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MAY - JUNE 1946 

No. 3 

May 12, 1946 

The scheduled bird walk of May 12, 1946 began auspiciously at 
the Halethorpe bus terminal* A Baltimore Oriole greeted the group 
by singing from the treetops nearby* A short automobile ride to 
Relay and the group lined up on the old viaduct scanning the tree- 
tops below for migrants* This viaduct is one of the finest places 
In spring to see the migrating warblers* This morning, however, our 
luck was not with us; very few warblers were seen* A pair of Downy 
Woodpeckers was observed entering a nesthole in a tree just below 
the viaduct. 

Our list grew slowly as the party headed up the] ley . 
At the Avalon bridge several of the party observed a Prothonotary 
Warbler. This species seems to be a rare migrant in this area, al- 
though five more birds were observed later in the day. 

The party broke up at this point with only two bird students to 
finish out the day* The best observations were made" in the after- 
noon* A heavy downpour dampened our spirits but the sun finally 
came out and with it the migrants. They were everywhere* The late 
afternoon was most productive. Birds were seen and heard on all 

Turning homeward at dusk, the final observations we re made, 
bringing our list up to 103 different kinds of birds seen in one 
day in the Patapsco State Park. 

List of Birds observed at Patapsco State Park, Md. 
May 12, 1946 7:00 A*M. to 9:00 P*M. 

Great Blue Heron - 1 
Green Heron - 2 

Broadwinged Hawk - 2 
Osprey - 1 

Black-crowned Night Heron, Im. - 1 Sparrow Hawk - 4 

Wood Duck - 2 
American Merganser - 1 
Turkey Vulture - 6 
Cooper’s Hawk - 1 
Sharp- shinned Hawk 2 
Red-tailed Hawk - 2 

Bob -white- - (heard) 
Killdeer - 1 
Woodcock - 2 
Spotted Sandpiper - 1 
Rock Dove - 6+ 
Mourning Dove - 12 

- 15 

■^roii'rrrr 's&tb 


may-juns iwg 

yellow-billed Cuckoo - 1 
Black-billed Cuckoo - 2 
Screech Owl - 1 
Great Horned Owl - 1 
Barred Owl - 1 
Whip-poor-will - (heard) 

Nighthawk - 2 
Chimney Swift - 50+ 

Belted Kingfisher - 2 
Flicker - 10 

Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1 

Hairy Woodpecker - 1 

Downy Woodpecker - 6 (2 nestholes) 

Kingbird - 2 

Crested Flycatcher - 2 

Wood Pewee - 1 

Bank Swallow - 20 

Barn Swallow - 6 

Roughwinged Swallow - 12 

Blue jay - 2 

Crow - 30+ 

Carolina Chickadee - 4 
Tufted Titmouse - 4 
White -breasted Nuthatch - 1 
House Wren - 3 
Carolina Wren - 1 
Mockingbird - 2 
Catbird - 12 

Brown Thrasher - 6 at Avalon 

x (nest 5 aggs ) 

Robin - 30+ 

Wood Thrush - 10 
Veery - 1 
Bluebird - 2 

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 2 
Cedar Waxwing - 20+ 

Starling - abundant 
White-eyed Vireo - 3 
Yellow-throated Vireo - 6 
Blue -headed Vireo - 1 
Red-eyed Vireo - 12+ 

Warbling Vireo - 6 
Black & White Warbler - 1 

Prothonotary Warbler - 6 
Worm-eating Warbler - 2 
Blue -winged Warbler - 1 
Parula Warbler - 12+ 

Yellow Warbler - 2 
Magnolia Warbler - 12 to 15 
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 4 
Myrtle Warbler - 20 
Black-throated Green Warbler-30+ 
Cerulean Warbler -3 
Blackburnian Warbler - 1 
Chestnut -sided Warbler - 3 
Bay -breasted Warbler - 2 
Black-poll Warbler - 50+ 

Pine Warbler - 1 
Prarie Vtfarbler - 3 
Ovenbird - 2 

Louisiana Water-thrush - 2 
Kentucky Warbler - 6 
Md* Yellow-throat - 6 
Yellow-breasted Chat - 2 
Hooded Warbler - 1 
Canada Warbler - 14 
Redstart - 20+ 

English Sparrow - (common around 
buildings ) 

Meadowlark -2 
Orchard Oriole - pair 
Baltimore Oriole - 8 
Purple Grackle - 40+ 

Cowbird - 3 
Scarlet Tarrager - 2 
Cardinal - 12 

Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 

Indigo Bunting - 15 

Goldfinch - 40 

Towhee - 3 

Vesper Sparrow - 1 

Slate-colored Junco 20 to 30 

Chipping Sparrow - 12 

Field Sparrow - 2 

White -throated Sparrow -30+ 

Song Sparrow - 20+ 

Irving E* Hampe 


While making the daily morning round-up of the nature trail on 
our place at Bird River on April 22 , we noticed what we first thought; 
to be a herring gull cruising over the open water between the cat- 
tails in Swan Creek, one mile upstream from the Gunpowder Railroad 



MAY-JtfNE 1946 

^VDL . I l7~N07 ^ 

bridge. Abreast of us in the bright V o'clock sunlight, its black 
cap and great orange-red bill stood out like a color plate, and Bill 
McHoul immediately exclaimed "Caspian tern!", remembering the large 
flocks we had watched at St. Augustine, Florida, the year before. 

And Caspian it was. 

It circled twice over the headwaters of the creek, paraded past 
us twice at close range, sighted a breakfast morsel and hit the wa- 
ter in good tern fashion, but with all the added bulk of the Cas- 
pian behind it. The result was a six-inch trout, held crosswise of 
the bill, a bit insecurely. The bird headed immediately down the 
creek fifteen feet above the water, let the fish slip from Its bill 
but retrieved it before it got away. With a new grip on the prey, 
head-end into its bill, our tern was last seen in straight flight 
out into the Gunpowder. 

Orville W. Crowder 


February 15, 1946 to April 15, 1946 

The latter part of February was quite normal in its weather 
with winter temperatures and a couple of light and quickly vanish- 
ing snows. March, however, began immediately with unseasonable 
warmth. Temperatures above seventy were frequent throughout the 
month and the general level of temperature was high, with but very 
few relapses and no really cold spells such as we generally expect 
in the month. As a result vegetation developed with remarkable 
rapidity. Silver maples in Baltimore were in bloom March 4; alder 
pollen was abundant March 6; arbutus was flowering March 25; and 
shadbush was in full flower March 30. These dates give some indi- 
cation of the precocity of the season. There was a decline in tem- 
peratures during the first half of April but it served only to slow 
up a little the phenomenal development of vegetation which was 10 
days in advance of the normal by the end of the period under review. 

The warm weather in March did not seem to have such influence 
on birds as it did on plantlife*. The warmth was somewhat early to 
affect the main body of migrants and the cooler weather in April 
appears to have brought most of them about on schedule. Unfortu- 
nately we have not sufficient data to depict the effect upon winter- 
ing waterfowl. Crowder reported redheads, baldpates, and scaup 
still plentiful in Eastern Bay on Feb. 17, while Hampe found only 
flocks of 20 to 30 of scaup and old-squaw on the Choptank March 3. 

A quick departure is suggested by the rarity of waterfowl stopping 
at Loch Raven during the spring. 

Some raptor notes are of interest. No bald eagles were seen on 
Bird River in the winter until Feb. 18 (Crowder). Courtship behav- 
ior by a pair of Cooper's hawks was observed Feb. 23 at Loch Raven 
(Kolb). The first calls from the barred owl were heard Feb. 21 at 

- 17 

MAY-TOM' igig 

: jgE. h/¥q> - 5 

Bird River, (Crowder), A nesting of the great horned owl is report- 
ed from Halethorpe on April 13 (Hampe). Two eggs and a nestling 
just hatched were found in a nest of the long-eared owl at Loch Ra- 
ven on April 14 (Kolb). 

The main body of migrating robins went through Baltimore during 
the last week of February and first few days in March. The migra- 
tion ended rather abruptly and early; no doubt this was due to the 
warm weather. As usual, resident robins were first seen many days 
later in the suburbs than were migrants in adjacent country. Thus 
the first one was not noted until March 5 in Govans. Singing was 
first noted on March 7 at Halethorpe (Hampe) and March 12 at Govans. 
A nest with 4 eggs was found at Arbutus on April 6 (Hampe). 

Hampe reports bluebirds inspecting a nest hole March 3, fight- 
ing starlings over the nest hole March 26, beginning the nest March 
30, and female beginning incubation with the laying of the third of 
a set of 4 eggs April 7. A nest of a phoebe containing one egg was 
found at Loch Raven on April 6 (Kolb). Song sparrows were singing 
lustily on Feb. 18 (Kolb) and Hampe reports courting behavior on 
March 6. A cardinal had set up a territory by March 10 at Halethorpe 
(Hampe). Courtship behavior by downy woodpeckers was observed March 
28 (Hampe) and by cowbirds April 6 (Kolb). At Bird River Crowder 
found the first woodcock Feb. 18 and noted courtship flight March 6. 

Miscellaneous items of interest are: Several horned grebes at 

Romancoke Feb. 17 (Crowder); 37 whistling swan at Cambridge March 3 
(Hampe); Forster’s terns at Romancoke Feb. 17 (Crowder); a hermit 
thrush delivering some fine song at Loch Raven March 26 (Kolb); a 
strong wave of golden-crown kinglets at Loch Raven April 14 (Kolb). 




Dues received March 1, 1945 

- April 10, 1946 



Addressograph Sales Agency 



89 addressozinc plates 

& cards 2*89 

81 notations 


89 handwritten 


stripping 89 frames 


The Natural History Society 

of Md. 12-17-45 


Cutting stencils and running off the 

July- Aug. Md. Bird Life 4.00 

Stencils and paper 1.25 

- 18 - 

r-v m .. n, flrrrr 


M2iY» J'tJNE" 

The Natural History Society of Me U 12-17-45 
Gutting stencils and running off the 
May-June Md. Bird Life 
Stencils and paper 

The Natural History Society of Md. 1-26-46 
Gutting stencils and running off the 
Sept. -Oct. Md. Bird Life 
Stencils and paper 
100' Postcards Feb. 8 meeting 
2 stencils for Jan. 11 & Feb. 8 meeting 
The Natural History Society of Md* 2- -46 

Cutting stencils, supplies and running 
off Nov. -Dec. Md. Eird Life 
Postage and incidentals March 1, 1945-March 1 
Treasurer’s supplies March 23, 1946 
Receipt book 






, 1946 





Balance April 10, 1946 

Savings Deposit, First National Bank 














Respectfully submitted, 

Herbert P. Strack (Signed) 

April 12, 1946 

Mr. Crowder presided. A number of interesting observations 
made during the past month were presented by various members from 
the floor. The speaker for the evening was Mr. Crowder who dis- 
cussed the family of wood warblers. After general remarks on the 
group, each of the species to be found in Maryland was treated par- 
ticularly with respect to the season of occurrence, nesting habits, 
and recognition points. This talk was one of a series on the lar- 
ger families of birds. There were 26 members present and 7 visitors; 
4 new members were obtained at this meeting. 

May 10, 1946 

Mr. Crowder presided. The period devoted to observations dur- 
ing the past month was most lively with numerous contributors • Some 
time was taken up with a review of articles of general interest in 
the current ornithological magazines. The speaker far the evening 

19 - 

VOL. II, NO. 5 


M4Y-JUNE 1946 

was Miss Pearl Heaps who had for her topic the nesting of "birds. Us- 
ing our familiar local species as examples wherever possible she 
gave a complete discussion of nest-building activities and the be- 
havior closely associated therewith* Her remarks were illustrated 
by a collection of actual nests* There were 20 members present and 
5 visitors; one new member was enrolled* 


Members who are three months in arrears are automatically 
dropped from the rolls according to our Constitution. Hence, all 
March members not paid up for 1946 are regretfully eliminated from 
our mailing list as of June 30* 


Circumstances beyond our control prevented the publication of 
the membership list as promised in our March-April number* However, 
the list appears with this issue* It contains all members who 
joined the Society from its beginning until June 30, 1946* A good 
many inaccuracies have probably crept in and we will be most grate- 
ful to all who will point out corrections. 

Because but a small portion of our membership is able to attend 
our monthly mee tings it has been suggested that an abstract from the 
minutes be published. We begin to do this in the present number. 
Your comments on the plan are invited. 

It seems fitting to record here our indebtedness to the Natural 
History Society of Maryland for so many favors that it might be said 
that without the aid of that organization we should scarcely be able 
to function at all. Not only do we use the lecture hall of the 
Natural History Society for our regular meetings but we also take 
advantage of the services of Its stenographer and typist to get out 
our notices and Maryland Birdlif e . Materials are furnished to us at 
cost but the use ' "of the mimeograph machine and many incidental ser- 
vices are most freely and graciously donated to us. We may take 
this opportunity of expressing to Mr. E* B. Fladung, president of 
the Natural History Society of Maryland, our sincere appreciation 
fqr this assistance. 

— 20 — 


Htol, ir;"wry 

Corrected to June 30, 1946 

Bates indicate month Joined, ( j ) - denotes Junior Members. 
All addresses are Baltimore unless otherwise noted. 

Numbers are those of postal zones. 

Akehurst, Corville M. ( j ) 
Fullerton, Md. 

April, 1945 
Alder son, Mrs. John M. 

2436 Pickwick Road (7) 

May, 1946 

Argow, Rev. W. Waldemar 
200 Woodlawn Road (10) 
March, 1945 

Bartlett, Robert (j) 

502 East 41st Street (18) 
March, 1945 
Baxter, Pfc. Paul 

518 N. Broadway (5) 

March, 1945 
Beasley, Ray J. 

4629 Keswick Road (10) 
March, 1945 
Beasley, William 

1220 Bolton Street (17) 
March, 1945 

Beckett, Miss M. L. (J) 

724 McKewin Avenue (18) 
February, 1946 
Biemiller, Miss Arlie (j) 

205 Witherspoon Road ( 12 ) 
March, 1945 

Birckhead, Miss Augusta M. 

529 Dunkirk Road (12) 

March, 1945 
Birckhead, Miss Mary 

529 Dunkirk Road (12) 
March, 1945 
Blogg, Percy 

Alpha Photo & Engraving Co. 
230 W. Fayette Street (1) 
March, 1945 
Bond, Gorman M. 

5414 Main Street 
Klkridge, Md. 

April, 1946 
Boring, Miss Eva 

4030 Evans Chapel Road (11) 
April, 1945 

Bowen, Robert M. 

5003 Leeds Avenue 
Halethorpe 27, Md. 

April, 1946 
Brackbill, Hervey 

4608 Springdale Avenue (7) 
March, 1945 

Brackbill, Mrs. Hervey 

4608 Springdale Avenue (7) 
March, 1946 
Brooks, Joseph, Jr. 

3529 Newland Road (18) 
March, 1945 
Brown, Mrs. Clayton C. 

2313 Monticello Road (16) 
April, 1945 

Buchanan, Charles M. (J) 

104 W. Melrose Avenue (10) 
March, 1946 
Buchheister, Carl 

1239 Madison Avenue 
New York 28, N.Y. 

January, 1946 
Buck, T. C., Jr. 

3514 Clifton Avenue (16) 
April, 1946 
Bures, Joseph 

8 Fenway South, Apt.. C (21) 
April, 1945 

Burker, Mrs. Lucille Leslie 
601 Stevenson Lane (14) 

May, 1946 
Burner, Florence 

5350 Reisterstown Road (15) 
March, 1945 

Calder, Alice E. 

404 E. Lake Avenue (12) 

May, 1945 

Caspar i. Miss Harriet 

701 W. Lake Avenue (10) 
March, 1945 
Coggins, Miss Helen J. 

323 Broxton Road (12) 

March, 1945 


VOL. II, NO* 3 


MAY- JUNE 1946 

Cotsworth, Mrs. John 

Rockland-Brooklandvillei Md* 
March, 1945 
Cowan, Mrs. Harriet 

3701 Forest Park Avenue (16) 
April, 1945 
Crowder, Orville 
Chase, Md. 

March,. 1945 

Dargan, Lucas M. 

Patuxent Research Refuge 
Bowie, Md* 

March, 1946 

Dell, Miss Katherine E, 

6014 Smith Avenue (9) 
October, 1945 
Dobbins, Miss Anne B. 

R.F.D. #4 
Elk Ridge, Md. 

April, 1945 
Dowell, Dr. Anita S. 

Cambridge Arms Apts • ( 18 ) 

April, 1945 

Edwards, Nelson 

3054 Arunah Avenue (16) 
April, 1945 
Emlen, Dr. John T. 

8 Wyndhurst Avenue (10) 
March, 1945 

Fishpaugh, Miss Ruth 

519 Winston Avenue (12) 
March, 1945 
Fladung, Edmund B. 

5006 Midwood Avenue ( 12 ) 
March, 1945 
Francis, Mrs. Carl G. 

8739 Satyr Hill Road (14) 
May, 1946 

Francis, Miss Sizanne E. 

8739 Satyr Hill Road (14) 

May , 1946 

Friedel, Miss Alice 

1043 N. Broadway (5) 

March, 1945 

Gantcher, Mrs. Albert 
828 Jack Street (25) 

March, 1945 

Gay, Mrs. Leslie 

Hollins Road ( 10 ) 

April, 1945 
Gephart, Miss Anne L. 

6104 Maywood Avenue (9) 
March, 1945 
Germuth, Dr. Fred G. 

5704 Second Avenue (27) 
April, 1946 

Golder, Mrs. Carolyn M. 
Ambassador Apts. (18) 
May, 1946 

Greene, Mrs. Morvell R. 

102 Alleghany Avenue 
Tows on 4, Md. 

April, 1946 

Hampe, Irving E. 

5559 Ashbourne Road (27) 
March, 1945 
Hampe, Mrs, Irving E. 

5559 Ashbourne Road (27) 
March, 1945 
Harrington, T. G. 

Riderwood 4, Md. 

March, 1945 
Harris, Walter K. 

206 Chatsworth Avenue 
Reisterstown, Md. 

March, 1945 
Harrison, Walter, Jr. 

3026 Abell Avenue (18) 
March, 1945 
Heaps, Miss Pearl 

1916 Park Avenue (17) 
March, 1945 
Hecht, Miss Beatrice 

Arlington Park Apts. (15) 
April, 1945 
Hohman, Henry J . 

Kingsville, Md, 

April, 1945 
Holliday, Este F. (j) 

Cowpens Rd., Towson 4, Md, 
April, 1945 
Hoover, Ray F. 

Riderwood 4, Md. 

March,. 1945 
Hoover, Mrs, Ray F. 

Riderwood 4, Md.' 

March, 1945 


1/OL. II, NO. 5 



Israel, Thomas B. 

203 Patuxent Road 
Laurel, Md. 

March, 1946 

James, Miss Betty 

Ambassador Apts# (18) 

May, 1946 

Jewett, Frederic W. 

2926 Chenoak Avenue (14) 
May, 1946 

Jewett, Mrs. Frederic W. 

2926 Chenoak Avenue (14)‘ 
May, 1946 

Jewett, Miss Natalie (j) 

2926 Chenoak Avenue (14) 
May, 1946 

Jewett, Miss Maratha W. (5).' 
2926 Chenoak Avenue (14) 
May, 1946 

Kaestner, Mrs. Alice S. 

612 East 34th Street (18) 
March, 1945 
Kelly., Miss Olga 

5804 Roland Avenue (10) 
February, 1946 
Kent, Millard C. 

541 Dunkirk Road (12) 
March, 1945 
Kent, Mrs* Millard C. 

541 Dunkirk Road (12) 
March, 1945 
Klinke, Rudolf 

5700 Bellona Avenue (12) 
April, 1945 
Kolb, C. Haven, Jr. 

5021 Midwood Avenue (12) 
March, 1945 

Kolb, Mr 3* C. Haven, Jr. 

502] Midwood Avenue (12) 
March, 1945 

Kuch, Mrs. Herman F., Jr. 

816 Olmstead Road (8) 
April, 1946 

League, J. Nevitt, Jr. 

Box 14, Chase, Md. 

March, 1946 
Leber, Mrs. Claude E. 

1712 Bolton Street (17) 
April, 1945 

Lenderking, Miss Ruth E. 

634 Gorsuch Avenue (18) 
March, 1945 

Levering, Miss Ellinor 
Ruxton 4, Md* 

April , 1946 
Levin, Benjamin S. 

1944 Walbrook Avenue (17) 
May, 1946 

Mains ter, Raymond W. 

3716 Croydon Road (7) 
April, 1945 
Manzske, Ernest 
Timmonium, Md. 

April, 1945 

March, Mrs® Frederick W. 

4707 Fairhaven Avenue (26) 
April, 1945 
McCredy, J.R. 

510 W* Joppa Road 
Towson 4, Md. 

April, 1945 
McCredy, Mrs. J. R. 

510 W. Joppa Road 
Towson 4 « Md. 

April, 1945 

McHoul, William S. (j) 

438 litinan Place (2) 

March, 1945 
Meade, Mrs, Alice M. 

700 Belgian Avenue (18) 
March, 1945 
Me hr. Miss Helen T. 

541 Dunkirk Road (12) 
April, 1945 
Mitchell, Mrs. D. B. 

4604 Haddon Avenue (7) 
April, 1946 
Moment, Dr. Gardiner 

Goucher College (18) 

March, 1945 

Moorefield, Mrs. William 

5700 Bellona Avenue (12) 
March, 1945 
Muller, Miss Emily M. 

350 Rosebank Avenue (12) 
April, 1945 

Murray, Mrs. Claude E. 

1713 Bolton Street (17) 
April, 1945 
Murray, George C* (j) 

3739 Nortonia Road (15) 
April, 1945 

Murray, Mrs. Merrill G. 

3739 Nortonia Road (15) 
April, 1945 


VOL. II, NO. 3 


MAY-JUKE 1940 

Muse, Mrs# H. Lee 
Loch Raven, Md. 

March, 1945 

Musselman, Miss Eleanor S. 

100 Woodlawn Road (10) 
February, 1946 

Newell* Dr. H* Wi 

901 E. Belvedere Avenue (12) 
May, 1946 
Newell, Mrs. E* W* 

901 Ei Belvedere Avenue (12) 
March, 1945 

Newell, Miss Jaclyn (j) 

901 E. Belvedere Avenue (12) 
March* 1945 

Newell, Miss. Marcia (j) 

901 E. Belvedere Avenue (12) 
March, 1945 
Niles, Mrs. Eva B. 

2204 Lyndhurst Avenue (16) 
March* 1945 

O’Brien* Gordon 

Cedar Garden Road (29) 

April, 1946 
Oertel, Carl, Jr. 

6315 Blackburn Court ( 12 ) 
April, 1945 
Old, Frank 

1915 Park Avenue ( IV ) 

March, 1945 

j Passmore, J. H. 

703 Deepdene Road (10) 

April, 1945 
Patrick, Walter A. 

The Terrace 

Mt. Washington 9, Md. 

March, 1945' 

Peirsol, Mrs. Mary 

4810 Anntana Avenue (6) 

April, 1945 

Penniman, Nicholas, III 

806 Mercantile Trust Bldg. (2) 
April, 1945 

Ramsey, A. 0. 

McDonough School 
McDonough, Md • 

May, 1946 
Ramsay, Bert (j) 

McDonogh, Md. 

May, 1946 

Reid, Mrs. E. Emmet 

203 E. 33rd Street (18) 
April, 1945 
Richards, Mrs. Elmer 

4005 Carlisle Avenue (16) 
April, 1945 
Robbins, Chandler S. 

Patuxent Research Refuge 
Bowie, Md. 

February, 1946 
Rouchard, Edmond 

6 S. Calvert Street (2) 
March, 1945 
Rusk, Miss Margaret 

128 Woodlawn Avenue (28) 
April, 1945 
Russell* Mrs* Frank 
The Terraces 
Mt. Washington 9, Md. 

March, 1945 

Saffran, Fred 

4509 Bayonne Avenue (6) 
March, 1945 
Schaffer, Miss Edith 

1318 Lind on Avenue (17) 
March, 1945 
Selckmann, August 

1808 N. Chester Street (13) 
April, 1945 
Severin, Miss Helen E. 

2415 Everton Road (9) 

March, ,1945 

Shantz, Miss Elizabeth P. 

108 McCormick Avenue (6) 
March, 1945 
Shock, Mrs. N. W. 

6505 Maplewood Road .(12) 
April, 1945 
Shoff, Miss Alice 

695 Gladstone Avenue (10) 
April, 1945 
Silbernagel, John 

508 Mt. Holly Street (29) 
March, 1945 
Simon, Andrew 

7727 York Road 
Tows on 4, Md# 

March, 1945 
Simon, Miss Katherine 
7727 York Road 
Towson 4, Md. 

April, 1945 

Maryland bikdlife 

mY-'JWffi 1946 

~~loL. 'LL, ¥0."~3 

Simon, Richard A. ( j ) 

7727 York Road 
Tows on 4, Md* 

April, 1945 
Simon, Stephen W# 

7727 York Road 
Tows on 4, Md# 

March, 1945 
Slingluff, Jesse 

1000 Maryland Trust Bldg# (2) 
M&rch, 1945 
Smith, Miss Minnie C# 

721 Colorado Avenue (10) 
January, 1946 
Stabler, Mrs# Margaret 
2000 Park Avenue (17) 

April, 1945 
Stewart, Robert ,E# 

Patuxent Research Refuge 
Bowie, Md# 

February, 1946 
Stokes, Allen W# 

1102 S. Park Street 
Madison 5, Wisconsin 
December, 1945 
Stokes, Mrs. Allen W. 

1102 S# Park Street 
Madison 5, Wisconsin 
December, 1945 
Stollenwerck, Mrs# Frank 
621 E. 34th Street (18) 

April, 1945 
v Strack, Herbert 

529 Sussex Road 
Towson 4, Md# 

March, 1945 

Strack, Mrs# Herbert P. 

529 Sussex Road 
Towson 4$ Md. 

March, 1945 
Strack, Willard ( j ) 

529 Sussex Road 
Towson 4, Md# 

March, 1946 
Sutton, F. V/. 

Stevenson Lane 
Towson 4, Md# 

March, 1946 

Tillinghast, Mrs. Gardiner 
Riderhill Road 
Ruxton 4, Md# 

March, 1945 

Tillman, Mrs# Richard 

Tillmanor, Ruxton 4, Md. 
March, 1945 

Trine, Miss Carroll L. ( j ) 

2818 Onyx Road (14) 

March, 1946 

Trine, Mrs# Sidney J# Trine 
2818 Onyx Road (14) 

March, 1946 
Triplett, William H. 

5209 Edmondson Avenue (29) 
March, 1945 

Wiencke, Edgar F# 

2530 Calverton Heights Avenue 


April, 1946 

Wilbur, Mrs. Ida Lucke 
1913 Cedric Road (16) 

May, 1946 

Willis, Mrs. Beaufort 

4505 Arabia Avenue (14) 
April, 1945 
Wood, Mrs# Ernest 

6000 Pimlico Road (9) 

April, 1945 

Work, Joseph W. 

639 Plymouth Road (2$) 

April, 1946 

- 25 -