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5 71/67 


Using  Bacteria  To  Monitor 
the  Influences  of  Cattle  Wastes 

on  Water  Quality 

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U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture 
Science  and  Education  Administration 
Agricultural  Research  Results  ARR-NE-3 
September  1979 

Trade  names  are  used  in  this  publication  solely  for  the 
purpose  of  providing  specific  information.  Mention  of 
a commercial  or  a proprietary  product  does  not  consti- 
tute recommendation,  guarantee,  or  warranty  of  the 
product  by  the  U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture  or  an 
endorsement  by  the  Department  over  other  products  not 
mentioned . 

Science  and  Education  Administration,  Agricultural  Research  Results, 
Northeastern  Series,  No.  3,  September  1979 

Published  by  Agricultural  Research  (Northeastern  Region),  Science  and  Education 
Administration,  U.S.  Department  of  Agriculture,  Beltsville,  Md . 20705 



By  S.  H.  Kunkle^/ 


Four  bacterial  indices  of  water  pollution — total 
coliforms,  fecal  coliforms,  fecal  streptococci,  and 
enterococci — were  sampled  in  the  surface  runoff  from  a 
0.1  ha  sprinkle-irrigated  field  plot  in  Vermont.  The 
field  study  was  made  on  mowed-grass  pasture  during 
spring  to  late  summer.  The  runoff  was  sampled  during 
three  irrigations  before  and  ten  irrigations  after 
treating  the  field  plot  with  a single  application  of 
recently  excreted  dairy  cattle  manure. 

Results  showed  that  the  fecal  coliform  group, 
especially  if  used  together  with  the  total  coliform 
group,  was  a good  index  for  discriminating  between 
contamination  from  new  as  compared  with  old  manure. 

KEYWORDS:  Monitoring,  overland  flow,  non-point  source 

pollution,  water  quality  index,  FC/FS  ratio, 
coliforms,  bacterial  indicators,  animal 
wastes,  surface  runoff. 


Surface  waters  in  rural  areas  must  be  reasonably  free  of  contamination  by 
pathogenic  organisms  to  protect  water  supplies  and  to  safeguard  public  health 
in  recreation  areas.  One  source  of  biological  contamination  of  water  is 
field-applied  or  stored  animal  wastes  that  may  wash  into  streams  during  storms. 
From  a health  viewpoint,  the  flushing  of  recently  excreted  animal  wastes  into 
streams  is  of  greatest  concern  because  older  wastes  lose  many  of  their 
pathogens  through  natural  die-off  processes.  Although  several  bacterial 
groups  are  good  indices  of  fecal  contamination  as  determined  in  laboratory 
studies,  these  groups  are  not  always  so  good  for  detecting  contamination  under 

1/  Cooperative  study  between  the  Northeast  Watershed  Research  Center, 
Science  and  Education  Administration-Agricultural  Research,  U.S.  Department 
of  Agriculture  and  the  Pennsylvania  Agricultural  Experiment  Station,  The 
Pennsylvania  State  University. 

2/  S.  H.  Kunkle  served  as  hydrologist  for  the  USDA,  Agricultural  Research 
Service  (now  SEA-AR)  at  the  time  this  study  was  carried  out.  He  is  presently 
with  the  International  Forestry  Staff,  U.S.  Forest  Service,  U.S.  Department  of 
Agriculture,  P.0.  Box  2417,  Washington,  D.  C.  20013. 


field  conditions.  For  example,  the  "total  coliforms"  include  many  nonenteric 
organisms  that  are  mainly  soil  organisms.  Thus,  surface  runoff  from  almost 
any  farm  field  contains  a high  total  coliform  count,  even  from  experimental 
fields  devoid  of  animal  wastes,  as  shown  in  studies  by  this  author  (Kunkle 
1970)  and  others.  Consequently,  an  index — bacterial  or  other — is  needed  that 
clearly  establishes  the  presence  of  recently  excreted  animal  wastes  in  water. 
Many  laboratory  studies  have  shown  that  the  fecal  coliform  bacterial  group  can 
be  used  as  such  an  index  for  human  or  animal  contamination  and  can  serve  as  a 
good  indicator  for  the  potential  presence  of  pathogens  spread  by  human  or 
animal  wastes.  Most  of  these  were  laboratory  based  or  municipal  pollution 
studies . 

The  general  objective  of  this  study  was  to  determine  which  of  four  common 
bacterial  groups  is  the  best  index  to  monitor  contamination  by  recently  excre- 
ted animal  wastes  in  surface  runoff.  There  has  been  little  field  investigation 
of  the  fate  of  bacterial  indicators  in  farm  surface  runoff  despite  the  routine 
use  of  these  same  indicators  for  monitoring  the  water  quality  of  streams  and 
water  supplies. 

The  specific  objectives  were  (1)  to  evaluate  the  relative  concentrations 
of  four  common  bacterial  indicators  in  runoff  from  a field  which  was  free  of 
animal  wastes  as  compared  with  those  found  in  runoff  from  the  same  field  after 
cattle  manure  was  applied,  and  (2)  to  observe  the  relative  die-off  (reduction 
in  numbers)  of  these  four  bacterial  groups  in  surface  runoff  for  several  weeks 
after  manure  application.  The  runoff  was  generated  approximately  once  a week 
by  sprinkle  irrigation  and,  occasionally,  by  natural  storms. 

The  study  was  part  of  a series  of  stream  and  plot  studies  on  runoff  and 
water  quality  made  on  the  Sleepers  River  Research  Watershed  in  Danville,  Vt. 
This  plot  was  used  in  earlier  related  studies  (Kunkle  1970,  1971). 


A surface  runoff  plot  of  about  30  x 35  m (^0.1  hectare)  was  constructed 
in  a hilly  area  consisting  of  a deep  and  permeable  soil,  the  moderately  well- 
drained  Cabot  silt  loam.  The  plot  had  a 14  percent  slope  and  faced  southwest. 
Vegetative  cover  was  a mixture  of  timothy,  bluegrass,  red  clover,  and  red  top 
and  was  maintained  at  a 10-20  cm  height  by  hand  cutting.  The  plot  elevation 
was  300  m above  mean  sea  level.  During  the  period  of  this  study  (spring  and 
summer  1970)  daily  maximum  air  temperatures  were  typically  25-30  °C  (only 
rarely  above  33  °C) , and  night  air  temperatures  dropped  to  the  10-20  °C  range. 

"Rainbird"  type  sprinklers  were  set  on  supports  in  a grid  fashion  1.2  m 
above  ground,  with  the  sprinkler  heads  about  6 m apart.  The  plot  was  sprinkle 
irrigated  13  times  during  June-September  at  a rate  of  about  25  mm/h.  Each 
irrigation  lasted  for  1-1/2  to  3 hours.  Figure  1 gives  the  total  irrigation 
and  runoff  amounts  for  each  date.  All  natural  storms  that  produced  runoff 
(June  27  and  30)  were  sampled.  The  amount  of  runoff  on  June  30  was  very  small 
(<100  liters)  and  is  suspected  to  be  unrepresentative.  The  analysis  of  the 
June  27  runoff  (also  minor)  fits  between  those  observed  for  the  June  25  and 
July  1 irrigation  induced  runoff  events. 


Plastic  runoff  gutters,  inserted  just  under  the  top  5-10  cm  of  soil  on  the 
downhill  edge,  served  to  catch  the  surface  runoff.  Runoff  was  measured  with 
H-type  flumes.  Rain  or  irrigation  depths  were  determined  at  32  collectors 
scattered  over  the  plot.  For  each  irrigation  event,  up  to  20  sample  bottles 
of  runoff  were  collected,  plus  several  control  samples  of  the  irrigation  water. 

For  each  sample  bottle  at  least  duplicate  analyses  at  various  dilutions 
were  made  for  total  coliform  bacteria  (M-Endo  broth) , enterococci  (M- Enterococ- 
cus agar) , fecal  streptococci  (KF-Streptococcus  agar) , and  fecal  coliforms 
(M-FC  broth)  using  membrane  filter  procedures.  For  each  of  the  four  bacterial 
groups  there  were  at  least  364  individual  readings;  13  irrigations  x ^14  sample 
bottles  (observations) /irrigation  x 2 or  more  analyses  (plates) /bottle . Four 
to  six  control  samples  of  the  irrigation  water  for  each  irrigation  were  ana- 
lyzed in  the  same  way.  All  samples  were  iced  immediately  upon  collection  and 
then  filtered  within  a few  hours.  Sediment  concentrations  in  the  runoff  water 
were  very  minute,  so  no  prefiltration  was  needed. 

The  fecal  coliforms  were  incubated  in  a water  bath  at  44.5+0.5  °C. 

Other  bacteria  groups  were  incubated  at  35+0.5  °C,  according  to  "Standard 
Methods"  (American  Public  Health  Association  1971) . Colorimetric  analyses 
of  phosphate  were  made  (Bausch  and  Lomb  Spectronic-20) using  a stannous 
chloride  method. 

Manure  Application 

The  runoff  plot  was  ideal  for  observing  background  levels  before  treatment 
because  it  had  not  been  grazed,  fertilized,  or  manured  for  about  10  years  be- 
fore the  study.  The  bacterial  contamination  in  runoff  before  manuring  was 
monitored  in  1968,  1969,  and  1970  to  establish  background  levels  for  the  four 
bacterial  groups.  Three  irrigations  were  made  before  applying  manure.  On 
June  22,  800  kg  of  manure  was  spread  over  the  plot  1-2  hours  before  the  fourth 
irrigation.  There  were  nine  more  irrigations  over  a 3-month  period  (fig.  1). 


About  1 m (0.8  ton)  of  wet  dairy  manure  was  applied  to  the  0.1  ha  plot; 
i.e.,  an  8 ton/ha  application  rate.  The  manure  was  1-5  days  old  and  contained 
10  percent  sawdust  and  56  percent  water.  It  was  spread  evenly  over  the  plot 
but  never  closer  than  4 m from  the  gutters  on  the  downhill  edge. 

The  manure  was  analyzed  (one  sample,  five  aliquots)  for  fecal  coliform/ 
fecal  streptococci  (FC/FS)  and  fecal  colif orm/total  coliform  (FC/TC)  ratios. 

It  was  hauled,  applied  to  the  plot,  sampled,  and  analyzed  on  the  same  day. 

Each  sample  was  iced  immediately  and  then  prepared  for  analysis  within  a few 
hours.  Based  on  a serial  dilution,  FC/FS  averaged  about  0.5.  In  three 
parallel  dilutions  per  aliquot,  FC/FS  ratios  ranged  from  0.05  to  1.37, 
averaging  0.53.  The  same  five  aliquots  and  dilutions  also  showed  the  total 
coliform  bacteria  to  be  comprised  of  about  71  percent  fecal  coliforms  with  a 
FC/TC  ratio  ranging  from  0.46  to  1.00,  averaging  0.71. 

Since  the  manure  had  about  300,000  fecal  coliforms/g  wet  manure,  according 
to  analysis,  the  1 m^  application  contained  240,000  x 10^  fecal  coliforms. 
According  to  Geldreich  (1966),  this  would  be  about  44  cow  days  of  fecal 


coliform  bacteria  applied.  (Cow  days  are  defined  as  the  estimated  per  capita 
contribution  of  indicator  microorganisms  from  a single  cow,  which  averages 
5,400  x 10^  fecal  colif orms/day) . Assuming  a cow  produces  23  kg/day  of  manure, 
the  800  kg  of  manure  that  had  been  spread  on  the  plot  would  equal  about  35  cow 
days.  In  summary,  according  to  the  manure  volume  or  bacterial  numbers  analyzed 
in  the  manure,  between  35  and  44  cow  days  of  manure  were  applied  to  the  plot. 


The  results  of  the  study  are  presented  in  figures  1 and  2.  Figure  1 shows 
concentrations  for  the  bacterial  groups  by  irrigation  event  during  the  study 
period.  Each  point  represents  an  average  concentration  of  approximately  14 
observations  (bottles)  for  that  event.  The  individual  observation  was  the 
best  quality  plate  of  at  least  two  isolated  plates.  Figure  2 shows  individual 
observations  for  fecal  coliform  and  phosphate  (PO^-P)  for  some  of  the  events. 
Phosphate  analyses  for  the  samples  provided  an  index  for  comparing  the  bac- 
terial concentrations  to  the  nutrient  levels  in  the  runoff  water  before  and 
after  the  manuring.  The  time  of  manuring  in  both  figures  is  designated  by  the 
arrow.  The  phosphate  levels  were  almost  zero  before  manuring,  rose  sharply  to 
about  2.5  mg/1  in  the  first  irrigation  event  after  manuring,  then  fell  to 
about  0.5  mg/1  or  below  for  all  following  events. 

The  irrigation  water  remained  very  clear  throughout  the  study,  with 
typically  zero  or  near-zero  fecal  colif orms/sample , Concentrations  for  the 
other  bacterial  groups  were  so  low  as  to  be  insignificant  by  any  comparison 
to  the  runoff  water.  For  example,  on  the  first  irrigation  event  after 
manuring  (June  22) , the  concentrations  in  irrigation  water  averaged  total 
coliform-40,  fecal  coliform-15,  fecal  streptococci-35,  and  enterococci-20/100 
ml,  compared  to  values  in  the  10^  and  10^  range  in  the  runoff  water  as  shown 
in  figure  1. 

Pretreatment  Concentrations 

The  pretreatment  (background)  bacterial  concentrations  in  runoff  before 
June  22  were  very  similar  for  three  of  the  four  bacterial  groups — total 
coliforms,  fecal  streptococci,  and  enterococci — ranging  mainly  from  10,000  to 
100,000/100  ml.  On  the  other  hand,  fecal  coliform  concentrations  were  mainly 
at  the  less-than-100/100  ml  level  (fig.  1).  The  pretreatment  bacterial  con- 
centrations (June  11,  16,  and  18)  resembled  those  found  in  200  runoff  samples 
taken  from  the  same  plot  during  the  previous  summer. 

Since  soil  and  vegetation  are  the  source  of  large  numbers  of  nonfecal 
coliforms  (Geldreich  1966,  Kunkle  1970  and  1971,  van  Donsel  et  al . 1967),  the 
large  numbers  of  total  coliforms  observed  in  the  runoff  are  not  surprising. 
Analysis  of  a few  surface  soil  samples  on  the  study  plot  showed  nonfecal 
coliform  concentrations  up  to  30,000/g  of  soil. 

Precip  and  Runoff 

Totals  in  1000  I B a ct  er  i a / 1 00  m I 

Date  of  Event 

Figure  1. — Average  concentrations  for  the  four  bacterial  groups  for  the 
13  irrigation  events . Each  point  is  the  average  of  about  14 
samples.  The  large  arrow  and  "T"  show  the  time  of  manure 





2.0  & 


15  5 — 

!.oi  - 

(9.5  <D  — 


150  5 

ioo  r 

Figure  2. — Concentrations  of  fecal  coliform  bacteria  and  phosphate  (PO^-P) 
for  selected  events  showing  individual  observations. 

Background  concentrations  of  fecal  coliforms  were  quite  low  but  always 
present  in  surface  runoff  from  the  plot.  Small  mammals,  birds,  and  other 
wildlife  transmit  some  of  these  bacteria  to  soil.  Their  subsequent  survival 
depends  on  climate  and  other  factors  (Geldreich  1966,  van  Donsel  et  al.  1967). 

Immediate  Effects  of  Manuring 

Concentrations  of  all  four  bacterial  groups  increased  after  the  manure 
treatment  on  June  22,  but  only  the  fecal  coliform  group  increased  by  several 
orders  of  magnitude  (fig.  1).  The  fecal  coliform  counts  approached  those  of 
the  total  coliforms,  indicating  that  many  of  the  coliforms  after  manure 
application  were  of  fecal  origin,  as  indicated  by  analysis  of  the  manure. 
Concentrations  of  all  four  groups  similarly  increased  immediately  after 
treatment,  but  the  relative  increase  in  fecal  coliforms  was  the  greatest 
between  pretreatment  and  posttreatment.  The  trends  in  the  fecal  coliform 
concentrations  resembled  those  observed  for  phosphate  levels  in  the  runoff 
water  (fig.  2). 


Long  Term  Effects  - Die-Off 

Which  bacterial  group  or  combination  of  groups  appeared  to  be  the  best 
indicator  of  recent  animal  excrement?  This  question  was  answered  by  analyzing 
the  relative  decline  in  bacterial  concentrations  in  the  runoff  during  the  weeks 
after  manuring.  As  the  manure  aged,  the  irrigation  was  repeated  and, 
presumably,  organisms  died  off  during  exposure  to  the  elements  and  predators. 
Among  the  four  bacterial  groups,  the  fecal  coliform  counts  declined  much  more 
rapidly  than  did  those  of  the  other  three  groups.  After  about  70  days,  the 
fecal  coliform  concentrations  returned  to  pretreatment  levels.  The  total 
coliform  concentrations  also  decreased  and  returned  to  pretreatment  levels 
although  the  recession  was  less  rapid.  On  the  other  hand,  fecal  streptococci 
and  enterococci  remained  at  essentially  the  same  concentration  for  many  weeks 
following  the  manure  application.  Therefore,  these  latter  two  groups  couldn't 
be  used  to  distinguish  the  recent  animal  excrement  in  the  plot's  runoff  from 
that  found  after  several  weeks  of  ageing. 

Other  Comparisons 

Geldreich  (1966)  compared  fecal  coliforms  to  fecal  streptococci  using  an 
FC/FS  ratio  and  found,  in  controlled  laboratory  studies,  that  generally  a ratio 
under  1 indicates  animal  fecal  influences,  whereas  a ratio  of  4.0  or  more 
indicates  contamination  by  human  waste.  In  this  study,  mean  ratios  were  calcu- 
lated for  the  individual  runoff  samples  after  manuring.  Ratios  in  the  applied 
waste  averaged  0.53.  As  shown  in  table  1,  the  individual  ratios  were  nearly 
all  under  1.0,  which  substantiated  Geldreich 's  findings. 

Table  1. — Averages  for  the  fecal  colif orm/f ecal  streptococcus  (FC/FS)  ratios 
for  samples  taken  during  13  irrigation  events 


Mean  FC/FS-^ 


Mean  FC/FS 




0.015  (.002-. 051) 




(.002-. 010) 



0.132  (.000-. 300) 




(.00 3-. 014) 



0.002  (.001-. 004) 




(.000-. 021) 




(.000-. 006) 





(.000-. 002) 




(.002-. 036) 



0.748  (.071-1.579) 

Sept . 



(.000-. 004) 



0.040  (.015-. 106) 



0.029  (.011-. 051) 

1V  Minimum  and  maximum  values  of  VL4  samples  in  parenthesis. 



The  main  study  objective  was  to  evaluate  some  common  bacterial  indices  for 
discriminating  between  recently  excreted  vs.  old  animal  wastes  under  field 
conditions.  In  addition,  I wanted  to  further  substantiate  and  define  previous- 
ly published  studies  which  showed  that  fecal  coliform  concentrations  in  streams 
could  be  used  to  distinguish  grazed  from  ungrazed  catchments  (Kunkle  1971) . 

The  results  showed  that  fecal  coliform  populations  in  runoff  waters 
increased  substantially  more  than  did  three  other  bacterial  groups  after 
newly  excreted  cattle  manure  was  added  to  the  plot.  Fecal  coliforms  were  an 
insignificant  fraction  of  total  coliforms  in  runoff  before  manuring,  but  their 
concentrations  approached  those  of  the  total  coliforms  immediately  after 
manuring.  Concentrations  then  decreased  quickly  during  the  weeks  after  the 
manure  had  been  applied.  In  about  70  days,  their  numbers  returned  to  pre- 
treatment levels.  Conversely,  the  other  bacterial  groups  did  not  show  a 
similar  decrease  in  concentrations.  The  fecal  streptococci  and  enterococci 
remained  at  about  the  same  concentrations  in  runoff  for  many  weeks  after 

In  conclusion,  the  fecal  coliform  group,  especially  when  used  in  conjunc- 
tion with  the  total  coliforms,  was  a very  useful  index  for  discriminating 
between  runoff  contamination  from  new  as  compared  with  old  or  no  manure  from  a 
field.  The  other  bacterial  groups  tested  did  not  discriminate  as  well. 


American  Public  Health  Association.  1971.  Standard  methods  for  the  examina- 
tion of  water  and  wastewater.  13th  ed.,  874  pp. 

Buckhouse,  J.  C.,  and  Gifford,  G.  F.  1976.  Water  quality  implications  of 
cattle  grazing  on  a semi-arid  watershed  in  southeastern  Utah.  J.  Range  Mgt. 
29(2):  109-113. 

Geldreich,  E.  E.  1966.  Sanitary  significance  of  fecal  coliforms  in  the 

environment.  U.S.  Dept.  Int.,  Environ.  Protect.  Agency  Pub.  WP-20-3,  122  pp . , 
Cincinnati,  Ohio. 

Kunkle,  S.  H.  1970.  Concentrations  and  cycles  of  bacterial  indicators  in 
farm  surface  runoff.  Cornell  Univ.  Conf . Agr . Waste  Mgt.  Proc . , Jan. 

19-21,  1970. 

Kunkle,  S.  H.  1971.  Sources  and  transport  of  bacterial  indicators  in  rural 
streams.  Amer.  Soc.  Civ.  Eng.  Symp.  Interdisciplinary  Aspects  of  Watershed 
Mgt.  Proc.,  Montana  State  Univ.,  Aug.  3-6,  1970. 

van  Donsel,  D.  J.,  Geldreich,  E.  E.,  and  Clarke,  N.  A.  1967.  Seasonal 

variations  in  survival  of  indicator  bacteria  in  soil  and  their  contribution 
to  storm-water  pollution.  Appl.  Microbiol.  15(6):  1362-1370. 


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