 
some of the single ones are perfectly 
smooth, others are fluted or distinctly 
fringed. The colors are delightfully 
vivid and distinct. 

When grown outside, should be 
taken up before cold weather, spread 
out to dry, and be packed away in 
boxes of dry sand, and stored through 
the winter in some cool place, yet 
: not where frost can reach them. Be- 

eee fore planting outside in the spring, 
they should be potted and kept inside until well started. They delight in a partially 
shaded location in soils composed of leaf mold, sand and well rotted manure. 

SINGLE TUBEROUS-ROOTED BEGONIAS. Crimson, yellow, salmon, and white. 

Crested. Crimson, salmon, yellow, white. 

Tuberous-Rooted Begonias 


About September 
first next we issue 
our Annual Cata- 

DOUBLE TUBEROUS-ROOTED BEGONIAS. Crimson, salmon, yellow and white. 

Frilled Double. Crimson, salmon, yellow, white. 


GIANT RED. Bronze foliage. 10c each; $1.00 per doz.. 


Hardy climbers. Easily grown. 10 to 15 feet tall. A pro- 
fusion of small white, fragrant flowers. 7c each; 75c per 


In wide range of colors and types. From 10c to 25c each. 


AURATUM (Gold Banded Lily). Large, graceful, six-pet- 
alled flowers of delicate ivory white thickly studded 
with brownish spots and a golden stripe running down 
the center of each petal. One of the most beautiful gar- 
den Lilies. Very fragrant. 40c each; $3.50 per doz. 

REGALE (Regal Lily). The flowers are white, slightly suf- 
fused with pink, with a canary yellow throat and ex- 
tending part way up the trumpet. Delightfully perfumed. 
Very easy to grow anywhere. 30c each; $3.00 per doz. 

MAGNIFICUM. An enormous flower; rich deep pink spot- 
ted crimson; height, 3 feet; flowers in August. 

HENRYI. Rich apricot-yellow, lightly spotted with brown. 
3 to 5 ft. high, carry 5 to 8 large flowers. Very hardy. 


Dwarf Pearl Excelsior. 8c each; 75c per doz. 

Potting Earth 4. fine mixture of real earth, balanced 

with fertilizers. Suitable for house plants, 
bulbs, etc. Qt., 10c; pk., 40c; 1% bu., 65c; bu., $1.00. 



or Elephant’s Ear 

15¢c each. 

log of Choice 
Dutch Bulbs and 
Seeds for Fall 
Planting. It will be 
sent free to all 
customers without 
ordering it, and to 
others who apply 
for it. 


We carry a choice line of Gladioli in many 

named varieties at very attractive prices. 


Gladioli listed on inside of back cover). 

Lilium Regale—Regal Lily 

Ebeling’ s Tested Vegetable Seeds 

A vegetable garden is a pleasant and profitable occupation. There is no 
food anywhere that can compare with the fresh vegetables picked from 

your own garden. 


Spargel (Ger.) 

ably tender. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 20c; 

Bohnen (Ger.) 

DAVIS STRINGLESS WAX. 52 days. Medium size 
plants with thick, flat, light yellow pods. Seeds are 
white. Lb., 35c; 2 lbs., 60c; 10 Ibs., $2.50. 

Popular in home gardens because of its rich flavor 
and resistance to disease. Straight, thick, flat 
stringless creamy yellow pods. Lb., 35c; 2 lbs., 60c; 
10 Ibs., $2.50. 

days. Asgrow originated. Very similar to Pencil 
Pod but not quite so large. Lb., 35c; 2 Ibs., 60c; 
10 Ibs., $2.50. 

PENCIL POD. 55 days. Generally regarded as the 
finest Wax Bean, whether for shipping, local mar- 
ket or the home garden. Pods are a beautiful golden 
yellow, six to seven inches long and crease-backed, 

Sparagio (It.) 

MARY WASHINGTON ASPARAGUS. This is a selection from the Wash- 
ington showing a marked improvement in every respect. 
larger than the ordinary strain and is some earlier. Tips very compact 
and a rich purplish green. The whole stalk, from base to tip, is remark- 

VY Ib., 40c; Ib., $1.50. 

ROOTS OF MARY WASHINGTON. $2.00 per 100. Two-year roots. 


Faginoli (It.) 
Culture. Beans should not be planted until the ground is warm, as 

cold and wet weather will cause the seed to rot. For garden culture plant 

four or five seeds in hills one foot apart and the rows 18 inches apart. 

TT roo 
Ss om Sy. 
S — 

It is much 



shelled or dry beans. Flat pods. 
60c; 10 Ibs., $2.50. 

For snap, dry 
Lb., 35c; 2 Ilbs., 

KENTUCKY WONDER. 65 days. This strain has had 
close attention for several years and now repre- 
sents a thoroughbred development of this grand old 
favorite. Are very tall, vigorous and prolific. Pods 
are in clusters, curved and round, long, fiberless and 
brittle with an excellent and distinctive flavor of 
their own. They should be picked just as soon as 
they reach full size, 74% inches to 8 inches long. 

Lb., 35c; 2 Ibs., 60c; 10 Ibs., $2.50. 
HORTICULTURAL CRANBERRY. Lb., 35c; 2 Ibs., 60c. 

SCARLET RUNNER. Brilliant scarlet flowering orna- 
mental pole Bean. 4 Ib., 15c; Ib., 40c. 

ins RUNNER. Same as Scarlet Runner, only white. 
. 50c. 

flaky, brittle, stringless, fiberless, tender and sweet. 
Grows abundantly on stocky, vigorous plants. Seeds 
are black. Lb., 35c; 2 lIbs., 60c; 10 Ibs., $2.50. 

1% Ib., 15¢c; 


BOUNTIFUL. 49 days. Popular early market variety on northern 
and eastern markets. Plants medium large, thrifty, with light green, 
flat-oval, stringless pods, 644-7 inches long. Lb., 35c; 2 Ibs., 60c; 
10 lbs., $2. 50. 

days. All-America 
silver medal winner. 
Like the old Black 
Valentine in every 
way except that it 
is completely free 
from strings. Hand- 
some, oval, dark 
green, smooth pods 
which keep their 
color and firmness 
well, even in ship- 
ping long distances. 
Plants are large, 
erect and heavy 
cropping. Seeds solid 
black. An excellent 
variety for near or 
distant markets 
when an early, very 
hardy bean of ex- 
cellent quality or 
flavor is desired. 
Lb., 35c; 2 lbs., 60c; 
10 Ibs., $2.50. 


BEANS, Bountiful BEANS, Kentucky Wonder 

F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 SYRACUSEAN: 47 

Dwarf Green Podded Beans—Continued 

GIANT STRINGLESS GREEN POD. A very desirable green-podded snap 
sort for the home garden and largely grown for the market. Vine is 
vigorous, spreading and productive. Pods are dark green, five to six 
inches long, crisp and tender. Lb., 35c; 2 lbs., 60c; 10 Ibs., $2.50. 

RED VALENTINE STRINGLESS. For snaps there is nothing superior to 
this variety among the dwarf green-podded sorts both for home and 
market garden and many prefer it to the wax varieties. Very fleshy, 
crisp and tender. Lb., 35c; 2 Ibs., 60c; 10 Ibs., $2.50. 

STRINGLESS REFUGEE. Of compact growth and very prolific. The pods 
are light green, very solid and tender. Lb., 35c; 2 Ibs., 60c; 10 Ibs., 

DWARF HORTICULTURAL. Vines very productive. Pods five inches, fit 
for use as green shelled beans early. The beans are very large and 
about equal to the Lima in quality. Lb., 35c; 2 Ibs., 60c; 10 Ibs., $2.50. 

Pea; sper IDs scicte sete e tscevarsiecets $0.20 Imperial, per lb. .............$0.20 
Marrow, per lb. ............ -20 White Kidney, per lb......... ; 
Navy; per bis dcteaaeicteretorer -15 Red Kidney, per lb. .......... 20 

Special Prices on Bushel Lots 

All Prices Subject to Change Without Notice 

White Field Beans and Petunias planted in with Potatoes will keep out, drive away 
or kill Potato Bugs. This has been tried out and found to work successfully. 

Fordhook Bush Lima Bean 

BEANS—Dwarf or Bush Lima BEANS—Pole Lima 
DREER’S BUSH LIMA. A dwarf variety of the | SCARLET RUNNER, POLE. 

Dreer’s Improved Lima. The beans grow mental, for its attractive flower clusters. The shelled 

close together in the pods, producing 3 to 4 beans are quite palatable and serve the same as Limas. 
and sometimes 5 in a pod, and are thick, Pkt., 10c; 14 Ib., 15c; Ib., 40c. 

t and lent. Lb., 40c; 2 lbs., 75c. 
Se Soka ane wart hae KING OF THE GARDEN LIMA. Vines very vigorous and 
BURPEE’S BUSH LIMA. True bush form of productive. Pods five to six inches long, filled with four 

Largely grown as an orna- 

jarge white Lima, bush 15 to 20 inches high, or five immense white beans of the finest quality. On ac- 
24 to 30 inches diameter, supported by its count of its large pods it is a favorite with market gar- 
own thick stems. For productiveness and deners. It will come into bearing sooner and will make 
quality it is not surpassed. Lb., 40c; 2 Ibs., larger pods if not more than two vines are left to grow 
75e. on a pole. Lb., 40c; 2 lbs., 75c. ' 

: EARLY JERSEY LIMA. Matures a few days earlier than 
A rot tie Raunedla tyne wee ee ee the King of the Garden, and is very productive. The pods 

: tain from three to four large beans, and the quality 

orous and erect growing, bearing well above cop : , 

the ground. The pods, produced in large clus- is good. Lb., 40c; 2 Ibs., 75c. 

ters, ate aT grees Eeoue fone and 

three-fourths inches long, and contain three . . 

to five large beans. Lb., 50c; 2 Ibs., $1.00. BEETS with a Rich Flavor 
HENDERSON’S BUSH (Baby Lima). 65 days. Fy Tne eee nee oc ience, 

Very popular for canning. Plant medium Rube (Ger.) Barbabietola (It.) 

large, heavily productive. Pods small; 3 inch- Best results are obtained on a deep, rich, sandy loam. 

es long, % inch wide, % inch thick, contain 3 | If wanted very early, sow such sorts as Crosby’s Egyptian 
to 4 seeds. Green shell beans small, flat, of | or Detroit Dark Red in hotbeds and transplant, cutting off 
splendid quality. Dry beans white. This is | the outer leaves. For general crop sow in freshly prepared 
the bush form of Small White Lima (Caro- | soil as soon as the ground will permit, in rows eighteen 
lina or Sieva). Pkt., 10c; lb., 35c; 2 lbs., 60c. | inches apart, covering about an inch deep and pressing the 

; A soil firmly over the seed. For winter use the turnip varie- 
ae Seca Bae RN ey aE ae ties may be sown in June so as to mature late in the season. 

should be planted as early as the ground will | EXTRA EARLY EGYPTIAN BLOOD TURNIP. The best 

permit, three or four inches deep in rows variety for forcing and excellent for first early crop out- 
three feet apart, and plants four feet apart of-doors, being very early with small tops. Root very 
in row. Dry beans very large and yellowish dark red, moderately thick, a little rounded on top, dis- 
green. O2z., 10c; Ib., 50c. tinectly flat on the bottom, and about two inches in diam- 

eter when mature. Flesh dark purplish red, zoned lighter 
shade. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; %4 lb., 30c; Ib., $1.10. (Same 
as Albani Beet). 

GOOD FOR ALL. 52 to 55 days. An excellent new variety 
developed from Detroit Dark Red. Especially fine for 
canning and pickling whole at 1% to 1% inches in diame- 
ter. Roots smooth, even in size and shape, and almost per- 
fectly globular; collar and taproots very small; interior 
deep crimson, free from white zones. Oz., 15c; 4 Ib., 50c; 
Ib., $1.50. 

CROSBY’S EGYPTIAN, SPECIAL. This special selection 
is valuable both for the private gardener and the amateur, 
on account of its reliability to produce a uniform crop of 
best quality. In the production of this seed, selection is 
not only made for shape, but also for extreme earliness 
and high quality. The skin is very smooth, bright red 
and flesh vermilion, very sweet and tender. Oz. 15c; 
%4 Ib., 35c; Ib., $1.25. : , 

Crosby’s Egyptian Beet Special Cash Discount to Market Gardeners 


Best Table Beets 

EARLY WONDER. A deep blood-red Beet, nearly 
globular, with small, clean tap-root and small-sized 
head. Similar to Crosby but a little earlier. PkKte 
10c; 0z., 15c; 14° 1b., 40c; lb., $1.25. 

DETROIT DARK RED. 68 days. Probably the best 
of the largest sorts. It succeeds equally well at all 
seasons and is one of the best to sow in early 
spring, to sueceed the extra early and medium crop 
sorts. May be sown about August first (in the vi- 
cinity of Syracuse) for a crop to store for winter. 

oe The flesh is solid, 
always tender, of 
good flavor and ex- 
cellent color. Pkt., 
10c; 0z., 15c; 1%4 Ib., 
40c; lb., $1.25. 



/ (Sea Kale Beet) 

A most satisfac- 
tory vegetable for 
the small garden. A 
short row is suffi- 
cient to supply 
greens all summer, 
and if not cut too 
close, additional 
leaves will come up 
from the roots. Use 
same culture as for 
beets and for best 
results thin out to 
at least 4 inches 

between plants. 
Pkt., 10c. 

Swiss Chard 

Mangel Ruben 

Cheap and nutritious winter feed for stock. The dairyman’s 
friend. Plant 6 lbs. per acre in drills. 5 or 6 seeds per foot, 
thinning later to 9 inches apart, or broadcast 15 to 20 Ibs. 
per acre. About 110 days to maturity. 

GOLDEN TANKARD. A smooth, yellow-fleshed Mangel. 

MAMMOTH LONG RED. On good land and well cultivated, 
this popular sort will yield 30 to 50 tons per acre of large, 
long. light red roots which grow half above ground and are 
easily pulled. 

DANISH SLUDSTRUP MANGEL. Long, reddish yellow 
root. Grows more above ground, is very easily harvested. 
Requires little exertion to pull same. Frequently weigh 
from 15 to 20 Ibs. 







The improved Italian type. A 
delicious vegetable named for 
its tender, delicious and savory 
flavor, also for its helpful and 
obesity-reducing quality, and 
lastly for its extreme ease of 
culture. The plants are rapid 
growing and produce large 
heads in about 90 days from 
date of planting. The plant is 
strong and vigorous. After 
the main head has been cut, 
side shoots develop with small 
heads. A readily marketable 
and profitable crop, much in 
demand by quality buyers. Pkt., 
10c; oz., 40c; %4 Ib., $1.50. 

PURPLE CAPE. Pkt., 10c; % 

0z., 30c; 0z., 60c. 


FRENCH. Hardy, vigorous 
and easily grown. White heads. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 60c. 


The Big Economy Mangel 

The illustration faithfully shows the shape of this wonderful Mangel. It is a 

perfect chunk of a Beet, being as large at the bottom as at the top. Stands two- 
thirds above ground. Is easily harvested even on hard soils. This new and original 
Mangel has been tested alongside thirty other Mangels and by strict laboratory 
tests on trial grounds and field demonstrations, has proved to be ideal and superior 
in quality. Lb., $1.40; 10 Ibs., $11.50. 

A—Gontains the greatest amount of sugar of any Mangel. 
B—Grows high above the ground. 
C—Skin and flesh light yellow. 
D—Greatest yield of saccharine dry matter. 
E—Very easy to harvest. 
F—Best keeper. 
G—Splendid ensilage. 
H—Has yielded 25 tons to the acre. 
The value of this Mangel for stock feeding cannot be over-estimated. No one 

horses, sheep or cattle should be without these roots for winter feed- 
aye Sateen Baas be said of the marvelous Sugar Mangel for dairy and 

poultry feed. 

Ideal Sugar 
Mangel Beet 

” [21] 

F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 SYRACUSE, N. Y. 

Rosenkohl (Ger.) 
Cavoli di Brusselles (It.) 

This vegetable is used in the fall and early 
winter and by some considered more tender and 
delicious than any cabbage. Resembles the cab- 
bage, the edible part being the numerous, very 
small heads or sprouts an inch or two in diam- 

IMPROVED HALF DWARF. The most useful 
variety, one and one-half to three feet high. 
Pkt., 10c; 0z., 30c. 

CABBAGES—of all Types 


cabbage in cultivation. Fine solid heads of 
good size, pointed heads with few outer leaves. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 25c; %4 lb., 75c; Ib., $2.50. 

SUCCESSION. We consider it one of our most 
valuable contributions to horticulture. It 
would be classed as a second early variety, 
coming in a few days later than Early Sum- 
mer, but double the size. Pkt., 10c; o0z., 25c; 
lb., $3.00. 

MAMMOTH RED ROCK. Large, round, solid 
heads, slightly flattened. Plants large, with 
numerous spreading leaves. Oz., 50c; lb., $4.00. 

the late Savoys for house use or for the 
market. The plant is robust with short stem. 
Is very much curled or wrinkled. mipcre 
header of large size, and the best of the ere pee ee Se ae 
Green Globe Drumhead Savoy. Pkt., 10c; 0z., Early Copenhagen Market Cabbage 

35c; 14 Ib., 85c; Ib., $4.00. 
i GLORY OF ENKHUIZEN. A very large early cab- 
GOLDEN ACRE. It resembles the “Copenhagen Mar- bage, heads nearly round, Ret Baila and a ritel 
are @ tend eee Aone Bd aceon eee has proved to be one oF the most profitable of the 
hagen ‘Market. The Golden Acre begins to form ae eee eabbecen Dts 0G. 02. atria laa oot 

head as soon as the leaves have reached the size | nanisH MALLARD Shortzatemmeds We consider 
of a saucer and the growth may be observed almost this the best strain of Danish cabbage. The heads 

from day to day. It matures in eighty days from are large, almost perfectly round, very hard li 
date of sowing, and no other cabbage, including the and of waa deep Dean ees This aioetn of rolls 
earliest Jersey Wakefield, has proven as early. We produces larger heads and consequently heavier 
believe it to be the earliest cabbage in existence. yields than the old style Danish cabbage. A num- 

Average weight is 5 lbs. Occupies only 20-inch : : ‘ ‘ 
apace. | Phil Oeste 40c: 44) Thi-$1.00! ber of large fields in this locality have yielded as 

COPENHAGEN MARKET. ‘This new Danish cabbage | Di@h 98.22 On sbe. 44 Ib, Sioa. ib. epee 
is the largest and earliest ball-shaped variety | pFERRY’S HOLLANDER. Decidedly the best variety of 
known. Heads very solid, of wonderful quality, late Cabbage. Heads become firm while still rather 

with small cores and weighing 10 to 15 pounds. : 
Pkt., 10c; oz, 35¢; 14 Ib. 85c; Ib., $3.00. small, reach good marketable size 90 to 100 days 

after setting plants in the field, but continue to en- 

large, becoming mature in about 120 days. Plants 
medium small, allowing closer planting than any other 
late Cabbage; short stemmed, erect and compact; ex- 
tremely hardy. Heads spherical; 6% to 7 inches in diam- 
eter, weight 6 to 7 lbs., remarkably firm and solid, of 
splendid quality, and keep perfectly in storage until late 
spring. Oz., 60c; 2 ozs., $1.00; 14 Ib., $1.75. 

FLAT DUTCH. A fine, very large, late winter variety. Very 
popular on account of size, quality and yield. Pkt., 10c; 
0z., 25c; %4 lb., 60c; Ib., $2.50. 

LATE DRUMHEAD. One of the old-fashioned big growing 
sorts. So well known that a description is unnecessary. 
Pkt., 10c; 0z., 25c; %4 Ib., 75c; Ib., $2.50. 

PE-TSAI. This fine vegetable resembles Cos Lettuce. The 
head is large and compact, and all but the outer leaves 
blanch a creamy white. Very crisp and tender, and in 
every way adapted for the home garden. Pkt., 10c; 1% oz., 
20c; 0z., 30c; % Ib., 85c. 

Special Cash Discount to Market Gardeners. 

Remedy for Cabbage Worms 
One quart salt, mix with one tablespoon Cayenne Pep- 
per. Sprinkle moderately into the heart of cabbage. Apply 
once a week for several weeks. Will keep worms off and 
produce perfect heads. 

Sow Radish seed in with Cabbage and the bugs will 
not touch Cabbage and thus save the plants. 

Flat Dutch Cabbage 



73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 


Carotten (Ger.) Carota (It.) 

MORSE’S BUNCHING. Tops short; foliage rather coarse- 
ly cut and stems medium size and strong. Roots at ma- 
turity are 1% by 1% by 8 inches in size, almost cylin- 
drical with rounded shoulders, and are well stumped. 
Oz., 20c; 14 Ib., 75c; Ib., $2.25. 

EARLY FRENCH FORCING. The earliest variety in 
cultivation and the best suitéd for forcing. Tops small, 
finely divided. The reddish orange colored roots are 
nearly round. When fully matured they are about 2 
inches in diameter, but should be used before they are 
full grown and while young and tender. Pkt., 10c; 
0z., 20c; 14 Ib., 75c; Ib., $2.25. 

EARLY SHORT HORN. Excellent for early planting 
out-of-doors. Tops small, coarsely divided. Roots 
top-shaped, but tapering abruptly to a small tap. 
Skin orange-red. Oz., 20c; 14 lb., 75c; Ib., $2.25. 

GUERANDE or OX HEART. Tops small for the size of 
the roots which are comparatively short but often 
reach a diameter of five inches, terminating abruptly 
in a small tap root. Flesh bright orange, fine grained 
and sweet. This variety is especially desirable for soil 
so hard and stiff that longer rooted sorts would not 
thrive in it. When young, excellent for table use, and 
when mature equally good for stock. Pkt. 10c; oz., 
20c; % Ib., 75c; Ib., $2.25. 

DANVERS. Grown largely on account of its great pro- 
ductiveness and adaptability to all classes of soil. 
Tops of medium size, coarsely divided. The smooth 
and handsome roots are deep orange, of medium length, 
tapering uniformly to a blunt point; flesh sweet, crisp, 
tender and of a deep orange color. Although the roots 
of this variety are short, they produce as large a bulk 
as the longer field sorts and are more easily harvested. 
O75 L0G AnD. oC alDeabocaae 

CHANTENAY RED CORED. 70 days. This is a distinct 
improvement over the well known Chantenay, especially 
in color, texture, and quality of flesh. Roots 5% to 6 
inches long, 24% inches thick at the shoulder; tapered, 
stump-rooted, flesh and core reddish orange, fine grain- 
ed, and tender; of sweet delicate flavor. Oz., 20c; 4 
Ib., 75¢; Ib., $2.25. 


Chantenay Carrot 

LONG ORANGE, The most popular for farm use 
on mellow soil. An improvement attained by 
years of careful selection of the best formed and 
ees colored roots. Oz., 20c; % Ib., 75c; 

5) Pande 

WHITE BELGIAN. Grows one-third out of the 
ground. Root white, green above ground, with 
small top. Flesh rather coarse. The roots are 
large and it is extensively grown for stock feed- 
ing. Oz., 15¢; Ib., $1.75. 


Blumenkohl (Ger.) Cavolofiore (It.) 

EARLY SNOWBALL. The most popular and profitable 
of the Cauliflower family. Heads of uniform size, 
snowy white, very tender, and owing to its attractive 
appearance a most desirable market variety. Seed 

grown in Denmark. 

Oz., $3.50. 

WEATHER. This strain 
of Snowball Cauliflower 
is especially valuable 
for high ground, as it 
is more vigorous than 
the Early Snowball, and 
stands dry weather bet- 
ter. The heads are a 
little larger than Snow- 
ball and mature a week 
or two later and have 
more leaves to protect 
them from sun and 
frost. Oz., $4.00. 

Bit ae 
Danisk Giant Caulifiower 

SUPER SNOWBALL. This Cauliflower makes a pure 
white, large, solid, round head and it matures a few 
days later than Early Snowball. Heads and outer 
leaves are somewhat larger than ery Snowball and 
leaves cover the heads almost fully. It is a new and 
outstanding type either for early or summer crop and 
it stands heat very well. Oz., $4.00. 


Sellerie (Ger.) Sedano (It.) 

Culture. Celery seed is slow to germinate, and 
ample time must be given. Sow thinly; cover 
lightly. Keep constantly moist. Count on about 
7,500 plants per ounce of seed, or % pound per 
acre. When the seedling plants are three inches 
high they should be clipped at the top, to favor 
stocky growth, or else transplanted. Celery is 
mostly grown under flat culture, without trenches, 
in rows 4 feet apart, 6 inches apart in row. 

COLUMBIA. An exceptionally fine, early variety, 
is of medium height, but very stocky. Stalks 
are thick, almost round, are of a rich, yellow 
color, and its fine flavor and crispness will please 
SSG critical. Pkt. 10c; oz., 40c; %4 Ib., 

GOLDEN SELF-BLANCHING. This is the very 
best celery for early use. It is in condition as 
early in the fall as any, and we have yet to find 
an extra early sort equal in quality and appear- 
ance to our stock of Golden Yellow Self- 
Blanching. Critical gardeners and consumers 
generally depend upon this variety to produce 
their best early celery. Plants of medium size, 
compact and stocky—with yellowish green foli- 
age. As they mature the inner stems and leaves 
turn a beautiful golden yellow, so that blanching 
is effected at a small expense of time and labor. 
Oz., 65c; 14 Ib., $2.00; Ib., $7.50. 

F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1668-1941 SYRACUSE, N. Y. 

CELER Y—Continued 

GOLDEN PLUME CELERY. A large early Celery of superfine quality and ap- 
pearance. Large heavy stalks with a full, solid heart of golden yellow, easy 
to blanch, a good keeper, and always of the crisp, brittle and nutty quality so 
much desired. Shows a marked resistance to blight, so often affecting the 
early yellow strains. Pkt., 10c; % oz., 40c; 0z., 70c. on 

WONDERFUL. Authorities pronounce this the best golden self-blanching celery. 
Matures two to three weeks before any other and blanches in half the time 
required by others. Large, crisp, tender. No strings. Broad stalk, does not 
grow hollow, and all of it, including the foliage, is good eating. Marked re- 
sistance to blight and rust, earlier maturity, superior keeping qualities. It pos- 
sesses a fine, nutlike flavor, and is handsome in appearance. We offer the 
raiser’s original strain. Pkt., 25c; oz., 65c; % Ib., $2.00. 

WHITE PLUME. A handsome very early sort. In great demand as a market 
celery, owing to its very attractive appearance. Requires a short time only 
for blanching. Leaves light green with tips almost white. Pkt., 10c; oz., 40c; 
% Ib., $1.50; Ib., $3.00. 

EASY BLANCHING. A new variety of great merit. The habit is dwarf and 
compact, with light green foliage which has almost a yellowish hue. It is very 
easily blanched and might be termed a second-early variety, as it is ready for 
use to follow Golden Self-Blanching. Stalks pure white, heavy and crisp. Pkt., 
10c; oz., 65c; 14 Ib., $2.00. 

WINTER QUEEN. This is without question the most valuable variety of celery 
for winter and spring use, even excelling the celebrated Perfection Heartwell 
as a winter keeper. It is thicker and heavier with double the heart of any 
celery. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 30c; % Ib., $1.00. - 

or German Celery 

best of all with a large smooth 
root of splendid quality. Pkt., 
10c; oz., 35c, 

Chervil, Curled 
Treat like parsley. A valuable 

SG iuesionel Pkt. 10; oz. White Plume Celery 


or French Endive 
Cichorien-Wurzel (Ger.) 
Cicoria Selvatica (It.) 
WITLOOF. Sown in May and June 
in drills. Transplant or thin to 
6 inches; treat as endive, and 
‘ bank up like celery. The stalks, 
ere blanched, make a _ delicious 
Golden Yellow Self-Blanching Celery salad. Oz., 50c; lb., $5.00. 
Celery originated in Germany 

CHICORY ASPARAGUS, Italian Strain. Very popular with the Italian gardeners. 
Oz., 30c; Ib., $3.00. 
CHIVES. In clumps, for flavoring. Pkt., 10c. 

Collards Blaeterkoh! (Ger.) 
Culture. Same as late cabbage. 

CREOLE or SOUTHERN. Grows 2 to 3 ft. high, and forms bunches of tender 
delicate leaves slightly curled at edges. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; %4 lb., 30c; Ib., $1.00. 

SWEET CORN—Is the Supreme Garden Crop 

GILL’S GOLDEN EARLY. Ears 5 to 6 inches long, 10 to 12 rows of yellow kernels 
of good quality, stalk about 4 feet. Season 60 days. A good early market garden 
sort. Lb., 25c; 10 lIbs., $2.25. 

KINGSCROSS GOLDEN BANTAM. This new Corn is bred for wilt resistance, high 
yield, and superlative quality. Matures 4 to 5 days later than Golden Bantam. 
Stalks 6 feet high and usually bear 2 ears having 10 to 14 rows of light golden 
yellow kernels. A most profitable market variety. This Corn when ripe cannot 
be used for seed, however. Lb., 40c; 10 Ibs., $3.50. 

one week earlier than the Early Golden Bantam Sweet Corn. Very fine. Un- 
usually sweet and early 12-row. It’s the market gardener’s best crop for profit. 
Lb., 25c; 10 Ibs., $2.25. 

GOLDEN BANTAM. The best of all the yellow varieties. Stalks often have 2 ears. 
Ears 8-rowed; kernels broad, tender, sweet, and of exceptional flavor. Lb., 25c; 
10 Ibs., $2.25. 

GOLDEN BANTAM CORN (Burbank Strain). Ready for table use 65 to 70 days 
from planting. Stalk about 5 feet high. Fifty per cent of stalks will usually 
have 2 ears. Ears are longer than Golden Bantam. 12 to 16 rows but usually 14. 
Color beautiful yellow. A market gardener’s favorite. Lb., 25c; 10 lbs., $2.00. 

WHIPPLE’S EARLY YELLOW. This is a wonderful early yellow corn, either for 
home or market use. The ears are very large, 8 to 9 inches long, have 12 to 14 
rows of deep kernels. Ready for use 3 or 4 days later than Golden Bantam and 
ears are almost as large as Evergreen. Quality excellent. Lb., 25c; 10 Ibs., $2.25. 

Golden Sunshi 
Ask For Our New Golden Cross Bantam Sweet Corn. Yields Double. Pawest Comte 


F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-194] SYRACUSE, N. Y. 

SWEET CORN—Continued 

BLACK MEXICAN. This corn, when in condition for the table, cooks a bluish 
black. It is surpassed by none in tenderness and is a most desirable second 
early sort. Ears about 8 inches: long, usually 8-rowed. 1 lb., 25c; 10 Ibs., $2.25. 

GOLDEN EVERGREEN SWEET CORN. New variety, extra fine, very sweet and 
tender, and keeps in eating condition longer than most sweet corns. Ten days 
to two weeks earlier than Stowell’s Evergreen. Across with Stowell’s Evergreen 
and Sweet Orange, which is a second early, yellow, very tender and extra sweet 
variety. 1 lb., 25c; 10 lbs., $2.25. 

EARLY EVERGREEN. We have tested many samples of Evergreen corn that 
were claimed to be earlier than Stowell’s Evergreen and to be just as good, but 
we have never found any of them so valuable as the stock of this variety we 
offer. It has been proven both on our trial grounds and in the field to come 
into fit condition for use much earlier than Stowell’s Evergreen and to remain 
in condition quite as long. Ears about 7 inches long, with 14 to 20 more or 
less irregular rows with very deep grain which is of the very best quality. 
Plants average from 64% to 7 ft. high and in ear resemble those of Stowell’s 
Evergreen, but differ in earliness and we think are more uniform. A standard 
main crop variety for home garden and market; also well adapted for canning. 
1 Ib., 25c; 10 Ibs., $2.25. 

STOWELL’S EVERGREEN. 1 Ib., 25c; 10 Ibs. $2.25. 

COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. There is no sweet corn that compares with the Country 
Gentleman for sweetness. It is the variety par excellence where quality is 
desired. Market gardeners who make a specialty of growing for hotels and 
high class restaurant trade use this as a main crop in preference to any other. 
For home use it will be found superior and it is very productive. The fact that 
it is a favorite variety with canners proves its merit. 1 lb., 25c; 10 Ibs., $2.25. 


Pkt. 1 Ib. Pkt. 1 Ib. 
Golden Queen ............ $0.10 $0.25 Yellow Rice ..... eaatlaiaavaretslews $0.10 $0.25 
Japanese Hulless .......... 10 C5 REGS errr carne caine a ere 10 25 
BlackiRiceie ae 10 25 Whites Rice: 2easc-te at ce. 10 25 

Valeriana (It.) CORN SALAD Feldsalat (Ger.) 
Large round-leaved or small seeded. Oz., 15c; lb., $1.25. 

Kresse (Ger.) CRESS or PEPPER GRASS Agretto (It.) 

CRESS. Fine for salads. Garden curled. Oz., 15c; Ib., 85c. 
WATER CRESS. Dwarf. Fine curled, grows in shallow water. Pkt., 10c; oz., 45c; 

V4 Ib., $1.25. 
CUCUMBERS—for Salads and Pickles 

Cetriolo (It.) Cucumbers came from the East Indies. Gurken (Ger.) 
Culture. Flourish best in a rich, warm, sandy loam. Sow when danger of frost is 
over in hills 4 or 5 feet each way. As the young plant has many enemies sow thick- 
ly half an inch deep, and thin out finally to 3 or 4 plants to the hill. Use 1 ounce 
of seed to 75 hills, 2 to 3 pounds to the acre. Gather cucumbers by cutting, not 
tearing. Leave none to ripen if you want a full crop. 

EARLY CLUSTER. An early and very productive variety. Fruit small, thick at 
the end, dark green, but lighter at blossom end, borne in pairs or clusters and i 
largely near the root. Used to some extent for pickles. Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c; Early Evergreen Corn 
14 Ib., 60c; Ib., $1.75. 

EARLY EAS os ana at Jonge than pues White Spine,” more cylindrical in shape, with very dark 
green skin and thick flesh, which is tender and crisp, making it especially good for slicing. Pkt., 10c; oz., 
20c; %4 Ib., 60c; Ib., $1.75. i tiie a 

Peet IMPROVED or ARLINGTON. Great bearer; standard for outdoors. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 20c; %4 Ib. 
60c; lb., $1.75. 

DAVIS PERFECTION. A distinct variety 
of the hardy White Spine type. Fruit 
large, symmetrical, dark green and 
thickly set with fine spines. Very pro- 
lific, bears a long time. Pkt., 10c; oz., 
20c; %4 Ib., 60c; Ib., $1.75. 

LONGFELLOW. A new and exceptionally 
fine long, very dark green White Spine, 
resembling a hothouse Cucumber even 

when grown out-of-doors. Fruits 12 to 14 
inches long, solid and crisp, with few seeds; 
an excellent forcer. Pkt., 10c; oz., 30c; Ib., $2.50. 

STRAIGHT-8. Desirable for home and market. Very 
uniform, weighs 2% lbs. Round at ends. Oz., 25c; 4% 
Ib., 75c; Ib., $2.50. 

LONG GREEN. Fruit from 10 to 12 inches long, dark green, very 
4 firm and crisp. It is used largely for slicing, but on account of its 
= firmness and crispness is popular with some for pickling and is espe- 

n by ry . ° 5 
Zin ; No. Syracuse, N. Y. cially desirable, when mature, for sweet pickles. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 20c; 
Grown from F. H. Ebeling Seeds. ¥, Ib, 65c; Ib., $3.00. 

F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 SYRACUSE, N. Y. 


BOSTON PICKLING. A favorite for pickling. 
Medium size; smooth; light green; produc- 
tive. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 20c; % lb., 60c; Ib., $1.75. 

CHICAGO PICKLING. This variety is pre- 
ferred above all others by the largest pick- 
ling establishments in Chicago and elsewhere. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c; %4 Ib., 60c; Ib., $1.75. 

JAPANESE CLIMBING. Vigorous grower, with¢ 
strong, grasping tendrils which enable it to 
climb trellis netting or brush. Fruit of good 
size. Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c; %4 Ib., 60c; lb., $1.75. 

ROLLISON’S TELEGRAPH. A standard green- 
house variety, English greenhouse grown 
stock. 14 pkt., 30c; pkt. 50c. 

SMALL GHERKIN. A curious, rough little 
cucumber, used exclusively for pickling, for 
which purpose it is in high favor. Makes 
handsome pickle of first-class quality. Pkt., 
10c; 0z., 25c; 14 Ib., 75c; Ib., $2.00. 


BROAD-LEAVED. Extra selected with large broad leaves. An excellent 
and healthful salad plant. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 75c; %4 Ib., $2.00. 
COMMON. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 40c; 14 lb., $1.00. 


MAMMOTH. An annual aromatic herb with warm pungent taste. Seeds 
are used for seasoning. Its largest use is for making Dill pickles. 
Two to three feet high. Pkt., 10c; 0z, 15c; %4 lb., 30c; Ib., $1.00. 

Eierpflanze (Ger.) Petronciano (It.) 
Culture. Plant the seed in March in a hotbed, or, for family use, in 
flower pots in a warm window. Transplant in open ground after weather 
Lee peccte warm and settled, in rows 2 feet apart each way. Require 
rich soil. 
BLACK BEAUTY. Considered the earliest of the large fruited varieties. 
Color, a rich purple. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 50c; 4 ozs., $1.50. 
NEW YORK IMPROVED PURPLE. Surpassing all in: size of fruit. 
Standard market sort. Pkt., 10c; oz., 50c; %4 lb., $1.40. 
Endivien (Ger.) 
“Escarolle” Broad Leaf 
Culture. Sow as soon as the ground can be worked, in drills 15 inches 
apart, and thin plants to 6 to 8 inches in a row. To blanch the leaves, 
gather them carefully together when perfectly dry, and tie with matting 

Endivia (It.) 

FENNEL. Sweet. See Herbs. or Bpy. aay fibrous operas The icavesvere 
. very highly esteemed for use as salads. One 

GARLIC. (Knoblauch, Ger.) (Agilo, It.) Sets, Ib., 60¢. ounce will sow 150 feet of drill. 
; os sort. Pkt, 10c; oz., 15c; % lb., 35c; Ib., 

Aromatic, medicinal and pot herbs. See page 33. $1.25. 

WHITE CURLED. A beautiful variety, with 
HORSERADISH leaves as finely curled or mossed as the 

Roots, per doz., 40c; $2.00 per 100; $13.00 per 1000. 

Blaetterkohl (Ger.) Cavolo rapa (It.) 
Sow in May and transplant in June, and treat generally as 
for cabbage. 
DWARF CURLED SCOTCH. A standard variety. Pkt., 10c; 
oz. 15c; %4 lIb., 40c. 
TALL GREEN CURLED. Pkt., 10c; 0z, 15c; %4 Ib., 50c. 


Knollkohl (Ger.) Cavolo rapa (It.) 
White, above ground. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 25c; %4 lb., 75c. 
Purple, above ground. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 25c; 14 lb., 75c. 


Lauch-Porree (Ger.) Porro (It.) 
AMERICAN FLAG. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 25c; %4 Ib., 75c; Ib., $2.50. 

LETTUCE—Curled Sorts 
Every Garden Can Grow This Finest of Health Foods. 
Kopfsalat (Ger.) _Lohuga (It.) 

Culture. Lettuce thrives on nearly all soils, but because the 
growth should at all times be rapid to insure crispness and 
best flavor, the soil should be heavily enriched and well worked 
before planting. Lettuce being quite hardy, sow as soon as 
ground can be fitted. 

SIMPSON EARLY CURLED. White Seeded. A very exten- 
sively used early loose-leaved or clustering variety. Leaves 
light green, slightly frilled and much blistered. Crisp, sweet 
and tender. Especially adapted for thick sowing. Very fine 
for poultry feeding. Pkt., 10c; oz. 15c; lb. $1.50. 


preceding, but of an attractive light green 
color. Blanches easily and has a most 
delicious and crisp flavor. Pkt., 10c; oz., 
15c; %4 Ib., 40c; Ib., $1.50. 

mer variety. 
35c; Ib., $1.25. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; % Ib., 

White Curled Endive 


73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 



GRAND RAPIDS. Black Seed. As a greenhouse forcing lettuce 
Quick growing, very hardy— 
The plant is upright, forms a loose cluster 
of large thin bright green leaves, savoyed, finely crumpled at 
Very attractive and desirable for garnishing. Pkt., 

this stands at the head of the list. 
not liable to rot. 

the edges. 
10c; 0z., 20c; Ib., $1.50. 

ONONDAGA. This remarkable variety was introduced by us many 
A splendid greenhouse sort, slightly fringed, form- 
ing a semi-head, a wonderful shipping and keeping variety, 
green under glass and of slightly reddish cast when grown in 
Tender, crisp. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 20c; Ib., $1.50. 

years ago. 

the open. 

Cabbage or Heading Varieties 

This is a handsome, extremely early, compact cab- 
bage or heading variety for the home garden and market, forming very firm 
heads of medium size and excellent quality. The color is light yellowish 
The inner leaves blanch 
rich golden yellow, very tender and buttery. The plant is very compact for 

MAY KING. Seed White. 

green, tinged with reddish brown when mature. 
so large a head. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; Ib., $1.50. 

BIG BOSTON. This market variety is very popular 
for outdoor culture and is also in demand as a com- 
pact, large heading, forcing sort for cold frames. 
The plants are large, very hardy and vigorous. The 
leaves are broad, comparatively smooth but wavy 
at the edge, very hardy and vigorous. Thin, very 
hard and crisp. In color bright light green, the 
head slightly tinged with reddish brown. The inner 
leaves blanch to an attractive greenish white, tinged 
with light yellow. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 20c; Ib., $1.50. 

Hanson Head Lettuce 

HALE’S BEST. An outstanding, early shipping Cantaloupe. 
Planted extensively in melon producing sections of the West 
and South, for early shipping. Fruits oval; inconspicuous 
ribbing with heavy netting. Flesh extremely thick, salmon- 
orange, sweet and of very fine quality. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; 

M% Ib., 40c; Ib., $1.50. 

dium size, round and distinctly ribbed, and present a fine, 
The rind and flesh are very firm, the 
skin thickly netted, and flesh a rich, deep orange of sweet 

and spicy flavor. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; 14 Ib., 45c; Ib., $1.35. 
BENDER’S SURPRISE. A fine variety of exceptional merit. 
The fruits are round and deeply ribbed and Ba ees 
*” Cc; 

attractive appearance. 

Salmon-fleshed, thick meated, delicious in flavor. 
oz., 15c; %4 Ib., 40c; Ib., $1.50. 

EMERALD GEM. A splendid early variety, coming in just 
green in color, 
globular or slightly flattened, irregularly and distinctly 
ribbed and lightly netted. Flesh very thick, sweet and of a 
deep, rich salmon-yellow. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; Ib., $1.25. 

ahead of Rocky Ford. Fruits deep emerald 

Dairymen’s League Certificate of Indebtedness accepted in the 

purchase of seed. 

Grand Rapids 

UNRIVALED. Same as Big Boston, but smaller and 
earlier. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; Ib., $1.50. 

HANSON HEAD. Seed White. A very desirable late 
summer lettuce. -The plant is compact and forms 
a cabbage-like head which remains in condition 
longer than summer-head sorts. Outer leaves 
bright, yellowish green and broad. Inner leaves 
white, crisp and sweet. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; Ib., $1.50. 

ICEBERG or NEW YORK HEAD. Curled or crisp as 
iceberg, dark green heads somewhat conical. Pkt., 
10c; oz., 15c; Ib., $1.75. 

ROMAINE or WHITE COS. This Lettuce differs in 
shape from other sorts, the head being elongated 
and of conical form, about 9 inches in height and 
about 6 inches in diameter. Outer coloring yellow- 
green. Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c; Ib., $1.50. 

CHICKEN LETTUCE. Does not make a head but 
sends up a stout stalk 3 to 4 feet high. Just loaded 
with leaves. When once cut it starts to grow again. 
A great chicken feed. Pkt., 10c; oz. 20c; Ib., $1.50. 


To Fit Your Growing Season. 

Melone (Ger.) Popone (It.) 

The Muskmelon succeeds best in warm, rich soil. 
While both plant food and humus are necessary to 
all plants, all vines require an extra amount. Manure 
contains both, while rotted turf and commercial fer- 
tilizer combined supply both. If manure is used it 
should be well rotted, finely pulverized and evenly 
distributed through the soil. 

GOLDEN CHAMPLAIN, New Melon. Of good size, 
tough rind, very thick flesh, and small seed cavity. 
Color is gray from the netting, underlaid with dark 
green. Flesh a rich golden color, very tender, juicy 
and sweet, fine grained and free from stringiness, 
delicious clear to the rind. Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c; 
Y% Ib., 50c; Ib., $1.50. 


Hearts of Gold Muskmelon 



73rd Annual Catalog 1868-194] 



MILLER’S CREAM or OSAGE Larger than Emerald Gem. Nearly 
round in form, but having the same distinct dark green skin with 
lighter bands between the ribs, and thick, firm, orange flesh of 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; 14 Ib., 50c; Ib., $1.50 

ROCKY FORD, RUST-RESISTING. Like Netted Gem. More largely 
grown than any other of the small or basket melons and shipped 
in enormous quantities from Colorado and Arizona. 
slightly ribbed, densely covered with fine netting. Flesh green, 
thick, very sweet and of rich flavor. Pkt., 10c; oz.; 15c; % Ib., 50c; 

fine quality. 

Ib., $1.2 

HONEY DEW MELON. “Sweetest Melon Ever Grown.” The rind 
Part of the melon shows a slight check 
in the rind like a tendency to net. The size runs from 6 to 7 inches 
in diameter from top to bottom, and 8 inches in length. The ma- 
tured melons are practically all of the same shape and size. 
This melon will keep 
This is one of the best market melons known. Vines 

is a dull white when ripe. 

is a light green and is almost honey sweet. 
several weeks. 

vigorous, and produce 6 to 10 fine melons to the hill. 

oz., 15c; 14 Ib., 50c; Ib., $1.50. 


Short Season Varieties Are Necessary in North 
Melone (Ger.) Popone (It.) 

SWEET HEART. Introduced in 1894 and is very 
popular as a shipping melon, particularly in the 
South. Fruit of largest size; color very light 
green. Flesh bright red, tender and sweet. Pkt., 
10c; oz., 15¢c; Ib. $1.00. 

tinctly a home garden melon as the dark bluish 
green rind is so crisp that it breaks easily. The 
long, oval fruits are slightly larger near the 
blossom end. They weigh from 25 to 35 pounds 
and ripen in 105 days. We know of none better 
in quality of flesh. 1 oz., 15c; 14 Ib., 40c; Ib., $1.00. 

COLE’S EARLY. An early, oval-shaped variety. 
Large heart, flesh of fine texture and good flavor. 
Grows to medium size, skin green with light 
stripes. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; 14 lb., 40c; Ib., $1.00. 

HARRIS’ EARLIEST. This excellent watermelon 
grows rather large for an early variety, slightly 
oval in shape, skin mottled light and dark green. 
It is uniform in size and shape. The flesh is 
solid, bright red, very tender and sweet. Pkt., 
10c; oz., 15c; 1% Ib., 30c; Ib., $1.00. 

FORDHOOK EARLY. Fordhook Early Watermelon 
will ripen in sections too cool to grow a good 
crop of any other watermelon. There is no other 
melon of such large size which can make this 
claim. We would suggest that you make a trial 
of Fordhook Early. Pkt. 10c; oz., 20c; %4 Ib., 
45c; Ib., $1.50. 

Large, vigorous and finely flavored mushrooms, 
gree French or English. Brick, about 1% Ibs, 

Yellow Globe Danvers Onion 

Fruit oval, 


Pkt., 10c; 

Rocky Ford Muskmelon 

WHITE ENGLISH. Leaves comparatively small and 
smooth, deeply cut or divided and of medium dark 
green color. Plant upright, of rapid growth and soon 
bolts to seed. Leaves, when young, are mild and 
tender. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; Ib., $1.00. 

SOUTHERN GIANT CURLED. Leaves large, light green 
with tinge of yellow, much crimped and frilled at 
edges. Plant upright or slightly spreading in growth. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; Ib., $1.00. 

NASTURTIUM - See Flower Seeds 
TALL MIXED GARDEN. Sometimes called Indian Cress. 
Grown not only for ornament but the beautiful orange- 
colored flowers and foliage are used for garnishing 
and the young leaves or shoots are excellent for salads. 
The green seed pods are greatly esteemed by many 
for use in mixed pickles. Sow early in spring, prefer- 
ably in rather light soil, in rows 3 feet apart and 
2 inches apart in the row, covering 1 inch deep. When 
the young plants are about 4 inches high, thin to 
“ ee apart in the row. Oz., 10c; %4 Ib., 30c; Ib., 

Ib., $1.00. 

TALL NASTURTIUMS. Oz., 10c; % Ib. 30c; Ib., $1.00. 

The young seed pods are used in soups, stews, catsups, 
etc. Highly esteemed in the South. After danger of 
frost is past, the ground being warm and in good con- 
dition, plant in rows about two and one-half feet apart, 
covering with about an inch of fine soil. 

WHITE VELVET. Plant is about 3% feet high, early 
maturing and very productive. Pods white, long, 
smooth and are tender until nearly full sized. Pkt., 
10c: oz., 15c; Ib., 75c. 

DWARF. Long pod, green. Oz., 15c; %4 Ib. 25c; Ib., 75c. 


The Onion originated in Egypt. 
Zwiebel (Ger.) Cipolio (It.) 

PRIZETAKER. Grows to an immense size and for fall 
marketing is unexcelled. Although of such great size, 
it is very hardy and a fair winter keeper, as it ripens 
up hard and firm; very fine grained, and of mild, deli- 
cate flavor. The outside skin is rich yellow while the 
flesh is white. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 50c; Ib., $5.00. 

SOUTHPORT WHITE GLOBE. This grows to a very 
large size and is a perfectly globe-shaped onion. Color 
is a clear pure white. This variety is used by the 
market gardeners for bunching. Pkt., 10c; oz., 50c; 
Ib., $5.50. 

EARLY FLAT YELLOW DANVERS. A good variety, but 
not as round or quite as early as the Yellow Globe 
Danvers. Very productive. Oz., 50c; Ib., $5.50. 

SOUTHPORT YELLOW GLOBE. A large, perfectly 
shaped Globe onion and an excellent onion for keep- 
ing throughout the winter. A very heavy cropper, 
handsome in appearance and good dark yellow color. 
Pkt., 10c; 0z., 50c; Ib., $5.50. 


10c; % Ib., 40c; 


75rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 



YELLOW GLOBE DANVERS. This fine onion is of 
large size, an early and abundant cropper. Bulbs 
very thick, flat or slightly convex bottoms, full oval 
top with small neck and rich brownish yellow skin. 
Pkt.; 10¢; 0z., 50cs Ib., $5.50. 

EBENEZER or “JAPANESE.” The onions are not 
unlike Yellow Globe Danvers in shape and size, but 
are superior in flavor and keep longer. They are 
firm, solid, have a thin skin, and are agreeably mild. 
Also planted extensively to produce small sets for 
the following season. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 35c; Ib., $3.50. 

SOUTHPORT RED GLOBE. This is a fine keeper. 
Large size and considered one of the best red 
onions. Flesh is fine grained, very mild and tender. 
PkKt., 10c; 0z., 35c; Ib., $3.50. 

WHITE PORTUGAL. (American Silverskin). This 
is the best sort to sow—for onion sets or for pick- 
ling; sown thickly for either it makes a small, 
round, hard bulb. Pkt., 10c; oz., 35c; Ib., $3.25. 

AILSA CRAIG. A handsome globular variety, grow- 
ing to an enormous size, with pale yellow skin, 
flesh white, a good keeper and valuable for exhibi- 

tion purposes. Very fine for home gardens. Pkt., 
10c; 0z., 35c; Ib., $3.50. 

LARGE RED WETHERSFIELD. We have a very fine 
and select strain of this sort. Color is deep pur- 
plish red, flesh white, moderately grained and very 
firm. Yields an enormous amount per acre, and 
is one of the best winter keeping onions. Pkt., 10c; 
0z., 30c; lb., $3.00. 

YELLOW SWEET SPANISH. An increasingly popu- 
lar large yellow variety of Spanish origin, similar 
to Prizetaker, but larger. Globular, with golden 
yellow skin; flesh white, very mild, and of pleasin 
flavor. Prolific and desirable for shipping and fal 
storage. Oz., 50c; Ib., $5.50. 

Onion Sets 

BROWN BOTTOM SETS. Treated precisely as top 
onions are, setting them out in the spring instead 
of sowing seed. Qt., 30c; bu., $7.00. 

YELLOW BOTTOM SETS. Like the preceding except 
in color and used in the same manner. &t., 30c; 
bu., $7.00. 

WHITE BOTTOM SETS. These do not keep as well 
as the brown and yellow, but produce beautiful 
white onions early in the season. Qt., 30c; bu., $7.00. 

Petersille (Ger.) Prezzemolo (It.) 

Culture. Sow seeds in shallow drills in the early spring 
for border, or in rows 1Z to 13 inches apart, care being 
taken that the drills be not more than one-half inch in 
depth, and that the seed be well pressed down after sowing, 
as the seed germinates very slowly, 3 to 5 weeks elapsing 
sometimes before it makes its appearance. Use one ounce 
to 150 feet of drill, three pounds to an acre. Cultivate 

PLAIN PARSLEY. The leaves of this variety are flat, deeply 
cut but not curled. Very desirable for flavoring soups 
and stews and for drying. It is a favorite on account 
of its very dark green leaves, as well as its hardiness. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; lb., $1.50. 

CHAMPION MOSS CURLED. This is a vigorous, compact 
growing variety, excellent for garnishing and flavoring. 
A handsome decorative plant. Leaves very finely cut and 
so closely crisped or curled as to resemble bunches of 
moss. Fine deep green color and very attractive foliage. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; Ib., $1.50. 

Parsley was first known in Sardinia. 

Pastinake (Ger.) Pastinaca (It.) 
Culture. Sow in early spring, in rows 2 to 8 ft. apart, 
thin to 4 or 6 inches in the row. One ounce of seed will 
sow 200 feet of drill, four to five pounds per acre in drills 

2% feet apart. Cover the seed one-half inch. Use rotted 

manure and fertilizer. Parsnips may be left in the ground 

all winter. 

IMPROVED HOLLOW CROWN. This really is the greatest 
old-time favorite among the parsnips and has a host of 
friends which it will never lose. It is very smooth, white, 
with a very thick shoulder and tapering down to a grace- 
ful point. One of the best known, none better. Pkt., 10c; 
oz., 15c; Ib., $1.00. 

GUERNSEY. (Same as Hollow Crown). Greatly improved 

strain. The roots do not grow as long as the Hollow 

Crown, but are of greater diameter and very easily gath- 

ered. A very heavy cropper. Roots very smooth. Flesh 

fe eae and of excellent quality. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; 

Ib., $1.00. 

Champion Moss Curled Parsley 


Your Own Peas Are Sweetest 
Erbsen (Ger.) Piselli (It.) 

For early peas the soil should be light and 
warm, but for general crop a moderately heavy 
soil is better. Fresh manure and very rich or 
wet mucky soil should be avoided, as they 
cause a rank growth of vine at the cost of the 
quality of the peas. Such soil is often the cause 
of early sorts maturing unevenly. Sow as early 
as possible a few of some early variety on 
warm, quick soil, prepared the fall before, plant- 
ing in double rows 6 to 8 inches apart and 2% 
to 4 feet between the double rows. 

sized, bright green peas of good flavor. Vines 
medium height, 2% to 3 feet, and of distinc- 
tive light color. Pods about 2% to 2% inches 
long. Matures all the crop at once. Lb., 30c; 
2 Ibs., 50c; 10 Ibs., $2.25. 

LAXTONIAN. A little earlier than other dwarf 
large-podded peas, this variety is generally 
considered the best of its class. The blue- 
green pods are often more than 4 inches long 
and contain 8 dark green peas of finest qual- 
ity. It is especially recommended for home 
garden use. The seeds are large, wrinkled; 
green and cream in color. Lb., 30c; 2 Ibs., 
50c; 10 lbs., $2.25. 

F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-194] SYRACUSE, N. Y. 

PEAS—Improved Varieties—Prolific Yielders 

HUNDREDFOLD. A very fine, large podded, dwarf, extra early Pea, and 
one which we can with confidence recommend. It matures in from 60 
to 63 days, and as its name implies, it bears an enormous crop of dark 
green pods containing 7 to 8 large peas of very tender quality and fine 
flavor. The vines grow only to a height of 14 or 16 inches and are easily 
handled. Lb., 30c; 2 Ibs., 50c; 10 Ibs., $2.25. 

LAXTON’S PROGRESS. Developed by Laxton Bros. and introduced in 1922. 
The largest podded and most attractive of the Laxtonian family. Popular 
for shipping to distant markets, also for home and market garden plant- 
ing. Vines medium dark green. Pods single, % inch wide, dark green, 
somewhat curved, pointed, handsome; contain 7 to 9 large peas of good 
frie Seeds large, cream with green, wrinkled. Lb., 30c; 2 Ibs., 50c; 
10 lbs., $2.25. 

LITTLE MARVEL. Vines dwarf, average 15 inches, and are heavily set 
with fine pods, frequently borne in pairs. The pods average 2% inches 
in length, are square at the bottom and well filled with 6 to 7 quite large, 
deep green peas. Lb., 30c; 2 Ibs., 50c; 10 Ibs., $2.25. 

MARKET SURPRISE. May be described as large podded, extra early, vines medium. 
Pods single, medium green, pointed, slightly curved, contain 7 peas. Seeds round, 
smooth, bluish green. Lb., 30c; 2 Ibs., 50c; 10 Ibs., $2.25. 

GRADUS. A very early, wrinkled pea. Vine of medium height, about 3 to 3% feet. 
The pods are very large, about 4% inches long, uniformly well shaped. Peas very 
large, of splendid quality and beautiful light green color which they retain after 
cooking. Lb., 30c; 2 lbs., 50c; 10 Ibs., $2.25. 

THOMAS LAXTON. A very early, wrinkled variety of great merit. Vine vigorous, 
of medium height, about 3 feet, similar to that of Gradus, but darker in color, 
hardier and more productive. Pods large, often 4 inches long, with square ends, 
similar to but larger, longer and darker than those of Champion of England and 
as uniformly well filled. The green peas are very large, of fine deep color and 
unsurpassed in quality. Lb., 30c; 2 Ibs., 50c; 10 Ibs., $2.25. 

Second Early Varieties 

ALDERMAN. This comparatively new pea is in many respects the very best early 
main crop variety of the valuable Telephone type. The vines are tall growing, 
about 4% to 5 feet high, dark green, vigorous and exceedingly productive. Pods of 

largest size, often 5 to 5% inches long, dark green. The peas are of largest size and unsurpassed in 

quality. We recommend it unreservedly. Lb., 30c; 2 Ibs., 50c; 10 Ibs., $2.25. 

TELEPHONE. Vines tall and vigorous, growing about 4 feet high, with large, coarse, light colored leaves 
and producing an abundance of pointed pods of largest size, often 4% to 5 inches long, attractive bright 
green, filled with very large peas which are tender, sweet and of excellent flavor. It comes into use soon 
aay. acs aes Gem and is one of the best sorts for either home or market. Lb., 30c; 2 Ibs., 50c; 

Sa o2-a0e 

Later Varieties 

IMPROVED STRATAGEM. One of the best of the large podded, semi-dwarf 
main crop varieties. The vines are very sturdy, about 2 to 2% feet high, 
with medium dark green foliage. The pods are very large, often 4% to 4% 
inches long, pointed, dark green, and uniformly filled with very large, dark 
green peas of the finest quality. Lb., 30c; 2 Ibs., 50c; 10 Ibs., $2.25. 

CHAMPION OF ENGLAND. A very productive variety universally admitted 
to be one of the richest and best flavored of the late peas. The vines are 
4 to 5 feet high. The seed is light green and much shriveled. Very inferior 
and mixed stocks of this sort are frequently offered, but when the seed is 
as well grown and selected as. that which we offer we consider the variety 
equal in quality to any in cultivation and one of the best of its season, either 
for the home garden or market gardener. Lb., 30c; 2 Ibs., 50c; 10 Ibs., $2.25. 

MELTING SUGAR. Edible pods. This is a class of peas not generally known 
in this country but much used abroad in which the sweet, brittle and succu- 
ae Pods have Aore of the tough, apes lining found in the ordinary varieties 
of garden peas. ey are used in the same way as sna i ; 
Lb., 30c; 2 Ibs., 50c. z RecE eet ea menee 

TO PREVENT DAMAGE FROM PEA LOUSE. Sow a strip of turnip seed 
about 5 feet wide around the field of peas, which will attract the peauanedl 
and will feed upon the turnip instead of the peas; thus preventing the de- 
struction of the crop. Sow early turnips with Early Peas and late turnips 
with Late Peas. This has been given to us by an expert grower who claims 
it to be a sure remedy. 

Peas are of Egyptian origin. 

VIGORO for Lawns, Flowers, Shrubs, Trees, Vegetables 
[30] | 

Telephone Peas 


PEPPER—Sweet or Hot 
Pfeffer (Ger.) Peperone (It.) 

Peppers are most largely used for seasoning meat 
and vegetable dishes; also for making chow chow and 
chili sauce. The culture is the same as for eggplant 
and the plants need quite as much heat to perfect 
them. Sow seed early in hotbed, or about middle 
of spring in open seed bed, the soil being light and 
warm. When 3 inches high transplant in rows about 
24% feet apart and 2 feet apart in the row. 

WORLD BEATER. This is the finest large pepper 
yet introduced. A cross between Chinese Giant 
and Ruby King, as early as Ruby King and similar 
in shape, but broader at blossom end. Almost the 
size of Chinese Giant and far more prolific, some 
plants producing as many as 24 marketable peppers. 
Exceptionally mild, can be eaten raw without fear 
of burning. Color of fruit green at first, turning 
to a beautiful shade of scarlet. Flesh thick, which 
enables it to hold up a long time and makes it an 
excellent shipper. Pkt., 10c; oz., 40c; %4 lb., $1.50. 

CRIMSON GIANT. The earliest maturing of the ex- 
tremely large, red sweet peppers and surpassed by 
none in evenness of size and shape. The plant is 
vigorous, 244 to 3 feet high. The fruits are of the 
largest size, ripen earlier than any of the other very 
large sorts. Color deep green when young, deep 
crimson when matured; flavor very mild. Oz., 45c; 
14 Ib., $1.50. 

LARGE EARLY NEAPOLITAN. Decidedly the earli- 
est of all large, mild, red peppers and the most 
productive of all large peppers. The fruit measures 
4 inches long and 4% inches in circumference. 
The strong, vigorous plants grow 2 feet high by 
18 inches across. They are heavily laden with large 
handsome fruit and bear continuously until frost. 
Single plants carry from 35 to 50 marketable fruits 
at one time. Skin and flesh bright red; mild as an 
apple. Pkt., 10c; oz., 40c; 14 lb., $1.00. 

LONG RED CAYENNE. A well known medium early 
variety having a slender, twisted and pointed pod 
about 4 inches long. Color deep green when fruit 
is young, bright red when ripe. Extremely strong 
and pungent flesh. Pkt., 10c; oz., 40c; 14 lb., $1.25. 

LARGE BELL or BULL NOSE. Our stock of this 
well known variety, sometimes called Sweet Moun- 
tain, is very superior. Plant vigorous, about 2 feet 
high, compact and very productive, ripening its 
crop uniformly and early. The fruits are large, 
with thick, mild flesh of excellent quality for use 
in salads and mangoes or stuffed peppers. The 
color is deep green when fruit is young, bright 
crimson when ripe. Slightly pungent. Pkt., 10c; oz., 
40c; %4 Ib., $1.25. 

Large Bell Peppers 

73rd Annual Catalog 1868-194] 

Mammoth King Pumpkin 



RUBY KING. An improved American variety, very 
large and attractive. The plant is about 2% feet 
high, vigorous, compact and productive. The fruits 
are often 4 to 4% inches long and of deep green 
color when young, bright red when ripe; mild flav- 
ored. Pkt., 10c; oz., 10c; 14 Ib., $1.25. 

CHINESE GIANT. Plant dwarf, fruit of mammoth 
size, very broad, yet rather short. It is very late 
and a rather shy yielder. Popular on account of 
its large size and mild flavor. Pkt., 10c; oz., 50c; 
Y% Ib. $2.00. 

PIMIENTO PEPPER. The sweetest pepper grown. 
and desirable for stuffing, prepared in this manner 
they are delicious. It may also be used for salads 
and for flavoring. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 40c; 14 Ib., $1.00. 

GOLDEN QUEEN. Of all the yellow-fruited peppers, 
Golden Queen is the largest, most productive and 
finest. The fruit is quite large, unusually meaty, 
and strictly mild. Rich and glossy golden yellow 
skin. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 40c; 14 Ib., $1.35. 

Certified and Uncertified. Ask for Prices. 
Petunias and beans planted in with potatoes will keep out 
potato bugs. This has been tried out and found to work fine. 
CARMEN No. 3. Fine, white, large, round. Late va- 
CHIPPEWA. Early variety. 
medium early, very promising. 
EARLY OHIO. The earliest of all and “The King of 
the Earlies.” 

IRISH COBBLER. The best early white Potato grown. 
Tubers are smooth, round, plump and handsome. 
KATAHDIN. New and very promising, round as a ball, 

eyes very shallow, medium and late variety, prob- 
ably 2 keeks earlier than the Russet. A fine yielder. 
TRUE EARLY ROSE. The old standard early potato; 
rosy blush skin, white flesh. 
SMOOTH RURAL RUSSETS. The leading white large 
yielding variety; late. Most vigorous grower and 
an immense yjielder. 

New, round, white, 


Melonen-Kuerbiss (Ger.) Zucca (It.) 
CONNECTICUT FIELD. Per oz., 10c; Ib., 85c. 

SMALL SUGAR PIE PUMPKIN. Fine for table. Pkt., 
10c; oz., 15c; Ib., $1.00. 
WINTER LUXURY. Fine table Pumpkin. Pkt, 10c; 

0z., 15c; lb., $1.00. 
QUAKER PIE. Pkt., 10c; oz. 15c; Ib., $1.00. 



Scarlet Globe 


73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 


RADISH—the Season Through 
Radies (Ger.) Ravanello (It.) 

The Radish is a native of China and Japan. 

Being a root crop, good brittle radishes require 
light, well-worked soil, made very rich and mellow. 
They are easy to grow and frequent plantings will 
insure a constant supply for the table. Summer va- 
rieties can be sown all spring and well into summer. 
Winter varieties should be planted in August and 
September. , 

SCARLET GLOBE, This grand radish has established 
a reputation as a forcing sort. Its peculiarity is 
that it will bear the heat requisite for forcing with- 
out becoming pithy or suffering injury to its flavor. 
Its color is a rich scarlet. It has a small top and 
is a high bred radish. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; Ib., 90c. 

tractive sort, extensively used by truckers, and in 
home gardens. Roots nearly round, with small tap 
root; carmine-red, with small white tip; flesh white, 
crisp and mild. Should be pulled when 1 to 1% 
inches in diameter. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; Ib., 90c. 

FRENCH BREAKFAST. Olive shaped. A popular va- 
riety for market for forcing. It is about 2 inches 
long and decidedly stump-rooted. Color, bright rose 
with bottom of root and the tail pure white. Pkt., 
10c; oz., 15c; lb., 90c. 

BRIGHTEST LONG SCARLET. A very showy, long 
variety, is thick at the shoulder and tapering. 
Bright rose-scarlet with distinct white top. Oz., 
15c; Ib., 90c. 

A handsome white variety, about 5 inches long, 
with sloping top and pointed root. Quick growing, 
Oe and mild snappy flavor. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 15c; 

-» 90c. 

WHITE STRASBURG. A white radish, of large size, 
good quality, and ability to resist severe heat. It 
will grow solid, with good flavor, when others fail 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; Ib. 90c. 

Winter Radishes 

GIANT STUTTGART. This mammoth white radish 
is the largest of the turnip-shaped sorts. It has 
solid, crisp, pungent flesh, and is highly prized by 
people demanding a radish of high flavor. Both 
este flesh are pure white. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; 

+» $1.00. 

ifornia Mammoth White Winter). The well known 
and popular winter variety. Clear white, about 4 
inches long and half stump-rooted. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 
15c; Ib., $1.00. 

CHINESE ROSE WINTER. A bright scarlet winter 
variety. About 4 inches long and stump-rooted. 
Matures 2 or 3 weeks earlier than the Chinese 
White Winter and like it is firm and crisp and does 
not grow pithy until it runs to seed. Pkt., 10c; 
oz., 15c; Ib., $1.00. 

ROUND BLACK SPANISH. A winter variety, with 
black skin and white flesh. It is top-shaped or 
almost globular. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; Ib., $1.00. 


Rhabarber (Ger.) Rabarbara (It.) 
Victoria. A good market sort, with beautiful red 
stalks. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; %4 Ib., 50c; Ib., $1.25. 

Roots, price each, 15c; 2 for 25c; doz., $1.25. 


A hardy perennial shrub, with whitish green, oval, 
and very much wrinkled leaves, which have a pleasant 
smell and which are used for seasoning. It is easily 
grown and the seed can be sown almost any time. 
Oz., 30c; % Ib., 90c. 


SALSIFY or Vegetable Oyster 

Haferwurzel (Ger.) Sassefrica (It.) 

Culture. Sow early and deeper than parsnip, other- 
wise culture is the same. Roots, if desired, may be 
left in the ground through the winter, but dug early 
in the spring. 

MAMMOTH SANDWICH ISLAND. Larger, of stronger 
growth, and less liable to grow prongy than the old 
it White. Pkt. 10c; 0z., 20c; %4 Ib., 65e; Ib., 




Spinat (Ger.) Spinace (It.) 

Spinach came from Arabia. 

KING OF DENMARK. Also known as “Antvorskov.” 
This new variety is undoubtedly the most valuable 
introduction of spinach in recent years. Although 
the plants are ready for use almost as soon as the 
medium early sorts they remain in good condition 
from a week to two weeks after all other varieties 
have gone to seed. The plants are of rapid growth, 
resemble the Long Season in type but leaves are 
more crumpled or blistered and are of darker green 
color. The leaves are thick, stand well after cutting 
and are of good quality. We believe this variety 
will in a few years be one of the leading sorts as 
its distinctive qualities are sure to win favor for 
it from both the home and market gardener. 

LONG STANDING, Prickly. A deep green variety 
with rather elongated smooth leaves. Seed, round. 
Stands: ‘a’ long time without running to seed. Pkt., 
10c; 0z.,; 15¢;*14- Ib., 50c; Ib., $1.50. 

VICTORIA. A long-standing variety with round, 
slightly savoyed leaves. Deep green and hardy. 
Forms good, edible leaves early and continues to 
produce leaves for a long period. Pkt., 10¢; 0z., 15¢; 
14 Ib., 50c; Ibs $1.50. » 

BLOOMSDALE SAVOY. The variety most generally 
used in the East, and. especially throughout the 
South for shipping. Leaves large, round and thick, 
very much savoyed and rich deep green. One of 
the earliest varieties. Seed round. Pkt., 10c; oz., 
15c; 1% lb., 50c; lb., $1.50. 

NEW ZEALAND. A plant with thick, fleshy texture 
and soft crystalline leaves. Is not like the ordinary 
spinach in appearance, but it is used in the same 
way. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 15c;°14 Ib., 50c; Ib., $1.50. 

Special Cash Discount to Market Gardeners. 



73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 


New Squashes and Marrows 

Kuerbiss (Ger.) Zucca (It.) 
The summer varieties come into 
use in early summer, but;,being 
sensitive to frost the seed cannot 
be sown until late April. Seed 
should be planted in hills 4 feet 
apart. Plant in hills 6 to 8 fee 
apart, 2 or 3 seeds to the hill, 8 ozs. . 
to 100 hills or 2 lbs. to an acre. 
NECK. The convenient straight 
shape of this squash makes it 
superior to the old crookneck. 
However, it has the warty, 
creamy gold skin, the large size, 
the fine quality, and the earliness 
of the parent squash. Plants 
bushy, vigorous growing, and 
productive. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 15c; %4 
Ib., 35c; Ib., $1.00 


ACORN or INDIVIDUAL SQUASH. Convenient for. 
baking and serving in halves. It weighs only about 
1% pounds and is acorn-shaped, deeply furrowed, | , 

and dark green on the outside. The flesh is rich yel- 

low, somewhat coarse grained, dry anc mealy, and of 

delicious flavor. The vines yield prolifically. Matures 

I about 100 days. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 15c; %4 Ib., 50c; Ib., 

large golden yellow variety, thickly warted; ‘is 18 
inches long, brittle and tender. Plants are ‘bushy 
and very prolific. This is an improved strain and 
considerably larger. 

BURPEE’S FORDHOOK SQUASH. A most desirable’ 
running variety for both summer and winter use. 
Wonderfully productive. Fruit oblong, 8 to 10 

inches in length, slightly ridged, smooth thin yel- |; 

lowish skin; flesh very thick and of a light straw 
yellow. If ripened on the vine will keep until late 
the following June. 0z., 15c; Ib., $1.25. 

ment on the old variety, larger, pure white and 
superior in quality. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; lb. $1.25. 

BOSTON MARROW. Color bright orange; flesh yel- 
low and fine flavored. Oz., 15c; Ib., $1.00. 

BLUE HUBBARD. This excellent squash of the Hub- 
bard type is light blue in color, with hard shell 
and thick, fine grained flesh, which is very tender 
and by far the sweetest and best flavored of the 
winter squash. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; Ib., $1.50. 

GOLDEN HUBBARD. A distinct sort, of the shape 
and general character of the Hubbard, but a little 
smaller, earlier to mature, and a rich orange-red. 
Flesh is thick, of fully as good quality, fine-grained 

_and dry. O2z., 15c; Ib., $1.50. 

HUBBARD. A distinct strain of the famous Green 
Warty Hubbard and is an ideal winter squash for 
market men. The shell is a dark green in color, 
the flesh dry and sweet in flavor. It grows to large 
size, is a fine keeper and shipper, its cooking qual- 
ities unsurpassed. Oz., 15c; Ib., $1.50. 

BANANA SQUASH. The most delicious of all for the 
table or pies. The tough shell is a grayish green 
in color. The beautiful orange-yellow flesh is firm 
and solid, free from fibre, or stringiness, cooks 
smooth and is of delicious flavor. Matures in 110 
days. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 20c; Ib., $1.50. 


Be Sure to Plant an Herb Garden This Season. 

Pkt., 10c; 0z., 15c; Ib., $1.25.. 

Pkt Pkt. 
Anise, aromatic...... 10c | Horehound .......... 10c 
Balm, medicinal...... 10c | Lavender, aromatic...10c 
Basil, sweet.........- 10c | Marjoram ........... 10c 
Borage, used for salad10c | Rosemary, aromatic ..10c 
Caraway, aromatic....10c | Rue, medicinal....... 10c 

Coriander, aromatic . .10c 
Dandelion 10c 


Dill, aromatic........ 10c 
Fennel, Sweet, aro- 
ML AG Gomis ce +8) > 10¢ 

Sage, culinary herb...10c 
Savory, Summer 
Sweet Marjoram..... 10c 
Thyme, culinary herb.10c 
Wormwood, medicinal 10c 

Mammoth White Bush Scallop 

Mammoth Golden Summer 


GIANT PERPETUAL (“Cut-and-Come-Again”) Spin- 
ach Swiss Chard. This, though a variety of Chard, 
is to all practical purposes a giant spinach. Oz., 
15c; Ib., $1.00. 

SQUASH BUGS. Spray Pyrox with an under-leaf up- 
turned nozzle—sure death. ' 

Tobacco Seed 

Tobacco is a native of Virginia. 

Havana Tobacco Seed. Pkt., 10c; oz, 50c. 

Gator Hide Mulch Paper—Styles A and B 
Per Roll 

36-inch (13850 sq. ft.) 450 ft. long 
Garden Package 

Keystone Mulch Paper : 

Per Roll 

18-inch rolls.(300 lineal ft., approx. 27 lbs.) $2.00 
36-inch rolls:(300 lineal ft., approx. 54 be} 00 

Tomatoes of all Types and Flavors 
Liebesapfel (Ger.) |Promodori (It.) 

As tomatoes are very sensitive to frost, they cannot 
be set in the open field until-about May 1st. The 
seed must be sown in well protected hotbeds, sowing 
same about March ist. A hardy and stocky plant is 
had by transplanting the small, plants in the bed a 
few weeks before transplanting {fo the field. Or when 
about 4 inches high, the top may be pinched off and 
the plant grows stockier. : uh i 

Sow the seed broadcast, using: one ounce to about 
8 square feet.of area, which will yield plants enough 
to set an acre. In the field set tall varieties 6 feet 
apart and dwarf varieties 3 feet apart. A slight trellis 
is advisable in the garden."“A moderate amount of 
WetSE should be applied at. ‘the roots at regular in- 

OXHEART TOMATO. A‘new and remarkable type, 
being heart-shaped, carries very little acid and few 
seeds, some fruits wéighing 3 lbs. Owing to its 
being non-acid it can be eaten freely without harm 
to the most delicate stomach, Solid flesh, beautiful 
red, very attractive. Fine yielder, for family garden 
the very best. Pkt., 15c; 0z., 75c; %4 lb., $2.00. 

EARLIANA (Sparks’). The earliest tall variety. 
Fruit large, smooth, bright scarlet color, fine qual- 
ity. Valuable for early market. Pkt., 10c; 0z., 40c; 
1% Ib., $1.25; lb., $3.50. 

JOHN BAER. A new variety of the extra early red 
or scarlet type. Has larger, more uniform and more 
attractive fruits. Most profitable extra early sort. 
Pkt., 10c; 0z., 35c; 14 lb., $1.00; Ib., $3.00. 

BONNEY’S BEST EARLY. An extra early variety. 
Pkt., 10c; 0z., 35c; %4 Ib., $1.00; Ib., $3.00. : 

CHALK’S EARLY JEWEL. A new variety. Fruit 
large, smooth, uniform, and well ripened clear t 
the stem. Pkt., 10c; oz., 35c; % Ib., 90c; Ib., $3.00. © 



73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 ~ 



Tomato as Dwarf Champion, but of stronger 
growth. Round, red, of medium size and equally 
early. Prolific and very solid, ripens very evenly 
and is of excellent quality. Pkt., 10c; 0oz., 35c; %4 
Ib., $1.00; Ib., $3.50. 

DWARF CHAMPION. A dwarf variety, sometimes 
called the tree tomato on account of its upright 
growth and its ability to stand alone without trellis- 
ing. Fruit medium-sized, smooth, uniform, and of 
a purplish carmine color. Oz., 50c; 14 Ib., $1.50. 

MARGLOBE. A favorite with the market grower. It 
bears perfect, deep globe-shaped fruits that are 
smooth, of a beautiful scarlet color, and of splendid 
eating quality. Pkt., 10c; oz., 40c; %4 lb., $1.50. 

MATCHLESS. A tall-growing, prolific variety with 
large fruit, which is rather flattened, smooth and 
uniform. Color, bright scarlet. For canning and 
general main crop market, there is no better to- 
mato grown. Extra selected strain. Pkt., 10c; 
oz., 40c; %4 Ib., $1.15. 

PONDEROSA. An extremely large, irregular-fruited 
variety. Vine tall, and fruit very solid and pur- 
plish carmine in color. Rather coarse and of fair 
quality only. Pkt., 10c; oz., 50c; %4 Ib., $1.75. 

PRITCHARD (Scarlet Topper). Wilt resistant, of the 
type of plant known as self-topping or self-pruning. 
Midseason to late and a heavy cropper. Fruits globe- 
shaped, deep scarlet, smooth and solid. A good 
home and market variety and very popular for 
shipping. 80 to 95 days. Pkt., 10c; oz., 50c; 2 ozs., 
85c; 1% Ib., $1.50. 

GOLDEN QUEEN. Bright yellow. Best large yellow 
tomato, smooth and ripens early. Quality excellent. 
Queen of all the yellows. Oz., 40c; 14 Ib., $1.25. 

YELLOW PLUM. Fruits oval, 2 inches long; clear 
deep yellow. Pkt., 10c; oz., 45c; 2 ozs., 80c; %4 Ib., 

oz., 50c; 2 ozs., 90c; %4 Ib., $1.50. 

RED CHERRY. Fruits small, round; rich deep red. 
Pkt., 10c; 0z., 50c; 2 ozs., 90c; %4 Ib., $1.50. 

TURNIPS—for the Table 
Steckrube (Ger.) Pastinaca (It.) 

For fall and winter use sow the seed in August, in 
rows 10 to 18 inches apart, using one ounce to 250 
feet of row, thinning the plants when very young to 
3 or 4 inches apart. Sow 1 to 3 pounds of seed per 

EARLY SNOWBALL. A medium globe-shaped variety 
of pure white. Very solid and of the best quality. 
QOz., 10c; Ib., 75c. 

dium-sized flat variety; clear white, early, and of 
fine flavor. A fine table variety. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; 

Ib., 75c. 

EARLY WHITE MILAN. Roots flat, smooth and sym- 

metrical; pure white. Top very small, upright and 

compact. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; Ib., 75c. 

EARLY PURPLE-TOP MILAN. Differs from the pre- 
ceding in that the roots are not quite so thick and 
are purple on top. Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; Ib., 75c. 

ee | Reg J : ‘ia z hu ees 
Perfect Tomatoes without a blemish will be obtained if 
your plants are trained on the wooden Tomato Supports, 

Be sure to plant an Herb Garden this season 

and make use of it. 

It has wonderful possi- 

handsomest varieties, the upper portion of the root 
being a purplish red, the lower pure white. Pkt., 
10c; oz., 15c; lb., 75c. 

COW HORN. A long white turnip. Grows to a large 
size, standing half out of the ground. It is fine 
flavored and desirable. Pkt., 10c; oz., 10c; lb., 75c. 


SWEET GERMAN or RUSSIAN. Fine for table or 
live stock. White, sweet, excellent; fine keeper. 
Oz. 10c; Ib., 75c. : 

AMERICAN PURPLE-TOP. An immense yielder and 
eed eee flesh rich yellow, of fine quality. Oz., 
ec; Ib., 75c. 


Matures crop earlier; shields plants from wind and 
rain; protects them from frost and insects; keeps dirt 
soft—miniature “hothouses”! A revolutionary device that 
saves farmers much in time, labor, and money. 

100 package complete ...............0--- $ 2.50 each 
250 package complete ...........ceeeceee 3.75 each 
1,000. to) carton }@% s\0)ccne ce ce eee 10.25 per m 
5,000 Q@Biiieleneosceers ove LOL Ot ace 
10,000 - 10.00 “ “ 
25,000 Qiks etleaote ceitiee Salen 9.85“ 
Steel Setter and Tamper ...............000 1.50 
Garden Setter alone ...........ccccccccecece -50 

Steel Tamper alone ..........ccccccccccccce 


Mr. Warden, Supt. of Myrtle Hill Cemetery, Syra- 
cuse, N. Y., discovered some years ago that spraying 
with cold water all frozen plants, before the sun comes 
up, will save them from the effects of freezing. He has 
used this for years with absolute success. 


lime Required for Maturity of | Onion ............ 135 to 150 days | Carrot .. 12 to 18 days 
Different Garden Crops Reck- Pepperacweasiles oct 140 to 150 days | Cauliflower ...... 5 to 10 aye 
oned from Day of Plant- cae 30 to 40 days OI bo iciord ae to 8 days 

ing the Seed Squash—Summer . 60 to 65 days | Cucumber ........ 6 to 10 days 
Beans—String .... 45 to 65 days | Squash—Winter . 125 days | Endive ........... 5 to 10 days 
Beans—Shell ..... 65 to 75 days Tomato .......... 125 to 150 days | Lettuce .......... 6 to 8 days 
Beet—Table ...... 65 days | Turnip ........... 60 to 70 days | Onion ............ 7 to 10 days 
Beets—Stock ..... 150 days Spinach, average Peasy 3. tcivaorc 6 to 10 days 
Cabbage—Early .. 105 days time*2 ate ee 45 to 65 days | Parsnip .......... 10 to 20 days 
Cabbage—Late ... 150 days Parsley ... 15 to 21 days 
Cauliflower ...... 110 days ‘ epper to ae ee 9 to 14 days 
Corn tit tae eek 70 to 120 days | Average Time Required for Garden Radish £0 oe 8 to 6 days 
Eggplant ..... _..-.150 to 160 days Seed to Germinate Spinach .......... 7 to 12 days 
Lettuce—Heading 65 days | Beans ........... 5 to 10 days | Salsify loaaae: eee Tato mele days 
Melon—Water ....120 to 140 days | Beet ............ 7 to 10 days | Tomato ...... 6 to 12 days 
Melon—Musk ..... 120 to 140 days | Cabbage ....... 5 to 10 days | Turnip........... 4 to 8 days 


73rd Annual Catalog 1868-194] 


Ebeling’s Field Corn and Mangel Beets 

Ensilage Varieties 


LANCASTER SURE CROP. Medium early, big yielder, 
ears light red. 
red, fine for husking and silage. 
YELLOW SWEEPSTAKES. The biggest growing type 
for Ensilage. Ears large and bright yellow. 

CORNELL II. Ears yellow. One of the best and earliest 
for silo and husking. 


PRIDE OF NORTH. Ears yeliow. 

LEAMING. Ears yellow. 

(See description 

Medium early, ears 

Yellow kernel and white 

Husking Varieties 
before frost. 

DUTTON. Early yellow, 12-row; ripens before frost. 
Kernels small, fine for doves and pigeons. 

late sort. 

CANADA SMUT NOSE. 8-row, yellow, with splashes of 
red; second early. 

KING PHILLIP. 8-row, blood-red, second early. 

HAWKES EARLY FLINT. 80-day. Yellow; fine; early 


8-row, early, yellow; ripens 

Long 8-row, yellow ears, big cropper, 


—the Ensilage Corn with More 
Grain, Protein and Feeding Value 

Stalks of Hybrid Sweepstakes weigh a fourth 
more than equally tall stalks of other varieties. 
Its leaves are wider, longer, closer together, and 
stay green after the ears ripen. If left to mature 
it makes a wonderful husking corn with two 
ears per stalk. 

COST 25%, 

Plant Hybrid Sweepstakes 
Ensilage Corn 

Produces the maximum feed possible during 
ing short growing seasons, greater tonnage 
per acre, more grain and feeding value, 
drought- and storm-resistant, more succu- 
lence and palatability. 


Corn Grown from 



Erieville, N. Y., April 30. 

Dear Mr. Ebeling: 

I received the seeds ordered from you and all are sat- 
isfactory, and am proud to say that during my thirty- 
five years of purchasing seed from you I have never 
received a poor seed from your store. 

Very sincerely, 

A Sample of Ebeling’s Silo Filler Ensilage Corn 

Ideal Mangel Beets 

This wonderful Mangel is a perfect chunk of beet, being as 
large at the bottom as at the top. Stands two-thirds above 
ground. Is easily harvested even on hard soils. This new and 
original Mangel has been tested alongside 30 other Mangels by 
strict laboratory tests on trial grounds and field demonstrations, 
ee Brea to be ideal and superior in quality. Lb., $1.40; 10 

Bs, .50. 


Ideal Mangel Beet—grown by Earl Roberts, Sauquoit, N. Y. 
The left beet weighs 17 pounds and the other weighed nearly as 
much. Mr. Roberts has grown these Mangels for years with won- 
derful results. These Mangels will keep until June and even 
longer. Increases the quality and flow of milk, keeps cows in 
better health, less grain and ensilage is required where Ideal 
Mangel beets are fed, as Mr. Roberts does. Also, fine for poultry 
—increasing quality and quantity of eggs and quality of meat 
when killed for market. 



Ebeling’ s Grasses and Clovers (Recleaned) 

For Hay, Meadows and Permanent Pastures 

listed on this page. “The best \in quality and variety is our 
slogan.’’ Ask for prices and estimates. 

BENT GRASS, ASTORIA. A native Bent, grown in Oregon. 
Similar in growth to the Colonial type, certified by the 
Oregon state authorities. Lb., $1.25. 

RHODE ISLAND BENT GRASS. A popular and well-known 

sort @f perennial seed for permanent lawns. Lb., $1.25. 

oJUNE GRASS (Kentucky Blue Grass). (Poa Pratensis). 


=.* Pratensis). Also known as ‘June Grass, Green Grass, etc. 

~,.-One of the best permanent ig 2S8ee, especially for lawns and 
=* meadows. Lb., 45c. 

BLUE GRASS, CANADIAN” (Poa Compressa). 

~ poor, thin and gravel soils.” “Lb., 45e. 


CREEPING BENT GRASS (Agrostis Se ae Excellent 
-for lawns and putting greens. Lb., $1. 

CRESTED DOGSTAIL (Cynosurus eepaey 
(21 Ibs.), $14.00. 


~ ings). For lawns and putting greens. Lb., 90c. 

-FESCUE, HARD (Festuca Duriuscula). Indispensable in- all 
pasture mixtures. Lb., 90c. : 

FESCUE, MEADOW erin Pratensis). 
\<- or Sweet Grass. Lb., 35c: 

\ FESCUE, RED or CREEPING (Festuca Rubra), 
» lawns and putting greens. Lb., 90c. 
FESCUE, SHEEP’S (Festuca Ovina). 
jes Lb., 5c. 

FESCUE, FINE LEAFED SHEEP’S (Festuca Ovina Tenui- 
folia). Excellent for lawns and golf courses. Lb., $1.00; 
bu. (14 Ibs), $12.00. 

MEADOW, FOXTAIL (Alopecurus Pratensis). 
pasture grass. Lb., $1.00. 

ORCHARD GRASS (Dactylis Glomerata). 
grass. Lb., 30c; bu. (14 Ibs.), $3.50. 

RED TOP GRASS. Extra Recleaned Seed (Agrostis Alba). 
Popular for lawns. Lb., 35c; bu. (32 Ibs.), $9.50. 

Useful for 

Lb., 75¢; bu., 

English Blue Grass 
For fine 

Valuable for pastures. 

A perennial 

Valuable pasture 

for lawns. Lb., 65c; bu. (14 Ibs.), $7.50. 

; : Lb. 

RYE: GRASS ENGLISH) 9c 268. is cho ciskoee seh. eiccenore weikl $030 

RYE) GRASS ITALIAN) taetrciven te sarecalnt) « Sata eatin Be, 30 

RYE'GRASS? DOMESTIGCL ae ee ee eee. .20 

See descr ption on page 38. 

Permanent Pasture Grass at 
Market Prices 

Low Land ‘ High Land 

. Lbs. per Acre Lbs. per Acre 
TiMOtHyzzsers + sialeoraaeiole aha 8 BlucwGracs mda eee « fi 
Redi Top elects atecare evereccls 4 Red’ Clover-sesssus aches a 3 
Alsike Clover .......-...> 6 Orchard) Grassihy ge. ooiee ese 3 
Canadian Blue Grass ..... 4 Redtop "eis faciancmch Sadene 10 
Orchard Grass .........- 4 Perennial Rye Grass ..... 8 
White Clover™ vac.mesencee 2 White Dutch Clover ...... 3 

28 34 

For Light, Sandy Soils 
Lbs. per Acre 

For Wet Pastures 
Lbs. per Acre 

Redtop cc. «siecle slate cletciietme ss 14 Red Fescuie ...%..00es%0+ 220 
Alsike@setanar ot cmt cates 8 Redtopiwe css. cre mete valor steyevatene 10 
Perennial Rye Grass ..... 12 Kentucky Blue Grass ..... 8 
White Clover ............ 6 White Dutch Clover ...... 2 

40 40 

Cornell Pasture Mixture 

(Permanent) Lbs. per acre Perennial Rye Grass ..... 5 
Kentucky Blue Grass ..... 8 Wild White Clover ....... 1 
Canada Blue Grass ....... 2 VWellowsaTrefoil) jose seer 2 
Rough Stalked Meadow ... 1 — 
Timothy sano sere eee oe 6 (281% quarts) 25 

Other Field Seeds of Quality 

Ask for Our Special Prices Per Bushel. 


Canada Field Peas. 
Buckwheat, Japanese. 
Buckwheat, Silverhull. 
Barley, Alpha. 2-row. 
Barley, Oderbroecker. 
Speltz, (32-lb. bu.) 
Spring Rye. 

Winter Rye. 


Rye came originally from 

Marquis Spring Wheat. 
Sunflower Seed—Per Ib., 12c; 

per 100 lbs., $10.00. 
Sunflower was 
from Peru. 


Onondaga Grain Mixture. $7.00 per 100 Ibs. 

RYE GRASS, PACEY’S. This makes a quick growth very 

early in spring. Per lb., 30c; per bushel of 24 Ibs., $6.00. 

RYE GRASS, Perennial (Lolium Perenne). Valuable for 
lawns. Lb., 30c; bu. (24 Ibs.), $6.00. - 

TALL MEADOW OAT GRASS (Avens Elatior). Lb., 35¢; bu. 
(10 Ibs.), $3.00. 

WOOD MEADOW GRASS (Poa Nemoralis), The idea] grass 
for heavily shaded lawns. Lh., $1.00. 

TIMOTHY (Phleum Pratense). A valuable hay crop. Sow & 
to 10 quarts. if used with other grass seeds. 

JAPANESE MILLET (Billion Dollar Grass). Japanese Mil- 
let is one of the most remarkable forage plants known, 
often growing six feet tall. Relished as hay by stock of all 
kinds. If desired for hay, cut just before it heads out. 

SUDAN GRASS. Sudan Grass is strictly an annual, and dies 
each year like millet. From seven to nine feet high with 
very small stems. Stock prefer it. Sow 10 to 15 Ibs. per acre, 
Price, lb., 10c. 

bushel to the acre. Per bu., $4.50. 

DWARF ESSEX RAPE. A forage plant of highest value. 
Per Ib., 15c; 100 Ibs., $12.00. 

sorghum of the Northern States. Per lb., 8c; bu. (50 Ibs.), 

VETCHES or TARES, WINTER (Vicia Villosa). Also called 
Sand Vetch or ‘Hairy Vetch. Sow 25 lbs. with one bushel 
grain per acre. Price, per Ib., 20c. 

ALFALFA or LUCERNE, Sow from 20 to 30 lbs. per acre. 
Market price. 

ALFALFA, GRIMM. On account of its superior hardiness 
this variety is particularly recommended for growing in 
northern latitudes. Market price. 

ALSIKE or HYBRID CLOVER (Trifolium Hybridum); The 
plant is perennial and very hardy, thriving well on wet 
soils. Sow 10 to 15 Ibs. to acre. Market price. 

RED MEDIUM or MAMMOTH. This is the common Red 
Clover so largely grown. We shall be pleased to aoe 
prices at any time. 

WHITE DUTCH CLOVER (Trifolium Repens). This: livives 
in almost every soil and climate, Per Ib., $1.00. 

SWEET CLOVER, BOKHARA (Melilotus Alba). This slightly 
resembles Alfalfa in growth, but is much taller, with leaf- 
ier and stiffer stems. 

50 Ibs. to the bushel; 1 


Selected Varieties of 
Best Quality 

Victory Cluster Oats 

A tall growing, medium late, white-kernelled 
variety, which is recommended as a heavy 
yielder when climatic conditions are favor- 
able. It was developed at the famous. Sbalos 
station in Sweden and outyields the famous 
Swedish type which is often offered for sale 
on the seel market. Price per bushel, $1.35. 
Ask for special prices. 

Canada Cluster Oats 
These oats are originated in North Africa 
and for years have captivated the grain grow- 
ing farmer in every part of the country 

because it has proven itself a big success. 
This is a safe and profitable variety and is a 
favorite in Central New York. Free from foul 
Price per bushel, 

weeds and rust. S1e353 

All Prices Subject to Change Without Notice. 



75rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 


Encourage the wild birds to make your back 
yard their haven ---they’ll reciprocate 


No. 4, Bluebird. No, 30, Wren. 
$2.50. $1.00. 


No. 31, Wren. No. 35, Wren. No. 1, Wren. 
$1.40. 50c $1.85. 

Bird Baths 

BIRD BATHS in a range of prices, finishes, colors, 
are carried in our display. Prices: $1.69 and up. 
A Crystal Gazing Ball on a 28-inch pedestal adds much 
to the Fairyland atmosphere of the garden. 

1O-ncheballeonweedestalw ee... att shoei ein $10.00 
12=ncheballsone hedestal® trae. ae oe acta cteeieteeinate 12.00 
14-inchpballgont Pedestal®s.7o.) hese eieteennh 4 14.00 
16-incheballzonybedestal mes. ssorci cache. . Sette 16.00 

Sin Pe 


Hardy Lilies 
Gladstone. White. 
Pink Opal. Pink. 
Gloriosa. Red. 
Carmine Laydeker. 
Chromatella. Yellow. 

Tropical Lilies ~ 
Blue Beauty. Blue. 
General Pershing. Pink. 
American Lotus. Yellow. 

Egyptian Lotus. Rosy 

Note: We must have your order for Lilies 10 days 
before planting, as Lilies, to give best results, must 
be freshly dug. 

We stock: Water Hyacinths, Arrow-head Roots, 
Native White Lilies, Native Cat-Tails, Flowering 
Rush, Umbrella Palm, Clams, Snails, Tad-Poles, 
Large Common Gold Fish, Japanese Fan-Tails, Chi- 
nese Moores, Fan-Tail Telescopes, Calico Fan-Tails, 
Fountain Fish, Sand, Blood-Meal Fertilizer, Cedar 
Planting Tubs, and Tufa Stone. 

A few inexpensive bird houses in odd corners—a bird bath 
winter feeding station for grains, bread crumbs and pieces of suet 
during the winter months will be well repaid by our feathered 

Of all the additions that may be made to the garden or grounds, 
there are none more pleasing, entertaining, and useful than birds. 
To those who have not tried the attracting of wild birds, we recom- 
mend it as a hobby. 

Every home owner should encourage the birds of the wild to 
make your home their home. 



“One by one—each stone hand laid.” Enhances the 
loveliness of the garden and lends a touch of charm 
by its natural beauty. Through the years Nature has 
colored so beautifully the stones that are used. Ask 
us for special prices. 

.. A’Water Garden 

If you want admiring friends and a delightful new 
garden experience, develop a Water Garden with ex- 
quisitely colored Lilies, orchid colored Water Hya- 
cinths, flashing movements of fan-tailed Gold Fish as 
they come to the surface of a clear pool for food or 
to catch an insect. ' 

We can provide you with every need for creating 
such a pool in your own back yard. 

The trellis illustrated is made of large, 

Mn heavily galvanized wire,-is but a trifle high- 


er in price than poultry netting, is more 
ornamental and will last for years. 

No. 107—18 in. wide,=list, per lin. ft. $0.07 
No. 107—24 in. wide, list, per lin. ft. .09 
No. 107—30 in. wide, list, per lin. ft. Ld 
Designed for the ‘protection of flowers. 
Uprights made of No. 9 heavily galvan- 
ized wire. Illustration shows Norwood 
22-inch border. 
16-inch, list price per lineal foot ....$0.07 
22-inch, list price per lineal foot .... .09 
28-inch, list price per lineal foot .... .11 
Put up in 165-,'250- and 330-foot rolls. 


73rd Annual Catalog 1968-194] 


spoonful corrosive sublimate in 3 gal- 
lons of water. Sprinkle on the ground 
affected by worms, which forces them 
out and then they can be raked up. 
Also good remedy for ants. %4 Ib., 
35c; % Ib., 50c. 

Acme Ant-Kill 
Most effective for control 
of all honey-dew loving 
ants. Eliminates the whole 
colony. Syrup is sold with 
only safety cup on the mar- 
Set, 35c; Cottage Set, 60c; 


2-oz. bottle, 20c; pint, 75c; Extra Cups, 

ducing powder. 4-o0z. spout can is 
enough to treat ant nests in average 
lawn. 30c. 

ANTROL (Ant Remedy). For killing of 
sweets-eating varieties of ants that 
infest and are seen on plants and 
trees. 4-0z. bottle, 35c; 1-pt. bottle, 
85c; l-gal. can, $4.00; containers, 20c. 

ANTROL SETS. Consists of a bottle of 
syrup and four small jars. They have 
the ability to attract ants at a dis- 
tance of 10 feet in circumference. The 
sweetened liquid is a slow poison, and 
is carried home by the worker. 40c 
per set. Syrup, 4 ozs., 35c; pt., 85c. 

APHISTROGEN. Makes a _ complete 
spray for most sucking insects; pre- 
pared especially for roses and other 
plants. 4 ozs., 75c; WY Ib., $1.25; 2 
Ibs., $3.50; 12 Ibs., $15.00. 

Aphis Spray 
An improved ™ 
nicotine spray 
combining a soft 
spray soap with 
Black Leaf 40. ; 
Effective against soft-bodied 
sucking insects. Mixes easily 
with any kind of water. Recom- 
mended for aphis (plant lice), 
thrip, leaf hopper, and many more 
hardy insects infesting rose bushes, 
flowers, shrubs, vines, bushes, and trees. 
3-oz. collapsible tube, 35c; 12 ozs., 95c; 
2% Ibs., $2.25. 

Acme Arsenate of Lead 

The widest used arsenical 
insecticide. Safe on tender 
foliage for the control of 
chewing insects on fruit trees, 
vegetables, tobacco, and many 
other plants. Controls grubs 
in lawns. % Ib., 20c; 1 Ib., 30c; 4-lb. 
bag, 60c. 

Superior to paste in that it does 
not deteriorate from standing. Use 
1 to 1% lbs. to 50 gallons of water. 
Lb., 35c; 4 Ibs., 85c. Special price 
on large lots. 

ASTROGEN, For Fungus, Aphis, and 

Insects. New remedy for root aphis, 
cut-worms and other soil insects— 
affecting asters and other similar 

plants. 2 Ibs., 75c. 

Kills poison ivy and all vegetation to 
which it is applied. Lb., 20c; $15.00 
per 100 Ibs. 

size, kills 100 sq. ft. weeds, 50c; 314- 
Ib. size, kills 350 sq. ft. weeds, each, 
$1.50; 50-lb. drum, kills 5,000 sq. ft. 
weeds, per lIb., 20c. 

AUXILIN. Auxilin is easy to use. If 
used as directed, Auxilin removes most 
of the uncertainty, doubt and failure 
in rooting cuttings. The amateur 
grower obtains better results with 
Auxilin treatment of cuttings than the 
most skilled grower can obtain with- 
out it. 1/6 oz. bottle, 50c; %4-0z. bot- 
tle, $1.00; 314-0z. bottle, $6.00. 

BLACK FLAG. For fleas, flies, bedbugs, 
mosquitoes. 25c, 45c¢ and 75c. 

BLACK LEAF 40. A concentrated nico- 
tine solution for aphis, thrips and red 
spider. Dilute one ounce to from 3 
to 6 gallons of water. 1 oz., 35c; 5 
ozs., $1.00; 1 Ib., $2.25; 2 Ibs., $3.25; 
5 Ibs., $5.85; 10 Ibs., $10.60. 

Acme Bait-M with Metaldehyde 

Contains metaldehyde, the 
f marvelous new discovery for 
control of snails and slugs. 
Also contains calcium arsen- 
ate, effective against cut- 
worms, ear wigs, sow bugs, 
and grasshoppers. 1% Ibs., 
35c; 4 Ibs., 85c; 15 Ibs., $3.00. 

Bordeaux Mixture 

Prevents losses by blight, 
rot, mildew, scab, anthrac- 
nose, etc. Stimulates plant 
growth, increasing the har- 
vest. Almost every kind of % 
vegetable, fruit, and shrub can be im- 
proved by Bordeaux spraying. 1 Ib., 30c; 
4 Ibs., 65c. 

BUG DEATH. Lb., 20c; 3 Ibs., 50c; 5 
Ibs., 70c; 12% Ibs., $1.70; 100 Ibs., 



1 gal., $1.50; 5 gals., 

CED-O-GEN. Insecticide and deodorant. 
Kills tent caterpillars. Made in Syra- 
cuse and sold by us. Pt., 50c; qt., 85c; 
gal., $2.50. 

emedied for Insects and Fungus 

death to mealy bugs, red spider, scale. 
3 rane 35c; 8 ozs., 70c; pt., $1.25; at., 

CED-O-FLY. Special fly and roach spray. 
Pt., 60c; qt., $1.00; gal., $2.90. 

COOPER’S SHEEP DIP. Pkg., 60c and 
- $2.00. 

STONE. Lb., 15c. 

CROW REPELLENT. Seed-preserver for 
corn. Insures your seeds. It prevents 
crows and other birds from taking the 
seed and also protects against ground- 
rot and smut. Non-poisonous and does 
not retard germination. Small can, 
enough for 1 bu., 60c; large can, 
enough for 2 bus., $1.00. 

CUT WORM KILLER. 1 Ib., 30c; 5 Ibs., 

ly used greenhouse insecticide. Reg- 
ular use insures insect-free house all 
season. 5 Ibs., $3.00; 25 Ibs., $10.00; 
100 Ibs., $25.00. 

CYANOGAS A-DUST. Kills rats, moles, 
woodchucks (groundhogs) and other 
rodents instantly. “It’s the gas that 
kills ’em.” % Ib., 45¢; 1 Ib., 75e3 5 
Ibs., $3.00. 


The new, simple way to kill plant in- 
sects. Just mix “NEW EVER GREEN” 
with water—and spray. Deadly pyre- 
thrum content kills a wide range of 

1-02. .pottle sis faa. cee aioe $0.35 
G-OZ. CAN «aes cheisuthand o atereee everett . 1.00 
16-027.) can #40 cc see. cee ee 2.15 
Gallon ‘ean 2) .4.2% Sie. e tee eee 12.20 

FISH OIL SOAP. Lb., 35c; 5 Ibs., $1.50. 

FUME TOBAC, $14.50 per 100 lbs; Ib., 

FUNGTROGEN. A most effective rem- 
edy for mildew, black spot and dis- 
eases of roses. Will not discolor the 
foliage. Pt., $1.25; qt., $2.00; % gal., 
$3.50; gal., $6.00. (Not mailable.) 

GRAPE DUST, Powder. A remedy for 
mold and mildew. Ready for use. 
1 Ib., 40c; 5 Ibs., $1.25. 

HELLEBORE. %4 lb., 20c; 1% Ib., 35c; 
Ib., 60c. 

at., 50c; gal., $1.50. 




73rd Annual Catalog 1968-194] 


INSECTROGEN. A _ complete spray. 
Poison, fungicide and fertilizer, High- 
ly effective for leaf chewing insects, 
and an equally efficient detergent for 
black spot on roses, and mildew and 
red spider on phlox. 4 ozs., 60c; 1% pt., 

$1.00; pt., $1.75; qt., $2.75; 1% gal., | 

$4.50. (Not mailable.) 

K-R-O. The best rat exterminator. Non- 
poisonous to animals, deadly to rats 
and mice only. Pkg., 75c. 

Acme Lime Sulfur 

A standard 338-degree 
Baume lime and_ sulphur 
converted into a dry pow- 
der having all the effective- 
ness of a liquid product 
when dissolved in water. — 
For dormant spraying against scale, 
peach blight, leaf curl, and twig borer. 
For dormant spraying against scale, 
blotch, red spider, and mite. 1 Ib., 35c; 
5 Ibs., $1.45; 25-lb. drum, $4.00. 

LIME AND SULPHUR. Standard rem- 
edy for scale and certain fungus. Use 
1 part to 9 parts of water. Not a 
poison, kills only by direct contact 
with the insect. For fall, winter and 
spring use. Gal., 60c; 5 gals., $2.50; 
10 gals., $4.50; bbl. lots, special prices. 

LIME-SULPHUR, DRY. Exactly like 
lime-sulphur, For fall and spring 
sprayings. Use 12 to 15 lbs. to 50 gal- 
lons of water. Lb., 35c; 5 Ibs., $1.40; 
10 Ibs., $2.40; 25 Ibs., $4.75; 50 Ibs., 
$8.00; 100 Ibs., $15.00. 

(Keeps dogs away.) 

Pkg., 15c. 


Destroys dandelion, 
plantain, crab grass, 
and other common 
weeds. One _ spraying 
does the trick—yet only 
temporarily browns 

—= lawn grass. 1 gallon 
treats 200 sq. ft. Qt., 65c; gal., $1.55; 
5 gal., $7.25. 

1 Ib., 19c. 

For thrip. 

NICO-FUME, Liquid. For spraying and 
vaporizing. %4 Ib., 75c; Ib., $2.25;34 
Ibs., $7.00; 8 Ibs., $12.00. 

Not mailable. Tobacco Powder im- 
pregnated with a high strength nico- 
tine solution. Lb., $1.00; 5 Ibs., $3.35; 
10 Ibs., $5.85. 

NICOTINE PYROX. In addition to be- 
ing recommended for all the above, it 
is also very effective against sucking 
insects such as aphis, ete. 10-oz. jar, 
40c; 1 Ib., 50c; 5 Ibs., $1.75; 10 Ibs., 
$3.00. Mailable. 

Acme Paris Green. 

Strongest and quickest-act- 
ing of all arsenical insecti- 
cides. Used on hardy foliage 
such as potatoes, cotton, to- 
bacco, and in insect baits 
= where extreme measures are 
necessary. 1%4 Ib., 20c; 1 Ib., 50c; 5 Ibs., 
$2.25; 14 Ibs., $5.00. 

RAT NIP. For rats and mice. Tube, 35c. 

RED ARROW. An effective, non-poison- 
ous solution that is deadly to all in- 
sects. Will not burn, blight, or stain 
the most tender foliage. May be used 
on fruits and vegetables before eating. 
Fine for the garden or greenhouse. 
Economical, used greatly diluted with 
water. Recommended for caterpillars, 
Mexican bean beetle, cucumber beetie, 
rose aphids, rose slug, leaf hoppers, 
aster beetles, cutworms, sow bugs, 
wire worms, root lice, Japanese beetle, 
white fly, dahlia beetles, and many 

others. Dilute with 200 to 800 parts of 
water. Full instructions with every 
bottle. Oz., 35c; 

% pt., $1.40; pt., 
$2.25; qt., $4.00. 

Acme Scientific 
Rose Spray 

A “system” of spray 
treatment for roses and 
flowers of all kinds. 
Each set contains three 
separate items—A, B, 
and C—each scientific- 
ally made to combat one of the three 
major classifications of blight and in- 
sect pest. Mix all three together with 
water. Use regularly. Result: complete 
all-around protection. Surprisingly eco- 

Amount No. of Roses Pro- 
Sizes of Spray tected allseason Prices 
No. 3 ..12 qts.... 7 to 12 bushes... $0.95 
No. 6 ..24 qts....15 to 25 bushes... 1.50 


The Standard Rotenone Spray 

The doubly effective (contact and 
stomach poison) Rotenone insect spray 
kills red spiders, cyclamen mites, mealy 
bugs, cabbage worms, beetles, thrips, 
aphids (plant lice) and various other 
insects unusually difficult to control. Ro- 
tecide is non-poisonous to birds, animals 
or humans. Positively will not burn or 
disolor the most tender foliage. This is 
a complete spray, simply add water. 
1-0z. bottle, 35c; 8-o0z. bottle, $1.00; pt. 
can, $1.75; qt. can, $3.00; gal. can, $8.00. 

ROTECIDE DUST. The Standard Ro- 
tenone Dust is the finest product of its 
kind known. Excellent for use in kill- 
ing insects in greenhouses, stables, 
dairy barns, on farms, dog kennels, 
poultry house, and in the field. Abso- 
lutely non-poisonous, 1 Ib., 50c; 5 Ibs., 
$2.40; 10 Ibs., $4.50; 25 Ibs., $10.00. 

Acme 75 Rotenone Dust 

An excellent general gar- 
den insecticide and especially 
so in control of the Mexican 
bean beetle. It contains .75% 
Rotenone and 1.5% other ac- 
tive extractives, the usual 
strength to control insects, 
together with 15% sulphur, 
effective in combating cer- 
tain mildew which so often prevails on 
beans and many other plants. Use as 
a spray or dust. 1 Ib., 25c; 5 Ibs., 65c; 
50 Ibs., $6.00. 


Acme Rotenone Garden Guard 

For use as a spray or dust. 
Non-injurious to humans and 
warm-blooded animals, yet ef- 
fective both by contact and as 
a stomach poison against an 
exceedingly wide range of in- 
sects. The killing ingredient is 
Rotenone. Contains no arsenic 
or fluorine compound. It is especially 
recommended for use on broccoli, cab- 
bage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and 
string beans (Mexican bean beetle). A 
favorite of the housewife for the rose 
and flower garden. Controls lice, fleas, 
and mites on dogs, cats, birds and chick- 
ens. 1-lb sifter carton, 35c; 4-lb. bag, 
55c; 25-lb. bag, $3.20; 50-lb. bag., $6.00. 

ROOTONE. A wonderful root stimulant. 
Pkg., 25c and $1.00. 

SCALECIDE. 1 at., 
5 gals., $5.50. 

65c; gal., $1.55; 


1-lb. carton, 25c; 5 Ibs., 

SNAROL. An effective bait for slugs, 
cutworms, snails, grasshoppers and 
other garden pests. A ready prepared 
meal for broadcasting on the ground 
under the plants; does not deteriorate 
from rain or sprinkling. 11% Ibs., 35c; 
4 Ibs., 85c; 15 Ibs., $3.00. 

STIM-U-PLANT. The magic fertilizer 
in tablet form. Small size, 25c. 100 
tablets, 75c. 

SULPHUR, Powdered. For mildew. Lb., 
10c; 5 Ibs., 45c; 100 Ibs., $7.50. 

Acme Wettable 
Dusting Sulphur 

An improved dusting sulphur 
for home use which can also be 
used as a liquid spray. Con- 
trols red spiders on evergreens, 
and mildew, leaf spot, black 
spot, and rust on rose bushes, 
chrysanthemums, snapdragons, 
earnations and certain other foliage. 
98% passes through a 325 mesh screen. 
An excellent chigger chaser. 2-lb. sifter 

carton, 25c. 

ewutsirrne os > ANY 

SUNOCO SPRAY OIL. An oil-emulsion, 
pleasant to use. Used as a dormant 
spray to combat various scales on 
trees and shrubs, also very effective 
against red spider on evergreens. Di- 
lute 1 part to 15 parts water. Gal., 
$1.25; 5 gals., $5.00; 15 gals., $8.25; 
30 gals., $13.80; 50 gals., $19.00. 

TEROGEN. This unique soil disinfectant 
—fungicide, insecticide, and fertilizer 
—has played a highly important part 
in the great success achieved by the 
nationally known Rose Gardens at 
Wallingford, Pa. 

1-Ib. tins $0.75 10-lb. tins .$ 4.75 
2-lb. tins .. 1.25 25-lb. tins . 11.00 
5-lb. tins .. 2.75 100-lb. tins. 40.00 

A 10-lb. tin is sufficient for one appli- 
cation for 30 to 50 plants. 



73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 



Triple Spray Treatment 
Fungicide - Insect Killer - Repellent 

Complete protection against plant dis- ! 

eases and insects. Stimulates plant» 
growth. In highly concentrated form, 
in three convenient sizes. 
Small Kit's. 400% oe oe cae $1.50 
Medium Kit 7... eerosess aes tee 4.00 
Large: Kit .4552...cnheoee nose 6.00 

Tree: Tanglefoot 

Stops All Climbing Insects 
This sticky compound is easy to apply 
with a wooden paddle—is effective three 
to four months, Better than wax for 
grafting operations. Good, too, for seal- 

ing tree cuts, wounds and cavities. 

6=OZ 5 BIZED sais Sires sccharere ieee ee 0.35 
[aD SIZE eke waie totes stes ot atchakettots mete! «oie -65 
G=] Di (SIZE yA sh eek Seeds eakecioctnn oe 3.00 
LO-Ib. S1Ze~ 5 fart rates sisi Sik -creniehs = aie 5.65 
25s lbx Dall Pe ee ere one ae 12.00 

TOBACCO DUST. 10c per Ib. 


VOLCK. Spray for the control of red 
spider, mealy bug, scale, thrips, white 
fly, aphids and rose mildew. Combines 
with nicotine and lead arsenate. Qt., 
80c; gal., $2.50; 5 gals., $8.00; 14 
gals., $27.50. 

WEED KILLER (Herbicide). Qt., 75c; 
VY gal., $1.25; gal., $2.00. Dilution 40 
to 1. Very effective. 

Acme Weed Killer 

and all 
kind to 

10c; per bale, 

Destroys weeds 
vegetation. The 
use on driveways, clay 
courts, paths, etc. Also 
widely used in spotting out 
dandelions, plantain, and 
other noxious lawn weeds by application 

undiluted, using a weed cane or squirt- 
bottom oil can. Pt., 35c; qt., 50c; gal., 



BaOZ.., CATS riyes eicveco cietets #10 ceetene tae .30 
Leb. Can eos cpacie ciphoieadaseseseiestce PY A3) 
Bel CAN” oa cicrasen cis aie heehee meee 3.25 

25-lb:*pail an seek ce Le 14.00 

Lelb Cari =o. antics een oes eee $0.70 
B=lb,) Caner curiae aoe ene 3.00 
20-Ib. Dali iack cient sito nies 13,25 
VOC-lb, drum -o.aeernee ee etre DO LOL) 
2-02;, ENVelOD Wace cset ceiteie mee $0.25 
Jelb. can. terete ee ees 1.50 
D=lDS Call, Sere ctu een ree eee 6.50 

2b=Ib. pall. congaee ie ovie hao ee 8000 

100-Ib.-dramizer poet cee ee 115.00 

300=lbsdruminocasitcmtn tents cieaeie 315.00 


16-02% DG ene (2 for 25e) ..$0.13 
L-Jb2' CAIs eet a clceien oe te eee as 75 
belb. Can?s tn See ee Lae 3.00 
2b-lb. palin, eee eee 12.50 

100-]b. drum wads tigha tapered > 6 toed niet he 45.00 

T/S-0z, MenVelope pu sas\m eeineide coe $0.10 
D=OZ RE CAT eee Mees Notas c, ete eis 35 
Leb Callin ae eecusttne oe wa, Be Rieke aes 2.25 
Halby (Caries here sae « seithis asiebeiixs 10.00 
2b=l Dae Dadll Behe: apa ahetie Mo eo ee 46.00 
10 0-Ibagid ruin terete «enters bereits 175.00 
S2GZ ICANN. eiakis pels. o oie Goes O1.00 
5elb sCane aes ore eke ee one 7.00 
20+ be “pail eee ec eiee ee arse 382.50 
LOOP Sdruinit © Sere see cee 125.00 
3-O7e CAT Me ne eer acest SOCaD 
Lal DACA Pte LA en oe 1.45 
B= DMCA A ceretere theccreiene ctelotche ave clare 6.25 
2balbs “ail Ween enstectarciene aie cee 28.75 
LOO=lbeed rumen cree aerate 110.00 


' For the a Lawn, Garden 
and Greenhouse 

AGRICO. A food for flowers and vege- 
tables. 25 Ibs., $1.00; 50 Ibs., $1.75; 
100 Ibs., $3.00. 

ADCO. Free from foul odor, flies, weed 
seeds, ete. The process is perfectly 
simple and not at all laborious. The 
addition of Adeo to’the compost pile, 
or-to other vegetable refuse, grass 
clippings, leaves, etc.; at the rate of 
two pounds to each wheelbarrow load 
of refuse, will produce a clean, odor- 
less manure within three or four 
months. 25 Ibs., $2.00; 150 Ibs., $10.50; 
7\% Ibs., $1.00. 

Ibs., $1.00; 100 Ibs., $2.00. 

grade lime product for sweetening 
heavy and sour soils. 5 Ibs., 30c; 10 
Ibs., 50c; 80-lb. bag, $1.00. 

fertilizer for Rhododendrons or Aza- 
leas. Creates the necessary acid con- 
dition of the soil. 1 Ib., 10c; 5 Ibs., 
35c; 10 Ibs., 85c. 

AMMONIA SULPHATE. Analyzes about 
25% ammonia with the result that 
stimulation in growth of plant life is 
noted practically at once. 1 Ib., 10c; 
10 Ibs., 85c; 25 Ibs., $1.50; 100 Ibs., 

Very good«in;supplyng potash, and 
also greatly benefits mechanical con- 
dition of the soil. A very fine lawn 
dressing. 25 Ibs., $1.25; 50 Ibs., $2.00; 
per bag of about 100 Ibs., $3.00; per 
ton, $40.00. ' 

BLOOD, DRIED. A very quick acting 
fertilizer, being immediately soluble. 1 
Ib., 10c; 10 Ibs., 90c; 25 Ibs., $1.75; 
50 Ibs., $3. 00; 100 Ibs., $5.00. 

Lb., 5¢; 25 

BONE FLOUR. Very finely Paetrel ‘ 

bone. xcellent where immediate 
effect is wanted. 25 Ibs., $1.50; 100 
Ibs., $5.00. 

BONE AND BLOOD. Tankage 9%. For 
cabbage, cauliflawer, corn and other 
crops of. big surface growth; not de- 
sirable for root crops except it is used 
in connection with potash, salts, or 
hardwood: ashes, and if so used it is 
especially adapted to fruits, if applied 
early. For garden crops use 500 Ibs. 
per acre. 25 Ibs., $1.70; 50 Ibs., $2.50; 
100 Ibs., $3.70; 250 lbs., $8.75; 500 
Ibs., $15.25; 1000 Ibs., $29.00; 2000 
‘Ibs., $56.00. 

BONE MEAL (Steamed). $2.75 per 100. 

RAW BONE MEAL. 100 Ibs., $3.50. 
Also another grade of Bone Meal or 
Ground Bone. 100 Ibs., $2.75. 

CALCIUM CHLORIDE, Dust layer and 
surface binder. One bag will cover 
ahout fifty yards, supplied in 100-lb. 
bags. 100 Ibs., $3.50; per ton, $60.00. 

COTTON SEED MEAL. 25 Ibs., $1.25; 
50 Ibs., $2.00; 100 Ibs., $3.50. 

COW MANURE. For roses and shrubs. 
$3.00 per 100. 

DRICONURE. 5 Ibs., 50; 50 Ibs., $2.50. 

FEROGEN. A remarkable plant food, 
soil stabilizer and ground dressing for 
your roses. Should be cultivated into 
your rose beds early in the spring. 
t-Ib. can, 75c; 2-lb. can, $1.25; 5-Ib. 
can, $2.75. 

FERTILIS TABLETS. Fine fertilizer 
for house plants. Simple, effective 
and odorless. Very popular. 25c, 

GROUND BONE. Excellent for grass 
plots, garden, ete. 5 Ibs., 30c; 30 Ibs., 
$1.25; 50 Ibs., $2.50; 100 Ibs. o3 $3000, 

HUMUS. An excellent article to incor- 
porate with poor soil in the garden, 
greenhouse or in potting plants. When 
used in garden work, the ground 
should be covered with 114 to 2 inches 
of humus and spaded in. 5 Ibs., 35c; 
10, lbs., G60c;. 25. Ibs., 85e> 50) Tbs:, 
$1.35; 100 Ibs., $2.25; 500 Ibs., $10.00; 
\Y% ton, $15.00. 

LIME (Hydrated). For lawn and field 
use where the ground has become sour, 
50 Ibs., $1.00; 100 Ibs., $1.75. 

PETRE. Nitrate of Soda is not a 
substitute for other manures, but one 
of the cheapest and best forms in 
which to apply nitrogen to plants. Do 
not let nitrate touch green growth or 
it will burn. Remove the lumps _ be- 
fore using and break them up, which 
can be done by pounding. For home 
garden apply as a solution, one ounce 
to two gallons of water. Price, (sub- 
ject to market changes), 1 Ib., 10c; 
on ae 85e; 25 Ibs," $1. 50; 100 Ibs., 


Made of non-corrosive alloy metal— 
easily written on with a pencil. Cannot 
erase, wash off—or rust. 65 labels, 3 in. 
by 1% in., on handy reel. Easy to carry. 
Easy to attach, Only $1.00. Send now 
for Perm-a-Tag. 




PEP-TO-LIZER. 25 lIbs., $1.25; 50 Ibs., $2.00; 100 Ibs., $3.50. 
PLANTABBS (Containing Vitamin B). For Plants and 
Flowers. A fertilizer in tablet form. See circular. 

BOXdOtss OUrtab lets’ a terra cere ee meron erates oatie orca enouadolesé $0.25 
Boxsoteprtablets: 2. scciemcmioatiieicoe oo melererst ites ne eiale-s -50 
Box of 200 tablets (Season’s normal supply) .......... 1.00 
Can of 1000 tablets (For use of larger growers) ....... 3.50 

PULVERIZED LIMESTONE. Apply liberally and watch re- 
sults. Two tons or more per acre, or by hand in small 
gardens, a large handful to a square yard. 80-ib. bag, $1.00; 
5 bags, $3.75; 1 ton, $9.00. 

SALT. For agricultural purposes, asparagus beds and putting 
on walks and roads to kill weeds. Apply 600 to 800 Ibs. 
to the acre in the early spring. 50 Ibs., 75c; 100 Ibs., $1.25. 

SCOTCH SOOT (Genuine Imported). Stimulating a healthy 
growth of dark green foliage, and its beneficial effect in 
freeing the soil from slugs, grubs and cutworms. 25 Ibs., 
$2.10; 50 lbs., $3.60; 100 Ibs., $6.25; 500 Ibs., $27.50. 

SHEEP FERTILIZER. 1 Ib., 10c; 5 Ibs., 30c; 10 Ibs., 50c; 25 
Ibs., $1.00; 50 Ibs., $1.50; 100 Ibs., $2.75. 

STIM-U-PLANT TABLETS. A fertilizer in tablet form. The 
tablets contain the essential plant foods in highly concen- 
trated form and are therefore very convenient for house 
use. 30 tablets, 25c; 100 tablets, 75c; 1000 tablets, $3.50. 

phosphorus, potash, and acidity. It will give the gardener 
complete information about the requirements of his soil. 

Home Gardener’s Kit. (Four complete tests) ......... $ 2.00 
Club its GMakeselOitests its «a acniacis' sass tebiereke seer 4.75 
Horticultural Kit. (Makes 60 tests) ................. 9.75 
Professional Kit. (Makes 200 tests) ..........-..... 18.50 
SULPHATE OF AMMONIA. Used for its nitrogen. A fine 

fertilizer for large leaf development or rapid growth. Tends 
to create an acid reaction in soil. Do not let it touch green 
growth. Use 1 lb. to 50 sq. ft. 1 Ib., 10c; 10 Ibs., 85c; 

25 Ibs., $1.50; 50 Ibs., $2.00; 100 Ibs., $3.00. 
TOBACCO STEMS. Placed around roots of roses and other 
plants. Retains moisture, deters insects. Use from 2% to 34% 
tons per acre; 1 to 1% lbs. to square yard. 

100 Ibs., $3.00. 

Farm Fertilizers 

A Liberal Discount to Cash Customers 

LAWNS. Early in spring 
application of Wizard, 

Mix a handful with the 
soil under each new plant 
—more for vines, shrubs 
and trees. Light applica- 
tions during the growing 
season will prolong bloom- 

FRUIT. Every practical 
gardener knows that their 
crops respond quickly and 
show improved yield, color 
and flavor. Use 1000 to 
1500 lbs. per acre. 

Prices: 5° Ibs., 30c; 10 
Ibs., 50c; 25 Ibs., $1.00; 50 
Ibs., $1.50; 100 Ibs., $2.75. 

; S 

ee eh 

® Does your family enjoy the garden and lawn? Your 
garden will be more appealing if you make sure the lawn 
1s smooth and velvety-green, and the flowers are blos- 
soming with vitality and beauty. Proper feeding goes a 
long way toward assuring the beauty you want. Use 
VIGORO, the complete plant food. It supplies all 1] 
elements plants need from soil. Clean, odorless, sani- 
tary, Vigoro brings gardening success to millions. 

100-lb. bag...... $4.00 
25-lb. bag..:... 1.50 
Complete plant food LO=Ien keer 85 
5-Ilb. pkg...... 45 
A Product of Swift & Company MI OKO arrere sess -10 
Vigoro Spreader for Plant Food 
Model “B”. Spreads 14 inches wide ..........0.e.c«cees $ 3.00 
SU UNION. “eSpredas: loam ches swide «qc acer ae 6.45 
“Standard.” Spreads 24 inches wide .................- 13.50 
Sopecial ce spreads! o6ocinches» wide) iicins.ichieh¢ diese ae «ot 19.95 

Special prices to legitimate commercial growers, landscape 
gardeners, golf courses, institutions, etc. Write or phone us. 

HORMODIN. “The Root-forming Chemical.’”’ The Hormodin 
treatment is simple, economical and scientific. It saves 
time, space, and labor. Hormodin makes it possible for 
growers to reproduce plants from cuttings with high per- 
centages of successful results. 5 c. c. bottle, $1.00; 15 
ec. c. bottle, $2.00. 


“The Good Friend of All That Grows.” 

lawns, for your garden, top dressing or mulching around 
flower and vegetable beds, evergreens, bushes and shrub- 
bery. Can also be used for packing and preserving apples, 
pears and vegetables. Absorbs the moisture, preventing 
decay when used in storing your fruits and vegetables, 
especially in winter. Per bale, $4.00. 

POTTING EARTH. A fine mixture of real earth, balanced 
with fertilizers. Suitable for house plants, bulbs, etc. Qt., 
10c; peck, 40c; 1% bu., 65c; bu., $1.00. 

GRAFTING WAX. % Ib., 20c; % Ib., 35c; Ib., 60c. 


When ordering, Always state name of seed. 

pee all Clover LESPEDEZA 

ize Retail i 

7/2 buseeachs.... soe $ 30 ae eachee ae 
1 bimeachis, oem -50 2b butgteach + eeeeeee 50 
2% bu. each......, 1.00 5 bu. each.........: 1:00 


PEAS (All Varieties) BEANS, COW PEAS 
, , 

VETCHES (All Varieties) 

i bu. each: ..codec $ .25 PEANUTS 
Tac biigeach tana "40 Ibu veachsetee ee $ .30 
1969 bus, onthe s cs hes ‘60 | 2 bu. each.......... 5 
: birmeache assent e70 if a — Sreehe cceeiesel® roe 
1 bIGETS ME Gunsecone : 
72 bu. each........ 4.90 25% bu gicach aye enene 2.90 
String, Wax, Kidney | Garden Peas & Beans 
PY bu. each aay as $ .25 | Sweet Peas & Lupines 
ure each tees 4 Enough f. 6 2 
5 butJveach =... 2.8: 1.70 Retail Price anaes Pe wats 

Re aT 

F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-194] SYRACUSE, N. Y. 

Zint Insulated AMERICAN FENCE 

Zine Insulated American Fence is the highest quality fence 

Trade Mark made. Its wires are insulated with a heavy uniform coating of 

gsraner zine which makes it proof against all weather conditions. When 
you buy American Fence, you pay just what you would for ordi- 




You can keep cats and dogs away from 
evergreens and other shrubs or plants very 
simply and easily, according to an announce- 
ment recently made by the United States De- 
partment of Agriculture. Just mix one to twa 
tablespoonfuls of “‘Black Leaf 40’’ in a gallon 
of water and spray the evergreens, shrubs or 
flowers which are bothered. The odor of the 
“Black Leaf 40” is offensive to dogs and cats 

ae ial ae | nary fence but you easily get twice the value for your money. 

" NCH | Le —P— 

4 1 A Wonderful Fence 

g ee ees There’s no better fencing made for hogs, cattle, poultry or 
ol rabbits. It makes an ideal garden fencing. It’s strong, thoroughly 
[ye TT arth practical, and more durable than netting. The light specifications 
bo + are strong enough to turn stock. 

eT TH This fenci in 6 to 21 bars, in 6- and 12-inch stays 
: ) 7 Tie is fencing comes in 0 ars, in a ys, 
Lt Z 24 to 58 inches high. 

ee Oe iy é wet 2! BARS 58 INCH 




LAA eh Bom 



and they will pass them by when spraying has ra Lt 
FIELD FENCING been done. Here is a simple, inexpensive meth- ee Le 
od of protecting many thousands of dollars oe 
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep worth of evergreens. A 
and Hogs ae Ab 
z ge As 
We carry a complete stock of following styles Ze: a 
as listed below. ep 
Styles not listed furnished on short notice. ge 
Owing to market changes we will be pleased to GS 


quote on application. 

No. of Wires Inches High Stay Wire 
8 82 6-inch No. 11 POULTRY FENCE 
9 39 6-inch No. 11 Price List 
10 47 6-inch No. 11 Per Rod 
6 35 12-inch Now? 11 ¢}1948:x G—No. 1446) dn hese rccc ccc kee Wesee eeeeitete $0.70 
8 45 12-inch Now lim!'2158'<,.6—No- 1446 ei acc cot coe eles te ce eerie 15 

THE LOTT FENCE STRETCHER is the only tool necessary for 
putting up the American Field and Hog Fencing. Every farmer should 
own this Stretcher. Price, $12.00. 

| y ig < 



Steel Fence Posts 
These posts will make the strongest foundation for your 
ae Banner Line Posts and American End and Corner 

LINE POSTS, 5, 6, 6%, 7, 8, 9 feet. 

CORNER POSTS, 8 feet. END POSTS, 8 feet. 

Prices on 





all A La UF 
yy ii 


iy a 
j | eet fa) = 
I | | | TT 


ri i 7" ci 
eal : 
A Ay | AA We carry a complete stock of BANNER PAINTED POSTS 
and eee D Duar ere 
rices on Application 

Badan Voy ava 12-ft. American Gates, 50-inch, plain top. 
14-ft. American Gates, 50-inch. 

: 8-ft. American Walk Gates, 42-inch, plain top. 
Diamond Lawn Fence 4-ft. American Gates, 42-inch, plain top. 

Light Heavy [ott Fence Stretcher .........c.scececcccccccecces $12.00 
per ft. ie x 
~inch= Sescer cere. 14 16 
co-inchikt ees rs Dey Can’t Sag Farm Gate 
42-inch [o..55 eee woe 10 12 Price—12-ft., $8.00; 14-ft. gate, $8.50; steel metal parts 
$4-inchwt...c).-c.tteee ats 08 10 for “Can’t-Sag Gate,” $4.00. - 


F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-194] SYRACUSE, N. Y. 

Garden Furniture, Arbors, Trellises, Etc. 

Fan Trellis, No. 58 
all sizes and prices Star Trellis, $2.75 

Rose Ladder Trellis, No. 105.................... $2.30 
Double Triangle Trellis, No. 52................. 2.00 
RaMelrellisay NO. Ossett cisies soehere oss oes soto ns 1.40 
Man eELeLLS IN Osu Siteetscretttets: oro ace oe. 5)'0.60s aus; oat Bates 1.70 
AdjustablesTrellissNonobese screenees tone ceca 1.55 
Roseland Trellis, No. 48...............--- Bsc ae: 3.40 
No. 78—Beverly Pergola, $16.50 Pismane LrellaissINOss Ode sien. « otic « ether sieise 2.00 
jamond-lrellis; No.1595 10 oe eins. a 3.85 
_ PRICE LIST StargTrollis Nos @ectn ees ae 5 eb cers coke 2.75 
Beverly Pergola with seat, No. 78.............. $16.50 Wildwood Trellis, No. 108........ ......eeeeee: 2.80 
Hollywood Pergola, No. 66...................-. 12:60 oi Craftsman’ Trellis) "NO: 282 cc ss s.0<s cries eomisns ae 4.50 
Dreamland Gateway, No. 132, complete......... LS OCP Utilitya Trellis, NO.20.).<. dae Oban ie weed. ok 5.60 
Dreamland Gateway, No. 132, less gates........ 14.50 Double Circle Trellis, No. 20..........ccesceees 3.10 
Garden Arcuway, No. 122. ners = 2 <5. oe. cen 13.25 Paramount Trellis, No. 16..............ee0ce00: 2.30 
Garden Archway, No. 122, less gates........... 10. 0ae Adjustable Trellis No. 47hnesscnes seestcao. cee 2.10 
Flower Box, No. 200...........+sssseesscivoese 130M -AdjustabledTrellis:2No.- Vek ice ction s (a5. ose. 3.25 
lg wer, BOxseN Oe 20M ete eee dau ee 3.00 Sweet Pea Trellis, No. 61.............000ecceees 1.35 
Flower: Box: NOw202 ccc eee aceite «ee 3.00 Bungalow Panel Trellis, No. 100................ 3.00 

Fan Trellises in all sizes and prices, from 2 to 10 ft. 
White Picket Fence (per ft.)............000-00e: 15 
Snow Fencing (in 50 ft. rolls, per ft.)........... 15 

Flower Box, No. 201 
For porches, windows, etc. 
Length 27 inches, width 13 inches 
height 11 inches. Painted green or 
white. Each, $3.00. 

Dreamland Gateway, No. 132 
A very pleasing design with dou- 

ble gates. A lovely entrance to a 
flower garden, lawn, etc. When 
covered with flowering vines it 
truly presents a wonderfully at- 

tractive appearance. Height 8 ft. 
Width 41 inches. 

Bricercomplete.....0o7-.-<: $18.00 
Without gate............... 14.50 

Garden Archway, No. 122 
Especially designed for a garden 

archway. Strongly built and very 
attractive in appearance. Covered 
with roses and flowering vines it 
forms a most charming entrance to 

any garden. Height 7 ft. Width 
4 ft. 

Complete with gates........ $13.25 
Without gates... 2 os << ates 10.70 

Arbor Pergola with Table 
Price $75.00 

Garden Fence Made to Order, Also 
Garden Furniture 

Garden Tools 

Asparagus Knife, 35c. 
Bamboo Canes. All prices. 
Barrel Pumps. $40.00. 

Bird Baths. See page 37. 

Brackets, For pots and shelves. 
55c, 65c, and 75c. 

Brooms, Brush, 50c; House, 7ic, 
95e, $1.10; Stable, $1.25; $1.35; 
Push, $1.50. 

Brushes of every kind and use. 

Brushes of every style and 
price. 10c to $4.00, 

Bulb or Seed Pans. See page 56. 

Hanging Pots and Baskets. See 
page 56. 

Hanging Pot Chains, 35c. 

Neponset Paper Pots. Page 56. 

Saucers and Vases. S 

Pots and Saucers. See page 56. 

Florist Vases. Fibre. 

Bulb Bowls. 25c to $2.00. 

Bouquet Holders or Cemetery 
Vases. Galvanized Iron, Tin. 
25e and 15c. 

Carnation Supports. 

Celery Tape. $1.25 and $1.50. 

Cemetery Urns, 

Cider Presses. 

Cider Mills and Fruit Presses. 

Corn Poppers. 35c, 45c, 50c, 
5c. Electric, Gas, Stove use. 

Dibbles. 65c, 75c, 85c. 

Dusters. For dusting dry In- 
secticides. 45c, 85c. 

Edging Knives or Turf Edgers. 

Egg Carriers. Metal, for Parcel 
Post. See page 49. 

Fibre Ware. Pots and saucers, 

Flower Pots, etc. See page 56. 

Floral Tools or Gardening Sets. 
50c, 5c, $1.00, $1.85, $2.25, 

Children’s or Ladies’ Sets. 

Forks, Haying, Spading, Potato 

Flower Gatherers for 
and holding flowers. 

Fruit Pickers. ‘5c. 


Fruit Presses. 

Garden Borders. See page 37. 

Garden Lines, 

Garden Line Reels. $1.00. 

Gazing Globes. $7.50 and up 

Glazing Points. 50c, 60c box. 

Glazing Putty. Mastica, $2.75 
per gal.; Mastica Machines, 
$3.50 each, 

Gloves. | Gardening and Prun- 
ing, for ladies, 25ce, 35e; for 
men, 25c, 35c, 50c. 

Grafting Chisel. $1.50. 

Grafting Tools, or Knives. 

Grafting Wax. Lb., 60c; % Ib., 
35c; % Ib., 20c. 

Grass Catchers. 

Grass Hooks or Sickles. ‘5c, 
95e, $1.00. 
Grass Shears. 50c, 75c, 90e, 

$1.25, $1.50, $2.50. 

Hanging Baskets. All prices. 

Hedge Shears and Pruners, 

Hedge Trimmers. 

Hoeand Wheel Cultivators, Page 
47. Planet Jr. 

Hoes. All sizes and prices. 50ce, 
75e, 85¢e, 95e. 

Hoes, Grub. $1.25. 

Kinney Pump Attachment. 

Norcross Hoe Cultivator. 85c, 


Pronged Hoe or Potato Fork. 
$1.00, $1.25. 

ScutHe, Dutch or English. ‘Tie. 
Warren Common Hoes. All 

Garden Hose, All sizes and 
prices. 15c and 16c per ft. 
Clincher Hose Couplings. 25c. 
ffose Menders, Cooper’s. 15c ea 

Ifose Reels. $2.00 to $5.00. 

New Boston Graduating Nozzle. 

Nozzles for spraying Insecti- 
cides, $1.00. 

Sprayer Nozzles for Hose. 85c. 

Hotbed Sash. Ask for prices. 

Hyacinth Glasses. See fall bulb 


Knives. Budding and Pruning, 
all sizes and prices. $1.25. 

Lawn Sprinklers, Fountain or 
Ring, 85c; Rain King, $3.50: 
Lawn Life, $1.00; Tu-Way. 

Labels, Pot. $2.00 to $3.25 M; 
Garden, $8.00 to $13.00 M: 
Dahlia or Tree Labels Wired, 
10c doz., 45e C, $3.00 M. 

Mastica (Liquid Putty). See 
page 48. $2.75 per gal. 

Mastica Machines, $3.50 each. 

Mole Traps. $2.75. 

Mulford Culture. 

Plant Supports, “Adjusto.” See 
Page 56. 20c, 25c each, 

Plant Boxes for Windows. 
Wood, 24-in., $1.35; 30-in., 
$1.75; 36-in., $2.60; 42-in., 

$3.15; 48-in., $3.75. 

Plant Stands. Wire, $6.50. 

Plant Sprinklers, Rubber, 75c, 
$1.00, $1.25. 

Plant Stakes, Bamboo, Natural, 
tapering to a point; Chinese 
Tonkin Canes, tough as bam- 
boo, 4-ft., Gc; 5-ft., 8c; 6-ft., 
10c. Green Bamboo, small, 
18-in. to 4-ft., 75¢e to $1.75 
per C, Japanese Canes, Nat- 
ural, Round, tapering, green; 
Square, tapering, green. 

Plant Tubs. See page 56. 

Peony Supports, 

Pruning Saws. $2.00. 

Pruning Scissors. $1.50. 

Pruning Sheurs. tLauies’, 50¢; 
$1.75; French, $3.00; Branch 
or Lopping Shears, $4.00. 

Putty. Twemlow’s Liquid, $3.50 
per gal.; Mastica, $2.75. 

Raffia. See page 56. 

Rakes, Bamboo. ‘%5e, $1.00. 

Rakes. Reversible Wire Lawn. 
$1.25, 85c. 

Rakes. Reversible Wood, self 
cleaning. $1.25, $1.90. 

Rakes. Steel Garden. 90c, $1.30. 

Rakes. Snap-tooth, No. a 
$1.00; No. 2, 85e; No. 3, $1.25. 

Reed for Basketry. Page 56. 

A Niloak Bowl 




Bouquet Holders 

Rollers, Waterweight. Turf 
Sash for Hotbeds. Ask for prices. Edger, or 
Scythes, All sizes and prices. Md Edging 
Scythes, English. $2.75. Knife 
Scythe Stones. 10c to 35c. 

Seeder for Grass Seeds. $3.00. 

Shears. Edging or Border. 50c, 
75c, 90c, $1.00. 

Shears. Garden, $1.75; Plain, 
$2.00, $3.50; Notched, $1.25, 

Shovels. Wood D Handle, all 
sizes and prices. $1.25, $2.00. 

Sickle or Grass Hook. Lawn 
King, 75c, 95c, $1.00; Village 

Blacksmith, %5e, 95e, $1.00. 
Silkaline. Spool. 40c, 
Spades. Ames best, $2.50; 7 -Pie 
Steel D handle, $1.25, $1.50. Beato 
Sprayers. See page 46. Floral Sets 

Spray Nozzles. 

Spray Materials. See Insecti- 

Sun Dials. 
Sod Lifter. $3.50 to $9.00. 
Tape. For Asparagus or Cel- 

ery, $1.25, $1.50. 
Thermometers. For Brooders 
and Incubators, for Hotbed | 
and Mushroom; Japanned 
Tin, Self-Registering. 
Tinfoil. Plain. 25¢ per Ib. 
Torch, Kerosene. $2.50. 
Tree Guards. $1.25, 
Tree Pruner. Waters, $1.50- 
Tree Pruner. Telephone. $4.00. 
Trellises. See pages 37, 43. 
Trowels. 20c, 25c, 80c, 
Trowels, Solid forged steel. $1. 
Twine. Soft Jute 2, 3, and 4- 
ply; Soft Jute 2-ply (many 
ends for tying Vegetables); 
25-lb. Reels, 29c per Ib.; 50- 
Ib. Reels, 29¢ per Ib.; Hard, 
Strong, Tying, per ball, 25e, 
30c, 40c, 60c¢; White Cotton, 
per ball, 10c, per Ib., 55c. 
Orns. Cemetery or Garden. 
See page 36. 
Watering Pots, Florists, $1.25 
and up; French, Galvanized 
Iron, Long Spouts, Japanned 
green, 50c, $1.00, $1.50. 
Weeders. Excelsior, 25e; Gar- 
den Weeding Fork, 25ce; Gem. 
35c; Magic, 50c; Short Han- 
dle, %5e; Long Handle, %5e; 
Norcross, 85e, $1.25, 
Weed Killers. (See 
Weed Pullers. 85c and $1.25. 
Wheelbarrows. See page 48. 

Garden and 
Pruning Gloves 



Wire Bright, Annealed Tying Hotbed Tin Fancy Self. ‘Tree 
Nos. 18, 19, and 20. Per Case Registering Scraper 
stone, $1.50. 

Vases. Cemetery. 


Thermometers for every purpose 




you wrestle a 
heavy lawn mow- 
er, nor be embar- 
rassed by a noisy 
clattery machine 
that irritates you 
and your neigh- 
bors. No longer 
aneed the main- 
Mitenance of a 
beautiful lawn be 
a back-breaking 

The Pennsyl- 
vania Meteor, 

Built of Aluminum—Rubber Tires 
weight 35 lbs., is streamlined and pushes, oh so easily, 
and cuts so smoothly. Rubber tires for noiseless run- 

ning over concrete walks, as well as on the lawn. 
10-inch wheels, 5 blades. 

Width of cut: 16 in., $19.95; 19 in., $21.95. 

A Thoroughly 

Pennsylvania Good Household 
Mower With or 
Invader Without Rubber 


A special low 
price mower by 
Pennsylvania that 
will give years of 
service on the 
home lawn. It 
pushes’ very 
easily, and 
cuts cleanly. 

It has 5 high 
carbon-steel blades, raised edge lever blade, screwed 
to casing and easily replaced when worn. Automatic 
spring adjustment on ball bearings. 10-inch wheels, 
solid type. 

Width of cut: ian.) Lom. 
NOE HET ID DCTADLT. CS mae c. nietens nmete tens oleae) afeis + $7.20 $7.95 
Plaine wheelsiee ote n> o.<. «so eee 6.35 6.90 

Coldwell Famous 

Power Lawn Mowers 

The Power Lawn Mower 
For Low Cost Mowing 

Standard Twenty-Five 

(Regular Model) 
Width of cut, 25 inches. 
Capacity, 3 to 4 acres 
per day. 

Mow-Roll-Ride-Trim—by Power 

The cutting of large sweeps of lawn need no longer con- 
sume valuable time. COLDWELL’S HEAVY DUTY and 
STANDARD MODELS* have an abundance of BUILT-IN 
POWER. Their design, versatility and capacity for work are 
outstanding among the power mowers of today. 
Regular Model equipped with Metal Drive Sections. 
Deluxe Model equipped with Dual Pneumatic Drive Sections. 
Rubber Roller Model equipped with Rubber Covered Drive 


With two 20-in. Gangs attached the 25- and 30-inch width 
are increased to 60 or 65 inches. 

Riding Sulky available for each machine. 


No longer need 

The Best Known 
and Best Quality 
Mower In the 
World, With or 
Without Rubber 

This mower is 
; the peer of them 
gall, and is a fa- 
vorite with land- 
cemetery and es- 
tate superintend- 
ents and others 
requiring a _ ser- 
viceable machine 

; at a minimum 
cost for upkeep. Five crucible analysis steel blades, 
oil hardened and tempered; bottom knife with raised 
edge; double ratchet gears; highest quality adjust- 
able ball bearings on cylinder. 10-inch driving wheels. 
Will cut grass 6 inches high down to % to 1% inches. 

Width of cut Lane Mian. 19 in. Dente 
With rubber tires ...$18.70 $20.00 $21.20 $22.70 
Bilainvwheel Siena 16.95 18.25 19.45 20.95 

Pennsylvania Big Boy 
A Popular High 
Grade Model 
With Rubber 
Tires Only 
A well built 
mower, beautiful- 
ly designed with 
chromium plated 
hub caps, yet in 
the medium price 


Five crucible 
analysis. steel —_ 
blades, automatic spring adjustment on ball bearings, 
raised edge lower blade, and oil holes protected by 

Ten-ineh wheels with clincher rubber tires, one size 
only, 16 in. Price, $9.95. 

and Edger — 

This trimmer is 
equipped with a steel 
disc and small plow. 
Ideal for trimming 
the overhanging grass 
along edges or paths, 
flower beds, ete. Steel 
dise is securely braced, 
and handle is adjust- 
able. 8-inch wheel, 4- 
blade cylinder, 6-inch cut. Price, $9.95. 

*Coldwell Bear 

COLDWELL’S BEAR power mower makes 
quick and easy work of mowing and rolling the 
lawn, It is sturdy and strong and easy to 
handle. The low 
original cost, with a 
minimum of expense 
for upkeep and re- 
pairs, and its long 
enduring service 
give the owner a 
simple, practical and 
most desirable pow- 
er machine. 

Width of cut, 21 
inches. Capacity, 2 
to 3 acres per day. 



73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 


Sprayers & Dusters 
for Insecticides -- Soil Soakers 

Hudson Perfection No. 110 

The Perfection Sprayer was designed to give the 
purchaser the greatest possible value for his money. 

Tank, 4-gallon capacity. Seams riveted with brass 
rivets. First quality galvanized or copper sheets. 
Pump of seamless brass tubing, 1%x15% inches. 
Malleable “D” pump handle, Fitted with 27 inches of 
discharge hose, 24-inch brass extension rod. Weight 
about 13 pounds. 

No. 110GF. Perfection. Galvanized Tank. 
No. 110BF. Perfection. Copper Tank. 

No. 34 Ideal Sprayer 

A heavy duty, portable outfit for orchard, vineyard, 
truck garden, park, golf club, private estate, dairy 
barn, poultry house, etc. Handles insecticides, cold 
water paint, etc. 

Tank heavy gauge galvanized steel sheet, reinforced. 
Capacity 18 gallons. 

Wheel 18 inches diameter, 2%-inch tire. 

Fitted with 6-ft. hose and 4-ft. iron extension rod 
and brass angle spray nozzle. 

No. 34S. Ideal Sprayer. Galv. Tank, 18 gal. as shown. 
Weight 80 lbs. 

No. 35S. Ideal Sprayer. Galv. Tank. 18 gal. Weight 
107 lbs. with pressure tank, gauge and fitting. 

No. 36S. Sunshine Sprayer. 12-gal. capacity, with 
Junior barrel pump, non-clogging strainer. 

No. 608 Roto-Power mene Duster 

For iene gardens, vineyards, small rena etc., 
as well as clubs, city parks, cemeteries and similar 
places. Sturdily built. Discharge equipment: two noz- 
zles, two elbows, a wye connection and four 15-inch 
tubes. Feeds powder into moving air stream and 
through fan. No powder is fed when fan is not mov- 
ing. Equipment can be arranged to dust plants from 
above, from under side as for aphis, bushes, trees, etc. 
Weight 14% lbs. No. 608. Crank Duster. 

Hudson Patrol Duster No. 612 

Ato uti Ee tENSCION 1) 

An effective pattern for truck 
gardens, field crops, etc. The two 
12-inch extensions and two nozzles 
permit the operator to reach all parts of the plant. 
Positive force feed construction absolutely prevents 

Pump—1%x15 inches. Powder Reservoir—Glass, 
specially designed. Contents always visible. Discharge 
Equipment—Two 12-inch extension pipes and two noz- 
zles. Standard Package—One dozen in a carton. Ship- 
ping weight 24 pounds. No. 612. Patrol Duster. 

al — 
cone NR 

il Let it rain 

GHT RAI while you sleep. 

1, Al no soaks into 

awn and garden 

iw a gentle 


List Price 

Number Length Diameter Each 
No. 0 12ft.  2-in. (flat) $1.25 
No. 1 18 ft. 2-in. (flat) 1.75 
No. 2 30 ft. 2-in. (flat) 2.75 
No. 3 50ft. 2-in. (flat) 4.50 



73rd Annual Catalog 1868-194] 


Planet Jr. No. 17 Singl 
Wheel Hoe : 

Planet Jr. Single Wheel Hoes are light, easily handled and 
do beautiful work. They are all steel except the handles— 
practically indestructible. Handles are adjustable for any 
height. No. 17 includes all the necessary equipment for gar- 
dening-—hoes for weeding and shallow cultivation—three 
steel cultivator teeth for general cultivation—and a plow for 
furrowing, ridging, etc. 

Planet Jr. No. 12 Double 
Wheel Hoe 

Planet Jr. Double Wheel Hoes are almost universally used 
by professional vegetable growers. They will straddle the crop 
both sides of the row at once and until the plants are 20 
inches high. The No. 12 includes all the equipment usually 
required for gardening—a pair of hoes for shallow cultivating 
and weeding, four steel cultivator teeth for general cultiva- 
tion and a pair of plows for hilling, furrowing, etc. A long 
bolt and ferrule are furnished for changing to a single wheel 
hoe for later cultivation. 

No. 2 Planet Jr. Grass Edger 

With the No. 2 Planet Jr. Edger you can edge either 
straight or curved walks on cement, stone or bricks 
rapidly and easily. The sharp edging disc is made of 
high grade steel and will last for years. The tool is 
extremely simple and easy to operate and has nothing 
to get out of order. 

Lifetime Garden Trowels 

Planet Jr. Lifetime Garden Trowels are guaranteed 
not to bend or break. They are perfectly balanced so 
they fit lightly and naturally into your hand without 
tiring your fingers or wrist. The steel used is the best 
and hardest and is further hardened in an oil furnace 
and tempered in an electric one. The bulb trowel is 
extra long and narrow and three notches—3, 4, and 
5 inches from the point to help you plant your bulbs 
at a uniform depth. 

Seed Drills, Wheel Hoes, 
Planet Jr Horse Hoes, Fertilizer Dis- 

tributors, Garden Tractors 

No. 4 Planet Jr. Combined Seeder 
and Single Wheel Hoe 

A combination of the most useful tools for a mod- 
erate sized garden. Plants almost all vegetable seeds 
in continuous rows, or in hills 4, 6, 8, 12 or 24 inches 
apart. An adjustable plow opens a straight narrow 
furrow, the seeds are dropped in it, are covered and 
the soil firmed and the next row marked out all in the 
same operation. Converted into a single wheel hoe by 
changing one bolt. Cultivating equipment includes all 
the essential equipment for hoeing, weeding, cultivat- 
ing, plowing, furrowing, ridging, etc. The tools are 
oil hardened and tempered and will wear almost in- 
definitely. Price, $18.75. 

No. 4D Seeder only, price $14.75. 

HT Planet Jr. Walking Tractor 

The Planet Jr. Tractor pays for itself in many ways. Pri- 
marily it either takes the place of several men or of one 
horse, and it doesn’t have to be fed and cared for when it is 
not working. 

For the general farmer or the market gardener, the part- 
time gardener or the large home gardener, the nurseryman 
cr the florist. The Planet Jr. Tractor with its varied equip- 
ment is designed for all of them and with it goes the great 
advantage of Planet Jr.’s long experience in building the best 
planting and tillage tools. 

Plowing, harrowing, cultivating, fertilizing, mow- 
ing, hauling, sawing, and many other light power jobs 
are the things which Planet Jr. will do. Cultivating 
is the most important because it is an all-season job. 
Planet Jr. equipment includes every type of cultivator 
whether for narrow or wide rows, small or large crops, 
or one or more rows at a time. Most soil conditions 
and crop requirements can be met with Planet Jr. 
equipment and with our patented tool control, fast, 
thorough cultivation is not only possible but surpris- 
ingly easy. 





Enclosed Gear Drive Mower 
Center Lug Wheels Optional 
No. 8—34-ft. cut with Pole, N. Y. and Steel Doubletrees. 
No. 8—5-ft. cut with Pole, N. Y. and Steel Doubletrees. 

John Deere Self-Dump Rake 

9-foot, 21-tooth, 25-64” tooth. No. 447. 
10-foot, 24-tooth, 25-64” tooth. No. 476. 

John Deere Hay Loaders 
John Deere Double Cylinder, Stiff Hitch. No. 914. 
John Deere Double Cylinder with Forecarriage. No. 968. 
John Deere Single Cylinder, 6-ft. with Forecarriage. No. 804. 

New John Deere Side Delivery Rakes 
No. 553 System Left Hand, 3-wheel floating reel. No. 831. 
No. 554 System Left Hand, 4-wheel floating reel. No. 898. 
No. 703 Combination Side Rake and Tedder, 3 wheel. No. 872. 

Hudson Hay Tools 

No. 262 HUDSON HAY CARRIER. Adjustable trucks, 16- 
inch wheelbase. Rope sheaves 4 inches diameter. Track 
wheels 3 inches diameter. Weight 42 Ibs. A real heavy duty 
large pulley carrier. 

No. 326 HUDSON HAY CARRIER. Adjustable trucks, 16- 
inch wheelbase. Rope shieves 4 inches diameter. Track 
wheels 3 inches diameter. Weight 82 lbs. A heavy duty 

These Carriers are adjustable to any of the standard 
makes of steel track as well as our— 










Land Rollers 

Steel Roller, 24-inch, two sections and three sections. 
24-inch, three sections, steel. 
Wood Stave Roller, two sections and three sections. 

Improved Corn Marker 
Marks any width row and any depth desired. 
Three-row Marker for two horses. 

Lime and Fertilizer Spreaders 
For Calcium Chloride, Fertilizers, Salt, and Ashes. 
112 Combination Distributor for lawn and garden. 
110 Spreader for lawn and golf course. 
108 Combination Distributor for gardens. 

O. K. Champion Two-Horse 

Elevator Potato Digger 

THE NEW No. 8 DIGGER has a wide throat which is a 
new departure in digger construction and exclusively used on 
our machine. We have sold nearly 600 of these wonderful 
Diggers in this vicinity. 

No. 8 Digger ) adc. wanes oe dere anteee: NTT are 6 ec . $125.00 
No. 22 Potato Planter—Plain Dia Siete e Gheistaee. sissies --+. 100.00 
No. 22 Potato Planter—with Fertilizer Attachments .. 130.00 

Iron Hog Troughs 
Made in four sizes, 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-foot—8 inches deep— 
12 inches wide. 

Our Improved Slip Castings 
Set of Shoes. 

Steel or Iron Stone Boat Heads 
A Simple, Complete and Inexpensive device whereby a 
Stone Boat can be made in a few minutes by using straight 
plank. Will last a lifetime. 

Masters Plant Setter 

A wonderful labor-saving tool for transplanting Cabbage, 
Tobacco, Sweet Potato, Cauliflower, Eggplant, Strawberry and 
all similar plants. 

Each plant is set, watered and covered in one operation. 

It is easy, pleasant work. You can set 8,000 to 15,000 plants 
per day and do perfect work. Price, $6.50. 


Bemis Transplanter 

List complete. 
Less Fertilizer attachment. 

John Deere No. 999 Corn Planter 
The Accurate “Natural Drop” Planter 
Field tests have proved that the John Deere No. 999 Planter 
is accurate. Change in drop to 2, 3 or 4 kernels per hill can 
be made instantly without stopping the team, and drill dis- 
tances can be varied just as easily. Special plates for a great 
variety of seeds. 

Potato Planter 


Wheelbarrow Seeders 

With Steel Frame 
They can be worked by anyone who can run a wheelbarrow. 
Price, 14-ft., $14.00; 15-ft., $16.00. 

Mastica for Glazing Greenhouses 
One gallon will cover about 290 running feet (one side). 
Price of Mastica, %4 gal., 75c; % gal., $1.45; gal., $2.50. 
Mastica Glazing Machine, $3.50. 

Meyer Auto Snow Plow 

Standard 2Model 2e.5sis.cra.c.stayeis eyelet nisiaten crests slsseree elerste ere OOL00 
Sidewalk) Plow. os sjssve yore ecisiec cca sitinin te cle cls sisiels-aisjeretele - 70.00 
Sneed si Plow: wise ia ecsreeveravolatio,s tas leteminchereron fate ainsteleetaroe ore -. 60.00 

Syracuse Chilled Plows 
Syracuse chilled plows are regarded as the highest grade 

chilled plows made. 

No. 52-L Wood Beam, 1-horse, wheel only. 

No. 401. Cuts furrow 12 to 15 in. wide, 5 to 8 in. deep. 
No. 402. Cuts furrow 11 to 13 in. wide, 5 to 7 in. deep. 
No. 408. Cuts furrow 9 to 12 in. wide, 4 to 6 in. deep. 

Special cash discounts on Syracuse Plows. 

Dutton Steel and Chilled Plows 

The Best Low Priced Plow on the Market 

Dutton Iron Beam No, 2)... esa. cen ae Vieisiale.e eletele sisieleisis paeseO 
Dutton Steel Beam No. 2 ........ Slecatctete « wileserels su lclesverancO-00 


15-tooth, spring tooth. 
17-tooth, spring tooth. 
23-tooth, spring tooth. 
25-tooth, spring tooth. 

30-tooth peg, 1-section. 
50-tooth peg, 2-section. 
60-tooth peg, 2-section. 

Double Disc Harrows 

16 18-inch discs, cuts 4 ft., 4-horse evener. 
20 16-inch discs, cut 5 ft., 4-horse evener. 


Double Action Disc Harrow 
A-4—2-horse hitch. A-5—4-horse hitch. A-6—4-horse hitch. 
At special prices. 

Farmer’s Favorite Cookers 

Advgalion’ «> cece en coe cee salts ca cten oe cer eee ae - -$21.00 

BOMgallon: seen. vie sins os fe olaloieaisielaisie.aisiareemiare eiion tate cee -- 28.00 

VOOR @allonystede ct) sileleois cistem stele aCe maetersists gis viawtericee -. 28.00 

The Cyclone 

Seed Sower 

Sterling. Sampson No. 2. 
Sampson No. 1. Sampson No, 3. 

Garden Barrows 

Steel Tray Barrows 
No. 75-A. Deep steel tray. 
Common Wood or Paddy Barrow. 

Sickle Grinders 

Sickle’ Grinder. 
With Foot Power. 

-—Broadcasts evenly 
—Does work quickly 
—Saves labor. 

’ Price, $2.50. 

Ask for Special Prices on All Farm Tools and Machinery | 


Supplies for Poultrymen 

At our Branch Store and Warehouse, Corner West Fayette and So. Geddes Street, you will find the largest and most up-to- 
date stock of poultry equipment in Central New York, at reasonable prices. 
Here is where our Poultry Service Department is maintained. The man in charge of this department is himself a poultry- 

man and can help in your problems. 

Look over our Model Brooder House and let us help you with your building plans. 

Hudson Oil Brooder 

54-inch hexagon-shaped hover. Drum 22 inches diameter, 
8 inches deep. Combustion chamber 9 inches diameter, 1014 
inches long. Overall height 24% inches. 8-gallon fuel tank. 
Oil tank stand illustrated not included as regular equipment. 
Recommended for houses up to 14x14 for 500 to 1000 day 
old chicks. Price $17.95. 

Hudson Electric Brooders 

A scientific brooder which combines heating and ventilating 
features to give better brooding results. An entirely new 
principle which entirely eliminates moisture problems. Avail- 
able on lines of 105 to 120 volts. These brooders available in 
3 sizes. 
No. 4872. 

No. 4054. Capacity 300 day-old chicks, furnished with 600- 

watt heating element. 
No. 3038. Capacity 200 day-old chicks, furnished with 400-watt 
heating element. 

Capacity 500 day-old chicks, 1000-watt heating 

With Kerosene 

This is a_ strong, 
safe, and economical 
fountain with kero- 
sene burner, base and 4 : 
stand. LF _, ee 

No. O5B. Capacity 5 
gallons, $6.35. 


5-Gallon Capacity. 
Eagle Egg Cartons 
DOO Farahate dcaheteucke cee Biss fefvieiejeve ere DLs DO 
WV OOO Mercretevcccdis cre tsic Were svete arelcrs(s . 6.00 

Poultry Crates 
Standard Size Single Spindle 

Heavy Re-inforced Ss 

Crates ..... fe 


HA9—Each, $3.60. 

Poultry Supplies 

Bone Meal Wire Egg Pails Flats and Fillers 

Pearl Grit Metal Egg Cases Leg Bands 

Baled Straw Feed Measures Trumbull Heaters 

Fumigants Dried Skim Milk Egg Candlers 

Egg Cartons Charcoal Peat Moss 

Nest Eggs Oyster Shell Thermostat 

Brooder Ther- Baled Shavings Wafers 
mometers Disinfectants Trap Nest Fronts 

Egg Scales 

Gratesieeuicsc-neeties oka $1.00 


Hudson Flock Feeders 

5-foot Grill type. A new hinged Grill Feeder with larger 
capacity and heavier construction than is found elsewhere 

at its low price. A wonderful buy. $3.75 each. 

Hudson Chick and Broiler Feeder 

A new feeder that will properly feed your chicks from a 
day old to broiler age. 4-bladed adjustable reel. Feed saving 
lip. Mounted on adjustable ends. Reel and end stand adjust- 
ment work on the one thumb nut. 

No. 730 Feeder—36 inches long ...........+: ic aleteinre crave 
No. 748 Feeder—48 inches long ..........sceeeecceceee 1.40 

Handy Fill 
Chick Fountain 

2- and 3-gal. sizes. Fount 
is inverted for filling. Pan 
held by heavy wire clips. 
Practical and economical. 
2-gal. size, $1.00. 

Ask to be put on our 
Poultry Mailing List, and re- 
ceive the BARNAGRAM. 

CEL-O-GLASS. This wonderful 

‘eae ome invention has brought comfort 
— and profit to the poultrymen. 
In lots of 25 lineal ft. or less ........ Fate w¥ee c'evs 12c_ aq. ft. 
In lots of 25 to 50 lineal ft. or less ............ 1114c sa. ft. 
In lots of 50 to 100 lineal ft. or less ‘ee esloLle)! sq. ft; 
Inpfullrolls s(1O0sft. asec he eae tie a ee eee 10c_ sa. ft. 

1 x 2 inch Mesh. 2 x 4 inch mesh. 
FOX FENCE. 11-inch mesh, 16 gauge. 

GLASS CLOTH readily transmits the life-giving vitalizing 
ultra-violet rays of the sun. (Glass stops them). These are 
the health rays of sunlight and are absolutely needed by 
poultry in winter months. GLASS CLOTH sheds a warm, 
softs even light full of violet rays to all parts of the en- 

Russell’s Poultry Remedies 

KORUM. An efficient tonic and bowel astringent used when 
birds are wormed or in a run-down condition. % pt., 65c; 
pt., $1.00; qt., $1.75; gal., $5.00. 

WORM TABLETS. An individual treatment for all types of 
worms. This tablet took first prize in Poultry Tribune’s Get 
the Worm Contest. 100 tablets, $1.00; 1000 tablets, $9.00. 

WORM POWDER. For birds not heavily infested with 
worms and for all birds with coccidiosis. Small can, 65c; 
large can, $1.00. 

REVENGE DELOUSER. A powder used on the birds or in 
a dust box. It gets the lice. 1%-lb. can, 65c; 3-lb. can, 
$1.00; 6-Ib. can, $1.75. 


SEE OUR MODEL BROODER HOUSE at Our Branch Store, 196 So. Geddes St. 


F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 SYRACUSE, N. Y. 

Headquarters for 
Wayne Feeds 

for Chicks, Dogs, Rabbits, Etc. 




SOY BE AN ME A forms the basis and contains the maximum 

value in human and animal foods. We have 
some outstanding feeders in this section. Give it a trial and be con- 

Poultry Peat Moss 

Lasts longer, absorbs 14 times its weight in water, makes an eco- 
i nomical fertilizer that is rich in potash. 

Hudson Barn Equipment and Dairy Supplies 

Milk Caps Pulleys 

Milk Caps Sanitary Milk Pails No. 827M. Malleable Knot 
Dairy Scales Strainers ‘ Passing Pulley. Designed 
Milking Tubes Tin Milk Pails, all sizes for heavy duty work in 
The Boston Milking Tube Stock Labels and connection with large fork 
Teat Dilators Punches and sling carriers. Frame 
heavily ribbed for strength 
STOCK LABELS AND PUNCHES and rigidity. Swivel eye. 
Per Goze sence oe eee SOM be Peril 008s terpenes. $4.00 ye pass large knot or 

Banner Root Cutter For List of Pulleys, see 
Hand and Power. Ask for Particulars. page 49 of our Hudson cata- 


Mann’s Bone Cutter 
For Hand and Power. Ask for Particulars. 

The Hudson “Grip-Tite” 
Water Bowl No. 99 


No. 193W 
Steel Adjustable 

A very popular design, pre- 
ferred by dairymen. Easily ad- 
justed, easy to install. The 
latch is simple, strong and 

Material: High carbon, rust- 
resisting steel U-bars, assem- 
bled with heavy steel fittings. 
No casting used. 

Stanchion Lead: An exten- 
sion of the stationary arm of 
the stanchion, provided with a 
stop to keep movable arm from 
opening beyond a certain 
point. Movable arm fitted with 
post fork to engage stall up- 
right post when stanchion is 


The new Hudson “Grip-Tite” Water Bowl is entirely 
original in design, and one that appeals to dairymen as 
being 100% right. It is the development of years of 
experience in making Water Bowls. Meets all require- 
ments. Weight, 10% lbs. each. Shipped 12 in a box; 
weight 130 lbs. 




Pets in our homes give us 



When one fond parent of ancient Pompeii 
gave his child a dog, he little thought that 
the record of their comradeship would go 
down to the future as the finest dog story 
of all time. For nearly two thousand years 
its details lay buried beneath the debris of 
the ruined city. Last century the picks of 
the excavators revealed them. 

Near to the body of a little boy, they came 
upon that of a huge dog, its limbs contorted 
with agony and pain. Still legible was the 
inscription in Latin on its massive bronze 
collar: “This dog has three times saved his 
little master; once from fire, once from 
drowning, once from thieves.” 

This story, which has the merit of being 
true, is one which could be told to any child 
who had a dog. It is calculated to make him 
think of the dog less as a toy and more as 
a chum and protector. A dog will teach a 
child kindness by giving him something on 
which to express kindliness; it will exem- 
plify for him the qualities of devotion and 
loyalty, the spirit of “give and take,” and 
“forgive and forget.” Not all our moral and 
spiritual mentors have such good qualifications as 
teachers of the young. 

Dog Foods 


on page 55. 

Maro Meat is an all meat product, used chiefly in 
kennels where meat, muscle building and perfect con- 
dition and ability to withstand the strenuousness of 
the hunting season require richer foods. We use Maro 
Meat at Pet Haven by adding to it water, mashing into 
a thin soup, then thickening it with Chappel’s Ken-L- 
Biskit. We have used this mixture at our kennels for 
about 9 years and have been congratulated many times 
on the appearance of dogs left in our care. 

NOTE: In addition to the above we also sell in car- 
tons, the following: 
Milk Bone Junior 
. Milk Bone Dog Cakes 

Milk Bone Puppy Cakes 

ZNO, (OES, yo 04. aR ee ee eee $0.27 
Dole KPO eras Ss cs oles erase oes 59 
CHAPPEL BROS. DOG FOOD. 5 lbs. 2 Ibs. 
etl Biskitgeisee ens Jee. een cc rd... $0.60 $0.25 
PADRE Ori Ole sie apc. ciitaletes yore ail ore ciel -60 25 
Rene MoBiskigeGakesp. sctecait sic diese tues «0s -60 25 

One of the finest quality Dog Foods that has been 
brought to our attention. 

PL OS Te REN 5 cd oite sot 6 wysfssyis.s 0 (olay apme 08 $0.25 
CR) SEI ee iss ghia ee sa 0 ere 2 000 
10 lbs 85 

iste sis Sei Cislehs cisle sis 6 Oe se ce ce see eee esr eesee 

Bird Requisites —— Buy from 

WILD BIRD MIXTURE. 3 lbs., 25c; 10 Ibs., 75c. 
BIRD HOUSES. 50c to $2.50. 
BIRD BATHS. For lawn and garden. $1.69 up. 

73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 


Bird and Animal Foods, 

Remedies, Supplies 


I think I know no finer things than dogs: 
The young ones, they of gay and bounding heart, 
Who lure us in their games to take a part. 

The old ones, with their wistful, fading eyes, 

They who desire no further paradise 

Than the warm comfort of our smile and hand. 

The above food in a thumb size Chewy Pellet. 
DED Sarrcisre 8 pete SAMA ee MO ust Momelic o's eo cea s $0.25 

Fleischmann’s Dry Yeast 

Gives the coat a beautiful gloss, 
helps clear up skin disorders, stops 
itching, builds stronger bones in pup- 
pies, prevents rickets. Simply add a 
teaspconful to your dog’s daily diet. 

BiB -0Z. CAM iacie os efecs.e SO:20 cel) DenCaN ene. errres sk: $0.85 
8-02) CAN cies eines wig 0 Opies aD LCAN May acopsusrstoterey ee 3.50 
100 Ibs. 50 lbs. 251bs. 1 Ib. 
priced popular food ...... $6.00 $3.25 $1.75 $0.08 
and BONE ebitack a-eism sate 6.00 3.25 1.75 .08 
STURDY DOG FOOD ....... 5.00 2.60 1.35 08 

SPRATT’S DOG FOODS have been standard through- 
out the world for over 80 years. They contain only 
the most nourishing ingredients combined in such a 
way as to form perfectly balanced rations. 

1lb. 5 Ibs. 
Spratt’s Dog Cakes .........esesceereeees $0.15 $0.69 
Spratt’s Charcoal Ovals ...,..........-.. as .69 
Spratt’s Bibo, G4 1a.caes oom - ory Par Ss ae 15 .69 
Spratt’s Plain Ovals .............-.-.--.- 15 .69 
Spratt’s Dog Cakes ............-.2++.e0.- 15 .69 
Spratt’s Rodnim ...........--.+-2+-2eee- 15 .69 
Spratt’s Challenge Terrier. (2 lbs. 250) ae .60 
Old Trusty Tid Bits ............-..-..+-- 15 .69 
Old Trusty Vitamine Bone ............... 15 69 
Old Trusty All Terrier. (2 lbs. 25c) ...... .60 
Gero-Meato. (2 Ibs. 25c) ...... 0.2%. ces .60 
Beacon Dog Pellets. (2 Ibs. 27c) .......-.. 59 

EBELING’S — It’s Your Best Bet 

SUET FEEDERS. 75c to $1.50. 
BIRD CAGES. $1.29 to $15.00. 
CAGE STANDS. $1.29 to $8.00. 

Prices subject to change without notice. 



73rd Annual Catalog 1868-194] 


Di ST-RTA BS Save Your Pet From Suffering 

—in the treatment of distemper, coughs, colds, sinusitis, and other 

ailments in dogs and cats. 

Q-W, Delcreo, 

Cooper’s Remedies 

Q WwW 

Trade Mark 


have been favored for twenty years for their quality. 
Q-W Dog Remedies are Safe—Sure—Pure 

Ask us for “Success with Dogs,” the delightful little Q-W 
Hand Book for dogs. Its 48 pages are filled with valuable 
information on the care of pups, grown dogs, house-breaking, 
tricks, etc., as well as describing practically every ailment 
that a dog may have. It’s beautifully illustrated and abso- 
lutely free. 

“You can’t buy loyalty, they say; 

I bought it, though, this very day. 

You can’t buy friendship, firm and true. 
I bought sincerest friendship, too. 

And truth and kindliness I got, 

And happiness, Oh, such a lot, 

So many joyous hours-to-be 

Were sold with this commodity. 

“T bought a life of simple faith 
And love that will be mine till death; 
And two brown eyes that I could see 
Would not be long in knowing me. 
I bought protection, I’ve a guard 
Right now and ever afterward. 
Buy human friendship? Maybe not— 
You see, it was a dog I bought.” 

Delcreo Remedies 

DelcreOge. mewn ee 4 ozs., $1.50; 16 ozs.. .$5.00 
Delcreo Tonic and Conditioner ......... esto 
Delcreo Vermifuge=e-+ +. ete eee 21 OZS 2 eeeO0 
Delcreo Worm Tablets (Puppy and Dog size).... .50 
Delecreo Cod Liver Oil ................. Pt. size... .85 
Delcreo Tapeworm Tablets ............... Box.. .50 
Soluble Sulphur Compound Ointment...... 07: ere 50 
Soluble Sulphur Compound Capsules. .Box of 40.. 1.00 

William Cooper’s Remedies 

Cooper’s*Kur-Manges.cnt cei see cee $1.00 
Cooper’s Pine Oil Disinfectant .......... 8 ozs... .50 

1 Gal... 2.50 
Pulvex Flea Powder ........... 2-oz. sifter top.. .50 

Kennel size.. 1.25 


Dist-R-Tabs are a respiratory and intestinal antiseptic that operates 
through the entire respiratory system, protecting the system against 
infection. They are a proven, tested formula, which has been dispensed 
by veterinarians for years, by pet owners and breeders as a conditioner. 
They do not affect the appetite, digestive system or any normal function, 
and may be administered to puppies or grown dogs and cats. 


Dist-R-Tabs may be mixed with food if preferred. Immediately at the 
first signs of loss of appetite, diarrhea, hacking cough, musty odor, 
coughing up and reclaiming phlegm—Dist-R-Tabs should be given. 

Price: $1.00 per bottle. 

Pulvex Remedies 

Tones, oils, grooms, kills fleas, deodorizes, cleans. 
Per cake, 50c. 

Vitamine and Mineral Tablets 
Excellent for growing puppies and dogs kept in- 
doors. 50c each. 

Expels Tape, Round, Hook Worms in a single worm- 
ing. Per box, 75c. 

For Dogs or Cats. Kills Fleas, removes odor. 50c 
Valuable aid for dogs, cats and foxes in the diges- 
tion of lean meats and other proteins. 24 tablets, 60c. 

Helpful in the treatment of dogs suffering from 
colds and the feverish symptoms accompanying colds. 
50 tablets, 60c. 

Benefical in cases of non-infectious diarrhea due to 
improper irritating foods. 30 tablets, 60c. 

A corrective for treating dogs, puppies, foxes and 
cats suffering from constipation. 50 tablets, 60c. 
Quiets nervous symptoms, reduces fever and the 
discomfort of common colds, muscular aches and sore- 
ness. 30 tablets, 60c. 
For veterinary and human external uses. An excel- 
lent counter-irritant. Ideal for muscular soreness and 
stiffness due to cold, exposure, fatigue, sprains and 
strains. 4 ozs., 60c. 

For parasitic ear canker of dogs and puppies. 4 ozs., 

A soothing balm for irritations of the eyelids suf- 
fered by dogs, cats and foxes. 4 ozs., 60c. 
An expectorant for the relief of coughs and minor 
bronchial irritations due to colds. Aids in loosening 
the phlegm and secretions. 4 ozs., 60c. 

Dog Exerciser 

Come and see this wonderful health maker and 
keeper. It’s unique, simple and practical. A BOON 

We suggest joint ownership for apartment ten- 
ants and neighborhood families, making cost very 
reasonable. Price, $15.00. 



73rd Annual Catalog 1868-194] SYRACUSE N.Y. 

Ebeling’s Tropical Fish Department 

Angel Fish from the Amazon 
Armored Cat-Fish 
The Fighting Fish of Siam 


we A newcomer in Syracuse was directed to Ebeling’s friendly store by a neighbor to seek infor- 


mation on her pets. 

Read what she says about the Store of Friendly Service. 

“Upon first entering the EBELING STORE, I was greeted by the 
songs of many canaries. The atmosphere seemed to be charged with 
friendliness, flowers, birds, animals—well displayed and well selected 
quality merchandise capable of long service, and yet not costly. Every- 
thing for pets. 

\ \ \ 
\\ \ 

RED RAMSHORN Aquatic Art Gallery 
SNAIL Spanish Treasure Chests 
Miniature Ships 

Dazzling Corals WAY AX SS 
Fighting Fish ‘ LK Ss 
Beautiful Sea Shells 

“T became fascinated with the Tropical Fish—eight large illuminated tanks, Betta 
arranged to give the effect of a living moving picture of water life and beauty. 
Above the display, I noted a sign, “Aquatic Art Gallery.’”’ I was fascinated as 
I saw tiny fish that resembled miniature silver sail-boats as they moved about. 
They seemed too fragile to be really living fish. We were told that they were F& 
Pterophyllum Scalare,’ commonly called ‘Angel Fish’ and native of the Amazon 
River, and cost only 25c each. 

“In an adjoining tank, labeled ‘The Danio,’ were to be seen most beautiful 
silver and dark blue striped fish, brought all the way from Bengal, India, 
darting among the green ribbon-like plants, called ‘Vallisneria.’ Bright red 
snails moved slowly, cleaning away the green algae upon which they feed. 
An armored Cat-Fish, called ‘Cordydoras Leopardus’ was doing duty as a 
scavenger by finding food and vegetation off the bottom of the aquarium. 

“Another fish, a most colorful one, was ‘Betta Splendens’ or ‘The Fighting } 
Fish of Siam,’ so named because fish fights upon which wagers are placed, 
are staged by natives. To see a well-developed male with fins and gills spread, 
ready to attack his reflection in a mirror I held near his tank, was a sight , 
I shall never forget. 

“Snow-white Corals, miniature Weathered Ships, small Spanish Treasure 
Chests containing beautiful jewels, moss-covered anchors, sea-shells among 
tufa stones on the white sandy bottom—gave such a picture of beauty that 
I resolved to have an aquarium of my own. a 

“TI can hardly express the pleasure our family has from our Tropical Fish 
Aquarium. Our friends and guests are also deeply interested.’”’ 

A Community Aquarium 

This Aquarium 

Marble Finish 

No. 301 2% Gal. 
6” x 12” x 8” 


No. 302 5 Gal. 
7™” = 18” x 9” 

- $3.60 

No. 303 TY Gal. 
8” x 20” x 10” 


SEASHELLS. Assorted. Bag, 15c. 
PEARL CHIPS. White and colored. Lb., 10c. each. 

ORNAMENTS of every description, including: Castles, Arti- BABY TURTLES, 1l5c each. 
SPECIAL—AQUARIUM GRAVEL. The best type of gravel 

ficial Coral, Decorated Shells, and countless other novelties. 

This Aquarium 
Chrome Finish 

No, 101 2% Gal. 
Goal 2a x 8” 


No. 102 5 Gal. 
rhe x 18” x 9% 


No. 103 7% Gal. 
8” x 20” x 10” 



for either Gold or Tropical Fish aquariums. 5c per Ib., 6 Ibs., 

SCAVENGERS 25c; 25 Ibs., 75c; 100 Ibs., $2.00. 

BLACK RAMSHORN SNAILS, 5c each; 6 for 25c. 
RED RAMSHORN SNAILS. 10c each; 3 for 25c. 
TADPOLES. 5c each. 

It’s Fun to Have a Hobby 4 rl yous'for the asking. 

The New acuarium dissolving water purifier. 10c each. 

Floating Thermometers, Water Heaters. 

F. H. EBELING 73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 SYRACUSE, N. Y. 

Our Pet Department 

Is in charge of Mr. Wheel, operator of Pet Haven on West Seneca Turnpike, who is an authority on Birds and 

Consult him on the care of pets. 

a en 


peer ae, 

=> REG. U.S. PAT. OFF. 5 3 


Since 1869 

The joyful song of a Canary fills one’s home with wonderful good cheer and can change an 
atmosphere of gloom to one of happiness in a few moments. i 

Canaries need little care, as they require little attention, yet they give us much in return. 

Cages now are inexpensive. They add color and brightness to the home. The cost of main- 
taining a Canary is very little. A Canary would be an inspiration to every home. 

As a gift to a shut-in or invalid, and to teach children responsibility—a Canary has no equal. 


Books For Sale on Birds 

AGEMENT, “Spratt’s’””—Free FEATHERED PETS “Page” nc ae os cle sie visleisistetes 

CANARY, BIRDS SeaBuUrkerte mens steele alesis cies ae 75e PARRAKEETS, THEIR CARE AND BREEDING 

Breeding of Canaries 


) y Rone 7 

Is a very fascinating pastime. German families in the 
Hartz Mountains have enjoyed this work for genera- 
tions. On Saint Valentine’s Day, the male and female 
are put together—for their patron saint is thought to 
bring about a happy mating. Five eggs are, as a rule, 
laid. Fourteen days are required to bring forth feath- 
erless infants. In four weeks they are out of the nest 
and mother and daddy are building a new nest for the 
next family. 

We supply all necessary breeding equipment, foods 
and accessories. Also practical books on the subject. 

heii | 

Bird Seed and Supplies 

TURE for canaries and cage 
birds is unexcelled. Lb., 15c. 

SONG RESTORER is a natural 
seed tonic and song restorer free 
from medicinal properties. 25c. 

Bottle, 35c. 

TURE. Lb., 15c. 

MIXTURE for macaws, cocka- 
toos, lories and the larger varie- 
ties of love birds, is made by our 
specialist. 2 lbs., 25c. 

SAND. 2 Ibs., 10c; 6 Ibs., 25c. 

Lb., 15c; 5 lbs., 60c. 

HEMP. Lb., 15c; 2 Ibs., 25c. 

Collect dog, bird, and animal models 

We carry a large stock of miniature Dogs, Cats, and other 
animals that will please those collectors of model animals. 
We know we will have sizes and kinds that you will want. 
We also carry a large group of faithfully reproduced dogs, 
eats and horses in iron to be used as ornaments or door stops. 

SUNFLOWER. Lb., 15c; 2 Ibs., 25c. 
BIRD MILLET. Lb., 15c. 
LETTUCE SEED. 0Oz., 5c. 

WASHED GRAVEL. 2 Ibs., 10c. 
CUTTLE BONE. Large, 5c. 

A complete line of bath houses, 
bathing dishes, treat dishes, etc. 

A wealth of ideas and suggestions 
are yours for the asking. 

It’s Fun to Have a Hobby 


The Cat Department 

Cats, to be a pleasure to look upon and to fill that friendly feeling 
in the mind and loving spot in the heart, must be in good health 
and form. Success with cats, whether for exhibition, breeding or 
home comfort, depends upon the condition in which they are kept 
and the care bestowed upon them. Exercise is especially necessary 
for cats in city homes, and the catnip ball is a desirable aid in this 
The average life of the cat is from 12 to 15 years. 


Love Your Pets—Keep Them Well 

Among the new jitems being offered the cat-lovers are the 
SSS SSS SEE new catnip-impregnated SCRATCH- 

i| ING POST at $1.98 and also the 
iw] SCRATCHING PAD, catnip-impreg- 
itd] nated, that hangs on a door-knob or 
| the wall. Price $1.00. These items 
induce pussy to sharpen his claws on 

ij their surface. Another new item is 
a catnip-scented hard rubber mouse, 


Spratt’s Cat Food. With fish and 
milk. 61% oz. pkg., 10c; 24 oz. pkg., 

Spratt’s Fibo. 15c per Ib. 

———_ roe cae 


Dr. Daniels’ Remedies 
for Cats and Kittens 

ACOBEL WAFERS. For puppies and cats, for 
treating cold, distemper and fevered condi- 

LlON Smelter Peete eraieisie sc clsisievcie aie seis e's 0 $0.50 
COUGH SYRUP. Dog or cat. For treating bron- 

chitis, colds, distemper, influenza, sore throat .65 
CALCY DROPS. Dog or cat. For treating blan- 

itis, cystitis, calculi and certain urinary and 

bladder troubles ...... ei stelsharctevete sia's.etarelelaienaie’e © -65 
COLLYRIUM EYE WASH. With a bottle of Irest. 
Hor-anysanimal (0. ..< + s<s 0. Riereretetsicleetereicnafaceiels -50 

treating chorea, colic, convulsions, fits, cramps, 

SASLLI LIS Mee cele c ciae one Soleaiele «ces ste" e ele eats 50 
DANILAX (Tasteless Laxative). Dog or cat. A 

liquid laxative for general use in relieving and 

regulating the bowels. ................ 35c and .65 
DANIVOM. For vomiting, gastritis, diarrhoea, 

dysentery, stomatitis ...... Raiser eitaia Sine a weiets -50 
DERVIDE. A nerve sedative for convulsions and 

iE CONAITIONS Waeclas occ 5 eich elereie Mts so ies Seer 1.00 
DERMITITE. Dog or cat. For certain forms of 

“eczema and mange, inflamed and itching skin . 1.00 

For diarrhoea and dysentery ................ -65 
DISPO LIQUID. Dog or cat. For use in place of 

GIStenipereLablet smerny rics. ssi cs sl cie'e'e «oe 1.00 

DISPO TABLETS. For dogs suffering from fe- 
vered conditions arising from colds, distemper 
and milk fever ........ fer atetate tre teot icicle eletaans'« 2 -65 
FLEEKO. A grooming and cleansing liquid. 
35c and ...... Seow eeiiaia seers 

75rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 


Kit-e-ration. Fine balanced food, 1-Ib. can, 
: Lc A SICANS esac ke else $3.90 
Red Heart Cat Food. Made by same 
packers that produce the popular 
Red Heart Dog Food. 8-o0z. can, 
10c; 3 cans for 25c. 
Can, 10c; 3 for 25c. 

Puss ’N Boots. 
A new can- 
ned cat food 
fish as its 
principal in- 
gredient. 5c 
per can. 

‘Just a Cat Much Loved’’ 

A little old common New York City alley cat was buried 
with high honors the other day in a private animal burying 
ground at Scarborough, N. Y. Its name was Tammany and 
it had protected the reporters and policemen around City 
Hall, in New York City, from rats for many years, All 
their guns and poison couldn’t do what the eyes and nose 
of an ordinary tiger cat could do. One day Tammany was 
found unconscious in a phone booth by one of the reporters. 
Deputy Mayor Henry H. Curran rushed him to a hospital 
and Dr. J. R. Kinney, chief of the staff, worked nearly all 
night in a fruitless effort to save its life. More than 1000 
telephone inquiries came to the hospital during the night 
asking about Tammany’s condition. James Speyer, New 
York banker, expressed his feeling by furnishing burial 
space in a small animal graveyard which he and his wife 
established some years ago on their place near Scar- 
borough, on the Hudson. And there, next day, as morning 
sunlight was streaming across the Hudson, quietly, peace- 
fully, lamented by newspapermen and policemen, Tam- 
many, little old alley cat, was laid to rest. 

H. B. O. The famous Hairball remedy for cats 

SNC KICCENSt seotrcet ate ce ate oie otis Cee $0.65 
KATONIC. For cats and kittens. In treatment of 
abortion, appetite, apoplexy. A tonic for gen- 
eral run-down condition and may be given 
EVOGL Vi sidovn soe ONTOS ete hens Mind aronekere ee erers 25 

LAXATIVE TABLETS. Dog and cat. For bilious 
conditions, constipation, poor appetite and cer- 
tain liver, kidney and urinary troubles. ...... 50 
NASAL BALM. Dog or cat. For cold in the head, 
catarrh, distemper, relieving the dry and in- 
flamed condition of the nasal passages ........ 35 
NEURHUE TABLETS. Dog or cat. Used intreat- ~ 
ment of certain neuralgic and rheumatic pains, 
aches and swollen joints. ...........cceceeees 35 
SKIN OINTMENTS. Dog or cat. An antiseptic 
salve for mangy conditions, eczema and itching 

SII thee neo erences Ghaleiee worere ew aleovs erste thes wie 35 

A cooling remedy in eczema, itching skin, 

MANS Vs CON CILLIONS Wem ce cietasts oir eicle stekelsie'e s/atcle: «= 50 

TONIC PILLS. A tonic medicine for puppies, 
small and toy dogs, cats and kittens in run- 
GOW. CONGILION . cites chesie ro oleate sis cnaierg peretere -65 

V. M. CAPSULES. The vitamines for bone and 
MUSCIOM cnictec ths siete tis a eteteiotetoni ele ecto eusietnce e a.ene 50 

WORM DROP CAPSULES. For cats and toys .. .65 

WORM DROP LIQUID. Cat and kittens. ........ 50 
CATNIP BALL. In a package of catnip ........ 15 
GATNIPEMO US Br eee ei otters aiore wt = 10 

Wheel’s Pet Havens 


Flea Treatment 

Bathing Manicuring Clipping 

Modern, homelike kennels—where dogs, cats, parrots, and canaries are cared for under experienced supervision and sani- 

tary conditions. 

When in need call our Pet Department. After business hours phone 5-7168. : ; 
When your pet’s life has come to its end, reward its faithfulness by a quiet resting place in Pet Haven Cemetery on 

West Seneca Turnpike, Onondaga Hill, N. Y. 

P. S.—In order to complete our service to the public, we are hereby co-operating for pet owners’ benefit. 





73rd Annual Catalog 1868-1941 


Flower Pots, Tubs, Crocks, Plant Labels, 

Flower Pots, Tubs, Cros Ee 

Full inside measurement. 

pots and bulb pans cannot be sent by mail, 

No charge for packing. 

but only by 

express or freight, at customer’s expense, 
Size Each Doz. 100 Size Each Doz. 100 
1% in. zat: 08 $0.25 $1.25 6 in. ...$0.10 $1.00 $ 7.29 
Zeina: .038 25 =61.25 (ein eel ae Ou L215 
21% in .03 -25- 1.35 Suita 25 2.60 17.75 
Sain 08% .80 1.75 Opin eetemee +08. Oo 7-00: 
38% in .04 385° 2.25 JORin. <.e-b Omen O0ESG.45 
4 in -05 45 2.75 12 in. ... 1.00 9.90 174.25 
5 in .07 -70 = 4.85 14 in. ... 1.50 16.20 121.50 
Size Each Doz. 100 Size Each _ Doz. 100 
S\ingeeeee $0.03 $0.25 $1.62 8 in. ...$0.10 $1.00 $ 7.43 
4cinwee -03 30 8§©2.08 Shins 1b 1-86) 1013 
Sintra. 04 -85 2.70 LO ing eee P18) 1275 1215 
6 in. ..... .05 50 4.05 PASS Gan, di PAIN, SIE 
VANE atte .08 -75 =5.40 14 in. ... .85 4.00 930.38 
Width Height Each Doz. 100 
4 in. 3 AD pects crete cetera eters $0.05 $ 0.40 $ 2.70 
5 in. Oi I eee ae wey says Cemeievele ieanie .07 -70 4.85 
6 in. SHO) AD eco re cere -10 1.00 7.35 
7 in A oe Nee een or eta reuapenatsie aL LUD LG 
8 in. A Vea Tin Serer sree scrieiome omen -25 2.50 17.55 
9 in. ID el cetera ane -40 4.00 27.00 
10 in. OF IN tr ence ene .50 5.00 36.50 
14 in. Kd Intec toe eee 1.50 16.00 121.50 
Doz. 100 1000 Doz. 100 1000 
2 in. ...$0.10 $0.40 $4.00 3% in. ...$0.25 $0.90 $6.75 
ZA ie tenn 12 50 4.25 Ay Sin woe ecoU melee Scoh 
ae ans ceeels -60 4.50 Dain ures 238 1.60 11.50 
IN.) eee. fd 5.25 6 in, 2.00 15.00 



Prices, Including Copper Wires for Attaching: 

No. 1—8 x y% in, 

2—4 x %& 
38—5 xl 
. 10—23%4x1% 
. 11—3 x2 
. 21—4 x 
. 22—5 x 

10 in. ......$0.40 Flower Pots Hanging Baskets 
12 sins ee -50 Fern Pans Lily Pans 
LStinseeecn. -75 In Various Styles and Sizes. 
Index to Vegetables, Grains, 
ASDATE US rere tenes Dandelion geese ean eee 
Barley’ arene ae ee a Di] tae cee ere ee ae 
Beans ®osccnciie re ce 19, 20 E lant 26 
Réetgt : oe aes 20, 21, 35 Sap. Seat eae ; 
Broecolitene. Se, eee 21 Endive pew eens teninees ve aS 
Brussels Sprouts Sees on 22 Fescuevly.. tes ae. Goes 36 
Buckwheateece: ooo ee 36 ee orn feet cece cece 35 
Cabbageseee ee wee 95 ie CASE MESES. Ane vices 36 
Garros’ Biteieiete arse atch of Field Seed’........... 35, 36 
Cauliflower Sl6\(e) a0) ® 00.6 (si) 8 5m 23 Herbay? 2th ee. sree 33 
AIA, Saco gcauewobade 23, 24 Horseradishwecetiin: nee 26 
Chicory *5..5 2. 24 
Gloversy.2 eee 36 Kale #3243 aaee eee 26 
Corn te ees 24, 25, 35 Kohl-rabi meee nee 26 
Crested Dogstail ........ 36 Lawn Grass Seed ..... 2, 36 
Cucumbers .......... 25,26 | Lettuce .............. 26, 27 

Index to implements, 




inde oot 7 

6 6,00) 6 016 0 10'016:.9 0 © @ 010.6 lee 6 le 06 
Gees escecesccceccesceccceces 
2:9 ce 616 'e'(6\'s «(0 = elele be 6)e 6 ern e le'6/6 
CP eee Cee eceeCoceoeeceeecccece 
2) e181 8 SS 6.6 6p OlOle ©) e618\e) 66, «16.6 
a), Seve 1610). 6-6 (eels n Oh '6 6:6 616) 61a eereiele 


Doz. 100 
-$0.50 $3.00 
sete 5.00 
- 1.00 7.00 
were: 2.75 
a 500: 8.25 
« 80 1.95 
ae cab 3.00 

ATDOLS a tee eee Pe eens aaYouadas Saeateee 40, 41 
ish and Supplies ....... 5 
Barn Equipment ........ 50 | Flower .o Pee ee a 
Birde Baths eee 37 Flower Guards .......... 37 
Birdssuppliesse op eee 54 HlowensPotsiee eee 56 
Bone Cutter ’.caoee eee 50 Flower Seeds ......... Peadee: 
BOOKS RE tne ne 17 
Brooders...)....... cone. 49 | Garden Furniture ..... 387, 43 
Garden! Toolsses en oon 44 
Cat Remedies. .... 04%... 55 Grindstonesacenreerernete 48 
Chairi Canela. see 56 
Corn Planters ........ 47, 48 ented skal oral aetna ove ere eats 48 
Crockate cere se. 56 ay Carriers ........... af 
: : Hay Loaders sien eee 48 
Dairy Supplies .......... 50 Hay ‘Rakes: #2) seen 48 
DogiFoodse-ee.. 22a. 51 HogsTroughs* aoe 48 
Dog Remedies ........... 52 Hotkapsien® 23). Seas 34 
Farmer’s Cookers ........ 48 i , 
Harms Machiners & 47, 48 Insecticides -...... .nv 38-40 
Fertilizer Spreaders ...... 48 x): Jugs. oiecans vee 56 

REED—Retail Price List. 

: Ib. %Ib. Lb. Oz Ylb. Ylb. Lb. 
No. 1. ire a0 eae $1.20 No. 5. .$0.10 $0.80 $0.50 $0.80 
Noi 2.020 40 65 1.10 No. 6.. .10 -25 45 ~=.70 
No. 3.. .10 .35 -60 1.00 None O -26 -40 .60 
INos4a7- LO 85 -55 -90 
Chair Cane, 5 sizes. $1.25 to $1.75 per bunch. 
Raffia, Natural. Oz., 10c. 
Raffia, Colors. Oz., 1l5c. 
Rattan. Oz., 10c; Ib., $1.00. 
White Oak Red Oak White Oak 
Charred Paraffined Plain 

8-galv. hoops, : 

copper riveted. bevalleeciee $1.65 ‘ a Ries a 
2acalaemoe: $2.00 10 gal. ..... 2.25 Sai Mie 25 op 
. a Se) es nen 15 gal. Saisie 2.60 10 gal. waa 2.15 
10. gals 5.2 8:50" €20teal! 285. $.00. -15 galaeee 8.25 
1Gp gall. ert 4.20 eobegal: eee 3.60 20 gal. see ore 
20u calmer 5.00 1 4.00 25 gal pee aot. 
25 walones ts: 5.50 30 gal. ..... . 80‘wal eee 5.25 
S0cgalie.cce. 6.00 50 gal. 50 gal. 
BOP walecietere 9.50 8 hoops. 5.00 8 hoops. 7.50 


Eee olan irae 90:20 5 600.28 " Eiicalseeae onic: wear $0.25 
bee a ay 28 'E gal tose eee eee . 60 
3 gal. ....... “80 9 gal, deuce dete aia iehereeane 15 
4 gal. ....... AOme a: cal 00%. as Se 1.00 
2 kalieenee 05; Tigh gall ee som sac Gae As 1.25 
Cigale -55 
Weal Berar -85 Bal. Seossis aie cree ninmreterenes $0.10 
1D wale ies cise Selb... beats. ate oteusyous aperearete 12 
2heen leery eee Bal bu "faragvacs ee cretoesete suetetiee 16 

“ADJUSTO” PLANT SUPPORTS. A sturdy, hard-wood stake 
seven-eighths inch square, 3, 4 or 5 feet long, with a strong 
wire support instantly adjustable to any height. 3-ft., 20c; 

4-ft., 25c. 

Thermometers Fine Cutlery Flower Supports 

Tin Foil Flower Pot Plant Stands 

Green Moss Brackets Trellises 

Raffia and Reed Bird Supplies Scissors 

Immortelles Bulb Syringes Syringes for 

Mastica Glazing Points Plants 

Plant Labels Flower Pots Lawn Seed and 

Fumigators Hyacinth Glasses Fertilizers 

Shears Hanging Baskets Wire Plant 

Grasses, Plants, Roots, Etc. 

Mangel Beets 
Meadow Grass 



Land Rollers 
Lawn Fence 
Lawn Mowers 
Lawn Rollers 

Lawn Trimmer 
Lime Sower 


Plant Labels 
Plant Setters 
Plant Tubs 

Mushroom Spawn 

Se eee eee ee w eee ae 

Fertilizers, Miscellaneous 

Lawn Sprinklers. ! , , ; F : , 

Seer eer ere cece ccs 

Planet Jr. Tools 


Rutabagrasinsticc cee 34 

ae RY@ i: 0: ee dc ok eee 36 

vette 28. | Salsify .s.....d6: ai, ee 
++. 27, 28 Sorghum), .2.0-0iec: eee 36 
28 “| Spinach ". os... eee 32 

36)| Squash... s,s 33 

28” |) Sudan Grass). sesetne oan 36 

eto reo) Swiss Chard ......... 21, 33 
29 Sweet Cornigna. soe 24, 25 

29°) | eTimothy ‘<a. ds «A 36 

+++ 29,30 | Tomatoes ............ 33, 34 
a Turnips <2 s:.sisan eee 34 

831 Vetch |... aca «sn cee 86 

32 Watermelon’ <..... sn 28 

32 Wheat. inc: e-cantroct eee 36 

Supplies, Etc. 

56 Poultry Feeders ......... 49 
48 Poultry Remedies ....... 49 
42 Poultry Supplies ..... 49, 50 
45 PYLOX (icrssfeacini tere eee 39 
44 Rakés v.78 eee 44, 48 
44 Rattan “2355. See eee 56 
45 Reed} Raffia@e. aa: ste uee 56 
48 Root Cutters. eee 50 
48 Seed Disinfectants ...... 40 
43 "| Slip Castingate. eae 48 

Sprayers 50. ace eee 46 
41 Stone Boat Heads ....... 48 
Aq Sunt Dials 34/22 37 
56.4} virellisesity 2 jecm emer 387, 43 
a Vigoro «oh tenet ee Al 
48 Wheelbarrow Seeders .... 48 
48 Wizard Sheep Manure ... 41 

Gladiolus A Prize All America Shares 

Exhibition Varielies in 12 Separate Colors 
100 BULBS — (Extra Large) 

12 Varieties as Listed Superior 
ONLY $3.50 Flower Bulbs 
The pictures on this page are actual photographs Eee on 
of 4 of the 12 varieties offered. Their tremendous te 

popularity with our customers enables us always to 
offer the newest  \ 
and most success- 
ful prize-winning 





xquisite Gladiolus have consistently won blue ribbons in We 
s and are leaders in their distinctive classes. 

uthall. Glowing orange- 6. Maid of Orleans. White with Guar 
— cream throat. antee 
Dark scarlet-red. 7. Margaret Fulton. Rose-pink. 
ee : 8. Marmora. Smoky lavender. A 
ett. Brilliant orange: 9. Minuet. Clear pinkish lavender. 
— 10. Pelegrina. Large deep dark blue. Flower 
am. Clear deep yellow. 11. Picardy. Clear shrimp-pink. _ 
ioma. Large clear orange. 12. Star of Bethlehem. Pure white. From 

All 12 for only 50c Bye 

-known named varieties in wide range of colors at 

oice mixed at 29c per doz. 

ed at 15c per doz. 

ye Wal pe 
oN =) 

Wet We Se, 
nt qj 

at 2 
| / 
ef ek 



: Lae al 



Garden Collection 

This assorted collection of things 
good to eat has become the most 
popular with hundreds of our vege- 
table growers. 

Beans, Pencil Pod Wax 
Beets, Detroit 

Carrot, Danvers 
Cucumber, Davis 
Lettuce, Grand Rapids 

Onion, Yellow Danvers 
Peas, Little Marvel 
Radish, Scarlet Globe 
Swiss Chard 

a a 

Sweet Corn, Golden Bantam 

Squash, Summer 
219 SOUTH WARREN ST. Turnip, White Globe