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Full text of "Grower late introductions / Eden Glad Gardens."

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Eden GLAD GARDENS & ern reee 20: 


Choice Gladiolus 



Again we give you a Glad that will please you. Wax Canary has been grown by several nationally 
known gladiolus growers throughout the country and is strongly recommended for release. 
A basket of Wax Canary shown at the Central International in Chicago created a sensation. 
Nothing like it on the market today in its color range for beauty and growth. Field height over 
60 inches with a 30 inch flower head. Floret is 512 inches, 20 to 22 buds with 7 or more open 
in field. Very healthy. Color is light salmon in center blending to deeper salmon at outer edges 
with soft yellow lip. Petals are fluted and needlepoint with heavy texture. It has the appearance 
of being waxed. Wax Canary does not crook or burn. Excellent bulb production and germina- 
tion. Wax Canary is another top-notcher, and a commercial and exhibition variety. Blooms in 
about 80 days. I highly recommend this variety. 

Large Medium Small _ Bbts. 

[OTTO Oy, cates Ss nd $ 3.00 $2.00 $1.00 $ .75 
Pers lQ Pater. eee 22.50 15.00 7.50 5.00 Per 100 $48.00 
CardenermsWinitaslanseno ined iuimmoisiieall leit} Us eee ean anne anne an $ 21.50 
Grower's Unit: 10 large, 10 medium, 10 small and 150 bbts.............. eee 100.00 
Money Saving Prepaid to any The Cream of 
Prices Point in the U.S.A. Varieties 
Large Medium Small Large Medium Small 
1% up ¥4 up Y2 up 1Y%4 up Yq up Y2 up 
Adorable Se yee. $3.20 $2.40 $1.60 Mother Fisher ............ $2.40 $1.60 $1.20 
qnceens ee 2ut a ae New Yorkws =... 1.00 .70 40 
Bridal Orchid 240 160 1:20 nbn en ee 5 a nae 
Burns Success ............ 2.40 1.60 1.20 LAST) Sea Tay eee 
CeDs Honunana es 3.20 2.40 1.60 RQCtOMU Ss 1.00 70 40 
Circet 243 eee 2.00 1.60 1.00 Palettes =e 2.00 1.60 1.00 
Cream Orchids .......... 2.40 1.60 1.20 Rarcthien ase 1.00 .70 40 
Crown Jewel ...............- 2.40 1.60 1.20 Rersiane hit ca 3.20 2.40 1.60 
Dolly Varden ............. 2.40 1.60 1.20 Ravel ee eee ee 1.00 MAUD ree. 
Elmers Rose = 2.40 1.60 1.20 Robert Alan _.............. 2.40 1.60 1.20 
PG CTC een aive 2 ee re a 1.20 .70 .40 Sandman 1.60 1.20 
Gorgeous Deb ............ 2.40 1.60 1.20 Seneca 22 ee : 2.40 1.60 
Grey Dawn ................... 2.00 1.60 1.00 SHCTECE SMO 3.20 2.40 1.60 
GWel) <8 eee? 2.00 1.20 .70 SPanton pes. se eee 2.00 1.60 1.00 
Kane) avi Caen eee 3.20 2.40 1.60 Strawberry Peach ...... 1.00 -70 40 
Madeline Brown. ........ 1.20 .70 50 Sweet Sixteen ........ 2.00 1.20 .70 
Mapnetive Sen. 2. 2.00 1.60 1.00 Taji Mahal See 3.20 2.40 1.60 
Mallow see 2.00 1.60 1.00 ThepRayahe eens er 1.20 .70 50 
Maz agen cee ee ee 1.00 .70 .40 Drape WOIS DOUG te 1.00 -70 .40 
IVESS EC lic ats 0 eee 2.00 1.60 1.00 White Goddess _.......... 1.00 .70 .40 
5 Bulbs at the Same Rate Prepaid 
Large Medium Small Large Medium Small 
1Y%4 up ¥%q up Y2 up 1Y% up ¥%q4 up Y2 up 
Ace of Spades _......... $ .60 $ .40 3 ws MAVIS eens reer $1.00 83 7/5} $ .50 
Al alos tee ie irt ee 1.50 1.00 175) Mesa Mist, 42222 = 1.00 Bio) 50 
Ann Sherman .............- 1.00 ff} ai) ING SUS See rere 1.00 3/8) 00 
Bronte = 1.50 1.00 AAS) Nordic Queen .............. BLD 50 30 
Cathionas == 1.50 1.00 .75 Orchid Skies _.............. 1.00 IGE argh 
Colum pia Ho 50 Be Painted Lady _............ als) .50 p25 
DeserteDusk === 50 35 25 Paulinepmeset. aie .50 .30 
Karly, Red ==> 1.00 olf) .00 Peach Glow sail) oe .35 20 
Kdvewocdl =a tS a) co Pennant. atk) .00 .0U 
Edithe Wate 1.00 75 50 Pink Bouquet _....... Ses PAW Ulex) 1.00 
Kmberspe eee oe 1.50 1.00 US Panikae nikon 1.50 1.00 aD 
Field Master .. see LOD) Ts .30 POMmSettia ee .50 r35) .20 
Forsythia ... cen AD F5) .20 Brin CCS See ee 1.50 1.00 53 
Ont 0 xa 1e25 US .00 Recompence ............... 1.50 1.00 AS) 
Erancescay 1.00 Bho .00 Redesking2 2. eases ffs) .50 Foe) 
Garnet Ruffles _.......... 1.50 1.00 TS Red -lapet. 1.50 1.00 5 
Gold ee er 40 30 .20 Reginadese =e 1.50 1.00 MD) 
Gold Banke 1.00 .75 00 ROvalES COL eae .75 50 £35) 
GColdritii eee 1.50 5) 50 ROStageee ee se eee 1.00 th) 50 
Gracy’s Choice ............ 1.00 75 50 Ruffled Ebony __........ 1.00 AS 50 
Gustav Mahler __......... 1.00 .75 .50 Senécal Meee eo 1.00 ss 50 
Harrisbureeraes = ee 2.00 1.50 SKalawagv2 2 sno 2.00 IL BAR 75 
Heirloom 1.00 SS .40 PRU yatia eee 2.00 1.50 1.00 
Howard V. Wright _.... 2.00 1.50 1.00 Tyrone ees eee ee 1.00 BAD) .50 
Karen ps moe. eae 2.00 1.50 1.00 Valdavee ae 1.00 oof 50 
Kan eeSizen eee 2.00 1.50 1.00 WiniStlensSto pease 2.00 1.50 1.00 
ThO0 Ki Ae eee 1.50 1.00 75 White Lace .................. 25 SAU cas, 
Malibu ee 1.00 .75 .50 Wonder Boy ................ 1.50 1.00 60 
5 Bulbs at 4 Times the Each Rate 
Large Medium Small 
PRT) eee ae I Ne aa a wes eee ng see ee em $1.00 $ .70 $ .40 
No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 
Nay a> ANU) Ree ee aie eer Peer er een een $ 6.50 $ 5.50 $ 4.50 $ 3.00 $ 2.20 $ 1.60 
PGT 00 Oe teenie cere ene eee 48.00 40.00 32.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 
Betty Duncan Friendship Orchid Lady Bbts. 
Cordova Giant Cyclamen Patrol Qt. $6.00 
Carnival Gail Quiberon 
Evangeline Lavender Lace Red Charm 
Firelight Mighty Monarch Red Wing 
Flo. Nightingale Mrs. R. G. Errey Sherwood 
Folklore Noweta Rose Spic & Span 

The Roan 
25 AT THE 100 RATE; 250 AT THE 1,000 RATE 



If you do not care about names, then try this hand-made 
mixture made up of many varieties in this list. 

UOOMAG Sek Us === eee $ 5.00 

HOO MMAe CUO Seen 3.50 

SOORN OM DUI Sito teen meen 10.00 


10 for $1.00—2 bulbs are 25c 10 for $1.60—1 bulb is 20c 
10for .70—3 bulbs are 25c 10 for 2.00—1 bulb is 25c 
10for 1.20—2 bulbs are 30c 10 for 2.40—1 bulb is 30c 
10 for 3.20—1 bulb is 40c 

12 bulblets at the price of 1 large bulb. 

No single item less than 20c. 


ACE OF SPADES—Very beautiful deep black red with glisten- 
ing sheen. Tall spike with 6 open. One of the darkest of the 
so-called blacks. 

ADORABLE—Light pink with lavender cast. Nearly self col- 
ored. Strong grower. 

ALLAH—A huge, richer, much improved Vagabond Prince with- 
out the scarlet feather in throat, ruffled and 56 inches tall. 

ANDRENA—A beautiful pale phlox pink with a large pale 
yellow throat. Excellent for all purposes. 

ANN SHERMAN—Clear shell pink with white mid rib. Heavy 
ruffling and fluting. 7 open on a tall spike. 

AUREOLE—Wonderfully beautiful ruffled light yellow. 6 to 8 
open on a tall spike. 

BETTY DUNCAN—Clear orange with a gold throat. Tall plant 
with 6 to 8 open. The best commercial orange. 

BRIDAL ORCHID—Pastel lavender opening 6 to 8 large florets 
at atime. Good cutter, growers like this one. 

BRONTE—Very unusual and attractive salmon smokey. Has 
a deeper blotch. Very distinctive and unique. 

BURNS SUCCESS—Light blue with a darker throat blotch, 
bordered cream. Very strong grower. 

CATRIONA—A deep cream or light yellow. A much improved 
Lady Jane. This is one of the best 1953 introductions. 

CARNIVAL—Bright scarlet with clear white throat. One of 
the best blotched varieties. Tall grower. 

Cc. D. FORTNAM—A most beautiful blush pink that opens 8 
on a 24 bud spike. A fine show variety, winning many times 
the most beautiful flower in the show. 

CIRCE—Color is russet orange with a deeper red blotch. 6 open 
on a tall 18 bud spike. 

COLUMBIA—Similar to Corona except that there is no yellow 
in the throat. 

CORDOVA—Beautiful rose salmon. I have grown this variety 
since its introduction and believe it is one of the finest early 

CREAM ORCHIDS—Beautiful ruffled and lacinated cream. Tall 
vigorous plants. 

CROWN JEWEL—A blotched rose pink said to be a glorified 
Mrs. F. E. Peters; very strong grower. 

DESERT DUSK—Huge attractive smokey slate salmon with a 
light orange blotch. One of the best smokies. 

DOLLY VARDEN—A very large salmon with a cream throat, 
7 to 8 florets open, on a vigorous plant. 

EARLY RED—Glowing pure red, no orange tone evident. It 
has only slender pale lines on throat petals. Good tall grower, 
and healthy. 

EDGEWOOD—Tall medium rose with rose lavender feather. 
8 Bebily ruffled blooms on a 20 bud spike. A fine new com- 

EDITH WARR—A beautiful pink glad with 6 open huge florets, 
with 6 showing color. One of the best. 

ELMERS ROSE—A wonderful fine new rose. The florets have 
good substance and intense ruffling. Good commercial. 

EMBERS—A two toned variety, outer edge of bloom is lighter 
red with a lighter center and rose markings on cream. A very 
good glad. 

EVANGELINE—Beautiful light buff pink. Eight to 10 florets 
open on a tall spike. One of the best in recent introductions. 
In big demand. 

FIELDMASTER—Beautiful clear cameo pink with heavy mid 
ribs and yellow lip. Florets are furled and recurved. Opens 
6 to 8 open on a strong, tall plant. A good keeper. 

FIRELIGHT—Excellent tall deep scarlet. Perfect placement. 
Try this one. 

FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE—Beautiful glistening white. This 
is one of the best commercial whites on the market. 

FOLKLORE—Deep orchid pink with a creamy white throat. 
Excellent cutflower, should be better known. 

FORSYTHIA—Best medium yellow. Very tall with a 24-inch 
dower head. 8 large ruffled blooms open with 6 showing color. 

FORT KNOX—A beautiful deep yellow. 6 open on a tall spike. 
Healthy grower. 

FRANCESCA—A light lavender pink with a cream throat. 
Beautifully ruffled, exquisite form. Opens 5 to 6 on a 20 bud 
spike. In big demand. 

FRIENDSHIP—Pure pink blending to a waxy white and a cream 
throat. If you want an early one this is it for all purposes. 

GAIL—Tall lavender, opening 6 to 8 florets on a tall spike. 
Good commercial and a very fine variety. 

GARNET RUFFLES—Deep rich velvety red with a fringe of 
silver. Tall grower. 

GENE—A very attractive variety with perhaps the most frilled 
and ruffled florets of any yellow. Swell cutflower. 

GIANT CYCLAMEN—Cyclamen color similar to Miss Wiscon- 
sin, makes a good spike and one all the florists like. 

GOLD—Rich tall clear golden yellow on a 16 bud spike. Rugged 
grower and should be a fine commercial. One of the most 
beautiful yellows I have seen. This glad will be with us for a 
long time. 

GOLD BANK—A light chartreuse yellow with several open 
florets. Good habits, and should become a popular cutflower. 

GOLDRUFF—A warm unmarked apricot yellow shading deeper 
golden yellow in the throat. Marvelous ruffling and fluting. 
A fine glad on a good spike. 

GORGEOUS DEB—Ruffled light salmon with cream yellow 
blotch. Open 8 beautiful blooms on a long head. 

GRACY’S CHOICE—Large rose pink with 7 open on a tall 
spike. Very nice color, one I am sure you will like. 

GREY DAWN—Gray lavender flaked and grained on a white 
pacheround: Very attractive. Opens 6 florets on a medium 
tall spike. 

GWEN—Light rose shading to a lighter throat. 6 to 9 open 
on a tall spike. 

GUSTAV MAHLER—Strong growing medium blue. Opens 6 
with 6 showing color on a 19 bud spike. Small white feather 
on a darker background. 

HARRISBURGER—Clear cherry red, no scarlet or purple show- 
ing in it. Well placed florets on a long flower head. Strong 
healthy grower. 

HEIRLOOM—Rose orchid lavender in color, crystal clear with 
no flecking, strong grower. 

HOWARD V. WRIGHT—A light yellow with deeper throat. 
Eight 5 inch florets open on a tall spike. This looks like a fine 
addition to the light yellow class. 

JULIA MAE—One of the best 1953 introduction. Soft pale rose 
pink that will open 8 44-inch florets on a tall wiry stem. 
Good cutter and an excellent commercial. Stock is limited and 
may be sold out by late winter. 

KAREN—Clear medium magenta, lower petals have a large 
sulphur yellow throat. 6 open on a good stem. Beautiful. 
KING DAVID—Deep purple with dark velvet throat and a picot 
edee around petals. Strong grower. In big demand, a perfect 


VARIETY— - H No. 3 

Ace of Spades $ $ $25.00 
Adorable 12.00 
Andrena 6.00 

Ann Sherman ‘ 12.00 

KING SIZE—The giant of the glads. Opens 10 or more 64-inch 
to 8-inch florets on a tall spike, A clear medium salmon with 
a few carmine lines on a cream throat. A good show flower 
when well grown. 

LAVENDER LACE—Ruffled lavender with a large cream throat. 
5 to 6 open on a tall spike. Vigorous grower. 

LEIF ERICKSON—A grand cream variety for any purpose. 
Opens 8 to 10 slightly ruffled blooms. A tall husky grower. 
I poner this will be a good commercial when stock is more 

LOOK—Glistening light pink. Grows very tall. Florets round 
and Hiehtly ruffled. Opens 6 florets at a time. A coming com- 

MADELINE BROWN—Tall growing salmon pink. 6 to 8 open 
on alone flower head. Looks to me like an excellent com- 

MAGNET—Deep orchid rose color, very tall grower, with 6 
open at a time. 

MALIBU—Ruffled light pink, darker at edges. Cream throat. 
Tall spike holding 8 to 10 open. 

MALLOW—Light rose, blotched cream. Opens 7 on a tall strong 
plant. Good florist’s color. 

MAVIS—Orange pink with a deep salmon shading to a some- 
what deeper blotch on a lighter throat. Rapid increaser. 

MAZDA—Color deep buff shading to a vellow throat. 8 open 
on a long head. 

MESA MIST—A plain petaled floret with a blush toned light 
gray, shading toward the center. A very attractive glad that 
I am sure you will like. An excellent smokey. 

MIGHTY MONARCH—Medium dark red. Opens 6 to 8 large 
florets on a tall spike. A good show glad and cutflower. 

MISS CHICAGO—Attractive rose, with a lavender cast. Light 
yellow throat marking. 

MOTHER FISHER—Lavishly ruffled white. Grows tall and 
rugged. A real show champion. The Spic & Span of the whites. 

MRS. R. G. ERREY—Huge tall deep red that makes a large 
spike. A fine show flower. The best in this color. 


Miss Chicago 
Mother Fisher 

New York 

No.4 No.5 No.6 Bulblets 

$20.00 $16.00 $12.00 . $75.00 
10.00 8.00 6.00 : 30.00 

NEGUS—Medium size black red. 8 to 10 open florets on a 
slender spike. Fine substance, holds color well in the field 
and opens well when cut in the bud. 

NEW YORK—A deep rose, 6 to 8 open on a very tall spike. 
Simply beautiful, excellent for all purposes. 

NORDIC QUEEN—Soft glowing flesh pink blending to a creamy 
yellow throat. Strong grower and one I am sure you will like. 

NOWETA ROSE—Clean lavender rose. If you like them with 
a lot of flowers open, this is it. Fine grower. 

ORCHID FANTASY—Pale orchid, beautiful color and one that 
stands heat well. One of my best cutflowers. Try this one. 

ORCHID LADY—Color, a pinkish lavender with a creamy yel- 
low throat. 6 to 7 florets open on a tall spike, even from a 
small bulb. 

ORCHID SKIES—A very large light lavender. 8 to 10 open on 
a tall spike. Excellent show glad. 

OPECHEE—Smokey rose with lavender overlay and carmine 
feather on lower petals. 8 open on a tall straight spike. 

PACTOLUS—Florets are light buff yellow with a scarlet blotch. 
7 to 8 open on a 22-bud spike. 

PAINTED LADY—Pure pink, with the creamy white lip petals 
outlined and bordered bright scarlet-pink. Florets are ruffled 
and fluted. 

PALETTE—Deep scarlet with large purple blotch. A very 
striking and unusual color. Fine large blooms. Good cutflower. 

PARTHIENA—Large florets of deep lavender. Color some- 
what like Takina. Tall spikes and an excellent show glad. 
PATROL—Beautiful clear apricot with a yellow throat. 8 to 
10 open on a tall spike. Excellent commercial, that is very 

PAULINE—Pure white, tall spike with 8 open on a tall head. 
A very nice glad. 

PEACH GLOW-—A large buffy orange, wide open ruffled florets 
of heavy texture. Winner of many special awards. 

PENNANT-—A light soft pink of a cool compelling color. A 
very nice glad that I am sure you will like. 

PERSIAN RUG—A very showy and unusual smokey. Color is 
slate or plum shading to reddish rose with a small yellow 
blotch. 6 open on a good spike. 

Postpaid to Any Point in the U. S. A. 


No.6 Bulblets 

Per 1000 

Aureole ae ; 4.00 

Bridal Orchid 8.00 
Burn’s Success 

Catriona 14.00 

Per 100 
Per 100 
Per 1000 


C. D. Fortnam _ : : 12.00 


Dolly Varden 
Edith Warr 
Elmer’s Rose 


Per 1000 

Robert Alan 
Royal Scot 

pk. : Senegal 

Per 100 

Gold Bank 
Gorgeous Deb 
Gray Dawn 

qt. Sierra Snow 

Y pt. 60.00 
¥Y pt. 40.00 
qt. ; Sweet Sixteen 


Strawberry Peach 

King David 

Madeline Brown Per 100 

qt. ; Taj Mahal 
qt. : The Rajah 

qt. : Trails End 

Per 100 
Pere 25 
Per 100 
Per 1000 

Y% pt. 

qt. H White Goddess .... 
qt. 4.00 
% pt. 30.00 

Wonder Boy 


% pt. 40.00 



All orders subject to prior sale, % pint bulblets sold at 
the quart rate. You may have 1,000 bulbs at 8 times the 
100 rate where the 1,000 rate is not given. All prices in 
this list are prepaid in the U.S.A. You may send 25% with 
order, balance payable before delivery. Order early to 
avoid disappointment. Many varieties sell out before 
March. We receive many testimonials on our fine stock, 
and we give a generous count. All stock is selected be- 
fore shipment. Minimum order $3.00. No warranty of 
growth is implied in the sale nor will I be responsible for 
the crop in any way. If you grow gladiolus for a profit 
and prefer F.0.B. prices, a postcard will bring you my list. 

ORDER BLANK---Keep a Copy of Your Order Do Not Write Here 

Eden Glad Gardens |... % Beet Heu Yladiotus 

Our Order#QNno eee 

Booked’: 2. t-Seeee es 

Solditove = 200). wear epee scagccn gare Daten eer we) os eee 
rite plainly and give complete address PP Os. eS hee 

Street GaNow << atta eae ramets 5 CY Bee 2 er die ge Es P OBBOxo Roe ee 
PosteOfiice sete: atin, SAM) ocr MORN pee lS, Shatcts mun oak eee) Se ge ois by as Sa Sales Se iam 

Express Office 2eca seme ee, cheat el! ee meer er es tie Rly en PermiteNo,222 ce 
If different from Post Office Shipped Ln in Sr ee) ee ey eee 

Money Order: o20s: 5 os We cars a 
Express) asta <a eee ee 

DrattoriCheck)s cee ta etre 
May we substitute size or variety? Write Letter on Separate Sheet Semapaen core shah. 

ee ee 


Size, Inches, 
or Number 

V Quantity | Variety 

Bal. Forward | 

In Making Your Order Please Give Price and Size to Avoid Delays and Errors, Continue on Other Side 


= = = ee = SS 

Quantity Variety eee Osa Rate Amount 5 | Do not write here 

; ee 
Amount Brought Forward aarti a : 










ce | 


Write below names of friends vou would like us to send catalog. 

Outstanding Varieties of Superb GLADIOLUS, Cont'd. 

PINK BOUQUET—Light pink with a clean 
creamy throat. Opens 10 florets on a medium 
tall spike. 

PINK CHIFFON—A unique shade of pink. 
Makes a medium spike with 6 to 8 open. Fine 
florist color. 

POINSETTIA—Pure light spectrum red slight- 
ly ruffled. 6 to 8 open on a tall spike. An ex- 
cellent commercial and an outstanding glad. 

PRINCESS—A clear medium rosy lavender, 
shading to a lighter throat on which are a few 
rose lines. 8 to 11 florets open on a tall spike. 

QUIBERON—A soft peach buff, shading to 
salmon at the edges, light yellow throat. 8 to 
10 open on a 30-inch flower head. 

RAVEL—A medium blue with reddish throat. 
One of the best blues. 

RECOMPENCE—Color medium yellow with a 
red blotch. 8 to 10 open on a tall spike. 

RED CHARM—An old standard red, but still 
the best commercial to date. I have started 
growing this variety again because the demand 
is so great. 

RED SKIN—A bright scarlet self color. This 
big husky glad opens 9 florets with 6 showing 

RED TAPE—Just about the same color as Red 
Charm. A large plain petaled glad with many 
open florets. Very healthy, and a coming com- 
“irerciat,— ; = 

RED WING—Bright scarlet. Ax excellent com- 
mercial in big demand. 

REGINA—Very deep yellow showing some 
orange with a large scarlet blotch. A most 
beautiful glad and one that will be a leading 
commercial when stock is available. 

ROBERT ALAN—Brilliant medium yellow. 6 to 
8 open on a medium tall spike. 

ROYAL SCOTT—Blue purple. Soft shade with 
plenty of life. Opens 7 to 8 on a medium tall 
spike. Good for any purpose. 

ROSITA—A unique shade of rose accented by 
a small darker blotch, and with a narrow white 
line around all petals. Wide open tightly at- 
tached blooms are rolled, frilled and fluted. 
Rosita is a grand variety for exhibition and 
cutflower use. 

RUFFLED EBONY—Black red glad with round- 
ed florets. Heavily ruffled. Said to be the only 
ruffled maroon glad, makes a good spike. 

SANDMAN—A grand smokey with a very at- 
tractive combination of colors. Up to 8 open 
on a tall spike. 

SENECA—tTall deep rose pink, tall stretchy 
spikes with 10 or more open. Vigorous grower. 
This was sensational in 1953. 

SENEGAL—Brilliant red purple. Florets are 
waved and ruffled and have attractive form. 

A very nice glad. 


SHERWOOD—Ruffled deep purple. 6 to 7 open 
on a long flower head. Some say this is the best 

SIERRA SNOW—Huge glistening white with a 
cream throat. 8 large blooms open. A winner 
at the shows. A beauty. 

SKALAWAG—A ruffled miniature. Very 
healthy and fine growing habits. It’s a dark 
pink with a soft scarlet feather. Tall grower, 
6 open of heavy substances; healthy and an 
excellent cutflower. 

SPARTON—A very tall brilliant red. A very 
fine cutflower. Should be better known. 

SPIC & SPAN—Ruffled tall medium pink. 8 to 
10 open on a straight spike. Excellent cutflower 
and a glad that will be with us for a long time. 

STRAWBERRY PEACH—Large wide open beau- 
tifully ruffled bright orange pink with a soft 
scarlet feather. Tall grower, 6 open of heavy 
substance; healthy and an excellent cutflower. 

SWEET SIXTEEN—Pure pink blending to light- 
er throat. Very healthy and 100 per cent cut- 
flower. An ideal glad. Florists like this one. 

TAJ MAHAL—A clear creamy or oyster white. 
6 to 7 open on a very nice spike. A spectacu- 
lar glad. 

THE RAJAH—Ruffled rich reddish purple. 8 
ee florets on a tall spike. Much admired 

THE ROAN—Rosy red covered with silvery 

lines. Unique and different. 
a tall spike. 

TRAILS END—A deep rose lavender with a 
creamy yellow throat. 6 to 8 open on a tall 
spike, very nice. Good commercial. 

TRULY FAIR—A glorified American Beauty 
Rose red. A marvelous color of outstanding 
value to florists’ trade, Early straight willowy 
spike and perfect balance. ’ 

Huge blooms on 

TYRONE—New orchid lavender of nice clean 
shade. Small white markings in the throat with 
a slight peppering of lavender. It opens 6 to 8 
on a head of 20 buds. Holds its color well to 
the tip. Facing placement and attachment are 
just about ideal. Best new lavender cutflower. 

VALDA—Huge Geer. lavender with better 
stretch and longer flower head than Elizabeth 
the Queen. 8 florets open on a 22-bud spike. 

WHISTLE STOP—Brilliant rose purple, 24 bud 
on a 22-inch flower head. Opens 10 ie the Field) 
Very good. 

WHITE GODDESS—Beautifully ruffled large 
white florets of heavy substance. 6 to 8 open 
on a tall spike, good cutflower. This glad is 
making more friends every year. 

WHITE LACE—A beautiful earl ffl 
fluted white in 300 class. AP SATEEN Ieee 

WONDER BOY—Rich dark purple _ shadi 
lighter toward the edge. Opens 8 with U enone 
ing color on a tall straight stem. Very good 