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Full text of "Seed annual and garden guide, 1945 / Abel's Seed House."

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U8 Deparrent f Agriculture 



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12 N. 9th St. 
Reading, Pa. 

Vegetables for Vitality for Victory 

There are those who fight in many lands, and those who remain 
at home making the things needed by the fighting men. Chief re- 
quirement for those abroad and at home is FOOD. 

You have been urged by your Government to cut down on your 
requirements of meat and use more VEGETABLES. It is a fact that 
we can all do a better job if we are well fed therefore, the culti- 
vation of food is extremely important, and VEGETABLES move into 
the front ranks. 

V for VEGETABLES for VICTORY is our slogan this year. The 
farmer knows the important part he is called upon to play—to raise 
more and betier crops—but he is somewhat handicapped by the 
shoriage of help. Therefore, it is up to individuals living in cities, 
suburban and rural districis to transform any unused plots of 
ground into vegetable gardens. So let’s roll up our sleeves and 
start digging. 

To make a garden, there are several important procedures: 

1—Select your soil for a garden plot with natural fertilizer and 
improve same with commercial fertilizer and add organic 

2—Plow or spade deeply so fertilizer is worked well into soil. 

3—Pulverize ihe soil ready for planting with cultivator, rake or 

4—Purchase and plant seeds. You get only tested and certified 
seeds at ABEL’S SEED HOUSE, and free information on gar- 
den problems. 

5—-Cultivate to keep soil in condition for air and moisture and 
free from weeds. 

6—Use the correct Insecticide to protect plants and vegetables 
from being destroyed by insects. 


EviecnyeanMmers knOWS) slalom liMEn GhOPe tA OUNTS ss sand 
ABEL'S SEEDS, with the proper cooperation, will produce a ‘bumper’ 
crop. Consult us regarding your planting problems. 

Conserving for Victory 

We Have Eliminated Our Usual Complete Listing 



We Have a Complete Stock at Our Store—Come In 
and Make Your Selections. 

Dear Friends and Gardeners: 

There probably is not one phase of business 
which has not by this time been affected by the 
war, and farming in particular has had enormous 
strains put upon it. With many farmers, food- 
producers either in the armed forces or in defense 
factories. This means that all planters must be surer 
than ever that every seed they plant will be cleaned 
and tested and suited to soil and climate condi- 
fioris, “ouch as ;ABEL’S*SEEDS: “Tried “out“on sour 
trial grounds at ABEL’S ACRES, Stonersville, Pa. 
Cooperate by ordering early. 

The Houde of Abel 

arches on. For seventeen years we have been issuing this 
Pee rise aha help and guidance in selecting your spring and 
fall plantings. Each year we not only endeavor to list the new ol- 
ferings in the seed ee but to include information which will be 

i to the planter. 
a eae pee of our eryices we extend to each and every customer 
the privilege of calling upon us with their planting problems. We 
endeavor to solve all the problems presented, regardless of how 
difficult they may be. Should we be unable to supply the infor- 
mution immediately, it is ever our pleasure to do some research 
work for the benefit of our customers. All of which is offered FREE. 

Our aim has always been, and always will be, to serve well 
all those who help to contribute to our success—our customers, All 
orders and all requests, large or small, receive our very best 

In SEEDS, BULBS, and SUPPLIES, we offer you only the highest 
quality obtainable, because we only deal with reputable growers 
and manufacturers, so that their guarantee augmenis our own. 

Thanks to all our customers for their liberal support and patron- 
age, for they have made possible this sixteenth catalog. If you have 
been well served by the HOUSE OF ABEL, your neighbors and 
friends will welcome a word from you not only about ABEL'S 
QUALITY SEEDS but also about ABEL’S SERVICE. These twe, quality 
and service, we have united for better business through you. Accept, 
please, our grateful appreciation. 


We will appreciate it if our customers will send us their orders 
for seeds plants, bulbs, etc., during January and February. Your 
order can be filled at once and held for shipment when you wish 
same. No charge is made for boxes or packing, except for two bushel 
seh which are charged at cost and may be returned to us for 


Always state by what method you wish goods forwarded, other- 
wise we will ship according to our best judgment. 


We prefer that you send either Post Office Money Order, check 
or Express Money Order for amounts above 50c and stamps, Money 
Order or check for less. 


Wilbert N. Abel of Abel’'s Seed House gives no warranty, ex- 
press or implied, as to description, quality, productiveness, or any 
other matter of any seeds, bulbs or plants they sell and will not 
be responsible for the crop. If the customer does not accept the 
goods on these trems they are at once to be returned and the amount 
paid for them will be refunded. 


The war has created a severe shortage of many varieties 
of seeds. Some seed replacements will be impossible to ob- 
tain, while others will be at much higher prices. Therefore, 
we suggest you order your seeds early. Due to conditions 

existing beyond our control, prices are subject to change 
without notice. 

a | 



A variety bred up by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, at 
Washington, D. C., from a careful selection of plants of the 
Washington variety, and now more popular and more 
widely grown than any other. It produces large, beautiful, 
straight, dark green tender shoots of the most delicious 

Large Two-Year-Old Roots of Genuine Martha Washington— 
Write for prices. 

Martha Washington Seed—Can have a light cutting in 3 
years. Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c? 14 lb., 50c7 1/2 lb., 90; lb., $1.75. 


1 qt. weighs approx. 2 lbs. 
W/o pt., 30c; pt., 50c; qt., 90c. 

ABEL’S TENDERGREEN—Pods are 6” long, round, medium 
dark, slightly curved, stringless. 56 days. 

ABEL’S PLENTIFUL—Similar to Bountiful, except that they 
are slightly thicker, 71/2" long, and a little darker green. 
Stringless. 50 days. 

BURPEE’S GREEN STRINGLESS—Plants bushy and produc- 
tive. Pods round, slightly curved, 5” long, stringless. 54 days. 

GIANT STRINGLESS—Excellent variety for market garden- 
ing and shipping. Plant large, sturdy, and prolific. Pods 
round, 61/," long, fairly straight, light green, stringless. 56 

BOUNTIFUL—Plant medium large. Pods flat, 7” long, light 
green, stringless, and of good quality. 51 days. 

STRINGLESS BLACK VALENTINE—49 days. An improvement 
over the old strain of Black Valentine. Pods long and slen- 
der, semi-round and stringless. 


W/o pt., 30c; pt., 50c; qt., 90c. 

ABEL'S BRITTLE WAX—One of the earliest of all wax beans. 
Vines about 15 inches in height. Pods round, slightly curved, 
5," long, deep yellow in color. Stringless. 62 days. 
ROUND-POD KIDNEY WAX—Similar to Brittle Wax. Plants 
large, erect, medium green in color. Pods medium yellow, 
5," long, round, slightly curved, brittle, fleshy. 62 days. 
GERMAN BLACK WAX—(Pencil Pod)—-A leading variety for 
home and market gardening. Plant large, stocky, vigorous. 
Pods round, 6” long, slightly curved, fleshy, golden yellow, 
stringless. 50 days. 

ABEL'S BOUNTIFUL WAX—An extremely early variety with 
614," long, flat, handsome pods. A good yielder. Stringless. 

48 days. 

W/o pt. 25c; pt., 45c; qt., 80c 

RED KIDNEY—Pods broad, flat and stringy. 5” long. A dwarti 
grower and very hardy. 62 days. 

ibartt= KIDNEY—Same as above, only white seeded. 62 

WHITE MARROWFAT SOUP—Extira fine shell beans, 514” 
long. Pods large, flat, and straight with 5 to 7 pure white 
seeds in each pod. 100 days. 

DWARF HORTICULTURAL—(Bird Egg)—Used both as snap 
and shell beans. Pods 5” long, thick, flat and stringless. 
Very good yielder. 58 days. 

ROBUST PEA—(Navy Beans)—Small, white baking beans 
of extra-fine quality, pods 4” long. 90 days. 


ABEL'S SEED HOUSE 12 N. 9th St., Reading, Pa. 

Pencil Pod 
Black Wax 


lf, pt, 25e; pt. 45c; qt., 80c. 

KENTUCKY WONDER—(Old Homestead)—Vine five foot. 
Vigorous, large, crumpled medium green leaves. Pods round, 
curved, silver-green, brittle, almost stringless, 81/2” long. 65 

LAZY WIFE—A late variety excellent for snap-shorts or 
shelled. Vine four foot. Pods 6” long, thick, meaty, stringless, 
with fine flavor. 73 days. 

SCARLET RUNNER—Mostly used as an ornamental climber 
but edible and may be cooked in same manner as other 
Snap Beans. Vine twelve foot. Pods flat, oval, straight, 
coarse surface, 8” long. 90 days. 

have an exceptionally fine, choice, large-seeded, large- 
podded, high-colored stock of these beans. They are the 
true old-fashioned type, hard to be found. Pods flat, 7” long, 
blade-like, green splashed with red. 85 days. 

TENNESSEE WONDER—(Egg Harbor Pole)—Vine, climber. 
Green foliage, purple stems, bluish pink flower. Pods 
straight, 614” long, gray-green crease back, double bar- 
reled, somewhat stringy. 71 days. 


W/o pt. 25c; pt. 45c; qt. 80c. 
GOLDEN CLUSTER—Vine 4!/)’. Yellowish-green leaf. Pods 
waxy, 7” long, yellow, fleshy, stringless, flat, curved. 70 
KENTUCKY WONDER WAX—Very good climber. Dull green 
joa =: Pods flat, 8” long, fleshy, curved, glossy yellow. 70 




Ip pt., 25c; pt. 45c; qt., 80c. 

FORDHOOK BUSH—Average bush height 19”. Gray-green 
foliage. Pods straight to recurved, thick, plump. Three to 
five beans to a 5” pod. Seed potato type, dimpled, greenish- 
white. 75 days. 

BURPEE’S IMPROVED BUSH—Bush about 20” high. Com- 
pact, runnerless, erect, dark green, pods curved. Flat with 
3 to 5 large beans to 51/5" -pods/5 days: 

HENDERSON’S BUSH—Bush height 16”, erect, runnerless, 
dark, glossy green. Pods curved, flat, 3/2” long, dark green 
with 3 to 4 beans to a pod. 65 days. 

DREER’S BUSH—Potato, lima type. Plant large, spreading, 
with numerous semi-runners, vigorous. 314" pods contain 
2 to 4 seeds. 80 days. 

ITALIAN FAVA—A Bean similar to the English Broad Bean. 
They are very late and produce a crop of dark green pods. 
They are hardier than other beans and should be planted 
early in the spring. Average 4 to 6 beans to a 3/2" pod. 

75 days. 
Wo pt. 25c; pt. 45c; qt. 80c. 

DREER’S POLE—A potato lima similar in pod and seed as 
fordhook only smaller. Pods 4” long, straight, smooth, flattish 
oval white with greenish tint. 92 days. 

KING OF THE GARDEN—The most widely used pole lima. 
Plant tall, good-climber, hardy, and vigorous. Very produc- 
tive. Pods 7”, flat, smooth with 4 to 5 large oval greenish 
white bean. 88 days. 

BURPEE’S GIANT-PODDED—One of the largest podded Pole 
Limas. 71/". Beans extra large, of superb flavor. Vine grows 
10 to 12’ high. 88 days. 


cluster of bluish green flower heads. When the central head 
is removed numerous lateral sprouts develop each heading. 
Stems and head are both cooked like cauliflower. 60 days. 
Pkt., 15c: Yo oz., 40c: 1 oz., 75c: 14 Ib., $2.25. 

LONG ISLAND IMPROVED—Best strain, Sprouts compact, 
grayish, green, hardy, early. Height, 18”, 1/2.” diameter, 75 
days. Pk., 10c: 1 02z., 50c. 

ABEL’S EARLY WONDER—Roois nearly globe-shaped of 
uniform size with little foliage. Skin deep red; flesh dark red 
with little zoning. 58 days. 
Pkt... 10c: 02., 25¢7 42 1b. 75c75 1 lb., $2.50: 

BERK’S FAVORITE BEET—A pedigree stock unsurpassed in 
earliest, uniformity and in depth of interior color. Toos me- 
dium erect, uniform in size and color. Roots semi-globular. 
Deep red, smooth with small neck and tap root. Excellent 
quality. 57 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 25c; 14 lb., 75c: lb., $2.50. 

DETROIT DARK RED—Skin dark blood-red; flesh bright red, 
very tender and sweet. Fine round shape. Excellent for main 
crop. 68 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c: 1/4 Ib., 75c: lb., $2.50. 


ABEL’S SEED HOUSE 12 N. 9th St., Reading, Pa. 


Dark Red 

BURPEE’S RED BALL—Remarkable for its uniform shape, 
deev colored bluish, and fine sweet flavor. The roots are 
globe-shaped, and having a smooth deep red skin. The 
flesh is dark red, free from woody fiber, and very tasty. 
Finest quality. Desirable for home or market. 57 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c; 1% Ib., 75c; lb., $2.50. 

FAMOUS BLACK KNIGHT BEET—Deepest dark red all the 
way through. It is of very superior quality, richly flavored, 
and is very smooth, clean, and of a very uniform shape and 
size, bunching up attractively. 60 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 30c; 1/4 lb., 95c; 1 1b., $2.80. 

HARRISBURG MARKET—Extra-early beet. Dark red color 
all the way through; tender, highly flavored flesh; smooth 
clean skin; shape extremely uniform. This is the very best 
first-early beet. It has become the leading early beet in 
many city markets. 58 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 30c; 1/ lb., 95c; 1 lb., $2.80. 

CROSBY'S EGYPTIAN—An improved strain of Egyptian 
Beet. Rich dark red flesh, crisp and tender. An excellent 
early sort. 54 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c; 1/4 Ib., 75c; Ib., $2.50. 

ABEL’S NEW HALF-LONG—One of the finest half-long beets 
on the market. Flesh deep maroon-red, approaching black, 
free from toning. 78 days. 

Pkti0ctozse20c:2/aelb,,.75c; 1b... $2.50. 

ABEL’S NEW CENTURY BEET—The root is turnip or top 
shaped, tends to show considerable sideroot. Interior is 
blood-red in color, cooks a very deep, dark red. The tops 
or leaves are a conspicuously green top without a trace of 
any red coloring either in the leaves or stems, showing con- 
siderable foliage and standing somewhat taller than most 
varieties of garden beets. 75 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 30c; 1/4 Ib., 95c; lb., $2.80. 




MAMMOTH LONG RED—Enormous roots, averaging 30 to 
90 tons per acre. 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c? oz., 20c; 1/; lb., 60c; 1 Ib., $1.80. 

GOLDEN TANKARD—Bright yellow; large. Tends to give 
color to milk. 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c; 1/4 lb., 60c; 1 1b., $1.80. 


EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD—Extra early. Plants compact, 
hardy. Withstand cold weather. Heads cone shaped, solid. 
Ave. diam., 5”, weight, 214 lbs., 64 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 20c; 1 oz., 30c; 1% Ib., $1.10; 1 Ib., $4.05. 

EARLY WINNIGSTADT—Short stemmed, vigorous, and a de- 
pendable header, for market gardens and shipping. Heads 
very solid, fine grained, 7“—8” long. The leaves have a dis- 
tinct twist at point of head; a good cropper of excellent 
quality. Ave. diam. 6”, weight 31. lbs., 83 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 20c: 1 0z., 30c: 1/4 lb., $1.10; 1 lb., $4.05. 

ABEL'S GOLDEN ACRE—Selected from Copenhagen Mar- 
ket. Very early, and slightly smaller than Copenhagen. 
Solid, fine grained, well flavored. Ave. diam 6”, weight 3 
lbs., 65 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 30c: 1 oz., 55c; 1/4 1lb., $1.90; 1 Ib., $6.00. 

COPENHAGEN MARKET—Heads average four pounds, solid, 
hard, small core. Compact growth allows thick planting. 
Short stem. Excellent quality. Ave. diam. 61/2", weight 4 
lbs., 65 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 30c; 1 oz., 50c; 1% lb., $1.75; 1 1b., $5.50. 

LARGE LATE FLAT DUTCH—Wide adaptation. Good for 
storage. Heads solid, flat, resists bursting. Ave. diam 12”. 
weight 12 lbs., 102 days. 

Pkt., 10c; YY, oz., 25c; oz., 55c; 1/4 lb., $1.90; lb., $6.00. 

LATE AMERICAN DRUMHEAD—Ouite similar to Late Flat 
Dutch but shorter in stem; large, spreading, dark green 
leaves. Heads very large, flat, solid. For home and market 
gardens, also for shipping. A good keeper. Ave. diam. 12”, 
weight 11 lbs., 110 days. 

Pkt., 10c: Ye oz., 25c: oz., 55c: 1% Ib., $1.90; lb., $6.00. 

SUREHEAD—Of the Late Flat Dutch type; medium long 
stem; a dependable header. Outer leaves not numerous 
but of upright growth. Heads large, round, somewhat flat- 
tened. Ave. diam. 10”, weight 9 lbs., 77 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 30c; 1 oz., 55c: 1/4 lb., $1.90; 1 lb., $6.00. 

MAMMOTH RED ROCK—A large strain of the standard red 
cabbage. Heads round, very hard; color purplish red; an 
excellent keeper. Ave. diam. 7”, weight 7 lbs., 100 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 30c; 1 oz., 55c; 4 Ib., $1.90. 

PENN STATE BALLHEAD—Late, Prolific, uniform. Heads flat- 
tened globe, hard, heavy. Ave. diam. 7”, weight 51/, lbs., 
110 days. 

Pkt., 10c:; We oz., 30c: 1 oz., 55c; 14 Ib., $1.90; Ib., $6.00. 

ABEL'S SEED HOUSE 12 N. Sth St., Reading, Pa. 


EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD—An improved strain especially 
selected for “yellows-resistance.’ The heads are of conical 
form, with a broad base and pointed top. Compact plants 
and very productive. About the first of this group to ma- 
ture. Ave. diam. 5”, weight 2!/, lbs., 63 days. 

Pkt., 10c: Ye oz., 45c: 1 oz., 80c; 14 Ib., $2.25; lb., $7.75. 

GLORY OF ENKHUIZEN—Used largely for kraut, also by 
truckers and shippers. Heads large, round, solid, with few 
outer gray-green leaves; of excellent quality. Ave. diam. 
8” weight)o-lbs., 77 days. 

Pkt., 10c: Y/2 oz., 55c; oz., $1.00: 14 lb., $2.75; lb., $8.75. 

GOLDEN ACRE—New “yellow-resistant” Golden Acre. Me- 
dium size, solid, round heads about 6” across; two weeks 
earlier than Marion Market. Plants are short-stemmed, of 
erect uniform growth, and have grayish green leaves. Ave. 
diam. 6”, weight 3 lbs., 65 days. 

Pkt., 10c: Ye oz., 45c: 1 oz., 80c;: 14 lb., $2.25; lb., $7.75. 

WISCONSIN ALL SEASONS—Bred from all Seasons and 
has inherited all the good qualities of that excellent cab- 
bage. It is said to be the hardiest of all flat-head varieties 
and is much in demand for making kraut. Stands hot 
weather well. Ave. diam. 10”, weight 9 lbs., 95 days. 
Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 45c; 1 oz., 80c; 1% lb., $2.25; lb., $7.75. 

WISCONSIN HOLLANDER—Developed from the famous Dan- 
ish Ballhead but required about 10 days longer to come to 
maturity. Heads are large, round, flattened on top but quite 
deep. Ave. diam. 71/,", weight 8 lbs., 105 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 4/2 oz.,45¢e7 11" oz.,, 80cr24/7) 1b. $2.25: 1b., $7.75. 


PE-TSAI—Early and sure heading. Outer dark green leaves 
enclose cylindrical, tapering head; very compact, white 
tinted with green; crisp and sweet. Ave. diam. 15”, 75 days. 
Pkt., 10c: Y/2 oz., 25c; 1 o2., 45c; 14 Ib., $1.25. 

WONG BOK—A short stout oval variety; compact, tender, 
and well blanched. Grown in the South. Ave. diam. 9”, 85 

Pkt., 10c; Y/2 oz., 25c: 1 0z., 45c; 1/4 Ib., $1.25. 

CHIHLI—Early and dependable in heading. Head thick, 
tapered at top, solid, blanched well, sweet and tender. A 
superior variety. Ave. diam., 18”, 75 days. 
Pkt., 10c; 1/2\ oz., 25c: 1 oz., 45c; 4 Ib. $1.25. 


Tops medium but suitable for bunching. Roots smooth, deep 
orange, semi-blunt. Flesh fine grained, tender, indistinct 
cord. Length of root, 8”; diam. at shoulders, 11/,"; 77 days. 
Pkt., 10c; 1/5 oz., 20c: 1 oz., 45c; 14 lb., $1.25; 1 lb., $3.25. 

ABEL'S RED-CORED CHANTENAY—Like Chantenay except 
orange-red color extends clear to cenier. Outstanding fa- 
vorite. Length of root, 5”; diam. at shoulders, 2”; 72 days. 
Pkt., 10c; ¥/2 oz., 20c:; 1 oz., 35c: 1/4 lb., $1.00; 1 1b., $3.00. 

TOUCHON—Similar to Nantes but a little longer. Tops small. 
Roots deep orange, cylindrical, stump-rooted. Flesh bright 
orange, tender, sweet, o! fine flavor; core small and incon- 
spicuous. Length of root, 6!/,"; diam. at shoulders, 1/2"; 70 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 25c: 1 oz., 45c: 1% Ib., $1.25; 1 Ib., $3.75. 




ABEL’S NANTES—Tops medium; roots cylindrical, smooth, 
bright orange becoming yellow in center, but no distinct 
core. Length of root, 6”; diam. at shoulders, 114"; 70 days. 
Pkt., 10c: 1/2 0z., 25c: 1 oz., 45c: 1/4 Ib., $1.25; 1 lb., $3.50. 

DANVERS HALF-LONG—Heavy yield on all soil types. Tops 
medium size, coarse. Roots smooth, orange, tapering to 
blunt point. Flesh sweet, crisp, tender. Length of root, 7”; 
diam. at shoulders, 2”; 75 days. 

Pkt., 10c; '% oz., 20c: 1 oz., 35c; 1/4 lb., $1.00; 1 1b., $3.00. 

LONG ORANGE—Heavy yield, used for stock feeding as 
well as gardening. Color, red-orange; long, tapered to a 
point; lighter colored core. Length of root, 11"; diam. at 
shoulders, 214"; 88 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 4/5 oz., 20c; 1 oz.,) ddcr 1/4 1b., $1.00: 1 Ib., $3.00. 

PRIDE OF DENMARK—A cross between the two well known 
varieties Nantes and Chantenay, this novelty unites the 
good qualities of both. Our Pride of Denmark will stand 
storing and shipping at the same time retaining flavor and 
crispness of Nantes. The long obtuse cylindrical roots are 
when grown in the proper soil, absolutely smooth, of a 
beautiful scarlet color, and practically coreless. Length of 
root, 7": diam. at shoulders, 2”; 88 days. 

Pkt., 10cz 4/2 oz., Z0cF I oz., 35ce; 4/4 Ib., $1.00; 1 Ib:; $3.00: 


EMPEROR—(FORDHOOK)—Outer leaves dark green, fading 
to a yellowish green inside. Stalk large, thick, heavy, 
tender, crisp, very little fiber; blanches to pale gold heart. 
Height, 18”; 125 days. 

Pkt., 10¢; 1/2 oz. 50c; 1 oz., 90c; 1/4, lb., $2.75; 1 lb., $8.20. 

ABEL'S GOLDEN PLUME—Well suited to market garden 
planting and to shipping. Plant of medium height with 
compact, full heart; blanches readily to golden yellow; of 
excellent quality. Height, 20”; 115 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 50c: 1 oz., 90c; 1/4 lb., $2.75; 1 lb., $8.20. 

ABEL'S HOUSER—Absolutely the best green celery without 
excepting any. When blanched it becomes a beautiful 
creamy white, full of hearts, and every stem of it to the 
outside is delicious. It is not surpassed as a good keeper, 
and is the leading green celery in every market. Height, 
18°, 1Z9 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/, oz., 50c; 1 oz., 90c; 14 Ib., $2.75; 1 lb., $8.20. 


ABEL'S SEED HOUSE 12 N. 9th St., Reading, Pa. 

SALT LAKE—(UTAH)—A very desirable green type. Plant 
stocky, full hearted and compact; blanches readily. Stems 
thick, solid, medium broad and full rounded; of nutty flavor 
and fine quality. Height, 18”; 122 days. 

Pkt., 10c: % o2z., 50c; 1 oz., 90c; 14 lb., $2.75; 1 lb., $8.29. 

EASY BLANCHING—An excellent second early green va- 
riety for home gardens and truckers. Vigorous and compact 
in habit of growth, it blanches readily to attractive white, 
and is a good keeper. Stalks are thick, solid and of good 
flavor. Height, 20”; 122 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 4/2 0z., 45c; 1 oz., 80c; 1/4, lb., $2.50; 1 1b., $7.70. 

GIANT PASCAL—Green leaves. Keeps well. Blanches to 
yellowish-white. Solid, crisp, fine flavor. Height, 24”; 135 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 40c; 1 oz., 70c: 1/4 lb., $2.00; 1 ib., $6.20. 

GOLDEN SELF-BLANCHING—Earlier than the original strain, 
with taller, less sturdy stalks. Particularly desirable for 
truckers, but not as suited to shipping; blanches readily; of 
excellent quality. Height, 18”; 120 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz.; 50c; 1 oz., 90c; 14 Ib., $2.75; 1 1b., $8.20. 

WHITE PLUME-—Leaves bright green, tinged with white; 
stalks medium, easily blanched to pure white; solid, crisp 
and of good quality. Height, 18”; 110 days. 

Pkt., 10c /2 oz., 40c: 1 oz., 75c; 4% lb., $2.25; 1 Ib., $6.70. 

WINTER QUEEN—(SCHUMACHER)—A medium dwarf, win- 
ter variety, earlier than Giant Pascal. Stalks light green, 
broad, solid and crisp; blanches well to creamy white. 
Height, 18”; 130 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 40c: 1 oz., 75c; Y4 Ib., $2.25; 1 1b., $6.70. 


BURPEE’S CELTUCE grows easily and quickly, forming a 
rosette of light green leaves which may be used, when 
young, as “greens.” In less than 90 days after seed is 
sown, the central stem or stalk of the plant is usable and 
will be found most tender at this age. Celtuce stalks are 
solid throughout, the skin greenish white and tough but 
the inside is very succulent, most delicate pale green, 
- crisp and brittle. Young Celtuce leaves have 4 times the 
Vitamin C content of head-lettuce leaves. 

Pkt., 15c: 1/4 0oz., 40c: Ye oz., 65c; oz., $1.25. 


GIANT PRAGUE—Roots of good size, round, smooth, with 
small tops. 
Pkt., 10c; Y/2 oz., 45c: 1 oz., 80c; 1% Ib., $2.40. 


WITLOOF—(FRENCH ENDIVE)—Used extensively for salads. 
The parsnip-shaped roots are reset for forcing in cold 
frames or greenhouse, and the new leaf growth forms an 
attractive, compact blanched head, with broad, crisp leaves, 
having a pleasantly sharp flavor. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 35c; 1 oz., 60c; 1/4 lb., $1.80. 




ABEL’S TENDERMOST BANTAM—83 days. Tendermost, as 
the name implies, is an exception. It has the most tender hull 
of any variety or hybrid which we have so far observed. In 
addition, it has a high sugar content and a smooth, delight- 
ful flavor. The ears are about nine inches long and almost 
entirely 14 to 16 rowed. The variety maintains its exceptional 
tenderness over a period of nearly two weeks. It has shown 
a good degree of resistance to smut and is less damaged by 
ear worms than most fancy yellow corns. 

Vo lb., 35c; 1 1b., 65c; 2 lbs., $1.25; 5 lbs., $2.75: 10 lbs., $5.00. 

GOLDEN CROSS BANTAM—Bright yellow kernels. Two or 
three times as productive as Golden Bantam, and equal in 
quality. Resistant to wilt. Stalk sturdy and upright. No. of 
rows, 12; height of stalk, 6’; length of ear, 8”; 85 days. 

W/o lb., 35c: 1 lb., 65c; 2 lbs., $1.25; 5 lbs., $2.75; 10 lbs., $5.00. 

ABEL’S TOP FLIGHT BANTAM—Yellow. Kernels extremely 
tender, flavorful, productive. High yield and excellent qual- 
ity. No. of rows, 16-18; height of stalk, 7’; length of ear, 10”; 
83 days. 

Yo \b., 35c; 1 lb., 65c; 2 lbs., $1.25; 5 lbs., $2.75; 10 lbs., $5.00. 

ABEL’S VICTORY CORN (HYBRID)—For the first sweet 
corn of the season plant Abel's Victory Hybrid corn and 
invite your friends in for a tre&tt. The rapid growth of this 
first early yellow hybrid will surprise you, and it is safe 
to plant it even a week earlier than ordinary sweet corn. 
Although designed to be the first on the market, the yield 
is good with 8 to 10 rowed ears, 7 to 8 inches long. The 
tips are well filled, and uniformly excellent. Unlike many 
extra early types which are susceptible to smut, Abel's 
Victory Hybrid sweet corn shows good resistance and 
makes clean, fine quality crops. Maturity 59 days. 

Wo |b., 40c; 1lb., 75c: 5 lbs., $3.50; 10 lbs., $6.80. 

MARCROSS C-13x6 (HYBRID)—71 days. Ears 6 to 7 inches, 
with 12 to 14 rows of fairly large yellow kernels. Fairly 
good quality. Stalk, 41/2 to 5 feet. Garden and market, quite 
well known in the East. 

Yo \lb., 35c; 1b... 657) 5° lbs.) $2.75: 10° Ibs., $5.00. 

IOANA (HYBRID)—90 days. 9 inches, with 12 to 14 rows of 
medium width, deep yellow kernels, of excellent quality. 
Uniform. Stalk—6 to 6!/ feet. A new high yielding hybrid 
destined to be popular. 

W/o lb., 35c; lb., 65c; 5 lbs., $2.75: 10 lbs., $5.00. 

CARMELCROSS—75 days. A new development by the Con- 
necticut Agricultural Experiment Station, and recommended 
for the northeastern states. Ears average 12 rows. Re- 
sembles Marcross but is later in maturing. Excellent quality. 
Vo Ibs, 35c; lb., 65c; 5 lbs., $2.75; 10 lbs., $5.00. 

SPANCROSS (HYBRID)—73 days. Excellent for early market. 
Ears well filled on good sturdy stalks. Golden yellow, sweet 
Vo \lb., 35c; lb., 65c; 5 lbs., $2.75; 10 lbs., $5.00. 

ABEL’S TENDERGOLD—Stalks sturdy with good foliage. Ears 
nearly cylindrical, kernels medium in width and depth, 
golden yellow, tender and of good quality. No. of rows, 12; 
height of stalk, 71/2’; length of ear, 8”; 75 days. 

Yo lb., 35c7 lb., 65c; 5 lbs., $2.75: 10 lbs., $5.00. 

SILVER CROSS HYBRID BANTAM—A very white sweet corn, 
very high in sugar content. Kernels extremely tender. No. 

s rows, 12-14; height of stalk, 7’—8’; length of ear, 81/2”; 82 

Wo lb., 40c; lb., 75c; 5 lbs., $3.50; 10 lbs., $6.80. 


ABEL'S SEED HOUSE - 12 N. Sth St., Reading, Pa. 

STOWELL’S EVERGREEN HYBRID—Highly valuable to mar- 
ket gardeners and canners. Stalk sturdy with close growing 
upright ears; foliage medium green. Ears very slightly 
tapered, uniform. Kernels white, medium-wide, deep, me- 
dium cob. No. of rows, 16-18; height of stalk, 8’; length of 
ear, 8”; 93 days. 

Wo lb., 40c: lb., 75c: 5 Ibs., $3.50; 10 lbs., $6.80. 


GOLDEN BANTAM—tThe most popular and finest flavored 
open pollinated yellow sweet corn. Kernels broad, sweet, 
flavorful, tender. Has a rich sweet and buttery flavor. No. 
of rows, 8; height of stalk, 41/2’; length of ear, 61/2"; 78 days. 
Wo pt, 20c; pt., 30c; qt., 50c: pk., $3.75. 

GOLDEN SUNSHINE—An early variety of the Golden Ban- 
tam Type. Kernels large, broad, golden yellow, and of good 
flavor. No. of rows, 10-12; height of stalk, 5’; length of ear, 
7"; 70 days. 

Wo pt. 20c;: pt., 30c; qt., 50c; pk., $3.75. 

GILL’S EARLY GOLDEN MARKET—A popular and prolific 
variety for home and market garden. Kernels golden yellow, 
medium, tender, sweet, and of good flavor. No. of rows, 8-12; 
height of stalk, 41/2’; length of ear, 61/2"; 72 days. 

W/o pt. 20c: pt., 30c; qt.. 50c; pk., $3.75. 

AUNT MARY’S CORN—Sialk with fairly heavy, very strong, 
even, broad leaf growth; ears very slender with a very 
small cob, pure white kernels, very sweet and tender. Has 
a very heavy, long, close husk, and will hold for weeks 
after becoming fit to eat. No. of rows, 8; height of stalk, 
81/,"; 95 days. 

Wp pt. 20c; pt., 30c; qt., 50c: pk., $3.75. 

COUNTRY GENTLEMAN—95 days. A distinct sort, with deep, 
fine grains irregularly placed on the cob. In sweetness it is 
unapproached. Ears large. 

W/o pt. 20c; pt., 30c; qt., 50c; pk., $3.75. 

variety of excellent quality. Stalk 7’ tall, often with two ears. 
Kernels very deep, slender, sweet, with tender hull, and set 
irregularly without row formation, 7” ear, 95 days. 

Wy pt. 20c: pt., 30c; qt., 50c; pk., $3.75. 

GOLDEN EVERGREEN—Best and sweetest of sweet corns. 
Cross of Golden Bantam and Stowell’s Evergreen. No. of 
rows, 12-14; height of stalks, 6!/2-7’; length of ear, 7!/,"; 86 
days. . 

W/o pt., 20c; pt., 30c; qt., 50c: pk., $3.75. 

WHIPPLES’ EARLY YELLOW—Popular for home and market 
gardens. Stalk sturdy and erect; strong husks, well filled 
at tips. Kernels golden yellow, fairly deep, sweet, and of 
good flavor. No. of rows, 12-14; height of stalks, 7’; length 
of ear, 7”: 82 days. 

1/y pt., 20c; pt., 30c; qt., 50c: pk., $3.75. 

GOLDEN GIANT—For home and market gardens. Ears 
rather thick at the butt. Kernels golden yellow; of fair qual- 
ity. No. of rows, 12-16; height of stalk, 7’; length of ear, 71/2"; 
87 days. 

i/o pt. 20c; pt., 30c; qt., 50c; pk., $3.75. 

EARLY SURPRISE—Notable for ear size combined with ex- 
treme earliness. Very desirable for the earliest markets. Ker- 
nels tender and of good quality. No. of rows, 8-12; height 
of stalk, 5’; length of ear, 7"; 72 days. 

ly pt., 20c; pt., 30c; qt., 50c: pk., $3.75. 

EARLY EVERGREEN—Earlier than Stowell’s Evergreen, and 
is equal in all respects. An old market gardener’s favorite. 
No. of rows, 14-18; height of stalk, 8’; length of ear, 8”; 83 

Vo pt., 20c; pt., 30c: qt. 50c; pk., $3.75. 



at tips. Kernels deep, medium-narrow, sweet and tender. 
No. of rows, 14-18; height of stalk, 61"; 85 days. 

Wo pt., 20c: pt., 30c; qt., 50c: pk., $3.75. 

WHITE EVERGREEN—The ears are large, closely set with 
pearly white grains of rich and luscious flavor. Heavy 
yielder. No. of rows, 14; height of stalk, 7’; length of ear, 
7-8"; 88 days. 

Vo pt. 20c;: pt., 30c; qt., 50c; pk., $3.75. 

STOWELL’S EVERGREEN—Grains long and white in color. 
Standard main crop variety. Has been popular for years 
for late white sweet corn. No. of rows, 14-18; height of stalk, 
7Y'; length of ear, 8”; 94 days. 

Wp pt. 20c: pt., 30c; qt., 50c; pk., $3.75. 

KENDEL’S EARLY GIANT—Ears slightly tapered and attrac- 
tive. No. of rows, 12-14; height of stalk, 6/2’; length of ear, 
7: 89 days. 

Yo pt. 20c; pt., 30c: qt., 50c; pk., $3.75. 

HOWLING MOB—A prolific variety for home and market 
gardens. Thick butts, strong husks with green streamers. 
Kernels clear white, plump and of fair quality. No. of rows, 
12-16; height of stalk, 7’; length of ear, 7!/,"; 83 days. 

Wo pt. 20c; pt., 30c; qt., 50c; pk., $3.75. 

BLACK MEXICAN—A very old variety. Kernels tender, ex- 
ceptionally sweet; white at eating stage, changing to blue- 
black at maturity. No. of rows, 8; height of stalk, 6’; length 
of ear, 71/,"; 88 days. 

Mo pt. 20c: pt., 30c; gt.. 50c: pk., $3.75. 

MONARCH WHITE RICE—An old standard early variety. 
Kernels pointed, of translucent appearance; white when 
popped. Height of stalk, 61/)'; length of ear, 6”; 90 days. 
Wo Ib., 15c7 1 lb., 28c; 5 lb., 26c; 10 ib., 24c. 
QUEEN’S GOLDEN—Tall, vigorous plant with long, slim 
ears. Smooth, yellow pearl-type kernel. Height of stalk, 7’; 
length of ear, 7”; 90 days. 
ool LOC alte) Cerasl Diy -20C: 71011, 20 

EXTRA-EARLY SNOWBALL—Plants dwarf with short, pale 
leaves. Heads medium size, firm, compact, pure white. Fine 
quality and dependability. Diameter, 61/,"; 55 days. 
Pkt, 15c: 1% oz., $1.00; 1/2 oz., $1.85; oz., $3.50. 
DRY-WEATHER—Larger and later than Early Snowball. Pure 
white heads. Wide adaptation, particularly drouth resistant. 
Diameter, 71"; 66 days. 
Pkt, 15c: Y%y oz., $1.00; 1/. oz., $1.85: oz., $3.50. 


A. B. C. CUCUMBER—Uniform, nearly cylindrical, very dark 
green, well rounded at ends. Good market gardener’s va- 
riety. Thickness, 214"; length, 81”; 68 days. 
Pkt., 10c: oz., 35c; Y%4 lb., 90c; 1 Ib., $2.75. 
metrical, nearly square ended. Very dark green, holds 
color and firmness well when shipped long distances. Thick- 
ness, 23”; length, 7”; 60 days. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 30c: 14 Ib., $1.00; 1 lb., $3.00. 
ABEL’S EARLY FORTUNE—Fruit long and tapering. Flesh 
thick, white, firm, and unusually crisp. Very few seeds. Rich 
dark green color which does not fade when shipped. Thick- 
ness, 2!/,"; length, 9”; 63 days. 
Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c; 1/4, 1b., 80c: 1 Ib., $2.75 
STRAIGHT “8”—Fruit symmetrical, cylindrical, well rounded 
at ends. Color dark green quite free from light stripes. Ideal 
ier shipping and home use. Thickness, 1/2"; length, 8”; 66 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 35c7 14 Ib., $1.25: 1 Ib., $3.50. 


ABEL’S SEED HOUSE 12 N. 9th St., Reading, Pa. 


ARLINGTON WHITE SPINE—Fruit long, slim and attractive, 
semi-blunt ended, medium green. Thickness, 21!/."; length, 
72"; 62 days. Pkt., 10c; oz., 35ce; 1/4 lb., 90c; 1 1b., $2.75. 
EARLY JERSEY—Fruits medium green, tapered at both ends; 
uniform and slender. Thickness, 21/)"; length, 51/2"; 63 days. 
Pkt., 10c: oz., 35c; VY Ib., $1.25; lb., $3.50. 

LONDON LONG GREEN—Excellent for slicing; hardy and 
vrolific. Fruits deep green, straight, slightly tapered; heavily 
warted; flesh very white and crisp. Thickness, 21/,"; length, 
Lie Ormoc ys: Pkt., 10c; oz., 35c: 1/4 lb., 90c: 1 Ib., $2.75. 
DAVIS PERFECT—Fruit long and large, tapered at both 
ends, smooth and uniform. Firm flesh with small seed cavity. 
Dark green. Holds color and shape well in shipping. Thick- 
ness, 214”; length, 91/2"; 65 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 35c: 14 lb., 90c; 1 Ib., $2.75. 
EVERBEARING—Fruits chunky. By keeping the fruits picked, 
it will continue to bear throughout the growing season. 
Thickness, 2”; length, 41/,"; 55 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 35c; 14 Ib., $1.25: lb., $3.50. 

EARLY GREEN CLUSTER—Small: fruits borne in clusters. 
Chunky, uniform, medium green; used for pickles. Thickness, 
2Y,"; length, 51/2"; 55 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz.. 35c; 4/4 lb.) 90c;. 1 1b... $2.75. 

Vine heavy, short. Fruit short, thick, very slightly tapered, 
blunt ends, uniform. Good pickler. Thickness, 21/2"; length, 
6”; 58 days. Pkt., 10c: oz., 35c; 1/4 lb., 90c; 1 1b., $2.75. 
WEST INDIA GHERKIN—Used for very small pickles. Fruits 
pale green, covered with prickly spines; oval and uniform. 
Thickness, 1"; length, 21/2"; 60 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 30c; 14 lb., 90c; 1 Ib., $3.25. 

WHITE WONDER—Heavy, long runners. Fruit straight, blunt. 
Color creamy white. Useful as a novelty for slicing and for 
salads. Flavor fairly good. Thickness, 3”; length, 7”; 62 days. 
Pkt., 10c: 0z., 35c; 1/4 Ib., $1.25; 1 1b., $3.50. 
LONGFELLOW—60 days. Twelve to 15 inches long, dark 

Pkt., 10c;: oz., 35c; 14 lb., 90c: 1 Ib., $2.75. 


GEORGIA—Plant upstanding, and vigorous, with large, 
undulated leaves; withstands heat and adverse soil condi- 
tions. Of fine quality when cooked. Length of stem, 2 to 9’; 
80 days. 

Pkt, 10croz., t5c3: 1/4 1b., 45c¢. 

LARGE SEEDED, LARGE LEAVED—A strong growing, large 
sort, with rounded leaves of gray-green color. 60 days. 

Pkt., 15c. 
IMPROVED BROAD LEAVED—Plant rather upright. Leaves 
are thick and easily blanched. 60 days. 
Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 40c: 1 0z., 75c; 1/4 lb., $1.95. 


age broad and flat, deep green leaves with thick midrib. 
Leaves are exceedingly palatable when well bleached. 
Stands dry weather better than any other sorts. Diameter, 
16”; 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1 oz., 25c; 1/4 lb., 70c; 1 1b., $1.85. 

GREEN CURLED—Tufty and full in center; midrib white, 
thick, tender, and fleshy; blanches readily. Good fall va- 
riety. Diameter, 16” to 18”; 95 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1 oz., 25c; 1% Ib., 70c; 1 1b., $1.85. 




BLACK BEAUTY—Rich, dark purple fruit. Large, symmetri- 
cal. Slightly earlier than New York, but not quite so large. 
Holds color well. Height, 27”; 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c: Y/2 oz., 40c: oz., 75c: 1/4 lb., $2.25. 

FLORIDA HIGH BUSH—Plant upstanding, holding fruits off 
the ground. Fruits elongated, tapering towards stem; dark 
purple. A hardy variety, resistant to drought and disease. 
Height, 32”; 80 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 40c; oz., 75c; 1% Ib., $2.25. 

EXTRA EARLY LONG PURPLE—Dark purple, smooth and at- 
tractive; oblong-oval in shape. Height, 26”; 78 days. 
Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 40c; oz., 75c; 1/4 lb., $2.25. 

oval, purple, tapered towards top. Good color although 
not as dark as Black Beauty. Height, 28”; 93 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 40c: oz., 75c; 1/4 1lb., $2.25. 


DILL—The dry branches and seed are used extensively for 
flavoring cucumber pickles; the young stems for flavoring 
soups and sauces. It’s an annual. 

Pkt.. 10c: ¥/2 oz., 15c; I oz., 25c. 

CHIVES—Dark green, onion-flavored tops used in soups, 
salads, and stews. Perennial. 

Pkt., 15c; 1/, 0z., 60c. 


Pkt., 20c; 1, oz., 45c; 1 oz., 85c. 


Pkt., 15c. 


Pkt., 25c. 


Pkt., 10c; 1 oz., 30c; 14 1b., 50c. 


Pkt., 10c; 1 0z., 30c; 1/ 1b., 50c. 


Pkt., 25c. 


Pkt., 20c. 


Pkt., 15c: 1 oz., 50c. 



Pht. Loci 1 50z.,. 406, 


Pkt., 15c: 1 oz., 35c; 1/4 lb., 60c. 

FINOCCHIO—Also called Florence Fennel. (60 days). Pro- 
duces a large bulb at the surface of the ground which, if 
covered with soil, will bleach to a fine creamy white. Can 
be eaten raw or served boiled with a cream dressing; an 

excellent vegetable with a pleasing anise flavor. 
Pkt., 15c: 1 oz., 35c; 1/4 lb., 60c. 


DWARF CURLED SCOTCH KALE—Plant low and compact, 
with large, bright green leaves—curled, cut, and crimped 
until the whole plant resembles a bunch of moss. Used as 
greens, and when properly handled make an excellent dish. 
Height, 14”; 55 days. 

Pkt., 10c; ¥/ 0z., 15; oz.. 30c: 1% Ib., 95c. 


ABEL’S SEED HOUSE 12 N. 9th St., Reading, Pa. 


EARLY WHITE VIENNA—An extra early variety. Has very 
few short leaves. Bulbs are sweet and tender. .Width, 2”; 
length, 21/2"; 60 days. : 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 40c; oz., 75c; 1% lb., $2.25. 

EARLY PURPLE VIENNA—Bluish purple, similar to White 
Vienna except in color. Width, 2”; length, 21”; 60 days. 
Pkt., 10c: 2 oz., 40c; oz., 75c; 1/4 lb., $2.25. 


LARGE AMERICAN FLAG—Makes large, green leaves and 
medium large bulbs on a pure white stem. Very hardy and 
productive. Width, 2”; length, 7”; 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 50c;: oz., 90c. 


Bd: Lettuce 

GREAT LAKES—82 days. Bronze Medal, 1944 All-America 
Selections. A decidedly crisp heading Lettuce of the Im- 
perial type. It is of excellent quality and exceedingly sweet 
and tender. A superior summer Lettuce that stands heat and 
sun and is exceptionally resistant to tip-burn injury. Very 
slow to shoot to seed. It does equally well in cool weather 
and will produce arge solid heads. 

Pkt., 25c: 2 oz., 50c: oz., 95c; 1/4 lb., $2.50; 1 lb., $8.00. 

IMPERIAL 44—Heads medium dark green, very large, solid 
and firm, slightly flattened and of good market type and 
quality. 82 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 2 oz., 20c: oz., 35c; 1% Ib., $1.00; 1b., $3.50. 
IMPERIAL 847—Heads are medium large, hard, fine and 
well covered by the inner leaves. Stands up well in sum- 
mer weather, resisting tip burn. 84 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 20c: oz., 35c; 14 lb., $1.00; lb., $3.50. 

NEW YORK 515—An early variety well adapted to summer 
and early fall production; resistant to tip burn; prominent 
ribs and heavy core. Heads medium large, compact, at- 
tractive. 75 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 o2z., 20c: oz., 35c; 1% 1b., $1.00; lb., $3.50. 
BLACK-SEEDED SIMPSON—Forms large, loose yellowish- 
green leaves, crumpled and frilled, exceedingly tender and 
crisp. Very popular home garden variety as it is very 
early. 46 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c: 1/4 lb., 65c; lb., $1.95. 

EARLIEST WAYAHEAD—A first early, excellent variety for 
home gardens, as it heads well under varying conditions. 
Head small, medium green, with few outer leaves, solid 
and attractive, interior golden yellow and of good flavor. 
Outer leaves crumpled and blistered. 63 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 30c; 14 lb., 85c; lb., $2.75. 



ICEBERG—Large curly leaves of bright, light green with a 
very slight reddish tinge at the edges. The unusual solidity 
of the heads is insured by the large, white main ribs of 
the leaves, each of which curves strongly to the center, 
making it impossible for the leaves to open outward and 
expose the center which is constantly and _ thoroughly 
blanched. 80 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 30c: 1% lb., 85c; Ib., $2.75. 

IMPROVED HANSON—Plant very large with thick yellowish- 
green leaves; heads large, firm and cabbage-like _with 
sweet, tender heart. Good for midsummer planting and 
popular with home gardeners. 78 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 30c: 1/4 lb., 85c; 1b., $2.75. 

GRAND RAPIDS—An excellent forcing variety as well as 
one of the best for outdoor planting. Plant erect; leaves me- 
dium light green, very curled and fringed. Stands heat 
and dry weather well. 43 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 15; oz., 25e; 1/4 lb., 55c; Ib., $1.85; 5 lbs., $1.80; 
10 lbs. $1.75. 

WHITE BIG BOSTON—Similar to white seeded Big Boston, 
but with leaves slightly lighter green and free from a brown 
tint; heart buttery, yellow; of excellent quality. Highly de- 
sirable for nearby markets. 76 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 30c: Y%y lb., 85c; Ib., $2.75. 

NEW YORK 12—A widely used strain of New York, which 
stands heat well. Plant and head lighter green than New 
York, with fewer outer leaves; large, compact, uniform and 
attractive. 77 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 30c: 1/4 Ib., -85c: tb: $2:7,0. 

EARLY PRIZE HEAD—A non-heading variety. Very early, 
quick growing, making a lot of good eating leaves of ex- 
cellent flavor. Leaves are light green with very ragged 
brown edges. A most popular variety with home gardeners. 
47 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 30c: ¥%4 lb., 85c; Ib., $2.75. 

MAY KING—An extremely early heading sort, for earliest 
heading sort, for earliest outside planting, and for green- 
house forcing. Leaves yellowish green, tinged with brown 
at edges. Heads small, compact. with golden yellow in- 
terior and buttery flavor of fine quality. Days from sowing 
to marketable stage, 63. oe 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 30c: 14 lb., 85c; Ib., $2.75. 

ROMAINE or COS—It is medium large, medium green, and 
forms a good, well folded head of fine quality, which 
blanches readily. 77 days. 
Pkt., 10c: oz., 30c: 1/4 1b., 85c; Ib., $2.75. 

ally fine Lettuce forming solid heads of superb quality, 
large size, and nearly round form, with a golden yellow 
heart protected by broad, crumpled outer leaves of medium 
green color. 

Pkt.olOcr oz:,.30c7 Yagilb, 85c;1b., $2.75. 

EARLY CURLED SILESIA—A favorite curled or loose-leaved 
sort for the home garden. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c: 14 lb., 65c; 1 lb., $1.90. 

BIG BOSTON—Fine for foldframes or outdoors. Heads large 
and solid. 

Pht., LOCH Oz. 2.00621 4/41D.), SoCs = lbur 0 ee7 De 

ABEL’S ALL THE YEAR ROUND—A variety for sowing in 
the fall for wintering over to have early head lettuce the 
first thing in the spring. Finest quality, solid heads with 
creamy yellow center. Sow the seed about August 15 to 
September 10. About the end of October set the plants to 
remain permanently in as warm and favorable situation as 
possible. Protect with straw during frosty weather. Heads 
begin to form in April. See description. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 35c; 1/4 lb., $1.10; lb., $3.50. 


ABEL’S SEED HOUSE 12 N. 9th St., Reading, Pa. 


ABEL'S PERFECTION or TIP-TOP—A large, main-crop va- 
riety, varying in shape from round to slightly netted; flesh 
deep salmon, sweet and spicy. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 30c; 1/4 Ib., 95c; lb., $2.85. 
BANANA—Resembles a huge banana in shape. Fruits smooth 
and slender, lemon colored; tapering at ends; flesh pro- 
nounced salmon, of somewhat banana-like flavor. Width, 
4”. depth, 18”; 98 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c: 14 lb., 70c; 1 lb., $2.00. 

BENDER’S SURPRISE—Largest of the oval pink fleshed 
melons, early for its size. High quality. Coarse netting, dis- 
tinct ribs hard rind. Good shipper. Width, 8”; depth, 71/2"; 
94 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c; 1% 1b., 70c; 1 1b., $2.00. 

EMERALD GEM—For home gardens, does not keep. Outer 
color emerald green yellowing at maiurity; distinctly ribbed, 
with slight netting; flesh very thick, deep rich salmon color, 
sweet and of spicy flavor. Width, 51/," depth, 41/2"; 85 days. 
Pkt., 10c: oz., 30c: 14 lb., 90c; 1 Ib., $2.50. 

EXTRA EARLY HACKENSACK—Nearly round. Deeply ribbed, 
with very coarse netting. Skin green tinged with yellow at 
maturity. Flesh green; somewhat coarse, but juicy and 
sweet. Width, 6”; depth, 5”; 82 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c: 1% lb., 70c: 1 Ib., $2.00. 

FLAT JENNY LIND—Heavily netted fruits, with crisp, light 
green flesh of rich flabor. Width, 3-4”. 

Pkt.; 10c; oz., 25c: 14 lb., 70c: 1 1b., $2.00. 

PRIDE OF WISCONSIN—(Orange Flesh). A melon which in 
a few years has become a premium priced variety in large 
Eastern markets. Pride of Wisconsin deserves a premium 
price. It has unsurpassed quality, large size, firm, thick 
orange flesh, strong rind, and heavy netting. Vines are 
vigorous and very productive considering the size of the 
melons. Fruits are nearly round, 6!/.x7"” and weight 4 to 5 
lbs. The rind is blue-gray, turning golden when ripe, with 
sparse but prominent and clear-cut netting. Ribs are faint 
and entirely lacking. Flesh is of excellent flavor and edible 
to the rind. The triangular seed cavity is quite compact. 
Round, 61/,x7"; 92 days. 

Pkt., 10cr oz., 35c: 14 lb., $1.10; 1 1b., $4.00. 

IMPERIAL No. 45—Disease resistant. (Orange Flesh). An 
outstanding meldén in which disease resistance and high 
quality have been successfully combined. The most popular 
of all commercial varieties because of its excellent shipping 
qualities and resistance to powdery mildew. Fruits are oval, 
6 in. long, with thick, sweet orange flesh. Good producer. 
Oval, 6”; 92 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c: 14 Ib., 80c; 1 lb., $2.25. 

FORDHOOK—A medium melon for home and gardens and 
nearby markets. Outer color of mottled green; flesh medium 
orange-yellow, juicy, sweet and spicy. Width, 5”; depth, 4”; 
88 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 0z., 30c; 1/4 lb., 90c; 1 Ib., $2.50. 

HALE’S BEST—Fruits oval; inconspicuous ribbing with 
heavy netting. Flesh extremely thick, salmon-orange, sweet 
and of very fine quality. Width, 5”; depth, 6”; 82 days. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 25c: 14, lb., 80c; 1 Ib., $2.25. 

HEARTS OF GOLD—Nearly round, slightly ribbed, finely 
netted, light green to light yellow upon ripening. Flesh very 
thick, firm, and delicious. Small cavity with a tight web. 
Color yellow shading to pink. Good shipper. Width, 5"; 
depth, 5!/."; 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c; Y% 1b., 80c: 1 Ib., $2.25. 



ROCKY FORD—Fruits are small with rather large seed cay- 
ity, nearly round, with very faint ribs, and heavily covered 
with hard gray netting; flesh thick, green in color, with gold 
tinge at the center; juicy, spicy, and of good flavor. Width, 
9”; depth, 51"; 92 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 30c: 1/4 lb., 90c; 1 Ib., $2.50. 

SPICY—OQuite uniform fruits; flesh deep rich salmon and 
tender. Width, 6 to 7”; depth, 8 to 10”; 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c; 1/4, lb., 80c: 1 1b., $2.25. 

OSAGE or MILLER’S CREAM—Oval, dark green, somewhat 
netted and ribbed. Flesh extremely thick, firm, rich salmon 
color, highly flavored and delicious to the rind. Cavity small, 
keeps and ships well. Width, 61"; depth, 7”; 94 days. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 25c;:°1/, Ib., 80c: 1 Ib., $2.25. 


FORDHOOK FANCY—A handsome, upright growing, mild 
variety, slow to bolt seed stalks; leaves bright green, 
plume-like, and deeply fringed on the edges; excellent for 
salads; seed reddish brown. 40 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 15c; oz., 20c;: 14 lb., 50c; 1 Ib., $1.55. 


CLEMSON SPINELESS—Developed by the South Carolina 
Experiment Station. All-America Silver Medal for 1999. 
A very uniform spineless strain of the Perkins long-podded 
type. Plant has less foliage than Perkins; pods rich green, 
straight, ridged. A valuable introduction for commercial or 
garden crops. Height, 41/2’; 55 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c: 1/4 lb., 45c. 

KLECKLEY’S FAVORITE—Plants close-jointed, with ample 
foliage, and bear smooth white pods of the very finest 
quality at each leaf-joint. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c; 1/, lb., 45c. 


WETHERSFIELD LARGE RED—The standard red market va- 
riety. Large, round, somewhat flattened; flesh purplish white; 
skin deep purplish red. Very productive. The best keeper 
and one of the most popular for general cultivation. Diam., 
SY ell0 dayscs 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 40c; oz., 75c: 1/4 lb., $2.25; lb., $6.50. 
YELLOW GLOBE DANVERS—Hard and a good cropper; used 
largely for storage. Bulbs medium large, round, yellow, 
firm, solid with small neck. Flesh white, with sligh! yellow 
tone. Diam., 234"; 110 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 40c; oz., 75c: 1/4 lb., $2.25; lb., $6.50. 
MAMMOTH PRIZETAKER—Bulbs large, globe shape; skin 
thin and glossy, of straw color; flesh coarse but mild. Diam., 
31/2"; 105 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 40c: oz., 75c: 4 lb., $2.25; lb., $6.50. 

MAMMOTH SILVER KING-—Enormous silvery white onions 
of mild flavor. Quickly grows to maturity on rich soil and 
often attains a weight of 2 to 3 pounds. Diam., 3l/2”; 100 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 0z., 40c; oz., 75c; 44 lb., $2.25; lb., $6.50. 
SOUTHPORT YELLOW GLOBE—Large, perfectly shaped 
globe. Keeps exceptionally well through the winter. Very 
productive, dark yellow, handsome appearance. Diam., 3”; 
116 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 2 0z., 40c; oz., 75c; 4 lb., $2.25; lb., $6.50. 


ABEL’S SEED HOUSE 12 N. 9th St., Reading, Pa. 


SOUTHPORT WHITE GLOBE—Bulbs round and of good size. 
Solid, pure white, skin thin and brittle. Good for winter 
storage. Also used for early bunching. Diam., 3”; 112 days. 
Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 50c: oz., 95c; 14 lb., $3.60; lb., $8.00. 

EBENEZER OR JAPANESE ONION—Used mostly for growing 
sets. Keeps extremely well; does not run to seed readily. 
Bulbs flat, deep yellow, firm, thick skinned. Diam., 2” to 3”; 
110 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 35c; oz., 60c; 1/4 lb., $1.75; lb., $5.50. 

SOUTHPORT RED GLOBE—Perfect globe shape. Deep red 
skin, with red flesh, tinted white. Skin tough, thin, close 
fitting. Flesh strongly flavored. Good keeper. Diam., 3”; 
115 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 50c; oz., 95c; 1% lb., $3.60; 1b., $8.00. 

WHITE PORTUGAL—SILVERSKIN—Medium thick, flat shape 
when mature. White skin and flesh, sometimes green tinted, 
mild flavor; skin tight and tough. Used mainly for onion sets 
and small pickling onion. Diam., 3”; 100 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 50c; oz., 90c; 1/4 lb., $3.00; 1b., $7.50. 

EXTRA-EARLY BARLETTA—An exceptionally early sort, used 
for pickling and for green bunching. Bulbs small, flat, pure 
white, of mild, sweet flavor. 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 80c: 4/4 lb., $2.50; lb., $8.50. 

shaped, weighs from one to three pounds. Unusually mild. 
Keeps well. To grow large bulbs thin plants to 6 or 8-inch 
spacing. Diam., 4”; 105 days. 

Pkt., 10c;: 1/2 oz., 50c; oz., 90c: 14 1b., $3.00; 1b., $7.50. 

WHITE SWEET SPANISH—Same as the above except it is 
pure white. Fine for large Onions, also for bunch Onions 
when sown thick. 

Pkt., 10c: ¥/2 oz., 50c: oz., 90c: 1/4 lb., $3.00; 1b., $7.50. 


LONG SMOOTH—(HOLLOW CROWN)—Roots white, smooth, 
tender, sugary and of excellent flavor. Very hardy and 
will keep through winter without protection. Length of root, 
12”-16"; 98 days. 

Pkt.. 10c; oz., 25c; 1/4 lb., 75c: Ib., $2.35. 


PLAIN—(SINGLE)—Used largely for flavoring. Leaves bright 
green, deeply cut, flat, not curled; stem small, solid, without 
purple coloration, edible. 72 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c; 1/4 lb., 50c; Ib., $1.40. 

DARK MOSS-CURLED—A compact plant with dark bright 
green leaves, exceedingly finely cut and curled, giving the 
appearance of a dense piece of moss. Very desirable for 
garnishing, and for decorative purposes. 70 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c: 1% 1b., 50c; lb., $1.40. 

PARAMOUNT—A recent introduction of triple curled type. 
Plant slow growing, very dark green, tall and with stout 

stems for bunching. 85 days. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c: 1% 1lb., 50c;: lb., $1.40. 

TURNIP-ROOTED—(HAMBURG)—Grown mostly for the thick 
fleshy roots. Roots nearly white, thick at neck and tapering 
to the base. Flesh is white and somewhat dry. Used for 
flavoring soups. 6” roots; 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c; 1/4 lb., 50c; Ib., $1.40. 



KN i Wonder 
AS e Yh Pepper 

ABEL’S WORLD BEATER—This is a very good Pepper. There 
are usually from 15 to 25 very fine Peppers on a plant. The 
flesh is thick and is very mild and sweet. Its color is first a 
dark green, changing to a very brilliant scarlet. The plants 
are very vigorous and their strong stems keep the Peppers 
well above the soil. Medium early. 
Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 40c; oz., 75c; 1/4 lb., $2.50. 
CALIFORNIA WONDER—Plant strong, upright. Fruits large, 
squared, four lobed, very thick walled, sweet, and mild. 
From a deep green to a bright red in color. Excellent stuff- 
ing type. Length, 5”; width, 4”; 76 days. 
Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 40c: oz., 75c; 1/4 lb., $2.50. 
HARRIS’ EARLY GIANT—An excellent early sweet variety 
for home and market garden use. Plant dwarf, upright, very 
productive. Fruits pendent, gently tapered, 3-lobed, of mild 
flavor; deep green changing to bright red. Resembles a 
large Bull Nose in shape. Length, 444"; width, 3)"; 63 days. 
Pkt, 10c: 1 0z., 40c: oz., 75c: 1% Ib., $2.50. 
SWEET-MEAT GLORY—A superior strain of the pimiento 
pepper with beautiful large heart shaped fruits of a bright 
crimson-scarlet color. Peppers are sweet, mild and very 
tasty. Length, 31/."; width, 21/2"; 82 days. 
Pkt l0cr Use 02.0 4U0c7 1 Oz F0Cr An Da o2.00, 
RUBY KING—Plants vigorous, compact, productive. Fruits 
long and of deep green color when young, bright red when 
ripe. Flesh thick and mild. Good variety for mangoes or 
stuffed peppers. Length, 41/2”; width, 31/2”; 70 days. 
Pkt., 10c; 1/2 o2., 40c: oz., 75c; 1/4 lb., $2.50. 
RUBY GIANT—For home and market gardens. Plant vigor- 
ous, erect, very productive. Fruits slightly tapered, 4-lobed, 
deep green changing to bright red; flesh thick, sweet and 
mild. Length, $”;' width, 31/,": 75 days. 
Pkt., 10c7 1/2 oz., 40c: oz., 75c: 1/4 lb., $2.50. 
NEAPOLITAN—A very early, medium large, prolific variety. 
Fruits upright in growth, 3-lobed; yellowish green, becom- 
ing bright red; flesh extremely mild and sweet. Length, 4”; 
width, 2”; 60 days. 
Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 40c;: oz., 75c: 1/4 lb., $2.50. 
GOLDEN QUEEN—A large yellow variety, of sweet and mild 
flavor, resembling Ruby King in shape and size. Fruits 3- 
lobed, pendent, tapered, deep green, becoming attractive 
yellow. Length, 4”; width, 3!/”: 78 days. 
Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 40c;: oz., 75c; 1% lb., $2.50. 
CHINESE GIANT—Plant strong, bushy growth. Fruit large, 
squared, four lobed, deep green to a bright red color. Pro- 
ductive, good side wall thickness. Sweet and mild. Length, 
9”; width, 4”; 80 days. 
Pkt., 10c; Y/2 oz., 40c; oz., 75c; 1% lb., $2.50. 



ABEL’S SEED HOUSE 12 N. 9th St., Reading, Pa. 

LARGE BELL—BULLNOSE—A popular early, prolific sort, 
with small, erect plant. Fruits pendent, blunt, largely 4- 
lobed, deep green changing to scarlet red at maturity; ribs 
pungent, flesh quite mild. Length, 3”; width, 234”; 64 days. 
Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 40c: oz., 75c;: 1/4 lb., $2.50. 

OSHKOSH—A medium early productive sort, deep glossy 
green in color turning to canary yellow at maturity. Fruits 
mild, fairly smooth, broad at base tapering to blunt point. 
Length, 41"; width, 3/2"; 70 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 50c;: oz., 95c; 1/4 1b., $2.75.: 

BURPEE’S SUNNYBROOK—The sweetest and most prolific 
of all. The green skin turns to deep red; smooth and glossy. 
The extremely thick flesh is mild, juicy, sweet and appetiz- 
ing. Length, 21/2”; width, 234”; 110 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 o2z., 40c; oz., 75c; 1/4 lb., $2.50. 

LONG RED CAYENNE—72 days. 5 in. long and about 1}/, 
in. thick; often curled and twisted. Easily dried for winter 
use. Pkt, 10c: 1/2 oz., 35c¢; oz., 60c. 
LARGE RED CHERRY—69 days. Flattened globe fruits, 11/, 
in. across; deep green turning to cherry-red at maturity. 
Pkt., 10c: ¥/2 oz., 35c; oz., 60c. 
RED CHILI—82 days. Small, very hot, cone-shaped fruits, 2 
in. long and !4 in. across. Both skin and flesh are red. 
Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 35c: oz., 60c. 
SMALL RED CHERRY—Popular for use i: pickles. Plants 
vigorous, upright, prolific. Fruits round, smooth, solid, very 
pungent; color deep green changing to deep scarlet. Length, 
1”; width, 1”; 82 days. Pkt, 10c: 1/2 0z., 35c: oz., 60c. 
TABASCO—92 days. Extremely hot, small, upright fruits, 
ll/ in. long, ¥g in. thick; pale yellow turning orange-scarlet. 
Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 40c; oz., 70c. 


JAPANESE—Skin dark green, with lighter green stripes. 
Flesh deep yellow, and of good quality. Seeds have mark- 
ings resembling Japanese characters. Valuable for canning 
and stock feed. Length, 12”; diam., 8”; 110 days. 
Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c; 1/4, lb., 50c: lb., $1.40. 
WHITE CUSHAW—(JONATHAN)—Small, and with shorter, 
straighter neck than other Cushaw types. Exterior color 
nearly white. Length, 18”; diam., 7”; 110 days. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c: 1/4 1lb., 50c; lb., $1.40. 
YELLOW CUSHAW—Fruits crooknecked, medium large. Skin 
golden yellow, smooth, hard; flesh thick, yellow, dry and 
sweet. Length, 20"; diam., 9”; 112 days. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c: 1/4, lb., 50c;: lb., $1.40. 
STRIPED CUSHAW—Fruits crooknecked; skin hard, thin, 
smooth, dull white with irregular green stripes; flesh thick, 
yellow, medium coarse. Length, 18”; diam., 10”; 112 days. 
Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c: 1/4 lb., 50c: 1b., $1.40. 
—Salmon-orange skin; very thick, bright yellow flesh, which 
is fine grained, tender, and of excellent quality for pies. 
Length, 422° es diam., 18°;.-120 days. 
Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c: 14 lb., 60c; 1b., $1.80. 
SMALL SUGAR—Small but handsome. Round, deep orange, 
fine grained, sweet. Superior for pies. Length, 8”; diam., 
10”; 115 days. Pkt., 10c: oz., 15c: 14 Ib., 45c; Ib., $1.40. 
slightly oval in form; reddish orange skin, slightly ribbed; 
rich orange-yellow flesh. Width, 15”—20"; 118 days. 
Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c; 14 Ib., 50c; lb., $1.40. 
LARGE CHEESE—Fruits very flat, slightly ribbed, cream 
colored; flesh very thick, orange-yellow and of fine quality. 
Length, 6”; width, 12”; 108 days. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c: 14 lb., 50c; lb., $1.40. 


Vegetable Chart and Planter’s Guide 

For Southeastern Pennsylvania and Equivalent Climate 

VARIETY Beed Required Apart in Between 
Required per Acre Row Rowe Depth 

Artichoke........... 1 oz. to 500 planta...| 4% lb.......] 144 to2ft..] 4ft........ Qin, Scene 
Asparagus, Seed...... 1 oz. to 800 plants...| 4 Ibe....... 3 to 6 ing...) 14 ft...... Ui, aareiaec 
Asparagus, Roots 50 roots per 100 ft...| 5445 roots..| 2ft.......) 4ft........ 1Diing. ss ...% 
Beans, Bush......... 1 lb. per 100 ft...... 90 Ibe... 3.. 2 to 3 ins 2 to 214 ft..| 144, to 2 ins. 
Beans, Bush Lima 1 Ib. per 100 ft......] 60 Ib...0... Ging. Sitter nave 144)to 2 ins. 
Beans, Polé..0:c00800 Ye Ib. per 100 ft.....] 30 Ibs... 7..] 6ins....... 3 to4ft....| 1}qito 2 ins. 
Beans, Pole Lima..... 1 Ib. per 100 ft...... 30 Ibs...... Ging... ...; a Tita es 1} to 2 ins. 
Besta. ..0c seus acne 2 oz. per 100 ft...... 8 to 12 Ibs. .| 2 to 3 ins 1% to 2 ft..) 4% fo lin.. 

Beets, Mangels....... 2 oz. per 100 ft...... 8 to 10 Ibs..} Gins....... 236 ft...... ¥4o 1 in.. 

Broccoli, Heading. ...| 1 oz. to 2000 plants..| 4 02........ 1% to 2ft..) 2to3ft....] 4 fe... | 

Brussels Sprouts...... 1 os. to 3000 plants..} 402........ 134 es 2 to 3 ft....) 46M....... 
Cabbage, Early...... 1 oz. to 2000 plants..| 40........ 14 ft...... 2 tod ft....} Mola....... 
Cabbage, Late....... 1 os. to 2000 plants..| 40z........ Sift ermine Sib cece ak AL Bee 
Carrots si ctcctosein 1 oz. per 100 ft...... 3 to 5 lbe 1 to 3 ins Lye YF eel ee VT a ee 
Caulifiower.......... 1 os. to 2000 plants..} 402........ 1% to 2 ft..| 214 ft...... Be inssceeee 
Celery: fc accsteenct 1 oz. to 6000 plants..| 40%........ Ging eaaees 3 to 4 ft 7 i Rare Fe 
Chicorys ich caesar 1 oz. per 100 ft...... Silbar sees SRG er rcrents ONtonese ker Mo inisiasee 
Collards) 2o) orwuseieen 1 02. to 2000 plants..} 4 02........ 1% to 2 ft..| 2% ft?..... Wo in....... 
Corn, Sweet......... \ |b. per 100 ft.....] 12 Iba... ... Ginss cass 3 to 4 ft.. Lins cases 
Corn Salad.......... 4 oz. per 100 ft...... 10 Ibe... ... Sins: vanes 1 to 144 ft..] Win....... 
Creed te dacs caer 1 oz. per 100 ft......| 10 Iba... ... 2 to 4 ins TG lteter O46 Mase es ces 
Cucumber........... 1 os. to 50 hills...... 2 The aece . bi 4to5ft PG Miss oiec che 
Dandelion........... Los. per: 100 fts..5...) Slbe. 5 ce 1 to 1% ft..] Win....... 
Dilaic2 Soe oe Ye oz. per 100 ft.....| 5 Ibs.. 2 to 21% ft..| Win...... 

Eeg Plant.;........- 1 oz. to 1000 plants..| 4 0z........ OM ae Aarease 2% ft..37.. UT AL Bae enc 
Bndivevonecss cores ¥ oz. per 100 ft.....] 4 lba....... 8 to 12 ins..} 114 ft. /05..] Wim...... 
Fennelic tec, 1 ox. per 100 ft...... Mbeiee ene 6ingceee: 2 to 3 ft. in... os 
Kale: vccxserc ase tus Y os. per 100 ft.....] 3 lbs....... WS fhice snc a ktrewe 10s V6 inSenten 
KohlRabisenecannone \% os. per 100 ft.....] 4 lbs....... 3 to 6 ins We tess aac Me ins an 
Leek yc airs catenin sje: 1 oz. per 100 ft..*...] 4 Ibs... 2 to3 ins es ae MG in. geass 
Lettuce ic cccne sine 16 os. per 100 ft.."...] 3 Iba....... 6 to 10 ins..| 1% ft...... LG ins eaetecre 
Melon, Musk........ Arosto oO hile’. cyano lba-ervnis 3 ft. hills 4to 5 ft Sins aces 
Melon, Water........ 1 os. to 30 hills...... A tbase ace 5 ft. bills Biftiear ones 94 inane 
Mustard 254. oss cess 1 os. per 100 ft...°..| 4 Ibs....... 4 to 6 ins Ve Co eae 16 indewenss 
Okra toa cos ome 2 oz. per 100 ft...... S lbairs seu 14 ft... .6- S aces ace ll Neer 
Onion Seed.......... 1 os. per 100 ft...... Sil bss nes Sings erie WE ito. cees V6 insheesce 
Onion Sets........... 2 qts. per 100 ft.....| 10 bus...... Sing doen ate 1% ft. 1G Wane 
Parsley? c2ceaccn tec ¥ os. per 100 ft.....| 3 lba....... 4 to 6 ins. L ftemetran 16 inden: 
Parenipyccesncuaers 1 os. per 100 ft...... 4 Whe. oc vce y bt Ba aaae, 1% to 2ft..) Wim...... 

sam 1 to 2 Ibs. per 100 ft..| 120 Ibe. 1 to 2 ins...| 2 to3 ft....] 1 to 2 ins. 

h 1 os. to 1000 plants..| 3 oz........ 114 ft...... Be iter | 34 iteeeees 
Potatoes.-........+5- 714 lbs. per 100 ft....] 10 bus...... 15 ins...... Stee cheno INR nevis 
Potatoes, Sweetcjoate| suet ceasccmeeee ce 9680 plants.| 3 ft. hills Sito ens «cso deeeese 
Pumpkin=.. cconesces 1 os. to 265 hills...... ga EE anea) Nth Seacepre STF... ea fie URS GAaane 
Radish, Early.......: 1 oz. per 100 ft...... 10;Ibaae. Tine ore BIA Baie 44 « 
Radish, Winter....... 1 oz. per 100 ft...... 8 Tbe. e2 oaks ADB Sen eee 16 it.eoess VM haiacic 
Rhubarb Roots....... 30 roots per 100 ft...| 4840 roots..| 2ft........ S fb wc. 7 hh ees 
Rutabaga y..c+ eso. 1 os. per 100 ft...... VHS errors or Giingses cen: be ere Wih...... 
Balsify.. cec55ee ose: 2 oz. per 100 ft...... S'lbascesec 4 ins. scc.%s 1% to 2 ft..| WiB...... 
Sorrel io d5ceecntecon. 1 os. per 100 ft...... 6 Ibesscecs. 3 ins nveiaieiere ltolft..| ’Wih...... 
Bpinach da... encee: 2 os. per 100 ft...... 20 Ihe... 4 NBs ye acai Tite ect. YwEL...... 
Spinach, New Zealand.| 1 os. per 100 ft...... S lhe Fes. 8 ing) 05 fa B16 Thea: 1 ind... os 
Squash, Bush........ 1 os. to 25 hills...... 4 lhe. 7s 4 ft. hills 4 tates. GY yanaene 
Squash, Vine......... 1 oz. to 15 hills 2 Ibs... 6 ft. bills Sitka: > 1 ie a 
Swies Chard......... 2 oz. per 100 ft...... 8 to 10 Ibs..] 6ins....... 1% to 2ft..) Ktolin 
Tomataty.nceccte or: 1 oz. to 3000 plants..| 2 oz........ 3% ft. MIE. oc chre MG ins eases 
Turnipl sien: neon 1 os. per 100 ft...... 2 lbs Sere: #ins css: 1% to 2it..' Win. ..... 

Planting Distance 

from Planting 
to Picking 

1 yr. 
3to4 years 
2 years 
6 to 8 weeks 
10 to 12 weeks 
9 to 10 weeks 
123 to 14 weeke 
8 to 10 weeks 
14 to 16 weeks 
9 to 21 weeks 
13 to 14 weeks 
10 to 12 weeks 
14 to 16 weeks 
9 to 12 weeks 
14 to 16 weeks 
16 to 19 weeks 
16 to 17 weeks 
12 to 14 weeks 
10 to 13 weeks 
6 to 7 weeksn 
5 to 6 weeks 
8 to 10 weeks 
“B8to 9 weeks 
10 weeks 
16 to 18 weeks 
12 to 13 weeks 

8 to 9 weeks 
12 to 13 weeks 
7 to 10 weeks 
12 to 14 weeks 
12 to 14 weeks 
4to 5 weeks 
7 to 9 weeks 
13 to 16 weeks 
5 to 6 weeks 
10 to 12 weeks 
13 to 14 weeks 
8 to 10 weeks 
14 to 18 weeks 
10 to 12 weeks 
18 to 20 weeks 
15 to 16 weeks 
3to 4 weeks 
7 to 8 weeks 
4to 6 weeks 
12 to 14 weeks 
16 to 18 weeks 

6 to 7 weeks 
7 to 10 weeks 
7 to 8 weeks 
12 to 14 weeks 
7 to §& weeks 
14 to 16 weeks 
7 to 10 weeks 

NOTE:—Differences in maturity vary with climate, season, soil, geographic location and elevation, and variety planted 
Number of Plants Produced From An Ounce of Seed 

Number of plants Required to the Acre 

Distance Apart . - No. of Plants 
1 foot by 1). foot ccnsisnaonce veommecese scene 43,560 
134 feat by 134 feet: 5 Pe0re cach cactenewesa sede 19,360 
2. feet byt foot s.cane vaicataceateeeerceuens 21,780 
2 feet by 2 feet 
214 feet by 214 feet 
feet by 2 feet 
feet by3 feet 
fest by 4 feet 
feet by 4 feet... 
feet by 5 feet.... 
feet by 6 
feet by 8 

DOAAaAnk WH & 

CABDAFERUM Sra ticc olives Cieisie)s o's s cwrenaaernmerees about 
BSrOCOOlU re rere Gio cis oiarcicie’s.s « asst ecgatesinveonte “ 
Cabbage. naricccswidines sc ssaalanasednacte sf , 
Cauliflower Sovonne rcs dies sects vanes a 


February March 
Sow in Hotbed Sow in Hotbed 
Broccoli Early Beets 
Early Cabbage Brussels Sprouts 
Forcing Carrot Early Cabbage 
Early Celery Forcing Carrot 
Cucumber Cauliflower 
Eggplant Celery 
Early Lettuce Eggplant 
Parsley Kohl Rabi 
Pepper Lettuce 
Radish Parsley 
Tomato Pepper 
In Open 
Early Turnip 
May June 
In Open In Open 
Ground Ground 
Artichoke Beans, Lima and all 
ragus other sorts 
Beans, Bush and Beets 
Running Broccoli 
Beets Brussels Sprouts 
Brussels Sprouts Late Cabbage 
Carrot Carrot 
Cauliflower Cauliflower 
Celery Sweet Corn 
Sweet Corn Creas 
Cress Cucumber 
Cucumber Endive 
Kohl Rabi Kale 
Leek Kohl Rabi 
Lettuce Lettuce 
Melon Melon 
Onion Nasturtium 
Parsley Okra 
Parsnip Early Peas 
Peas Potatoes 
Potatoes Pumpkin 
Radish Radish 
Salsify Salsify 
Spinach Spinach 
Early Turnip Squash 
August September 
In Open In Open 
Ground Ground 
Beans, Bush Cabbage for cold 
Chervil frames 
Corn Salad Cauliflower for cold 
Cucumber frames 
Endive Chervil 
Kale Corn Salad 
Lettuce Cress 
Welsh Onion Siberian Kale 
Early Peas Lettuce 
Radish Mustard 
Spinach Winter Radish 
Turnip Spinach 
Rutabaga Turnip 
Sweet Peas 


Sow In Hotbed 


In Open 
Brussels Sprouts 
Early Cabbage 
Kob] Rabi 
Early Turnip 


In Open 

Sweet Corn 
Corn Salad 
Kohl Rabi 
Early Peas 


"It's the 



Extra Early 


ABEL'S GIANT PODDED HAMPER—Dark green foliage and 
pods, a vine heavy and dark in color. Seed large, wrinkled. 
Length of plant, 22”; length of pod, 41/,"—5"; 65 days. 

Vp pt., 20c;: pt., 30c;: qt., 55c; pk., $4.25. 

desirable for the trucker. Vine dark green in color. Length 
of plant, 24”; length of pod, 41/2"—6”"; 74 days. 

V/p pt. 20c; pt., 30c: qt., 55c7 pk., $4.25. 

general-purpose variety. Plant heavy, dark green. Pods 
round, dark green, pointed. Seed green, large. Length of 
plant, 25”; length of pod, 434"; 72 days. 

Wp pt., 20c; pt., 30c; qt., 55c; pk., $4.25. 

ABEL’S EARLY BIRD—It is a semi-round seeded pea with a 
very large dark green pod of wonderful appearance and a 
very sturdy dwarf vine. 58 days. 

W/o pt., 20c; pt., 30c; qt., 55c; pk., $4.25. 

LARGE PODDED ALASKA—(AMEER)—Pods well filled with 
medium size dark green peas of excellent flavor. Length of 
plant, 28”; length of pod, 21"; 58 to 60 days. 

Wo pt. 15cr pt. 2c? qt. 45c: pk., $3.20. 

more productive, and withstand greater changes of weather 
than any other variety. The largest-podded extra early, and 
entirely free from runners. Length of plant, 24”; length of 
pod, 3”; 58 days. 

fp pt., 15e: pt., 25c; qt., 45c: pk., $3.20. 


Vegetable Chart and Planter’s Guide 

For Southeastern Pennsylvania and Equivalent Climate 

Planting Distance rata February March April 
poser cee eeeeteiaercoae aturity 
VARIETY Seed Apart in from Planting Sow in Hotbed Sow in Hetbed Sow in Hotbed 
Required Row Depth to Picking ati: ree ae ig Cucumber 
SE ed (ae ae Sd Cees Penne ere rly Ca e russels Sprouts Eggplant 
Artichoke.......... 1 oz. to 500 plants... 1\% to 2 ft.. i incseereece 1 yr. Forcing Carrot Early Cabbage Melon 
Asparagus, Seed..... 1 02. to 800 plants... 3 to 6 ins... Tilt. aes ane 3to4 years Early Celery Forcing Carrot Pepper 
Asparagus, Roots.....| 50 roots per 100 ft... DIRS san. L2nner aces 2 years Cucumber Cauliflower Tomato 
Beans, Bush......... 1 lb. per 100 ft...... 2 to 3 ins 134, to 2 ins.| 6 to 8 weeks || Eggplant Celery 
Beans, Bush Lima....| 1 Ib. per 100 ft...... 6 ins.~"..... 136\t0 2 ins.| 10 to 12 weeks |} Early Lettuce Eggplant In Open 
Beans, Pole.......... V6 Ib. per 100 ft..... 6 ins....... 134ito 2 ins.| 9 to 10 weeks Parsley Kohl Rabi Ground 
Beans, Pole Lima 1 Ib. per 100 ft...... Giinsi tee: 1}4]to 2 ins.| 12 to 14 weeke || Pepper Lettuce Asparagus 
Beets . csv cs seen: 2 oz. per 100 ft...... 2 to 3 ins 6 fo lin...| 8 to 10 weeks || Radish Parsley Beans 
Beets, Mangels....... 2 oz. per 100 ft...... Ons oe 44 ¥o 1in...| 14 to 16 weeks Tomato Pepper Beeta 
Broccoli, Heading....| 1 oz. to 2000 plants.. 1% to 2 ft 46 bp... 9 to 21 weeks Radish Brussels Sprouts 
Brussels Sprouts...... 1 oz. to 3000 plants.. Lettie: ofl 2G Miabeis as 13 to 14 weeks Tomato Early Cabbage 
Cabbage, Early...... 1 oz. to 2000 plants.. Lodtacaen. «|, POWs e cess. 10 to 12 weeks Carrot 
Cabbage, Late....... 1 os. to 2000 plants.. HA Ry ee Winm....... 14 to 16 weeks Cauliflower 
Casrotin noc cnt 1 oz. per 100 ft...... 1 to 3 ins A394 Ine cwo ts 9 to 12 weeks in Open Celery 
Cauliflower.......... 1 oz. to 2000 plants... 1% to 2 ft Win....... 14 to 16 weeks Ground Cress 
Celery sess ate ates 1 oz. to 6000 plants.. Gisris cane SES4 inde encds 16 to 19 weeks Beets Kohl Rabi 
Chicory cece eens 1 oz. per 100 ft...... SDR Y.erereats Yo in....... 15 to 17 weeks Carrot Lettuce 
Collards! 22. ists cht: 1 02. to 2000 plants. . 14 to 2f VG int ener 12 to 14 weeks Leek Onion 
Corn, Sweet......... V6 Ib. per 100 ft..... 6 ings... e254 Lin. gevcecr 10 to 13 weeks Onion Parsley 
Corn Salad.......... 4 oz. per 100 ft...... Sing een M6 ines ae 6 to 7 weeksx Peas Parsnip 
Cresavoncetarc ee. 1 oz. per 100 ft...... 2 to 4 ins oO Rat Ree 5 to 6 weeks Potatoes Peas 
Cucumber........... 1 os. to 50 hills..... 4 ft. bills SA My aaaeee 8 to 10 weeks Radish Potatoes 
Dandelion........... 1 oz. per 100 ft...2.. Ging). ioe Me ine e a e ‘B to 9 weeks Spinach Radish 
Dil eee ¥ oz. per 100 ft..... 6 ing... Shingo oon 10 weeks Early Turnip Spinach 
Egg Plant.:......... 1 oz. to 1000 plants.. Dos; 3G ins 16 to 18 weeks Karly Turnip 
Endive 04% cise onc an V6 oz. per 100 ft..... 8 to 12 ing OT Sere 12 to 13 weeks l 
Fennel git caianova tn 1 oz. per 100 ft...... Ging. fess Bf ins taeae: _ 9 weeks May June July 
Kalevi aetna. Yo os. per 100 ft..... 1g ttoctel acts OD Beseeie: 8 to 9 weeks 
Kohl Rabi........... ¥6 os. per 100 ft..... 3 to 6 ins A inv Ay re 8 to 9 weeks In Open In Open In Open 
Leckie 1 oz. per 100 ft... 2 to 3 ins Le inraee 12 to 13 weeks _, Ground Ground Ground 
Lettuces..¢cee nett V6 os. per 100 ft..”... 6 to 10 ins W im...... 7 to 10 weeks || Artichoke Beans, Lima and ail | Beans 
Melon, Musk........ 1 os. to 50 hills... .. 3 ft. hills Me ines 12 to 14 weeks || Asparagus other sorts Beets 
Melon, Water........ 1 os. to 30 hills...... 5 ft. hills {in....... 12 to. 14 weeks || Beans, Bush and Beets — Carrot 
Mustard sss0-.05 ey 1 os. per 100 ft...°... 4 to 6 ins Yo in....... 4to 5 weeks Running Broccoli Sweet Corn 
Okra fee 2 oz. per 100 ft...... lieittee Lin. eee 7to 9 weeks || Beets Brussels Sprouts Corn Salad 
Onion Seed.......... 1 os. per 100 ft...... G inaeeey s. i ine 13 to 16 weeks || Brussels Sprouts Late Cabbage Cress 
Onion Sets........... 2 ats. per 100 ft..... 3 insta iis 14 ink 5to 6 weeks || Carrot Carrot Cucumber 
Paraley...........0.. V4 os. per 100 ft..... 4 to 6 ins Mine, 10 to 12 weeks || Cauliflower Cauliflower Endive 
Parsnip's; 100 cece 1 os. per 100 ft...... 4ins....... V6 ines 13 to 14 weeks _ || Celery Sweet Corn Gherkin 
Peas uk | 1 to 2 Ibs. per 100 ft... 1 to 2 ins 1to2ins...| 8 to10 weeks || Sweet Corn Creas Kale 
Pepper. .<:. 1 os. to 1000 plants... 124: fteer Vy inieaen ce 14 to 18 weeks || Cress Cucumber Kohl Rabi 
Potatoes............ 744 Ibs. per 100 ft... 15 ines 3 ing 2. 10 to 12 weeks || Cucumber Endive Lettuce 
Potatoes; Sweet (ost rr eye ore hs 3 ft. hills i ee ae 18 to 20 weeks || Kohl Rabi Kale Nasturtium 
Pumpkin............ 1 os. to 25 bills... C1254. 1 inden 15 to 16 weeks- || Leek Koh! Rabi Okra 
Radish, Early.......: 1 oz. per 100 ft..... F Vins eee 1G ieee 3 to 4weeks || Lettuce Lettuce Early Peas 
Radish, Winter....... 1 oz. per 100 ft...... 4 ing: 324055 Vibes: 7to 8 weeks Melon Melon ; Pumpkin 
Rhubarb Roots....... 30 roots per 100 ft... Site 7in§...... 4to 6 weeks || Onion Nasturtium mera 
Rutabaga ........... 1 os. per 100 ft...... 6ins....... V4 i.......| 12 to 14 weeks || Parsley Okra Sata 
Sabify cin veda 2 os. per 100 ft...... dinsioh.. 16 Oe ae 16 to 18 weeks || Parsnip Early Peas — 
Sorrel. Ye ee me 1 os. per 100 ft...... Sins tarahs Wo fh....... Peas Potatoes Pica 
Bpinaelsoees ese 2 os. per 100 ft...... 4.ins:. 2s eo Be... 6to 7 weeks P otatoes Pumpkin utabaga 
Spinach, New Zealand.| 1 os. per 100 ft...... Ging... 2s. ling...... 7 to 10 weeks || Radish eg 
Squash, Bush........ 1 os. to 25 hills...... 4 ft. hills 1ink...... 7to Sweeks || Salsify Jay As 
Squash, Vine... 1 oz. to 15 hills...... 6 ft. hills liege 12 to 14 weeks || Spinach ERIE 
Swies Chard......... 2 oz. per 100 ft...... 6.inssse sone 4 tolin 7 to §& weeks Early Turnip the 
Tomsto............. 1 oz. to 3000 plants. . 314 ft...... 16 ined, 14 to 16 weeks = 
Tornip. s:08 sn) ees 1 os. per 100 ft...... ainsi Wim. ..... 7 to 10 weeks August September 
NOTE:—Differences in maturity vary with climate, season, soil, geographic location and elevation, and variety planted 
In Open In Open "I's th 
Number of plants Required to the Acre Number of Plants Produced From An Ounce of Seed Ground ad me ae 7 t's the 
Distance Apart =. gNO.0f Pinntee f ASDACSGUE 2050505. <sxwu++o-osehaveek fang about 300)| Beans, Bush iiaaity aes 
1 foot by 3% loots een wee oe elves 43 ,560 Broccoli I ccnp ore cubatauntenss « — 2,000/| Chervil frames Crop 
134 feet by 134 font <2 Sy aaisrerneswWstandes4bies TOSCO MA CObbage se 020. jigs... <yersacvehcde « —2,000/] Corn Salad panlifowee toon That 
2 feet by 1 foot ye er UE? Sie5) 79 200 Canlifiowes .iebiiac sud. .-.-0dsVanaasmces “ 2.000 cuenta ober 
a fost by 2,’ .ieets 2,7 acer ees olen aa LOT SOG MEET CELERY cc crc iata ce chts s+ eduoceseciehas “ 3,000] Sadive a6 
O44 foot by 256 fentss.v. Tete irene PPG (GMAT I Weg Plant. (704 ...2s.....-00esncansoace “1000 er: Cora Salad Counts 
Q ii feet by 2m feeta eres ore ee ad ee _ 7 OOO MIRE TUNGIVOus ie hes wk « cutes.soe ¢seicoees delnvents eee 3, 000 W toh Oni Siberian Kale Plant 
Fi foet: by: 3x5 feet. ua are hee pee 4) SAUL ALO ya et teatintes ccc e+» xaalvmabaataten “ — 2,000}| "ve on 
AT leek by 4 fant ete ee, ee VPC MMI RR Ree less... kuieer ts aimt “ —1.900/| Early Peas Lettuce Abel's 
5 sleet by de fests Teese ee es TIT RUE LARtOOE ST eT ab wncicdsss-cbannnecas rate “ — 3000)| Radish Mustard 
5% feat by b>: fent.sih).” ura east TASER PCO INE Ciiess iv ince. onesegioanent “ — 2,900]| Spinach aie eeeee Seeds 
6, souk hy Os. feck socks uae treme ee ere ern) a Se en eee “ — 3,000|| Turnip Spinac 
oh tect by'S i fell co eres BON Sage enc ....-0fekecsamanhs “ — 1909|] Rutabaga be a 
ILHYINGSR AMM levis cis diss +'s oe RUSON sv are “« 5,000 


—Plant light green, coarse. Pods single, light green, blunt, 
straight, indented; contain about 8 peas. Seed round, gray. 
Length of plant, 54”; length of pod, 41/2"; 80 days. 

Vp pt., 20c; pt., 35c; qt., 65c; pk. (14 Ib.), $4.80. 

slender and wiry with purple blossoms. Pods double, light 
green, heavily curved, semi-pointed, strongly indented be- 
tween the peas. Seed small, mottled, gray, round. Length 
of plant, 28”; length of pod, 3”; 65 days. 

Vp pt., 20c; pt., 35c; qt., 65c; pk. (14 1b.), $4.80. 

DWARF WHITE BLOSSOM—Plant slender, medium green, 
with white blossoms. Pods single and double, much con- 
stricted, mostly straight, semi-pointed, light green. Seed 
small, round, smooth, creamy white. Length of plant, 26”; 
length of pod, 234"; 65 days. 

Vy pt., 20c: pt., 35c; qt., 65c; pk. (14 lb.), $4.80. 

i h y Abel's 
\ Yi hi] Rapid 
; ; Pp If Red 
Sati): on —T SY, l iV | 
j Hy Natl ' i, 
i Ip oe / Ya) f NY 0, 


ABEL'S SPARKLER—Popular with market gardeners. Roots 
round, smooth, dull scarlet-red, one-third white at bottom; 
flesh white, crisp and tender. Diam., 114"; length, 114"; 26 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 25c: 14 lb., 60c; 1b., $1.50; 5 lbs., $6.25. 
ABEL’S RAPID RED—Small, perfectly round, with thin, bright 
red skin; flesh pure white, crisp. 20 to 25 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., Z5cr 1/q Ib., 60e; 1b., $1.50: 5 Ibs., $6.25. 

CAVALIER—Roots uniform, olive-shaped, deep scarlet. Holds 
well before going pithy. 23 days. 
Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c; 1/4 lb., 60c; 1b., $1.50; 5 Ibs., $6.25. 

CRIMSON GIANT GLOBE—Largest round red. Tops small, 
upright. Roots go up to 11," without pith. Globe shape, deep 
red, thick skin. Flesh white, tender, crisp. Diam., 11/2"; 
length, 114%"; 30 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 25c; 1/4 lb., 60c;: 1b., $1.50; 5 lbs., $6.25. 
small but strong enough to bunch well. Roots olive-shaped, 
with small tap root; bright scarlet. Flesh white, crisp, ten- 
der. 23 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c; 1/4 lb., 6Oc: Ib., $1.50; 5 Ibs., $6.25. 

WHITE PEARL or PEARL FORCING—A beautiful pearly 
white, half stump-rooted radish that is very firm and solid 
and remains in good condition for two weeks before be- 
coming woody or showing any signs of going to seed. Diam., 
34"; length, 6”; 27 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c; 1% Ib., 60c; lb., $1.50; 5 Ibs., $6.25. 
WHITE ICICLE—Finest early white variety. Popular with 
home gardeners. Tops medium, roots long, tapering, pure 
white, very crisp and mild. Diam., 34”; length, 6”; 27 days. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 25c; 144 Ib., 60c; lb., $1.50; 5 lbs., $6.25. 


ABEL’S SEED HOUSE 12 N. 9th St.. Reading, Pa. 

ABEL’S NEW PEARL ROUND—The Radishes are perfectly 
round, large, snow-white, with very thin tap-root. The tops 
are medium to short, making them very suitable for out- 
side, under sash, or in greenhouse. Bunched and washed 
they make a most attractive show. I urge you to grow a 
good quantity of them. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c; 14 I|b., 60c;: 1lb., $1.50; 5 lbs., $6.25. 

Icicle, but more slender and several days later. Roots sleek, 
tapering; skin white, with tinge of green on the sloping 
shoulder; flesh white and crisp. Diam., 2"; lenath, 5l/2."— 
61/2"; 29 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 25c: 1% Ilb., 60c; Ib., $1.50; 5 lbs., $6.25. 
WHITE STRASBURG—Large, showy, thick at shoulder, taper- 
ing to a point. Flesh white, firm, mildly pungent. Diam., 1}/2"; 
length, 6”; 39 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c; 14 lb., 60c; Ib., $1.50; 5 lbs., $6.25. 

CHARTIERS—(SHEPERD)—A very attractive sort; bright rose 
color on the upper part, shading to white at the tip; flesh 
white and crisp. Diam., 1"; length, 7”—8"; 35 days. . 
Pkt... 10c. 0z.,.20C:..4/4 Ib., 60c: Ib., $1.50; 5 lbs., 96.25. 

FRENCH BREAKFAST—Old favorite. Tops medium small. 
Roots thicker towards bottom, scarlet with white tip. Flesh 
white, crisp, excellent quality. Diam., 34"; length, 11/)"; 25 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 25c: 14 lb., 60c: 1lb., $1.50; 5 lbs., $6.25. 

CINCINNATI MARKET—Small, short top for home gardens 
and truckers. Roots cylindrical, with tapering end, deep red; 
flesh very white, crisp, mild and tender. Length, 6’—7”; 28 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c; 1/, Ib., 60c; Ib., $1.50; 5 lbs., $6.25. 

variety. Roots cylindrical, and thickest at lower end; leaves 
large, light green, flesh white, crisp and not pungent. Diam., 
2"; length, 7“—8"; 60 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c; 14 Ib., 60c; 1b., $1.50; 5 Ibs., $6.25. 


CHINESE ROSE—(SCARLET CHINA)—Roots cylindrical, or 
larger at bottom, tapering abruptly to a small tip. Skin very 
smooth and bright rose. Flesh firm, crisp, tender pungent. 
Diam. 134"; length, 8”; 53 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 25c; 14 1b., 60c; 1b., $1.50; 5 Ibs., $6.25. 

LONG BLACK SPANISH—Tops large and heavy. Roots large 
and tapering. Skin black, flesh white. Very firm and pun- 
gent. Diam., 2”; length, 8”; 62 days. 

?kt., 10c:; oz, 25e: Yq Ib., 60c: 1b., $1.50; 5 Ibs., $6.25. 

ROUND BLACK SPANISH—Roots round or top shaped. Skin 
black, flesh white, firm crisp, and highly flavored. Good 
keeper. Diam., 4”; length, 4”; 60 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 25c: 14 lb., 60c; lb., $1.50; 5 lbs., $6.25. 

WHITE CHINESE—(CELESTIAL)—Roots cylindrical, with 
heavy shoulder; flesh white, crisp, rather mild in flavor. 
Diam., 21/,"-3"; length, 8”; 60 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 25c; 1/4 Ib., 60c; Ib., $1.50; 5 Ibs., $6.25. 


VICTORIA—A main crop sort, vigorous in growth, with up- 
standing, thick red stalks of excellent quality. 
Pkt., 10c: oz., 35c; 1/, lb., 60c. 




IMPROVED PURPLE-TOP—Roots large, globular, inclined 
toward top shape with relatively small neck; yellow with 
purple top; flesh light yellow, firm, of good texture and 
quality. Diam., 5”; 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c: 1/4 lb., 50c: lb., $1.50. 

EARLY NECKLESS RUTABAGA—Medium top and very small 
neck. Roots flattened globe in shape, yellow with purple 
top; flesh yellow, firm and of excellent quality. Diam., 41/2"; 
85 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c: 14 lb., 60c; lb., $1.85. 


MAMMOTH SANDWICH ISLAND—The most usually culti- 
vated variety; hardy, slow growing, requires all season and 
is better if frosted. Tapering, smooth, dull white. Length, 
8”—9"; width, 11/."—2". 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 oz., 45c. 

Le Fs: 

Long Standing 


vigorous variety. Plant fast growing, uniform, hardy and 
attractive. Leaves large, oval-shaped, curved, heavily sav- 
oyed, dark glossy green. Bolts rather quickly. 39 days. 

Pkt... 10c?o0z., 15c; 1/4 1b... 40c?1b., -95c: 5 Ib. 5c, 

few days later than other Bloomsdales, it holds 12-14 days 
longer before throwing seed stalks. Plant large, very uni- 
form, erect and sturdy, with very attractive, highly crumpled 
and blistered dark green leaves. Exceptionally valuable for 
home and market gardens, and for shipping from the South. 
42 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 15c; 1/4, lb., 40c; 1 Ib., 95c; 5 lbs., 85c. 


ABEL’S SEED HOUSE _ 12. N. Sth St., Reading, Pa. 

VICTORIA, s. s.—Distinguished by its flat rosette of large, 
crumpled, thick, blunt, very dark green, glazed leaves. Its 
slowness in bolting seed stalks makes it a desirable va- 
riety for mid-summer use. 48 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 15c: 14 Ib., 40c; 1 Ib., 95c; 5 lbs., 85c. 

NEW ZEALAND, p. s. Tetragonia expansa—Not a true spin- 
ach, though similar when cooked. Native of New Zealand, 
quite distinct in habit of growth; thrives in hot, dry weather. 
The large, spreading plants have small, thick, pointed, deep 
green leaves, which can be picked repeatedly throughout 
the season. Seeds are large and hard-horned; should be 
steeped, and planted only in warm soil. 70 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 25c7 Y/, Ib., 50c; lb., $1.50. 

Virginia Experiment Station for mosaic resistance. Upstand- 
ing, vigorous plants; seeding rather early; highly desirable 
for planting in infested soil. Leaves somewhat smoother than 
other strains of Savoy. 39 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 15c: 14 Ib., 40c;: 1 Ib., 95c;: 5 lbs., 85c. 


used summer sort. Plants very prolific. Fruits curved at neck, 
light yellow at early eating stage, and covered with warts, 
Length, 10”; diam., 4”; 52 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c: 1% lb., 55c; 1lb., $1.65. 

STRAIGHTNECK SUMMER—58 days. The same squash as 
the Golden Crookneck, but with a straight neck. Golden 
orange, warted fruits, 18 in. long. Finest quality salmon- 
yellow flesh. Popular with housewives as it can be pre- 
pared for the table with little loss. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c: 1% lb., 55c; lb., $1.65. 

WHITE BUSH SCALLOP (PATTY PAN)—An old favorite for 
home and market gardens. Fruits when very 
young, becoming white: as they grow, to 2!/ lb.; shaped 
somewhat like a round pie or patty with scalloped edges. 
Length, 3”; diam., 7/2"; 52 days. 
Pkt., 10c; o2z., 20c; 14, lb., 55c; lb., $1.65. 
GOLDEN HUBBARD—Similar to Green Hubbard, but earlier, 
smaller, and more prolific. Popular with home and market 
gardeners and canners. Fruits somewhat pointed at each 
end, 8-10 lbs., moderately warted, orange-red, with faint 
cream colored stripes toward blossom end; flesh deep 
orange, dry, and of fine quality; keeps well. Length, 11”; 
diam., 8”; 100 days. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c: 1/4, lb., 75c; Ib., $2.00. 
GREEN HUBBARD, IMPROVED—Standard winter sort for 
home and market gardeners, and for shipping. Fruits, 10-12 
lb. pointed at both ends, slightly warted, dark bronze- 
green in color; rind hard and tough; flesh very thick, orange- 
yellow, dry and sweet. Length, 12”; diam., 9”; 105 days. 
Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c; 1/4 1b., 60c; Ib., $1.80. 
FORDHOOK pepo-Fruits tapered toward stem, somewhat 
ridged, smooth, cream colored; 1!/,-2 lb. flesh extremely 
thick; straw colored, dry and sweet. Length, 8”; diam., 3”; 
62 days. 

A bush strain of this variety is also avilable. 

Pkt, 10c; oz., 25c> 14 lb.. 75c; lb., $2.00. 

COCOZELLE, LONG—Of Italian marrow type, increasingly 
popular with market gardeners and shippers. Fruits, 4 lb.; 
cylindrical, straight, smooth, dark green with lighter green 
stripes which change to deep yellow at maturity; flesh 
very firm, greenish white; a very early, prolific variety. 
Length, 20”; diam., 41/."; 65 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c; 1/4 1b., 55c; lb., $1.55. 




BURPEE’S RHUBARD CHARD—A new Swiss Chard that 
looks like Rhubarb. The leaf-stalks, considered by many as 
the most delicious part of the Chard plant, are bright but 
delicate, translucent crimson; the rich color extends out 
through the veins into the dark green, heavily crumpled 
leaves. Easily grown, thrives everywhere. You will enjoy 
the different, tasty, delicious flavor of Burpee’s Rhubard 
Chard. Whether you cook the leaf-stalks alone, use only 
the leaves, or cook both together, you will find a sweetness 
you never knew existed in a leafy vecetable. 60 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 30c; oz., 55c¢; 14 1b., $1.40; 1/2 lb., $2.50. 

LUCULLUS—Popular for home and market gardens. Upstand- 
ing in habit of growth; leaves crumpled, bright yellowish 
green; stems thick, broad, and white. 50 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c: 1% lb., 75¢: V2 Ib., $1.25. 


OXHEART, p.—Plant is open, spreading, only moderately 
productive. Fruits large, heart-shaped, somewhat rough, 
pink; very solid, meaty, and of mild flavor. 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 65c: oz., $1.25; 1/4 Ib., $4.00. 

BEEFSTEAK (Crimson Cushion: Red Ponderosa), r.—A wilt 
resistant, large variety, for home and market garden use. 
Plant open in habit of growth, heavy, rather light green, vig- 
orous. Fruits large, flat, scarlet, rather smooth. 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/4 oz., 25c; Ye oz. 45c; 1 oz., 80c: 14 lb., $2.50; 
Wo Ib., $4.25. 

BONNY BEST, r.—Standard second early variety for market 
gardeners, shippers and canners. Plant medium, not very 
hardy. Fruits ‘slightly flattened globe shape, of medium 
size; smooth, solid, bright scarlet in color, of excellent 
quality. 73 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1, oz. 2007 We oz., 35c; oz., 65c: 14 Ib., $1.90; 
Yo lb., $2.80. 

EARLIANA, r—A _ standard first-early variety, widely 
adapted and valuable in areas of shorter season. Plant 
open, spreading, medium small, with finely cut foliage. 
Fruits flattened, medium sized, bright red, quite smooth. The 
ib strain has been bred for thicker, smoother fruits. 66 

Pkt.. 10c: 14 oz. 20c: Ye oz. 35c; oz., 65c; 1/4 Ib., $1.90; 
Wo lb., $2.80. 

MARGLOBE r.—Introduced by the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture 
in 1925, this main crop variety has come into wide use by 
truckers and shippers, and in some sections by canners. 
Plant vigorous, with heavy foliage, resistant to Fusarium 
wilt and nail-head rust; moderately productive. Fruits me- 
dium large, nearly globular, deep red, smooth, solid, with 
thick walls and cross-sections; of fine quality. 77 days. 
Pkt., 10c: 14 oz., 20c; 2 oz., 35c; oz., 65c; 14 Ib., $1.90; 
Wo 1b., $3.00. 

MATCHLESS, r.—A reliable mid-season sort, well adapted 
to canning. Plant heavy in growth, erect, strongly produc- 
tive. Fruits large, thick-flat, quite smooth, bright cardinal- 
red 83 days. 
Pkt., 10c; 4 oz., 20c; Y2 oz., 35c: oz., 65c:; 1% Ib., $1.90; 
Vp lb., $3.00. 


ABEL’S SEED HOUSE 12 N. Sth St., Reading, Pa. 

RUTGERS, r.—A recent introduction by the New Jersey Ex- 
periment Station which has deservedly achieved general 
popularity. Primarily intended for canning, has also proven 
a good green-wrap shipper and all-purpose variety of wide 
adaptation. Bred from Marglobe and J.T.D., it combines the 
best qualities of both, including Marglobe’s resistance to 
disease and J.T.D.'s habit of ripening from the interior out- 
wards. Plant large with thick stems and vigorous foliage. 
Fruits globular; bright red, smooth with thick walls and 
small seed cells. 86 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1% oz., 20c: Y oz., 35c: oz., 65c: 14 Ilb., $1.90; 
Vo Ib., $3.00. 

PRITCHARD (Scarlet Topper), r.—Introduced by the U. S. 
Dept. of Agriculture. All-America Gold Medal 1934. Plant 
self-topping, resistant to Fusarium wilt and nail-head rust. 
Fruits globular with thick walls; color light scarlet, not as 
intense as could be desired. For market gardens, shipping 
and canning. 76 days. 

Pkt., 10cz 14 0z., 20c: Y% oz., 35c: oz, 65c; 14 Ib., $1.90; 
1/2 lb., $3.00. 

BURPEE’S DWARF GIANT (Tree Type)—Plants are of the 
dwarf or tree type; fruits are flattened, with rich purple- 
crimson skin. The meat is fine-grained, juicy, and solid 
enough to stand shipping well. Desirable home garden va- 
riety for those who want to grow large sized tomatoes in 
a small space. 80 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 14 oz., 25c: Y/2 oz., 40c: oz., 75c: 4 Ib., $2.15; 
Wo \b., $3.25. 

STONE, IMPROVED, r.—Plant large, dense, very produc- 
tive. Fruits large, flattened by deep, smooth, attractive scar- 
let-red of fine flavor. The Asgrow strain ripens evenly and 
is uniform. 86 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 14 oz., 20c: WY oz, 35c: oz., 65c; Y%y Ib., $1.90; 
Vp \lb., $3.00. 

DWARF STONE, r.—Most widely used of the dwarf varie- 
ties. Plant short, compact, with dark foliage. Fruits large, 
flattened globe, exceptionally attractive bright red in color, 
and quite solid. 92 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 14 oz., 20c: YY, oz., 35c: oz., 65c; 14 Ib., $1.90; 
Vp \b., $3.00. 

PONDEROSA, p.—One of the largest varieties in general 
use for home garden planting. Plant large and spreading, 
with medium green leaves. Fruits very large, flat, purplish 
pink, somewhat rough, with tendency to crack, solid, with 
small seed cells; of inviting flavor. 88 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 14° 0z., 25c: Ye oz. 45c: oz., 80c; 1/4, Ib., $2.50; 
Wo lb., $4.50. 

GOLDEN QUEEN, y.—The leading large yellow variety. 
Good for home gardens and for commercial juice. Plant of 
medium size. Fruits medium large, deep golden yellow; 
smooth, rather solid, of mild flavor. 84 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1% oz., 25c: YY oz., 45: oz., 80c: 14 Ib., $2.50; 
If, lb., $4.50. 

TRUCKER’S FAVORITE—Fruit of regular size and form, 
meaty, very evenly colored deep rich purplish red from 
stem to blossom end. Matures between the midseason and 
main-crop varieties. 80 days. 

Pkt., 10c:; 14 oz., 25c: Y2 oz., 40c: oz., 75c: YW Ib. $2.15; 
Wy \b., $3.25. 



CHALK’S EARLY JEWEL, r.—A second early sort for home 
gardeners and truckers, also good for canning in the North. 
Plant medium, with open.growth; prolific. Fruits medium 
large, smooth, scarlet, flattened globe-shaped. Very similar 
to Bonny Best. 74 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 30c; oz., 50c; 1% lb., $1.50; 1/2 Ib., $2.25. 
JOHN BAER, r.—An early sort maiuring between Earliana 
and Bonny Best. Excellent for gardeners serving local mar- 
kets and for canning. Plant of medium height and open 
growth. Fruits medium size, smooth, semi-globular, attrac- 
tive deep scarlet, with medium walls and small core. The 
Asgrow strain is exceptionally early. 70 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 1/2 oz., 30c; oz., 50c: 1/4 lb., $1.50; 1/2 1lb., $2.25. 

PENN STATE (NEW)—Developed by Dr. Myers of Penn State 
College. The plants are of the self-topping type, with short, 
thick vines, which allow them to be set close together. The 
medium sized, scarlet-red fruits are born in clusters of 4 to 6 
to a plant, and are smooth, slightly flattened, solid, and of 
superb quality. 80 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/4 oz. 25c; 1/2 oz., 45c: oz., 80c: 14 Ib., $2.50; 
Vo ips $4.50. 


RED PEAR, s. f.—Very similar to Red Cherry, except that 
fruits are pear-shaped. 73 days. 
Pkt., 10c: ¥/ oz., 45c; oz., 80c. 

YELLOW PEAR, s. £—Very similar to Red Pear, except for 
color. 73 days. » 
Pkt., 10c: 1, oz., 45c; oz., 80c. 

YELLOW PLUM, s. f.—A yellow fruited sort, with oval plum- 
shaped fruit. For preserves. 73 days. 
Pkt., 10c; Ye oz., 45c; oz., 80c. 

YELLOW CHERRY, s. f.—Fruits are small, round, yellow, 
with shape and size of a cherry. Grown for preserving 
and as a novelty. 73 days. 

Pkt., 10c: ¥/, oz., 45c; oz., 80c. 

RED CHERRY, s. £.—Valuable for preserving, and as a nov- 
elty. Plant rank in growth. Fruits small, rich scarlet-red, 
cherry-like; borne in heavy clusters. 73 days. 

Pkt., 10c;: 1/2 0z., 45c; oz., 80c. 

RED CURRANT, s. f.—Red small stems of currant like fruit. 
73 days. 
Pkt., 10c; / oz., 45c; oz., 80c. 

RED PEACH, s. £—About 114” through; round, fuzz like 
peach. 73 days. 
Pkt., 10c; '/, oz., 45c; oz., 80c. 

Pkt., 10c; 1/2 0z., 45c; oz., 80c. 


PURPLE TOP WHITE GLOBE—The most popular variety for 
home and market gardens, and for shipping. Tops dark 
green, large, erect, cut leaved. Roots large, globe-shaped, 
very smooth, upper part purple-red, white below; flesh 
white, sweet, crisp and tender. The Asgrow strain is very 

enor and attractive. Diam., 4”; 57 days. 
Pkt., 10c; oz., 15¢c; 14 lb., 40c: Ib., $1, 25; 5 Ib, $1.10; 10 lb., $1.00. 


ABEL’S SEED HOUSE 12 N. Sth St.. Reading, Pa. 

COW HORN (LONG WHITE)—Tops large, upstanding, with 
deeply cut leaves. Roots white with light green shoulder, 
one-third out of ground, 9”-10” long, tapering, often crooked. 
A sweet, tender variety for table use and a heavy yielder 
for stock at full maturity. Diam., 2!/"; 70 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 20c: 1% Ib., 50c; lb., $1.40; 5 lb., $1.35. 

GOLDEN BALL—An attractive sort for the home garden and 
for truckers. Tops small, erect, cut leaved. Roots medium 
sized, round, smooth, yellow; flesh deep yellow, of fine 
texture and betier flavor than others in this group. Diam., 
34/4"; 65 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c: 14 {b., 50c; Ib., $1.40. 

SEVEN TOP—A very hardly sort, grown principally for 
greens, also for forage. Popular throughout the South. The 
young shoots are very tender; roots tough and unsuitable 
for food. 

Pkt., 10cz oz., 15c: Y lb., 35c; lb., $1.20. 

PURPLE TOP STRAP LEAVED—A medium early, very pro- 
ductive variety, used extensively in home and market 
gardens. Tops medium small, upright and compact. Roots 
flat, purple-red at the top, white below; flesh white, fine 
grained and tender. Diam., 4”; 46 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 15c; 1/4 lb., 35c: lb., $1.20. 

WHITE EGG—For home gardens and local markets. Tops 
medium sized, upright, cut leaved. Roots white, egg-shaped, 
3”—31/," long, white throughout; smooth, fine grained, and 
of fine quality. Diam., 214"; 60 days. 
Pkt., 10cz oz., 15c; 1/, lb., 35c; Ib., $1.20. 

AMBER GLOBE—Principally a stock feed variety; also used 
for table when young. Tops large, cut leaved. Roots round, 
large, smooth, globe-shaped, light yellow with green top; 
flesh yellowish white, of good quality. Diam., 6”; 76 days. 
Pkt., 10c: oz., 15c: 14 lb., 35c; lb., $1.20. 


CUT-RED WATSON—Moarkets calling for really good, large 
melons of the Tom Watson type will be pleased with this. 
A fine grained, deep red fleshed, entirely stringless and 
very sweet melon. There was not a white heart or an off- 
melon in our fields. Rind is very tough and darker green 
than the older strains of Watson. Under proper growing 
conditions will often average, 25 lbs.; 95 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 0z., 15c; 1/4 lb., 45c; lb., $1.25; 5 lb., $1.23; 10 1b., $1.20. 

STONE MOUNTAIN, IMPROVED—Introduced by H. G. Hast- 
ings Co. A high quality shipping variety, also for garden 
planting. Fruits very large, oval-round with blunt ends; me- 
dium green with indistinct veining, rind is but fairly tough. 
Flesh rich scarlet, fine grained and very sweet; seed white 
with black edge. 35 lbs.,; 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 0z., 15c; 14 Ib., 45c; lb., $1.25; 5 1b., $1.23; 10 lb., $1.20. 

Fruits large, elongated, gray-green, with irregular very dark 
green stripes; rind very tough. Flesh bright pink, seed dull 
white with black tip. 28 lbs., 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c; 0z., 15¢; 1/4 lb., 45c: lb., $1.25; 5 lb., $1.23; 10 1lb., $1.20. 

KLECKLEY’S SWEET (Monte Cristo)—Similar to Wonder- 
melon. An excellent variety for home gardens and local 
markets. It will not stand shipping long distances. Fruits 
large, cylindrical, dark bluish green, with thin, tender rind. 
Flesh bright red, tender and extremely sweet; seed creamy 
white with traces of brown. 30 lbs.; 85 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 15c; 1/4 Ib., 45; Ib., $1.25; 5 Ib., $1.23; 10 lb., $1.20. 





ABEL’S SUGAR STICK—Vines strong, vigorous, setting many 
melons measuring from 20 to 24 inches in length. Rind thin 
and tough; skin light grayish green with narrow darker 
green lines, giving a mottled effect of small half-inch 
squares; flesh deep, rich red, with broad, solid heart, crisp 
and sugary. 30 lbs.; 90 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 15c; 1/4 lb., 45c; 1b., $1.25; 5 lb., $1.23; 10 lb., $1.20. 

SWEET HEART—Fruits large, nearly round, gray with fine 
veining of light green; rind tough and elastic. Flesh pink; 
seed black. 22 lbs.; 85 days. 

Pkt., 10c: oz., 15ce; 1/4 Ib., 45e; lb., $1.25; 5 1b., $1.23; 10 lb., $1.20. 

HALBERT’S HONEY—Similar to Kleckley’s Sweet, but some- 
what larger; desirable for home and market gardens, but 
not for shipping. Fruits long, cylindrical, with blunt ends, 
slightly ridged, dark green, lightly veined; rind very ten- 
der. Flesh bright red, and exceptionaly sweet; seed white 
with blackish tip. 35 lbs.; 82 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 0z., 15¢; 1/4 1b., 45c; 1b., $1.30; 5 lb., $1.28; 10 lb., $1.25. 

DIXIE—Fruits medium, oblong to long, light green with 
dark stripes; rind thin but strong. Flesh bright red, seed 
black. Keep well. Weight, 25 lbs.; 85 days. 

Pkt., 10c: 0z., 15c; W/ Ib., 45c; 1b., $1.30; 5 lb., $1.28; 10 lb., $1.25. 

DIXIE QUEEN—A very prolific, shipping type of excellent 
quality. Fruits oval-round, light green with dark green 
stripes; weight 30 lbs.; rind thin but tough. Flesh bright red, 
crisp and quite free from fibre; seed small, white and few. 
Sometimes incorrectly described as white-seeded Cuban 
Queen. Weight, 30 lbs.; 85 days. 

Pkt., 10c; oz., 20c; 1/4 lb., 55e; lb., $1.55; 5 1b., $1.53; 10 lb., $1.50. 


ABEL’S SEED HOUSE 12 N. Sth St., Reading, Pa. 


ALFCO CRABGRASS KILLER—An amazing new discovery 
that effectively kills crabgrass and weeds in the lawn with- 
out destroying permanent lawn grasses. Sprayed on incested 
areas during September, Alfco will destroy both the plant 
and the seeds, checking reinfestation next year. \/ pt., 
$1.00; pt., $1.50. 

ANTROL is easy to use, economical, and safe around chil- 
dren and peis. Can be used inside or outside the house. 
Consists of small glass containers from which the worker 
ants carry special Antrol Syrup to their nests for food. The 
whole ant family is quickly killed at the source—the only 
way to get permanent freedom from these pests. Antrol con- 
tainers are practically unbreakable glass, with rust-proof, 
water-proof aluminum lids. Control both sweet and grease- 
eating ants. Prices—Antrol Ready-filled set, containing 4 
filled feeders, 40c; Antrol Regular Set, 4 containers and 4-oz. 
bottle syrup—enough for two fillings, 60¢; Antrol Syrup for 
refilling, 4-oz. bottle, 20c; pint bottle, 90c. 

KRYOCIDE—A new product with natural Cryolite and high 
soil toxicity. Insures protection for vegetables and fruit 
irees. Simply apply as a dust or spray. Lt., 38c. 

LEMON OIL—A standard insecticide recommended for de- 
striping thrip, aphis, mealy bug, etc. Pt., 60c. 

ARSENATE OF LEAD (Dry)—Will destroy leaf-eating insects. 
Mix 2 pounds to 50 gallons water. Lb., 30c; 4 lbs., 80c. Case, 
48 lbs. at 15e per lb. 

BORDEAUX MIXTURE (Dry)—For all fungoid diseases, mil- 
dew, and various rots ot grape, etc. 1 lb., 35e: 4 lbs., 85ce. 

CALCIUM ARSENATE—For spraying to kill potato beetles 
and cabbage worms, and for use on plants having hardy 
foliage, use 11/, to 2 pounds to 50 gallons water or 2 table- 
spoons to 1 gallon water. For dusting, dilute with an equal 
amount of hydrated lime and apply with duster. 1-lb. pack, 
25c; 4-lb. pack, 70c. 

AVENARIUS CARBOLINEUM. Kills mites or ticks in hen 
houses. Applied once a year. Guaranteed to do the work. 
It will not only kill mites and fowl ticks by direct contact, 
but if sprayed or brushed, it will penetrate all cracks and 
crevices and eifectually stop their propagation and keep 
against rot and decay, adding at least 100 per cent to the 
life of fence posts, poles, sills, floors, bridge timbers, porches 
and to wood imbedded in concrete. It enables the use of 
any kind of wood grown on your own wood lot for fence 
posts, making such species as willow and cottonwood posts 
a durable and lasting as the long life and expensive 
species. $2.00 per gallon in single gallons. Write for prices 
on larger quantity. 

C. P. O. (Insecticidal Soap Spreader). Odorless, nonpoison- 
ous, liquid form. Dilute 1 to 80 to make nicotine, pyrethrum 
and other insecticidal poisons more effective. Can also be 
used without insecticidal poisons for control of JUNIPER 
SCALE, many forms of aphids and certain other insects in- 
festing evergreens, flowering shrubs, fruits and vegetables. 
BLOzss = 29C! Unt eNC rr Cis) ol.kos OC), toe) 0! oO tod!..! 610.00; 
10 gal., $18.00. 

COPPER SOLUTION—The original ammoniated copper so 
highly recommended by Department of Agriculture as the 
most effective preventive for mildew, black spot, rust, etc., 
on roses, and other plants. Highly concentrated—stands dilu- 

tion 80 to 1. Invisible on foliage or blooms. 1/2 pt., 50c: 
pt., 85e; qt., $1.50. 



CORNFUME—For the control of the Corn Ear Worm. Based 
on a formula successfully used in tests made by leading 
Agricultural Specialists. Economical. Easy to apply. The 
Cornfume pump delivers just the right dose in one applica- 
tion. Cornfume is applied just before the corn tassels. One 
application is sufficient for effective control. Tasteless and 
odorless, Cornfume does not impart any foreign odor to 
the corn. Harmless and non-poisonous when used in Corn 
Ear Worm control. Half pints at 60c; Half Pint size with 
Cornfume Pump, $1.50. 

FISH-OIL SOAP—Liquid—Commonly known as “Whale-Oil 
Soap.’ Makes an excellent wash for trees and plants. Lb., 
38c; 5 lbs., $1.50. 

FLOWERS OF SULPHUR—A staple preventive for mildew 
on grapes, roses, etc. Lb., 15e; 5 lbs., 50c; 10 lbs., 75e; 50 
lbs., $3.43; 100 lbs., $6.00. 

SULPHUR, WETTABLE (Dritomic)—A new and greatly im- 
proved summer fungicide containing 95 per cent Sulphur of 
325-mesh fineness. It wets immediately upon being placed 
in water and will stay in suspension indefinitely. Ideal for 
wet spraying of fruit and ornamental trees to control scab- 
rot, leaf-spot, mildew, rust, etc. 2 lbs., 25e; 5 lbs.. 50c; 10 
lbs., 90c; 25 lbs., $2.25; 50 lbs., $4.00; 100 lbs., $7.00. 
FUNGTROGEN—The spray for controlling mildew and black 
spot. It is well to spray regularly about every five days 
with this preparation in order to prevent mildew and black 
spot from getting control of your roses. Use two ounces to 
the gallon of water. It is necessary to control mildew and 
black spot, as they will eventually destroy the plants, and 
when Fungtrogen is used, not only does it act as a pre- 
ventive and remedy, but each time you spray with this 
material the plants are stimulated in better growth and 
foliage and consequently unusually fine blooms. 1 pt, 
75c; pt., $1.25; qt., $2: 1/2 gal., $3.50; gal., $6. 
FRUITONE—The hormone spray. Stops pre-harvest drop of 
apples and fruits. Contains the same chemicals found by 
the United States Department of Agriculture to be most ef- 
fective. Holds apples on the tree to maturity of size and 
color. Also can be used to reduce gardenia bud drop. 2-oz. 
can, $1.00 (makes 25 gallons spray). 12-0z. can, $5 (makes 
150 gallons spray.) 

CYANOGAS A-DUST—For killing the following pests: Rats 
(in burrows); along ditch banks; in city dumps; under pave- 
ments and tight floors; in lumber piles; on pouliry farms; 
in grain elevators and stockyards). Mice (field mice and 
pine mice.) Moles, Woodchucks (Groundhogs). Diseased 
bees, Wasps, Yellow Jackets and Hornets. Soil insects in 
lawns and golf greens. 2 lb., 45c; 1 lb., 75ce: 5 lbs., $3.00. 


pone || CONTENTS 4 OUNCES NET || "#4 i 
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R WING |) i 
1 CYAN! we 

CYANOGAS G-FUMIGANT—The postive fumigant for green- 
house fumigation, mushroom house fumigation, warehouse 
and flour mill fumigation, grain fumigation, seed fumigation, 
fumigation of growing and dormant nursery stock, soil ster- 
ilization (wireworms, millipedes, grubs, and other soil in- 
sects). Fumigating bulbs in storage (gladioli, Narcissi, Iris, 
etc.) Fumigating tourists’ camps, summer camps, bunk 
houses (for bedbugs, cockroaches, etc.). 5 lbs., $3. 


ABEL’S SEED HOUSE 12 N. 9th St., Reading, Pa. 

GRAPE DUST—To kill mildew of grapevines; also on other 
plants or trees affected with mold, mildew, and rust-mites. 
1 lb., 40c: 5 lbs., $1.50. 

CYANOGAS ANT KILLER—Is not a bait! It is different. A 
small amount injected into the ant nest destroys the entire 
colony immediately. Spectacularly effective. This 4-oz. tin 
contains enough Cyanogas to kill a million ants. 4-oz. tin 
Cyanogas Ant Killer, 30¢ each. 

YELLOW CUPROCIDE is practically all fungicide, being 93 
per cent cuprous oxide, an “insoluble’’ copper. When you 
spray Yellow Cuprocide, you do not load your plants with 
inactive material that keeps out the light and interferes with 
growth. Every pound you put in your tank is there to fight 
the blight. Better than Bordeaux. A state experiment station 
scientist, on a fellowship supported by Rohm & Hass Com- 
pany, has thoroughly demonstrated that Yellow Cuprocide 
is superior to Bordeaux in continued fungicidal activity. Even 
on crops which can stand Bordeaux, you will be ahead with 
Yellow Cuprocide. On Bordeaux-sensitive crops, such as 
tomatoes and cucurbits, Yellow Cuprocide’s value to you 
is doubled, since you avoid Bordeaux injury. 3 lbs., $2.00. 

DOG SKAT—Keeps dogs, cats and other animals away from 
trees, evergreens, roses, shrubbery, etc. Tube releases vapor 
offensive to animals, but not noticeable to humans. One 
large tube lasts a year. Small tube, 15c; large tube, 30c. 
Jap beetles. It is a fine powder containing arsenate which, 
when sprayed on foliage, establishes a very pronounced 
silvery coating which sticks longer than any other spray 
material known. Very easy to apply—no inconvenient paste 
to work with. Not recommended for peach trees. 1-lb. can- 
isters, 45c; 100 lb. drums, $22.00. 

NAPTHA FLAKES—Will control thrips, sowbugs, and other 
earth vermin. Lb., 30¢c; 10 lbs., $2.30: 25 lbs., $5.50; 50 lbs., 

LIME-SULPHUR SOLUTION—A concentrated liquid form of 
this widely used insecticide and fungicide for spraying fruit 
trees. It is usually combined with other materials to con- 
trol several types of insects and diseases with the same 
spray. Dilution: 1 to 20 for dormant spraying; 1 to 40 for 
later applications. Ot., 40c; gal., $1.00. 

GO-WEST—Widely recognized for its effectiveness in the 
control of weevils, slugs, snails and other similar leaf-eating 
insects. Go-West is easy to use; no mixing is required. Mois- 
ture does not destroy its effectiveness and applications are 
to be made as required. Garden size, 60c: market size, 
$4.00; 1/.-acre size, $15.00. 

IMPROVED CERESAN for seed treatment of small grains. 
Ceresan has proved effective in controlling such seed-borne 
diseases as bunt or stinking smut of wheat, stripe disease 
of barley, loose and covered smuts of barley and oats, and 
covered kernel smut of sorghum. It is the only dust treat- 
ment which has successfully controlled these destructive 
grain diseases. Ceresan does not injure the seed nor the 
grain-drill. Only 2 ounces of Ceresan required per bushel 
of wheat, rye or sorghum and 3 ounces for barley and 
oats. Easy to apply, economical to use. Prices: 4 oz., 30c; 1 
lb., 80c; 5 lbs., $3.40; 25 lbs., $15.00. 

SULFOCIDE—A powerful fungicide for fruits, vegetables and 
flowers. Especially effective for mildew, rust, anthracnose, 
brown rot and other fungus diseases, non-poisonous. Qt., 
$1.00; gallon, $2.50. 

LIME-SULPHUR (Dry)—Widely recommended and known as 
one of the best preparations for San Jose scale, oyster-shell 
scale, etc. l-lb. can, 35e; 5 lbs., $1.45; 121/. lb. bag, $2.25: 
25 lbs., $4.00; 100 lbs., $12.50. 




NICO-FUME LIQUID—A highly refined solution of free nico- 
tine guaranteed to contain fully 40 per cent nicotine. Used 
for destroying aphis, thrips, etc. Lb., $2.40; 8 lbs., $11.10. 
NICO-FUME POWDER—For fumigating in greenhouses to 
destroy aphis, thrips, etc. l-lb. can, 75e; 5 lbs., $3.60; 10 
lbs., $6.20. 

Fumigator is safe for the plants and is the most commonly 
used fumigant. Insects on crops grown in greenhouses may 
be controlled by fumigation in many instances. This is ad- 
vantageous to greenhouse owners because fumigation 
reaches every leaf and bud, and requires less time and 
labor than does spraying. !/2 lb. size, 45e¢ each; case lots of | 
doz., $4.35; 1-lb. size, 75e each; case lots of 1 doz., $7.35. 

GRAPE AND ROSE DUST—A fungicidal dust, safe to use 
or any vegetable or flowering plants. Forest green in color 
and affords complete control against mildew, blackspot, 
and other fungous diseases. 5 lbs., $1.50. 

INSECTROGEN is intended for leaf-exting insects of all 
kinds, including caterpillars, beetles, worms, etc. Use two 
ounces to one gallon of water. Insectrogen stays on the 
foliage a long time and is not washed off after rains, plac- 
ing a protective film on the foliage. Insectrogen is not only 
a destroyer at the leaf-eating type of insects, but is also a 
repellent. 4 ozs., 50c: / pt., $1: pt., $1.50; qt., $2.50; 1/2 gal., 
$4.50; gal., $8.00. 

BLACK LEAF 40—5S0-lb drum, $46.80; 10 lbs., $11.65; 5 lbs., 
$6.70 each; 2 lbs., $3.57 each; 1 lb., $2.42 each; 5 oz., $1.05 
each; 1 oz., 36c each. 

LUCKY STRIKE kills all plant insects on your flowers and 
vegetables. Lucky Strike is the revolutionary spray that has 
created a tremendous sensation among entomologists, flor- 
ists, gardeners. In the opinion of many, it represents the 
greatest advance that has been made in an insecticide. 

Lucky Strike is the kind of spray you have long wanted. It 
contains a substance more deadly to insects than anything 
else ever discovered ... yet it does not harm children, ani- 
mals, or the plants and the delicate flowers on which it is 
sprayed. 1 oz., 35c: makes 4-8 gals. 14 pt., $1.00, makes 
15-30 gals.; /% pt., $1.60, makes 35-70 gals; 1 pt., $2.50, makes 
70-140 gals.; 1 qt., $4.50, makes 140-280 gals.; 1 gal., $14.00, 
makes 500-1,000 gals. 

5 lbs., $1.50. 

POMO-GREEN WITH NICOTINE—A leaf-green material 
which can be used as a-spray or dust, and which affords 
complete protection against black-spot, mildew, leaf-eating 

insects and aphids. 1 pound makes 4 gallons of spray. 
Lb., 75c; 5 lbs., $3.00. 


ABEL’S SEED HOUSE 12 N. Sth St., Reading, Pa. 

CROW-FEZ—Crow repellent. Birds and animals will not 
bother seed corn or other grainted treated with Fez-Crow. 
Protects corn and seeds from rot. Does not hinder germina- 
tion. Not poisonous. One-half pint treats 1 bushel, pint treats 
2 bushels, quart treats 4 bushels. 2 Pt., 35e; pt. 50c; qt., 

PARIS GREEN—Superior quality, 14 lb., 20c; lb., 68c. 
PARA-DICHLOROBENZINE (P. T. B.) For peach-tree borers. 
Lb., 35c; 5 lbs., $1.50; 10 lbs., $2.50; 25 lbs., $5.25. - 
SCALECIDE—The quality miscible oil. Oldest and best 
known dormant or delayed spray for fruit trees and orna- 
mentals. Easy and pleasant to use. Use 1 to 15 for all 
deciduous trees, 1 to 20 for evergreens. Kills scale, aphis, 
red mite and other insects wintering on the trees. It is a 
complete dormant spray. Invigorates and kills insects. Fall 
spraying controls scale, peach leaf curl, pear psylla, bud 
moth, case bearer, etc. Spring spraying controls scale, red 
mite, aphis, red bug, tent caterpillar, leaf miner, case bearer, 
etc. Ot., 75c; gal., $1.75? 5 gal., $6.95:.15; gal.) $12.95, $2.00 
drum deposit; 30 gal., $21.25, $2.50 drum deposit; 50 gal., 
$29.90, $3.00 drum deposit; 55 gal., $32.89, $3.00 drum de- 

ROOTONE, the plant hormone powder. For better rooting of 
cuttings, seeds and bulbs. Just dip cuttings into the powder 
before planting. To treat seeds and bulbs, just dust with 
Rootone before desstteler ly oz. package, 25c: 2 oz. jar, $1.00. 






RED ARROW INSECT SPRAY (Pyrhetrum Soap). A non- 
poisonous, efficient insecticide for use against sucking and 
chewing insects, such as Mexican bean beetles, rosechafers, 
aphid (plant lice), leaf-hoppers, etc. Oz., 35e; 4 oz., $1.00; pt., 
$2.85; qt., $5.00; gal., $16.00. 

ROTENONE DUST—34,°%% Rotenone and other Derris Resins. 
Thiocyanate Compound. 15% Microscopic Sulphur. Carrier— 
with high Electrostatic Charge. Made from high Rotenone 
content Derris Root. This product contains oil of the Rote- 
none and other active Derris Resins contained in the Derris 
Root from which it is made. Insecticide and Fungicide. For 
general garden dry dusting or wet spraying. Defends crops. 

Ready to use. This Product does not contain Arsenic of 
Lead. -] lb., 35¢; 2 Ibs., 65c; 4 Ibs., $1.20; 35 lbs., $9.00. 




VEGETABLES, FLOWERS—More vegetables and better flow- 
ers through controlling diseases with SEMESAN. 14 oz., 
10c; 2 ozs., 40c; lb., $2.50; 5 lbs., $11.40. Free pamphlet. 

CORN—Increase your corn yield 3 bushels an acre with 
SEMESAN JR. 1/2 0z., 1$e; 12 ozs., 56c; lb., 75c; 5 Ibs., $3.00. 
Free pamphlet. 

POTATOES—2c a bushel now pays for easy Dip Treatment 
of Seed Potatoes with New Improved SEMESAN BEL. 2 ozs., 
30c; lb., $1.65: 5 lbs., $7.15. Free pamphlet. 



SLUG SHOT DUST—The safe, nonpoisonous, dusting insecti- 
cide. Kills chewing insects and controls fungus. Harmless to 
humans, plants and vegetables. Kills Mexican bean beetle, 
cabbage worms, beetles, potato bugs, green flies, slugs, 

etc. 1 lb., 30c7 5 lbs., $1.30. 

SNAROL is a ready-prepared meal that you simply broad- 
cast on the ground vegetation. Kills cutworms, sowbugs, 
grasshoppers, slugs, snails, earwigs, etc. It will not de- 
teriorate from rain or sprinkling. Thus it lasts longer and 
is more economical. It is non-injurious to vegetation. ,Lb., 

25c:; 21/2 Ibs., 50c: 6 lbs., $1.00; 10 lbs., $1.50; 50 lbs., $5.50. 

SUNOCO SPRAY OIL—For the control of scale insects, red 
spider, aphis, thrip, etc Cheap, effective, and pleasant to 
handle. Gal., $1.30; 5 gals., $5.25. 

TOBACCO DUST—If dusted on while the foliage is moist, 
it destroys rose-lice, cabbage and turnip fleas, etc. Also 
used as a fertilizer. Lb., 10c? 5 Ibs., 30c:-10 ibs., 55e; 25 Ibs., 
$1.25; 100 lbs., $4.00. 

Moss should be used liberally about the garden or green- 
houses, for pot-plants, window boxes, growing bulbs, etc. 
It is also useful for mulching perennial beds, lawns, roses, 
etc., and mixing with sandy or clayey soils. Large bale, 
(13 cu. ft.) covers 240 sq. ft. 1 inch deep. 1/2 Bale, $2.75; 
bale, $5.00. 

TRANSPLANTONE—The vitamin-hormone stimulant. Vitamin 
Bl in the most effective form. Use on backward house plants 
or in the garden on seedings (flowers or vegetables), shrubs 
or trees. Speeds up root growth and makes stronger plants. 
l1 ounce makes 1,000 gallons of solution. 1 oz. can, 50c: 
3-oz. can, $1.00. 

MICHIGAN PEAT MOSS—America’s finest—All American 
peat. Thousands of years ago there was a lake where 
now stretches a huge peat bog at Capac, Michigan. For cen- 
turies the moss grew in the still waters until finally the 
lake disappeared, leaving in its place the finest>peat de- 
posits on the American continent. From this peat bog, Michi- 
gan Peat—Soil Sponge is scientifically produced, dried in 
the sun and stored in brick buildings to insure the mainte- 
nance of uniform quality. This scientifically processed peat 
costs no more than inferior substitutes, so when you buy 
insist on Genuine Michigan Peat—soil sponge from Capac. 
$2.75 per bag. 

TRI-OGEN—The all-purpose spray. A positive plant protec- 
tion. This complete rose garden spray treatment—Tri-ogen— 
offers the first definite mildew and black spot control com- 
bined with an insecticide. It kills all insects, including the 
sucking and leaf-eating types. It remains on foliage, re- 
pelling subsequent attacks. Tri-ogen also stimulates plant 
growth, resulting in fine foliage and luxuriant blooms. In 
four sizes: A. Small Kit (makes 16 quarts), $1.50; B. Me- 
dium Kit (makes 64 quarts), $4.00; C. Large Kit (makes 32 
gallons), $6.00; D. Estate Kit (makes 128 gallons), $20.00. 

TREE TANGLEFOOT—The best remedy against caterpillars 
and all tree-crawling insects. 6 ozs., 50c: lb., 80c; 5 lbs., 


“VOLCK”—Kills by contact. It envelopes the insect or its 
eggs, and smothers by clogging up the breathing system. 
Sap-sucking insects and mites like Scale, White Fly, Mealy- 
bug and Red Spider are more effectively controlled with a 
spray embodying these qualities. 4 ozs., 25ce: pt., 50¢: gal., 
$2.25; 5 gal., $8.50; 54 gal., $47.50 (plus $1.00 drum charge). 


ABEL’S SEED HOUSE 12 N. 9th St., Reading, Pa. 

WILSON’S O. K. PLANT SPRAY—For inside and outside 
spraying. For aphis, thrip, mealy bug, scale, rose-bugs, and 
many other insects. The only insecticide recommended by 
the officers of the Garden Club of America. Qt., $l: gal., 
$3: 5 gals., $12. 

WEED KILLER—Used only on paths, drives, gutters, and 
»laces where no growth is wanted. Dilute 1 galion with 40 
gallons of water. Qt., 65e; gal., $1.55. 

ADCO—A bacterial food for making artificial manure, by 
mixing it with leaves, grass cuttings, green weeds or, in 
fact all the many wastes that accumulate during the gar- 
den year and applying water, the product is a clean man- 
ure. I box Adco, makes about 300 lbs., $1.00; 25 lb. bag suf- 
ficient to make one-half ton of manure, $2.00; 150 lb. bag 
sufficient to make 3 tons of manure, $10.50; 600 lbs., $42.00; 

2100 Ibs., $145.00. 

ASHES, HARD WOOD—Apply 1000 lbs. per acre. Indis- 
pensable for all crops requiring potash; excellent for mix- 
ing with potting soil. For top dressing lawns and grass 
fields it is applied to best advantage either in very early 
spring or late fall. 5 Ibs., 25c: 10 lbs,, 45ce: 25 Ibs., 85c? 50 
lbs., $1.50; 100 lbs., $2.50; 200 lbs., $4.00; 1000 lbs., $18.00; 
per ton, $35.00. 

V-C GARDEN FERTILIZER—Prices: 5 lb., 50c: 10 lb., 80c; 
25 lbs., $1.40; 50 Ibs., $2.20; 100 lbs., $3.50. 

BLOOD (DRIED)—For indoor culture of flowering plants, like 
roses, carnations, etc., its chief element being nitrogen. One 
of the quickest acting fertilizers. 5 lbs., 60c: 10 lbs., $1.00; 
29 lbs., $2.00; 50 lbs., $3.75; 100 lbs., $7.00. 

COTTONSEED MEAL—Apply 800 pounds per acre. Exceed- 
ingly rich in potash and ammonia, making it excellent for 
use as a grass and grain fertilizer; for putting greens it is 
invaluable. Write for prices. 

BOVUNG—A rich manure from cows—the ideal fertilizer for 
New Lawns and for restoring the worn-out grass plot to its 
original vigor. Through a special process practically all 
moisture is removed from Bovung soon after it has been 
taken from the barns. Bovung is absolutely free of all live 
weed seeds, it can not bring plant diseases to your gar- 
den, and while a little goes far, no harm will occur through 
fertilizing your lawn or garden freely. Bovung broadcasts as 
readily as grass seed and we suggest three applications 
upon your lawn throughout the year, in the early spring, 
again in midsummer, and finally early in the autumn. 
Bovung, too, is an excellent fertilizer for the flower and 
vegetable garden, being of an organic nature it brings to 
the soil just those materials in which the average garden 
soiltis lacking. 5 lbs., 35e: 10 lbs., 60c: 25 lbs., $1.15; 50 lbs., 
Lee 100 lbs., $3.50; 500 lbs., $16.00; 1/. ton, $28.00; 1 ton, 

BONE MEAL—RAW—Unusually rich in nitrogen and phos- 
vhoric acid, the two principal plant foods. We recommend 
this especially for lawns, gardens and greenhouses, or any 
ourpose where a high class fertilizer counts. Apply 800 to 
1000 lbs. per acre. 5 lbs., 35e; 10 lbs., 60c; 25 lbs., $1.15; 50 
lbs., $2.00; 100 lbs., $3.75; 167-lb. bag, $6.25. 

HORN SHAVINGS—Used principally for mixing in potted 
soil; rich in ammonia, especially valuable in chrysanthemum 
growing. 5 lbs., 70c: 10 lbs., $1.25: 25 lbs., $2.00; 50 lbs., 
$3.75; 100 lbs., $7.00. 



HYPER-HUMUS—An excellent article to incorporate with . 
poor soil in the garden, green house or in potting plants. 
When used in garden work, the ground should be covered 
with one-half to two inches of Humus and spaded in. 5 lbs., 
25c: 10 lbs., 45c: 25 lbs., 85c; 50 Ibs., $1.25: 100 lbs., $2.00; 
500 lbs., $9.50; 1000 lbs., $15.00; 2000 lbs., $25.00. 

IMP FERTILIZER is of the same analysis, approximately of 
the same composition and texture, and is used in the same 
way as the imported product most widely used in this coun- 
try. Provides that all important impetus or vital force neces- 
sary to the healthy development of flowers and plants. Is 
the improved domestic fertilizer that rivals if not excels the 
imported article. IMP and the leading imported fertilizer 
have been fully analyzed by one of the leading analytical 
chemists of the country. Their findings will be sent for 
your perusal on request. Only asks a fair and unpreju- 
diced trial, knowing full well that it must stand on its own 
solid worth to merit success. Boldly challenges all fair com- 
parison. Be your own judge as to whether its claims are 
substantiated. 28 lbs., $3.50; 56 lbs., $5.50; 112 lbs., $10.00. 

LIME (HYDRATED OR POWDERED)—This is a very fine ar- 
ticle for distributing on grass. Promotes growth, gives the 
grass a rich color and has a tendency to prevent the growth 

of weeds. Apply one ton per acre. 5 lbs., 15e; 10 lbs., 25e; 
50 lbs., 60c; 500 lbs., $4.50; 1000 lbs., $8.00. 

PHOSPHATE, SUPER-ACID (16 Per Cent)—Apply 1,000 lbs. 
per acre. Used for mixing with other fertilizers to increase 
the phosphoric acid analysis. 5 lbs., 35ce; 10 Ibs., 60c; 25 
Ibs., $1.00; 50 lbs., $1.50; 100 Ibs., $2.75. 

Moss should be used liberally about the garden or green- 
houses, for potplanis, window boxes, growing bulbs, etc. 
It is also useful for mulching perennial beds, lawns, roses, 
etc., and mixing with sandy or clayey soils. Bale covers 120 
sq. ft. 1 inch deep. 1% bale, $2.50. 

MURIATE OF POTASH—Apply 100 to 150 lbs. per acre, usu- 
ally with other fertilizers. Excellent for potatoes, corn and 
other grains. Analysis, equal to 50 per cent actual potash. 
5 lbs., 35e: 10 Ibs., 60c; 25 Ibs., $1.25: 50 Ibs., $2.00; 100 lbs., 
$3.75; ton, $44.20. 

MICHIGAN PEAT MOSS—America’s finest—All-American 
peat. Thousands of years ago, there was a lake where now 
stretches a huge peat bog at Capac, Michigan. For centuries, 
the moss grew in the still waters until finally the lake dis- 
appeared, leaving in its place the finest peat deposit on 
the American continent. From this peat bog, Michigan Peat 
—Soil Sponge is scientifically produced, dried in the sun 
and stored in brick buildings to insure the maintenance of 
uniform quality. This scientifically processed peat costs no 
more than inferior substitutes, so when you buy, insist on 
Genuine Michigan Peat—soil sponge from. Capac. $3.25 
per Bag. (100 lb. when packed). 

Cattleya blooms twice normal size... 5-inch tea rose buds 
.. . Cottage tulips with 30-inch stems. Hyacinths with flower 
heads over 12 inches long . . . Snapdragons, 61/2 feet tall 

. . Birds of Paradise with 16 huge flowers ... Daffodils 
bigger than a salad plate on a 42-inch stalk thicker than 
man’s thumb . . . Roses transplanted while flowering .. . 
Annuals, perennials and shrubs tranplanted without soil 
on roots . . . Root-rot stopped in valuable trees. 100 mgm 
(1/10 gram) $1.00. Makes 2,000 gallons of solution; enough 
for a season in the average garden. 


ABEL’S SEED HOUSE 12 N. Sth St., Reading, Pa. 

NITRATE OF SODA—Apply 100 to 150 lbs. per acre, mixing 
with land plaster or other fertilizers to render application 
more easy. Use only after plants are above ground. If used 
in liquid form dilute 2 ozs. to 1 gal. of water and do not 
apply oftener than twice a week. 5 lbs., 35e; 10 lbs., 60c; 
25 lbs., $1.40; 50 lbs., $2.50; 100 Ibs., $4.50. 

SHEEP MANURE—Apply 1000 lbs. per acre. One of the 
most extensively used of animal manures. The analysis 
shows it to be a perfectly balanced plant food. For garden, 
lawn or greenhouse use, nothing surpasses sheep manure; 
it is clean and easily handled, besides giving immediate re- 
sults. Moisture maximum 6 per cent; nitrogen minimum 1.75 
per cent; T.P.A. 1 per cent; potash, 3.25 per cent. 9 lbs., 
35c: 10 lbs., 60c; 25 lbs., $1.15; 50 lbs., $1.85; 100 lbs., $3.50; 
500 lbs., $16.00; 1/2 ton, $28.00; ton, $55.00. 

SOOT (SCOTCH IMPORTED)—This is used principally for 
bringing a good healthy color into foliage of chrysanthe- 
mum and other greenhouse plants. Also destroys insects and 
grubs that work on top of and underneath the surface. 5 
lbs., 75c: 10 lbs., $1.40; 25 Ibs., $2.25: 100 Ibs., $7.00. 

SULPHATE OF ALUMINUM—Especially adapted for ferti- 
lizing Rhododendrons, and other plants requiring an acid 
soil. 5 lbs., 40c: 10 lbs., 70c: 25 lbs., $1.25; 100 lbs., $4.50. 

SULPHATE OF AMMONIA—Apply 70 to 100 lbs. per acre 
only with other fertilizers deficient in nitrogen. A valuable 
fertilizer for all plants in which a large leaf development or 
rapid growth is desired; will stimulate growth almost im- 
mediately. Analysis equal to 25% of ammonia. 3 lbs., 25e; 
5 Ibs., 35c; 10 Ibs., 60c; 25 lbs., $1.25; 50 lbs., $2.00; 100 lbs., 

TANKAGE—This is usually applied to plants such as roses, 
etc., under glass. It is similar to dried blood. 5 lbs., 60¢; 10 
lbs., $1.00; 25 lbs., $2.00; 50 lbs., $3.75: 100 lbs., $7.00. 

TEROGEN—A spring and summer ground dressing; rein- 
forces any manure fertilizers you may use. Lb., 75c; 2 lbs., 
$1.25; 5 lbs., $2.75; 10 lbs., $4.75. 

TOBACCO STEMS—For fumigating, mulching and fertilizing, 
these are invaluable. The chief fertilizing element in them 
“ Hie potash. 9 lbs., 25c; 10 Ibs., 50c; 50 Ibs., $1.75: 100 lbs., 

VIGORO—A specially prepared plant food for lawns, vege- 
table and flower gardens, shrubbery, trees, etc. 5 lbs., 50c; 

10 lbs., 80c; 25 lbs., $1.45; 50 lbs., $2.35; 100 lbs., $3.70. 

Implement Repairs 

Our service will try to obtain any part you may need 
at the right prices, if we don't have it in our stock. 

Quaker Field Seeds 

All our seeds have been recleaned and graded. If you 
fore, don't put off another season. Sow this season and 
see the difference in QUAKER BRAND. 

Postal card will bring you samples and prices. 

OUR ADVICE—Order Earlier Than You Have Ever 
: Ordered Before 



Here Are Varieties of High-Yielding Hybrid 
Seed Corn for This Area 

ABEL'S IOWEALTH No. 25—115 to 120 days. Plant this hy- 
brid on any sandy soil and get top yields. If your soil is 
rich or sandy, average or drouthy, hill or bottom land, 
this is the hybrid for you. Thousands upon thousands of 
farmers rely on this remarkable hybrid for a good corn crop 
—regardless of growing conditions. 

Of 120 day maturity, lowealth No. 25 is a fast starter and 
a thrifty grower that produces top yields in Pennsylvania, 
Maryland, New Jersey and Delaware. 

Its deep, soft starch kernels and high shelling percentage 
make it a popular feeding corn. Ears and stalks are clean 
and free from disease, and barren plants are unknown. 
Has Excellent wind resistance, even in late fall and winter, 
and its ability to hold its ears makes this one of the fa- 
vored types for hand or machine husking. Is a rapid drier 
in the fall. 

Inbred make-up combines the length of Lancaster, the quality 
of Krug and the valuable feeding qualities of Reid’s yellow 

ABEL’S HYBRID U. S. No. 13—115-120 days. Latest maturing 
hybrid listed and has been consistently a high yielder. 
Ears borne at medium height. They are large and carry 20 
to 22 rows of deep grain. Large fodder type and frequently 
grown for silo. Should have good soil. Well adapted and 
very popular in Pennsylvania and Maryland as well as 
Delaware and New Jersey. 

ABEL’S HYBRID U. S. No. 44—110 to 118 days. Five to ten 
days earlier maturing than U. S No. 13. Strong roots and 
very resistant to lodging. Ears long, slender, very smooth, 
and carry 18 to 20 rows of grain. Popular in Berks, Bucks, 
Northampton, Lebanon counties and on average soils in 
Delaware, Maryland and Central New Jersey. 

ABEL'S IOWA No. 939—100 to 105 days. Full season corn 
for Central and Southwestern Pennsylvania. An early corn. 
Very good yielder for early season corn. Ears are medium 
long, rough and have about 16 rows of medium deep 
grains. Highly blight resistant. 

LANCASTER SURE CROP—100 to 105 days. A very depend- 
able variety to mature under the most unfavorable grow- 
ing conditions. Lancaster sure crop matures early in about 
100 days the ears are very long, and the rich light yellow 
grains are of medium width and length. This variety aver- 
ages 12 feet in height. Stalks are well supplied with broad 
leaves making it a valuable silage corn. 

ABEL'S IMPROVED LEAMING—100 to 110 days. Improved 
Leaming produces ears 10 to 12 inches long. With 18 to 20 
rows of deep yellow grains. The stalks grow 12 feet high and 
have broad foilage, it makes an excellent silage corn as 
well as crib corn. 

ABEL’S EARLY CLARAGE—90 days. After all, the real pur- 
pose in planting corn is to get CORN. It is a splendid, 
beautifully colored golden yellow corn. Ears grow to a 
faily good size, 7 to 8 inches long. Its grains are of good 
length and the fodder grows 8 to 11 ft. tall. Where the 
season is short, you will find this variety profitable to 

ABEL’S EUREKA ENSILAGE—The largest-growing ensilage 
Corn in existence is grown in Virginia. This is a white 
Corn and has very large, flat, square kernels. Matures 
late. Believe Eureka Ensilage will grow more tonnage per 
acre than any other variety grown. 



Abel’s Certified Seed Potatoes 

ABEL’S CHIPPEWA—One of the newest varieties introduced 
by the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station. Matures a 
trifle later than the Cobblers, but earlier than the Katah- 
dins. Round in shape. Skin very smooth; shallow eyes. 
Usually outyields Cobblers wherever planted. You will not 
go wrong in planting some of this variety. 

ABEL'S KATAHDIN—This new Potato, introduced by the 
Maine Experiment Station, promises to be an outstanding 
variety. Matures about midway between the Cobbler and 
Green Mountain. Round in shape, eyes very shallow. Very 
heavy yielder. Clarence Sandburg, of Colorado, has ‘re- 
ported a yield of 742 bushels per acre of the Katahdins on 
nis 1937 crop. Our stock is Maine-grown, from seed that 
was supplied by the Maine Experiment Station. 

ABEL'S BLISS TRIUMPH—This season we will be able to 
supply Maine-grown Certified Bliss Triumphs. An early, 
deep red, round, very smooth variety and a fine quality 
cooker. Planted extensively in the South. 

RUSSET, MAINE CERTIFIED—One of the best for main- 
crop cultivation. Similar to the Raleigh in shape of tuber 
but has a russet skin and few eyes. This is a very hardy 
sort and usually produces good yields, even when seasons 
are unfavorable. Vines grow vigorously, have fine blight- 
resisting qualities, and usually remain green until late in 
fall. Russet out-yielded other varieties two to one in many 
sections last season, planted side by side. 

ABEL'S SEBAGO—One of the newest varieties from the 
Maine Experimental Farm. Sebago carries a purple bloom 
and has a very rugged top and stock. It is very late and 
quite blight-resistant. Some growers do not plan to spray 
them much, if any, but if sprayed, they will continue to 
grow until the frost gets them, consequently a greater yield 
of fine-appearing tubers. Many reported that Sebago lived 
through the dry weather and was able to make good crops 
after the late rains. In many places it has outyielded any 
other variety, and we believe it will find its place above 
all others. Excellent for bakers. 

ABEL’S IRISH COBBLERS—An early, white-skinned variety, 
very short, thick and inclined to be shaped round. This 
Potato is yearly increasing in popularity for early markets. 
The crop is ready about 10 days earlier than Early Rose. 
Vines are very stocky, vigorous, and not as liable to be 
affected with blight or suffer drought as most other varie- 
ties. Owing to the fact that the Cobblers withstood the 
severe drought last season better than other sorts, it is 
probable that there will be a larger demand than usual 
this season. We advise ordering early. 

proved to be the surest cropper and a most profitable sort 
to grow. The skin is pure white, slightly netted, and the 
guality is among the best. Keeps excellently and its fine 
table qualities make it one of the foremost sorts in the 
large city markets. Shippers prefer this variety and fre- 
quently pay a premium for it. Best for loose and muck 
soils, and especially adapted for northern states. Plant 
Improved Green Mountains and increase your profits. 



ABEL'S EVERGREEN LAWN GRASS—tThis formula, after 
years of experimenting, has been blended carefully of 
grasses adapted to producing very thick growth and vel- 
vety appearance. Our grass seed is tested for purity and 
germination and each variety of grass in its composition is 
here for a special purpose—some for making fibrous roots 
which hold upon the soil and keep the turf in place; some 
of a sure creeping nature, filling up any bare spots; others 
for their color value; also for withstanding beating down by 
excessive rdins. One pound will usually seed a place of 
10 by 10 feet; 1 peck a space of 1,000 square feet; 1 bushel 
a space of 4,000 square feet, or, say 40 by 100 feet. For a 
thicker, more permanent effect, more seed is better. Lb., 60c; 
5 Ibs., $2.75; 20 Ibs., $10.00; 100 Ibs., $50.00. 

—A perfect blend combination of the purest high test grass 
seed INCLUDING BENT GRASSES most suitable for the 
establishment of a luxuriant lawn. This mixture combines the 
qualities of quick growth, compactness and permanence, 
and is recommended to those who seek a beautiful lawn. 
Lb., 69c; 5 lbs., $3.25; 20 lbs., $12.00; 100 lbs., $60.00. 
only grasses suitable for the purpose of making a beautiful 
lawn. It germinates quickly and roots deeply, enabling it 
to withstand the intense heat of summer. This special mix- 
ture can be recommended very highly. However, the for- 
mula and purity test does not equal that of our Evergreen 
Lawn Grass. Lb., 50c; 5 lbs., $2.25: 20 lbs., $8.00; 100 Ibs., 

ABEL'S PARKWAY LAWN GRASS—A mixiure meeting the 
requirements of those desiring a moderately priced grass 
seed. A quick growing mixture producing a permanent sod. 
Lb., 40c; 5 lbs., $1.75; 20 lbs., $6.60; 100 lbs., $30.00. 

ABEL'S SHADY PLACE LAWN GRASS—Usually it is quite 
difficult to obtain a satisfactory growth of grass under trees 
and in shady places, and for sowing in such places we rec- 
ommend the use of our special mixture. It will quickly pro- 
duce an abundant and even growth of beautiful green 
grass. The grasses used in making this special mixture are 
those adapted for growing in shade. It has been success- 
fully used on some large operations where greensward 
was desired on land partially shaded by old trees. Lb., 69c; 
5 Ibs., $3.25; 20 lbs., $12.00; 100 lbs., $60.00. 

ture of grasses for sowing on terraces and side hills— 
grasses that produce strong, spreading roots, thus prevent- 
ing heavy rains from washing them out, that will withstand 
drought and exposure, thrive on shallow soils, and produce 
aq rich, green turf throughout the season. Lb., 69c; 5 lbs., 
$3.25; 20 lbs., $12.00; 100 lbs., $60.00. 

FANCY RED-TOP GRASS—One of the Bent grasses. Used on 
golf courses and in all good lawn mixtures. Does well in 
wet places and under unfavorable conditions. Is drought- 
resistant. /, lb., 25c; lb., 40c; 5 lbs., $1.75; 10 lbs., $3.25. 
KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS—Forms a close, thick dark green 
turf and is very hardy. Heavy, fine, clean seed. \% Jbs., 
30c; Ib., 50c; 5 lbs., $2.25; 10 lbs., $4.25. 

ABEL'S WHITE DUTCH CLOVER—Recleaned for sowing on 
lawns, pastures, etc. Oz., 15e; 14 Ib., 35c: > Ib., 65c: 1 Ib., 
$1.25; 5 lbs., $5.75; 10 lbs., $11.00.