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Maft Bukhsh Barkhurdaria Trust 

P.O. Box : 5882 Karachi, 

Fax : (92-21) 7512774 











Translated by 

Written by 
Maulana Mohammad Manzoor Nomani 

(Rehinatullah Alaih) 

Allah Bukhsh Barkhurdaria Trust 

P.O. Box No : 5882 Karachi, Pakistan. 

Fax: (92-21) 7512774 


Cil^xJ 1 





1. The Holy Kalimah , 1 1 

2. Salaah ...17 

% Zakaah 31 

f r *-? ((Vljll i« •iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiaiiiii*iii»EiiiEitiiH4l»tri^tM^ l MHTrii^rirrfi*iiaiii*iiiiJ / 



d. Piety (Taqwaa) 43 

7 \ Honesty in Dealings .. .i*;i**,+.> ,..„ 49 

K. Social Conduct and Mutual Relations 57 

% Good Manners and Noble Qualities + , ,...., ,68 

( 10. Love of Allah, die Prophet and the Faith ..^82 

0) II. Preaching and Propagation , 85 

12. Constancy . ...... .♦,„„..->..„ . ..., 91 

13. Jihad 95 

14. Martyrdom 98 

1 5. Life After Death 101 

16. Heaven and Hell 

17. Zikr 


18. Du'aa 126 

19. Durood Shareef 130 

20. Tauhah .....134 

21. Epilogue..... ...142 

22. Appendix 144 

I Forty Prayers from the Holy Quraan and the 

II Prayers for particular occasions. 










Should it be possible for the Holy Prophet (SaUallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) to he sent down into the world once again by AHah 
{Nuhhaanahu Wataaalaa) what would his reaction be on seeing the 
conduct and behaviour and the general design of life of the community 
thai exists today by the name of Muslim? And what advice and 

command would he give to such of his followers who still possess in 

Iheir hearts some solicitude for the faith and whose souls have not yet 

O fro/,en to and get completely bereft of devotion and allegiance to 
H Islam? 

Without the least hesitation, 1 can say that he will feel extreme pain 
T al Ihe spectacle of utter moral and spiritual degeneration in the bulk of 
^ Muslims present these days, as much as he was by the brutal treatment 
mclcd out to him by the people of Taif or by the savage assaults made 
by I lie callous Poly the ists at Uliad. And his message to earnest concern 
lor faith will be to dedicate themselves whole-heartedly to the task of 
improving and reforming the lamentable religious state of his Urnmah 
.iikI of breathing into it again the spirit of Faith and Islamic way of life. 

So, if you find yourself in agreement with me and your heart 
timeurs with what I have said above, you must resolve, here and now, 
ittiri in all sincerity, to make this endeavour a part of your life. For my 
pari, I am absolutely confident that it is the choicest way to earn the 
pleasure of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and the blessings of the 
huphel (SaUallahu Alaihe Wasallam) and to make his soul happy. 

Ily the grace of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) efforts of the 
moral and religious revival of Muslims are being made on a fairly large 
'a'ale in India and Pakistan and in several other countries, also in the 





form of a movement called Tabligh. Wherever you may be living you 
can take pari in these efforts, according lo your means and 
circum stances, alongwith odier earnest sons of Islam of your place and 
also do what you can individually in this respect. 

This small book which is now in your hands is a part of this 
rmlr;iv<mi Is has been written specially to meet the needs of Muslim 
UIV1I lllitt wumrn who do tu>t know much about Islam or who cannot 
•I v HI I llimiiHrlvrN «i| mmv advanced bonks on it. They can read it 
IhiMHNtrivM in Mil vi 1 H ivml mil in the in by t if hero and also communicate 
iiii i iinlrniN in llltlll hiclliirii by ivmliiif, lilt* bunk publicly in mosques 
Unci lit oibi'i Muslim runpj'cp.aiions, sine) flitis, do (heir bit towards their 
own leli^iuns cunecliuu and reform as well as that of others, 

[hough the book consists only of about two hundred pages, 
(urdu version) the sum and substance of the Faith has been covered fully 
in it. Within its twenty lessons all those teachings of the Holy Quraan 
and the Traditions have been compressed by knowing which and by 
acting on which a common man can not only become a good Muslim but 
J. a perfect man of faith and a "friend" of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 

also. Besides, it can be freely presented to those non-Muslims who may 
be interested in knowing about Islam and its precepts. 

The humble author could only produce the book which he has 
done. Now, to make it serve the purpose, in a worth while manner, for 
which it has been written depends solely on your choice and 
cooperation. Had his financial resources perm i ted, the author would 
have got it printed in millions and sent a copy of it, free of cost, lo 
every educated Muslim in India, The conditions now prevailing in 
India, particularly, cry out for it. But, from the beginning, it has been 
ihc Will of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) thai those who cherish such 
aspirations seldom have the means lo realise them and, without a doubt, 
iIh'm- lies great wisdom of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) in it also. 

IW il us may, it is beyond the power of the writer of this book to 
hiii desire. Bui, if Muslims in whose hands the book may reach 





decide, in their eagerness to propitiate Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
and give happiness to the soul of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallani) and to earn for themselves a bountiful reward in the 
Hereafter, to make it available, or its contents, to as many of their 
brethren as possible, the real aim of its writing and publication would 
be fulfilled to a good extent. 

As it has been indicated already, in the new context of things in 
India the rcligous future of Muslims rests apparently on the sole 
condition that every follower of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) here who is aware of the importance of the Faith and knows 
what it means should make it a personal duty to strive for the Islamic 
regeneration of the general body of Muslims and a missions of his life 
lo carry the message of Faith and the teachings of Islam to each and 
every member of his community. 

Mohammad Manzoor Norn an i ■ 

(Rehmatullah Alaih) 

1 ,ucknow. 




llroihns! v I n i all will, perhaps, be aware that Islam is not the name 
til iiiMi 1 tit i i iniiiiiitiil y so fhsit anyone who is born in it automatically 
h<M iMnrtt a Mirilim wiilicml having U) do anything on his own part 
nl font H, jiiNi us a I'hilil hot n in a Sheikh or a Syed family becomes a 
Nhi-tMi 01 ji Sveil, m a mailer ol course, and I here is nothing it can do in 
I his levari 

Islam, on the other hand, is the name of that faith and that way of 
life which was brought into the world from Allah (Subhaaftahu 
Wata'aalaa) by His true and devoted Apostle, Prophet Mohammad 
(SallaHahu Alaihc Wasallam), and is preserved to this day in its pristine 
purity in the Holy Quraan and the Traditions. Thus, he alone can be 
called a Muslim who accepts that faith and practices that way of life. 

Those who arc ignorant of the teachings of Islam, or do not act upon 
them are not genuine Muslims by any means. Wc, therefore, conclude, 
that two things are necessary for anyone to be a true Muslim: 

Firstly, to acquire a proper knowledge of the teachings of Islam, 
or, at least, nf its basic and fundamental doctrines. 

And, secondly, to believe in these teachings as true and to resolve 
sincerely to live according to them. 


This, in sum, is what Islam is. To acquire a knowledge of the 
tenets of Islam, i.e., of its essential teachings is the first requisite of 
being a Muslim. A Tradition of the Prophet (SallaHahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) reads: 


To acquire knowledge of the faith is the duty of all Muslims.** 

It is necessary to bear permanently in the mind that to carry out 


what is described in religion as a duty is an act of worship in Tsiam. To 

exert oneself for the sake of obtaining an adequate knowledge of the 
faith, hence, is also an act of worship in which there is a bountiful 
reward from Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). The Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) has proclaimed great merit in it, Take 
these Traditions, for instance: 

'*He who goes forth in search of religious knowledge engages 
himself in the cause of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) until he 


-Far him who goes out in search of religious knowledge Allah 

(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) shall make easy the way to Heaven. 


"Thirst for religious knowledge and the pursuit of it atones for 
q one's previous sins." 


. - 

Tn short, the cultivation of religious knowledge, i.e^, the 
knowledge of the essential teachings of Islam is binding on all 
Q) Muslims, rich and poor, educated and uneducated, male and female, 

old and young. From the Traditions of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) quoted above, we also learn that rich reward awaits us in the 
Hereafter for the time spent and the pains taken for the sake of it Let 
us all, now, make up our minds that we will strive earnestly to equip 
ourselves with adequate knowledge of the faith and a proper 
understanding of the basic doctrines of Islam. 

For Muslims who, on account of their age or preoccupation, 
cannot join a Muslim theological institution and take a regular course 
of Islamic religious instruction, the best thing will be that, if they are 
educated, they should develop the habit of reading reliable books on 
Islam regularly, and, if they are not or only nominally literate, they 
should have such books read out to them by others who can read and 

understand. If the custom of reading religious books, individually or in 
groups, can become common in Muslim homes, mosques and at their 
other gatherings, the spread of religious knowledge to all classes and 



sections of the community will be greatly facilitated indeed 

Hi is small book has been written solely to fulfil this purpose. All 
I he necessary information regarding Islam and the teachings of the 
sat red Prophet (Sallallahu Ataihe Wasallam) which a Muslim ought to 
piis&r&G has been furnished in it in a simple language. Let us all learn 

tlliW (iiiihs and precepts personally and impart them to others as well 
mimI itmkr (I a mission <>l uur lives lo popularise them throughout the 
world, A TlUililUHl ul the I'mphcl (Sallallahu Alaihc Wasallam) says: 

"If II pi'lNnn i^iipg^N himself ui Hit* pursuit of Islamic religious 
klluwhnlne Willi Ihe nhjeet ill irviviiij," Ihc i'ailli through il (i.e., by 
ihMiiiirhiijf, il Id Others mid bringing lliein round to acL on it) and he dies 
in I he piniess, his place will he so very close to the Prophets in the 
Ilerealier dial there will be only a difference of one degree between 
£~ thcni and him, 1 * 


May Allah (Subhaatiahu Wata'aalaa) grant us the great good 

fortune of learning the precepts of Islam and teaching them to others, 

As and of acting on them and endeavouring sincerely to persuade others to 

do the same, 


Lesson 1 



The Holy Kalimah 





Brothers! This confession is the gateway to Islam, the arch-stone 
of the faith. By affirming it and reciting it with sincerity and 
conviction even a life- long heathen or a polytheist can become a 
q Muslim, a man of faith, and earn his title to salvation. The condition, 

Q however, is that he should have accepted conscientiously and with full 

ft understanding of I he declaration of the Oneness of Allah (Subhaanahu 

Wata'aalaa) and the Apostleship of Prophet Mohammad (Sallallahu 
Alaihc Wasallam) contained in it. Thus, any one who repeats the 

(1) confession mechanically, without understanding it and without 

knowing what the concepts of Divine Unity and Aposdeship and 
Prophethood means, will not gain recognition in the sight of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) as a Muslim. It is therefore, necessary, to 
study its meaning and implications carefully. 


The First Part 

^ ^ 4 

The confession consists of two parts, The first part ^UiV§^\^ 
contains the affirmation of the Oneness of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa). It means that no one except Allah Almighty is worthy of 
worship and obedience. Worship and obedience should be offered to 
Him alone because He and no one else is our Lord and Creator, 
Nourisher and Sustainer and the Dispenser of Life and Death. Sickness 
and health, poverty and riches, in short, all manner of good and evil, 
gain or loss, lies solely in His control. Apart from Him. whatever living 
things exist on the earth, or in the heavens, be they men or angels, are 
all His creatures and slaves. He is partnered by no one, no one has a 



share in His Divinity nor can any one amend or alter His Will, or 
interfere with His affairs. Hence, He and He alone is worthy of 
devotion and worship. He alone is the Supreme Being, the 
Almighty, to whom all our prayers and supplications should be 
addressed. He alone is the real Owner of the heavens and the earth, 
the Monarch of al! monarchs, the Lord Sovereign. Ii is, therefore, 
necessary that all His commands and injunctions are strictly obeyed 
and faithfully carried out. As against His commands the commands 
of no one should be heeded to no matter whether they are of our 
parents or rulers or of the head of the community or a dear friend, or 
the biddings of our own heart. In a nutshell, when once wc have 
realized and confessed the truth that Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
alone, and no one besides Him, is worthy of worship and obedience 
our conduct* shouIcUiIso be in conformity with it, so much so that 
q any one who sees us should know by our behaviour that we are the 

O devoted servants of the Lord who carry out His commands dutifully 


fl3 and live and die for His sake alone. 

, Hmtlicis! This dSttjjj^'dil^ ' s l ' lc keystone of Islam and the 

G) t list ami foremost item in the teachings of all the Prophets. Il occupies 
the highcsl and lln* most important place in the religious scheme of 
teachings. A famous Tradition of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) reads: 

'There arc more than seventy departments' of the faith and among 
them the most superior and exalted is belief in the Kalimah of £y|jK^ 

For this reason, among the Zikr* (specific phrase for 
Remembrance of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) also il is the best. 
Slates the Prophet: 

"Of all the Zikr, the best and most excellent is that of J(U^ irfS 
In another Tradition, it is related that once Allah (Subhaanahu 

Wata'aalaa) gave this reply to a question put to Him by Prophet 

I. The word Zikr which occurs in (he original literan *neans a special phrase mcani for 
recitations by the devoid for the remembrance of Allah - Translator. 





Moses (Alaihis Salaam) ; 

*'0 Moses! If the seven heavens and the seven earths and all 
that is contained in them, are placed on one side of the balance 
and rtlSjft^ on the other, the side on which ^§|3JlS is 

!•-■ i* 

placed, will turn out to be heavier. 

Brothers! This unique virtue and excellence is due solely to the 

fact that it contains the solemn affirmation of Divine Unity, the 
assertion, the pledge and the declaration that we shall worship Him 
alone and offer our homage and obeisance to no one apart from Him, 
and shall make Him the sole pivot of our existence. It, indeed, is the 
life-breath of Islam. 

£} That is why, the Holy Prophet {Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallarn) has 

O advised Muslims to refresh and to reinvigorate their faith by repeating 


Cd the Kalimah frequently* 

It is narrated that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallarn) once 
said, "O men! Keep on refreshing your faith". Upon this the 
Companion enquired, "O Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallarn) of 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! How are we to do so?" The Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallarn) replied, "By reciting the Kalimah 

The Kalimah of 4M)i30W holds the power to restore and 

B *• & 

revitalise the faith for the simple reason that it embodies the affirmation 
of Divine Unity and the covenant to worship Him alone, to do 
allegiance to none beside Him and to hold Him dearer $nd nearer to the 

heart than anything or anybody else in the world. As we have satd 
earlier, it is the essence, the sustaining principle of Islam. So, the more 
we will utter it attentively, concentrating duly on what it stands for, the 
more will our faith gain in vitality and our covenant in strength, and 
our whole life will, InshaaAUah, get cast in the mould of JujisHaIO 


Th e Second Part 

" "^ ™~ — ~ ~~ — — — ' ,1 . j, - J 

The Second pari of the KaliiTiah consists of Mjj* JyJjSjf « In i i 
the affirmation is made of the Divine Apostlcship of Prophet 
Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam). Prophet Muhammad 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) is the Apostle of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wala'aalaa) means that he was raised up by the Almighty for the 
guidance of the world and whatever he taught, preached or revealed 
like the Divinity of the origin of the Holy Quraan, the existence of the 
angels, the certainly of the Last Day, the Resurrection, the Judgement, 
the award of hea%'en and hell according to one's deeds on the earth was 
hundred per cent true and authentic. Indeed, the Apostieship of the 
Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) denotes nothing more and 
nothing less than this that all the things he taught to the world, all the 
truths he revealed to mankind, wcfc based on Divine inspiration, that 
they were based on special and authoritative knowledge vouchsafe to 
q him by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), and so they were absolutely 
qj correct and beyond doubt. There is not the least excuse or the slightest 
reason, for doubting or questioning his word. The guidance he gave to 
( men* the laws he laid down, were Divine guidance and Divinee laws 
Q) which had been inspired to him by the Almighty. You would have 
realised that the acceptance of any one as a Divine Apostle 
automatically implies that each and every precept and command of him 
should be whole-heartedly believed in and obeyed, for Allah 
(Subhaanahu Waia'aalaa) raised up His Apostles in the world solely to 
convey through them to mankind the commands and precepts He wants 
to be followed. Allah (Subhaanahu Wataaalaa) says in the Holy Quraan. 

-. ^^i *i <ixrte 

We sent not an Apostle, but to be obeyed in accordance with the 
Will of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata f aataa) (!V;G-64) 

To believe in anyone as an Apostle and to accept him as such, 
thus, means simply to hold every word of his as true, to regard his 

teachings and guidance to be the teachings and guidance of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa), and to decide once for all, to lead one's life 




according to the precepts he taught. So, if a person recites the Kali in ah 
hut docs not, as a logical consequence of it, resolve firmly to hold all 
the teachings of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) to be wholly 
true and all that may run counter to them to be wholly false, and to 
abide by his Shariah (holy law) and his commands Faithfully, he, of 
course is not a man of faith and a Muslim. He, probably, has not even 
understood what it means to be a Muslim. 

It is obvious that once we have recited the Kalimah and accepted 
the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallani) as the true Apostle of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). it becomes obligatory for us to believe in his 
guidance, to adhere to his commands and to observe faithfully the 
Shariah he brought. 

A Covenant 

(j From the meaning and interpretation of the Holy Kalimah given 

fP? above, you will have realised that it is a covenant. It embodies the 

pledge and the vow thai we believe in Allah (Subhaanahu Wataaalaa) 
as the One and Only Lord, Sovereign, Master and Creator, and regard 
Q) everything that exists in this world and the Hereafter to be exclusively 


in His control, and that, since wc do so T we will worship Him alone and 
carry out His commands the way a servant and a slave carries out the 
commands of his master, and love Him and adore Him above all else, 
and further, that we accept Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) ax the true Apostle of Allah (Subhaanahu Waia'nalaa), and 
will abide by his guidance as a loyal follower, and fashion our lives 
according to the holy law laid down by him. In fact, faith denotes 
nothing except this pkl«e and covenant and this is precisely what the 
affirmation of Divine Unity and Aposlleship means. 

A Muslim should, therefore, hold himself bound by this covenant 
and try his level best to shape his conduct in its light so that he may 
cjirn recognition in the eyes of Allah (Subhaanahu Wataaalaa) as a 
genuine man of faith and attain his salvation and place in the paradise. 

Those who are blessed enough to bear faith honestly in both the 






parti; of the holy Kalimah and to give proof of it by word as well as by 

deed are the recipients of countless glad tidings like the one reproduced 

It is related by Hadhrat Anas that the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) once said to Hadhrat Mo'aaz, "Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) has declared as forbidden the fire of 

the hell for him who affirms the Kalimah of ^^^'jj&V^vS 
with a true heart" 

Brothers! Affirm ^\l^^^^^0 with a true heart and with 
a tull knowledge and awareness of its implications and importance and 
resolve now and forever to lead your lives according to it in order that 
your attestation may not turn out to be false. On this very attestation 
depends your faith and your salvation. 

■ ■ 


fjisson 2 



The first and mosi important duly in Islam after one has brought 
faith in Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and in Prophet Muhammad 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) and borne witness to Divine Oneness and 
the Apostles hip of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) is 
Salaah (Prayers). It is a most special act of Divine worship which a 
Muslim is called upon to perform five times a day. There are numerous 
verses of the Holy Quraan and the Tradition of the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) enjoining the Salaah on us. It has been described as 
the pillar and the foundation of the Islam. 

Salaah, if it is offered with a sincere heart and proper devotion and 
mental concentration, is particularly vested with the property of 
cleansing the heart and reforming one's life and ridding it of sins and 
A\ impurities. U generates love for piety and truth and promotes fear of 

Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) in man. Thus it is that Islam hag laid 
greater emphasis on it than on all other religious obligations. When 
anyone came to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) to emhrace 
Islam, the first promise the sacred Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 

Wasallam) took from him, after instructing him in Divine Oneness, was 
that he will offer the Salaah regularly. In fine, after the Kalimah, Salaah 
is the bedrock of Islam. 


We know from the Traditions that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) used to equate neglect of the Salaah with infidelity. 
He denounced it as the way of the nonbelicvers. He would say that 
those who did not offer the Salaah had no share in the faith. 

A Tradition of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) reads, 



What separates a believer from infidelity is simply the Salaah. 


This Tradition clearly warns that if a Muslim will give up the 
Salaah, he will gel associated with infidelity; his conduct will become 
ihe conduct of an infidel. In another Tradion the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihc Wasallain) has said, "He has no share in Islam who docs not 
offer the Salaah." 

And here is another Tradition from which we can imagine what 
a great act of virtue and felicity is it to offer the Salaah regularly 
and how utterly fatal and ruinous is it to neglect it. Once while 
urging upon the Muslims to be most particular about the Salaah, the 
sacred Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallain) h reported to have 



^ "Whoever will offer the Salaah properly 

anil regularly, it will be for him on the Last Day a 
( source of light, a proof of his faith and a means Jo 

CD salvation. (On the other hand) whoever will not 


offer it carefully and regularly, it will be for him 
neither a source of light, nor a proof of faith, nor a 
means to salvation, and the end of such a person 
will be with Qaaroon K, Fir aun 2 > Haamaan 3 and 

Brothers! Lei us now imagine what our end is going to be if we 
failed to cultivate the habit of offering the Salaah correctly and 

I Koran, Translator 

2. Pharaoh, Translator 

3. Name or Pharaoh's Minister Translator 

4. One of the bittern enemies of the holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) in 
Makkah -Translator 




The Ignominy and Disgrace of the 
Defaulters on the Last Day 

. ■ ■ m n h— r ■ i ■ >m—* ■ ■ 1 1 ■ F ■ ' ' 1 ■ ■ n i l -^^ -m 

The ignominy and disgrace the defaulters of Salaah will have to 
suffer at the very outset on the Day of Judgement has been spoken of in 
these words in the Holy Quraan:- 

The day that the shin shall he laid hare, and they shall he 
summoned to how in adoration, hut they shall not he able, their eyes 

will be cast down, ignominy will cover them, seeing that they had been 
summoned aforetime to bow in adoration while they were whole (and 
O kid refused). XI : 42 


(^ The verse tells that on the Last Day when the hour of judgement 

will arrive (when all mystery will vanish and reality will be fully 
manifested) and every man and woman born into the world from the 

^ first day to the last will be raised up again and gathered together, Allah 

(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will reveal Himself Lo them in full glory and 
splendour. Everyone will then be called upon lo bow in adoration 
before Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). The fortunate and the faithful 
among them who had been regular in their Salaah in the world and 
were, thus, accustomed to kneeling down before Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) will, at once, bow down in adoration, but those who in 
spile of being healthy and strong had not observed the Salaah in their 
lifetime will find that their backs had suddenly grown stiff like a board 
and they will remain standing with the infidels, unable to bend down 
and carry out the prostration. They will be covered with ignominy, their 
eyes will be downcast, they will not be able even to look up. Before the 
chastisement of hell, they will have to bear this chastisement of 
humiliation and disgrace. May Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), by His 

Grace, save us all from it! 

In truth, a habitual defaulter of the Salaah is a sort of a rebel 



against Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and deserves all the humiliation 
and punishment that may be meted out to him. According to some 
Jurisprudents of Islam, a Muslim who rejects the Salaah is liable to be 
punished with death like an apostate. 

Brothers! We must consider it thoroughly and well that without 
the Salaah the claim to Islam is altogether meaningless. Salaah alone is 
i he Islamic act that joins us with Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and 

makes us deserving of His grace. 

Blessings of Salaah 

When a person stands before the Almighty with his arms folded, 
five times a day, and celebrates His praises and kneels down before 
Him and touches the ground with his forehead and makes earnest 
^ supplications to Him, he becomes worthy of His love and beneficence, 
Q his sins arc forgiven wiih every Salaah he offers, his heart attains 
fK enlightenment and his life becomes pure. The Prophet (Sallallahu 

Alaihe Wasallam) once gave an excellent example to illustrate this 
truth. He asked his Companions, " Tell me, if a stream flows at the 
Q) door of anyone of you and he takes a dip in it Five times a day. Will 


there be left any grime on his body?" The Companions replied, u No, 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam), No grime will be left on his 
body 11 , The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc Wasallam) said, ,l It is exactly 
the same with the five daily prayers. Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 

removes all impurities and sins because of their auspiciousness." 

Superiority of Cong re gation 

II appears from the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallamys Traditions 
that Salaah should be offered in congregation if one wants to derive full 
benefit from it. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc Wasallam) was so very 
particular about it that once while condemning the conduct of those 
who avoided coming to the mosque lo offer their prayers in 
congregation due to laziness or indifference, he observed with anger 
that he fell like burning down their homes. 

This one Tradition is enough to show how repugnant it is to Allah 


(Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc 
WasaHam) if anyone does not offer his prayers in congregation. 
Another Tradition says r* 

*The reward on offering the Salaah in congregation is twenty 
seven times as much as on offering it alone. 1 ' 

Apart from ihe reward in the Hereafter, there are many other 
advantages in offering up the Salaah in congregation. For instance, 
one acquires the habit of punctuality by attending the mosque 
regularly to offer his prayers in congregation 1 . It enables Muslim 
brethren of the locality to assemble at one place five times every day 
and ihis can be turned to great benefit. The practice of offering the 
Salaah regularly in the mosque congregationally makes a man 

O thoroughly regular in his prayers for it has been seen that those who 

offer their prayers individually at home are often inclined to be 

u_ neglectful Yet another notable advantage in offering the prayers in 

congregation is that the Salaah of each participant becomes a part of 

Q) the Salaah of the whole congregation in which, along with others, 

there are also generally present some venerable and virtuous servants 
of Allah {Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) whose Salaah are of a very high 
order. Their Salaah finds acceptance with Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wala'aalaa) and the expectation from His Benevolent Grace is that 
when He will grant acceptance to the prayers of some members of 
the congregation. He will, along with them, accept the prayers of the 
rest of the congregation* too. 

Now, imagine what rich rewards and blessing do we deprive 
ourselves of when do not go to the mosque to offer our prayers irt 
congregation without a valid excuse. 

I It should he noted that the superiority of offering up the Salaah in congregation is 
only for men, The Traditions say clearly that women earn greater reward on saying their 
prayers a( home than in the mosque* 



Meekness and Humility 

The offering up of the Salaah with meekness and humility means 
thai, believing Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) lo be Omnipresent and 
All-Seeing, ihe Salaah should be offered in such a way thai the heart is 
filled with His love and stricken with awe by the thought of His 
Greatness and Magnificence as if a criminal was standing in front of a 
great judge or a mighty ruler. As a devotee stands up for Salaah, he 
should visualise that he is standing in the presence oflhe Almighty that 
he is standing out of reverence to Him. When he bows his head in 
Ruku' ' or kneels down to perform the-* Sajdah 2 he should imagine thai 
it was all being carried out in front of Allah (Suhhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and 
in expression of his own utter worthiessness and humility. Better still, 
whatever is recited during Salaah, whether while standing or in Ruku' or 
Sajdah, should be done with a proper understanding of its meaning. The 
real joy and beauty of Salaah is experienced only when it is offered with 
^ an intelligent appreciation of its contents. It is not, at all, difficult lo learn 

(J the meaning of the Surahs 1 thai are generally recited in Salaah, 


J^ The devotion of the heart and the sentiments of awe and humility, 

indeed, are the very soul of the Salaah. The ultimate success and 

J* deliverance of believers who offer up such a kind of Salaah is assured, 

Declares the Holy Quraan > 

(w*M0 °^U£$W^#2^v^ tat 

The believers must (eventually) succeed, those who humble 
themselves in their prayers. (XXIII- 1 1 ) 

Says the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe WasaHam), "Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) has made the five daily prayers obligatory. Whoever did 
the Wudhu 4 properly and offered them up at the right time and carried 
out the Ruku' and Sajdah as they ought to be, humbly and reverentially, 

for him the promise of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) is that he will be 
pardoned; and whoever did not do so (i.e., did not offer his prayers in 

1 . Bowing tow. - Translator 

2. Prostration. - Translator 

3. Chapters of ihe Holy Quraan.- Translator 

4. Ablution performed before offering prayers -Translator 


ihis manner), for him there is no such promise. Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wala'aalaa) will pardon or punish him as He will please," 


When il is the time lor prayer, we should perform the Wudhu 
thoroughly, believing that this washing and cleansing was necessary 
before we presented ourselves before the Lord and worshipped Him. 
The Almighty, in His benevolence, has invested the Wudhu with great 
auspjcicRisness. The sins and transgressions of the parts of the body that 
arc washed during it, arc forgiven because of il. The unholy effects of 
sins are, so to speak, washed away by the water used in the Wudhu. 
After the Wudhu, as we stand up for the Salaah, the predominant 
thought in our minds should be that we, the sinning and defaulting 
slaves, were going to stand before a Lord and Master from whom 
nothing was concealed, who knew all about us, the hidden as well as 
O Ihe manifest, and before whom we would have to appear on the Day of 
*"? Judgement. We should then formulate precisely the intention to offer 
fO the particular prayer and raising the hands upto our ears pronounce nol 

only with the tongue but with our hearts, too, the following words. 



TRANSCRimON: ,* * \ 

Allah-o-Akbar J^£>\a$i\ 

A llah is Great 
After it, with anus folded across the middle of the abdoman just 
beneath the umbilicus Nove and with a full awareness of die fact of our 
presence before the Almighty we should recite : 



Sub Haana Kal-laauvmma wa <\av\ i^^iiu-w 
ttuiAMBikA Wa Tab a ah a Kasmuka Wa ^\$$Q$£Q\£jA*SiA 
Ta'aalaa Jadduka Wa LaaIlaaua Ghairvk qQ^S. 

O Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa)! With Thy glorification and Thy 
praise; blessed is Thy name, great is Thy glory, and there is no God 
except Thee. 


ta ' a w wuz & ta smi ya h 


B ism il La At! i r Rahmaa Nir Raheem 


I seek refuge in Allah (Subhaanahu Waia'aalaa) from the wicked 
devil. I begin with the name of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), the 
Most Benevolent, the All-Merciful. 






'Aaiameen, ar Rahmaa nir Raheem, 



»<i *-** 



Aameen. (AL t>AA TU1 A tt) 


Praise be to Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aaIaa) T Lord of the worlds, 
the Compassionate, the All-Merciful Owner of the Day of Judgement 
Thee alone do we worship and to Thee alone do we beg for help. Guide 
us to the straight path; the path of those whom Thou hast favoured; not 
(the path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray. 

Then some other Surah of the Holy Quraan, or a part thereof, 
should be recited. Here wc give four brief Surahs along with their 


Wal 'ash, in-nal ins a an a la fee 
khusr f il-lal lazeena aamanu wa 


(AL- 'ASR) 



"By the Time ! Lo, man is an a state of loss, except those who 
belivc and do good deeds, and exhort one another to truth, and exhort 


one another to patient prcscrvance. 

Transcription : k * ^ rf , 

QUL HUWAl LAAHU A MAD, AL- *\^\ uti • Jo»\ Att)ynO± 



"Say: He is Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), the One, Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), the eternally be sought of all I He begclteth 
not, nor was begotten* And there is none comparable unto Him !" 

* «*•* 

_ Transcription t f w * j - > 

7\ QUL A'OOZU BE RABBI L FALAQ, MIN ^ * *^ ' V-^w**! J* 

•-< 7 



v ; * 


CD HAASlDIN IZAA HASAD. (AL FALAQ) \$m*&\ Sl^U^jU/, j£)i 

"Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the dawn from the mischief of 
created things; from the mischief of darkness as it over-spreads; from 
the mischief of those who practise secret arts; and from (he mischief of 
the envious one as he practises envy." 





WAN NAAS. (AN NAAS) (>^y*i^^\>;£3l 

"Say: I seek refuge in the Lord and Chcrisher of mankind, the 
King (or Ruler) of mankind, the God of mankind, from the mischief of 



the sneaking whisperer, who withdraws (after his whisper), (the same) 
who whispers into the hearts of mankind, among jinns and among 


Anyhow, after the Surah al-Faatihah some other Surah or the Holy 
Quraan, or a part of it, is to be recited. This much of the Holy Quraan 
must be recited during each rak'at of the Salaah. When the recitation 
has been completed, with the thought of the Majesty and Glory of 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) embedded in our hearts, we should say 
Allah-o-Akbar and perform the Ruku' by gripping our knees with our 
hands and without bending the hands and the legs and pronounce 3, 5 
or 7 times the phrase: 

Transcription : 



O Glory be Id my Lord, ihc most Elevated 


^j. While retiiing the above phrase in (he Ruku" we should also 

— nuMliiak- on Ms inclining i.e. on the Glory and Magnificence of the 

G) I .oid. Then ihc head be raised, from the Ruku" , saying ; 

Transcript/on .- 


Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) has heard the servant who has 
praised Him, 

Transcription : 

Rab banaa lakal Hamd 

Our Lord ! Praise be to Thee 

Then, again, we should say AHah-o-Akbar from the depth of our 
hearts and prostrate ourselves before the Lord and perform two Sajdahs 
simultaneously. There should be a little pa'ise while sitting between 



both the Sajdahs. The sitting position in Salaah is bonding the legs 
behind. The right foot standing and left is flat, over which one sits. 
Both the palms and finger are placed just above the knee cup. During 
the Sajdah the under-mentioned phrase should be repeated 3, 5 or 7 
times imagining inwardly that Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) is 
present right there, seeing and hearing everything, and we were 
addressing the words directly to him. 

Transcription : 


Glory be to my Lord, the Most High 

While reciting these words in the Sajdah, also, we should try 
_ sincerely to call forth within ourselves the realisation of our abject 
(j helplessness and humility and the Supreme Mighi and Magnificence of the 
O* Lord. The deeper and stronger the realisation, the better and truer will be 

the Salaah, for this sentiment constitutes the very life and soul of worship. 

A\ This completes one rak'aL All the remaining rak'aats are to be 

offered similarly except thai (Thanaa & Ta'awwuz) is recited only in 
the first rak'at 

When we sit during Salaah, or at the end or it t we recite Tushah- 

Tra nscripton : 










"The most blessed greetings, the purest and most sincere 
inclinations unto Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). Peace be with thee, 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam), as well as the mercy of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and His blessings. Peace be on us also, and 
the pious servants of the Lord. I bear witness that there is no God but 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and I attest that Muhammad (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) is His servant and Apostle." 

If a Salaah consists of three or four rak'aats, when we sit after the 
second rak'at only the above invocation is recited and at the end of the 
last rak'at, the Durood Shareef and a prayer are also added to it. The 
Durood Shareef is as fotlows: 

Transcription : 
Durood Shareef 







"O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Bless Muhammed (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) and his posterity as Thou hast blessed Abraham and 
his posterity (or followers); Verily, Thou art the Praiseworthy, the 
Majestic/ 1 

Tra nscripton : &*< ^ 






"O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Magnify Muhammaa 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) and his posterity (or followers) as Thou 
hast magnified Abraham and his posterity (or followers); Verily, Thou 

art the Praiseworthy, the Majestic." 



Thrnugfi the Durood Shareef we invoke the favours and blessings 
of the Lord on ihc Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) and his family 
and all those who bear a special association wilh him. It is, after all, 
through the Prophei (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) that Lhc Divine boon 
of Islam and Sataah has reached us, Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
has, therefore, charged us with the duty of praying for him, his family 
and his descendants at the end of each Salaah as an expression of our 
gratitude to him. After the Durood Shareef, it is required of us to recite 
the under-mentrond prayer for ourselves. 

Transcription : 

Al-laahumma in-nee /alamtu naf- L2£j£ &^<LJ&&p!$& 

SEE ZULMAN kATHEERAN WA LAA YAGU- l ^i^t\*i^4jE?l£\*?i 





, "O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! I have done my soul a great 

Q) harm and no one can forgive sins if not Thee so grant me 

forgiveness wilh Thy pleasure and have pity on me. Thou arl Most 
Forgiving, Most Merciful.** 

With it the Salaah is brought to an end by turning the head, first to 
the right and then to the left, and wishing everyone peace and blessings 
of the Lord. 

By means or this prayer we make an open confession of our sins 
and misdeeds and beseech Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) for His 
Mercy and Forgiveness, It is best for us always to consider ourselves 
defaulters and transgressors and make an open-hearted admission of 
our faults and lapses even after performing an act of worship of the 
class of Salaah and to repose all our hopes in Divine Compassion and 
Mercy. We must not allow pride or vanity to come near us because of 
our devoulness or worshipfullness, for whatever we may do, we can 
never hope to acquit ourselves fully of the duty of worshipping Allah 


(Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) and adoring Him and of rendring to Him 
what is His due. 

All that is necessary to know about Salaah has been described in 
this lesson. Once again, we assert that Salaah is that elixir among the 
various modes of worship which can transform a man into an angel in 

the sphere of his deeds and morals, provided that it is offered wilh due 
concentration and the feelings of reverence and humility. Brother!* We 
just eanot afford to take lightly the significance, worth and value of 
ihc Salaah. 


So overpowering was the Porphet's anxiety for his followers 10 

remain steadfast in the mailer of Salaah and offer it regularly and 

unfailingly thai he took pains to exhort them about it even during the 

last moments of his life when it had become extremely difficult for 

O him to speak. 

q$ Muslims who neglect the Salaah, and do nothing to establish it and 

to keep it alive in their midst should imagine, for Ihc sake of Allah 
t (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), how are they going to face the Prophet 

Q) (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) on the Day of Reckoning; how are Ihey 

going to look towards him, after disregarding so shemelessly his last 
will and testament during their lives. 

Let us all pray now in the words of Prophet Ibrahim (Alaihe 

Transcription : 

M^Tll^*- <^**l 

RAH bi/aenee muqeem as-salaaat- AJ*^ £^<5**H C^> 





Oh my Lord ! make me one who establishes regular prayer, and 
also (raise such) among my offsprings; Oh my Lord! And accept Thou 
my prayer. Oh our Lord! Forgive me and my parents and all Believers 
on the Day that Reckoning will be established (XIV : 40-41) 


Lesson 3 




Among the fundamental tenets of Islam, Zakaah occupies a place 

m m 

next in importance only lo belief and Salaah. As one would say, it is 
the third pillar of Islam. 

Zakaah means that a Muslim who is in possession of a certain 
amount of wealth, or more, is required by his religion to spend one- 
fortieth of it at the end of every twelve months on the poor, the needy 
and the wayfarer, and on such other items of charily and other heads of 
expenses as are prescribed 1 for it by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
£j and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam). 



At several places in the Holy Quraan, Zakaah has been enjoined 
Q) on Muslims side by side wilh Salaah. While reading the Holy Quraan 

you would have come across a number of times the command: "Be 
steadfast in prayer: practise regular Zakaah." On several occasions it 
has been spoken of by the Holy Quraan as a characteristic feature of 

Muslims that, 'They establish prayer and give regular Zakaah." These 

two verses go to show emphatically that those who do not offer Salaah 
and fail lo pay the Zakaah are, in fact, not Muslims, for the two basic 
attributes and distinguishing features of a genuine Muslim are not 
present in them. 


Anyway, habitual neglect of Salaah and failure to pay the Zakaah 
are, according to the Holy Quraan , not the qualities of a Muslim but of 
an atheist or a polylheist. About the Salaah we have a verse in Sura-h- 
Room of the Holy Quraan which reads: - 

I- Rules governing Zakaah can be round in books on Islamic Jurispnriienee or tun be 
Learni directly from ihe Ulama. 




Establish regular Salaah and * 

be not ye among polytheists those who join \pj^yjS]\^y£fc) 

gods with Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) (tftteCPV* 


And about the evasion of Zakaah being the attribute of polytheists 
and infidels we have it in Sura-h-Fu&silat: 

. . 

And woe to polytheists those who join ^^O^IV* 
god with Allah those who prac~ 
the not regular Zakaah, and 
who even deny the Hereafter: {Vt$&*\Z&fo5^ 

(X LI .76-77) 



Cd The fate that awaits those who do not pay the ZakaaJi and the 

punishment thai is going to he handed out to them in the Hereafter is so 
dreadful that the mere thought of it is enough to make one's hairs stand 
on end. For instance it is stated in Sura-h-Tauba: 

And there are those who 

bury gold and silver and spend &%*j& #£&**>'» 3i 

it not m the way of Allah; *--—*« w «^_ ^ jf 

announce unto them a most L^H**>f^>J> <-**?»> 

grievous penalty-On the Day when ^^Jxi^M^^^^^ 

heat will be produced out 

of that (wealth) in the Fire of Hell 

and with it will be branded the ire 

foreheads, their flanks and their 

hacks. "This is the (treasure) 

which ye buried for yourselves, (bt^&ipi&jj. 

Taste ye the (treasures) ye 
buried. " 

(IX; 34-35) 


In one of his Traditions, the Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wasallam) 
has explained in a little more detail the purport of this Surah. The 
Tradition when translated into English reads: 

"He who possesses gold or silver (i.c*. wealth) but does not 
fulfill the obligations that are attached to the possessions of 
wealth (i.e., dues not paid, e.g., Zakaah etc.) plates of fire will 
be prepared for him on the Day of Judgement. These plates 
will be heated further in the fire of hell and then his forehead 
and sides and back will be branded with them. The plates will 
be heated up again and again to brand him and this will 
continue throughout the Day of Judgement which will be 
equal to fifty thousand years in this world," 

Beside this, other horrible kinds of punishment are also mentioned 
O in the Traditions. May Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) save us all from 

■ them 1 



As People who have been blessed by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 

with wealth and prosperity arc, indeed, a most unjust and ungrateful lot 
if they do not pay the Zakaah and shirk from spending their riches in 
His way as desired by Him. They richly deserve the punishment that is 
going to be meted out to them on the Day of Recompense, 

Again, what is generally not realised is that it is our own poor and 
indigent brothers we serve when we pay the Zakaah or spend our 
money on others acts of charity. By evading the Zakaah we- as such, do 
a great wrong to our needy and helpless brethren and play foul with 

their rights. 

To think over it from another angle, whatever we have by way of 

property or wealth has, after all, been granted to us by Allah and we are 
His creatures and slaves. He commands full control and authority over 
our lives. Were He to demand from us every bit of our property or our 


life it self, our duly, even then, would lie in placing everything before 
Him quietly and without demur. It is merely His Kindness and 



Benevolence thai He has called on us lo give away in Zakaah only one- 
fortieth of the weakh He has bestowed on us. 


Another extra-ordinary favour of the Lord is that He has placed an 
enormous reward on Zakaah and oiher deeds of charity though 
whatever we give away is only out ol" the possessions and the wealth 
He has been pleased lo bestow on us. It would have been perfectly 
reasonable and justified if there had been no promise of a reward from 
Him on these things. If He is pleased with out conduct when we spend, 
from the resources He has favoured us with, in Zakaah and in other 
charitable activities, as ordained by Him, and has given the assurance 
of a rich premium on such deeds of ours, il is solely due to His Infinite 
Kindness #nd Mercy. Slates l he Holy Quraan. 

O The parable of those who 

~ spend (heir substance in the way &X^O*^3*^^ 

Cd of Allah is that of a grain of 


corn; if groweth seven ears and 
T each ear haih a hundred grains. - % . * 

. A Skill gfveih manifold increase AU i>»4^^\*3U-i--» 

to whom He pleaseth: for Allah &\jiu\j$^<l£JLj^ 
careth far all and lie knoweth 

all things. Those who spend their ^^ A lT ^*- 

suhstance in the cause of Allah S - ^ * *^EyQ 

and follow not up their Rifts with j^l^iJIfoii!£^>A-% 

reminders of their generosity or ^^ *5 ™J$& i**j& 

with injury-their reward is with ^S^p^-u^^ 3c £4*3 

their Lord; on them shall be no * ^7 -**%*<*£* -l*i'+ 

feci r n o r shall th ey g rt e ve. ^ Y- ' 

(U -26 1 -262) 

In the above verse, three promises have been made on behalf of 
Allah (Subhaanahu Waia'aalaa) lo those who practise Zakaah and 
spend their money in His way through other means: 


One, Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will repay them 

iundred~fold in this world for what they spend; 


Two, ihcy will be rewarded bounteously in the Hereafter; 

Three, there will be for them neither fear nor grief on Ihc Day 
of Judgement. 

The holy Companions had the fullest faith in these promises. 
When verses extolling the spiritual merit of expending in the path of 

Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and denoting what stupendous Divine 
reward was on it were revealed to Ihc Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) and the Companions came to know of them from him they 
were so deeply stirred that such of them as were poor and did not have 
the means to give away somethings in charity left their homes and went 
(j out rn search of work and carried heavy loads on their backs so that 
^ they could earn some money to spend for the sake of Allah 

(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). 

Q) Wc will reproduce here just one Tradition of the Holy Prophet 

(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) revealing the significance and the 

outstanding worth and merit of Zakaah, 

Stales the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam). "There are three 
things whoever acquires them acq ires the real joy of faith; Firstly, to 
worship Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and no one besides Him; 
secondly, to believe sincerely in and, lastly, to pay the Zakaah 
cheerfully on one's possessions every year/* 

Worldly Advantatges : 

Apart from the reward and recompense in the Hereafter, numerous 
wordly advantages also accrue from practising the Zakaah regularly 
and spending in other Divinely prescribed branches of charity, For 
example, a Muslim who discharges these obligations properly 
experiences a rare feeling of satisfaction and tranquillity in his heart* 
the poor do not feel jealous of his wealth. On the other hand, they wish 


him well, pray for his welfare and look towards him with love and 
admiration. The world holds him in high esteem everyone likes him 
and feels drawn towards him sympathetically, and , Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) bestows prosperity on him and multiplies his wealth. 

A Tradition of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) reads: 

"The mandate or Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) is: "O 
Son of Adam! Go on spending the wealth I have given thee 
(on the poor, the needy and the destitute); I shall give thee 


And, another : 


q "I can swear no one will become poor because of 

^ expending in ihe way of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa}/ 1 


May Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) endow us all with stanehest 
Q) faith in the sayings of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) and 
grant us the great good fortune to act on them! 



f^esson 4 


After Belief, Salaah and Zakaah, the most important duly in Islam 

is Saum (fasting). The Holy Quraan says : 

Oh Ye who believe! fasting is t f'£ \&j^i)X($ft 

prescribed to you as it wax pre- ^K^^tV'-^k^' 

scribed to those before you that it'*"' ^A'C^ 

ye may (learn) self-restraint. ■ ..^JS^j^dtk 

(11:183) f*tt&f* 


^ Fasting is obligatory for Muslims in the month of Ramadhaan. 

Cti Failure to observe the fast on any day, without a valid reason, during 

this month is a great sin. We have it on the authority of the Prophet 
~ (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) that, "Anyone who does not, without 

_■ illness or any other valid excuse keep fast on a single day during 

Ramadhaan will not succeed in making amends Tor it even if he were to 
keep fast daily throughout his life in atonement." 


During the fast, a Muslim abstains from eating and drinking and 
denies himself the pleasures of legitimate carnal satisfaction solely as a 
measure of worship, and sacrifices his legitimate biological needs and 
urges exclusively for the sake of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). 

Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), too, therefore, has placed a most 
unique reward on it. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) is 

reported to have said : 

"There is a fixed principle for rewarding all the good deeds of 
men, and every good deed will be rewarded in accordance with it. But 
the fast is an exception to this general principle. The standing will and 



pleasure of Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) is that since a man forgoes 
food and drink and crushes down his passions utterly Tor His sake, He 
will recompense him directly for it." 

"All the previous sins of a person are forgiven who undertakes the 
fasts of the month of Ramadhaan. with full faith and with the object of 
propitiating Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and earning His reward/* 

"There are two moments of special joy for a person who fasts: one 
is when he breaks the fast and this he experiences here in his earthly 
existence, the other will come in the Hereafter when he will be 
presented before the Lord/ 1 

"Saum is a shield against the fire of hell and a strung fortress 

O (which will protect the heliever from infernal chastisement) " 

^ *The fast itself will plead with Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) for 

him who does fasting that he had gone without the day's meals and 

(\s shunned the cravings of the flesh for its sake (so he may be forgiven 

and rewarded to die full). Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) will accept 

the intercession. 


odour emanating from die mouth of a person who is fasting 
(which is sometimes produced because of the empty stomach) is more 
pleasant in the judgement of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) than* the 
sweet smell of musk/* 

Another outstanding feature of Saum, beside those given in the 
Traditions quoted above, is that it lifts man above the level of beasts. 
To eat and to drink at will and to copulate whenever the urge comes, 
this is the way of the animals. On the other extreme, to be immuned 
from hunger and thirst and the impulsions of sex, lo slay away 
permanently from food and drink and cohabitation is the quality of 
angles. When a person fasts he rises above the animal existence and 
forges an affinity with angels. 


Special Benefit 

Moreover. Saum, promotes picLy and righteousness in man. It 
produces in him the ability lo control his physical desires, II leaches 
him how lo subordinate his carnal appetites and longings of the heart lo 
the will of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa}. It is, thus, most effective in 
I he discipline and evolution of the soul. 

But these benefits can be derived only when a person 
conscientiously strives for them and pays due respect, while he is 
fasting, to the instructions laid down by the Prophet (Sallallnhu Alaihc 
Wasalfam) in this connection. It is most necessary to leave strictly 
alone not only food and drink but also all the major and minor sins. He 
must neither quarrel nor utter a lie nor engage himself in slander and 


backbiting. In brief, he should scrupulously avoid all sinful deeds, 
Q apparent as well as hidden, as is demanded of him in the Traditions. 

O Some of the relevant Traditions are : 


"When any o( you keeps a fast he should not speak an indecent or 

filthy word or engage in a noisy scene, and were anyone to quarrel with 
Q) him and call him names he should simple say, "I am keeping fast 

(therefore, I can not pay you back in the same com)/ 1 

"Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) has no need for him to go without 
food and drink who cannot shun evil and falsehood even during a fast/* 


. L 

Many are there among you who fast and yet gain nothing from it 

. L I ,t,* *> 

cxcepL hunger and thirst 

In sum, fasts can lead to the promotion of the virtues of piety and 
righteousness and impart the moral strength needed to control and 
discipline the sensual appetites when, together with abstention from 
food and drink, all the major and minor transgressions of the law of 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) are also zealously avoided while 
fasting, more specially the use of foul and filthy language, falsehood, 

slander and backbiting. If lasts are observed in the right spirit and with 
proper care and solicitude, the benefits indicated above can 
undoubtedly, be obtained from them. 



Lesson 5 




The last of the fundamental duties in Islam is the Hajj. Laying it 
down as an essential religious obligation of Muslims, the Holy Quraan 
says : 

Pilgrimage thereto is a duty. %Z ^T \ftl>L&" 

men owe to Allah, on those who can ^-" ^ c ^^ / r ^ 

afford the journey, but if any one *>i^^)£*k^? 

denies faith, Allah stands not in c^^^^J^cK 1 

need of any of Nis creatures. * \+ t«i>*J 

(111:97) ^ * 

. In this verse while the Hajj has been declared obligatory it has 

£u been made clear that it is applicable only la those who possess the 

means and material resources to undertake it. But care has been taken, 

in the last part of it, to warn that if Muslims whom Allah (Subhaanahu 

Wata'aalaa) has blessed with the necessary material means to perform 

the pilgrimage still fail to carry out the duty through sheer ingratitude 

(as is common among the wealthy classes these days) then Allah 


(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) does not stand in need of their pilgrimage. 
The Almighty, definitely, is not going to lose anything by their not 
performing Ihe Hajj, the loss will entirely to them. They will forfeit His 
good graces, they will deprive themselves of His benevolence, and 
Allah- forbid, a most lamentable fate will be waiting for them in the 
Hereafter. The Prophet (Sailallahu Alaihe Wasallam) is reported to 
have gone as far as to say : 

"A person whom Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) has given 
enough to perform the Hajj, if he still fails to do so then it does not 
matter at all whether he dies as a Jew or a Christian/* 

Brothers! If there is any regard in our hearts for Islam, if we can 
hoasl of the least attachment to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and the 





Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) none of us who can afford to 
make the journey should remain without performing the Hajj after we 
have known this Tradition. 

Spiritual Merit 

The importance of the Hajj and the spiritual meritoriousness of 
those who perform it have been emphasised in a number of Traditions, 
Wc will reproduce a few of them hero. 


"Those who make the pilgrimage for the Hajj or the 'Umrah they 
are the guests of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa): their petitions, if ihcy 
make any to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), will be granted, and if 
Ihcy seek deliverance from sins, their sins will be forgiven." 

O "He who performs the Hajj and commits no wicked or sinful deed 

H during it and does not disobey Allah {Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), he will 

£0 return from it as pure and guiltless as he was at the lime of his birth." 

'The reward .for a pure and untainted Hajj is paradise itself and 
nothing short of it/' 

Immediate Gains 

The remission of sins and the enjoyment of the supreme 
blissfulncss of paradise as a result of the spiritual auspieiousness of the 
Hajj will, Inshaa Allah, surely be granted to the faithful in full measure 
in life to come, but the exquisite thrill and the sublime joy one 
experiences, the soul-strirring sensation of delight and wonderment one 
feels, on seeing that choicest seat of Divine splendour - the House of 
Ka'bah and on visiting those special places in Makkah where the 

"— mm. 

memories of Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) are still alive, are 
also things of the celestial world on the earth. Then the pilgrimage to 
the Prophet's (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) mausoleum at Madinah, the 
offering up of Salaah in his own mosque, the addressing of the 
salutation and the benedication lo him directly, ihe aimless wanderings 
in ihe streets and the wilderness of the blessed city, ihe breathing in of 
its air and the fragrance which always seems to be filling its 



atmosphere, the ethereal joy of his remembrance bursting upon one 
sometimes in laughter and sometimes in tears; - all these things - 
provided, of coruse, that one is blessed enough Lo feel then - arc the 
immediate rewards a pilgrim gets when he betakes himself to the holy 
cities of Makkah and Madinah. 

Five Pillars of Islam 

The live fundamental teachings of Islam we have discussed so far, 
the Kalimah, Salaah, Zakaah, Saum and Hajj. are known as die 'Five 
Pillars o( Islam 1 . 

A well-known Tradition of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 

Wasallam) tells us that. The foundation of Islam rests on ihcse five 
things; (i) the affirmation of fi\b*y*ffii^\ft& (ii) the establishment 
of Salaah (iii) the payment of Zakaah (iv) the observance of Saum in 

O the month of Ramadhaan and (v) the performance of Hajj by those who 

Cd can afford to make the pilgrim age." 

When these five items arc spoken of as the Pillars of Islam, it 
™ means thai these are the fundamental duties of the faith. If carried out 

properly these duties are capable of producing in us the ability to fulfil 
our other religious obligations as well, Here we have dwelt only on 
their importance and the intrinsic spiritual virtue that underlies them, 
Detailed rules and principles governing them can be learnt from 
reliable hooks on Islamic Jurisprudence or directly from a Muslim 


l^esson 6 



Taqwaa (piely) forms part of the basic essentials of Islam. It 
means to observe the Divine commandments conscientiously and 
scrupulously and to avoid all forbidden, wicked and shameful things, 
helieving wholly and firmly in the Great Requital of the Last Day and 
fearing Allah (Subhaanahu Wata r aa1aa) and His wrath and punishment. 
In other words, it demands of us, on the ovar- hand, to carry out, 
thoroughly and well, the duties prescribed by the Almighty and to fulfil 
zealously the rights of men who have a claim on us according to the 
Divine law, and, on the other, to refrain strictly from doing anything 

O that has been prohibited by Him + It calls on us to make the fear of Allah 

- (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) our constant companion. Both in the Holy 

£~ Quraan and the Traditions a very great emphasis has been laid on 

Taqwaa and righteousness and it has been urged on us most forcefully 

J. and persistently to cultivate it in ourselves. Some of the relevant verses 

or ihc Holy Quraan are: 

O ye who believe! fear Allah a&H&SjM 

as He should he feared and die ^^sPjp^Sf^^ 

not except in a state of Islam. ^t^^$J>&£&0i 

(III- 102) 

So fear Allah as much as you ^Kj^iiU^l^a 


an: listen and obey. 


O ye who believe t fear Allah 
and lei every soul look to what 
{provisions) he has sent forth for 
the morrow. And fear Allah; for 

Allah is well-acquainted with /r&^li»o.P*^Y£} 

( all) that ye do. 

(UK: 1 8) 


* X 


The Quraanic verses, further, reveal that there is a great favour of 
the Lord even in this world on those who fear Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) and practise Taqwaa and righteousness. Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) shows special munificence to them and makes His help 
available to them in thousand ways: 

\ <£ 

And for those who fear Allah ^ ^ . «^ 

He (ever) prepares a way out £*** 4m^4&*% 

and He provides for him from mm ~* --*■- ^ 

(sources) he never could imagine, Q^ J' 


The Holy Quraan also tells that those who lead a life of Taqwaa 

and righteousness become the Friends of Allah (Subhaanahu 

O Wata'aalaa), and, then, for them there is neither fear nor shall they ever 





Behold! verity on the CNaftf ^ 

i Friends of Allah there is no fear ^^ ***>, ^ ^ 

nor shall they grieve, those who • ^p ^^l^^^fT^ 

believe and (constantly) guard •^^'£^U^>ii£i)l 

against evil; for them are Clad ^^3^^<iMii 

Tidings in the life of the world fcM$>J^W&? 

and the Hereafter, 


Some of the wonderful boons and blessings thai await the pious 
and the righteous in the Hereafter have been revealed briefly in the 
following verses: 

Say: shall / give you glad tid- 
ings of things far better than ^><lS^f^lfe^ 
those? for the righteous are £&£fci?*cr«ta'^£i<''{*\t 
Gardens in nearness to their 
Lord, with rivers flowing 
beneath; therein is their eternal 



home with Companions (pure >->v. /. ^ ^ 

««*/ ftalyj flwrf r/?<? #£>0^ pleasure 6>^3i?V^tbJbMf| 

*/ a//<ia. F*r in a/am «*«* .j{M5waijftlfi5 

arc (a//) His se wants* ^'C y 7^\ 

f///:/5) sJtu^My 

And verity, for the Righteous 
is a beautiful place of (Final} 
Return. Gardens of Eternity *£5fa^oi3* 

whose doors will ever he opened /^^ -"*<■«/? \*><W 

to them; therein will they recline ^i^^j^K^r^^^ 3 

(at ease); therein can they call .,_ ^ w # 

fa/ pleasure) for fruit in ahun- oiuV^lllAPjI 

dance and (delecious) drink; ,X>^« "'^K^ 

artrf fr£Sf£/i? titan wj7/ ft* cAfli7e i^Xt-JiUli* 

q women restraining their glances uLat-A* 

^J (companions) of equal age* 

Such is the promise made 

for the Day of Account! 
Q) Truly, such will be Our Bounty 

(to you) It will never fail. 


In ihe Holy Quraan* again men of Taqwaa are given the very 
special tidings of place of exceptional nearness to Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) in the Hereafter ; 

As to the Righteous they will 
c in the midst of Gardens and 
Rivers in an Assembly fa Truth 
in the presence of a Sovereign 

(LIV: 54-55) 

The sole criterion of honour and superiority with Allah 
(Suhhaanahu Wata'aalaa) ss Taqwaa. 





Verily the most honoured of 
you in the sight of Allah is (he 
who is) the most righteous of 

(XUX ; 13) 

Similarly, it has been declared by the Holy Prophet {Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) in one of his Traditions that : 

"Nearest and dearest to mc are ihose who possesses the. virtue or 
Taqwaa (no matter what race or nationality they belong to or which 
country they live in)/' 

Taqwaa (i.e. fear of Allah Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa and a over- 
powering anxiety for the Hereafter) is the root of all virtue. It is the 
measure of all goodness. We will be as good and noble and as free 
from what is bane and corrupt as there is Taqwaa in us. 

Some other Traditions oF Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) 

arc : 

"A holy Companion once said to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallnm). O Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam)! I have heard so 
many of your valuable sayings that I fear I may not be able lo 
remember them all. So I request you for a comprehensive advice which 
may suffice forme always. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) 
replied, **Fear Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) in proportion to your 
knowledge and make that fear and Taqwaa the guiding principles of 
your life." 

"He who has fear will set out early and he who will set out early 
will reach the destination in time," 

fortunate and the successful, indeed, are those who fear 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and prepare for the life to come." 





"Even a single tear shed out of fear of Allah (Suhhaanahu 
Waia'aalaa) and of His anger and punishmenrcarries a great value in 

■ 'There are two drops, " says the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam)* "and two marks than which nothing is more precious to 

Allah (Suhhaanahu Waia'aalaa). Of ihe two drops so exceedingly dear 
lo Him, one is the lear thai may have fallen from the eyes of anyone out 
of His fear, and the other is the drop of blood thai is shed in His path. 
Similarly, of the two marks one is ihe mark sustained in the path of 
Allah (Suhhaanahu Waia'aalaa) (i.e. the sear left behind by a wound 
sustained in Jihad), and the other is the mark which may have 
developed as a result of the carrying out of a religious obligation (as for 
example, the marks one often sees on the forehead and kness of those 
who offer the Salaah regularly)." 

We will lake up one more Tradition of the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam). It says ; 

qj "Never can he go to hell who weeps in the fear of Allah 

(Suhhaanahu Waia'aalaa)/ ■ 

The sum and ful substance of Ihe entire discussion is that it is 
great, indeed, to he blessed with true fear of Allah (Suhhaanahu 
Waia'aalaa) and a genuine solicitude for the Hereafter. It can literally 
revolutionise one's whole existence- 

Brothers! Know it thoroughly and well that one who is Allah - 
fearing in this transitory world will have absolutely nothing lo worry in 
the Hereafter. He will have neither fear nor anxiety. He will dwell m 
eternal peace, comfort and happiness by the Grace of Allah 
(Suhhaanahu Waia'aalaa). On the contrary, he who is not Allah - 
fearing and shows no concern for After-life and refuses to look beyond 
the pleasures of material existence for him, There will be terrible 
anguish and distress in the life to come. For thousands of years he will 
be shedding tears of blood. 





The surest way to develop Taqwaa, i.e. Allah - fearingness and 
solicitude for the Hereafter is to avail oneself of the company of the 
devout servants of the Lord who fear Him and obey His commands 
honestly. Then there are good and reliable religious books which 

should be read regularly, and, if a person is illiterate, he should have 

them read out to him by others. Lastly, it is advisable lo meditate in 

solitude on death and on the rewards one is going to get from Allah 

(Subhaanahu Wala'aalan) for one's good and virtuous deeds and the 

punishment that is going to be awarded by Him for one's sins and 

transgressions against the Divine Law. One should dwel mentally on 

one's state and visualise what is going to happen in the grave. What 

will one's condition be when men will be raised up again on the Last 

Day and produced before Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)? What will 

one do when the balance-sheet of one's conduct on the earth will be 

unrolled? Where will one, then hide one's face? 



Lesson 7 


Fairness and Honesty 

in Dealings 

Uprightness and honesty in dealings with people forms a vital part 
of the fundamental teachings of Islam. 


The Holy Quraan as well as the Traditions of the Prophet 
(Sallallahii Alaihe Wasallam) arc emphatic that a true Muslim is he 

~ who is honest and upright in his business and other formal dealings and 

affairs, keeps his word and fulfils his promises, shuns fraud and avoids 
deceit and perfidy, encroaches not upon the rights of others nor takes 
pari in wrongful litigation, does not give false evidence, and abstains 

As from making dishonest money as from usury and graft. Whoever is not 

free from these vices is, according to the Holy Quraan and the 
Traditions, not a true helievcr but a renegade and a worthless 


Wc now proceed to examine some of the relevant Quraan ic verses 
and Traditions. A short verse of the Holy ^nraan says , 

O ye who believe I Eat not up 

each other's property by unfair \\a+\\ ffSgaaKSri 

and dishonest means, *" ' " "" 

(IV: 29} 

[to t&^) 

The verse forbids Muslims against all unclean and corrupt means 
of making money, such as, dishonest trading, embezzlement, gambling, 
speculation and bribery. Then there are verses in which these hateful 

ces are dealt with one by one. For instance, a severe warning is 





given in the following verse to traders who cheat in wejghmcni ; 

Woe to those that deal in 
fraud, those who, when they 
have to receive by measure from 
men, (take) exact full measure, hut 
when they have to give by mea- 
sure or weight to men, give less 
than due. Do they not think that 
(hey will he called to account on 
a Mighty Day when (all) 
mankind will stand before the 
Lord of the Worlds. 





J M**L 


f\ tv$t>u) fei_5Jj\ 

(LXXXIH: 1-6) 

In the same way, the under-mentioned verse exhorts Muslims to be 

_; very particular about their trusts and about other people's rights. 

Allah doth command you to 
render back your trusts to those 

to whom they are due. 

(IV : 58) 

At two places in the Holy Quraan a cheif distinguishing feature of 
Muslims is said to be that they are : 

Those who faithfully observe 
their trusts and their covenants 

(XXIII : 8) 



Qfc !**&».; 

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) used often to say in his 
sermons : 

"Remember, there is no faith in him who is not trustworthy, there 
is no place for him in religion who cares not for his pledged word or 
promise. 1 ' 



Another Tradition says : "The signs of a hypocrite are three: when 
he speaks, he lies; when he promises, he fails; and when he is trusted, 
he plays fa 

Condemning those who cheat in business the sacred Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) has said, "He who cheats is not of us. 
Deceitful ness and fraud are things that lead one to Hell." 

The Prophet (Sa)tallahu Alaihe Wasallam) of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) once came upon a heap of corn in the market of Madinah 
and thrust his hand into it. His lingers felt damp. On being asked, the 
trader replied that rain had fallen upon it. The Prophet (Sallallahu 

Alaihe Wasallam) observed, "Why did you not then keep (the wet 
portion of) it above the dry corn, so that men may see it? He, who 
deceives, is not one of us." 

Thus, traders who deceive by showing to customers a false sample 
or by concealing from them the defects of the article they offer for sale 
arc not true Muslims in the judgement of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 
^ Alaihe Wasallam) and, Allah - forbid, they are going to end up in Hell. 

Another Tradition says : 

"The seller must explain to the buyer the defects, if any, in the 
quality of the article offered for sale. Should this not be done, the seller 
will permanently be caught in the wrath of Allah fSubhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) according to another narrator the exact words are, "he will 
always be cursed by the angels." 

In short, all manner of deceit and dishonesty in business is 

prohibited in Islam. It has been proclaimed to be an act worthy of 

unqualified condemnation. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 

Wasallam) has expressed his strong dislike for those who do so. He 

has said that he will have nothing to do with them; they do not belong 
to him. 

Likewise, bribery and usury, although they might be practised by 



mutual consent and agreement, are totally disallowed to Muslims and 

those who are guilty of them have been condemned squarely in the 
Traditions. A well-known Tradition on usury reads : 

"The curse of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) rests on him who 
offers loan on usurious terms, and on him who receives, and on those 
who are witnesses to the transaction, and on the writer who writes the 
deed thereof." 

As for bribery, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallani) has said, 
in a Tradition, ''condemned alike the giver of bribes and the taker of 
bribes in deciding cases." 

A Tradition goes even to the extent of saying that, "IF a person 
O made a recommendation for anyone in a just matter and the gratified 

O party gave him something as a gift (in return for it) and he accepted it 
Cd then he committed a grave error (meaning thai it, too, is a form of 

^ — 


~ m Worse still is the usurpation of another's properly by force or fraud 

or dishonest litigation. We have it on the authority of the Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) thai : 

"Whoever occupies land belonging to another unjustly, will be 
sunk into the ground along with that plot of land on the Doomsday till 
he reaches the lowest layer of ihe earth."* 

"He who acquires the property of a Muslim unjustly by taking a false 
oath (before an officer)* is debarred by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
from entering paradise and the Fire of Hell is made inevitable for him". 
On hearing it a Companion is reported to have asked, "Even if it be a 

minor lliing?" The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) is said to have 
repIiecl/'Yes, even if ii be a twig of pile*' (a plant which grows wild. Its 
twigs are used for cleaning the lecth Le, miswaak). 

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam), again, is reported to 



have warned a person who was very fond of entering into litigation 
with others in these strong words, "Remember, he who will obtain the 
property of another by swearing a false oath will appear as a leper 
before Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) (on the Day of Judgement)." 

In another tradition, Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) said, 

"Whoever laid his claim on a thing that was not his, is not of us 
He should reserve a place for himself in the Hell.' 1 

It is narrated thai one day, after the morning prayers the Holy 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) stood up and said thrice with 
great feeling that, "Perjury has been made the equivalent of 
polytheism " 

§ IU-Gotten wealth 

^ Money or property which is acquired through unfair means, as we 

have just indicated, is obviously unclean and unlawful and anyone who 

makes use of it and spend it on his needs does himself a great harm. As 

Q) the sacred Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) has warned, his 

prayers will not find acceptance by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), his 

supplications will not be answered, his petitions will not be granted, 
and in case he does good deeds they will avail him nothing. In the 
Hereafter, there will be no share for him in the special favours and 
good graces of the Lord. 

A Tradition says: " If a person earns or acquires anything through 
dishonest means and then gives away a part of it in charity, his act of 
charity will not be accpeted, and if he will spend from it on his needs 
there will be no auspicious ness or real prosperity in it, and should he 
leave it behind to his descendants on his death it will serve for him as 
hell's provision. Believe it, Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) does not 

erase evil with evil (i.e., charity and almsgiving from ill-goten gains 

can never lead to salvation). One impurity cannot remove another, it 
cannot make it pure". 




And another Traditions is ; 

"Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) is pure HirnseJf and He accepts 
only those offerings that are pure." 

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasatlam), at the end of the 
Tradition also narrated the story of a man " Who undertakes a long and 
tedious journey (to supplicate to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) at a 

sacred place) and arrives (at his destination) in such a state that his hair 
is dishevelled and his body is covered from head to foot with dust. He 
throws up his hands towards the heavens and cries out* u O Lord ! O my 
preserver ! but his sustenance is of the impure and he has been brought 
up on what is polluted; how can his prayer be granted when such is the 


O ■ The above amply demonstrates lhat when a person draws his 

CC livelihood from impure means his prayers no longer remain worthy of 

being answered. Yet another Tradition of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 

Alaihe Wasallam) reads: 

"If a person buys a cloth for ten Dirhams (a currency of olden 
times) and one of them is tainted (i.e., it has been earned dishonestly), 
none of his Salaah will be accepted by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
as long as he wears it." 

And, here is one more: 


The flesh gathered on one's body by means of unclean earning 

deserves to be thrown into the Fire." 

Brothers! If we have the tiniest spark of faith left in our hearts we 
must make up our minds, once for all, after hearing these Traditions, 
that whatever proverty and hardship we may have to endure in the 
world we will never try to make a single penny from unclean and 
dishonest sources and will always content ourselves with what we earn 
through honest lawful means. 




Clean Earning and Honest Trade 

Jusl as Islam has condemned all unclean and unlawful means of 
making money as wicked and sinful, and denounced all profits derived 
from them as filthy and devilish, in the same way ii has proclaimed 
great virtue in seeking one's livelihood honestly and in engaging 
oneself cleanly in trade or profession. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc 
Wasallam) has said: 

*To seek a clean earning is also a duty next only to the prescribed 
duties of the faith." 

"The cleanest food is that which has been earned by the labour of 
his hand. Indeed, Prophet David (Alaihis Salaam) used to work with his 
own hands for the food he ate." 

"The trader who plies his trade cleanly and honestly will rise in the 
Hereafter in the company of prophets, saints and martyrs." 


Islam has laid great stress on honesty and truthfulness in trade and 
other monetary dealings and described profound virtue and excellency 
in it It has declared it to be a means of gaining nearness unto Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aaiaa). Islam, likewise, enjoins on us to be kind and 
avoid harshness and severity in transaction and other dealings, too. It 
has promised great spiritual advantage in it also, wc will reproduce two 
Traditions of the the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam). 

"Blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aaiaa) be on him who is 
mild and gentle in his transactions and in the realisation of his dues*" 

"Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aaiaa) will protect him from ihc agonies 
of the DJiy of judgement who allows respite to a poor and indigent 


servant of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aaiaa) in the payment of his debt or 
writes off the debt (altogether or a part of it)." 





In another Tradition si is said "Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will 

provide him with the shade of his blessing on the Day of judgement. 


These Traditions are meant for merchants and other wealthy men 
whom people borrow money on the hour of their need. As for the 
borrowers, the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) used to urge them 
to do their best to pay back their debts quickly lest they die in a state of 
indebtedness, with the claim of anyone lying unsettled on their heads. 
How strict the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) was in this regard 
can be imagined from the following Traditions : 

"If a person is killed in the path of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
then all his sins will be forgiven (by virtue of his martyrdom). But if 
he owes anyone anything even martyrdom will not secure his release 
from it." 

CC "By the Lord in whose power lies the life of Muhammad 

(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam), if a person falls a martyr in the path of 
"j" Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and returns to life and is killed again in 
& the path of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and returns to life only to be 
killed once more in the cause of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and 
there is still a debt outstanding against him, even then he will not be 
able to enter Paradise (if the matter of debt is not resolved)." 

These two Traditions are quite sufficient to show what great 
importance Islam attaches to monetary affairs and the rights of fellow 
human beings. May Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) grant us the 
wisdom to understand their delicacy and significance and to make it 
our constant endeavour to assure that the claims of no one are left 
unsatisfied by us ! 





lesson 8 r it ti m " 


Social Conduct And 
Mutual Rights 

Social conduct, good manners and respect for the rights of each 
other, again, form an important part of Islamic teachings. One can 
become a good and true Muslim only when one also observes faithfully 
the social code of Islam by which we mean the rules and regulations 
governing the modes and manner of behaviour between man and man 
and between man and society as laid down by it. For instance, what 

^ should the attitude of parents be towards their children and of children 
: towards their parents ? What son of conduct should prevail between 
brothers and between brothers and sisters ? How should husband and 
wife live together ? How to treat those who are oider than ourselves 

Q) and those who are younger ? What are the rights of our neighbuors on 


us ? How should the rich behave towards the poor and the poor towards 
the rich ? What mode of relationship should be maintained between 
master and servant ? And, so forth. Islam has provided us with a most 
comprehensive and complete guidance of law to fulfil our social 
responsibilities and act in our dealings and relationships with all those 
individuals and groups with whom we come into contact, one way or 
the other, in different walks of our daily life, and this is what we are 
going to discuss in this chapter. 

Rights of Parents: 

The most primary 








The Lord has ordained that 
ye worship none but Him; and 


to show kindness to your par- 
ents whether one or both of 

them attain to old age with thee; 
and say not to them "Fie !" nei- 
ther reproach them; hut speak to 
them both with respectful 
speech; and defer humbly to 
them out of tenderness; and say, 
"Lord / have compassion on 
them both, as they reared 
me when I was little. " 


\ < 


(XVII: 23-24) 

Another verse of the Holy Book goes on to tell that should the 
parents of a person be polytheists and want him also to follow their 
faith, he ought to decline to obey them, but even then he should 
continue to treat them well and to behave towards them with respect 
The exact words of the verse arc: 

>*t » 

"But if they strive to niuke thee join in worship with 

Me things of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them 

not; yet bear them company in this life with justice (and 

conside ration). 

(XXXI: 15) 

Beside the Holy Quraan, in the Traditions also, great stress has 
been laid on rendering full devotion and obedience to one's parents. To 
disobey one's parents, to ignore their feelings, or to disregard their 
comfort or happiness in any other way has been characterised by the 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasaltam) as a grievous sin. Take these 
Traditions, for example; 

" In the pleasure of parents lies the pleasure of Allah (Subhaanahu 

Wata'aalaa), and in their displeasure, 


(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)." 

the displeasure of Allah 



Once a person enquired from the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallaai), "What are the rights of parents?" The Prophel (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) replied, "Parent are the heaven and hell of their 
children (meaning that salvation and paradise could be gained by 
serving one's parents well while disobedience to and ill-treatnicnt of 
l hem could lead one to hell)," 

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) once observed, "Every 
time a dutiful son or daughter looks with affection and respect towards 
his or her father or mother Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) writes 
against his or her name the reward of an accepted Hajj. 1 * Upon this, 
some of the Companions enquired, "Our Master ! Suppose a person 
does so a hundred times each day; will he, even then* be given the 
reward of an accepted Hajj for every glance he casts?'* lt Yes'\ the 
q Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) replied, "Allah (Subhaanahu 

-J Wata'aalaa) is the Most Great, the Most Holy (meaning that the bounty 

of the Lord is boundless)," 

d) In one Tradition, it is told, "Heaven lies under the feet of the 


The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) once said to the 
Companions that the most mortal sins in the world were three: 

"To associate anyone with Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), to 

disobey parents, and to give false evidence 


Again, "There are three types of men towards whom Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will not look with mercy on the Day of 
Judgement, and one of Lhem fire those who disobey their parents.' 4 

Rights of Children 

Islam has laid an equal stress on the rights of children on parents 
also. We will leave out here the responsibility of parents to feed and 
clothe their children since an instinctive awareness of these are found 

in them and they carry it out normally and in the natural way. 




The rights of our children about which we are generally careless 
and neglectful, are those concerning their moral and religious training 
and up-bringing. Islam has made it binding on us, as a matter of duty 

we brought up our wards and children in such a way that they did 
not have to make their way to hell after death. We are required to be 
extremely careful in this respect. Says the Holy Quraan: 

O ye who believe ! save your- 
selves and your families from the , 
Fire of Hell. Pp&J^" 

(LXVt; 6) v £-£^l) 

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasailam) has, in a Tradition, 
stressed the need of giving proper training to children in these words: 

O "No hctter gift can there be from a father to his children then that 

*-J he brought diem up properly. 1 * 


Some parents are more fond of their sons than daughters- They 
take a great interest in the upbringing of their male issues while the 
welfare and training of the female ones are generally neglected by 
them. Daughters arc, sometimes, considered to be a burden. For this 
reason, Islam has devoted particular attention to the proper upbringing 
of girls and extolled it as an act of great virtue. The Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasailam) has said: 

"Anyone who has a daughter or a sister and he treats her well and 
looks after her welfare and training carefully and marries her at the right 
place, Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will reward him with paradise." 

Mutual Rights between Husband and Wife: 

Conjugal relationship occupies a place of outstanding importance 
in the economy of human affairs. It is most strong and intimate tie that 
binds husband and wife into a lifelong partnership. Islam, therefore, 
has furnished a complete guindance in respect of it as well. In nutshell, 
Islam demands from wives to be scrupulously faithful to their husbands 
and to remain their best friends and true well-wishers and never to 



betray their trusts. The Holy Quraan declares: 

Therefore, the righteous $h-% £ m lSlJi& 

women are obedient \ and guard 
(in the husband's) absence. 

(IV: 34) 

And from husbands it requires thai they should give their love 
ungrudgingly to their wives, maintain them as best as they can within 
their means and leave nothing to be desired by way of their emotional 
contentment. Says, again, the Holy Quraan: 

Live with your wives on a ^*>^il2$&\^&3 * ~ V£ " 

footing of kindness and equity. 

O (IV:J9) 



2 In keeping with these teachings of the Holy Quraan, the Prophet 

{Sallallahu Alaihc Wasallam) used tu attach profound importance to the 
harmony of married life among Muslims. He used to urge upon 
Muslim husbands and wives to keep each other happy and to attend to 
each other's needs and interests with loving care. Some of his 
Traditions in this connection read: 

"Jf a man calls his wife to him and the wife refuses and he stays 
annoyed with her during the night, the angels will not cease to curse 
her name till day -break." 

'The woman who dies in such a stale that her husband is pleased 
with her shall so to Heaven,** 

"By the Lord in whose power lies the life of Muhammad 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam), no woman can fulfil the rights of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) who does not fulfil the rights of her husband/ 1 ' 

"Charge you to be kind to vour wives. Remember this advice of 
mine. See, I hey are subordinate to you and in your power/' 


"Good among you are those who are good to their wives/* 

"He is the most perfect believer (in the sight of Allah Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) who is perfect in his manners and most affectionate 
towards his wife and children." 





Rights of Relatives: 

Besides our parents and children and husbands or wives there also 
exists a special tie of kinship between us and our other relatives. Islam 
has paid due attention to this aspect of our social existence, too, and 
evolved certain rights and duties in respect of it. Thus, in the Holy 
Quraan wc are told to be kind to our kinsmen and one who disregards 
and pays no heed to the bonds of kinship has been condemned as a 
transgressor and a sinner of the worst order. 


The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) once said, "He who 
violates the righLs of kinsmen and shows no respect for the bonds of 
kinship in his conduct shall not go to heaven." 

In this connection a special advice of the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) is that if a relative violates the ties of relationship 
with regard to us even then we should continue to fulfil, on our part, 
the obligations we have towards him. The words of the Holy Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) are, "If a near relative treats you 
indifferently and ignores the bond of relationship, do not turn your 
back on him but keep on discharging, on your part, the obligations of 
relationship towards him." 

Rights of the Old on the Young and of 
the Young on the Old: 

It is a general principle of Islamic social behaviour that everyone 
should repect his ciders and carry himself with due deference in their 
presence. In the same way, those who are older are required to treat 
those who are younger to them with kindness and affection, even if 
there be no relationship between them. 


Said the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) : "He is not of us 
who is not affectionate to those who are younger than himself and 
respectful to those who are older." 

"For the young man who will honour an old man hecause of his 
years, Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will appoint men who will 

honour him in his old age/* 

Ri ghts of Neighbours: 

Apart from relatives, there obtains a permanent association also 
between a man and his neighbours. In Islam full attention has 
accordingly, been paid to it and definite instructions have been 
provided for our guidance in this behalf as well The Holy Quraan calls 
upon us to be good and courteous in our behaviour towards our 
q neighbors in the same way as it has commanded us to maintain the best 
O of conduct towards our parents, brothers and sisters and towards our 


CC other near relatives: 


Q-) And then Neighbours who are near, and the neighbours who are 

strangers and the companions by your side. 

(IV: 36) 

Three categories of neighbours have been spoken of in this verse 
and it is expected of us to maintain cordial relations with all of them. 

The phrase 'neighbours who are near* denotes neighbours who may 
also happen to be our relatives; 'neighbours who are strangers' denotes 
those with whom we have no family ties, and non-muslim neighbours 
are included in this category. Whereas 'companions by your side, 
means persons with whom we come into contact temporarily in the 
course of our daily activities, like a casual acquaintance, a fellow- 
traveller, a classmate and a colleague -whatever their religious 
denomination is t Islam reminds us thai we have an obligation to be 
friendly and sympathetic towards all the three categories of neighbours. 



Says the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) : 

"He who believes in Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and the Day 

of Recompense should never harm his neighbour 


"He is not a Muslim who eats his fill and lets his neighbour go 



It is narrated that the Apostle of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 

once emphatically exclaimed, "He is not a believer in Allah 

(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)," The question was asked, u O Apostle of 

Allah {Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) ! Who is not a believer in Allah 

(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)? 1 The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) 

O observed, "Whose neighbour does not feel secure on his account," 



r^ Yet another Tradition reads; 

qj "He shall not go to Heaven from whose mischief his neighbours 

do not feel secure," 

It is reported that once a Companion said to the Prophet 

(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam), "O Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) there is a woman about whom it is said that she offers a geat 
deal of prayers, observes a great deal of fasts and does a great deal of 
charily, but she also causes a great deal of trouble to her neighbours 
owing to the sharpness of her tongue." The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) observed, "She will go to Hell." The Companion 
then said, "O Apostle of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) ! There is 
another woman about whom it is said that she engages herself little in 
prayers, fasting and charity (that is, she observes the prayers, fasts and 
charity less than the first woman) but never offends her neighbours by 
her tongue. The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) observed, 
"She will be in Heaven." 


Brothers! Such are the rights of neighbours in Islam. Alas, how 
heedless have wc now grown lo them! 

Rights of the Weak and the Poor: 

So far we have dealt with the rights of men with whom we have an 
intimate personal connection of some kind, whether of family or 

neighbuorhood or business or friendship. In addition to these, Islam has 
conferred certain special rights on the weaker and the poorer sections 
of the society and on every kind of a needy person. It has been made 
the duty of all well-to-do people to look after their well-being and to 
serve them in whatever way they can. The more prosperous among 
Muslim, should realise that their less fortunate brethren, too, have a 
share in their wealth and other capacities. The Holy Quraan has 
enjoined at a number of places that the needs of the orphans, the weak 
q and the indigent and other needy and destitute persons should be taken 

O care of, the hungry should he fed and the ill-clad should be clothed, 

05 and, so on. 

"j" It is narrated that once the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) 

Q^ joined two of his fingers and showing diem to the Companions said, 

"He who supports an orphan shall be as close to me in Heaven as are 

these fingers lo each other. 


He is also reported to have observed: 

"He who endeavours to relieve the widow, the depressed and the 
needy is as one who strives in the service of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wala'aalaa), and , in Divine reward, he is as one who permanently fasts 
during the days and spends nights in prayers, 7 * 

"Feed the hungry, visit the sick and free the eaplives.*' 

"Help the distressed and be a guide to those who have lost their 





No distinction has been drawn in the above Traditions of ihe 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) between a Muslim and a non- 
Muslim. All poor and needy persons have a claim on us no matter to 
what religion they belong. We cannot withhold our helping hand from 
anyone on the ground that he is not a co-religionist. In some Traditions, 
the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) has exhorted us to show 
kindness also lo animals and promised great reward to those who take 
pity on these dumb creatures of the Lord. 

Islam, truly , is a blessing to the entire universe and the whole of 
creation, and our guide and master, Prophet Muhamad (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) "a mercy to the worlds." The pity is that we 

ourselves have wandered away from his teachings. Would to Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) that we, too become a mercy to the whole 
-^ world by becoming true Muslims, 


^ Rights of Muslims on Each Other: 

Further, there is a special claim of Muslims on each other which 
flows out of the common bond of Islam. 

Said the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) ; 

"Every Muslim is a Muslim's brother. He should neither harm him 
himself nor leave him alone (when someone else does so, he tries his 
best to help him and to protect him). Whoever among you will fulfil the 
need of his brother Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will take it upon 
Himself to fulfil his needs, and a Muslim who will remove the distress 
of a Muslim brother will, in return, find a distress of his removed by 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) on the Day of Requital, and anyone 
who will hide the shame of a Muslim, his sins will be hidden by Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) on the Last Day." 

"Do not bear a grudge or enmity against each other, do not be 

jealous of each other, and do not indulge in backbiting 



Live like brothers and the servants of One Allah (Subhaanahu 



Wata'aalaa). It is not allowed to a Muslim to cease to be on talking 
terms with a Mulsim for more than three days." 

"The life, honour and property of a Muslim are sacred for 

Wc will now close the disussion on social relations and mutual 
rights and duties with the following Tradition which alone is enough to 
(ill our hearts with fear. 

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) is reported one day to 
have put the question to the Companions, "Who is a pauper ?" The 
companions replied, "Our master ! A pauper is a person who is without 
a peny of his own." The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) said, 

O*" "No. A pauper among us is a man who will appear on the Day of 
O Recompense with a large stock of prayers, fasting and almsgiving but 
q$ in the world he would have abused someone, slandered someone, 
beaten someone and cheated and transgressed against someone. When 
we will be made to stand at the place of Reckoning, those against 
Q) whom he would have been guilty of these transgressions will come 
forward and they will be given from his good deeds what will be due to 
them till all the fund of his good deeds will be exhausted and, then the 
sins of the aggrieved parlies will be forced down upon him and he will, 
ultimately, be thrown into Hell." 

Brothers ! Ponder over this Tradition and think how utterly 
ruinous and disastrous it is for us to encroach upon the right of others 
and to indulge in backbiting, slander or abuse. If you have transgressed 
against anyone or usurped his rights, make amends for it in your 
lifetime, pay back to him what may be his due or seek his forgiveness, 
and resolve sincerely to be careful in future otherwise it is going to cost 
you very dear in the life to come- 

i) I ,33\^ J mlA T IS ISLAM ? 

Lesson 9 

Good Manners And 
Noble Qualities 

Good manners and noble quilitics of mind and character enjoy a 
place of crucial importance in the structure of Islamic teaching. Moral 

• — - 

evolution and uplift was one of the main objects for which the sacred 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasaliam) was raised up. The Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasaliam) himself has said: 

q "I have been sent down by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) to 

O teach moral virtues and to evolve them to highest perfection/* 



T An idea of the supreme importance Islam attaches to the 

0^ cultivation of good manners and noble moral qualities can be obtained 

from the under-mentioned Traditions of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 

Wasaliam) ; 

"The best of you are those who posses the best of manners/ 1 


On the Day of Recompense nearest to me will be one who 

display in one's daily life the best of manners." 

"On Ihe day of Reckoning the most weighty item in the Balance of 
Deeds, will be good manners," 

Once a Companion asked the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasaliam), "What is there that takes a Muslim to paradise?" The 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasaliam) replied, "Fear of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and good manners." 




The Prpphct (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam), again, is reported to 
have said, "A Muslim with good manners and good moral disposition 
KeLs the same reward as he who fasts (permanently) during the days 
and spends his nights in prayers." 

The last Tradition tells that a believer who possesses good 

manners and carries out scrupulously the moral duties imposed on him 
by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) but does not engage himself much 

in fasts and prayers attains the degree of excellecne of the man who 
slands up in prayer all night and fasts all day long. 

The Curse of Bad Manners 

. -t»- I mim ■ — ;^^^^»^^^^^^^» 

We have been warned by the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
O Wasallam) in an equally forceful manner against the curse of bad 
- manners. He has said: 


"A man with bad manners and a bad moral conduct shall not enter 


"No sin is more detestable to Allah (Subhaanahu Wataaalaa) than 

had manners." 

Some More Important Virtues 

Though in the Holy Quraan and the Traditions we are taught to 
cultivate all good and noble moral and social qualities and to avoid 
nvcrything that is mean or wicked, here we will take up only such 
virtues that are more important and without which no one can hope to 
he n good Muslim and a true believer. 


Truthfulness is a matter of such supreme consequence in Islam that 
in iuldilion to speaking the truth always a Muslim is exhorted also to 
keep company only with those who are truthful The Holy Quraan states: 




"O ye who believe fear \ J *\\S '^\"i\i"\\ 

Allah and be only with those J^rS^OT^ 

who are true (in word and •*5%U»C^SsS'i5i\ 



(IX: 1 1 9) 

Says the Prophet (Sal lallahu Alaihe Wasallam); 

"He who wishes to love Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and His 
Apostle, or wishes Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and His apostle to 
love him. must take care to speak nothing but the truth whenever he 

speaks.' 1 

"Speak the truth even if you see your ruin or death in it, for, 
q surely, salvation and life lit alone in truth, and avoid falsehood even if 

q$ it may hold out to you the promise of success and salvation, tor, the 

end of falsehood is nothing but failure and frustration. 


GJ Once the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) was asked. "What 

is the hallmark of the dwellers of Paradise?" The Prophet (Sallallahu 

Alaihe Wasallam) replied, "Truthfulness." 

Conversely, another Tradition reads: 


To be a liar is one of the special signs of a hypocrite." 


It was asked of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) whether 
a believer could be a coward, He said, "It is possible." It was asked 
whether a believer could be a miser. He said. "It is possible." Again, it 
was asked of him whether a believer could be a liar. He said, "No". 
(The idea was that a believer in Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) could 
not develop the filthy habit of lying. Faith could never acomodate 
falsehood; they could not go together). 




Fulfilling Promises 

It is also a part of truthfulness that when a promise is made it 
should be fulfilled- The Holy Quraan and Traditions are very clear on 
the point. Our faith demands of us never to go back on our pledged 
word. States the Holy Quraan: 

And fulfil (every) engage- Xj^^Ii^Ud'K 

ment, for (every) enggement "^J ^ '^ST, > , 

mil be enquired into (on the f tOsV-V^S^T^ 

Day of Reckoning). 

(XVI 1 : 34) 

To fulfil the contracts which . \t\&*tt*rw*$i* 

ye have made. .#* ■"" - 


Cti And the Traditions say: 


He who does not fulfil promises made by him has no share in the 


"Not to fulfil one's promises is a special sign of a hypocrite 


1 V o st worthiness 

Closely allied to truthfulness is the quality of trustworthiness. It is 
an important branch of truthfulness. Islam has laid a special emphasis 
on it also. Here is what the Holy Qurran says : 

Allah doth command you to \J^^ti^S^i^i\^\ 



render hack your Trusts to those *v^%*f<l 

to whom they are due. 

(IV : 58) 

On two occassions in Holy Quraan, it has been mentioned in the 
qualities of true believers; and the people who safegaurd the trusts and 
their promisses (i.e. pay back the trusts and fulfil the promises) 

(Surah Moominun & Surah Ma'aarij) 



It is reported that Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) often used 
to say in his Sermons; 

"O People ! In whom there is no trustworthiness, in him there is, 
so to speak, no faith." 

In one Tradition Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) says : 

"Look not alone at anyone's prayers and fasts to decide about his 
spiritual excellence (i.e. do not be impressed by anyone's spirituality 
simply because you find him devout in his prayers and fasts,) You 
should also see that he is truthful when he speaks, restores honestly 
what he has received in trust to whom it is due, and remains righteous 
in times of adversity and suffering." 

My dear Muslims! If we want to be a true believer in the sight of 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), too, and want to be claimant of His 
blessings, it is necessary to adopt trustworthiness and honesty in every 
■ case and to make the fulfilment of promises the principle of life. 

Reincmcbr, one amongst us, who does not have these qualities he 
is not a true believer and complete Muslim in front of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) and His Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam). 



all spheres of life. The Holy Quraan states : 

Allah commands justice and ^ 9 ■> > _» ^. 

doing of good, jJ^t^V&ulijj 

In Islam we are commanded to be just and fair not only towards 
our own people or co-religionists but also towards others even if they 
be the enemies of our life, -property or faith. It is candidly stated in the 
Holy Quraan that : 



And let not the hatred of oth- 
ers to you make you swervG to 


wrong and depart from justice. 

He just that is next to Taqwaa (piety). tt> ffi rtUjurffll & \}jtti 


The above verse enjoins justice to those also, individuals as weil 
as communities, who may be harbouring ill-will against us. Otherwise, 
we are sure to incur the displeasure of Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) 
and become grievous sinners and criminals in His sight. 

To refer now to some of the Trditions : 

'The most beloved of men in the sight of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wala'aalaa) on the Day of Resurrection, and the nearest to Him, shall 
be the just ruler, and the most hateful of men in the sight of Allah 
(Suhhaanahu Wala'aalaa) on the Day of Resurrection, and die farthest 
removed from Him, shall be the tyrannical ruler." 

Q^ The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasailam) is reported to have 

enquired one day from the Companions. "Do you know who will be the 
first to come under the shadow of Divine Mercy on the Dav of 
Requital?* 1 The Companions replied, " Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
and His Apostle know best/* 

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasailam) then said, "They will be 
Ihose who accept their rights when offered to them and give willingly 
the rights of other when they demand for their rights, and who judge in 
respect of others exactly as they would in respect of themselves." 

The Pity is that we ourselves have forgotten the glorious teachings 
of Islam. If we can produce these qualities in us today and become 
truthful in word and deed, and honest in the matter of our trusts and 
promises, and just and fair in our dealings with others, the success of 
i he world is bound to kiss our feet and we will attain a high place in the 
paradise, loo. 


Compassion and Forgiveness 

To feel pity on a fellow human being in distress, lo be 
compassionately drawn towards him, to bring him succour, to pardon 
the guilty and the fault are virtues which are valued very highly in 
Islam. Take these Traditions, for instance : 

"Show kindness, and kindness will be shown to you; forgive, and 

you will be forgiven, 



They will not obtain the mercy of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 


in whose hearts there is no feeling of kindliness for others 


"His sins will not be forgiven by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
who does not forgive the fault of others." 


O "Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will have mercy upon them that 

q$ are merciful. Treat kindly the dwellers of the earth, He who dwells in 

the heavens will treat you kindly." 

Q) It is apparent from the last Tradition that our kindliness and 

gentleness are not to be confined to our own people alone. We ought to 

be kind and compassionate towards friend and foe alike and to all the 

creatures that exist on the earth. 

It is reported from the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) that 

once a person who was travelling by road saw a dog licking wet 
in the agony of its thirst. The traveller was moved by the spectacle and 
gave water to the dog to drink. This simple service of the man to the 
thirsting dog pleased Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) so much that He 
blessed him with salvation. 


Tenderness in transactions, and in all other fields of one's activity, 
and the readiness to oblige and to put others at case are all virtues of 
the highest order in the Islamic pattern of morality. We will reproduce 
two Traditions of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) in 



support of our contention, Said he : 

"Hell's fire is forbidden for those that are mild and gentle and 
make it easy for others to deal with them. ,T 

"Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) is compassionate and likes 
compassion in His creatures. He grants more to the kind and the tender- 
hearted than to those who are harsh and severe." 


Tolerance, affability, self-restraint, and the ability to control one's 
temper and to overlook what is unpleasant and disagreeable are 
qualities that Islam wants everyone to cultivate. Believers who possess 
these fine moral attributes hold a very high place in the sight of Allah 
** (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). 


In the Holy Quraan where the blessed ones are mentioned for 
whom the paradise has been laid out such people are specifically 
Q) referred to : 

Who restrain anger and par- 3^$&\(£Jl&V 

(ill : 134) v «~^v/ s ^r 

Said the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasaliam) : 


Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will hold back His punishment 

from him who will hold back his anger." 

Blessed indeed, are men who remember these verses and 
Traditions during moments of provocatian and exercise restraint, and , 
in return, Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) holds His chastisement away 
from them ! 




Gentleness of Speech 

Gentleness of speech is a religious virtue in Islam and rudeness a 
sin. The Holy Quraan declares : 

And speak fair to the People. £* t * ;£ ?)^^ 


We have it from the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) that ; 

'To speak politely is Taqwaa and kind of charity, 


'To indulge in intemperate language and in harsh behaviour is to 

perpetrate an injustice and the home of injustice is HelL" 
W "Rudeness in speech is hypocrisy (i.e., the quality of a hypocrite)." 


i— Humility 

Humility is a virtue Islam wants its followers to practise as a 
Q) distinguishing feature of their moral and spiritual behaviour. It does not 
become a Muslim to be haughtly or vainglorious. 

Greatness with Allah (Subhaanahu Waia'aalaa) is not for those 
who look down upon others. Instead, it belongs to those who desist 
from thinking too highly of themselves and practise meekness and 
humility. In the words of the Holy Quraan. 

And the servants of the Most ^^^^^j^J^^ 
Gracious (Allah Subhaanahu " " > ■* ** 

r ~ ^ s?, 

Waia'aalaa) are those who walk on the /^ tisjftj wj— *""oS3^^ 

earth in humility. (XXV : 63) 

That Home of the Hereafter Cj»^S*5^VS& 

We shall giv£ t& those who 


intend not highhandedness or 

misfhief on earth. Hu*** 1 > % W£^$Ji$0 1 

(XXVIII ; 83) 




rhe Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) has said : 

"He who observes humility Allah (Subhaanahu Wataaalaa) will 
make him so exalted that, ultimately, he will attain the highest grade in 

On the other hand, pride is so greatly repugnant to Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) that the sacred Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) has warned us, again and again, aginsl it in such strong 
words ; 

"Whoever has pride in his heart even of the weight of an atom 
shall be cast head-long into the Hell by Allah (Subhaanahu 

O "Whoever has pride in his heart even of the weigh of the weight of 

- a mustard seed \ shall not be enterd into paradise." 


"Beware of pride! Pride was the sin which first of all ruined the 

May Almighty Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) save us all from the 
Satanic evil of pride, and endow our hearts and minds with meekness 
and humility which He admires so much and which is the symbol of 
His slaves. 

It needs, however, to be remembered that it is demanded of us to 
practise meekness and humility in our personal matters and not in 
matters where truth or faith is involved. When it comes to faith or truth 
we must be bold and outsopoken and give the fullest proof of courage 
and firmness, for this is the Will of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) for 
such occasions. 

The way of a Muslim, in sum, is thai while he is meek and humble 

I. The word occuring in the original is Raa-Ee* (sinapis ramosa) which is a kind of 
mustard seed with very small grains-Translator 



in his own individual sphere of existence, he is firm tike a rock and 
allows neither fear nor weakness lo come near him where faith or truth 
or justice is at stake. 

Courage and Fortitude 

There occur periods of hardship and adversity in the lives of men. 
Sometimes there is need, sometimes there is disease, sometimes our 
enemies harass us. And, so forth. For such situations the teaching of 
Islam is that we should bear them with courage and fortitude, remain 
firm and stout of heart and do not waver from our principles inspite of 
a thousand trials and calamities that may assail us. For such men there 
is the assurance of the Holy Quraan that they arc the Beloved of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 

For Allah (Subhaanahu ht^iAi/ 

Wata'aalaa) loves those who •^^^' l ^, a ^l> 

are patient and persevering. i^K^/O} 


Q) Allah surely* is with thost 


who patiently persevere. 


And to he firm and patient 
in pain (or suffering) and adver- 

sity and through all periods of L^V^\c^^4pJ' 

panic. Such are the people of fcAS^pJ&l 

truth, and the people who are ■ s *'*\\fj <&A' 

Allah-fearing. ,„ T^V^tf^b 

(11:177) *&»> 

And the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) says: 

"No boon conferred on man more precious than that of patience 



Patience is one-half of faith." 



\~oniramy, impatience, cnicKen-neartedncss and cowardice are the 
most lamentable of evils against which the Prophet (Sallallahu Ataihe 

Wasallam) used to beg Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) for refuge in his 


Sincerity is the life and soul of the entire moral edifice of Islam, 
nay, of Islam itself. By sincerity we mean that all our deeds and actions 
Should solely be for the sake of Allah (Subhaanahu Waia'aalaa) and 
prompted by no other urge than to earn His approbation. Apart from it, 
there must be no other desire, motive or intention behind whatever we do. 

Monotheism which is the arch-stone of Islam attains fulfilment 
through sincerity. Faith in Divine Unity remains imperfect unless all 
our acts are performed wholly for the sake of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa), and we have no other objective before us while carrying 
them out except winning of Divine pleasure and reward. Stales the 
2 Prophet (Sallallahu Ataihe Wasallam): 

i i' 

^ "He who loves or hates, offers favours or withholds them, and 

whatever he docs, does so for the sake of Allah (Subhaanahu 

Wata'aalaa) he perfects his faith. 


It shows that a perfect Muslim in the sight of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) is only he who succeeds in subordinating his entire 
conduct, his social relations and all his other affairs to the Will of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and is not influenced in them by his personal 
desire or likes or dislikes or by any other urges or impulsions. 

Another Tradition reads: 

"Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) is not regardful of your fine 
visages or your wealth. He is regardful only of your hearts and 


The idea of the above Tradition is that Allah (Subhaanahu 


Wata'aalaa) will judge and requit on the basis of our motives and 



Now, here is a Tradition with which we propose to round off the 

present discussion. About this Tradition it is reported that Hadhrat Abu 
Hurairah often used to faint while he related it. It says: 

"The first of those who shall be called to account, on the Day of 
Resurrection, shall be one who had learned the whole of the Holy 
Quraan by heart, and he who had been killed in the way of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), and he who had an abundance of wealth. 
Then shall Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) say to him who had got the 
whole of the Holy Quraan by heart, M Did I not teach thee what 
revealed to my Prophet (Saltallahu Alaihe Wasallam) ?" He will say* 

"Yes , my Lord !" Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will ask, "And what 


/j hast thou done with regard to what thou didst learn therein?" He will 

^.J say, "I was constantly at it in the hours of night and in the hours of day. 

I learn it myself and taught it to others, and I did it all for Thy s 

alone". Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will say, "Thou art a liar; thou 
Q) didst only desire that men should say that such a one was a recieter of 


the Holy Quraan and that has been said already". 

"And the master of wealth shall be brought before Allah 

(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), and He shall say, "Did I not give thee an 
abundance of wealth, so that thou wast not in want of anything ?** He 
will say, "Yes, my Lord ! Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will say, 
"And what hast thou done with what I gave thee? "He will answer, "I 
regarded the rights of kinship and gave alms and I did so for Thy sake/ 1 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will say, "Thou art a liar; thou didst 
desire that men should say that such a one was a generous man, and 
that has been said already." 


"Then shall he who had been killed in the way of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) be brought before Him, and Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will say to him, "What was it that thou wast 
killed for?" He will reply, "Thou didst bid us to do Jihad in Thy way 





and I fought and was killed" Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aataa) will say, 
'Thou art a liar; thou didst desire that men should say that such a one 
was a valiant man, and that has been said already." 

'These are the three men who, of all creatures shall be first sent 
into Fire/ 1 

Brothers ! Now, let us examine our thuoghts and deeds in the light 
of the above Tradition and see where do we stand in the sight of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) ! 

O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Endue our hearts with sincerity 
and set right our motives and i mentions and make us Thy devoted and 
dedicated slaves. 


Lesson 10 J" t 


Love Of Allah, (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) 

and The Faith 


Islam requires of us to believe in Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
and His Apostle and to observe Salaah, Saum, Zakaah and Hajj, and to 
lead a life of piety, honesty, goodness, gentleness, moral and social 
q rectitude and self-discipline. In the same way, it is also one of its 
^ fundamental teachings that wc should hold Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa), the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) and the Faith 

dearer to our hearts than everything else, may it be our parents, 
UJ children, life, honour or property. In simple words what it means is that 
should a lime come when it may involve the risk of life, honour or 
properly or of any other worldly thing or interest to abide by the faith 
of Islam and to remain loyal to the injunctions of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) then we 
must not break away from Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and the 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) and the Faith irrespective of 

what the consequences may be. 

It has been stressed repeatedly in the Holy Quraan and the 
Traditions that those who may claim lo be Muslims but do not possess 
as strong a devotion for Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), the Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) and the Faith as these are in fact, arc not 
true Muslims. What is more, they are deserving of Divine chastisement. 

HP ^br 1 

Reads surah Taubah: 







If it he that your 

fathers, your sons, your brothers, 
your mates, or your kindred: the 
wealth that ye have gained; the 
commerce in which ye fear a 
decline; or the dwellings in 
which ye delight, are dearer to 
you than Allah, and His Apostle, 
or the striving in His cause; then 
wait until Allah brings about 
His decision; and Allah guides 

not the rebellious." 

(IX; 24) 


Those who love their parents or children or life or honour or 
property more than they love Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and care 
more for ihcir protection or well-being than for His pleasure and the 
defence and progress of His faith are unquestionably disloyal to Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and worthy of His punishment. A Tradition say: 

11 He alone will taste the swcelnecs of the faith who possesses these 
three qualities: the love of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and the 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) come to him before everything 
else; he loves whom he loves for the sake of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa); the idea of going back to apostasy after he has embraced 
Islam is as repugnant to him as being thrown into the fire," 

In the sight of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and the Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) a true and genuine Muslim is a person 
whose devotion to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and His Apostle 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) and the Faith is stronger than to 
anyolhcr person or thing in the world so much so that when he loves 
another human being he loves him for the sake of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa), and who is so sincerely and powerfully attached to the 
Islamic faith that the very thought of leaving it and reverting back to 
apostasy may be as painful to him as being east into the fire. 






Says the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc Wasailam): " None or you 
can be an honest Muslim and a true believer unless his love for mc 
exceeds the love he lias Tor his parents, children or any other human 
being in the world." 

Brothers! Islam, really is nothing besides surrender and 
submission to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and the Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) with all one's hear! and soul and the 
readiness to sacrifice every attachment, belonging or interest for the 
sake of the Faith as the holy Companions had done and as the state is 
of the true and devoted servants of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
even today, however small may their number be. May we also be one 
of them ! 


Lesson 11 


Preaching And 

Essential as it is for us to affirm faith in Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc Wasallain) and Id 
follow with righteousness and sincerity the straight path of Islam, it is 
also important that we strove earnestly to guide the others, loo, to the 
path of the faith who are ignorant of it or who may be unwilling to 
adopt it on account of prejudice or spiritual malaise. As Allah 
O (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) has placed on us the duty of being His pious, 
^ devout and faithful servants so also has He made it obligatory for us lo 
CO work among His other creatures as well towards the same end, that is, 

towards making them also His pious, devout and faithful servants. That 
■ is what is meant by the service of faith and its preaching and 


This work is so great in the sight of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) that for it He sent down thousands of Prophets into the 
world. The Prophets bore tremenduos hardships and went through the 
severest of trials and privations to carry out their mission. They worked 
for the moral and spiritual reform and uplift of mankind. May the 
eternal blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) be on them and on 
their companions and supporters. 

The glorious chain of Prophecy and Apnstleship ended with the 
last of the prophets, Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam). 
Through him also Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) proclaimed to the 
world that no more prophets would now be raised up for the guidance 
of humanity. The celestial mission shall now be carried on by those 
who had accepted his guidance and the religion he had brought with 



him into the world. 

In sum, after the termination or the luminous line of Apostles the 
responsibility for preaching and propagation of faith and religious 
instruction and reform of mankind has fallen wholly upon the shoulders 
of the followers of the sacred Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc Wasallam). 
This honour, indeed, k unique. In the Holy Quraan, the very object of 
the raising up of Muslim has been defined as nothing but this: 

You are the best of Peoples, O^^^Sfc^^ 

ved for mankind, enjoining «.t!^ ^ - rJ* \*<l t 

evolved for mankind, enjoining 
what is right, forbidding what is 
wrong and believing in Allah ^X^^^^tzH^ilS 


(111:110) qx^ 

m The Muslims were, thus, superior to all other peoples and 

£u communities for the simple reason that they, in addition to adopting for 

themselves the path of faith and righteousness, were charged with the 
■ special duty of striving to bring others also to practise what was right 

v. I J 

and to avoid what was wrong. It was because of this that they were 
given the distinction of being the "Best of Peoples'*. It is also evident 
from the above verse that should the Muslim fail Lo discharge the 
function they would not only forfeit the claim to the distinction but 
would also render themselves liable to be punished by Allah 
(Suhhaanahu Wata'aaiaa) for neglecting the duty. He had assigned to 

them. Let us take an illustration: suppose a company of sentries is 
posted in a town by the Government lo check the immoral activities of 
its citizens and the sentries not only fail to perform their duly but, what 
is more, they themselves begin to indulge in the transgressions they 
were required lo suppress. Now, will they be retained in service and 
rewarded by the Government or taken severely to task by it for their 
negligence and misconduct ? Ii will, certainly, not be improper or 
unjust if they were punished more severely than the other offenders. 

The conditions prevailing in the entire Muslim world today are so 
extcrniclv deplorable that what to speak of the preaching of the faith 


and the correction and reform of others, not more than five or ten per 
cent pf Muslims themselves arc true to Islam and do good deed and 
abstain from what is evil and prohibited. In these circumstances* it 
becomes our primary duty to carry out the mission of moral and 
spirlual reform and guidance among our own people, among such 

sections of them as have drifted mournfully away from the path of faith 
and moral uprightness. 

One of the reasons for it is that those who call themselves, or are 
known as Muslims, whatever be the practical stale, have, after all, forged 
a link between themeselves and Allah (Subhaamihu Wata'aulaa) and His 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc Wasallam) and the Faith, and become 
members of the Muslim brotherhood or Umniah, through the acceptance 
of Islam. Solicitude Tor Uicir moral and spiritual well-being is our first 
q responsibly in any case in the same way as the responsibility of looking 

O after the welfare of his own children and near relations is greater on a 

Cg man than that of looking after the welfare of others. 

, And, secondly, before everything else, it is the actual condition of 

d) Muslims from which the world will generally judge about Islam, and 

the spectacle of degeneration that Muslims, on the whole, present these 
days is such that it cannot be expected to make a very favourable 
impression on anyone in respect of their faith. The non-Muslim world 
is not likely to think very highly of the excellent teachings of Islam as 
long as Muslims remain what they arc today. On the other hand, it is a 
feeling of revulsion and dislike which non-Muslims usually get about 
Islam when they look at the lower degree of moral and spiritual level 
into which the Muslims have sunk. It has always been like this* People 
have always formed their opinion, good or bad or indifferent, about a 
religion from the actual moral and social state of its followers. 

In Ihe past when Muslims used to be true Muslims, observing 
strictly the postulates of their faith, people were attracted towards Islam 
simply by seeing them. Whole nations and communities were 
converted to Islam in this way, But since the Muslims arc only in 
name; their conduct and morals grew un-lslamic and their hearts got 



bereft of faith and righteousness ihe world has developed a prejudice 
against Islam itself 

in fine, we should realise the truth of it clearly that the daily life of 
Muslims, their social, moral and spiritual conduct and behaviour, is the 
biggest testimony and the chief measuring rod with regard to Islam. If 
the practical life of Muslims is good, the world will form a good 
opinion about Islam, and if it is bad, the opinion the world will acquire 
aboul Islam will also be bad. In later case, the preaching of Islam 
among non-Muslims is destined to be fruitless. Hence, the .success of 
all the efforts aimed at the propagation of Islam among non-Muslims as 
well is dependent on the condition that Islamic life, i.e., the life of faith 
and righteous action became the chief attribute or the entire Muslim 
community. From this point of view also it is necessary to strive first 
O for the guidance and reformation of Muslims and lo launch the struggle 
O with all our might for popularising the values of Islamic life among 
Cd lliem before we turned our attention lo others. 

1 Islam has given the task of religious preaching, reform and 

^ guidance the name of Jihad-i-Akbar. the great Jihad '. If it is 

undertaken in the right spirit, wiih sincerity and selflessness and solely 
for the sake of winning Divine approbation, this work, definitely, is a 
great Jihad in the sight of Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa). 

Many people suppose that that Jihad means only a war which is 
waged in the path of Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) and according to 
the rules and instructions laid down for it in the Shariah. But this is not 
correct. The truth is that whatever endeavour that can be made at a 
particular time for the preachig and propagation of Islam and the moral 
and spiritual correction and guidance of mankind is the Jihad of the 

The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) remained in 
Makkah for about twelve years after the mantle of Apostleship had 

J. The ccmuiicntators of the Holy Quraan arc generally agreed thai the verse ("Strive 
against them with the utmost strenousness (with the Holy Quraan)') of Surah Furqaan 
means the preaching and propagatin of Islam. 





fallen upon him. During this period ihe Jihad of Lhc Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) and his Companions consisted altogether in adhering 
steadfastly to the faith inspite of the terribel persecution unleashed on 
them by the enemies of Islam and in doing all that lay in their power, 
openly as well as secretly, to .spread the Divine message of Islam and to 
reform morally and spinually those who lived around them. 

To devote oneself to the noble task of guiding the ignorant, the 
way ward and the thoughtless to the straight path of Islam and of 
bringing them nearer to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), to spend one's 
time and money on it* and to sacrifice one's comfort, all this, in any 
ease, is Jihad in Divine estimation. In fact, it is the Jihad of the present 

O The rich reward that awaits those in the Hereafter who engage 

O themselves in this lofty endeavour as well as the dreadful punishment 
Ctf that is going 10 fall to the lot of those who neglect it and do not 

participate in it can well be imagined from the Traditions we give 

below : 

"A person who guides another to a deed of virtue shall receive the 
same recompense for it as the doer of the deed and there will be no 
reduction in the reward of the doer himself because of it" 

What the Tradition means is that suppose ten persons, or even five, 
were reformed through our effort and they came to believe in Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) and to observe the Divine commandments - they began to 
offer the Salaah and to carry out other religious duties and avoided 
what was wrong and forbidden then ihe reward they will earn on it 
jointly will be granted to us alone also. A little thought will show that 
there is simply no other way in which a person can win so much 
reward - the reward of the prayers and other pious and virtuous deeds 
of hundreds of men. 

Another Tradition of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 



Wasallam) says : 

"By the Almighty in whose power lies my life, do not neglect the 
duty of "enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong. 

Remember if you neglected your duty it is quite possible that Allah 
might send down His punishment on you and then all your prayers and 
supplications will avail you nothing." 

Brothers! Some of the most enlightened and spiritually evolved 

divines of our day are of the view that the disasters and humiliations 

that Muslim have been facing for a long time, and the troubles and 

difficulties they are caught in universally these days and which do not 

seem to abate or relent a bit inspite of all their pathetic petitions to 

Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and prayers etc., are due mainly to the 

O very reason that they have ceased to discharge the function they were 


raised up for and for which they were made wholly responsible after 
Cd the termination of Prophecy and Apostleship. Evidently, when a 

watchman fails to perform his duty he is dismissed from service and 

i castigated sternly for his negligence. Let us resolve solemnly that we 

shall be found wanting no more in the discharge of our duty. Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaaVs help will be with us. He has promised : 

A I lath certainly, will aid I hose who aid His Cause. 

(XXII : 40) 


lesson 12 







One of the .special responsibililites a man owes to Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) once he has accepted (he faith or Islam is that he remains firm 
and steadfast in his faith at all times and in all circumstances. He is 
expected to uphold the faith with all his courage and strength, however, 
adverse the conditions may be. He must not prove disloyal to Islam in any 
event. He must not give it up. This is what is meant by 'constancy of 
faith*. Such men have been spoken of very highly in the Holy Quraan and 
a bountiful reward has been promised to them in the Hereafter . It says : 

In the case of Those who 
say\ "Our Lord is Allah, and, fur* 
theft stand straight and stead- 
fast, the angels descend on them 
(from time to time): "Fear ye 
not" (they suggest), "Nor grieve! 
But receive the tidings of the 
Garden (of Bliss) which ye were 
promised i We are your prote- 
ctors in this life and in the 
Hereafter ! Therein shall ye have 
all that your souls will desire! 
Therein shall ye have all that ye 
ask for I A hospitable gift from 
One, Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful 

(XU : 30-31) 

What wonderful tiding does the above verse contain for those who 
are constant in faith and who patiently preserve and remain steadfast in 
limes of misfortune and peril. If one could attain this position even at 
(he cost of one's life, property and everything it would not be a bad 


bargain indeed. 

It is related that once a Companion asked the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) to Lll him something that could suffice for him 
always and after which he would not have the need to turn for advice to 
anyone. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) said, "Say, Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalua) (alone) is my Lord", and slick to it (i.e., 
conduct your life in accordance with it unswervingly)," 

For our benefit and guidance a number of extermely inspiring 
parables have been narrated in the Holy Quraan of devout and faithful 
servants ol Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) who remained true to faith 
in circumstances* of utmost distress and suffering. Neither fear nor 
greed could make them deviate from the path they had chosen. One 
q such parable is of the Magicians of Egypt who were summoned to 
q2 challenge Prophet Moses (Alaihis Salaam) and great rewards and 

honours had been promised to them. Yet after the truth of Divine 

inspiration and the Apostolic message of Moses (Alaihis Salaam) had 
Q) dawned upon them, they cared neither for (he riches and honours the 

Pharaoh had promised nor for the savage punishemnt they were sure to 
receive at his hands for disobeying his commands. Rising above the 
considerations of gain or loss, they boldly declared before the vast 
assembly of men, il Wc believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses." Later, 
when they were threatened by that enemy of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa), the Pharaoh, that he would have their arms and legs 
severed and then they wouid be hanged on the gallows they replied 
daunllessly, displaying magnificent courage of conviction that; 


So decree whatever thou 

oo aecree wnaiever tnou .t ti#*vfr^ ■•• 

desiresi to decree : for thou canst, ^^U^w^»v\jgJ*\* 

decree (touching) only the life of 
this world. For us we have 
believed in our Lord: may He for- 

gives us our sifts. f rtifi) 

f XX : 72-73) 


Still more inspiring is the story of Pharaoh's wife. You know that 
Pharaoh was the all-powerful monarch of Egypt whose wife was the 
sole mistress of his heart. From this you can imagine how enviable 
would have been her iot. All the world's glories and luxuries were at 
her feet. Yet when the innermost depths of her soul were stirred by the 
Divine call of Moses (Alaihis Salaam), she did not give a thought to 
what her husband would do to her or how her life of cloudless bliss 
would change into one of colossal distress and misery. Regardless of 
the consequences she proclaimed her faith and once she had done so 

she flinched not from the path of duty towards Allah (Subhaanahu 

Wata'aalaa) and religion although the torture she was subjected to was 
truly barbarous, the very idea of which is enough to make our flesh 
creep even today. In return for it, such a unique honour was conferred 

on her by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) that her name has been 

mentiond reverentially in the Holy Quraan and the patient perseverance 

tt displayed by her and her sacrifice have been held forth as an example 

■ to all Muslims* 

And Allah sets forth, as an 

Q) example to those who believe, -w$&fc'**'ntf&\\^$ 

< the wife of Pharaoh: behold, she ^Si\^Jb^^\}s^ 

said !*' Build for me in nearness \Z±*& 


to Thee, a mansion in the 

Garden, and save me from &[\*^i^*iZ&^jA*sL 

Pharaoh and his doings, and *^ £ *"" ** 9 * * v 

save me from those that do wrong. {XtLzi^ J *(,^-AkJJ 

(LXVf : II) 

Glory be ! What rare honour, what matchless distinction, really, 
that Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) has chosen for the constancy of 
faith of that blessed lady to serve as an example to the entire Ummah, 
from Hadhrat Abu Bakr down to the last generation of Muslims before 
the Last Day. 

It is related that when the atrocities perpetrated by the Polytheists 
of Makkah on Muslims exceeded all limits and the Companions 


approached the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc Wasallam) to pray to 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) for mercy and protection, the Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) remarked, "You have hecomc 
disheartened so soon ! Men of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) before 
you were subjected to such brutal torture that combs of red hot iron 
were driven into their heads and the skulls of some of them were 
sawed off into two and yet they remained steadfast and did not 
abandon their faith." 






lesson 13 


The believers are required emphatically to do whatever they can 
towards popularising, defending and keeping alive and nourishing, as 
the best and the truest way of life, the way of Islam and servility to 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) they have chosen for themselves This, 
in Islam, is called Jihad. It can take many forms depending on the 
circumstances varying from time to time and place to place. 

Suppose there arises a situation in which it becomes difficult or 
q even dangerous for a person or his family or community to profess 
O Islam and to remain true to it. To be a Muslim may become the hardest 


C^ thing to do in the world. In thai case. Jihad will lie in doing ones best 

for oneself, one's family or community to stay firmly devoted Ot Islam. 

"J" li would, certainly, be a most splendid Jihad in those circumstances. 

0^ Similarly, should Muslims, through their own folly or negligence, start 

drifting away from the faith, then, at such a time, to devote one's time 
and energy to their religious revival and reform, too, would constitute a 
kind of Jihad. 

To carry the Divine guidance to those who are ignorant of it and to 

_ __ _1-M _1 


accept it is yet another form of Jihad. 


Should believers in Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and the 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasaliam) be in power somewhere and the 
conditions demand that collective force be used for the defence and 
assistance of the faith, then, in that case, the use of force for the 
defence and assistance of faith according to the rules laid down for it, 
will constitute Jihad, Two conditions, however, are essential for it. 
Firstly, such a step must not be motivated by any personal or national 


self-interest, greed or enmity. It should be taken solely to carry out the 
command of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and to serve the cause of 
His faith. And, secondly, that the rules prescribed for it are 
scrupulously observed. If force is used without the fulfilment of these 
conditions, it will not be Jihad according to Islam but wanton 
wickedness and mischief. 

To speak a just word before a tyrannical ruler (be he a Muslim or a 
non-Muslim) is, again, a form of Jihad, In the Traditions it has been 
spoken as "the best of Jihad/* 

All these forms of religious struggle and endeavour, at their proper 
lime and place, are among the obligatory duties of Islam, and. as we 
have seen the term Jihad is applied to them in various degrees. 

O We now proceed to examine some .of the verses of the Holy 

^ Quraan and Traditions of the Prophet (Sailallahu Alaihe 

Cd Wasallam) enjoining on Muslims the duty of Jihad and revealing 

to them what unique glory and spiritual merit lies in it. It is said in 

T a Quraanic verse: 


And strive in His cause as ye ^ . 

ought to strive (with sincerity ^k^^^*^^^^^ 

and under discipline). He has 
chosen you. 

(XXII : 78) 


Another Quraanic verse is translated as : 

O ye who believe ! Shall I lead you to a bargain that will save you 
from a grievous penalty? That ye believe in Allah (Subhaanahu 
Waia'aalaa) and His Apostle, and that ye strive (your utmost) in the 
cause of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), with your property and your 
persons; that will be best for ye if ye but knew ! He will forgive ye your 
sins and admit ye to Gardens beneath which rivers flow, and to 
beautiful mansions in Garden of Eternity: that is, indeed, the Supreme 
Achievement. ■ (LXI : 10-12) 





After these, the Traditions 

'To believe truthfully in Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and to 
strive in the cause of Faith is the best of all deeds." 


It shall not be thai a person whose feet are covered with dust in 

the path of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) went to Hell 


"For anyone of you to rise in the way of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) (i.e., in the defence of Islam and to take some part in the 
struggle for its progress and glory) is bctlcr than seventy years of 
worship in the corner of his house. 

May it be allotted to us also by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) to 
earn the Divine reward that is for those who make earnest exertions in 
the path of His faith! 

Lesson 14 



In the special language of Islam a person who meets his death in 
the path of faith either as a result of obeying its injunctions and 
carrying out its commands as a staunch and devoted follower or in the 
course of struggle for its defence is called a martyr. It is said in the 
Holy Quraan that Martyrs should not be thought of as dead: they are 
alive, a very special existence is conferred on them and they are the 
recipients of boundless favours and blessings from their Lord. 

q Think not of those who are 


Q) Lord. 

slain in Allah's way as dead. 

Nay, they live, finding their sus- O^^i^ltfc^tl 

tenance in the Presence of their ****&-*'■»*•* C 

(III : 169, WW 


How marvellous is the fate of these true and noble sons of Islam, 
how mightily beloved of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) they are and 
what glorious rewards arc showered upon them by Him can be 

visualised from the Tradition we arc going now to reproduce. The Holy 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) is reported to have said: 


"No one among the dwellers of the Paradise will ever want to be 
sent back to the world, although all the worldly joys and riches may be 
his if he is sent back, except one who had been killed in the way of 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa); such a man will want to be returned to 
the earth and killed in the cause of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) ten 
times over because of the high honour and splendid ceremony with 
which he will be received in the Heaven on account of dying a martyr's 




The sacred Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) himself was so 
enthusiastic about attaining martyrdom that he used often to say: 

"By the Holy Being in whose power lies my life, I wish I was 
killed in Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa)'s way and brought back to life 
and killed once more and brought back to life and that this happened to 
me over and over again/* Another of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam)'s Traditions read : 

"Six rewards are conferred on a martyr by Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) ; one, he is forgiven immediately and his abode in the 
Paradise is shown to him; two, he is spared the punishment of the 
grave; third, he is granted freedom from the acute fear and anxiety of 
the Day of Requital that will grip the heart of every one ("except of 
q those on whom there will be the favour of the Lord); four, a crown of 

O honour will be placed on his head, a single ruby of which will be more 


(^ valuahlc than the whole world; five, seventy- two celestial brides will 

be given to him in marriage; and> six, his intercession will be accepted 
on behalf of seventy kinsmen." 

Furthermore ; 


To fall a martyr in the cause of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
atones for everything except a debt." 

And, it should be remembered that the Divine reward and other 
wonderful Favours promised on martyrdom are not dependent only on 
death oceuring in the way of Allah {Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). It is not 
thai when a person is killed in the cause of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) only then docs he become entitled to them. Every loss or 
injury suffered, every pain and suffering undergone, in the service of 
the faith carries a bounteous reward. Any believer who may be 
persecuted, punished, beaten, insulted or tortured for the sake of Islam 
will be rewarded most lavishly in the Hereafter. Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) will raise him so high in honour that the most exalted of 
saints and divines will envy his fate. Just as soldiers, in this world, who 




serve their motherland gallantly and care nothing for their own safety 
when the call of duty comes, are honoured with awards and decorations 
hy their governments in the same way the servants of Allah 


(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) who suffer loss or humiliation for the sake of 
faith occupy a special place of glory in the celestial scheme of things. 
On the Day of Recompense when these blessed children of Islam will 

receive their awards and decorations and Allah (Subhaanahu 

Wata'aalaa), the Almighty will honour them with His exquisite favours 
and bounties, all the rest of men will regretfully wish that they, too, had 
undergone a similar experience in the world, that they, too, had been 
punished, tortured and humiliated for the sake of faith so that they 
would also get those magnificent favours and rewards on the Day, 

Should a trial of this kind be destined for us as well, O Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), at that fateful hour, keep us brave and 
Q steadfast and withhold not from us Thy grace ! 




Lesson 75 



Life After Death 

This much is known to everyone that whoever is born into the 
world has got to die one day or the other. But nobody knows on his 
own what happens or will happen after death. This is known only to 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
vouchsafe the knowledge of it to His Prophet (Sallallahu Aiaihe 
Wasaliam) and through the Prophet (Sallallahu Aiaihe Wasaliam) men 
like you and me also come to know about it. Every prophet of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), in his time, had revealed clearly to his 

O people through what stages they would have to pass after death and 

how at each stage they would be recompensed for their deeds - good as 

£2; well as bad - during their earthly sojourn. Since Prophet Muhammad 

(Sallallahu Aiaihe Wasaliam) is the last of the Divine Apostles and 

J. Messengers and no prophet is going to be raised up after him, the 

different stages through which a man has to pass after death have been 
explained by htm in greatest detail and with utmost clarity; If all that 
the Prophet (Sallallahu Aiaihe Wasaliam) has revealed in this conection 
is brought together it would make a volume by itself. We will, 
therefore, give a very brief summary of it over here. 

There are to follow three stages after death. The first stage runs 
from death to Resurrection. It is called BanakhK Whether a person is 
buried when he dies or he is cremated or cast into the river, his soul 
does not perish with him. It is immortal; it lives. It only migrates from 
this material world of ours lo anuthers world. In this other world the 
angels question him about his spiritual state. If he is a true believer, he 
gives the correct answers: whereupon the angels impart to him the glad 
tidings that be is going to live in peace and happiness tiff the Last Day. 
And if it is otherwise, that is, he is an unbeliever, an infrdel or a sham 
or hypocritical Muslim, he is, at once, placed under dreadful 

I The interval fcerween death and rcsurraction-Tr&ftsLator 





punishment which is not to cease before the Day of Reckoning 

The next stage comprised of the Last Day and the 

Resurrection, The Last Day means that there will come a time when the 
entire material world will be destroyed by the command of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Waia'aalaa), anihilaiion will descend suddenly on 
everything that exists around us. The whole world will be thrown 
topsyturvy. Then, after a long lime, when Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) will wish, all men will be raised up again. Every person 
born into the world will be re-created and called upon to render a full 
account of his doings on the earth. In the Great Reckoning, those who 
will be found worthy of deliverance will be awarded a place in the 
Paradise and those who will turn out to be guilty and undeserving of 
Divine chastisement will be consigned to Hell. 

After this, there will commence the last stage. The dwellers of the 
2 Paradise will live in a state irf eternal bliss, supremely immune from 

every kind of pain, anxiety or suffering and exulting in the bounties of 
J. their Lord the like of which they would not have dreamt of in the 

world, while those that will be condemned to Hell will have to live 
permanently in a condition of unmitigated misery and distress. There 
will be for them nothing but horrible agony and casligation. This will 
be the ultimate stage after death. 

The above was the sum and substance of what the prophets, 
specialy the last of them, Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam), have taught mankind about the Hereafter and what is 
indicated about it in the Holy Quraan and the Traditions* We will now 
examine some of the relevant verses of the Holy Quraan; 

Every soul shall have a taste ^ m _^ - m 

of death : in the end to Us shall ye ^v£*K)^Ut J ^-A* < J> 

be brought bacL (^^&&1^£S\ 

(XXIX: 57) • ■** 



Every soul shall have a Taste 
of death: and only on I he Day 
of judgement shall you he paid 

* s $it®SjS& 



your full recompense. (WtrtP/Jfa '&£\ 

(III: 185) V ' "" -*" 

The Last Day will be a frightful, horrible day 

O mankind ! fear your Lord, <:{$ 

for the convulsion of the Hour ^ -- - "- 

(of judgement) will he a thing 

terrible ! the Day ye shall see it ; 

every mother giving suck shall o^lJF^^jvLX^^^ 

forget her sucklinghahe t and ^6\ u^t^l^t)^ 

O every pregnant female shall drop ^>, y i. *> 

O her load unformed ! thou shall ^%M^m&3& 

CD see mankind as in a drunken ri- 

ot, ye i not drunk ! but dreadful 

i .shall be the wrath of Allah 

^ (XXII: 1-2) 



One day the earth and the 
mountains will be in violent r ^ 

commotion and the mountains uW^t^^uvii 

will be as a heap of sand poured ( \r- &*&*& *€(& 

out and flowing down. 

(LXXIIl: 14) 

A day that will make chil- 
dren hoary - headed. 

(LXX11I: 1 7) 

At length, when there comes 
the deafening noise f that Day 

shall a men flee form his own Q^f * *J&S<* 

brother, and from his mother 






LXXX ; 33:41) 
On the Day of Recompense : 

(LXIX : IS) 

and kit father, and from his wife isZ^Stdiyxfe 

and children. Each one of them, \l*~r "f 

that Day, will have enough con- ^^$^Zp*£$& 

cern (of his own) to make him t^to^ofe \£*< 

indifferent to others. Some faces ^^/^^ s** * 

that Day will be beaming, laugh- ^^^f'C^^'SL 

ing, rejoicing. And oilier faces $&%&'£&&£& 
that Day wilt be dust-stained, 
blackness will cover them. 

i t&yg 

2 Z-Vi. S^Q *£ K S„Cs 

Thai Day shall ye be brought 
to Judgement ! not an act of '^^S^J^i^^j^ 


yours that ye hide will be hid- (\t3\J\) Af 

den. V ' ■ / oN 

*y ' 



One day We shall remove the 
mountains, and thou will see the 
earth as a level stretch* and We 
shall gather them, altogether, nor 
shall leave out any of them, And 
they will be marshalled before 

the Lord in ranks, with the ^iS'S&SSX^''"'*- 

announcement, "Now have ye ^^^\\ J ^'^i c iX J -'<' > ^ 

come to Us (bare) as We created '-^^c^lf^d? 

ye first t Aye, ye thought We shall S*>^et>Jol 

not fulfil the appointment made '& +&%< * gft '<& 

to you to meet Us?" And the ^2^7^"^ **** 

Book (of Deeds) will be placed *^K&3$ 
before yon; and thou will see the 

sinful in great terror because of ^i^ t£ * y 

what Is recorded therein; thev ^l^SSjj fa: ^ 




will say "Ah ! Woe to us ! What a 
Book is this ! It leaves nothing 
small or great, but takes account 


»-f S x 

thereof!" They will find all that 0±%jtf^JX£ 

they did placed before them: and , r ^ Y\ y *i J Z& 

no one will thy Lord treat with injustice. ^«?9 ^^ * -> 

(X VI 11 ; 47-49) 

A man's own limbs will depose against him before Allah 
(Sunhaanahu Wata'aalaa) on the Day of Reckoning. 

That day shall be set a seal 

on their mouths. But their hands V-flf> t ' ^ Jf 

^_ will speak to Us. and their feet "M#&^\u£|5 

O witl bear witness to all that they ^ffi^^ffiy^Vvfijj 

U . did (XXXV1;65) 


The Holy Quraan, in fine, has portrayed most graphically and 
vividly the happenings of the Last Day: the terrific explosions and the 
dreadful tremors, the total annihilation of the world even the mountains 
will be wiped out of existence, the rising again of men, the gathering 
together of them for the Judgement, the presentation of the Book of 
Deeds, the deposing of one's own Umhs against oneself, the Judgement, 
and finally, the execution of lite Divine Verdict and the allotment of 
Heaven and Hell. All these events have been described so candidly in 
some of the chapters of the Holy Quraan that one can obtain a full 
picture of the happenings of the Usl Day by reading them. The Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam). thus, is reported to have observed, 
"Anyone who wishes to know about ihe Last Day as if the scene of it 
was drawn before his eyes should read these chapters of the Holy 
Quraan : Takveer, Infitaar and Inshiqaaq. 

We will now see a few Traditions of the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) appertaining to Barzakh and the Last Day. Says he: 

"When aayone of you dies the place that is going to be tes abode 


in the Heaven or in the Hell (on the basis of his conduct in the world) is 

t before his eyes every morning and evening and it is said lo 
him, "Behold, this is your destination, and, surely* you will reach it'." 

"When the Trumpet will first be sounded on the Last Day by 
the command of Allah (Subhaanahu Wataaalaa) everyone will faint 
and drop dead on the ground. When it will be sounded next all men 
will rise again." 

They wilt then be commanded to proceed to make their presence 
before the Lord. The angels, thereafter, will be told to collect them together 
and here the investigation into their conduct on the earth will begin.** 

It is related that a Companion once enquired from the Prophet 
(Sallaliahu Alaihe Wasallam), "O Messenger of Allah (Subhaanahu 

Wata'aalaa), how will Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) raise up his 


creatures from the dead? Is there anything like it here in this world 
which may be cited as example?" The Prophet (Sallaliahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) replied, "Has it never occured to you that you may have 
passed by a stretch of land in your country and found it dry and bereft 
of all vegetation, and, then, on coming upon it again, after sometime, 

discovered that it was covered lavishly with fresh, green grass?' 1 The 

panion replied, "Yes, my master. It has." The Prophet (Sallaliahu 

Alaihe Wasallam) remarked, "This typifies resurrection, Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will raise from the dead in the same manner/ 1 

The Prophet (Sallaliahu Alaihe Wasallam) is reported to have asked, 
after reciting the Quraanic verse, On the Day (the earth) will declare her 
tidings'* "Do you know what it means?" The Companions arc said to 
have replied, "Allah (Subhaanahu Wataaalaa) and His Apostle 
(Sallaliahu Alaihe Wasallam) know best" The Prophet (Sallaliahu 
Alaihe Wasallam), the Tradition goes on to tell, then said, "On the Day 
of Judgement the earth will bear witness to all the deeds performed by 
men on it (i.e*, at the bidding of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) the earth 
will tell that such and such a person had done such and such a thing on it 
on such and such a day.) 


I . The Holy Qurain. XCIX : 4 



Speaking of the Day of Recompense the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam), further, is reported to have said, M On that Day 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will call upon everyone to come 
forward and be his own witness. He will say to him, 'Today you arc 
your own witness: our recording angels are present; this much of 
evidence is enough," Then by the command of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) the lips of the person will be sealed and he will not be 
able to utter a word. His limbs (arms, legs, etc) will then be 
commanded to speak and they will relate the whole story of his 
doings in the world." 

It is reported that once a person went to the Prophet (Sallallahu 

O Alaihe Wasallam) and said, **0 Messenger of Allah (Subhaanahu 

- Wata'aalaa)! I have some slaves who sometimes disobey me, or 

they steal or tell me a lie. I sometimes scold them and, sometimes, I 

also punish them. How is it going to turn out for me on the Day of 

CD Requital?" The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) observed, 

"Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will dispense justice correctly on 
the Day of Judgement. If the punishment you meted out to them is 
proportionate to their faults you will neither get nor have to give 
anything; you will be quit If the punishment turns out to be of a 
lesser degree than what they merited, you will be recompensed for 
it. If the punishment proves to be excessive you will have to 
recompense the slaves." On hearing the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam)'s reply the enquirer began to cry. He said, "Then, O 
Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa)! the best thing for me is to send them away, I declare 
before you that I have set them free." The Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) is also reported to have recited the following 
verse of the Holy Quraan to him : 



Mte .vAa// set up scales of justice for the Day of Judgement, so thai 
not a soul will he dealt with unjustly in the least, And if there he (no 
more than) the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it (to account) 
and enough are We to take account. 

(XXI : 47) 







Lesson 16 



Heaven And Hell 


In the Preceding chapter it has been said thai the last Day will be 
the Day of Judgement. On that Day the believers who will also have 
done good deeds in the world and on whom there will be no 
punishment will rejoice. During the entire proceedings of the Day they 
will rest secure under the shadow of Divine benevolence and gain 
immediate admission into the Paradise. Such of them as well be 
adjudged worthy of deliverance but only after they have undergone a 
spell of punishment will be forgiven and admitted into the Paradise 

rr after they have suffered some of the agonies of the Day of Reckoning, 
: or, at the utmost, after they have spent some time in Hell. In any case, 
those possessing the least amount of faith will, sooner or later, find 

their place in Heaven. Only men who will have departed from the 
qj world in a state of infidelity or polytheism will be doomed to live 
permanently in Hell. In sum, Heaven is the reward for faith, fidelity 
and good -doing and Hell for infidelity, polytheism and revolt against 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and transgression against His will 

The superlative, incomparable blissfulness of Heaven and the 
fearful, loathsome punishment and torture of Hell have been described 
in proper detail in the Holy Quraan; 


For righteous are Gardens in 
nearness to their Lord, with rivers 
flowing beneath; therein is their 
eternal home; with Companions 
pure (and holy); and the good plea- 
sine of Allah. For in Allah's sight 

are (all) His servants. \^$^ti^^S^ 

(III: 1 5) {Kt$$&) 

HI 1 * 


Verily the Companions of 
Garden shall that Day have joy in 
all that they do; they and their asso- 
ciates wilt be in grove of (cool) 
shade; reclining on Thrones (of 


, pmm& 

dignity); every fruit (enjoyment) \^ fill Zj^KQ 1^ 

will be there for them; they shall &fy£$$&*^ '*** 

have whatever they call for: ^ 

"Peace!" — a word (of salutation) 
from a Lord Most Merciful. 

(XXXVI : 55-58) 

in*, °r* 





There will he their all the souls 
could desire, all that the eyes could 
delight in; and ye shall abide there- 
in forever. 


(Here is) a Parable of 
the Garden which the righteous 
are promised; in it are rivers 
of water incorruptible; rivers of 
milk of which the taste never 
changes, rivers of wine of joy to 
those who drink; and rivers of 
honey (pure and clear). In if 
there are for them all kinds of 
fruits; and Grace from their 
Lord (XLVII: 15) 





«< *. *> 



No sense of fatigue shall 

touch them. 

(XV : 48) 



In short, Heaven is the abode of supreme and eternal blissfulness, 
felicity and happiness. There will noi be the faintest trace of pain, 
sorrow or distress in it Lei us now see how will life in Hell be like: 

But those whose balance is 
tight wilt be those who have lost 
their souls; in Hell they will 
abide. The fire will burn their 
faces and they will therein grin 
with their lips displaced. 

(XX 11 1: 103-104) 

ottJsv t*~ > * &£& 




For the 

-doers Wc 


have prepared a 

whose (smoke and flames), like 
the walls and roof of a tent will 
hem them in: if they implore 
relief they will be granted water 
like melted brass, that will scald 
their faces* 

(XVIII i 29) 

Zta/ those who deny (their 

Lord), for them will he cut out a 
garment of Fire; over their heads 
will be poured out boiling water. 
With it will be scalded what is 
within their bodies, as well as 
(their skins). In addition, there 
will he maces of iron (to punish) 
them. Every time they wish to get 
away therefore from anguish, 
they will be forced back therein, 
and (it will be said), "Taste ye 
the Penalty of Burning!" 

(XX It ■ 19-22) 




Verily the tree of Zaqqum 
will he the food of the sinful, like 
molten brass; it will boil in their 
insides, like the boiling of scald- 
ing water. (A voice will cry :) 
"Seize ye him and drug him into 
the midst of the Blazing Fire! 
Then pour over his head the 
Penalty of Boiling Water. " 

(XUV : 43-48) 








And he is given for drink ; 
boiling fetid water. In gulps will 
he sip it t but never will be near 
swallowing it down his throat: 
death will come to him from 
every quarter, yet will he not die; 
and in front of him will be a 
c h as tise in e n t un relenting. 

(XIV: 16-17) 

Those who reject Our Signs 
We shall soon cast into the Fire: 
as often as their skins are roast- 
ed through, We shall change 
them for fresh skins that they 
may taste the Penalty. 

(IV : 56) 



But enough. There are hundreds fo verses in the Holy Quraan that 
tell the same story. To take now some of the Traditions of the Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) : 

"Says AH ah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), 'For My faithful servants 1 
have got ready (in Heaven) things no eye has seen* nor ear heard of, 
nor the thought of which has ever crossed a human heart 1 ," 




The delicious foods, the luscious fruit, the delightful drinks, the 
}'Mi|»euus clothes, ihc magnificent palaces, the splendid gardens, Ihc 
ili'lccutble lakes, the wonderful hoors (celestial brides) and other 
innumerable things of divine beauty and joy that will be available in 
Heaven are, to be sure, known only to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). 
We. on our part, believe in Ihem implicitly and hold [hem to be 
absolutely true. 

Says another Tradition: "As the dwellers will enter Heaven a 
heavenly herald will proclaim, 'Stay healthy; disease in not going to 
touch you here. Live forever; death does exist for you no more. Remain 
young; you shall not grow old in Heaven Be happy always: for you, 
now, there is neither pain nor soi tow," 

But the greatest boon that will be conferred on the faithful, who 
O also practise righteousness, after they have entered their celestial 

abode, is thai they will sec Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) in alt His 
2 Divine Splendour. In the words of the Holy Prophet (Sallaltahu Alaihe 

Wasallam) ii will be like this: 

"When the dwellers of Paradise have entered the home of celestial 
bliss Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will enquire from them thus; l Do 
you wanl that 1 may heslow a favour upon you over and above the 
blessings you enjoy T The people of the Heaven will answer: 4 Our 
Lord ! thou hast illumined our faces, saved us from Hell and granted us 
the Paradise, (what more can we want 7) 1 The veil will then be lifted 
and l hey shall see their Lord unhindered. All the endless joys and 
blessings of ihc Paradise will fade away before the glorious spectacle 
m| die Almighty/* 

hi another Tradition it is related that once the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) while describing the marvellous pleasures of the 
Paiadise and the extreme agony of the Hell observed: 

"On the Day of judgement a person will be brought who will have 




ived in greatest pomp and luxury in the world bui will be condemned 
in Hell because of his evil deeds. He will be djped once into the fire of 
Hell and Ihen taken out of it immediately and asked, "Have you ever 


known comfort ? The man will reply. No, our Lord. I swear by Thy 
name, I have never known what comfort is. Afterwards, another person 
will be brought who will have led a life of rank misery and misfortune 
on the earth bul will be found worthy of Paradise owin** lo his 

faithfulness to Allah (Suhhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and piety. He will be 
taken lo Heaven and then led out of il immediately and asked, 'Have 
you ever known pain or misery ? k No, our Lord! 1 he will reply, s l swear 
by Thy name, I have never known what pain or misery is!" 

In truth, Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) has provided such 
wonderful joys and comforts in the paradise that a man who has passed 
q his days in the world in utmost distress will forget all about il as soon 
O as he has had a taste of them. Likewise, Ihc Hell is such an infernal 


CC place thai a person who have lived all one's life in the world in rare 
luxury and happiness will at once fell, on stepping into it, that he had 
never known what was lo be happy or comfortable. 

The severity and dreadful ness of the chastisement of the Hell 
be imagined from this one Tradition of the sacred Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasal lain): * 


"The mildest punishment thai will he inflicted on a person in the 
Hell is that he will be made to wear a pair of sandals made of tire 
which will be so hot as to set his brain boiling as if something was 


cooking in a pot on a stove. 

The fare that will be served there has been indicated in the verses 
of the Holy Quraan we have quoted already. Here, also, are iwo 
Traditions of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasal lam): 

'The slinking pus people will be made to drink in Hell is such that 
if a bucket of it was thrown into the world, the whole world would be 
with its infernal stench." 


ts If a drop o\ Zaqqtun were to fall on the earth il would be enough 

to pollute all the articles of food and drink thai arc found here/* 

Brohlcrs! AH these events the Holy Quraan and the sacred Prophet 
{Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallain) have told about lo come after death— the 
Barzakh, the Resurrection, the Judgement and Heaven and Hell — . and 
we have discussed in this lesson and the preceding one, are literally 

correct and true. There can be no doubt inJhcm at all. By the 
Almighty, they will come to pass exactly as the Holy Quraan and the 
Holy Prophet (SaMallahu Alaihe Wasallam) have taught. We will see 
them ourselves, with our own eyes, after da 

The Last Day and Heaven and Hell have been dwelt upon in the 
Holy Quraan and the Traditions with such emphasis and thoroughness 
O and referred to again and again a thousand limes for no olher reason 
O except to arouse in us a living, genuine anxiety lo do all thai lies in our 
Cd power lo save ourselves from the fearful penally of Hell and attain the 

cherished, supremely delightful goal of Paradise. 

*~ Brothers! Life is transitory. One day we must die. Death is certain, 

and so is the Last Day. We will, surely, have to stand before Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'iiaiau) after death and answer Tor our deeds on the 
earth. What, then, is our eternal home going to be- Heaven or Hell? 

There is lime still for us lo mend our ways, to offer honest 
repentance for our misdeeds of the past and make a real, sincere effort 
(or the attainment of Paradise. 


Should, Allah- forbid, the rest of our days in the world be also 
spent in neglect and folly, then, be sure, there is nothing m store for us 
in the Hereafter save regret and the punishment of HclL 

L The infernal tree, mentioned in the Holy Quraan, the fruit nf which those doomed lo 
ilie eternal punislimcni nf Hell shall em. -Translator 


Lesson 17 


Islam stands for self-surrender and submission to Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). It calls on men lo fashion their lives 
according to Ihc Divine Will. It wants ihcm to be loyal to Him in all 
circumstances and in every sphere of Ihcir conduct, personal as well as 
social. This can be possible only when our mind's eye is fixed 
permanently on the Almighty, and Ihe consciousness of His love and 
Glory overshadows all our thoughts and actions. 

It is, as such, one of the special teaching of Islam that we 
q remember Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) much and often and keep 
^ our tongues fresh with the recital of His names, praises and attributes. 

It is an excellent and well-tried method for producing in our hearts His 
ove and the consciousness of His Greatness. It is natural for a man's 
Q) heart to be filled with the love of anyone on whose splendour and 

excellence his mind dwells all the time. 


In any way, it is a fact that frequent remembrance kindles the 
flame or love and lends strength to it and so also that the life of 
complete loyally and submission to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
which is the essence of Islam can be possible only through Divine love. 
It is love alone lhat makes one the willing bondsman of anoihers. As a 

;rsian verse says;- 
WhaL is Love? 
Say : "To be Lhe beloved's bondsman." 

Consequently, great stress has been laid in the Holy Quraan and by 
the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) on Zikr (Remembrance of 
Allah Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). 
The Holy Quraan reads : 




O ye who believe / celebrate. . . . f . _ 

the Praise x of Allah, and do this WQ8KWr<*®$ 

often; and glorify Him morning 
ami evening, 

(XXX I II : 41-42) 


iu^i^o % 



And celebrate the Praises of 
Allah much and often : that ye - ~.w r t 

may prosper ; tf £„ >l > • U * ~ 

(IXH : 10) 

There arc l wo things which lead one lo (urge! Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) when one gels absorbed in I hem. These are weallh and 
family* So ihe Holy Quraan names them specifically and warns 
Muslims against becoming n prisoner (o ihem. 

O ye who believe ! let no! 
your riches or vour children 

your tiiftes or your cnaarcn * ^ V> C - i'fif -*■*£* l /Vi 

divert vou from the remembrance <^^wjijLa>*-->*} 

Q) of Allah. Those who act upon 

fhis. Those are the people in loss. A s , i^fi t^JJl^J 

(uciu-9) **iur ^ 

The five daily prayers (Salaah) are obligatory for Muslims. These 
prayers, certainly, are a means of remembering Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) and a very good one loo. Bui it would not be proper for a 
Muslim to stop at them considering thai if he had offered the Safaah he 
had done all that was required of him by way of remembrance of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and there was no need to do anything 
further*. It is a clear commandment of Islam that, in addition to Salaah, 
one should also not negieel Zjkr in whatever state one may be. Ii is said 
in Surah Nisaa. 


I ii does not mean that just as it is compulsory far u nuislmi to offer Salaah five times a 
day in the same way it is ulsti esscnii;il lor him u> keep him self engaged always in the 
remembrance of Allah (Subhaanahu Wuia'aalaxi). What is required is that that a Muslim 
should ttoi he nejrkclful of Ihe duly of remembering Allah (Suhhaunuhu Wata'aalaa). 


When ve 

liana I) 

pass (congraga- 

( elehraie 


Allah '$ Praises. standing, pitting 
or lying tlmm. 

(IV : 102 


Thus, even those engaged in Jihad arc enjoined to carry oul the 

Zikr of Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'auluu) keenly and enthusiastically. 
Says Surah An ilia L 





O ve who he live ! when ye 
meet a force, he. firm and call 
Allah in rememehrance much 

(and often); thai ye may prosper, 

( VI 11:45) 

This verse, ah (he verse quoted earlier, 'And celebrate the Praise* 
nf Allah (Suhhaminhu Wjilnaalaa) much and often: that ye may 
prosper"* show thai YAkt. by no means, constitutes an important factor 
in the success and felicity Of (he believers- As against it, the verse wc 
mentioned a Tew lines ago candidly declares that those who nc&lecl the 
Zikr do a very worng thing They are ai a great loss. In Surah Ra'ttch 
further* it is stated as a characteristic of Zikr that it imparls peace and 
tranquility to the mind and the soul. 

For without a doubt, in the 
re me mh ranee of Allah do hearts 
find satisfaction. 

(XI LL : 2H) 



It is related that once the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) 
was asked who would be the most exalted among the servants of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) on the Last Day. The Prophet (Sallallahn 
Alaihe Wasallam) replied, "Those who do the Zikr of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) be they men or women/* 


Hadhrat Abu Mo as a relates from ihc Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) that "Those who remember Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
and those who do not are like those who arc alive and those who are 
dead (i.e. those who remember Allah Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa and 
celebrate His praises are alive while those who don't, are dead)." 

Relates Hadhrat Abdullah bin Omar that the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) once said, 'There is a polish for everything; for the 
hearts it is the Zikr of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). Nothing is more 
effective then Zikr for deliverance from Divine chastisement." 

It should be understood clearly that the real meaning of Zikr is that a 
man should never be without the thought of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa). In whatever circumstances he may be placed, with whatever 


Ihing he may be occupied, he must not allow himself to become 
O unmindful of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), His laws and ordinances. 

Though for this it is not necessary thai the tongue should also always be 
2 repeating His names, attributes etc., such a state of permanent and all- 


pervading Allah - consciousness is commonly found only in devout 
■ servants of the Lord who succeed in producing within themselves an 

everlasting awareness of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and a feeling 
of infinite devotion to Him through frequent Zikr. There is developing 
a tendency among some of the modern educated people to hold the Zikr 
as futile. This is a grave folly. Zikr is a most valueahle instrument for 
forging a living and all-embracing link with Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa). The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) was very clear 
about its worth and importance. 

[( is related by Hadhrat Abdullah bin Busr that once a man 
mssenled himself before the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) and 
said, "O Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa)! There are numerous teachings of Islam. Please tell me 
something which I may hold fast forever". The Prophet (Sallnyahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) replied, "Keep your tongue wet always with the Zikr 
irf Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa).' 1 



Another Tradition related by Hadhrat Abu Hurairah reads; "Allah 

(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) says, 'When anyone remembers Me and bis 
lips move in My Zikr, I am by his side'/* 

Some Zikr of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc Wasallam) 

The value and importance of Zikr would have become apparent 
from l he Quraanic verses and Traditions we have just quoted. We have 
seen how Zikr of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) promotes and 
strengthens Divine love in our hearts Below we give some of Ihe 
favourite Zikr of the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc Wasallam)- 


Relates Hadhrat Jabir from the Prophet (Sallallahu Afaihc 
Wasa(Iam) thai ; 

"The best of all ZikfiS is the Zikr of jfepj|S5 


■ Narrates Hadhrat Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc 

Wasallam) once remarked: "When anyone recites 4&\^a5f$ from 
Ihe depth of his heart the gates of the heavens open for the Kaltmah till 
Qj it reaches the seventh heaven provided, of course, that the devotee 

abstains from the major sins/* 

According to anoteher Tradition the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) is reported to have said, "Once Moses (Alaihis Salaam) 
begged the Lord to tell him something through which he could do His 
Zikr. The Lord told him to do so through the Kaiinmh of ' ft?} 

upon which Moses (Alaihis Salaam) said. "This is what every one does. 
1 want something special." Came the reply, "If the seven heavens and 
all the heavenly creatures and the seven climes on the earth and all thai 
is contained in Ihcm arc placed on one side of the balance and the 

Kaltmah of ^Y^2Q\5 on lhe ol her t the later shall turn out to be 

, indeed, is the splendour of jwiyidlH? . People, 

unfortunately, take it to be a mere phrase- The writer of these lines, 
himself has heard it from an inspired devotee of the Lord in a moment 
of rare spiritual feeling that, "If someone with the entire wealth of ihe 




work! at his command were to icll mc to give him one Kalimah of 

<xb\y\1i}\*$ recited by me in return for his treasures, this humble 
sell shall refuse to do kg." 

The Third Kalimah 

Related Hadhrat Samurah bin Jundub thai the Prophet (Sallallahu 
A la i he Wasallam) once said that of all the spoken words and the 
Kalimah the most excellent were these four: 

Narrates Hadhral Abu Hurairah that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc 

Wasallam) said, "The Kalimah ^iJ^mm^Sm^^U^^^ 
is dearer Lo me than ihc entire world on which the sun shines." 

q This Kalimah is most complete and comprehensive and all the 

O aspects of Divine praise are covered by it. In some Tradition the phrase 

CC aljbiJJS^^/cJ^iJ is also included it. It occurs after jSSiJuilA revered 

spiritul mentor used to explain the importance of the Kalimah to the 

writer of these lines in following manner: 

«uAc>\2" Glory be to Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aataa), free 
from all faults and blemishes and other things that arc not worthy of 
His Glory. JJsS^M ■ Praise be to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), He 
is the embodiment of perfection and the centre of every kind of virtue, 
(therefore) all praise is for Him, and when such is His Glory that He is 
absolutely blemishless and all the wonderful virtues are assembled in 

Him. He alone is our Lord and the sole object of our heart's desire. 
cuj\ : $l'fLJ\y - 'There is no God save Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), 
We arc His own helpless slaves and of no one else. ^JS* J^jjI Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) is Great, He is Most powerful, Almighty. We 
can never acquit ourselves of our duties to Him as His slaves nor can 
we ever gain nearness unto Him except that He Himself blesses us with 
His Grace. Au§ff&$$$f§ 


There is no power or virtue but in Allah/* 



A well-known Tradition of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) has it that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe WasallamJ's beloved 
daughter (and Hadhrat Ali's wife), Hadhrat Fatimah, used to perform all 
the domestic duties with her own hands. She had even to draw water 
from the well and to carry it home and to grind the corn in the millstone. 
One day she begged the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) to 
provide her with a domestic servant upon which the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) observed, "I will tell you of something that will serve 
you better than a domestic servant. Recite ^\&\£& 33 times, ^judl 33 
times and ^A^12&*j 34 times after each Salaah and on retiring to bed. 

This will be of greater value to you than a servant." 

Another Tradition says, "whoever will, recite after each 
Salaah J$$£ 33 times, 4ii^t] 33 times and ^rtlliT 34 times 

** ** 


O and, al the end of it, the Kalimah, all his sins will be forgiven even if 

f^ they be as profuse as the foam of the sea." 

d) (There is no god but Allah Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa. He is alone. No 

partner hath He. Unto Him belongs sovereignty and unto Him belongs 
Praise and He is all -Powerful). 

SubhaanAUah wa Behamdehi 

It is related hy Hadhrat Abu Hurairah. that the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) said, "He who will recite a hundred limes »*l*o>i&&£Z 
in morning and evening regularly no one shall take with him a greater 
provision of virtue to the Hereafter than him save the person who 
recited it even more." 

Another Tradition related again by Hadhrat Abu Hurairah says; 
"Two phrases are very light on the tongue but are very heavy in the 
Balance of Deeds and Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) loves them very 
much. These arc ^^j^o^and £&3U&6^ 

There arc many other phrases of Zikr commended by the Prophet 


(Sallullahu Alaihe Wasallam). But the lew we have given here, are 
quite sufficient for anyone to adopt For regular recitation. 

As regards the rewards and recompense in the Hereafter promised 
in the Traditions, it needs to be noted that there is no fixed measure or a 
standard yard-slick Tor it. Whoever will recite a Kal'unah of Zikr 
sincerely and with no other objective then the propitiation of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will, Inshaa Allah, merit the full reward no 
matter how many times and at what hour he does so. But when a 

guide prescribes a Zikr for anyone for a particular purpose 
like the kindling of Divine love or awakening of the heart and the 
creation of a permanent consciousness of At : ah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) or for the eradication of a moral or .spiritual ailment, it is 
necessary to follow the routine he lays down and to do the Zikr as 
q many limes as he tells. Without this the desired results can't he 

(J obtained by the devotee. For example if a person recites the Surah 

q3 Faatjhah or any other Surah of the Holy Quraan as an act of religious 

merit there is no harm if he does so once in the morning, once at noun, 
v once in the afternoon, once in the evening and a couples of limes in the 

0) night, but if he wants to learn the Surah by heart, also, he will have to 

recite it scores of times during one silting. Otherwise he will not be 
able to memorise it. This is exactly the difference between an ordinary 
Zikr which spiritual-mentors prescribe to disciples for the cure of a 
spiritual morbidity or as a means for the attainment of any other 
objective of a similar category. 

Many people gel caught in confusion because of not knowing this 
difference. This is why these few lines have been added above. 

The reading of the Holy Quraan 

The reading of the Holy Quraan is also a very good Zikr. A 
Tradition says. 

I . Some people these clays believe thai merely reading of the Holy Quraan. without 

following its meaning, is useless. They, perhaps, imagine the Holy Quraan to he like any 
oflicr hook and just as it is useless to read a book unless one also understands what it says, 

continue next page 




"The superiority of Ihc word of Holy Quraan over any other word 
is the same as the superiority of Allah (Subhaanahu Waia'aalaa) over 

any of His creature/' 

Haclhral Abdullah bin Mas'ood relates from ihc Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihc Wasallam) thai: '"He who reads one letter of ihc Holy Quraan 
for him ihcrc is one virtue and the reward on this virtue is equal to thai 

on ten other virtues. When I say _^J) I do not mean that Alif, Laam, 

Mccm is one letter, but Alif (t»l) is one letter Laarn (#J / is 

another letter, and Meern (y* ) ihe third 


Yet another Tradition as related by Hadhrat Abu Umaamah, reads: 

*'0 people, read the Holy Quraan. On the Day of judgement the 
(j Holy Quraan will inicrcccd for those who will have been reading it (in 

I heir lives)," 

Some suggestions 

■ * mil. ii -■» " ^ **^^^™ .1 

Q) L There is no need for those in whose hearts Zikr of Allah 

(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) has come to dwell permanently as a result of 

in the same way they feel thai the reading of ihc Holy Quraan also without following its 
translation is meaningless. Bui the (ruth is thai rhc Holy Quraan is just not like any other 
book. ][ is the book of Allah (Subhaanahu Wutn*aalau) and nothing besides ii. The mere 
reading of it. with due reverence and humility, is not without its significance. It indicates 
devotion to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), and, thus* it becomes an act of worship. Had 
the purpose of reading (he Holy Quraan been only to realise its import and to appreciate 
intelligently whai if seeks to convey, it would not have been ssnry to recite the surah 
Faatihah as many as four limes is in the course of a single Salasth. Only once would have 
been enough for knowing its meaning. Such a misunderstanding arises, generally, among 
those who imagine Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) to be something of a worldly 
sovereign. They have no idea of His supreme Belovcdncss and His Worshipfuine&s* They 
have known Him and accepted Him only with their minds. Their hearts do not fully 
participate in it. Together with this, it should also be remembered that the real purpose of 
the Holy CJmaan i.e. guidance and instruction CM be realised $nly when u is properly 
understood, when it is read carefully and ihe meaning of its verses arc studied diligently. 
This is the best way of reading it and a source of greater augustrcess. At ihe same lime, the 
mere reading of the Holy Quraan also, is not futile. The correct and balanced view in this 
matter is what we have stated hem. 


constant endeavour and become a pari of Ihcir existence to follow a SCI 
routine or lo make a special effort in this respect. Bui if common 
people like us want to strengthen their bond with Adah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) and to partake of its suspiciousness and blessedness they 
must practise the Zikr at a fixed lime and in a fixed number according 
lo their individual circumstances. Better still, they should seek the 
advice of a spiritual guide while choosing a Zikr phrase for themselves. 
Or they can select a Kalimah from the Kalimahs we have given above 
which may be most suited to their temperament. "Time should also he 
set aside daily for the reading of the Holy Quraan. 

2, As far as possible the meaning of the Kalimnh used for Zikr 
should be kept in mind during the recitation. The Zikr should he done 
with an active awareness of Divine Glory and Magnificence and wilh 
the feeling and the belicT that Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) is near, 
O right here, listening to every word thai is being recited. 


2 3. Wudhu (ablution) is nol necessary for Zikr, It can be done 

freely without the Wudhu, The reward will not suffer because of it But 

■ the spiritual effectiveness of the Zikr is very much enhanced when it is 

done with Wudhu, 

4. It has been seen earlier lhal the third Kalimah 


is the most comprehensive one among all the Kalimahs. If it is adopted 
for recitation, il can fulfil all the needs. This writer has seen that 

spiritual mentors generally prescribe il lo their disciples with Duraod 

Shareefand fstighfaar * 

I. Dealt wilh separately in lessims ]9aiid 20 




Lesson IS i * 


When it is definite and beyond dispute thai whatever happens in 
the world happens by the Will of Allah (Subhaanahu Wataaalaa) and 
thai every thing I hat exists lies absolutely in His power and conrol, it is 

manifestly natural for us to supplicate to Him in our needs, big as wc 
as small. Followers of all religions beseech their god and address their 
petitions to Him. But in Islam it is a matter or paramount importance. 

Slates the Holy Quraan: 

O And your Lord says; "Call 

^ on Me: I will answer (your 

Cti Prayer), " 

(XL: 60) 

(to the rejectors): my 
Lard ix not uneasy because of 

you if yot4 cull not on Him. ^ KMi 

(XXV :77) l '*•; } 


Together with calling on us lo supplicate to Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) in our needs the Holy Quraan also goes on to assure that 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) is very close to His servants. He hears 
their petitions and grants them. 


When my servants ask thee 


concerning Me, I am indeed , ^ 

close to them. I listen to the LYs3\\^4^ i * , <*J 

prayer of every supplicant when \Ss\'\ 

he call e J It on Me 

(ft: 186) 


The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Ahrihe Wasallam) also assures thai 
to beg to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) for our needs, to turn lo Him 

- .. * ~ 

and to make our peiitons to Him is (he very essence and marrow of 
worship. Says he: 

"Du'aa (making of earnest entreaties to Allah Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa is worship/ 1 (According to another version, the Tradition 
reads: "Du'a is the essence and marrow of worship)" 

"Nothing enjoys a loftier place in the sight of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) than du'aa." 

Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) is displeased with those who do 
not beg for their needs to Him, The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc 

O Wasallam) is reported to have said, "Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) is 


O displeased with His servant who docs not supplicate for his needs to 

Cfl Him." 

Glory be lo Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! If a person 
CD approaches a close friend or a near relative with his needs every now 

and then they get sick of him, but Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) is so 
marvelously gracious and benevolent to His servants that He gets angry 
if they do not turn to Him in their needs. A Tradition says: 

"For whom the doors of Du'aa have opened, for him the doors of 
mercy have opened/' 

Anyway, to pray to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) for one's needs 
for the realisafun of one's ambitions is not only a means to their 
fulfilment but also a superb act of worship and Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) is very happy with him who does so, He opens the gates of 
His mercy for him. This is true of all supplications whether they be of 

religious or spiritual nature or a worldly need. The only condition is 
that the object or need should be of a lawful and legitimate kind. To 
pray for an improper or sinful thing is also improper and sinful. 


The greater ihe depth or feeling, the stronger the realisation of 
one's own helplessness and the firmer the conviction of Divine 
Omnipotence and Benevolence with which a prayer is made, Ihe 
greater the chances arc of its acceptance. A prayer wich docs not spring 
from the heart but is uttered on Jy by the mouth as a formality is not 
prayer. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallain) says: 

"Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) does not grant a prayer that is 
made with a sleeping heart. 11 

Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) listens to prayers at all hours but 


we learn from Traditions that there are certain occasions on which if a 
prayer is made it stands greater chances of acceptance. As for instance, 
after a Fardh (obligatory) Salaah, during the later part of the night, at 
the time of breaking a fast or at any other moment of a similar nature 
O when a good act is performed, and during the course of a journey 
O particularly when it is undertaken for a religious purpose and for the 
Cti sake of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). 

It is not necessary for a man to be a saint, or innocent of sin, for 
CD his prayers to be granted. It is true that the prayers of noble and 
virtuous persons are granted more than those of others bufcit does not 


mean thai the prayers of ordinary men and sinners are not heard at all. 
One, therefore, must not give up making supplications to Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) thinking what would the supplications of a 
sinner do. Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), the Beneficicnt, the 
Merciful listens to the prayers of His sinning servants, loo, just as He 
feeds them and clothes them inspile of their misdeeds. Everyone 
should, therefore, pray. We have seen how Du'aa is regular worship. 
Divine recompense will in any case be his who will engage himself in it. 

It will be foolish to loose heart and cease praying if the object for 
which an earnest prayer is made to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) is 
not realised. Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), in any event, is not bound 
by our desires. Sometimes in His judgement, it is in our own interest 
that our prayers should not be granted at once- Sometimes delay is 
found by Him to be better for us. But, we, in our ignorance, gel 



disheartened. We are inclined to be hasty and when our prayers are not 
answered we give up praying as futile. As a Tradition of the Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallnm) assures us: 

"Du'aa is never wasted. But the forms of its acceptance vary. 
Sometimes a person gets whaL he begs for. Sometimes Allah 
{Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) does not think it best for him thai the thing he 
prays for should be granted. So He does not give it to him but, in its 

place, a greater favour is bestowed on him or an impending calamity is 

averted or the prayer is made an atonement for his sins. (Since the 

supplicanl docs not know it he imagines thai his entreaties and 

supplications have come to nothing). Sometimes the prayer is turned 

into the harvest of the Hereafter The object for which a person prays is 

not granted to him in his life but greater rewards is reserved for him in 

Lhe life lo come as a compensation thereof;' 1 
^ And here is another Tradition. 


"Some people, many of whose prayers had not been granted in this 

world, when they will sec in the Hereafter the glorious rewards and 

Q) blessings that had been set aside for them as a recompense for their 

unfulfilled prayers, will exclaim mournfully how great would it have 
been, had none of their prayers been granted in lhe world so thai l hey 
could get the compensation tor them all in the Hereafter." 

In fine* everyone who believes in Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
should make it a habit to call on Htm for his needs with all his heart 
and with and unshakeable faith in the Omnipotence and the 
Benevolence of the Almighty and believing positively that the prayer 
will be granted. He must be sure in his heart thai his prayer shall never, 
never go waste. 

The endeavour should be to pray in words richly expressive of 
Divine Might and Magnificence and of one's own total helplessness. 
Many prayers are contained in the Holy Quraan and hundreds of them 
in the Traditions, These prayers, the prayers of the Holy Quraan and 
lhe Tradition, are by far the best. A selection of forty of these prayers is 
given at the end of the book. 


UmUU1 tA^SM 

Durood Shareef 

Durood Shareef is an invocation we make to Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) to bestow His choicest favours and blessings 

on the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasatlam). It is a kind of prayer. The 
truth is that, after Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), the greatest 
obligation on us is that of the sacred Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam). He underwent tremendous hardship and endured the 
bitterest of persecutions in order to convey the divine guidance to us. 
q Had he not borne these trials and sufferings the light of faith would 
(J never have reached us. We would be dwelling in the gloom of apostasy 
CC and making our home in Hell after death. 

I Since faith is the greatest blessing on the earth and we have 

attained it solely through the merciful agency of the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam), our greatest benefactor, next to Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa), is Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam). 
There is nothing we can do to pay back the enormous debt of gratitude 
we owe to him, We can only pray for him to Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) as a token of our loyalty and gratefulness. 

But what prayer can we make that may be worthy of the Prophet 
(Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam)? Naturally, none besides that Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) may magnify him and bless him with His 
choicest favours. This is just what Durood Shareef is. 

The Holy Quraan clearly enjoins on us to offer the Durood, and in 
what a wonderful manner does it do so: 





Allah and His Angels send 
blessings on the Prophet: O Ye 

that believe ! send ye blessings ^tSj^^^jjS^ 

on him and salute him with all 

(XXXI It: 56) 

In this verse we are first told that Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) 
Himself honours the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc Wasallam) and holds 
him in strongest affection and that His Angels also do the same. They 
pay reverence to him and beseech Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) lo 
bless him with His most marvellous favours. The verse then goes on to 
command us also, i.e., the believers to send blessings on him and salute 
him with all respect. Thus* before Ihc command is given care is taken 
to explain to us that the thing we arc being required lo do is 

H something which is particularly pleasing to Allah (Subhaanahu 
: Wala'aalaa) and which the angels also fondly do. After knowing it, 

u- what Muslim is there worth his name who will not make it a religious 

duty lo offer the Durood'i 


Below we give a few Traditions of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihc 
Wasallam) extolling the virtue and merit of Durood Shareef. 

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) is reported to have said: 

"He who will send blessings on me once Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wala'aalaa) will confer ten favours on him/' (In another Tradition it 
has also been said lhaL "Allah Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa will forgive his 
ten sins and raise him higher in rank by ten degrees)." 

'There are many angels of Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa) whose 
special duty is thai they keep on moving in the world and whichever 

follower of mine sends blessings on me they carry it to me at once." 

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) says : 




"Closest lo me on the Day or Requital will be he who sends 
blessings on me oftener." 

"That man is a big miser in whose presence my name is taken and 
he does not offer the Durood." 



"May he be disgraced in whose presence my name is taken and he 
fails to offer the Durood". 

In sum, to send blessings on the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) is a foremost duty we owe to him as well as it is a source of 
stupendous virtue and blessedness and the founlainhead of prodigious 
isings in this world and the next. 

Words of Durood 

(j Once the Companions asked the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 

^J Wasallam), "How are we lo offer Durood and salutation?" 


The Prophet {Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) advised them about 
Q) Durood-i-Ibrahimi which is recited in the Salaah. We have already 

written it in Lesson 2. 

Very much similar to Durood-i-Ibrahimi, but a little shorter, is 
another Durood which was also taught by the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam). It reads : 

O Allah! magnify Prophet 
Muhammad (SallaUaho A laihe 

Wasallam), the Unlettered, Mi il^^^KS&tSl 

wives, the mothers of the faithful, i*^^u^J?j# 

his posterity (followers), and \v?*^ <s^ 

his family as Thou hast magni- ^> <^^J^SWc£i 

fied the family of Ibrahim. ^f- 3 ^ 
Verily, Thou are the Praiseworthy, 
the Majestic. 


Whenever wc say or call Ihc name of the Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) or talk about him or hear about him from anyone, we 
should at once send blessings on him. On such occasions ii is enough to 
-say only fe0S$$£ or ^§0$& „ 

Daily Routine 

Some determined persons with a natural Hair and fondness for 
Durood-i-Shareef make it a regular habit to recite it thousands of times 
daily. But if weak-willed men like ourselves can manage to recite it a 
hundred times in morning and evening with proper devotion and 

reverence they will profit so much by it and ihcrc will he such exquisite 
favours of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) on him that it is 
no! possible even to imagine them In this world. 

O The following Durood Sharecf is suggested to those who may be 

. wanting lo know a brief one 

O Allah (Subhaanahu Waia r aalaa)! Magnify Mohammed 
{Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) the Unlettered Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) and his family. 




L esson 20 




Allah (Subhaanahu Wniaaalaa) sent clown His Apostles into the 
world and revealed His Books through them so thai men may learn to 
distinguish good from evil, virtue from vice, and earn Tor themselves 

Divine approbation and deliverance in the lite to come by abstaining 
from the wicked and the unlawful and adopting what was good and 
virtuous. Thus those who reject the faith and refuse to believe in the 
Prophets (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) and the Divine guidencc with 
which they had been raised up their whole existence. So lo speak, is 
one of defiance and and transgresion. They arc totally indifferent to the 

message sent down by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). They will have 
nothing to do with it. Unless they believe in the Messengers and 
As Apostles raised up by Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and in the Holy 

Scriptures revealed by Him* and particularly in the Last of the prophets. 
Prophet Mohammed (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) and the Divine 

Book he brought, Lc, the Holy Quraan and accept his guidance they 
can never hope to attain the good pleasure of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) and success and salvation in the Hereafter The denial of 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aalaa), His Apostles and His Books is not 
pardonable. It cannot be condoned. This fact has been made abundantly 

clear by every prophet of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) during his 
lime. In any case it is essential for the salvation of the Apostates and 
Polythcists that they first of all renounce Apostasy and Polytheism and 
take to the path of Faith and Monotheism, Without it salvation is not 

Those who believe in the prophets and affiffti their intention to live 
according to their teachings also sometimes Tall into error. They are 
misled by the Devil or by their own baser instincts and impulses into 
committing a sin. For such defaulters Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 


has kepi the door of Tuubah (Repentance) open, 

Taubah means lhal if a person slips into folly and be guilly of a sin 
or an act of transgression against the law of Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aaiaa) lie should feel genuinely sorry and ashamed over it, and 
resolve sincerely not to do so again, and seek the forgiveness of Allah 
{Subhaanahu Wata'aaiaa) with all his heart. It is slated in the Holy 
Quraan and the Traditions that by doing only this much a man's sin is 
forgiven and he succeeds in winning the pleasure of the Almighty. 

It is essential to know that Taubah is not vocal penitence. It is 

not at all a matter of uttering so many words of repentance. 

sorrow must be sincere, the shame must be fell in the heart and the 

resolution not to repeal the folly and be guilly of the sin again must 

be totally genuine. 


^ It is like this, suppose in a fit of temper or in a moment of acute 

depression a person swallows poison with the intention of killing 

himself Bui when the poison begins to work and a thousand knives 

Q) begin to tear his intestines into pieces and he knows that death is near, 

he repents his folly and cries out in desperation for medical relief. 

Now, at that time, his first thought will be that if he survived he would 

never touch the poison again or think of committing suicide. This 

exactly should be the state of the man who repents alter sin. His heart 

should be seized by the fear of Divine Chastisement, the resolution not 

to repeat the act again should be an honest resoultion and so also his 

entreaties to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aaiaa) for forgiveness. 

If such a slate of feelings is realised by a person in any degree he 
should be sure that the stain of sin has been washed way and the gates 
of mercy have opend for him. After such a Taubah the sinner is 
completely absolved of his sin, he is thoroughly sanctified and becomes 
even dearer in the sight of Allah {Subhaanahu Wata'aaiaa) than he was 
before, so much so that sometimes a person succeeds in attaining, 
through Taubah, a place which would be hard to reach even after a 

hundred years of prayer and fasting. 


All this that we have said on the subject of Taubah was derived 
entirely from the twin sources or the Holy Quraan and the Traditions. We 
are going now to consider some of the relevant verses of the Holy Quraan: 

O ye who believe ! Turn to 
Allah with sincere repentance: in 
the hope that your Lard will 
remove from you your ills and 
admit you to Gardens beneath 
which rivets flow. 

(LXVI : 8) 


#^1 ^_ Tl 




; turn they not to Allah 

and seek His forgiveness 


? F 


is Oft- Forgiving, Most 



When those come to thee 
who believe in Our Signs, say: 
"Peace he on you! your Lord 
hath inscribed for Himself (the 
rule of) Mercy: Verily, if any of 
you did evil in ignorance, and 
thereafter repented, and amended 
(his conduct). Lo, He is Oft- Forgiving, 
Most Merciful." 

(VI : 54) 

£** -- *^i\.<i ^ jj^Sf 


W» <5 





- &t&*<r$?§X 

Also, look at the following Traditions : 

"Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) says, '0 My Creatures ! you 
commit follies day and night and I can forgive them all. So, seek My 
forgivencess. I will forgive." 


"Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) extends the arms of Mercy and 
Forgiveness every night so that the sinners of the day may repent and 
seek His pardon and every day so that the sinners of the night may repent 
and seek His pardon and il shall be like this with Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa) till the sun rises from ihe West near the Doomsday " 

"A man committed a sin and then he prayed to Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa), O Lord! 1 have sinned. Forgive me/ Upon this, the Lord 
observed, 'My servant knows thai there is a Lord, Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa), who can punish him Tor his sin as well as forgive. I have 
forgiven the sin erf My servant/ The person abstained from sin as long 
as the Lord wished after which he again went astray and fell into 
transgression. He ocne again prayed to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), 
4 Lord! I have sinned. Forgive me.' The Lord observed, 'My sinning 
servant knows that there is a Lord, Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), 

O who can chastise him for sinning as well as forgive, I have forgiven the 
- sin of My servant*. He remained free from sin as long as the Lord 

sj: wished and then was again guilty of it. Once again he prayed to Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), 4 Lord! I have sinned. Forgive me'. The 

Lord observed, 'My servant knows for certain that there is £ Lord, 
Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), who can punish as well as forgive him 
for his sin. I have forgiven the sin of My servant'." 

"One who seeks Divine forgiveness after sin, becomes like one 
who has never been puiitv of a sin." 

These Traditions show how Merciful and Oft-Forgiving is the 
Lord. To get emboldened by them and to start indulging freely in sinful 
activities on the strength of Taubah is not worthy of a Muslim. Such 
verses and Traditions should, on the contrary, lend greater strength to 
the love of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). They should make one 
feel that it really was the height of meanness to act against the wishes 
of such a Compassionate and Benevolent Lord. If a master be of a 
most kind and affectionate nature, would it become his servants to pay 
back his kindness and effection by violating his wishes and disobeying 
his commands? 


What these verses and Traditions seek to convey is that should a 
person succumb to the temptations of the Devil or to his own ignoble 
desires and inclinations and commit a sin he must not despair of the 
mercy of the Lord and lose all hope of salvation. He should, on the 
other hand, turn his back immediately on the lapse and try earnestly to 
remove its stain through Taubah, by begging Allah (Subhaanahu 

'aalaa), in all sincerity, His forgiveness. The Almighty, in His 
Infinite Mercy, will forgive and instead of being angry with him, He 
will become even more pleased for regretting sincerly what he had 
done and turning to Him hopefully for remission. A Tradition states : 

"When a man turns to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aaiaa) after sin and 
repents sincerely for his fcilly it makes Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aaiaa) 
even happier than a rider whose mount may have thrown him down in a 
_ vast desert and fled away with all the journey's provisions laden on its 

q back, and, when the rider may have resigned himself lo his fate and sat 

^ down under a tree to wait for his death, the animal may return, all of a 

sudden, with the provisions intact and the rider may catch hold of it and 
f blurt out (stupidly) in sheer joy, ( Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aaiaa), 

Q) Thou, indeed, art my slave and me thy Master*." The Prophet Prophet 


(Sallallahu Alalhe Wasallam) says, "The pleasure, this person feels 
after getting his mount back, Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aaiaa) Almighty 

is pleased more than that if his sinner servant repents. 

5 J 

If, after knowing these verses and Traditions, someone still fails to 
seek Divine forgiveness and approbation by offering repentance for his 
sins through Taubah and resolving not to fall into error again he, 
emphatically, is most unfortunate. 

Many people arc inclined to take a most complacent attitude 
towards Taubah. They say, "We are healthy and strong, so what's the 

hurry? We will do Taubah before dying." Brothers! This is an 
extremely dangerous deception which the Devil practises on us. 
Deprived as he has himself of Divine Mercy and Beneficence and 
earned a permanent abode in the Hell, he wants us also to go his way. 
No one knows when death may strike. Thus, we should consider every 







day to be the last day of our lives and lose no time in begging the 
forgiveness of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) if and when we have 
been guilty of an evil. This, alone, is (he path of wisdom. It is slated 
candidly in the Holy Quraan thai: 

Allah accepts the repentance 
of those who do evil in igno- 
ranee, and repent soon after- 
wards; to them will Allah turn in 
mercy, for Allah is fall of know I- 
edge and wisdom. Of no effect is 
the repentance of those who con- 
tinue to do evil, until death faces 





one of them, and he says, "Now $5^^336^ 

have I repealed indeed!" Nor of 
those who die rejecting faith; for 
them have We prepared a pun- 
ishment most grievous. 

(V: 17-18} 

K ~* < 

We should catch time by the forelock and realise the value of life 
that is left to us. We should not put off Taubah by a moment; we must 
not procrastinate. We ought to set about, at once, reforming our ways. 
Allah (Subhaanahu Waia'aalaa) alone knows when death is going to 
make its call on us, and then, it may be too lale. Who can tell whether, 
at that time, we will get the opportunity to offer Taubah or not? 

Brothers! We all have seen people dying. The general experience 
is that a person dies in the same state in which he has led his life. It 
does not happen that a person may have spent all his days in folly and 
negligence and, then, suddenly repented and turned into a saint a day or 
two before his death. Hence, a man who wants to die in a state of 
Taqwaa, Tor him it is necessary to become pious in his lifetime. Then 
alone can he hope to die as a good Muslim, by the grace of Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), and to be raised up with the faithful and the 
righteous in the Hereafter. 





If after offering repentance for a sin a person may be guilty of the 
same sin again there is no need for him to feel so frustrated over it as to 
lose faith in Divine Mercifulness. He should offer Taubah quickly 
again, and if again he may break ii, he should not hesitate in offering it 
once more even if it be a thousand times. Whenever he will repent with 
a sincere heart it is the promise of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) that 
He will accept his repentance and forgive him. The benevolence of the 
Lord, and His Paradise* is infinite. 

Words of Tauba 

From the foregoing it would have been clear that in words or 
language a person may offer Taubah Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) 
will listen and accept his penitence. But (he Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) has laid down certain specific phrases or prayers in 
O this regard which he used to recite himself. These prayers, surely, are 
most auspicious, most worthy of His acceptance and most pleasing to 
Him. We are reproducing some of these here for you to learn by heart 
and recite for seeking divine forgiveness- 


I beg the forgiveness of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) save 
Whom there is no God, the living, the Eternal. Unto Him do I turn 

The Prophet (Sallallahu Afaihc Wasallam) has said, "Whoever will 
offer penitence to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and implore His 
forgiveness through this Kalimah, Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will 
forgive him even if he has fled of Jihad which is a most mortal sin in 
the sight of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)." 

And again: "Whoever will recite this Kalimah thrice before going 
to sleep Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) will forgive his sins even 
though they may be as profuse as the foam of the sea." 


Sometimes the sacred Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) used 





to recite only *uj^ii£4 (J implore Ihc forgiveness of the Lord), It is a-. 

very brief phrase and we should try to cultivate the habit of repeating it 
every now and then. 


II is related that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam) 
once remarked that the following prayer was Sayytd-r'Mstighfaar (the 
leader of all the prayer of Islighfaar). 



O Allah ! Thou art my Lord. There is no God save thee. Thou art 
my Creator and I am Thy slave, f abide by Thy covenant and promise 
as best as I can. I seek refuge in Thee from the mischief of what I have 
wrought, t acknowledge unto Thee Thy favour which Thou hast 
bestowed upon me, I also confess my sins; so forgive me. for none 
forgiveth sins save Thee. 

Says the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam): 

"He who will offer repentance and beg the forgiveness of Allah 
(Suhhaanahu Wata'aalaa) reciting this prayer with faith and sincerity 
during day-time then if he died on that day before nightfall, he shall go 
to Heaven, and he who will recite it at night, with faith and sincerity, 
and then if he died on that night, before day-break, he shall go to 

The three Kalimahs of Taubah wc have mentioned above are quite 
easy to remember. 

As a Tradition reads 

"Blessed, indeed, is the man in whose record die prolusion of 
Taubah is written/* 




What has been stated in the twenty lessons of this small volume 
will, InshaaAIlah, suffice for anyone for the attainment of Divine 
pleasure and paradise. It seems appropriate here to give a brief 
resume of the whole discussion before bringing the book to a close. 

The first principle of Islam and the most essential prerequisite of 
deliverance and the attainments of paradise is thai a man affirms his 

faith in the Kalimah of ^\$^3$&^^\&$ Aftcr thal ' hc 
O should try to acquire knowledge of the tenets of Islam at least as far as 
O it is necessary lo know them in order to be a good Muslim. His constant 
Ctf endeavour should be lo observe the Islamic teachings faithfully and to 

carry out sincerely the Divine commandments regarding the Rights of 
, Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) as well as the Rights of man and good 

Q) social and moral behaviour. When there may occur a lapse on his part 

in respect of these matters hc should feci genuinely sorry over it and 
repent to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and seek His forgiveness, Hc 
should resolve honestly not to be guilty or the transgression again. If he 
has transgressed against a fellow being by violating his rights or doing 
him any other harm hc should seek his pardon and make amends for his 
fault or misconduct or pay suitable compensation as the case my be. 

In the same way, the effort of a Muslim should always be that the 
love of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and of His Apostle (Sallallahu 
Alaihe Wasallam) and his Faith should be stronger in his heart than that 
of anyone or anything else in the world. He should remain steadfast in 
faith and waver not in the least form the path of duty to Allah 
(Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe 
Wasallam) whatever the circumstances are. He should also, as a matter 
of duty, take some part or another in the preaching and propagation or 
Islam. It is an act of outstanding virtue and merit and a most special 
legacy of the Prophets. In the present age, particularly, its value is 



much greater than thai of all oilier forms of prayers and worships (other 
than obligatory) and when a person devotes himself lo it, his devotion 
to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa), the Prophet (Sallallajiu Alaihe 
Wasallam) and the Faith also develops and becomes stronger. 

Among the other prayers, if possible, one should develop the hubii 
of Tahajjud, lis au&piciousncss is of the very highest. 

One must always be on one's guard against sin, specially against 
the major sins, like adultery, stealing, falsehood, drink and dishonest in 
monetary affairs. 

Il is advisable to do some Zikr every day, In ease il may not be 
possible to spare more lime for it, one should recite ai least Kalimah-i- 


^ Or only ^JU^C^^D^ and Istighfaar l and Durood Sharecf *. a 

hundred times each, morning and evening. 

Q) Time should also be set aside for the daily reading of the Holy 

Quraan, It should be done with due religious respect and reverence. 
After every obligatory Saiaah and al bedtime the Tasbcehaal-i-Falimah ' 
may also be recited. 

For those who aspire for more, the advice is to seek guidance from 
a spiritual mentor who may be worthy of it. The last thing lo be said in 
this connection is that the company of true, pious and exalted devotees 
of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) and attachment and devotion to 
them is the very elixir of religious and spiritual existence. If this can 
fall to the lot of anyone all the rest will follow automatically. 

1 ^\^S^t^SSi0^$s^^ 




2 DuroiKl-i-lbnihami or a brief one like 4j 

X £*&£ 33 times AjjJ^\ 33 limes ^Uif 34 times. 

f * 






Forty Prayers from the Holy Quraan 

and the Traditions 

Below we give a selection of forty prayers from the Holy Quraan 
and the Traditions. 

«j <» 

Praise he to Allah (Suhhaanuhu Wata'aalaa), Lord of the World, 
the Compassionate, the Merciful, Owner of the Day of Judgement Thee 
alone do we worship, and to Thee alone do we beg for help. Show us 
the straight path; the path of those whom Thou hast favoured; not the 
path (of those) who earn Thine anger, nor of (hose who go astray. 
Aameen ! 



(rat**;) *£&Z^^ 

Our Lord ! Give us good in this world and good in the hereafter, 
and save us from the torment of the Fire. 






Our Lord ! We have, indeed, believed; forgive us, then, our 
sins, and .save us from the agony of the Fire. 


O Lord! Forgive us our sins and anything we may have done that 
transgressed mitt duty: establish our feet firmly, and help us against the 
people that resisteth faith. 



CO Our Lord ! We have heard the call of one calling us to Faith, 

"Believe ye in the Lord", and we have believed. Our Lord! forgive us 
our sins. Mot out from us our inequities, and take to Thyself our souls 
hi the company of the righteous. Our Lord! grant us what Thou didst 
promise unto us through Thine Apostle, and save us from shame on the 
Day of Judgement; for Thau never breaktst promise. 




Our Lord / We have wronged our souls; if Thou forgive us not and 

bestow not on us Thy mercy we shall certainty be at loss. 

Our Lord I Make us not a trial for those who practise oppression 
and deliver us by Thy mercy from those who reject Thee. 



Creator of the heavens and the earth ! Thou art my Protector in 
this world and the Hereafter. Take Thou my soul at death as one 
submitting to Thy Will (as a Muslim) and unite us with the righteous. 


(nt^-uy &\^fMm®=rgP& 

O my Lord ! Make me one who establishes regular prayer, and 

also raise among my off-spring, our Lord, and accept Thou my 

O prayer : O our Lord ! Cover us with thy forgiveness, me, my parents 

and all Believers, on the Day that the fiockoning will be established. 


0) (^Or^^J%i^g^\Ai^\Co 


My Lord ! Bestow on my parents Thy mercy as they cherished me 
in m\ childhood. 


;• -~L vr _- .! ' "_ '_ n --• n _», ^- '. — ■ : 


my Lord ! Advance me in my knowledge. 


p&Mgpfe c*~* 

I ... 

my Lord ! Grant Thou forgiveness and mercy, far Thou art the 
Best of those who show, mercy ! 



s %l-* 


O my Lord ! Grant me that I may he grateful for Thy favour 
which Thou hast bestowed upon me, and upon both my parents, and I 
may do righteous work such as Thou moyst approve; and he gracious 
to me in my issue. Truly have I turned to Thee and truly do / how to 
Thee in Islam. 




Our Lord ! Forgive us. and our brethren who came before its into 
the Faith, and leave not, in our hearts, 1 rancour (or sense of injury) 
against those who have believed. Our Lord ! Thou art, indeed, full of 
kindness, Most Merciful 




Our Lord ! Perfect our Light for us and grant us forgiveness: for 

Thou hast power over all things. 

a 6) 



O Thou Living, Eternal One ! Unto Thy Mercy do 1 appeal. 








O Allah (Subhaanahit Wafa'aalaa)! Set aright my faith which is 
the safeguard of all my affairs; set aright my world wherein is my 
living, set aright my Hereafter where to f have to return. Let life be 
unto me a source of advance in every kind of righteousness, and let 
death he to me a release from every kind of evil. 


A * 

CD -' ^ 

O Allah (Suhhaanahu Wafa'aalaa)! I beg of Thee forgiveness and 
peace in this world and the next. 


5 <Ml^^X^Jx/i4 

Allah (Suhhaanahu Wafa'aalaa)! I beg of Thee guidance and 
modesty and righteousness and freedom from want. 


O Allah (Suhhaanahu Wataaalau)! t beg of Thee sustenance that 
is clean, knowledge tltat is useful, and conduct that is acceptable to 






Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Open the doors of Mercy for 
us and make easy for us the doors of sustenance. 


O Allah {Subhaanahtt Wata'aalaa)! Let Thy lawful sustenance 
suffice for me against unlawful sustenance, and let me be, by Thy 
Grace, dependent on no besides Thee. 


?m Ic?j^d 

Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Let it be my good fortune to 
do things that are pleasing to Thee and make the Hereafter better for 
me than this world. 


Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Guide me to the right path, to 
the path of truth and piety, and save me from the mischief of my own 



O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Help me in Thy rememherance 
and in being thankful to Thee and in good worship. 





O Thou who controlled the hearts I Keep my heart steadfast i 

thy faith. 




O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Grant me that I may live as a 
Muslim and die as a Muslim. 






*^ **** 



O A llah (Subhaanahu Wata 'aalaa)! I beg of Thee Thy love ami the 
love of him who toveth Thee and the conduct that will enable me to 
attain Thy love. O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa).' Let Thv love be 
dearer to me than myself, my wealth, mine household and water that is 



Zt--S*> :-*iX.V«i 

O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Cover me with thy Mercy and 
save me from Thy Punishment. 



i * *-*_— ^ 


Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Keep me steadfast when fee 
begin to waver. 






O Allah (Subhaanahtt Wata'aalaa)! lodge me leniently on the Day 

of Judgement. 



O Allah (Suhhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Forgive me my sins on Day of 




O Allah (Sul)haanahu Wata'aalaa)! Save me from 
Chastisement on the Day thou wilt raise up Thy slaves. 



O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Thy forgiveness is wider than 
mine inequities and I have better hope in Thy Mercy than in my 



O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! I beg of Thee Thy good 
pleasure and the Garden (i.e., paradise). I also hex of Thee to spare me 
out of Thy Mercy the Punishment of trie. 




O Allah (Subhaanaku Wata'aalaa)! I seek refuge in Thy good 
pleasure from Thy displeasure, and Thy forgiveness from Thy 
retribution; and 1 seek refuge in Thee from Thee, Unable am I to 

reckon Thy Praise which is Thine. Thou art, indeed, as Thou hast 
described Thyself. 

<£J#^ ,,y > ^-1 


O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Forgive me; be kind to me, 
have mercy on me. Verily Thou art Most Kind, Most Merciful. 


-p O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Thou art my Lord. There is no 

Q) nod save Thee. Thou hast created me and I am Thy slave. And I abide 

by Thy Covenant and Promise as best as 1 can. I seek refuge in Thee 
from the mischief of what / have wrought. I acknowledge unto Thee Thy 
favour which Thou hast bestowed upon me. I Confess also my inequity: 
so, forgive me, for none forgiveth sins save Thee. 


^3$^<k&$0 M&i^tk&fiHi 

O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)/ I seek refuge in Thee from the 
mischief of my mrs, ami from the mischief of my eyes f ami from the 
mischief of my tongue, and from the mischief of my heart., and from the 
mischief of my carnal desires, and / seek refuge in Thee from the 





punishment of Hell, and from the punishment of the grave, and from the 
calamity of Dajjaal, and I seek refuge in Thee from the trials and 
temptations of life and death, 


/4//a/( (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! I beg oj Thee all the good 
things that (Prophet) Mohammad (SallaUahn A lathe Wasallam) had 
begged of Thee, and I seek Thy refuge from all the evils from which 
(Prophet) Mohammad (SallaUahn Alaihe Wasatiam) had sought refuge 
in Thee. * 



Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Magnify Mohammad 
(Saltallahu Alaihe Wasatiam) and his posterity and followers as Than 
hast magnified Abraham and his posterity and followers; verily, Thou 
art the Praiseworthy t the Majestic, O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! 
Bless Mohammad (SallaUahn Alaihe Wasatiam) and his posterity and 

owers as Thou hast blest Abraham and his posterity and followers; 
verily, Thou art the Praiseworthy, the Majestic. O Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa)! Send him down on the Day of Judgement into the place of 
special nearness unto Thee and elevate him to places of honour and 
intercession and grant him that place of choicest favour and worthiness 
which Thou hast promised for him and bless us with his intercession on 
the Day of Recompense: for Thou never breakest Thy promise. 






Prayers for particular occasions 

Many prayers for specific occasions have also been taught to us by 


the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam). We are reproducing 
some of them here that arc easy to learn and can be made use ol by us 

O in our daily life. They should be learnt by heart and recited habitually 

^ at moments for which they are indicated. 


L At day-break 

O Allah (Suhhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! With Thy help do we enter 
upon the morning and with Thy help do we enter upon the evening: 
with Thy help do we live and with thy help do we die; and unto Thee 
shall he the Resurrection. 

2. When evenign sets in 

1 ■ m-*-*^mi-^M^—^—m—m—^—mmm^ 


O Allah (Suhhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! With Thy help do we enter 
upon the evening and with Thy help do we enter upon the morning: 
with Thy help do we live and with Thy help do we die: and unto Thee 
shall he the Resurrection 





3. On retiring to bed 

O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! In Thv name do we die and we 
become alive. 

4. On rising up in the morning 

Praise be to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) who restored m unto 
life, having caused to die. and Him shall be the Resurrection. 

O 5. Before entering the lavatory 

O Allah (Subhaanaliu Wata'aalaa)! I seek refuge in Thee from the 
wicked devils (both) male and fen, 

6. On coming out of the lavatory 

Praise be to Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa) who relieved me of 
faeces and gave health. 

7. While performing the Wudhu 

O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! forgive me my sins and expand 
for me my household and grant auspiciousness and prosperity to m\ 




8. When the Wudhu is finished 

i i^x )0§^M%0^£]®M &91 

1 bear witness thai there is no god except Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa). He is alone: He hath no partner. And I bear witness that 
Mohammad (Sallallahu Ataihe Wasallam) is His slave and His 
Messenger, O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Make me among those 
who repent and among those who remain clean. 

9. On entering the mosque 

g ^s<>m&8a*-\±s 


O Lord ! forgive me my sins and open unto me the doors of Thy 

d) 10. On coming out of the mosque 


O Lord I forgive me my sins and open unto me the gates of Thy 

1 1 - Before commencing to eat 

In the name of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)/ and upon the 
of the Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa). 


12. At the end of a meal 

Praise be to Allah (Subhaanahu Wala'aakta)! who fed us and gave 
us drink and raised us up as Muslims. * 

13. When dining at someone's place 

O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! feed him who fed me and give 
him drink who gave me to drink. 


r$ 14. When riding or boarding on a vehicle 

Ghty be to Him who hath subjugated it to us though we were 


unable to subdue it. Behold, we are assuredly to return unto the Lord. 

15. When setting forth on a journey 

i - 

* ±$s M& MdtJzh 

** s» 

O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Make this journey of ours easy 
for us and roll up for us the distance thereof: O Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa)! Thou art our companion in the journey and the Caretaker 
of our households when we are away. O Allah (Subhaanahu 
Wata'aalaa)! I seek refuge in Thee from the tail of the journey and from 
beholding a sad sight and a bad reverse in my fortunes and on my 




1 6. On returning home from a journey 

We return unto Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aataa), penitents, 
adorers and worshippers of the Lord. 

17. When bidding farewell to anyone 

I place thee in the hands' of Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aataa}* and 
thy things that need protection and the end of thy deeds. 

O 18. On seeing anyone in distress 



Q) Praise he to Lord who saved me from that with which He hath 

afflicted thee, and made me better than many of His creatures (purely 
out of His Mercy. I claim no credit for it). 

19. On entering a town 

O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Bless us in this town (and 
make it for us auspicious.) 



20. When rising from a company 

i ^\^3^^M^pi^^jj^\s^ 

O Allah (Subhaanahu Wata'aalaa)! Gloty be to Thee, I celebrate 
Thy praises; There is no Lord save Thee r I beg Thy forgiveness ami I 






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