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Full text of "The Rhizome morphology and sensitivity to ground disturbance of Cypripedium fasciculatum : report"

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United States 
Department of 



Wenatchee National 

Leavenworth Ranger R.D. 

600 Sherboume 

Leavenworth, WA 98826-1299 

Date: May, 1994 

Reply to: 2670 


The Rhizome Morphology and Sensitivity to Ground Disturbance of 

Cypripedium fasciculatum 

Richy J. Harrod, District Plant Ecologist 


Cypripedium fasciculatum is a rare terrestrial orchid found in a few scattered 
locations throughout several western states. Populations are relatively abundant on the 
Leavenworth Ranger District compared to other known locations; about 25 populations 
have been located to date. In an attempt to better understand aspects of the species life 
history, an individual clump of plants was excavated to determine if the species was 
rhizomatous. The following discussion is the result of this excavation. 

Results and Discussion 

In the fall of 1993, we determined that C. fasciculatum was rhizomatous by 
excavating the duff and an about 3-5 cm of soil away from a cluster of aerial stems. We 
were careful to only remove soil about 1 cm below the main rhizome and we worked 
diligently. The plant we examined showed four apparently dormant underground shoots, 
one adjacent and distil to the stem of each current aerial stem. The subterranean shoots 
were turgid, although the current years growth was already withering. These shoots 


ranged from 1.8 cm to 2.5 cm long. The entire rhizome was relatively shallow, and 
removing the duff layer nearly exposed the structure. Also, we noted that the shoots had 
a strong, musty odor, similar to that of the fresh flowers. 

Each stem and shoot pair was attached to the distil end of a woody rhizome 
branch with numerous stem scars. Each shoot corresponded to an adventitious root 
growing down from the ventral side of the rhizome branch. Individual aerial stem scars 
along the branch corresponded to individual roots, many of which were apparently 

Based on the above observations, I hypothesize that this species produces a 
dormant bud during the current years growing season. This bud remains inactive through 
the winter, but then bolts in April to produce an aerial stem. A the same time, a new bud 
is initiated and developed during the photosynthetic period. If my assumptions are 
correct, then it would be possible to age plants by counting the number of adventitious 
roots or corresponding stem scars. The plant we excavated would, therefore, have been 
25 to 30 years old. 

These observations have led to a series of questions. Is there a correlation 
between stand age and C. fasciculatum age? Is there a correlation between the size and 
robustness of individuals and their age? Are large, robust individuals the result of having 
large, robust rhizomes? Or, are they correlated with young rhizomes? Or, do plants 
increase in size with the increasing age or the rhizome? Do plants diminish in size with 
age, or do they increase for a time, then decrease? 

However, it may be impossible for us to answer some or all of these questions. 
Upon my return to the excavation site in early May of this year, I could find no aerial 

stems and inspection of the rhizome revealed a rotting rhizome and dormant buds. We 
had thought that we were as careful as possible in our excavation and had returned the 
soil and duff to its original position. The woody rhizome and tough adventitious roots 
appeared, at the time, to easily withstand our investigation. Fortunately, I had chosen a 
population of nearly 125 stems. 

This apparent sensitivity to ground disturbance is significant and something we all 
must keep in mind when we are planning projects in areas were this species occurs. 

Buffer areas established in timber sale areas must be sufficiently large enough so that if a 
tree were accidentally to fall in the buffer, it would not fall on the plants then dragged 
over the plants. Other types of ground disturbance should probably be avoided given that 
the buds for next years growth is largely found in the duff layer.