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1874 . 

Aanteekeningen van het verliandelde in de Sectie-vergaderingen. 
Utrecht. 1855 to 1869. 

Aarboger for Nor disk Oldkyndighed og Historie. 1867, Part 4; 
1868, Part 1 ; I860, Parts 1 to 4 ; 1870, Parts 1 to 4 ; 1871, 
Parts 1 to 4. 

Aarboger for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie, Tillag til. 1870, 

Abhandlungen der M. P. Classe der Koniglich. Bayer. Akad. der 
Wissenschaften. 1829 to 1841, 1843 to 1848, 1850, 1857, 
1858, 1860, 1862, 1863, 1866, 1868, 1870, 1871. 

Abhandlungen der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissen- 
schaften von 1710 — 1870. 

Abhandlungen heransgegeben vom Naturwissenschaften Vereine zu 
Bremen. Yol. i. Parts 1 and 2 ; Vol. ii. Parts 1 to 3 ; Yol. 
iii. Parts 1 and 2. 

Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften, Ham- 
burgh. Vol. iv. Parts 2, 3, 4 ; Vol v. Part 1. 

Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaften Vereins zu Bremen, Beilage 
No. 1 zu den. 

Abhandlungen der Schlesischen Gesellschaft fur Vaterlandische 
Cultur. (Abtheilung fur Naturwissenschaften und Medicin). 
1861, Parts 1 to 3; 1862, Parts 1 to 3; 1865-66, 1867-68, 
1868-69, 1869-70. 

Abhandlungen der Schlesischen Gesellschaft fur Vaterlandische 
Cultur. (Philosophisch-historische Abtheilung.) 1861; 1862, 
Parts 1 and 2; 1864, 1866, 1867; 1868, Parts 1 and 2; 1869, 

Academy of Science of St. Louis, U.S., Transactions of. 1857 to 

Academie Boyale de Belgique, Bulletins de 1’. 2me Ser. Tome 22 
to 34. 

Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia, Proceedings of. 1856 
to 1860. (Incomplete.) 

Academise Literarum Scientiarum Regise Boicae. 

2 Royal Society of Victoria. 

Academia Ileal das Sciencias de Lisboa, Catalogo das publicacoes da. 

Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, Classe de Sciencias, Moraes, 
Politicas e Bellas-Lettras, Historia de Memorias da. Vol. i. 
Parts 1 and 2; Vol. ii. Part 2 ; Vol. iii. Parts 1 and 2. 
Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, Classe de Sciencias, Mathe- 
maticas, Physicas e Naturses, Historia e Memorias da. Vol. i. 
Parts 1 and 2 ; Vol. ii. Parts 1 and 2; Vol. iii. Parts 1 and 2 ; 
Vol. iv. Parts 1 and 2. 

Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa, Journal de Sciencias, 
Mathematicas, Physicas e Naturses. Vols. i. and ii. 

Academia de Medicina de Madrid, La Real. 1863. 

Acadcmie des Sciences, Paris, Comptes rendus Hebdomadaii des 
Seances. Vol. lxv. No. 11. 

Academie Royale, Bulletins de 1’. 1869. 2 vols. 

Acclimatisation of Animals and Plants. G. W. Francis. 
Acclimatisation Society of Victoria, Report of the. 1863, 1871. 
Additamenta ad historiam Opliiuridarum. C. F. Liitken. 
Agriculture, First Annual Report of Board of. 1859-60. 
Agricultural Department, Washington, Monthly Report of the. 

Akademie der Wissenschaften, Register zu den Banden 51 bis 60 
der Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen 

Akademie der Wissenschaften, Almanach der Koniglich Bayerischen, 
1855, 1859, 1871. 

Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Sitzungsberichte der Kaiser- 
lichen (1st Div.) 1866, Nos. 1 to 10 ; 1867, Nos. 1, 2, 7 to 
10 ; 1868, Nos. 1 to 7, 9, 10; 1869, Nos. 1 to 4 and 6 to 10 ; 
1870, Nos. 1 to 10 ; 1871, Nos. 2, 3, 4. 

Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Sitzungsberichte der Kaiser- 
liclien (2nd Div.) 1866, Nos. 1 to 10; 1867, Nos. 1, 2, 8 to 
10; 1868, Nos. 1 to 10; 1869, Nos. 1, 2 to 8; 1870. Nos. 1, 
3 to 10 ; 1871, Nos. 1 to 5. 

Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen, Sitzungsberichte der 
Konigl. Bayer. 1860, Parts 1 to 5 ; 1861, 1st Div. Parts 1 
to 5, 2nd Div. 1 to 3 ; 1862, 1st Div. 1 to 4, 2nd Div. 1 to 4; 
1863, 1st Div. 1 to 4, 2nd Div. 1 to 4 ; 1864, 1st Div. 1 to 4 
and Supplement, 2nd Div. 1 to 4 ; 1865, 1st Div. 1 to 4, 2nd 
Div. 1 to 4 ; 1867, Part 1 ; 1869, 1st Div. Part 4, 2nd Div. 
1 to 4 ; 1870, 1st Div. 1 to 4, 2nd Div. 1 to 4; 1871, Parts 

I, 2, 3 ; 1872, Part 1. 

Almshouses of New York, Reports of the. 6th, 7th, 9th. 

Algarum Species, Genera et Ordines. 1848, 1851, 1852, 1863. 

J. G. Agardh. 

Almindelig Norst Huus-Kalender med primstar og Merkedagc. 


Catalogue of the Library. 

American Academy, Memoirs of the. 1857 to 1861. 4 Parts. 

American Lake Reports. J. D. Graham. 

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Proceedings of the. 
Vols. i. to iv. v. vi. and viii. 

American Museum of Natural History, First Annual Report of the. 
Amussat. A, Satour. 

Annaleu der Sternwarte in Leiden. Dr. F. Kaiser. 1868. 
Antiquaircs du Nord, Memoires do la Societ6 Royale. 1845-4!), 
1 vol. j 1850-60, 1 vol. • 1867, 1 vol. ■ 1868-69, 1870, 1871. 
Anthropological Society of London, List of Fellows of the. 
Anthropology, Journal of. Nos. 1, 2, 3. 

Anthropological Institute, Journal of the. Nos. 2, 3, 4. Vol. ii. 
No. 3 ; Vol. iii. No. 1. 

Annuaire de 1’ Acadcmie Royale de Belgique. 1867 to 1873. 
Annales Meteorologiques de 1’ Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles. 
1867 to 1870, 1871. 

Ansprache gehalten am Schlusse des ersten Decenniurns der Kaiser- 
Konigl. Geologischen Reichsanstalt in Wien, 1859. 
Anglo-Australian Telegraph, Report on. 1869. 

Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyudighed. 1858, 1859. 2 vols. 

Antiquarisk Tidsskrift (Copenhagen). 1852 to 1860. 5 parts. 

Antiquites Americaines a Copenhague, Cabinet d’ (Extrait des 
Memoires de la Societe Royale des Antiquaircs du Nord). 
Anthropological Review. Nos. 2 to 5 and 18 to 29. 

Anesthesie locale. (Journal de Mcdceine et de Chirurgie pratiques, 

Applied Sciences, The Journal of. Nos. 5, 13, 23, 24 to 34, 36, 
38 to 41, 44, and 45. 

Arcliivio per l’Antropologia e la Etnologia. Vol. i. Parts 1 and 2. 
Araign6es, Sur 1’ Evolution des. E. Claparede. 

Astronomical Observations made at the Melbourne Observatory, 
Results of. R. L. J. Ellery. 1861 to 1868. 3 vols. 

Astronomical Observations made at the Sydney Observatory. 1859. 
Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the Sydney 
Observatory. I860. 

Astronomische Mittlieilungen von der Konigl. Sternwarte zu 
Gottingen. Vol. i. 

Atmosphere, Mean Pressure of the. A. Buchan, M.A. 

Atlas for Nordisk Oldkyndighed. 

Atlantis, or Register of Literature and Science of the Catholic 
University. No. 5. I860. 

Atta della Reale Accademia Lucchese di Scienze, Lettre ed Arti. 
Vol. xviii. 

Australian Mosses, Analytical Drawings of. F. von Mueller. 
Australia, General Map of. 

Australian Diseases. James B. Clutterbuck, M.D. 

Australian Magazine. Vol. i. Nos. 1 and 2. 


Royal Society of Victoria. 

Australasiatic Reminiscences. D. Bunce. 

Australian Essays. 

Auriferous Drifts in Australasia. 

Australian Medical Journal. Nos. 2 to 12, and 81 to 92. 

Aufgabe des Chemisclien Unterrichts, Die. Dr. E. Erlenmeyer. 

Beretninger om Norges Deeltagelfe i den Almindelige Industri- 
Udstilling og Kunst-Udstillingen i Stockholm 1866 og i Ver- 
densudstillingen i Paris, 1867. 

Beitrage zur Statistik der Stadt Frankfurt am Main. Vol. ii. Parts 
1, 3 and 4. 

Bericht iiber die General Versammlung der Pollicliia am 9 Sept. 1868. 

Bhore Ghaut Railway Incline, Photographic views of the. 

Biology versus Theology, or Life, the Basis of Hylozoism, No. 6. 

Bijdragen tot de Taal-land-en Yolkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indie, 
ii. Vol. No. 4 ; iii. Vol. Nos. 1 to 4 ; Vol. iv. Nos. 1 to 4 ; Vol. 
v. No. 1 ; Vol. vi. No. 1. 

Biograpliische Skizzen Verstorbener Bremischer Aerzte und Natur- 
forscher. 1844. 

Bidrag til den Antike Philosophis Histone. 

Bidrag til Bygningoskikkens Udvikling paa Landet i Norge. 1865. 

Bidrag til Kundskab om Egefamilien i Fortid og Nutid. A. S. Orsted. 

Birds of Australia, Introduction to the. J. Gould, F.R.S. 

Bloemlezing nit Maleische Geschriften. Parts 1 and 2. 

Boston (U.S.) Society of Natural History. Vol. i. and Vol. v. to 
xi. (Incomplete.) 

Bollettino Industriale del Regno-D 'Italia. Vol. i. to iii. 

Boston (U.S.) Society of Natural History, Occasional papers of the. 
1861, 1862, 1863, 1869. 

Boston (U.S.) Society of Natural History, Proceedings of the. 
Vol. ix. Nos. 21 to 24 ; Vol. xi. xii. and xiii. 

Boston (U.S.) Society of Natural History, Memoirs read before the. 
Vol. i. Parts 3 and 4. 

Boston (U.S.) Society of Natural History, Conditions and doings 
of the. 1866,1867,1868. 

Boston (U.S.) Society of Natural History, Annual of the. 1868-9. 

Botanical Society of Canada, Annals of the. Part 1. 

Boundary of New South Wales and South Australia, Report on the 
determination of the. 1868. 

Bollettino della Societa Geografica Itaiiana. 1868, 1869. 

Brauneisenstein-Giinge von Neuenbiirg, Die. 

Cambridge Philosophical Society, Transactions of the: Vol. ix. 

Parts 1 to 4 ; Vol. x. Parts 1 and 2 ; Vol. xi. Parts 1 and 2. 

Cambridge Philosophic Society, Proceedings of the. Parts 3, 4, 5 and 6. 

Cauterisation des Loupes, De la. 

Cancer du Col de l’uterus par la Galvano-Caustique Thermique, 
Traitement du. A. Amussat, Fils. 

Catalogue of the Library. 5 

Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. Vol. iii. Nos. 1 to 6 ; Vol. iv. 
Nos. 1 to 3. 

Californian Academy, Proceedings of the. Vol. ii. and iv. 

Catalogue of the Manchester Free Library. 

Catalogue of the Melbourne Public Library, 1861. Do. Supple- 
mental, 1865. 

Catalogue of the Casts, Busts, &c. in the Museum of Art at the 
Melbourne Public Library. 

Catalogue of the Victorian Exhibition, 1861. 

Catalogue de 1’ Exposition des Produits de la Colonie de Victoria. 

Catalogue of the Birds of New Zealand. F. W. Hutton. 

Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de la Societe Imperiale des Sciences 
Naturelles de Cherbourg. 1870. 

Catalogue of the Maps of the British Possessions in India and other 
parts of Asia. 

Catalogue of the Colonial Museum, Wellington, New Zealand. 

Catalogue of the Samples of Fibres and Manufactured Articles 
prepared from the Phormium Tenax. Colonial Museum Wel- 
lington. 1871. 

Catalogue des Brevets d’Invention. Ministere de 1’Agriculture, du 
Commerce et des Travaux Publics. 

Catalogue of the United States Army Medical Museum. 

Catalogue of the Echinodermata of New Zealand. 1872. 

Catalogue of a Series of Photographs from the collection of the 
British Museum. 

Catalogue General. A. Bertrand. Libraire de la Socict6 Geo- 
graphic. 1871. 

Catalogue de livres de Botanique. F. Muller h Amsterdam. 1868, 

Catalogue de livres de Zoologie, d’ Anatomic Comparee et Humaine. 

Catalogue de livres sur l’Histoire et la Geographic. 

Catalogue of French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portugese books. 
B. Quaritch. 

Catalogue of Works on Science, Natural History, Mathematics, En- 
gineering, Mining. 1871. B. Quaritch. 

Catalogue of English Literature, Topography and History. B. 

Catalogue of Periodicals, Transactions. B. Quaritch. 

Catalogue of Valuable Rare and Curious Books. B. Quaritch. 

Catalogo Degli Attestati di Privativa Industrial. 1855-1864. 

Catalogue der Bibliotheek van bet Indisch Genootscliap te’s Graven- 
hage. 1869. 

Catalogus der Archeologische Verzameling. 1868. 

Casuistik und Pathologie der Gloositis parenchymatosa acuta, Em 
beitrag zur. B. Arnold. 

Casuistik der Ovariotomie, Beitrag zur. IT. Helber. 


Royal Society of Victoria. 

Cassiniacese Uniflora oder Verzeiclmiss der Cassiniaceen. C. H. 

Caustique Calcio-Potassique du Docteur Fillios dans lo traitement 
des Affections de I’Uterus, De l’emploi du. Dr. A. Foucart. 
Cas de Stfirilite cliez l’Homme. Dr. A. Amussat. 

Central American Affairs and the Enlistment Question. 1856. 
Census of Victoria, 1871. Parts, 6, 7, 8, 9. Do. Occupations of 
the People. 

China and ihre Alkaloide, Die Therapeutische Anwendung der. Dr. 
P. A. Wenz. 

Cholera-Epidemie in Uzmemmingen. J. Teuffel. 

Chicago Academy of Sciences, Transactions of the. Vol. i. Part u 
Christiania Omegns Phanerogamer og Bregner. A. Blytt. 
Christiania Videos Kabsselskabs Forhandlinger. 1858-1867. 
Chirurgie, De l’Emploi de l’Eau en. Dr. A. Amussat, Fils. 
Chatham Islands, The Vegetation of the. Fr. Mueller. 

Chemie, Handbuch der Theoretischen. S. Gmelin. iv. Vols. 
Chemical and Mineralogical Composition of the Dhunnsalla Meteoric 
Stone. S. Idaughton. 

Civil Engineers, Institution of. Bye-laws, &c. 

Cicatrices d’Allongemeut, M. R. De Lloreda. 

Claims between the United States and Great Britain, Report of the 
Commission of. 1856. 

Coast Survey (U.S.), Report of the Superintendent of the. 1857, 
1863 to 1868/ 

Contributions to Practical Surgery. Part 1. J. G. Beaney. 

Colonie Victoria in Australien. 

Commerce and Navigation, Report of the Secretary of the U. S. 
Treasury upon. 1851-4. 2 Vols; and monthly reports for 

July, August, September, 1869. 

Comets, The Origin and the Destiny of. J. Macdonald. 

Conspectum Avium Picinarum. C. J. Sunderall. 

Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Transactions of the. 
Vol. ii. Part 1. 

Conservative Surgery, Contributions to. J. G. Beaney. 

Cosmos. 1873. Guido Cora. Parts 1 and 2. 

Coleoptera of Australia, Catalogue of the, described. G. Masters. 
Parts 1 to 4. 

Crinoides Vivants, Memoires pour servir a la Connaissance des. 
M. Sars. 

Cysten Welche mit den Alveolen der Zahne in Verbiiidung Steheu, 
Die. P. Faber. 

Davidson’s Precedents and Forms in Conveyancing. Vol ii. Part 1. 
Denkschrift auf C. E. H. von Meyer. 

Denkschrift zur feier ihres 50 -lahrigen Bestehens. 

P'enkschrift auf C. F. P. von Martius. C. F. Meissner. 

Catalogue of the Library. 


Deux Corps etrangers retenus dans l’uretre, Extraction de. 

Dr. A. Amussat, Fils. 

Directory, Melbourne. 1862. 

Dudley Observatory, Reply to the Statement of the Trustees. 

Earth, True Theory of the. 

Earth’s Physical Geography, and consequent changes of Climate, 
Changes of the. R. A. Peacock, F. G. S. 

Earthquakes of New England, 1638-1869, Historical Notes on the. 
W. T. Brigham, A.M. 

Earth, New Theory of the Figure of the. W. Ogilby. 

Earthquake Waves. Tom Cringle. 

Eiuige Untersuchungen aus der Organischen Chemie. F. P. 

Elementary Principles in Animal Mechanics, On some. S. Ilaughton. 
Nos. 1, 2, and 4. 

Entwickeluugsgeschichte der Siphonophoren. Dr. E. Haeckel. 
Entwickelungsgeschickte der Ampullaria Polita Deshayes. C. Semper. 
Entwickelung der Agrikulturchemie, Ueber die. A. Vogel. 
Eriunerung an Ferdinand Freilierrn vou Thinnfeld. 1868. 
K. K. G. Reich. 

Erdgescliiclite oder Geologie, Die. R. Grassmann. 

Ethnological Journal. 1865. Nos. 1 to 6. 

Explorations in Australia, 1860-2. Stuart, Landsborough, McKinlay. 
Experimentale og theoretiske Uudersogelser over Legemernes 

Expedition in Search of Dr. Leichhardt, Report of Proceedings. 

Finances of the United States, Report on the State of. 1854 to 
1857, 3 Vols. 

Fine Art’s Courts in the Crystal Palace. 2 vols. 

Fiji and the Fijians. 2 vols. 

Flora Australiensis. Benthem and Von Mueller. Vols. 1 to 5. 
Flora Brasiliensis sive enumeratis Plantaruin in Brasilia. Fasciculus. 

xviii. pars 1, 2, 3. 

Flora Bremensis. 1855. 

Food Journal. Nos. 8 and 9. 

Forhandlinger i Videnskabs Selskabet I Christiania. 1858 to 

Fossilen Mollusken. M. Hornes. 3 parts. 2nd vol. Nos. 11, 12, 
13, and 14. 2 parts. 

Fossile Fauna der Silurischen Diluvial Geschiebe von Sadewitz bei 
Oels. F. Roemer. 

Fragmenta Phytograpliise Australis. Nos. 1 to 59. (Nos. 23, 52, 
55, 57 missing.) 

Freie Hansestadt Bremen und ihr Gebiet, Die, F. Buehcnau. 


Royal Society of Victoria. 

Galvano Caustique Chimique, De la. Dr. A. Amussat. 

Geological Survey of Ohio. Report of Progress in 1870. 

Geological Survey of New Zealand. 4tli, 5th, 6 th, and 7th 
Annual Reports on the Colonial Museum and Laboratory. 
J. Hector, M.D. 

Geological Survey of New Zealand, Reports on. 1868 to 1872. 
J. Hector, M.D. 

Geological Society of Edinburgh, Transactions of the. Yol. i. 
Parts 1 to 3. Yol. ii. Part 1. 

Geological Society of London, List of the. 1864 to 1866, 1868 
to 1872. 

Geological Survey of Victoria, Notes and Observations on lie 
Nuggety Reef, Maldon. G. H. F. Ulrich. 

Geology for Beginners. G. F. Richardson. 

Geographical Society, Proceedings of the Royal. Vol. xiii. Nos. 4, 5. 
Yol. xiv. Nos. 1 to 4. 

Geelong Infirmary and Benevolent Asylum, Report of. 1859. 
Geology of Spitzbergen, Sketch of the. A. E. Nordenskiold. 
Geognostische Uebersichtskarte von dem Grosslierzogthum Hessen. 
F. Becker. 

Geneeskundige Plaatsbesclirij ung van de geineente Leenwarden, 
Proeve eener. Dr. P. H. Asman. 

Geological Survey of Canada, Report of Progress from. 1866 to 
1872. A. R. C. Selwyn. 

Geological Society of London, The Quarterly Journal of the. Nos. 
47 to 115. (Nos. 56, 59, 61, 64, 67 to 75, 78, 79, 83, 90, 
91, and 107 missing.) 

Geological Society of India, Catalogue of the Organic Remains 
belonging to the Cephalopoda, Echinoderinata, and of the 
Meteorites in the Museum of the. 

Geological Society of India, Annual Reports of. 1858 to 1867. 
Geological Survey of India, Memoirs of the. Vol. i. Part 3 ; Yol. ii. 
Parts 1 to 6 ; Vol. iii. Parts 1 to 5 ; Vol. iv. Parts j and 2 ; 
Yol. v. Parts 1 to 6 ; Yol. vi. Parts 1 to 3; Vol. vii. Parts 1 
to 3 ; Vol. viii. Parts 1 and 2 ; Vol ix. Parts ! and 2. 
Geological Survey of India, Paheontologia Indica. 1866, 1868, 
1870-1871. Nos. 1 to 13. 

Geological Survey of India, Records of the. Yol. i. Parts 1 to 3 ; 
Vol. ii. Parts 2, 3, and 4 ; Vol. iii . ; Yol. iv. Parts 1 to 4 ; 
Vol. v. Parts 1 to 4. 

Germanische Todtenlager bei Selzen. 1 848. 

Geological Society of Dublin. Vols. iii. to x. (Vol. vii. Parts 1, 
4, and 5 ; Vol. viii. Parts 2 and 3 ; Vol. ix. Part 2 incomplete.) 
Geology and Zoology of Abyssinia. W. T. Blauford. 1 Vol. 
Glasgow Philosophical Society, Proceedings of the. Vols. 1-2, 3-4 ; 
Vol. v. Nos. 1 to 4 3 Vol. vi. Nos. 1 and 2 Vol vii. No. 3 ; 
Vol. viii. No. 2. 

Catalogue of the Library. 


Glacier de Boium, Le. 1868. S. A. Saxe. 

Glossaria Linguarum Brasiliensium. Dr. C. F. P. von Martius. 

Gold Fields, Clarke’s Southern. 

Granites of Cornwall and Devonshire, with those of Leinster and 
Mourne, Notes of a Comparison of the. S. Haughton. 
Grenouillette. (Extrait de la Gazette des Hopitaux, 1853.) 

Harvard College in Cambridge, Annual Report of the Trustees of 
the Museum of Comparative Zoology at. 1866. 

Haidinger Wilhelm. M. A. Becker. 

Hemiptera African descripsit. C. Stal. Vols i. to iv. 

Humanity, De 1’. Dr. Bodichon. Vols. i. and ii. 

Hydrofluoric Acid. G. Gore. 

Hypospadias, De 1’. Dr. A. Amussat. 

Indian Affairs, Annual Report of the Acting Commissioner of. 1867. 
Indian Surveys, A memoir on the. C. R. Markham, 

Inscriptions Runiques du Slesvig (Publiee par la Societ6 Royale des 
Antiquaires du Nord). 

Inscription Runiquo du Piree (Publiee par la Societe Royale des 
Antiquaires du Nord). 

Invertebrata of Massachussets. Gould and Binny. 

Jahresbericlit der Schlesischen Gessellschaft fiir Vaterlandische 
Kultur Breslau. 1855 to 1859, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1865 to 

Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Erdkunde zu Dresden, Nachtrag zum. 
6 and 7. 

Jahresbericht des Vereins fiir Erdkunde zu Dresden. Parts 6 to 9. 
Jahresbericht des Frankfurter Vereins fiir Geographie und Statistik. 
1864 to 1871, 1872. 

Jahresbericht der Pollichia. Parts 16 to 21, 25 to 29. 

Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Geologischen Reiclisanstalt. 
Vol. vii. Parts 1 to 4 ; Vol. viii. Parts 1 to 4 ; Vol. ix. Parts 1 

to 4 ; Vol. x. Parts 1 to 4 ; Vol. xi. Parts 1 and 2 ; Vol. xii. 

Parts 2 to 4 ; Vol. xiii. Parts 1 to 4 ; Vol. xiv. Parts 1 to 4 ; 
Vol xv. Parts 1, 3, 4 ; Vol. xvi. Parts 1 to 3 ; Vol. xvii. Parts 

2, 3, 4 ; Vol. xviii. Parts 1 to 4 ; Vol. xix. Parts 1 to 4; 

Vol. xx. Parts 1 to 4 ; Vol. xxi. Parts 3 and 4 ; Vol. xxii. 
Parts 1 and 2. 

Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt, 
General-Register der ersten zehn Biinde. Nuintner 1 von 1850 
bis nummer 10 von 1859. 

Jahresbericht der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Hanover von 
Michaelis. 1867 bis dahin 1869. 

Jahresbericht (Erster) des Vereins fiir Erdkunde in Dresden. 1864. 
John Batman, the Founder of Victoria. Janies Bonwick. 

10 Royal Society of Victoria. 

Jubel-Erinnerungstage. Riickblick auf die Jahre. 1845 bis 1870. 

Ivarloffeln. Die Krankheit der. 1845. G. W. Focke. 

Kongliga Sevenska Velenskaps Akademiens Handlingar. 1864 to 

Kyste Hematique. (Extrait de la Gazette des Hopitaux 1 855.) 

Land Office (U.S.), Report of the Commissioner of the. 1867. 
Landwirthschaftlicher Kredit. R. List. 

Laren om liomogene tunge Voedskers Tryk paa plane Arealer. 
A. Steen. 

Leprosy, Report of Royal College of Physicians on. 1867. 
Lefnadsteckningar ofver Kongl. Sevenska Yeteskaps Akademiens 
efter ar 1854 Aflidna Ledamoter. Rand I, Hafte 1, 2. 

Lehre von den Gnterkiefer — Resectionen, Beitrag zur. L. Hiiberle. 
Levensbeschrijung van Rijklof Michael van Goeus. B. Ten Brink. 
Lehre von der Sogenannten Pseudolenkamie, Ein Beitrag Zur. 
E. Muller. 

Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, Memoirs of the. 
Vols. i., ii., iii., v., vi., vii. 

Linnean Society of London, Journal of the. (Botany.) Nos. 1 to 

49, 51 to 56, 65 to 67. (Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 31, 32, 33, 34 

50, 57 to 64 missing ) Nos. 70, 7 1, 72 (1 part). 

Linnean Society of London, Journal of the. (Zoology.) Nos. 17, 
31 to 34, and 36 to 54, 56. 

Linnean Society of London, Proceedings of the. 1S48 to 1855. 
Nov. 1872. 

Lithotripsie Urethrale. Dr. Cahours. 

Liverpool Free Public Library, Museum and Schools, Annual 
Reports of the Committee of the. 16th to 20th. 

Lunds Universitets Ars-skrift, Philosophi Sprakvetenskap och 
Historia. 1864. 

Lunds Universitets Ars-skrift, Mathematik och Naturvetenskap. 1 864. 
Lychnophora Martius, C. H. S. Bipontinus. 

Maandelijksche Zeilaanwijzingen van Java naar Kanaal. 1859, 
1860, 2 Parts. 

Magnetical and Meteorological Observations, Batavia. Vol. i. 
Magnetical, Nautical, and Meteorological Observations at the Flag- 
staff Observatory, Melbourne, Results of. Dr. Neumayer. 
Magnetic Survey of the Colony of Victoria, Results of the. 1858 
— 1864. Dr. Neumayer. 

Madras Journal of Literature and Science. Vols. i. to iv., v., vi. 
Maleisch Leesbock. H. N. Van Der Tunk. 

Manchester Public Free Libraries, Annual Reports. 1867 — 1872. 

Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Proceedings of the. 
Vols. ii., iii., iv. 


Catalogue of the Library. 

Marche Annuelle du Thermometre et da Barometre en Neerlande, 
Sur la. C. H. D. Buys Ballot. 

Marker efter en Iistid I Omegnen af Hardangerfjoiden. S. A. Sexc. 

Meteorological Observations in Hobart Town. January 1856 to 
June 1860. 

Meteorological Observations in Hobart Town, Results of Five years’; 
with which are incorporated the results of Twenty-five years’, 
completing a period of Thirty years. 

Meteorological Observations taken at the Stations of the Royal 
Engineers, Abstracts from. 1853 to 1859. Ool. H. James, R.E. 

Meteorological Reports, Second. R. B. Smyth. 

Meteorological Society of Mauritius, Monthly Notices of. March, 
April, and November 1871, October 1872, and February 1873. 

Meteorological Report 1868, 1870, including Returns for 1869, and 
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Minerals of the Granites of Scotland as compared with those of 
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Naval Architects, Transactions of the Institution of. Yols. i. to v. 
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Augusts-Universitat. 1865, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870. 

Natural Phenomena and Chronology of the Seasons. E. J. Low. 
Natur und Geist. L. Buchner. 

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86, 88, 90 to 96, 101, 102, 104, 106 to 144, 146 to 151, 152 
to 203. 

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Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig, Schriften der. 1866. 
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National Academy of Sciences, Washington (U.S.), Report of the. 
1866, 1868. 

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i. to iv. 

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Northern Antiquaries, Royal Society of. 1855 to 1857. 1 Vol. 

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N6ve de Justedal et ses Glaciers. C. de Sene. 

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des Antiquaires du Nord.) 

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Om de .1 Norge Forekoinmende Fossile Dyrelevninger fra Quartser- 
periodeu et Bidrag til vor Faunas Historie. Dr. Sars. 

Om Integrationen af Differentialligninger, der fore til Additions 
theoremer for transceudente Fuuktioner. A. Steen. 

Catalogue of the Library. 13 

Om Straemningsforlioldene i Almindelige Ledninger og i Havet. 
A. Colding. 

Om Aendringen af Integraler af irrationale Differentialertil Normal- 
fonnen for del elliptiske Integral af forste Art. A. Steen. 

Om Skuringsmoerker Glacial formationen og Terrasser. F. Kjerulf. 
Om den Kyrenaiske Skole, navnlig Annikeris og Theodoras. Dr. 
G. V. Lyng. 

Om Ligningen af 5te Grad. Dr. A. S. Guldberg. 

Ophiuroidea Viventia hue usque cognita enumerat. A. Ljungman. 
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vii. Nos. 2 to 5 ; Vol. viii. Nos. 1 to 6 ; Vol. ix. Nos. I, 3 to 
6 ; Vol. x. Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 6 ; Vol. xi. Nos 1 to 5 ; Vol. xii. 
Nos. 1 to 5 ; Vol. xiii. Nos. 1 to 3 ; Vol. xiv. No. 5 ; Vol. xv. 
Nos. 1 to 5 ; Vol. xvi. Nos. 1 and 2 ; Vol. xvii. No. 2. 

Royal Dublin Society, Journal of the. Nos. 18 to 23, 25 to 29, 31 
to 36, 38, 40. 

Royal Scottish Society of Arts, Transactions of the. Vol. v. Parts, 
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Vol. viii. Parts 1 and 2. 

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Royal Irish Academy, Transactions of the. Vol. xxiv. Parts, 4, 8 
to 14. 


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Royal Society of London, History of the. T. Sprat. 

Royal Physical Society, Edinburgh, Proceedings of the. 1862 to 

1866. . , 
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Sweden, On the existence of. L. J . Igelstrom. 

Salles elites des Geants. S. M. Le Roi Frederic de Danemark. 
Sarcine de l’Estomac, La. W. F. R. Suringar. 

Sarcocele enc6phaloide. Dr. A. Morpain. 

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zu Konigsberg. 1860 to 1864. 1 vol. 

Schleswigsehe Wattenmeer und die friesischen Inseln. G. P. Hanfen. 
Secretary of the Interior, Annual Report of the Washington, U.S. 

Siderum Nebulosorum Observationes Havnienses. Dr. H. L. D’ Arrest. 
Sitzungs-Berichte der Gesellschaft Naturforscliender Freuude zu 
Berlin. 1866, 67, 68. 

Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection. Vols. ii. to vii. 

Smithsonian Institution, Annual Report of the. 1856, 5/, 59, 61, 
62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, and 1870. 

Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Vols. xi. and xv. 
Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. (The Indians of Cape 
Flattery ) 

Snake-bite. The New Treatment of G. B. Halford. . ^ 

Societa Geografica Italian*. Bollettine della. Vol. iv. ; Vol. v. 3 
] >arts ; Vols. vi. and vii. 

Societe Imperiale des Natuialistes de Moscow, Bulletin de la. 1865, 
Nos. 3 and 4 ; 1866, Nos. 1 to 4 ; 1867, Nos. 1 to 4 ; 1868, 
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Statistik van den Handel en de Scheepvaart op Java en Madura. 
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Statistical Society of London, Journal of the. Vols. xxii. to xxxv. 

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Ueber augeborene Yerengerung der Scheide als Geburtshinderniss. 
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