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Vegetation Management with 
Herbicides in the Eastern Region 
Environmental Statement 
USDA - Forest Service 
Eastern Region 

Based on the analysis in the Final Environmental Statement, it is my 
decision to allow the use of herbicides to be considered as a viable 
vegetation management alternative where appropriate. The proposed 
annual use of herbicides in the Eastern Region is approximately 42,700 
acres, The final use decision will be dependent upon site specific 
environmental assessment reports considering all identified 

Implementation of this plan will not take place until December 1, 1978, 
after the Final Environmental Statement has been received by the 
Environmental Protection Agency and this Record of Decison has been 
made available to interested individuals, organizations, and agencies, 

Date ay 36/ 78 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 

egional Forester 

633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 




USDA - FS - R9 - FES - ADM - Tigao 

Prepared in Accordance with 
Section 102(2)(c) of Public Law 91-190 




This Statement Proposes the use of herbicides on National 
Forest System lands in the Eastern Region of the Forest 
Service, USDA. This includes National Forest System land 
located in the States of Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Michigan, 
Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, 
Pennsylvania, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin. It is 
estimated that approximately 45,000 acres (0.4 percent) of the 
11,250,000 acres of National Forest land in the Eastern Region 
will be involved annually in chemical vegetation control 
activities. Vegetation Management is needed primarily for the 
management of roads and trails, grazing areas, recreation 
developments, special use areas, timber management practices 
and wildlife activities. 

A variety of herbicides are used in the Eastern Region. This 
is because of a diverse vegetation management program, the 
limited uses allowed by individual herbicide labels, and the 
large variety of herbicides available for purchase throughout 
the Eastern Region. All herbicides used will be registered by 
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Only 
application methods and dosage rates approved by EPA will be 

It is the policy of the Forest Service, USDA, not to use any 
herbicide that is not registered by EPA. Thus, all herbicides 
and all uses of herbicides Proposed for consideration in this 
enviromental statement are registered in accordance with the 
provisions of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and 
Rodenticide Act, as Amended. All herbicides proposed for use 
meet the two primary criteria of this Act. Namely, when used 
in accordance with label instructions they are effective for 
the usage Proposed; and they are safe when used in accordance 
with label instructions. 




This Statement also describes the procedural requirements for 
the pretreatment review of all herbicide applications. It is 
intended that the data on the environmental impacts and effects 
of the proposed programs will apply on a continuing basis. 

This Statement will be reviewed annually and revised if new 
research indicates changes in the presently known environmental 
effects of any of the herbicides being considered. Revisions 

will be available at the Forest Supervisor offices and Regional 

This Statement is general in nature. Individual projects will 
be properly described and analyzed in detail in a site-specific 
environmental assessment report or environment statement, 
written to provide public and other agencies full understanding 
of the proposed project. 


Herbicide residues in the air or water, while possible, are 
uncommon within the National Forests of the Eastern Region. 

When they have occurred, the levels have been below established 
limits considered hazardous to non-target organisms. The 
herbicides used are EPA rated moderately toxic to nearly 
non-toxic to man. Their persistence in the forest environment 
is short, with approximately 95 percent of the applied herbicide 
decomposing within 3 months after application. 

The application of herbicides may cause a temporary adverse 
impact on local aesthetics. Vegetation which is highly 
susceptible to the herbicide being used will die or experience 
reduced vigor. However, non-susceptible plants will respond to 
the changed environment with increased vigor and will tend to 
dominate the site. The increased vigor results in greater 
survival and growth of the desired plants. 

Twenty-five years of proper herbicide use by the Forest Service 
in the Eastern Region have produced no known health problems in 
Forest Service personnel, herbicide applicators, or local Forest 
residents. On a local basis, the incidence per capita of cancer 
in rural areas where herbicides are used has not increased since 
1930. Scientific data which was gathered after approved 
herbicide applications shows little if any human health hazards 
exist from current herbicide use. Public objection to herbicide 
use, however, continues to be an issue. 

Favorable effects of herbicide use include enhanced production 
and protection of resources, and improved economic welfare and 
community stability. Where vegetative management can be safely 
accomplished with herbicides, the greatest dollar savings to the 
taxpayer and consumer will be realized. 


A. Biological D. Manual 
B. Fire E. Mechanical 
C. Herbicides F. No Action or Postponing Action 

2 i bl 



A Total of 226 copies of the Draft Environmental Statement were 
mailed out. Twenty-four response were received: 

Agencies, Groups and Individuals that responded to the Draft 
Statement and to whom the Final Statement will be sent: 

Federal Agencies 

1. Agricultural Research Services, USDA 
Soil Conservation Service, USDA 
Department of Interior 
Environmental Protection Agency 

State Agencies 

2. Illinois, Bureau of The Budget 
Maine, Department of Conservation 
Michigan, Department of Natural Resources 
Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources 
Ohio, Department of Natural Resources 
Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Resources 
West Virginia, Department of Natural Resources 
Wisconsin, Department of Natural Resources 


3. Coalition For Economic Alternatives 
Defenders of Wildlife 
Environmental Defense Fund 
Friends of the Earth 
The Izaak Walton League of America 
Minnesota Herbicide Coalition 
The Wilderness Society 

Others, Individuals and Companies 

4. Mason C. Carter, Purdue University 
Harvey A. Holt, Purdue University 
Mrs. G. Altonen 
Consolidated Papers, Inc. 

TSI Company 

VIII. Date Draft Environmental Statement made available to the 
Environmental Protection Agency and to the public 
September 19, 1977. 

Date Final Environmental Statement made available to the PS ings 
Environmental Protection Agency and to the public OCl 24. 



USDAS=—FS5— R9°— FES — ADM — 77 - 10 

Prepared in accordance with 

Section 102(2)(c) of Public Law 91-190 

Type of Statement: Final 

Date of Transmission to EPA: OCT 24 1978 

Type of Action: Administrative 

Responsible Official: Steve Yurich 


Regional Forester 
Eastern Region 



1. Environmental Objectives 

2. Management Objectives 



Forest Roads, Trails and Facilities 

Special Use Permits 

(1) Utilities and Communication Uses 

(2) Transportation Uses 

(3) Agriculture Uses 

(4) Recreation Uses 

Timber Management 

(1) Release 

(2) Thinning 

(3) Tree Nurseries 

(4) Reforestation 


(1) Wildlife Openings in Forest Areas 
(a) Opening Maintenance 
(b) Sharptail Grouse Management 
(c) Kirtland's Warbler Habitat Management 





(2) Browse Production 
(3) Wetland Plant Management 
(4) Aquatic Plant Management 


Lake States 

New England 

Ozark Highlands 



Lake States 


New England 

Ozark Highlands 

MF Wh ee 


1. Biological 

a. Control 

b. Tree Improvement 





No Action or Postponing Action 

Nim Wh 


1. Basal Stem 

2. Cut Surface 

3. Foilage 

4. Soil Treatment 





1 Adee. 

2. History and Archeology 

3. Land Ownership - Land Use 
4. Soils 

ou Visual 

6. Water 


1. Domestic Animals 
2. Human Health 

3. Soil Organisms 


Lt We 


4. Vegetation 

a. General 

b. Endangered or Threatened Plant Species 
5. Forest Vertebrate Animals 

a. General 

b. Mammals 

Cue By ras 

d. Fish and Amphibians 

e. Endangered and Threatened Animal Species 
6. Forest Invertebrate Animals 

a. General 

b. Insects 

c. Crustaceans and Mollusks 




TCDD (a contaminant of 2,4,5-T and 2,4,5-TP) 

2o¢c5- EPpy (Silvex) 





10. MSMA and Cacodylic Acid 
ll. Krenite 

12: Simazine 

13. Dichlorprop 















i Be ie 































On September 30, 1973, the Eastern Region of the Forest 
Service made a Final Environmental Statement, The Use of 
Herbicides in the Eastern Region, available to the Council 
on Environmental Quality and the public. The 1973 herbicide 
statement covered all herbicide projects within the Eastern 
Region through CY 1978. 

This statement which incorporate significant new information 
covers the Eastern Region's National Forest herbicide 
program of the future. It does not concern herbicide use on 
privately owned land adjacent to, or intermingled with, 
National Forest land. This statement will focus on the 
scope and direction of a broad and continuing Regional 
herbicide program. Detailed impacts of local projects and 
local benefit/cost reviews will be united with this 
statement through site specific environmental analysis 
(Appendix B); or environmental statements, if required. 
Herbicide use is discussed for six management activities: 
timber management; forest roads and facilities; special use 
permits; wildlife; range; and, recreation. The environmental 
impacts and the effects of this program will be reviewed 
annually, and when necessary, addenda will be published to 
update this statement. Addenda will be published in the 
Federal Register and filed in National Forest offices within 
the Eastern Region. 

When alternative methods of vegetation management are 
technologically available and economically feasible they 
will be preferred over the use of herbicides. Herbicides 
will be recommended and used when they will achieve the 
specific resource management objectives with the least 
potential hazard to non-target components of the environment. 

1. Environmental Objectives 

The environmental objectives of vegetation management 
include preserving the integrity of the ecosystem, 
avoiding irreversible degradation, and protecting human 
health and endangered plant and animal species while 
selectively altering the composition and density of 
plant communities. The purpose is to create growth 
conditions favorable to certain forest trees, range 
grasses and forbs, wildlife browse, and other preferred 
plant species, while discouraging unfavorable or 
unwanted pest plants. Vegetation management also 
includes the modification of environmental factors 
associated with plant growth: soil protection, exposure 
to sunlight, adequate moisture, and available nutrients. 

Management Objectives 

Management's objective in the Eastern Region is to 
manage the Forests so as to, maximize the net public 
benefits while staying within the constraints set by the 
environmental objectives. Activities where vegetation 
management benefits the public include: 


Forest Roads, Trails and Facilities 

Vegetation management on forest roads and trails is 
necessary to prevent brush encroachment into driving 
lanes, to maintain sight distances on curves for the 
safety of the traveler, to permit drainage ditches 
and associated structures to function as intended, 
and to reduce roadway maintenance costs. The 
possibility of accidents involving pedestrians, 
animals, and vehicles is decreased when brush is 
controlled and rights-of-way are maintained. 

A method of vegetation control is needed that can be 
used without disturbing highly erodable soil on cut 
or fill slopes, where rock out croppings exist, and 
where stones and stumps are present. Roadside 
Maintenance often receives a low priority, compared 
to maintenance of the road's driving surface. When 
dollars are available for roadside maintenance, a 
method is needed that will produce lasting results, 
especially if brush is a problem. 

Control of pest grasses and woody vegetation near 
radio transmitter sites, equipment storage areas, 
warehouses, Sign posts, and parking lots is needed 
to reduce the risk of fire and to protect the 
facility from physical damage. In addition, 
uncontrolled vegetation and algae growth in sewage 
lagoons interfers with the treatment process, 
equipment operation, and can create a health hazard. 


Vegetation management on range allotments is 
necessary where past grazing and/or management 
practices have allowed less palatable or noxious 
forage to increase at the expense of more desirable 
forage plants. Often times, the invading plants are 
poisonous. A method of forage renovation is needed 
that does not involve complete destruction of the 
whole forage resource for a long period of time. 

Brush and trees that invade range lands compete with 
forage grasses for sunlight, moisture, space, and 
nutrients. They need to be controlled. A method 
which keeps fences and cattle guards clean of brush 


and vines is needed. Otherwise, the life of these 
structures is shortened, resulting in costly repairs 
and replacements. 

The 1975 national assessment, prepared in accordance 
with the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources 
Planning Act of 1974, predicts that the Nation's 
range forage demand will increase by 17 percent 
between 1970 and 1980. There seems to be little 
possibility that grain production costs or demand 
for grain as a human food are going to decrease 
Significantly to lessen this growing demand for 
forage. In fact, range forage, as a source of 
livestock feed can be converted to meat with less 
expenditure of fossil fuel, labor, and fertilizer 
than grain and is receiving increased attention. 
The Eastern Region's National Forest System lands 
are capable of producing additional forage. Range 
management programs designed to control vegetation 
can improve operating efficiency and increase total 
forage production. 


Vegetation management is used in recreation areas 
for the safety and convenience of the public. At 
these sites, methods of plant control are needed 
which allow for elimination of target weed or 
encroaching vegetation with a minimum of disturbance. 

Poisonous weeds in areas of concentrated public use 
such aS campgrounds, picnic sites, and swimming 
beaches, are a danger to people, especially 
children. Skin poisoning accounts for an annual 
loss of 330,000 working days in the U.S., plus added 
days of restricted activity (Du Pont Co. 1976). A 
method which would control these poisonous plants 
and reduce their resprouting, yet not directly 
expose workers to the toxic effects of the weeds is 

Recreation area walkways and parking lots require 
protection from invading grasses and weeds that 
break up black top surfaces, hide traffic control 
structures, and lower aesthetic values. 

Special Use Permits 

The Eastern Region has granted permits allowing 
other government agencies, industry, and individuals 
to construct and maintain roads, pipelines, power 
and communication lines, and recreation facilities, 
and to engage in agricultural activities on National 
Forest land. Special use permits require the : 

development of a joint management plan by the Forest 
Service and permittee. Vegetation maintenance often 
needs to be a part of this management plan. 





Utilities and Communication Uses. Having the 

facilities necessary to carry available services 
to the public is only one challenge utility 
companies must face in providing reliable 
services to customers. Utility companies, such 
as gas, electric, and communication, must 
Maintain their rights-of-way to provide 
reliable service and at the same time provide 
an aesthetically pleasing appearance and a land 
area capable of supporting wildlife and 
recreation activities. Trees or brush growing 
into conductors not only cause outages, but 
other major and costly problems. Uncontrolled 
vegetation growth can be a fire hazard, hinder 
access of maintenance crews, and hide potential 
problems from line inspectors. The aim of 
right-of-way vegetation management is to grow 
select vegetation requiring little maintenance, 
while affording benefits for scenic, wildlife, 
and recreation values, and soil stabilization. 

Transportation Uses. Approximately 2,480 miles 

of roads, highways and railroads (21,300 acres) 

located on Eastern Region National Forest 
System lands are maintained by someone other 
than the Forest Service. These travelways are 
regulated by easements and permits issued 
mainly to individuals, industry, or State or 
local government highway departments. The 
vegetation management problems on these 
roadways are similar to those stated for Forest 
Service roadway maintenance. Vegetation control 
along railroad tracks is required to allow the 
train engineer a clear view of the tracks ahead 
and to lessen the chance of train caused wild 

Agriculture Uses. About 5,000 acres of Eastern 
Region National Forest land is under permit for 
cultivation of crops and pasture. These lands 
are managed similar to commercial agriculture 
lands and present many of the same weed control 
problems. There is a need for control of weeds 
in crop lands and noxious and poisonous plants 
on pasture lands. Most of the permit areas are 
small in size, and the permittees prefer to 
manage them with the equipment and practices 
accepted for use on the family farm. 

Recreation Uses. Selected areas of the Eastern 
Region are under permit or cooperative agreement 


to individuals or groups for the development 
and maintenance of recreation facilities. 

These developments range from summer home 
cabins used by a single family, to winter 
recreation complexes available to thousands. 

In 1975, the number of recreation permits was 
13359 708,830 acres). The objective of 
vegetation management on special use recreation 
lands is to present a visually attractive and 
natural, but safe landscape. This involves 
highly selective management of vegetation in 
lawns, along trails and walkways, and around 
buildings, sewage treatment facilities, parking 
lots, signs, and play areas. 

Timber Management 

Ensuring an adequate and containing supply of timber 
and timber products was a major reason for 
establishing the National Forest System in 1897. 
Today, supplying wood fiber remains a major function 
of the National Forests, as reaffirmed by Congress 
with the passage of the National Forest Management 
ACteOLm@19/ 6: 

Demand for timber from U.S. Forests is expected to 
increase. Using medium level projections and a 1970 
price base, the The Nation's Renewable Resource, An 
Assessment, 1975, shows demand could rise from 11.7 
billion cubic feet in 1970, to 27.3 billion cubic 
feet by 2020; an increase of 133 percent in 50 
years. Under present conditions, both the Nation's 
supply and demand for wood products are rising. 
Because demand is rising faster than supply, either 
the price of wood products will climb to the point’ 
of balancing supply with demand, or supplies must be 
increased to the point of holding down price rises. 
Therefore, given a fixed or decreasing land base it 
is necessary to intensify management so a drastic 
increase in relative price can be avoided. 

Future supply increases will depend largely on the 
level of forest management, the area of land 
available for commercial timber production, and 
timber cutting practices and policies. However, 
supply projections based on a trio of present trend 
assumptions indicate a demand-supply squeeze will 
occur. The three assumptions are: (1) recent 
levels of management will continue, (2) cutting 
practices and policies will be similar to those of 
recent years, and (3) the slow downward trend in 
available commercial timber land area will extend 
through the next 45 years. (Resources Planning Act, 

Improvements in utilization and increases in net 
imports of softwoods from Canada and hardwoods from 
tropical regions can meet part of the projected 
growth in demand. However, these potentials are 
relatively small, when compared to the total 
increase in demand. The Nation must look to its 
own domestic timber resources as the best means of 
meeting this demand. Intensive vegetation 
Management on private and public lands is one way to 
help meet the demand. 

In some timber stands, individual trees assert 
dominance over others and the stands develop 
efficiently. In other cases, crowding becomes 
serious. At its worst, this crowding results in 
death, stagnation, or spindly stands of small trees, 
all of which are seldom marketable, even with long 
stand rotations. In most cases, greater stand 
growth efficiency can be achieved by judicious 
removal of some of the trees; new growth is 
concentrated on trees that are best able to grow 
to a large size. 

Vegetation management early in the life of a timber 
stand can have a major beneficial impact on future 
timber yields. A practice known as timber stand 
improvement (TSI) can increase the average annual 
yields of wood per acre on National Forest lands in 
the Eastern Region. Common TSI activities include: 

(1) Release. This constitutes any type of treatment 
that frees young trees from overtopping or 
closely surrounding vegetation, which is 
inhibiting their establishment as the new 
forest stand. Some typical examples are 
cutting, halting the growth of unwanted trees 
and brush which overtop young conifers, and 
deadening large cull trees in stands of young 
hardwoods. Removal of grass, weeds, or brush 
from around individual seedlings or small trees 
to reduce competition for nutrients, soil 
moisture, and sunlight also constitutes release. 

(2) Thinning. Thinning operations aim at optimizing 
the growth and development of trees in 
established stands by controlling the stocking 
or tree numbers. Felling or deadening of trees 
in an immature stand, in order to accelerate 
diameter growth, control species composition, 
or improve average form of the remaining trees, 
without permanently breaking the stand canopy, 
may be classified as thinning (Figure 1). 

It is in the land management and timber 
management plans that guidelines on what 




Figure 1. Cross-section of a tree left in an area that was thinned. 
Average annual growth per acre increased by 94 percent after 

percentage of each National Forest should be in 
hardwood and conifer acreages are noted. The 
decision to release or thin a timber stand 
which needs treatment is follow-up to a prior 
commitment to grow conifers or hardwoods. 

(3) Tree Nurseries. Nursery production of trees for 
private, State, and Federal reforestation 
programs is carried out in Federal and leased 
nurseries on Eastern Region National Forest 
System lands. The nursery beds used for 
growing seedlings are fertilized regularly and 
properly watered. But, these conditions are 
also favorable for weed growth. If the weeds 
in nursery beds were not controlled, their fast 
growth characteristics would enable them to 
dominate the tree seedlings, causing heavy 

(4) Reforestation. Another timber activity, 
reforestation, requires vegetation management. 
In preparation for planting, seeding, or 
natural regeneration, a site must be prepared. 
Foresters call this practice site preparation. 
Reforestation sites may be abandoned pastures 
or fields, rights-of-way, brush fields, or 
recently harvested timber stands. Site 
preparation can be for either artificial 
reforestation, such as planting or seeding by 
people, or for natural reforestation where new 
trees are the result of volunteer growth. In 
either instance, site preparation is the act of 
modifying vegetation and/or soil to make it 
suitable for artificial or natural 


The objective of vegetation management in wildlife 
management is to retard or change plant succession. 
Descriptions of the wildlife programs in the Eastern 
Region which depend on the activity follow: 

(1) Wildlife Openings in Forest Areas 

(a) Opening Maintenance. Small, 1-5 

acre openings, for game and non-game 
species, are important wildlife habitat 
components. Numerous openings result 
temporarily from timber harvest, fire, 
mechanical disturbance, and natural 
change. Others are developed and 
maintained through effective management 
plans. Although the inventory is not 
complete, approximately 1 percent of the 


Region's lands are in permanent openings. 
The long-term objective is to eventually 
maintain 3-5 percent of the Region's lands 
in wildlife openings. Natural and manmade 
openings require maintenance to control 
the encroachment of conifers and 
broad-leaved trees. Controlling some 
plant species along opening edges 
preserves other shrub species of value to 

(b) Sharptail Grouse Management. Approximately 
23,000 acres are managed in the Eastern 
Region so suitable habitat can be 
maintained for sharptail grouse, and a 
variety of wildlife associated with an 
Open environment. The optimum range for 
sharptail grouse includes a mixture of 
open, shrub, and escape cover. Treatments 
are needed to maintain areas in a low 
shrub vegetation community. 

(c) Kirtland's Warbler Habitat Management. 
Some 55,000 acres of jack pine stands have 
been identified as critical habitat for 
the nesting of Kirtland's Warblers on the 
Huron National Forest. Jack pine 
regeneration requires the stands be burned 
under prescribed conditions. (Jack pine 
cones require heat to open and release 
their seeds.) However, experience has 
shown that burning in jack pine stands 
stimulates oak sprouting. Where the 
density of oak stems occupy over 25 
percent of the area, these stands will not 
be used by the Kirtland's Warbler. A 
method is needed to eliminate the oak 
sprouts or sprouting potential. 

Browse Production 

Production of red maple, dogwood and other high 
value browse species, preferred by deer, can be 
increased with properly timed vegetation 
treatments. Aerial application of herbicides in 
scrub aspen stands have been found to increase 
browse by 4,000 stems per acre. Vegetation 
treatments stimulate such species as red maple, 
to increasing browse yield at greater rates than 
lower value browse species. In general, a 
favorable browse increase results when the 
density of less desired overstory vegetation is 

(3) Wetland Plant Management 

Managed wetland systems, such as greentree 
reservoirs which replace lost waterfowl 
habitats, often require some plant management to 
keep weed growth from blocking water flow in 
ditch channels. Dikes built to control water 
levels require protection from tree roots of 
sprouting trees. The roots penetrate the dikes, 
allowing water to escape and weaken the dike. 

(4) Aquatic Plant Management 

Vegetation found in an aquatic environment is as 
diverse and specialized as that associated with 
any forest habitat. A variety of submergent and 
emergent aquatic plants, along with various 
forms of algae, are present. These plants serve 
as food sources for herbivorous animals, and 
provide habitat for insect production upon which 
fish, waterfowl, and other animals are dependent 
for food. The aquatic environment is generally 
less "stable" than the terrestrial environment, 
and is sensitive to minute changes in the 

Situations may exist where algae or aquatic 
plants become dangerous or a nuisance to man and 
wildlife. Aquatic vegetation can reduce the 
diversity of the aquatic ecosystem, and effect 
the dissolved oxygen levels of water, which can 
result in fish kills. An excess of aquatic 
vegetation and algae is considered undesirable 
in ponds and lakes used for fishing, boating, 
and swimming. Several species of blue-green 
algae, (cyanophyceae), produce toxic substances 
when they die and decay. These algae have been 
responsible for mammalian, avian, and fish 
deaths (Bennett 1971). Controlling aquatic 
vegetation can improve many of these situations. 


This 20-State Eastern Region covers a diverse area, with 
every land form from jagged mountain peaks to gently rolling 
fields represented. The Forest Service has broken the Region 
down into five major areas to facilitate land management 
planning. Each area is made up of National Forests 
reflecting similar geographic, climatic, and social-economic 
conditions. The areas include the: Appalachians, Lake 
States, Midlands, New England, and Ozark Highlands. 




The Appalachian area consists of hilly or mountainous 
uplands extending from northern Pennsylvania to southern 
Ohio and West Virginia. The National Forests in this are 
the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Wayne. (Figure 2) 

The climate is characterized by distinct seasons, 
frequent changes of weather, considerable precipitation, 
high humidity, moderate cloudiness, and winds. The 
sources of many rivers are located in the highlands. 
These headwaters are cold, clear, and generally clean. 
However, in some areas, water has been polluted by 
sediment, acid water from coal mine drainage, sewage, and 
industrial discharges and spillage. The soils of the 
Appalachian hardwood forest are highly variable and 
affect the capability of the area to produce timber, 
wildlife forage, water, and a variety of recreational 

The Eastern hardwood forests are some of the most complex 
biological communities known. The Appalachian hardwood 
forests are dominated by oaks, with spruce and fir 
occurring on the higher elevations. A wide variety of 
other trees and shrubs, many of which are unique, also 
occur in the area. Living in close association are many 
forms of wildlife, including rare and endangered species. 

Range is of minor but growing importance. Fossil fuel 
and mineral production is major. 

Lake States 

The Lake States area is known for many water bodies and 
diversified terrain. About 1 out of every 16 acres is 
surface water. Portions of three States - Michigan, 
Minnesota, and Wisconsin, in which eight National Forests 
are located, make up the area. The Forests are the 
Chequamegon, Chippewa, Hiawatha, Huron, Manistee, 
Nicolet, Ottawa, and Superior. 

The area has long, cold winters and short growing 
seasons. Much of the moderate precipitation falls as 
snow and spring run-off goes to recharge the many lakes 
and wetlands. Streams are plentiful, but compared to 
other areas of the Eastern Region they carry little 
water. Water quality is generally high, tends to be 
soft, and is often stained brown by drainage from organic 

The soils in the Lake States are reflections of glacial 
deposit, featuring glacial outwash, upland moraine, 
lowland moraine, lacustrine plains, and organic soils. 
Erosion and stream sedimentation hazards are insignificant 
except in small areas. A variety of minerals are found 
under these surface soils. 



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yatyy “aan OW “Y “Yor 


The National Forest Syston 

633 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 


Mark Twain National Forest Rolla. Mo. 65401 
ILLINOIS Ranger Districts and Headquarters 

Shawnee National Forest 

317 E. Poplar St. Ava Ava, Mo. 
Harrisburg, Ill. 62946 Cassville Cassville, Mo. 
pape Cedar Creek LU A:ea Fulton, Mo. 
. Ranger Districts and Headquarters Doniphan Doniphan, Mo. 
Elizabethtown Elizabethtown, IN. Fredericktown Fredericktown, Mo. 
Jonesboro Jonesboro, III. Houston Houston, Mo. 
Murphysboro Murphysboro, III. Poptar Bluff Poplar Bluff, Mo. 
Vienna Vienna, III. Potosi Potosi, Mo. 
Rolla Rolla, Mo. 
INDIANA-OHIO Salem raat Mo. 2 
Wayne-Hoosier Nati Van Buren Van Buren, Mo. 
1615 J Nase ELS Willow Springs Willow Springs, Mo. 
Bedford, Indiana 47421 Winona Winona, Mo. 
Brownstown Brownstown, Ind. 
Tell City Tell City, ind. 
pies Athens, Ohio 
ote onton,.Ouio NEW HAMPSHIRE & MAINE 
MICHIGAN White Mountain National Forest, Federal Bldg. 

Hiawatha National Forest, 2727 .N. Lincoln Rd. 

719 Main St., Laconia, N. H. 03246 

Escanaba, Mich. 49829 Ammonoosuc Littleton, N. H. 
Manistique Manistique, Mich. Androscoggin Gorham, N. H. 
Munising Munising, Mich. Evans Notch Bethel, Maine 
Rapid River Rapid River, Mich. Pemigewasset Plymouth, N. H. 
St. Ignace St. Ignace, Mich. Saco Conway, N. H. 
Sault Ste. Marie Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 

Huron-Manistee National Forests 
421 S. Mitchell Street 
Cadillac, Michigan 49601 


Allegheny National Forest, Spiridon Bldg 

Warren. Pa., 16365 

; ee Bradtord Bradford, Pa. 
Baldwin Baldwin, Mich. Marienville Marienville, Pa. 
Cadillac Cadiliac, Mich. Ridgway Ridgway, Pa. 
Harrisville Harrisville, Mich. Sheffield Sheffield, Pa. 
Manistee Manistee, Mich. 

Tawas East Tawas, Mich. Green Mountain Nationa! Forest 
White Cloud White Cloud, Mich. Federal Building West Street 

Ottawa National Forest 

Rutland, Vermont 05701 

ichi Q Manchester Manchester, Vt. 
Se ee aie a eae . Middlebury Middlebury, Vt 
Bergland Bergland, Mich. Rochester Rochester, Vt. 
Bessemer Bessemer, Mich. Hector LU Area Montour Falls, N.Y. 
Jron River lron River, Mich. 
si peo Mich. WEST VIRGINIA 
ntonagon ntonagon, Mich. j F 4 
Watersmeet Watersmeet, ich, Nee 
Cheat Parsons, W. Va. 
MINNESOTA ‘ Cauley Richwood. W. Va 
Chippewa National Forest Greenbrier Bartow, W. Va. 
Cass Lake, Minnesota 56633 Marlinton Martinton, W. Va. 
: Potomac Petersburg, W. Va. 
Blackduck Blackduck, Minn. Whi . : . 
ace Cake (ace iene. Minn. White Sulphur ene Springs, 
Deer River Deer Rivet Minn. ie 
Marcell Marcell, Minn. 
Walker Walker, Minn. WISCONSIN 

Superior National Forest, 236 Federal Bldg. 
Duluth, Minnesota 55801 

Aurora Aurora, Minn. 
Gunflint Grand Marais, Minn. 
isabella Isabella, Minn. 
Kawishiwi tly, Minn, 

LaCroix Cook, Minn, 

Tofte Tofte, Minn. 

Two Harbors Two Harbors, Minn. 
Virginia Virginia, Minn. 


Chequamegon National Forest, Federal Bldg. 
Park Falls, Wisconsin 54552 

Glidden Glidden, Wis. 
Hayward Hayward, Wis. 
Medford Medford, Wis. 
Park Falls Park Falls, Wis. 
Washburn Washburn, Wis. 

Nicolet National Forest, Federal Bldg. 

Rhinelander, Wis. 54501 

Eagle River 

Eagle River, Wis. 
Florence, Wis. 
Lakewood, Wis. 
Laona, Wis. 

Many different timber types make up the forest cover, 
including most northern hardwoods and different conifers 
- pine, spruce, fir, hemlock, and cedar. Within these 
forests, a diversity of wildlife is found. The most 
important Lake States breeding ranges for the bald eagle, 
osprey, Kirtland's Warbler and eastern population of 
greater sandhill crane are located on the National 
Forests. Grazing is minor within this area 


The Midlands consist of rough and rolling lands in 
southern Illinois and Indiana. The National Forests are 
the Shawnee and Hoosier. 

The climate is characterized as continental. Temperature 
extremes from 115°F to -26°F have been recorded. 
Precipitation ranges from 40 to 50 inches annually, with 
most falling as rain. Violent spring and summer storms 
are not unusual and are sometimes accompanied by 
tornadoes. Stream run-off is variable, with many smaller 
tributaries going dry in summer and flow deficiencies 
restricting water use in lower reaches. To improve this 
situation and provide a water supply for such uses as 
recreation, fish and wildlife habitat, a number of ponds 
and multi-purpose reservoirs have been constructed on 
streams originating within, or passing through, the 
Shawnee or Hoosier National Forests. These ponds, 
reservoirs, and streams are a valuable fishery resource 
for the Midlands. 

Midland soils are derived from sandstone, shale and 
limestone; are usually acid, low in phosphates, calcium, 
and nitrogen; and, are susceptible to erosion. The 
Forest lands are capable of rapid hardwood growth. 
Highly productive agriculture lands are present in 
scattered locations, especially along river bottoms. 

A mixture of plants are found within the Forests. 
Hardwoods are the most evident, but other plants, ranging 
from xerophytic prickly pear cactus to hydric swamp 
tupelo and bald cypress can also be found. Several rare 
and unique plants also occur. Associated with the 
diverse vegetation is a variety of terrestrial wildlife. 
Local waters are used as resting and wintering areas by 
migrating waterfowl. 

The unglaciated Midlana's terrain exhibits unique 
geological formations and is rich in archeological 
history. Forest ownership is extremely scattered. 
Agricultural uses are increasing. 


New England 

The New England area, laced with numerous streams and 
dotted with lakes and ponds, contains rolling foothills, 
coastal plains, and the highest mountain peaks in the 
Northeast. National Forests are the Green Mountain and 
White Mountain, located in the States of Maine, New 
Hampshire, and Vermont. The New England year is divided 
into four distinct seasons, with frequent weather changes 
influenced by the ocean and high elevation. 

Today, forests composed primarily of northern hardwoods 
and spruce-fir cover 70 percent of the area. Alpine and 
subalpine vegetation is found in higher mountain areas. 
The vegetation provides productive habitat for an 
assortment of game and non-game wildlife. National 
Forest water yield and quality is high, while that which 
is closer to population and industrial centers is 
seriously degraded. The waters provide a variety of 
fishing experience. 

Forage and agricultural uses are common on private lands 
within the Forests. Mineral activities are limited to 
common variety sand, gravel, and stone. 

Ozark Highlands 

The Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri, is located in 
the Ozark Highlands. Landscape, climate, vegetation, and 
wildlife in the Ozark area is often varied and distinct. 
The range of soil fertility is extreme, from rich river 
bottom lands to almost barren glades. The Ozark plateau 
is underlain with limestone and dolomite bedrock, 
honeycombed with underground streams and caverns. It is 
here that such rare animal life as the Indiana bat and 
the blind cave fish can be found. 

National Forest land in Missouri now represents 11 
percent of the State's commercial forest land. Total 
commercial forest land acreage may be shrinking by as 
much as 100,000 acres annually, as private landowners 
convert their brush or forest land to grass. 
Urbanization is also reducing the State's acreage of 
forest land. The decreasing acreage of forest land in 
private ownership is increasing the pressure on publicly 
owned forested lands. 

This area has local problems with water quality, timing 
of flows, and duration of flows; however, it does not 
suffer from a shortage of water. The nature of karst 
topography allows easy contamination of ground water. 

In spite of considerable precipitation and high humidity, 
lack of available surface: water places limits on the 
wildlife and recreation resources. 


Forest types are primarily oak-hickory and pine 
hardwoods. Mixed with the forests, is a large range 
resource. Mineral deposits are found throughout the 


The Eastern Region is rich in cultural history. On September 
1, 1976, the National Register of Historic Places listed 17 
sites located within National Forests in the Eastern Region. 
These 17 sites merit special recognition and management. 

Many other culturally significant areas within the National 
Forests are protected through normal multiple use planning 
and management. 



The Appalachian Area has historically possessed a 
specialized economy, heavily dependent on utilization of 
the Region's natural resources: minerals, timber, 
farmland, and water. Prior to the early 1960's, the 
depletion of resources and mechanization of industry 
caused jobs to disappear and out-migration to occur. The 
area experienced much social and economic distress; 
however, with recent expansion of light manufacturing and 
service industries, employment has shown a marked 
improvement. In-migration has started in a few areas. 
Per capita income is increasing at a strong rate. 

Lake States 

The economy of the Lake States Area is dependent on 
natural resource-based businesses. Forest industries 
employ the largest number of people; agriculture, mining 
and recreation are the other leading employers. Growing 
demands for wood products, increased interest in 
minerals, and the desire of many individuals in Eastern 
cities to "get away from it all'' offers an optimistic 
outlook for the area's economic future. (USDA Forest 
Service, LSAG) 

Natural resource-based economies have traditionally grown 
slower than industrialized economies. The Lake States 
Area is no exception, as demonstrated by a long history 
of slow economic growth. 

Seeking greater financial security, many young people 
have moved from the area. This out-migration is 
reflected in 33 percent of the Lake States area residents 
being 65 years of age or older (only ten percent of the 
National population falls into this age bracket). Also, 
there are only 28 people per square mile, about half of 
the National average. The life style of the area is 
classified as rural, with the area's largest urban center 


being Duluth - Superior and having a population of 
150,000 people. Total population within the Lake States 
Planning Area was estimated at 3.1 million people in 

IJ 70ee ites) expectedsto increase to 3.3 million by 1990, 
and 3.4 million by 2000. 


The Midland Area ecomony is truly a mixed economy. 
Industrial activities, manufacturing, and service jobs 
account for more than half the area's employment. 
Mining, agriculture, and forestry are important in some 

Social and economic development has been influenced by 
the major rivers of this area, which serve as the 
principle commercial link between the Midlands and the 
rest of the central United States, from Pennsylvania to 
New Orleans. At the same time, these rivers have helped 
isolate the area, slowing economic and social 
interchanges. Economically, the negative effects are 
felt through high tolls on products, and the need to 
travel great distances in order to reach a bridge and 
cross a waterway. 

New England 

The New England Area, with its 35 million people, is one 
of the most populated areas of the country. The National 
Forests of New England are among the most intensively 
used forested areas in the Nation. With 17 percent of 
the Nation's people, the population density averages 340 
people per square mile, compared to a National average 

obe Stok, 

Population distribution is extremely uneven, with 
concentrations along the eastern seaboard megalopolis and 
only 2 million people in the more rural States of Maine, 
New Hampshire, and Vermont. The projected growth within, 
and adjacent to, the New England Forests will have a 
marked impact on both public and private lands within the 
area. The National Forests are a significant portion of 
the public land in this area, and they will share this 
impact in the form of ever-increasing pressures for the 
goods and services they provide. 

Ozark Highlands 

Although agriculture has been the basic industry of the 
area, the presence of an abundance of natural resources 
has provided for considerable hunting, fishing, logging 
and mining. The population of the Ozark Highlands Area 
has changed irregularly over the past 40 years, 
increasing slightly in the 1930's and 1960's, and 
decreasing in the 1940's and 1950's. One of the major 


reasons for the decline was the exceedingly high rate of 
out-migration by young people. The lack of employment 
opportunities is the major factor behind this 
out-migration. Also of significance, is the change in 
land ownership patterns. Farm ownership has given way 
largely to owners who use the land for rural residence, 
hunting clubs, investment purposes, etc. 

The per capita personal income of the area has increased 
steadily since 1940; in addition, the dollar gap between 
the Nationwide per capita personal income average and 
that of the area is closing. Some influx of light 
industry has occurred. Through proper management and 
better utilization, the forest-based industries will 
substantially increase and contribute to the economy. 
The mineral industry will continue to increase its 
contribution to the area's economic well-being. The 
improved economic outlook is already reflected in a 
decreasing rate of out-mitgration by the area's 
population; however, the population growth in the Ozark 
Highlands is not keeping pace with the National growth. 

The National Forest System lands are a significant 
economic entity in the area. From 36 million to 45 
million people live within a day's driving distance of 
the area. Current programs are estimated to be directly 
or indirectly responsible for over 1,200 jobs, with their 
total value to the area said to exceed $15 million. A 
program aimed at supplying the apparent future demands 
would more than double the economic benefits. 

1. Biological 

a. Control. Biological control of vegetation is a 
natural process featuring animals, insects, disease, 
biochemical interference, and environmental changes. 
Releasing more of a plant's natural enemies or 
pathogens can induce natural vegetation control. The 
objective is to work against the pest plants by 
either reducing their growth during a specific period 
of time or to reduce their numbers. 

The use of livestock is one form of biological 
control. Livestock has been used to reduce competing 
grasses and forbs from plantations. In some areas, 
livestock have been used to reduce buildup of 
specific vegetation species by intensive grazing. 

Some advantages in using livestock are: 

a) Low cost. 


b) Should the population increase and more food 
production lands be last to development, using 
livestock to manage vegetation could become a 
very important social benefit. 

c) Produces a very low environmental hazard to 

d) And, if rare, endangered or threatened 
plants exist on or near the treatment site, they 
can be protected from grazing and trampling 
damage by fencing or other physical barriers. 


a) Competition between wildlife and some forms 
of domestic livestock for food, water, and 
shelter will exist. Continual disturbance to 
wildlife will exist when livestock is present. 

b) Cold weather and winter snows have excluded 
grazing animals from some areas of Region 9. 
This is especially true of goats, which have a 
low tolerance to cold. 

c) Livestock are affected by some diseases that 
could spread to wildlife, such as deer. 

However, with proper precautions, the 
opportunities for transmitting diseases to 
wildlife could be reduced. 

d) Soil compaction can be a problem in bedding 
areas. Livestock trails can be a source of 

e) Biological controls using livestock may 
cause a serious predation problem, making 
predator control necessary and giving rise to 
pressure from livestock owners for such control 

£) Rare, endanagered, and threatened plants and 
their habitat stand the chance of being harmed 
or destroyed if not excluded from use by 

g) Confinement of livestock to specific areas 
can involve high costs, but if the animals are 
left to wander, areas not intended for grazing 
may be used. 

The Eastern Region's potential for forage production 

is receiving more attention. Where livestock is 
available and Forest Service people are trained to 


administer grazing, it could become a method of 
biological vegetation control. 

Aquatic vegetation control is mostly a problem in 
manmade lagoons, ponds and lakes. While lagoons are 
found Region wide, the manmade ponds and lakes are 
common to the Ozark, Midlands and Appalachian areas. 
Ducks and geese can be used to control excess duck 
weed and other aquatics. By up-rooting plants in 
search for bottom food, carp can control aquatic 
vegetation. Efforts at such aquatic vegetation 
control result in increased water turbidity and a 
change in bottom nutrients to a more usable form. 
The long-term effect is a more luxurious vegetative 
growth. In many States, it is illegal to utilize 
grass carp to control vegetation. Very lattleme1t 
any, of this control method will be used in the 
Eastern Region. 

Insect damage to plants may be in the form of 
defoliation, girdling, or sap removal. Common life 
forms of the attacking insects are larval, nymphal, 
and adult. The attacked plants are weakened or 

Diseases are caused by living parasitic agents, which 
live and feed on, or in, plants. They are most 
commonly caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses. 
Environmental conditions have to be right before 
infection occurs. Injury may be in the form of 
overdeveloped tissues, stunting, lack of chlorophyll, 
incomplete organ development or death of plant 
tissue. Pioneering research by the Stanford Research 
Institute (Wilson 1969) in the use of plant pathogens 
to control weeds has identified the following 

a) the natural resistance of host plants acts 
as the primary deterrent to biological control 
of weeds by restricting disease to insignificant 

b) natural weed populations may be expected to 
display a relatively high degree of natural 
resistance to most local disease organisms. 

c) disease susceptibility is, therefore, the 
exception rather than the rule and high degrees 
of susceptibility are exceptional. 

d) most natural plant disease epidemics in the 

past have resulted from the accidential 
importation of foreign pathogens. 



e) the fact that local plant populations 
develop resistance to local pathogens or insect 
pests does not preclude their susceptibility to 
forms from which they have been protected by 
natural barriers. 

Biological control can include non-living agents. 
These agents include such things as nutrient 
adjustments, extreme heat or cold, plant-toxic 
chemicals (other than herbicides), and too little or 
too much water. These causes do not act like a 
disease, in that they are not transmitted from one 
plant to another. 

Allelopathy, biochemical interference among plants, 
can be an important form of external regulation of 
plant growth. Foliage extracts from some species of 
fern, goldenrod, and aster has been found to be 
inhibit seed germination of some other plants. Aster 
foliage extract has inhibited both shoot and root 
growth of seedlings growing on cotyledon reserves. 
Foliage extracts of fern, grass, goldenrod, and 
aster, and root washings of goldenrod and aster have 
inhibited shoot growth and dry weight accumulation of 
seedlings which had exhausted cotyledon reserves and 
were dependent upon soil medium for nutrition 

Biological control holds promise for the future, but 
more research is needed before it can become a viable 
alternative in forest vegetation management. Many 
problems still exist. The major disadvantage being 
there is no way to contain biological agents within a 
specific target area; they could spread into adjacent 
areas. Another problem is the biological agent may 
not be sufficiently specific to the target plants and 
devastate beneficial plants as well. 

Tree Improvement. Providing resource managers with 
plants having superior growth characteristics can 
reduce the need for competing vegetation control. An 
example is reforestation. A growth advantage is 
wanted for the planted trees. This advantage could 
be obtained through biological development of the 
trees which will be planted, rather than pest plant 

Biological evolution of vegetation is a process 
featuring genetics, nursery practices, and soil 
preparation for planting and succession. The 
objective is to work through the preferred plants. 
Individual plant characteristics for tolerance and 
early, fast growth can be identified, and through 
genetic breeding passed along to offspring. Plants 



bred for favorable growth characteristics could 
reduce the need for control of associated vegetation. 

Transplants conditioned for early, fast growth could 
prevent better established plants from squeezing them 
out. Physiological shock is often exhibited by 
plants transplanted from a controlled nursery 
environment to an uncontrolled field situation. An 
adjustment in nursery soil nutrients and introduction 
of mycorrhizal fungi could reduce this shock, making 
the plants heartier. 

Programs aimed at reestablishing vegetation usually 
require some type of site preparation prior to 
planting or seeding. Site preparation involves 
exposing mineral soil by altering, removal or 
repositioning of accumulated vegetative matter. A 
thorough job of site preparation can often reduce the 
need for control of unwanted pest plants. 

Vegetative communities are never static for very 
long. Conditions are either moving toward, or away 
from climax stands. The maturity of a vegetative 
community is determined by the complex association of 
plants found there and what will happen under the 
given conditions. Based on sound knowledge of 
matural succession, host plants could be matched to 
ecological conditions, rather than competing against 

Better use of host vegetation, holds promise for the 
future. Research is under way, but findings are slow 
due to the time involved in working with many forest 
plant species. As a reliable method of vegetation 
management, biological control is technically 
unavailable and its economic benefits unknown. 


Fire, aS a vegetation manipulator, has long been a part 
of the forest environment. Used as a prescribed and 
controlled tool, today fires are a part of the vegetative 
management program in timber, range, wildlife, fuels 
management, and rights-of-way clearing. The average 
annual acreage in the Eastern Region receiving prescribed 
burns is about 6,400 acres (average of 1974 and 1975 

A 2 year summary of prescribed burning plans for the 
Region shows the following: 




891 "aen) 1864 facS 138 act 3,869 ac. Trac. $ 4.96 
$74 -a@AFe2e 134 fac 4 ac. 360" ac. Dac. $10.68 


Some of the advantages in using fire for vegetation 
management are: 

1. Fire is a natural phenomenon which plays an 
important role to varying degrees in different ecosystems. 

2. Plant communities have different tolerances and 
responses to fire. 

3. Fires of varying intensities, applied 
knowledgeably at the proper times of the year, can have a 
beneficial impact on the resources. 

4. Fire is one of the most economic methods of 
achieving various objectives in land management. 

5. Depending on the type of vegetation burned, the 
visual impacts can be minimal, with greening occuring in 
2 to 3 weeks. 

Some of the drawbacks in using fire for vegetation 
Management are: 

1. Smoke from prescribed fires adds particle matter 
to the air. However, by choosing the proper weather 
conditions, the effects can be minimized. 

2. If prescribed fire is not properly applied, 
damage can occur to the humus, soil, and wildlife. 

3. Visual impact can be heavy if woody tree growth 
1s common to the area. 

4, Weather conditions required for a successful burn 
do not always occur. 

5. The proper quantity of fuel may not be available 
to support a fire which is necessary to accomplish the 

6. The use of fire is generally limited to areas 
where selectivity is not required. Endangered or 
threatened plant species may be injured. 

7. Unwanted plants that are native to an area, but 
have long been suppressed by successional change, can be 
released by fire and once again dominate the site. 

8. If the prescribed fire is not hot enough to 

control plants with well established root systems, 
prolific sprouting can occur. 


9. The number of days when fire can be used 
effectively are limited. In fact, some years they do not 
occur at all; or when they do, the danger of wild fire 
is very high, reducing the availability of fire fighters 
and equipment. 

10. Burning also results in the loss of significant 
amounts of nitrogen through volatilization. 

A properly prescribed fire which is skillfully applied 
can meet specific vegetative management objectives. As 
more is learned of fire's vegetation management potential 
and more people are trained to administer prescribed 
fire, it will receive increased emphasis in the Eastern 
Region's vegetation management program. Fire will be 
used where non-selective vegetation management is needed 
and proper environmental safeguards can be met. 


Chemical control of vegetation involves the use of 
materials that cause a malfunction in plant growth 
processes. Many of these chemicals are related to 
naturally occurring plant growth regulators. Entry into 
the plant may be through foliage, stems or roots. 
Herbicides, as these chemicals are called, may be 
selective or non-selective. The selective herbicides 
generally act on broad-leaved plants, whereas most 
grasses, coniferous trees, and certain legumes are 
relatively resistant. The non-selective herbicides 
generally control all vegetative types. 

Herbicides are considered an alternative method, because 
they have been found to be both effective and useful for 
vegetation management. Effectiveness is shown by a 
herbicide's ability to control a specific target pest or 
produce a wanted plant reaction. Usefulness is 
determined by the ability to achieve desired results 
while applying herbicides according to directions and 
cautions on the label, without causing unreasonable 
adverse environmental effects. 

Vegetation growth is affected by available light, heat, 
nutrients, and water. Generally, the use of light and 
heat are functions of the plant's foliage, while uptake 
of nutrients and water are functions of the roots. The 
best vegetation management alternative is that method 
which not only controls the competition for above ground 
light and heat, but also controls root competition for 
nutrients and water. Herbicides are the only available 
alternative which consistently meet these objectives. 


Today, herbicides are available for vegetation management 
programs in timber, range, wildlife, agriculture, 
recreation, and rights-of-way maintenance. Some 
application methods are appropriate only at certain times 
of the year, while others are suitable all year long. 

The major advantages in using herbicides are lasting 
effectiveness, minimum environmental impact, and low cost. 

It is becoming increasingly apparent that alternative 
non-herbicide techniques may be more violent and more 
destructive to ecosystems. Selective herbicides do not 
kill all vegetation or physically disrupt the soil. 

There are no physical effects on wildlife, except as they 
relate to habitat change and the availability of favored 
food species. Wildlife habitat areas treated with 
herbicides remain accessible to browsing animals. In 
contrast, areas matted with heavy slash from downed trees 
and brush are only partially accessible, and by the time 
wildlife can move around, the browse has often grown 
above their reach. 

Because of the minimum physical impact on an area treated 
with herbicides, many benefits occur that are not 
possible with other alternative methods: (1) Soil 
protection is not removed, (2) cover and food still 
remain for wildlife, (3) nutrients are not removed or 
bunched, (4) microclimatic extremes are minimized, (5) 
new undesirable plants find it difficult to become 
established due to competition from preferred vegetation, 
(6) dying plants gradually add their branches, leaves, 
and bark to the forest floor, where they form a mulch 
that enriches the soil and conserves moisture, (7) as 
pest overstory plants gradually fade from the plant 
community, increased amounts of sunlight and 
precipitation, necessary for the vigorous development of 
preferred vegetation, can reach the ground, and (8) the 
source of new growth, the plants roots can be controlled. 

Costs of herbicide use are generally lower than for other 
alternatives. Costs, however, are not the overriding 
consideration in prescribing herbicide applications in 
selected areas. The environmental effects, social 
impacts, and combined resource objectives all must be 
considered reviewed, then, if herbicide use is still an 
available option, it should be chosen over a higher cost 
alternative which is more destructive. 

In managing the National Forest's grazing resource, 
herbicides can be used to reduce unpalatable plants and 
noxious or poisonous plants from range and pasture lands, 
without tilling the soil. Plowing to eliminate unwanted 
plants destroys usable forage plants, increases erosion, 
and takes the area out of production for up to 1 year, 


while the new plants get established to where they can 
stand the stress of livestock grazing. Herbicides are 
also useful in range revegetation programs, for 
controlling trees and brush that are competing with 
wanted forage species for sunlight, moisture, heat, and 
nutrients. Fences entwined with brush and vines are 
easily freed and kept clean through the use of herbicides. 

The use of herbicides for vegetation management along 
roads and trails is often coordinated with mechanical 
equipment use. Mechanical equipment alone is unsatis- 
factory for some species of brush control, due to 
excessive stump and root sprouting, rock outcroppings, 
stones, and cut or fill slopes. Using herbicides to 
control woody growth allows for maintenance of roadsides 
where mowing equipment would disturb highly erodable 
soils. Because herbicides reduce resprouting of stumps 
and brush, the time between maintenance operations is 
extended, freeing dollars for other much needed road 
maintenance activities. 

Herbicides can also be used at recreation areas to extend 
the life of walkways and parking lots. They may be used 
to control aquatic weeds, and to improve aesthetics. 
Trails can be kept free of stump sprouts and tree 
seedlings. At remote or limited access recreation Sites, 
where mechanical or hand vegetation control methods are 
impossible or extremely costly, herbicides become the 
only effective vegetation control method. Herbicides may 
be selected over other plant control methods at a 
recreation site where a target weed or the encroachment 
of vegetation must be eliminated with a minimum of 

The use of herbicides has been controversial, especially 
the aerial application of 2,4,5-T. Much of the concern 
originated from publicity given to a chemical used in 
Vietnam. Agent Orange contained an impurity - 
tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, more commonly known as TCDD 
or dioxin. The TCDD dioxin content now contained in 
2,4,5-T has been reduced to a fraction of the level in 
Agent Orange. TCDD has been found to be one of the most 
toxic chemicals known to scientists, but when 225 tol Baglk 
used according to label directions, it is not believed to 
result in significant danger to the environemnt from 
TCDD. Even when new monitoring programs, capable of 
dioxin detection to 1 part per trillion, became 
available, debates on the use of 2,4,5-T will continue, 

The Eastern Region has used herbicides since 1950. 
Experience has shown the herbicide alternative for 
vegetation management to be effective, of reasonable 
cost, and when used as directed, it does not constitute a 
hazard to humans, animals or the general quality of the 
environment. Herbicide use still remains as a preferred 
method for most vegetation management programs. 



Manual vegetation management methods include the use of 
hand-operated tools such as the axe, brush whip, brush 
axe, chain saw, and brush cutter. Manual methods are 
used in timber, range, wildlife, recreation, fire, and 
right-of-way maintenance programs. 

Generally speaking, manual methods have little adverse 
effect on the environment. This method can be selective 
and accomplished with little visual impact in areas of 
concentrated public use. Control of vegetation can be 
exact, making this method suitable for use along streams, 
in recreation areas, around buildings, and near wildlife 
projects. The season of year has little effect, unless 
it 1s winter cold or snow depth. Long term local 
employment is possible. 

The major disadvantages are high cost and ineffective 
results. It is not unusual for an acre of land to 
contain over 26,000 brush or hardwood stems (Jensen 
1977). If stems were placed on a 2-foot by 2-foot 
spacing, 10,890 stems could be fitted to an acre. 

Forlish (1972) found 3-4 year old aspen clearcuts contain 
12,700-13,700 aspen stems, plus other species like 
cherry, red maple, birch, and hazel. In the Ozark and 
Midlands areas, hardwood reproduction would be less; 
about 3,500 stems per acre (Brinkman-Lining, 1961). 

A research project in the southeastern Adirondacks showed 
that felling cull trees, which range in size from 8 to 36 
inches d.b.h., require an average of 2.88 minutes per 
tree. To manually fell 50 trees, would cost $14.40 per 
acre, if the hourly rate for the chain saw operator is $6. 
This would still leave the smaller trees and brush to 
remove. Assuming there are 5,000 brush stems per acre 
and a man is able to remove 240 stems per hour at $3 per 
hour, it would add another $62.50 per acre to the cost of 
manual brush removal. 

Manual labor projects can help a local economy; however, 
finding people to work at physically demanding jobs is a 
problem. Many National Forest areas have a limited labor 
supply. Urbanites are often unwilling or unable to 
commute to rural areas for work, especially, when the pay 
is low, the work seasonal, and the working conditions are 
physically demanding. 

It would require a minimum of 10 people working a full 
year to clear 1,000 acres of heavy brush with hand 

tools. Only specially funded public employment programs 
could support such a large program. Programs of this 
nature are established by the President and Congress, not 
the Forest Service. To relocate the unemployed, while 


possible, has a high cost and low worker appeal. Labor 
skills learned in cutting brush and hoeing weeds have 
little application for preparing the unemployed to find 
meaningful employment. Recent public employment programs 
have focused on helping urban areas with high 
unemployment levels. 

The most discouraging aspect of manual vegetation control 
is its ineffectiveness. Hand cutting brush, like mowing 
a lawn, can result in only a temporary reduction in plant 
growth. Stumps and roots will send up sprouts to soon 
replace those cut. In one year's time most new sprouts 
have replaced the growth removed by cutting. 

Many woody species vegetation are prolific sprouters. 
Along roadsides, under utility lines, in hay or pasture 
fields, and in young conifer plantations, a need exists 
for lasting vegetation control. Cutting the aerial 
portions of pest plants does not reduce the number of 
stems that resprout the following year; rather, in some 
species, there are substantial increases. The height of 
the new growth can exceed 3 to 4 feet in the first year 
(Arend and Roe, 1961). To annually or biennially crop 
these sprouts in a 30,000-40,000 acre program, amounts to 
a major expenditure of tax dollars, or in the case of 
utility rights-of-way, an increased cost to the consumer. 

Experience has shown that heavy cutting of brush and cull 
trees in an area creates a mat of interlocking tree 
branches and stems, impassable to many forms of 

wildlife. Manual control of grass and weed pests in hay 
and range pastures and removal of duck weed or algae 
blooms from water, is physically impractical, if not 

The accident rate for people involved in woods work is 
high. The 1972-1974 severity rate, (days of lost work 
due to injury per 1 million man-hours of work), for the 
logging industry group was only exceeded by 16 of 207 
industrial groups listed by the National Safety Council 
in the 1975 Work Industry Rates. Daily exposure to sharp 
cutting edges, rough terrain, climatic extremes, and 
physically demanding work make accidents a major factor 
in discouraging the use of manual labor crews. 

Manual control methods, while a part of the Regional 
vegetation management program, are limited by cost and 

This method involves the use of motorized equipment to 
either push-pull, or drive other pieces of equipment 

designed to treat vegetation. It involves bulldozing, 
shearing, tractor scarification, discing, cultivating, 


chaining, chopping and mowing. Mechanical vegetation 
control is used in range, agriculture timber, and 
rights-of-way construction and maintenance programs. 

Mechanical methods have the advantage of being able to 
alter the position or form of the vegetation. Dozer 
operated equipment can knock down or dig up vegetation to 
create openings, brushhogs and hydro-axes can grind up 
vegetation, and discing or cultivating will bury 
vegetation. Excellent site preparation can thus be 
accomplished. If done properly, the mechanical control 
of vegetation is suitable for use in visually sensitive 
areas. Large areas can be treated with minimum manpower 
needs and low cost. Mechanical equipment also allows the 
clean up of unwanted or unutilized vegetation which has 
accumulated, while leaving adequate root material to 
provide for vigorous resprouting. 

Limits on the use of mechanical equipment are caused by 
rough and rocky terrain, erosive soils, steep slopes, 
winter weather, and muddy soil conditions. Soil erosion 
and its affect on water quality and soil compaction are 
two environmental concerns associated with mechanical 
vegetation management. Soil compaction is of concern 
because it reduces soil productivity. Selectivity is not 
usually possible with mechanical methods, and the cost of 
treating small areas is excessively high. Mechanical 
methods can seriously impact wildlife which require a 
specific, localized ecological niche. 

Unless plant roots of sprouting plants are completely dug 
out of the ground, the effectiveness of mechanical 
vegetation control is reduced. Mowing operations 
followed by chemical treatment have proven worthwhile for 
use on roadsides and other areas where aesthetics are of 
major concern. 

Increasing prices and reduced availability of fossil 
fuels may not make large mechanical vegetation control 
projects possible in the future. 

Mechanical treatment of vegetation is the first step to 
helping establish desirable vegetation, and future use 
will emphasize this objective. 

No Action or Postponing Action 

The "no action" alternative should not be interpreted as 
the halting of all current land management programs; 
rather, it means no efforts will be made to control 
vegetation once an activity has been started. In other 
words, once the needed vegetative community was 
established by the land manager, mature would be allowed 
to take its course. No maintenance projects would be 
undertaken, even if the vegetation became detrimental to 


the program, i.e. trees growing into electrical wires; 
old, brittle branches hanging over trails, etc. This 
method is very different from other alternatives. 
Short-range costs and environmental impacts are the least 
under this alternative. 

Without treatment, fish species management in small 
reservoirs and ponds can change from high dissolved 
oxygen-demanding fish, such as trout and pike, to bull 
heads and other rough species which require less oxygen. 
This would be caused by aquatic plant and algae buildup 
and the extraction of oxygen during vegetation 
decomposition. Aquatic vegetation provides cover which 
may cause some small forage fish, such as bluegill, to 
Survive in over-abundant populations, thus leading to 
stunted growth. Another detrimental effect which comes 
from not controlling weed and algae growth is the 
physical obstacle such growth presents to fishing 
enthusiasts. Swimming would also be affected by the low 
water quality, and the activity would be limited to those 
periods of low algae populations or before aquatic plants 

Without human manipulation of vegetation, forest cover 
diversity, in a protected forest, decreases. This 
reduces wildlife diversity and populations. Species 
requiring forest types found in early successional stages 
become very scarce. 

Failure to control roadside vegetation would decrease 
sight distance on curves and at intersections, hide 
traffic control structures and directional Signs, and 
keep many gravel roads damp and muddy throughout the 
summer because of shading. 

Succession in the Eastern Region goes from grass 
communities to woody vegetation. Without vegetative 
manipulation, the acreage and condition of the range 
resource would deteriorate, reducing the number of 
animals that could be allowed to graze. A decrease in 
range forage without a corresponding reduction in 
domestic livestock would mean an increased demand for 
expensive, supplemental feeds, such as corn and soybeans. 

An acre of forest land is limited in the amount of 
vegetation it can produce. However, with management , 
those plants which are beneficial to man can be 
proportionately increased and their growth stepped up, 
eliminating unwanted vegetation which is competing for 
available nutrients, moisture, and space. This is the 
practice followed in timber management through selective 
control of vegetation. Without selective control, more 
growth would go into brush and trees of low fiber yield, 
Until new technology and methods for utilizing brush and 


low yield trees are developed, the Nation is faced with 
reducing the timber supply or harvesting increased 
acreage each year to supply existing demands. 

Failure to control noxious weeds could result in a 
National Forest noxious weed source that may be 
detrimental to local agriculture. 

David Marquis (1976) found that heavy tree thinning in 
New England increased crop tree basal area growth by 53 
percent and diameter growth by 64 percent over that of 
unthinned controls. Williams (1976), in an 18-year study 
of yellow poplar seedlings which were completely released 
by herbicides in 1957, found growth of completely 
released trees were four times taller and five times 
larger in diameter by 1973, than seedlings not released. 

The need for release is shown by experiments conducted on 
the Chippewa National Forest in Minnesota. Prepared 
plots showed that after 5 years, failure to release red 
pine resulted in a reduction of 70 percent in survival, 
more than 90 percent in height growth, and 99 percent in 
total dry weight. 

In Lower Michigan, studies evaluated the effects of 
various degrees of overtopping aspen and scrub oak on the 
growth of planted red pine. Growth was measured 5 to 15 
years later. The results showed that when a 30 square 
foot basal area hardwood overstory (90-150 trees, 6-8 
inches d.b.h. per acre) is retained, cubic foot volume 
growth is reduced 20 percent of the maximum; the diameter 
growth is limited to 55 percent maximum; and, the height 
growth declines to 58 percent of the maximum. 

It is recognized that unchecked tall growing vegetation 
along power and telephone rights-of-way, is a hazard that 
could cause shorting, arcing, or other undesirable 
effects. These conditions interrupt electric services to 
customers, and in some cases, unmanaged right-of-way 
growth could inhibit surveillance, maintenance and repair 
of lines. 


Herbicide use in the Eastern Region involves a variety of 
chemicals which have been selected to treat a wide range of 
plants at various times of the year. The complex 
relationship between host and target vegetation, and the 
method in which each can be reached by a herbicide, are 
considered when selecting a chemical for use. 

The Following descriptions were extracted from the Herbicide 
Handbook of the Weed Science Society of America (1974 


Edition) and Agricultural Chemicals - Book II (Herbicides) by 
W.T. Thomson. 

AMITROLE - (3-amino-s-triazole) 





a. Perennial broadleaf weeds and grasses in 
non-cropped areas. * 

b. Some aquatic weeds. 

c. Most crops if contacted by spray are sensitive. 

d. Used in mixtures with more persistent herbicides 
for general weed control in non-cropped areas and 
as a directed spray in ornamental nurseries. 

Application methods: Foliage spray on weeds. 

Rates: 20 to 10 1b/A. 

Usual carrier: Water - 20 to 200 gpa; water-soluble. 


Absorption characteristics: Absorbed slowly. 
Translocation characteristics: Good translocation. 

Mechanism of action: Inhibits chlorophyll formation 
and regrowth from buds. 

Metabolism and persistence in plants: Glycine and. 
serine of plants are utilized in biosynthesis of 

AMS - (ammonium sulfamate) 




General: Effective in killing most woody plants, 
including hardwood and coniferous species such as 
alder, ash, birch, cedar, elm, gum, hickory, maple, 
oak, pine, willow, and poison ivy. Also is an 
effective contact spray for control of herbaceous 
perennials such as leafy spurge, bitter dock, 
goldenrod, perennial ragweed, milkweed, and blueweed, 
as well as most annual broadleaf weeds and grasses. 

Application methods: (a) As foliar spray; (b) as 
crystals or concentrated solution to cut surfaces 

(frills, notches, or cups cut in bark, or freshly cut 


Rates: (a) As foliar spray for brush, using 
hydraulic equipment, 60 1b aihg water, 50 lb aihg 
oil-water emulsion (up to 400 1b aihg used in 
air-blast equipment; (b) as contact spray for 
herbaceous plants, 100 lb aihg; (c) for spray 
application=torcut surfaces,’ 7 to 10 1b in°2 gal 
water; or (d) sprinkle crystals directly on cut 

Usual carrier: Applied in water solution or in 
oil-water emulsion in sufficient volume for full 
coverage of foliage, stems, limbs, and base of woody 
plants. Applications to freshly-cut surfaces should 
saturate cut area. Oil-water emulsion is prepared by 
dissolving herbicide in one-fourth the required 
amount of water, then adding a pre-mix of one quart 
Du Pont Surfactant WK or equivalent in 4 gal of No. 2 
fuel oil per 100 gal of finished spray, followed by 
remainder of water. 



Absorption characteristics: Rapidly absorbed through 
foliage and green stems; use of spreader-stickers or 
application in oil-water emulsion improves wetting. 
Crystals or concentrated solutions applied to freshly 
cut wood surfaces are readily absorbed. 

Translocation characteristics: Translocation has 
been demonstrated in woody plants and in herbaceous 

ASULAM - (Methyl sulfanilylcarbamate) 




General: Effective for control of certain perennial 
weeds such as johnsongrass, horsetail, rush, bracken 
fern, and tansy ragwort in noncrop, range, and forest 
management areas. 

Application methods: Aerial and ground foliage spray. 

Rates: 1 to 6 1b ai/A depending on weeds present. 

Usual carrier: Water-5 to 40 gpa. 



Foliar absorption characteristics: It is readily 
absorbed by foliage, with the rate increased by the 
addition of a wetting agent. 


2. Translocation characteristics: It may be taken up by 
either roots or leaves and translocated to other 
parts of the plant. In certain grasses, there is 
evidence that asulam is translocated from the leaves 
into the root system resulting in the death of 
several of the dormant buds on the rhizomes. 

3. Mechanism of action: The site of action appears to 
be the meristematic regions of the plant, and the 
activity appears to be due to interference with the 
process of cell division and expansion. 

ATRAZINE - (2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-s-triazine) 

1. General: Atrazine is a widely used selective 
herbicide for control of broadleaf and grass weeds. 
It is used also in some areas for selective weed 
control in conifer reforestation, Christmas tree 
plantations and grass seed fields, as well as for 
non-selective control of vegetation in chemical 
fallow. Atrazine also is used widely as a 
non-selective herbicide for vegetation control in 
non-crop land. Combination granules of atrazine plus 
propachlor, atrazine plus alachlor and atrazine + 
Sutan are presently marketed for weed control in 
corn. In addition the granular combination of 
AAtrex plus sodium chlorate and sodium metaborate is 
currently marketed for non-selective vegetation 
control. Sugarbeets, tobacco, oats, and many 
vegetable crops are very sensitive to atrazine. 

2. Application methods: Depending upon the crop or 
intended use atrazine sprays may be applied preplant, 
preemergence, or post-emergence, but before weed 
seedlings are more than 1-1/2 inches high with few 
exceptions. These exceptions include postemergent 
application for yellow nutsedge and Canada thistle 
control. Preemergence use is generally the perferred 
method of application where it can be used. Under 
dry conditions, a shallow incorportion may increase 
the degree of weed control. A single lay-by 
cultivation is sometimes useful to prevent relatively 
tolerant late season grasses from developing. Aerial 
applications have been very successful, especially 
when wet weather prevents the use of ground equipment 
and in cases where rough terrain such as in conifer 
reforestation makes ground applications impractical. 
A liquified formulation containing 4 1b ai/gal has 
been developed and is currently registered for weed 
control in corn and sorghum. Postemergent application 


of either the wettable powder or liquified formulation 
of atrazine are usually made in combination with a 
nonphytotoxic crop oil, crop oil concentrate or 
surfactact. These additions enhance the uptake of 
atrazine and hence its activity. 

3. Rates: Rates the equivalent of 2 to 4 1b/A are 
required for selective weed control for most 
Situations. Higher rates are used for nonselective 
weed control. Lower rates will effectively control 
cheatgrass and most other weeds in chemical fallow or 
rangeland uses, and many common annual broadleaf weed 

4. Usual carrier: Water at 10 gpa or more is the usual 
carrier for uniform ground application. Nitrogen 
solution and other liquid fertilizers have been 
widely and successfully used as carriers. The major 
advantage is applying both herbicide and fertilizer 
in one operation. Agitation in the spray tank is 
necessary to keep the chemical in suspension. 
Recently it has been recommended that aerial 
application of atrazine be applied in a minimum of 2 
gallons of water per acre. The typical volume of oil 
applied by ground means is one gpa. This volume is 
reduced to 1/2 gpa for aerial application. 


1. Foliar absorption characteristics: Absorbed through 
both roots and foliage, although foliar absorption 
often is small in most plants under field conditions, 
depending on factors as species and environmental 
conditions. The herbicide can be washed off plant 
foliage by rain. 

2. Translocation characteristics: Following absorption 
through roots and foliage, it is translocated 
acropetally in the xylem and accumulates in the 
apical meristems and leaves of plants. 

3. Mechanism of action: A photosynthetic inhibitor, but 
may have additional effects. 

4, Metabolism and persistence in plants: Atrazine is 
readily metabolized by tolerant plants to 
hydroxy-atrazine and amino acid conjugates. The 
hydroxy-atrazine can be further degraded by 
dealkylation of the side chains and by hydrolysis of 
resulting amino groups on the ring and some co. 
production. These alterations of atrazine are major 
protective mechanisms in most tolerant crop and weed 
species. Soil placement selectivity is also 
important in the care of some deep rooted perennial 
crops. Unaltered atrazine accumulates in sensitive 
plants, causing chlorosis and death. 


Biological properties other than herbicidial: 
Limited studies have shown some minor fungicidal and 
nematocidal activity but no insecticidal activity. 

BENEFIN - N-butyl-N-ethyl-a,a,a-trifluoro-2,6-dinitro-p-toluidine 



General: Controls grasses and several broadleaf 
weeds such as carpetweed, chickweed, knotweed, 
lambsquarters, pigweed, purslane, redmaids, and 
Florida pusley. Tolerant crops include lettuce, 
peanut, alfalfa, clover, birdsfoot trefoil, 
transplant burley and dark tobacco, and established 
turfgrasses. Sensitive crops include beets, sorghum, 
oats, ad spinach. 

Application method: Benefin is a preemergence 
herbicide and must be soil incorporated within eight 
hours after application with equipment that breaks up 
large clods and mixes the soil thoroughly; e.g., 
PTO-driven cultivators, hoes, tillers; double disc; 
rolling cultivator; bed conditioner. Application and 
incorporation can be preplanting or postplanting. 

Rates<<. bol? toeleoes DLA 

Usual carrier: Water at 5 to 40 gpa is the carrier 
for the 1.5 1lb/gal liquid concentrate. A 2.5 percent 
granule is also available for use on peanut and 
burley tobacco. 



Foliar absorption characteristics: Benefin is a soil 
incorporated, preemergence herbicide and is not 
normally applied to plant foliage. 

Translocation characteristics: There is no 
Significant absorption or translocation of benefin in 
crops grown in soil treated with benefin. 

Mechanism of action: Benefin affects seed 
germination and associated physiological growth 

Metabolism and persistence in plants: No significant 

terminal residues or specific metabolites of benefin 
have been detected in mature plants. 


BENSULIDE - 0,0-diisopropyl phosphorodithioate S-ester with 

N-(2-mercaptoethyl )benzenesulfonamide 


General: Betasan is registered for control of 
crabgrass, annual bluegrass, redroot, pigweed, 
watergrass, lambsquarters, shepherdspurse, 
goosegrass, and deadnettle in grass and dichondra 
lawns. Prefar is registered for controlling various 
grass and broadleaf weeds in cotton, lettuce, 
cucumbers, canaloupes, squash (summer & winter), 
Crenshaw and Persian melons, muskmelons, watermelons, 
tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower. 

Application method: Besatan should be used prior to 
germination of weed seeds. It should be applied to 
established grass lawns, prior to planting, at the 
time of planting, or on established dichondra lawns. 
The compound must be watered into the soil after 
application. Bensulide provides long residual 
control of the weeds for which it is registered. 
Care should be exercised if reseeding with grass is 
planned following treatment. 

Rates: Rates of application are from 10 to 20 1b/A 
for Betasan and 2 to 6 1b/A for Prefar. 

4. Usual carrier: Water at the rate of 15 to 30 gal per 
3000 to 3600 sq ft is the usual carrier for emulsifiable 
liquid formulations of Betasan. Prefar is applied in 20 
to 50 gallons of water per acre. 



Translocation characteristics: It is absorbed on the 
root surfaces, and a small amount is absorbed by the 
roots, but very little or none is translocated upward 
to the leaves. 

Mechanism of action: It inhibits the growth of roots 
of weeds, but the mechanism of action is not known. 

Metabolism and persistence in plants: Unchanged 
ring-labelled Prefar-!4¢ could be detected in the 
roots of lettuce plants after root application, but 
none could be detected in the leaves. A large part 
of the radioactive material in the leaves was evolved 
as radioactive co, and some was present as labelled 
amino acids. 


BROMACIL - 5-bromo-3-sec-but yl-6-methyluracil 

(5-bromo-6-methy1-3-(1-methylpropyl) uracil) 


General type of plants controlled: Used on 
non-croplandareas for control of a wide range of 
annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds, 
and certain woody species. Combinations with diuron 
(Krovar® ) used noncropland areas. 

Application methods: Bromacil is sprayed or spread 
dry(as granules, etc.) on soil surface, preferably 
just before or during period of active growth of 

Rates: 1.5 to 5 1b/A - general weed control (where 
bare ground is desired for an extended 
period)-controls most annuals. 5 to 10 1b/A - 
controls many perennial weeds, grasses and woody 
species. 12 to 24 1b/A - controls hard-to-kill 
perennials such as johnsongrass, bermudagrass, 
dallisgrass, vaseygrass, nutsedge, saltgrass, 
bouncingbet, dogbane, bracken fern, and horsetail. 

Higher levels of dosage ranges are used on adsorptive 
soils (usually those high in organic matter or 
carbon). For basal treatment of brush mix 2 1b of 
bromacil in 5 gal of water and apply 1 to 2 fl oz per 
stem 2 to 4 inches in basal diameter; wet base of 
stem to run-off. 

Usual carrier: Water in sufficient volume to 
uniformly cover area to be treated. Wettable powder 
form requires continuous agitation to maintain 
Suspension; water-soluble form requires agitation 
only until dissolved. Bromacil also can be applied 
in oil solutions or suspensions, or in dry, granular 



Foliar absorption characteristics: Bromacil is 
mostly readily absorbed through root system; less so 
through foliage and stems. Addition of a suitable 
surfactant to the spray enhances foliar activity. 

Translocation characteristics: Orange plants 
maintained for 4 weeks,in sand on a nutrient solution 
containing 10 ppm of " “C-2-bromacil took up less 

than 54 of the applied activity. Approximately 85% 
of this activity was found in the roots and 17% in 
the stem and leaves of the plant. 


3. Mechanism of action: Bromacil has been shown to be a 
potent and specific inhibitor of photosynthesis. 

BROMOXYNIL - 3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxybenzonitrile 

(4-cyano-2,6-dibromophenol ) 




General: Registered for use on wheat, barley, oats 
rye, flax, and newly seeded turf to control certain 
broadleaf weeds. Also, registered for the control of 
certain weeds such as Russian thistle on industrial 
sites, vacant lots, roadsites, and railroad 
rights-of-way. Promising for sorghum and fall-seeded 

Application methods: Ground and aerial foliage spray 
in water - postemergence. 

Rates a 02> “tos lb aa/A¥ 

Usual carrier: Water - 2 to 20 gpa. 


1. Foliar absorption characteristics: The oil soluble 
amine and ester have the capacity to resist removal 
from foliage by rain, the sodium salt does not since 
it is water soluble. 

ZY. Translocation characteristics: Relatively little 
movement once absorbed. 

3. Mechanism of action: Photosynthetic and respiratory 

4. Metabolism and persistence in plants: May be 
hydrolyzed to benzoic acid. 

5. Biological properties other than herbicidal: 

CACODYLIC ACID - hydroxydimethylarsine oxide 


General: Cacodylic acid is a contact herbicide which 
will defoliate or desiccate a wide variety of plant 
species. The phytotoxic properties of this herbicide 
are quickly inactiviated on contact with the soil. 
Current experimental uses include: weed control in 
crops and in nut, fruit, and citrus orchards, and 
weed control in new seedling areas. Commercial uses 


include: cotton defoliation, lawn renovation, 
general weed control in noncrop areas such as around 
buildings, near perennial ornamentals, along fence 
rows, and spot control of noxious weeds and forest 
management practices. 

Application methods: Used as a directed spray, 

Rates: Three to 10 1b/A. 
Usual carrier: Mix with water plus 2 qt surfactant 

per 100 gal of solution and apply at 40 gpa. All 
formulations are 100% water soluble. 

CHLORAMBEN - 3-amino-2,5-dichlorobenzoic acid 




a. Preemergence control of seedling grass and 
broadleaf weeds. 

b. Preemergence use on soybeans, drybeans, lima 
beans, seedling asparagus, pumpkin, squash, corn; 
post-transplanting on tomatoes, peppers, sweet 
potatoes, and various ornamentals. 

Application methods: Ground spray or granular 
application. Shallow incorporation recommended under 
some conditions. 

Rates*=.27£0.4 s1b/Ay 

Usual carrier: Water, attaclay, or concentrate 
through Economizer. 




Absorption characteristics: Some foliar absorption, 
resulting in epinasty. 

Mechanism of action: Inhibits root development of 
seedling weeds. 

(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) acetic acid 



General: 2,4-D is a systemic herbicide and is widely 
used.for control of broadleaf weeds in cereal crops, 
sugarcane, turf, pastures, and noncrop land. Most 
dicot crops are susceptible at normal herbicidal 
rates. The salt and long chain ester formulations 


are of sufficiently low volatility that, with care, 
they may be used near fairly susceptible crops, if 
spray drift is prevented. High volatile ester 
formulations should not be used in or near 
susceptible crop areas. Salt formulations are 
safest; they do not release enough vapors to cause 
damage off the treated areas. 

Application methods: Spray application is usually 
postemergence, applied by aerial or ground equipment. 

Rates: For crops and pastures, 0.25 to 2 lb/A 
postemergence for most weeds. For brush control, 
rates of 3 to 4 1b/100 gallons of spray are often 

Usual carrier: Water, diesel oil, or both, 
dependingupon formulation used. Low volumes (e.g., 3 
to 10 gpa) are generally used for aerial application, 
and higher volumes (up to 400 gpa) are used for 
ground application. Surfactants have enhanced 
activity in some cases. Agitation is needed for some 



Foliar absorption characteristics: Plant roots 
absorb polar (salt) forms of 2,4-D most readily. 
Leaves absorb nonpolar (ester) forms most readily. 
A rain-free period of 4 to 6 hr usually is adequate 
for uptake and effective weed control. The esters 
of 2,4-D tend to resist washing from plants and are 
rapidly converted to the acid by the plants. 

Translocation characteristics: Following foliar 
absorption, 2,4-D translocates within the phloem, 
probably moving with food material. Following root 
absorption, it may move upward in the transpiration 
stream. Translocation is influenced by the growth 
status of the plant. Accumulation of the herbicide 
occurs principally at the meristematic regions of 
shoots and roots. 

Mechanism of action: The mechanism of action of 
2,4-D has been studied more than for any other 
herbicide. Investigation has shown that it causes 
abnormal growth response and affects respiration, 
food reserves, and cell division; but the primary 
mode of action has not been clearly established. 

Metabolism and persistence in plants: Studies have 
shown complexes with protein or amino acids, 
oxidation of the acetate moiety and of the ring, 
hydrolysis to the free phenol, and combination with 


5. Biological properties other than herbicidal: It can 
act as a plant growth regulator and low rates can 
induce rooting and blossom set. Also, it controls 
the ripening of bananas and citrus fruits and delays 
preharvest dropping of some fruits. Apparently, 
2,4-D has little or no biological activity on 
insects, nematodes, or plant pathogens. 

DALAPON - 2,2-dichloropropionic acid 

1. General: For the contol of annual and perennial 
grasses, dalapon is used in sugarcane, sugarbeets, 
corn, potatoes, asparagus, grapes, flax, new legume 
spring seedlings, citrus, and deciduous fru, 
coffee, certain stone fruits, and nut trees. 

2. Application methods: Can be applied with conventional 
aerial or ground equipment as a foliage application. 
Apply prior to crop emergence or postemergence. 
Addition of wetting agent is usually helpful. 

3. Rates: Rates range from 0.75 1b/A in flax to 20 1b/A 
or more on noncropland. Multiple treatments at lower 
rates are also used under certain conditions. 

4. Usual carrier: Dalapon is used with a water carrier 
at volumes of 5 to 300 gpa, depending on crop 
situation, grass species, and method of application 
and equipment available. 


1. Foliar absorption characteristics: Absorbed by both 
roots and leaves. Easily washed off foliage. 

2. Translocation characteristics: Translocates readily 
throughout the plant. Accumulates in young tissue. 

3. Metabolism and persistence in plants: Is not 
degraded in plants. 

DCPA - dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate 


1. General: Annual grasses and certain annual broadleaf 
species throughout the USA. 

2. Application methods: Generally at planting time, 
preemergent to the weeds; applied with conventional 


Rates: Four to 10 1b/A, depending on soil type and 
weed population. 

Usual carrier: Apply in spray rigs delivering 25 to 
40 gal of water per acre. 



Foliar absorption characteristics: Not absorbed by 

Translocation characteristics: Not translocated in 
the plant. 

Mechanism of action: Kills germinating seeds; exact 
mechanism not yet known. 

Metabolism and persistence in plants: Not considered 
to be metabolized by plants. 

DICAMBA - 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid 



General: Preemergence applications control both 
annual broadleaf and grass weeds. Foliar and soil 
applications control phenoxy-tolerant annual and 
perennial broadleaf weeds and brush species. 
Registered uses in small grains, corn, flax, 
perennial seed grasses, turf, and non-crop lands. 
Useful also in sorghum, grass pasture, rape, tame 
mustard, sugarcane, cole crops, and certain orchard 
crops. Numerous growth regulatory uses in early 
stage of development. Soybeans, other beans, and 
most small-seeded legumes are sensitive. Spray drift 
to these and other ornamentals and vegetable crops 
should be prevented. 

Application methods: May be applied by either ground 
or aerial spray or as granules, by basal application, 
and preemergence and postemergence, depending on 
specific use. 

Rates: Preemergence - 0.5 to 3 1b/A. 
Foliar spray on broadleaf annuals - 0.06 to 0.25 
Foliar spray on broadleaf perennials and brush 
species — 0.5 to 10 1b/A. 

Usual carrier: Water, applied at from 2 to 40 gpa. 
No additional surfactant nor agitation necessary. 
Attapulgite, vermiculite, and liquid and dry 
fertilizers also have been used as carriers. 


DICHLOBENIL - 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile 


1. General: Dichlobenil is a powerful inhibitor of 
germination and of actively dividing meristems and 
acts primarily on growing points and root tips. 
These properties lead to the following herbicidal 


Both monocotyledons and dicotyledons are controlled, 
especially by inhibition of germinating seeds and 
growth of young seedling plants. 

Older plants, especially when shallow-rooted, are 
controlled under favorable conditions and/or high 
dosages. This applies especially to some annual 
grass weeds. 

The growth of emerging sprouts of perennial weeds is 

Crop plants for which the compound can be useful: In 
general, established crops tolerate treatment very 
well. In such cases the roots do not come into 
contact with the dichlobenil that is located in the 
upper layers of the soil. On the following crops the 
product is in practical use: alfalfa, aquatic weed 
control, citrus, vineyards, top-, soft-, cane- and 
stone-fruits, fruit tree and tree nurseries, 
ornamental plants and trees, nursery stock, 
shelterbelt trees, cranberries, avocados, mangos, 
transplanted rice, winter wheat, total weed control 
and home gardening. 

Application method: Application between sowing and 
emergence of crop usually gives rise to prohibitive 
phytotoxicity, especially with small-seeded crops. 
With a number of relatively large-seeded crops (e.g., 
corn, cotton, wheat), when planted rather deeply, 
there is marginal selectivity. 

Over established crops dichlobenil can be applied, 
either as a dispersible or wettable powder or as 
granules, as a ground or aerial application. The 
product must always be applied to the soil. For 
total weed control and for weed control under trees, 
dichlobenil should be applied to the soil. Under 
circumstances of high water evaporation from the soil 
(high temperature, wet soil, low relative air 
humidity) dichlobenil can evaporate very rapidly. 
From dry soil the evaporation of dichlobenil is 


dependent on soil types and temperature. To enhance 
the herbicidal effect under natural conditions the 
best time for application is on dry soil just before 
rainfall. An increase in herbicidal effectiveness 
can also be obtained by incorporation (mechanically 
or by irrigation), preferably after application on 
dry soil. The herbicide should be used postemergence 
or postplanting to the crop. 


Aquattcewecuscontrol:. 4,5 to 17 ke/ha (4 to 15 1b 
ai/A) dependent upon depth 
of water body. 

Total weed control: PecCOs2 27 eKerats Nar 6.5) tOe20 
lb ai/A) dependent upon 
weeds present. 

Bearing and nonbearing 
fruit trees and bushes: 4 to 8 kg ai/ha (3.5 to 7 lb 

Ornamental trees and shrubs: 2eieCO.oe Ke uaisha (2.5 
COpomlLogal/ Ad. 

Under asphalt: DieLoei3 ke av;namc10 to. }2 1b ai/A). 

Usual carrier: The dispersible powder is suspended 
in water. Granular formulations are usually 
preferred because of excessive loss by volatilization 
from the dispersible powder formulations under 
certain conditions. 



Foliar absorption characteristics: Dichlobenil is 
absorbed from the soil by the root system; depending 
on soil type and plant species, the herbicide can 
accumulate in the roots up to three-fold. From the 
vapor phase rapid uptake through the leaves takes 

Translocation characteristics: Recent studies have 
shown that translocation from the roots into the 
aerial parts is fast. In the leaves two competitive 
processes take place: a part of dichlobenil 
evaporates whereas another part of the herbicide is 
hydroxylated. The ratio between these two processes 
is dependent on the plant species. After take of 
dichlobenil through the leaves the downward 
translocation is rather slow. 


3. Mechanism of action: Dichlobenil acts primarily on 
growing points and root tips. Definite 
characteritics at the toxic level in intact plants 
include a rapid growth inhibition, followed by gross 
disruption of tissues, notably in the meristems and 
phloem, which may result in the swelling or collapse 
of stem, root, and petiole, and a generalized brown 
discoloration, frequently accompanied by the 
exudation of gummy material from shoots. Leaves may 
absciss and exhibit black discoloration over veins 
and a deepened blue-green color intensity 

4. Metabolism and persistence in plants: Plants grown 
in soil treated with dichlobenil are exposed also to 
2,6-dichlorobenzamide (BAM) and due to the transport 
of BAM with the transpiration stream, this compound 
and possibly its hydroxy metabolites may be present 
in leaves. 

DICHLORPROP - 2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)propionic acid 
1. General: Brush control in nonagricultural land. 

DINOSEB - 2-sec-butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 


1. General: Controls seedling weeds and grasses in 
crops. Does not control established perennial weeds 
and grasses except with repeat treatments. Can be 
used in fruit and nut orchards, grape vineyards, 
mint, small grains, soybeans, peanuts, beans, 
potatoes, corn, peas, pumpkins, squash, strawberries, 
and certain forage crops. 

2. Application methods: Applied as an overall or band 
type application with conventional farm spray 

3. Rates: Rates of application range from 0.75 to 12 
1b/A, depending upon crop, weed species, and time of 


4. Usual carrier: Water. (Oil-water emulsion or oil 
solution for General type.) 

1. Foliar absorption characteristics: Principally 

direct contact effect. Salts readily washed from 
foliage; oil solution more resistant. 


Translocation characteristics: Essentially no true 
translocation. No residues have been traced to 
foliar or root uptake. 

Mechanism of action: Direct cell necrosis. 

Biological properties other than herbicidal: Has 
fungicidal and insecticidal properties. 

DIQUAT - 6,7-dihydrodipyrido[],2-a:2',1'-c] pyrazinediium ion 

(9 ,10-dihydro-8a, 10a-diazoniaphenanthrene-2A) 



General: Diquat is registered as a noncrop weed 
killer, a general aquatic herbicide and as a 
preharvest top killer or desiccant of seed crops. 
Soil type or general climatic types do not directly 
influence diquat usage. 

Application methods: Aquatic weed control - 
submerged weeds: Water treatments may be applied by 
injecting diquat below the water surface, or by 
pouring it directly from the container into the water 
while moving slowly over the water surface in a 

boat. Distribute evenly over infested areas. 
Floating weeds: Apply by thoroughly wetting foliage. 

Non-crop weed control - apply for full coverage and 
thorough weed contact to point of run-off. The 
younger the weeds, the better will be the control 

Rates: Aquatic weed control: 2 to 4 lb/surface A. 
Noncrop weed control: 0.5 l1b/A. 

Usual carrier: Water: 15 to 30 gpa for ground 
spraying; 5 to 10 gpa for aerial spraying. No 
agitation required. Addition of X-77 or other 
nonionic or cationic surfactant: Dilute spray - 1/2 
pt/100 gal. Concentrate spray - 2 oz/10 gal. 


Foliar absorption characteristics: Very rapidly 
absorbed by foliage. Very resistant to removal by 

Translocation characteristics: Local systemic action 
has been noted. Translocation via xylem can occur 
under certain conditions. 


Mechanism of action: Both the herbicidal activity 
and organic chemical reactions of diquat formulations 
are dependent solely upon the diquat cation, and are 
not influenced by the nature of the associated anion, 
since the salts are largely dissociated in aqueous 
solution. A unique reaction of the diquat cation is 
its facile one-electron reduction to a stable free 
radical in aqueous solution. It is believed that 
this free radical is formed in treated plants and is 
responsible for the herbicidal activity, being 
readily re-oxidized by atmospheric oxygen to 
regenerate diquat and at the same time liberate 
short-lived but very active radicals such as peroxide 
radical within the plant cells. 

Metabolism and persistence in plants: Metabolic 
breakdown does not occur in plants. It is degraded 
photochemically on plant surfaces. 

Biological properties other than herbicidal: 
Diquatis not useful as a fungicide, nematocide, or 

DIURON - 3-(3,4-dichloropheny1)-1,1-dimethylurea 



General: Low rates selectively control germinating 
broadleaf and grass weeds in crops such as cotton, 
sugarcane, pineapple, grapes, apples, pears, citrus, 
and alfalfa. At higher rates, diuron is a general 
weed killer. 

Application methods: For selective weed control, 
diuron is sprayed on soil as a preemergence and/or as 
a directed postemergence treatement; emerged weeds 
(up to 2 inches high) are controlled in certain crops 
when applied with a suitable surfactant added to 
spray suspension, otherwise any well-established 
weeds should first be removed by mechanical or other 
means. For general weed control, diuron is sprayed 
or spread dry (as granules) at any time except when 
ground is frozen, but best results are obtained if 
applied shortly before weed growth begins; dense 
growth should be removed before application. 
Increased contact activity on established weeds may 
be obtained when applied with a suitable surfactant 
added to spray suspension. 

Rates: Selective in crops - 0.6 to 6.4 lb/A, 
depending on crop and soil type. General weed 
control (where bare ground is desired for an 
extended period) - 4 to 16 1lb/A controls most 


annuals; 16 to 48 1b/A controls most annuals and 
perennials. Higher rates and repeat treatment may be 
required where a longer period of control is desired 
or when hard-to-kill deep-rooted perennial weeds are 

Usual carrier: Water in sufficient volume to 
uniformly cover area to be treated. Continuous 
agitation is required to maintain suspension. Also 
can be applied for general weed control in oil 
suspensions, or in dry, granular formulations. 



Foliar absorption characteristics: Diuron is most 
readily absorbed through the root system; less so 
through foliage and stems. 

Translocation characteristics: Translocation is 
primarily upward in the xylem. (Also see monuron.) 

Mechanism of action: Diuron is a strong inhibitor of 
the Hill reaction. 

ENDOTHALL - 7-oxabicyclo[2,2,1] heptane-2 ,3-dicarboxylic acid 

(3 ,6-endoxohexahydrophthalic acid) 



General: Various formulations are useful as a 
preemergence and postemergence herbicide, turf 
herbicide, aquatic herbicide, and harvest aid. 
The compound is selectively toxic to plants. 

Rates: Apply at dosages on crops or weeds as 
recommended on container label. 

Usual carrier: Water, in the case of liquid 

ERBON - 2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)ethyl 2,2-dichloropropionate 


General: A nonselective herbicide for general 
vegetation control in noncrop areas. 

Application methods: Applied with conventional spray 
equipment either as a water spray (emulsion) or mixed 
with oil. Apply as a thorough, drenching spray to 
all exposed vegetation and oil. 

Rates: For the control of established grasses and 
broadleaf weeds use 120 to 160 1b/A. Use higher 
dosages in areas of high rainfall. For spot 
treatment, use 10 to 20 1b/10 gal water and apply to 
wet all vegetation and exposed bare ground. 



Absorption characteristics: Erbon is absorbed by 
both foliage and roots. As it is persistent in the 
soil, its major effect on perennial broadleaved weeds 
results from root uptake. 

Translocation characteristics: Following absorption, 
the compound is effectively translocated to growing 

GLYPHOSATE - N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine 



General: Roundup is a very broad spectrum herbicide, 
is relatively nonselective, and is very effective on 
deep-rooted perennial species and on annual and 
biennial species of grasses, sedges, and broadleaved 
weeds. Selectivity may be achieved by directional 

Application methods: Apply as postemergence spray to 
foliage of vegetation to be controlled. Use diluent 
volumes of 20 to 30 gpa for normal use. Higher 
volumes may be necessary for heavy, tall, and dense 
foliage to assure adequate spray coverage of 
understory vegetation. Use low pressures of 30 to 

40 psi and suitable nozzles to avoid small droplets 
which could lead to spray drift and to injury of 
nearby susceptible plants. 

Rates: Rates of use vary with species to be 
controlled. Normally from 0.3 to 1.0 1b/A a.e. will 
control annual species. Perennials will require 
rates from 1.0 to 4.0 lbs/A a.e. with the majority of 
perennials requiring 1.5 to 2.0 1b/A a.e. 

Usual carrier: Water at 10 to 30 gpa or higher 
volumes if extremely dense foliage. Does not need 
agitation during application. 



Foliar absorption characteristics: Absorbed through 
foliage and other photosynthetically active portions 
of plant. Visual effect on foliage may not occur for 
2 to 4 days for annual species and 10 days or more 
for perennial species. May be washed off plant 
foliage by rain, if rain occurs within 6 hours of 


2. Translocation characteristics: Facile translocation 
throughout aerial and underground portions of the 
contacted plant following absorption through 
foliage. The underground plant parts of perennial 
species are affected, resulting in failure of 
regrowth from these propagation sites and subsequent 
destruction of plant tissue. Root uptake from soil 
is one or two orders of magnitude lower than for 
other types of herbicides. 

3. Mechanism of action: Not known at this time, but the 
herbicide appears to inhibit the aromatic amino acid 
biosynthetic pathway and may inhibit or repress 
chlorismate mutase and/or prephenate dehydratase. 

4. Metabolism and persistence in plants: Studies with 
C labeled glyphosate show that plants can 
metabolize glyphosate to give cO., and natural 
organic products. 

KRENITE - Ammonium Ethyl Carbamoylphosphonate 

TYPE: Krenite is a carbamate compound used as a 
post-emergence growth regulator - herbicide. 

TOXICITY: LD,, - 24,000 mg./kg. 

USES: Used to control bud growth in most woody species. 

RATES: Applied at 2-6 lbs. actual/100 gallons of water and 
use 150-300 gallons of spray solution/acre. Use the higher 
rates on large plants, dense growth or hard to control 

APPLICATION: Apply within 2 months of leaf senescense 
(coloration) in the fall. For suppression with minimum bud 
effect, make an application during leaf expansion in the 

PRECAUTIONS: Do not use on food or feed crops. Avoid drift 
to desirable tree species. It has failed to produce bud 
break where off-season temperatures are not low enough to 
cause prolonged dormancy. 

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Safe to fish and wildlife. This 
compound either prevents spring bud break or provides growth 
suppression. Plants treated in the summer or fall will not 
show any symptoms until the folloing spring when they will 
not leaf out. Spring application causes growth retardation 


with abnormal leaf growth. Not effective when applied to the 
soil. May be applied with a surfactant. Phytotoxic symptoms 
occur when applied to new growth in the spring but do not 
occur when applied in the summer or fall. 

LINURON - 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1-methoxy-1-methylurea 


1. General: lLinuron selectively controls*germinating 
and newly established broadleaf weeds and grasses in 
crops such as soybeans, cotton, corn, sorghum, 
potatoes, carrots and parsnips. It is also used for 
short-term control of annual weeds in noncropland 

2. Application methods: Linuron is sprayed on soil as a 
preemergence or postemergence treatment. With a 
suitable surfactant as a directed spray in certain 
crops, it controls weeds up to 5 inches high; without 
surfactant as a non-directed postemergence spray in 
carrots, it controls emerged grasses up to 2 inches 
and broadleaf weeds up to 6 inches high. 

3. Rates: Selective in crops - 0.5 to 3 1b/A, depending 
on crop and soil type. 
Noncropland areas - 1 to 3 1b/A in 40 to 100 gpa 
Add surfactant for control of established annual 
Usual rate for surfactant is 0.5% by volume. 

4, Usual carrier: Water in sufficient volume to 
uniformly cover area to be treated. Continuous 
agitation is required to maintain suspension. 


1. Absorption characteristics: Linuron is most readily 
absorbed through the root system; less so through 
foliage and stems. However, foliar absorption of 
liuron is significantly greater than that of diuron, 
monuron, or fenuron. 

2. Translocation characteristics: Translocation is 
primarily upward in the xylem (see monuron). 

3. Mechanism of action: Linuron is a strong inhibitor 
of the Hill reaction. (Also see monuron.) 


MAA - Methanearsonic acid 



General: One of the first major uses was as a 
selective herbicide for the postemergence control of 
crabgrass, dallisgrass, and other weedy grasses in 
turf. Currently it is used extensively as a 
selective postemergent herbicide in cotton and 
noncrop areas for the control of johnsongrass, 
nutsedge, watergrass, sandbur, foxtail, cocklebur, 
pigweed, and other weeds. It is widely used also for 
controlling weeds and grasses in noncrop areas. Also 
mixed with 2,4-D/2,4,5-T brushkillers on noncropped 
areas to increase conifer and other brush species 
kill or dieback. 

Application methods: In noncrop vegetation spray 
foliage to obtain good coverage. 

Rates: For lawn and ornamental use, 2.0 to 3.8 1b/A. 

Usual carrier: Mix the recommended per-acre rates 
with water and apply in a sufficient volume of spray 
solution to obtain good coverage of the vegetation. 
From 1 to 2 qt of a compatible surfactant per 100 gal 
of spray solution will usually improve vegetation 
control For cotton, 40 gpa spray volume on a 
broadcast basis is usually sufficient. In noncrop 
areas apply whatever spray volume is needed to obtain 
coverage. All formulations are 100% water soluble. 



Biological properties other than herbicidal: Some 
fungicidal action. 

MCPA - [(4-chloro-o-toly1)oxyJ acetic acid 

(2-methy1-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid) 



General: Selective foliage broadleaf killer, similar 
to 2,4-D. More selective than 2,4-D at equal rates 
on cereals, legumes, and flax. 

Application methods: Aerial and ground application; 
low-volume spray. 

Rates: Used at rates from 0.12 to 1 lb ai/A. 

Usual carrier: Water 2 to 30 gpa. 



1. Foliar absorption characteristics: Similar to 
2,4-D. Absorbed through leaves or roots. Washed 
off by rain if it follows soon after application. 
Absorption increased by wetting agents. 

2. Translocation characteristics: Readily translocated 
in plant; movement with food material.” Concentration 
of herbicide where foods actively utilized 
(meristematic regions of growing plants). 

3. Mechanism of action: Hormone type action. Low 
volatile esters more effective on hard-to-control 
weeds than salts of MCPA. 

4. Metabolism and persistence in plants: Inactivation 
follows many pathways. Complexing by proteins 
probable. Decarboxylation in many instances. 

MECOPROP - 2-[(4-chloro-o-toly1)oxy] propionic acid 
(2-(2-methy1-4-chlorophenoxy)propionic acid) 


1. General: Mecoprop formulations are broadleaf weed 
killers particularly effective for control of 
chickweed, cleavers, clover, and plantain. The weeds 
on which the various formulations of this compound 
are particularly effective include common chickweed, 
mouseear chickweed, clover, plantain, knotweed, 
dichondra, pigweed, ragweed, lambsquarters, and 
ground ivy. Mecoprop is useful for control of weeds 
in cereals such as wheat, oats, and barley and for 
lawn and turf. 

Climatic conditions affect the action of mecoprop in 
the same way they affect the action of other phenoxy 
herbicides. Moist, warm conditions are conducive to 
good results. Cold weather and drought produce a 
delay in weed control action. 

2. Application methods: Postemergence foliage 

3. Rates: Established turf in lawns and 
fairways-2.24-3.36 kg/ha. 

For weed control in cereals - 1.5-2.5 kg/ha 

4. Usual carrier: Water at 350-900 L/ha. 


The salt formulations of mecoprop used are highly 
soluble in water; there is no need for additional 
agitations after initial mixing. 



Foliar absorption characteristics: Mecprop 
formulations may be rendered ineffective if washed 
off by rain immediately after application. 

Translocation characteristics: Translocation of 
mecoprop takes place from the foliage into roots of 
treated plants. 

Mechanism of action: Mecoprop acts in a similar 
fashion to other phenoxy acids. 

MONURON - 3-(p-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea 

(N'-(4-chloropheny1)-N ,N-dimethylurea) 




General: For general weed control in noncropland 

Application methods: For general weed control, 
monuron is sprayed or spread dry (as granules) at any 
time except when ground is froxen, but best results 
are obtained if it is applied shortly before weed 
growth begins. Dense growth should be removed before 

Rates: General weed control (where bare ground is 
desired for an extended period) - 4 to 16 1b/A 
control most annuals; 6 to 48 1b control most annuals 
and perennials. Higher rates and repeat treatment 
may be required where a longer period of control is 
desired or when hard-to-kill, deep-rooted perennial 
weeds are present. 

Usual carrier: Water in sufficient volume to 
uniformly cover area to be treated (continuous 
agitation is required to maintain suspensions, or in 
dry, granular formulations). 


Absorption characteristics: Monuron is most readily 
absorbed through root system; less so through foliage 
and stems. 

Translocation characteristics: Translocation is 
primarily upward in the xylem. In studies where 
application was made to aerial parts of plants, 
little or no monuron was detected below the lowest 
point of application. 


Mechansim of action: Monuron is a strong inhibitor 
of the Hill reaction. 

Intensive studies have shown that herbicidal action 
is due partially to the build-up of a substance which 
is phytotoxic to the oxygenliberating pathway in 

NITROFEN - 2,4-dichlorophenyl-p-nitrophenyl ether 




General: Controls annual grasses and broadleaf 
weeds. Highly tolerant crops include asparagus, cole 
crops (Brassica), carrots, peas, beans, peanuts, 
soybeans, other legumes, potatoes, onion, cotton, 
sunflower, and certain cucurbits. Highly sensitive 
crops include lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, eggplant, 
pepper, annual ryegrass, millet, and sudangrass. 
Registered for preemergence use on certain cole 
crops, carrots, celery, horseradish, parsley, and 
postemergence on certain cole crops, carrots, celery, 
horseradish, onions, and parsley. 

Application methods: On vegetables and field crops 
and soil applications of a wet spray preemergence and 

to highly tolerant crops postemergence. 

Rates: Four to 6 1b/A appear to be sufficient for 
most common weeds. 

Usual carrier: Water at about 50 to 75 gpa. 




Mechanism of action: Contact herbicide. 

Biological properties other than herbicidal: None 
known. ; 



TYPE: Weed oils are both selective and non-selective contact 
herbicides applied post-emergence before the crop emerges. 

FORMULATIONS: One hundred percent petroleum compounds or 
various dilutions. 

USES: Alfalfa, ditch banks, blueberries, clovers, walnuts, 
ornamentals, agricultural premises, irrigation water, and 
non-crop areas. 

IMPORTANT WEEDS CONTROLLED: Most weeds that are brought into 
contact with it. 

APPLICATION: Usually applied pre-emergence or as a directed 
post-emergence spray. 

1. Selective 011 - These include only the light oil 
fractions with boiling ranges from 200-400°F, such as 
kerosene and stoddard solvent. Used on most crops at 
40-80 gallons actual/acre. 

2. Contact Oils - These include crude oils, waste crankcase 
oil, gasoline, kerosene, and fuel oils that are derived 
from paraffin and naphthalene bases. They kill the top 
growth of weeds upon contact. Use undiluted or mixed 
with water and an emulsifier. Heavy oils injure the 
growing point of weeds producing slow chronic toxicity. 
Light unsaturated oils cause rapid burning and acute 
toxicity develops. Very light oils burn only the parts 
contacted and evaporate rapidly causing only local injury 
to plants. Used considerably in non-crop areas and 
applied pre-emergence to many crops before they emerge 
and to orchard floors. 

3. Fortified Oils - These form a contact spray material. 
Usually fortified with Pentachlorphenol, Dinitro 
compounds, TCA, 2,4-D, and other related compounds. With 
this method less oil is needed for adequate control. 
Fortified oils will kill such oil-tolerant weed as 
fennel, poison hemlock, and St. Johnswort. 

PRECAUTIONS: Do not apply on desired plants unless otherwise 
recommended. Avoid drift. 


i= Fuel Ouls — Sold by grades from 1 to 6. The lower the 
grade, the greater the toxicity to plants. 


2. Stoddard Solvents - Used for selective weed control in 
certain tolerant crops. The aromatic content should be 
no greater than 254. 

3. Diesel 0il - Used as a non-selective contact herbicide. 

4. Kerosene - It has a low toxicity to plants. Can be used 
on small carrots for selective weed control. Often used 
as a diluent in oil soluble herbicides where an oil of 
low plant toxicity is needed. 

All petroleum oils are exempt from residue tolerances. 
Viscosity influences the rate an oil will spread over and 
penetrate a plant. The higer the viscosity, the slower 
the penetration. Most contact oils hve a flash point of 
over 180°F. Most selective oils have a flash point of 
over 100°F. Oils for weed control should contain a 

high percentage of unsaturated hydrocarbon and have a 
sulfonatable residue of at least 25%. Those used 
selectly are usually more highly refined so that 
unpleasant odors or taste in market crops are reduced or 
eliminated. Oils also express insecticidal activity. 

PARAQUAT - 1,1'-dimethy1-4,4'-bipyridinium ion 
[as dichloride salts] 


1. General: Paraquat is registered for weed control 
during establishment of grass seed crops. It is 
registered as a general contact herbicide for noncrop 
usages, as a herbicide for orchard weed control, as a 
preemergence herbicide and as a direct postemergence 
herbicide. Pasture renovation is another area of 

2. Application methods: Ground or air foliar spray - 
contact activity mainly. 

3. Rates: Grass seed bed weed control - 0.5 1b/A. 
Desiccation - 0.25 to 0.75 1b/A. 
General weed control - 0.5 to 1 1b/A. 

4. Usual carrier: Water 5 to 50 gpa. 

X-77 surfactant or equivalent is recommended for use 
with paraquat. Other nonionic and cationic 
surfactants are compatible with paraquat. When 
applied in liquid fertilizers or nitrogen solutions, 
16 to 32 oz. of X-/7 1s recommended. 




Foliar absorption characteristics: Very rapidly 

absorbed by the foliage. Very resistant to removal 
by rain. 

Translocation characteristics: Local systemic action 
has been noted. Transloction via the xylem can occur 
under certain conditions. 

Mechanism of action: Both the herbicidal activity 
and the organic chemical reactions of paraquat 
formulations are dependent solely upon the paraquat 
cation, and are not influenced by the nature of the 
associated anion, since the salts are largely 
dissociated in aqueous solution. 

Metabolism and persistence in plants: It has been 
demonstrated that there is no metabolic breakdown of 
paraquat in tomato, broad bean, and maize plants. In 
sunlight, however, some photochemical breakdown 
occurs for paraquat which remains on the outside of 
treated plants. The extent of this breakdown under 
conditions of high light intensity is about 25 to 50% 
in 3 weeks, the only products formed being N-methyl 
isonicotinic acid and methylamine (both of which have 
very low mammalian toxicities). Since plants are 
killed rapidly in bright sunlight, significant 
quantities of the breakdown products are formed only 
on the surface of dead tissus, and there is no 
movement of these substances from the dead tissues to 
other parts of the plant. 

Biological properties other than herbicidal: 

Paraquat has shown usefulness as a means of 
controlling columnaris, a myxobacterial disease of 
fish. No insecticidal or nematocidal properties have 
been demonstrated. 

PICLORAM - 4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid 


General: For general woody plant control and control 
of most annual and perennial broadleaf weeds. Most 
grasses are resistant, and broadleaf weed control in 
grass crops is feasible. Most broadleaf crops are 

Application methods: Granular formulations can be 
applied by hand or with most commercial granular 
applicators. Liquid sprays can be applied aerially, 
or by ground equipment, knapsack equipment, and tree 


injectors. All applications should be applied in a 
manner to avoid drift. Liquid formulations can be 
applied under conditions favorable for plant growth 
anytime up to 3 weeks before frost. Granular 
applications are most effective when rainfall occurs 
soon after application. 

Rates: For thick stands of brush use pellets or 
beads at the rate of 2 to 8 pounds of picloram per 
acre distributed evenly to the soil over the roots of 
the woody plants to be controlled. 

Liquid sprays usually are applied at rates of 2 -0z—Co 
3 pounds of picloram per acre. 

Rates for controlling deep-rooted perennial weeds, 
such as field bind-weed and Canada thistle, usually 
arewl: LOgj eG) b/ Ay 

Usual carrier: The liquid salt formulations are 
applied in water sprays. Tordon 155 is applied in 
fuel oil. 



Absorption characteristics: Rapidly absorbed by both 
tops and roots. 

Translocation characteristics: Translocates both up 
and down in plants. Accumulates in new growth. 

PROMETONE - 2,4-bis(isopropylamino)-6-methoxy-s-triazine 




General: Prometone is a nonselective preemergence 
and postemergence herbicide which controls most 
annual and perennial broadleaf and grassy weeds on 
noncrop land. 

Application methods: Application of sprays or 
granules can be made either before or after weed 
emergence. Since much of its activity is through the 
roots, adequate rainfall is required to move the 
chemical into the root zone. 

Rates: From 10 to 60 1b/A, depending upon the 
particular weed species. The higher rates are used 
only for control of hard-to-kill species such as 
Johnsongrass, Bermudagrass, bindweed, and wild carrot. 

Usual carrier: Water at 50 to 100 gpa or diesel oil, 
fuel oil, or weed oil at 100 to 200 gpa are the usual] 


carriers. Agitation in the spray tank is necessary 
to keep the chemical in suspension. 



Foliar absorption characteristics: Absorbed through 
both foliage and roots. 

Translocation characteristics: Translocated from 
roots and stems acropetally. 

Mechanism of action: A photosynthetic inhibitor, but 
may have additional effects. 

PRONAMIDE - N-(1,1-dimethylpropynyl1)-3,5-dichlorobenzamide 






General: Kerb is a selective herbicide that will 
control many broadleaf and grass weeds preemergence 
in lettuce. Kerb will also provide effective 
preemergence and postemergence control of annual 
bluegrass in bermudagrass turf. Kerb will control 
quackgrass, perennial ryegrass, downy brome, 
volunteer cereals, and many other winter grasses in 
alfalfa, clover, trefoil, crown vetch, blueberries, 
caneberries, grapes, apples, pears, stone fruits, 
Christmas trees, and woody ornamental trees and 

Application methods: Conventional surface 
preemergence applications of Kerb are most effective 
when there is ample rainfall or sprinkler 

irrigation. Shallow soil incorporation (1 to 2 
inches) will be beneficial in dry environments or in 
fields watered by furrow irrigation. Kerb will also 
provide excellent postemergence control of quackgrass 
and many other grass weeds and several important 
dicot species when applied in the fall or early 

Rates =o 04/52to 2. 0.1b/ A; 

Usual carrier: Water at 30 to 50 gpa. 



Foliar absorption characteristics: To obtain 
activity, Kerb must move into the root zone of the 
weeds. Little activity is obtained from foliar 
contact alone. 



Translocation characteristics: Kerb is readily 
absorbed by plants through the root system, 
translocated upward, and distributed into the entire 
plant. The degree of translocation from leaf 
absorption is not appreciable. 

Mechanism of action: Kerb is strong inhibitor of 
mitosis but may have additional effects. 

Metabolism and persistence in plants: Metabolized 
slowly by both tolerant and sensitive plants. The 
metabolites observed involve alterations of the 
aliphatic side chain. 

Other biological properties: None 

SIDURON - 1-(2-methylcylohexyl)-3-phenylurea 



General: Selectively controls certain germinating 
annual weed grasses such as crabgrass (smooth and 
hairy), foxtail and barnyardgrass, in newly seeded or 
established plantings of bluegrass, fescue, redtop, 
smooth brome, perennial ryegrass, orchardgrass, 
zoysia, and the following strains of bentgrass: 
Pencross, Seaside, Highland, Astoria, Nimisila, C-l, 
C-7, and C-19. Should not be used on other bentgrass 
strains nor on bermudagrass. 

Application methods: Applied as a preemergence 
treatment to bare soil as final operation following 
spring seeding, or to new fall seedings or 
established turf in the spring just before expected 
emergence of annual weed grasses. 

Rates: New seedings - 2 to 6 1b/A. 
Spring treatment of fall seedings or for established 
ture — Oo ton JeiD/ A. 

Usual carrier: Water in sufficient volume to 
uniformly cover area to be treated. Continuous 
agitation is required to maintain suspension. Dry 
formulations can be spread by suitable equipment. 



Absorption characteristics: Most readily absorbed 
through root system; less so through foliage and 

Translocation characteristics: Experimental evidence 
indicates that siduron is translocated in the xylem. 


Mechanism of action: Unlike other substituted urea 
herbicides, siduron is not a potent inhibitor of 
photosynthesis; phytotoxic symptoms appear to be 
associated with root growth inhibition. 

Metabo}ism and persistence in plants: In studies 
with ~ C-labeled siduron, no metabolites of siduron 
were detectable in barley plants after an 8-day 
absorption period. 

SILVEX - 2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)propionic acid 



General: For control of woody plants, broadleaf 
herbaceous weeds, and aquatic weeds. It is also 
useful as selective postemergence herbicide in rice 
and bluegrass turf. In sugarcane, it is used to 
control wild lettuce, chicory, nightshade, tievine, 
and certain other weeds not susceptible to 2,4-D. 
For brush control in rangeland improvement programs, 
especially post, blackjack, sand shinnery oaks, 
yucca, and salt cedar. Controls alligator weed in 
ditches and riverbanks. Controls 2,4-D tolerant 
weeds such as chickweeds, spurges, and black medic in 

Application methods: Generally used postemergence. 
Brush treatment by aerial or ground equipment. 

Rates -meRiceme0s75)to7ls2501b/A;“sugarcane, | to 5 
ib/Ateturtiyels> Lb/Ayeconitfter "release, +2 to 3 Ib/A; 
brush spray, 1.5 to 16 1b/A; aquatic weeds, 4.25 
lb/acre foot of water. 

Usual carrier: Water or oil-water mixture. Oil for 
basal bark, stump, and dormant cane treatment. 



Absorption characteristics: Similar to 2,4-D. It is 
absorbed through roots and foliage. Ester forms are 
generally more effective as foliage sprays than salts. 

Translocation characteristics: When applied to the 
foliage, it is translocated along with food materials 

in the phloem. 

Mechanism of action: Similar to 2,4-D in disturbing 
the normal processes of cell differentiation. 

Metabolism and persistence in plants: Similar to 


5. Biological properties other than herbicidal: Useful 
in reducing preharvest fruit drop of apples. Little 
or no biological activity on insects nematodes, or 

SIMAZINE - 2-chloro-4,6-bis(ethy lamino)-s-triazine 

1. General: Simazine is a widely used selective 
herbicide for control of broadleaf and grass weeds in 
corn, citrus, deciduous fruits and nuts, olives, 
pineapple, established alfalfa, and perennial grasses 
grown for seed or pasture, turf grasses grown for 
sod, ornamentals, nursery plants, Christmas tree 
plantations, sugarcane, asparagus, and artichokes. 

It is used also as a nonselective herbicide for 

vegetation control in noncropland. Sugarbeets, 

tobacco, oats, and many vegetable crops are very 
sensitive to simazine. 

2. Applications methods: Applications of either sprays 
or granules should be made on bare soil prior to weed 
emergence. It also may be applied prior to planting 
for many crops. Simazine has little or no foliar 
activity and must be absorbed by plant roots. Under 
dry conditions, a shallow incorporation may increase 
the degree of weed control. 

3. Rates: The equivalent of 2 to 4 1b/A are required 
for selective weed control under most conditions. 
Higher rates are used for nonselective weed control 
and in several specific weed crops situations. 

4. Usual carrier: Water at 20 gpa or more is the usual 
carrier for uniform application. Agitation in the 
spray tank is necessary to keep the chemical in 
suspension. Granules also are used widely in citrus, 
fruit trees, and ornamentals. 


1. Foliar absorption characteristics: Absorbed mostly 
through plant roots with little or no foliar 
penetration. It has low adhering ability and is 
readily washed from foliage by rain. 

2. Translocation characteristics: Following root 
absorption it is translocated acropetally in the 
xylem, accumulating in the apical meristems and 
leaves of plants. 

3. Mechanism of action: A photosynthetic inhibitor; but 
may have additional effects. 


Metabolism and persistence in plants: Simazine is 
readily metabolized by tolerant plants to 
hydroxy-simazine and amino acid conjugates. The 
hydroxy-simazine can be further degraded by 
dealkylation of the side chains and by hydrolysis of 
resulting amino groups on the ring and some CO 
production. These alterations of simazine are major 
protective mechanisms in most tolerant crop and weed 
species. Unaltered simazine accumulates in sensitive 
plants, causing chlorosis and death. 

Biological properties other than herbicidal: Limited 
studies have shown some minor fungicidal and 
nematocidal activity but no insecticidal activity. 

SODIUM CHLORATE - Sodium chlorate 





General: Used as a herbicide for morningglory, 

St. Johnswort, Russian knapweed, Canada thistle, and 
johnsongrass; and as defoliant. A nonselective 

Ratecemel 2) cos —l/2elb/100esqe "ft. 

Usual carrier: Apply only in dry form. 

2,4,5-T - (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) acetic acid 


General: For the control of woody and herbaceous 
weed plants by air or ground spray application under 
a variety of conditions. Use rates vary: foliage 
spraying of woody vegetation - 4 to 16 1b/A; basal 
barke-supnto 16. 1b/A: dormant, brush — 9 1b/A; 
selective conifer release - 2 to 3 lb/A; rangeland 
andupastune — 0.5 to 3 1b/A.. Also useful in frill 
and injection tree treatment and for weed control in 
rice, sugarcane, and turf. Often used with 2,4-D for 
brush control. 

Application methods: Used postemergence in 
conventional ground or air equipment as foliar 
spray, as individual tree and stump treatment, as 
directed dormant stem spray. 

Rates: 0.5 to 16 1lb/A as noted above. 

Usual carrier: Water, oil, or oil water emulsion 





Absorption characteristics: Similar to 2,4-D. 
Absorbed through roots, bark, and foliage. Esters of 
2,4,5-T are more resistant than salts to the washing 
action of rain. 

Translocation characteristics: Through phloem tissue 
following foliar application. Characteristics 
similar to those of 2,4-D. 

Mechanism of action: Similar to 2,4-D. Several 
modes of action have been demonstrated, but the basic 
mechanism of action stil is not fully know. 

Metabolism and persistence in plants: Similar to 

Biological properties other than herbicidal: Little 
or no biological activity on insects, nematodes or 
fungi. It has been used as growth regulator to 
increase size of citrus fruits and reduce excessive 
drop of deciduous fruit. 

2,.3,0-IBA, =—  ©2>3,6-trichlorobenzoic acid 



General: Primarily for control of broadleaf 
deep-rooted, noxious perennial weeds such as field 
bindweed, leafy spurge, Canada thistle, Russian 
knapweed, bur ragweed, blueweed, and climbing 
milkweed; also used for nonselective control in 
noncropland and for control of certain weedy plants 
and vines such as smilax, honeysuckle, trumpet vine, 
spruce, balsam, fir, cedar, pine, Macartney rose, 
sumac, persimmon, sassafras, and hackberry. Spray 
drift may injure susceptible crops such as beans of 
all types, tomatoes, peas, cotton, tobacco, and 
various ornamentals, orchard, and vine crops. 

Application methods: By ground equipment as a coarse 
spray applied with low or moderate pressure to both 
weed foliage and soil. Best results are obtained if 
applied after weed foliage appears in spring, but 
before growth has progressed sufficiently to retain 
more than half the spray. 

Rates (ae/A): Noxious perennial weeds - 10 to 20 lb 
Mixed broadleaf weeds - 20 to 30 1b for control 
greater than 1 year 

Woody vines - 10 to 20 lb 

Woody brush - 4 1b 


The above rates will give relatively long-term 
residual soil action. 

4. Usual carrier: Water is the usual carrier for 
2,3,6-TBA. With light ground cover use 50 gpa, and 
on denser areas use 100 to 200 gpa. Uniform foliage 
and soil coverage is essential for optimum results. 
The spray mixture is a true solution, so once mixed 
agitation is not necessary. Little data is available 
as to possible benefits of surfactants. Some Texas 
studies indicate no advantage of surfactants or 
"penetrating aids." 


1. Foliar absorption characteristics: Both foliage and 
root absorption contributed to plant kill. Since the 
dimethylamine formulation is water soluble, the 
absorptive properties of an aqueous solution would be 
dependent upon the wetting ability of the carrier. 

2. Translocation characteristics: The 2,3,6-TBA is 
readily mobile in xylem, phloem, and mesophyll 
cells. It, like phosphorus, moves freely through 
both living and nonliving plant tissues. 2,3,6-TBA 
accumulates in both the growing tips of plant roots 
and shoots. The acid form placed on stems or leaves 
of bean plants was absorbed and translocated 
throughout the plants, causing growth modification. 
The compound moved downward into roots and out into 
the surrounding soil, whereupon roots of nearby 
untreated plants absorbed the compound and 
translocated if upward into their aboveground parts. 
Transfer of the compound also occurred between the 
root systems of various other genera. 

3. Mechanism of action: , Functions as a growth 
regulator. Acid form 2,3,6-isomer) demonstrated high 
physiologic activity in the Avena coleoptile test. 
This isomer caused cell elongation and proliferation 
of tissue, induced adventitious roots, modified 
leaves and other plant organs, and caused 
parthenocarpic fruit development. 

4. Metabolism and persistence in plants: Extremely 
stable in plants and not subject to rapid enzymatic 

TCA - trichloroacetic acid 


1. General: For control of grass seedlings and certain 
established perennial grasses and cattails. Common 


crop plants for which the compound is useful: 
sugarbeets, red beets, and sugarcane as a 
preemergence application or directed spray. It has 
been used for grass control in other crops. It is 
used also on noncropland including plant sites and 
road shoulders for grass control. 

2. Application methods: Can be applied with 
conventional spray equipment. 

3. Rates: For nonselective treatment, rates of 50 to 
200 1b/A are used depending upon grasses to be 
controlled. For selective use on crops, rates of 
6 to 30 1b are used depending upon crop tolerance and 
grass species. 

4. Usual carrier: Sodium TCA is usually applied in a 
water spray. 


1. Absorption characteristics: Absorbed more rapidly by 
roots than by foliage. Is easily removed from 
foliage by rain. 

2. Translocation characteristics: Translocates 
readily. Accumulates in growing tissues. 

TEBUTHIURON - 1-(5-tert.-butyl-l, 3, 4-thiadiazol-2-yl)-l, 
3 - dimethylurea 

TYPE: Tebuthiuron is a substituted urea type compound used 
as a pre-emergence herbicide. 

FORMULATIONS : 80% WP, 5, 10, 20 and 40% pellets. 

IMPORTANT WEEDS CONTROLLED: Alfalfa, bluegrasses, bromes, 
bouncingbet, butter cups, chickweed, clovers, cocklebur, 
dock, fescue, fiddleneck, filaree, foxtails, goldenrod, 
henbit, horseweed, kochia, lambsquarters, morning glory, 
mullein, nightshade, wild oats, pigweed, puncture vine, 
ryegrass, prickley sida, sowthistle, spurge, sunflower, 
Russian thistle, vetch, witchgrass and many others. 

USES: Total vegetation control. Experimentally being tested 
on sugar cane, pineapple, on range and pasture land and in 
reforestation programs. 

RATES: Applied at 3/4-8 lbs. actual/acre. 

APPLICATION: Total vegetation control - apply as either a 
pre- or post-emergence treatment to railroad right-of-ways, 


industrial sites, tank farms, highway medians, etc. Rainfall 
18 required to move the chemical into the soil. Apply either 
before or during the period of active plant growth. 

PRECAUTIONS: Do not use on any food or feed crop until 

registration has been obtained. Do not apply near desirable 
trees or plants. 

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: May be used in combination with 
other herbicides. Controls a number of woody species of 
plants. Use higher rates and/or repeat application to 
control hard to kill perennial species. Spot treatment on 
range and pasture land is effective. Water solubility is 2.5 
ppm. Low toxicity to fish and wildlife. Vertical leaching 
in the soil is slow and no lateral chemical movement has been 
observed. Readily absorbed through the root system and 
inhibits photosynthesis. The half life in the soil is 12-15 
months in areas of 40-60 inches of rainfall. 

VELPAR - 3-Cyclohexyl-6-(dimethylamino) 
-l-methyl-s-triazine-2,4(1H, 3H)-dione 

FORMULATIONS: 90% water soluble powder. 

USES: Experimentally being tested on sugar cane and for 
total vegetation control. 

IMPORTANT WEEDS CONTROLLED: Annual boradleaf and grass 
seedlings as well as most annual and perennial grasses, 
broadleaf weeds, and vines depending upon rates. 

RATES: Applied at 1 - 3 1b. on seedling weeds, 2 - 6 
1lb./acre for top kill and short-term control of established 
annual and perennial weeds and 4 - 10 1b./acre for 
season-long general vegetation control. 

APPLICATION: Applied post-emergence during periods of active 
plant growth. Application when vegetation is dormant or 
semi-dormant may not be effective. Spray to lightly wet the 

PRECAUTIONS: Do not use until registration has been 
obtained. This material will not dissolve completely in 
spray concentrations exceeding 12-1/2 lbs./50 gallons of 
water. Do not use near desirable trees or plants. Prevent 

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: May be used with a surfactant to 
improve the wetting properties. Relatively harmless to fish 
and wildlife. Taken up by both roots and foliage. Looks 
very effective on brush and hard to kill perennial weeds. 
This material is very rate responsive to the type of weed to 
be controlled and the length of control desired. Water 
solubility 32,000 ppm. More effective the higher the air 



In order to be effective, a herbicide must enter the plant and 
move to the site of action. Entry may be through various parts 
of the plant: leaves, roots, seedling shoot before emergence, 
or above-ground stem. Entry may also be forced, as when the 
cut-surface method of application is used. Penetrating agents 
or penetrants may be added to the herbicide to improve its 
penetration of the plant foliage or stem surface., Before a 
herbicide can enter the foliage, the cuticle or wax surface must 
be penetrated. Some entry may take place through the stomata on 
the under side of the leaf. 

Entry of herbicides into plant roots is not as difficult as 
entry into foliage, since no wax layer or cuticle is present. 
The major problem with root uptake is getting the herbicide 
through the soil to the roots. Soil-applied herbicides are 
active on germinating seeds or small seedlings. Before 
emergence, the shoot has a poorly developed cuticle and probably 
no wax layers, making it more easily penetrated by herbicides. 
Herbicides that are quite mobile in the soil, such as picloram, 
will control large brush and trees. 

Young stem tissue of herbaceous plants may be penetrated by 
herbicide solutions in much the same way as leaves. However, 
stems are less important than leaves because of the small 
surface available. 

Once in the plant, the herbicide must still move to the site of 
action. Some of the herbicide may be chemically bound in the 
plant, making it inactive. The remaining herbicide moves 
through the xylem and/or phloem. Herbicides that enter the 
roots or foliage may move upward in the xylem with the 
transpiration stream. Phloem movement of herbicides is usually 
down, but may also be up in some plants. Applications to the 
leaves of perennial plants can thus move to the roots. Phloem 
movement is associated with sugar transport and, therefore, good 
light conditions are helpful. Also, it is very important not to 
kill the leaf and stem tissues rapidly, since transport is via 
living tissue. 

To make use of this knowledge, the following methods of herbicide 
application are used in the Eastern Region: (Figure 3) 

1. Basal Stem - Application is made to this area via a 
coarse-droplet spray at low pressure about 12 or 18 
inchesabove the soil surface. Spray is applied until an 
excess runs off onto the soil surface at the base of the 

2. Cut Surface - This involves insertion of herbicides into 
cuts made with special tools, or by applying herbicides into 
frills or hacks made by axes or mechanical cutters. This 
method includes applying herbicides to stumps of cut stems. 


> al] 

P 1 re Dams 
feve> Methods of Ajpolyving iicrisicicies 


aaa Stem 
1p Methods 


Foliage - Here, the foliage is sprayed from air or ground. 
Applications may be either broadcast to cover several acres, 
directed at groups of plants, or a treatment of individual 
plants. Helicopters are used exclusively for aerial 
applications in the Eastern Region. Ground equipment may 
consist of individually operated back pack (garden type) 
sprayers, large 100 to 300 gallon tank type hydraulic 
sprayers mounted on trailers, or four-wheel drive or crawler 
type vehicles. Coarse sprays are used to control drift. In 
addition, invert emulsions, foams and other drift control 
agents or equipment may be used to produce large drops and 
control of aquatic weeds where herbicides or algacides are 
introduced into the water through a boat bailer or surface 

Soil Treatment - This involves application of a herbicide, 

liquid or granular in form, to the soil. Granules are a 

type of formulation in which the active ingredient is mixed 
and pressed with an inert carrier to form a small pellet 
that can be distributed on the soil. As the granules slowly 
decompose, the herbicide is released into the soil. Other 
soil treatments with liquids act as soil sterilants, and 
when present in or on the soil, prevent the growth of plants 
(Figure 3). 


See Table l 


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This section is an analysis of both the anticipated favorable 
and possibly adverse impacts of herbicide use in the Eastern 
Region, as they may affect the local, regional, national, and 
international environment. The environment, in this case, 
includes not only the natural environment, but the social and 
economic environment as well. 

Planned measures to minimize and mitigate adverse environmental 
impacts of herbicide use, including specifications and standards 
necessary to maintain and protect environmental quality, are 
found in Appendix A under Controls on Herbicide Use. 


1. Air. Herbicides can enter the air system and contribute 
to air pollution. Entry may be in the form of drift or 
vapors. Drift is defined as that part of the spray 
which moves out of the target area in fine drops and 
deposits on adjacent property. Vapors are volatilized 
or photo-altered herbicide molecules from falling or 
fallen spray drops. Recent experiments have shown the 
amount of herbicides recovered on the target area to be 

at least 70% to 85% (Norris, Montgomery, and Warren, 

The different factors affecting drift are summarized in 
Table 2. These factors do not have equal importance and 
change with different herbicides, method of application, 
and geographic location. 


ee eee eee eee ee eee 

Effect of Various Factors on Herbicide Drift 

Less Drift Factor More Drift 
Lower A. Release Height Higher 
Lower B. Wind Speed! Higher 
Faster C. Droplet Fall Rate Slower 
Larger Ie Droplet Size Smaller 
Lower a. Pressure / Higher 
Jet b. Nozzle Type— Wide angle 
cone or fan 
Larger cau Oriitce, Size Smaller 
Lower d. Air Shear on Spray Higher 
Higher e. Surface Teneione’ / Lower 
Higher f. Relative Humidity— Lower 
Higher g. Viscosity Lower 
Higher Jee Drop Dane tet Lower 
Less Dew Air Stability Greater 
E. Aircraft Turbulence 
Slower 1. Speed Faster 
Clear 2. Aircraft Aerodynamics Rough 
Climbing 3. Flight Attitude Falling 
Closer 4. Nozzle Location on Farther out 
Boom cf. Center 
Smaller F. Size of Treated Area Larger 

sh ysiyeen speed at which air stability is reduced. 

=,Certain nozzle types can produce larger drops or narrower range. 
— Higher oil or surfactant content reduces surface tension. 
~—,Important with evaporative carriers (water). 

2/031 carriers are lighter (less dense) than water. 


Spray droplets are measured as drop diameters in units 
of micrometers or microns. A micron is 1/25,400 of an 
inch. A droplet, with twice the diameter of another, 
has eight times the volume or mass. The smaller droplet 
has about 1/4 the surface of the large droplet and 
therefore, will respond 16 times more to the force of 
air movements. 

Research has shown that. there is a rapid decrease in a 
droplets drift potential as their size increases above 

200 microns. (Figure 4) 


DISTANCE (feet) 


5 M.P.H. WINO ——> 

Figure 4 - Lateral movement of spray particles of various 
diameter falling at terminal velocity in a 5 mph cross- 
wind. Shaded areas indicate uncertainty due to varying 
droplet evaporation (Reimer, et al. 1966) 

As droplets fall through air which has less than 100 
percent relative humidity, they will decrease in size 
and can become increasingly subject to drift. The size 
of the original drop and the distance it falls has a 
great influence on the amount of evaporation. Covering 
the drop with a coat of oil will aid in reducing the 
evaporation. The position of the spray nozzle on the 
application equipment and the speed at which the nozzle 
moves through the air has a direct affect on drift. As 
the spray leaves the nozzles mounted on an air craft, it 
travels at speeds of about 25 m.p.h. It is subject to 
shearing by the air through which the nozzle is moving; 
this force will cause a break up of the drops. (Warren 
1976). Drop size is affected very little by this force 
with ground application moving 5 to 10 m.p.h. 


As Table 2 and the above discussion indicate, drift can 
be affected by many factors. Most of these can be 
controlled, or adjusted to by the applicator, to 
eliminate any environmental impact. With the best 
available technology, it is routinely possible to 
deposit 97 - 99% percent of the released spray within 
ordinary target areas by aircraft or ground equipment 
(CAST Report). 

The vaporization potential of herbicides is known, so 
appropriate formulation that will not produce 
unacceptable air pollution or off-target effects can be 
used. The main climatic factor affecting volatilization 
is temperature. The amount of vapor accumulating in the 
air would increase with higher temperatures, larger 
treatment areas (over 100 acres in size), fine sprays, 
and stable air conditions. The Eastern Region's 
contribution to this source of pollution would be 
negligible due to the small acreage, 7,000 to 10,000 
acres, treated across the Region each year. The average 
area size treated in the Eastern Region is between 35 to 
45 acres. 

Herbicides, as air pollutants, are removed from the air 
by rainfall, photo decomposition, atmospheric fallout, 
and adsorption to particulate matter. Atmospheric 
washout allows entry into the oceans (Rabson, and 
Plimmer 1973); therefore, this pathway, if not avoided, 
could be an important contribution to worldwide 

The Clean Air Act has been studied, and the U.S. 
Environmental Protection Agency contacted (letter of 
March 9, 1977), for guidelines on air quality and 
herbicide application. There is nothing that indicate 
that aerially applied herbicides would be considered 
pollutants under Federal law. 

History and Archeology. Executive Order 11593 

(Protection and Enhancement of the Cultural Environment) 
requires that Forest Service plans and programs 
contribute to the preservation and enhancement of 
structures and objects of historical, architectural, or 
archeological significance. The cultural resources of 
the National Forests are a non-renewable resource of 
growing importance. They are extremely fragile and can 
be altered by relatively minor disturbances. 

Herbicides applied indiscriminately on archeological 
sites could contaminate archeological materials and 
affect the correctness of carbon-14 dating. For 
contamination to take place, items of archeological 
significance would have to be on, or close to, the soil 
surface. Herbicides proposed for use do not readily 


leach into the soil and are not persistent. Most of the 
herbicide applications are to sites that have been 
grossly altered by prior activities, such as road 
construction, cultivated fields, timber sales and site 
preparation, and utility rights-of-ways. To effectively 
identify and protect a site of historical or 
archeologicai importance, an archeological search must 
be made before the major soil disturbance takes place. 

Land Ownership - Land Use. Major consideration must be 
given to land management, especially prime agriculture 
lands. When possible, land use decisions which 
irrevocably commit prime lands to non-farmland, 
non-range, and non-forest land uses should be avoided, 
thereby foreclosing the options for future generations. 
The 1976 USDA Secretary's Memorandum No. 1827, 
Supplement 1, advocates that land uses that preclude 
land from future agriculture uses be avoided. Proper 
herbicide use on forest lands in the Eastern Region will 
not affect the long-term productivity or uses which can 
be made of treated lands. The ability to use herbicides 
as a management tool does identify some Forest lands 
with a primary use, as in the case of utility 
rights-of-way, agricultural uses, and range allotments. 
Pressure to use Forest lands for these purposes exists 
because permittees feel that once they establish an 
investment in the land or the facilities they will be 
able to maintain that use. These lands, however, in no 
way exclude compatible use by the general public. 

Soils. The forest floor is a major receptor of 
herbicides. Deposition may be direct, washed from 
vegetation by rain, or excreted from vegetation. Once 
on the forest floor, some herbicide loss will occur by 
photo-alteration and through volatilization. The 
remainder will be washed into the humus layer and lower 
soil layers by rainfall. What happens to the herbicide 
after it enters the soil depends on the herbicide in 
question and on a number of soil factors. High organic 
content, moisture, aeration, temperature, iron oxides, 
pH, and clay content reduces herbicide mobility in the 
soil and aids rapid herbicide breakdown. 

Undisturbed forest soils tend to be acid, low in organic 
matter, have a cool temperature, and are dry, all of 
which favors slow breakdown. However, most sites 
receiving herbicides, have been disturbed by human 
activities, i.e. road and utility rights-of-way 
construction, site preparation, lard clearing for 
agriculture, and abandoned man-made clearings. Such 
disturbance can reduce the humus layer which protects 
the soil; but, it also opens the area to sunlight and 
increased soil temperature. Under field conditions, 


most herbicides have been found to quickly degrade. 
Herbicides give non-toxic and naturally abundant end 
products, such as carbon dioxide, and water; and 
chlorine, nitrogen, sulfer, and phosphrus. 

Adsorption and leaching also take place in the forest 
floor and soil. Most herbicide molecules attached to 
soil particles provide temporary soil storage for later 
release. The free and released molecules are subject to 
leaching, movement with soil erosion to water sources, 
volatilization, chemical degradation, biological 
degradation, and plant uptake. Herbicide leaching in 
the soil is a slow process and generally measured in 
inches. Maximum persistence for some photosynthetic 
inhibitors may reach 2 years. Most herbicide 
persistence is measured in weeks, however. 

Soil loss by erosion averages up to 0.1 ton/acre per 
year from forest land. This must be accepted as a 
normal geologic process. The rate probably varies from 
less than 0.05 ton to 0.3 ton per year, depending on 
geology, soil, climate, and vegetation. This process is 
the most active where annual precipitation ranges from 
15 to 30 inches per year. (Patric, 1976). This might 
indicate soil bound herbicide molecules could move with 
soil erosion to surface water. However, most soil 
erosion within the undisturbed forest is not sheet 
erosion, but almost always originates in stream 
channels. On land sloping less than 35 degrees, there 
is no evidence that tree death accelerates soil erosion 
much above geologic rates. (Patric, 1976). Massive 
rainfalls, bare soils, or excessively steep slopes 
combined with soils containing herbicide molecules can 
be an exception to this norm. 

Visual. Visual impacts associated with using herbicides 
to control vegetation include dead leaves, dead 
branches, standing dead trees, and a change in 
vegetation contrast. 

The “brown out" caused by curing of the target 
vegetation following herbicide application has an 
immediate and adverse visual impact. Visual and 
aesthetic values are generally lowered during "brown 
out,"’ however, the effect is temporary, lasting only 
until leaf fall. When dead brush and snag trees are 
left following herbicide use, the visual signs may last 
10 years or more. 

The objective of herbicide use is to create a vegetation 
change to desirable (economic, aesthetic) species at the 
expense of undesirable species. This change can be 
either temporarily adverse or pleasing, depending on the 
thinking of the viewer. If the contrast in vegetation 
looks artificial or out of place, the visual impact can 


be negative. At the same time, the diversity of 
vegetation and new stands of trees or grass, as 
encouraged by treatment, add to the attractiveness of an 
area. The visual impact of herbicide use often depends 
on location, topography, access, shape, likelihood of 
recreation use, etc. 

Aquatic weed control can result in a temporarily 
displeasing sight, caused by floating dead plants. 

Water. No area of environmental concern has received as 
much attention as water quality and quantity. The 
waters associated with the Forests in the Eastern Region 
are mainly headwaters and are known for their purity and 
sensitivity to contamination. Only a few of the 
projects involving herbicides call for application of a 
chemical to water. Only those herbicides specifically 
registered for use in water will be used for these 

Certain concentrations of herbicides in water could 
adversely effect the potability of drinking water; food 
chain organisms in the aquatic environment; sensitive 
irrigated crops; and, the industrial and recreational 
uses of such water. Entry into the surface water may be 
direct, by soil erosion, air wash out, or ground water 
flow. Direct entry is mainly caused by an error in 
application or through drift. Concentrations may reach 

1 ppm, be short term, and local in nature. 

The National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations 
list the maximum contaminant levels (MCL) for organic 
chemicals in drinking water. These MCL's are for 
community water systems, where use for human consumption 
is considered long-term. Most forest water systems are 
considered non-community systems because they serve 
transients (hikers, picnic areas, campground, etc.). 
The proposed pesticide levels shown in the regulations 
have been found safe for long-term human exposure, and 
therefore are lower than levels necessary to protect 
intermittent users. 

Herbicide Interm MCL 
Pie Pee 100 ppb 
Silvex (2,4,5-TP) 10 ppb 

Soil erosion to be a source of contamination, it must 
Overcome considerable resistance from forest vegetation 
and humus layers protecting the soil. However, massive 
rainfalls immediately following an herbicide application 
unprotected soils, steep slopes, and a short distance 
from treated soil to surface water all increase the 
chance of surface waters becoming contaminated from an 
herbicide treatment area. 



Herbicides which vaporize during application or from the 
surface of vegetation eventually precipitate or wash out 
of the air as the parent compound or as a photo-chemical 
degradation product. Such fallout may be far removed 
from the application site and is of low intensity, but 
usually decreases very rapidly with distance from the 
origin (Caro, 1971). 

Some movement from certain herbicides to surface water 
can occur through groundwater, but rarely if ever has 
been shown to do so. This has greater possibility in 
the Ozarks, where Karst topography is found. In other 
areas, the slow movement of water through the upper soil 
profiles allows for rapid herbicide degradation in the 
forest floor and rooting zone before the herbicide has 
moved very far. Wiese and Davis, (1964) found that 
esters of 2,4-D commonly used in forest management, do 
not leach beyond the top 3.1 inches of the soil 
profile. The more persistent and active an herbicide 
is, the more likely it is to leach down to the ground 

Although its known that herbicides can enter the surface 
water, it is important to relate here what has actually 
occurred during field use when label use directions and 
Forest Service application procedures were followed. 
From 1972 to 1976, 30 separate water surface sites close 
to aerial applications of 2,4-D were monitored on 
National Forests in the Lake States. The surface waters 
included rivers, lakes, pot holes, impoundments, and 
marshes. One hundred and sixty-one water samples were 
collected and tested. These samples were collected 
according to a planned schedule: immediately after 
spraying; 4 hours later; 24 hours later; 65 hours later; 
and after the first rain. Only three samples showed 
detectable amounts of 2,4-D; the highest being 16.0 ppb 
which showed up following a rainfall totaling .32 
inches. The rainfall was the day after spraying. The 
water sample was taken adjacent to the spray area at the 
mouth of an ephemeral steam that ran through the spray 
area. The dry stream bed received a direct application 
of herbicide. This was will below the 100 ppb limit 
allowed for public water supplies by EPA and much below 
the LC,, values for sensitive crustaceans and fish. 
Measures are now taken to protect ephemeral streams from 
direct applications of aerially applied herbicides. 

By moving downstream 1 mile, a 100-fold reduction in 
herbicide concentration has been observed in several 
instances; but, 1£ is difficult to give an exact rule of 
thumb because of the nature of the dilution process in 
forest streams. If we accept a 25-fold reduction in 
concentration over a mile of stream as a conservative 


estimate, then if a maximum herbicide concentration of 
0.01 ppm was observed at the boundary of a treated area 
it would be less than 0.0004 ppm 1 mile downstream. 
There will be a return to nondetectable (€ 0.001 ppm) 
levels in less than 24 hours after application. 
Therefore, the highest level which humans could be 
exposed to might be 0.01 ppm for 24 hours, if water was 
taken for consumption from the stream immediately 
downstream from the treated area. Of course, the more 
remote the treated area is from the stream, and the 
further the water which is to be drunk is from the water 
entry point, the less likely a detectable residue will 
occur (Abrahamson and Norris, 1976). 

Mullison (1970) reviewed the concentrations of 
herbicides found in water after spraying adjacent 
uplands. Detected concentrations were from 0 to 70 ppb 
(phenoxys) and up to 370 ppb (picloram). Time needed 
for total disappearance ranged from 2 to 17 days 
(phenoxys), up to 16 months (picloram). A June 1973 EPA 
monograph stated, "Under field conditions picloram does 
not present a serious threat to water quality a short 
distance downstream from the site of application. It is 
evident that precautions given on herbicide label are 
adquate to allow the material to be used safely." 

The effects of vegetation management on tiny headwater 
stream flow within a National Forest may be measurable. 
However, it is seldom detectable when the greater 
volumes of flow are measured in large rivers. Stream 
flow increases in proportion to the area and severity of 
vegetation control. Water quantity increases as 
evaporation losses through vegetation transpiration and 
interception decrease. Vegetation regrowth may return 
the area's transpiration level to what it was to before 
herbicide treatment in 1 to 10 years, depending on the 
degree of control. This makes the increase in water 
quantity short-lived, as well as minute. A minor, 
long-term water quantity outflow may occur due to a 
change in vegetation. Permanently foliaged conifers 
intercept, as well as transpire, more water than do 
deciduous hardwoods, while grass uses less than either 
kind of tree (Patric 1976). 

Abrahamson and Norris (1976) reported on the results of 
extensive water monitoring investigations following 
present-day forestry herbicide applications. Forest 
stream monitoring for several herbicides, over extended 
periods of time, has consistently shown that leaching of 
herbicides in forest soils have not resulted in 
detectable (less than 0.001 ppm) concentrations of 
herbicide in forest streams. Field testing on forest 
lands has verified that overland flow of herbicides is 
restricted to localized events, and that the overland 


flow showed marked reduction in herbicide concentration 
as it moves over uncontaminated soil. These 
measurements were made immediately downstream from 
treatment unit boundaries and, therefore, represent 
maximum concentrations in the stream system. When 
herbicide concentrations have been detected, more than 
99 percent of all concentrations have been less than 
0.01 ppm. 



Domestic Animals. The impact of herbicide use around 
livestock and other domesticated animals is becoming 
well documented. The lethal doses for various test 
animals using particular chemicals are known. The acute 
oral toxicity of a single dose of the phenoxy herbicides 
to mammals ranges from 100 mg/kg to 2,000 mg/kg (CAST 
Report No. 39). Signs of poisoning include loss of 
appetite, loss of weight, weakness, lack of 
coordination, alternations of the liver and other 
internal organs, and in some instances, defective 

Since domestic grazing animals can tolerate up to 2,000 
ppm of some phenoxy herbicides continouously in feed, 
forage residue poses no hazard to animals, even from 
ranges and pastures treated at exaggerated rates. No 
residues appeared in the milk of cows which consumed 
rations containing up to 300 ppm of 2,4-D, MCPA or 
Srivex manceupstowsUsppmeot 254.5-1.) Similaryeffects 
have been found with swine, sheep, and other other 
animals. When grain, with a picloram residue of 5 ppm, 
was fed to a cow, 97.7 percent of the picloram was 
recovered unchanged in the urine (Fisher and others, 
1965). Because the dog has a lower capacity to excrete 
some herbicides, it has been found that herbicides are 
about three times more toxic to dogs than other test 

Milk from both diary and beef cows that had grazed on 
2,4,5-T treated pasture or range was analyzed for TCDD 
residues by Mahle et al. (1977). Milk was obtained from 
treated farms in Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, and 
compared with control milk purchased in a Midland, 
Michigan, supermarket. The control milk would have 

had very little likelihood of contact with 2,4,5-T. 

At a detection level of one ppt, control milk was 
indistinguishable from milk from cows grazing on grass 
treated with 2,4,5-T. 

TCDD residues have been confirmed in three beef fat 

sample and possibly one liver sample by the EPA during 
Phase 1 of the Dioxin Implementation Program. Samples 
of beef fat and livers were obtained from animals which 


had grazed on lands treated with 2,4,5-T and non-treated 
areas. A total of 85 beef fat and 43 liver samples were 
collected. Approximately 25 percent of the samples were 
from nontreated areas. 

A meeting of the analytical collaborators (Dow Chemical 
Company, Havard University, and Wright State University) 
was held on June 15, 1976, to discuss the results 
obtained to date. The conclusions given by the 
analytical collaborators were: : 

a. Of the beef fat samples (85) analyzed, one showed a 
positive TCDD level at 60 ppt; two samples appeared 
to have TCDD levels at 20 ppt; and five may have 
TCDD levels which range from 5 to 10 ppt. While 
several laboratories detected levels (5 to 10 ppt) 
in this range, the values reported were very near 
the sample limits of detection. 

b. The analytical method is not valid below 10 ppt. 

c. A neutral extraction technique shows promise of 
detecting levels below 10 ppt. However, this method 
has been demonstrated by only one laboratory at this 
time and has not been validated by other analytical 

d. The samples analyzed were peritoneal fat and kidney 
fat taken from cattle which had grazed on rangelands 
of known treatement with 2,4,5-T. Controls were the 
same sample type taken from cattle from nontreated 
areas within the same site. 

e. Of the liver samples (43) analyzed, only one sample 
suggested any TCDD residue, which was too close to 
the sensitivity of the sample detection limits for 
quantification. The fat sample analyzed from the 
same animal showed no TCDD residue. Three liver 
samples (for which fat.samples were analyzed and 
showed positive data) showed no TCDD residues. 

f. None of the collaborators reported TCDD in samples 
of beef fat taken from cattle in nontreated areas 
(at the sensitivity of the analytical method). 
Three of the laboratories receiving liver samples 
from cattle in nontreated areas observed no TCDD in 
the samples (Ross 1976). 

An additional dioxin collaborator's meeting was held in 
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, on March 3 and 4, 1977. Dr. 
Ralph Ross (1977), reporting to the EPA on that meeting, 
stated, "the reliability of Harvard's neutral extraction 
technique is very poor at the low ppt range, 
particularly below 13 ppt.'"' Later he states, in regard 


to Harvard data, "Also, it is strange that there was no 
inclusion of spiked samples below 13 ppt." Ross 
indicates that analytical data reported by Wright State 
University, Dow Chemical Company, and Harvard University 
is more reliable for samples spiked by EPA with known 
levels to TCDD than data furnished by Harvard where they 
themselves add TCDD. The conclusions quoted in the 
preceding paragraphs are those of EPA or those 
participating in the Dioxin Implementation Program. 

Work in Russia suggested that the threshold taste and 
odor concentractions of auxin compounds, especially of 
phenolic derivatives such as 2,4-D, that would prove 
unacceptable to the consumer were considerably below the 
threshold concentrations for toxic effects. No residues 
of either 2,4-DB or 2,4-D were found in the milk of cows 
that had been fed these compounds (Way 1969). Bache et 
al. (1964a) also noted the absence of 2,4-D residues in 
milk at any time during the study when a jersey cow was 
fed 50 ppm (based on a daily ration of 50 pounds) of 
2,4-D for 4 days. 

Herbicides are generally less toxic to birds than to 
mammals. The acute oral LD for poultry, mallards, 
and pheasants ranges upwards of 2,500 ppm, and is 
typically greater than 5,000 ppm when fed in treated 
feed. (Pimentel 1971) 

A subtle effect of herbicide treatment on some plants 

is an increase in potassium nitrate to a lethal 
concentration. Nitrogen uptake in plants is in the 
nitrate form. When the metabolic process of certain 
plants is interrupted by drought, heat, or chemicals, 
the nitrates are not properly converted to non-toxic 
protoplasm. In plants like Canadian thistle, smartweed, 
and black cherry, the leaves may become toxic after an 
herbicide treatment. They can have adverse effects if 
eaten in sufficient quantities by herbivors. 

Herbicide applications following label instructions 
approved by EPA have not proven harmful to domestic 
livestock. However, there have been instances where 
poisonings occcurred from the use of certain herbicides 
or contamination resulted from herbicide accidents. 

The herbicide most often associated with these accidents 
is 2,4,5-T and the dioxin that contaminates it. Reports 
of these instances help expose the perils of an 
accident, but should not be purported as examples of 
regulated use. These accidents involve 2,4,5-T and 
dioxin levels far above labeled allowances and use in 
the National Forests. 

Human Health. To do their job, herbicides must be able 

to control target pests. By their nature, they are 
toxic. Therefore, some may be hazardous to people. The 


hazards, however, are relative. A highly poisonous 
chemical may present less of a hazard than a less toxic 
one, depending on the conditions of use. 

Proof of safety of a properly registered pesticide is 
not the responsibility of the user. Under the Federal 
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) as 
amended in 1972, EPA has the responsibility to determine 
whether an herbicide or any other pesticide, when used 
consistent with its labeled directions will perform its 
intended function without unreasonable adverse effects 
on the environment, human beings, livestock, or wildlife. 

The following is a discussion of human health 
consideration as they relate to herbicides used by the 
Forest Service. The material is complex and there is not 
complete agreement among researchers. However, an 
attempt has been made to include as broad a base as 
possible to reflect this range of opinions. A great 
deal of literature is available outside this document 
for more details. 

It should be pointed out, first, that the proposed 
herbicide program would use low application rates, 
carried out in areas of low human population, during a 
limited time of the year. Only a small portion of 
commercial forest land is treated each year. A maximum 
of three or four (normally, one or two) applications 
would be used during the life of a stand of trees. (The 
life of a stand of trees, its "rotation age,'' ranges 

from 85 to 140 years in this region.) 

The degree of hazard or risk to humans from use of 
herbicides in the forest depends on two factors. One is 
the actual toxicity of the material itself (its 
toxicological potential). The second is the risk of 
exposure to levels that approach a hazardous dose. 

Human exposure to a herbicide depends on the pattern of 
use, frequency of application, amounts used, and fate of 
the herbicide in the environment. Human exposure may 
occur from handling concentrate before dilution, from 
inhalation of spray or dust during application, or from 
ingesting chemicals through food or water. Because the 
highest risks are from the concentrate and because 
humans handle the chemicals in this form at all stages 
from manufacture to application dilution, humans 
involved with application experience a greater risk than 
any other organisms. 

Toxicity is a measure of how poisonous a substance is. 
For pesticides, acute oral toxicity is usually expressed 

as the "LD. "| or lethal dose for 50 percent of the 
test animals. The LD 0 is usually given in terms of 
millagrams of pesticides per kilogram of body weight 
(mg/kg body weight). LD. values are useful primarily 
when comparing the toxic characteristics of two or more 


Norris (1971) describes two kinds of toxicity: acute 
and chronic. 

Acute toxicity is the fairly rapid response of organisms 
to a few relatively large doses of chemical administered 
over a short period of time. Chronic toxicity is the 
slow or delayed respose of organisms to the exposure of 
relatively long period of time. There are, of course, 
all gradations in between these two extremes. The kind 
of response (acute or chronic) we observe in an organism 
depends on the magnitude of the dose and the duration of 
the exposure which results from the behavior of the 

Toxic levels of specified herbicides are usually unkown 
in humans, but can be projected from LD_. data 

? : 29 : 
compiled on other mammals. Selected information on 
herbicide toxicity was compiled by Heikes (1967) and is 
Summarized in Table 3. 

TABLE 3 - Relative Toxicity of Herbicides to People 

Common Name Some Common LD 0 Loxtceity 
or Designation Trades Names “neg fe Rating 
2G. L Various 300 3) 
2,4-D Various 500 4 
Aspirin* 750 4 
Dicamba Banvel-D 1,040 4 
Atrazine Atrazine 3,080 4 
Table salt* 3,020 4 
Amitrole-T Amitrole-T, Cytrol 5,000 ae 
Picloram Tordon 8 ,200 5 

*Aspirin and table salt are not used as herbicides. 
These household compounds are included to give the reader 
a reference point in studying this toxicity table. 

TABLE 4 - Explanation of Toxicity Ratings 

Toxicity LD Probable Lethal Dose 
Rating Class teates for 150 1b. person 

At Extremely toxic Less than 5 A taste (less than 7 drops) 

2 Very toxic 5-49 7 drops - 1 teaspoonful 

3 Moderately toxic 50-499 1 teaspoonful - 1 ounce 

4 Slightly toxic 500-4 5999 IMounces= lepinta (1. 1ba) 

5 Nontoxic 5,000-14,999 Pepinte—=)squart 

6 Nontoxic 15 ,000- & above More than 1 quart 


Maximum Possible Human Exposure to Auxin-Type Herbicides from 
User by thetForest Service 

The maximum use of herbicides in the 85 to 140-year rotation 
of a timber stand would be as follows: 

One treatment during: 

Year | - Site Preparation 
Year 3 = Release 
Year 4, 5 or 6 = Release 

The treatment may consist of a single auxin-type herbicide, 
another type of herbicide, or a combination of herbicides 
depending on plant species composition and the objective of 
the treatment. 

The time between treatments would not be less than 2 years 
between site preparation and a first release application; 
not less than 1 year between the first and second release 
applications; not less than 85 to 140 years until the next 
site preparation treatment. 

Herbicides may be applied by hand or backpack to individual 
plants for control of poisonous weeds. With treatment of 
individual plants, the amount of herbicide applied per acre 
will vary with the number of stems per acre. However, the 
maximum application rate probably does not exceed 1 pound 
per acre. Livestock will be removed from the area of 
treatment prior to application. Removal of livestock would 
be dependent upon the amount of danger presented to 
livestock from the wilting of poisonous plants rather than 
to any hazard from herbicide residues. A given section of 
range would be treated with no less than 15 years between 
treatments, and more normally with 20 years between 

2,4-D is used for range rehabilitation. It may be applied 
aerially at the rate of 2 to 3 pounds per acre. Because a 
range rehabilitation program involves the removal of 
livestock from an area prior to application and for a period 
of approximately one growing season following application, 
the possibility of contacting 2,4-D residues is remote. 
Range rehabilitation programs on a given area of rangeland 
would occur at intervals of no less than 15 to 20 years. 
Most rangeland in the National Forests would never require 
any chemical applications at all. 

In the right-of-way maintenance programs, the use of 
herbicides is based on the needs of the individual area but 
would not generally exceed one application per year on any 
given area. 


Soil Organisms. The soil contains a large and varied 
population of bacteria, fungi, actinomyctes, algae, 
protozoa, insects, earthworms, and arachnids. The 
populations are measured in the millions. Their 
activity varies greatly with temperature, moisture, 
organic content, aeration, and soil texture. Soil 
organisms are beneficial to higher plants and are 
essential for decomposing vegetative matter and aiding 
the nutrient cycle. 

The reaction of the soil organisms depends on the 
herbicide and conditions found within the soil. There 
is no evidence to indicate that the herbicides used, 
when applied at recommended rates, will have any lasting 
effects on soil organism populations (Bollen 1961). 
Analyses of herbicide treatments at Eglin Air Force 
Base, Florida, showed population levels of soil 
micro-organisms to be the same on treated areas, three 
years after spraying, as those found on adjacent control 
areas of similar soil and vegetation (Young 1974). 
Investigation of 2,4-D on penicillia mycelial dry weight 
and total nitrogen content revealed both decreases and 
increases, depending on pencillia investigated and the 
concentrations of 2,4-D used (Pandey 1975). 

In another study of 2,4-D with soil microflora soil 
microflora enzyme systems were found to adjust, either 
through mutation or selection (or both), and to utilized 
2-4—-Deasmantoodssource, wAt tirst, thes2,4—-Dr°was ‘slow to 
degrade. After 12 days the degradation accelerated with 
no 2,4-D detected 6 days later. Successive additions of 
2,4-D were completely degraded in 1 to 4 days (Audus 

Some acceleration of nitrificaton was observed in soil 
treated with atrazine, but the total production of 
nitrates did not increase. During 4 years of applying 
atrazine at a rate of 5.4 lb/ac, no change was found in 
the number of micro-organisms in the soil, regardless of 
the medium used for micro-organism determination 
(Balicka and Sobieszczanski 1969, Balicka 1969). 

During 4 years of applying linuron at 5.4 lb/ac, no 
change was observed in the number of micro-organisms in 
the soil; however, linuron caused apparent changes in 
the composition of micro-organisms associated with roots 
of treated plants. Linuron did not cause any change in 
nitrification of the soil, but cellulose decomposition 
in soil was impaired. (Balicka 1969). 

The herbicide picloram at levels of 100 ppm had no 
measurable effect on populations of bacteria and fungi 
found in the soil, and it did not reduce nitrification 
(Goring et al., 1967). 


Simazine applied at 2-4 1lb/ac for weed control, did not 
significantly affect the relative numbers of fungi and 
bacteria in soil or the growth of some fungi (Eno, 
1962). Farmer, Benoit and Chappell (1965) noted 
inhibition of nitrification with simazine at 
concentrations of 6 ppm or greater. Other investigators 
observed some acceleration of nitrification in soil 
treated with normal application rates of simazine, but 
reported no increase in total production of nitrates 
(Balicka 1969). 


a. General: Herbicides are used to elicit a certain 
response from the vegetation. This response is 
measured by the immediate reaction of target pests 
to the herbicidal action of the chemical used. The 
response is also measured in long-term composition 
changes produced within the vegetation. A variety 
of herbicides, formulations, applicaton techniques, 
and timing are used to achieve the desired effects. 

A new plant community quickly appears following the 
initial loss in plant numbers after an herbicide 
treatment. The new community is different in size 
and age, and may have a greater variety of species, 
especially in the grass-forb community. The 
wildlife and bird populations show a similar 
change. Desirable plants, once in a subordinate 
position, can now move to a dominant position. The 
objective of vegetation management is to maintain 
this new plant community once it consists of plant 
species desirable to the resource manager. 

A short-term vegetation impact of herbicide use is 
the immediate reduction in the number of plants on 
the treatment area. As vegetation metabolizes and 
absorbs the herbicide, the chemical make up of an 
individual plant species may change. Willard (1950) 
reported that 2,4-D altered the palatability of some 
plant species to animals. For example, livestock 
would eat Canadian thistle, velvet-leaf, jimson 
weeds, wild parsnip, sunflowers, round-leafed 
mallow, and other unpalatable weeds. The ragwort 
weed, highly toxic to cattle, had a marked increase 
in sugar content after treatment with 2,4-D. This 
made the plants attractive to cattle, but they were 
still highly toxic. Normally, livestock and 
wildlife will not feed on ragwort unless forced to 
do so. 

After the treatment of weed species with sublethal 
concentrations (0.25 lb/ac) of 2,4-D, potassium 


nitrate content declined from 44 percent to 6 
percent in five species, and increased from 12 
percent to 47 percent in the other four species 
(Frank and Grigsby, 1957). The plant species were 
sufficiently toxic to cause nitrate poisoning in 
livestock, if they were consumed in large enough 

Fifteen days after black cherry brush had been 
treated, until wet, with a 2,4,5-T concentration of 
2,000 ppm, Grigsby and Ball (1952) reported 
hydrocyanic acid content was reduced 85 percent. 

Silvex, at 2 ppm, had no adverse effect on either 
phytoplankton or zooplankton, which were at the base 
of the food chain in small test ponds (Cowell, 1965). 

Very little of the herbicide which reaches the 
vegetation is metabolized. Rain washes much of the 
herbicide left on the plant surface to the forest 
floor. Some herbicides are passed through the plant 
and excreted by the roots into the soil. The 
remaining herbicides and breakdown products will 
eventually enter the soil, either in leaf fall or 
decomposition of dead stems and roots. 

In the Elgin Air Force Base tests, a sample area, 
measuring 1 square mile, received a total of 345,117 
pounds of herbicide between 1962 and 1970 (Young 
1974). A comparison of vegetative cover and 
occurrence of plant species on the area between June 
1971 and June 1973 indicates that areas with 0-60 
percent vegetation cover in 1971, had a coverage of 
15-85 percent in June 1973. The rate of change in 
cover seemed to depend on soil type, soil moisture, 
and wind. There was no evidence to indicate that 
the existing vegetation coverage was in any way 
related to herbicide residue in the soil; 
dicotyledonous or broadleaf plants, normally 
susceptible to damage from herbicide residues, 
occurred throughout the entire test area. In 

1971, 74 dicotyledonous species were found. 

Favorable effects of herbicide use can be seen in 
the survival and growth of preferred plants. The 
benefits are measured in increased food, forage, 
fiber, wildlife, and maintenance of existing 
physical structures. In other cases, the beneficial 
effects are shown by the removal of target plants 
which are poisonous to humans or animals. 

Wilde (1970a, 1970b) calculated that pine 

plantations in Wisconsin require about 331 gallons 
of water to produce 2.2 pounds of merchantable wood, 


whereas evapotranspiration of ground vegetation 
consumes about 23.5 gallons of water per 2.2 pounds 
of oven-dry tissue. In turn, each 2.2 pounds of 
weed biomass in the plantations reduces wood 
production by 0.15 pounds throughout the years. 
Therefore, timber growth in plantations with a heavy 
cover of shrubby plants may underproduce more than 
15 cords per acre over a 40-year rotation, or more 
than a 1/3 cord per acre per year. At current 
stumpage prices, pest plant control is apparently an 
excellent investment, and likely to be more 
important in the future. 

In other Eastern Region growth studies, diameter 
growth in a 7-year-old Wisconsin red pine plantation 
increased 30 percent the first year after herbicide 
application, and 8 percent the following season. 
Height growth increased 13 percent the second year. 
When shrub competition was eliminated in another red 
pine plantation, growth increased by 300 percent. 

In Minnesota, conifer plantation studies show more 
seedlings were killed by competing vegetation than 
any other factor (Dawson and Noste, 1976). 

Hardwood plantations seem to respond even more 
dramatically to competition control. Studies with 
Populus showed a 425 percent growth increase after 4 
years of complete vegetation control in a 
plantation, compared to only clearing a b2-10cn 
square around each tree. In investigation involving 
silver maple, white ash, white pine and white spruce 
in fertilized plots, the 3-year growth increase for 
complete vegetation control ranged from 750 percent 
for white ash to 37 percent for white spruce. These 
results demonstrate the benefits which can be 
realized from vegetation management (Dawson and 
Noste, 1976). 

Endangered or Threatened Plant Species. Vegetation 
Management under six ‘of the seven alternatives 
considered would probably affect endangered or 
threatened plants if they were in the area being 
treated. The alternative with little or no effect 
would be the "No Action" alternative. Broadcast 
treatments are more likely to unintentionally damage 
unknown populations of such plants, than are 
selective treatment methods. Herbicides are no 
exception. The sensitivity of all plants to the 
various herbicides is not known. It must be 
assumed, however, that an herbicide application to 
an unknown endangered or threatened plant will have 
an adverse effect upon its population, but has never 
been known to completely eliminate any species 
because kill is never 100%. 


The Endangered Species Act of 1973 directs the 
Secretary of the Interior and Secretary of Commerce 
to determine which species are endangered or 
threatened and to publish them in the Federal 
Register. The proposed list contains some 1,700 
plants found in the United States. Forty of these 
plants are found in the 20-State Eastern Region. At 
this time, only three have been found on National 
POrest@rands, sand:al. in 1) linois, 

5. Forest Vertebrate Animals 


General. A wide variety of wildlife species inhabit 

the National Forest land of the Eastern Region. The 

survival needs of some species, such as the 
Kirtland's Warbler, are very specific. Animals like 
the bear or skunk are adaptable to a wide range of 
foods, habitat conditions, and disturbances by man. 
Proposed herbicide applications will occur on areas 
occupied or visited by a significant number of these 
easily adapted species. The wildlife impacts of any 
herbicide application project depend on the wildlife 
species present, the herbicide used, the size of the 
area treated and long-term resource management 
objective for the treated area. Routine activities 
of individual wildlife species may result in 
contacts with treated vegetation, soil or water, or 
ingestion of treated food. Under forest conditions, 
such exposure has not proven hazardous to wildlife. 

Mammals. A hazard could occur to mammals, if they 
are exposed to an acutely toxic dose of herbicide. 
The acute oral toxicity of a single dose of the 
phenoxy herbicides to mammals ranges from 100 mg/kg 
to 2000 mg/kg, depending upon the test animal and 
the particular chemical or formulation. The 
herbicides are absorbed after ingestion, transported 
via the plasma, concentrated in the kidneys, and 
rapidly eliminated in the urine (Cast Report 39, 

eh ioW ke 

Controlled feeding trials and laboratory tests have 
shown some herbicides to be toxic, teratogenic, 
carcinogenic, or mutogenic to mammals. LD_., rates 
have been established for most chemicals available 
to man. The dosage rates used in controlled 
experiments are not reached under conditions found 
with normal forestry herbicide applications. 

An evaluation of wildlife populations, following 
massive field applications of herbicides at Elgin 
Air Force Base, showed no difference in mouse 

population densitities on herbicide treated areas 


and control areas affording comparable habitats. 
Mice collected on the treatment area were allowed to 
breed in the laboratory and there were no birth 
defects observed in the offspring. There were no 
adverse impacts on reproduction of beach mice after 
30 generations were exposed to TCDD. Post-mortem 
examination of mice, rats, snakes, and a toad showed 
no damage to liver, kidney, and gonadal tissues, and 
no cleft palates. Observations of five fox kits 
born and raised in a den within the spray area found 
all kits to be apparently healthy and normal, even 
though their mother had been observed on the test 
area for a year. This fox family lived in the 
middle of the heaviest sprayed area, where 
back-to-back, day-to-day applications of 27 pounds 
of herbicide per acre were made. 

One significant finding of the Elgin Air Base 
studies was that rodents showing no evidence of 
physical abnormalities after gross and microscopic 
examinations did show a TCDD like chemical, in fat 
tissue and livers. The levels of TCDD like 
chemical, 210-540 ppt, encountered would be suspect 
to teratogenic or pathologic abnormalities. 
However, defects were not found in either the 
animals tested or the progeny of those that were 

Cottontail rabbits, given a choice of either 2,4,5-T 
treated vegetation or untreated vegetation ate 
almost none of the treated vegetation (Springer 
1957). Deer allowed to browse 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T 
areas sprayed to improve deer browse showed no 
preference for either untreated or herbicide 
stimulated branch growth (Krafting and Hansen, 
1963). Test animals are often repelled by herbicide 
residue on their natural foods. When only limited 
areas are treated, as proposed in the Eastern 
Region, very few animals will be forced to feed 
solely on food contaminated with herbicide. 

Newton and Norris (1968) found that deer exposed to 
feed treated with maximum field applications of 
2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, and atrazine did not accumulate 
significant amounts of herbicide. Forty-three days 
after exposure, the muscle tissue of the deer showed 
residue of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T at less than 0.006 

ppm. Atrazine levels could not be detected after 44 
days. This study, the U.S. Department of Health, 
Education,and Welfare's Food Basket studies of meat, 
fish, and poultry, and EPA supported beef fat 
monitoring programs all point out that herbicides 
proposed for registered use in the Eastern forests 
do not contaminate meat used for human consumption. 


A more subtle and long-term impact of vegetation 
management is its effect on wildlife habitat. 
Vegetation management by herbicides is no 

exception. It affects the vegetative layering of 
the treated area and the species of plants making up 
the replacement community. Because many wildlife 
species habitat needs are very specific, some 
animals will be adversely affected while others will 
benefit. Westing (1971) found that as the vegetation 
replacement community becomes established, the 
original set of animal populations will be replaced 
largely by a different set with lesser diversity. 
The replacement animals ‘will have higher numbers 
with fewer species, many of them new to the sprayed 

The greater the number of plant species controlled 
at any herbicide site, the greater the impact on 
wildlife habitat. The method of herbicide 
application, broadcast or selective, also influences 
this impact. Herbicide use generally sets 
vegetation succession back to an earlier stage. 
Small mammals, with limited home ranges or very 
narrow habitat tolerances, will be most affected by 
the thoroughness of individual herbicide 

treatments. Large mammals like the moose, deer, or 
bear benefit the most, as food availability and food 
nutrition are improved within their home range. 

Even small treatments that remove all mast producing 
hardwoods will have an adverse effect on squirrels 
and other mammals depending heavily on mast for food. 

A 19-year study of selective vegetative management 
in Pennsylvania showed a diversity of food plants, 
useful to wildlife, developed on the sample 
right-of-way following spraying. These plants 
included common herbs of the Forest, as well as 
invaders usable as food by many animals. Woody 
plants were found interspersed throughout the 
treated area. The taller, woody plants were found 
to supply food throughout the year and were of 
particular value as emergency food when deep snow 
covered the ground. The right-of-way was used 
heavily by such common wildlife species as 
white-tailed deer, rabbit, grouse, and wild turkey. 
A special study was made of the white-tailed deer on 
the right-of-way and showed consistent and heavy use 
in all seasons. This indicated that attractive food 
and cover had been developed (Bramble and Byrnes, 

Herbicides are the most effective vegetative control 

method currently available for use. However, most 
vegetation species are only controlled for a period 


of time, and then return shortly to the treated site 
unless controlled periodically by man or suppressed 
by host plants. Wildlife biologists have long known 
this, and manipulate vegetaton diversity and 
manatain wildlife openings with herbicides to 
benefit a variety of animals. 

The activities of man and equipment during herbicide 
applications will disturb wildlife. Large animals 
will be able to leave the site temporarily, while 
small mammals will head for cover or go underground. 
This disturbance can have a serious impact if it 
occurs during mating or at the time of birth. 
Adverse impacts on wildlife, following herbicide 
applications in the forest, have been found to be 
local in nature and to cause fluctuations in animal 
population. This occurs because of changes in 
specific ecological niches, and not because of toxic 
harm to the wildlife. 

Birds. Herbicides have been found to be generally 
less toxic to birds than mammals. The acute oral 
LD, for the most common forms of game birds found 
in the Eastern Region have ranged from 300 mg/kg to 
greater than 5000 mg/kg. The LC,, for these birds 
which were fed with herbicide treated feed is 
typically greater than 5,000 ppm. Under field 
conditions, a bird would Lave to consume daily all 
the herbicide applied aerially to approximately 10 
acres to duplicate the 5,000 ppm fed under 
controlled trials. 

Herbicide treated feeds, at rates lower than the 
LD, or LC, 4 have affected the reproduction of 

oe birds. Feeding trials found that 2,4-D, when 
fed at daily rates of 1,250 ppm and 2,500 ppm, 
depressed mallard duck reproduction. Mallard ducks 
which were fed 2,500 ppm and 5,000 ppm of silvex 
daily showed a nearly 100 percent reduction in 
reproduction (USDI, 1970a). Both amitrole and 
dalapon depressed mallard duck reproduction levels 
25 percent less than those which produced mortality 
(USDI, 1962). 

Bramble and Brynes (1972) found wild turkeys used 
right-of-way areas which had been treated with 2,4-D 
and 2,4,5-T. The young turkeys were attracted to 
the openings to feed on the various insects which 
were more abundant on the grassy right-of-way than 
within the wooded areas. Ruffed grouse numbers also 
increased. The grouse were found on the edges, 
within 150-200 feet of the right-of-way, rather than 
on the right-of-way itself. This emphasizes the 
importance of using herbicides to create an edge 


Aqueous solutions of 2,4-D, picloram and 2,4-D, and 
2,4,5-T, equivalent to 10 times recommended field 
concentrations, were sprayed on fertile pheasant 
eggs preceding incubation. None of the treatments 
were found to have any adverse effects on hatching 
success, or increase the incidence of malformed 
embryos or subsequent chick mortality when compared 
to water-sprayed control eggs. Herbicide 
contamination was found to facilitate weight gain of 
roosters from 0-4 weeks of age, while hens failed to 
show a response. Residue analysis verified 
herbicide deposition on the shell and entry into the 
egg (Sommers and others 1974). 

Insect feeding woodpeckers and tree cavity nesting 
birds benefit from herbicide projects which leave 
dead trees standing in the forest. These standing 
cull trees can have many long term benefits to a 
variety of birds. 

Fish and Amphibians. The toxicity of herbicides to 
fish 1s highly variable, and affected by chemical 
formulation, water pH, temperature, water hardness, 
oxygen content, suspended organic matter, and 
dilution rate. The lakes, ponds and rivers of the 
Eastern Region contain an abundance and variety of 
both warm and cold water fish. These fish are 
important as a sports fishery and contribute to the 
commercial fisheries of the Region. The harvesting 
of frogs is popular in the Ozarks and Midlands. 

For the phenoxy herbicides, the LC 0 values range 
from less than 1 ppm to more than 2°00 ppm in water 
(one pound of herbicide active ingredient on an 
acre-foot of water is equivalent to 0.370 ppm). 
These values are equivalent to treatments of 
10-10,000 pounds of phenoxy herbicide per acre in a 
pond 4 feet deep; much higher than the 2-3 pounds of 
herbicide active ingredient allowed for aerial 
application over land by most label use directions. 
Those phenoxy herbicides registered for aquatic weed 
control are used at rates designed to keep water 
residues below the 0.1 ppm level (CAST Report 39, 

Schultz and Harman (1974) investigated the effects 
on fish when 2,4-D was applied directly to water. 
Rates used were 2, 4, and 8 lbs per acre. Only 7 
percent of the fish, analyzed 28 days or more after 
treatment, contained detectable 2,4-D residues; and, 
only 1 percent (one fish) of those analyzed 56 days 
or more after treatment contained detectable 
residues. If tolerance levels are based on the 


level of the parent compound only, it would appear 
that fish could be consumed 1 month after 

treatment. They also found little danger of 
bio-magnification of 2,4-D in the aquatic food 
chain. It was noted, however, that when fish were 
exposed to radiated 2,4-D, radioactive compounds 
were present in all fish tissues examined. Degraded 
2,4-D products were also evident for as long as 84 
days after some treatments. Therefore, the identity 
and potential toxicity of these degraded products 
must not be overlooked. However, EPA requires the 
herbicide registrant to provide this data as well. 
In general, the degraded herbicide is) less ttoxic 
then the prevent herbicides. 

The ester formulations of phenoxy herbicides are 
often more toxic to fish than amine or metalic salt 
formulations. This is probably due to the more 
effective penetration ability of esters. 

A review of Ecological Effects of Pesticides on 
Non-Target Species found that chemicals can give an 
off-taste or even toxicity to fish consumed by 
humans. At some concentrations, herbicides will 
cause liver degeneration, testicular degenerative 
lesions, and abnormal spermatozoa in fish; the most 
sensitive fish, exposure, herbicide combination 
listed was: bluegills exposed for 48 hours to 0.50 
ppm of 2,4,5-T acid. There seems to be a 
considerable margin of safety, considering the 
herbicide contamination concentrations found after 
forest herbicide treatments. 

The algacide copper sulfate, used for aquatic weed 
control, has been found to have a small margin of 
safety for fish. Trout, the most sensitive, 
tolerated only 0.14 ppm, while smallmouth bass, 

the least sensitive, could tolerate a dosage of 

2.0 ppm. However, the algacide endothal has been 
found to have a wide margin of safety for fish when 
used at rates recommended on the label (Pimentel, 

The effects of herbicide use on amphibians have not 
been widely investigated. The major impacts would 
possibly be on frog egg and tadpole development. 

Endangered and Threatened Animal Species. The 
Forest Service does not have direct authority for 
management of endangered and threatened animal 
species. The agency's major contribution to 
preserving any wildlife species on official State or 
Federal lists is through critical habitat management. 


The U.S. Department of Interior, in consultation 
with the States, is charged under the 1973 
Endangered Species Act with completing and 
Maintaining official lists of wildlife species that 
are classified as endangered or threatened. The 
Forest Service will adopt these official lists and 
may expand on an individual Forest basis as a means 
of protecting unique wildlife species. Each 
proposed herbicide project will be analyzed for its 
direct impact on any threatened or endangered animal 
species for any habitat loss or modification that 
might occur. 

6. Forest Invertebrate Animals 


General. The number of invertebrates per acre in a 
forest environment can only be estimated, and would 
be listed in the millions. The Forest Service is 
interested in the impact of herbicide use on 
invertebrates, because these animals are an 
intricate part of a forest community. Invertebrates 
are also important because they are food for the 
vertebrates; thus, they can be an early indicator to 
potentially dangerous food chain build-ups. 

Insects. Several studies have been made of how 
herbicides affect insects. Most of the studies to 
the aquatic or soil life stages of the insect, and 
not to the adult stage. No significant hazard to 
insects is expected as a result of acute toxicity 
from proposed herbicide use at EPA regulated 
application rates. 

The following species of bottom-dwelling organisms 
were reduced by 50 percent or more, after an 
application of 2,4-D ranging from 1 ppm to 4 ppm: 
mayfly nymphs, horsefly nymphs, common midges, 
phantom midges, biting midges, caddice fly larvae, 
and water beetles. Simazine, at 0.5 ppm to 10 ppn, 
produced similar results, as did atrazine at 0.5 ppm 
to 2 ppm. Water monitoring samples taken from 
potholes immediately following a 1971 spray project 
in the Lake States showed a concentration of 

.050 ppm of 2,4-D. Mosquito larve, in water treated 
with 2,4-D at a rate of 100 ppm, showed 60 percent 
fewer larvae than in the control reached the pupal 
state (Smith and Isom, 1967). This study added 
further evidence that 2,4-D is relatively non-toxic 
to some invertebrate species. 

Honey bees have responded in different ways to 2,4-D 

exposure. In one investigation, honey bees 
decreased by 22 percent, following a 3 lb/ac 2,4-D 


treatment in fields they were using. However, 
dusting bees with 2,4-D did not cause any mortality 
(Palmer-Jones, 1964). It is not known if the 
toxicity observed in the field was due to jig isa, 
dissolved in the nectar or to the production of a 
toxic metabolite secreted by the plant into the 

The insects in the Elgin Air Force Base herbicide 
test grid were sampled in 1971, following completion 
of spray activities, and again in 1973. A much 
greater number of small to minute insects were taken 
in the 1973 survey. The two studies showed 
similarities in the insects distribution pattern at 
it related to the vegetation, number of insect 
species, and insect diversity. Generally, the 1973 
study showed a reduction of the extremes found in 
these parameters during the 1971 study, possibly due 
to insect succession following vegetation succession. 

Chansler and Pierce (1966) reported that cacodylic 
acid injected at a rate of 1 to 2 ml per injection 
at 2-inch intervals around the trunk of trees killed 
bark beetles. The trees were injected with the 
herbicide soon after the beetles had attacked the 
tree and before most of the eggs had hatched. The 
beetles died before constructing their egg 
galleries. Some of the eggs failed to hatch, and a 
high brood mortality occurred. Excessive moisture 
in the phloem, following herbicide injection, has 
been found to cause severe brood reduction. 
Cacodylic acid has been screened as a insecticide. 
It has exhibited no insecticidal properties when 
applied as a contact spray to insects. 

Benefits to some insects, especially honey bees, 
increase as plant succession is changed to 
conditions favoring flowering forbs. Other 
investigations show insect populations can increase 
following herbicide treatment due to the increase in 
organic matter which results from the decay of 
controlled plants. 

Crustaceans and Mollusks. Detectable residues of 
herbicides do not appear in surface waters, unless 
the chemicals are directly added to the water, or 
fall there incidental to spraying forest vegetation, 
or are added to control aquatic vegetation. 
Detectable herbicide residues are not expected to be 
found in the silt of forest waters either. When 
herbicide residues have been found in silt outside 
the forest area, it has been attributed to wind 
blown erosion from bare soil treated with 
herbicides. With the forest conditions present and 


precautions taken, in the Eastern Region, 
crustaceans and mollusks in or near the National 
Forests are not expected to be exposed to any 
residue from a herbicide project. 

Should an accident occur during treatment or 
metrological conditions cause contamination of 
forest water, the concentration in the water would 
be expected to fall below detectable levels in a few 
days. Such residues are diluted through stream 
flow, decomposed by sunlight, or destroyed by 

Oysters, crabs, mussels, and a wide variety of other 
crustaceans and mollusks are not directly affected 
by the phenoxy herbicides at rates approved for 
direct application to water. Since 1971, 
concentrations of from 0-16 ppb of 2,4-D have been 
found during actual forest water sampling in the 
Eastern Region; however, this is much less than 
herbicide concentrations approved for direct water 

Tests with dicamba in a model aquatic ecosystem, 
clearly show that dicamba or its metabolites did not 
accumulate in the clams, crabs, or snails examined 
(Sanborn, 1974). 

Bulter (1963) found exposure of oysters to 2.0 ppm 
of 2,4,5-T for 96 hours had no effect on shell 
growth. Brown shrimp exposed to 1.0 ppm of 2,4,5-T 
for 48 hours showed no harmful effects. Similar 
tests using silvex did, however, show some growth 
loss and mortality or paralysis. 


The fact that herbicides are widely used on private 
rangelands and pasture, on private forests, for a variety of 
utility and highway right-of-way needs, on home lawns, and 
on food crops is ample evidence that they are efficient and 
inexpensive when compared to available alternatives. 
Herbicides have not been found to have serious unintentional 
side effects when used under forest conditions following 
approved use directions. Where vegetation control is 
needed, herbicides usually have less harmful side effects on 
the environment than alternative control methods. 

Favorable effects of herbicide use are production and 
protection oriented, and improved economic welfare and 
community stability are the results. Public and private 
forest benefits are measured by increased timber volume and 
value, increased forage for domestic livestock, improved 
wildlife habitat, increased recreational opportunities, and 
reduced cost of facility maintenance. 


Such forest resources as timber, forage, wildlife, and 
recreation are all renewable resources. They are also raw 
materials or basic materials for use in later manufacturing 
processes. Forest products are at the beginning of the 
commodity production process; money paid for them tends to 
stay in the local area, more so than dollars spent in 
communities based on secondary or later stages of 

The number of people needed for primary resource production, 
however, is not as great as the number of people required 
for the secondary manufacturing processes. 

Hunting, fishing, and recreation opportunities bring income 
into National Forest areas. This income is from the 
purchase of goods and services. An increase in forest 
visitors can be accommodated without requiring a 
corresponding increase in community expenditures for local 
government, schools, Sanitation, etc., that new permanent 
residents require. Counties in which National Forests are 
located receive a share of National Forest receipts, and may 
receive additional payment in lieu of property taxes. The 
amount of the National Forest receipts shared by the 
counties in the Eastern Region for Fiscal Year 1975 was 

Aerial herbicide applications are the least labor intensive 
of the herbicide application methods used. Ground methods 
of application, especially cut surface and basal stem 
methods, employ more people. A reduction in the use of 
herbicides and a move to more manual vegetation control 
would provide longer or increased employment needs for 
laborers, (if available and assuming they would work at such 
tasks) resulting in a favorable short-term economic impact 
on the local communities. A long-term adverse local 
employment and economic effect would occur with the 
reduction in usable resources and future availability. 
Nationally this would an increased cost to the 
taxpayer. Consumers would feel little impact under the 
assumption of constant total output. If a constant total 
out put was not maintained, however, a strong increase in 
consumer price would occur with only a small decrease in 

l. 2,4,5-T 

In the following dicussion, the toxicity of 2,4,5-T will 
be discussed first, followed by a separate discussion on 
the toxicity of TCDD. In these discussions of toxicity, 
as in subsequent discussions the carcinogenic, 
mutagenic, embryo-toxic, and teratogenic potential of 


2,4,5-T, many laboratory studies will be cited. These 
studies are useful in indicating that a compound may 
have the potential for biological activity when 
administered at high dosages or for prolonged periods. 
The important consideration is whether or not such 
potential would be realized under field conditions; 
whether the necessary dosage level and/or period of 
exposure would be achieved under forest or rangeland 

Acute Toxicity 

LD 0 (lethal dose of 50 percent of the test animals) 
Paes fore2,4,o51beare given in Table 5. 

TABLE 5 - Toxicological Information on 2,4,5-T (Harvey 


LD.) ng/kg 
Animal Body Weight 
Mouse 389 
Rat ; 500 
Guinea pig 381 
Dog + 100 

Rowe and Hymas (1954) have published a more extensive table 
of of LD_, values for various species exposed to different 
formulations of the phenoxy herbicides (see Table 6). They 
conclude that the LD values for 2,4,-D and 2,4,5-T and 
their common derivatives are the range of 300 to 1,000 mg/kg 
forethbe rat, mouse, guinea pic®and rabbit..." In this 
study, dogs wre found to be "somewhat more susceptible" and 
chicks more tolerant than the species designated above. 

Norris (1976a) has reported acute toxicity values Table 7 in 
general agreement with those of Rowe and Hymas (1954). 
Norris concludes that "the non-effect or threshold level for 
an acute toxic response, however, is unlikely to occur in 
the forest environment."’ The following section (Fate of 
2,4,5-T in the Environment) will discuss the probability of 
human exposure to a toxic dose of 2,4,5-T resulting from 
application in a forest environment. 

Additional information on the toxicity of 2,4,5-T comes from 
experimental studies on humans and reports from residents 
living near sprayed areas. 

Five human volunteers ingested a single 5 mg/kg dose of 
2,4,5-T. At this dosage rate, which far excess the amount a 
single person would be likely to encounter in a forest 
environment, all of the 2,4,5-T was absorbed into the body 
and excreted unchanged via the urine. Subjects did not 
present any detectable clinical effects (Gehring et al. 


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In a similar study, Kohli et al. (1974) reported on 
absorption and aroretuon of 24,575 10 people. Of eight 
male volunteers, one volunteer took 2 mg/kg, another 3 mg/kg, 
and the remaining six volunteers took 5 mg/kg 2,4,5-T. The 
authors-found that “2,4,5°1 is readily absorbed from the 
gastrointestinal tract and eliminated unchanged from the 

body mainly via the kidneys.'' The authors reviewed data 

from other studies on the metabolism-of 2,4,0-© in zother 
animal species. They conclude: 

In general the pattern of metabolism of 2,4,5-T 
in man seems to be similar to the various animal 
species that have been studied. The comparison 
of pharmacokinetics indicates that man falls in 
between rat and dog... It will be therefore 
justified to speculate that 2,4,5-T will have a 
low toxicity in man. As suggested by the quick 
rurn-over of the compound in man it would seem 
that accumulation in the system would be 
unlikely. Based on the kinetics of single dose 
administration, Gehring et al. (1974) have 
calculated the likely plasma concentration to 
result on repeated exposure to 2,4,5-1 and have 
concluded that plasma concentrations will reach 
a plateau after 3 days. Fear of cumulative 
toxicity may therefore be remote. 

Shoecraft (1971) reports that, after repeated spraying of 
forest lands near Globe, Arizona with 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, and 
silvex, humans suffered from swelling of eyes, arms, legs, 
parts of the skin turning dark and purple, loss of hair and 
eyelashes, problems with vision, inability to talk or 
swallow, back pain, nose bleeds, inability to walk without 
limping, rashes, nausea, and muscle spasms. Investigations 
of the incident by a team representing various professions 
concluded that neither the incidence nor type of human 
eiinesses in Globe were different from what would be 
normally expected in other similar communities (Tschirley 
1970). Therefore, it is questionable that herbicides 
"cause" the illnesses. 

An anonymous "Herbicide Spray - Fact Sheet" references Acres 
U.S.A., February 1975, as reporting: "The Women's Center 
Committee on the Environment, Fayetteville, Arkansas, 
reported that in Arkansas, a field was sprayed with 2,4,5-T 
above a spring supplying 20 people; six out of eight babies 
conceived there miscarried, one severely deformed with a 

cleft head and no legs."' No documentation or verification 
of this report is presented from scientific literature. 

C.A.T.§. (Citizens Against Toxic Sprays, Inc.) (1976) 

associated spring herbicidal sprays and the use of 2,4-D, 
2,4,5-T, and silvex with lung ailments in forest valley 


residents and unusual uterine bleeding, gynecological 
problems, higher incidences of spontaneous abortions, and 
birth defects in offspring. No documentation or 
verification of this report is presented from scientific 

Chronic Toxicity 

Chronic toxicity data for 2,4,5-T is given by Norris (1976a) 
(Table 8). The values reported to cause chronic toxicity 
are far above those likely to be encountered in a forest 
environment (see following section on the Fate of 2,4,5-T in 
the Environment). 

Additional data on chronic exposure comes from examining 
data on occupationally exposed herbicide workers. Pesticide 
applicators are routinely exposed to 2,4,5-T through their 
occupation. One study showed a significant increase in 
chromosomal breaks when workers were exposed to herbicides. 
Between herbicide application seasons, the incidence of 
chromosomal breaks was significantly lower than the 
incidence in an unexposed population. This data does not 
seem to suggest an overall adverse effect, but may imply 
that a repair mechanism can compensate for previous exposure 
(Yoder et al 1973). 2,4,5-T was the least frequently used 
agent and it is not likely that any observed effect could be 
attributed to it. In another study, Swedish railroad 
workers exposed to the phenoxy herbicides 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T 
had a normal incidence of tumors and mortality (Axelson and 
Sundall 1974). 


TABLE 7 - Acute Toxicity of neve! 

ES Lee 

Organism 2 ,4-D Dleome Amitrole Picloram 

LD 0° mg/kg 360-2 ,000 300 2 ,000+ 2,000+ 

No effect, ppm2/ 7203 6003/ 2,000t3/ 1,000 

LD.,, mg/kg 375-800 400-950 5 ,000+ 2,000+ 

No-effect, ppm2/ 1,500 3003 2,000+3/ 3,000 

LDe me 400-5 500-15 000 = ga=-—-— 2,000 

BE aly eel 002 eee 2,0003/ 
Other mammals: 

LD.,, mg/kg 100 100 LOO 4d ies per 

Nogffect, ppm2/ 500 2003/ 000k eee 
Fish: Al 

TL_, ppmt 1-60 1-30 325 13- 

waa eceee ppm>/ 0.16/ 0.18/ 326/ 1 oe! 
Other Aquatics: 

TL. ppm: 1-5 055-50 20 1+ 

No“effect, ppm2/ 0.16/ 0.056/ 2 / 0.16/ 


1, list of references for specific values in this table is available 
from the author. 

2 concentration in diet for a limited exposure which causes no acute 

LU sires daily food consumption is 10 percent of body weight and that 
20 percent of LD. 9 in daily diet has no acute effect. 

oO oet our median tolerance limit, i.e., the concentration of herbicide 
in the water which will kill 50 percent of an exposed population of 
aquatic organisms in 48 hours. 

elconcent ra aten in water which has no acute effect following 48 hours' 


—'Assumes 10 percent of TL has no effect. 

From: Norris, 1976a. 



Mule deer 

15 (1 Ss al 




TABLE 8 - Chronic Toxicity of Herbreides= | 

Dose in diet— Duration Effect 
mg/kg ppm days 
240 2,400 30 Slight 
50 500 As Be None 
100 1,000 481 None 
10 100 90 None 
125 200 I None 
100 1,000 481 None 
a 503/ 476 None 
a 100 3/ 730 Thyroid adenomas 
& adenocarcinoma 
-- 500 3/ 119 Normal 
followed by thyroid 
14 days no 
110 1,100 30 None 
150 1,500 730 None 
—— 1,0003/ 90 None 
oe 5003/ 3 generations None 


—'A list of references for specific values in this table is available 
from the author. 

Eee sames food intake is 10 percent of body weight per day. 


—Actual concentration tested. 

erom: Norris. 19/6a. 


Effects of 2,4,5-T_Upon Reproductive Functions 

All chemicals are presumed to cause toxic effects upon the 
developing embryo if they do not cause the death of the 
mother first. Chemicals can become available to the embryo 
in spite of the mother's excretion and metabolism 
capabilities. The embryos would have to be susceptible to 
the chemical, that is, in a stage where the chemical could 
produce embryotoxicity. 

Embryotoxicity is a generalized term covering manifestations 
such as lethality, growth retardation, and teratogenicity. 
Different chemicals may cause either fetal death or 
teratogenic effects, or both effects may be found depending 
on the size or the timing of the dose. Teratogens must be 
present during the formation of the structures that the 
particular chemical affects. The mother must be exposed to 
a particular dose at a very precise time in her pregnancy to 
produce a teratogenic effect. 

The teratogenic potential of 2,4,5-T has received wide 
publicity since 1969 when one company reported it as a 
teratogen. Ailegations were made that its use as a military 
defoliant had caused fetal malformations in the Vietnamese 
population. The herbicide used by Bionetics Research 
Laboratories, Inc., was contaminated to a high degree (about 
30 ppm) with TCDD. Some studies confirmed the 
teratogenicity of 2,4,5-T, but the implication of the 
herbicide in any increase in birth defects in humans has not 
been supported. 

Levels necessary to produce a teratogenic effect would not 
be expected as a result of the proposed Forest Service 
treatment projects. Neither a sufficient dose nor a 
sufficiently long exposure period could be achieved when 
2,4,5-T is used as registered by EPA. The possibility of 
exposure to a hazardous dose will be discussed in following 

Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Potential of 2,4,9-1 and ICDD 

Dost (1977) has summarized the relationship between 
carcinogenicity and mutagenicity: 

Probably the most important issue about any 
chemical introduced into the environment by 
human activity is the possibility that it may 
increase the incidence of cancer in the human 
population. The prcdability of mutagenic 
activity is of almost equivalent concern, 
both because of the possibility of genetic 
alteration and because mutagenesis may be a 


useful predictor of carcinogenic activity. 
The relationship is by no means constant. 
However, McCann et al. (1975) have assembled 
data from a number of laboratories using 
microbial systems ("Ames test") and find that 
85% of known carcinogens are positive, 10% of 
non-carcinogens are active. 

Two previously cited studies (see Chronic Toxicity of 
2,4,5-T) have not found either tumors or chromosomal 
aberrations in herbicide applicators that could be related 
to 2,4,5-T. There is no evidence that 2,4,5-T or TCDD is 
mutagenic in 2,4,5-T production workers. 

Pesticide and Toxic Chemical News (July 13, 1977) reports 

yet unpublished research by Van Miller, Lalich, and Allen. 
The report indicates that TCDD produced neoplasms in rats 

fed 5, 50, and 500 ppt TCDD and at 1 and 5 ppb (mistakenly 
reported as 5 ppt) TCDD. 

Kociba et al. (1977 has also reported on a yet unpublished 
feeding study. Dow's studies indicate that neoplasms were 
produced when TCDD was fed to rats at the rate of 2,200 ppt, 
but not at 210 or 22 ppt. Dow reports: 

Dow's findings of neoplasms at 2,200 ppt support 
the University of Wisconsin report of neoplasms 
at 5,000 ppt, but the absence of neoplastic 
response at 210 and 22 ppt appear to contradict 
the University of Wisconsin report of neoplasms 
at levels as low as 5 ppt. 

One study suggests that TCDD may be a promoter of neoplastic 
activity at levels greater than 1 ppt. At 1 ppt there were 
no tumors. Further analysis is required to determine the 
carcinogenic potential of 2,4,5-T. 

The current effect level of 80 to 200 ppt TCDD in beef fat 
set by EPA is based on demonstration of noncarcinogenicity. 

Jensen and Renberg, 1976, have evaluated the cytogenic 
effects of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D by means of induced micronuclei 
in erythrocytes of bone marrow. Additional chemical 
analyses of the test substances reaching the target cells 
was also performed. The data did not present reliable 
indication of lack of mutagenic action, but did indicate 
that the compounds do not seem to enter the cells to any 
appreciable extent. The authors concluded that, "From the 
point of view of risk estimation this lack of penetration of 
the cells and the rapid excretion in mammals do not point to 
any cytogentic hazard being connected with these herbicides." 

Human Exposure to 2,4,5,-T 

The hazard 2,4,5-T and 2,4,5-TP presents to humans (in light 
of the foregoing data) depends on a person being exposed to 


a hazardous dose of two factors: (1) The pattern of use of 
the chemical, and (2) Its fate in the environment. 

Fate of 2,4,5-T in the Environment 

The application of 2,4,5-T results in spray residues in or 
on vegetation, the forest floor, water, and air. 
Additionally, smaller amounts of 2,4,5-T may enter the soil 
or water as spray drift or as residues washed by rain from 
foliage. Once an application has been made, 2,4,5-T and its 
contaminant TCDD follow different pathways in the 


2,4,5-T deposits on vegetation can only result from direct 
application or drift. 2,4,5-T can be absorbed by plants 
(Norris and Freed 1966a, 1966b; Hurtt et al. 1970; Morton et 
al. 1967). Only 10 to 30 percent of the applied dose of 
2,4,5-T and 2,4-D is actually absorbed into the foliage of 
big leaf maple. Of the material absorbed, only five percent 
or less is actually translocated from the absorbing organ to 
other parts of the plant. This accounts for the ability of 
big leaf maple to resprout from the roots after herbicide 
application (Norris and Freed 1966a, 1966b). Any absorbed 
2,4,5-T not translocated would be subject to degradation 
either while the leaf remains on the plant or after it has 
fallen to the forest floor. Some of the material not 
absorbed by the plant would be washed from the leaf surface 
by raring 

Norris (1976a) has discussed behavior and impact Of 92,4 pose 
in the forest. Data from Norris (1976a) are given in Tables 
9 and 10. The tables indicate that high levels tof 25 455-1 
would not persist on a variety of Forest plants or forage 
grasses. Norris points out: 

The resprouting of lush, succulent vegetation on 
many spray areas within a year after application 
is evidence of this fact. Residues of more than 
a few parts per million of herbicide would 
produce visible damage symptoms and/or prevent 
such resprouting. We conclude, therefore, that 
residues of this magnitude do not occur in this 

Norris et al. (1977) examined samples of blackberries, vine 
maple, Douglas-fir, grass, forest floor, and soil ‘for 
2,4,5-T immediately after andl, 3, 6, and 12 months after 
aerial application of 2,4,5-T isooctyl ester at 2 1b/A. 

This sampling regime was repeated after a second application 
12 months later." the authors found: 

Initial concentrations of 2,4,5-T varied among 

plant species from 11 ppmw in vine maple to 115 
ppmw in grass. After 1 month, concentrations 


ranged from 0.5 to 11 ppmw; and after 1 year, 
maximum residues were less than 0.5 ppmw. 
Residues in understory vegetation were higher 
after the second application probably because 
of the reduction in overstory vegetation after 
the first application. Herbicide residues were 
not detected in samples collected 1 year later. 

Comparison of the values given in this reference with those 
previously cited for acute and chronic toxicity indicate 
that there would be little or no chance of being exposed to 
a health hazard from treated vegetation. 

TABLE 9 - Residues of Herpicide! in Forage Grass. 

Herbicide Residue 
Time of Treatment 

(weeks) 2,4,5-T2/ 
Sisal Abana «. eae DDO ener cern, 
0 100 
1 60 
2 30 
4 15 
8 6 
16 2 

Rate of appplication, salelb/acre .(iad2 kg/ha) : 

2 date from Figure 4 of Morton et al., 1967. From Norris, 1976a. 
areal 2:/ 
TABLE 10 - Residues of 2,4,5-T in Forest Vegetation— — 
Months after application 
Specimen 0 1 3 6 LZ 24 
PRG SOT re as Ppa fo ie 
Vine maple 
(Acer circinatum) Vy a5 20250 0.20 0200 4 (0520 
Douglas-fir 3/ 
(Pseudotsuga menziesii) Lael. 0 ©0530 0.50 0.20 O.= 
(Rubus sp.) S$) Oe6— 0205 0.02 OU gue On 
(Various species) 114 soe OT00 0.10 G210. 0: 

Dorris etralasy 1975. 
2/, lb/acre (2.24 kg/ha) as isooctyl ester applied by helicopter in April. 

3/9 means less tha 0.01 ppm. From Norris, 1976a. 


Soil - The forest floor is a major receptor of herbicide 
residues. Residues may result from aerial or ground 
application of herbicides and from the fall of foliage 
containing residues (Norris 1967). Herbicides in the forest 
floor follow four pathways (Norris 1967a): (1) Volatilize 
and re-enter the air; (2) be adsorbed on soil, mineral, or 
organic matter; (3) be leached through the soil profile by 
water; or (4) be degraded by chemical or biological merans. 
Norris (1967a) reports that phenoxy esters appear to be 
rapidly hydrolized to nonvolatile forms. 

Adsorbed herbicides are not biologically available, although 
small amounts may become available through adsorption. 
Norris (1967a) describes the process of adsorption and 

Adsorption and leaching are processes which work 
in opposition to one another. Adsorbed 
molecules are not available for leaching, but 
adsorption is not permanent, except for 
pyridydilium derived type herbicides (diquate 
and paraquate). The amount of herbicide which 
is adsorbed is in equilibrium with the amount of 
herbicide in the soil solution. As the 
concentration of herbicide in the soil solution 
decreases, more pesticide will be released from 
adsorption sites.... 

Leaching is a slow process capable of moving 
pesticides only short distances (Harris 1967, 
1969)... Herbicides are generally more mobile in 
soil than insecticides, because several are more 
polar, but mobility is relative, and even the 
movement of herbicides is measured in terms of 
only inches or a few feet. 

In leaching tests, Wiese and Davis (1964) found that 9 oo Tol § 
bound in soil remained in the upper 6 inches of test columns 
even after the application of 4.5 inches of water. It is 
unlikely leaching will significantly reduce the amount of 
herbicide in the forest floor. 

The most important pathway for reducing the herbicide load 
in the forest floor is degradation. In a laboratory study 
Norris (1970) has established that 2,4,5-T, while more 
persistent than 2,4-D, approached 90 percent degradation 
after 4 months in red alder forest floor material. The 
degradation rate of 2,4,5-T was not greatly influenced when 
2,4-D was applied concurrently. 

In a recent field study (Norris et al. 1977a), samples of 
foliage, forest floor, and soil were examined for residues 
Oe? . ame 


Initially residues in forest floor were equivalent 
Con0n 341 b/As2;4,5-— bothsshortly after the first 
application and 1 month later. A 90% decline in 
herbicide level occurred the first 6 months after 
application, and less than 0.02 1b/A remained 
after 1 year. Initial levels were 1.3 1b/A after 
the second application which reflects decreases 
in overstory vegetation after the first 
application. The residue level decreased more 
than 90% the first 30 days after the second 
application and less than 0.02 1b/A remained 12 
months later. 

There was little leaching of 2,4,5-T from forest 
floor into soil. No residues were found deeper 
than 12 inches, and maximum residues did not 
exceed 1 ppmw. Residue levels were generally 
lower in soil after the second application. 

After reviewing 11 references on the degradation of 2,4,5-T 
in the soil under varying conditions, the EPA Advisory 
Committee on 2,4,5-T (Wilson 1971) concluded that "Although 
the rate of disappearance varies, there have been no reports 
of carryover of 2,4,5-T from one year to the next indicating 
that no build-up in the soil would result from recommended 
rates of treatment applied annually." 

Water - Herbicide entry into forest streams may occur 
through three possible routes: (1) Subsurface water flow or 
leaching; (2) overland flow; and (3) direct application and 
drift. As discussed in the preceding section, leaching is a 
relatively slow process which is unlikely to contribute 
Significant residues to forest streams. 

Abrahamson and Norris, 1976, have discussed herbicide entry 

Overland Flow--Runoff: Overland flow of 
herbicides can occur only if overland flow of 
water occurs. Hydrologists report that overland 
flow of water is extraordinarily uncommon on 
nearly all forest lands. The infiltration 
capacity of forest lands far exceeds intense 
rates of precipitation. There are areas, such as 
roads, skid trails, and landings where some 
localized overland flow can occur. These areas, 
where the soil is compacted or bare of 
vegetation, are scattered and can usually be 
avoided during application. Field testing on 
forest lands has verified that overland flow of 
herbicide is restricted to localized events 
involving bare, compacted, or water repellent 
soils and litter immediately adjacent to streams 


and that the overland flow has shown marked 
reduction in herbicide concentration in water as 
it moves over uncontaminated soil. 

Direct Application and Drift: Direct application 
or drift of spray materials are the principal 
routes of entry to forest streams. This is a 
physical process, independent of the particular 
herbicide applied which can be markedly 
influenced by man. Herbicide concentrations in 
forest streams which are in or adjacent to 
treated areas range from nondetectable limits 
(less than 0.001 ppm), to a maximum of 1 ppm, 
with more than 99 percent of all values less than 
0.01 ppm even when no particular effort is made 
to avoid direct application to stream surface 
with either ground or aerial application 

methods. Research has shown that the location of 
forest treatment units with a buffer strip along 
the streams reduced maximum herbicide concent-— 
rations in streams to less than 0.01 ppm with 
residues detected for less than 1 day after 

These measurements were made immediately 
downstream from treatment unit boundaries and, 
therefore, represent maximum concentrations in 
the stream system. Extensive monitoring of 
present-day operational applications of herbicide 
in forests show most applications do not result 
in measureable concentrations of herbicide in 
nearby streams. Improved formulations, 
equipment, application technology, coupled with 
an increasing awareness of the forest manager's 
opportunity to prevent stream contamination with 
herbicides are the reasons for these successful 

2,4,5-T has been found in forest streams only when applied 
directly to the stream or from spray drift. Even under 
these conditions, the concentration of 2,4,5-T decreased 
from approximately 1.0 ppm to less than 0.01 ppm within 1 
day after treatment (Norris 1967). Heavy rains 6 months 
after treatment did not result in detectable 2,4,5-T 
residues in streams (Norris 1968). 

If residues of 2,4,5-T should occur in streams (as when 
direct application is made), downstream dilution, including 
the addition of uncontaminated water from downslope or side 
streams, could reduce residues. Assuming a conservative 
25-fold reduction in concentration over a mile of stream 
",.maximum herbicide concentrations of 0.01 ppm observed at 
the boundary of a treated area would be nondetectable (less 
than 0.001 ppm) 1 mile downstream" (Abrahamson and Norris 


The risk analysis for herbicides in general may be applied 
to 2,4,5-T. "The maximum expected human exposure level is 
calculated to be 0.01 ppm for 24 hours if water for 
consumption is taken from the stream immediately downstream 
from the treated area." 

Norris determined that herbicide concentrations in excess of 
0.1 ppm are seldom encountered in streams close to treatment 
areas even immediately after spraying (Norris 1971). It has 
been calculated that a 150-pound person would have to drink 
179 gallons of water containing 0.1 ppm 2,4,5-T to ingest 
1/100 of the calculated LD, 9 for humans (Norris 1967). 
Stream water was sampled after 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D had been 
applied to adjacent brush stands. The herbicides were 
detected at rates ranging from 0.5 ppb to 70 ppb. The 
herbicide concentration amounts fell below the detectable 
level in a few days (Tarrant and Norris 1967). This is 
below the .1 ppm tolerance level for potable water for human 
consumption recommended by the EPA Advisory Committee on 
2,4,5-T (Wilson 1971). More recent EPA guidelines have 
recommended that a level of 60 ppb be adopted as the water 
quality criteria for 2,4,5-T levels (Newton 1977). 

Buffer strips are used around streams in order to minimize 
the chances of herbicides entering the streams. The local 
project supervisor may increase the width of the buffer 
strip from a minimum of 100 feet because of the unusually 
rough topography, especially sensitive crops, or other 
similar reasons. 

Air —- Relatively little is known about the exact fate of 
2,4,5--T in the air in a forest environment. Although spray 
may volatilize or be dispersed by the wind as fine droplets 
(drift), both problems may be minimized through the use of 
current spray technology and by observing responsible 
practices when applying herbicides. 

The EPA Advisory Committee on 2,4,5-T (Wilson 1971) 
concluded that: 

Probably most of the 2,4,5-T that gets into the 
air very soon either settles out or is washed 
out by rain and thereby is returned to soil and 
water. There is no evidence to suggest that 
2,4,5-T remains in the air for more than a few 
weeks after insertion. 

Tschirley (1971) has analyzed the hazard of human exposure 
to 2,4,5-T based on the amount of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D that 
remains suspended in the air. He based his analysis on data 
taken from the State of Washington where phenoxy herbicides 
were widely used for weed control in wheat during the spring 
and early summer. 

10 GY 

The hazard of human exposure to 2,4,5-T 
suspended in the air is extremely small, based 
on the data of Bamesberger and Adams showing the 
amount of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T in the Bite sel ney 
found levels of 0.06 micrograms per cubic 
meter. Assuming a man will inhale about 30 
cubic meters of air per day, the exposure would 
be 1.8 micrograms per day. For a 70 kg man, 
this would be 0.025 micrograms per kg body 
weight per day ... This is about one-two 
millionth of the "no effect level" (50 mg/kg). 

Although this analysis is not directly applicable to a 
forest situation, these figures provide an approximation of 
the hazard to people from contaminated air. 

Summary - From the foregoing references, the following can 
be concluded for forest management applications of Qe: 

1. High levels of 2,4,5-T would not persist on forest 
vegetation, but would be degraded roughly 90 percent 
in 1 month. 

2. 2,4,5-T would not persist in the forest floor, but be 
approximately 90 percent degraded after 4 months. 

3. 2,4,5-T residues would not enter forest streams in 
significant amounts unless a direct application is made 
to streams. Careful planning and current spray 
technology can minimize or eliminate direct application 
to or drift of herbicides to water. Where detectable 
levels have been found, they have not persisted more 
than a few days. 

4. 2,4,5-T suspended in the air is expected to settle or 
wash out, and is not expected to remain suspended for 
long periods. 

When used as registered by the Environmental Protection 
Agency (even immediately after spraying), 2,4,5-T residues 
have not been found to exceed the acute or chronic toxicity 
levels discussed earlier. Because 2,4,5-T does not persist 
in various components of the forest environment, initial 
levels of 2,4,5-T decrease rapidly, quickly reducing the 
already remote possibility of receiving a toxic dose. Since 
2,4,5-T residues on any component of the forest environment 
are quickly degraded, repeated applications of 2,4,5-T 
separated by one year intervals (as in two release sprayings 
on the same site) are not expected to significantly increase 
either the human health hazard or residue levels beyond 
those expected from a single application of 2,4,5-T. 


2. TCDD (Contaminant) 

TCDD, an impurity in 2,4,5-T, is much more toxic than 
2e4,0-1l, 1eselt: LD.) values for TCDD is reported by 
Harvey (1975): 

LD. ng/kg 
Animal Bode Weight 
Rat, male 0.022 
Rat, female 0.005 
Guinea pig 0.0006 

A more extensive table of LD_, values is given by Schwetz 
ebraliee 1975) (lable ll). tRe most susceptible laboratory 
animal tested in these studies was the guinea pig. Schwetz 
et al. (1973) reports: (1) TCDD is highly embryotoxic, 
citing studies by Sparschu et al. (1971); (2) accidental 
contact with chlorodibenzo dioxins should not present a 
serious threat to vision based on extrapolations to people 
from rabbit eye irritation tests; and (3) repeated contacts 
with the skin of small amounts of TCDD may be expected to 
produce chloracne. 


TABLE 11 - Lethality of Beh ge cee chlor od bere radon 

eee eee 

Time of Number 
Route of death, days deaths/ 
Species and adminis- pos tadmin- LD Dose number 
sex Sample tration istration mere mg/kg treated 
Rat, male c Oral 9-27 0.022 0.008 0/5 
, 0.016 0/5 
0.032 10/10 
0.063 5/5 
Rat, female c Oral 13-43 0.045 
(0.030-0.066 ) 
Guinea pig, c Oral 5-34 0.0006 
male (0.0004-0.0009 ) 
Guinea pig, d Oral 9-42 0.0021 
Rabbit, mixed c Oral 6-39 OeLI5 
Cc Skin 1-22 0.275 
c Intraperitoneal 6-23 ~ 0.032 0/5 
0.063 Zhe 
0.126 245 
05252 2/5 
0.500 otis. 
Dogs, male c Oral 9=15 0.30 0/2 
3.00 212 
Dogs, female C Oral - 0.03 0/2 
0.10 0/2 

___ rr 

='Response to individual doses are given in those cases in which an 
LD.. could not be calculated. The LD for oral administration 
to’rabitts was calcuated by using the method of Litchfield and Wilcoxon 
(9); the remaining values were calculated by using the Weil modificaton 
of the method of Thompson (15, 16). 

poetcers refer to sample identification in Table 1. 

From: Schwetz, B.A. et al. 1973. Toxicology of Chlorinateu 
Dibenzo-p-dioxins, Environ. Health Perspect. Ds 


A "safe" human dosage level for TCDD has not been established. 
The human hazard from TCDD has been estimated by extrapolating 
from the toxic dose for laboratory animals and applying a 
safety factor. There is disagreement among scientists as to 
what the safety factor for humans should be, and as to 
whether or not TCDD contaminated pesticides should be used 
without establishment of these levels. Streisinger (1976) 
suggests that setting a safety factor at 10 or 100 times the 
toxic level for guinea pigs (the most sensitive animal so far 
tested) may not be adequate to protect humans. He further 
points out that individual people vary in their sensitivity 

to many drugs. Occupational exposure or exposure from 
industrial accidents discussed in this section suggest that 
people are not more sensitive than laboratory animals. 

Information on the effect of TCDD on humans comes from studies 
of occupationally exposed industrial workers (Wilson 1971): 

The Dow Chemical Co. ... has prepared an 
extensive health inventory of 126 manufacturing 
personnel in an effort to identify adverse 
effects of inhaled 2,4,5-T. The inhalation 
rate of the agent was estimated to be 1.6 to 
8.1 mg/day per worker, depending on the work 
assignment, for periods of up to three years 
and at total career exposures in excess of 
10,000 mg. The survey indicates that no 
illness was associated with 2,4,5-T intake. 
Specifically there was no increase in skin 
ailments or of alkaline phosphatase of SGPT 
levels as compared with controls having no 
exposure to 2,4,5-T. 

The result was entirely different in a plant 
where the 2,4,5-T produced contained a high 
proportion of dioxin. The latter plant was 
studied by 1964 and again six 
years later by Poland et al...who also reviewed 
earlier studies in factories in other countries 
where TCDD had been a problem. Poland and 
associates reported on 73 employees whose 
health was found to be improved compared to 
that of workers in the plant six years 

earlier. Eighteen percent of the men had 
suffered moderate to severe chloracne, the 
intensity of which correlated significantly 
with the presence of residual hyper- 
pigmentation, hirsutism, and eye irritation... 
The chloracne did not correlate with job 
location or duration of employment at the plant 
or with coproporphyrin excretion. One of the 
men had uroporphy-rinuria but, unlike the 
situation six years earlier, no porphyria could 


be found. Systemic illness such as may be 
produced by TCDD was markedly less than that 
reported in previous studies of 2,4,5-T plants 
and probably no greater than expected in 
unexposed men of the same age. 

Dost (1977) describes several more incidences of human 
exposure to TCDD: 

Probably the first clinical description of human 
TCDD exposure arose from the study by Kimmig and 
Schulz (1957) of workers in chlorophenol 
factories in Germany. The principal symptom was 
a persistent skin lesion (chloracne; so-called 
because it is characteristic of a number of 
related compounds and was at one time thought to 
be caused by free chlorine (Herxheimer, 1899)). 

The active agent was established as TCDD, and 
animal studies showed that the same lesions 
appeared on rabbit ears after application of as 
little as 0.002% TCDD (Kimmig and Schulz, 1957). 
High topical doses and oral doses of 50 mg/kg or 
greater caused liver necrosis. A similar 
industrial intoxication in France was reported by 
Dugois and Colomb (1957). 

Several severe accidental exposures to TCDD have 
occurred in recent years. In three notable 
cases, runaway chlorophenol plant reactions 
caused widespread exposures. An explosion in a 
British plant in 1968 resulted in 79 cases of 
chloracne (May 1973). In Czechoslovakia a 
pentachlorophenate production stream overheated 
under pressure, producing large amounts of TCDD 
(Jirazek et al. 1974). (It should be noted that 
in this and some earlier German work a different 
numbering convention was used. 2,3,6,7-TCDD and 
2,3,7,8-TCDD are the same compound.) Of 80 
exposed workers, 76 developed chloracne, 
porphyria cutanea tarda, disorders of plasma 
lipids, hepatic damage, neural lesions, and 

All of these exposures were to a mixture of TCDD 
with other agents. Possibly the only published 
amount of exposure to pure TCDD is the 
description by Oliver (1975) of laboratory 
contact by three individuals associated with 
Synthesis experiments. The individuals all had 
utilized typical protective procedures but 
sufficient contact developed nonetheless. The 
exposures were not sufficient to cause 
porphyrinuria or liver damage but serum 
cholesterol was raised. In two cases personality 
changes and neural disorders developed two years 
after exposure. 

In the U.S., TCDD extracted form hexachlorophene 
production was stored in oil, then mistaken for 
waste lubricating oil and sprayed on several 
horse arenas and farms in Missouri, for dust 
control. The incidents occurred in spring and 
summer of 1971. On one horse breeding farm, 62 
of 85 horses exercised in the sprayed area became 
i11 and 48 died, the last in January, 1974, two 
and a half years later. Hundreds of birds and 
rodents died, along with a number of dogs and 
cats. Several children were exposed through play 
in the arena soil. One developed a severe 
hemorrhagic systitis and others showed clear 
evidence of chloracne. All recovered. The TCDD 
concentration in the soil was later established 
at more than 30 ppm, a truly massive amount. 
(This concentration amounts to 120, 1b per acre 
per foot of depth, as suming Sax 610 o8lb 
soil/acre-foot or 6 x 10 times more than 
presently allowed by EPA at 2 lbs 2,4,5-T/A.) 
The details of the latter event are described by 
Carter et al. (1975) and Kimbrough. et al. »(1975). 

Approximately five years after the initial exposure, a child 
who had played in the contaminated horse arena, was studied 
again along with her sister and mother, who also frequented 
the area. The results of all studies indicated that the 
responses of all three patients were normal. Beale et al. 
conc luded: 

In the patient presented here, the toxicity of 
the compound appeared relatively early and was 
self-limited. However, our experience 
demonstrates that people exposed to dioxin can 
recover completely with no apparent sequelae 
from the toxin. It remains to be determined 
whether the exposure to dioxin in these children 
will result in abnormal pregnancies or affect 
their offspring. 

In a recent court case, C.A.T.S. vs. Bergland, and in 
previously cited references, residents living near the 
Siuslaw National Forest reported varied ill effects from the 
use of 2,4,5-T on adjoining National Forest land. There 
are, however, apparently no verified cases of chloracne, one 
of the most conspicuous and best documented effects of TCDD 
exposure in industrial workers. 

In January 1977, U.S. Congressman Jim Weaver requested and 
received a report, "Human Milk Monitoring: Preliminary 
Results for Twenty-one Samples," dated 12/15/76. This study 
reported finding 1.3 ppt TCDD in human milk from one donor 
living near the Siuslaw National Forest. Milk from four 
other donors in the same general area did not contain 


detectable levels of TCDD with the limit of detection 
ranging from 0.6 to 1.6 ppt. The study also reported TCDD 
at 1.4, 0.9, and 0.6 ppt in human milk from three donors 
near San Angelo, Texas. Three other donors had no 
detectable TCDD with limits of detection ranging from 1.2 to 
1.9 ppt. The authors emphasized (1) the report was 
preliminary, (2) additional field and control samples were 
being analyzed, and (3) only when results from those 
experiments are obtained would they contemplate publication. 

The results from this study were reported in the press, 
causing substantial controversy regarding both the details 
of how the study was conducted and the significance of the 
findings. The controversy is not resolved. Copies of the 
report were sent by Harvard to EPA and FDA before the 
correspondence with Congressman Weaver in January 1977. 

There are substantial questions about the sample collection 
methodology, the proximity of the reported values to the 
limits of detection, and use of an analytical method. Also 
questions remain about the standards for data evaluation 
which are different from those used by the EPA Dioxin 
Monitoring Committee. 

EPA is currently monitoring for TCDD in human milk from 
several areas where 2,4,5-T is used in forestry. EPA and 
FDA have not taken any regulatory action because of the data 
reported by the Harvard scientists. For these reasons, we 
note the results of the study and await clarification of 
both the adequacy of the study and the significance of the 
findings by the scientific community and regulatory agencies. 

Fate of TCDD in the Environment 

Applications of 2,4,5-T containing up to 0.1 ppm TCDD would 
introduce small amounts of TCDD into the environment. As 
discussed with reference to 2,4,5-T and the environment, 
residues may be found in: (1) vegetation, (2) the forest 
floor, (3) forest streams, and (4) air. 

Vegetation - Crosby and Wong (1977) have analyzed the 
persistence of TCDD as it occurs, in actual herbicide 
formulations, on leaves, soil, or glass plates. When 
exposed to natural sunlight, most or all TCDD was lost 
during a single day. This loss was due principally to 
"photochemical declorination." The herbicide formulation 
provides a hydrogen donor which allows photolysis to occur. 
Pure TCDD, as used in earlier experiments, would not have 
been subject to photolysis because a hydrogen donor was 
lacking. Despite the known persistence of pure TCDD, it is 
not stable in thin films as actually formulated when exposed 
to outdoor light. 


Plant uptake of TCDD incorporated in soils does not appear 
to be significant. Soybean and oat plants took up only 
trace amounts of TCDD in the first 10 to 14 days after 
exposure to sandy soil containing 40,000 times the 
equivalent amount of TCDD contained in an application rate 
of 2 pounds per acre 2,4,5-T (with 0.5 ppm TCDD). No 
detectable TCDD was in the grain or beans at maturity, 
probably due to normal dilution by plant growth, including 
volatilization or photodecomposition from the leaf surface 
or metabolism. TCDD is not translocated from the point of 
application on the leaf surface to other parts of the plant 
and some is washed off with rain water (Isensee and Jones 
1 ys 

There is variability in the calculations of toxic doses of 
TCDD in an acre of sprayed land. The largest number of 
toxic doses has been calculated by Streisinger (1976a,b). 
He believes there would be one toxic dose of TCDD in 0.3 - 
0.6 acres of treated foliage, based on the toxicity of TCDD 
to guinea pigs. For a person to ingest this toxic dose, 
some mechanism for collecting and concentrating the 
herbicide from all contaminated surfaces (including all 
vegetation and soil) must exist to make this toxic dose 

Although it is extremely improbable, if an individual did 
encounter a concentrated source of TCDD, it would not follow 
that all TCDD taken in would be stored completely. Ross 
(1976) details the process by which TCDD is stored, 
metabolized, and excreted: 

This is a dynamic process and at the same time that 
some TCDD is being stored, other TCDD is being 
metabolized and excreted. The higher the storage 
level, the more rapid rate of excretion. Every 
level of continous intake will finally reach a 
maximum level of storage, at which the excretion 
rate equals the rate of intake. The maximum 
storage level is nearly reached in 7 weeks and 
essentially complete in 12 to 13 weeks. This is 
well shown by Rose et al. (1976). When intake 
ceases, as it would if consumption of the 
hypothetical beef liver were paced at monthly 
intervals, excretion of TCDD or its metablolites 
continues and the maximum possible storage level is 
not attained. It has been shown that half the 
stored TCDD is excreted in from 15 to 30 days. 

Soil - Earlier reports of laboratory data (Kearney 1976b) 
indicated that pure TCDD on soil surfaces could not be 
degraded by sunlight. Crosby and Wong (1977) have 
demonstrated that TCDD, as it actually occurs in formulated 
herbicide products, is rapidly degraded (about 15% in six 
hours) on the soil surface by the action of sunlight. 


In five soils with widely varying characteristics, TCDD was 
found to be immobile, even when subjected to leaching 
(Helling 1973). The possibility of TCDD entering ground 
water is remote (Tschirley 1971). 

If TCDD is incorporated into soil, it disappears slowly. 
About half the TCDD is lost after one year (Kearney 1973). 
It seems unlikely, however, that TCDD would be incorporated 
in soils under forest conditions, since it does not leach 
into the soil. TCDD is not produced from breakdown products 
of 2,4,5-T in soils (Kearney 1971) or in sunlight (Plimmer 

Water - TCDD is nearly insoluble in water - 0.2 ppb (Dow 
Chemical Company 1970). For this reason, it would be 
expected to remain on the surface of plants and soil at the 
application site. Previously cited references indicate that 
TCDD does not leach in soils. Because it is immobile in 
soils, Kearney et al. (1973) concluded there would be "no 
ground water contamination problems." In the natural 
environment, any TCDD would be expected to be found 
associated with other constituents of the formulation which 
are less soluble in water. They would form a thin film on 
water surfaces. Such films are expected to be degraded by 
sunlight, much like thin films on vegetation or the soil 
surface. Residues might, therefore, be substantially less 
than would be indicated from research with pure laboratory 
systems, suggesting that TCDD would be only slowly degraded 
in water. 

Air - Explosion of a chemical plant in Seveso, Italy, in 
July 1976 resulted in widespread contamination of the 
surrounding countryside with TCDD. The exact amount of TCDD 
released by the explosion has not been precisely determined. 
However, it is believed to be quite high. From this 
unfortunate incident, we are beginning to receive additional 
information regarding human exposure to TCDD. Hawkes (1977) 
reported that the pollution "ig not as serious as some had 
feared."" Although there have been serious cases of 
chloracne, most patients are expected to recover completely, 
and pregnant women exposed to TCDD contamination at a 
critical stage of pregnancy "have now had their babies 
without any higher than average incidence of abnormality." 
These observations are consistent with the health record of 
the many applicators and manufacturing plant workers who 
have been exposed to high levels of these materials at 
frequent intervals. 

Field Burning - Although thermal production of TCDD from 
2,4,5-T is chemically possible in the laboratory, the 
levels of TCDD which might be produced in the field through 
burning of 2,4,5-T treated vegetation are not expected to 
substantially exceed TCDD levels present from the original 


application of herbicide (Norris and Pierovich 1977). 
Laboratory experiments usually use closed systems and high 
concentrations of 2,4,5-T, where heating is prolonged and 
uniform, but without actual combustion. 

Actual field burning conditions occur with a free exchange 
of air and temperatures above 1200°C are common. Under 
these conditons, complete oxidation of all carbon compounds, 
including 2,4,5-T, trichlorophenol, and TCDD are expected. 
Furthermore, under actual field conditions, the 
concentration of 2,4,5-T on vegetation decreases rapidly 
after spraying, reducing the possible amount of TCDD that 
might form if burning occurred. 

An important consideration in this regard is the possbility 
of wildfire occurring in treated areas shortly after 
treatment with herbicides that contain TCDD. Fire records 
for areas in Region 9 where this type of treatment is 
carried out show that the possibility of wildfire occuring 
at any time is quite remote. Thus the chance of actually 
burning much of the area once a fire starts is also very 

Some areas are purposely burned in order to remove enough of 
the logging residue and vegetation to plant a new crop of 
conifers. In order to do this, it is necessary to wait one 
to three months for enough drying to occur to permit 
effective burning. This is ample for the degradation of any 
Significant amounts of 2,4,5-T that might be present (Norris 
et@al lia)? 

Bioaccumulation - Bioaccumulation means the uptake and at 
least temporary storage of a chemical by an organism. TCDD 
is present in such minute quantities in the environment that 
toxicity from primary exposure (that is, exposure resulting 
from indirect ingestion of vegetation or water, dermal 
absorption or inhalation is unlikely (Norris et al. 1977a). 
Concern for bioaccumulation is that it may be a mechanism by 
which organisms collect or concentrate TCDD from primary 
exposure. These organisms would then carry possibly 
toxicologically significant residues as food sources for 
other creatures. 

For instance, the amount of TCDD required to produce harmful 
effects in humans is spread out over such an area that 
direct personal exposure to that amount is unlikely. But, 
if deer bioaccumulate TCDD as they feed, human consumption 
of these deer could conceivably lead to significant human 
exposure. The question is, then, does bioaccumulation 
occur, and if it does, to what degree? There are three ways 
to study this question: physical-chemical properties, 
laboratory studies, and environmental monitoring. 

Physical-chemical properties are good indicators of the 

potential for bioaccumulation. Chemicals with low water 
solubility and high fat solubility have a strong potential 


for bioaccumulation. DDT is an example of a chemical which 
is low in water solubility (0.001 ppm) and is high in fat 
solubility (86,000 ppm in corn oil). DDT is known to 
bioaccumulate in exposed organisms. TCDD is low in water 
solubility (0.0002 ppm) but is also low in fat solubility 
(47 pmm in corn oil)., The ratio of oil solubility to water 
solubility is 86 x 10 for DDT and 0.2 x 10 for TCDD. 
These physical-chemical properties suggest that TCDD would 
bioaccumulate in exposed organisms, but probably to a lesser 
degree than DDT. The degree of bioaccumulation depends on 
the magnitude and duration of organisms exposure. 

Bioaccumulation can also be studied in laboratory animals or 
in small laboratory ecosystems. Several such studies have 
been done. Data from laboratory feeding studies of mammals 
and fish, and from laboratory-scale, aquatic ecosystems are 

In laboratory feeding studies with repeated exposure, Fries 
and Marrow (1975) report that after six weeks of exposure, 
rats reached a steady state which was 10.5 times the daily 
intake. Rose et al. (1976) also repeat steady state 
concentration in rats in seven weeks at little more than ten 
times the daily intake level. These data establish that in 
laboratory feeding studies, animals which ingest TCDD in 
their diet will accumulate TCDD in certain body tissues, at 
least for as long as exposure continues. 

It is also clear, however, that TCDD is not irreversibly 
accumulated in these feeding studies. Piper et al. (1973), 
Allen et al. (1975), Rose et al. (1976), and Fries and 
Marrow (1975) all found a halflife for TCDD residence in the 
body which ranged from approximately 12 to 30 days. These 
data indicate that once exposure to TCDD stops, the body 
burden will decrease. In a feeding study with rainbow 
trout, Hawkes and Norris (1977) report limited and 
preliminary data indicating that, on a whole body basis, 
TCDD levels in fish are approximately of the same order of 
Magnitude as the level of TCDD in the food which they 

Several laboratory-scale aquatic ecosystem studies have been 
conducted with TCDD. Matsumura and Benezet (1973) exposed 
several organisms in model aquatic ecosystems to TCDD. 
Unfortunately, in most of their studies, the concentration 

of TCDD in the water was substantially in excess of the 
limits of its solubility, preventing meaningful 
interpretation of the data. In one experiment, however, 

TCDD was adsorbed on sand in the bottom of the aquariums and 
Matsamura and Benezet found 0.1 ppb TCDD in water and 157 

ppb in brine shrimp, to give a concentration factor of 1,570. 

Isensee and Jones (1975) also used a laboratory-scale, 

aquatic ecosystem to study TCDD bioaccumulation i mosquito 
fish, fingerling, channel catfish, algae, duckweed, snails, 


and water fleas. TCDD was adsorbed on soil which, when 
equilibrated with the water, resulted in TCDD concentrations 
in water ranging from 1,330 to 0.05 ppt. Concentrations in 
excess of 200 ppt exceed the limits of water solubility for 
TCDD and prevent meaningful interpretation of those 
bioaccumulation data. 

In experiments where the water concentration was less than 
200 ppt, bioaccumulation ratios (that is, the ratio of the 
concentration of TCDD in the organism to,the concentyation 
of TCDD in the water) ranged from 2 x 10° to 63 x 10 

They found a strong, positive correlation between the 
concentration of TCDD in tissue and concentration of TCDD in 
water for all organisms. Isensee (1977) recalculated this 
data from a dry weight basis to a fresh weight basis in 
order to make the data more comparable to other studies. He 
reports the average degree of bioaccumulation ranged from 2 
to 7 x 10° times the water concentration of TCDD. The 

total amount of TCDD accumulated was directly related to the 
water concentration. Equilibrium concentrations in tissues 
were reached in 7 to 15 days. He reports TCDD 
bioaccumulates to about the same magnitude as many of the 
chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticides in model aquatic 

These results from laboratory studies indicate that 
organisms exposed to TCDD in their diet or in aquatic 
ecosystems will bioaccumulate TCDD. The degree of bio- 
accmulation which occurs from the use of TCDD-contaminated 
herbicides in forest ecosystems depends on the magnitude and 
duration of organism exposure. In laboratory studies, 
organism exposure is assured through regular addition of 
TCDD to the food for feeding studies or in aquatic 
ecosystems. This occurs through the placement of a 
substantial reservoir of TCDD adsorbed on sand or soil, 
resulting in continuous release of small quanities of TCDD 
to water. 

In the natural environment, several processes operate to 
reduce or eliminate TCDD exposure to organisms and thereby 
minimize the opportunities for bioaccumulation. Crosby and 
Wong (1977) report TCDD in herbicide formulations disappears 
rapidly from vegetation and soil when exposed to sunlight. 
This mechanism would markedly reduce or eliminate organism 
exposure through dermal contact with or ingestion of 
contaminated vegetation. In the aquatic environment, the 
likelihood of 2,4,5-T and TCDD entry to aquatic systems is 
slight, but if it does occur, chemicals in the water are 
rapidly diluted and carried downstream with streamflow. 

TCDD which adsorbs on sediments provides a reservoir of TCDD 
in the aquatic ecosystem studies. However, in the real 
stream system, TCDD liberated from the sediments is quickly 
moved downstream with streamflow. The opportunity is 
minimal for bioaccumulation by a particular organism. 


The third approach to evaluating TCDD bioaccumulation is to 
look directly for evidence of bioaccumulation in the field. 
Several efforts in this regard have been made, but with 
markedly diffeent sophistication and sensitivity of 
analytical methods. For instance, Woolson et al. (1973) 
analyzed samples of eagle tissues from various regions in 
United States. No TCDD was detected. The minimum detection 
limit, however, was 50 ppb, which is not an adequate level 
of sensitivity to properly evaluate bioaccumulation of TCDD, 
considering the inherent toxicity of the molecule. 

Young et al. (1976) studied the behavior and bioaccumulation 
of TCDD in animals from the Elgin Air Force Base site used 
for equipment development and testing for application of 
herbicides in Vietnam. The study area received massive 
applications (1,000 pounds per acre) of 2,4,5-T, much of 
which contained TCDD in excess of 1 ppm. Analysis of soil 
from the test site shows TCDD residue levels in the range of 
10 to 1,500 ppt. Analysis of rodents, reptiles, birds, 
fish, and insects shows the presence of TCDD in tissues of 
at least some of the organisms involved in this test 
program. The results of this test substantiate the 
theoretical data and the data from laboratory tests which 
indicate that, if TCDD is available to organisms i the 
field, it will be bioaccumulated. The degree to which 
herbicide used at Elgin test site was contaminated with TCDD 
and the massive rates of application, however, make this 
data not directly applicable to the use of herbicides in 
forestry. It is useful to indicate TCDD does have a 
potential for bioaccumulation. 

Other studies done in connection with the registered uses of 
2,4,5-T for vegetation control have found relatively little 
TCDD in biological samples. In 1973-74, the Environmental 
Protection Agency, cooperatively with the Forest Service, 
conducted a monitoring program for TCDD in tissues of 
animals from several areas in western Oregon and Washington 
which had been recently treated with 2,4,5-T. The 
methodology employed at that time was not adequate to 
establish the presence of TCDD in these environmental 
samples, but was adequate to determine which samples did not 
contain TCDD in the low-to-middle part per trillion range. 

Results of the monitoring program showed approximately 84 
percent of the samples did not contain detectable levels of 
TCDD. The remaining samples are described by EPA as 
"minutely suggestive" for TCDD. In 1976, five of these 
samples were reanalzyed by two laboratories (participants in 
the dioxin monitoring program). Two did not contain 
detectable TCDD. EPA describes the results of analysis of 
the other three as follows: ''Some of the samples analyzed 
in 1973-74 still appear positive for TCDD. Unfortunately, 
the results from the two laboratories participating in the 
confirmation vary widely. The confirmation analysis, 


therefore, still does not give a precise quantification of 
the amount of TCDD present. It does appear, however, that 
from a qualitative standpoint TCDD was present in a small 
percentage of the forest samples collected in 1973." 
Assuming three out of five samples (60%) which were possible 
positives in the 1973-74 analysis are, in fact, qualitative 
for TCDD, then 9.6% of the 1973 samples were positive for 
TCDD and 90.4% did not contain detectible residues. 

The EPA beef fat monitoring program, which was initiated in 
1974, has been completed. Samples of beef fat (85) and 
liver (43) from animals grazing in areas treated with 
2,4,5-T have been analyzed for TCDD. Approximately 25 
percent of these samples are from animals not exposed to 
areas sprayed with 2,4,5-T. EPA reports one sample shows a 
positive TCDD level at 60 ppt, two samples appear to have 
TCDD at 20 ppt, five may have TCDD level at the range of 5 
to 10 ppt. EPA states, ''The analytical method is not valid 
below 10 ppt." Of the 43 liver samples analyzed, one sample 
may contain TCDD, but the level is too close to the sample 
detection limits for quantitation. A fat sample from the 
same animal showed no TCDD residue. The results of the EPA 
beef fat monitoring study indicate bioaccumulation of TCDD 
in grazing animals is not sufficient to result in regularly 
detectable levels of TCDD greater than 10 ppt in beef fat 
and liver. 

Newton (1975) reported on the analysis of livers from 
mountain beavers caputred 2 months after a forested area in 
western Oregon was treated with 2,4,-D and 2,4,5-T. 

Analysis of the tissues showed no detectable levels of TCDD 
with a minimum detection limit of less than 10 ppt. 

Mountain beavers normally consume large quantities of 
vegetation, thereby affording them substantial exposure to 
herbicide-treated plants. In addition, they are a burrowing 
animal which will put them in intimate contact with 
herbicide and TCDD present on the soil surface. 

Shadoff et al. (1977) conducted a broad study to determine 
whether TCDD was accumulating in animals due to the use of 
2,4,5-T in the mid-western United States. They did not 
detect any TCDD (detection limit which averaged less than 
10 ppt) in samples of fish, water, mud, and human milk from 
areas in Arkansas and Texas. 

Mesleson (1977), in a tentative and preliminary report to 
Oregon Congressman Weaver, indicated some samples of human 
milk from areas in which 2,4,5-T is used contained 
detectable levels of TCDD. Mesleson reported three samples 
out of six from Texas, and one sample out of five from 
Oregon contained detectable levels of TCDD. The levels of 
detection, however, were substantially below the 10 ppt 
level established by EPA in the beef fat monitoring progrm 
as the minimum acceptable, reportable level. 


The results of these various tests indicate that, if TCDD is 
present in the environment in a form which is available to 
organisms, then bioaccumulation would occur if organisms are 
exposed. This concept is supported, both from an 
examination of the physical-chemical properties of TCDD, as 
well as by studies of its behavior in animals exposed 
through feeding studies or in laboratory model aquatic 
ecosystems. The degree to which bioaccumulation of TCDD 
occurs in the field is dependent not only on the 
physical-chemical properties of the compound, but also on 
the persistence and availability of TCDD in the 

environment. Mechanisms of degradation and dilution which 
operate in the natural enviornment reduce the opportunities 
for organisms to be exposed, and thereby reduce the degree 
to which bioaccumulation might occur. 

Monitoring for TCDD residues in animal samples from areas 
where 2,4,5-T is used at normal rates of application tends 
to show little or no detectable bioaccumulation of TCDD. In 
the beef fat monitoring study, for instance, only three 
samples out of 63 contained TCDD at levels within the range 
at which the analytical method is valid quantatively. The 
EPA monitoring for TCDD, in animal samples from western 
forests conducted prior to June 1974, shows at least 84 
percent of the samples do not contain detectable levels of 
TCDD (the other 16 percent require confirmatory analysis). 

The study of TCDD residues in livers of mountain beavers 
from areas treated with 2,4,5-T shows no detectable levels 
of TCDD, with minimum detection limit of less than 10 ppt. 
A widescale monitoring of water, sediment, fish, beef, and 
human milk from areas in the midwestern United States where 
2,4,5-T has been applied also shows no detectable TCDD 
residues at minimum detection levels which average 10 ppt. 
These monitoring efforts indicate that substantial 
bioaccumulation (sufficient to produce residue levels in 
excess of 10 ppt TCDD in the majority of the populaton) is 
not occurring in animals in or near areas treated with 
2,4,5-T in current operational programs. 

Cumulative Effects of TCDD - Some toxicologists interpret 
recent experiments with primates (Allen et al. 1977) as 
indicating that the effects of sublethal doses of TCDD may 
be cumulative and death results if a sufficient number of 
sublethal doses are received. Stated another way, these 
experiments may suggest that the lethal amount of TCDD in 
primates is approximately the same regardless of whether the 
dose is received all at once or in numerous small doses. If 
this is true, it means any estimate of an acceptable 
exposure level must assume additive effects over long 
periods. No chemical is known to have such properties. 

A primate study by Allen (1977) used TCDD in the diet at 500 
ppt. This is a level substantially greater than likely to 


be available to organisms in the forest, even immediately 
altereapplacation of 2;4,5-T. Norris et al. (1977) 
estimates initial TCDD residue levels on vegetation of 5 to 
10 ppt immediately after application. Crosby and Wong 
(1977) report TCDD halflife on vegetation of only a few 
hours when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, the probability 
of chronic exposure to levels of 500 ppt TCDD is remote.) 
If the response of primates in Allen's study is proportional 
to the dose received, exposure to 5 ppt would permit 
Survival for 100 times as long as reported by Allen. This 
would be well beyond the normal life span of primates. 

Additional experimentation with primates is necessary to 
clarify the Allen finding. Chronic exposure at levels 
relevant to possible environmental residue levels is 

needed. Periodic exposure to higher levels (10 to 500 ppt), 
with periods of no exposure between, also need to be 

tested. The exposure level used by Allen may have 
overloaded or inactivated the detoxication and repair 
processes of organisms usually employed in responding to 
chronic toxic exposure. The exposure regimes described 
above would test this hypothesis. 

Cumulative effects of TCDD have not been seen in other 
species. In guinea pigs, dose rates of 0.2 ug/kg weekly for 
eight weeks provided a total dose almost three times the 
LD.,, but no deaths occurred. Organ changes, while 
measurable, were not severe (Vos et al. 1973). Vos et al. 
(1974) also reported that rats accepted about three times 
the LD of 20 ug/kg over a 13-week period without 

Experiments conducted thus far are not adequate to determine 
with any certainty that TCDD does or does not have 
cumulative effects in animals. The evidence to indicate 
possible cumulative effects comes from a single study with 
primates. Evidence opposing the cumulative effect theory 
comes from studies with guinea pigs and rats, and from the 
fact that no other chemical is known to have cumulative 
effects. The possibility of cumulative effect is important, 
and carefully designed experimentation is needed to clarify 
the point. However, there is insufficient evidence at this 
time for the Forest Serivce to determine that use of 
2,4,5-T, as registered by EPA, would result in cumulative 
toxic effects from TCDD in people or animals likely to come 
in contact with spray materials. 

Summary - Although there is not as much information on TCDD 
as on 2,4,5-T, some assumptions can be made from the 

foregoing references: 

1. TCDD is rapidly broken down by sunlight on vegetation 
and the soil surfaces. 


2. TCDD is not significantly translocated from contaminated 
soil to plants or from the site of application on the 
leaf surface to other parts of the plant. 

3. A toxic dose of TCDD may be spread over as little land 
as one-third to one acre. However, this dose would have 
to be accumulated and concentrated (before decomposition 
could occur) from all contaminated surfaces within that 
1/3 acre before it would be available. 

4. TCDD is persistent when incorporated in soils, but is 
more likel to remain on the soil surface, since it is 
nearly insoluble in water. 

5. TCDD residues are not expected in ground water because 
TCDD does not leach significantly in soil. 

6. TCDD is not likely to be produced by burning under field 

7. Humans exposed to substantial amounts of TCDD from 
industrial accidents have suffered chloracne, but 
apparently their offspring do not exhibit birth defects 
as a result of this exposure. 

8. TCDD is not sufficiently persistent nor available to 
organisms in the forest for significant bioaccumulation 
to occur. 

Although TCDD is distributed in the forest environment as a 
contaminant in 2,4,5-T, the amount of TCDD (0.1 ppm in 
2,4,5-T) is so small and spread over such a great area that 
exposure to a toxic dose is highly unlikely. Additionally, 
TCDD as it occurs in actual herbicide formulations degrades 
rapidly (within a single day), further decreasing the 
possibility of contacting a toxic dose. Tschirley (1971) 
and the New Zealand Department of Health (1977) offer 
"worst-case estimations" supporting the remoteness of this 


Based on the foregoing discussion and the data available at 
the printing of this statement, neither 2,4,5-T nor TCDD are 
believed to be harmful to humans when used as registered by 
the Environmental Protection Agency. However, it is 
important to understand that no one including the U.S. 
Forest Service, can guarantee the absolute safety of 2,4,5-T 
or silvex. The New Zealand Department of Health, in a 
report entitled "2,4,5-T and Human Birth Defects" (1977) has 
expressed this difficult position very well: 

It must be faced that there is no way in which 

any substance, including common foodstuffs, can 
ever be proved absolutely safe. To achieve such 


a standard of proof would entail testing every 
person with every substance at every conceivable 
exposure level in every imaginable 

circumstance. Otherwise there is always the 
possibility of a single individual somewhere who 
will react adversely under certain conditions. 

The best that can be achieved for any substance 
is a high degree of "assurance" of safety based 
upon a rational and experienced scientific 
judgment of the available evidence. 

The accumulated data on 2,4,5-T and its TCDD 
contaminant are sufficient to give a very high 
assurance of safety in the normal use of this 
material. This belief is in accordance with the 
concensus of world-wide scientific opinion. 

In the United States, this "high degree of assurance" is 
afforded by registration of 2,4,5-T with the Environmental 
Protection Agency for the uses designated in this 
environmental statement. 


2,4-D, like 2,4,5-T, is an auxin type herbicide. However, 
unlike 2,4,5-T, it does not contain the contaminant TCDD. 

Acute Toxicity 

Acute toxicity values for 2,4,-D are given in Table 12. 
eu -Dedenslighitly) less atoxtesthan 2,4,55-IT/ with LD 

values ranging from 100 to 2,000 mg/kg. This data indicates 
that various species can tolerate residues (no effect level) 
of 500 to 1,500 ppm in their food (Norris 1976a). As will 
be discussed (Fate of 2,4-D in the Environment), these 
levels would not likely be found in a forest environment. 

Additional data on the toxicity of 2,4-D to humans can be 
derived from several reported incidents of 2,4-D poisoning, 
therapeutic use, or experimental self-administration. These 
cases have been summarized by Dost (1977). Accidental 
poisoning with 2,4-D resulted in a range of symptoms, of 
which one of the most serious appears to be neural damage. 

A single suicidal dose, estimated to be 90 mg/kg of 2,4-D 
resulted in death (Nielsen et al. 1965). 


Isopropyl ester 
Isopropyl ester 
Isopropyl ester 
Butyl ester 
Butyl ester 
Butyl ester 


Isopropyl ester 






Table 12 - Toxicity of 2,4-D 






Guinea pig 


Guinea pig 





Mallard duck 


Mule deer 




380-765 mg/kg 

700 mg/kg 

1420 mg/kg 

550 mg/kg 

620 mg/kg 

848 mg/kg 

2000 mg/kg 

570 mg/kg 

100 mg/kg 

541 mg/kg 
700 mg/kg 

2000 mg/kg 

472 mg/kg 

400-800 mg/kg 

50 mg/kg 

500 mg/kg 


Eftectmmme cr ckeuce 
LD.4 Rowe and 
Hymas (1954) 
LD. 4 Rowe and 
Hymas (1954) 
LDe9 Rowe and 
Hymas (1954) 
LDe9 Rowe and 
Hymas (1954) 
LD.4 Rowe and 
Hymas (1954) 
Leo Rowe and 
Hymas (1954) 
LD.4 Rowe and 
Hymas (1954) 
LD59 Rowe and 
Hymas (1954) 
LD.4 Rowe and 
Hymas (1954) 
LD<9 Rowe and 
Hymas (1954) 
LD 50 Hayes (1963) 
LD 9 Tucker and 
Crabtree (1970) 
LD<9 Tucker and 
Crabtree (1970) 
LD. 9 Tucker and 
Crabtree (1970) 
Anorexia Bjorklund and 
inl Erne (1966) 
Probably Bjorklund and 
lethal Erne (1966) 
(Killed in 

a moribund state) 


Butyl ester 
















Paplesi2 — loxicity of 2,4-D 






Fish (salt 




Fish (salt 



Fish (salt 




100 mg/kg 

300 mg/kg 

3.75 ppm 
(96 hrs.) 

1 pp 
(48 hrs.) 

5 ppm 

1 ppm 
(4 hrs.) 

2 ppm 
(96 hrs.) 

2 ppm (48 

15 ppm 
(48 hrs.) 

1 ppm 
(4 hrs.) 

> ppm 
(96 hrs.) 

2 ppm 
(48 hrs.) 

10 ppm 
(48 hrs.) 

1 ppm 


Effect Reference 
No effect Bjorklund and 
Erne (1966) 
Gastritis Bjorklund and 
one) Erne (1966) 
50% Bulter (1965) 

decrease in 
shell growth 

No effect Bulter (1965) 

48 hr Bulter (1965) 


16% Bulter (1965) 
degrease in 
CO” fixation 

No effect Butler (1965) 
on shell 


10% Butler (1965) 
or paralysis 
No effect Butler (1965) 
No effect Butler (1965) 
CO” fixation 

38% decrease Bulter (1965) 
in shell growth 

10% mortal- Bulter (1965) 
ity or paralysis 
No effect Bulter (1965) 


49% dgcrease Bulter 
in CO 


Table 12 - Toxicity of 2,4-D 


Formulation Organism 
PGBE— ester Oyster 
iW ; 
PGBE— ester Shrimp 
1/ : 
PGBE— ester Fish (salt 
pope! ester Phytoplankton 
Dimethy Llamine Bluegill 
Alkanolamine Bluegill 
Isoocytl ester Bluegill 
Butyl ester Bluegill 
Isopropyl Bluegill 
PGBE Bluegill 


1 ppm 
(96 hrs.) 

1 ppm 
(48 hrs.) 

4.5 ppm 

1 ppm 

166 to 458 

435 to 840 

SrosLOso lay 

1.3 ppm 

1.1 ppm 

2 ppm 

='PGBE is propylene glycol butyl ether 



39% decreas 



Butler (1965) 

in shell growth 

No effect 

48 hr LC, 

Butler (1965) 

Butler (1965) 

L4% decrease Butler (1965) 

in CO 


48 hr LC 

48 hr LC 

46" hr EG 

48 hr LC 

48 hr LC 

48 hr Le 













Hughes & 


Chronic Toxicity 

Chronic toxicity values for 2,4-D appear in Table 13. The 
doses range from 500 ppm to 2,400 ppm in the diet with the 
duration of the experimental feeding period ranging from 30 
to 112 days for various animal species. 

A single human ingested an experimental dose of 500 mg of 
2,4-D daily for three weeks with no evident effect (Assouly 
1951, as reported in Nielson et al. 1965). Seabury (1963) 
reports treating a patient with a terminal case of 
coccidoidomycosis with 2,4-D. Since 2,4-D is a synethetic 
plant hormone, it was hoped that 2,4-D might affect the 
fungal infection. At the time of the treatment, no other 

therapeutic agent was available. Dost (1967) summarizes the 

In 24 treatments over a period of more than a 
month the dosage was raised to a final treatment 
of 3600 mg. No prior doeses, up to 2000 mg 
caused any response, but the final 
administration caused extreme quiescence, and 
fibrillation of muscles in the face and hands, 
followed by deep stupor and reflex failure. The 
patient recovered from the 2,4-D within 48 hours 
and died of the fungus disease about two weeks 

Effect of 2,4-D on Reproduction and Fetal Development 

Dost (1977) has reviewed the effects of 2,4-D on 

Asewitniec,4,.-1 the possibility that#2;4-D has 
teratogenic potential was first studied by the 
Bionetics Research Laboratories study (Bionetics 
Research Laboratories, Inc., 1970). The data 
were suggestive that incidence of failed lower 
jaw formation was somewhat greater than that 
resulting from the DMSO carrier. Schwetz et al. 
(1971) measured teratogenic and fetotoxic 
eErects Ot 2,4-)eand two esters on rats. The 
higher daily doses (75 mg 2,4-D/kg; 75 mg 
propylene glycol butyl ester of 2,4-D/kg;87.5 mg 
isoocytl ester of 2,4-D/kg, each just below the 
maternal toxic dose) caused decreased fetal 
weight, subcutaneous edema, delayed bone 
ossification and wavy ribs. Most of these 
changes are fetotoxic rather than teratogenic. 
The last two are developmental effects but have 
no effect on survivability. No teratogenic 
responses were found at any dose. 





Not specified 

Not specified 

Not specified 


PGBE ester 

PGBE ester 



Sheep & 







Mule deer 

Table 13 



500 ppm in 


1250 ppm in 

500 ppm in 

100 mg/kg/day 

50 mg/kg/day 

100 mg/kg/day 

80 and 240 



17 days 

10 days 

2 years 

2 years 

2 years 

10 days 

10 days 

10 days 

30 days 


I1il in 3 days 
17 doses lethal 

None to minor 

No effects on 

hematology or 

tumor incidence. 

No effect in 

No effect on 
weight gain. 

No effect on 
weight gain. 

No effect. 

Minor symptoms, 
no weight loss. 


Hunt et al. 

Hunt et al. 

House et al. 

House, et al. 

House, et al. 

Palmer and 
Radeleff (1969) 

Palmer and 
Radeleff (1969) 

Palmer and 
Radeleff (1969) 

Tucker and 
Crabtree (1970) 

Dost (1971) has summarized additional references: 

There is some difference in definition of 
teratogenic response among authors in the 
field. A variety of skeletal defects that do 
not interfere with postnatal survival were found 
by Khera and McKinley (1972); most effects 
observed were wavy ribs or fused sternum. The 
increased incidence of these changes were 
evident at doses as low as 25 mg/kg/day. 2,4-D 
teratogenesis was studied by Bage et al. (1973) 
but only in presence of 2,4,5-T. The mixture 
caused some teratogenesis, but was less 
effective than 2,4,5-T alone, so the impact of 
2,4-D in the system was difficult to evaluate. 

Hamsters are subject to a teratogenic effect of 
high doses of 2,4-D. Collins and Williams 
(1971) found that 2,4-D from three different 
sources caused a low incidence of anomalies, 
usually fused ribs, at doses of 100 mg/kg/day 
through days 6-10 of gestation. There was no 
satisfactory dose response relationship. 
Dietary 2,4-D at 500 and 1000 ppm did not alter 
reproductive function in a three-generation, six 
litter study with rats. Percentage of pups 
surviving to weaning and weanling weight was 
decreased at 1500 ppm, however (Hansen et al., 

Sheep are apparently not subject to 2,4-D 
induced teratogenesis. Binns and Johnson (1970) 
administered 2 grams daily for 30, 60, and 90 
days following breeding and caused no 
malformation. There were presumably 6 sheep per 
group but the number in this specific experiment 
was not stated.... 

An interesting observation of 2,4-D distribution 
in mouse festuses has been made by Lindquist and 
Ullberg (1971). Labeled 2,4-D given late in 
gestation accumulated early in the yolk sac, 
passed on to the fetus and was almost 

completely elminated by 24 hours after 
administration. Distribution among tissues was 
non-selective, and concentrations tended to 
parallel those of the dam, perhaps explaining in 
part the lack of teratogenic effect. 


Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Potential of 2,4-D 

Dost (1977) has reviewed the literature pertaining to the 
carcinogenic and mutagenic potential of 2,4-D: 

Imnes et al. (1969) screened 120 compounds for 
tumorigenic properties in mice. 2,4-D and 
several of its esters were included; none caused 
tumor incidence. Apparently no other _ 
evaluations of cancer potential of 2,4-D have 
been made. A number of mutagenic screens have 
included 2,4-D, however. Jenssen and Renberg 
(1976) found that 2,4-D would not induce 
increased micronuclei in mouse bone marrow 
erythrocyte, but the compound did slightly 
depress mitotic activity. Sex-linked lethality 
assay of 2,4-D in male Drosophila was also 
negative for mutagenic activity (Vogel and 
Chandler, 1974). Styles (1973) treated rats 
with 2,4-D, then used serum from the animals in 
a host mediated assay with histidine-requiring 
S. typhimurium mutants. No effect of 2,4-D was 
evident. Ina screen of 110 compounds with the 
"Ames test," using eight histidine-requiring 
mutant strains, Anderson et al. (1972) was 
unable to detect mutagenic activity by 2,4-D. 

Fate of 2,4-D in the Environment 

As detailed under a previous discussion on 2,4,5-T, 
application of a herbicide may result in residues on or in 
four components of the environment: Vegetation, soil, 
water, and air. 

Vegetation - Morton et al. (1967) found the half life of 
2,4-D to be between two to three weeks on forage grasses 
when applied at the rate of one pound per acre (Table 14). 
Norris and Freed (1966a, 1966b) applied three formulations 
of 2,4-D to bigleaf maple under laboratory conditions. Of 
the material absorbed, most remained in treated leaves. New 
growth, the stem, and roots contained translocated material 
in decreasing amounts in the order given. Differences 
between formulations were not significant, but differences 
in the amounts recovered from various sites in the plant may 
account for differential effects on plant foliage, stems, 
and roots. The amount of 2,4-D absorbed by the plant 
varied, but order of sites in which decreasing amounts of 
2,4-D occurred was the same. Any residues not absorbed by 
the plant may be washed off by rain or fall to the forest 
floor when the leaf falls from the plant. 


Table 14 - Residues of arbi ide! in forage grass. 

Herbicide Residue 

Time of Treatment 

(weeks ) 


NDornr © 

2 ,4-p2! 


A’Rate of application - 1 lb/acre (1.12 kg/ha). 


— Data from Figure 4 of Morton et al., 1967. 


Norris, 1976a. 

Soil - As previously discussed, four possible routes exist 
for decreasing the amount of pesticide in the forest floor: 
(1) Volatize and re-enter the air; (2) be adsorbed on soil 
particles; (3) be leached from the soil by water; and (4) be 
degraded by chemical or microbial means. 

Phenoxy esters are probably rapidly hydrolized to 
nonvolatile forms (Norris 1974). Herbicide adsorbed to soil 
particles is not biologically available and the leaching 
process is slow (the dynamic nature of the 
adsorption/leaching process is detailed under Fate of 
2,4,5-T in the Environment). Thus, as with 2,4,5-T, 

degradation is principally responsible for reducing the 

amount of pesticide in the forest floor. Norris (1966) 
investigated the degradation rate of two pounds per acre of 
2,4-D applied to forest floor material from a red alder 
stand. The rate of degradation followed mixed order 

Norris and Greiner (1967) studied degradation of 2,4-D in 
the forest floor at the rate of three pounds per acre. They 
found that the type of litter (e.g., litter beneath red 
alder, ceanothus, vine maple, bigleaf maple or Douglas-fir) 
did not significantly alter the degradation rate of 2,4-D. 
However, the degradation rate for the same chemical form in 
high purity formulations was faster than that for commercial 
preparations containing impurities, emulsifiers, and 
solvents. The 2,4-D degradation rate was stimulated by 
simultaneous application of DDT but not affected by diesel 
oil. The authors conclude that persistence of 2,4-D "will 
not likely be affected by either chemical in field 


Norris (1970) also studied the degradation of several 
herbicides including 2,4-D, in red alder forest floor 
litter. At the end of the 35-day period, only six percent 
of the original two pounds per acre treatment could be 
recovered. Norris discussed 2,4-D degradation as follows: 

The influence of rate of application, presence 
of other herbicides, and pretreatment with 
insecticides on the persistence of 2,4-D was 
determined in the treatments indicated...With 
only one exception, no significant differences 
were found in 2,4-D recovery at 35 days. 

The percent recovery of 2,4-D applied at two 
rates is the same. That in the half life 
(time to 50 percent decomposition) is 
independent on starting concentration, 
suggesting that the rate of degradation 
follows the first-order rate law. However, 
the rate constant was found to vary with time, 
which indicates deviation from first-order 
kinetics in this test period. This result is 
not surprising considering the multiple and 
sequential reactions possible in a 
heterogenous system. 

Newman and Thomas (1949) indicated that specific types of 
soil micro-organisms are responsible for 2,4-D degradation. 
Subsequent applications of 2,4-D to soil were less 
persistent than the initial application, indicating that a 
buildup of such organisms occurs and remains in the soil to 
speed up degradation of succeeding application of 2,4-D. 

Water - Norris (1967) analyzed four 2,4-D treatment areas 
representing watersheds with different hydrologic 
characteristics. Streams within the watersheds were sampled 
for 2,4-D residues at various locations and points in time 
following application of two to three pounds per acre 
2,4-D. Residue values for the various watersheds will not 
be given here. Norris was able to calculate the level of 
water intake that could be tolerated by a 150-pound person. 
Assuming that a person would respond in proportion to size 
the same way as a laboratory test animal (rat) would, and 
that a level of 100 times lower than the LD <9 wouldenot 

produce any noticeable effect on a person, then the 
individual would need to drink 671 gallons of water 
containing 2,4-D at 100 ppb to ingest 1/100 of the 
hypothetical LD. 9: Norris concludes: 

It is clear from the calculated values...that man 
can tolerate the concentrations of herbicides in 
the water which resulted from the chemical brush 
control projects monitored in these studies. A 
similar comparison for chronic exposure to low 
levels is probably not possible. 


Of greater interest would be an expression of 
biologically safe level of herbicide. This is 
defined as that concentration of herbicide which 
could be tolerated for extended periods of time 
by nearly all members of the food chain with 
little or no apparent damage. On the basis of 
the data...and on the experience of the Ohio 
River Sanitation Commission, this level might be 
conservatively set at 100 parts per billion for 
the herbicides investigated in this program 
(Bond et al. 1959). 

The following general conclusions for all herbicides can be 
on the basis of studies conducted thus far. 

1. Some herbicides (a few ppb) may appear in nearly all 
streams which flow by or through treated areas. 

2. The maximum concentration (5-85 ppb) is a function of 
the proportion of the watershed treated, the amount of 
live stream included in the unit, the ratio of the 
surface of the stream to its volume, and the degree to 
which brush overhanging the stream intercepts spray 

3. The length of persistence (usually a few hours, but it 
can be a few days) is a function of the hydrologic 
nature of the area treated. 

4. Nearly all of the herbicide found in the stream results 
from the direct application of spray materials to the 
surface of the water. 

The land manager concerned with the planning and use of 
herbicides should remember the three most important things 
learned from these research efforts: 

1. Herbicides can be used safely in the forest in most 

2. Avoid the treatment of areas which have high water table. 

3. When operating in areas which are particularly sensitive 
from a biological or public relations standpoint, stream 
contamination can be held to an absolute minimum by 
recognizing and avoiding those situations which lead to 
direct application to streams or surface water. 

Air - No information relating to a human health hazard from 
2,4-D suspending in the air from an application to forest 
land has been found. However, it is assumed that drift, 
regardless of the herbicide, could occur if reasonable 
precautions are not observed. Herbicide application 
controls as specified in Appendix A are observed in all 
Forest Service projects. 


Summary - "Assuming that maximum herbicide residues in 
vegetation will approach 1-200 ppm shortly after 
application," (Norris 1974) accumulation of a toxic dose of 
2,4-D does not seem probable. Given either the relatively 
high concentrations of 2,4-D in the diet or the extended 
feeding periods necessary to produce chronic effects (see 
2,4-D Chronic Toxicity) in animals, and taking into account 
the two to three week half life of 2,4-D on vegetation, 
exposure to a chronic dose seems improbable. 

Residues of 2,4-D on foliage are expected to remain for only 
two to three weeks and in soil for 35 days or less. 

Residues in water and air would not be expected to reach 
hazardous levels if careful application procedures are 
observed. Thus, residue levels resulting from the proposed 
applications of 2,4-D are not expected to reach or persist 
at levels previously given for acute or chronie CoxicLey. 
Finally, no carcinogenic or mutagenic properties apparently 
are attributed to 2,4-D. 

2,4,5-IP (Silvex) 

Silvex is also an auxin-type herbicide. Silvex contains the 
contaminant TCDD, as does 2,4,5-T. TCDD will not be 
discussed again, in relationship to silvex, since it was 
discussed in relation to 2,4,5-T. Less information is 
Available on silvex than for eltner 2,4,0 1.00 c2.4c 

Silvex - Acute Toxicity 

Table 15 gives LD,, values for various silvex 
formulations. LD 0 values range from 600 to 2,140 ng/kg 
for various caiane species. 

Subchronic (90-day) feeding studies at six dosages (Ome LO 
30, 100, 300, and 600 mg/kg body weight/day) indicated that 
2,4,5-TP has no adverse effects, except a slight liver 
enlargement at dosages greater than 10 mg/kg/day. Mullison 
(1966) states"...the significance of liver enlargement in 
the absence of any pathological tissue alterations is 

Mullison (1966) reported a 90-day study feeding of rats 
exposed to sodium salt of silvex at dosages rates oLei*%0; 
Omg. 00 e003 mmand 10" 0lepercent or silvex. Studies at 1.0 
percent level were discontinued because rats would not 
satisfactorily accept their food. The results of these 
studies were: (1) Growth effects were noted at levels 
greater than 0.01 percent; (2) hematological measurements 
were normal at 0.3 and 0.1 percent levels; and (3) at least 
slight changes in kidney and/or liver weights were noted at 
all dosages. 








Nnpty ¥ stTaeg Aep 4[T 1[/3W OTL’ ‘zaqsho urzoqseq 
NptiH ¥ staeg 14 gv 1/38 6¢S00° ‘a0qsho urz9qseqg 
Siopues 1/3 ‘OOT ystyAherg Jo4se 4qdod 
Siepues 14 gy [/3u *0Q9 ystyAeig Jejse aq 
puog Iu 4Z 1/3U Q0G'E sseq YNoMsesI1e7 tesa 4qG9d 
puog IY gy [/3W OEZ'T yooutyp tose Wddd 
BUTTeYITg Y Aeqans 14896 /euac:/ MOUUTW peeyqeg proe 
BuTreyITtd FY teqans JY 96 1/3u °Z I1t3enT¢ Pproe 
stAeq 9% seyusny ay gv [/3u *0Z T1t sent gq suTue WI, 
stAaeq ¥ soysny IY gy [/3W °Z I1tsen 1g qejse Wg 
stAeg 9 seysny Ty gy 1/3 °¢g TLtsentg q[es wuntsseqjod 
staeq ¥ soysny AU Oy sp /sua G TIrsen 1g tayse TA.D00ST 
staeq 9% seysny Ty gy 1/3u *¢Z II? 3enTg zejse Wddd 
696T FJFOTOPEPY BY AOWT ed ssoyt “3M Sa 
9961 UOSsTTTNW Sesop OT 34/3u 000‘¢Z "0002 ueyoT YO Jesse Wddd = 
L961 “TP 32 esnoH 
S]oejJJO AOUTW esOop Aep ET OS Gy 
eetzqeig RF JeyONE 34/3 QOS 3y/3u QOL‘EE "0002 PAP TTEW proe 
7G61 sewhy F eMoy “O6TT 4yoryy 49382 9a9d 
Sesop QT 3y/3u ¢z deeys oqod "618 qtqqey teyse qddd 
sosop QZ 3y/3wW ¢Z MOD Yq9dd *OG7T1 std eautuny aeqse 9qod 
bG6T sewhy XY eMOY "009 Vey teqse Wadd 
7G61 seudy 9 eMOoY skep 06 "009 3eY 4teqseTAqng 
G61 seudy 9 eMoY 34 /3m 0€ Addd "0S9 ey proe 
4G61T sewky 9 Moy (X®ATTS) di-¢*7°Z 
S| euUUeW Axousud 


1/3W ~ "aT eqnoy 
sustue3sig o1Q,enby 

ato Apog jo 3y/3u 
0 GI [810 2e4nNdy 
Spitg pue s{[eumeW 

GI S19eL 

Feeding studies using Kurosal®@ sz, a commercial product 
containing silvex were also made on beagle hounds. The test 
animals were fed dosages of 0.1, 0.03, and 0.01 (percent 
silvex) for 89 days. The test also included control 

animals. Evidence of adverse effects was observed at the 

0.1 percent level (40 mg/kg/day). Mullison (1966) concludes: 

We may conclude that Kurosal © sr, is moderate 

in repeated oral toxicity when fed as a ‘part of 
the diet to male and female beagle hounds for a 
period of 89 days. No evidence of adverse effect 
was found at the 0.03 percent (13 mg/kg/day) 
level or below as judged by general appearance 
and behavior, growth, mortality, food consumption, 
hematological values, serum urea nitrogen and 
alkaline phosphatase determinations, final body 
and organ weights, and gross and microscopic 
examination of the tissues. 

Chronic Toxicity 

Mullison (1966) also reports two studies involving silvex 
fed to rats and beagles for two Y CADET ey aoeeee rates were 
0.01, 0.003, or 0.001 percent Kurosal~™™”SL for the rat 
study, and 0.019 percent for female beagles and 0.0056 
percent for male beagles. 

The results of the rat study were: 

The "no ill-effect" level for Kurosal®) SL as 
judged from this study is 0.01 percent (100 ppm 
in the diet of rats for their lifetime of two 
years. Since the acide equivalent of this 
formulation is about 53 percent, this level of 
Kurosal SL is equivalent to the ingestion of 53 
ppm, (2.6 mg/kg/day) of 2(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) 
propionic acid. 

The results of the beagle study were: 

As judged from Se sy en the "no ill-effect" 
level for Kurosal SL is 0.019 percent (190 
ppm) for female beagle hounds, and 0.0056 
percent (56 ppm) for male beagles when fed in 
their total diet for a period of two years. 
Since the acid equivalent of this fo ation is 
53.4 percent, these levels of Kurosal SL 
are equivalent to the ingestion of 100 ppm and 
30 ppm (2.6 mg/kg/day and 0.9 mg/kg/day) of 
2(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy) propionic acid 
(silvex), respectively. These results compare 
favorably with the 53 ppm, no effect level for 
silvex reported previously from a two-year 
dietary study in male and female rats, 


Effects of Silvex Upon Reproductive Functions 

The teratogenicity of silvex has been reviewed by Dost 

Silvex is teratogenic at high doses. Courtney 
(1975) found that 398 mg/kg/day, on days 12-15 
of gestation, caused 3% cleft palate in the 
group given silvex in DMSO subcutaneously, and 
7% where given orally in corn oil. Fetal 
mortality increased to 25% in the group treated 

The Dow Chemical Co. has also conducted a 
series of teratology studies with silvex. 

Dose rates of 75, 100, and 150 mg/kg/day from 
day 6 to day 15 caused several cardiovascular 
anomalies; 50 mg/kg/day caused retarded 
ossification in the sternum and skull. 
(Thompson et al., 1972). The no adverse effect 
level was considered to be 25 mg/kg/day. The 
PGBE ester caused skeletal changes at an intake 
of 50 mg/kg/daily but no changes were found 
after 35 mg/kg/day (23 mg/kg silvex acid 

Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Potential of Silvex 

No increase in tumors was found in mice fed a maximum 
tolerable dose rate of silvex, 121 ppm for 18 months (Innes 
et al. 1961). Point mutations were not detected when 
screening silvex against two strains of bacteria (Anderson 

Fate in The Environment and Risk of Human Exposure 

Little specific information on residues of silvex in a 
forest environment is available. However, silvex itself is 
less toxic than 2,4,5-T. Both are closely related compounds 
and both contain the contaminant TCDD. The behavior in the 
environment and the risk of human exposure for silvex would 
be expected to equal 2,4,5-T. 

Bailey et al. (1970) studied the movement and persistence of 
silvex in water and sediment under impounded conditions. 
Application of the PBGE ester of silvex was made at the rate 
of 9 kg/ha. Samples were taken 4, 12, 24, and 48 hours 
after treatment and analyzed for the presence of the PGBE 
ester of silvex. Although the concentration of silvex 
initially increased in water, by the end of three weeks the 
concentration had decreased to zero. Silvex and the PGBE 
ester of silvex can apparently be adsorbed by sediment 
particles. However, there was "essentially complete 
disappearance" of both at the end of five weeks. A 9 kg/ha 
dosage is a considerably greater dosage than would be 


applied to a forest site 

or than would be expected to enter 

a forest stream (based on a conversion rate of l lb/acre = 

5. Atrazine 

1.12 kg/ha, and the usual application rate of 2-4 lbs silvex 
per acre). 

Unlike 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, and silvex, atrazine is not an 

auxin-type herbicide. 

It does not contain the contaminant 

The biological effects of atrazine as they relate to 
humans include data on the toxicity of atrazine. 

The LD. 4 for several organisms has been established: 

Table 16 - Atrazine LD. 
ee eS ene 
Species Formulation Oral Dosage LD. Reference 
Albino rats Technical 3,080 mg/kg Geigy Agriculture 
Albino mice Technical 1,750 mg/kg Chemicals 1971 
Albino rats 80W § lat, Oc40g/ke 
Species Formulation Dermal Dosage LD <9 Reference 
Albino rats 80W eshay MOR) aye Geigy Agricultural 

Chemicals 1971 

eee EE 

Additional data on toxicity, provided by Geigy Agricultural 
Chemicals (1971), indicate that “There has been no evidence 
of toxicity in rats subjected to aerosol dust containing the 
equivalent of 1.6 mg/liter of technical grade atrazine." 

The question of teratogenicity and carcinogenicity of 
atrazine has also been addressed, and "Long-term studies in 
rats and mice have revealed no carcinogenic and teratogenic 
effects either in the parents or progeny following long-term 
administration of atrazine," (Geigy Agricultural Chemicals 

The Technical Panel on Carcinogenesis of the Secretary's 
Commission on Pesticides and Their Relationship to 
Environmental Health (Health, Education and Welfare) 
examined the available reports on tests of tumorigenicity 
conducted on about 100 pesticidal chemicals and assigned 
each of the pesticides to one of four groups: AUB Cat 
D. Atrazine was placed in the group containing those 
pesticides for which the available evidence was considered 
insufficient for judgment (Group C). Atrazine was further 
placed in Priority Group C4, one of four priority groups in 
Group C. Priority Group C4 was characterized by "Tumor 




incidence not elevated in adequate studies conducted in one 
species only but current guidelines require negative results 
in two animal species for judgments of negativity," (U.S. 
Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare 1969). 

Chapter 8 of the Report contains information on tests run by 
the Bionectics Research Laboratories of Litton Industries 
with various pesticides and related compounds for 
teratogenic effects. ''The Bionetics data were reanalyzed 
statistically to account for litter effects." 

The data for atrazine was placed in a table containing data 
on "Tests which showed no significant increase of anomalies 

(with particular doses, solvents, or test strains)". 

The data for atrazine were as follows: 

Increased Total 
Dose per kg Mortality Number 
Strains Solvent body weight (C57B1/6) of Litters 
C3H DMSO 46.4 mg = 6 
C57 DMSO 46.4 mg aie aya! 
AKR DMSO 46.4 mg —— i 

(U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare 1969) 

Current patterns of atrazine usage and its known fate in the 
various components of the environment, indicate that an 
accumulation constituting a hazard to any aspect of human 
health is highly unlikely. 

Fate in the Environment 

Kozlowski and Kuntz (1963) found that: 

When Plainfield sand to which atrazine, simazine, 
or propazine was surface-applied and leached, 
most of the herbicide remained in the first inch 
of soil regardless of whether two, four, or 
eight inches of water was used in leaching. 
However, some herbicides, especially atrazine, 
moved downward to a six inch depth. With 
increased amount of leaching more herbicide was 
translocated out of the first inch of 
atrazine-treated soil. Such an effect was not 
as apparent with simazine- or propazine-treated 
soil. The greater leachability of atrazine was 
probably related to its greater solubility. 

This study, which demonstrates the difficulty of 
removing triazine herbicides from upper soil 
levels even with large amounts of water, 
emphasizes the dangers of possible persistence 
and accumulation of triazine herbicides in 
forest nurseries, even in light sandy soils. 


Atrazine is more readily adsorbed on muck or clay soils than 
on soils of low clay and organic matter content. The 
downward movement or leaching is limited by its adsorption 
to certain soil constitutents. Adsorption is not 
irreversible and desorption often occurs readily, depending 
on temperature, moisture, pH, etc. Atrazine is not normally 
found below the upper foot of soil in detectable quantities, 
even after years of continuous use. 

The residual activity of atrazine in soil at selective rates 
for specific soil types is such that most rotational crops 
can be planted one year after applications, except under an 
arid or semiarid climate. 

Atrazine will persist longer under dry and cold conditions 
or conditions not conducive to maximum chemical or 
biological activity. Broadcast rates needed in some of the 
heavier organic matter soils of the North Central states 
results in enough residue carryover, under some conditions, 
to injure small grains, alfalfa, and soybeans planted 12 
months later. Plant removal and chemical alteration are 
also factors in dissipation. 


Dalapon (2 ,3-dichloroproprionic acid) is a chlorinated 
aliphatic acid. It is particularly effective against 
grasses, but also controls certain dicotyledonous plants. 

Dalapon is very low in acute oral toxicity to all mammals 
tested. The acute oral toxicity ratings ranged from an 

LD. o> of 3,860 mg of chemical per kg of body weight to an 
LD? of 9,330 mg of chemical per kg of body weight. These 
coptentrations are considered almost nontoxic. Dalapon has 
a dermal toxicity rating which is mildly irritating (Bailey 
and Swift 1968). The likelihood of human subjects, 
livestock, or wildlife ingesting sufficient amounts of 
sodium salapon to cause serious toxic effects is extremely 

The acute oral LD at 95 percent confidence levels for 
five different animal species for dalapon were as follows 
(Paynter et al. 1960): 

Animal Sex LPs 
Rat Male 9 ,330 
Rat Female 140 
Mouse Female 4,600 
Guinea pig Female 3,860 
Rabbit Female 3,860 

Chickens Mixed 5 ,660 


No evidence has been found that dalapon sodium penetrates 
the intact skin in actutely or subacutely toxic amounts in 
rabbits (Paynter et al. 1960). Two dogs were each given 
sodium dalapon orally by capsule, five days a week during an 
80-day period. Doses were 50 mg/kg per day for the first 
two weeks and then adjusted upward at weekly intervals to a 
maximum dose of 1000 mg/kg per day. Other than vomiting, 
the dogs were not adversely affected. During the autopsy 
the viscera and body cavities revealed no specific findings 
in either dog which could be associated with the oral 
administration of sodium dalapon (Paynter et al. 1960). 

Ten male and ten female rats were maintained for 97 days on 
diets containing 0.0115 percent, 0.0346 percent, 0.115 
percent , 0.346 percent or 1.15 percent of dalapon sodium. 
In the male rats there was no effect at the 0.115 percent 
level, which is equivalent to an average of about 115 mg/kg 
per day for young growing animals. In the female rat there 
were slight increases in average kidney weights at 0.115 and 
0.346 percent levels. There was no evidence of adverse 
effects at the higher concentrations of 0.346 and 0.15 
percent (Paynter et al. 1960). 

Twelve dogs were divided into four groups of two males and 
one female. Each group was given 0, 15, 50, or 100 mg/kg 
per day of dalapon sodium by capsule, five days a week for 
52 weeks. The test dogs exhibited normal behavior, gained 
weight, and exhibited outward reactions attributable to the 
test material. The animals on 100 mg/kg per day dosages 
showed an increase in average kidney weight. There was no 
significant difference in the tissues from the control dogs 
and the test dogs (Paynter et al. 1960). 

Mature rats were given 5, 15, and 50 mg/kg of dalapon sodium 
per day. No adverse effects were reported except that at 50 
mg/kg per day there was a slight average increase in kidney 
weight. Over a period of approximately 18 months, a total 
of 2,476 rats in 261 litters were involved in the 
experiment. The animals were given a diet containing 0.0, 
0.1, or 0.3 percent dalapon sodium (Paynter et al. 1960). 

Soil - Dalapon breaks down rapidly in soil, hydrolzes slowly 
in water, but is persistent in plants. Thiegs (1955) showed 
that the breakdown of dalapon in soils is due to 
micro-biological action. Dalapon was found to decompose 
most rapidly in warm, moist soils, whereas in cool or dry 
soils the herbicide remained for extended periods. 

Day, Jordan, and Russell (1963) reported that Jansen found 
that soil fungi and a species of agrobacterium as well as 
certain pseudomonads, decompose dalapon in the soil. 
Dalapon may well be utilized by a wide range of soil 
microorganisms, since its addition to soils has been 
observed to have had a broad stimulating effect on soil 
microflora (Day et al. 1963, Fletcher 1963). 


Day, Jordan, and Russell (1963) report on the persistence of 
dalapon under laboratory conditions in 43 soils collected 
from California citrus districts. The rates of 
decomposition of dalapon were highly variable among the 
soils studied, apparently due to differences in the 
population of soil microorganisms capable of decomposing 
dalapon. Decomposition of dalapon ranged from complete 
disappearance in less than two weeks to the retention of 
two-thirds of the added dalapon after eight weeks. The 
capacity of the soil to decompose dalapon was essentially 
random with respect to soil series, texture, cation-exchange 
capacity, total organic matter, and geographical source. 

Plants - As dalapon enters the plant, it is moved about 
through the plant systems and may be excreted from the roots 
into the surrounding soil as dalapon. It apparently is not 
metabolized by the plant to any appreciable extent. Tests 
with carbon 14-labeled dalapon show evidence that dalapon is 
neither metabolized nor broken down by either susceptible or 
resistant plants, but remains in the plant tissue as dalapon 
(Leasure 1963). 

Dalapon is readily absorbed through the roots, but seems to 
be more systemic in its action when applied to foliage. 
Dalapon is absorbed and translocated by plants. Once in the 
plant, it is relatively stable and not readily metabolized. 
Dalapon is transported readily in both phloem and xylem and 
has proved useful as both a foliar spray and a soil 
application for controlling susceptible weed species. 

Water - Dalapon is apparently more persistent in water than 
in soil. Oxygen levels are lower and microbal populations 
are therefore different. Anaerobic species are favored in 
aquatic environments, whereas aerobes usually predominate in 
agriculture soils, particularly in the surface-soil layers. 
Most microorganisms that effectively decompose herbicides 
are aerobic (National Academy of Sciences 1968). Warren 
(1964) reports that dalapon will hydrolize slowly depending 
upon temperature unless some microorganisms are present. 

Frank, Demint, and Comes (1970) provide data concerning the 
concentration and persistence of dalapon in irrigation water 
following tests on canal-bank treatments for weed control. 
On the canal where dalapon was sprayed directly on the water 
surface to provide a concentration of 100 ppb at the 
application site, it was calculated that the residue level 
would approach zero 20 miles downstream. 

Frank, Demint, and Comes (1970) concluded that dissipation 
of freely water-soluble herbicides, not extensively absorbed 
from water solutions is affected principally by dilution. 
They also concluded that it is unlikely that illegal 

residues would be contained in crops irrigated with water 
containing the concentration of dalapon found in their study. 






Dicamba is a broad spectrum herbicide useful for site 
preparation, right-of-way clearing, weed control, and other 
uses. The toxicity of dicamba to several species of animals 
has been investigated. 

Rabbits and guinea pigs are twice as sensitive to dicamba as 
are rats. The oral LD, was 566 and 1,068 mg/kg 
respectively. (Velsicdl Chemical Corporation Bulletin 521-2) 

Dicamba was fed for 13 weeks to male and female rats at the 
rate of 100, 500, 800, and 1000 ppm of the diet. Food 
consumption and growth rate remained normal, no deaths 
occurred, and pathology at the end of seven weeks was 
negative. At the end of 13 weeks, there was some liver and 
kidney pathology at the 800 and 1000 ppm level, but none at 
or below the 500 ppm levels. Rats fed at 5, 50, 100, 250, 
and 500 ppm of diet, and dogs fed at 5, 25, and 50 ppm of 
diet, sowed no apparent effects after two years of 
continuous feeding. 

The dimethylamine salt of dicamba administered undiluted to 
the skin of rabbits and rats produced a very mild irritation 
when administered daily for two weeks. When diluted 1:40 in 
water, no irritation was observed even after 30 days. There 
was no evidence of systemic toxicity from absorption through 
the skin (Velsicol Chemical Corporation 1974). No evidence 
of toxicity due to inhalation has been noted. Rats on a 
diet containing 500 ppm dicamba for three or four months did 
not produce evidence of teratogenicity over a three 
generation study (Velsicol Chemical Corporation 1974). 

Fate in the Environment 

Vegetation - Dicamba is not very persistent in plant 

tissues. Dissipation can occur by metbolism within the 
plant, exudation from the roots, and loss from the leaf 
surface by washing, photodecomposition, or chemical 
decomposition (Velsicol 1969). Dicamba and its metabolites 
(5-hydroxy-2-methoxy-3, 6-dichlorobenzoic acid, and 3, 
6-dichlorosalicylic acid) were dissipated rapidly from 
bluegrass and bermuda grass as shown in the following table 
(Velsicol 1969): 

5-hydroxy-2 methoxy De omcarchloro— 
3,6-Dichlorobenzoic salicylic 
Dicamba (ppm) acid (ppm) acid (ppm) 
2a Dee baw LOLS 25 1b DLD 10 lb 
sillovl ART FO) 33. Omele 3 135.0 negligible (less 
AA SS best se) ELA) LA Dee Seed, Slee) than 0.05 ppm) 
Se eye) PAT 1i29 2.60 42.2 amounts in all 
4.0 4.5 122) hha L139 Loo cases. 

Similar dissipation patterns were found from green tissues 
of silver beardgrass, little, bluestem, dallisgrass, and 
sideoats grama (Morton et al. 1967). It should be noted 
that both metabolites of dicamba are of low order toxicity. 
Both metabolites are also herbicidally inactive. 

Soil - Dicamba is relatively easy to leach from surface 
layers of soil. Comparatively, dicamba is considered one of 
the most mobile of the herbicides after it enters the soil 
(Velsicol Chemical Corporation 1971). 

Dissipation of dicamba in the soil has been studied (Sheets 
et al. 1964, Burnside and Lavy 1966, Chirchillo 1968, 
Velsicol Chemical Corporation 1971). It was found that 
degradation by chemical and/or microbial action was most 
rapid when soils were at or near 80 percent field capacity 
and at 25° to 35° C. Under these conditions, breakdown 

of the chemical was complete within a time frame of one to 
two months. The rate of biodegradation increases with 
temperature; reaching maximum at about 28 to 35 C. At 
somewhere near 50 percent moisture biodegradation reached 
maximum and then declines with increasing moisture. These 
temperatures and moisture contents are conducive to 
bacterial action. Audus (1964) and Cain (1966) found that 
Bacillus cereus var. mycoides was capable of breaking down 
dicamba and stated that this bacterium is a common organism, 
found widely distributed in the soils. 

Studies by Velsicol Chemical Corporation (1971) found that 
dicamba was rapidly broken down or leached to deeper layers 
of soil. There is some evidence that dicamba may be broken 
down by photodecomposition (Velsicol Development Newsletter 
Vole 1 F2)% 

Water - Norris and Montgomery (1975) state that dicamba is 
one of the most mobile herbicides in soil. They add that 

entry into the soil profile reduces the probability of the 
herbicide entering streams by overland flow except during 

the first intensive storms after application. 

Evidence obtained from stream monitoring, following an 
application of dicamba, leads Norris and Montgomery (1975) 
to conclude that dicamba posed no acute hazard to aquatic 
organisms or to downstream water users, and the short 
persistence of the herbicide in the water precluded chronic 
exposure. They stated that dicamba can be used for brush 
control on forest lands with little or no impact on aquatic 
environment, if direct application to surface waters is 
minimized by using appropriate spray application techniques. 

Since the dimethylamine salt of the acid of dicamba is quite 
soluble in water, photodecomposition might be one of the few 
ways breakdown occurs in water. Uptake by stream or pond 
vegetation and ultimate metabolism by the plants would also 


contribute to clearing water of the chemical. Precautions 
should be taken to avoid contamination of waterways, ponds, 
or lakes (Velsicol Chemical Corporation, 1971). 


Amitrole is also a broad spectrum herbicide like dicamba. 
It can be used for conifer release and site preparation. 
Like previously discussed herbicides, amitrole has been 
tested to determine its toxicity to rats. 

Dietary levels of 1,000 and 10,000 ppm of amitrole 
administered to rats for 63 days resulted in altered body 
weight gain and fatty metamorphosis of liver cells (Weir et 
al. 1958). After 68 weeks of a two year feeding trial on 
rats, levels up to 50 ppm had no effect on females but males 
had enlarged thyroids. Poisoning symptoms have not been 
noted for pure amitrole. In the event of ingestion of 
amitrole-T, thiocyanate poisoning should be suspected. The 
acute oral Ld 0 of NH SCN is 750 mg/kg (rats) (Weed 

Science Sacmeey of America 1967). 

Amitrole has been suspected of being teratogenic and 
carcinogenic. Carcinogencity suspicions generated the 
"cranberry scare" of 1958 to 1959. Later reports, however, 
indicate that amitrole does not represent any unusual hazard 
(House et al. 1967). No teratogenic effects attributed to 
amitrole were found in treated hen's eggs (Dunachie and 
Fletcher 1970). 

Amitrole is an antithyroid agent and has been tested for 
controlling hyperthyroidism. The stimulation of abnormal 
growth of the thyroid gland after feeding high dosages of 
amitrole has been construed as evidence of carcinogenicity. 
In chronic feeding studies involving exaggerated rats fed 
over a long period of time, thyroid tumors began appearing 
in rats fed at 100 ppm for 68 weeks (Weir et al. 1958). 

Exposure to amitrole among Swedish workers has resulted in a 
significantly higher incidence of tumors and mortality. The 
effects described are similar to those described in animal 
experiments with amitrole. The investigators suggest that 
safety precautions be observed when working with amitrole 
(Axelson and Sundall 1974). 

Fate in the Environment 

Amitrole residues could not be detected two months after 
application of one to two pounds per acre on three soil 
types in Oregon (Norris 1970a). Amitrole was absorbed in 
red alder humus more rapidly than it was desorbed (Norris 
1970a). After 35 days, recovery of amitrole from red alder 
forest floor material had dropped to 20 percent (Norris 
1970b). The presence of 2,4-D or ammonium thiocyanate are 
not likely to influence the persistence of amitrole in the 


field (Norris 1970b). Degradation of amitrole proceeded at 
a near normal rate in steam-sterilized forest floor material 
despite nearly complete absence of biological activity 
(Norris 1970b). 

Amitrole appears to become tightly absorbed to soil 
particles and can complex metals (Sund 1956). Amitrole 
disappears rapidly from soils; however, disappearance has 
been attributed to adsorption, microbial degradation, and 
nonbiological destruction as pointed out in a literature 
review by Carter (1969). Evidence indicates that 
nonbiological destruction is the most important cause of 
amitrole disappearance in soils (Carter 1969). 

Water - Amitrole was not degraded by biologic action in 
river water, sewage, activated sludge, or anaerobic 
digestion tests (Ludzack and Mandia 1962). Amitrole 
interfered with nitrification in river water and activated 
sludge. Chlorination degraded amitrole to unidentified 
compounds. Studies of amitrole contamination in streams 
following aerial applications indicate that maximum residues 
occur immediately after spraying and decline rapidly 
(Marston et al. 1968, Norris 1967, Norris et al. 1966, 
1967). A maximum concentration of 155 ppb at the downstream 
edge of a 100-acre unit treated at two pounds per acre was 
attained 30 minutes after application began (Marston et al. 
1968). The concentration decreased to 26 ppb by the end of 
the two hour application and to non-detectable amounts six 
days after spraying. No amitrole was detected more than 1.8 
miles below the sprayed area. 

In another study, maximum concentration immediately 
downstream from the sprayed area was 422 ppb 0.17 hours 
after spraying and dropped to 6 ppb eight hours after 
spraying (Norris 1967). Residues did not persist into the 
next year and heavy rains six months after application did 
not introduce measurable amounts of amitrole into the same 
stream (Norris et al. 1966, 1967). 

Norris (1971b) concluded that the relatively large doses of 
amitrole required to produce acutely toxic responses in most 
nontarget organisms are not likely to occur from normal 
chemical brush control operations on forest lands. The 
short persistence, lack of biomagnification in food chains, 
and the rapid excretion by animals prevents chronic exposure 
and, therefore, chronic toxicity. 

Picloram has the chemical name 4-Amino-3,5,6-trichloro- 
picolinic acid. It is usded for the control of annual and 

deep-rooted perennial weeds in noncropland and rangeland. 
Its primary forestry use is for site preparation. 


Picloram has very low, acute oral toxicity. The LD 

values range from 2000 mg of picloram per kg of body weight 
in mice and rabbits, to 8200 mg of picloram per kg of body 
weight in rats. A single dose of up to 500 mg per kg gave 
no evidence of toxicity in calves. Picloram causes minimal 
skin irritation and is not likely to be adsorbed through the 
skin. Although the picloram dusts may be somewhat 
irritating, they are not likely to cause illness when 
inhaled. Picloram may cause mild irritation to the eyes, 
which heals rapidly, and results in no corneal injury (Weed 
Science Society of America 1967). 

Chronic exposure to picloram shows little or no ill effects 
on test animals. Feeding studies conducted for 90 days with 
rats showed no adverse effects from dietary levels as high 
as 1000 ppm of picloram (McCollister et al. 1969). In 
long-term feedings, albino rats and beagle dogs were fed 
picloram at a rate of 15 to 150 mg per kg of body weight for 
two years. No observable adverse effects were noted in 
either species as measured by body weight, food consumption, 
behavior, mortality, hematological and clinical blood 
studies, or urine analyses. 

Picloram apparently has no teratogenic effect. Albino rats 
fed picloram at various levels up to 3000 ppm showed no 
adverse effects in terms of fertility, gestation, viability, 
and lactation through three generations (McCollister et al. 
1969). No information was found concerning the 
carcinogenicity of picloram. 

The chemical was evaluated using the procedures established 
by the joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. A 
100-fold safety margin was used. The acceptable daily 
intake of picloram for man is calculated to be 1.5 mg/kg of 
body weight per day. A well-fed person in the United States 
would consume 0.1 mg per day if he ate meat from animals 
that grazed continuously on grasses containing 200 to 400 
ppm of picloram. This is a fraction of the 90 mg/day that a 
130-pound human could safely. consume; representing a safety 
margin of 90,000 to 1 when compared to safe levels 
deomonstrated in laboratory animals (McCollister and Leng 

Fate in the Environment 

Vegetation - Residues of picloram in woody plants in 
tropical areas ranged from 31 to 687 ppm immediately after 
spraying two pounds of active ingredient per acre. This 
dropped to less than one ppm a month later (Bove and 
Scrifres 1971). 

Soil - Studies of persistence of picloram in soils (Hamaker 

et al. 1967) have shown that with initial rates of one ounce 
and two pounds acid equivalent per acre, the time for 


decomposition to concentrations of 0.01 ounces per acre 
would be 4.5 months and 4.6 years, respectively. The 
half-life in soil of a herbicide may be a better measure of 
persistence. Half-life is the time that is required for 
half of the herbicide applied to the soil to be inactivated 
or to disappear. Picloram degrades in soils with a variable 
half-life of from 1 to 13 months (Goring et al. 1965). Most 
investigators agree that dissipation is accelerated at 
higher temperatures (Bovey and Scrifres 1971). 

Norris et al (1976a) studied the leaching and persistence of 
picloram on powerline rights-of-way in the Pacific 
Northwest. The herbicides showed a rapid decline in 
concentration in forest floor and soil after application. 
Biologically significant residues were seldom present for 
more than 12 months after application. There was no 
leaching of herbicides below 30 cm in the soil and 
relatively little below 15 cm. When a forest floor was 
present, nearly all the detectable herbicide was present 

Norris et al. (1976b) reported picloram applied to a 
southern Oregon hillside pasture was largely confined to the 
surface six inches of soil and the concentration declined 
rapidly with the time after application. Residues in the 
surface six inches averaged 60, 20, and 4 ppb picloram 9, 
18, and 27 months, respectively, after treatment. 

Water - Norris et al (1976a) reported no residue of picloram 
was found (minimum detectable level 0.1 ppb) in streams 
flowing across treated powerline rights-of-way despite 
intensive sampling with automatic equipment for periods in 
excess of six months after application. The authors 
conclude the lack of residues in stream water is consistent 
with the relatively short persistence and limited mobility 
of picloram in the environment. 

Norris (1969) noted that in an area where 67 percent of a 
watershed was sprayed in August, residues up to a maximum of 
0.078 ppm were detected after the initial one inch storm and 
they decreased thereafter. No residues were found after 
late October or where only a small portion of the watershed 
was treated. 

Norris et al. (1976b) studied picloram outflow from a 
16-acre hillside pasture watershed in southern Oregon. The 
entire watershed was sprayed in June with two pounds per 
acre picloram, including the stream channel. There was no 
water in the stream until October. The first two storms 
caused limited wetting of the stream channel and filled the 
pools, but caused no outflow from this gauged watershed. 
Maximum picloram concentration was about 0.1 ppm. The first 
water to flow from the watershed carried some picloram, but 
the concentration was low (20 ppb). No herbicide was 
detected after January. 

About 0.28 percent of the picloram applied to the watershed 
appeared in streamflow during the three year study. The dry 
stream channel accounts for 0.21 percent of the area of the 
watershed. The authors concluded the herbicide outflow 
largely represented mobilization of residues applied in and 
near the dry stream channel. 

10. Monosodium Methanearsenate (MSMA) and Cacodylic Acid 

These two similar herbicides are used for thinning and 
plantation release. In contrast to the previously discussed 
herbicides, they are only applied by injection. The mode of 
action and dermal penetration of organic arsenicals and the 
fact that arsenic is one of the heavy metals poses more of a 
hazard to operators than many other compounds with similar 
LD.,'s. Special care must be exercised in providing 
personal protection, 

The toxicity of MSMA, as expressed by the acute oral 
toxicity, is about the same in rats as cacodylic acid. The 
LD., of technical grade MSMA (92.8 percent pure), is 1,400 
meite for male rats. The oral LD., is 1800 mg/kg in rats 
and 700 mg/kg in mice (Dickinson 1872). 

The LD for a person is estimated to be about 1800 

mg/kg.° The approximate dose necessary to cause the death of 
a 150-pound human is 120 ml or about 1/2 cupful (Washington 
Pest Control Handbook 1971). 

MSMA is also known to be mildly irritating to the skin in 
rabbits, but the Washington Pest Control Handbook (1971) 
reports that cacodylic acid causes little or no skin 
irritation. No data on the chronic effects of MSMA was 
available. Both MSMA and cacodylic acid have similar 
potential to be either teratogens or carcinogens. The 
precise toxicity levels of cacodylic acid and monosodium 
methanearsenate in humans is not known. Both cacodylic acid 
and monosodium methanearsenate have a toxicity rating of 
four. The safe use of organic arsenicals depends on 
minimizing the exposure of anyone handling these chemicals. 

Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories, Northbrook, Illinois, 
found that 50 percent cacodylic acid resulted in an LD 0 

of 1800 mg/kg in male rats and 1000 mg/kg in female ache: 
Technical grades of cacodylic acid (61.3 percent cacodylic 
acid) produced similar results, 1400 mg/kg in male rats and 
1280 mg/kg in female rats (Ansul 1967). 

Cacodylic acid is considered to be a teratogenic agent, as 

in MSMA. Early studies indicated arsenic to be a carcinogen 
but later studies failed to demonstrate arsenic~induced 
cancers. The Secretary's Commission on Pesticides has placed 
cacodylic acid in group C4 (not positive for carcinogenicity 
in one species). MSMA is placed in the same C4 group. 




Laboratory tests for mutagenicity have shown cacodylic acid 
causes cell division when injected into mice. Significance 
of the findings to field exposure is not known. 


Krenite (ammonium ethyl carbamoylphosphonate) has a very low 
acute and chronic toxicity. The LD., for the male rat is 
24,400 mg/kg. It has a relative low acute inhalation 
toxicity (DuPont 1976). No long term feeding studies have 
been undertaken as Krenite is not registered for food crop 

Fate in the Environment 

Greenhouse soil disappearance tests with Gel abeled 
Krenite indicated about a 10-day half-life. Under field 
tests the half-life was about one week. Because of rapid 
degradation there was little or no downward movement of 
Krenite or its degradation products (Du Pont 1976). 

Krenite is soluble in water but readily absorbed by soil 
particles. Therefore, it does not have the potential to run 
off into surface waters or leach into subterranian aquifers. 
It has a Freundlick K equilibrium constant on Keypart silt 
loam greater than 20, indicating a high absorption to the 
soil (Du Pont 1976). 


Simazine has low toxicity to animals and probably also to 
man, since there have been no reports of poisoning from 
ingestion. Neither have there been any serious eye or skin 
irritations reported from either experimental or commercial 
use, despite the fact that simazine has been in use since 
the late 1950's. 

Acute Toxicity 

The acute oral toxicity (LD, ) of simazine to rats, mice, 
and rabbits is in excess of Rive g/kg of body weight (Geigy 
Agric. Chemical 1970). Cattle fed 250 mg of simazine/kg of 
body weight as a drench showed poisoning symptoms after one 
dose, but survived three doses with 11 percent weight loss 
(Palmer and Radeleff 1969). The acute dermal LD_. to 
albino rabbits is greater than 10 g/kg. (Geigy aie. 
Chemical 1970) 

Chronic Toxicity 

No sign of systematic toxicity was observed in rats when fed 
daily dosages of 100 ppm of simazine 50W in their diet. 
However, two yearling calves showed symptoms of poisoning 



after 3 and 10 doses of 25 mg/kg of body weight, while sheep 
fed the same amount of simazine for five weeks remained 
normal. (Geigy Agric. Chemical 1970) 

Fate in the Environment 

The half-life of simazine in soil varies indirectly with 
temperature (Burschel 1961). At 25 See 50 percent of four 
ppm od isappeared in 20 days, at 18°C in 39 days, and at 
8.5°C in 140 days (Sheets 1970). 

Soil - Simazine has little lateral movement in soil but can 
be washed along with soil particles. Leaching is limited by 
its low water solubility and adsorption to certain soil 
constituents. It is more readily adsorbed on muck and clay 
soils than in soils low in clay and organic matter (Weed 
Science Society of America 1974). 

Water - The low to moderate mobility of s-triazines (of 

which simazine is one) reduces the possibility of 
contamination by vertical leaching to ground watec. 
Surface movement is somewhat more likely on steep slopes 
when intense rainfall occurs immediately after application 
(Helling 1970). 

Air - Simazine is more volatile from dry soil than from wet 
soil. Soil type and temperature, however, do not seem to 
affect the rate of volatilization of simazine (Kearney et 
al. 1964). The volatilization of simazine at 60°C was 
found to be 35 percent in 24 hours (Foy 1964). 


Dichlorprop (2,4-DP) has the chemical name of 2-(2,4-dichloro- 
phenoxy) propionic acid. Its primary forest use is for brush 
control along forest roads. It suse is very limited and, 
therefore, it is mentioned in this statement only as a basis 
for comparison with other herbicides. 

Acute Toxicity 

According to the toxicity summary for weedone brushkiller 
170, the oral LD., is 375 mg/kg of body weight. Toxicity 
via the inhalation route of dermal application is thought to 
be minimal. Slight to moderate occular irritation may occur 
from direct administration of the compound into the eye or 
conjunctival eye sac of rabbits (Amchem). 

Chronic Toxicity 

No sign of systematic toxicity was noted in rats fed 12.4 mg 
per day for 90 days. 


Mutagenic Potential of Dichlorprop 

Tests for point mutations were not detected when screening 
dichlorprop against two strains of bacteria (Anderson et al. 

Fate in the Environment 

The median tolerance limit (TLm) of bluegill’ sunfish to 
dichlorprop is as follows: 

Acid Equiv. Ppm 

24 hours 48 hours 
Dimethy lamine 165 165 
Isooctyl ester 16 16 
Butoxyethanol ester | bad tai 

(Hughes and Davis 1963) 

In evaluating the effects of dichlorprop on fertilized fish 
eggs and fry, no reduction in the survival period of the fry 
was noted (Hiltibran 1967). 

It has been observed in greenhouse studies that dichlorprop 
after 103 days restricted root growth of alfalfa seedlings 
(Burger et al. 1962). 



Non-Living Components 

Herbicides are effective and the results are long lasting. 
When compared to the other vegetation management 
alternatives, only herbicides can give lasting control of the 
pest plant's root system. The problem of sprouting or 
regrowth of pest plants can not be overcome without good root 
control Herbicides can give this control without disturbing 
the humus layer, accelerating erosion, or possibly reducing 
site quality through soil compaction. The diversity of 
vegetation and new stands of trees or grass encouraged by the 
selectiveness of many herbicides adds to the visual richness 
of the Eastern Region. 

The use of manmade ponds for fishing and swimming is often 
possible only if unwanted algae and weeds can be controlled. 
Herbicides and algaecides are available that will allow 
control without harmful effects on the quality of the water. 



Living Components 

Long-term studies have shown that most hardwood and conifer 
Species respond favorably to full release at the juvenile 
(5-10 years) stage of their growth and development. These 
responses are displayed by improvement in the rate of 
survival and the acceleration of individual tree growth. 
Survival among young hardwoods and pine has been increased 
by 15 percent to 20 percent through early release, with 
individual trees of other species growing 3-1/2-4 times 
taller than non-released individuals. Diameter growth is 
also improved on the released trees. Twenty-two years after 
treatment, 50-year old white pine trees in Minnesota had an 
average diameter 3.3 inches larger than those not released. 
Beneficial response to release is reflected in a greater net 
growth (total cordwood or cubic feet yield) than 
non-released stands. Spruce volumes can be increased 25 
percent to 40 percent through early release. Most 
significant is the early development of a sawtimber 
component in the released stands as the result of improved 
height and diameter growth. This early development of 
sawtimber volume under certain growing conditions makes 
early release in pine a sound forestry investment. 

Herbicide use helps man to continue the historical 
vegetation composition of many local forest areas. A 
heterogeneous forest has been found to be more resistant to 
insect and disease losses. In addition, plant diversity 
benefits many species of wildlife. Wildlife food sources 
can increase, as overhead canopies are opened up. Crowns of 
remaining mast producers are stimulated and production is 
increased. A greater variety of herbage becomes available 
to browsing animals. A number of insect feeding 
woodpeckers, cavity nesting birds, and small mammals benefit 
from dead trees left standing following the herbicide 
treatment. Wildlife openings once naturally created and 
maintained by wildfires can now be managed by using 

Social Economic Components 

The labor savings made possible by the use of selective 
herbicides on right-of-ways for the control of woody species 
that would endanger powerlines, inhibit visibility, and 
present other safety hazards have allowed maintenance people 
to use a greater part of their budgets for providing better 
roads, railroad beds, and utility transmission systems. 
Besides being costly, other alternatives of brush removal 
involving repeated removal followed by stacking and burning, 
often resulted in escaped fires. 


In timber management, a valuable wood resource can be 
established to supply the Nation's growing demand for wood 
fibers. In some cases, up to a 300 percent increase in high 
quality wood production will occur. This will aid the 
economic and social conditions of the local communities. 
Increased forest output will increase returns both to the 
Federal government and local counties from stumpage 
payments. Another favorable effect of herbicide use is the 
maintenance of a National timber supply which includes a 
continual, competitively available, renewable resource that 
requires minimal energy to go from raw material to end 
product. In contrast, alternatives to wood products are not 
renewable and conversion from raw material to consumer 
product frequently requires a lot of energy. 

The use of herbicides to quickly and effectively manage 
vegetation frees available work crews for other needed 
projects. The National Forests have a long list of needed 
labor intensive work projects that can only be completed by 
crews using hand tools. These projects; hiking trail’) camp 
ground, and picnic area construction; creating wialars 
openings; thinning and pruning of trees, etc., have few Lf 
any alternatives to completion by hand aor, Government 
efforts to employ people will produce the greatest benefits 
to the Nation if work is accomplished in those areas where 
alternatives to manual labor do not exist. 

The aerial application of herbicides is less energy 
demanding than completing the same release with work crews 
using hand tools. A helicopter, while consuming 20-30 
gallons of aviation fuel an hour, releases 50-100 ac/hour 
(about 2.5-3.3 ac/gal of fuel). In comparison, a crew of 
four people commuting to a work project in a car each day 
would complete about one acre of release for each gallon of 
fuel used. Accomplishing 10,000 acres of release work by 
helicopter could result in a substantial fuels saving. 

Herbicides are making more animal protein available at a 
lower cost through improved pastures and rangeland. 

As mentioned earlier, under the objective in Section I, 
favorable effects of herbicide use are protection and 
production orientated, resulting in improved economic 
welfare and community stability. 

A. Non-Living Components 
1. Air. Minor losses of herbicide will occur through 
volatilization. The amount of volatilization will be 

greatest with aerial methods of herbicide application. 
These losses can be greatly minimized, but not 


completely eliminated. Once in the air, photo-alteration 
can alter the chemical makeup of the herbicide. 

Hazardous Substances. The hazardous substance - 2,3,7,8 
Setetrachioro dibenzo — p — dioxin (TCDD) ~- is present 
in 2,4,5-T and silvex. Pure TCDD is reportedly the most 
toxic synthetic chemical known. In laboratory tests, 
both TCDD and 2,4,5-T have demonstrated the biological 
potential for producing teratogenic and mutagenic 
effects and an increased tumor incidence. Risk to 
humans, while apparent, is not real, due to the minute 
volume of TCDD applied per acre and the near absence of 
human exposure to most treatment areas. 

Workers handling herbicides are exposed to safety risks 
normally associated with chemical use. The hazard is 
minimized through established safety practices and 

Land Ownership - Land Use. Adverse land use patterns of 
National Forest lands are not anticipated following 
herbicide use. 

Soils. The forest soils can be a major receptor of 
herbicides. The amount of herbicide actually reaching 
the soil can be minimized, but not completely 
eliminated. The herbicides proposed for use have not 
been found to accumulate in the soil, leach out, or move 
overland abnormally. 

The possibility of an accidental herbicide spill during 
spray application or transportation of the containers 
always exists. If such a spill should occur, some 
concentrated herbicide could end up in the soil. The 
greatest volume, but the least concentration of 
herbicide, 5-10 percent, would occur from an accidental 
spray rig spill. An accident involving 30 or 55 gallon 
drums of pure herbicide would be the most adverse. The 
chance of such an accident is very minor. 

Visual. Visual and aesthetic values are generally 
lowered during brown out; however, the effect is 
temporary and lasts only until leaf fall. A longer 
lasting visual impact is created by the standing dead 
trees that will remain for several years. 

Water. Herbicides which vaporize during application or 
from vegetation eventually precipitate out, some 
directly into water. Such contamination will be of 
extremely low intensity, but unavoidable. Accidental 
herbicide entry directly into waters adjacent to forest 
treatment areas has not been found to exceed the EPA's 
potable water standards. Investigations have shown a 
100-fold dilution rate, with downstream movement of 1 


mile and a maximum possible human exposure level of 0.01 
ppm for 24 hours when measured immediately downstream 
from a treated area. 

With the decrease in vegetation on a treatment area, an 
increase in stream flow will occur. Small treatment 
areas make flow increase very minor. Flow will return 
to the before treatment levels in 1 to 10 years, 
depending on the amount of vegetation removed. This 
change in stream flow can also be beneficial and could 
be a goal of vegetation management. 

Where the goal is conifer management, water quantity 
will be less than if the same area were in grass or 
hardwoods. Permanently foliaged conifers intercept, as 
well as transpire, more water than do deciduous 
hardwoods or grasses. 

B. Living Components 


Domestic Animals. No direct adverse affect to livestock 
is anticipated; however, an indirect effect may occur 
through changes in the palatability of poisonous or 
nitrate accumulating plants which may be consumed by 
livestock trespassing in sprayed areas. 

Man. Individuals involved with manufacturing, handling, 
and applying the herbicides face the greatest hazards. 
A lesser risk exists for those who might accidently 
intake herbicide residues through forest water, fruits, 
berries, or meat of wild game or fish. No direct, 
unavoidable effects to man are anticipated when 
herbicides are used according to label use directions, 
safety precautions are taken, and standards established 
for reducing risks are followed. 

The noise made by mechanical herbicide applying 
equipment may annoy some people. There is also an odor 
associated with most herbicide uses that some people 
find offensive. 

Soil Organisms. There is no evidence to indicate that 

the herbicides proposed for use, when applied at 

recommended rates, will have any lasting effects on soil 
organism populations. 

Vegetation. Following herbicide use, there will be an 

immediate reduction in the number of plants within the 
treatment area. Some nontarget plants may be adversely 
affected. Endangered or threatened plants, if present, 
or their specialized micro-habitats, may be inadvertently 
damaged or destroyed as a result of herbicide use. 


Forest Vertebrate Animals. Herbicide applications will 

occur on areas occupied or visited by a significant 
number of wildlife species. The major impact will be a 
long-term, subtle change in habitat. This habitat 
change will occur with any of the vegetation management 
alternatives considered and in the long run, is more 
adverse than any immediate effects of herbicide 

The activities of man and his equipment during herbicide 
application will disturb wildlife. Other treatment 
methods considered would have a similar effect, probably 
of longer duration. 

Direct toxic effects are not anticipated. 
Forest Invertebrate Animals. A significant hazard to 

forest invertebrates is not expected as a result of our 
proposed herbicide use in the Eastern Region. 


A. Non-Living Components 


Air. Mature forests are low producers of oxygen. 
Decaying forests are oxygen consumers. Using herbicides 
to increase new stand growth, following the harvest of 
mature stands, may contribute briefly to local air 
pollution. The long-term affect, however, is an 
increase in the quantity of oxygen and the quality of 
the air. 

Hazardous Substances. The benefits of herbicide use 
continue to be weighed against risk. It is well 
documented that many of the herbicides proposed for use 
can produce toxic effects in test animals. These tests 
should be used to show the potential risks involved with 

Such tests, however, bear little resemblance to field 
applications proposed for use in the Eastern Region. To 
achieve toxic dosages in tests, the testing techniques 
frequently involve high dosage rates, extended periods 
of exposure, forced feeding, subcutaneous injections, 
exotic solvents, and the use of inbred strains of 
laboratory animals. The small quantity of herbicide 
available at any one forest location, the scattered 
location of treatment areas, the short life of applied 
herbicides, and the type and frequency of human activity 
in the treated areas make the hazards of herbicide use 
under field conditions improbable. In addition, there 
are other sources of food, other than those treated with 
herbicides, available to wildlife. 


Land Ownership - Land Use. Most rights-of-way, ULility: 
and transportation needs are long-term. Periodic 
maintenance of vegetation using herbicides is necessary 
to protect the investment costs for establishing these 
land uses. The number of people benefiting from such 
facilities is great and the benefits long-term. 

Soils. The use of herbicides has an indirect affect on 
the soil. The immediate effect is reduced vegetative 
cover. The long-term effect is usually a vegetative 
cover that better protects soil stability. 

Visual. A direct result of herbicide application is a 
brown-out or dying of the treated vegetation. The 
visual signs of the foliage color change is only 
seasonal, while evidence of dead twigs and stems will be 
longer. Flowering plants soon cover many herbicide 
treatment areas. They in turn, give way to a richness 
of contrasting vegetation types that will long please 
the users of the National Forests. Many of the young 
pine stands and pastoral openings seen in the forests 
today are partially the result of herbicide use. 

Water. The long-term affect of herbicide use on water 
is indirect. The kind of vegetation to which eventually 
occupies an herbicide treated area will affect water 
output. Grass stands will provide the most water 
outflow, followed by hardwoods, and finally conifer 
stands. Where no change in major vegetation type 
occurs, water quantity outflow is minor and can return 
to before treatment levels in 1 to 10 years. 

Application of approved algaecides and herbicides 
directly to water for weed control may necessitate 
closure of the water body to human, livestock, or 
irrigation use for a period of days. The results of 
treatment however, can make the water usable for a 
variety of activities which can be enjoyed for a period 
of months. 

B. Living Components 


Domestic Livestock. Most livestock operations are based 
on long-term management plans. A sudden consumer demand 
for more meat cannot be met until forage is available 
and animal numbers are increased. Maintenance of 
grazing areas in forage production contributes to the 
long-term livestock production needs of the Nation. 

Man. The use of herbicides has freed man from the 
laborous and never ending task of removing pest plants 
by hand. Herbicides have greatly increased man's 
productivity, both on the farm and in the forest. A 


decision not to use herbicides would not be an end to 
progress, but it would significantly reduce long-term 
agricultural and forest productivity. 

Soil Organisms. The activity of most soil organisms is 
considered a benefit to plant growth. Some herbicide 
applications have been found to increase the number of 
active soil organisms. 

Vegetation. The short-term effect of herbicide use on 
vegetation is a reduction in plant numbers. At times 
this reduction in plant numbers may be permanent and the 
desired result of the herbicide application. The 
majority of herbicide use is aimed at maintaining or 
increasing the production of desirable vegetation 
without inhibiting or destroying the land's ability to 

When herbicides are used to reduce noxious or poisonous 
weeds on National Forest lands, they not only benefit 
the user, but also aid nearby landowners by eliminating 
a source of infection. 

Long-term timber needs can only be met if an active 
timber management program is carried out today. It 
takes time to grow trees. Future demands must be 
predicted and actions taken now to meet those needs. We 
cannot wait for the demand for wood to develop and then 
start to grow the trees to supply the need. The time it 
takes to grow a crop of trees is just too long. The 
long-term benefit from vegetation management in 
plantations is increased production of the renewable 
natural resource - trees. A future generation will 
benefit, the same as we are benefiting now from 
reforestation efforts of 40-50 years ago. 

In treating some of the woody vegetation that has 
encroached on roadsides, trails, rights-of-way and 
wildlife openings with herbicides, future maintenance of 
these areas is more easily*accomplished by non-chemical 

Forest Vertebrate Animals. Many wildlife species 
benefit directly from a disturbed forest. Wildlife 
populations can only be maintained if suitable habitat 
is available. Early successional stages of forest 
growth encourage wildlife diversity and abundance if 
properly interspersed with older growth conditions. 

Maintenance of young stands in a forest requires 
disturbance. Distribution of disturbance and diversity 

of vegetation are also important. Herbicides have been 
found to be useful in maintaining forest openings for 
wildlife and setting vegetation back to early successional 



stages. Long-term wildlife productivity on a forest-wide 
basis is maintained by annually creating a vegetation 
disturbance within a small pecentage of the forest cover 
type. In addition, dead trees, resulting from herbicide 
treatments, provide a long-term source of insect feed and 
den or nesting sites for a variety of forest vetebrates. 

Weeds and algae can be deterimental to the fishery 
resource in a pond or lake. Through the use of 
herbicides or algaecides, the life of this resource can 
be greatly extended. 

6. Forest Invertebrate Animals. Some research indicates 
that certain herbicides have an immediate and harmful 
affect on insects. The effects are short-term, however, 
with insect populations quickly regaining former 
numbers. Following some forms of herbicide treatment, 
many species of flowering forbs, flowering shrubs, and 
lush grasses will provide for increased insect 
populations for several years. Honey bee production has 
been known to increase. Insect feeding vertebrates find 
an available source of feed. 

C. Social Economic Components 

The knowledge that today's resource programs are producing 
for tomorrow's needs promotes community stability and 
encourages investments in long-term community growth. 

Herbicides offer the most effective and least expensive means 
of protecting costly investments in road and utility 
rights-of-way and recreation and other physical developments 
from uncontrolled vegetation. The long-term benefits are 
measured in increased food, lower utility rates, available 
wood fiber, recreation opportunities, and improved wildlife 


The results of herbicide use are not considered irreversible. It 
is not expected that any plant or animal species will be 
eradicated by the proposed use of herbicides. Some individual 
plants will be killed, reducing the total number of that species 
on the treatment area. Other plants will be partially affected, 
losing only part of their foliage or stems; as a result, they 
will suffer reduced growth. Occasionally one dominant use of the 
forest's resources has been established on an area and 
perpetuated through the use of herbicides. This commitment of 
land, however, can be altered should circumstances warrant. 

The time, labor, herbicides, and petroleum products used and the 
vegetation killed are irretrievable. 



On October 30, 1973, a Final Environmental Statement, The Use of 
Herbicides in the Eastern Region, was sent to the Council on 
Environmental Quality. The statement contained in this text is a 
revision of the earlier statement. Scientific data, comments, 
and suggestions incorporated in the original statement have been 
used in the preparation of this Region-wide umbrella statement. 

Since 1973, the Eastern Region's herbicide use program has been 
challenged in two lawsuits. Expert testimony presented during 
these hearings, along with Conclusions of Fact offered by the 
Federal Judges have helped shape the organization and content of 
this statement. 

Other Forest Service Regions have filed final environmental 
statements on their use of herbicides with CEQ. The substance 
of these statements, as well as comments and suggestions offered 
during public review have been considered and used in this 
Eastern Region statement. 

The site specific environmental analysis reports prepared for 
individual herbicide projects are an extension of this umbrella 
statement. The local site specific descriptions, local impacts, 
and economic analysis contained in the project analysis are made 
available for public review. They too have been considered when 
applicable to Region-wide use. 

The agencies, groups, and individuals shown on the following 

lists have been requested to review and comment on this Draft 
Statement. See Appendix C 




Here is a partial listing of the references used in developing 
this statement. 

Abrahamson, L.P. and L.A. Norris, 1976. Statement on the use of 
herbicides in forest watersheds that supply potable water. 

AllenjeJi RS eePeeVaneMal ler sands Di Hie Noroackeloso. 
fissue distribution, excretion and biological effects of 
CjJtetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in rats. Fd. Cosmet. 
TLoxicoleet Ss: 0le>0 57 

Allen, J.°R2, DAL Barsotti jeand Jin Pa VaneMiidior wel Cree 
Reproductive dysfunction in non-human primates exposed to 
dioxins. Presented at 16th Annual Meeting, Soc. Toxicol. 
Toronto, 1977. Abstract. 111% 

Amchem Products, Inc. 1972. Toxicity Summary for Weedone 
Brush-Killer 170. Data Sheet, Ambler, PA. 

Andersen, K. J., EB. G.*Leighty, and M? Ty Takahashi. 91972. 
Evaluations of Herbicides for possible mutagenic 
properties. Agri. Food Chem. Vol 20, No. 3 pgs. 649-656. 

Ansul Co. 1967. Toxiciological data - methane arsonic acid and 
dimethycarsinic acid. 1969 addendum, Ansul Co., Marinette, 
WI 54143. 

Arend, John L. and Eugene I., Roe, 1961. Releasing conifers in 
the Lake States with chemicals. Agricultural Handbook No. 
185 - USDA Forest Service 

Ashton, F.M. and A.S. Craffs, 1973. Mode of Action of 
Herbicides. Wiley, New York 

Audus, L.J., 1964. Herbicide behavior in the soil. In the 
physiology and biochemistry of herbicides. Academic Press, 
New York, p. 163-206. 

Axelson, Olaf, and Lennart Sundall. 1974. Herbicide exposure, 
mortality and tumor incidents, an experimental study of 
Swedish railroad workers. Work-Environ. Health 11;21-28. 

Bailey, J. B., and J. E. Swift, 1968. Pesticide information and 
safety manual’ “Univ. of (CalitaseDiy  ofsAgremScae 

Bailey, G. Wo, Ay Do Thurston, tired aD mebOperm) memmmand 
D. R. Cochrane. 1970. The degradation kinetics of an ester 

of silvex and the persistence of silvex in water and 
sediment. Weed Sci. 18(3):413-418. 


Balicka, N., 1969. The action of several herbicides on the 
complexes of microflora in maize crop rotation. Report 
derived from PL 480 Project E21-CR-30 (FG-PO-172). 

Balicka, N. and J. Sobieszczanski, 1969a. The effect of 
herbicides on soil microflora. 1. Effects of herbicides on 
the number of soil microorganisms in field experiments. 
ActasMicrop,, =Polon.; VLLL, Seria B, 3. 

Baltenec R.,0l9//.eoummaries Of litigation on 2,4,5-T. 
California Forest Protection Association Notes. Unpublished. 

BAUr Janke. 8.00 Bakery now. Bovey, and JD.) Smith; 1972. 
Concentration of picloram in the soil profile. Weed Sec. 
202 3057-309) 

Beale, Marv G., William T. Shearer, Michael M. Karl, 
Alan M. Robson. 1977. Long term effects of dioxin 
exposure. The Lancet 1:748. 

Bjorklund, Nils Erik and Kurt Erne. 1966. Toxicological studies 
of phenoxyacetic herbicides in animals. Acta. Vet. Scand. 
Disems 4poO04- 390), 

Bollen, Walter B., 1961. Interactions between pesticides and 
soil microorganisms. Ann. Rev. Microbiol. 15:69-92. 

BOVey ok-eW anda. C,.ccritres.  1971% Residual 
characteristics of picloram in grassland ecosystems. Texas 
Ag. wuxp mote. bails 

Bramble, W.C. and W.R. Byrnes, 1972. A long-term ecological 
study of game food and cover on a sprayed utility 
right-of-way. Research Bulletin No. 885. 

Brinkman and Living, May 1961. Oak and pine reproduction 
responds to overhead release. Journal of Forestry. 

Burger, K., S. C. MacRae, and M.*Alexander. 1962. Decomposition 
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- Absorption - Penetration of a substance from the surface to 
below the surface. 

- Acid equivalent (a.e.) - The theoretical yield acid from an 
active ingredient, on a per gallon basis, i.e., 4 lb. 
a.e. yields 4 1b. of active acid per gallon of solution. 
Not applicable to all herbicides, e.g., amitrole and 


Active ingredient (a.i.) - The chemicals in a product that are 
responsible for the herbicidal effects. 

Acute toxicity - Poisoning by a single dose or dosages applied 
over a short period. 

Adjuvant - Substances which are added to spray materials to act 
as wetting or spreading agents, stickers, penetrants, 
emulsifiers, etc., aiding in the physical characteristics 
of the herbicide materials. 

Adsorbed (adsorption) - Adherence of a substance to a surface. 
Algicide - A chemical intended for the control of algae. 
Auxin - Plant growth hormone. 

Auxin herbicide - A herbicide that has an effect like a plant 
growth hormone. 

Benefit-cost ratio - The ratio between the economic benefits 
derived from a particular action and the cost of 
performing that action. For example, if it costs $l to 
treat an acre and we find the economic benefit from that 
treatment has a value of $5, the benefit cost is 5:1. 

Biota - The animal and plant life of a region or period. 

Broad-leaved plants - Botanically, those classified as 
dicotyledons. Morphologically, those having broad, often 
compound, leaves. 

Browse - Any material that is browsed or fit for browsing. 
Feeding on buds, shoots, and leaves of woody growth by 
livestock or wild animals. 

Brush control - Control of woody plants. 

Carcinogen (carcinogenicity) - Any substance that produces 
cancer (the ability to prodtce cancer). 

Carrier - The liquid or solid material added to a chemical 
compound to facilitate its application. 

Cations - An electropositive ion (soil particle). 

Chromosomal - Pertaining to the small bodies within a cell 
which occur in definite numbers in the cells of a given 
species. These bodies are composed of genes which 

control cell activities. 

Chronic toxicity - The poisoning effects of a series of small 
doses applied over a long period. 

Co-Dominant (crown class) - Trees having their crowns in the 
upper canopy, but which are less free than the dominants. 


Concentration - The amount of active ingredient or acid 
equivalent in a given volume of liquid, or in a given 
weight of dry material. 

Contact herbicide - A herbicide that kills primarily by contact 
with plant tissue rather than as a result of 

Crop tree - Any tree forming or selected to form a component of 
the final crop. Generally, a tree selected in a young 
stand or plantation for carrying through to maturity. 

Cull - Any tree, or plant rejected for use because it does not 
meet certain specifications. 

dbh - Abbreviation for diameter breast height. 

Deciduous trees (hardwoods) - Those that lose their leaves 
during winter. 

Defoliator or Defoliant - A compound which causes the leaves or 
foliage to drop from the plant. 

Dermal - Through the skin, or by contact with the skin. 

Dicotyledonous - A plant having two seed leaves or cotyledons; 
the broad-leaf plants. 

Dilutent - A material, liquid or solid, serving to dilute a 
herbicide to field strength for adequate plant coverage, 
maximum effectiveness and economy. 

Dominant (crown class) - The trees having crowns in the upper 
most layers of the canopy, and which are largely 

Dormant spray - A herbicide applied during the period following 
leaf-fall or leaf death and before bud break of evergreen 

Drift - The movement of air-borne particles from the intended 
contact area to other areas. 

Ecosystem - The basic ecological unit, made up of a community 
of organisms interacting with their inanimate environment. 

Emulsion - The suspension of one liquid as minute globules in 
another liquid; for example, oil dispersed in water. 

E.P.A. - Environmental Protection Agency 
Ester - Formed by the reaction of the herbicide acid, such as 
2,4-D plus and alcohol. This reaction takes place with 

heat, pressure, and in the presence of a catalyst, and is 
known as esterification. 


Foliage application - An application of a herbicide to the 
foliage (leaves, stems, shoots) of a plant. 

Forb - Any herbaceous plant that is not a grass nor similar to 
one; e.g., geranium, buttercup, sunflower. 

Forest type - A category of forest or forest land, cover type, 
stand type. A category of forest defined by its 
vegetation and/or locality factors. 

Formulation - A term used synonomously with the product. It 
contains the herbicide in a form that can be (1) 
dissolved or suspended in a carrier and distributed in 
solution or suspensions by sprayer; (2) distributed dry 
by dusters or spreaders; or, (3) easily vaporized for 

FSM - Forest Service Manual. 

Gamma radiation — Penetrating rays emitted from radioactive 
material and reducing the energy of the cell nucleus. 

Girdle - Making more or less continuous incisions around a 
living stem, through at least both bark and cambium. 

Growing stock - All the trees growing in a forest or in a 
specified part of it and generally expressed in terms of 
number or volume. See crop trees. 

Habitat - The abode, of a plant or animal, as it relates to all 
the environmental influences affecting it. 

Herbaceous plant (Herb) - A vascular plant that does not 
develop wood tissue. 

Herbicide - A phytotoxic chemical used for killing or 
inhibiting (stunting) the normal development of a plant. 

Host plant - The plants for which the area is being managed. 
Those plants most favorable to man, and which man wants 
to see occupy the site. 

Karst topography - An irregular limestone region with 
sinkholes, under ground streams, and caverns. 

Leaching - Movement of a substance downward through the soil. 

LC. 4 - A lethal concentration rate at which 50 percent of the 
test animals will be killed. Usually expressed in ppm 
(See below) and usually used in testing of fish or other 
water animals. 

LD, - A lethal dosage rate at which 50 percent of the test 
animals will be killed. Usually expressed in terms of 
milligrams of chemical per kilogram of body weight of the 
test animal (mg/kg). 


Low volatile ester - Chemically, an ester prepared with a 
heavy, molecular weight; alcohol, such as the 
butoxy-ethanol, iso-octyl, or propylene glycol butyl 
ether esters. Biolgoically, it is an ester which is less 
likely to injure plants by vapor activity, than a 
high-volatile ester. 

Mass median diameter - The drop diameter that divides the spray 
depositon distribution into two equal parts by mass. 

Mast - The fruit of trees such as oak, beech, sweet chestnut -- 
particularly where they are considered food for livestock 
and certain kinds of wildlife. 

Metabolism - The sum of the processes concerned in the building 
of protoplasm and its destruction incidental to life. 

Merchantable - Of trees, crops, or stands, or a size, quality, 
and conditions suitable for marketing under given 

economic conditions. 

Mg/Kg - Abbreviation for dose in milligrams per kilogram of 
body weight of animal. 

Mg/Ml - Abbreviation for milligrams per milliliter. 

Microflora - Microscopic organisms belonging to the plant 

Micron (u) - A metric unit of length equal to 1/1000 of a 
millimeter or 1/1,000,000 of a meter. 1 inch equals 
about 25,400 microns. 

Mitotic - Cell division. 

Mutagen (Mutagenicity) - Any substance capable of producing 
genetic damage (The ability to produce genetic damage). 

Non-selective herbicide - One that is toxic to all plants. 

Non-target component or vegetation - Vegetation which is not 
expected or not planned to be affected by the treatment. 

Noxious weed - A plant defined by law as being especially 
undesirable, troublesome, and difficult to control. 
Definition of the term "noxious weed" will vary according 
to legal interpretation. 

Overstory - That portion of the trees in a forest that form the 
upper most layer of vegetation. 

Pathogen - The infective agent causing a disease, e.g. a 
fungus, bacterium, or virus. 

Perennial - A plant that lives for more than 2 years. 

Persistent pesticide - Persistency is dependent upon such 
properties as volatility and resistance to chemical 

Pest plant - Any plant which injures man, his property, or 
which annoys him. 

Pesticide - Any substance or mixture of substances intended for 
controlling insects, rodents, fungi, weeds, and other 
forms of plant or animal life considered pests. 

pH - The chemist's measure of acidity and alkalinity. It is a 
scale in which the figure 7 indicates neutral; figures 
below 7 indicate acidity; and, figures above 7 indicate 
an alkalinity. 

Phenoxy herbicides - Formulations of 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, and 
2.4, 5-TPe 

Phloem - The tissues of the inner bark. They are characterized 
by the presence of sieve tubes and transport foodstuffs. 

Phosphorylation - The process of converting into a compound of 

Photoaleration - Changed by exposure to sunlight. 

Photodecomposition - A process of breaking down a substance 
through reaction to light. 

Phtotoxic - Poisonous or injurious to plants. 
Post emergence - After emergence of specified weed or crop. 

ppb - parts per billion, e.g. 1 ppb might refer to 1 gallon of 
herbicide in 1 billion gallons of water. 

ppm - parts per million. 
ppt —"parts per tririfion, 

Precommercial thinning - Thinning out trees in a forest stand 
by other than a commercial sale. 

Pre-emergence herbicide - A herbicide applied after planting 
the crop, but before the crop emerges above ground. The 
purpose is to kill weed seedlings that appear ahead of 

Rate - The weight of active ingredient or acid equivalent of a 
herbicide or volume of carrier applied to a unit area. 
(Usually expressed in lbs. of herbicide in gallons of 
carrier per acre.) 


Registered - Pesticides that have been approved for use by the 
Environmental Protection Agency or by the Department of 

Residue - That quantity of a substnce, especially of active 
pesticide, remaining on or in a surface or crop. 

Resistance - The degree to which a plant or animal species of 
plant or other tolerates a toxic substance. 

Roentgens - The unit used as a measure at radiation. 

Selective herbicide - A herbicide that will kill some plant 
species when applied to a mixed population, without 
serious injury to other species. 

Site preparation - The removal of vegetative competition or 
physical obstacles from an area scheduled for 

Softwood - A conventional term for both the timber and the 
trees belonging to the botanical group gymnospermae 
(pines and spruces). 

Soil sterilant - A herbicide that prevents plant growth when 
present in the soil. Soil sterilization may be temporary 
or relatively permanent. 

Spot spraying or treatment - An application of pesticide to 
localized or restricted areas (generally a few square 
feet); this is different from a broadcast application 
(generally covering many acres). 

Sprout - Any shoot arising from a woody plant, but particularly 
from the base of a plant. 

Stomata - A minute pore in plant leaves through which gaseous 
exchange takes place. 

Succession —- The gradual supplanting of one community of plants 
by another. 

Surfactant - A substance that reduces the interfacial tension 
between the surface of a droplet and the surface of the 

vegetation on which the droplet has landed. 

Systemic herbicide - A herbicide that travels to other parts 
of a plant, rather than staying where it was applied. 

Target component or vegetation - Vegetation which is expected 
or planned to be affected by the treatment. 

Teratogen (Teratogenicity) - Any substance capable of producing 
birth defects. 


- Toxicity - Degree to which something is poisonous or physically 

- Translocated herbicide - Herbicide movement within the plant 
from the point of entry. 

- Travel Influence Zone - The travel influence zone is made up of 
lands bordering selected roads and trails which have 
significant recreation travel. It includes existing and 
potential recreational occupancy sites, and is wide 
enough to insure that the land can be managed for scenic 

- Vegetational succession - The order in which plants become 
established and grow in nature. Usually after a fire or 
other disturbance, simple annual plants become 
established first, then successively more complex and 
longer living plants take over. 

- Volatile - A compound is said to be volatile when it vaporizes 
at ordinary temperatures on exposure to aire 

- Volatility - The evaporation or vaporization (changing from a 
liquid to a gas) at ordinary temperatures on exposure to 
the air. 

- Water Influence Zone - The water influence zone extends back 
from the water line of selected streams and lakes. It 
delineates land areas where the presence of water is a 
predominating factor and a major item of consideration 
when managing the area. It includes land areas suitable 
for recreational use or other development in connection 
with the utilization of water values. Streams suitable 
for boating and canoeing and waterfowl marshes are 
usually in this zone. 

- Weed - A plant growing where it is not desired. 

- Xylem - The principal strengthening and water-conducting tissue 
of woody plants. 




Basic authority for the use of herbicides is contained in 
legislation signed on October 21, 1972; the Federal, 
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as 
amended. To insure that herbicide use is necessary and is 
accomplished in a manner that will achieve specific resource 
management objectives with the least potential hazard to all 
non-target components of the environment, the following controls 
were developed to mitigate adverse environmental effects 

ACTION) of this statement: 

When label directions are more constraining than those listed 
below, the label directions will be followed: 

Loo AEE 

-- To minimize drift and volatilization, lessen the fall 
distance to 30-40 feet above the vegetation when 
aerially applying herbicides. 

-- Use ground spray application equipment that produces 
droplets larger than 200 microns mass median diameter. 

-- Use aerial spray application equipment that produces 
droplets larger than 400 microns mass median diameter. 

-- When reasonable, use thickeners or invert emulsion 
formulations for spray mixtures to minimize drift 
and volatilization. 

-- Avoid the aerial application of herbicides when a 
warm air inversion is present, as the drift potential 
is increased. Cold air inversions can help reduce 

-- Always use the low volatile formulations of an 

-- Apply aerial sprays only when the wind speed is 
less than 8 m.p.h., or less, if required by the label. 

-- Apply aerial sprays only when the temperature ranges 
from 50-85 F. (measured 4.5 feet above ground 

-- Apply aerial sprays only when the relative humidity 
is above 50 percent. 


To avoid contaminating areas not scheduled for 
treatment, the entire application system 

must be leakproof and have a positive shut-off 
mechanism capable of retarding drool. 

When a range of application rates is suggested, use 
the lowest rate recommended for effective treatment 
with specific soils. 

When the label's use directions allow the user a 
range of application rates (e.g., 1-3 gallons per 

100 gallons of dilutent), maximum of 6 pounds active 
ingredient per acre, for one application of herbicide, 
will be used. 

Waste herbicide containers will be returned to the 
manufacturer for re-use, properly incinerated 
(1,000°C for 2 seconds dwell time), or triple 
rinsed, crushed, and buried in a land fill approved 
for such disposal by either EPA or a local unit of 
government. Rinse solution will be added to the 
herbicide mixture and used as part of the herbicide 


Herbicides will not be applied within 50 feet of 

open water such as streams, ditches, lakes, and ponds; 
unless, the target pest is found in or adjacent to the 
water and the herbicides are approved by EPA for 
application to a water system. 

For aerial and ground foliar spray applications, leave 
a minimum 100-foot buffer zone between the treatment 
area and open water. When the wind velocity exceeds 

4 m.p.h. and is blowing toward private or other public 
lands or open water, consider increasing the buffer 
strip to at least 500 feet. 

When treating slopes in excess of 30 percent, the 
width of the untreated buffer-strip will be doubled. 

The water source providing water for mixing with 
herbicides shall be protected from herbicide 

A water surveillance program will be used by each 
Forest. There will be periodical check to guarantee 
that guidelines used for herbicide applications are 
adequately protecting forest water sources so the 
herbicide levels do not exceed those listed in the 
National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations 
or permanent regulations. 


-- Ferrying routes by helicopters rigged for applying 
herbicides will not cross lakes or ponds, and will 
avoid other open waters where practical. 

-- There will be no fog or air turbulence present, nor 
will rain be expected on site within 2 to 4 hours. 

Hazardous Substances 

-- An area will be retreated, where needed, no sooner 
tiiaaelsyeats10r92,4,5-1, and 3 years for cacodylic 
acid, picloram, and dicamba. 

-- Only herbicides currently registered and labeled by 
the Environmental Protection Agency for the specific 
use proposed will be used, unless: 





An Experimental Use Permit is obtained from 
EPA under Section 5, Federal Insecticide, 
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, (FIFRA), as 

A Special Local Needs Registration is issued 
by an individual State under guidelines 
contained in Section 24, FIFRA, as amended. 

Parameters, as outlined in the U.S. EPA 
Pesticide Enforcement Policy Statement No. 5 
are met. 

Aerial application of herbicides whose labels 
bear no affirmative instructions for aerial 
application must follow the procedures 
established by US EPA Pesticide Enforcement 
Policy Statement No. 7. 

-- The use of an unregistered tank mix will not be 
permitted unless it meets (a), (b) or (c) above. 

-- All proposals for pesticide use on the National 
Forests of the Eastern Region will go through a 
review process which includes review by: 



Forest Pesticide Use Committee or Forest 
Pesticide Coordinator. 

Regional Chemical Use Committee. 

Pesticide-use proposals falling into one 

or more of the following categories must 

be reviewed by the field Pesticide-Use 
Coordinating Committee before being approved 
by the Regional Forester. 

(1) Use of a pesticide (for a particular 
purpose or use in a particular way) not labeled 
under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and 
Rodenticide Act, as amended. 

(2) Any application to water, or any 
application whereby the pesticide could 
reasonably be expected to get into water. 

(3) Any use of a pesticide that can reasonably 
be expected to affect threatened or endangered 

(4) Any program or project in which 640 or 
more contiguous acres would be treated as one 

Proposed herbicide uses will be based on a 
prescription for each treatment area that evaluates 
and justifies the need for the treatment and 
considers alternative procedures, benefits, and 
possible adverse effects on the environment. 

When not covered by an Environmental Impact Statement 
or approved Environmental Analysis Report, an 
environmental analysis and its documentary report 
will be made for herbicide uses affecting any 
resource, Other land use activity, or the 
environment. When required, there will be provisions 
for advance review of pesticide projects by concerned 
Federal, State, and local agencies, and the general 

Pesticides will be handled and stored in a manner 
which will safeguard public health and wildlife, 
prevent damage to plants, prevent soil and water 
contamination, and are in accordance with Federal, 
State, or local laws and regulations. 


When pesticides are required, those methods of 
application and formulations that will most 
effectively suppress the pest, are the most 

specific to target organisms, and have the least 
potential hazard to all non-target components of the 
environment will be recommended. 

The use of controversial herbicides or controversial 
methods of application will be analyzed and 

reported to the public and other interested Federal, 
State, and local agencies, so they may review and 
comment on the action proposed. 


-- The news media will be utilized at the local level to 
discuss pesticide-use issues and social concerns. 

-- Results of herbicide efficacy and monitoring will be 
made available to the public. 

-- Whenever reasonable, effective, safe, and integrated 
Suppression measures that may utilize biological, 
cultural, and other techniques in place of, or in 
association with, pesticides will be recommended and 

-- Legal clearances, as required by Federal, State, 
and local laws or regulations will be obtained 
before using pesticides (Section 24 regulations of 
amended FIFRA). 

-- All personnel who handle or supervise the use of 
pesticides will receive training and/or certification. 


-- If possible, treat aquatic weeds before heavy 
seasonal use starts. 

-- Along easily viewed roadside and rights-of-way, 
treat hardwood brush at the youngest age possible. 

-- Where aesthetic values are high, herbicide 
treatments should occur during the dormant season, 
using based spray or cut stump methods of application. 

Landownership - Land Use 

-- All uses of herbicides by permittees will follow the 
policies and guidelines established for National 
Forest use of chemicals. 

--The Land Use Policies outlined in Secretary's 
Memorandum No. 1827 will be followed. 


-- A safety plan and job hazard analysis will be 
written for herbicide use. For each herbicide 
proposed for use, the safety plan should cover: 

(a) First aid instructions 

(b) Poison Control Center telephone number 
and evacuation procedures 

(c) General safety information 

(d) Storage 

(e) Operational procedures 

(f) Safety precautions: 
- Accident prevention measures 
- Transportation precautions 

- Empty container disposal 

Spill clean-up plan. 

The job hazard analysis and Occupational Safety 

and Health Act (OSHA) should be used to provide 
guidance on protective clothing and safety equipment 
needed for those handling and working with herbicides. 

Applicators will be briefed before and during the use 
season about safe measures for handling, transporting, 
mixing, and applying herbicides; use of protective 
clothing and equipment; plus, the need for personal 
hygiene. Applicable safety measures will be used. 

Persons applying restricted-use herbicides on National 
Forest lands will must meet State Pesticide 
Certification Plan or Government Agency Plan 
guidelines, as approved by EPA. (To be effective 
October® 213+ 1977.) 

Certification of herbicide applicators used on 
National Forests will follow Federal, State, and local 

For aerial applications, an unsprayed buffer zone of 
at least 100 feet will be left adjacent to all private 
property, unless the private property holder agrees 

in writing to a lesser distance. Individual tree 
treatment methods may be used in this strip. 

Projects will be carefully supervised to assure that 
stated precautions for terbicide use are being 

The herbicide 2,4,5-T will be limited to forest, 
pasture, and industrial sites, unless label 
restrictions are changed by the Environmental 
Protection Agency. It will not be used in 
recreation areas, water, around homes or offices, 
or on food crops (except rice). 




Domestic Animals 

Label instructions on allowing livestock to 
graze on areas following herbicide application 
will be followed. 

Soil Organisms (RESERVED ) 


The project planners will review the list of 
endangered and threatened wildlife published in the 
Federal Register 40 (188): 44412-44429, September 
26, 1975. (Memo to Forests, 2630, October 2, 1975), 
and take reasonable action to determine if listed 
wildlife occupy or frequent the proposed treatment 

When available, Forest/State recovery plan for 
individual wildlife species will be reviewed. 

"Unique'' - Species identified in FSM 2622.4; 
State legislation; or species identified in Forest 
unit plans will be reviewed. 

Management practices approved for the protection of 
active habitat sites for identified unique, threatened 
and endangered animals (FSM 2630) will be followed. 

Critical habitats of endangered or threatened fish and 
wildlife species will be protected and enhanced where 


When planning for herbicide programs, all the plants 
on the Secretary of Interior's proposed list will be 
treated as though they were officially classified. 
Steps will be taken to assure their protection, until 
such time as their official status is determined. 

When planning the use of herbicides, available 
information will be reviewed to determine whether 
or not known locations of sensitive plants occur 
in the immediate vicinity of the proposed project. 

If known locations are identified within or in the 
immediate vicinity of the project area, a field 
reconnaissance will be made by a qualified Forest 
Service person or out-Service botanist to determine 
the distribution of the sensitive species. 

-- When the actual distribution of the sensitive plant 
is determined, efforts will be taken to modify the 
herbicide treatment; or, the proposed treatment area 
will be dropped, so as to avoid jeopardizing the 
existence of the sensitive plant. 

13. History and Archeology 

-- The project planner will consult the National Register 
of Historic Places, to avoid treating recognized areas 
with herbicides. 

-- Reconnaissance surveys will be conducted by the land 
manager where an inventory of cultural values is 

-- Any Forest Service herbicide treatment proposed for 
a site listed in the National Register of Historic 
Places must be submitted to the National Advisory 
Council on Historic Preservation for review and 
comment, prior to approval of the project. 

-- Broadcast herbicide treatments will be given to any 
location of known historic or prehistoric sites, 
buildings, objects, or properties related to 
American history, architecture, archaeology, or 
culture, such as settler or Indian artifacts, and 
protected by the American Antiquities Act of 1906 (16 
USC 431-433), National Historic Preservation Act of 
1966 (PL 89-665), Executive Order 11593 (1971), NEPA 
PL 91-190), or the Archeological and Historical 
Conservation Act of 1974 (88 Stat. 174). 

To comply with FIFRA as amended, these guidelines will be 
reviewed on a timely basis and changed as needed. 
Federal Agencies 
1. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Station, 

14th and Jefferson Drive S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250 

2. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 
14th and Jefferson Drive S.W., Washington D.C. 20250 

3. U.S. Department of the Interior 
Interior Building, Washington, D.C. 20240 

4. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
401 M. Street S.W., Washington, D.C. 20460 

State Agencies 

Through State-Federal Clearinghouse Coordinators 
Illinois, Bureau of the Budget 
Springfield, Illinois 62706 
Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Resources 
P.O. Box 1467, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 

State Department of Natural Resources 

Maine, Department of Conservation 
Augusta, Maine 04333 

Michigan, Department of Natural Resources 
Mason Building, Lansing, Michigan 48909 

Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources 
Centennial Office Building, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 

Ohio, Department of Natural Resources 
Fountain Square, Columbus, Ohio 43224 

West Virginia, Department of Natural Resources 
Charleston, West Virginia 25305 

Wisconsin, Department of Natural Resources 

Box 7921, Madison, Wisconsin 53707 
Organizations, Groups and Individuals 

Coalition for Economic Alternatives 

Box 323, Ashland, Wisconsin 54806 

Defenders of Wildlife 
1244 Nineteenth Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036 

Environmental Defense Fund 
1525 18th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036 

Friends of the Earth 
620 C Street, S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003 

The Izaak Walton League of America 
Suite 806, 1800 N. Kent Street, Arlington, Virginia 22209 

Minnesota Herbicide Coalition 
110506 Windmill Court, Chaska, Minnesota 55318 


The Wilderness Society 
1901 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006 

Mason Carter, Head, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources 
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 

Harvey Holt, Associate Professor, Dept. of Forestry 
and Natural Resources 
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 
Ms. G. Altonen 
Duluth, Minnesota 55812 

Consolidated Paper, Incorporated 

Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin 54494 

TSI Company 
P.O. Box 151, Flanders, New Jersey 07836 






Prepared by the Staff of the Nicolet National Forest, May 1976 





















The applicability of the National Environmental Policy Act to 
this activity has been considered. The Council on Environmental 
Quality has set forth a number of considerations to guide 
Federal Agencies in following Section 102(2) (C) of the National 
Environmental Policy Act. Among them is the use of a 
broad-based impact statement as background to site specific 
environmental analysis. This format has been adopted by the 
Eastern Region. A final environmental statement, The Use of 
Herbicides in the Eastern Region, was submitted to the Council 
on Environmental Quality on October 30, 1973. This proposed 
project to use 2,4-D has been selected from several alternatives 
available. The analysis is contained in this report and does 
not indicate a significant environmental impact or high 
controversy. The reasons for this decision are based on the 
conclusions that the action will: 

1. Cause no irreversible effects to the waters, air, soil, or 
quality of the human environment. 

2. Promote a desirable long term change in the vegetation 
composition of the Nicolet National Forest that will aid 
local economic stability and help to offset the long-term 
National shortage of softwood timber. 

3. Alter the habitat adversely for some species of wildlife, 
but beneficially for other species of wildlife. 

4. Not adversely affect rare or unique plants or animals. 

5. Be carried out well within the guidelines established in the 
final environmental statement on the Use of Herbicides in 
the Eastern Region. Constraints for this project meet or 
exceed all guidelines in that document. 

6. Be the most desirable alternative from the stand point of 
efficiency and minimum environmental impacts. 

While the use of 2,4-D may be subject to some concern, tests and 
investigations have not shown this herbicide to accumulate in 
the environment or contain the dioxin TCDD. The areas to be 
treated are small in size and widely scattered. Based on this 
analysis, I have determined that the requirements of the 
National Environmental Policy Act have been met. An 
environmental statement as described in Section 102(2) (C), has 
been prepared for the Eastern Region Herbicide Use Program and a 
statement dealing with these specific projects is not needed. 
This proposal to treat 340 acres of plantation using the methods 
and subject to the management constraints, described herein is 

Forest Supervisor 





Project Background 

The 2,4-D herbicides are used in land management where their 
particular selective properties coincide with the desired 
changes in vegetation. The most common uses are suppression 
of broad-leaved plants in the presence of grasses, conifers, 
or certain legumes. The situations in which management 
objectives are served by this kind of selectivity are 
extra-ordinarily diverse. Each use of 2,4-D is governed by 
the known response to 2,4-D of each kind of plant present. 
Such general rules as "broad-leaved" plants are susceptible, 
while grasses and conifers are resistant" have important 
exceptions, and nothing short of a thorough knowledge of the 
responses of each kind of plant under prevailing conditions 
will make possible the effective use of 2,4-D. 

The basic purpose of the conifer release program is the 
attainment of Forest vegetative cover type objectives. The 
Forest cover type objectives policy sets, as a goal, a fairly 
definite pattern of vegetative cover types, age classes and 
species mixtures, to be attained through long-term vegetative 
manipulation. This eventual vegetative pattern is viewed as 
the optimum situation obtainable on existing soil types, from 
a multiple-use land management standpoint. Several factors, 
primarily aesthetics, wildlife habitat, timber production, and 
land capabilities were considered by an interdisciplinary team 
in establishing these objectives. 

The attainment of these objectives requires the maintenance of 
conifer cover types during the regeneration period. Conifer 
type maintenance necessitates the control of competing 
hardwood regeneration and brush, to release conifer 

seedlings. Conifer seedlings, being slower growing than 
hardwoods, are not able to compete successfully for light, 
moisture, and nutrients under growing conditions now found 
over most of the Nicolet National Forest. Establishment of 
conifer stands, therefore, requires management action to 
control competing vegetation until conifers dominate the site. 

The Forest composition objectives for the Nicolet National 
Forest are covered in the following documents: 

1. Timber Management Plan for the Nicolet National Forest, 
July 1, 1965 extended to June 30; 1973. 

2. Environmental Statement for the Use of Herbicides in 
the Eastern Region, October 30, 1973. 

The major effects of planned cover type manipulation are 
briefly outlined below: 

a. Favorable Effects. 

(1) Improvement of wildlife habitat through an 
increase in Forest vegetative cover type 

(2) Improved forest aesthetics by creation of a 
heterogeneous mixture of conifer and hardwood 

(3) Increased forest resistance to insect and 
diseased losses through increased cover type 

(4) Increase in forest fiber and economic yield 
through conversion of hardwood stands to 
higher yielding, higher value conifer types. 

b. Adverse Impacts 

(1) Increased fire hazard due to increased 
percentage of Forest in more flammable 
conifer types. 

The prescribed conifer plantation release program for CY 1976 
includes a total of 589 acres. Of this total, 249 acres are 
proposed for release using various individual stem treatments, 
and 340 acres are proposed for release using an aerial 
herbicide application. Prescriptions for various treatments 
are based on several factors; including, number and 
distribution of competing stems, size of crop trees, 
accessibility, and location of plantation in relation to 
wetlands, surface waters, and heavy public use areas or 

Project Proposal 

The project proposal is to release 340 acres of conifer 
plantation from competing vegetation. The 2,4-D herbicide 
ESTERON (R)99(R), Concentrate (EPA Registration No. 
464-201-AA, Appendix F), a iow volatile ester; is the chemical 
selected to accomplish the release. The herbicide will be 
diluted with water and applied at a,rate of 8 gallons 
herbicide-water spray mix per acre. Herbicide volume will 

be 3 quarts per acre. Application will be by helicopter 
equipped with a microfoil spray boom from an altitude of 50 to 
60 feet above the vegetation. A 0.013 inch orifice nozzle 
will be used. A nozzle of this size produces droplets with a 
nearly uniform mass median diameter of from 1,500 to 1,700 
microns. The purpose of having large droplets is to eliminate 
spray drift and to minimize volatilization. The proposed 
project is scheduled for completion between July 20, 1976, and 
August 20, 1976. 

Controls on our use and measures to mitigate identified 
environmental impacts are listed in Section II-D. 

Treatment Areas 
Wildlife species on the Nicolet National Forest. 

The Nicolet Forest is the home of many species of animals and 
birds. A partial listing of these species that might be found 
on the Nicolet is included in Appendix D. Wildlife species 
present on the Forest may or may not include the 10 areas to 
be treated with 2,4-D as part of their normal habitat. 

An application of 2,4-D to these 10 areas will cause only a 
minor and short-term habitat change. This change will be the 
removal of the ingrowth of broad-leaved plants that have 
invaded these areas since planting. The major habitat change 
occurred at the time the mature timber was removed. We are 
now managing these sites as red pine and black spruce 
plantations. A herbicide manual or mechanical treatment now 
would create the same habitat change. If the 2,4-D treatment 
is successful, the change in vegetation will only be to take 
these 10 areas back to the vegetative condition that existed 
4-5 years ago when they were planted. The total effect of 
treating 340 acres on the Nicolet National Forest will be to 
affect 0.05% of the total habitat available on the Forest. 

The total effect on wildlife will not be a significant 

change. Rare or unique species identified as important to 
this project are the Northern Bald Eagle and the American 
Osprey. Nesting habitats adjacent to the spray areas have 
been identified and protected by flight restriction areas 
shown on the project maps. As discussed under environmental 
effects, there is no evidence that any individual animal would 
be psysiologically harmed by the content or amount of spray 
material to be applied to these areas. 

See Appendix B for Vicinity Map and Appendix C for individual 
Area and Project Maps. 

Area #1 

Area 1 is located in the NE 1/4 Section 4, T37N, RI16E, Forest 
County, Wisconsin. Area 1 is a 43 acre black spruce 
plantation. Thirty-eight acres are proposed for aerial spray 
to release the planted spruce from overtopping aspen and paper 
birch. The,east side of the plantation area adjoins private 
land owned by Armstrong Creek Township. There are no 
residences on the private land. The private land is timber 
covered and used for production of forest products. 

The north boundary of the spray area is approximately 100 feet 
south of private land. The owner of record is 

Wayne Vandermeulen. There is a seasonal residence located 
approximately 700 feet north of the spray area. 

A 100-foot buffer area adjacent to private land on the east, 
and 4 wet bog on the southeast will be established to prevent 
any spray drift from getting onto private land or the wet 
area. The west boundary of the spray area is National Forest 
and is bordered by tall timber. A 100-foot area adjacent to 
the timber will not be sprayed to provide a safety buffer for 
the aircraft and pilot. 

Soils on Area 1 are of the Stambaugh silt loam acpticemgee 

These are deep, well-drained soils with medium infiltration 
rate and slow permeability. There is very little run off from 
these soils. Ground water is 5 or more feet below the 
surface. Slopes are less than 10 percent and little erosion 
Will occur On this site. 

Area 1 lies .75 miles northeast of Laura Lake, 1.2 miles 
northeast of Laura Gordon Campground, and 0.6 miles north of 
an unnamed pond. The closest permanent dwelling is 12 miles 
east of the spray area. Recreational use of the area is 
limited to very occasional visits by hunters during the fall. 

The original timber on this area was believed to be a mixture 
of pine and hemlock. Poor quality aspen invaded the area 
following clear cutting in the early 1900's. The aspen was 
harvested in 1970, the site prepared by rock raking in 1971, 
and planted to spruce in 1972. Spruce produce softwood timber 

This area has received no previous herbicide treatment. 

This area will be sprayed from helipad B located on spray 
Area #3. 

Area #2 

Area 2 is located in the NE 1/4 of Section 4, T3/N, RI16E,, 
Forest County, Wisconsin. Area 2 lies .12 miles west of 
Area 1. The two areas are separated by .12 miles of uncut 

Area 2 was cut in 1970, site prepared in 1971, and planted to 
red pine and black spruce in 1972. The north boundary of 
Area 2 is .12 miles south of private land and surrounded by 
uncut timber. Ten of the 20 acres of the plantation will be 
aerially sprayed to release planted trees from aspen 

The relationship of Area 2 to private land, water, residences, 
and other human activity is substantially the same as 
described for Area l. 

The helicopter spraying Area 2 will use helipad B located in 
Area 3. 

This area has received no herbicide treatment in the past. 
Area #3 

Area 3 is located in the SW 1/4 of Section 7, T37N, RI6E, 
Forest County, Wisconsin. Area 3 is a black spruce plantation 
of 52 acres, of which 44 acres are proposed to be released 
from overtopping aspen, willow, and several other minor 
broad-leaved species. The closest private land is southerly 
about,.25 miles. It is owned by Consolidated Papers, 

ince These lands are managed as commercial forest lands 

for timber production. 

A 100 foot buffer area is developed around the lowland conifer 
stand on the south edge of this plantation. Also, the west 
edge of this plantation will not be sprayed to protect some 
planted wildlife shrubs. Within the plantation is one wet 
depression where standing water occurs at times of high 
rainfall. This area will not be sprayed. 

Soils on Area 3 are of the Padus swe, © These loams have 
a high infiltration rate and a rapid rate of permeability. 
Fragipans present in the underlying strata of these soils 
often restrict permeability in local areas. The water table 
is below 5 feet in nearly all this area. 

Area 3 is .5 miles to a spring pond which flows to a stream 
known as West Branch Armstrong Creek. Rat Lake is .75 miles 
south of this area. The closest resident to this area is 
southeasterly 1.5 miles. 

The original timber stand on this area is not known. It was 
harvest cut for aspen 15 to 18 years ago. A very low quality 
stand of aspen came back and developed pathological problems. 
Management decided to convert this stand to black spruce in 
1972. In 1973, the area was prepared by rock raking and 
planted to spruce in the spring of 1974. Spruce management 
will fully use the capability of the site to produce softwood 
timber products. 

This area has received no previous herbicide treatment. 

This area will be sprayed from helipad B which is located at 
the southwest edge of this site. 

Area #4 

Area 4 is located in the SE 1/4 of Section 35, T39N, RI5E, 
Florence County, Wisconsin. The 35 acre red pine and black 
spruce plantation will be sprayed to release the planted trees 
from aspen, red maple, and hazel competition. 

Area 4 is surrounded by National Forest land. The closest 
other ownership is .25 miles south and owned by the State of 
Wisconsin. All other ownerships within .5 miles of Area 4 are 
used for commercial forest purposes. The closest residence is 
1 mile south. 

The nearest permanent water body is .38 miles southeast. 
There are no streams or wet areas immediately adjacent to this 

Area 4 is located in a part of the Nicolet Forest that 
recelves very light recreation use. This area would 
occasionally be visited by a hunter, but very few persons 
would use this area for other recreation activities. 

Soils of Area 4 are of the Stambaugh silt loam Sericeece 
These are deep, well drained soils with a medium infiltration 
rate and slow permeability. There is very little runoff from 
these soils. Ground water is 5 or more feet below the soil 

The original timber on this area was believed to be northern 
hardwood - hemlock. The site was occupied by aspen and the 
poor quality residual hardwood following clearcutting in the 
early 1900's. Merchantable trees were harvested in the late 
1960's. The site was rock raked in 1971, and planted to red 
pine and black spruce in 1972. 

This area has not received a previous herbicide treatment. 
Approximately 70 acres of plantation, just south of Area 4, 
were sprayed with 2,4-D in 1973. 

The helipad for Area 4 is on National Forest land, 
approximately 1,300 feet west of the spray area. 

Area #5 

Area 5 is located in the SW 1/4 of Section 8, T40N, R12E, 
Forest County, Wisconsin. Area 5 is a 40 acre red pine 
plantation. All 40 acres are proposed for release from aspen 
competition by aerial spray. 

There is a privately owned tract of land approximately 150 
feet east of Area 5. There are no buildings or occupancy on 
the private holdings. The land is currently forested. The 
owner of record is Dale Jewson. The nearest occupied 
dwellings are .75 miles southeast, 1 mile north, and 2 miles 

There are no streams or wet areas within Area 5. The nearest 
permanent water body is .5 miles southwest. There is a wet 
marsh that comes within 150 feet of the spray area. The 150 
feet of forested land between the spray area and marsh will 
provide sufficient buffer area to protect the wetlands. 

Area 5.goils are mainly of the Crivitz loamy fine sand 
series. with a small area of Padus loam on the eastern part 
of Area 5. Crivitz soils are deep, excessively drained 
soils. They have high infiltration rates and rapid 
permeability. There is seldom any surface runoff. Padus 
soils are deep and well drained. Infiltration rates are 
usually high, permeability rapid, with no surface runoff. 

Ground water in both soil types would be five or more feet 
below and the soil surface. 

Original forst types on Crivitz soils were red and white 
pine. Original clearcutting in the early 1900's removed the 
pine types. These were replaced by aspen. The aspen stand 
was harvested in the late 1960's, the area rock raked and 
planted to red pine. 

There is an osprey nest location approximately .25 miles 
southwest of the spray area. To prevent disturbance to any 
nesting birds, a flight restriction area has been established 
west of Area 5. The flight restriction area is shown on the 
map of Area 5 in Appendix C. The spray contract will prohibit 
the helicopter from flying over this area during spray 
operations or when coming to or leaving Area 5. 

Area 5 is located approximately 3 miles south of Forest 
Service Kentuck Lake Campground, 2.5 miles north of Franklin 
Lake Campground, and 2.25 miles east of Anvil Lake 

Campground. While recreation use in this vicinity is heavy, 
few people have been observed using National Forest lands 
where spray Area 5 is located. Most recreation visits to 
this vicinity are to the many lakes of the area. There are no 
established hiking trails that would lead people to enter 
spray Area 5. 

This area has not received a previous herbicide treatment. 

The helipad for Area 5 is located approximately 300 feet north 
of the eastern edge of the area. 

Area #6 

Area 6 is located in the SW 1/4 of Section 7, T42N, RIIE, 
Vilas County, Wisconsin. Area 6 is a 65 acre red pine 
plantation. Twenty-eight acres are proposed for aerial 
spraying to release the planted pine from overtopping aspen. 
The area is surrounded by National Forest lands. It is 
bounded on the east by a transmission line that is under 
special use permit to Wisconsin-Michigan Power Co. A private 
tract of 30 acres owned by Catherine Hunt is located 700 feet 
north and west of the spray site. No developments are located 
on this tract. The nearest full-time resident is located east 
of the site about 1 mile, near the shore of Lac Vieux Desert 


The southeast corner of this site is within the seen area from 
County Trunk Highway E. For the traveler along this road, 
only a few seconds vision would be available at normal travel 
speeds for this highway. 

Soils on this area are of the Vilas pericseo Infiltration 
and permeability rates are very high on these porous soils. 
Water tables are usually below 5 feet in depth. Run-off is 
nearly non-existent on this soil type. 

Area 6 is 1 mile west of Lac Vieux Desert Lake. The Wisconsin 
River is 400 feet from the northeast corner of this area. 

The timber on this site was a mixture of jack pine, red pine, 
white pine, and aspen. It was harvest cut in 1969-1970. 
Planting of red pine was accomplished after a prescribed burn 
in 1971s 

Herbicides have been used along the transmission line by the 
power company on the very east edge of this site. As a whole, 
herbicides have not been used on this site in the past. 

This area will be sprayed from helipad G which is on the site. 
Area #7 

Area 7 is located in the SE 1/4 of Section 23 and the SW 1/4 
of Section 24, T41N, RI11IE, Vilas County, Wisconsin. Area 7 is 
a 57 acre red pine plantation. Thirty-seven acres are to be 
sprayed to release the planted pine from aspen competition. 

The nearest parcel of privately owned land is .37 miles west 
of Area 7 at the closest point. The owner of record is Waino 
Alinin. Current usage of the land is for forage crops and 
timber products. There is a permanent residence on the land. 

Soils in Area 7 are of the Pence sandy loam series, Vilas 
sands, and Vilas loamy sands series. Slopes are 10 

percent or less. Pence series soils are deep and excessively 
drained. There soils have high infiltration rates and medium 
to rapid permeability. They drain quickly after rain, with no 
surface runoffs. The Vilas series are deep, excessively 
drained soils. The soils are porous and droughty, with a high 
infiltration rate and rapid permeability. Rainfall is 
absorbed with no runoff. Ground water would be 5 or more feet 
below the soil surface. 

These dry sandy soils were originally pine lands. Area 7 was 
stocked with 70 year old jack pine prior to harvest in 1969. 
Area 7 was site prepared by prescribed burning and planted to 
red pine in 1971. 

ie al 

Area 7 is in two parcels. The west side of the eastern 
segment abuts a marsh - wetland. A 100-foot buffer strip will 
be left adjacent to the marsh to prevent any spray material 
from entering the marsh. There is a 600-foot strip of uncut 
timber on the east between the spray area and the Deerskin 
River, a cold water trout stream. 

A small spring pond arises in the marsh between the two 
portions of Area 7. Water from the spring pond flows 
approximately .75 miles southeasterly and enters the Deerskin 
River. There is very little risk of contaminating the water 
with the spray due to the buffer strips and other control 
methods. The Forest hydrologist has recommended that this 
spring pond be tested for the presence of 2,4-D both, before 
and after spraying. The objective of the water tests will be 
to test the effectiveness of the methods used to prevent 2,4-D 
from entering water bodies. Area 7 is the only site close 
enough to water to make testing worthwhile. 

Area 7 is adjacent to Forest Road 2537. This road is 
maintained for public use, but is lightly used by the public. 
The nearest developed recreation area is Spectacle Lake 
Campground, 4 miles to the east and Anvil Lake Campground, 

6 miles south. Some visitors use this area for access to the 
Deerskin River for trout fishing. Deer hunting use is 
relatively heavy in this part of the forest. Some berry 
picking may occur within Area 7. The greatest concentration 
of blueberry plants occurs in the western part of this area 
adjacent to Road 2537. This part of the area does not need 
spray to release the pine. Where the aspen stems are denser 
in the spray portions of Area 7, there are few blueberry 

Area 7 will be signed along Forest Road 2537 with notices that 
the area has been sprayed with 2,4-D. This should alert all 
visitors to the area of the possibility of chemical residue on 
wild fruits. 

The helipad for Area 7 is adjacent to the spray area on the 
north side. There has been no previous herbicide application 
on this area. 

Area #8 

Area 8 is located in the west 1/2 of Section 34, and SE 1/4 of 
Section 33, T37N, R12E, Forest County, Wisconsin. The 
plantation is 57 acres in size, of which 56 acres will be 
treated with herbicide to release red pine from aspen 

sprouts. The area is totally surrounded by National Forest 
land for a distance of .75 miles. Northwest of this site, 
Matt Zver has 91 acres of timbered land. The closest 
full-time resident is on the shore of Pine Lake, a distance 


The Wolf River is south and east of this site. Its flood 
plain is a bog and sedge ecotype of 100 feet in width. A 
heavy spruce stand adjoins the bog-sedge type grading to the 
high ground where the plantation is established. This spruce 
stand is from 300 to 1,000 feet wide between the bog-sedge and 

Several wet areas exist in this plantation. A 100-foot buffer 
strip is proposed to avoid any herbicide from getting to the 

Soils on Area 8 are of Pence-Crivitz erica: Infiltration 
and permeability rates on these soils are high. No runoff is 
expected to occur. Water tables are generally below 5 feet in 
depth. These are gently rolling soils and some grades of 
15-20 percent occur for short distances. Erosion is 
negligible on this site. 

The original forest on this area was a white pine type. It 
was clearcut in the early 1900's and following a burn, gave 
way to spruce-fir and low quality aspen. In 1971 and 1972, a 
harvest cut of all trees was made. The area was then rock 
raked in 1972, and planted to red pine and black spruce in 

An active eagle's nest is present along the Wolf River, 1.2 
miles north and west of this site. A flight restricted area 
will be adhered to north, west, and east of this site, so as 
to create as little disturbance of these birds as possible. 

There has been no previous herbicide application to this site. 

Area 8 will be flown from helipad J, which is located within 
the site. 

Area #9 

Area 9 is located in Section 10, T31N, RI5E, Oconto County, 
Wisconsin. Area 9 is a 76 acre red pine plantation with 

32 acres to be sprayed to release the planted red pine from 
aspen competition. 

The nearest parcel of private land is 1 mile north and east of 
Arealgouelhe: owners of record are Fs J< and R.°M. Hallada. 
The closest residence is 1.5 miles south. 

The soi of Area 9 are Vilas sand and Vilas loamy sand 

series. These are deep, excessively drained soils. 

Slopes are 15 percent or less. These soils are porous and 
droughty, with a high infiltration rate and rapid permeability. 
Surface runoff seldom occurs, and there are no drainage 
channels developed. These soils were originally pine lands. 
Following the original clearcutting at the turn of the 

century, the site was barren or occupied by poor quality 

aspen. Area 9 was planted to red pine during the Civilian 
Conservation Corps days in the 1930's. In the spring of 1901, 
the Civilian Conservation Corps planted red pine were 
destroyed by wildfire. Area 9 was replanted to red pine 
following the 1961 burn. 

Hills Pond Creek is approximately 300 feet west of Area 9. 
Hills Pond Creek is a popular cold water trout stream. The 
300 foot strip between Area 9 and Hills Pond Creek is a mixed 
stand of aspen and white pine and will not be sprayed. The 
stand of timber will serve as a buffer area between the spray 
area and the creek. : 

Area 9 is divided by Forest Road 2113 (Oconto County 

Trunk T). This is a heavily travelled road, leading to 
Boulder Lake Campground 4.5 miles south. Area 9 is crossed by 
forest visitors going to Hills Pond Creek for fishing, and is 
heavily used during the deer hunting season in November. Area 
9 has very few wild berry plants and is not commonly used by 
berry pickers. 

Dead vegetation will be visible from Forest Road 2E1S 
following the herbicide spraying. At this location, however, 
Forest Road 2113 is a deep cut. The screening effect of the 
cut, and a few large conifers adjacent to the road, will 
soften this impact. Area 9 will be posted with public notice 
signs following herbicide application. These signs will 
notify the public entering the area that it has been treated 
with 2,4-D. 

The helipad for Area 9 is located immediately adjacent to 
Area 9. 

There has been no previous herbicide application to this area. 

Groundwater for Area 9 is 5 or more feet below the surface of 
the sovl. 

Area #10 

Area 10 is located in the NW 1/4 of Section 5 and NE 1/4 of 
Section 6, T31N, RI5E, Langlade County, Wisconsin. Area 10 is 
a 20 acre red pine plantation. Twenty acres are proposed to 
be sprayed to release the planted pine from aspen sprouts. 
This site is totally surrounded by National Forest lands. The 
nearest private land is westerly of the spray area .5 miles. 
This land is subdivided into lots which are occupied by 
recreation residence. The land is timber covered for the most 
part. The nearest full-time resident is 2.5 to 3 miles 

Near the northeast corner of the spray area is a swampy area. 
A 100-foot buffer strip separates the treatment area from the 

Soils in Area 10 are of the Vilas perice. ~ These soils 

have a very high infiltration and permeability rate. Water 
tables are below 5 feet on nearly all locations of this site. 
Erosion from run-off will be negligible because of very gently 
rolling terrain, with no slopes exceeding 5 percent. 

The original forest here was large white pine. Stumps are 
still present after the clearcutting and burning of the early 
1900's. Aspen occupied this area until it was prepared for 
planting in 1972, and planted to red pine. 

There has been no previous herbicide application to this area. 

The area will be sprayed from helipad K, located close to 
Area 9. 

Controls and Mitigations 

1. To protect the air environment in the Nicolet National 
Forest, the following application practices have been 

-Limit the fall distance of herbicide from 
helicopter to vegetation to 50 - 60 feet. 

-Use spray equipment that is calibrated to 
produce large droplets, e.g. the microfoil 
boom with .013 inch orifice nozzle. 

-Use a low volatile chemical formulation of 2,4-D., 

-Spray only when the wind velocity does not exceed 
oes oH 9 

-Spray only within a temperature range of 50-80°F. 

-Spray only when the relative humidity is above 50 

2. To protect the water environment in the Nicolet National 
Forest, the following application practices have been 

-No herbicides will be applied within 100 feet 
of open water such as streams, ditches, lakes, and 

-The water supply for mixing with the herbicide 
shall be from a domestic source and protected 
from back siphoning from the mixing tank. 

-Ferrying routes by applying helicopters will not 
cross lakes or ponds, and will avoid other open 
waters where practicable. 

-No spraying when fog or aic turbulence is present, 
or rain is expected on site within 2-4 hours. 

3. To protect the soil environment in the release areas, the 
following application practices have been adopted. 

-Herbicide containers will receive a triple rinse, 
with rinse water being added to the spray mix, 

and the containers disposed of in accordance with 
Environmental Protection Agency requirements or in 
State land fills approved for such disposal. 

-To avoid contaminating areas not scheduled for 
treatment, the entire aerial spray system must be 
leak proof and have a positive shut-off mechanism 
capable of eliminating drool of the nozzles or 
clusters of nozzles. 

4. To protect the wildlife environment in the release 
Sl aes nee : 
areas, the following practices have been adopted. 

-Review the list of endangered and threatened 
wildlife published in the Federal Register 
40(188): 44412-44429, September 26, 1975 
(memo to Forests, 2630, October 2, 1975). No 
endangered or threatened wildlife are TOL 
near the treatment areas. 

-Review "Unique" species identified in FSM 2622.4; 
The Fairest One of All; State legislation; or, 
species identified in Forest Unit Plans. No unique 
species of wildlife are in the treatment areas. 

One osprey nest west of Area 5 will be protected 
by restricting the flight path of the helicopter to 
prevent flight over or near the nest. 

-We will follow management practices approved for 

the protection of active habitat sites for identified 
unique, threatened and endangered wildlife species. 
FSM 2633.4 (Appendix E). 

-Critical habitat for endangered or threatened 
wildlife species will be preserved and not modified. 

5. To protect the vegetation <uvironment in the release 
areas the following practices have been adopted. 

-Review the list of endangered or threatened 
plants published for Wisconsin in the Federal 
Register Vol. 40, No. 127 on July 1, 1975 (Memo 
to Forests 2600 Habitat, December 11, 1975). No 
endangered or threatened plants are in the 
treatment areas. 

-Most endangered or threatened plant species are 
found in unique micro-habitats which can be 
learned and identified. Most such plants which 
might be on the Nicolet are bog species and 
would not inhabit these upland treatment areas. 

6. To protect man the following application practices have 
been adopted. 

-Only a 2,4-D currently registered and labelled by 
the Environmental Protection Agency for the 
specific use proposed will be used. 

-The proposal to use the herbicide 2,4-D has gone 
through an established review process. 

a. Areas are field surveyed by Ranger District 

b. Alternatives for those areas needing treatment 

c. A proposal for herbicide written based on 
area needs. 

d. Nicolet National Forest pesticide use 
coordination review. 

e. Forest Service Region Chemical Use 
Coordinating Committee approval. 

f. An adequate Environmental Analysis Report 
be written, and approved by the Forest 
Supervisor, that is site specific and 
describes relevant information required 
for public and other agency understanding. 

-Whenever reasonable, recommend and use effective, 
safe, integrated suppression measures that may 
utilize biological, ¢ultural, and other techniques 
in place of or in association with herbicides. 

-Obtain legal clearances required by Federal, State 
and local laws or regulations before using 2,4-D. 

-Provide for adequate training of all personnel 
who handle or supervise the use of 2,4-D. 

-Brief applicators before and during this project 
in safe measures for transporting, mixing, and 
applying 2,4-D; use of protective clothing and 
equipment, plus the need for personal hygiene will 
be thoroughly discussed. 


-An unsprayed buffer zone of at least 100 feet will 
be left adjacent to all private property. 

-Application will be carefully supervised to assure 
that all stated precautions for 2,4-D use are being 

~Areas being treated will be posted with signs 
advising the public that the area has been 
sprayed with 2,4-D (Appendix F). Signs will be 
left in place for 90 days following the applications 
of spray. 


The herbicide 2,4-D has been widely investigated and studied by the 
scientific community. Many of these studies have been under forest 
conditions and methods of application proposed for use on the 
Nicolet National Forest. These studies, plus 25 years of use 
experience and observation by professional land managers, have been 
used to develop this section. 

A. Non-Living Components 


Air. The herbicide 2,4-D can enter the air systems 

‘and may contribute to air pollution. Entry may 

be in the form of vapors, droplets, or as photo-altered 
products. Volatilization and photo-alteration occurs 
both during 2,4-D fall from aerial applications and 
from the vegetationn surface. Droplets, vapors, and 
drift become pollutents as aerosols (mass median 
diameter less than 200 microns) captured and held aloff 
by the wind. 

Entry of 2,4-D into the air is determined by localized 
atmospheric conditions, droplet size, and herbicide 
formulation. Climatic parameters are wind-speed, 
temperature, light intensity, and humidity. Application 
equipment determines droplet size. A low volatile 2,4-D 
will reduce the chance for volatilization because of a 
heavier molecular weight. Herbicide loss can be 
lessened by reducing the fall distance (See Figure Loe 

There will be some odor from the application of 2,4-D. 
This odor will be noticeble only for a very few days 
and only for a very short distance from the application 

Minor air pollution from the helicopter engine exhaust 
WiLL occur, 

Hazardous Substances. The herbicide 2,4-D is listed in 

in the United States Department of Agriculture Handbook 

No. 332 (1969) as being only slightly toxic and mildly 
irritating. Dioxins have not been found in 2,4-D. The 
2,4-D approved by the Environmental Protection Agency is 
found in all common weed killers sold to the general public 
for yard weed control. 

Soils. The forest floor will be a major receptor of 2,4-D. 
Deposition may be direct, washed from vegetation by rain or 
excreted from vegetation. Once on the forest floor, some 
2,4-D loss will occur by photo-alteration and through 
volatilization. The remainder will be washed by rainfall 
into the humus layer and lower soil layers. What 

happens to the 2,4-D after entry into the soil depends 

on a number of soil factors including organic content, 
moisture, aeration, temperature, iron oxides, pH and 

clay content. High organic matter, high pH, (neutral 

to slightly alkaline), high soil temperature, and high 

soil moisture all tend to reduce the life of 2,4-D in 

the soil. Soil micro-organisms also aid in breaking 

down the 2,4-D. After entry into the humus and soil 

layer, further movement is much reduced. 2,4-D is 

quickly degraded in 2-4 weeks, it does not accumulate 

in the soil. The herbicide 2,4-D gives non-toxic and 
naturally abundant end products, such as carbon dioxide, 
water, and chlorine. 

Adsorption and leaching also take place in the soil. 
Herbicide molecules attached to soil particles provide 
temporary soil storage for later release. The free 
and released molecules are subject to leaching 

and movement with soil erosion to water sources. The 
leaching of 2,4-D in the soil is a slow process and 
seldom penetrates more than a few inches into the soil. 

Soil loss by erosion rates up to 0.1 ton per acre per 
year from forest land and must be accepted as a normal 
geologic process. The rate probably varies from less 
than 0.05 to 0.3 ton per year, depending on geology, 
soil, climate, and vegetation. It is the most active 
where annya 1 precipitation ranges from 15 to 30 inches 
per year. 

This might indicate a potential for soil bound herbicide 
molecules to move with soil erosion to surface water. 
However, most soil erosion in the undisturbed forest 

is not sheet erosion, but almost always originates in 
stream channels. On land sloping less than 35 degrees, 
there is no evidence that tree death accelerates soil 
erosion much above geologic rates. 

Massive rainfalls, bare soils, or excessively steep slope, 
combined with soils containing 2,4-D molecules can be 
exception to this norm. The potential for surface water 
contamination resulting from erosion of soil containing 
2,4-D is further reduced by leaving a buffer zone around 
water areas. These buffer zones serve as filter strips 
which trap sediment, should erosion occur. 

Although the indiscriminate use of 2,4-D may result 

in environmental degradation, a review of the literature 
and results of 25 years of Forest Servite herbicide 
applications in Wisconsin indicate that the risk to the 
soil within or adjacent to spray areas is minimal when 
2,4-D is applied according to guidelines established 

for this proposal. This conclusion is based on the low 
toxicity of 2,4-D to other than target organisms and the 
relative immobility of 2,4-D in the soil, plus the rapid 
degradation of 2,4-D within the soil. 

Visual. Visual impacts associated with using 2,4-D to 
control vegetation include dead leaves, dead branches 
and standing snag trees, and a change in vegetation 

The "brown out" caused by curing of the target 
vegetation following 2,4-D applicaton has an 
immediate and adverse visual impact. Visual and 
aesthetic values are generally lowered during brown 
out; however, the effect is temporary, lasting only 
until, leaferall. 

In the case of dead brush left from 2,4-D use, the visual 
signs may last 5 years or more. 

The objective of 2,4-D use is to create a vegetation 
change. This change can be both adverse and pleasing, 
depending on the thinking of the viewer. If the 

contrast in vegetation change looks artificial or out 

of place, the visual impact can be negative. At the same 
time, the diversity of vegetation and new stands of trees 
or grass, encouraged by spraying, add to the attractiveness 
of an area. 

Water. No area of environmental concern has received as 
much attention as water quality and quantity. Water, 
especially the oceans, is the repository for pollutents 
washed from the air and soil. The waters associated with 
the Forests of Wisconsin are mainly head waters and known 
for their purity. 

Any 2,4-D found in the waters of Wisconsin Forests should 
be considered a contaminant. Certain concentrations of 
2,4-D in water could adversely affect the potability of 
drinking water for man and animals, the food chain 
organisms in the aquatic environment, sensitive irrigated 
crops, and industrial and recreational uses of such water. 


Entry of 2,4-D into the surface water may be direct, 
by over land washing of soil, air wash out, or 
ground water flow. Direct entry is mainly caused by 
an error in application or through drift. 
Concentrations may reach 1 ppm, but will be short 
term and local in nature. 

Washing, as a source of contamination, can occur, but 
must overcome considerable resistance from forest 
vegetation and humus layers protecting the soil. 
Massive rainfalls immediately following an herbicide 
application, unprotected soils, steep slopes, and a 
short distance from treated soil to surface water all 
increase the chance of surface waters becoming 
contaminated from an herbicide treatment area. 

Knowing that herbicides can enter the surface water 

needs to be related to what has actually occurred in 
field use. From 1972 to 1975, 13 separate water 

surface sites close to aerial applications of 2,4-D 

were monitored on National Forests in the Lake States. 
The surface waters included rivers, a pot hole, an 
impoundment and marsh. Eighty-two samples collected 

were tested. These samples were collected immediately 
after spraying; 4 hours, 24 hours, and 65 hours later; 
and, after the first rain. Only six samples showed 
detectable amounts of 2,4-D. The highest being 16.0 

ppb (parts per billion) and showing up after a 
thunderstorm rainfall totaling .32 inches. This rain 
fell within 1 day of spraying. The water sample was 
collected adjacent to the treated area from an 
intermittent stream that was not protected and directly 
sprayed. This is still below the 20 ppb limit recommended 
for public water supplies by the Environmental Protection 
Agency, and much below the LC.) values for sensitive 
crustaceans and fish. 

Measured concentrations were considerably less than the 
24 hour LC (lethal concentration to 50 percent of 
test organisms) of .960 ppm for rainbow trout using a 
prophylene-glycol-butyl-ether ester of 2,4-D (U.S. Forest 
Service, 1973; after FWPCA, 1968). These results 
indicate that the aerial application of 2,4-D to sites 
treated on the Forest resulted in negligible 
contamination, and that controls over the 2,4-D aerial 
spray program have been adequate for avoiding surface 
‘water contamination. These controls will also be in 
effect during 1976, on the Nicolet National Forest. 

A 100-fold reduction in herbicide concentration, with 

downstream movement of about 1 mile, has been observed 
invseveraitests, but it 1s difficult to give an 


exact rule of thumb because of the nature of the dilution 
process in forest streams. If we accept a 25-fold 
reduction in concentration over a mile of stream as a 
conservative estimate, maximum herbicide concentrations 
of 0.01 ppm observed at the boundary of a treated area 
and stream would be less than 0.01 ppm 1 mile downstream. 
Return to pretreatment levels will be obtained in less 
than 24 hours after application. Therefore, maximum 
possible human exposure levels might be 0.01 ppm (10 ppb) 
for 24 hours, if water for consumption is taken from the 
stream immediately downstream from the treated area. 

Of course, the more remote the treated area is from the 
stream, and the further the water to be drank is from 

the water entry point, the less likely the probability 

of detectable residue occurring (Abrahamson and 

Norris, 1976). 

Mullison (1970) 1? reviewed concentrations of herbicides 
found in water after spraying the adjacent upland. 
Detected concentrations were 0 to 70 ppb (phenoxys). 

Time for total disapperance ranged from 2 to 17 days 
(phenoxys). It is evident that precautions given on the 
2,4-D label are adequate to allow the material to be used 

The effects of vegetation management on tiny headwater 
stream flow within the Nicolet National Forest may be 
measurable, but are seldom detectable when the far 
greater volumes of flow in large rivers are measured. 
Stream flow increases are proportional to area and 
severity of vegetation control. An increase in water 
quantity comes about as evaporation losses through 
vegetation transportation and interception decreases. 
Vegetation regrowth may return the area to before 2,4-D 
treatment transportation levels in 1 to 10 years, 
depending on the degree of control, making the increase 
in water quantity short lived as well as tiny. A minor 
long term water quantity out flow may occur due to a 
perpetuation of a specific vegetation type. Permanently 
foliaged conifers intercept as well as transpire more 
water than do deciduous hardwoods , while grass uses 
less than either kind of tree. 

Drs. Abrahamson and Norris (1976)° reported on the 
results of extensive water monitoring investigations 
following present-day forestry herbicide applications. 
Forest stream monitoring for several herbicides over 
extended periods of time has consistently shown that 
leaching of herbicides in forest soils have not 
resulted in detectable (less than 0.001 ppm) 
concentrations of herbicide in forest streams. Field 
testing on forest land has verified that overland flow 
of herbicides is restricted to localized events and 
that the overland flow has shown marked reduction in 

herbicide concentration in water as it moves over 
uncontaminated soil. These measurements were made 
immediately downstream from treatment unit boundaries 
and, therefore, represent maximum concentration in the 
stream system. When herbicide concentrations have been 
detected, more than 99 percent of all concentrations have 
been less than 10 ppb. 

While the probability of the 2,4-D applied to these 10 
areas reaching surface water is very low, one site will be 
monitored before and after treatment to test the 
effectiveness of the spray application control methods. 
(Refer to hydrologists recommendations, Appendix G). 

Water samples will be collected before spray application, 
immediately after spraying, 1 day after spraying, and as 
immediately after the first and second rains following 
Spraying as possible. These samples will be tested for 
2,4-D by the WARF Institute, Inc., Madison, Wisconsin. The 
results of the monitoring will be assembled in a report to 
the Forest Supervisor, Nicolet National Forest. This 
report will be on file in the Forest Supervisor's Office, 
Federal Building, Rhinelander, Wisconsin. The public may 
review the report after January 1, 1977. 

B. Living Components 


Domestic Animals. The impact of 2,4-D use around livestock 
and other domesticated animals is becoming well documented. 
The lethal does for various test animals and particular 
chemicals are known. The acute oral toxicity of a single 
does of the phenoxy herbicides to mammals ranges from 

100 mg/kg to 2,000 mg/kg. (Cast Report 39) Signs of 
poisoning include loss of appetite, loss of weight, 
weakness, lack of coordination, alterations of the liver 
and other internal organs, and in some instances 

defective offspring. 

Since domestic grazing animals can tolerate up to 

2,000 ppm of 2,4-D type herbicides continuously in feed, 
there is no hazard to animals from forage residue, 

even from treatment of ranges and pastures at 

exaggerated rates. No residues appear in the milk of cows 
consuming rations containing up to 300 ppm of 2,4-D. 
Similar effects have been found with swine, sheep, and 
other animals. 

2,4-D is generally less toxic to birds than to mammals. 
The acute oral LD 0 for poultry, mallards, and pheasants 
range upwards of 3°500 ppm and is typically greater than 
5,000 ppm when fed in treated feed. 

A subtle effect of 2,4-D treatment to plants is the 
increase in potassium nitrate to lethal concentrations 
in nitrate accumulating plants. In some plants, such as 

Canada thistle and smartweed or black cherry, the leaves 
may become toxic to herbivores if eaten in sufficient 
quantities. This may also be a natural occurring process 
that takes place in Ehege plants as the vegetation goes 
dormant in the fall. ’ 

2,4-D applications following label instructions approved 
by the Environmental Protection Agency have not proven 
harmful to domestic livestock. Instances have occurred, 
however, where there have been poisonings by the use of 
certain other herbicides or contamination from herbicide 
accidents. The herbicide most often associated with these 
accidents is 2,4,5-T and the dioxin that contaminates it. 
Reports of these instances help expose the perils of an 
accident, but should not be purported as examples of 
regulated use of 2,4-D. 

Man. Hazards to man are most likely to occur from exposure 
to the concentrated 2,4-D before dilution. The principle 
routes of entry into the body of man are by skin 
absorption, oral ingestion, and inhalation. Diluted 2,4-D 
may cause painful, but temporary discomfort to the eyes. 

A massive dosage of 2,4-D received over a short period of 
time could cause death. The LD for a 150-pound person 
has been set at 500 ppm (500 aad Small doses, over a 
long period of time to pregnant women hold potential 

for inducing teratogenic effects in their babies. The 
greatest risk is to those people manufacturing and 
applying 2,4-D. A lesser risk exists for those who 

might intake 2,4-D residues through forest water, fruits, 
berries, or meat or wild game. 

Few studies of 2,4-D toxicity to humans have been made. 
The best we can do is project data compiled on other 
animals to people. The 2,4-D herbicides available for use 
in Wisconsin have been assigned a LD. of 500 mg/kg, 

the toxicity for a 150-pound person. 

2,4-D toxicity to a human depends on a herbicide being 
present in or on an individual, in an active form, in 
sufficient quantity, and for a period of time to produce 
an effect. The chances of this combination of conditions 
happening with 2,4-D treatments proposed is slight. As 
an example, immediately following a 1973 spraying of 
2,4-D on the Chippewa National Forest in Minnesota, the 
concentration of 2,4-D on raspberries was found to be 
4,000 ppb. A 198-pound person would have to consume 
approximately 34,000 quarts of raspberries within a short 
period of time to receive a lethal dose of 2,4-D from 
these berries. 

Statistics for the years 1971-73, published by the National 
Agricultural Chemicals Association, show there were 13 
fatalities: trom pesticides in 19710417/ in 71972). andelO0sin 

1973. Of these, nine were from agriculture herbicides 
Tied vein 1972, .and tour in 1973. Cancer from 
herbicide use would be expected to be heaviest out where 
the chemicals are used, where herbicide use is regular, 
and where runoff from fields and forest might enter the 
waterways. The Sixth Annual Report of the Council on 
Environmental Quality published in December 1975, shows 
just the opposite. "Analysis county by county," it says, 
"reveals that a majority of the areas of high cancer 
mortality are located in the large cities.'"' The report 
also shows a two-thirds decrease of stomach cancer in 
both males and females since recordkeeping started in 
1930. A remarkable fact, considering some 40-odd years 
of American diets consisting mainly of pesticide-protected 

In the Totai Diet Program of the Food and Drug 
Administration, grocery basket samples were collected in 
30 different grocery markets in 30 different cities. The 
sample tests covered the period of August 1972, through 
July 1973. A variety of food classes was sampled. In 
all, 1,729 chemical residues of 40 different compounds 
were found. Only one, however, was a sample of 2,4-D (a 
residue of 0.014 ppm was found on a vegetable). 

In earlier monitoring programs, from 1963 to 1969, the 
Food and Drug Administration found no residues of 2,4-D 
in 13,000 samples of milk and 12,000 samples of meat. 

Soil Organisms. The soil contains a large and varied 
population of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes, algae, 
protozoa, insects, earthworms, arthropods, and 

acarinids. The populations are measured in the millions. 
Their activity vary greatly with temperature, moisture, 
organic content, aeration, and soil texture. Soil 
organisms are beneficial to higher plants. They are 
essential for decomposing vegetative matter and aiding the 
nutrient cycle. 

2,4-D may have an adverse effect on some soil organisms. 
At the same time, some soil organisms are attracted to 
2,4-D. The reaction of the soil organisms depends on 

the conditions found within the soil. There is no 
evidence to indicate that the 2,4-D herbicides used when 
applied at recommended rates, will have any lasting effects 
on soil organism populations. Investigation of 2,4-D 

on penicillia mycelial dry weight and total nitrogen 
content have found both decreases and increases, depending 
on pepgillia investigated and concentrations of 2,4-D 

In another study of 2,4-D with soil microflora, it was 
found that soil microflora enzym systems adjust, either 

through mutation or selection (or both) to utilize 

2,4-D as a food source. At first, the 2,4-D was slow to 
degrade. After 12 days, the degradation accelerated with 
no 2,4-D 6 days later. Successive qqditions of 2,4-D were 
completely degraded in 1 to 4 days. 



General. The herbicide 2,4-D is absorbed by plant 

foliage, roots, and soft stem tissue. Once absorbed, 

the 2,4-D moves within the plant along the pathways 
that carry food and water. 2,4-D tends to accumulate 
in the actively growing parts of roots and stems. As 
the herbicide distributes through the plant, the 
leaves and buds twist and curl, followed by malformed 
new growth of stems and leaves. Sensitive young 
plants may die in a few days. Hardy shrubs and trees 
may succumb only after weeks or months, or may survive 
without evident injury. The broad-leaved plants and 
forbs are more susceptible to the herbicide properties 
of 2,4-D than conifers and grass. Even within the 
hardwoods, a degree of selectivity exists with target 
plants like aspen, birch, hazel, and alder being 
susceptible and maple, raspberries, and cherries being 
more toierant. 

In 1973 and 1974, acreage totaling 9,934 acres were 
treated on the Chippewa and Superior National Forest, 
Minnesota, and the Ottawa National Forest, Michigan. 
The 2,4-D herbicide and application rate was the same 
as proposed for use in this project. The average 
percent control of the target species for all three 
Forests was: 

Species Percent Control 
Aspen 70-90 
Paper birch 90-100 
Tag alder 90-100 
Hazel 90-100 
Sugar maple 50 
Ras pberry 50 

Our purpose in using 2,4-D is to elicit a certain 
behavioral response from the vegetation. This 
response is measured by the immediate reaction of 
target plants to the herbicidal action of 2,4-D. 
The response is also measured by the long-term 
hardwood-conifer mix maintained within the Forest. 

Very little of the 2,4-D reaching the vegetation is 
metabolized. Rain washes much of the 2,4-D left on 
the plant surface to the forest floor. Some 2,4-D 

may be passed through the plant and excreted by the 

roots into the soil. The remaining 2,4-D within 

the plant and any breakdown products will eventually 
enter the soil, either in leaf fall or decomposition 
of dead stems and roots. 

The application of 2,4-D may adversely effect some 
nontarget plants. The degree to which this occurs 
varies with the susceptibility of non-target plants, 
the season of application, and how actively the plant 
is growing. Should the red pine and black spruce 

to be treated in this project not be completely 
"hardened off", this year's needle growth would be 
wilted by the 2,4-D. This condition is displayed 

by a drooping of the needles on affected trees. It 
does not bring about the death of the pines or spruce, 
and is not considered serious. 

Following the initial loss in target plant numbers 
after the 2,4-D treatment, a new plant community will 
quickly appear. The new community will be different 
in size and age and may have a greater variety of 
plant species. The wildlife and bird populations 
should show a similar change. Desirable conifers, 
once in a subordinate position, can now move to a 
dominant position. It is the objective of vegetation 
management to maintain this new plant community when 
it consists of plant species desirable to the resource 

Favorable effects of herbicide use can be 55e9, in the 
survival and growth of host plants. Wilde’ 
calculated that pine plantations in Wisconsin require 
about 331 gallons of water to produce 2.2 pounds of 
merchantable wood, whereas evapotranspiration of ground 
vegetation consumes about 23.5 gallons of water per 2.2 
pounds of over-dry tissue. In turn, each 2.2 pounds 

of weed bio-mass in the plantation throughout the 

years reduces wood production 0.15 pounds. Therefore, 
timber growth in plantations established in a heavy 
cover of shrubby plants may under produce more than 

15 cords per acre over a 40-year rotation, or more 

than a 1/3 cord per acre per year. At current stumpage 
prices, obviously, weed control is an excellent 

In another Wisconsin growth study, diameter growth 

in a 7-year old Wisconsin red pine plantation increased 
30 percent the first year after herbicide application, 
and 8 percent the following season. Height growth 
increased 13 percent the second year. Two years 

of shrub competition: control in another red pine 
plantation increased growth by 300 percent. 

In Minnesota, conifer plantation studies show more 
seedlings were, killed by competing vegetation than any 
other factor. 

Endangered or Threatened Plant Species. Vegetation 
management by any of the methods available to us 

will probably affect endangered or threatened plants, 
if they are in the area being treated. Broadcast 
treatments are more likely to unintentionally damage 
unknown populations of such plants, than are selection 
methods of treatment. Herbicides are no exception. 
The sensitivity of all the plants is now known; we 
must, however, assume a 2,4-D program will have an 
adverse effect on them. The Endangered Species Act of 
1973 directed the Bureau of Sports, Fisheries and 
Wildlife to publish a list of endangered and threatened 
plants. They have adopted the Smithsonian Institute's 
1974 report on endangered and threatened plant species 
in the United States. 

Forest Vertebrate Animals 

General. A wide variety of wildlife species inhabit 
the National Forest land of Wisconsin. The survival 
needs of some species are very specific. Animals 

like the bear or skunk are adaptable to a wide range 

of foods, habitat conditions, and disturbance by man. 
Proposed 2,4-D applications will occur on areas 
occupied or visited by a significant number of wildlife 
species. The wildlife impacts of any 2,4-D application 
project will depend on the wildlife species present, 
the size of the area treated, and the long term 
resource management objective for the treated area. 
Routine activities of individual wildlife species may 
result in contacts with treated vegetation, soil, or 
waters, or ingestion of treated food. Such exposure 
under forest conditions has not proven hazardous to 

Mammals. A hazard to mammals could occur if they were 
exposed to an acutely toxic dose of herbicide. The 
acute oral toxicity of a single dose of the phenoxy 
herbicide 2,4-D to mammals ranges from 100 mg/kg to 
2000 mg/kg, depending upon the test animal. 2,4-D is 
absorbed in animals after ingestion, transported via 
the plasma, concentrated,in the kidneys, and rapidly 
eliminated in the urine. 

Deer allowed to browse 2,4-D areas sprayed to improve 
deer browse showed no preference for ejther untreated 
or herbicide-stimulated branch growth. Test 

animals are often repelled by herbicide residue on 
their natural foods. When only limited areas are 
treated, as proposed in this project, very few animals 

will be forced to feed only on food contaminated with 
7 ie Mad 


Investigators!" found that deer exposed to feed 

treated with maximum field applications of 2,4-D did 
not accumulate significant amounts of herbicide. 
Forty-three days after exposure, the muscle tissue of 
the deer showed residue of 2,4-D at less than 0.006 
ppm. This study, the U.S. Department of Health, 
Education, and welfare Food Basket studies of meat, 
fish, and poultry, and the Environmental Protection 
Agency supported beef fat monitoring programs all point 
out that herbicides proposed for registered use in the 
Nicolet National Forest are not contaminating meat used 
for human consumption. 

The greater the number of plant species controlled at 
any 2,4-D site, the greater the habitat impact on 
wildlife occupying the area. The method of herbicide 
application, broadcast or selective, also influences 
this impact. The use of 2,4-D sets vegetation 
succession back to an earlier stage. Small mammals 
with small home ranges or very narrow habitat 
tolerances will be most affected by the thoroughness 
of individual herbicide treatments. Large mammals, 
like deer or bear, benefit the most as an improvement 
in food availability and food nutrition occurs within 
their home range. 

One 19 year qo of selective vegetation 
management using herbicides showed a diversity of food 
plants useful to wildlife developed on the sample area 
following spraying. These plants included common herbs 
of the forest as well as invaders usable as food by 
many animals. Woody plants were found interspersed 
throughout the treated area. The taller woody plants 
were found to supply food throughout the year, and 
were of particular value as emergency food when deep 
snow covered the ground. The test area was heavily 
used by common wildlife species such as white-tailed 
deer, rabbit, and groguse. A special study made of the 
white-tailed deer showed a consistent and heavey use 
in all seasons, indicating that attractive food and 
cover had been developed. 

A more subtle and long term impact of vegetation 
management is its affect on wildlife habitat. 
Vegetation management will affect the vegetative 
layering of the area treated and the species of plants 
making up the replacement community. Because the 
habitat needs of many wildlife species are very 
specific, some animals will be adversely affected while 
others will benefit. Investigators have found that as 
the vegetation replacement community becomes 
established, the original set of animal populations 

largely be replaced by a different set of lesser 
diversity. The replacement animals will have higher 
numbers of fewer species, many of them new to the 
sprayed area, but common to similar habitat types in 
the Nicolet National Forest. 

Vegetation management using herbicides is the most 
effective vegetative control method we now have 
available for our use. Most species of vegetation, 
however, are only controlled for a period of time 

and shortly return to the treated site, unless 
periodically controlled or suppressed by host plants. 
Wildlife biologists, have long used knowledge of 

this fact to manipulate vegetation diversity and 
maintain wildlife openings with herbicides to benefit 
a variety of animals. 

The activities of man and his equipment during 
herbicide application will disturb wildlife. Large 
animals will be able to leave the site temporarily, 
while small mammals will head for cover or go 
underground. This disturbance can have a serious 
impact if it occurs during mating or at birthing 
time. (Late July and August are not considered the 
normal season for these activities). The implication 
of using 2,4-D on total forest population distribution 
or concentration will be very local in nature and 
fluctuate only with changes in specific ecological 
niches, rather than any direct detrimental effect of 
the herbicides. 

Birds. 2,4-D has been found to be generally less 

toxic to birds than mammals. The oral LD... for 

these birds with herbicide treated feed is typcially 
greater than 5,000 ppm. Under field conditions, a 

bird would have to daily consume all the herbicide 
aerially applied to approximately 10 acres to duplicate 
the 5,000 ppm feed under controlled trials. 

Young pheasants have an LD. (Lethal dose for 

50 percent of the organismS tested) of 472 mg of 2,4-D 
per kilogram of body weight (U.S. Forest Serivce, 1973 
after Pimental). The LD for grouse, a common game 
bird on the Forest, is probably similar. Assuming an 
LD<4 of 500 mg/kg for a grouse that weighs 1/2 kg., 

a grouse would have to eat 62.5 kg of raspberries 
contaminated with 4,000 parts per billion of 2,4-D to 
concentrate a lethal dose. 

The large quantities of berries indicated above to 
reach lethal concentrations would also have to be 
consumed during a short period of time, since 2,4-D 
does not concentrate within the organism through time, 
unless exposure is constant. Obviously, the lethal 

concentrations would never be accumulated. Ingestion 
of lesser amounts may cause physiological responses 
relative to reproduction and fertility (loss of egg 
production in birds, and abortion in mammals). The 
effect on egg production in birds has potential for 
affecting very few species, due to the season of 
application. The doses required to produce these 
effects would probably not occur at the proposed rate 
of application. 

Feeding trials found that 2,4-D, when fed at daily 
rates of 1,250 and 2,500 ppm, depressed mallard duck 

Bramble and ae found wild turkeys and ruffed 
grouse used 2,4-D treated areas. The young turkeys 
were attracted to the openings to feed on various 
insects more abundant on the grassy treatment areas 
than within the wooded areas. Ruffed grouse numbers 
were found on the edges within 150 to 200 feet of the 
study area, rather than on the area itself. This 
emphasizes the importance of using 2,4-D as a creator 
of edge effects. 

Aqueous solutions of 2,4-D, equivalent to 10 times 
recommended field concentrations, were sprayed on 
fertile pheasant eggs preceding incubation. No 
treatments were found to cause any adverse effect 

on hatching success, incident of malformed embryos, or 
subsequent chick mortality relative to water-sprayed 
control eggs. Herbicide contamination was found to 
facilitate weight gain of roosters from 0 to 4 weeks 
of age, while hens failed to show a response. Residue 
analysis verified herbi¢ide deposition on the shell 
and entry into the egg. 

The helicopter itself may disrupt nesting birds and 
other wildlife in the project areas. This would 
probably not be of significant magnitude to constitute 
an environmental consideration, except in the case of 
unique species such as eagles, ospreys, and herons 
that may be nesting in the vicinity of project sites. 
During the time of year of application, both of these 
species will have young in the nest near the fledgling 
stage of development. The helicopter could 
conceivably cause premature fledgling, or perhaps nest 
abandonment, if proper precautions are not taken. 

Ferrying routes and treatment areas will be located 

a minimum of 20 chains (1/4 mile) from any known 
active eagle nest, osprey nests, or heron rookeries. 
This minimum distance may be increased for particular 
nests, based on topography and screening vegetation 
between the flight path and the nest site. 


Fish and Amphibians. The toxicity of 2,4-D to fish 
is highly variable and affected by chemical 
formulation, water pH, temperature, water hardness, 
oxygen content, and dilutent rate. The lakes, ponds, 
and rivers of northern Wisconsin contain abundance 
and variety of both warm and cold water fishy Minese 
fish are important as a sports fishery. 

For ESTERON 99 (propylene glycol butyl ether, ester) 
the LC 0 at.48 hours of exposure for rainbow trout 

is 0.98 ppm (one pound of herbicide on an acre-foot 
of water is equivalent to 0.370 ppm). These values 
are equivalent to treatments of 10 pounds of 2,4-D 
herbicide per acre in a pond 4 feet deep; much higher 
than the 3 pounds of herbicide allowed for application 
by the ESTERON 99 Concentrate label use directions 
for land vegetation treatments. The LC, for 

bluegill to the same formulation of 2,42 at 24 hours 
and 48 hours of exposure is 2.1 ppm , or about 

23 pounds of herbicide per acre in a pond 4 feet 

deep. If an accident were to occur that required the 
dropping of a full 80 gallons of spray mixture into a 
lake or pond, the one acre - 4 feet deep concentration 
would be 2.8 ppm. This concentration would be quickly 
diluted by the number of acres in the body of water, 
photo decomposition, and micro organisms. There seems 
to be a considerable margin of safety considering the 
2,4-D contamination concentrations we have found after 
forest herbicide treatments. 

Schultz and Harman?! investigated the effects on 
fish of 2,4-D applied directly to water. Rates used 
were 2, 4, and 8 lbs. per acre. Only 7 percent of 
the fish, analyzed 28 days or more after treatment, 
contained detectable 2,4-D residues, and only 

1 percent (one fish) of those analyzed 

56 days or more after treatment contained detectable 
residues. If tolerance levels are based on the level 
of parent compound only, it would appear that fish 
could be consumed one month after treatment. They 
also found little danger of bio-magnification of 2,4-D 
in the aquatic food chain. It was noted, however, 
that when fish were exposed to radiated 2,4-D 
radioactive compounds were ubiquitous in all fish 
tissues examined. Degraded 2,4-D products were also 
present for as long as 84 days after some treatments. 
Therefore, the identity and potential toxicity of 
these degraded products must rot be overlooked. 

The ester formulations of 2,4-D are often more toxic 
to fish than amine or metalicsulf formulations. This 
is probably due to the more effective penetration 
ability of esters. 

The effects of 2,4-D use on amphibians has not been 
widely investigated. The major impacts would 
possibly be on frog egg and tadpole development. 

Endangered and Threatened Animal Species. The 

Forest Service does not have direct authority for 
management of endangered and threatened animal 
species. Our major contribution to preserving any 
wildlife species appearing on State or Federal 
official lists is through the management of critical 
habitat. The U.S. Department of Interior, in 
consultation with the States, is charged under the 1973 
Endangered Species Act with completing and maintaining 
official lists of wildlife species that are classified 
as endangered or threatened. The Forest Service has 
adopted these official lists and may expand them for 
Forest use to protect additional unique wildlife 
species. This proposed herbicide project has been 
analyzed for its impact directly to any animal species 
on an official list and the habitat loss or 
modification that might occur. 

6. Forest Invertebrate Animals 


General. The number of invertebrates per acre in a 
forest environment can only be guessed at. The number 
would be listed in the thousands. We are interested 
in the impacts of 2,4-D use on invertebrates, because 
invertebrates are an intricate part of a forest 
community. Invertebrates are also important because 
they serve as food for the vertebrates, and are thus 
an early indicator to potentially dangerous food chain 
build ups. 

Insects. Several studies of how 2,4-D affects insects 
have been made. Most relate to the acquatic or soil 
life stages of the insect and not the adult stage. 

No significant hazard to insects is expected as a 
result of acute toxicity of this proposed herbicide 
use at the Environmental Protection Agency regulated 
application rates. 

The following species of bottom-dwelling organisms 
were reduced by 50 percent or more after an applicaton 
of 2,4-D, ranging from 1 ppm: to 4 ppm: Mayfly 
nymphs, horsefly nymphs, common midges, phantom 
midges, biting midges, caddice fly, larvae, and water 
beetles. Smith and Isom (1962), in another 
investigation, concluded 2,4-D at low 1 ppb in water 
concentrations had little effect upon bottom insects. 

Honey bees have responded in different ways to exposure 
to 2,4-D. One investigation showed honey bees to 
decrease by 22 percent following treatment of a field 

they were using with 3 pounds of 2,4-D per acre. 
However, dug ting bees with 2,4-D did not cause any 
mortality. It is not known if the toxicity 

observed in the field was due to 2,4-D dissolved in 
the nectar, or to the production of a toxic metabolite 
secreted by the plant into the nectar. 

Benefits to some insects, especially honey bees, 
increase as plant succession is set back to conditions 
favoring flowering forbs. Other investigations have 
shown insect populations can increase following 2,4-D 
treatments, due to the increase in organic matter 
resulting from the decay of controlled plants. 

Of mosquito larvae treated with 2,4-D at a rate of 
100 ppm in water, about three-fifths fewer larvae as 
in the control reached the pupal State. This 

study added further evidence that 2,4-D is relatively 
non-toxic to some invertebrate species 

Crustaceans and Mulluscs. Detectable residues of 
2,4-D do not appear in surface waters of the Nicolet 
National Forest, unless the chemicals are directly 
added to the water, or fall there incidental to 
spraying forest vegetation, or unless the chemical is 
added as a water treatment for the control of aquatic 
vegetation. Detectable 2,4-D residues are not 
expected to be found in the silt of forest waters 
either. In investigations outside the forest area 
where 2,4-D residues have been found in silt, it has 
been attributed to wind blown erosion from bare soil 
treated with 2,4-D. With the forest conditions and 
precautions taken in the Nicolet National Forest, it 
is not expected that crustaceans and mulluscs in or 
near the National Forest will be exposed to any 
residue from this herbicide project. 

Should an accident during treatment happen or 
metrological conditions occur that would cause a 
2,4-D contamination of forest water, the 
concentration in the water can be expected to fall 
below detectable levels in a few days. Such residues 
are diluted through stream flow, decomposed by sun- 
light, or destroyed by microorganisms. 

Crawfish, mussels, and a wide variety of other 
crustaceans and mulluscs are not directly affected 

by the 2,4-D herbicides at rates approved for direct 
application to water for aquatic weed control. 
Concentrations of 0-50 ppb found from actual forest 
sampling in the Lake States, in the few samples where 
residue has been detected, are much less than the 
0.185 - 0.462 ppm concentration approved for direct 
water application on some 2,4-D herbicide labels. 

An adverse impact of a large accidental 2,4-D 
contamination to a lake or pond would be the effect 
plant vegetation decomposing would have on lowering 
the water oxygen content, even if the herbicide level 
itself was not high enough to cause crustacean and 
mullusc mortality. 

Social Economic Component. The fact that 2,4-D is 
widely used on private rangelands and pasture, 

private forests, in a variety of utility and highway 
right of way uses, and on the home lawn is ample 
evidence that it is efficient and inexpensive relative 
to available alternatives. 2,4-D has not been found 
to have serious unintentional side effects when used 
in forest conditions following approved use directions. 
Where the control of vegetation is needed, herbicides 
usually have less harmful side effects on the 
environment than alternative methods of control. 

The favorable effects of 2,4-D use are production 

and protection orientated. Improved economic welfare 
and community stability are the results. Public and 
private benefits are measured by increased timber 
volume and value. 

Forest trees, in the form of timber products, are a 
renewable resource. They are also raw materials for 
use in later manufacturing processes. As raw 
materials, they are at the starting end of the 
production process, and money paid for them tends 

to stay in the local area more so than for communities 
based on secondary or later stages of manufacture. 

The numbers of people needed for primary resource 
production, however, is not as great as the number of 
people required in secondary manufacturing processes. 

Our aerial herbicide applications are the least labor 
intensive of the herbicide application methods used. 
Ground methods of application, especially cut surface 
and basal stem methods, employ more people. A 
reduction in use of herbicides and a move to more 
manual vegetation control would provide longer 
employment or increased employment needs for laborers 
and a favorable short term economic impact on the 
local community. A long term adverse local employment 
and economic effect would occur from a reduced usuable 
future resource availability. Nationally, the effects 
would be an increased cost to the taxpayer. Consumers 
would feel little impact under the assumption of 
constant total output. If a constant total output was 
not maintained, however, a strong increase in consumer 
price would occur with only a small decrease in output. 


A long term economic benefit will result from growing 
black spruce and red pine on these sites. By age 40, 
if adequately released, these plantafions will produce 
an estimated 36 to 43 cords per acre of high value 
pulp and sawtimber, products worth about $3,600 to 
$6,450 based on current prices. This assumes the 
plantations are released to achieve 90 percent of 
their potential, and that red pine and spruce are of 
comparable value. 

If unreleased, the areas will produce only about 

13 to 25 cords per acre of mixed pine or spruce and 
lower valued aspen, worth perhaps $1,040 to $3,750 per 
acre during the same 40-year period. 

Similar economic benefits were found in a Region-wide 
reforestation - TSI evaluation. The evaluations 
compared alternatives of growing one species of tree 
versus growing another tree species on the same area. 
Two cases, comparing growing red pine to a 100-year 
rotation vs. growing aspen for 35-45 years, showed the 
following when using stumpage rates current on the 
Nicolet. A similar comparison was made involving 
northern hardwood management. 

Rate of 
Site Index Return 

Planting red pine vs. aspen management 60 5.68% 
Planting red pine vs. aspen management 50 ula 
Planting red pine vs. northern hardwood management 50 4.78% 

Release vs. 

Release vs. 

Release vs. 

When the rate of return and benefit/cost analysis 
for releasing red pine on an acre of land was compared 
to not releasing that acre, the following was found: 

Rate of Benefit/Cost 

Age Site Index Return at Th 
no release 5 years 60 Qais 250 J 
no release 10 years 70 9.55% v.99 
no release 5 years 70 8.74% Pals 

Release of existing stands is a very desirable 
treatment from an economic standpoint. 

An evaluation of a given timber management 
investment is based on the cost and benefits to be 
expected if a specific investment is made versus the 
costs and benefits to be expected if the investment 



is not made. The evaluation is then made of the net 
difference between the two timber management regimes, 
one with the investment to be evaluated and one 
without the investment. The rate of return shown is a 
"real" or noninflated rate. A 4.8 percent internal 
rate of return if inflated over a long tsxm at 

5 percent compares to a 10 percent rate. 

The economic and social effects of the production 
and manufacture of forest products on the Nicolet 
National Forest are of major importance to the 
communities found in or near the National Forest. 
To manage a part of the National Forest in high 
fiber yield red pine and black spruce will benefit 
the local economy and add to the social well being 
of the people living here. 


A valuable wood resource will be established to supply wood-using 
industries in and near the Nicolet National Forest. Up to about 
a 300 percent increase in high quality wood production should 
occur. This will aid the economic and social conditions of the 
local communities. There will also be an increase in returns to 
the Federal Government and counties from stumpage payment. 

Management of conifer stands will continue the historical 
vegetation composition of the northern Wisconsin area. The 
variety of vegetation will generally benefit most wildlife species. 
The variety will also provide an attractive and favorable contrast 
to the predominantly hardwood-aspen forest now found over most 

of the Nicolet. 

The use of 2,4-D is effective and long lasting. When compared 
to many of the other alternatives available to us, it is less 
destructive and violent to the environment. The greatest saving 
of the public's tax dollar will be realized. 

A heterogeneous forest has been found to be more resistant to 
insect and disease losses. 


Minor soil contamination cannot be avoided. This contamination 
shall probably last for 2 to 14 weeks. This impact will not 
significantly affect soil biota. 

As previously mentioned, there are aesthetic impacts which can 
be minimized but not eliminated. These are temporary, occurring 
primarily during the remainder of the summer of treatment, when 
the "brown-out" effect of dead leaves is visible. 



There will also be the habitat loss for certain wildlife species 
mentioned earlier in this report. This is a necessary trade-off 
in achievement of values associated with the composition 
objectives policy. 

The potential always exists for accidental dumping of the 
herbicide due to a malfunctioning aircraft. The likelihood 
of this occurrence is minimized by careful inspection and 
certification of the aircraft. 

There will be a slight and temporary odor from the herbicide. 
A minor amount of air pollution will occur from vehicle exhaust. 

Minor amounts of volatilized herbicide may enter the atmosphere. 
Rates of dilution will be so great that effects on living 
organisms are not expected. 

If there is a good blueberry or raspberry crop this year, the 
berries will most likely receive some 2,4-D residue. Treatment 
areas will be posted to notify people of the herbicide application. 

There will be an expenditure of approximately $6,000 of public 


A. Biological 

1. Controls. Biological control of vegetation is a process 
featuring native animals, insects, diseases, and 
environmental changes. Releasing more of a plant's natural 
enemies against the host can increase the natural control. 
The objective is to regulate the density of the pest 
plants. An example would be controlled use of livestock 
to reduce competing grasses and forbs in plantations. 

Insect damage to plants may be in the form of defoliation, 
girdling, or sap removal. Common life forms of the 
attacking insects are larval and adult. The attacked 
plants are weakened or killed. 

Diseases are caused by living parasitic agents which live 
and feed on or in plants. They are most commonly caused 
by fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes. Environmental 
conditions have to be right before infection occurs. 
Injury may be in the form of over developed tissues, 
stunting, lack of chlorophyll, incomplete development of 
organs, or death of tissue. 


Biological control could also include non-living agents. 
These agents include such things as nutrient adjustments, 
extreme heat or cold, plant toxic chemicals other than 
herbicides, and not enough or too much water. These 
causes do not act like diseases in that the control is 
not passed from one plant to another. 

Biological control holds promise for the future, but still 
needs research before becoming a reasonable alternative for 
use in the Nicolet's vegetation management program. Many 
problems with effective biological control still exist. A 
major disadvantage being how to contain biological agents 
within the 10 treatment areas. Spreading into adjacent 
areas, insect and disease populations could rapidly expand, 
attacking plants desirable for these sites. Another 
problem is the biological agent may not be sufficiently 
specific to the target plants and devastate other plants 
desirable as wildlife food or even the planted pine or 

Evolution. In vegetative management, it is the resource 
manager's need to only control the growth of selective 
vegetation, not eliminate it. Reforestation is an example. 
Growth advantage is wanted for the planted trees. This 
advantage could be obtained through cultural improvement 
rather than pest plant control. Biological evolution of 
vegetation is a process futuring genetics, nursery 
practices, soil preparation for planting, and succession. 
The objective is to work through the host plants. 
Individual plant characteristics for tolerance and early 
fast growth can be identified and, through genetic 
breeding, passed along to progeny. Host plants bred for 
favorable growth characteristics could overcome the need 
for control of associated vegetation. 

A physiological shock is often exhibited by plants 
transplanted from a controlled nursery environment to 

an uncontrolled field situation. An adjustment in nursery 
soil nutrients and introduction of mycorrhizal fungi may 
reduce this shock and the resultant growth loss usually 
suffered by transplants. Host transplants conditioned for 
early fast growth could prevent better established plants 
from squeezing them out. 

Programs to reestablish vegetation usually require some 
type of site preparation to prepare the area for planting 
or seeding. Site preparation involves exposure of mineral 
soil by removal or repositioning of accumulated vegetative 
matter. ‘The more complete the site preparation, the less 
chance of future need to control unwanted plants. 

Vegetative communities are never static for very long. 
Conditions are always developing for change, either 
toward climatic stands, or away from them. Where a 

vegetative community is at, at any time, determines the 
complex association of plants to be found in it, and what 
is to follow under given conditions. Based on sound 
ecological knowledge of natural succession trends, host 
plants could be matched to successional conditions rather 
than competing against them. 

Better use of the host vegetation, like control of pest 
vegetation, holds promise for the future. Research and 
studies are underway, but findings are slow, due to the 
time involved in working with many forest plant species. 


Fire, as a vegetative manipulator, has long been a part of the 
forest environment in northern Wisconsin. Used as a controlled 
and prescribed tool, fire is today a part of the vegetative 
management program in timber management. 

The use of prescribed fire is limited by season of year, daily 
weather conditions, type of vegetation, terrain, local arr, 
quality standards, and available manpower and equipment needs. 
It can, however, be used for very specific treatments. 

Some of the drawbacks to use of fire are: 

1. High temperature in fires can not only consume the humus 
layer above the soil, but also parch the soil, decreas ing 
its porosity and increasing the chance of erosion and 
excessive runoff. 

2. Red pine and black spruce are not plant species with a 
high fire tolerance. For this reason, the use of fire is 
limited to non-selective uses. Fire cannot realistically 
be proposed for thinning or control of competing 
vegetation projects. 

3. Hot fires often produce a vegetative change within the 
burn area. Plants native to the area, but long 
suppressed by successional change, are released to once 
again dominate the site. 

4. At times, fire is not hot enough to control plants with 
well established root systems and prolific sprouting 
occurs after the fire. 

5, The number of days fire can effectively be used are very 
limited. Some years they do not occur at all. And, when 
they do, the danger of wildfire will most likely be high 
reducing the fire fighters and equipment available for 
prescribed burning 

6. Burned areas are unsightly to some individuals. 

7. If prescribed burning conditions occur during the nesting 
or birthing season, fire will adversely affect many forms 
of wildlife. 

Fire, although used in the Nicolet National Forest, is specific 
in its application for vegetative management. 


Chemical control of vegetation involves the use of materials 
that cause a malfunction in plant growth processes. Entry 
into the plant may be through the foliage, stem, or roots. 
Herbicides, as these chemicals are called, may be selective or 
non-selective. The selective herbicides generally act on the 
broad-leaved plants, whereas most grass, coniferous trees and 
certain legumes are relatively resistant. The non-selective 
herbicides generally control all vegetative types. 

Herbicides are preferred as an alternative because they have 
been found to be both effective and useful for vegetative 
Management. Effectiveness is shown by a herbicide's ability 
to control a specific target pest or produce a wanted plant 
action. Usefulness is determined by the ability to apply 
herbicides according to the directions and cautions of the 
label without causing unreasonable adverse effects. 

Today, herbicides are available for vegetative management 
programs in timber, range, wildlife, agriculture, recreation, 
and rights-of-way maintenance. The season of the year limits 
some methods of application; however, other methods are 
suitable in all seasons. The major advantages being lasting 
effectiveness and low cost. 

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the hazards of 
non-herbicide use must include the effects of alternative 
techniques that are more violent and often more destructive to 
ecosystems. Selective herbicides, like 2,4-D, do not kill all 
vegetation or physically disrupt soil. The effects on 
wildlife are not physical, but related largely to habitat 
change and the ratio of favored food species available. These 
same habitat changes will occur with any method of conifer 
release used. Plantation areas treated with herbicides remain 
accessible to browsing animals. In contrast, areas strewn 
with heavy slash are only partially accessible, and by the 
time wildlife can move around, the browse has grown above 
their reach. Because of the minimum physical impact on an 
area treated with herbicides, many benefits occur that are not 
possible with the other alternatives considered: 

-site protection is not removed 
-cover and food still remain for wildlife 

-—nutrients are not removed or bunched 


-microclimatic extremes are minimized 

-new undesirable plants find it difficult to become 
established due to competition from vegetation on site. 

When considering the economics of using herbicides, the costs 
generally run below the other alternatives available. Costs, 
however, are not the overriding consideration in preferring 
herbicide applications in selected areas. The environmental 
effects, social impacts, and combined resource objectives are 

If herbicides were not available, the cost of food, forest 
products, electric power, and transportation would be higher. 
Of the alternatives available, the use of herbicides has 
proven to be the most effective and longest lasting. 

The use of herbicides has been controversial, especially the 
aerial application of 2,4,5-T. Much of the concern originated 
from publicity given to a chemical called Agent Orange and 
used in Viet Nam. Agent Orange contained an impurity; 
tetrachlorodioxin, more commonly known as TCDD or dioxin. The 
dioxin content now contained in 2,4,5-T has been reduced to a 
fraction of one percent of its original content. Dioxin has 
been found to be one of the most toxic chemicals known to 

man. Until new monitoring programs, capable of dioxin 
detection to 1 part per trillion, are analyzed, debates on the 
use of herbicides will continue. 2,4-D has not been found to 
contain any dioxins. 

Eastern Region experience with herbicide use since 1950, has 
shown this method of vegetative management to be effective, of 
low cost, and when used in the forest at the registered dosage, 
does not constitute a hazard to humans, animals, or the general 
quality of the environment. Herbicide use still remains as a 
preferred method for most vegetative management. 

Several methods of herbicide treatment are approved by E.P.A. 
registered labels for forestry application to release conifers. 
A variety of herbicides are also available. They include 2,4-D 
amines; 2,4-D + 2,4,5-T amines; 2,4-D + 2,4,5-T low volatile 
esters; 2,4,5-T low volatile esters; 2,4,5-TD (Silvex); 
cacodylic acid; dicamba; dicamba + mixes of 2,4-D or 2,4,5-T; 
ammonium sulfamate; picloram or mixes of picloram + 2,4-D or 
2,4,5-T; and 2,4-D low volatile esters. Some of these 
herbicides are non-selective and must be applied as individual 
stem treatments, others are limited in their registration to 
the conifers they can be used with and the target pests they 
will control, and still others are limited in the method for 
which they can be applied. Some of these herbicides, e.g. 
dicamba, picloram, and 2,4,5-T are more persistent in the 
environment. An environmental assessment of the ecological 
effects of each of these herbicides can be found on Pages 33 - 
53 of the Final Environmental Statement, The Use of Herbicides 
in the Eastern Region. 

From over 20 years of herbicide experience, a knowledge of the 
conditions existing on this 340 acres, and a review of the 
E.P.A. registered labels available, we have considered the 
following herbicides and methods of application available as 
alternatives to consider. 

1. Ground Application of Herbicides 



Mechanized Equipment. Broadcast Foliage Spray 

Herbicide release could be done by a tractor mounted 
power sprayer. A definite advantage would be better 
control of spray drift. Also, less chance of 
volatilization during droplet fall should exist. 

Terrain, soils, and access limit the opportunity for 
ground spray equipment. This alternative will not 
provide as even a rate of application as a helicopter, 
because of the difficulty of maneuvering equipment and 
maintaining a steady applcation rate. Some mechanical 
damage to the conifers being released will also occur 
from being run over by the spray rig. To provide the 
same degree of coverage to an acre of forest 
plantation, gound spraying will introduce 4-5 times 

as much herbicide as doing the work by an aerial 

Soil compaction would occur. Aesthetic impacts would 
be the same as with an aerial herbicide application. 

Costs are expected to vary from $35-$50, depending on 
the variable involved. These 340 acres are considered 
too rough to safely treat from the ground with 
mechanical equipment. 

Backpack Sprayers. Broadcast Foliage Spray 

This alternative makes use of small back carried spray 
equipment. The potential for off site contamination 
would be minimized. 

Where heavy brush and debris exists, this method would 
be difficult to use. Walking is difficult, the job is 
hot, body soaking from applied herbicide is a hazard, 
and personal fatigue and the possibilitiy of accidents 
are high. Aesthetic impacts would be comparable to an 
aerial herbicide application. The rate of herbicide 
application is difficult to control and the chance of 
missing areas in need of treatment is high. 

Costs are estimated to vary between $45-$70 per acre 
for this alternative. 

Backpack Sprayers. Basal Spray 

Herbicides can be applied to the base of the target 
species rather than applying it to the foliage. This 
permits application during a longer period of time, 
including the dormant period. 

For this method of treatment, a more persistent 
herbicide like 2,4,5-T, dicamba, silvex or picloram 
works best. Basal sprays are also mixed with oil as a 
carrier, rather than using water. 

Aesthetics would be comparable to other herbicide 
alternatives. Direct off site contamination would be 
reduced. The volume of herbicide would be greater than 
aerial application. 

Costs including fuel oil, are estimated to vary between 
$60-$80 per acre for this alternative. Treating each 
individual stem when the target plants are less than 

2 inches in diameter at the stump is difficult. Some 
stems would be missed, and a great deal of extra time 
would be needed to locate the pine or spruce and 

insure they were completely released. 

Cut Stump Treatment with 2,4-D + 2,4-DP Following 
Hand Felling 

The direct per treatment economic cost of this method 
is the highest of alternatives available; estimated 
at $70-$90 per acre. This price is based on the cost 
of cutting the brush or trees competing with the 
conifers, plus the cost of herbicide. 

Herbicide use per acre in applying this method would be 
two to three times greater than the amount required for 
aerial treatment of the same area. 

Applying herbicide to stumps after cutting would reduce 
the concerns of off site drift and volatilization. 

This alternative would adversely affect many forms of 
wildlife, as the cut vegetation would create a barrier 
to travel. The other impacts would be comparable to 
those experienced with other herbicide use. 

3. Aerial Spray 


2,4-D Low Volatile Ester (2 lbs. acid/acre) Applied 
as a Mixture with Water at 8 gallons per acre 

This alternative would result in the application of 1/3 
less herbicide per acre than the selected alternative, 
and about a $2 per acre reduction in cost. 


The period available for application at this 2 pound 
rate is shorter. Only the last 2 weeks in July and 
maybe the first week in August can be considered for 
making this treatment. Experience has shown that 
target species are more susceptible to 2 pound 
treatments during this short period; however, the 
conifer needles may not be hardened off and damage to 
the target species could occur. If there are delays 
due to helicopter availability, a lengthy court 
review, or adverse weather, the quality of the job 
will suffer. A re-spray or following-up hand 
treatment is more likely with this alternative. 

2,4-D Low Volatile Ester (3 lbs. acid/acre) Applied 
as a Mixture with Water at 8 gallons per acre 

This is the alternative preferred and proposed for 

For the conditions existing on these 340 acres, we 
feel this is the best alternative available to us. 
Each area to be treated was individually surveyed 
with a series of 1/750 acre plots. The surveyor 
recorded the presence or absence of a planted tree. 
If a planted tree was present, the kind and amount 
of competing vegetation was also recorded. Mapping 
the location of the individual sample plots within the 
proposed treatment area presented the analyst 
informnation on the areas of heaviest and lightest 
density of competing vegetation. 

From the above information, the analyst compared 
methods available and costs for different treatments. 
Estimates of cost for this alternative are $18 per 
acre. The period of effective treatment using 3 pounds 
ofV2.4-Daranges fromJuly 15)— August 31.«° The) body of 
this analysis is built around the selection of this 

Aerial Release with a 2,4-D Invert Emulsion (3lbs. 
acid per acre). Applied as a Mixture with Water. 

at 15 gallons spray mix per acre. 

Invert emulsions of 2,4-D are effective and meet all 
the standards to accomplish our release goals. This 
alternative is as good or better than the proposal, in 
reducing risk from drift. 

The direct economic cost is estimated to be $28 per 
acre, or about $10 more than the proposal. The amount 
of helicopter fuel needed to apply the herbicide would 
be about double. Different spray and mixing equipment 
is required to handle this herbicide. 

d. A 50/50 Mixture of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T Low Volatile 
Ester (3 lbs. acid/acre). Applied as a Mixture with 
Water at 8 gallons per acre. 

This alternative would do as good a job as the selected 
alternative in controlling the target species. The 
2,4,5-T in this mixture would also give us effective 
contrtol of any maple, raspberries, and cherry species 
present on site. These three species, even though 
present, are not the major target Species to be 
controlled. This alternative would also allow us to 
take advantage of the full treatment season available 
to us, including late August spraying should the 
conifers be slow in "hardening off." 

The herbicide 2,4,5-T is more persistent in soils and 
water than is 2,4-D. The persistence is 3 to 6 months 
under forest conditions. Other environmental impacts 
with the use of 2,4,5-T are of more public concern 
than the use of 2,4-D. 

The direct economic cost of the 2,4,5-T + 2,4-D mixture 
is more costly than 2,4-D alone. The total per acre 
cost of this alternative is expected to be about $24. 

(Manual ) 

Manual methods of vegetative management include the use of 

hand operated tools such as the axe, brush whip, brush axe, 
chain saws, and brush cutters. Generally speaking, manual 
methods have little adverse effect on the environment. This 
method can be selective and accomplished with little visual 
impact in areas of concentrated public use. Control of areas 
treated can be exact, making this method suitable for use along 
streams, in recreation areas, and around buildings and wildlife 
projects. The season of year has little effect, unless it is 
snow depth in the winter. Long term local employment is 

The major disadvantges are high cost and ineffective results. 
It is not unusual for an acre of land to contain up to 20,000 
hardwood stems. If stems were placed on a 2 foot by 2 foot 
spacing, 10,890 stems could be fitted to an acre. 

Many species of woody vegetation are prolific sprouters. In 
young conifer plantations, the need exists for effective 
vegetation control. The cutting of the aerial portions of 
these plants does not reduce the number of stems that resprout 
the following year and in some species, there are substantial 
increases. The new height growth can exceed 3 to 4 feet in 
the first year. To annually or bi-annually crop these sprouts 
in a 300 - 400 acre program amounts to a major expenditure of 
tax dollars. 


Manual labor projects can help a local economy, but it is 
often the local economy that makes labor intensive work 
impossible today. People are unavailable in many rural areas 
and are not willing to commute to rural areas to participate 
in hard physical labor under seasonal working conditions found 
in the Forest. Large scale projects are limited by Federal 
Manpower authorizations and the time available to physically 
complete the work with small crews. 

Experience has shown that heavy cutting of brush and cull 
trees in an area creates a mat of interlocked tree branches 
and stems impassable to many forms of wildlife. 

The accident rate for people involved in woods work is high. 
The 1972-1974 severity rate, (day of lost work due to injury 
per 1 million man-hours of work), for the logging industry 
group was only exceeded by 16 of 207 industrial groups listed 
in the 1975 Work Industry Rates by the National Safety 
Council. Daily exposure to sharp cutting edges, rough 
terrain, climatic extremes, and physically demanding work make 
accident occurrence a major factor in discouraging use of 
physical labor crews. 

Manual control methods, although a part of the regional 
vegetative management program, are limited by cost and 

The direct economic cost of applying this method to areas 
prescribed for aerial spraying are estimated at $50-$60 per 
acre. Because this treatment is relatively ineffective, 5 to 
10 consecutive yearly treatments may be required before these 
stands are able to adequately compete with on-site hardwoods. 
This would increase the total cost for treating these areas to 
$275 - $550 per acre. 

When the distribution of competing hardwoods is uneven, or the 
number of stems per acre needing cutting is low, manual 
removal has been selected as the method of treatment. The 
buffer zones identified on the 10 aerial release areas will be 
treated using hand tools without herbicides. Additional areas 
identified as having a low number of stems per acre needing 
treatment will be treated with hand tools without herbicides. 
The total acreage to be accomplished during Calendar Year 1976 
with hand tools without herbicides is 249 acres. The direct 
cost of treating these acres is estimated to be $35-$45 per 
acre. The lower cost is reflected in the fewer stems per acre 
needing treatment on many of the acres. 

This method involves the use of motorized equipment to either 
push-pull or drive other pieces of equipment designed to treat 

vegetation. It involves the practice of bull dozing, shearing, 
discing, cultivating, chopping, or mowing. 


Mechanical methods have the advantage of being able to alter 
the position or form of the vegetation. Dozer operated 
equipment can knock down or dig up vegetation to create 
openings; brushhogs and hydro-axes can grind up vegetation; 
and, discing or cultivating will bury vegetation. If done 
properly, the mechanical control of vegetation is suitable for 
use in visually sensitive areas. Large areas can be treated 
with minimum man-power needs and cost. Mechanical equipment 
also allows us to clean up accumulations of unwanted or 
unutilized vegetation, while leaving adequate root material to 
provide for vigorous responding. 

Limits on the use of mechanical equipment are caused by rough 
terrain, erosive soils, steep slopes, winter weather, and wet 
soil conditions. Soil erosion and effects on water quality 
are the main environmental concerns. It is not always 
possible to be selective with mechanical methods, and the cost 
of treating small areas is excessively high. Mechanical 
methods will adversely effect wildlife requiring specific 
localized ecological niches. 

Unless plant roots are completely dug out of the ground, the 
effectiveness of mechanical vegetation control is reduced. 
Mowing operations, followed by chemical treatments, have 
proven to be a combination of use where aesthetics are of 
major concern. 

Mechanical plantation release of the 340 acres in this 
proposal was not seriously considered, because of the 
scattered layout of the areas, the rough terrain, and the 
difficulty of operating between the planted trees without 
creating unavoidable damage to the trees to be released. The 
direct cost for completing this proposal using mechanical 
equipment is estimated at $40-$50 per acre, if it could be 
done without destroying the red pine or black spruce. 

No Cultural Treatment 

No action should not be interpreted as a cessation of our 
reforestation program. No action is only the absence of 
treatment to established plantations. This alternative may be 
more favorable from a long-term wildlife and short-term 
economic standpoint. There would be no release costs. This 
would result in an immediate savings of approximately $6,000. 
No herbicide would be introduced into the environment. The 
habitat for wildlife now living within or using each treatment 
area would not immediately change due to this release. Of the 
717 acres looked at for release needs during 1976, a total of 
128 acres were identified as needing no treatment at this time. 

An acre of forest land is limited in the amount of vegetation 
it can produce. With management, the proportion of growth in 
red pine and black spruce beneficial to man can be increased 

by freeing these conifers to utilize available nutrients, 


moisture, and space. This is the practice in timber 
management, by selective control of vegetation. Without 
selective control, growth will go into brush and trees of low 
fiber yield. Until new technology and methods to utilize 
brush and low fiber yield trees are developed, we either face 
a reduced timber supply or have to harvest increased acreage 
to supply existing demands. 

Adoption of this alternative would forego the opportunity to 
change 589 acres from very low to much higher timber 
production. The result would be a long-term loss of timber 
production. Also, original establishment costs would be lost 
in proportion to growth and mortality losses. 

The necessity for release is shown by experimental results on 
the influence of qn overstory on growth of 10 to 25 years old 
planted red pine. A 90 percent volume loss, 45 percent 
diameter growth loss, and a 50 percent height growth loss 
would be expected on plantations in urgent need of release. 

In Lower Michigan, studies evaluated the effects of various 
degrees of overtopping aspen and scrub oak to growth of 
planted red pine. Growth was measured 5 to 15 years later. 
The results were that when a 30 square foot basal area 
hardwood overstory is retained, cubic foot volume growth is 
reduced to 20 percent of the maximum; the diameter growth is 
limited to 55 percent maximum; and, the height growth declines 
to 58 percent of the maximum. 

The benefits of release were shown in experiments on the 
Chippewa National Forest in Minnesota. Prepared plots showed 
that failure to release red pine resulted in a reduction at 
the end of 5 years of 70 percent in survival; more than 90 
percent in height growth; and, 99 percent in total dry weight. 

These same adverse effects of no action can be expected on the 
Nicolet National Forest. 


Gamma radiation on biomass production has been under gudy in 
northern Wisconsin (Zaultkovski and Salmonson, 1975). 

Gamma radiation will directly affect ground vegetation by 
selectively killing or severely damaging radio-sensitive plant 
species, and indirectly by affecting tree canopies, thus 
changing the micro-environment in which the ground vegetation 
developes. Response to radiation treatments is slow; the 
first signs of damage not occuring until after about 2 months 
of irradiation. 

Trees appear to be more radio-sensitive than ground 
vegetation. Other results indicate vegetation zonation 
results from the different radio-sensitivity of plants 
composing irradiated communities, the more closed the over- 
head canopy the greater sensitivity shown by the ground 





vegetation. Plants known to survive under harsh conditions 
are the least radio-sensitive. 

The vegetation response to gamma radiation varies with the 
time of year, radiation dose, length of exposure, distance 
from the radiation received, and plant interphase chromosome 
volume. In the Solidago, it was found 90 percent of these 
plants treated with 105 roentgens, per 20 hour day, were 
effected while for other plants the 90 percent yield was about 
2,000 roentgens per day. 

Vegetation management in northern Wisconsin using gamma 
radiation is under study. Many more studies will need to be 
conducted before we will recommend radiation treatments as an 
alternative available for our use. 


Research indicates short-term environment impacts of 2,4-D as a 
potentially hazardous substance to humans, wildlife, soil, and 
water is very minor, when applied using the rates and methods 
outlined in this report. 

The areas we propose to use 2,4-D in will not achieve their 
potential for timber production unless released. Brush and low 
quality, poorly stocked stands of timber will develop, wasting 
moisture and nutrients that otherwise could be available to 
produce wood fiber and other timber products needed by the 
American people in the future. Long-term productivity of timber 
products will be greatly increased through growing these 340 acres 
in more valuable species. 

A reduction in quality of the biota is possible, if large areas 
are converted to solid conifers. However, in growing conifers 
these factors are considered, and adequate hardwoods left where 
soils or a need to maintain diversity of habitat exists. 

Conifers on the Nicolet are generally being grown where they grew 
naturally, before their removal by man. 


This proposal will use about 255 gallons of the herbicide 2,4-D. 
Fuel to operate the helicopter and ground vehicles needed in 
support of this project will be needed. The proposed program 
will result in no other irreversible or irretrievable commitment 
of resources when viewed from the long-term standpoint vital to 
sound renewable natural resource management. 


A. Environmental Impact Statement 

In 1972 and 1973 draft and final environmental impact 
statements were filed with the Council on Environmental 
Quality. Public and other agency review was conducted 


according to Forest Service guidelines, developed in 
compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. This 
herbicide program statement covered herbicide use in the 
Eastern Region of the Forest Service, which includes 
Wisconsin. It developed policies and guidelines, with public 
and other agency participation, which apply to all herbicide 
projects in the Region. This environmental analysis is a 
site-specific analysis which localizes the general regional 
guidelines, and which includes additional specific guidelines 
in response to conditions on each site. 

A list of agencies, organizations, and individuals who 
reviewed copies of the environmental statements is in the 
Appendix as Item I. 

Proposed Projects 

The projects proposed herein for the summer of 1976, have been 
reviewed by 26 Forest Service specialists. Reviews consisted 
of field evaluations of individual herbicide use sites, as 
well as office reviews. A list of those participating in this 
phase of project development is included in this section. 

In addition, the project proposal has been reviewed by the 
Eastern Region Pesticide Use Coordinating Committee. 
Membership of the Committee is also included in this section. 
This review evaluated the project proposal for compliance with 
guidelines developed in the environmental statement process 
(described above), and for compliance with requirements of the 
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act. 

Coordination with the State of Wisconsin has been accomplished 
by personal contact and through written requests for project 
reviews. Project descriptions and supporting data were sent 
to the Secretary, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 
to District Directors, Northeast and North Central Districts, 
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, to the State 
Pesticide Review Board, and to the State Clearinghouse for 
review of Federal proposals. Public involvement in projects 
previously planned for 1975, revealed concern for use of 
2,4,5-T, but little concern for the use of 2,4-D as proposed 
herein. This is substantiated by a relative absence of public 
concern for 2,4-D use during the past year by the Wisconsin 
Department of Natural Resources on State Forest lands. This 
has been true also, of projects implemented during the same 
year by private parties, by counties in county forests under 
WDNR guidance, and by other State agencies. Because these 
projects of other agencies are similar to those proposed 
herein, it has been determined that the use of 2,4-D is not an 
item of major controversy. 



Partial List of Federal and State Agencies, Associations, and 
individuals that received copies of the Draft Environmental Statement 
for Review and Response. 


U.S. Department of Agriculture 

Mr. Talcott W. Edminster, Administrator 
Agriculture Research Services, USDA 
14th and Jefferson Drive, S.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20250 

Mr. Edwin L. Kirby, Administrator 
Extension Service, USDA 

14th and Jefferson Drive, S.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20250 

Mr. R.M. Davis 

Soil Conservation Service, USDA 
14th and Jefferson Drive, S.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20250 

Donald E. Wilkinson, Administrator 
Consumer and Marketing Service, USDA 
South Bldg. 

14th and Independence Avenue, S.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20250 

Mr. David Hamil, Administrator 

Rural Electrification Administration, USDA 
South Building 

14th and Independence Avenue, S.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20250 

U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare 

Dr. David Mathews, Secretary 

Department of Health, Education and Welfare 
330 Independence Avenue, S.W. 

Washington, D.C. 20201 

U. S. Department of Interior 

Director, Office of Environmental Project Review 
Department of the Interior 

Interior Building 

Washington, D.C. 20204 (18 copies) 


U. S. Army Corps of Engineers 

Chief of Engineers, 

Office of the Chief of Engineers 
Forrestal Building 

Washington, D.C. 20314 

Environmental Protection Agency 

Edwin L. Johnson 

Office of Pesticide Programs 
Environmental Protection Agency 
Waterside Mall 

401 M. street, S.W. 

Washington, D.C. 20460 

John A. S. McGlennon, Administrator 
Region 1, Environmental Protection Agency 
Room 2303 

John F. Kennedy Federal Building 

Boston, Massachusetts 02203 

Gerald M. Hansler, Administrator 

Region 2, Environmental Protection Agency 
Room 847 

26 Federal Plaza 

New York, New York 10007 

Daniel J. Snyder IIL, Administrator 
Region 3, Environmental Protection Agency 
Curtis Building 

6th and Walnut Streets 

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106 

Ronald L. Mustard, Administrator 

Director of the Office of Federal Activities 
Region 5, Environmental Protection Agency 
230 South Dearborn 

Chicago, Illinois “60604 

Jerome H. Svore, Administrator 

Region 7, Environmental Protection Agency 
1735 Baltimore Avenue 

Kansas City, Missouri 64108 


Office of Planning and Analysis 
Executive Office of the Governor 
Room 614 

605 State Office Bldg. 
Springfield, Illinois 62706 






New Hampshire 




West Virginia - 


State Clearinghouse 

Office of the Governor 

608 State Office Building 
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 

State Planning Office 
Executive Department 

State of Maine 

State House 

Augusta, Maine 04333 

Office of Planning Services 
Executive Office of the Governor 
Mason Bldg. 

Lansing, Michigan 48926 

Minnesota State Clearinghouse 
300 Centennial Bldg. 

658 Cedar Street 

St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 

Missouri Department of Community Affairs 
P.O; bOxmL OU 
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 

Office of Comprehensive Planning 
Office of the Governor 

State House Annex 

Concord, New Hampshire 03301 

Office of the Governor 
State Clearinghouse 

65 South Front Street 
Columbus, Ohio 43215 

Office of State Planning and Development 
2301 North Cameron Street 
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 12720 

State Clearinghouse 
Office of the Governor 
Montpelier, Vermont 05602 

Grant Information Department 
Office of Federal-State Relations 
1800 Washington Street, East 
Charleston, West Virginia 25305 

J. R. Huntoon, Director 

Bureau of Environmental Impacts 
Department of Natural Resources 
Box 450 

Madison, Wisconsin 53701 

*State - Federal Clearinghouse Coordinators (only States in R-9 with 

National Forests) 






State Department of Resource Management 

Anthony T. Dean, Director 
Department of Conservation 
605 State Office Bldg. 
Springfield, Illinois 62706 

State Forester 
605 State Office Bldg. 
Springfield, Illinois 62706 

Joseph D. Cloud, Director 
Department of Natural Resources 
608 State Office Bldg. 
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 

John F. Datena, State Forester 
Department of Natural Resources 
608 State Office Bldg. 
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 


Department of Conservation 
State Office Bldg. 
Augusta, Maine 04330 


Bureau of Forestry 
State Office Bldg. 
Augusta, Maine 04330 

Howard A. Tanner, Director 
Department of Natural Resources 
Mason Bldg. 

Lansing, Michigan 48926 

Henry H. Webster, Chief 
Forestry Division 

Department of Natural Resources 
Mason Bldg. 

Lansing, Michigan 48926 

Michael O'Donnell, Acting Commissioner 
Department of Natural Resources 

300 Centennial Bldg. 

658 Cedar Street 

St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 

Earl J. Adams, Director 
Division of Lands and Forestry 
Department of Natural Resources 
300 Centennial Bldg. 

658 Cedar Street 

St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 


Missouri - 

New Hampshire 




Carl R. Noren, Director 
Department of Conservation 

P. O. Box 180 

Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 

Jerry Presley 

Department of Conservation 
Forestry Division 

PU. box aLoU 

Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 

Edward J. Bennett 

Division of Resource Development 
State House Annex 

P.O. Box 76 6 

Concord, New Hampshire 03301 

Robert W. Teater, Director 
Department of Natural Resources 
Fountain Square 

Columbus, Ohio 43224 

Charles E. Call, Chief 
Division of Reclamation 
Department of Natural Resources 
Fountain Square 

Columbus, Ohio 43224 

Ernest Gebhart, State Forester 
Division of Forestry 

Department of Natural Resources 
Fountain Square 

Columbus, Ohio 43224 

Honorable Maurice K. Goddard, Secretary 
Department of Environmental Resources 
Public Relations 

Room 203 

Evangelical Press Bldg. 

P. O. Box 1467 

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 

Samuel S. Cobb, Director 

Bureau of Forestry 

Department of Environmental Resources 
Room 203 

Evangelical Press Bldg. 

Pee 02. Boxsl467 

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 

Martin L. Johnson, Secretary 

Agency of Environmental Conservation 
Montpelier, Vermont 05602 


West Virginia 


Arthur F. Heitmann, Commissioner 
Department of Forests and Parks 
Agency of Environmental Conservation 
Montpelier, Vermont 05602 

Ira S. Latimer, Jr., Director 
Department of Natural Resources 
1800 Washington Street, East 
Charleston, West Virginia 25305 

Lester McClung, State Forester 
Department of Natural Resources 
1800 Washington Street, East 
Charleston, West Virginia 25305 

Anthony Earl, Secretary 
Department of Natural Resources 
Box 450 

Madison, Wisconsin 53701 

S. W. Welsh, Administrator 

Division of Forestry, Wildlife and Recreation 
Department of Natural Resources 

Box 450 

Madison, Wisconsin 53701 

Local Agencies and Commissions 

Frederick 0. Rouse, Chairman 
Great Lakes Basin Commission 
2nd Floor, City Center Bldg. 
220 E. Huron Street 

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 

Mr. William R. Bechtel, Cochairman 
Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission 
U. S. Department of Commerce, Room 2093 
14th and E Street, N.W. 

Washington, D.C. 20230 


Air Pollution Control Association 
440 5th Avenue 
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 

American Camping Association, Inc. 
Bradford Woods 
Martinsville, Indiana 46151 

American Conservation Association, Inc. 
30 Rockefeller Plaza, Rm. 5425 
New York, New York 10020 

American Farm Bureau Federation 
225 Touhy Avenue 
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 

American Forage and Grassland Council 
121 Dantzler Court 
Lexington, Kentucky 40503 

American Forest Institute 
1619 Massachusetts Avenue, NW 
Washington, D.C. 20036 

American Mining Congress 
1100 Ring Bldg. 
Washington, D.C. 20036 

American Motorcycle Association 
Pe OceBox, 141 
Westerville, Ohio 43081 

American Pulpwood Association 
1619 Massachusetts Avenue, NW 
Washington, D.C. 20036 

American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society 
Federal Hall National Memorial 

26 Wall Street 

New York, New York 10005 

Appalachian Mountain Club 
5 Joy Street 
Boston, Massachusetts 02108 

Appalachian Trail Conference 
Psd «. Box 236 
Harpers Ferry, West Virginia 25425 

Association of Interpretive Naturalists 
International Business Office 

6700 Needwood Road 

Derwood, Maryland 20855 

Boat Owners Council of America 
534 N. Broadway 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 

Ducks Unlimited 
P. O. Box 66300 
Chicago, Illinois 60666 

Environmental Defense Fund, Inc. 
162 Old Town Road 
East Setauket, New York 11733 

Friends of the Earth 
620 C Street, SE 
Washington, D.C. 20003 

General Federation of Women's Clubs 
1734 N Street, NW 
Washington, D.C. 20036 

League of Women Voters 
1730 M Street, NW 
Washington, D.C. 20036 

National Audubon Society 
950 Third Avenue 
New York, New York 10022 

National Campers and Hikers Association, Inc. 
7172 Transit Road 
Buffalo, New York 14221 

National Council of State Garden Clubs, Inc. 
4401 Magnolia Avenue 
St L0u is, eMissourisnool 10 

National Forest Products Association 
1619 Massachusetts Avenue 
Washington, D.C. 20036 

National Wildlife Federation 
1412 16th Street, NW 
Washington, D.C. 20036 

Nature Conservancy 

Suite 800 

1800 North Kent Street 
Arlington, Virginia 22209 

North American Family Campers Association 
Box 552 

76 State Street 

Newburypcrt, Massachusetts 01950 

Outboard Boating Club of America 
401 N. Michigan Avenue 
Chicago, Illinois 60611 

Sierra Club 
530 Bush Street 
San Francisco, California 94108 

Sport Fishing Institute 
Suite 801 

608 13th Street, NW 
Washington, D.C. 20005 

The Conservation Foundation 
1717 Massachusetts Avenue, NW 
Washington, D.C. 20036 

The Garden Club of America 
598 Madison Avenue 
New York, New York 10022 

The Wilderness Society 
1901 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 
Washington, D.C. 20006 

Trout Unlimited 
4260 E. Evans Avenue 
Denver, Colorado 80222 

Wildlife Management Institute 
1000 Vermont Avenue, NW 

709 Wire Bldg. 

Washington, D.C. 20005 

American Forestry Association 
1319 18th Street, N.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20036 

American Water Resources Association 
P.O. Box 434 
Urbana, Illinois 61801 

Appalachian Hardwood Manufacturers, Inc. 
Room 408 

NCNB Building 

High Point, North Carolina 21261 

Mr. Thomas P. Brogan, Executive Vice President 
Northern Hardwood and Pine Mfgs. Association 
Suite 207 

Northern Bldg. 

Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301 

John D. Hoffman, Executive Director 
Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, Inc. 
311 California Street, Suite 3ll 
San Francisco, California 94104 

Wilderness Watch Inc. 
P.O. Box 3184 
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54303 

Wildlife Management Institute 

1000 Vermont Avenue, NW 
Washington, D.C. 20005 


Others - Individuals 

Mr. George Banzhaf 
622 North Water Street 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 

MeeeGse. Warren 
Purdue University 
Lafayette, Indiana 47907 

Mason Carter 
Purdue University 
Lafayette, Indiana 47907 

Robert Shipman 

Pennsylvania State Univerisity 

101 Ferguson Building 

University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 

Fred Tschirley 

Botany Department 

Michigan State University 
East Lansing, Michigan 48823 

Logan Norris 

USFS - Pacific Northwest Experiment Station 
Forestry Sciences Laboratory 

3200 Jefferson Way 

Corvallis, Oregon 97331 


Mr. Robert Smith 

TSI Company 

Box 151, Highway 206 
Flanders, New Jersey 07836 

Thompson - Hayward Chemical Company 
5200 Speaker Road ., 
Kansas City, Kansas 66110 

Mr. Morris L. Neuville, President 
The Ansul Company 

1 Stanton Street 

Marinette, Wisconsin 54143 

E. A. Snyder, President 
Amchem Products, Inc. 
Ambler, Pennsylvania 19002 

C. B. Branch, President 

The Dow Chemical Company 

Midland, Michigan 48640 

C= Lp 

Geigy Agricultural Chemicals 
Divison of CIBA - Geigy Corp. 
Ardsley, New York 10502 

Robert S. Toth, General Manager 
Pennwalt Corporation 

Agchem Division 

1630 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite 179 
Fresno, California 93710 

U. S. Borax and Chemical Corp. 
3075 Wilshire Blvd. 
Los Angeles, California 90010 

Diamond Shamrock Chemical Company 
Agricultural Chemical Division 
1100 Superior Avenue 

Cleveland, Ohio 44114 

E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company, Inc. 
Industrial and Biochemicals Department 
1007 Market Street 

Wilmington, Delaware 19898 

Richard W. Fields, Manager 
Velsicol Chemical Corporation 
34] East Ohio Street 

Chicago, Illinois 60611 

List of Forestry Schools in R-9 

School of Forestry and Environmental Studies 
Yale University 
New Haven, Connecticut 06511 

Department of Forestry 
School of Agriculture 
Southern Illinois University 
Carbondale, Illinois 62901 

Department of Forestry 
University of Illinois 

Urbana, Illinois 61901 

Department of Forestry and Conservation 
School of Agriculture 
Purdue University 
Lafayette, Indiana 47907 

Department of Forestry 
Iowa State Universty 
Ames, Iowa 50010 

Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management 
University of Massachusetts 
Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 

School of Forest Resources 
University of Maine 
Orono, Maine 04473 

School of Natural Resources 
University of Michigan 
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 

Department of Forestry 
Michigan State University 
East Lansing, Michigan 48823 

School of Forestry and Wood Products 
Michigan Technological University 
Houghton, Michigan 49931 

College of Forestry 
University of Minnesota 
St. Paul, Minnesota 65201 

School of Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife 
University of Missouri/Columbia 
Columbia, Missouri 65201 

New Hampshire 
Institute of Natural and Environmental Resources 
University of New Hampshire 
Durham, New Hampshire 03824 

New Jersey 
Forest Section, Cook College 
Rutgers, The State University 
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903 

New York 
School of Environmental and Resource Management 
State of University of New York 
College of Environmental Science and Forestry 
Syracuse, New York 12310 


Division-Department of Forestry 
School of Natural Resources 
Ohio State University 
Columbus, Ohio 43210 

School of Forest Resources 
The Pennsylvania State University 
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 

Department of Forestry 
The University of Vermont 
Burlington, Vermont 05401 

West Virginia 
Division of Forestry 
West Virginia University 
Morgantown, West Virginia 26506 

Department of Forestry 
University of Wisconsin-Madison 
Madison, Wisconsin 53706 

College of Natural Resources 
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point 
Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481 

Paper Companies 

Boise - Cascade Corporation 
International Falls, Minnesota 56649 

Mr. Jack Cedergren 
Vice-President, Lands and Timber 
Potlatch Corporation 

Northwest Paper Division 
Cloquet, Wisconsin 55720 

Champion International Papers 
Hamilton, Ohio 45020 

Consolidated Papers, Inc. 
Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin 54494 

Mr. J. S2¢Hensel 

American Pulpwood Association 
200 Franklin Street 

Wausau, Wisconsin 54401 

Mr. Lynn Sandberg, Woodlands Manager 
Mead Corporation 
Escanaba, Michigan 49829 

Missouri Forest Products Association 
Suite B-43, 400 East High Street 
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 

Timber Producers Assoc. of Wisconsin and Michigan 
201 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Tomahawk, Wisconsin 54487 

Timber Producers Association of Minnesota 
Room 200 

Christie Building 

Duluth, Minnesota 55802 

Mr. Richard Yankee, Supervisor 
Field Operations 

Packaging Corporation of America 
Per. box 516 

Manistee, Michigan 49660 

Virginia Sportsmen's Club 
Box 718 
Virginia, Minnesota 55792 

United Northern Sportsmen 
130 East Orange Street 
Duluth, Minnesota 55811 

Clean Air, Clean Water 
Boxga ll 
St. Paul, Minnesota 55075 

Minnesota Herbicide Coalition 
110506 Windmill Court 
Chaska, Minnesota 55318 

Citizens for a Better Environment 
Suite 2610 

E. Van Buren Street, 

Chicago, Illinois 60605 

3036 University Ave, SE 
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 

Environmental Balance Association of Minnesota 
1030 Minnesota Building 
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 

Friends of the BWCA 
1743 Lindig Street 
St. Paul, Minnesota 55113 

P.O. Box 80089 
St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 

Cherie Mason, Field Representative 
Defenders of Wildlife 

900 N. Michigan Avenue 

Chicago, Illinois 60611 

Jim Bluhaugh, Outdoors Editor 
Duluth Herald 

424 West First Street 

Duluth, Minnesota 55801 

Weed Science Society of America 
311 Illinois Building 

113 N. Nail Street 

Champaign, Illinois 61820 

Robert A. Petry, Manager 
Woodlands Operations 

Nekoosa Papers, Incorporated 
Port Edwards, Wisconsin 54469 

Richard Rice 

Coalition for Economic Alternatives 
Box 323 

Ashland, Wisconsin 54806 

H. Paul Friesema 
Northwestern University 
2040 Sheridan Road 
Evanston, Illinois 60201 

Irwin J. Unger 

Columbia Gas System Service Corporation 
20 Montchanin Road 

Wilmington, Delaware 19807 

George B. Fell, Executive Secretary 
Illinois Nature Preserves Commission 
819 North Main Street 

Rockford, Illinois 61103 

Patrick R. Ott, Environmental Analyst 
Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Company 
215 North Front Street 

Columbus, Ohio 43215 

Claire Bolduc, Researcher 

Pine Tree Legal Assistance, Inc. 
Coe Building, Room 53 

61 Main Building 

Bangor, Maine 04401 


Richard Kluender 

Southwest Division Forester 
American Pulpwood Association 
Post Office Drawer 4799 
Fondren Station 

Jackson, Mississippi 39216 

Ms. Wilma Hammack 

Engineering Services Library 

Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation 
PLU. bOxT i215 

Charleston, West Virginia 25325 

Mr. Ken Franklin 
U.S. Power Association 
Elk River, Minnesota 55330 

J. M. Daley, Reporter 

The Prospect-—News 

Box 367 

Doniphan, Missouri 63935 

Dee Rau. y. 

Senior Registration Scientist 

3M Company, 3M Center - Building 230B 
Agrichemicals Project 

St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 

Paul Johnston 

Asplundh Environmental Services 
Blair Mill Road 

Willow Grove, Pennsylvania 19090 

Ohio Environmental Protection Agency 
Office of the Planning Coordinator 
361 East Broad Street 

Columbus, Ohio 43215 

R. W. Sorensen, Chief Forester 
Minnesota Power and Light Company 
30 West Superior Street 

Duluth, Minnesota 55802 

Mrs. Jeannie Berg 

Leech Lake Area 

Chamber of Commerce 

Box G 

Walker, Minnesota 56484 



United States Department of the Interior 


In Reply Referee: NOV 2 8 1977 

Mr. Steve Yurich 

Regional Forester 

633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

Dean Me. Yurich: 

Thank you for your letter of September 21, 1977, transmitting 
for review and comment the Forest Service's draft environ- 
mental statement for the proposed Use of Herbicides in the 
Eastern Region. Accordingly, we have reviewed the statement 
and offer the following comments for your consideration. 

General Comments 

We find the draft statement to be rather comprehensive but 
makes some mistakes of omission as well as commission. Most 
of the document is concerned with the phenoxy herbicides and 
this is understandable. However, the proposal calls for the 
use of other herbicides as well. And, the use and effects 

of these other pesticides need to be addressed in a more 
detailed manner. A reprint, and an inclusion as an addendum, 
of toxicological data that has accompanied other Forest 
Service statements on the use of herbicides would be in order. 
Further, the large body of information concerning the effects 
of herbicides, published by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service, has been almost completely ignored. 

Inasmuch as the environmental statement recognizes the contro- 
versial nature of the herbicides 2,4,5,-T and 2,4,5,-TP con- 
taining tetrachlorodibenzo-P-dioxin (TCDD) (p. 24, par. 5 

and p. 41-51, item 2), the level of quality control used in 
the manufacturing process to minimize the potential for 

dioxin formation should be made known. Also, monitoring 
measures for water quality of streams draining herbicide- 
treated areas should be considered, especially where surface- 
water resources are used for water supply. 

The environmental analysis report for Nicolet National Forest 
(app. B) carefully considers depth to ground water and soil 
depth and characteristics in planning the application of 




herbicides (p. 110-117). However, we suggest that the 
section on controls and mitigations for such applications 

(p. 118) should include provisions for prompt remedial 
measures in the event of accidental spills. The much higher 
concentrations resulting from such spills are more likely 
to reach ground water and to persist during lengthy ground- 
water movement toward locations of possible significant 
impact or release to a surface stream. We suggest also that 
controls on herbicide use (app. A) such as those under Water 
(item 4(1)) should include mention of types of environmental 
Situations that will permit very rapid or almost instantaneous 
movement of herbicides into ground water - as in areas where 
the filtering effects of sufficient soil thicknesses will not 
be available. Examples would include not only features of a 
karst terrane such as caves and solution openings but also 
areas where rock fractures, lava tubes, very coarse gravel, 
or broken-rock fields are at or near the surface. Any such 
areas of appreciable size that are characterized by extremely 
large pore spaces should be isolated with buffer strips in 
the same manner as streams (p. 97). Monitoring or sampling 
of ground water or of surface water that can be affected by 
herbicides transported in ground water should involve proper 
allowances for delayed effects that may result from the 
customarily lower velocities of ground water. 

Vieni wine ntroductory »part. ofthe Description,the state- 
ment identifies recreational areas of concentrated public 
use (campgrounds, picnic sites, and swimming beaches) as 
target areas for weed and vegetation control through the 

use of herbicides. These areas, which are targets for 
herbicide application, are the same areas where people will 
be eating, sleeping, drinking the water, and playing. While 
the draft addresses the environmental impacts of the pro- 
posed action on an individual subject basis, it does not 
address a synergistic effect on people who may be recreating 
during or immediately after a herbicide application. While 
wasn eracts One Inia Lily prebabiality.. wlll not cause 
fatalities, the draft statement suggests that the application 
of herbicides can cause physical stress to people, both 
internal and external. This concern should be analyzed and 
mitigating actions identified as appropriate. 

Also, we are disappointed that the statement does not address 
a policy regarding the use of herbicides in the vicinity of 
Natural Areas and other special recognized State and Federal 
areas. . Such areas include components of the State Wild and 
Scenic River Systems, State Trail Systems, the National Wild 
and Scenic Rivers System, and National Scenic Trails within 











the several States of the proposal area. Further, we recom- 
mend that all plant life within the designated boundaries of 
these special areas should not be disturbed; i1-¢. ,» free or 
species composition manipulation. And, while we assume that 
future environmental statements regarding management practices 
for each national forest in the region will present detailed 
measures to protect these special areas, we recommend that 

the overall policy for the Eastern Region should be set forth 
in the final statement of this proposal. 

Specrese Comments 

Page i, par. 2: If used according to recommendations, regis-— 
tration guarantees efficacy but does not guarantee "safety." 
At best, there is a tacit promise of minimum hazard. 

Page ii, V, par. 1: All “pesticides are, by their very nature, 
toxic to something. Herbicides are toxic to plants and, in 
sufficient quantity to fish, wildlife, and humans. To say 
that something is nearly non-toxic has, therefore, little 
meaning if the target organism(s) is not specified. 

Page 10(4), par. 2: Aquatic herbicides may ameliorate or 
help control a situation but they do not "cure." 

Page 19(d): Accidental importation rather than importance. 

Pages 24-25: If use of 2,4,5-T is so controversial, why then 
continue to use it? Are there no reasonable alternatives? 

Page’ 30,E.1: “Silvex# as) with 25455-1515 made rom 2,4, 
trichlorophenol. Is there no dioxin present in the technical 
material used? 

Page 31, par. 5: Dicamba and picloram are not phenoxy 
herbicides, as implied here. 

Page 31, par. 6: Reference is made to table 4. Tables 1-4 
are poorly arranged: table 3, page 373; table 1, page 38; : 
table 2, page 42; another table 3, page 55; table 4, page 59. 

Page 31-32: As used here, "low mammalian toxicity" refers 
to oral lethal doses only. Oncogenicity at sublethal doses 
can be a toxic effect as well and it should be noted that 
arsenicals have been so implicated in epidemiological 

Page 31-33: Monuron is suspected of being tumorigenic and 
is being further tested. 









Pages 33-34, 8: TCA is quite corrosive and reacts readily 
with protein. Decomposition produces chloroform and hydro- 
chloric acid. 

Page 34, 9:  Pentachlorophenol is another phenoxy pesticide 
containing toxic chlorinated dioxins. 

Page 43, par. 3: This paragraph is poorly phrased and 
creates misimpressions. TCDD is a tetrachlorodioxin arising 
from the loss of one chlorine from each of two molecules of 
the trichlorophenol used. Simple arithmetic shows that there 
are four chlorine atoms left. By the same procedure, con- 
densation of 2,4-D loses 2 atoms of chlorine in the forma- 
tion of the respective dioxin, a dichlorodioxin; therefore, 
One does not expect TCDD to be present. High temperatures 
and high pressures are optimal conditions for dioxin forma- 
tion. Under less than optimal conditions, the amount of 
dioxin formed would be less but it is not an all or nothing 
process as implied. 

Page 54, 7: Water., first paragraph, tenth line - Glyphosate 
is not presently registered for use in or around water. 

Page 60, last par.: The comments about the incidence of 
cancer in cities vs. rural areas are naive. Potential 
sources of carcinogens in large cities are many and their 
contribution cannot be easily separated. One could specu- 
late just as easily that the rural incidence is mainly from 
pesticides and might be even lower without them. Then, too, 
"as much as 50-70 percent of aerial applied herbicides lost" 
(page 38, A.1l.) into the air system may be adding to the 
urban load. 

Pageso0, par. os: Ihis 1s 4a blanket blind indictment of 
herbicides and this document is not the proper forum for 

such statements. If they are indeed as hazardous as this 
statement would lead us to believe, then appropriate regula- 
tory actions are in order. If other chemicals are terato- 

genic, carcinogenic or mutagenic to animals, then approp- 
riate regulatory actions are in order, but this situation 
cannot be used to justify use of any hazardous agricultural 

Page 77, par. 2: Until a material balance is available and 
an accounting made for the 50-70 % lost into the air, human 
risk assessment is not complete. Although the per acre 

volume of TCDD applied is small, the total volume of material 

used annually is very large. This material is extremely 
toxic - "the most toxic synthetic chemical known" - and 
requires a better accounting. 

We appreciate the opportunity to review and comment on thus 
program and hope that these remarks will be of assistance 
to you in preparing the final environmental statement. 

Acting Cin 
Pept ” Assistame 












Forest Service Response to Comments 
by U. S. Department of the Interior 

Toxicological data on other herbicides has been incorporated in 
the Final Statement. 

The section covering the contaminant TCDD was completely 

The points mentioned concerning the sample EAR will be 
considered in the evaluation of future project EAR's. 

No research has been accomplished relating to the combined 
effect of herbicide application and recreation activities. 

We feel the current USFS policy on pesticide-use management in 
conjunction with project EAR's provides the flexibility 
required to make sound land management decisions for the areas 

Original statement unchanged. See US EPA comment #4. 
Statement was clarified to show non-target organism to be man. 
Wording changed. 

Spelling corrected. 

2,4,5-T is just one of several herbicides available for use and 
herbicides are just one of several alternatives available to 
accomplish the desired objective. 2,4,5-T is included because 
even though it is controversial, it has not yet been proven to 
be unsafe to humans when used properly. Individual project 
EAR's will evaluate the target species, management objective, 
available alternatives to accomplish the objective, and the 
various impacts on the environment and the public. After this 
evaluation, then a plan of attack will be developed using the 
alternative selected. 

This section was rewritten. See section II. D.4. fora 
discussion of individual herbicide toxicity. 

This entire section was rewritten. 

Glyphosate reference was deleted. 

This section was rewritten. 

This is simply a statement of fact and this paragraph should 
not be read alone, but should be considered with the rest of 

the discussion under mammals. 

The amount of herbicide lost into the air can be and is 
minimized by the controls on herbicide use listed in appendix A. 


ys 75 


"AL pore? 






9 8; a ly 1377 ADMINISTRATOR 

Mr. Steve Yurich 

Regional Forester, Eastern Region 
U.S. Department of Agriculture 
633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

Dear Mr. Yurich: 

The Environmental Protection Agency has received and reviewed 
the Forest Service's draft environmental impact statement 
(DEIS) on "The Use of Herbicides in the Eastern Region." 

Our major concerns are the lack of sufficient information in 
the DEIS and the proposed use of some chemicals whose environ- 
mental impacts are not adequately known. A more in-depth 
explanation of these issues is found in our enclosed detailed 

Review of pesticide applicability and use is based on the 
appropriateness of the proposed project as it applies to 
specific pesticide products. The products proposed for use 
should be listed by their trade names, active ingredient 
chemical names and EPA Registration numbers. This is 
important since identical formulations of an active ingredient 
(representing numerous products) may be registered for many 
different use substitutions. This product information does 
not appear in this general EIS, thus making detailed review 
OPEoUe Gi. 

Another major concern relates to usage of pesticides potentially 
contaminated with dioxins. EPA is currently reviewing, under the 
Rebuttable Presumption Against Registration (RPAR) process, the 
chemical and biological properties of these pesticides to 
determine their environmental impact. The results of this 
investigative process will determine allowable uses. If 

any changes from currently allowed uses result from this 
evaluation, these changes would have to be incorporated into 
a revised Forest Service herbicide program. 

In addition to the two major concerns outlined above, we 
would like to bring to your attention the CEQ Guidelines 
for distribution of EIS's to EPA (Federal Register 

August 1, 1973 p. 20559). The Guidelines require EIS's on 
major program proposals or other major policy issues to be 
sent to the Director of the Office of Federal Activities. 
Following the CEQ procedures helps to assure a timely 
response from EPA. 

These comments classify your DEIS as ER-2 (Environmental 
Reservations, Insufficient Information). The classification 
and date of our comments will be published in the Federal 
Register in accordance with our responsibility to inform 

the public of our views on proposed Federal actions under 
Section 309 of the Clean Air Act. 

If I or my staff can be of further assistance, please 

Sincerely yours, 


Peter L. Cook 

Acting Director 
Office of Federal Activities (A-104) 

Enclosure: EPA's Detailed Comments on "The Use of 
Herbicides in the Eastern Region" 






EPA's Detailed Comments on the Draft 
Environmental Impact Statement "The Use of 
Herbicides in the Eastern Region" 

1. It was indicated in the DEIS that the document would be 
reviewed and amended as new results are determined from 
research on effects of herbicides. This continuing review 
function should also include new biological-control discoveries 
which may offer alternatives to use of herbicides. 

2. The Section on "Description of Herbicides Proposed for 
Use" (p. 30) includes an evaluation of each herbicide's 
mammalian toxicity. A similar evaluation for avian and 
aquatic species should be presented. 

3. There is an overall understating of the potential hazard 
to humans from some of the proposed herbicides, for example: 

(p. 33) = “Paraquat as classified as highilvyetoxLe, 
but no mention is made of the fact that there 
is no known antidote for ingestion of the 

(p. 34) - Both Dalapon and TCA are referred to as having 
"very low mammalian toxicity". This only 
reflects their respective Oral LD59 values 
and does not consider the appreciable eye 
injury that’ could) resulc® from™ren contamination. 

4. Although technically accurate, the statement on page 41, 
"Tt is EPA that determines.... when used in accordance with 
widespread and commonly recognized practices." is misleading. 
We recommend that the following language be substituted for the 
paragraph on page 41: "Proof of safety of a properly 
registered pesticide is not the responsibility" orf ther user. 
Under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 
(FIFRA) as amended in 1972, EPA has the responsibility to 
determine whether an herbicide or any other pesticide, when 
used consistent with its labeled directions will perform its 
intended function without unreasonable adverse effects on 

the environment, human beings, livestock, or wildlife." 

5. The bottom of Table 4 and the Toxicity Rating column 

on page 59 should be updated to include EPA standards as seen 
in 40 CFR 162.10(h) "Warnings and Precautionary Statements". 
Although Table 2, p. 42 gives the correct ratings, the old 





USDA Agriculture Handbook, "Toxicity Rating System", does 
not reflect the criteria which will be used by EPA in registra- 
tion to determine in which toxicity category a pesticide belongs. 

6. We do not see any indication of impacts which may result 
from "use inconsistent with label directions" in your draft 
statement; however, as you indicated in your summary, two 
phenoxy herbicides you propose to use, namely 2,4,5-T and 
2,4,5-TP, may be contaminated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo- 
dioxin (TCDD). Although many scientific studies have been 
completed on 2,4,5-T and other phenoxy herbicides, as well 
as on TCDD, questions remain unanswered about the possible 
impacts of the use of these pesticides. Research will have 
to be continued on all aspects of the toxicity, occurrence, 
and environmental fate of these pesticides and possible 

TCDD (dioxin) contamination until EPA determines that these 
pesticides used in accordance with labeled directions will 
not result in unreasonable adverse effects. 

ijmeernewstateson NewsHampshiire (prohibits the use of 2,4,5-T 

in watershed areas. In the past, New Hampshire has required 
a permit be issued for all 2,4,5-T applications on rights-of-way 
by commercial applicators. Is there likely to be any conflict 

between U.S. Forest Service use proposals and existing State 
laws or regulations? 

Su IneAppendixeApeControls of Herbicides! Use.» (p. °96)', sit 

is stated that product label directions must be followed for 
that product's use. However, the controls listed in 
Subsecurons oi, pain po2eoOms 73. Watery 8s Man;yvand 11. 
Wildlife of this appendix may or may not be adequate depending 
on the herbicide used. Due to the absence of a specific 
product list in the general EIS, the adequacy of the listed 
controls is not easily established. We believe the 
introductory paragraph should include a statement to the 
effect that the controls listed in Appendix A will be followed 
unless the label of the product being used specifies controls 
which exceed those in the Appendix. In this case, the product 
label specifications, and not the listed controls, must be 

the procedures followed. 

9. In Appendix A-4 on page 98, the EIS should state if any 
herbicide application will be made according to the procedures 
in EPA's Pesticide Enforcement Policy Statement #7 (PEPS 7). 
PEPS 7 covers EPA's stance on the aerial application of 



registered pesticides. On page 36 it is stated that only 
helicopters will be used for the aerial applications. We 
feel that the Forest Service should be aware of EPA's 
definition of the Terms, "aircraft," "airplane," and "aerial" 
as they are used on pesticide product labels so that products 
labeled appropriately can be obtained for helicopter use. 

The terms are defined as follows: 

Aircraft - any machine supported for flight by 
air, including both airplane and helicopter. 

Airplane - A powered, fixed-wing, heavier-than air 

Aerial - pertaining to, or;used for, against, or 
ineakr Cha ace 

Accordingly, application by helicopter is consistent with 
directions for use which include the terms aerial and aircraft. 

10. On page 99, under Project Monitoring, the following 
statement appears: "Results of herbicide efficacy and 
monitoring will be made available to the public." Monitoring 
activities are also mentioned on pages 55, 56 and 97. We 
assume, based on these comments, that some project monitoring 
program is planned. The subject EIS, however, does not describe 
the mechanics of this aspect of the project. The Final EIS 
should describe the monitoring programs being planned to 

identify adverse effects and to determine project accomplishment 

11. The FEIS should also describe in greater detail the effects 
of the proposed program on adjacent private landholdings. This 
analysis is particularly important for eastern forests which 
are frequently interspersed with private inholdings. 










Forest Service Response to Comments 
by Environmental Protection Agency 

This subject was addressed by the DEIS on page 1 under 
section I.A. 

This section was rewritten. Herbicide toxicity is 
discussed in section II. D. 

See response #2. 

Original paragraph deleted and recommended language 
was substituted in section II. B. 2. 

Table 3 was substituted to reflect the relative 
toxicity of herbicides to people. Table 4 now 
indicates the toxicity rating in easily understood 

The impacts resulting from "use inconsistent with 
label directions" are impossible to evaluate because 
of the infinite number of ways various products can be 

We wholeheartedly agree that scientific research 
relative to all aspects of pesticide use should be 

We do not anticipate any conflicts at this time. 
Statement of clarification was added. 

Paragraph (d) was added to call attention to EPA PEPS 

The mechanics of the monitoring program can best be 
discussed in the individual project EAR's because the 
complexity of the monitoring will depend on the 
complexity of the project. 

Rather than discuss general impacts, it was felt the 
individual EAR's could better cover any possible 
impacts more specifically for the private landholdings 





December 12, 1977 

Mr. Steve Yurich, Regional Forester 
U. S. Department of Agriculture 
Eastern Region Forest Service 

633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

Dear Mr. Yurich: 

RE: Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Vegetation Management 
Using Herbicides, DEIS #77-09-271 

Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), OMB Circular 
A-95 (revised) and the administrative policy of the State, the referenced 
subject has been reviewed by the appropriate State agencies. No comments 
were made on the referenced subject. 

Thank you for your assistance. 

Respectfully yours, 


T. E. Hornbacker, Director 
Illinois State Clearinghouse 

TEH :mec 





AE eh De ee 
November 21, 1977 

MEMO TO: Steve Yurich, Regional Forester, Eastern Region, USFS 

FROM: Richard Barringer, Commissioner Vie 


While we do not expect National Forest lands in Maine to be significantly af- 
fected by herbicide use, we appreciate the opportunity to camment on the DEIS. 

Herbicides are a management tool of increasing importance in Maine forests. 
Two major Maine paper conpanies are employing herbicides to release softwoods 
fram hardwood campetition by aerial spraying on thousands of acres each year; other 
owners are considering major herbicide programs. Our own Service Forestry program 
conducts a few small herbicide release treatments each year; we also use small 
amounts of herbicide for Ribes control work. In addition, there are ongoing private 
and public right-of-way management programs. For these reasons, we find the up-to- 
date review provided by this EIS to be especially useful. 

We suggest that adding the answers to the following questions will improve 
the usefulness of the statement: 

(#1) 1. How many acres (of the 45,000 total) per year are treated for each of the 
various management objectives listed in pp. 2-10? Are increases planned? 

(#2) 2. What typical dosages and intervals of application (annually? once in a 
rotation?) are associated with the different uses of herbicides? 

(#3) 3. In what specific forest types and conditions will herbicides be used for 
timber management? These details should be listed in the EIS if the potential use 
of herbicides in a particular area is to be determined. 

(A further problem is that the material on timber costs and benefits of herbicide 
treatment is scattered throughout the statement and not well interpreted. For 
example, the ad hoc citations on p. 65 do not help the reader assess the costs and 
benefits of spraying in a realistic situation, since costs are omitted and atypical 
cases (four years of canplete control) are cited. In contrast, the cases on pp. UG Wats 
are more useful, although their service should be cited.) 

4. National Forest proposed uses of herbicides are undoubtedly a small pro- 
portion of the totals being used in wildland areas yearly; can an estimate of this 
percentage be obtained? 

The statement at a number of points asserts that herbicide use, by making more 
timber available, will improve local economies and comunity stability. We do not 
see this as a likely outcame in Northern New England, because the incremental timber 
output will be small. Further, the prinicipal problems of local cammunities are lack 
of markets, poor utilization, and lack of management on private lands. We doubt that 

, | PAEN 

Steve Yurich 
November 21, 1977 
Page Two 

more timber production will solve any of these problems. 

Thank you again for the opportunity to camment. We would like to receive 
Six copies of the Final EIS. 




Forest Service Response to Comments 
by State of Maine - Department of Conservation 

See Table 1 for breakdown of acres by management 

Dosages and intervals will be dependent upon the 
chemical being used, the area being treated, and the 
target species. These and other items will be fully 
evaluated in the project EAR. 

Individual EAR's will determine the use of specific 
herbicides within the Forest types and conditions of 
the Eastern Region. Herbicides will simply be one 
method available to accomplish the silvicultural 

ob jective. The EAR process will determine the method 
to be used. 









December 8, CHE 

Mr. Steve Yurich 

Regional Forester 

633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

Dear Mr. Yurich: 

The Department has reviewed the federal draft environmental impact statement 
on the Use of Herbicides in the Eastern Region prepared by the Department 
of Agriculture, Forest Service. 

In general, the Forest Service in our opinion has provided an incomplete 
assessment in complying with the requirements of Section 102(C) of the 
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (83 Statutes 852, 42 U.S. Code 
Annotated sections 4321-4347). One of the recurring questions concerning 
the adequacy of environmental impact statements addressed by the courts 
and various reviewing agencies has been the meaning of the directive in 
NEPA for federal agencies to comply with the spirit of the act ''... to 
the fullest extent possible". Study of the legislative history of the 
act has generally shown that this directive is to be interpreted as a 
strong mandate to do a detailed assessment of environmental impacts and 
to produce a document which will allow for objective decision-making. 

In this regard, the draft EIS as prepared falls short of fulfilling the 
requirements of the ''spirit'' of NEPA. This document is a persuasive 
argument for the use of herbicides in vegetation management in the 
eastern region. It is not an objective assessment of herbicide usage 
and alternative methods of vegetation control as tools in a forest 
management project. It specifically downplays the long-term environ- 
mental consequences of herbicide use. 

Detailed comments are attached for your consideration. We hope these 
comments will aid in strengthening the final document as a rational 
decision-making tool when deciding upon the various vegetation management 
strategies to use in national forests. We appreciate the Opportunity to 

provide comments. 
Sincerely, Se 

MICHIGAIN. Howard A. Tai > 
rw ttachment Director 

STATE C a 3 3 

R1026 10/76 




Comments on 


In general, the Forest Service has complied with the specific five-point 
requirement set forth in the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. 
The outline of the report is structured such that the major chapter 
headings correspond to the five specific mandates outlined in Section 
102(C) i-v of NEPA. The Forest Service has developed their environ- 
mental impact statement within this format and has done a commendable 
job of expanding upon the basic outline to include other facts germane 
to the issue. 

Certain inconsistencies in the report and the general bias toward 
herbicide use as the best tool for vegetation management are cause 
for criticism, however. The main statement in the introduction of the 
document stresses that when alternative methods of vegetation manage- 
ment are technologically available and economically feasible, that 
they will be preferred over the use of herbicides. If this is indeed 
thesprevai Hing opinionsor thesForest Service, it as strange. that ‘the 
rest of the document is so overtly biased toward herbicide use for 
vegetation management. Alternative methods of vegetation control 
have their disadvantages emphasized while their advantages over 
herbicide use receive minimal comment. The net result is that the 
draft EIS is largely a promotional document supporting herbicide use 
and is not the objective review of alternatives which the "spirit" 

of NEPA seems to require. 

Specific points which should be revised in the final statement are as 

Page 9 In mentioning that herbicides will be used to optimize Kirtland 
Warbler habitat in Jack Pine stands, no consideration is given to the 
residual effects of the herbicides on the warblers or their food items. 

Page 12 We disagree with the statement that "erosion and stream sedi- 
mentation hazards are insignificant except in small areas'' of the 
Vakesstates region. 

Page 13. We assume that the reference to "bald express" in the text 
is meant to be bald cypress (Taxodium dysticum). No scientific name the text. 

Pages 22-27 The initial alternatives on earlier pages listed specific 
advantages and disadvantages of a particular method which allowed easy 
comparison. I would suggest that the other alternatives follow this 



Pages 30-82 The Forest Service has done a good job of reviewing the 
herbicides to be used and the methods of application. Certain public 
health and environmental hazard assessments of the chlorophenoxy 
herbicides and their contaminants deserve a more detailed assessment. 
Recent litigation regarding the use of phenoxy herbicides on the Siuslaw 
National Forest has required that the Forest Service perform a thorough 
analysis of specific environmental consequences (428 Federal Supplement 
908, 1977). In particular, the deficiency in the EIS with respect to 
the potential effects on human and animal health of 2,5,/,9-tetrachloro-— 
dibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) was mentioned. The case decision written by 
District Judge Skopil reiterates the points made by the Administrator 
of the EPA in his order issued November 4, 1971. We believe that those 
facts concerning 2,4,5-T and TCDD should be included in the final EIS. 
They are listed below: 

a. A contaminant of 2,4,5-T--tetrachlorodibenzoparadioxin (TCDD, or 
dioxin)--is one of the most teratogenci chemicals known. The 
registrants have not established that 1 part per million of this 
contaminant--or even 0.1 ppm--in 2,4,5-T does not pose a danger 
to the public health and safety. 

b. There is a substantial possibility that even 'pure' 2,4,5-T is 
itself a hazard to man and the environment. 

c. The dose-response curves for 2,4,5-T and dioxin have not been 
determined, and the possibility of 'no effect' levels for these 
chemicals is only a matter of conjecture at this time. 

d. As with another well-known teratogen, thalidomide, the possibility 
exists that dioxin may be many times more potent in humans than in 
test animals (thalidomide was 60 times more dangerous to humans 
than to mice, and 700 times more dangerous than to hamsters; the 
usual margin of safety for humans is set at one-tenth the tera- 
togenic level in test animals). 

e. The registrants have not established that dioxin and 2,4,5-T do not 
accumulate in body tissues. If one or both (or some breakdown 
product) does accumulate, even small doses could build up to dan- 
gerous levels within man and animals, and possil)ly in the food 
chain as well. 

f. The question of whether there are other sources of dioxin in the 
environment has not been fully explored. Such other sources, 
when added to the amount of dioxin from 2,4,5-T, could result in 
a substantial total body burden for certain segments of the human 

g. The registrants have not established that there is no danger from 
dioxins other than TCDD, such as the hexa- and hepta-dioxin isomers, 
which also can be present in 2,4,5-T, and which are known to be 



h. There is evidence that the polychlorophenols in 2,4,5-T may 
decompose into dioxin when exposed to high temperatures, such as 
might occur with incineration or even in the cooking of food. 

1. Studies of medical records in Vietnam hospitals and clinics below 
the district capital level suggest a correlation between the 
spraying of 2,4,5-T defoliant and the incidence of birth defects. 

j. The registrants have not established the need for 2,4,5-T in light 
of the above-mentioned risks. Benefits from 2,4,5-T should be 
determined at a public hearing, but tentative studies by this 
agency have shown little necessity for those uses of 2,4,5-T 
which are now at issue.'' Dow Chemical Company v. Ruckelshaus, 

Ate co tiie sl s204 toe. G n.t4 (th Cir. 19735): 

Pages 30-34 The aquatic toxicity data for herbicides is largely 
ignored. No mention is made of specific directives to avoid 
spraying herbicides over wetlands or surface waters. 

Page 31 The cumulative effects of the buildup of arsenicals in 
forest soil are not addressed. 

Page 80 I would suggest that mention be made of the fact that 

the immediate effect of reduced vegetation cover could be increased 
soil erosion given the right combination of topography, soil type, 
and rainfall. 

4. The Department prefers emphasizing prescribed fire over herbicides 
wherever possible, but we do find that for small-scale selective 
treatments, in inaccessible locations and in rocky terrains, pelletized 
Tordon herbicide is the best option. 

5. Department staff through experience gained from many years of herbicide 
application has come to the conclusion that broad-scale aerial appli- 
cation does not accomplish the goal of woody species control. Tree 
kill is spotty, sprouting of many species is tremendously stimulated, 
and many desirable broad-leaf herbs are killed over large areas. For 
large opening developments such as sharptailed grouse management areas, 
we much prefer a combination of mechanical control and prescribed fire. 
We continue to use Tordon for small opening creation and maintenance. 

6. We find no argument with the EIS description of herbicide impact on 
wildlife. Toxicity is very low for both mammals and birds, and the 
disruption of herbicide application has merely a temporary effect, 
but additional data on 2,4,5-T, as indicated earlier, is necessary in 
final draft. 

In general, the Forest Service has done a commendable job of complying with 
the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act in the preparation 
of this impact statement. With these specific additions, the document should 
Beetersserve: the spirit of NEPA of 1969. 

Forest Service Response to Comments 
by State of Michigan-Department of Natural Resources 

#1 The method of vegetative management to be used on a 
particular site will be more thoroughly evaluated 
through the use of site specific EAR's. 

#2 This consideration will be evaluated during the 
preparation of the EAR for the site or project. 

#3 Change was made. 
#4 The sections discussing the description of herbicides 

and herbicide toxicity have both been extensively 






(612) 296-6157 

November 18, 1977 
Mr. Steve Yurich, Regional Forester 
633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 
Dear Steve: 
We have reviewed the Draft Environmental Statement, "The Use of 
Herbicides in the Eastern Region", and find the document to be 
complete and objective in its treatment of the subject. 
As the improper use of herbicides may have serious consequences in 
any environment, it is imperative that they be expertly and completely 
evaluated prior to determining if their use is warranted. 
The revision of the Draft Environmental Statement is a necessary 
on-going project as new research data and methods and techniques of 
vegetative management become available. 

Specific comments on the document are as follows: 

Page 8 = The second sentence of the paragraph entitled, "Tree 
Nurseries", appears to have a word or words left out. 

Page 96 = Controls on Herbicide Use — The controls listed 
included mph wind speed as the maximum allowed 
to avoid drift. In the past we have used a 
maximum allowable wind speed of 6 mph before 
suspending aerial herbicide applications. 

Page 60 — The first paragraph contains the apparent typographical 
error of the word, “vound". 

Thank you for the opportunity to review this document. 
x HO 
James Le Brooks, Acting Director 

cc: Bill Berndt 








Steve Yurich,. Regional Forester 
U.S. Department of Agriculture DATE: October 13591277 

Charlese rh. Ca ieee vac cd Cf 

Division of Reclamation 

Comments on ''The Use of Herbicides in the 
Rastern Kegion® . 

Recommend use of biological agents as a means of 
vegetation management: 

1) Forest land accounts for a Slarge amount wf 
acreage which would require a large amount 
of herbicides being spread. over a wide area. 

2) There appears to be some doubt as to what 
the total affects of herbicides might be. 

3) Use of biological species as a means of 
natural competition is a more natural way 
of altering an ecosystem. 

CEC {DUP visa 

P. O. BOX 1467 RM-F FM-O 


November 3, 1977 

Mr. Steve Yurich, Regional Forester 
USDA, Forest Service 

633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

Dear Mr. Yurich: 

I have had various members of the staff of the Bureau of Forestry review 
the Draft Environmental Statement for vegetation management using herbicides 
that you sent to the Bureau for review and comment. I am pleased to report 
that this careful review showed no errors, emissions or inconsistencies in the 

I would like to commend you and your staff for a careful and comprehen- 
sive review of all aspects of the use of herbicides in forestry in the Eastern 
Region. The information provided in this Draft Environmental Statement will be 
most helpful to the Bureau of Forestry. Herbicides, properly used, are a most 
valuable tool. They must be available to the forest land manager if he is to 
do his job properly and efficiently. The Draft Environmental Statement should 
do much to insure the continued availability of herbicides for use in forest 
land management. 

Sincerely yours, 


ie Oe Thorpe, Diregeor 
Bureau of Forestry 






November 14, 1977 

Mr. Steve Yurich, Regional Forester 
U. S. Forest Service, Eastern Region 
633 West Wisconsin Avenue 

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53208 

Dears Massey uriechs 
RE: Herbicide DES 

The West Virginia Department of Natural Resources 
has reviewed your Draft Environmental Statement entitled 
"The Use of Herbicides in the Eastern Region" and finds 
the document to be complete and technically accurate. 
The Department's comments, dated October 13, 1972, on 
the earlier draft appear to have been adequately con- 
sidered and incorporated into this revision. 

Page 100 of Appendix A includes "empty container 
disposal" as a safety precaution. To our knowledge, no 

formal disposal procedure has been developed in West 
ViIrein pay. 

The opportunity to provide further input is ap- 
preciated. Please advise if additional information 
would be beneficial. 


AA Co Callde 


DCC/ db; 


DAVID C. CALLAGHAN October 6, 1977 



Mr. Steve Yurich, Regional Forester 
633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

Dear Mr. Yurich: Re: 8420 (8540) 

Reference is made to your letter of September 21 concerning 
Public Law 91-190 with summary of the Environmental Impact State- 
ment attached. 

For your information, the Department of Natural Resources 
has assigned all EIS reviews and comments to the Environmental 
Review Team of which Mr. H. G. Woodrum is Chairman. I am for- 
warding your letter to him for action. 

I am sure a copy of his comments will be forwarded to you. 

.Sincerely yours, 

wt : = 3s ie 
wo GA of Pex Suef : xe 

Asher WZ Kelly, Jr. 
State Forester 

AWK : bmw 

cco: H. G. Woodrum 

{ fol 



Anthony S. Earl 

BOX 7921 
November 18, 1977 MADISON, WISCONSIN 53707 


Mr. Steve Yurich, Regional Forester 
U. S. Forest Service, Eastern Region 
633 West Wisconsin Avenue 

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

Dears Mane wu imehis 

Re: 8540 - Draft Environmental Statement, 
The Use of Herbicides in the Eastern 
Region, USDA-FS-R9-—DES-—ADM-7 7-10 

The Department of Natural Resources has completed an interdisciplinary 
review of the Draft Environmental Statement for the proposed use of 
herbicides in the eastern region and submits the following comments and 
concerns for your consideration. 

The Department has no major objections to the draft statement. However, 
final judgement on the proposal's environmental effects in Wisconsin 
will be withheld since this generic statement must be followed by the 
site specific Environmental Analysis Report as mandated by the Consent 
Decree of January, 1977. The Department may, at that time, furnish 
specific comments on the various sites to be treated with herbicides and 
the kinds of herbicides used. 

The uses of the herbicide 2,4-D for vegetation control and/or alteration 
of vegetative stands are accepted practices which result in the least 
physical disruption of the treated sites. The foregoing statement would 
not apply should herbicides be used such as 2,4-5-T, which contain the 
TCCD dioxin contaminant. 

We take this opportunity to make the following specific comments on the 
draft statement: 

1. While the statement reads "only 0.4% of the total forest is to be 
treated," this does not give the whole picture. Some data should 

(#1) be presented on the cumulative totals of treated areas (over a 10- 
or 20-year period), especially for red pine plantation release. 



Mr. Steve Yurich - November 18, 1977 iM 

There is some apprehension among DNR wildlife biologists on the 
adverse impacts of red pine plantation release on such wildlife as 
deer and ruffed grouse. 

(#2) ae On page ii, the last paragraph appears to be biased. The remarks 
on page 24 and the top of page 25 appear to be more accurate. 
(#3) Bie On page V, under "Wisconsin," change C. D. Besadny to J. R. Huntoon. 
i On page 8, bottom of page, the term "opening" should be described 
in the glossary. 
De On page 17, under Control, "biological" would be a better term than 
“natural” vegetation control. 
Gs On page 20, we feel the term "genetic" control is more appropriate 
than "evolution." 
(#3) ie On page 75, the first sentence should read "Herbicides are effective 

and the results are long lasting. (As it reads, it says that the 
herbicides are long lasting.) 

(#3) 8. On page 82, the third line should read "insect feed." 

In summary, we have no substantive reasons for objecting to the generic 
Environmental Statement. We would appreciate receiving eight copies of 
the Final Environmental Impact Statement and look forward to reviewing 
the site specific Environmental Analysis Report when it is completed. 

In the future, I would appreciate your sending me all copies of Environ- 
mental Impact Statements and Environmental Assessment Reports since this 
Bureau is responsible for coordinating the review of these documents. 

Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this document. 

Bureau of Environmental Impact 


fine A eee Co Ore 
Se < . s +9 

_ James R. Huntoon 


Forest Service Response to Comments 
by State of Wisconsin/Department of Natural Resources 

#1 See Table 1 for the proposed average annual use 
during the life of this statement. 

#2 Last paragraph on page ii was revised. 

#3 Suggested changes were made. 


Box 323 
Ashland, Wisconsin 54806 


November 29, 1977 

Steve Yurich 
kegional Forester 

Eastern kKegion 

633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 5%4203 

Dear Mr. Yurich: 

The Coalition for Kconomic Alternatives, a private community 
development corporation, has reviewed your vrat't tnvironmental 
impact Statement entitled "Use of Herbicides in tne tiistern hegiun". 
Attached please tind vur comments and suggestions as inciuded in 
three statements, one, a paper titled "Hooked on Drugs: A biosocial 
Analysis Of the Use uf Pesticides", two, a summary oi the scien- 

tific literature demonstrating the toxicity of the herbicides 
2,4-D and Dae Got A arid three, "Specitic Comments on USUA Forest 

Service Environmental Jtatement". 

Sincerely, [engiXs ff 

Kent Shifferd, Ph.D. 



Kent. D. Shitferd,. env. 

America is hooked on drugs. Both American agriculture 
and silviculture are dependent on. large amounts of herbicides 
and insecticides’ Our farmers and our foresters argue that 
these are essential management tools. And why not? These 

chemical pesticides are in use all over the world. ine 

average citizen Can boy? 3G hardware and drue Bvores. 

They are used on Lown: “and home pardens. Moreover, they 

have been around Yor a Long time with no arpareat human heaionh 
problems. The present Tamily of biovidces were developed cur= 
ing World War Two and and have been in commercial use For tween 
years. They are used by trained prefessicna) mm Loresi 

and agriculture and all the formulations currently in use 
have been registered by the Environmental Protection Agency. 
They were developed by scientists working in public, univerei— 
ties, colleges and in corporate laboratories and they are 
sold oi. the open market in accord with our free enterprise 
system. The men and women who developed them had the public 
good in mind. They wanted to end hunger and resource s10rbt- 
ages around the world. I. seems that these herbicides are 
the tools of the good guys. And, finally, all who use these 
tools point out convincingly that they have become an integral 
part of our economy and, if suddenly pulled out, would cause 
great dislocations. Farmer's would go broke. Food woula cost 
more. The Cost Of "producing Uinber would go up. 

In the face of such seemingly reasonable arguments, how 
can anyone be opposed to the controlled use of a particular 
herbicide? How can they be opposed to herbicides and insect— 
icides in general? And, assuming that we as a nation wanted 
to break our habit, how could we do so without severe social 
and economic dislocation? 

This is a volatile issue. Tempers flare. Opponents 
seldom listen. It is particularly important to remain calm. 
One way to remain calm is to get back from immediate cases 
and remind ourselves of some points on which both sides can, 
perhaps, agree. First, the herbicides and insecticides whose 
use we are debating have not been around as long as the aver- 
age American has been alive. We have lived without them. 
Civilization has existed without the current crop of pesticides. 
Both agriculture and forestry have met their goals in the 
past without them, and, if we ended their use sometime in the 
future, on some gradual, phase-out program, agriculture and 




Coalition for sconomic Alternatives 

Hooked on Drugs 

forestry and civilization would surely go on. 

My second reminder is that these are all poisonous 
Substances. No one disagrees with that. No one can find a 
medical doctor who would advise him to eat a spoonful of 
2,4-D. These are “economic poisons" and their lables carry 
standard warnings against ingestion, exposure to eyes and 
skin. What we are debating is whether these poisons can be 
controlled in their use so that they poison only the target 
Species. The issue is whether they can be confined to cer- 
tain areas in the biosphere and to certain time periods, 
and if non-target species will be affected. So we all agree 
that these substances are harmful to some life forms (if 
they were not, we would not use them). And we all agree that 
man can be harmed by them under certain conditions. 

My third reminder is about research. Science is an on- 
going enterprise. No scientist believes that research into 
the aetiology of disease is finished; no ecologist believes 
that research into the interconnections between life forms 
is finished. Research into the toxicity of these substances 
is going on today. The techniques are becoming more and more 
Sophisticated. Researchers are just beginning to see active 
amounts of these new elements, amounts measured in parts per 
billion and even parts per trillion. (The original research 
on TCDD dioxin, a deadly contaminant of 2,4,5-T and Silvex, 
was Carried out at parts per million levels, too crude an 
analysis to detect lethal doses of the substance.) Some of 
the new research does indicate danger to human health. At 
the least, we can all agree that the jury is still out. 

My fourth point is about the various interest groups 
surrounding this issue. There are several kinds. The first 
kind are those people who are trapped into using these econom- 
ic poisons. Farmers are in this category. Faced with poor 
returns on their investment and high labor costs, they cannot 
break even, under present conditions, without using chemical 
HeroLcloes. It is important for environmentalists to com- 
minicate to farmers that we don't want to ruin them. It 
would be foolhardy to propose an immediate ban on all agri- 
cultural uses of herbicides. (Agriculture has trapped itself 
inivemooie Wse, Guite innocently, by devising methods for 
increasing world food production which, in part, let world 
pope ton teach Hiner and tipner levels which’ in “turn in- 
creased demand for higher yields per acre, which brought on 
fue demand 10r current agricultural technologies. The inten- 
ion Wasi mieniy moral, The result has been tragic-—we have 
a heavy-handed agriculture, in environmental and energy terms, 
and more starvation than was previously the case.) No one 
Plcoauewover oc tragedy. Federal foresters are trapped too. 

Coalition for Econemic Alternatives 

Hooked on Drugs . 


In the 1960's Congress required them to increase their 
production of saw timber, and yet, requires them to hold 

down costs. Under some accounting systems the immediate 
dollar cost of hand release is higher than the cost of using 
herbicides. Put between the rock and the hard place, forest- 
ers turned to herbicides as a means to achieve an end. Per- 
haps habitual use has worked a subtle change in a few minds, 
and some foresters now defend herbicides from a philosophical 
point of view, treating them as ends in themselves, to be 
defended whatever the risk and whatever the alternatives. 
Another form of entrapment is a narrow, specialized point 

of view, one that considers only the goal to be achieved and 

a Single technology to achieve it. It is more socially 
efficient to make analyses at the other end of the scale, 

and, taking into account economic, social and material 
resources, to make allocations based on a broad assessment 

of regional needs. Generally speaking, practioners in 
forestry and agriculture are concerned only with maximizing 
output from minimal input. They have little practice in 
visualizing alternatives to their current technique. Finally, 
with regard to interest groups surrounding this issue, there 
are the manufacturers and the environmentalists. It is 
difficult for environmentalists to be objective about them— 
selves. Perhaps there are some who are in this debate for 

the glory of it, and for whom obscure psychological rewards 
balance the long hours after work and the frequent excursions 
into one's own wallet. The rewards for the manufacturers 

are’ nob at all) obscure. © Inéy arewproiitc. |Ole proriEs. 

The herbicide industry is a growth industry. It is an ancient 
principle of law that no man shall be a judge in his own case. 
The testimony of those who stand to make a profit is inherntly 
suspect. Environmentalists, whatever their psychological 
rewards might be, speak for the inarticulate, for the children 
forthe future and the creatures without language. 

As a last reminder, I would like to introduce the evolu- 
tionary perspective, the long—term view. This is pertinent 
because the ways in which we modify the biosphere constitute 
an evolutionary test for all organisms including man. All 
living creatures, including ourselves, have only come to be 
what we are over immense periods of time. The physiology of 
individual species, including body chemistry, and their eco-— 
logical relationships, are adaptations to ancient environments. 
As these environments changed naturally some creatures adapted 
and others became extinct. The pace of natural change was 
increcibly slow. Even when man came on the scene and invented 
agriculture, change was slow and it was not chemically pro- 
found. Man did not alter the environment at the molecular 

Coalition for Economic Alternatives 
Hooked on Drugs 


level. Let's just take one example. If our atmosphere 

had evolved with cyanide gasinstead of oxygen,then (all 
other factors being constant), humantypes would have 
evolved with a tolerance to cyanide gas. But the atmosphere 
as it actually evoawed, did not contain cyanide and that is 
why we cannot breath it without an extreme reaction (death). 
It was not present in the environment to which we are an 
adaptation and so we are not prepared by natural selection 
todeal with it. The same laws are operating in the case of 
phenoxy herbicides. When new, synthetic elements are in- 
troduced into the biosphere they constitute an evolutionary 
test for many species. The results of these tests will not 
be known for generations. The new herbicides and pesticides 
constitute an evolutionary test for many species including 
our own. Over 5,000 different agents, formulated into more 
than 40,000 combinations, compose the current crop of 
pesticides. (These are just a fraction of the 500,000 
synthetic compounds that have been introduced into the 
biochemical environment since 1850.) Together they re- 
present a new chemical environment for the earth. Very lit 
tle research has been doneon their individual biotic impacts 
Once released into the environment they combine, change and 
recombine. Almost no research has been doneon this syn- 
CeHeasuLcracuaVavy ObeitsS, biotic impacts.» We just do not 
know what is bubbling in the chemical soup we have brewed, 
nor do we know what its future impacts will be. We do not 
now know which species will adapt to it and which will be- 
comes excvitiCusm= |neapoint, ol that. farmers and 
foresters who conclude that since phenoxy herbicides have 
been used for twenty years and, therefore must be safe, 
ignore the lessons of evolution. Twenty years may be a 
POrmemu0GtloneOn aemin's tite, but¢nificant 
moment of time compared to slow moving evolutionary processe 
which formed our body chemistry and the ecological balances 
which sustainlife. Twenty years is nothing -— human 
evolution has been in process 100,000 times longer than 
twenty years, the evolution of the cell more than a million 
times as long. We must keep in mind a sense of perspective, 
and it is natue's long range perspectives and the per- 
spectives, Of Our grandchildren that we m<:ct keep in mind 

as we make decisions affecting basic life processes. 

The biosphere is a complex and dynamic place. The 
PA00Ga vO, m ne comtrast,.~1S a simple, place...In.the lab 
each animal species is tested for the direct effects of a 
toxic substances, and perhaps a dozen different species are 
Tec Cheb EM Ollnjenere mwitimpne: blospherc, sue more than a 
dozen species. For example, there are over 40,000 species 
of wasps. Each has its own niche and they are related to 
Cachwocherand.tova million other species by a web of 
pathways not yet fully explored. Along these pathways 


Costa tions for HCGHoOHue muvee si eae bg 

Hooked on Drugs 


travel the creations of man. They travel in i, .teamounts, 
but in the biosphere, minute amounts ofcertain substance 

can be potent. We are dealing on the mollecular scale here. 
What is learned in the laboratoryis only the crudest ap- 
proximation of what happens our here. Living systems are 
far more responsive and sensitive than are laboratory test 
systems. In short, there are many more surprises waiting 
out here than in the laboratory. One reason for this is 
that all creatures share the same fundamnntal biotic struc- 
tures -—— the cell. The cell is the basis of life. To- 

day we are pouring unfamiliar compounds into the web of 
organic pathways and waiting to see where they will tyrn 

up, that is, in whose cells they will temporarily lodge. 
Chlorinated hydrocarbons have turned up in the fatty tis- 
sues of Eskimos, concentrated there by biomagnification to 
levels a thousand times greater than the levels in the 
surrounding environment. There are countless examples 

of leakage out of the system where the original application 
took place. That is because all systems are interlocked by 

the movement of air, water and animals. Biotic systems are 
not closed systems, they are throughput systems. It is 
difficult to control leaks in a throughout system with its | 

thasands of input and output flues. And when leaks do occur 
it is nearly always a surprise to the specialists and the 
managers, and their first response, frequently, is to deny 

it. And so we have to be on the watch for miner's canaries. 

In the old days, when the workers went down into the 

mines, they took a live canary. When the bird started to 
sicken, they got out fast. The birds were less tolorant of 
toxc mine gases than were the men and served as advance warn 
ing of a hostile environment. Wildlife in general serves 
that functiontoday. Bees and aquatic birds seem to go first 
but we are not heeding the warnings. Our failure to heed 
warning signs is partly the reult of the fact that no one 

is minding the store. There are still too many specialists 
and not enough generalists. 

Isn't the EPA minding the store? Haven't they regist= 
ered herbicides and pesticides currently ir use? Yes, they 
have, but consider the magnitude of their propiem. = inere 
are over 40,000 different formulations of herbicides and 
pesticides. EPA's information about these materials and its: 
evaluation procedureshave received a very low mark from 
Senator Kennedy's Senate investigating committee. EPA 
officials admit that most of the information in their 
files was suppiied by the manufacturers. Their files were 
found to be in disarray, their test programs inadequate 
and actual misinformation and faulty 
data by the committee. EPA is currently struggling with 
the issue of reregistering all of these substances. They 
apree >. * it mist be done but haven't yet decided on the 
basic approach they want to take. Just to give one pertinent 
example, a contracted study done for the federal government 
in 1963, showing that 2, 4-D caused tumors in rats 


Coulton Lor become Aitarnumbives 
Hooked on umes 


Was eather supréssed or lost for years and was not made 
public until this year. The conclusions of the Kennedy 
subcommittee on administrative practice and procedure does 
Nob s Insti coriidencesin EPA's record of minding the store. 

In short, we are creating an environmental soup of 
herbicides and pesticides and other potent compounds. We 
have many specialists in the use of individual ingredients, 
but no chef. And no doctor, either. The medical profession 
is ill-equipped to diagnose pesticide poisoning. The very 
idea of tracing clinical symptoms to minute amounts of 
pesticideslandsherbicides; parts per billion, and parts per 
trillion, is a new idea in the medical profession. The 
laboratory equipment for such analyses is not available in 
doctors offices or even in most laboratories in the nation. 
Again, the problem is very complex. Countering simple 
assertions about the safety of herbicides requires that 
one think about less-than-simple phenomena, such as genetic 
variation. The molecular structure of DNA contains thousands 
and thousands of possibilities, so that the body chemistry 
of no two individuals is alike even in the same species. 
(The range of variations within a species is frequently 
greater than the range of variations across species 
boundaries). The chemical balance which maintains the 
health of the cell is a balance of many variables, a 
dynamic balance that changes in each individual throughout 
his lifetime. Recall that we have added to this dynamic 
natural system some 500,000 new compounds, and t’ 3ir decay 
products and recombinations and then compute the number of 
possible impacts, that is, the range oeffiaimpacts a single 
compound or its decay products in combination with others, 
might have. on unique individual organisms, and you have a 
Soobtoivcian Ssenaehntmares: ylthaswnearly impossible: to single 
Sui nach econpound or ocombineation asscausing illness in a 
particular human being...) Butiit is no, surprise that the 
National Cancer Institute has concluded that 90% of all 
cancers are environmentally caused. So, with regard to 
disease and herbicides, no one is looking in any eieertin eA 
fashion. Most doctors don't know what to look for and don' 
have the equipment anyway. Moreover, the patient could 2. 
devote the resources necessary to trace down the poisoned 
needle in the haystack. We simply do not know, and we have 
no way of knowing what part of our upward spiraling rates 
of cancer, heart. disease and other illnesses are caused by 
the herbicides. We do know that these herbicides are in 
thevaar weebreath,e am mother's) milk and,.at- autopsy, can be 
Gourd snvoum organs) (Mourwildrecall that they are in use 
everywhere. So were lead in paints, tetraethyl leaa in 
gasoline, endrin, DDT, Dieldrin, thalidomide and hundreds 
of ocheriptoxic substances until we learned, too late for 


Coalition for Economic Alternatives 
Hooked on Drugs 


some people and animals we valued, that they were harmful. 
If I may indulge in a redundancy, they were not proven 
harmful until they were proven harmful by testing on the 
public. Early warnings were ignored. Information was 
surpassed. Manufactureres were indignant and experts 
pooh-poohed the evidence. 

But what would we ever do without them? Herbicides are 
an integral part of our economy. It would collapse without 
them. We don't know any other way (which does not mean 
there aren't other ways). The first step is to sort out the 
solutions from the problem. If we were to sudden*y cease 
using all herbicides and pesticides the resu t would be 
large losses in agriculture (as much as one third of the 
annual production) and smaller losses, but real ones, in 
forestry. The shock to farm income and farm families 
would be unacceptable. But viewing the present system 
without herbicides and pesticides does not constitute an 
alternative system. Depriving the system of a component 
on which it is overly dependent is no alternative. It 
does not represent another way of doing things; it just 
represents not doing them. And so, even while the drug is 
poisoning the addict and producing unwelcome side affects 
(inquilines), it would not be wise to withdraw cold turkey. 
We must pursue a step by step policy. We must pursue a 
gradual phase-out and phase-in of less harmful substitutes. 
We must fund basic research into new methods of pest control 
and crop management, while old methods, going back to the 
pre-pesticide era, are employed. Individuals whose liveli- 
hoods are threatened by this phase out program have a right 
to be: compensated at public expense (just as the publiceas 
now compensating the victims of environmentally induced 
illness in the form of higher taxes and higher insurance 
and medical costs). And we must look for slack in other 
parts of the system, that is, we must be more efficient at 
resource conservation and production so that we do not need 
herbicides to overproduce for wasteful patterns of consump- 
tion. And we must start somewhere. 

In principle we should start with those uses which could 
be ended without undue harm to individual family income and 
livelihood. The Forest. Service use of herbicides is one 
such place. The economic gains to be realized by current 
investment in the present system of management by herbicides 
will not be realized until the period 2020 to 2070 A.D. 
These gains, in the form of timber and employment, will 
not accrue to families now living. Even if this pine were 
not released, the theoretical effect on the national 
economy one hundred years from now is so minimal as to be 
incalculable. But assuming we want to continue the release 


Coalition for Economic Alternatives 
Hooked on Drugs 


policy, the extra dollar cost of releasing by hand (whatever 
it turns out to be, and we do not yet know what it will be) 
represents only a small fraction of the annual budget of 
the Chequamegon National Forest, a tiny fraction of the 
total Forest Service budget. Moreover, it will be spread 
evenly among tons of millions of taxpayers. (The Forest 
Service accepts far greater losses each year.) Put in 
perspective, the added dollar costs are minimal and are 
Spread extremely thin. But even this minimal cost to the 
local forest need not be sustained. There is slack in the 
overall man-environment system. Both money and labor are 
now being wasted. Money is being spent, workers are idle, 
and labor intensive jobs are going begging all because of 
inefficient management in our social system. Moreover, 
there are newly available state and federal funds for 
manpower programs. We have dollars, jobs and workers groping 
around in the dark for each other. What we need is a sound 
management approach, and we can begin here. This is an 
economic alternative that calls for cooperation between the 
state and federal people, and local citizens. Moreover, 

it provides a free market opportunity which keeps federal 
dollars here, in this region. The herbicide approach takes 
federal expenditure out of the region, to down-state or 
out-of-state spraying firms and to chemical corporations. 

The herbicide—pesticide issue is complex. It is not 
what it seems on the surface. Our economy became hooked 
on’ these substances incrementally and without systematic 
assessment. We were driven into it, in part, by pushers 
with powerful economic assets and incentives, in part, by 
an idealism ignorant of ecology and systems analysis. Getting 
Cerne et Clhelie vic avs b witl “have to be done gradually, 
Using a mix ot old and new substitutes to achieve the same 
levels of satisfaction by means that are more consistent 
with our molecular make-up and our evolutionary constraints. 
We need to design our economic activities in accord with 
nature simply because, over the long run, that is the most 
efficient way. The Chequamegon Forest is a good place to 
start. The potential losses that might be risked are very 
small and exist far out in the future. Whereas the potential 
gain is great. What we might learn here, working together 
‘could have application on a wide scale. The Chequamegon 
could become a leader, a model for national design bringing 
together various social and economic elements in a soft 
systems approach to timber production, an approach that has 
greater economic benefit for the local area. This is what we 
mean by our. slogan, "Hire people, not poisons". The 
Coalition for Economic Alternatives is a non-profit 
corporation interested in economic growth in this region, 
not in growth that relies on hard systems with their 
external diseconomies that strip our wealth and leave us 
poorer and more polluted in the long run, but in soft- 


Coalition for wconomic Alternatives 
Hooked on Jruzrs 


systems growth that make possible a sustained yield of 
economic satisfaction and environmental quality for local 






Coalition for teonomic Alternatives 
Literature Summury 

Literature Summary 
Norback, et al on TCDD and OCDD 

"Tissue Distribution and Excretion of Octachlorodiberyo - 

p-Dioxin in the Rat", Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 

32, 1975 330-338. 

Summary of physiological results of administering TCDD to 
subhuman primates & results of factory workers exposed. 
Skin diseases in workers: ulcers, liver disease and 
mortality in primates. On rats teratogenic effects and 
fetal mortality. Hemorrhage, liver disease, lymph disease 
and heart disease in chickens. OCDD less toxic than TCDD. 
Embryotoxic at 500/mg/kg/day OCDD tends to be’ excreted 
more readily than TCDD which is, instead, absorbed into 
body tissue. 

Earth News, Feb 22, 77. Harvard Medical Reséarchers found 
traces of dioxin in Mother's Milk in Waldport, Oregon. 

JeP. Van Miller, R.J. Marlar and J.R. Allen, "Tissue 
Distribution and Excretion of Tritiated Tetrachlordibenzo- 
pe-Dioxin in Non-human Primates and Rats". 

Food and Cosmetics Toxicology, 14, pp. 31-34. 

Summary of known effects in non-human primates. "acne, 
alopecia, gastric hyperplasia, ulceration, atrophy of bone 
marrow and hepatocellular changes". compared to rats, 

primates absorb most of the TCDD into their skin and muscles 
rather than into their livers. TCDD is not easily metabolized 
in either case and remains in the body for long periods of 

Jcheenllen,sJ.P. Van Miller’ and D.H. Norback, "Tissue 
Distribution, Excretion and Biological Effect of ["C] 
Tetrachlorodibenzo-p—dioxin in Rats" 

Summary of earlier research on effects includes retarded 
sexual development and inhibited immunological responses. 

Highman, "Strain Differences in Histopathologic, Hemotologic 
and Blood Chemistry Changes Induced in Mice by a Technical 
and a Purified Preparation of 245-Trichlorophen-oxyacetic 
Acid." Journal of Toxicology, 1: 1976 1041-1054. 

Lesions in. mouse heart tissue "are due primerily to 2,4,5-T 
rather than contaminants". 

53-82% of tests samples became moribund at 120 mg/kg of 
2,4,5-T. Others showed blood chemistry changes and anemia. 

‘Found major differences in results w/different strains of 
mice and different colonies of same strain. 


Coalition for smconomic Alternatives 
uiterature Summary 


NCTR strain of mice showed illness and death at dose level 
at or below 60 mg/kg 245-T. CRBL mice were able to tolerate 
2x the dosage and showed lower incidense of lesions, 

The lesions were due primarily to 245-T rather than to 
benzine derivative contaminants found in technical (i.e. 
commercial) preparations. 

Evidence of bladder abnormalities suggests carcinogenic 

N.P. Goldstein et al "Peripheral Neuropathy after exposure 
to an Este: of Dichlorophenoxy-acetic Acid" Journal of 
American Medicals Association, Nov. 7, 1959." pps. Oot. 

"Severe sensory and motor symptoms necessitated hospitalization 
of three patients, a 52-year-old man, a 50-year-old woman, 
and a 65-year-old man. In each case the disorder began 

some hours after the use of preparations of dichlorophenoxy- 
acetic acid (2,4-D) to kill weeds; the’ symptoms progressed 
through a period of days until pain, paresthesias, and 
paralysis were severe. Disability was protracted, and. 
recovery was incomplete even after the lapse of years. 

There was little doubt that the neurological damage was done 
by the percutanescus absorption of spilled 2,4-D. The 
electromyographic examination supported the diagnostis of 
peripheral neuropathy. Since there is no antidote or other 
specific treatment for2,4-D poisoning, this herbicide 

Should be used with caution." 

Kennedy/Hessel "The Biology of Pesticides" 

"The first reports that Carbaryl, along with 2,4-D and 

2,4,5,-T is capable of causing birth defects and reducing 

litter size in laboratory animals---it certainly seems advisable 
for pregnant women to avoid all contact with pesticides." 

p- 95. John Holdren and Paul Ehrlich, Global Ecology, 

N.Y. Harcourt, Brace, Jovanivich,= .o/7.. 

Goldstein "Peripheral Neuropathy" 

Acute neurological damage persisting over years from spilling 
10% solution on skin. Loss of weight. Loss of motor 
abilities, pain, snausea, (rash; =sensory defivei., elosseo. 

some reflexes; depression, versigoe, subeutancouceatcning. 

Doses in animals caused diarrhea, rigidity, cronic tremor 
coma and in some cases death. 

"No antidote is known and there seems to be no specific 
treatment for neuropathy if it developes." p. 1309 




Coalition for Economic Alternatives 
Literature Summary 


Dr. Jacqueline Verett, Federal Food and Drug Administration 

From: Dr. Jacqueline Verrett, Food and Drug Administration 
"Dr. Verrett of the FDA has found that dioxin causes 

birth defects in chickens and hamsters at levels 100,000 to 

1,000,000 lower than the amount of thalidomide causing defects 

in the same animals systems. Fed to female guinea pigs at 

the incredible figure of dose-to—body-weight of 0.6 parts/ 

bidlion,biexin killed ™é0% of the animals." 

Environment, July/August, 1970 

"..eSubsequent tests showed that dioxin did irideed 
cause birth defects in animals. ...Subsequent tests also 
Showed that purified forms of 2,4,5-T and of some forms of 
2,4-D caused birth defects ain animals." (Bionetics Study 
done under contract to the National Cancer Institute) 

Harvest of Death, Neilands, 

"Evidence is now available implicating 2,4-D and 
2,4,5-T in the deaths of over 100 reindeer and many mis- 
carriages during the fifth month’ of pregnancy of these 
animals in Swedish Lapland, in May, 1970. This case is 
particularly disturbing because the herbicide treatment 
occurred the previous summer. Vegetation contained 25 ppm 
2,4-D and 1Oppm 2,4,5--T. 

"From elsewhere it is known that exposure to 2,4;5-T 
or 2,4-D reduces both egg production and poultry weight. 
(A reference to a report by N. Dobson in "Agriculture", 
London, "61", page 415, 1954-55) 

"Though field data are meager, 2,4-D may also affect 
certain animals indirectly because of its effect on plant 
metabolism. It has been shown that certain plants such 
as sugar beets after treatment with relatively low amounts 
of 2,4-D may accumulate abnormally large quantities of nitrates 
in their leaves." 

Matthew J. Meselson and Robert Baughman, Harvard University, 
Prehearing Statement, E.P.A. FIFRA Dochet #295 

"We have analyzed samples of fish and shrimp from 
South Vietnam, collected in rivers and estuaries draining 
areas heavily sprayed with the herbicide n-butyl ¢,4,5- 
trichlorophenoxyacetate. These samples contain up to 
several hundred ppt of TCDD. No TCDD above the sensitivity 
faMiteom ecouLs tppt was found in control samples. 

Our results suggest that TCDD may be quite stable in 
the environment and that it may accumulate in food chains. 
although further research is needed to quantify these 
Statements. Nevertheless, it becomes of interest to 


Coalition tor bkconomic Alternatives 
Literature Summary 


consider what accumulated dose to an individual (expressed 
as ppt of his body weight) could result from a given average 
concentration of TCDD in the diet. As an example, we 
consider life-long exposure for a 50-year old person 
consuming five times his weight in food each year. The 
accumulated dose will depend on the biological half-life 

of TCDD and the average concentration in the diet as 

shown in the table. 

Unfortunately, neither the biological half-life nor 
the range of present dietary concentrations is known. 
However, limited experiments suggest that the biological 
half-lifg for lethality is not less than two years in 
monkeys. ’ Also, pilot studies by EPA indicate that levels 
of about 1-40 ppt of TCDD appear in fat and liver of sheep 
and cattle grazed on land treated with 2,4,5-T containing 
0.04 ppm TCDD.’ Thus, for exposed populations dietary 
levels in the range in the table cannot reasonably be 
ruled out. Depending on the biological halflife, this 
could result in accumulated doses of the order of 10 ppt 
or more of TCDD as a result of the use of 2,4,5-T containing 
O.1 ppm TCDD. 

From the existing toxicological data, it is not possible 
to say that such accumulated doses are or are not hazardous. 
Short term doses of a few hundred ppt and a few thousand 
ppt have been found toxic togthe immune systems of guinea 
pigs and mice, respectively, and are lethal to guinea 

pigs. " 

Professor Theodore Sterling, "Man Against Himself: Biological 
Dangers from the Use of Herbicides," Humanist in Canada, 


t is often stated that the attack on 2,4,5-T was part of 
the anti-Vietnam war movement, and that attempts to obtain 
reasonable regulation of phenoxy herbicides are at bottom 
political, anti-Vietnam, anti-American, or pro-communist 
activities. These claims are sheer nonsense. The fact 
that 2,4,5-T was a teratogen (i.e. a malformer of babies 
tike Thalidemide) was determined quite independently of, 
and before, reported damage to Vietnamese babies. 

In 1969 the U.S. National Cancer Institute tested a series 

of common household chemicals. One of the chemicals 

tested was 2,4,5-T. Of the 120 household chemicals in the 
first screening trials, some 20 were found to be carcinogens. 
One of them turned out to be an effective teratogen — that 
one was 2,4,5-T. Only after the National Cancer Institute's 
discovery of the teratogenic properties of 2,4,5-T, was 
attention given to reports of still—births and malformations 
that were coming out of South Vietnam. The U.S. Army sought 
to arrest such loose talk by appointing an investigating 





Coalition for Economic Alternatives 
Literature Summary 


committee. That committee found no evidence of a rise 

in the incidence of malformation in South Vietnam. However, 
an impartial commission appointed by the American Association 
for Advancement of Science found a definite increase in 
malformations and still-births in those regions of Vietnam 
that had been subjected to heavy defoliation. These findings 
then, combined with a series of experiments definitely es— 
tablished that 2,4,5-T was a teratogen and led to the 
Cancellatroy in t9/).o! the reristration of ¢,4,5-T and a ban 
of its use in granular forms around households and on food 
products. The cancellation was fought bitterly by some 

of the industry, cspecially by the Dow Chemical Corporation. 
In the fall of 1971, Dow Chemical managed to get a court 
Peeetme vere mie urewcance: Jalion of 2<,4,5-T because: of 
Gechnical errors committed by the Environmental Protection 
Agency trom holding public hearings. “In 1974, when ¢,4,5-1 
related dioxins were discovered to persist in shrimp caught 
off the South Vietnam coast, some three years after all 
defoliation had ceased, public hearings were again ordered 
by the courts in 1974. These were again postponed because 

of industry pressure to collect more data about the spread 

of dioxins among the animal and human population of North 
America. As no additional data is needed to determine that 
2,4,5-T is a serious hazard, the story of ALDRIN and 
DIELDRIN is just being repeated with phenoxy herbicides - 
except the game is played now for higher stakes than before. 

"Report of the Secretary's Commission on Pesticides", H.E.W. 


"Without dioxin, 2,4,-D causes birth defects in animals and 
chromosome aberrations, abnormal mitosis and affects nucleaic 
acid synthesis in plants." 

Prevention Magazine, Nov. 1971, p. 3. 

1971 -—.eggs sprayed - pheasants, partridges -— 2,4-D - By 
19th day of incubation, 155 of 201 partridges (grey) embryos 
had died, 43% of red-legged partridges and 77% of pheasants, 

"Most of the surviving birds were partially or totally 
paralyzed. They had fused cervical vertibrae, permanent 
contracted claws, colorless feathers, underdeveloped 
testicles and abnormal ovaries." Similar results w/ducks 
and quail. 

Staff report to U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Administrative. 
Practice and Procedure" (Investigation of EPA), p. 15 

A. Two year rat and dog study showed "increased tumor formation 

in the rats" . . 
B. An independent pathologist concluded that <,4-D is 
carcinogenic in rats" 


Coalition for Economic Alternatives 
Literature Summary | 


16. The Dioxin Story Lon W. House, Environmental Research Assist 
Institute for Policy Studies, Portland State University, 
Portland, Oregon pp. 5-68. 

"Phenoxy herbicides have been used in Pacific Northwest 
forests for some 20 years. In 1974 the EPA laboratories in 
Prine, Florida analyzed animal specimens obtained from 
various areas treated with herbicides. Several of these 
specimens were from the Siuslaw National Forest of the 
Central Oregon Coast Range. This area has had one to two 
percent of the total area of the forest sprayed with 
herbicides. EPA found positive TCDD levels in- specimens 
obtained from this forest in the following amounts: 83 and 
133-per trillion. (ppt), inewhens 013 potwineote! leogcm jay, 
and two 14 ppt in deer mice.. TCDD was also found in three 
Specimens from other Pacific Northwest forests, and in 
several animals from Virginia right-of-ways (two Shpew 
samples showed TCDD levels of just below 400 ppt).~ 

In late 1976 milk samples collected from women living 
near the forest were analyzed at Harvard University in 
laboratories of Drs. Meselson, Baughman, and O'Keefe, who 
are’ collaborators in the EPA monitering program. The 
technique utilized was neutral extraction/high resolution 
direct probe mass spectrometry, which is considered © 
accurate. by the investigators down to 0.4 parts per trillion 
from milk samples. TCDD was found in concentrations as 
high as 1.5 ppt in milk of nursing mothers living near the 
Siuslaw National Forest. TCDD was also found in mothers 
milk from San Angelo, Texas, living near rangeland sprayed 

' ay 
with 3,4,5-T. 

TCDD is commonly referred to as the most toxic chemical 

ever synthesized by man. The acute lethal toxicity (LDs5qQ) 
for chickens, mice, rats and guinea pigs is in the dose range 
of 1 to 20 micrograms per kilo ram body weight. The LDs5q 
for guinea pigs is 0.0000006 g/Kg >, Dr. Wilbur McNulty, 
chairman of the Pathology Laboratory at the Oregon Primate 
Center, started TCDD toxicity tests with Rhesus monkeys in 
1975... Upon learning. how potent TCDD is on monkeys, he 
discontinued his laboratory tests until a properly 
isolated facility could be constructed. Dr. McNulty states 
TCDD is almost too toxic to test under laboratory conditions, 
that a speck seen only through a microscope was fatal to a 
monkey in less than two weeks. "We used only 20 parts per 
billion parts solution, and placed it in their? foods It is 
the most toxic chemical we know."1© A level of 2 parts per 
billion was lethal in 76 days. 

TCDD causes congenital abnormalities (fetal deaths, 
cleft palate, kidney and liver abnormalities) in rats 



Coalition for Economic Alternatives 
Literature Summary 


and mice.18 The no-effect dose for fetal effects in rats 
was 0.03 micrograms per kilogram. Dr. Neuberg states: 

Dini Selsey, far the smallest. effective dose of any teratogen 
known today" ~" 

TCDD is stable in the environment. About 50 Bee Tags OL 
the amount applied to soil remains after one year. Given 
the dissolution of dioxin in a light—transmitting film, the 
presence of an organic hydrogen donor (such as a solvent or 
pesticide), and ultraviolet light, photochemical dechlorina- 
tion appears to be the primary mode of environmental 
degradation of TCDD. 1 However, TCDD photo-—decomposition 
is neglible in aqueous suspensions and in wet or dry soil. 
TCDD is fat soluble, and has been shown to accumilate in 
the liver and fat of rats.<3 Biological magnification has 
been demonstrated in a study conducted by the Air Force 
in which various species of rodents and birds were observed 
to contain igvels of dioxin higher than levels in the 
environment.<* In these aspects TCDD is similar to other 
chlorinated hydrocarbons (such as DDT). 

While the effects of TCDD on test animals has begun to 
be established, the threat of human contamination via 
herbicides has not been analyzed. There have been no 
long-range epidermiological studies of the possible long- 
range effects of herbicides on human populations. However, 
in a project conducted by the EPA on workers who apply 
herbicides, a marked increase in the amount of chromosomal 
abnormalities was observed during the spraying season.<5 
Dr. McNultley states: "Until better information is available 
it is my opinion that the deliberate environmental 

‘distribution of TCDD or products known to. contain TCDD at any 

level causes a serious threat to human and snimal health". € 

biclogical cencentration 

The eastern oyster concentrated .0.1 ppm of butoxy- 
ethanol ester of 2,4-D in water to a level of 18.0 in 
itself during 7 days, as measured by 2,4-D disappeared 
from the bodies of the oysters. 

Esters of 2,4-D accumulated in sunfish after exposure 
to sublethal concentrations in both laboratory and field 
tests (Cope, 1965b), and the fish sampled from a reservoir 
with 1 ppb showed an uptake of 2,4-D to a maximum of 150 
ppb (Smith and Isom, 1967) 

Within an hour after being treated with 2,4-D at a 
rate of 100 1b/A, the concentration of 2,4-D in reservoir 
water was about 1 ppb (Smith and Isom, 1967). Mussels 
(primarily Elliptio crassidens) exposed to the water for 96 
hours -concentrated the 2,4-D: 2 samples of mussels had an 
average of 380 ppb and 700 ppb of 2,4-D in their tissues. 
Asiatic clams concentrated 2,4-D to less than 140 ppb. 



Coalition for eeunomic Alternative 
Literature solu ry 


BCOLOMLCH Dune to ones MCuMicg: Ole Enon rcert wrecutie 

Vifice of dhe wrgadent =woliree ul emwence and eee fOr ne ee gt 

2y4-D Lodges in bottom vediment § 

2,4-) appears to degrade rather rapidly in witer. For example, 
the concentration dropped from 1,000 ppm of application rate to 10 ppb 
within 30 days (louse et. al. 1967). However, significant concentrations 
of 2,4-D (58.8 pp) were recorded and isolated from sediment samples 
removed. from a reservoir some 10 months after treatment (Smith and Ison, 

Ecological Effects of Pesticides on Non-target species, Executive Office 

of the President. Offiee of weience and Technology. 

Dioxin lodges in latty tissues and oun bussd up over time. Bill Hollyer 
"The War on 2,4,5—I" in knvironmental Action, Nov. Dy LOTT, opp. -se—L 

"Dow Chemical produced one of the three sets of laboratory analyses 
showing tumors in animals fed 2,4,5-T. KPA is bound by federal law not 
to reveal the results of the Dow study beforehand - but officials there 
are planning to include them in the notice to ban, according to Holloway. 

Two other studies also not available to the public are earmarkea to 
be part of the notice. 

One of them was carried out by scientists at the Lubratoire de 
Genetique, Fondition Curie, in Paris. It involved feeding mice water 
containing 60 parts per million (ppm) of 2,4,5=-T over a 400-day period. 
The results show a number of "rare tumors" as well as evidence of leuxemia. 

"In 2,4,5-I treated wice a significant increase in the incidence of. 
neo-plastic lesions (tumors) was found," the report said. It conciuded: 
"In view of these facts we fecl that the carcinugenesis observed in our 
experiments should be attributea to 2,4,5-T per se." 

Dr. treueric Kutz, a senior biochemist at LPA who has beer ccnducting 
experiments on wildiife, expliins the process by whicn aioxin enters tne 
human systern. WVioxin is net soluable in water but can ve carried long 
distances frum : sprayed area. whut nappens, Kutz says, is that wnen 
<,4,5-T is’ usea in a National forest or. rice field, run-citf containing 
3loxin is washed inte stress and water-ways. It tner enters the food 
cnain in lish ano wiudulie thut feed in tne taxes ani marsies, ana some 
eventually encs Up, an tue ceean te be eaten by shelltisn and cther 

But whilse Jigyan 1s not soluble an water, if is*soiuvielin fatty 
tissue. wnoen cattie. feed on sprayed rangelands, dioxin is able to enter 

‘their systems. Hecause dioxin can lodge in fatty tissue, ana because it 

is not washed out throu excretion, tne peivon bulid.u-u. vver time. 
Holloway's stuaires of dicxin levels in beef liver and neet fat woula seem 
to validate this claim, Kutz said. 

The finai link in the regulatory process is for HPA to show tnat once 
humans eat fish or beet tainted by dioxin, the substance lodges in them as 
well, where 1t could potentiaily cause birth defects or other problems. 






Coalition for snvirconmental Ai ternautives 
isterature oumuary 

Peta SVeCVeiie ests Ol mother's milk 1.0 perin ut Caltiternia befcre 
Ce Seen Ot At ed te hee Ire Lit Serle... ~re «nown, .o.weve °*, 
rid vee eat ; 
Pe cheer e. owed PApeity iene Ee | ken Permian Gitte we ui cura Tire TC, LOli Mowery ¢ 
a ; : 
He Cancer Liviiate ss 2Pe Sinnliicant because witncut them, norloway 
Sain he wasn't i eye CCUG oroOCUCe, A dal Or cio, a Sit sth Ie 
Wyegcay om 7 + Sel ce ” : } ees } E ae Amie 
Jagr Soh yes Bb Se A NS Dee wert OVER We te NHesu Sue resiuith. pee 
4 See eter | wes : Re P 
Lee ANG haere es imine th ye CRE, Un MeEMroOVeldtse Coutts Ee Sec ACL Mi, Ab 
Wea ea oeecr nts re BNET. OS onl tae oh ie eel Prine Oman tn le Lo ers Ler 
wry ee 
thi ey i ‘ ie We teh they 4 (ei Cee, Fe ee PGR CMa es canst 
JES ER BS MSs jhe ue 

Ferent Burin, arte, 2S wocdoliow, p. 147 

2,4-D and ¢,4,5-T may accumulate in soils under relatively anaerobic 

A buildup of phenoxyacetic acids could cause crops to accumulate nitrate 
in quantities as to be toxic. 

Nitrate forms nitrite in animal cells which causés methemoglobinemia 
(deviation of the blood oxygen-transport system caused by chemical 
modification of the hemoglobin) 

CheniedieVilliainam, J. Berry, Dy Gsgood, P: St. wWohn <p. 156 
2,4-D has caused irritation of the eyes and gastrointestinal disturbances 

decays‘ripidly in soil (30-60 days) but is known to last up to 10 months 
in low-oxygen water. 

indirect effects on small animals and birds by destroying habitat 

indirect effects on fish - kills weeds - the decomposition uses the oxygen 
in the water - reduction or elimination of dissolved oxygen - suffocation. 

There is some evidence that 2,4-Db is carcinogenic - it is known to produce 
chromosomai aberrations in plants at lO ppm (changes are inherited) 

Affidavit - As inucn as 60% of spray materials can drift one mile from 
target area. 

I) (Be 

COUNTY UF vive, ) 

I, Kenneth Kagland, beim first duly sworn, depose: 

1. 1 am ex.ployed by ine University ol wWisconsin-Maaisor as an 
associate .refessor of mecheal-ical engineering. 

2. I speciulaize in the areu of tluid dynamics and at.1u ,pneric 

dispersion o1 air pollutur.ts. 

3. lem informea that the Lnited States Forest Service proposes to 
apply herbicijes from helicopters, with tne nelicopters flying at a 
level of avpro. mit. sy 59-60 teet avove the trees, at an air speed of 


Coalition for Environmental Alternatives 
Literature Summary 


35-45 m.p.n., and with a nozzle size of approximately 0.13 inch. in 
addition, I undestand that the nozzle pressure will be Approximately 
2 pounds per square inch, and that the wind speed, presumably measured 
at ground level, will be less than 8 m.yp.h. 

Based upon the above information, it 15 my opinion to a 
certainty, that there will be a lous of sf lenst % to 15 percent of the 
herbicide materiatd:s Crom the area of inbetded applireation, and that chnese 
materials will drift to areas as fur mas a mile from the intended sites 

Of application. see, e.g., Van Valkenbury, Pesticide Formulations (197), 
At 500. 

4. in order to dete tiine the precase wis,nitude of the material tnat 
would be lost, and the extent of the Lransport of this material away 
trom the intended sites, 1t is necessary to know, for each individual 
Site, the following information: 

(a) The precise speed and altitude of tne aircraft; 

(b) The precise viscosity, surface tension and chemical content of 
the spray involved; 

(c) The precise engineering detuils uz to tne nozzle in question; 

(d) The speed.of the wind at the height of the aircraft, and the 
stability of the atmosphere at the time of the flight, as this will 
predominantly govern the extent of the transport of the materials. 

5. In addition, the following factors are also important: the pressure 
of the micro foil boom, the temperature of the spray,. the size and engineering 
details of the control orifice, the volume of materials pumped, the 
turbulence of the downdraft and updraft caused by the helicopter, and the 
effect. af its interaction with the spray mist. 

6. Without a detailed analysis of the above described factors, it is 
possible to determine with precision the percent of the materials that 
will be lost by drifting away from the intended area, or the extent 
of the surface area of land and water that will be covered by this 
unintended grift. This detailed analysis is very important, because it 
is clear from the literature that under unfavorable conditions as much 
as 60 percent of materials sprayed by helicopters can be transported 
onto areas away from the target sites. 

Kenneth Kagland 

Sutscribed and sworn to before 
me this 19 day of Juiy, 1974 

Notary Public, State of wisconsin 
my COMM1ISs1on is permanent 





Coat’ tion tor Beonomic niternative . 
Literature Summary 


Worlu Health Organization Warning, reported in CATS Newsletter, Vo!. 
Fly Dee j 

World Health Organization warned in 1Y75 "women in their reproductive 
years and particularly pregnant women snould be excluded from ccntact 
with 2,4,5-T 

Dioxin the most toxic man-made chemical 

Dr. Diane Courtney was quoted in tne Oreguniar. as saying that dioxin 
invariably occurs in 2,4,5-T, that it is the most toxic man-made chemical, 
that it is harmful in amounts to small to measure. 

Quoted in CATS Newsletter, Vol. 2, #1 

_ Meselson, 1973: Dioxin has heen found in soil samples and in foods 
in Vietnam and the U.S. and in the soil it is found 10 years after 

In 1973, dioxin was found in birds and small animals along rights- 
of-way in Virginia and in the Siuslaw National Forest here in Oregon. 

This sampling was conducted by the EPA, but the EPA never released the 

EPA sponsored studies have turned’up dioxin in beef cattle in several 
states and in human breast milk in Oregon and Texas. 

One of the few studies done on human spray upplicators, by Yodei’, 
Watson and Benson, 1973, shows "a marked increase in the frequency of 
chromatid lesions. This trend was especially noticeable among workers 
exposed to herbicides." The herbicides included 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. In 
the introduction this study mentions another, similar finding: "Increased 
aberations of lymhocyte chromasomes have recently been reported in a group 
of Michigan-:fruit producers involved in heavy pesticide spraying." - 

CATS Newsletter, Vol. 2, #1 

Pr. Logan Norris of tne Forestry ociuoul in Corvallis has stated: tnat 

Ove = tis lLemnolecule Oo; M°oxin Cam cause a birtr defect. This makes 1 
onvinu. that there is no safe uosare level 

vamickyr, 1472: weuKemid has been .vunu to ve more ‘ ereéa» 
sprayed witnu heroicides. 
Perera, New York Times, 1972: A “ive-foid increase in liver cancer 
nas beer found in areas of Vietnam Sprayed wits <,4-Lb and 2,4,°-T. 4 exe 
two terbicides form the infamuus Agent Orange, the defoliant use“ 1. 
Vietnam until an international protest stopped it. 
There has also been an increase in chromosonai ubberations including 

tnose of Mongolism (Ton That Tung, 1Y70O). 

weureecnuriotie ©. Taylor: "I have collected over 100 cases of istness 
in wnicn-2,4,5-T was shown or suspected to be a factor. High leveis of 
2,4,5-1 have been found in peuple over wide areas surrounding the forests 
whicn have been sprayed.‘ After exposure to <,4,5-l, people seem to be 
more sensitive to other chemicals, ,. rfiaps becuuse of liver damage." 





Coalition for Economic Alternatives 
Literature Summary 


Buu Hoi, 1972: In animal studies dioxin causes extensive damage to the 
heart and lungs and ali vital organs. 

W.P. MeNulty, M.D., Chairman of the Laboratory of Pathology at Uregon 
nxegional Primato Kesearchn Center, mentions, in addition to some oi tne 
uata we nave mentioned above, damage to the immune system as a result 
of exposure tu uioxin. he also states that monkeys are page: times 

more sensitive to dioxin than are mice, rats, rabbits and dogs, and that 
there are streng similurities in the response. of monkey: ad rumans. 

He warns us tna*, ‘until better information 1s availatie, 1€ is aay Opinion 
that tne dezsibe7ute environmental dastribution of Cu. (au coxan, or 

products xnowr to tuitain TCbuo at any 1evei Causes a serious threat to 
humans: an¢ animal lite." MeNuity uisu warns us of tne effect of 
bloconeeltration of ‘uly, whic Méatc trat anna. 3 Lipher on The Puud 

Chain, such as humars, whicin ext vontaminaled rey, uevesup sncreasinglLy 
high concentrations of dioxin in tueir bouies. 

One ot the few studies done on human spray applicators, by Yoder, 
Watson and Benson, 1973, shows "a marked increase in the frequency of 
chromatid lesions. ‘This trend was especially noticeable among workers 
exposed to herbicides." The herbicides included 2,4-D and 2.4,0-.-. in 
the introduction this study mentions another, similar finding: "Increased 
aberations of lymnocyte chromasomes have recently been reported in a 
group of Micnigan fruit producers involved in heavy pesticide spraying." 

CATS Newsletter, Vol. 2, #1 

Proposed testimony of Wilbur P. McNulty, Jr. 

A dietary level of 20 ppb for young male rhesus monkeys was lethal in 
12 days. 2 ppb killed in 76 days. The toxicity of TCbD for rhesus 
monkeys is roughly l ug/ke body weight. 

Testimony of Eloise W.*Kailan 

p-. 4 
reduced resistance to infection is a known effect of TCDD exposure 

".. when picloram and 2,4-D interact, they potentiate their own individual 
adverse effects.” 

"These herbicides are enzyme inducers meaning that they affect the liver's 
function to detoxify and remove a wide variety of subsequently administered 
chemical substances..." 




Tile USk CF HikBICTDES IN Whine pacTottN itseiuk" 

UOMBC - wiLauUber 

We are assured that "any herbicide used will be registered by the 
E.P.A. as being safe to the environment, human beings, livestock, and 
wildlife."(Paze i) In no way does an KPA registration mean that the 
registered herbicide is "safe"; on the contrary, these substances are. 
registered precisely because they are all poisons. 

Furthermore, recent government reports have shown that the 
effectiveness of the E.P.A. in protecting the public from the hazards 
associated with herbicides is extremely lax. Ina report to Congress, 
December 4, 1975, by the Comptroller General of the United States, 
entitled "Federal Pesticide Registration Program: Is it Protecting 
The Public and the Environment Adequately From Pesticide Hazards?", 
General Accounting Office (GAO) found the following conditions. 

"Safety and efficacy data has not been submitted to support marketing 
many pesticides. (Safety data include information on cancer, genetic 
changes, birth defects, and reproduction.) Safety and efficacy data is 
not required for the pesticides as marketed, only for individual active 
ingredients. Reviews of inert ingredients (such as vinyl chloride) are 

not subjected to the full range of safety testing. Many labels do 
not comply with requirements. Pesticide residue tolerances are not 
monitored or reviewed. The safety of pesticide residues in some f'oods’ 
has not been determined. Statutory registration requirements are not 
carried out on a timely basis." 

fn December 1976, the United States Senate Committee on the 
Judiciary completed its subcommittee hearings on "The Pesticides”. 
An excerpt from that report states: "A clear example of EPA's tailure 

} Sarat e ry Rete hae s n4 . aris 4 ve 
to evyeluote data resulted nu the a,ercy = detearninaticon tneat reve wan 

Van aeeuct) aeiitien’ bei wh Rebceinaratzon ot the -pestitade “,4-1. a. 
April @, 1976, EPA mailed reresistratzon guidance packages tu manufacturers 
be pov Cepreduc taeCOniLultingea,4,-) forswhaeh wmore thans4> resiave ‘ier ces 
haverbeensverunted on guch- ooOdsusaS dairy disin, exes, poultry, mear., cur, 
apvles, vegetables, and citrus fruits. Tre puidaurce packages cite” a 
2-year rat ane dog feeding study perfwrmed vy hua in i965 as si 1iciens 

the ‘chronic’ safety testing requirements for reregas.rat1on. 


So satiofy 
Yet, a summary report on the svudy an wPA's siles stated tha there ws 
taneréased tumor formation’ in the rats. John M. Carley, Mana,er of ‘re 

lierezistration Task Force, stated that he doubts that the summa, ~epe 

wus even read in the preparation of the (Guidance packages. An iidepenrient 


pathologist, wno reviewed the raw data on the study at the request uf suc 
committee staff, concluded that 2,4-D is ‘carcinogenic (cancer-causing) 
in rats." “ 

On page ii, we are assured that "O65 years of proper herbicide use bv 
the Forest Service in the kastern Kegion have produced no known health 
problems in Forest Service personnel, herbicide applicators, or local Forest 




Coalition for Bconomic Alternatives 

residents." However, on page 58 the EIS states that "Few studies of herbicide 
toxicity to humans have been made." No where in the EIS is there a single 
reference to any actual studies done in the Eastern Region to uncover any 
potential health problems in personnel, applicators, or local residents. 

The EIS states on page 24 that "The TCD) dioxin content now contained in ‘ ,¢ 
has been reduced to a fraction of 1 percent of its original content.” what 
the BLS fails to acknowledge is that before the TCDD contaminant was even 
recognized, tens of thousands of vallons of extremely dirty 2,4,5-T were 
sprayed over thousands of acres of National crest land in the sastern 
KHegicn. ror instance, accordin;" to inforuavion contained in the ‘anviron- 
mental Analysis Keport' for herbicide use on tue Chequameyon National Forest 

in 1977, some 6,407 acres of the washburn visirict were sprayed with 2,4,5-1 

nlone or in combination with ~« 4-D, between iyeO und 1973. Yet, there haw 
never been released a deserijption ©* the areus where this contamar>ctea ¢ ., -. 
was used. Nor has there heen ary effort to ascertain what damazes may «© 

done to. the environment cr human health by the c1ioxin present. wer has ar’ 
testing been aone to ascertain whether a10xin might still be presert im - i: 
or vegetation on these areas. a more teiling. and important assesment o£ Ov. 
efrects of past misuses of 2,4,5-T by the Forest service woul? be the sor 
study conducted hy “leselgow in the sulsiaw Nutional Forest, wnicr uetectea 
leveis of TCDD dioxin in samples of mother's milk in areas where -,4,,-1 ao 
been used by the Forest Service. 

Presently I am a partner under contract with the Forest Service to 
do manual release work in the Chequamegon National Forest, Hayward District. 
So it is with first hand experience that I say the KIS assessment of manual 
release is simply unimaginative and misleading. 

"Generally speaking, manual methods have little adverse effect on the environ-—- 
ment. This method can be selective and accomplished with little visual 
impact... . Long term local employment is possible." (EIS, page 25). 

This statement is a precise summation of major advantages of manual release. . 

"The major disadvantages are high cost and ineffective results." "... finding 
people to work at physically demanding jobs is a problem.” I can not agree 
with these statements. The cost of hand release on the Chequamegon National 
Forest averages less than $30 per acre. An extremely difficult site might 
cost $50 to $70 per acre. One person with a saw and brush ax can do, on 

the average, from .75 to about 3.0 acres of manual release per day, depending 
on site conditions and specifications. I do not agree that "it would require 
a minimum of 10 people working a full year to clear 1,000 acres of heavy 

brush with hand tools." Nor is it. necessary for a “specially funded public 
employment program" to replace herbicide release with manual methods. ‘Ten 
people working a full year clearing heavy brush would be able to clear a 
minimum of *2,000 acres with hand tools. ‘they could do it best on a contrectua: 
bidding basis; there would be no need for a new government employment ,ro,.rax. 

The EIS statement that "Many Naiional *orest areas have a limited labor supys ' 
does not square with the E1S's depicition on pages 14,15 and 16 of the area« 
of the tastern kegion as being generally economically depressed. The prob-+ 
lem as not. .the availability of the *>or-’6rce. “Unemployment is hjeh <n 


“he areas of the * stern Kegion. The protlem is in the decision of the 
Forest vervice to disccurage labor intensiv. methods, The Forest mervice 
6 ‘ > E 


Coalition for tconomic alternatives 
SPec EEC Colm y wre DS = Gi 

does a very poor job of advertising bidding opportunities. 

In assessing the cust tu the axpayer of herbicides vs manuai release many 

factors not considered shuul? be examined, -Herbicide release has certain 

hidden costs whicn a.e born by the public. Ume is tne cost of lengthy 
court suits, as the Forest Service attempts to pursue an unpopular policy. 
Another is the cost of preparing lengthy tnvironmental Impact Statements 
and mnvironmental analysis reports. Another hidden cost that 1s difficult 
give an exact figure to but could probably be measure ir the hundreds of 
thousands of dollars is the damage done to the public image of the Forest 
Service by its insistence om using herbicides. As the BIS recognizes on 
page ii, "Public objection to herbicide use continues to be an issue,” 
In pursuing an unpopular policy the Forest Service is doing great damage to 
its careful public relations campaigns. In the public eye, such slogans as 
"Give a hoot, don't pollute" become nothing but ironic hypocrisy. 

As the EIS states, the accident rate for those of us who work in the woods 

is indeed high. Speaking personally, I feel much safer facing the risks from 
@ Saw or ax, which I can prepare for, than the risks posed by a carcinogenic 

The Forest Service would actually be doing a better job of paving the taxpayer's 
dollar by making’ the switch away from herbicides to a more labor intensive 
approach. In doing so, the government would be making a small but important 
move toward addressing the great national problem of unemployment. 

Although resprouting is a problem in the use of manual methods, the EIS dis- 
cussion does not represent the difficulties fairly. Every site is unique. 
It is not possible to know now effective manual release will be until it 

is done. There is no reason to assume that manual release will have to be 
done “annually or biennially", as the EIS states. One advantage to manual 
release is that often it is unnecessary to release all of a site. The hand 
operator, being intelligent, is able to do a selective job on the site. The 
spraying of herbicide simpl; effects the entire site. 

Finally, accordimnys to Frofessur Orie L. Louks, who teaches forest ecology 
at the Universit, of wisconsin - Madison, and who personally visited many 
sites scheduled for herbicide reiease by the Chequamegon National Forest 
in 1974, nost of the sites needed so release at all. 

On page 27, tne siS fails to mention mechanical weed harvesting as 
an alternavive 10 tne use of aquatic herbicides. Suci an is 
employed by tne cit, of mMacison, wisconsin, because of puclic opposition 
to using hoypicives in the laxes surrounding the city. The weeds and algae 
that are narvested are Lien maue available to the ,ubiic for use as garden 

It is untiortunate that the Forest Service has adopted tne standard 
industry arguments in its aiscussion of: tne dioxin contaminant in ©,4,5-T. 
(KIS, page 43-51.) Because of the extreme toxicity of dioxin, there is 
simply no justification for allowing it into the biosphere. Thomas 
Whitesides, writing in the Juiy 25, 1977 issue of "The New Yorker" responds 
well and to tne point: 



"The government itself appears to have accepted the assurances of the Dow 
chemical people and other herbicide manufacturers that the dioxin contaminant 
in 2,4,5-T, once laid down, is ueyraded and effectively destroyed by the 
action of sunlight and of soil bacteria. Yet 1f the contaminant is in fact 
so handily decomposed in this manner, one wonders how to account for the re- 
sults of an analysis of samples taken in 1975 of tne fatty tissues of cattle 
that grazed un western rangeland that had been sprayed with 2,4,5-T during 
the »revicus year, for the samples showed significant levels of dioxin - 
levels of up te.sixty parts per trill.con. bow is it that trom grazie 

land sprayed wit: this allegealy innocent herbicide the government perm21ts 
the cistribution to the american dinner tuble of meat tuat as ceern Colvaminateg 

With measurable amowuits. of one vf the most toxic subs.a@ ces “mown to man? not us though the government were unaware cf such fandings, or 07 
.0h. Sa ,natecunce, Sor tie vary stud.wes that produces nese eo i woes 
curiucted under the aca tees ef tne E.F.A. And 4 me@morandut dated Augusteeg 
197S, i es tun ce cbhaervabhens Of ihe divxin-stud) ur Fai eeeonc inet Ca ae 
the “VPA. vntae ws Copbeciae £“O, aus Sonternine ies Le walice the 
findings: ‘stuices anciludimge tera lovenic anid Othe. Toxscity etfects increas 
that tne resi.uc aevels menticned avove May preser. a nealth nazara to man 

based on the applicaison of normal marzins of satety. *' 

"Almost incredibly, the E.P.a. people still cannot make up tneir minds. ‘he 

issue is completely stalled, and action on it is blocked. In the meantime, 

Dr. Patrick O'Keefe and Dr. Matthew Meselson at Harvard have obtained 

several samples of mothers' milk from Texas and Oregon, and subjected them 

to analysis for possible dioxin content. The preliminary results of this 
latest study indicate the presence of dioxin in parts-per-trillion amounts 

in some of these samples. The potential significance of these findings 
concerning a substance with a demonstrable capacity for inflicting relentlessly 
cumulative damage can be indicated by the fact that a nursing infant consumes | 
about one-tenth of its entire body weight in maternal milk each day. All | 
in all, if one considers what is already known about the nature of dioxin, 

the indications from such studies that this almost incomparably toxic sub- | 
stance not only has entered the human food chain but may have invaded the | 
maternal milk supply is surely a cause for swift and drastic action by our | 
government," | 

The "favorable effects of herbicide use" listed on page 74 of the 
BIS would also occur if the release were done manually. It is false to 
imply that manual vegetation control would result in a “reduction of 
usable resources and future avaid&ability.". The same degree. of release 
can be achieved by either method. | 

The assertion that "aerial application of herbicides is less 
energy demanding than manual release (EIS page 76) fails to take into 
consider tion the fact that the hcrbicide itself is a petroleum product,. 
and that a wreit deal of energy goes into its prcduction. 

C= 7) 




Forest Service Response to Comments 
by Coalition For Economic Alternatives 

Proof of safety of a properly registered herbicide is 
not the responsibility of the user. Under FIFRA as 
amended in 1972, EPA has the responsibility to 
determine whether a herbicide, when used consistent 
with its labeled directions, will perform its intended 
function without unreasonable adverse effects on the 
environment, human beings, livestock, or wildlife. 

The Forest Service cooperates with the EPA to provide 
data when needed. 

There have been no reported health problems, however, 
it is also true there have been no research studies 
for this purpose. 

The amount of 2,4,5-T used is grossly overstated and 
it is only an assumption that it was "extremely dirty." 



November 25, 1977 

Mr. Steve Yurich, Regional Forester 
633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

Dear Mr. Yurich, 

The following are comments from Defenders of Wildlife, a national, 
non-profit, conservation organization upon the Draft Environmental 
Statement "The Use of Herbicides in the Eastern Region." Eastern 
Region Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture FS - R9 - DES - 
ADM - 77 - 10. We request thet this letter be included in the 
hearing record. 

In preparing this response, we have consulted with Frank E. Egler, 
Ph.D., eminent vegetationist, Aton Forest, Norfolk, Connecticut. 

Our overall reaction is that this Environmental Statement is mis- 
titled. It should read "The Aerial Use of Herbicides, etc." 
Although "selective" application is mentioned, it is suggested only 
for small tracts exposed to public view. It is our belief that 

the primary failing of this EIS is that it does not give proportionate 
attention to all the possible alternatives for long-time, econ- 
omically-sound forest management. Why is there a total absence 

of experience and information gained from Forest Service Experiment 
Stations forthis territory, although industry research is well- 
represented? We refer specifically to Eastern Region policy 
publications which do not recommend aerial spraying. The method 

is certainly not recommended by the scientific community. 

According to Dr. Egler, "I know of not one single research pub- 
lication that adequately reports upon past such aerial spraying 
(although the chemicals have been in use for over three decades), 
with long-term results and logical predictions within the scope 

of full vegetation potentialities, that would justify these 
‘management procedures.'" 

The Description of Herbicides proposed for use on pages 30-3, 
along with the methods of application, 34-37 only serves to underline 
the potential dangers in use by anyone less than a scientist. 

The section on Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Action, 37-7h, 
has been written entirely defensively, considering that detailed 
research has been done in this field. Hazards and accidents do 
occur as an irreconcilable element of our technological age. 

In the field of herbicides, flight operators and manufacturers 

are subject to their own accidents and hazards which should not be 
confused with those of the National Forests, themselves. 

1244 NINETEENTH STREET, NW ® WASHINGTON, DC 20036 © (202) 659-9510 



OF WILDLIFE to Steve Yurich, page 2 

Pages 63-65, "Environmental Impacts....on General Vegetation" is 
totally inadequate, with writing that is often misleading. There 
is no mention, for example, of herbicide effects on herbicide- 
sensitive legumes, important in grazing. Here, as in the next 
"Favorable Effects," the reader is never informed about the many 
disadvantages of chemical control. The idea is promulgated that 
herbicides help wildlife and diversify vegetation. "Completely to 
the contrary, serial spraying of Eastern forests is done mainly to 
convert to pure conifers -- notoriously a ‘desert! for wildlife, 
comparable to the pure climax (sic) hemlock forests of the wilderness, 
that lumbermen never tire of denouncing." (Dr. Egler) 

In Summary of Probable Adverse Effects Which Cannot Be Avoided, 71-79, 
we come to a memorable understatement: "some non-target plants may be 
adversely affected." There has been no research on the non-target 
species and this is quite unacceptable. 

As to Consultation With Others, 83, the reference to the Council on 
Environmental Quality is flagrantly misleading. Dr. Egler tells us 
"In 197) the Forest Service Northern Region sent out a release 
titled 'Projects Using Certain Herbicides OK'd by CEQ.' The CEQ 

informed me that ‘under no condition has CEQ ever approved herbicides 
or projects' (underlining theirs)”. 

Controls on Herbicide Use, 96-10), makes the reader wonder if so many 
controls are necessary, how can any spraying be done? When asked 
about the effort to provide an unsprayed buffer zone of at least 100 
feet from private property, Dr. Egler responded, "I should think this 
regulation would lead to endless lawsuits. I have known volatility 
from ground-sprayed brush to carry half as far, and spray from an 
up-held knapsack sprayer nozzle to go farther, while the operator lit 
a cigarette. Helicopter spraying is somewhat less precise. An un- 
expected updraft could move the spray for thousands of feet." 

We would like to conclude our statement with e significant admonition 
from one of the country's leading experts on the use and effects of 
herbicides. Says Dr. Egler, "Aerial spraying is a soothing, short- 
term Band-Aid technology, easily and cheaply applied, understandably 
promoted by economic interests, unsubstantiated by scientific research 
and contrary to present legislation that governs the usage and manage:: 
ment of our federal National Forests for multiple uses, including 

but not limited to wildlife, recreational, scenic and wilderness 

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on your proposal. We look 
forward to seeing major revisions in it, based on reactions from 
the public. 


? f : 

Ch pre Melapu— 
Cherie Mason 

Field Representative 
Great Lakes States 


Forest Service Response to Comments 
by Defenders of Wildlife 

Based on comments received from reviewers of the 
Draft EIS, substantial modifications were made to 
the following sections: 

I. E. Description of Herbicides. 

JIE, YP, Wetiinehay Vekeeyiicla - 

LL. Divs etlerbicide Toxteatys 

Defense [AO ena eats 

F AY atts stud ry) eat 
Fund 1525 18th Street, NW, vino 

December 23, 1977 
Steve Yurich 
633 West Wiscon sin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53203 

Dear Mr- Yurich, 

It has recently been brought to my attention that 
there is a misstatement of fact in my comments on the 
Environmental Impact Statement which we sent to you 
on November 18, 1977. Somehow, footnote 1 on page 12 
was added to the text without my knowledge. I would 
like to delete this sentence. If it is possible, would 
you please make the correction ? 

Thank you very much for your cooperation. 

Stephanie G. Harris 
Research Associate 

MOUrSe coil yz, 


Printed on 100% Recycled Paper 

NS =“ Environmental 

pt @ t aH a, ON 

TEN ( <2 Defense 

Steve Yurich 
Regional Forester 

633 West Wisconsin Ave. 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

Dear Mr eourrcus 

1525 18th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036 » 202/833-1484 

November 16, 1977 

Please find enclosed the EDF comments on the environmental 
impact statement for the use of herbicides in the eastern region. 




] ‘ 
4 : ff 
alin iinr ffi ty 


Stephanie Harris 
Research Associate 



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Comments of the Environmental Defense Fund 
On the Environmental Impact Statement 
(USDA-FS-R9-DES -ADM- 77-10) 
For the Use of Herbicides in the Eastern Region 

tmeroducti on 

This environmental impact statement (EIS) suffers from 
severe deficiencies in its treatment of the impact of herbicide 
use on human health. The same techniques are used in this 
argument as were employed in the EIS for herbicidal use in the 
western region (upon which we commented on July 8, 1977): 
namely, improper deemphasis of the possibility of human exposure 
to tetra-chloro-dibenzo-dioxin (TCDD), the toxic contaminant of 
the herbicide 2,4,5-T. Each EIS cites inadequate studies which 
not surprisingly failed to find TCDD in the food chain or the 
environment either because it was not being looked for (i.e., 
the presence of only 2,4,5-T was under question), or because of 
the use of insensitive analytical techniques which could not 
Hebecc ie ye lseor) TCDD ats small, yetstoxicologically highly sig- 
nificant levels. The Forest Service completely ignores the 
recent findings of Dr. Matthew Meselson of Harvard University 
that TCDD was identified in human breast milk donated by women 
Wwhoeliyed in areas which had»been Sprayed with 2,4,5-T. This 
Proogoft human exposure contradicts the Forest Services asser- 
ttons of improbability of finding TCDD in the environment, and 
thus of human exposure. 

Wer wouldelike to focus our comments firsit on the signifi- 

cance of TCDD in human breast milk, and then deal with specific 


statements in the FIS which we believe to be either false, mis- 
leading, or contradictory. The following comments on human 
health effects are excerpted from the July 8, 1977 EDF 

comments referenced above, which are equally pertinent here. 

Human Health Effects 

In the course of the trial in Citizens” Against. Toxic Spravar 
Inc. (CATS), et alv v.. Bergland’ (Civil No.9 76-438) (DeeOregcon, 
Mar. 7, 1977); 1 was publicly revealed that’ 273,7;,38-tetra— 
chlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD), a contaminant of 2,4,5-T, Silvex, 
and other phenoxyacid herbicides, had been found in human breast 
milk in areas of the United States which had previously received 
treatment with these herbicides. The laboratory of Dr. Matthew 
Meselson at Harvard University had identified TCDD in the fat 
portion of human breast milk ranging from 10 to 40 parts per 
trillion. While the Forest Service questions the validity of 
the data, Dr. Patrick O'Keefe in the Meselson laboratory maintains 
that there is unequivocal qualitative evidence of the presence 
of TCDD in breast milk, even if the quantitation is still dif- 
ficulteat Hower Wevels: 

The conclusions which can be drawn from the analytical data 
are clear: 1) there has been human exposure from the use of 
2,4,5-T in the past; and 2) there is a very significant risk to 
the health of nursing infants ingesting TCDD. The EIS states on 
page 40: 

Although some organisms can concentrate TCDD, the prob- 

ability of receiving and accumulating a toxic dose is 

rare because, as previously quoted CAST reports indicate, 

eee there is no substantial supply of the chemical in 
the environment subject to accumulation." 


Pe indecasthis statement is correct; it becomes very difficult 
to explain how the TCDD entered the human milk. While the EIS 
Jae that 2,4,5-T residues would not be expected to accumulate 
on) vegetation, in wildlife, or in water, it does not deal ade- 
quately with the environmental fate of TCDD. Dr. Patrick 
Pekeecreustated in his) testimonyu(in! CATS)! Inc. vie Bergland) 
that "TCDD has been found in a number of environmental samples 
and the potential for the entry of higher levels of TCDD into 
the food chain exists as a consequence of forest burning opera- 
eons. eS (pea0) hes TCDD! which contaminates) the 25.4, 5-T: con- 
centrates in the fat of animals and thereby bioaccumulates up 
the food chain. TCDD residues have been found in the fat of 
animals of prey (e.g., shrews, deer mice) as well as herbivores 
(e.g., beef cattle). Human beings, being omnivores, can ingest 
TCDD residues in beef and the meat of wild animals (e.g., deer, 
elk) as well as in forest vegetation (e.g., berries). Also, the 
TCDD contaminates water used for drinking purposes. Human 
beingsscan also be exposed to: TCDD by the air drift of the 
herbicide during spray operations as well as the possibility of 
being directly sprayed due to a faulty warning system. Besides 
the TCDD which is released to the environment as a contaminant 
of the herbicide, there is also the potential for the formation 
Oem leclveat) 10, 00O0Ostimeseathe haturally occurring. -level due*to 
burning of vegetation contaminated with 2,4,5-T, according to 
Ehe testimony (in»the CATS case) of)Dr.'George Streisinger of 
the University of Oregon. Obviously, there are many potential 

routes of exposure to TCDD so that it should come as no surprise 


that TCDD is being stored in human fat and then mobilized during 

TCDD has been characterized by many scientists as the most 
toxic small molecule ever synthesized by man. A level which 
causes no physiological response in animals has yet to be deter- 
mined -- even the smallest doses ever tested have caused some 
adverse reaction. Besides causing overt signs of poisoning 
(e.9.7 chloracne;,s/loss of) hair;«growth? inhibitions sidney sand 
thyroid disorders, and atrophy of the thymus leading to immuno- 
suppression) TCDD also causes birth defects and gene mutations. 

Dri.n Wilbur McNulty,! Jews, of the: Onegon Reqional Primate 
Research) Center, mstatedsinghas testitamonyaan the CATS “case)" that 
"the toxicity of TCDD for rhesus monkeys is* roughly of the 
order of lmicrogram (ug) per) kilogram (kg)! The "no-effect" 
level, for) actite)or ‘chronic angestionges ;2 of course? completely 
unknown but is bound to be considerably less than the lethal 
level." Dr, James Allen, of the University of Wisconsin, also 
found that rhesus monkeys receiving a dose of 1 ug/kg demon- 
strated over 50% mortality and 100% morbidity. Death was caused 
by severe blood loss due to a decrease first in red blood celis; 
then by -asdecrease in®circulating white cells» and plateletae 
Two out of 3 pregnant monkeys aborted, indicating severe feto- 

toxic effects. Even at a dose of approximately 0.1 ug/kg, 

minimal physiological effects (e.g., loss of hair, swelTingror 
eyelids) were observed. (Allen; *J.7->Fd. Cosmet. ¥foxicol: @ te 

be published). 


The amount of TCDD being ingested by a nursing infant can 
be calculated by taking the maximum amount of TCDD found in 
the milk fat, multiplying by 4% to convert to a whole milk 
basis, and multiplying by 150g milk ingested by an infant per 
kg body weight per day. This equals 0.24 x 1073 ug TCDD/kg 
body weight/day. If it is assumed that an infant nurses for 
6 months, then the total accumulated dose would be 0.043 ug/kg. 
Comparing this to the data of McNulty and Allen we see that the 
nursing infant is receiving about one two hundredth of the 
amount which was shown to be lethal in monkeys or one twentieth 
the dose which caused minimal physiological effects in monkeys. 
A "safe" human dose is usually calculated by multiplying the 
Geseswiich causes no physiological effect in the most sensitive 
species by a safety factor of at least 100 to account for dif- 
ferences in sensitivity to the chemical between test animals 
Sndeianemmtnetiits. Case it 1s obvious that a safety factor of 
only about two and one half exists between the human dose and 
the dose which caused minimal physiological effects in the 
monkey. Because a no-effect level has not yet been determined 
aueceLoOntie extreme toxicity of TCDD, a true "safe" level cannot 
be calculated for man. 

Furthermore, Allen and coworkers found that almost one half 
(28 out of 60 animals) of Sprague-Dawley rats fed TCDD for 18 
months in doses from 5 ppb to 1 ppt developed tumors at various 
Sirecmcompareasto no tumors (0 out of 50 animals) in the controls 
(ale nyaureeciemosomere, to be published). Because a safe level 
of a carcinogen cannot be established, it is not possible to 

postulate a "safe" level of TCDD for man. 




Therefore, it must be concluded that the nursing infant 
ingesting TCDD in breast milk is indeed at risk. Symptoms of 
TCDD's toxic effects on the infant might include: subcutaneous 
edema, swelling of eyelids, conjunctivitis, isolated acniform 
lesions, loss of weight, and early signs of ee Also, -the 
risk of cancer in later life is increased because of ingestion 


Specific Comments 

1. On p. 43 of the EIS it 1s stated that the no-ertece 
level for embryotoxicity of TCDD is 0.00003 mg/kg/day, while on 
p. 44 the EIS says that animals would not reach the lowest LD59 
(0.0006 mg/kg) if they ate all of the TCDD covering an acre. 

This does not mean, however, that the amount of TCDD ingested 
would still not be greater than the so-called no-effect level 
for embryctoxicity. 

2. Regarding p. 44, the analysis for TCDD in a laboratory 
test of decomposition of TCDD due to sunlight failed to measure 
the TCDD at low enough levels. Page 44 concludes that the TCDD 
has broken down entirely under simulated conditions of exposure 
to sunlight whereas the level of detection was as high as 0.5 ppm. 
With a chemical which is still toxic. in the parts per etre 2747 
range, a measurement in the parts per million range is not only 
irrelevant and inconclusive but also misleading if any conclu- 
sions are drawn from this test as they are here. 

3. In studying the biosynthesis of chlorodioxins by chloro- 

phenol condensation in the soil, no TCDD was found, but the 





Forest Service fails to state what the detection level of TCDD 
was (p. 44). If it was as insensitive to low residues as all 
of the other tests mentioned, then the conclusion that there 
is no biosynthesis of TCDD may well be erroneous. 

4. The measurement of TCDD in soil after heavy application 
of 2,4,5-T is discussed on p. 45 without stating what period of 
time had elapsed after the application of the herbicide and 
Detoresane wanalysis for; TCDD was carried out. “Also, the 
detection level of TCDD was 1 ppb, which is still too high a 
level to predict whether or not the soil contains harmful 
amounts: of “TCDD: 

5. The statement of p. 45 that TCDD does not biomagnify 
is seemingly contradicted on p. 46 which states that TCDD has 
been found to bioaccumulate in algae, snails, and fish, and has 
been found in samples of animal and bird tissue taken from 
sprayed areas. (Certain of the animals sampled were predators, 
like shrews). It is not Surprising that TCDD was not found in 
the bald eagle carcasses studied as the detection level was 
0.05 ppm (the EPA found TCDD in the wildlife samples in the 
Cait eee CEO) iso, it LSsonot, stated: how the~eagies 
were chosed for the study and whether they were from areas which 
had received application of 2,4,5-T. 

6. Pages 47 and 48 seem to either be missing or the pages 
have been misnumbered. 

Peer aoemale points out that heating confined 2,4,5=T up to 
FO Gem Oceipn O64 senours, would convert 0.13% of the 2,4,5-T to 
Mephpometitcetasa very important point of information as these 





temperatures can be reached by forest fires. In fact, vegeta- 
tion which has been killed by 2,4,5-T would be likely to catch 
on fire either accidentally or. on purpose in order .to cleargcic 
area. Thus, generation, ore TCDD eshouldebesexpectcan ae: om such 

8. The Forest Service seems to assume that there is a 
threshold level of TCDD when it says on p..50: "At the present 
levels of _.0.1,ppm,.dioxin,in.2,4,5-T, virtuallyenoswa,, 
anyone would be expased to enough TCDD to exceed the rate needed 
for measureable effect." It proceeds to compare the amount of 
TCDD needed for an acute toxic reaction to thesamount ofs lca 
which is present in water; this fails to take into account the 
infinitesimally smaller amounts of TCDD which could cause adverse 
chronicyreactions, esuch as carcinogenicity, mutagenicity ao. 

9... The Forest Servicesconcludes thats  CDDE smog 
being found in the environment on the basis of the results of 
the Food .and, Drug Administrations sc. (PDA) Sanalvsic llores, 4, 3-0 
residues ingflood overe al four-VGarsper Occ me EVvens 1 tec, da) tee 
not found in food, this does not preclude the possibility of 
finding TCDD, a much more persistent chemical and one which is 
more likely to be present. Furthermore, the FDA usually uses a 
multi-residue analytical method for phenoxyacid herbicides which 
is not very accurate and which they readily admit cannot give 
good quantitative data. 

10. It is not enough to measure 2,4,5-T residues in food; 

rather, TCDD should be measured as well. Thus, when the Forest 




Sservicesstatesmthat. 2,4,5-T was not found in cow's. milk (p. 57) 
this by no means indicates that harmful residues of TCDD were 

ll. Page 60 presents a very important piece of information 
which is seemingly ignored in the conclusions of the EIS; namely, 
that chromosomal abnormalities were found in herbicide appli- 
CacOrs, slats shoulda berincluded in’ the overall discussion of 
risks of the use of these herbicides as it indicates that there 
is a mutagenic effect of these chemicals on persons of high 
exposure and thus a potential mutagenic effect on the general 
population in the sprayed areas. Furthermore, this raises the 
possibility of carcinogenicity of these compounds, particularly 
Since Allen, et al. have found that TCDD is carcinogenic in 
rats (see p. 5). Because mutagenic chemicals are very fre- 
quently also carcinogenic, a severe threat to the local popu- 
lation could very well be posed by the widescale spraying of 
these hazardous chemicals. 

12. The Forest Service presents a ludicrous argument on 
p. 60 trying to prove that there is no increase in cancer within 
wopulations exposed to 2,4,5-T spraying. They argue that the 
National Cancer Institute's county-by-county cancer maps 
anaicates in the words of the Council on Environmental Quality: 
"a Majority of the areas of high cancer -mortality are located 
Premlaraeecities. The implication from this apparently exoner- 
Atese? 2) =Terrom any guilt Of Caulising a high cancer mortality 
PaLeeoecaicemt is not used in large cities. This argument is 

fallacious on two grounds: 1) the statement says the majority 





and not all of the cancer hot-spots are in large cities, "hence 
an isolated instance of increased cancer incidence in forest 
areas sprayed with 2,4,5-T could still have’ occurredgandecna. 
statement would not be contradicted; 2) the latency period for 
cancer is often as long as twenty or thirty years so that it 

is probably too early to .begin looking for cancer increasessdauec 
to 2,4,5-T exposure. Also, the Forest Service asserts thatycthe 
decrease in stomach cancer rate should indicate that the pesti- 
cide residues on food are not causing any carcinogenic response 
in human populations. There is no reason to believe that if 
indeed these chemicals did cause human cancer that the site 
would be the stomach (e.g., the Allen rats developed tumors of 
various sites from the ingestion of TCDD). 

13. Page 61 cites the findings of the FDA's Total Diet 
Study which found few herbicide residues in the marketbasket 
survey of foods. As has been mentioned previously, the recovery 
of these chemicals is very poor; negative results of such 
analyses are highly suspect and prove little. 

14. The Forest Service says on p. 62, that ithe toxiertyeo. 
2,4,5-T has not been the basis for legal rulings against the 
Forest Service in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) 
cases which have been brought. While technically true, this 
statement is misleading. Courts have never found it necessary to 
pass judgment on substantive issues because of procedural inade- 
quacies in the environmental impact statements. 

15. A ridiculous paragraph is included in p. 66 which 

should be eliminated. It reads: 





Controlled feeding trials and laboratory tests have 
shown some herbicides to be toxic, teraogenic, car- 
cinogenic, or mutogenic (sic) to mammals. The same 
results can be produced with a variety of other 

(#3) chemicals. LD590 rates have been established for 

most chemicals available to man. The dosage rates 

used in controlled experiments are not reached under 

conditions found within normal forestry herbicide 

Peco eOreo tle mwhated i -ercencesdoces-itymake, that.other chemicals 
as well as herbicides have been found to cause acute and chronic 
toxic effects? This certainly does not mean that herbicides 
can be considered safe -- just because other chemicals are 
arsOuMisale. mr lisisetuue that, LbPgg rates have been established 
for most chemicals, but this in no way means that these chemicals 
are safe. 

Secondly, animals are fed high doses for three reasons: 
to compensate for the short life span of animals compared to 
humans; to compensate for the very fast metabolizing and 
excreting of chemicals by animals compared to humans; and to 
compensate for the relatively small number of test animals used 
compared to the number of human beings exposed to the chemical. 
High doses are essential to increase the percentage of animals 
GecurnoecanceresoOmthacettewill, show in the small number of 
auimails, usually 50, used in tests. 

lGeme Page.67 says that deer did not accumulate 2,4,5-T, 
but no mention is made of accumulation of TCDD. 

17. The Forest Service admits on p. 74 that there would be 
a favorable economic impact on local communities if manpower 
were used to clear the forests instead of using chemicals; how- 

ever, they then imply that there would be a later decrease in 


ES Ra 

usable resources which would cause a long-term adverse effect on 
the community. There is no reason why there should be a decrease 
in usable resources if the forest were properly managed or why 
this decrease should occur only if chemical treatment is sub- 

stituted for by manpower. 


Despite ample evidence of the hazards posed by phenoxyacid 
herbicides in general and 2,4,5-T, Silvex, and other TCDD con- 
taining herbicides in particular, the Forest Service continues 
the unconscionable use of these chemicals over tremendous land 
areas and thus exposes large segments of the population to all 
of the deleterious effects of these chemicals. The argument 

that the decision of safety rests with the Environmental Pro- 

tection Agency (EPA) and not with the Forest Service is false 
because in fact the NEPA requires the Forest Service to balance 
the benefits against the rasks an the writing of the his ric 
only way that it can be concluded that the risks do not far out- 
weigh benefits is to downplay the risks by incomplete citations 
from the large body of literature which now exists or by drawing 
misleading conclusions. In fact, the Forest Service has done 
DOCK) 17 sere Se tS. 

The evidence of hazard of 2,47)5-T 16 clear) 1) 2,4, 5-0 
cannot be produced without some contamination by TCDD; 2) TCDD 

persists in the environment and bioaccumulates; 3) TCDD is 

1/ In fact, EPA has issued a rebuttable presumption against any 
regaustration of, 274 (5-7! 



present in human tissues (i.e. breast milk), hence there is 
positive evidence of exposure; 4) TCDD is one of the most toxic 
compounds ever synthesized by man and can cause a variety of 
adverse physiological reactions including birth defects and 
cancer. The continued registration of this compound by the 

EPA is appalling , but even worse is the continued use of the 
chemical by the Forest Service for large scale spraying opera- 

The alternatives to the use of such hazardous chemicals 
are the use of manpower or machinery. While this might be more 
expensive in the short-term, there will be a positive economic 
benefit to the community as well as decreased government monies 
being spent on welfare and unemployment payments. 

In sum, the Environmental Defense Fund opposes the use of 
the phenoxyacid herbicides by the Forest Service in the eastern 
region and believes iat the EIS is incomplete and misleading, 
particularly in the section dealing with the impact on human 



ep! iter, é nae ae, 

Stephanie Harris 
Research Associate 







Forest Service Response to Comments 
by Environmental Defense Fund 

The entire section on TCDD was rewritten and 
incorporated in another section of the statement. 

The entire section on Human Health was rewritten so as 
to present more current information. 

The paragraph was modified to eliminate the reference 
to other chemicals. 

This particular research was searching for 2,4,5-T and 
nol Lor. LCDp: 

The use of manual labor would provide some favorable 
short-term economic benefit but the inefficiency of 
manual labor would result in adverse long-term effects 
due to a loss in the timber resource and resultant 
increase in prices. 


Quality herdcvooa— 
produces a 
better return 
per acre per 
to the assertion 
Seethne draft 




Davip Brower, President 


November 4, 1977 

Mr. Steve Yurich 

Regional Forester 

633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 

Dear Mr. Yurich: 

The following is our response to your request for comments 
on the draft environmental statement, "The Use of Herbicides 
in theysEastern Region". Our conclusions are supported by 
the attached reports and material. 

The draft statement basically outlines a program 
whereby hardwoods in the National Forests will 

be killed by aerial spray of herbicides in order 

to make it possible to grow "more profitable" 
softwoods. Timber spray projected will account 

LOwe One Go eaAcres. oul, Of a, total of 43,695. treated 

by herbicides proposed for the entire Eastern system. 

Yet, the draft statement offers no proof that softwoods 
are indeed more profitable than hardwoods. We think 
that the draft statement does not meet the requirements 
of the National Environmental Policy Act until this 
is done, since this is the underlying assumption of 
the entire program. 

Mohasco, Inc. of New Amsterdam, New York, a major and 
dominant producer of household furniture in the 
United States did a quick survey of their hardwoods 
needs and prices for the benefit of Friends of the 
Barthes bnc. 

It is fair to say that they were quite surprised at the 
interest of the Forest Service in eliminating hardwoods 
from the National Forests, because hardwoods are their 
main furniture wood, and because hardwoods have been 
in relatively short supply in the past few years. 

Contrary to the Draft Statement's Conclusions, Hardwoods 

OGLernan tiqualyjor Greater Yield Per Acre Per Year 

Attached to this letter is a broadbrush breakdown 
of furniture hardwood needs by Mohasco, and impressions 
Ofepcice provided to wus by Mr. Robert Cortelyou, 
Vice-President in charge of the furniture division. 


Committed to the preservation, restoration, and rational use of the ecosphere 

Unlawful uses 
of herbicides 

The impact of the Forest Service upon the supply of 
hardwoods can be substantial. For example, Mohasco 
was rather taken aback by the recent decision of 
the Forest Service to discontinue "cruising" for 
downed hardwood in Appalachia. As a result of 

this decision, prices jumped on hardwood. 

We also consulted with a commercial timber tract 

operator and timber consultant from southern Maryland. 

Both were of the opinion that quality hardwoods 

brought a greater or at least’ equal return “per acre pe aaa 

than softwoods. Of particular importance was walnut. 

Friends of the Earth would suggest that the government 
should be in the business of producing quality hardwoods 
on the eastern forests, rather than softwoods. This 
incidently makes a better recreational use possible 
for the National Forests. 

This would make the use of herbicides applied by 
airplane completely undesirable. 

(2) The draft statement does not validly meet the requirements 
of the National Environmental Policy act for a second 
reason. The proposed uses of herbicides by the statement 
proposes uses that are contrary to the label and 
therefore, unlawful uses. 

a. You are proposing the use of 2,4,5-T and Silvex on 
land that is required by law to be multi-dimensional 
in use, including recreational uses. 

Yet, 2,4,5-T is banned for recreational, aquatic, 
or home uses for good reason related to dioxin 
content. | 

Iltis a -mattersol *facerthat) everysscuare inchvon \ 
National Forest land is used for recreation such 
(#2) as’ hunting, “and “this@fiact: isVnotbvat all diminished 
by the separation of the National Forests into 
general use zones. The dioxin in 2,4,5-T and 
Silvex is picked up by wild animals and this 
chemical is passed on to the consumer who eats 

the animals (or fish). Use of 2,4-5-T under the 
circumstances would be contrary to the label and | 

types. It is also quite clear that it is impossible 
to use volatile (low or high) 2,4-D without violating 
the label instruction against drift. No user | 

b. You have not limited the use of 2,4-D to non-velatile 

can prevent this chemical from evaporating and drifter 
many miles to other properties. 

As a result of contamination of more than 4,000 


Statement not 
correct about 
herbicides never 
found in food. 

| (#2) 


Square miles with 2,4-D with air concentrations of 
5 to 10 parts per billion, grape growers have lost 
20 to 50 percent of the 1977 crop and growers of 
broadleaf crops“have lost yield. The State of 
Washington has banned the use of high volatile 
Bees and restricted the use of low volatile 


Friends of the Earth has requested the Environmental 
Protection Agency to remove volatile 2,4-D from 
the market since it is impossible to use lawfully 
in compliance with the label restriction against 
drift. (See attached letter.) 

The plans of the Forest Service to use 2,4,5-T 
in wildlife areas is irresponsible, and again 
a violation of the label. 

The draft statement pointedly notes that no herbicide 
material has ever been found in food. This is incorrect, 

Measurements of mother's milk in Texas and Oregon 
have shown up to 40 parts per trillion in milk fat of dioxin. 
This is an extremely serious matter, since such dioxin 
levels can cause severe damage to children. 

The Forest Service has been partly responsible for getting 
these mothers into such deep health problems. 

The draft statement does not describe how spray drift 
from the herbicide program is going to be kept from 
private property surrounding the National Forests. 

The Forest Service in the eastern region has been 
responsible for a very serious violation of label 
requirements, recently written up in Organic Gardening. 
We are enclosing a copy of that article. 

In summary, the draft statement fails to meet the 
requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, and 
proposes the unlawful use of herbicides. We hope that you 
will tethink your program. 

With best regards, 

OL Neots 

Erik Jansson 
Research Associate 

Secretary Robert Bergland 

Rupert Cutler 

Dave Ketchem 

Tom Barlow, Natural Resources Defense Council 

Maureen Hinkle, Environmental Defense Fund 

Jetfirey Knight, © .0.. 

Rita Molyneaux, National Parks and Conservation Assoc. 
Linda Billings, Sierra Club ; 

Enforcement, E.P.A. 
Edwin Johnson, Dep. Ass. Admin. Pesticides Programs 
Council for Environmental Quality 


620 C STREET, S.E., WASHINGTON, D. C. 20003 
(202) 543-4313 

Davip Brower, President 


Pource: Mr. Robert Cortelyou 
Vice-President in charge of the Furniture Division 
Mohasco, Inc. 
Amsterdam, New York 12010 

Oak: Prices for oak were up 30 percent last year, but we 
CavmccCtwascUlply Olart. in thessouth, supplies are 
tight but available. The price trend has flattened this year. 

Elm: Supplies tight but quantities available. 

Sapgum or Tuplo: Quantities are available. 

Walnut: We are always looking for walnut, and this is an 

ideal tree for the private grower to make 
money with. Prices are stable now in Appalachia with 
normal inflationary increases. 

Reale ittle sticky in supply this year. The price is 
presently $100/1000 board feet premium over oak. 

MapleY The Japanese practically bought the entire supply 
Ti tneepasc “years to" build ‘bowling alleys: 

Popular: Good stipply with normal pricing. 




Forest Service response to comments 
by "Friends of the Earth" 

Data was misinterpreted. Although 29,465 acres are 
estimated for Timber Management activities, only 7,000 - 
9,000 acres are estimated for aerial spraying. (TABLE 1). 
In addition, nowhere does the DEIS state that the Forest 
Service is interested in eliminating hardwoods from the 
National Forests. In fact, walnut plantings are treated 
with herbicides to reduce grass competition thus promoting 
better growth. 

These statements are all subject to individual 

interpretation. We feel we have met the requirements of 


<r < 

November 29, 1977 

Mr. Steve Yurich, Regional Forester 
United States Forest Service 

633 W, Wisconsin Avenue 

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

Re: Draft Environmental Statement on the Use of Herbicides - Eastern Region 
Dear Mr. Yurich: 

By date of November 18, 1977, Kathy Sarton of our National Staff responded to the above notifica- 
tion of intent, circulated to me, and I imagine others in the Izaak Walton League. 

I would urge that the Regional Office very closely review and attempt to meet the spirit and con- 
tent of Kathy Barton's review. 

The issues she raises are, I believe, very germaine to the document that was circulated and to 
the issu with which we're involved. To continue on the basis of intent that one perceives in 
reviewing the document will only further muddy the issue and embroil the region in difficulty. 

Aside from the comments that Kathy has made, I'd like to provide added emphasis if possible, for 
the need to consider alternatives. All of the agencies when asked to consider alternatives 

(human labor in releasing, et cetera) have indicated that even with today's increased cost of 
chemicals, that this is till too expensive an alternative. I would suggest that it is my basic 
feeling that these arguments are flayed by the very fact that they consider only the "known" 

costs and do not consider the cost to the USFS of the defense around the Nation of the Herbicide 
Applications and other non-measured costs. It may well be that the Forest Service could convince 
the Administration or the Congress that a larger operating budget today may very well be justified 
in some areas of the Region from an overall point of view. 

I do hope that tne Regional Office will review Miss Barton's statement and that at leagt some 
of the imput will be reflected in the Final Statemen 

- Zentner, Mamber 1 cutive 
/ WiF Board 
National President Honorary President Executi onal Staff 
DAVID F. ZENTNER, Minnesota HENRY GIBSON, California Chairm: utive Director and 
National Vice-President ee bK LORENZ 
KEITH Regional Governors 
EITH TAYLOR, West Virginia a Re eDRD Calliorsia CHARL ronmental Affairs Director 
eae teeta Pron NELVIN ROBUCK, South Dakota - . ee Urban Environment Director 
, Colorado KAREN GRIGGS, Indiana ink peer?” LARRY YOUNG 
W. W. “BILL” HUBER, Georgia ALFRED J. KREFT, M.D., Oregon 
National Treasurer STANLEY H. MYERS, Pennsylvania JAMES L. NEWBOLD, Maryland Save Our Streams 
C. B. HARRIS, Virginia HELEN V. STAMMEN, Colorado Program Director 
c-9 8 LEO WINDISH, //linois 
General Counsel Wilderness Consultant DAVID J. WRIGHT, lowa Southeast Representative 




November 18, 1977 

Steve Yurich, Regional Forester 
633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

RE: Draft Environmental Statement on the Use of Herbicides in the 
Eastern Region 

Dear Mr. Yurich: 

We have reviewed the Draft Environmental Statement on Herbicide Use in 
the Eastern Region of the U.S. Forest Service and find it to be too general 
to properly inform the public about USFS policies on and plans for 
herbicide use in the eastern region. The intended use of individual herbi- 
cides and implications of such use are discussed only in general terms. 
Although the Service plans to prepare individual environmental analyses on 
some specific herbicide application projects, the League believes that a 
more comprehensive initial description of herbicide use for the entire region 
is necessary to provide an overview of total planned use. 

This DEIS is inadequate in several respects. The major omissions 
we have noted are: 

(1) the DEIS does not set forth a clear policy statement or set 
of policy guidelines on herbicide use; 

(2) it does not provide sufficient specific and comprehensive information 
on the total herbicide program in the eastern region; 

(3) it is not clear in what instances the public will have the 
opportunity to review proposals for specific herbicide applications; 

(4) it does not describe research activities or suggest a program for 
initiating or continuing research; and 

(5) it does not adequately discuss alternatives to herbicide use and 
completely fails to suggest alternatives to phenoxy herbicides. 





Mee Yurich -2- November 18, 1977 

In addition: 
(6) the League opposes the proposed use of phenoxy herbicides. 

hes) Policy Guidelines. This impact statement should, as should any 
programmatic statement, begin with a clear, specific statement of policy. 
The control guidelines in Appendix A provide only a partial statement 
of policy. They are often too general and ambiguous to provide specific 
guidance in making difficult policy decisions. 

For example, the first paragraph under number 5, "Social/Economic 
Controls," states: 

When pesticides are required, those methods of application and 
formulations that will most effectively suppress the pest, are the 
most specific to target organisms, and have the least potential 
hazard to all non-target components of the environment will be 
recommended. (p. 99) 

Clearly there are cases where no one chemical will meet all three of these 
criteria, but no policy is set that indicates where the trade-off between 

the method "that will most effectively suppress the pest" and "have the 
least potential hazard" should or will be made. In such cases, this 
"guideline," in fact, provides no guidance. Moreover, there are no clear 
guidelines to determine when a pesticide will be required in the first place. 

The policy guidelines should provide answers to such questions as: 
Under what circumstances will herbicides absolutely not be used? Will primary 
consideration be given to pest control or environmental effects? What 
alternatives will be considered before a decision is made to use herbicides? 
When will the public be notified of a particular planned herbicide action? 

The National Park Service prepared an environmental assessment on 
"Pest Control in the National Park System, " in May 1977, which is a 
programmatic statement similar in scope to this USFS herbicide DEIS. Its 
policy statements and guidelines on pages 1 - 4 and in Appendix A could 
serve as a partial model for this Forest Service statement. 

(2) Specific and Comprehensive Information. The DEIS does not discuss 
many aspects of herbicide use in specific terms and examples, making it 
difficult for the public to evaluate these uses. Vital information missing 
from this statement includes: Which herbicide is to be used on what target? 
How much will be applied in what areas for what purpose? In what situation 
are particular alternatives possible? How does the future program compare 
with past practices? How often are applications necessary for different 

Much of this information could be easily included in graphs or charts. 
A chart listing, for 1976, a particular herbicide, where it was applied, 
how many times it was applied there in one year, what its target was, what 
the vegetation management objective was, how large an area was treated, and 
how much was applied would help give a good overall description of the 




Mr. Yurich -3- November 18, 1977 

type and extent of herbicide use in this region. Such information would 
particularly help the public to determine how necessary or appropriate each 
use was. A short dixcussion of any major anticipated changes for the 
future should follow such a chart, or be included elsewhere in the report. 
Again, the NPS Pest Control Assessment (Appencix C) could serve as a model 
for organizing this information. 

(3) Advance Public Notification. Inclusion of more specific information 
in the DEIS would not substitute for the preparation of individual environ- 
mental analyses on specific actions. Notifying the public of specific planned 
uses provides the public the best opportunity to examine and evaluate the 
necessity, goals, and possible effects of such uses. 

This DEIS does not, however, indicate in what instances the public 
will receive advance notification of an herbicide application. Appendix A 
control guidelines state only that the public will be notified "when required" 
or in "the use of controversial herbicides or controversial methods of 
application." The final EIS should list the exact circumstances under which 
the public will receive advance notification of herbicide application. 

We suggest that, at a minimum, the USFS should notify the public and 
solicit comments on any proposal that falls into the categories listed on 
page 98 of the DEIS--those proposals that must be reviewed by the field 
Pesticide-Use Coordinating Committee before being approved by the Regional 
Forester. These are: 

(1) Use of a pesticide (for a particular purpose or use in a particular 
way) not labeled under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and 
Rodenticide Act, as amended. 

(2) Any application to water, or any application whereby the 
pesticide could reasonably be expected to get into water. 

(3) Any use of a pesticide that can reasonably be expected to affect 
threatened or endangered species. 

(4) Any program or project in which 640 or more contiguous acres 
would be treated as one application. 

The public should also be notified in advance of any proposal to use a 
phenoxy herbicide. 

(4) Research. Several kinds of research are necessary to improve 
the herbicide program: monitoring of effectiveness and environmental 
effects of herbicide use; development of more specific and/or less harmful 
herbicides; experimentation with methods of control other than herbi- 
cidal; and in some cases examination of the source of imbalance in the 
system which necessitates control measures and research to determine 
how to restore that natural balance so that control is no longer necessary. 

It would be helpful if the statement included a brief summary of the 

kinds of research that are being conducted. In addition, it should designate 
areas in which alternatives to traditional methods will be tested. 




Mr. Yurich -4- November 18, 1977 

(5) Alternatives to Phenoxy Herbicides. Although this DEIS spends many 

pages discussing phenoxy herbicides, it completely fails to mention what 
less controversial and better-researched herbicides could be used as sub- 
stitutes. Nor does it specify for what exact purposes these herbicides 
are to be used. The discussion of TCDD is clearly a justification for its 
use rather than an examination of its effects and possible alternatives. 

The final EIS should discuss: (1) the specific purposes for which these 
chemicals are to be used; (2) the available alternatives, chemical and other; 
and (3) the advantages and disadvantages of using these alternative herbi- 
cides compared to the phenoxy herbicides. 

(6) Use of Phenoxy Herbicides. The Izaak Walton League at this time 
opposes the use of the phenoxy herbicides. We disagree with the approach 
and substance of the Forest Service's statement that "the present data 
Support the contention that there is no reason to believe the proper use 
of 2,4, exerting any toxic effect on the environment or any hazard 
to human reproduction." (p.51) We believe the present data do indicate 

that 2,4,5-T has a toxic effect on the environment, particularly through 
bio-accumulation, and may pose a hazard to human reproduction and health. 

Statements in the DEIS itself indicate that research has not yet 
Shown these herbicides to be safe; important research into the actual 
hazards of TCDD are ongoing. For example: 

The EPA is conducting sensitive chemical testing to determine 
whether TCDD is getting into human foods or can be found in 
humans. (p.45) 

EPA will review these data [TCDD levels in beef fat and liver] 
and extrapolate the levels found to various toxic effects 
observed in various animal feeding studies. (p.46) 

Further, the DEISadmits that TCDD can bio-accumulate in algae, snails, 

and fish (p.46), but attempts to negate this fact by stating that "a litera- 
ture review reveals that accumulation in food-chain organisms has not been 
observed to a significant degree in nature." It should be obvious that 
research in this area is not far enough advanced that a literature review 
can be considered reliable and conclusive evidence. 

During the period when EPA is researching these chemicals to determine 
if they are safe, we should proceed with the assumption that they are not 
safe. Ignorance is not an acceptable justification for using potentially 
hazardous chemicals. To continue using these herbicides under the assump- 
tion that the future will show they have no effect could have tragic conse- 
quences if the future shows this assumption to be wrong. 

The proposal to continue use of phenoxy herbicides, and the other 
inadequacies of this DEIS seem contrary to the change in USDA attitude 
toward chemical uses expressed in Secretary Bergland's remarks to the 
National Agricultural Chemicals Association last September. The Secretary 
lamented the practice of using poorly tested chemicals and indicated the 
need for change, saying, 


Mr. Yurich - 5 - November 18, 1977 

When they began being used heavily, we did not give enough 
thought to the eventual consequences to the environment and to 
people. Their side effects and their long-term impact were often 
unknown or ignored. 

But over the years we have learned that there are dangers. 
Sometimes our learning has been painful. 

Now we must adjust. 

The producers and users of chemicals must adjust, and the 
Department of Agriculture must adjust. 

One such necessary adjustment on the part of the USDA is a decision not 
to use the potentially harmful phenoxy herbicides. 

The Secretary also quoted the draft statement on integrated pest 
control which states that the USDA will “give special emphasis to the 
development and use of alternative tactics in integrated pest management 
systems." Vegetation management should receive the same consideration, 
but unfortunately in this DEIS little attention is given to the use of 
alternative tactics. 

In summary, the Izaak Walton League urges the US Forest Service 
to prepare an addendum to the DEIS, or rewrite the DEIS, to include the 
types of information we have suggested here. Most important, this DEIS, 
which serves as the base for the future USFS vegetation management pro- 
gram in the eastern region, should clearly establish USFS policy on herbi- 
cide use--a policy that should reflect the more environmentally concerned 
approach recently advocated by Secretary Bergland. 

Thank you for the opportunity to review this statement. 

Katha Barr 

Kathy Barton 
Environmental Assistant 







Forest Service Response to Comments 
by The Izaak Walton League of America 

The Forest Service policy on pesticide-use management 
is well documented in directives issued by the 
Washington Office. 

This type of information will be included in the site 
specific EAR's prepared for each proposed use of 

Public notification and involvement is part of the EAR 
process and will be accomplished on an individual 
project basis. 

This aspect is beyond the scope of this statement. 

The discussion of herbicides was modified in the Final 
Statement. Site specific EAR's will discuss the 
various alternatives available for vegetation 

The phenoxy herbicides are currently registered for 

forestry use by the EPA and as such, should remain 
available as an alternative. 


Minnesota Herbicide Coalition 

— For Integrated Brush-Control Management 


Minnesota Environmental Control 
Citizens Association 
Don Covill Skinner, President 

Clear Air-Clean Water, Unlimited 
Rodney Loper, President 

Virginia Sportsman's Club 
Ervin G. Denzler 

Minnesota Conservation Federation 
Milton Pelletier 

Friends of the Earth, Minnesota Chapter 
Dana Mcdill 

United Northern Sportsmen 
Duluth, MN 

Northern Environmental Council 
Barbara Clark 
Wildlife and Pesticide Task Force 

Harriet Lykken 

Marion Vertnik, 
for the people of Britt, MN 

Harmon Seaver Defense Fund 
for the people of Cook County, MN 

Mt. Iron Sportsman's Club 

Twin Cities Coordinator: 

Donna M. Waters 
110506 Windmill Court 
Chaska, MN 55318 

November 26, 1977 

MY pele Ves TULICH 

Regional Forester 

Forest Service USDA 

633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
MWwMilwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

Comments of the Minnezota Herbicide Coalition 
on the draft environmental statement, “ihe 
Use of Herbicides in the Eastern Region", 
USDA - FS = R9 - DES - ADM - 77 - 10 
september 19, 1977 

In reviewing the adequacy of the draft environ- 
mental statement (DES) I have referred to the 
Rules and Regulations for Preparation of Envir- 
onmental Impact Statements issued by the Pres- 
ident's Council on Environmental Quality con- 
tained in Volume 38, No. 147 (Wednesday, August 1, 
1973) of the Federal Register (40 us F.R. Section 
1500). Specifically Section 1500.2" (bie 

Staves wnat: 

ort particular, agencies should use the envir- 
onmentel pepe. ae tement process to explore al- 
ternative actio t will avoid or minimize 
adverse impacts and to evaluate both the long- 
and short-range implications of proposed actions 
to man, his phys ical ana social surroundings, 
and to nature". " restore environmental 
quality as_well as to avoid or minimize undesir- 
able consequences for the environment". 

we feel that the use of herbicides in the 
Chippewa and superior National Forests of liinn- 
esota presents an unacceptable rick to human 
health, that it endangers our wildlife and the 
quality of our environment. 

Phone: (612) 646-0559 
C-105 or 448-4514 






UsS. Forest Service DES (Herbicides) 
Page 2 

Comments on specific herbicides: 
orivex) and TCDD 

The draft ES states on page 77, in the "Summary of 
Probable Adverse Environmental Effects Which Cannot Be 
Avoided",that: “The hazardous substance - 2,3,7,8 - tetra= 
chloro dibenzo - p - dioxin (TCUD) is present in 2,4,5-T and 
Serve. euetuUre Cul "i> repeortiy. the most toxic) synthetic 
chemical known. In laboratory tests, both ICDD and 2,4,5-I 
have demonstrated the biological potential for producing 
teratogenic and mutagenic effects and an increased tumor incid- 
ence. Risk to humans, while apparent, is not real, due to the 
minute volume of TCDD applied per acre and the near absence of 
human exposure to most treatment areas." 

This last statement that the risk to humans, while ape 
Potent. eloenOtercal...i¢.ciearly false. In. the, course, of a 
trials lcitizens Azainst. Toxic. Sprays,-inc. Git Sil aN 
Bergland, Civil No. 76-43 CO rec on etiorenae. LO/ 7) saat was 
publicly revealed that 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, 
(TCDD), a contaminant of 2,4,5-T and Silvex, had been found in 
human breast milk in areas of the United States which had pre- 
viously received treatment with these herbicides. The labora- 
tory of Dr. hhatthew weselson at Harvard University had identif- 
ied TCDD in the fat portion of human breast milk ranging from 
10 to 40 parts per trillion. 

Ureeratvrick.Uheele his testimony.,(in CATS, 
Inc., ve Bergland) that "TCDD has been found in 2 number of 
‘environmental samples and the potential for the entry of higher 
levels of TCDD intothe food chain exists, as a consequence of 
forest burning operations." (p. 10). The TCDD which contamin- 
ates the 2,4,5-T concentrates in the fat of animals and thereby 
bioaccumulates up the food chain. TCDD residues have been 
found in the fat of animals of prey (e.g. shrews, deer mice) 
as well as herbivores (e.g. beef Pee Human beings, being 
omnivores, can ingest TCDD residues in beef and the meet of 
wild animals (e.g. deer) as well as in forest vegetation (e.g. 
berries, mushrooms, herbs). Also, the TCDD contaminates water 
used for drinking purposes. Human beings can also be exposed 
to ICDD by the air drift of the herbicide during spray opera- 
tions as well as the possibility of being directly sprayed due 
to a faulty warning system. Besides the TCDD which is released 
to the environment as a contaminant of the herbicide, there is 
also the potential for the formation of TCDD at 10,000 times 
the naturally occurring level due to burning of vegetation con- 
taminated with 2,4,5-T, according to the testimony (in CATS case) 
of Dr. George Streisinger of the University of Oregon. Ob- 
viously, there are many potential routes of exposure that TCDD 
so that it should come as no surprise that TCDD is being 



U.S. Forest Service DES (Herbicides) 
Page 3 

stored in human fat and then mobilized during lactation. 

The conclusions which can be drawn from the analytic 
data are clear: 1) there has been human exposure from the 
use of 2,4,5-T in the past; 2) there is a very significant 
risk to the health of nursing infants ingesting TCDD. 

(2) 2,4-D 

In the discussion of the effects of 2,4-D on man and 
his environment the Forest Service has failed to mention 
studies that have indicated biological concentration of 2,4-D 
in aquatic organisms, Ecological’ Eifects of Pesticideson 
Non-Target Species, a publication of the Executive Office of 
the President's Office of Science and Technology, June 1971, 
authored by David Pimental cited two such studies: "Esters 
of 2,4-D accumulated in sunfish after exposure to sublethal 
concentrations in both laboratory and field tests (Cope, 1965b), 
and the fish sampled from a reservoir with 1 ppb showed an up- 
take of 2,4-D to a maximum of 150 ppb (Smith and Isom, 1967)." 

senator Edward Kennedy's Staff Report on The Environ- 
mental Protection Agency and the Regulation of Pesticides, 
December 1976, p. 15, cites a study performed by the FDA (Food 
and Drug Administration) in 1963 and 1964. This study; "Path- 
ological Changes in Rats Fed 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid 
for Two Years", was reviewed by an independent pathologist who 
concluded that 2,4-D "is carcinogenic (cancer-causing) in rats." 

In view of the studies (cited above) (indicating bio- 
accumulation and carcinogenicity) and because of the findings 
of 2,4-D in water, soil, and animal samples taken from the 
Chippewa and Superior National Forest in ltinnesota during the 
1977 Herbicide Spray Programs, (luonitoring Report, FY 1977 
Aerial Herbicide Project, Chippews National Forest and Water 
Quality Monitoring of the 1977 Aerial Herbicide Program, Super- 
ior National Forest), we feel that the continued use of 2,4=D 
presents an unreasonable risk to the populations of Minnesota 
living in or near our national forests, endangers our wild- 
life and degradates the quality of our forest environment. We 
therefore recommend that the use of 2,4-D for conifer release 
be discontinued. 

Alternatives to Herbicides 
iwanual release and the use of mechanical devices are 

feasible alternatives to the use of herbicides for conifer 
release. Both of these alternatives or a combination of the 



U.S. Forest Service DES (Herbicides) 
Page 4 

two would serve to create more jobs. These alternatives 
would minimize undersirable adverse impacts and fullfill 

the guidelines of the CEQ “to restore environmental auality as 
well as to avoid or minimize undesirable consequences for the 
environment". We feel certian that there are adeauate numbers 
of unemployeed people in northeastern Minnesota willing to 
work at physically demanding jobs such as manual conifer 
release and that this would help the local economy. We are 
also willing to work with the Forest Service to further this 

Currently, in Wisconsin, 300 acres in the Cheauamegon 
National Forest are being released by manual methods on an 
experimental basis to determine cost-effectiveness. The cost 
is running $25 - $34. an acre depending on the terrain. 


The Minnesota Herbicide Coalition feels that the use of 
herbicides in the eastern region is ill-conceived and that 
this practice presents an unreasonable risk to human health, 
while endangering our wildlife and the environmental auality 
of northern Minnesota. We feel that menual release and mech- 
anical devices offer a feasible alternative to the use of herb- 
icides while benefiting the local economy. 

Donna Wi. mee 

Minnesota Herbicide Coalition 





Forest Service Response to Comments 
by Minnesota Herbicide Coalition 

Federal regulation agencies have the data from this 
and similar studies and have not taken any regulatory 
action on it. It would be inappropriate for us to 
further restrict the use of 2,4,5-T on the basis of 
the quoted study because of the uncertainty which 
surrounds it. 

Studies are currently under way by EPA to look for 
TCDD in human milk. We will carefully watch for the 
resolution of these issues. 

The Environmental Protection Agency is constantly 
evaluating test data pertaining to pesticides and has 
the responsibility for determining if any unreasonable 
adverse effects from their use will occur. It would 
be inappropriate for the Forest Service to remove that 
responsibility from EPA. 

The Forest Service does consider manual release and 
there are many instances in which manual release is 

Although there may be many unemployed people capable 

of doing manual release, past experiences in trying to 
obtain this help has proved unrewarding. 



Wilderness 1901 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.. Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 293-2732 


November 18, 1977 

Mr. Steve Yurich, Regional Forester 
633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

Dear Mr. Yurich: 

Man-made herbicides are deliberately introduced into the environment 
as a killing agent to perform various beneficial functions. The use of 
these herbicides for vegetation manipulation in National Forest activities 
is of deep concern to members of the Wilderness Society. For your consideration, 
we submit our thoughts pertaining to the use of herbicides in the Eastern Region 
of the Forest Service, USDA, as proposed in the Draft Environmental Statement. 

Public objection to herbicide use persists in being an issue due to 
emerging data that supports the citizens' fears that the widespread use of 
highly toxic chemicals causes serious problems for man and his environment. 
When a citizen reads sentences such as the following found on pages 43 and 

44 of the DEIS, he is wary of herbicide usace: "Some scientists have called 
TCDD the most toxic chemical known to man"-; It is not known if TCDD is 
mutagenic or carcinogenic as well".; "At this time, there is no basis for 

concluding that humans are more or less sensitive to dioxins than are test 

Throughout the DEIS it is stated that the herbicides will be managed and 
stored in a manner which will safeguard public health and wildlife, prevent 
damage to plants, prevent soil and water contamination, and used in accordance 
with Federal, State or local laws and regulations. These stated assurances 
do not allay the citizens' fears. The citizen knows that reaction to exposure 
of harmful herbicides can include damage to skin, eyes, the central nervous 
system, and the respiratory tract. Also, he knows that improper application 
because of failure to follow instructions on herbicide labels or ignorance of 
herbicide or pesticide hazards causes most of the incidents of illnesses. 
Citizens will continue to object to the usage of toxic substances until it 
can be conclusively proven that the substances do not harm man and his 

Present studies and investigations of specific dioxins support the con- 
tention that there is no reason to believe that proper use of 2,45-T by the 
Forest Service will exert any toxic effect on the environment or man. While 
we know immediate hazards of herbicide usage, we do not know enough about 
long-range effects. Herbicides do not break down readily. They can remain 
in the environment for long periods, and can move through the food chain by 
the process of bioaccumulation. The replacement of the original set of an 
animal population in a sprayed area by a different set with lesser diversity 
also concerns us. It causes us to ask the questions: "Should use of vegetation 
Management be allowed where it adversely affects even a minimal community of 

110 — Robert Marshall 

100% recycled paper 

page 2 

animals?"; and "Will the continued use of herbicides eventually cause unknown 


or long range depletion of wildlife species and their habitats"? 

The unknown problems and impacts connected with the use of herbicides, 
urge us to request that an accelerated and comprehensive research be conducted 
by The U. S. Forest Service into biological control or biological evolution 
of vegetation in the Eastern forests. We concur with the sentence in the 
Introduction which says, "When alternative methods of vegetation management 
are technologically available and economically feasible they will be preferred 
over the use of herbicides". Please consider this sentence when you write the 
Final Environmental Impact Statement and conduct annual reviews on the use of 
herbicides in our National Forests. 

The Society looks forward to reviewing and commenting on the F.E.I.S. 


, 2 

Grace Pierce 






Nevember 23, 1977 

steve Yurich 

Regional Forester 

633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

PeeeeoOmmenl SOs. on fo." Environmental Statement. Draft: the 
use of herbicides in the eastern region 

Dear Mr.) Yurich: 

Iieappears that this;drait. statement covers all. imaginable 
Topics esomecimes, repetitiously. The attached copies of selected 
pages have some indicated corrections; generally involve mis- 
Spelled, Wisnamed Or cancelled products. 

AdditLonalecomments as.tollows: 

Page 36 - The last paragraph on this page precludes the use of 
‘Mist aS a Viable foliage application technique. I would con- 
iomiisoemictakem Oo arbitraraly rule outsa specific technique, 
Taw ceri step tOWerotromathe eastern quarter Of the U.S. This 
application technique has proved to be very effective in southern 
forestry although some of the initial research was conducted in 
the northeast. Although it is not used in the eastern region to 
avec reateexLent agtathis time, there are-areas where it probably 
SO mDesUSeCd se paliaculanly in the coniferous, forests in. the 
DOGeMeCt Nepalis ot the region. 

Pace, s/s- the discussion on soil treatment uses granules and 
pelletsyas Synonymous terms when they are in fact distinctly 
Ciscerentatypcecmot rOrmulacions inj the herbicide trade... The 
Damoenepnealscoserc ers tG a tigure Z which,was never found. “The 
Table 3 on this page also appears to go without any particular 
discussion. I would prefer to see some elaboration on the nature 
Oravienecgement activity and the type of herbicide used. The table 
Breaks OUutsthe various.  crowth regulator herbicides into distinct 
categories and distinct acreages. The other herbicides are lumped 
Pyeovoucins mOude.OLeaction: Category. Why apply organic arsenicals 

ve a, 
wat iS 
I7 (= ® Forestry Building 
~ > West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 






Steve Yurich 
November 23, 1977 

as a foliage treatment for ten. acres of forest, road, trait sang 
facilities and 100 acres of range? I doubt that picloram will 

be used as the pure product but rather in combination with phenoxy 
herbicides. How do the picloram treated acres fit with the phenoxy 
treated acres? Where or why treat 155 acres with mytotic poisons 

for timber management and only 25 acres with soil applied inhibitors? 
Do these uses cover plantation establishment? The table does not 
define the actual uses or use situations of the herbicide program, 
nor the herbicides involved. 

Page 38 - The first paragraph indicates that’ 50°to 70 percenmeae 
aerial applied herbicides are lost. ‘On page 41, citing the Gi. 
Report, it is possible to deposit 97 tox99 percent ot the relezce 
spray within the target area. With improper application it would 
be possible to lose all of the aerially applied herbicide. I would 
think it would be in your best interest to emphasize the degree of 
accuracy possible with best available technology and equipment. 

Page 41 - I do not understand the proposed concept of biological 

volitalization discussed in the Second paragraph. 10 1s" diteveus. 
to conceptualize the difference between biologicaljyoli¢aiizae 

and regular volitalization. 

Page 43 - The second paragraph discussing dioxins seems to be an 
overstatement appearing to implicate all phenoxy herbicides as 
being contaminated with dioxins. 

Page 52 - The last paragraph states that undisturbed forest soils 
tend to be acid, low in organic matter, have a cool temperature, 
and are dry, all of which favors slow breakdown. I would suggest 
emphasis on the humus layer and moist surface horizon which would 
contribute to herbicide adsorption and rapid decomposition. 

Page 54 - The first paragraph discussiny water lists fivesspoemese 
herbicides. I think it would be in your best interest not to fine 
yourselves specifically to these herbicides, particularly ser. 
simazine 1S not.on the list. Secondly, it would appear) toe or 
would preclude the use of new herbicides which could become regis- 
tered in the future. The second paragraph im this semestop tom ooo 
that any herbicide found in the waters of the eastern region forests 
should be considered a contaminart. That statement suggests that 
use of any herbicide for aquatic weed control is to, in effect, 
contaminate the water. The water is alreacy ccntaminated with a 
particular pest and the herbicide application is an effort to re- 
move the undesired contaminant. I think it's an unnecessary 




Cees LAL. Ci 
Page 3 
November 23, 1977 

Page 61 - The fourth paragraph discusses the ADI of picloram 
for humans and the related calculations. The whole paragraph 
is apparently referenced to Emmingham, 1971. Knowing Emmingham 
BnUmtiemiatunesOLeniseMastem'=s work, that. citation is a.gross 
and complete error. Someone should thoroughly check reference 
citations throughout the report. 

Presumably some editor will review the final draft statement to 
see that figures and tables are properly referenced, are properly 
titled and sequenced in keeping with the body of the report. 
Although the completeness is apparently there, the statement does 
need some final editorial dressing to enhance the overall 

Page 96 - I think some of the proposed controls on herbicide 
UseearesOverly or unnecessarily stringent. 

Raven cee no DLrOpOSa cul Olapestacide, use.on national forests 

in the eastern region does not allow any ready outlet for 
cooperative research efforts. Since almost all research efforts, 
particularly those similar to what we would be involved in, 
constitute the use of a pesticide in an unlabeled manner, these 
guidelines require a pesticide use proposal to be reviewed by 

the field Pesticide-Use Coordinating Committee with final approval 
by the Regional forester. This policy does not make allowances 
for small research plots and has effectively killed any research 
effort that we would undertake on U. S. Forest Service lands. 

To me this is an unfortunate example of overkill. 

ee a 

oo. tthe Oe eel 4 


Harvey A, HOLT 
AsSsQciate  roiessor Of Forestry 

HAH: ng 

CCow Mem mCaArTlenm, alead 
Deni OLeLOLeS UGLY «Ge NACUTal Resources 


in the plant, the leaves and buds become twisted and curled, 
followed by malformed new growth of stems and leaves. Sensitive 
young plants may die in a few days, while hardy shrubs and trees 
may succumb only after weeks or months. Some plants may survive 
without evident injury. The phenoxy herbicides appear to eater 
plants in an imperfect and uncontrolled way, and alter the 
growth process normally governed by the natural hormones. 

The herbicide is interferes with cell division and 

enlargement, food utilization, and a wide array of other 

vital plant processes. Exactly how they work is not 

known, and indeed the exact workings of natural plant 

growth regulators are equally obscure. Phenoxy herbicides 4re 
far more toxic to green plants than to animals, because the 
elements that have growth regulating ability in plants do 

not act the same way in animals. 

Because their effect on the plant is “systemic” rather than 

"contact," phenoxys are effective even when only part of the 
plant is treated. As a result, low pressure and low volume 

sprays can be used. 

Effects on plant growth may be seen after doses far below the 
lethal dose. This creates a potential problem with spray 
drift to susceptible vegetation. 

Some growth regulators are quite mobile in soil, others are 
very stable. 

With the exception of dicamba and picloram, phenoxy herbicides 
have short half-lives and do not persist long in the soil. 

All have low mammalian toxicity (Table 4). Dioxin contained in 
2,4,5-T and 2,4,5-TP has a high mammalian toxicity. 

yas Organic Arsenicals 

MSMA (Monosodium methanearsonate) 
Cacodylic acid 
DSMA (Disodium methanearsonate) 

These herbicicdes have low mammalian toxicity (Table 4), and 
are translocated in both xylem and phloem. 

i Photosynthetic Inhibitors 

atraxine (AAtrex®) 

simazine (Princep®) 

monuron (Telvar®) 

difuron (Karmex®) =~ 

linuron (Lorox®) 


bromacil (Hyvar =) 
The evolution of oxygen during photosynthesis is stopped rapidly 
in susceptible plants once these agents have entered a 
plant. In resistant plants, the effect on photosynthesis is 
much less and is temporary. 


They have no direct effect on root growth. All can be 
absorbed by the roots and most are absorbed by leaves, 
but leaf adsorption varies greatly between compounds. 

All of them move primarily in the xylem. Therefore, perennials 
are controlled only by root applications, not by foliage sprays. 

When post-emergence sprays are used, thorough wetting of the 
foliage is important, since there is little downward 
translocation and the action is of a "contact" rather than 
"systemic" type. Surfactants or oils are often added to 
increase foliage action. 

In general, these compounds are moderately to highly resistant 
to movement in the soil, but this varies with the compound, 
soil, and rainfall. Persistence in the soil varies from a few 
weeks to over 2 years, depending on the herbicide, amount 
applied, climate, and soil. 

All have very low mammalian toxicity. 
4. Mitotic Poisons 

trifluralin (Treflan®) 
DCPA (Dacthal®) 
Sodium metaborate tetrahydrate (Ureabor®) 

These stop the growth of roots and/or shoots of germinating 
seeds or small seedlings. Established annuals and perennials 
are killed in only a few special cases. These herbicides 

are highly selective between species. 

Translocation occurs primarily in the xylem and is often poor. 
Therefore, they must be applied so they make contact with 
susceptible parts of the plant. 

All have low mammalian toxicity. 

5. Soil-Applied Inhibitors of Seedling Root and/or Shoot Growth 
dichlobenil ( 

diphenamid (Dypméeé-® Enide@®) => 


Included in this category are several chemical groups, the 
modes of action of which are not known. However, they are all 
soil-applied herbicides that inhibit the growth of roots 
and/or shoots of seedling plants. Some of them also inhibit 
the buds of certain perennials. They all have low mammalian 

6. Chlorophyll Inhibitors 


This herbicide is very soluble in water. 


It is translocated in both xylem and phloem and moves 
throughout the plant. It interferes with pigment formation ia 
the leaves, and new growth becomes almost white. Amitrole 
persists for several months in some perennial plants and new 
buds produce white leaves. 

It is not very selective. 

Because it is rapidly inactivated in the soil, it is used 
entirely as a foliage spray. 

Acute mammalian toxicity is very low. However, it has been 
reported to have carcinogenic properties; therefore it is 
registered only for non-food crop uses. 

Amizine® - A mixture of amitrole and simazine, it gives 
residual weed control for several months besides controlling 
the weeds present at time of spraying. 

7. Free Radical Formation 

diquat ‘(ig ast) 
paraquat AS rah ‘ar ven 

These are very saiaeta in water. 

They are strong cations. 

They enter the foliage very rapidly (rain after 30 minutes 
does not affect results). Plants are killed quickly, usually 
within 1 or 2 days. Death is due to cell membrane destruction. 
Action is much more rapid in bright light than in weak light 
or in the dark. Usually plants are killed so rapidly that 
there is little translocation. 

They show very little true selectively. 

They are strongly absorbed by clay colloids and, therefore, 
have little or no activity in the soil. 

Mammalian toxicity is high for paraquat and moderate for diquat. 
Fish toxicity is low for both. 

8. Interfere With Protein Metabolism 

dalapon (Dowpon®) 

Very soluble in water. 
Dalapon enters the plant either through the roots or foliage, 
while TCA utilizes mainly the roots, However, action takes 

place in the foliage in both cases. 

Dalapon is translocated in both the xylem and phloem, while 
TCA is mainly in the xylem. 


Because of the characteristics listed above, dalapon is used 
mainly for foliage sprays and TCA for soil applications. 

They are not absorbed by soil colloids and leach readily in all 
soils. Normal soil life is limited to a few weeks under warn, 
Moist conditions. They are used primarily to control annual 
and perennial grasses. 

Very low mammalian toxicity. 

9. Miscellaneous | y ? 
$e. - SO Ke ; 

alkanolamine salts CDNBP) fe > this C 


copper sulfate (Algacide) 

stoddard solvent 

potassium endothal (Algacide) 

glyphosate (Roundup®) 

ammonium sulfamate 


ammonium ethyl carbamayl phosphonate (Krenite®) 

Glyphosate (Roundup®) - A herbicide that shows a great deal of 
promise for grass and weed control in forest plantations. It is 
applied to the foliage and kills annual plants as well as many 
perennials. It is translocated readily and has very little 
activity in the soil. Mammalian toxicity is very low. 

Krenite® - Absorbed by the foliage and stems, it causes 
little, if any, visible effect on the foliage. This 
herbicide prevents refoliation the following spring. It is 
neither an eye irritant nor a skin sensitizer. And, it is 
readily absorbed by soil particles and decomposed quickly 
by soil microorganisms. It has very low mammalian toxicity. 

Pentachlorophenol - This herbicide has high mammalian 
toxicity. It does not translocate, but kills by contact 

Stoddard solvent - It causes very rapid destruction of the 
plant cell membrane. 


In order to be effective, a herbicide must enter the plant and 
move to the site of action. Entry may be through various 

parts of the plant: leaves, roots, seedling shoot before 
emergence, or above-ground stem. Entry may also be forced, as 
when the cut-surface method of application is used. 

Penetrating agents or penetrants may be added to the herbicide 
to improve its penetration of the plant foliage or stem surface. 
Before a herbicide can enter the foliage, the cuticle or wax 
surface must be penetrated. Some entry may take place 

through the stomata on the under side of the leaf. 


control of aquatic weeds where herbicides or algacides are 
introduced into the water through a boat bailer or surface 


4. Soil Treatment - This involves application of a herbicide, 
liquid or granular in form, to the soil. Granules are a 
“/  type-of formulation in-which the active ingredient is mixed 
and preseed-with—an_inert carrier to form a small pellet 
_that can be distributed on the sott.~ As the granules slowly 
decompose, the herbicide is released into the soil. Other 
soil treatments with liquids act as soil sterilants, and 
when in or on the soil, prevent the growth of 

®Rigeres are in seres treated. 
eelncledes sanusi serial sprey pregras of 7, 000-9,008 ecres. 


This section is an analysis of both the anticipated favorable and 
possibly adverse impacts of herbicide use in the Eastern Region, as they 
may affect the local, regional, national, and international environment. 
The environment, in this case, includes not only the natural environment, 
but the social and economic environment as well. 

Planned measures to minimize and mitigate adverse environmental impacts 
of herbicide use, including specifications and standards necessary to 
maintain and protect environmental quality, are found in Appendix A under 
Controls on Herbicide Use. 



November 17, 1977 
Mr. Steve Yurich 
Regional Forester- Eastern Region 
Forest Service, USDA 
630 W. Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 

Dear Steve: 

| appreciate the opportunity to review your draft environ- 
mental statement on the use of herbicides in the Eastern Region. 
| apologize for being so late in my response, but | find that every- 
thing | do these days is at, or beyond, the deadline. 

| believe your environmental statement is well written and 
thorough in the scope of its' coverage. However, | believe the 
Statement could be strengthened by a more specific discussion of 
the benefit-cost ratios. On a number of occasions | have been in- 
volved with groups preparing statements concerning the use of herbi- 
cides in forestry. Uniformly, these statements are lacking in con- 
cise descriptions of the economic impact on timber production and 
the wood-based industry if currently used herbicides were not avail- 
able. At several points in your statement (e.g., page 21, page 26, 
page 29, page 137, page 138), valuable data is presented on the econ- 
omic impact. However, I would suggest that this type of information 
be expanded and summarized for the entire Region. 

For example, in the appendix B, the Nicolet report indicates 
that conversion of aspen or northern hardwoods to pine or spruce 
plantations, followed by release using herbicides, can increase the 
per acre value of the saw timber and pulpwood produced by $2,500 or 
more. But there is no indication of the total number of acres in the 
Nicolet National Forest scheduled for this treatment. | would like 
to see a summary of the total benefits to be derived from timber man- 
agement goals on each of the eastern national forests, the economic 
impact of achieving or not achieving these goals, and the costs of 
achieving these goals with and without herbicides. To this summary 
could be added the non-timber goals and the cost of achieving these 
goals with or without herbicides. 

| realize the difficulties involved with preparing summaries 

of the type | am suggesting. | suspect that many of our eastern 
UE &, 
oo 2, 
I) (= ® Forestry Building 
o ~ Bd West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 


Mr. Steve Yurich 
November 17, 1977 

page 2 - 

forests are in the process of re-drafting their long-range man- 
agement plans in view of the new Forest Management Act. How can 
one calculate the benefit-cost ratio for the use of herbicides in 
type conversion before plans have been finalized on the extent of 
type conversion to be achieved? But | believe that a decision wil] 
have to be made by the Executive branch or the Congress in the near 
future concerning the use of herbicides on both public and private 
land. | fear that these decision makers may be forced to act with- 
out the benefit of a full and complete assessment of the economic 
impact of their decision. 

Yours truly, 

( Gg 

Magon C. Carter 
Professor and Head of Department 











Forest Service Response to Comments 
by Purdue University-Department of Forestry 
and Natural Resources 
The reference to aerosols and mists was deleted. 
Figure reference was corrected. 
The elaboration of Table 1 will be handled on an 
individual Forest basis through the use of 

environmental analysis reports. 

Paragraph was changed to reflect more current 

Confusing sentences were deleted. 
This section was completely rewritten. 
Original paragraph was unchanged. 

The points brought out were clarified in the Final 

This entire section was rewritten and references 

These controls were developed to mitigate adverse 
environmental effects and we feel they are entirely 
workable in the field. 

We disagree! Research has not been "killed." The 
pesticide-use proposal is not that difficult to 
complete and could simply become a part of the 
research proposal. 


CON’ S'O' Tiel DAS iD) Eee ere hee ene 

November 3, 1977 ry 0 429-3144 / 422-3267 

Mr. Steve Yurich, 
Regional Forester 

633 West Wisconsin Avenue 
Milwaukee, WI 53203 

Dear Mew Vuc@ehis 

I would like to comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement concerning 
the Use of Herbicides in the Eastern Region of the Forest Service. 

Our company owns and manages the forests on approximately 244,000 acres in 
Wisconsin. We are within a continuing program to regenerate nonproductive land 
and to increase the productivity of low productive land. To do this, we are 
converting low productive hardwood sites, marginal aspen sites, and brush areas 
to pine sites and plantations, primarily red pine but also jack pine. Because 
of root sprouts, stump sprouts, and seeding in of deciduous species, a large 
majority of our newly established plantations require at least one release 
treatment to ensure that the pine will not be suppressed. We believe that 
phenoxy herbicides properly applied is the most efficient and economical method 
available to us. Most of our herbicide treatment work is done by aerial appli- 
cation or backpack mist blowers, but we also do some basal spray application 

I would like to support the contents of the Draft Environmental Impact 
Statement. The only exception that I have is that application of phenoxy her- 
bicides in a mist form using backpack mist blowers is not considered. We be- 
lieve that application of phenoxy herbicides using backpack mist blowers will 
cause no environmental harm when applied under controlled conditions. Using 
backpack mist blowers allows us to treat small areas and perimeters that can- 
not be aerially treated or ground sprayed. 

Thank you for this opportunity to comment. 
Yours very truly, 


{ : 1 
Ce bees 
0 fiat ee nen lek 

D.G. Hartman 


P.O. BOX 151 
(201) 584-3417 

December 9, 1977 

Steve Yurich 
633 West Wisconsin Ave. 
Milwaukee, Wisce 53203 

Dear Mr. Yurich: 

I have reviewed the "draft" Environmental Statement on 
the use of herbicides in the USFS Eastern Region. I know that 
the deadline is past and I appologize for not responding sooner. 
Regardless, I would like to call your attention to the fact 
that EPA requires that herbicides be labelled for specific for- 
estry applications. This means that the product cannot legally 
be used in forestry applications unless labelled for that pur- 

On page 59, the report lists various herbicides, some of 
which are not legal to use because of lack of specific instruc- 
tions for forestry use on their labels. 

For example, Ansar, Daconate and Phytar 560 are all illegal 
to use because of lack of forestry instructions on the labels. 
I have enclosed the proper forestry labels for MSMA and Cacodylic 
Acid. as far as I know, SILVISAR is the only brand of the above 
active ingrédiiess formulated and labelled specifically for for- 
estry use. 

It might be wise to check your entire list with regard to 
the above because I know of several instances where field work 
was curtailed because of use of improperly labelled herbicides. 


i ; Sy we 


Sy i 

Robert We Smith 
General Manager 







