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Full text of "New prices on quality vegetable plants : grown in natures own greenhouse / Omega Plant Farms."

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To The Trade 

in sending you this Vegetable Plant Folder, we wish to assure you 
that we are now in a better position, than ever before, to stipply you 
all varieties of vegetable plants listed. We wish to thank you very 
wich for vour confidence in allowing us to supply your plants for 
the past season and asstire you we will be able to handle your busi- 

yieSs this year in a satisfactory manner. 

-You will find there is no increase in our prices, although there has 
xcen from ten to twenty percent increase in ottr operations and we 
x2ve been confronted with the same labor situation as other types 
of business. 

Assuring you any business given us will have our personal and 
careful attention, we are, 

Yours very truly, 


How To Order Plants 

You will find enclosed an order blank for your convenience. 

=“Make remittance by Post Office or Express Money Order or 
Check. Make all checks payable to Omega Plant Farms. Write name 
and-address plainly. Always state how you want shipment made; by 
Parcel Post or Express, as we do not ship vegetable plants by 
freight. ee EG 

--- What To Do When Plants Arrive 

Open immediately and take a few bundles from the center of crate. 
Ii weather conditions are unfavorable for transplanting to fields, 
place in cool place, keeping roots moist and tops dry or trench out 
thinly, keeping plenty of moisture-to roots and tops dry. 

Omega Plant Farms, Omega, Georgia 


Ready for Shipment September 15th to June 15th 

These plants are grown from the highest quality seed in open 
fields and have been known to stand a temperature of 14 pyeten 
above zero without serious injury. 


EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD, 63 Days—Best early and ex- 
tensively used for home and market. Firm pointed heads with few 
outside leaves. 

CHARLESTON WAKEFIELD, 72 Days—Larger and less point- 
ed than Early Jersey, and about ten days later. 

GOLDEN ACRE, 63 Day ‘, little smal- 
ler than Copenhagen Market and about a week to ten days earlier. 
COPENHAGEN MARKET, 72 Days—Early round headed varie- 
ty, popular in all markets, very firm and of the highest quality. 
EARLY ROUND DUTCH, 76 Days—An excellent early cabbage 
producing firm round heads and much hardier than Copenhagen 

GLORY OF ENKHUIZEN, 80 Days—Attractive medium early, 
large, round and solid. 

EARLY FLAT DUTCH, 83 Days—Sure heading, compact and 
early. Heads flattened and _ solid. 

MARION MARKET, 73 Days—(Yellow resistant) Copenhagen 
type—about ten days later than Racine Market. 
WISCONSIN ALL SEASON, & Days—(Yellow resistant )— 
One of the hardiest cabbage grown, making large flat heads and is 
much in demand in making kraut. 

BY AT Posten Mail or Express—Not Prepaid 
10 Plants. ou... $..65 _. Per 1,000 
200 Plants .<iwely..cwn...2o.- 95 1,000 to 4,000 Plants __.... $1.75 
500 “Plants Manned? sy 96 ‘ee 1:90 5,000 to 9,000 Plants ...... 1.60 
HOOO Plants. ..............— DO TT OOU OF MOLE «on ccsccecnnerenases 1.50 

Omega Plant Farms, Omega, Georgia 


Our Pepper Plants. are open field grown but they are not Frost- 
Proof. We will have these plants ready for shipment during April, 
May and June. : 

WORLD BEATERS—One of the best of the larger peppers, fruits 
5 inches long, 3 inches in diameter. Flesh mild and thick, deep red 
when ripe. Good shipper and very productive. 
RUBY KING—Excellent for home, market garden and shipping. 
About as large as World Beater, vigorous grower, very profitable. 
Deep green becoming bright red, mild, sweet thick flesh. 
PIMIENTO—A small, mild pepper, glossy green when young, ruby 
red when ripe, excellent for stuffing and canning. 
CALIFORNIA WONDER—tThis is a large thick meated sweet 
pepper which we recommend above all others. Vigorous growing 
plants making heavy yield of large biocky fruit 5 inches long and 4 
inches wide. 
LONG RED CAYENNE—This medium early pepper is long, slen- 
der pointed, deep green when young and bright red when ripe, strong 
flesh and pungent. 
HUNGARIAN YELLOW WAX—tThis early variety is larger 
than other hot peppers producing fruit 6 to 7 inches long and 2 in- 
ches in diameter. Excellent for canning. The color is waxy light yel- 
low at first, changing to crange and then to bright red. 


BLACK BEAUTY—Plants grow two to three feet high producing 
six to eight large egg shaped fruits. Smooth, dark, purple and hold 
well after picking. 

FLORIDA HIGH BUSH—Earliest high bush type, very prolific, 
a fine shipper and stands drought and heat better than other varie- 

NEW YORK PURPLE—This is spineless strain, large, purple 
fruit. Very productive and a standard brand. 


ing variety used by shippers, markets and home gardeners. Produces 
a blueish green head at center of piants. When this head is cut many 
smaller heads appear which are as desirable as tthe first. Continues 
to bear until frost. 

Pepper, Eggpiant and Broccoli 
Ready for Shipment March 15th to June 15th 

_ BY MAIL—Postpaid Mail or Express—Not Presaet 
(O03 Rants ee eae ae $1.10 Per 1,000 
“ZUG Plants #2 Ae tase 0 1.75 23000) Plants 10: 2 Sees $4.00 
eA Plants#ae Dom, 0 3.40 000 Plants... ae So 

OO Plants. re: Sele 5.00 40,000 “Plants ....- agent 3.50 


_ Omega Plant Farms, indeas Georgia \) 



There are two leading varieties of Onion Plants; White Crystal 

Wax and Yellow Bermuda. These plants come from Tenifree Island 
Grown Seed and as they are grown in the open fields can stand un- 
usually low temperature. They are pulled and shipped in bunches of 
100 plants each. 
CRYSTAL WHITE WAX—A very popular variety, an absolutely 
pure white onion of waxy appearance. The sweetest and mildest of 
all Bermuda,Onions. There is a good demand for this on account of 
its handsome appearanice. 

WHITE OR YELLOW—tThis is a straw colored variety, exceed- 
ingly mild in flavor and very early. A profitable variety for market, 
gardeners and truckers. 

RIVERSIDE SWEET SPANISH—Sparkling white flesh. Mild, 
sweet, good quality and splendid keepers. 

Do not order jess than 100 plants of any variety. Smaller amounts 
at the 100 price. 

Ready for Shipment September 15th to June 15 

BY MAIL—Postpaid ~ Mail or Express—Not Prepaid 
PO EANtS so Mee $ 300 Per 1,000 
Cie eraee...... See... .75 1,000 to’ 4,000 Plants ...& $1.75 
500 Plants ...... a ee ee 1.40 5,000 to 9. 000 Plants#.22 1.50 
POT elants bef ZAG 10, WOO! OGsiOre me eae, ms P25 

Sweet Potato Plants 

Our Sweet Potato Plants are certified stock, open field grown but 
not frost-proof and will be ready for shipment about April 15th, on - 
through May and June. We wili have the Bunch and Improved Porto 
Rico to offer this season. 

BY MAIL—Postpaid Mail or Express—Not Prepaid 
pu selants: ho. Se. Ce $1.00 oe 2Per" f. G00 
USI ENG Se I Seer 1.50 1,000 to 4,000 Plants ........ $4.25 
SH i SAP ce Ge a (West. 5 9,090 to 9,000: Plants ...... 4.10 
BN Miriaiatifa tly. Luu Ao 10 OOD ar meres lantse:a:<.. 4,00 

Omega Plant Farms, Omega, Georgia 

OS RR NE RRS Soe sk cet <A heme aerial 



Strong field grown plants. Ready for shipment April and May. 
EARLYSNOWBALL—Extra early Plants short and stocky pro- | 

ducing round heads. Pure white. Perfectly solid. 

By Mail—Postpaid Mail or Express-—Not Prepaid | 

SO Rigs sie Mad eel teeta 3/2. Per 1,000 
LOG Rate ke ee Mike ene 115, 2000 “Plants o> eee $7.50 
200 Plants 2.00" 5,000 “Ptints? = Es 7.00 : 
5OO SPla nts io ere ae ee 4.50 10,000 Plants: ear ence _ 6.00 
000" Plasits cea es 8.00 


Hardiness Width of Distance No. Plants | No. Plants 
Kind of Plant to Cold . Row in Row Set 100 Ft. for 1 Acre 
CABBAGE Proof 3 Feet 15 Inches 80 11,000 
ONION Proof 2 Feet 6 Inches 200 45,000 
TOMATO Kill 4 Feet 36 Inches 50 3,500 
PEPPER Kill 3 Feet 24 Inches 50 7,560 | 
| wp |= 
SWEET | Frost | | i 
POTATO | Kil | 3 Feet | 15 Inches 80 41,000 


We guarantee our plants to be first class in every 
particular when they leave here and will refill the or- 
der free of charge or refund the purchase price on any 
plants not entirely satisfactory, provided plants have o 
not been delayed or damaged by transportation com- 
pany and we are notified promptly. The Omega Plant _ | 



Farms give no warranty, express or implied as to de- 
scription, quality, productiveness of any plants they — 
send out out and will not in any way be responsible ie 

more than the purchase price. 1 

ee ee ee 3 

Omega Plant Farms, Omega, Georgia 



Please ship the following order by Mail ( ) Express (_ ). (State 
how plants are to be shipped by placing X in proper place). 

Only plants shipped by mail are prepaid. No C. O. D. orders filled 
: unless accompanied by fifty percent of purchase price. 


Name & Variety 


—_ ) 
7 Find enclosed money order or check for $ 
Please give shipping date 
+ Name 
(Please type or print) 
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i tate | 
: (OVER) 

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Ready for Shipping from March 15th to June 15th 

Omega Brand-Tomato: Plants.are grown iti the? open fields and 
‘make. strorig,: stocky! plants. with well ‘developed. .root system. They 
are not Frost-Proof but are much: hardier and. stronger than plants 
grown-in a Greenhouse. or, under, cover. All'our Tomato Plarits’ are 
grown. from certified seed, inspected-by ‘the State Department. of 
Entomology and planted on carefully, selected land. A large -percent 
planted on. New Ground and second. Year Fields. These’ plants’ are 
properly irrigated. when necessary under supervision of some. of the 
most experienced field men in the plant industry. : 

#ARLIANA, 60 Days—One of the earliest varieties grown, Mak- 
ing large, well rounded fruit of deep scarlet red color. 

JOHN BAER, .66 Days—Medium to large, round, scarlet- red fruit, . . 

smooth and firm. A good early variety. . 
BONNY BEST, 66 Days—A very popular carta tomato for home 
and market. Searlet-red. fruit, flattened globe shape, vigorous grower | 
with plenty of. foliage. 
| PRITCHARD (SCARLET TOPPER), 70 Dhyssifn ideal: all- 
purpose tomato, wilt resistant, large producer of bright red globe 
shape, medium size and excellent quality. 
STOKESDALE, 70 Days--A ‘new variety, developed by Francis 
C. Stokes. Early, heavy yieldet, deep, red, globe shape, Phil tenis in 
popularity with commercial shippers and canners. 
RUTGERS, 74 Days—A wilt resistant, variety, vigorous “grower 
‘with plenty of foliage, fruit’ globular: ‘shaped, bright‘ red’ with Be 
“walls, sinall cells, a popular variety all over the United States. 
M ARGLOBE, 73, Days—This variety is recommended for its re- 
‘sistarice to wilt and nail head ‘rust. Ati is a good second early. and, con- 
tinues to bear until frost. 

MASTER MARGLOBE, 73 Days—The finest strain of Mar meee 
bred to~produce heavy yields, perfectly shaped fruits. 

GREATER: INDIANA BALTIMORE, 78 Days—This. variety, is 
excellent for: canning. Producing a large, solid, deuasariatak erent d ot 
bright red color and:-excellent. quality. 


BY MAIL—Postpaid 

Mail or Express—Not Prepaid 

20 \Plantsnve sae eae $75 ....Per 1,000 
100" Plants tee ee 1.10 1,000 2 4,000 Plants $3.50 
200,«Plants. ces 2a eee 1.75 5,000 to 9,000 Plants ........ 3.30 
500 Plants «2 ghee _. 3.25 10,000 or more Plants ........ 3.25 


SOR TS GL RN MO SEE CONE NS i CAMS TPE i, ee aT ae een OA RRL AP Sar Ae pernene Smk alr sai ane 

Omega Plant Ramat Omega. Georgia