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DOVER ONS Hiei toe ae 

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Plant Specialties 
New Hampshire Mums 

among the pines of New Hampshire and subjected to extremes of 
heat and cold, is an ideal spot to test the hardiness of plant material. 
Varieties which prove hardy here should be grown successfully in any 
climate in the temperate zone. 

Our home, shown above, is typical of early New Hampshire farm 
homes and was built some two hundred years ago. The interior is 
quaint with its wainscoting, panelling, fireplaces and brick oven. 
Here we are trying to “Keep the home-fires burning till the boys 
come home.” 


Because of the necessity of winning the war, we are surrendering a large part of 
our ornamental plant business for the duration. We are abandoning all landscape 
contracting in order to increase our production of poultry, vegetables and seed 

This booklet is the only list we shall issue this season. However, we will be glad 
to furnish estimates on any list of nursery stock which you may require. 

The hybridizing and growing of new hardy Chrysanthemums has become a 
specialty with us. We have developed the Arcticum hybrids to the point where 
they are the finest Chrysanthemums for northern planting because of their ex- 
treme hardiness and early blooming habit. 

The varieties which we introduce this year are fully tested and formed a part of 
our FIRST PRIZE EXHIBIT at the Massachusetts Horticultural Society Show 
last fall. 

We invite you to visit our nursery, if possible, in September or early October to 
see our attractive display garden. There you will see not only the Mums listed in 
this booklet but also many others including new hybrids and seedlings still in the 
testing stage. 

Very truly yours, 

Colprit’s Nursery ERNEST 8S. COLPRIT 
Dover, N. H. 



Our Newest 
Arcticum Hybrid 


A new and unique type of Chrysanthemum of iron-clad hardiness, its blooms 
are remarkably frost-resistant. It is easy to grow, requires no pinching, and its 
foliage is attractive and not liable to disease. Its compact habit makes it desirable 
as a pot or bedding plant. Although the florets are similar to those of the Cushion 
Mums the plant is upright and has none of the floppiness seen in these varieties. 
The unfolding buds are purplish in color, opening to a most brilliant pink and re- 
maining in good condition for several weeks. For profusion of bloom it surpasses 

any Chrysanthemum we have yet seen. 

Cocheco is the Indian name of our near-by river. 

Priced at 50¢ each, $5.00 per doz., $30.00 per 100 

Alassachusetts Hacticullual Society 

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These have never been offered be- 
fore. At the Massachusetts Horti- 
cultural Society Show last fall these 
four varieties attracted considerable 
attention. Their compact habit of 
growth and profusion of good-sized 
blooms in the early part of the season 
especially recommend them. 

Priced at 50c each, $5.00 per doz. 





A large Pompon Chrysanthemum, fully double, and of a clear soft 
tan color. The plant is of medium height, well branched, with good 
healthy foliage. The name was suggested by its superior and outstand- 
ing quality. In bloom in mid-September. 


The delicate pink of this variety is much like the color of the may- 
flower. It is one of our earliest bloomers, coming in late August and 
early September. It makes a valuable cut-flower. An unusual and very 
attractive variety. 


Large aster-type flowers of a brilliant tangerine color make this 
variety quite distinctive. The plants are medium in height and well 
branched, furnishing an abundance of bloom from the middle of Sep- 
tember on. 


We have long sought for a red Mum showing neither yellow nor 
bronze shadings. This is it. The bloom is large and with the color of the 
Heart of France aster. Give it good cultivation and plenty of water and 
it will surprise you. In bloom with us in early September. 



with us 

Priced at 25c¢ each, $2.50 per doz. 



Named for our near-by New Hampshire University town. A medium- 
sized double bloom of intense orange which is practically non-fading. 
Very hardy plant of medium height and compact habit. Its season is 
late September and early October. 


A dwarf plant with large double blooms of a pleasing golden bronze 
shading at times to yellow. This is one of our earliest and most con- 
tinuous flowering varieties. It retains many of the characteristics of its 
Arcticum parent. 


Fully double blooms in great profusion in late September. Coral-red 
at first but gradually changing to glowing salmon. These blooms retain 
their beauty for a long season. The foliage is clean and very attractive. 


This dark red variety is a vigorous grower coming into bloom in late 
September or early October. Semi-double to double. 


Taller than the preceding varieties, these Chrysanthemums make excellent 
cutting material. Since we originated them several years ago they have become 
popular with florists in many parts of the country and with home-owners wherever 

they have been grown. pyiced at 25e each, $2.50 per doz. 


A tall variety with double and semi-double blooms of a deep bronzy 
pink color. This is one of our hardiest and most satisfactory Mums and 
has been successfully grown in several of our northern states. In bloom 
from early September into October. 


Another very hardy Chrysanthemum originated by us and introduced 
to the public by the Bay State Nurseries. A fine cutting variety which 
has been popular for several years and is grown by many florists through- 
out the country. Its soft clear yellow blooms are in season in late Sep- 
tember or early October. 


This is becoming a favorite Mum for cutting because of its tall 
straight stems which are topped with clusters of good-sized flowers. 
The double and semi-double blooms are a soft bronze-yellow shade. The 
season is late September and October. 


Coming to Us from Minnesota 

The following two varieties, originated at the University of Minnesota, have 
proved as hardy here as in their native state. We are pleased to recommend them 
as very desirable early blooming Chrysanthemums. 

Priced at 50c each, $5.00 per doz. 


A large-sized double bloom of creamy yellow color first appearing in 
August. With good cultivation a second crop will be obtained about 
a month later. 


Here we have a new and unusual shade best described as mallow- 
purple. In bloom in early September. We consider this a very attrac- 
tive and worth-while variety. 

From the U.S. Department of Agriculture 

Two early-blooming varieties of great merit and popularity. 

Priced at 25¢ each, $2.50 per doz. 


Aster-type white blooms in great profusion in late August. 

Bright golden yellow. Aster type. Early September. 

The Cushion Mums 

Often called Amelia or Azaleamum. Very profuse bloomers forming mounds of 
color. The pink, bronze and white varieties are very carly bloomers—August and 
early September. Red Cusnion is an especially brilliant color but is later blooming 

than the others. Priced at 25c each, $2.50 per doz. 



Glads are common, oh so common, Ps, 
but not ours. We have discarded the 
common ones. These are all exhibition 
varieties. The spikes and the in- 
dividual florets are large and the colors 
are the very finest. 

Priced at 75c per doz., postpaid Pe oe Wi 
Alice Tiplady. Orange. = 
Amador. Rich sparkling red. ig Ws 
Charles Dickens. Radiant purple. (iy 

Commander Koehl. Blood-red. 

Gate of Heaven. Ruffled; yellow. 

Maid of Orleans. Creamy white. 

Minuet. Delicate lavender. 

Peggy Lou. Shrimp-pink. 

Pelegrina. Deep blue-violet. 

Phyllis MeQuiston. Pure pink, light 

Rosa van Lima. Light rose. 

Shirley Temple. Cream, yellow 

Into the discard go many varieties 
of perennials as we make room for 
vegetables for victory. In the Phlox 
throat. section these are the survivors. Some 

are old, some are new, but all are most 
desirable in the garden. 

Priced at 25c each, 
$2.50 per doz. 

B. Comte. Darkest amaranth-red. 

Daily Sketch. Enormous trusses of 
salmon with crimson eye. 

E. I. Farrington. Salmon-pink with 
deeper eye. 

George Stipp. Glowing salmon with 
lighter eye. 

Leo Schlageter. The best brilliant 

Mary Louise. Finest white; immense 


Miss Lingard. Early. White; uni- 

versal favorite. 

Morgenrood. Bright rose. New and 


Mrs. Miliy van Hoboken. Giant 

For Parcel Post shipment of Chrysanthe- 

mums and Phlox please add 10c per plant, blooms of clear pink. 
15c for 3 plants, and 25c for 5 plants. . : Oya, 

Express shipment is best for six or more Nordlicht. Glowing lilac—a new 
plants. Suchshipments need not be prepaid. shade. One of the best.