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KSTA liLlSH i:i) 





prick: kist. 

Blowers, Westfield, N. Y. 



This new variety of (jreen’s Early White originated on the grounds of O. J. Green, 
Portland, N. Y. Taken from a meadow ditch, placed in a vineyard as a supply vine in 
1887, where the original vine now stands. 

Origin unknown, hardy, strong grower, heavy foliage, similar to Concord, very pro- 
lific, fruit whiter than Niagara, seeds small and easily removed, good quality, flavor ex- 
cellent, as early as Moore's Early, a trifle smaller than Concord, usually shouldered. 

Did not propagate for several years till we were sure it was all right. Have now 
two acres in bearing. The original vine and vineyard bears annually large crops of early 
delicious fruit which will ship thousands of miles. Ripens its wood to the tips. Has 
never been known to winter kill. We have thoroughly tested it in all respects. 

Portland, N. Y., January 6, 1897. 

I take pleasure in making the following statement about Green’s Early White Grape. 

I handled quite a portion of the crop of this new and valuable grape the past season. 
Found the demand good at a good price. It was fully as early as any Early Grape in 
this section, this point alone making it valuable. Color, quality, texture and general 
appearance of cluster render it very attractive. Good shipper. Respectfully, 


For the past three years we have called public attention to this grape in our whole- 
sale list. Now we have the vines for sale. No one else has these vines to offer. When 
these are gone you can get no more till next year. 

We offer i year No. i Vines per too $50 00 

“ “ 2 “ “ I “ 100 7 S -00 

At retail 1 “ “ i “ each 75 

“ 2 “ “ I “ “ 1 . 00 

Write to J. H. Green, Portland, N. Y., for prices and particulars, or to 

H. W. BLOWERS, Westfield, N. Y. 



r^I-XAUSE OF CERTAIN ADVANTAGES of capital, culture, climate, cuttings, 
cellar, soil and surroundings, our stock is produced cheaper than others, there- 
fore we do not propose to be undersold by any reliable firm. This last season was a 
favorable one for growth. Our one-year-old and two-year-old Concord, Niagara, Delaware, 
Ayawan, Moore’s Early, Worden and Greene’s Early White are especially fine. Send a 
list of wants. We can fill the same right. 

Facilities. Storage, Grading, Packing and delivery facilities are unsurpassed. 
Our office is only one-Iialf minute from lixpress and Postoffice. 

Grade. Standard. W’e guarantee “as good as the best.” 


.\<:.\WAM, (Rogers’ Xo. 13) 


I oNCOUl) 






One year Xo. '2 Vines at S )>riee of 1 vear Xo. 1 of ai)'>ve. 

Iti-ee'ne’s Karly W liite 1 year No. 1, ;5e. each ; $50 per 100. 2 year Xo. 1, $1.00 eaeli ; $75.00 ))ei* 100. 
Canipliell’s Karly 1 year'Xo. 1, T-tc. eaeli; 2 year Xo. 1, $l.U0elich. 

1-Year Xo. 1. 2-1 ear Xo. 1. 

Per KHE 

Per 1000. 

Per lOlMl. 

$2 50 

$18 00 

$25 00 

2 00 

18 00 

27 00 

1 50 

12 (K) 

18 00 

2 75 

25 IH) 

:j5 oo 

2 50 

20 (M) 

.*10 00 

2 2.5 

20 00 

CO 00 

I 80 

IB (M) 

20 oo 

1 «;> 

12 CK) 

18 (K) 


Ccun.ANTS— Wliite Grnpt*, liJack Xni les, Clierry, T.a Vorsaillcs, 1 year Xo. 1 

“ “ “ “ “ 2 year No. 1 

Kay's Prolifie, 1 year No. 1 

“ “ 2 year No. 1 

S'MJAWKKUKi Ks— Wilson, KiiliaiKO, Kubaeh, Michel’s Karly, Sharpless, Crescent, 

Parker Earle, Lovetts, (Janlner 

Uaspbekkiks— /P ci'i VtirfefU>^. Culhheii, Marlboro, Golden Queen 

Block r«rh?/i«/»--I)<H>lillle,‘(ireir;r, Schaeffer’s C(»h>ssal, Soiihe>fan, Palmer 

ri.ACKBKiiRiES — Snyder, Ancie\jt lirit, Wil.son, Lueretia Dewberry 

GoosKBEKiUES— Iloujrhton, Downin^r, 1 year No. 1 

Houghton, Dowmnjr, 2 year No. 1 

I*er 100 

$ 2 50 

.*) .50 

■' a 00 

4 00 



1 50 

2 00 

2 on 

r> 00 

9 00 



APPLES— Astrac.lmn, Haldwin, Early Harvest, Sweet Hough, Greening -5 

Peaks— liartlett, Diilchess De Ang, Flemish Beauty, Kieffer, Lawson, Lawi’ence, 

Mount Vernon, Seckel. Clapp’s Favorite 

/nvnrf's—Thv learling variety is Dutcliess de Ang. Most of tlie standard varieties can be fur- 

nished a.s dwarfs*. 

. Cn euuies— K laek Tarlarian, G<»vernor, Woml, Yellow' Spanish |>o 

Sour — Early RicJimond, English Morello, May Duke, M<mlinorcncy 

P I, I'MS— Bradshaw, German Prune, Lombard, Yellow Egg, Niagara ^ 

Pkacii ES— Ale.xander, (Crosby, Crawfor<l’s Early, Beer’s Sinoc.k, Crawford's I.ale, Early Rivers, 

(ilobe, Slump the WorUl,* Wager, EIbcrUi, Foster, OhI Mi.veii Free.... ‘-0 

QCiNCES— Orange, Champion, Rea Mammoth 


Certificate of Inspection of Nursery Stock. 

This is to Certify that the stock in the nursery of H. W. Blowers, Westfield, N. 

Chautauqua Slate of New York, was duly examiueil in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 4S*- 
of the of 1H98, ami it w'as found to be apparently free in all respeirts from any contagious or infec- 
tious plant disease or diseases, or the San Jose scale or other dangerously injurious insect pest or pests. 

Dated August 10, 1898, Albany, N. Y. C. A. WIETING, 

n;,, JJ5 Oommiftfioner of AgricuUure. 

We Warrant Stock true to name, with the special understanding that should any not prove so, 
oash will I>c refundeil, or stock replaced with that w hich is true, hut are not liable for duinago other 
Ilian herein named. Boxing amt Packing at cost. 

3hipping Directions should accompany all orders. When delivered at the railroad station or ex- 
press office, oui ri-sinuiMhiliiy ceases. We reserve the right to till oi'ders for one-year-old vines with 
iwo-vear-oid stocK of same size when consistent with st<»ck. 

Terms Cash, except by special avrangemeiits. Remit liy Express, Postollice Money Order, or X. 
V. Draft to II. W. Blowbh.s, Westlleld, N. Y. 

Note-l*ricA‘s subject to change without further notice. 

Our References are— The Commeriual Agencies, Westlleld National Bank and The Weetjleld 
ll-pnbllvitn. ^ 

' ‘ IV ritd for prices per 100 on above stock. ^ 

•4H. W. BLOWERS, Westfielc^i. N 

. ' A*. •-