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Full text of "Elements of crystallography after the method of Haüy : with, or without, series of geometrical models, both solid and dissected; exhibiting the forms of crystals, their geometrical structure, dissections, and general laws. According to which the immense variety of actually existing crystals are produced"

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^etie0 of (Scometrjcal ^oDel0, 


















baronet; knight companion of the most honourable 


honourable privy council, 


commander in chief of his majesty's fleet, on the 




baronet; representative in parliament for the county 





Permit me to offer to your Notice this 
Treatise, containing the Elements of a Depart¬ 
ment of Mineralogy, which embraces the Sub¬ 
ject of one of the Courses of Lectures I had 
the honour to deliver to you. 



The Ardour and Interest you have on all 
Occasions shewn, for promoting' the Philosophy 
of Chemistry and the Science of Minerals, 
encourage me to make this Claim upon your 
Patronage; and T am confident you will allow 
me to add, that a respect for your Talents and 
intellectual Virtues, is among the leading Mo¬ 
tives for my present A{)plication. 

I have the honour to be, with the highest 

My Lord, 


Your most obedient humble Servant, 



Compton Street^ Soho. 

Our earnestness in the pursuit of any study 
is, in general, proportionate to the benefits or 
pleasure we expect to derive from its cultiva¬ 
tion ; for where there is a prospect of recom- 
pence in any rational way, we engage in literary 
pursuits with ardour and spirit; but where there 
is no such prospect, the mind is seldom active 
in its exertion. 



Hence the different points of \iew under 
which natural bodies, and the phenomena they 
present, may be studied, have given rise to 
various departniewts of learning j and these have 
been multiplied as the progress of mental im¬ 
provement, has added new sources of informa¬ 
tion to the sciences already established. 

The general attention which of late years has 
been paid to the science of minerals, cannot 
have escaped the notice of the most superficial 

No department of Natural History has been 
cultivated with more ardour and success than 
mineralogy; no branch of physical knowledge 
has become more fashionable; and in none are 
the votaries of science more numerous, both at 
home and on the Continent. 



It embraces a wide circle among the curious 
and wealthy classes of the community; and it 
is intimately connected with that enthusiasm for 
travelling, and prevailing passion for exploring 
the productions of nature, which characterize the 
age in which we live. 

When we consider how much the philoso¬ 
phy of the mineral kingdom has of late been 
advanced and perfected, by the application of 
the Theory of Crystallography, created by the 
genius and industry of the Abbe Haiiy; when 
we contemplate the strong and steady light 
it has thrown on some of the most obscure 
branches of Mineralogy,—it appears surprising 
that not a single English work on the Theory 
of the Structure and formation of Crystals has 
appeared; whilst upon other departments of the 




’ science of Minerals^ several excellent works have 
been published. 

To remedy this defect, is the object of the 
following pages. 

The Treatise now presented to the tribunal 
of the public, is designed, for the purpose 
of initiating into the Principles of Crystallo¬ 
graphy, those who possess no previous know¬ 
ledge of it. 

To accomplish this object, I have given such 
an exposition of the leading facts of the Theory 
as appeared best calculated to interest the mind, 
and fix the doctrine in the memory, in all the 
characters it is justly entitled to. I was well 
aware that an attempt to exhibit the Doctrine 
of Crystallography, in its whole extent, and 
with all its numerous mathematical relations, 



was an enterprise beyond my power; neither 
was this the subject on which I intended to 

I have contented myself on the present occa¬ 
sion to attend merely to the development of 
the general principles of the theory, and such 
consequences and applications as are connected 
with the science of minerals. 

As it is certain however that the doctrine which 
explains the production of crystalline forms, and 
their metamorphoses, abounds in mathematical 
and algebraic calculations, and cannot be studied 
with ease and success, by such as are unac¬ 
quainted with the mathematics; I have, (to ren- 


der this Treatise more generally useful) made 
arrangements to accompany it with sets of 


geometrical models, partly solid and partly dis¬ 

They who are in the habit of teaching, will 
readily allow, that the human mind receives in¬ 
formation from the mathematics, with much 
greater facility from demonstrations afforded by 
tangible solids, than from mere designs drawn up¬ 
on a plane surface. It requires an eye familiarized 
with the rules gf lineal perspective, to compre¬ 
hend the diversified and often complicated fornis 
of angular polyhedra, represented by projections 
of straight lines only, which must naturally cross 
each other in many directions, in the representa¬ 
tion of crystalline bodies. 

The dissected Models, are so constructed, that 
they can readily be taken to pieces, and built up 



again in various ways, to give the untutored 
eye a distinct conception of the laws of that 
geometry of nature which are followed by the 
integrant particles of crystallisable bodies when 
they combine, and of which the orderly arrange¬ 
ments produce symmetrical crystals^—and this 
in fact constitutes the science. 

It is therefore presumed, that'with the book in 

hand, and by inspection of the Models, those who 


are actually unacquainted with the mathematics, 
will be enabled to .study with gi'eat advan¬ 
tage the Laws of Crystallography, and their 
mutual relations and consequences. The student 
will immediately comprehend why crystals are 
always rectilineal bodies bounded by planes 
and solid angles j and whence that immense 
varietjf of polyhedral forms is derived, with 




which the mineral kingdom has hitherto astonish* 
ed the world. 

It is nevertheless presumed, that the Trea¬ 
tise, as far as it goes, will be found complete, 
and may be clearly understood without the 

The numerous wood-cuts and plates in- 

troduced into the work, in illustration of the 

laws of the science, will render the geometrical 

solids, superfluous to those who are familiar 
with geometry and lineal perspective. 

The graphic designs have been traced by 
the method of projections; the entire lines re¬ 
present the edges or outlines of that part of 
the solid immediately turned towards the ob¬ 
server.; and the dotted lines express 
edges in the opposite part, which of course 



the observer could not see, unless the solid was 

By giving this information of my intention to 
supply the public with series of crystallographic 
Models, I feel no solicitude as to any imputation 
of private or commercial views; such attempts 
are fully consistent witli the purest regard to 
the public welfare. Conscious that the ad¬ 
vancement of science must greyly depend on 
the facility with which the practical means of 
study can be acquired: the reader will, I have 
no doubt, think himself accommodated by being 
reminded of it. 




Dedication.. , * , . t 

Preface rii 

List of Crystallographic Models referred to in 
the Work xllii 

List of Models illustrative of CrystaUography, 
exhibiting the Primitive Forms of actually ex¬ 
isting Crystals^ and their Transitions, or Modi- 
fications of Forma.liii 

PART .1. 


[ Page 1. ] 

JDelinition of the Term Crystal—Nature of CrystalUsa' 
tion-^-Disposition of crystallisahle Materials to as^ 




surae certain Forms peculiar to them in preference 
to others—Symmetrical arrangement of the Mecha¬ 
nical Elements of Crystals—Object of Crystallo¬ 
graphy—Constitution of Crystalline Solids—Recti¬ 
lineal Interior Structure of Crystals^—Increase of 
Growth of Crystals—Nature of the Process—Con¬ 
trasted with tlie Growth of Organic Beings—Crys¬ 
tallisation, according to Dr. Young, the universal 
cause of Solidity. 


[ Page 8. ] 

Artificial Crystallisation—Conditions and Means by 
which it is effected—Crystallisation of Saline Co¬ 
dies—Crystalline Power, or Primary Cause of the 
Crystallisation of Bodies—Ratio of its Energy in 
different Bodies—Process of Crystallisation as it 
takes place in a Body from the Diminution of tlic 
solvent Power of a Liquid, which has communicated 
Fluidity to a Solid, by having combined with it 



Ciystallisation of Saline Substances—Disposition of 
Crystals to extend themselves during the Process of 
Crystallisation, more in an horizontal, than a vertical 
Direction—More rapid growth of Crystals at the 
bottom of a tall vessel, than nearer the surface— 
Circumstance which influence the Crystalline Affinity 
of Bodies to become efficient.—Influence of the 
Form of the Vessel in which the Process takes place 
—Practical Observations w ith regard to the Art of 
crystallising Bodies—Water essential for the regular 
Form of Saline Crystals;—is in a state of Chemical 
Union with them,—and adheres to Crystalline Mate¬ 
rials with different Degrees of Force—Quantity, va¬ 
ries in different bodies—Efflorescence—Deliquescence 
of Crystals, to what owing—Ratio of Crystalline 
Energy in different Bodies—Advantages resulting 
from it to the practical Operation of Chemistry— 
Crystallisation as it takes place from the Reduction 
of temperature in a crystallisable Body, which had 
been rendered fluid by the action of Heat—Crys¬ 
tallisation of Metals and Metallic Substances—Best 




Means of eflect*ng it—Tlieory of the Process— 
Crystallisation effected by Sublimation—Bodies to 
which it ■ is applicable, arc tliose which can readily 
be volatilised without cliaiiging their Chemical Con¬ 
stitution—Practice of the Art—Theory of tlie Pro¬ 
cess—Crystallisation induced by Chemical Affinity 
—Easy Methods of exhibiting the Operation— 
Theory of the Process—Practical advantages result¬ 
ing from this Process, to the Art of Analysis—When 
Bodies are merely suspended in a state of extreme 
comminution nothing but Rest appears in some Cases 
to be necessary for their Crystallisation^—Circum¬ 
stances which are essential to render the Forms of 
Crystals regular—Effect of Time—Space or suffi¬ 
cient Room—Repose “Beauty and Size of Crystals 
depends upon the Art of conducting the crystallising^ 
Process—Curious Method of obtaining large and 
perfect Crystals almost of any Size, and of varying 
their Shape at pleasure—Influence of certain Agen¬ 
cies on the Process of Crystallisation—Effect of the 
Air, in promoting Crystallisation, as depending on 



the Pressure it exerts on the Crystalline Fluid 
—Effect of Commotion—Electricity—The Solar 


[ Page 47. ] 

Terms of Crystallography—Geometrical Definitions— 
Theory and Measurement of Angles—Nature of 
Geometrical Solids—Crystals considered as Recti¬ 
lineal Bodies—Definition of the exterior Parts 
of Crystals—Planes of Crystals—Edges—Solid An¬ 
gles—Summits—Bases—Secondary Planes of Crys¬ 
tals or Truncatures, &c.—Theory of Angles—Plane 
Angles—Solid Anijles—An«rles with reirard to raag:- 
nitude—Right Angle—Oblique Angle—Acute Angle 
—Obtuse Angle—Compliment of an Angle—Subli- 
ment of an Angle—Vertical or opposite Angies— 
—Contiguous or adjoining Angles—Alternate An¬ 
gles. Triangles, or Three-sided plain Figures— 
Equilateral Triangle—-Isosceles Triangle—Scalene 



Triangle, Triangles with regard to their Angles— 
Right-angled or Rectangular Triangle—Obtuse- 
angled Triangle—Acute-angled Triangle. Nature 
of Quadrangles or Four-sided plain Figures—Paral¬ 
boid—Trapezium—Trapezoid. Nature of Polygons 
or plain Figures liaving more than Four Sides— 
Pentagon, Hexagon, Octagon, &c. Other Geome¬ 
trical Terms employed in lllustriition of the Theory 
of Crystallography—Diagonal Line—Area of a 
Figure—Base of a Figure—Altitude of a Figure— 
Vertex of a Figure—Axis of a Figure—Upright or 
Right Figures—Oblique Figures—Quantity—Com¬ 
mensurable Quantities —Incommensurable Quanti¬ 
ties—Ratio. Solid Rectilineal Figures—Regular 
Solid Rectilineal Figures—Tetrahedron—Cube- 
Octahedron—Dodecahedron—Icosahedron. Irregu¬ 
lar Solid Rectilineal Solid Figures—Pyramid, re¬ 
gular Pyramid—IiTegular Pyramid, &c. 




[ Page 86, ] 

Admeasurement of the Solid Angles^ or the Inclination 
ivhich one Plain Surfece of a Crystal makes with 
another—Description and Use of the Pocket Gonio¬ 
meter of CarangeaUj for measuring the Angles of 
Crystals—Optical Goniometer of Wollaston—mea¬ 
sures the Angles of crystallised Bodies even if the 
Solid be very minute^ with a degree of precision 
which has not hitherto been expected in Goniome- 
try—Its accuracy of Performance has detected capi¬ 
tal Errors in the former Admeasurement of Crystals 
—Application of the Instrument, 





[ Page 96. ] 

Philosophy of Crystallograpliy—Simple Bodies—Com¬ 
pound Bodies—ElemctiU of Bodies—Chemical and 
Mechanical Analysis—Chemical Elements—Mecha¬ 
nical Elements—Crystalline Power, or Symmetrical 
Attraction of the Mechanical Elements of Bodies 
—Attempt of Newton^ Bergman^ Galiiij and Borne 
de Lisle, to account for the Production of Crystal¬ 
line Forms—^Theory of Jlauy“Demonstrates that 
all Crystals however complicated their Form may 
be, contain within them, a Geometrical Nucleus, 



which has an invariable Shape in each chemical 
Species of Ciystalline Solid, under certain Restric¬ 
tions—and which may be extracted out of all of 
them by a skilful Mechanical Analysis; hence the 
identity of the Form may often be better established 
by measuring the Angle, than from an inspection of 
the whole Crystal;—the Primitive Solid may again be 
dissected or subdivided, into Solids or Parts of a 
less simple Nature, called Integrant Particles,—of 
whicli every Ciystal is made up,—and which, by a 
variation in their symmetrical Arrangements, pro¬ 
duce different varieties of Forms—The Theory 
farther traces the I^aws of Armugement, or the 
Directions followed by the Mechanical Particles of 
crystallisable Bodies, by which Crystalline Attrac¬ 
tion combines Molecules of crystallisable Materials, 
to produce all possible varieties of Crystalline Fi¬ 
gures,—and calculates the Mathematical Measure¬ 
ment, or the Determination of the Laws of Arrange¬ 
ment, according to which the Crystalline attraction 
appears to be conducted. 







[ Page lie. ] 

Mechanical Dissection of Crystals in illustration 
of their Structure—Development of Primitive 
Forms—Symmetrical Arrangement of the Elemen¬ 
tary Parts of Crystalline Bodies—Geometrical Struc¬ 
ture of Crystals—Nature and Number of Primi¬ 
tive Forms of Crystals—Parallelopiped—Regular 
Octahedron—Regular Tetrahedron—Regular Hexa- 
hedral Prism—Rhomboidal Dodecahedron—Pyrami¬ 
dal Dodecahedron—Mechanical Analysis of the Hexa- 
’ " hedral Prism of Carbonate of Lime, to develop its 

internal Nucleus or Primitive Form—Dissection 
of the Acute Rhomboid of Carbonate of Lime, to 
extract its Nucleus or Primitive Form—Dissection 
of the Pyramidal Dodecahedron of Carbonate of 





Lime to obtain its Primitive Nucleus—Further 
Illustration of the Mechauical Division of Crystals 
—Dissectioii of the Cube of Fluor Spar, and deve-* 
lopnfient of its Nucleus—General Inferences, re¬ 
lating to the Mechanical Analysis of Crystalline 
Solids, ill Illustration of the Theory of Crystallo¬ 


[ Page 139* '} 

Mechanical Analysis of the Primitive Forms of Ciys* 
tais, and Development of the Integrant Molecules of 
Crystalline Bodies—Remarkable Arrangement of 
some of them, in the Interior of the Primitive 
Forms—Nature and Number of the Integrant Mo¬ 
lecules or Particles of Crystals—Further Illustra¬ 
tion of the Nature of the Solids called Primitive 
Forms of Ciystals;—they are those bodies of a 



constant Gigometrica] Figure^ inscribed Syminetn’* 
cally^ in all the Crj'stals of one and the same 
SpecieSj or Chemical Composition^ unless the 
Form possesses a remarkable perfection or regula¬ 
rity—they may be cleft parallel to their Faces to any 
extent—and sometimes also in Planes^ not parallel 
to their Sides—the Products obtained by this latter 
Method of course differ in shape from the Primitive 
Form of the Solid to which they belong—these 
Solids thus obtained by the cleavage of the Primitive 
Forms^ are called Integrant Molecules or Integrant 
Particles of Crystals—Examples in lllustratjoii of 
the Mechanical Dissection of the Primitive Forms of 
Ciystals with a view to develop the Integrant Mo- * 
Iccules of which they are composed~The Primi¬ 
tive Form therefore do not constitute the ultimate 
Results to which the Mechanical Anatomy of Crys¬ 
talline Bodies may be carried—Mechanical Division 
of the Rhomboid of Turmalin in lUustradon of the 
preceding Statement^—^Division of the Hexaheclfal 
Prism of Phosphate of Lime—Instances in which the 



Mechanical Division of Crystals gives Integrant 
Molecules of two kinds combined together through¬ 
out the whole extent of the Primitive Solid—Illus¬ 
tration of this fact—Mechanical Division of the Oc¬ 
tahedron considered as Primitive Form, to exhibit its 
Integrant Molecules—Mechanical Division of the 
Regular Tetrahedron, considered as Primitive Form 
—Further Illustration of the Mechanical Division of 
Primitive Forms to develop the Integrant Particles 
—Mechanical Analysis of the Rhomboidal Dodeca¬ 
hedron, considered as Primitive Form—Analysis of 
the By-pyramidal Dodecahedron, considered as Pri¬ 
mitive Form—Remarkable Relation which serves to 
connect the Crystalline Structure of Substances, 
whose Molecules are Tetrahedrons or Triangular 
Prisms, with that of Substances which have, as 
Molecules, simple Assemblages of Elementary 
Parallelopipedons—Illustration of this Fact—Opi¬ 
nion of Dr. Wollaston concerning this Subject, [see 
jpageSll]—Mechanical Analysis oftheCube ofFluate 
of Lime, considered as Primitive Form—which 



leads to a mixed Structure of Integrant Molecules, 
of Octahedrons and Tetraliedrons—General Reflec¬ 
tions on this part of the Theory of the Structure of 
Ciystals—Considerations of the Integrant Molecules 
of Crystals, taken in a geometrical point of view; 
—th^y are all the most Simple Solids—Susceptible of 
and infinite variety in the Dimensions of their Sides— 
and V alue of the Angles which terminate them—Have 
all a fixed term of regularity to which they tend— 
Are the ultimate products of the Mechanical Ana¬ 
lysis of Crystalline Bodies;—their Union constitutes 
the Crystal. 


[ Page 165. ] 

Laws of Decrement of the Structure of Crystals— 
Nature and Production of Secondary Forms—Simple 
Secondary Forms—Compound Secondary Forms— 



Decrements on the Edges—Illustration of this Law 
—Production of the Rhomboidal Dodecahedron, 
considered as Secondary Form—Originating from a 
Cube, as Primitive Solid, according to the Law of 
Decrement on the Edges—^Analytical and Synthe¬ 
tical Demonstration of this Statement—Further 
Illustration of the Law of Decrement on the Edges, 
acting parallel to the Sides of the Primitive Nu¬ 
cleus—Decrements on the Angles—illustrated by 
analysing mechanically, an Octahedron originating 
from a Cube as primitive solid—Synthesis of the re¬ 
production of the Octahedron moulded on a Cube, 
according to the Law of Decrement on the Angles, 
or the Action of which takes place parallel to the 
Diagonals drawn from one Angle to the opposite 
Angle of the Faces of the Primitive Solid—General 
Illustration of the Effect of this Law of Decre¬ 
ment—Intermediary Decrements,—the Operation 
of which is neither parallel to the Edges, nor to 
the Diagonals of the Faces of the Primitive Nu¬ 
cleus, bu^ in Directions parallel to Lines placed 
between the Diagonals, and the Edges of the Pri- 



mitive Solid—Illustmtion of the Action of this Law 
—Mixed Decrements—Action of it to disguise the 
Primitive Solid—Nature of Compound Secondary 
Forms, resulting from several Simultaneous Laws 
of Decrements acting at once—or from one Law 
which has not reached its Limit—Examples of the 
production of Secondary Forms. 





[ Page 223. ] 

Difference between Structure and Increment, as re¬ 
lating to the Production of Crystals—Illustration— 
Singular Alterations absolutely accidental, to whicli 
the Symmetry of Crystals is subject—reversed Po- 

H, , 

sitions of the Faces of Crystals—Production of 
Twin-Crystals—Ilemitropes—Maclcs, &c.—In or¬ 
dinary Crystals the Faces adjacent to each other 

• ' * ''V 

always form saliaiit, and never re-entering Angles 
—Crystals also exist which present re-entering or 
internal Angles—Instances of Crystals exhibiting 
re-entering Angles—occur when One of the Two 




Moieties of a Crystal presents itself in a re¬ 
versed Position with respect to the other half—He- 
mitrope Feldspar, exhibiting Saliant and re-enter¬ 
ing Angles—in certain Cases the Plane of Junction 
of which the Two Halves of the Crystal are joined, 
is situated parallel to one of the Faces of the Nu¬ 
cleus, and the Assortment does not admit of pre¬ 
senting a re-entering or internal Angle to a Saliant 
Angle—Striking Example of the Transposition of 
the Faces of Crystals—Transposed Spinel, com¬ 
posed of the Two Halves of a regular Octahedron, 
cut apparently obliquely into Two Halves, of which 
One Half, appears to have turned upon the other 
Half, in a Quantity equal to a one-sixth Part of a 
Circle—Transposed Crystals of Oxid of Tin—Appa¬ 
rent Penetration of Crystals, grouped Crystals, &c. 


[ Page 244. ] 

Electricity of Crystals—how excited—shows itself in 
the Attraction or Repulsion of other Substances with 



which the Crystal is brought nearly into Contact— 
considercd as connected with their Geometrical 
Form and Symmetry—Electric Poles of Crystals 
—their Situation—Modes of distinguishing them, &c. 
—^.411 Crystals susceptible of becoming Electric, 
deviate remarkably with regard to the Symmetry 
of their Faces, and enable us to predict on what 
Side either Species of Electricity resides—the Parts 
which exhibit opposite States of Electricity differ 
from each other with respect to tlieir Geometrical 
Form, although they are similarly situated—while 
in those Ciystals that are not electric, the simi¬ 
larly situated Parts correspond also in Form—if 
for instance a Crystal consists of a Prism terminated 
at each Extremity by a Pyramid, and these Pyra¬ 
mids differ as to the Kind of Electricity they are 
capable of acquiring—it will be found that they 
also differ in their Configuration—one consisting of 
a greater Number of Faces than the other—the 
Part possessing the greatest Number of Planes, be¬ 
comes electrified plus —the other minus —Mineralo- 
gical Electrometer—Application of the Instrument 
—Electricity of the Turmalin Boracite, &c.— 



Other Minerals possessing the Capability of becom¬ 
ing Electric. 

[ Page g58. } 

Double Refraction of Crystals—is called the Property 
which they possess of presenting a double Image of 
an Object viewed througli them—Means employed 
for observing it—Quantity—varies from one Sub¬ 
stance to another—Crystallized Minerals pos^sessing 
the Power of Double Refraction, 



£ Page 266* ] 

Principles of Nomendature of Crystallograpbj—Ap¬ 
plication of the Word Primitive—Nomenclature 
of Secondary Forms considered with respect to the 
Modifications which they present of the Primitive 
Form-Nomenclature of Secondary Forms consi¬ 
dered in themselves^ and as being purely Geometrical 
—Nomenclature of Secondary Forms considered re¬ 
latively to certain Facets^ or certain RidgeSj remark¬ 
able for their Arrangement or Position—Nomencla- 



tyre of Secondary Forms considered relatively to 
the Laws of Decrement on which they depend^— 
Nomenclature of Secondary Forms considered rela¬ 
tively to the Geometrical Properties which they pre- 
jent—Nomenclature of Secondary Forms considered 
relatively to certain particular Accidents. 


[ Page 299* ] 

Amorphous Crystallisation—Crystals having no exact 
and precise Determination— Ltcnlicular^ or imitating 
the Form of a Lentil— 'Cylindroids^ the Prisms of 
which are rounded off— Fmcimlar^Acicular^ Globulavy 
&c*—Amorpliousj a Term denoting the Iasi Degree of 
confused Crystallisation^ the Form of which becomes 
mute to the Senses—Nature of Basaltic Columns 
—Stalactites^—how formed—Are those calcareous 
Concretions which resemble in their shape the com- 



mon Icicle—^Incrustation,—how formed—Is a Con¬ 
cretion ill the Form of a Crust applied to the Surface 
or the Interior of a Body—Tuffas,—Origin of them 
— Geodes — Septarium — Pseudomorphoses,—is a 
Concretion endowed with a Form foreign to its 
S ub s tance—Petri facti o n s,—Obse rvation s concern i ng 
themj &c. 


[ Page 332. ] 

Table of Crystalline Forms of Minerals—Substances 
which have a common Primitive Form with the same 
Dimensions—Substances^ the Primitive Forms of 
which are of the same kind with the same Dimen¬ 
sions^ respectively peculiar to each—Forms which are 
found to be Secondary in different Species—Sub¬ 
stances which assume the Form of a Cube—Of a 


boidal Dodecahedron—Rhomboid with Obtuse Sum- 



mit—Rhombokl with Acute Summits—Octahedronj 
the Pyramids of which Iiave Square Bases—Octahe- 
droDj the Pyramids of wliicli have Rectangular 
Bases—Octahedron, tlie Pyramids of which have 
Rhombic Bases—Substances which assume the Form 
of a Riglit Quadrangular Prism ivith Square Bases 
—x\. Quadrangular Prism with Square Bases—A 
Quadmngular Prism with Rectangular Bases—The 
same with Rhombic Bases—Substances which pre¬ 
sent themselves in the Form of an Oblique Quadran¬ 
gular Prism with rectangled Bases—With Rhombic 
Bases—With Oblique-angled Parallelogram Bases— 
Crystals which assume the Form of a Regular 
Hexahedral Prism—Crystals which assume the Form 
of a Pyramidal Dodecaliedron^—Forms which are 
found to be Secondary, in different Species—are the 
Cube—Regular Octahedron—-Regular Hexahedral 
Prism—Rhomboidal Dodecahedron—and the Solid 
with Twenty-four equal and similar Trapezoids. 



. [ Page 341. ] 

General Observations, and Reflections, on the State¬ 
ments, comprehending the Theory of Crystallo¬ 
graphy—Opinion of Dr. Wollaston concerning the 
Structure of certain Crystalline Forms. 


[ Page 349. ] 

Tabular View of the Methodical Distribution of Mi 
nerals according to the System of Ilaiiy. 





to in TME fVOMK, 


1. Cube. 

2. Cube with the solid angles truncated^ or replaced 

by one facet or secondly plane. 

3. Cube with the edges truncated^ or replaced by one 


4* Cube, bevelled 07i the edges^ or having the edges 
replaced by two facets or secondary planes. 




5* Regular octahedron composed of two four-sided 
pyramids put base to base, 

G, Regular octahedron, having the solid angles [trun¬ 
cated] replaced by a secondary plane, 

7, Regular octahedron, with the edges [truncated] re¬ 

placed by a facet, 

8, Regular octahedron, having both the ^ edges and 

solid angles [bevelled] or replaced by two facets, 

9, Tetrahedron, considered as one of the regular 

geometrical solids* 

10, Regular pentagonal dodeeahedi*on, considered as 

one of the regular geometrical solids, 

11, Regular Icosaliedron, considered as one of the 

regular geometrical solids, 

IS, Right quadrilateral pyramid, 

13, Triangular prism. 

14, Hexahedral prism. 

15, Farallelopiped, considered as one of the primitive 

forms ofciystals, 

16, Regular octahedroiij considered as one of the 

primitive forms of crystals. 

17, Regular tetrahedron, considered as primitive form. 



18. Hexahedral prism, considered as primitive form. 

19. Rhomboidal dodecahedron, considered as primi¬ 

tive form. 

20. By-pjramidal dodecahedron, considered as primi¬ 
tive form. 

21. Dissected hexahedral prism of carbonate of lime. 

22. Dissected acute rhomboid of carbonate of lime. 

23. Dissected by-pyramidal dodecahedron of carbo¬ 

nate of lime. 

24. Dissected cube of fluate of lime. 

25. Dissected rhomboid of turmalin. 

26. Dissected hexahedral prisms of phosphate of 


27. Dissected regular octahedron, considered as pri¬ 
mitive form. 

28. Dissected regular tetrahedron, considered as pri¬ 

mitive form. 

29. Dissected rhomboidal dodecahedron, considered 

as primitive form. 

30. Dissected by-pyramidal dodecahedron, considered 

as primitive form. 




3L Dissected cube* 

32* Regular tetrahedron, considered as one of the 
integrant molecules of crystals* 

33* Triangular prism, considered as integrant mole¬ 

34, Cube, considered as integrant molecule, 

35* Dissected rhomboidal dodecahedron, to illustrate, 
[by the method of analysis,] the production of a 
secondary form from a primitive solid, according 
to the law of decrement parallel to the edges, 
and acting in one direction only, namely, in 

36* Dissected rhomboidal dodecahedron, to illustrate 
the pi'eceding statement by the metliod of syn¬ 

37* Dissected irregular pentagonal dodecahedron, to 
illustrate [by the method of analysis,] the pro¬ 
duction of a secojidary form from a primitive 
solid, according to the law of decrement parallel 
to the edges, acting in two directions, namely, 
in height and breadth* 



38. The same solid^ constructed to prove the preceding 

statement by the method of synthesis. 

39. Dissected by-pyramidal dodecahedron, considered 

as secondary form originating from a primitive 
rhomboid; in illustration of the eflFect of the 
law of decrement on the edges. 

40. Dissected octahedron, considered as secondary form, 

originating from a cube, in illustration [by the 
method of analysis] of the law of decrement on 
the angles^ or the action of which takes place in 
a direction parallel to the diagonals, drawn 
from one angle to the opposite angle of the faces 
of the primitive form. 

41. Dissected octahedron, constructed to prove tlie 

same law, by the method of synthesis. 

42. Farther illustration of the action and effect of 

the law of decrement on the angles. 

43. Illustration of the law of decrement [called in¬ 

termediary'll the effect of which takes place pa¬ 
rallel to lines situated between the diagonals and 
the edges of the primitive solid. 



44* Illustration of the law^ called decrement* 

45* Model constructed to show the apparently acci¬ 
dental alterations to which the symmetry of ciys- 
tals is subject^ or the production hemitropesj 
niacles; &c* 

46* Model of a regular octahedron cut obliquely into 
two halvesj the one of which may be turned upon 
the other half in a quantity equal to one-sixth 
part of a circle, and thus producing a solid 
with alternate and re-entering angles, in illus¬ 
tration of the transposition of the faces of 

47. Model of a four-sided prism, terminated at each 
extremity by a four-sided pyranj td, 

48* The preceding model dissected exhibiting the 
halves of two separate four sided prisms, termi¬ 
nated at each extremity by trihedral prisms, ap¬ 
parently turned half round on each other, to 
form the hemitrope solid. 

49. Model of two cubes grouped upon each otlicr 



to show the manner in which crystals are 
grouped or aggregated, 

50. Model of tw^o crystals [rectangular staurolitej 
crossing each other at right angles. 

The preceding collection of models may be subdi- 
vided, for the convenience of study, into groups or 
series, forming distinct and progressive lessons, in 
some respect independent of each other, namely: 



Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 

Crystals considered as rectilineal geometrical solids, 
—denominations of the exterior parts of crystals, 




Nob. I, 5, 9, 10, 11. 

Regular rectilineal geometrical solids. 



Nos. 12, 13, M. 

Examples of irregular rectilineal geometrical solids. 


Nos. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 

Primitive forms of crystals. 




Nos. 21, 22, 23, 24. 

Mechanical dissection of crystals—development 



of the primitive forms of crystals—geometrical struc¬ 
ture and cleavage of crystalline solids, &c. 



Nos. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, SO, 31. 

Structure of primitive forms—development of the 
integrant molecules of crystals—remarkalde arrange¬ 
ment of some of them, in the interior of the primitive 




Nos. 32, 33, 34. 

Integrant molecules of crystals. 



Nos. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44. 

Laws of decrements of the structure of crystals— 
Decrements on the edges—Decrements on the angles 



“Intermediary Decrements—Mixed Decrements, ex¬ 
hibiting the modes of arrangement followed by the 
mechanical elements of crystallisable matter, according 
to which the immense variety of actually existing crys¬ 
tals are produced. 



Nos. 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. 

Singular alterations to which the symmetry of 
crystals is subject—reversed position of the faces of 
crystals—production of niacles, hemitropes—grouped 
crystals—crystals penetrating each other, &c. 



M O D E L S 

3;llu0tran6e of CrpgtallogtapSp, 


The object in selecting the following assortment of 
crystallographic models with their descriptions, is 
chiefly to familiarize the student with the primitive 
forms of actually existing crystalline solids, and their 
metamorphoses or modifications of forms, so as to 
enable see at one view, what they possess in 

* These models may likewise be had with this treatise, either 
singly, or in sets. 



common, and wJiat is peculiar to each crystalline 




1. Native gold. 

2. Native silver. 

3. Native copper. 

4. Gray cobalt ore, or bright white cobalt ore. 

5. Loucitc, grenatite, araphigcne, or white garnet. 

6. Borate of magnesia, boracite, or cubic quartz. 

7. Muriate of soda, common salt, or rock salt. 

8. Aploma. 

9. Sulplmret of lead, galena, or potter’s ore. 

10. Sulphuret of iron, common iron pyrites, or mar¬ 
tial pyrites. 

m; of crystallography. 



% A "Right Tetrahedral Prism mth Square 


11. Sulphate of magnesia or Epsom salt. 

12. Vesuvian, Idocrase, or brown volcanic hyacinth. 

13. Meionite, or white hyacinth of Somma. 

14. Wernerite, or scapolite. 

15. Mesotype, stilbite, cubic zeolithe, chabasie, 

or analcime. 

16. Chromate of lead, or red Siberian lead ore. 

17. Oxyd of titanium, or titanite. 

18. Micaceous uranite, or oxyd of uranium. 

3. A Right Tetrahedral Prism with Rectangular 


19. Chrysoberil, cymophane, oriental and opalescent 

chrysolithe, peridot of commerce. 

20. Euclase, peridot, or olivin. 

21. Foliated zeolithe or stilbite. 





23. Tong-state of iron and manganese^ or wolfram* 

24* PhrenitOj greenish zeolite, chr_ysolite of the Cape. 

4. A liigkt Tetrahedral Prism with Pkombic 

NO* j 

25. Sulphate of barytes, ponderous spar, cawk of the 
Derbyshire miners, baroselenito hea vy spar, or 
Bologna stone 

26* Sulphate of strontia, or celestine* 

27. Topaz, topaz of Saxony, of Brazil, or Occidental 


28. Mica, and when in small scales and of a glittering 

appearance, talc. 

29. Diaspore. 

30* Triphane or spodumene. 

31. Arsenical pyrites, mispickel, or native arsenic 

alloyed with iron. 

32. Sulphuret of molybdena, molybdenite. 



5. A Right Tetrahedral Prism with oblique angled 
Parallelogram Bases. 


33. Gypsum, sulphate of lime, selenite or specular 


34. Epidote, dclphinite, thalite, glassy antinolite of 

Kirwan, arendalite, akanticonite, or strahlstein. 

35. Axinite, thumerstone of Kirwan, yanolithe, violet 


6. An Oblique Tetrahedral Prism with Rectangular 


36. Borax, borate of soda, native borax or tinkal. 

37. Cyanite, sappare or distbene. 

7. A?i Oblique Tetrahedral Pnsm with Rhombic 


38. Amphibole, hornblende, basaltinc, or basaltic horn¬ 

blende, opake rhomboidal shorl. 

39. Pyroxene, augite, or volcanic shorl. 

10. Gramiuatite, or treraolite. 



8* An Oblique Tetrahedral Prism mth Oblique- 
angled Parallelogram Bases* 


41* Feldspar, when of a cream colour and silky lustre; 
it is called Adularia or moon stone* 

42* Sulphate of copper, yitriol of copper, or native 
blue vitriol* 

9* A Rhomboid with Obtuse Summits* 


43* Carbonate of lime, or calcareous spar* 

44* TurmaHn, or electric sliorl, black shorl, cockle of 
the Cornish miners; and if of a bright red 
colour, rubellit* 

45* Dioptase, compact green carbonate of copper, or 
compact malachite or emerald copper. 

46, Hock crystal, or crystallised quartz; if of a 
brownish or yellowish black colour, cairngoruin 
if of a yellow colour, occidental topaz, mock 
topaz; if rose red, Bohenvian or Silesian ruby; 
if of a light blue colour, mock or occidental sap- 




pliiroj water sapphire; if of a pale violet or pur¬ 
ple colour, amethyst. 

47. Ruby or red silver, or antimonial sulphuret of 


10. A Rhomboid with Acute Summits. 


48. Telesia, perfect red corundum, sapphire, oriental 

ruby of commerce, adamantine spar; if yellow, 
purple, green, and yellowish green, it is called by 
the jeweller oriental topaz, amethyst, emerald, 
and chrysolite. 

49. Oligiste iron, or specular iron ore. 

50. Sulphate of iron, green vitriol, martial vitriol, green 




51. Triple sulphuret of copper and iron, yellow copper 
pyrites, yellow or purple copper ore. 





IIL THE hegular hexahedral prism, 


5S* Phosphate of lime, crystallised appatite, asparagus 

53 Emerald, smaragd, or when of a pale green colour, 
berjll or aqua marine, 

54. Nepheline, or sommit. 

55. Finite, or micarelle. 

56. Oipyre, or leucolithe. 

57. Sulphuret of mercury, or native dnnabar. 




as. Garnetj pyrope of Werner, carbuncle of the an¬ 
cients, syrien, oriental, or noble garnet. 

S9. Sulplioret of zinc, blende or pseudo galena. 




61. Phosphate of lead, green lead ore, or green spary 
lead ore. 



62. Fluate of lime, fluor spar, or Derbyshire spar. 

63. Muriate of ammonia, or native sal ammoniac. 

64. Alum, rock alum, roach alum, or native super-) 

sulphate of alumine. 

65. Spinell, true ruby, or balas ruby. 

66. Muriate of copper, sandy copper, or green copper 

sand of Peru. 

67. Diamond. 

68. Native amalgam, or quicksilver alloyed with 


69. Ruby copper ore, red copper ore, or calciform red 

copper ore. 

70. Magnetical iron ore, load-stone, or common mag¬ 

netic iron stone. 

71. Native bismuth. 

72. Native antimony. 



1, The Octahedron^ the Pyramids of which ha'ct 
Rectangular Buses- 


73. Nitrate of potash^ saltpetre^ nitre. 

74. Carbonate of lead^ spatliose, or spary leatl ore, 

white lead ore, glassy lead ore. 

75. Sulphate of leadj native vitriol of lead. 

76. Oxid of zinc or calaoiino. 

77. Made or chiastolite. 

78. Arragonite or Arragoa spar. 

79. Shorlaceous beryll. 

2. The Ociahedron^ the Pyramids of which ham Square 


80. Zircon, jargon, or mock diamond. 

81. Anatase, oisanite, octahedrite, blue schorl, octahe¬ 

dral titanite. 

82. Harmatome, cross stone, white cruciform hyacinth, 

staurotide, staurolite, or granatite. 

83. Molybdate of lead, yellow lead ore. 


1 Ij Old Compton-Streetj Sotso. 

Those Jndividmh zs)bo are desirous of receiving 
ike Models enumerated in the preceding pages^ (or Sets 
of them )y will have the goodness to favour the Author 
with their Orders, either in a direct way^ or through the 
medium of their Booksellers. 

London^ March J4th^ ISIS* 


Sis line IS, for ** afnoresce,” read “ elHorcscc,” 

Sa, — 14, for “ 3,” read “ 41,” 

64 , IG, for “ put t,” 

104, — If, for ” course,” read causs',’* 

110, — IG, for “ coutalwff,” read contaiu,” 

111 , — 10, for sulphurate,” read “ sulphuret*” 

114, — 3, for “aimalyt’ical,” read “aualytical.” 

IS!, — 3, for divni-aioO,”^ read division,” 

130 , — 10, for “ Crystal,” read ** Crystals.” 

159 ^ „ g, for €6,” read " 50,” 

I 64 j _ 10, dele the Tvords “ dlfFprcuce between structure and dec re- 

lueut,” &c, 

sll, — 4, for fl 35 r,” read " B r, & A.” 

£3S, — 6, for “ FieldspJir,” read “ Feldspar,” 

S4f, -- 8, for " obl^ue,” read “ obliquely,” 

3 ;J0, — 17, dele tbe word or,” 

342, — !>, for “ tetrahedron,” read letrahedroas,^ 

344, ^ ts, dele the words ” lU order,” 

1 > 


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-/1 *■} '■ r -L '•< *> 

The name Crystal, is given to those 
polyhedral bodies, produced by nature and 
the operations of chemistry, which possess a 
regular geometrical form, and rectilineal 
interior, structure. . 





Crystallisatioit is the process by 
which crystals are produced. It expresses 
the separation of the integrant particles of 
crystallisable bodies from a fluid, with which 
they were combined, so as to unite by 
virtue of their crystalline attraction into 
rectilineal solids. 

The mineral kingdom presents a varii tv 
of crystallised bodies, which, on account 
of their beautiful forms, have at all times 
attracted the attention of mankind, and 
chemistry or the chemical art is also ca¬ 
pable of causing a vast number of saline 
and other substances to assume symme¬ 
trical forms. 

Observation has shewn that every sub¬ 
stance in crystallising has a tendency to 
assume a peculiar figure. Common salt 
crystallises in cubes, Epsom salt in six- 
sided prisms, alum in octahedrons, sugar- 
candy in oblique four-sided prisms with 
wedge-shaped summits. But the crystal¬ 
line form in any crystallisable material 
is liable to be altered by circumstances af¬ 
fecting the crystallising process, and hence 



the geometrical forms, which the same 
identical substances present, often bear no 
such resemblance to each other as would 
seem to indicate their relation. There are, 
nevertheless, a certain number of figures 
peculiar to every cry stall isable body, and 
the crystals of that substance assume one 
or the other of those forms, and no other. 
Common*''sait^ for example, when it has 
assumed its true crystalline shape, presents 
itself in the form of cubes; it is also met 
with in octahedrons, dodecahedrons, or 
some figure appertaining to those solids. 
Sugar-candy usually crystallises in oblique 
four-sided prisms, and it likewise occurs 
in cubes and in six-sided prisms, with 
wedge-shaped summits variously modified; 
alum crystallises in octahedrons, but it also 
occurs in cubes. 

This however is not all. When we pe¬ 
netrate into tlie interior structure of crys¬ 
talline solids, we become convinced that 
their mechanical elements are disposed in 
symmetry according to laws Avhich have 
their measure and their value. Their state 






f •« 

of aggregation is absolutely geometrical, 
and appears as if it had been atfected by 
instruments saided by skill and intelli¬ 


To explain these laws of crystalline ar¬ 
chitecture is the province of Ciiystallo- 
cuAFHY. It is the business of this de¬ 
partment of knowledge to elucidate to 
what the forms of crystals and their meta¬ 
morphoses are owing; or, in other words, 
to account for the production of that im¬ 
mense variety of crystalline figures,,.with 
which the mineral kingdom, and the labo¬ 
ratory of the chemist, have hitherto asto¬ 
nished the world. This science has, in 
our own time, been so successfully culti¬ 
vated, that it has given the most dignified 
aspect to the philosophy of minerals. It 
enables us to calculate wdth the fewest 
possible data, simple in the extreme, yet 
inatheraatically certain the geometrical 
Ibrras of crystals, with a like degree of ac¬ 
curacy, as astronomers attain in calculat¬ 
ing the motion of the heavens. They who 
have been in the habit of examining crys- 



talline substances niust have noticed, that 
when their forms are well determined, they 
always constitute angular polyhedral bodies 
bounded by planes. w ! .-.i'. 

Hence those soft outlines and that round¬ 
ness of figure which is so j characteristic in 
the subjects of organic beings, and which, 
in fact, constitutes their elegance of formsj 
indicates on the contrary, among crys¬ 
tallised .substances, a want of perfection. 
The characteristic of true beauty in these 
substances of nature undoubtedly is tlie 
sti’aight line. ,ir ‘ i . , t 

The term rectilineal structure, therefore, 
has been chosen to express the arrangement 
of the small solids which combine geome¬ 
trically to form crystals,,in oppositiofl to 
the term of organization, which denotes • the 
more complex mechanism of vegetable 
and animal substances. And this distiuc-; 
tion is the more essential in the science of 
Crystallography, for otherwise a column, 
of basalt, which indeed is a symmetrical 
rectilineal solid, might be considered as a, 
crystal; which in reality it; isi,not,:,for. 



it does not possess a rectiiineal mterior 

The increase or giowth of a crystal, is 
exceedingly diiferent from the growth of 
organic beings; it does not take place by 
the expansion of its particles, and it pro¬ 
duces no advantage to the individual itself; 
no state of its existence can be deter¬ 
mined as the period of its perfection. 
The magnitude of a crystal can only be 
increased by the mechanical or chemical 
application of new matter; its increase as 
well as its change of' form, is the result of 
simple combination of external materials, 
aided by molecular attraction. 

In the vegetable and animal kingdoms 
each individual constitutes a whole, pos¬ 
sessing a determinate form and structure, 
stamped on it by a peculiar power as a 
living being, which grows by appropriating 
different materials for its subsistence, and 
converting it into its own substance. All 
its dimensions are thus increased, its vari¬ 
ous parts uniformly preserve the same pro¬ 
portion, and they continue to perfonn their 



functions. It lives, continues its species, 
and dies. In the mineral kingdom it is 
otherwise. The arrangement of the sub¬ 
jects of this department of nature, are 
passive; they are merely acted on by me¬ 
chanical and chemical agencies, and possess 
no power of changing that action. 

According to Dr. Young*, a more or less 
perfect crystallisation is the universal cause 
of solidity. We may imagine that when 
the particles of bodies are disposed without 
any order, they can afford no strong re¬ 
sistance to a motion in any direction ; but 
when they are regularly placed in cer¬ 
tain situations with respect to each other, 
any change of form must displace them in 
such a manner, as to increase the distance 
of a whole rank at once, and hence they 
may be enabled to co-operate in resisting 
such a change. 


• Natural Philosophy, vol. i. p. § 28 . 



'' '■ c 1 i ^ 3 i I ‘ • i ' 


I. ; <ii i I . : • ■*' i i ,- - 

••I 1 ?' - ■ ’»<» ’ t '1 ' ' i, ■ *! t t - ■ j 

. : ‘ ' Ui it ^ M < j '1 r. ' » '* 

i t ■»♦ H ■ r ^‘ .Jilt- ’ ' J. ■ , i 

r '-[ ‘uu-,, SECTION-IT. 

^ . _ s I > “ ■ I ‘ 


■'ll energy in DIFFERENT BODIES. 

■ I • ' • 

j jTo cause a body to crystallise, it is in 
the first place necessary to I'educe ifito the 
most complete state of disintegration, i Its 
integrant , particles must be placed at a 
distance from each other, by the interpo¬ 
sition of a fluid, in which .they have full 
liberty to move, and which opposes no 
resistance to a S3nnraetrical arrangement 
being assumed, b^^^yirtue of the crystalline 
or attractive power with which the particles 



are enducedand secondly, it is essential, 
that the fluid which keeps the integrant 
particles at a distance, should be gradually 
abstracted, or cease to keep them asunder, 
to enable the particles fully and freely to 
exercise their reciprocal affinities. For the 
particles of crystallisablc bodies cannot 
come into contact and form crystals, as long 
as the forces of the attraction existing be¬ 
tween them, and.the fluid with which they 
are combined, is superior or greater than the 
natural attraction or crystalline .power' ex¬ 
isting among the particles themselves; 

From this simple exposition it is easy 
to conceive, that crystallisation is ope¬ 
rated solely by virtue of the attraction 
existing between the integrant particles of 
bodies, which tends to bring them together, 
and make them adhere to each other. And 
as crystals assume the forms of geometrical 
solids, we are led to imagine that their 
integrant particles have a form peculiar to 
them, and they ecjually induce ustto be¬ 
lieve that the polyhedral figures i belong to 


the particles of crystallisablc bodies, having 
unequal sides, or some faces of greater ex-^ 
tent than others; these particles must have 
a tendency to approach and unite by those 
faces which are the most extensive. Sup¬ 
posing this, it will be easy to conceive that 
when the particles are made to approach 
each otlier, they will unite by those taees 
which are best adapted to each other, or 
which bear the strongest relation. 

It cannot be doubted, that every crystal- 
lisable substance has its proper and pecu¬ 
liar mode of crystallising; or, which is 
the same thing, that it has its elementary 
mechanical particles of a determinate form, 
different from tliat of every other. This 
unquestionably is the hrst cause of the re¬ 
markable differences that exist between the 
crystals obtained. But the great varieties 
of forms that appear among crystallised 
bodies, are evidently owing, as will be shewn 
hereafter, to the different geometrical modes 
of arrangement in which the particles are 
aggregated upon each c^her. 


The processes by which crystallization is 
aoconiplislied by art, are the following: 

Cri/stalIisatio7i, as it takes place in a body 
from the dimmution of the solvent pozeer of 
a liquid which has communicated fluidity to a 
solidf by having combined with it. 

By the term solution is understood in 
•chemistry, that operation in which a solid 
body, combines with a fuid in such a man* 
ner, that the compound retains tlie duid 
form, and is permanent and transparent. 

Perfect transparency and permanent 
suspension of the solid are marks of perfect 
solution, by which it is distinguished 
from simple mixture or mechanical dif¬ 

This process, no doubt, is nothing else 
than an effect of the opKiration of chemical 
affinity, exerted between the fluid and the 
body which is to be dissolved. Thus, 
when common salt is thrown into water, 
the salt may be considered as acted on by 
two forces. The cohesive or corpuscular 



attraction of its particles on the one hand 
tends to preserve it in a solidistate; and its 
affinity for water, on the other hand, to 
bring it into a state of solution. The latter 
force, however, prevails. The chemical 
affinit}’^ being stronger than the corpus¬ 
cular or cohesive attmctions of the par¬ 
ticles of the salt, a compound is produced, 
in which the particles of salt and water are 
no longer distinguishable by the eye, nor 
separable from each other by any mechani¬ 
cal force. - 

In the solid, when thus dissolved, the 
molecular or cohesive attraction, though 
overcome by a counteracting power, must 
nevertheless still be considered as existing, 
and as constantly tending to re-unite the 
integrant particles which are dissolved. 
For, if we expel or evaporate by heat, a 
Sufficient portion of the fluid which re¬ 
moved the particles of the dissolved body 
beyond their 'sphere of mutual attraction, 
the particles t of the solid become approxi¬ 
mated, i they, are brought within the limits 
of their mutual affinity, they combine. 



and the solid re-appears. And if this ab¬ 
straction of the fluid is accomplished gra¬ 
dually, and so as to leave the elementary 
moleculae time to arrange themselves, if we 
may use the expression, to present them¬ 
selves suitably to one another, the crystal¬ 
lisation is regular; while, on the contrary, 
too speedy an abstraction of the separating 
fluid will force them to come tofsether 
suddenly, and, as it were by the first faces 
that oft’er, in which case the crystallisa¬ 
tion is irregular, and the figure of the 
crystal difficult to be ascertained. And if 
the abstraction be altogether sudden, the 
body will ever form only a concrete mass, 
which will have scarcely any crystalline 

The art of crystallising substances is 
chiefly built on these fundamental trul hs. 

Hence the method of effecting the crys¬ 
tallisation of such bodies as require a pre¬ 
vious state of solution, and among which 
the class of salts hold a distinguished 
rank, consists in heating the saline solution 
so as to dissipate gradually part of the 



water by evaporation. It is thus that 
chemists proceed for obtaining crystals of 
sulpliat of potash, muriate of potash, &c. 

The figure of the crystal has very little 
regularity, if the water be evaporated too 
hastily, as by boiling; but by keeping the 
saline scdution in a gentle heat, very beau¬ 
tiful and very regular crystals are con¬ 
stantly obtained in a longer or shorter 
space of time; and there is scarcely any 
salt which may not be made to assume a 
very distinct fonn by this process, if it be 
skilfully conducted. 

^ s 

AW crystals extend themselves more in a 
hoj'iaoDtal than a vertical direction, and ac¬ 
quire a much taster growth at the bottom 
of a tall vessel than nearer tiie surface. 
This curious fact will admit of a simple ex¬ 
planation ; tlie integrant niolecwlae, being 
denser than the solution from which they 
are separated, fall diown^ and augment by 
their continual accretion the expanding 
crystals belo^v. There are other circum¬ 
stances which materially influence the co- 
liesive affinity of dissolved solids, in deter- 



mining it to become efficient; of this kind 
is the refrigeration of the fluid. 

This process is successfully employed 
for such saline bodies as are more soluble 
in hot water than in cold. It may readily 
be conceived, that a salt of this kind must 
exhibit this phenomenon, since it ceases to 
be equally soluble in water, of which the 
temperature is diminished ; so that the 
portion, which remained dissolved only by 
means of the higher temperature, willwpa- 
rate by degrees as the liquor cools; and 
when this is completely cooled, it will re¬ 
tain in solution only such a quantity as 
cold water would dissolve. It is the same 
with this second process, as with the first. 
The more slowly the water cools, the more 
will the saline moleculse be enabled to 
approach each other by those faces which 
are most suitable, and a very regular crop 
of crystals will be obtained. For this rea¬ 
son a certain degree of heat must be kept 
up for some time under saline solutions, 
diminishing it gradually. 

It must be observed, that all the salts. 


AiiT or 

which maybe made to crystallise in this man¬ 
ner, are also much more soluble in general 
than those, for which the preceding method 
is employed : and as they are dissolved at 
first in boiling water, if this be suddenly 
cooled, it will let fall in a shapeless im^s 
all the salt that was dissolved by means of 
the boiling heat: on the contrary, if the 
solution be placed, while very hot, on a 
sand-bath, or in a warm place, and care be 
taken to conduct the refrigeration slowly, 
the crystallisation will be very regular. 
Such is the mode of obtaining sulphate of 
soda, nitrate of pot-ash, carbonate of soda, 
carbonate of pot-ash, muriate of ammonia, 
&c. in beautiful crystals. 

A third method of crystallising saline sub¬ 
stances, is by subjecting them to spontane¬ 
ous evaporation. For this purpose, a saline 
solution is exposed to the temperature of the 
atmosphere in capsules of glass or shallovv 
stone ware basons, which must be covered 
with paper or gauze, to prevent any dust 
from falling into the liquor, without hinder¬ 
ing its evaporation. For this operation, a 



separate chamber or garret should be cho¬ 
sen, and used for no other purpose. The 
solutiop^.i^jd^ft exposed to the air, till 
crystaH^^^e, perceived in it, which some¬ 
times 00;^ take place in less than four, 
five, pi* tijx.jtHyeeks, or even longer with 
some salts. This process usually succeeds 
better than either of the others for obtain¬ 
ing crystals very regular in their figure, and 
of considerable bulk. It ought to be em¬ 
ployed in general for all salts, if time would 
allow, because it is the means of having 
them perfectly pure. 

On some occasions a combination of these 
processes may be advantageous, particu¬ 
larly for obtaining crystals of very deli¬ 
quescent salts. The solutions of.these 
bodies being briskly evaporated, are ex¬ 
posed immediately to a great degree of 
cold; but this method never aflbrds any 
but irregular crystals, and sometimes con¬ 
crete masses. 

The form of the vessel, and the plunging 
of foreign bodies into saline solutions, have 
also much influence on crystallisation. 



Both of these circumstances aflTect the figure 
and growth of the crystals, and produce in 
it a very great variety; for this reason 
threads, glass rods, slips of metal, or little 
sticks, are placed with advantage in the cap¬ 
sules or basons, in which the crystallisa¬ 
tion is performed, with a view to obtain 
regular crystals. In this case the ciystals 
are precipitated on the threads, and as 
the surface on which they repose has very 
little extent, they have commonly the 
greatest regularit}^ of figure, while in attach¬ 
ing themselves to the oblique, irregular, un¬ 
even sides of the vessels, they are always 
more or less irregular. 

The plunging of foreign bodies into sa¬ 
line solutions, has frequently another ad¬ 
vantage ; they actually determine the forma¬ 
tion of the crystals, which would have been 
much slower without their presence. Thus 
a piece of wood, or a stone, thrown into a 
saline solution, becomes a base, on wliich 
the solution readily deposits crystals. Other 
circumstances effecting the crystallising j'u’o- 
cess of bodies, will be mentioned hereafter. 

1 = 




AVe sliall form some idea of the process 
of crystallisation effected by means of a 
previous state of solution, if, after having 
dissolved a quantity of a crystallisable salt, 
for instance, nitrate of ammonia, alum, 
nitrate of potash, or sulphate of soda [Glau¬ 
ber’s salt], in water, we observe what takes 
place whilst the solution is suffered to cool; 
after having been previously evaporatt^d to 
saturation*, or better till a drop, when 
placed upon a cold body, shows a dispo¬ 
sition to crystallise; or at farthest till the 
evaporation has proceeded to such a degree, 
that a saline pellicle begins to appear on 
the surface of the liquor, which phenomena 
are proofs that the cohesive attraction of the 
particles of the salt is obtaining a supe¬ 
riority over the solvent power of the hot 
water, and that the solution when left un¬ 
disturbed will crystallise. 

* The term saturation in this case implies that the 
combination in which a bod^ is combined with the 
largest quantity of another substance; hence, when 
water has dissolved the largest quantity of salt which 
it can dissolve, it is said to be saturated. 

c 2 

- p —: 



We shall find upon the bottom and the 
sides of the vessel, when the solution has 
become cold, small heaps of salt deposited, 
which gradually increase in size by the ac¬ 
cumulation of new particles, and if these 
masses of salt be examined by a lens, it 
will be seen that they consist of groups of 
minute solids, or crystals possessing deter¬ 
minate geometrical forms. 

All crystals deposited from water, con¬ 
tain a quantity of that fluid. It is termed 
their. Water of Cr]fstallisation, and is essen¬ 
tial to the regularity of their form. It 
gives them their transparency and density, 
those qualities being always lost when this 
winter is evaporated. Different saline 
bodies contain dift'erent quantities of water 
of crystallisation. There are some which 
contain more than half their weight; as 
sulphate of soda, carbonate of soda, nitrate 
of ammonia, the triple sulphate of alumine, 
&c.: others have but a small portion, as 
sulphate of potash, nitrate, and muriate of 
soda, &c. The proportion of water varies 
according to the nature of the salt that is 



crystallised, and appears to be in an in¬ 
verse ratio to the force of its crystalline 
power. Thus sulphate of potash, which re¬ 
quires a large quantity of water to counter¬ 
balance the cohesive force of its particles, 
contains but little water of crystallisation, 
whereas sulphate of soda, which is readily 
soluble in water, holds more than half its 
weight of water. This water appears to be 
in a state of chemical combination with the 
salt, and not simply interposed between its 
cr3’stalline laminas. The affinity however 
which it exerts is but feeble, at least in those 
salts into the composition of which it enters 
largely, since a considerable proportion of 
it is driven off by simple exposure to the 
air, and such salts are said to affloresce^ be¬ 
cause they abandon their waters of crystal¬ 
lisation by mere exposure to a dry and 
Avarm atmosphere, and thus lose their 
transparency, their volume, and in time 
their form, as sulphate of soda, &c. 

Those salts on the contrary, Avhich hold 
their water of crystallisation very strongly 
combined, and eagerly attract more on ex- 



posure to a damp atmosphere, become li¬ 
quid or deliquiate. The pi'operty is called 
deliquescence. Tor instance, nitrate of -am¬ 
monia, &c. 

^ The cohesive attraction is therefore to be 
considered as the sole cause of the crystal¬ 
lisation of solids. It is exerted between 
the integrant particles of bodies. (See p. 9 ) 
It essentially depends on two conditions 
only: one of which is, that the moleciilsc of 
bodies should be in the state of disintegra¬ 
tion; and the other, that they should be kept 
in suspension in a liquid capable of aban¬ 
doning them to the crystalline attraction 
which solicits them towards each other. In 
short, every thing in the process of crystal¬ 
lisation, is regarded as passing in the same 
manner as if, the force of gravity being null, 
and the liquid ivas not coerced by the sides 
of any surrounding matter, and as if the 
crystal itself remained isolated in the liquid. 

But the particles of different bodies, no 
doubt, possess different degrees of crystal¬ 
line powers, or to arrange themselves sym¬ 



Thus the integrant particles of carbonate 
of lime may be considered as possessing a 
very high degree of crystalline energy, for 
not only are very beautiful large crystals 
of this substance extremely abundant, but 
the^^ are met with in the mineral kingdom 
with all the leading geometrical characters 
of calcareous spar, even when mixed with 
a very large portion of foreign ingredients. 
Thus the acute rhomboids of calcareous 
spar, which are found at Fontainbleau, con¬ 
tain more than two-thirds of their weight 
of granular quartz: the principal angle of 
pearl spar are nearly the same as that of 
calcareous spar, although, in many in¬ 
stances, the carbonat of lime in this mineral 
amounts to no more than about a third of 
its weight, the remainder being oxyd of 
iron and manganese; again, in the bitters- 
path the carbonat of lime preserves nearly 
its essential crystalline character, though 
mixed with almost half its weight of carbo¬ 
nate of magnesia, for the value of its geo¬ 
metrical angle differs little from that of the 




primitive figure of the characteristic angle 
of carbonat of lime. On the other hand, 
the crystalline affinity of sulphuret of cop¬ 
per is probably but small, and therefore 
the minuteness of its crystals, and their 
comparative rarity. 

Hence also, when two solids are dis¬ 
solved in one licjuid, they may be separated 
from each other by their different crystal¬ 
line energies. That solid whose particles 
possess tlie greatest crystalline tendency 
will separate first, and the other, which is 
less disposed to crystallise, may be after¬ 
wards obtained by reducing the quantity, 
or temperature of the solvent. The sepa¬ 
ration, iiowever, of the two solids from 
each other, is seldom, if ever perfect, on 
account of their mutual affinity for each 

When nitre and common salt, for cx- 
ampie, exist together in the same solu¬ 
tion, after separating most of the nitre by 
its greater disposition to crystallise, there 
still remains a portion of it in the saline so- 


lutioii. Tiie crystals which we obtain at first, 
are not pure nitre, but consist of that salt, 
combined with a portion of common salt. 

Observation and experiment have shown, 
that those salts that arc permanent in the 
air, have the strongest degree of crystalline 
power. In those which are elTlorcscent this 
force is considerably less, and* it is the 
weakest of all in those that deliquesce on 
exposure to the air. Now if two salts of 
the first class are dissolved together in the 
same quantity of water, provided they do 
not decompose each other, and especially 
if their ratios of solubility are different, al¬ 
though they ai*e rendered more soluble by 
their mutual affinity, yet the whole quan¬ 
tities of them, may be obtained again in 
a crystalline state without leaving any 
uncrystallisable fluid. Thus equal parts 
of nitrate of potash and sulphate of pot¬ 
ash, though soluble Avhen mixed together 
in less water than would have been ne¬ 
cessary for both in a separate state, af¬ 
ford by evaporation successively and 
in proportion to their solubility, first, sul- 



pliate of potash, and then nitrate of potash, 
■without leaving any portion of it in the 
nncrystallisable liquid. But on the other 
hand if nitrate of soda and sulphate of soda 
are subjected to the same experiment, 
both of which have only a slight tendency 
to crystallise and are of jiearly equal 
solubility, only a small quantity of sul¬ 
phate of soda will separate by crystallisa¬ 
tion, all the nitrate and the remainder of 
the sulphate remaining liquid and uncrys- 
tallisablc. When the mutual action of 
the two salts is sufficient to effect a double 
decomposition of them, it is necessary to 
take into consideration the solubility of the 
new formed salts, in order to make a correct 
estimate of the quantity of uncrystallisable 
residue, or of their crystalline powers; and it 
is by taking thus advantage of the supe¬ 
riority of the affinity of cohesion over that 
of different bodies, that we are able to pro¬ 
cure in a separate state many saline bodies 
in the difficult art of analysis. 

It is unnecessary to expound this subject 
to a greater extent. A summary chemical 


view of it would involve a minuteness of 
detail altogether unsuitable to the purpose 
of this work. 

CrijstaUisation as it takes place from the 
rednction of temperature, in a body which has 
had fluidity communicated to it, by the action 
of heat. 

There are some classes of Ijodies which 
are not soluble in water, but nevertheless, 
are capable of assuming crystalline forms. 
Such, for instance are the metals; some in¬ 
flammables, and a vast number of chemical 
compounds.. • 

These substances when returning to the 
solid state after having been fused, undergo 
a regular crystallisation ; they are made to 
crystallise by being previously fused, which 
in fact, is a solution by means of caloric. 

If we melt a ladle full of bismuth, anti¬ 
mony, zinc, sulphur, or muriate of lead, 
and allow it to cool slowly, and quietly, till 
a thin crust has formed on the surface, and 
then by means of a jwinted iron, make two 



small opposite apertures through the crust, 
and quickly pour out by on^, the fluid por¬ 
tion as carefully and with as little motion of 
the mass as possible, whilst the air enters by 
the other aperture, there will appear on re¬ 
moving the upper crust by means of a chis- 
sel, when the vessel has become cold, a cup 
shaped concavity studded with cr3'stals, 
very brilliant, and more or less regular, ac¬ 
cording to the magnitude of the quantity of 
massemploj'cd, the tranquillity and slowness 
with which it has cooled, and the dexterity 
with which the fluid central portion, at the 
moment before it commenced to solidity, 
was decanted from the crystallised part. 
The same effect will be produced by fusing 
the substance in a crucible, which has a 
hole in its bottom, lightly' closed by an iron 
rod or stopper, which is to be drawn out, 
after the vessel has become removed fi om 
the fire, and the surface of the licpiid become 
congealed. Or the substance when melted, 
may be poured into a deep plate or dish, 
placed in a slanting position, which is sud¬ 
denly inclined in the opposite direction. 


when the mass begins to congeal; by tliis 
means the superior portion which is fluid, 
is made to run olF, and a cake studded 
over Avith crystal is obtained. Sulphur, 
bismuth, siilphuret of antimony, and 
muriate of lead, are easily crystallised in 
this manner. 

The conversion of water into ice, is a 
process of crystallisation arising from the 
abstraction of caloric, by the combination 
of which, water presents itself in a state of 
fluidity; its natural form being ice, hence it 
passes into the solid state at 32*^ at the loss 
of caloric. When water is suftcred to freeze 
very slowly and Avithout agitation, small 
needle-shaped crj'stals are observed on its 
surface, shooting out from each other at an 
angle either of 60 or 120® ; these crystals 
gradually accumulate, they cross each other 
in all directions, and lastly, form one uni¬ 
form solid mass of ice. A similar crystal¬ 
line arrangement is observable in new 
fallen snoAv, the flakes of Avhich present 
stars with six radii. If a piece of fistu- 




lous ice, containing water in its internal 
parts, be broken, and tiie water besiiftered 
to run out, tlie external cavity wlien ex¬ 
amined by tlic microscope, will be found 
studded with beautiful triangular or hexa- 
hedral prisms, curiously interlaced, and 
grouped upon each other. 


CrystaUiHdtion effected by mhlimat'mu 

Crystallisation effected by nteans of sub¬ 
limation, is applicable to those bodies 
which are readily volatilized without chang¬ 
ing their chemical properties on exposure 
to a moderate heat. To illustrate this fact, 
take any quantity of benzoic acid, put 
it into a Florence flask, and aj)ply a 
gentle heat to the bottom of the flask 
by means of a lamp. The benzoic acid 
will be volatilized in the form of white 
vapours, -which again condense within 
the upper part of the vessel in a beauti¬ 
ful cr3'stalline form. In these cases, the 
caloric acts as ordinary liquids with re- 



spect to a salt which they hold in so¬ 

It is the retiring of the substance at first 
interposed between the particles, which 
removed them to a distance from each 
other, so as to permit them to tipproach 
insensibly nearer to each other b}'^ vir¬ 
tue of their molecular attraction, and to 
unite under geometrical forms, when such 
withdrawing is made slowly enough to give 
them time to assume the arrangements 
which accord with the laws of crystalli¬ 

Crystallimtion as it takes place by the 
exertion of ^chemical affinity. 

The mutual approach of the integrant 
particles of crystallisable bodies held in 
solution by a liquid, so as to approach and 
to present regular angular forms, may likc- 
Avise be effected, by presenting to the fluid 
another bo<ly which has an affinity su¬ 
perior to that of the crystalline solid itself, 
and therefore weakens its affinity, and 



effects a decomposition. In illustration of 
this principlCf the action of alcohol upon 
most of the saline solutions may be ad¬ 
vanced. If we make a very concentrated 
solution of nitrate of potash, alum, siilpiiatc 
of copper, or sulphate of magnesia in 
water, and pour into it copiously, alcohol, 
the salt held in solution by the water be¬ 
comes instantly precipitated in the form of 
exceedingly rniiiute crystals, by virtue of 
the alcohol combining with the water by 
which the salt was dissolved. 

If we spread on a plate of glass a few 
drops of a dilute solution ofnitrate of silver, 
and place in contact wdth it a copper or 
brass ware, and lot the whole*remain un¬ 
disturbed in an lioriiiontal position ; a bril¬ 
liant crystallisation of metallic silver will 
make its appearance upon the glass next 
the piece of copper ware, and this arrange¬ 
ment of crystals will extend gradually till 
the whole quantity of fluid is evaporated. 
In this case the copper or brass unites to 
the oxigen of the oxid of silver dissolved in 
the nitric acid, which holds it in solution; 



and as this takes place, the silver becomes 
precipitated in the metallic state, assuming 
a kind of arboriform arrangement, whilst 
the nitric acid unites to the copper. 

If a piece of phosphorus be suffered to 
remain immersed for about twelve hours, 
in a solution of sulphate of copper, the 
phosphorus will gradually become enve¬ 
loped in a coat of extremely brilliant and 
crystalline metallic copper, impervious to 
air. Because the phosphorus has a stronger 
affinity for oxigen than copper; it there¬ 
fore de-oxidizes the solution of this metal, 
and the copper re-appears in its metallic 

The precipitation of silver in a metallic 
state may be effected by suffering phos¬ 
phorus to be immersed, for a few days, in a 
solution of nitrate of silver. The whole of 
the metal will be precipitated on the phos¬ 
phorus in fine dendritic crystal. The ra¬ 
tionale of this experiment is analogous to 
the former. 

The metallic precipitation of lead, com¬ 
monly called the lead tree, may be ex- 




hibited in the following manner. Into a 
quart decanter, nearl}^ hllcd with water 
that has been boiled, put half an ounce of 
acetate of lead leduced to powder, shake 
the mixture, and suffer it to stand undis¬ 
turbed for two or three days; then decant 
the clear fluid from the insoluble residue; 
reject the latter, and after having rinced 
the decanter with water, return into it the 
clear solution. If now a ball of zinc be sus¬ 
pended in the middle of the fluid, by tying it 
to a thread affixed to the stopper, and the 
vessel be then set in a place where it can¬ 
not be disturbed, the zinc soon becomes 
covered with a moss-like substance, being 
metallic lead, which increases gradually, and 
shooting out brilliant crystallised plates of 
metallic lead, which place themselves in a 
kind of symmetrical arrangement resembl¬ 
ing a tree or shrub. The zinc has a greater 
affinity than lead has for oxigen, it there¬ 
fore deprives the oxid of lead of it, which 
being thus reduced to the metallic state, 
can no longer remain united to the acetic 
acid in which it was dissolved, but must 



become precipitated upon the zinc, and in 
so doing places itself, by virtue of its mole¬ 
cular attraction, into such a symmetrical 
arrangement, as the disposition of its par¬ 
ticles is best adapted to assume. 

Crystallisation effected by a previous state 
of comminution and suspension in a f ind. 

From the experiments of Mr. Watt, it ap¬ 
pears, that in order to obtain bodies in the 
form of crystals, a previous solution is not 
always necessary, but that an extreme me¬ 
chanical divisions and suspensions in a fluid 
is in some cases sufficient, so that the dis¬ 
united particles have full liberty to approach 
each other very gradually and without 
starts. Mr. AVatt persuades himself, that 
in this manner petrified wood is almost 
daily formed, in which, though crystallisa¬ 
tion does not actually take place, a very 
perfect arrangement is indicated by the in¬ 
timate union of the silicious matter of which 
it is composed, and that in this manner are 
produced other depositions which approach 

D 2 

to a crystalline structure, although the ma- ^ 
terials of which they are composed are vir¬ 
tually insoluble in water- 


Circumstances which are essential for the 
production of zirell formed crystals. 

In order that the form of crystals may be 
regular, three circumstances are required; 
time, a sufficient space, and repose. 

Time causes the superabundant fluid to 
be slowly dissipated, and brings the inte¬ 
grant particles nearer to each other by insen¬ 
sible concentration, and without any sud¬ 
den shock. The integrant parts therefore 
unite according to their constant laws and 
form a regular crystal. Indeed it is a gene¬ 
ral rule that the slower the formation of a 
crystal, the more perfect is its form; it is 
also larger, harder, more transparent and 

Space^ or sufficient room, is likewise a ne¬ 
cessary condition for obtaining beautiful 
and regular crystals. If nature be restrained 
in her operations, the products of lier labour 


will exhibit symptons of tliis state of con¬ 
straint. It may be asserted, that nature 
forms her productions according to all the 
circumstances which can influence her pro¬ 

A state of repose in the fluid is absolutely 
necessary to obtain very regular forms. 
Uninterrupted agitation opposes all sym¬ 
metrical arrangement; and in this case the 
crop of crystals obtained, will be confused 
and indeterminate. 


Method of obtaining large and perfect 
crystals of almost any size. 

We are indebted to Le Blanc* for an 
ingenious method for obtaining large and 
perfect crystals almost of any size, and for 
varying their shape at pleasure, by causing 
them to be formed, or grow under certain 
circumstances. The process is as follows. 
Let the salt to be crystallised be dissolved 

* Journal de Physique, tom. iv. p. 300 . 



ill water, concentrate the solution slowly by 
evaporation, to such a degree that it shall 
crystallise on cooling, which may be known 
by suffering a drop of it to cool on a plate 
of glass or other substance. This being 
' done let the solution be put aside, and when 
perfectly cold, pour off the liquid portion 
from the mass of crystals at the bottom, and 
put it into a flat bottomed vessel. Alter 
having stood for some da3's, solitary crystals 
will be formed. 

This being done, crystals will begin to 
form at some distance from each other, 
which gradually increase in size; select the 
most regular of these, and place them into 
a flat bottomed vessel at some distance 
from each other, and pour over them a 
quantity of the concentrated liquid obtained 
by evaporating a solution of the salt, till it 
crystallises on cooling. Alter the position 
of every crystal once at least every day, 
with a glass rod, that all the faces may be 
alternately exposed to the action of the 
lic^uid: for the side on which the crystal 
rests, or is in contact with the vessel, never 



receives any increment. The crystals will 
thus gradually grow or increase in size. 
When they have grown to such a size that 
their form can easily be distinguished, let 
the most perfect ones be selected, or those 
having the exact shape Avhich we wish to 
obtain; and put them separately in a vessel 
filled with a portion of the same liquid, and 
let them by turned in the manner directed 
several times a-day. By this means they 
may be be obtained of almost any size we 
wish. When the crystal has continued in 
the liquid for a certain time, the quantity of 
salt held in solution becomes so much dimi¬ 
nished, that the liquid begins to act upon 
the crystal and redissolve it. This action is 
first perceptible on the angles and edges of 
the crystal; they become blunted, and 
gradually loose their shape altogether. 
Whenever this begins to be perceived, the 
liquid must be poured off, and a portion of 
new liquid put in its place; otherwise the 
crystal is infallibly destroyed. They may 
be made to grow in length or breadth; par¬ 
ticularly if they are of a regular form. 



They will grow in length if they be made to 
lay upon their sides, and in breadth, when 
they are placed upon their bases. Crystals 
may thus be produced of an extraordinary 
size and beauty. 

Influence of atmospheric pressure on the 
process of crystallisation. 

The access of air has an import influence 
on the process of crystallisation. If a sa¬ 
turated solution of salt whilst hot be put into 
a vessel from which the air is excluded, it 
does not crystallise even when cold. But if 
air be admitted, the crystallisation immedi¬ 
ately commences and proceeds with rapidi¬ 
ty. This fact may be shown in the follow¬ 
ing manner. 

Make a concentrated solution of sulphate 
of soda, or Glauber’s salt, by adding por¬ 
tions of it gradually to water kept boiling, 
till this fluid dissolves no more; (an ounce 
and a half of water, will thus dissolve two 
ounces of salt): pour the solution whilst 
boiling hot into common medicine phials. 



previously warmed, and immediately cork 
them, or tie slips of wetted bladder over 
the orifice of the phials; so as to exclude 
the access of common air from the so¬ 
lution. This being done, set the phials by 
in a quiet place, without shaking ; the solu¬ 
tion will now cool to the tempei’ature of the 
air, and remain perfectly fluid, but the mo¬ 
ment the cork has been drawn, and atmos¬ 
pheric air becomes admitted, it begins to 
crystallise on its upper surface, the crystal¬ 
lisation shoots downward in a few seconds, 
like a dense white cloud, and so much heat 
becomes evolved, as to make, the phial 
A'ery sensibly warm to the hands. When 
the crystallisation is accomplished, the 
whole mass is so completely solidified, that, 
on inverting the phial, not a drop of it falls 

The explanation of this phenomenon as 
given by Mr. Murray*', is as follows. 

When the saturated solution of the salt is 
enclosed in the vessel, and the pressure of 

* System of Chemistry, vol. i. p. 87. 



the atmosphere excluded, the particles in 
solution may be conceived as placed at dis¬ 
tances too great to admit of the attraction 
of cohesion being asserted, so as to cause 
them to unite and crystallise. But when 
the pressure of the air, or any equivalent 
pressure, is brought to act on the surface of 
the fluid, its particles, as well as the parti¬ 
cles of the solid contained in it, are forced 
nearer to each other; the distances between 
them are lessened; the attraction of cohe¬ 
sion is exerted, and the crystallisation com¬ 
mences. 'i’he small crystals that are thus 
formed at the surface, afford solid points 
from which other crystals are formed, and 
this proceeds rapidly through tlie whole 

Singular ej^ect of commotion; and other 
agencies which effect the crystallising process 
of saline bodie^. 

Although the entire absence of external 
motion, (as stated page 37), is peculiarly 
favourable for the production of well formed 



crystals, the crystallising process may be 
promoted in some instances by a slight dis¬ 
turbance or commotion of the fluid. This 
is particularly the case with the solution of 
those salts that are much more soluble in hot 
than in cold water, and have but a feeble 
crystalline power. 

It has been observed, that in general the 
effect produced, depends upon a particular 
agitation produced in the liquid, rather than 
upon a rapid motion impressed upon all the 
mass. For we may succeed by striking 
lio;htlv with the bottom of the vessel the ta- 
ble Avhich supports it, or by striking against 
the interior parts of the said bottom with a ' 
glass tube, or feather. Sir Charles Blagden 
has noticed that of all the exciters of crys¬ 
tallisation, that which most rarely fails in 
its effect in such cases, is a small piece of 
wax with which the interior parts of the 
vessel are struck in some points inferior to 
the upper surface, so as to generate a spe¬ 
cies of tremulous motion. If water be suf¬ 
fered to cool without the least agitation, 
and very slowly below the freezing point, 



it does not congeal; but at the instant 
the vessel is agitated, there will be seen a 
crust of ice at the part of the vessel situated 
beneath the wax. We may conceive that, 
in this case, the agitation of the liquid, at 
the same time that it assists the saline parti¬ 
cles in disengaging themselves from the 
aqueous particles, which still oppose a small 
obstacle to their re-union, will occasion a 
variety of different motions in the former, 
whence will result for a certain number 
among them, the positions ivhich give the 
greatest advantage to crystalline affinity. 

It has been remarked also, that a little 
crystal of salt, placed in a solution of the 
same salt, favours the crystallisation; be¬ 
cause the moleculse which compose this crys¬ 
tal having already the respective positions 
necessary to satisfy the aggregation, solicit 
those in their vicinity to motions the most 
favourable to the action of the same force; 
and this disposition is communicated regu¬ 
larly to all those which would make an 
effort to crystallise. The presence of a 
small piece of ice, which is placed in like 



manner in water that is already below the 
degree of congelation, becomes as it were a 
rallying point for all the moleculai which 
have a tendency towards this union, and 
effect the congelation. 

The electric state of the atmosphere it ap¬ 
pears influences the crystallisation of saline 
bodies. This is particularly observable in 
the laboratories of chemists, when large 
quantities of saline solutions are made to 
crystallise. It frequently happens, that so¬ 
lutions which yields no crystals after having 
been sufficiently concentrated, and left to 
stand undisturbed for some days, suddenly 
deposit the most abundant crop of crystals, 
during or immediately after a thunder 

Efecf of light on the 'production of crystals. 

A very singular property may be ob¬ 
served in saline bodies which may be re¬ 
ferred to crystallisation, but is likewise in 
some measure remote from it, because it 
does not depend upon the same causes. 

This is the property of.jrising along the 
sides of the vessels which contain the solu- 
tiori. It IS known by the name of saline 
vegetation. Tims, if a solution of muriate of 
ammonia or prussiate of potash previously 
evaporated to the point of crystallisation, 
be left undisturbed in a shallow vessel from 
which the light is excluded, tins salt crys¬ 
tallises most effectually at the illuminated 
part, it rises over the margin of the vessel, 
and appears to be solicitous of the rays of 
light, and the crystallisation may thus be 
determined at pleasure towards any part of 
the vessel by the mere admission or ex¬ 
clusion of light, &;c. Camphor possesses 
this property in a high degree. This sub¬ 
stance rises by insensible evaporation in 
half filled vessels, and constantly attaches 
itself in a crystalline form at the most en¬ 
lightened parts of the vessels. 




In every science or art there are many 
terms which require to be frequently men¬ 
tioned, if these were described as often as 
they occur, it is obvious that a great loss of 
time would follow, and no advantage would 
be gained in perspicuity, because these de¬ 
scriptions w’ould continually divert the 
mind from the leading object. And this is 
the more essential in a science founded on 
the principles of geometry and the mathe¬ 

All crystals with regard to their shape 
may be considered as rectilineal solids, com¬ 
posed of planes, edges, and solid angles. 

The planes of crystals, are those surfaces 



which lie evenly between their bounding 
lines, anrt with which a straight line drawn 
in any direction shall coincide in every 

The edges of a crystal, are formed by the 
junction of two planes or faces, under deter¬ 
minate angles. 

The mlid angles of crystals, are produced 
by the coincidence of two or more planes in 
one point. Every crystal also has two op¬ 
posite ends; if the ends of a crystal termi¬ 
nate in solid angles, they are called mmmitsi 
an^ if in surfaces, they receive the name of 
bases. The planes or faces, upon which the 
crystal is supposed to stand erect, is simply 
denominated the base*, and the lines by 
which it is circumscribed, are called the 
edges of the base. The faces interposed be¬ 
tween the two bases are called lateral-faces, 
and the lines by w’hich the faces unite are 
called lateral edges. 

The faces whicli compose the summit, are 

* It may be any dde or face at discretion. 


called accuminating faces, or faces of the 
terminal pyramid, and the edges By which 
they join, are named the edges of tlie py¬ 

If an edge, or solid angle, be wanting, or 
as if it were, cut off, by presenting a new 
face, the edge or angle is said to be trun¬ 
cated, or replaced by a secondary plane. 
And if it be cut off so as to present two 
planes or faces, joining each other, it is said 
to be bevelled or replaced by two secondary 
planes. Fig. 1* represents a cube. 

* Model, No. 1. 

N. B. The Models referred to in this rcork, may be 
had at Messrs. Accum and Garden^ Compton Street^ 

* Model, No. 4. t Model, No, 5. 
£ 2 


Fig. 4* represents the cube Fig. 1^ becel^ 
led; because the edges of the solid are 
replaced by two secondary planes. 

Fig. 5-f- is a regular octahedron, composed 
of two four-sided pyramids, put^base to 



Fig. 8* is the octahedron Fig. 5, trun¬ 
cated on all the edges and solid angles. 


Theory of Angles. 

If two straight lines lean or incline to¬ 
wards each other, they will at last meet, 
which place of meeting is called an angle. 

A plane angle is therefore the opening 
or corner, made by the mutual inclination 
of two straight lines, which are not in the 
same direction, but meeting in a point as 
Fig. 9. 

* Model, No. 8. 



The lines A B, and B C, which form the 
angle, are called the legs or sides, and the 
point B, where they meet or touch, is 
called the vertex of the angle, or the an¬ 
gular point. 

A solid angle is that which is made by 
more than two plane angles, applied close 
to each other, at the same point, so that 
two of them are not in the same plane. 

If we draw Fig. 10 upon pasteboard or 
any'other pliable matter, and cut the lines 


half through, and then tgrn up the parts, 
they will form a solid angle at the point 
where their vertices meet each other. 

Measurement of Angles. 

The measure of every angle is an arc 
of a circle, whose centre is the angular 
point; hence to determine the value or 
measure of angles, the circumference of 
a circle is the standard of comparison. 
This circle, of whatever size it may be, is 
supposed to be divided into 360 equal 
parts, called degrees; each degree is again 
subdivided into 60 equal parts, called 
minutes, and every minute is subdivided 
into 60 seconds; and hence the measure of 
an angle is said to be so many degrees, mi¬ 
nutes, &c. as are contained in its measur¬ 
ing arc. Degrees are marked by mi¬ 
nutes by and seconds by Therefore an 
angle of 45 degrees, 15 minutes, and 7 se¬ 
conds, is written in this manner, 45° 15' 7"- 


To measure the value of an angle, we 
describe a circle round the angular point 
as a centre, and according to the number 
of degrees, minutes, and seconds, cut olf by 
the sides of the angle, so many degrees, 
minutes, and seconds, the angle is said to 
contain. For instance 

If from two points in the circumference 
of a given circle, as E and F, Fig. 11, lines 
are drawn to the centre as E C and F C ; 
there is made an angle at the centre C, 
which is greater or less according to the 
number of degrees on the arc E D F, but 
of course it will be the same in a small 
circle as in a large one; because the lines 
will have the same inclination to each 
other; via. A D B is a semicircle, whose 


centre is C; the arc A E D F G B, contains 
ISO degrees, half 360, the whole circum¬ 


From the middle point D, of the arc A 

D B, wliich is 90 degrees each way, from 

A and B, if the line C D be drawn, it will 
be perpendicular to A B; for A C D, and 

D C B are each a fourth part of the whole 

circumference, or half the scmi-circum- 
ference of the circle; these angles are 
therefore said to be of 90 degrees. 

If the arc A D be bisected in E, and 
E C be drawn, the angles ACE, and E C 
D will be each of 45 degrees, half A C D 




bisected in d, and a d is again bisected in e, 
and d 5 is also trisected at/‘and g; where¬ 
fore AT), a d are each a fourth; ED, e d 
an eighth; B F, 6 jf a sixth; and F D, 
f d, a twelfth part of their respective 
circles; and the angles A C D, a C d; 
E C D, e C d, &c. are the same in both. 
From which it is obvious, that angles may 
be formed or measured by a circle of any 
radius; and also that equal arcs of the 
same, or of equal circles, or that an equal 
number of degrees in a circle of any radius, 
will form equal angles at the centre. 

Division of Angles. 

A ' 

Angles are of various kinds and denomi¬ 
nation. With regard to their magnitude 
they are divided into right, oblique, acute, 
and obtuse angles. 

A right angle is that which is formed by 
the meeting of two straight lines, which do 
not incline to each other, but which are so 
placed that either of them is perpendicular 
to the other. Thus when one straight line, 


a, stands upon another line, Fig. 12, so 
as not to lean more to one side than to the 
other, both tlie angles which it makes with 
the other line are called right angles, be¬ 
cause their measuring arc is equal to 90 

If either side of a right angle be drawn 
out beyond the vertex, there is necessarily 
produced another right angle. And con¬ 
sequently if both sides are produced, there 
will be generated four right angles. Thus 
ABC, Fig. 13, is a right angle; if when 
A B or C B be drawn towards D or E, 
there is made another angle C B D, or 
ABE; and if both are produced, E B D 
is a fourth right angle. 





Oblique angle is a common name for any 
angle that is not a right one, and it is either 
acute or obtuse. 

An acute angle is that which is less than 
a right angle, or less than 90 degrees. See 
Fig. 14. 


An obtuse angle, Fig. 15, is that which is 
greater than a right angle, or whose measure 
exceeds 90 degrees. 




Namely, if the line C B, Fig. 16, meeting 
A B in the point B, falls on this side of a 
perpendicular, B D, at that point; this 
angle ABC, being less than the right angle 
A B D, is called acute. 

But if the line B E, Fig. 17, falls on the 
other side of the perpendicular B D; the 
angle A B E is obtuse. 

3 S 5 

Complement of an Angle. The differ¬ 
ence C B D, fig. i6, between an acute 
angle ABC, and a right angle A B D, is 



called the complement of the angle A B C. 
Hence the complement of an angle of 50 
degrees is 40 degrees, because 40 degrees 
is what it wants of a right angle or 90®. 

And if either side of an obtuse angle, as 
A B, Fig. 17, be produced, the angle E B F 
is the complement of the obtuse angle, or 
its deficiency to two right angles, A D B, 
D B F, or 180 degrees. Hence the com¬ 
plement of 100 degrees is — 10 degrees 
a negative quantity. The complement to 
180 degrees is usually called the suhlement^ 
that is to say, idaat it wants to a semi-circle 
or 180 degrees, to distinguish it from the 
complement to 90 degrees, properly so 
called. Therefore tlic sublement is the dif¬ 
ference of two right angles or semi-circles, 
and complement of an angle, expresses its 
deficiency from a right angle or 90 degrees. 

Angles have other denominations which 
are given to them only from their situation, 
in respect to each other, yet still retaining 
the general appellation of right, acute, or 
obtuse, namely, , 




Vertical or opposite angles. If two lines, A B 
and C D, Fig. 18, cut and cross each other, 
there are made four angles, at the point E 
of their mutual intersection; either two of 
these angles, A E D, C E B, or A E C, 
and DEB, touching at their vertices only, 
arc called vertical or opposite angles. 

■ Contiguous or adjoining angles. Any 
other two, as A E C, A E D, or AEG 
and CEB, and having one side C E, or 
A E, common to both angles, are called 
contiguous or adjoining angles. 

Altej'nate angles. If a line crosses or 
intersects two lines, there are made eight 
angles. A, B, C, D, &c. Fig. 10, of which 
C and F, also E and D, between the two 
lines, one on each side of the cutting line, 
are called alternate angles. 



C and E, also D and E, are called in¬ 
ternal angles on the same side. 

E and A F, and B C, and G or D, and 
H, are called internal and opposite angles 
on the same side. 


The fewest number of right lines that can 
include a space arc three, ■which form a 
figure called a triangle, or three cornered 
figure. Triangles therefore are those plane 
figures which are contained by three 
straight lines, and which consequently 
have three sides and angles, from whence 
they take their names. 

Any side of a triangle which is opposite 
to any angle, is said to subtend that angle. 
Thus A B, Fig. 20, subtends the angle C 


and A C ; subtends the angle B, and B C ; 
subtends the angle A. 


Triangles are of various kinds; they are 
distinguished first, with regard to their 
sides, and secondly, with regard to their 

An equilateral triangle^ is that which has 
all its sides equal to one another, as 
Fig. 21. 

An isosceles triangle is that which has 
only two sides equal, as D E F. Fig. 22. 




22 . 

A scalene triangle is that which has all 
its sides unequal, as G H I. Fig. 23. 


Triangles, with regard to their angles, 
are either right angled, obtuse, or acute. 

A right aiigled, or rectangular triangle^ is 
that three-sided figure which has in it one 
right angle, as A B C, Fig. 24, containing 
or measuring 90 degrees. 



The side opposite to th.e right angle is 
called the htfpotlienuse, and the other two 
sides the legs. 

The side which stands upright is called 
the perpendicular, and the other the base. 
Thus A C is the hypothcnuse, B A the 
perpendicular, and C B the base. 

The angles opposite to the two sides are 
both acute. 

The three angles of every right lined tri¬ 
angle are equal to two right angles; that is 
to say, the angles ABC, Fig. 25, taken to¬ 
gether, arc equal to a semicircle or 180 
degrees, viz. two right angles of 90 degrees 
each, because the three arches described 
on the angular points, as shown by the 
dotted lines, arc equal to a semi-circle, or 
180 degrees. 



An obtuse angled triangle. Fig. 26, has in 
it one obtuse angle, or an angle, which 
is greater than 90 degrees. 

The other two angles are acute, or less 
than 90 degrees. 

An acute angled hiangle. Fig. 27, is that 
which has all its three angles acute, or 
less than 90 degrees. See Fig. 27. 

Isosceles ox scalene triangles, it is obvious, 
may be either right-angled, obtuse, or 

Oblique-angled triangles. All triangles 


that are not right angled, Avhether they are 
acute or obtuse, are in general terms called 
oblique angled triangles. 

Quadrangles or Quadrilaterals, 

A quadrilateral is a plane figure, compre¬ 
hended by four right lines, and having con¬ 
sequently also four angles; hence the names 

The term quadrilateral comprehends the 
following particular species of geometrical 
figures; namely, parallelogram^ square^ rect¬ 
angle, rhombus, rhomboid, frapezhm, and 

Parallelogram. This name is given to 
every quadrilateral right-lined figure, whose 
opposite sides are parallel to each other. 
It is immaterial whether the angles are 
right angles or not. 


Fig. 28 is a pavalielogram. 


A square is a parallelogram which has all 
its sides equal to one another, and whose 
angles are right ones, as Fig. 29. 


A rectangle is a parallelogram ■which 
has all its angles right angles, but has not 
all its sides equal. It is also called an 
oblong, being longer than broad. See 
Fig. 30. 

30 . 


A rhomhus, or lozenge, is a parallelogram 
whose sides are all equal, but whose angles 
are not right angles, as Fig. 31. 

A rhomboid is a parallelogram which has 
its opposite sides equal to one another, 
but all its sides are not equal, nor its angles 
right ones. See Fig. 32. 

Trapezium. Every other four-sided 
figure besides those mentioned before, are 
called trapeziums. 



Fig. 33 is a trapezium. 

Consequently every irregular quadrangle or 
quadrilateral, which is not a parallelogram, 
is a trapezium. 

A trapezoid has only one pair of its sides 
parallel, as Fig. 34. 

Polygons^ or figures having more than four 


Figures bounded by more than four 
straight lines, are called polygons, signify¬ 
ing many sides. If their sides and angles 
are equal, they are called regular polygons; 


if unequal, they are called irregular poly¬ 

The names of these figures are derived 
to them from the number, of their sides, 

A pentagon is a polygon that has five 

A hexagon has six sides. 

A heptagon has seven sides. 

A octagon has eight sides. 

A notiagon has nine sides. 

A decagon has ten sides. 

A duodecagon has twelve sides. 

A quindecagon has fifteen sides. 

These eight are the most essential. When 
they have a greater number of sides, it is 
usual to call them polygons of sixteen sides, 
of seventeen sides, and so on. To specify 
every polygon would be infinite. 

A diagonal is a right line drawn between 
any two angles that are opposite, is a poly¬ 
gon, as A C, Fig. 35. 



In parallelograms the diagonal is usually 
called the diameter^ because it passes 
through the centre of the figure. 

A C, and B D, Fig. 36, are the two dia¬ 
gonals; E the centre where they intersect 
each otlier. 

The area of a figure is its measure or su¬ 
perficial contents, viz. the quantity of space 
contained within its bounds, expressed in 
an^'^ known measure. 

The base of a figure is called the side on 
■which it is supposed to stand erect ; it is 
generally applied to the low'er side. 

geometrical DEEINITIONS. 75 

The altitude of a figure is called its per¬ 
pendicular height from the base. 

The vertex of a figure is the angular point 
in which two or more lines, forming an 
angle, meet, and touch each other. 

The axis of a figure is called the line 
drawn from its vertex to the centre of the 

An upright, or right figure. If the axis 
of a figure is perpendicular to the plane 
of its base, it is called a right or upright 

An oblique figure, is, when its axis is in¬ 
clined to the base. 

Quantity; denotes whatever may be mea¬ 
sured or numbered, estimated or compared, 
in respect of more or less. It is of two 
kinds, viz. commensurable, and incom¬ 

Commensurable quantities* are such as have 
a common measure or aliquot part, that is, 
such quantities as may be measured or di¬ 
vided into the same equal parts, or into parts 
of the same magnitude, without leaving a 
remainder. Thus two quantities are com- 


mensurable when some determinate quan¬ 
tity may be found, which, being taken or 
multiplied, a certain number of times is 
equal to either, without deficiency or ex¬ 
cess. Thus a foot and yard are commen¬ 
surable, there being a third quantity which 
will measure each, viz. an inch, which 
taken twelve times make a foot, and thirty- 
six times a yard. 

Incommensurable quantities are such as no 
other quantity can measure, i. c. there can¬ 
not be found any determinate quantity, 
how small soever, which, being multiplied, 
will be equal to each of the other; but 
that there will be a deficiency or excess in 
one or the other. Any two quantities 
whose proportion to each other can be ex¬ 
pressed by numbers, are commensurable; 
two quantities, whose ratio cannot be ex¬ 
pressed in numbers, are said to be incom¬ 
mensurable to each other. 

Multiple; that quantity is called a mul¬ 
tiple in respect of another quantity, when 

it contains exactly, or is equal to the other, 
being taken any number of times; then 


the less is said to measure the greater. 
Thus a foot is a multiple of an inch, of 
itwo, three, four, or six inches. A j-ard 
is a multiple of a foot, or of an inch, 

Ratio ; is a mutual habitude or relation of 
quantities of the same kind, in respect to 
more or less. 

Quantities arfe said to have ratios to one 
another, which being multiplied, can exceed 
each other. 

A plane rectilineal Jigure is a superficies 
or space, bounded by straight lines only, 
and having but two dimensions, namely, 
length and breadth. 

A solid rectilineal figure is a body bound¬ 
ed by plane surfaces only, and having three 
dimensions, namely, length, breadth, and 

Regular solid rectilineal figures are 
those, whose sides are all equal, and which 
may be so included tvithin a sphere or circle, 
that each angle shall touch the internal 
surface of the circumference of the circle. 




Of these bodies there can be no more than 
five, namely: 

1- The tetrahedron. Fig. 1 and Fig. 6, 
Plate II.* is a regular solid, contained under 
four equal and equilateral plane triangles. 
It may be considered as a pyramid stand¬ 
ing on an equilateral triangular base. 

A figure drawn upon pasteboard or card, 
similar to Fig. 37, having the lines cut 
half through, folded up, and glued to¬ 
gether, will form a complete tetrahedron. 
The superficies of this regular solid, it must 
be obvious, is equal to four times the area 
of the base. 



2. The cube. Fig. 3, Plate II. *, is a solid 
contained under six equal square planes. 

If we draw a figure upon card or paste¬ 
board, like Fig. 38, and cut the lines half 
through, and then turn up the parts £ind 
glue them together, we shall form a cube. 
It will thus be conceived that this regular 
solid is a body contained under six equal 
square planes, and that its solidity is equal 
to three dimensions, multiplied by each 
other, and that its superficies is equal to six 
times the area of its base, or one of its 



* Model, No. I. 



3. The octahedron. Fig. 5, PI. II.*, is a 
solid, contained under eight equal and equi¬ 
lateral triangles. This regular solid may be 
conceived as consisting of two quadrangular 
pyramids put together base to base. Fig. 
39, being drawn upon stiff paper or paste¬ 
board, cut half through in the lines, folded 
up and glued together, will show in a 
tangible manner that the octahedron is 
composed of eight equilateral triangular 
pyramids, or of two quadrangular pyramids 
joined at their bases; and further, that the 
superficies of this solid is equal to eight 
times the area of one triangle, and that its 
solidity is equal to the solidity of the eight 
composing pyramids, or to two triangular 

* Model, No. 5. 



4, The dodecahedron'^ is a regular solid, 
composed of twelve equal pyramids, meet¬ 
ing in a point at the centre of the solid; 
the base of each pyramid being an equila¬ 
teral pentagon, and eeiual to each other. 
The superficies of this body is therefore 
equal to twelve times the area of one pen¬ 
tagon, and the solidity is equal to the soli¬ 
dity of the twelve composing pyramids. 

If Fig, 40 be drawn upon a playing card 
or stiff paper, and the lines be cut half 
through, folded up, and glued together, the 
several pentagons will form a regular do¬ 


* Model, No, 10. 




5. The icosahedron* is a regular solid, 
made up of twenty pyramids, whose sum¬ 
mits meet in a point at the centre of the 
body: the base of each pyramid being an 
equilateral triangle and equal to each other. 
The superficies therefore, is equal to twenty 
times the area of one triangle, and the 
solidity equal to the solidities of the twenty 
composing pyramids. If Fig. 41 be drawn 
upon pasteboard, and the lines be half cut 
through, and then folded up, it will form 
an icosahedron. 

The latter two regular solids of the geo¬ 
meters, namely, the regular dodecahedron 
and icosahedron, can not exist among crys- 

* Model, No. II. 



tailised bodies, for reasons which will be 
pointdS out in the seo^uel of the work. 

Irregular rectilineal solids, are called those 
bodies which have more than four sides 
composed of straight lines, and the sides 
of w hich are unequal: of these there are a 
vast variety, for instance, 

A pyramid is a solid figure contained 
wdthin, or bounded by a number of planes, 
whose bases may be a triangle, square, or 
any polygon, and whose faces are triangles 
terminating in a point, called the summit 
or vertex of the pyramid. 

When the figure of the base is a quadri¬ 
lateral, it is called a quadrilateral pyramid, 
as Fig, 42.* 

* Model, No. 19. 
0 2 


A pyramid is cither regular or irregular, 
according as the base is regular or irre¬ 

A pirisni is a solid figure contained under 
a number of planes more tlian four, of 
which the two oj^posite ones, or ends, are 
equal and parallel to one another, and all 
the other parallelograms. Prisms are deno¬ 
minated according to the number of the 

I’hus when the 
ends are a triangle, the prism is called a 
triangular prism. Fig. 2, Plate II. * When 
it is a square, it is called a square prism; 
when a hexagon, a hexagonal prism. Fig. 
7, PI. II.* Hence the denomination of 
prism, comprehends also the cube and 
tik' parallelopipedon, the former being a 
square prism, and the latter a rectangu¬ 
lar one, 

A parallelopiped, see I^late II. Fig. 4, as 
stated, is a prism, (or as it is sometimes, 



though improperly, called an oblong cube), 
contained under six quadrilateral figures, 
whereof every opposite two, are equal and 
parallel to one another. 




Pocket Goniometer. 

The pocket goniometer, contrived by 
Carangeau for measuring the solid angles 
or the inclination, which one plane surface 
of a crystal makes with another, consists of 
a protractor or semi-circular scale of de¬ 
grees, A A, Fig. 43, and a small pair of 
compasses or nippers, B B B B, destined to 
receive the crystal. 

The protractor has a hollow centre at 
t, lying in the direction of that diameter, 
Avhich terminates the graduation. The 
centre c of the pair of compasses is made 
moveable like those of the common propoi'- 
tional con>passes, so as to permit the legs 
B B, and B C B, to be considerably length- 


ened or shortened, when the two pieces are 
applied to each other. The fixed leg B B, 
is represented as beneath the moveable one 
B C B, or radius, measuring 90 degrees, and 
the lower end of the centre pin which could 
not be shown in the wood cut, is made to 
fit the hole or centre C in the protractor 
precisely at the same time that tlie stud or 
projecting piece of brass, being admitted 
into the long perforation a of the leg B B, 
the piece becomes steadily attached to the 
protractor or semi-circle, as is seen in Tig. 
43, The instrument is neatly executed in 
brass or silver. 


The application of this instrument is 
obvious. The crystal to be measured is 
applied between the pair of compasses, 
which being thus set, arc applied to the 
protractor A A, and the value of the angle 
may of course be read olF at the fiducial 
edge of the leg B C B. 

Let us suppose, foi’ the sake of illus¬ 
tration, that we wish to measure on a crys¬ 
tal the angle formed by two adjoining 
planes. We know that this angle is equal 
to that of two lines drawn from one and the 
same point of the edge which joins these 
planes, with the condition that they are 
perpendicular to this ridge and laid down 
on the same planes. In order to have this 
angle, we shall arrange the instrument so 
that the portions of the two legs may leave 
no light between them and the planes in 
question, and at the same time their edges 
may be perpendicular to the edge of junc¬ 
tion. In this case, the faces which em¬ 
brace the crystal are tangents to the two 
planes whose incidence w’e seek for. This 
being done, we shall seek on the circum- 


ference of the protractor, the degree which 
the edge or index line marks, or the angle 
which this line forms with that which 
passes by the centre c and by the zero 
point, which angle is equal to that formed 
by t!ie two portions of the arms, since it is 
opposite to it at the summit. In the sketch 
43 it is shown as giving 90 degrees. 

It is an advantage to be able to shorten 
the legs at pleasure, to avoid the obsta¬ 
cles w'hich would render the operation im¬ 
practicable, and which might be occasioned 
eitlier by the matrix to which the crystal 
adheres, or from the adjoining crystals. 

But notwithstanding much ingenuity has 
been bestowed on this instrument it is not 
sufficiently accurate for the performance 
for wffiich it is applied; it may never¬ 
theless be used in many cases where no 
gieat accuracy is required, and ite porta¬ 
bility and cheapness render it an object of 
value to the cultivator of mineralogy. 


Optical Goniometer of Dr. Wollaston. 

We are indebted to Dr. AYollaston for the 
invention of a goniometer, which is entirely 
optical. Its action consists in employing 
a ray of light reflected from the surface, 
instead of the face itself; and thus accord¬ 
ingly, for a radius of l-50th of an inch we 
may substitute either the distance of the 
eye from the crystal, which would naturally 
be about twelve or fifteen inches, or, for 
greater accuracy, we may by a second me¬ 
thod substitute the distance of objects seen 
at a 100 yards or more from us. 

The instrument consists of a circle (Plate 
IV.) graduated on its margin, and mounted 
on a horizontal axle supported by an up¬ 
right pillar. This axle being perforated, 
admits the passage of a small axle through 
it, to which any crystal of moderate size 
may be attached by a piece of soft cement 
or shoe-makers^ wax, with its edges or in¬ 
tersection of the surfaces horizontal and 
parallel to the axis of motion. . This posi- 

OF THE angles OF CRYSTALS. 91 

tion of the crystal is first adjusted, so that 
by turning the small axle each of the two 
surfaces, whose inclination is to be mea¬ 
sured, will reflect the same light to the eye. 
The circle is then set to zero, or 180 deg. 
by an index attached to the pillar that 
supports it. * 

The small axle is next turned till the fur¬ 
ther surface reflects the light of a candle 
or other definite object to the eye; and 
lastly, (the eye being steadily hept in 
the same place), the circle is turned by 
its larger axle, till the second surface re¬ 
flects the same light. This second sur¬ 
face is thus ascertained to be in the same 
position as the former surface had been. 
The angle through which the circle has 
moved is in fact the supplement to the in¬ 
clination of the surfaces; but as the gra¬ 
duations on its margin are numbered ac¬ 
cordingly in the inverted order, this angle 
is correctly shown by the circle without 
requiring need of any calculation. It may 
be here noticed that it is by no means neces- 


sary to have a clean uniform fracture; for 
since all those small portions of a crystal¬ 
line surface that are parallel to one another, 
though not in the same plane, glisten at 
once with the same light; the angle of an 
irregular surface may be determined nearly 
as well as when the reflecting sm faces arc 
actually in the same plane. In this 
method (of taking the measure of an angle), 
when the eye and candle are only ten or 
twelve inches distant, a small error may 
arise from parallix. But such an error may 
be rendered insensible, even in that mode 
of using the instrument, by due care in 
placing the crystal, and ivhen the surfaces 
are sufficiently smooth to reflect distinct 
images of objects, these errors may be 
entirely obviated by another mode of using 

For this purpose, if the eye be brought 
within an inch distant of the reflecting sur¬ 
face, the reflected image of same distant 
chimney or other object may be seen be¬ 
neath its true place, and if by turning the 


small ax.!e,niay be brought to correspond 
apparently’witb the bottom of the house, or 
with some other distant horizontal line. In 
this position the surface accurately bisects 
the angle which the height of that house 
subtends at the eye; then by turning the 
whole circle and crystal together, the other 
surface, however small, may be brought 
exactly into the same position, and the angle 
of the surfaces may thus be measured with 
a degree of precision that has not been 
hitherto expected in geometry. 

a b, Plate IV. is the moveable circle of 
the goniometer, graduated on its margin or 
edge; c, the axle of the circle; d d a 
milled head by which the circle is turned ; 
e e, the small axle with its milled head f 
for turning the crystal without moving the 
circle; a- y, a brass plate supported by the 
limb g, and serving as a vernier or noxius ; 
h, the extremity of a small spring by which 
the circle is stopped at 180® without the 
trouble of reading off; i a joint having 
two centres of motion, the one horizontal. 


the other vertical, for adjusting the posi¬ 
tion of the crystal; k, a sliding wire with 
a milled head, m afiixed to the universal 
joint i L 

The crystal being attached, by means 
of a little of shoemakers* cement, to the 
sliding wire k at the point «, in the centre 
of all motion, with one of its surfaces as 
nearly parallel as may be to the milled 
head is next rendered truly parallel to 
the axis by turning the sliding wire k, till 
the reflected image of a horizontal line is 
seen to be truly horizontal. By means of 
the central axis, e e the second surface is 
then brought into the position of the first; 
and if the reflected image from the surfac-e is 
found not to be horizontal, it is rendered 
so by turning the milled head /c, and since 
this motion is parallel to the first surface it 
does not derange the first adjustment. 

The accuracy of this instrument is such, 
that several errors in former observations 
may be corrected by it; Dr. Wollaston 
has coi rected one in the common Carbonate 


of lime. The inclination of the surface of 
a primitive crystal of this kind, is stated at 
104® 28' 30", but which Dr. Wollaston 
has determined to be 103 deg. 




PART 11. 






All bodies in nature, with regard to the 
manner in w'hich they may be examined 
and the properties which they exhibit, pre¬ 
sent themselves to our observation either as 
simple or compound bodies, each having 


certain habitudes peculiar to itself. Where 
the matter which constitutes the substance 
of our globe, as well as what enters into the 
composition of organic beings, and the at¬ 
mosphere, of one kind, it would be nothing 
more than a lifeless mass, destitute of all 
other action than that occasioned by im¬ 
pulse and gravity. 

Simple bodies are called those of which 
all others are composed, and which resist 
further analysis ; whereas compound bodies 
are such, as can be analysed into bodies of 
a less simple nature. 

The ancients believed many bodies to 
be simple, which the superior skill and 
knowledge of modern chemists have most 
assuredly decomposed; and there is no 
reason to believe that in any one case has 
chemical analysis been able to procure the 
real elements or simple constituent parts of 
substances. A chemical element, there¬ 
fore, does not so much signify a body that 
is absolutely undecomposable, as one that 
has not yet been resolved. In all proba¬ 
bility the number of simple bodies will 




Dot remain long without alteration. We 
cannot pretend to say that the bodies now 
called so, are really simple in themselves, 
or that they arc not formed of other ele¬ 
ments still more simple. AVe can only 
affirm, that in all the experiments of the 
science, these bodies are found to act as if 
they were simple; that they cannot be 
decomposed by any of our methods ; that 
they resist every species of analysis, and 
can only be combined with other bodies, or 
be made to undergo various syntheses. 
When it was ascertained that many na¬ 
tural substances are compounded of dif¬ 
ferent principles, or other bodies still more 
simple, methods were successively employ¬ 
ed to separate the principles from each 
other. The name of analysis was given 
to the art of effecting this separation ; an 
expression which, since its adoption by 
chemists, has been received in every branch 
of human knowledge to denote the sepa¬ 
rations and decompositions, even in the 
order of our sensations and our ideas. 

Now natural philosophy and chemistry 



furnish us two modes of attaining the final 
results of the division or analysis of bodies. 

Without entering into useless metaphy¬ 
sical discussions on infinit}', we may sup¬ 
pose any substance whatever reduced to 
the finest and most imperceptible particles 
which the mind can imagine; these minute 
solids, or least possible cpiantities of a 
body, are called integrant particles, or 
mechanical elements of bodies. 

Yet these elements of physical division, 
may be still very compound in another 
point of view, and undergo another species 
of analysis, effected by chemical agencies. 
When the latter is also carried to its ulti¬ 
mate point, we obtain the, chemical ele¬ 
ments of bodies. By the term mechanical 
elements^ we therefore understand that 
physical solid which occupies the smallest 
portion of space which Ave can conceive; 
whereas the term chemical element expresses 
such a body as cannot be decomposed 
into a body of a less simple nature. For 
instance, a mass of common salt is made 
up of a vast multitude of particles posses- 

II 3 


sing the same chemical properties, and 
these particles are the integrant particles of 
the salt. They may be further decomposed 
or analysed by chemical means, into parts 
possessing very different properties, namely 
muriatic acid, and soda, two substances of 
very different habitudes, and these are the 
chemical elements of the salt. With the 
latter substances crystallography has no¬ 
thing to do, it is not possible to ascertain 
their forms. 

The integrant particles of bodies, both 
with regard to their forms and the manner 

® ,...W ' 

in which they'v'adl^cfre to each other, are 
proper objects of a'dme^ureraent, and ma¬ 
thematical caloulafio!f^vijij.The case however 
is widely differ^nt'^with the chemical ele¬ 
ments, or those of which the integrant mo- 
leculse of conipoimd bodies are composed; 
the mode of their combination is not capable 
of being explained by geometrical calcula¬ 
tion. It is the aggregation of the integrant 
particles alone which interests the crystallo- 
grapher. For these particles, how minute 
soever we suppose them to be, cannot be 


destitute of magnitude; they must have a 
certain length, breadth, and thickness, and 
therefore must possess some particular 
shape. Besides all this, it is very con¬ 
ceivable that the particles of every parti¬ 
cular body, may have a shape peculiar to 
themselves, and differing from the shape of 
the particles of every other body. Thus 
the particles of A may have one shape, 
those of B another, and those of C a third ; 
and if the particles of bodies have length, 
breadth, and thickness, we cannot avoid 
conceiving them as composed of an inde¬ 
terminate number of still more minute par¬ 
ticles or atoms. Now the crystalline at¬ 
traction of two integrant particles for each 
other, must be the sum of the crystalline 
attractions of all the atoms in each of these 
particles for all the atoms in the other: 
but the sum of these attractions must de¬ 
pend upon the numljer of attracting atoms, 
and upon the distance of these atoms from 
each other respectively; and this distance 
must depend upon the figure of the par¬ 


t ■ 


For it is obvious, that if two particles, 
one of which is a tetrahedron and the 
other a cube, and which contain the same 
number of particles, be placed at the same 
relative distance from a third particle, the 
sum of the distances of all the atoms of the 
first particle from all the atoms of the third 
particle, will be less than the sum of the 
distances of all the atoms of the second 
particle from those of the third. Conse¬ 
quently, in this case, though the apparent 
distance of the particles be the same, their 
real distance is different; and of course the 
cube will attract the third particle more 
strongly than the tetrahedron; that is, it 
will have a greater crystallisable power for 
it, than the tetrahedron. 

And if the particles of bodies differ from 
each other in ligure, they may differ also in 
density and in siise: and this must also 
alter the absolute force of the crystallisable 
power, even when the distances and the 
figure of the attracting particles are the 
same. The first of these two circum¬ 
stances indeed may be considered as a 



diiFerence in the mass of the attracting 
bodies, and therefore may be detected by 
the weight of the aggregate; but the 
second, though also no less a variation in 
the mass, cannot be detected by any such 
method, though its effect upon the strength 
of affinity or power may be very con¬ 

There is no doubt that, upon the suppo¬ 
sition that such differences in the figure, 
density, and size of the attracting particles, 
really prevails, and it is in the highest de¬ 
gree probable that they do exist. 

It is certain that crystallisation is effected 
between the integrant particles of bodies 
only, for these are the solids that are sus¬ 
pended in the fluid from which crystallisa¬ 
tion is about to happen. 

These particles which are held together, 
whether they be of the same nature or of 
a different nature, continually tend to form 
bodies of a polyhedral, constant, and deter¬ 
minate form. 

I’his beautiful law of nature, by which 
she impresses on her productions a constant 



and regular form, appears to have been 
unkuo^v'n to the ancients, and when che¬ 
mists began to discover that almost all 
bodies of the mineral kingdom effected 
regular forms, they ascribed the fact to a 
peculiar kind of polarity inherent in the 

This explanation however is too hypo¬ 
thetical to be received as a satisfactory 
account of the process of crystallisation. 
It assigns moreover a course, the existence 
of which we cannot prove. 

The sehoolraen, in order to account for 
the multifarious forms of crystal, had re¬ 
course to the microscope, with a A'iew of 
extorting from nature the secrets of element- 
ary forms, caliing in the assistance of this 
instrument to trace the origin of crystals. 
In this case however, the microscope reveals 
nothing beyond what may be discovered by 
the unassisted eye. The smallest particles 
of a crj'^stal which we can perceive by the 
aid of optical instruments are crystals, or 
parts of crystals, already formed according 
to cei'tain geometrical laws, and these 


merely differ in their dimensions and struc¬ 
ture from those whose augmentation has 
arrived at its limit. They also denomi¬ 
nated crystals after the resemblance more 
or less rude, which they thought they per¬ 
ceived between them and known bodies; 
hence the name of crystals in the form of 
tombs, stars, diamonds, crosses, wedges, 
knife blades, &c. 

The lirst attempt to account for the pro¬ 
duction of crystals in any manner ^at de¬ 
serves the name of philosophical, was by 
Newton: according to him and the theory 
of Boscowich, the aggregation of the par¬ 
ticles of which crystals are composed is 
produced by the attraction wdiich Newton 
had proved to exist between the particles 
of bodies, and which acts as soon as they 
are brought within a certain distance of 
each other. The regularity of the figures 
he explained by proving, that the particles 
of bodies, whilst in a state of solution in a 
fluid, must be arranged in the liquid at 
equal distances, or in regular ranks and 
files. The consequence of which, as they 
are acted upon by a power which at equal 



distances is equal, at unequal distances nn- 
equal, will be crystals of determinate figure. 
In the crystallisation of salt or other bo¬ 
dies, the water which held the salt in solu¬ 
tion removed the particles of the salt to 
a certain distance from each other, to break 
down the attraction of aggregation existing 
between them; each particle became sur¬ 
rounded by a number of particles of water, 
and when the quantity of the solvent 
became diminished by evaporation, the 
particles of the salt came, nearer to each 
other, their attraction towards the water 
became diminished, whilst the attraction of 
the particles of the salt towards each other 
became consequently increased; they there¬ 
fore separated from the fluid, and arranged 
themselves orderly in groups according to 
certain laws, which have their measure and 
their value. And as the particles, Avhich 
compose the same body, have the same 
form,’ the aggregation of any number of 
those particles must produce, if their 
arrangement by undisturbed, masses of de¬ 
terminate figures or groups of crystals. 



Such is the theory of Newton; it is worthy 
of the luminous and acute mind of its 
author. Still, however, there remain va¬ 
rious phenomena respecting the production 
of the infinite variety of forms which re¬ 
quire to be explained. 

Gahn, a German philosopher, hav¬ 
ing broken a crystal of calcareous spar, 
found that it afforded rhomboidal frag¬ 
ments, and that the whole crystal ap¬ 
peared to be composed of small rhomboids. 
Jiergman soon afterwards seized upon this 
idea of his pupil, and as he combined a 
knowledge of geometry with chemical sci¬ 
ence, endeavoured to trace all the observed 
forms of crystals to a few simple or primary 
ones. In the instance of calcareous spar, 
he demonstrated that its numerous modifica¬ 
tions may possibly result from one single 
figure, the rhomboid, by the accumulation 
of which, in various Avays, cr^’stals of the 
most opposite forms may be produced. 
This theory he extended to crystals of every 
kind, and he explained the difference of 
exterior figure from the super-position of 
planes, Avhich he calls the constituent parts 



of crystals, variously piled around a crys¬ 
talline nucleus of a constant form, but in 
each case according to certain laws of de¬ 
crease, and that the primitive form may be 
discovered from the arrangement of the 
laminae, of which the crystal is com¬ 

About the same period with Bergman, 
or immediately afterwards, Rome de Lisle 
pursued still farther the tlieory of the struc¬ 
ture of crystal. He was the first who 
pointed out that this department of know¬ 
ledge was, perhaps, one of the most inte¬ 
resting objects of mineralogical science. 
He endeavoured to reduce the diversity of 
crystalline forms to a general or primitive 
type. He classed together, as much as he 
was able, crystals of the same nature; 
he described the various modifications 
under which that form appeared to be 
masked ; and, lastly, he explained the pro¬ 
duction of the principal crystalline figures 
derived from a primitive form. To the de¬ 
scriptions and figures of the primitive 
forms he added the mechanical admeasure- 



ment of the principal angles, and demon¬ 
strated that these angles are constantly 
the same in each variety. It mast be ac¬ 
knowledged however, that the j^riinitive 
forms of Rome de Lisle were assumed en¬ 
tirely gratuitously, and not the result of 
any experimental analysis. His method 
was to frame an hypothesis, and then to 
examine its coincidence with actual appear¬ 
ance; on this principle any form might 
have been the primitive one, and any other 
have been deduced horn it. If i>ersuasion 
was the sole object of philosophy, Rome 
de Lisle would have been a powerful phi¬ 
losopher, but philosophy must convince, 
demonstrate, and wrest consent, however 
violently opposed. An enemy must not 
be able to make use of the same arms, or 
deduce the same proofs to establish a con- * 
trary opinion, nevertheless such would be 
the case with Rome de Lisle's principle, 
for any form, according to his system, may 
become the primitive, and any other may 
be deduced from it; his primitive forms 
were imaginary, and not the result of ana- 



lysis ; and they were selected merely from 
their supposed simplicity. 

Basis of the Theory of Jlaiiy. 

Of a different nature from what has been 
so far stated is the theory of crystallography 
adv^anced by the Abbe Ilaiiy. This philo¬ 
sopher, by a happy discovery, has actually 
demonstrated, where Rome de Lisle merely 
imagined. lie has developed the primitive 
form of crystals by mechanical analysis, 
and has established a real, instead of an ar¬ 
bitrary, though descriptive, system of crys¬ 
tallography. He has also shewn, that all 
crystals, however compUcated their form 
may be, contains within them a primitive 
geometrical nucleus, which has an invaria¬ 
ble form in each chemical species ofcrystal- 
lisable material. 

Accordingly, by dissecting an hexahe- 
dral prism of calcareous spar by sections 
parallel to each other, as will be shewn 
presently, we may reinoye successively all 
the lamina; in wMch it is enveloped, till we 



^ 4 * 

come to a geometrical solid, which repre¬ 
sents a perfect rhomboid. 

By separating the eight solid angles of a 
cube of Fluor spar, Ave obtain an octahe¬ 
dron : sulphate of Barytes produces an 
upright prism with rhomboidal bases ; feld¬ 
spar an oblique-angled pai’allel-opipedon; 
the ber}'!!, an upright hexahedral prism; 
blend or sulphuret of zinc a dodecahedron 
with rhomboidal faces; Elba iron ore, a 
cube, &c. The solids thus obtained arc 
called the primitive forms of crystals. The^' 
are enumerated page 118. 

If, after coming to the last subdivision, 
Ave Averc to attempt to proceed in the same 
manner in other directions, we should break 
the crystal instead of dividing iK 

But the solid w^hich forms the nucleus 
may also be subdivided in a direction pa¬ 
rallel to its faces, and sometimes in other 
directions. The same is the case Avith 
respect to the enveloping matter, Avhich- 
may be cleft by sections parallel to the faces 
of the original crystal; so that the detached 
parts are similar to each other, differing 
only in bulk, which keeps diminishing 



in the ratio as the division is continued. 
In most instances the dissection of the pri¬ 
mitive form and the enveloping layers, may 
be continued in the parallels of the same 
planes only to any extent, and in no other 
direction, and this dissection of course can¬ 
not alter the form. But some of the pri¬ 
mitive forms and their enveloping layers 
are farther divisible in planes that are not 
parallel to the faces of the crystal, and 
when this is the case a solid is obtained 
which dilfers from the primitive crystal to 
which it belongs, and these solids thus pro¬ 
duced by different methods of dissections, 
are called by Haiiy integrant molecules of 
crystals. See page 16'1. 

The quantity of matter superposed to 
the primitive form is not placed indiscri¬ 
minately; the arrangement is always per¬ 
fectly geometrical, the layers of particles de¬ 
crease regularly by the substraction of one 
or more rows of particles either from its 
edges, or its angles, or in other directions of 
the faces of the nucleus, and always in a 
geometrical order. See Laws of decre¬ 
ments, page 165. 



The production of all possible forms of 
crystals therefore arises from certain laws 
of arrangements of the layers of parti¬ 
cles surrounding what Haiiy calls a pri¬ 
mitive form or nucleus, which is always one 
of the solids before stated; and this nu¬ 
cleus originates from the assemblage of a 
certain number of integrant moleculse 
possessing a constant form. 

And as the order, according to which the 
enveloping matter becomes aggregated, 

may be interrupted, whether the form may 
be complete or not, new figures will be pro¬ 
duced, always regular and symmetrical, and 
which must be varied as the arrangement 
of the particles are itself multiplied. 

The layers of moleculse, the substraction 
of which determine the decrements, is a 
kind of unity to which we may refer the 
structure of all crystals; so that we are at 
liberty to adhere to the data which it fur¬ 
nishes, in the application of calculation to 
every possible crystalline form. To know 
aftenvards if this unity be divisible or if it 


has fractional parts, is a matter of observa¬ 
tion or annalitical calculation. 

Such is the basis of the system of Haviy. 
It is similar in this to other theories, that 
it sets out from a principal fact, on which it 
makes all facts of the same kind depend, 
and which are only as it were corollaries. 
This fact is the decrement of the lamiiu^ 
super-added to the primitive form; and it is 
by bi'inging back this decrement to simple 
and regular laws, susceptible of accurate 
calculation, that the theory arrives at results, 
the truth of which is proved by the mecha¬ 
nical division of crystals, and by the obser¬ 
vations of their angles. 

To the Abbe Hatiy is also due the scheme 
of simplifying the calculation of forms, by 
expressing according to algebraic formula;, 
the different laws of decrements which 
determine the modification of crystalline 
forms. So far, as they are the result of 
calculation and measurement, we may ad¬ 
mit the laws of calculation; for whenever 
the supQT-position or substraction of simp]a 


or compound inolecula;, around a nucleus, 
shall hy calculation give a series of planes 
and angles, which corresponds exactly to 
the angles and planes measured on natural 
crystals, it will amount to no more nor less 
than a demonstration of the rule or ar¬ 
rangement of the mechanical elements 
which have combined in the formation of 
the crystal. 








and number op primitive rORMS. 

The term mechanical division of crystals 
is given by the Abb6 Haiiy, to the opera¬ 
tion of which we are enabled to perform, 
as it were, the anatomy of cr 3 'sta]s to deve¬ 
lop their geometrical structure. Lapida¬ 
ries and jewellers, who cut and polish 
stones, have at all times noticed that these 
substances may be split more easily in 
some directions bj" fissures than in others, 
and that crystals can be cleft in certain di¬ 
rections only^ to afford smooth and brilliant 
surfaces and regular formed portions. We 


say cleft or splits and not sawed or cut, as 
the sections of crystals are not to be obtain¬ 
ed by slow and continued efforts, but by 
sudden shocks or blows, resembling the art 
of cleaving stones. It is this which con¬ 
ducted Haiiy to the theory he has esta¬ 
blished; namely, that if dexterously 
divide in the direction of the natural joints 
or laminae, the most complex crystal, we 
at last obtain a geometrical solid or nucleus, 
which observation has shown is constant in 
all the crystals of the same species, or che¬ 
mical composition, and even in those whose 
external forms are most strongly con¬ 

The diversity of primitive forms ought 
therefore to be regarded as a certain indi¬ 
cation of a difference in nature between 
two substances, and the identity of primi¬ 
tive form indicates, identity of composition, 
unless the nucleus is one of those solids 
which have a marked character of regu¬ 
larity ; such as the cube, the regular octa¬ 
hedron, &c. 



The primitive solids hitherto discovered? 
are the following geometrical solids. 

Viiimitvce forms of crystals. 

1. The parallelopiped, Tig. 4, 1^1. 

2. The regular octahedron, Tig. 5 , 
PI. Il.f 

3. The regular tetaiiedron, Fig- 
6, PJ. ll.t 

4. The regular hexahedral prism. 

Fig. 7, PI. II. § 

5. The riiomboidal dodecahedron, 

Fig. 3, PL II.II 

6. The pyramidal dodecahedron, 
composed of two hexahedral pyramids, put 
base to base, Fig. 9> Pb U.f 

A few examples will render the mecha¬ 
nical division of crystals obvious. 

* Model, No, 15. 
+ Model, No. 17. 
jl Model, No. 19. 

t Models No, 16, 
h Model, No. 18, 
!I Models No. 20, 



Let Fig. 44,*’ represent a regular six 
sided prism, which the mineral kingdom 
presents in one of the varieties of carbo- 
rates of lime or calcareous spars. 

If w'C attempt to split this solid with the 
blade of a knife, assisted by the blow of a 
hammer, we become convinced that among 
the six edges in, nc, cb^ ah, of the superior 
base, three only w-ill yield to the mechanical 
division. Let i n, represent one of these 
edges. The division is made accord!ng to a 
planep s u t inclined at an angle of 45°, both 
to the base abenc h, and to the plane in ej. 
Then the two edges b c, and a A, will admit 

^ Model. No. 2L 


of being cleft jjrecisely similar to tlie pre¬ 
ceding ; but the other three, ’which are 
intermediary, if struck with the knife, 
resist splitting, and if broken by a greater 
blow the fracture and the surfaces of the 
detached portion, instead of being smooth 
and polished, will be dull, rugged, and un¬ 
even. If we proceed to the dissection of 
the contours of the inferior base of the crys¬ 
tal, we find here also that three edges only 
can be cleft by the knife in the same degree 
of obliquity; but here they arc precisely the 
reverse of those of the upper base; namely 
the intermediate ones. The dotted plane 
l(j[y z represents the sections. The dissect¬ 
ed model, No. 21, shews the sections itself. 
By extending the division farther by cuts, 
as exhibited in this model, we find that 
six new planes are developed. These in the 
natural crystal possess a vitreous lustre, 
which indicates that they coincide with the 
geometrical joinings or layers of particles, 
the assemblage of which constitute the 

If we continue to make sections on the 
model still farther, to detach successively 



la 3 rer after layer, parallel to the former cuts, 
and consequently to each other, we ap¬ 
proach nearer and nearer to the axis of the 
crystal; and when the faces of the original 
form have been obliterated; a regular sym¬ 
metrical solid, presents itself, which is the 
nucleus of the crystal, and which in this 
case is an obtuse rhomboid. A E I 0 K 
represents this rhomboid * in its due posi¬ 
tion, in Fig. 44, with regard to the circum¬ 
scribed prism. 

* Hauy gives the name of rhomboid to a parullelopi' 
pedon a e, Fig, 45j terniinated by six rhombuses equal 
and similar. 

In every rhomboid two of the solid angles such 
as u e opposite to each other, are formed by the 
junction of three equal plane angles. Each of the 
other six solid angles is formed by a plane angle equal 
to each of the preceding, and by two other angles of a 
diiferent measure^ but equal to each other. The points 


The dissected model No. 21, will render 
what has been stated obvious. 31y detach¬ 
ing at the upper or lower extremity, the 
three first sections which there present it¬ 
self, the six cunci-form slices will offer to 
view six trapeziums; by again removing 
three more slices from both extremities, the 
prism becomes converted into a solid, ter¬ 
minated by twelve pentagons parallel two 
and two. The six faces of which are the 
remains of the six sides of the original 
prism, and the other six are the intermedi¬ 
ate one produced by dissection. 

Fig. 46^ exhibits the pentagonal dodeca¬ 
hedron, as produced from the six sided 
prism, which there is represented as inscrib- 

« e are therefore the summits^ and the line a c the 
axis* In any one whatever of the rhombuses a h df^ 
■which compose the surface^ the angle contiguous to 
the snmmltj is called the superior angle i the angle cf, 
the inferior anglei and the angles h and/, are the late^ 
ralangles. The sides a 6, uf are the edges; 

and the sides h d, df the inferior edges ; hfh the hori^ 
tontal diagonaly and a d tlic ohltque diagonaL 
^ See Model; No. SL 

OP chystals. 


ed in the original solid, that the process 
by which it is obtained may be better con¬ 

By making six more sections upon the 
model, always parallel to each other, name¬ 
ly, three at the upper, and three at the 
lower base, the faces of the prism dimi¬ 
nish in height, and in proportion as the 
sections are multiplied and kept always 
parallel to each other, the external sides of 
the original solid have disappeared, the 
prism will be converted into the acute 
rhomboid, which represents the nucleus of 
the original solid. 


Now, in a like manner, all the crystalline 
forms of calcareous spar, even those that 
differ most from the six sided prism, if dis¬ 
sected in the direction of their laminae, will 
produce a rhomboid, which is precisely 
similar to that obtained from the before- 
mentioned solid; and it is singular to see a 
nucleus issue from varieties of forms wdneh 
do not present any common point of resem¬ 
blance that seem to indicate their rela¬ 

For instance. Let us place by the side 
of each other, calcareous spar, in the form 
of a regular six sided prism. Fig. 44.* 
Calcareous spai', in the form of a rhom¬ 
boid. Fig. 47.i‘ 


* Model, No. 91. 

+ Model, No. 99, 


And calcareous spar in the form of a py¬ 
ramidal dodecahedron with isosceles trian¬ 
gular faces, Fig. 48.* 

We can scarcel}'^ perceive how three 
varieties of calcareous spar or carbonate of 
lime, so dissimilar at first sight, and so fo¬ 
reign to each other, with regard to their 
exterior forms, should contain concealed 
within them one and the same shaped 
nucleus. This however is the case, and 
the fact may be proved, by penetrating 

* Model, No. §3. 


into the exterior structure of these solids, 
namely : 

To dissect the pyramidal dodecahedron, 
Tig. 48,* it is only necessary to make one 
cut through the edge E 0, 01; a second 
through Eli; a fourth, through O 1,1 K; 
a fifth through 13 K, G H; and a sixth 
through E O. This being done, the nu¬ 
cleus will be obtained, as is obvious at first 
sight from the figure which exhibits the 
nucleus or primitive rhomboid within the 
pyramidal dodecahedron in its proper posi¬ 
tion. See also model. No. 23. 

To dissect the crystal of calcareous spar, 
Ihg'. 47,T ''^diich itself is a rhomboid some¬ 
what acute, all that is necessary to be done, 
is, to direct the cuts parallel to the six 
extreme edges in such a manner, that each 
of them may be equally inclined to the 
planes it cuts into; namely, we have to 
make sections upon the edges S T, S IT, 
S N, on one hand, and S T, S U, S N, on 

* Model, No. 23. 

+ Model, No. 22. 




the other; in such a way, that the cutting 
planes are equally inclined upon the faces 
which they cut. The first section will lay 
open six pentagonal faces r, r, r, r, r. 


parallel to the faces of the nucleus, and it 
is easy conceived that by continuing the 
cuts alwaj's in the same directions, and 
parallel ta each other, until the internal 
faces of the rhomboid have been oblite¬ 
rated, -we shall have a new rhomboid, which 
will be the nucleus or primitive form.* 
There are a vast number of varieties of 
calcareous spar which bear no resemblance 

* See Model No. 22. 


to each other, but all of them contain, con¬ 
cealed within them, a nucleus precisely 
similar to that under consideration. 

If we attemjit the anatomy of a crystal 
belonging to another species of mineral, the 
nucleus w ill be chanojcd. In such substance 
it will be a cube, in another a rectano-ular 
prism, wdth rhomboidal bases, here it Avill 
be a dodecahedron with rhomboidal planes, 
there a pyramidal dodecahedron with isos¬ 
celes triangular faces. For example, let 13 
D E N M L, Fig. 50,* represent a cube 



this cube by sections parallel to its faces, it 
will resist of being cleft by cuts in that 
direction, and if a gi’eater force be employ¬ 
ed than is necessar^r to split the crystal, no¬ 
thing but irregular fragments will be obtain¬ 
ed. But if the cuts be directed in the 
line gf. Fig. 50, parallel to the diagonal line 
B E upon one of its faces and at an angle 
of about fifty-four and a half, we shall 
accomplish the object, the solid angle I g 
h f will become detached, and the part 
obtained will be a triangular pyramid, and 
the new face presented, will be an equilate¬ 
ral triangle g/ A, Fig. 51, shows the clevage 
of this crystal, d c, b f the angles to be cleft. 

If we continue the divisions further and 
further upon the eight solid angles, d cbf, 



&c. Fig. 51, the cuts will be first replaced 
by eight equilateral triangles, and when the 
sections intersect each other, the equilateral 
triangular faces will disappear, and become 
changed into hexagons, Fig. 52. 

And when nothing more remains, of the 
faces of the original cube, an octahedron with 
equilateral faces will make its appearance, 
which in this case is the nucleus contained 
in this species of mineral, e, inscribed into 
Fig. 53, exhibits this nucleus in its due 


The dissected model No. 24, will palpably 



illustrate the mechanical diversion of this 
crystal, and the position of its nucleus. 

It is not ahvaj^s necessary to dissect a 
crystal in order to reduce it to its primitive 
form or nucleus. Because in ’certain in¬ 
stances, crystallisation at once produces the 
nucleus, whereas again certain mineral pro¬ 
ductions are very rarely met with in the 
primitive form. There exist, for example, 
crystals of calcareous spar which differ in 
no respect from the rhomboid which we 
extract out of the regular hexahedral prism. 
Fig. 44, page 119j and from the other va¬ 
rieties we have mentioned, and there arc 
natural crystals of octahedral fluate of lime, 
but these instances are rare. It frequently 
happens also, that among the faces of a se¬ 
condary crystal there are some which are 
parallel to those of the primitive nucleus. 
Thus we meet with varieties of carbonate 
of lime which are exactly similar to that of 
Fig. 54, (see p. 132,) in which crystallisa¬ 
tion has left hextagonal faces, situated like 
those which we obtain by dividing the six 
sided prism, represented Fig. 44. In such 

K 2 


cases the route is, as it were, traced out 
before hand, previous to arriving at the 

Before we leave this subject we shall 
advance one example more, in illustration 
of what lias been so far stated, with regard 
to the mechanical division of crystals, and 
the development of the primitive forms. 
For example; 

If we endeavour to split some hexahedral 
prisms of corundum in a direction, either 
perpendicular or parallel to their axes, we 
meet with a very considerable resistance: 
the crystals may, indeed, be broken in these 
directions; but the rugged and irregular 



Surface of the broken parts^ clearly proves 
that the direction in which the crystal¬ 
line laminae have been deposited one up¬ 
on another has not been followed. The 
regular hexahedral prism of this mineral 
cannot therefore be considered as the form 
of the nucleus of the crystal; and, con¬ 
sequently, is not the primitive form of the 
crystals of this substance. If, in order 
to discover the direction of the crystal¬ 
line laminae, a variety of crystals be ex¬ 
amined, some will hardly fail to be met 
V with, which, on their solid angles, formed 
by the junction of the sides of the prism, 
with the planes of the extremities, present 
small isosceles triangles. These are some- 
times greater, and sometimes smaller, and 
form solid angles, of 122° 34', with the 
extreme planes of the crystal. They are 
in some instances, real faces of the crystal, 
but most frequently they evidently are the 
effect of some violence on that part. The 
smoothness and brilliancy of these small 
faces, in the latter case, shew that a piece 
has been detached in the natural direction 


of crystalline larainse. It is, indeed, much 
less difficult to separate a portion of the 
crystal at those angles, than at any other 
part; and in following the natural direction 
of the faces, with a little patience and dex¬ 
terity, all the crystalline laminae may be 
detached, and progressively increase the 
size of the triangular face. Tins operation, 
however, cannot be done indiscriminately 
on all the solid angles of the crystals, but 
only on the alternate ones at the same 
extremity, and in a contrary direction to 
each other. As to the other angles, they 
may be broken, but it is impossible to 
detach them. When, instead of the solid 
angles of an hexahedral prism, small trian¬ 
gular planes are met with (which frequently 
happens, whether caused by violence or 
otherwise), they are always placed in the 
direction above mentioned. If by follow¬ 
ing this indication of nature, we continue 
to detach the crystalline laminse, we shall 
at last cause the form of the hexahedral 
prism to disappear totally, and in place of 
it, a rliomboidal parallelopiped will be 


obtained, of which the plane angles at the 
rhombs, in this case will be 86° and 94° ; 
the solid angles at the summit will measure 
84^ 31'; and that taken at the reunion of 
the basis will be 95° 29'. 

We can split this parallelepiped only in a 
direction parallel to its faces; it will still 
consequently preserve the same form, 
which is that of the nucleus of this sub¬ 
stance, and its primitive form. It is, 
therefore, by a modification of the rhom¬ 
boid al parallelopiped that nature has 
formed the regular hexahedral prism, which 
this substance presents. 

Thus the application of general laws, to 
ascertain constant characters, after they 
shall have been fully verified, may be very 
simple and general; and hence the follow¬ 
ing facts have been deduced ; namely, that 
the small solids or primitive forms of crys¬ 
tals, in all those which belong to the same 
species, that is to say, which agree in their 
chemical constitution, have one invariable 
geometrical form. They accurately corres- 


pond with each other in their shape, and 
the dimensions of their angles. But it is by 
no means true, as has been hastily asserted, 
that everif species has a peculiar primitive 
form. Thus muriate of soda, sulphuret 
of lead, sulphuret of iron, boracite, &c. 
have the same primitive form; namely, a 
cube, and a^;e besides composed of the same 
integrant moleculaj, which is also a cube. 
In a like manner fluate of lime, alum, dia¬ 
mond, bismuth, ruby copper, spinell, 
antimony, &c. afford, by calculation and 
mechanical division, a regular octahedron 
for their primitive figure, composed of regu¬ 
lar tetrahedral integrant particles. With the 
exception however of these nuclei, which are 
regular geometrical solids, [see page 117], 
and therefore unsusceptible of any variation 
in their dimensions, it may be affirmed that 
no two nuclei of different species or dis¬ 
similar substances, have precisely the same 
dimensmis ; thus the primitive form both of 
calcareous spar and tourmaline is an obtuse 
rhomboid, but in the former the obtuse 


angles are = 105*^ 5', while in the latter 
they are = 113^ 34'. 

Those regular geometrical forms, although 
they belong to dilferent species, may be con¬ 
sidered as the limits at which nature arrives 
by different ways, while each of the figures 
placed between these limits, seems to be 
confined to one particular chemical com¬ 
pound only. ' , 

In the magnesian carbonate of lime, or 
bitter-spar, which is a different chemical 
compound, the primitive form is well known 
to be a regular rhomboid, as well as that of 
carbonate of lime, and so nearly resembling 
it, as to have been hitherto supposed the 
same.; differs from this quantity by 1(7 
in the measures *of these crystals; for that 
of the magnesian carbonate is full 106?*^. 

The primitive angle of i ron-spar Dr. Wol- 
laston has found still more remote fi-om that 
of the common carbonate of lime,, which it 
exceeds by nearly two degrees. This philo¬ 
sopher has examined various specimens, 
some pure white, others brown, some tran¬ 
sparent, others opake. 


Dr. Wollaston believes that it is not un¬ 
likely, that when substances which agree so 
nearly in their primitive angle, are intermix¬ 
ed in certain proportions, they may each 
exert their crystalline power; and may oc¬ 
casion that confused appearance of crystal¬ 
lisation with curved surfaces, known by the 
name pearl-spar present. And although he 
has not made any accurate comparative 
analyses w’hich may be adduced in support 
of the hypothesis, that mixtures are more 
subject to curvatures than pure chemical 
compounds; but it is very evident from the 
numerous analyses that have been made of 
iron-spar by other chemists, how extremely 
variable they are in their composition, and 
consequently how probable it is, that the 
greater part of them are to be I'egarded as 
mixtures; nevertheless it is also possible, 
that there may exist a triple carbonate of 
lime and iron as a strict chemical com¬ 







From what has been stated in the pre¬ 
ceding sections it becomes obvious, that 
the name of immitive form has been given 
to those solids of a constant figure, which 
are contained symmetrically each, in all the 
crystals of one, and the same species or 
chemical composition, unless it is one of 
those forms which possess a particular cha¬ 
racter of perfection and regularity, (see page 
117 and 135,) and which may be extracted 
out of them by a skilfhl mechanical division. 
All crystals, it is true, are not susceptible 



of mechanical dissections, but those which 
refuse to l^e clett, the theory seconds by 
various indications the cleavage, and con¬ 
sequently determines tlie primitive form, 
from theoretical calculations of certain exte¬ 
rior vestiges which the crystal presents. For 
instance those strite that are observable on 
the faces of many secondary crystals, when 
the operations of nature have not attained 
the perfection of which they are capable, fre¬ 
quently indicate, by their directions, the pro- 
gressof crystallisation, or the direction of the 
component laminae ; they therefore assist us 
in catching by analogy, the form and posi¬ 
tion of the nucleus, which otherwise might 
escape observation. Nevertheless, these 
indications require to be used with caution, 
for it sometimes happens that the surface of 
the nucleus itself is striated. This sino-u- 
larity seems to be the effect of an imperfect 
decrement, which experiences such great 
interruptions, that .the faces resulting from 
it, sensibly coincide with the primitive 
faces. In like-manner, it is not impossi¬ 
ble, that the faces of a secondary crystal 



may have striae, in a direction different 
from that which ought to result from the 
progress of the decrement. But there are 
cases in which the striae are so palpable, as 
to show plainly the mechanism of the 

The relations which serve to connect the 
different original crystals of one and the 
same substance with a common or pri¬ 
mitive form, are founded on the laws of 
structure (which will be explained pre¬ 
sently,) whose tendency is to determine the 
number and arrangement of the planes or 
layers of particles which compose the sur¬ 
face of each crystal. From a necessary 
consequence and acquaintance with the 
progress of these laws, it becomes merely 
requisite to have our eyes on the primitive 
form, and tlie value of the 'decrements 
which its angles or edges undergo, in order 
to represent the polyhedron resulting from 
it, and to see in.what manner in idea we 
may effect the metamorphosis of the nu¬ 
cleus from which this polyhedron is. de¬ 



But the nucleus or primitive form of' a 
crystal, is by no means the ultimate result 
to which the mechanical anatomy of these 
bodies may be carried. It is a character 
common to all primitive forms, to be divi¬ 
sible by successive sections, parallel to their 
different faces, and sometimes also in other 
directions. The products obtained, will 
be solids of different forms, from those of 
the primitive, from which they originated. 
These solids have received the appellation 
of integrant moleculae, or integront ■par- 
tides of ci'ystah. 

When the nucleus is a parallelepiped, 
that is to say, a solid bounded by six faces 
two and two alike, as for instance, the 
cube, and the rhomboid, which can be 
divided by blows in a direction parallel to 
the six faces, it is evident that the figure of 
the integrant particle is itself a parallelopi- 
ped, similar to the nucleus, and differing 
from it only in bulk, which continually de¬ 
creases in the ratio as the subdivision is 
carried further. 

It may however happen that the primi- 



tive parallelopiped, is farther divisible bj 
planes, not farallel to its external faces, but 
diagonally, or in other directions; for in¬ 
stance, let us conceive that A A K H, &c. 
Fig. 55,* the central figure in this page, 

represents the rhomboid of turmalin, and 
that it admits of divisions, as it ac¬ 
tually does, parallel to the six rhombuses 
which terminates the crystal, and with the 
help of planes, each of which passes by an 

^ Modelj No, £5. 



oblique diagonal A O, by the axis A A', 
and the edge A O, comprehended between 
the same diagonal and the axis. These sec¬ 
tions will detach six irregular tetrahedrons, 
which have been figured separately around 
the primitive central rhomboid, in positions 
analogous to those which they had when 
joined in one body, in such a manner, that 
we may follow as it were with the eye, the 
anatomy of this solid. These six irregular 
tetrahedrons represent the moleculae of the 
substance, of which this crystalline solid is 
the primitive figure. 

Let us take another example; for in¬ 
stance, the regular hexahedral prism of 
phosphate of lime; the division of this pri¬ 
mitive solid, gives for integTant moleculae 
equilateral triangular prisms, as may be 
perceived by inspecting Fig. 56. 



We there see one of the faces of the 
prism divided parallel to its six sides, and 
consequently into equilateral triangles, each 
of which is the base of a small triangular 
prism, which represents the integrant mo- 
leculae *. 

In some cases the mechanical division 
yields particles of different figures combin¬ 
ed together throughout the whole extent of 
the primitive solid; the crystal in this case 
affords products of a mixt structure, but 
this division does not invalidate the 

The analysis of the octahedron will illus¬ 
trate this fact. In this solid the sections by 
planes, parallel to its faces, give in succes¬ 
sion to the ultimate point to which the di¬ 
vision is carried, moleculae, of two different 
forms, namcijs tetrahedrons and octahe¬ 
drons; but every probable reason occurs to 
reject the octahedron, and to adopt the most 
simple solid, namely, the tetrahedron, as 

♦ Model, No. 26 . 



the true integrant particle. So that, in 
whatever manner the octahedron is direct¬ 
ed, it always gives solids of two kinds 
without ever arriving to unity. The divi¬ 
sion of the primitive form of fluate of lime, 
which may easily be cleft by twenty-four 
sections, as shewn by the dotted lines 
Tig. 57 and likewise through the centre 

will illustrate this analysis. The result will 
be six octahedrons and eight tetrahedra. 
The equilateral triangles a aaa represent 
each, one of the exterior faces of the tetra¬ 
hedra, the three others are lost in the solid, 
where they unite in a common point, and 


are confounded with the centre of the 

The division of the regular tetrahedron, 
as primitive form, likewise leads to a mixt 
structure of a similar kind, namely, tetra¬ 
hedrons, leaving octahedral vacuities *. 

The analysis of the rhomboidal dodecahe¬ 
dron gives as results, tetrahedrons, the faces 
of which are, without doubt, equal and 
similar isosceles triangles. These by being 
taken in groups of six, form rhomboids 
of a bulk proportional to their own*!-, so 
that this solid may be conceived as being 
itself immediately composed of four rhom¬ 
boids, and in the last analysis of twenty- 
four tetrahedrons, without leaving any va¬ 
cuities between them. For as the dodeca¬ 
hedron has eight solid angles, each foi’med 
by three planes, the assemblage of which 
forms four rhomboids, which have for ex¬ 
terior summits the four angles. 

With respect to the division of the pyra- 

L 2 

* Model, No. 28. 

+ Model, No. 29. 



inidal dodecahedron, composed of two six- 
sided pyramids, with isosceles triangular 
faces, put base to base, we cannot extract 
the moleculae, which compose this solid, 
without dividing it in directions different 
from those which would be parallel to 
the faces. The tranchant plane in this 
case ought to pass by the axis and by the 
ridges, contiguous to the summits, whence 
irregular tetrahedrons result as integrant 

Such is the structure of the primitive 
solids of crystals. There is a remarkable 
relation w-hich serves to connect the crys¬ 
talline structure of substances, w'hosc mole¬ 
cule is the tetrahedron or triangular prism, 
with that of substances, which have, as 
primitive forms, simple assemblages of ele¬ 
mentary parallelopipcdons. This connec¬ 
tion consists in the tetrahedral or prismatic 
moleculoe, being always assorted in such 
a manner, in the interior of the primitive 

* Model, No. 30. 



form and of secondary crystals, that on 
taking them by small groups of twos, fours, 
sixes, or eights, they compose parallelopi- 
pedons, so that in reality the ranges sub¬ 
tracted by the effect of decrements are 
nothing else, as well as the whole crystal, 
than sums of these parallelopipedons. 

That we may comprehend how this takes 
2 )Iace, let A B D, D, &c. Fig. 58,* 

be one of the basis of a regular six- 
sided prism, subdivided into small tri¬ 
angles, which are the basis of so many in¬ 
tegrant moleculae. It is evident, that any 
two given triangles adjoining the other, such 

^ Modely No, 26, 



as A p i, A O, i, Sec. compose a rhombus, 
and consequently the two prisms to which 
they belong form by their union a prism 
with rhomboidal basis, which is one of the 
kinds of parallelopipeds. 

There is no crystal from which a nucleus, 
in the form of a parallelopiped, may not 
be obtained, if we confine ourselves to six 
sections, parallel two and two. In a great 
number of substances this parallelopiped 
is the ultimate product afforded by the 
mechanical division. But in some mine¬ 
rals it can be further divided by sections 
made in different directions of its faces, the 
moleculas of course thence resulting differ 
from that of the parallelopiped. The follow¬ 
ing example will illustrate this statement. 
Let a c h s 71 0 , Fig 59, be a cube, having 



two of its solid angles, o, s, situated on the 
same verticle line. This line will be the 
axis of the cube, and the points a and s 
will be its summits. Let it be supposed 
that this cube is devisible by sections, each 
of which, such as a h n, passes through 
one of the summits a, and by two oblique 
diagonals a //, an, contiguous to this sum 
mit. This section will detach the soli^ 
angle i; and as there are six solid angles, 
situated laterally, viz. *, hy c, r, o, n, the 
six sections will produce an acute rhom¬ 
boid, the summits of which will be con¬ 
founded with those of the cube. Fig. 60,* 

* Model, No, 31 - 



represents this rhomboid existing in the 
cuboj in such a manner, that its six lateral 
solid angles, b,d,f\p,g, e, correspond to 
the middle of the faces achi^ crs A, h i n s, 
&c. of the cube. 

Besides, it may be proved by theory, 
that the cube results from a decrement 
which takes place by a single range of 
small rhomboids, similar to the acute 
rhomboid, on the six oblique ridges ab, ag\ 
ae, sd, if, sp. This decrement produces 
two faces, one on each side of each of 
these ridges, which makes in all twelve 
faces. But as the two faces, which have 
the same ridge for their line of departure, 
are on the same plane by the nature of the 
decrement, the twelve faces will be reduced 
to six, which arc squares; so that the se¬ 
condary solid is a cube. 

Suppose that the cube, Fig. 59, admits, 
in regard to its summits a, s, two new divi¬ 
sions similar to the preceding six, that is 
to say, one of which passes through the 
points c, 0 , and the other through the 
points h, n, r. The first will pass also 




thi’ough the points h, e, and the second 
through the points d,f, p. Fig. 6‘0, and 61, 
of the rhomboid, from which it follows, tliat 
these two divisions will detach each a regu¬ 
lar tetrahedron huge or dsfpf Fig. 6l,* 


61 . 

so that the rhomboid will be found convert¬ 
ed into a regular octahedron e/j Fig. 62,-jf 

which will be the real nucleus of the cube; 

* Model, No. 31. 

+ See tlie same Model, No, 31, which will render 
obvious w!)at relates to this subject. • 



since it is produced by divisions similarly 
made, in regard to the eight solid angles 
of the cube. 

If we suppose the same cube to be divi¬ 
sible, throughout its whole extent, by sec¬ 
tions analogous to the preceding, it is 
clear that each of the small rhomboids of 
which it is the assemblage, will be found, 
in like manner, subdivided into an octa¬ 
hedron, with two regular tetrahedra ap¬ 
plied on the two opposite faces of the 
octahedron.* Indeed, in whatever man¬ 
ner we proceed to subdivide either the 
cube, the rhomboid, or the octahedron, we 
shall always have solids of two forms, that 
is to say, octahedra and tetrahedra, without 
ever being able to reduce the result of the 
division to unity. But the moleculai of a 
crystal being necessarily similar, it appears 
probable, says Ilaiiy, that the structure is, 
as it were, interspersed with a multitude of 
small vacuities, occupied either by the 
water of crystallisation, or by some other 

* See Model, No. 31. 



substance, so that, if it were possible to 
carry the division to its limits, one of the 
two kinds of solids in question would dis¬ 
appear, and the whole crystal would be 
found composed only of moleculse of the 
other form. 

This view is the more admissible, as each 
octahedron being enveloped by eight tetra- 
hedra, and each tetrahedron being equally 
enveloped by four octahedra,* which ever 
of the forms we imagine to be suppressed, 
the solids that remain will join exactly by 
their edges; so that, in this respect, there 
will be continuity and uniformity through¬ 
out the whole extent of the mass. 

The manner in whicli each octahedron 
is enveloped by eight tetrahedra may be 
readily conceived, if we take care that in 
dividing the cube (Fig. 59) only by the six 
sections, which give the rhomboid, we may 
depart at pleasure from any two, a s, o A, 
c «, i r, of the eight solid angles, provided 
that these two angles be opposite to each 

* Model, No. 27. 



m i 

other. But if we depart from the angles 
a s, the I'homboid will have the position 
shewn, Fig. 6l. But by departing from the 
solid angles 0 , A, these angles will beeoine 
the summit of a new rhomboid. Fig. 63, 

composed of the same octahedron as that 
of Fig. 62, with two new tetrahedra ap¬ 
plied on the face.s b df^ e g p. Fig. 63, 
which were unoccupied on the rhomboid of 
Fig. 6l. Fig. 64, and Fig. 65, 






represent one, the case in which the two 
tetrahedra repose on the faces d b e, f g p, 
of the octahedron; the other, that in which 
they would rest on the faces bfg, d e p. 
It is thence seen, that whatever may be 
the two solid angles of the cube assumed 
for the points of departure, we shall always 
have the same octahedron, with two tetra¬ 
hedra, contiguous by their summits to the 
two solid angles in question; and as there 
are eight of these solid angles, the central 
octahedron will be circumscribed by eight 
tetrahedra, which will rest on its faces. The 
same effect will take place, if we continue 
the division always parallel to the first sec¬ 
tions. Each face of the octahedron, then, 
however small we may suppose that octa¬ 
hedron to be, adheres to a face of the te¬ 
trahedron, and reciprocally. Each tetra¬ 
hedron then is enveloped by four octahe- 
dra. This structure is that of fluor spar. 

By dividing a cube of this substance we 
may, at pleasure, extract rhomboids, having 
the angles formed by their planes equal to 




120o or regular octahedra, or tetrahedra, 
equally regular. There are a small num¬ 
ber of other substances, such as rock crys¬ 
tal, carbonate of lead, &c. which being 
mechanically divided beyond the term at 
which we should have a rhomboid or pa- 
rallelopipedon, give also parts of various 
different forms assorted together in a man¬ 
ner even more complex than in fluate of 
lime. These mixt structures necessarily 
occasion uncertainty respecting the real 
figure of the integi'a! moleculas which belong 
to the substances in question. AVe have, 
however, observed that the tetrahedron is 
always one of those solids which concur to 
the formation of small rhomboids or paral- 
lelopipedons that would be drawn from the 
crystal by a first division. On the other 
hand, there are substances, which, being 
divided in all possible directions, resolve 
themselves j3nly into tetrahedra. Of this 
number are garnet, blend, and tourma¬ 

In short, several minerals are divisible 



into right triangular prisms. Such as the 
apatite or phosphate of lime, the primitive 
form of which is a regular right hexahedral 
prism, divisible parallel to its bases and its 
planes, from which necessarily result right 
prisms with three planes, as may be seen 
by inspecting Fig. 66, which represents 
one of the bases of the hexahedral prism 
divided into small equilateral triangles, 
which are the bases of so many moleculae, 
and which, being taken two and two, as A ip 
p k, C I G &c. form quadrilateral prisms 
with rhombuses for their bases.* 

By adopting then the tetrahedron in the 
doubtful case, we reduce, in general, all 
forms of integral moleculse to three, re¬ 
markable for their simplicity; viz. the pa¬ 
rallelepiped on, which includes the cube; 
the triangular prism ; and the teti’ahedron. 

This simplicity may furnish a reason for 
the preference given to the tetrahedron in 

* Model, No. S6. 



fluor spar, and the other substances of which 
we have spoken. The Abbe Haiiy, however, 
forbears deciding on this subject, as the 
want of accurate and precise observations 
leaves to theory nothing but conjectures 
and probabilities. 

But the essential object is, that the dif¬ 
ferent forms to which the mixt structures 
in question conduct, are assorted in such a 
manner, that their assemblage is equiva¬ 
lent to a sum of small parallelopipedons, 
as ^ve have seen to be the case in regard to 
fluor spar; and that the laminre of super¬ 
position, applied on the nucleus, decrease 
by subtractions of one or more ranges of 
these parallelopipedons; so that the basis 
of the theory exists independently of the 
choice wdiich might be made of any of the; 
forms obtained by the mechanical division. 

By the help of this result, the decrements 
to which crystals are subject, ■whatever be 
their primitive forms, arc found brought 
back to those which take place in sub¬ 
stances where this form, as w'ell as that of 


the molccultSj are indivisible parallelopipC’ 
dons; and theory has the advantage of 
being able to generalize its object, by con¬ 
necting with one fact that multitude of 
facts which by their diversity seem to be 

little susceptible of concurring in a com¬ 
mon point. 

Integrant pa^'ticles of Crystals. 

The forms of the integrant particles of 
crystals, as far as experiment and observa¬ 
tion have gone, may be reduced, as stated 
page 159, to three, namely, 

1. The regular tetrahedron, the 
simplest of the pyramids, Fig. 1, Ph II.* 

2. The triangular prism, the sim¬ 
plest of the prisms. Fig. 2, PI. Il.'f- and, 

3. The cube, the simplest of the solids, 
whose faces arc six in number, and pa¬ 
rallel two and two, Fig. 3, PI. II. % 

* Model, No. 32. t Model, No. 33. 

t Model, No. 3t. 



These geometrical solids, which perform 
the office of the integrant molecuUe, arc all 
the most simple, namely, those with four 
sides, the least number possible to contain 
a solid, those with five, and tliose with six. 
They are all susceptible of an infinite 
variety in the dimensions of their sides, 
and in the inclination of the faces which 
terminate them, although all have a fixed 
term of regularity toward which they tend. 
Thus the cube sometimes presents itself as 
a rhomboid, with an acute or obtuse sum¬ 
mit, or as a parallelopipcd, or as a right or 
oblique quadrangular prism, with a square, 
rectangular or rhombic base. In some 
cases the triangular prism is merely isos¬ 
celes, in others it is equilateral, and in this 
last case the relation between its height 
and the side of its base is various. The 
tetrahedron undergoes analogous results; it 
is sometimes regular, at others irregular. 
And if these figures, says Hau 3 % are not 
those of the true integrant molecules em¬ 
ployed by the mechanism of nature in the 
structure of crystals, they deserve at least 



to supply their places in our limited con¬ 
ceptions. With such slender means nature 
composes forms in an indefinite number, 
and sufficient to establish a theory which 
embraces so many extended results. 

Since the integrant particles are the last 
products of the crystal which preserves ah 
exact proportion of its chemical composi¬ 
tion, they constitute the ultimate results to 
wliich the mechanical analysis can be car¬ 
ried. And although the further practical 
analj'sis of these bodies is out of our power, 
yet we can form a very correct idea, and 
indeed it may be demonstrated, that by a 
further mechanical subdivision, were it 
possible, their forms would not change. 
Tlie integrant particles thus exhibited are 
therefore the representative of the last pro¬ 
duct obtained by mechanical analysis, and 
their union constitutes the crystal. 

In a geometrical point of view they may 
be pronounced'as containing the minimnm 
of space under tlie maxiiMim of surface, 
whence tlie primary forms of crystals 
which are its first results, comprehend the 

M 2 


maximum of space under the minimum of 
surface, provided the inclination of tlie 
planes be equal. 

A table exhibiting the crystalline forms 
of minerals, which have a common j)rimi- 
tive form with the same dimensions, &c. 
wilt be given at the end of this work. See 
table of crystalline forms. 






IN the jireccding section it has been 
stated, that the nucleus is the sj^nnuetrical 
solid, which constitutes tlic primary fornu 
arisins; from the union of the inteo:rant 
particles, and constituting the first result 
of their composition; now netwidary forms 
are called all those which differ from the 
primitive; they originate from the addition 
of similar particles enveloping a primitive 
solklj and piled round it according to cer- 


tain laws. They are of two kinds, namely, 
simple and compound. The former originate 
from a simple law of decrement; the latter 
are produced by the action of several laws 
of decrement acting at once, or from a 
single law, which has not attained its 

In speaking of those solids we shall sup¬ 
pose them situated always in such a man¬ 
ner, that the line which may be considered 
as their axis has a vertical position, and 
then the faces parallel to this axis will 
themselves bear the name of vertical faces, 
whereas horizontal faces are called those 
which are perpendicular; and the name 
oblique faces those which are inclined to¬ 
wards it. 

The laws of architecture or peculiar 
modes of arrangements of the particles, 
according to which are produced these 
forms by virtue of those regular coverings 
of crystalline laminae, which disguise under 
such various forms one and the same primi¬ 
tive figure, are called laics of decrease or 
laws of decrement of the structure of crystals, 


and the layers of particles superposed upon 
the nucleus receive the name of iamineE 
of superposition. 

Observation and the calculus have 
shewn, that these laminse superposed to 
the nucleus, gradually decrease in num¬ 
ber, sometimes on all the sides of the 
nucleus at once, in consequence of the 
substraction of one or more of their layers, 
sometimes on particular sides only, so that 
the abstractions of the particles have, for 
the limit of their departure or origin, some¬ 
times all the edges, sometimes certain 
sides, and sometimes the angles, sometimes 
lines situated between the edges and the 
angles of the nucleus, and it is the deter¬ 
mination of these laws of diminution, whe¬ 
ther partial, or total, or modified according 
to certain geometrical rules, which disguise 
the nucleus under such various forms, and 
which give rise to such infinite variety of 
crystalline solids met with in nature. The 
hnvs of diminution or decrement which 
have been observed are the following. 


I. Decrements on the Edges. 

To render what has been stated more 
obvious, let us proceed to illustrate by the 
methods of synthesis and analysis, the pro¬ 
duction of secondary'forms. AVe shall for 
that purpose take the rhomboidal dodeca¬ 
hedron, Tig. 66, and Fig. 8, Plate 11.^ 

which indeed ranks among the primitive 
forms, but it also presents itself occasion¬ 
ally as a secondary solid, and in this case 
it has, for a nucleus, sometimes a cube, 
sometimes an octahedron. Let us sup¬ 
pose the nucleus to be a cube. 

^ No, 35* 


To prove tliis Ijy analysis it will be ne¬ 
cessary to cut off successively the six 
solid angles as S II T, &c. Tig. 06’, com¬ 
posed of four planes each, by cuts passing 
through the minor diagonals of the faces. 
These sections will successively lay open 
six squares A I, 0 1, E 0 O T, 10 0 1, 
See. which will be the faces of the cube*. 
This cube being evidently an assemblage 
of integrant particles of the same form, it 
will be necessary that eacli of the six py¬ 
ramids resting on its faces be itself com¬ 
posed of cubes equal to each other, as 
well as to those which constitute the primi¬ 
tive nucleus. This condition will be ful¬ 
filled, if w^e suppose that each of the faces 
of the cube supports a series of decreasing 
laminm eomposed of cubical particles, 
every one of which exceeds that immedi¬ 
ately above it by one row of particles on 
each of its six sides. This arrangement is 

* Model, No. 35. 

represented by Fig. IjPl. III.ivhere it may 
be seen, that the last Ia 3 'er or plate of parti¬ 
cles is reduced to a single cube, marked s. 
In the figure only three of the {[uadrangular 
■pyramids are shown as suj>eradded to the 
nucleus, it is easy to supply the other py¬ 
ramids mentaly. On examining the figure 
attentively, we shall find that it lias been 
traced on the supposition that the cubic nu¬ 
cleus has on each of its edges seventeen 
ridges of molecules; whence it follows, 
that each of its faces is composed of two 
hundred and eighty-nine facets of mole- 
culae, and that the whole solid is equal to 
four thousand nine hundred and thirteen 
molcculaj. On this h^^pothesis, there are 
eight laminae of superposition, the last of 
which is reduced to a simple cube, whose 

edges determine the numbers of molecules 
w'lucli form the series fifteen, thirteen, 
eleven, nine, seven, five, three, one, the 


difl’erence being two, because there is one 
course in breadth, substracted from each 

Now it is easy to conceive that the dif¬ 
ferent series will produce the triangular 
fkces O S I, O E S, I 0 0 O T, 0 T I, 

&c. Fig. 1, Plate III. and Fig. 66, page 
l68, of these pyramids by the diminishing 
edges of the lainiiiffi of superposition, which 
arc obviously found on the same place; so 
that they are alternately re-entei ing and 
salient. But there are six pyramids, and 
consequently twenty-four triangles. And 
as the diminution is uniform throughout 
the extent of the adjacent triangles upon 
the contiguous pyramids, it results that the 
triangles, taken two by two, form a rhom¬ 
bus. The surface of the solid will there¬ 
fore be composed of twelve equal and 
similar rhombi, that is to say, this solid will 
have the same form as that which is the 
object of the problem. 

In explaining this structure of a crystal, 
or the production of a secondary form, from a 



solid, although the representation 
in the Fig. 1, PL III .* be such as shew the de¬ 
crement of the laniinm, by rows of particles 
visible to the eye, or of such a size as re¬ 
sembles quadrangular flights of steps rest¬ 
ing on the six faces of the cube, it is ob¬ 
vious, if we substitute for this kind of 
coarse masonry, which possesses the ad¬ 
vantage of speaking to the eye, the indefi¬ 
nitely delicate architecture of nature, the 
number of laminje may be so immensely 
great, and the minuteness of their cubical 
particles so beyond comparison small, that 
the depressions or channels of tlieir edges 
will be altogether imperceptible to our 
senses, and the surfaces will appear perfect 
planes, and this is what takes place in the 
crystals produced by the band of nature. 

Such is an example of the production of 
a simple secondary form, from a primitive 
solid, by superposition of laminae accord- 

* And also in the Model, No. 36. 


ing to a certain law of decrement, and to 
enumerate the result, we say that this 
rhomboidal dodecahedron is produced in 
virtue of a diminution by a single row of 
ranges of moleculiE, parallel to all the edges 
of the eubic nucleus. A crystal which has a 
cube foi' its primitive figure may therefore 
liavc a (hjdccahcdronfor its seeondary form. 
To prove this by synthesis, it is only neces¬ 
sary to rear a series of cubical laminm on 
each of the six sides of the cubic nucleus*, 
in such a manner that each layer decreases 
in surface on all the six edges, by the value 
of one row of cubical particles of which it 
consists, and thus continuing the super¬ 
structure until the last layer or apex is re¬ 
duced by the progressive route of the de¬ 
crement to a single cube. 

In the figure, Plate III. Fig. 1,T the ratio 

^ Model, 
f And also in tlie Mode!, No. 56. 

N. B* Any number of small cubes, [and also trian¬ 
gular prisms, or tetrahedrons,] calculated to imitate 



of the decrement is represented as eqiial to 
one row of particles, substracted from the 
breadth of the superposed laminae, there¬ 
fore the height of the pyramid is equal to 
half its length of one of the sides of its 
base. For the second laminae is less by one 
range in every direction than the first, and 
the third is less than the second, and so on. 
And as the sections are to be smooth, the 
joints as stated already, must form one in¬ 
clined plane, therefore the ranges and even 
the particles at the joints must not encroach 
on each other; and hence it follows that 
the number of ranges successively sub¬ 
stracted from each laminae can never be 
incommensurable. Hence the theory de¬ 
monstrates that the existence of a regular 
dodecahedron is not possible by virtue of 
any law of decrement. And indeed it 
does not exist in mineralogy. 

artificially, the structure of the quadrangular pyramid 
under considenition, may be had, with tliis treatise. 


If the decrement in breadth, as it is 
called, or parallel to the sides of the primi¬ 
tive form, [as in the case just cited,] where 
the effect of the decrement is in the direc¬ 
tion of the breadth, is more rapid, that is 
to saj, if it consists instead of one, of, 2, 
3, 4, or more rows of particles, less than, 
the inferior laminre, then the pyramids 
produced on the nucleus by this decrement 
being more flattened, their contiguous faces 
can no longer be found two by two in the 
same plane, the surface of the secondary 
crystal will then be composed of twenty- 
four distinct isosceles triangles all inclined 

Besides all this, the decrements of the 
lamime of superposition may be considered 
as taking place not merely in hreadih^ but 
also in height, and the ratio, or coj7imon 
difference of this latter, like the former, 
may also vary from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, to 6, or 
more rows of particles, in wliich case the 
height will be to the breadth of the py¬ 
ramid as 1.1, 1.^, 1.^, l.j*, l.j, l.gj 
<5cc. and it not unfrequently happens that 


these two kinds of decrements arc nnited 
in the same crystal. Tlic dodecaticelron, 


with pentagonal faces*', is an example of 
the combination of these two kinds of de¬ 
crements; it results from a diminution of 
square plates on a cubical nucleus, by t\vo 
rows in breadth, on two of the sides of the 
nucleus, and by two rows in height on the 
two other sides, and as the decrements by 
two rows in breadth tend to produce a 
more inclined face, than the decrements by 
two rows in height, each pile of superposed 
lamina; will terminate not in a single cube, 
but in a range of cubes, or supposing the 

* Model, No. 37. 


cubes infinitely small, instead of termi¬ 
nating in a point, it 'will terminate in a 
ridge or wedge-shaped summit* And the 
whole solid will be bounded by twelve 
equal and similar pentagonal faces, on ac¬ 
count of the regularity of the nucleus and 
the symmetry of the decrement- 

Tliese two kinds of decrement actually 
exist in the following example, taken from, 
the sulphuret of iron with pentagonal 
faces*. This dodecahedron has a cube 
for its nucleus, at the extraction of which 
we should arrive by causing the cutting 
planes to pass through the diagonals O I, 
O E, A E, A I, &c. Fig. 68, which inter- 

» Model, No. 37. 



cept the angles opposite to the basis, 
whence it appears, that the portions super- 
added to the nucleus, instead of being py¬ 
ramids as in the dodecahedron with rhom¬ 
boid al faces, are a species of wedge, re¬ 
sulting, as stated, from two decrements, 
the one through two ranges in breadth pa¬ 
rallel to the two opposite edges O I, C E, 
of the corresponding face A E, O I, of 
the nucleus; the other through two ranges 
in height parallel to the other edges E O, 
A I of the same face, by which we see that 
each decrement acts upon the different 
faces of the cube, according to three di¬ 
rections respectively perpendicular, or so 
as to cross each other at right angles. 

On considering attentively Irig. 2, PI. 
III.*' where we have rendered sensible to 
the eye, the distinction of laminae of su¬ 
perposition, and the moleculae of which 
they are the assemblage, it will be seen 
that the progress of the decrement in breadth^ 
which contributes, for exam pie, to the for- 

* Model, No. 38. 


ination of the additional part I O, jo and 
which takes place parallel to the edge O I 
and to its opposite, being more rapid than 
that of the decrement in height, which is 
made parallel to the edge 0 1 , and to op¬ 
posite, the two faces that spring from the 
former must be more inclined than those 
which are produced by the second; in 
such sort, that each pile of decreasing la- 
mince no longer terminates in a point but 
in an edge f qi* moreover each trapezoid, 
such as 0 p 5 i, Fig. 68 , page 177, what 
results from the decrement in breadth being 
upon the same plane with the triangle 
G H in consequence of this that the decre¬ 
ment in height, which determines the latter, 
is only the repetition in a contrary direc¬ 
tion of this decrement in breadth, the ag¬ 
gregate of the two figures forms a pentagon 
■p 0 f i qi whence it follows, that the 
secondary solid is terminated by twelve 
equal and similar pentagons, by reason of 

* Model, No. 38. 
N % 


the regular figure of the nucleus, and of 
the S 3 unmetry of the decrements.* 

If it be supposed that the decrements 
act according to two other laws, one of 
which is always the inverse of that which is 
combined with it, in such manner, that 
there shall be three, four, &c. ranges sub- 
stracted in breadth, and as many in height, 
the result will still be a dodecahedron of 
twelve equal and similar pentagons. It is 
very evident that all these dodecahedrons 
difier either from one another, or from the 
proceeding dodecahedron, by the measure 
of their angles. A multitude of new po¬ 
lyhedrons may be constructed, in illustra¬ 
tion of this fact, by simply piling cubes in 
different ways, and according to the value 
of the decrement we wish to produce. 

Besides all this, the decrement may not 
take place on all the edges but only on one 
or tw'o of them, whilst no decrement at all 
takes place on the others, the result of 
which must be secondary forms very dif¬ 
ferent from each other: or the retrench- 

* Model, No. 37, 


ment of the laminae may cease to be added 
before they have reached their smallest 

' l y* i v 

possible size, the consequence of which 
will be a secondary form, again different. 
Thus, in the example given in illustration 
of the synthesis of the structure of the 
dodecahedron by virtue of a deci’ement, 
by one range of small cubes on the eight 
edges of a cubic nucleus, page 173; if the 
superposition of the laminae had ceased 
before the pyramids were completed, the 
crystal would have consisted of eighteen 
faces, six squares parallel to the faces of 
the nucleus, and twelve hexahedrons pa¬ 
rallel to the faces of the secondary dodeca¬ 
hedrons. See Fig. 60.* 


We sliall conclude that which regards 
the law of decrement on the edges^ by an 
example drawn from the pyramidal do¬ 
decahedron, whose faces are scalene tri¬ 
angles, Fig. 70, which, as we have said 

p. 125, is one of the varieties'of carbonate 
of lime; here the nucleus is a rhomboid, 
which also comprehends the cube, tlie axis 
of which, that is to say, the line pass¬ 
ing through the two solid angles A A, 
composed each of three equal obtuse 
angles, must be situated vertically, that 


this rhomboid may be presented to the 
eye under its true aspect, it results that 
symmetry does not require as whh respect 
to the cube, that the decrements operating 
on any one E O, of the edges of one of the 
faces, as A E O I, for instance, should be 
repeated on the opposite edge A I, since 
this latter which is contiguous to one of 
the summits, has in some measure a mode 
of being different from the other; it is 
enough that all what takes places with 
regard to the edge E O, obtains equally 
in respect of the five others, O I, 1K, K G, 
G H, H E, similar situated. One may 
judge solely from an inspection of Fig. 
70*, that these six borders or edges 
which are common to the nucleus, and to 
the secondary crystal, serve as lines of de¬ 
parture to so many decrements, which in 
this case take place only with respect to 
them, without any relation to the upper 

.' 11 ^ 


edges. That is to say, six in the upper 
part, and as many in the lower, and all 
these triangles will be scalene, on account 
of the obliquity of the parting lines. The 
figure on the plate facing the title of this 
work will illustrate this kind of arrange¬ 
ment. It represents only the kind of upper 
pyramid added to the nucleus, which being 
thus partly uncovered, enables us to compre¬ 
hend more easily the progress and effects 
of the decrement by two courses. The 
salient and re-entering alternatives that are 
formed by the laminie of superposition to¬ 
wards their decreasing edges, being no¬ 
thing as to sense in the crystal produced by 
nature, the position line c s will represent 
one of the edges contiguous to the summit, 
such as it will be seen on the same crystal; 
the difference between the geometrical sum¬ 
mit- s of the dodecahedron, and the phy- 

* Model, No, 39. 


sical summit S, vanishes by reason of the 
extreme minuteness of the particles. In the 
design, each edge of the nucleus has been 
divided into ten; whence it follows that 
every face is an assemblage of a hundred 
small rhombs, which are the external facets 
of as many molcculae. This construction 
requires but eight laminse of superposition 
for each of the same faces; and these 
laminae being united together, three and 
three, in the places which correspond to 
the upper edges of the nucleus, form kinds 
of decreasing envelopes which are succes¬ 
sively genei’ated, and the last of which is 
composed of eight small rhomboids.^' If 
we consider the position of the line e s, 
which represents one of the terminating 
edges, composed of all the solid angles 
which are contiguous to it, we shall remark 
that the geometrical summit s of the do¬ 
decahedron is situated above the physical 

* Model, No. 39. 


aummit S, but this difference is considered 
as nothing, on account of the extreme mi¬ 
nuteness of particles. 

What we have said as to incTements as¬ 
sumed by the laminae of superposition to¬ 
wards their upper edges, in continuing to 
envelop the crystal on this same side, is 
a consequence of this general principle, 
namely, that the portions of laminae, situ¬ 
ated out of the reach of the decrement, 
extend, by mutually retrieving themselves, 
in such a manner as to avoid the re-enter¬ 
ing angles which seem excluded by the 
cr^^stallisation, at least in solitary crystals. 
But we may abstract these simply auxiliary 
variations, as the effect of decrements only 
determines the form of the secondary crys¬ 
tal. It is even sufficient to take the decre¬ 
ments at their origin, in order to have as 
many planes; and these again being after¬ 
wards extended in idea until they meet, 
lead to the complete form of the polyhe¬ 
dron wMch they tend to produce. Hence 
it is thus that we confine ourselves to the 



consideration of the initial effect of decre¬ 
ments, in calculation of which the progress 
is always much more simple and expedi¬ 
tious than that of reasoning. 

2. Decrements on the Angles. 

Independently of the decrements which 
take place parallel to the edges of the faces 
of the nucleus, others occur in different 
directions, namely. 

Decrements on the angles are called-those 
arrangements or decreases of the laminae of 
superposition, of which the lines proceed in 
a direction parallel to the diagonals of the 
faces of the primitive nucleus. 

This decrement, wdiich therefore has 
angles for the points of departure, and the 
action of which takes place parallel to the 
diagonals drawn from one angle to the 
opposite angle of the faces of the primitive 
nucleus, follows the same laws as the 
former, and will readily be understood from 
the following example. 

faces of a cubic nucleus, subdivided into a 
multitude of little squares which will be 
the faces of so many moleculas. 

The ranges or rows of these particles 
may be considered in two different direc¬ 
tions, namely, in the direction of the edges, 
as the files lying in the line an qw s, &c. and 
also in the direction of the diagonals of the 
ranges, one of which is represented hy ah c 
d efi &c. another by nt I m p o, and a 
third by qv kuxy Zf the only difference is, 
that here the moleculi® of the ranges pa¬ 
rallel to the edges, are simply placed side 
by side, instead of which those that com¬ 
pose the ranges parallel to the edges, touch 


each other by one of their/aces, the former 
being parallel to the diagonals, are as if 
dove-tailed into each other, they touch by 
a ridge only, hence the faces produced by 
virtue of^ the decrement are no longer 
simply striated as in the decrease on the 
edges, but are full of small points, which 
being all on a level, and escaping the eye 
from their minuteness, present the aspect 
of a plain surface. 

To illustrate this law of decrement let it 
be understood, that the same substance, 
which has a cube for its nucleus as a pri¬ 
mitive form, may appear under the shape 
of a regular octahedron, and also under 
the form of a pentagonal and rhomboidal 
dodecahedron; and no case of decrement 
on the edges can possibly produce an octa¬ 
hedron from a cubical nucleus; on the 
contrary, if we actually dissect a regular 
octahedron moulded on' a cube we shall 
perceive, that the primitive nucleus is so 
situated with regard to the octahedron, 
that each of the eight solid angles of the 


former correspond with the centre of the 
triangular faces of the latter*. A fact 
wholly irreconcileable with the law of de¬ 
crement on the edges. To extract the nu¬ 
cleus of this octahedron, it is therefore 
necessary to remove the six solid angles of 
the octahedron by cuts perpendicular to 
the axis, passing through the same angle, 
and therefore jjuraiiel to the faces of the 

* Model, No. 40. 

+ Model, No. 40. 


To explain this law more fully we shall 
here again adopt the synthetical method, 
and run over the series of laminae of super¬ 
position, indicating the auxiliary variations 
which they undergo, and which assist the 
effect of the decrement, to which every 
thing may be refi rred. Let A E, O I, 
Eig. 73,* be the superior base of the nu¬ 

cleus subdivided into eight3’^-one small 
squares, or facets of moleculac, which will 
be the basis of so many cubes, of which the 
primitive cube is composed. What we are 
about to say relative to this base may 
equally be applied to the five other faces of 
the cube. 

* Model, No. 41, ■will fully explain the synthesis of 
this crystal. 


Fig. 74, represents the first lamina 

of superposition, "which must be placed 
above A E, O I, Fig. 73j io such a man¬ 
ner that the point e answers to the c, 
the point 4 to the point a of 73, the point 
b to the point o, and the point i to the 
point i. We see, in the first place, by this 
arrangement, that the squares E e, A 
0 0 , I *, Fig. 73, remain uncovered, which 
is the initial effect of the law of decre¬ 
ment alluded to. 

We see moreover, that the edges Q V, 
P N, L C, F G, Fig. 74, project by 
one row beyond the edges E A, E O, 0 1, 
X A, Fig. 73, which is necessary, that the 
nucleus may be enveloped towards the 
same edges, and that the solid may increase 


as usual in the parts to Avhich the decre¬ 
ment does not extend. 

The superior face of the second laminae 
will be similar to B K, II D, Fig. 73, 


and it must be placed above the preceding, 
in such a manner that the points e", a", i", 
0 ", may answer to the points e, d, i. 
Fig. 74, leaving the squares, which have 
their external angles situated in Q, S, 
R, P, V, T, M, G, &c. and continuing 
to effect the decrement by a row. We 
also see here that the solid increases suc¬ 
cessively towards the analogous edges at 
E A, E 0, A I, O I, Fig. 73> since 
between B and FI, for example. Fig. 75, 
there are thirteen squares instead of there 


being only eleven between Q Y and L C, 
Fig. 74; but as the effect of the decre¬ 
ment confines more and more the surface 
of the laminae in the direction of the dia¬ 
gonals, nothing else is wanted than to add 
towards the unchanging edges a single 
cube, denoted by B, K, II, or D, Fig. 
75, instead of the five, which terminate the 
preceding lamina along the lines Q V, 
P N, L C, F G, Fig. 75. 

The great faces of the lamina of supei- 
position, which were hitherto octagons, 
Q V, G F, C L, N P, Fig. 74, having 
reached tlie figure of the square B K, H D, 
Fig. C 75, will, after passing this point, 
decrease, so that the following laminae will 
have for its great superior face, the square 
B' K' ir D', Fig. 76, which is less by 


one row in every direction than the square 
B K, H D, Fig. 75; we shall dispose the 
first above the second, so as to make the 
points c', A', g\ Fig 76, answer to the 

pointsc,/, A,g, Fig. 75. Figs.77,78,79,and 
80, represent the four laminae which ought 

successively to rise above the preceding, 
with this condition, that the similar letters 
correspond as above. The last laminae 
will be reduced to a single cube. Fig. 81, 
o 2 



and which ought to rest on that repre¬ 
sented by the same letter. Fig. 80. 

It follows from what has been said, that 
the laminse of superposition, when applied 
on the base E A 1 O, Fig. 73, produce, 
by the assemblage of the decreasing edges, 
four faces, which, issuing from the points 
E, A, I, 0, are inclined towards each 
other under the form of a pyramidal sum¬ 

We must now remark, that the edges in 
question have lengths which commence by 
increasing, as we may observe by in¬ 
specting Fig. 74> and Fig. 73, and then 
proceed to diminish, as we may judge by 
the following figures. Hence it results, that 
the faces produced by the same edges go 
on enlarging from their origin to a certain 
point; and when past this, they begin to 
contract themselves so as to constitute 
two triangles joined base to base, or a qua- 
drilater. We see, Fig. 24, one of these 
quadrilaters, and in which the inferior 
angle o is blended with the angle 0 


of the nucleus, Fig. 82, and the diago- 


nal t X represents the edge H K, Fig. 76, 
of the laminae B K H D, which is the 
most extensive in the direction of this same 
edge. As the number of the laminae of 
superposition producing the triangle t o 
Fig. 82, is less than that of the laminae 
constituting the triangle t o .r, and as there 
is here only a single lamina which precedes 
the lamina B K H D, Fig. 76, while there 
are six which follow it as far as the cube z. 
Fig. 81, inclusively, the triangle t s x. Fig. 
82, composed of the aggregate of the bor¬ 
ders of these last laminae, will be much 
higher than the inferior triangle t o x, as 
expressed by the figure. 


The surface of the secondary solid will 
therefore be formed of twenty-four quadri¬ 
laterals, disposed three and three around 
each solid angle of the nucleus; but as, in 
decrements by a simple range on all the 
edges, the faces produced on both sides of 
each edge are on the same plane; so in 
decrements by a range on all the angles, 
the faces which originate in the three sides 
of each solid angle, such as O, Fig. 72, 
page 190 , are on a level so as to form but 
one face: and since the cube has eight 
solid angles, each composed of three plain 
angles, the secondary crystals will have 
eight faces, which, on account of the re¬ 
gularity of the nucleus, will be equilateral 
triangles, i. e. the secondai*y crystal will be 
a regular octahedron. One of these tri¬ 
angles is represented at Fig. 83, Z N I C 
so as to 



enable us to judge, at a single glance, of 
the arrangement of the cubes which concur 
in forming it. 

This level of faces produced by subtrac¬ 
tions of a range from both sides of the 
same edge, or around the same solid angle, 
is a general result of the crystallisation 
which takes place for any primitive form 

The circumstance just considered, and 
which occurs in muriate of soda, sulphu- 
ret of iron, sulphuret of lead, &c. affords 
a new example of a form which, although 
primitive in certain species, performs in 
others the function of a secondary one. 
Theory thus b’aces the limit that separates 
objects which the eye would be tempted to 

If the decrements had not their complete 
effect, that is to say, if tliey stopped short 
of the limit where the faces they produce 
incline to unite in a point, some faces pa¬ 
rallel to those of the nucleus would remain 
on the secondary crystal. The first would 
then have fourteen faces, namely, six 


ranged like those of a cube, and eight 
situated like those of a regular octahedron.* 
Nothing is more common in crystals of 
sulphuret of iron, than this modification, 
to which Haiiy has given the name of 
cubo-octahedral sulphuret of iron. Here 
the remark again occurs which we made 
with respect to decrements on the edges. 
If we confine our consideration to the im¬ 
mediate effects of decrements on the angles 
of two opposite faces, for example, on those 
of the bases A E O I, A' E' O' I', Fig. 73, 
and if we subsequently imagine the eight 
faces to which these decrements give exist¬ 
ence, are prolonged between the bases to 
the point of intersecting each other, the 
result will always be a regular octahedron, 
supposing that the decrements obtain their 

If the law' of these decrements followed a 
more rapid course, viz. if more than one 
course was subtracted, then the three tra¬ 
pezoids S T 0 X, Fig. 82, of which three 

♦ Mode), No. 42. 


would be formed around the same solid 
angle, could no longer be on a single plane; 
they would incline towards each other, and 
the secondary solid would have twenty- 
four faces which would also be trapezoids, 
but with angles of a different measure. 

Let us now choose for a primitive form 
the rhomboid represented by Figure 84, 


which differs from the cube in being a little 
more acute. 

Suppose that the laminte which adhere 
over all tlie faces of this rhomboid decrease 
solely on the angles contiguous to the sum¬ 
mits A, O, and that this decrement takes 
place by two ranges; then, instead of 
twenty-four faces no more than six will be 


formed ; and if we conceive them prolong¬ 
ed until they meet, they will compose the 
surface of a very obtuse rhomboid, which 
will be the secondary form. 

Fig. 85 represents this rhomboid with 




its nucleus. We there see that its summits 
A, O', are blended with those of the primi¬ 
tive rhomboid, which are the parting 
limits of the decrements, and that each of 
its faces, such as A e o corresponds with 
one of the faces A E O 1 of the nucleus, in 
such a manner that the diagonal which * 
passes by the points e, *, is parallel to that 
which goes from E to I, and has merely a 
more elevated position. 

Observation shows that this result is 
realized by crystallisation in a variety of 
oligiste or specular iron ore, which bears 
the name of binary specular iron ore. 


The decrement on the angles, like those 
on the edges, are susceptible of many va¬ 
riations with regard to height or in breadth, 
and the effects thence resulting may be 
calculated, but on this subject it is unne¬ 
cessary to speak. 

3. Intermediarif decremaits. 

There are certain crystals in which the 
decrements are neither parallel to the edges, 
nor to the diagonals of the faces of the pri¬ 
mitive nucleus, but in directions parallel to 
lines situated between the diagonals and 
the edges. 

For example, let ah de^ Fig. 86, repre- 

86 . 

f/h e 



€ - 


1 1 

sent the face of a cube, divided into a mul- 


titude of little squares. The decrement call¬ 
ed intermediary, in this case does not effect 
the cubes in the directions of the diagonals 
a d, or e h, but it takes places according to 
lines situated between the diagonals a d, 
and c b, namely, in directions represented 
hy / C) hi g, or in any other imaginable 
direction, and this happens when the ab¬ 
stractions are made by ranges of double, 
triple, &c. particles. Fig. 87 exhibits an 

instance of the subtractions in question j 
and it is seen that the raoleculae which 
compose the range represented by that 
figure are assorted in such a manner as if • 
of two there were formed only one ; so that 
we need only to conceive the crystal com¬ 
posed of parallelopipedons having their 
bases equal to the small rectangles abed, 
e df g,h gi I, &ic. to reduce this case under 
that of the common decrements on the 
angles. This particular decrement is uu- 


common, it follows otherwise the same 

It is a general rule therefore, that in all 
cases the lamina decrease in arithmetical 
progression, and its rates or the number of 
ranges is always commensurable. 

We have seen that in the case of a decre¬ 
ment by one range round one and the 
same solid angle, O, Fig. 72, the three 
faces produced were always on a level, and ' 
that in this case we might confine ourselves 
to the consideration of the effect of the 
decrements with respect to one of the 
plane angles, which concurred to the for¬ 
mation of the solid angle, by supposing 
this effect to be prolonged above the adja¬ 
cent faces. In this case the decrements 
which take place on these latter faces, are 
i;eckoned as intervening in a subsidiary 
manner, in order to favour the action of 
the principal decrement. 

In general, whenever a solid angle of the 

* Model, No. 49, will be sufficient to illustrate the 
action of the law of decrement, called intermediary. 


i '■ \ ^ 


primitive form undergoes decrements which 
tend to give rise to a facet in its place, 
whatever be the law of that to which we 
refer the production of this facet, there are 
always auxiliary decrements, the concur¬ 
rence of which is necessary in order that 
the facet in question may be properly pro¬ 
longed. Now, when this decrement, which 
we consider in preference, takes place by 
two or more ranges, the auxiliary decre¬ 
ments which form a continuity with it fol¬ 
low a law entirely peculiar, namely. 

Let A A, Fig. 88, be any given paralle- 

88 . 

lopipedon, which undergoes a decrement 
by two ranges on the angle E 0 I, or its 


base A E O I. It is evident, that the 
edges of the laminie of superposition will 
have directions h c, r s,* parallel to the 
diagonal, which goes from E to I, and si¬ 
tuated in such a manner that there will be 
on the edges O E, O I, two ridges of mo- 
leculaj, comprised either between the term 
of departure O and b c, or between b c and 
r s. But as we have said, the laminae ap¬ 
plied on tlie adjacent faces I O A' K, 
Fi O A' H are lineally disposed like b g, r t. 
For since the lower edge of the first lami¬ 
nae, applied on A E O I, coincides with 

* We must conceive that the subtractions, which are 
here represented on the quadrilater A E O I, take 
place successively on the different laminse of superpo¬ 
sition. The distances between each of these laminae 
and the succeeding one being tlie same with that which 
exists between the lines 6 c, r and all the rest simi¬ 
larly situated, we may, for the sake of greater conveni¬ 
ence, refer the whole, as we do in the present instance, 
to the quadrilater A E O I, as a kind of scale which 
gives the measurements of the subtractions operated by 
the decrement on the corre.sponding laminae. 


6 e, and as the height of this lamina answers 
to a ridge of a moleculae, we may, with a 
little attention, conceive that the plane 
beg, which in one part also coincides 
with b c, and in another is removed from 
the base A E O I in a quantity measured 
by a ridge O g- of a molecule, is necessa¬ 
rily parallel to the face produced by the 
decrement It is the same with the plane 
r t s; from which it follows, that if we 
suppress the part situated above r t s we 
shall have a solid, on which the facet r t s 
will represent the effect of the decrement 
under consideration. 

We may now observe, that the direc¬ 
tions c g, s t, of the laminfB ap]ilicd to 
the face I O A' K, (and the same may be 
said of the face E O A' H), in virtue of 
the auxiliary decrement, are no longer pa¬ 
rallel either to the edges or to the diagonal, 
but are situated between both. A fortiori, 
the defect of parallelism will take place, 
if we suppose that the decrement on the 
angle E O I of the base proceeds by three, 
four, or more ranges. Decrements of this 


kind are called intermediate; and we con¬ 
ceive that they may be referred to an infi¬ 
nity of different directions, according as 
they are more or less removed from the one 
or other of their limits, which are the paral¬ 
lelism with the ridges and the parallelism 
with the diagonals. 

We see by these details, to which we 
could give a much greater latitude, that 
the intermediate laws, the existence of 
which is in other respects hitherto confined 
to a trifling number of cases, produce 
forms equally simple with those which ori¬ 
ginate from the ordinary laws, and that 
their theory even leads to results which 
would deserve to be followed and developed 
as a simple object of curiosity. 

4 . Mixed Decrements. 

It may happen that each lamina of su¬ 
perposition exceeds the following by two 
ranges of particles in breadth or parallel 
to the edges, and that it may at the same 
time have an altitude triple that of a single 


9 ^' 1 ' 



molecule, or by three ranges in breadth 
and two in height In this case, therefore, 
the decrement, whether it takes place on 
the angles or on the edges, varies according 
to laws, the proportion of which cannot 
be expressed but by the fraction two-thirds 
or three-fourths. It may happen, for ex¬ 
ample, that each lamina exceeds the follow¬ 
ing by two rows parallel to the edges, and 
that it may at the same time have an alti¬ 
tude triple that of a simple molecula. 
Fig. 89»* represents a vertical geometrical 

section of one of the kinds of pyramids 
which would result from this decrement; 
the eflFect of which may be readily con- 

* Model, No. 44, 



ceived by considering that A B is a hori¬ 
zontal line, taken upon the upper base of 
the nucleus ; b a z r, the section of the 
first laminse of superposition ; gf e n, that 
of the second; and d c p o the third. The 
theory of this law may easily be referred 
to that of decrements, in which there is 
only a single range substracted in one of ' 

the two directions. It occurs but rarely. 

Haiiy has only met with mixed decrements 
in some metallic crystals. 

In what has been so far stated we have 
confined ourselves simply to the considera¬ 
tion of those forms which depend upon a 
single law of decrement, and what pro¬ 
duces simple secondary forms. 

The name, compound secondary forms^ 
is given to those which proceed from seve¬ 
ral simultjmeous laws of decrement, acting 
at once, or from a single law which has not 
attained its limit; and which of course has 
left on the secondary crystal, faces parallel 
to those of the primitive nucleus. 

Let us suppose, for example, that th* 

p 2 



' law which gives the octahedron originating 
from the cube, Fig. 72, page 190, is com¬ 
bined with that from which results the do¬ 
decahedron with pentagonal faces. Fig. 
68, page 177* The first will give rise to 
eight faces, which will have as centres the 
solid angles of the nucleus, and it is easy 
to see that each of these faces, for instance 
that whose centre coincides with the solid 
angle O, Figs. 67, p-175, and 68, p. 177, 
will be parallel to the equilateral triangle 
whose sides would pass by the points p, .s, i. 
In the same w^ay the face whose centre will 
be confounded with the angle o, will be pa¬ 
rallel to the equilateral triangle, whose 
sides would pass b}'^ the points s, n, p; but 
the second law produces faces situated like 
pentagonals cut by the sides of the tri¬ 
angles p s #, Slip. Now the sections of 
these triangles on the pentagon # O s O' n, 
reduce the latter into an isoscele triangle, 
which has for its base the line t n, and 
whose two other sides pass, the one by the 
points tf .s, the other by the points n, s. It 
is the same with the other pentagons; 



whence it follows that the secondary solid 
will be an isosahedron terminated by eight 
equilateral triangles, and twelve isoscele 

Such is the nature of the decrements of 
the structure of crystals, which account for 
the metamorphoses which these bodies pre¬ 
sent ; and the truth of which is rendered 
legitimate by the mechanical division of 
crystalline bodies, and the geometrical cal¬ 
culation of their angles. 

From what has been stated with regard 
to the laws of decrement, the problem 
which must be proposed to discover the 
generation of each of the forms of crystals 
may therefore be expressed thus; 

A secondary crystal being giveUf as well 
as the figure of its nucleus^ and that of its 
integrant particle, being likewise given, sup¬ 
posing moreover that each of the laminae, 
that will be added to the nucleus, does not 
project so far or overlaps by the preceed- 
ing in certain parts, by a quantity equal to 
one, two, three, &c. ranges of moleculae, to 
determine among the dijferent laws of decre~ 




ments, the law from which a dmilar form to 
that proposed will remilt^ with respect to the 
mmiber^ the figure, and the disposition of its 
faces, and the measure of both its faces and 
solid angles. 

Before we conclude this subject we shall 
transcribe some ingenious speculations ad¬ 
vanced by the Abbe Bue6j* concerning the 
question why the same crystallisable ma¬ 
terial is induced to crystallise in such vast 
varieties of forms, for this question has not 
been treated by the Abbe Haiiy. 

First causes, says the Abbe Buee, are not 
the object of this discussion. IJe states 
the question thus:—Why does the same 
subject ci ystallise in such a variety of forms, 
ai^vays symmetrical and always tcrniiiiatcd 
by planes? 

“ The solution of this question seems to 
require three conditions: 

“ ist. That the particles of the substance 
dissolved in the fluid all leave the state of 

* Nicholson’s Journal, vol, ix. October, 1804. 


rest at the same instant, to form the crys¬ 
tal by their aggregation. 

“ 2clly. That, while these particles are in 
the act of drawing near to each other, no 
foreign power shall imprint on them 
any other motion than a common mo¬ 
tion, whether it be in a straight line, 
or rotary round their common centre of 

“ 3dly. That the particles all arrive at the 
state of rest at the same instant, which 
takes place when the act of crystallisation 
is finished. The second condition is neces¬ 
sary, and infers the first and third. The 
natural consequence of these conditions 
will be, that the aggregation of the parti¬ 
cles will only take place conformably to a 
law acting equally on all of them, whatever 
the law may be. 

“ Since they all leave the state of rest at . 
the same instant, they are in equilibrio 
previous to that instant. Since they all 
arrive at the state of rest at the same in¬ 
stant, they are in equilibrio after that in¬ 
stant; but when particles that are acted 



upon by no other force than that which 
they exercise on each other, arc in equili- 
brio, they are in the closest possible union 
that concomitant circumstances will per¬ 
mit. If the particles were in cquilibrio 
previous to their leaving the state of rest, 
something must have obstructed their ap¬ 
proach. Let us suppose that something to 
be the interposition remains equilibrium is 
maintained. But this can only be the case, 
inasmuch as the whole of the particles of 
the interposed substance are in cquilibrio 
with the whole of the particles dissolved 
and about to leave the state of rest, which 
in the future I shall call the proper particles. 
If by any cause which acts uniformly on 
the whole surface of the dissolvinjj fluid 
any of the interposed particles are sub¬ 
tracted, the proper particles must cease to 
be in equilibrio. A step toward aggrega¬ 
tion will immediately take place, and the 
equilibrium will be restored. A further 
subtraction will produce a further step to¬ 
ward aggregation, and a consequent equi¬ 
librium ; and these operations will be re- 


peatcd so long as the cause of subtraction 
continues, and the longer its duration the 
larger will be the resulting crystalline 

“ If the above mode of reasoning be ad¬ 
mitted, it will suffice to apply the laws of 
equilibrium to deduce the laws of crystal¬ 
line forms. The laws of equilibrium to 
which I allude, are those of the equilibrium 
of fluids, which certain modifications I 
shall presently state. According to these 
laws, that the preceding conditions may 
take place in the formation of a crystal, it 
will be necessary that they take place in the 
formation of each and every part of it, 
whatever may be the figure or the small¬ 
ness of those parts. They must also take 
place in those last crystals which contain 
the least possible number of particles; and 
as these particles are in equilibrio, and in 
the greatest possible state of proximity to 
each other which circumstances will per¬ 
mit, it must follow, to fulfil all the condi¬ 
tions, that these particles form a syrame- 



trica] polyedron. This peculiar disposition 
of llie crystalline particles constitutes the 
modification, to which I alluded, in the* 
laws of the equilibrium of fluids ; it being 
necessary in this case to take the number 
of crystalline particles into account, which 
is not the case when treating of the par¬ 
ticles of a fluid. 

In a fluid, the particles and their reci¬ 
procal distances are supposed infinitely 
small; but the crystalline particles and 
their distances to each other must be sup¬ 
posed finite. This material difierence will 
necessarily cause a difference between the 
forms of their aggregates. Those formed 
■with the particles of a fluid will be bounded 
by curved lines; the crystalline aggregates, 
on the contrary, will be terminated by 
straight lines; and when these straight 
lines are not too small, the boundaries will 
be sensibly rectilinear. 

“ To ascertain what the power is that 
holds the particles in the state of rest, 
though not in close contact, is not the 


question ; but the form of the polyhedrons 
which they produce. The closer adhesipn 
"of the particles to be obtained by the sub¬ 
traction of caloric, sufficiently demon¬ 
strates that the particles are not in close 
contact with each other, and the constancy 
of the crystalline forms equally proves that 
they are in equilibrio. 

“ We shall now proceed to the construc¬ 
tion of a crystal with these crystalline par¬ 
ticles. That the constancy of the form in 
the large crystal be preserved, the particles 
must be in equilibrio. That the equili¬ 
brium be preserved, the forces that solicit 
the particles to motion must mutually de¬ 
stroy each other. That the mutual destruc¬ 
tion of those forces be effected, these forces 
after having been decomposed into other 
relatively parallel to three axes perpendi¬ 
cular to each other, and having a common 
point of intersection, must each meet in its 
direction another force equal and diame¬ 
trically opposed to it. This will be ob¬ 
tained if the similar particles are arranged 
on straight lines parallel two and two at 



equal opposite distances from the common 
centre, and bisected by lines passing 
through that centre; but if tlie particles* 
are thus arranged, they must produce sym¬ 
metrical solids bounded by planes; and 
they are thus arranged : for if a foreign 
force, an excess of caloric for example, 
does not impede the free arrangement of 
the particles in the formation of the crystal, 
their exterior disposition will follow as 
much as possible their interior arrange¬ 
ment ; but their interior arrangement must 
be on straight lines, or the crystal would 
cease to be homogeneous; their exterior 
disposition will therefore be on straight 

As the circumstances giving rise to the 
approach of the particles may be in the 
highest degree variable, it must follow as 
the forms produced may be diversified in 
the extreme. This is the answer I should 
submit for the solution of the question pro¬ 

“ When speaking of the approach of the 
proper particles, I said that it might be 

1 ' 


occasioned by the subtraction of certain 
interposed particles which obstructed the 
^ approach of the proper particles. The for¬ 
mer are generally water, caloric, or any 
fluid elastic or not. Tlieir exit may per¬ 
haps make place for others, such as light, 
electricity, &c. &c. But the essential point 
is, that whatever these particles may be, 
they are in perfect equilibrio with the pro¬ 
per particles, otherwise they would become 
perturbing forces. 

“ hlence it follows, that not only the in¬ 
tegrant particles of the crystals, but all 
those that are mixed with them, the che¬ 
mical or component particles and even the 
vacuities, must follow the same laws. It 
also follows, that if each species of particle 
(even the chemical) that enters into the 
formation of the crystal be separately con¬ 
sidered, each species will have its distinct 
symmetrical and polyhedral form. The 
forms will penetrate each other, while the 
particles will not only not penetrate, but 
not even touch each other. All forms 
would stand in the same predicament as 



the regular octahedron, which contains, as 
has been shewn by the Abbe Haiiy, six 
I’egular octahedrons and eight regular tetra¬ 
hedrons, each tetrahedron containing one 
octahedron and four tetrahedrons. It will 
further follow, if the chemical electments 
can be looked upon as particles which are 
not in contact with each other, that we 
may from thence mathematically determine 
chemical affinities. 


PART in. 



OF CRYSTALS IS subject; reversed 


In the preceding development of the 
theory of crystallography, we have supposed 
that the component laminae of crystals origi¬ 
nally of one and the same species, issue from 
one common nucleus, undergoing decre¬ 
ments subjected to certain laws, upon which 
the forms of these crystals depended. 

But here it is only a conception, adopted 
3 . 



to make us more easily perceive the mutual 
connections of the form in question. Pro¬ 
perly speaking, a crystal in its entire state 
is only a regular group of similar moleculse. 
It does not commence by a nucleus of a 
size proportioned to the volume which it 
ought to acquire, or, what comes to the 
same thing, by a nucleus equal to that 
which we extract by the aid of mechanical 
division ; and the laminae which cover this 
nucleus are not applied successively over 
each other in the same order in which the 
theory regards them. The proof of this is, 
that among crystals of different dimensions 
which are frequently attached to the same 
support, those which can only be distin¬ 
guished by the microscope are as complete 
as the most bulky; from which it follows, 
that they have the same structure, viz. 
they already contain a small nucleus pro¬ 
portioned to their diameter, and inveloped 
by the number of decreasing laminae ne¬ 
cessary, in order that the polyhedron 
should be provided with all its faces. We 
do not perceive these various transitions 


of the primitive to the secondary forms, 
which ought to take place if crystallisation 
constructed as if by courses, the species of 
pyramids* superadded to the nucleus, in 
eoins from the base to the summit. This 
however is only generally true; for it some¬ 
times happens, in artificial crystallisation, 
(and it is very probable that we may say 
as much of that of natural bodies), that a 
form, which had attained a certain degree 
of increment, suddenly undergoes varia¬ 
tions by the etfect of some particular cir¬ 
cumstance. We must therefore con¬ 
ceive, for example, that from the first 
instant a crystal, similar to the dode¬ 
cahedron with rhomboidal planes derived 
from the cube (sees' page l68, &c. Figure 
65), is already a very small dodecahe¬ 
dron, which contains a cubical nucleus 
proportionally small, and that in the fol¬ 
lowing instance this kind of embryo in¬ 
creases without changing its form, by nevv 
strata which envelop it on all sides; so 
that the nucleus increases on its part, 


always preserving the same relation with 
the entire crystal. 

We shall make this idea apparent, by a 
construction relative to the dodecahedron 
now mentioned, and represented by means 
of a plain figure. What we shall say of 
this figure may easily be applied to a 
solid, since we may always conceive a plain 
figure, like a section made in a solid. Let 
E R F N, Fig. 90, be an assortment of 
small squares. 

90 . eC 












in which the square A B C D, composed of 
forty-nine imperfect squares, represents the 


section of the nucleus*, and the extreme 
squares R S, G A, I L, &c. that of the 
kind of steps formed by the lamina? of su¬ 
perposition. We may conceive, that the 
assortment has commenced by the square 
A B C D, and that different piles of small 
squares are afterwards applied on each of 
the central square; for example, on the 
side A B, in the first place, the five squares 
comprehend between I and M, afterwards 
the three squares contained between L and 
O, and then the square E. This progress 
corresponds with that which would take 
place if the dodecahedron commenced by 
a cube proportioned to its volume, and 
which afterwards increased by an addition 
of laminae continually decreasing. 

But on the other hand, we may ima- 

* This section is that which would pass by the points 
s », Fig. 66, page 168, of the dodecahedron, and by the 
centres of the ridges E O, A I, &c. of the nucleus. 



giae that the assortment had been at first 
similar to that which is represented bjr 
Fig. 91, 

in which the square abed is only com¬ 
posed of nine moleculre, and bears on each 
of its sides only a single square e nf or r. 
If we refer, in imagination, this assortment 
to the solid of which it is the section, we 
shall easily judge that this solid had for its 
nucleus a cube composed of twenty-seven 
molecules, and of which each face, com¬ 
posed of nine squares, carried on that of' 
the middle, a small cube, so that the decre¬ 
ment by one range is already exhibited in 
this initial dodecahedron. 

This assortment, by means of an appli¬ 
cation of new squares, will become that 



of Fig. 92, in which the central square 
ah c d 


is formed of twenty-five small squares, 
and carries on each of its sides a pile of 
three squares, besides a terminal square' 
e n f or r. Here we have already two 
laminae of superposition instead of one 
only. Finally, by an ulterior application, 
the assortment of Fig. 92, will be changed 
into that of Fig. 90, where we see three 
laminae of superposition. 

These different transitions, of which we 
are at liberty to continue tlie series as 
far as we please, will give an idea of the 
manner in which secondary crystals may 
increase in volume by preserving their 



form; from which we may judge that the 
structure is combined with this augmenta¬ 
tion ; so that the law, according to which 
all the laminae applied on the nucleus 
when it has attained its greatest dimensions 
decrease successively, was already, as it 
were displayed in the growing crystal. 

Singular alterations absolutely accidental 
to which the symmetry of crystals is subject ; 
reversed positions of their faces ; production 
of hemitropes or macles, 

WE have hitherto considered crystallisa¬ 
tion as impressing on its results the charac¬ 
ter of the greatest possible perfection, and 
producing nothing but isolated forms, ex¬ 
empt from every salient angle that could af¬ 
fect their purity and symmetry. It remains 
for us to describe certain accidents which, 
under the appearance of exceptions or 
anomalies, still possess a latent tendency 
towards the same laws to which the struc¬ 
ture is subjected, when nothing deranges 


their progress or disturbs their har- 

The forms of crystals are subject to va¬ 
rious kinds of alterations absolutely acci¬ 
dental. Namely, in certain cases some of 
the faces of a crystal are nearer to, or 
more distant from, the centre than in others 
which belong to the same species, in such 
a way however as constantly to preserve a 
certain character of symmetry. In several 
cases these variations only fall on the di¬ 
mensions of the faces, and not on the 
number of their sides. In other cases, the 
faces themselves, or some of them at least, 
change their figure by the increase or dimi¬ 
nution of the number of their sides. 

In ordinary crystals, the faces adjacent 
to each other always form salient, and 
never re-entering angles. But crystalline 
forms also exist which present these last 
angles; and Rom6 de LTsle was the first 
who observed, that this effect took place 
when one of the two moieties of a crystal 
was in a reversed position with respect to 

the other. A very simple example will en¬ 
able us to conceive this reversed position. 
Let us suppose that B d, Fig. re¬ 

presents an oblique prism of hcmi-trope 
field-spar with rhomboidal bases, situated 
in such a manner that the faces A D d a, 
C D d c, are vertical, and B D are the 
acute angles of the base; and the latter 
proceeds in a rising direction from A to C. 
Let us besides suppose, that the prism is 
cut into halves, by means of a plane which 
should pass by the diagonals drawn from 


B to D, and from b to d, and that the half 
situated on the left, remaining fixed, the 
other is reversed without being separated 
from the former. The crystal will be pre¬ 
sented under the aspect which w'e see in 
Fig. .94,* where the triangle 6' d' c', which 

was one of the halves of the lower base, 
Fig. 93, is now situated in the upper part 
Fig. 94, and forms a salient angle with the 
fixed triangle A B D, while the triangle 
B D C, Fig. 94, which was one of the 

» Model, No, 45. 



halves of the superior basCf Fig. 93, is 
transported into the lower part, Fig. 94, 
and forms a re-entering angle with the fixed 
triangle a h d. 

AVe can easily conceive that the plane of 
junction D Ji b d of the two halves of a 
rhomboid, is situated like a face produced 
in virtue of a decrement by one range on 
one or other of the ridges A a, C c, Fig. 
93; and thus the manner in which these 
two halves join, is in strict relation to the 

Now if we imagine a secondarv form, 
which has for its nucleus the same prism, 
and if we suppose that it has been cut in 
the directions of the plane D B d, and 
that one of its halves is a’cversed in such a 
manner, that the half of the nucleus which 
corresponds with it, assumes the same posi¬ 
tion as in the preceding case, the assort¬ 
ment might be such that there is still a re¬ 
entering angle on one hand and a salient 
angle on the other, which will result from 
the mutual incidences of the faces produced 
by the decrements, 

In certain cases the plane of junction, 
on which the two halves of the crystal are 
joined, is situated parallel to one of the 
faces of the nucleus, and the assortment 
does not admit of presenting a re-entering 
angle opposed to a salient angle. 

The Abbe Haiiy has given to these re¬ 
versed crystals the name hemi-tropes, de¬ 
noting one-half reversed. Roni6 de LTsle 
calls them macks. But this name being 
already applied to a very common species 
of mineral, Haiiy thought proper to avoid 
the double application of the term. 

The transimecl spinel, exhibits striking 
example of the transposition of the faces of 
certain crystals. The primitive form of the 
spinel or true ruby, is a regular octahe¬ 
dron, Fig. 95 , composed of two four-sided 


M 4 

pyramids applied base to base, with equi¬ 
lateral triangular faces- Now, if we con¬ 
ceive that this solid be cut obliquely 
from e. to g, iFig. 96)’^ into two halves, 


96. ' 



! ■ - ... 


^ s 

as shown by A B, Fig. 97> and that one- 

) / 

half of the crystal, for example B,had turned 

* Model, No. 46. 


Upon the other half A, in a quantity equal 
to a sixth part of a circle; the crystal would 
present itself as shewn, Fig. 98,* exhibit¬ 

ing a solid with alternate salient and re¬ 
entering angles. 

The ores of tin, also present some very 
singular liemi-tropc crystals. The so called 
twin crystal of oxide of tin, is very com¬ 
mon It consists of a four-sided prism, 
terminated at each extremity by a four- 
sided pyramid q-, which, by a transposition 

^ Modely No, 46. 
+ Model; No, 47. 


of the parts, presents itself as shown, 

Fig. 99- 

In this instance it appears as if an 
oblique section had been made, and the 
two portions had turned half round on each 
other, so as to form at each extremity two 
re-entering angles*. 

Another accident, extremely common, is 
the manner in which grouped crystals are 
inserted into each other. This kind of ap¬ 
parent penetration is subject to so many 
diversities, that frequently, among crystals 
of the same groupe, we do not find two re¬ 
lative positions resembling each other. 
But although, in general, the positions in 
grouped crystals are infinitely variable, we 
find, on a closer examination, that they are 

* Model, No. 48. 


subjected to certain laws always analogous 
to those of the structure; and that these 
crystals, instead of being tumultuously 
precipitated on each other, have in some 
measure concerted their arrangement. 

I^et us also on this occasion choose a 
very simple example. Let A C, Fig, 100, 

be a cube, and M N r an equilateral trian¬ 
gular facet, produced in the place of the 
angle A, in virtue of a decrement by one 
range round this same angle. 

Let us suppose a second cube modified 
in the same manner, and affixed to the 
former by the facet which results from the 
decrement indicated by 3VI, N, r. We shall 

thus have the assortment represented by 

Fig. 101 

We may now conceive that one of the 
two cubes, that, for example, which is 
placed below, is increased in all its dimen¬ 
sions, except at the places where the other 
forms an obstacle to it. In proportion as 
this increment becomes more considerable, 
the upper cube will be more and more en¬ 
veloped in the inferior one, and it may 
even finish by being entirely masked or 
concealed by it. 

^ Model, No. 49. 


AVe observe crystals effectually sunk into 
each other at various depths; but which 
have always a plane of junction situated 
like a face produced by a decrement, in 
such a manner that the two structures fol¬ 
low their ordinaiy progress, each on its 
own part, the length of this same plane, 
which serves as their respective limit. The 
Abbe Haiiy having divided cubes of fluate 
of lime inserted into each other, remarked, 
that the laminae of each, extended without 
interruption, until suddenly stopped by the 
common plane of junction. 

The example now quoted relates to a 
very simple and very regular law of decre¬ 
ment. But frequently the laws which de¬ 
termine the plane of junction are more or 
less remote from this simplicity, and there 
are a few which are somewnat extraor¬ 

When two prisms cross towards the mid¬ 
dle of their axis, there are two planes of 
junction, which unite, crossing each other 
as is the case in the mineral called stau- 



rolite. Fig. 103*, 


If the two prisms a a and b h cross each 
other, as in Fig. 103, at riglit angles, the 
mineral receives the name of rectangular 
staurolite. If the two prisms cross each 
other oblique, as Fig. 103, it is called 

* Mode}, No. 50. 


oblique angled staurolite. In Fig. 103, the 
prisms intersect each other at an angle of 
60 ^^; and it may be demonstrated, that the 
planes also have positions analogous to 
those which would be determined immedi¬ 
ately by the known laws of decrement. 

R 2 




THERE appears to exist a singular re- 
Jation between the forms of such crystals 
as possess the capability of becoming elec¬ 
tric by heat or friction, and their crystal- 
.line symmetry. All those crystalline bodies 
as arc susceptible of becoming electric by 
heat or friction, Haiiy has observed, devi- 



ate remarkably with regard to the symme¬ 
try of their faces. 

The parts in which the two eleetricities 
reside, though similarly situated at the two 
extremities of the cr 3 'stal, differ materially' in 
their configuration; one of them undergoes 
decrements, whieh are evanescent upon the 
opposite part, or to which decrements cor¬ 
respond that are subjected to another law; 
which may enable an observer to predict 
beforehand, simply from the inspection of 
the crystal, on what side either species ot 
electricity Avill be found, Avhen the crystal 
shall be submitted to the test of expe¬ 

The electrical state of minerals is either 
ipliis or minus, [positive or negative.] Haiiy 
has found, that each of the minerals has al¬ 
ways at least two points, of which one is the 
seat of positive, or plus, and the other that 
of negative, or minus electricity. To these 
points, which are always placed in two op¬ 
posite parts of the mineral, Haiiy gives 
the name of electric poles. To distinguish 


these poles one from the other, a very simple 
apparatus has been adopted. It consists of 
a needle of silver or of brass, terminated at 
its extremities by two globules. This needle, 
like the common compass needle, is move¬ 
able upon a pivot, or stem, having a very 
fine point, and at the bottom a broad base 
or foot. This stem with the needle are in¬ 
sulated by placing them upon a cylindrical 
support of resin. To use this apparatus 
we place a finger of the left hand upon the 
foot or base of the upright stem, and taking 
into the right hand a stick of sealing wax 
which has been rubbed, present it, during 
a second or two, at a small distance from 
the stem; this being done, we withdraw first 
the finger, and afterwards the stick. Thus 
will the needle be found electrified minus; 
in such manner that, according as we 
bring near to one of the globules, the ne¬ 
gative or the plus pole of a crystal elec¬ 
trified by heat, the globule is attr^icted or 
repelled. The electricity of the needle will 
be preserved a quarter of an hour or 


longer, and we may, Avliile generating it, 
render it either very sensible or very weak, 
(according as it may be required for the 
experiment proposed) by varying the dis¬ 
tance between the stem and the stick of 
sealing wax. 

The tourmalin^ being the first in which 
the property of becoming electric by heat 
was traced, and which crystallises usually 
in nine-sided prisms four sides, terminated 
by three, six, nine, or more sided pyra¬ 
mids. "When this crystal is at the ordi¬ 
nary temperature, it is only susceptible 
of being electrified by friction, and in that 
case the part rubbed always acquires posi¬ 
tive electricity. But if a tourmalin be 
gently heated, it becomes electric; and if 
its two extremities be afterwards presented 
alternately to the little globe, we shall ob¬ 
serve that the one attracts and the other 
repels that globe, from which we may as¬ 
certain the poles wherein the respective 
electricities reside. That side which ter¬ 
minated by the pyramid is positive, the 


other negative, AVhen the crystal is of a 
large size, flashes of light may he seen 
along its surface. Now it may be con¬ 
ceived that the tourmalin, having only its na¬ 
tural quantity of electfiicity, 'svhich is alone 
acted on, if its positive pole iS, turned to¬ 
wards the globule, it will be in the same 
case as if it were solicited singly b}^ a quan¬ 
tity of positive electricity whose force was 
equal to the difterence between the forces of 
its two poles, arising from the diflerent dis¬ 
tances at which they act: therefore the glo¬ 
bule wall be repelled. Similar reasoning 
will prove that, on the contrary, attraction 
ought to be evinced, if the tourmalin is 
presented to the globule by its negative 

But if the needle were not insulated, it 
is easy to conceive that the presence of 
either of the poles of the tourmalin would 
generate, in the globule nearest to that 
pole, an electricity contrary to its own;. 
whence it follows that the globule w'ould, in 
this case, be constantly attracted. 


If one of the poles of the tourmalin be 
presented to light bodies, such as grains of 
ashes, or saw-dust, each grain, becoming in 
like manner a slight electric body, whose 
part turned towards the pole which acts 
upon it has acquired a contrary electricity 
to that of such pole, will be carried towards 
the tourmalin. Having arrived at contact, 
it will generally remain applied there ; for 
the tourmalin, which is a non-conducting 
body, not being able to communicate its 
electricity to the light body, all will con¬ 
tinue in the same state as before. It often 
enough happens, however, that some of 
these grains are repelled as soon as they 
have touched the stone. This effect obtains 
when the minute bod}' has met with some 
ferruginous or other conducting particles, 
situated at the surface of the tourmalin. 
In such case, if it be supposed for example 
that this particle possessed negative elec¬ 
tricity, a portion of its electricity will pass 
to the contiguous part of the little body, 
which is occupied by the positive electri¬ 
city, and will unite or restore the equili- 



brium. Then the negative electricity which 
enveloped the other part of the little body 
finding itself in excess, that body will be 
entirely in the negative state; whence it 
must follow, that the conducting moleculae, 
which is in a similar state, will repel it. 
Hence we see in what manner those au¬ 
thors must be understood, who assert, that 
the tourmalin is attracted and repelled in¬ 
differently by its two ends, without pro¬ 
ducing those constant effects of attraction 
on one side, and repulsion on the other, 
which we have ascribed to it. These latter 
effects only take place with a tourmalin 
placed opposite a body which is already 
itself in a certain state of electricity. The 
others, which are variable, have respect to 
the case where the bodies on which the 
tourmalin acts were previously in their 
natural state. 

In a tourmalin the electric densities di¬ 
minish rapidly in departing from the extre¬ 
mities, so that they are nothing, or next 
to nothing, in a sensible space situated to¬ 
wards the middle of the prism : of conse- 


quence, tlie centres of action are situated 
near the extremities. It may be rendered 
perceptible to a certain degree, by moving 
a tourmalin to and fro that has one of its 
faces opposite one of the globules of the 
little needle: we shall observe that this 
globule has a marked tendency towards one 
point of the crystal; but when it corres¬ 
ponds with the mean part, so that the two 
centres of action are each equally remote 
from it, we shall not find any motion, ex¬ 
cept a mere fluttering or vibration given 
to the globule. 

Two electrical crystals of tourmalins pre¬ 
sented one to another, mutually attract by 
tlie poles animated with contrary electri¬ 
cities, and repel mutually by the poles 
which shew the same kind of electricity. 

If we lieat two tourmalins, and after hav¬ 
ing laid one of them across upon a flat 
piece of cork, floating on the surface of 
water, we select one of its poles, and to it 
present successively the two poles of the 
tourmalin. When the poles thus brought near 


to one another have different electricities, 
we shall see the floating tourmalin move 
towards the other, and follow it in all its 
motions. If, on the eontrary, the neigh¬ 
bouring poles are solicited by opposite 
states of electricitieSj the floating tourmalin 
will turn about to present itself to the other 
by the contrary pole, and then approach 
to it in virtue of the electric attraction. 

The tourmalin begins to evince electri¬ 
city when it has arrived at a certain eleva¬ 
tion of temperature [of about F.] 

But among bodies of this species there 
exist some to which we need only, as it 
were, shew fire, that they should manifest 
their electricity. If the tourmalin be more 
and more heated, there will be a terra 
where it will cease to yield signs of the 
electricity. It often happens that after 
having withdrawn it from the fire, we are 
obliged to leave it to return of itself to a 
moderate temperature, that it should have 
any action upon the little bodies which are 
presented to it. But it w'ould seem that 


beyond the term where its electricity has 
become insensible through the action of too 
strong a heat, there is another where its 
effects are reproduced in an inverse sense. 
We have caused the foci of two burning 
glasses to fall upon the extremities of a 
tourmalin, and have observed that each 
pole, after having acquired its ordinary 
electricity, would next cease to act, and 
lastly would pass to the opposite state; so 
that the attraction, after having become 
zero, would give place to repulsion, or re¬ 

If a tourmalin be broken at the moment 
when it manifests its electricity, each frag¬ 
ment, however small it may be, has its two 
moieties in two opposite states, in like 
manner as the entire tourmalin; which must 
at first appear very singular, since this 
fragment, supposing for example it were 
situated at one of the extremities of the 
crystal still whole, would then be solicited 
only by a single kind of electricity. This 
difficulty may be happily resolved by 



the help of a very plausible hypothesis 
similar to that advanced by Coulomb with 
regard to such magnetic bodies as present 
the same singularity, that is to say, by 
considering every integrant particle of a 
tourmalin to be itself a little tourmalin 
provided with its two poles. It hence re¬ 
sults that in the entire tourmalin there will 
be a series of poles alternately plus and 
minus; and such are the quantities of free 
electricity which appertain to these differ¬ 
ent poles, that in all the half of the toarma- 
lin yet unbroken, which manifests the plus 
electricity, the plus poles of the integrant 
raoleculae are superior in force to the minus 
poles in contact with them; while the con¬ 
trary obtains in the half which manifests 
the minus electricity: whence it follows 
that the tourmalin is in the same state 
(speaking generally) as if each of its halves 
were only solicited by quantities of plus or 
minus electricity equal to the diftt;rences be¬ 
tween the fluids of the neighbouring poles. 
Now, if the crystal be cut at any place 


whatever as the section can only take place 
hetmen two moleculae, the part detached 
will necessarily commence with a pole of 
one kind, and terminate with a pole of a 
contrary nature. 

In the variety of the tourmalin, which 
Haiiy calls isogone, the shape of which is 
that of a nine-sided prism, terminated at 
one end by a summit having three faces, 
and at the other by a summit having six 
faces; and experiments prove that the first 
summit is the seat of minus electricity, 
while the second manifests plus. 

Of all the crystals that exhibit this cor¬ 
relation between the exterior configuration 
and the electric agency, the most remark¬ 
able are those which appertain to the mi¬ 
neral named horacite or borate of magnesia^ 
whose form is, generally, that of a cube 
truncated, or incomplete on all its edges, 
and farther bevelled, that is to say, mo¬ 
dified by facts corresponding to the solid 
angles. Here the two electricities act ac- 


cording to the directions of four axes, each 
of which passes through two opposite solid 
angles of the cube. In one of the varieties 
which Haiiy calls defective^ one of the two 
solid angles situated at the extremities of 
the same axis is entire, the other has given 
way to a decrement or facet. Now minus 
electricity is evinced at the angle which has 
not undergone any alteration, and plus at 
the facet which supplies the place of the 
opposite angle ; thus making eight electric 
poles, four positive and four negative. 

AVe may no\v ask whether, in the midst 
of the imposing apparatus of our artificial 
machines, and of that diversity of pheno¬ 
mena which it presents to the astonished 
eye, there is any thing more calculated to 
excite the interest of philosophers than 
these little electrical instruments executed 
by crystallisation, than this combination of 
distinct and contrary actions, confined 
within a crystal ivhose greatest dimension 
is probably less than a twelfth of an inch ? 


Of the series of crystals of the mineral 
kingdoms which become electric simply by 
heat, the following are the most conspi¬ 
cuous :—Borate of magnesia, Brazilian 
topaz. Tourmalin, Phrenite, Crystallised 
Oxide of zinc, or Electric Calamine, Si- 
berite, Lepidolite, Kaupolite. 









WHEN a ray of light passes obliquely 
from one medium into another of a dif¬ 
ferent densityj it is bent out of its straight 
course, and assumes a new direction. This 
deviation which is called refraction^ is sub¬ 
jected to a constant law. 

Certain substances have the singular pro¬ 
perty to solicit the ray which penetrates 
them to divide itself into two parts which 
follow two different directions. This is 
called double refractiori; hence objects seen 
through them appear double. 

' .4 


When the refraction is simple, we only 
perceive a single image of an object seen 
through two faces of the solid employed on 
this occasion, whereas, if it were double, 
we might in the same case see two images 
of the object. This property was first no¬ 
ticed by Erasmus Bartholinus, by looking 
at the image of a line, through a trans¬ 
parent rhomboid of carbonate of lime 
which came from Iceland, and hence called 
Iceland crystal, or double refracting spar. 

If a ray of light be received perpendicu¬ 
larly upon a plane surface of this crystal, 
one part of it passes through without alter¬ 
ing its direction; another part on the con¬ 
trary is refracted in a plane parallel to the 
diagonal, joining the two obtuse angles of 
the crystal, so that objects seen through it 
appear double. This property no doubt 
depends on the particular arrangement of 
the crystalline laminae composing the crys¬ 
tal. In order to obtain this effect with 
most of the crystals endowed with the pro¬ 
perty in question, we must choose two 
faces of the crystal inclined towards each 

8 2 


other, whether we employ a crystal given 
by nature or a piece cut by the lapidary. 

The quantity of double refraction, or, 
what comes to the same thing, the opening 
of the angle formed between each other by 
the rays, by means of which the eye sees 
the two images, varies from one substance 
to the other, every thing else being con¬ 
sidered according to the nature of the sub- 
stances themselves. 

In the zircon, for instance, the double 
refraction is very strong, whereas it is 
much less perceptible in the emerald. Be¬ 
sides, this quantity varies in every sub¬ 
stance, from various causes. In general it 
increases or diminishes, according as the 
rcfrangent angle, or that which is formed 
between each other by the two faces, 
through which we view objects, is more or 
less open. 

But there is another cause of variation, 
which is combined with the foregoing, and 
which depends on the position of the re- 
frangent surfaces relatively to the faces of 
the primitive form; and such is the indu- 


ence of this cause, that under two equal 
refrangent angles dilferently situated, we 
may have distances evidently unequal be¬ 
tween the images of the same object, and 
there is even a limit at which the effect of 
the double refraction becomes null, e. 
the two images are then confounded into 

This limit takes place, for instance, in 
rock crystal or quartz and in the emerald, 
when one of the faces which belong to 
the refrangent angle is perpendicular to 
the axis. It takes place in sulphate of 
barytes, when one of the same faces being 
parallel to the axis, is at the same time 
parallel to a plane which should pass by 
the great diagonals of the bases of the pri¬ 
mitive form. 

There is a second method employed for 
observing the double refractive power. 
It consists in taking a pin by the point, 
and presenting it against the window at a 
certain distance from the eye, against 
which we keep at the same time the 
mineral applied by one of its faces. By 



making the pin assume various positions, 
we shall find that there is one in which we 
see two distinct images of the pin parallel 
to each other, and generally prismatic 
(irisies). Then, if we gently turn the 
pin until it is perpendicular to its first posi¬ 
tion, we shall see the two images approach 
by degrees, until they fall upon one and the 
same line, in such a manner, however, that 
one of the two heads will frequently exceed 
the other. We may also make use of a 
card on which we have traced a line with 
ink of a good tint. 

When the double refraction is not con¬ 
siderable, it may happen that the two 
images touch each other. But, upon at¬ 
tentively examining the head of the pin, 
we can distinguish at this place as it were 
two small circles which intersect each other: 
and besides, we shall observe that the same 
colour which edges on one side the prisma¬ 
tic band reappears on the line of the mid¬ 
dle part, where the same series recom¬ 

The separation between the images is 



more sensible, the distance between the 
object and the eye and all other circum¬ 
stances being alike, when the diaphanous 
body used in the experiment is of a greater 
thickness. And if we suppose this thick¬ 
ness, in its turn, to be constant, and the 
object removed from the eye, the two 
images will be more and more removed 
from each other, at the same time that they 
will be diminished in distinctness. 

The following is a third advantageous 
process for short-sighted people. Place a 
lighted candle at a certain distance in a 
dark room. Having afterwards made a 
a hole in a card with the point of a pin, 
apply it to one of the faces of the stone, 
so as to make the hole correspond to a 
point of this face; then having approached 
with the eye the opposite face, seek the 
position proper for enabling you to per¬ 
ceive the flame of the candle. You will 
then have the two images distinct and well 
defined, because the effect of the hole 
made with the pin is to dismiss the kind 



of irradiation •which dazzles them, when 
we employ the stone by itself. 

If a ray of light 'vvhich has suflbred 
double refraction from one crystal be re¬ 
ceived by another crystal, placed in a simi¬ 
lar and parallel position, there is no divi¬ 
sion of the image. 

But if the second crystal be placed 
that its planes of perpendicular refraction 
are at right angles to those of the first 
crystal, there then is a new phenomenon, 
and that part of the ray which before passed 
through the ordinary refraction, renroves 
the extraordinary one. And reciprocally, 
that which underwent the ordinary refrac¬ 
tion suffers the extraordinary one. 

If the second crystal be moved gradu¬ 
ally round in the same plane, when it has 
made a quarter of a revolution, there will 
be four divisions of the ray, and they will 
be reduced to two in the half of the re¬ 
volution, so that the refractive power de¬ 
pends upon the relation of the arrangement 
of the particles of the crystal with regard 
to the rays passing through them. » 


The minerals, which possess the power 
of double refraction, are the following: 

Iceland spar, sulphate of lime, sulphate 
of barytes, sulphate of strontia, quartz or 
rock crystal, zircon, emerald, corundum, 
euclase, arragonite, feldspar, peridote, sul¬ 
phur, carbonate of lead, sulphate of iron. 












IF the language of mineralogy has been 
SO long defective, from the bad choice of 
specific expressions, the almost total defici¬ 
ency of names with respect to the varieties 


of crystallisation has left a void, which was 
no less an inconvenience. There was no 
exception, except with respect to a small 
number of these varieties, the forms of 
which were so simple that they would sug¬ 
gest as if of themselves the epithets of cu¬ 
bical, octahedral, dodecahedral, &c. which 
ought to be added to the names of the 
species. The more compound forms were 
indicated by definitions, the length of 
which was in some measure proportional 
to the number of the facets; or, if it was 
wanted to abridge these definitions, by 
borrowing them from a resemblance be- 
tween the crystal and some familiar object*, 
this was done with so little rationality, that 
it would have been desirable for the honour 
of the comparison if such names were less 

Convinced of the necessity of introduc¬ 
ing the utmost precision into this part of 

* The following are examples of this kind; nail¬ 
headed calcareous spar, dog-toothed calcareous spar, &c. 


mineralogical language, so much neglected 
hitherto, Haiiy has attempted to designate 
the various crystalline forms by simple and 
significant names, taken from the characters 
of these forms, or from the properties which 
result from their structure, and from the 
laws of decrement on which they depend. 
We shall here present the readers with the 
series of these names, under the form of 
a methodical system. We hope that those 
who peruse it with attention will find an 
assistant for engraving these names on their 
memory, by connecting them with consi¬ 
derations which are easily classified in the 
mind. They will perceive that, by a kind 
of economy of language, extremely useful 
in such cases, the same name is frequently 
applicable to varieties taken in different 
species. It is true that on one hand the 
word which serves to designate such a va¬ 
riety might also serve another variety of the 
same species. For example: Haiiy denomi¬ 
nates binaryy a form which depends on a de¬ 
crement by two ranges. How supposing this 
decrement to take place on the edges, it is 



possible that another variety of the same 
substance may be owing to a decrement 
which takes place by two ranges on the 
angles. But in this case the system will 
present for the latter another name bor¬ 
rowed from a different consideration. The 
inconvenience just mentioned is common 
to all nomenclatures, and seems unavoid¬ 
able. Thus, in the language of botany, 
one variety will bear the name of crassi- 
foUa, or of rotundifolia, while another va¬ 
riety of the same species shares with the 
first the character which has served to dis¬ 
tinguish it. The essential requisite is, that 
the method should be copious enough to 
furnish at least to all the known wants of 
science. It is presumed that, by means of 
this attempt, a great part of the forms 
which shall be discovered in future will 
be found to have been named beforehand; 
and as to those which require new names, 
we shall have at least a system from which 
to designate them. In all descriptions of 
researches, it becomes easier to go forward 
when the route is traced. 


Principles of the Nomenclature. 

The primitive form of any given sub¬ 
stance is always designated by the word 
primitive added to the name of the species. 

Examples :— Primitive zircon, primitive 
carbonate of lime, primitive sulphate of lime, 

We may consider secondary forms :— 

1. With respect to the modifications of 
the primitive form, when the faces of the 
latter are combined with those which re¬ 
sult from the laws of decrement. 

2. By themselves, and as purely geome¬ 
trical forms. 

3. With respect to certain facets or cer¬ 
tain ridges remarkabte by their assortment 
or their positions. 

4. With respect to the laws of decre¬ 
ments on which they depend. 

5. With respect to the geometrical pro¬ 
perties which they present. 


6. Finally, with respect to certain parti¬ 
cular accidents. 

1. Secondary forms considered with respect 
to the modif cations which they present of 
the primitive form. 

The crystal is called, 

Fyramidated (pyramid ^), when the pri¬ 
mitive form being a prism, has on each of 
its bases a pyramid which has as many 
faces as the prism has sides. 

Example: Fyramidated phosphate of 

Prismated (prismi), when the primitive 
form being composed of two pyramids 
joined at their bases, these pyramids are se¬ 
parated by a prism. 

Ex. Prismated zircon, prismated quartz. 

Semi-prismated, when there is only the 
half of the number of ridges situated 
around the common base, which are inter¬ 
cepted by faces. 


Example. Semi-prismated sulphate of 

Based (basi)., when, the primitive form 
being a rhomboid, or an assemblage of two 
pyramids, the summits are intercepted by 
facets perpendicular to the axis, and per¬ 
forming the function of bases. 

Ex. Based carbonate of lime, based sul¬ 

Pointed ('epoijitS)y when all the solid 
angles of the primitive form are intercepted 
by solitary facets. 

Ex. Pointed mesotype. 

We shall also use the terms Unpointed 
(bisSpointe) f tripointed (triSpointS) ^ qua- 
dripointed (quadriSpointS) ^ according as 
each solid angle may be intercepted by 
two, three, or four facets. 

Ex. Tripointed analcime, quadripointed 
sulphuret of iron. 

Marginated (emarginS), when all the 
ridges of the primitive form are each of 
them intercepted by a facet. 

Ex. Marginated garnet. 



We shall also use the term hi-marginated, 
tri-marginated, as each ridge is intercepted 
by two or three facets. 

Example. Tri-marginatcd garnet. 

Peri-hexahedral, peri-octahedral, peri-de¬ 
cahedral, peri-dodecahedral, when the pri¬ 
mitive form being a prism with four sides, 
is changed by the effect of decrements into 
a hexahedral, octahedral, decahedral, or 
dodecahedral prism. 

We also denominate peri-dodecahedron a 
crystal, the nucleus of which being a regu¬ 
lar hexahedral prism, has its six longitudi- 
nal ridges intercepted by as many facets. 

Ex. Peri-hexahedral sulphate of copper, 
peri-dodecahedral emerald. 

Pecurved (raccourci), when the primi¬ 
tive form being a prism with rhombic bases, 
the longitudinal ridges contiguous to the 
grand diagonal are intercepted by two 
facets, which make it appear diminished in 
the direction of its length. 

Ex. Recurved sulphate of barytes. 



Retreated (rStrSci), when the primitive 
form beiog a prism with rhombic bases, the 
longitudinal ridges contiguous to the small 
diagonal are intercepted by two facets 
which make it appear diminished in the 
direction of its breadth. 

Example* Retreated sulphate of barytes. 

2. Secondary forms considered in themseheSj 
and as being purely geometrical. 

The crystal is called, 

Cubical., when it presents the form of the 
cube, which in this case is always se¬ 

Ex. Cubical fluate of lime. 

Cuboidal, when its form differs a little 
from the cube. 

Ex. Cuboidal carbonate of lime. 

Tetrahedral^ when it presents the form of 
the regular tetrahedron, as a secondary 

Ex. Tetrahedral sulphuret of zinc. 


Octahedral, when it presents the form of 
this solid, as secondary. 

Example. Octahedral muriate of soda, 

Frismatic, when it has the form of a 
straight or oblique prism, the panes of 
which are inclined one hundred and twenty 
degrees among each other. 

o o 

Ex. Prismatic carbonate of lime, prisma* 
tic feldspar. 

Dodecahedral, when its surface is com¬ 
posed of twelve triangular, quadrangular, 
or pentagonal faces, all equal and similar, 
or solely of two measurements of different 

Ex. Dodecahedral quartz, dodecahedral 
zircon, dodecahedral sulphuret of iron. 

If the dodecahedron had not all its faces 
of the same number of sides, it would be 
.sufficient to bring them to this aspect in 
imagination, by varying its dimensions. 

Icosahedral, when its surface is com¬ 
posed of twenty triangles, of which twelve 
are isosceles, and eight equilateral. 

T 2 


Example! Icosaliedral sulphuret of iron. 

Trapezoidal^vihen its surface is composed 
of twenty-four equal and similar trape¬ 

Ex. Trapezoidal garnet. 

Triaconta/iedral, when its surface is com¬ 
posed of thirty rhombuses. 

Ex. Triacontahedral sulpliuret of iron, 

Eimmconiahedralj when its surface is 
composed of ninety laces. 

Ex. Enneacontahedral idocrase. 

'BivhomboidaU when its surface is com¬ 
posed of twelve faces, which being taken 
by sixes, and lengthened in imagination 
until they intersect, would form two differ¬ 
ent rhomboid.s. 

Ex. Birhomboidal carbonate of lime. 

We say trirhomhoidal in the same man¬ 

Ex. Trirliomboidal carbonate of lime. 

Biform, triform, when it contains a com¬ 
bination of two or three remarkable forms; 

such as the cube, the rhomboid, the oc- 
taliedron, the regular hexahedral prism. 

Example. Triform sulphate of alumine. 

Cubo-octahedral, cubo-dodecahedral, cubch 
tetrahedral. See., when it contains a combi¬ 
nation of the two forms indicated by these 
expressions. , 

Ex. Cubo-octahedral fluate of lime, cubo- 
dodecahedral sulphuret of iron, cubo-tetra- 
hedral gray copper. 

Trapezian, when its lateral surface is 
composed of trapezia situated on two rows 
between two bases. 

Ex. .Trapezian sulphate of barytes. 

Ditetrahedral, i. e. twice tetrahedral, 
I when its form is that of a tetrahedral prism 
' with dihedral summits. 
f Ex. Ditetrahedral grammatite. 

I JDihexahedral, when it forms a hexahe¬ 
dral prism with trihedral summits. 

Ex. Dihexahedral feldspar. 




'We say in the same manner, dioctahe- 
dral, dukcahedral, didodecahedral. 

Example. Dioctahedral topaz, diclecahe- 
dral feldspar, didodecahedral phosphate of 

Trihexahedral^ ietrahexahedral, pentahex- 
ahedral, heptahexahedral, when its surface 
is composed of three, four, five, sev’^en rows 
of facets ' disposed in sixes the one above 
the other. 

Ex. Trihexahedral nitrate of potash, 
pentahexahedral quartz, heptahexahcdi'al 
nitrate of potash. 

We also say in the same manner, trido- 

Ex, Tridodecahedral sulphureted anti- 
monial silver. 


Ex. Trioctahedral sulphuret of lead. 

Bigeminated, when it presents a combi¬ 
nation of four forms, which, taken by twos, 
are of the same species. 

Ex. Bigeminated carbonate of lime. 



Amphihexahedral, i. e. hexahedral in two 
ways, when by taking the faces according 
to two different directions, we have two 
hexahedral contours. 

Example. Amphihexahedral axinite. 

Sexdecimal, wlien the faces which belong 
to the prism or to the middle part, and 
those which belong to the two summits, are 
the former six in number, and the latter 
ten in number, or vice veisd. 

Ex. Sexdecimal feldspar. 

In the, same manner we say octode- 

cinal. 'ifSl.. 


Ex. Octodccimal feldspar. 



Ex. Sexduodecimal carbonated lime. 


Ex. Octoduodecimal sulphuret of copper. 


Ex. Deciduodecimal feldspar. 

'Peripolygonaly when the prism has z, 
great number of sides. 


* J M ■ 



Example. Peripolygonal tourmaline. 

Supercomposite^ when the form is very 
much compounded. 

Ex. Super composite tourmaline. 

Aniienneahedral, i. e. having nine faces 
on two opposite sides, is a name peculiar to 
a variety of the tourmaline, in which the 
two summits arc of nine faces, and the 
prism of twelve sides; whereas, generally, 
the prism is enncahedral. 

Prosenneahedral, i. e. having nine faces 
on two adjacent parts, is another variety 
of the tourmaline, in which the prism and 
one of 'the two summits have each nine 

Recurrent, when, on taking the faces of, 
the crystal by annular rows, from one ex¬ 
tremity to the other, we have two numbers, 
which succeed several times, as, four, eight, 
four, eight, four. 

V Ex. Recurrent oxid of tin, 

R^uidifferentj when the numbers which 



designate the faces of the prism and those 
of the two summits, which in this case differ 
from each other, form the commencement 
of an arithmetical series, as, six, four, two. 

Example. Equidifferent amphibole. 

Convergent, when in the foregoing case 
the series is sensibly convergent, as, fifteen, 
nine, three. 

Ex. Conversient tourmaline. 

Unequal (impair), when the numbers 
which designate the panes of the prism and 
the faces of the two summits, considered 
as different from each other, are all three 
unequal, without being in other respects in 

Ex. Unequal tourmaline. 

Upper-oxidated, i. e. acute to excess, is a 
variety of carbonated lime, which contains 
the combination of two rhomboids; the 
one acute, which is the inverse; the other 
incomparably more acute. 

Spheroidal, is said of the diamond with 
forty-eight bombated faces. 


Plano-convex, is the diamond with some 
plane and some curvilinear faces. 

3. Secondary forma comidered relatively to 
V certain facets, or certain ridges, remar 
able for their arrangement or position. 

Tlie crystal is called, 

Alternate, when it has on its two parts, 
the one superior and the other inferior, 
faces w'hich alternate among each other, but 
which correspond on both sides. 

Example. Alternate quartz. 

Bisalternate, when in the foregoing case 
the alternation takes place, not only among 
the faces of one and the same part, but 
also among those of the two parts. 

Ex. Bisalternate carbonate of lime, bis¬ 
alternate quartz. 

Blhisalternate, when there are on both 
sides two orders of bisalternate facets. 

Ex. Bibisalternate sulphuret of mer¬ 



Annulary, when a hexaheclral prism has 
six marginal facets ranged in form of a ring 
around each base. 

Example. Annulary emerald. 

We say the same of an octahedral prism 
with eight marginal facets around bases. 

Ex. Annular oxide of tin. 

Monostic, when a prism of any given 
number of panes has, in the contour of 
each base, a row of facets in number dif¬ 
ferent from that of the sides, -and which 
may be all marginal, or some marginal and 
others angular. 

Ex. Monos tic topaz. 

Distic, when in the same case there arc 
two roM's of facets around each base. 

Ex. Distic topaz. 

Subdistic, when among the facets ar¬ 
ranged on one and the same row around 
each base, two are surmounted each by a 
new facet, which is as it were the rudiment 
of a second row. 


Example. Subdistic peridot. 

Plagihedraly when the crystal has facets 
situated in a slanting direction. 

Ex. Plagihcdral quartz, plagihedral zir¬ 

Dissimilar, when two rows of facets, si¬ 
tuated the one above the other, towards 
each summit, have a defect in symmetry. 

Ex. Dissimilar topaz. 

Squared (encadr6 ), when it has facets 
which form kinds of squares around faces 
of a simpler form already existing in the 
same species. 

Ex. Sijuared fluate of lime. 

Slighthj prominent (promhnde), \t 

has ridges which form a very slight emi¬ 

Exi Slightly prominent sulphate of 

Zonary, when it has around its middle 



part a row of facets, which form a kind of 

Example. Zonary carbonate of lime. 

Apophanous, i. e. manifest, Avhen certain 
facets or certain ridges present some indi¬ 
cation useful for ascertaining the position 
of the nucleus, whicli would otherwise be 
difficult to find out, or even to determine, 
either in point of direction or the measure¬ 
ment of the decrements. 

Ex. Apophanous feldspar, apophanous 
sulphuret of antimoniated silver, apophan¬ 
ous gray copper. 

Blunted (emoussS), when it has facets 
which intercept, and render as if blunted, 
some parts which would otherwise be 
sharper than the rest. 

Ex. )31unted axinitc, blunted carbonate 
of lime. 

Contracted, is a dodecahedral variety of 
carbonated lime, in which the bases of the 
extreme pentagons undergo a kind of con- 


386 PRiisrciPLEs or rroMENCLATuuE 

traction, in consequence of the inclination 
of the lateral faces. 

Dilated, is said of another dodecahedral 
variety of carbonated lime, in which the 
bases of the extreme pentagons undergo a 
kind of dilatation, in consequence of the 
inclination of the lateral faces. 

Acuteangled, is a variety of carbonated 
lime in a hexahedral prism, the solid an¬ 
gles of which are intercepted by very sharp 
triangular facets. 

Defective, is a variety of borated mag¬ 
nesia, in which four solid angles of the 
primitive cube arc intercepted by facets, 
while the oj)posite angles remaining un¬ 
touched, are subject to a kind of defect. 

Superahtmdant, is another variety of bo- 
rated magnesia, in which the solid angles 
which were untouched in the defective va¬ 
riety, are intercepted each by four facets, 
in such a way as to make a superabundance 
where there was a delect. 

The crystal is called, 

Unitary^ when it undergoes only a single 
decrement by one row. 

Example. Unitary telesia. 

If there are two, three, four decrements 
by one row, we say bisunitary, triunitary, 

Ex. Triunitary peridot, bisunitary carbo¬ 
nate of lime. 

Binary, bibinary, tribinary. See. in the 
case of one, two, and three decrements by 
two rows. 

Ex. Binary oligist or specular iron, bibi¬ 
nary feldspar. 

Ternary, biternary, &c. in the case of 
one, two decrements, &c. by three rows. 

Unibinary, if there are two,decrements, 


288 PRisrcirLES of nomenclatuke 

the one by one row, the other by two; 
uniiernaryi if there is one by one row, and 
the other by three; hinoternarij, if there is 
one by tw'O, and the other by three, &c. 

Example. Uniternary carbonate of lime, 
binoternary carbonate of lime. 

The nomenclature in all the foregoing 
expressions, as well as in those which fob 
low, makes an abstraction of the faces j>a- 
rallel to those of the nucleus, which exist 
most frequently in the secondary crystal. 

Among the forms in which the nucleus is 
entirely disguised, some have names bor¬ 
rowed froni different considerations; and 
those which remain are so few in number, 
that I thought it unnecessary to complicate 
the language by employing a particular 
designation for them. 

In order to avoid confounding the words 
which express the decrements with those 
which indicate the number of the faces, we 
may remark, that the former have llieir 
termination in hedral, as dodecahedral, or 
in al, as octodecagonal, wdicreas the others 
end in ary. 


Equivalent, when the part visible (expo- 
sant) which indicates a decrement is equal 
to the sum of those which indicate the 

Example. Equivalent sulphat of iron. 

Subtractive, when the part visible relative 
to a decrement is less by unity than the 
sum of those which indicate the others. 

Ex. Subtractive pyroxene. 

Additive, when the part visible relative 
to a decrement exceeds by unity the sum 
of those which indicate the others. 

Ex. Additive sulphat of copper. 

Progressive, when the parts visible form 
a commencement of arithmetical progres¬ 
sion ; us one, two, three. 

Ex. Progressive tourmaline. 

Disjointed, when the decrements form an 
abrupt leap, as from one to four or four to. 




Example. Disjointed sulphuretted anti- 
monial silver. 

Partial^ when there is some part which 
remains without decrements, while the. 
other parts similarly situated undergo 

Ex. Partial sulphuret of cobalt. 

Subdouble, when the part visible relative 
to a decrement is the half of the sum of 
the other parts visible. 

Ex. Subdouble topaz. 

We say suhtriple, subquadruple. See. in 
the same way. 

Ex. Subtriple sulphat of copper. 

• The three parts visible (exposaus) w'hich 
compose the indication of an intermediary 
decrement, count as one only, which is 
equal to their sum. 


Doubling, tripling, quadrupling, when 
one of the visible parts is repeated twice, 




thrice, or four times in one series which 
would otherwise be regular. 

Example. Doubling peridot, quadrupl¬ 
ing peridot. 

Identical, when the parts visible of the 
simple decrements, to the number of two, 
arc equal to the terras of the fraction re¬ 
lative to a third decrement which is 

Ex. Identical gray copper. 

IsonomouH, i. e. equality- of laws, when 
the parts visible wliicli indicate the decre¬ 
ments on the edges being equal, those 
which express the decrements on the angles 
arc equal also. 

Ex. Isonomous sulphat of copper. 

Mixed, when the tc)nn results from a 
single mixed decrement. 

Ex. Mixed telesia. 

Pantogejious, i. e. deriving its origin from 
all the parts, when each ridge and each 
solid angle undergoes a decrement. 

IT 2 


Example. Pantogenous sulpliat of bary 

Biferous, i. e. which carries twiccy when 
every ridge and every solid angle under¬ 
goes two decrements. 

Ex. Piferous gray copper. 

Surrounded (entourS)y when the decre¬ 
ments take place on all the ridges and on 
all the solid angles around the base of a 
prismatic nucleus. 

Example. Surrounded sulphat of bary- 
tes. HI 

Opposite, when a decrement is made by 
one row, and another is intermediary. 

Ex. Opposite oxid of tin. 

Synoptic, when the laws of decrement 
present as it were the picture of those which 
take place with respect to the whole of the 
other crystals, or at least with respect to 
the greatest part. 



Example. Synoptic feldspar. 

Retrograde, is a variety of carbonat of 
lime, the expression of which contains two 
mixed decrements, which are such that the 
faces resultino; from them seem to retro- 
grade, by throwing themselves backward, 
on the side of the axis opposite to that 
which looks towards the face on which 
they originate. 

Ascending, when all the laws of decre- 
*ment have an ascending course, setting out 
from the angles or lower edges of a rhom- 
boidal nucleus. 

Ex. Ascending carbonat of lime. 

.5. Secondary forms considered relatively to 
the geometrical properties which they pre¬ 

The crystal is called, 

Isogonous, i. e. equality of angles, when 
the faces which are on parts differently 


situated, form equal angles between each 

Example. Isogonous cymophane. 

Anamorphicj i. e.form turned upside dozmy 
when we cannot give it the position most 
natural to it, without that of the nucleus 
being as it were turned upside down. 

Ex. Anamorphic stilbite. 

Tlhomhiferous, when certain facets are 
true rhombuses, although, from the man¬ 
ner in which they are cut by the adjoining 
faces, they do not appear at the first 
glance to be of a symmetrical figure. 

Ex. Rhombiferous quartz. 

^qidascis, w'hen it has the form of a 
rhomboid the axis of which equals that of 
the primitive rhomboid. 

Ex. Equiaxis carbonat of lime. 

Inverse^ when it has the form of a rhom¬ 
boid the salient angles of which are equal 
to the plane angles of the primitive rhom¬ 
boid, and vice versa. 


Example. Inverse carbonat of lime. 

Metastu.’lc, i. e. transferred, when it has 
plane angles and solid angles equal to those 
of the nucleus which are thus transferred to 
the secondary form. 

Ex. Metastatic carbonat of lime. 

Contrasting, when it has the form of a 
very acute rhomboid, in which an inversion 
of angles similar to that which takes place 
in the inverse presents a kind of contrast, 
in so far as it resembles in another part 
a very obtuse rhomboid. 

Ex. Contrasting carbonat of lime. 

¥ersisting, is a variety of carbonat of 
lime in which certain faces are cut by the 
adjoining faces, 'so that they preserve the 
same measurements of angles which they 
would have had without that, except that 
these angles have other respective po¬ 

Ex. Persisting carbonat of lime. 



Analogic, when its form presents s(^veral 
remarkable analogies. 

Kxample. Analogic carbonat of lime. 

Farado^ial, wlien its structure presents 
singular and unexpected results. 

Ex. Paradoxal carbonat of lime. 

Complex, when its structure is compli¬ 
cated by laws not very common, as when it 
is produced by decrements some mixed and 
others intermediary. 

Ex. Complex carbonat of lime. 

6. Secondary forms considered relatixehj to 
certain particular accide^ds. 

The crystal is called, 

Transposed, \vhen it is composed of two 
halves of an octahedron, or of two portions 
of another crystal, one of which seems to 
have turned upon the other in a quantity 
equal to a sixth of its circumference. See 
page 356'. Model, No. 46, 


Example. Transposed spinel, transposed 
sulplmret of ^inc. 

Ilani-trope, i. e. one half reversed., when 
it is composed of two halves of one and 
the same crystal, one of which seems to be 

Ex. Hemi-trope feldspar. See page 232. 
Model, No. 45. 

Rectangular, a particular name given to 
the staurotide or staurolite, composed of 
two prisms which cross at right angles. 
See page 242. Model, No. 50. 

Obliqueangled, a particular name given 
to the staurotide, composed of two prisms 
which cross at an angle of sixty degrees. 
Sec page 242, Fig. 103. 

Sexrndiaitd, a name given to the stauro¬ 
tide, composed of three prisms which cross 
so as to represent the six radii of a regular 

Cruciform, a name given to the harma- 


tome, composed of two crystals which form 
a kind of cross. 

Triglyphoiis, when the strife considered 
on three faces united around one and the 
same solid angle, are in three directions 
perpendicular to each other. 

Example. Triglyphous sulphuret of iron. 

Getnculated, when it is composed of two 
prisms which unite by one extremity, form¬ 
ing a kind of knee. 

Ex. Geniculated oxid of titanium. 






When the crystalline moleculse dissemi¬ 
nated in a liquid experience obstacles 
which affect their tendency to re-unite* in 
conformity to the laws of their mutual af¬ 
finity, the forms which result from their ag¬ 
gregation have no longer that regularity 
which belongs to an exact and precise de¬ 
termination. Their edges are blunted, 
their faces are curved, their pyramids are 
obliterated. Hence the crystals called /ew- 
ticular, or which imitate the form of a len- 


ti]; cylindroids, the, prism of which is 
rounded oiF. 

Scopiform^ or fascicular^ consisting of 
laterally aggregated needle-liRe and capilli- 
form crystals,* diverging from a common 
center. Thus we have scopiform aggre- 
I gated crystals of red antimony ore, zeolite, 
striated red cobalt ore, and capiiliform py¬ 
rites, &c. 

Acicidarf or similar to needles. Elon¬ 
gated equally thick prisms, adhering late¬ 
rally, or in the direction of their length, 
present this appearance. It occurs often 
very distinctly in sulphate of barytes, and 
in the rnurio-carbonate, or white lead ore. 

In a roWi which is best characterized by 
comparing it to a string of pearls. The 
axis of all the crystals lying in one direc¬ 
tion, so as to form a single series. 

Globular. A casual aggregation consist- 


ing mostly of flattened prisms, which oc¬ 
curs sometimes in cubical or octahedral 

Rose-like consists of thin or flattened 
prisms, on whose lateral planes others are 
assembled, whichj^b}' crossing each other in 
different directions, give to the aggregation 
a rose-like appearance. 

If a multitude of small indeterminable 
crystals are so intimately connected with 
each other that they form only one body, 
we then consider this body as a particular 
being, and hence the substances which we 
call striated, Jibrous, &c. and which are 
formed by the junction of an infinite num¬ 
ber of crystalline needles, sometimes pa¬ 
rallel, sometimes divergent, and at other 
times crossing in different directions. 

The appellation amo7'phous has been 
given to substances which present, as it 
wmre, the last degree of confused crystal¬ 
lisation, and the vague and indefinable form 
of which is, as it were, mute 'to the eye of 
the observer. 



Basaltic Columns. The natural columns 
which form the giants' causewa}" in Ii’e- 
land, and Tingal's cave in the isle of Staffa, 
together with the rock on which Edinburgh 
castle stands, and part of the hill, in the 
suburbs of that city, called Arthur's seat, 
are all a very compact variety of that class 
of rocks called basalt; this rock is in 
many instances separated into numerous 
distinct but irregularly shaped columns, 
consisting of from three to nine sides.* 

The two most striking instances of this 
columnar structure are the giants’ causeway 
in Ireland, and Fingal’s cave in the isle of 
Staffa. The columns of the giant’s cause¬ 
way rarely consist of more than six sides, 
and are sometimes separated by veins of 
red ochre; the columns of Staffa often 
have eight or nine sides. 

* A similar appearance is observable in a mass of 
clay or starch that has been gradually dried; and in the 
interior of a mass of block tin: often also in common 
sand-stone that has been exposed to a suiBcient degree 
of heat. 



Tlie separate columns of both places are 
articulated or disposed to separate trans¬ 
versely so as to form a flat concave and 
flat convex surface exactly corresponding 
with each other : and these articulations or 
transverse fractures sometimes occur so fre¬ 
quently in the same column, that the 
distance between two of them in many in¬ 
stances does not equal the diameter of the 

The diameter of these basaltic columns 
varies from three inches to three feet. 

In the general appearance of a mass of 
columnar basalt, there is great regularity; 
but the regularity of form in these instances 
is very different from the effect of crystal¬ 
lisation, it exhibits internally no symme¬ 
trical arrangement, the measure of no angle 
being fixed. Hence it seems that the sym¬ 
metry is to be ascribed merely to the mutual 
separation occasioned by the contraction 
of the mass, and these columns cannot be 
classed among crystallised bodies. 

Stalactites. The water which f.lters into 



the fissures of stones situated in the arched 
part of subterranean caATties, or which 
oo^es through the lax and porous texture 
of these vaults, arrives at the surface, after 
dissolving certain stony molecules or be¬ 
coming combined with it in various ways. 
The drops w hich remain suspended from the 
arch during a certain time, undergo a soli¬ 
dification, which commences on the exter¬ 
nal surface; and the stony molecules which 
the liquid gets rid of, exerting their attrac¬ 
tion on each other, and attracted at the 
same time by the side of. the vault w'hich 
they adjoin, fonn in this place an initial 
tube, or kind of small ring. This rudiment 
of tube increases and grows longer by the 
addition of other drops, which succeed to 
the first, conducting new molecules w'hicU 
the orifice of the tube attracts iu its turn. 
Sometimes this tube preserves the form of 
a hollow cylinder, similar to a quill. But 
frequently it increases in size, and is en¬ 
veloped with concentric layers, the matter 
of w'hich is furnished by the liquid which 
descends along the external surface. It 


30 j 

then becomes a thick cylinder or cone; and 
sometimes tlje molecules hollowed out by 
the drops which thus flow into the interior 
of its canal, finish by obstructing it entirely. 
These different modifications are peculiarly 
sensible in bodies which belong to carbo¬ 
nate of lime. 

But a part of the liquid, on falling from 
the arch upon the ground, forms there other 
depositions composed of strata generally 
undulated, or protuberances, the figures of 
which vary ad infinitum. Lastly, the 
liquid which flows along the lateral par¬ 
titions gives rise to bodies, the form 
of wdiich ive might compare to that of a 
drop of congealed water. Hence Sta¬ 
lactites are called those bodies which are 
formed in the arch of the vault; and sta- 
lagviites those which originate from the 
falling of the liquid on the ground. It is, 
however, much more convenient to call 
both stalactites, as it is sometimes difficult 
to distinguish between the two kinds of 
formation, when the bodies under consi- 




deration have been removed from their ori¬ 
ginal position. 

Incrmtatiom. lii the preceding con¬ 
cretions, the aggregation of the mole¬ 
cules depends more especially on the eva¬ 
poration and chemical changes of tlie liquid 
wliich has dissolved them. Other concre¬ 
tions, which have been called tufas^ and 
sinters, proceed from similar causes, and 
sometimes likewise from a kind of preci¬ 
pitation only of the molecules originally 
suspended in the liquid. The latter aie 
frequently deposited on tlie surface of 
different organized bodies, particularly on 
those which belong to the vegetable king¬ 
dom, and sometimes cover the inside of cer¬ 
tain bodies, such as sewers or dfains. 

Thus, if water impregnated with calca¬ 
reous matter or other materials, remains 
long in contact with extraneous substances, 
an earthy incrustation takes place, that 
soon excludes the incrusted substance 
from view; which thus in common Ian- 

guage, is said to be petrified: the shape, 
that is, remaining the same; but the sub¬ 
stance in appearance converted into stone. 
In this manner are formed the so called 
incrustations or petrifactions of birds' nests, 
moss, leaves, branches of trees, &c. If 
the process be. carried on for a sufficient 
length of time, and the incrusted body be 
of a perishable nature, as in the case of 
vegetable matter, the whole of this is re¬ 
moved by gradual decay, and the remain¬ 
ing mass is entirely earthy: but its form, 
and the circumstances of its situation, will 
generally serve to shew its origin. 

The warm springs of St. Philippe in 
Tuscany contain a great proportion of cal¬ 
careous matter, which they deposit so com¬ 
pactly round substances immersed in them 
as to be employed for the purpose of ob¬ 
taining casts, and models, &c. AVith this 
view hollow moulds being suspended in 
the water, the earthy particles are depo¬ 
sited in them; and the deposition, when 
removed from the mould, preserves the 

X 2 



exact iinpression of it. I'licse incrustations 
are very delicately, but veiy firmly com¬ 
pacted; and of a whiteness c(iual to that 
of Carrara marble. It is said that there 
are springs of the same kind near Guanca- 
Velica in Peru; and that many vases and 
statues, &c. are placed in the Church of 
Lima, which have been formed from such 
depositions as those of St. Philippe. 

Osieocolla. The substance so called by 
the earlier mineralogical writers, from its 
resemblance to a mass of agglutinated 
bones, is nothing more than a calcareous 
deposition that has taken place round small 
branches and twigs of trees. In many in¬ 
stances the vegetable substance has been 
removed, and its place supplied by the de¬ 
position of fresh earthy matter; seldom 
however entirely; for in making a trans¬ 
verse section of any of the branches of such 
a mass, there may be generally observed 
the trace of a longitudinal cylindrical ca¬ 
vity; which shews that the deposition ori- 


ginally took place on something that has 
been subsequently removed. 

The beautiful mineral called 'Flos Ferri 
is a stalactite. It is met with at Schem- 
nitz in Stiria in the clefts of sparry or white 
iron ore; from which circumstance, and 
the delicacy of its general appearance, it 
has received the above appellation: but it 
contains no iron. Count Bournon has con¬ 
jectured that its form is the effect of subli¬ 
mation ; the direction of the coralloid 
branches being too wavy and uncertain to 
have proceeded from stalactitic deposition. 
A transverse section of this substance shews 
a delicate instance of a fibrous radiated 
texture: the branches are often of a silky 
lustre externally, owing to an aggregation 
of very minute crystals, superficially^ in¬ 
vesting them. 

Local circumstances, and the degree of ce¬ 
lerity with which stalactitic deposition takes 
place, vary the appearance of the effect 
produced; and hence those grotesque ac- 



cumulations which have been described as 
representing the forms of various animate 
and inanimate substances: as the fancied 
figures of lions, &c., in some of the caverns 
near Iluxton, and in other parts of Derby¬ 
shire. In the quarries of the island of An- 
tiparos these depositions have been carried 
to a great extent: an account of the fan¬ 
tastic shapes of which is given in extrava¬ 
gant terms in a letter written to Kircher, 
inserted in his Mundus Subterraneus A 
passage in Plin}' is applicable to this j)art 
of the subject:—“ Inter plurima alia Italia; 
miracula, ipsa marmora in lapicidinis cres- 
cere auctor est Papirius Fabianus, natura; 
rerum peritissimus: exeinptores (|uoque af¬ 
firmant compleri sponte ilia montium ul- 
cera-f*.” The latter circumstance is often 
affirmed of the quarries of Antiparos. 

When water which has dissolved earthy 

* Vol. I. p. 122—130. 

+ Nat. Hist. lib. xxxvi. 



substances is introduced into a subter¬ 
ranean cavity of small dimensions, where 
it can remain, the stony molecules in- 
cnist the sides of this cavity, which is 
generally of a round form, and sometimes 
end by studding it with crystals. This is 
what has been called geode. Some of 
these bodies contain a solid and moveable 
nucleus, or a pulverulent earthy matter* : 
of this description also are certain pieces 
of silex found in marl. Sometimes also 
the geode is entirely filled with a matter 
which may be distinguished by the naked 
eye from that of which it is itself com¬ 

The Septariuni belongs to this class. 
'J'his substance is an indurated marl, con- 
taining numerous veins of carbonate of 
lime, which divide it into distinct parti¬ 
tions and hence the term septariuni: some- 

* It is probably from this that the term geode is de¬ 
rived, i. e. a body which contains earth. 



times the transverse sections of these parti¬ 
tions are nearly of a square form; and as 
they then i*esemble the surfaces of dice, the 
substance has been called in consequence 
Jjudus Helmoutii; Van-helmont having par¬ 
ticularly described it. 

The septnrimn occurs in distinct and flat¬ 
tened spheroidal nodules; sometimes in 
larger and irregularly shaped masses. 

In the former instance the veins of cal¬ 
careous carbonate are opacpie and of a 
white colour; and so distributed as to be of 
the greatest dimensions at the centre, from 
whence they gradually diminisli towards 
the circumference of the nodule, but ter¬ 
minate within it. From this distribution 
Mr. Playfair draws a ver}' strong argument 
in support of Dr. Hutton’s theory of geo¬ 
logy ; since, as in this case, “ the matter 
with which the veins are tilled could not 
have been introduced by infiltration from 
without, or in any other way; the only sup¬ 
position left for explaining the singular 
structure of the fossil is, that the whole mass 
was originally fluid; and that in cooling 



the calcareous part separated from the rest, 
and afterwards crystallised 

The argument is, I think, incontrovert¬ 
ible in the particular instance; but in 
many instances of the massive and irregu¬ 
larly shaped Ludus, the veins are neither 
disposed in the same manner, nor are they 
of the same colour and opacity: on the 
contrary, they possess that kind and degree 
of transparency and colour, which is cha¬ 
racteristic of those varieties of carbonate 
of lime, that have unquestionably been de¬ 
posited from water, as in stalagmites, &c.: 
and besides this, there are internal marks 
of a periodical formation of the vein, both 
from its stratified character, and the differ¬ 
ence of colour in the different correspond¬ 
ing strata. 

AVater, impregnated with carbonic acid, 
in penetrating through marble, lime-stone, or 

* Playf. Illust. pp. 30, 31. 




chalk strata, very commonly becomes im¬ 
pregnated in its passage with particles of the 
calcareous carbonate; which it subsequently 
deposits, either by simple exposure to air, 
or upon the surface of extraneous bodies 
with which it comes into contact: and 
thus forms stalactites. 

Calcareous amorphous masses. The 
most familiar instance of the deposition 
of a calcareous matter from water is that, 
which takes place on the inner surface 
of vessels employed for the purpose of 
boiling water impregnated with a calcareous 
carbonate. 'f'he incrustation separated 
from the sides of Carfax conduit, in Oxford, 
(at the time of its removal, about twenty- 
five years since) was nearly an inch in 
thickness; and of a distinctly sparry struc¬ 
ture. There is, in the Oxford collection, 
part of a wooden duct that served to con¬ 
vey the water from this conduit: the trans¬ 
verse section of it is of a square form, and 
it is worthy of observation that the calca¬ 
reous incrustation, w'hich is of a stratified 



appearance, is of equal thickness on every 
one of the four surfaces: by which it ap¬ 
pears, that a deposition of this kind is not 

The substance called Agaric Mineral is a 
stalactitic deposition of carbonate of lime, 
frequently met witli in the clefts of calca¬ 
reous strata, particularly such as are of a 
porous texture; in some instances it ad¬ 
heres to the sides of the cleft with the re¬ 
semblance of a fungus (agaricum): and 
hence its name. 

It may also happen that a substance 
may be incrusted with crystals of a differ¬ 
ent nature, by being as if moulded along 
with them. For instance, we are ac¬ 
quainted with crystals of metastatic carbo¬ 
nated lime incrusted with quartz, and 
sometimes the silicious envelope remains 
empty after being separated from the crys¬ 
tals which it concealed. 

J^seudomorphoses. There exists another 
kind of concretions which we call pseudo- 
morphoses, i. e. bodies which have a false 



and deceitful figure ; because the substances 
which belong to this order present in a 
very remarkable manner foreign or strange 
forms, which they have in some measure 
obtained from other bodies which had re¬ 
ceived them from nature. 

When the type of this apparent trans¬ 
formation is a shell, it happens frequently 
enough that the shell still covers in whole 
or in part the substance, which is as if 
moulded into its interior'^, and then no¬ 
thing appears simpler than the explana¬ 
tion of the fact, by the introduction of a 
liquid charged with stony molecules into 
the cavity of the shell; and this observa¬ 
tion leads to a similar explanation of the 
formation of the kinds of nuclei modelled 
into shells, which we meet with isolated 
and stripped of every envelop. 

Sometimes the shell itself has been pe¬ 
netrated by another matter generally silice¬ 
ous, which has been substituted for the 

♦ De L’Isle Crystall, tome ii. p. 161 . 



cartiIasi nous substance of which this shell 
liad been partly composed*; and it may 
happen in this very case that the interior 
of the shell has remained empty. It is no 
longer, properly speaking, a. pseudomor- 
phosis. It is a fossil which has merely 
become more stony than it was before. 

This last kind of modification takes place 
ec{ual]y with respect to the bones and to 
the other solid parts of animals which are 
found immured in the bowels of the earth; 
i. e., they may pass to an almost entirely 
stony state, by the help of a substance 
which supplies the place of their cartilagi¬ 
nous part. 

The case cannot be the same with veget¬ 
able productions as with shells. They 

* We know that shells, as well as the bones of ani¬ 
mals, are formed of two substances; the one calcare¬ 
ous, which is not susceptible of putrefaction; the other 
cartilaginous, membranous, or fleshy, which may be 
destroyed by the joint action of air and water. 



have no testiido, or envelope, which can 
exist after the destruction of the interior 
substance, and serve as a mould to a stony 
or other substance foi' receiving an impres¬ 
sion of their form. If we supposed that 
one of these productions, such as a portion 
of the branch of a tree, were entirely de¬ 
stroyed, so that the cavity which it occu¬ 
pied in the bowels of the earth remained 
empty, Ave could conceive that a stony 
matter might afterwards fill this cavity and 
there be modelled to it. In this case the 
new body would resemble externally the 
branch of a tree; it would have the appear¬ 
ance of knots and wrinkles, but its inside 
Avould not present any trace of organiza¬ 
tion, and it Avould only be, as it were, the 
statue of the vegetable production, Avhich 
it would have displaced. 

What is generally called petrified wood is 
a much more faithful imitation of real 
wood. On a transverse section we distin¬ 
guish the appearance of concentric layers, 
which in the living tree must have pro- 



ceeded from its increasing in thickness; all 
the principal lineaments of organization are 
preserved to such a degree, tha t they some¬ 
times serve to enable us to recognize the 
species to which the tree belonged which 
has undergone petrifaction. 

Among the different explanations which 
have been given of this phaenomenon, 
that which seems to be most generally ad¬ 
mitted, although not exempt from objec¬ 
tions, consists in supposing that the stony 
matter is substituted for the vegetable in 
proportion as the latter is decomposed; 
and because the substitution takes place 
successively, and as it were molecule by 
molecule, the stony particles, in arranging 
themselves in the places rendered empty 
by the disappearance of the ligneous par¬ 
ticles, and by moulding themselves into the 
same cavities, take the impression of the 
vegetable organization, and copy the traits 
of it precisely. 

The mineral kingdom also has its pseu- 
domorphoses. We find some substances 



of this kingdom under crystalline forms, 
which are only borrowed; and it is proba¬ 
ble that, in some cases at least, the new 
substance has been substituted gradually 
for that which has ceded its place to it, as 
we suppose takes place with respect to 
petrified wood. 

The various pseudomorphic bodies im¬ 
print their form on the matter which sur¬ 
rounds them, and frequently also the im¬ 
pression serves as a cell for an organic sub¬ 
stance which is simply in a fossil state, or 
which has received a certain decree of 
alteration only. This takes place in parti¬ 
cular with respect to the ferns and other 
plants of the same family, the form of 
which is moulded on a schistous matter, as 
we shall afterwards more fully detail. 

Petrifactions .—We generally denominate 
petrifactions all the variously modified sub¬ 
stances which we have mentioned, even 
those which only present impressions of 
animal or vegetable productions. Dau- 



benton applies tins term only to bodies 
which, in their natural state, being partly 
stony and partly cartilaginous, such as 
shells, have become entirely stony. 

As we merely purpose to mention a few 
examples of the modifications in question, 
and not to unite them methodically under 
one and the same point of view as several 
authors have done, we shall confine our¬ 
selves to the enunciation of some of them 
in speaking of the substances which have 
formed their secondary matter, and shall 
adopt the nomenclature to this method of 

, We ought not to omit that there are also 
pseudomorphoses, which arise from the sub¬ 
stitution of a metal in the room of an or¬ 
ganic body. Sulphuret of iron presents 
several examples of this kind of metal¬ 

By referring to all that lias preceded, we 
may define in the following manner the 
difterent concretions of which we have' 
given, the description:— 



Stalactite .—^Thc term stalactite is applied 
particularly to those calcareous concretions 
which are fbriiied on the roofs of natural 
caverns, and which resemble in their shape 
the common icicle. 

Tlie matter of the stalactite, as has been 
already stated, is conveyed by water that 
has penetrated the c<mtigu6us strata ; and 
in its deposition assumes Various appear- 
ances according to accidental circum¬ 

If the water oo^eS through very slou'ly, 
some fiine elapses before a drop is formed 
of sufhe-ient size to fall by its own weight; 
and, in this interval, some of the calcareous 
particles arc separated from the water, and 
adhere to the roof. In this manner succes¬ 
sive particles arc separated and attached 
to each other, until a stalactite is formed. 

When the formation is rapid, the texture 
is comparatively loose, and of an earthy 
appearance: and this is particularly the 
case with those stalactites that are formed 
from recently constructed arched buildings, 



as bridges, or cellars; where the stalactite 
is made up of thin concentric cylinders, 
like a roll of fine cinnamon. In other in¬ 
stances the substance is completely sparry ; 
and, often, very closely resembles the trans¬ 
parent part of the quill of a bird's wing; 
and not unfrequently terminates in a 
spherical assemblage of small pointed crys¬ 
tals. If the percolation of water contain¬ 
ing calcareous matter is too rapid to allow 
time for the formation of a stalactite, the 
earthy matter is deposited from it after it 
has fallen from the roof upon the floor of 
the cavern ; and in this case the deposition 
is by some called a stalagmite: an unne¬ 
cessary verbal distinction adopted by some 
writers merely for the convenience of de¬ 
scription. Stalagmites are commonly, at 
least in the early stage of their formation, 
of a mamillary shape: by gradual accumu¬ 
lation they become conical. 

In some instances the separation of the 
calcareous matter takes place both at the 
roof and on the floor of the cavern; and, 

Y 2 



in the course of time the substance of 
each deposition increasing, they both meet; 
and form an irregular but continued pillar. 

The incrustation is a concretion in the 
form of a crust applied to the surface or to 
the interior of a body. To this we may 
refer the geode, which is a concretion in 
the form of an envelop, spherical or nearly 
so, sometimes empty and sometimes con¬ 
taining a nucleus. 


The pseudomorphosis is a concretion en¬ 
dowed Avith a form foreign to its substance, 
and for which it is indebted to its mole¬ 
cules filling a space formerly occupied by 
a body of the same form. 

With petrifactions Mineralogy has no 
farther concern than as far as minerals ap¬ 
pear in extraneous forms, having by a sub¬ 
stitution of particles assumed the figure of 
animal and vegetables substances. 

In a geological vicAv, these bodies arc 



highly interesting. They are justly consi¬ 
dered as the medals of antiquities which 
serve to form the history of our globe 
They are not mere geological curiosities 
thinly scattered here and there. The most 
internal parts of continents, now many 
hundred miles from the sea, and moun¬ 
tains of the greatest height equally distant, 
not only contain such bodies as are exclu¬ 
sively the inhabitants of the sea, but seem 
even composed of them: immense mineral 
strata are to be found in most parts of Eu¬ 
rope full of them; and other remains of 
life and vegetation are not less abundant in 

Though most organized bodies that are 
found buried in the soil, or in strata, are 
commonly called petrifactions; yet those 
only ought to receive this appellation which 
have by some chemical process changed 
their animal or vegetable natures, and ac¬ 
quired that which is peculiar to the mineral 

Besides the difference in respect to the 



various kinds of organic bodies, which are 
now found imbedded in strata, they differ 
gfeatly with respect to tlie state which they 
arc in; some being still in their natural 
and original state, as most of the osseous 
remains of hot-blooded animals; the re¬ 
mains of some of the cTustaceous creatures, 
and some shells. Others are charred, or 
converted into coal, ds most vegetable sub¬ 
stances found in the strata accompanying 
pit-coal. Some are changed into calcare¬ 
ous spar, or carbonate of lime, as most 
shells. Others into different kinds of agate 
and flint, as most woods; and others again 
are changed into pyrites, or sulphuretted 

No part of mineralogy, it must be con¬ 
fessed, is less understood than this. The 
greater part of what pass under the name 
of petrifaefionis, are either merely impres¬ 
sion's, or nudlci, or incrustations, so that 
any general 'doctrines, founded upon 'com¬ 
mon observations, would be very liable to 
be etroneous. We'do not recollect having 



seen any osseous Remains of hot-blooded 
animals, tiiat had lost their natural struc¬ 
ture and assumed a lapideous texture; their 
cells and pores are filled with stony and 
pyriticai matter: but in general they are 
cither in their natural and original state, or 
they have lost the connecting medium of 
the calcareous matter, and are decompf)sed. 
But shells, crustaccous animals, and litho- 
phyta, the common productions of the sea, 
though often found in tlieir natural state or 
decomposed, are generally real petrifac¬ 
tions. They are usually calcareous, though 
their moulds and impressions are often sili¬ 
ceous, and likewise their perforations and 
vacuities. The siliceous, we venture to af¬ 
firm, are the inverse of the calcareous. 
Thus the entrochites in a calcareous state 
are what mechanics call female screws^ hav¬ 
ing the worm within a hollow cylinder; 
whilst those that are siliceous are male 
screvus, having the worm round the outside 
of a solid cylinder. The first is the real 
shell converted into carbonate of lime, 



coniinouly called spar, or with a sj)athous 
texture; the latter, the mould formed with¬ 
in the cavity of it. 

Vegetables are found merely charred, or 
penetrated with bitumen, or else wholly or 
partially changed into coal; often likewise 
so completely penetrated with siliceous 
matter as to form a solid siliceous mass; 
but we believe they are never converted into 
a calcareous body. 

There are two things further to be consi¬ 
dered relative to organic remains, which, as 
far as petrifactions are to be consulted as 
the records of past events, arc worthy of 
deep attention. First, that of a far greater 
part there are now no similar species exist¬ 
ing; and secondly, that of those which do, 
the greater part do not now exist in the 
countries in which they are found. If we 
go back to a remoter period than that when 
the alluvial and superficial covering of tlie 
eartli was deposited, to that period at which 
the greater part of our stratified rocks were 
formed, we shall find that almost another 


creation then existed, of which our present 
strata have been the cemeteries. 

Of the myriads of beleninites, cornua 
ammonis, encrinites, &c. &c. which are to 
be seen in them, none now are ever found 
in our seas, or the seas of other parts of 
the world. 

Some naturalists so far extend the opi¬ 
nion, of most of the inhabitants of the 
seas of that remote period being now ex¬ 
tinct, that they will hardly^ admit there is a 
single fossil shell wdiich will bear a strict 
comparison with any species now living. 
It is the same with the vegetable world. 
Though there are many fossil species very 
similar to species still in existence, yet few 
we believe will bear a nice examination. 
In the same argillaceous and sand-stone 
strata, in w'hich we find some plants of the 
fiiix tribe, very similar to those now grow¬ 
ing near the spot where these lie buried, we 
find others, of whose original we cannot 
form the smallest idea, which we are 
certain cannot be found in the neighbour- 



hood, and which most resemble some plants 
of the tropics. 

If we descend to times which approach 
nearer our own, and examine the alluvial 
strata, we find the remains of animals in 
in their natural state, which likewise are 
not, and most probably never were, inha¬ 
bitants of the countries in which they are 
now met with. 

There is still another general and very 
interesting observation to be made with re¬ 
gard to these substances, namely, that they 
are generally found in the middle and lower 
heights of the earth. In the middle heights 
of our globe petrifactions arc still very rarej 
but they increase in variety and number, 
as vre approach the lower places, and are 
at length accumulated in immense tjuanti- 
ties in the lowest parts of Secondaiy oi 
Stratified Mountains. 

We also observe, that the organic re¬ 
mains found in the middle heights ol 
mountains are totally changed into stone, 
but the more we descend into the lower 



places, the more these bodies appear unal¬ 
tered, or approach to their original state. 
It is likewise observed, that the higher 
places afford different genera and species 
of petrifactions from those tound in the 
lower strata. 




Sulpliuret of iron 
Arseniate of iron 
Oxid of tin,,«, t.... i. ^, 

Gray cobalt.... 

Phospbate of manganese 

Aploine .... *. 

Atnpliigene or Leucite .. 





Trregukr tetrahedron. 


Regular tetrabedroa. 

Float of lime.' 

Muriat of ammonia.. 

Alum or sulphiit of ahiminc ,. 


Muriate of copper. 

Diamond... - ^ 

Native amalgam.... 

Ruby, or red oxide of copper 
Magnetic^ or oxidulated iron., 

Native bismuth... j 

Native antimony ..... Irregular tetrahedron. 







Copper pyrites 
Gray copper . 



Garnet. . 

Sulphuret of zinc or Blond ., 

( Teb'ahedron with isosceles 
' triangular faces, all equal 
L and similar. 

II. Substances, the Primitive Forms of which only are of 
the same Kind, with Dimensions respectively peculiar to 


1. With obtuse summits. 

Carbonat of lime. 

Tourmaline ' . 

Rock crystal or quartz 


Irregular tetrahedron. 

forms or minerals. 


na‘mes of 





Dioptase ...* • • • 

Sulpliuret or red silver ore 



2, }¥ith acute summits. 


Oligist or specular iron 
Sulphate of iron ___ 





I, Pp^amids with square basest 




Molybdate of lead 

Mellite .... 

Tungstate of lime 
Oxid of tin .. *. * 


> Irregular tetrahedron. 

2 . Pyramids with Rectmgtthr bases. 

Nitrate of potash . 
Carbonate of lead 
Sulphate of lead * 


V Irregular tetrahedron. 


FORMS 0 ¥ 



0%id of Zinc. 

Arseniate of copper,, 
Mack or Chiastolite 


Shorlaceous Beril . *. 

Irregular tetrahedrofi* 

3. Pyramids with rhombic base^. 

Sulphur..... *. .4-^ 

Red sulphuret of arsenic,,,,, I 

Blue carbonat of copper.f irregular 

Silicco akareous lianite • ^ | 

Carbonate of soda.i 

Sphene p-,* ^ 



1, IVifk square bases. 

Sulphate of magnesia 
Vesuvian or Idocrase 


Chromat of lead ,,., 
Oxid of titanium ,.,, 
Parauttene .... 

lar prism. 

2. With rectangular bases 


Crysoberil or cyraophane ,,, 



Ferugioated tungsten 

Apophilite.* * * 

Anhydrous sulphate of lime*, 7 Isosceles rectangle triangu- 
Caicareous tungsten . ^ ^ prism* 

Prism with rectangular 
r bases. 

3* f¥itk rhombic hoses» 

Suipbat of barytes.. , * + i Scalene-rectangle-triangu- 

Sulpliat of strontian.* * * J lar prism. 

Staurotide ***** . y 

„ * f Isosceles-rectanele-triangu- 

.r lar pnstn. 

Triphane ..J 



Talc..*.>Prism with rhombic 

Arsenical iron , * * *... 

Sulphuret of molybdena , *,,, 

Diaspore.*....* Isosceles triangular prism* 



4. With'oblique-angled parallelogram bases. 


Sulphat of lime. 


Axioitc.. • •. 



Prism with oblique-angled 
paraiielogram bases. 


1. With rectangled bases, 

Borat of soda.. Prism with rectangled bases. 

2. With rhombic bases. 


Actinolite.> Prism with rhombic bases. 

Gram mat it e. ) 

Augite. Oblique triangular prism. 

3, With oblique-angled parallelogram bases. 



Sulphat of copper 

Prism with oblique-angled 
parallelogram bases. 




Muriat of soda ,, 

Sulphuret of lead 
Sulphuret of iron 
Oray col^alt. 




Carbonat of lime... 

Sulphuretted aiitimoniated 

silver .... 


Phosphat of lead *.. 


Sulpliuret of molybdena .., * 

Obtuse rhomboid. 

Acute rhomboid* 
Pyramidal dodecahedron. 
Straight prism with rhom 
bic bases* 


float of lime ,., 
Oxidulaled iron 

Regular octahedron* 




Muriate of ammonia 

Garnet.* * ♦,, 


Analdtne.*, * 

Regular octabedron* 
Rhomboidal dodecahedron. 

Sulphwret of iron 

General Observations, and ReJlectio7is, 07i the 
Statements, comprehending the Theory of 

Since the printing of the preceding 
sheets, Dr. Wollaston, in a paper read be¬ 
fore the Royal Society, has endeavoured to 
shew, that the original moleculae of crys- 
tallisable matter are probably spherical. 


Assuming this statement, the constitution 
of those crystalline solids which yield by 
mechanical dissection, solids of two kinds, 
namely, tetrahedrons and octahedrons, (see 
page 146), may be more satisfactorily ex¬ 
plained, than if we imagine, that the ori¬ 
ginal inolecuUe of those substances arc 
tetrahedron; because the former solids can 
arrange themselves into tetrahedrons or oc¬ 
tahedrons, and the vacuities they leave are 
of a much smaller bulk than when the for¬ 
mer crystalline solids are formed of tetra¬ 
hedral or octahedral molecula?. 

Dr. Wollaston has extended this idea, 
which he stated, as originally in part point¬ 
ed out by Dr. Hooke, to the formation of 
crystalline bodies, and endeavoured to 
show the laws of arrangements, according 
to which crystalline forms would be ]>ro- 
duced of spherical moleculie, or sometimes 
of flat spheroids. The above statement Dr. 
Wollaston observed is perfectly gratuitous. 
It wovdd not become us to anticipate the 
summary detail of this hypothesis. The 


paper to which we allude, no doubt, will 
be laid before the public by Dr. Wollas¬ 
ton himself, through the medium of the 
Philosophical Transactions. 

We have now made a hasty^ tour thro ugh 
the fertile field of crystallography. It is a 
rich field, the cultivation is merely com¬ 
menced, and which waits for more favour¬ 
able times, and a greater number of la¬ 
bourers to reap from it an abundant 

We have seen to what all the different 
metamorphoses of crystals belong under 
w'hich the primitive form is presented in 
secondary crystals, whether simple or com¬ 
pound. Sometimes the decrements are per¬ 
formed at once on all the edges, as in the 
dodecahedron with rhombic planes, or on 
all the angles, as in the octahedron origi¬ 
nating from the cube. At some times, 
take place only on certain edges or certain 
angles. At others tliere is an uniformity 
between them, so that there is only a single 


law of decrement by one, two, three ranges 
or more, and which acts on different edges 
or on different angles. Sometimes the law 
varies from one edge to another, or from 
one angle to another; and this is what 
happens in particular when the nucleus has 
not a symmetrical form, as when it is a 
parallelopipedon, the faces of which differ 
by their respective inclinations, or by the 
measurements of their angles. In some 
cases the decrements on the edges corres¬ 
pond with the decrements on the angles to 
produce the same crystalline form. It also 
happens sometimes that the same edge, 
or the same angle, undergoes successively 
several laws of decrement which succeed 
each other; and even further, there is a mul¬ 
titude of cases in which the secondary 
crystal has faces parallel to those of the 
primitive form, and which are combined 
with the faces produced by the decrements, 
and give rise to new, in order to modifica¬ 

With such diversity of laws, sometimes 


solitary, and sometimes marching as it 
were by groups round the same primitive 
fomi, the number of ranges subtracted was 
in itself very variable; if, for example, 
there were decrements by twenty, thirty, 
forty, or more ranges, as may be imagined, 
the multitude of forms which might exist 
in each species of mineral would be capa¬ 
ble to overwhelm the imagination, and the 
study of crystallography would present an 
immense labyrinth, which, in spite of the 
clue furnished by theory, could with diffi¬ 
culty be unravelled. But the power which 
produces the subtractions seems to have a 
very limited action. These subtractions 
are most frequently formed by one or two 
ranges of raolecul 0 e. Haiiy found none 
which went beyond six ranges ; but such is 
the fertility which is united with this sim¬ 
plicity, that, by confining ourselves to de¬ 
crements by one, two, three, and four 
ranges, and abstracting those which are 
mixed or intermediate, we find that the 
rhomboid is susceptible of eight millions 


three hundred and eighty-eight thousand 
six hundred and four possible forms of the 
same substance, and even this number may 
be much extended in consequence either of 
intermediary or mixed decrements being 
taken into account. 

In order to have a still more accurate 
idea of the power of crystallisation, we 
must add to this facility of producing so 
many different forms, in commencing with 
a single figure, that of attaining one and 
the same form by different structures. The 
rhoinboidal dodecahedron, for instance, 
which we obtained by combining cubical 
molecules, exists in the garnet, with a 
structure composed of small tetrahedrons 
with triangular isoscele faces, as we shall 
find under the head of this mineral sub¬ 
stance; and Haiiy has found it in a species 
of fluate of lime, where it is also an assem¬ 
blage of tetrahedrons, but regular, and 
the faces of which are equilateral triangles. 
Some attempts at the dissection of primi¬ 
tive crystals seem to announce, that the 


tetrahedron, with triangular faces, is the 
most frequent primitive form of the parti¬ 
cles ; to these may also be joined, in thought, 
the triangular prism and the parallelopi- 
pedon. Tetrahedrons, arranged in a great 
many different mannei’s, give every possi¬ 
ble form, as may be seen by the artificial 
generation of parallelopipcdons, from la- 
mi nje by every kind of superposition, of 
octahedrons, of dodecahedrons, of rhom¬ 
boids, &c. It is evident then, that the te¬ 
trahedron may be supposed the only pri¬ 
mitive form of the particles, generating 
every other form, as well in the nuclei as in 
the secondary and external crystallisations. 
In this probable hypothesis, which is con¬ 
sistent with the simplicity and economy of 
natui'e, the constant and given forms, both 
of the nuclei and in the secondary crystals 
of the same substance, depend only on the 
respective disposition, or the particular ar¬ 
rangement of the primitive particles among 
themselves. It is in the disposition, and 
the arrangement of these particles, which 


always takes place in the same manner in 
the same substance, that the geometric cha¬ 
racter of each substance consists; and this 
character, or that limited disposition of 
particles, depends on the proper or chemi¬ 
cal nature of bodies. 




Preliminary Obseixations. 

THERE is no one who has seriously at¬ 
tended to the study of mineralogy, without 
feeling at the same time the necessity of 
establishing divisions among the substances 
of this department of nature, so as to re-? 
move the numberless difficulties which 
would otherwise oppose the acquisition of 
knowledge. The aim of these arrangements 
consists in such a disposition of bodies as 
places those nearest each other which have 
similar properties, and others remoter, as 
their habitudes differ. 


The first notions which men adopted 
from necessity concerning tlie diflerent 
properties of iniiiera) substances may be 
regarded as the early sketches of arrange¬ 
ment. In the time of Pliny, stones were 
even then distinguished from salts, from 
bitumens, and from metals, and a di^'ision 
into four classes already existed. The 
electric property of amber, the combusti¬ 
bility of bitumen, and the attraction of 
iron by the magnet, were known: already 
the stones formed distinct groups. The 
marbles and gems were separated, the 
heavy and the light, the hard and the soft 
mi uerals were d iv ided. Anti q ui tj' h owever 
did not possess one single true notion, nor 
one positive idea of the methods, or classi¬ 
fication of natural histoiy, their advantages, 
and their necessity. 

It was in the eighteenth century alone, 
that the denominations of kingdoms in na¬ 
tural bodies were adopted, that the mineral 
kingdom was jiarticularly admitted, that 
mineralogical metliods were imagined, and 
the distinctive properties or characters ex- 


amined with a view to class and distinguish 
these different kinds of bodies. 

It was natural, at first, to take for the 
characters of classification such properties 
as are the most apparent, the 7nost sensible, 
and the most easy observed by the senses: 
or at least such of them as arc most cha¬ 
racteristic of the substances to which they 
belong; and that mineralogical methods in 
particular should be founded on what are 
called external characters, that is to say, on 
the striking properties only which minerals 
present to our senses, and which may be 
observed without causing them to undergo 
any material alteration. 

In running over the different arrange¬ 
ments proposed successively, and which 
have been more or less established on the 
external or obvious characters, which the 
senses'could discover, it was observed that 
the distinctions admitted would be insuffi¬ 
cient to discriminate the substances of the 
mineral kingdom, and that they were more 
adapted to appropriate and to separate 


similar bodies from each other, or to con¬ 
found for a long time the art of regularly 
and unequivocally characterising minerals, 
with the mere routine of knowing tliem at 

This singular pretension, which has done 
much injury to the progress of rnineralogi- 
cal science, is exhibited more particularly 
in some systems, w'hich consider minerals 
only with regard to Home of their proper¬ 
ties. The authors, in framing their sys¬ 
tems, have wished to draw, from a few 
single considerations, an order and distri¬ 
bution which they pretend is natural for 
the relative disposition, and a classification 
which they assert is easy to distinguish mi¬ 
neral substances from each other. 

Instructed by the insufficiency of this 
proceeding, and guided by a light less 
deceitful and uncertain, again others have 
happily perceived that no single collection 
of external properties can be of use to 
establish real distinctions, that it is neces¬ 
sary to discriminate carefully the system, 


which by common characters only seeks to 
arrange these compounds with each other, 
from that artificial method, of which the 
aim is to teach the memis of distinguishing 
them unequivocally and without error. 
They have associated and compared not 
only the obvious or striking characters, 
but all the individual apparent or sensible 
properties, and in opposing and contrast¬ 
ing the totallity of them ivith each other, 
they have established characters, proper to 
distinguish these bodies with more success. 
They have given a kind of portrait, by de¬ 
composing in some measure all the features 
of their physiognomy, and those outlines 
which have the strongest resemblance are 
then considered as answering the intended 

However advantageous such a proceed¬ 
ing may be, it is nevertheless evidently re¬ 
ducible to a clear analysis of the external 
properties of minerals only; whatever may 
be the facility it affords of distinguishing 
each kind of mineral by reducing it to its 

A A 


just value, we must by no means forget 
that it cannot be applied for disposing 
these liodies in a natural order, that it can 
never serve to indicate their intimate nature 
or composition, and that it is not capable 
of answering its* own peculiar object, unless 
a faithful enumeration of all the properties 
of each individual be given, and tliat 
otherwise we should constantly be in 
danger of confounding the mineral com¬ 
pound ; and hence the method pursued 
can only be considered as an approxima¬ 
tion to truth. It is indeed an excellent 
table, by the help of which we may find 
the object intended to be studied, but 
which can never dispense us from the ne¬ 
cessity of investigating their properties and 
internal nature. If we are desirous of 
knowing the’bodies we examine, and par¬ 
ticularly determine the uses to which they 
may be successfully applied, recourse must 
be had to their chemical habitudes, that is 
to say, to the relations which they bear to 
other substances, on or from which they 


are capable of producing or receiving some 
peculiar observable changes. 

It was undoubtedly because the study 
of the external characters of minerals soon 
convinced mineralogists that the mode of 
proceeding just stated was far from con¬ 
ducing to the exact knowledge of mine¬ 
rals, and that it was only capable of giving 
false ideas and producing errors respecting 
their nature, that the project was adopted 
of classing mineral substances according to 
their chemical composition or intimate 
nature. I’liis happy thought, which forms 
the only real foundation and solid basis of 
the science, which, from the mere art or 
routine of distinguishing and naming these 
bodies, elevates it to a true science, has 
much engaged the attention of chemical 
mineralogists, who have successively la¬ 
boured to extend, to improve, and to com¬ 
plete it. And this great object is not yet 
terminated, notwithstanding the numerous 
researches which liave been made, and are 
daily making, without intermission, in this 
department of knowledge. 

A A 2 


The chemical examination of minerals, 
that is to say, the nature of their composi¬ 
tion, it is true does not yet enable us to 
compare the nature and characters of all 
the minerals hitherto known, so as to ar¬ 
range them in a discriminate series, by the 
order of their composition, or so as to form 
a chemical arrangement, perfect in its 
structure. Each individual has not, and 
cannot be analyzed; this w ould be im¬ 
practicable, and were it not, it would be 
without utility, but when the analysis of a 
mineral has been effected, we have reason 
to presume that a similarity of composition 
w’ill exist in other specimens which agree 
with it closely in its external properties or 

It must be obvious, that the methodical 
distributions of minerals, whatever steps 
may be taken, cannot be so absolute and 
determinate as those which belong to ani¬ 
mals and vegetables. Minerals, not being 
organic bodies produced by egg’s or seeds, 
are not themselves so determinate and con¬ 
stant, and thus the great and essential dif- 



ference of arranging them into classes, 
genera and species, so useful in the vegeta¬ 
ble and animal kingdom, strictly speaking, 
is lost in mineralogy. And although mine¬ 
ralogists do by no means agree concerning 
the best modes of arranging minerals, 
even those who have most decidedly re¬ 
jected the chemical system of classifica¬ 
tion, have admitted that the class and 
genus in mineralogy can be founded only 
on chemical principles, hence the ores, the 
stones, the salts, and the inflammable 
fossils, form distinct classes; and each metal 
and each earth gives rise to a genus. No 
other principle, no other chai*acter, or set 
of characters, can be substituted without 
rendering mineralogy an assemblage of the 
most vague, arbitrary, and fluctuating 
science; and hence this proceeding of fixing 
the higher divisions is well founded, and 
universally admitted. 

The chief difficulty which offei’s itself 
affects what is called the species. In the 
animal and vegetable kingdom, the species 


is fixed by an invariable character. A 
certain organization and form are trans¬ 
mitted from one individual to another, with 
the combining the same succession, each 
plant and animal constitutes a Avholc, pos¬ 
sessing a determinate form; each individual 
exhibits an essential difl'erence capable of 
definition, and on this the species of the 
plant or animal is founded, and perma¬ 
nently fixed. In the general assemblage 
of properties there is no such thing as an 
imperceptible gradation from one to an¬ 
other. The individual of each, not liable 
to be placed under variations of circum¬ 
stances at their formation, when the cha¬ 
racters are fixed, are not liable to be much 
disguised in structure or form, and any 
alteration, when produced, being abso¬ 
lutely confined to the individual, is soon 

In the mineral kingdom each substance 
cannot thus be considered as an individual, 
and the species therefore cannot be deter¬ 
minate, arising from chemical combina- 


tion, and that combination being liable to 
be influenced by various circumstances, 
while there is a power counteracting these 
and preserving uniformity, the individuals 
are liable to be almost indefinitely di^'er- 
sified in their properties, and must pass in¬ 
variable into each other. 

In the system of Haiiy, the chemical 
composition of minerals is said to be pro¬ 
fessedly taken into view, in forming the 
arrangement, the species is determined 
from one character, namely, the integrant 
molecule; and hence Haiiy defines the 
species, “ A collection of bodies, of which 
the integrant moleculae are alike, and com¬ 
posed of the same elements united in the 
same proportion.” This latter condition 
being added, he generalizes the definition, 
and extends it to substances which, having 
their integral moleculae of the same form, 
differ essentially in the principles of which 
these moleculae are composed^; the form 


* Traite de Mineralogie, tom. I. p. 169 , 


of the integrant particle therefore being the 
basis of the specific distinction. 

But as it is impossible to extend the 
system of the integral molecule to all mi- 
neralSf there are mineralogists who re¬ 
proach it with the difficulty of finding the 
directions of the cleavage, in many cases, 
the trouble of calculating them, See, We 
should no longer*' use the microscope, the 
telescope, nor the chronometer, for they 
also are very difficult to execute. Let us 
content ourselves with dressing, sleeping, 
and eating, convinced that without the 
pendulum and the telescope the stars will 
continue their course, and bring back the 
hours of sleep and the restoration of our 

The last objection which has been made 
against the system of Haiiy, says this phi¬ 
losopher, and ito yrhich I shall pay any 
attention is that which is stated thus: “ We 

* Clienevix. In the Philosophical Magazine, 
voL 36 - 


must abandon the French system for that 
of the external characters, as the integral 
molecule cannot be observed in all mine¬ 
rals." One of the great advantages of the 
system of M. Haiiy, one of its principal 
beauties, is to follow nature, and to speak 
as she does. Where she has finished her 
work in the highest manner of which it is 
susceptible, M. Haiiy does the same ; and 
if she produces a mineral endowed with all 
the characters which, according to us, com¬ 
pose the most perfect state, it is classed 
and defined as such. If she has been 
sometimes less rigorous in impressing her 
mark of perfection, the system follows the 
same course; while the method of external 
characters renders equally the honours of 
rigorous classification to sapphire and to 
the alumina of Plalle. To say that we 
should make no use of an excellent system, 
because cases occur where it is unavailable, 
is to say to a patient. Lie not on a feather 
bed; for, if you are deprived of it, you will 
be reduced to the necessity of sleeping on 
a board. It is to tell a man in health not 

362 CLAssiriCATi03sr of minerals. 

to take nourishment, for if the provisions 
become deficient he could no longer eat. 

The following is the methodical distribution 
of Mmerah adopted in the French School 
of Mitieralogp. 






Combinations of earths with acids. 





Carbonate of lime. 

Phosphate of lime, 

Fluate of lime, 

Sulphate of lime, 

Nitrate of lime, 

Arseniate of lime. 


Carbonate of Lime united to different sub- 
stanceSi so as to preserve its structure^ or 
some of its principal characters. 

Aluminiferous carbonate of lime, 
Ferriferous carbonate of lime, 

Siliceous carbonate of lime. 

Magnesian carbonate of lime, 

Hj-’dro sulphurised, or foetid carbonate of 

Bituminous carbonate of lime. 





Sulphate of barytes. 
Carbonate of barytes. 



Sulphate of strontia, 
Carbonate of strontia. 



Sulphate of magnesia, 


Borate of magnesia, 
Carbonate of magnesia. 


Combinations of alcalies with acids. 




Nitrate of potash. 




Muriate of soda, 

t- . 








Borate of soda. 
Carbonate of soda. 



Muriate of ammonia. 


Comhinations of earths and ahaliea mth 




Sulphate of alumine and potash, 
riuate of alumine and potash. 





I Agate 

Quartz ■{ Resinitc 

^^Pseudom Orphic 




Spinel ruby, 


* This class has no orders nor genera, but is only a 
series of individual species. 



Euclase, , 




























Simple combustible substances. 






Compound combustible substances. 













Substa}ices immediately ox idable and reducible 
by heat. 




Native mercury, 

Argentiferous mercury, 

Sulphuret of mercury. 

Muriate of mercury, 
Hydrosulphuret of mercury. 


Substances which are oxidable, but not imme¬ 
diately reducible by heat. 






Native lead, (volcanic) 
Sulpliuret of lead, 
Arseni ate of lead. 
Chromate of lead, 
Caibonate of lead, 
Phosphate of lead. 
Sulphate of lead. 
Muriate of lead, 
Murio-sulphate of lead. 



Arseniate of nickel, 
Oxid of nickel. 




Native copper, 

Sulphnret of copper, 

Grey oxicl of copper, 

Red oxid of copper, 
Muriate of copper, 

Blue carbonate of copper, 
Green carbonate of copper, 
Arseniate of copper, 
Sulphate of copper. 




Oxid of iron, 

Oligistous or specular iron, 
Arseniate of iron, 


Sulphate of iron, 
Carbonate of iron, 
Chromate of iron. 



Oxid of tin, 
Sulphuret of tin. 



Sulphuret of zinc, 
Sulphate of zinc, 
Carbonate of zinc. 






Native bismuth, 

Sulphuret of bismuth, 

Oxid of bismuth. 



Arseniate of cobalt. 
Grey oxid of cobalt. 
Black oxid of cobalt. 




Native arsenic, 

Oxid of arsenic, 
Sulphuret of arsenic. 



Oxid of manganese. 



Native antimony. 


Swlphuret of antimony, 

Oxid of antimony, 

?Iydrosulphuret of antimony. 




Oxid of uranium, 
Oxidulated uranium. 




Sulphuret of molybdena. 




Oxid of titanium, 
Siliceo-calcareous titanium. 



Feruginated tungsten, 
Calcareous tungsten. 



Native tellurium, united to different metals. 





Chromeate of lead, 

Chromate of iron. 









. M 











Ecume cle Terre, 

Emerald of France, 
Eeldspar, apyrous, 




Lime, sulphate anhydrous. 


Lime, sulphate quartziferous, 





Radiant spar, 

Schistous spar, 

Spin there. 



Zeolite, efflorescent, 

Zeolite, yellowish radiated, 
Zeolite, red. 



Aggregates considered as of primitive forma- 
tiott, and which bear more partictdarly the 
name of rocks. 


Feldsphathic rock, 
Quartzose rose. 
Amphibolic rock. 
Micaceous rock, 
Talcous rock. 
Calcareous rock, 
Petrosiliceous rock, 
Cornean rock, 
Serpentinous rock, 
Argillaceous rock. 


Aggregates generally considered secondary 
or tertiary in their formation^ and which 
seem to owe their ori^n to sediments^ and 
their hardness to desiccation. 


Calcariferous clay or marie, 


Argilio-ferriferous poiishablc limestone, or 
secondary marble, ■ 

Calcaritei'oiis sulphate of lime, commonly 
called jilaster stone. 


Potter's clay, 

Puller’s clay, 

Lithomargic clay, 

Oclireous clay. 

Schistous clay. 


Aggregates composed of fragments aggluti¬ 
nated posterior to the formation of the 
substances to which they have belonged. 

Quartz-agate breccia. 

Calcareous breccia. 


Agglutinated arenaceous (juartz, or grit, 
Tripolian alumineferous quartz. Tripoli, 
Recomposed granite, commonly called grit 
of the coal mines. 





Substances which have undergone igneous 


Lifhoidal lavas, viz. having the appearance 
of stones. 



Basaltic lithoidal lavas, 
Petrosiliccous lithoidal lavas, 
Feldspathic lithoidal lavas, 
Arnphigenic lithoidal lavas. 


Vitreous lavas^ having more or less a vitrijied 


Scoriated lavas, resembling more or less the 
scoria of forges. 


Obsidean vitreous lava, 
c c 2 

388 CLASSIPICATIOlir op minerals. 

Enamdled vitreous lavaj 
Pearled vitreous lava. 
Pumiced vitreous lava. 
Capillary vitreous lava. 



Substances which indicate only traces of the 
agency of subterranean heat. 


Cementing thermantidc, 

Tripolian thermantide, 

Pulverulent thermantide. 





Muriate of ammonia, 

Sulphuret of arsenic, 

Oligistous iron, &c. 

Nt B. These admit of specific distinction^ and have a 
place in the method; hut considered with reference to 
volcanic produclSy are only mrious sublimates. 



Having suffered more or less decomposition by 
the attacks of acidosulpkureous vapours or 
by the action of the aUnospkere, 




Aluminiferous decomposed lava. 
The alum stone of Tolfa. 



Products of muddy eruptions, cementations, 
and agglutinatwns, by the Immidprocess. 






Mineraiogktil Chests^ Chtmieal Preparations and ApparatuSj 





The Chemical .apparatus and Bottles contained in the following 
Chests are arranged in such a manner, that thej may he seen 
atone View ’when the Chest and Drawers are open; they arc 
besides so packed that they can readily be to Ken out, and 
wdieii replaced fU in such a way» that the ’^vbolej when Uie 
Chest is locked, may be turned upside dowTi wnlhout Risk of 
receiving injury* 

Pocket Mincralogicfd Blotrptpe Apparatus . £3* to £4, 

This small mineralogical case contains Dr, Wollaston’s hlo’w- 
pipCj a double niagnifier, platina foil, a blow'pipe forceps, two 
bottles of fluxes, a steel graver, lest tubes, and the most essen¬ 
tial re*ageiits necessary for the immediate examination of mine¬ 
rals, In the study of mineralogy, the pocket blowpipe appara¬ 
tus, which joins to the convenience of a small size, and the facility 
of being easily transportable, is of singular advantage* It 
enables the mineralogist to expose instantly, to the action of a 
most yiolcnt heat, the substances he may meet willi in his 
travels, &:c* 

Mhieralogical Travelling Chests .. .£7, 7s* to £13^ 13s. 

Though the blowpipe assay is usually sufllcieul to furnish ge¬ 
neral notions concerning the substances of the mineral kingdom, 
those who study mineralogy as a science, arc not content with 
this kind of analysis, because it docs not uflbrd the summary in¬ 
formation they require. By alwaijs operating on siual) frag- 
ments, the results obtained are loo minute to enable the operator 
to determine quantities with accuracy- By the applicalioti of 
the re-agents contained in this chest the general nature of any 
mineral may he easily and quickly ascertained, 

Alineralogical Laboi'atorks .£10* IGs, to £25* 

This portable laboratory contains a complele collection 
of the most approved apparatus and instruments necessary for 
carrying on the analysis of mineral substances of all kinds. Ft 
forms a compamo?t to Accum*s Manual of Anal^ticoI Mineralo^j^i 
intended to faciHiaU the pruclkal analysis of metaltie ores, 


iccum Crysfd /1 ogi 'aphy. 






irruRi's , 

Fi.iu IK 







i !fe, 

• J 

L ' 


earthsj ittojiesy and other subjects of the mineral kingdoms ; in * 
Tols. A drawing and full description of the inineralogical 
laboratory may be seen in the Philosophical Magazine, No. eWii. 

Portable Chemical Laboratories, for carrying on a general 
Course of Chemical Experiments .£30. to £80. 

Since chemistry has changed its appearance; since its instru* 
meats of experiments have been perfected, and acquired new 
forms, new paths for exploring the productions of nature have 
also been opened, the art of experimenting has been simplified, 
and become more familiar and easy. Experience has thus 
shown, that however varied the objects of research may be, and, 
however numerous and different the products to be obtained 
may appear, the operator is now enabled to perform, at a trifling 
cxpence, his processes in the closet with more precision and 
perspicuity than could formerly be done in the regular labora¬ 
tory fitted up with costly instruments. The numerous processet 
of degestions, the sublimation of salts, the solution of earthy, 
metallic, and other bodies, the concentration of saline liquids, 
the desulphuration of metallic ores, the processes of distillation 
by the naked fire or the sand-bath, and even the production of 
gases, and fusion of earthy fossils with alcalies, may be accom¬ 
plished, at a trifling expence, by the help of the portable la¬ 

Packed Goniometer, described page 86. 

Wollastons Eejltctive Goniometer, described page 90. 
Mineralogical Electrometers, described page 246. 

Pocked Magnifiers for examining Minerals, 

Improved Lamp Furnaces, £3. 3^. to £5. bs. 

The lamp-furnace, as it is perhaps not very properly called, is 
one of the most convenient means of applying the brilliant flame 
of an Argan’s lamp to the purposes of experimental chemistry. 
By means of it a vast number of chemical operations may be 
performed with great speed, precision, and perspicuity. Indeed 
the lamp-furnace may be useu for almost every one of the opera¬ 
tions of chemistry in the small way, which require a temperature 
not exceeding a dull red heat. The processes of digestion, the 
sublimation of salts, the solution of earthy and metallic bodies, 
the concentration of liquids, all the multifarious processes of 
distillations by the sand-bath, and by the naked fire, the produc¬ 
tion of gases with the pneumatic apparatus, may commodiouslj 
be accomplished, at a trifling expence, ou the table, with the 
help of this instrunieat. 

D B 


Moveable Universal Furnace, . .. . to £8, 8s* 

Among the whole grotip of app^iratus rksigncd for jipplyiiig 
heat to bodies, this furnave undoubtedly is for tJie purposes of 
experimental chemistry the most useful, however mimerouB and 
different the operations to be performed may be. It may be used 
with perfect safety in a room, and is therefore well calculated, 
not only for those operators who have no access to the !abora* 
tory, but also for lecturers on chemistry. A very large number 
of chemical processes may be carried on in this furnace coniino- 
diously and at a cheap rate. 


Universal Furnace—Table Lamp Furnaces—Chemical Lamps 
—Spirit LampS'—^Blowpipes with Plalina Jets, Platina Spoon, 
Forceps, and Foil—Chemical Thermometers—Pneumatic Tables 
with Assortments of BelLGIasses, Cylindrical Receivers, and De¬ 
ll age rating Jars—^Detonating Tuhes’—Bel LG lasses raounled with 
Stop-Cocks, Bladders, &c,—Glass Retorts with long Necks for 
procuring Gases—Eudiometers—Graduated Cylindrical Jars, di- 
Tided into Cubic Inches and Decimal Parts—various sized Gas 
Bottles, plain and tubulated—Cast-Iron and WroughMron Re¬ 
torts, with Conducting Tubes—largo Bladders, with Slop-Cocks 
—A i r-Holders—A pparatus for i mpregnating Fl u ids wi Ih Gases— 
Pneumatic Mercurial Troughs, Nests of Cylindrical Air-jars 
adapted for the Mercurial Trough, plain and graduated^—Gl^s 
and Earthenware Retorts, plain and tubulated, with correspoiKl- 
ing Glass Receivers—Balloon Receivers—Small Copper Stills and 
Refrigerators-—Glass Alembics—ditto of pure Silver, with Glass 
Capital—Earthenware and Black-lead Crucibles, round, trian- 
gular, and Skittle-shaped, with Stands and Covers for ditto— 
Specific Gravity Bottles—Steam Baths for drying Precipitates— 
Delicate Scales, and corresponding Weights—Common Hand- 
scales, and Piles of Weights for ditto—Galvanic Batteries, with 
Apparatus, for the Decomposition of Water—Glass, Porcelain, 
Earthen, and Stoneware Funnels, plain and ribbed—Glass Funnels, 
with long Kecks,for charging Retorts—Glass Jars, in Sizes,plain 
and with Lips, for decanting or precipitating fluid, and for stir¬ 
ring mixtures—^Iron Standards, with Sliding Rings for support¬ 
ing Retorts, Flasks, Basons, and other Vessels—Filtering Stands 
and Filtering Frames^Test Tubes and Stand—Earthenware 
Basons, wiUi Spouts, in Sizes—Flasks, Assay Jars, Matrasses, 
and Bolt-heads—Hand-mortars of Porcelain Biscuit—^Iron Mor¬ 
tars, in Sizes—Graduated Glass Measures, from two Ounces to 
one Pint Capacity—Florence Flasks, and Stands for ditto—vari¬ 
ous sized Iron Boilers and Pans—^Adoplers of Glass and Earthen¬ 
ware—Steel Spatulas—a small Silver Spatula—a ditto of Platina 
—Glass and Enamel Rods, for stirring Acid and corrosive Mix- 



turcs—Capillary Tubes—Metal and Glass Syphons—Steel Anvils 
—Iron Ladles—Glass, Silver, and Earthenware Spoons—Sockets 
and Joints, for connecting Stop-Cocks, &c.—Tubes of Safety, 
and Hydrostatic Funnels—circular Pieces of Metal, and Plates of 
Glass, for covering deflageratiiig Jars, &c.—Copper Delibe¬ 
rating Ladles—Writing Diamonds—Masks, to defend the 
against Accidents in Chemical Operations—Barometers—Elec¬ 
trical Machines—Double-barrelled Table Air-Pumps—Hidro- 
static Balances, and Nicholson’s Hidromelers—Burning Lenses— 
Gazometers—Portable forge and Blowpipe Tables, with double 
Bellows—Freezing Apparatus—Flasks and Globes, for weighing 
Gases—Calorimeters—Leslie’s Differential Thermometer—Metm 
Reflectors—Agate and Steel Mortars—Blast Furnaces—very de¬ 
licate Balances and corresponding Weights, &c. 



Sulphuric Acid, pure and common—Nitric Acid, pure and 
common—Nitroas Acid—Muriatic Acid, pure and common—Oxi- 
rauriatic Acid—Tartaric Acid, and all the rest of the Known 




Potash, pure and common—Soda, pure and common—Ammo¬ 
nia, pure and common. 


Iron Filings and Wire—Copper, pure and common, and Cop¬ 
per Clippings—Granulated Zinc—Lead Foil—Silver Leaf and 
Wire—Gold Leaf and Wire—Tin Foil and Filings—Platina Foil 
and Wire—Qucksilvcr—Bismuth. 


Red Cabbage Tincture—Litmus Tincture—Turmeric Tincture 
—-Brazil Wood Tincture—Tincture of Galls—Papers stained 
with these Tinctures—Alcohol, pure and common—Solution of 
Oxid Arsenic—Solution of Acetate Barytes—Solution of Sulphate 
Silver—Barytic Water—Hidrosiilphurct Lime—Lime Water— 
Solution of Acetate Lead—Solution of Muriate Bismuth—Solu¬ 
tion of Muriate Barytes—Solution of Muriate Gold—Solution of 
Muriate Tin—Solution of Muriate Lime—Solution of Muriate 
Platina—Solution of Nitrate Lead—Solution of Nitrate Barytes 
—Solution of Nitrate Silver—Solution of Oxalic Acid—Solution 


of OxRlatc AmmonU^—Sululionof Pru^siate Potash—Solution of 
Prtissiate Lime—Solution of Pru^isiato Mercury — Solution of 
Soap in Alcohol—Solution of Sulphate Silver—Solution of Suc¬ 
cinate Soda^Polished PlHtc» of Copper, Iron, and Zinc — Sul¬ 
phate of Iron—Stroiilia Water. 


Vitrified Borax—Vitrified Phosphoric Acid — Dried Phosphate 
—Dried Carbonate Soda—White Plux — Black Plux^Crude 
PltiX'^-Powder Green Glass, 


Carbonate Ammonia, pure and common—Carbonate Barytes 
native—Carbonate Potash, pure and common—Carbonate Soda, 
pure and common—Carbonate Strontia, native^—-Muriate Am¬ 
monia—Muriate Lime—Muriate Stfontla—it rale Ammonia- — 
Nitrate Barytes—Nitrate Copper—Nitrate Lead-—Nitrate Mer¬ 
cury—Nitrate Stronliji — Oxi-uiuriatc Potash—Sulphate Iron — 
Sulphate Potash—Sulphate Magnesia—Suh-carbouate Magnesia. 


Ox id of Manganese—Bed Ox id of Lead—Red Ox id of Mcr- 
cury—Black and Red Ox id of Irou—Browu Ox id of Copper-™ 
White Oxid of Tin, 


Sulphurel Iron^Svilphuret Auimoma — Sulpliurct Lime—Sul- 
phurct Potash. 


White Marble—Phosphorus—Sulphuric Ether- — Sulphur — 
Naptha — Oil of Turpentine—boiled Ltnt-.seed Oil—Spirit Varnish 

Paris Plaster—Windsor Loam—Stourbridge Clay — Lint-seed 
" cal—Slips of Bladder—Common Lute, for closing Glass 
Vessels, in preparing all common distilled Llrjuors—Lute for 
confining Acid and corrosive Vapours—Fire Lute to join the 
Covers of Crucibles, so as to keep them Air-tight, at a strong 
Heat—Fire Lutes' for coating Glass and Earthenware Retorts— 
Cement for stopping Cracks In Iron Vessels intended to bear a 
lied Beat—Resinous Cement for fixing Tubes, &c. into Glass 
Vessels, to be Air and Water tight—Varnish for closely fitting 
Bladders and Bags to Stop-Cock's, and for rendering the joinings 
of small Glass Apparatus Air-tiglit, and every other Article cm-^ 
I>loyed in the Pursuits of Operative aud Experimental Chemistry. 

A Descriptive Catalogue^ exhibUing the Prices of 
the above Articles^ may be hud at iVo, 11^ Old Compiott 
Street^ Soko. 

J. O, 8AIUailIt>,