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Full text of "Partial cutting practices in old-growth lodgepole pine : a field guide"

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f  f^jfSL  'U  it  Service 
0#p>3      per  RM-92A 

Rocky  Mountain  Forest  and 
Range  Experiment  Station 

Forest  Service 

U.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture 
Fort  Collins,  Colorado 


A  Field  Guide 

by  Robert  R.  Alexander 



This  field  guide  was  prepared  to  aid  the  for- 
est manager  in  identifying  different  stand 
conditions  and  developing  partial  cutting 
practices  needed  to  maintain  permanent  forest 
cover.     Detailed  information  on  tree  and 
stand  characteristics,  windfall  risk,  insect 
and  disease  susceptibility,  and  cutting 
practices  to  integrate  timber  production 
with  other  uses  is  given  in  USDA  Forest 
Service  Research  Paper  RM-92,  "Partial 
Cutting  Practices  in  Old-Growth  Lodgepole 



1.  Valley  bottoms  except  where  parallel  to  the  pre- 
vailing winds,  and  all  flat  areas. 

2.  All  lower  and  gentle  middle  north-  and  east- 
facing  slopes. 

3.  All  lower  and  gentle  middle  south-  and  west- 
facing  slopes  that  are  protected  by  considerably 
higher  ground  not  far  to  windward. 


1.  Valley  bottoms  parallel  to  the  direction  of 
prevailing  winds. 

2.  All  lower  and  gentle  middle  south-  and  west- 
facing  slopes  not  protected  to  the  windward. 

3.  Moderate  to  steep  middle  and  all  upper  north- 
and  east-facing  slopes. 

4.  Moderate  to  steep  middle  south-  and  west-facing 
slopes  protected  by  considerably  higher  ground 
not  far  to  windward. 


1.  Ridgetops. 

2.  Moderate  to  steep  middle  south-  and  west-facing 
slopes  not  protected  to  the  windward  and  all 
upper  south-  and  west-facing  slopes. 

3.  Saddles  in  ridgetops. 

The  risk  of  windfall  in  these  situations  is  increased  at 
least  one  category  by  such  factors  as  poor  drainage, 
shallow  soils,  and  defective  roots  and  boles .     All  situa- 
tions become  high  risk  if  exposed  to  special  topographic 
situations  such  as  gaps  and  saddles  in  ridges  at  higher 
elevations  to  the  windward  that  can  funnel  wind  into  the 






STEP  I.  Divide  live  crown  into  thirds. 

STEP  2.  Rate  each  third  separately, 
Each  third  should  be   given  a 
rating  of   0,  I  or  2  as  described 

(0)  No  visible  infections. 

(1)  Light  infection  (1/2  or 
less  of  total   number  of 
branches  in  the  third  infected). 

(2)  Heavy  infection  (more 
than  1/2  of  total 
number  of  branches  n 
the  third  infected). 

STEP  3.  Finally,  add 
ratings    of   thirds  to 
obtain  rating  for 
total  tree. 

If  this  third  has  no  visible 
infections,  its   rating  is  (0). 

If  this  third  is  lightly  infected, 
its  rating    is  (I). 

If  this  third    is  heavily 
infected,  its  rating  is  (2) 

The  tree  in  this  example 
will  receive  a  rating  of 
0+1  +  2   '  3. 

The  average  stand  rating  can  be  estimated  by  determining  the 
percentage  of  trees  infected  in  the  stand.     The  approximate 
relationship  of  average  stand  rating  to  proportion  of  trees 
infected  in  mature  stands  is  shown  below: 

Average  stand                            Percent  of  trees 
mistletoe  rating   infected 

















Ctess  A  Ctess  S  Ctess  C  Ctess  D 


1.  Crown  area:     30  percent  or  more  of  the  "extreme 
outline"  of  vigor  class  A. 

2.  Crown  length:     50  percent  or  more  of  the  bole 

3.  Crown  vigor:     Dense,  full,  good  color,  pointed. 


1.  Crown  area:     Usually  more  than  30  percent  but  less 
than  50  percent  of  the  "extreme  outline"  of  vigor 
class  A. 

2.  Crown  length:     Usually  more  than  50  percent  but 
usually  less  than  60  percent  of  the  bole  length. 

3.  Crown  vigor:     Moderately  dense,  good  color,  pointed 
or  slightly  rounded. 


1.  Crown  area:     15  to  30  percent  of  the  "extreme 
maximum"  of  vigor  class  A. 

2.  Crown  length:     40  to  50  percent  of  the  bole  length 
except  for  trees  with  above- average  vigor  when  20 
percent  of  the  bole  length  is  sufficient. 

3.  Crown  vigor:     Sparse,  bunchy,  poor  color,  never 


1.     All  live  trees  of  poorer  vigor  than  class  C. 

Includes  trees  in  classes  A,  B,  and  C  outlines  but 
with  dead  or  dying  tops. 




1.  May  appear  to  be  even-aged,  but  often  contains  more 
than  one  age  class,  occasionally  may  even  be  broad- 

2.  Codominants  form  the  general  level  of  the  canopy,  but 
the  difference  in  height  between  dominants,  codomi- 
nants and  intermediates  is  not  as  great  as  in  spruce- 
fir  stands. 

3.  If  even-aged  in  appearance:     (a)  There  is  a  small 
range  in  diameter  classes  and  crown  length.     (b)  Live 
crown  length  of  dominants  and  codominants  is  gener- 
ally short  to  medium  (30  to  60  percent  of  the  total 
tree  height  and  boles  are  generally  clear  for  10  to 
40  percent  of  total  tree  height) .     (c)  There  are  few 
coarse- limbed  trees  in  the  stand. 

4.  With  two  or  more  age  classes,  the  younger  trees 
usually  have  finer  branches,  smaller  diameters, 
longer  live  crown  and  less  clear  bole  than  older 
trees . 

5.  Stocking  is  generally  uniform. 

6.  Usually  does  not  have  a  manageable  stand  of  advanced 

7.  In  mixed  stands,  the  overstory  is  either  (a)  pure  pine 
or   (b)  pine  and  Engelmann  spruce,  subalpine  fir  or 
Douglas-fir,  with  advanced  reproduction  of  species 
other  than  pine  that  may  or  may  not  be  a  manageable 



These  stands  are  usually  the  least  windfirm  because  the  trees  have 
developed  together  over  long  periods  of  time  and  mutually  protect 
each  other  from  the  wind. 

1.  Low  windfall  risk  situations 

a.  The  first  cut  can  remove  about  30  percent  of  the  basal  area 
on  an  individual  tree  basis.     This  first  entry  is  an  inter- 
mediate cut  that  resembles  the  first  step  of  a  three-cut 
shelterwood  since  it  probably  does  not  open  up  the  stand 
enough  for  pine  reproduction  to  become  established  in  sig- 
nificant numbers.     Overstory  trees  are  all  about  equally 
susceptible  to  blowdown,  therefore,  the  general  level  of  the 
canopy  should  be  maintained  by  removing  some  trees  in  each 
overstory  crown  class.     The  cut  should  come  from  C  and  D 
vigor  class  trees,  but  avoid  cutting  openings  larger  than  one 
tree  height  in  diameter  by  distributing  the  cut  over  the  en- 
tire area.     In  mixed  stands,  if  the  overstory  is  pure  pine, 
handle  as  a  pure  stand,  but  if  the  overstory  is  of  mixed 
composition,  cut  as  much  of  the  pine  as  possible  (without 
exceeding  the  percentage  of  basal  area  recommended)  to 
release  the  climax  species. 

b.  The  usual  uniform  arrangement  of  individual  trees  in  single- 
storied  stands  is  not  well  adapted  to  removing  trees  by 
group  selection  cutting.     Occasionally,  however,  natural 
openings  do  occur  when  stands  begin  to  break  up.  Further- 
more, small  openings  may  be  desirable  to  meet  management 
objectives.     An  alternative  to  removing  trees  on  an  indi- 
vidual basis  would  be  to  remove  about  30  percent  of  the 
basal  area  in  groups.     Openings  should  be  kept  small — not 
more  than  1  to  2  times  tree  height  in  diameter — and  not 
more  than  one-third  of  the  area  should  be  cutover  at  any 

one  time.  This  kind  of  cutting  should  be  used  only  in  stands 
where  insect  and  disease  problems  are  minimal. 

2.  Moderate  windfall  risk  situations 

a.     The  first  cut  should  be  limited  to  a  light  intermediate 
cutting  that  removes  about  10  to  20  percent  of  the  basal 
area  on  an  individual  tree  basis.     The  objective  is  to 
open  up  the  stand  enough  to  allow  the  remaining  trees  to 
develop  windf irmness ,  but  provision  should  be  made  to  sal- 
vage blowdowns.     This  type  of  cutting  resembles  a  sanitation 
cut  in  that  the  lowest  vigor  and  poorest  risk  trees  should 
be  removed,  but  it  is  important  that  the  general  level  of 
the  overstory  canopy  be  maintained  intact.     Mixed  stands 
should  be  handled  the  same  as  in  low  wind  risk  situations, 
except  that  less  basal  area  will  be  removed. 

3.  High  windfall  risk  situations 

a.     The  choice  is  limited  to  removing  all  trees  or  leaving 
the  stand  uncut.     Cleared  openings  can  be  up  to  about  5 
acres  interspersed  with  uncut  areas.     Cutover  areas  should 
not  exceed  about  one- third  of  the  total. 




1.  May  appear  to  be  two-aged,  but  can  contain  more  than  two 
age  classes. 

2.  Top  story — dominants,   codominants  and  intermediates 
resembles  a  single-storied  stand. 

3.  Second  story  is  composed  of  younger  trees  of  smaller 
diameter — small  saw  logs,  poles  or  saplings — than 
top  story,  but  is  always  below  and  clearly  dis- 
tinguishable from  the  overstory.     Trees  in  the 
second  story  are  overtopped  but  may  not  be  suppressed. 

4.  If  more  than  two-aged,  the  overstory  usually  contains  at 
least  two  age  classes.     The  younger  trees  are  finer 
limbed  and  may  be  smaller  in  diameter  than  the  older 
trees.     Second  story  may  also  contain  more  than  one  age 
class . 

5.  Stocking  of  overstory  may  be  irregular,  but  overall 
stocking  is  usually  uniform. 

6.  Usually  does  not  have  a  manageable  stand  of  advanced 

7.  In  mixed  stands,  overstory  is  usually  pure  pine,  but 
occasionally  may  be  pine  and  spruce  or  Douglas-fir. 
Second  story  is  usually  spruce  and  fir  at  higher 
elevations  and  Douglas-fir  at  lower  elevations. 

8.  Stocking  in  mixed  stands  may  vary  from  uniform  to 
irregular . 

9.  Mixed  stands  often  have  a  manageable  stand  of  advanced 
reproduction  of  species  other  than  pine. 



Trees  in  the  top  story  are  usually  more  windfirm  than  those  in  a 
single-storied  stand.  Trees  in  the  second  and  third  stories  are 
usually  less  windfirm  than  trees  in  the  top  story. 

1.  Low  windfall  risk  situations 

a.  The  first  cut  can  remove  up  to  40  percent  of  the  basal  area 
in  three-storied  stands   (providing  not  more  than  half  of  the 
basal  area  removed  comes  from  the  top  story) .     This  cutting 
is  as  heavy  as  the  first  or  regeneration  cut  of  a  two-cut 
shelterwood,  but  marking  follows  the  rules  for  individual 
tree  selection.     Trees  removed  should  be  in  vigor  classes  C 
and  D  insofar  as  possible,  but  since  the  top  story  is  likely 
to  be  more  windfirm,   selected  dominants  and  codominants 
should  be  left  even  when  they  are  in  vigor  classes  C  and  D, 
if  they  do  not  have  dead  or  dying  tops.     Avoid  cutting  holes 
in  the  canopy  larger  than  one  tree  height  in  diameter  by 
distributing  the  cut  over  the  entire  area.     In  mixed  stands, 
if  the  top  story  or  the  first  and  second  stories  are  pure 
pine,  handle  as  a  pure  stand.     If  the  top  story  is  of  mixed 
composition,  cut  as  much  of  the  basal  area  to  be  removed  in 
pine  as  is  possible  and  release  the  climax  species,  but  do 
not  cut  all  of  the  pine  if  it  is  needed  to  maintain  the 
overstory . 

b.  In  pure  or  mixed  stands  with  irregular  stocking,  an  alter- 
native first  cut  can  remove  about  40  percent  of  the  basal 
area  in  a  modified  group  selection.     The  group  openings  can 
be  larger  (2  to  3  times  tree  height)   than  in  single-storied 
stands,  but  the  area  cutover  should  not  exceed  about  one- 
third  of  the  total.     Openings  should  be  irregular  in  shape 
without  wind-catching  indentations  in  the  borders.  This 
kind  of  cutting  is  not  applicable  in  pure  stands  where  moun- 
tain pine  beetle  or  dwarf  mistletoe  impose  limitations  be- 
cause the  interval  between  initial  cutting  and  final  har- 
vest is  likely  to  be  too  long  to  prevent  serious  mistletoe 
infection  of  new  reproduction  and/or  loss  of  beetle- 
susceptible  trees. 

2 .  Moderate  windfall  risk  situations 

a.     The  first  cut  should  be  an  intermediate  harvest  that 

removes  not  more  than  30  percent  of  the  basal  area  on  an 
individual  tree  basis.     Predominants ,  and  codominants  and 
intermediates  with  long  live  crowns  should  be  removed. 
Maintain  the  general  level  of  the  canopy  by  not  cutting 
holes  larger  than  one  tree  height  in  diameter  in  the  can- 
opy.    Provision  should  be  made  to  salvage  blowdowns.  Mixed 
stands  should  be  handled  as  in  low  wind  risk  situations 
except  that  less  basal  area  will  be  removed. 

3.  High  windfall  risk  situations 

a.     The  choice  is  limited  to  either  removing  all  the  trees  or 
leaving  the  stand  uncut.     Cleared  openings  can  be  up  to 
about  5  acres,  interspersed  with  uncut  areas.     The  cutover 
area  should  not  exceed  about  one- third  of  the  total. 




1.  May  appear  three-aged;  can  contain  more  than  three  age 
classes,  but  is  seldom  broad-aged. 

2.  Top  story  resembles  a  single- storied  stand  except  that 
there  are  fewer  trees. 

3.  Second  and  third  stories  consist  of  younger,  smaller 
diameter  trees.     Second  story  may  be  small  saw  logs  or 
large  poles,  while  the  third  story  is  like  to  be  com- 
posed of  small  poles  or  saplings.     Second  and  third 
stories  are  overtopped,  and  some  trees  may  be  suppressed. 

4.  Overall  stocking  is  likely  to  be  uniform,  but  stocking 
of  any  story  may  be  irregular. 

5.  Usually  does  not  have  a  manageable  stand  of  advanced 

6.  In  mixed  stands  the  top  story  may  be  either  pure  pine 

or  a  mixture  of  pine  and  other  species.     Second  story  is 
usually  spruce  and  subalpine  fir  at  higher  elevations, 
or  Douglas-fir  at  lower  elevations.     May  occasionally 
contain  some  pine,  but  is  rarely    pure  pine.  Third 
story  is  almost  always  composed  of  species  other  than 

7.  Stocking  in  mixed  stands  can  vary  from  uniform  to 
irregular . 

8.  Mixed  stands  often  have  a  manageable  stand  of  advanced 
reproduction  of  species  other  than  pine. 



Trees  in  the  top  story  are  usually  more  windfirm  than  those  in  a 
single-storied  stand.     Trees  in  the  second  story  are  usually  less 
windfirm  than  trees  in  the  top  story. 

1.  Low  windfall  risk  situations 

a.  The  first  cut  can  remove  up  to  50  percent  of  the  basal  area 
in  two-storied  stands  (providing  not  more  than  half  of  the 
basal  area  removed  comes  from  the  top  story) .     This  cutting 
is  as  heavy  as  the  first  or  regeneration  cut  of  a  two-cut 
shelterwood,  but  marking  follows  the  rules  for  individual 
tree  selection.     Trees  removed  should  be  in  vigor  classes  C 
and  D  insofar  as  possible,  but  since  the  top  story  is  likely 
to  be  more  windfirm,  selected  dominants  and  codominants 
should  be  left  even  when  they  are  in  vigor  classes  C  and  D, 
if  they  do  not  have  dead  or  dying  crowns.     Avoid  cutting 
holes  in  the  canopy  larger  than  one  tree  height  in  diameter 
by  distributing  the  cut  over  the  entire  area.     In  mixed 
stands,  if  the  top  story  or  rarely  the  first  and  second 
stories  are  pure  pine,  handle  as  a  pure  stand.     If  the  top 
story  is  of  mixed  composition,  cut  as  much  of  the  basal  area 
to  be  removed  in  pine  as  is  possible  and  release  the  climax 
species,  but  do  not  cut  all  of  the  pine  if  it  is  needed  to 
maintain  the  overstory. 

b.  In  pure  or  mixed  stands  with  irregular  stocking,  an  alterna- 
tive first  cut  can  remove  about  40  percent  of  the  basal 
area  in  a  modified  group  selection.     The  group  openings 

can  be  larger  (2  to  3  times  tree  height)  than  in  single- 
storied  stands,  but  the  area  cutover  should  not  exceed 
about  one- third  of  the  total.     Openings  should  be  irreg- 
ular in  shape  without  wind-catching  indentations  in  the 
borders.     This  kind  of  cutting  is  not  applicable  in  pure 
stands  where  mountain  pine  beetle  or  dwarf  mistletoe 
impose  limitations,  because  the  interval  between  initial 
cutting  and  final  harvest  is  likely  to  be  too  long  to  pre- 
vent serious  mistletoe  infection  of  new  reproduction  and/ 
or  loss  of  beetle-susceptible  trees. 

2.  Moderate  windfall  risk  situations 

a.     The  first  cut  should  be  an  intermediate  harvest  that  re- 
moves not  more  than  30  percent  of  the  basal  area  on  an 
individual  tree  basis.     Predominants ,  and  codominants 
and  intermediates  with  long  live  crowns  should  be  re- 
moved.    Maintain  the  general  level  of  the  canopy  by  not 
cutting  holes  larger  than  one  tree  height  in  diameter 
in  the  canopy.     Provision  should  be  made  to  salvage  blow- 
downs.     Mixed  stands  should  be  handled  as  in  low  wind 
risk  situations  except  that  less  basal  area  will  be 

3.  High  windfall  risk  situations 

a.     The  choice  is  limited  to  either  removing  all  the  trees  or 
leaving  the  stand  uncut.     Cleared  openings  can  be  up  to 
about  5  acres  interspersed  with  uncut  areas.     The  cutover 
area  should  not  exceed  about  one- third  of  the  total. 




1.  Usually  broad-aged  with  a  wide  range  in  diameters. 

2.  If  stands  developed  from  relatively  few  individuals 
following  disturbance,  the  overstory  trees  are  coarse- 
limbed.     Fill-in  trees  are  better  formed  and  finer 
limbed.     Vigor  of  overstory  trees  varies  from  poor  to 
good . 

3.  In  stands  that  developed  from  deterioration  of  single- 
or  two-storied  stands,   the  overstory  trees  may  be  no 
limbier  than  the  fill-in  trees.     Nearly  all  of  the 
healthy,  faster  growing  trees  are  below  saw  log  size. 

4.  Stocking  may  be  irregular. 

5.  May  have  a  manageable  stand  of  advanced  reproduction. 

6.  In  a  mixed  stand,  the  overstory  may  be  pure  pine  or 
either  pine,  spruce  and  fir  at  higher  elevations  or 
pine  and  Douglas-fir  at  lower  elevations.  Understory 
trees  have  the  same  characteristics  as  pure  stands 
except  that  the  composition  is  likely  to  be  species 
other  than  pine. 

7.  Stocking  in  mixed  stands  is  more  likely  to  be  irregular. 

8.  Mixed  stands  frequently  have  a  manageable  stand  of 
advanced  reproduction  of  species  other  than  pine. 



These  are  usually  the  most  windfirm  stands>  even  where 
they  have  developed  from  the  deterioration  of  single- 
and  two-storied  stands.     By  the  time  they  have  reached 
their  present  condition,  the  remaining  overstory  trees 
are  likely  to  be  windfirm. 

1.     Low  to  moderate  windfall  risk  situations 

a.     There  is  considerable  flexibility  in  harvest- 
ing these  stands.     All  size  classes  can  be  cut 
with  emphasis  on  either  the  largest  or  smallest 
trees  in  the  stand.     The  first  cut  can  range  from 
an  overwood  removal  to  release  the  younger  grow- 
ing stock  _to_  a  thinning  from  below  to  improve  the 
spacing  of  the  larger  trees.     Thereafter  cutting 
can  be  directed  toward  either  even-aged  or  uneven- 
aged  management.     In  mixed  stands  the  first  cut 
should  be  an  overwood  removal  of  the  pine  to 
release  the  climax  species.     The  under story 
trees  should  be  thinned  to  improve  spacing. 

2.     High  windfall  risk  situations 

a.     The  safest  first  cut  is  an  overwood  removal  with  a 
light  thinning  from  below  to  obtain  a  wider  spaced, 
more  open  stand  that  can  develop  windf irmness . 
Thereafter,  cutting  can  be  directed  toward  either 
uneven-  or  even-aged  management. 




1.  Dwarf  mistletoe 

a.  Cut  only  in  stands  where  the  average  mistletoe 
rating  is  2  or  less,   (or  less  than  about  two- 
thirds  of  the  trees  are  infected)  and  remove  only 
the  percentage  of  basal  area  recommended  for  the 
stand  description  and  windfall  situation.  In 
single-storied  stands,  where  site  index  is  70  or 
above,  trees  in  the  intermediate  and  lower  crown 
classes  should  be  removed  in  preference  to  domi- 
nants and  codominants.     If  site  index  is  below 
70,  trees  in  all  crown  classes  are  about  equally 
susceptible  to  infection.     In  two-  and  three- 
storied,  as  much  of  the  cut  as  possible  should 
come  from  the  second  and  third  stories  because 
these  trees  are  likely  to  be  more  heavily  infected 
than  the  top  story.     To  minimize  infection  to  new 
reproduction  in  single- ,  two-  and  three-storied 
stands,  the  final  overstory  removal  should  be  made 
within  30  years  after  the  regeneration  cut  when  the 
average  mistletoe  rating  is  1,  and  within  20  years 
when  the  rating  is  2.     Provision  should  be  made  to 
sanitize  the  young  stand  at  the  time  of  final  harvest. 
In  multi-storied  stands,  the  safest  procedure  is  an 
overwood  removal  with  a  cleaning  and  thinning  from 

b.  In  old-growth  stands  with  an  average  mistletoe 
rating  of  greater  than  2,  any  partial  cutting, 
thinning  or  cleaning  is  likely  to  intensify  the 
infection.     The  safest  procedure,  therefore,  is 
to  either  remove  all  trees  and  start  a  new  stand 
or  leave  the  stand  uncut.     If  the  manager  chooses 
to  make  a  partial  cut  for  any  reason,  the  initial 
harvest  should  be  heavy  enough  to  be  a  regeneration 
cut.     All  residual  trees  must  be  removed  within  10 
years  after  the  first  cut,  and  provision  made  to 
sanitize  the  young  stand  at  that  time. 

2.  Comandra  blister  rust 

a.  Cut  as  many  trees  with  stem  cankers  and  spiketops 
as  possible  without  removing  more  than  the  recom- 
mended basal  area  or  cutting  large  openings  in  the 
canopy.  Since  the  rate  of  spread  in  mature  trees 
is  relatively  slow,  and  the  disease  is  not  trans- 
mitted from  pine  to  pine,  leaving  a  few  infected 
trees  is  less  of  a  risk  than  opening  up  the  stand 
too  much. 


3.     Mountain  pine  beetle 

a.  If  the  insect  is  present  in  the  stand  at  an 
endemic  level,  or  in  adjacent  stands  in  suffi- 
cient numbers  to  make  successful  attacks  and: 

(1)  Less  than  the  recommended  percentage  of  basal 
area  to  be  removed  is  in  susceptible  trees, 
any  attacked  tree  and  all  of  the  most  suscepti- 
ble trees  should  be  removed  in  the  first  cut. 
This  will  include  most  of  the  trees  14  inches 
d.b.h.  and  larger,  and  all  trees  10  to  14 
inches  d.b.h.  in  vigor  classes  A  and  B.  Pro- 
vision should  be  made  to  salvage  attacked  trees, 
and  a  second  cut  should  be  made  in  about  10  years 
after  the  first  cut. 

(2)  More  than  the  recommended  percentage  of  basal 
area  to  be  removed  is  in  susceptible  trees,  the 
manager  has  three  options:  (1)  remove  all  the 
trees,    (b)  remove  the  recommended  basal  area 

in  attacked  and  susceptible  trees  and  accept 
the  risk  of  future  losses>  or  (c)  leave  the  stand 
uncut.     If  the  stand  is  partially  cut  or  left  un- 
cut, some  trees  from  7  to  12  inches  d.b.h.  and 
most  trees  below  7  inches  d.b.h.  will  survive 
all  but  epidemic  outbreaks. 

b.  If  the  stand  is  presently  sustaining  an  infestation 
that  is  building  up,  and  the  manager  chooses  to 
either  partially  cut  or  leave  the  stand  uncut,  he 
must  accept  the  risk  of  an  outbreak  that  could 
destroy  most  of  the  merchantable  stand. 

Agriculture— CSU,  Ft.  Collins